B 443255 COMMISSIONER OF LABOR REPORT 1889 MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE HD 3051 ہے : į ARTES 1817 LIBRARY VERITAS SCIENTIA பய OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN སྐྱ་ནཔག་རྫོ ཆོད་ ! } TIEBOR SFEMINSULAM AMCENAM CIRCUMSPICE ' མག་་ཡ * 1st Special repart of Commissionerd cate A REPORT ** ON 3 7 8 20 MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE IN THE זי UNITED STATES, 1867 TO 1886; INCLUDING AN APPENDIX RELATING TO MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE IN CERTAIN COUNTRIES IN EUROPE. BY CARROLL D. WRIGHT, COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. FEBRUARY, 1889. REVISED EDITION. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1891. CONTENTS. Page. Letter oF TRANSMITTAL INTRODUCTION.. CHAPTER I.—EXISTING STATUTORY REGULATIONS GOVERNING MARRIAGE IN THE UNITED STATES-SECTARIAN INFLUENCE ON MARRIAGE.. Definitions of marriage... 5 9-22 23-73 25, 26 Encouragement and restraint of marriage Legislation relative to the parties Prohibited degrees.... Void, voidable, and prohibited marriages.. 26-28 28-31 31-35 35-45 Remarriage during the life of former spouse. 45 Preliminaries to marriage Celebration Subsequent marriage after divorce Record of marriages Sectarian practices and customs……………. 46-50 50-59 59, 60 61-64 64-73 CHAPTER II.-EXISTING STATUTORY REGULATIONS GOVERNING DIVORCE IN THE UNITED STATES-SECTARIAN CUSTOMS AND INFLUENCES Divorce and annulment Legislative divorces Judicial divorces Residence limitations Service of notice on defendant. Causes for absolute and limited divorce.. Special provisions for defence Alimony... When divorce is refused. Validity of divorces obtained in another state.. Change of name after divorce 75-126 77,78 78, 79 79,80 80-85 85-89 89-117 117 118 118-120 120 120 Divorce statistics 121 Annulment .. 121, 122 Sectarian practices and customs. 122-125 CHAPTER III.-THE MOVEMENT OF DIVORCE, 1867 to 1886, INCLUSIVE. - 127-164 General discussion .. 129-149 The influence of legislation... 150-157 The movement of divorce in cities.. 158-162 CHAPTER IV. THE CAUSES FOR WHICH DIVORCE IS GRANTED……………. 165-178 CHAPTER V.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE WAS GRANTED.. 179-189 CHAPTER VI.-PLACE OF MARRIAGE OF DIVORCED PARTIES-THE PUBLI- CATION OF NOTICE 191-206 CHAPTER VII.-CHILDREN AND ALIMONY 207-212 Children 209-211 Alimony.. 211, 212 4 3 4 CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES Table I.-Marriages and divorces, 1867 to 1886, by counties. II.-Divorces, 1867 to 1886, by states and territories III.—Divorces, 1867 to 1886, by specific causes, for states and ter- ritories IV.- Duration of marriage before divorce, for divorces granted from 1867 to 1886, by specific causes, for states and terri- tories.... V.-Divorces, 1867 to 1886, by classified causes, for states and territories VI.-Duration of marriage before divorce, for divorces granted from 1867 to 1886, by classified causes, for the United States Page. 213-977 214-441 442, 443 444-601 602-769 770-817 818-831 VII.-Duration of marriage before divorce, for divorces granted from 1867 to 1886, by states and territories VIII.-Divorces, 1867 to 1886, classified by place of marriage, for states and territories. 832-941 942-953 IX.-Divorces, 1867 to 1836, with reference to children, by classi- fied causes, for states and territories………. 954-977 APPENDIX. IX. LAWS AND STATISTICS RELATING TO MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE IN EUROPE..979–1067 Austria Hungary Belgium Canada. Denmark France United Kingdom.. German Empire.. Italy Norway Netherlands Roumania Russia. Sweden.. Switzerland Page. 982-990 990-997 .997-1000 1000-1002 1002, 1003 1004-1012 1012-1018 1018-1043 1043-1046 1046-1049 1049, 1050 1050, 1051 1052-1059 1059-1062 1062-1066 . + LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, Washington, D. C., February 20, 1889. SIR: I have the honor to transmit to Congress herewith a special report on the statistics of and relating to marriage and divorce in the several States and Territories and in the District of Columbia. This report is made in accordance with the provisions of an act ap- proved March 3, 1887. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Hon. JOHN J. INGALLS, President pro tempore of the Senate. CARROLL D. WRIGHT, Commissioner. 5 ! *. + THE STATISTICS OF MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. 7 - 1. INTRODUCTION. Congress, in an act making appropriations for the legislative, execu- tive, and judicial expenses of the government for the fiscal year end- ing June 30, 1888, and for other purposes, which act was approved March 3, 1887, provided means "to enable the Commissioner of Labor to collect and report to Congress the statistics of and relating to mar- riage and divorce in the several States and Territories and in the Dis- trict of Columbia." The history of this legislation is brief, and is as follows: For some years there has been a growing interest in the discussion of questions relating to marriage and divorce. The action of leading men in different parts of the United States, looking to better legislation on divorce, had stimulated the study of the question, and this study had led to the formation of the New England Divorce Reform Leagi, which was partially organized in Boston, January 24, 1881. This asso- ciation became national in name and scope in January, 1885, when its corporate existence began under the laws of the state of Connecticut. During January and February, in 1884, many influential petitions were sent to Congress, praying for some action relative to the collection of facts surrounding marriage and divorce. The character and force of these petitions are well illustrated by a reference to the names of the men that headed some of them: From Vermont the petitions were headed by Rev. Samuel W. Dike, Chief Justice Homer E. Royce and four associate justices of the supreme court, Hon. Franklin Fairbanks, ex-Governor Horace Fairbanks, and President M. H. Buckham, of the University of Vermont. From Massachusetts, by Elisha Mulford, LL. D. From Connecticut, by Theodore D. Woolsey, LL. D., ex-president of Yale College, President Noah Porter, Prof. E. J. Phelps, and Judge Shipman. From New York, by Theodore W. Dwight, LL. D., of Columbia Col- lege, and Rev. C. C. Tiffany, D. D. From Michigan, by Bishop Samuel S. Harris and Judge W. A. Jen- nison. From Illinois, by Judge John A. Jameson. From Wisconsin, by President E. H. Merrill, of Ripon College. J 9 -10 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. All these petitions were signed by some of the most prominent citi- zens of the states named-governors, legislators, jurists, divines, and prominent educators. The petitions were uniformly as follows: The memorial of the undersigned citizens of the United States re- spectfully shows: That the wide differences between the laws of the several states as to the causes of divorce and the jurisdiction of their courts over suits for divorce by or against non-residents constitute an acknowledged element of confusion and uncertainty in American jurisprudence; That these differences have led to many and distressing conflicts of judicial decisions in cases turning upon the degree of faith and credit to be given to decrees of divorce under the constitution and laws of the United States, or the comity of nations, so that a marriage is often treated at the same time in one state as dissolved and in another state or country as subsisting, and a man may be convicted of bigamy or adultery in one jurisdiction upon what would be a lawful second mar- riage in another; That the ever growing number of foreign immigrants who become American citizens, and thus subject marriages contracted abroad to the jurisdiction of our courts of divorce, or by a temporary return to their original domicile may submit American divorces to the test of examina- tion by foreign tribunals, make these matters a not infrequent cause of collision in the administration of private international law; That the magnitude of these evils, their bearing upon our general social conditions, and the best methods of guarding against their in- crease, can be fully apprehended only by a careful collection and com- parison of the facts and statistics of divorce; And that no attempt to obtain such statistics can hope for any con- siderable success, unless it is made by the authority of the United States. Your memorialists therefore pray that such a law may be passed as will provide for a thorough inquiry into the various matters above re- ferred to, and the collection of statistics of divorce from the records and authorities of the several states as a basis for future legislation. Later on these petitions were strongly fortified by memorials from many ecclesiastical bodies. Such appeals attracted the attention of Senators and Representatives from all parts of the United States. They were referred to the Com- mittees on the Judiciary in both branches. March 5, 1884, Mr. Garland, of Arkansas, from the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, reported a bill providing for the collection of statis tics touching marriage and divorce. The bill read as follows: A BILL PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF STATISTICS TOUCHING MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Chief of the Bureau of Statistics in the Treasury Department shall, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, collect and report to Congress the statistics of and relating to marriage and divorce in the several States and Territories and the District of Columbia. INTRODUCTION. 11 This bill passed the Senate June 2, and was received in the House of Representatives June 3, 1884. Judge Poland, of Vermont, from the Committee on the Judiciary of the House, after hearings granted Mr. Dike, reported, June 20, 1884, a bill precisely like that which had passed the Senate June 2, and ac- companied the bill with the following report: [To accompany bill H. R. 7371.] The Committee on the Judiciary, to whom were referred the peti- tions of Judge Nathaniel Shipman, of Connecticut, ex-Governor Horace Fairbanks, of Vermont, and a large number of other persons from sev- eral different states, have had the same under consideration, and, in accordance with the prayer of said petitioners, herewith report a bill. For many years the evils growing out of the diversity of the laws of the different states, and the different views taken by the several state courts as to the proper grounds of jurisdiction in divorce cases, have been the subject of much discussion and much anxiety. The evils existing are thus set forth in these petitions: "That the wide differences between the laws of the several states as to the causes of divorce and the jurisdiction of their courts over suits for divorce by or against non-residents constitute an acknowledged element of confusion and uncertainty in American jurisprudence; "That these differences have led to many and distressing conflicts of judicial decisions in cases turning upon the degree of faith and credit to be given to decrees of divorce under the constitution and laws of the United States, or the comity of nations, so that a marriage is often treated at the same time in one state as dissolved and in another state or country as subsisting, and a man may be convicted of bigamy or adultery in one jurisdiction upon what would be a lawful second mar- riage in another; "That the ever growing number of foreign immigrants who become American citizens, and thus subject marriages contracted abroad to the jurisdiction of our courts of divorce, or by a temporary return to their original domicile may submit American divorces to the test of exami- nation by foreign tribunals, make these matters a not infrequent cause of collision in the administration of private international law; "That the magnitude of these evils, their bearing upon our general social conditions, and the best methods of guarding against their increase can be fully apprehended only by a careful collection and comparison of the facts and statistics of divorce; "And that no attempt to obtain such statistics can hope for any con- siderable success unless it be made by the authority of the United States." Your committee are satisfied that the embarrassments and difficulties growing out of the diverse statutes and judicial decisions of the several states are not at all overstated. The prayer of these petitioners is as follows: "Your memorialists therefore pray that such a law may be passed as will provide for a thorough inquiry into the various matters above re- ferred to, and the collection of statistics of divorce from the records and authorities of the several states as a basis for future legislation." The petitioners seem fully to understand, as do your committee, that Congress has no constitutional power to legislate upon the subject of marriage and divorce within the states, but that these subjects must be regulated in each state by its own legislature. C + 12 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. : Nor do we understand that the petitioners have in mind any purpose to ask any amendment of the Constitution whereby Congress shall be empowered to legislate upon these subjects. As we understand the views of the petitioners they expect relief only by procuring uniformity of action on these subjects by the various state legislatures, and that their only purpose in asking Congress to provide for gathering the statistics on these matters, under national authority, is that they may be furnished with official and authoritative evidence of the existence of these evils, so that they may be more effectively and forcibly brought to bear upon the public sentiment of the country, and thus secure action in the legislatures of the several states. How effective this may be the committee can hardly judge. The evils complained of are doubtless very great, and the efforts of these petition- ers to devise remedies for their cure are very praiseworthy. The com- mittee are aware that in some portions of the country a great interest is felt in regard to this matter. The petitioners and those associated with them are persons of eminence, and their judgment is entitled to respect and consideration. Their request for congressional and national action in their behalf is so moderate and inconsiderable that the committee think it should be granted, in the hope that it may serve to advance the laudable work in which the petitioners are engaged. No further action, however, was had upon these bills during the Forty- eighth Congress, either at the first or second session. January 14, 1886, Senator Edmunds re-introduced the bill which had been passed by the Senate June 2, 1884. This bill was read and re- ferred to the Committee on the Judiciary, which committee, March 2, 1886, through Mr. Edmunds, made the following report: [To accompany bill S. 1076, and amendment to general appropriation bill.] The Committee on the Judiciary, to which was referred the bill (S. 1076) providing for the collection of statistics touching marriage and di- vorce, respectfully reports: That in its opinion the importance of procuring such statistics is great, and that the same ought to be collected and made public by and through some department of the general government. The bill pro- vides for the collection of these statistics by the Bureau of Statistics in the Treasury Department, but the committee finds that by the act of June 27, 1884, entitled "An act to establish a Bureau of Labor," it is provided that "The Commissioner shall collect information upon the subject of labor, its relation to capital, the hours of labor, and the earnings of laboring men and women, and the means of promoting their material, social, in- tellectual, and moral prosperity." The committee thinks that these powers of the Bureau of Labor are adequate to attaining the end desired, and that the matter of collecting these statistics may be properly left in charge of that Bureau, with ade- quate means provided by Congress of executing the duty. Your committee, therefore, reports the bill with the recommendation that it be laid on the table. And it reports an amendment to be offered to the proper appropriation bill relating to the Bureau of Labor, pro- viding for the appropriation of the funds necessary to these purposes, as follows: "To enable the Commissioner of Labor to collect and report to Con- INTRODUCTION. 13 " '} gress the statistics of and relating to marriage and divorce in the sev- eral States and Territories, and in the District of Columbia, ten thousand dollars." The amendment to the appropriation bill, as suggested by the Com- mittee on the Judiciary of the Senate, was adopted by the Senate, but in conference the provision was stricken out. In January, 1887, the following memorial was presented to Congress and referred to the judiciary committee. Memorial of John H. Elliott and others, relative to the collection by the government of statistics on the subject of divorce. To the honorable Senate and House of Representatives in Congress as- sembled: At the late general convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, held in Chicago, in October last, the undersigned were appointed a committee by the house of deputies to call the attention of Congress to the great importance of the collection and publication of reliable statis- tics and useful information on the subject of divorce. In fulfillment of that duty, therefore, they respectfully set forth- 1. That in view of the great variety and laxity in the present divorce laws of the several states and territories, some reform is imperatively needed, looking towards uniformity and increased stringency, both in defining the proper grounds for a divorce and in regulating the practi- cal administration of the divorce laws in our several courts. 2. That as a proper and necessary basis for wise legislation on this subject, it is essential that more extensive and reliable information be obtained as to the present existing laws on this subject, the nature and extent of the evils arising under them, and the most practicable and effi- cient remedies therefor. 3. That no legislative body can so thoroughly and satisfactorily gather the required statistics on this subject throughout the entire country as the Congress of the United States. On behalf, therefore, of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, the undersigned respectfully petition your honora- ble body to take such action as will best secure this desirable result. WASHINGTON, January 4, 1887. JOHN H. ELLIOTT. EDMUND H. BENNETT. J. C. BANCROFT DAVIS. January 11, Senator Edmunds, from the Committee on the Judi- ciary of the Senate, reported back the foregoing memorial, with a pro- posed amendment to the bill making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of the government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1888, the amendment being the same as he had reported March 2, 1886. This amendment was adopted by the Committee on Appropriations, to whom it was referred, and agreed to by the Senate and the House, becoming part of the act of March 3, 1887; and it is under this amendment that provision was made, as already stated, and under which the investigation was carried on. 14 7 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. By an act approved March 30, 1888, Congress made a further appro- priation "to enable the Commissioner of Labor to complete the collec- tion of statistics of and relating to marriage and divorce,” etc. The aggregate of the specific appropriations for this work was, there- fore, $17,500, although Congress had been informed that a much larger sum would be necessary to make any very extended examination of the subject. No further specific appropriation, however, was necessary, be cause, under the provisions of the organic law of the Bureau of Labor, (a) under which the investigation was commenced, and of that of the De- partment of Labor, under which it was completed, the Commissioner of Labor had full power to conduct the investigation without specific au- thority; and by utilizing the agents and experts at such times as their services could be spared without detriment to the other work of the Department, the investigation was completed without calling upon Con- gress for any further appropriations than those named. CHARACTER OF THE INVESTIGATION. Under the legislation of March 3, 1887, plans were commenced at once for an investigation which should be exhaustive and contain all that the limitations of the records of marriage and divorce in the United States would permit. The actual field work was begun in July, 1887, when the law providing for it went into effect, and was closed, practi- cally, in July, 1888, although the collection of data by mail from the outlying counties did not cease until December following. No broad investigation into the subject of divorce had been made. under which guiding lines could be studied. In 1879 it had been my privilege to collect and publish the statistics of divorces in the state of Massachusetts for a period of nineteen years, from 1860 to 1878, in- clusive. These statistics were gathered directly from the dockets of the courts by special agents, but no facts were sought beyond the num- ber of divorces granted, the causes for which, and the parties to whom granted as husband or wife. In 1882 Sig. Luigi Bodio, at the head of the statistical service of Italy, published a report entitled "Separazioni personali di coniugi e i divorzi in Italia e in alcuni altri paesi.” In 1883 M. Jacques Bertillon, D. M. P., directeur des Annales de Démographie, membre de la commission permanente de statistique de la ville de Paris, professeur suppléant à l'École d'Anthropologie, rédac- teur du XIX® Siècle, published his "Étude démographique du divorce et de la séparation de corps, dans les différents pays de l'Europe." In the United States President Woolsey, in his work on divorce, had published fragmentary statistics, and a few of the states had com- menced the publication annually of the number of divorces granted. a By an act of Congress approved June 13, 1888, the Bureau of Labor was removed from the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior and established as an independ- ent department, under the title of the Department of Labor, but the title of the head of the new department remained the same, i. e., the Commissioner of Labor. INTRODUCTION. 15 It was clear that no collection of statistics relating to any single year alone would be of sufficient value to warrant the expense of collecting them. It was determined, therefore, to cover a period of not less than twenty years. To enable me to decide upon the list of topics which should be treated I requested Rev. Samuel W. Dike, LL. D., now of Auburndale, Mass., the efficient secretary of the National Divorce Reform League, a gentle- man who had made a wide study of all questions relating to the family and to marriage and divorce, to suggest what, in his opinion, should be covered by the contemplated investigation, and in compliance with my request Mr. Dike, April 11, 1887, handed me an exhaustive statement of the points which it would be well to cover in a broad and comprehensive investigation of questions relating to marriage and divorce. Studying these suggestions from Mr. Dike on the one hand, and the usual and almost universal contents of libels for divorce on the other, it was found, what Mr. Dike fully understood, that but few topics could really be made the subjects of investigation. In other words, it was necessary to make the limitations of the records of divorce courts the limitations of the investigation as to divorces, and the extent to which states individually recorded marriages the limitation as to marriages. This course was also essential because the task set by Congress called for the exploration of a new field. The total number of divorces which had been granted in the United States during a period of twenty years could only be estimated in a rough way, so that the amount of labor undertaken was unknown. This feature alone made the greatest cau- tion necessary that the investigation should not be begun on so far reaching a plan as to involve the office in an undertaking which it could not carry out successfully within a reasonable time. Beyond the state- ment of the cause or canses for which a divorce is sought, the petition praying for a divorce, or as it is known in law, the libel, recites but few facts as a rule. In some instances, and in some states, the libel is more comprehensive than in others, but the universal facts recited determined the scope of the inquiry. The questions determined upon, and on which the facts collected are based, related to the state and county in which the divorce was granted; the state or country in which the divorced parties were married; the date of marriage and the date of divorce (from these two points the dura- tion of married life was drawn); the cause for which the divorce was granted; the nature of the divorce—whether absolute or limited; the number of children born under the union; and the libellant (peti- tioner)-whether husband or wife. It must be remembered that this cluster of questions applied to each adjudicated case of divorce which had occurred in the United States during a period of twenty years, the period selected for the investiga- tion being the years from 1867 to 1886, inclusive. To secure the facts indicated by these inquiries each libel, for the twenty years named, in 16 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. } 7 every court in the whole country having divorce jurisdiction, was ex- amined, as well as the dockets of the courts, and, oftentimes, such evidence as might be on file. Pending cases and decrees nisi, of course, were not considered. Whether the total number of divorces granted during the period was one hundred thousand or half a million, no one could say. The inves- tigation was started on an estimate that the total number of divorces in the period might reach 300,000 as an outside limit. As a matter of fact, they reach a total of 328,716. Much valuable sociological information could have been gathered from evidence on file in some of the courts, but such evidence is not universally filed; the evidence referred to being the testimony taken by the court at a hearing on a petition for a divorce. Frequently the testimony taken is oral, and does not find a place in the records. In some states, where the case is referred to a master for his finding of facts, the testimony is preserved. It would have been of the greatest sociological value could we have ascertained the data relating to the age of parties married, the nationality, race, religion, and occupation, and whether a marriage was the first or a subsequent one; but such information is reported in but few states, and it was a physical impos- sibility to secure it, to any general extent. So under divorces, the nationality, region, and employments of the divorced parties, as well as the facts as to remarriage, and whether divorced parties are more likely to commit crime, or suicide, or become insane, than those not divorced; and also the death rate among divorced parties,-all such matters would have been of the highest sociological value, but could be ascertained only by a detective system utterly impossible on any ex- tended scale. The deep, underlying causes of divorce, other than those stated in the libel, or as found to exist by a court, as, for instance, industrial and sexual conditions, intemperance other than as stated as a direct cause— in fact all the social causes of divorce that lie beneath the exhibit of statistics, would have furnished material for a very close analysis, and perhaps the complete analysis, of divorce problems; but the im- possibility of obtaining such information must be apparent upon the statement of its nature. The investigation was, therefore, limited to the points already stated, with the exception that after the work was nearly completed informa- tion upon a few points which had been considered in the outset of the investigation was collected for a few representative counties. These points related to the time intervening between marriage and separation, and between separation and the date of the decree. Also, whether the cases were brought to the attention of the defendants through newspaper publication of notice, or by the serving of notice directly upon the par- ties; whether intemperance was a direct or indirect cause (as it might be an indirect cause though the decree were issued for desertion, neglect to provide, etc.), and whether alimony was granted. These few points INTRODUCTION. 17 were not of a character which admitted of their universal application in the general investigation. How to gather all the information sought was a serious problem. Whether it could be collected by mail from the clerks of courts, or whether it would be necessary to employ special agents and experts to take the information from the records themselves, was a question that had to. be decided at the outset. There are about 2,700 counties in the United States. As a rule, each county has its court records containing the divorce entries. In some counties there are now two or more courts having divorce jurisdiction, and during the twenty years covered there may have been six or eight, while in some instances several counties are combined into one judicial district. The total number of existing courts, as nearly as ascertainable, is 2,624. It was decided to adopt both methods-that of collection by mail and by actual visits of special agents-the larger and more populous counties being canvassed by agents, and the more sparsely settled or distant being reached by mail. Experience has shown that the latter course was not effectual. In some counties the clerks of courts charged exorbitant fees, and in others de- clined to furnish the facts called for by mail at any price. Yet, from 766 courts the clerks complied with the requests of the government, re- porting, however, but 25,604 decrees out of the entire 328,716 for the United States, the remainder being collected by a personal canvass of the agents and experts of the Department. Practically, so far as divorces are concerned, this report comprehends all the counties in the United States, and may be said to be complete. In those counties where figures are not given in the tables there have been either no divorces during the twenty years covered by the inves- tigation, or so few that had the number been given it would not have appreciably affected the results. As a matter of fact, negative informa- tion has been given that there were no divorces, for in all cases, with per- haps two or three exceptions, the clerks of courts have either assured the office positively that no divorces were granted during the twenty years named, or failed to reply to the statement of the office that if a return was not made by a given date it would be assumed that no di- vorces had been granted. The latter conditions, however, apply to only a very few, very remote, and very sparsely settled counties-coun- ties where it is perfectly safe to assume that there had not been half a dozen divorce cases in a score of years. Other counties are lacking for the reason that records have been burned or otherwise destroyed at some period during the twenty years, the most serious loss in this direction being in Hamilton county, Ohio, the county in which Cincinnati is situated. The number of counties in which records have been destroyed by fire or otherwise during the twenty years covered by this investigation is 160, or 6 per cent. of the whole number. (a) a For a list of these counties, see pages 21 and 22. 20267 M D-2 + 18 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. → While, therefore, I feel confident that the record of divorces is prac tically complete, yet I am aware that the number of divorces given in this report will not agree exactly with the number given in other re- ports, as of state officers in states where divorce cases are reported; but the variations are very slight, and occur mainly from the fact that papers relating to divorce are often out of the hands of the clerk of a court and in the hands of attorneys, for some purpose or other. This fact in connection with another-that cases sometimes get mixed as to years, especially in courts where the records are not carefully kept- would account for slight discrepancies. The disagreement, however, is so insignificant as not to interfere in any material degree with the results. While the libels of divorce, as a rule, recite matters essential to the securing of a decree for a divorce, and make all the allegations on which the necessary evidence can be based, it would be well if all the states would require by law-in addition to the ordinary allegations of the libel-facts as to the place of birth, age, occupation, and whether the marriage sought to be dissolved is the first or a subsequent marriage, and whether the parties, or either of them, have before been parties in a divorce suit. These facts, if universally recited in libels, would give the basis in future investigations for valuable sociological conclusions. In addition to full requirements relative to the libels themselves, there should be the strictest legislation relative to the condition of records. The civil status of parties, their property, the legitimacy of children, are jeoparded in many instances by the reckless manner in which records are kept. The most radical reform in this direction can be made in a large majority of states, with a corresponding improvement of the con- dition and completeness of court records. It is to be regretted that while this report is practically complete as regards divorces, it is thoroughly incomplete and unsatisfactory so far as marriages are concerned. Very few states have any registration system by which marriages are recorded. For states having a registra- tion system the statistics given herein are fairly complete, although in some the work of compilation at the central office is so carelessly and inaccurately done as to detract greatly from their value. Licenses are granted on various bases and under various conditions, and there is little compulsory law relative to the returns of marriages celebrated. In some states the number of licenses issued greatly exceeds the num- ber of marriages celebrated. In some other quarters the number of marriages celebrated greatly exceeds the number of licenses issued. This may occur on account of conditions of law; as, for instance, in some counties in Maryland, marriages celebrated exceed the licenses issued, and in others the reverse is true. The reason of this is that marriage may take place either under license or publication of bans; so if those under licenses were well reported or those under bans were many they might together exceed the number of licenses; and if poorly reported INTRODUCTION. 19 or but few occurred under bans they might be considerably less than the licenses. It will be readily understood that no records, under such a condition, can be very valuable. On the whole, however, licenses would, if they should be properly recorded, indicate the true number of marriages more clearly than the marriage returns, unless stricter laws than hitherto, with more severe penalties, should compel the officer officiating at the marriage to make a return at once. Some states have no records of marriage. The first table, therefore, giving the marriages and divorces by states, is very deficient in mar- riages; in those counties and states where they are not given, it is be- cause it was impossible to obtain the necessary data. Twenty-one states, as will be seen under the title, "State Registration of Marriages," in Chapter I, provide for returns to some state officer of marriages celebrated. These returns, as a rule, however, give but few facts relative to the persons married, and the facts that are given are not identical, and, as has been metioned, are compiled so carelessly as to be nearly worthless. This report shows conclusively the necessity of com- plete records of marriages celebrated. These records should be the subject of state regulation, and the laws providing for them should specify the facts to be recorded. In addition to the ordinary points covered by registration in the licenses and certificates of marriages, relating to age, parentage, birth place, nationality, race, and whether a first or subsequent marriage, there should be added questions as to whether the parties had been divorced or not, and certainly the occu- pation of the parties, and if such laws could compel registration, a great point in statistical science would be gained, and not only a point in this science gained, but a matter of the very greatest value to the welfare. of all parties concerned. Of course it should also be required that local officers report marriages yearly or oftener to a central office in the state for compilation and publication; and that the state provide for an accurate and speedy publication of them. In order that the latter work may be well done a clerk or clerks should be specially provided. If legislation simply throws this extra work on state officials, already overburdened, it will result only in increasing the number of states that are putting forth carelessly compiled and wholly inaccurate statis- tics of marriage. L Only a very few states make marriage registration compulsory. In some of the older states, where the law has for years provided for state registration, I am informed authoritatively that the number of mar- riages returned will fall short at least 10 per cent. of the number of marriages celebrated. Such a variation vitiates the statistical value of the marriage returns, and such variation can be corrected only by the strictest compulsory laws requiring registration. In addition to the collection of all possible statistics relating to mar- riage and divorce in the United States, it has seemed wise to incorporate in this report a digest of the laws relating to marriage and divorce in + 20 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. • each of the states and territories. This digest will be found in Chapters I and II, respectively, and it is believed that it will prove to be thor- oughly accurate in every statement. It has been made from original sources, by two lawyers, expert in the matter of compilation, and their work thoroughly verified. This collection has been made necessary because of the conflicting statements in different works relating to mar- riage and divorce legislation. The Department has, therefore, in this respect, relied entirely upon original labors, and not upon any exist- ing compilation of laws. This compilation became essential for the further reason that many features of the tables can only be considered, or clearly understood when the laws, and changes in laws, during the period covered by the investigation, are understood. The general tables, nine in all, which are exhaustive, cover all the facts collected. Each table is for the period from 1867 to 1886, inclusive. Table I gives the marriages and divorces for each county, by years, so far as they were obtainable, as has been explained. Table II is a recapitulation of Table I, bringing into compact form, by states, the number of divorces granted in each year. Table III shows the number of divorces, by specific causes, arranged by states and years. Table IV shows the duration of marriage before divorce, arranged by states, and by the specific causes for which divorces were granted. Table V shows the number of divorces by years and classified causes ; that is, by causes condensed from those given in extenso in previous tables; these condensed or classified causes all being brought under the designations: adultery, cruelty, desertion, drunkenness, neglect to pro- vide, combinations of the preceding or of one or more of the preceding with some minor cause or causes, and finally all other miscellaneous unclassified causes not combined with any of the preceding. Table VI shows the duration of marriage before divorce, by years, according to the causes, as classified, for which divorces were granted, but for the whole United States combined instead of by states. Table VII shows the duration of marriage before divorce, according to the years in which divorces were granted, and by states. Table VIII shows, by states and years, whether the divorced persons were married in the state in which divorced, in an adjoining state, in other of the United States, or in a foreign country. Table IX shows the number of children of persons divorced, the arrangement being by classified causes and by years for each state. These tables are preceded by an analysis, introducing various com- parative statements. The student of the marriage and divorce question in the United States would find himself somewhat at a loss if he did not have before him the facts relating to the principal countries of Europe. An ap. pendix has therefore been added, in which will be found not only the statistics of marriage and divorce for such countries for the twenty years covered by this investigation, so far as obtainable, but, wherever INTRODUCTION. 21 possible, a digest of their laws relating to marriage and divorce. These facts are arranged by countries, and in a convenient shape for refer- ence. A few of the facts brought into the appendix were collected by Mr. Dike, for his own use as secretary of the National Divorce Reform League, but the main portion of the foreign data was collected by Dr. Edward M. Hartwell from original official sources in Europe, for the special use of the Department. To Mr. Oren W. Weaver, the chief clerk of the Department; Dr. A. S. Boernstein, who has had charge of the tabulating force; Messrs. V. H. Olmsted and B. F. Keller, who have had charge of the digests of laws; Dr. E. M. Hartwell, who collected the European data; Rev. Dr. Dike, who suggested the investigation and who supervised the work of the appendix; and the force of clerks, special agents, and experts, who have worked in season and out to secure a prompt and accurate report— to all these my warmest thanks are cordially tendered for their faith- ful and constant coöperation. COURT RECORDS DESTROYED BY FIRE OR OTHERWISE. [The greatest number of the records destroyed, enumerated in this table, are of both marriages and divorces; a somewhat smaller number are of divorces only; while a comparatively small number are of marriages only.] Counties. Date of destruction. Counties. Date of destruction. Alabama: Baldwin Choctaw Dale Marion Mobile. Pickens.... Walker • Washington Winston. Arkansas: Ashley Carroll.. Craighead Crawford Grant... Greene Hot Spring Logan · Marion Ouachita. Perry. Pike. ... Poinsett Saint Francis Scott Searcy Sebastian Sharp. Pembina.. Jan. 20, 1888 Apr. 11, 1871 Nov. 26, 1884 Mar. 30, 1887 Jan. 20, 1888 Nov. 16, 1876 Sept. 24, 1884 Jan. 20, 1888 Sept. 24, 1884 1 Mar. 1869 Jan. 28, 1870 Mar, 12, 1878 Mar. 17, 1877 Mar. 13, 1877 Mar. 5, 1876 Jan. 22, 1873 1877 - Aug. 10, 1887 Dec. 19, 1875 Dec. 19, 1881 1 Sept. 23, 1873 Dec. 16, 1874 May 22, 1882 July 13, 1886 Apr. 19, 1882 Jan. 20, 1880 Florida-Concluded: Lafayette. Santa Rosa Walton. Washington Georgia: Baker. Butts Carroll.. Clay Colquitt Gwinnett... Lowndes. McIntosh Milton Pierce Pike Walker Ware 1873 1869 1885 1872 Dec. 1873 1873 1870 Sept. 19, 1871 Nov. 8, 1870 Mar. 1873 1876 -, 1876 Feb. White Worth 2, 1883 Oct. 12, 1874 July , 1887 1879 Illinois: Cook Oct. 9, 1871 Cumberland Nov. 5, 1885 Hardin May 19, 1884 Williamson May 30, 1875 Indiana: Madison Dec. 10, 1880 Morgan. Mar. 31, 1876 Iowa: Calhoun Dickinson Fayette.. Howard Ida California: Sutter Dec. - 1871 Dakota: May 1879 Florida: • Baker.. Bradford.. 1876 1876 Kansas: Clay Calhoun Columbia 1873 Anderson. Dickinson Jan. Hernando. Holmes... Dec. 20, 1874 Sept. 1, 1877 Nov. 2, 1886 Wallace Sept. 18, 1884 Sept. 15, 1872 Nov. 30, 1876 Jan. 1877 1, 1872 Jan. 17, 1882 • 1876 1871 Washington. Feb. 23, 1887 Dec. 11, 1872 22 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. COURT RECORDS DESTROYED BY FIRE OR OTHERWISE-Concluded. Counties. Date of destruction. Counties. Date of destruction. Kentucky: Ballard Graves Monroe. Simpson. Louisiana: Cameron. Livingston Morehouse Saint Bernard Saint Landry Vermillion. Winn... Maryland: Calvert. Minnesota : Benton Mississippi : Choctaw Franklin Greene Grenada. Jackson Kemper Newton. Perry Pike.. Gentry Simpson Union Wayne Webster. Missouri: Douglas Hickory Maries Pemiscot Shannon Taney Nebraska: Dodge · # Feb. 17, 1880 Dec. 18, 1887 Nov. 16, 1887 May 16, 1882 Feb. 1874 Oct. 14, 1875 Mar. 16, 1870 Mar. 2, 1884 —, 1886 Apr. 7, 1885 Jan. 12, 1868 1877 Nov. 23, 1886 Ohio-Concluded. Hamilton Tennessee: Cocke Grundy Hancock Jackson McNairy Wilson Texas: Blanco. Brown. · · Mar. 29, 1884 Dec. 30, 1876 Nov. 7, 1882 Mar. 1885 1870 Aug. 14, 1872 Mar. 3, 1881 1867 Aug. 15, 1876 Mar. 29, 1880 Feb. 20, 1884 2, 1875 Chambers Dec. Denton Dec. 23, 1875 1882 Mar. 3, 1877 Fort Bend Jan. 5, 1880 1886 Goliad Hamilton Feb. 3, 3, 1881 Sept. 3, 1876 Sept. 10, 1875 Aug. 1880 Mar. 1875 Feb. 23, 1881 Sept. 18, 1876 -, 1877 July 1, 1882 May 9, 1872 Oct. 28, 1881 Apr. 21, 1879 1873 Apr. 26, 1886 Mar. 7, 1885 Jan. 6, 1881 Nov. 8, 1868 1 Dec. 2, 1882 Jan. 1, 1872 Dec. 19, 1885 Hardin Henderson Hill Hood Houston Kimball Lampasas Leon Liberty Limestone .. Llano...... Mason Milam - Montague June 27, 1870 Aug., 1887 Apr. 6, 1886 Feb. 13, 1885 Sept. 3, 1872 Mar. 5, 1875 Nov. 12, 1882 Apr. 22, 1884 1871 1873 1877 Nov. 9, 1885 -, 1874 Oct. 28.1873 Oct. 17, 1880 Jan. 21, 1877 Apr. 9, 1874 Feb, 25, 1873 Mar. 31, 1881 May 13, 1874 Nov. 20, 1879 Jan. ! Jan. 10, 1888 Parker. Rains.. Refugio. Rockwall.. Shelby.. Tarrant. 1879 Mar. 16, 1875 June 1, 1882 Polk Jan. 1, 1881 Mar. 29, 1876 Nov. 1871 Nevada: White Pine. Jan. 5, 1885 New Hampshire : Coos .. Nov. 4, 1886 North Carolina : Anson.. Clay Greene Guilford. Lenoir. Martin Ohio: Gallia. Oct. 21, 1878 Apr. 21, 1880 Mar. 1872 Dec. 3, 1884 May 3, 1877 Apr. 2, 1868 May 21, 1870 Mar. 1, 1876 1870 Trinity. Wilson Wise Wood. Virginia: Buchanan. Buckingham King William. Russell 1876 , 1879 1 May 27, 1884 Nov. 27, 1881 Dec. 11, 1878 Apr. 15, 1888 Feb. 24, 1869 Jan. 18, 1885 Feb. 14, 1872 West Virginia : Mercer Oct. 12, 1875 Summers Sept. 8, 1874 Wisconsin: Wood.. RECAPITULATION, BY STATES. Mar. 23, 1873 Alabama. Arkansas. California. States and territories. Number of counties. States and territories. Number of counties. 9 Mississippi 18 Missouri. 13 7 1 Nebraska. 2 1 Nevada.. 1 11 New Hampshire. 1 16 North Carolina 6 4 Ohio... 2 2 Tennessee - 5 Texas. 31 4 Virginia.. 4 4 West Virginia 2 7 Wisconsin. 1 1 1 Total... 160 Dakota Florida Georgia. Illinois Indiana.. Iowa.. Kansas Kentucky Louisiana. Maryland Minnesota. 1 CHAPTER 1. EXISTING STATUTORY REGULATIONS GOVERNING MARRIAGE IN THE UNITED STATES-SECTARIAN INFLUENCE ON MARRIAGES. 23 CHAPTER I. EXISTING STATUTORY REGULATIONS GOVERNING MARRIAGE IN THE UNITED STATES-SECTARIAN INFLUENCE ON MAR- RIAGES. [NOTE. For titles of statutes from which this digest is made see note at close of Chapter II, pages 125 and 126. For an exceedingly valuable discussion of the intri- cacies of marriage laws and customs see articles by Frank Gaylord Cook, in Atlantic Monthly for February, March, April, and May, 1888, with following titles, respectively: The Marriage Celebration in Europe; The Marriage Celebration in the Colonies; The Marriage Celebration in the United States; Reform in the Celebration of Marriage. No attempt has been made to discuss the influence of the common law relating to marriage.] DEFINITIONS OF MARRIAGE. Several of the states and territories have incorporated into their statutes definitions of marriage; in some cases conforming them to the usual and long accepted definition that it is a civil contract, while in others (evidently looking beyond the mere agreement to marry, and the solemnization or other act carrying out the agreement) the more modern, and apparently more accurate, view of the matter has been adopted, that marriage is a status acquired by the parties thereto by virtue of the contract which is executed by consummation. (a) The following tables show what states and territories have defined marriage, and the definitions adopted by each. In the laws of those unnamed no definition is found: Marriage is a civil contract [to which the consent of parties capable in law of contracting is neces- sary]. (b) Arkansas. Colorado. (c) Indiana. Iowa. Kansas. (c, d) Louisiana. Michigan. (e) Minnesota. (e) Missouri. Montana. Nebraska. Nevada, (e) New Mexico. New York. (e) Oregon. Washington. Wisconsin. (e) Wyoming. a Bishop on Marriage and Divorce, vol. 1, chap. 1, page 2. b In the definitions of Indiana, Oregon, and Washington the language in brackets is omitted. c In the Colorado and Kansas definitions the words "capable in law of contracting" are omitted. d In Kansas "the marriage ceremony may be regarded either as a civil ceremony or as a religious sacrament, but the marriage relation shall only be entered into, maintained, or abrogated as provided by law." e A civil contract "so far as its validity is concerned.” 1 25 26 OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. REPORT まず ​Marriage is a personal relation, arising out of a civil contract, to which the consent of parties capable of making it is necessary. California. (a, b) Dakota. (a, b, c, d) Idaho. (a, b) a In the above it is provided that consent alone will not constitute marriage; it must be followed by solemnization or by a mutual assumption of marital rights, du- ties, or obligations. The consent and subsequent consummation may be manifested in any form and proved under the general rules of evidence. b Neither party is bound by a promise made in ignorance of the other's want of chastity, and either is released by unchaste conduct on the part of the other unless both participated therein. c The consent to a marriage must be one commencing instantly, and not to an agreement to marry afterwards. d The general provisions of the code regulating contracts and the parties thereto have no application to the contract of marriage. In Georgia, in order to constitute a valid marriage there must be (1) parties able to contract, (2) an actual contract, (3) consummation ac- cording to law, and, to constitute an actual contract, the parties must consent thereto voluntarily and without any fraud practiced upon either. Drunkenness at the time of the marriage, brought about by art or contrivance to induce consent, shall be held a fraud. The law of Louisiana sanctions marriages when, at the time of mak- ing them, the parties (1) were willing to contract, (2) were able to con- tract, (3) did contract pursuant to the forms and solemnities prescribed by law. The required consent must be free, and it is not free (1) when given to a ravisher, unless it has been given by the party ravished after her restoration to liberty, (2) when extorted by violence, (3) when there is a mistake as to the person whom one of the parties intended to marry. ENCOURAGEMENT AND RESTRAINT OF MARRIAGE. By the laws of two states (Georgia and Pennsylvania) the encourage- ment of marriage is announced. In Georgia "marriage is encouraged by the law, and every effort to restrain or discourage marriage, by con- tract, condition, limitation, or otherwise, is invalid and void." (a) In Pennsylvania "all marriages not forbidden by the law of God shall be encouraged." In California conditions imposing restraints upon, and all contracts in restraint of, the marriage of any person, other than a minor, are void; but this does not affect limitations where the intent was not to forbid the marriage, but only to give the use of property until marriage. In Dakota every contract in restraint of the marriage of any person other than a minor is void. a Prohibiting marriage to a particular person or persons, or before a certain rea- sonable age, or other prudential provision looking only tɔ the interest of the person to be benefited, and not in general restraint of marriage, will be allowed and held valid. CHAPTER I.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON MARRIAGE. 27 In addition to the direct encouragement afforded by the laws of the states above referred to, several states give positive and substantial encouragement in certain cases, either by providing that marriage between the parents of illegitimate children shall legitimize such chil- dren, or by the suspension of prosecution or penalty in cases of seduc- tion upon the marriage of the parties. The states giving encourage- ment of this character are named below: Illegitimate children legitimized Illegitimate children legitimized Penalty or prosecution for seduc- by marriage of parents. California. by marriage of parents and ac- knowledgment of father. Alabama. tion suspended by marriage. (a) Dakota. Florida. Idaho. Iowa. Maine. Michigan. Minnesota. Montana. Nevada. Oregon. Washington. Pennsylvania. Arizona. Arkansas. Colorado. Connecticut. Georgia. Illinois. Indiana. Kentucky. Louisiana. Maryland. Massachusetts. Mississippi. Missouri. Nebraska. New Hampshire. New Mexico. Ohio. Arizona. Colorado. (V) Dakota. Iowa. Kentucky. Minnesota. Missouri. New Jersey. New Mexico. (c) New York. Oregon. Texas. Virginia. Washington. Wisconsin. Wyoming. Texas. Vermont. Virginia. West Virginia. Wisconsin. Wyoming. a In Illinois prosecution for fornication is suspended by mari age and payment of costs of prosecution. b Also fornication. c In New Mexico, by section 917, Compiled Laws, 1884, it is provided that when any persons are found living together publicly as if they were married, they shall be required immediately to contract marriage, if there is no impediment to prevent their so doing; and if they do not marry upon the first requirement of any justice, they shall, upon accusation, be fined not less than twenty-five nor more than eighty dol- lars for every time they shall be so found. Marriages out of the State.-In the thirteen states and territo- ries below named it is provided that marriages contracted beyond the boundaries thereof are valid, if valid by the laws of the state or coun- try where contracted: Arizona. Arkansas. (a) California. Colorado. (b) Dakota. Idaho. Kansas. Kentucky. Montana. Nebraska. New Mexico. Utah. Wyoming. In Delaware, if the parties to any marriage prohibited for consan- guinity or affinity (see page 32), or for miscegenation (see page 37), a If the parties actually resided in the state or country where the marriage was contracted. In Colorado the "section shall not be construed so as to allow bigamy or polygamy within this state.” 28 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. although the same may have been solemnized in another state, shall cohabit as husband and wife in this state, they shall each be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined $100. In Georgia "all marriages solemnized in another state by parties in- tending at the time to reside in this state, shall have the same legal consequences and effect as if solemnized in this state. Parties residing in this state can not evade any of the provisions of its laws as to mar- riage by going into another state for the solemnization of the marriage ceremony." In Maine marriages are void, in Massachusetts (a) they are "deemed void,” and in West Virginia (b) they are voidable, when residents of those states, intending to return, go into another state and have their marriage solemnized with intent to evade the prohibition against in- cestuous or bigamous marriages, or against marriages with an insane person or idiot, and afterwards return and reside in the home state. In Mississippi marriages prohibited for miscegenation are void if con- tracted outside the state to evade the prohibition and the parties return to the state. In Virginia the validity of incestuous or bigamous marriages or those prohibited for miscegenation, solemnized outside the state as detailed in the preceding paragraph, is governed by the laws of the state if the parties return to and reside in it. LEGISLATION RELATIVE TO THE PARTIES. Age of Parties.-In a majority of the states and territories the laws fix the ages at which males and females are capable of marrying or making a marriage contract (denominated in some cases the "age of consent"), and also establish the ages below which the consent of parents, guardians, or other persons having control of the parties (here termed "parental consent") is required to the marriage of minors. In nearly all those states in which the procurement of license is a prerequisite to marriage, a list of which is given on page 47, the parental consent must precede the issuance of liceuse to minors whose marriage requires such consent. In others, not requiring license but requiring parental consent, the person solemnizing the marriage must be apprised of such consent before performing the ceremony. The following table shows the states and territories which have es- tablished ages at which minors are capable of entering the marriage state and ages below which parental consent is required, with the ages in each case, the character of the consent required, and whether it be to a "Marriages solemnized in a foreign country by a consul or diplomatic agent of the United States shall be valid in this commonwealth." b In West Virginia marriages prohibited for miscegenation or when either party was incapable from physical causes of entering into the marriage state, or was under the age of consent, contracted under the circumstances specified, are also voidable. i CHAPTER I.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON MARRIAGE. 29 issuance of the license or to the solemnization of the marriage. In the laws of states not specified no provisions on these subjects are found: Ages at which minors are capa- ble of marrying. Ages below which parental consent is required. Character of consent. State or territory. Male. Female. Male. Female. Verbal or written. To license or to solemnization. License. Alabama. 17 14 ab21 18 Arizona (c) 18 16 Arkansas. 17 14 21 18 California. 18 15 b 21 18 Written Colorado. Connecticut Dakota (g) Delaware. Florida Georgia. Idaho (k) Illinois Indiana e 21 18 Not specified 21 21 Written 18 15 * Not specified • h18 16 21 18 Not specified b 21 21 Not specified 17 .14 (i) j 18 Written 18 16 Not specified Verbal or written.. Not specified Verbal or written.. License. License. (d) Solemnization. (ƒ) License. Solemnization. Solemnization. License. License. (j) Solemnization. License. 17 14 21 18 Not specified License. 18 16 721 18 Not specified License. Iowa. Kansas m 16 14 15 12 - Kentucky (n) Louisiana. Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi. Missouri... 14 12 14 22 12 b 21 021 222222 18 Written License. 21 Verbal or written.. License. 21 Not specified License. 18 Written License. 16 Verbal or written.. License. 18 Verbal or written.. License. (p) 18 18 ထထ 16 15 b21 18 21 18 15 12 21 18 Montana. 18 16 21 18 Nebraska 18 16 21 18 Nevada 18 16 21 18 Verbal or written….. License. Verbal or written.. License. Verbal or written. License. Written License. Verbal or written.. License. Verbal or written.. License. * New Hampshire 14 13 New Jersey New Mexico 18 15 New York 18 r 16 North Carolina 16 14 * Ohio 18 16 Oregon 18 15 Pennsylvania Rhode Island 27 22222 718 18 Verbal or written.. Solemnization. Verbal or written.. Solemnization. 18 Written License. 18 Verbal or written.. License. (8) 18 Written License. 21 Verbal or written.. License. 21 u 21 Written License. South Carolina. (v) 16 Texas. 16 14 21 18 Not specified License. Utah. 14 12 b 21 18 Verbal or written.. License. Vermont. 21 18 Written License. Virginia 14 12 b21 21 Verbal or written License. • Washington (w) 21 18 Written License. West Virginia (x) 14 12 b 21 21 Verbal or written…. License. Wisconsin 18 15 bo 21 18 Wyoming. 18 16 21 21 Verbal or written.. Solemnization. Verbal or written.. License. a In Alabama, before the issuance of a license for the marriage of minors under the ages specified (twenty one and eighteen), the judge of probate, in addition to parental consent, "must also require a bond to be executed in the penal sum of $200, payable to the state of Alabama, with condition to be void if there is no lawful cause why such marriage should not be celebrated." b Parental consent is not required if the minor has been previously married. c Section 2087, Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1887, provides that "males under eight- een and females under sixteen years of age shall not marry," but section 2089 provides for the issuance of a license for the marriage of persons below those ages upon parental consent. d The laws of California do not seem to require parental consent to the mar- riage of minors without solemnization, for which see p. 53, post. e If the minor has no parent or guardian residing in the state, the person chosen to solemnize the marriage shall exercise his discretion in joining them in marriage. ƒ Though a license is required in Colorado, parental consent is not necessarily a pre- requisite to the issuance thereof to persons under the ages specified (twenty-one and 30 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. : eighteen). Section 2253 of the General Statutes of Colorado, 1883, provides that when the clerk does not know of his own knowledge that the parties are competent to " con- tract matrimony," he shall take the affidavit in writing of the person or persons ap- plying for such license and of such other persons as he may see proper, etc. By sec- tion 2257 it is made a misdemeanor to knowingly solemnize the marriage of any per- son under the ages specified without parental consent. g Section 36, Civil Code of Dakota, 1833, provides that minors of the ages speci- fied (eighteen and fifteen) "are capable of consenting to aud consummating mar- riage; " but section 54 provides that a decree of nullity of marriage may be obtained in case the party in whose behalf it is sought "was under the age of legal consent, and such marriage was contracted without the consent of his or her parents or guardian, or person having charge of him or her, unless after attaining the age of consent such party for any time freely cohabited with the other as husband or wife." The converse proposition, that if the marriage of such persons under the ages specified was consented to by the parents or guardians it would be a good marriage, seems to be a natural inference. And it would also seem, from the language quoted, that a marriage between parties under the ages specified, though without parental consent, is good if ratified by matrimonial conduct after reaching the age prescribed by law. The truth seems to be that the Dakota legislators held the terms "capable of consenting to and consummating marriage" to mean the capability to contract marriage without the consent of any other person, instead of bare legal capacity to assume the marital relation, as in most of the states. Similar views seem to have been held by the Idaho legislators. (See note k, post.) h It is provided by the Revised Code of Delaware of 1874, chapter 75, section 1, that a divorce may be granted in case the parties were, when married, below the ages specified (eighteen and sixteen), and did not voluntarily ratify the marriage after arriving at those ages. i In Georgia no parental consent seems to be required to the marriage of male minors. j Parental consent does not seem to be required in the case of a marriage by a female under eighteen where the publication is by bans. "" k Section 2421, Revised Statutes of Idaho, provides that minors of the ages specified (eighteen and sixteen) "are capable of consenting to and consummating marriage; but section 2430 provides for solemnization below said ages upon parental consent. (See note g, ante.) 7 Where the female has resided in the county for one month prior to the applica- tion for marriage license, and there is no parent or guardian resident in the state, parental consent is not required. m Below the ages specified (sixteen and fourteen) in Iowa, marriage is a nullity or not, at the option of the minor, made known at any time before he or she is six months older than said ages. n In Kentucky, when the male is under sixteen or the female under fourteen years of age, marriage may be declared void by courts having general equity jurisdiction, if the marriage was without parental consent, and has not been ratified by cohabi- tation after reaching the ages specified. o If the minor has a parent or guardian living in the state. p Nor shall any magistrate or minister solemnize a marriage without parental consent where he has reasonable cause to suppose the parties under the ages specified. q By section 82, Crimes, Revised Statutes of New Jersey, 1877, it is provided that any marriage with a female under fifteen years of age without the consent of her parents or guardian is void. r By section 1742, Code of Civil Procedure of New York, as amended by chapter 22, Laws of 1887, it is provided that an action may be maintained by the woman to annul a marriage contracted when she was under sixteen years of age, if such mar- riage took place without parental consent and was not followed by cousummation or cohabitation after she had attained the age of sixteen years. This would seem to in- CHAPTER I.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, etc., on MARRIAGE. 31 dicate that with parental consent a legal marriage may be had with a female under sixteen years of age. 8 In Onio it is made the duty of every minister or justice of the peace solemniz- ing marriages (except by authority of a license) to obtain the personal or written consent of parents or guardians to all marriages between persons under the ages specified (twenty-one and eighteen). t In Oregon, if either party has no parent or guardian resident in the state and the female has resided in the county for six months prior to the application for the mar- riage license, parental consent is not required. u But license may issue to a female over eighteen years of age if she has no par- ent or guardian living in the United States. v Section 2586, General Statutes of South Carolina, affixes a penalty for marrying a female under sixteen years of age without parental consent; such consent does not seem to be required to the marriage of a male minor. w Section 2380, Code of Washington, 1881, provides that persons of the ages speci- fied (twenty-one and eighteen) are capable of marriage; but section 2391 provides for issuance of license below said ages, upon parental consent. x In West Virginia, if any female of the age of twelve and under fourteen years shall marry without parental consent, the county court shall, upon petition of her next friend, commit her estate to a receiver, to be held for her separate benefit until she arrives at the age of twenty-one years, after which the court may direct the same to be delivered to her as her sole and separate property. PROHIBITED DEGREES. The degrees of consanguinity or relationship, commonly called the "prohibited degrees," within which marriages are forbidden, are de- fined by the laws of the different states and territories as follows: NOTE.—Those states in which the laws incorporate a general inhibition extending to relatives of the one-half as well as of the whole blood are marked (a), and those in which it embraces illegitimate as well as legitimate children and relatives are marked (b). Those in which the marriages of such relatives are declared to be incestuous are marked (c), and void (d). ALABAMA (b, c, d).-The son must not marry his mother or step- mother, or the sister of his father or mother, or the widow of his uncle. The brother must not marry his sister or half-sister, or the daughter of his brother or half-brother, or of his sister or half-sister. The father must not marry his daughter or granddaughter, or the widow of his son. No man shall marry the daughter of his wife, or the daughter of the son or daughter of his wife. ARIZONA (b, c, d).-All marriages are forbidden between parents and children, including grandparents and grandchildren of every degree; between brothers and sisters of the one half as well as the whole blood, and between uncles and nieces, aunts and nephews. and between first cousins. ARKANSAS (b, c, d).—Same as Arizona. California (b, c, d).—Marriages are prohibited between parents and children, ancestors and descendants of every degree, and between brothers and sisters of the half as well as the whole blood, and between uncles and nieces, or aunts and nephews, 32 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 1. COLORADO (b, c, d).—Same as Arizona except that persons living in that portion of the state acquired from Mexico are permitted to marry according to the custom of that country. CONNECTICUT (c, d).-No man shall marry his mother, grandmother, daughter, granddaughter, sister, aunt, niece, step-mother, or step- daughter; no woman shall marry her father, grandfather, son, grand- son, brother, uncle, nephew, step-father, or step-son. DAKOTA (b, c, d).-Same as California, and "between cousins of the half as well as of the whole blood," and of a step-father with a step- daughter, or of a step-mother with a step-son. DELAWARE (d).-No man shall marry his grandmother, grand- father's wife, wife's grandmother, father's sister, mother's sister, son's wife, sister's son's daughter, daughter's daughter, son's son's wife, daughter's son's wife, mother, step-mother, wife's mother, daughter, wife's daughter, wife's son's daughter, wife's daughter's daughter, brother's daughter, sister's daughter. No woman shall marry her rela- tive or connection corresponding with either of the foregoing prohibi- tions. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA-In the absence of congressional or other legislation defining the degrees of relationship within which marriages are prohibited in the District of Columbia, it is assumed by excellent authorities that the law of Maryland regulating the matter, as it existed Feb. 27, 1801, (see sec. 92, U. S. Rev. Stats., D. C.) now governs in the District. The prohibited degrees in Maryland have not been changed since 1801, and are specified on page 33. FLORIDA.-The laws of this state do not specify the prohibited de- grees, but section 8, chapter 59, McClellan's Digest of the Laws of Florida, provides that "persons within the degrees of consanguinity within which marriages are prohibited, or declared by law to be incest- uous and void, who intermarry with each other, shall be punished by im- prisonment." The prohibition probably extends to relatives within the "Levitical degrees." * * * GEORGIA (c, d).—Marriages are prohibited between kindred within the "Levitical degrees," and between persons related by affinity as fol- lows: A man shall not marry his step-mother, or mother-in-law, or daughter-in-law, or step-daughter, or granddaughter of his wife. A woman shall not marry her corresponding relatives. IDAHO (b, c, d).-Same as California. ILLINOIS (b, c, d).—Same as Arizona. INDIANA.-Persons "not nearer of kin than second cousins," and otherwise competent, are capable of contracting marriage. IOWA (c, d).-Marriage is forbidden between a man and his father's sister, mother's sister, father's widow, wife's mother, daughter, wife's daughter, son's widow, sister, son's daughter, daughter's daughter, son's son's widow, daughter's son's widow, brother's daughter, or sister's daughter; and between a woman and her father's brother, mother's ' CHAPTER I.—STATUTORY RÉGULATIONS, ETC., ON MARRIAGE. 33 brother, mother's husband, husband's father, son, husband's son, daugh- ter's husband, brother, son's son, daughter's son, son's daughter's hus- band, daughter's daughter's husband, brother's son, or sister's son. KANSAS (b, c, d).-Same as Arizona. KENTUCKY (b, c, d).-A man shall not marry his mother, grand mother, sister, daughter, or granddaughter; nor the widow or divorced wife of his father, grandfather, sou, or grandson; nor the daughter, granddaughter, mother, or grandmother of his wife; nor the daughter or granddaughter of his brother or sister; nor the sister of his father or mother. A woman shall not marry her corresponding relatives. If the relationship is founded on marriage, the prohibition shall continue notwithstanding the dissolution of the marriage by death or divorce, unless the divorce was for a cause that rendered the marriage originally illegal and void. LOUISIANA (b).—Marriage is prohibited between lineal ancestors and descendants, and brothers and sisters of the half or whole blood, and between uncles and nieces, and aunts and nephews. MAINE (c, d).-No man shall marry his mother, grandmother, daugh- ter, granddaughter, step-mother, grandfather's wife, son's wife, grand- son's wife, wife's mother, wife's grandmother, wife's daughter, wife's granddaughter, sister, brother's daughter, sister's daughter, father's sister, or mother's sister. No woman shall marry her corresponding relatives. MARYLAND (d).—A man shall not marry his grandmother, grand- father's wife, wife's grandmother, father's sister, mother's sister, mother, step-mother, wife's mother, daughter, wife's daughter, sou's wife, sister, son's daughter, daughter's daughter, son's son's wife, daughter's son's wife, wife's son's daughter, wife's daughter's daughter, brother's daugh- ter, or sister's daughter. A woman shall not marry her corresponding relatives. MASSACHUSETTS (c, d).-Same as Maine. In all cases where the relationship is founded on marriage the same rule prevails as in Ken- tucky. MICHIGAN (c, d).—Same as Maine. MINNESOTA (a, c, d).-Marriage is prohibited between persons nearer of kin than first cousins, computing by the rules of the civil law. MISSISSIPPI (c, d).—The son shall not marry his mother or his step- mother, the brother his sister, the father his daughter, or his daughter's daughter; the son shall not marry the daughter of his father, begotten of his step-mother, or his aunt, being his father's or his mother's sister. The father shall not marry his son's widow. A man shall not marry his wife's daughter, or his wife's daughter's daughter, or his wife's son's daughter, or the daughter of his brother or his sister, and the like pro- hibition shall extend to females in the same degrees. MISSOURI (b, c, d).-Same as California. 20267 M D——3 34 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. MONTANA (c, d).-Marriages are prohibited between persons nearer of kin than second cousins, computing by the rules of the civil law. NEBRASKA (b, c, d).-Same as California. NEVADA (c, d).-Same as Indiana. NEW HAMPSHIRE (c, d).-Same as Iowa, and first cousins. NEW JERSEY (c).-Same as Maryland. NEW MEXICO (b, c, d).-Same as California. NEW YORK (b, c, d).-Marriage is forbidden between parents and children, including grandparents and grandchildren of every degree, ascending and descending, and between brothers and sisters of the half as well as of the whole blood. NORTH CAROLINA (a, d).-Marriage is not permitted between per sons nearer of kin than first cousins. OHIO.-Same as Indiana. OREGON (a, d).—Marriage is prohibited between persons nearer of kin than first cousins, computing by the rules of the civil law. PENNSYLVANIA (d).—A man may not marry his mother, father's sis- ter, mother's sister, sister, daughter, daughter of his son or daughter, father's wife, son's wife, wife's daughter, or daughter of his wife's son or daughter, and a woman may not marry her corresponding relatives. [Though marriages contracted within the prohibited degrees are de- clared to be "void to all intents and purposes," it is nevertheless pro- vided that the unlawfulness thereof shall not be inquired into after the death of either the husband or wife.] RHODE ISLAND (d).-Same as Maryland; but the prohibitions do not extend to, nor in any way affect, any marriage which shall be solem- nized among the Jews within the degrees of affiuity or consanguinity allowed by their religion. SOUTH CAROLINA.-Same as Maine. TENNESSEE (c).—Marriage can not be contracted with a lineal ances- tor or descendant, nor the lineal ancestor nor descendant of either parent, nor the child of a grandparent, nor the lineal descendant of husband or wife, as the case may be, nor the husband or wife of a pa- rent or lineal descendant. TEXAS.-No man shall marry his mother, his father's sister or half- sister, his mother's sister or half-sister, his daughter, the daughter of his father, mother, brother, or sister, or of his half-brother or sister, the daughter of his son or daughter, his father's widow, his son's widow, his wife's daughter, or the daughter of his wife's son or daughter. No woman shall marry her corresponding relatives. UTAH (b, c, d).-Same as California; and also between any persons related to each other within and not including the fourth degree of con- sanguinity, computed according to the rules of the civil law. VERMONT (d).-Same as Maine. If the relationship is founded on marriage the same rule prevails as in Kentucky. VIRGINIA.-No man shall marry his mother, grandmother, step- CHAPTER I.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON MARRIAGE. 35 mother, sister, daughter, granddaughter, half-sister, aunt, son's widow, wife's daughter, or her granddaughter, or step-daughter, brother's daughter, sister's daughter. No woman shall marry her corresponding relatives, nor husband of her brother's or sister's daughter. If the re- lationship is founded on marriage the same rule prevails as in Ken- tucky. WASHINGTON (c).—Marriage is prohibited between persons nearer of kin to each other than second cousins, whether of the whole or half blood, computing by the rules of the civil law, and between a man and his father's sister, mother's sister, father's widow, wife's mother, daugh- ter, wife's daughter, son's widow, sister, son's daughter, daughter's daughter, son's son's widow, daughter's son's widow, brother's daughter, or sister's daughter; and between a woman and her corresponding rela- tives. WEST VIRGINIA.-Same as Virginia; and also a man is forbidden to marry his uncle's wife, or the wife of his brother's or sister's son. If the relationship is founded on marriage the same rule prevails as in Kentucky. WISCONSIN (a, c, d).—Same as Oregon. WYOMING (b, c, d).—Same as Arizona. It is expressly provided that the inhibitions do not extend to persons not related by consanguinity. VOID, VOIDABLE, AND PROHIBITED MARRIAGES. Causes for which marriages are prohibited, or which render them in- valid, are, under the statutes of some of the states, sufficient to render them void from the beginning, without legal process, while in others it is provided that such causes only constitute the grounds for judicial proceedings to have the marriage set aside, or they make the marriage voidable. Again, causes which in some states render a marriage void or voidable, in others simply constitute grounds for divorce, as will be seen by reference to the chapter on that subject; and, indeed, in some states the same cause which renders a marriage void gives grounds for a divorce. The following statement shows what marriages are void or voidable by the statutes of the different states and territories, and also such as are prohibited or made punishable, but not expressly declared to be void or voidable, except in the case of marriages prohibited for want of parental consent, which prohibitory provisions are, in the ma- jority of cases, directed to the issuance of license, and are so general that they have been omitted, unless marriages celebrated in violation thereof are declared void or voidable by the statutes. Great difficulty has been experienced in making a correct statutory classification. In some cases the language of the statutes is ambiguous, and in others conflicting, and no doubt many marriages which have been classified as merely prohibited or punishable under the phraseology of the laws, would be, and probably have been, construed by the courts to be either void or voidable. 36 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ALABAMA. — Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited de. grees (a). Other marriages prohibited or made punishable.-Bigamous; when either party is under age of legal consent; between a white person and a negro, or the descendant of any negro to the third generation, inclu- sive (b); where marriage of female is procured by menace, force, or duress. ARIZONA.-Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited degrees; between persons of Caucasian blood or their descendants, and Africans or Mongolians or their descendants; when either party was naturally or incurably impotent at time of marriage. Other marriages prohibited or made punishable.-Bigamous; where marriage of female is procured by force, menace, or duress; fraud by false personation. ARKANSAS.- Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited degrees; between white persons and negroes or mulattoes; when either party was incapable from want of age or understanding, or from physical causes, or where consent was obtained by force or fraud (c). Other marriages prohibited or made punishable.-Bigamous. CALIFORNIA. Void and voidable marriages.--Within prohibited de- grees; between whites and negroes or mulattoes (d); bigamous (e); where either party was under age of legal consent, and marriage was without parental consent (f); when either party was of unsound mind (f); when the consent of either party was obtained by force (g), or fraud (h); when either party was at the time of marriage physically incapable of a Section 4014, Code of Alabama, 1886, provides that "on conviction of incest for marrying within prohibited degrees the court must declare such marriage null and void." b Section 4018 affixes a penalty for a marriage between whites and the descendants of negroes to the third generation, inclusive, "though one ancestor of each genera- tion was a white person." c Section 4594, Digest of the Statutes of Arkansas, 1884, provides that a marriage where either party was incapable from want of age or understanding, or from physical causes, or where consent was obtained by force or fraud, "shall be void from the time its nullity shall be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction." d The county clerk is prohibited from issuing a license for the marriage of a white person with a Mongolian. e Section 61, Deeri ng's Codes, vol. 2, declares bigamous marriages void from the beginning, unless, the former husband or wife was absent and not known to such person to be living, for five years preceding subsequent marriage, or was generally reputed and believed by such person to be dead at the time of such marriage, in which cases the marriage is valid until its nullity is judicially declared; but sections 82 and 83 provide that an action for the annulment of a bigamous marriage may be brought by either party during the life of the other, or by the former husband or wife; and section 84 provides that the children of such marriage are legitimate and succeed to the estate of both parties. f Unless after removal of disability the parties freely cohabited as husband and wife. g Un ess the parties afterwards freely cohabited as husband and wife. h Unless after full knowledge of the facts constituting the fraud the parties freely cohabited as husband and wife. CHAPTER I.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON MARRIAGE. 37 entering into the married state and incapacity continues and appears incurable. COLORADO.-Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited de- grees; between whites and negroes or mulattoes (a). Other marriages prohibited or made punishable.-Bigamous (b); when marriage of female is procured by force, or fraud (c). CONNECTICUT.- Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited de- grees; all marriages attempted to be celebrated by any unauthorized person. Other marriages prohibited or made punishable.-Bigamous. DAKOTA.-Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited degrees; bigamous (d); when either party was under age of legal consent, and marriage was without parental cousent (e); when either party was of un- sound mind (e); when the consent of either party was obtained by force (f), or fraud (g); when either party was, at the time of marriage, physically incapable of entering into the married state and incapacity continues and appears incurable. DELAWARE.-Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited de- grees; between white person and negro, or mulatto; bigamous; when either party was insane at time of marriage (h); when solemnized by any person not authorized by law (i). a But inhabitants of that part of the state acquired from Mexico may marry according to the custom of that country. b Section 1093, General Statutes, Colorado, 1833, as amended by chapter 32, Acts of 1885, provides that no divorce shall affect the legitimacy of the children of a marriage "except in case where the marriage shall be declared void on the ground of a prior marriage." c The penalty provided by section 747, General Statutes, is directed against the forcible or fraudulent detention of a woman against her will with intent to cause her to be married. d Section 40, Civil Code, Dakota, declares bigamous marriages void from the begin- ning, unless the former husband or wife was absent and not known to such person to be living for five years preceding the subsequent marriage, or was generally reputed and believed by such person to be dead at the time of such marriage, in which cases the marriage is valid until its nullity is judicially declared; but sections 54 and 55 pro- vide that an action for the annulment of a bigamous marriage may be brought by either party during the life of the other, or by the former husband or wife; and sec- tion 56 provides that the children of such marriage are legitimate and succeed to the estate of both parents. e Unless after removal of disability the parties freely cohabited as husband and wife. f Unless the parties afterwards freely cohabited as husband and wife. g Unless after full knowledge of the facts constituting the fraud the parties freely cohabited as husband and wife. h In case marriages are declared void from the beginning by decree of court, except for insanity, the issue of such marriage shall be deemed to be illegitimate; except that when the marriage is dissolved because of a prior marriage of either party, if the second marriage was contracted in the reasonable belief of the former husband's or wife's death, the fact shall be stated in the decree of nullity, and the issue of the second marriage shall be deemed to be the legitimate issue of the parent who was capable of contracting the marriage. i Unless lawful in other respects and consummated with the full belief of either of the parties in its validity. 38 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. Other marriages prohibited or made punishable.-Pauper. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.- Void or voidable marriages. Within pro- marriages.—Within hibited degrees; bigamous. FLORIDA.- Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited degrees; between white person and negro, mulatto, quarteroon, or other colored person; bigamous. GEORGIA. Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited degrees; between white persons and persons of African descent; between per- sons unable to contract (a), unwilling to contract, or fraudulently in- duced to contract (b). IDAHO.- Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited degrees; be- tween whites and negroes or mulattoes; bigamous (c); when either party was under age of legal consent and the marriage was without parental consent (d); when either party was of unsound mind (d); when the consent of either party was obtained by force (e), or fraud (ƒ); when either party was, at the time of marriage, physically incapable of enter- ing into the married state, and the incapacity continues and appears incurable. ILLINOIS.- Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited degrees; when either party is insane or idiotic (g). Other marriages prohibited or made punishable.-Fraud by false per- sonation; bigamous (h). INDIANA.— Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited degrees; bigamous; between white person and one possessed of one-eighth or a Section 1699, Code of Georgia, 1882, provides that to be able to contract marriage a person must be of sound mind, of legal age of consent, and laboring under neither of the following disabilities, viz: (1) previous marriage undissolved, (2) nearness of relationship by blood or marriage, (3) impotency. b If unwilling or fraudulently induced to contract, the subsequent ratification by matrimonial conduct will render the marriage valid; drunkenness brought about by art or contrivance to induce assent is held a fraud. c Section 2426, Revised Statutes of Idaho, 1887, declares bigamous marriages void "unless the former wife or husband was absent and not known to such person to be living for the space of five successive years immediately preceding, or was generally reputed and was believed by such person to be dead at the time such subsequent marriage was contracted," in which case the marriage is valid until its nullity has been judicially declared. But section 2451 provides that an action for the annulment of a bigamous marriage may be brought by either party during the life of the other or by the former husband or wife, and section 2452 provides that the children of such marriage are legitimate and succeed to the estate of both parents. d Unless after the removal of the disability the parties freely cohabited as husband and wife. e Unless the parties afterwards freely cohabited. fUnless after full knowledge of the facts constituting the fraud the parties freely cohabited. g Section 2, chapter 89, Starr and Curtis's Statutes, Illinois, 1885, provides that no insane person or idiot shall be capable of contracting marriage. h Section 3, chapter 40, provides that no divorce shall in any wise affect the legiti- macy of children, except where the marriage shall be declared void on the ground of a prior marriage. 1 • CHAPTER I.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON MARRIAGE.. 39 more of negro blood; when either party is insane or idiotic (a); when either party is incapable from want of age or understanding (b). IOWA.-Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited degrees; big- amous (c); when either party was under age of consent (d); when either party was impotent, insane, or idiotic (e). Other marriages prohibited or made punishable.-When marriage of fe- male was procured by force, menace, or duress. KANSAS.-Void or voidable marriages.- Within prohibited degrees; when either party is incapable from want of age or understanding (f). Other marriages prohibited or made punishable.—When marriage of fe- male was procured by force, menace, or duress; bigamous. KENTUCKY.— Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited de- grees; when either party is an idiot or lunatic; between a white person and a negro or mulatto; bigamous; marriage not solemnized or con- tracted in the presence of an authorized person or society (g); when either party is under age of consent; obtained by force or fraud; with- out parental consent if male was under sixteen or female under four- teen years of age (h). LOUISIANA.-Void or voidable marriages.-Bigamous (i); within pro- hibited degrees; when consent is obtained by force or fraud (j); mistake in the person (j). MAINE.-Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited degrees; when either was insane or idiotic; bigamous; between white person and negro, mulatto, or Indian (k); when either party was under age of consent (k). a The issue of a marriage void on account of consanguinity, affinity, or difference of color shall be deemed to be legitimate; so also in case of a bigamous marriage, when such second marriage has been contracted in the belief that such disability did not exist, the issue begotten before the discovery of the disability by the innocent party shall be deemed legitimate. b Voidable marriages shall be declared void on application of the incapable party, and the children thereof begotten before annulment shall be legitimate. c If the parties live and cohabit together, after the death of the former husband or wife, such marriage shall be deemed valid. d Marriage can be avoided by a party below the age of consent at any time before he or she is six months older than that age. e Marriages when either party was impotent, insane, or idiotic, are not declared void by statute, but provision is made for their annulment. f Such marriages shall be declared void on the application of the incapable party, and the children thereof begotten before annulment shall be legitimate, but cohabi- tation after incapacity ceases is a sufficient defence to the action for annulment. g Such marriage is not invalid if consummated with the belief of the parties or either of them that they have been lawfully married. h Marriages under the ages specified are not voidable if ratified by cohabitation after attaining such ages. i A second marriage which has been declared null produces, nevertheless, its civil effects in favor of the parties contracting the same in good faith and in favor of their children born of such marriage. j The marriage is voidable on application of the party injured only, and not void- able if before suit the parties voluntarily cohabit as husband and wife. kThese marriages are not declared void or voidable in so many words by the stat- 40 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. Other marriages prohibited or made punishable.-Of female procured by force, menace, or duress. MARYLAND.-Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited degrees; between white person and negro, or person of negro descent to the third generation; bigamous. MASSACHUSETTS.-Void or voidable marriages (a).-Within prohibited degrees (b); bigamous; when either party was insane or idiotic; when either party was under age of consent (c). Other marriages prohibited or made punishable.-Clandestine marriage of a female under sixteen years of age. MICHIGAN.Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited de- grees (d); bigamous (d); when either party was insane or an idiot (d, e); when either party was under age of consent (f); when consent of either party was obtained by force or fraud (g); when either party was physi- cally incapable (h). Other marriages prohibited or made punishable.-When the woman is compelled by force, menace, or duress to marry against her will. MINNESOTA.-Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited de- grees (d); bigamous (d, i); when either party is incapable from want of age or understanding (j, k); when consent of either has been obtained by force or fraud (k, l). MISSISSIPPI.-Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited de- utes, but provision is made for the legitimacy or otherwise of the children of mar- riages annulled for these causes. a Notwithstanding that all the classes of marriages enumerated are declared by the statutes to be void without decree of divorce or other legal process, it is provided in the same chapter (chapter 145, Public Statutes, 1882), that "the validity of a marriage shall not be questioned in the trial of a collateral issue on account of the insanity or idiocy of either party, but such questions shall only be raised in a process instituted to test such validity in the lifetime of both parties." b "If solemnized within this commonwealth." c If the parties separate during nonage and do not afterwards cohabit. d"If solemnized within this state." e Not void in case of lunacy if the lunatic has recovered reason and the parties thereafter have freely cohabited. ƒ Void if the parties separate during nonage and do not afterwards cohabit. g Void if there shall have been no subsequent voluntary cohabitation. h Voidable at suit of the party injured if action is brought within two years after the marriage. i If the former husband or wife has been absent five successive years without being known to such person to be living, such second marriage shall be void only from the time it is so declared by a court of competent jurisdiction. j Voida ble at suit of party under age, if there is no subsequent voluntary cohabita tion. In cases of lunacy or idiocy not voidable at suit of party able to contract if insanity or idiocy was known to him or her at the time of marriage; or in case of lunacy if after restoration to reason the parties freely cohabited. k Void from the time their nullity is declared by a court of competent author- ity. I Not voidable if there is subsequent voluntary cohabitation of the parties. CHAPTER I.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON MARRIAGE. 41 grees; between white person and person having one-fourth or more of negro blood; bigamous. Other marriages prohibited or made punishable.-Fraud by false per- sonation. MISSOURI. Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited degrees; between white persons and negroes; bigamous. Other marriages prohibited or made punishable.-When marriage of fe- male is procured by force, menace, or duress. MONTANA. Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited degrees. Other marriages prohibited or made punishable.-Bigamous; when either party is under age of consent; when the marriage of the female is obtained by force, threats, menaces, or duress; fraud by false per- sonation. NEBRASKA. Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited degrees; between a white person and one possessed of one-fourth or more negro blood; bigamous; when either party is insane or an idiot (a); when either party is under age of consent (b); when consent of either party is ob- tained by force or fraud (c); when either party was physically incapa- ble at time of marriage (d). NEVADA.— Void or voidable marriages.—Within prohibited degrees (e); bigamous (e); when either party is incapable from want of age or under- . standing (f, g); when fraud shall have been proved (g, h). Other marriages prohibited or made punishable.—When the marriage of a female is procured by force, menace, or duress; between whites and black persons, mulattoes, Indians, or Chinese. NEW HAMPSHIRE.— Void or voidable marriages.—Within prohibited degrees (e); bigamous (e, i). NEW JERSEY.- Void or voidable marriages.-Where the marriage of a female is against her will; bigamous; without parental consent when the female is under fifteen years of age; when either party was physic- ally and incurably impotent. Other marriages prohibited or made punishable.-Within prohibited degrees. ン ​a Not void if after the restoration of the lunatic to reason the parties have freely cohabited. b If the parties separate during nonage and do not afterwards cohabit. e If there is no subsequent voluntary cohabitation. d If suit is brought by the injured party within two years after marriage. e If solemnized within the state. f Not voidable for want of age, if after attaining the age of consent the parties for any time freely cohabited; nor for want of understanding, if after restoration to reason the parties freely cohabited. g Void from the time their nullity shall be declared by a court of competent authority. h Not voidable if the parties subsequently freely cohabited. i Where a party marries with the knowledge that former husband or wife is living. 42 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. } * NEW MEXICO.-Void or voidable marriages (a).—Within prohibited degrees; when under age of consent (b). NEW YORK.-Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited de- grees; bigamous (c); when either party is incapable from want of age or understanding (d, e), or incapable from physical causes (e, f), or when consent of either party has been obtained by force or fraud (e, g). NORTH CAROLINA.-Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohib- ited degrees; bigamous; between a white person and a person of negro or Indian descent to the third generation; when either party was under age of consent; when either party is physically impotent, or incapable of contracting from want of will or understanding; be- tween a Croatan Indian and a person of negro descent to the third generation (h). OHIO.- Void or voidable marriages.-None so declared. Other marriages prohibited or made punishable.-Within prohibited degrees; bigamous; when under age of consent. OREGON.-Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited degrees (i); bigamous (i); between a white person and a person of one-fourth or more negro, Chinese, or Kanaka blood, or of more than one-half Indian blood (i); when either party was incapable of consenting for want of legal a The marriages specified are declared by the statutes to be "absolutely void" but section 997, Compiled Laws, 1884, provides that the same shall not be declared void except by decree of the district court under proceedings had therein. b Section 993 declares that "all marriages of any male under the age of eighteen years and of any female under the age of fifteen years are absolutely invalid," but section 997 provides, "In case of minors no person who may be over the prohibited age shall be allowed to apply for or obtain a decree of the court declaring such marriage void; but such minor may do so." Also, "if the parties should live together until they arrive at the age under which marriage is prohibited by the statute, then and in that case such marriage shall be deemed legal and binding." c Void unless the former husband or wife shall have been absent five successive years without being known to such person to be living during that time; in which case the second or subsequent marriage shall be void only from the time that its nullity shall be pronounced by a court of competent authority. d Not voidable on account of want of age at suit of the party who was of age of con- sent; nor where it appears that the parties after attaining such age freely cohabited; nor by a female under sixteen years of age if she had parental consent to the marriage. In case of the marriage of a lunatic, not voidable if the parties cohabit after the lunatic is restored to reason. e Void from the time nullity is declared by a court of competent authority. f Such incapacity must continue and be incurable, and action must be brought by the injured party within two years. g Not voidable if the parties subsequently voluntarily cohabit, and only at the suit of the injured par ty on a decree rendered within the lifetime of one of the parties. h "No marriage followed by cohabitation and the birth of issue shall be declared void after the death of either of the parties for any of the causes stated except for that one of the parties was a white person and the other a negro or Indian or of negro or Indian descent to the third generation inclusive, and for bigamy." i If solemnized within this state. CHAPTER I.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON MARRIAGE. 43 age or sufficient understanding (a, b); when the consent of either was obtained by force or fraud (a, b). PENNSYLVANIA.-Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited de- grees (c); bigamous (d). RHODE ISLAND. Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited de- grees; bigamous; when either party was an idiot or lunatic. SOUTH CAROLINA.- Void or voidable marriages.-Bigamous; between a white person and an Indian, negro, mulatto, mestizo,or half-breed; when lacking consent of either party (e); or for any other cause going to show that at the time said supposed contract was made it was not a contract (e). Other marriages prohibited or made punishable.-Within prohibited de- grees; with an idiot or lunatic. TENNESSEE.-Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited de- grees (f); bigamous. Other marriages prohibited or made punishable.-When the marriage of the female is procured by menace, duress, or force; between a white person and the descendant of a negro to the third generation. TEXAS.- Void or voidable marriages.—Between persons of European blood and Africans or their descendants; when either party was natu- rally or incurably impotent at the time of marriage, or when any other impediment existed rendering such contract void. Other marriages prohibited or made punishable.-Within prohibited de- grees; bigamous; when the male is under sixteen or the female under fourteen years of age; when the female is abducted or forced into marriage. UTAH.-Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited degrees; with an idiot or lunatic; bigamous; when not solemnized by an authorized a Voidable only at suit of party laboring under disability, or upon whom force or fraud was practiced, and not by such person if the parties have freely cohabited after arriving at legal age, or acquiring sufficient understanding, or being restored to rea- son, being freed from force, or having discovered the fraud. b Void from the time so declared by the decree of the court having jurisdiction thereof. c Marriages within prohibited degrees are "decla red void to all intents and pur- poses;" but section 2, Divorce, Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania, 1883, provides that "it shall and may be lawful for the courts to grant divorces from the bonds of matrimony in such cases *. But when any of the said marriages shall not have been dissolved during the lifetime of the parties, the unlawfulness of the same shall not be inquired into after the death of either the husband or wife." d As to bigamous marriages, section 11, Divorce, provides that "in all cases where a supposed or alleged marriage shall have been contracted which is absolutely void by reason of one of the parties thereto having a husband or wife living at the time, the court of common pleas shall have power to decree the said supposed or alleged marriage to be null and void upon the application of the innocent or injured party." e Provided such marriage has not been consummated by cohabitation. f The language can not be contracted" used in the Tennessee statute in reference to marriages within the prohibited degrees, is construed to be equivalent to the state- ment that such marriages are void. As to this phrase see Bishop on Marriage and Divorce, vol. 1, section 308b, note 2. 44 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. person (a); when under the age of consent; between a white person and a negro or Mongolian; when obtained by force or fraud; without parental consent when the male was under sixteen or the female under fourteen years of age(b). VERMONT.-Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited degrees (c); bigamous (c); when either party was under the age of legal con- sent (d); or was an idiot or lunatic (e); or physically incapable of enter ing into the married state (ƒ); or when the consent of either was obtained by force or fraud (g). VIRGINIA.-Void or voidable marriages.-Between a white person and a colored person; bigamous; when either was under the age of consent (h); within prohibited degrees (i); when either party was in- sane (i), or incapable from physical causes of entering into the marriage state (i). WASHINGTON.-Void or voidable marriages.-When either party was incapable of consenting thereto for want of legal age (j) or sufficient understanding (j); when consent was obtained by force or fraud (j). Other marriages prohibited or made punishable.-Within prohibited de- grees; bigamous. WEST VIRGINIA.- Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited de- grees; bigamous (k); between a white person and a negro (k); when either party was insane (k), or was incapable from physical causes of entering into the marriage state (k), or was under the age of consent (k). WISCONSIN.Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited de- grees (c); bigamous (c); when either party was incapable of consenting thereto from want of age or understanding (1); when consent was ob tained by force or fraud (1). a But such marriage shall not be invalid for want of such authority if consum- mated with the belief by either party that such person had authority, and that they have been lawfully married. b If not ratified by cohabitation after reaching the ages specified, but an action can not be maintained by the party who was of proper age. c If solemnized within the state. d Not voidable for want of legal age on application of the party who was of legal age; nor if the parties freely cohabited after reaching such age. e Not voidable if after restoration of the lunatic to reason parties freely cohabited. f Voidable only at the suit of the injured party, and within two years after mar- riage. g Not voidable if before commencement of suit the parties voluntarily cohabited as man and wife. h If the parties separate during nonage and do not afterwards cohabit. i Such marriages, "if solemnized within this state," shall be void from the time they are so declared by a decree of divorce or nullity; or, when within prohibited de- grees, "from the time of the conviction of the parties" of incest. j Void only at suit of the party laboring under the disability or upon whom force or fraud was imposed. k"Void from the time they are so declared by a decree of divorce or nullity." If there is no subsequent voluntary cohabitation of the parties "the marriage shall be void from such time as shall be fixed by the judgment of a court of competent authority, declaring the nullity thereof." CHAPTER I.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON MARRIAGE. 45. WYOMING.-Void or voidable marriages.-Within prohibited degrees; bigamous; when either party was insane or an idiot (a); when either party was under age of consent (b); or when the consent of either party was obtained by force or fraud (c). REMARRIAGE DURING THE LIFE OF FORMER SPOUSE. Subsequent marriage during the life of a former husband or wife (the former marriage not having been dissolved by divorce or annulled) is not punishable as bigamous or adulterous, under the circumstances below stated, in the states and territories specified. NUMBER OF YEARS' ABSENCE OF FORMER HUSBAND OR WIFE, UNHEARD OF OR NOT KNOWN TO BE LIVING, WHICH REMITS PENALTIES FOR REMARRYING. 5727 NO LO LONNINNO 7 5 5 5 7 7 5 7 7 5 States and territories. Years. States and territories. Years. States and territories. Years. Alabama 5 Louisiana (0) Arizona 5 Maine Arkansas (d, e) 5 Maryland (p) California (ƒ) 5 • Massachusetts (1) Colorado 5 Michigan (h, i) · Dakota (d, f, I) ၅) 5 Minnesota (1) 7 Oregon 7 7 • 5 5 55 Ohio... Delaware (h) 5 Mississippi (d) District of Columbia 5 Missouri (g, m, r) r)……. Florida (i) 3 Montana Georgia (j) 5 Nebraska (8) Idaho (ƒ) Illinois Indiana (k) គេមា 5 Nevada 5 New Hampshire (m, t)…… New Jersey (d, m). Iowa (h, i) Kansas (d, l, m) - Kentucky (m, n) ຜູ ຜູກ ( 3 New Mexico 5 New York (d, g). 575 LO LO GO LO LO 10 1 5 5 North Carolina 5 5 7 Pennsylvania (u, v) Rhode Island (m, w)………. South Carolina (g, m,p,x) Tennessee (h, v, y, z) Texas (aa) Utah... Vermont (i, w, bb) Virginia Washington (h, i) West Virginia.. Wisconsin (i). Wyoming a Not void if after the restoration of the lunatic to sound mind the parties have freely cohabited as husband and wife. b If parties separate during nonage and do not afterwards cohabit. cOr if there shall have been no subsequent voluntary cohabitation. d If continually absent from the United States for five years. e Abandonment by either party for five successive years, and residence out of the state without being known to the other to be living within that time, raises the pre- sumption of death, and any subsequent marriage contracted by the party so abandoned, after the expiration of the five years, shall be as valid as if such former husband or wife were dead. ƒ Or if the former husband or wife was generally reputed, and was believed by such person, to be dead. g Or if the former husband or wife has been sentenced to imprisonment for life. h Or if the person remarrying has good reason to believe the former husband or wife to be dead. ¿ Or if continually remaining beyond sea. j If no information has been received of the fate of the absentee. k By section 1989, Revised Statutes of Indiana, 1881, a person remarrying during the life of a former husband or wife is not guilty of bigamy when a "legal presump- tion of death" has arisen; and by section 2232 it is provided that when any resident of the state has been absent for five years in parts unknown, his death is presumed for the purpose of the appointment of an administrator of his estate. Query, whether the absence necessary to raise the prosumption of death referred to in section 1989 is 46 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. PRELIMINARIES TO MARRIAGE. License.-In nearly all the states and territories a license (termed by the laws of some states a "certificate") is required to be procured by parties intending marriage, prior to the solemnization thereof, for the issuance of which fees are exacted. The table below shows the states in which such license is necessary, the officer by whom it is issued, and the fee required. The fees stated include the total expense to which a person procuring license is sub- jected, payable at the time of procurement, and includes not only the cost of license but also the cost of recording the same, and recording parental consent where required, and certificate of celebration, and all statutory requisites demanding fees then payable. In the states and territories not named no license is required. five years, as provided in section 2232, or seven years, as required by the common 'law. 1 Or if the former husband or wife has been sentenced to confinement and hard labor for life. m Or if the former marriage was contracted while under the age of consent. n If continually remaining beyond sea, or in any state of the United States, un- heard of. o Ten years' absence without any news of the absentee is a sufficient cause for the husband or wife of such absentee to contract another marriage, after having been authorized to do so by the judge, on due proof of absence and lack of news. p Or if continually remaining beyond sea seven years together. q If the person remarrying believes the former husband or wife to be dead. r Or if continually absent from the United States for seven years. s If absence was continuous and willful. t Or if the former husband or wife shall be reported and generally believed to be dead. u "Upon false rumor, in appearance well founded," of the death of former husband or wife. v If a subsequent marriage is contracted under the conditions in note u, it is at the election of the party returning after two years' absence (and remaining unmarried) to insist upon the restoration of conjugal rights, or upon having the first marriage dissolved. w If beyond the limits of the state. x By section 2029, General Statutes, 1882, it is provided that the subsequent marriage of a person whose former husband or wife has been absent seven years, without being known to such person to be living during that time, is not void. And it would seem that such marriage is valid. Y Or if continually remaining beyond the limits of the United States. z A marriage shall be regarded as dissolved for the purpose of remarriage if either party has been absent five years and not known to the other to be living. aa Or if continually remaining out of the state. bb Or if the former marriage was contracted while under the age of consent and was not afterwards assented to. CHAPTER I.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON MARRIAGE. 47 State. Officer issuing. Fees. Alabama (a, b)... .... Arizona (b) Arkansas (c, d) California (e, ƒ, I) Colorado (ƒ) Connecticut (ƒ, h) Delaware (c, i. j) District of Columbia (b) Florida (a) Probate judge $1.50 County recorder 2.50 Clerk of county court 2.50 County clerk 2.00 County clerk 1.00 Register of births, marriages, and deaths. .50 .... Clerk of supreme court. Clerk of circuit court..... Georgia (b, f, l, m) Illinois (f, g) Clerk or justice of peace. Ordinary, or clerk to ordinary k $2.33-2.83 1.00 2.00 1.50 Virginia (b, ss) Washington (uu) West Virginia (a, b) Wyoming (b,f,g) Indiana (a, f, o) Iowa (b, f, g, P) Kansas (b, f, I, r) Kentucky (8) --- Louisiana (c, g, t) Maine (b, v). .. Maryland (b, g, w) Massachusetts (ƒ, y) Michigan (b, ƒ, z) · Minnesota (b, ƒ, aa) Mississippi (a, b, c) Missouri (b,ƒ) Montana (b, f, g) - Nebraska (b, f. g). Nevada (f, dd) · New Hampshire (b, ff) North Carolina (b, ƒ, g) Ohio (a, ƒ, hh) - Oregon (a, b, iî) Pennsylvania (b, g, kk) Rhode Island (ƒ, mm) Tennessee (c, oo)….. Texas (b) Utah (ƒ, pp) Vermont (b, rr) Clerk of circuit court. Probate judge County clerk Clerk of district court (u) Town clerk. Clerk of circuit court (x) Town clerk or registrar County clerk Clerk of district court Clerk of circuit court County recorder (cc). Probate judge County judge. County clerk Town clerk. Register of deeds Probate judge County clerk .. Clerk of orphans' court. Town or city clerk (nn). Clerk of county court. Clerk of county court.. Clerk of probate court (97) County clerk Clerk of circuit court.. n 1.00-1.50 2.00 1.00 2,00 1.50 2.00 .50 1.00 .50 .50 bb 2.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 1.50/ ee 2.00 1.00 gg 1.50 .75 jj 2.00-2.67 - Town clerk………. Clerk of county, city, or corporation court (tt) County auditor ... Clerk of county court... ll.50 .50 1.00 1.50 2.25 .50 1.00 vv 3.00 1.00 County clerk 3.00 a License to issue from the county in which the woman resides. b The officer issuing license is required to record the same or the application therefor. c Person applying for license must give a bond, signed by one person besides himself, conditioned that the parties are lawfully entitled to marry. d Fee stated includes 50 cents revenue to county. Section 3239, Digest Laws of Arkansas, 1884, provides for fees as follows: Filing and approving bond, 25 cents; issuing marriage license, $1.25; filing, recording, and certifying copy of marriage license after its return, 50 cents; and these have been ascertained to be the usual charges. But section 4611 provides that the fee shall be $1 "for all services required under this act." e When unmarried persons, not minors, have been living together as man and wife, they may without a license be married by a clergyman. f Clerk (or other officer issuing license) is required or has authority to ascertain the age of the parties or competency in other respects to contract marriage, before issuing license. g License to issue from the county where the marriage is to take place. h License (in this state termed certificate) is issued from the town in which the marriage is to be celebrated, which authorizes the celebration in that town only. i License required for the marriage of a white person, unless "bans of such marriage shall have been published in some place of stated religious worship within the hun- dred of the woman's residence, on two Sabbaths immediately after divine service, and no objection made to such marriage." j Negroes or mulattoes may be married without license or publication of bans on producing a certificate of a justice of the peace of the county that each party to the marriage has made satisfactory proof of freedom, or (being servants) on producing the & 48 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. " written consent of their masters or mistresses. [Obsolete in practice but still on the statute book.] k The fees in Delaware appear to vary according to the locality and the officer of whom the license is obtained. The law provides in the first place that the state shall receive a revenue of $2 for each marriage license issued. In addition to this the clerk of the peace is entitled to a fee of 33 cents. It is also made the duty of the clerk of the peace to designate at least six justices of the peace in his county to dispense mar- riage licenses, and the justice dispensing such license is entitled to a fee of 50 cents. In the city of Wilmington it is made the duty of the clerk of the peace to appoint a suitable person to dispense licenses of all kinds, for which service the person so ap- pointed shall receive a fee of 25 cents in each case in addition to the fee to the clerk. 7 License to issue from the county in which the woman resides, if resident in the state. m Under sections 1706 and 4566, Code of Georgia, 1882, providing penalties for im- proper solemnization of marriage, it appears that license is not required if there has been publication of bans. n In counties containing a population of 100,000 or under, according to the U. S. Census of 1880, the fee is $1.00; in those containing a population of more than 100,000, the fee is $1.50. o No license required for the marriage-of members of the Society of Friends. p No license required for the marriage of members of any particular denomination having, as such, any peculiar mode of entering the marriage relation. q License not required for the marriage of Friends, or Quakers, "by the form used in their meetings." r License issued by the probate judge of " proper county.” 8 License to issue from the county in which the female resides, unless she is of full age or a widow, and it is issued on her personal or written application, in which case it may be issued by any county clerk. If the parties are unknown to the clerk he shall require bond, with good surety, that there is no lawful cause to obstruct the marriage. t Marriage may be suspended by the judge, if opposition is made supported by oath, and a hearing ordered; if the opposition is overruled, the party making it shall pay costs. Hearing must be had and decision rendered within ten days from the day when the opposition was made. u In the parish of Orleans by the board of health and the judges of the city courts in and for said parish. v Residents of the state intending to be joined in marriage are required to cause no- tice of their intentions to be recorded in the office of the clerk of the town in which each resides, at least five days before license (here called "certificate of intentions") is granted. If only one of the parties is a resident of the state, such notice must be re- corded in the town in which he or she resides. If there is no clerk in the town of their residence, notice of intention must be recorded in an adjoining town. Any person believing that parties are about to contract an unlawful marriage may file a caution, and the reason therefor, in the office of the clerk where notice of their intention should be filed. Then, if either party applies to enter such notice, the clerk shall withhold the certificate until decision has been made by two justices of the peace, after due notice to, and hearing, all concerned. w Before issuing license, the clerk is required to examine on oath the applicant, and if any legal impediment to the marriage exists, license must be withheld, unless the court orders the same to issue. License is not required if “the name of the parties intending to be married shall be thrice published in some church or house of religious worship in the county where the woman resides, on three several Sundays, by some minister residing in said county," except in the case of a marriage of colored persons. It appears that Quakers may marry without such license, according to the ceremony used by their society. CHAPTER I.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON MARRIAGE. 49 x In Baltimore city the license is issued by the clerk of the court of common pleas. y Persons intending to be married must cause notice of their intention to be entered in the office of the clerk or registrar of the city or town in which they respectively dwell, or if they do not dwell within the commonwealth, in the city or town in which they propose to have the marriage solemnized, prior to issuance of license (in this state termed certificate). If there is no such officer in the place of their residence the entry is required to be made in an adjoining city or town. z License to issue from the county in which either party resides. aa License to issue from the county in which the female resides, or if she is not resident in the state, from the county in which the marriage is to take place. If there is no clerk of district court in such county a license is not required. bb The fee in Ramsey county is $1.50, and in Hennepin county, $1. cc License in Saint Louis is issued by the recorder of said city. dd License to issue from the county in which both parties, or one of them, resides. If both are non-residents, then from any county. ee The fee stated ($2) includes $1 collected by the person solemnizing the marriage, and paid by him to the county recorder for recording the certificate of marriage. ff Persons intending to be married must cause a notice of their intention to be entered in the office of the clerk of the town in which they dwell prior to the issuance of license (in this state termed certificate). If there is no such clerk in the place of their residence, the entry is to be made with the clerk of any adjoining town. gg The fee stated ($1.50) includes a tax of 50 cents collected by the register of deeds on each license issued. hh License not required if bans are published in the presence of the congregation on two different days of public worship; the first publication to be at least ten days prior to marriage, within the county where the female resides. ii Affidavit of some other person than applicant as to legality of proposed marriage required before issuance of license. jj The general law of the state provides for a fee of $2, but it is specially pro- vided that in the counties of Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Curry, Josephine, Klamath, Lake, and Tillamook the fee shall be $2.50, and that in the counties of Crook, Jack- son, Umatilla, and Wasco the county clerks shall receive for their services an addi- tional compensation of 333 per cent., making the fee in those counties $2.67. kk Clerk must examine parties as to the legality of the proposed marriage before issuing license, or parties may be examined by a magistrate, alderman, or justice of the peace of the township, ward, or county wherein either resides, and the county wherein license is desired, the examination to be forwarded by such officer to the clerk. Parties may solemnize their marriage themselves by obtaining from the clerk of the orphans' court a formal declaration of their right to do so instead of a license. ll The clerk's fee is 50 cents, except where parental consent is required. If this is required for one of the parties only the additional charge is 50 cents, if for both parties, the additional charge therefor is $1, making the total cost of the license in the last case $1.50. In any case in which an application for license or proof of con- sent is, for convenience, made before a magistrate and forwarded to the clerk, the latter official is still entitled to the same fees as he would have received in that case had the parties appeared before him in the first instance, and the cost of going before a magistrate is additional to the clerk's fees. mm License (in this stato termed certificate) to issue from the town or city in which the parties respectively roside; if the parties are non-resident, from the town or city in which the marriage shall be solemnized. License will not authorize marriage if any person having lawful objection shall have stated the same in writing to the per- son about to perform the ceremony, who, if such objection is made, must proceed no further until it is removed. nn In Providence license is issued by the registrar of births, marriages, and deaths. 20267 M D——————4 50 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. oo License to issue from the county in which the female resides or where the mar- riage is solemnized. pp License to issue from the county in which the female resides, unless issued on application of a female who is of full age, or a widow, in which cases it may issue from any county. qq In absence of the clerk, or vacancy in the office, license may be issued by the probate judge. rr License (in this state termed certificate) to issue from the town in which the groom resides; if the groom is a non-resident of the state, from the town in which the bride resides; if neither are residents, from the town in which the marriage is solemnized. 88 License to issue from the county, city, or corporation in which the female usu- ally resides. tt If the office of clerk is vacant, the judge of the county court or the mayor of the corporation may issue license. uu Before license issues, the applicant therefor must file with the auditor the affi- davit of some credible person other than himself, showing the parties to be of legal age. vv Section 2086, Code of Washington, 1881, provides that the fee of a county auditor for issuing a marriage license and recording the certificate of the performance of the ceremony shall be $2, to be paid at the time the license is issued by the party applying therefor. Section 2386 (as amended by laws of 1885-'6) provides that the judge of the probate court shall file and record the certificate of performance of the ceremony, and his fee therefor shall be $1, to be paid by the party applying for the license, at the time of issuance thereof. These provisions make it appear that the certificate of per- formance of ceremony is required to be recorded twice, each recording to be paid for, thus making the total amount payable when license is procured $3 as stated. CELEBRATION. By whom marriage may be solemnized.-The statutes of all the states and territories except Pennsylvania and South Caro- lina expressly stipulate the classes of persons authorized to solemnize marriages. In Pennsylvania no legal provisions are found directly authorizing or restricting the right to solemnize marriage to any particular classes of persons or officers, except in the laws of 1885, No. 115, section 1, which provides that the parties may solemnize their own marriage. Section 2, act of 1701, stipulates that that act which provided for publication, parental consent, form of solemnization, etc., and specified penalties for its violation, “shall not extend to any who shall marry or be married in the religious society to which they belong, so as notice shall be given by either of the parties, to the parents, masters, mistresses, or guard- ians, one full month at least before any such marriage be solemnized." This provision seems to authorize religious societies to celebrate mar- riage according to their usages. In South Carolina the only reference to the parties by whom mar- riages may be solemnized is found in section 2034, General Statutes, 1882, which provides a penalty for the solemnization of marriage be- tween white and colored persons by "any clergyman, minister of the CHAPTER I.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON MARRIAGE. 51 gospel, magistrate, or other person authorized by law to perform the marriage ceremony." In view of the absence of statutory legislation in these two states, they are to be understood as omitted in the further treatment of this particular topic. The persons most commonly authorized by statute to solemnize mar- riages are the following: (1) Ministers, priests, or preachers of the gospel in all the states and territories. (2) Judges of one or more classes of courts; in all except Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia. (3) Justices of the peace; in all except Delaware, District of Colum- bia, Maryland, Rhode Island, Virginia, and West Virginia.(a) (4) Quakers or other religious societies having, as such, any peculiar mode of celebrating marriage; in all except Arizona, California, Colo- rado, Connecticut, Dakota, District of Columbia, Florida, Idaho, Louisi- ana, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah. Of the other classes of persons or officers authorized to solemnize marriage, none is deemed of sufficient generality to be summarized, especially since a separate statement of the persons authorized in each state and territory is rendered necessary, owing to the various restric- tions as to residence, jurisdiction, and previous qualifications, prescribed by the statutes. The statement by states and territories follows: ALABAMA.-Licensed minister of the gospel in regular communion with the Christian church or society of which he is a member; pastor of any religious society, according to the rules ordained or customs es- tablished thereby; judges of supreme, circuit, or city courts, or chan- cellor, within the state; judge of proba te or justice of the peace, within his county; Quakers or other religious society having similar rules and regulations. ARIZONA.-Regularly licensed or ordained minister of the gospel; judge of court of record; justice of the peace. ARKANSAS.-Regularly ordained minister or priest of any religious sect or denomination, when he shall have caused to be recorded in the office of clerk and recorder of some county in the state his license or credentials of his clerical character, and shall have obtained from such clerk a certificate of the record thereof; judge of court of record within the state; justice of the peace of the county where the marriage is sol- emnized; the governor of the state for the time being; religious socie- ties who reject formal ceremonies, and to which the parties belong. CALIFORNIA.-Priest or minister of the gospel of any denomination; judge of supreme or superior court; justice of the peace; parties them- selves (by joint declaration). COLORADO.-Clergyman or licensed preacher; any judge; any justice of the peace. a For the numbers of justices of the peace in certain states and territories, see page 56, post. 52 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. CONNECTICUT.-Ordained or licensed clergyman of this or another state, so long as he continues in the work of the ministry; any judge; justice of the peace. Marriages solemnized according to the forms and usages "of any religious denomination" are valid. DAKOTA.—Minister of the gospel or priest of any denomination; judge of supreme or probate court; justice of the peace; mayor. Parties themselves (by joint declaration). In case of Indians: peace-makers, agents, or superintendents of Indian affairs. DELAWARE.-Preacher of the gospel ordained or appointed accord- ing to the rules of the church to which he belongs; mayors of Wilming ton and New Castle; by any religious society when either of the parties belongs thereto. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.-Minister of the gospel, appointed or or- dained according to the rites and ceremonies of his church. FLORIDA.-Regularly ordained minister of the gospel in communion with some church; judges of the circuit or county courts; justice of the peace; notary public. GEORGIA.-Minister of the gospel; judge; justice of the peace; Jew- ish minister, or other person of any religious society or sect authorized by the rules of such society to perform the marriage ceremony.-Or- dained colored ministers of the gospel are authorized to celebrate mar- riages between freedmen and freed women, or persons of African descent only. IDAHO.-Priest or minister of the gospel of any denomination; judge of supreme, district, or probate court; justice of the peace; mayor; governor. ILLINOIS.-Minister of the gospel in regular standing in the church. or society to which he belongs; judge of any court of record; justice of the peace; superintendent of any public institution for the education of the deaf and dumb in this state; Quakers, or any religious society, church, or denomination to which parties belong. INDIANA.-Minister of the gospel and priest of any church through- out the state; judges of courts of record in their respective counties; justices of the peace within their respective counties; Friends (Quak- ers), and German Baptists. Iowa. Officiating minister of the gospel ordained or licensed accord- ing to the usages of his denomination; judge of supreme, district, or circuit court; justice of the peace; mayor of the city or incorporated town wherein the marriage takes place; any particular denomination to which the parties belong, having, as such, any peculiar mode of entering the marriage relation. KANSAS.-Licensed preacher of the gospel; judge; justice of the peace; Friends (Quakers). KENTUCKY.—Minister of the gospel, or priest of any denomination, in regular communion with any religious society, upon procuring from the county court of county where he resides a license authorizing him CHAPTER I.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON MARRIAGE. 53 to solemnize marriages; and he must satisfy the court that he is of good character and in regular communion with his religious society, and must give a covenant to the state, with good security, not to violate the state laws concerning marriages. Such license may be annulled by any county court, after due notice to person having it; judge of county court; such justices of the peace as the county court may authorize; religious society to which either party belongs, having no officiating priest or minister. LOUISIANA.-Minister of the gospel, whether a citizen of the United States or not; judge of district or parish court; justices of the peace within their respective parishes; commissioned notaries in and for the parish of West Feliciana. MAINE. Every ordained minister of the gospel, and every person licensed to preach by an association of ministers, religious seminary, or ecclesiastical body, duly appointed and commissioned for that purpose by the governor, who holds his office during the pleasure of the executive; every justice of the peace residing in the state; women, otherwise eli- gible under the constitution, appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the council, to solemnize marriage; Quakers or Friends. MARYLAND.-Minister of the gospel, ordained according to the rites and ceremonies of his or her church; Quakers. MASSACHUSETTS.-Minister of the gospel, ordained according to the usages of his denomination, who resides in the commonwealth and con- tinues to perform the functions of his office; justice of the peace; Quakers or Friends.-Solemnization must take place in the city or town in which the person solemnizing resides, or in which one or both of the parties reside. MICHIGAN.-Minister of the gospel, ordained according to the usages of his denomination, and who is a pastor of any church or churches in this state, or who shall continue to preach the gospel in this state; justice of the peace, in the county in which he was chosen; Quakers or Friends; and by any other particular denomination having, as such, any peculiar mode of entering the marriage relation. MINNESOTA.—Ordained minister of the gospel in regular communion with any religious society, upon filing a copy of his credentials of ordi- nation with the clerk of the district court of some county in the state, who will record the same and give a certification thereof; judge of a court of record; justice of the peace in the county in which he is elected; superintendent of the department of the deaf and dumb in the Min- nesota deaf, dumb, and blind institute; Quakers. MISSISSIPPI.-Minister of the gospel, ordained according to the rules of his church or society, in good standing; judge of the supreme or circuit court; justices of the peace within their respective counties; chancellors within their respective counties; members of the boards of supervisors within their respective counties; Quakers, Mennonists, or any other Christian society having similar regulations, to which parties belong. ´54 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. • MISSOURI.-Ordained preacher of the gospel; any judge, judge of a county court; justice of the peace; any religious society. MONTANA.-Regularly ordained minister who is in good standing in the religious denomination to which he belongs; judge of a court of record; justice of the peace, in the county in which he has been elected or appointed; religious societies. NEBRASKA.— Minister of the gospel, authorized by the usages of the church to which he belongs; judge; justice of the peace; religious society to which parties belong. NEVADA.-Ordained minister of the gospel of any religious society or congregation who has obtained a license by producing to any district court in the state credentials as to his clerical character, which author- izes him to solemnize marriage so long as he shall continue a regular minister; and he must produce to the county clerk in every county in which he shall solemnize any marriage his license so obtained, and the clerk shall record the name of such minister and the court from which such license issued; judge of a district court, within his district; justice of the peace, within his county; Quakers. NEW HAMPSHIRE.-Minister of the gospel, resident in the state, who has been ordained according to the usages of his denomination, and is in regular standing therewith; and by non-resident minister who has been authorized to solemnize in the state by commission issued by the governor with advice and consent of the council; and within his parish by a non-resident minister having pastoral charge wholly or partly in the state; justice of the peace, in any county for which he is commis- sioned; Quakers. NEW JERSEY.-Stated and ordained minister of the gospel; judge of any court of common pleas; justice of the peace; recorder; police jus- tice; mayor of city; religious society to which either party belongs. NEW MEXICO.-Ordained clergyman, without regard to the sect to which he may belong; any civil magistrate; religious societies. NEW YORK.-Minister of the gospel or of legally incorporated re- ligious congregation; justice and judge of court of record and judge of county court; justice of the peace; mayor, recorder, and aldermen of cities; leader of the Society for Ethical Culture in the city of New York; Quakers and Jews; of Indians, by peacemakers within their jurisdiction. NORTH CAROLINA.-Ordained minister of any religious denomination; justice of the peace; Quakers. OHIO.-Ordained minister of any religious society or congregation who obtains license by producing to the judge of a probate court of any county in the state in which he may officiate credentials of his clerical character. He must produce the license thus obtained to the judge of said court in any county in which he shall solemnize any marriage, and the judge will thereupon enter his name as a minister authorized to sol- emnize and note the county from which the license issued; justice of the peace in his county; religious societies. CHAPTER I.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC, ON MARRIAGE. 55 OREGON.-Minister or priest of any church or congregation in the state, anywhere within the state; judicial officer of the state, any- where within his jurisdiction; religious organization or congregation. PENNSYLVANIA.—See ante, p. 51. RHODE ISLAND.-Ordained minister or elder of any religious denom- ination who shall be domiciled in the state; justice of the supreme court; wardens of the town of New Shoreham in said town; Quakers and Jews. SOUTH CAROLINA.-See ante, p. 51. TENNESSEE.—Regular minister of the gospel of any denomination; Jewish rabbi having care of souls; judge and chancellor; justice of the peace. TEXAS.-Regularly licensed or ordained minister of the gospel; judge of the district or county court; justice of the peace of the several coun- ties. UTAH.-Minister of the gospel, or priest of any denomination, in reg- ular communion with any religious society; judge of the supreme, dis- trict, or probate court; justice of the peace. VERMONT.—Minister of the gospel, ordained according to the usage of his denomination, and who resides in the state, or who labors statedly in the state as minister or missionary, and, whether residing in or out of the state, preaches the gospel and performs the other functions of his office; justice of the peace, in the county for which he is appointed; Quakers. VIRGINIA.-Minister of any religious denomination, who shall pro- duce proof before the court of any county or corporation in the state, of his ordination, and of his being in regular communion with the re- ligious society of which he is reputed a member, and who shall give bond of $500—the court thereupon making an order authorizing him to celebrate the rites of marriage; such person as the county court may ap- point by an order authorizing him to solemnize a marriage in such county or a particular district thereof, the person being required to give bond in the sum of $500; religious society to which parties belong, having no ordained minister. WASHINGTON.-Minister or priest of any church or religious denomi- nation in the territory; justice or judge of district or probate court, anywhere within the territory; justice of the peace within his county; religious organizations or congregations. WEST VIRGINIA.-Minister of the gospel, when he shall have appeared before the circuit or county court (or clerk of the county court if neither of such courts is in session) and produced proof that he is a duly licensed minister, and is in regular communion with the religious society of which he is a member, and shall have given bond of $1,500, whereupon such court or clerk may make an order authorizing him to celebrate the rites of marriage in all the counties of the state; religious society to which parties belong having no licensed minister. WISCONSIN.-Ordained minister or priest in regular communion with 56 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ! any religious society, and who continues to be such minister or priest, upon filing a copy of credentials of his clerical character with the clerk of the circuit court of some county in the state, who shall record the same and give a certificate thereof; judge of a court of record, through- out the state; justice of the peace, or court commissioner, in the county in which elected or appointed; Quakers. WYOMING.-Licensed or ordained preacher of the gospel; judge; jus- tice of the peace; religious society to which parties belong. The number of justices of the peace in the states and territories be- low specified has been reported to this office as follows: [In the states and territories not named no report was obtained. } States and territories. No. States and territories. No. States and territories. No. Alabamă (a). 1, 508 Massachusetts (e) 7,658 New York. 3,852 California 720 Michigan 4,364 Ohio... 2, 981 Connecticut 1, 023 Minnesota (ƒ) 5,000 South Carolina (b) 321 Florida (b). 700 Mississippi (g) 956 Texas Illinois (b). 1, 114 3, 019 New Hampshire (h) 2,500 Utah Indiana (c) 1, 512 New Jersey 918 Kentucky 1, 826 New Mexico 320 405 2,625 200 Maine (d). 3, 225 Wisconsin Wyoming (ƒ) a Others have been elected or appointed, but not commissioned. b Number reported is approximate. c Commissioned since the election of 1886. d Commissioned since July 5, 1880. e Commissioned during the last six years. f Estimated by the secretary of state. g Including 158 mayors-ex officio justices of the peace. h 3,210 commissioned, probably 2,500 living in the state. Character and form of solemnization.-In those states. and territories whose statutes provide for solemnization of marriage by Quakers or other religious societies, having as such any peculiar mode of celebrating marriage (see page 51), it is generally provided that the ceremony or other act of marriage may be in accordance with their customs; and where not so specially stated it is, of course, implied. It is therefore not deemed necessary to specify in which the provision does or does not exist. In California and Idaho the person performing the marriage cere- mony must have personal knowledge of, or ascertain prior to solemni- zation, the identity, names, and residence of the parties, their legal right to marry, and that parental consent has been given, if necessary. In Dakota he must ascertain to his satisfaction the identity, names, and residence of the parties, and that they are of sufficient age, together with the name and residence of the witness or witnesses to the marriage. Also, in the following states, the person solemnizing a marriage must first ascertain (if unknown to him) whether the parties are legally en- titled to marry: Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Wisconsin. In CHAPTER I.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON MARRIAGE. 57 Ohio, if the marriage is of a minor, without the authority of a license, the person solemnizing is required to ascertain that the intention of marriage between the parties (bans) has been duly published, and that parental consent has been obtained. The presence of one witness at the solemnization is required in Dakota and New York. Two witnesses are required to be present in Idaho, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. In Louisiana three witnesses are required. In Pennsylvania the original statutory requirement of twelve witnesses has not been in terms repealed, but it has been ascertained that the requirement is no longer enforced. Two witnesses must be present in said state when any marriage is solemnized by the parties themselves. The statutes of the states and territories not specified above make no provision for the attendance of witnesses. As to the form of solemnization (other than by Quakers or religious societies) it is provided: (1) When the ceremony is performed by a clergyman it may be ac- cording to the forms and customs of the church or society to which he belongs: Arkansas, Mississippi, New York. (2) When performed by a magistrate, "according to such form as he shall deem most appropriate," in Arkansas; and in New York, no par- ticular form is required, except that the parties shall solemnly declare, in the presence of the magistrate and attending witnesses, that they take each other as husband and wife. (3) In North Carolina, whether the ceremony is performed by a minis- ter or a magistrate, there is required the "consent of the parties presently to take each other as husband and wife, freely, seriously, and plainly expressed by each," in the presence of the person officiating, and the consequent declaration by him that such persons are "man and wife." (4) In the following states it is provided that no particular form is necessary, except that the parties shall solemnly declare, in the pres- ence of the person officiating (and of witnesses when required), that they take each other as husband and wife: California, Dakota, Idaho, Michi- gan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming. (5) Marriage without solemnization is provided for as follows: In Arizona all persons who lived together as husband and wife, and shall continue to live together for one year after this act takes effect (July 1, 1887), or until one of the parties shall die, if within the year, shall be considered as having been lawfully married. In California and Dakota persons married without the solemnization otherwise provided must jointly make a declaration of marriage, sub- stantially showing: First, the names, ages, and residence of the par- ties; second, the fact of marriage; third, the time of marriage; fourth, that the marriage has not been solemnized. Such declarations of mar- riage must be acknowledged and recorded like grants of real property. 58 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR, In New Hampshire persons cohabiting and acknowledging each other as husband and wife, and generally reputed to be such for the period of three years or until the decease of one of them, shall thereafter be deemed to have been legally married. (6) In Dakota and New York it is provided that marriages contracted by Indians, according to Indian custom, are valid if the parties cohabit as husband and wife. When a marriage has been solemnized by a person professing to be authorized, but not authorized, by law for that purpose, it is provided in twenty-one states and territories, below specified, that the validity of the marriage is not affected by such lack of authority, if it is in other respects valid and consummated with the belief by the parties, or either of them, that they have been lawfully married: Delaware. Georgia. Idaho. Indiana. Kentucky. Maine. Massachusetts Michigan. Minnesota. Montana. Nebraska. Nevada. New Hampshire. Oregon. Utah. Vermont. Virginia. Washington. West Virginia. Wisconsin. Wyoming. Also, it is provided that the validity of any marriage shall not be af fected by any omission or informality in entering the notice of intention to marry, in Maine, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. In Iowa, marriages solemnized with the consent of the parties in any other than prescribed manner are valid, but the parties themselves and others aiding and abetting them incur a penalty. In Tennessee, the validity of a marriage is not affected by the omission of the baptismal name of either party in the license and the use of a nickname instead thereof, if the parties can be identified, and have con- summated the marriage by cohabitation. In California, Dakota, and Idaho it is provided that non-compliance with statutory regulations will not invalidate any lawful marriage. In Indiana no "marriage shall be void or voidable for the want of a license, or other formality required by law, if either of the parties thereto believed it to be a legal marriage at the time." Fees for solemnization.-The statutes of many of the states and territories contain provisions relative to the legal fees for solemniz- ing the rite of marriage. These provisions extend, as a rule, only to the civil officers authorized by law to perform the marriage ceremony. In one state only (Virginia) is any special penalty provided for charg ing a greater fee than that provided by law. The statutes of this state provide that the person solemnizing a marriage is entitled to a fee of $1 therefor, and "any person exacting a greater fee shall forfeit to the party aggrieved $50." On the other hand, in West Virginia, it is provided that the fee for solemnization shall be "at least $1;" and in Idaho, that the fee shall be "$5, or any other or greater sum voluntarily given by the parties to such marriage." CHAPTER I.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON MARRIAGE. 59 Marriage certificate.-In sixteen states and territories, below named, provision is made for the giving of certificates of marriage to the contracting parties, usually upon their request: California. Dakota. Idaho. Iowa. Maryland. Michigan. Minnesota. Montana. Nebraska. Nevada. New York. Oregon. Pennsylvania. Washington. Wisconsin. Wyoming. In Arkansas, after the return to the clerk of a marriage license, offi- cially signed as having been executed, and after the same has been re- corded, such license is returned by the clerk to the party, certified as having been recorded. SUBSEQUENT MARRIAGE AFTER DIVORCE. In nine states and territories, named below, marriage after absolute divorce is permitted without limitation: Arizona. Arkansas. California. Connecticut. Idaho. Kentucky. North Carolina. Rhode Island. Texas. In the following nineteen states and territories marriage after divorce is permitted, but with certain limitations and restrictions: ALABAMA.-Marriage may be permitted by the decree of the court dissolving the former marriage. DAKOTA.-If the divorce is for adultery, "the innocent party may marry again during the life of the other, but the guilty party cannot marry any person except the innocent party, until the death of the other." DELAWARE.-The husband or wife who shall have been guilty of adul- tery shall not marry the person with whom the crime was committed. GEORGIA.-The rights and disabilities of parties to a divorce are de- termined by the jury rendering the final verdict, subject to revision by the court. Disability as to remarriage may be removed by the finding of a jury at a subsequent trial, instituted for the purpose. INDIANA.—If a divorce is obtained without other notice than publi- cation in a newspaper, the plaintiff cannot marry again until the expi- ration of two years. KANSAS. Neither party to a divorce cau remarry until after the ex- piration of six months, nor during the pendency of the case if an appeal is taken. LOUISIANA. The wife cannot remarry until ten months after the dis- solution of a marriage, whether by death, or divorce, or decree of nul- lity. In case of a divorce on the ground of adultery, the guilty party cannot marry his or her accomplice. MARYLAND.-If the divorce is for abandonment or adultery, the court may decree that the guilty party shall not contract marriage with any other person during the life of the former husband or wife. 60 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. MASSACHUSETTS.-Either party may marry again, but the defendant shall not marry within two years from the date of the final decree. MICHIGAN. The court may decree that the party against whom the divorce is granted shall not remarry within any period not exceeding two years. MISSISSIPPI.—If the divorce is for adultery, the court may decree that the guilty party shall not remarry. NEBRASKA. The remarriage of the plaintiff is not permitted until the expiration of the time allowed for commencement of proceedings in error or by appeal (six months), and if such proceedings are instituted, not during the pendency thereof. NEW YORK.-The plaintiff may remarry, but no defendant convicted of adultery shall marry again until the death of the complainant, unless the court in which the judgment of divorce was rendered shall grant per- mission to do so, upon satisfactory proof that the complainant has remarried, that five years have elapsed since divorce was decreed, and that the conduct of the defendant since the divorce has been uniformly good. OREGON.-The remarriage of either party is not permitted until the expiration of the time allowed for commencement of proceedings in error or by appeal (six months), and if such proceedings are instituted, not during the pendency thereof. PENNSYLVANIA.-If the divorce is for adultery, the guilty party is not allowed to marry the person with whom the offence was committed, during the life of the former husband or wife. TENNESSEE.-Same as in Pennsylvania. VERMONT.-The defendant (petitionee) in divorce proceedings is not allowed to marry any person other than the plaintiff (petitioner) within three years, unless the plaintiff dies within that time. VIRGINIA.—If the divorce is for adultery, the court may prohibit the guilty party from remarrying; but such prohibition may be revoked at any time by the same court. WASHINGTON.-Same as in Oregon. In the fifteen states and territories below named, wherein marriage after divorce is not expressly allowed, it is provided by statute that the penalties for bigamy or adultery shall not extend to persons marrying after having been lawfully divorced from the bonds of matrimony: Colorado. Florida. (a) Illinois. Iowa. Maine. (b) Minnesota. Missouri. (c) Montana. Nevada. New Hampshire. New Jersey. Texas. West Virginia. Wisconsin. Wyoming, In the statutes of the remaining states and territories no provision touching the subject of marriage after divorce has been found. a If the person is "not the guilty cause of divorce." b If the party has been for two years legally and finally divorced on his or her own petition, or if permission to marry again has been granted by the court. c If the party is not by law prohibited from remarrying, or the term of disability has expired, CHAPTER I.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON MARRIAGE. 61 RECORD OF MARRIAGES. Record by person solemnizing.—In the sixteen states and territories, below named, every person solemnizing a marriage is re- quired to keep a record thereof: California. Colorado. Dakota. Delaware. Idaho. Kentucky. Maine. Massachusetts. Michigan. Minnesota. New Hampshire. -New Mexico. Missouri. New York. Nevada. Wisconsin. In Alabama and Mississippi, when a marriage is solemnized by the pastor of any religious society, the clerk or keeper of the minutes of such society is required to make a record of such marriage in a book to be kept for that purpose. In Maryland the certificate of agreement of the parties to a Quaker marriage, signed by at least twelve witnesses, must be recorded among the records of the society, or in some court of record in the city or county where the marriage occurred. In Ohio, in cities which are coextensive with the counties in which they are situated, persons authorized to solemnize marriages are re- quired to keep a record thereof. Return by person solemnizing.-The person or religious society solemnizing a marriage is, in nearly all the states and terri- tories, required to make a written return or certificate thereof (upon the license or separate therefrom) to some official authorized to receive, and, except in New Jersey, required to record the same. The following state- ment shows the states and territories having such statutory require- ments, and designates the official to whom such return is made: { State or territory. Alabama Arizona Arkansas (b): California Colorado Connecticut. Dakota Delaware Dist. of Columbia Florida Georgia Idahe Illinois Indiana Iowa.. Kansas Kentucky. Louisiana Maine Maryland.. Massachusetts. Michigan Minnesotit Return made to- State or territory. Judge of probate. (a) County recorder. (a) Clerk of county court. (a) County recorder. (c, d) County clerk. (c) Registrar of births, marriages, and deaths. (a) City or town clerk, or register of deeds. (f) Recorder of deeds. (c) Clerk of supreme court. (g) Clerk of circuit court. Ordinary, (a, k) Clerk of circuit court. (c) Clerk of circuit court. (i) County recorder. (c) County clerk. (c) Probate judge. (a) County clerk. (a,j) Clerk of district court. (a,k) Town clerk. (c, l) Clerk of circuit court. (a, m) Towu clerk or registrar. (c, n) County clerk. (a) Clork of district court. (c) Mississippi Missouri Montana. Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey. New Mexico Now York North Carolina Ohio... Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island Tennessee Texas.. Utab Return made to- Clerk of circuit court. (c) County recorder. (c) Probate judge. (a) County judge. (a, ʊ) Recorder of deeds. (c) Town clerk. (a) Local board of health. (p) Clerk of probate court. (c) Local board of health. (q) Register of deeds, (a) Probate judge. (a, h, r) Conaty clerk. (c) Clerk of orphans' court. (a) Town or city clerk or regis- trar. (c) Clerk of county court. (a) Clerk of county court. (a) Clerk of probate court. (a) Vermont. Virginia Washington West Virginia… Wisconsin Wyoming a Of the county, town, etc., whence license issued. Town clerk. (a) Clerk of county, city, or cor- poration court. (a) Probate judge. (c) Clerk of couuty court. (a) Register of deeds. (c) County clerk. (c) b The return must be made by the person who obtained the license. o Of the county, town, etc., wherein the marriage is solemnized. 62 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. d In the case of a marriage without license, a certificate must be made on the records of the church of which the officiating clergyman is a representative, and no other rec- ord need be made. All persons keeping a registry of marriages must quarterly file cer- tified copies of the same with the county recorder. e The person solemnizing.must annex a certificate of marriage to the license and return the same to the clerk who issued it, and must also report the marriage to the clerk of the county where it took place. ƒ In Dakota the provisions for returns of marriages are not compulsory. The stat- utes provide that a certificate may be obtained from the person solemnizing a mar- riage upon the request of either of the parties, and may be filed with the clerk of the city or town where the marriage occurred, or where either of the parties reside, or with the register of deeds. g The minister solemnizing must appear in the office of the clerk of the supreme court and certify to the marriage. h.In case of publication of bans the return must be made in the county wherein the bans were published. i When the services of a clergyman or a magistrate are dispensed with, the husband must make the return. j Persons or societies solemnizing marriages, must, on or before the 10th of Janu- ary of each year, deposit a copy of their marriage registers for the preceding year in the clerk's office of the county where the marriages occurred. k In the parish of Orleans the return must be made to the board of health or judge who issued the license. The person solemnizing must also make a return to the clerk of the town where the intentions of marriage were entered. m In Baltimore the return is made to the clerk of the court of common pleas. n If either or both of the parties resided in a town other than that wherein the marriage occurred, the person or society solemnizing must also make return to the clerk or registrar of the town or towns where they resided. o The person or society solemnizing must also deliver a certificate of the marriage to the probate judge of the county where the marriage was solemnized. p The statutes of this state do not provide that the certificates shall be recorded by the local boards authorized to receive them. q Such return shall be made by the person solemnizing or by the "groom," and shall be made to the local board of health or the person designated by such board. r In cities coextensive with the counties in which situated, persons solemnizing marriages shall report to the board of health, as often as requested, all marriages registered by them. Returns in the territories.-In addition to the requirements of the territorial statutes on the subject of marriage records it is pro- vided by act of Congress, approved March 3, 1887 (24 Stat., 636), that in all the territories a certificate of every marriage performed therein, signed by the parties and by the person solemnizing, be filed by such person in the office of the probate court, or, if there be none, in the office of a court having probate powers, in the county or district where the marriage occurred, which certificate shall be immediately recorded. Returns of marriages celebrated out of the state.- In a few states, below named, provision is made for the return of mar- riages celebrated beyond the limits of the state: In Maine the statutes provide that when residents of the state are married in another state and return to the state to reside, they shall file a certificate or declaration of their marriage with the clerks of the towns in which they respectively lived. CHAPTER I.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON MARRIAGE. 63 In Massachusetts and New Hampshire, under similar circumstances, it is provided that such certificate shall be filed with the clerk of the town where either of them lived. In Vermont, when a male resident of the state is married without the state, the statutes require that he shall deposit with the clerk of the town where he resides a certificate embracing the statistics required by law in marriage certificates. The statutes also provide that the head of a family who moves into and be- comes a permanent resident of the state may cause a certificate of his marriage to be recorded in the office of the clerk of the town where he resides. In Virginia and West Virginia it is provided that if either or both of the parties to a marriage celebrated without the state be residents of the state, a certificate or statement of such marriage, verified by the affidavit of a witness thereto, may be returned to the clerk of court of the county or corporation where the husband resides (or if he be not a resident of the state, where the wife resides), and an abstract thereof shall be recorded by such clerk as in other cases. In Wisconsin, where any marriage celebrated in the state shall not have been returned and registered as provided by law, or when any person may have married, who was a child of a citizen of the state, or when any person so married elsewhere was before or at the time of such marriage, or subsequently thereto shall have become, a resident of the state, upon presenting and filing with the proper register of deeds proof of marriage, either by the affidavit of the person performing the cere- mony, or if such proof can not be made, then by affidavit of a witness or witnesses thereto, such register shall enter the facts so proved upon his marriage register. State registration of marriages.-In many of the states. provision is made for state registration of marriages. Such registra tion is usually under the supervision of the state board of health, where such board has been created. The following statement shows what states have provided for such state registration, and also the au- thority under which the records are collected and preserved : States. Arkansas Authority. California. State board of health. State board of health. Connecticut Delaware. State board of health. State board of health. • Illinois State board of health. Indiana State board of health. Iowa. State board of health. Kansas State board of health. Kentucky Maine Secretary of the state board of health. (a) Secretary of the state board of health. (b) Massachusetts... Secretary of the common- wealth. States. Michigan New Hampshire New Jersey New York. Pennsylvania Rhode Island.... Vermont.. Virginia. West Virginia. Wisconsin Authority. Secretary of the state board of health. (b) State registrar of vital sta tistics. (c) State board of health. Bureau of vital statistics. (d) Central bureau of vital sta- tistics. (d) Secretary of the state board of health. (e) Secretary of state. Auditor of public accounts. State auditor. (f) Secretary of state. a Under the general direction of the auditor of public accounts. Under the general direction of the secretary of state. c The secretary of the state board of health is the state registrar. 64 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. d Under the direction of the state board of health. e The records shall be preserved in the office of the secretary of state. ƒ By chapter 63, Code of 1887, it is provided that the state system of registration of marriages shall be under the direction of the state auditor, but by chapter 150 of the same code [act of February 25, 1887] the state board of health is charged with this duty. In Minnesota and Ohio, statistics relating to marriage are collected and published under general provisions of law, in Minnesota, by the assist- ant secretary of state, who is ex officio commissioner of statistics, and in Ohio, by the secretary of state. No specific provisions directing such collection and publication are found in the statutes of the respective states. SECTARIAN PRACTICES AND CUSTOMS. The Shakers.-The society known as "Shakers" is the oldest communistic organization in America, and also the largest. The parent society, at New Lebanon, N. Y., was organized in September, 1787, three years after the death of Ann Lee (or "Mother Ann," as she was commonly called), whose followers they profess themselves to be, and whom they revere as the second appearance of Christ on earth. They hold that they are the only true church, "in which revelation, spiritualism, celibacy, oral confession, community, non-resistance, peace, the gift of healing, miracles, physical health, and separation from the world are the foundations of the New Heavens." Celibacy is strictly enforced, and the sexes are kept separate as far as is possible. The men and women do not shake hands with each other. The lives of the members have almost no privacy, even to the elders, two of whom always room together. The sexes eat apart; they labor apart; in their worship they keep apart. Persons of opposite sexes are not allowed to visit each other's rooms except upon errands, and then not for a period exceeding fifteen minutes. In entering the apartments of one of the opposite sex, permission must first be obtained of the occupant. Married persons are not received into membership without the con. sent of their husbands or wives, or until they are lawfully released from the marriage contract. (See The Communistic Societies of the United States, by Charles Nordhoff, New York, 1875, pp. 117-256.) The Rappist Community, at Economy, Pa., practice celibacy, but they are too small in numbers to be of any importance with relation to the subject of marriage and divorce. The Oneida Community.-The Oneida Community (other- wise known as Perfectionists) was founded by John Humphrey Noyes, at Oneida, N. Y., in 1848, upon a basis of religion and communism. The doctrines of the society in relation to marriage may be briefly sum- marized as follows: (1) The administration of the will of God in His kingdom on earth should be the same as the administration of His will in heaven. CHAPTER I.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON MARRIAGE. 65 (2) In the kingdom of heaven the institution of marriage which as- signs the exclusive possession of one woman to one man does not exist, but the intimate union of life and interest which in the world is limited to pairs extends through the whole body of believers-i. e., complex marriage takes the place of simple. The marriage system and all social restrictions governing it were abolished, and in the relations of the sexes, as in all other affairs of the yociety, communisin prevailed. Under pressure of public sentiment socialism was abandoned in 1879, and marriage and family life were introduced; and in 1880 communism of property gave place to a joint stock company. The society is quite wealthy, but its membership is limited, and it can not be said to exercise any noticeable influence at the present time on the institution of marriage, although in the past it has, so far as the followers of the founder were concerned. The Separatists of Zoar.-The village of Zoar, in Tuscarawas county, Ohio, is the home of a communistic society who call themselves "Separatists," and who emigrated from Würtemberg and established themselves at this place in 1817. Originally they were not communists, but simply dissenters in religion, who, on account of their views, were so persecuted that they were forced to emigrate. In 1819 they estab- lished community of goods, fearing that they would not otherwise suc- ceed in paying for the land they had bought. Originally they prohibited marriage, but about 1830 they broke down this rule, and shortly after adopted a new constitution and were incor- porated under the laws of the state. The eighth and ninth sections of their "principles" contain their views on the subject of marriage. They are as follows: VIII. Our marriages are contracted by mutual consent and before witnesses. They are then notified to the political authority; and we reject all intervention of priests or preachers. IX. All intercourse of the sexes, except what is necessary to the per- petuation of the species, we hold to be sinful and contrary to the order and command of God. Complete virginity or entire cessation of sexual commerce is more commendable than marriage. (See The Communistic Societies of the United States, by Charles Nordloff, New York, 1875, pp. 99-113.) The Mormons.-The religious organization known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints recognizes two kinds of marriage, viz., temporal and spiritual. Under the former the parties are united for this world only, but under the latter the union is eternal. Marriage for time is a contract creating duties and obligations while living to- gether on earth. Marriage for eternity is an everlasting covenant to be husband and wife, a religious ordinance of the most sacred and binding character. The one is a joining, the other a sealing process. 20267 M D————5 66 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. Death in the one instance effects a divorce; in the other merely a tem- porary separation. The first form of marriage is permitted but not encouraged by the Church, because, as will be subsequently seen, persons marrying in that manner but half perform their duty. It is practised chiefly by luke- warm adherents of the faith, by widowers desiring only one wife in heaven, and by widows who were previously joined for eternity to their departed husbands. The Church discourages it by teaching that the children born of the second marriage of one who has been a widow belong in the next world not to their earthly father, but to the man to whom their mother was sealed eternally, viz., her first husband. This must operate as a strong deterrent to all possessing acute parental sensibilities. So, too, the unsealed, comprising those who never marry, and those who marry only for their natural lives, occupy an inferior status in heaven. Devoid of patriarchal connections, they are only privileged to become angels, that is, ministering spirits to the fully redeemed and glorified. They can not take part in the extension of God's Kingdom by assisting to people new worlds. Living men or women may marry such persons though deceased, the next of kin to the departed acting as proxy and giving consent. By this means lovers whom death has parted and others who have died unsealed may be raised to the exalted position which spiritual marriage confers. In such cases only, that is, when one is already dead, can couples be sealed in marriage without the direct consent of both of the contracting parties. Plural marriages, where a man has not only espoused the daughters of a family but their unsealed widowed mother as well, are easily understood when the actuating motive is seen to be a desire to elevate the celestial status of the mother-in-law, who otherwise would have little opportunity of becoming more than a mere angel. In the marriage code of the church there is nothing to prevent a per- son being married to one party for this world and to quite another for the next, no matter though the latter is already joined in wedlock to a third for this life. When this occurs it is not lawful to assume marital relations on earth. They must be postponed until after the resurrec- tion. A woman can be sealed to but one man, but the same man may cov- enant eternally with many women, if he so elect, and the president of the Church approve. The sanction of the ecclesiastic is supposed to be based upon a revelation from God, and to express His will. The foundations on which the doctrine of eternal marriage rests will more clearly appear in discussing the theological basis of polygamous marriages. The Latter-Day Saints, as is well known, recognize two forms of mar- riage, monogamous and polygamous. Two views regarding the latter form prevail; the majority, apparently, holding it to be permissive, while the rest maintain that it is mandatory. The Book of Mormon CHAPTER I.-STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON MARRIAGE. 67 prohibits more than one wife, but it also states that if the Lord should at any time wish otherwise He would command His people. A sub- sequent message claimed to have come to the prophet Joseph Smith, permitted thereafter plural marriages, not to all the saints, but to such as he should indicate from time to time to the president of the Church. The following is the text of the revelation setting forth eternal mar- riage, and authorizing polygamy, omitting such portions thereof as seem to be unimportant: Revelation on the eternity of the marriage covenant, including plurality of wives. Given through Joseph, the seer, in Nauvoo, Hancock county, Ill., July 12, 1843. [Section 132, page 463, et seq., of the "Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints." Salt Lake City, Utah, 1886.] · (1) Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you, my servant Joseph, that in- asmuch as you have inquired of my hand, to know and understand wherein I, the Lord, justified my servants, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; as also Moses, David, and Solomon, my servants, as touching the prin- ciple and doctrine of their having many wives and concubines: (2) Behold! and lo, I am the Lord thy God, and will answer thee as touching this matter: (3) Therefore prepare thy heart to receive and obey the instructions which I am about to give unto you; for all those who have this law revealed unto them must obey the same; (4) For behold! I reveal unto you a new and an everlasting cove- nant; and if ye abide not that covenant, then are ye damned; for no one can reject this covenant and be permitted to enter into my glory; (5) For all who will have a blessing at my hands shall abide the law which was appointed for that blessing, and the conditions thereof, as were instituted from before the foundation of the world (6) And as pertaining to the new and everlasting covenant, it was instituted for the fullness of my glory; and he that receiveth a fullness thereof must and shall abide the law, or he shall be damned, saith the Lord God. (7) And verily I say unto you that the conditions of this law are these: All covenants, contracts, bonds, obligations, vows, performances, connections, associations, or expectations that are not made and entered into and sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise of him who is anointed, both as well for time as for all eternity, and that too most holy, by rev- elation and commandment through the medium of mine anointed, whom I have appointed on the earth to hold this power (and I have appointed uuto my servant Joseph to hold this power in the last days, and there is never but one on the earth at a time, on whom this power and the keys of this priesthood are conferred), are of no efficacy, virtue, or force in and after the resurrection from the dead; for all contracts that are not made unto this end have an end when meu are dead. (8) Behold! mine house is a house of order, saith the Lord God, and not a house of confusion. (9) Will I accept of an offering, saith the Lord, that is not made in my name! (10) Or, will I receive at your hands that which I have not ap- pointed! (11) And will I appoint unto you, saith the Lord, except it be by law, even as I and my Father ordained unto you before the world was! 68 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. (12) I am the Lord thy God, and I give unto you this commandment, that no man shall come unto the Father but by me, or by my word, which is my law, saith the Lord. (13) And everything that is in the world, whether it be ordained of men, by thrones, or principalities, or powers, or things of name, what- soever they may be, that are not by me or by my words, saith the Lord, shall be thrown down, and shall not remain after men are dead, neither in nor after the resurrection, saith the Lord your God. (14) For whatsoever things remain, are by me; and whatsoever things are not by me, shall be shaken and destroyed. (15). Therefore, if a man marry him a wife in the world, and he marry her not by me, nor by my word; and he covenant with her so long as he is in the world, and she with him, their covenant and marriage are not of force when they are dead, and when they are out of the world; therefore they are not bound by any law when they are out of the world. (16) Therefore, when they are out of the world they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are appointed angels in heaven, which angels are ministering servants, to minister to those who are worthy of a far more, and an exceeding, and an eternal weight of glory. (17) For these angels did not abide my law, therefore they cannot be enlarged, but remain separately and singly, without exaltation, in their saved condition, to all eternity, and from henceforth, are not Gods, but are angels of God, for ever and ever. 1 (18) And again, verily I say unto you, if a man marry a wife, and make a covenant with her for time and for all eternity, if that covenant is not by me, or by my word which is my law, and is not sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, through him whom I have anointed and ap- pointed unto this power, then it is not valid, neither of force when they are out of the world, it cannot be received there, because the angels and the Gods are appointed there, by whom they cannot pass; they cannot, therefore, inherit my glory, for my house is a house of order, saith the Lord God. (19) And again, verily I say unto you, if a man marry a wife by my word, which is my law, and by the new and everlasting covenant, and it is sealed unto them by the Holy Spirit of promise, by him who is anointed, unto whom I have appointed this power, aud the keys of this priesthood; and it shall be said unto them, ye shall come forth in the first resurrection; and if it be after the first resurrection, in the next resurrection; and shall inherit thrones, kingdoms, principalities and powers, dominions, all heights and depths-then shall it be written in the Lamb's Book of Life, that he shall commit no murder whereby to shed innocent blood, and if ye abide in my covenant, and commit no murder whereby to shed innocent blood, it shall be done unto them in all things whatsoever my servant hath put upon them, in time, and through all eternity and shall be of full force when they are out of the world; and they shall pass by the angels, and the Gods, which are set there, to their exaltation and glory in all things, as hath been sealed upon their heads, which glory shall be a fullness and a continuation of the seeds forever and ever. (20) Then shall they be Gods, because they have no end; therefore shall they be from everlasting to everlasting, because they continue; then shall they be above all, because all things are subject unto them. Then shall they be Gods, because they have all power, and the angels are subject unto them. CHAPTER I.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON MARRIAGE. 69 (21) Verily, verily, I say unto you, except ye abide my law, ye can- not attain to this glory. * * * * * (26) Verily, verily, I say unto you, if a man marry a wife according to my word, and they are sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, accord- ing to mine appointment, and he or she shall commit any sin or trans- gression of the new and everlasting covenant whatever, and all manner of blasphemies, and if they commit no murder, wherein they shed inno- cent blood-yet they shall come forth in the first resurrection, and en- ter into their exaltation; but they shall be destroyed in the flesh, and shall be delivered unto the buffetings of Satan unto the day of redemp- tion, saith the Lord God. (27) The blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, which shall not be for- given in the world, is in that ye commit murder, wherein ye shed inno- cent blood, and assent unto my death, after ye have received my new and everlasting covenant, saith the Lord God; and he that abideth not this law can in no wise enter into my glory, but shall be damned, saith the Lord. (28) I am the Lord thy God, and will give unto thee the law of my Holy Priesthood, as was ordained by me and my Father, before the world was. (29) Abraham received all things, whatsoever he received by revela- tion and commandment, by my word, saith the Lord, and hath entered into his exaltation and sitteth upon his throne. (30) Abraham received promises concerning his seed, and of the fruit of his loins—from whose loins ye are, namely, my servant Joseph-which were to continue so long as they were in the world; and as touching Abraham and his seed, out of the world they should continue; both in the world and out of the world should they continue as innumerable as the stars; or, if ye were to count the sand upon the sea-shore ye could not number them. (31) This promise is yours also, because ye are of Abraham, and the promise was made unto Abraham; and by this law are the continua- tion of the works of my Father, wherein He glorifieth himself. (32) Go ye, therefore, and do the works of Abraham; enter ye into my law, and ye shall be saved. (33) But if ye enter not into my law ye can not receive the promise of my Father which he made unto Abraham. (34) God commanded Abraham, and Sarah gave Hagar to Abraham to wife. And why did she do it? Because this was the law, and from Hagar sprang many people. This, therefore, was fulfilling, among other things, the promises. (35) Was Abraham, therefore, under condemnation? Verily, I say unto you, nay; for I, the Lord, commanded it. (36) Abraham was commanded to offer his son Isaac; nevertheless, it was written thou shalt not kill. Abraham, however, did not refuse, and it was accounted unto him for righteousness. (37) Abraham received concubines, and they bare him children, and it was accounted unto him for righteousness, because they were given unto him, and he abode in my law, as Isaac also, and Jacob did none other things than that which they were commanded; and because they did none other things than that which they were commanded, they have entered into their exaltation, according to the promises, and sit upon thrones, and are not angels, but are Gods. (38) David also received many wives and concubines, as also Solo- 70 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. mon and Moses my servants; as also many others of my servants from the beginning of creation until this time; and in nothing did they sin, save in those things which they received not of me. (39) David's wives and concubines were given unto him of me, by the hand of Nathan my servant, and others of the prophets who had the keys of this power; and in none of these things did he sin against me save in the case of Uriah and his wife; and therefore he hath fallen from his exaltation and received his portion; and he shall not inherit them out of the world; for I gave them unto another, saith the Lord. (40) I am the Lord thy God, and I gave unto thee, my servant Jo- seph, an appointment, and restore all things; ask what ye will, and it shall be given unto you according to my word: (41) And as ye have asked concerning adultery, verily, verily, I say unto you, if a man receiveth a wife in the new and everlasting covenant, and if she be with another man, and I have not appointed unto her by the holy anointing, she hath committed adultery, and shall be destroyed. (42) If she be not in the new and everlasting covenant, and she be with another man, she has committed adultery. (43) And if her husband be with another woman, and he was under a vow, he hath broken his vow, and hath committed adultery. (44) And if she hath not committed adultery, but is innocent and hath not broken her vow, and she knoweth it, and I reveal it unto you, my servant Joseph, then shall you have power, by the power of my Holy Priesthood, to take her and give her unto him that hath not com- mitted adultery, but hath been faithful, for he shall be made ruler over many. (45) For I have conferred upon you the keys and power of the priest- hood, wherein I restore all things and make known unto you all things in due time. (46) And verily, verily, I say unto you, that whatsoever you seal on earth shall be sealed in heaven; and whatsoever you bind on earth in my name and by my word, saith the Lord, it shall be eternally bound in the heavens; and whosesover sins you remit on earth shall be re- mitted eternally in the heavens; and whosesover sius you retain on earth shall be retained in heaven. * * * * * ** (51) Verily, I say unto you, a commandment I give unto mine hand- maid, Emma Smith, your wife, whom I have given unto you, that she stay herself and partake not of that which I commanded you to offer unto her; for I did it, saith the Lord, to prove you all as I did Abraham, and that I might receive an offering at your hand by covenant and sac- rifice. (52) And let mine handmaid, Emma Smith, receive all those that have been given unto my servant Joseph, and who are virtuous and pure before me; and those who are not pure, and have said they were pure, shall be destroyed, saith the Lord God. ** *** * * ** * (54) And I command mine handmaid, Emma Smith, to abide and cleave unto my servant Joseph, and to none else. But if she will not abide this commandment, she shall be destroyed, saith the Lord, for I am the Lord thy God, and will destroy her if she abide not in my law; (55) But if she will not abide this commandment, then shall my serv- ant Joseph do all things for her, even as he hath said; and I will bless him and multiply him and give unto him an hundred-fold in this world CHAPTER I.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON MARRIAGE. 71 of fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, houses and lands, wives and children, and crowns of eternal lives in the eternal worlds. * * * * * (61) And again, as pertaining to the law of the priesthood: If any man espouse a virgin, and desire to espouse another, and the first give her consent; and if he espouse the second, and they are virgins and have vowed to no other man, then is he justified; he can not commit adultery, for they are given unto him; for he can not commit adultery with that that belongeth to him and to no one else; (62) And if he have ten virgins given unto him by this law he can- not commit adultery, for they belong to him, and they are given unto him; therefore is he justified. (63) And if one or either of the ten virgins, after she is espoused, shall be with another man, she has committed adultery and shall be destroyed; for they are given unto him to multiply and replenish the earth, according to my commandment, and to fulfil the promise which was given by my Father before the foundation of the world, and for their exaltation in the eternal worlds, that they may bear the souls of men; for herein is the work of my Father continued that he may be glorified. (64) And again, verily, verily, I say unto you, if any man have a wife who holds the keys of this power, and he teaches unto her the law of my priesthood as pertaining to those things, then shall she believe and administer unto him, or she shall be destroyed, saith the Lord your God, for I will destroy her; for I will magnify my name upon all those who receive and abide in my law. (65) Therefore, it shall be lawful in me, if she receive not this law, for him to receive all things whatsoever I, the Lord thy God, will give unto him, because she did not administer unto him according to my word, and she then becomes the transgressor, and he is exempt from the law of Sarah, who administered unto Abraham according to the law when I commanded Abraham to take Hagar to wife. (66) And now, as pertaining to this law, verily, verily, I say unto you, I will reveal more unto you hereafter; therefore, let this suffice for the present. Behold, I am Alpha and Omega. Amen. The sanction of polygamy is derived directly from this document; but it has besides a foundation in Mormon theology, which assumes it to be a meritorious if not a necessary institution. Orthodox Christians hold that there are two states of existence, one here and the other here- after. The Latter-Day Saints believe in three. In the first the spirits of all who are designed to live upon the earth were born of God and a spiritual consort or consorts in heaven. They were each individual entities, the children of God, and as children were subordinate in knowl edge and power to Him. His purpose was to make them ultimately like Himself, and in order that they might have an educational develop- ment which could never come to them in their primitive home, He planned the creation of the earth and other planets, and an inclosure for a time in tabernacles of flesh and bone. Foreseeing that they would fall from grace and become mortal, He proposed a scheme of final re- demption and immortality through Christ. A third of the spirits, under the leadership of Satan, opposing this, they were expelled from heaven, and as a punishment were denied forever the privilege of entering the 72 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. • 1 second state. The earth was created to become the residence of spirits in their second or probationary state. Adam and Eve were placed here with the command, "Be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth," which meant to prepare fleshly bodies for spirits waiting to enter this phase of their existence. Legitimate parenthood from the earliest times has been simply the carrying on of this good work. If the laws of God are kept on earth, the spirit after death of the body returns to heaven and is exalted by God, being given at the resurrection a world over which to rule. He (the spiritual being) becomes the Father-God of this new world, and with his consort or consorts peoples it with spirits, the fruit of his loins, who occupy the same relation to him that he does to his own Father-God. The doctrine of the preëxistence of spirits is a car- dinal one in Mormon theology, and is taught, say the Latter-Day Saints by the Christian Scriptures. Such passages as Job, xxxviii, 4, 6, 7; Ecclesiastes, xii, 7; John, viii, 42, 58, are quoted to confirm the state- ment. We can understand it more clearly if we take for an analogy human parents giving birth to a child, caring for and training it in its infancy, sending it away from them for some years in youth to a distant school to be educated for the duties of life, still guiding it in a general way, but leaving much to its own free will, and finally seeing it return with character established and capacities well developed, when they endow it with means to begin an honorable career for itself. The sequel is not hard to understand. "Multiply and replenish" is the supreme law of God, since in its exercise His kingdom is enlarged and more beings become like Him. Giving birth to children hastens the work, since it liberates child spirits from the infancy of the first state and ushers them into the manhood and womanhood of the second. Who helps in this work most does best. It is physically impossible to rear many children with one wife. To him therefore whom God knows as a superior man who would train children well, he reveals the privì. lege of taking more than one wife, and honors him by giving him a larger share in the great work. Not all, but a chosen number are des- tined for polygamists. Such are the practical deductions from Mormon theology. Under the system which it creates marriage is made a duty, but polygamy becomes a virtue. The significance of eternal marriage is here displayed. Only the sealed come forth in the resurrection with the blessing of a kingdom upon each man and his wife or wives, which they are to fill with their own progeny and rule over. The unsealed are without consorts, and since there is no marrying in heaven, they must remain single and apart, and, as angels, minister to the wants of their more fortunate brethren. If a woman have not a chance to marry one she likes, it is far better that she be sealed as the fourth or fifth wife of a worthy man though dead, and wait till the next world to enter into the relationship. The purpose of eternal marriage is twofold; first, while on the earth to give embodi- ment to spirits ready to enter the second state; second, in heaven to CHAPTER I.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON MARRIAGE. 73 continue the propagation of spirits for a new world, thus enlarging the dominions of God himself. The theoretical necessity for plural marriages is to hasten the re- demption of this world. Apologists seek to justify it on the further ground that it was practised by the Jews, the chosen people of God, as well as the majority of ancient nations; that Christ and the apostles no- where condemned it, though they must have seen it in operation around them, and that it is an honorable and effective solution of a pestiferous moral evil which afflicts society to-day. Theoretically there are checks to the abuse of the system. If a man feels called upon to take the ordinance he must consult the president of the Church, whose duty it is to look into the affairs of the candidate and inquire of the Lord if the step is pleasing to him. In the event of a favorable response he is not at liberty to consummate his desire until he has sought the consent of his first wife. If she offer no objection all is well, but if she withholds her sanction and if he fail to win her to his way of thinking after due effort, he is at liberty to proceed against her will. When these preliminaries have been gone through he consults the woman of his choice, and at the ceremony his first wife, when agreeably disposed to the second marriage, presents the new bride to her husband after scriptural analogy. The ground upon which a man is permitted to act contrary to the wishes of his first wife is that her ob- stinacy must not deter him from the performance of a religious obli- gation. Such are the theories underlying the institution of marriage amongst the Latter-Day Saints. Unfortunately the statistics of church marriage, whether single or plural, for time or for eternity, can not be presented. Every effort was made to obtain them, but without success. The assistant historian and recorder averred that he could not give an approximation which would be of any service. It is nevertheless a mistake to suppose that even a majority of the Mormon population of Utah are openly, at least, polyg amists. This class of persons has been disfranchised by Congress, and the returns from the last territorial election seem to indicate that their number is not as large as has been generally supposed. Doubtless a larger proportion are sealed to more than one wife for the world to come, but in the absence of reliable data it is impossible to estimate. At all events polygamy of this kind does not affect the status of in- dividuals here. The institution is apparently declining. There are several reasons for this. Younger members, particularly of the better classes, are deterred from plural marriages by economic considerations. The anti-polygamy enactments of Congress are now rigidly enforced, and within the Church itself a more liberal interpretation of the dogma is growing in popularity. כן 1 CHAPTER II. EXISTING STATUTORY REGULATIONS GOVERNING DIVORCE IN THE UNITED STATES-SECTARIAN CUSTOMS AND INFLUENCES. 75 CHAPTER II. } EXISTING STATUTORY REGULATIONS GOVERNING DIVORCE IN THE UNITED STATES-SECTARIAN CUSTOMS AND INFLUENCES. [NOTE. -For titles of statutes from which this digest is made see note at close of this chapter, pages 125 and 126. No attempt has been made to discuss the influence of the common law relating to divorce.] DIVORCE AND ANNULMENT. Divorce is the dissolution (by means other than death), or the partial suspension, of the marriage relation. Annulment is the setting aside of marriage ou account of some im- perfection or illegality which renders it void or voidable, and is retro- spective in operation, while divorce is wholly prospective. When marriage is dissolved by divorce, and the parties are put back in the position of single persons (except so far as their right to re- marry [a], property rights, etc., may be affected by statutory limitations), the divorce is termed "absolute"-usually designated as divorce a vin- culo matrimonii, or from the bonds of marriage. When marriage is only partially suspended by divorce, and the par- ties are separated, but still retain the legal status of married persons, the divorce is termed "limited," or divorce a menså et thoro-divorce from bed and board. Marriage may be dissolve d by divorce in three ways: First, by spe- cial act of the legislature granting divorce to particular individuals; sec- ond, by a court acting under general law; third, by operation of law without legislative or judicial proceedings for the purpose of securing divorce. Aunulment of marriage is always by judicial proceedings; and al- though many marriages do not require the intervention of judicial authority to set them aside, being declared by statute to be "void without legal proceedings," still such proceedings may usually be had, as will be seen by reference to that portion of this chapter relative to annulment. It is intended to give here a synopsis of the existing laws of the states and territories covering the jurisdiction of the courts for grant- ing divorces, a resumé of the requirements as to residence and notice preliminary to proceedings therefor, and the causes for which divorce, a For regulations concerning marriages after divorce, see Chapter I, pages 59 and 60, } 77 78 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. either absolute or limited, may be granted; after which a short state- ment will be given relative to the causes for which marriage may be annulled. First, however, will be given the states, and the manner in which per- sons may be divorced by operation of law without legal proceedings therefor. In Arkansas and Tennessee a first marriage is regarded as dissolved for the purpose of remarriage if either party has been absent five years and is not known to the other to be living. In the first-named state the death of the absent party is presumed. In Michigan and Wisconsin, when either party shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life the marriage shall be thereby absolutely dissolved, without any decree of divorce or other legal process. In Maine sentence to imprisonment for life, and confinement under it, has the like effect. In New York a subsequent marriage is permitted to one whose former husband or wife has been sentenced to imprisonment for life, and no pardon shall be deemed to restore the person sentenced to the rights of any previous marriage. In Nevada the record of conviction of a man in a criminal proceeding, of "taking a woman unlawfully against her will, and by force, menace, or duress compelling her to marry him or any other person," operates as a divorce to the party so married. In Vermont "a person sentenced to confinement at hard labor during life in the state prison shall be considered as dead, so far as relates to his marriage." * LEGISLATIVE DIVORCES. By act of Congress approved July 30, 1886, the legislatures of the territories of the United States are prohibited from passing any special laws granting divorces, and a similar probibition is contained in the constitutions of all the states, except Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. By the constitution of Alabama "no special enacted for the benefit of individuals * * * ** * law shall be in cases which are or can be provided for by a general law, or where the relief sought can be given by any court in the state." In Delaware it is provided, by chapter 26 of the Laws of 1874, that no petition for a divorce shall be received or acted upon by the general assembly for any cause cognizable by the superior court under chapter 75 (specifying causes), nor without proof of one month's public notice of intention to prefer such petition by advertisement in a newspaper. In Georgia the constitution provides that no absolute divorce shall be granted, except on the concurrent verdicts of two juries, at different terms of the court. CHAPTER II.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON DIVORCE. 79 By the constitution of Kansas "all power to grant divorces is vested in the district courts, subject to regulation by law," thus, in effect, pro- hibiting legislative divorces. In Massachusetts and New Hampshire the constitutions provide for the hearing and determination of all causes of marriage, divorce, and alimony, in the first named by the governor and council, and in the other by the superior court, until the legislature shall by law make other provision. In both states jurisdiction has been vested by the legisla- tures in the courts, and hence legislative divorces cannot be granted therein. JUDICIAL DIVORCES. The granting of divorces by the courts is provided for, and regulated by, the statutes of all the states and territories, except South Carolina, the present laws of which contain no provision on the subject; by an act approved January 31, 1872, judicial divorce was made legal for adultery or wilful desertion of either party, but said act was repealed. by a law approved December 20, 1878. Jurisdiction.-The following table shows what courts have origi- nal jurisdiction in divorce cases in the different states and territories. Notes are appended indicating the venue or place where proceedings are required to be instituted, wherever the venue is restricted : State. Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado. Connecticut Court. Court of chancery. (a) District court. (b) Circuit court (equity pro- Superior court. State. Minnesota . Mississippi Missouri. ceedings). (c) Montana. District court (sitting as Nebraska court of chancery). (d) District court. Superior court. (c) Supreme court. Circuit court. Superior court. Court. Dakota Delaware Dist. of Columbia.. Florida Georgia. Idaho. Illinois Indiana. Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana. Maine Maryland. Massachusetts.. Superior court. (e) District court. Circuit court and superior court of Cook county. (c) Superior and circuit courts. (b) District or circuit court(equi- table proceedings). (f) District court. (c) Courts of general equity jurisdiction. (g) District courts and parish courts. (h) Supreme judicial court. (f) Nevada. New Hampshire... New Jersey. New Mexico. New York North Carolina Ohio... Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont. Virginia · District court. (j) Court of chancery. (a) Circuit court. (c) District court (sitting as court of chancery). District court. (ƒ) District court. (k) Supreme court. (ƒ) Court of chancery. District court. Supreme and superior city courts. (l) Superior court. (c) Courts of common pleas. (m) Circuit court. Court of common pleas. Supreme court. (c) Circuit and chancery courts. (a) District court. (b) District court. (n) County court. (0) Circuit and corporation courts (chancery side). (a) District court. (c) side). (a) Washington West Virginia.. Circuit court (chancery Courts of equity. (f) Superior court. (i) Circuit court (sitting As Wisconsin Wyoming. Circuit court. (S) District court. (f) court of chancery). (ƒ) Michigan a In the chancery district in which the defendant resides, or in the district in which the parties lived when the separation occurred; if the defendant is a non-resident of the state, then in the district in which the other party resides. b In the county in which the complainant has resided for six months prior to the institution of suit. o In the county where the plaintiff resides. 80 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. d Also county court when alimony asked does not exceed $2,000. e In the county in which the defendant resides. If the defendant is a non-resident, then in the county in which the plaintiff resides. f In the county where either party resides. g In the county where the wife usually resides; if she is a non-resident, in the county of the husband's residence. h Where there is no moneyed demand exceeding $500 the parish courts have juris- diction. The courts of the first and second districts of the parish of Orleans have no jurisdiction in divorce cases. Action must be brought in the court of the domicile of the defendant. i In the county in which one of the parties lives, except that when the libellant has left the county in which the parties have lived together, the adverse party still living therein, the libel shall be heard and determined in that county. j By section 6, chapter 62, General Statutes of Minnesota, 1878, it is provided that a divorce may be decreed "on suit brought where the parties, or either of them, reside;" but by section 10 of the same chapter, it is provided that "all actions for divorce shall be commenced by summons and complaint in the county where the plaintiff resides." k In the county in which the cause for divorce accrued, or in which the defendant shall reside or be found, or in which the plaintiff shall reside if the latter be either the county in which the parties last cohabited or in which the plaintiff shall have re- sided six months before bringing suit. 1 The peacemakers of the Allegany and Cattaraugus reservations have exclusive jurisdiction to grant divorces between Indians residing therein, and the party ag. grieved has right of appeal to the council. m In the county where the plaintiff resides, or where the cause of action arose. n In the county where the plaintiff has resided one year prior to the commencement of the proceedings. o In the county in which the plaintiff has resided one year prior to the institution of the suit when divorce is sought for adultery, intolerable severity, or wilful deser- tion, and the cause accrued out of the state. In other cases, in the county where either party resides. RESIDENCE LIMITATIONS. The statutes of all the states and territories, excepting Delaware, Georgia, and Louisiana, make some provision relative to the length of time of residence of one or both of the parties to an action for divorce. Such provisions are substantially as follows: ALABAMA.-When the defendant is a non-resident, the plaintiff must have been a bona fide resident of the state for one year next before the institution of the suit. Also, if divorce is applied for on the ground of abandonment, the plaintiff must have been such a bona fide resident for three years next before the institution of the suit. ARIZONA.—The plaintiff must be a bona fide resident of the territory, and must have resided for six months next before the institution of the suit, in the county where the suit is entered. ARKANSAS.-The plaintiff must have been a resident of the state for one year next before the institution of the suit, and in case the cause for divorce arose or existed without the state, the plaintiff must have been a resident of the state at the time the cause arose or existed, unless it was also a cause for divorce in the place where it arose or existed. CHAPTER II.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON DIVORCE. 81 CALIFORNIA. The plaintiff must have resided in the state for six months next before the institution of the suit. COLORADO.-The plaintiff must have resided in the state one year previous to filing the bill or petition, unless the offence or injury com- plained of was committed in the state, or while one or both of the par- ties resided in the state. CONNECTICUT.-The plaintiff must have resided in the state for three years next preceding the date of complaint: (1) unless the cause for divorce shall have arisen subsequent to the removal into the state; or (2) unless the defendant shall have continuously resided in the state three years next preceding the date of complaint, and actual service. shall have been made upon him; or (3) unless the alleged cause is. habitual intemperance or intolerable cruelty, and the plaintiff resided in the state at the time of the marriage and before filing the complaint has returned to the state with the intention of permanently remaining. DAKOTA. The plaintiff must in good faith be a resident of the terri- tory for ninety days next preceding the institution of the suit. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.-If the cause for divorce occurred outside the district, plaintiff must have resided in the district for two years next preceding the bringing of the suit. FLORIDA.—The plaintiff must have been a resident of the state for two years prior to the institution of the suit. IDAHO.-The plaintiff must have resided in the territory for six months next before the institution of the suit. ILLINOIS.-The plaintiff must have resided in the state one year next before the filing of the bill or petition, unless the offence or injury com. plained of was committed in the state, or while one or both of the par- ties resided in the state. INDIANA. The plaintiff must have been a bona fide resident of the state for two years and of the county at least six months next before the filing of the petition. IOWA.-Except when the defendant is a resident of the state and served by personal service, the petition must state that the plaintiff has been for the last year a resident of the state; and no divorce will be granted if it appears that the plaintiff has removed into the state for the purpose of obtaining a divorce. KANSAS.-The plaintiff must have been an actual bona fide resident of the state for one year next preceding the institution of the suit. KENTUCKY.-Same as Arkansas. MAINE.-There is no statutory requirement as to the length of resi- dence when the "parties were married in this state, or cohabited here after marriage ;" otherwise the plaintiff must have resided in the state when the cause of divorce accrued, or must have resided in the state in good faith for one year prior to the commencement of proceedings. MARYLAND.—If the cause for divorce occurred out of the state, the 20267 M D—6 82 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. plaintiff or the defendant must have resided in the state for two years next preceding the application for divorce. MASSACHUSETTS.-Divorce may be decreed for any cause allowed by law, whether occurring in the state or elsewhere, if the plaintiff has re- sided in the state for five years next preceding the filing of the libel-— or if the parties were inhabitants of the state at the time of marriage, and the plaintiff has been a resident for three years next preceding the filing of the libel-unless it appears that the plaintiff has removed into the state for the purpose of obtaining a divorce. Except as above pro- vided, no divorce shall be decreed if the parties never lived together in the state as husband and wife; nor for a cause occurring out of the state, unless, before such cause occurred, the parties lived together in the state as husband and wife, and one of them lived in the state when the cause for divorce occurred. MICHIGAN.-The plaintiff must have resided in the state one year immediately preceding the filing of the suit, or in case the marriage was solemnized in the state, it is sufficient if the plaintiff has resided in the state from the time of marriage to the time of the institution of the suit. When the cause for divorce occurred out of the state, the plaintiff or the defendant must have resided in the state for two years next preced- ing the institution of the suit. MINNESOTA.—The plaintiff must have resided in the state for one year immediately preceding the filing of the suit, except when the suit is on the ground of adultery committed while the plaintiff was a resident of the state. MISSISSIPPI. The plaintiff must have resided in the state at least one year (in case of desertion at least two years) next preceding the insti- tution of the suit, and must annex to the bill an affidavit that he has not taken up residence in the state in order to obtain a divorce. MISSOURI.-Same as Illinois. MONTANA. The plaintiff must have resided in the territory one year previous to filing the bill or petition, unless the offence or injury com- plained of was committed in the territory, or while one or both of the parties resided in the territory. NEBRASKA. The plaintiff must have resided in the state for six months immediately preceding the filing of the complaint; or, in case the marriage was solemnized in the state, it is sufficient if the plaintiff has resided in the state from the time of marriage to the time of the filing of the complaint. NEVADA. The plaintiff must have resided six months in the county in which suit is brought, unless suit be brought in the county in which the cause therefor accrued, or in which the defendant shall reside or be found, or in which the plaintiff shall reside if the latter be the county in which the parties last cohabited. NEW HAMPSHIRE.-Both parties must be domiciled in the state when action is commenced; or the plaintiff must be so domiciled, and the de- CHAPTER II.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON DIVORCE. 83 fendant personally served with process within the state; or one of the parties must be so domiciled when action is commenced, and the one or the other of them must have actually resided in the state for one year next preceding the commencement of the action. NEW JERSEY.-The court of chancery shall have jurisdiction of all causes of divorce, provided that either of the parties is an inhabitant of the state at the time of the injury, desertion, or neglect complained of; or where the marriage shall have occurred within the state and the plaintiff shall have been an actual resident of the state at the time of the injury, desertion, or neglect complained of, and at the time of ex- hibiting the bill; or, if on the ground of adultery committed within the state, where either of the parties resides in the state at the time of ex- hibiting the bill; or, if on the ground of adultery committed outside the state, where either of the parties shall have been a resident of the state for three years next preceding the time of exhibiting the bill; or, if on the ground of desertion, where the plaintiff or the defendant shall be a resident of the state at the time of exhibiting the bill, and either party shall have been a resident of the state for the term of three years during which such desertion shall have continued. NEW MEXICO.-The plaintiff must have been a bona fide resident of the territory for the period of six months. NEW YORK.-In an action for absolute divorce, both parties must have been residents of the state when the offence was committed; or must have been married in the state; or the plaintiff must have been a resident when the offence was committed, and also when the action was commenced; or the offence must have been committed within the state, and the plaintiff must be a resident of the state when the action is com- menced. In actions for limited divorce, both parties must be residents when the action is commenced; or must have been married in the state; or, if married out of the state, they must have become residents thereof and continued to be such at least one year, and the plaintiff must be a resident when the action is commenced. NORTH CAROLINA.-The plaintiff must set forth that the facts consti- tuting the cause for divorce have existed, to his or her knowledge, for at least six months prior to the filing of the complaint, and that the plaintiff has been a resident of the state for two years next preceding the filing of the complaint; or, if the wife be the plaintiff, she may set forth "that the husband is removing or about to remove his property and effects from the state, whereby she may be disappointed in her alimony." OHIO.-Except in an action for alimony alone, the plaintiff shall have been a resident of the state at least one year before the institution of the suit. OREGON.-The plaintiff must have been an inhabitant of the state for one year next preceding the commencement of the suit, and such resi- 84 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. dence is sufficient to give the court jurisdiction without regard to the place where the marriage was solemnized or the cause of the suit arose. PENNSYLVANIA.-The plaintiff in a suit for divorce from the bonds of matrimony must be a citizen of the state and have resided therein at least one whole year previous to the institution of the suit. RHODE ISLAND.-The plaintiff must be a domiciled inhabitant of the state, and must have resided therein for one year next before preferring the petition. TENNESSEE.—If the plaintiff has resided in the state for two years next before the institution of the suit, a divorce may be granted though the acts complained of were committed out of the state, or the plaintiff resided out of the state at the time, and no matter where the defendant resides. TEXAS.-The plaintiff must be a bona fide resident of the state, and must for six months next preceding the institution of the suit have re- sided in the county where the suit is instituted. UTAH.-The plaintiff must have been an actual and bona fide resident of the county for one year next prior to the commencement of pro- ceedings. VERMONT.-"No divorce shall be decreed for any cause if the parties never lived together as husband and wife in this state; nor for a cause which accrued in another state or country unless the parties, before such cause accrued, lived together as husband and wife in this state; nor for a cause which accrued in another state or country, unless one of the parties then lived in this state." The plaintiff in an action on the ground of adultery, intolerable severity, or wilful desertion, when the cause of the action accrued without the state, shall have been an in- habitant of the state for two years next preceding the filing of the com- plaint, and of the county where the complaint is filed one year next previous to the term of court to which the complaint is preferred. In all cases the plaintiff must have resided in the state one year next preced- ing the institution of the suit. VIRGINIA.-Either the plaintiff or the defendant must have resided in the state at least one year next before the institution of the suit. WASHINGTON.-The plaintiff must have been a resident of the terri- tory for one year before the institution of the suit. WEST VIRGINIA.-Same as Virginia. WISCONSIN.-The plaintiff must have resided in the state for one year immediately preceding the commencement of the action, except in the case of adultery alleged to have been committed while the plaintiff was a resident of the state; or, in case marriage was solemnized in the state, it is sufficient if the plaintiff resided therein from the time of such mar- riage to the time of instituting the suit. If the wife be the plaintiff it is sufficient if the husband had resided in the state for one year next pre- ceding the commencement of the action. WYOMING. The plaintiff must have resided in the territory for six CHAPTER II.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON DIVORCE. 85 months immediately preceding the institution of the suit, unless the marriage was solemnized in the territory, in which case it is sufficient if the plaintiff has resided therein from the time of marriage to the com- mencement of the suit. The statutes of the states and territories below named specifically provide, in effect, that if a married woman dwells within the state at the time of bringing an action for divorce, she is deemed a resident thereof for the purpose of such action, regardless of her husband's resi- dence: Califori ia. Dakota. Idaho. Kansas. Nebraska. New York. Ohio. Wyoming. SERVICE OF NOTICE ON DEFENDANT. In a majority of the states and territories the statutes make pro- vision as to the manner in which the defendant in a divorce case shall be served with notice thereof when personal service cannot be made. In the statement below is given the substance of such provisions. No special regulations for service are found in the divorce laws of the states and territories not named, in which the matter is regulated by their laws governing service of notice in other civil cases. ALABAMA.—Notice is served as in other chancery suits, and it is also provided that if the defendant is a non-resident publication must be made. COLORADO. Notice is served as in other chancery suits. CONNECTICUT.-If the adverse party resides out of, or is absent from, the state, any judge or clerk of the supreme court of errors, or of the superior court, or any county commissioner, may, in vacation, make such order of notice as he may deem reasonable. If the defendant does not actually receive notice, the court may order such notice to be given as it may deem reasonable and continue the complaint until the order has been complied with. DAKOTA.—Where the person on whom the service of the summons is to be made can not, after due diligence, be found within the territory, and the fact appears to the satisfaction of the court, and that a cause of ac- tion exists, the court may grant an order that the service be made by publication. DELAWARE.-If service can not be made of the summons an alias summons shall issue to the next term, which the sheriff shall publish for one month in such newspapers, one or more, as he shall judge best for giving the defendant notice. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.—If it shall appear by the affidavit of a dis- interested witness that the defendant is a non-resident of the district or has been absent therefrom for the space of six months, the court, after the return of one summons "not found," may authorize notice of the pendency of the petition to be given by publication in such manner as shall be directed. 86 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. FLORIDA.-If the defendant is absent from the state, so that ordinary process can not be served, or, if served, the party can not be compelled to appear and answer or plead, the court may order a hearing on the bill, a copy of such order to be published in some public newspaper of the state, for the space of three months at least, or for a longer time, if the court shall so direct, or a copy of the bill and order for the hearing, cer- tified by the clerk of the court, shall be actually served upon or delivered to the defendant at least three months before the day fixed for the hear- ing, or for a longer time, if the court shall so direct. GEORGIA. If the defendant is a non-resident service of process shall be perfected as provided for in causes of equity. "In no ILLINOIS.—Notice is served as in other cases in chancery. case shall the court graut a divorce by default, unless the judge is sat- sified that all proper means have been taken to notify the defendant of the pendency of the suit Whenever the judge is satisfied that the interests of the defendant require it, he may order such addi- tional notice as equity may seem to require." ** ** * INDIANA.—If the defendant is a resident of the state personal service must be had. If it shall appear by the affidavit of a disinterested per- son that the defendant is a non-resident the clerk shall give notice of the pendency of the petition by publication for three successive weeks in some weekly newspaper of general circulation in the county, or if there be no such paper, then in the paper published in the state nearest the county seat of such county. Before publication the plaintiff must state the residence of the defendant, if the same is known to the plain- tiff, in which case the clerk of the court is required to forward by mail to the defendant a marked copy of the paper containing the notice. IOWA.-Service may be made by publication when an affidavit is filed that personal service can not be made on the defendant, if he is a non- resident of the state or his residence is unknown. KANSAS.-Summons shall be served or publication made, as in other cases. When service by publication is proper, a copy of the petition, with publication notice attached, shall, within three days after the first publication, be sent by mail to the defendant, unless the plaintiff shall make affidavit that such residence is unknown to him and can not be ascertained by any means within his control. LOUISIANA. "When the defendant is absent, or incapable of acting for any cause, an attorney shall be appointed to represent him, against whom, contradictorily, the suit shall be prosecuted." MAINE. When the residence of the libellee can be ascertained, it shall be named in the libel, and actual notice shall be obtained. If the libellee is out of the state, notice shall be served in such manner and by such means as may be ordered by the court. When the residence of the libellee is not known, and can not be ascertained by reasonable diligence, it shall be so alleged in the libel, MARYLAND.-Same as Colorado. CHAPTER II.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON DIVORCE. 87 MASSACHUSETTS.-The court, any justice thereof, or the clerk may order service to be made on the defendant by publication of the libel, or the substance thereof, with the order thereon, in one or more news- papers, or by delivering to the defendant an attested copy of the libel, and a summons, or in such other manner as may seem most proper and effectual. When such-order is by a clerk, the court, or any justice thereof, may order such additional notice to be given as may seem proper. If the adverse party does not appear, and the court considers the notice to have been defective, such further notice may be ordered as the court may consider proper. MINNESOTA.—If personal service can not be made, the court may order service by publication, as in other actions. MISSISSIPPI.-Same as Colorado. MISSOURI.-Like process shall be had as in other civil suits. MONTANA.Same as Colorado. NEBRASKA.-Same as Minnesota. NEVADA.—If the defendant is a non-resident, or can not for any cause be personally summoned, the court, or the judge in vacation, may order notice of the pendency of the suit to be given in such manner and during such time as shall appear most likely to convey a knowledge thereof to the defendant. If no such order be made it shall be sufficient to publish such notice in a weekly newspaper printed in or nearest to the county in which the suit is pending, three months in succession. NEW HAMPSHIRE.-Such notice shall be given to the libellee, per- sonal or otherwise, as the court shall order. NEW JERSEY.-If the defendant is out of the state, or can not be found, or conceals himself within the state, the court may make an order directing him to answer the petition on a day fixed, not less than two nor more than six months from the date of the order, which order shall within twenty days be served on the defendant by personally delivering it to him, or leaving a copy thereof at his dwelling or usual place of abode, or be published in one of the newspapers printed in the state and desig- nated in the order, at least once a week for four successive weeks, and said order shall be published in such other manner as in the opinion of the court the peculiar circumstances of the case may require. NEW MEXICO.-Service of process can be made by publication, after obtaining an order from a judge of the supreme court, based on affi- davits showing the present residence of the defendant, if known, or last known place of residence, and efforts made to ascertain present resi dence. The order for publication shall direct that a copy of the sum- mons be mailed to the present, or last known, residence of the defend- ant, and may direct such other means of bringing the action to the knowledge of the defendant as the judge shall deem proper. NEW YORK.-An order directing the service of a summons upon a defendant without the state, or by publication, may be made. An order 88 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. for publication must direct that the summons be published in two news- papers, designated in the order as most likely to give notice to the de- fendant, for a specified time which the judge deems reasonable, not less than once a week for six successive weeks. The order must also contain either a direction that on or before the first day of publication the plain- tiff deposit in a specified post office one or more sets of copies of the summons, complaint, and order, directed to the defendant at a place specified in the order; or a statement that the judge, being satisfied by the affidavits upon which the order was granted, that the place, can not be ascertained at which the defendant would probably receive matter by mail, which statement dispenses with the deposit in the post office. NORTH CAROLINA.-Same as Minnesota. OHIO.—When personal service can not be made for the reason that the defendant is a non-resident of the state, or that his residence is un- known, notice of the pendency of the action must be given by publica- tion, as in other cases; and unless it appears that the defendant's resi- dence is unknown, and can not with reasonable diligence be ascertained, a summons and copy of the petition shall forthwith, on the filing of the petition, be mailed to the defendant. PENNSYLVANIA.-If personal service can not be made, notice shall be published in one or more newspapers printed within or nearest to the county, for four weeks successively, prior to the first day of the then next term of the court. RHODE ISLAND.-If the residence of the defendant is known, whether within or without the state, personal service shall be had; the court may prescribe the notice to be given, within or without the state, and may issue such process as may be necessary. If the petitioner has no knowledge, information, or belief as to the residence of the defendant, notice shall be published for six successive weeks before the sitting of the court at which the case is tried, in some newspaper published in the county where the petition is pending. The citation and a copy of the petition must be mailed to the place where the defendant was last heard from, if last heard from by the petitioner without the state. The court may order such further notice as may be deemed proper. TENNESSEE.-Process as in other chancery cases. If the wife is the petitioner the suit may be heard and decided without service, either personal or by publication, if the bill was filed and the subpoena placed in the hands of the sheriff of the county in which the suit is instituted, three months before the time when the subpœna is returnable; but the officer having the subpoena shall execute it if he can. UTAH.-Same as Missouri. VERMONT.—If the defendant is within the state, personal service is required; if out of the state, notice shall be published in such newspa- per as may be ordered by the clerk of the court, three weeks successively, the last publication to be at least six weeks previous to the term when the case is to be tried. A judge of the supreme court may grant an CHAPTER II.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON DIVORCE. 89 order of notice by publication, or in such other manner as he judges proper or effectual. VIRGINIA.-Same as Colorado. WASHINGTON.-Same as Missouri. WEST VIRGINIA.-Same as Colorado. WISCONSIN.-Same as Minnesota. WYOMING.-Same as Missouri. CAUSES FOR ABSOLUTE AND LIMITED DIVORCE. The following statement shows the causes provided by the statutes of the different states and territories for the allowance of divorces, both absolute and limited. The causes are given in the same order in which they occur in the statutes, and substantially in the statutory language. Following the statement of causes by states is a recapitulation of causes, arranged with reference to their importance and similarity, showing the states in which each cause exists: CAUSES FOR DIVORCE, BY STATES. ALABAMA. Absolute divorce. (1) In favor of either party, where the other was, at the time of the marriage, physically and incurably incapacitated from entering into the marriage state. (2) Adultery. (3) Voluntary abandonment from bed and board for two years next preceding the filing of the bill. (4) Imprisonment in the penitentiary of this or any other state for two years, the sentence being for seven years or longer. (5) The commission of the crime against nature, whether with man- kind or beast, either before or after marriage. (6) Becoming addicted after marriage to habitual drunkenness. (7) In favor of the husband when the wife was pregnant at the time of marriage without his knowledge or agency. (8) In favor of the wife when the husband has committed actual violence on her person, attended with danger to life or health; or, (9) When from his conduct there is reasonable apprehension of such violence. Limited divorce. (1) Cruelty in either of the parties, or any cause which would justify a decree from the bouds of matrimony, if the party applying therefor desires only a divorce from bed and board. 90 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ARIZONA. Absolute divorce. (1) When the husband or wife is guilty of excesses, cruel treatment, or outrages towards the other, whether by the use of personal violence or any other means. (2) In favor of the husband when his wife shall have been taken in adultery; or, (3) Where she shall have voluntarily left his bed and board for the space of six months with the intention of abandonment. (4) In favor of the wife where the husband shall have left her for six months with the intention of abandonment; or, (5) For habitual intemperance; or, (6) Wilful neglect to provide for his wife the necessaries or comforts of life for like period, having the ability to provide the same, or failing to do so by reason of his idleness, profligacy, or dissipation; or, (7) Where he shall have been taken in adultery with another woman. (8) In favor of either husband or wife, when the other shall have been convicted, after marriage, of a felony, and imprisoned in any prison. Suit on this ground can not be sustained until six months after final judgment of conviction, nor when the husband or wife was convicted on the testimony of the other. The granting of a pardon to the convicted party does not take from the other the right to divorce. There is no limited divorce in Arizona. ARKANSAS. Absolute divorce. (1) Where either party, at the time of the contract, was, and still is, impotent. (2) Where either party wilfully deserts and absents himself or her- self from the other for the space of one year without reasonable cause. (3) Where he or she had a former wife or husband living at the time of the marriage sought to be set aside. (4) Where either party shall be convicted of felony or other infamous crime. (5) Where either party shall be addicted to habitual drunkenness for the space of one year; or, (6) Shall be guilty of such cruel and barbarous treatment as to endan- ger the life of the other; or, (7) Shall offer such indignities to the person of the other as shall ren- der his or her condition intolerable. (8) Where either party shall have committed adultery subsequent to such marriage. (9) Where either party shall, subsequent to such marriage, have become permanently or incurably insane. { CHAPTER II.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON DIVORCE. 91 Limited divorce. Limited divorces may be granted for the same causes for which abso- lute divorces are allowed. Absolute divorce. (1) Adultery. (2) Extreme cruelty. (3) Wilful desertion. (a) (4) Wilful neglect. (a) CALIFORNIA. (5) Habitual intemperance. (a) (6) Conviction of felony. There is no limited divorce in California, but, though judgment of di- vorce is denied, the court may, in an action for divorce, provide for the maintenance of the wife and children, or any of them, by the husband. Absolute divorce. COLORADO. (1) When either party, at the time of the marriage, was, and continued to be, impotent; or, in consequence of immoral or criminal conduct subsequent to the marriage, became impotent. (2) When he or she had a wife or husband living at the time of such marriage. (3) When either party has committed adultery subsequent to the marriage; or, (4) Has wilfully deserted and absented himself or herself from the husband or wife, without reasonable cause, for the space of one year. (5) Has wilfully deserted and absented himself or herself from the husband or wife and departed from this state without any intention of returning. (6) When the husband, being in good bodily health, shall fail to make reasonable provision for the support of his family for the space of one year. (7) When either party has been guilty of habitual drunkenness for the space of one year; (8) Been guilty of extreme cruelty; or, (9) Been convicted of felony or other infamous crime. There is no limited divorce in Colorado. CONNECTICUT. Absolute divorce. (1) Adultery. (2) Fraudulent contract. (3) Wilful desertion for three years, with total neglect of duty. (4) Seven years' absence, during all which period the absent party has not been heard from. a Must continue for one year before being ground for divorce. 92 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. (5) Habitual intemperance. (6) Intolerable cruelty. (7) Sentence to imprisonment for life. (8) Any infamous crime involving a violation of conjugal duty and punishable by imprisonment in the state prison. There is no limited divorce in Connecticut. Absolute divorce. (1) Adultery. (2) Extreme cruelty. (3) Wilful desertion. (a) (4) Wilful neglect. (a) DAKOTA. (5) Habitual intemperance. (a) (6) Conviction of felony. (b) There is no limited divorce in Dakota, but though judgment of divorce is denied, the court may, in an action for divorce, provide for the main- tenance of a wife and her children, or any of them, by the husband. Absolute divorce. (1) Adultery. DELAWARE. (2) Desertion for three years. (3) Habitual drunkenness. (4) Impotency of either party at the time of marriage. (6) Extreme cruelty. (6) Conviction, either in or out of this state, after marriage, of a crime by the laws of this state deemed felony, whether such crime shall be perpetrated before or after such marriage. (7) Procurement of marriage by fraud for want of age, the husband being under the age of eighteen years, or the wife being under the age of sixteen years, at the time of the marriage, and such marriage not being, after those ages, voluntarily ratified. (8) Wilful neglect on the part of the husband for three years to pro- vide for his wife the necessaries of life suitable to her condition. Limited divorce. Limited divorce may be decreed, at the discretion of the court, for the seventh and eighth causes above specified. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Absolute divorce. (1) When such marriage was contracted while either of the parties thereto had a former wife or husband living, unless the former mar- a Must continue for one year before being ground for divorce. b Section 41, Civil Code of Dakota, provides that "no pardon granted to any per- son sentenced to imprisonment for life restores such person to the rights of any pre- vious marriage." } CHAPTER II.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON DIVORCE. 93 riage had been lawfully dissolved and no restraint imposed on the party contracting such second marriage. (2) Where such marriage was contracted during the lunacy of either party. (3) Where either party was matrimonially incapacitated at the time of marriage. (4) Where either party has committed adultery during the marriage. (5) For habitual drunkenness for a period of three years of either party complained against. (6) For cruelty of treatment, endangering the life or health of the party complaining. (7) For wilful desertion and abandonment by the party complained of against the party complaining for the full uninterrupted space of two years. Limited divorce. (1) Cruelty of treatment, endangering the life or health of one of the parties. (2) Reasonable appreheusion, to the satisfaction of the court, of bodily harm. Absolute divorce. FLORIDA. (1) Where the parties are within the degrees of relationship pro- hibited by law. (2) Where either party is naturally impotent. (3) Adultery in either of the parties. (4) Where either of the parties had another wife or husband living at the time of such second or other marriage.(a) (5) Extreme cruelty in either party. (6) Habitual indulgence in violent and ungovernable temper. (7) Habitual intemperance. (8) Wilful, obstinate, and continued desertion by either party for the term of one year. (9) To any person who shall have been a citizen of Florida for two years, whose husband or wife shall have obtained a divorce in any other state or country. There is no limited divorce in Florida, but the wife may be granted alimony without divorce, which is in effect a limited divorce, for the following causes: (1) Ou the husband's deserting his wife for one year; (2) on his living in open and avowed adultery with another woman for three months; (3) in cases of cruel, inhuman, and barbarous treatment; a Notwithstanding that the statutes provide for "divorces from the bonds of mat- rimony" for this cause, the same statute also declares that "all marriages where either of the parties shall have a former wife or husband living at the time of such marriage shall be invalid from the beginning and absolutely void, and the issue thereof shall be deemed to be illegitimate and subject to all the legal disabilities of such issue." 94 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. (4) on the husband's committing any act which shall be cause of divorce under the statutes of this state. Absolute divorce. (a) GEORGIA. (1) Intermarriage by persons within the prohibited degrees of con- sanguinity and affinity. (2) Mental incapacity at the time of marriage. (3) Impotency at the time of the marriage. (4) Force, menaces, duress, or fraud in obtaining the marriage. (5) Pregnancy of the wife at the time of the marriage unknown to the husband. (6) Adultery in either of the parties after marriage. (7) Wilful and continued desertion by either of the parties for the term of three years. (8) The conviction of either party of an offence involving moral tur- pitude, and under which he or she is sentenced to imprisonment in the penitentiary for the term of two years or longer. Absolute or limited divorce may be granted in the discretion of the jury in case of either (1) cruel treatment; or, (2) habitual intoxica- tion by either party. Limited divorce. (1) "Divorces from bed and board may be granted on any ground which was held sufficient in the English courts prior to May 4, 1784." Absolute divorce. (1) Adultery. (2) Extreme cruelty. (3) Wilful desertion. (b) (4) Wilful neglect. (b) (5) Habitual intemperance. (b) (6) Conviction of felony. IDAHO. There is no limited divorce in Idaho. ILLINOIS. Absolute divorce. (1) When either party at the time of marriage was, and continues to be, naturally impotent. (2) When he or she had a wife or husband living at the time of such marriage. (3) When either party has committed adultery subsequently to the marriage; or, a The concurrent verdict of two juries, at different terms of the court, is neces- sary to a total divorce. A divorce from bed and board may be granted by the verdict of one jury. b Must continue for one year before being ground for divorce. CHAPTER II.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON DIVORCE. 95 (4) Has wilfully deserted or absented himself or herself from the hus- band or wife without any reasonable cause, for the space of two years; or, (5) Has been guilty of habitual drunkenness for the space of two years; or, (6) Has attempted the life of the other by poison or other means showing malice; or, (7) Has been guilty of extreme and repeated cruelty; or, (8) Has been convicted of felony or other infamous crime. There is no limited divorce in Illinois. INDIANA. Absolute divorce. (1) Adultery. (2) Impotency existing at the time of the marriage. (3) Abandonmeut for two years. (4) Cruel and inhuman treatment of either party by the other. (5) Habitual drunkenness of either party. (6) The failure of the husband to make reasonable provision for his family for a period of two years. (7) The conviction, subsequent to the marriage, in any country, of either party, of an infamous crime. There is no limited divorce in Indiana, but a married woman may ob- tain provision for the support of herself and infant children in the fol- lowing cases: (1) When the husband shall have deserted his wife, or wife and chil dren, not leaving her or them sufficient provision for her or their sup- port. (2) When the husband shall have been convicted of felony, and im- prisoned in the state prison, not leaving his wife, or his wife and chil- dren, sufficient provision for her or their support. (3) When the husband is an habitual drunkard, and by reason thereof becomes incapacitated or neglects to provide for his family. (4) When a married man renounces the marriage covenant, or refuses to live with his wife in the conjugal relation, by joining himself to a sect or denomination the rules and doctrines of which require a renun- ciation of the marriage covenant, or forbid a man and woman to dwell and cohabit together in the conjugal relation according to the true in- tent and meaning of the institution of marriage. Absolute divorce. IOWA. (1) Against the husband when he has committed adultery subsequent to the marriage. (2) When he willfully deserts his wife and absents himself without a reasonable cause for the space of two years. 1 96 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. (3) When he is convicted of felony after the marriage. (4) When, after marriage, he becomes addicted to habitual drunk- enness. (5) When he is guilty of such inhuman treatment as to endanger the life of his wife. (6) Against the wife for the causes above specified, and also when the wife at the time of the marriage was pregnant by another than her hus- band, unless the husband have an illegitimate child or children then living, which was unknown to the wife at the time of their marriage. There is no limited divorce in Iowa, but it appears that courts of equity will grant alimony without divorce to a wife where she is sepa- rated from her husband because of his misconduct, though no express statutory provision is found authorizing such proceeding. Absolute divorce. KANSAS. (1) When either of the parties had a former husband or wife living at the time of the subsequent marriage. (2) Abandonment for one year. (3) Adultery. (4) Impotency. (5) When the wife at the time of the marriage was pregnant by another than her husband. (6) Extreme cruelty. (7) Fraudulent contract. (8) Habitual drunkenness. (9) Gross neglect of duty. (10) The conviction of felony and imprisonment in the penitentiary therefor subsequent to the marriage. There is no limited divorce in Kansas, but the wife may obtain ali- mony without divorce from her husband, in an action brought for that purpose, for any of the causes for which a divorce may be granted. Absolute divorce. KENTUCKY. (a) To both husband and wife for the following causes: (1) Such impotency or malformation as prevents sexual intercourse. (2) Living apart without any cohabitation for five consecutive years next before the application. Also to the party not in fault for the following causes: (1) Abandonment of one party by the other for one year. a The granting of more than one divorce to the same person is prohibited in Ken- tucky, except for the causes for which a divorce may be granted to both husband and wife, and to the party not in fault against the other for living in adultery. If a judg- ment for divorce be annulled by the court rendering it on the joint application of the parties, and they restored to the condition of husband and wife, no divorce shall thereafter be granted between them for the same or a like cause. CHAPTER II.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON DIVORCE. 97 (2) Living in adultery with another man or woman. (3) Condemnation for felony, in or out of the state. (4) Concealment from the other party of any loathsome disease, ex- isting at the time of marriage; or, (5) Contracting such afterwards. (6) Force, duress, or fraud in obtaining the marriage. (7) Uniting with any religious society whose creed and rules require a renunciation of the marriage covenant, or forbid husband and wife from cohabiting. Also to the wife, when not in like fault, for the following causes : (1) Confirmed habit of drunkenness on the part of the husband of not less than one year's duration, accompanied with a wasting of his estate, and without any suitable provision for the maintenance of his wife or children. (2) Habitually behaving towards her by the husband, for not less than six months, in such cruel and inhuman manner as to indicate a set- tled aversion to her, or to destroy permanently her peace or happiness. (3) Such cruel beating or injury, or attempt at injury, of the wife by the husband as indicates an outrageous temper in him, or probable danger to her life, or great bodily injury, from her remaining with him. Also to the husband for the following causes : (1) Where the wife is pregnant by another man without the husband's knowledge at the time of marriage. (2) Adultery by the wife, or such lewd, lascivious behavior on her part as proves her to be unchaste, without actual proof of an act of adultery. (3) When not in like fault, for habitual drunkenness on the part of the wife of not less than one year's duration. Limited divorce. Judgment for separation, or divorce from bed and board, may also be rendered for any of the causes which allow divorce, or for such other cause as the court in its discretion may deem sufficient. Absolute divorce. LOUISIANA. (1) Where the husband or wife may have been sentenced to an in- famous punishment; or, (2) Guilty of adultery. Limited divorce or Absolute divorce. (a) (1) In case of adultery on the part of the other spouse, a An absolute divorce may be granted for any of the causes for which a limited divorce is allowed, but, except in the cases of adultery, or sentence to infamous pun- ishment, such divorce shall not be granted "unless a judgment of separation from bed and board shall have been rendered between the parties, and one year shall have expired from the date of the judgment of separation from bed and board, and no reconciliation shall have taken place. In the cases excepted above a divorce may be granted in the same decree which pronounces the separation from bed and board," 20267 M D———7 98 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. (2) Where the other spouse has been condemned to an infamous punishment. (3) On account of the habitual intemperance of one of the married persons; (a) or, (4) Excesses, cruel treatment, or outrages of one of them toward the other. (a) (5) Public defamation on the part of one of the married persons towards the other. (6) The abandonment of the husband by his wife, or the wife by her husband. (b) (7) An attempt of one of the married persons against the life of the other. (8) When the husband or wife has been charged with an infamous offence and shall actually have fled from justice, on producing proofs that such husband or wife has actually been guilty of such infamous offence, and has fled from justice. Absolute divorce. MAINE. (1) Adultery. (2) Impotence. (3) Extreme cruelty. (4) Utter desertion, continued for three consecutive years next prior to the filing of the libel. (5) Gross and confirmed habits of intoxication. (6) Cruel and abusive treatment. (7) On the libel of the wife, when the husband, being of sufficient ability, grossly or wantonly and cruelly refuses or neglects to provide suitable maintenance for her. There is no limited divorce in Maine. Decrees of divorce shall in the first instance be decrees nisi, to become absolute after six months from the entry thereof, on application of either party to the clerk of the court, whereupon the clerk shall enter a final decree, unless the court has, for sufficient cause, on application of a party interested, otherwise ordered. Absolute divorce.. MARYLAND. (1) The impotence of either party at the time of the marriage. (2) Any cause which, by the laws of this state, renders a marriage null and void ab initio. a "If such habitual intemperance or such ill treatment is of such a nature as to render their living together insupportable.” b"The abandonment with which the husband or wife is charged must be made to appear by the three reiterated summonses made to him or her from month to month, directing him or her to return to the place of the matrimonial domicile and followed by a judgment which has sentenced him or her to comply with such request, together with a notification of the said judgment, given to him or her from month to month for three times successively." CHAPTER II.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON DIVORCE. 99 Dorm (3) Adultery. (4) When the court shall be satisfied by competent testimony that the party complained against has abandoned the party complaining, and that such abandonment has continued uninterruptedly for at least three years, and is deliberate and final, and the separation of the parties beyond any reasonable expectation of reconciliation. (5) When the woman before marriage has been guilty of illicit carnal intercourse with another man, the same being unknown to the husband at the time of the marriage, and when such carnal connection shall be proved to the satisfaction of the court. Limited divorce. (a) (1) Cruelty of treatment. (2) Excessively vicious conduct. (3) Abandonment and desertion. Limited divorce may be decreed in a case where absolute divorce is prayed, if the causes proved be sufficient to entitle the party to the same. MASSACHUSETTS. Absolute divorce. (1) Adultery. (2) Impotency. (3) Extreme cruelty. (4) Utter desertion continued for three consecutive years next prior to the filing of the libel. (5) Gross and confirmed habits of intoxication. (6) Cruel and abusive treatment. (7) On the libel of the wife, when the husband, being of sufficient ability, grossly or wantonly and cruelly refuses or neglects to provide suitable maintenance for her. (8) When either party has separated from the other without his or her consent, and has united with a religious sect or society that pro- fesses to believe the relation of husband and wife void or unlawful, and has continued united with such sect or society for three years, refusing during that term to cohabit with the other party. (9) When either party has been sentenced to confinement at hard labor for life or for five years or more in the state prison, or in a jail or house of correction. (b) A divorce from the bond of matrimony may be decreed for any of the causes allowed by law, notwithstanding the fact that the libellee has been continuously absent for such a period of time and under such cir- cumstances as would raise a presumption of death. All decrees of divorce shall in the first instance be decrees nisi, to be- a Limited divorce may be decreed for ever or for a limited time. b After a divorce granted for such cause, no pardon granted to the party so sen- tenced shall restore such party to his or her conjugal rights. } Maoll 100 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. come absolute after the expiration of six months from the entry thereof, without further notice thereof by publication or otherwise, on applica- tion of either party to the court or any justice thereof, in term time or vacation; and on such application the court or justice shall make a final decree, unless the court has, for sufficient cause, on application of any party interested, otherwise ordered. In 1870 a statute was passed abolishing divorce from bed and board, which prior to that time had obtained in Massachusetts. It is now provided by statute that when a divorce from bed and board, under laws heretofore in force, has been decreed, and the parties have lived separately for three consecutive years next after the decree, a divorce from the bonds of inatrimony may be granted upon the peti- tion of the party in whose favor the previous decree was granted; and when the parties have lived separately for five consecutive years next after such decree, a divorce from the bond of matrimony may be decreed in favor of either party. Absolute divorce. MICHIGAN. (1) Whenever adultery has been committed by any husband or wife. (2) When one of the parties was physically incompetent at the time of the marriage. (3) When one of the parties has been sentenced to imprisonment in any prison, jail, or house of correction for three years or more. (a) (4) When either party shall desert the other for the term of two years. (5) When the husband or wife shall have become an habitual drunk- ard. (6) And the circuit courts may, in their discretion, upon application as in other cases, divorce from the bonds of matrimony any party who is a resident of this state, and whose husband or wife shall have ob- tained a divorce in any other state. Limited divorce (b) (or absolute in the discretion of the court). (1) Extreme cruelty, whether practised by using personal violence or by other means. (2) Utter desertion by either of the parties for the term of two years. (3) On complaint of the wife, when the husband, being of sufficient ability to provide a suitable maintenance for her, shall grossly or wan- tonly and cruelly refuse or neglect so to do. Absolute divorce (1) Adultery. (2) Impotency. MINNESOTA. a No pardon granted to the party so sentenced, after a divorce for that cause, shalļ restore such party to his or her conjugal rights. b Limited divorce may be decreed for over or for a limited time. CHAPTER II.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON DIVORCE. 101 (3) Cruel and inhuman treatment. (4) When either party, subsequent to the marriage, has been sen- tenced to imprisonment in the state prison. (a) (5) Wilful desertion of one party by the other for the term of three years next preceding the filing of the complaint. (6) Habitual drunkenness for the space of one year immediately pre- ceding the filing of the complaint. Limited divorce (b) (to wife only). (1) The cruel and inhuman treatment by the husband of his wife. (2) Such conduct on the part of the husband towards his wife as may render it unsafe and improper for her to cohabit with him. (3) The abandonment of the wife by the husband, and his refusal or neglect to provide for her. Absolute divorce. MISSISSIPPI. (1) If the parties are within the degrees of relationship prohibited by law. (2) If either party is naturally impotent. (3) If either party be guilty of adultery. (4) If either party be sentenced to the penitentiary and not pardoned before being sent there. (5) Wilful, continued, and obstinate desertion for the space of two years. (6) Habitual drunkenness. (7) Habitual, cruel, and inhuman treatment, marked by personal violence. (8) In favor of the husband for the pregnancy of the wife by another person at the time of marriage, if he did not know of such pregnancy. (9) If the husband have another wife, or the wife another husband, living at the time of the second or subsequent marriage. (c) (10) In favor of any husband or wife applying, if the other party was insane or an idiot at the time of marriage, and the party apply. ing did not know of such insanity or idiocy. There is no limited divorce in Mississippi. MISSOURI. Absolute divorce. (1) When either party at the time of the contract of marriage was and still is impotent; or, a After a divorce on account of imprisonment in the state prison, a pardon shall not restore the party imprisoned to his conjugal rights. b Limited divorce may be decreed for ever or for a limited time. c The same section making this a cause for divorce from the bonds of matrimony also declares that the second or subsequent marriage shall be "invalid and void from the beginning, and the issue thereof shall be illegitimate and subject to the disa- bilities of illegitimate children." 102 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. (2) Had a wife or a husband living at the time of the marriage; or, (3) Has committed adultery since the marriage; or, (4) Has absented himself or herself, without a reasonable cause for the space of one year; or, (5) During said marriage, shall have been convicted of felony or infamous crime; or, (6) Shall have been addicted to habitual drunkenness for the space of one year; or, (7) Shall be guilty of such cruel or barbarous treatment as to endan- ger the life of the other; or, (8) Shall offer such indignities to the other as shall render his or her condition intolerable; or, (9) When the husband shall be guilty of such conduct as to consti- tute him a vagrant, within the meaning of the law respecting vagrants; or, (10) Where, prior to the contract of marriage, or the solemnization thereof, either party shall have been convicted of a felony, or infa mous crime, in any state, territory, or country without knowledge on the part of the other party of such fact at the time of such marriage; or, (11) Where the intended wife, at the time of marriage, shall have been pregnant by any other man than her intended husband, and with- out his knowledge at the time of such solemnization. There is no limited divorce in Missouri. MONTANA. Absolute divorce. (1) If either party was at the time of marriage, and continued to be, impotent naturally; or, (2) Had a wife or husband living at the time of marriage; or, (3) Has committed adultery subsequent to marriage; or, (4) Has wilfully absented himself or herself from the other without reasonable cause for the space of one year; or, (5) In favor of the wife if the husband has wilfully deserted and ab- sented himself from his wife, and departed from the territory without intention of returning; or, (6) If either party has been guilty of habitual drunkenness for the space of one year; or, (7) Has been guilty of extreme cruelty; or, (8) Has been convicted of felony or other infamous crime. There is no limited divorce in Montana. NEBRASKA. Absolute divorce. (1) When adultery has been committed by any husband or wife. (2) When one of the parties was physically incompetent at the time of the marriage. CHAPTER II.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON DIVORCE. 103 (3) When one of the parties has been sentenced to imprisonment in any prison, jail, or house of correction for three years or more. (a) (4) When either party shall wilfully abandon the other without just cause for the term of two years. (5) When the husband or wife shall have become an habitual drunkard. (6) When either party shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life. (a) (7) Extreme cruelty, whether practised by using personal violence or by other means. (8) Utter desertion of either party for the term of two years. (9) In favor of the wife when the husband, being of sufficient ability to provide suitable maintenance for her, shall grossly or wantonly and cruelly refuse or neglect so to do. Limited divorce. For the last three causes limited divorce may also be decreed. Absolute divorce. NEVADA. (1) Impotency at the time of the marriage, continuing to the time of the divorce. (2) Adultery since the marriage remaining unforgiven. (3) Wilful desertion at any time of either party by the other for the period of one year. (4) Conviction of felony or infamous crime. (5) Habitual gross drunkenness, contracted since marriage, of either party, which shall incapacitate such party from contributing his or her share to the support of the family. (6) Extreme cruelty in either party. (7) Neglect of the husband for one year to provide the common neces- saries of life, when such neglect is not the result of poverty on the part of the husband, which he could not avoid by ordinary industry. There is no limited divorce in Nevada. Absolute divorce. NEW HAMPSHIRE. (b) (1) Impotency of either party. (2) Adultery of either party. (3) Extreme cruelty of either party to the other. (4) Conviction of either party of crime punishable in this state with imprisonment for more than one year, and actual imprisonment under such conviction. (5) When either party has so treated the other as to seriously injure health. a No pardon granted after a divorce for this cause shall restore such party to his or her conjugal rights. b No divorce shall be granted for any cause except adultery, unless such cause shall be in existence at the time of filing the petition therefor. 104 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. (6) When either party has so treated the other as seriously to endan- ger reason. (7) When either party has been absent three years together and has not been heard of. (8) When either party is an habitual drunkard, and has been such for three years together. (9) When either party has joined any religious sect or society which professes to believe the relation of husband and wife unlawful, and re- fused to cohabit with the other for six months together. (10) When either party, without sufficient cause and without the consent of the other, has abandoned and refused for three years to- gether to cohabit with the other. (11) When the husband has willingly absented himself from the wife. for three years together without making suitable provision for her sup- port and maintenance. (12) When the wife of any citizen has willingly absented herself from her husband without his consent for three years together. (13) When the wife of any citizen has gone to reside beyond the limits of this state, and remained absent and separate from her husband ten years together without his consent and without returning to claim her marriage rights. (14) When the wife of any alien or citizen of another state living separate has resided in this state for three years together, her husband having left the United States with the intention of becoming a citizen of some foreign country, and not having during that period come into this state and claimed his marital rights, and not having made suitable provision for his wife's support and maintenance. There is no limited divorce in New Hampshire. NEW JERSEY. Absolute divorce. (1) Where either of the parties had another wife or husband living at the time of such second or other marriage. (a) (2) Where the parties are within the degrees prohibited by law; and, (3) In case of adultery in either of the parties; and, also, (4) For wilful, continued, and obstinate desertion for the term of three years. (5) In case the parties, or either of them, were, at the time of such marriage, physically and incurably impotent. (a) Limited divorce. (b) (1) For extreme cruelty in either of the parties. a Notwithstanding that the law provides that divorces from the bond of matri- mony shall be decreed for this cause, the same statute provides that such marriages "shall be invalid from the beginning and absolutely void." b Limited divorce may be decreed for ever or for a limited time. CHAPTER II.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON DIVORCE. 105 In case a husband shall abandon his wife and refuse or neglect to maintain and provide for her, the court may decree support and main- tenance to the wife and the children of the marriage. Absolute divorce. (1) Adultery. NEW MEXICO. (2) Cruel or inhuman treatment. (3) Abandonment. (4) Habitual drunkenness. (5) Neglect on the part of the husband to support the wife. There is no limited divorce in New Mexico. NEW YORK. (α) Absolute divorce. (1) Adultery of either party. Limited divorce. (b) (1) The cruel and inhuman treatment of the plaintiff by the defend- ant. (2) Such conduct on the part of the defendant toward the plaintiff as may render it unsafe and improper for the former to cohabit with the latter. (3) The abandonment of the plaintiff by the defendant. (4) When the wife is the plaintiff, the neglect or refusal of the de- fendant to provide for her. NORTH CAROLINA. Absolute divorce. (1) If either party shall separate from the other and live in adultery. (2) If the wife shall commit adultery. (3) If either party at the time of marriage was, and still is, naturally impotent. (4) If the wife, at the time of the marriage, be pregnant, and the hus- band be ignorant of the fact of such pregnancy, and be not the father of the child with which the wife was pregnant at the time of the marriage. (5) If the husband shall be indicted for a felony and flee the state, and does not return within one year from the time the indictment is found. Limited divorce, (1) If either party shall abandon his or her family; or, (2) Shall maliciously turn the other out of doors; or, a The statutes provide that no pardon granted to any person sentenced to imprison- ment for life shall be deemed to restore such person to the rights of any previous marriage. (See page 78.) 'b Limited divorce may be for ever or for a limited time. 106 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. (3) Shall, by cruel or barbarous treatment, endanger the life of the other; or, (4) Shall offer such indignities to the person of the other as to render his or her condition intolerable and life burdensome; or, (5) Shall become an habitual drunkard. The facts constituting the grounds for divorce must have existed for at least six months prior to the institution of the suit, except where the wife is the plaintiff, and the husband is removing or about to remove his property and effects from the state, whereby she may be disappointed in her alimony. Absolute divorce. OHIO. (1) That either party had a husband or wife living at the time of the marriage from which divorce is sought. (2) Wilful absence of either party from the other for three years. (3) Adultery. (4) Impotency. (5) Extreme cruelty. (6) Fraudulent contract. (7) Any gross neglect of duty. (8) Habitual drunkenness for three years. (9) The imprisonment of either party in a penitentiary under sen- tence thereto; but the petition for divorce under this clause shall be filed during the imprisonment of the adverse party. (10) The procurement of a divorce without the state by a husband or wife, by virtue of which the party who procured it is released from the obligations of the marriage, while the same remain binding upon the other party. There is no limited divorce in Ohio, but there is an action for alimony without divorce, which is in effect a limited divorce, and which may be brought by the wife for any of the following causes: (1) Adultery. (2) Any gross neglect of duty. (3) Abandonment of wife without good cause. (4) That there is a separation in consequence of ill treatment on the part of the husband, whether the wife is maintained by the husband or not. (5) Habitual drunkenness. (6) Sentence to and imprisonment in a penitentiary; in which case the application must be made while the husband is so confined. OREGON. Absolute divorce. (1) Impotency existing at the time of marriage and continuing to the commencement of the suit. CHAPTER II.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON DIVORCE. 107 (2) Adultery. (3) Conviction of felony. (4) Habitual gross drunkenness contracted since marriage and con- tinuing for one year prior to the commencement of the suit. (5) Wilful desertion for the period of one year. (6) Cruel and inhuman treatment; or, (7) Personal indignities, rendering life burdensome. There is no limited divorce in Oregon. Absolute divorce. PENNSYLVANIA. (1) When either party, at the time of the contract, was, and still is, naturally impotent or incapable of procreation; or, (2) Hath knowingly entered into a second marriage in violation of the previous vow he or she made to the former husband or wife, whose marriage is still subsisting; or, (3) Shall have committed adultery; or, (4) Wilful and malicious desertion and absence from the habitation of the other without a reasonable cause for and during the term and space of two years (a); or, (5) When any husband shall have by cruel and barbarous treatment endangered his wife's life; or, (6) Offered such indignities to her person as to render her condition intolerable and life burdensome, and thereby force her to withdraw from his house and family. (7) When the parties are within the degrees of consanguinity or af finity, according to the table established by law. (b) (8) Where the alleged marriage was procured by fraud, force, or coer- cion, and has not been subsequently confirmed by the acts of the in- jured party. (9) Where either of the parties shall have been convicted of a felony, and sentenced by the proper court either to the county prison of the proper county, or to the penitentiary of the proper district, for any term exceeding two years. (10) Where the wife shall have, by cruel and barbarous treatment, rendered the condition of her husband intolerable or life burdensome. Limited divorce (to wife only). (1) When any husband shall maliciously abandon his family; or, (2) Turn his wife out of doors; or, (3) By cruel and barbarous treatment endanger her life; or, a Suit may be brought for this cause six months or more after the desertion took place; but the final decree of divorce shall not be made until the expiration of two years. b The same section making this a cause for divorce declares all marriages within said degrees to be "void to all intents and purposes;" also, "when any of the said marriages shall not have been dissolved during the lifetime of the parties, the un- lawfulness of the same shall not be inquired into after the death of either the hus- band or wife." 108 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. (4) Offer such indignities to her person as to render her condition in. tolerable or life burdensome, and thereby force her to withdraw from his house and family. (5) Adultery. Absolute divorce. RHODE ISLAND. (1) In case of any marriage originally void or voidable by law. (2) Where either party is for crime deemed to be, or treated as if, civ- illy dead. (3) Where either party from absence or other circumstances, may be presumed to be naturally dead. (4) Impotency. (5) Adultery. (6) Extreme cruelty. (7) Wilful desertion for five years of either of the parties, or for such desertion for a shorter period of time, in the discretion of the court. (8) Continued drunkenness. (9) Neglect or refusal on the part of the husband, being of sufficient ability, to provide necessaries for the subsistence of his wife. (10) Any other gross misbehavior and wickedness in either of the par- ties repugnant to and in violation of the marriage covenant. Limited divorce. Limited divorces, until the parties may be reconciled, may be granted for any of the causes for which, by law, a divorce from the bond of mar- riage may be decreed, and for such other causes as may seem to require the same. Absolute divorce. TENNESSEE. (1) When either party, at the time of the contract, was, and still is, naturally impotent and incapable of procreation. (2) When either party has knowingly entered into a second marriage, in violation of a previous marriage still subsisting. (3) When either party has committed adultery. (4) Wilful or malicious desertion, or absence of either party without a reasonable cause for two whole years. (5) Being convicted of any crime which, by the laws of the state, renders the party infamous. (6) Being convicted of a crime which, by the laws of the state, is de- clared to be a felony, and sentenced to confinement in the penitentiary. (7) When either party has attempted the life of the other, by poison, or any other means showing malice. (8) Refusal on part of the wife to remove with her husband to this state without a reasonable cause, and wilfully absenting herself from him for two years. (9) When the woman was pregnant at the time of the marriage by another person, without the knowledge of the husband. CHAPTER II.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON DIVORCE. 109 (10) Habitual drunkenness of either party; when the husband or wife has contracted the habit of drunkenness after marriage, Limited divorce. To wife only (or absolute divorce, at the discretion of the court). (1) When the husband is guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment; or (2) Such conduct towards his wife as renders it unsafe and improper for her to cohabit with him and be under his dominion and control. (3) When he has offered such indignities to her person as to render her condition intolerable and thereby forced her to withdraw. (4) When he has abandoned her; or, (5) Turned her out of doors and refused or neglected to provide for her. Absolute divorce. TEXAS. (1) When either the husband or wife is guilty of excesses, cruel treatment, or outrages towards the other, if such ill-treatment is of such a nature as to render their living together insupportable. (2) In favor of the husband where his wife shall have been taken in adultery; or, (3) Where she shall have voluntarily left his bed and board for the space of three years with the intention of abandonment. (4) In favor of the wife where the husband shall have left her for three years with the intention of abandonment; or (5) Where he shall have abandoned her, and lived in adultery with another woman. (6) In favor of either husband or wife, when the other shall have been convicted, after marriage, of a felony and imprisoned in the state prison; provided, that no suit for divorce shall be sustained because of the conviction of either party for felony until twelve months after final judgment of conviction, nor then if the governor shall have pardoned the convict; provided that the husband has not been convicted on the testimony of the wife, nor the wife on the testimony of the husband. There is no limited divorce in Texas. Absolute divorce, UTAH. (1) Impotency of the defendant at. the time of marriage. (2) Adultery committed by the defendant subsequent to marriage. (3) Wilful desertion of the plaintiff by the defendant for more than one year. (4) Wilful neglect of the defendant to provide for his wife the common necessaries of life. (5) Habitual drunkenness of the defendant. (6) Conviction of the defendant for felony. (7) Cruel treatment of the plaintiff by the defendant to the extent of causing great bodily injury or great mental distress to the plaintiff, There is no limited divorce in Utah, 110 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. : VERMONT. Absolute divorce. (1) For adultery in either party. (2) When either party is sentenced to confinement to hard labor in the state prison for life, or for three or more years, and is actually con- fined at the time. (a) (3) For intolerable severity in either party. (4) For wilful desertion for three consecutive years. (5) When either party has been absent for seven years, and not heard of during that time. (6) On petition of the wife when the husband, being of sufficient pe- cuniary ability to provide suitable maintenance for her, without cause grossly or wantonly and cruelly refuses or neglects so to do. There is no limited divorce in Vermont. VIRGINIA. Absolute divorce. (1) Adultery. (2) Natural or incurable impotency of body existing at the time of entering into the matrimonial contract. (3) Where either of the parties is sentenced to confinement in the penitentiary. (a) (4) Where prior to the marriage either party, without the knowledge of the other, has been convicted of an infamous offence. (5) Where either party charged with an offence punishable with death or confinement in the penitentiary has been indicted, is a fugi- tive from justice, and has been absent for two years. (6) Where either party wilfully deserts or abandons the other for five years. (7) To the husband where, at the time of the marriage, the wife, without the knowledge of the husband, was with child by some person other than the husband; or (8) Prior to such marriage, had been, without the knowledge of the husband, a prostitute. Limited divorce. (b) (1) Cruelty. (2) Reasonable apprehension of bodily hurt. (3) Abandonment. (c) (4) Desertion. (c) a No pardon granted to the party so sentenced shall restore such party to his or her conjugal rights. b Limited divorce may be for ever or for a limited time. c When a divorce from bed and board has been decreed for this cause and five years have elapsed since abandonment or desertion without reconciliation, the court may, on application of the injured party, decree a divorce from the bonds of matri- mony. CHAPTER II.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON DIVORCE. 111 Absolute divorce. WASHINGTON. (1) When the consent to the marriage of the party applying for the divorce was obtained by force or fraud, and there has been no subse- quent voluntary cohabitation. (2) For adultery on the part of the wife or of the husband, when un- forgiven, and application is made within one year after it shall come to his or her knowledge. (3) Impotency. (4) Abandonment for one year. (5) Cruel treatment of either party by the other; or (6) Personal iniquities rendering life burdensome. (7) Habitual drunkenness of either party. (8) Neglect or refusal of the husband to make suitable provisions for his family. (9) The imprisonment of either party in the penitentiary, if complaint is filed during the term of such imprisonment. (10) Any other cause deemed by the court sufficient, and when the court shall be satisfied that the parties can no longer live together. (11) The court may, in its discretion, grant a divorce in case of in- curable chronic mania or dementia of either party, having existed ten years or more. There is no limited divorce in Washington. WEST VIRGINIA. + Absolute divorce. (1) Adultery. (2) Natural or incurable impotency of body, existing at the time of entering into the matrimonial contract. (3) Where either of the parties is sentenced to confinement in the penitentiary. (a) (4) Where, prior to marriage, either party, without the knowledge of the other, had been convicted of an infamous offence. (5) Where either party wilfully abandons or deserts the other for three years. (6) Where at the time of the marriage 'the wife, without the knowl- edge of the husband, was enceinte by some person other than the hus- band; or, (7) Where the wife, prior to the marriage, had been, without the knowledge of the husband, notoriously a prostitute; or, (8) Where the husband, prior to such marriage, had been, without the knowledge of the wife, notoriously a licentious person. a No pardon granted to the person so sentenced shall restore such party to his or her conjugal rights. , 112 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. Limited divorce. (a) (1) Cruel or inhuman treatment. (b) (2) Reasonable apprehension of bodily hurt. (3) Abandonment. (4) Desertion. (5) Where either party after marriage becomes an habitual drunkard. Absolute divorce. (1) Adultery. (2) Impotency. WISCONSIN. (3) When either party subsequent to the marriage has been sentenced to imprisonment for three years or more. (c) (4) The wilful desertion of one party by the other for the term of one year next preceding the commencement of the action. (5) When the treatment of either party by the other has been cruel and inhuman, whether practised by using personal violence or by any other means; or, (6) When the wife shall be given to intoxication. (7) When the husband or wife shall have been an habitual drunkard for the space of one year immediately preceding the commencement of the action. (8) Whenever the husband and wife shall have voluntarily lived en- tirely separate for the space of five years next preceding the commence- ment of the action, a divorce may be granted at the suit of either party. Limited divorce. (1) For the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th causes above specified. (2) For extreme cruelty of either party. (d) (3) On the complaint of the wife when the husband, being of sufficient ability, shall refuse or neglect to provide for her (d); or (4) When his conduct toward her is such as may render it unsafe and improper for her to live with him. (d) Absolute divorce. WYOMING. (1) When adultery has been committed by any husband or wife. (2) When one of the parties was physically incompetent at the time of the marriage, and the same has continued to the time of the divorce. (3) When one of the parties has been convicted of a felony and sen- tenced to imprisonment therefor in any prison. (c) a Limited divorce may be decreed for ever or for a limited time. b A false charge of prostitution made by the husband against the wife is declared to be cruel treatment within the meaning of the statute. c No pardon granted after divorce for this cause shall restore the party sentenced to his or her conjugal rights. d A divorce from the bonds of matrimony may also be adjudged for this cause when- ever, in the opinion of the court, the circumstances of the case are such that it will be discreet and proper so to do, CHAPTER II.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON DIVORCE. 113 (4) When either party has wilfully deserted the other for the term of one year. (5) When the husband or wife shall have become an habitual drunk- ard. (6) When one of the parties has been guilty of extreme cruelty to the other. (7) When the husband for the period of one year has neglected to provide the common necessaries of life, when such neglect is not the re- sult of poverty on the part of the husband, which he could not avoid by ordinary industry. (8) When either party shall offer such indignities to the other as shall render his or her condition intolerable, (9) When the husband shall be guilty of such conduct as to consti- tute him a vagrant within the meaning of the law respecting vagrancy, (10) When, prior to the marriage, either party shall have been con- victed of a felony or infamous crime in any state, territory, or count[r]y without knowledge on the part of the other party of such fact at the time of such marriage. (11) When the intended wife at the time of contracting marriage, or at the time of the solemnization thereof, shall have been pregnant by any other man than her intended husband, and without his knowledge at the time of such solemnization. There is no limited divorce in Wyoming. RECAPITULATION OF CAUSES. [South Carolina has no divorce laws, and, of course, is not included in this summary.] Absolute divorce. (1) Adultery: A cause in all the states and territories. (a) (2) Pregnancy of wife at time of marriage, unknown to husband: Ala- bama, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming. (3) Illicit carnal intercourse of wife, unknown to husband, before mar- riage: Maryland. (4) Lewd and lascivious behavior of wife: Kentucky. (5) When wife, prior to marriage, unknown to husband, had been noto- riously a prostitute: Virginia, West Virginia. (6) When husband, prior to marriage, unknown to wife, had been noto- riously a licentious person: West Virginia. (7) Gross misbehavior and wickedness in violation of marriage covenant: Rhode Island. (8) Crime against nature: Alabama. a In Kentucky, North Carolina, and Texas, living in adultery with another woman by the husband is cause for divorce to the wife; but divorce will be granted to the husband in Kentucky and North Carolina for the commission of adultery by the wife, and in Texas when the wife shall have been "taken in adultery." 20267 M D-8 114 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. (9) Concealment of loathsome disease existing at time of marriage: Keǹ- tucky. (10) Contracting loathsome disease after marriage: Kentucky. (11) Impotency, physical incapacity, etc., at time of marriage: A cause in all except Arizona, California, Connecticut, Dakota, Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, New Mexico, New York, Texas, Vermont. (12) When either party, in consequence of immoral or criminal conduct subsequent to marriage, became impotent: Colorado. (13) Abandonment, desertion, wilful absence: A cause in all except New York and North Carolina. (14) Disappearance, absence without being heard from: Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont. (15) Living apart (voluntary separation): Kentucky, Wisconsin. (16) When either party has joined a religious sect believing marriage unlawful: Kentucky, Massachusetts, New Hampshire. (17) When either party has been indicted for felony and is a fugitive from justice: Louisiana, Virginia. (18) When husband is indicted for felony and flees the state: North Carolina. (19) Refusal on part of wife "to remove with her husband to this state," etc. Tennessee. (20) Cruelty, actual violence or apprehension thereof, inhuman treat- ment, etc. A cause in all except Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia. (a) (21) Indignities rendering condition intolerable or life burdensome : Arkansas, Missouri, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Washingtou (b), Wyoming. (22) Conduct rendering it unsafe and improper for wife to cohabit with husband: Tennessee. (23) When husband shall turn wife out of doors: Tennessee. (c) (24) Failure or neglect of husband to provide for wife: Arizona, Cal- ifornia, Colorado, Dakota, Delaware, Idaho, Indiana, Maine, Massachu- setts, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire (d), New Mexico, Rhode Island, Tennessee (d), Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming. (25) Habitual indulgence in violent and ungovernable temper: Florida. (26) Attempt by either party upon the life of the other: Illinois, Louisi ana, Tennessee. (27) Gross neglect of duty: Kansas, Ohio. (28) Drunkenness, intemperance, intoxication (habitual): A cause in a In Alabama, Kentucky, and Tennessee a divorce for this cause can be granted to the wife only. b In Washington, "personal iniquities," rendering, etc. c Coupled with his refusal or neglect to provide for her. d In New Hampshire such neglect must be accompanied by willing absence for three years; in Tennessee, by turning the wife out of doors. CHAPTER II.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON DIVORCE. 115 all except Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsyl- vania, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia. (a) (29) When the wife shall be "given to intoxication": Wisconsin. (30) When the husband shall be guilty of such conduct as to constitute him a vagrant under the statutes: Missouri, Wyoming. (31) Conviction of felony or infamous crime, sentence to imprisonment, imprisonment: A cause in all except District of Columbia, Florida, Maine, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina. (32) Insanity or mental incapacity at time of marriage: District of Co- lumbia, Georgia, Mississippi. (33) Insanity (permanent and incurable) occurring subsequent to mar- riage: Arkansas. (34) Incurable chronic mania or dementia, having existed ten years or more: Washington. (35) Any cause rendering the marriage originally void: Maryland, Rhode Island; or voidable: Rhode Island. (36) When marriage was within prohibited degrees: Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, New Jersey, Pennsylvania. (37) When either party had a former wife or husband living: Arkan- sas, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Missis- sippi, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee. (38) Procurement of marriage by force, duress, or fraud: Connecticut, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Washington. (39) When marriage was solemnized while either party was under the age of consent: Delaware. (40) When one of the parties has obtained a divorce in another state : Florida, Michigan, Ohio. (41) Public defamation: Louisiana. (42) Any other cause deemed by the court sufficient and when the court shall be satisfied that the parties can no longer live together: Washington. Limited divorce, Limited divorce exists in the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mary- land, Michigan, Minnesota (in favor of wife only), Nebraska, New Jer- sey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania (in favor of wife only), Rhode Island, Tennessee (in favor of wife only), Virginia, West Vir ginia, Wisconsin. The following is a summary of the causes existing in the states allow- ing limited divorces: (1) Adultery: Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Pennsylva- nia, Rhode Island. (2) Pregnancy of wife at time of marriage, and unknown to husband; Alabama, Kentucky. (3) Lewd and lascivious behavior of wife: Kentucky. a In Arizona a divorce for this cause can be granted to the wife only. 116 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. (4) Gross misbehavior and wickedness in violation of the marriage cove- nant: Rhode Island. (5) Crime against nature: Alabama. (6) Concealment of loathsome disease existing at time of marriage: Ken- tucky. (7) Contracting loathsome disease after marriage: Kentucky. (8) Excessively vicious conduct: Maryland. (9) Impotency, physical incapacity at time of marriage: Alabama, Ar- kansas, Kentucky, Rhode Island. (10) Abandonment, desertion, wilful absence: Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota (a), Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin. (11) Disappearance (absence raising the presumption of death): Rhode Island. (12) Living apart (voluntary separation): Kentucky. (13) When either party has joined religious sect believing marriage un- lawful: Kentucky. (14) Cruelty; actual violence or apprehension thereof; inhuman treat- ment, etc.: Alabama, Arkansas, District of Columbia, Georgia, Ken- tucky (to wife), Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin. (15) Indignities rendering condition intolerable or life burdensome: Arkansas, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee. (16) Conduct rendering it unsafe or improper for the parties to cohabit : Minnesota, New York, Tennessee, Wisconsin (to wife). (17) When one ty shall turn the other out of doors: North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee (b). (18) Failure or neglect of husband to provide for wife: Delaware, Michigan, Minnesota (c), Nebraska, New York, Tennessee (c), Rhode Island, Wisconsin. (19) Drunkenness, intemperance, intoxication (habitual): Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, North Carolina, Rhode Island, West Virginia, Wisconsin. (20) When the wife shall be given to intoxication: Wisconsin. (21) Conviction of felony or infamous crime; imprisonment: Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Rhode Island. (22) Insanity (permanent and incurable), occurring subsequent to mar- riage: Arkansas. (23) When either party had a former husband or wife living: Arkansas. (24) Any cause rendering marriage originally void or voidable: Rhode Island. a In Minnesota coupled with refusal or neglect to provide for wife. b In Tennessee coupled with husband's refusal or neglect to provide for wife. c In Minnesota, coupled with abandonment of the wife; in Tennessee, with turning the wife out of doors. CHAPTER II.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON DIVORCE. 117 (25) Procurement of marriage by force, duress, or fraud: Kentucky. (26) Procurement of marriage when either party was under age of con- sent: Delaware. (27) When either party has been charged with an infamous offence and shall actually have fled from justice: Louisiana. (28) Attempt by either party upon the life of the other: Louisiana. (29) Public defamation: Louisiana. (30) Such other cause as the court may deem sufficient: Kentucky. (31) Such other causes as may seem to require the same: Rhode Island. (32) Any ground which was held sufficient in the English courts prior to May 4, 1784: Georgia. SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR DEFENCE. The laws of the states and territory below named provide for the resistance of petitions for divorce, either by attorneys appointed for that purpose by the courts or by the prosecuting attorney, under the circum- stances specified: INDIANA.—Whenever a petition for divorce remains undefended, it shall be the duty of the prosecuting attorney to appear and resist the same. KENTUCKY.—It is the duty of the county attorney to resist every application for divorce, and if successful he shall be allowed a fee of twenty dollars, to be paid by the husband, who may be compelled by attachment to pay the same. LOUISIANA.—If the defendant is absent or incapable of acting from any cause, an attorney shall be appointed by the court to represent him. MICHIGAN. When there are children under fourteen years of age, it shall be the duty of the prose cuting attorney of the county where the suit is commenced to enter his appearance in the cause, and when, in his judgment, the interest of said children or the public good so require, he shall introduce evidence and appear at the hearing and oppose the granting of a decree of divorce. If the prosecuting attorney is in any way interested as solicitor or counsel for either of the parties, an attor- ney shall be appointed by the court to perform the duties required by this section. VERMONT.—The state's attorneys for the several counties shall appear in behalf of the state in all divorce cases, and, if in their judg. ment the public good shall require, upon the hearing of such cases, shall introduce evidence on the part of the state. WASHINGTON.-Whenever a petition for divorce remains undefended, it shall be the duty of the prosecuting attorney to resist such petition, except where the attorney for the petitioner is a partner of, or keeps his office with, such prosecuting attorney, in which case an attorney shall be appointed by the court to resist the petition. 118 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ALIMONY. Provision is made by the divorce laws of all the states and territo ries for the temporary or permanent maintenance of the wife and chil- dren during the pendency of the suit, or after decree has been rendered. It is not deemed essential in this work to state the various regula- tions and restrictions governing the allowance of alimony, other than to observe that under the laws of Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hamp- shire, Oregon, Virginia, Washington, and West Virginia, alimony, or an allowance in the nature of alimony, may be decreed to the husband as well as the wife. In the other states and territories the right thereto is conferred exclusively on the wife. WHEN' DIVORCE IS REFUSED. The statutes of a majority of the states provide for the disallowance of applications for divorce where there has been collusion, connivance, condonation, or in case of recrimination. By collusion is meant an agreement between the parties for one of them to commit, or appear to have committed, some act constituting a cause for divorce, in order to enable the other to obtain a divorce. Connivance is the corrupt consent of a party to the act of the other constituting a cause for divorce, which is afterwards sought to be taken advantage of in an action for divorce. Condonation is the conditional forgiveness, either express or implied, by one party, of a breach of matrimonial duty in the other. Recrimination arises when the party seeking the divorce is also guilty of the act of which he or she complains in the other, or, in some states, of any other act constituting a ground for divorce. The following statement shows the states and territories by the stat utes of which divorce is barred by the circumstance specified: Connivance. Recrimination. Collusion. Alabama. (a) Arizona. (a) Arkansas. California. Colorado. Dakota. Delaware. Florida. (a) Georgia. (d) Idaho. Illinois. Maine. Michigan. Mississippi. (a) Missouri. Montana. Nebraska. New Jersey. (a) North Carolina. Khode Island. Texas. (a) Wyoming. Alabama. (a, b) Arizona. (b, c) Arkansas. California. Dakota. Delaware. (a, b) Georgia. (d) Illinois. Indiana. (a) Michigan. (a) Minnesota. (a, g) Missouri. Nebraska. (a) New Jersey. (a) New York. (a, g) Oregon. (c, g) Pennsylvania. (a, b, c) Tennessee. (a, b, c) Texas. (a, b, c) Virginia. (a, g) West Virginia. (a, g) Wisconsin. (a, g) Wyoming. (a, g) Condonation. Alabama. (a) Arizona. (a) Alabama. (a) Arizona. (a) California. Dakota. Delaware. (a) Georgia. (d) Idaho. Indiana. (a) Kentucky. (a) Louisiana. Michigan. (a) Minnesota. (a) Mississippi. (a) Montana. (a, f) Nebraska. (a) Nevada. (a) New York. (a) Oregon. Pennsylvania. (a) Tennessee. (a) Texas. (a) Virginia. (a, i) Washington. (j) West Virginia. (a, i) Wisconsin. (a) Wyoming. (a) Arkansas. California. Colorado. (a) Dakota. Delaware. (a) Florida. (a) Georgia. Idaho. Illinois. (a) Indiana. (a) Kansas. (e) Maine. (a) Michigan. Minnesota. (a, h) Mississippi. (a) Missouri. (a) Montana. (a) Nebraska. New Jersey. (a) New York. Oregon. (a) Pennsylvania. (a) Tennessee. (a, h) Texas. (a) Wyoming. CHAPTER II.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON DIVORCE. 119 a In case of adultery. b By husband. c Also, exposure by the husband of the wife to lewd company, whereby she be- came ensnared to the crime of adultery. d In case of adultery, desertion, cruel treatment, or intoxication. e In the discretion of the court. ƒ In case of conviction of felony or other infamous crime, divorce will not be granted if parties have lived and cohabited together as husband and wife after con- viction. g Or when the act complained of was committed by the procurement of the plaintiff. h If the suit be brought by the wife for any cause for which limited divorce may be granted, and the defendant proves to the satisfaction of the court that his conduct was justified by the ill conduct of his wife, divorce will not be granted. i In case of conviction of infamous offence, or of the wife's having been with child or a prostitute before marriage, divorce will be barred by the cohabitation of the parties after knowledge of the fact. Also, in West Virginia, in case of the husband's having been a notoriously licentious person. j In case of force, fraud, or adultery. In the states and territories below named actions for divorce must be brought within the periods of time severally specified, and are barred if not brought within those periods. ARKANSAS.-In all cases, within five years next after the occurrence or existence of the act complained of. CALIFORNIA.-In case of adultery, within two years after commission or discovery of the act. In case of conviction of felony before the ex- piration of two years after a pardon or the termination of the period of sentence. In all other cases, before there has been an unreasonable lapse of time. DAKOTA. Before there is such a lapse of time as establishes the pre- sumption that there has been connivance, collusion, or condonation of the offence, or a full acquiescence in the same. IDAHO.-Same as California, except that action must be brought be- fore the expiration of one year after the granting of a pardon or the termination of the period of sentence in case of conviction of felony. INDIANA.—In case of adultery, within two years after the discovery of the act. KENTUCKY.-Same as Arkansas. MICHIGAN.-In case of adultery, within five years after the discovery of the act. MINNESOTA.—In case of adultery, within three years after the dis- covery of the act. NEBRASKA.—Same as Michigan. NEW YORK.-Same as Michigan. OREGON.—In case of adultery or conviction of felony, within one year after the discovery of the act or conviction of the defendant. VIRGINIA.—In case of adultery, within five years after commission of the act. 120 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. WASHINGTON.-In case of adultery, within one year after knowledge of the act. WEST VIRGINIA.-Same as Virginia. WISCONSIN.-Same as Minnesota. WYOMING.-Same as Minnesota. In the states below specified the time within which divorce proceed- ings must be instituted is not specially provided for, but under their general laws actions not otherwise provided for must be brought within the periods of time indicated: Two years, New Jersey; three years, Mon- tana; four years, Arizona, Florida, Nebraska, Nevada, Texas, Utah; five years, Illinois, Kansas; six years, Mississippi, New Hampshire; ten years, North Carolina, Ohio. VALIDITY OF DIVORCES OBTAINED IN ANOTHER STATE. In Delaware, Maine, and Massachusetts it is provided that when an inhabitant of the state shall go into any other jurisdiction to obtain a divorce for any cause occurring within the state, or for a cause which would not authorize a divorce by the laws of the state, a divorce so ob- tained shall be of no force or effect in the state. In all other cases a divorce decreed in any other state or country according to the laws thereof, by a court having jurisdiction of the case and of the parties, is valid in said states. In Indiana it is declared, without qualification, that "a divorce de- creed in any other state, by a court having jurisdiction thereof, shall have full effect in this state." The foregoing are the only statutory provisions found on this subject. CHANGE OF NAME AFTER DIVORCE. In eighteen states, below named, the court (in Georgia the jury) may change the name of any woman to whom a divorce is granted: Arizona. Illinois. Missouri. Arkansas. Kansas. Nevada. Connecticut. Kentucky. Ohio. District of Columbia. Massachusetts. Oregon. Georgia. Minnesota. Rhode Island. Texas. Vermont. Washington. In Arizona, District of Columbia, Oregon, Texas, and Washington the name of the woman may be changed whether the divorce is granted on the application of the wife or not. In Arizona and Texas the court, upon final disposition of the case, may make a decree changing the name of either party, if such change is specially prayed for. In Vermont the court may change the names of the minor children of divorced parents when such change is prayed for in the petition for divorce. CHAPTER II.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON DIVORCE. 121 } DIVORCE STATISTICS. In Connecticut and New Hampshire the clerks of the courts are re- quired, at the close of each term or session, to report the number and causes of divorces granted at such term, in the first-named state to the secretary of the state board of health, and in the other to the regis- trar of vital statistics, and the returns so made are to be published annually. Annual reports are required to be made in relation to divorces ap- plied for and granted, the causes therefor, etc., by clerks of courts in Massachusetts and Vermont, to the secretary of state, and in Rhode Island, to the secretary of the state board of health. In Massachusetts the divorce statistics are to be reported annually to the legislature. In Rhode Island they are to be published annually, and in Vermont biennially. In the year 1883 a law was passed in Maine requiring clerks of courts to make reports to the secretary of state, within thirty days after the adjournment of any court having jurisdiction of divorce, in relation to applications and decrees therefor. This law was repealed by act ap- proved February 1, 1887. In Indiana, Minnesota, and Ohio statistics relating to divorces are collected and published under general provisions of law, in Indiana by the chief of the bureau of statistics, in Minnesota by the assistant sec- retary of state, who is ex-officio commissioner of statistics, and in Ohio by the secretary of state. No specific provisions directing such collec- tion and publication are found in the statutes of the respective states. ANNULMENT. In the laws of the states and territories below specified general pro- visions are made for judicial proceedings to annul or to determine the validity of void or voidable marriages, or marriages which are supposed to be void, or the validity of which is doubted. (A statement of void and voidable marriages is given on pages 35 to 45). Arizona. California. Connecticut. Kentucky. Louisiana. Maine. Dakota. (a) Delaware. (b) Idaho. (a) Iowa. Maryland. Massachusetts. Michigan. Minnesota. Nebraska. New Hampshire. New Mexico. North Carolina. Oregon. South Carolina. Texas. Utah. Vermont. Virginia. Washington. West Virginia. Wisconsin. Wyoming. In the remaining states and territories, except Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Illinois, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, a Special provision does not seem to have been made for the annulment of mar- riages within the prohibited degrees. b No special provision seems to have been made for the annulment of marriages sol- emnized by an unauthorized person. 122 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. • Ohio, Rhode Island, and Tennessee, provision is made for the annul- ment of marriages for causes specified as follows: ALABAMA.-"On conviction for incest, for marrying within the pro- hibited degrees, the court must declare such marriage null and voids" ARKANSAS.—When either party shall be incapable from want of age or understanding, or from physical causes, or where consent of either party was obtained by force or fraud. GEORGIA. The laws contain no direct provision for annulment, but section 1702, code of 1882, provides that the issue of certain void mar- riages, "before they are annulled and declared void by a competent court," are legitimate. INDIANA.-When either party shall be incapable from want of age or understanding. KANSAS.-Same as Indiana. NEVADA. When either party shall be incapable from want of age or understanding; or where fraud shall have been proved. NEW YORK. When either party was under age of legal consent; or had a former husband or wife living at the time of the marriage; or was an idiot or lunatic; or was physically incapable of entering into the marriage state, and such incapacity continues and is incurable; or when the consent of either party was obtained by force, duress, or fraud. PENNSYLVANIA.-When either party had a former husband or wife living at the time of the marriage. SECTARIAN PRACTICES AND CUSTOMS. The Roman Catholic Church.-Large and increasing as the number of divorces in the United States is, it is an undeniable fact that were it not for the wide-spread influence of the Roman Catholic Church the number would be much greater. The loyalty of Catholics to the teachings and doctrines of their Church, and the fact that one of the cardinal doctrines of the Church is that Christian marriage is a holy sacrament which, when consummated, can be dissolved for no cause and in no manner, save by death, has unquestionably served as a barrier to the volume of divorce which, except among the members of that church, is, and during the past twenty years has been, assuming ever increasing proportions throughout the country. The rules of the Catholic Church positively prohibit absolute divorce, as permitted by legislative enactments. Separations, either permanent or temporary (equivalent to limited divorce as allowed by law), are, how- ever, permitted for various causes, as below enumerated. The regulations of the Church concerning marriage and divorce are substantially as follows: (1) A valid Christian marriage, not consummated, may be dissolved by the spiritual death of one of the parties, who takes the vows of a religious order; or by a dispensation from the pope. CHAPTER II.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON DIVORCE. 123 (2) A marriage between unbelievers becomes dissolved if one of the parties becomes a Christian and makes a valid Christian marriage, pro- vided the unconverted unbelieving spouse will not continue the mar- riage relation with the other, or will not continue it without reviling the Creator (sine contumelia Creatoris). (3) Perpetual separation in case of valid consummated Christian mar- riage is permitted on the following grounds: Adultery by either party; wilful desertion; entrance of one of the parties, with the permission of the other, into a religious order. (4) Temporary separation is allowed on the following grounds: Apos- tacy from Christianity; seduction to vice or felony; cruelty or assault endangering life or health; long standing grievance or mortification; infectious disease of long standing; wilful desertion; violation of duty, endangering the civil or property rights of the other. A marriage is not valid under the Catholic Church law when any of the obstacles below specified exist: (1) error; (2) compulsion; (3) im- proper stipulations; (4) sexual impotency; (5) insanity or mental weak- ness; (6) lack of sufficient age; (7) consanguinity within prohibited degrees; (8) affinity within prohibited degrees; (9) spiritual relation- ship, e. g., sponsor and god-child; (10) legal relationship, e. g., guardian and ward; (11) quasi-affinity, e. g., betrothal to a relative; (12) existing undissolved marriage; (13) membership in the priesthood; (14) mem- bership in a religious order; (15) difference of religion, as between Christians and Hebrews or Moslems; (16) elopement involving force; (17) adultery; (18) murder of a spouse. The Mormons.-Two kinds of divorce exist amongst the Lat- ter-Day Saints, the one separating for this life and the other for the future as well. In all cases where divorces a mensâ et thoro are sought from first wives or legal husbands the ordinary civil courts are utilized. Where plural wives are the suitors, either as plaintiffs or defendants, they can not appear in courts of law, having no legal status therein. (Ann Eliza Young v. Brigham Young; decided by the United States Supreme Court in 1875.) Hence, their only remedy against a yoke which has become intolerable is an appeal to the power which bound them to set them free. Being invested with supreme authority to bind, the president of the Church can also unloose. Church divorce is a logical outgrowth of the doctrines of plural mar- riage and spiritual (i. e. eternal) marriage. Without it plural wives would be badly off indeed, in view of the non-recognition of their civil status by the temporal courts., And as the jurisdiction of the civil courts extends to this world only, the relief afforded by such a court in the event of an ill-assorted spiritual marriage would be very inadequate, as a divorce granted by such a court would, according to the belief of the Latter-Day Saints, leave the marriage still in force for the future life. Hence, parties who have been sealed to each other for eternity, and have been divorced by the decree of a civil court, must, if they de- 124 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. sire to live separate from each other in the world to come, have their eternal covenant subsequently unsealed by ecclesiastical authority. When parties spiritually married have been divorced by the civil courts, or by the Church for this world only, they are free to marry, but only for this world; when divorced by the Church for eternity as well, they are wholly freed from each other. The causes for which a man may obtain a Church divorce from his wife, either for time or eternity, or for both, are murder, adultery, in- fanticide, fœticide—a crime considered of equal or greater enormity than the violation of her marriage vows,-incompatibility of temper render- ing it impossible to live together harmoniously. A woman may be di- vorced from her husband for any of the above causes; and, in addition, for impotency existing at the time of marriage or contracted subsequent thereto, cruel treatment, refusal or neglect to support her and her chil- dren, or repeated injuries of any kind till her love is turned to loathing. Should a knowledge of crime appear after the death of one of the par- ties to a sealed marriage the survivor may procure a Church divorce. These divorces can only be granted by the president of the Church. He gives them upon the application of one or both of the parties in terested and the recommendation of the bishop of the ward where they reside. It is the duty of this officer to thoroughly investigate matters and to try, if possible, to bring about a settlement of the difficulties. The following, which is a copy of authentic records, will illustrate the point: 's house, Saturday evening, and wife; Bishop Minutes of a meeting held at Bishop August 24, 1878, at the mutual request of G- presiding. Present, Bishop to G- -, and wife (parties to the suit). Opened with prayer by After a few preliminary remarks the bishop desired Sister state the charges she preferred against G————, her husband. After stating some grievances she had, the following were made out as the sum charges against her husband, viz: Wilful neglect and general abuse of herself and family; ill treatment and flogging of their children, causing them to leave their home; not properly providing for them, and a desire on her part for a separation between them. Also, in reply to to the bishop, she stated, she wanted one of the two houses to live in by herself; to be allowed a weekly stipulation for herself and children, and that the children be placed under her charge and care. G- refuted the charge of unmerciful flogging, and stated that he provided for his family to the best of his means; that he was will- ing to do what was just and right; to give his wife the best house of the two to live in, and abide by the bishop's decision. The bishop decided that he turn over the best house of the two for his wife's use, and as soon as possible get the present occupant to move to another place; that he allow her $6 per week and find her in sufficient flour and fuel; that he let her have the sewing machine, cooking stove, and an equal share of the furniture, and that the fruit of the orchard be fairly divided. W. H- was appointed to see that the weekly payments be made as far as could be conscientiously done. CHAPTER II.—STATUTORY REGULATIONS, ETC., ON DIVORCE. 125 ។ The clerk was authorized to make three copies of these minutes and present the same for signature, and see that G a copy. Dismissed by W. C and wife each get Bishop ―th ward. The settlement thus effected did not finally reconcile the parties, since the records of the probate court of Salt Lake county show that divorce proceedings were commenced therein on February 24, 1879 and a decree granted on April 15 of the same year. It is always necessary for the first wife to be divorced by the civil courts, if at all, but permission from a religious teacher must be obtained before the suit is begun, no matter whether the husband or the wife is the plaintiff. If the woman thinks she does not get fair treatment in the settlement of property affairs, she complains to a teacher of the ward where she lives, and if he thinks her plea well founded, he lays the question before the bishop, who, with his councillors, try the case. Should they deem it just, they revise the settlements made in the civil courts. The defeated party may appeal to the high council and after- wards to the president of the Church, and if he lose finally, excom- munication is the price of further resistance. Decrees of divorce granted by the Church are made out in triplicate; the original is kept for record, and the duplicate and triplicate are given to the man and woman respectively. The form of a decree is as fol- lows: Know all persons by these presents: and That we the undersigned, his wife (before her mar- riage to him), do hereby mutually covenant, promise, and agree to dissolve all the relations which have hitherto existed between us as husband and wife, and to keep ourselves separate and apart from each other from this time forth. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands at day of A. D. 18-. Signed in the presence of 9 this The statistics of Church divorce covering the entire ecclesiastical juris- diction of the Latter-Day Saints show that from January 1, 1867, to De- cember 31, 1886, 759 decrees of this kind were granted. The second half of this period exhibits a marked diminution in comparison with the first, the relative numbers being 266 for 1877-86, to 493 for 1867-76, a decline of 46 per cent.—— NOTE.-The material in the chapters on the statutory regulations governing marri- age and divorce in the United States has been compiled from an examination of the following codifications or digests and subsequent session laws for each state and territory as specified: ALABAMA.-Revised Code, 1886; Biennial Laws, 1886-7. ARIZONA.—Revised Statutes, 1887. 126 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ARKANSAS.-Digest of the Statutes, 1884; Biennial Laws, 1885, 1887. CALIFORNIA.-Deering's Codes, 1885; Laws of 1886 (extra session); Biennial Laws, 1887. COLORADO.-General Statutes, 1883; Biennial Laws, 1885, 1887. CONNECTICUT.-General Statutes, 1888. DAKOTA.-Dakota Codes (Levisée), 1885; Biennial Laws, 1887. DELAWARE.-Revised Statutes, edition of 1874; Biennial Laws, 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.-United States Statutes at Large, 1873-4 (the volume commonly called Post-Roads); subsequent acts of Congress to and including first session Fiftieth Congress. FLORIDA.-McClellan's Digest, 1881; Biennial Laws, 1885. GEORGIA.-Code, 1882; Annual Laws, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1825, 1886, 1887. IDAHO.-Revised Statutes, 1887. ILLINOIS.-Starr and Curtis's Annotated Statutes, 1885; Biennial Laws, 1885, 1887. INDIANA.-Revised Statutes, 1881; Biennial Laws, 1883, 1885, 1887, and extra session of 1885. IOWA.--McClain's Annotated Statutes, 1884; Biennial Laws, 1886, 1888. KANSAS.-Compiled Laws (Dassler), 1885; Biennial Laws, 1887. KENTUCKY.-General Statutes, 1883; Biennial Laws, 1883-4, 1885-6. LOUISIANA.-Voorhies's Revised Code of Practice, 1882; Voorhies's Revised Laws, 1884; Revised Civil Code, 1887; Biennial Laws, 1888. MAINE.-Revised Statutes, 1883; Biennial Laws, 1885, 1887. MARYLAND.-Revised Code, 1878; Biennial Laws, 1880, 1882, 1884, 1886, 1888. MASSACHUSETTS.-Public Statutes, 1882; Annual Laws, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888. MICHIGAN.-Howell's Annotated Statutes, 1882; Biennial Laws, 1883, 1885, 1887. MINNESOTA.-General Statutes, 1883; Penal Code, 1885; Biennial Laws, 1885, 1887. MISSISSIPPI.-Revised Code, 1880; Biennial Laws, 1882, 1884, 1886. MISSOURI.-Revised Statutes, 1879; Biennial Laws, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887. MONTANA.-Compiled Statutes, 1887. NEBRASKA. -Compiled Statutes, 1887. NEVADA.-General Statutes, 1885; Biennial Laws, 1887. NEW HAMPSHIRE.-Gen'l Laws, 1878; Biennial Laws, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887. NEW JERSEY.-Revision, 1877; Supplement to Revision, 1886; Annual Laws, 1887. NEW MEXICO.-Compiled Laws, 1884; Biennial Laws, 1886-7. NEW YORK.-Revised Statutes (Banks & Bros.), seventh edition, four volumes, 1882-3; Annual Laws, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888. NORTH CAROLINA.-Code, 1883; Biennial Laws, 1885, 1887. Ошo.-Revised Statutes, 1886; Annual Laws, 1886, 1887. OREGON.-Hill's Annotated Laws, 1887; Biennial Laws, 1887. PENNSYLVANIA.-Brightly's Purdon's Digest, 1883; Biennial Laws, 1885, 1887. RHODE ISLAND.-Public statutes, 1882; Annual laws, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888. SOUTH CAROLINA.-General statutes, 1882; Annual laws, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, TENNESSEE.-Code, 1884; Biennial laws, 1885, 1887. TEXAS.-Revised Statutes, 1879; Biennial laws, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887; extra session, 1882, 1884, UTAH.-Compiled laws, 1888, VERMONT.-Revised laws, 1880; Biennial laws, 1882, 1884, 1886. VIRGINIA.-Code, 1887; Biennial laws, 1887-8. WASHINGTON.-Code, 1881; Biennial laws, 1883, 1885-6, 1887-8. WEST VIRGINIA.-Code, 1887. WISCONSIN.-Revised Statutes, 1878; Supplement to Revised Statutes, 1883; Bi- ennial laws, 1885, 1887. WYOMING.-Revised Statutes, 1887; Biennial laws, 1888 } CHAPTER III. } THE MOVEMENT OF DIVORCE, 1867 TO 1886, INCLUSIVE. 127 t CHAPTER III. THE MOVEMENT OF DIVORCE, 1867 TO 1886, INCLUSIVE. In Chapter VIII will be found all the general tables accompanying this report. Table I is perhaps the chief table, for it exhibits the num- ber of marriages and of divorces in every county of the United States from which reports have been received, for each of the years covered by this investigation. So far as marriages are concerned, the table is very incomplete, for out of the 2,627 counties in the United States mar- riage returns have been obtained for but 1,728 counties, or nearly 66 per cent. of the whole number. This lack is owing to the fact that marriages are not recorded in the remaining counties or in the states wherein they are situated; or not so reported and recorded as to allow the collection of tabulated results. So, as concerns marriages, Table I presents an unsatisfactory appearance, and gives unsatisfactory results. Notwith- standing the marriage statistics are given for 1,728 counties, there are but five states besides the District of Columbia, from which the number of marriages for the twenty years can be obtained with practical com- pleteness. These are Connecticut, Massachusetts, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Vermont, and even in one or two of these states it is probably true that the number of marriages returned as having been celebrated falls short at least 10 per cent. of the number of licenses granted and the real number of marriages celebrated. With these may be included the Dis- trict of Columbia, making six territorial divisions from which practi- cally complete returns for marriages were obtainable. The statistics of marriages are fairly perfect for the states of Delaware, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, and Wis- consin, but in the analytical tables in this chapter these two sets of states are given separately, for purposes of comparing marriages with divorces. There are twenty-one states in the Union having state registration of marriages. These states, with the designation of the officer having charge of the returns, will be found on page 63 of Chapter I. So far as divorces are concerned, Table I presents a very complete ap- pearance, and from it satisfactory results are obtained; for out of the 2,627 counties, divorce statistics are embodied in this table for 2,496, or over 95 per cent. of the whole number of counties, and these cover the facts for over 98 per cent. of the whole population of the country. The Department has positive returns of the statistics of divorce for 20627 M D-9 129 130 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. this number of counties, and it has a right to declare that for the re- maining counties, 131 in number, there have been no divorces granted covering the period named, for the clerks of these 131 counties for which no figures are found in Table I were informed, when asked to furnish the office with the statistics of divorce, that if no divorces had been granted in their respective counties, it would be so assumed by the office provided no return was made by a given date. This notice was repeated; so the assumption is legitimate that no divorces have been granted in any of these few counties. Even if there had been, there could not have been many, for the 131 counties missing are remote, sparsely settled, and many of them recently organized, and cover only about one million total population. The writer does not hesitate to say, then, that so far as the statistics of divorce are concerned, Table I is practically com- plete. Of course, in some instances the figures do not cover the whole of the twenty years in some of the 2,496 counties for which they are given. This occurs because in 161 counties, or about 6 per cent. of the whole number of counties in the United States, the records, either of marriage or divorce, have been destroyed by fire or otherwise during the 20 years covered by this investigation; but with the exception of a very few counties, principally Cook county, Ill., whose records were destroyed in 1871, and in which Chicago is situated, and Hamilton county, Ohio, in which is situated the city of Cincinnati, whose records were destroyed in 1884, the counties whose records have been destroyed are small, and their returns would not have materially changed the ratios or proportions of divorces to marriages, or married couples, or otherwise had they been given. (a) The following table shows the num- ber of counties in each state for which divorces and marriages were ob- tained, or not obtained, and the total counties in each state and in the country: · NUMBER OF COUNTIES IN EACH STATE FOR WHICH DIVORCES AND MARRIAGES WERE OBTAINED OR NOT OBTAINED. Counties-on divorces. Counties-on mar- riages. Not obtained. States and territories. Number obtained. Number Per cent. obtained. No. of popula- Number not obtained. Total counties in state. tion, 1880. Alabama. 62 4 5. 246 10 56 Arizona... Arkansas 10 2 63 12 California.. 50 2 Colorado. 35 225 11. 134 39 36 1.206 45 3.001 28 12 608-2 10 7 40 Connecticut Dakota Delaware · District of Columbia a For list of counties where records have been destroyed, and the dates of de- struction, see note at close of Introduction, pages 21 and 22. 8 8 87 1 86 3 3 1 1 HEL∞ 0268 66 75 52 8 87 3 1 CHAPTER III. 131 -MOVEMENT OF DIVORCE, 1867 TO 1886. NUMBER OF COUNTIES IN EACH STATE FOR WHICH DIVORCES AND MARRIAGES WERE OBTAINED OR NOT OBTAINED-Concluded. Counties-on divorces. Counties-on mar- riages. Not obtained. States and territories. Total counties in Number obtained. Number Per cent. obtained. Number not obtained. state. No. of popula tion, 1880. Florida 38 1 0.805 37 Georgia. 126 11 5. 157 88 49 Idaho 14 1 21.355 13 Illinois. Indiana 102 96 2926 39 137 15 102 92 88 4 92 Iowa..... Kansas - Kentucky. 98 1 1.087 41 58 99 94 4 1.319 86 12 111 9 5.974 71 49 Louisiana.. Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri.. Montana... Nebraska. Nevada 40 19 24.560 16 43 16 16 2036 98 120 59 16 22 1 1. 127 23 23 14 14 14 • 79 3 0.174 81 1 82 74 6 2.160 76 4 80 67 7 5.345 57 17 74 110 4 1.562 103 11 114 13 1 9.998- 11 3 14 74 3 3.390 66 11 77 14 12 2 14 New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico. New York North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas. 10 10 10 21 21 21 14 14- 14 60 60 60 91 5 4. 199 52 44 96 88 88 88 24 3 11. 761 15 67 1 28 12 27 66 67 - 5 5 5 34 34 34 91 5 2.551 79 17 96 185 13 2.651 170 28 198 Utah.. Vermont... Virginia. Washington .. West Virginia. Wisconsin Wyoming. United States.. 23 1 0.555 24 24 14 14 14 96 30 52 66 4321 4 1. 436 3 97 100 5.400 25 8 33 1.800 54 51 1.178 67 67 8 8 8 2, 496 131 1.951 1, 728 899 2,627 In the collection of the statistics of divorce, care was taken to ascer- tain whether the parties divorced were white or colored, but the at- tempt was to a certain extent a failure, for the reason that the libels do not always state the color of the libellant or of the libellee, and un- less the libel should so state, as a rule there is no evidence on this point, so far as the records of the courts are concerned. The whole number of divorces granted in the United States during the period cov ered was 328,716. Of this number the records show that 11,122 libel- lants were colored, and of this last number 11,008 were found in the states named in the following table, which shows the number of di- vorces granted in each state for the whole twenty years, and the num- ber of cases in which the parties were colored, for the same period; 132 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. DIVORCES GRANTED TO COLORED LIBELLANTS. Total num. Total num- ber of di. States. vorces in twenty Number to colored. ber of di- States. years. vorces in twenty years. Number to colored. Alabama 5,204 1,764 North Carolina 1, 338 390 Arkansas 6, 041 246 South Carolina. 163 31 • Florida.. 2, 128 898 Tennessee 9, 625 954 Georgia Kentucky. 3,959 10, 248 1, 024 Texas.. 11, 472 970 218 Virginia 2,635 781 Louisiana 1,697 411 Mississippi. 5, 040 3, 321 Total.. 59, 550 11, 008 From this list it will be seen that in the states named there were 59,550 divorces granted, of which 11,008 were to colored persons. This constitutes but 18.5 per cent. of the whole number granted in the states named, and cannot be a true statement, although it is true so far as the records are concerned. It is probably true that in nearly all of the states named in this immediately preceding table, where the colored population is very dense, nearly if not quite three-fourths of the di- vorces granted were to colored people; at least this is the evidence furnished the Department by clerks of courts and by others in a posi- tion to judge with fair accuracy of the number of divorces granted to colored people. The best effort was made to get at the exact truth in this matter, but the results were as stated. With this information, therefore, relative to divorces of white and colored, no further mention will be made of the subject in the aualysis of the tables. In collecting the statistics of divorce it was sought to separate, so far as designation is concerned, the absolute from the limited divorces. It should be borne in mind that pending cases were not considered. The statistics given in this report relate only to final decrees. During the period covered, in some of the states divorces nisi were granted, but such decrees have not been counted. When the divorce nisi became an absolute divorce it has found its place in the proper year. But few states provide for limited divorce. The largest number would be found, if they were designated, in the state of New York, for in that state abso- lute divorce is granted for only one cause, adultery, but limited divorce is allowed for other causes. A limited divorce, however, is practically, so far as social relations are concerned, an absolute divorce. The whole number returned as limited for the whole country for the period named is only 2,099 out of the grand total of 328,716. It has not been worth while, therefore, to carry along the designation through the tables. A few states collect and report the statistics of divorce. These are Con- necticut, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, Indiana, Minnesota, Ohio, and Rhode Island. The state of Maine, in the year 1883, passed a law requiring clerks of courts to make reports to the secretary of state re- lating to divorces, but repealed the law in 1887. No use has been made of these state reports, because, as a rule, they do not cover the points covered CHAPTER III.—MOVEMENT OF DIVORCE, 1867 TO 1886. 133 by the present investigation, nor was there any necessity of using them for purposes of verification, because, as stated in the Introduction, every separate investigation might produce slightly different results so far as the number of divorces granted in any year in any county might be concerned. So, when the statistics of any state which reports individ- ually the number of divorces in each year and in each county are com- pared with the statistics for the same state, county, and year given in this report, a slight variation will in almost every case be found to ex- ist. This variation occurs, as already explained in the Introduction, from two or three causes. The papers relating to a divorce case may be in the hands of attorneys for examination, and therefore are not found in the records, and, of course, are omitted; this causes a very slight variation, but not of sufficient extent to vitiate the returns in any one case. So, different parties collecting the statistics of divorce from original papers might count a few cases in one year when they should appear in the succeeding or preceding year. The greatest pains was taken to count only those cases in any one year that were finally concluded in that year, and as the divorce cases are usually filed indis- criminately with others, constituting in some counties a vast quantity of papers, here and there one might be missed at one examination and included in another. It should be remembered that the statistics of divorce were gathered in person by the agents and experts of the Department, except in a few counties where the clerks of courts furnished the returus. The in- structions in each case, however, were similar, and these instructions embodied information which would guide the agent in his work. The following paragraphs are taken from the instructions furnished, and they indicate in a general way the care with which this investigation has been conducted. Space can not be afforded for reproducing the many more minute directions given: Divorce is the act by which a state, through its legislative or its ju- dicial department, dissolves a marriage either wholly or partially. There are two kinds of divorce, as to their source: First, legislative, or those granted directly by a special act of the legislature; second, judi- cial, or those granted by a court, acting under a general law. Divorces are of two kinds as to their character-absolute and limited. In all the United States except South Carolina au absolute divorce may be granted. By absolute divorce is meant a divorce which puts the parties back in the position of single persons. Absolute di- vorce is, in nearly all the States, termed divorce a vinculo matrimonii, or from the bonds of marriage. Limited divorces are those granted for a separation, which are known as divorces a mensâ et thoro, or from bed and board. A divorce is sought through the petition of either the husband or the wife, which petition is called a bill of complaint, or libel, and in this bill there should be the proper allegations from which the facts to be sought in this investigation can be derived. The bill usually states the year and the state or country in which the marriage sought to be dissolved took place; the cause for which the divorce is sought, and the num- 134 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. * ber of children which have been born to the parties to the marriage. The petitioner, or the one who seeks divorce, is called the libellant. The party against whom the bill or the libel is brought is called the libellee. Divorces are usually granted by the highest court in the state, although sometimes by inferior courts, but on trials or hearings had at the county seat. In order, therefore, to secure the statistics of divorce the county seat of each county, in each state, must be visited and the records of the court having jurisdiction in divorce cases consulted. The records in which this information is to be found are, first, the libel, or the bill of complaint itself, and, second, the docket or record of the cases heard by the court. In practice the agent should examine the docket, which will show the divorces granted in each year. It may show some of the other facts called for on the schedule. If so, such facts can be taken from the docket. If, however, the docket does not show these facts, the libel or bill of complaint must be consulted. No facts relative to pending cases should be collected. When the court does not, after hearing, immediately divorce the parties by entering a decree for absolute divorce, a decree nisi is sometimes entered; that is, a decree which is to be made absolute only if, after a certain length of time, no cause to the contrary is shown. Decrees nisi will not be found in all the states, but whenever such decrees are entered the agent should not consider them, this investigation covering only absolute and limited divorces. Decrees of nullity are decrees annulling a marriage contract which has been entered into through error or mistake, and is not a di- vorce in the sense of this investigation and should not be considered by the agent. The agents or the clerks, as the case might be, were supplied with small blanks, which contained all the questions necessary for the inves tigation. One blank was filled for each absolute or limited decree en- tered in the records of the courts visited. Table I, in Chapter VIII, offers the opportunity, wherever marriage statistics are available, to compare the ratio of marriages to one di- vorce in any county in the Union and for any year within the period named. It was found impossible to carry these ratios out on any sys- tematic plan in the table, because of the omissions of marriages already referred to; but the general comparisons, from which one can learn the movement of divorces as related to population or married couples, are found in this chapter, in the analytical tables which will be presented. Table II, in Chapter VIII, is a recapitulation of Table I. From these two tables there have been drawn two double tables show- ing the marriages and the divorces in those states only, as already ex- plained, which furnish the basis for comparison between the marriages celebrated and the divorces granted. These two tables are as follows: CHAPTER III.-MOVEMENT OF DIVORCE, 1867 TO 1886. 135 A.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN STATES IN WHICH THE FORMER ARE QUITE FULLY REPORTED. Connecticut. District of Massachu- Columbia. Ohio. setts. Rhode Island. Vermont. Years. Mar. Div. Mar. Div. Mar. Div. Mar. Div. Mar. Div. Mar. Div. * 1867 4,779 500 1, 912 1868. 4, 734 493 1,717 1869. 4, 754 497 1, 162 *2 28 | 14, 451 318 | 29, 230 901 2, 315 195 1,857 157 23 13, 856 369 28, 231 818 2,285 209 2, 961 161 24 14.826 359 23, 910 1, 013 2,289 167 2,621 137 1870.. 4, 971 412 1, 590 39❘ 14, 721 401 22, 459 992 1871. 2, 362 202 2.928 164 4,882 412 1, 328 47 15. 746 331 1872... 21, 627 975 2, 336 165 2. 742 211 5,023 449 1, 645 67 16, 142 1873.. 337 | 26, 303 1,065 2, 537 222 2. 749 152 4,841 461 1, 737 64 16,437 1874. 442 | 26, 460 1, 126 1, 630 193 2, 714 170 4, 694 531 1, 653 73 15, 561 1875... 611 | 26, 678 1,090 2, 531 240 2, 724 182 4,385 498 1, 669 56 13, 663 1876... 547❘ 26, 445 1, 177 2,485 184 2,710 190 4,320 380 1, 590 58 12, 749 511 26, 183 1, 153 2,253 191 2,642 1877.. 4,319 412 157 1,541 74 12, 758 520 25, 156 1, 160 1878... 2,282 197 2, 635 178 4,315 412 1, 638 49 12, 893 1879... 572❘ 25,796 1 345 2, 323 213 2, 770 192 4,373 325 1,753 40 13, 802 550 26, 399 1880. 1,441 2, 396 226 4,745 2,708 132 346 1, 623 66 15, 538 595 27, 805 1881. 1,553 2,769 274 4,850 2,697 138 428 1,618 65 16,768 387 | 28, 566 1882. 1, 594 2,750 287 ... 5, 329 2,763 158 401 1,655 55 17,681 532 30.528 1,701 2,634 280 1883.. 2, 883 167 5, 441 423 1,881 66 18, 194 631 30, 659 1884. 1, 758 2,620 265 2,836 174 5, 394 314 2, 130 81 17, 333 649 | 28, 720 1. 746 1885... 2,528 270 5, 091 2,676 198 398 2.053 55 17,052 623 28, 773 1,840 1886.. 2, 488 225 5,497 2,709 91 420 2, 170 75 18,018 565 2-, 634 1,889 2,750 257 2,588 129 Total 96, 737 8, 512 8, 512 | 24, 0651, 10508 195 9, 853 514, 502 26, 367 49, 5934, 462 54, 913 3, 238 B.-MARRIAGES TO ONE DIVORCE IN STATES IN WHICH THE FORMER ARE QUITE FULLY REPORTED. Years. Connec- ticut. District of Co- lumbia. Massa- chusetts. Ohio. Rhode Island. Ver- mont. 1867. 1868.. 9.56 68.29 45. 44 32.44 12.03 18.20 9.60 74.65 37.55 33.29 10.93 18.39 1869. 9.57 4.42 41.30 23.60 13.71 19. 13 1870... 12.07 40.77 36. 4 25.66 11.69 17.85 1871... 11.85 28.26 47.57 25.26 14. 16 13.00 1872... 11.19 24.55 47.90 24.70 11.43 18. 09 1873.. 10.50 27. 14 37.19 23.50 13. 63 15.96 1874. 8.84 22.64 25.47 24.48 10.55 14.97 1875.. 8.81 29.80 24.98 22.47 13. 51 14.26 1876 11. 37 27.41 24.95 22.71 11.30 16.83 1877... 10.48 20.82 24.53 21.69 11.58 14.80 1878... 10.47 33.43 22.54 19. 18 10.91 14. 43 1879... 13.46 43.83 25.09 18.32 10.60 20.52 1880. 13.71 24.59 26. 11 17.90 10. 11 19. 54 1881. 11.33 24 89 43.33 17.92 9.58 17.49 1882.. 13.29 30.09 33. 24 17.95 9.41 17.26 1883. 12.86 28.50 28.83 17.44 9 89 16.30 1884. 15.68 26.30 26. 71 16.45 9.36 13.52 1885... 12.79 37.33 27.37 15.64 11.06 29.77 1886... 13.09 28.93 31.89 15. 16 10.70 20.06 Total 11.32 30.83 31.28 20.65 11. 11 16.96 136 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. A.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN STATES IN WHICH THE FORMER ARE NOT FULLY REPORTED. Delaware. Illinois. Kansas. Maryland. Michigan, Years. * Mar. Div. Mar. Div. Mar. Div. Mar. Div. Mar. Div. 1867.. 25 21, 440 1868. 1,071 922 76 6, 169 83 5,740 449 1 20, 061 1, 123 1, 150 1869 113 7,636 83 5, 547 509 21 20, 104 1, 179 1870.. 1, 540 122 6, 635 86 1 19, 534 8, 534 493 1, 178 2,065 158 1871. 6, 326 84 9, 235 554 21 20, 596 1,250 1872.. 2,517 256 6, 100 89 10, 196 630 26, 128 1873... 1,745 2,950 280 6, 381 109 9, 897 620 25 26, 802 1, 787 1874.... 3,281 236 6, 667 87 10, 622 703 8 25, 411 1, 678 1875.. 3,600 296 6, 555 81 11, 041 794 4 25, 340 1, 617 1876.. 3, 391 220 6, 293 97 11, 055 864 6 24, 465 1, 659 4,099 261 1877.. 5, 991 91 10, 859 800 16 24, 509 1,647 1878... 4, 194 261 6, 117 83 11, 009 927 6 25, 820 1,748 4, 981 357 1879.. 6, 241 82 12, 221 993 36 26, 726 1,842 1880.. 5, 897 387 6, 370 99 5 1881.. 28, 402 13, 231 1, 110 2, 139 6, 572 442 6, 900 128 14, 149 1, 149 490 20 30, 763 1882... 2,326 6, 577 444 6, 837 103 14, 847 1,313 567 6 1883.. 33, 173 2,375 6, 703 558 7,363 138 16, 178 1,335 718 27 33, 7942, 455 7.477 1884.. 643 7,258 157 16, 420 678 1,383 11 32, 770 | 2,342 8, 609 574 1885. 7,714 173 15,002 793 1, 239 41 32, 480 | 2, 273 1886. 9, 365 690 7,347 167 15, 016 1,227 971 9 34, 076 | 2, 606 10, 481 817 8,436 165 5,314 1, 339 Total 4, 217 289 532, 394 36, 072 | 125, 302 125, 302 7, 191 7,191 135, 331 2, 185 226, 113 | 18, 433 Minnesota. New Hamp- shire. New Jersey. Wisconsin. Years. Mar. Div. Mar. Div. Mar. Div. Mar. Div. 1867. 1868. 1869. 24 52 136 60 406 1 41 73 143 79 409 64 84 186 79 a17, 252 417 1870.. 3, 466 83 163 89 1871 7,475 396 3, 956 111 153 83 1872. 8, 410 378 4, 140 108 200 84 1873... 9, 082 414 4, 655 137 209 92 8,872 390 1874. 4,792 131 281 108 9, 145 416 1875. 4,874 135 231 127 9.566 455 1876... 4,802 148 252 117 1877... 9, 548 471 4, 652 140 237 101 9, 686 396 1878... 5, 079 151 235 120 9, 846 486 1879... 5, 566 176 265 7, 188 146 10, 580 468 1880... 4, 975 228 2, 674 352 8, 296 135 11, 451 535 1881.. 6, 443 223 2,830 303 8, 336 147 11, 666 599 1882... 8, 441 277 3, 433 318 9, 091 190 13, 308 638 1883.. 9, 029 301 3,495 308 9, 911 176 14, 233 679 1884... 9, 111 328 3, 292 312 9, 329 23 1 13, 967 637 1885.. 9,479 358 3, 236 314 9, 348 186 13, 536 698 1886. 9, 131 379 3, 324 381 12, 581 286 14, 122 700 Total 102, 720 3,623 21, 284 4,979 74, 083 2, 642 201, 745 | 9, 988 a This number of marriages reported for 1869 includes, in the cases of three counties (Brown, Mil- waukee, and Vernon), marriages of numerous previous years which were not reported till 1869. CHAPTER III.—MOVEMENT OF DIVORCE, 1867 TO 1886. 137 B.-MARRIAGES TO ONE DIVORCE IN STATES IN WHICH THE FORMER ARE NOT FULLY REPORTED. Years. Dela- ware. Illinois. Kansas. Mary- land. Michigan. Minne- sota. New Hamp- shire. New Wis- Jersey. consin. 1867 20.02 12. 13 74.33 12.78 1863 17.83 10. 18 92.00 10.90 1869 17.05 12. 62 77.15 17.31 1870. 16. 58 13.07 75.31 16.67 41.76 18.88 1871 16.48 9.83 68.54 16. 18 35.64 22.25 1872 14.97 10.54 58.54 15.96 38.33 21.94 1873 15.00 13.92 76.63 15.07 33.98 22.75 1874. 15. 14 12. 16 80.93 13.91 36.58 21.98 1875 15.39 15.41 64.88 12.80 36. 10 21.02 1876 14.75 15.70 65. 84 13.57 32.45 20.27 1877 14.88 16. 07 73.70 11.88 33.23 24.46 1878 14.77 13.95 76. 11 12.31 33.64 20.26 1879 14. 51 15.24 64.34 11. 92 31.63 49.23 22 61 1880 13. 28 14. 87 53.91 12. 31 21.82 7.60 61.45 21.40 1881. 24.50 13.23 14.81 66.38 11.31 28.89 9.34 56.71 19.48 1882 94.50 13.97 12. 01 53.36 12. 12 30.47 10.80 47.86 20.86 1883 26.59 13. 77 11. 63 46.20 11.87 30.00 11.35 56.31 20.96 1884. 61.64 13.99 15.00 44.59 12.11 27.78 10.55 39.87 21. 93 1885.. 1886. 19.34 14.29 13.57 43.99 12.24 26.18 10.31 50.26 19.39 107.89 13.08 12.83 51.13 24.09 8.72 43.99 20. 17 Total a36.99 14.76 17.42 61.94 b12.92 c30. Đã a9.74a49. 39 d21. 07 a In computing these ratios the figures of divorces which were used are those only for the years for which marriage figures have been obtained, as is shown by the preceding table. As the marriage figures obtained for 1886 are not in full, no ratio is made for that year, and in com- puting the ratio for the total of the state the figures of marriages and divorces for 1886 are not used. c In this state the figures of marriages obtained for 1867, 1868, and 1869 are very imperfect, owing to the fact that for most of the counties in the state no figures of marriages prior to 1870 could be ob- tained. In computing the ratio for the total of this state the figures of marriages and divorces used are only those beginning with 1870. d In computing these ratios, the figures for marriages and divorces prior to 1870 were not used. The comparison of marriages with divorces by means of the number of marriages celebrated to each divorce granted is in many respects a vicious comparison. Its chief virtue lies in the ability to make the com- parison for a series of years, consecutively. It then offers a fairly rea- sonable basis on which to draw conclusions relative to the progress of divorces. It is vicious in this, that the marriages celebrated each year can not be compared scientifically with the divorces drawn from the whole volume of marriages celebrated in the past thirty or forty years, many of which even took place in foreign countries. It is, however, a popular and easy method of making comparisons, and is only used here as one method. Even with its viciousness, it is to be regretted that the laws of the different states do not afford the facts for a like com- parison for all the states. It can only be made for the states named in the preceding tables. Later on a more scientific comparison will be made of married couples with divorces granted. The first of the preceding double tables, which shows the statistics of marriage and divorce for the six states named therein, is quite com· plete. Part A of this table shows the marriages in each year and the number of divorces for the states named in it, and part B shows the number of marriages to oue divorce in each of the years of the investi- gation. Referring to the six states in which statistics are complete, or fairly so, we find some interesting ratios. These states (calling the District 138 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. of Columbia a state) are Connecticut, District of Columbia, Massachu- setts, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Vermont. For the whole twenty years, Rhode Island makes the lowest exhibit in the ratio of marriages to one divorce, the ratio being only 11.11 mar- riages to each divorce granted during the whole twenty years, Connecti- cut being nearly as low, with 11.32. Massachusetts shows the best, having an average of 31.28 marriages celebrated during the twenty years to 1 divorce granted; but so far as Connecticut and Massachusetts are concerned, the conditions during the period have changed, for Connecticut commenced in 1867 with 9.56 marriages to each divorce, and the ratio has risen to 13.09 in 1886, there being quite a gradual increase; while in Massachusetts the ratio in 1867 was 45.44 marriages to 1 divorce, and it has fallen in 1886 to 31.90, the lowest ratio being in 1878, when it came down to 22.54. Rhode Island, with the lowest general ratio, commenced at 12.03 in 1867, and fell to 10.70 in 1886. The District of Columbia shows the greatest decrease in ratio, for while it has 30.83 marriages to 1 divorce for the whole twenty years, it has dropped from a high ratio, 68.29, in 1867, to 28.93 in 1886. Ohio has also fallen more than one-half in ratio, it being 32.44 mar- riages to one divorce in 1867, and 15.16 in 1886, the decrease being very gradual and regular. Vermont has gained a little, increasing from 18.20 at the beginning of the term and reaching 20.06 in 1886. The second set of the immediately preceding double tables relates to states where the registration of marriages is now fairly complete, but which has not been complete during the whole twenty years, or where the registration has not been made with that care which has been exer- cised in the six states first named. In this table the states covered are Delaware, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hamp shire, New Jersey, and Wisconsin. Part A of this table shows the total number of marriages and divorces in each year, where possible, with the total for each state for the whole twenty years. Part B of this table gives the ratio of marriages to one divorce. The state making the lowest exhibit is New Hampshire, which, for the years from 1880 to 1886, inclusive, shows only 9.74 marriages to each divorce granted during that period. The state is not gaining as, for 1886, the ratio was below this average, being but 8.72 marriages to 1 divorce. The state in this particular list standing next to New Hampshire is Michigan, with a marriage rate of 12.92 to each divorce as the average for the whole twenty years. The state commenced with 12.78, shows some progress for several years, but after 1873 has kept in the imme- diate vicinity of the ratio for the whole twenty years. Next to Michigan stands Illinois, having on the average for the CHAPTER III.—MOVEMENT OF DIVORCE, 1867 TO 1886. 139 twenty years 14.76 marriages to each divorce. There has been quite a constant decrease-from 20.02 in the first year to 13.08 in the last year of the investigation. The state showing the best on this list is Maryland, with an average of 61.94 marriages to one divorce. There has been, however, a general decrease from the first year to the last, with some variations up and down during the period, it being 74.33 in the first year and 51.13 in the last year. From what has been said it will be seen that it is impossible to give the total number of marriages for the whole United States in any one of the years covered by this investigation. The totals given in the pre- ceding tables are all that can be given with reasonable integrity. At- tention is turned, therefore, to the number of divorces granted without regard to marriages. Table II of the general series, Chapter VIII, which shows the move- ment of divorce for each state during the twenty years, is now repro- duced for convenience of examination. DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES. States and territories. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. Alabama 78 91 901 114 106 117 143 163 146 183 Arizona Arkansas. California Colorado 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 9 121 83 113 113 132 129. 143 144 187 243 200 206 297! 298 287 368: 4891 535 573 583 4 9 9 30 28 42: 59 63 83 91 Connecticut 500 493 497 412 412 449 461 531 493 380 Dakota 1 2 9 21 9. 10 12 16 Delaware. 23 1 21 1 21 25 8 6 District of Columbia 28 23 24 39 47 67 64 73 56 58 Florida 32 28 52 57 291 51 58 61 85 85 Georgia 127 82 112 118 148 143 175 1821 196 197 Idaho.. 12 7 12 9 14 S 3 10. 9 Illinois 1,071 1. 125 1,179 1,178 1, 1,250 1,75 1, 1, 787; 1,678, 1,647 1,659 Indiana. 1,096 1, 1, 126 1,210 1,170 1, 139 1,139) 1, 157 864 1,002 1,052′ 1,014 Iowa 504 553 584 570, 627 617 709 662 675 846 Kansas 76 113 122 158 256 280 236 296 220 261 Kentucky 292 3201 332 368 414! 404 460 436! 432 510 Louisiana. 33 34 41 30: 35 32 49 70 90, 78 Maine 408 416 365 357 402 387 365 466 417 436 • · Maryland. 83 83 86 84 89 109 $7 81 97 91 Massachusetts.. 318 369 359 404 331 337 442 611 547 511 Michigan 419 509 493 554 630 620 705 791 861 800 Minnesota 52 73 818 83 111 108! 137 131 135 148 Mississippi 49 59 75 85 105 170 169 176 171 172 Missouri. Montana. Nebraska 362 387 426 491 615 584 621 664 668 683 17 11 14 14 19 18 20 17 9 15 10 23 39 30! 49 37 80 87 81 106 Novada.. 37 62 40 28 40 39 72 72 65 72 New Hampshire. 136 143 186 163 153 200 209 2811 231 252 New Jersey……. 60 79 79 89 83 84 92 108 127 117 f Now Moxico. 1 3 1 1 1 4 4 3 5 Now York…. 771 761 824 731 668 592 630 716 657 629 North Carolina 21 21 22 41 22 37 46 53 65 65 Ohio 901 848 1,013 9921 975 1,065 1,126 1,090 1,177 1,153 – Oregon 81 66 77 64 81 79 64 99 96. 110 Pennsylvania 575 606 689 623 665 615 707 710 635 638 Rhode Island 195 209 167 20! 165 193 240 181 191 South Carolina 16 17 33 17 Tennessee 287 226 299 284! 319 363 431 364 387 409 Texas 91 104 108 163 233 236 286 299 370. 356 Utah... 88 58 75 $2 84 100 134 149 205 709 Vermout. 157 161 137 164 211 152 170 182 190 157 Virginia. Washington 90 77 67 62į 86 65 88 91 106 112 20 291 12 15 20 29. 20 35 21 26 West Virginia. Wisconsin Wyoming.. 72 60 79 80 85 89 89 10.3 91 98 406 409 417 396 378 414 390 416 455 471 31 13 10 19 12 14 16 18 The United States. 9,937|| 10,150 10, 939|| 10,962 -11, 586 12,390′ 13, 156|| 13, 989' 14, 212, 14, 800 1 140 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES-Concluded. [ States and territories. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. Alabama.. Arizona 194 8 268 327 300 413 395 486 413 515 662 5, 204 5 28 23 17 22 34 27 22 301 237 Arkansas 256 334 383 464 510 422 497 539 582 646 6, 041 California Colorado. 630 594 664 683 829 858 986 1,049 974 1,010 12,118 102 138 153 250 362 440 510 476 387 451 3, 637 Connecticut. 412 412 325 346 428 401 423 344 398 420 8, 542 Dakota 15 17 30 72 77 123 153 172 188 179 1, 087 Delaware 16 6 361 5 201 G 27 11 41 9 259 District of Columbia. 74 49 401 661 65 55 66 81 551 75 1, 105 Florida - 89 104 130 149 153 174 200 158 201 2321 2. 128 Georgia. 211 123 223 253 215 284 258 292 295 325 Idaho. 9 8 16' 23 14 36 30 36 52 53 3,9.59 368 Illinois Indiana 1, 151 1, 183 Iowa... Kansas 1,647 1,748 1, 842 2, 139 2, 326 2,375 2, 455 1,271 1, 423 1,495 1, 540 1,607 851 842 854 1,001 1,063 1, 1501, 043 261 3571 387 442 444 558 643 2,342 2,273 2,606 6,072 1, 531 1,504 1,655 25,193 1, 164 1,119 1, 127 16, 16,561 574 690 8175 7, 191 Kentucky 550 531 537 567 660 615 640 668 755 757. 10.248 Louisiana. 68 70 87 109 112 94 157 143 168 197 1,697 Maine 495 410 510 600 496 529 373 244 332 374 8.412 Maryland.. 83 82 99 128 103 138 157 173 167 165 2,185 Massachusetts. 520 572 550 595 387 532 -631 619 623 565, 9,853 Michigan 927 993 1, 110 1, 149 1, 313 1,335 1, 383 1, 239 1, 227 1,339 18,433 Minnesota 140 151 176 228 Mississippi 172 189 295 429 223! 277 421 393 449 301 328 358 475 482 504 379) 3,623 5,010 Missouri Montana Nebraska. Nevada. New Hampshire New Jersey 728! 737 727 930 951 1, 029 1, 107 1, 158 1,193 1,217 15, 278 15 38 27 38 55 86 70 97 112 130 822 115 130 184 198 191 271 315 314 338 436 3,04 80 84 78 64 61 44 51 57 38 44 1, 128 237 235 265 352 303 318 308 312 314 3812 4,979 101 120 146 135 147 190 176 234 186 2861 2, 642 New Mexico. 5 3 8 8 12 39 41 34 39 40 Now York 569 657 704 831 853 983 881 953 936 1,06 25.5 15,355 North Carolina 46 74 • Ohio.. 1, 160 1, 345 Oregon 126 138 Pennsylvania 677 769 Rhode Island 197 • 77 1,441 1, 553, 1, 594 1, 701 152 174 169 170 725 951 995 1,133 213 226 274 287 280 84 83 104 88 106 117 163 1,758 1,746 1, 840 216 188 210 1,046 1,067 1, 18) 265 270 225 1,889 1, 338 26, 367 2,19 2.609 1,156 16, 020 257 4.462 South Carolina 26 39 163 Tennessee Texas 506 515 531 6801 455 497 641 Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia. Wisconsin Wyoming. The United States.. 914 298 122 178 192 132 586 566 626 6281 786 959 1,021 1, 185 1, 171 1, 182 115 145 141 162 146 142 138 158 167 174 198 797 801 9, 62.5 1,326 11,472 119 4,078 91 129 3,238 113 153 132 164 179 196 219 212 185 238 2, 635 28 37 40 65 67 73 99 109 114 128 996 110 118 142 120 204 176 193 194 235 217 2, 555 396 486 468 535 599 638 679 637 698 700 9, 988 18 25 22 21 18 31 27 32 54 46 401 15, 68716, 089 17, 083:19, 663 20,762 22, 11223, 19822, 99+ 23, 472 25, 535 328, 716 535 This table should be read and studied in connection with what has been said relative to missing counties and destroyed records. The missing counties and the destroyed records, however, do not, with two exceptions (Cook county, Ill., and Hamilton county, Ohio), work any serious injury to the table or materially affect its completeness and accuracy. The line of totals for the United States for each of the years presents a most serious problem, and one which may well command the attention and the earnest consideration of the best minds of our country. From 9,937 divorces granted in the United States in 1867, the total has reached for 1886, 25,535, an increase of nearly 157 per cent. in twenty years. The population of the United States probably increased about 60 per cent. for the same period. Only four states in the Union, leaving out of consideration the state of South Carolina, where no divorce law exists, and none ever has existed, except from 1872 to 1878, show a decrease in their divorce rates between 1867 and 1886, considering CHAPTER III.—MOVEMENT OF DIVORCE, 1867 TO 1886. 141 these two years alone. These states are Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, and Vermont. Such a comparison, however, that is, from the first year to the last, or for 1886 over 1867, considering these two years separately, is not very sound. Some particular cause may have resulted in a small number of divorces in 1867 and a large number in 1886, or the reverse, or some newly-formed territory may have just commenced granting divorces in the earlier year. The better system of comparison, there- fore, is to be found in using periods, and the whole period of the investi- gation, twenty years, is very naturally divided into quinquennial periods-first, second, third, and fourth-and into decennial periods. By adopting this plan we have the following table, which shows the divorces from 1867 to 1886 by periods-five, ten, and twenty years-and the percentages of increase of one period over the other, and of the last over the first, should any one be disposed to use such percentages. DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY PERIODS OF 5, 10, AND 20 YEARS. Quinquennial periods. Decennial periods. States and territories. 1867. 1886. First. Second: Third. Fourth. First. Second. Alabama 479 752 Arizona 4 17 1,502 81 2,471 135 1,231 3,973 78 662 21 216 30 Arkansas 562 846 1, 947 2,686 1, 408 California. 4, 633 121 646 1,288 2, 553 3, 400 4. 877 Colorado... 3, 841 8, 277 200 1, 010 80 338 1, 005 2, 264 418 Connecticut 3, 269 1 451 2,314 2, 319 1, 923 1,986 4, 633 Dakota 3,909 500 420 12 49 211 815 61 Delaware 1, 026 1 179 69 43 83 94 112 177 25 9 District of Columbia 161 318 294 332 479 626 28 75 Florida 198 340 625 965 538 Georgia. 1,590 32 232 587 893 1,025 1, 454 1, 480 Idaho. 2, 479 127 325 54 37 70 207 91 277 12 Illinois 53 5,803 8, 516 9.702 12, 051 14, 319 Indiana. 21, 753 1, 071 2,608 5,741 5, 089 6, 523 7,840 10, $30 Iowa.. 14, 363 1,096 2,838 1, 655 3, 509 4, 614 5,603 6, 347 10.217 501 Kansas 1, 127 725 1, 293 1, 891 3,282 2, 018 Kentucky. 5, 173 76 817 1, 726 2,242 2,845 3, 435 Louisiana. 3,968 6, 280 292 757 173 319 Maine.. Maryland 1,948 2, 101 446 2,511 759 492 1,205 33 197 1, 852 4,049 4,363 408 374 425 Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi · 1,781 465 2, 448 495 800 890 1,295 83 165 2,624 3,000 £, 229 5,624 318 565 2, 635 3, 783 5,492 6, 523 6, 418 12, 015 419 1, 339 403 659 918 1,643 1, 062 2. 561 52 379 · 373 858 1, 506 Missouri 2,303 1, 231 3, 809 49 504 2,281 3, 220 4. 073 5,704 5, 501 Montana. 9, 777 362 1,217 75 79 173 495 154 668 Nebraska. 17 130 151 391 818 Nevada... 1, 674 542 2, 492 10 436 207 320 367 234 527 New Hampshire 601 37 44 781 1, 173 New Jersey.. 1, 392 1, 633 1,951 3,025 136 381 390 528 652 1,072 918 1. 724 New Mexico 60 286 6 New York.. 3,755 17 3,224 36 196 23 232 1 40 3, 617 4, 759 North Carolina 6,979 8.376 771 130 266 364 578 Ohio 4, 729 5, 611 7,093 8, 934 Oregon 396 10, 340 942 21 16, 027 901 1 1,006 163 1,889 369 Pennsylvania . 3, 158 Rhode Island.. 938 448 3,325 1,030 759 1,033 817 1, 792 81 249 4, 117 5,420 South Carolina. Tennessee Texas... 1, 197 1, 297 6, 483 1,968 9,537 575 1, 156 2, 194 195 257 6 92 65 98 65 1,415 1, 954 2,838 3.418 3, 369 6, 256 287 801 699 Utah. 1,547 3,338 5, 888 2, 246 9.226 91 387 1,387 1,326 1,594 710 Vermont. 1,774 2,304 88 119 830 851 798 759 1,681 Virginia 1,557 157 129 382 462 741 Washington 1, 050 844 1, 791 90 238 • 96 140 237 523 West Virginia 236 760 20 128 376 470 694 Wisconsin 1, 015 846 1,709 72 217 Wyoming 2,006 38 2, 146 2,484 79 The United States 53, 574 68, 547 104 89, 281 3, 352 190 117, 311 4, 152 5,836 406 700 107 294 46 122, 121 206, 595 | 9, 937 25, 535 ? 142 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. PER CENT. OF INCREASE OF DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY PERIODS OF 5,-10, AND 20 YEARS. [In cases where the minus sign is used before percentages the figures represent a decrease.] Quinquennial periods. States and territories. the second. Second over Third over Fourth over Fourth over the first. Decennial periods- second over the first. the third. the first. 1886 over 1867. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent: Alabama. 57.0 99.7 64.5 Arizona.. 325.0 376.5 66.7 415.9 3,-275.0 222.7 748. 7 928.6 Arkansas 50.5 130.1 38.0 - California. 98.2 33.2 43. 4 Colorado 322.5 197.3 125.3 377.9 278.6 2, 730. 0 229.0 433.9 115.5 405.0 682. 1 11, 175.0 Connecticut. 0.2 -17.1 3.3 -14.2 --15, 6 Dakota 308.3 330. 6 286.3 6, 691.7 1, 582.0 Delaware. -37.7 93.0 13. 3 36.2 58.0 -16.0 17,800.0 --64.0 - District of Columbia 97.5 -7.5 12.9 106.2 30.7 167.9 Florida 71.7 83.8 54.4 387.4 195.5 625.0 Georgia. 52.1 14.8 41.9 147.7 67.5 155.9 Idaho. -31.5 89.2 195.7 283.3 204.4 311.7 Illinois. 46.8 13.9 24.2 107.7 51.9 113.3 Indiana. · -11.4 28.2 20.2 36.6 32.6 51.0 Iowa.. Kansas Kentucky Louisiana. Maine Maryland Massachusetts. 23.6 31.5 21.4 97.4 61.0 123,6 78.3 46.2 73.6 352, 7 156.3 975.0 29.9 26.9 20.7 99.0 58.3 159.2 84.4 39.8 70.2 338.7 144.9 497.0 7.9 19.5 -26. 2 --4.9 7.8 --8.3 9.4 6.5 61.6 88.2 45.5 98.8 37.5 7.2 14.3 68.4 33.0 77.7 Michigan 43.6 45.2 18.8 147.6 87.2 198. 2 Minnesota 63.5 39.3 79.0 307.7 141.1 628.8 Mississippi 130.0 75.5 52.9 517.4 209.4 928.6 - Missouri 41.2 26.5 40.0 150. 1 77.7 236. 2 Montana. 5.3 119.0 186. 1 560.0 333.8 064,7 Nebraska. 158.9 109. 2 104. 6 1,008. 6 359.8 4, 260. 0 Nevada.. 54. 6 14.7 -36. 2 13.0 14.0 New Hampshire 50.2 18.7 17.3 109. 1 54.8 New Jersey. 35.4 23.5 64.4 174.9 87.8 18.9 180. 1 376.7 New Mexico 183.3 111.8 444. 4 · 3, 166. 7 908.7 3,900.0 New York. -14. 1 12.2 31.6 26. 7 20.0 30.5 North Carolina 104.6 36.8 58.8 344. 6 137.9 676.2 Ohio.. 18.7 26. 4 26.0 88.9 55.0 109.7 Oregon · Pennsylvania. 21. 4 69.4 36. 1 179.9 119.3 207.4 5.3 23.8 31.6 71.6 47. 1 101.0 Rhode Island Tennessee 9.8 16.2 8.4 38.3 26, 7 31.8 South Carolina. 1, 433. 3 -29.3 -33.7 38. 1 45.2 20.4 141. 6 85.7 179. 1 Toxas.. 121.3 115.8 76.4 742.3 310.8 1, 357. 1 Utah. 258. 4 14.9 -55, 5 83.5 29.9 35.2 Vermont. 2.5 -6.2 -4.9 -8.6 -7.4 --17.8 Virginia 20.9 60.4 41.7 174.9 112.2 164. 4 Washington 45.8 69.3 120.7 444.8 222.0 540.0 West Virginia 25.0 47.7 46.3 169.9 102. 0 201.4 - Wisconsin 7.0 15.8 34.9 67.1 40.6 72.4 Wyoming. 182.1 31.6 82.7 578.6 174.8 The United States 27.9 30.3 31.4 119.0 69.2 157.0 This table is perhaps the most instructive one, so far as the direct movement of divorce is concerned. The column of percentages under quinquennial periods gives us an honest basis of comparison, and one on which we can determine the increase or decrease in each state and for the whole country. Taking the United States as a whole, we find that the increase during the fourth quinquennial period over the first was 119 per cent. Under this method of comparison we find that the states of Connecticut, Maine, and Vermont are the only ones showing a decrease in their divorce movement. The state or territory showing the largest increase is Dakota, but this increase, while legitimate as far CHAPTER III. MOVEMENT OF DIVORCE, 1867 TO 1886. 143 as figures are concerned, should not be considered in any comparative way, for the growth of population in Dakota has been phenomenal, the increase from 1870 to 1880, the only years available for comparison, being 853.2 per cent., and her divorce laws have not been practically oper- ative until the later years of the period of this investigation. In new states and territories the percentages of increase, while accurate, are hardly fair bases on which to judge the movement of divorce. Leaving out, therefore, such states, one may turn with more judiciousness to the older states, and in this respect the columns of percentages will offer opportunities for instructive study. Taking the six New England states as one cluster, we find that Maine shows a decrease of 4.9 per cent. between the first and last quinquennial periods. New Hampshire shows an increase of 109.1 per cent., Vermont a decrease of 8.6 per cent., Massachusetts an increase of 68.4 per cent., Rhode Island an increase of 38.3 per cent., and Connecticut a decrease of 14.2 per cent. Of the six New England states, therefore, three show a decrease in the divorce rate between the first and fourth quinquennial periods. Looking at the decennial periods, Maine shows an increase of 7.8 per cent., Vermont a decrease of 7.4 per cent., and Connecticut a decrease of 15.6 per cent. The Middle states-New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Mary- land—make an exhibit as follows of the fourth over the first quinquen- nial period: New York shows an increase of 26.7 per cent., Delaware of 36.2 per cent., Pennsylvania of 71.6 per cent., and Maryland of 88.2 per cent. Taking the Southern states as a cluster, and including the District of Columbia, we find that the latter has an increase of 106.2 per cent. over the first quinquennial period; Virginia, 174.9; North Carolina, 344.6; South Carolina, having ceased granting divorces in 1878, can not be considered; Georgia, 147.7; Florida, 387.4. Looking at the Gulf states, we find Alabama has increased 415.9 per cent., Mississippi 517.4 per cent., Louisiana 338.7 per cent.,and Texas 742.3 per cent. Of the middle Southern states, West Virginia shows an increase of 169.9 per cent., Kentucky 99 per cent., Tennessee 141.6 per cent., Arkansas 377.9 per cent., and Missouri 150.1 per cent. Looking at the Western states, we find the percentages of increase in the fourth over the first quinquennial period to be as follows: Ohio, 88.9; Michigan, 147.6; Indiana, 36.6; Illinois, 107.7; Wisconsin, 67.1; Minnesota, 307.7; Iowa, 97.4; Nebraska, 1,008.6, and Kansas, 352.7. On the Pacific coast, California shows 278.6 per cent., Oregon 179.9 per cent., while Nevada shows 13 per cent. That the student of this table may have the opportunity to compare the increase in population by percentages with the increase of divorces by percentages the following table has been prepared, which shows the percentage of increase of population in each state, and of the United 144 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. States as a whole, between the census years 1870 and 1880, and the per- centage of increase in divorces during the same time: PER CENT. OF INCREASE FROM 1870 TO 1880 IN POPULATION AND DIVORCES. [In cases where the minus sign is prefixed the figures represent a decrease.] States and territories. Population. Divorces. States and territories. Population. Divorces. Alabama Arizona. Arkansas 26. 6 318.7 163.2 2,200.0 Montana 90. 1 171.4 Nebraska 267.8 560.0 65. 6 310. 6 Nevada.. 46.5 128. 6 California 54. 3 129.2 · New Hampshire. 9.0 116. 0 Colorado 387.4 733. 3 New Jersey 24. 8 51.7 Connecticut. 15. 8 -16.0 New Mexico 30.1 700.0 Dakota.. 853.2 (a) New York. 15.9 14. 1 Delaware 17.2 400.0 North Carolina. 30.6 104.9 District of Columbia 34.8 69.2 Ohio. 19.9 56. 6 Florida.. 43.5 161. 4 Oregon 92.2 171.9 Georgia 30.2 114. 4 Idaho 117.4 155. 6 Illinois. 21. 1 81.6 Indiana 17.7 21.6 Pennsylvania Rhode Island Tennessee. 21.6 52.6 ... 27.2 35.6 South Carolina.. 41.0 (a) 22.5 139.4 Iowa 36.0 75.6 Texas 94. 4 382.2 Kansas 173.3 179.7 Utah 65.8 40.2 Kentucky. 24.8 54. 1 Louisiana 29.3 263.3 · Maine. 3.5 68. 1 Vermont Virginia.. Washington. .0.5 —15. 9 23.4 161.5 213.5 333. 3 Maryland 19.7 52.4 West Virginia. 39.9 50.0 Massachusetts 22.3 47.3 Wisconsin. 24.7 35. 1 Michigan. Minnesota Mississippi. 38.2 107.4 Wyoming 127.9 61.5 77.5 174. 7 36.6 Missouri 25.9 404.7 89.4 The United States.. 30. 1 79.4 : a There were no divorces in Dakota in 1870, and none in South Carolina in 1880; hence the per- contages can not be computed. By the foregoing statement of percentages it will be seen that from 1870 to 1880 the population of the United States increased 30.1 per cent., while the divorces for the same time increased 79.4 per cent. The table shows clearly in every instance whether the population has kept pace with the divorce rate between the two years named. The only states and territories where it will be found that the percentage of increase in the population between 1870 and 1880 is greater than the percentage of increase in divorces for the same years are Connecticut, New York, Utah, Vermont, and Wyoming (Dakota and South Carolina not being comparable). In order that the reader may have immediately at hand the figures relative to divorce in European countries, a consolidated table has been made from the various tables of the Appendix, in which the statistics of divorce are given for certain countries in Europe from 1867 to 1886, so far as the same were obtainable. This table is as follows; CHAPTER III. 145 MOVEMENT OF DIVORCE, 1867 TO 1886. DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, IN CERTAIN COUNTRIES IN EUROPE. Countries. 1867. 1868. | 1869. 1870. | 1871. | 1872. | 1873. | 1874. 1875. 1876. 1 Austria. Hungary Belgium 910 130 Canada. Denmark.. France 120 4 123 4 128 119 158 172 177 192 200 3 4 4 4 5 3 479 520 496 521 521 616 2, 181 2,272 2, 332 1, 893 1, 171 2, 150 2, 166 2, 242 2, 292 | 2, 534 England and Wales. 130 46 184 176 188 155 238 230 192 235 Scotland... Ireland German Empire Baden Bavaria.. Hamburg. Hesse Prussia 32 41 36 42 26 33 28 48 43 68 4 2 3 2 1 5 Alsace-Lorraine 56 55 60 19 40 39 35 37 41 55 63 70 76 270 315 295 308 211 215 204 288 229 28 32 36 28 35 40 27 33 44 45 Saxony 396 440 517 493 496 618 605 642 611 758 · Würtemberg 91 117 121 97 89 104 126 127 149 87 Italy 723 554 605 493 766 Netherlands (The) 133 134 125 156 151 112 152 183 186 178 Norway 33 36 31 34 39 19 39 Roumania 276 346 365 350 323 403 Russia: Among Evangelical Augsburg 147 118 125 130 146 156 135 140 166 160 Among Evangelical Reformed. 7 5 3 4 2 2 3 5 3 3 Among Greek Catholics 892 758 715 735 798 770 863 886 1,005 1, 023 Finland.. 55 67 Poland 163 156 71 195 224 210 231 177 215 240 Sweden. 128 115 115 126 135 154 190 216 181 212 Switzerland 1, 102 Countries. 1877. 1878. | 1879. | 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. | 1884. 1885. | 1886. Austria.. Hungary 748 697 721 745 700 914 Ireland. Belgium Canada Denmark France. England and Wales…. Scotland German Empire 183 207 979 1,006 1,267 1, 080 220 981 956 1,063 973 862 295 284 299 280 278 290 354 9 7 635 2, 495 2, 556 2, 587 2, 624 2,870 298 349 396 336 364 8 4 5 615 606 613 577 2,806 3,010 4, 478 6, 245 318 : 379 393 429 6 13 10 12 11 6, 211 372 64 65 55 80 73 4 3 7 3 4 68 1 63 1 89 74 96 3 5 7 3, 942 5, 263 15, 686 5, 952 6, 161 6, 078 Alsace-Lorraine Baden Bavaria. 67 87 87 96 90 8888888 58 82 101 116 130 128 138 117 56 66 97 95 87 100 143 191 218 243 245 245 238 Hamburg Hesse 145 191 188 208 207 225 287 41 45 33 33 70 61 64 65 75 53 Prussia 2,329 2,306 3, 577 3, 856 3, 902 | 3,808 Saxony 687 800 691 649 869 887 872 981 917 Würtemberg · 142 133 117 95 122 150 130 144 161 Italy 585 615 717 630 597 479 556 Netherlands (The) 206 234 214 226 281 252 271 291 339 418 Norway 37 49 50 30 29 29 37- 54 Roumania 353 366 378 432 Russia: Among Evangelical Augsburg 136 149 166 139 144 Among Evangelical Reformed. 4 3 6 7 4 143 3 169 7 164 3 186 188 6 1 Among Greek Catholics 949 829 984 920 943 831 1, 1951, 309 1, 196 Finland 66 61 52 19 28 30 34 30 63 62 Poland 255 254 307 329 287 349 327 366 338 345 Sweden.. 211 205 206 217 214 195 218 241 229 226 Switzerland 1,036 1, 036 938 856 945 964 898 907 920 899 [NOTE ON ABOVE TABLE.—For the years left blank no statement was obtainable. The following countries grant both absolute and limited divorces, and the figures given are supposed to cover both except as noted: Austria, Hungary, Belgium, Can- ada (the figures given probably represent absolute divorces only), Denmark, France (limited divorces were granted for the whole period, but absolute divorces only for 1884, 1885, and 1886), England and Wales, Scotland (the figures represent absolute divorces only, as the record of limited decrees could not be obtained), Ireland, Alsace- Lorraine (the figures represent both absolute and limited divorces from 1874 to 1877, 20267 M D———10 146 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. inclusive, and absolute only from 1878 to 1886), Hamburg, The Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland (see Scotland ante), Baden (the figures represent absolute divorces for the entire period, and limited divorces from 1867 to 1874, inclusive), Saxony (limited divorces may or may not be included in the figures given, but decrees of nullity are included with the absolute divorces down to and including 1878 at least), Würtem- berg (see Saxony ante, except that decrees of nullity are included only to 1875, inclu- sive), and Russia (limited divorces only are granted to Roman Catholics; the divorces given for Greek Catholics and Finland are absolute; those for the Evangelical Augs- burg and Evangelical Reformed are probably absolute; and those for Poland include both absolute and limited), Bavaria (the figures given probably represent absolute decrees), Prussia (see Bavaria ante), Sweden (see Bavaria ante). It is not known whether limited divorces are granted in Hesse, but the figures given probably represent absolute decrees. Roumania grants only absolute, and Italy only limited divorces. The figures given for the German Empire include, of course, the divorces granted in the remain- ing states of the Empire as well as those for the states for which a separate exhibit is made. For Alsace-Lorraine the figures given for 1874 represent the year ending with September 30, and so for succeeding years till 1880, in which year they are for the fifteen months ending with December 31; from 1881 to 1886, inclusive, they are for the calendar years. For Bavaria the figures given for 1867, 1868, and 1869 are for the years ending September 30; for 1870 they cover the fifteen months ending December 31; from 1871 to 1886, inclusive, they are for the calendar years. For Saxony and Würtemberg the figures given for 1879 cover only the first nine months of that year. For Italy the divorces granted in the provinces of Rome and Venice in 1869 and 1870 are not included; the annual average of divorces granted from 1866 to 1879, inclu- sive, is officially stated to have been 432.] The foregoing table should be studied with reference to the state- ments of law affecting divorces, for which a digest will be found in the Appendix under each country named. For instance, it should not be concluded on the face of the table that the number of divorces in one country is greater or less than the number in another on account of any reason of law or otherwise, or any reasons affecting the moral tone of society. It would require a volume by itself to bring into re- lationship with the figures all the subtle and underlying causes which affect divorces in Europe. These causes are much more complex in many respects than in our own country. Statutory law and methods of procedure will sometimes account for the great variation shown between countries of similar population. England and Wales, for instance, have a very steady line of figures, and the number of divorces in each year It is gen- is exceedingly small. This may be due to various causes. erally supposed, however, that the great expense attending a divorce suit in England has had a large influence in keeping down the divorce rate. Whatever the causes, whether of law, religion, of social custom, or otherwise, each country is to be judged by the number of divorces, just as in this country each state is to be considered by the num- ber of divorces granted in it, as the number indicates either the legal status of persons desiring divorce or the social or religious customs, traditions, or habits of the ople; that is to say, if one state has a very small number of divorces, like South Carolina, which has had a very few in a short period of nine years, and none for the balance of the ל CHAPTER III.—MOVEMENT OF DIVORCE, 1867 TO 1886. 147 time considered, and another state of equal population has a very large .number of divorces for each of the years named, and one allows divorces to be granted, or allows them on a very restricted basis, and the other allows them to be freely granted, it must not be urged that the condi- tion of the law in one state is loose, and in the other stringent, because the people are back of the law in every instance in this country, and the sentiment of the people must be judged by the figures. It has been exceedingly difficult to arrive at a reasonably legitimate basis for a comparison between divorces granted and some other con- dition or status. In the tables which have already been given in this chapter we have seen the difference, so far as percentage is concerned, between the growth of population and the movement of divorce. These tables alone would indicate that a great social movement, not only in this country but in Europe, had taken place contemporaneously in the direction of increased divorces. The comparison already made between marriages celebrated in a few states and divorces granted is worth simply what it has been given for; but it is essential for a just con- sideration of the whole matter that a comparison should be made between the married couples existing and the divorces granted. Of course such a comparison can be made only for census years. In the Ninth and Tenth censuses, those for 1870 and 1880, the schedules of inquiry called for the number of married persons. Unfortunately, how- ever, for this investigation no compilation of the facts was made and published. The very best means of comparison, therefore, for the pre- sent purpose is lacking. To supply this want the estimated number of married couples has been reached for each state for the years 1870 and 1880 by a mathematical process which, in every instance in which it is possible to test it by the actual facts through state censuses which do report the number of married persons, has been found to be either true or within one-half of 1 per cent. of the truth. This being the case in the states where it is possible to test the method adopted of arriving at the estimated number of married couples in each state, it is safe to assume that in no instance does the ratio used in securing the estimated number of married couples given in the table which follows for each state vary more than 1 per cent. from the exact ratio. For the purpose of comparison, therefore, the number of estimated married couples given in the following table offers a sufficiently trustworthy basis for the purpose designed. This table, then, shows not only the population at the censuses of 1870 and 1880, but the estimated married couples, the divorces, and the number of married couples existing to each divorce granted, for the same years; 148 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. DIVORCES AND ESTIMATED MARRIED COUPLES IN 1870 AND 1880 COMPARED. Population. Estimated married couples. Divorces. Married couples to one divorce. States and terri- tories. 1870. 1880. 1870. 1880. 1870. 1880. 1870. 1880. Alabama Arizona 996, 992 9, 658 1, 262, 505 188, 431 238, 613 114 300 1, 653 795 Arkansas California. 40, 440 1, 690 7,077 1 23 481, 471 1,690 308 802, 525 91, 565 151, 677 113 464 810 327 560, 247 864, 694 Colorado. 105, 887 163, 427 298 683 355 239 39, 864 194, 327 Connecticut 6, 976 34, 007 30 250 233 · 537, 454 136 622, 700 Dakota 101, 579 117, 690 412 346 247 340 14, 181 Delaware 135, 177 2,482 23, 656 72 329 125, 015 146, 608 Dist. of Columbia 23, 628 27, 709 1 5 · 131, 700 23, 628 - 5,512 177, 624 Florida 24, 891 33, 571 39 66 638 503 187, 748 269, 493 Georgia. 35, 481 50, 934 57 149 623 342 Idaho... 1, 184, 109 14, 999 1, 542, 180 223, 797 291, 472 118 253 1, 897 1, 152 Ill.nois.... 32, 610 2, 625 5,707 9 23 292 248 2, 539, 891 3,077, 871 Indiana. 480, 039 581, 718 1, 178 1,680, 637 2, 139 408 272 1, 978, 301 Iowa. 317, 640 373, 899 1, 170 1, 194, 020 1, 423 271 263 1, 624, 615 Kansas 225, 670 ,307, 052 570 364, 309 1, 001 396 307 996, 096 Kentucky 68, 871 188, 262 158 442 436 426 1, 321, 011 1, 648, 690 Louisiana.. 249, 671 311, 602 368 567 678 550 726, 915 939, 946 Maino 137, 387 177,650 30 109 626, 915 4, 580 1, 630 648, 936 Maryland. Massachusetts. 118,487 122, 649 357 600 332 204 780, 894 934, 943 147, 589 176, 704 84 128 1, 457, 351 1, 757 1,381 1, 783, 085 Michigan Minnesota · 275, 439 337, 003 404 595 682 566 1, 184, 059 1,636, 937 223, 787 309, 381 554 1, 149 404 269 439,706 780, 773 Mississippi 83, 104 147, 566 83 228 1, 001 647 827, 922 1, 131, 597 Missouri. 156, 477 213, 872 85 429 1,721, 295 1, 841 499 2,168, 380 Montana. 325, 325 409, 824 491 930 663 441 20, 595 39, 159 Nebraska. 3,604 6,853 14 38 257 180- 122, 993 452, 402 23, 246 Nevada 85, 504 30 198 775 432 42, 491 62, 266 Now Hampshire 7, 436 10, 897 28 64 266 170 318, 300 346, 991 New Jersey 60, 159 65, 581 163 352 369 186- 906, 096 1, 131, 116 171, 252 Now Mexico. 213, 781 89 135 91, 874 1, 924 1; 584 119, 565 16, 078 New York.. 20, 924 1 8 4,382, 759 16, 078 2,616 5, 082, 871 828, 341 North Carolina 960, 663 731 834 1, 133 1,071, 361 1, 152 1, 399, 750 Ohio... Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island... South Carolina Tennessee Texas 1 202, 487 261,553 41 84 4, 939 2, 665, 260 3, 149 3, 198, 06! 503, 734 604, 434 992 1, 553 508 389 90, 923 174, 768 15, 912 30, 584 64 174 249 176 3, 521, 951 4, 282, 891 665, 649 809, 466 623 951 1,068 851 217, 353 705, 60G 276, 531 41, 080 52, 264 202 274 203 191 - 995, 577 133, 360 188, 164 1 1,258, 520 133, 360 1, 542, 359 237, 860 291, 506 284 680 838 429 818, 579 1, 591, 749 154, 711 Utah Vermont Virginia Washington 300, 841 163 786 949 383 86, 786 143, 963 15, 188 25, 194 82 115 185 219 330, 551 332, 286 62, 474 62, 802 164 138 381 455 1, 225, 163 1, 512, 565 231, 556 285, 875 62 164 3, 735 23, 955 1,743 75, 116 West Virginia.. Wisconsin 4, 192 13, 145 15 65 279 202 Wyoming. Total 412, 014 1,054, 670 9, 118 38, 558, 371 618, 457 1, 315, 497 20, 789 50, 155, 783 83, 541 116, 888 80 120 1, 044 974 199, 333 1,596 248, 629 396 535 503 465 3, 638 13 21 123 173 7, 281, 310 9, 464, 908 10, 962 19, 663 664 481 From the foregoing statement it will be seen that the number of mar. ried couples to one divorce in the United States in 1870 was 664, and in 1880 the number had been reduced to 481, which is a practical increase in divorces in proportion. The state or territory having the smallest number of married couples to each divorce is Wyoming, having 123 married couples in 1870 to one divorce and 173 in 1880. The state having the largest number, leaving out South Carolina, whose condi- tion is extraordinary, is Delaware, with 23,628 married couples to one divorce in 1870, which number has been decreased to 5,542 in 1880. The proportions for each state are stated so plainly that the table itself offers its own analysis, and other salient points are so apparent that they need not be reproduced. The same general conditions, CHAPTER III.—MOVEMENT OF III.-MOVEMENT OF DIVORCE, 1867 TO 1886. 149 however, will be shown to exist that were made apparent in the pre- ceding tables in regard to states or groups of states. Reducing the facts given in the immediately preceding table to a mathematical basis of direct ratios, we have the following table, show- ing the ratios between 1870 and 1880 of estimated married couples and divorces: RATIOS BETWEEN 1870 AND 1880 OF ESTIMATED MARRIED COUPLES AND DIVORCES. [For Delaware the comparison on census years 1870 and 1880 shows the results only for judicial divorces. Had the odd years been used, the results would have been somewhat different, for they would have included legislative divorces. See Delaware, page 152.] States and terri- tories. States and terri tories. Alabama 1 to 1.27 1 to 2.63 1 to 0.48 Montana. 1 to 1.90 1 to 2.71 1 to 0.70 Arizona 1 to 4.19 1 to 23.00 | 1 to 0.18 Nebraska. 1 to 3.68 1 to 6.60 1 to 0.56 Arkansas. 1 to 1.66 • 1 to 4.11 1 to 0.40 Nevada. 1 to 1.47 1 to 2.29 1 to 0.64 California 1 to 1.541 to 2.29 1 to 0.67 New Hampshire.. 1 to 1.09 1 to 2.16 1 to 0.50 Colorado.. 1 to 4.87 1 to 8.33 1 to 0.58 New Jersey. 1 to 1.25 1 to 1.52 1 to 0.82 Connecticut 1 to 1.16 1 to 0.84 1 to 1.38 New Mexico... 1 to 1.30 1 to 8.00 1 to 0.16 Dakota.. 1 to 9.53 New York. 1 to 1.16 1 to 1.14 1 to 1.02 Delaware 1 to 1.17 1 to 5.00 1 to 0.23 North Carolina 1 to 1.31 1 to 2.04 1 to 0.64 District ofColumbia! 1 to 1.351 to 1.69 1 to 0.80 Ohio. 1 to 1.20 1 to 1.57 1 to 0.77 Florida 1 to 1.441 to 2.61 1 to 0.55 Georgia. 1 to 1.301 to 2.14 1 to 0.60 Idaho.. 1 to 2.17 1 to 2.56 1 to 0.85 Illinois 1 to 1.21 1 to 1.82 1 to 0.67 Indiana. 1 to 1.18 1 to 1.22 1 to 0.97 Iowa 1 to 1.36 1 to 1.76 1 to 0.78 Kansas 1 to 2.73 1 to 2.80 1 to 0.98 Kentucky 1 to 1.25 1 to 1.54 1 to 0.81 Oregon.. Pennsylvania. Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont. 1 to 1.92 1 to 2.72 1 to 0.71 1 to 1.22 1 to 1.53 1 to 0.80 Rhode Island. 1 to 1.27 1 to 1.36 1 to 0.94 South Carolina 1 to 1.41 1 to 1.23 1 to 2.39 1 to 0.51 1 to 1.94 1 to 4.82 1 to 0.40 1 to 1.66 1 to 1.40 1 to 1.18 1 to 1.01 1 to 0.84 1 to 1.19 Louisiana. 1 to 1.29 1 to 3.63 1 to 0.36 Virginia. 1 to 1.23 1 to 2.65 1 to 0.47 Maine 1 to 1.04 1 to 1.68 1 to 0.61 Washington 1 to 3.14 1 to 4.33 1 to 0.72 Maryland. 1 to 1.20 1 to 1.52 1 to 0.79 West Virginia 1 to 1.40 1 to 1.50 1 to 0.93 Massachusetts. 1 to 1.22 1 to | 1.47 1 to 0.83 Wisconsin 1 to 1.25 1 to 1.35 1 to 0.92 Michigan. Minnesota 1 to 1.38 1 to 2.07 1 to 0.67 Wyoming. 1 to 2.28 1 to 1.62 1 to 1.41 1 to 1.781 to Mississippi 1 to 1.37 1 to Missouri. 1 to 1.26 1 to 2.75 5.05 1.89 1 to 0.65 1 to 0.27 1 to 0.67 The U.S..... 1 to 1.30 1 to 1.79 1 to 0.72 In the foregoing table unity, in each column, represents the condition for 1870, and the decimal which follows, the condition for 1880. Thus, in Alabama, there were, of estimated married couples, 1 in 1870 to 1.27 in 1880; and of divorces 1 in 1870 to 2.63 in 1880; and by combining these two ratios we find that the proportion of estimated married couples to divorces was 1 in 1870 to 0.48 in 1880. A comparison of divorces granted to population is one that offers no very satisfactory results. It is easily obtained by dividing the total population of any year, where the same is known, by the number of divorces for that year. Taking the United States as a whole, there were, in 1870, 3,517 people to each divorce granted, while in 1880 the proportion had fallen to 2,551 persons to each divorce granted. 150 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. THE INFLUENCE OF LEGISLATION. In studying the tables showing the total number of divorces granted in each state and territory each year, from 1867 to 1886, marked changes are noticed. These changes, as a rule, are in the nature of sudden and often large increases in the number of divorces granted. Sometimes a slight diminution is observed. It is natural to seek the causes for such changes in legislation, either of a nature extending the privileges of the divorce laws, making it easier to secure decrees, or in the addition of causes to those already existing. It may be that legislation is not the cause of such changes; that great social influences are at work, which produce an increase or decrease of the business in the divorce courts. These changes are so often contemporaneous with legislation that it seems quite apparent that the lines of statistics are curved in accord- ance with laws enacted just prior to the curves. Yet it is quite impos- sible to reconcile the general increase of divorces in certain states with the laws of such states; there seems to be no very potent reason why, as far as law is concerned, Illinois should have so high a rate, while some other states, with no more stringent laws have a rate lower than Illinois. Some writers, especially in Europe, take the ground that legislation does not produce these curves. M. Bertillon, to whom reference has been made, in his celebrated work written in 1883, in behalf of the new code of France relating to divorce, and while the measure was pending, took strong ground against the proposition that legislation of a kind which extended the causes for or facilitated the procedure in divorce cases had any marked influence upon the increase in the number of decrees granted; yet the French statistics show, in the table already given in this chapter, that in 1884 there was a sudden rise in the num- ber of divorces granted in France, the number being, in 1883, 3,010; in 1884, 4,478; in 1885, 6,245; and in 1886, 6,211. In no year prior to 1883 had the number reached 3,000; while the population of France has been more nearly stationary during all the period of this investigation than that of almost any other country. It becomes exceedingly interesting, and essential to the integrity of the present work, to examine the lines of our own country with reference to legislation during the twenty years covered. This examination will be made by states, taken up in alphabetical order: ALABAMA.-Taking the figures for each year for Alabama it is found that in 1867 the number of decrees of divorce was 78, and up to 1872 the number had only reached 117, the increase being quite gradual, while from 1873 to 1877 the number ran from 117 up to 194. In 1870, by an act approved March 1, the code of Alabama was so amended as to make divorce legal when a person became subject after marriage to habitual drunkenness. This additional cause, together with a law which was approved in February, 1870, by which it was provided "that in all cases where the husband or wife shall be decreed by a court of CHAPTER III.—MOVEMENT OF DIVORCE, 1867 TO 1886. 151 } "" chancery in this state to be divorced from the bonds of matrimony, the husband or wife against whom the decree has been rendered shall be deemed and held to be free from all disabilities of marrying again,' would perhaps account for the increase of divorces in Alabama from 1870 to 1873, the law just quoted being repealed by an act approved April 18, 1873. An examination of the statutes of Alabama does not, however, offer any explanation of the increase in divorces from this last year named to 1886, when the number reached 662. Other causes must be sought than those contained in the statutes. ARIZONA.—The small number of divorces granted in each year indi- cates that no marked influences have been at work in this territory, the number of decrees granted in any one year being less than 10, until 1879, when the number jumps from 5 in 1878 to 28; but there seems to have been no change in the law of the territory to account for the increase. An examination of the acts of the session of 1879, however, discloses the fact that the legislature at that session granted 17 divorces. Probably the legislature continued to grant such divorces until the law of Congress of July 30, 1886, prohibiting such action by territorial legis latures, took effect. The code of 1887 made a radical change in the divorce law of the territory, but such change has no bearing on the statistics, the year 1886 being the last included in this investigation. ARKANSAS.-While the line of figures showing the decrees granted in Arkansas for each year curves upward quite sharply at 1875, and then shows a constant and rapid increase from 187 in that year to 646 in 1886, an examination of the statutes does not offer any reasonable cause for such increase. In 1873 the causes for divorce were extended to include "insanity after marriage," but such change could not effect any serious increase in the number of divorces granted. CALIFORNIA.—This state starts with 200 divorces in 1867, and by a very gradual increase from year to year closes the account in 1886 with 1,010. This progress is in line with the progress in the movement of population in the state, and with the great stimulus to divorce in the whole country; but there seems to be nothing of a statutory nature to cause the increase in the numbers from year to year. COLORADO.-The statutes of Colorado do not account for the rapid increase of divorces, from 4 in 1867 to 250 in 1880, the law up to that time remaining unchanged; but by an act approved February 16, 1881, the causes for divorce were changed in the following particulars, which may account for the increase after that year: (1) Wilful desertion, and absence and departure from the state with. out intention of returning, which had previously been a cause only when committed by the husband, was made a cause when committed by either party. (2) A new cause was added, viz: "When the husband, being in good bodily health, shall fail to make reasonable provision for the support of his family for the space of one year." 152 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. (3) The period during which "habitual drunkenness" must continue to become a cause for divorce was reduced from "two years" to "one year." The increase of population in Colorado has been very rapid indeed, but the divorce increase has been far beyond that of population. CONNECTICUT.-This state shows a decrease, on the whole, in divorces during the twenty years. This decline takes place, practically, since 1878, in which year, by act approved March 27, the old divorce law, permitting divorce for "any such misconduct as permanently destroys. the happiness of the petitioner, and defeats the purposes of the mar- riage relation," was repealed. While the decrease in this state has not been very great, it is sufficient to show the influence of the law referred to. DAKOTA.-The number of divorces during the period has kept in advance of the increase of population. The first jump is noticed between 1881 and 1882. March 1, 1881, an act of the territorial legis- lature was approved, which amended the code by reducing the period of desertion necessary to secure a divorce from two years to one. This legislation, with the rapid increase of the population of Dakota, accounts for the sudden increase in divorces. DELAWARE.-Legislative divorces are granted in this state, and the legislature meets biennially, in the odd-numbered years, which will probably account for the almost universal increase of divorces in such years, and corresponding decrease in the even-numbered years. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.-There is nothing in the number of divorces granted from year to year in the District of Columbia to attract atten- tion, or to cause a search of the federal laws governing the subject. FLORIDA.—The number of decrees in this state in 1867 was 32, while in 1886 the number was 232. Yet no explanation of this increase is to be found in the legislation of the state. GEORGIA. The number of divorces progresses very steadily during the whole twenty years, being 127 in 1867; 82 in 1868; 112 in 1869; 118 in 1870; and rising to 325 in 1886. The causes of this steady growth of the divorce movement in this state must be sought outside the statute books. IDAHO.-The few divorces in this territory each year show no marked changes in the line. ILLINOIS.-Illinois is the banner state, so far as the number of divorces is concerned, starting with 1,071 in the year 1867, and steadily moving up to 2,606 in 1886. There have been no changes in the legislation of Illinois during the twenty years that could account for any particular increase in numbers from year to year. INDIANA.-The direction of the line opposite Indiana shows that from 1867 to 1872 the number of decrees in each year was quite steady, ranging for those years just named from 1,096 in the first to 1,157 in 1872. There was then a sudden drop to 864 in 1873, and the old rate CHAPTER III.—MOVEMENT OF DIVORCE, 1867 TO 1886. 153 > was not reached again until 1877 and 1878; but from that time on to 1886 there has been quite a constant and rapid increase in the number of divorces. Indiana stands third in the list as to the total number for the whole period, that number being 25,193, and ranging next to Ohio. In 1873, by an act approved March 10, the cause of abandonment for one year was changed to abandonment for two years, and the clause existing prior to that time, concerning the "failure of the husband to make reasonable provision for his family," was changed so that it should read, "the failure of the husband to make reasonable pro- vision for his family for a period of two years." Also, the omnibus clause, providing that divorces might be granted for "any other cause for which the court shall deem it proper that a divorce should be granted," was stricken out. This legislation of 1873 would account for the decrease in the number of divorces in Indiana from that year up to and including 1878. IOWA. This state has carried the number of divorces from 504 in 1867 by very gradual increase, up to 1,127 in 1886; but there are no sudden turns in the line. KANSAS. This state's divorce rate has increased very rapidly, running from 76 in 1867 to 817 in 1886. The growth of her population has been rapid also, and there are no sudden curvatures in the line of figures— certainly none that could be considered due to legislative influence. KENTUCKY.-There seem to have been no spasmodic changes in the number of divorces from year to year in this state, although the num- ber has been greatly out of proportion to the population. LOUISIANA.—While the percentage of increase from 1867 to 1886 has been great, the number is small each year, and nothing striking is indicated by the numbers. MAINE.-This state shows a positive decline in the number of divorces, ruuning from 408 in 1867 down to 374 in 1886. There was a gradual growth from the first year up to 1882, the largest number being 600 in 1880. In 1883 it dropped suddenly to 373, and in 1884 the number was only 244, while in 1885 it rose to 332, and in 1886 to 374, one more than the number given for 1883. Prior to 1883 the laws of Maine provided that a divorce from the bonds of matrimony might be decreed by any justice of the supreme court "when in the exercise of a sound discretion he deems it reasonable and proper, conducive to domestic harmony, and consistent with the peace and morality of the state, if the parties were married in this state, or cohabited here after marriage." The revision of 1871 provided further, "or the libellant resided here when the cause for divorce accrued or had resided here in good faith one year prior to the commencement of proceedings." Under the law either party could marry again. By an act approved March 3, 1883, the law was amended so as to define the particular causes for which decree should be issued, and prohibiting "the party on whose petition the divorce is granted from marrying again within two years after final decree, without the 154 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. consent of the court," and providing that the party against whom a decree is issued shall not marry again after two years without the con- sent of the court. These restrictions would only account for the change in the line after 1882. MARYLAND.-There is nothing in the line of figures opposite this state indicating sudden or spasmodic changes. MASSACHUSETTS.-The number of divorces granted in this state in 1867 was 318; in 1886, 565; while in each of the three years previous the number was much larger-631 in 1883; 649 in 1884; 623 in 1885. Nothing in the legislation of this state would seem to indicate an influence sufficient to raise the divorce rate, the progress being varia- ble, high one year and low another, even in 1874 the rate being higher than in 1886. Probably the large number in 1874 was due to a change in the law of 1873, relative to the term for which desertion must have continued, which was reduced from five to three years, and afterwards, in 1875, increased to five again, while in 1882 the three years' limit was restored. The increase in divorces is proportionally greater than in population. MICHIGAN.-The movement of divorce in Michigan has been rapid and constant, the number running from 449 in 1867 to 1,339 in 1836. Nothing in the statutes, however, indicates a sufficient cause to account for the growth. MINNESOTA.-The legislation of this state does not seem to have been sufficient to have caused the great increase in the number of divorces. The population has largely increased, but has not kept pace with the divorce movement. MISSISSIPPI.-By the revised code of 1871 the period for which desertion must continue to become a cause for divorce was reduced from three to two years, and the following, which were formerly causes for limited divorce, were changed to causes for absolute divorce, viz: "Hab- itual drunkenness," and "habitual cruel and inhuman treatment, marked by personal violence." These changes may help to account for the rapid increase in divorces which seems to have commenced in 1871 and 1872. MISSOURI. The divorce movement in this state has kept pace with that in the country at large, the decrees running from 362 in 1867 to 1,217 in 1886, and this without apparent influence from legislation. MONTANA. The figures for this territory require no comment, there being nothing in them to excite study. NEBRASKA.—This state's growth in divorce has been as marvellous as the growth of population in any of the Western states. The sudden increase in 1882 from 191 in the preceding year to 271, which is sus. tained through the succeeding years, does not seem to be accounted for by legislation. NEVADA.-The figures opposite this state have a very conservative character and in no way attract attention, the number each year being very small, that in 1867 being 37, and in 1886, 44; the highest number in any one year being 84, in 1878, and the lowest 28, in 1870. CHAPTER III.-MOVEMENT OF DIVORCE, 1867 TO 1886. 155 NEW HAMPSHIRE.-While the population of this state shows but slight increase from decade to decade, the movement of divorce shows an increase from 136 in 1867 steadily on through the years to 381 in 1886; but there seem to be no very striking curves in the line, except- ing between 1879 and 1880, and nothing in the legislation of the state appears to have caused this change. The tendency of later legislation in this state seems rather to restrict than to extend the facilities for securing divorce. NEW JERSEY.-The same tendency to follow a social movement in divorce matters is apparent in this state that is exhibited in nearly all the older states of the Union, the increase being very steady, but rapid, from 60 in the first year to 286 in the last year of the investigation, and there are no sudden changes to be accounted for by special legislation. NEW MEXICO.-The figures for this territory show few divorces, and are characteristic of the statistics for the sparsely settled territories. NEW YORK.-As will be seen by a reference to the table on percent- ages in this chapter, New York's divorce rate has not kept pace with her increase in population; having but one cause for absolute divorce, adul- tery, the state presents a conservative line of figures without great curves in any direction. NORTH CAROLINA.-The state has been very conservative in grant- ing divorces; so, while the percentage of increase is great, the number each year is still very small, there being no very sudden turns in the line of figures. Causes 3 and 4, as given on page 105, are more obviously causes for annulment than for divorce, although decrees for divorce may be granted for them. OHIO.-This state practically doubled the number of divorces between 1867 and 1886, but did it by very gradual extension and without spas- modic changes, and the influence of legislation does not appear. OREGON.-Nothing in the changes of law covering the twenty years seems to be sufficient to account for the increase in the divorces in this state from year to year. While the percentage of increase is large, the increase has been constant and not spasmodic. PENNSYLVANIA.-Whatever legislation may have taken place, the line of figures opposite this state is very steady, rising gradually from 575 in the beginning to 1,156 at the close of the period, the growth being, however, out of proportion to the growth of population. RHODE ISLAND.-The divorce line for this state shows no marked curvature which would seem to imply specific causes due to legislation, nor does an examination of the statute books show any such causes. The movement has been steady during the whole period. SOUTH CAROLINA.-This state is an exception. In 1872 a law was passed giving jurisdiction to the courts to grant divorces. This law was repealed in 1878, since which time there have been no divorces, and but few were granted while the law existed. Those granted in 1869 and 1870, shown by the table, were probably legislative divorces. TENNESSEE.—This state carries her divorce figures from 287 to 801 156 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. for the first and last years, respectively, her laws being quite steady through the whole period, and offering no special reasons for increase at any particular period. TEXAS.-This state shows a very great increase in the number of divorces, running from less than 100 at the beginning of the period to 1,326 at the close, the sharpest turns in the line occurring in 1871, 1877, and 1879; but nothing is found in the legislation of the state to ac- count for them. UTAH.-The figures for Utah strike one as phenomenal in this respect, for, barring the years 1876 and 1877, with perhaps the years 1875 and 1878, the number of divorces granted in each year would not excite attention; but from 149 in 1874 the line turned to 709 in 1876, 914 in 1877, then dropped sharply to 298 in 1878 and further to 122 in 1879. It was during the years 1876 and 1877 that some of the county courts in Utah became, practically, associated with divorce lawyers residing in Cincinnati, Chicago, and New York, for the purpose of obtaining decrees for parties living outside of Utah. The practices growing out of this state of affairs caused great alarm at the time, and the legislature of Utah suddenly checked the divorce mill. This matter will be treated more fully in Chapter VI, relating to the residence of parties divorced. The influence of law, then, is most marked in restricting the divorces granted in Utah after 1877 and 1878. VERMONT.-This state shows a decrease in the number of divorces in the past few years as compared with those of the first years of the period, running from 157 the first year down to 129 in the last. The decrease shown by the figures for 1879 and subsequent years seems to have been caused by a law of 1878 (No. 16), which provided that- No divorce shall be decreed for any cause if the parties never lived together as husband and wife in this state; nor for a cause which accrued in another state or country, unless the parties before such cause accrued lived together as husband and wife in this state; nor for a cause which accrued in another state or country, unless one of the par- ties then lived in this state. This provision went into effect January 1, 1879, and did not affect libels then pending. Prior to January 1, 1879, the existing provision as to residence was as follows (Gen. Stat. 1863, chap. 70): SEC. 20. And such divorce for adultery, intolerable severity, and wil- ful desertion for three years may be granted when the causes happened while residing in another state or country if the libellant has resided in the state two years previous to the term of court to which petition is preferred. The sudden decrease in the number of divorces granted in 1885 is also partially accounted for by the fact that an act, approved Novem- ber 26, 1884, entitled "An act to diminish the frequency of divorces," provided that- SEC. 1. Libels for divorce entered at any term of the county court shall be continued as of course to the succeeding term. SEC. 2. At the term succeeding the term at which the cause is entered, CHAPTER III.—MOVEMENT OF DIVORCE, 1867 TO 1886. 157 or at any subsequent terin to which the cause may be continued, the same shall not be heard unless the libellee is present, except in cases where it is proven to the court that the libellant has, in good faith, attempted to procure the attendance of the libellee and been un- able to do so; and in such cases the court may, in its discretion, try the cause without the attendance of the libellee, or continue the same if, in its opinion, the attendance of the libellee will be secured at a future time, or it may require the deposition of the libellee. Upon the order of the court a writ of capias may issue to compel the attendance of the libellee. SEC. 3. This act shall not affect pending petitions. Section 2 of the above act was repealed by act approved November 9, 1886. Vermont, then, is one of the three states (Maine and Connecticut being the others) showing an actual decrease in her divorce rate during the twenty years of investigation. VIRGINIA.-Virginia has increased her divorce rate at the beginning of the period from 90 to 238 at the close, the steps being gradual, and without sudden influences, for her laws have remained practically with- out change during the period. WASHINGTON.-There is nothing in the line of figures for this terri- tory to attract special attention, the facts being similar to those for the other territories. WEST VIRGINIA.-The increase of the number of divorces granted in this state has been regular, and fairly rapid, running from 72 to 217 for the period of twenty years. The only year in which a higher number was reached was 1885, when it was 235. Neither the increase in popu- lation nor the laws of the state account for the increase. The decrease in the figures, from 204 for 1881 to 176 for 1882, may be accounted for by an act approved March 6, 1882, which required a year's residence of the party bringing a suit for divorce, whereas previous to the passage of such act residence at the time of filing the suit was sufficient. This legislation might also have had some influence in increasing the num- ber for 1881, by reason of such law having been proposed probably some time prior to its adoption. WISCONSIN. This state, with quite a large number of divorces in the aggregate, has distributed them very equally and regularly over the twenty years, beginning with 406 and closing with 700, in no year having more than that, while in several years it has had less than 406. There seem to be no special provisions in the laws of the state which would account for variations, as the laws in existence prior to the first year of the investigation have been continued, practically, through the whole period, no radical changes having been made. WYOMING. The small number of divorces granted during the twenty years with quite an even distribution indicates no marked tendencies of law to facilitate divorce. 158 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. MOVEMENT OF DIVORCE IN CITIES. The movement of divorce, not only of itself, but in connection with the movement of population, so far as it has been treated, relates to each state as a whole and to the United States. The question is often asked whether the movement is greater in cities than in the country surround- ing them or in the state at large. In European countries it has been shown by M. Bertillon, in his work already referred to, that the move- ment is greater in cities than in the country. To ascertain the truth in the matter is a more difficult problem here than in Europe, because for certain great cities in Europe the divorce statistics are kept distinct from those of a department or state, while in this country, with two or three exceptions, the cities have no courts with divorce jurisdiction, the courts as a rule having jurisdiction for the county; so the only method by which the movement of divorce in cities can be ascertained is to as- certain the statistics for certain cities that constitute the bulk of the counties in which they are situated. For this purpose a series of tables, which follow, has been drawn from the general tables, chiefly from I and II, as given in extenso in Chapter VIII. Table A gives the cities which fall under the designation mentioned, stating them by name, and the counties in which they are situated, with the population of each city and county by the censuses of 1870 and 1880. Table A also shows the population of the state outside of the county in which the city is the predominant feature, and also the population of the whole state, inclu- ding the county and city named in each case. By this table it will be seen that the cities really make the counties, and that the statistics of the counties would determine the movement of divorces, or of popula tion, even, for the cities themselves. In several cases, notably Boston, Brooklyn, Chicago, New York, New Orleans, and San Francisco, the population of the city is identical, or nearly so, with that of the county. Baltimore city is always considered as a separate municipality, distinct from Baltimore county, and having nothing to do with it. Saint Louis city, Mo., similarly, is separate and distinct from Saint Louis county. Table B gives the estimated married couples for the county, the state outside the county, and the whole state. Table C gives the number of divorces on the same plan, and Table D gives the estimated married couples to one divorce for each of these geographical divisions. Table E reduces the basis to percentages: CHAPTER III.—MOVEMENT OF DIVORCE, 1867 TO 1886. 159 TABLES A TO E.-SELECTED COUNTIES CONTAINING IMPORTANT CITIES, 1870 AND 1880 COMPARED. TABLE A.-Population, 1870. Population. The included cities. The embracing counties. Cities. Counties. State out- side the county. The whole state. • Atlanta, Ga. Baltimore, Md... Boston, Mass Brooklyn, N. Y Chicago, Ill Cincinnati, Ohio. Cleveland, Ohio Detroit, Mich …. District of Columbia. Indianapolis, Ind Jersey City, N. J. Louisville, Ky Memphis, Tenn Milwaukee, Wis Mobile, Ala Nashville, Tenn.. Newark, N. J .. New Haven, Conn New Orleans, La. Cook. Marion Hudson.. Fulton... 21, 789 33, 446 1, 150, 663 267, 354 267, 354 Suffolk 250, 526 270, 802 Kings 396, 099 419, 921 298, 977 349,966 2, 189, 925 Hami.ton 513, 540 1, 186, 549 3,962, 838 1, 184, 109 780, 894 1, 457, 351 4,382, 759 2,539, 891 216, 239 260, 370 Cuyahoga. 2,404, 890 2, 665, 260 92,829 132, 010 2,533, 250 Wayne 2, 665, 260 79, 577 119, 038 1,065, 021 1, 181, 059 131, 700 48, 244 71, 939 1,608, 698 131, 700 1,680, 637 82, 546 129, 067 777, 029 Jefferson 906, 096 100, 753 118,953 Shelby. 1, 202, 058 1,321, 011 40, 226 76, 378 1, 182, 142 Milwaukee . 1,258, 520 71, 440 89, 930 964, 740 Mobile. 1,051, 670 32, 034 32, 034 Davidson 964, 958 996, 992 25, 865 62, 897 Essex. 1, 195, 623 1,258, 520 105, 059 143, 839 762, 257 New Haven 906, 096 50,840 121, 257 416, 197 Orleans. 537, 454 New York, N. Y 191, 418 191, 418 535, 497 New York Omaha, Nebr 942, 292 942, 292 Douglas Philadelphia, Pa 16, 083 Portland, Me . Pittsburgh and Allegheny, Pa.. Allegheny Philadelphia. 674, 022 19,982 674, 022 139, 256 262, 204 Cumberland Providence, R. I 31, 413 82, 021 Providence Richmond, Va 68, 904 149, 190 Henrico Saint Louis, Mo 51,038 66, 179 1, 158, 981 San Francisco, Cal……. 310, 864 310, 861 San Francisco 1, 410, 431 Savannah, Ga... 149, 473 149, 473 Chatham 28, 235 41, 279 410, 774 1, 142, 830 1 3, 440, 467 103, 011 2, 847, 929 3,259, 747 544, 894 68, 163 726, 915 4,382, 759 122,993 3, 521, 951 3, 521, 951 626, 915 217, 353 1, 225, 163 1, 721, 295 560,247 1, 184, 109 TABLE A.-Population, 1880. Atlanta, Ga Baltimore, Md. Boston, Mass Brooklyn, N. Y. Chicago, Ill Cincinnati, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Detroit, Mich Fulton.. Suffolk Kings 37, 409 49, 137 332, 313 332, 313 1, 493, 043 602, 630 362, 839 387,927 1,395, 158 566, 663 599, 495 4, 483, 376 Cook 503, 185 607, 524 2,470, 347 1, 542, 180 934, 943 1, 783, 065 5, 082, 871 3,077, 871 Hamilton. 255, 139 313, 374 2,884, 688 Cuyahoga. 3, 198, 062 • 160, 146 196, 943 3, 001, 119 3, 198, 062 Wayne 116, 340 Mobile, Ala Newark, N. J…. New Haven, Conn.. District of Columbia Indianapolis, Ind. Jersey City, N. J Louisville, Ky. Memphis, Tenn Milwaukee, Wis………… Nashville, Tenn Marion Hudson. 166, 441 1,470, 493 177, 624 75, 056 102, 782 1,875, 519 120, 722 187, 944 Jefferson 123, 758 146, 010 1, 502, 680 Shelby. 943, 172 1, 636, 937 177, 621 1,978, 301 1, 131, 116 1,648, 690 33, 592 78,430 1, 163, 929 Milwaukee 1, 542, 359 115, 587 138, 537 1, 176, 960 Mobile. 1, 315, 497 29, 132 29, 132 1, 233, 373 Davidson 1, 262, 505 43, 350 79, 026 1,463, 333 Essex.. New Haven. 1, 542, 359 136, 508 189, 929 62, 882 New Orleans, La 156, 523 Orleans.. 216, 090 New York, N. Y…. New York. Omaha, Nebr.. Philadelphia, Pa. Portland, Me. Douglas Philadelphia. Pittsburgh and Allegheny, Pa.. Allegheny 1, 206, 299 216, 090 1, 206, 299 30, 518 847, 170 Cumberland • Providence, R. I 33, 810 Providence . Richmond, Va. 104, 857 197, 874 Henrico 63, 600 Saint Louis, Mo 350, 518 San Francisco, Cal. 82, 703 350, 518 235, 071 37,645 847, 170 355, 869 86, 359 3, 876, 572 414, 757 3, 435, 721 3,927, 022 562, 577 78, 657 1.429, 862 622, 700 939, 946 5,082,871 452, 402 4,282, 891 4, 282, 891 648, 936 276, 531 941, 187 466, 177 1, 131, 116 723, 856 + 1,512, 565 San Francisco Savannah, Ga 233, 959 233, 959 1,817, 862 630, 735 2,168, 380 Chatham 30, 709 45, 023 1, 497, 157 864, 694 1, 542, 180 160 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLES A TO E.-SELECTED COUNTIES CONTAINING IMPORTANT CITIES, 1870 AND 1880 COMPARED-Continued. TABLE B.-Estimated married couples. [The figures given are arrived at by computation, and represent 18. 9 per cent. of the population. This rate is a fair mean of the slightly differing rates found to obtain in the few states where the actual number of married persons has been enumerated at censuses.] Estimated married couples. The included cities. The embracing counties. Counties. State outside the The whole state. county. 1870. 1880. 1870. 1880. 1870. 1880. Atlanta, Ga Baltimore, Md. Boston, Mass. Brooklyn, N. Y. Chicago, Ill.. Fulton.. 6, 321 9, 287 217, 476 282, 185 223, 797 291, 472 50, 530 62, 807 97, 059 113, 897 Suffolk 147, 589 176, 704 51, 182 73, 318 Mobile, Ala Cincinnati, Ohio……. Cleveland, Ohio Detroit, Mich District of Columbia. Indianapolis, Ind.. Jersey City, N. J.... Louisville, Ky Memphis, Tenn Milwaukee, Wis. Nashville, Tenn.. Newark, N. J. New Haven, Conn.. New Orleans, La New York, N. Y.. Omaha, Nebr. Philadelphia, Pa Pittsburgh and Alle- gheny, Pa Portland, Me Providence, R. I…. Richmond, Va.. Kings Cook 224, 257 263,685 275, 439 337, 003 79, 365 113, 305 748, 976 847, 358 828, 341 66, 144 960, 663 114, 822 413, 895 466, 896 Hamilton 480, 039 581, 718 49, 210 59, 228 451, 524 Cuyahoga. 545, 206 503, 734 604, 434 · 24, 950 37, 222 478, 784 567, 212 503, 734 Wayne 604, 434 22, 498 31, 458 201, 289 277, 923 223, 787 309, 381 24, 891 33, 571 24, 891 Marion. 33, 571 13, 596 Ꭵ9, 426 304, 044 354, 473 Hudson.. 317, 640 373, 899 24, 394 35, 521 146, 858 178, 260 171, 252 213, 781 Jefferson 22, 482 27,596 227, 189 284, 006 249, 671 Shelby. 311, 602 14, 435 14,823 223, 425 276, 683 237, 860 Milwaukee Mobile... 291, 506 · 16, 997 26, 183 182, 336 222, 446 199, 333 248, 629 6, 054 5, 506 182, 377 233, 107 188, 431 Davidson 238, 613 · ► 11, 888 14, 936 225, 972 276, 570 237, 860 291, 506 Essex.... 27, 186 35, 897 144, 066 177, 884 171, 252 213, 781 New Haven 22,918 29, 583 78, 661 88, 107 101, 579 117,690 Orleans. 36, 178 40, 841 101, 209 136, 809 137, 387 177, 650 New York…. 178, 093 227, 991 650, 248 732, 672 828, 341 Douglas 960, 663 3, 777 7, 115 19, 469 78, 389 23, 246 85,504 Philadelphia….. 127, 390 160, 115 538, 259 649, 351 665, 649 809, 466 Allegheny 49, 557 67, 259 616, 092 742, 207 665, 649 809, 466 Cumberland 15, 502 16, 322 102, 985 106, 327 118,487 122, 649 Providence 28, 197 37, 398 12, 883 14, 866 41, 080 52, 264 Henrico 12.508 15, 631 219, 048 270, 244 Saint Louis, Mo 231, 556 285, 875 58,753 66, 248 266, 572 San Francisco, Cal. 343, 576 325, 325 409, 824 San Francisco 28, 250 44, 218 77, 637 Savannah, Ga 119, 209 105, 887 163, 427 Chatham 7, 802 8, 509 215, 995 282, 963 223, 797 291, 472 TABLE C.-Number of divorces. Number of divorces. The included cities. The embracing counties. Counties. State outside the county. The whole state. 1870. 1880. 1870. 1880. 1870. 1880. Brooklyn, N. Y Atlanta, Ga Baltimore, Md. Boston, Mass. Chicago, Ill Cincinnati, Ohio.. Cleveland, Ohio Detroit, Mich.. Fulton.. 5 14 113 239 118 253 60 98 24 30 84 128 Suffolk 113 156 291 439 404 595 Kings 54 111 677 723 731 834 Cook 622 1,517 1, 178 2, 139 Hamilton 992 1, 553 Cuyahoga 114 168 878 1, 385 992 、 Wayne 59 106 495 1, 043 554 District of Columbia Indianapolis, Ind. Jersey City, N. J. Louisville, Ky Memphis, Tenn - Milwaukee, Wis Mobile, Ala Nashville, Tenn.. Newark, N. J New Haven, Conn…. 1,553 1, 149 • 39 66 39 60 Marion 91 151 1,079 1,272 1, 170 1,423 Hudson. Jefferson 14 31 75 104 $9 135 ... 53 76 315 491 368 507 Shelby. 26 61 258 619 284 680 Milwaukee 57 104 339 431 396 635 Mobile 114 300 Davidson 19 60 265 611 284 680 Essex 22 36 67 99 89 135 New Haven 105 101 307 245 412 346 New Orleans, La - Orleans 15 38 15 71 30 109 New York, N. Y. New York. 265 227 466 607 731 834 Omaha, Nebr. Douglas 9 10 21 188 30 198 Philadelphia, Pa Philadelphia. 124 194 499 757 623 951 Pittsburgh and Allegheny, Pa.. Allegheny 29 88 594 863 623 951 Portland, Me. Cumberland · - 35 88 322 512 357 600 Providence, R. I.. Providence . 154 207 48 67 202 274 Richmond, Va Henrico 18 55 146 62 164 Saint Louis, Mo Savannah, Ga 155 241 336 689 491 930 San Francisco, Cal San Francisco 87 242 211 441 298 683 Chatham 2 16 116 237 118 253 CHAPTER III.—MOVEMENT OF DIVORCE, 1867 TO 1886. 161 TABLES A TO E.-SELECTED COUNTIES CONTAINING IMPORTANT CITIES, 1870 AND 1880 COMPARED-Concluded. TABLE D.-Estimated married couples to one divorce. [See prefatory note to Table B.-Estimated married couples.] The included cities. The embracing counties. • Estimated married couples to one divorce. The whole slate. Counties. State outside the county. 1870. 1880. 1870. 1880. 1870. 1880. Atlanta, Ga Baltimore, Md. Boston, Mass. Brooklyn, N. Y. Chicago, Ill Cincinnati, Ohio. Cleveland, Ohio Detroit, Mich District of Columbia. Indianapolis, Ind. Jersey City, N. J……. Louisville, Ky. Memphis, Tenn Milwaukee, Wis Mobile, Ala Nashville, Tenn. Newark, N. J……… New Haven, Conn Cook Hamilton Cuyahoga Marion Hudson Jefferson Shelby. Milwaukee Fulton Suffolk Kings 1,264 663 1,925 1, 180 1, 897 842 641 4, 044 3,797 1,757 1, 152 1,381 453 470 771 601 682 566 1,470 1, 021 1, 106 1, 172 1, 133 1, 152 185 308 408 272 508 389 219 222 545 410 508 389 Wayne 381 • 297 407 266 404 269 638 509 638 509 149 129 282 279 271 263 1,712 1,146 1, 958 1,714 1,924 1, 584 424 363 721 578 678 550 555 243 866 447 838 429 298 252 538 516 503 465 Mobile.. 1,653 795 Davidson 626 · 216 253 453 838 429 Essex. 1,236 997 2, 150 1,797 1,924 1,584 New Haven. 218 293 256 360 New Orleans, La - New York, N. Y Omaha, Nebr Philadelphia, Pa Pittsburgh and Allegbeny, Pa. Allegheny Portland, Me Providence, R. I. Richmond, Va Saint Louis, Mo San Francisco, Cal Savannah, Ga Orleans 2,412 1,075 6. 747 1,927 247 4, 580 310 1,630 New York.. 672 1, 004 1,395 1, 207 1, 133 1, 152 Douglas 419 712 927 417 775 432 Philadelphia 1,027 825 1,079 858 1,068 851 1, 709 764 1, 037 860 1, 068 851 Cumberland 443 183 320 208 332 204 Providence 183 181 268 222 203 191 Henrico 1,787 868 3,983 1,851 3,735 1,743 379 275 793 499 663 441 San Francisco Chatham. 325 183 368 270 355 239 3,901 532 1,862 1, 194 1,897 1, 152 TABLE E.-Per cent. of increase from 1870 to 1880 in estimated married couples and in divorces. [Seo prefatory note to Table B.-Estimated married couples. In cases where the minus sign is used the figures represent a decrease.] Increase from 1870 to 1880 (per cent.). Estimated married The included cities The embracing counties. couples. Divorces. Coun- outside ties. the county. State The State whole state. Coun- outside ties. the county. The I whole state. Atlanta, Ga Fulton... 46.9 29.8 30.2 180.0 111.5 114.4 • Detroit, Mich Indianapolis, Ind. Louisville, Ky.. Memphis, Tenu Baltimore, Md………… Boston, Mass. Brooklyn, N. Y……. Chicago, Ill Cincinnati, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio District of Columbia. Jersey City, N. J Suffolk Kings Cook 24.3 17.3 19. 7 63.3 25.0 52.4 43.2 17.6 22.4 38. 1 50.9 47.3 42.8 13. 1 16.0 105. 6 6.8 14. 1 73.6 12.8 21.2 81.6 Hamilton 20.4 19.9 20.0 56.6 Cuyahoga. 49.2 18.5 20.0 47.4 57.7 56. 6 Wayne 39.8 381 38.2 79.7 110.7 107.4 34.9 34.9 69.2 69.2 Marion 42.9 16.6 17.7 65.9 17.9 21.6 • Hudson. Jefferson Shelby. 45.6 21.4 24.8 121.4 38 7 51.7 22.7 25.0 21.8 43.4 55.9 51.1 2.7 23.8 22.6 134.6 139.9 139.4 New York, N. Y. Omaha, Nebr. Philadelphia, Pa Milwaukee, Wis Mobile, Ala Nashville, Tenn Newark, N. J. Now Haven, Conn New Orleans, La Mobile. Davidson Essex New Haven. Orleans. New York Pittsburgh and Allegheny, Pa.. Allegheny Milwaukee 54. 0 22.0 - 24.7 82.5 27.1 35. 1 -9.1 27.8 26.6 163.2 25.6 22.4 22.6 263. 2 130.6 139.4 32.0 23.5 24.8 63.6 47.8 51.7 29.1 12.0 15.9 -3.8 -20.2 -16.0 12.9 35.2 29.3 153.3 373.3 263.3 28.0 12.7 • 16.0 -14.3 30.3 14. 1 Douglas Philadelphia 88.4 302, 6 267.8 11. 1 795.2 560.0 23.7 20.6 21.6 56.5 51.7 52.6 33.7 20.5 21.6 203.4 45.3 52.6 Portland, Me. Cumberland 5.3 3.2 i 3.5 151.4 59.0 68. 1 Providence, R.I.. Providenco 32.6 15. 4 27.2 34.4 39.6 35.6 Richmond, Va.. Henri. o 25.0 23.4 23.5 157.1 165.5 161.5 Saint Louis, Mo.. 12.8 26.9 26.0 55. 5 105. 1 89.4 San Francisco, Cal San Francisco 56.5 53.5 51.3 178.2 169.0 129.2 Savannah, Ga Cratham 9. 1 31.0 30.2 700.0 104.3 114.4 20267 M D--11 162 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. From this series of tables, which is a more definite analysis of the sub- ject than could be given by the reproduction of the various points in text, it will be learned that practically the same feature is observable in this country that has become apparent in Europe, that not only the increase of divorces is proportionately greater in the cities than in the country, but that the decrease of the ratio of married couples to each divorce is greater also. There are a few exceptions to the general condition, notably the cities of Brooklyn, Detroit, Omaha, Pittsburgh, and Allegheny. The cities of Portland and Savannah show variations from the general rule. In Brooklyn, in 1870, the number of married couples to one divorce was 1,470, being a higher proportion than for the state outside the city of Brooklyn, where it was 1,106, or for the whole state, where it was 1,133; but in 1880 the proportion was lower in the city than in either the state outside the city or in the state at large. In Detroit, while the proportion in 1870 was less in the city than in the surrounding county or in the state, in 1880 the condition had changed, the number of mar- ried couples to one divorce being 297 in the county containing the city, 266 in the state outside of the county, and 269 in the whole state, including the county. In Omaha, the county containing the city had 419 married couples to one divorce in 1870, while in the state outside of the county the proportion was 927, and in the whole state, including the county, 775; but in 1880 the county led the city, the number of married couples to one divorce being in the county, 712; in the state outside the county, 417, and in the state, 432. Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, containing the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, in 1870 had 1,709 married couples to each divorce granted, while the state outside the county had but 1,037, and the whole state 1,068; but in 1880 these conditions were reversed, Allegheny county having only 764 married couples to each divorce, while the state outside had 860, and the whole state 851. Cumberland county, Maine, containing the city of Portland, had 443 married couples to one divorce in 1870, while the state outside the county had 320, and the state at large 332; but in 1880 the condi- tions had been turned about, the city having but 185 married couples to one divorce, the state outside the county 208, and the whole state, including the county, 204. The county of Chatham, in Georgia, contain- ing the city of Savannah, had in 1870 3,901 married couples to one divorce, while the state outside the county had but 1,862, and the whole state 1,897. A marked change took place before 1880, when the mar- ried couples to one divorce in the county dropped to 532, while in the state outside they still held at a high proportion, being 1,194, and for the entire state, 1,152. These statements, then, show a like condition in this country to that which exists in Europe, that is, that city populations are more given to divorce than those outside of cities. The number of divorces granted in a state does not indicate the amount of marital infelicity existing there. Neither in numbers nor in causes can we find the true gauge of such infelicity. Probably no sta CHAPTER III.—MOVEMENT OF DIVORCE, 1867 TO 1886. 163 tistics would determine the truth. They simply determine the number of cases in which the marital infelicity is so burdensome that the parties are willing to bear publicity of their most intimate relations rather than longer endure the burdens of unhappy conditions. To ascertain the state of affairs so far as may be indicated by the number of applicants for divorces a few counties were examined at the close of the investiga- tion, the results being shown in the following tables: NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS FOR DIVORCE, AND DIVORCES GRANTED IN A FEW COUNTIES OF EACH OF TWELVE STATES. Iowa California Connecticut Illinois Indiana (2 counties). (1 county). (30 counties). (2 counties). (14 coun- ties). Kansas. (1 county). Massachu- setts (2 counties). Years. App. Div. App. Div. App. Div. App. Div. App. Div. App. Div. App. Div. 1867.. 25 19 155 160 1868 16 9 209 177 376 408 266 252 167 122 184 133 268 124 162 85 220 163 281 172 1869. 29 21 189 139 428 296 185 131 235 159 317 162 1870 26 19 156 105 402 258 229 172 227 ; 170 340 164 1871.. 18 12 154 107 456 306 236 178 251 185 282 136 1872 23 14 155 119 477 320 267 228 257 179 1873. 32 24 165 90 462 317 195 163 229 154 1874 33 23 178 149 545 364 235 196 263 184 1875 24 18 196 165 483 302 234 199 247 171 1876. 30 19 95 73 488 319 244 197 291 226 1877... 31 20 135 98 519 333 224 178: 295 214 2864 DO CO 313 121 3 363 171 459 239 359 207 2 323 205 322 179 1878 28 18 145 114 506 351 259 1-79 28 20 119 86 1 1880 38 20 144 101 1881.. 44 31 153 115 188!. 44 32 162 133 582 1883. 44 31 140 114 1881. 45 28 146 70 1885. 52 35 169 110 1886.. 53 40 155 101 211 348 242 465 334 233 189 531 403 265 225 608 401 277 404 312 623 448 306 609 446 332 574 402 310 697 446 305 250 398 324 202 310 230 350 254 224 355 281 6 4 371 211 6 344 241 386 08 f 249 390 282 8 376 192 248 371 263 8 7 4421 244 246 349 274 15 11 440 239 238 354 259 13 13 413 219 2&3 11 11 400 241 Total. 663 453 3, 120 2,326 10, 242 6, 968 4, 977 3, 929 5, 924 4, 306 106 71 7,123 3,761 1 Michigan Missouri (3 counties). (5 counties). Nebraska (3 counties). Years. App. Div. App. Div. App Div. App. Div. App. Div. Total of 70 counties in 12 states. North Carolina -Tennessee (6 counties). (1 county). App. Div. 1867.... 93 1868... 95 38888 33 240 129 6 66 273 165 1 1869. 99 65 263 165 4 1870. 108 74 284 198 1 5 1871... 111 75 383 276 3 1 4 1872... 130 71 359 260 2 1873.. 120 73 448 277 7 3 4 1874.. 175 125 406 275 10 11 3 1875. 162 103 336 229 11 6 7 1876 174 118 410 257 11 5 12 1877... 166 108 396 280 9 4 3 1878... 169 125 382 261 9 7 6 1879. 194 134 430 265 10 10 3 1880... 240 143 515: 360 17 6 9 1881.. 262 191 490 351 9 6 6 4+*** (1 - 0) — V C1 6283 1 3 3 6 7 7 1 7 4 5 7 4 9 3 6 7 3 12 5 13 1832 245 150 577 429 11 3 13 4 6 1883. 261 191 571 437 12 7 8 8 1884 240 171 634 508 12 12 12 1885.. 246 150 629 414 12 7 19 1886.. 292 184 652 445 12 11 16 296 6 8 7 12 5 9 ON OD EN C3 A =] Ê - CO CT DO HA A ON EN ES 00 1A CJ Co 3 1, 519 979 3 1,668 1, 107 4 1,755 1,145 1,786 1,173 1, 900 1,274 5 1,992 1, 318 5 2, 040 1,282 2,320 1,573 2,070 1,411 2 2, 084 1,433 5 2,109 1,422 2, 608 2,726 1,888 5 2,794 | 1,998 2,842 2,016 8 2,803 803 1,862 2, 1911, 545 2, 181 1, 492 2,467 | 1,766 1, 713 8 3,000 | 2,025 Total... 3, 582 2,350 8, 6785, 984 155 100 143 79 142 94 44, 855 30, 421 From the foregoing tables, which cover seventy counties, scattered through twelve states, but including quite representative localities, 164 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. we find there were 44,855 applications for divorce during the twenty years, and 30,421 decrees of divorce were issued, the latter being 67.8 per cent. of the former. This rate varies in the different states named in the table. In Connecticut, for which only one county is reported, the proportion is about the same, and in Illinois, where twenty-nine coun- ties are reported, 6,968 divorces were granted on 10,242 applications, the percentage also being about the same as for all the states named. In Massachusetts about 50 per cent. of the applications result in decrees. If the same general proportion should hold good for the whole country, the 328,716 divorces must represent 484,683 applications. These figures, again, of course, do not represent the total of married infelicity, but only that class which care more for separation and the dissolution of the marriage relations than for the publicity which a divorce suit brings to them. But the facts disclosed in this table do give a gratifying assurance that judges exercise a reasonable care before issuing a decree for divorce. For the counties covered by this table it is certain that in about 30 per cent. of the cases of petition a decree has been denied. The number of cases involved is sufficiently large and the localities. sufficiently different to lead one to the conclusion that the same state of affairs exists throughout the country, and that our courts, instead of being careless in the matter of granting decrees, weigh well the causes alleged, and do not grant decrees unless the allegations of the libellants are fairly sustained. CHAPTER IV. THE CAUSES FOR WHICH DIVORCE IS GRANTED. 165 CHAPTER IV. THE CAUSES FOR WHICH DIVORCE IS GRANTED. The subject of causes, as shown by this investigation, is presented in Tables III, IV, V, VI, and VII. A brief statement of the ground cov- ered by these tables may be found on page 20. From this series of tables, in which causes appear in one form or another, the chief socio- logical facts surrounding them can be ascertained. The difficulty of arriving at the exact cause for which a divorce has been granted is greater than would appear upon the surface, or upon a casual examination of the subject. Whenever a decree granted states that it is granted for such or such a cause, naming it precisely, no diffi- culty arises; but in a large proportion of cases the decree is entered as "for the cause alleged." In such cases reference must be made to the libel to find out the cause alleged. It is the habit of lawyers in draw- ing petitions to allege everything that they think there is a possibility of proving. So oftentimes in libels for a divorce they allege adultery, desertion, and cruelty, and perhaps one or two other things for which the laws of the state allow divorce. It is apparent, then, that when a decree is granted for the cause alleged it is quite impossible to determine which cause alleged is the one sustained; and it may not be true that. all the causes alleged were really proved to exist. If this condition of affairs exists recourse has been had sometimes to the evidence on file, if there be evidence, to see on what grounds the court really decided to grant the divorce. When the evidence does not indicate this, then all the causes alleged in the libel have been reported, no other course being possible. Table V presents in a condensed form under six beads the causes shown in extenso in Table III. The actual condensation is brought about by joining causes which practically mean the same thing though differing statutory expressions have been used by the lawmakers of the several states. Without attempting to reproduce verbatim the verbi- age of the statutes, these combinations may be sufficiently indicated as follows: Abandonment, desertion, wilful desertion, utter desertion, absence without being heard of for [various] years, etc., are united under "Desertion"; habitual intemperance, habitual drunkenness, habitual gross drunkenness, habitual drunkenness for a term of [various] years, gross and confirmed habits of intoxication, etc., under "Drunkenness"; 167 168 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. extreme cruelty, extreme and repeated cruelty, intolerable cruelty, cruel and barbarous treatment, cruel and abusive treatment, cruel and inhuman treatment, etc., including phraseology covering mental cruelty under the expressive word "Cruelty"; under "Neglect to Provide" are placed wilful neglect, wilful neglect to provide the necessaries and comforts of life, neglect or refusal to provide (being able), neglect to support the wife, etc.; the single word "Adultery" was usually em- ployed in reporting that cause. Under "Combinations of the preced- ing, or of a preceding with some minor cause," are included all those instances of decrees granted for several united causes (as has been mentioned) into which at least one of the five important previously- enumerated causes enter, the rest being made up of such minor causes as when occurring alone or in combination with each other constitute the final column of "All others." It will be seen, from what has been said, that while a state may pro- vide that divorces can be granted for such and such causes only, enum- erating for instance but six or eight, yet there may be through combina tion thirty or forty classifications under which they are recorded and have been reported. All these designations appear in Tables III and IV. It is also true for another reason that the causes alleged do not accu- rately disclose in all cases the real cause for which a divorce is sought, even when they show the single, precise cause for which the decree is granted, since parties are quite likely to state that cause which is most easily proven, or that which involves the least amount of moral turpi- tude, and which, if proven, results in the least humiliation to all con- cerned. These facts are established by a study of the divorce question, especially where states, having formerly but one or two causes, have gradually added others to their list. New York grants absolute divorces for but one cause, adultery; she grants limited divorces for other causes. But suppose the legislature of New York should amend the divorce law of that state by allowing the courts to grant divorces for desertion, neglect to provide, or cruel treatment; the result would be, to a cer tainty, that the number of divorces granted for adultery would rapidly fall in the scale; for, if a party seeking divorce can prove adultery, and can also prove desertion, or neglect to provide, or habitual drunk- enness, or cruel treatment, in a large proportion of cases such causes would be set up instead of the graver offense of adultery. So the real, or the chief, aggravating cause in a case may not be the cause set up. The tables showing causes are so plain in arrangement, and so com- prehensive in detail, that it is quite unnecessary to give a long analysis of them. By them one can see for any state the causes for which divorces have been granted in that state, and determine at once the predominating ones, or whether there has been an increase or decrease in certain causes as against others. From the general tables of causes a summarized statement has been drawn, which offers a convenient study of the subject concretely stated. CHAPTER IV.-CAUSES FOR WHICH DIVORCE IS GRANTED. 169 It shows for each state in the Union the total number of divorces granted during the whole period, under the classification of causes as already described, and whether the divorces were granted to husband or to wife. This summary follows: DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES. Adultery. Cruelty. Desertion. Drunkenness. Neglect to provide. States and territories. Το bus- To To Το To To To То To To hus- hus- bus- bus- wife. wife. wife. wife. wife. band. band. band. band. band. Alabama 973 228 27 283 1, 665 1, 327 G 26 Arizona. 21 8 6 43 40 48 3 9 19 Arkansas 557 147 196 604 1,771 1,910 12 81 6 California. --- 626 536 269❘ 2, 166 1, 541 1, 979 165 252 1,382 Colorado 236 204 82 381 720 610 17 73 239 Connecticut. 327 334 39 391 711 1,388 104 642 Dakota 71 26 47 131 306 202 4 10 62 Delaware 33 28 1 32 40 78 2 7 10 District of Columbia. 113 105 11 113 114 308 13 34 5 Florida 139 18 2 31 509 401 1 16 1 Georgia. 848 295 71 405 506 608 12 46 6 Idaho 19 6 5 40 65 86 1 8 38 Illinois.. 3,736 | 3,530 550 5,977 5,973 9,757 258 2,980 6 Indiana 2, 068 629 649 | 2,855 2,639 4, 171 44 521 1,551 Iowa. 1,360 1, 184 370 2,647 2,814 4, 592 62 1, 260: 10 Kausas 367 158 · 97 1,008 | 1,582 ¦ 2, 782 8 155 │ 523 Kentucky. 1,151 313 49 1,016 2, 628 3,349 13 285 10 Louisiana. 440 261 62 247 113 210 26 76 Maine 1, 081 1, 129 47 | 1,115 933 1, 641 21 96 56 Maryland. 405 414 3 55 376 768 Massachusetts. 1,326 1,688 29 1,092 1, 481 2,830 128 816 117 Michigan 1, 189 716 731 || 2,806 | 3, 3, 171 3, 480 68 635 1,366 Minnesota 338 190 79 1, 104 659 775 25 246 11 Mississippi 1, 106 268 38 293 1,436 1,003 6 48 Missouri. 1,296 558 612 | 2,454 2,981 4, 941 108 838 197 Montana.. 53 18 10 169 119 257 6 28 Nebraska 232 120 89 727 562 760 12 101 159 Nevada. 67 33 24 230 113 56 12 10 171 New Hampshire.. 595 550 187 1, 123 741 1,057 29 196 1 New Jersey. 492 495 3 65 461 1,073 New Mexico.. 20 9 2 56 62 100 New York 5, 503 8,474 42 736 - 21 139 1 10 North Carolina 723 370 1 26 12 28 6 · Ohio Oregon. Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina…. Tennessee. Texas. 2,769 2,678 264 4, 536 | 3,210 6, 753 115 2,039 193 110 191 1,037 254 369 13 142 12 • 1,430 901 211 2, 496 | 3, 111 6, 091 2 1 175 87 3 52 318 62 25 21 589 34 17 1 47 48 1,944 1,073 46 1,247 1,422 2,505 28 238 254 1, 491 114 560 2,581 1,934 2,176 8 1 Utah. 126 79 83 264 605 547 28 183 246 Vermont. 383 294 82 981 518 669 201 Virginia 973 470 3 61 322 398 Washington 47 21 27 177 187 187 West Virginia. 682 395 8 CO 456 531 51 29 101 3 Wisconsin 403 215 Wyoming.. 23 6 202 9 Total 1,538 | 2, 172 | 2, 032 21 38, 184 29, 502 | 6, 122 45, 473 51, 485 75, 191 48 64 106 3 925 8 579 16 1,434 12, 432 7, 955. 170 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. } See 145 DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES-Concluded. States and territories. Combinations of the preceding or of a preced- ing with some minor cause. All others. Total. Aggre. gate. To hus- band. To wife. To hus- band. To wife. To bus- band. To wife. Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado 261 331 GO 17 2,992 2 12 7 19 79 165 211 177 204 2,878 2,212 158 3, 163 247 2,473 151 331 2,999 9, 119 141 926 19 39 1,215 2,472 Connecticut Dakota 1, 153 2,935 177 341 2, 511 6, 031 31 165 7 25 466 621 Delaware. District of Columbia Florida. Georgia Idaho Illinois • 2 4 31 21 109 180 t 5, 204 237 6, 041 12, 118 X 3,687 x 8, 542 1,087 289 23 181 34 51 308 797 1, 105 363 459 139 46 1, 153 975 2, 128 159 356 311 336 1,907 2,052 + 3, 959 7 82 4 7 101 267 368 X 349 1,617 374 965 11, 240 24, 832 Indiana Iowa 36, 072* 1, 122 6,397 785 1,762 7, 307 17,886 25, 193 x 170 736 451 908 5, 227 11, 337 Minnesota. Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maino.. Maryland Massachusetts Michigan.. Mississippi. 61 214 102 134 2,217 4, 974 276 869 103 186 4, 220 6, 028 • 62 58 40 102 743 954 + 314 1, 871 67 41 2,463 5, 949 28 49 54 33 866 1, 319 16, 561 7, 191 10, 248 1, 697 8,412- 2, 185 25 208 8 75 2, 997 6, 856 9, 853 335 3, 763 45 125 5, 542 12, 891 18, 433 * 22 84 19 71 1,142 2, 481 3, 623 301 295 138 108 3,025 2, 015 5, 040 Missouri • 170 527 245 351 5, 412 9, 866 15, 278 Montana 10 103 9 40 207 Nebraska • 35 156 Nevada.. 22 349 New Hampshire 54 218 New Jersey 1 1 New Mexico... 3 New York... 11 40 Oregon. South Carolina North Carolina. Ohio. Pennsylvania Rhode Island. Tennessee... 26 69 71 365 908 47 148 124 291 511 ཨེཊྛཌམྦྷཙྪ8ཊྛ 615 822 31 47 961 2,073 11 30 249 879 90 138 1, 696 3,283 3,034 1, 128 x 4. 979 24 27 981 1, 661 + 2,642 2 1 89 166 255 166 212 5, 743 9, 612 +15, 355 50 27 812 526 1, 338 2,659 7, 337 19, 030 26, 367 20 73 718 1, 891 2, 609 851 5,389 10, 631 16, 020 - 467 2,640 13 10 1, 001 3, 461 6 6 2 2 89 74 4,462 163 67 210 229 362 3, 736 5,889 9, 625 Texas 236 406 896 1, 069 5, 117 6, 355 11, 472 Utah 39 191 937 750 1,818 2,260 Vermont 12 72 3 23 998 2,240 Virginia. 129 149 50 80 1,477 1, 158 Washington. 12 177 10 16 288 708 West Virginia 58 101 123 137 1,328 Wisconsin 194 1, 807 243 330 3,262 1, 227 6, 726 4, 078— 3,238 + 2,635 996 - 2,555 9, 988 Wyoming 13 97 13 22. 125 276 401 Total. 7,426 32, 419 7,889 13, 204 112,540 216, 176 328, 716 Of the 328,716 divorces granted in the United States for the twenty years covered, 216,176, or 65.8 per cent. of the whole, were granted to wives on their petitions for divorce from their husbands, and 112,540 were granted to husbands for the fault of the wives, being 34.2 per cent. of the whole number; that is, in the proportion of nearly two to one, it is the wife receiving a divorce, rather than the husband. The causes in which wives are the petitioners more largely than hus- bands are cruelty, in which the proportion is as 7.4 to 1; desertion, in which it is nearly 1 to 1, and drunkenness, in which it is as 8.6 to 1. Under neglect to provide, of course, the wife only can be the libellant. In the combinations of causes the wife seeks the divorce in the propor- F CHAPTER IV.—CAUSES FOR WHICH DIVORCE IS GRANTED. 171 tion of more than 4.4 to 1. But in adultery husbands have obtained divorces in 38,184 cases, while wives have secured them in 29,502; that is, 56.4 per cent. of the whole number of decrees for this cause were granted to the husband for the adultery of the wife. The cause for which the greatest number of divorces was granted is desertion, the number under this cause being 126,676, or 38.5 per cent. of the whole number. It is apparent that the divorces granted for drunkenness, 13,866, or 4.2 per cent. of the grand total, can not, in any sense of the word, represent the entire number in which drunkenness or intemperance is a serious factor. An examination has been made in forty-five counties, some populous and others not so, in twelve states, into the question whether intemperance was a direct or indirect cause, other than as stated in the allegations. The result of this examination is shown in the following table, from which it is learned that of the 29,665 divorces granted in the forty-five counties named, in 5,966 cases, or 20.1 per cent. of the whole number, intemperance was a direct or indirect cause. From all the evidence which can be gathered it is probably true that this more fully represents the part played by intem- perance in divorce than the facts where drunkenness is directly and singly alleged to be the cause. The table follows: THE INFLUENCE OF INTEMPERANCE ON DIVORCE. Intemperance a direct or indirect cause. Intemperance a direct or indirect cause. Counties. Total. Counties. Total. Yes No. Un- known. Yes. No. Un- known. California: Amador 24 78 Butte 20 61 888383 30 132 Iowa-Concluded. Johnson 172 Madison * Contra Costa... 25 162 187 Marshall El Dorado. 18 103 121 Mills.. Humboldt. 28 203 1 232 Pottawattamie…. Nevada. 29 188 2 219 Warren Placer.. 30 98 128 Massachusetts : San Benito. 7 86 3 96 Suffolk 525 San Joaquin 45 203 Connecticut: Illinois : Cook New Haven Alexander. Gallatin. Jackson Massac. 613 1, 696 28 130 2,181 5, 473 21 127 33 217 10 198 Randolph 21 153 Saline 13 167 Saint Clair 115 375 222 Shelby... 131 247 Indiana : Marion 447 Vigo. 1,763 266 1,051 Iowa: Clinton. 122 506 Dallas... 16 8 Dubuque.. 75 231 Guthrie 13 5 2.8% 88 LE25-38 = a. 321 Worcester. Michigan: 17 | 2,326 220 479 | 8, 133 Bay Kent Missouri: Buchanan 291 188 399 246 225 250 Greene Jackson Oregon : Columbia Washington. GA8 20 22 850 ~* 43 223 8 274 18 42 94 154 88 180 74 342 52 6 72 209 9 280 4 93 101 1,952 1911, 040 55 157 349 803 288 588 20 2,497 33 1,261 267 1,446 482 517 125 249 401 979 1,030 14 6 46 275 22 51 712 Tounessee: .379 342 | 2,552 Hawkins.. Sevier Wisconsin: 23 132 14 117 < -] 7 162 9 140 1,377 Grant 120 200 22 Green 26 92 29 723 Sauk 35 256 227 312 147 298 107 314 Total of 45 coun- 96 ties.. 5, 966 18, 620 5, 079 | 29, 665 172 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. If one examines the table preceding the last it will be ascertained in what states certain causes predominate, in comparison with other states. The reasons for the supremacy of one cause over another must be looked for beyond laws, as has been intimated. It must be kept in mind that in South Carolina no divorces are now granted, and in New York they are only granted for adultery. The table is sufficiently explicit, and the duty of comparison may be left to those who care to explain the various phenomena of social conditions by what it exhibits. A very interesting question arises when considering the causes of divorces, which relates to the interpretation of the courts as to the line of facts that may sustain an alleged cause. In most of the causes for which the different states provide that divorces may be granted there can be little or no controversy in the mind of the court as to what is intended. For instance, if adultery is alleged, adultery must be proven, or the facts must be so clear as to leave no question in the mind of the court that the adultery was actually committed, although the specific act might not be proven. So in regard to desertion; desertion is desertion, and if it has continued during the time set by the law of a particular state there can be little question as to what constitutes it. The same is true of drunkenness, neglect to provide, and the other miscellaneous causes-they offer no possibility of misinterpretation. But cruelty, or extreme cruelty, or cruel and inhuman treatment, when alleged, afford a wide field for the exercise of judicial discretion. In the course of this investigation some of the facts which have been offered as substantiating these causes have been furnished the Department by its agents. The following are a few of the instances under these causes where a divorce has been granted to the wife: (1) The defendant (husband) does not come home until 10 o'clock at night, and when he does return he keeps plaintiff (wife) awake talking. Defendant also keeps a saloon, which sorely grieves mind of plaintiff. The husband replying says, "Plaintiff should not be ashamed of him because temporarily in the liquor business; that he may do better some day; his father was a high state officer in Germany." But the divorce is awarded to the wife on the ground of "mental" cruelty. (2) Plaintiff alleges that defendant does not wash himself, thereby inflicting on plaintiff great mental anguish. (3) Defendant sleeps with razor under his pillow, solely to frighten and distress plaintiff. (4) Defendant has contracted the opium habit, causing him to wake up in the night and threaten to kill plaintiff. (5) Defendant has accused plaintiff's sister of stealing, thereby sorely wounding plaintiff's feelings. (6) Defendant treats plaintiff with great and unmerited contempt. and contumely, having said to her he did not care whether she left him or not. (7) Defendant does not speak to plaintiff for months at a time, thereby making life a burden. (8) Defendant during last three years has often fallen into causeless rages and smashed up all the cups and saucers and other crockery, and household wares. CHAPTER IV.-CAUSES FOR WHICH DIVORCE IS GRANTED. 173 (9) Plaintiff says that the defendant, her husband, is also her uncle, being the brother of her father; that she was but fourteen years of age at the time of marriage; all of which so preys on her mind that she sues for divorce on the ground of cruelty. 27 (10) Plaintiff was married twenty-seven years; defendant then said to her, "You are old and worn out; I do not want you any longer; which remark caused plaintiff mental anguish. (11) Defendant made plaintiff climb a ladder to drive nails in the wood shed; not liking the way she drove the nails, he lassoed her on coming down from the ladder, tied her fast to the gate post, then stuck sticks and straws in her nose and ears, gouged his knuckles in her eyes, and said he wanted to see if she was Dutch." On untying her he threw or shoved her into a nest of bees; all of which sorely grieved the plaintiff in body and mind. (6 (12) Defendant would not permit plaintiff to walk on the streets with her relations; he spoke disrespectfully to her, calling her a "rip." (13) Defendant got drunk day after the marriage, causing this plain- tiff to conceive a violent disgust for him. Divorce proceedings begun one day after marriage. (14) Plaintiff says that she, in consequence of toothache, had two teeth pulled by a dentist. When she told defendant he "violently and furiously assaulted, choked, and beat her." (15) Defendant drinks, and has become a sloven, slouchy loafer; causing plaintiff mental anguish. (16) Defendant is a ranchman, fond of hunting and dogs. He has treated this plaintiff cruelly in this: When he returus from the hunt he cries, "Down; charge!" and points his whip; whereupon, if this plaintiff does not drop on her knees and imitate the pointing of a dog the defendant cruelly beats and mistreats her. (17) Plaintiff alleges that defendant married her simply to make a menial of her; that he forces her to black his boots. Plaintiff returned to house of her mother, a widow. Shortly thereafter the defendant came and proposed to plaintiff's mother that they get married and drive plaintiff out of the house. The mother refused. This proposal to plaintiff's mother caused plaintiff great mental anguish. (18) Plaintiff says that defendant sent her on a trip; that he wrote to her, sent her money, and at the same time was sueing for divorce on the ground of desertion. When plaintiff heard of this it threw her into a fever. (19) Plaintiff says that when she was sick in bed "the defendant, for the sole purpose of harassing her, said he meant to suicide, and did then and there drink a bottle of paregoric; which said action of defend- ant sorely grieved plaintiff in body and mind." (20) Plaintiff says when she was about to be confined defendant or- dered her to get up and cook breakfast. Upon her refusal on account of sickness the defendant arose, took the door of the bed-room off its hinges, and threw it out in the mud; then he took down three other doors in the house and threw them out; then rolled up all the carpets in the house, and for two weeks kept the house in that condition; and then growled because, in consequence of said conduct, he had to pay a large doctor's bill. (21) Defendant threw a lighted lamp at plaintiff while she was lying in bed; then he seized her five-year-old son and pitched him head fore- most out of the door, nearly killing him. (22) Defendant sharpened an axe, saying he meant to chop off this plaintiff's head, and he did knock out two of her front teeth. 174 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. (23) When defendant suffers financial loss he lays it to plaintiff, and censures her in bitter terms He treats her as a child, claiming the right so to do because of his age and sex. (24) Defendant threw plaintiff in the river, from which she narrowly escaped drowning; also forced her to eat when not hungry; forced liquor down her throat. Once when she refused to eat he threw a skil let of hot potatoes at her. (25) Defendant threatened to cut out plaintiff's heart and drink her blood; complained because plaintiff bought him $1 shirts. On one occasion at dinner-table he thrust a fork through her hand, pinning it to the table. (26) The defendant locked plaintiff in a closet and kept her there until 2 a. m. He also abused plaintiff's religion, saying she and the priests were tied to the image of a bastard; said but for the law he would beat her so she would not be able to get out of bed for three months. (27) Plaintiff says she is subject to sick headaches, that grow worse when she smells tobacco. Defendant uses tobacco, and thus aggravates her headaches. (28) Plaintiff was married to defendant in 1837. After forty-four years of married life she sues for divorce because "defendant took a woman and lived with her barefacedly in plaintiff's house with her and her ten children." (29) Plaintiff and defendant were lovers in a distant state, but engage- ment was broken and each married another. Defendant came to and married, raising a large family. After thirty years his wife died. He began a correspondence with his old sweetheart that resulted in her coming out and marrying him. In two months she sues for divorce on grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. Defendant is so bitter he resists an order granting alimony, and goes to jail for contempt of court, where he remains months before sufficiently subdued to pay his wife alimony. (30) Divorce granted because husband enlisted in the Navy. (31) Plaintiff says immediately after marriage defendant began im- portuning her to deed him her property; which said importunity caused plaintiff mental anguish. (32) Plaintiff says defendant rushed toward her in a threatening manner with an uplifted chair, which he smashed to pieces at her feet. (33) Defendant has broken plaintiff's nose, fingers, two of her ribs, cut her face and lips, chewed and bitten her ears and face, and wounded her generally from head to foot. (34) Defendant threatened to knock plaintiff "cold as a wedge," whereupon he did clutch her by the throat and pound her head against the wall. (35) Defendant forced plaintiff to open her mouth for the purpose of spitting tobacco juice down her (the plaintiff's) mouth. (36) Defendant would compel plaintiff and their daughter to sit up all night, and would not allow a fire. (37) Defendant was guilty of cruelty in not providing a supply of water at his house, and in not repairing said house so as to make it comfortable. (38) Defendant quotes verse from New Testament about wives obey- ing their husbands. He has even threatened to mash the plaintiff, and drew back his hand to do it. In the decree granting this divorce ap- pears the following: "I find that when plaintiff was sick and unable to work defendant told her the Lord commanded her to work; that he was also in the habit of frequently quoting scriptural passages in order to show her she was to be obedient to her husband.” CHAPTER IV.—CAUSES FOR WHICH divorce is granted. DIVORCE 175 (39) For the last three years defendant has been kicking plaintiff out of bed, compelling her to seek rest on the floor. (40) Defendant fancies himself a spiritualistic medium, and declares he can not develop fast enough while living with plaintiff'; which dec- laration causes plaintiff great mental anguish. (41) While defendant and plaintiff were at supper some chickens came into the room. Defendant said to plaintiff, "Why don't you keep them out?" Plaintiff answered, "I can't;" whereupon defend- ant replied, "You can; if you don't I'll knock your damned head off;" and he did beat and bruise her head. (42) Defendant would not support plaintiff, and when requested to do so replied that he would not work his "toe-nails off for any woman." (43) A rich man's son married a pretty girl of low station, and left her in three months because his father threatened to disinherit him; said his people kept "nagging" at him so he "was obliged to leave." Wife is granted divorce on grounds of both cruelty and desertion. (44) Plaintiff says: "We lived on the river, in . It was sometimes a month before I saw a white person. The only neighbors we had were Indians. We lived in a wooden house of one room, furnished with a bed of wooden boughs. We did not have any chairs, nor even a stove. I did not complain of this; we had bed-clothes enough to keep warm, and I would have been happy, but my husband threw into the fire a little curly dog that was my only companion, and then I broke down. The poor little thing was burned to death." (45) Plaintiff says: "While sick after my confinement defendant brought dinner to my bed. I did not feel like eating, whereupon defendant threw the dinner at my head, and hit me with his fist." (46) Defendant threatened to mark plaintiff with a stick of stove wood; and did lay violent hands upon her, and then and there bit her in and upon her person. (47) Wife shows, Exhibit A, a letter from the husband, in which is the following: "There is a woman here whom I think I could love. If you love me, Mary, or if you ever did love me, you will do me the kind- ness to sue for a divorce as soon as possible." This letter caused the wife great mental anguish, and the divorce was granted. (48) While plaintiff was standing on a chair defendant suddenly pushed the chair over backwards and threw the plaintiff violently upon the floor, thereby so seriously bruising her that she became lame in her knee and was compelled to walk with a crutch. Defendant re- fused to call a doctor, but attempted to cure the knee himself. He raised a blister on plaintiff's leg that has resulted in an ulcer, making her a cripple for life. (49) "Defendant cut off my bangs by force." (50) When plaintiff was pregnant, defendant, not wishing to have children, gave her a big dose of turpentine, plaintiff not knowing what it was; then he gave her lard, ergot, and aloes, which cruel treatment wrecked her health. (51) "My husband would never cut his toe-nails, and I was scratched very severely every night, especially as he was very restless." (From plaintiff's testimony.) (52) Plaintiff, seventy years old, gets a divorce from a twenty-five- year old husband, on the ground of cruel treatment. (53) From plaintiff's testimony: "During our whole married life my husband has never offered to take me out riding. This has been a source of great mental suffering and injury." (54) When their house burned down defendant was present, but neg- 176 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR, lected to assist plaintiff to escape from the flames. He left her and went to the assistance of a lewd woman living near by. (55) For the last three years defendant has been in a state of beastly intoxication, causing plaintiff great mental agony. (56) Defendant was cruel in this: He caused a letter to be written saying he was dead. Plaintiff ordered a mourning garb, and grieved a long time, but at last learned the letter was a fraud and that defend- ant was not dead. (57) Defendant uses such abusive language that it makes the plain- tiff sick and unable to attend to domestic duties. (58) Defendant, in fit of delirium tremens, threw a hatchet at the baby in the cradle. (59) Plaintiff says defendant will not work during the week, but on Sunday he puts on his old clothes and works hard all day; which con- duct sorely grieves plaintiff. (60) Defendant is a Roman Catholic, and turned plaintiff out of doors because she refused to give up the Protestant religion. (61) Defendant came home one night, made plaintiff get up and sit in one position all night, standing by with a knife and threatening to cut her heart out if she moved. (62) Defendant was guilty of cruelty in throwing, on the 11th of October, a boot at the plaintiff; although the said boot did not hit the plaintiff, it hit one C- causing her to bleed freely. M (63) Plaintiff says defendant would bring quantities of food into the house by way of the front door, only to carry it all out by the back door and throw it into the sewer. He wanted to starve the plaintiff, and at the same time wished to have the grocery bills to show that he was providing her with all the necessaries. (64) Defendant pinched plaintiff's nose until it became red, thereby causing her mortification and anguish. (65) Defendant refused to let the plaintiff or her children go to church. (66) Defeudant threw a bottle of vitriol in plaintiff's face. (67) Defendant would, and often did, pace up and down the room all night with a pistol in his hand, threatening to kill himself. (68) While defendant was confined to his bed by lameness he threw cups and saucers at plaintiff and threatened to run his crutch down her throat. (69) A rich girl, disliking her guardian, went to the hospital with the intention of marrying a dying man, thinking that as a widow she would be freer and have more control over her estate. She married a man seemingly at the point of death; but the man recovered, and wife brought suit for cruelty and fraud. The following instances show the interpretation of courts as to cruelty where this has been alleged by the husband, as coming from the wife. Such cases, of course, are not nearly so numerous as those granted wives making the same charge against the husbands. It will be remembered that in a table given in this chapter there were 45,731 decrees issued to wives as against the husband for cruelty, while only 6,122 were issued to the husband for cruel and inhuman treatment by the wife: (1) Defendant has beaten plaintiff until he was bruised and sore. She has also smashed the household wares, CHAPTER IV.—CAUSES FOR WHICH DIVORCE IS GRANTED. 177 (2) After thirty years of married life plaintiff alleges the defendant threatened to poison him, and drew a carving-knife on him with the purpose of taking his life. both (3) Defendant violently upbraided plaintiff and said to him, “You are no man at all;" thus causing him mental suffering and anguish. (4) Defendant and plaintiff were married in belonging to a peculiar sect called "The Brotherhood of the New Life," with strange tenets, one of which was that a man should not hold mari- tal relations with his wife unless given a permit by the chief of the sect. In this case the husband alleges he has been unable to obtain a permit from Chief that, on the contrary, the said commanded his wife not to stay with him for three years. Divorce granted on ground of cruelty. has (5) Husband says: "My wife refused to keep my clothing in repair. She even refused to cook, and never sewed on my buttons." A witness testified that he had seen plaintiff with only one button on his vest. Plaintiff further alleged that his wife would not allow him to go to fires at night; that if he went she would keep him awake until 3 o'clock quarrelling. (6) Defendant pulled plaintiff out of bed by his whiskers. (7) "My wife called me a good-for-nothing vagabond, and said she wished to God I would go away; that she did not love me and did not wish to look at me." (8) Defendant goes gadding about town, leaving the children to go supperless to bed. Plaintiff when he comes home has to cook his own supper. Defendant, knowing love of plaintiff for their little girl, once wrote him when absent on business that the child was dying, and that it couldn't have a better time to peg out. Defendant did this to harass plaintiff, knowing well that the child was only slightly ill. Defendant further causes plaintiff mental misery by declaring she will drown her- self before she will have another child. (9) Defendant said to plaintiff, "I care more for 's little finger than for your whole body;" thereby causing this plaintiff mental an- guish and suffering. (10) Defendant took a dose of laudanum, solely to harass and vex plaintiff, causing him to expend much money in medical treatment; and often to vex plaintiff defendant goes to bed and remains there days at a time. One day when plaintiff asked his wife to cook breakfast she took all the dishes and smashed them on the ground. Defendant would refuse to eat, and pretend to be sick. Once she threw the dishes out of the window because plaintiff sowed grass in August. (11) Plaintiff once at dinner did not eat; whereupon defendant said to him, "If you don't eat I'll cut your heart out." (12) Defendant took all the covering off the bed, leaving plaintiff to shiver until morning. On one occasion she jumped on him with her knees and ran a knitting needle 4 inches in his arm. (13) Defendant accused plaintiff of visiting disreputable women; which said accusation grievously wounded plaintiff. (14) Defendant struck plaintiff a violent blow with her bustle. (15) Defendant and plaintiff have been married twenty-five years. Three years ago defendant became a convert to spiritualism and began the practice of mediumship, causing plaintiff's house to become a resort of strange men, principally drummers, whose presence was not conge- nial to plaintiff. 20267 M D—————12 178 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. (16) Plaintiff says there is no offspring of their marriage, thus ren- dering home dreary and life burdensome. (17) The plaintiff alleges that "the brother of the defendant forced him to marry at the point of a pistol." (18) Defendant keeps this plaintiff awake most of the night quarrel- ling and trying to get him to convey his property to her. She adopts all manner of inconsistent conduct for the purpose of persecuting plain- tiff, and has succeeded so well that he is almost run crazy. (19) Defendant threw scalding tea in plaintiff's face, permanently blinding him in one eye. (20) Husband testifies in his own behalf: "My wife would not get up in the morning; she wouldn't call me in the morning; she wouldn't do anything I requested of her; she had two brothers, who would come to my house and say they would thrash me and make me do anything my wife wanted me to do." Question. "How soon after marriage did she begin this treatment?" Answer. "The second day. I asked that we have our meals at home. She said I should eat at the restaurant like her brothers; if I didn't her brothers would thrash me." The judge finds that "the wife has acted in an unwifelike manner,” and grants a divorce on the ground of cruelty. (21) Husband says: "My wife would not walk with me on Sundays. Once in a tantrum she heaved a teapot at me. She hit me on the side of the jaw because I refused to be worked up into a passion; once she pulled out quite a quantity of my hair." Among the papers was a tuft of hair marked Exhibit A. (22) Defendant has frequently evinced toward plaintiff a hasty tem- per. (23) Defendant has been guilty of extreme cruelty in this: She has habitually neglected and refused to cook for plaintiff, aud has several times spat in his face. (24) The morning after their marriage the defendant came into the room where the plaintiff was lying in bed and beat him with her shoe- heel, badly blacking both his eyes. Suit for divorce begun morning after marriage. (25) Defendant is a powerful woman, weighing 190 pounds; she struck plaintiff with a stove-lid and broke one of his ribs; on another occasion she knocked plaintiff down with a chair. an (26) Defendant, took a buggy, drove 6 miles, got one Mr. old sweetheart of hers, drove him out into the country, and then and there shot the said Mr. in cold blood with a revolver. This action caused plaintiff unspeakable suffering; wherefore he prays for a divorce. (27) On their bridal trip from New York defendant fell in love with a German man on the cars. She sat on the same seat with the said Ger- man man, kissing him and entwined in his arins. Plaintiff remonstrated, but to no effect. This conduct of defendant caused plaintiff great men- tal suffering, wherefore, etc. (28) Defendant aimed a red-hot poker at head of plaintiff. (29) Defendant carelessly left the house and their two children, aged one and three years. During her absence the house took fire and was totally destroyed, and the two children were burned to death. (30) During the last year defendant has struck plaintiff with pokers, flat-irons, and other hard substances. CHAPTER V. DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE WAS GRANTED. 179 i CHAPTER V. DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE WAS GRANTED. From Tables IV, VI, and VII the duration of married life before divorce is ascertained. Table IV shows this duration for the whole period, by states, for each specific alleged cause; Table VI shows duration for each year of the period, for the United States as a whole, the causes being condensed as has been before mentioned; and Table VII shows duration for each year of the period by states, separating the decrees granted to the wife from those granted to the husband. So from these tables the variation in the duration of married life before divorce for the whole Union by states, by causes, or by years, can easily be ascertained. The facts can not well be summed up into recapitula- tious. One summary, however, has been drawn, and is given herewith, which shows the duration of marriage from one year up to twenty-one years for the whole United States, by causes, and whether the decree was granted to husband or to wife. DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE FOR THE UNITED STATES FOR THE TWENTY YEARS FROM 1867 TO 1886. Classified causes. 6 1 7 1 2 3 4 5 8 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1. Adultery Total To husband.. 2, 997 | 3,318 | 3,538 3,247 2,892 2, 606, 2, 388 To wife.. 1,807 2,156 | 2, 213 | 2, 113 | 2,029 | 1,912 4,804 5, 474 | 5,751 5, 360 4,921 4,518 2,044 | 1,739 4, 127 1,625 3, 669 To husband.. 530 2. Cruelty To wife Total 3, 301 3, 831 496 3,732 4,228 | 509 3, 853 449 391 374 323 273 3, 597 3, 272 3,272 3,008 2,573 2, 139 | 4,016 | 4,362 4, 046 3, 663 3, 382 | 2,896 2, 412 3. Desertion Total To husband.. To wife To husband.. 874 2,700 4,527 1,268 | 3,695 | 6, 545 2, 142 | 4,923 4, 561 | 3,977 3,325 3,035 7,634 | 7,129 6, 2245, 462 4, 612 6,395 11, 072 12, 557 (11, 690 10, 201 8, 787 7,647 40 56 72 104 95 98 77 71 4. Drunkenness To wife... 295 497 679 858 1 836 815 773 746 Total 335 553 751 962 931 943 850 817 To husband…. 5. Neglect to provide..... 6. Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preceding with some minor cause. (To husband.. To wife To wife Total. 488 ... 648 742 676 625 585 492 457 488 648 742 676 625 585 492 457 490 578 632 616 566 535 515 369 1,589 | 2,280 2, 833 2, 702 2,420 2, 321 2, 016 1,795 Total 2,079 2, 858 3,465 3, 318 2,986 2, 8562, 531 2, 164 To husband.. 940 480 320 291 223 { 170 154 136 7. All others... To wife Total... 1.003 1,943 889 807 699 560 427 390 378 1,369 | 1,127 990 783 597 544 514 To husband…. All causes. To wife Total 5, 871 7,628 9,598 9, 751 13, 89717, 672 15, 622 21, 525 27, 270 27, 909 9, 630 8, 728 7,760 6, 782 I 5, 928 18, 279 16, 87115, 322 25, 599 23, 082 13, 445 11, 752 20, 227 17, 680 181 182 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE FOR THE UNITED STATES FOR THE TWENTY YEARS FROM 1867 TO 1886-Concluded. Classified causes 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 years. years. years. years. | years. | years.] years. | years. 1. Adultery.. S To husband.. 1, 851 1,851❘ 1, 552 1,360 1,207 To wife... 1,462 1,348 1, 181 1, 121 Total 3, 313 2, 900 2, 541 2,328 1,090 963 2,053 930 790 666 848 756 683 1,778 | 1,546 1, 349 To husband…. 245 217 213 172 152 2. Cruelty 138 135 131 To wife... 1,996 1, 812 1,542 1, 497 1,287 1, 073 1,034 936 Total 2, 241 2,029 1,755 1, 669 1,439 1,211 1,211❘ 1, 169 1,067 3. Desertion.. { To husband.. 2, 426 2,426 2, 188 1,868 1, 610 1,411 1,207 1, 1, 119 956 To wife... 3, 809 3,483 2, 914 2, 501 2, 160 1,889 1,643 1, 428 Total 6, 235 5, 671 4,782 4, 141 3, 571 3,571 | 3,096 | 2,762 2,381 4. Drunkenuess To wife.. STo husband.. 75 87 76 63 54 57 55 44 611 611 558 530 456 430 388 352 Total.. 686 698 634 593 510 487 443 396 To husband.. 5. Neglect to provide . To wife 364 355 278 278 249 189 174 181 Total 361 355 278 278 219 189 174 181 6. Combinations of the pre- (To husband.. ceding or of a preceding To wife... with some minor cause. 337 315 295 261 245 187 178 124 1,494 1, £tt 1, 258 1, 144 953 852 770 685 Total 1, 831 1, 759 1, 553 1,405 1, 1981, 039 948 809 7. All others S To husband…. 131 130 100 86 91 69 66 65 To wife.... 281 301 204 198 185 133 110 111 Total 418 431 304 284 276 202 176 176 To husband.. 5, 068 | 4, 489 4,489 3, 912 3, 429 3,043 2,588 2, 588 2,343 1, 986 All causes To wife Total 10, 020 9, 354 7,935 7,269 6, 253 5, 414 4,875 4,376 15, 088 13, 843 11, 847 10, 698 9, 296 8, 002 7, 218 6,362 Classified causes. 21 17 18 19 years. years. years. years. 20 years and over. Un- Aver- known. Total. age. To husband. 548 454 410 359 1. Adultery. 1, 619 2,318 38, 184 7.81 To wife... 545 480 460 411 2, 528 1, 122 29, 502 9.51 Total • 1, 093 934 870 770 4, 147 3, 440 67, 686 8.58 2. Cruelty 3. Desertion'... 4. Drunkenness { To husband.. To wife Total To husband…. To wife... Total To husband. 102 95 82 86 712 297 6, 122 9.75 808 685 643 623 4, 197 1,865 45, 473 9.25 910 780 725 709 4,909 2, 162 51, 595 9.31 832 786 643 627 4,859 3, 001 51, 485 9.80 1, 181 2, 013 974 797 824 1,760 |1,440 |1,451 5, 369 3, 650 75, 191 9. 14 10, 228 6,651 126, 676 9.41 To wife Total 34 287 321 27 36 30 288 259 230 315 295 260 148 35 1,434 10.92 1,373 530 12, 432 10.97 1, 521 565 13, 866 10.96 To husband…. 5. Neglect to provide……. 6. Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preceding with some minor cause. 7. All others.. (To husband.. To wife.... Total To husband.. To wife... Total 146 122 106 146 122 106 114 83 607 548 721 631 94 479 455 573 545 To husband.. To wife... Total 71 41 56 105 66 60 ** 29 ** 540 178 7,955 8.67 540 178 7,955 8.67 497 305 7,426 8.72 2,775 3,272 999 32, 419 9.35 1,304 39,845 9.23 48 350 3,868 7,889 7.66 68 404 5, 822 13, 201 7.22 176 107 116 116 754 9, 690 21, 093 7.38 All causes { To husband.. 1,701 [1, 486 1, 321 |1, 240 8, 185 9, 824 112, 540 8.97 To wife.. Total 3, 679 3, 163 2, 804 2, 693 17, 186 14, 166 216, 176 9.27 5, 380 4, 619 4, 125 3, 933 25, 371 23, 990 328, 716 9.17 CHAPTER V.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE. 183 Taking the grand total, as shown in the foregoing table, we find that the duration of married life on the average in the United States before divorce was granted was 8.97 years for the husband, and 9.27 for the wife. Considering both together, the average period was 9.17 years. In almost all cases, as shown by the working tables from which the large tables are made, the period was greater, so far as causes are con- cerned, for the wife than for the husband. The totals for each year of duration of married life before divorce are very interesting. The largest number in the whole course is 27,909, who lived together four years before seeking divorce. The next largest num- ber, 27,270, were able to bear their burdens but three years before seeking divorce, while the exceedingly large number of 21,525 sought a disso- lution of marriage after two years' experience, and still 15,622 preferred to live as strangers after one year of wedded life. It is surprising to find that 25,371 couples, after living together twenty- one years or more, were obliged to seek divorce. It becomes interesting to know the average duration of marriage before divorce of that body of parties who had been married twenty-one years and over. The range of duration in the whole country is from twenty-one years to forty years. The average of this class for the whole United States is 27.47 years for husbands, 26.70 years for wives, and 26.95 years when both are considered. From the working tables we have drawn the average duration of marriage before divorce of all those parties who had been married twenty-one years and over before seeking divorce, and ar- ranged the results by states and territories for the whole twenty years covered by the investigation. These averages are shown in the follow- ing Table A, while the averages of the same class are shown by classi- fied causes in Table B: A.-AVERAGE DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE OF PARTIES WHO HAD BEEN MARRIED "TWENTY-ONE YEARS AND OVER," BY STATES AND TERRI TORIES, FOR THE TWENTY YEARS FROM 1867 TO 1886. Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Dakota.. Delaware.. -- District of Columbia. Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois - Indiana Lowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana. Maine.. Maryland Massachusetts Michigan.. Minnesota. Mississippi States and territorios. Husband. Wife. Total. 28.14 26.29 27.42 21.75 25.67 25.38 26.91 27.49 27.14 26.86 26.22 26.38 27.87 25.29 26. 27 27.22 26.53 26.71 26.92 25.40 26.24 24.60 25.21 25.08 26.56 *5.58 25.80 27.13 26.61 26.96 28.12 27.29 27.69 26.25 24.00 24.72 27.36 26.67 26.89 27.87 26.60 26.91 28.84 26.98 27.60 28.14 26. 17 26.91 27.58 26.67 27.02 26.07 27.11 26.74 28.67 26.84 27.36 25.65 25.72 25.70 26.92 26.81 26.84 27.49 26.55 26.87 27.90 26.88 27.22 26.67 26.05 26.45 184 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. A.—AVERAGE DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, ETC.-Concluded. States and territories. Husband. Wife. Total. Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire. New Jersey New York.. New Mexico. 27.78 26.43 26.96 28.86 25.95 26.92 27.64 26.65 27.07 27.44 24. 12 21.88 26.72 26.83 26.79 26.01 26.53 26.38 29.75 28.00 28.74 25. 28 26.38 26:06 North Carolina 25. 21 30.09 28.10 Ohio. 28.02 27.29 27.47 Oregon 27.31 27.41 27.38 Pennsylvania 27. 11 26.45 26. 67 Rhode Island 27.41 26. 69 26.87 South Carolina …. 24. 17 24. 29 24. 23 Tennessee 26. 58 26.37 26.44 Texas 26.92 26.59 26. 74 Utah 28.01 26.94 27.52 Vermont 26.04 27.15 26.87 Virginia.. Washington West Virginia Wisconsin. Wyoming ► 27.72 25.22 26.50 27.34 26.36 26. 72 28.05 27.57 27.81 28.44 27.28 27.67 28.50 28.00 28. 18 The United States 27.47 26.70 26.95 B.—AVERAGE DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE OF PARTIES WHO HAD BEEN MARRIED "TWENTY-ONE YEARS AND OVER," FOR THE UNITED STATES, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR THE TWENTY YEARS FROM 1867 TO 1886. Classified causes. Husband. Wife. Total. Adultery Cruelty 25.35 26.59 26.11 27.75 26.92 27.04 Desertion 28. 21 26. 91 27.53 Drunkenness 25.78 26.25 26. 21 Neglect to provide 26.06 26.06 • Combinations of the preceding or of a preceding with some minor cause.. 27.03 26. 38 26.48 All others 27.69 26, 85 27.24 All causes. 27.47 26.70 26.95 It would be a most interesting piece of information to know the average duration of married life without regard to divorce, but this average has not been scientifically determined. The age of dissolution of marriage by death, as well as by divorce, is rarely given in any statistics in any country. In a few localities in Europe, however, where a dissolution of marriage, whether by death or by divorce, must be entered upon the certificate originally issued, for the celebration of the marriage, some facts have been gathered, but not on a sufficiently extensive scale or covering a wide enough period to determine with any scientific force the duration of married life. Various statisticians in Europe have attempted to solve the question; but the results have been so widely apart that the attempts can only be considered move- ments which will result ultimately in securing the desired information. In this country the writer knows of no data which could indicate with any positiveness the duration of married life. A result can be reached by mathematical processes, through various formulas; but the bases on which such formulas must be founded contain too much of initial CHAPTER V.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE. 185 supposition to make the results valuable. The attempts, however, whether here or in Europe, seem to indicate that the average dura- tion of married life ranges between twenty-two and twenty-six years. For the purposes of philosophical consideration, it may be assumed that the average duration of married life is twenty-four years in a country where the conditions are as varied as in our own. If this is the fact, then the average duration of married life of divorced persons is equal to two-fifths of the average duration in general of married life. The Department was at some pains to ascertain the number of years or the length of time which elapsed between marriage and separation, and between separation and divorce. In very many cases parties sepa- rate some time before they seek divorce. This, of course, is true in nearly every state where the laws allow desertion to be a cause of divorce. To ascertain this fact recourse is had to the several counties which were canvassed near the close of the investigation for data which could not be covered by the main investigation, as has been before explained. The facts for the counties stated are given in the following tables. By these tables it is seen that the average period of married life between marriage and separation, in 29,670 cases, was 6.81 years, while the average period between separation and divorce was 3.02 years. These averages must be practically true for the whole number of divorces granted in the United States during the twenty years investigated, for the two periods combined differ but little from the average duration of married life prior to divorce shown by Table VI, that is, 9.17 years. 186 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. Counties. YEARS FROM MARRIAGE TO SEPARATION Under 1 year. 1 year. 2 years. 3 years. 4 years. 5 years. 6 years. 7 years. 8 years. 9 years. 10 years. 11 years. 12 years. 13 years. 14 years. 15 years. 16 years. 17 years. CALIFORNIA; 1 Amador 11 17 9 11 7 7 2 2 Butte.. 4 8 7 4 3 1 3 3 Contra Costa 18 14 10 12 5 47354 4 El Dorado 9 12 10 7 3 3 5 Humboldt 19 27 15 17 22 13 12 8 6 Nevada 23 15 13 12 9 7 10 15 7 Placer 5 131 9 8 San Benito 14 10 2 5 6 9 San Joaquin. 29 25 30 19 19 543 9 310 2 5 8 3 1 8 15 6 6 5 7474X 8 1221442∞∞ *2321725 w NMNM ∞ — NIK 4 4 12 6 4322NN མམ ~ 26 274AIM 214214∞ 3 4 2 1 62314 3 3 3 CONNECTICUT. 10 New Haven. 201 296 193 168 183 125 ILLINOIS. 11 Alexander 12 Cook 27 899 28 8888 23 9 9 11 10 652 562 497 453 420 108 119 111 94 73 72 65 48 37 49 42 31 7 5 3 5 1 3 4. 2 2 3 1 343 305 296 283 230 173 191 165 140 122|102| 13 Gallatin 35 33 21 6 4 8 8 4 4 3 1 2 2 14 Jackson 55 47 22 19 17 13 19 11 7 8 6 3 • 15 Massac 42 33 22 25 14 7 7 7 3 4 5 Wan 2 2 1 1 5 3 4 1 3 3 2 4 16 Randolph. 36 37 19 17 11 9 3 6 4 4 1 2 2 2 2 17 Saint Clair... 110 91 45 44 27 18 25 19 17 13 14 10 9 10 12 4 18 Saline 44 19 Shelby... 55 91 46 32 44 23 10 12 4 8 5 21 5 1 3 1 19 30 17 9 12 9 13 12 10 8 7 3 5 ~~~N 1222 → 2 6 INDIANA. 20 Marion 220 239 170 136 121 102 21 Vigo... 171 161 114 88 73 57 CO LO 87 51 77 59 57 42 35 36 35 34 26 20 21 29 33 41 39 26 16 23 27 17 17 15 IOWA. 22 Clinton 43 48 25 18 18 15 18 12 8 23 Dallas 8 16 8 0 5 9 7 5 1 24 Dubuque 41 49 21 21 14 13 15 25 Guthrie. 4 13 8 5 8 1 5 2 26 Johnson 28 22 19 25 20 11 15 9 9 27 Madison 18 23 13 14 10 6 5 4 4 1 28 Marshall 31 37 33 33 22 14 12 7 9 13 29 Mills 7 5 11 5 11 3 1 5 30 Pottawattamie 29 42 27 25 21 12 17 9 31 Warren. 16 13 5 3 6 5 62 9472 ◄ HO HO2 6 10 2 13 14 7 12 9 13 10 223 7 3 7 4 1 3 2 1 6 3 5 1 9 6 3 GAANG 5 4 224 1 4 1 N 4 3 4 3 1 1 2 1 3 6 6 12 5 11 9 7 2 2 1 5 1 1 1 ་ MASSACHUSETTS. 32 Suffolk 178 238 201 189 182 159 1379 134 58 110 84 90 87 72 89 ག === 32 11 11 17 10 141 99 121 102 74 123 115 95 102 99 73 52 61 41 41 33 67 61 61 28 43 26 30 14 21 17 14 9 8 10 9 6 6 7 5 3 5 5 60 63 56 46 40 40 33 35 33 25 22 33 Worcester... 34 Bay 35 Kent 36 · MICHIGAN. 99 151 26 159: MISSOURI. Buchanan 4 4 8 3 3 1 1 1 37 Greene 34 32 20 20 12 9 11 9 13 38 Jackson J 4 4 5 4 4 1001 8 4 2 1 2 2 1 1 244 2 1 1 1 1 • 4 5 4 4 4 3 7 1 1 3 OREGON. 39 Columbia 1 10 Washington 3 3 5 3 26 3 3 6 51 3 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 12 N 2 TENNESSEE. 41 Hawkins 42 Sevier 3853 233 23 24 19 8 11 26 29 13 13 7 סס ד) 8 5 ן ד 4 5 LO LA 5 4 12 1 1 2 1 5 1 2 4 3 2 1 2 2 q 1 22 22 12 2 1 WISCONSIN. 36 56 32 13 18 12 31 43 37 25 32 26 9 10 7 26 14 21 43 Grant 44 Green 45 Sauk Totals. 2, 836 3, 1452, 2431, 8741, 7111, 4141, 2811, 083 962 879 796 684 567 544 477 410376|307| a One of forty-five years and one of forty-six years. b Forty-nine years. c Forty-six years. d Forty-five years. 6307 17 13 13 6 9 3 6 2 1 4 1 15 12 8 10 4 7 9 2 3 GNO 5 2 3 4 4 4 * 1 CO 1 224 CHAPTER V.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE 187 BEFORE DIVORCE. IN CERTAIN COUNTIES (1867-1886). 42 years. | 43 years. GW TO DANC 24 3 1 5 4 1 -་ 242242 21 225 31120 N តា 2 1 1 124~222 2 12 1 1 2 1 1 · [ ► 2 11 2 3 11 1 2 1 2.. 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1.. 1 1.. • L 1 1 1 · · - · | 18 years. 19 years. 21 years. 20 years. 22 years. 23 years. 24 years. 25 years. | 27 years. | 29 years. 28 years. 26 years. 30 years. 31 years. | 32 years. | 33 years. 34 years. | 35 years. | 36 years. 37 years. | 38 years. | 39 years. 40 years. 41 years. | 44 years. 45 years or over. Total for known years. Unknown years. Aggregate. Average for known years. 109 23 132 6.75 1 67 105 172 8.60 2 113 74 187 6.86 3 86 35 121 7.67 4 • 1 1 220 12 2321 8.14 5 179 40 219 8.07 6 96 32 128 7.16 7 1 88 8 96 8.32 8 229 92 321 7.00 9 2 a2 2,260 66 2,326 7.54 10 157 63 220 4.84 11 7 3 1 1 2 2 2 ] 1 7,329 804 8, 133 6.87 12 143 45 188 4. 13 13 61 260 139 399 5. 12 14 - 1 193 53 246 4.65 15 171 54 225 4.85 16 510 202 712 5.25 17 • - 1 • 1 1 cl 378 202 48 1 250 3.44 18 379 5.50 19 29 36 24 21 17 18 19 19 6 7 5 6 5 9 3 3 2 6 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 94 94 78 51 58 45 412927181512 810|12| -- 1 11 . 1 1 1 3 6 224 22 2 3 11 21 2 2 1 · 1 12 11 1 2 6 1 2 31 1 1 1 1 - 31 3 2 3 3 3 2.. 1 1 1 1 } 8 3 1 2 3 3 3 5 ~~~ 2 1 1 2 12 14 16 6 10 9 11 9 12 16 10 11 5 5 5 56 5 4 3 2 3 311 4 6 00 - 00 1 22- ♡ 2 1 1 JN 61 3 1 1 2 6. 1 1 3..] 31 1, 626 926 2,552 6.07 20 1, 102 275 1, 377 6.47 21 213 2 1 1 2.. 2..] 1) 1 286 1 11 437 85 22 723 6.91 22 107 6.07 23 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 299 15 314 7. 24 24 1 1 1 64 32 96 6.92 25 • 2 1 1 di 226 48 274 7.50 26 2 1 1 123 31 151 5.81 27 3 1 1 11 1 1 1 268 74 342 6.2 28 - • - 2 1 1 2 1 1.. 1.. 2 2 1 1 1 21 1 1 59 13 267 13 70 72 5,3729 280 6.63 30 31 101 4.5031 203 2,497 7.22 32 153 1,264 8.14 33 32 485 214 187 42 267; 7.36 34 1,451 7.34 35 517 4.56 36 401 6.07 37 988 1,030 8.21|38 27 23 24 21 14 14 12 6 9 9 6 4 5 12 20 14 13 13 15 11 10 7 6 4 3 6 437 4 2 5.. 21 1 1 2,294 1, 111 2 2 7 1 23 14 19 21 14 13 1 2 9 13 1 995 4 6 4 3 3 4 3. 2 1 1 226 1,451 41 1 1 1 22 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.. 0161 6 7 143 2 2 4 26 1 1 1 2 2j - 2 11 11 1.. 1 1 11 1 3 1 - 15 7 9210.67 39 50 4 54 8.5640 • - • 123 128 12 388 39 162 4.5841 140 4.77 42 320 22 116! 31 295 3 342 6.17 43 147′ 7.9544 298 7.31 15 4'99 23, 6825, 98829, 670 6. 81 1 287 279 242 186 185 146 13899847271584639 40 181418 91110 8 7 6 4 86 185 |72/716 e One of forty-eight years and one of fifty-three years. g See notes a to ƒ, which specify number f Forty-seven years. at each year. 188 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. YEARS FROM SEPARATION TO DIVORCE Counties. CALIFORNIA. Under 1 year. 1 year. 2 years. 3 years. 4 years. 5 years. 6 years. 7 years. 8 years. 9 years. 10 years. 11 years. 1 Amador 22 2 Butte. 17 · 3 Contra Costa. 10 4 El Dorado 4 5 Humboldt 50 6 Nevada 7 Placer 17 8 San Benito.. 19 9 San Joaquin 25 ≈≈2278298 23 13 16 57 26530 22 25 6 5 3 18 9 5 2 1 1 1 2 27 19 13 6 4 3 3 25 16 8 7 5 2 43 29 12 12 3 3 52 38 37 24 11 20 16 8 35 13 11 2 55 64 35 21 53277 1 3 3 2 2121 432 2 1 1 1 3 8 4 2 2121A CONNECTICUT. 10 New Haven. 525 575 196 245 278 151 82 61 38 26 26 16 ILLINOIS. 11 Alexander 16 30 37 29 18 8 7 4 12 Cook.. 1, 264 1, 416 1, 309 1, 264 654 437 281 192 13 Gallatin 15 23 36 25 20 7 7 14 Jackson 37 54 59 50 21 10 8 15 Massac 30 37 43 37 16 13 7 16 Randolph • 17' Saint Clair. 18 Saline. 19 Shelby. 2225 16 31 43 34 16 8 6 90 88 113 109 47 15 16 54 50 36 13 12 7 57 98 70 67 26 21 13 2745726 3 2 100 102 1 3238IT མ22 WNO N 1 74 64 2 4 3 2 3 1 2 1 7 3 3 3 122 2 INDIANA. 20 Marion 350 404 287 254 118 80 39 • 21 Vigo.. 371 251 204 122 52 37 21 20 26 15 9 14 10 10 4 45 4 5 IOWA. 22 Clinton 34 39 78 56 27 9 23 Dallas 12 12 21 17 10 7 -- TS 10 7 5 2 1 24 25 Dubuque Guthrie. 26 Johnson 36 63 74 48 17 15 17 8 12 19 16 3 2 39 45 54 38 16 14 8 27 Madison 15 21 34 28 б 5 28 Marshall 73 76 48 29 15 8 29 Mills... 4 7 30 Pottawattamie... 69 59 53 31 Warren 3 10 203 20 14 7 2 43 15 10 29 8 10 3 213~ 2062463 312 9 7 1 214 5 2 1 5 3 5 212 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 : MASSACHUSETTS. 32883883 Suffolk... 89 370 260 245 277 268 228 159 119 Worcester. 41 154 132 111 181 151 141 56 44 29 88888 78 909 56 32 18 11 MICHIGAN. 34 Bay 31 51 43 38 24 8 7 6 4 6 2 3 35 Kent.... 295 369 268 209 91 62 49 27 23 14 12 4 MISSOURI. 36 Buchanan 6 19 6 1 37 Greene 37 49 55 27 19 13 7 1 2 1 1 - 38 Jackson. 11 21 4 1 2 2 1 OREGON. 39 Columbia. 5 5 1 3 1 40 Washington 11 16 5 4 7 2 1 3 TENNESSEE. 41 Hawkins 9 - 42 Sevier 11 223 23 26 25 208383 11 8 5 6 3 18 9 4 5 1 LO 2 2 2 13 WISCONSIN. 43 Grant 44 Green 64 118 21 41 45 Sauk Totals 42 95 228 62 21 13 9 22 15 རྕོ 6 4 4 59 22 29 12 12 715 2 3 3 4 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 3, 978 5, 043 4, 110 |3, 498 2, 178 |1, 469 |1, 052 652 439 314 250 |174 CHAPTER V.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE. 189 IN CERTAIN COUNTIES (1867 TO 1886). 12 years. 13 years. 14 years. 15 years. 17 years. 16 years. 18 years. 19 years. 20 years. 21 years. 22 years. 23 years. 24 years. 1 12 1 1 1 1 25 years. 26 years. 27 years. 28 years. | 29 years. | 30 years. | 31 years. 32 years or over. Total for known years. Unknown. Aggregate, Average for known years. 109 23 132 2.28 1 67 105 172 2.12 2 113 74 187 3.31 3 86 35 121 3.08 4 220 12 232 2.42 179 40 219 2.18 96 32 128 2.52 7 88 8 96 1.99 229 92 321 2. 60 15 10 7 1 3 1 2 1 2,260 G6 2,326 | 2.79 | 10 112 1 40 41 25 19 7 6 7 3 5 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 157 63 دیا 5 3 3 2 2 1 al 7, 329 804 8,133 220 2.99 11 3.01 12 143 45 188 2.90 13 1 260 139 399 2.70 14 193 53 246 2.63 15 171 54 D 225❘ 3.04 16 510 202 712 2.72 17 202 48 250❘ 2.49 18 378 1 379 2.64 19 3 LO 18 9 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1,626 926 1, 102 275 2,552 2.45 20 1,377 1.97 21 223 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 286 437 723 3.40 22 1 - bl 85 22 107 3.22 23 2 2 1 1 299 15 314 3.01 24 61 32 96 2.36 25 1 226 48 274 2.57 26 1 123 31 154 2.71 27 2 1 1 2 268 74 • 342 2.26 28 59 13 72 2.71 29 1 1 1 267 13 280 2.22 30 1 70 31 101 2.87 31 32333 10 30 15 24 13 4 6 3 13 8 5 1 2 33 ~ reco I w 3 3 ය 01 2,294 203 1, 111 153 2,497 1, 264 4.74 32 4.48 33 28 1 4 4 4 4 ·2 1 3 1 2 1 1 226 41 267 1 1, 451 1,451 2.96 | 34 2.60 35 32 485 517 1. 19 36 1 1 214 187 401 2.46 37 42 988 1,030 1.60 38 15 7 22 1.87 39 50 4 54 2.34 40 1 2 1 1 1 គ 11 ลง 123 39 162 3.54 41 128 12 140 3.08 42 - 320 22 342 2. 32 43 116 31 147 2.02 44 ર 2 2 ཚ bl 295 3 298 2.90 45. 9 19 10 5 10 6 6 56 23 2 e3 23, 682 5, 988 29, 670 3.02 127 101 81 50 31 28 (21 a Thirty-six years. b Thirty-two years. c Two of thirty-two years and one of thirty-six years. CHAPTER VI, PLACE OF MARRIAGE OF DIVORCED PARTIES-THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE. 191 CHAPTER VI. PLACE OF MARRIAGE OF DIVORCED PARTIES-THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE. A vital question connected with divorce relates to the real or sup- posed migration of parties from one state to another for the purpose of seeking divorce. No collection of facts contained in the records, however, can actually disclose the extent, whether it be great or small, to which such migration takes place. From such facts there can be drawn quite sound inferences, but not positive conclusions. Nothing short of a vast detective force, charged with the duty of examining the antecedents of the parties to each suit, could reveal the exact truth. The popular idea is that a great deal of migration takes place for the purpose named, but this idea, in some degree, is dispelled by the sta- tistics that have been collected. Table VIII gives all that the records disclose in this connection, but there is some inferential evidence worthy of attention which will also be noticed. The facts of Table VIII are grouped into five lines for each state, giving the place of marriage of the parties to each divorce granted in each year of the twenty years covered by this investigation, this place being designated as in the state named, in adjoining states (nam- ing them), in other of the United States, and in a foreign country; while under "Unknown" are grouped all those cases in which the record did not show in what state the marriage took place. In the state of Connecticut the petition rarely gives the place of mar- riage of the petitioner; the "unknown" in this state therefore predomi- nate. Any one interested can, by studying this table, trace for each year the divorces which took place in any given state by the place where married; for instance, the table shows for Alabama, the first state in the list, that out of 5,204 divorces granted during the twenty years covered, 4,755 couples were married in Alabama, and, therefore, prop- erly divorced there; that only 223 couples were married in the ad- joining states of Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, and Mississippi, and that of 71 divorce cases in Alabama the parties were married in other of the United States than Alabama or an adjoining state, while the par- ties in 2 cases were married in foreign countries, and in 153 cases the place of marriage was unknown. This line of facts is given for each state and territory in the Union. In order to construct Table VIII there was first prepared a working 193 ¡ 1 20267 M D-13 194 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. " table, showing in exactly what state or foreign country all the divorced persons were married, and from it was drawn the table as it stands by combining those married in adjoining states (to each as successively considered) into a single statement, and those in the remaining United States into another. The names of the separate states thus disappear, but this preliminary tabulation was altogether too voluminous to be printed. It is preserved, however, and can be consulted at any time by students who desire it. It dissipates some popular notions, and can be used in various ways. To illustrate its use a few cases may well be cited. The idea prevails in some parts of the country that New York people, living in a state having a very severe divorce law, are in the habit of seeking divorces in the state of Rhode Island. By consulting this working table it is found that of 4,462 divorces granted in Rhode Island during the twenty years in only 97 cases were the parties married in the state of New York. So it is said in other sections that New York people go into Pennsylvania for the purpose of divorce. The working table shows that out of 16,020 divorces granted in Pennsyl vania in only 765 cases were the parties married in New York. So as to Illinois. Popular opinion has intimated strongly that Michigan people take advantage of the divorce courts of Illinois; but on con- sulting the table it is found that of 36,072 divorces granted in Illinois the parties in only 447 cases were married in Michigan. It is some- times alleged that Canadians seek relief in Illinois; but in only 199 cases out of the 36,072 were the parties divorced in Illinois married in Canada. These illustrations might be multiplied many ti.nes over. The officers of the Department hold themselves in readiness to answer any reasonable inquiry for particulars on this subject. Table VIII, it will be noticed, shows for the persons divorced in each particular state the number who were married in that state, in other of the United States, and in foreign countries. There has been drawn. also from the working sheets a brief table, which is now presented, show. ing for the persons married in each particular state the number who were divorced in that state, and in other of the United States. For obvious reasons the persons married in foreign countries can not be included. Of course the number who were married in the state in which divorced and the number divorced in the state in which married are always identical in the two tables. The interesting features of comparison are the number who were married in other of the United States than the one in which they were divorced, and the number who were divorced in other of the United States than the one in which they were married. By Table VIII (or by the summary of it reproduced for convenience of reference on page 197) we see in Alabama, for example, that the entire number of persons divorced in the state who were married in other states of the Union was 294; and by the table which here follows that the entire number married in the state who were divorced in other CHAPTER VI.-PLACE OF MARRIAGE OF DIVORCED PARTIES. 195 states of the Union was 388, while by either table we see that 4,755 were both married and divorced within the state: CLASSIFIED PLACE OF DIVORCE, 1867 TO 1886, OF COUPLES MARRIED IN THE STATE NAMED. [This table does not include 7,739 married in foreign countries, 2 married in Alaska, 40 married in Indian territory, and 31,389 whose place of marriage is unknown.] Where divorced. Where divorced. Where married. In the state In other of the Where married. Total. named. United States. In other of the Total. In the state named. United States. Alabama : Idaho: To husband 2,737 201 2, 938 To husband · 29 To wife. 2, 018 187 2, 203 To wife... 103 20 10 39 70 173 Total... 4,755 388 5, 143 Total 132 80 212 Arizona: Illinois: To husband…… To wife... Total.. 358 35 6 41 To husband 7,583 1, 914 9, 497 55 21 76 To wife... 17, 899 3,515 21, 414 90 27 117 Total... 25, 482 5, 429 30, 911 Arkansas: Indiana: To husband 2,268 134 2,402 To husband 4,877 999 To wife... 2, 541 188 2, 732 To wife.. 13, 321 1,617 5,876 14, 968 Total. 4,812 322 5, 131 Total. 18, 198 2, 646 20, 844 California: Iowa: To husband 1,789 252 2, 011 To husband 2,527 To wife.. 5, 640 535 6, 175 To wife.. 6, 704 750 1,569 3,277 8, 273 Total... 7,429 787 8, 216 Total 9, 231 2, 319 11, 550 Colorado: Kansas: To husband 324 55 379 To husband To wife.. 844 145 989 To wife... 979 2,637 299 1,278 533 3, 170 Total.. 1, 168 200 1, 368 Total 3, 616 832 4, 448 Connecticut: To husband Kentucky: 12 304 316 To husband To wife... 3,289 443 3,732 29 540 569 To wife. 4,832 679 5, 511 Total 41 814 885 Total.. 8, 121 1, 122 9, 243 Dakota : Louisiana: To husband 52 34 86 To husband 628 To wife.. 158 786 136 79 215 To wife.. 796 261 1, 057 Total. 188 113 301 Total 1,124 419 1, 813 Delaware: Maine: To husband 59 To wife... 106 Total.. 165 228 30 89 To husband ... 2, 049 303 2,352 32 138 To wife... 5,073 547 5, 620 62 227 Total 7, 122 850 7,972 District of Columbia: Maryland: To husband 177 110 287 To husband To wife...... 712 189 901 471 122 593 To wife.... 1, 154 302 1,456 Total... 618 232 880 Total 1, 866 491 2,357 Florida: Massachusetts: To husband…… 881 48 929 To husband To wife... 2,276 783 1,287 36 3,563 819 To wife..... 5,392 2, 008 7,400 Total 1, 664 84 1, 748 Total 7,668 3,295 10, 963 Georgia: Michigan: To husband 1, 533 226 To wife.... 1, 679 213 1, 759 1,892 To husband 4, 062 1, 016 5, 078 To wife... 10, 429 1,777 12, 206 Total. 3,212 439 3, 651 Total 14, 491 2,793 17, 284 196 - REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. CLASSIFIED PLACE OF DIVORCE, 1867 TO 1886, OF COUPLES MARRIED, ETC.,--Concluded. Where divorced. Where divorced. Where married. In the state In other of the Where married. Total. named. United States. In other of the Total. In the state named. United States. Minnesota : To husband 569 225 794 To wife. Pennsylvania : 1,457 440 1, 897 To husband…. 4,222 1, 636 5,858 To wife... Total. 8, 520 2, 491 2, 026 665 2, 691 11, 011 Total Mississippi: 12, 742 4, 127 16, 869 To husband 2,746 177 2, 923 Rhode Island: To wife... 1,842 208 2,050 To husband. To wife... 695 179 874 Total 2,492 313 2,805 4, 588 385 4,973 Total .. Missouri: 3, 187 492 3, 679 To husband……… 3, 982 1,208 5, 190 South Carolina : To wife. 7,997 2, 366 10, 363 To husband……. To wife... Total.. 353 79 90 169 65 92 157 11, 979 3,574 15, 553 Total 144 Montana: 182 326 To husband…… 75 10 85 Tennessee: To wife.... 217 36 253 To husband.. 3, 177 420 3.597 To wife... Total.. 5, 226 531 5,757 292 46 338 Total Nebraska : 8, 403 951 9, 354 To husband…. 319 131 450 Texas: To wife.... 833 285 1, 118 To husband. 3, 365 120 3,485 To wife... 4,337 203 Total. 4, 510 1, 152 416 1,568 Nevada: Total. 7, 702 323 To husband. To wife.. Total.. 8,025 · 103 64 167 330 205 535 Utah: To husband……. 279 42 321 433 269 702 To wife...... 988 120 1, 108 New Hampshire: Total 1,267 162 To husband. 1, 429 1,203 438 1,641 To wife... 2, 428 701 3, 129 Vermont: To husband. 686 365 Total New Jersey: To husband. To wife... Total... New Mexico: 1,051 3, 631 1, 139 4, 770 To wife... 1,780 612 2,392 Total 2, 466 977 3, 443 • 650 696 1,346 1, 205 898 2, 103 Virginia: To husband. • 1,342 358 1, 700 1,855 1,594 3, 419 To wife 1, 083 432 1, 515 Total. 2,425 790 3, 215 To husband. 33 To wife... 63 28 27 60 23 86 Washington: To husband. 122 53 175 Total. 96 50 146 To wife.. 268 165 433 New York: Total 390 218 608 To husband... 4,861 3,722 8, 583 To wife... 8, 288 5, 483 13, 771 West Virginia: To husband. 821 84 905 Total 13, 149 9, 205 22, 354 To wife.. 743 100 843 North Carolina: To husband.. Total 699 207 906 1, 561 181 1,748 To wife... 478 141 619 Wisconsin: Total 1,177 348 1,525 To husband. 2, 114 774 2, 888 $ To wife.. Ohio: 4,862 1, 656 6, 518 To husband.. To wife... 5, 616 15, 545 2, 986 1,978 7, 594 18, 531 Total.. 6, 976 2, 430 9, 406 Total 21, 161 4, 964 26, 125 Wyoming: Oregon: To husband. To wife... 24 · 82 25 36 60 77 159 To husband…. 347 101 To wife.. 1, 086 200 448 1, 286 Total 106 113 219 Total 1, 433 301 1, 734 The United States.. 231, 867 57, 679 a289, 546 a See note prefatory to this table. CHAPTER VI.—PLACE OF MARRIAGE OF DIVORCED PARTIES. 197 The foregoing table is very instructive with regard to the migration of parties for the purpose of divorce. Looking at the totals we find that there were divorced in the same state in which they were married 231,867 couples; that 57,679 couples, or 19.9 per cent., were divorced in other states than those in which married. It is not to be supposed that all these persons migrated to other states simply for the purpose of divorce, but it is within this 57,679 that the whole migration for such purpose is to be found. What pro- portion removed with that object is difficult to say, but it is very instructive and somewhat narrows the margin of doubt to examine the general movement of the population of the country, as shown in the second of the two following tables, by which it will be seen, for 1870 that 7,669,802 persons, or 23.2 per cent. of the native-born population, and for 1880 that 9,593,106 persons, or 22.1 per cent. of the native-born population, were living in other states than the ones in which they were born. In other words, the migration shown by the divorce tables (already noticed as being but 19.9 per cent. of the divorced couples married in the United States) is not as great as that of the population at large: It must be remembered, of course, that the migration shown by the population tables is that between place of birth and place of residence in the census year, thus ranging over a period equal to the lifetime of the people and including all ages; while that shown by the divorce tables is between place of marriage and place of divorce (the persons embraced not being necessarily identical), covers a period, as we have seen, averaging only 9.17 years, and represents wholly adults. The essential facts of Table VIII are summarized in the next table which is followed by the one just referred to, in similar form showing the migration of the population as indicated by the censuses of 1870 and 1880 : SUMMARY OF CLASSIFIED PLACE OF MARRIAGE OF COUPLES DIVORCED FROM 1867 TO 1886. [This table does not include 2 couples married in Alaska, and 40 married in the Indian territory.] + Where divorced. In the state named. Where married. In other of the United States. In for- eign countries. Unknown. Total. Alabama Arizona 4,755 90 294 115 Arkansas. California 4,812 770 • 7,429 Colorado 3, 347 Connecticut 1, 168 2, 224 201 41 Dakota 6 188 762 Delaware. 165 77 District of Columbia. *ུབ⌘ ཀྪཱུ 153 5, 204 27 442 236 6, 036 645 694 12, 115 94 3,687 2 8, 493 8, 542 86 51 1, 087 1 46 289 648 362 22 Florida. 73 1, 105 1, 664 294 Georgia 40 130 3, 212 2, 128 176 Idaho 3 567 132 224 Illinois 3 3,958 368 25, 482 Indiana 6,924 1, 203 18, 198 Iowa 3, 867 140 Kansas Kentucky 9, 231 4,573 425 vita 463 36, 072 988 25, 193 2, 332 16, 561 3,616 3, 158 68 349 8, 121 7, 191 801 1, 304 10, 248 198 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. SUMMARY OF CLASSIFIED PLACE OF MARRIAGE OF COUPLES DIVORCED FROM 1867 TO 1886-Concluded. Where married. Where divorced. In the state named. In other of the United States. In for- eign countries. Unknown. Total. Louisiana Maine 1,424 72 13 188 1,697 Maryland Massachusetts. Michigan.. Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada. New Hampshire.. New Jersey. New Mexico. New York North Carolina. Ohio.. Oregon Pennsylvania. Rhode Island. South Carolina Tennessee Texas Utah... Vermont 7, 122 1, 053 180 57 8, 412 1, 866 240 28 51 2, 185 7, 668 1, 812 324 19 9, 853 14, 491 3, 015 758 169 2, 026 18, 433 1, 228 257 112 4, 588 3, 623 226 3 223 5, 040 11, 979 2,500 267 529 15, 275 292 441 49 40 822 1, 152 1,577 68 237 3,034 433 568 62 65 1, 128 3, 631 1,045 66 237 1, 855 4, 979 680 102 5 2, 642 96 141 6 11 254 13, 149 1,435 621 150 15, 355 · 1, 177 25 136 1, 338 21, 161 3, 345 553 1,308 26, 367 1, 433 922 57 197 2, 609 12, 742 1,334 174 1,770 16, 020 3. 187 796 83 396 4, 462 144 16 1 2 163 8,403 547 27 648 9, 625 7,702 963 95 2,690 11, 450 1,267 1,889 387 534 4,077 Virginia. Washington West Virginia. Wisconsin. Wyoming The United States.... 2, 466 394 58 320 3, 938 2,425 171 8 31 2,635 390 501 45 59 995 1,564 582 16 393 2, 555 6, 976 1, 919 527 5C6 9, 988 106 238 19 37 400 231, 867 57, 679 7, 739 31, 389 a 328, 674 a See note prefatory to this table. CLASSIFIED PLACE OF BIRTH OF THE TOTAL POPULATION IN 1870 AND 1880. The total population-where born. Where living. In the state. In other of the United States. In foreign coun- tries. Total. 1870. 1880. 1870. 1880. 1870. 1880. 1870. 1880. Alabama. 744, 146 1,014, 633| Arizona 242, 884 238, 138 9, 962 1,240 8, 166 Arkansas 2, 609 16, 225 232, 882 5, 809 9, 734 16, 019 996, 992 1, 262, 505 9, 658 436, 677 California. 246, 563 40, 440 355, 498 5, 026 169, 904 10, 350 326,000 484, 471 Colorado. 180,512 802, 525 245, 820 209, 831 292, 874 6, 344 26, 363 560, 247 26,921 864, 694 Connecticut 128, 174 6, 599 39, 790 350, 498 398, 211 39, 864 Dakota 73, 317 191, 327 94, 497 113, 639 2,088 129, 992 537, 454 17, 796 Delaware 7,278 622, 700 65, 586 4,815 51, 795 91, 754 14, 181 110, 643 21, 125 135, 177 Dist. of Columbia.. 26, 497 9, 136 52, 340 9,468 80, 702 125, 015 63, 106 146, 608 Florida 79, 800 16, 254 17, 122 109, 554 131, 700 173, 481 73, 227 Georgia Idaho. Illinois Indiana.. 86, 103 177, 621 · 1,033, 962 1, 395, 214 4, 967 9, 909 187, 748 139, 020 269, 493 136, 402 11, 127 946 5,992 6, 168 16, 644 7,885 1, 189, 503 1, 709, 520 835, 190 784, 775 515, 198 1, 018, 575 1, 354, 565 490, 588 Iowa... 479, 558 141, 474 428, 620 737, 306 560, 708 Kansas 625, 659 204, 692 63, 321 233, 066 252, 686 Kentucky 652, 944 48, 392 1,081, 081 1, 402, 112 176, 532 Louisiana. 187, 061 63, 398 501, 864 728, 322 163, 224 157, 478 Maine. 550, 629 61, 827 54, 146 563, 015 10, 564 1, 184, 109 1, 542, 180 9, 974 14, 999, 32, 610 583, 576| 2,539, 891| 3, 077, 871 144, 178 1, 680, 637] 1, 978, 301 261, 650 1, 194, 020] 1, 624, 615 110, 086 361, 399 996, 096 59, 517 1, 321, 011| 1, 648, 690 726, 915 27,405 939, 946 27, 038 Maryland 48, 881 629, 882 58, 883 762, 641 626, 915 648, 936 67, 600 89, 496 Massachusetts.. 8.3, 412 903, 297 1, 088, 565 82, 806 780, 894 200, 735 934, 943 251, 029 Michigan 353, 319 507, 268 803, 306 408, 781 Minnesota 445, 123 268, 010 126, 491 302, 371 152,518 Mississippi 210, 726 160, 697 ... 564, 142 863, 185 252,589 259, 203] 11, 191 267, 676 9, 209 443, 491| 1,457, 351| 1, 783, 085 388, 508 1, 184, 059) 1, 636, 937 439, 706 780, 773 827, 922 1, 131, 597 : CHAPTER VI.-PLACE OF MARRIAGE OF DIVORCED PARTIES. 199 CLASSIFIED PLACE OF BIRTH OF THE TOTAL POPULATION IN 1870 AND 1880-Conc'd. The total population-where born. Where living. In the state. In other of the United States. In foreign coun- tries. Total. 1870. 1880. 1870. 1880. 1870. 1880. 1870. 1880, Missouri. 874,006 1, 268, 641 625, 022 688, 161 Montana. 222, 267 1,693 211, 578 1,721, 295 2,168, 380 7,225 10, 923 20, 413 Nebraska 7,979 11, 521 20,595 18, 530 39, 159 95, 790 73, 715 Nevada 259, 198 30, 748 97, 414 122, 993 452, 402 3, 356 New Hampshire... 13, 732 20, 334 22, 881 18, 801 25, 653 42, 491 242, 374 62, 266 242,757 New Jersey 46,315 57, 940 29, 611 46,291 318, 300 575, 245 346, 991 725, 614 141,908 New Mexico 183, 802 188, 943 221, 700 · 83, 175 906, 096 1, 131, 116 101, 046! New York. 3,079 10, 468 5, 620 8,051 North Carolina ……. Ohio. Oregon Pennsylvania 2,987, 776 3, 556, 394 1, 028, 678 1, 344, 553 1,842, 313 2, 361, 437 37, 155 67, 942 91, 874 119, 565 256, 630 315, 098 1, 138, 353 1, 211, 379 4,382,759 5,082, 871 39, 654 51,455 450, 454||||| 441, 682 3, 029 3,742 1, 071, 361 1, 399, 750 372, 493 394, 943 2, 665, 260 3, 198, 062 42, 168 76, 323 11, 600 30, 503 2,726, 712 3, 385, 693 249, 930 Rhode Island 309, 369 515, 309 125, 269 152, 487 36, 688 50, 051 South Carolina 55, 396 73, 993 678, 708 217, 353 952, 395 18, 824 35, 496 Tennessee... 8, 074 7,686 1,027, 653 1, 313, 552| 211,551 212, 105 Texas 19, 316 388, 510 16, 702 870, 705 367, 658 Utah 606, 428 62, 411 114, 616 41, 426 81, 716 14, 658 18, 253 Vermont. 30, 702 43, 994 243, 814 251, 780 39, 582 39,547 47, 155 Virginia.. 40, 959 a1, 162, 822 1, 435, 124 90,923 1 587, 829 3, 521, 951 705, 606 4, 282, 891 276, 531 1, 258, 520, 1, 542, 359 818, 579 86,786 330, 5511 1,591, 749 174, 768 995, 577 143, 963 332, 286 48, 587 62, 745 Washington 13, 754 14, 696 6, 932 19, 359 1, 225, 163, 1, 512, 565 West Virginia. 11, 999 39,954 5. 024 15, 803 a381, 297 397, 267 43, 626 202, 925 Wisconsin.. 17, 091 18, 265 450, 272 23,955 442, 014 75, 116 693, 177 618, 457 23.), 899 Wyoming.. 216, 895 293 2,496 5, 312 12, 443 364, 499 3, 513 405, 425 1,054, 670 5,850 9, 118 1,315, 497 20, 789 Total 25, 321, 340 33, 882, 734 7, 669, 802 9, 593, 106 5, 567, 229 6, 679, 943 38, 558, 371 50, 155, 783 a Born in Virginia and West Virginia. For the purpose of better analysis there is now presented a table derived from the last three, which shows in juxtaposition both by num- bers of persons and percentages the vital elements of each. Taking up a few states by way of illustration, we find that in California 51.5 per cent. of the persons living there and born within the confines of the United States, in 1870, and 43 per cent. in 1880 were born in other states of the Union; and but 31.1 per cent. of the persons divorced in the state were married in other states of the Union, and only 9.6 per cent. of those married in the state were divorced in others. In Indiana of the similar class of population there were 31.9 per cent. in 1870 and 26.1 per cent. in 1880 who were born in other states; and of the divorced in the state who were married in other states, 17.5 per cent., and of the married in the state who were divorced in other states, 12.7 per cent. In Illinois the corresponding population per cent. for 1870 was 41.3, and for 1880, 31.5 per cent.; while the number divorced in the state who were mar- ried in other states was 21.4 per cent., and the number married in the state who were divorced in other states was 17.6 per cent. In Rhode Island the population per cent. for 1870 was 22.7, and for 1880 it was 24.7 per cent.; while the number divorced in the state who were mar- ried in other states was 20 per cent., and the number married in the state who were divorced in other states was only 13.4 per cent. In some other states the per cent. showing migration of the general population compared with that indicating movement of the divorced couples is still larger. In only a dozen or so cases is the proportion ་ 200 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. : reversed; that is, is the per cent. of movement of the population at large less than the per cent. of movement of the divorced couples. The most notable state in this class is Maine. Of the persons living in this state in 1870 and born within the United States there were but 4.7 per cent. born in other states of the Union, and in 1880 there were but 4.6 per cent. of such persons; while there were 12.9 per cent. of couples divorced in the state who were married in other states, and 10.7 per cent. couples married in the state who were divorced in other states. The table is here given: COMPARISON OF MIGRATION OF PERSONS MARRIED IN THE UNITED STATES WHO WERE DIVORCED FROM 1867 TO 1886, WITH MIGRATION OF NATIVE-BORn popu. LATION. Divorced couples married in the United Native population of the United States liv- ing in the state named but born in other of the United States. States. States and ter- | Divorced in state | Married in state ritories. named but mar- ried in other of the United States. named but di- vorced in other of the United States. 1870. 1880. Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. Number. Per cont. Number. Por cent. Alabama 291 5.8 388 7.5 Arizona 242,881 24.6 115 238, 138 19.0 56. 1 27 23.1 Arkansas 2, 609 67.8 770 16, 225 66.5 13.8 322 6.3 California 246, 563 51.4 3, 347 355, 498 44.9 31.1 787 9.6 Colorado 180, 512 51.5 2, 224 245, 820 43.0 65.6 200 14.6 Connecticut 26, 921 80.9 Ꮳ 128, 174 82.9 12.8 844 95.4 Dakota 73, 317 17.3 702 80.2 94, 497 19. 2 113 37.5 Delaware 7,278 77.7 77 65, 580 78.7 31.8 62 27.3 District of Co- 21, 125 18. 2 362 26, 497 19.3 35.8 232 26.4 lumbia. 63, 106 51.7 79, 800 49. 7 Florida 291 15.0 84 4.8 Georgia. 73, 227 40. 1 176 86, 103 33.2 5. 2 439 12.0 139. 020 11.9 Idaho. 136, 402 8.9 224 62.9 80 37.7 6, 163 86.7 Illinois 16,644 73.5 6, 924 21.4 5, 429 17.6 835, 190 41.3 Indiana. 784, 775 - 3,867 31.5 17.5 2, 646 12.7 490, 588 31.9 Iowa 479, 558 26. 1 4,573 33.1 2, 319 20.1 560, 708 56.7 Kansas 625, 659 45.9 3, 158 46.6 832 18.7 252,686 80.0 Kentucky 652, 944 73.7 801 9.0 1, 122 12. 1 176, 532 14.0 Louisiana. 187, 061 11.8 72 4.8 419 22.7 163, 224 21.5 Maino 157, 478 17.8 1,053 12.9 850 10.7 27, 405 4.7 Maryland 27, 038 4.6 240 11.4 491 20.8 67, 600 9.7 Massachusetts. 89, 490 10.5 1,812 19.4 3,295 30. 1 200, 735 18.2 Michigan 251, 029 18.7 3, 015 17.2 2,793 16.2 408, 781 44.6 Minnesota 445, 123 35.7 1,228 37.7 665 24. 7 Mississippi 152, 518 54.7 210, 726 41. 1 226 4. 7 385 7.7 252, 589 30.9 Missouri. 259, 201 23.1 2,500 17.3 3, 574 23.0 625,022 41.7 688, 161 35.2 Montana 4-41 60.2 46 13.6 10,923 86.6 Nebraska 20, 413 73.9 1, 577 57.8 416 26.5 73, 715 79.9 259, 198 73.0 Nevada. 5f8 56.7 269 38.3 New Hamp- 20, 331 85.8 22, 881 62.5 1, 045 22.3 1, 139 23.9 46,315 16.0 57, 940 19.3 shire. New Jersey. 680 26.8 1, 594 46. 2 141, 908 19.8 New MexiCO . 183, 802 20.2 141 59.5 50 34.2 3,079 3.6 10, 463 9.4 New York 1, 435 9.8 9, 205 41.2 256, 630 7.9 315, 093 8.1 North Carolina. 25 2.1 348 22.8 39, 651 3.7 51,455 3.7 Ohio 3, 315 13.6 4, 964 19.0 450, 451 19,6 441, 682 15. 8 + Oregon Pennsylvania.. Rhode Island South Carolina. Tennessee Texas. Utah 922 39.2 301 17.4 42, 168 53.2 76, 323 52.9 1,334 9.5 4, 127 24.5 219, 930 8.4 309, 369 8.4 796 • 20.0 492 13.4 36, 688 22.7 50,051 24.7 16 10.0 182 55.8 18,824 2.7 35, 496 3.6 517 6.1 951 10.2 211, 551 17.1 212, 105 13.9 963 11. 1 323 4.0 367, 658 48.6 606, 428 41.1 - 1,889 59.9 162 11.3 14, 658 26. 1 18, 253 18.3 Vermont.. 394 13.8 977 28.4 39, 582 14.0 39, 547 13.0 Virginia. 171 6.6 790 24.6 48, 587 4.0 62, 745 4.2 Washington ... 501 56.2 218 35.9 11, 999 63.4 39, 954 67.4 West Virginia. 582 27.1 184 10.5 43, 626 10. 3 202, 925 33.8 Wisconsin 1,919 21.6 2. 430 25.8 239, 899 34.8 216, 895 23.8 Wyoming. 238 69.2 113 51.6 5, 312 94.8 12, 443 83.3 Total 57, 679 19.9 57, 679 19. 9 7, 669, 802 23.2 9, 593, 106 22.1 CHAPTER VI.-PLACE OF MARRIAGE OF DIVORCED PARTIES. 201 These facts, it must be remembered, do not conclusively prove that the migration which has taken place for the purposes of divorce is really very small; yet they do indicate that such migration has not taken place to a sufficient extent to justify the prevailing opinion. An examination of the laws regulating divorces given in Chapter II does not offer any conclusive reason why migration should take place to any great extent; for in nearly all the states, and notably in those where the divorce rate is greatest, a bona fide residence of one or two years is necessary to qual ify parties to petition for divorce. Divorce can not be obtained legally without a bona fide residence of some period, the lowest period being ninety days, in the territory of Dakota. In Maine there is no require- ment as to length of residence, when the parties were married in that state, or cohabited there after marriage; but in other cases the plaintiff must have resided in the state when the cause of divorce accrued, or one year prior to commencement of proceedings. Arizona, California, Idaho, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and Wyoming have a six-months' period of residence in most cases. Louisiana has no special provision, but her custom is that residence must be bona fide. Indiana, which has been much given to granting divorces, requires a residence of two years in the state and of six months in the county in which the suit is brought, while Illinois requires a bona fide residence of one year when the offense alleged was committed out of the state, or while one or both parties resided out of the state. No state does, and probably none ever will, provide that parties seeking divorce must have been married in the state in which they are living at the time of bringing suit, except in specified cases, where public polity might demand such severe restriction, and no state is likely to provide that parties may be divorced who are not-one of them, at least-bona fide residents of the state in which the action is brought. The experience of Utah in this respect, given later on in this chapter, should be a practical lesson to all states when attempts are made to repeal the provisions of their laws relative to residence. It may be supposed that the facts relative to the character of the notice served on libellees or defendants in divorce suits would determine whether migration had been resorted to in any very large number of cases; yet no positive conclusion can be drawn even from this source. For a few counties of each of several states, widely separated and working under varied laws, and comprehending both city and country conditions, the facts have been ascertained relative to the kind of notice which has been served upon defendants. The law in every state pro- vides that the defendant in a divorce suit shall be served with notice of the petition filed against him or her, on the person, if possible, but if not, by publication, in such way as the court may order, usually by in- serting the proper notice in a newspaper published in the county in which the defendant resides or is supposed to reside. The following table shows the counties for which this information has been collected, and under "Yes" or "No" whether service has been by newspaper publica- tion or not; if by such publication, under "Yes." The numbers given under "No" are for personal service, while under "Unknown" are the ༣ 202 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. - number of cases in which the records gave no evidence of the kind of service: NOTIFICATION OF DEFENDANT IN DIVORCE SUITS BY NEWSPAPER PUBLICATION. Notice served by publication. Notice served by publication. Counties. Total. Counties. Total. Un- Yes. No. Yes. No. known. Un- known. California: Iowa-Concluded: Amador 32 100 132 Johnson.. Butte 28 56 88 172 Madison Contra Costa 61 126 187 Marshall El Dorado.. 29 92 121 Mills:.. Humboldt. 81 151 232 Pottawattamie ……. Nevada 76 142 1 219 Warren Placer 39 89 128 San Benito 14 82 96 San Joaquin. 83 228 10 321 Connecticut: Massachusetts: Suffolk. Worcester Michigan: New Haven 612 1,698 16 2,326 Bay Illinois : Kent Alexander 90 104 26 220 Missouri: Cook 3,476 4, 510 147 8, 133 Gallatin... 71 104 13 188 Jackson. 129 182 88 399 Buchanan. Greene. Jackson. Massac.. 133 105 8 246 Oregon : Randolph 117 103 5 225 Columbia · Saline 82 147 21 250 Washington Saint Clair 305 362 45 712 Tennessee : - Shelby Indiana: 295 83 1 379 Hawkins. Sevier.. Marion.. 735 1,550 267 2, 552 Wisconsin : Vigo 337 976 64 1,377 Grant.. Iowa: Green ***** 30 8 28 2* ** 58 តដើមគីបនី 172 2 274 16 154 185 22 342 7 72 133 7 280 16 101 1, 839 18 2,497 896 $7 1, 264 151 33 267 1,019 1, 446 25 482 517 152 166 401 34 979 1, 030 6 6 22 28 54 - 113 89 78 7 162 8 140 22 263 22 Clinton.. 409 312 2 723 Sauk 127 100 166 18 205 342 147 298 Dallas. 60 47 107 Dubuque.. 134 172 8 314 Guthrie 29 47 20 96 Total of 45 coun- ties 9, 944 17,040 | 2,681 29, 665 In the forty-five counties reported it is seen that in 9,944 cases notice was served by publication, and in 17,040 cases personal service was made. Omitting the 2,681 "unknown" cases, in which evidence on this point was unobtainable, it seems that in 36.9 per cent. of the cases there was notice by publication. This, of course, must be the possible limit of migration. Looking at a few of the larger counties covered in the preceding table we find that in New Haven county, Connecticut, out of the 2,510 cases, for which a definite "yes" or "no" was reported, in 612 or 26.5 per cent. the defendant was notified by newspaper publication; in Cook county, Illinois, out of 7,986 cases with definite answers, 3,476 or 43.5 per cent. were so notified; in Marion county, Indiana, out of 2,285 cases, 735 or 32.2 per cent.; and in Suffolk county, Massachusetts, out of 2,479 such cases, 640 or 25.8 per cent. Thus for the leading coun- ties the largest per cent. notified by newspaper notice is in Cook county, Illinois. By the table on page 188 it is seen that in 13,131 cases the duration of time between separation and divorce was two years or less. This is 55.4 per cent. of the 23,682 cases in which the duration was given. CHAPTER VI.-PLACE OF MARRIAGE OF DIVORCED PARTIES. 203 Now the mass of persons who go from one state to another to obtain a divorce, will get it within two years from the date of separation from their partners. This per cent. then will cover all who have migrated for divorce purposes as well as some who have not. It may be supposed there would have been a movement to Cook county, Illinois, during the twenty years, if to any of the enumerated counties, yet we see that in that county there were 3,989 cases out of 7,329 in which the duration from separation to divorce was two years or less, or 54.4 per cent., practically the same as for the whole 45 counties shown in the table. But either of these methods seem wholly inadequate to determine the point at issue, and less satisfactory, perhaps, than the preceding com- parison of place of marriage and divorce with place of birth and resi- dence of the population. It is very apparent that the plaintiffs in a quite large number of divorce cases, either legitimately or conven- iently, do not know the residences of the defendants. As Judge Jame- son has stated— A divorce suit is the only one known to the law in which both par- ties may desire the decree asked for in the bill. If disposed to collude the fact is very difficult of detection. (a) Technically, so far as law is concerned, it must be assumed from the records that in all cases where parties declare themselves to be bona fide residents of the state they are such residents, and must prove that fact to the satisfaction of the court. They may commit perjury, but the records do not disclose the perjury. The danger which may arise under a lax law, especially so far as res. idence and causes are concerned, is well illustrated by the history of divorce legislation in Utah, and the facts are given here simply as an example of what may occur in any state where the same condition of law exists as existed in Utah prior to 1877, and also to show what will be the result should any state enact similar laws. The first divorce law of Utah was passed by the legislature March 6, 1852. It vested the jurisdiction, in all matters pertaining to divorce and alimony, in the probate courts. The judges of these courts, in the early days after the passage of the act, were not men particularly skilled in the law, some of them being strict and others lenient in inter- preting the sufficiency of complaints. An expert of this Department called the attention of one judge to the fact that under his jurisdiction two or three decrees had been granted to plural wives, a course nowhere sanctioned by the Utah law; he replied that he had been importuned to perform a neighborly act, and had found it difficult to resist. This law of 1852 contained two glaring defects-the first regarding the resi- dence of the parties seeking a divorce, and the second relative to the insufficiency of the alleged causes of action. The complainant in a divorce need not have been a bona fide resident of the territory. The formal expression of an intention to become a resident was all a Judge John A. Jameson, in North American Review, April, 1883. ? 204 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. that was required. The plea of a citizen of any part of the United States that he intended to become a citizen of Utah was enter- tained equally with that of a regularly domiciled resident. In gen- eral the grounds upon which a decree of divorce could be made were the same as in other parts of the Union, but it was enacted that when it could be "made to appear to the satisfaction and conviction of the court that the parties can not live together in peace and union, and that their welfare and happiness require a separation," a decree might be rendered. With these two features of the law in existence, it is no matter of surprise to learn that abuses occurred in its administration. It is simple justice to the Mormon people, however, to say that they did not make any signal misuse of these lenient provisions, for up to 1875 comparatively few divorces were granted; but for that year and the two succeeding years Utah became the dumping ground for fraud- ulent suits from the East. The probate courts of three counties became almost literally bureaus of divorce. Some of the court officials and a few local attorneys appear to have been in league with certain lawyers of dubious reputation in Chicago, Cincinnati, and New York, to secure divorces for a clientage scattered throughout the Union. The returns from one county show a total of 691 divorce decrees during the twenty years from 1867 to 1886, but this is certainly not all that were granted, for one clerk who held office at the time mentioned failed to hand over the records to his successor, keeping them in his own house. His wife, not understanding their value, used them for kindling fires. Just how many such cases there may have been it is impossible to say and unsafe to estimate. Of the 691 cases which were tabulated, less than 75 belonged to the county itself. The remaining 600 and more were from all parts of the country, and came to this particular court through attorneys in Chicago, Cincinnati, and New York, whose offices were so flooded with business for the Utah courts that they made use of printed forms for both petition and decree. The form of petition is an interesting document. While printed petitions are used in other parts of the country, the recitals in the one used in the cases referred to are peculiar. It simply had blank spaces for names, dates, and local- ities, and the recital of special grievances, while the items of a general nature were in print, as, for instance, "Plaintiff wishes to become a resident of Utah;" and further, in print, "but is so situated that he can not at present carry his desire in this respect into effect; " and still further, "The parties can not live together in peace and union, and their welfare and happiness require a separation." No references were made, as a rule, to alimony or to the custody of children. With the filing of the petition the foreign attorney filed a printed decree, in which it was set forth that "said defendant, after having been thus called. upon and duly warned to appear and answer said plaintiff's complaint, and appearing and answering not, but making a default therein, the complaint is therefore taken as confessed," etc. The decrees were 5.1 : } CHAPTER VI.-PLACE OF MARRIAGE OF DIVORCED PARTIES. 205 4 granted, usually, as of course. In order to avoid suspicion, the county newspaper in which publication of notice was ordered to be made pub- lished a special edition, containing one or more extra sheets of notices of suits pending and summoning the defendant to appear. This spe- cial edition, it is needless to remark, never got into circulation in the community. It was carefully kept on file, and as the last week in which a specific notice was to be published arrived copies of the several is- sues were mailed to the last known address of the defendant (as it had been furnished to the court by the plaintiff's attorney), or more usually to the plaintiff's attorney, who would show the copies to a few of his trusted friends, or friends of the plaintiff, when they would swear that they had seen proper notice served upon the defendant during the sev- eral successive weeks named in the order. All this fiction of proceed- ings was taken to be a matter of public notoriety, even in the town where the defendant was last known to reside. The decree naturally followed, because the indifference of the defendant in not answering was taken to be strong presumptive proof that the allegations of the plaintiff were true. This statement represents what actually happened in nearly every divorce suit tried in three counties in Utah during the years 1875, 1876, and 1877. The number of divorces in 1875 in Utah, for all the counties, was only 295; in 1876 it rose suddenly to 709, and in 1877 to 914. There was an immediate drop then to 298 in 1878, and 122 in 1879; and the number has not exceeded 162 in any year since, for in 1877 it became apparent to the citizens of the territory that certain of its courts were divorce bureaus; public opinion was aroused, and both Mormon and Gentile, the press and the pulpit alike, condemned the practices that were going on. The territorial legislature, upon convening, took up the question, and the result was an amendment of the law in the direction where reform was most needed. The amended enactment of February 2, 1878, is still the divorce law of the territory. The changes intro- duced at that time repealed the section relating to residence and causes, and substituted the following: Proceedings in divorce shall be commenced and conducted in the man- ner provided by law for proceeding in civil cases, except as hereinafter provided, and the court may decree a dissolution of the marriage contract between the plaintiff and defendant in all cases where the plaintiff, for one year next prior to the commencement of the proceedings, shall have been an actual and bona fide resident of the county within the juris- diction of the court, for any of the following causes, to wit, etc. The law then specifies the exact causes for which divorce may be granted, doing away with the omnibus clause which had previously wrought so much trouble. It was also enacted that in divorce cases— The complaint or petition shall be in writing, and verified by the oath of the plaintiff, and no decree in divorce shall be granted by any court upon default, or otherwise, except upon legal testimony taken in the cause, and in case a reference is ordered, the referees shall report in 206 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. t writing the testimony in full, and the court in all cases in divorce shall make and file its findings and decrees upon testimony. These amendments put a stop to the divorce bureau business in Utah. By compelling the plaintiff to be an actual bona fide resident of the county where suit is entered for at least one year previous to the bringing of suit, and by making it mandatory upon the court to grant decrees only upon proper legal testimony, and to file its finding of facts and law, the authorities struck at the root of former abuses. This experience of Utah, relative to the necessary period of residence prior to the institution of suit, and in reference to omnibus causes, may have been severer than that of other states having the same defects of law, but only in degree, for the results are usually the same under like con- ditions everywhere. By the Edmunds-Tucker law, which went into effect March 22, 1887, the jurisdiction in divorce cases was removed from the probate courts in Utah and vested in the United States district courts. The territorial law, however, as amended in 1878, as already recited, still prescribes the methods of procedure and sets forth causes of action. = CHAPTER VII. CHILDREN AND ALIMONY. 9 207 A CHAPTER VII. CHILDREN AND ALIMONY. Table IX, the last general table given in Chapter VIII, takes up the cases with children and without children, showing for the former for each year in each state the number of divorces for each classified or condensed cause, the number of decrees issued to the husband and to the wife, and the average number of children. The number actually reported without children and unknown are also shown. This table offers the opportunity of detailed study for those who desire to examine the question minutely. Two summaries of Table IX have been made, which here follow. One shows the above points for the United States, by states, the other by years. SUMMARY OF CASES OF PERSONS DIVORCED, 1867 TO 1886, BY STATES, WITH AND WITHOUT CHILDREN. With children. Classified canses. States and Divorces. territo- ries. To To hus- band. wife. Average number of chil dren of libellant. } Nex- Adul- Cru- tery. elty. De. ser- tion. Drunk enness. lect to pro- vide. preceding or of a preceding with a minor cause. Combinations of the All oth- ¡ Total. ers. t With- out Uo- chil-known dren. Total di- vorces. Ala.. Ariz.. 387 721 2. 22 198 92 612 14 187 5 1,108 23 61 1.84 8 25 29 9 5 4 Ark 413 1,042 1.77 162 270 813 44 3' 95 68 1,455 1,566 87 341 99 3,755 51 5, 201 237 3,020 Cal 994 4,575 2.30 458 1,318, 1, 257 236 695 1, 453 152 5, 569 1,969 Colo... 313 1,149 1. 96 131 212 428 44 120 513 14 1, 462 1, 698 527 6, 041 4,580 12,118 3, 687 Conn 310 2,500 1.74 173 176 549 337 1, 439 136 2,810 150 5,582 8, 542 Dak.. 186 342 2.28 46 92 218 8 36! 117 11 5281 321 238 1,087 Del 29 92 1.98 23 21 58 8 31 2 6 1211 49 119 289 D. of C. 104 469 2.20 92 77 229 33 4 127 11 573 203 329 1, 105 Fla... 247 334 2.04 55 7 182 9 293 34 581 344 1,203 2, 128 Ga. 460 704 2. 22 345 189 363 23 210 32 1, 1, 164 870 1,925 Idaho.. 24 141 2.12 7 26 48 3 18 58 5 165 75 128 3,959 368 Ill.. 2, 526| 12, 278 2.04 2, 561 3, 266 5 684 2,095 1 917 280 14, 804 8, 542 12, 726 Ind 2, 105 9, 801 1.94 915 2,099 3 224 3821, 084 3,626 576 11, 906 4, 197 lowa 1,113| 5, 288 2.23 897 1, 506 2, 603| 735 6 463 191 6,401 3,370 Kans 703 2, 556 2.05 221 626 1,828 104 279 143 58 3,259 1, 117 Ky 596 2,073 2. 12 283 407 1,381 102 4 452 40 2, 669 1,783 La. 167 335 2.07 161 138 99 50 42 12 502 385 36, 072 9,090 25, 193 6, 793 16,564 2,815 7,191 5,796 10, 248 810 1, 697 Maine. 632 3,057 3, 057 2.08 834 550 1,068 50 28 1, 142 17 3,689 1,862 2,861 8, 412 Md. 321 757 2.02 345 64 628 39, 2 1,078 800 307 2,185 Mass 504 2,585 1.63 972 467 1, 103 388 73 70 16 3,089 555 6, 209 9,853 Mich 2,372 · 7, 123 2. 13 887 1,889 3, 247 411 710 2.282 69 9,495 3, 126 5,812 18, 433 Minn 426 1,416 2.36 230 706 620 192 6 60 28 1,842 1, 498 283 3,623 Miss.. 319 Mo Mon 59 Nebr 363 Ner. 1, 413 5, 321 305 1, 290 85 445 2.02 440 2.12 191 1.93 607 1,619 3, 288 2.16 24 2.07 179 558 605 76 331 22 112 27 582 120 759 628 347 171 6,734 1,426. ་ 3, 653 5,040 93 156 10 70 11 364 177 7,118, 15, 278 2811 822 73 105 107 26 1,653 428 953 3,034 N. H... 176 1,372 1.78 10 290 121 56 10 89 203 11 530 1461 452 1,128 568 468 93 110 19 1,548 1,075 2,356 4,979 N. J. 426 1,027 1.98) 473 50 921 1 S 1,453 1, 119, 1,119 70 2,642 20267 M D——14 ** 209 210 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF OF LABOR. SUMMARY OF CASES OF PERSONS DIVORCED, BY STATES, 1867 TO 1886, WITH AND WITHOUT CHILDREN-Concluded. With children. Divorces. States and territo- To ries. hus- band. To wife. Average number of chil- dren of libellant. Classified causes. Ne- Adul- Cru- De- Drunk-glect tery. elty. ser- tion. en- to ness. pro- |vide. All preceding or of a preceding with a minor cause. Combinations of the oth- Total. ers. With- out Un. chil- known dren. Total di- vorces. N. Mex. 220 N. Y... 2, 082 N.C... 96 Ohio... 1, 884 58 1.87 8 4, 576 1.93 5, 948 2233 131 2.49 163 553 8 47 87 8 5 32 33 • 78 6,658 6, 811 86 91 1,886 15,355 255 3 40 5 227 174 937 1,338 9, 418 2.19 2, 084 2,464 3, 623 1,432 2101, 489 11,302 846 14, 219 26, 367 Oregon. 300 1,176 2.59 142 726 319 100 8 130 51 1,476 440 693 2,609 Penn 1, 386 4, 675 1.99 673 1,309 3, 856 180 43 6, 061 2,062 7,897 16, 020 R. I.... 77 1, 147 1.62 44 27 34 11 173 933 2 1, 224 3,238 S. C.... 26 33 1.92 17 37 4 1 59 98 6 Tenn.. 754 2,247 2.10 774 514 1, 268 123 109 141 72 3,001 2, 357 4, 267 4, 462 163 9, 625 Tex.. 885 2, 031 2. 10 290 1,259 997 3 1 151 215 2,916 1,082 7,474 11,472 Utah 345 1, 010 2.39 59 151 355 104 134 107 445 1, 355 486 2,237 4,078 Vt... 41 867 1.61 115 413 269 79 22 10 908 261 Va. 366 561 2. 21 430 38 288 137 34 927 491 1,217 Wash.. 107 423 2.40 32 107 174 17 68 120 12 530 182 284 W. Va. 229 406 2.48 230 27 242 2 81 53 635 227 1,693 Wis 1, 043 3, 427 2.37 257 970 1,619 170 Wyo.. 32 125 2. 11 12 13 71 } 312 6 983 159 4,470 1,918 3,600 2,069 3, 238 2,635 996 2, 555 9,988 50 4 157 84 160 401 Total. 27, 469 101, 913 2. 0723, 086 25, 910 45, 390 8, 0314, 291 18, 0064, 668 129, 382 57, 524 141, 810 328, 716 SUMMARY OF CASES OF PERSONS DIVORCED, 1867 TO 1886, FOR THE UNITED STATES, WITH AND WITHOUT CHILDREN. Divorces. With children. Classified causes. Years. To To hus- band. wife. Average number of chil- dren of libellant. Adul-Cruel- tery. ty. Neg De- Drunk- lect ser- tion. en- ness. to pro- vide. preceding or of a preceding with a Combinations of the minor cause. With- Total All oth. Total. out Un- chil- known dren. di- vorces. ers. 1867... 957 2,759 2.10 994 571 1,215 177 64 1868.... 835 2, 919 2.05 943 622 1,241 180 91 541 154 539 138 1869.... 886 3, 278 2.04 957 730 1,388 206 98 1870.... 915 3,262 2.10 994 721 1,383 205 02 1871.... 934 3, 450 2.10 913 869 1,465 227 107 595 190 617 165 631 172 1872.... 964 3, 762 2.02 875 913 1, 601 336 117 688 196 1873... 990 3,987 2.07 925 974 1, 688 340 142 735 173 4, 977 2,314 3,716 1,824 4,397 9,937 3,754 1,908 4, 164 2, 018 4, 1771, 919 4,384 2, 044 4,726 2,274 4,488 10,150 4,757| 10, 939 4,866 10, 962 5, 158 11, 586 5, 390, 12, 390 5, 865 13, 156 1874.... 4, 442 2.05 1,022 1875.... 1, 153 4, 431 2.05 994 987 1, 021 1,066 1,934 1, 818 365 167 915 191 5,464 2,344 6, 181| 13, 989 356 187 814 233 1876.... 1, 131 4, 642 2. 05 1, 025 1, 157 1, 910 439 189 809 244 1877... 1, 239 4, 905 2. 06 1,006 1, 273 2, 064 398 214 894 295 - 1878 1,258 5, 146 2. 07 1, 032 1, 408 2, 203 402 217 9201 222 1879... 1, 433 5, 275 2.03 1, 139 1,320 2,467 392 244 948 198 1880.... 1, 697 6, 119 2.06 1, 344 1, 597 2,875 444 259 1,059 238 1881... 1, 843 6, 441 2. 06 1, 399 1, 627 2, 978 546 277 1, 156 301 1882.... 1, 852 7,001 2. 10 1883... 1, 987 7, 232 1884.. 1,969 7, 345 1885.... 2,086 7, 470 1886. 2, 318 8, 047 1, 438 1, 820 2.09 1,496 1, 895 3, 357 2. 08 1, 476 2, 007 3, 361 2.08 1,508 2,049 3, 509| 2.10 1,641 2, 270| 3,782| 3, 151 566 326 1, 268 284 601 358 1,205 307 619 369 1, 199 283 612 383 1, 177 318 620 390 1,296 366 All years. . 27, 469 101; 913|||||2.0723, 08625, 010 45, 390 6,141 2,694 6, 404 2,713 6,708 2, 867 7,816 3, 304 8, 284 3, 531 8,853 3,888 9, 219 4, 043 9, 314 4, 090 6, 152| 14, 212 6, 789 14,800 6,849 15,687 6, 972 16, 089 7, 508 17,083 8, 543 19, 663 8, 947 20, 762 9,371 22, 112 9, 936| 23, 198 9, 590 22, 994 9, 646 23, 472 10, 405 25, 535 8, 031 4, 291 18, 0064, 668 129, 382 57, 524 141, 810 328, 716 5, 581 2,476 5,773 2, 238 9, 556 4, 270 10, 365 4, 765 CHAPTER VII.—CHILDREN AND ALIMONY. 211 By these tables we find that of the 328,716 divorces granted in the United States during the twenty years covered by our investigation the libels or petitions in 129,382 cases, or 39.4 per cent. of the whole, stated that there were children. The total number of children involved in these cases is 267,739, or an average of 2.07 per cent. to each couple. The decrees were granted to the husband in 27,469 cases, and to the wife in 101,913. In other words, nearly four times as many mothers with children asked for and received divorces as did fathers with children. In 57,524 cases there was evidence that the parties had no children; and in 141,810 it was unknown whether there were chil- dren or not. Of the 129,382 cases in which children were declared to have been born under the union, 23,086 are classed under adultery, 25,910 under cruelty, 45,390, or the largest number in any case, under desertion, while 8,031 came under drunkenness, and 4,291 under neglect to pro- vide. The increase of cases, from year to year, under particular causes where children are involved, is plainly seen by the second of the fore- going tables, and the figures themselves furnish a sufficient analysis. It must be assumed that in 141,810 cases, or 43.1 per cent. of the whole number of decrees granted in the United States for twenty years, the children formed no part of the question arising under the petition; but to this number should be added the number specifically declaring that they had no children, or 57,524. The total number of cases, then, in which children played no part in the divorce proceedings, under any cause for which divorce was sought, was 199,334; or, in 60.6 per cent. there occurred this notable lack of the influence of children. ALIMONY, The facts relative to alimony are far more difficult of ascertainment than those concerning the children of parties seeking divorce, for the reason that, in a very great number of cases, the proceedings for ali- mony may be separate from those for divorce, or, if contemporaneous with the divorce suit, the question of alimony is the subject of refer- ence to a master in chancery, and the evidence difficult of examination. At least these conditions prevented an investigation relating to ali- mony, except in a few representative counties, being the same counties already referred to in which investigation was made relative to notifi- cation of defendant, and the influence of intemperance; but in these forty-five counties, situated in eleven different states, and scattered over the whole country, the question as to whether alimony was granted or not was asked. 212 OF LABOR. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER сомм The following table shows the counties, and the total divorces in each, and whether alimony was or was not granted : RELATIVE TO GRANTING ALIMONY. Alimony granted. Alimony granted. Counties. Total divorces. Counties. Total divorces. Yes. No. Un- known. Yes. No. Un- known. California : lowa--concluded. Amador Butte Contra Costa. El Dorado... Humboldt 11 Nevada Placer.. San Benito San Joaquin.. 202+12∞ON 106 24 132 Johnson 65 208 1 274 8 75 89 172 Madison 25 111 18 154 175 187 Marshall 47 274 21 342 4 117 121 Mills.... 5 61 6 72 121 100 232 Pottawattamie 37 238 5 280 205 2 219 Warren. 13 73 15 101 3 125 128 Massachusetts: 6 90 96 Suffolk... 144 2,334 19 2, 497 247 62 Connecticut: New Haven . 93 2,214 19 Illinois : Alexander. 9 181 30 Cook 1,012 7, 042 Gallatin 8 169 2 2 82H 321 Worcester 45 1,185 34 1,261 Michigan: 2,326 Bay Kent.. 20 214 33 267 • 172 984 290 1,446 220 Missouri: 79 8, 133 Buchanan 1 34 482 517 11 188 Greene 26 210 165 401 Jackson 11 301 87 399 Jackson 1 50 979 1,030 Massac 8 232 6 246 Oregon: Randolph 17 205 3 225 Columbia · Saint Clair 85 580 47 712 Washington 22 14 6 52 Saline 8 220 22 250 Tennessee : Shelby 117 261 1 379 Hawkins 10 150 Indiana : Sevier Marion. 171 2,349 32 2,552 Wisconsin: Vigo 114 1,262 1 1,377 Grant... Iowa: Green Clinton... 87 632 4 723 Sauk * O** 9 123 2 ∞ 162 8 140 2* 20 69 249 25 95 27 54 240 224 24 342 147 298 Dallas... 16 89 2 107 Dubuque. 69 242 3 314 Total of forty- Guthrie 11 64 21 96 five counties. 2, 678 24, 203 2,784 29, 665 In the 29,665 divorce cases covered in the preceding table alimony was granted in only 2,678, while in 24,203 there was either no alimony granted or no petition for it; and in 2,784 cases no mention is made of it. If the results of the cases in these counties are indicative of the whole country, and I think they are fairly so, the conclusion may be reached with some reason that in 9 per cent. of all the divorce cases granted in this country alimony has been secured. CHAPTER VIII. GENERAL TABLES. 213 +t 214 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. تير TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES. ALABAMA. Population. Mar- Counties. 1870. 1880. riages and 1867. |1868. | 1869.1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 1 Autauga 11, 623 13, 108 { Div.... Mar 1 1 11 2 3 2 Baldwin (a). 3 Barbour 29, 309 - [ Mar Div... Mar 33, 979 { Div... 2 2 9 6 4 Bibb.. 7, 469 9, 487 { Div. Mar - • • 5 Blount (b) Mar 9, 945 15, 369 Div.... 5 1 6 Bullock.. 24, 474 29, 066 { Mar Div.... 1 5 7 2 3 2 7 Butler (c). 14, 981 19, 649 Div... Mar 193 172 244 218! 200 210 1 1 4 3 4 2 8 Calhoun 13, 980 19,591 { Div.. Mar 3 3 1 1 (Mar 9 Chambers. 17, 562 23, 440 { Div... 1 1 1 10 Cherokee 11, 132 19, 108 Div... Mar 3 4 1 2 11 Chilton (d)……. 6, 194 10,793 { Mar Div... • 12 Choctaw (e) 12, 676 15,731 ... Mar Div.... ♡ 70 170 4 3 13 Clarke 14, 663 17,806 Mar Div. • 14 Clay 9, 560 12, 938 ( Mar › Div.. Mar 15 Cleburne 8, 017 10, 976 Div... 16 Coffee 6, 171 8, 119 Mar Div... 9 13 10 16 14 17 Colbert (ƒ)…. 12,537 16, 153 Mar... Div.... 2 Mar 18 Conecuh (c, g). 9, 574 12, 605 Div. Mar 19 Coosa.. 11, 945 15, 113 Div... 20 Covington (h). Mar Div.. 21 Crenshaw (h) 16, 024 17, 365 Mar Div... 1 1 1 22 Cullman (i). 6, 355 Mar Div. and the divorces Divorces reported a The counties of Baldwin, Mobile, and Washington form one judicial district are not separable; hence all, as well as population, are credited to Mobile county. prior to 1876 are incomplete, as the courthouse was destroyed by fire January 20, 1888, before the in- vestigation was completed. b In 1877 a part set off to Cullman county. c From 1867 to 1872 divorces for Conecuh county are included with those for Butler county. d For several years prior to 1880 the records of divorce are defective. Organized as Baker in 1868; name changed since 1870. บ CHAPTER VIII.—GENERAL GENERAL TABLES. 215 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES. ALABAMA. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882.1883. 1884. 1885.1886. Total. ය. 3 1 2 8 1 10 5 11 en 5 59 2 9 4 2 2 2 17 14 18 106 } 3 3 2 2 5 12 2 5 8 5 ་་་ 4 4 8 64 · 2 2 2 ית 5 లు. 5 1 3 5 2 45 6 6 3 2 2 3 12 16 14 14 17 113 215 223 220 227 197 256 195 256 207 212 249 195 369 2611 4,519 7 3 3 3 2 21 10 14 10 13 21 8 19 17 15 155 2 1 1 2 LO 5 3 3 5 5 47 } 8 • 9 6 3 3 .5 5 5 8 2 2 .2 9 16 81 3 2 21 5 1 3 LO 10 2 ་་ 41 11 2 3 5 2 3 6 5 3 3 42 132 151 131 142 133 152 162 165 155 136 127 102 152 172 12 1 1 4 6 5 1 3 4 4 7 5 7 10 69 13 1 1 1 3 8 2 51 10 13 5 10 60 14 15 1 3 3 1 1 10 18 13 11 8 ית 5 12 8 15 11 12 12 13 40 251 }16 17 2 5 3 1 1 2 25 3 3 5 12 16 22 12 11 10 11018 19 }20 21 2 5 13 13 11 12 17 11 16 17 19 150 48 56 58 64 601 521 89 75 102 96 700 22 e Marriage records destroyed by fire April 11, 1871. f First court with divorce jurisdiction established in 1871. g Divorces for Escambia county prior to February, 1885, are included with those for Conecuh county. h The counties of Covington and Crenshaw form one judicial district and the divorces are not separable; hence they, as well as population, are credited to Crenshaw county. Organized in 1877 from parts of Blount, Marshall, Morgan, and Winston counties. No divorces granted. 216 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. ALABAMA—Continued. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. | 1868.1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 23 Dale (a) Mar 11, 325 12, 677 Div. + 24 Dallas 40, 705 48, 433 Div... Mar · N 5 4 6 ་་ 25 De Kalb (b)………… Mar 7, 126 12, 675 Div... 1 3 3 26 Elmore 14, 477 17, 502 Div.... S Mar 1 27 Escambia (c) 4, 041 5,719 { Div.... 28 Etowah…. 10, 109 15. 398 S Mar {Div.. 3 29 Fayette (d) 7, 136 10, 135 S Mar Div.. · 30 Franklin 8, 006 9, 155 Mar Div... 2 1 1 co 31 Geneva (e) • 2,959 4,342 { 4,342 Div. (Mar... S Mar 32 Greene 18, 399 21, 931 Div. 1 1 1 Mar 33 Halo.. 21, 792 26, 553 Div.... 3 Mar 34 Henry... 14, 191 18, 761|| Div. 3 3 ་་ 4 3 35 Jackson 19, 410 25, 114 Div. Mar... 254 248 234 186 192 194 Div.... 2 2 1 5 1 S Mar 36 Jefferson (ƒ). - 12, 345 23, 272 Div. 37 Lamar (g) 8, 893 S Mar 12, 142 Div.... 38 Lauderdale 15, 091 Mar 21, 035 { Div... 3 1 4 3 3 39 Lawrence. 16, 658 21, 392 { Div... Mar 137 104 196 239 212 211 3 1 1 40 Lee.. 21, 750 S Mar 27, 262 Div. • 4 2 2 Mar ... 41 Limestone. 15, 017 21, 600 Div.... 4 42 Lowndes. 25, 719 31, 176 { Mar... 43 Macon. 17, 727 S Mar... 17, 371 Div. 1 11 3 2 2 44 Madison • 31, 267 26, 151 S Mar... 37, 625 Div.... Mar.. 30, 890) { Div……… 5 8 11 6 LO 5 45 Marengo. a Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire November 26, 1884. Divorces for Geneva county are included. The divorco records are defective. c Organized in 1868. Prior to February, 1885, divorces are included with those for Conecuh county. } 217 CHAPTER VIII.—GENERAL TABLES. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. ALABAMA—Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. | 1876. | 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. | 1882, | 1883. 1884. | 1885.1886. Total. 129 149 278 23 4 7 11 24 5 3 2 2 5 2 2 5 9 16 25 24 16 24 29 24 38 43 291 25 ~ 3 6 3 4 1 44 1 1 1 . O 26 2 9 3 8 11 16 3 60 27 3 28 2 3 3 2 6 9 3 3 4 56 29 3 5 3 brad 1 3 1 બ 2 3 22 2 2 3 5 2 3 5 2 1 3 37 }30 34 36 42 44 44 42 62 57 47 76 50 70 76 680 1 }31 32 1 3 2 3 3 10 8 9 6 21 16 108 33 2 12 11 11 17 8 13 27 18 18 12 153 34 8 2 6 17 16 8 9 120 236 244 278 224 222 218 256 190 230. 238 266 238 226 264 4, 638 35 1 6 3 6 11 3 6 6 6 2 4 51 70 2 14 es 3 2 36 6 22 1 9 1 20 59 169 2 1 O 37 2 2 1 3 18 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 28 } 38 223 208 178 216 206 232 228 218 226 202 211 228 185 221 4, 081 6 3 1 3 3 9 8 6 39 11 6 11 4 3 85. 5 3 2 2 7 8 3 40 • 14 6 2 13 12 22 118 3 1 2 1 41 2 9 35 1 1 N 2 3 4 12 e 5 13 10 11 14 81 } 42 2 8 6 6 6 G 7 6 5 61 91 9 14 8 5 11 102 } 43 3 4 6 14 44 12 11 133 15 12 17 201 26 136 } 45 d Records of marriages and divorces are defective. e Organized in 1868. No records of marriages kept prior to 1874. Divorces included with those for Dale county. ƒNo records of marriages kept prior to 1870. g Divorces for Marion county included. 218 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. ALABAMA—Concluded. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar. riages and 1867. | 1868.1869.1870. | 1871.1872. divorces. 46 Marion (a). 6, 059 9, 364 Mar.. Div.. 47 Marshall (b) 9, 871 14, 585 Mar.. { Div. 2 2 2 3 48 Mobile (c)……. 59, 227 61, 794 S Mar.... Div.. 6 13 10 7 11 15 49 Monroe. 14, 214 17, 091 Mar.. { Div... 3 1 50 Montgomery 43, 704 52,356 S Mar. › Div. 3 3 2 7 51 Morgan (b). 12, 187 16, 428 { Mar... Div. * 52 Perry... 24, 975 30, 741 Mar... Div.. 81 6 6 5 53 Pickens (d) 17, 690 21, 479 Mar.... { Div.. 1 · 54 Pike.... 17, 423 20, 640 Mar. { Div. 5 2< 1 4 6 55 Randolph..……. 12, 006 16, 575 Mar... 137 140 120 91 98 138 Div... 56 RusseЛ 21, 636 24, 837 Mar... Div... 2 1 57 Saint Clair 9, 360 14, 462 Mar.... 97 38 101 98 99 76 { Div... 1 1 1 58 Shelby 12, 218 17, 236 Mar. { Div.. 1 59 Sumter 24, 109 28, 728 Mar. Div.... 2 4 5 7 9 7 60 Talladega.. 18, 064 23, 360 Mar... Div.. 2 ลง 2 6 3 5 61 Tallapoosa. 16, 963 23, 401 Mar... Div... 1 Co 3 5 62 Tuscaloosa 20, 081 24,957 { Div. Mar.... e 2 5 63 Walker (e). 6, 543 Mar.... 9, 479 Div.... 64 Washington (c). Mar... Div.... 65 Wilcox 28, 377 Mar.. 31, 828 { Div.. 66 Winston (ƒ) 4, 155 4, 253 Mar... Div... Mar... Total 996, 992 1, 262, 505 Div... 78 91 90 114 106 117 a Divorces included with those for Lamar county. Marriage records destroyed by fire March 30, 1887, before data could be obtained. b In 1877 a part set off to Cullman county. c The counties of Baldwin, Mobile, and Washington form one judicial district, and the divorces are not separable; hence all, as well as population, are credited to Mobile county. Divorces reported prior to 1876 are incomplete, as courthouse was destroyed by fire January 20, 1888, before the inves. tigation was completed. + CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL GENERAL TABLES. 219 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. ALABAMA-Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. {46 3 1 .2 2 2 3 3 2 7 4 7 47 56 50/} + 48 10 10 10 17 14 19 19 14 26 17 31 24 22 32 327 S 2 2 8 4 3 2 8 4 1 2 9 51 } 49 50 2 3 3 16 3 51 31 10 20 13 16 35 187 2 6 t 10 1 2 2 2 5 42 } 51 52 5 6 6 9 9 11 11 18 28 31 46 32] 41 20 305 262 206 281 202 204 187 217 207 229 210 53 2 3 1 5 8 3 9 5 12 2 8 16 75 54 6 9 5 2 8 8 9 16 7 11 13 16 148 127 132 136 131 128 142 139 152 168 134 132 128 122 136 2, 631 55 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 4 14 50 .2 1 1 5 G 2 1 4 14 1 12 11 57 82 119 122 115 109 120 124 110 105 129 109 117 113 126 2, 109 57 1 2 1 2 4 1 2 2 3 1 6 4 32 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 6 3 7 9 7 5858 59 4 4 5 5 12 27 14 14 17 24 20 198 60 2 6 8 2 5 21 14 2 6 7 105 10 2 12 2 3 ית 61 5 6 5 6 5 88 62 6 2 6 9 10 12 17 13 11 8 13 10 138 7 14 {63 }61 64 65 66 143 163 146 183 194 268 327 300 413 d Marriage records destroyed by fire November 16, 1876. 395 486 413 515 6625, 201 e Divorces for Winston county included. Divorce records destroyed by fire September 24, 1884. f Divorces for Winston county are included with those for Walker county. Records of divorces destroyed by fire September 24, 1881. In 1877 a part set off to Cullman county. 220 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. + TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. ARIZONA. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. | 1868. | 1869. 1870. 1871. |1872. divorces. 1 Apache (a) 5, 283 2 Cochise (b) 3 Gila (b) 4 Graham (b) Mar { Div.... Mar { Div.... Mar Div.... S Mar { Div.... 5 Maricopa (c). (Mar 5, 689 Div.... 6 Mohave…. 179 1, 190 S Mar Div... 1 1 7! Pima (d)………. Mar 5,716 17, 006 Div 8 Pinal (e) .. 3,044 Div... Mar 9 Yavapai (ƒ) 2,142 5, 013 { S Mar Div... 1 1 10 Yuma 1,621 3,215 { Div.... Mar N 2 1 Total 9, 658 40, 440 { Mar Div. 1 1 2 2 ARKANSAS. 1 Arkansas (g) ……… 8, 268 8, 038 Mar Div... 149 113 104 82 66 7 3 79 1 2 Ashley (h) .. 8, 012 10, 156 Mar Div.. 3 Baxter (i). 6, 4 Benton 13, 831 004 { Div.... Mar 20, 328 { Div.. Mar 5 Boone (j).. 7,032 12, 146 { Mar Div... 6 Bradley (k)………. 8, 646 6, 285 Mar { Div. 38 22 8382 7 Calhoun 3, 853 5, 671 Mar { Div.... 21 8 17 20 8 Carroll (1) 5, 780 13, 337 { Mar Div.. ... 52 63 2 21 9 7 11 5 8 5 8 4 6 3 77 76 74 1 3 2 23 42 46 3 LO CO లు 60 9 Chicot 7,214 Mar 10, 117 { Div. 10 Clark... 11, 953 15,771 S Mar Div... 3 8 11 a Organized in 1879 from part of Yavapai county. b Organized since 1880. c Organized in 1871 from a part of Yavapai county; in 1875 a part set off to Pinal county. d In 1875 a part set off to Pinal county. e Organized in 1875 from parts of Maricopa, Pima, and Yavapai counties. fIn 1871 a part set off to form Maricopa County; in 1875 a part set off to Pinal county; in 1879 a part set off to form Apache county. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 221 TABLE.I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. ARIZONA. 1873. | 1874. | 1875. | 1876. | 1877. | 1878. | 1879. |1880. | 1881. | 1882. | 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 లు 3 9 2 2 2 1 8 15 LO 2 5 ית 5 27 } 3 19 21 28 17 35 31 151 4 2 1 1 1 5 છા 5 1 8 6 GA 2 9 8 71 8 53 1 3 1 3 3 3 1 1 82 8 9 41 6 2 1 8 7 10 4 6 10 51 3 31 48 ~ 2 1 21 } 8 1 5 2 3 3 2 6 4 2 4 3 2 2 31 10 3 2 17 8 5 28 23 17 22 34 27 22 30 237 ARKANSAS. 82 72 121 113 4 LO 5 87 99 106 104 93 79 96 90 110 96 3 8 8 3 4 4 7 10 9 5 1,946 85 1 2 1 11 8 3 2 10 12 4 14 12 9 102 29 651 51 361 46 55 54 60 63 651 59 85 74 93 838 3 1 3 1 1 2 5 4 2 1 1 3 24 4 2 5 4 9 6 15 8 8 12 77 5 52 46 50 64 70 98 116 90 104 96 106 1 1 1 2 ༡ 2 2 3 4 2* 72 80 76 1, 361 0 3 6 1 33 62 72 7 11 2 යය 3 39 61 32 51 31 29 45 53 48 36 513 3 2 8 1 5 7 7 5 5 7 90 } = 7 71 98 71 54 59 58 82 70 106 102 143 169 169 191 1,670 11 6 3 5 བ 7 7 3 7 10 19 30 17 25 21 167 5 214 210 8 10 176 5 258 201 12 180 9 178 6 219 212 272 203 7 11 12 8 152 } 8 } 10 g In 1871 a part set off to Lincoln county. h Divorce records partially destroyed by fire March 1869. j Organized in 1869 from parts of Carroll and Marion counties. In 1873 a part set off to Dorsey county (now Cleveland). ¿ Organized in 1873 from parts of Fulton, Izard, Marion, and Searcy counties. In 1869 a part set off to Boone county. Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire January 28, 1870. ! 222 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. + TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. ARKANSAS-Continued. Population. Mar- Counties. divorces. 1870. 1880. riagesand 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871.4872. 11 Clay (a). 7, 213 12 Cleburne (b)………. 13 Cleveland (c) 8,370 { Mar Div... - · Mar Div.... · Mar Div.. 14 Columbia (d) 11, 397 14,090 { Div... Mar 2 5 11 4 4 11 15 Conway (e) 8, 112 12,755 { Div... Mar 1 LO 5 4 2 6 16 Craighead (ƒ). .- 4,577 7,037 S Mar { Div. 17 Crawford (g) 8, 957 14, 740 { Mar Div.... 18 Crittenden (h) 3,831 9, 415 ... S Mar Div... 46 64 44 63 69 38 3 1 19 Cross.. J 3, 915 5, 050 Mar Div.. 20 Dallas (i) 5,707 6, 505 S Mar • { Div.. 2 1 1 1 2 21 Desha (j)………. 6, 125 Mar 34 8, 973 17 59 41 44 69 Div.. 2 1 1 4 1 1 22 Drew (j) 9, 960 12, 231 Mar --- Div.... 4 4 4 3 23 Faulkner (k)………… 12, 786 Mar Div... 24 Franklin (l) ………… 9, 627 14, 951 { Div... Mar 68 97 150 128 121 6 8 11 2 122 3 25 Fulton (m) 4,843 26 Garland (n)……… 27 Grant (0) 3, 943 6, 185 28 Greene (p)………… 7,573 29 Hempstead (g). 13, 768 19, 015 Mar 6, 720 { Div. 9, 023 · · Mar Div... Mar • Div... Mar 7, 480 { Div. .... Mar Div... ·· 3 5 6 30 Hot Spring (r) 5,877 7,775 Mar Div. · • ... 31 Howard (8) 9, 917 Mar Div... a Organized in 1873 from parts of Greene and Randolph counties. b Organized since 1880. c Organized as Dorsey County in 1873, from parts of Bradley, Dallas, Jefferson, and Lincoln counties; name subsequently changed to Cleveland. d In 1871 à part set off to Nevada county. e In 1873 a part set off to Faulkner county. f Divorce records destroyed by fire March 12, 1878; divorce records incomplete prior to 1886. g Divorce records destroyed by fire March 17, 1877. In 1873 a part set off to Lee county. i In 1873 a part set off to Dorsey county (now Cleveland). In 1871 a part set off to Lincolu county. k Organized in 1873 from parts of Conway and Pulaski counties. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 223 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. ARKANSAS—Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. | 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. | 1881. | 1882. 1883. | 1884. | 1885. 1886. Total. 33 38 55 5 1 3 6 ית 5 4 4 6 34 12 *2 41 35 60 11 7 4 11 61 41 77 45 200 12 3 2 1 8 8 3 1 4 4 6 10 44 (13 123 131 137 152 154 138 113 143 154 146 187 162 14 5 2 2 4 6 5 2 9 2 10 3 6 97 15 7 6 4 3 10 6 13 5 7 3 8 10 107 16 2 4 8 11 25 17 10. 9 5 13 7 5 ת 17 22 8 28 121 122 68] 86 101 88 122 149 224 128 114 115 133 171 148 2,093 18 2 2 4 5 8 6 12 2 1 6 3 7 62 19 1 2 2 3 3 9 6 5 6 52 } 20 103 73 82 80 86 87 101 124 148 101 127 123 148 175 1,822 21 3 3 6 1 3 7 13 12 1 00 8 7 4 16 91 22 2 2 3 3 3 6 9 16 12 10 7 8 9 116 23 4 4 6 3 3 2 13 7 7 12 12 18 11 102 130 109 102 135 125 147 188 193 202 190 193 200 211 248 3, 059 24 2 4 5 CA 3 6 5 9 13 4 9 16. 14 11 24 155 25 141 150 262 139 179 155 198 179 1 1 6 4 12 4 7 8 9 17 3 12 17 101 }26 36 62 61 55 81 36 711 51 58 71 585 4 2 2 2 7 1 18 } 27 62 106 75 84 103 87 99 93 114 122 119 1, 061 7 1 3 1 2 5 7 5 6 7 4 28 48 95 169 213 166 172 19 213 201 251 179 192 245 29 1 1 6 3 4 11 10 18 15 16 8 4 13 130 64 94 131 1 4 128 2 124 198 134 68 82 91 86 76 1, 279 6 12 10 5 4 62 }30 2 31 2 39 7 In 1871 a part set off to Logan county. m In 1873 a part set off to Baxter county. n Organized in 1873 from parts of Hot Spring, Montgomery, and Saline counties. o Organized in 1869 from parts of Hot Spring, Jefferson, and Saline counties. Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire March 13, 1877. 1876. In 1873 a part set off to Clay county. Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire March 5, ૧ In 1867 a part set off to Little River county; in 1871 a part set off to Nevada county; in 1873 a part set off to Howard county. In 1869 a part set off to Grant county; in 1873 a part set off to Garland county. Marriage and di- vorce records destroyed by firo January 22, 1873; marriage records for 1874 incomplete. 8 Organized in 1873 from parts of Hempstead, Pike, Polk, and Sevier counties. 224 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1836, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. ARKANSAS-Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867.1868. 1869.1870. 1871. | 1872. divorces. 32 Independence (a) 14,566 Mar 18, 086 Div.... 5 3 6 the 3 9 41 33 | Izard (b) 6,806 10, 857 Mar Div... 3 2 3 34 Jackson 7, 268 10, 877 Mar Div... 8 5 3 2 4 3 35 Jefferson (c) 15, 733 22, 386 Mar 134 182 178 196 194 180 Div... 3 2 4 6 12 6 36 Johnson (d) 9, 152 11, 565 Mar Div... 4 4 3 2 37 La Fayette (e) Mar 9, 139 5, 730 76 78 170 142 146 135 Div... 2 1 2 1 38 Lawrence (ƒ) 5,981 8,782 Mar { Div.... ... 5 4 2 3 39 Lee (g) 13, 288 Mar Div.... 40 Lincoln (h). 9, 255 Mar Div.... 64 100 5 41 Little River (i) 3,236 Mar*.. 6, 404 { Div... 42 Logan (j) 14, 885 Mar Div. · 43 Lonoke (k) 12, 146 Mar --- Div.... 44 Madison 8, 231 11, 455 Mar Div... 98 114 85 96 98 80 • 3 1 2 3 2 1 45 Marion (1) 3,979 7,907 { Mar Div.... 50 55 60 65 66 70 ... Mar 46 Miller (m). 9, 919 Div... Mar 47 Mississippi 3, 633 7,332 · Div... 2 ་ 6 2 Mar 48 Monroe (n) 8, 336 9, 574 Div.... 4 2 6 3 49 Montgomery (0) 2,981 5,729 { Div... Mar -- 3 2 6 2 50 Nevada (p).. 12,959 Mar Div... 16 128 51 Newton…….. 4,374 6, 120 Mar Div.... 1 2 2 Mar 52 Ouachita (q) 12, 975 11, 758 {Div. Div.. a In 1873 a part set off to Stone county. b In 1873 parts set off to Baxter and Stone counties. c In 1869 a part set off to Grant county; in 1871 a part set off to Lincoln county; in 1873 a part set off to Dorsey county (now Cleveland). d In 1871 a part set off to Logan county. e In 1875 a part set off to form Miller county. ƒ In 1868 a part set off to form Sharp county. Organized in 1873 from parts of Crittenden, Monroe, Phillips, and Saint Francis counties. Organized in 1871 from parts of Arkansas, Desha, Drew, and Jefferson counties; in 1873 a part set off to form Dorsey county (now Cleveland). i Organized in 1867 from parts of Hempstead and Sevier counties. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 225 TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. ARKANSAS—Continued. 1873.1874. 1875. 1876. | 1877. 1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881.1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. • 3 3 14 12 8 3 7 ་ ་་ 4 5 14 118 }3 32 2 2 4 3 5 3 4 5 58 } 33 3 10 6 10 9 7 10 10 16 8 17 9 150 34 186 172 184 164 221 302 272 310 338 234 374 352 398 390 4, 961 4 8 35 12 12 11 13 15 26 28 29 44 421 41 44 362 7 1 3 1 4 4 5 8 36 9 9 88 128 121 62 50 53 45 3 1 2 4 1 LO LO 89 73 67 92 82 80 82 75 1,846 5 2 1 5 4 4 4 3 4537 10 1 1 2 6 15 7 15 13 3 108 38 2 6 14 12 16 14 16 14 18 16 15 20 26 39 189 67 46 82 77 86 129 128 125 96 85 107 110 106 111 1, 519 4 3 1 8 6 12 8 7 11 8 9 7 7 15 11140 } 41 1 6 10 3 18 7 4 8 13 42 77 4 7 8 7 7 12 9 7 13 10 15 14 114 } 43 71 75 3 LOLO 92 110 100 105 113 120 125 109 135 126 108 132 2,092 5 3 6 2 5 2 5 2 1 2 3 4 2 44 58 73 75 80 80 82 685 87 90 95 100 105 110 115 1,543 45 105 121 92 195 81 172 113 158 170 253 139 160 1, 759 2 5 * 4 2 9 5 10 8 6 10 7 46 14 821 t 50 90 77 94 128 125 152 125 157 141 165 153 3 2 2 2 5 61 4 101 4 7 15 15 47 93 3 4 లు. 3 3 9 3 7 15 12 18 7 17 12 7 140 } 48 · 1 1 5 9 11 3 5 7 3 65 } 19 76 78 64 106 6 1 4 104 143 2 162 151 144 136 168 177 152 139 5 7 7 6 3 4 5 6 7 1, 944 63 50 N 2 3 1 2 4 5 4 6 1 1 38 }51 125 4 90 133 138 7 71 137 151 2 10 8 124 2 142 2 112 168 163 71 10 1 1,483 52 j Organized in 1871 from parts of Franklin, Johnson, Scott, and Yell counties. Divorce records destroyed by fire 1877. * Organized in 1873 from parts of Prairie and Pulaski counties. In 1869 a part set off to Boone county; in 1873 a part set off to Baxter county. Divorce records destroyed by fire August 10, 1887. m Organized in 1875 from part of La Fayette county. n In 1873 a part set off to Lee county. o In 1873 a part set off to Garland county. p Organized in 1871 from parts of Columbia, Hempstead, and Ouachita counties. q In 1871 a part set off to Nevada county. Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire December 19, 1875. 20267 M D-15 226 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1836, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. ARKANSAS-Continued, Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. |1868.1869.1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 53 Perry (a) 2,685 3,872 Mar Div... · 54 Phillips (b) 15, 372 21, 262 Mar Div.. --- 3 3 2 8 55 Pike (c)….. 3, 788 6, 345 Mar Div... ית 5 5 5 5 4 4 56 Poinsett (d). 1, 720 2, 192 Mar Div... - • 57 Polk (e) Mar 3,376 5, 857 Div.... 58 Pope........ 8, 386 14, 322 Mar 74 128 77 123 97 86 Div... 5 1 3 3 3 59 Prairie (f).………. 5, 604 8, 435 S Mar 94 98 107 96 105 89 Div.... 4 6 3 4 4 4 60 Pulaski (g) 32, 066 32, 616 Mar 153 93 71 532 203 286 Div... 4 5 11 4 15 12 61 Randolph (h) 7,466 11, 724 Mar Div... 113 92 154 115 141 120 ... 6 2 7 2 1 כז 3 62 Saint Francis (i) ……. 6, 714 Mar 8,389 - Div.... 63 Saline (j) Mar 64 71 68 831 96 89 3, 911 8, 953 Div.... 3 4 2 1 2 2 64 Scott (k)……. Mar 7,483 9, 174 Div... 65 Searcy (1) 5, 614 7,278 Mar Div... 3 2 66 Sebastian (m)……. 12, 940 19, 560 Mar Div... 6 1 1 3 67 Sevier (n). 4, 492 6, 192 { Div.. Mar 68 Sharp (0) 5, 400 Mar 047{ Div.... 69 Stone (p) 5,089 Mar Div... • • 70 Union 10, 571 13, 419 (Mar { Div... ... 122 4 127 135 135 140 135 1 1 4 Mar 80 54 70 81 107 77 71 Van Buren (q)…………… 5, 107 9, 505 Div.. 2 3 4 72 Washington. 17, 266 23, 844 Mar Div... 73❘ White 10, 347 17, 794 (Mar ¿ Div... 105 90 102 152 129 21 31... 154 21 a Divorce records destroyed by fire December 19, 1881. b In 1873 a part set off to Lee county. c In 1873 a part set off to Howard county. Divorce records partially destroyed by fire 18-. d Divorce records destroyed by fire September 23, 1873. e In 1873 a part set off to Howard county. ƒ In 1873 a part set off to Lonoke county. g In 1873 parts set off to Faulkner and Lonoke counties. In 1873 a part set off to Clay county. i In 1873 a part set off to Lee county. Divorce records destroyed by fire December 16, 1874. j In 1869 a part set off to Grant county: in 1873 a part set off to Garland county. T CHAPTER VIII.- 227 -GENERAL TABLES. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. ARKANSAS—Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. сл 53 54 6 13 14 10 4 25 21 24 14 12 13 25 19 227 5 5 5 4 6 112 (55 56 57 74 129 118 109 171 179 138 215 108 165 186 116 169 147 2, 609 1 58 4 3 7 2 7 8 7 12 00 8 7 5 16 13 115 74 84 68 93 86 101 81 111 93 103 107 97 77 81 1,818 1 3 4 4 8 2 4 51 5 21 12 2 2 79 } 59 379 211 245 320 407 12 12 17 14 24 113 147 130 95 107 222858 432 436 413 553 646 621 511 557 615 7,714 60 31 34 47 28 38 46 60 73 512 119 119 135 135 144 161 173 172 2, 582 7 8 5 7 4 LO 5 7 10 10 6 3 13 6 12 124 } }62 61 2 2 3 3 9 5 3 3 4 8 43 78 91 86 81 94 87 98 89 4 1 4 2 7 3 9 95 93 87 96 102 106 110 1, 769 5 10 9 2 4 2 7 83 63 84 138 136 144 130 632 64 2 6 9 3 20 65 72 97 83 80 105 115 3 2 H 3 5 2 2 2 ,44 }65 3 2 2 ~ 1 3 5 9 12 11 00 8 9066 67 68 20 50 46 36 23 45 62 63 62 18 61 62 46 66 693 1 2 69 2 2 3 2 2 14 111 104 123 132 136 151 151 133 140 96 145 128 124 137 3 2 1 1 4 6 5 3 10 2 3 7 7 10 74 2,605 70 102 74 68 99 114 69 127 148 149 100 4 1 3 2 5 3 3 တက 89 79 65 68 1, 820 71 3 3 2 2 40 12 12 6 2 5 12 14 7 14 11 95 } 72 157 157 146 174 31 2 196 2 224 61 178 182 228 267 230 222 201 4 15 11 61 12 10 203| 193 8 3,531 106. } 73 k In 1871 a part set off to Logan county. Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire May 22, 1882. In 1875 parts set off to Baxter and Stone counties. Marriage records precedin: 1880 destroyed by fire July 13, 1886. m County is divided into two districts, and the divorce records of one district were destroyed by fire, April 19, 1882. n In 1867 a part set off to Little River county; in 1873 a part set off to Howard county. o Organized in 1868 from part of Lawrence county. Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire January 20, 1880. p Organized in 1873 from parts of Independence, Izard, Searcy, and Van Buren counties. q In 1873 a part set off to Stone county. g 228 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. ARKANSAS-Concluded. Population. Mar- Counties. 1870. 1880. riages and 1867. |1868. | 1869.1870. | 1871.1872. divorces. 74 Woodruff………. 6, 891 8, 646 Mar Div.. 119 ... 71 119 129 120 110 1 3 4 75 Yell (a).. 8,048 13, 852 S Mar 125 136 123 117 128 106 Div.... Total 484, 471 802, 525 Mar Div. 121 83 113 113 132 129 CALIFORNIA. 1 Alameda.... 24, 237 62, 976 Div Mar 119 120 210 • 216 213 201 5 6 5 11 8 3 2 Alpine...... Mar 685 5 1 41 5 5 539 Div... 1 3 1 3 Amador 9, 582 11, 384 Mar 56 53 52 36 50 75 { Div.... 11 3 8 3 3. 3 4 Butte..... 11, 403 18,721 Mar 30 51 52 Div.. 5 6 22 84 82 75 2 10 8 5 Calaveras... 8, 895 Mar 9, 094 Div.. 288 58 36 46 28 41 38 7 4 2 5 4 8| Colnsa. 6, 165 13, 118 Mar - Div.... 4 2 3 4 7 Contra Costa 8, 461 12, 525 Mar 33 34 42 46 37 36 Div... 2 2 7 4 5 8 Del Norte (b) 2,022 Mär 2,584 Div. 3 2 1 9 El Dorado 10, 309 10, 683 Mar 66 68 36 56 33 43 ... Div.... 9 4 6 6 5 6 10 Fresno.. 6, 336 9, 478 Mar 12 10 11 19 21 Div.. 1 1 1 3 2 11 Humboldt (c) 6, 140 15, 512 Mar { Div... 3 1 6 8 11 12 Inyo 1,956 2, 928 Mar Div.. · 13 Kern. 2, 925 5, 6011 Mar Div... 5 22 92 8 7 7 19 1 1 1 14 Lake.... 2,969 6, 596 S Mar { Div.... 1 1 2 Mar 15 Lassen. 1,327 16 8 16 7 16 18 3, 340 Div.. 2 1 1 3 00 m 16 Los Angeles. 15, 309 33, 381 Mar 87 112 156 - 132 122 152 Div... 3 4 5 7 11 12 Mar 17 Marin.. 6, 903 11, 324 16 14 17 21 25 24 { Div.... 1 1 6 3 4 Mar 21 20 16 17 20 15 18 Mariposa 4,572 4,339 Div... 3 4 3 1 4 19 Mendocino………. 7,545 Mar 12, 800 Div... 3333 50 56 47 69 70 4 2 6 2 9 2 20 Merced 2, 807 5, 656 Mar Div. 15 12 15 16 17 20 ❤ 21 1 2 ... a In 1871 a part set off to Logan county. b Marriages reported are for the years 1870 to 1886, inclusive; the number for each year could not be ascertained. A CHAPTER 229 VIIIVIII. .-GENERAL TABLES. L TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. ARKANSAS—Concluded. 1873.1874. | 1875. | 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881.1882. 1883. 1884. 1885.1886. Total. 97 103 3 82 116 1 4 128 11 131 8 150 171 127 110 149 179 178 3 8 8 7 3 2 8 128 2 2,577 74 661 }74 133 118 134 124 143 136 209 184 280! 212 216 243 259 247 3, 373 }75 143 144 187 243 256 934 383 464 510 422 497 539 582 646 6, 041 CALIFORNIA. 251 288 340 445 422 552 576 508 531 593 478 710 677 651 8, 101 13 14 12 19 15 27 35 1 55 64 63 95 68 67 82 667 3 5 4 3 2 2 1 4 3 1 3 51 5 5 2 3 1 222 45 69 64 69 73 70 68 69 74: 79 63 59 64 76 10 2 5 3 4 9 10 7 8 61 4 13 13 1,264 132 کر 3 70 68 89 88 124 116 82 122 103 121 127 108 95 115 1,802 3 4 11 6 10 10 15 9 7 3 16 17 17 11 172 } 4 41 35 50 37 33 40 45 57 43. 44 45 45 38 32 832 4 8 4 2 1 3 3 4 5 6 2 9 1 ་ 4 82 } 5 7 15 8 10 7 7 6 6 6 4 7 11 8 124 60 60 48 4 5 13 28 58 64 62 65 66 63 56 85 75 83 71 1, 144 4 3 14 19 11 14 19 15 35 1877 284 1 1 1 1 4! 6 3 1 8 1 1 7 34 40 42 45 50 63 53 46 41 45 56 55 55 45 62 1,000! 4 121 4 7 6 8 6 5 6 9 8 3 4 7 5 121 25 23 39 46 38 64 52 57 GO 89 96 85 114 141 1, 002 4 1 7 3 9 7 13 5 10 14 12 11 12 22 137 2,024 10 9 10 10 17 13 18 15 13 13 23 24 11 19 9 232 12 35 37 29 46 45 3 3 2 5 LO CO 47 37 41 37 48 38 45 41 32 613 2 3 2 4 9 3 6 3 5 60 13 2 3 3 1 2 12 7 11 3 7 1 56 14 25 16 19 14 18 19 29 3 1 1 5 ༢° 32 21 33 28 26 31 414 9 5 3 3 7 4 5 57 } 15 167 203 217 277 299 294 20 14 33 28 47 29 34 24 25 32 288888 293 272 270 340 469 509 26 28 29 29 41 52 69999 532 586 55 57 $899 5, 489 563 } 16 39 69 31 31 50 57 47 51 1 2 50 686 3 4 2 4 7 25 31 46 15 7 162 17 29 15 15 20 24 23 20 31 18 26 33 14 20 1 2 20 417 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 3 4 11 1 40 18 66 86 63 84 88 84 103 9 8 9 9 8 3 8 78998 85 82 114 106 7 3 AP 3 11 *2 94 112 104 1,596 12 9 9 133 19 17 35 31 35 4 4 1 28 3 32 41 51 47 49 40 47 20 30 40 557 8 7 11 8 ထ 81 10 89 } 20 c Marriages reported are for the years 1857 to 1886, inclusive; the number for each year could not be ascertained. 230 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. A TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. CALIFORNIA—Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 21 Modoc (a) 4,399 Mar. Div.. • 22 Mono 430 7,499 { Div Mar.. Div.... 23 Monterey (b) 9,876 11, 302 Mar Div... 34 63 81 ་་ 4 13 79 65 74 3 4 3 24 Napa 7, 163 13, 235 Mar Div.... ... ကာ 53 67 61 68 3 3 82 78 66 3 5 7 25 Nevada……. 26 Placer 19, 134 20, 823 { Mar Div.... 85 86 89 ... 10 9 19 ** 78 90 70 4 4 Mar 42 53 52 11, 357 14, 232 52 Div... 7 8 7 22 55 75 4 20 5 8 27 Plumas 4, 489 6, 180 { Div... Mar - 27 23 14 19 11 9 21 7 1 1 2 1 4 28 Sacramento. 26, 830 34, 390 Mar.. Div.... 196 238 249 232 238 290 10 18 25 37 38 33 29 San Benito (c) 5,584 Mar Div.... 30 San Bernardino 3,988 7, 786 { Mar 15 25 8 46 40 48 Div... 2 4 2 4 3 31 San Diego (d) 4, 951 8, 618 Mar.. 8 13 32 36 19 15 Div... 1 32 San Francisco 149, 473 233, 959 Mar Div... 1,660 2,040 2, 186 2, 004 1, 899 2, 006 53 68 93 87 89 141 33 San Joaquin.. 21, 050 24, 349 S Mar... 126 126 123 141 138 185 Div... 8 6 13 16 9 11 34 San Luis Obispo... 4, 772 9, 142 (Mar 16 32 - 26 44 48 44 { Div.... 1 1 1 35 San Mateo.. 6, 635 8, 669 Mar 22 24 48 38 38 36 Div.. 7 4 1 1 36 Santa Barbara (e)……. 7,784 Mar. 22 35 55 68 56 52 9, 513 { Div... 1 1 Mar 153 187 226 218 210 210 37 Santa Clara.. 26, 246 35, 039 { Div. 8 11 9 9 7 16 38 Santa Cruz 8, 743 Mar 50 78 61 63 68 84 12, 802 Div.. 2 2 3 3 3 2 Mar 30 26 30 18 29 26 39 Shasta (d) 4, 173 9, 492 Div.... 1 1 Mar 22 35 24 34 25 40 Sierra.. 5, 619 6, 623 { Div.... 1 1 2 6 22 215 Mar 33 27 26 41 Siskiyou (ƒ)…………. 6, 848 8, 610 · { Div... 5 2 4 Mar 83 42 Solano 16, 871 18, 475 { Div... 1 888888 801 128 123 3 6 43 Sonoma (g)……… 19, 819 25, 926 Mar { Div. 129 129 127 146 7 4 11 44 Stanislaus 6, 499 8, 751 { Div Mar Div.... 10 20 2223 29 7 823 སྱཱ ཤྲུཧྨ ཧྨད 35 45 5 4 77 83 4 5 131 134 7 11 38 11 a Organized in 1874 from part of Siskiyou county. b In 1874 a part set off to form San Benito county. c Organized in 1874 from part of Monterey county. d The divorce records are defective. CHAPTER VIII.- GENERAL TABLES. 231 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd CALIFORNIA-Continued. 1873. | 1874. | 1875. | 1876. | 1877. | 1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883, 1884. | 1885. | 1886. Total 223 27 24 28 29 26 41 1 3 4 5 13 33 32 371 30 56 48 50 461 21 3 6 3 7 2 5 10 5 7 51 96 14 173 77 73 71 13 1 12 crão 78 70 65 74 5 5 7 - ∞ 93 106 87 89 101 97 8 2 4 11 14 11 5 1,573 134 } 23 61 68 61 71 74 77 79 68 79 6 3 6 7 2 3 7 3 012 69 97 94 100 99 1,490 24 5 6 4 6 6 10 95 74 52 18 *7 22 02 104 g༤ gt 353 93 82 97 83 86 7 10 14 8 12 21126 1227 116 126 20 11 10E 104 76 17 192 112 102 1, 880 12 21 7 219 } 25 58 62 60 70 83 71 65 7 1 ما 5 4 9 7 7 19 14 35 13 28 27 35 2 2 4 2 1 1 6 ** ** 74 71 72 9 9 10 24 4 1 20 27 285 66 77 71 7 8 10 24 301 7 2 29 23 1, 281 26 128 22 437 27 60 567 571 540 619 65 47 32 41 53 81 4 11 88 53 651 50 65999 603 60 37 36 88 5595 560 657 679 588 680 560 375 318 9, 411 28 67 57 60 61 52 63 57 58 910 35 23 38 38 35 39 32 47 491 29 4 4 10 4 3 10 11 10 11 6 96 46 44 61 67 75 71 73 61 74 59 127 101 133 9 7 5 4 8 9 5 8 5 9 45 59 52 47 38 46 37 35 65 70 54 46 2 4 2 3 3 5 2 1 3 8 9 5 1,983 2, 187 2, 348 2,558 2, 423 2, 351 2, 137 2, 254 2, 531 2, 576 2, 764 2, 791 2, 729 2,736 186 200 265 235 237 223 243 242 330 318 370 424 353 134 154 162 160 166 14 21 13 16 16 36 47 52 61 2 11 6 4 41 42 21 37 30 1 4 4 2 6- ON ON 205 175 196 201 195 192 254 164 9 10 13 23 25 25 24 53 67 1 5 Ga 70 5 *** 84 95 88 81 82 22 28 42 2 ཝཱ 1, 320 30 26 19 129 75 156 12 394 220 22 82 8 10 10 2 7 བྷཱུ བྷུ དེསཤ 918 9 6931 46,166 4, 551 }32 3, 417 33 27 321 74 1, 168! 31 9 85 33 32 27 34 38 44 47 10 1 3 5 13 14 75 61 521 1 24 73 4 ww 80 551 63 64 71 86 77 70 79 3 3 4 2 7 сл 5 4 5 11 Gã 106 5 220 204 245 268 254 242 255 236 250 240 18 17 31 20 44 27 35 23 24 22230 304 283 2611 29 35 20 20 18 43 711 35 3 83 77 1, 302 36 5 346 85 89 83 101 97 99 98 77 4 3 3 2 8 8 33 26 29 39 1 6 2 ** 58 59 68 4 9 05 06 79 91 111 98 101 6 14 15 20 13 9 69 48 67 67 68 53 8 7 8 2 1 9 32 16 26 6 2 3 GN 21 37 33 18 23 18 39 21 20 34 ** 32 *2 * 5 6 1 2 4 7 7 1 4 1 66 ~8 44 27 32 50 37 37 2 8 1 7 2 1 72 46 34 40 51 52 48 36 4 4 5 3 1 3 71 73 4,812 447 1, 712 137 926 77, 523 61 }37 } 38 39 } 40 808} 41 77 92 85 83 100 94 83 86 98 111 111 106 90 110 1,900 2 8 9 4 7 2 9 20 16 9 13 12 8 141 } + 42 140 184 190 158 229 187 147 143 135 178 185 161 192 185 3, 210 43 15 13 1 15 15 5 19 19 15 11 22 18 18 236 48 46 59 59 31 61 61 54 102 68 84 60 72 4 6 4 6 4 7 ༠ 6 4 61 4 12 223 66 69 1,023 44 9 94 e In 1874 a part set off to Ventura county. ƒ In 1874 a part set off to Modoc county. g The marriage records are defective. 232 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. CALIFORNIA-Concluded. Population. Mar- Counties. 1870. 1880. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces 45 Sutter (a) 5, 030 5, 159 { Mar Div... 23 23 24 27 32 1 22 35 46 Tehama 3, 587 9, 301 { Mar Div.... 2 3 47 Trinity 3, 213 4,999 { Mar 14 18 11 16 15 12 Div.... 2 2 2 1 3 48 Tulare 4, 533 11, 281 { Div.. Mar 29 223 36 50 45 52 48 1 2 4 1 4 49 Tuolumne. 8, 150 7,848 { Mar 421 37 331 33 42 49 Div.. 10 5 5 2 4 1 1 Mar 50 Ventura (b)………. 5, 073 Div.... 51 Yolo.... 9, 899 11, 772 { Div.... Mar 29 50 40 55 61 58 2 3 5 5 3 5 52 Yuba 10, 851 11, 284 Mar 67 108 80 74 89 79 Div.. 3 7 12 13 10 13 Total 560, 247 Mar 864, 694 Div... 200 206 297 298 287 368 COLORADO. 1 Arapahoe... 6,829 38, 644 { S Mar Div... 8 6 17 17 201 2] Archuleta (c)………. 3 Bent (d) 1, 102 4 Boulder 1, 939 9, 723 I 5 Chaffee (e)………. { Mar Div.. Mar 1,654 { Div.. {Div.... Mar 6, 512 { Div.. ... Mar 7 9 9 21 16. 18 17 16 1 Mar 6 Clear Creek. 1,596 7,823 Div.... on 7 7 18 9 12 2 1 2 7 4 Mar 7 Conejos (f)…………. 2, 504 5, 605 Div. 8] Costilla (ƒ) …. Mar 14 11 13 21 18 19 1,779 2,879 ... Div.... 1 1 1 1 2 Mar 9 Custer (g)…………. 8, 080 Div. Mar 10 Delta (h) Div.. Mar 11 Dolores (i) Div.... 12 Douglas (j) 1,388 2,486 Mar Div... 2 5 13 LO 5 10 10 13 Eagle..... Mar { Div.... a The divorce records were destroyed by fire December, 1871, and are defective since that year. b Formed in 1871, and organized in 1873, from part of Santa Barbara county. c Organized since 1880. d Increased in 1874 from part of Greenwood county. The population for 1870 includes that of Greenwood county. e Organized in 1879 from part of Lake county. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 233- TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. CALIFORNIA-Concluded. 1873. 1874.1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879.1880. 1881.1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. |1886. Total. 39 43 29 27 40 32 37 25 30 31 29 38 321 411 637 1 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 27 } 45 46 6 2 4 3 7 10 11 13 13 19 18 19 11 154 8 20 6 1 83 14 15 11 18. 11 11 11 7 13 15 255 47 3! 1 4 1 1 1 22 72 76 86 110 95 108 2 11 1 7 6 8999 88 91 120 102 107 109 132 169 1, 725 48 18 7 4 14 6 6 10 17 14 137 36 311 34 28 36 27 45 4 2 2 1 2 3 3 C 47 471 2 3 2 16 25 39 39 45 31 1 3 2 3 12 36 33 47 *~ ** 24 48 35 44 44 762 2 3 8 2 8 62 } 49 34 39 39 31 43 497 50 2 3 2 2 3 7 1 3 51 37 74 53 66 65 68 88 44 71 75 72 6 9 3 8 5 6 10 4 9 106 77 90 7 74 80 81 69 87 92 8 10 13 13 7 12 7 8 25 67 7 26 19 2100 72 77 79 65 1, 262 8 8 7 10 61 93 81 81 8 13 9 4 1, 639 186 12251 } 52 489 535 573 588 630 594 664 683 829 858 986 1,049 974 1,010 12,118 COLORADO. 238 253 158 196 246 393 427 525 660 770 730 793 842 1 37 331 24 40 39 46 44 74 108 106 142 117 95 107 1,081 2' } 61 5 21 27 16 19 17 14 21 32 14 1 2 2 4 2 55 41 55 64 83 78 54 57 75. 134 130 128 2 2 6 8 11 13 7 21 16 25 25 3 50 99 68 3 8 23 18 2 3* 62 22 88 88 22 32 24 316 3 80. 56 49 324 123 101 100 1, 311 28 14 25. 1 204 S 58 72 417 5 22 21 126 28 55 53 48 39 37 54 32 55 52 1 41 10 6 8 6 8 7 3 48 65 50 59 59 744 7 8 3: 15 5 107 } 6 7 1 2.1 26 14 17 1 1 7-2 9 10 13 12 14 22 31 27 33 24 29 377 2 1 2 7 8 4 1 4 1 1 2 43 } 8 86 55 48 42 30 39 9 3 4 2 7 12 3 10 5 10 8 11 65 51 14 16 21 56 10 14 14 311 5 7 6 2 4 13 26 10 13 9 14 15 13 26 14! 17 5 2 ක 74 7 40' 5 4 15 15 } 11 કા 11 12 243 4 12 13 13 ƒ In 1874 parts set off to Hinsdale, La Plata, and Rio Grande counties. g Organized in 1877 from part of Fremont county. h Organized in 1883. i Organized in 1881. In 1874, a part set off to Elbert county. 234 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. COLORADO-Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. |1863. |1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. Mar 14 Elbert (a).. 1,708 Div. (Mar 3 3 10 9 10 201 15 El Paso. 987 7,949 { Div.. 2 1 16 Fremont (b) 1, 064 4,735 { Div.. Mar 9 8 12 4 22 39 Mar 17 Garfield (c)………… Div.... 18 Gilpin 5, 490 6, 489 { Div. Mar 34 38 29 52 31 45 4 9 19 Grand (d) 417 S Mar { Div. 20 Gunnison (e).. 8, 235 Mar { Div... · • Mar 21 Hinsdale (ƒ)……… 1, 487 Div. Mar • 22 Huerfano 2,250 4, 124 · Div. Mar 23 Jefferson 2, 390! 6, 804 { Div.... 24| Lake (g) ……. 522 23,563 Mar 5 18 17 16 30 5 3 3 7 2 Div.. Mar. · 25 La Plata (h) 1, 110 { Div... 26 Larimer 838 4,892 S Mar ) Dir... 4 9 8 9 6 ୪୫ 8 Mar 27 Las Animas 4, 276 8,903 Div. S Mar 28 Mesa (i) Div.... 29 Montrose (i) 30 Ouray (j) Mar Div... 31 Park Mar 2, 669 { Div.. 447 3,970 Mar Div... 32 Pitkin Mar Div.... 33 Pueblo 2,265 7,617 S Mar { Div.. • 34 Rio Grande (k) 1, 944 Mar Div... 35 Routt (1)…. 140 Mar Div... 36 Saguache... 304 1, 973 Mar Div.. 3 18 24 22 3 25 1 43 5 I 1 4 1 a Organized in 1874 from parts of Douglas and Greenwood counties. b In 1877 a part set off to form Custer county. c Organized since 1880. d Organized in 1874 from part of Summit county; in 1877 a part set off to form Routt county. e Organized in 1877 from part of Lake county. f Organized in 1874 from parts of Conejos, Costilla, and Lake counties. g In 1874 parts set off to Hinsdale, La Plata, and Rio Grande counties; in 1877 a part set off to Gun- nison county; in 1879 a part set off to form Chaffee county. + ! CHAPTER VIII.—GENERAL -GENERAL TABLES. 235 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. COLORADO-Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. | 1877. | 1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881. |1882. 1883. | 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 14 10 48 62 30 51 55 2 4 9 4 4 5 3313 63 86 103 116 84 95 87 91 1,036 15 15 8 12 11 15 14 5 9 120 32 65 55 50 39 64 60 89 42 831 69 55 79 72 948 16 2 2 1 6 2 7 3 6 9 9 13 12 11 13 96 17 51 53 51 54 34 67 48 53 62 46 65 54 LO 5 3 3 5 5 2 81 5 10 13 10 4 13 25 62 47 976 18 5 104 19 1 1 3 4 1 1 42 10 511 67 64 57 42 36 00 8 12 13 17 15 9 13 90 331 20 }20 17 15 8 4 5 4 21 2 4 3 5 4 4 4 4 34 22 34 15 18 27 38 46 30 61 ΤΟ 5 6 11 4 7 7 7 5 8 18 1 2 3 2 8 23 117 211 239 202 165 14 42 51 52 1 6 8 6 6 4! 61 1 5 22 18 80 88 82 56 55 70 64 670 23 8 19 33 160 199 138 180 1,505 24 38 35 26 25 283 63 40 55 49 299 25 20 11 7 14 100. 41 16 18 15 18 30 31 33 48 72 67 69 42 1 1 8 8 3 10) 19 51 6 7 25 70 580 26 10 83 S 81 2 7 219295 90 95 103 100 128 16 14 13 2 71 } 27 15 22 22 37 41 6 7 51 6 12 35 26 6 7 10 82 22 96 22 }28 79 29 23 30 1 2 6 31 1 1 3 1 3 5 30 32 49 48 39 36 25 49 86 87 123 219 214 218 131 156 1, 615 33 3 4 7 3 3 LO 8 15 20 21 31 30 25 25 209 34 4 4 2 1 3 1 3 9 2 1 2 49 2 2- 2 1 6 12 1 1 2 }35 ! 9 12 13 12 19 17 15 16 21 26 23 20 28 23 260 36 41 1 21 21 31 4 8 6 5 3 10 48 h Organized in 1874 from parts of Conejos, Costilla, and Lake counties; in 1876, a part set off to San Juan county. i Organized in 1883. j Organized in 1877 from part of San Juan county. k Organized in 1874 from parts of Conejos, Costilla, and Lake counties. Organized in 1877 from part of Grand county. 236 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. COLORADO-Concluded. Mar- riages and 1867. 1868. 1869, 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. 2 37 San Juan (a).. 1, 087 S Mar Div... w - 38 San Miguel (b). Mar Div... 39 Summit (c) 258 5,459 S Mar Div... 40 Weld.. 1, 636 5, 646 S Mar { Div.... 4 Total 39, 864 194, 327 Mar Div.... CONNECTICUT. LO 5 3 4 223 • 12 9 30 28 42 1 Fairfield…….. 95, 276 Mar 112, 042 742 727 733 699 727 792 Div.. 59 65 99 63 74 83 2 Hartford.. Mar 109, 007 125, 382 975 926 1,071 1, 220 1,094 1,086 Div.... 73 74 67 67 81 71 3 Litchfield.. 48, 727 52, 044 S Mar 418 347 337 380 366 373 Div... 40 26 46 39 33 23 4 Middlesex • 36, 099 35, 589 Mar 281 282 224 281 269 304 Div.. 15 17 30 23 16 26 5 New Haven.. 121, 257 156, 523 S Mar 1,093 1, 156 1, 218 1, 177 1, 232 1, 228 Div.... 160 177 139 105 107 119 6 New London... 66, 570 73, 152 (Mar { Div... 643 -- 708 602 628 634 636 87 66 7 Tolland.. 22,000 Mar 24, 112 {Div... 205 173 228 27 27 8 Windham. 38, 518 43, 856 { Div.. Mar 422 415 39 341 41 ཙ སྤུསོ བྱཱུཧྨ 64 56 42 57 180 190 226 18 11 42 406 370 378 28 41 48 28 Total 537, 454 622, 700 Mar Div.... 4,779 4,734 4, 754 4, 971 4, 882 5, 023 500 493 497 412 412 449 DAKOTA. (d) 1 Aurora (e) 69 S Mar { Div. # · 2 Barnes (f) -- 1, 585 Mar Div... • 3 Beadle (g) Mar 1,290 Div.. 4 Benson (b) Mar · • Div.. 5 Billings (b) 1, 323 Mar · Div. 6 Bon Homme 608 5, 468 Mar Div.. · a Organized in 1876 from part of La Plata county; in 1877, a part set off to form Ouray county. b Organized in 1883. c In 1877, a part set off to form Grand county. CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 237 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. COLORADO-Concluded. 1873.1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 1 43 29 24 37 3 1 5 6 5 5 30 10 8 72 13 7 37 1 3 14 }38 18 25 19 19 9 21 111 1 5 11 1 3 6 3 30 25 26 37 30 35 44 64 73 76 1 6 2 5 5 7 7 88 68 10 ထက 83 871 5 11 770 } 59 }: 39 } 4 40 59 63 83 91 102 138 153 250, 362 440 510 476 387 451 3,687 CONNECTICUT. 712 678 657 638 658 675 668 700 811 817 801 864 872 932 14,936 71 77 79 68 87 79 62 68 79 69 88 77 85 69 1, 501 1 1,075 1, 057 1, 025 980 961 919 915 996; 1,014 1, 132 1, 164 1, 114 1,084| 1,182 20, 990; 102 85 68 80 73 74 50 49 80 66 76 74 76 128 1, 514; 2 348 3898 341 320 297 320 321 351 372 353 331 359 317 346 317 6, 974 40 41 46 25 36 24 25 32 37 16 31 14 19 18 611 3 262 263 216 266 224 252 230 262 260 271 257 278 237 273 5, 192 28 19 25 23 22 19 12 12 10 18 25 18 18 11 387 149 165 73 669 604 553 577 564 514 575 616 54 78 55 53 45 52- 39 38 197 176 174 174 195 181 165- 202 26 33 25 27 22 21 16 1,227 1, 2161, 090 1, 079|| 1, 036 1, 110 1, 134 1, 227 1, 293 1,562 1,678 1,639 1,419 1,610 25, 424 90 98 114 86 101 115 133 114 70 110 101 38 52 809999 33 22 88888 3265 2,326 591 51 602 602 6481 618 621 48 43 44 46 12, 205 1,037 } 6 154 202 200 169 170 165 3, 729 20 23 19 26. 19 25 173 351 359 50 49 38 350 309 361 33 24 340 335 28 30 370 374 382 377 335 345 367 30 36 28 31 22 27 22 7,287 673 8 4,841 4, 694 4,385 4,320 4,319 4,315 4,373 4, 745 4,850 5, 329-5, 441 5, 394|| 5,091 5, 497| 461 531 498 380 412 412 325 316 428 401 423 341 398 420 DAKOTA. (₫) 96, 737 8, 542 1 3 1 હ 1 5 11 4 20 < 1 12'}6 d In this territory it is believed that divorces are reported for all the counties organized prior to 1887. Those counties for which no divorces are shown are probably attached to other counties for judi- cial purposes, and the figures inseparably combined with those for the counties to which so attached. e Organized in 1881. f Organized in 1878. g Organized in 1880. h F - 238 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. DAKOTA—Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 7 Boreman. Mar 534 Div.. 8 Bottineau (a) 9 Brookings (b) 163 4, 965 {Div. Mar {Div.. Mar Mar 353 10 Brown (c). Div... Mar 238 11 Brulé (d). Div. Mar 246 63 12 Buffalo (e) --- Div... 13 Burleigh (ƒ) · 14 Butte (g).... 3,246 { Div. Mar Div.... Mar ... 15 Campbell (g). 16 Cass (f) Mar 50 {Div.. 8,998 Mar Div.... Mar 17 Cavalier (a). {Div... 18 Charles Mix (d). 152 407 Mar Div.. 19 Clark (c) Mar... 114 Div.... 20 Clay 21 Codington (h) 22 Custer (i) • 23 Davison (ƒ). 24 Day (j)……….. 25 Deuel (h) 26 Dickey (k)………. 27 Douglas (j). 28 Eddy (1) 29 Edmunds (g) 30 Emmons (g) a Organized in 1884. b Organized in 1871. c Organized in 1880. Mar 2, 621 5,001 Div. 1 1 2 Mar 2, 156 Div... 995 (Mar { Div.. Mar 1, 256 Div.... 97 Mar Div. • 37 2, 302 Mar Div. .... Mar Div.. Mar 6 Div.... S Mar { Div.... Mar Div... 38 $ Mar Div.. d Organized in 1879. e Organized in 1872. ƒ Organized in 1873. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 239 TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. DAKOTA-Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. | 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885, 1886. Total. { 1 > 5 3 2 7 8 6 5 4 6 4 25 10 N 2 1 8 9 29 2 4 2 9 }} 11 12 5 2 3 15 1 2 42 } 13 14 15 16 3 3 2 9 10 11 16 27 18 14 16 131 17 18 1 3 1 6 1 9 } 19 2 2] 3 8 7 9 5 31 1 20 50 1 4 2 1 6 23 21 1 2 2 o22 N 23 5 9 24 1 1 1 2 2 3 25 9 26 1 1 2 27 1 1 28 { Organized in 1883. Organized in 1878. ¿ Organized in 1877. ❤ j Organized in 1881. * Organized in 1882. Organized in 1885. 29 } 30 240 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. DAKOTA-Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. 31 Fall River (a) Mar- 1865 riages and 1867. 1868. 1869.1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. Mar Div.... 32 Faulk (a)……. 33 Foster (a) 34 Grand Forks (b) Mar Div.. 4 37 S Mar Div.. Mar · -- ... 6, 248{ Div.. 35 Grant (c) 3, 010 { Mar Div... ... 36 Griggs (d) 37 Hamlin (c)………… 38 Hand (d). Mar Div. Mar 693 { Div.. Mar 153 { Div. Mar 39 Hanson (e)……… 1, 301 Div.... 40 Hughes (f) 268 Mar Div.... 41 Hutchinson (e) 37 5,573 Div. Mar A D 42 Hyde (g)- Mar Div... 43 Jerauld (α) Mar Div.. Mar 44 Kidder (ƒ)………… 89 Div.. Mar 45 Kingsbury (b) 1, 102 --- Div.... 46 Lake (h). 2, 657 Mar Div. 47 La Moure (i)………… 20 S Mar ¿Div. ... Mar 48 Lawrence (j) 13, 248 Div... 49 Lincoln (k)……… 712 5, 896 Mar Div... 50 Logan (g) 51 McCook (c) 1,283 S Mar { Div. Mar Div.. 52 McHenry (g). 53 McIntosh (g). 54 McLean (a)…. 55 McPherson (a).. a Organized in 1883. b Organized in 1879. Mar Div.. ... Mar Div. Mar • Div.. Mar Div... c Organized in 1878. d Organized in 1882. e Organized in 1871. ƒ Organized in 1880. CHAPTER VIII. GENERAL TABLES. 241 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. DAKOTA—Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. | 1879. 1880. | 1881. | 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 61 5 81 3 3 {31 33 33 34 12 13 12 6 51 53 5 7 11 53 35 4 1 1 10 36 52 52 ૭ 21 } 37 38 2 6 8 39 4 31 2 3 14 2 61 11 2 21 } 40 41 5 1 6 42 43 44 1 2 6 1 12 45 4 1 1 12 } 16 46 1 47 1 1 15 17 11: 9 14 48 11 16 94 2 8 9 3 4 Hi 2 19 42 }50 51 g Organized in 1884. h Organized in 1873. i Organized in 1881. j Organized in 1877. 20267 M D-16 52 53 1 }54 }55 k Organized in 1867. 242 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR, TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. DAKOTA-Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 56 Marshall (a) ……. Mar { Div... 57| Mercer (b) Mar > Div.. 58 Miner (c). 363 < Mar Div. - 59 Minnehaha (d) 355 8, 251 60 Moody (e)………. Mar Div.. Mar - • 3,915 Div... Mar Div... 4 .... 61 Morton (f). 200 62 Nelson (b)…. › S Mar Div... • 63 Oliver (a) Mar { Div... Mar 64 Pembina (g)……… 1, 213 4,882 Div... 65 Pennington (h). 2,244 S Mar { Div... 66 Potter (3)…………. S Mar Div.. Mar 67 Kamsey (b) 281 Div.... 68 Ransom (ƒ)……. 537 Mar Div... 69 Richland (e). 3,597 70 Roberts (b) 71 Rolette (a)……. 72 Sanborn (b) S Mar { Div.. Mar ... - Div... Mar • Div.... Mar Div.... 73 Sargent (b) Mar Div... 74 Spink (i) 477 Mar Div. ... 75 Stark (b) .. 76 Steele (b) 77 Stutsman (e) 78 Sully (b) 1,007 { 206 Mar Div.. ... Mar Div... Mar Div... Mar Div.. Mar ¿ Div………… Mar Div.. 79 Towner (b) 80 Traill (j) - a Organized in 1885. b Organized in 1883. d Organized in 1868. ƒ Organized in 1881. 4, 123 c Organized in 1880. e Organized in 1873. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 243 TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. DAKOTA—Continued. > 1873. 1874. | 1875. 1876. | 1877. 1878. 1879.1880. 1881. | 1882. 1883. | 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 4 2 4 3 56 57 58 3 59 N 2 9 11 11 18 16 96 2 13 } 60 3 1 5 }61 3 1 3 2 2 7 3 9 1 3 3 } 62 63 64 3 2 11 32 (65 1 } 66 1 5 }67 68 1 3 69 5 9 {70 70 71 72 2 73 2 6 12 {74 75 3 4 31 76 77 14 78 1 1 79 11 • 1 & Organized in 1871. Divorce records destroyed by fire May, 1879. 1 3 i Organized in 1879. 09 80 j Organized in 1875. 244 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. DAKOTA-Concluded. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. 1868. 1869.1870. 1871. | 1872. divorces. 81 Turner (a) 5, 320 82 Union 3, 507 6, 813 { 83 Walsh (b)..... 84 Walworth (c) 85 Ward (d) 85 Wells (e) Mar Div.... Mar Div.... Mar ... Div.... 46 Mar Div... Mar { Div... Mar {Div... 5 2 87 Yankton (ƒ). 2,097 8, 390 Mar Div... 1 Total. g11,748 g132, 858 S Mar { Div... 1 2 9 2 DELAWARE. * 1 Kent (h) 29, 804 32, 874 Div. Mar - 5 3 5 2 New Castle (h). 63, 515 77, 716 (Mar › Div... - 12 16 11 Mar 3 Sussex (h) 31, 696 36, 018 { Div.... 8 2 1 5 4 Unknown (i) { Mar Div.... Total (h) 125, 015 146, 608 Mar Div. • · 25 1 21 1 21 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1 Washington 131, 700 177, 624 Mar Div... 1, 912 1, 717 1, 162 1, 590 1, 328 1, 645 28 23 24 67 39 47 FLORIDA. 1 Alachua 2 Baker (j) 17, 328 Mar 16, 462 125 { Div. 120 4 123 4 111 4 107 1 117 2 1, 325 Mar 2, 303 { Div.... 3 Bradford (j). Mar 3,671 6, 112 ** { Div... 4 Brevard 5 Calhoun (k) 1, 216 1,478 S Mar { 1 4. 1 Div.. 998 b Organized in 1881. a Organized in 1871. c Organized in 1883. Mar 1,580 Div. d Organized in 1885. e Organized in 1884. f Record prior to 1877 defective. The population of certain unorganized parts of the territory is not included in the total, as only such counties as were organized prior to January 1, 1877, appear in this table. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 245 TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. DAKOTA-Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. | 1876. | 1877. | 1878.1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. | 1883. | 1881. | 1885.1886. Total. 1 3 2 2 1 3 3 1 3 81 01 1 1 2 1 6 18 ית 5 7 יתי 5 7 6 5 8 61 }82 83 1 1 2 84 }85 86 4 5 5 4 31 15 10 13 15 16 104 87 ་ ་ 17 30 72 77 123 153 172 188 179 1,087 9 10 12 16 15 DELAWARE. 354 156 178 206 197 206 1, 297 7 3 5 5 9 50 80 261 343 309 289 486 1,768 2 13 6 3 5 10 5 17 сл 12 6 11 11 19 7 170 56 150 197 163 307 279 1, 152 3 5 2 1 1 3 12 3 7 131 2 65 4 4 490 567 718. 678 793 971 25 00 8 6 16 6 36 5 20 6 27 11 41 9 4, 217 289 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1, 737 1,653 1, 669 1, 590 1,541 1,638 1, 753 1, 623 1, 618 1, 655 1, 881 2,130 2,053 2,170 34,065 64 73 56 58 74 49 40 66 65 55 66 81 55 75 1 1, 105 FLORIDA. } 130 125 4 124 5 122 132 138 145 140 142 161 200 168 216 236 2,885 11 4 11 7 11 1 10 11 16 9 13 13. 140 32 31 30 25 22 30 25 33 34 34 296 2 1 1 31 9 9 55 50 54 49 40 52 44 32 30 54 460 1 1 3 3 10 4 3 3 сл 5 39 9 1 10 4 9 5 7 14 22 18 18 20 26 173 1 1 4 1 1 3! 4 14; 224 5 · h No report of marriages made prior to 1881, as records before that date are very defective. i A majority of the divorces in Delaware were granted by the legislature, and have been credited to the proper counties. Owing to deficiencies in the records, the four cases classed as "unknown' could not be so credited. "} 1 j Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire k Divorce records destroyed by fire 1876. • inclusive; the number for each year could not be ascertained. Marriages reported are for the years 1867 to 1886, * .f. J > 246 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1857 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. FLORIDA-Continued. Population. Mar. Counties. 1870. 1880. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 6] Clay (a)... 2, 098 2,838 { Div. Mar 1 -1 7 Columbia (b)………… 7, 335 (Mar 9, 589 › Div……. 8 Dade (c) 85 257 Mar Div.. · 9 Duval. 11, 921 19, 431 Mar 170 208 206 176 193 171 Div... 5 7 4 8 7 6 10 Escambia Mar 7,817 12, 156 65 54 92 85 131 137 Div.. 3 2 3 2 11 Franklin (d) 1, 256 1, 791 { Mar Div.. 12 Gadsden (d) 9, 802 12, 169 { Div.... Mar 1 3 2 13 Hamilton Mar 70 44 501 48 49 46 5, 749 6, 790 Div.. 2 6 2 14 Hernando (e) 2,938 4, 248{ Mar { Div.. 15 Hillsborough Mar 53 27 50 39 49 73 3, 216 5, 814 Div. 6 3 16 Holmes (ƒ) Mar 1,572 2, 170 { Div... 17 Jackson 9, 528 14, 372 Mar Div... 242 88 154 141 128 133 - 1 6 2 5 18 Jefferson 13, 398 16, 065 Mar Div.... 126 103 100 105 107 79 2 3 1 19 La Fayette (g)…-- 1, 783 2, 441 { Div... Mar 22 19 20 17 25 20 20 Leon... 15, 236 19, 662 Mar Div... 222 193 309 225 224 205 ... 2 1 2 21 Levy 2, 018 Mar 5,767 { Div... 42 48 52 55 57 60 1 1 3 1 22 Liberty (d) 1,050 1, 362 Mar Div.... · · 23 Madison 11, 121 14,798 Mar Div.... 106 89 154 140 144 138 1 3 4 4 2 1 Mar 6 9 22 21 24 20 24 Manatee….. 1,931 3, 544 Div... 1 1 Mar 114 113 98 90 110 105 25 Marion 10, 801 13, 040 Div... 1 1 4 31 26 Monroe. 5, 657 10, 940 Mar 67 53 67 56 71 106 Div.. 4 5 7 5 3 10 27 Nassau 4, 247 6, 635 Mar Div.... 46 48 49 421 55 2 2 3 62 57 1 28❘ Orange 2, 195 6, 618 S Mar { 2230 201 32 44 36 Div... 21 2 a Marriage and divorce records destroyed c No divorces granted. b Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire December 20, 1874. d The marriages reported are for the years 1867 to 1886, inclusive; the number for each year could not be ascertained. -, 1873. CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 247 TABLE I.—MARRIAGÉS AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1836, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. FLORIDA-Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. | 1876. | 1877. | 1878.|1879.1880. 1881. | 1882. | 1883. | 1884. | 1885. 1886.| Total. 19 1 2220 22 25 27 28 30 21 31 58 49 42 57 45 474 ] 2 2 1 7 4 4 3 1 6 37 } 6 98 86 96 84 85 96 106 154 119 114 122 98 1,258 7 3 2 2 6 21 42 3 7 5 6 8 4 52 8 146 190 189 195 253 268 224 245 274 303 319 337 370 414 4,851 9 12 10 4 5 9 12 14 15 12 26 25 12 23 45 261 115 188 160 86 130 135 189 155 195 182 197 213 217 203 2, 929 10 } 3 6 4 4 4 6 9 12 4 12 16 92 410 ແ 11 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 21 23 1,019 12 1 5 5 - ~ 10 5 LO 5 4 1 2 4 58 451 44 47 51 54 60 66 60 57 56 58 59 58 60 1,082 13 1 1 2 1 6 1 2 2 1 31 40 47 38 43 47 41 39 67 83 90 535 14 1 2 2 2 6 Сл 5 6 5 1 30 39 44 47 51 89 41 66 64 54 57 73 98 96 135 1,245 15 2 4 1 1 1 5 3 4 4 7 4 9 9 63 16 141 130 131 181 127 174 199 200 141 181 161 162 193 187 3, 194 10 2 6 6 4 3 4 6 6 LO 5 LO 17 5 3 6 8 88 137 126 140 126 148 150 117 170 142 136 127 132 127 114 2, 512 1 1 3 1 18 1 2 9 8 8 6 2 6 61 23 30 27 24 30 26 25 26 24 35 33 40 36 47 519 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 9/19 291 180 2831 176 206 217 137 220 151 247 185 2391 185 125 1 3 3 LO 5 9 12 6 4 11 11 7 7 63 67 69 72 75 89 61 67 75 106 81 80 98 328 12 4, 228 96 20 82 1,399 5 3 3 2 2 3 6 11 7 1 5 11 1 6621 221 1 22 3 1 1 146) 140 144 167 154 134 170 132 158 136 142 140 142 150 2,826 7 4 2 2 5 4 9 5 1 5 1 12 2 7123 34 34 35 21 30 25 27 33 42 3 27 37 52 41 80 623 1 1 2 1 41 4 24 1 ལ 1 19 106 100 112 115 120 125 144 130 127 158 176 152 214 203 1 2 6 5 14 9 10 10 11 6 12 11! 15 8 2,612 129 25 114 126 141 120 117 144 131 150 148 149 153 195 192 273 2,573 2 5 7 9 4 4 5 5 5 11 16 16 10 10 143 {26 601 63 71 70 90 74 601 86 86 76 110 74 60 2 3 2 89 1, 366 1 5 5 1 4 3 3 1 27 21 3 1 46 24 24 48 60 44 44 76 2 8 2 2 51 62 51 91 108 155 162 242 232 1, 504 8! 11 14 71 12 28 17 115 e Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire September 1, 1877. f Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire November 2, 1886. g Divorce records destroyed by fire · 1873. 248 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1836, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. FLORIDA-Concluded. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 29 Polk. 3, 169 3, 181 Mar Div.... 13 9 --- 23 30 21 23 1 3 3 30 Putnam 3, 821 6, 261 { Mar 40 31 56 75 55 58 Div.... 2 31 Saint John's... 2, 618 4, 535 S Mar 28 32 --- 28 30 36 29 { Div... 1 1 32 Santa Rosa (α). ( Mar 3, 312 6, 645 94 88 80 Div.... 1 1 33 Sumter .. Mar 16 19 18 2, 952 4,686 17 21 24! Div.. 1 2 34 Suwannee 3,556 7, 161 Mar { Div. 48 51 54 57 55 ... 54 3 2 1 4 35 Taylor..... 1, 453 2,279 Mar Div... 18 24 19 20 21 23 ... 2 36 Volusia.. 1,723 3,294 Mar {Div.. 13 25 26 26 15 --- 5 1 band en 19 1 37 Wakulla (b) Mar 2, 506 2, 723 { Div.. 2 2 38 Walton (c). 3, 041 4, 201 S Mar { Div. 39 Washington (d). 2, 302 4, 089 Mar Div.. ... Total 187, 748 269, 493 Mar Div... 32 28 52 57 29 51 GEORGIA. 1 Appling 5, 086 5, 276 Mar Div.. - 2 3 4 2 Baker (e) 6, 843 7,307 { Div.... Mar 3 Baldwin 10, 618 13, 806 { Mår 103 138 210 130 114 138 Div.. 21 11 5 4 4 Banks 4,973 7,337 { Mar 40 45 50 60 60 45 Div... 1 1 5 Bartow 16, 566 18, 690 { Mar Div... 180 171 167 177 182 175 3 3 5 2 6 Berrien 4, 518 6, 619 {Div.. Mar Div.... 3 2 1 7 Bibb. 21, 255 8 Brooks (f)... 8, 342 11, 727 27, 147 { Div. Mar Mar 267 249 271 244 4 8 2 9 306 9 235 8 Div.... Mar 9 Bryan 5, 252 4, 929 Div.. 10 Bulloch (g).... 5,610 8, 053 Mar Diy. 2 30 36 32 41 49 31 1 • -, 1869. a Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire b Marriages are reported for the years 1867 to 1836, inclusive; the number for each year could not be ascertained. Divorce records are defective. c Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire 1885. d Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire ——————- —, 1872. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 249 A TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. FLORIDA—Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878.1879. 1880. 1881.1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 33 29 38 28 25 30 31 29 37 30 47 67 63 66 1 1 1 1 4 3 2 1 6 4 w8 672 29 34 > 52 51 49 53 64 66 85 48 73 77 91 110 100 116 1,350 30 3 4 4 2 10 4 12 7 8 10 6 6 9 87 30 30 35 40 2 4 2 84 96 64 74 80 228 42 51 45 50 40 39 48 69 59 96 857 3 2 3 2 1 6 2931 81 83 85 84 82 86 881 87 82 1,418 1 2 7 1 1 1 3 4 4 1 1 7 35 က } 32 23 221 201 36 31 541 49 54 53 73 76 93 107 95 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 3 4 32 901 33 24 54 60 60 57 75 90 75 78 90 90 66 71 71 111 1, 367 4 2 1 1 4 5 3 3 5 41 61 7 55 17 20 28 21 32 30 28 22 21 23 25 21 231 25 461 7 6 6 1 4 2 1 2 20 30 34 36 34 44 42 44 4 2 4 1 3 5 5 心​出 ​44 36 66 78 80 84 796 2 8 9 13 7 11 81 } 34 31 } 35 } 36 380 1 1 1 CO 3 1 3 2 3 3 25 }37 38 38 2, 2 15 16 42 44 36 47 32 51 39 37 36 45 5 3 2 5 2 1 心​在 ​44 69 553 2 38 21. § 39 58 61 85 85 89 104 130 149 153 174 200 158 201 232 2, 128 GEORGIA. 1 4 3 2 1 3 4 3 4 44 S 1 เว 2 2 1 1.. 5 144 108. 125 114 196 103 346 118 398 117 158 1631 163 1831 3,269 3 4 4 2 2 3 2 2 3 5 39. S 50 60 65 62 61 50 70 70 52 70 72 69 78 80 90 1,229 2 1 1 2 3 11.5 4 183 172 169 173 186 191 177 185 168 179 187 193 197 201 3, 613 1 4 4 8 1 2 1 5 5 2 3 5 6 571 1 2 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 5 6 36 299 272 262 212 220 235 288 286 301 306 335 297 330 387 5, 602 9 5 6 4 8 2 2 2 1 8 8 7 4 6 112} 7 2,088 2 7 3 1 3 31 ~ 1 3 Co 8 37 1 1 1 2 2 9 2 12 43 54 45 27 39 33 38 58 55 46 77 60 81 81 956 3 4 3 2 2 1 1 23 } 10 1873. } ! e Divorce records destroyed by fire December f The marriages reported are for the years 1867 to 1886, inclusive; the number for each year could not be ascertained. g The divorce records are defective. 250 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ? TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. GEORGIA—Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 11 Burke (a)………. 17, 679 Mar 27, 128 --- Div.. 12 Butts (b) 6, 941 8, 311 { Div. Mar 1 2 1 13 Calhoun 5, 503 7,024 { Div.... Mar 64 56 61 58 41 72 1 14 Camden (c).. Mar 8 18 4, 615 6, 183 33 18 6 33 Div... 15 Campbell (d) Mar 94 85 9, 176 9, 970 83 65 76 81 Div.. 3 1 16 Carroll (e) Mar 143 11, 782 152 129 131 153 16, 901 150 Div... 1 1 3 2 2 Mar 17 Catoosa. 4, 409 4, 739 Div.... 2 1 18 Charlton….. 1, 897 2, 154 S Mar 16 14 12 13 10 8 Div.... 19 Chatham (a). 41, 279 45, 023 Mar Div... • 3 2 ית 5 6 Mar 20 Chattahoochee... 6, 059 5, 670 Div. 1 1 Mar 21 Chattooga 6, 902 10, 021 Div... 22 Cherokee . 10, 399 14, 325 Mar 123 89 40 69 80 103 { Div... 3 3 3 23 Clarke (ƒ). 12, 941 11, 702 Mar 85 92 76 81 74 65 Div... 1 1 3 1 24 Clay (g) 5, 493 6,650 {Div.. Mar LO 5 29 27 Div.... 1 25 Clayton..... 5,477 8,027 { 26 Clinch. 3, 945 4, 138 Div. Mar Div... Mar 1 1 27 Cobb 13, 814 20, 748 Mar Div.... 161 140 115 145 161 168 2 1 2 3 Mar 28 Coffee 3, 192 5, 070 Div.... 29 Colquitt (h). 1,654 30 Columbia (i) 13, 529 31 Coweta 15, 875 21, 109 32 Crawford ….. 7,557 8, 656 Mar 2,527 { Div... • Mar 10, 465 Div Div... Mar Div.... Mar Div.. - · 66 65 64 131 6 129 3 118 112 128 134 2 2 2 33 Dade 3,033 4,702 Mar Div.. 27 36 67 46 20 52 ... 1 1 Mar 34 Dawson 4,369 5,837 Div. 41 2 a The marriages reported are for the years 1867 to 1886, inclusive; the number for each year could not be ascertained. b Marriage records destroyed -.1873. c The marriage record for 1871 is defective. d In 1870 a part set off to form Douglas county. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 251 } TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. GEORGIA-Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 3 2 12 2 · 6 · 00 LO CO 4, 022 3 ית 11 5 3 3 1 4 6 10 1 8 2 54. 5 38 40 26 33 41 30 58 66 82 120 25 12 4 4 2 1 1 2 26 76 73 89 46 49 46 71 38 68 46 43 29 78 61 1,165 13 1 1 1 1 1 6 3 13 32 39 38 50 54 46 70 65 44 47 40 32 41 14 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 9 105 94 82 83 68 89 3 1 88828 85 102 971 90 70 741 87 91 1,706 15 2 3 2 2 2 3 1 25, 75 193 171 140 223 233 220 245 191 237 2 7 1 3 2 4 2 7 6 LO 5 5 4 3 64 61} 16 17 3 1 2 9 9 10 8 12 16 18 12 23 20+ 20 18 17 17 25 298 18 1 1 1 2 5 S 9, 296 11 6 19 3 6 8 16 16 18 20 16 22 182 2 1 1 2 1 11 }20 21 1 109 123 4 3 95 110 1201 5 4 38 66 1 95 *2 25 ** 105 192 98 133 134 109 117 124 117 103 95 113 2, 079 6 4 2 3 3 5 4 ་་་ 7 58 116 103! 97 104 95 125 143 134 140: 155 173 2, 183 3 8 1 5 8 2 11 5 6. 51 2 70 88 77 105 83 78 89 109 76 70 65 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 76, 22 } 23 16/$24 2 2 2 1 2 3 1 3 26 25 26 249 3 276 339 313 2 3 267 5 314 587 2 368 2 404 5 364 7 329 2 408 4 319 5 386 5, 813 27 3 51 28 29 60 63 62 64 61 63 69 70 74 73 76 80 79 8.4 1, 173 1 1 1 3 30 2 1 1 1 2 4 18 130 137 142 128 143 151 165 176 183 196 226 221 227 236 3,213 1 3 en 5 3 1 3 5 3 1 7 G J 54'} 31 32 42 22 66 48 60 70 48 63 75 56 52 92 62 68 56 1, 106 33 1 1 2 1 1 10 34 1 30 1 e Divorce records destroyed ƒ In 1875 a part set off to form Oconee county. Marriage records destroyed h Divorce records destroyed by fire 1870. i In 1870 a part set off to McDuffie county. 252 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. GEORGIA—Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. Mar- 35 Decatur 15, 183 19, 072 Mar Div... ... 152 169 161 168 172 168 Mar 36 De Kalb 9 10, 014 14, 497 Div.... 5 2 1 37 Dodge (a)………. 5,358 Div.. Mar. 26 27 53 1 38 Dooly 9, 790 12, 420 Mar Div.. ... 1 4 宵 ​39 Dougherty- 11, 517 12, 622 Mar Div... 136 · 133 1 200 189 153 133 1 2 1 2 40 Douglas (b) Mar 6, 934 Div 41 Early.. Mar 6, 998 7,611 Div. 1 1 Mar 18 20 18 22 24 261 42 Echols………. 1,978 2,553 Div. 2 3 1 Mar 43 Effingham. 4, 214 5,979 Div.... 1 44 Elbert... 9, 249 Mar... 50 53 68 77 81 95 12, 957 Div... 1 1 2 45 Emanuel 6, 134 9, 759 S Mar › 61 42 40 53 50 56 · Div.... 1 1 46 Fannin 5,429 7,245 { S Mar { Div ... 1 3 47 Fayette 8, 221 8, 605 Mar Div... 2 48 Floyd 17, 230 24, 418 { Mar { Div... 168 142 218 169 194 216 2 7 5 4 2 49 Forsyth 7,983 10, 559 { Div. Mar 6 1 1 1 50 Franklin (c) 7,893 11, 453 S Mar 45 62 68 70 ... Div.... 3 2 2 Mar 276 300 230 290 310 336 51 Fulton 33, 446 49, 137 Div.. 4 4 14 5 14 4 52 Gilmer 6, 644 8, 380 S Mar 56 60 71 55 49 63 { Div... 5 1 1 3 1 1 53 Glascock 2,736 3, 577 Mar { Div... 33 231 20 • 25 26 2 223 25 23 5 54 Glynn (d) - 5, 376 6, 497 Mar { Div.... 55 Gordon. 9, 268 56 Greene 12, 454 17, 547 Div Div.. 11, 171 { Mar { Mar ... 2 1 2 118 1 154 160 186 143 136 J 3 4 · 57 Gwinnett (e) 12, 431 19, 531 Mar 52 88 • { Div. 1 · 58 Habersham. 6, 322 8, 718 Mar Div.. 65 54 63 42 GO 57 · .. 2 1 = 18 a Organized in 1870 from parts of Montgomery, Palaski, and Telfair counties. b Organized in 1870 from part of Campbell county. c Marriage records destroyed by fire, 1868. CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 253 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. GEORGIA—Continued. 1873. 1874. | 1875. | 1876. | 1877. | 1878. | 1879. | 1880. | 1881. | 1882. 1883. 1884, 1885. 1886. Total. 144 258 223 150 174 21 146 2 271 4 ་ 222 2 144 144 162 222 220 225 5 4 5 4 1 3,695 29 35 126 131 110 114 151 132 1 2 6 5 178 5 168 160 142 132 191 139 139 • 36 3 4. 5 2 2 1 1 49 67 32 28 32 43 47 33 4 2 1 32 43 48 59 47 67 73 115 2 4 1 2 3 3 2 2 27 815 37 3 1 6 5 3 5 6 2 3 14 10 3! 74 ་ }38 162 160 107 111 115 139 151 129 119 139 139 107 108 97 2, 727 1 6 1 1 5 1 39 5 3 1 1 3 35 1 1 2 2 2 1 20 } 40 41 1 1 1 1 1 3 12' 24 27 26 25 32 28 29 34 31 31 39 34 31 38 560 1 1 1 1 1 1142 43 1 31 5 10 100 103 102 109 100 113 118 123 126 120 123 130 137 116 2,074 2 1 3 2 2 44 3 2: 5 4 2 30 44 48 52 49 46 72 62 3 1 22 75 1221 83 58 78 61 92 75 1, 197 3 1 4 1' 4 23 } 15 1 2 2 2 2 46 1 1 2 29 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 6 3 3 2 28 47 47 242 234 232 254 198 237 234 279 226 274 262 200 234 232 4,445 6 4 6 21 1 6 48 6 6 5 1 72 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2540 96 95 73 96 100 73 105 104 100 80 85 84. 105 112 3 5 2 8 1 1 NCI 50 2 20 303 319 366 313 344 339 469 485 533 662 599 627 651 666 8, 418 16 9 12 8 13 3 10 51 14 6 11 17 16 34 211 238 57 65 67 61 62 59 65 721 73 60 65 70 55 59 1,247 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 3 33 28 34 22 22 31 36 31 24 34 46 28 34 29 23 45 595' 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 24 S 2 3 3 1 351 } } } 1354 261 55 52 53 3 1 3 3. 2 1 1 1 149 189 188 165 173 150 170. 142 154 117 173 136 158 147 1 2 4 4 3 6 3 3 4 1 11 3, 108 56 145 95 103 97 110 120 101 113 102 118 115 125 121 156 115 1, 764 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 3, 6 5 1 33157 70 67 69 51 53 62 61 62 50 65 58 53 75 1,224 1 2 3; 2 1 3 2 58 1 32 d The marriages reported are for the years 1867 to 1886, inclusive; the number for each year could not be ascertained. e Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire September 10, 1871. 254 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES.-Cont'd. GEORGIA—Continued. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 59 Hall 9,607 15, 2J8 Mar 72 70 10/ 64 71 108 Div... 2 4 3 60 Hancock 11, 317 16, 989 Mar 51 53 74 164 139 148 Div... 61 Haralson 4, 004 5,974 Div... Mar 17 27 30 63 45 44 62 Harris…….. 13, 284 15,758 Mar Div... 1 1 63 Hart 6, 783 9, 094 S (Mar 38 105 54 71 59 74 ( Div... > 2 2 1 2 2 64 Heard 7,866 Mar 8,769 Div... 1 1 65 Henry (a).. 10, 102 14, 193 Mar 110 82 72 60 71 108 Div... 41 2 66 Houston 20, 406 22, 414 { Mar 200 121 139 150 155 151 Div... 1 1 4 51 1 67 Irwin. 1, 837 2,696 Mar Div 68 Jackson Mar 21 51 63 71 56 67 11, 181 16, 297 - Div.. 4 69 Jasper 10, 439 11, 851 Mar Div... 1 1 70 Jefferson Mar 125 116 141 138 119 118 12, 190 15, 671 {Div. 2 1 71 Johnson. Mar 60 68 66 55 72 63 2,964 4,800 Div... 1 5 72 Jones. 9,436 11, 613 { Div.. Mar 94 82 83 70 88 80 1 73 Laurens 7,834 10, 053 Mar 60 67 81 78 67 84 -Div... 3 1 74 Lee. 9, 567 10, 577 { Div... Mar 60 85 154 130 120 96 1 1 2 2 75 Liberty.. 7,688 10, 649 Mar 28 24 26 19 2- 35 Div.. 76 Lincoln.. 5, 413 6, 412 { Mar. Div.. 77 Lowndes (b) 8, 321 11, 049 Mar Div... 46 54 1 78 Lumpkin 5, 161 6, 526 { Div... Mar 42 48 54 43 50 56 1 79 McDuffie (c) 9,449 Mar Div... 2 80 McIntosh (d) 4, 491 6, 241 Mar Div... ... 81 Macon 11, 458 11, 675 Div Mar 2 1 82 Madison 5, 227 7, 978 Mar Div... 2 83 Marion a In 1870 a part set off to Rockdale county. b Marriage records destroyed by fire November 8, 1870. Mar 8,000 8, 598 - Div.... 1 CHAPTER VIII. VIII. GENERAL TABLES. 255 TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. GEORGIA—Continued. 1873. | 1874. | 1875. | 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. | 1882. 1883. 1884. | 1885. | 1886. Total. 76 84 2 106 1 126 4' 158 4 145 124 105 166 125 130 119 118 114 1 2 5 31 1 2 2 2 2 2, 188 40 59 158 156 162 123, 114 136 175 154 174 111 123 149 162 180 2,706 1 1 1 1. 1 21 2 9 } 60 34 52 47 46 63 56 355 57 68 70 76 60 85 77 1, 072' 1 2 5 3 1 12 } 61 62 1 2 1 1 00 8 63 70 58 103 31 53 841 90 91 65 70 76 85 95 1,435 63 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 1 31 3 5 34 64 1 1 3 1 2 4 3 1 2 22. 84 113 131 108 127 96 85 118 140 89 110 107 124 119: 2, 054 65 2 3 2 1 6 2 2 2 4 30 167 184 158 171 242 166 143 167 108 137 187 143 156 146 3, 191 6 9 2 8 6 3 1 2 4 3 5 6 1 6 74 }6 66 1 1 67 1 2 2 1 1 11. 88 112 108 184 95 147 148 153 156 168 177 2 5 6 2 1 1 1 183 4 151 168: 1 2 2,36768 69 2 1 1 5! 1 2 21 117 139 141 114 99 87 106 95 112 78 95 86 97 883 2,206 4 70 2 1 2 2 2 4. 1 21 73 77 73 69 77 75 72 80 86 78 89 93 108 115 1, 549 1 1 2 2 1'. 71 13 82 78 87 72 73 71 83 63 71 86 90 80 76 90 1, 599 1 1 1 72 1 1 1 9 63 63 66 66 90 110 108 103 105 92 120 97 110 147 1,777 4 1 1 73 3 3 1 4 1 3 7 34 84 90 83 80 79 88 72 60 62 56 51 72 88 62 1,672 3 2 1 3 74 1: 4' 24 24 30 66 69 70 77 95 119 101 106 95 88 90 75 1,268 3 3 1 6 3 4 2 75 1 5: 1 1 345 76 59 65 76 73 59 80 96 101 1 Ji 1 4 8 107 1 125 3 107 93 137 123 2 5 28 277 58 49 52 46 355 58 70 61 57: 72 66 74. 76 82 1, 169 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 1 15. } 78 1 1 2 1 1 2 79 1 1 1 1 1 17 11 25 75 70 75 68 61 55 38 47 89 614 80 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 81 26 1 2 1 2 4 82 2 212 83 6 c Formed in 1870, and organized in 1871, from parts of Columbia and Warren counties. d Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire March, 1873; subsequent records are defective. 256 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 4. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. GEORGIA-Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- ¡riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 84 Meriwether. 13,756 17, 651 Mar Div... · 126 112 128 127 129 1 201 109 3 85 Miller 3, 091 3, 720 Mar { Div. • 86 Milton (a). 4, 284 Mar 6, 261 ... Div.... 2 1 87 Mitchell. 6, 633 9, 392 { Mar Div... 88 Monroe. 17, 213 18, 808 Mar 124 ... 136 240 218 177 167 { Div.... 3 1 1 2 89 Montgomery (b)………… 3, 586 Mar 5, 381 28 29 36 34 33 37 { Div.. 90 Morgan 10, 696 14,032 Mar 101 66 93 59 125 123 Div... 1 91 Murray. 6,500 Mar 84 91 94 85 96 8, 269 90 { Div... 1 2 3 1 4 2 92 Muscogee. 16,663 Mar 266 19, 322 248 282 231 245 236 Div.... 3 3 4 2 5 93 Newton (c)………. 14, 615 13, 623 Mar Div.... 3 1 1 1 2 94 | Oconee (d) 6, 351 Mar Div... 95 Oglethorpe.. 11, 782 15, 400 Mar... 114 96 101 131 102 38 Div... 1 1 2 96 Paulding 7, 639 10, 887 { Div. Mar 2 1 2 1 2 97 Pickens 5, 317 6, 790 Mar Div.. 2 2 2 .2 2 1 1 98 Pierce (a). 2,778 4,538 { Div... Mar 2 99 Pike (c) 10, 905 15, 849 { Mar Div. 100 Polk. 7,822 11, 952 Mar Div.. . 101 Pulaski (ƒ). 11, 940 14, 058 Mar Div... · 102 Putnam 10, 461 14, 539 Mar › 2 1 166 881 138 96 120 921 1 1 2 4 2 86 98 104 93 103 801 Div... 103 Quitman.. 4, 150 4,392 Mar 42 22 25 24 28 24 Div.. 1 104 Rabun. 3,256 Mar 4, 634 13 6 13 27 31 16 ) Div. Mar 105 Randolph………. 10, 561 96 13, 341 81 126 140 134 93 › Div.. 1 3 106 Richmond 25, 724 34, 665 Mar Div... 267 261 304 299 357 355 3 8 3 8 8 2 107 Rockdale (g) Mar 6,838 Div... a Marriage records destroyed by fire b In 1870 a part set off to Dodge county. In 1870 a part set off to Rockdale county. d Organized in 1875 from part of Clarke county. 1876. → . CHAPTER VIII. GENERAL TABLES. 257 : TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1837 TO 1836, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. GEORGIA—Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. | 1880. 1881. 1882.1883. 1884. | 1885 |1886. Total. 114 3 116 176 140 151 177 21 1 1 164 2 167 4 188 127 165 134 157. 198 3 2 1. 6 2,905 35 64 85 2 1 1 1 2 1 56 57 53 58 55 59 60 57 58 53 55 2 2 2 1 2 1 16 } 26 87 1 4 2 5 1 3 2 1 1 3 27 246 218 184 174 210 216! 188 180 208 188 154! 188 186. 206 3,808 88 1 1 3 1; 1 1 1 20 29 31 30 36 29 35 32 29 34 32 36 35 2 1 2 2 1 12 39 45 6G3 31 3 17 }ε 89 95 76 93 129 125 134 121 127 148 131 110 158 148 152 2,291 90 3. 4 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 21 89 93 92 90 87 93 97 91 95 111 94 85 99 80 1 3 4 2 2 2 2 4 6 1 2 6 247 220 222 225 221 225 245 240 241 255 258 226 275 294 3 4 1 3 2 6 4 3 3 1 3 6 5 48 4, 902 61 1,836 }9 91 }92 3 2 1 3 93 N 2 2 6 3 1 42 $ 94 86 148 129 135 2 1 107 2 121 2 137 142 159 133 153 113 166 153 2, 461 95 8 2 5 9 4 1 7 51 2 3 3 5 96 1 3 1 1 35 2. 1 2 97 2 1 1 21 1 3 25 30 28 33 52 53 55 сл 44 53 38 54 69 1 98 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 2 1 25 99 $100 1 1 3 2 3 3 21 124 116 1 1 108 3 148 110 116 154 170 141 144 182 110 138 130 2,594 $101 3 1 2 3 1 2 12 5 7 51 81 101 103 133 102 107 131 124 118. 115 129 144 167 177 2,301 1 1 1 102 1 1 1 1: 1 1 3 13 26 20. 23 32 55 53 65 66 47 45 51 66 87 823 1 $103 25 29 2: 23 28 38 31 28 29 29 42 43 47 41 32 45 3 3 6 5941104 127 90 113 115 106 102 124 85 95 115 126 100 104 94 2, 166 2 ] 2 3 4 5 1 3 1 1 27105 332 7 419 7 2931 10 312 5 311 312 2 3i 338 2 319 535 405 386 350 344 437 6, 966'> 2 6 4 6 8 5! 15 e Divorce records destroyed 2 fIn 1870 a part set off to Dodge county. gOrganized in 1870 from parts of Henry and Newton counties; first court held in 1871. 20267 M D- -17 $106 114 9., 107 258 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. GEORGIA-Continued. Population. Mar- Counties. 1870. 1880. riages and 1867. | 1868. | 1869.1870. 1871. | 1872. divorces. 108 Schley.. 5, 129i 5, 302 S Mar 13 15 61 19 12 { Div.. 2 2 ૦૭ 15 3 109 Screven.... 9, 175 Mar 12, 786 44 25 55 Div... 2 1 1 1 110 Spalding...... 10, 205, 12,585 Mar 116 102 132 101 152 133 { Div.... 2 .1 5 3 2 111 Stewart... 14, 204 13,998 Mar Div... 1 2 112 Sumter (a) 16,559 18, 239 {Div. Mar 152 11: 193 188 151 136 { Div... 6 3 1 2'. 113 Talbot. 11, 913 Mar 14, 115 75 99 125 140 150 143 Div... 1 ༡ 2 114 Taliaferro (b). 4, 796 Mar 7,034 35 18 23 19 17 16 › Div... 115 Tattnall. 4,860, 6, 988 S Mar 38 35 33 36 32 37 Div.... 4 1 1 2 116 Taylor... 7, 143 8, 597 { Div... Mar 1 5 117 Telfair (c) 3, 245 4,828 S Mar 12 17 15 13 16 15 { Div.... 2 1 1 1 118 Terrell... 9, 053 10, 451 451 { Div... Mar 39 CO 74 112 981 103 119 Thomas (d). 14, 523 Mar 20, 597 {DA. 1 2 2 5 120 Towns. 2,780 3, 261 Div... Mar 121 Troup. 17, 632 20, 565 122 Twiggs. 8, 545 123 Union 5, 267 6, 431 { Div.. Mar. 8, 918 { Div. • Mar { Div... · • Mar 191 213 186 195 230 205 · 1 1 124 Upson.... 9, 430 12,400 Mar.. Div... 124 103 138 112 132 1 15 1 125 Walker (e) 9, 925 11,056 S Mar { Div.. 126 Walton.. 11, 038 15, 622 Mar Div.... 110 91 1 96 2 95 100 99 127. Ware (S) 2,286 Mar 4, 159 - { Div.. 128 Warren (g) 10, 545 10,885 Mar { Div…. 42 34 114 86 68 58 · 1 1 4 129 Washington 15, 842 21, 964 130 Wayne 2, 177 5, 980 Mar Div... • Mar Div... ... 180 5 1371 206 168 137 143 1 1 1 131 Webster. 4,677 5, 237 { Div.. { Mar 46 62 56 53 40 63 a The divorce records are defective. c In 1870 a part set off to Dodge county. b The marriage records from 1867 to 1875, inclusive, are defective. d The marriages reported are for the years 1867 to 1886, inclusivo the number for each year could not be ascertained. CHAPTER VIII. GENERAL TABLES. 259 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. GEORGIA—Continued. 1873. 1874. | 1875. | 1876. 1877. | 1878. | 1879. | 1880. | 1881. | 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 34 26 2 17 34 35 40 51 63 48 56 60 59 65 725? 3 4 1 1 3 1 3 2 2 1: 1 30% 108 65 91 112 98 97 97 123 108 136, 125 109 1 21 1 3 1 2 2 3 7 7 6 41 106 98 98 101 114 95 112 104 105 115 127 136 157 161 4 3 2 3 4 2 2 2 4 1 2 2,368 43 811 $110 111 3 1 2 3 - 3 1 2 25 135 155 75 85 153 175 149 195 198 181 157 173 186 180 3, 132 112 2 3 3 4 2 3 5 2 2 38 128 131 136 120 148 145 147 149 152 139 141 135 105 125| 2 3 2 1 13 2, 633 (113 15 34 49 45 57 781 80 68 82 48 59 49 63 52 $114 1 1 1 31 6 30 383 31 34 36 35 401 44 48 55 61 64 66 68 856 $115 1 2 1 2 3 3 1 1 4 4 30 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 17 116 16 18 34 21 27 36 36 22 32 34 44 45 44 53 550 117 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 18 91 100 72 56 94 93 148 119 139 115 132 149 124 153 2,071 118 4 5 3,610 119 6 4 5 3 1 5 10 3 8 6 11: 00 96 -120 2 1 1 3 1 10 216 221 237 229 216 201 2 1 2 245 3 217 216 236 240 226 222 226 4, 401 121 5 5 1 3 3 1 28) 122 123 4 3 1 2 4 3 4 1 21 1 3 35 133 128 116 92 113 140 127 259 126 114 137 137 107 118 3 1 2 2 3 2 2,609 $124 195 95 112 120 102 3 1 3 2 102 108 94 3 2 3 131 4 132 2 191 179 193 2 1 162 2 160 136 134 131 171 4 1 915 2,615 126 28 S 429/125 1 1 2 127 3 2 11 93 94 73 2 1 1 109 119 2 ༡ 75 110 83 74 93 85 84 £0 88 1,662 3 1 1 2 138 116 131 135 179 174 179 211 192 221 240 217 232 272 2 1 4 4 4 21 3,608 23 129 128 الكرة 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 1 13130 44 56 20 44 41 431 31 1 1 40 11 30 24 19 32 41 19 804 1 1 1 1 131 11y e Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire February 2, 1883. f Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire October 12, 1874. g In 1870 a part set off to McDuffie county. 1 260 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR, TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. GEORGIA-Concluded. Population. Mar- Counties. 1870. 1880. riagesand 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 132 White (a) Mar 4, 606 5, 341 Div... 133 Whitfield. 10, i17 11, 900 Mar ¿Div... 110 105, 108 93 101 90 5 2 5 4 1 134 Wilcox 2, 439 Mar 30 34 3, 109 20 22 14 24 Div.... 135 Wilkes 11, 796 15,985 Mar 65 59 81 85 104 97 › Div... 1 3 136 Wilkinson…. 137 Worth (b) · Total Mar 9, 383 12, 061 { Div. 1 1 3, 778 Mar 5,892 Div.. Mar 1, 184, 109 1, 542, 180 Div.... 127 82 112 118 148 143 1 Ada (c) 2,675 IDAHO. 4, 674 { Mar 23 Div.. KO LO 27 25 23 36 27 5 1 10 7 8 4 2 Alturas. 689 1,693 S Mar 1 1 Div.. 1 1 1 3 Bear Lake (d). Mar 3, 235 Div.. 4 Bingham (e) Mar Div... 5 Boisé. 3, 834 3,214 { Mar Div... .5 4 45 4 101 1 1 22 52 121 6 Cassia (ƒ) ……. 1,312 S Mar { Div.... 7 Custer (e). Mar Div... 8 Idaho (c) 849 2, 031 Mar { Div. 2 3 2 1 1 9 Kootenai (e) 518{ Div. Mar Mar 10 Lemhi.. 988 2,230 Div... 11 Nez Perces 1,607 3,965 { Div... Mar 2 2 1 7 3 1 2 00 2 8 10 3 1 12 Oneida (g) 1, 922 6, 964 13 Owyhee (h) 1,713 1, 426 { S Mar { Div. Mar... Div... 14 Shoshone 722 469 S Mar Div. D 15 Washington (i) 879 Mar Div... Total... 14,999 32, 610 S Mar Div. • 12 7 12. 9 14 • a Marriage and divorce records stolen July b Divorce records destroyed by firo e In 1879 a part set off to Washington county. d Organized in 1875 from part of Oneida county. e Organized since 1880. 1 1 1887, before data could be gathered. 1879. ļ CHAPTER VIII. VIII.—GENERAL GENERAL TABLES. 261 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. * GEORGIA–Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. | 1877. 1878.1879.1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. | 1884. | 1885.1886. Total. $132 93 1 134 2 111 98 105 80 105 125 110 127 122 115 114 121 2. 167 133 1 1 2 3 6 2 9 4 2 1 51 34 20 22 18 26 36 18 32 26 34 24 2 1 2 1 3 1 5 3 117 123 111 1 1 147 2 114 125 129 136 137 99 126 co 1 8 18 28 52 532 134 2 6 4 30 89 92 53 2, 089 135 1 2 CA 3 5 1 1 2 23 4 3 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 8 136 13 (137 175 182 196 197 211 123 223 253 215 281 258 292 295 325 3, 959 IDAHO. 33 38 44 39 38 48 6 1 6 4 5 ∞ ∞ 50 42 401 52 63 70 47 62 829 1 3 4 13 4 7 9 4 6 LO 5 112 4 3 1 22 7 11 5 10 17 21 34 49 42 81 309 2 1 1 1 2 21 9 5 10 10 14 58 6 11 8 6 6 8 3 9 19 11 17 25 129 3 2 1 1 1 28 56 84 8 10 18 72 2 52 8 2 4 2 1 42 3 12 8 7 8 1 6 1 1 3 72 126 5 385 7 10 14 17 17 21 19 2 1 4 72 23 137 6 2 N 11 t- 7 2 5 2 17 1 1 3 4 เร 5 7 4 1 1 1 -~ 9 9 11 14 11 92 8 3 2 21 11 LO 5 4 22 20 29 15 95 9 2 1 3 3 9 -4 5 3 2 3 LO 5 7 12 5 12 15 1 1 2 1 19.00 8 14 14 117 10 2 3 11 6 13 11 20 20 45 45 2 1 2 2 1 5 རྒྱལ GO 112 88 104 104) 123 145 924 2 3 4 9 3 8 7 56 S } 11 ご ​12 2 5 4 1 42 5 1 2 1 GO 3 5 34 13 2 6 1 1 ~3 7 18 27 14 5 6 15 15 22 25 28 39 47 197 15 3 3 1 11 81 3 10 9 16 23 14 36 30 36 52 53 368 f Organized in 1879 from part of Owyhee county. g In 1875 a part set off to form Bear Lake county. h In 1879 a part sot off to form Cassai county. i Organized in 1879 from parts of Ada and Idaho counties. } + 262 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. > ILLINOIS. Population. Mar- Counties. riages ard 1867. | 1868. | 1869,|1870.| 1871. | 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 1 Adams.. 56, 362 59, 135 Mar Div... 653 623 639 564 527 487 • 41 28 39 33 42 38 盘 ​2 Alexander 10, 564 14, 808 { Div. Mar 195 143 183 201 177 206 11 10 9 8 10 9 3 Bond 13, 152 14, 866 Mar 150 119 120 120 123 115 Div... 6 5 7 6 3 3 Mar 112 94 115 88 78 79 4 Boone.. 12, 942 11, 508 Div.... 5 6 7 4 5 3 5 Brown. 12, 205 13, 041 Div.. Mar 155 153 124 121 109 131 9 6 6 6 5 10 6 Bureau 32, 415 33, 172 { Div.. Mar 332 280 320 300 253 310 7 12 11 12 9 12 7 Calhoun 6, 562 7,467 { Div.... Mar 56 58 65 43 57 70 6 7 4 9 8 13 8 Carroll 16, 705 16, 976 { Mar 152 168 150 144 133 160 Div.. 6 8 4 5 4 6 9 Cass 11, 580 1.4, 493 { Mar 127 105 118 120 99 142 Div... 3 9 4 6 7 6 Mar 273 259 250 322 304 333 10 Champaign 32, 737 40, 863 Div... 24 14 14 20 14 24 11 Christian 20, 363 28, 227 Mar 192 158 194 264 230 213 Div... 7 6 13 6 9 5 12 Clark.. 18, 719 21, 894 Mar Div... 256 194 176 192 212 22? 14 9 12 7 16 13 12 Clay. 15, 875 16, 192 Mar { Div.. 190 160 144 186 183 170 ... 12 13 8 6 16 6 14 Clinton 16, 285 18, 714 { Div.... Mar 167 148 128 12 5 4 * 00 131 124 130 7 7 8 15 Coles 25, 235 27, 042 Mar Div... 260 315 294 323 295 365 15 16 15 21 18 20 16 Cook (a) 349, 966 607, 524 Mar Div.. · 1,1146, 408 61 513 Mar 17 Crawford 13, 889 16, 197 · - Div... 153 8 157 150 150 155 143 8 11 10 10 14 ► 18 Cumberland (b) ……… 12, 223 13, 759 { Div.... Mar 19 De Kalb 23, 265 26, 768 Mar Div. 126 132 149 142 154 167 10 13 7 12 12 10 20 De Witt . 14, 768 17, 010 { Mar.. Div... 161 144 153 138 142 153 8 6 3 9 7 5 21 Douglas 13, 484 15, 853 Mar Div... 146 116 124 173 162 139 7 9 3 6 4 3 22 Du Page.. 16, 685 19, 161 Mar 155 109 118 104 130 138 Div... 3 2 5 6 4 5 Mar 220 264 211 218 259 220 23 Edgar. 21, 450 25, 499 Div... 10 8. 9 13 10 14 24 Edwards 7,565 8, 597 S Mar Div... 4 3 2 2 CA 3 25 Effingham 15, 653 18, 920 Mar Div.... ... 24 22 14 a Marriage and divorce records dostroyed by fire October 9, 1871. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 263 TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. ILLINOIS. 1873.1874.1875. 1876. 1877. 1878.1879, 1880. | 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885.1886. Total. 545 439 532 444 499 468 42 38 28 27 22 182 200 166 154 187 19 101 9 6 11 124 141 119 126 162 8 6 6 11 6 105 76 83 94 98 ུསི ུ༤ ནྲྀཧྨ & 437 509 554 543 557 578 589 539 10,726 726 1 22 34 24 27 38 43 27 30 31 6541 162 206 193 221 196 172 255 284 268 3,951 2 12 16 11 10 14 15 6 16 220 164 161 171 152 159 165 132 139 171 2,839 3 10 13 11 4 11 9 5 12 155 SO 74 888 87 84 80 77 63 2 5 3 4 5 7 5 9 6 5 7 6 6 81 1,758 4 1311 155 117 129 150 145 120 115 139 119 129 122 137 LO 5 4 6 4 6 3 4 3 เว 5 5 8 7 10 ༥༠ 134 2, 641 117 } 5 297 260 232 291 308 306 317 288 297 312 270 .280 279 261 16 12 16 10 15 24 23 18 24 10 11 18 13 16 5, 293} 6 78 62 56 67 74 61 782 94 56 6 5 7 4 100 8 7 6 5 3 e as 57 71 66 75 69 1, 313! 7 6 10 9 6 11 140 138 113 130 138 154 144 168 129 147 146 175 150 8 11 8 6 5 7 7 4 7 10 6 ཋཋ 157 168 2,964 10 9 9 140 } 8 128 101 71 91 126 135 120 128 152 170 1381 134 124 129 2,458 9 6 8 9 12 14 00 8 6 14 13 17 16 6 11 13 188 317 322 313 330 348 366 319 360 335 374 359 335 353 338 6, 510 10 11 15 16 20 15 21 24 28 26 20 23 14 16 19 378 232 266 245 208 212 178 224 250 238 294 220 244 203 213 4, 498 11 4 11 17 7 8 15 11 12 21 18 25 7 24 16 242 217 219 226 221 214 268 272 270 236 197 211 15 22 211 201 15 19 19 10 25 12 160 155 180 143 158 205 182 189 216 183 167 9 7 12 8 17 11 10 16 7. 6 ཚའི ཎྜལ 248 200 248 4, 532 (12 20 24 16 322 S 178 145 105 8 9 7 3,399 13 196, S 137 127 153 142 132 160 163 165 171 153 158 156 131 7 11 8 4 8 7 16 16 8 G 5 7 10 7 148 7 2,929 161. S 14 270 225 270 279 12 201 18 20 248 30 252 258 17 22 262 21 293 269 308 25 23 23 294 33 3021 300 5, 682 15 31 31 431, S 6,842 5, 460 5,006 4, 624 4, 568 4, 827| 5, 467 6,567 7, 895 9, 60610, 054 10, 183:10, 398 11, 331 506 386 345 307 320 396 452 622 614 723 704 651 658 876 144 170 182 186 142 177 181 167 189 168) 176 12 5 7 16 11 12 17 231 17 11 1621 12 175 141 15 14 110, 350 8, 134 S 3,271 17 16 24/1 27: 143 6 170 18 6. 180 173 217 2391 226 218 230 186 192 236 299 257 9 7 14 9 13 14 9 10 13 12 15 18 21 240 278 22 4,041 19 250 S 209 151 165 190 150 145 170 138 178 202 178 158 164 150 4 9 18 8 10 7 11 17 14 13 8 15 12 4 3,239 320 142 153 166 148 137 162 158 153 177 154 148 147 123 161 4 6 6 3 5 5 6 5 8 5 9 7 5 6 2,989 112 21 131 142 131 136 142 141 134 179 161 166 165 147 177 191 2, 897 6 4 6 7 2 11 8 2 22 7 1 7 9 6! 101 223 244 267 246 214 245 213 216 271 220 240 231 236 224 4, 682 10 15 16 13 12 12 13 12 16 26 19 14 23 19 19 280 2 3 3 6 1 5 3 24 1 5 5 58 217 305 241 224 196 209 255! 170 228 2, 045 18 10 11 7 12 13 S 17 25 16 7 14 231 b Marriage and divorce records destroyed by firo November 5, 1885. 264 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. ILLINOIS-Continued. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 26 Fayette.. 19, 638 Mar 237 215 190 23, 241 227 208 263 Div... 13 8 16. 7 16 7 27 Ford 9, 103 15, 099 Mar 71 61 81 85 100 107 Div.... 2 3 1 28 Franklin 12, 652 16, 129 S Mar 166 174 170 164 166 162 Div.... 7 5 15 9 10 20 29 Fulton Mar 38, 291 405 356 390 340 355 328 41, 240 Div.... 20 21 23 19 15 17 30 Gallatin Mar 161 162 188 195 11, 134 195 12, 861 177 Div.... 7 12 6 12 10 10 31 Greene 20, 277 23, 010 Mar 252 209 185 197 223 202 Div. 8 14 15 8 12 8 32 Grundy 14, 938 Mar 181 148 151 162 129 16,732 164 Div... 10 11 8 8 10 9 33 Hamilton. Mar 13, 014 16, 712 Div.... 8 7 11 9 9 13 34 Hancock Mar 345 321 296 282 280 35, 935 35, 337 316 Div.... 20 16 19 18 19 3 35 Hardin (a) 5, 113 6, 024 Div. Mar 36 Henderson 12, 582 Mar 99 105 95 113 92 89 10, 722 • -- Div... 3 6 4 3 7 9 37 Henry. 35, 506 36, 597 Mar 336 312 344 359 291 339 Div.... 14 23 23 15 23 10 38 Iroquois . 25, 782 35, 451 Mar 207 180 218 184 214 211 Div... 8 10 13 9 10 4 Mar 180 170 237 229 227 39 Jackson 19, 634 22, 505 261 Div... 10 12 16 11 17 23 40 Jasper. 11, 234 14, 515 Mar Div... 126 110 134 112 120 110 G 4 5 6 7 7 41 Jefferson 17, 864 20, 686 Mar { Div.... 10 19 21 11 11 12 42 Jersey. 15, 054 15, 542 Mar... 193 164 162 167 179 132 Div.... 12 11 10 23 14 23 43 Jo Daviess.. 27, 820 27, 528 { Div.. Mar ... 219 206 187 217 171 162 11 10 10 8 9 6 44 Johnson 11, 248 13, 078 Mar Div.... • 9 15 10 11 11 8 45 Kane 39, 091 44, 939 Mar 275 Div... 225 292 301 298 311 325 32 18 22 34 32 46 Kankakee 24, 352 25, 047 S Mar 291 270 281 218 248 283 { Div.... 10 13 10 15 13 11 47 Kendall. 12, 399 13, 083 Mar 111 112 92 Div... 5 2 22 99 90 91 7 2 3 48 Knox 39, 522 38, 344 Mar Div... 479 ... 49 Lake.... 21, 014 Mar 21, 296 Div. Div.... 22 20 463 500 460 411 422 34 26 29 25 68 71 63 58 9 9 7 3 50 La Salle.. 60, 792 70, 403 Mar Div... 7111 598 616 565 587 605 21 271 251 29 27 20 22 22 a Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire May 19, 1884. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 265 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. ILLINOIS-Continued. 1873. | 1874. | 1875.1876. | 1877. | 1878. | 1879.1880. 1881. 1882. | 1883. | 1884. 1885, 1886. Total. 198 247 233 223 233 282 278 269 284 236 282 242 215 237 13 13 16 15 12 7 16 19 16 20 21 18 16 22 4, 799 231 26 120 220 141 120 114 132 129 164 138 156 170 146 168 167 134 2, 501 8 4 10 2 7 8 6 10 10 13 7 6 8 2,503, } 27 108, 150 147 130 176 182 189 197 162 167 194 181 160 9 6 6 9 13 9 8 12 15 24 15 359 324 339 343 373 364 382 381 362 353 368 356 19 20 24 26 20 19 17 19 25 28 28 87 88 172 215 3,424 28 21 12 22 247 335 341 7, 154 29 33 21 36 450 218 215 210 168 217 222 227 218 204 226 203 186 182 216 3,990 30 13 5 10 13 5 10 3 19 16 7 5 81 9 8 188 193 241 214 208 193 205 218 251 223 221 234 228 212 13 12 25 10 15 9 21 17 18 21 28 16 223 205 4,314 25 315 } 31 123 159 166 140 125 149 139 119 138 165 161 158 171 168 3, 019 9 10 10 10 11 6 7 6 13 10 7 8 12 13 188 } 32 33 14 17 13 10 6 11 10 15 13 25 10 18i 235 334 297 285 282 268 278 277 272 323 332 283 237 335 294 5, 937 9 7 9 15 1 6 27 13 13 18 16 6 235 }34 131 115 246 9 13 9 31 } 35 84 87 100 85 78 84 78 76 73 68 92 66 61 63 3 4 5 6 1 5 8 10 6 4 61 4 5 5 1,688 101 } 36 350 325 314 330 336 307 323 311 311 340 322 315 17 20 24 22 32 21 17 17 26 21 22 295 335 6, 495 27 13 11 18 391 }3 37 287 221 238 271 247 263 272 268 288 279 291 283 219 223 4,861 38 10 7 9 9 9 11 14 9 19 17 13 12 5 205 253 322 232 200 20 21 10 13 142 128 136 98 1355085 222 225 258 267 204 310 262 227 265 4,826 39 19 27 19 28 26 29 17 241 30 399 176 147 179 197 169 186 182 155 178 2,893 6 16 11 11 8 13 13. 21 10 14 12 8 12 11 201 } 40 12 28 9 41 12 11 19 20 2 16 16 27 13 15 19 323 156 156 138 153 135 149 153 151 128 164 147 124 124 107 2,985 19 13 9 42 8 14 8 11 16 16 19 20 11 10 8 275 188 171 168 152 153 166 136 132 163 219 230 136 160 158 3, 191 6 4 ་ 6 5 10 8 3 9 5 11 10 7 9 8 155 } 43 194 165 149 138 178 184 11 6 10 7 7 8 11 13 9 150 -13 149 149 1, 456 14 10 7 190. 332 353 377 382 397 409 419 457 465 480 499 525 547 572 23 30 24 34 32 29 46 23 22 36 39 41 58 48 645 8.016 45 233 274 222 274 231 250 251 260 225 287 301 307 249 235 5, 190 14 10 7 10 7 7 8 46 14 8 16 10 11 14 12 220 78 ལས 105 125 96 94 96 118 115 110 80 122 101 91 87 2, 013 2 4 11 8 6 4 6 9 5 4 6 47 7 5 8 106 369 378 446 412 409 340 359 344 375 402 373 370 352 300 7,961 31 32 27 31 18 32 33 31 42 33 25 36 26 23 78 89 126 133 118 138 150 151 158 185 168 136 140 144 9 ។ 7 5 5 7 9 11 9 5 5 5 6 2,316 137 69999 663 646 30 25 608 .580 548 557 608 584 607 793 731 671 643 703 12,654 25 281 28 31 26 271 31 43 45 37 42 40 609 596 } 48 } 49 } 50 266 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1836, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. ILLINOIS-Continued. Populat on. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867.1868.1869. | 1870. | 1871. 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 51 Lawrence….. 12, 533 13, 663 Mar Div... 146 156 120 131 150 134 · 6 2 2 2 7 4 52 Lee 27, 171 27, 491 S Mar 270 267 265 330 192 178 Div.... 9 14 16 11 5 19 53 Livingston 31, 471 38, 450 S Mar 198 203 186 213 219 200 Div... 19 17 19 17 18 30 54 Logan. 23, 053 25, 037 S Mar 275 235 239 207 214 226 { Div... 16 13 11 101 9 11 55 McDonough Mar 310 331 270 248 275 251 26, 509 27, 970 Div.... 9 6 8 10 9 10 56 McHenry. 23, 762 24, 908 S Mar 170 162 163 154 139 159 · Div... 5 11 16 10 12 13 57 McLean 53, 988 60, 100 Mar... Div... 590 560 588 524 GOO 514 201 12 25 32 281 40 58 Macon.. 26, 481 30, 665 Mar 335 301 320 282 282 256 · Div.... 10 11 10! 16 11 12 59 Macoupin.. 32, 726 37,692 S Mar 386 325 · 301 288 310 293 Div... 10 14 12 1.5 15 9 60 Madison. 44, 131 50, 126 S Mar 339 336 315 254 272 287 Div.. 30 3! 26 32 27 21 61 Marion 20, 622 23, 686 S Mar 319 229 206 267 205 251 { Div... 14 11 4 8 10 15 62 Marshall……. 16, 956 15, 055 Mar Div... 182 198 154 148 141 124 11 7 6 10 7 7. 63 Mason 16, 184 16, 242 Mar Div... 193 ོག 174 188! 174 176 198 14 91 14 8 15 10 61 Massac 9, 581 10, 443 S Mar 141 136 135 137 147 163 { Div... 11 6 16 8 14 15 65 Menard 11, 735 13, 024 Mar 161 137 124 121 128 108 Div.. 3 7 6 11 5 3 66 Mercer 18,769 19, 502 S Mar 158 146 138 161 178 131 { Div... 11 10 10 15 9 11 67 Monroe 12, 982 13, 682 Mar 140 130 135 111 112 113 { Div... 4 4 3 5 10 4 Mar 261 214 265 242 266 198 68 Montgomery. 25, 314 28, 078 { Div... 5 12 23 14 15 17 69 Morgan.. 28, 463 31, 514 Mar S Div.... སྤུལ 322 303 29.5 281 310 261 12 12 18 35 30 21 70 Moultrie 10, 385 13, 699 S { Mar.. Div... 103 91 100 101 120 110 7 6 3 12 4 3 71 Ogle.... 27,492 29, 937 Mar Div.... 214 184 199 198 198 276 5 14 16! 12 5 11 72 Peoria 47,540 55, 355 Mar Div.... 570 507 503 470 413 481 24 35 49 36 33 47 73 Perry. 13, 723 16, 007 ( Mar.. Div... 157 150 157 140 138 161 8 11 6 13: 14 74 Piatt 10, 953 15, 583 Mar Div…….. 98 105 10 117 91 120 • 4 3 6 2 1 75 Pike.. 30, 768 33, 751|{ Mar 356 374 372 270 258 271 Div. 7 16 101 9 11 11 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 267 TABLE I.—MARRÍAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. ILLINO IS–Continued. 1873.1874.1875.1876.1877. 1878.1879. 1880. 1881.1882. 1883. 1884. | 1885. | 1886.| Total. 121 163 145 146 156 182 175 175 177 162 158 156 125 136 7 5 2 5 9 5 9 15 5 6 7 14 6 8 3, 014 126 200 213 281 2361 212 225 224 200 238 251 263 231 210 293 11 13 19 14 8 13 7 9 16 11 8 12 11 9 220 232 253 271 270 260 239 300 315 326 319 350 370 356 20 23 20 25 18 22 16 21 21 15 22 18 16 17 5,300 394 4,779 235 }51 }52 } 53 234 226 223 231 207 221 229 213 222 242 226! 250 198 213 4, 531 54 8 17 12! 14 16 15 14 14 28 14! 14! 22 16 12 286 234 285 283 296 260 263 305 301 306 289 277 281 271 240 5, 576 8 9 10 10 12 10 13 16 15 18 18 11 14 14 230 } 55 160 173 175 164 173 152 147 182 169 177 11 11 8 11 10 16 10 6: 13 13 3808 208 207 192 207 3, 433 56 10 17 17 16 236 584 471 515 455 438 507 500 535 594 596 593 586 516 559 10,860 57 28 27 38 35 31 26 34 46 36 33 46 43 41 44 665 272 327 331 316 281 280 302 329 358 387 385 363 368 371 6, 446 58 10 16 19 20 22 22 16 20 23 19 21 362 260 327 303 320 285 345 327 362 359 349 324 22 16 16 28 16 21 19 25 31 31 17 257 311 258 263 228 307 411 423 449 498 465 454 30 32 41 22 29 36 25 32 42 32 34 240 221 221 198 254 252 267 241 283 242 17 3 8 9 15 12 9 6 22 10 201 158 166 146 151 133 130 130 142 142 125 133 10 7 10 8 8 9 7 3 10 7 7 144 153 152 150 209 176 157 157 128 155 213 14 16 7 8 7 10 10 13 12 13 9 162 151 150 126 161 183 151 196 185 134 147 མ མང སྒྱུ རླུའི ཀྐ བྷཱུ ་ྲ 35 36 371 293 347 25 386 423 38 28 284 238 232 239 4,889 7 126 130 120 14 170 143 7 00 8 175 203 11 7 9 10 12 17 14 10 10 14 14 15 11 128 113 148 125 96 151 119 106 124 150 131 108 111 9 5 17 14 11 8 10 7 6 4 10 7 7 ཚུབ་རིང སྦེ བྱང རློབ ཛྫིཌ 6, 469 59 400 6, 935 60 37 625 61 18 233 2, 879 167 3, 355 215} 63 } 62 3, 134 245 64 103 178 144 132 140 135 163 177 155 141 147 149 163 117 135 9 10 9! 8 6 7 8. 10 10 9 7 12 2 6 132 109 109 107 122 6 10 15 14 253 32 236 257 218 249 11 14 22 276 326 330 313 260 24 16 22 26 123 125 150 143 118 2º 22 23 2 104 233 ࿐॰ ༔འ 110 129 71 122 129 112 117 121 6 5 7 7 7 5 4 7 6 2, 492 161 2, 991 179 2, 338 131 } } 65 66 }67 215 266 275 226 276 263 224 246 15 24 22 21 30 22 21 33 00 4, 916 400 68 323 267 310 317 306 302 286 271 281 5, 910 25 18] 27 29 37 32 36 32 23 34 509 } 69 108 126 131 140 135 152 122 121 119 2,441 70 12 15 4 10 8 11 8 11 9 4 7 11 4 3 152 211 199 190 199 232 195 200 182 12 12 3 10 10 8 15 453 443 470 515 448 491 52 41 51 69 62 54 68999 888 204 228 13 216 193 203 198 4, 119 71 9 10 16 12 17 219 502 506 644 725 73 188 152 168 144 161 193 174 161 170 183 16 14 6 10 15 16 10 18 11 20 82 658 637 643 624 10, 703 72 62 85 79 93 83 1,151 198 163 139 175 11 13 11 13 3,270 238 73 115 99 98 125 116 128 107 122 144 144 133 137 128 113 2,343 74 3 6 4 6 6 7 4 6 10 15 8 7 10 13 121 239 297 281 2821 285 309 313 315 268 297 307 322 297 265 14 11 9 13! 12 16 91 18 14 13 14 161 10 17 250 5,978 75 268 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. ILLINOIS-Continued. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. |1868. | 1869.1870. | 1871. 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 76 Pope.. Mar 172 164 206 116 177 147 11, 437 13, 256 { Div.... 7 4 16 5 6 4 77 Pulaski…. Mar 144 126 135 130 110 132 8,752 9,507 Div.... 9 4 10 6 4 6 78 Putnam…. Mar 67 69 59 48 6, 280 5, 554 ... Div... 4 3 3 00 LD 72 65 5 5 сл 5 79 Randolph.. Mar 243 242 197 212 190 174 20, 859 25, 690 Div.. 6 16 1 7 9 10 80 Richland 12, 803 15, 545 S Mar 184 159 180 183 168 193 ... { Div.... 8 12 8 8 5 7 81 Rock Island Mar 372 375 266 351 366 400 29, 783 38, 302 Div.. 11 20 12 10 16 16 Mar 338 416 392 420 345 330 82 Saint Clair. 51, 068 61, 806 ... Div... 30 28 24 16 33 36 83 Saline Mar 133 137 141 171 163 132 12, 714 15, 940 ... Div... 8 21 8 13 10 12 84 Sangamon Mar 596 531 513 444 447 442 46, 352 52, 894 Div.. 21 20 32 28 27 26 Mar 183 185 163 174 120 147 85 Schuyler.. 17, 419 16, 249 Div.... 4 8 4 7 9 5 86 Scott 10, 530 10, 741 Mar 100 103 102 85 96 137 Div.... 10 7 11 9 7 7 Mar 311 235 244 245 273 248 87 Shelby. 25, 476 30, 270 Div. 15 19 18 17 14 16 88 Stark... 10, 751 11, 207 { Div. Mar 158 116 120 104 106 117 6 3 4 6 4 7 89 Stephenson.... 30, 608 31, 963 Mar Div... 321 362 362 330 476 297 1 6 7 18 11 9 Mar 90 Tazewell 27, 903 29, 666 Div.... 91 Union 16, 518 18, 102 Div. Mar 2228 281 291 252 292 270 260 21 17 17 15 19 20 272 224 251 221 185 216 4 14 12 4 9 13 92 Vermilion 30, 388 41.588 Mar Div.. 380 306 330 301 370 420 11 10 11 10 10 13 93 Wabash 8, 841 94 Warren…. 23, 174 95 Washington 17, 599 9, 945 { Div... Mar 22, 933 { Div... Mar Div... 21, 112 { Div · Mar... 97 126 118 105 110 122 8 4 7 11 12 12 239 237 14 225 215 255 241 11 9 8 15 6 8 9 15 96 Wayne 19, 758 21, 291 { Mar Div.... 17 → 14 11 97 White .. 16, 846 23, 087 Div... Mar 9 5 12 15 17 11 98 Whiteside 27, 503 30, 885 { Div Mar 99 Will... 43, 013 Mar 53, 422 Div. 24 249 251 273 16 10 13 365 401 388 369 446 445 21 26 27 264 250 239 18 10 18 20 21 100 Williamson (a) 17, 329 19, 324 Mar · Div.... a Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire May 30, 1875, after which no marriage record was kept until 1880. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 269 TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. ILLINOIS-Continued. 1873. | 1874. | 1875. | 1876. | 1877. |1878. | 1879.1880. 1881. 1882. | 1883. | 1884. | 1885. 18.6, Total. 140 157 146 214 218 178 157 11 17 6 5 10 6! 2 193 121 7 7 146 159. 130 170 173 3,284 76 4 4 7 4: 5 137 109 117 80 121 128 106 128 108 1131 95 115 108 142 120 2,367 77 8 1 7 9 6 7 3 8 ་་ 4 8 9 8 10 9 136 54 45 50 44 51 53 51 42 3 2 2 5 3 4 25 48 44 57 41 45 46 1,054 78 2 1 1 2: ་་ 4 59 184 230 241 181 219 254 230 245 236 210 211 193 210 220 4,325 79 12 17 9 14 13 12 13 12 11 11 16 11 14 11 225 162 233 213 143 205 207 178 231 178 184 180 167 133 166 3,615 12 11 9 12 18 9 7 10 12 11 17 11 11 15 213 } 80 415 355 363 377 380 371 377 386 407 457 427 378 373 352 10 201 18 30 19 22 26 19 19 19 23 21 23 18 7,518 372 81 405 453 429 347 397 433 461 518! 577 682 626 609 30 53 31 36 39 45 301 32 43 40 43 49 6999 626 9, 473 31 712 } 82 182 225 272 211 253 193 215 176 220 197 201 181 208 208 3, 819 83 13 7 10 11 7 11 9 18 7 23 18 13 14 17 250 481 404 536 459 449 464 482 496 565 544 560 561 525 538 10,037 84 37 45 44 34 32 34 52 52 70 97 85 89 60 57 942 148 147 157 158 156 155 175 157 144 167 167 159 192 130 3, 184 85 3 5 LO 6 5 6 7 11 7 10 10 9 11 9 co 8 144 104 132 126 103 110 97 93 88 99 117 101 104 120 116 8 6 13 14 9 4 9 10 11 12 - · 13 10 61 * 2, 133 180 86 274 242 253 273 265 248 246 295 263 260 290 261 274 302 5, 305 15 18 21 18 18 18 21 23 24 22 24 14 19 25 379 }87 111 116 115 117 102 153 113 117 115 104 102! 79 86 83 2, 234 9 3 8 11 4 5 9 61 11 9 9 7 4 10: 301 281 299 296 262 305 283 265 322 338 314 317 290 255 6, 279 8 12 9 11 7 9 9 7 22 14 12 13 10 15 296 264 303 261 252 282 270 250 293! 268 269 261 21 19 18 21 19 18 15 19 16 16 20 199 260 245 12 14 17 135 88 210 89 5,420 354 } 90 182 266 259 245 289 287 271 204 242 231 257 203 213 230 4, 748 15 12 15 8 တ 7 4 91 10 9 26 13 20 21 24 16 256 355 392 362 394 3661 422 436 492 532 576 505 485 431 622 8,480 12 14 15 15 14 92 19 20 26 21 24 29 30 35 41 380 120 98 117 91 134 145 126 157 114 139 147 128 125 133 2,452 4 3 7 8 9 4 93 13 12 7 8 15 11 8 11 174 221 195 243 174 215 200 182 195 199 204 223 207 161 160 11 8 12 12 10 16 14 15 13 15 14 10: 10 8 4, 191 231 }94 5 13 16 13 11 14 12 9 3 10 9 9 11 176 }95 9 8 9 9 6 96 15 14 10 190 ית 5 18 10 12 17 260 269 274 17 16 18 287 290 269 19 22 378 387 376 437 350 360 36 26 25 25 19 2 82 83 26 13 18 97 23 27 22 23 24 21 328 285 247 272 256 278 281 264 239 5, 300 19 25 26 98 13 15 23 18 19 357 423 450 550 596 602 552 25 28 25 37 41 288 301 297 312 ♡ 51 12 17 61 10 241 22 2228 554 559 8, 991 32 40 28 36 326 324 281 29 22 368 231 22 562 2,216 201 100 }99 270 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Ccnt'd. ILLINOIS-Concluded. Population. Mar- Counties. 1870. 1880. riages and 1867.1868. 1869.1870. 1871. | 1872. divorces. 101 Winnebago. 29, 301 Mar 288 252 30, 505 285 220 202 220 {Div.... 14 20 20 9 10 17 102 Woodford 18, 956 21, 620 S Mar 204 168 194 170 190 188 Div.... 11 10 14 11 11 14 Total (a) 2, 539, 891 3, 077, 871 Mar Div. ... 21, 44020, 06120, 10419, 534 20, 596|26, 128| 1,071 1,125 1,179 1, 178 1,250 1, 745 INDIANA. Mar 114 107 1 Adams.. 11, 382 15, 385 89 92 105 148 Div. 13 11 7 1 3 2 Mar 436 452 2❘ Allen 43, 494 54, 763 ... 448 444 458 510 Div.. 113 93 83 63 51 77 3 Bartholomew 21, 133 22, 777 Mar 369 234 207 225 207 208 > Div.... 20 8 12 7 10 5 3 4 Benton 5, 615 11, 108 Mar 60 59 57 63 78 81 Div... 5 4 8 7 2 11 Mar 54 66 60 69 5 Blackford. 6, 272 8, 020 --- Div... 5 7 9 5 583333 81 13 8 Mar 6 Boone 22, 593 25, 922 254 218 235 236 257 270 Div.... 3 7 11 6 18 6 7 Brown. 8, 681 10, 261 Mar 74 88 91 81 91 99 Div... 1 2 9 8 Mar 154 160 166 154 142 8 Carroll 16, 152 18, 345 Div... 11 13 7 4 9 Cass. 24, 193 27, 611 { Div.... Mar 224 260 241 218 212 9 10 5 13 10 Clark.. 24, 770 28, 610 Mar Div... 271 318 340 346 301 11 14 11 9 22 22 25 182 4 290 12 2 359 9 11 Clay 19,084 25, 854 Mar Div. 162 164 190 186 210 246 7 7 11 12 5 10 12 Clinton 17, 330 23, 472 { Div.... Mar... 206 188 192 170 198 244 71 6 12 11 9 7 13 Crawford 9, 851 12, 356 { Div.. Mar 103 101 122 103 108 123 1 6 1 2 14 Daviess.. 16, 747 21, 552 { Div... Mar... 201 203 159 190 201 171 8 7 14 13 10 12 15 Dearborn • 24, 116 26, 671 Mar Div... 233 201 236 196 206 234 9 14 6 9 7 7 16 Decatur 19, 053 19, 779 Mar... Div……. 196 156 138 150 139 142 3 5 8 8 4 7 17 De Kalb 17, 167 20, 225 { Div... 170 164 166 164 28 44 20 199 176. 185 24 16 12 18 Delaware (b). 19, 030 22, 926 Mar Div.... 8 15 17 12 11 13 19 Dubois 12, 597 15, 992 { Div.... Mar 139 130 129 125 117 120 2 1 3 4 4 2 20 Elkhart 26, 026 33, 454 { Div.. Mar... 228 31 278 62 255 216 239 234 47 401 36 20 a While the marriage totals for the state and for the several years are incomplete, owing to the fact that no reports were received from six counties, and only partial reports from some others, yet they are so nearly complete that the figures are thought to have some value for purposes of com- parison. CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 271 } TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. ILLINOIS-Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 232 24 248 228 273 240 238 236 245 283 306 317 318 317 349 21 11 19 13 23 18 23 32 25 411 31 29 31 5, 297 4315 $101 204 177 151 193 167 10 8 10 11 10 177 9 149 9 161 7 176 197 195 188 150 161 3, 560 102 11 11 8 9 10 12 206 26, 802 25, 411 25, 310 24, 465 24, 509 25, 82026, 726 28, 40230, 763 33, 173 33, 794 32, 770 32, 48034, 076 1,787 1, 678 1, 647 1,659 1, 647 1,748 1, 842 2,139 2, 326 2,375 2,455 2,342 2,273 2,606 273 532, 394 36, 072 INDIANA. 134 141 6 145 137 128 135 124 150 168 172 176 150 172 167 10 6 7 6 5 4 10 9 8 5 5 8 2, 754 130 1 566 555 480 49 41 181 434 402 480 520 572 44 43 51 45 51 202 222 228 189 218 232 256 232 6 9 9 12 13 11 18 28 82 582 616 604 548 530 594 10, 232 66 68 87 66 74 75 1, 293 } 2 188 218 216 230 212 198 4, 491 3 12 10 20 6 15 15 11 222 74 82 90 98 90 81 96 99 82 75 80 89 86 81 90 1, 602 4 5 4 6 5 6 8 4 8 2 8 3 6 2 11 115 86 76 89 73 101 83 102 91 97 108! 115 86 100 84 1, 706 2 2 6 9 8 9 5 11 3 6 3 3 2 120 } 5 270 262 234 223 6 4 (7) 9 8 2335 226 224 320 284 264 286 292 276 251 253 5, 135 6 15 7 51 10 7 15 11 10 10 14 182 126 118 116 84 121 120 141 138 112 99 107 96 99 105 2, 109 7 1 8 8. 7 10 9 12 6 8 7 3 2 11 3 115 191 193 168 162 167 162 192 187 203 200 186 193 186 168 3, 524 8 3 10 7 8 13 8 7 15 8 11 6. 13 10 9 183 282 253 248 231 250 298 292 297 331 310 314 297 315 344 5, 516 9 ac 8 28 18 19 9 2 4 2 20 27 40 28 16 21 206 323 283 262 316 351 408 465 499 482 497 508 516 589 666 8, 10 10 S 20 11 9 11 19 12 21 21 33 20 23 15 23 24 327 236 255 242 216 278 267 302 338 332 331 286 256 262 16 24 10 13 17 19 15 14 14 33 30 27 232 211 216 174 209 266 226 262 250 3 7 เว 5 9 7 8 18 12 14 111 119 111 105 114 143 122 1 1 4 1 10 4 9 136 7 130 3 223 233 206 217 199 211 255 260 14 7 8 6 8 14 12 18 11 243 242 185 2 4 19555 210 216 246 227 233 7 8 6 11 11 7 253 9 བྷཱུབ ྲ༤ ཊྛཌ བྷཱ 300 272 241 241 13 19 144 7 129 5 141 6 256 211 217 216 ཱཿཧྨ ཤྲུའུ ཙ 292 5, 084 11 41 357 247 4, 545 18 213 } 12 132 183 2, 480 13 5 75 194 217 4,270 14 9 8 8 13 211 239 244 210 219 220 4, 523 15 3 5 9 9 152 136 117 156 126 146 156 163 150 127 140 142 138 126 120 2, 894 5 6 8 13 16 6 12 7 15 10 11 4 10 10 8 160 209 195 185 184 197 171 192 196 216 212 237 203 210 202 3,837 16 12 5 12 15 201 17 31 20 28 26 29 21 22 18 419 4, 045 6 11 16 11 11 13 33 24 18 21 24 14 21 17 11 309 134 137 131 116 149 141 139 121 132 132 163 149 140 180 2, 724 1 3 4 3 2 3 19 1 2 2 3 4 8 1 3 56 228 249 273 263 249 256 311 241 32 17 221 231 216 261 296 281 280 312 284 259 39 31 31 53 272 36 258 5, 145 20 30 659 b Marriages reported are for the years 1867 to 1886, inclusive; the number for each year could not be ascertained. 272 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. } TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. INDIANA—Continued. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. | 1868, 1869, 1870. | 1871. | 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 21 Fayette..... 10, 476 11, 394 S Mar 109 104 114 109 98 100 Div.... 7 4 5 5 8 31 22 Floyd..... 23, 300 24, 590 Mar 311 252 269 241 254 238 Div 25 23 21 20 18 33 23 Fountain 16, 389 20, 228 S Mar 172 176 168 160 173 159 Div.... 7 9 6 4 5 10 24 Franklin 20, 223 20, 092 Div. Mar 106 100 113 101 117 101 4 3 5 2 4 ་་ 4 25 Fulton.. 12,726 14, 301 Mar 130 131 126 104 123 136 { Div.... 6 4 8 6 5 26| Gibson. 17, 371 22, 742 Mar 225 193 195 223 186 Div.... 10 12 8 12 27 Grant. 18, 487 23, 618{ Mar 241 210 195 174 162 Div.... 9 18 14 23 12 12 192 4 233 17 13 28 Greene 19, 514 22, 996 { Div. Mar 257 210 241 226 222 231 18 16 17 6 11 29 Hamilton (a). 20, 882 Mar 24, 801 ... Div.... LO 9 21 19 8 17 30 Hancock (a) 15, 123 17, 123 S Mar Div.. 10 18 13 16 31 Harrison... 19, 913 21, 326 S Mar 206 165 184 201 141 174 { Div.... 7 2 11 6 8 4 32 Hendricks 20, 277 22, 981 Mar 202 198 186 183 178 183 Div.... 5 5 4 3 1 2 33 Henry (a). 22, 986 24, 016 Mar Div.. 9 10 14 11 20 16 34 Howard (a)……. 15, 847 Mar 19, 581 { Div... 16 22 24 15 14 30 35 Huntington..... 19, 036 21, 805 Mar 186 219 170 169 160 202 Div... 4 22 12 8 6 10 36 Jackson 18, 974 23, 050 Mar 217 219 232 204 216! 211 { Div.... 11 11 14 15 13 9 37 Jasper.. 6, 354 9, 461 { Mar 169 1541 160 1731 176 178 Div... 4 5 6 4 11 5 38 Jay.. 15,000 19, 282 S Mar {Div... 183 113 133 141 133 9 6 5 7 ణ 179 3 18 39 Jefferson 20, 741 Mar 281 266 281 241 221 256 25, 977 Div.... 15 12 6 7 5 4 40 Jennings 16, 218 16, 453 Mar Div.. 3 12 2 • 00 8 ♡ 41 Johnson 18, 366 19, 537 S Mar 198 203 196 Div.. 2 3 6 180 188 10 11 167 9 42 Knox 21, 562 26, 324 S Mar 280 255 243 241 311 299 Div.. 18 10 16 14 18 91 43 Kosciusko 23, 531 26, 494 S Mar 308 254 266 226 228 2 Div.... 17 22 26 13 18 16 44 Lagrange. 14, 148 Mar 15, 630 Div. 115 116 13 102 134 94 18 16 13 19 .... 323 93 20 45 Lake.. 12, 339 10 a Marriages reported are for the years 1837 to 1886, inclusive; the number for each year could not be ascer tained. 15, 091 { Mar ... Div.... 113 3 120 95 3 13325 99 107 51 123 CHAPTER VIII. GENERAL TABLES. 273 & TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. www INDIANA-Contiñned. 1873. | 1874. | 1875. |1876. | 1877. 1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885.1886. Total. 86 114 87 2 5 5 118 3 101 109 96 84 128 108 102 106 108 96 4 2 6 4 3 7 7 G 5 7 2,077 98 } 21 255 257 238 206 207 218 239 281 310 276 326 272 277 336 5, 263 18 16 10 6 24 17 23 16 31 13 27 32 16 32 421 }22 164 160 148 147 156 161 167 163 172 6 6 9 5 4 4 7 5 96 110 87 99 114 961 112 111 4 5 6 4 7 6 9 3 27 28 178 180 169 164 165 3, 302 23 7 7 10 81 13 139 118 103 109 118 104 2, 110 24 5 9 4 5 9 106 155 137 149 143 150 169 175 179 162 157 6 9 7 14 10 13 10 17 15 183 235 202 175 199 251 236 256 258 3 3 8 9 10 6 13 11 10 2331 238 254 214 253 2401 238 257 296 2 9 12 9 25 11 13 24 23 52 82 25 168 166 142 186 2,988 25 22 28 13 17 13 233 246 216 223 205 4,340 26 9 13 15 13 193 317 282 285! 274 274 4,870 18 25 28 28 348 S 27 201 221j 2471 217 252 212 259 276 225 228 2531 215 213; 259 4, 668 28 10 10 8 11 8 9 6 5 15 14 20 12 19 261 254 5, 004 14 6 15 ་ ་ 14 7 25 19 17 12 เก 5 17 10 16 14 27029 3, 388 30 5 7 b 9 3 2 5 10 9 12 8 6. 9 11 160 146 165 145 145 178 192 215 197 167 165 161 159 187 155 3 6 7 2 6 2 8 3 11 S 8 5 7 9 3, 448 121 192 195 182 158 194 214 203 172 181 186 200 178 167 170 3,722 5 3 5 10 8 2 91 13 2 8 6 8 6 10 115: }: } 32 31 4,834 8 6 3 10 12 11 14 11 21 23 20 16 12 13 21 8 7 5 19 20 15 15 29 16 21 26 28 22 26033 4,363 373 34 195 210 217 162 193 221 221 224 236 211 268 249 218 224 4 9 11 4 9 6 12 7 10 4 16 18 10 19 201 4, 155 (35 203 249 207 193 208 246 242 230 229 215 216 215 242 235 4, 429 9 9 11 6 19 30 11 22 21 23 13 18 23 17 162 150 1541 143 187 183 196 180 178 164 166 170 167 162 4 5 3 11 3 7 4 6 4 4 10 4 4 9 175 88 174 156 164 196 204 230 228 199 223 198 215 201 7 5 4 11 11 5 5 6 13 12 15 12 13 18 178 305} 3,372 36 113 37 3,536 38 249 258 234 222 269 264 289 289 280 240 248 244 233 226 5, 091 6 15 9 2 11 10 14 14 17 15 12 16 18 10 218 } 39 1 3 లు. 3 2 5 3 3 3 10 2 2 3 4 71 179 202 168 176 170 196 214 186 168 183 154 159 153 174 3,620 4 6 7 11 6 10 8 15 9 7 41 1 7 9 7 138 235 265 293 269 289 272 311 316 1 10 12 12 16 10 11 19 265 250 281 260 257 258 289 292 308 8 ४ 17 23 21 9 15 18 123 130 106 116 114 90 116 101 102 15 15. 8 8 10 14 10 21 142 116 4 9 130 113. 109 128 145 6' 128 126 5 31 51 22 82 82 80 281 256 287 275 278 5,578 42 13 15 28 15 21 293 290 26 34 288 267 264 274 25 5, 353 43 19 20 383 119 100 86 102 112 2, 171 16 17 9 13 23 291 } 44 138 156 158 149 163 2, 558 101 45 12 8 9 12 127 20267 M D— -18 274 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. INDIANA-Continued. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. Mar 298 270 267 270 254 291 46 La Porte... 27, 062 30, 985 Div.. 8 7 18 9 6 4 Mar. 210 188 164 192 154 187 47 Lawrence…. 14, 628 18, 543 Div... 9 7 12 12 11 14 48 Madison (a)……… 22, 770 27, 527 Div Mar ... Div... Mar 49 Marion 71, 939 102, 782 Div 74 35 59 91 107 154 50 Marshall 20, 211 23, 414 Div. Mar 250 247 236 162 169 211 17 13 17 5 16 15 Mar 152 118 132 142 115 134 51 Martin…. 11, 103 13, 475 Div... 10 3 4 5 5 52 Miami 21, 052 24, 083) Div... Mar 239 211 188 183 164 12 7 19 25 20 53 Monroe 14, 168 15, 875 Div { Mar 193 138 156 149 141 8 10 17 10 6 54 Montgomery. 23,765 27, 316 Div... Mar... 268 286 213 228 238 ཙཱས ཤྲུལིཾ ྱ ུ 214 162 19 12 13 15 13 12 Mar 55 Morgan (b). 17, 528 18, 900 Div... 11 9 4 9 9 Mar. 50 48 46 51 66 70 56 Newton... 5,829 8, 167 { Div.... 1 5 2 1 7 3 Mar 258 198 194 186 154 202 57 Noble.. 20, 389 22, 956 Div... 33 35 35 23 18 27 Mar 70 74 55 55 48 49 58 Ohio... 5,837 5, 563 Div... 2 4 2 5 1 59 Orange 13, 497 14,363 S Mar Div... 159 132 156 148 122 • 3 7 8 10 10 60 Owen 16, 137 • 15,901 Mar Div.... 178 157 174 187 154 5 7 14 10 8 61 Parke. 18, 166 19, 460 Mar ... Div.. 221 210 182 172 176 8 6 4 8! 6 Mar 149 172 144 157 143 62 Perry • 14, 801 16, 997 Div.... 11 2 10 14 5 ཙཱུ ཙྪཱཋ ཎྜཱཌ འ* 144 2 186 10! 194 10 151 4 Mar 151 159 149 162 180 166 63 Pike.. 13, 779 16, 383 { Div... 15 7 9 14 10 8 64 Porter 13, 942 17, 227 Mar {Div.. 152 158 150 2 2 50 133 148 136 10 10 4 4 65 Posey... 19, 185 20, 857 S Mar 268 257 235 211 229 241 ... { Div... 14 13 20 17 10 17 Mar 90 88 96 68 74 82 66 Pulaski……. 7, 801 9, 851 Div.... 5 4 7 3 4 3 Mar.. 2321 232 248 237 241 214 67 Putnam.. 21, 514 22, 501 { Div.... 10 8 9 16 7 3 68 Randolph (c).. 22,862 25, 435 Mar {Div Div. ... 9 8 7 5 10 11 69 Ripley. 20, 977 21, 627 Mar.. Div.... 184 21 196 3 161 51 179 31 174 156 1 a Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire December 10, 1880. Marriages reported are for December, 1880, and the years 1881 to 1886, inclusive; the number for each year could not be as certained. CHAPTER VIII, 275 -GENERAL TABLES. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. INDIANA-Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882, 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 267 268 279 221 227 250 231 285 318 336 320 270 240 228 5,390 46 7 18 12 10 9 18 21 18 9 18 15 11 12 15 245 188 173 144 174 169 187 183 189 164 181 179 186 153 175 3, 540 47 5 5 9 2 7 10 9 8 15 9 21 10 10 8 193 1, 838 48 2 19 32 36 26 28 29 172 97 141 135 134 114 163 118 151 151 181 155 152 166 171 2,552 } 49 241 215 237 205 218 277 248 229 236 218 257 255 216 208 4,535 50 14 15 14 22 21 18 22 17 118 128 131 147 162 137 155 151 3 4 2 9 5 7 11 སྨཱལ 20 20 29 25 27 15 362 128 129 122 121 105 143 2, 673 51 1 13 3 10 10 110 281 230 253 209 245 238 263 249 285 287 269 255 233 258 4,754 52 15 10! 10 9: 11 9 221 17 25 15 13 39 15 18 329 152 171 169 151 149 166 175 189 188 153 161 161 169 161 3,254 53 11 6 9 7 7 13 15 15 10 6 21 14 16 12 229 240 272 264 246 242 258 290 300 292 282 301 289 258 274 15 16 4 7 12 29 22 19 18 14 14 17 31 32 334 5,272 54 7 2 11 ༠་ 55 9 7 11 5 8 10 13 13 13 18 182 62 71 74 86 78 62 74 78 68 62 74 64 62 51 1, 303 56 1 5 4 4 5 9 3 6 3 4. 7 4 3 87 212 222 204 188 203 211 194 210 225 210 224 178 201 214 4,088 13 13 10 18 16 26 57 36 29. 26 28 17 25 27 19 474 53 33 72 37 55 63 78! 43 52 60 63 61 51 62 1, 134 3 2 5! 2 7: 4 7 2 3 1 3 4 59, }58 139 127 131 125 166 165 177 2 6 2 3 2 17%) 128 144 152 124 108 139 115 ลง 7. 6 7 5 3 1 6 2,801 92 59 198 158 146 158 163 177 157 134 162 166 174 155 142 140 11 9 6 4 8 11 8 7 5 5 10: 8: 151 111 3,266 172 192 211 186 175 198 186 196 190 166 4 7 6 5 9 7 6 13 3 143 159 136 134 155 166 11 6 3 14 39991 185 147 168 203 14 13 13 12 161 བྱས 162 168 161 199 207 175 8 4 12 9 9 2 176 4 199 3. 152 134 130 143 146 132 1 2 8 7 7 8 151 8 175 198 11, 11 231 233 237 199 209 242 268 292 238 279 253 81 2 20 14 15 22 16 26 30 96 86 76 78 94 86 74 96 106 122 4 5 8 7 5 4 5 6 4 186 221 192 197 180 222 226 218 197 223 ༤ བྷཱཌ སྣྲ॰ རཱུའི ང སྤྲོ 187 201 203 181 172 3,802 3: 7 9 8 15 160 166 146 167 6 9 4 195 185 189 17 32 32 33 155 170 187 12 14 6 9: 170 169 158! 16 8 6 7 3, 133 144 141, 60 } GO } 61 3,151 62 178 3,467 163 } 63 64 252 242 250 29 18 15 28 4,866 351 109 3 601 88 82 98 1,789 12 co 8 5 224 232 188 196 5 14 13 7 LO 5 10 8 11 7 8 20 10 6 4, 300 181 65 106 } 66 } 67 6 9 19 6 11 17 23 9 14 11 10 18 18 18! 5, 461 23: } 63 152 175 7 51 181 9 180 175 190 157 6! 5 31 157 195 158 161 6 6' 91 188 S 130 7 151 157 91 3, 403 103 }69 b Marriage records destroyed by fire March 31, 1876. c Marriages reported are for the years 1867 to 1886, inclusive; the number for each year could not be ascertained. 276 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. INDIANA-Concluded. Population. Mar- Counties. 1870. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces, 1880. 70 Rush 17, 626 19, 238 Mar 180 175 179 160 184 176 Div.... 5 3 4 3 1 5 71 Saint Joseph... 25, 322 33, 178 Mar 208 230 188 217 248 259 Div... 15 39 37 28 4 6 72 Scott 7,873 8, 343 Mar... 89 86 89 99 89 88 Div.... 3 7 1 3 20 18 73 Shelby.. 21, 892 25, 257 Mar ... Div... 13! 15 14 19 13 13 74 Spencer.. 17,998 22, 122 Mar 255 242 198 187 215 182 Div.... 7 8 8 7 5 3 75 Starke.... 3,888 5, 105 Mar 42 44 42 30 25 43 Div... 4 3 1 5 3 3 76 Steuben 12, 854 14, 645 { Div.. Mar 113 106 105 92 99 78 8 40 20 22 31 21 77 Sullivan 18, 453 20, 336 Div... Mar 232 258 213 198 214 8 8 13 10 2112 220 17 4 78 Switzerland (Mar 117 12, 134 13, 336 137 134 133 126 109 { Div.. 10 11 3 6 6 3 79 Tippecanoe Mar 33, 515 392 35, 966 346 348 336 340 359 Div. 33 34 18 18 32 31 80 Tipton (a) Mar 11, 953 14, 407 Div.... 6 10 7 8 6 16 81 Union 6, 341 7,673 { Div. Mar 113 156 124 112 111 98 3 3 4 3 2 3 82 Vanderburgh Mar 381 342 390 33, 145 42, 193 478 418 Div... 37 13 34 50 29 83 Vermillion……. 10, 840 12,025 Mar 147 159 152 140 141 Div. 7 51 3 9 4 84 Vigo. Mar 33, 549 45, 658 398 413 438 448 346 Div... 48 50 72 81 71 ུཤྩ ཧྲྰི* * 404 316 85 Wabash 21, 305 25, 241 { Mar 263 240 204 214 214 225 Div.. 9 8 9 13 9 6 86 Warren.. 10, 201 11, 497 Div.. Mar 137 144 129 120 122 117 7 4 4 10 4 4 Mar 236 213 215 210 177 214 87 Warrick 17, 653 20, 162 Div.... 8' 14 12 19 19 17 88 Washington 18, 495 18, 955 Mar Div... 179 173 169 172 178 195 5 9 8 3 5 4 Mar 89 Wayne (a). 34, 048 38, 613 Div. 19 22' 24 16 18 16 1 Mar 150 157 145 118 146 133 90 Wells.. 13, 585 18, 442 Div.. 17 9 11 9 9 3 91 White 10, 551 13,795 { Div. Mar Div.... 110 112 106) 90 93 106 2 5 6 2 4 4 92 Whitley 14, 399 16, 941 S Mar Div.. Mar 178 136 142 121 ... 134 1721 10: 6 11 9 15 11 Total 1,680, 637 1, 978, 301 Div.... 1,096 1,126 1, 210 1,170 1, 139 1, 157 a Marriages reported are for the years 1867 to 1886, inclusivo; the number for each year could not be ascertained, CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL -GENERAL TABLES. 277 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. INDIANA—Concluded. 1873. | 1874. | 1875. 1876. | 1877. |1878.1879.1880. 1881. 1882.1883. 1884. 1885.1886. Total. 160 3 156 9 168 7 162 5 172 180 186 169 194 192 184 179 163 172 4 14 9 11. 6 16 8 11 91 8 3, 491 141 } 70 287 245 225 19 14 225 211 191 220 230 264 296 312 331 262 250 261 4,935 31 26 22 19 36 24 60 37 37 25 28 533 }71 90 104 71 101 81 74 119 86 93 79 96 78 69 64 5 2 3 7 3 1 1 1 1 9 1 4 2 1, 748 921 } 72 3 -> 10 73 10 8 12 51 17 20 18 13 11 21 21 265 227 233 222 188! 211 242 237 219 221 211 198 264 7 16 9 6 8 6 8 18 21 19 16 32 38 54 44 52 72 38 60 62 54 60 2 3 2 5 4 1 3 4 3 3 4 99 93 104 2 6 191 106 106 98 15 15 19. 15 216 219 241 217! 2371 244 229 14 16 15 13 14 21 25 20 90 78 98 90 105 ཙྪཱཌ 8སe 270 267 17 13 11 4,489 } 74 54 60 962 3 8 66 108 150 1,994 27 16 17 21 18 16 19: 22 269 233 251 241 249 2251 2191 12 19 15 16 15 17 21 4, 625 277 133 112 145 125 144 150 156 153 142 150 144 158 147 164 2,779 4 6 3 2 7 5 8 6 8 6 9 5 5' 8 66} 75 37076 121 } 77 }T 78 360 346 364 350 324 296 328 364 336 384 368 342 346 360 6,989 24 28 29 35 23 22 79 29 46 33 32 36 22 17 40 582 3, 093 6 10 14 17 11 24 11 80 19 9 16 13 14 16 240 102 100 89 80 87 98 109 92 86 94 89 80 84 90 1,994 2 3 4 6 3 5 4 7 4 4 2 4 4 3 73 }81 456 458 427 364 426 432 510 572 542 556 634 592 606 536 9, 524 30 54 36 19 29: 52 43 76 82 148 156 151 140 148 146 159 8 4 6 41 4 4 4 168 3 417 413 382 447 522 498 551 525 66 55 64 63 64 48 71 71 229 228 232 221 243 250 210 284 274 9 8 7 5 8 6 6 18 ཙ སྦྲུབ 62 75 77 74 59 949 142 136 143 6 65 244 266 240 12 11 136, 98 110 112 123 106 100 5 5 6 6 5 4 4 11 117 123 3 120 4 136 193 233 195 158 188 240 215 229 196 198 232 236 12 ་ 4 16 14! 18 7 21 17 211 26 191 174 139 170 174 1 3 7 51 3 181 188 5 187 165 153 182 ཱ ཙྪཱ ཌ བྷཱ ཉྫུའ❁ 5 147 6 145 136 4 9, 2,964 106 83 576 552 480 472 477 576 93 94 72 79 1,377 9, 277 84 214 237 4,732 85 14 7: 16 18 199 4 119 9 128 135! 4 7. 110 2,43286 236 245 4, 259 15 87 12 21 31 324 169 143 166 3, 448 5 10 13 6 9 8 11 17 137 } 88 6, 916 25 6 13 17 26 16 9 to 2 13 16 89 23 11 15 22 329 152 188 180 160 161 172 213 192 230 201 185 174 196 196 3, 449 4 8 11 8 10 10 6 6 14 18 6 7 10 11 18790 116 128 144 136 152 8 7 1 4 4 120 2 130 124 118 126 130 120 126 132 2, 419 4 16 5 6 8! 91 6 13 13 120 175 184 4 158 6 1501 5 170 156 9: 166 7 170 186 186 14 6 13 156 7 162 162 134 3, 198 9 8 10 167 }92 864 1,002 1,052 1,014 1, 151 1, 183 1, 271 1, 423 1,495 1, 540 1,607 1, 534 1, 504 1, 655 1,423 25, 193 655 .. 278 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. IOWA. Population. Mar. Counties. riages and 1867.1868. 1869.|1870. | 1871. | 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 1 Adair. 3,982 11, 667 Mar Div.. 13 48 27 32 40 48 51 41 21 2 Adams.. 4, 614 11, 888 { Mar Div... 38 39 48 44 21 3 1 3 Allamakee…… 17,868 19, 791 S Mar Div. 8 6 6 7 11 4 Appanoose 16, 456 16, 636 Mar Div... 3 2 5 Audubon 1, 212 7,448 Mar Div.. - · • 6 Benton 22, 454 24, 888 Mar 165 162 2081 186 205 194 Div.. 5 5 12 5 14 7 Black Hawk 21, 706 23, 913 Mar Div... 18 16 10 8. 9 19 8 Boone... 14, 584 20, 838 { Div.... Mar 7 8 11 9 8: 9 Bremer 12, 528 14, 081 Mar Div. 11 7 7 16 9 10 Buchanan. 17, 034 18, 546 Mar ... Div.... 12 10 13 11 5 10 11 Buena Vista.. 1, 585 7, 537 { Mar Div... 12 Butler 9, 951 14, 293 Mar Div.... 4 8 6 4 6 Mar 13 Calhoun (a) 1, 602 5,595 Div... Mar 14 Carroll.... 2,451 12, 351 Div... 2 3 2 Mar 15 Cass 5, 464 34 52 56 66 16, 943 Div.. 1 Mar 156, 16 Cedar. 19, 731 18, 936 147 150 149 155 158 Div. 12 12 13! 4 8 6 17 Cerro Gordo 4,722 11, 461 S Mar { Div... 4 2 2 6 Mar 18 Cherokee 1,967 8, 240 · Div... 1 1 5 19 Chickasaw. 10, 180 14, 534 S Mar Div.... 4 6 2 11 6 5 20 Clarke... 8,735 11, 513 { Mar Div…… 48 55 78 72 94 101 1 31 3 5 3 6 21 Clay. 1, 523 4, 248 { Mar. Div. 22 Clayton.... 27, 771 28, 129 { Div.. Mar • 13 21 19 24 12 12 Mar.. 285 335 23 Clinton 35, 357 36, 763 351 325 390 351 Div.... 19 29 32 44 41 30 24 Crawford. 2, 530 12, 413 {Div. Mar Div.. 2 2 2 1 25 Dallas 12, 019 ... 18,746 { Div.. Mar 1 1 3 a Marriage records destroyed by fire September 18, 1884. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL -GENERAL TABLES. 279 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. IOWA. 1873. 1874. | 1875. | 1876. |.1877. | 1878. | 1879. | 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. | 1885.1886. Total. 50 58! 62! 60 3 1 11 6 งง่ 77 7 cr8880 88 102 100 105 120 110 100 102 5 7 5 8 3: 12 7 6 1,422 82 1 63 67 2 སྣ་: 94 90 88 106 118 98 107 122 112 91 99 88 1, 512 2 1 1 2 1 6 6 11 3 3 G 4 53 17 11 ית. 3 17 8 6 3 5 9 8 6 5 156 150 169 190 168 192 201 4 2 7 12 12 7 16 12 5 12 13 14 143 A เล 5 1 2 3 2 1 7 1 55 3 33. 204 184 186! 198 196 182 237 207 228 243 232 200 209 176 4,002 6 20 16 15 17 13 14 14 13 18 14 22 12 9 254 7 19 17 20 19 13 13 13 16 13 15 15 14 20 27 314 8 8 11 11 11 201 12 17 8: 16 16 24 17 20 248 9 15 5i 81 8 5 6 12 5 6 5 8 13 5 159 10 14 12 13 14 8 10 10 13 20 13 17 14 10 12 241 3 6 3 2 4 3 6 2 8 41 }11 11 6 9 13 3 5 8 1 2 3 98 } 12 2 2 3 2 3 లు. 2 2 31 3 49 13 1 6 3 4 3 3 ~ 41 7 6 3 81 66 } 14 81 126 156 214 150 152 159 176 196 215 197 157 123 140 1 1 3 4 3 7 71 9 12 15 12 19 10 14 118' } 15 147 140 192 166 172 144 156 132 162 154 159: 155 143 139 3,.076 14 13 6! 13 5 8: 14 16 17 12 9: 10 7 4 203 } 1 16 3 12 4: 6 5 3 11 9 10 6 17 13 4 6 117 2 1 61 5 1 6 9 10 8 82 18 10 10 4 8 9 10 3 7 89 111 104 90 99 99 117 115 107 108 107 103) 92 102 6 9 7 7 6 2 11 6: 4 6 6 6 ་ 5 } 13219 1, 891 10620 5 สง 1 1 3 འ་ 21 4 5 4 3 5 42 22 15 12 15 11 18 17 15 12 13 15 S 15 19 5 291 363 342 368 331 333 311 322 346 398 395 385 421 369 453 7, 174 23 22 21 25 40 31 29 39 35 40 57 42 37 61 49 723 > 24 4 19 2 3 5 2 6 7 71 81 5 11 6 10725 280 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. IOWA-Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar. riages and 1867.1868.1869.1870. 1871. | 1872. divorces. 26 Davis... 15, 565 16, 468 { Mar Div... 11 8 11 13 9 8 27 Decatur 12, 018 Mar 15, 336 Div... 28 Delaware. 17,432 Mar 17, 950 Div.... 17 17 5 13 11 7 29 Des Moines. 27, 256 33, 099 S Mar › Div. 6 12 17 11 20 21 30 Dickinson (a)…. 1, 389 Mar 1,901 Div. 2 4 2 2 31 Dubuque 38, 969 42, 996 Mar Div.... 12 13 12 9 20 13 32 Emmet 1,392 Mar 1, 550 Div. 33 Fayette (b) 16, 973 22, 258 S Mar Div.. 13 13 9 10 11 34 Floyd.. 10, 768 14, 677 Mar Div... 5 5 14 6 35 Franklin 4, 738 10, 249 Mar Div.... 2 3 2 1 36 Fremont. 11, 174 17, 652 S Mar { Div.. 37 Greene 4, 627 Mar 12, 727 Div.... 4 3 4 2 3 2 38 Grundy.. 6, 399 12, 639 S Mar Div... 1 1. 1 39 Guthrie 7, 061 14,394 Mar Div · 1 3 3 40 Hamilton 6, 055 11, 252 Div.. Mar ... 4 2 8 3 5 2 41 Hancock Mar 999 3, 453 { Div.. 42 Hardin 13, 684 17,807 S Mar Div. 4 8 5 43 Harrison. 8,931 16,649 Mar {Div... 3! 2 7 44 Henry 21, 463 20, 986 { Mar Div... 16 9 18 6 11 5 45 Howard (c) 6,282 10,837 S Mar { - • - Div.. • 46 Humboldt 2,596 5, 341 Mar Div. • 1 47 Ida (d) 226 4,382 S Mar { Div... • 48 Iowa 16, 644 Mar 19, 221 158 173 151 146 142 149 Div. --- 7 8 5 5 10 8! 49 Jackson 22, 619 Mar 23, 771 195 213 209 2:8 235 219 Div... 20 13 10 19 16 • 15 50 Jasper.... 22, 116 25, 963 { Div. Mar 8 16! 5 21 12 a Marriage records destroyed by fire 1871. b Marriage records destroyed by fire September 15, 1872. CHAPTER VIII.- 281 GENERAL TABLES. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1967 TO 1836, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. IOWA-Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 104 121 111 161 150 174 26 4 9 5 8 6 3 9 6 8 7 9 12 7 157! 134 113 123 152 119 192 10 7 9 12 7 16 8 12 9 10 12 7 126 }27 16 2 6 13 11 8 16 5 20 14 14 14 17 17 243 28 280 307 388 360 307 387 16 9 19 24 26 15 30' 31 27 34 39 38 25 28 451 }29 2 2 1 3 9. 3 6 2 5 4730 17 15 17 17 15 13 14 17 21 22 8 21 17 21 314 31 3 9 7 12 12 6 13 12 15 25 14 128 1 1 1 3 } 32 18 9 12 13 14 14 12 21 17 14 19 20 18 22 28733 10 5 5 12 14 10 3 13 5 12 14 10 4 4 16134 6 5 2 2 6 7 2 17 5 13! 98 } 35 36 5 12 6 3 6 8 8. 9 10 10 9 116 }37 ་་ 4 5 5 4 1 3. 4 3 3 4 45 38 2 2 1 6 1 6 5 6 Co 3 7 5 5 сл 5 5 15 9 5 31 9 6 8 8 11 18 13 11 9 8 147 1 1 1 1 1 9 3: 10 5 1 1 22 96'} 39 } 40 41 } 4 13 6 8 13 12 10 10 15 16 13 17 17 13 10 200 } 42 6 5 3 3 4 2 1 2 7 9 17 77 43 166 179 179 157 185 187: } 12 12 8 15 201 13 41 13 91 6' 8 14! 7 212 } 44 4 8 6 6 3. 6 59 } 45 3 లు. 3 2 1 2 1 6. 5 33 46 1 1 2 1 3 5 5 6 5 3 2 150 127 164 159 166 179 151 168 144 137 153 146 155 127: 7 8 4 7 15 12 9 9 10 6 4 6 3 5 211 219 201 210 198 190 221 234 8 11 10 11 16 33 14 21 214 17 245 228 207 22 20 219 201 31 26 13 3447 3, 045 148 18 4, 287 346 19 12 14 26 13 11 18 20 17 25 17 14 29 295 50 c Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire November 30, 1876. d Divorce records destroyed by fire January, 1877. * 282 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. IOWA-Continued. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. [1870. 1880. 51 Jefferson 17,839 Mar 17, 469 Div.... 9 6 8 4 16 52 Johnson 24, 898 25, 429 Mar Div.... 18 6 17 11 9 15 53 Jones.. 19, 731 21, 052 S Mar Div... 172 187 169 180 179 181 9 8 17 12 7 10 54 Keokuk 19, 434 21, 258 Mar Div.. - 4 - 5 5 10 4 Mar 55 Kossuth 3, 351 6, 178 Div.... 3 3 Mar 56 Lee... 37, 210 34, 859 { Div... 19 27 30 18 25 14 57 Linu. 31, 080 37, 237 Div.. Mar 462 589 755 608 590 550 15 17 10 14 13 21 Mar 58 Louisa.. 12, 877 13, 142 Div... 24 12 22 8 17 12 59 Lucas.. 10, 388 14, 530 S Mar Div.... 4 LO 5 6 8 • 30 60 Lyon 221 1,968 { Div... 61 Madison 13, 881 17, 224 Mar { Div... · 2 5 Mar 62 Mahaska 22, 508 25, 202 Div.... 11 18 11 12 16 63 Marion 24, 436 Mar 25, 111 Div... 13 3 10 7 14 10 64 Marshall 17, 576 23, 752 Mar Div... 156 189 182 143 199 134 9 17 6 10 14 10 65 Mills 8, 718 11, 137 Mar Div... - 66 Mitchell 9, 582 14, 363 Mar Div... 1 2 3 2 4 67 Monona 3, 654 9,055 Mar Div... 4 2 2 68 Monroe... 12, 724 13, 719 Mar Div.. • 9 9 11 69 Montgomery 5, 934 15, 895 { Mar 29 23 35 65 73 65 Div.. 1 Mar 70 Muscatine. 21, 688 23, 170 Div... 18 14 13 17 8 71 O'Brien. 715] 4, 155 { Mar Div... 72 Osceola (a) 2,219 Mar Div... 73 Page 9, 975 19, 667 Mar Div.... 134 91 100 82 79 103 3 1 7 3 3 4 Mar 74 Palo Alto... 1, 336 4, 131 Div... 2 3 75 Plymouth 2, 199 S Mar 8, 566 { Div. - a Organized in 1872. CHAPTER VIII. VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 283 4 * TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. IOWA-Continued. 1873.1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. | 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. Į 1883. | 1884. | 1885. | 1886.| Total. 159 173 163 133 140 200 15 9 14 6 8 3 9 7 11 10 16 12 7 8 185 51 }5 202 259 218 232 216 283 52 6 13 23 11 19 14 15 15 17 13 14 14 15 9 274 174 191 159 164 232 167 209 176 219 205 215 189 188 160 3, 716 53 8 11 7 22 18 25 16 15 16 16 14 12 19 16 27bi 277 204 204 149 209 296 54 11 10 9 9 11 12 12 12 15 20 19 14 203 • 3 1 ය. 5 3 4 N 2 5 ເກ 5 3 3 5 6 3 5555 181 260 256 118 334 347 28 18 11 18 23 18 13 21 20 21 24 22 29 231 422 }56 502 517 590 553 635 675 727 768 749 620 834 660 392 469 18 26 13 28 18 21 23 19 27 21 39 42 23 38 12, 245 446 } 57 93 19 19 12 30 18 21 30 27 39 25 94 87 108 106 132 20 17 25 23 15 410 }58 114 192 158 96 172 3 6 9 5 3 16 5 10 14 22 10 11 2& 221 59 23 11 179 60 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 20 6 8 8 13 18 15 11 12 154 }61 236 282 315 288 210 330 12 10 12 16 14 25 21 23 21 27 21 29 31 33 373 } 62 195 181 221 216 150 442 63 5 7 11 14 17 12 11 11 8 15 6 12 7 7 200 186 186 248 200 209 219 231 235 248 281 293 260 250 241 4, 290 61 15 11 5 14 22 15 16 23 19 37 26 31 16 26 342 132 122 111 120 178 156-168 123 122 124 65 2 3 1 4 3 3 6 10 10 9 9 8 72 5 2 11 CO 11 3 9 4 2 3 101 }66 2 6 ແຈ 3 3 5 67 - 6 4 5 8 13 5 9 87 132 113 124 108 84 138 68 5 5 3 4 2 3 8 5 6 5 6 7 7 114 74 90 120 169 131 145 126 140 156 162 198 192 174 147 2,314 4 6 7 8 5 7 9 8 14 15 8 6 17 9 124 } 69 198 203 242 235 224 315 70 13 12 20 28 15 13 25 18 24 25 24 21 21 25 361 71 3 3 N 3 3 6 34: 1 2 ་་་ 1 14 }72 93 115 117 147 151 136 134 139 169 180 170 187 201 171 10 4 2 5 10 4 13 19 11 14 8 15 17 2, 704) 157 73 3 ~ 3 5 3 31 }74 75 8 88 284 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. IOWA-Concluded. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. | 1868. | 1869.1870. | 1871. | 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 76 Pocahontas. 1,446 Mar 3,713 Div.... 2 77 Polk. 27, 857 42, 395 Mar { Div.... 13 22 22 32 18 34 78 Pottawattamie 16, 893 39, 850 { Mar Div. 8 9 7 15 79 Powesbiek 15, 581 18, 936 Mar Div. 2 9 7 4 3 80 Ringgold 5, 691 12, 085 Mar . Div.. 2 2 1 2 5 81 Sac 1,411 8, 774 { Div.... Mar 1 2 1 2 82! Scott 38, 599 41, 266 Mar Div.. 17 34 33 32 32 27 • • t 83 Shelby 2, 540 12, 696 Mar... 14 9 22 23 32 36 Div.. 84 Sioux.. 576 5, 426 Mar Div... • 2 85 Story. 11, 051 16, 906 S Mar Div... 3 5 1 2 6 1 86 Tama. 16, 131 21, 585 Mar 117 136 142 147 --- 140 141 Div.... 5 2 3 31 8 91 87 Taylor... G, 983 15, -635 Mar Div.... GO 64 59 1 2 1 1 1 88 Union 5, 986 14, 980 Mar ... 40 35 45 64 68 70 Div... 2 2 31 2 19 Van Buren 17, €72j 17, 043 Mar {Div.. Div... 14 8 5 9 90 Wapello 22, 346 25, 285 Mar - Div... 8 9 20 16 12 91 Warron. 17, 980 19, 578 S Mar { Div... 1 3 2 5 92 Washington 18, 952 20, 374 Mar * Div... N 6 5 6 93 Wayne 11, 287 16, 127 S Mar Div... 5 O 3 2 10 7 91 Webster 10, 484 15, 951 S Mar { Div.... 1 2 3 5 Mar 95 Winnebago 1,562 4,917 { Div... 2 2 2 3 96 Winneshiek 23, 570 23, 938: Mar Div... 9 9 4 3 97 Woodbury. 6, 172 14, 996 S Mar 98 Worth. 2,892 7,953 { Div……. Mar { Div... 2 8 18 6 11 3 1 1 Mar 99 Wright.. 2,392 5, 002 Div.. 1 3 4 Total 1, 194, 020 1, 624, 615 Mar Div. - 504 553 584 570 627 617 1 CHAPTER VIII. 285 GENERAL TABLES. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd, IOWA-Concluded. 1873. | 1874. | 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. | 1883. ! 1884. 1885. 1886, Total. 76 2 3 1; 4 1 2 5 30, 77 23 26 28 23 22 34 39 47 38 51 63 51 61 71 724 8 11 15 17 11 11 18 17 18 16 32 20 11 31 280 } 78 79 2 61 8 61 5 4 8 10 8 6 7 5 119 108 103 110 116 1011 131 2 1 7 4 6 5 6 4 4 4 7 10 89 } ε 80 81 1 2 2 2 4 6 5 9 7 58 374 421 432 382 360: 515 82 32 35 311 37 27 44 35 49 43 36 36 34 41; 40 703 24 40 59 69 64 88 92 104 125 138 156 182 156 117 1, 550 83 J 1 2 4 4 6 4 6 9 10 4 6 1' 65 84 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 7 เด 5 33 9 7 7 85 5 11: 5 2 5 11 15 9 15 132 165: 148 183 198 185 178 182 162 193 198 195 199. 169 174 3,352 5 13 10 10 6 86 12 12 17 18! 11 11 11 12 16 197 61 72 91 101 106 114 98 116 150 122 149 121 100 135. 2 1 1 87 1 2: 2 3 · 1 1 2 3 3 30 78 86 113 88 110 108 118 118 168 156 178 150 200 157 2, 150 21 1 2 3 3. 6 9 11 23 11: 8 9 101 } 8 $8 84 127 137 153 132 187 5 5 3 3 6 12 6 6 S 6 132 } 89 238 279 276 264 269 355 18 22 19 20 25 27 24 29 39 90 33 27 15 28 30 428 1 3 3 5 8 6 10 91 17 6 3 10 5 101 142 15 170 148 149 170 9 6 9 6 2 5 5 5 3 92 S 11 3 8 121 137 144 125 139 118 213 5 2 8 5 10 3 9 10 6 7 5 93 10 10 126 .00 8 2 4 13 51 2 در 14 12 11 8 94 119 1 1 1 3 3: 3 3 2 1 31 } 95 5 13 9 15 14 11 10 12 6 12 10 10 11 187 }96 9 Co S 9 13 12 10 19 21: 10 24 14 28 97 35 29 289 3 3 3 1 5 2 98 25 2 3 1 4 2 3 5 2 2 3 3 11 99 0Q CO 8 68 709 662 675 $46! 851 842 C/ 854 1,001 1,063 1,150 1,043 1, 164 1, 119 1,127|||| 16,561 127 286 очень REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. KANSAS. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. | 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 1 Allen 7, 022 11, 303 Mar... Div... 54 71 67 1 2 76 112 2 110 3 3 2 Anderson (a) Mar. 5, 220 9,057 Div... 3 Atchison 15, 507 26, 668 { Mar. · Div 4 2 4 15 14 4 Barbour (b) - 5 Barton (c) 2, 661 Mar. Div.... Mar. 10, 318 { Div. # • · 6 Bourbon 15, 076 19, 591 { Mar... 186 126 150 193 174 144 Div... 2 5 2 3 4 1 7 Brown 6, 823 12, 817 Mar. 10 17 19 26 34 47 Div... 2 2 4 3 6 7 8 Butler 3, 035 18, 58; Mar. 16 27 48 76 60 53 Div. 1 4 9 Chase.. Mar 27 29 34 1, 975 6, 081 • Div.. 3 2 10 Chautauqua (d) 11, 072 Mar Div.. 14 53 125 2 ་་་ 11 Cherokee 11, 038 21, 905 Mar 12 61 72 93 98 114 • Div.... 2 3 4 6 8 12 Cheyenne (e) 37 S Mar { Div. 13 Clark (f). Mar 163 Div... 14 Clay 2,942 12, 320 Mar 7 12 13 22 39 Div 82 யக 56 3 15 Cloud.. 2, 323 15, 343 Mar 9 11 10 25 25 37 60 Div. 1 21 1. 2 6 16 Coffey 6, 201 11, 438 S Mar 351 52 611 64 47 60 Div.... 11 1 2 6 17 Comanche (e) 372 Mar Div.. 18 Cowley 1, 175 21, 538 Mar Div.. 48 70 1 19 Crawford 8, 160 16, 851 < Mar... 37 40 47 66 81 76 { Div.. 1 2 1 ลง 2 8 4 20 Davis... 5, 526 6, 991 S Mar 56 67 78 ... Div... 1 2 Mar 21 Decatur (g)………… 4, 180 { Div.... Mar 22 Dickinson (h)………… 3, 043 15, 251 8 16 11 23 12 3333 79 83 96 1 3 50 48 Div... 23 Doniphan. 13, 969 14,257 { Div... Mar 2 6 10 21 24 Douglas 20, 592 21,700 {Div Mar 10 15 13 a Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire January 1, 1872. b Organized in 1873. c Organized in 1872. d The figures for the years 1870 to 1874, inclusive, are probably for the extinct county of Howard, from a part of which Chautauqua county was formed and organized in 1815. مگر CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 287 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. KANSAS. 1873. 1874. 1875.1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. i 78 88 62 61 92, 70: 88 126 < 1 4 2 3 1 3 2. 71 118 101 9 146 5 136 137 6 121 6 1, 917 72 } 1 ས 3 5 4 5 3 9 - 9 4 5 11 17 12 12 15 8 14 1,288 63 3,420 176 2 3 } 2 6 9 10 35 17 25 21 27 60 100 155 491 4 3 3 3 CO 3 4 1 5 12 17 51 5 3 3 5 10 7 12 9 68 174 160 144 152 169 190 152 200, 192 224 266 330 294 281 3,904 9 2 4 9 2 11 5 8: 10 13 22 20 22 161, 6 73 3 51 1 30 2 153 131 20 10 ** ON ON HA 56 71 74 82 91! 108 118 127 110 - 116 146 178 1,571 7 3 5 6 3 1i 2 5 8 51 5 89 45 2 LO LO 41 55 58 821 72 89 103 151 165 21x 287 1, 746 8 5 6 4 5 6 5 4 9 10 16 91 57 68 48 73. 84 77 62 71 .75 94 100 1, 054 9 2 3 4 1 3 4 3 7 3 3 5 49 67 12 89 122 125 104 109 7 5 9 & 6 8, 601 91 140 152 136 158 1,781 3 8 12 7 14 เว 5 1281 10 102 1808 113 172 · 181 111 94 136 155 201 242 261 278 246 279 3, 021 4 7 51 11 7 11 8' 8 10 9 6 7 12 132 AR 12 1 1 2 12 63 75 54 68 51 66 201 82 102 121 120 134 142 151 172; 206 1,698 7 1 1 3 5 9 4: 7 5 13 10 8 8 6 92 } 13 } 14 72 96 78 6 3 00 LO 82 96 118 164 160 150 145 182 201 200 227 2, 123 15 5 6 11 12 7 7 16 15 ස 31 18 13 134 67 621 72 1 23 75 75 1041 109 98 83 96 128 158 141 138 1,725 2 4 13 8 3 6 11 7 101 10 95 } 16 17 23 46 69 81 97 108 971 101 158 202 254 214 194 235 274 304 352 2,789 3 2 11 6 4 7: 17 14 11 12 5 -13 14 79 70 73 88 81 102 105 138 159 185 226 280 251 278 2 4 9 10 5 12 6. 5 10 15 9 12 00 5 116 147 140 153 116 118 168 158 163 132 106 103 10:2 98 1 2 2 2 2 5 00 8 2 7 2 6 4 3 29 261 27 27 29 58 100 6 4 5 12 31 47 59 63 87 62 92 90 105 110 126 166 182 212 205 6! 6 7 8 7 15 3 3 7 4 1 5 ما 5 3 11 4 5 6 21 9 11 11 17. 11 e Organized since 1880. 15 17 120 $18 2,465 19 130; 2,279 55/} 20 294321 1,762 22 34 1,607 127 4, 504 23 500 24 160} f Organized in June, 1885. g Organized in 1879. h Divorce records destroyed by fire January 17, 1882. A 288 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. KANSAS—Continued. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 25 Edwards (a) 26 Elk (b) 27 Ellis. Mar 2, 409 Div.. 10, 623 Mar Div... • 1, 336 6, 179 › S Mar Div.. • 28 Ellsworth 1, 185 8, 494 29 Finney (c) ... S Mar Div... (Mar LO 1 2 5 11 17 15 17 19 2 1 3 {Div.... 30 Ford (d) 427 3, 122 S Mar { Div. 31 Franklin 10, 385 16, 797 S Mar {Div... 5 6 CU 3 4 32 Gove (e) 1, 196 Mar Div... 33 Graham (ƒ) 4, 258 Mar Div... 34 Greenwood 3, 484 10, 518 S Mar Div.. 25 3333 · 66 15 6 85 76 65 1 5 2 35 Hamilton (g).. 36 Harper (d).. 4, 133 37 Harvey (h). 11, 451 Mar 168 Div. · Mar Div.. S Mar Div.. -- L 17 38 Hodgeman (i) 1, 704 Mar Div... · • · 39 Jackson.. 6, 053 10, 718 S Mar 13 18 27 36 48 72 Div.... 1 3 4 2 4 2 40 Jefferson 12, 526 15, 563 Div.... S Mar 45 54 62 71 78 86 2 4 3 51 3 3 41 Jewell (j) - 207 17,475 S Mar Div.. 42 Johnson 13, 684 16, 853 S Mar {Div... 5 5 3 15 43 Kingman (a). 44 Kiowa (k). 45 Labette... 9, 973 22, 735 3,713 { Div... S Mar Div. S Mar Div... Mar - · - 19 29 47 96 1 1 1 6 142 9 144 7 46 Lane (l).. 601 S Mar Div... 47 Leavenworth 32, 444 32, 355 Mar Div.. 29 36 40 24 a Organized in 1874, b Formed and organizeo in 1875 from a part of the now extinct county of Howard. c Organized in 1884. d Organized in 1873. e Organized in September, 1886. f Organized April 1, 1880. g Organized in 1886. f CHAPTER VIII.—GENERAL TABLES. 289 TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. KANSAS-Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. | 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. | 1885. | 1886. | Total. 1 2 6 15 20 14 11 25 13 26 531 72 258 1 1 1 3 1 51 3 1 6 6 28 } 25 24 65 59 67 79 105 95 104 95 127 138 120 1, 078 1 1 3 4 3 1 11 9 18 51 } 26 27 2 1 5 9 7 6 5 4 9 4 61 26 21 23 24 27 59 67 73 67 63 61 81 83 94 856 1 1 2 4 3 1 3 4 2 5 11 12 955 28 37 102 3 g༤ 139 7 339 29 10 8 13 11 12 19 32 28 42 2 2 4 8 25 431 29 52 90 125 501 9 11 14 15 17 87 } 30 2,799 6 10! 2 5 10 9 6 9 12 9 9 12 16 143 } 31 32 2 1 4 8' } 33 67 61 42 69 62 71 84 99 80 86 114 108 133 130 1,559 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 7 6 8 8 6 9 15 90 } 31 17 17 35 5 5 36 22 32 3 1 1 22 46 92 127 126 491 36 5 6 10 28 19 231 2 3 22 24 32 41 42 47 53 54 46 40 54 56 69 617 2 4 6 3 2 3 37 ་ 4 5 6 10 56 7 1001 5 12 6 10 18 33 91 38 2 2 6 64 60 75 87 96 113 127 154 148 192 201 213 189 243 2, 176 5 4 3 2 2 2 31 5 3 39 5 5 1 5 8. 69 84 75 80 86 921 94 100 87 90 96 94 101 112 128 1,715 ન 3 5 3 2 2 3 3 ། 1 3 2 40 11 3 сл 5 74 10 9 10 2 7 9 10 13 14 41 17 11 25 26 167 2,404 5 6 3 9 51 6 14 5 14 11 42 8 7 -5 141 1 5 13 22 24 2 45 106 146 195 581 1 4 2 43 3 7 28 31 31 44 137 156 127 146 123 178 194 221 284 268 11 7 7 3 10 15 10 16 7 6 316 9 289 285 248 3, 449 45 6 7 12 151 5 5 46 27 18 13 15 12 16 27 201 18 5,536 30 27 36 29 55 48447 20267 M D—19 h Organized in 1872. i Organized in 1879. j Organized July 30, 1870. *Organized in April, 1886. Organized in July, 1886. 290 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. KANSAS—Continued. Population. Mar- Counties riages and 1867. | 1868. | 1869, 1870. | 1871. | 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 48 Lincoln.. 516 8, 582 Mar Div.... 1 49 Linn · 12, 174 15, 298 Mar... Div... 1 2 50 Lyon Mar 47 53 59 54 78 110 8, 014 17, 326 Div.... 4 5 3 4 3 6 Mar 14 12 51 McPherson 738 17, 143 · Div.... 1 2 Mar 17 21 30 23 30 52 Marion 768 12, 453 --- Div... 1 1 1 53 Marshall. 6, 901 16, 136 Div... Mar 17 20 36 64 70 73 1 3 5 3~ 7 Mar 54 Meade (a) 296 Div... Mar 55 Miami. 11, 725 17,802 Div.... 3 4 10 15 56 Mitchell... 485 14, 911 { Mar Div.. 1 57 Montgomery.. 7, 564 18, 213 Mar Div... 79 122 148 ... 3 41 58 Morris.. 2,225 9, 265 Mar Div... 17 21 26 25 30 27 1 1 4 59 Morton (a, b). Mar Div... Mar 17 26 38 46 40 92 60 Nemaha 7,339 12, 462 ► Div... 2 4 4 1 2 61 Neosho 10, 206 15, 121 Mar Div... 38 53 88 2 ∞ 2 103 134 128 2 3 9 5 62 Ness (c)..... 2 3, 722 Mar Div.. · 63 Norton (đ). 6, 998 Mar Div... Mar 64 Osage 7,648 19, 642 {Div... 19 27 38 46 44 72 3 1 4 3 3 Mar 6 65 Osborne (e) 33 12, 517 { Div.... S Mar 10 17 18 27 36 47 66 Ottawa 2, 127 10, 307 { Div. 1 1 5 2 5 5 67 Pawnee (f) 179 5, 396 S Mar { Div.... 68 Phillips (f) 12, 014 S Mar { 2 Div... 69 Pottawatomie 7,848 70 Pratt (g).... 71 Rawlins (α) Mar 16, 350 { Div.. 1, 890 { Div. 1, 623 S Mar Div…. ... ... 9 17 16 13 1 1 3 20 20 27 3 4 Mar a Organized since 1880. b No divorces granted. c Organized April 14, 1880. d Organized in 1872; in 1873 name changed to Billings; in 1874 name changed back to Norton. CHAPTER VIII.- GENERAL TABLES. 291 f TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. KANSAS—Continued. 1873.1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885.1886. Total. 48 2 3 2 6 9 C1 9 9 62 2 2 2 3 2 1 4 5 6 9 !, 187 56 } 49 115 154 143 128 115 100 112 142 160 175 184 201 250! 315 2,695 8 5 6 7 7 11 9 16 8 15 10 7 10 144 }50 18 36 47 1 3 72 62 73 84 127 158 138 148 170 182 175 167 1, 611 51 2 1 6 2 ་ 4 4 3 10 7 8 3 8 65 33 • 1 24 29 40 41 43 60 54 51 55 50 61 75 79 89 881 52 5 1 3 3 1 2 1 4 4 2 4 5 G 45 97 90 87 126 138 124 138 160 144 148 198 215 214 211 2 3 8 9 2 4 51 5 5 5 18 6 8 8 2,370 108 } 53 10 10 }54 2,679 6 10 11 12 10 17 17 15 10 55 181 10 3 5 1 91 12 7 19 9 8 11 11456 171 162 163 162 144 174 214 179 190 219 228 277 298 269 3, 199 3 71 5 4 1 6 4 57 3 5 4 5 3 4 9 70 30 38 41 50 39 46 61 60 65 58 78 101 116 98. 1,030 1 1 4 3 58 2 2 2 6 1 2 5 35 59 73 106 117 146 123 118 167 182 192 190 198 210 176 4 3 2 2 7 5 8 7 4 8 13 3 7 184 8 2, 441 114 158 113 108 112 134 135 156 142 4 3 5 51 2 12 ما 5 21 སྨྲས 145 182 191 175 153 S 1 51 7 5 94 2,562 87 } 60 }61 10 14 14 10 16 36 46 146 1 1 62 2 4 6 7: 21 9 9 19 14 25 72 68. 50 56 48 47 85 111 613 11 2 3 2 3 Si 5 3 6 5 5 50 } 63 70 75 68 93 4 ลง 2 1 5 23 44 3 #~ 33 48 2 2 45 62 67 73 1 3 5 coão com or c cr888 102 87 107 110 131 145, 157 158 162 207 1,918 3 3 4 3 2 3 4 3 7 00 8 43 84 146 891 100 96. 94 104 123 122 1, 155 2 5 4 1 2 6 7 11 13 11 89 97 78 80 86 94 103 100 78 118 1,325 5 1 5 6 2 5 11 6 5 10 70 71 } 61 65 87 $66 3 4 7 14 24 49 68 61 49 50 47 53 67 95 591 67 23 33 19 42 41 61 108 120 92 51 64 81 113 129 982 2 7 11 6 4 10 9 24 & 10 مر 68 91 34 30 32 61 60 54 52 67 71 70 SG 92 109 117 4 2 2 1 1 1 4 2 4 5 5 6 5 1,040 51 }69 5 2 70 13 6 28 7 161 16 2 31 3 W -] 17 34 44 134 3 1371 e Organized in 1871. f Organized in 1872. g Organized in 1879. + " 292 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. :༥༥༣ TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-C ont'd. KANSAS—Continued. Population. Mar- Counties. 1870. riages and 1867.1868.1869.1870. 1871. |1872. divorces. 1880. 72 | Reno (a). Mar 12, 826 { Div. S Mar 73 Republic 1,281 14, 913 Div. · · 74 Rice (b)………. 5 75 Riley 76 Rooks (a) 77| Rush (c) ... 78 Russell (a) 5,105 {Mar 9, 292 { Div……. S Mar 10, 430 { Div………. Mar 8, 112 Div.... 1 2 10 34 60 2 1 8 34 41 36 59 58 81 • 1 2 7 2 2 Mar • · 5, 490 Div... S Mar... 156 7, 351Div. Div.... Mar 11 22 39 74 76 68 79 Saline... 4, 246 13, 808 Div. 2 1 5 3 6 Mar 80 Scott (d) • 43 Div.... Mar 81 Sedgwick.. 1, 095! 18, 753 Div. 50 54 4 1 S Mar 82 Seward (e) Div.. Mar 87 96 1781 174 164 94 83 Shawnee………… 13, 121 29, 093 Div... 13 8 7 12 19 39 S Mar ... 84 Sheridan (ƒ) 85 Sherman (g) ……… 86 Smith (a) 66 87 Stafford (h) 4,755 Div 1, 567 Div.... S Mar 13 Div. 13, 883 Div.... Mar Div.... Mar · 9 Már 88 Stevens (g) 12 Div... Mar 30 89 Sumner (b)……. 22 20, 812 Div. 90 Thomas (g). 161 91 Trego (h) 166 Mar Div... < Mar 2, 535 { Div…… Mar 64 73 - 92 Wabaunsee. 3, 362 8, 756 Div. 2 22 82 87 3 99 96 2 2 93 Wallace (i)………. 538 S Mar 686 › Div.. Mar 94 Washington (j). 4, 081 14, 910 Div 37 1 95 Wichita (k) a Organized in 1872. b Organized in 1871. c Organized in 1874. S Mar 14 Div.... d Organized August 10, 1886. e Organized in August, 1886. ƒ Organized in 1880. g Organized since 1880. Organized in 1879. h CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 293 • TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. KANSAS—Continued. 1873.1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 4879.1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885.1886. Total. 30 36 43 67 90 89 128 1 2 2 4 LO 5 116 5 126 114 118 154 175 192 8 4 5 10 12 2667 1,478 65 } 72 82 88 62 71 70 158 121 109 101 111 134 142 144 174 1,674 8 73 6 5 1 5 8 5 8 3 9 13 00 8 18 100 13 18 21 26 4 4 85 72 46 59 5 22 ON 42 71 97 78 95 73 91 123 97 138 991 74 4 7 3 7 2 7 8 3 7 7 65 60 46 79 1 2 1 ∞ 84 74 100 86 134 121 112 1,467 3 2 1 4 9 5' 7 5675 1 4 4 ta 7 5 28 70 76 69 40 60 70 100 116 650 76 3 1 2 4 6 4 2 6 3 12 5 48 12 10 34 39 35 39 19 24 23 32 53 320 77 78 1 1 5 5 6 2 6 3 4 3 10 47 74 91 68 84 97 112 138 130 106 92 144 139 152 142 1, 862 2 3 79 3 1 4 4 4 2 3 5 11 9 18 86 7 t } 80 831 91 98 117 1 7 5' 6 124 4 165 5 118 3 206 4 218 9 224 216 332 376 396 2, 871 81 5! 15 12 20 19 120 5 5 82 117 103 75 190 197 210 254 385 390 432 444 538 616 499 5, 243 83 4 43 17 24 9 20 18 19. 35 47 26 49 51 39 499 3 1 12 5 7 1 8 17 51 84 2 2 85 34 43 29 50 77 93 122 122 116 76 93 110 131 128 1 4 2 6 2 4 6 n 5 6 7 9 14 8 15 89 1, 23386 9 29 2 32 25 36 38 39 45 72 293 87 12 3 6: 2 41 14 43 2 2 83 33 34 47 63 86 101 152 184 6 3 3 2 4 9 3 ลง 2 175 5 184 2 189 262 290 263 2, 093 9 7 11 12 78 } S9 89 1 32 331 90 2 2 1 11 37 19 22 13 17 33 71 6 4 2 1 2 1 16 224 } 9 91 110 2 122 4 109 2 140 149 152 127 3 3 4 4 130 6 118 136 100 102 96 144 3 4 3 7 5 8 2,236 69 }92 93 46 62 70 87 96 1 4 6 6 7 7 89 104 110 8 5 127 21 100 6 120 9 99 4 156 189 1, 492 94 11 8 85 95 i Divorce records nearly all destroyed • 1876: and all destroyed February 23, 1887. j Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire December 11, 1872. k Organized December 30, 1886. of * 294 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. KANSAS-Concluded. Population. Mar- Counties. 1870. 188 riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872, divorces. 96 Wilson 97 Woodson Mar 41 59 82 96 6, 694 13, 775 Div.... 1 2 9 3, 827 6, 535 S Mar 15 21 { Div.... 1 1 23 27 28 37 47 1 5 6 98 Wyandotte 10, 015 19, 143 S Mar Div.... LO 5 2 3 8 10 Total (a)... 6361, 605 6994, 738 Mar Div.... 922 1, 150 1, 540 2,065 2,517 2, 950| 76 113 122 158 256 280 KENTUCKY. 1 Adair.. 11, 065 13, 078 { Mar Div... 3 1 1 2 Allen 10, 296 12, 089 Mar. Div... 2 3 Anderson.. 5, 449 9, 361 { Mar. 94 73 70 58 69 68 {Div Div. 8 3 2 3 2 3 4 Ballard (d) 12, 576 14, 378 { Mar Div. 3 ❤ ... 5 Barren.. 17, 780 22, 321 { Div. Mar - · • 3 4 2 .2 · LO 5 • ... 6 Bath... 10, 145 7 Bell.... 3, 731 Mar... 11, 982 { Div.... Mar... 6, 055 { Div... 108 105 106 89 111 90 1 2 1 2 2 5 3 23 22 24 18 39 38 3 3 2 1 8 Boone 10, 696 11, 996 { Div. Mar 84 59 70 76 55 61 9 Bourbon 14, 863 15,956 {Div... Mar 178 157 155 141 132 123 2 2 1 3 1 10 Boyd 8, 573 12, 165 { Mar Div.. 72 22 71 101 90 79 125 4 6 5 7 5 11 Boyle...... 9, 515 11, 930 { Div.. Mar... 172 242 254 148 184 124 1 2 4 3 2 3 12 Bracken 11, 409 13, 509 Div. { Mar 106 95 64 84 81 01 4 2 3 1 Mar 13 Breathitt 5, 672 7,742 Div.... 8 3 2 1 14 Breckinridge 13, 440 17, 486 Div.. Mar... 159 138 128 145 153 159 1 15 Bullitt.. 7,781 8, 521 Mar Div... 1 1 2 1 2 16 Butler 9, 404 12, 18:{ Div.... Mar 5 6 2 5 3 17 Caldwell 10,826 11, 282 Mar ... Div.... 101 96 100 73 71 129 4 2 4 3 18 Calloway 9,410 13, 295 Mar Div.... 6 1 3 2 1 3 19 Campbell 27, 406 Mar ... 205 149 252 248 224 211 • 7 12 7 13 10 a While the marriage totals for the state and for the several years are incomplete, owing to the fact that no reports were received from some counties and only partial reports from others, yet they are so nearly complete that the figures are thought to have some value for purposes of comparison. b The population of certain unorganized parts of the state is not included in the total, as only such counties as were organized prior to January 1, 1887, appear in this table. 37, 440 { Div. CHAPTER VIŲ.- 295 GENERAL TABLES. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd KANSAS-Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 110 3 103 91 130 5 7 9 105 2 124 134 148 141 148 150 171 112 157 4 41 10 2 10 14 9 4 7 2, 102 102 }98 43 40 38 60 45 51 58 71 64 671 76 81 77 82 1,016, 97 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 5 5 7 48 3 7 2 7 13 10 16 14 16 33 10 20: 27 3,404 214 98 3,281 3,600 3,391 4, 099 4, 194 4, 981 5, 897 6, 572 6, 577 6, 703 7, 477 8,609 9, 365 10, 481 c125, 302 236 296 220 261 261 357 387 442 444 558 643 KENTUCKY. 574 690 817 7, 191 1 3 1 4 5 2 5 6 3 8 2 2. 3 5 3 62 4 5 6 4 Co 3 6 3 4 3 6 1 6 63 61 83 69 60 79 63 79 81 74 57 85! 101 76 83 1,506 CAR 3 31 3 3 4 8 2 5 3 2 10 2 6 3 69 112 130 120 156 129 100 105 5 21 3 2 1 5 4 7 7: 3 10 2 65 5 3 41 5 8 5 4 51 6 7 9 10 14, 11 14 126 68 81 97 94 110 110 118 74 115 105 112 112 103 100 2,008 в 2 4 2 3 4 4 2 2 5 3 7 3 56 48 38 45 66 46 66 29 40 45 56 39 62 53 62 842 7 .1 3 1 3 2 3 1 8 6 7 6 4 8 72 66 64 71 66 63 76 67 63 66 61 52 52 58 67 1,300 } 8 162 121 161 117 129 136 115 116 119 136 94 143 137 135 2,710 2 1 5 3 2 3 5 4 7 9 9 7 7 74 105 122 8 6 87 99 110 116 103 93 9 7 రాలు 91 127 142 151 149 143 147 2,236 6 8 7 11 S 10 9 17 149 238 185 21 4 164 2 130 125 105 133 143 153 173 208 160 233 249 3, 523 ་་ 6 7 3 4 4 4 31 3 41 4 96 95 3 10995 81 88 81 64 95 98 96 77 76 71 75 72 2 LO 5 3 5 2 6 1 4 1 3 3 1. 1 1,686 50 10 69} 11 12 3 2 3 3 3 1 1 39 {13 154 115 131 151 153 179 147 139 146 157 136 129 140 138 2,897 1 }14 15 2 2 ~ 5 1 31 2 3 3 3 2 37 18 5 7 1 2 5 CO 3 3. 6 3 9 5 3 7 96 74 98 91 77 103 91 112 77 109 86 91 115 17 5 2 3 6 6 2 13 10 9 11 8 8 7 3 106 3 249 10 18 1 2 5 5 5 4 4 8 5 61 20% 11 81 7 14! 266 224 211 244 255 286 17 12 7 c The marriages in the counties of Auderson, Atchison, Doniphan, Douglas, Franklin, Johuston, Leavenworth, Linn, Miami, and Wyandotte are reported by totals for the twenty years, and not by years; hence the sum of the marriages by years will not equal the sum by counties. d Marriage records destroyed by fire February 17, 1880. 353 395 401 367 398 420 378 211 8 11 27 14 22. 246 5,766 19 # 296 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF Labor. TABLE I.—MARLIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. KENTUCKY-Continued. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 20 Carlisle (a) - Mar Div... 21 Carroll. 6, 189 Mar 50 8,953 52 62 ... 50 58 55 Div. 1 1 22 Carter Mar 80 7,509 76 77 89 72 68 12, 345 Div.... 2 4 3 2 3 2 23 Casey... 8,884 10,983 Mar 67 { Div.... 52 83 2 88882 83 56 69 92 1 1 1 24 Christian... 23, 227 Mar 31, 682 Div... 4 2 5 2 7 13 25 Clark.... 10,882 12, 115 Mar 106 93 102 94 99 88 Div.... 2 2 1 2 2 5 26 Clay (b).. 8, 297 10, 222 S Mar 26 47 48 35 71 72 {Div.... 31 3 4 9 5 12 27 Clinton 6, 497 7,212 { Div.... Mar 54 63 70 53 98 114 5 4 1 1 1 2 28 Crittenden.... 9, 381 11, 688 S Mar { Div... 5 5 - 3 4 29 Cumberland.. 7,690 Mar 67 58 63 58 50 60 8, 894 Div.... 3 6 2 2 5 6 30 Daviess..... 20, 714 Mar 202 191 254 27, 730 193 232 222 ... Div... 3 8 12 31 6 4 31 Edmonson Mar 59 62 62 4, 459 7,222 Div... 2 6 23 73 63 57 4 3 4 32 Elliott.... Mar 4, 433 6, 567 • Div... 2 4 3 • 33 Estill. 9, 198 9, 860 { Div... Mar 4 2 2 2 2 3 34 Fayette.. 26, 656 29,02% { Div.. Mar 322 260 252 225 244 300 5 4 5 7 6 12 35 Fleming.. 13, 398 15, 22, S Mar 97 195 93 ... 117 89 86 › Div………… 1 1 1 3 5 3 36 Floyd (c)………. 7,877 10, 170 S Mar › Div. 2 6 9 37 Franklin 15, 300 18, 699 { Mar Div... 38 Fulton. 6, 161 7,977 ... Mar Div... 525 4 3 5 5 5 4 65 91 61 100 911 70 1 2 1 3 Mar 39 Gallatin 5, 074 4,832 Div... 40 Garrard 10,376 11, 704 S Mar... Div... 114 102 107 113 84 113 3 3 4 10 6 4 41 Grant...... 9, 529 13, 083 Div.. Mar 70 69 1 823 87 78 117 80 2 1 5 Mar 42 Graves (d). 19,398 24, 138 ... Div. .... 43 Grayson 11, 580 15,784 Mar Div... 140 2 109 126 4 137 3 134 4 129 3 44 Green.... 9, 379 a Organized 11, 871 { Div. 1886. b In 1878 a part set off to Leslie county. Mar • CHAPTER VIII.- GENERAL TABLES. 297 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. KENTUCKY—Continued. 1873.1874. 1875. 1876. | 1877. 1878. 1879. |1880. | 1881. 1882. 1883, 1884. | 1885.1886. Total. 20 50 40 58 52 56 60 79 45 60 60 59 63 59 63 2 1 1 1 6 2 1 2 4 4 26 1, 131 21 57 92 112 81 63 72 92 76 59 96 82 4 ་་ 3 ይ 3 4 3 4 5 3 cr888 78 100 92 5 6 5 7 1,614 78 22 72 76 69 96 50 84 102 88 90 98 107 76 105 110 4 2 1 3 2 3 5 3 4 4 2 5 1,673 47 23 5 12 11 17 26 22 6 16 22 19 14 35 31 27724 99 85 76 68 102 77 110 104 2 1 1 3 4 76 63 9 8 223 22 30 24 29 63 9 11 8 ཚུས 20 105 78 109 125 110 142 2 2 6 4 5 3 7 70 26 51 92 87 99 89 10 8 5 6 2 15 11 1, 120 151 36 29 1 1 24 29 40 52 74 55 56 70 50 44 46 55 65 1, 153 3 1 1 4 3 3 2 2 4 1 44 1,972} 25 }26 } 27 122 116 80 113 89 96 119 28 12 3 8 6 4 00 6 6 8 7 5 8 8 109 56 41 53 42 8 6 6 23 43 62 43 54 47 44 41 51 55 57 1, 045 29 4 3 3 5 1 12 3 5 7 5 95 ༢༠༠ 245 230 250 217 283 261 226 246 268 243 260 285 333 283 4, 924 3 4 7 8 16 12 8 8 12 4 3 12 12 145 } 30 57 งง 80 52 54 74 69 71 72 1 3 1 3 2 4 O LO 70 78 71 74 59 66 1,323 5 3 లు 31 3 4 1 6: 67 3 5 2 N లు. 32 3 10 3 7 6 2 4 5 77 1 3 1 3 2 3 1 2 2 3 3 41 } 33 274 240 249 240 218 262 265 268 253 269 310 265 283 352 5, 351 34 6 8 8 11 12 8 9 8 9 10 9 14 16 16 183 101 ཏྲཱས 104 88 2 4 882 106 118 113 136 152 137 109 126 118 105 88 2,278 4 5 6 2 4 7 2 3 3 6 68 } 3 35 36 3 2 1 2 3 1 6 1 2 2 49 6 4 8 10 10 8 8 13 14 128 37 62 89 72 68 70 58 75 71 101 81 99 108 98 1 1 2 1 7 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 5 2 85 1,615 }: 38 38, 39 1 114 104 102 110 117 127 126 106 113 122 116 119 124 93 7 2 4 5 6 7 6 9 4 9 8 7 2,226 115 } 40 97 91 95 104 2 4 5 6 106 6 117 99 109 108 95 84 69 68 93 LO 5 6 6 3 4 8 4 4 1,836 82 } 41 42 158 161 4 7 160 5 149 6 170 11 159 9 166 6 180 175 5 5 181 4 1811 9 199 184 166 5 5 14 3, 164 111 5 6 3 }43 58} 44 c In 1870 a part set off to Martin county. d Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire December 18, 1887. 298 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. KENTUCKY-Continued. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. |1868.1869.1870. 1871.|1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 45 Greenup.. 11, 463 Mar 94 98 102 131 118 10) 13, 371 Div.... 3 ง 7 5 8 LO 5 7 46 Hancock. 6, 591 8, 563 Mar... 59 61 56 57 50 GO Div... 2 3 3 2 1 4 47 Hardin Mar 15, 705 22, 564 • { Div.... 6 7 5 48 Harlan (a). Mar 4, 415 5, 278 + Div. 49 Harrison…. 12, 993 Mar 16, 504 Div... 168 2 116 142 120 159 116 3 2 6 5 5 Mar 50 Hart 13, 68 17, 133 • Div.... 2 2 3 1 4 51 Henderson 18, 457 24, 515 S Mar Div.. 150 159 222 212 196 317 · 2 4 1 1 4 52 Henry 11, 066 14, 492 S Mar Div.. ... 53 Hickman 8, 453 10, 651 { Mar 99 78 56 101 132 94 Div... 2 1 2 13 9 4 54 Hopkins. 13, 827 19, 122 Mar { Div... 146 140 149 155 163 157 2 ] 3 11 4 5 55 Jackson 4, 517 Mar 6, 678 { Div... • 56 Jefferson. 118, 953 146, 010 S Mar Div... ... 30 30 53 53 81 59 57 Jessamine Mar 105 92 $8 78 81 81 8,638 10, 864 Div... 1 4 1 58 Johnson (b).. 7, 494 59 Kenton 36, 096 60 Knott (c) - 61 Knox 8, 294 10, 587 62 La Rue 8, 235 9, 793 63 Laurel.. 6, 016 9, 155 { Div... Mar 43, 983 { Div... Mar Div... Mar ... 587 { Div... Mar { Div... Mar 9, 131 { Div.. Mar 34 50 621 47 73 ་ 4 5 1 2 2 358 355 382 359 498 449 5 7 8 12 16 12 2 2 2 · 1 1 2 1 64 Lawrence (b) 8,479 13, 262 Mar Div... 126 117 98 102 109 96 4 9 3 4 6 4 65 Lee.. 3,055 66 Leslie (d) : 67 Letcher.. 4, 608 68 Lewis 9, 115 4, 254 { Div... 3,740 S Mar → Div... Mar 6, 601 { Div... 13, 151 { Div.. - · a In 1878 a part set off to Leslie county. b In 1870 a part set off to Martin county. Mar Mar 1 1 107 79 66 68 78 4 •2 12 83 2 CHAPTER VIII -GENERAL TABLES. 299 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. KENTUCKY-Continued. 1873. | 1874. | 1875. | 1876. | 1877. | 1878. 1879, 1880. 1881.1882. 1883. 1884. | 1885. | 1886. | Total. I 124 5 120 4 95 5 888 IO LO 114 99 114 125 104 93 78 69 91 100 6 4 7 15 10 7 11 5 7 5 2 2, 057 128 4 45 62 55 73 5 1 22 78 57 76: 70 75 2 2 1 2 1 *~ 62 74 77 79 80 85 73 2 1 5 2 · LO 5 4 6 4 4 6 4 5 7 11 12 14 4 ~~ ་་་ 1,357 46 45 47 1 4 2 00 7 125 131 123 124 144 146 153 164 148 156 146 132 118 156 4 5 3 4 3 4 5 4 5 4 6 7 8 9 123 25 } 48 2,793 49 941 50 10 41 5 8 8 4 4 10 5 4 5 7 сл 5 4 96 397! 344 335 410 263 254 228! 230 270 207 222 336 311 331 5,399 51 2 5 1 22 15 15 7 8 18 14 18 20 18 18 > 193 31 52 2 1 95 118 91 110 115 130 123 87 126 110 130 115 115 7 5 3 5 8 1 4 1 3 9 6 4 8 120 9 2,145 53 145} 182 198 167 183. 250 200 202 217 182 200 198 190 203 202 3, 681 54 3 3 9 6 14 9 15 9 6 12 12 9 12 13 158 54 44 49 51 80 77 60 56 76 64 68 81 760 55 56 66 79 57 65 86 98 59 76 116 78 86 107 116 113 1, 508 87 83 89 104 100 106 105 100 83 72 74 88 86 84 1, 794 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 2 1 2 26 } 5 57 58 79 GO 82 99 105 117 87 77 86 63 1 5 5 1 3 5 3 4 4 w8 60 69 76 58 3 2 4 54 376 395 397 361 363 360 401. 441 403, 608 598 617 523 568 8, 812 59 33 16 19 8 10 10 14 12 9 11 15 19 11 12 259 10 31 30 71 1 6 7 } 60 61 ་་་ 5 01 2 3 50 } 62 3 3 1 2 2 4 3 4 ་ ་་ 4 41 {63 101 31 114 841 126 122 132 118 120 102 108 91 123 132 160 2,287 64 2 2 4 7 2 4 5 2 6 5 8 10 8 98 2 65 2 2 N 2 3 1 2 I 1 ~ 22 14 33 2 m aq 38 45 48 47 39 61 366 8 1 7 4 15 2 47 } 66 .. 2 2 67 5 5 4 2 2 7 6 5 61 96 101 77 87 89 103 109 77 51 77 112 102 87 120 1, 772 3] 6 31 6 3 61 5 68 9 7 10 6 8 18! 110 c Organized since 1880. d Organized in 1878 from parts of Clay, Harlan, and Perry counties. 300 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. KENTUCKY-Continued. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869.1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 19 Lincoln 10, 947 15, 080 Mar 110 70 80 88 142 Div.... 8 4 3 6 R 5 127 4 70 Livingston 8, 200 9, 165 Mar Div... 7 6 4 71 | Logan (a)………. 20, 429 24, 358 S Mar - { Div... 7 5 6 4 3 6 72 Lyon Mar 6, 233 85 56 6, 768 85 77 89 54 Div... 3 3 4 2 73 McCracken.. 13, 988 16, 262 Mar 177 131 183 130 205 134 Div. 1 14 12 10 10 10 74 McLean 7,614 9,293 S Mar 91 69 83 87 97 84 Div.... 7 2 2 3 2 75❘ Madison · 19, 543 22, 052 Mar 117 165 222 177 179 188 Div... 5 7 5 5 2 3 76 Magoffin.... 4, 684 Mar 6, 944 Div.... 2 3 77 | Marion. 12, 838 14, 693 Mar Div... 3 2 2 1 •2 78 Marshall 9, 455 9, 647 S Mar 87 88 92 97 79 92 {Div.... 5 4 3 3 7 79 Martin (b) …… 3, 057 Mar 9 39 37 Div.. 1 6 80 Mason 18, 126 20, 469 Mar Div.... 166 2 155 5 136 138 122 125 2 2 2 G 81 Meade. 9, 485 10, 323 S Mar {Div... 82 Menifee 1,986 3,755 • Mar Div.. 83 Mercer 13, 144 14, 142 Mar Div.... 5 5 ก 6 84 Metcalfe.... 7,934 9, 423 Mar Div.. · • 85 Monroe (c)…. Mar 9, 231 10, 741 ... { Div. 86 Montgomery 7, 557 10, 566 566 Mar 54 107 59 82 81 100 Div. 3 2 3 4 2 3 87 Morgan 5,975 8, 455 { Div.... S Mar 831 64 93 58 79 78 4 6 7 5 1 4 88 Muhlenberg. 12, 638 15, 098 Mar - Div. Mar 89 Nelson... 14, 804 16, 609 { Div.. .... 90 Nicholas.. 9, 129 11, 869 S Mar Div... · 1 6 5 3 5 9 102 92 81 99 65 GO 2 2 72 61 67 69 731 65 1 5 2 2 1 1 91 Ohio... 15, 561 19, 669 Mar Div.. ... 5 2 4 2 6 92 Oldham. 9, 027 7, 667 S Mar { Div · 1 93 Owen 14, 309 17,401 Mar > Div. ... 145 2 149 2 120 4 135 103 5 4 120 5 a Marriages are reported for the years 1867 to 1886, inclusive; the number for each year could not be aseertained. CHAPTER VIII. GENERAL TABLES. 301 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. KENTUCKY—Continued. 1873. 1874. | 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. | 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 117 2 129 7 135 8 123 6 112 9 157 144 114 104 120 144 141 107 117 4 11 10 10 5 8 1 10 5 2,381 126 69 5 6 2 2 3 1 2 2 72 }: 70 3, 627 • 00 3 5 44 71 4 8 6 9 10 9 6 8 8 126 76 94 51 57 69 82 2 66 78 68 75 77 84 85 93 1,501 3 1 2 3 9 2 9 1: 2 2 1 4 6 57 }72 157 150 147 161 135 158 182 177 154 176 150 178 221 171 3,277 73 9 3 8 17 19 8 11 7 12 10 18 9 14 11 213 81 85 79 92 74 2 4 2 51 ་་ ་་ 85 82 4 1 1 27 72 67 83 92 102 89 63 1,657 4 1 4 1 7 2 61374 190 167 150 185 162 191 185 156 224 211 195 206 206 190 3, 666 75 6 6 7 3 5 6 4 8 9 10 8 6 8 8 121 76 3 3 5 5 5 4 2 2 6 8 11 79 2 3 3 1 1 12 2 1 86 96 64 95 115 106 121 91 117 98 95 77 95 99 1,890 4 1 2 31 1 3 6 1 3 6 7 1 5 6 71 30 51 32 7 4 22 20 33 32 33 58 44 48 24 40 61 66 657 4 1 4 4 3 2 3 4 7 41 9 65 3177 } } 78 79 151 174 135 126 106 129 132 147 135 146 120 1611 127 124 10 4 3 6 4 2 6 12 8 7 11 7 7 2,755 106 } 80 81 2 2 5 6 31 •2 3 2 5 82 5 10 2 36 83 5 91 81 85 86 74 91 75 78 80 58 82 113 106 110 113 131 108 2 4 5 4 4 3 5 12 6 7 10 9 10 98 1,788 86 76 64 85 86 86 84 84 109 56 93 68 75 71 1, 564 1 లు 3 7 10 87 1 5 5 4 2 7 8 10 9 105 5 5 .00 3 6 10 сл 5 3 6 7 6: 2 5. ~ 10 104 }88 67 77 62 70 63 73 71 79 94 81 70 74 63 85 1,528 2 2 5 3 2 2 4 4 5 4 4 2 8 54 } 89 69 82 71 74 63 61 08 71 73 3 2 2 է: 2 3 *2 2 ** 71 79 74 81 77 82 1,424 4 90 ་ 4 3 2 3 5 49 3 ما 5 6 7 9 11 .00 8 9 6! 8 12091 2 3 2 1 3 17 }92 92 86 109 1 31 21 114 2 139 51 131 172 5 7 221 6: 183 61 157 3 198 137 167 153 2,831 93 6 5 81 b Organized in 1870 from parts of Floyd, Johnson, Lawrence, and Pike counties. c Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire November 16, 1887. + 302 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE 1.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. KENTUCKY-Continued. Population. Mar- Counties. 1870. 1880. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 94 Owsley 3,889 4, 942 Div {Div.. Mar 95 Pendleton 14, 030 16,702 Mar 98 89 125 140 110 105 Div. 2 11 2 1 Mar 96 Perry (a) 4, 274 5, 607 5,607 Div.. 4 2 3 2 Mar 110 83 94 95 81 89 97 Pike (b)………. 9, 562 13, 001 Div.... 7 7 3 11 10 3 98 Powell.. 2,599 3, 639 Div. {Div. Mar Mar 187 140 170] 154 180 133 99 Pulaski 17, 670 21, 318 Div.... 9 5 5 8 • 4 4 Mar 31 57 50 35 39 50 100 Robertson .. 5, 399 5, 814 Div 4 2 4 Mar 101 Rockcastle 7, 145 9, 670 { Div. Mar 102] Rowan. 2, 991 4, 420 Div.... Mar 103 Russell 5,809 7,591 Div 3 4 2 5 2 Mar 149 134 91 134 87 108 104 Scott 11, 607 14, 965 Div.. 3 1 1 3 1 Mar 105 Shelby.. 15, 733 16, 813 { Div………. 2 1 2 2 1 2 Mar 106 Simpson (c) 9, 573 10, 641 Div.... 2 21 1 1 5 107 Spencer... 5,956 7,040 Mar Div... 52 44 58 65 40 59 • 1 1 1 2 1 S Mar 108 Taylor...... 8, 226 9, 259 { Div.. 2 1 1 3 Mar 131 114 139 107 150 139 109 Todd · 12, 612 15, 994 Div. 4 3 Mar 110 Trigg.. 13, 686 14, 489 Div. {Div. • - • N 3 21 6 7 6 111 Trimble 5,577 S Mar 7, 171 Div.. --- 36 41 57 49 60 60 3 1 1 2 1 2 .... 112 Union 13, 640 Mar 17, 809 Div. 142 109 125 135 131 111 2 3 2 7 3 Mar • 113 Warren (d) 21, 742 27, 531 Div.... 4 6 3 7 Mar • 114 Washington 12, 464 14, 419 { Div……. 2 1 ‹ Mar 115 Wayne 10, 602 12, 512 › Div……. 4 2 2 S Mar 116 Webster... 10, 937 14, 246 Div.... 3 2 1 7 3 117 Whitley 8, 278 Mar 12,000 { Div…. 108 70 79 76 72 57 31 5 a In 1878 a part set off to Leslie county. b In 1870 a part set off to Martin county. c Marriage records destroyed by fire May 16, 1882. } CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 303 TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1876 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. KENTUCKY-Continued. 1873. | 1874. | 1875. | 1876. | 1877, | 1878. | 1879. | 1880. 1881. | 1882. 1883. | 1884. |1885. |1886. | Total. }94 123 4 117 2 138 1 129 1 112 2 118 6 128 98 4 119 109 122 132 142 128 9 4 4 4 4 2, 382 51 95 6 4 2 2 8 6 4 2 5 7 4 C 72 }96 97 89 109 112 143 104 88 60 68 66 129 142 122 149 2, 030 97 3 4 2 2 3 7 6 11 4 4 9 10 11 14 131 98 1 1 1 2 5 4 1 15 151 205 234 190 2091 217 220 192 199 205 244 221 171 210 3, 832 99 3 12 6 4 11 12 10 8 6 13 7 7 13 9 156 44 51 55 44 61 44 46 70 37 36 50 40 43 32 915? 100 1 6 5 4 4 2 1 3 1 2 39 $101 102 1 12 LO 5 2 1 25 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 H+ $103 4 5 1 4 53 94 142 130 131 145 121 130 140 116 109 139 125 126 135 2,486 3 2 4 1 2 1 1 1 4 3 11 6 48 $$1 104 3 లు ลง 2 1 2 21 3 CA 4 7 LO 5 · LO $105 5 5 3 59 81 1 2 5 9 5 41 ما 5 2 7 6 4 ထ ပါ 75 70 6-1 106 8 4 4 78 44 39 40 44 68 40 55 41 42 55 56 53 46 50 3 2 2 3 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 2715 991107 3! 4 2 1 3 71 1 5 3 9 55, (108 121 136 157 150 141 152 135 157 127 158 145 125 130 141 2,755 109 3 7 3 6 1 5 7 LO 5 to 2 7 6 6 2 2 69 2 7 5 7 5 8 14 ་ ་ 110 4 17 12 5 126 43 42 49 43 49 39 48 44 56 37 46 44 37 49 929 111 4 2 3 ล 2 5 4 3 2 37 115 159 134 127 151 155 167 152 133 137 142 169 154 151 2,799 112 4 7 6 5 5 11 5 2 6 4 4 5 7 4 92 4, 635 113 9 11 6 20 20 17 9 8 10 17 18 2015 3 2 ය. 114 4 4 6 3 40S 3 Co 5 2 2 5 3 NI 115 2 5 65 3 4 1 15 4 1 3 1 1 4 615 116 62 103 77 68 2 2 4 54 48 1 59 78 84 77 82 108 111 96 1, 569 117 2 3 5 571 d Marriages reported are for the years 1867 to 1886, inclusive; the number for each year could not be ascortained. 304 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. KENTUCKY-Concluded. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. |1868. |1869.|1870. | 1871. | 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 118 Wolfe 3, 603 5,638 S Mar. { Div.. 119 Woodford 8, 240 11, 800 Mar Div... 109 98 114 78 87 71 1 2 1 1 2 Total Mar 1, 321, 011 1, 648, 690 Div... 292 320 332 368 414 404 LOUISIANA. 1 Acadia (a)……. ... Mar Div.... 2 Ascension 11,577 16, 895 S Mar { Div.... - 3 Assumption 13, 234 17, 010 Mar Div... 4 Avoyelles 12, 926 16, 747 Mar Div.. 5 Bienville (b) 10, 636 Mar 10, 442 { Div.. 6 Bossier (c)………. 12, 675 16, 042 Mar Div.... 58 2 1 32 1 66 112 112 2 2 7 Caddo (d). 21, 714 26, 296 Mar • Div.... 8 Calcasieu 6, 733 12, 484 Mar { Div... 9 Caldwell... Mar 4,820 5, 767 Div... 10 Cameron (e) 1, 591 2,416 Mar Div... 11 Catahoula 8, 475 10, 277 Mar Div.. ... 21 12 Claiborne (ƒ)…. 20, 240 18, 837 ( Mar { Div... 3 1 1 13 Concordia Mar 9, 977 14, 914 - Div... 14 De Soto (d) 14, 962 15, 603 S Mar. Div.... 15 East Baton Rouge 17,816 19, 966 Mar Div... 339 3 345 1 358 320 335 321 16 East Carroll (g) · 12, 134 Mar { Div... 17 East Feliciana.. 13, 499 15, 132 Mar. Div... • Mar 18 Franklin... 5, 078 6, 495 19 Grant.. 4,517 6, 188 { Div... ... Div.... Mar ... • a Organized in 1886. b In 1871 parts set off to Red River and Webster parishes; in 1873 a part set off to Lincoln parish. c In 1871 parts set off to Red River and Webster parishes. d In 1871 a part set off to Red River parish. : CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL -GENERAL TABLES. 305 : TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. KENTUCKY-Concluded. 1873. 1874.1875. | 1876. | 1877. |1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. N 2 CTO 3 2 2 3 ԱՐ 5 21 22 118 89 91 2 2 105 1 107 3 98 100 97 75 3 3 10 2 83 84 104 102 89 77 2 3 4 2 4 2 5 1, 858 $119 49 460 436 432 510 550 531 537 567 660 615 610 668 755 757 10, 248 LOUISIANA. 1 2 4 1 2 6 19 } 2 3 4 } 5 140 1 186 139 123 169 165 163 149 139 122 160 125 1431 170 2,475 3 3 4 7 7 4 13 6 3 6 10 67 1 3 2 6 35 } 7 57 117 115 131 133 120 98 137 2 5 5 3 4 5 2 8 26 9 14 21 22 17 19 22 23 9 18 11 1 1 1 2* 22 4 2571 31 24 267 1 10 1 11 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 3 5 2 2 11 27 2, 996 13 ית 12 5 47 3 13 1 Co 8 14 245 236 222 186 4 190 4 192 5 225 5 233 5 215 174 1 208 3 254 3 209 238 5,078 2 15 5 41 16 17 18 19 e Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire February —, 1874. In 1871 a part set off to Webster parish; in 1873 a part set off to Lincoln parish. Marriages are reported for the years 1867 to 1886, inclusive; the number for each year could not be ascertained. g Organized in 1877 from part of Carroll parish. 20267 M D— -20 306 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. LOUISIANA-Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1807. | 1868. | 1869.|1870. | 1871. | 1872. divorces. 20 Iberia 9, 042 16, 676 21 Iberville.... 12, 347 22 Jackson (a)…… 7,646 ... Mar Div... Mar • 17, 544 { Div.... Mar ... 5,328 { Div.... до 23 Jefferson Mar 17, 767 12, 166 › Div 2 3 3 1 3 24 La Fayette 10, 388 13, 235 25 La Fourche. 14, 719 26 Lincoln (b) 27 Livingston (c) 4, 026 28 Madison 8, 600 13, 906 29 Morehouse (d).. 9, 387 14, 30 Natchitoches (e) 18, 265 31 Orleans.. 191, 418 216, 090 · S Mar { Div.... ... Mar Div.... 19, 113 { Div. 11,075 { ... Mar Div.... Mar 5, 258 { Div.. Mar {Div... Div.... Mar 206 { Div... 19, 707 { Mar Div.... {Div... · 1 1. 74 33 177 157 113 142 140 162 150 2 2 4 S Mar Div.... 15 21 22 15 15 17 32 Ouachita 11, 582 14, 685 { Mar Div... 2 2 1 33 Plaquemines... 10, 552 11, 575 S Mar Div.... 2 1 1 34 Pointe Coupée 12, 981 17, 785 Mar Div... 35 Rapides (ƒ).. 18, 015 23, 563 Mar Div... 36 Red River (g) 8, 573 { Mar Div... 37 Richland 5,110 8, 440 Mar Div... 70 81 88 83 - 2 1 38 Sabine (ƒ) 6, 456 7.344 { Div... Mar 45 75 84 69 63 112 1 3 1 1 39 Saint Bernard (h)………. 3, 553 4, 405 Mar Div... 40 Saint Charles 4,867 7, 161 S Mar Div... 41 Saint Helena 5, 423 7,504 Mar Div.. 84 88 120 86 110 78 ... Mar .42 Saint James 10, 152 14, 714 Div.... 1 43 Saint John Baptist 6, 762 762 9, 686 S Mar Div... a In 1873 a part set off to Lincoln parish. b Organized in 1873 from parts of Bienville, Claiborne, Jackson, and Union parishes. c Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire October 14, 1875. d Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire March 16, 1870. CHAPTER VIII.- GENERAL TABLES. 307 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. LOUISIANA—Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876.1877. 1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. | 1884. | 1885.1886.| Total. 2 2 ང་ } 20 1 2 5 10 }21 22 2 2 1 1 2 21 23 24 ++ 25 1 3 3 4 13 49 1 125 86 30 88 110 116 114 125 75 115 102 92 89 1, 316 1 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 151 1} 26 27 115 124 171 98 83 85 49 172 160 120 104 79 171 120 2,347 7 2 4 1 2 1 2 3 170 182 196 183 191 152 8 6 8 2 2 204 4 188 3 193 4 144 187 167 231 198 3, 038 4 10 8 21 13 28 40 57 42 38 30 29 38 48 40 64 68 69 73 769 2 1 1 1 00 8 5 3 33 } 28 22/} 2 101} 20 30 }31 32 2 247 2631 237 255 1 2 1 1 1 1 16 244 227 260 232 2011 213 219 194 1 1 3 2 5 1 13 3333 : } 34 }35 36 81 78 92 3 2 22 107 85 109 113 117 101 93 77 91 110 2 31 3 3 4 5 1 5 5 6 108 3 50 $3 37 65 76 119 73 98 88 161 95 1 1 3 1 13888 97 91 112 95 117 1, 823 2 1 1 1 19 S 38 39 3 1 1 1 1 1 31 1 2 16/ } 40 62 61 33 97 50 52 70 68 57 67 70 61 42 55 1, 411 41 3 5 1 1 2 4 4 20 42 3 1 1 8 } 43 e In 1871 parts set off to Red River and Vernon parishes. ƒ In 1871 à part set off to Vernon parish. Organized in 1871 from parts of Bienville, Bossier, Caddo, De Soto, and Natchitoches parishes. Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire March 2, 1881. 308 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. LOUISIANA-Concluded. Mar- riagesand 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. Population. Counties. divorces. 1870. 1880. 44 Saint Landry (a)………… Mar 25, 553 40, 004 Div... 45 Saint Martin.. Mar 9, 370 12, 663 Div.. 46 Saint Mary's.... 13, 860 Mar 19, 891 Div.. · - - · 47 Saint Tammany 5,586 5,887 { Mar Div... 57 49 62 71 50 43 3 2 2 1 48 Tangipahoa…. 7, 928 9, 638 Mar Div.. ลง 2 3 49 Tensas 12, 419 *17, 815 Mar R Div... 50 Terre Bonne. 12, 451 17, 957 S Mar { Div... 51 Union (b) 11, 685 Mar 143 13,526 Div. 1401 1 159 160j 3 150 3 157 1 52 Vermillion (c) Mar 4, 528 8,728 ( Div 1 1 53 Vernon (d). 5, 160 S Mar {Div... 54 Washington Mar 3,330 5, 190 Div.... 55 Webster (e)………… 10, 005 Mar { Div.. 2 2 2 3 80 95 2 1 • 56 West Baton Rouge... 5, 114 7,667 Mar Div. • - • 57 West Carroll (ƒ) 2,776 { Div. --- Mar Div.... 58 West Feliciana.. 10, 499 Mar 12, 809 { Div. 59 Winn (g)…. 4, 954 Mar 5, 846 Div.... Totals h716, 805 939, 916 Mar Div... 33 34 41 30 35 32 MAINE. Mar 1 Androscoggin ... 35, 866 45, 042 Div.... 32 26 30 24 14 22 Mar 2 Aroostook 29, 609 41, 700 { Div.... 9 10 6 12 12 11 3 Cumberland 82, 021 86, 359 Mar { Div. 66 73 43 35 44 36 4 Franklin.. 18, 807 18, 180 { Div... Mar --- 11 10 • LO 5 14 OC 8 11 5 Hancock…. 36, 495 38, 129 Mar Div. 12 13 13 16 ... a Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire b In 1873, a part set off to Lincoln parish. 1886. c Marriage records destroyed by fire April 7, 1885. d Organized in 1871 from parts of Natchitoches, Rapides, and Sabine parishes. CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 309 TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. LOUISIANA-Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. | 1877. | 1878.1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 44 1 2 3 4 2 1 2 4 4 3 3 3 4 5 41 }45 2 46 2 1 3 2 8 81 72 46 55 78 48 3333 53 59 44 64 68 52 85 91 2 1 3 1 2 1 31 3 2 3 1. 1 5 1,228 (47 2 . 125 136 125 2 1 101 1 3 3 4 2 1 1 3 4 1 1 118 145 177 185 158 174 139 161 162 175 146 3, 035 7 1 6 6 3 4 3 3 4 4 10 62 2748 49 1250 }51 70 103 4 2 1 1252 53 3 1 54 2 2 1 19' 109 120 110 105 120 106 112 1 1. 4 3 3 4 122 4 109 2 118 5 121 122 126 1,776 55 4 4 14 53 1 1 }56 25 401 41 41 49 23 56 37 53 42 407 4 1 57 1 1 7 1 1 4 }58 59 49 70 90 78 68 70 87 109 112 94 157 143 168 197 1,697 MAINE. 29 27 29 44 57 43 53 52 48 1 45 38 26 21 25 685 & 13 7 15 12 15 6 9 15 15 17 12 217 } 2 44 55 35 56 57 72 59 88 67 67 42 36 39 39 1, 053 8 15 9 5 5 14 17 6 12 10 4 8 21 206 15 13 23 16 18 11 11 24 9 12 10 5 3 11 251 e Organized in 1871 from parts of Bienville, Bossier, and Claiborne parishes. Organized in 1877 from part of Carroll parish. g Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire January 12, 1868, again November 23, 1886. , 1877, and again h The total for 1870 does not include the population (10,110) of Carroll parish which, in 1877, was divided into two parishes, East Carroll and West Carroll. 310 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. —TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. MAINE-Concluded. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. | 1868. | 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 6 Kennebec……. 53, 203 53, 058 S Mar { Div... 39 40 40 34 40 43 7 Knox 30, 823 Mar 32, 863 Div... 40 32 43 36 44 39 8 Lincoln 25, 597 24, 821 S Mar - { Div.... 16 9 11 8 7 9 Oxford.. 33, 488 Mar 32, 627 ... Div... 14 21 12 27 15 28 10 Penobscot . 75, 150 Mar 70,476 476 Div.... 49 64 46 39 91 51 11 Piscataquis.. 14, 403 Mar 14, 872 { Div.... 5 8 7 5 11 12 Sagadahoc..... 18, 803 19, 272 S Mar - Div.... 11 11 8 4 6 13 Somerset 34, 611 32, 333 Mar { Div. 20 33 22 21 28 20 14 Waldo... Mar 34, 522 32, 463 Div.. 22 18 21 13 22 36 15 Washington 43, 343 Mar 44, 484 Div.... 20 12 9 12 10 12 16 York Mar 60, 174 62, 257 { Div... 42 48 47 55 50 38 Total 626, 915 648, 936 Mar Div.... 408 416 365 357 402 387 MARYLAND. 1 Allegany (a). 38, 536 38, 012 Mar {Div. Div... 299 406 258 316 323 394 1 .4 3 8 3 8 2¦ Anne Arundel.. 24, 457 28, 526 Mar Div... 135 1 180 1 213 155 150 159 3 3 Baltimore 330, 741 415, 649 S Mar 2, 737 3, 650 3,059 2, 939||2, 845 2,948 Div.... 57 56 69 60 68 77 4 Calvert (b). Mar 53 79 9, 865 100 61 92 125 10, 538 Div... Mar 110 99 5 Caroline.. 12, 101 13, 766 92 88 82 99 Div... 3 1 6 Carroll 28, 619 30, 992 S Mar 210 218 208 216 175 214 Div.... 4 1 2 1 1 7 Cecil 25, 874 27, 108 S Mar.. {Div.... 170 227 216 175 1 5 3 125 145 182 2 1 8 Charles.. 15, 738 18, 548 Mar 85 115 108 70 75 76 Div.. 9 Dorchester 19, 458 23, 110 Mar 171 148 179 147 155 198 Div... 1 1 10 Frederick 47, 572 50, 482 S Mar 425 586 458 417 Div.... 3 3 3 2 416 8 364 4 11 Garrett (c)... 12, 175 Mar Div. a In 1872 a part set off to form Garrett county. b Divorce records destroyed by fire 1882. Since 1882 but one divorce has been granted, the facts concerning which have not been obtained. foch. CHAPTER VIII. VIII. GENERAL TABLES. 311 TABLE I-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. MAINE-Concluded. 1873. 1874. | 1875. | 1876. | 1877. 1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882.1883. 1884. | 1885. | 1886. Total. 6 22 67 60 46 55 42 85 93 63 67 40 24 GO 70 1,030 27 39 36 29 36 28 30 31 40 57 38 25 21 10 681 8 14 9 3 6 6 11 9 8 10 10 2 G 10 165 30 29 20 18 23 25 35 261 29 29 14 18 15 23 451 S 44 68 72 72 65 61 60 82 69 65 44 21 35 37 } 1, 135 10 5 12 12 15 11 12 18 15 11 13 10 8 198} 11 11 8 8 16 13 11 11 12 13 9 9 12 21 6 200 13 17 32 33 29 34 13 25 42 17 28 13 12 19 16 474. 14 28 21, 35 21 40 29 33 27 37 33 23 16 21 27 523 18 15 15 16 10 12 21 18 14 20 21 5, 11 21 292}1 15 16 46] 48 44 401 50! 29 40 55 52 49 33 16 36 381 856 365 466 4471 436 495 410 510 600 496i 529 373 244 332 374 8, 412 MARYLAND. 368 300 280 320 215 220 193 3 6 3 7 6 7 204 2. 252 222 255 229 212 328 4 4 3 6 3 5, 594 90 } 1 173 2 168 1 153 1 173 2 169 147 132 156 2 123 3 179 3 155 2 130 1 171 2 187 2. 3, 208 26 2 3, 1993, 213 2,915 2,744 2,842 3, 013 3, 049 3, 527 3, 472 3, 893 3, 678 3,920 3,748 3,915 65, 311 3 53 54 66 62 59 59 66 98 76 101 113 127 121 126 1,568 ! 123 90 68 72 122 74 57 86 78 59 51 38 56 76 1, 560 } 4 103 106 115 90 113 99 96 106 98 108 113 128 120 129 21 1 1 1 1 21 3 195 172 158 156, 191 179 190 166 229 202 199 172 1 8 1 1 1 5 1 2 1 3 258 2 308 4,016 40. 2,091 } 17 } 5 6 141 160 156 131 129 155 129 157 144 159 177 171 161 217 3, 302 7 1 3 2 3 3 2 4 3 38 2 66 60 81 721 76 62 58 60 71 65 65 55 78 1,481 8 1 1 3 191 169 144 136 163 184 161 178 203 193 214 212 208 210 3, 564 9 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 21 2 2 3 28 377 380 359 334 361 354 353 404 335 345 335 367 336 3 5 5 8 3 6 5 5 5 A 11 9 30 100 101 88 62 81 74 86 97 106 85' 139 121 212 39 456 7,762 10 104 1,382 11 1 1 1 4, 1 1 12 c Organized in 1872 from part of Allegany county. 312 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MARYLAND-Concluded. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. | 1868. | 1869. | 1870. | 1871. | 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 12 Harford 22, 605 28,042 042 { Div... Mar 152 184 120 164 137 149 3 3 2 2 13 Howard 14, 150 16, 140 Mar 114 93! 101 117 96 89 Div.... 1 2 1 14 Kent Mar 184 144 139 17, 102 17, 605 133 134 123 Div... 2 1 3 15 Montgomery 20, 563 24, 759 S Mar ... 116 126 125 141 113 99 Div... 2 2 1 1 16 Prince George... Mar 21, 138 26, 451 98 134 131 114 108 981 Div.. 1 17 Queen Anne's.. 16, 171 19, 257 Mar 175 172 167 120 128 143 Div... 1 18 Saint Mary's 14, 944 16, 934 Mar Div.. 77! 133 88 114 81 96 ... 1 1 1 19 Somerset (a). 18, 190 21, 668 Mar 200 1561 140 175 178 170 { Div... 3 3 20 Talbot. 16, 137 19, 065 S Mar Div.. 178 160 131 128 136 144 - 21 Washington 34, 712 38, 561 Mar Div 280 4 365 300 282 265 270 3 1 4 .. 22 Wicomico (b)……. 15, 802 18, 016 S Mar { ... Div.... 106 158 134 136 125 1 2 23 Worcester (a) 16, 419 19, 539 Mar { Div.. · 200 1 155 144 120 130 116 1 1 Total (c)... 780, 894 934, 943 S Mar { Div. • 6,169 7, 636 6, 635| 6, 326| 6, 100, 6, 381. 83 83 86 84 89 109 MASSACHUSETTS. 1 Barnstable (d)…… 32, 774 31, 897{ Mar Div... 356 311 304 283 · 7 7 8 5 328 5 328 9 2 Berkshire 64, 827 69, 032 Mar 630 552 510 523 517 533 Div.... 11 14 17 16 11 17 3 Bristol (d) 102, 886 139, 040 Mar Div.... 972 939 1,010 917 1,059 1, 291 27 34 34 42 24 23 4 Dukes (d).. 3, 787 4,300 Mar 64 58 76 64 70 71 Div... 5 Essex. 200, 843 244, 535 { Mar 2,061 1, 924 2,056, 2, 086 2, 244] 2, 238 Div.... 41 44 32 58 66 53 6 Franklin…. 32, 635 36, 001 Mar ... Div.... 283 285 335 231 300 279 3 4 9 7 11 12 7 Hampden.. 78, 409 104, 142 { Div.. Mar 848 779 823 847 902 913 21 13 21 23 18 11 8 Hampshire 44, 388 47, 232 { Mar Div... 465 433 417 434 406 355 1 8 7 10 9 10 9 Middlesex 274, 353 317, 830 2,479 2,373 2, 644||2, 714||2, 961| 3,144] 63 62 49 58 38 56 a In 1867 a part set off to Wicomico county. b Organized in 1867 from parts of Somerset and Worcester counties. c Marriages reported do not include such as were celebrated by publication of bans. Mar Div.. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 313 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MARYLAND—Concluded. 1873. | 1874. | 1875. | 1876. | 1877. | 1878. | 1879. | 1880. | 1881. | 1882. | 1883. : 1884. 1885.1886. Total. 145 2 163 3 143 5 140 4 130 1 140 1 156 138 83 161 143 201 140 310 2 4 4 3 3 2 3 3, 099 47 12 91 78 83 74 88 69 110 94 101 102 97 108 92 126 1, 923 2 2 11 1 1 -21 1 14 }13 140! 124 127 134 140 108 154 181 171 139 158 190 142 175 1 2 2 11. 1 1 1 2 1 2,940 18 14 125 92 155 90 135 95 183 108 118 148 173 150 106 142 2, 540 2 2 1 2 2 11 3 3 1 2 1 26 {15 115 75 119 88 108 106 93 71 98 70 64 91 80 116 1,977 2 1 2 16 3 1 2 12 122 164 156 186 127 171 149 194 138 176 152 176 186 161 3, 163 1 1 17 1 1 1 2 8 80 75 82 70 126 68! 88 105 104 72 108 106 99 165 1, 937 1 1 18 1 6 168 172 166 169 162 188 171 178 206 198 214 198 210 220 3,639 4 2 1 1 2 3 1 138 148 160 152 154 157 192 159 202 176 174 207 183 176 3,255 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 2119 12/20 250 2331 326 280 233 289 270 258 274 310 282 301 299 326 5, 693 2 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 2 6 10 3 58. 693} 21 170 136 127 145 133! 124 172! 146 99 109 169 219 176 220 2,804 1 1 3 3 22 1 1 1 14 143 171 140 2 135 2 142 1 144 1 136 140 1 152 2 160 3 192 11 196 2 188 183 3,087 23 1 4 23 6, 667 6, 555 6, 293 5,991 6, 117 6, 241′ 6,370 6, 900 6, 837 7,363, 7, 253 7, 714 7,347 8,436| 135, 331 87 81 91' 83 128 103 138 157 173 167 165 97 $2 99; i 2, 185 MASSACHUSETTS. 297 11 301 271 265 254 21 7 18 5 247 237 10 224 240 233 275 265 277 171 9 10 6 11 11 12 222 13 5,518 202 1 513 17 491 450 399 24 23 17 440 466 23 15 465 497 19 28 553 545 617 535 539 610 10, 385 18 29 2 23 28 15 14 379 1,440 1,300 1,134 1,076 1,083 1,008 1, 027 1, 160 1, 398 1, 610 1, 569 1,585 1, 445 1,513 21,536 33 43 46 38 54 46 47 35 46 60] 82 52 3 49 58 873 70 73 62 55 67 47 61! 65 47 65 61 58 67 75 1,276 4 72 85 75 87 84 80 103 2, 200| 2, 111| 1,861 1,795 1,888 1, 814 2, 031| 2, 367 2, 319 2, 511 2, 594 2,400 2, 430 2,496|||| 43,426 81 72! 90 88 92 78 48 1,429 5 303 270 251 246 201 246 9 7 5 7 9 51 265 13 306, 320 12 18 319 6 276 290 282 304 11 10 13 5 5,592 176 6 921 934 902 809 782 751 18 43 40 28 36 55 848 40 968 1,076 1, 122 1, 168 1, 136, 1, 080 42 11 29 38 63 68 1,045 52 18,654 7 670 343 372 333 330 300 5 10 13 9 10 337 378 23 11 383 398 11 389 LO 5 446 372 8 14 14 358 6 376 7 7,625 191 8 54, 639 9 3,106 2, 569 2, 2012, 172 2, 245 2, 147 2, 396 2, 664 3, 001 3, 147 3, 2003, 069 3, 057 3,347 86; 120 95 107 77 1,534 85 85 88 82 82 77 75 70 79 d The marriages of Dukes and Nantucket counties are inseparably combined and have been credited to Dukes. The divorces of Dukes and Barnstable counties are inseparably combined from 1867 to October, 1878, and have been credited to Barnstable; those of Dukes, Nantucket, and Bristol counties are inseparably combined from October, 1878, to 1886, inclusive, and have be en credited to Bristol. 314 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MASSACHUSETTS—Concluded. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871.1872. divorces. 10 Nantucket (a) 4, 123 3, 727{ Mar Div... 3 1 1 P 11 Norfolk.. 89, 443 96, 307 Mar 927 707 810 698 G82 672 Div.... 12 7 6 11 7 11 12 Plymouth... 65, 365 74, 018 Mar Div.... 561 508 616 535 595 565 5 4 13 9 12 13 13 Suffolk 270, 802 387, 927 { Mar Div... 14 Worcester 192, 716 226, 807 { Mar Div.. 2,990 3,217 3, 487 3, 535 3, 807 3,794 76 128 128 113 76 1,812 1, 770 1,738 -1, 854| 1, 875| 1, 959| 81 48 44 34 51 54 371 - Total 1, 457, 351| 1,783, 085 Mar 14, 451|13, 856|14, 826|14, 721|15, 746|16, 142 Div... 318 369 359 404 331 337 MICHIGAN. 1 Alcona 696 3, 107 { Mar Div... 00- 5 8 3 8 1 2❘ Alger (b) Mar Div... - 3 Allegan... 32, 105 37, 815 Mar 121 140 260 277 215 251 · Div.... 12 17 16 6 19 13 4 Alpena 2,756 8, 789 Mar Div... 11 18 42 6 26 54 2 2 4 5 Antrim 1,985 5, 237 Mar Div. 5 14 14 16 18 20 · • 1 41 ... Mar 6 Arenac (d)……. Div.... Mar 7 Baraga (e) · 1,804 Div.. 8 Barry.. 22, 199 25, 317 S Mar 99 102 110 169 156 156 Div.... 20 15 16 21 15 18 9 Bay.. 15,900 38, 081 Mar Div... 102 ུ© 102 80 125 118 175 2 5 5 7 5 G 10 Benzie (ƒ) 2, 184 3, 433 Mar Div. 12 18 17 14 • I 1 11 Berrien.. 35, 104 36, 785 { Div.. Mar 391 262 314 288 377 381 16 11 12 21 23 18 12 Branch 26, 226 Mar 156 1C8 235 265 263 241 27, 941 Div... 13 8 8 ac 11 21 14 13 Calhoun 36, 569 38, 452 S Mar › 210 169 164 280 270 347 Div.... 8 21 21 26 16 20 14 Cass. 21,094 22, 009 { Mar Div... 243 8 113 149 188 199 204 8 3 13 9 9 15 Charlevoix (f) 1, 724 5, 115 16 Cheboygan 2, 196 6, 524' { Div Mar Div.... Mar 6 181 18 17 ... 1 6 8 15 14 21 7 a The marriages of Dukes and Nantucket counties are inseparably combined, and have been cred- ited to Dukes. The divorces of Dukes and Barnstable counties are inseparably combined from 1867 to October, 1878, and have been credited to Barnstable; those of Dukes, Nantucket, and Bristol counties are inseparably combined from October, 1878, to 1886, inclusive, and have been credited to Bristol. b Organized in 1885. No divorces granted. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 315 : TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MASSACHUSETTS-Concluded. 1873.1874. 1875.1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885.1888. Total. 1 3 2 13 {10 800 657 608 607 566 618 702 697 744 708 756 743 709 816 7 12 17 8 15 17 8 10 16 19 16 27 27 17 14,227 270 11 642 623 489 12 10 16 518 497 19 14 510 33 525 584 22 27 646 668 743 710 652 686 11,876 12 t 18 23 25 18 29 33 355 3, 952 4, 111 3, 500 3,0232, 945 3,065 3, 224 3,732 4, 045 4,283 4, 330 4,211 4, 289 4,463 74, 003 106 165 138 149 112 158 120 156 81 103 149 153 141 161 17 13 95 861 781 80 2,497 36, 438 1, 264 14 1,850 1,752 1, 598 1, 454 1,490 1,637 1, 643 1, 891 1, 981 2,084 2, 159 1,959 1, 867 2,065 65 74 69 561 67 44 911 85 89 16, 437 15, 561 13, 663 12, 749 12, 758 12, 893 13, 802 15, 53816, 768 17, 684 18, 194 17, 333 17, 05218, 018 308, 195 442 611 547 511 520 572 550 595 387 532 631 649 6231 565 MICHIGAN. 9, 853 10 13 5 9 6 19 12 14 22 32 19, 32 28 249 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 14 3 3 6 2 242 277 298 306 266 275 315 358 372 397 384 331 321 (c) 5, 409 3 16 25 25 24 13 18 35 30 36 24 28 22 21 21 421 42 58 36 41 12 54 53 60 100 113 148 93 133 119 1,249 2 4 2 4 4 1 8 3 8 2 5 3 12 66 } 4 42 30 13 24 23 32 45 39 36 62 75 77 86 83 754 1 1 4 2 5 5 5 28 14 20 15 25 74 6 1 2 3 9 11 7 7 9 13 16 12 10 17 15 16 142 1 2 1 1 5 184 176 172 193 210 212 246 232 199 199 207 195 209 (c) 3,456 8 20 26 15 34 16 11 25 28 23 28 22 40 241 20 437 150 2031 196 1741 1501 2461 1591 217 3021 336 352 343 307 358 4, 2011 16 13 14 9 14 15 13 11 16 20 23 26 17 30 267 23 17 34 32 22 21 31 33 43 31 31 25 45 31 480 2 2 1 4 4 3 3 2 1 2 1 27 } 10 329 304 388 13 16 232 2822 309 ཙྪཱསཻཊྛཱ 471 356 422 486 458 562 546 551 535 432 585 8,441 22 13 15 25 11 24 21 38 29 33 18 28 24 420 301 281 273 310 311 284 251 321 292 217 281 (c) 33 27 30 80 33 33 31 47 41 28 24 40 3888 4, 991 532 12 283 341 243 264 289 321 330 354 329 341 328 364 342 (c) 5, 669 5 25 21 28 241 28 13 29 31 31 18 36 38 25 21 472 204 202 180 4 7 RO 202 175 202 15 9 12 17 23 21 25 31 1 1 1 23 20 16 23 45 སྣྲུལ གླས རྒྱུ 232 220 251 189 2031 229 208 246 4,039 19 16 23 16 25 14 12 16 16 252 34 25 54 72 68 571 47 75 637 15 1 3 5 9 7 6 9 46 41 56 73 50 89 74 80 83 784 3 1 1 7 2 1 1 5 71 31 36/}16 d Organized in 1880. c Not reported when the data were gathered. e Organized in 1875 from part of Houghton county. ƒ Organized in 1869. 316 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. + TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MICHIGAN—Continued. Populatian. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867.1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 17 Chippewa. 1,689 5,248 S Mar 17 13 11 71 { Div.. 18 Clare (a) 966 4, 187 S Mar - 13 8 Div. 19 Clinton 22, 845 28, 100 S Mar 120 150 156 177 168 151 Div... 9 12 16 12 14 17 20 Crawford (c). 1, 159 Mar Div.... 21! Delta 2,542 6, 812 § Mar 15 · 22 6 21 15 21 Div……. 22 Eaton.. 25, 171 Mar 196 31, 225 88 143 211 225 239 Div... 16 13 20 12 10 16 23 Emmet Mar 1,211 6, 639 13 13 12 11 14 9 Div... 24 Genesee Mar 33, 900 182 146 39, 220 248 306 254 286 Div.... 28 21 25 28 25 26 25 Gladwin (d)………… 1, 127 { Mar Div... 26 Grand Traverse 4, 443 8, 422 Mar 60 40 31 20 33 32 Div.. 2 1 4 2 2 4 27 Gratiot 11, 810 21, 936 Mar 77 64 Div. 1 22 90 74 110 80 2 6 5 10 8 28 Hillsdale 31, 684 Mar.. 210 162 223 320 32,723 322 355 { Div... 12 12 10 8 20 12 29 Houghton (e) Mar 17 13, 879 58 63 56 90 22, 473 106 Div... 1 3 2 30 Huron. 9, 049 20, 089 § Mar 40 39 67 72 Div... 1 4 1 21 63 87 2 1 31 Ingham.... 25, 268 Mar 246 65 168 208 235 217 33, 676 { Div.... 13 21 10 15 10 2115 32 Ionia Mar 183 129 27, 681 206 211 249 259 33, 872 { Div.... 6 12 12 11 15 5 33 Iosco 3, 163 6, 873 { S Mar 10 10 14 28 44 44 Div.... 1 2 34 Iron (1) Mar Div... 35 Isabella.. 4, 113 12, 159 Mar 27 33 32 37 38 38 Div.... 1 2. 36 Isle Royal (g)……… 55 Mar { Div... 37 Jackson 36, 047 42, 031 Mar Div.... 184 25 124 236 10 214 307 304 18 11 12 10 38 Kalamazoo 32, 054 34, 342 S Mar --- { Div.. 13 20 158 170 231 330 300 341 10 338 39 Kalkaska (a) 424 2, 937 Mar Div.... • 23 23 30 3 5 Mar 40 Kent 50, 403 73, 253 272 Div. 317 19 33 505 399 489 544 32 37 44 46 a Organized in 1871. b Not reported when the data were gathered. c Organized in 1879. d Organized in 1875. CHAPTER VIII. 317 -GENERAL TABLES. .! : TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MICHIGAN-Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. | 1876. 1877. 1878.1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. | 1885. | 1886.| Total. 10 6 12 10 1 1 223 23 12 24 19 4 ? 22 20 52 49 37. 61 69 88 519 17 1 8 4 1 31 15! 6 19 7 13 16 2 COL 27 39 42 50 31 49 52 (b) 387 5 5 18 2 4 13 7 11 63 144 160 195 199 173 228 229 244 236i 201 203 188! 202 (b) 3,524 18 21 26 18 25 26 19 34 35 191 39 34 29 22 26 452 2 13 11 14 20 19 19 14 112 1 1 31 1 1 7 }20 48; 38 22 271 44 43 60 68 72 96 103: 801 79 99 979 1 1 1 4 4 i 1 4 2 19 } 2 21 179 228 247! 259 2871 266! 275 266 240 246 244 237 13 18 291 29 24 40 31 26 29 34 28 LO 5 23 13: 21 26' 55 38 51 64 78 83 5 5 3 8 13 22 52 283 (b) 25 19 38 4,359 470 57 54 697 4 3 53 }22 } 23 209 314 3311 330 350 391 366 334 329 346 323 293 289 (b) 5,627 291 29 33 36 43 39 41. 36 38 21 31 25 34 41 62924 2 1 4 4 3 4 4 6 4 13 19 15 79 li 25 11 3: 11 1 7 31 34 53 61 41 13 3 4 4 11 121 901 141 5 8 11 35 93 126 133 17 17 308 89998 404 370 358 329 371 18 17 24 27 22 32 52 177 EE 77 73 59 88 78 70 85 (b) 1, 018 51 6 10 10 7 8 か ​26 15 9 132 191 197 213 208 157 210 (b) 2,552 18 32 25 28 33 22 27 18 21 317 380 395 346 413 377 351 341 (b) 6, 335 28 18: 32 33 28 21 18 22 17 19 392 191 136 115 136 183 159 170 169 196 218 221 237 193 233 2, 947 2 4 6 4 6 6 2 2 29 6 5 3 1 3 60 90 78 111 129 109 120 138! 134 134 114 155 129 114 165 2,088 1 2 2 1 4 1 6 5 8 6 30 11 10 7 81 269 281 309 269 24 8 31 31 292 248 252 268 254 288888 395 326 331 294 313 281 264 301 560 5,622 23 31 28 33 31 31 31 33 28 30 33 474 276 339 318 298 275 312 269 22 15 282 (b) 4,920 19 26 24 19 30 31 38 26 32 25 35 35 26 432 46 21 22 17 39 461 48 86 110 711 85 98 1 86 (b) 925 5 3 +2 5 5 41 6 6 ་ 4 6 7 19 52 2631 } 33 6 31 50 51 53 49 56 70 94 99 96 3 4 5 4 5 7 7 4 13 8 13 126 110 12 142 (b) 10 6 1, 232 101 }35 36 281 363 327 330 395 358 390 359 4211 364 456 3901 12 23 49 28 367) (b) 6, 170 31 30 44 42 40 36 37 47 44 51 46 609 290 302 303 250 249 302 250 265 276 297 288 283 248 311 19 24 5, 444 32 21 33 45 29 38 46 33 38 32 29 29 30 559 4 9 7 11 16 30 16 35 31 32 21 26 23 26 295 1 5 3. 7 11 8 39 2 37 632 618 75 811 588 520 634 487 517 579 85 63 61 60 78 46 .e In 1875 a part set off to form Baraga county. fOrganized in 1885. Situated in Lake Superior, and shown by the Tenth Census to have been organized in 1875 from part of Keweenaw county, and to have a population of but fifty-five (55). 646 922 881 723 848 (b) 11, 123 122 106. 130 98 90 137 1, 446 }10 318 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. " ! TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MICHIGAN-Continued. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 187 1870. 1880. 41 Keweenaw (a) Mar 22 4, 205 40 39 19 11 1 4, 270 Div.. 42 Lake (b).. 548 3, 233 S Mar {Div.... · 8 43 Lapeer. 21, 345 30, 138 Mar { Div... ... 97 87 139 184 155 158 10 10 11 7 9 14 Mar 44 Leelanaw 4,576 6,253 23 33 42 229 43 29 Div... 1 2 2 3 45 Lenawee.. 45, 595 Mar 48, 343 180 175 325 393 419 483 Div... 36 10 19 12 32 13 46 Livingston Mar 19, 336 22, 251 112 81 119 ... 108 139 160 Div.... 7 6 11 6 6 89 16 47 Mackinac... 1, 716 2, 902 Mar. 15 13 16 3 15 Div.... 1 48 Macomb 27, 616 31, 627 Mar 106 107 181 206 228 152 ... Div.... 11 12 6 5 5 14 49 Manistee (d). . 6, 074 12, 532 Mar 74 9 68 81 85 51 {Div.... 1 2 2 6 3 5 50 Manitou (e) Mar 4 891 1, 334 Div.... 51 Marquette.... 15, 033 25, 394 Mar 23 43 75 145 145 190 Div... 1 1 1 4 52 Mason... 3,263 10, 065 S Mar 19 16 27 25 36 29 { Div.... 1 4 3 3 3 Mar 23 38 74 58 53 Mecosta 5, 642 13, 973 Div... 3 3 སྐྱ* 62 76 4 54 Menominee.. 1, 791 11, 987 S Mar 10 10 11 4 ∞ 8 16 Div... 2 2 2 01 02 Mar 20 16 27 55 Midland 3,285 6, 893 Div.. 4 3 2 223 29 25 LO 50 30 3 31 56 Missaukee (f) 130 1,553 S Mar 1 1 { Div.. 57 Monroe 27, 483 33, 624 (Mar { Div.... 96 89 213 204 206 204 ... 7 7 15 6 5 10 58 Montcalm (?) 13, 629 33, 148 Mar 69 58 88 90 125 137 Div.... 3 1 7 2 4 Mar 59 Montmorency (h) { Div... 60 Muskegon 14, 894 26, 586 Mar { Div.... 95 47 153 101 129 157 3 LO 5 5 10 13 24 Mar 41 41 61 Newago... 7,294 14, 688 ... Div.... 6 15 53 NW 47 66 69 2 9 5 4 62 Oakland 40, 867 Mar 41, 537 Div.. 129 104 22 15 3330 311 334 18 17 288888 266 20 63 Oceana.. 7, 222 11, 699 Mar 45 57 64 54 60 48 Div.... 2 6 2 4 3 6 Mar 12 64 Ogemaw (i)……. 1, 914 { Div... a In 1875 a part set off to form Isle Royal county. b Organized in 1871. c Not reported when the data were gathered. d In 1873 a part set off to Wexford county. e No divorces granted, CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 319 TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MICHIGAN-Continued, 1873. 1874. 1875. | 1876. | 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. | 1882. | 1883. 1884. 1885. | 1886. Total. 26 35 32 40 25 26 7 27 31 28 31 21 17 7 485 1 1 1 1 4 } + 41 11 14! 14 10 13 16 24 16 1 1 3 62 21 37 33 37 55 40 349 2 3 1 8 11 9 11 50 } 42 187 194 193 195 191 229 258 247 249 227 262 220 238 (c) 3, 710' * 15 14 11 15 10 15 22 261 30 15 17 10 17 16 2911} 43 42 42 331 35 46 27 33 28 46 43 48 62 21 2 2 3 1 4 1 2 22 46 37 767 44 3 2 32 454 441 440 389 401 408 425 436 509 504 475 461 505 (c) 31 27 21 18 30 30 36 14 31 41 34 39 34 38 7,823 516 } 45 134 151 153 140 156 135 146 151 166 10 10 13 12 13 15 16 8 16 115 175 156 136 124 (c) 11 13 .14 14 2, 642 228 46 } 4 6 26 11 11 17 25 18 23 38 25 31 23 29 46 391 1 1 4 6 2 2 3 20 }47 200 180 192 232 228 233 229 252 241 248 252 223 241 (c) 8 13 8 9 14 16 19: 19 24 13 сю 8 6 5 13 3, 911 228 } 48 97 67 71 76 57 751 85 101 113 196 4 6 5 5 4 11 12 8 14 14 220 270 201 155 237 27 12 14 16 2,169 171S } 49 2 8 6 11 5 7 6 7: 3 3 7 (c) 69 50 267 206 138 99 109 96 120 157 205 315 267 169 141 131 3, 041 10 3 3 3 4 2 4 4 3 51 6 10 7 5 6 77, 41 37 44 51 62 71 86 107 101 111 144 118 80 110 1, 315' 3 9 7 7 7 10 10 17 52 8. 13 16 17 10 11 159 95 87 83 88 88 102 103 125 143 192 231 179 201 (c) 6 7 11 11 12 12 13 12 20 24 20 19 24 2, 049 209 223 19 29 29 32 35 53 120 158 189 161 155 157 161 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 5 41 4 1 4 6 49 23 38 23 37 51 43 50 59 55 88 79 85 (c) 1,382 53 45' 54 830 } 8 6 7 5 5 9 11 3 7 6 6 10 8 115 55 4 2 5 3 7 6 2: 13 8 15 12 15 22 (c) 120 1 1 1 1 4 1 56 1 10 236 246 307 285 328 305 366 314 - 315 349 387 342 12 5 11 9 11 18 14 15 13 18 19 1722 333 (c) 19 5, 155 20 246 } 57 171 165 164 156 172 233 244 289 236 346 356 286 297 (c) 3,682 32 9 22 14 13 24 26 52 31 19 58 18 16 293 1 3 1 4 7 6 22 } 59 .187 158 143 162 138 161 203 290 324 370 387 395 303 309 13 13 4, 212 111 4 23 12 16 15 38 34 37 37 45 34 81 86 86 78 87 76 103 132 112 138, 173 157 1111 6 7 (c) 3 1, 737 1 4 5 6 6 8 9 21 16 16 23 239 273 310 325 13 24 24 31 77 69 51 11 829 3288 314 301 304 226 307 309 315 290 281 (c) 23 23 30 26 35 33 27 20 25 37 392 162 5, 328 482 60 {61 }62 75 81 85 111 97 106 129 110 112 105 4 1,584 17 10 9 12 8 6 13 16 16 13 165 } 63 6 2 3 6 6 14 13 21 25 25 40 161 1 1 1 3 7 1 1} 04 64 ༡ Organized in 1871. No divorces granted in 1869, 1873, and 1874. h Organized in 1881. No divorces granted. i Organized in 1876. 320 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. г • TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MICHIGAN-Concluded. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. | 1871. | 1872. divorces. 65 Ontonagon... 2, 845 2, 565 监 ​66 Osceola (a) 2, 093 10, 777 { 67 Oscoda (c) 70 467{ Div... Mar Div... Mar Div.. Mar ... 9 · L · 7 15 9 6 CO 12 15 14 31 46 ... 68 Otsego (d) 69 Ottawa 26, 651 70 Presque Isle (e) 355 3, 113 71 Roscommon (d) 1,974 { Mar 33, 126 Mar { Div... Mar Div... Mar Div.... 122 146 5 8 177 6 180 9 202 9 187 7 4 2 47 1,459 { Div... ... 72 Saginaw 39, 097 59, 095 Mar 152 182 309 382 449 Div. 9 18 11 18 21 19 73 Saint Clair 36, 661 46, 197 Div.... Mar 204 191 264 285 304 325 10 16 10 21 14 13 74 Saint Joseph 26, 275 26, 626 { DIV. Mar 276 171 289 231 309 268 Div.... 15 16 13 13 13 75 Sanilac 14, 562 26, 341 Mar 71 67 91 91 96 102 Div... 1 1 2 1 4 76| Schoolcraft (e) 1,575 S`Mar { Div.. 2 1 5 77 Shiawassee 20,858 27,059 { Mar 94 130 129 ... 114 146 106 Div.... 11 10 12 16 22 12 78 Tuscola 13, 714 25, 738 Mar Div.... 75 LO LO 46 74 97 111 129 5 5 7 5 6 4 79 Van Buren 28, 829 Mar 141 127 30, 807 179 208 Div 7 24 12 22 2221 232 80 Washtenaw 41, 434 41, 848 Mar 195 169 300 288 300 270 Div... 14 16 36 17 18 81 Wayne 119, 038 166, 444 Mar Div.... 564 · 34 99999 904 919 1,111 462 65 31 59 74 22 22 28 62 82 Wexford (ƒ) 650 6, 815 Total (g)... 1, 184, 059 1, 636, 937 Mar Div... S Mar 4 5 8 9 2 1 Div.... 5,740 5, 547 8, 534 9, 235 10, 196 9, 897 449 509 493 554 630 620 MINNESOTA. 1 Aitkin (h) 178 366 Mar Div.. Mar 2 Anoka.. 3, 940 7, 108 Div.... 3 Becker (i)...... • a Organized in 1869. No divorces granted prior to 1873, b Not reported when the data were gathered. 308 5, 218 Mar Div.... • c Organized since 1880. d Organized in 1875. e Organized in 1871. 71 35 50 1 4 18 * > ** CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 321 TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MICHIGAN~Concluded. 1873. | 1874. | 1875. 1876. 1877, 1878.1879. 1880. 1881.|1882. 1883. | 1884. | 1885. 1886. Total. 21 14 10 13 12 10 9 14 15 17 17 15 18 34 277 65 1 J 1 1 1 5 62 22 47 35 41 77 75 94 117 125 145 142 131 101 (b) 1, 298 2 3 1 3 3 12 71 15 10 9 7 4 8 86 } 66 3 6 13 8 11 6 47 67 1 1 3 5 41 13 1 7 7 23 20 25 231 31 40 24 218 68 1 2 5 1 2 4 15 238 224 237 232 241 216 244 270 317 373 350 336 275 301 4,868 69 10 10 17 12 19 9 17 13 28 14 14 9 14 9 239 7 10 5 4 4 9 33 31 21 37 28 20 213 1 1 2 6 }70 4 2 3 17 10 13 8 17 10 13 (b) 97 71 428 379 355 384 354 371 450 485 570 604 629 574 483 (b) 7,540 72 24 25 24 24 24 25 35 26 26 46 35 35 18 40 503 290 369 327 331 319 299 384 376 369 422 377 391 382 (b) 18 24 16 20 22 26 19 39 16 25 36 23 30 16 6, 212 414 276 278 265 273 313 314 277. 325 364 326 339 290 344 (b) 7 12 20 19 27 30 20 25 28 28 13 8 15 16 } 5,528 74 73 89 107 132 117 135 152 147 124 125 201 190 153 209 (b) 5 6 5 4 2 6 10 5 6 5 13 8 9 11 2,399 104 }75 8 6 5! 5 10' 9 7 7 6 19 25 19 38 39 211 3 5 1 9 } 76 116 152 158 180 183 165 15 13 18 24 20 27 121 121 138 147 160 189 5 6 10 7 17 12 261 257 225 233 237 268 22 21 26 22 15 25 ོཚ ཁྐྲས ོང 200 206 197 223 176 227 (b) 3,056 33 31 20 15 16 17 18 38177 195 199 257 241 230 231 (b) 20 22 31 28 25 27 20 2, 973 286, 78 246 264 249 287 281 250 267 311 20 25 28 23 24 27 25 4,744. 423 79 234 214 205 214 29 20 14 23 291 266 319 17 322 11 19 21 932 1,023 823 84 76 30 22 3825 751 628 1,049 1, 308 38 66 52 90 106 51 43 46 3 2 1 6 心​尚 ​61 53 10 8 10, 622 11, 041 11, 055 10, 85911, 009 12, 221 13, 231 14, 149 14, 847 16, 178 16, 420 15, 002 15, 016 705 794 864 800 927 993 1, 110 1, 149 1,313 1,335 1, 383 1, 239 1, 227 143 414. 19, 765 } 80 1, 688 (81 930 114 5, 314 226, 113 1,339 18, 433 82 322 384 333 320 293 (b) 5, 239 21 251 22 28 19 323 22 1, 599, 1, 555 105 1,576 142 1, 561 1, 494 1,506 (b) 130 136 127. 67 106 7 10 15 75 118 11 100, 111 16 21 } MINNESOTA. 10 16 26 1 47 60 41 58 58 46 60 63 75 77 86 95 88 87 1,097 2 1 1 4 3 5 7 Co 3 4 6 9 12 8 64 30 43 271 30 30 27 32 50 55 78 71 59 54 82 690 3 1] 1 1 1 31 5 19 ƒ In 1873 a part from Manistee county. g Marriages for some of the coanties not included in the total of the year 1886. h Organized in 1873. No divorces granted. i Organized in 1871. 20267 M D--21 322 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MINNESOTA-Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. 1868. 1869.1870. 1871.1872. divorces. 4 Benton (a) Mar 1,558 17 12 12 3,012 --- Div... 5 Big Stone (b)…… 24 3, 688 Mar Div.... 6 Blue Earth 17,302 22, 889 Mar 159 157 162 Div.. 4 6 8 2 10 6 7 Brown 6, 396 12, 018 S Mar 65 65 75 { Div... 1 1 4 2 6 8 Carlton 286 1,230 Mar Div... LO 5 ་་ 4 9 Carver. 11, 586 14, 140 { Div.. Mar --- 3 2 ית 10 Chippewa.... 1, 467 5, 408 S Mar 98 79 104 5 4 1 1 6 20 20 Div... 11 Chisago.. 4,358 7,982 Mar 13 26 44 34 41 35 Div.. 1 1 1 12 Clay 92 5,887 { Div... Mar 15 13 Cottonwood (c) 534 5, 533 Mar Div.... 3 22 14 Crow Wing. 200 2, 319{ Div. Mar 16 1 15 Dakota 16, 312 17,391 Mar 105 113 127 Div... 2 2 4 2 16 Dodge. 8, 598 11, 344 Mar 74 77 88 Div... 3 5 4 སྣུམ 2 17 Douglas • 4, 239 9, 130 Mar 63 66 59 Div.... 1 2 3 1 1 18 Faribault. 9, 940 13, 016 Mar {Div. 82 83 79 Div... 1 21 1 11 3 19 Fillmore. 24, 887 28, 162 Mar Div.... 217 232 216 20 Freeborn 10,578 16, 069 S Mar {Div.... 1 21 Goodhue... 22, 618 29, 651 Mar Div... .2 2 2 82 801 77 5 2 5 214 229 4 7 4 22| Grant (d) 340 3, 004 Mar Div.. 23 Hennepin……. 31, 566 67, 013 Mar Div... 342 396 448 8 9 20 22 17 16 24 Houston. 14, 936 16, 332 Mar 105 97 91 Div.... 1 2 3 2 1 Mar 25 Hubbard (e) - Div... 26 Isanti (ƒ) -- 2,035 Mar 7 28 5,063 Div.... 27 Itasca (g) • 96 124 Mar Div.... a Divorce returns incomplete. The courthouse was destroyed by a cyclone nearly all papers were lost. b Organized since 1880. Organized in 1870. 1886, and CHAPTER VIII. GENERAL TABLES. 323 : TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MINNESOTA-Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885.1886. Total. 91 5 10 8 4 221 241 27 311 35 36 56 308 4 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 16 31 31 27 1 ཧྨཌདྡྷ 28 20 24 161 2 4 } 5 193 179 167 148 154 187 196 242 204 223 212 221 250 210 4 6 8 3 6 5 7 7 11 00 8 14 12 21 15 3,264 163 112 89 88 84 58 61 94 117 79 108 125 120 120 129 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 2 1 2 8 8 7 8 4 6 2 6 6 2 5 9 21 1 1 21 22 21 26 24 29 192 1,589 74 } 6 7 } = 8 1 4 } 103 96 95 96 98 107 113 125 145 155 145 135 151 144 4 1 1 1 2 3 5 1 3 4 01 5 1,989 49 9 22 28 35 40 14 31 51 40 53 48 55 56 5197 10 1 1 2 1 1 1 8 31 46 29 40 37 35 31 37 65 71 56 47 57 58 833 11 1 1 1 1 6 4 2 4 6 29 21 14 24 14 30 26 58 63 71 113 133 95 75 95 847 12 1 2 1 3 1 1 5 3 1 2 20 8 27 18 17 39 39 38 55 44 44 48 52 60 67 581 13 25 11 12 2 1 22 10 10 22 381 95 94 30 76 439 2 1 1 1 1 5 4 4 2514 122 1 132 2 131 2 122 105 128 139 113 115 125 147 147 113 2 3 2 2 LO 5 3 1 6 8 2 1,984 53 15 89 98 88 92 1 3 22 107 122 94 36 80 96 1, 141 ނ 16 2 4 9 2 3 1 3 48 58 57 59 56 47 60 67 87 105 109 115 111 119 101 2 1 1 1 1 4 3 3 4 6 36 1,339 17 80 79 86 64 91 102 112 116 90 120 120 122 123 119 1, 671 2 18 3 4 21 ་་ 4 2 3 2 4 1! 61 4 3 6 54 234 229 233 245 307 198 230 168 139 197 175 164 185 186 3,555 19 3 1 3 3 2 31 13 8 9 6 4 1 2 58 95 109 9 2 ཌས 111 116 119 159 130 151 128 158 119 134 1, 768 20 2 1 3 3 2 1 4 3 11 10 3 74 247 271 2 2 291 1 260 4 286 2 307 243 237 221 254 245 230 248 3,783 21 7 6 6 4 6 5 4 4 ་ 4 81 15 25 36 .76 22 1 1 479 28 110 1 508 541 454 545 28 34 503 610 913 1,129 1, 549 1,478 1, 523 I 35 30 29 35 40 49 75 92 81 87 1,741 104 92 22 111 123 841 131 102 97 93 105 105 111 105 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 8 1 1 13, 159 839 1, 662 33 }23 24 1 9 21 31 }25 27 38 32 22 36 35 38 42 44 57 61 51 41 49 608 1 3 26 1 1 3 3 13 ..... d Organized in 1873. e Organized in 1884, and set off for judicial purposes in 1887. ƒ County judicially organized in 1871. g No divorces granted. 27 : REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 324 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MINNESOTA-Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 28 Jackson 1, 825 4,806 29 Kanabec (a). 93 505 30 Kandiyohi……… 1,760 10, 159 31 Kitson (b) 64 905 Mar Div... Mar Div... Mar Div... S Mar { Div.. 18 20 21 1 4 • 51 • 63 74 2 1 32 Lac-qui-parle (c). 145 4,891 { Div. Mar 3 - - 33 Lake 135 106 Mar Div... 34 Le Sueur 11, 607 16, 103 Mar Div... - 55 65 72 • 35 Lincoln (d) 2, 945 Mar Div... • 36 Lyon (e) Mar 2 8 6, 257 • • - Div. 37 McLeod 5, 643 Mar 12, 342 Div... 51 47 46 1 1 3 38 Marshall (ƒ)……… 992 Mar Div... · - • 39 Martin….. 3, 867 Mar. 11 15 20 28 15 36 5,249 { Div... 1 3 2 2 4 40 Meeker.. Mar 87 70 70 6, 090 11, 739 Div... 2 1 1 41 Mille Lacs.. 1, 109 1, 501 { Mar 10 5 Div 42 Morrison 1, 681 5,875 43 Mower 10, 447 16,799 { Div. S Mar ... Div... Mar 20 10 1 44 Murray. 209 3, 604 Mar 76 101 2 1 6 4 2 Div. Mar 69 111 45 Nicollet 8, 362 12, 333 Div... 6 3 4 2 46 Nobles (c) 117 4,435 { Mar 6 Div. Mar 47 Norman (g)………… • Div. - • 48 Olmsted 19, 793 21, 543 Mar Div.. 144 137 155 ... 1 1 3 3 2 4 49 Otter Tail .. 1,968 18, 675 S Mar { Div.. 16 43 63 50 Pine... 648 1, 365! Mar Div.. 3 51 51 Pipe Stone (b) 2, 092 S Mar • Div. a No divorces granted. Unorganized in 1880. b Organized in 1879. c Organized in 1871. d Formed in 1873. L t CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 325 TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MINNESOTA-Continued. 1873. 1874. |1875, 1876. 1877. |1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881.1882.1883. 1884. | 1885. | 1886. Total. 34 31 21 13 15 13 33 38 24 35 39 39, 44 62 500 "8 3 2 1 1 2 1 15 14 13 13 81 2 7 6 6 76 29 56 83 55 75 50 47 74 80 102 107 105 99 119 97 1, 337 30 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 2 22 4 2 7 30 31 36 110. 31 2 2 12 9 8i 18 33 41 47 56 41 61 329 32 $2 33 1 65 86 72 23 92 98 3 cr88 146 120 126 111 125 153 140 140 153 1,825 34 5 1 2 1 4 1: 5 1 8! 34 5 12 14 7 14 33 17 24 126 35 16 19 21 28 34 48 42 1 22 59 65 54 56 62 63 75 652 36 6 6 2 4. 7 3 1 34 55 78 1883 81 85 75 62 91 124 103 156 104 133 141 150 1,582 37 2 3 2 3 2! 2 2 4 3 4 9 1 3 39 1 24 42 47 61 65 240 1 1. 1 5 }38 32 23 22 21 23 31 45 39 45 42 39 48: 50, 52 57 671 39 4 1 1 1 2. 2 1 3 2 1 1 3 34 90 82 68 88 73 77 85 118 109 117 122 96, 108 112 1,572 40 51 2 11 3 5 6 1 3 1 31 12 8 9 11 12 13 80 41 18 19 20 30 69 77 70 81 75 489 42 1 1 3 3 4 19 102 120 139 130 96 154 180 140 114 134 115 139 126 1,956 1 43 5 5 1 6 3 3 1 1. 5' 58 12 51 13. ༡ 6 19. 20 37 231 28 28 25 48 36 3041 44 1 1 1 1: 33333 53 51 60 70. 63 93 88 101: 101: 103 103 99 1, 165 2 45 1 1 1 2 3 1 4 35 17 11 16 15 17 44 37 29 34 34 54 34 46 31 425 10 1 1 1 7 4 18 47 86 80 73 71 357 47 1 1! 1 31 179 157 4 12 263 213 4 5 246 61 234 237 168 312 188: 195 175 8- 14 2 3 3 6 171 9 106 3,174 48 60 57 56 295 300 275 258 139 1, 562 ༡ 2 49 6 9 9 10. 41 14 14 9 ་་ 7 11 14 7 17 22 32 20 14 14 20 1 3 50 1 7 3 14 11 17 27 38 32 164 51 1 e Formed in 1871. g Organized in 1882. ƒ Formed in 1879. 326 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MINNESOTA-Continued. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869.1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 52 Polk (a)…… 11, 433 Mar Div... 53 Pope Mar 2, 691 5,874 Div... 23 26 27 1 54 Ramsey 23, 085 45, 890 Mar 323 352 440 Div.... 3 4 2 ما 5 9 16 55 Redwood . 1,829 5, 375 Mar 17 24 8 Div.. 1 1 56 Renville……. 3, 219 10, 791 Mar 25 36 {Div.... 57 Rice.. 16,083 22, 481 S Mar { Div.... 58 Rock (b) .. 138 3, 669 59 Saint Louis 4, 561 4, 504 S ( Mar { Div.. Mar Div. 153 154 113 2 3 2 5 5 1 2 → • • ... 60 Scott 11, 042 13, 516 { Div... Mar 2 LO 61 Sherburne 2, 050 3,855 S Mar { Div.. 62 Sibley 6, 725 10, 637 S Mar 63 Stearns. 14, 206 21, 956 { 64 Steele.. 8, 271 12, 460 65 Stevens. 174 3, 911 66 Swift (c) 7,473 Div... Mar Div. · O ... S Mar Div.... Mar · { Div... S Mar Div. ... .... 2 2 29 43 65 2 52 70 95 5 2 1 1 19 19 1 43 46 42 } 2 100 131 155 2 2 2 1 62 96 3 1 53 25 22 21 22 19 18 67 Todd 2,036 Mar 6, 133 Div.. 68 Traverse 13 69 Wabasha 15, 859 18, 206 Mar 1,507 { Div ... Mar { Div... 104 108, 101 6 1 1 7 70 Wadena 6 2, 080 Mar Div... 71 Waseca. 7,854 12, 385 { Div... Mar 60 69 2 2 3! 5 2 72 Washington... 11, 809 19, 563 Mar 86 103 95 Div... 1 1 1 73 Watonwan 2,426 5, 104 { Div... Mar 12 53 1 74 Wilkin Mar 295 1, 906 Div. 75 Winona. 22, 319 27, 197{ Div... Mar 160 200 191 3 3 3 2 4 3 76 Wright.... 9, 457 18, 104 Mar Div 58 70 2 • a Organized in 1873. b Organized in 1870. CHAPTER VIIL-GENERAL TABLES. 327 TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MINNESOTA-Continued. 1873.1874. 1875. |1876. | 1877. | 1878. | 1879. | 1880. | 1881. | 1882. | 1883. 1884. | 1885. | 1886.| Total. 00 8 5 3 17 31 62 105 170 156 158 177 189 202 1,283, 3 8 3 14 } 52 31 20 29 30 30 30 48 57 74 60 75 560 53 2 1 1 2 2 2 11 413 414 329 344 243 370 416 531 676 853 1,112 1, 144 1,140 1,323 10,423 54 14 19 19 13 12 23 10 28 7 30 37 36 51 37 375 21 20 18 24 1 1 2 $4 50 55 33 31 43 43 61 448 55 4 3 2 3 3 3 1 25 58 53 40 45 23 34 34 79 96 81 65 70 95 98 932 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 13 } 56 164 173 172 174 164 150 200 199 208 232 210 209 230 192 3 4 7 4 6 6 4 7 9 5 3 10 4 5 3,097 95 12 24 15 16 21 33 39 31 34 41 45 41 48 55 457 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 4 2 2 64 34 21 26 17 18 30 44 57 128 161 180 188 205 1 1 1 1 2 4 4 3 11 30 18 $58 1,310 59 }57 } 1 71 95 91 83 70 105 93 130 135 110 129 113 1, 4421 60 2 1 1 5 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 5 3 49 19 21 191 24 24 15.. 27 22 32 37 46 48 37 431 61 1 2 1 1 1 4 3 14 60 53 49 31 47 49 71 67 81 96 85 109 96 1,025 62 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 19 121 137 160 150 128 140 176 198 242 8 1 1 3 2 3 1 6 སྒྲ* 250 279 274 255 247 3, 146 63 2 2 10 6 65 92 22 70 75 95 99 106 108, 101 104 98 103 98 1,379 3 4 1 64 4 2 1 7: 5 4 10 5 621 8 10 13. 26 1 1 19 26 42 2- 22 35 53 52 52 42 44 37 36 409 65 1 4 2 4 1 3 2 21 72 61 70 67 55 1 တော 53 61 60 623 66 3 3 2 12 3 60 27 35 41 128 74 64 53 73 51 609 1 4 1 4 1 1367 9 11 12 17 22 16 87 68 129 119 136 146 101 121 100 145 127 108 161 76 93 3335 177 2,055 6 5 1 4 11 7 7 6 6 5 10 69 105 1 6 4 5 41 17 19 3 30 35 72 55 73 46 370 70 3 1 3 5 12 801 59 71 79 82 1 5 1 96 111 95 93 92 1 2 4! ** ** 87 69 91 92 81 92 100 117 102 1,331 2 2 8 71 5 6 1 3 1 3 53 109 97 152 192 219 199 189 165 2, 09:3 2 2 72 6 6 6 7 5 6 66 S 26 21 32 27 23 24 33 44 41 341 51 41 50 62 574 3 1 1 2 73 1 2 1 2 1 1 18 11 17 10 38 74 1 1 2 249 218 227 192 135 225 248 270 212 245 276 296 276 291 3,9111 5 3 8 14 9 16 8 10 18 10 10 16 9 12 63 85 85 91 79 117 131 126 171 165 169 128 135 160 1, 833 4 4 31 3 5 7 8 7 51 67 166 $75 76 c Organized in 1871. 328 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ! - TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MINNESOTA-Concluded. Population. Counties. ↑ 1870. 1880. 77 Yellow Medicine (a). Total (b) t Mar- riages and 1867. 1868. 1869.1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 5,884 Mar Div Mar €780, 212 { Div.... c436,085 c780, 212| MISSISSIPPI. 9 223 24 41 52 73 64 3,466 3,956 4,141 84 83 111 108 1 Adams Mar 19, 084 22, 649 --- Div... 244 201 319 315 2 4 184 1 227 2 2 Alcorn (d) 10, 431 14, 272 { Mar Div... 2 2 2 3 Amite (e) 10,973 14, 004 S Mar 143 110 155 175 120 123 Div.... 2 1 2 1 3 4 Attala 14,776 19, 988 S Mar 234 192 198 193 182 155 Div... 5 4 2 6 5 Benton (ƒ) Mar 11, 023 43 92 140 * Div.... 7 6 Bolivar Mar 113 94 195 165 125 131 9, 732 18,652 Div.. 1 7 Calhoun 10, 561 Mar 13, 492 { Div. 1 4 5 5 3 8 Carroll (g) -21, 047 Mar 272 274 353 331 232 168 17, 795 Div.. 3 9 6 9 Chickasaw (h) 19, 899 17,905 Mar Div... 1 1 2 10 Choctaw (i)………. 16, 988 9, 036 Mar... Div.... 11 Claiborne... 13, 386 16, 768 S Mar { Div... 206 194 366 260 187 207 ... 1 1 12 Clarke 7,505 15, 021 S Mar Div.... 231 1 142 197 162 144 157 3 6 2 5 2 13 Clay (j)…………. 17,367 Mar Div.. 107 • 14 Coahoma (k)……… 7,144 13, 568 S Mar Div.. 161 181 190 157 167 165 5 1 1 15 Copiah (e) 20, 608 27,552 Mar Div... 291 211 336 310 245 236 5 3 1 4 16 Covington Mar 39 29 24 37 72 54 4,753 5,993 Div... 1 1 1 17 De Soto (1)………… 32, 021 22, 924 5 Mar 501 396 438 508 440 458 Div.. 1 1 3 3 1 3 18 Franklin (m) 7,498 9, 729 S Mar { Div. 19 Greene (n) 2, 038 3, 194 S Mar Div a Formed in 1872. b While the marriage totals for the state and for the several years are incomplete, owing to the fact that no reports were received from some counties, and only partial reports from others, yet they are so nearly complete that the figures are thought to have some value for purposes of comparison. c The population of certain unorganized parts of the state is not included in the total, as only such counties as were organized prior to January 1, 1887, appear in this table. d Organized in 1870 from parts of Tippah and Tishomingo counties. e In 1870 a part set off to Lincoln county. ƒ Organized in 1870 from parts of Marshall and Tippah counties. g In 1870 a part set off to Grenada county; in 1871 parts set off to Le Flore and Montgomery counties. CHAPTER 329 .. VIIIVIII.- .-GENERAL TABLES. .. TABLE I.--MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1837 TO 1836, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MINNESOTA-Concluded. } 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879.1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. ' 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 20 26 22 1 23 20 24 38 41 43 62 62 2 81 96 15 571 2 624 10 77 148 140 151 } 4,655 4,792 4, 874 4, 802 4, 652; 5,079 5, 566 4,975 6, 443 8,441 9,029 9, 111 137 131 135 223, 176 228 { 277 301 328 9,479 9, 131 102, 721 358 379 3, 623 MISSISSIPPI. 204 160 130. 234 136 2 197 4 178 225 190, 220 251 188 237 259 4, 299 2 4 6 5 42 } 1 140' 166 140 136 137 131 143 127 128 98 106 сл 5 CYA 3 3 3 6 5 3 6 4 6 5 2 $ 65 W 2 119 128 118 124 125 117 167 156 138 147 143 134 8 55 5 2 2 5. 7 10 5 2 133 130 169 2,741 13: 6 8 200 196 183 193 174 202 200 217 230 206 8 9 3' 1: 4 5 7 5 199 164 211 170 195 15. 12 11 7 126 116 86 99 110 111 116 102 87 80 82 76 76 80 91; } 94 3, 895 106 1, 622 } 3 4 5 7 1 1 21 2 55 4 1 1 42 } ما 5 136 139 *31 133 184 276 242 193 214 221 189 162 6 2 1 1 1 5 N 4 9 4 121 43 7 6 3 10 13 2 1 14: 5 7 5. 6 9 110 208 222 183 167 235 187 201 210 208 217 213 182 180 211 4, 454 8 10 4 8 8 15 10 18 14 13 12 13 160 9 2; 6 3 1 7. S 9: 6 6 15 88 82 110. 108 105 83 104 592 10 7 S 5 7 4 36 185 177 169 179 178 183. 221 228 178 177 170' 181 169 167 3,982 11 1 } 1 1 3 5 4 26 127: 119, 901 161 142 134 ་་་ 1' 1 3 3 133 S 155 10 - 127 174 148 131 133 100 2, 916 12 1 4 3 1: 5 59 174 156 147 188 171 198 209 195 197 163 247 200. 204 5 2 3 2 3 5 8 7 7 G 8 233 2,713 173 170 191 184 191! 192 232 234 229 178 185 191 243 4 1 4 3 3 6 61 11 3 7 8 15 7 85 210 3,82014 265 271 216 253 260 263 290 300: 308 360 316 290 284 253 1 4 3 1 1: 10 3 S' 7 9 16 18 14 13; 121 5,558 15 59 63 60 66 48 84 49 61 70 56 69 48 37 61 1,086 2 3 2 ខ 1 2 3 5. 3 4 342 4 232 3 226 5 2261 250 196 318 276 214 196 234 184 188 216' 6, 039 13 3 12 16 9 14 3 8 11 9 3 3 10 5 CO 3 22 1 33! 36 42 40 50 45 33 24 28 11 1 31 1 025 } 10 35 129. } 16 17 37 18 384 S } 19 h In 1872 a part set off to Clay county; in 1874 a part set off to Sumuer (now Webster) county. Only divorces granted in second district aro reported, those of first district not being obtainable. i In 1870 a part set off to Grenada couúty; in 1874 parts set off to Montgomery and Sumner (now Webster) counties. Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire February 3, 1881. j Organized in 1872 from parts of Chickasaw, Lowndes, Monroe, and Oktibbeha counties. In 1877 a part set off to Quitman county. In 1873 a part set off to Tate county. m In 1870 a part set off to Lincoln county. Divorce records destroyed by fire September 3, 1876. n Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire September 10, 1875. 330 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MISSISSIPPI-Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. 1868. 1869.1870. 1871.1872. divorces. 20 Grenada (a). 10, 571 12,071 { Mar Div.... 21 Hancock.. 4, 239 6, 439 S Mar { Div. 3 22 Harrison 5,795 7,895 Mar Div.... 3 3 23 Hinds 30, 488 43, 958 ( Mar Div.... 1 2 24 Holmes.... 19, 370 Mar 288 222 318 309 311 272 27, 164 { Div. 2 2 3 8 9 25 Issaquena (b) Mar 6, 887 10, 004 · Div... 26 Itawamba Mar 7,812 10, 663 Div... 1 1 2 27 Jackson (c) Mar 4,362 7,607 Div. 28 Jasper... 10, 884 12, 126 { Div. S Mar 123 115 88 117 94 96 1 1 3 2 3 29 Jefferson Mar 171 13, 848 102 138 165 407 17, 314 Div... 3 1 2 126 4 30 Jones... Mar 3,313 3,828 Div.... 31 Kemper (d) 12,920 Mar. 15,719 Div 32 La Fayette 18, 802 21, 671 Mar 237 245 26+ › Div 1 2 3 7 10 33 Lauderdale 13, 462 Mar 253 203 209 266! 235 211 21, 501 { Div. 3 1 1 2 1 31 Lawrence (e). 6, 720 Mar 84 99 133 107 52 91 9, 420 Div... 35 Leake 8, 496 13, 146 Mar › Div.. --- 2 1 3 2 9 36 Lee.. 15,955 20,470 Mar { Div... 287 3 237 323 222 6 5 3 ཀྱུས 161 203 2 37 Le Flore (ƒ).. 10, 246 38 Lincoln (g). ... 10, 184 13, 547 39 Lowndes (h) 30, 502 28, 244 { 40 Madison.. 20, 948 Mar › Div……. S Mar { Div ... Mar Div Div... 25, 866 § Mar 118 ... 3 64 130 142 • · 352 1 349 400 416 396 319 2 3 1 3 5 3221 226 246 288 254 210 Div.... 3 1 2 3 2 41 Marion 4, 211 6,901 Mar Div. 42 Marshall (i)… 29, 416 29, 330 { Mar Div.. ... · • 196 158 3 150 3 330 31 201 393 2 a Organized in 1870 from parts of Carroll, Choctaw, Tallahatchie, and Yalobusha. partially destroyed by fire August 1880. b In 1876 a part set off to Sharkey county. c Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire March —, 1875. d Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire February 23, 188′ Marriage records CHAPTER VIII.- GENERAL TABLES. 331 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MISSISSIPPI-Continued. 1873. 1874. | | | | | 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882.1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. | | 156 145 154 152 190 135 144 20 1 1 2 3 1 7 17 12 9 11 10 18 14 111 32 29 34 52 77 84 82 99 90 80 68 92 21 3 2 2 1 1 1 8 2 3 2 41 1 2 37 56 92 71 92 102 88 67 69 98 100 95 22 1 1 1 2 6 2 8 4 4 4 5 LO 5 50 23 7 5 5 2 1 13 5 10 17 16 21 25 132 286 273 244 312 281 300 314 320 280 2791 344 344 276 356 5,929 5 2 2 2 7 15 8 10 4 5 9 13 110 } 24 25 2 1 2 1 8 2 1 19 26 2 1 5 3 3 2 1 9 7 42 44 89 101 79 88 100 103 141 94 88 95 103 1, 125 1 1 5 5 4 6 9 6 6 5 6 54 } 27 111 1 111 85 115 126 105 126 127 130 125 134 125 126 116 6 2 2 1 3 3 3 7 5 3 6 1 6 2,295 59 28 140 126 114 184 168 136 162 188 143 146 161! 138 179 160 5 1 5 1 3 4 4 1 3,251 34 } 29 30 94 142 134 155 158 179 862 31 254 273 196 215 225 239 266 278 249 235 238 186 201 192 4 6 9 4 4 6 9 25. 16 10 en 12 12 13 159 } 32 237 174 161 203 210 199 252 231 265 298 249 245 301 321 4,723 33 2 2 2 1 5 3 4 11 9 12 12 5 7 83 82 110 70 72 90 70 99 82 97 75 114 81 106 89 1,806 34 8 G 3 7 8 4 9 12 16 35 10 10 9 10 139 222 258 222 217 191 248 226 245 217 227 220 188 190 199 4,508 3 7 10 11 4 5 3 9 9 8 17 6 3 123 } 36 156 113 140 151 153 138 178 177 150 172 147 151 170 167 2,281 2 1 3 2 4 9 5 4 8 37 17 18 14 901 158 134 155 121 121 137 161 145 151 148 178 142 139 154 2, 38: 38 3 2 9 14) 2941 337 3 1 373 302 3 291 380 334 349 304 273 365 333 7 4 3 4 9 1 4 317 5 428 6, 920 39 8 69 220 260 5 208 274 1 270 246 328 1 1 7 3 272 8 312 4 238 224 204 281 214 5, 127 10 40 10 16 20 24 123 41 383 362 5 317 8 10 357 322 23 280 303 299 4 e In 1870 a part set off to Lincoln county. ƒ Organized in 1871 from parts of Carroll and Sun Flower counties. g Organized in 1870 from parts of Amite, Copiah, Franklin, Lawrence, and Pike counties. h In 1872 a part set off to Clay county. 289 267 227 12 252 5 241 250 5, 665 42 118 i In 1870 a part sot off to Benton county; in 1873 a part set off to Tate county. 332 REPORT OF OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ار TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MISSISSIPPI-Continued. - Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. 1868. |1869. 1870. 1871. | 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 43 Monroe (a) 22, 631 28, 553 {Div Mar 302 307 255 355 298 3441 1 2 4 5 10 44 Montgomery (b) 13, 348 { Mar 93 201 · · · Div. 8 45 Neshoba.. 7,439 8,741 Mar... Div... 63 62 60 59 70 74 1 2 2 2 1 2 46 Newton (c) Mar 10, 067 13, 436 Div... Mar 47 Noxubee.. 20, 905 29, 874 - Div... · 48 Oktibbeha (d)…… 14, 891 15, 978 Mar 1 2 5 203 186 215 158 167 167 Div 49 Panola (e) Mar 20, 754 28, 352 Div.... 1 4 4 5 3 50 Perry (f) (ƒ)... 2,694 3, 427 Mar Div... 51 Pike (g). Mar 11, 303 16, 688 • · Div.... 52 Pontotoc (h) Mar 12, 525 13, 858 Div.. 53 Prentiss (i) 9, 348 12, 158 Mar Div... - · 1 80 114 143 5 3 54 Quitman (j)…. 1, 407 Mar Div. ... Mar 86 81 82 55 Rankin 12, 977 16, 752 117 139 169 Div... 1 4 5 5 3 56 Scott 7,847 10, 845 Mar Div... 134 114 125 104 1461 113 1 1 Mar 57 Sharkey (k). 6, 306 Div.. 58 Simpson (1) • 5, 718 8, 008 (Mar 45 { Div.. 1 59 Smith. 7, 126 8, 088 Mar Div.... 60 54 62 57 67 63 1 1 1 1 21 60 Sun Flower (m).... 5, 015 4, 661 { Mar Div.. 61 Tallahatchee (n) 7,852 62 Tate (0). 10, 926 { Div... Mar 18, 721 Div.... Mar 132 91 77 109 114 92 2 63 Tippah (p). Div.... 64 Tishomingo (q)…………………… 20, 727 12, 867 Mar... 275 4 266 4 220 135 2 1 111 135 3 7,350 8,774 Mar Div.. a In 1872 a part set off to Clay county. b Organized in 1871 from parts of Carroll and Choctaw counties; in 1874 a part set off to Sumner (now Webster) county. c Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire September 18, 1876. d In 1872 a part set off to Clay county; in 1874 a part set off to Sumner (now Wobster) county. e In 1877 a part sot off to Quitman county. f Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire —— --, 1877. g In 1870 a part set off to Lincolu county. Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire July 1. 1882. h In 1870 a part set off to Union county. CHAPTER VIII. VIII.—GENERAL GENERAL TABLES. 333 TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 18 86, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MISSISSIPPI-Continued. 1873. | 1874. 1875. 1876. | 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882.1883. | 1884. | 1885. 1886. Total. 289 6 270 8 242 3 308 290 12 337 289 313 344 332 260 298 321 291 6, 045 43 7 91 10 12 20 15 22 16 16 12 190 156 130 6 ཤྰཌ 113 138 112 130 168 146 131 156 125 151 125 136 2,211 44 1 2 3 4 2 5 3 6 3 4 4 52 80 87 82 1 4 223 81 83 89 90 95 97 90 101 105 106 110 1, 684 45 2 3 2 2 4 4 3 2 39 124 108 149 146 148 138 138 142 135 129 N 2 3 5 6 6 4 11 4 2 6 3 1,357 52. } 46 7 3 8 6 3 2 14 17 10 6 9 8 10 7 118 } 47 174 147 121 153 143 162 162 156 178 165 197 174 167 235 3, 430 48 11 14 6 6 7 9 14 67 49 2 1 6 7 9 5 10 17 14 21 28 15 14 10 177 3 29 40 31 38 37 39, 46 45 59 367 6 1 1 1 2 11 } 50 115 172 161 163 186 797 3 5 2 5 5 20 } 51 י 1 2 8 2 5 N 10: 2 7 48 }52 138 1 126 109 144 116 133 168 163 164 134 114 156 110 140 2,252 53 2 i 4 6 2 7 8 3 4 9 4 5 64 15 29 29 23 18 15 18 19 32 30 228 51 2 2 3 2 5 4 18 179 196 150 175 157 158 189 168 177 177 169 142 5 9 6 6 1 3 5 14 15 9 13 16 ཚུལ 154 128 2,993 55 12 9 135 119 871 112 128 127 138 145 116 110 130 5 3 1 1 2 3 2 11 3 112 1 108 102 107 2, 377 53 7 10 4 55 }57 90 57 79 $5 83 71 101 81 106 95 86 62 67 87 1, 198 2 1 1 3 4. 1 2 58 1 3 4 4 5 32 71 93 72 81 68 59 83 79 82 71 83 84 96 93 1, 184 3 1 1 2 59 5 3 4 3 6 2 5 41 21 1 2 1 3 3 4 10 6 43 } 60 107 108 89 104 85 87 128 119 169 122 153 138 151 152 2, 327 2 4 3 9 1 1 13 61 11 4 -] 7 15 9 S 91 124 224 186 253 ༡༡༢ 242 268 7 7 9 7 8 11 82 269 22 267 13 233 224 181 219 325 3, 138 62 14 16 11 16 16 160 115 143 2 7 123 2 135 3 135 1 135 3! 134 8 127 3! 115 8 122 134 4 6 119 105 8! 135 2,919 8 8. 85 } 63 64 i Organized in 1870 from part of Tishomingo county. j Organized in 1877 from parts of Coahoma, Panola, Tallahatchee, and Tunica counties. k Organized in 1876 from parts of Issaquena, Warren, and Washington counties. I Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire May 9, 1872. m. In 1871 a part set off to Le Flore county. n In 1870 a part set off to Gronada county; in 1877 a part set off to Quitman county. o Organized in 1873 from parts of De Soto, Marshall, and Tunica counties. p In 1870 parts set off to Alcorn, Benton and Union counties. g In 1870 parts set off to Alcorn and Prentiss counties. } 2 334 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MISSISSIPPI-Concluded. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 65 Tunica (a). 5, 358 (Mar 124 8, 461 96 94 126 87 125 Div... 66 Union (b) 13, 030 Div Mar Div... 67 Warren (c) 26, 769 Mar 502 31, 238 Div... 1 450 5 504 679 433 378 1 2 2 5 68 Washington (c) 14, 569 25, 367 Mar { Div. 2 1 4 ** 69 Wayne (d). 4, 206 8,741 S Mar { Div.... · 70 Webster (e). 9, 534 Mar Div... 71 Wilkinson…. 12, 705 17,815 Mar 168 140 205 218 165 160 Div. 1 2 1 1 1 2 72 Winston 8, 984 10, 087 Mar { Div.. 73 Yalobusha (ƒ) 13, 254 15, 649 { Div. Mar - 74 Yazoo 17, 279 33, 845 Mar { Div.. 2 2 3 287 227 321 168 186 182 4 3 3 11 283 190 360 307 331 378 2 4 7 4 3 Total.. 827, 922 1, 131, 597 { Mar Div.. 49 59 75 85 105 170 MISSOURI. (g) 1 Adair……. 11, 448 15, 190 S Mar Div... 2 1 1 2 2 Andrew 15, 137 16,318 S Mar 87 801 91 102 120 126 Div.... 6 4 7 7 4 1 3 Atchison 8,410 14, 556 Div.... Mar 103 101 131 148 145 143 3 4 6 2 9 7 4 Audrain 12, 307 19, 732 Mar Div.... 3 2 3 5 Barry... 10, 373 14, 405 Mar Div... 92 94 110] 109 127 114 ... 3 3 3 9 6 7 6 Barton... 5, 087 10, 332 Mar Div... 127 164 169 154 160 167 1 2 2 2 5 7 Bates 15, 960 25, 381 Mar 149 162 175 170 143 156 Div.... 1 3 7 4 14 8 Benton.... 11, 322 12, 396 S Mar Div 1 2 3 1 1 Mar 9 Bollinger 8, 162 11, 130 · · · {Div. Div.. 2 5 10 Boone... 20, 765 25, 422 S Mar { ... Div... 1 3 11 Buchanan 35, 109 109 49, 792 Mar Div. 231 22 16 19 34 23 a In 1873 a part set off to Tate county; in 1877 a part set off to Quitman county. b Organized in 1870 from parts of Tippah and Pontotoc counties. Divorce records destroyed by fire October 28, 1881. c In 1876 a part set off to Sharkey county. d Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire April 21, 1879, CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 335 7 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MISSISSIPPI-Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. | 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881.1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 102 123 114 120 119 1 4 124 1 111 145 130 100 106 85 120 147 2,298 4 12 1 2 1 11 3 4036 }65 66 8 12 16 11 6 6 59 345 5 340 324 346 346 444 418 424 420 1 5 5 5 1 3 3 2 3 5 9 5 8 76 } 67 ית י 68 6 ་་་ 4 3 5 5 On 12 က 8 3 5 5 7 83 49 901 83 105 101 92 123 104 747 1 2 4 5 4 5 3 4 28 } 69 50 85 106 89 98 101 107 121 132 100 100 86 106 1,281 70 164 150 136 132 145 120 207 172 162 · 160 245 156 171 180 4 3 1 1 4 1 8 5 6 5 3 1 3 4 3,356 71 98 101 110 1 2 1 2 1 5 3 85 99 86 114 5 ** 72 4 3 42 180 166 143 181 164 205 224 163 199 177 187 175 160 167 3,862 73 1 3 2 2 10 5 13 10 13 8 14 11 12 13 138 386 400 388 438 438 396 754 491 371 332 432 423 470 468 8, 036 4 3 2 1 31 9 6 5 5 5 3 16 90 } 74 169 176 171 172 172 189 295 429 421 393 449 475 482 504 5, 040 MISSOURI. (g) 157 123 137 143 157 1 1 1 21 1 3 6 5 3 2 3 6 42 110 78 115 100 97 93 85 108 116 123 132 114 136 167 2, 180 2 5 5 4 7 31 3 ་་ 4 4 2 4 5 3 4 2 84 130 153 189 150 184 4 8 2 6 5 182 6 197 202 144 124 143 150 124 121 2,964 3 5 12 5 4 13 12 9 7 129 327 225 197 274 194 1 7 3 5 3 3 10 5 4 6 18 83 121 118 130 179 159 162 197 246 201 151 173 176 196 203 3,058 6 12 7 8 9 10 9 9 9 16 8 5 10 11 10 165 170 156 141 153 137 156 143 168 164 178 153 159 167 175 3, 161 3 2 5 3 2 3 7 3 9 3 8 18 18 10 106 179 174 188 162 154 167 140 155 178 183 165 143 132 149 3,224 7 10 2 10 8 8 12 3 3 8 6 7 7 5 13 131 117 137 131 142 138 2 2 2 2 2 เว 5 3 3 2 8 3 3 43 100 132 128 82 124 t- 7 1 2 6 2 4 2 10 5 50 266 308 264 258 216 2 5 3 2 6 16 8 7 10 9 83 511 572 580 16 17 16 17 18 17 23 e Organized as Sumner county in 1874 from parts of Chickasaw, Choctaw, Montgomery, and Oktibbeha counties. Marriage records destroyed by fire ƒ In 1870 a part set off to Grenada County. g In 1881 leg islation was enacted requiring the issuance of marriage licenses, and the return and record of the solemnization. Many of the counties kept marriage records before this law took effect. 492 558 15 38 40] 48 47 30 11 40 519 -.1873. - 336 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. MISSOURI-Continued. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869.1870. 1871. | 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 12 Butler Mar 4, 298 6, 011 Div.... N. 2 2 2 1 1 13 Caldwell... 11, 390 13, 646) Div... Mar · as 3 2 3 3 14 Callaway 19, 202 23,670 Div Mar Div... 2 6 1 2 2 2 N Mar 58 60 55 76 64 88 15 Camden 6, 108 7,266 Div... 5 4 1 1 4. 16 Cape Girardeau.. 17, 558 20, 998 { Mar Div.. 5 4 5 9 12 8 • Mar 121 158 144 162 170 158 17 Carroll. 17,446 23, 274 Div.... 9 2 4 6 3 9 18 Carter 1, 455 2, 168 Mar Div.. 22 21 · · · 1 223 18 24 14' 1 19 Cass 19, 296 22, 431 S Mar Div.... 4 7 13 5 20 Cedar.. 9, 474 10, 741 S Mar 98 80 89 117 88 82 Div.... 1 3 6 3 21 Chariton... 19, 136 25, 221 S Mar 168 129 140 200 151 162 { Div.... 2 1 3 1 6 1 22 Christian 6,707 9, 628 { Div... Mar 4 2 3 3 2 23 Clark. 13, 667 15,031 { Mar Div. 3 1 2 1 1 Mar 148 130 121 138 145 136 24 Clay 15, 564 15, 572 Div.. 2 7 5 1 9 6 Mar 86 81 97 108 131 114 25 Clinton. 14, 063 16, 073 Div... 1 1 2 3 4 2 Mar 26 Cole 10, 292 15, 515, Div... 2 1 2 2 3 Mar 27 Cooper 20, 692 21, 596, { Div... 2 2 4 3 5 1 Mar 28 Crawford.. 7,982 10, 756 { Div... 2 3 3 Mar 69 67 73 86 92 74 29 Dade 8, 683 12, 557 Div.. 1 1 3 3 2 5 Mar 44 92 30 Dallas 8, 383 9, 263 Div.. 5 ~~ 87 90 99 101 3 1 4 3 2 31 Daviess. 14, 410 19, 145 Div.. Mar 120 146 132 150 161 143 7 3 2 7 4 32 De Kalb 9,858 13, 334 { Div. Mar 140 125 120 132 138 130 3 2 4 2 8 10 33 Dent.. 6, 357 10, 646 Mar Div... 2 1 3 2 2 4 34 Douglas (a). 3,915 7,753 Mar Div... D 35 Dunklin 5,982 9, 604 { Mar Div... 36 Franklin 30, 098 26, 534 { Mar Div ► • 3 4 · a Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire April 26, 1886, 4 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL -GENERAL TABLES. 5+ 337 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MISSOURI—Continued. 1873.1874. 1875. | 1876. | 1877. 1878.1879.1880.1881.1882.1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 137 125 134 139 154 12 3 ་་ 4 2 4 2 3 6 11 5 10 7 13 6 5 9 89 5 7 8 12 5 7 12 7 10 15 11 130 13 189 130 160 178 181 14 4 1 3 4 3 4 51 9 5 7 4 12 13 10 99 78 53 72 80 93 73 79 96 98 76 72 74 76 76 1 1 2 4 6 7 2 4 5 3 5 4 1,497 64 }15 15 8 9 11 9 10 16 8 10 8 6 17 12 14 20 201 }16 165 150 143 158 169 132 135 180 218 210 2621 243 223 230 3, 531' 6 2 15 7 4 6 3 9 7 17 16 6 11 13 155 }17 21 7 18 16 15 25 22 38 26 17 31 29 23 22 431 18 1 2 1 1 21 ༡ 1 14 182 264 410 470 414 19 7 6 9 6 10 6 9 6 12 12 13 7 5 144 102 114 97 118 120 91 87 108 129 152 170 136 166. 152 2,296 20 1 3 3 31 6 5 31 10, 4 6 7 4. 11 8 87. 182 200 204 198 200 185 210 200 198 210 220 225 220 230 3,832 2 6 9 8' 9 14 11 61 10 3 4 3 4 103 } 21 125 126 110 108 142 22 3 3! 2 2 3 4 ما 5 8 7 8 8 9 14 98 104 119 127 133 128 1 2 1 3 1 1 3 2 4 6 4 23 39 110 90 104 116 90 91 108' 116 136' 148 164 178 168 190 2, 633 8 4 1 5 3 4 7 9 6. 8 11 9 8 5 118 } 24 101 96 108 91 121 128 100 112 136 141 132 160 152 170 2,368 6 3 5 4 1 4 51 9 1 9 5 4 8 83: } 2 25 125 137 143 159 141 21 1 1 3 2 2 26 2 1 2 29 173 235 241 201 173 3 7 2 1 1 std ازم 27 1. 1 1 11 S 5 71 96 104 116 82 119 2 2 6 4 5 2 5 51 7 4 6 1 59 ཀ 28 83 106 109 121 114 93 127 131 114 108 132 140 127 156 2, 122 1 3 2 3 3 3 6 3 2 3 29 LO 5 5 9 65 85 79 76 118 87 91 102 93 101 102 114 112 120 139 1,932 2 S 4 4 5 3 5 21 30 61 2 9 12 10 94 154 140 131 133 150 118 123 3 3 2 4 10 12 ོཌ 162 184 190 203 210 190 198' 3, 138 5 14 8 13 12 31 9 10 141 112 93 90 104 79 83 100 103 120 131 143 158 152 176 2, 429 5 7 3 7 6 3 2 6 6 9 32 7 6 100 3 5 2 4 5 5 120 5 126 122 96 84 3 3 33 7 4 72 34 20267 M D 35 61 5 238 3 245 246 216 209 36 4 73 -22 + 338 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. > TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. MISSOURI—Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 37 Gasconade. 10, 093 11, 153 Mar Div.... 3 2 38 Gentry (a) 11, 607 17, 176 { Div.. ... 39 Greene 21, 549 28, 801 { Mar Div.... 9 7 9 12 9 12 40 Grundy.. 10, 567 Mar 15, 185 147 162 130 121 118 136 Div 2 6 2 3 3 41 Harrison 14, 635 20, 304 { Div.. Mar 136 142 164 170 160 153 5 4 2 2 4 2 42 Henry 17, 401 23, 906 Mar 147 133 129 135 149 136 { Div... 1 2 4 2 1 2 43 Hickory (b). 6, 452 7,387 Mar Div.... 71 2 4 1 1 2 1 44 Holt.. 11, 652 Mar 15, 509 --- Div... එ • .2 2 3 5 45 Howard 17, 233 18, 428 S Mar { Div.... 1 1 3 1 46 Howell 4, 218 8, 814 { Mar · Div.. 21 5 3 1 47 Iron 6, 278 8, 183 Mar Div... 2 3 4 2 5 48 Jackson Mar 55, 041 82, 325 Div... 7 8 15 ית 16 43 33 49 Jasper... 14, 928 32, 019 S Mar 129 156 168 175 210 243 Div.... 2 3 3 10 12 4 50 Jefferson 15, 380 Mar 94 123 115 126 98 119 18,736 Div. 2 5 11 4 3 8 51 Johnson 24, 648 28, 172 S Mar ... Div.... 2 2 2 6 52 Knox 10, 974 13, 047 { Div. Mar · 53 Laclede…….. 9, 380 11, 524 Div... S Mar 1 3 3 3 4 Mar 54 La Fayette 22, 623 25, 710 Div.... 3 4 5 81 11 55 Lawrence….. 13, 067 17, 583 S Mar Div... 142 129 144 153 159 135 4 3 4 5 3 6 56 Lewis 15, 114 15, 925 Mar Div.. - 1 4 5 8 1 57 Lincoln. Mar 15, 960 17, 426 · • { Div... 1 1 3 2 58 Linn.. 15, 900 20, 016 Mar. Div... 140 135 129 130 146 152 8 4 7 6 6 3 59 Livingston..... 16, 730 20, 196 Mar... 172 170 196 217 250 236 Div.... 7 5 9 11 10 LO 5 60 McDonald 5, 226 7, 816 { Div.... Mar... 48 72 67 52 78 59 1 2 3 61 Macon.. 23, 230 26, 222 Mar • Div. a Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire March 7, 1885, » CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 339 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MISSOURI—Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. |1880. 1881.1882. 1883. 1884. 1885.1886. Total. 115 139 131 138 151 1 1 4 4 4 2 1 1 1 3 1 4 37 }37 150 142 292 13 11 24 } 38 242 365 386 332 369 39 23 13 14 17 18 271 16 23 21 27 44 29 33 39 402. 142 144 156 133 121 116 146 108 133 99 110 121 130 133, 2, 606 1 5 5 3 5 6 4 7 7 9 4 6 9 10 97 } 10 132 162 137 159 126 152 156 163 137 154 136 145 137 126 2 3 2 3 2 2 เว 9 7 13 LO 5 11 121 128 100 109 124 132 116 110 128 136 167 152 146 172 LO 5 8 5 9 7 7 6 13 12 5 4 6 10 22 20 2,947 41 12/ 99 9 118. 2,670 (42 58 52 41 60 62 63 61 75 112 75 69 81! 94 83 43 1 1 3 3 1 3 1 4 4 5: 9 7 53 116 156 133 142 173 2 6 Co 1 2 4 3 4 7 2 7 91 73 } 44 176 193 203 173 157 NI 2 3 N 2 4 2 3 4 2 2 4 3 7 9 56 }45 116 148 138 173 151 6 ית 8 2 7 8 12 7 13 3 20 9 14 137, } 46 17 2 1 3 4 3 9 1 2 4 2 4 59 38 36 25 19 42 34 42 90 61 232 264 249 247 200 219 238 6 7 14 10 18 20 18, 29 2333 930 1,194 1,293 1,352 1,538 82) 111 2261 253 262 290 310 327 48 111 96 119 1,031 351 4, 752 19 21 12 18 22 25 23 277 136 89 123 124 119 115 134 137 137 126 166 171 162 213! 6 7 4 5 5 10 3 11 11 7: 9 8 9 10: 2,627 138 S 50 211 237 254 241 3 8 5 ית to 3 2 LO 5 4 4 11 7 7 97 107 105 131 113 111 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 6 51 26 } 52 132 148 168 146 134 3 5 .་་་ 53 ་ 4 6 6 5 6 9 7 4 81 92 177 197 169! 211 198 54 3 2 1 11 1 2 4 12 3! 9 51 6 96 143 125 108 129 152 169 156 182 164 155 168 198 178 175 3,061 2 3 5 4 4 5 7 5 8 5 8! 6 7 6 100 } 55 120 116 152 136 128 56 31 5 5 5 81 5 5 มอ 5 1 82 153 182 4 3 4 2 3 6 · LO 5 6 4 125 4 121 171 57 4 5 65 150 146 132 148 167 150 144 140 129 127 136 121 164 178 2,864 58 5 4 9 5 5 4 5 4. 12 9 15 6 15 7 139 227 200 220 210 6 4 10 8 246 61 260 221 224 256 280 275 315 336 356 4, 67 59 16 12 18 7 8 6 11 17 15 191 71 78 66 20 144 130 147 121 104 88 90 100 108 108 1, 751; 1 5 2 1 4 3 3 2 5 6 3 173 214 3 5 4 4 9 4 203 228 7 10 237 7: 81, 46 si, }61 60 b Marriage records prior to March, 1872, dostroyed by fire January 6, 1881. 340 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. MISSOURI—Continued. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 62 Madison Mar 5, 849 8,876 Div... 2 1 2 2 6 63 Maries (a). Mar 63 48 52 34 5, 916 7, 304 Div... 2 3 2 1 Mar 64 Marion 23, 780 24, 837 Div... 4 4 1 1 LO 5 65 Mercer 11, 557 14, 673 { Div.. Mar 127 149 153 142 148 131 2 2 4 4 66 Miller 6, 616 9, 805 Mar 67 Mississippi ……. 4,982 9, 270 Div.. Mar Div... • 3 3 ་ 4 4 2 4 4 1 · ព 3 7 68 Moniteau • 11, 375 14, 346 { Mar Div. · D • 21 2 .. { 69 Monroe 17, 149 19, 071 { Div... Mar 1 5 1 4 ♡ Mar 70 Montgomery. 10, 405 16, 249 · Div.. 4 3 3 3 یک & 71 Morgan... (Mar 8, 434 10, 132 { Div... 1 2 1 1 Mar 72 New Madrid 6, 357 7, 694 Div.... Co 3 2 4 1 73 Nowton.... 12, 821 18, 947 Mar {'Div.. 75 82 91 100 121 117 · · · 1 2 1 3 4 Mar 172 168 216 262 228 74 Nodaway 14, 751 29, 544 Div.... 2 2 4 00 00 202 8 6 Mar 59 23 54 42 52 38 75 Oregon 3, 287 5, 791 Div... 7 2 3 Mar 110 103 121 98 93 98 76 Osage. 10, 793 11, 824 { Div.... 1 31 3 2 1 2 Mar 36 47 53 34 51 46 77 Ozark 3, 363 5, 618 Div. 1 1 2 Mar 78 Pemiscot (b). 2,059 4, 299 Div... 79 Perry... 9,877 11, 895 Mar Div.. 121 138 151 126 207 78 2 81 1 3 4 3 80 Pettis 18, 706 27, 271 { Mar Div.... 1 1 2 ลง 81 Phelps.. 10, 506 12, 568 Mar Div... 6 8 5 4 4 82 Pike... 23, 076 26, 715 ( Mar Div.. 3 4 8 11 9 83 Platte 17, 352 17, 366 { Div... Mar 132 166 175 160 168 153 2 3 6 4 8 4 Mar 93 81 72 70 86 84 Polk... 12, 445 15, 734 Div.. 4 2 3 3 108 84 2 5 Mar 85 Pulaski. 4, 714 7,250 46 53 94 61 78 Div.... 4 5 1 4 002 99 3 Mar 149 140 126 132 137 124 8 Putnam 11, 217 13, 555 Div. 21 1 3 31 1 a Marriage records for 1867 and 1868 destroyed by fire November 8, 1868. زندگی CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 341 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1836, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MISSOURI—Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881. | 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 92 98 79 92 110 62 3 2 3 6 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 5 54 59 47 68 49 49 51 87 93 74 70 74 59 66 66 63 4 5 2 3 2 2 1 3 4 1 2, 3 40 251 273 261 273 271 11 6 4 6 12 9 11 12 10 16 13 10 16 10 16561 123 127 146 140 120 135 116 143 120 142 143 137 124 148 8 4 8 5 6 7 3 4 6 4 7 5 7 9 2, 714 } 65 95 1 31 3 1 1 2 4 3 2 3 55 } 66 109 132 112 153 12ul 3 C 9 .- 9 5 ♡ 31 4 6 9j 4 12 7 96 } 67 127 145 137 153 187 68 1 Co 3 4 2 4 1 LO CI 2 со 2 2 1 3 2 4 3 2 34 173 167 163 181 187 4 2 2 1 1 2 3 9 2 52 } 69 70 10 81 4 LO 5 12 9 11 13 14 11 137 97 117 105) 102 115 71 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 4 5 35 81 •-144 94 104 120 72 3 2 1 21 w 4 2 3 10 3 4 6 53 109 83 62 111 118 123 132 97 4 5 2 6 4 2 3 5 ཧྥ་ 1-5 94 102 93 137 158 167 2, 172 73 1 4 7 2 6 6 71 186 214 183 192 230 246 194 220264 275 247 240 223 264 3 7 11 6 13 10 5 11 16 9 11 9 12 15 4,426 162 }74 58 33 47 67 103 86 82 100 82 67 86! 96 96! 116! 1,387 3 3 1 3 2 75 2 1 1 .3 3 3 6 49 111 102 94 91 99 103 102 5 1 5 3 сл 5 } 62 38 49 81 87 72 3 5 3 4 7 4 25 80 95 113) 99 95 100 103) 95 2,027 1 76 4 3 1 31 GOL S 113. 71 44 63 71 72 86 7 4 5 7 9 S 1,262 80 }77 32 48 61 73 78 190 146 112 156 121 115 155 121 121 66 136 114 116 135 2, 625 3 2 2 6 2 5 3 2 79 2 1 4 2 55 293 343 304 320 289 4 3 CC 8 12 4 9 80 10 12 8 11 00 co 115 120 132 122 132 124 3 5 6 6 6 ન 00 7 7 4 11 117 }81 237 269 231 227 248 8 Co 8 9 101 co 8 9 9 17 82 15 12 14 18 21 207 159 164 131 150! 136 155 140 174 149) 170 138 142 134 2 2 8 2 5 1 2 6 7 7 8 10 73 82 100 106 73 79 87 96 105 114 106 127 138 2 4 6 4 1 3 7 4 3 5 3 5 ༣༩ ༠ 148 13 8 50 108 3,04483 176- 1,951 84 7 79 65 60 69 58 63 55 73 85 76 90 88 80 94 87 1,474 6 4 3 1 3 1 7 5 5 9 4 2 7 78 }85 100 101 901 110 8 4 G 100 7 93 84 78 120 127 146 153 141 169 2, 420 10 9 4 7 5 10 10086 b Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire December 2, 1882. - 342 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MISSOURI-Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. 1868. 1869.1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 87 Rall's 10, 510 11, 838 Mar {Div. 1 3 1 88 Randolph.. 15,908 22, 751 { Div... Mar 1 3 3 2 2 89 Ray 18,700 20, 190 Mar Div... 157 169 182 175 160 154 21 1 1 3 4 21 90 Reynolds.... 3,756 5, 722 Mar Div... • 91 Ripley.... 3, 175 5, 377 Mar Div.. 5 1 1 2 92 Saint Charles. 21,304 23, 065 Mar Div.... 1 2 93 Saint Clair 6, 742 14, 125 S Mar 79 89 96 107 133! 124 Div.... 1 1 2 4 5 1 94 Saint Francois 9, 742 13, 822 Mar Div. • 2 2 1 2 1 2 H 95 Saint Genevieve.. 8,384 10, 390 S Mar 72 53 64 60 95 52 ... {Div... 2 2 2 1 1 96 Saint Louis 351, 189 382, 406 Mar Div... 97 128 130 155 184 191 97 Saline 21, 672 29, 911 S Mar { Div.... 3 2 1 5 4 6 98 Schuyler 8,820 10, 470 S Mar 10,470 Div... 2 99 Scotland……. 10, 670 12, 508 { Div... Mar 2 1 1 100 Scott. 7,317 8, 587 Mar 94 76 96 70 69 79 Div.. 1 4 4 2 101 Shannon (a) . 2, 339 3, 441 S Mar Div -- 102 Shelby. 10, 119 14, 024 S Mar 79 86 78 98 108 95 Div... 1 1 4 2 2 103 Stoddard 8, 535 13, 431 Mar Div... 91 117 128 82 59 125 3 3 4 4 104 Stone. 3,253 4, 404 Mar Div.... ... 1 1 105 Sullivan 11, 907 16, 569 Mar 90 97 110 131 Div. 2 2 5 2 126 2 124 2 106 Taney (b) 4, 407 5, 599 Mar Div.. 107 Texas 9, 618 12, 206 Mar Div... 108 Vernon 11, 247 19, 369 Mar Div... 143 1 121 1 128 1 132 5 143 7 130 6 109 Warren 9, 673 10, 806 Mar Div... 1 2 2 110 Washington... 11, 719 12, 896 Mar Div... 4 3 1 4 2 111 Wayne... 6, 068 9, 096 { Div.... Mar 77 89 87 71 74 90 51 31 2 1 31 a Divorce records destroyed by fire January 1, 1872. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 343 TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MISSOURI-Continued. 1873. | 1874. | 1875. | 1876. 1877. | 1878. 1879. 1880.| 1881. | 1882. 1883. | 1884. | 1885. | 1886.| Total. 119 127 135 129 147 87 3 3 5 3 4 2 5 3 5 6 7 5 6 66 195 181 211 237 219 3 10 7 4 31 1 5 2 1 8 55 }88 165 178 185 153 186 172 167 148 132 147 173 182 203 214 3, 402 89 3 4 4 9 11 10 7 5 13 5 17 7 6 121 20 24 30 27 28 441 58 54 56 72 90 1 5 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 23 66 79 94 111 127 91 4 2 2 2 3 5 2 6 1 4 3 3 8 56 126 133 147 139 163 92 1 2 2 2 4 3 5 11 4 9 6 7 66 114 106 108 103 79 139 148 119 124 136 128 163) 1521 169 2,416 5 5 5 4 7 2 5 4 2 51 5 8 4 6 8193 94 8 2 2 3 4 LO 5 2 3 3 4 3 55 105 86 77 88 99 96 76 114 104 101 78 56 61 51 1,588 95 4 3 3 1 5 1 5 2 1 1 35 210 209 177 210 214 191 195 241 241 4, 182 4, 188 4,262 4,047 292 264 4, 275 96 331 280 277 4, 217 325 321 295 281 253 3 3 7 3 8 7 9 3 8 11 15 9 11 127 }97 85 71 92 103 95 6 3 2 6 5 1 9 7 6 1 10 2 63 }98 125 108 131 127 123 3 8 2 4 3 3 6 9 7 5 4 76 }99 63 88 97 139 69 94 125 108 74 126 112 128 115 145 3 1 ·2 2 10 3 12 14 8. 4 10 6 15 8 109 1,997 100 101 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 17 96 75 106 100 118 109 127 128 154 137 143 110 127 141 2, 215' 3 3 4 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 6 2 102 415 124 173 125 144 180 177 187 192 185 155! 194 174 188 207 7 4 4 10 3 10. 4 18 7 19 12 7 14 10 3,007 103 143.S 3 1 3 2 2 5 6 3 8 6 2 49 1104 116 99 123 114 128 139 120 119 132 130 156' 170 162 183 3 4 11 7 4 8 10 8 5 15 2 3 5 2, 569 104 S 105 62 61 106 7 107 、 120 115 5 7 104 8 100 4 96 93 2 3 114 2 106 127 3 9 138 3 146 140 162 157 15 10 17 4 2,525 108 1135 127 79 77 101 95 1 1 ་ 4 1 1 3 5 A 2 2 2 4215 109 134 89 118 4 లు. 3: 3 3 5 2 5 ༣༣ 117 125 2 110 2 55 85 107 65 72 57 63 54 78 86 116 4 1 2 2 1 3' 5 61 124 9 104 112 139 51 3 1,750'> 72 111 6 Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire December 19, 1885. 344 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886,-BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MISSOURI-Concluded. Population. Mar- Counties. 1870. 1880. riages and 1867.1868. | 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 112 Webster 10, 434 12, 175 < Mar { Div 2 2 3 2 8 113 Worth 5, 004 8, 203 S Mar 66 54 43 32 71 78 Div.... 3 1 1 4 114 Wright. 5, 681 9, 712 S Mar 43 • 75 90 73 93 33333 76 { Div 2 22 1 2 5 3 Total.. 1,721, 2952, 168, 380 S Mar · Div... 362 387 426 491 615 584 MONTANA. 1 Beaver Head... Mar 722 2,712 Div.. 5 2 2 3 1 2 Choteau 517 3.058 S Mar . { Div.... 3 Custer (a) 38 2, 510 4 Dawson (b) 177 180 S Mar { Div... · Mar Div.. 5 Deer Lodge.... 4,367 8, 876 Mar.. Div... 7 10 1 1 76 9 2 72 7 17 2 72 20 2 6 Gallatin (c) 1,578 3, 643 Mar Div... 7 1 2 · 2 52 5 12 2 23 22 2 7 Jefferson (c) 1, 531 2,461 { Div... Mar 3 9 LO ... 5 11 8 41 -21 Mar 12 8 Lewis and Clarke..... 19 31 30 5, 040 6, 521 31 39 Div... 14 7 81 61 9 11 9 Madison.. 2,684 3, 915 Mar Div.. 10 Meagher (c) 1, 387 11 Missoula (c) 2, 554 12 Silver Bow (d) 13 Yellowstone (e)………. Mar 2, 743 Div.. 2,537 { Div Mar Div... • Mar Div.. ... Mar 1 2 9 L 52 5 12 1 3 46 2 2 M 5 2 Total 20,595 39, 159 Mar Div.. ... NEBRASKA. 17 11 14 • 14 19 18 1| Adams (ƒ)…………. 19 10, 235 Mar Div.. 2 Antelope (ƒ) 3, 953 Mar Div……. 3 Blaine (g)………. S Mar Div. • • a Organized in 1877, and name changed from Big Horn. b Organized in 1882. No divorces granted prior to 1884. c No divorces were granted during the years for which no figures are given. · • 12 CHAPTER VIII.- GENERAL TABLES. 345 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. MISSOURI—Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881.1882.1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 132 146 131 120 154 112 4 1 3 3 5 4 3 11 5 7 9 61 88 63 67 82 90 76 83 61 57 42 68 73 64 69 98 1 2 2 1 2 1 4 6 3 4 3 2 4 7 51 1,337 113 74 88 72 90 102 87 84 112 98 104 148 138 138 1 5 41 4 4 4 4 2 3 2 4 4 8 156 6 1,941 $114 705 ་ 621 664 668 683 728 737 727 930 951 1,029 1, 107 1, 158 1, 193 1, 217 15, 278 MONTANA. 1 1 3 9 16 11 32 35 24 38 22 1 3 2 3 6 10 200 26 24 1 8 13 10 68 2 9 9 5 4 3 37 3 81 14 18 44 65 2 9 10 00 34 45 8 31 10 00 41 52 324 7 11 48 } 3 8 16 16 14 16 70 1 1 1 3 } 4 72 7 24 13 26 29 45 64 58 33 20 2 1 1 6 3 11 7 13 7 ∞ 8 89 26 27 65 56 563 5 8 9 16. 111 23 13 21 7 13 25 35 35 41 62 78 69 831 92 626 6 2 1 2 2 8 6 4 3 13 13 16 18 8 105 6 8 11 1 1 3 93 9 5 4 11 15 18 11 12 14 30 22 209 7 1 3 2 31 7 1 11 38 46 46 47 47 41 51 37 79 57 65 88 123 111 153 1, 153 14 10 3 21 8 111 12 8 14 6 7 10 16 301 206 } 8 9 8 сл 5 1 2 10 8 LO 1 5 11 9 19 16 12 17 22 24 36 54 45 4 2 4 1 3 7 2 10 12 do n ལ 25 321 11 9 63 67 100 83 76 136 203 665 12 5 21 16 13 17 25 97 28 2 10 20 29 39 33 129 13 7 2 21 20 17 9 15 15 38 27 38 55 86 70 97 112 139 822 NEBRASKA. 14 17 13 26 42 36 30 39 62 64 70 110 127 146 SOS 1 1 2 4 2 6 3 1 6 5 9 3 8 63 6 201 23 24 40. 40 70 69 86 97 92 . 6 8 2 10 G 1 10 52 3 d Organized in 1881. e Organized in 1883. Organized in 1871. g Organized in 1886. No marriages solemnized and no divorces granted in said year. 346 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ' L TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd NEBRASKA-Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 4 Boone (a) 5 Brown (b) 6 Buffalo(c) 193 7,531 4, 170 { Div {Dar... Mar Div.. Mar Div.. · 10 7 Burt 2, 847 6, 937 Mar Div... 4 15 12 18 12 30 • Mar 17 12 14 - 8 Butler (d)………… 1,290 9, 194 Div... 1 $ Mar.. 45 49, 50 93 75 78 9 Cass 8, 151 16, 683 Div... 2 4 1 4 Mar 3 5 12 18 10 Cedar 1,032 2, 899 Div. 1 11 Chase (e)….. S Mar Div... 70 Div. 12 Cherry (b,ƒ) { Mar. Div.. ► 13 Cheyenne (g) …. 190 14 Clay (h).. 54 Mar 1, 558 Div... 11, 294 Div.. 1 1 31 Mar · · Mar 17 15 Colfax (c) 1,424 6, 588 -- • Div.. Mar 16 Cuming 2, 964 5, 569 Div. 8 6 28 31 39 46 2 3 1 17 Custer (i). 2,211 Mar Div... Mar 18 Dakota 2,010 3,213 Div. {Div... 13 19 17 14 24 17 3 1 1 Mar 19 Dawes (j) Div... • 20 Dawson (k) 103 2,909 {Div Mar 21 Dixon 1, 345 4, 177 Mar Div... 1 7 9 12 18 S Mar 22 Dodge (1) 4, 212 11, 263 Div………. Mar • 23 Douglas 19, 982 37, 645 Div.... 163 1 266 357 251 250 282 8 13 9 17 5 24 Dundy (m). 25 Fillmore (k). 26 Franklin (k) 238 10, 204 26 5, 465 Mar Div..... S Mar 37 Div... Mar Div.... • 7 1 • · a Organized in 1871. Marriage register mislaid, and no data prior to 1882 could be obtained. b Organized in 1883. c No records of marriages and divorces prior to 1872 from which data could be gathered. d No record of marriages and divorces prior to 1870 from which data could be gathered. e Formed in 1873; organized since 1880. f First court having divorce jurisdiction held in May, 1884. g Organized in 1870. h Organized in 1871. No records kept prior to 1873. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 347 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. NEBRASKA—Continued. 1873.1874. |1875.1876. 1877. 1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881.1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 52 62 54 62 53 2 31 8 7 9 35 4 5 40 12 71 66 72 221 1 3 4 4 12 } 5 14 19 21 323 29 47 70 88 81 90 114 147 150 166 1, 081 4 2 1 1 5 6 7 8 11 6 6 12 69 } 6 37 28 31 31 42 44 38 71 62 79 97 70 95 81 897 7 1 1 3 1 2 6 co 31 ་་ 4 31 11 2 31 19 32 40 41 36: 49 70 84 84 98 106 120 100 104 1,026 00 8 1 1 3 1 2 4 2 5 1 6 2 2 4 35 90 106 85 104 88 98 101 126 146 163 162 134 170 157 2, 123 9 3 1 2 2 5 5 8 6 3 3 6 8 2 9 74 11 18 16 34 24: 18 14 10 13 28 10 37 26 46 343 10 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 4 2 4 20 11 1 6 14 31 26 77 12 1 7 8 4 10 7 7 6 10 15 22 17 15 24 21 31 36 230 1 1 1 2 3 2 CO 3 4 4 1 51 13 4 LO 5 36 20 27 30 43 52 48 40 60 47 62 4 1 3 1 7 4 3 1 3 1007 75 931 84 S 116 797! 14 1 4 41 16 12 3 22 *~ 14 28 36 44 43 41 52 56 63 68 70 53 613 2 1 1 1 1 3 5 1 51 27 $15 38 50 33 53 23 47 1 3 3 1 72 57 55 65 77 99 113 133 92 1,093 2 16 3 81 6 10 4 6 6 59 17 2 13 14 33 20 16 16 22 20 21 22 26 35 38 39 381 37 30 484 1 2 3 5 10 2 2 1 2 or 5 1 35 18 1 66 67! } 19 2 13 14 18 9 7 18 20 39 31 35 51 83 78 418 3 4 1 1 41 1 31 20 5 1 10 33 18 1 6 a 6 12 9 22 26 15 18 15 28 29 28 32 37 36 25 376 1 1 2 4 5 2 1 4 21 1 1 2 36 22 281 292 230 261 276 304 306 338 446 576 590 642 674 790 7,578 6 5 8 15 13 10 24 10 20 30 24 32 30 23 36 316 19 19 }24 16 17 24 30 32 30 47 56 64 72 80 78 99 126 778 3 3 4 2 1 4 2 3 2 1 5 8 4525 1 3 11 10 47 (26 i Organized in 1877. j Organized in 1885. In 1885 and 1886 thirteen divorces were granted, the facts concerning which have not been obtained. k Organized in 1871. I Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire January 10, 1888, before investigation could be made. m Organized in 1885, 348 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LA BOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. NEBRASKA-Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. |1868. |1869.[1870.| 1871.│1872. divorces. 27 Frontier (a). 934 28 Furnas (b) 6, 407 · Mar Div... - a Mar Div.... 29 Gage (c) 3, 359 13, 164 Mar... Div. 20 36 44 3 2 30 Garfield (d). Mar Div.. 31 Gosper (e) . Mar 1, 673 Div.. 32 Greeley (ƒ) Mar 1, 461 - Div. 33 Hall (g) Mar 1,057 8,572 Div.. 34 Hamilton (h)…. 130 35 Harlan (i)……… 36 Hayes (j)……. 37 Hitchcock (a). • 1, 012 8, 267 Div.... 6, 086 Mar Div.... 119 Mar Div.... • Mar Div.... S Mar LO 23 1 5 8 38 Holt (k)………. 3, 287 Mar Div... 39 Howard (ƒ)………. Mar 3 4,391 Div... 40 Jefferson (1). 2,440 8,096 S Mar 4 31 3 23 251 50 Div.... 41 Johnson 3, 429 7,595 Mar Div.. 2 2 ♡ 42 Kearney (m). 58 1 4,072 { Div... Mar ... Mar 43 Keith (n) 194 Div. 44 Keya Paha (0) ……… Mar {Div.... 45 Knox (p). 261 3, 666 Div... Mar 3 2 2 6 1 46 Lancaster. 7,074 28, 090 Mar Div.... 15 47 68 112 127 1 3 4 7 47 | Lincoln (q) 17 3, 632 Mar Div. 1 48 Logan (0). Mar Div.. ... · a Unorganized in 1880. Organized in 1876. c No records of marriages prior to 1870, or of divorces prior to 1871, from which data could be gath- ered. d Organized since 1880. e Formed in 1873. f Organized in 1872. First court having divorce jurisdiction held in 1874. g No records of marriages or divorces prior to 1872 from which data could be gathered. h No records of marriages prior to 1871, or of divorces prior to 1876, from which data could be gath- ered. CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. • 349 * TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. NEBRASKA—Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 2 3 3 8 }} 27 11 10 15 25 51 29 371 44 46 60 72 400 28 1 6 CO 2 15 5 5i 9 14 57 60 47 54 46 64 82 91 104 134 145 196 238 240 286 1,8877 2 2 3 3 1. 1 10 5 2 2 12 17 14 10 17 96 } 29 30 31 3 1 2 1 2 LO. 5 3 10 18 10 12 22 36 122 31 3 3 11 1 2 51 5 3 10 9 17 1 2 72 20 LO 5 71. 241 104 32 1 7 26 24 24 30 24 29 38 44 47 65- 66 3 3 1 2 3 6 2 6 8 11223 76 89 88 703 33 1 42 12 13 16 26 23 35 52 1 25 60 64 70 73 80 99 82 718 34 1 4 4 1 5 5 31 10 19 15 1 లులు 28 301 36 45 59 43 38 54 64 69 79 589 3 3 1 2 2 6899 35 12 12 12 36 3 37 2 6 2 1 2 12 38 12 44 4 6 6 18 13 14 30 36 50 54 78 62 73 61 511 2 3 4 1 2 3 3 1 2 9 39 5 7 42 55 LO O 36 32 351 42 55 71 96 71 73 85 89! 97 114 2 31 1,059 1 مر 7 IF 6 8 5 5 5 3 40 5 56 4 2 8 6 3 8 13 10 41 5 3 80 6 14 8 9 6 13 34 41 42 60 57 90 67 67 514 42 1 2 4. 1 2 19 29 43 1 1: 33 46 79 1 # 1: ་་ 8 11 7 4 151 1 10 2 20 30 26 28 47 49 59 61 385 1 1 1 4 6 15 6 23 148 5 155 137 140 150 179 2 204 247 276 270 266 274 328 442 4 7 3,585 4 15 12 11 17 26 21 35 24 46 34 232 3 1 2 1 1 00 S 4 3 બ 5 3 1 47 37 1 6 7 48 i Formed in 1871. j Organized in 1886. k Formed in 1876. In 1872 a part set off to form Thayer county. m Organized in 1872. n Formed in 1873 from part of Lincoln county; organized in 1880. o Organized in 1885. p Organized in 1869 as L'Eau-qui-Court; in 1873 name changed to Knox. q In 1873 a part set off to form Keith county. 350 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. NEBRASKA-Continued. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. | 1868. 1869.1870. 1871.1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 49 Loup (a)………. Mar Div.. 50 Madison Mar 3 1, 133 4 15 19 28 5,589 --- Div.... 1 51 Merrick 557 5, 341 ( Mar 1 2 9 5 81 18 › Div……… 1 52 Nance (b)…………. Mar 44 1, 212 Div. 53 Nemaha 7,593 10, 451 { Mar 19 26] 37 42 40 63 Div... 1 3 2 2 1 2 54 Nuckolls (c) 8 4, 235 Mar Div.. 3 • 55 Otoe 12, 345 15, 727 S Mar Div... 92 104 114 112 98 87 3 6 1 7 3 56 Pawnee (d) Mar 49 51 4, 171 6, 920 Div.. 2 57 Phelps (e).. Mar 2, 447 Div.... 58 Pierce (f) .. Mar 152 1, 202 3 6 10 { Div... 59 Platte (g) Mar 16 18 27 1, 899 9, 511 { Div... 1 60| Polk (c, h) 136 6, 846 Mar Div... 4 9 61 Red Willow (¿) 3, 044 { Mar Div.. • • • 62 Richardson 9, 780 15, 031 Mar 2232 48 67 84 112 100 { Div.... 2 1 3 3 1 63 Saline (j)…. 3, 106 14, 491 { Mar 10 12 Div.. 1 64 Sarpy.. 2, 913 4, 481 S Mar 11 11 20 16 Div... 1 5 1 21 65 Saunders (k) . • 4, 547 15, 810 Mar 31 40 59 Div... 1 2 66 Seward (k)…….. 2, 953 11, 147 Mar { Div... 11 17 1 • 67 Sheridan (l).. 68 Sherman (i)… 69 Sioux (m).. 70 Stanton (n) 636 71 Thayer (0).. a Organized in 1883. b Organized in 1880. c Organized in 1871. 699 Mar Div.... Mar Div... - Mar Div... Mar • 1, 813 { Div.. Mar 6, 113 { Div... d No records of marriages prior to 1871 from which data could be gathered. 3 13 e Formed in 1873. No records of marriages and divorces prior to 1877 from which data could be gathered. f Organized in 1870. g No records of marriages prior to 1870 from which data could be gathered. h Divorce records destroyed by fire January 1, 1881. 2,061 { 2 1 4 ся 5 CHAPTER VIII. + GENERAL TABLES. 351 .. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1836, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. = NEBRASKA—Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875.1876. 1877. |1878. | 1879.1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884.1885.|1886.| Total. 5 10 12 19 46 49 4 4 28 44 19 27 291 23 30 52 46 53 60 67 81 85 713 50 1 1 1 2 4 9 2 ་་ 4 сл 5 1 LO 5 9 45 21 16 24 26 21 1 ~8 36 32 36 62 47 34 40 49 51 73 590 51 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 22 8 8 17 2 72 30 25 38 30 156 52 41 4 4 14 57 54 60 71 69 83 89 101 96 110 118 126 114 106 1,481 1 4 5 3 3 2 1 6 5 6 4 5 7 4 67 } 53 10 8 10 17 19 21 40 42 60 38 721 69 66 89 567 54 1 1 2 5 5 5 3 3 5 1 3 341 76 80 95 104 6 4 4 46 43 32 47 125 125 90 114 104 132 142 149 103 94 81 76 2, 047 8i 3 8 10 9 16 8 5 7 8 121} 55 55 57 55 70 74 76 107 101 2 2 2 1 1 4 ཀ 88 1 3888 87 96 56 7 4 30 2 3 13 15 7 15 35 47 70 67 2 1 8 10 21 274 35 57 11 8 15 18 9 12 15 17 12 12 11 16 16 21 212 58 1 1 1 1 ་་ 4 8 34 30 333 34 27 28 20 36 40 42 68 2 3 4 2 3 3 000 83 109 119 764 59 3 3 2 5 31 24 22 16 33 29 26: 39 47 50 60 62 74 88 80 663 60 6 3 9 4 5 10 5 32, 41 81 со 8 5 5 11 22 27 37 25 36 81 130 399 61 1 2 6 3 6 1 9 16 44 93 82 90 92 101 114 118! 132 156 183 216 168 185 195 3 1 2 3 5 4 3 4 7 4 11 6 6 7 21 3 20 18 32 22 46 54 60 75 99 871 102 96 90 147 168 3 4 1 2 2 4 5 8 8 13 1, 117 62 2,371 } } 62 63 19 30 22 40 33 20 20 40 40 37 48 43 37 33 3 41 1 1 сл 5 4 4 3 3 4 2 43 } 64 68 60 65 62 76 82 94 138 119 127 142 126 162 145 1, 596 2 1 3 1 4 8 3 5 3: 7 4 4 48 }0 65 16 121 14 281 36 42 40 47 53 60 78 89 110 126 779 4 1 1 $ 66 2 1 1 61 6 9 3 5 6 53 2 60 62 67 2 2 1 2 3 5 4 10 9 20 19 26 28 33 36 60 256 6 2 5 22 } 68 8883 69 5 9 5 8 6 8 9 15 12 18 24 27 31 46 235 1 2 70 4 11 18 2 9 1 19 21 19 20 41 56 54 52 1 31 4 6 6 5 22 71 85 108 103 701 3 49 } 71 i Formed in 1873. j No records of marriages or divorces prior to 1871 from which data could be gathered. k No records of marriages or divorces prior to 1870 from which data could be gathered. 7 Organized in 1885. m Formed in 1877. No divorces granted. n Organized in 1869. o Organized in 1872 from part of Jefferson county. First court having divorce jurisdiction held in 1873. 352 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. NEBRASKA-Concluded. Population. Mar- Counties. 1870. 1880. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869.1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 72 Valley (a). 2, 324 Mar Div.... 73 Washington Mar 4, 452 18 8, 631 34 48 40 52 --- Div... 4 4 3 4 74 Wayne (b) Mar 182 813 Div... こ ​75 Webster (c)………. Mar 3 4 16 7,104 Div... 76 Wheeler (d) 644 Mar Div.... 77 York (e) 604 11, 170 Mar {Div.... 7 9 14 • .. Total f121, 216 f449, 380 Mar. Div... 10 23 39 30 19 37 NEVADA. 1 Churchill (g)………. S Mar 1 1 -196 479 • Div. 2 Douglas (h) Mar 1,215 1, 581 Div.... 3 5 1 1 4 3 Elko (i) 3, 447 5,716 Mar Div.. 10 10 20 30 3 4 4 4 Esmeralda (h) 1,553 3,220 Div.. Mar 6 7 1 3 6 8 1 5 Eureka (j) Mar 7,086 { Div.... 6 Humboldt (h). Mar 1, 916 3, 180 Div... ∞ 1 8 52 5 6 12 14 19 1 21 7 Lander (h,k) 2, 815 3, 621 S Mar 32 21 15 24 26 29 › Div... 5 LO 5 5 1 4 5 8 Lincoln (g) … … … … 2, 985 2, 637 5 Mar 7 { Div.. 9 Lyon (h). 1, 837 2,409 S Mar 161 8 Div. 3 13 2 5 8 3 6 2 6 3 10] Nye (h) Mar 1,087 1, 875 { Div.... 2 1 11 Ormsby. 3, 668 5,412 { Div... Mar 38 5 22 23 17 18 24 22 12 8 4 3 5 12 Storey.. 11, 359 16, 115 5 Mar 70 { Div.... 16 13 Washoe... 3, 091 5, 664 S Mar 17 • 14 White Pine (1) 7, 189 2, 682 Div.. Mar { Div.... 82 87 29 2 86 94 82 81 21 17 12 18 3023 69 12 26 17 16 36 24 5 4 3 3 Total ƒ42, 358 ƒ61, 980 S Mar Div. 37 62 40 28 40 39 a Formed in 1873. b Unorganized in 1880. c Organized in 1871. d Organized since 1880. e No records of marriages or divorces prior to 1870 from which data could be gathered. ƒ The population of certain unorganized parts of the state is not included in the total, as only such counties as were organized prior to January 1, 1887, appear in this table. g No divorces graut od. CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 353 # } TABLE I.—MARRIAGES ANd divorces, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. NEBRASKA –Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. |1876.|1877. |1878. | 1879. 1880. | 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885.1886. Total. 1 6 13 19 8 27 2 2 3 7 22 29 225 41 36 55 51 62 349 3 2 2 5 3 9 49 64 47 47 55 59 68 76 92 122 126 104 85 8 1 4 3 6 3 5 2 10 16 12 12 6 40 72 103 }73 }74 1 20 24 19 39 26 26 59 82 75 70 77 79 101 107 112 2 1 1 5 2 2 4 8 4 12 6 9 21 8 897 85 }75 2 2 4 4 15 27 76 26 34 47 76 63 80 78 73 75 82 96 112 114 138 1, 124 4 4 21 3 5 7 6 6 4 6 61 5 69 }77 80 87 81 106 115 130 184 198 191 271 315 314 338 436 3,034 1 NEVADA. 1 1 4 3 17 1 11 6 5 1 1 1 62 4 2 52 5 2 с1 00 8 12 8 9 14 6 5 2: 4 2 43 } 2 26 33 31 35 34 56 40 37 32 34 30 29 27 23 10 8 3 сл 5 8 5 9 8 6 7: 6 6 లాటి 537 3 5 101 9 41 5 5 6 16 16 16 18 10 11 5 5 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 32 160 20 } 4 34 25 201 2 2 7 22222 32 30 5 ∞∞ 49 33 33 32 31 36 19 17 8 18 16 3 8 6 9 9 75 23 414 5 102 23 25 23 15 4 8 2 3 ་ 5 3 24 17 30 15 4 3 1 TASCA 24 17 20 20 19 24 360 4 2 8 6 4 7 6 3 65 24 21 201 13 8 7 20 26 17 21 18 201 23 18 403 1 3 1 3 2 4 31 2 7 3 51 35 231 22 21 20 16 8 4 3 11 4 6 187 8 11 10 8 3 2 1 → 2 9 00 21 1 2 62 31 4 4 75 10. 9 6 145 5 1 1 47 $7} 9 7 4 2 1 5 1 2 10 1 3 31. 42 23 49 38 51 44 48 8 12 11 10 6 a a 59 33 30 31 31 15 16 15 647 9 6 es 11 7 3 6 7 3 4 138 94 91 132 30 29 232 145 145 127 140 108 75 64 59 45 42 39 1,788 29 37 35 36 29 32 19 6 10 9 10 415 } 12 33 40 44 41 53 46 56 45 40 47 37 49 42 61 770 1 3 9 8 6 5 6 5 9 13 7 4 7 ຜ 5 10 109 CO 3 72 72 65 72 80 81 78 61 61 44 51 57 38 44 1, 128 h No divorces were granted during the years for which no figures are given, i Organized in 1869. Organized in 1873 from part of Lander county. k In 1873 a part set off to form Eureka county I Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire January 5, 1885. 20267 M D -23 } 14 354 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. 1868. 1869.1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 1 Belknap 17, 681 17,948 { S Mar Div.... 12 3 12 8 7 2 Carroll 17, 332 18, 224 Mar Div... 1 LO 1 3 Cheshire… 27, 265 28, 734 S Mar { Div... 16 8 9 12 N 16 17 4 Coos (a). Mar 14, 932 18, 580 Div... 3 6 51 4 5 2 5 Grafton... 39, 103 Mar 38, 788 Div.. 11 16 13 13 26 15 6 Hillsborough.. 64, 238 75,634 { Div... Mar 33 59 59 65 39 58 7 Merrimack 42, 151 46, 300 Mar Div... 18 171 33 19 29 32 8 Rockingham.. 47, 297 49, 064 S Mar { Div.... 14 16 27 18 18 28 9 Strafford. 30, 243 35,558 Mar Div.. 17 7 12 12 6 22 10 Sullivan 18, 058 18, 161 S Mar Div 11 10 11 6 6 11 Total (b)…….. 318, 300 346, 991 Mar Div.... • 136 143 186 163 153 200 NEW JERSEY. 1 Atlantic 14, 093 18, 701 { Mar Div.... 1 2 3 2 Bergen 30, 122 36, 786 S Mar Div.... 3 31 2 2 3 3 లు. 3 Burlington 53, 639 55, 402 Mar · · í Div. 2 3 3 1 4 Camden 46, 193 62, 942 S Mar { Div..... 1 3 6 10 2 3 5 Cape May.. 8, 349 Mar 9, 765 Div.... 3 6 Cumberland………… 34, 665 37, 687 Mar { Div.. 1 31 3 1 5 7 Essex 143, 839 189, 929 S Mar { Div.. 20 22 21 22 27 19 8 Gloucester 21, 562 25, 886 Mar Div.... · 2 2 3 1 2 9 Hudson 129, 067 187, 944 Mar Div... • 10 11 8 14 11 14 10 Hunterdon 36, 963 38, 570 Mar Div.. 1 4 .2 2 3 2 11 Mercer 46, 386 Mar 58, 061 Div... 8 8 4 8 8 12 Middlesex 45, 029 52, 286 { Div.. Mar 3 5 3 a Divorce records destroyed by fire November 4, 1886; divorces as given were obtained from in- complete data, and therefore may not be absolutely correct. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 355 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. NEW HAMPSHIRE, 1873. | 1874. 1875. | 1876. | 1877. 1878. | 1879.1880. 1881. 1882.1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 108 177 166 198 147 147 150 1,093 14 10 → 19 17 17 17 23 18 14. 20 18 136 149 159 175 171 8 12 4 9 13 19 13 13 16 10 7 13 282 20 24 290 1 182 177 201 12 1, 149 190 } 2 1951 206 2321 262 238 233 240 1, 606 14 16 21 21 16 19 22 32 19 33 26 30 25 31 403 135 146 172 149 202 168 187 4 12 11 6 10 11 10 15 7 15 3. 12 10 88E 16 1,159 167 } 3 4 274 270 319 339 332 327 328 2, 189 26 21 20 19 29 15 28 21 38; 30 35 30 41 33 483 } 5 752 674 1,025 919 886 815 896 5,997 6 54 77 75 63 76 62 69 86 881 901 98 92 89 109 1,441 330 343 361 432 344 361 345 2,519 12 49 381 40 23 24 35 45 25 50 501 48 351 46 2,519 } 7 668 355 382 419 399 419 447 413 2,861 8 33 41 23 37 17 30 27 44 29 23 20 27 25 40 537 255 332 428 425 415 417 418 2,720 9 27 24 17 18 28 27 35 58 42 36 37 31 28 46 530 134 151 149 167 138 109 140 988 10 17 19 13 201 8 11 9 12 21 17 12 11 21 24 270 209 281 231 252 237 235 265 2, 674 2, 830 3, 433 3, 495 3, 292 3, 236 3, 324 352 303 318 308 312 314 22, 284 381 4,979 NEW JERSEY. 1 2 2 1 1 1 5 3 2 4 38 6 2 2 6 5 6 71 2 3 4 6 6 १० 3 8 5 9 78 8 6 5 8 8 8 8 10 12 18 15 4 31 177 5 31 3 31 2 9 2 2 11 8 781 } 6 40 41 25 39 27 31 35 36 46 44 44 47 44 64 694 } 7 8 1 1 1 3 3 5 2 3 35 12 12 23 18 19 22 22 31 15 47 34 44 27 58 452 2 3 3 5 N 2 1 1 లు. 10 3 2 2 3 48 11 LO 5 10 4 12 7 9 4 10 14 8 17 12 25 183 12 3 5 3 3 11 6 6 6 10 97 b The marriage records of the various counties prior to 1880 are so incomplete that not even ap- proximate figures could be secured. 356 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. NEW JERSEY-Concluded. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riagesand 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 13 Monmouth Mar 46, 195 55, 538 { Div... 2 3 3 5 Mar 14 Morris 43, 137 50, 861 Div... 2 2 4 8 15 Ocean 13, 628 14, 455 { Div.... Mar 1 16 Passaic... 46, 416 68, 860 { Div. Mar 5 2 5 2 17 Salem 23, 940 24, 579 Mar {Di.. Div.... 2 2 18 Somerset 23, 510 27, 162 19 Sussex 23, 168 23, 539 { Div. Mar Div... Mar 2 1 3 2 5 -- 3 2 20 Union. 41, 859 55, 571 { Div... Mar ... 2 5 6 4 сл 5 21 Warren.. 34, 336 36, 589 Mar Div 3 2 3 Total (a). Mar 906, 096 1, 131, 116 Div.... 60 79 79 89 83 81 NEW MEXICO. 1 Bernalillo. 7,591 Mar 17, 225 Div.. 2 Colfax 1,992 3, 398 { Div.... Mar 1 3 Dona Ana 5, 864 7, 612 Mar Div.. 4 Grant.. 1, 143 4, 539 Mar Div.. • • • 5 Lincoln.. 1, 803 2, 513 { Mar Div... D 6 Mora. 8, 056 9, 751 Mar Div... 1 7 Rio Arriba ... 9, 291 Mar 11, 023 Div... 8 San Miguel 16, 058 20, 638 Mar Div.... · 9 Santa Fé 9, 699 10,867 S Mar { Div... + 10 Sierra (b)……. Mar Div.. D 11 Socorro Mar 6, 603 7,875 ... Div.... 12 Taos.. 12, 079 11, 029 S Mar... Div. 1 13 Valencia.. Total.. Mar 9, 093 13, 095 Div.. c 89, 275 119, 565 S Mar Div... 1 1 1 3 1 1 a The marriages for the years prior to 1879 could not be ascertained; and from 1879 to 1886, in- clusive, they were not reported by counties. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 357 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. NEW JERSEY-Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. | 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. | 1881. 1882.1883. | 1884. | 1885.1886. Total. יט 2 3 8 6 3 2 6. 10 31 14 11 15 11513 ་ ་་ 4 2 . 00 8 3 3 3 3 6 4 9 14 72 ~ 4 21 1 31 22}15 4 4 11 6 14 10 19 15 16 16 18 15 18 184 2 3 17 2 1. 1 6 1 29 2 2 2 6 18 5 1 Co 3 2 1 7 6 4 2 53 19 3 3 2 เป 1 1 4 3 39 20 JO 10 3 9 9 6 5 C 31 11 81 121 21 1 4 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 6 4 6 49 92 108 127 117 104 120 2 1 2 1 2 1 7, 1888, 296 8, 336 9, 094|| 9, 911.9, 329|| 9, 348 12, 581|| 74, 083) 146 135 147 190 176 231 186 286 2,642 NEW MEXICO. 4 10 1 2 5 33 26 } 2 2 3 3 2 2 4 31 4 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 6 24 లు 1 2 12 } 5 5 2 1 } 6 1 21 7 4 10 2 4 3 20 8 15 9 8 8 70 5 2 3 9 26 c } 10 1 3 11 4 20 1 1 12 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 13 9: 3 5 5 3 8 8 12. 39 44 34 ·39 40 255 bOrganized since 1880. c The population of Santa Ana county, absorbed by Bernalillo in 1876, is not included in the total. 358. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. NEW YORK. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar. riages and 1867.1868. 1869.1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 1 Albany 133, 052 154, 890 Mar 幣​: Div.... 17 20 18 12 30 18 2 Allegany. Mar 40, 814 41, 810 Div.... 5 6 6 4 LO 5 4 3 Broome.. 44, 103 49, 483 Mar Div.... 14 4 Cattaraugus.. 43, 909 55, 806 Mar ... Div.... 4 8 LO 10 11 7 9 5 44 5 5 Cayuga... 59, 550 65, 081 Mar Div……. 16 12 13 14 9 12 6 Chautauqua. 59, 327 65, 342 S Mar { Div.... 3 2 31 6 5 4 7 Chemung.. 35, 281 43, 065 Mar { Div.... 14 6 9 13 6 8 Chenango 40, 564 39, 891 S Mar Div.... 11 8 8 9 11 13 9 Clinton... t Mar 47, 947 50,897 { Div... • 1 1 1 Mar 10 Columbia.. 47, 044 47, 928 > Div... 3 3 3 5 7 11 Cortland 25, 173 25, 825 S Mar { Div.. • 13 11 13 11 12 Delaware.. 42, 972 42,721 { Div. Mar 2 6 2 · LO 5 2 13 Dutchess 74, 041 79, 184 S Mar. Div.... 8 5 15 4 7 10 14 Erie. 178, 699 219, 884 Mar Div... 28 36 34 25 39 19 15 Essex. 29, 012 34, 515 S Mar { Div... 4 3 3 2 16 Franklin 30, 271 32, 390 { Div... Mar 3 17 Fulton (a)……… 27, 064 30,985 { Div.. Mar 18 Genesee 31, 606 32, 806 { Div... Mar 10 1 5 3 2 19 Greene 31, 832 32, 695 Mar Div... 4 1 Mar 20 Hamilton (a) 2, 960 3, 923 Div.... 21 Herkimer 39, 929 929 42, 669 Mar Div.... 5 5 51 6 7 1 22 Jefferson 65, 415 66, 103 S Mar · {Div... 15 13 11 18 4 23 Kings. 419, 921 599, 495 {Div. Mar Div... · 43 58 65 54 55 44 24 Lewis 28, 699 31, 416 Mar Div... 1 3 1 · 25 Livingston 38, 309 39, 562 Mar Div.. 1 21 31 a The court having divorce jurisdiction in Hamilton county is held in Fulton county; hence the figures credited to Fulton county represent divorces granted in both Fulton and Hamilton counties. CHAPTER 359 VIIIVIII.- .-GENERAL TABLES. } TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. NEW YORK. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878.1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 1 15 20 22 16 20 15 17 28 30 25 14 33 28 20 418 2 3 5 5 5 9 4 5 10 10 15 8 14 136 3 9 10 15 8 12 10 11 11 13 9 14 18 15 16 231 4 3 11 7 2 15 11 11 14 3 "TO 12 18 12 166 5 12 12 9 7 51 11 15 15 8 17 13 17 16 240 6 ་ 7 5 8 10 9 10 10 13 10 12 11 143 7 5 11 6 11 5 6 6 8 15 3 51 11 8 161 5 8 10 11 10 11 8 9 12 181 } 8 1 5 1 2 3 2 3 1 NI 9 2 40 2 3 1 3 w. 10 3 1 8. 5 6 en 5 101 10 88 11 12 11 12 4 8 10 19 10 13 13 8 11! 10 206. ය. 12 3 2 2 1 3 4 6 11 72 • 3 9 5 10 9 15 12 14 11 5 11 11 8 23! 19513 14 26 27 36 32 28 34 33 39, 33 35 47 44 58 57 710 15 2 3 2 3 3 1 2 2 2 43 16 ເກ 5 คง 2 3 1 7 3 1 37 17 1 2 51 10 10 4 6 12 71 18 2 2 5 2 3 6 - 6 67 ፣ 2 2 2 3 1 .. 19 3 50 20 31 6 4 1 1 21 8 3 5 LO 5 8 8721 22 12 9 3 15 10. LO 5 15 19 11 15 17 317 23 67 59 58 66 62 68 78 111 93 137 112 129 111 132 1,602 24 3 2 2 5 3 3 4 34 25 ల 3 31 5 49 360 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. NEW YORK-Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar. riages and 1867. |1868. |1869.1870. 1871. 1872. divo rces. 26 Madison Mar 43, 522 44, 112 Div.... 21 5 6 1 27 Monroe. 117, 868 Mar 144, 903 Div.... 28 33 27 36 29 41 28 Montgomery Mar 34, 457 38, 315 Div. 3 3 2 2 3 Mar 29 New York. 942, 292 1,206,-299 Div... 306 295 355 265 226 181 Mar 30 Niagara 50, 437 54, 173 ל Div... 9 5 4 31 Oneida 110, 008 115, 475 Mar Div -- · 23 17 10 16 8 11 32 Onondaga 104, 183 117, 893 { Div... Mar 27 201 20 16 39 22 33 Ontario.. 45, 108 49, 541 { Div. Mar 3 11 3 34 Orange 80, 902 88, 220 Mar Div... 3 10 8 3 35 Orleans. 27, 689 30, 128 { Mar Div 5 2 6 5 36 Oswego. 77, 941 77, 911{ Mar Div. 16 17 16 15 8 11 418 37 Otsego... 48, 967 51,397 Div... Mar... 21 9 6 18 11 6 38 Putnam 15, 420 15, 181 { Mar. Div... 1 1 2 39 Queens 73, 803 90, 574 Mar Div.... 4 2 2 3 3 40 Rensselaer 99, 549 115, 328 Mar Div... 24 29 19 23 19 26 41 Richmond 33, 029 38, 991 { Div Mar Div... 42 Rockland 25, 213 27, 690 Div... Mar 2 5 2 43 Saint Lawrence. 81, 826 85,997 Mar Div.... ... 15 8 5 12 9 14 44 Saratoga.. 51, 529 55, 156 Mar Div... 10 19 12 4 13 13 Mar 45 Schenectady 21, 347 23, 538 Div.... 2 CTO 3 5 Mar 46 Schoharie…. 33, 340 32, 910 ... Div... 4 3 3 1 5 47 Schuyler... 18, 989 18, 842 S Mar { Div.. · 1 .00 3 3 1 3 48 Seneca. 27, 823 29, 278 S. Mar Div.... w. 3 4 Mar 49 Steuben 67,717 77, 586 Div. 16 11 12 18 11 Mar 50 Suffolk 46, 924 53, 888 Div 2 2 51 Sullivan 34, 550 550 32, 491 S Mar Div... N 2 CHAPTER VIII. 361 GENERAL TABLES. A TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. NEW YORK-Continued. 1873.1874. 1875. | 1876. | 1877. | 1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. | 1883. 1884. | 1885. | 1886. Total. 26 11 2 5 5 51 7 T 6 13 13 10 15 130 27 15 20 26 30 23 30 22 25 29 34 33 24 34 40 579 } 4 1 2 3 8 6 6 5 сл 6 · 00 3 14 77 } 28 29 227 231 183 159 166 147 206 227 235 289 254 236 271 248 4, 710 3 5 4 11 6 7 5 10 5 6 9 119 }30 201 22 15 11 9 14 13 19 27 25 21 21 19 21 342 31 32 20 28 17 17 20 36 18 23 35 43 361 45 31 37 550 21 4 2 3 6 2 5 4 6 4 4 5 76 } 33 4 7 8 6 11 15 12 16 9 10 154 34 35 2 4 3 4 21 3 4 4 2 3 2 11 81 36 12 11 16 11 2 10 16 15 27 12 23 16 15 276 8 11 10 8 9 12 14 11 13 9 13 13 10 197 } 37 1 2 4 1 38 16 6 • 4 10 12 5 8 11 6 .00 3 LO 5 1 6 39 95 40 24 34 24 31 20 17 27 23 19 26 27 26 24 21 483 3 31 1 1 8 19 3 сл 5 2 3 1 50 } 41 2 2. 2 8 2 2 4 8 2 4 57 } 42 43 10 9 18 5 10 6 8 12 17 10 17 9 12 215 12 13 11 8 14 7 13 14 13 19 6 19 18 245 } 44 4 3 2 1 2 2 5 2 • 2 8 сл 5 5 68 . } 45 3 లు. 46 2 2 3 10 6 3 10 8 8 5 3 96 • 47 1 1 2 3 4 LO 5 4 3 2 3 39 48 3 1 LA 6 5 1 7 3 2 3 1 3 69 14 10 15 13 ་་་ 49 21 14 8 15 11 13 20 18 25 275 50 ་ 4 5 LO ~ 3 2 5 5 3 GO 6 30 }51 362 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. NEW YORK-Concluded. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. + 52 Tioga.... 30, 572 Mar 32, 673 Div.. 6 12 LO 5 5 53 Tompkins Mar 33, 178 34, 445 Div.... 6 → 12 10 1 6 54 Ulster 84, 075 85, 833 S Mar Div.... 5 5 LO 2 2 55 Warren.. 22, 592 25, 179 { Mar Div.... 7 3 2 3 5 1 56 Washington 49, 568 Mar 47,871 • Div.... 71 LO 5 81 2 10 57 Wayne 47, 710 51,700 S Mar Div... 8 6 7 4 11 58 Westchester. 131, 348 108, 988 { Div.... Mar 6 10 5 8 4 59 Wyoming.. 29, 164 30, 907 Mar Div.... 1 5 3 60 Yates.. 19,595 21, 087 { Mar Div... 2 5 4 5 3 1 Total.. 4,382, 759 5, 082, 871 Mar Div.. ... 771 761 824 731 668 592 NORTH CAROLINA. 1 Alamance 11, 874 14, 613 { Mar Div. 55 120 • • 70 110 123 1 3 2 Alexander 6, 868 8, 355 Div.. Mar · 1 3 2 2 Mar 56 3 Alleghany 3, 691 40 40 5, 486 41 47 57 Div.. 1 Mar 4 | Anson (a)….. 12, 428 134 103 146 17,994 169 Div.... 5 Ashe 9, 573 14, 437 S Mar { Div.. • 2 6 Beaufort……. 13, 011 17, 474 { Mar Div.. • 11 1 .... 7 Bertie 12,950 16, 399 Mar Div.. 8 Bladen... 12, 831 16, 158 Mar Div.. 9 Brunswick 7,754 Mar 9, 389 Div.... 1 10 Buncombe 15, 412 21, 909 Mar Div. 120 104 • 1 1 2 1 Mar 89 108 11 Burke 9, 777 12, 809 82 91 Div.... 3 12 Cabarrus 11, 954 14, 964 Div. Mar 179 140 138 120 137 127 13 Caldwell. 8, 476 - 10, 291 Mar Div... 2 • a Marriage records destroyed by fire April 2, 1868. CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 363 TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. NEW YORK-Concluded. 1873. 1874. | 1875. | 1876. | 1877. | 1878. | 1879. | 1880. | 1881. | 1882. | 1883. 1884. 1885.1886. Total. 52 5 6 5 10 4 11 3 6 6 8 8 6 9 128 53 6 5 4 6 7 8 6 11 12 2 6 137 3 9 5 7 8 9 2 4 87 }54 1 · 3 55 3 2 2 8 2 6 11 6 5 84 56 LO 5 6 6 2 51 9 6 10 7 51 51 91 51 120 57 6 4 4 5 7 10 6 5 4 8 1 6 6 126 15 6 10 7 13 6 9 14 23 15 6 20 11 9 203 } 58 59 2 7 2 3 5 4 4 3 6 4 6 2 2 69 60 41 1 3 4 2 2 3 లు 4 7 5 3 4 3 68 630 716 657 629 569 657 704 834 853 983 881 953. 936 1,006 15,355 NORTH CAROLINA. 107 108 91 2 117 1 106 103 129 112 137 142 157 133 147 131 1 1 1 1 1 3 14 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 31 1 25 76 59 65 58 50 77 60 84 88 60 56 65 66 60 1, 205 1 1 21 1 4 3 2 3 18 } 3 228 166 162 114 161 165 168 157 158 190 168 173 179 173 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 6 3 30. } 5 1 6 2 1 1 31 21 1 1 14: 7 1 1 3 1 1 8 9 9 2 1 161 130 186 158 177 206 187 220 207 236 195 225 257 219 10 1 2 3 3 1 2 1 1 3 25 77 107 91 92 84 113 107 110 99 94 333 93 116 79 114 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 156 148 138 143 135 167 173 196 157 135 154 150 175 133 3, 001 12 2 1 1 1 3 1 21 1 1 13 2 4| 3 2 1 21 3 3! 27 }13 : 364 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. NORTH CAROLINA—Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. |1868. | 1869.1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 14 Camden 5, 361 6, 274 Mar Div... 1 1 Mar 64 68 93 -- 65 57 66 15 Carteret 9, 010 9, 784 Div. 1 Mar • 16 Caswell 16, 081 17,825 Div... 1 1 1 Mar 105 69 105 101 124 151 17 Catawba.. 10,984 14, 946 Div Mar 83! 97 150 • 161 147 140 18 Chatham 19, 723 23, 453 Div. Mar. 39 40 48 36 39 56 19 Cherokee (α) 8, 080 8, 182 Div... S Mar 58 22 67 83 73 73 20 Chowan 6, 450 7, 900 Div... Mar. - 29 21 21 Clay (b) 2, 461 3, 316 Div. Mar 40 79 73 22 Cleveland 12, 696 16, 571 Div.... Mar 23 Columbus 8, 474 14, 439 Div... 1 1 24 Craven (c)……… 20, 516 19, 729 Mar Div... 2 Mar • 25 Cumberland……… 17, 035 23, 836 { Div.. 26 Currituck (d) 5, 131 6, 476 Mar Div.... 27 Dare (e) ~ 2,778 3, 243 Mar Div... · 28 24 29 Mar 28 Davidson.. 17,414 20, 333 Div... 61 166 1 197 151 168 149 1 2 29 Davie.. 9, 620 11, 096 Mar Div... 30 Duplin 15,542 18, 773 Mar Div.. 272 261 152 126 163 160 31 Durham (ƒ)…. Mar Div... Mar 220 32 Edgecombe.... 22, 970 26, 181 Div. 219 1 203 240 237 236 33 Forsyth 13, 050 18, 070 Mar Div... 127 109 114 135 90 139 1 Mar 104 148 131 118 125 121 34 Franklin 14, 134 20, 829 Div. 1 35 Gaston 12, 602 Mar 14, 254 Div... ·· 2 1 36 Gates. 7,724 8, 897 Mar Div.. 37| Graham (g) 2, 335 { Mar Div.. ... a In 1872 a part set off to form Graham county. b Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire May 21, 1870; no divorces were granted subse quently. c In 1872 a part set off to form Pamlico county. CHAPTER VIII. GENERAL TABLES. 365 TABLE 1.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. NORTH CAROLINA-Continued. 1873. | 1874. 1875. 1876. | 1877. | 1878. | 1879. | 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. | 1884. 1885.1886. Total. 14 1 1 88 89 66 66 51 52 80 75 81 69 1 1 1 1 1 888 73 64 89 1,447 6 15 16 2 1 2 1 2 5 3 1. 2 22 78 120 121 135 123 141 156 142 150 151 131 142 112 126 2,486 17 11 5 1 2 3 2 3 3 1 21 137 151 116 132 118 127 150 135 159 152 130 143 131 147 2,706 18 2 1 2 4 1 1' 1 1 1 1 5 20 77 33 48 46 44 71 51 86 67 50 63 75 65 68 1, 102 19 79 63 59 64 61 46 70 63 81 100 951 73. 58 82 1,373 1 1 1 11 2 1 2 171 30 42 19 23 31 31 30 25 24 24 27 16 26: 418 1020 }21 ** 续 ​109 135 139 124 119 170 145 144 202 111 148 110 133 133 22 2 1 2 1 1 2i 1 3 2 1 17 23 2 51 13 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 26 {24 166 167 180 195 2 1 182 2 177 1 183 186 179 167 181 25 2 1 2 1 12 26 30 33 36 38 38 36 39 32 36 39 40 41 12 39; 600 }27 134 172 171 190 189 165 164 21 2 2 1 1 208 1 172 169 178 142 163 173 29 4 3, 282! 19 }28 1 1 1 1 6 29 172 152 137 139 163 144 145 120 163 140 116' 143 154 119 1 1 1 5 3, 141 30 51 145 128 133 172 178 810 31 1 21 1 5 11 242 229 241 250 260 280 242 277 290 280 245 214 240 200 4,845 32 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 13' 112 95 147 160 214 150 187 183 191 192 178 218 203 290 3,231 33 2 1 1 1. 3 11 152 153 146 172 217 218 215 2 191 181 171! 197 162 140 134 3, 199 34 3 4 1 1 12 109 90 115 103 92 102 99 102 126 129 122 35 1 2 1 9 1 1 2 36 1 5 16 15 15 17 29 25 17 23 38 14 29 26 35 24 3231 1 11 1.... 1; 1₁ }87 d In 1870 a part set off to Dare county. e Organized in 1870 from parts of Currituck, Hyde, and Tyrrell counties. No divorces granted. f Organized in 1881. g Formed in 1872 from part of Cherokee county. 366 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. NORTH CAROLINA—Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867.1868. | 1869.1870. 1871. | 1872. divorces. 38 Granville……. 24, 831 31, 286 S Mar { Div.... 5 39 Greene (a). 8, 687 10, 037 S Mar Div.. · 40 Guilford (b). 21, 736 23, 585 Mar Div... 245 208 218 229 176 213 2 1 41 Halifax.. 20, 408 30, 300 Mar Div... 49 154 270 • 250 309 194 1 42 Harnett 8, 895 10, 862 5 Mar Div... 43 Haywood. 7, 921 10, 271 S Mar {Div.... - • 1 1 60 41 59 55 2 44 Henderson 7, 706 Mar 10, 281 Div... 2 45 Hertford Mar 9, 273 11, 843 Div... 21 46 Hyde (c) 6, 445 7,765 Mar Div... 47 Iredell.. 16, 931 22, 675 Mar... 77 122 121 126 123 155 Div. 1 48 Jackson (d) 6, 683 7,343 S Mar > Div.... 1 49 Johnston 16, 897 23, 461 Mar Div.. 189 134 163 200 195 55 50 Jones.. Mar 5, 002 7, 491 Div.... 21 51 Lenoir (e) 10, 434 15, 344 S Mar Div. 52 Lincoln... 9, 573 11, 061 Mar 95 Div.. 53 McDowell 7,592 9, 836 S Mar 4 10 31 61 63 46 Div.... 54 Macon (d) Mar 6, 615 8,064 • Div.... 3 1 2 55 Madison 8, 192 12, 810 S Mar { Div.... 1 56 Martin (ƒ) 9, 647 13, 140 Mar Div.... Mar 57 Mecklenburgh. 24, 299 34, 175 Div.... 1 58 Mitchell. 4, 705 9, 435 S Mar.. 31 62 49 28 28 59 { Div... 1 1 2 2 59 Montgomery 7,487 9, 374 S Mar 53 32 50 48 54 65 { Div. 60 Moore 12, 040 16, 821 Mar Div... 1 1 2 61 Nash 11, 077 17, 731 { Mar 19 28 119 99 120 101 Div. 2. a Divorce records destroyed by fire March 1, 1876. b Divorce records destroyed by fire c In 1870 a part set off to Dare county. d In 1871 a part set off to Swain county. 1870. CHAPTER VIII. GENERAL TABLES. 367 1. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. NORTH CAROLINA-Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. |1876. |1877. 1878. | 1879.1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. | Total. 1 1 1 2 1 2 లు. 38 3 2 2 22 39 1 2 1 2 1 8 171 190 217 202 196 233 218 218 246 215 230 254 227 230 4,336 40 3 1 4 3 1 3 3! 3 4 4 1 3 6 42 210 251 266 228 282 274 246 261 *297 288 248 277 269 287 4, 910 1 2 1 2 3 2 2 7 2 1 7 31 } 41 42 1 1 1 1 2 8 59 74 47 50 72 73 86 101 93 57 87 107 99 111 43 1 1. 1 1 6 2 14 1 2 }44 3 3 3 1 102 109 118 91 64 63 87 99 105 105 58 81 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 21.. 12 155 196 185 183 168 179 165 208 166 158 189 200 184 204 4 7 3, 261 12 16 $45 46 1 2 2 1 3 2 17 23 54 109 137 167 162 222 245 231 221 190 187 220 222 3, 326 1 2 1 1 5 3 1 1 15 } 47 } 48 } 49 50 1 1 13 51 1 2 2 2 8 60 88 72 94 77 98 122 109 109 94 98 97 113 92 2 1 2 1 1 7 52 62 48 32! 41 59 68 79 81 56 45 86 73 57: 1 1,054 1 } 52 }5 53 4 2 3 3 3 11 3 2554 55 3 2 2 2 31 3 12; 43 138 116 99 135 140 103 138 117 127 163 151 129 119 112 56 3 3 6 57 4 2 4 1 1 15 71 53 44 68 52 54 27 61 50 94 41 61 59; 1 2 2 3 21 2 6 2 42 4 1,034 58 80 73 107 66 93 116 92 801 81 97 102 81 104 97 1,574 1 30 1 1 1 2 2 11 118 138 150 123 165 1 172 1 149 190 1 152 171 147 147 145 155 2, 608/ 1 61 2 e Divorce records destroyed by fire October 21, 1878, and April 21, 1880. } 59 } 60 18 § 61 Marriage records destroyed by fire March, 1872; divorce records destroyed by fire December 3, 1884. 368 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. } NORTH CAROLINA—Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. 1868. | 1869. 1870. 1871. | 1872. divorces. 62 New Hanover (a) 27, 978 21, 376 { Mar Div... 63 Northampton.. 14, 749 20, 032 Mar Div... 64 Onslow 7,569 9, 829 { Div... Mar 86' 80 80 71 73 87 1 65 Orange 17, 507 23, 698 Div. Mar 137 166 113 146 152 163 1 66 Pamlico (b) Mar 6, 323 --- 23 Div. 67 Pasquotank 8, 131 10,369 Mar 102 95 101 98 101 97 Div... 68 Pender (c) 12, 468 Mar Div.... 69 Perquimans 7,945 9, 466 (Mar 46 71 70 78 77 101 Į Div. 1 2 70 Person. Mar 11, 170 13, 719 Div... 71 Pitt.. 17, 276 21, 794 Mar · Div... 72 Polk... Mar 4,319 5,062 { Div.. 73 Randolph.... 17, 551 20, 836 Mar Div.... 74 Richmond 12, 882 18, 245 S Mar ... 143 135 115 115 103 92 { Div.... 75 Robeson Mar 16, 262 23, 880 ... 121 127 134 133 142 97 Div... 1 1 1 76 Rockingham.. 15, 708 21, 744 S Mar › 158 160 218 178 184 179 Div... 1 1 1 1 77 Rowan 16, 810 19, 965 Div... Mar 165 173 160 173 161 180 78 Rutherford - 13, 121 79 Sampson 16, 436 22, 894 15, 198{ Div... S Mar Div... Mar · 62 125 78 85 92 2 · · 80 Stanley 8, 315 10, 505 Mar { Div... 1 1 81 Stokes.. 11, 208 15, 353 S Mar Div... 1 1 1 2 Mar 82 Surry.. 11, 252 15, 302 Div... 83 Swain (d). 3,784 Mar { Div.... 12 28 84 Transylvania. 3, 536 5, 340 Mar Div... 40 26 26 45 29 22 85 Tyrrell (e) 4, 173 4, 545 S Mar Div.... a In 1875 a part set off to Pender county. b Formed in 1872 from part of Craven county. c Formed in 1875 from part of Now Hanover county. CHAPTER 369 VIII.- VIII.- GENERAL TABLES. * TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. NORTH CAROLINA—Continued. 1873.1874. | 1875. 1876. | 1877. 1878. 1879.1880. 1881.1882. | 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 62 1 3 1 3 1 3 14 1 5 21 2 3 1 1 22 {63 75 54 51 50 67 40 21 49 72 53 1 1 2 5 } 64 159 192 173 198 166 209 232 195 175 106 137 123 108 111 3, 161 65 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 20 61 50 49 72 58 65 58 69 74 92 62 47 59 72 911 66 1 1 2 4 92 94 73 84 101 85 64 921 110 117 134 122 74 51! 1, 890 67 1 1 3 5 1 2 } 68 87 103 95 79 94 72 64 78 78 117 103 90 84 72 1, 659 69 1 2 2 2 11 11 70 1 21 2 21 ลง 2 4 2 2 19 71 1 1 2 2 2 5 15 72 1 1 2 1 6 73 1 1 2 1 1 4 10 117 118 131 105 115 108 113 139 163 180 170 134 158 135 2, 589 1 1 1 3 } 74 142 182 126 133 157 210 198 224 178 184 183 174 178 194 2 1 1 2 199 178 1941 187 168] 100 176 198 177, 196 163 218 271 219 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 3,217 75 11. 15, }76 3,721 76 153 172 179 196 177 217 200 193 168 180 143 157 181! 186 3,514 77 1 1 31. 4 2 1 1 1 14 95 83 106 103 108 136 134 104 100 137 116 112 112 131 1 1 1 1 78 1 1 8 1. 3 1 1 2 11 } 79 1 3 2 15 } 80 3 2 3 3 2 81 GI 5 27 }82 33 26 46 26 42 291 24 46 52 74 89 81 97 108 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 816 16 33 21 33 38 28 34 41 45 42 33 42 36 39 39 695 1. } 83 }84 }85 d Formed in 1871 from parts of Jackson and Macon counties. e In 1870 a part set off to Dare county. 20267 M D-24 370 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. NORTH CAROLINA-Concluded. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. |1868. | 1869.1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 86 Union 12, 217 18, 056 Mar Div... 115 129 84 64 102 124 2 2 87 Vance (α).. Mar { Div.... {Div. 88 Wake…….. 35, 617 47, 939 S Mar • 356 Div.. 1 331 1 303 359 89 Warren. 17, 768 22, 619 { Mar 113 160 178 175 191 180 Div.. 1 90 Washington. Mar 6, 516 8, 928 Div... 1 91 Watauga Mar 5, 287 8, 160 ་ Div.. 92 Wayne Mar. 18, 144 24, 951 Div... 2 Mar 93 Wilkes 15, 539 19, 181 Div... 2 2 1 2 1 Mar. 94 Wilson 137 83 76 12, 258 66 50 16, 064 Div... 1 2 སྐྱལ 62 2 Mar 95 Yadkin . 10, 697 12, 420 Div.. Mar 96 Yancey 5,909 7,694 Div... 2 2 1 20 3 11 3 Total 1,071, 361 1, 399, 750 S Mar { Div... 21 24 22 41 22 37 OHIO. 1 Adams 20, 750 24, 005 Mar Div. • 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 Allen... 23, 623 31, 314 { Div.. Mar • 11 13 15 9 18 3 Ashland. - 21, 933 23, 883 Mar Div.. - 4 7 5 12 7 11 4 Ashtabula. Mar 32, 517 37, 139 Div.... 22 33 27 21 33 24 5 | Athens Mar 23, 768 28, 411 Div.. 6 5 7 6 6 Auglaize 20, 041 25, 444 Mar - {Div... 8 10 9 7 5 7 Belmont. 39, 714 49,638 -Mar {Div.. 11 11 12 13 12 22 8 Brown... 30, 802 Mar 32, 911 Div.... 11 9 10 8 9 7 9 Butler. 39, 912 42, 579 S Mar {Div.... 14 18 17 15 19 19 10 Carroll 14, 491 16, 416 Mar { Div... · 3 6 3 2 1 11 Champaign.. 24, 188 27, 817 Mar Div. 14 14 13 10 8 a Formed in 1881. CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 371 TABLE -MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. NORTH CAROLINA-Concluded. 1873. 1874.1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 105 1 93 125 122 126 146 142 140 125 111 166 145 120 130 1 1 1 1 1 2, 414 10 } 86 72 95 86 112 114 116 595 1 1 2 4 }87 340 415 505 358 371 421 332 474 359 419 455 395 394 448 88 2 3 3 5 7 3 5 6 21 4 7 11 60 176 206 165 150 194 173 213 201 203 157 156 140 149 145 3, 425, 89 1 1 3 2 1 1 10 90 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 17 2 2 4 2 3 3 4 1 24}91 92 2 4 1 3 1 2 3 3 23 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 4 1 30 }93 23 138 156 129 2 1 3 134 1 126 144 156 139 162 160 188 192 198 2,579 94 2 1 1 6 2 3 3 2 7 39 95 1 96 5 1 1 4 4 2 1 35 995 46 53 65 65 46 74 77 84 83 104 88 106 117 163 1,338 OHIO. 5 5 LO 5 3 3 9 8 10 6 5 ית 1 941 2 11 9 12 13 10 13 25 32 22 16 19 19 17 30 321 3 9 5 6 5 6 13 10 10 17 10 161 22 20 52 38 26 35 43 42 4 48 42 49 39 39 41 696 5 6 8 9 11 9 16 14 22 12 11 101 19 29 221 8 10 7 6 8 10 18 11 16 9 16 11 12 192 } 6 7 14 9 10 13 14 15 17 23 17 22 22 16 13 17 303 14 · 00 8 8 8 6 14 9 18 16 16 16 12 20 14 232 30 28 20 23 14 27 33 9 27 23 19 27 25 19 19 436 2 2 4 6 5 3 2 5 3 6 2 62 } 10 10 10 13 10 25 14 18 16 15 16 17 15 13 269 } 11 372 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES--Cont’d. OHIO-Continued. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 12 Clarke…. 32, 070 41, 948 Mar Div.... 8 10 17 9 11 18 13 Clermont 34, 268 Mar 36, 713 Div.. 17 19 - 13 11 18 14 Clinton 21, 914 Mar 24, 756 Div... 12 6 6 14 3 9 15 Columbiana 38, 299 Mar 48, 602 Div... 7 12 12 15 11 10 16 Coshocton. 23, 600 26, 642 Mar Div.... 2 4 3 ♡ 6 17 Crawford 25, 556 Mar 30, 583 Div... 10 11 26 7 9 16 18 Cuyahoga · 132, 010 196, 943 Mar Div... 66 77 117 114 112 119 19 Darke 32, 278 Mar 40, 496 Div... 7 9 9 5 12 15 20 Defiance.. 15, 719 Mar 22, 515 Div... 3 יתי 5 6 4 6 21 Delaware 25, 175 Mar 27, 381 . { Div.... 17 6 10 7 8 13 22 Erie 28, 188 32, 640 Mar { Div.. 10 10 14 12 10 17 23 Fairfield. 31, 138 34, 284 Mar {Div.... • · - 12 10 11 10 11 8 24 Fayette..... 17, 170 20, 364 Mar Div.... 4 ང་ లు. 3 1 25 Franklin 63, 019 86, 797 Mar Div... 26 27 40 21 27 28 26 Fulton……… 17, 789 21, 053 S Mar { Div.... 5 9 8 16 LO 5 27 Gallia (a) 25, 545 Mar 28, 124 { Div... 12 61 14 11 6 28 Geauga... 14, 190 14, 251 Mar { Div.... 17 6 5 6 14 29 Greene 28, 038 Mar 31, 349 { Div.. 8 9 8 7 8 12 30 Guernsey.. 23, 838 27, 197 Mar { Div.... 8 7 13 3 31 Hamilton (b) 260, 370 313, 374 { Div.. Mar -- 32 Hancock 23, 847 27,784 Mar Div... 13 8 20 12 11 33 Hardin 18, 714 27, 023 Mar { Div.... 11 12 6 6 t 34 Harrison 18, 682 20, 456 Mar Div.... 4 5 ຄົນ. 5 3 7 35 Henry 14, 028 20, 585 S Mar Div.... 2 3 3 2 2 36 Highland.. 29, 133 30, 281 { Mar Div.. • 3 51 a Divorce records partially destroyed by fire May 3, 1877. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 373 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. OHIO-Continued. 1873. | 1874. | 1875. | 1876. | 1877. 1878.1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. | 1884. | 1885. 1886.| Total. 12 18 18 12 19 14 25 261 17 21 33 33 27 37 31 404 10 7 10 11 17 14 13 15 24 11 14 9 14 17 273 } 13 13 6 13 14 25 14 10 15 11 10 22 17 9 15 238 • 6 15 15 10 11 17 11 22 17 23 18 28 20 17 297 15 3 5 7 ་་ 13 16 13 10 12 10 7 10 134 9 13 16 12 10 11 15 18 21 21 16 12 17 16 20 289 135 138 125 140 133 152 163 168 233 206 216 196 208 147 2,965 } 18 28 15 24 17 17 26 27 31 35 29 31 27 22 19 26 412 4 8 10 9 10 8 10 12 11 12 18 20 15 18 13 184 8 14 8 6 9 7 10 10. 18 16 11. 15 16 19 22821 22 18 23 15 22 15 8 19 16 22 22 22 20 18 18 331 9 9 8 9 12 8 9 15 15 18 14 23 12 216 3 1 3 N. 2 7 2 10 4 4 6 9 87 }24 35 36 36 31 31 55 62 60 65 81 87 58 79 25 83 968 11 16 15 11 23 11. 5 11 10 13 13 19 21 20 21926 41 6 6 10 2 13 20 5 9 15 10 16: 11 189 27 10 13 10 8 12 11 10 16 12 15 14 19 9 28 12 225 9 11 15 17 11 14 31 20 19 17 20 34 26 29 28 324 5 1 8 5 4 9 16 3 7 18 12 12 13 30 159 63 187 207 31 457) 22 12 19 21 22 16 20 17 14 15 13 20 25 32 21 328 7 6 8 18 9 211 17 23 14 25 19 20 14 21 27233 3 7 5 1 5 3 5 6 5 3 34 4 91 4 41 10 6 10 6 91 61 10 4 00 8 19 11 8 7 35 9 132 51 9 18 11 101 18 36 157 b Courthouse and divorce records almost completely destroyed by fire March 29, 1884; the divorces reported for 1884 represent those granted during the last nine months of that year. 374 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 4 TABLE I. -MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. OHIO–Continued. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. |1868. 1869.1870. | 1871. 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 37 Hocking Mar 17, 925 21, 126 {Div... 81 12 13 13 8 6 38 Holmes... 18, 177 20, 776 S Mar... Div.... 3 4 5 3 4 39 Huron. Mar 28, 532 31, 609 Div.... 19 21 18 21 22 24 40 Jackson Mar 21, 759 23, 686 Div... 10 6 14 3 Mar 41 Jefferson 29, 188 33, 018 Div.... 9 12 10 11 10 12 Mar 42 Knox.. 26, 333 27, 431 Div.. 8 7 6 9 11 Mar 43 Lake 15, 935 16, 326 Div.. 12 8 12 14 15 8 Mar 44 Lawrence. 31, 380 39, 068 • Div. 10 7 9 · ୧୭ 9 11 15 Mar 45 Licking.. 35, 756 40, 450 Div... 12 12 13 9 10 14 46 Logan 23, 028 26, 267 {Div... Mar 11 81 9 10 47 Lorain.. 30, 308 35, 526 { Mar Div... 23 19 23 220 20 18 19 48 Lucas. 46, 722 67, 377 { Div.... Mar 10 10 15 21 23 16 49 Madison 15, 633 20, 129 { Mar - Div... 2 5 2 1 Mar 50 Mahoning. 31, 001 42, 871 Div.. 14 11 .00 8 14 20 13 51 Marion 16, 184 20, 565 Div Mar 8 10 11 16 10 Mar 52 Medina 20, 092 21,453 Div... 74 6 5 8 7 3 53 Meigs 31, 465 32, 325 Mar Div... 0Q 8 8 11 54 Mercer 17, 254 21, 808 S Mar › Div... 5 8 4 10 55 Miami. 32, 740 36, 158 S Mar Div... 16 15 13 16 17 14 Mar 56 Monroe... 25, 779 26, 496 Div... 10 3 5 8 ся 5 57 Montgomery 64, 006 78, 550 ( Mar { Div.... 49 25 29 44 17 34 Mar 58 Morgan.. 20, 363 20, 074 Div.. 8 11 6 8 9 59 Morrow. 18, 583 19, 072 Mar Div 12 9 12 21 14 Mar 60 Muskingum 44, 886 49, 774 Div.. 14 14 10 13 17 17 Mar 61 Noble. 19, 949 21, 138 Div. 5 5 ... CHAPTER VIII 375 GENERAL TABLES. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd, OHIO—Continued, 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 9 12 S 9 11 10 12 11 10 12 10 12 201 } 3 37 4 3 4 5 5 7 6 7 8 6 10 7 108 }38 39 17 19 22 26 17 31 21 26 31 27 24 21 29 20 456 40 16 7 9 5 8 10 00 8 11 11 18 10 11 11 15 197 41 9 10 11 11 12 201 13 11 13 13 18 9 15 236 4 11 11 3 3 19 7 17 12 21 9 25 10 16 216 } 42 43 16 2 23 12 13 10 18 10 5 9 Co 15 17 233 44 19 6 15 5 7 12 10 11 22 22 12 00 8 12 226 45 16 13 6 25 9 12 9 20 16 11 8 81 16 7 246 9 8 5 6 5 Co 8 18 9 >>> 7 15 11 15 14 188 } 46 47 25 re 20 21 24 22 14 24 22 37 22 34 32 22 462 48 со 8 19 37 31 34 28 52 50 52 69 65 42 44 43 674 2 3 4 4 CO 3 7 6 4 8 7 9 တ 8 8 91 } 49 50 13 20 9 9 15 10 15 21 17 24 16 16 18 15 298 14 11 12 19 13 10 19 11 17 23 13 15 · … 51 25 231 287 52 4 6 5 8 11 9 6 6 6 9 131 53 8 11 10 15 10 16 9 14 15 14 9 111 12 9 209 54 5 4 6 5 ری 5 15 9 16 11 9 12 152 55 21 18 17 14 16 21 19 18 19 21 21 31 22 28 377 56 8 3 6 5 3 3 5 3 2 99 57 48 33 43 46 48 50 38 69 56 55 42 77 55 70 928 58 10 6 00 8 3 8 8 5 3 9 31 5 6 129 59 13 12 11 S 10, 10 10! 15 13 9 14 12 225 60 10 13 14: 8 10 11 26 12 15 17. 16 22 21 292 41 51 2 ແ 101 94 }61 } 376 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. OHIO—Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 62 Ottawa Mar 13, 364 19, 762 Div... сл 5 4 3 5 4 5 63 Paulding 8, 544 13, 485 Mar Div... 3 2 4 CO 64 Perry 18, 453 28, 218 Mar {Div.... - 5 8 4 4 65 Pickaway. 24, 875 27, 415 S Mar Div.... 5 8 6 3 66 Pike 15, 447 Mar 17,927 Div... 2 5 2 2 3 ་་་ 4 67 Portage... Mar 24, 584 27,500 Div... 22 20 13 16 13 27 68 Preble Mar 21, 809 24, 533 • • Div... 5 8 10 7 11 19 69 Putnam. 17, 081 23, 713 S Mar Div.... 3 2 4 6 Mar 70 Richland 32, 516 36, 306 Div... 11 13 25 14 15 10 71 Ross 37,097 40, 307 { Mar Div.... 9 8 12 8 6 14 72 Sandusky... 25, 503 32,057 { S Mar Div. 15 .00 8 9 9 14 10 73 Scioto... 29, 302 33, 511 {Div.. Mar 10 13 14 8 10 14 Mar 74 Seneca. 30, 827 36, 947 Div.... 6 14 15 19 19 25 75 Shelby. 20, 748 24, 137 { Div... Mar 4 3 3 ་་་ 2 76] Stark 52, 508 64, 031 { Div... 16 13 8 14 14 10 77 Summit.. 34, 674 43, 788 { Div... Mar 17 13 24 25 17 18 78 Trumbull 38, 659 44, 880 Mar Div.. • • 26 15 20 23 18 33 Mar 79 Tuscarawas.. 33, 840 40, 198 Div 8 5 11 10 151 80 Union... 18, 730 22, 375 Div... Mar 8 6 -> 12 11 81 Van Wert 15, 823 23, 028 Mar {Div.... 6 4 9 13 12 9 82 Vinton... 15, 027 17, 223 S Mar Div.... ་ 41 2 2 1 2 83 Warren 26, 689 28, 392 { Div.... Mar 2 3 4 4 6 Mar 84 Washington . 40, 609 43, 244 {Div... 9 9 17 10 13 16 Mar 85 Wayne... 35, 116 40, 076 { Div.... 12 13 10 10 86 Williams.... 20, 991 23, 821 S Mar Div... 2 12 లు. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 377 TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. OHIO-Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. | 1877. | 1878.|1879. [1880. 1881.1882. 1883. 1884. | 1885. | 1886. Total. 62 4 10 5 11 3 9 10 9 6 7 12 8 131 5 3 2 4 5 ית 63 5 6 9 9 10 11 13 15 126 64 8 12 14 9 LO 8 13 10 18 20 11 9 14 194 65 11 8 14 6 12 12 15 11 12 13 11 20 12 14 206 5 .00 66 8 4 4 6 7 9 10 10 8 2 107 67 16 17 16 17 20 17 19 20 18 141 26 19 27 20 377 68 9 7 6 10 8 10 11 17 11 16 11 11 9 203 4 4 5 4 13 14 24 11 9 12 9 10 12 167 } 69 70 13 25 201 17 14 12 18 17 16 29 29 24 22 22 366 71 9 10 11 7 15 11 11 16 18 15 16 23 10 18 247 11 19 10 8 11 12 24 32 28 21 29 19 22 24 335 } 72 4 4 5 8 14 14 10 8 11 11 6 6 181 }73 26 30 24 74 26 28 34 29 19 29 18 28 27 21 27 464 3 5 4 3 2 4 2 3 5 4 4 5 · LO 5 74 }75 16 25 12 16 23 34 251 19 32 38 45 40 32 44 476 }76 25 17 23 23 26 27 28 19 22 35 28 32 43 35 497 } 77 20 24 12 18 20 19 13 12 21 26 78 23 25 19 12 399 11 14 9 16 19 22 19 15 16 17 17 20 20 79 24 295 151 8 10 15 14 19 17 16 13 18 22 20 27 80 272 12 13 10 16 12 9 19 11 13 18 29 81 14 12 16 257 3 4 51 5 8 5 10 6 82 5 12 101 11 4 L 51 13 8 9 11 12 $3 14 147 10 13 17 12 15 11 18 18 11 29 81 16 19 11 16 290 18 11 14 12 11 13 17 14 16 21 85 23 33 14 18 293 10 9 11 5 15 14 16 15 18 17686 i : 378 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. OHIO-Concluded. Population. Mar. Counties. riages and 1867. |1868. | 1869.1870. 1871. | 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 87 Wood.. 24, 596 34, 022 S Mar Div... 14 13 12 10 17 11 88 Wyandot.. 18, 553 22, 395 Mar Div... 11 5 6 9 4 8 Total (a) 2,665, 260 3, 198, 062 Mar Div 29, 230 28, 231 23, 910 25, 459 24, 627 26, 303 901 848 1, 013 992 975 1,065 OREGON. 1 Baker. 2,804 4, 616 { Div. Mar 32 38 35 41 46 38 3 3 2 4 4 Mar 2 Benton 4, 584 6, 403 Div.. 2 4 5 3 3 + Mar. 46 52 44 36 66 58 3 Clackamas. 5,993 9, 260 Div... 4 5 11 1 2 3 4 Clatsop 1,255 7,222 Mar... 8 10 9 14 15 12 Div.... 2 1 3 1 Mar. 7 6 10 11 5 Columbia. 863 2, 042 Div... 1 1 32 8 2 Mar. 16 18 5 12 14 20 6 Coos... 1, 644 4,834 Div.. 7 Crook (b) Mar Div.... 8 Curry.. 504 1, 208 { Mar Div... 12 • 2 2 2 5 2 1 1 9 Douglas 6, 066 9,596 S Mar Div. ית 5 5 2 4 9 ... 10 Gilliam (c) Mar {Div. Mår X 11 Grant.. 2,251 4,303 { Div.... Mar 12 Jackson (d) 4, 778 8, 154 Div.. 2 2 3 6 2 13 Josephine 1, 204 2, 485 Mar Div... 3 1 1 1 Mar 14 Klamath (b) > Div. Mar. 15 Lake (e) 2, 804 Div.... Mar 16 Lane.. 6, 426 9, 411 Div……. 6 10 2 6 6 17 Linn.. 8,717 12, 676 Mar Div... 6 3 4 11 18 Marion 9, 965 14, 576 Mar Div... 8 13 14 11 15 11 Mar 19 Morrow (c) Div... 20 Multnomah 11, 510 25, 203 Mar Div.. 29 131 16 14 19 12 - • a The marriages were not reported by counties. b Organized in 1882. c Organized since 1880. CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 379 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. OHIO–Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881.1882. 1883. 1884. | 1885. 1886. Total. 87 21 17 23 24 24 28 25 17 24 19 28 20 13 24 384 A 88 11 9 18 11 16 18 12 13 14 201 16 11 20 14 246 26, 460 26, 67826, 445, 26, 183 25, 156 25, 796 26, 399 27, 80528, 56630, 52830, 659 28, 72028, 773 28, 634 544, 562 1, 126 1,090 1, 177 1, 153 1, 160 1,345 1,411 1, 553 1,594 1,701 1,758 1, 746|| 1, 810 1,889 701 26, 367 OREGON. 31 41 52 54 57 87 59 72 63 83 74 81 90 103 1, 177 1 3 8 15 9 2 ་ 13 11 6 9 15 7 4. 17 139 61 2 6 3 3 6 4 5 5 2 8 6 6 6 6 87 44 70 60 76 70 86 72 82 72 70! 88 68 82 88 1, 330 3 2 5 1 3 4 3: 6 6 6 10 10 5 71 6 100 18 24 24 24 39 1 2 4 3 82 31 44 51 44 64 86 73 70 70 730 6 5 8 6 11 5 11 6 10: 4 87 7 00 8 18 1 Não 7 133 7 13 12 6 20 12 16 15 17 21 224 3 2 1 11 3! 2 1 2 19 37 50 42 41 48 35 31 40 39 55 49 37 38 646 2 9 7 3 1 6 2 22 23 5 22' 6 24 15 19 25 83 7 2 3 1 4 10 2 4 51 92 6 12 12 1 1 5-5 7 9 9 10 14 131 4 21 } 8 4 9 10, 10 11 9 00 8 6 15 6 12 143 15 271 42'7 2 1 3} 10 }: 11 2 4 31 6 3: 12 1 6 2 6 11 9 14! 95 1 3 2 17 {13 3 12 6 15 24 60 3 4 2 14 9 2 2 3 15 1 13 8 8 ་་ 9 6 11 8 · 00 11 16 6 10 142 6 9 15 16 21 12 9 10 13. 11 17 4 179. 10 11 13 15 12 14 18 18 17 25 23 13 26 18 10 297 21 50 2 19 13 33 19 16 31 371 35 571 571 561 94 751 851 101 81220 d In 1875 a part set off to form Lake county. e Formed in 1875 from part of Jackson county. 380 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. OREGON-Concluded. Populatian. Mar- Counties. 1870. 1880. riages and 1867. | 1868. | 1869. 1870. 1871. | 1872. divorces. 21 Polk.... 4, 701 6, 601 Mar.. Div.... 53 61 48 41 45 50 3 1 2 3 3 10 22 Tillamook 408 970 Mar Div... 5 5 4 1 5 6 ... 23 Umatilla (a) 2, 916 9, 607 Mar Div... · 24 Union (a)………. Mar 2, 552 6,650 Div.... 25 Wasco... 2, 509 11, 120 S Mar Div... 2 4 3 4 2 Mar 25 30 22 26 Washington...... 31 33 46 4, 261 7, 082 • Div... 3 3 3 27 Yam Hill... 5, 012 7,945 Div.. Mar 38 38 49 63 44 41 6 4 2 3 2 3 Mar Total 90, 923 174, 768 · Div.... 81 66 77 64 81 79 PENNSYLVANIA. (b) 1 Adams 30, 315 32, 455 { Div... Mar 2 3 లు. 3 4 5 2 2 Allegheny.. 262, 204 355, 869 Mar Div.... 18 26 33 £9 44 53 3 Armstrong Mar 43, 382 47,641 . Div. 3 2 3 7 4 Beaver 36, 148 Mar 39, 605 Div.... LO 4 5 3 4 3 5 Bedford……… 29, 635 34,929 Mar Div. .. 3 2 + 6 Berks... 106, 701 122, 597 Mar Div.. 27 27 23 28 22 26 7 Blair. Mar 38, 051 52, 740 Div... 8 10 4 8 13 8 • 8 Bradford 53, 204 58, 541 Mar Div.... 13 28 18 21 17 t 16 9 Bucks 64, 336 68, 656 Mar Div. 10 10 16 9 13 • 10❘ Butler 36, 510 52, 536 Mar • Div. 11 11 3 6 Mar 11 Cambria · 36, 569 46, 811 Div.. 5 3 1 4 3 12 Cameron. 4, 273 5, 159 Div.... Mar 1 2 13 Carbon 14 Centre... 28, 144 31, 923 Mar Div... י 4 1 1 5 1 34, 418 Mar 37, 922 { Div... LO 5 យា 5 2 3 15 Chester.. 77,805 83, 481 Mar { Div. 8 6 a No marriages or divorces reported. CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 381 TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. OREGON-Concluded. 1873. | 1874. 1875. 1876. | 1877. |1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. | 1883. | 1884. | 1885. | 1886. Total. 42 25 36 56 76 54 60 65 55 79 39 42 51 6.5 68 5 5 31 7 8 11 15 9 7 2 8 4 11 1,086 125 }21 5 4 2 8 2 3 8 8 10 12 15 14 11 12 140 1 1 1 4 1 2 10 }22 23 24 1 2 7 11 5 12 3 5 9 21 110 }25 38 36 40 44 53 59 63 60 59 73 78 78 70 66 1, 004 26 2 1 7 4 5 6 2 2 2 1 6 2 5 54 50 64 56 63 48 75 82 82 59 85 71 65 52 67 9393 3 ང་ 3 3 4 6: 9 6 4 10 5 12 7 1, 192} 27 64 99 96 110 126 138 152 174 169 170 216 188 210 249 2, 609 PENNSYLVANIA. (b) 244 1 LO 5 1 1 4 4 2 2 3 3 3 3 52 3, 946 2 32 54 44 53 68 82 58 88 68 92 81 81 80 103 1, 190 282 4 10 7 3 18 10 3 6 2 117: } 3 4 แว ང 4 5 3 9 4 9 11 7 11 12 7 6 126. 233 4 1 CJ 5 3 2 5 1 2 6 3 3 58 906 35 20 26 29 19 21 6 18: 36 43 38 41 50 45 36 610 460 6 8 7 5 7 7 7 6 10 13 13 9 13 261 14 195 328 13 16 17 17 17 27 24 45 23 34 31 27 16 28 418 } 8 405 12 10 13 9 4: 6 4 9 9 9 S 11 15 187 301 1 15 12 14 16: 11 5 10 167 7 16 12 11 15 200 368 1 3 2 3 6 1 7 11 11 4 59 50 2 5 4 6 3 2 6 2 12 1 2 49 3 2 2 13 4 8 4 3 2 49 271 3i 2 10 1 14 3 3: 66 486 41 31 3 11 3 5! 15 61 13 9. 12 107 b On October 1, 1885, a law went into effect requiring the issuance of marriage licenses, and the re- turn and record of the solemnization; for the years prior to 1886 no returns were obtainable except for Philadelphia county. 382 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.--MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. |1868. 1869. 1870.|1871. |1872. divorces. 16 Clarion 26, 537 40, 328 Mar Div. · - • 2 2 5 1 3 17 Clearfield. 25, 741 43, 408 S Mar { Div.... 4 2 31 2 18 Clinton Mar 23, 211 26, 278 {Div Div... · LO 5 3 4 3 2 8 19 Columbia 28, 766 32, 409 Mar Div... 21 3 4 3 8 8 20 Crawford 63,832 68, 607 { Div Mar 25 20 15 20 24 12 -- 21 Cumberland. 43, 912 45, 977 {{ Mar Div.... 2 5 15 8 10 3 22 Dauphin.. 60, 740 76, 148 Mar Div.... 21 18 24 20 14 19 23 Delaware 39, 403 56, 101 Mar · • Div... 2 2 3 4 24 Elk Mar 8, 488 12, 800 • Div.. 5 2 1 1 3 25 Erie 65, 973 Mar 74, 688 Div... 30 38! 29 35 40 41 26 Fayette... Mar 43, 284 58,842 Div... 10 5 8 16 9 27 Forest 4, 010 4,385 S Mar Div... 21 28 Franklin 45, 365 49, 855 S Mar { Div.. 5 7 1 31 Mar 29 Fulton 9, 360 10, 149 { Div.... 11 1 Mar 30 Greene 25, 887 28, 273 Div.. 3 1 4 2 2 31 Huntingdon . 31, 251 Mar 33, 954 Div.. 8 3 1 2 32 Indiana.. 36, 138 40,527 S Mar Div... сл 5 3 5 LO 5 Mar 33 Jefferson 21, 656 27, 935 • Div.... 3 2 3 ית 5 1 3 34 Juniata. 17, 390 18, 227 S Mar · Div. • · 1 1 1 1 પ 21 35 Lackawanna. Mar 89, 269 { Div • 36 Lancaster 121, 340 139, 447 { Div... Mar 34 28 34 30 32 ¡6 Mar 37 Lawrence.. 27, 298 33, 312 Div... 7 8 8 4 8 8 Mar 38 Lebanon.. 34, 096 38, 476 Div.. 5 12 8 6 3 39 Lehigh 56, 796 Mar 65, 969 Div.. 5 8 13 .5 9 Mar 40 Luzerne 160, 915 133,065 Div... 11 13 11 12 121 12 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 383 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued. 1873.1874.1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. | 1879. | 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. | 1884. | 1885. | 1886. | Total. 193 16 ית 5 21 5 2 11 4 8 6 8 00 8 4 88 387 17 6 6 3 5 5 7 10: 9 12 15 12 18 131' 220 18 7 10 7 3 7 3 8! 6 5! 1 1 5 10 5 4 4 6 7 9! 11 4 10 119 230 4 5 6 85 } 19 415 20 19 11 12 8 23 19 25 31 21 31 22 31 23 38 430 337 e 21 3 5 10 10 7 11 10 41 3 13 8 6 2 10 145 22 30 31 19 15 12 15 19 21 27 23 12 201 26 21 407 293 6 4 2 2 3 2 3 12 6 6 5 сл 5 5 76 }23 145 3 12 24 2 2 2 1 3 2 C 2 38 500 47 51 33 41 39! 38 27 45 48 53 4 44 43 46 809 }½ 25 478 10 8 9 5 3 11 9 20 12 13 เด 5 9 10 14 193 }20 30 1 1 2 2 p 2 i 2, 3 5 1 2327 359 9 3 5 3 7 5 3 3 6 81. }28 55 29 1 2 1 1 1 00 8 30 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 11 3 43 256 31 6 61 2 6 7 3 2. 11 сл 5 Со 8 5 93 291 4 6 2 6 3 6 5 1 5 79 } 32 253 33 5 5 10 3 3 I 3 6 5 6 73 106 34 4 1 ♡ 1 27 1, 166 35 13 22 13 24 23 18 33 168 1,074 36 21 23 11 24 27 31 25 29 40 30 40, 291 36 35 575 316 37 4 9 10 6 7 11 11 14 13 9 16 10 171 348 5 6 7 3 2 5 2 12 11: 38 10 8 9 128 678 10 16 6 10 7 9 5 9 8 12 11 9 17 22 192 }39 1,900 11 18 17 12 10 19: 30 19. 25 351 12 16 311 } 40 384 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. > 1 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. PENNSYLVANIA-Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riagesand 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871.1872. divorces. 41 Lycoming 47, 626 57, 486 Mar.. { Div.... 12 12 8 5 6 42 McKean. 8, 825 42, 565 Mar Div.... 3 3 3 ය. 3 5 2 43 Mercer 49, 977 56, 161 S Mar Div... LO 5 2 .2 5 4 8 10 1 44 Mifflin. 17, 508 19, 577 S Mar { Div... 2 6 3 45 Monroe.. 18, 362 Mar 20, 175 Div………. ล 4 2 4 1 46 Montgomery 81, 612 96, 494 S Mar {Div.... 8 12 15 10 15 13 47 Montour….. 15, 344 15, 468 Mar Div.. 3 3 2 3 3 3 48 Northampton.. 61, 432 70, 312 { Div... Mar 12 12 10 9 20 49 Northumberland 41, 444 53, 123 S Mar Div.... 4 4 4 4 9 5 50 Perry... 25, 447 27,522 Mar Div.... 3 2 6 7 2 2 51 Philadelphia. 674, 022 817, 170 S Mar. Div.... 101 117 6, 084 6,371 6, 382 6, 421| 6, 806| 6, 496 164 124 143 143 52 Pike.. 8, 436 Mar 9, 663 Div.... 3 2 2 3 2 1 53 Potter 11, 265 Mar 13, 797 Div. 5 со 7 G 54 Schuylkill.... Mar 116, 428 129, 974 Div.... 19 16 15 24 14 13 55 Snyder Mar 15, 606 17, 797 Div... 2 2 3 2 2 4 56 Somerset 28, 226 33, 110 Mar | › Div……. 7 5 Mar 57 Sullivan 6, 191 8, 073 · Div………. 2 2 Mar. 58 Susquehanna 37, 523 40, 354 Div... 8 9 12 14 14 6 CO 59 Tioga... 35, 097 Mar 45, 814 › Div.... 8 16 22 16 14 60 Union 15, 565 16, 905 Mar Div.... 4 1 31 3 61 Venango. 17, 925 43, 670 Mar Div. 6 3 11 11 62 Warren... 23, 897 27, 981 S Mar ... Div. 6 10 51 10 15 Mar 63 Washington . 48, 483 55, 418 Div. 4 2 4 LO 5 2 64 Wayne. 33, 188 33, 513 S Mar { Div.... 8 14 5 65 Westmoreland.. 58,719 Mar 78, 036 Div.. 12 11 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 385 * TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued. 1873. | 1874. | 1875. | 1876. | 1877. | 1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881. | 1882. | 1883. | 1884. | 1885. | 1886. Total. 461 13 13 5 10 16 8. 3 10 18 20 19 19 13 228 } 41 99 42 3 5 8 11 27 38 49 46 32 22 22 15 302 ~ 43 12 7 7 11 8 6 3 14 4 12 15 11 12 8 164 134 4 1 3 1 1 2 8 2 21 8 55/} 44 126 45 3 2 3 31 3 1 4 3 4 56 850 46 10 10 7 - 17 10 14 22 14 18 17 242 132 2 4 3 4 2 1 3 3 5 LO 5 2 3 5947 483 12 12 16 6 9 10 15 22 25 24 21 22 275 } 4 48 476 5 LO 5 1 7 1 N 6 13 7 8 13 11 5 12249 127 3 1 6 2 4 8 50 5 3 2 1 4 10 6 77 170 180! 192 7,891 6, 639 6, 144 5, 341 6, 147 6, 247 5, 224 6,476 7, 569 8,521 8, 231 8, 637 198 183 155 7, 676 6, 215 135, 518 175 194 199; 271 229 249 234 310 3, 731 51 24 3 2 3 3 3 52 5 2 3 5 1 1 48 56 6 9 5 7 Si сл 5 13 19 18 7 10 15 6 172 } 53 1,071 19 12 13 11 8 15 13 16. 18 21 26 18 15 15 32151 119 2 7 3 2 3 5 cཀ 5 3 1 3 54 } 55 246 ་་ 1 1 4 2 3 2 1 3 56 4 59 74 2 1 2 3. 4 8 57 4 5 40 206 12 6 12 12 6 12 13 15 13 16 13 18 18 13 242 } 58 175 10 14 17 10 15 17 18 18 31 45 32 59 31 36 43 422 154 4 2 2 లు. 3 3 LO 60 5 сл 5 1 1 49 266 4 11 10 7 5 20 12 14 9 12 12 17 61 10 12 200 149 12 10 201 7 10 14 11 23 16 8 14 22 11 19 250 } 62 390 3 2 6 15 12 2 10 9 103 } 63 215 1 7 64 6 10 9 3 10 7 114 478 8 6 11 11 16 14] 10 12/ 177 }65 20267 M D---25 386 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. *.. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. PENNSYLVANIA-Concluded. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 66 Wyoming.. 14, 585 15, 598 Mar Div.... ית 5 2 4 4 Mar 67 York 76, 134 87,841 Div.... 241 22 16 6 7 5 Unknown (a) Mar Div... 6 8 11 11 10 11 Total 3, 521, 951 4, 282, 891 Mar Div 575 606 689 623 665 615 RHODE ISLAND. Mar 85 96 106 83 84 82 1 Bristol.. 9, 421 11, 394 Div.... 5 7 10 3 5 8 2❘ Kent 18, 595 20,588 Mar 165 165 188 211 197 205 Div... 21 18 14 19 11 13 3 Newport...... 20, 050 24, 180 { S Mar Div... · 213 7 175 166 158 199 183 9 6 6 4 9 Mar 4 Providence 149, 190 197,874 { Div. 152 152 1,674 1,644 1, 658 1, 716| 1,650 1,871 125 154 130 169 Mar 208 205 171 5 Washington.. 20, 097 22, 495 { Div... 10 23 12 194 20 206 196 15 23 Total 217, 353 276, 531 Mar Div.. 2, 345 2, 285 2, 289 2, 362 2, 336 2, 537 195 209 167 202 165 222 SOUTH CAROLINA. (b) 1 Abbeville (c) 31, 129 40, 815 Mar Div.. • 2| Aiken (d)…. Mar 28, 112 { Div. 3 Anderson (c) 24, 049 33, 612 S Mar { Div. • 4 Barnwell (e) 35, 724 39, 857 Mar Div. - - - • • : 5 Beaufort (ƒ) ……… 34, 359 Mar 30, 176 Div... 6 Berkeley (c, g) Mar. Div.. Mar 7 Charleston. 88,863 102, 800 Div... 8 Chester 18, 805 24, 153 Mar Div... --- Mar 9 Chesterfield 10, 584 16, 345 Div.. Mar 10 Clarendon 14, 038 19, 190 ... {Div... Mar 11 Colleton 25, 410 36, 386 • Div. 1 a These divorces were granted by the legislaturo and can not be credited to the proper counties. Legislative divorces were not granted after 1873, being prohibited by the new constitution of the state, All laws permitting divorce were repealed in 1878, No divorces granted, CHAPTER VIII. VIII.-GENERAL -GENERAL TABLES. 387 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1836, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. PENNSYLVANIA-Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. | 1877. 1878.1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. | 1883. 1884. | 1885. | 1886. Total. 2 4 7 13 10 8 9 20 129 66 1 4 3 3 7 10 5 9 6 89 681 67 8 25 21 12 19 20 19 12 21 283 77 707 710 655 638 677 769 725 951 995 1, 133 1,046 1,067 1, 018 1, 156 16, 020 RHODE ISLAND. 97 6 3898 100 87 81 104 91 97 121 89 95 79 69 79 10 6 6 5 7 ४ 7 5 6 1 3 cr 5 1, 820 118 1 216 161 160 192 147 146 171 217 190 186 173 160 168 187 22 17 18 15 8 11 19 23 24 14 15 20 9 19 3,605 330 } 2 175 174 206 144 182 167 169 194 169 196 200 188 190 185 3, 633 3 9 8 10 7 8 13 18 14 13 15 15 14 14 18 217 1,940 1, 921 1,793 1, 653| 1,660 1,699 1,768 2,015 2,062 1, 983 1,978 1, 929 1, 882 2, 109 188 143 144 158 169 163 207 225 232 216 210 187 187 150 36, 605 4 3, 461 202 6 186 226 177 209 207 194 17 11 19 17 15 19 246 208 180 174 172 179 190 22 18 14 13 22 12 28 3, 930 336 } On 5 191 2,630 2,531 2, 485 2, 253 2, 282; 2, 323 2,396 2,769 2,750 2,634 2,620 2, 528 2,488 2,750 193 240 184 197 213 226 274 287 280 265 270 225 257 49,593 4, 162 1 SOUTH CAROLINA. (b) 1 1 5 1 2 3 2 10 3 8 11 1 1 1 11 1 2 2 d Formod in 1871 from parts of Barnwell, Edgefield, Lexington, and Orangeburgh counties, e In 1871 a part set off to Aiken county. f In 1878 a part set off to form Hampton county. g Organized since 1880, 1 2 10 3 4 5 6 7 38 2 ∞ 21 } 10 11 5 388 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. SOUTH CAROLINA-Concluded, Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867.1868. | 1869. 1870. 1871.1872. divorces. 12 Darlington (a) 26, 243 Mar. 34, 485 { Div... 13 Edgefield (b) 42, 486 14 Fairfield 19, 888 27, 765 { Div... S Mar 45, 844 { Div... Mar 1 15 Georgetown.. 16, 161 19, 613 S Mar 16 Greenville 22, 262 37, 496 { Div.. Div... Mar.. 17 Hampton (a, c) 18, 741 Mar Div... • 18 Horry. 10, 721 15, 574 S Mar { Div - 19 Kershaw 11, 754 21, 538 ... Mar Div.. 20 Lancaster 12, 087 16, 903 { S Mar Div.. 21 Laurens (α) - 22, 536 29, 444 22 Lexington (b). 12, 988 18, 564 { Mar Div... Mar Div... .. 23 Marion 22, 160 34, 107 Mar Div... 24 Marlborough 11, 814 20, 598 Mar Div... 25 Newberry. 20, 775 26, 497 {Div. Mar Div... 26 Oconee 10,536 16, 256 Mar Div... 27 Orangeburgh (b). 16, 865 41, 395 (Mar > Div... Mar 28 Pickens. 10, 269 14, 389 Div... 29 Richland... 23, 025 28, 573 S Mar --- Div.. 30 Spartanburgh . 25, 784 40, 409 Mar { Div.. · 4 1 31 Sumter 25, 268 37,037 Mar { Div. Mar 32 Union 19, 248 24, 080 {Div... • 33 Williamsburgh 15, 489 24, 110 { Mar Div.. 34 York 24, 286 30, 713 S Mar Div. Mar Total 705, 606 « No divorces granted. 1 5 7 995, 577 Div blu 1871 a part set off to Aiken county, 4 389 CHAPTER VIII-GENERAL TABLES. ! TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. SOUTH CAROLINA–Concluded. 1 * 1873.1874. | 1875. | 1876. |1877. | 1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. | 1884. | 1885.1886. Total. 1 1 21 1 1 2 1 1 12 13 14 2 15 3 1 16 6 }17 18 1 3 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 6 21 2 1 2 22 2 1 2 23 10 1 4 24 25 5 3 26 14 1 1 1 27 6 S 2 28 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 16 17 35 17 26 39 c Formed in 1878 from part of Beaufort county. 29 6 30 163 } 31 32 33 34 i, 390 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. TENNESSEE. (a) Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. |1868. | 1869.|1870. 1871. | 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 1 Anderson. 8,704 10, 820 Mar { Div... 128 94 501 87 63 83 4 6 4 31 3 2 Bedford (b) 24, 333 Mar 250 291 277 272 280 263 26, 025 Div.. 13 LO 5 13 7 6 14 - 3 Benton Mar 112 102 93 92 116 8, 234 9, 780 106 { Div.... 4 3 1 2 6 3 4 Bledsoe...... Mar 55 54 44 52 55 49 4,870 5, 617 Div.. 5 Blount (c)…. 14, 237 15, 985 S Mar 186 175 181 150 153 127 { Div.... 4 4 1 1 3 6 Bradley (d) Mar 181 159 143 136 135 11, 652 12, 124 136 Div.... ما 5 2 7 1 1 3 7 Campbell • 7,445 10, 005 { Mar 88 90 76 97 73 96 Div... 5 4 1 2 2 8 Cannon (e) 10,502 11,859 { Div.... Mar 127 111 138 143 125 133 5 LO 4 6 31 3 2 9 Carroll.. Mar 175 192 252 239 219 211 19, 447 22, 103 { Div. 1 61 2 1 2 4 10 Carter (f)………. 7,909 10, 019 Mar ... 73 68 77 83 88 71 Div.... 3 3 4 8 2 5 11 Cheatham 6, 678 7, 956 Mar Div... 84 13 75 68 45 3 3 རྒྱལ 59 49 1 12 Chester (g) Mar... Div... Mar 13 Claiborne. 9, 321 13, 373 * Div.... 7 1 6 6 14 Clay (h)... Mar 6, 987 Div... 15 Cocke (i) 12, 458 14, 808 Mar Div... 16 Coffee 10, 237 12, 894 { Mar Div... 97 91 83 99 98 112 • 1 2 2 2 2 17 Crockett (j) 14, 109 Mar Div... Mar 18 Cumberland 3, 461 4, 538 { Div... 19 Davidson 62, 897 79, 026 S Mar 862 736 717 662 795 715 { Div.... 15 15 13 19 41 38 20 Decatur 7,772 8,498 S Mar { Div.. 2 1 · 21 De Kalb (k) 11, 425 14, 813 Mar Div.... 113 125 135 139 129 158 2 5 1 2 1 3 22| Dickson (7) 9, 340 12, 460 Mar... Div.. 95 76 90 99 92 108 4 6 4 5 23 Dyer (m).. 13, 706 15, 118 Mar.. Div... a Divorces are granted in Tennessce by both chancery and circuit courts. b In 1870 a part set off to Moore county. c In 1870 a part set off to Loudon county. d In 1871 a part set off to James county. e Divorces granted by chancery court not reported. ƒ In 1876 a part set off to Unicoi county. g Organized in 1882. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 391 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. TENNESSEE. (α) 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. | | | | | 101 96 89 98 4 4 3 5 10 1141 7 103 861 121 111 104 114 106 110 113 5 10 6 8: 6 9 6 1, 971 100 1 244 239 295 251 242 295 271 289 226 226 226 178 225 221 5, 061 2 7 8 7 11 10 7 11 12 11 12 15 8 00 81 12 197 120 107 73 117 125 127 146 135 106 116 90 88 122 91 2, 184 3 9 2 31 4 8 5 2 5 7 3 3 3 2 4 79 45 46 63 53 60 59 68 52 561 51 67 48 50 54 1, 081 4 144 144 146 149 151 153 184 153 147 137 168 144 126 135 3, 053 LA 5 21 5 31 9 7 4 81 6 4 3 5 3 9 81 105 114 116 112 148 140 152 126 138 120 123 118 126 158 1 2 2 6 7 1 12 10 6 13 6 6 5 2,686 6 72 Gi 76 80 93 101 120 127 137 105 155 129 164 173 166 5 1 2 5 6 6 5 7 5 8 6 10 11 7 2,218 98 } 7 131 117 113 98 144 109 121 150 120 125 78 102 113 145 2, 443 2 8 6 6 10 15 14 13 9 7 5 11 24 14 167 1 219 215 171 226 223 217 232 280 230 261 179 211 223 214 4,389 9 4 5 2 2 2 2 3 ་ 4 4 2 10 1 59 76 72 95 67 95 92 5 4 4 2 5 50 62 46 53 55 3 1 23 15 93 92 138 101 91 59 62 7 4 7 4 3 5 58 51 49 61 80 65 66 65 $100 15 60 1, 6531 10 8 8 94 88 1,229 11 3 1 1 1 1 2 30 66 68 78 82 78 372 12 2 3 4 1 16 8 4 51 9 13 5 7 13 3 6 10 5 12 10 126 4 8 9 6 3 • LO 14 5 12 10 5 60 152 181 180 142 163 141 156 137 172 179 1,603 4 3 3 e. 8 15 7 7 8 51 6 3 54 84 96 74 88 110 90 113 104 115 107 98 91 99 100 1, 949 3 6 2 3 3 14 8 S 7 3 9 5 6 13 99 } 16 137 159 138 157 163 179 3 1 3 2 178 3 182 230 146 177 146 164 138 2,294 2 3 4 2 17 5 4 ་་ 4 36 18 793 768 657 703 879 962 871 906 105 60 54 69 75 61 50 69 883 1,079 69 950 952 941 989 16, 820 19 71 70 91 87 84 1, 156 } 20 3 1 1 3 3 146| 150 136 175 136 150 149 2 5 3 2 4 It 91 63 72 91 135 99 106 2 3 5 16 21 41 14 3 4 7 4 148 151 142 150 142 138! 165 2,877 4 9 2 2 4 13 70 54 } 21 92 4 110 1 104 9 106 116 120 138 2,006 22 5 6 7 9 86 134 4 204 190 2 227 211 9 220 6 211 4! 63 $ 23 h Formed in 1870 from parts of Jackson and Overton counties' i Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire December 30, 1876. j Formed in 1872 from parts of Dyer, Gibson, Haywood, and Madison counties. k Divorces granted by circuit court not reported. 7 In 1871 a part set off to Houston county. m In 1870 a part set off to Lake county; in 1872 a part set off to Crockett county. 392 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 1 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. TENNESSEE-Continued. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 24 Fayette.. 26, 145 31, 871 Mar.. Div. 387 7 333 380 297 354 430 2 31 1 3 25 Fentress.. 4, 717 5, 941 { Mar Div..... - 2 1 4 1 26 Franklin (a). 14, 970 17, 178 Mar... { Div……… 146 135 143 148 135 136 4 1 3 3 5 1 27 Gibson (b)…. 25, 666 32, 685 Mar Div... 449 379 358 374 371 380 - 1 4 28 Giles 32, 413 36, 014 { Mar... Div.. 302 308 312 1 8 8 20 320 326 318 2 9 6 29 Grainger (c) 12, 421 12, 384 { Mar Div.. 3 2 1 3 1 30 Greene 21, 668 24, 005 Mar... 302 242 233 203 231 218 Div.. 6 8 5 81 6 2 31 Grundy (d) 3,250 4,592 { Mar Div... 32 Hamblen (e). 10, 187 Mar Div.. 29 19 104 · 1 8 C 33 Hamilton (ƒ) ……. 17, 241 Mar 120 99 82 168 254 242 23, 612 Div... 11 2 8 4 5 3 34 Hancock (g) Mar.. 98 121 7, 148 9, 098 Div... 2 5 6 35 Hardeman 18, 074 22, 921 { Mar Div... 190 143 140 120 170 235 3 1 2 2 36 Hardin 11, 768 14,793 Mar Div... ... 1 1 2 37 Hawkins (h) (h)………. 15, 837 20, 610 Mar Div.. 184 176 189 168 148 196 8 4 5 4 41 6 38 Haywood (b). 25, 091 26, 053 Mar Div.... 205 260 345 331 332 308 1 1 1 3 19 39 Henderson 14, 217 17, 430 Mar. 149 158 142 189 152 195 Div... Mar 271 251 268 240 257 2391 40 Henry 20, 380 22, 142 { Div 2 1 1 41 Hickman 9, 856 12, 095 S Mar 89 93 103 96 101 100 ¿ Div... 7 4 5 1 5 42 Houston (i) 4, 295 (Mar 37 51 { Div.. Mar... 159 112 104 93 107 132 43 Humphreys (j) 9, 326 11, 379 Div. 1 1 2 1 44 Jackson (k) 12, 583 12, 008 Mar Div.. · · 4 1 5 1 3 4 Mar 45 James (1) 5, 187 {Div... Div.... 46 Jefferson (h). 19, 476 15, 816 { Div.. S Mar 238 31 216 3 156 9 46 21 144 2 81 81 b In 1872 a part set off to Crockett county. c In 1870 a part set off to Hamblen county. a In 1872 a part set off to Moore county. Divorces granted by circuit court not reported. d Marriage and divorce records of chancery court destroyed by fire November 7, 1882, and March -, 1885. Divorces granted by circuit court not reported. e Organized in 1870 from parts of Grainger, Hawkins, and Jefferson counties. ƒ In 1871 a part set off to James county. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 393 TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. TENNESSEE-Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. | 1876. | 1877. | 1878. | 1879. | 1880. | 1881. 1882. | 1883. 1884. 1885.1886. Total. 2 431 3 448 1 330 4 344 2 400 4 399 470 441 370 330 262 268 264 228 3 7 12 11 2 5 7 8 4 7, 166 89 24 25 1 4 5 3 6 2 2 2 3 3 5 50 144 142 151 141 174 166 180 197 178 202 201 196 207 225 2 7 3 4 8 5 11 2 10 3 8 5 4 3, 353 89 }26 396 326 275 332 371 373 372 4131 344 330 305 331 345 360 1 4 2 5 3 9 6 12 7 9 9 17 5 7, 184 97 27 336 345 318 344 3 4 8 * 327 362 384 426 410 348 357 366 324 372 6 8 8 6 7 9 5 6 7 12 6,905 127 {28 29 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 4 4 3 1 1 34 223 225 205 220 264 292 286 262 235 238 251 200 245 238 4,813 4 5 11 4 5 11 8 7 10 18 7 9 11 20 165 } 30 31 99 2 17 75 95 116 139 130 113 92 97 123 101 112 95 100 2 8 5 6 4 6 6 2 1 5 1, 639 } 73 32 213 212 215 208 309 309 337 359 356 3 15 14 13 13 12 36 64593 115 99 106 113 125 135 178 151 152 3 6 4 3 1 6 6 22 22 4001 644 368 398 5611 5,854 33 27 43 34 70 75 453 152 135 140 161 166 4 1 3 1 67 }31 230 207 180 226 252 281 302 2 4 3 1 2 2 307 1 306 261 217 216 234 209 4, 432 35 6 3 2 ลง 3 16 2 55 36 1 1 7 8 4 7 3 53 175 1721 178 176 186 189 198 208 252 2321 1861 196 232 212 3, 853 51 7 5 6 37 11 71 11 81 11 14 11 8 15 12 162 328 259 221 249 316 316 354 359 315 225 251 224 197 227 5,622 3 1 3 4 33 3 3 2 2 2 1 51 7 61 191 150 148 149 222 187 203 116 217 153 149 150 148 135 3, 303 39 253 237 190 272 278 289 282 278 242 219 221 246 257 251 5, 041 1 1 7 2 1 2 12 11 41 S 40 108 103 91 90 110 118 117 121 128 120 160 162 160 163 2, 341 2 4 5 2 3 41 4 3 4 6 13 6 13 87 52 54 31 23 45 36 59 59 53 42 54 52 58 56 766 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1542 130 93 76 58 1(8 104 106 117 106 92 87 95 117 112 2, 108 4 2 3 2 41 3 4 2 43 7 8 48 5 5 · 2 00 8 44 8 15 8 12 13 118 1 1 1 లు. 3 2 1 45 3 3 19 117, 6 118 4 126 126 5 6 162 180 41 144 61 1 120 1 138 139 125 130 4 3* 124 2 147 2, 783 851 } 46 1870. g Marriage and divorce records of circuit court destroyed by fire h In 1870 a part set off to Hamblen county. i Organized in 1871 from parts of Dickson, Humphreys, Montgomery, and Stewart counties. j In 1871 a part set off to Houston county. In 1870 a part set off to Clay county. Circuit court divorce records destroyed by fire August 14, 1872; divorces granted by said court prior thereto not reported. Formed in 1871 from parts of Bradley and Hamilton counties. S 394 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 1 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. TENNESSEE-Continued. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. 1868. | 1869. | 1870. | 1871. 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 47 Johnson 5, 852 7,766 Mar { Div.. 90 45 4 LO CO 64 53 32 48 3 2 3 1 2 48 Knox 28, 990 39, 124 { Mar.. 273 281 274 302 300 315 Div. 18 16 21 18 21 19 49 Lake (a). 2,428 3, 968 Mar Div... ❤ 1 50 Lauderdale Mar 10, 838 14, 918 Div.. 3 2 2 51 Lawrence 7, 601 10, 383 Mar Div.... 128 120 95 103 91 97 1 2 52 Lewis (b) 1,986 2, 181 Mar Div... 28 28 15 26 10 • 53 Lincoln (c) . 28, 050 26, 960 S Mar Div.... 127 6 113 2 173 164 157 160 5 3 3 54 Loudon (d) Mar 39 74 104 9, 148 Div. 2 3 1 • • 55 McMinn (e)………… 13, 969 15, 064 Mar.. Div.. 155 4 148 5 LO 126 ! 138 153 147 4 1 2 56 McNairy (ƒ) (Mar 12, 726 17, 271 { Div... 57 Macon (g) 6, 633 9, 321 S Mar 97 113 152 123 89 77 Div.... 3 1 4 3 7 { 58 Madison (h). 23, 480 30,874 Mar {Div. 164 214 260 306 338 334 2 2 5 2 2 1 59 Marion 6, 811 10, 910 Mar ... 199 213 224 180 188 220 Div.. 3' 2 2 5 2 3 60 Marshall……. 16, 207 19, 259 S Mar 101 106 110 112 109 118 { Div.... 3 3 6 4 4 If Mar 461 449 428 494 382 387 61 Maury. 36, 289 39, 904 Div. 4 3 3 1 9 9 62 Meigs 4, 511 7, 117 S Mar 54 43 39 45 55 56 Div.. 1 63 Monroe (e)…. 12, 589 14, 283 Mar 121 141 129 { Div. 6 2 5 5 2 6 Mar 236 245 263 247 2391 262 61 Montgomery (i)………… 24, 747 28, 481 Div.... 3 3 8 3 3 6 Mar 47 65 Moore (j) 6, 233 {Div Div. 66 Morgan 2, 969 5, 156 { Div... Mar 9 15 12 26 10 16 2 1 2 3 5 1 67 Obion (k) 15, 584 22, 912 { Mar... 135 155 178 140 148 140 Div... 2 1 1 68 Overton (1) 11, 297 12, 153 S Mar Div.... 146 81 66 126 71 103 2 2 1 5 3 3 69 Perry 6, 925 7, 174 { Div.. Mar a Formed in 1870 from parts of Dyer and Obion counties. Divorces granted by circuit court not reported. b Divorces granted by chancery court not reported. c In 1872 a part set off to Moore county. d Organized in 1870 from parts of Blount, Me Minn, Monroe, and Roane counties. e In 1870 a part set off to Loudon county. ƒ Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire March 3, 1881. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 395 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. TENNESSEE—Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. | 1879. |1880. | 1881.] 1882. 1883. | 1884. | 1885. 1886. Total. 28 51 49 73 85 89 128 136 76 143 102 103 51 74 4 4 3 1 6 8 9 10 16 18 10 7 10 13 1, 523 134 } 47 306 321 427 356 352 373 355 355 417 412 485 468 469 532 7,373 48 23 19 17 21 25 18 44 39 37 34 42 51 39 51 573 49 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 10 88 84 135 160 188 184 220 224 164 188 196 180 208 220 3 1 1 5 2 3 2 4 2 3 1 1 4 31 42 } 50 81 78 79 105 96 113 109 125 106 119 114 95 93 97 2, 044 51 3 3 3 4 2 1 3 2 2 3 3 7 1 4 44 19 18 18 15 25 35 24 25 33 21 21 25 24 19 1 1 1 3 }52 120 130 132 120, 131 159 140 1381 176 230, 184 228 217 162 3, 191 53 3 31 1 51 2 41 7 11 2 13 16 2 7 11 100 154 75 80 83 97 95 103 82 87 83 92 84 86 91 1, 509 2 1 1 2 6 7 3 2 1 1 2 5 4 43 } 51 116 104 141 109 126 189 166 132 168 152 166 150 142 137 2 1 1 3 2 2 3 3 8 4 4 7 2 4 2,865 63 } 55 259 250 209 149 160 157 151 56 10 6 4 5 25 95 97 123 110 123 133 110 136 178 98 141 117 97 111 1 4 2 5 1 3 1 3 2 3 2 5 1 2 2, 320 531 S 57 376 398 256 252 296 356 336 272 312 324 274 272 266 312 4 1 1 2 1 6 10 7 21 10 5 9 10 10 11 5,918 58 93 (58 176 108 180 126 216 234 170 165 163 144 131 126 139 127 3, 429 59 1 2 1 2 6 3 9 9 7 2 13 6 11 4 93 122 116 128 127 118 132 123 146 129 136 138 145 170 167 3 5. 13 11 7 14 6 6 6 51 9 คง 21 5 7 2,553 123 60 407 432 486 414 425 408 422 456 470 378 387 356 359 359 10 4 3 4 19 10 14 16 10 6 10 13 20 8, 360 61 45 47 73 56 76 73 104 ㄚ​ˊ 79 46 54 75 56 67 73 4 5 1 1 3 1 1 1 1,216 18 124 135 135 146 130 133 146 155 152 118 134 122 116 145]. 5 4 3 4 3 6 9 111 6 3 3 8 6 4 101 175 {62 } 63 256 268 270 324 380 352 388 374 310 300 337 358 352 342 8 7 6 9 5 16 4 5 5 6 10 14 13 13 147 6, 103 61 75 SO 59 58 64 80 69 72 67 71 53 61 58 53 972 1 1 1 31 1 2 65 9 32 39 66 42 44 40 57 53 56 73 74 57 46 43 810 2 1 3 1 3 3 5 3 31 3 3 66 6 4 4 58 144 146 145 214 240 330 340 280 312 308 301 306 324 341 4, 630 1 1 67 1 1 1 1 10 44 3 36 93 7 104 96 115 3 2 112 121 6 43 39 132 76 91 97 1, 792 9 4 68 1 1 3 61 } 69 g In 1870 a part set off to Trousdale county. h In 1872 a part set off to Crockett county. i In 1871 a part set off to Houston county. j Organized in 1872 from parts of Bedford, Franklin, and Lincoln counties. Divorces granted by circuit court not reported. k * In 1870 a part set off to Lake county. Divorces granted by chancery court not reported. In 1870 a part set off to Clay county. 396 LABOR. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. TENNESSEE—Continued. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. 1868.1869.1870. 1871.1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 70 Pickett (a). S Mar Div. 71 Polk (b) Mar 7,369 7,269 Div... 72 Putnam 8, 698 Mar 73 90 81 79 98 74 11, 501 Div.... 2 31 1 4 6 73 Rhea Mar 68 45 92 49 39 47 5, 538 7,073 Div.... 1 1 1 1 1 1 74 Roane (c). 15, 622 15, 237 Mar... 177 150 159 125 99 111 Div.. 4 5 4 5 2 75 Robertson... 16, 166 18, 861 Mar Div.. 150 155 162 1 12 169 1721 170 2 2' 5 76 Rutherford Mar 563 430 471 353 318 381 33, 289 36, 741 · Div... 14 7 9 10 3 8 77 Scott 4, 054 6, 021 $ Mar Div.. - 3 1 1 4 2 78 Sequatchie 2,335 2,565 { Mar... Div.... 1 79 Sevier 11, 028 15, 541 { Mar Div... · · · 141 6 115 4 117 116 4 3 120 4 102 3 80 Shelby 76, 378 78, 430 Mar Div.... 1, 022 1, 052 1, 112 1, 218 1, 278 1, 258 27 16 32 26 33 29 81| Smith (d) 15,994 17, 799 S Mar 139 147 153 181 171 156 { Div. 4 LO 5 1 2 9 8 82 Stewart (e) 12, 019 12, 690 { Mar 158! 157 131 133 146 131 Div... 2 3 3 7 7 Mar 214 221 185 163 178 191 83 Sullivan…. 13, 136 18, 321 - Div... 6 8 5 5 4 5 84 Sumner (d) 23, 711 23, 625 Mar Div... 250 256 276 255 280 260 3 4 12 11 7 85 Tipton.. 14, 884 21, 033 S Mar 235 280 226 207 236 202 Div... 2 1 1 3 1 2 86 Trousdale (ƒ)…. 87 Unicoi (g) ……. Mar 6, 646 { Div. Mar.. 3,645) Div... 59 68 72 • 1 1 Mar 88 Union 7,605 10, 260 Div 5 2 3 11 89 Van Buren.. 2, 725 2,933 { Mar Div... 1 1 2 Mar 285 257 270 295 236 140 90 Warren.. 12, 714 14, 079 {Div Div. 2 1 2 2 4 3 Mar 227 167 179 157 226 91 Washington (h). 16, 317 16, 181 Div... 6 2. 12 5 5 259 4 92 Wayne 10, 209 11, 301 { Mar Div.... 112 116 136 87 120 2 2 6 4 6 139 9 93 Weakley 20, 755 24, 538 { Div. Mar 227 197 ... 2 255 3 199 238 210 1 3 a Organized in 1881. Divorces granted by circuit court not reported. b Divorces granted by circuit court not reported. c In 1870 a part set off to Loudon county. d In 1870 a part sot off to Trousdale county. CHAPTER. VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 397 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. TENNESSEE-Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. | 1876. 1877. 1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881.1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 50 61 59 51 57 52 330 2 2 1 5 }70 71 2 2 4 93 70 85 971 72 101 92 99 87 105 121 113 125 128 1,883 72 5 1 5 5 6 9 6 8 2 2 3 31 6 6 83 55 5 1 62 42 1 22 53 62 55 57 63 60 54 39 47 53 61 2 2 1 3 3 2 1 1 3 10 1, 103 (73 125 5 145 109 151 133 117 140 148 158 151 148 173 149 166 2,834 5 3 من 3 1 7 7 7 4 6 7 14 6 103 } 74 175 176 180 226 268 287 239 238 238 251 219 288 271 277 4,311 2 1 1 1 3 9 3 6 3 3 5 3 6 6 64:3 75 399 365 307 312 433 401 384 381 358 332 310. 312 380 367 7,557 9 6 4 4 9 13 9 15 S 14 11 11 12 8 181 } 76 · 77 8 2 12 3 1 w 3 5 10 81 2 2 1 1 12 }78 140 146 149 4 5 6 145 3 169 9 170 155 166 12 5 6 152 5 159 7. 164 140 150 200 2, 916 79 9 - 13 14 13 140 1,259 1, 181 1,006 1, 157 1, 281 37 40 33 41 48 30 1, 154 1,332 1, 413 61 1,217 1, 160 1, 149 902 1,096 1, 194 23, 447 80 31 51 38 44 45 17 50 759 153 149 159 162 166 205 180 191 183 187 168 181 157 173 3, 361 81 12 1 5 5 5 7 5 8 7: 9 ་ 5 7 109' 169 143 95 130 185 183 147 164 172 156 147 149 3 1 8 10 2 6 3 1 2 3 3 3 6 151 2 171 3, 018 3 155 157 180 159 4 5 6 2 255 6 238 170 201 185 251 210 233 233 167 رام 6 7 8 9 12 8 11 8 68 } 82 3, 946 133 83 250 300 240 250 310 307 372 312 330 324 372 371 360 326 6, 001 84 8 3 3 1 3 5 4 4 6 11 10 00 9 116 234 254 244 246 270 271 234 237 204 201 194 175 252 250 4, 652 5 4 1 6 6 21 17 3 15 6 9 13 12485 62 72 71 71 75 89 74 72 52 60 48 66 64 68 1, 143 1 2 2 86 1 3 4 1 2 5 6 6 36 38 44 48 53 51 62 26 49 44 52 45. 512 ST 61 3 5 6 8 7 LO 5 10 4 56 88 3 CO 12 Co 3 5 83 69 1 2 1 4 1 2 4 1 23 122; 2 134 136 1 1 122 5 130 144 167 172 134 128 136 144 129 134 3, 114 90 5 8 6 5 7 5 8 7 74 152 140 198 204 201 205 216 209 171 177 144 168 114 3 6 12 10 11 7 6 4 4 1 8 3 7 153 16 3,700 91 132 116 105 101 97 130 120 103 117 114 94 112 110 901 121 31 2 ຫ 5 51 3 4 4 3 7 4 4 S ری 2,240 89 92 247 234 207 212 5 270 2 211 274 1 323 268 251 264 276 295 327 4, 985 4 48 }93 e In 1871 a part set off to Houston county. f Organized in 1870 from parts of Macon, Smith, and Sumner counties. g Organized in 1876 from parts of Carter and Washington counties. The divorce records are de. fective. h lụ 1876 a part set off to Unicoi county, 398 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 77 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. TENNESSEE-Concluded. Population. Mar- Counties. 1870. 1880. riages and 1867. 1868.1869.1870. 1871. | 1872. divorces. White Mar 128 96 107 100 110 97 94 9, 375 11, 176 Div.. 5 2 1 3 2 Williamson Mar 102 106 110 103 128 166 95 25, 328 28, 313 Div.. 1 1 5 4 1 3 96 Wilson (a) 25, 881 28, 747 Mar 312 304 367 251 251 Div.. 5 8 3 8 3 9 Mar Total 1,258, 520 1, 542, 359 Div.... 287 226 299 284 319 363 TEXAS. (b) 1 Anderson. 9, 229 17,395 {Div.. Mar 143 132 168 Div... 1 1 3 2 Angelina 3,985 5, 239 Mar... 14 47 39 54 37 55 Div.... 3 2 2 2 2 82 13 3 Aransas (c) Mar 3 18 996 Diy. 2 4 Archer (d). Mar 5961 Div.. Mar 45 39 35 48 40 29 5 Atascosa. 2,915 4, 217 { Div... 2 1 2 1 6 Austin (e) 15, 087 14, 429 S Mar 200 211 187 219 213 198 { Div... 1 5 2 0 9 9 7 Bandera 649 2, 158 S Mar. 13 13 6 8 7 23 { Div.. 1 Mar 8 Bastrop (ƒ). 12, 290 168 181 138 122 175 17, 215 194 Div 1 1 2 6 9 Mar 9 Baylor (g) 715 ► - Div. ... - 10 Bee 1,082 2,298 Mar {Div. 3 1 1 5 5 15 1 1 Mar 95 88 123 129 149 11 Bell. 9, 771 20, 518 113 { Div.. 1 2 4 2 Mar 221 2261 229 204 12 Bexar.. 16, 043 237 279 30, 470 Div... 2 6 5 7 11 7 Mar 13 Blanco (h) 1, 187 3, 583 { Div... 14 Bosque 4, 981 11, 217 S Mar { Div.. 3 1 15 Bowie 4, 684 10, 965 Mar Div.. 4 42 77 90 71 82 2 22 Mar 74. 41 35 16 Brazoria 7,527 9, 774 --- 33333 53 114 74 Div... 3 1 5 2 Mar 17 Brazos 9, 205 13, 576 138 ... Div. 146 1 172 2 187 41 193 4 202 1867. a Marriage records destroyed by fire b There are many unorganized counties in Texas which have been omitted from this table as the marriages and divorces occurring therein are inseparably combined with those of the respective coun- ties to which they were attached for judicial purposes. There are also many counties named in the table which have been organized during the period covered by this report, and which, prior to their organization, have been in like manner attached to other counties for judicial purposes. Owing to numerous changes which have been made in the judicial districts of the State, it is impossible to specify with certainty and particularity what unorganized counties have been thus attached to organ, ized counties for the several years comprising the period over which the investigation extends, CHAPTER VIII.- 399 GENERAL TABLES. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. TENNESSEE-Concluded. 1873. | 1874. | 1875. | 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879.1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885.1886. Totał 111 88 84 111 6 2 Co 3 128 5 116 92 1 25 115 7 105 112 109 115 99 7 1 3 88 110 4 2, 133 65 94 152 98 93 173 217 272 268 125 103 133 101 130 132 127 2,840 2 2 сл 5 1 3 5 6 5 1 1 3 6 8 7 70 }95 229 288 254 302 323 325 284 273 256 282 269 214 246 285 2 6 12 6 7 11 7 10 5 3 7 7 1 6 12698 431 364 387 409 506 515 551 680 586 566 626 628 797 801 9, 625 TEXAS. (b) 161 159 207 213 265 196 269 207 244 239 23-11 247 236 227 1 2 3 3 6 3 3 6 10 17 9 12 12 15 10 119 44 38 35 33 45 32 45 55 72 56 63 59 69 54 946 2 1 1 1 1. 2 2 1 1 5 1 32 } 2 17 333 23 20 24 12 11 5 8 16 14 4 11 6 196 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 } 3 5 1 32 8 2 8 7 33 4 3 34 42 60 43 33333 25 40 35 39 44 53 64 46 36 40 837 5 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 21 3 2 1 32 167 121 125 115 119 103 149 110 153 5 9 10 6 10 5 15 15 20 10 15 8 11 15 19 26 21 15 28288 28 162 126 118 161 3,085 26 9 11 17 218 25 28 29 29 341 7 1 1 1 2 1 164 190 179 173 140 154 268 206 174 180 210 159 186 188 3, 519 3 7 6 8 3 7 21 13 15 22 18 18 30 16 198 5 ١٥ 8 6 14 11 22 11 10 87 9 1 1 1 3 6 12 19 18 19 26 21 24 19 14 10 17 18 17 19 283 1 1 2 10 1 2 2 1 1 13 190 201 170 203 214 192 182 144 243 215 300 343 308 358 3, 960 6 8 9 4 6 3 11 5 8 9 11 7 8 11 104 231 228 239 253 265 233 289 243 232 293 535 453 6 7 10 10 16 10 21 14 9 11 21 26 52 24 12 33 39 28 48 24 3 1 1 5 $* ** 452 482 5, 824 12 21 39 256 29 32 347 13 1 2 16 105 113 143 137 87 132 119 121 130 139 130 1 1 3 4 14 4 2 5 4 5 7 47 104 76 90 811 106 114 95 1 4 4 125 150 108 126 136 140 130 250 2, 072 1 3 1 15 10 17 5 11 13 14 88 87 67 63 90 78 77 104 102 121 85 70 76 107 95 1, 613 3 1 3 6 1 1 16 11 7 10 10 9 9 82 142 195 190 153 175 172 216 192 200 191 207 183 155 184 3, 593 5 31 3 6 7 4 11 15 17 13 13 111 22 18 144 c Formed in 1871 from a part of Refugio county. d Organized since 1880. e In 1873 a part set off to Waller county. ƒ In 1874 a part set off to Lee county. h Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire August 15, 1876, 400 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. TEXAS—Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. | 1872. divorces. Mar 18 Brown (a). 544 8, 414 Div... 19. Burleson (b) 8, 072 9, 243 { Div... Mar 115 121 156 124 152 1221 144 1 Mar 32 47 52 46 20 Burnet.. 3,688 6, 855 Div.... 1 టరీ 50 47 3 21 Caldwell.. 6, 572 11, 757 { Div.... Mar 43 42 50 42 · • 1 1 2- 62 56 1 4 2 62 Mar 36 48 60 55 53 32 22 Calhoun 3, 443 1,739 Div... 1 2 1 4 5 23 Callahan (c) 3, 453 { Div... 24 Cameron (d) 10, 999 14, 959 { Mar Div.. 5 1 1 25 Camp (e) 5, 931 { Div... Mar 26 Cass (f). 8, 875 16,724 Div.. Mar 2 2 లు. 3 2 2 27 Chambers (g) 1, 503 187{ 2,187 Div.. Mar ... 28 Cherokee 11, 079 16,723 Div. Mar 183 161 122 158 5 2 8 161 7 172 5 Mar 29 Clay (h)……. 5,045 Div... 30 Coleman (h)……… 347 3, 603 { Div. Mar 31 Collin.. 14, 013 25, 983 { Div... Mar 173 174 184 175 185 198 2 2 1 2 2 32 Colorado... 8, 326 16,673 { Div {Div.. Mar 73 901 134 99, 155 148 1 1 7 5 33 Comal 5,283 5,546 { Div.. Mar 82 88 71 62 78 81 1 2 1 1 3 34 Comanche 1, 001 35 Concho 8, 608{ Div... Mar 800 Div. ... Mar 30 Cooke... 5, 315 20, 391 { Div... Mar 65 43 63 64 101 150! 3 5 2 37 Coryell 4, 124 10, 924 { Mar 47 34] 32 42 59 76 Div.... 1 1 1 3 38 Crosby (i)………. 82 Mar Div... 39 Dallas 13, 314 40 Delta (j) • 33, 488 { Div... • Mar 5,597 Div.... Mar 117 128 204 175 200 227 3 1 3 7 27 53 41 Denton (k) 7,251 18, 143 { Mar Div.. • a Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire March 29, 1880; divorce records again destroyed by fire February 20, 1881. b In 1874 a part set off to Lee county. o Organized in 1877. d During the years 1867 to 1875, inclusive, 389 marriages were celebrated, which are included in the Aggregate for the county, but the number for each year could not be ascertained, Organized in 1874 from a part of Upshur county, ! ! ད ་ CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 401 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. TEXAS—Continued. 1873. 1874.1875. 1876. | 1877. | 1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. | 1884. | 1885. | 1886. Total. 63 70 69 84 77 108 116 18 3 3 3 9 132 117 1 108 132 1 101 5 116 138 90 149 159 149 116 143 1 4 9 13 10 22 5 133 114 2,576 19 17 22 113 43 73 67 75 78 68 67 71 67 80 82 89 75 85 1,294 20 1 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 3 2 7 2 31 53 52 100 118 87 116 110 129 131 139 106 114 102 137 1, 789 2 1 2 5 1 5 4 6 6 9 6 63 } 21 25 29 22 17 17 21 16 13 14 13 13 9 4 6 3 1 ♡♡ 9 10 512 22 3 30 23 1 2 1 1 3 8 62 145 158 153 150 146 142 150 150 158 154 150 1,957 1 3 4 21 4 4 4 3 2 42 $24 42 68 73 65 64 78 72 3 2 сл 5 9 6 25 102 89 79 86 120 110 5 7 6 6 7 1, 048 69 }25 26 2 3 2 1 4 2 3 8 9 4 13 11 18 9 101 30 17 24 22 12 15 18 23 25 23 29 238 27 119 198 152 134 126 236 184 181 206 179 191 175 177 184 3, 399 28 10 2 4 5 10 6 4 6 3 3 13 6 5 4 108 4 16 20 21 29 36 50 47 1 1 1 2 2 72 51 56 53 48 61 492 29 2 2 1 4 5 23 1 1 1 20 29 42 33 18 21 ૧૭ 27 38 21 48 47 317 1 2 1 1 }30 199 222 232 221 269 278 292 1 5 ༡ Z 12 9 ཀླིཌ 244 262 258 308 281 290 319 4, 764 31 10 14 7 12 9 9 12 119 125 225 170 148 161 155 198 190 200j 173 191 207 230 201 3,276! 32 4 5 4 4 6 00 8 7 9 12 7 13 11 21 132. 66 79 73 52 78 88 66 75 1 12 2 4 1 2 53 111 73 101 94 101 96 1,618 33 1 2 3 3 41 31 35 152 155 6 5 149 2 192 219 5 202 5 263 7 317 287 260 302 312 302 300 3,898 7 8 36 11 16 20 15 8. 125 95 119 176 166 158 154 124 107 155 112 159 163 152 183 2,313 2 5 4 3 4 3 4 61 37 7 6 3 3 6 12 74 1 ลง 5. 12 38 261 3 306 3 355 310 9 408 368 102 433 169 420 502 566 504 650 7,005 8 22 39 18 23 23 34 41 42 42 31 47 360 52 64 77 62 60 63 73 80 66 67 81 91 89 97 1, 102 } 40 189 3 160 167 221 253 210 21 10 253 176 223 211 249 228 SI 7 7 5 12 2,287 67 41 ƒ In 1871 name changed from Davis. Marriage records destroyed by fire December 2, 1875. Organized in 1873. i Organized since 1880. j Formed in 1870 from parts of Hopkins and Lamar counties; organized in 1871. A Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire December 23, 1875, and March 3, 1877. 20267 M D▬▬▬26 402 REPORT OF OF THE THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ད • TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. TEXAS-Continued. Population. Mar. Counties. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869.1870. | 1871. | 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 42 De Witt 6, 443 10, 082 Mar….. Div.... 93 114 4 96 90 98 69 1 1 2 43 Dimmit (a) 109 665 Mar Div... 44 Donley (b)……. 160 Mar Div.. - 45 Duval (c). Mar 1,083 5,732 { Div. Mar 46 Eastland (d). 88 4,855 - Div... 47 Edwards (b) 266 48 Ellis.. 7,514 S Mar Div... Mar 21, 294 { Div... + 49 El Paso.. 3, 671 3, 815 Mar { Div. 154 130 95 105 1 122 104 1 1 45 38 - 1 50 Encinal (e). 427 1, 902 Mar Div. - 51 Erath. 1, 801 11, 796 Mar Div... 3 24 29 42 51 · 1 1 Mar 90 52 Falls 9, 851 16, 240 150 146 214 210 200 Div... 2 4 53 Fannin 13, 207 25, 501 S Mar 189 194 206 234 176 188 Div... 3 3 10 6 51 54 Fayette (ƒ) 16, 863! 27, 996 S Mar 188 245 240 229 217 226 Div.... 3 1 3. 5 7 55 Fisher (g). 136 Mar { Div.. - 56 Fort Bend (h)……… 7,114 9, 380 S Mar { Div... 100 101 104 100 82 108 3 Mar 57 Franklin (i) 5, 280 Div.... 58 Freestone 8, 139 14, 921 Mar Div.. 1 3 2 59 Frio. 309 2, 130 S Mar Div... Mar 272 282 262 270 248 255 60 Galveston 15, 290 24, 121 Div. 8 8 8 10 7 5 Mar 30 39 41 29 37 34 61 Gillespie.. 3, 566 5, 228 Div. 1 1 2 3 1 Mar 41 42 46 47 46 491 62 Goliad (j)……. 3, 628 5, 832 Div. 1 1 • 63 Gonzales.. 8, 951 14, 840 Div.. Mar 123 120 130 140 158 131 2 3 1 3 64 Grayson. 14,387 38, 108 Mar Div... 173 164 275 211 243 236 1 1 3 65 Gregg (k)…. 8, 530 Mar Div.. --- b Organized since 1880. a Organized in 1881. c Organized in 1876. d Organized in 1873. e Marriages and divorces are included with those of Webb county, to which Encinal was attached for judicial purposes. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 403 TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. TEXAS—Continued. i 1873. 1874. 1875.│1876. | 1877. | 1878. | 1879. | 1880. 1881. | 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. |1886.| Total. 85 98 92 106 109 3 2 117 1 87 103 96 79 99 97 101 119 1. 948 42 4 2 5 1 5 6 61 44 8 13 16 Co 8 13 15 73 ] 1. } 43 1 1 6 5 2 13 44 1 1 1 3 80 91 84 72 107 46 86 83 63 110 822 45 2 4 7 26 42 45 47 56 58 66 61 79 79 78 618 16 1 1 2 7 9 20 47 122 125 172 177 182 258 247 254 292 231 298 272 262 307 3,929 2 1 6 2 3 5 48 9 12 8 14 11 19 99 S 47 49 41 58 55 24 73 88 84 87 69 72 93 109 1 2 19 2 1 6 3 3 8 29 50 32 85 71 98 115 125 152 110 107 107 127 122 194 166 1,760 1 4 1 1 2 2 8 10 4 7 7 5 9 3 66 S 51 201 216 191 231 223 222 238 2001 214 196 222 203 208 237 4,012 1 4 4 6 Co 3 52 16 12 19 14 8 16 109 246 245 284 280 301 270 314 378 334 307 345 329 355 419 5, 624 5 3 2 4 10 7 13 19 52 26 24 11 14 24 19 208 S 238 271 295 271 230 273 286 307 321 320 329 332 309 310 5, 437 3 4 9 5 10 9 18 16 54 16. 23 24 14 18 15 203 S 55 126 138 114 134 138 148 4 8 42 2 4 4 1 8 56 13 9 16 16! 25 23 134 12223 42 61 62 49 46 62 49 58 56 1 1 3 1 2 10 4 rÚོ་ 56 65 651 57 2 6 32 3 2 5 5 LO 21 11 58 1 9 6 6 12 201 105 2 59 1 1 7 277 335 327 296 290 243 333 278 358 318 407 374 351 325 6, 101 15 15 12 231 21 17 17 26 36 44 48 60 49 36 39 414 30 41 37 45 46 57 51 46 59 67 55 64 74 61 943 2 Co 3 2 1 · 3 2 1 61 1 4 1 28 391 41 501 41 62 45 47 49 41 57! 44 38 41 44 913 4 3 2 4 4 1 2 2 1 3. 2 5 35 } 62 109 146 169 138 147' 170 166 153 183 199 168 142 197 172 3 3, 061 1 5 4 4' 4 4 13 63 9 91 4 1 $2 299 377 362 389 434 437 525 505 477 434 483 498 465 498 4 7,485 6 S 5 13 26 52 62 38 27 64 37 38 34 36 396 48 111 101 103 95 94 97 106 130 132 130 112 106 113 1,478 1 1 1 65 5 39 fIn 1874 a part set off to Lee county. g Organized in 1886. h Marriage and divorce records partially destroyed by fire January 5, 1886. i Organized in 1875 from a part of Titus county. j Divorce records destroyed by fire June 27, 1870. k Organized in 1873 from a part of Upshur county. 404 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. : TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. TEXAS—Continued. Population. Mar- Counties. 1870. 1880. riages and 1867. |1868. | 1869.1870. 1871.1872. divorces. 66 Grimes (a)……… 13, 218 18, 603 Mar Div. 184 199 219 259 222 172 • 2 9 7 67 Guadalupe... 7, 282 12, 202 S Mar Div.... 58 87 66 91 69 94 - 2 4 3 68 Hamilton (b) .. 733 6, 365 69 Hardeman (c). 50 S Mar { Div.... S Mar Div. • • • · 70| Hardin (d).... 1, 460 1, 870 Mar { Div. 22 12 7 18 20 • 21 ... · • 71 Harris 17, 375 27, 985 Mar Div.. 359 354 385 312 381 367 10 6 4 12 10 7 1 72 Harrison.. 13, 241 25, 177 Mar { Div.. 135 398 300 260 348 102 ... 1 1 1 73 Haskell (e)……. Mar 48 Div... 74 Hays. 4, 088 7,555 Mar Div... 36 48 40 45 42 62 1 1 2 1 Mar 75 Henderson (ƒ) 6,786 9, 735 Div 2 1 --- 76 Hidalgo 2,387 4,347 S Mar 24 19 15 12 28 29 Div... 1 77 Hill (g) Mar 7,453 16, 554 { Div.... 1 2 1 4 78 Hood (h)………. 2, 585 Mar 6, 125 { Div.... Mar 79 Hopkins (i)…. 12, 651 15, 461 Div.... 2 3 4 80 Houston (j). 8, 147 16, 702 Mar Div... 81 Howard (k) . 50 Mar { Div.. - 82| Hunt (1) 10, 291 17, 230 Mar Div... 120 119 191 138 201 202 · 5 21 3 1 83 Jack... 694 6, 626 S Mar 5 22 20 24 21 29 Div... Mar 26 26 35 23 16 29 84 Jackson 2,278 2,72; Div. 2 1 2 Mar 28 33 40 46 74 51 85 Jasper 4, 218 5, 779 Div... 2 1 2 86 Jefferson `1, 906 Mar 13 27 20 31 31 23 3, 489 Div.. 1 87 Johnson 4, 923 17, 911 88 Jones (m)……. 546 { Div. Mar { Div.... Mar • • 2 3 1 2 + - a In 1876 a part set off to Waller county. c Organized December 30, 1884. e Organized January 13, 1885. f Divorce records for 1884 partially destroyed February 13, 1885. b Divorce records partially destroyed by fire March -, 1887, before investigation could be made. d Divorce records almost totally destroyed by fire August 6, 1886. g Marriage records almost totally destroyed by fire September 3, 1872. CHAPTER VIII- -GENERAL TABLES. 405 、 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES Cont'd. TEXAS – Continued. 1873.1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 208 6 298 4 239 168 232 152 216 324 200 179 195 177 167 176 8 10 16 16 19 12 16: 20 23 9 30 15 4, 186 222 } 66 97 76 126 107 115 103 94 119 116 111 126 112 120 126 1 31 8 10 6 5 4 6 7 13 9 41 7 10 2,013 104 67 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 21 } 68 CU 3 12 15 69 1 1. 14 CO 9 31 13 10 8 16 16 00 2 8 10 34 31 38 37 375 ΤΟ 1 1 3 7 303 395 351 330 303 297 353 364 394 383 404 381 402 410 7,228 71 18 10 12 15 16 25 24 24 35 37 42 58 35 37 437 303 296 224 215 250 213 293 213 225 231 253 184 207 229 4,879 72 2 1 8 1 4 5 4 5 9 6 6 11 3 4 72 4 73 11 73 3 3 451 69 GO 49 65 70 72 71 67 82 101 98 110 126 1, 358' 74 1 4 2 1 3 7 5 9 3 6 4 3 2 551 100 106 107 111 137 124 131 114 121 133 144 151 148 147 75 4 2 3 6 5 7 13 6 2 11 Ꮳ 9 7 85 29 32 14 37 29 18 28 35 34 30 56 34 42 44 589 76 1 1 31 172 184 167 153 208 2021 2011 234 235 2271 218 259 271 77 1 3 2 5 6 1 3 6 6 6 10 7 8 4 76 84 82 67 78 64 81 65 68 82 65 79 818 78 3 5 2 1 1 31 1 1 5 22 147 177 186 174 180 162 198 183 199 218 174 198 214 214 2 2 2 79 3 5 3 7 10 5 11 8 16 4 6 103 197 166 189 202 SO 12 10 10: 11; 9 17 69 4 11 18 16 13 62 81 148 1 197 5 211 4. 191 185 171 198 243 203 213 233 214 238 27.5 3, 891 5 10! 9 $2 6 8 9 16 17 22 9 140! 24 27 35 40 39 60 64 64 52 48 82 73 93 81 909 83 28 2535 27 18 25 28 35 24 28 27 13 201 30 36 519 5 4 1 1 1 4 0 84 2 7 31 55 65 41 54 49 51 50 52 48 53 47 51 52 48 994 3 2 3 3 85 5 1 4 31 33 27 23 29 37 31 23 31 38 50 58 4 2 2 3 3 3 4 9 12 89 38823 59 43 58 685 $6 12 6 3 66 222 202 4 190 219 8 4 230 249 2 253 238 213 248 196 273 239 6 8 3 9 $7 6 11 9 15 93 3 4 11 10 16 52 88 1 5 h Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire March 5, 1875. In 1875 a part set off to form Somervell county. i Marriage records prior to 1873 could not be found. In 1870 parts set off to Delta and Rains counties. j Marriage and divorce records almost totally destroyed by fire November 12, 1882. k Organized since 1880. 7 In 1870 a part set off to Rains connty. m Organized in 1881. 406 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. TEXAS—Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867.1868.1869.1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 89 Karnes. 1,705 Mar 3,270 Div... 3 1 90 Kaufman (a). 6,895 15, 448 Mar 82 118 121 127 125 138 Div... 5 4 91 Kendall…….. 1, 536 Mar 25 12 25 17 21 12 2, 763 Div... 1 1 3 92 Kerr.. 1,042 2, 168 S Mar Div.. • · O 93 Kimble (b)………… 72 1, 313 Mar Div.. ... - · 94 Kinney (c) 1, 204 Mar 8 4,487 Div.. 95 Knox (d). Mar 77 Div 96 Lamar (e) 15, 790 27, 193 Mar 190 Div.. 5 206, 6 236 7 198 207 5 4 282 8 97 Lampasas (ƒ) 1,344 5, 421 S Mar · · Div... 98 La Salle (d) Mar 69 789 Div Mar 99 Lavaca 9, 168 13, 641 - Div.... 126 1 107 3 101 99 114 1 120 3 100 Lee (g).... 8, 937 { Div... Mar 101 Leon (h) 6, 523 12, 817 { Div. Mar 1 2 1 102 Liberty (i)…. 4, 414 4,999 { Div... Mar 103 Limestone (j)………… 8, 591 16, 246 Mar Div.. * - 104 Live Oak 852 1,994 Mar Div.... 7 10 18 20 1 1 2 1 3 Mar 105 Llano (k). 1,379 4,962 Div.. 106 McCulloch (7) 173 1, 533 107 McLennan. 13, 500 26, 934 108 McMullen (m) 230 701 S Mar { Div... Mar { Div -- - · • Mar Div... 171 1 241 230 3 227 6 224 208 2 109 Madison 4, 061 5, 395 S Mar Div... 110 Marion 8, 562 10, 983 Mar Div.. 116 149 146 2 141 4 130 4 143 10 111 Martin (n)……. 12 S Mar { Div.. a In 1873 a part set off to form Rockwall county. b Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire April 22, 1884. c Organized in 1872. d Organized since 1880. f Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire 1873; divorce records nearly all stolen 1877. e In 1870 a part set off to Delta county. 1871, and by a water spont g Organized in 1874 from parts of Bastrop, Burleson, Fayette, and Washington counties. ! CHAPTER VIII.- GENERAL TABLES. 407 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. TEXAS—Continued. 1873.1874. 1875. | 1876. | 1877. 1878.1879.1880. 1881. | 1882. | 1883. | 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 89 1 1 2 2 4 2 2 24 128 5 118 1 127 G 148 21 158 4 167 7 165 189 200 181 221 230 238 262 3, 243 90 12 8 14 10 11 12 107 18 11 22 17 201 34 221 17 211 20 31 26 211 24 422 2 1 3 1 21 1 1 1. 1991 92 20 15 20 1 22 55 93 3 39 26 36 36 34 42 43 55 5.5 66 58 48 46 33 620 91 2 3 1 1 2 4 3 5 3 4 8 4 40 → 6 6 }95 315 330 246 361 289 285 298 327 333 312 349 372 397 429 5, 962 96 9 6 15 14 16 8 8 15 14 16 26 16 25 30 253 29 52 53 56 66 67 61 74 68 96 101 86 95 97 3 5 2 2 4 3 ลง 2 4 2 4 31 98 131 118 119 128 126! 118 120 130 127 133 140 155 159 175 2,546 41 3 7 4 3 4 3 4 12 10 10 7 7 5 $$} 99 74 120 113 112 120 121 95 82 64 100 106 111 138 2 1 3 3 81 8 6 6 11 9 14 1, 356 $100 77S 182 101 4 1 1 12 8 5 LO 5 13 9 7 1 5 7 85 10 35 42 48 40 59 61 44 42 50 62 43 62 2 2 1 1 41 1 1 51 21 598 (102 204 192 188 225 201 244 185 207 216 218 217 233 212 5 3 3 9 7 15 12 7 81 9 15 14 2,742 103 10715 23 31 27 19 24 26 28 19 21 19 14 15 20 9 101 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 21 601 60 100 1 སྦྱེལ 78 2 0018 69 60 427 $105 5 1 8 18S 1 11 9 15! 26 to to 201 15 21 26 144 $106 2 1 1 2 81 226 5 2671 1 257 3 2551 292 237 238 325 345 323 387 3431 421 4661 5, 683 11 13 4 6 9 15 28 25 26 17 25 200107 ! 7 9 8 11 4 10 7 6 11 81' 108 1 ] 1 7 501 35 62 30 4 3 6 5 లుడి 68 84 83 68 77 75 91 61 88 102 977 $109 3 1 3 9 16 13 4 14 6 94 103 158 97 78 84 136 9 4 6 7 135 9 185 131 110 148 120 125 3 10 6 6 139 11 2,574 110 }110 2 3 h Marriage records destroyed by fire November 9, 1885. 101 5111 i In 1870 a part set off to San Jacinto county. Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire --. 1874. Marriage and divorco records destroyed by firo October 28, 1873. * Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire October 17, 1880. Organized in 1875, m Organized in 1876. n Organized since 1880; no divorces were granted. 408 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. TEXAS-Continued. Population. Counties. } 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. | 1872. divorces. 112 Mason (a) 678 2, 655 Mar { Div... 113 Matagorda. 3,377 3,910 Mar Div.. 20 32 25 22 22 33 2 1 114 Maverick (b)…………. 1, 951 2, 967 Mar { Div. · 13 46 1 - 115 Medina Mar 25 22 20 32 2,078 29 29 4, 492 Div.... 11 2 116 Menard…… 667 1, 239 117 Midland (c) 118 Milam (d)………. 8,981 18, 659 { Mar Div... · S Mar Div.. { S Mar Div.. ... 119 Mitchell (c) Mar 117 Div.. 120 Montague (e) Mar 890 11, 257 Div... 121 Montgomery (ƒ)………………. Mar 62 6, 483 10, 154 40 54 97 86 Div.. 5 7 160 5 122 Morris (g) 5, 032 Mar Div.... 123 Nacogdoches 9, 614 11, 590 Mar { Div. ཏྲཱས 101 65 77 51 60 84 2 3 2 3 3 124 Navarro 8, 879 21, 702 125 Newton... 2, 187 126 Nolan (c)……… 640 127 Nueces 3,975 7,673 128 Oldham (h).. 287 129 Orange. 1, 255 2, 938 S Mar { Div.... Mar 4,359 { Div... { Mar Div.. S Mar { Div. Mar Div. S Mar · Div.... 58 77 65 75 139 168 ... 1 1 4 4 1 1 31 31 27 · · 32/ 43 341 2 3 2 1 130 Palo Pinto. 5,885 { Mar Div.. - • 131 Panola. 10, 119 12, 219 Mar Div……. 183 ... 162 1 131 139 173 1 156 4 132| Parker (i)……… 4, 186 15,870 Mar { Div. 133 Pecos (j) 1,807 S Mar Div... 134 Polk.. 8, 707 7, 189 { Div. Mar 61 53 76 77 60 ... 1 21 58 1 - a Marriage and divorce records prior to 1877 destroyed by fire January 21, 1877. bOrganized in 1871. c Organized since 1880. d Marriage and divorce records destroyed by firo April 9, 1874. e Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire February 25, 1873, and divorce records partially destroyed by fire March 31, 1884. CHAPTER VIII 409 - -GENERAL TABLES. TABLE 1.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. TEXAS-Continued. 1873. 1874. | 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. | 1879.1880. | 1881. 1882. | 1883. | 1884. | 1885.1886. Total. 27 52 21 50 40 42 44 46 47 1 2 1 3 1 ~~ 49 2 NO 418 112 2 13 35 24 29 29 1 3 22 28 25 22 30 37 18 26 30 31 29 3 3 2 3 1. 3 2 or 51 547 113 31 39 23 32 54 42 51 32 34 31 46 54 38 34 49 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 4 1 195 618 114 27 29 44 38 47 40 43 44 41 45 47 42 43 46 733 115 1 1 2 2 1 1 14.5 116 117 1 4 176 5 194 5 134 3 242 235 251 253 225 261 219 236 272 2,698 118 7 4 2 9 13 13 14 13 20 1125 119 1 3 3 8 4 ང་ 205 139 178 121 157 203 214 171 120 3 2 4 2 3 3 2 2 1 8 8 38 98 81 100 148 88 110 125 90 119 115 114 100 88 141 2, 016 $121 9 3 5 10 4 14 17 11 13 13 9 16 154 11 61 54 72 66 52 74 44 80 41 61 71 687 $122 2 1 5 1 7 6 2 7 11 11 92 62 59 103 122 130 125 135 134 131 133 124 170 140 108 123 2 2 5 3 4 6 8 7 8 1 6 2, 175 (123 65 S 176 214 200 248 222 239 271 237 277 249 323 277 316 360 2 6 3 4 3 8 6 12 17 16 20 19 18 4, 191124 23 167 125 126 2 5 61 67 72 56 41 46 76 77 71 55 63 31 127 6 6 3 1 8 4 4 2 4 525 2 8 3 1 2 1 17128 37 37 34 27 42 46 38 37 47 49 64 47 3 2 3 1 1 1 3 6 7 11 72 31 47 2 10 12 70 781129 3 2 1 2 ล $130 2 сл 5 3 24 146 139 154 124 147 135 142 141 155 114 159 152 126 135 2, 913) 3 5 6 1 3 4 2 4 3 131 5 6 13 15 76 114 139 144 131 176 164 190 175 190 213 214 190 2,040 LO 5 2 4 6 4 8 11 9 13 $132 4 13 12 3 945 8 24 29 18 20 17 25 14 19 14 17 13 218 2 1 133 1 415 50 62 59 63 53 51 86 91 75 66 93 86 91 95 31 2 2 1 3 4 3 5. 1,406 134 441 $134 ƒ In 1870 a part set off to San Jacinto county. g Organized in 1875 from a part of Titus county. h Organized in 1881; no divorces granted. i Marriage and divorco records destroyed by fire May 13, 1874. j Formed in 1871 from a part of Presidio county; organized in 1875. 410 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. TEXAS.—Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867.1868. | 1869.|1870. 1871. |1872. divorces. 135 Presidio (a). 1,636 2,873 Mar Div. 136 Rains (b) 3,035 Div. Mar ... 137 Red River 10, 653 Mar 128 17, 194 Div.. 153 3 180 1 174 156 175 3 138 Reeves (c) Mar Div.... 139 Refugio (d) 2, 324 1,585 Mar Div... 140 Robertson 9, 990 22, 383 Div.. Mar 275 305 300 340 1 328 6 305 4 ... 141 Rockwall (e). 2, 984 Mar. Div. · 142 Runnels (ƒ) ……… 143 Rusk 16, 916 Mar 980 { Div. - · 18, 986 { Div... Mar. 262 214 276 216 254 268 1 1 1 144 Sabine 3,256 4, 161 Mar Div... 145 San Augustine 4, 196 Mar 5,084 Div... 1 2 146 San Jacinto (g) 6; 186 { Mar Div.. 147 San Patricio (h). 602 1,010 Mar Div... · 148 San Saba (i)………… 1,425 5, 324 Mar Div... 12 17 22 25 18 10 Mar 149 Scurry (j). 102 150 Shackelford 455 2,037 { Div. • Div... Mar 151 Shelby (k) 5,732 9, 523 Mar Div... 152 Smith (l). 16, 532 21, 803 Mar Div... · • 257 3 181 237 4 230 4 153 Somervell (m) 2, 649 Mar Div. 154 Starr. 4, 154 8,304 S Mar. 54 38 35 Div... 173 2 901 80 155 Stephens (n). 330 4,725 Mar Div... 156 Tarrant (0).. 5,788 24, 671 Mar Div.... · • a In 1871 a part set off to form Pecos county; organized in 1875. b Formed in 1870 from parts of Hopkins, Hunt, Van Zandt, and Wood countios. Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire November 20, 1879. c Organized since 1880. d In 1871 a part set off to form Aransas county. Divorce records destroyed by fire January 1879. e Organized in 1873 from a part of Kaufman county. Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire March 16, 1875. f Organized February 16, 1880. CHAPTER VIII-GENERAL TABLES. 411 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. TEXAS– Continued. 1873.1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. | 1881.1882. 1883. 1884. | 1885.1886. Total 2 22 38 17 12 31 26 18 50 31 67 76 390 $135 1 1 1 4 2 6 15 11 41 42 47 50 43 58 64 356 1 3 2 2 4 ما 5 17/136 197 2 141 138 4 4 143 6 229 5 200 251 225 220 192 255 244 254 288 3, 943 137 5 5 9 16 9 13 21 15 19 140 138 1 1 2/139 320 1 310 325 5 321 3 375 8 325 351 287 337 332 315 276 281 311 6, 319 140 1 7 6 23 30 35 35 24 26 215 24 29 35 25 40 611 42 381 43 42 28 59 2 2 3 2 1 1 4 5 20 469141 11 13 22 26 24 9 105 142 3 2 3 5 13 229 196 4 192 5 192 235 221 209 234 262 216 234 197 180 220 4,507 143 1 6 6 12 11 11 15 14 7 8 103'S 144 145 3 2 3 5 ଚା N 311 146 147 42 33 74 28 70 40 50 40 54 34 43 60 1 148 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 3 20 5 3 7 15 149 150 1 4 2 2 10 44 111 112 97 123 1 3 4 7 6 487 $151 215 229 1 247 1 252 231 250 248 237 292 198 190 280 230 281 324 152 2 6 1 6 3 10 6 10 6 3 14 12 931S 17 39 34 31 41 30 30 27 34 33 22 22 360 153 360153 1 3 1 2 1 1 78 95 76 83 98 94 81 90 84 87 101 77 93 1 2 3 1 1 6 25 25 54 54 39 36 22 6 34 1 2 1 2 1 4 2 264 3 257 265 310 13 317 329 10 21 26 338 368 383 3931 3951 127 1,737 154 185 55 155 25 41 3,224156 g Formed in 1870 from parts of Liberty, Montgomery, Polk, and Walker counties. ʼn No divorces granted. i The marriage records of 1881 and 1882 are defective. j Organized in 1884. No divorces granted. k Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire June 1, 1882. 7 Marriago records for 1867 and 1868 could not be found. m Organized in 1875 from a part of Hood county. n Organized in 1876. o Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire March 29, 1876. - 412 REPORT OF OF THE THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. TEXAS—Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. | 1872. divorces. 157 Taylor (a) 1,736 S Mar Div.... • 2 158 Throckmorton (b) Mar 711 Div... 159 Titus (c)……… 11, 339 5,959 Mar Div.... 76 114 64 72 83 65 1 2 3 7 160 Tom Green (d) 3, 615 S Mar { Div 161 Travis. 13, 153 Mar 185 184 173 27,028 Div.. 3 1 1 166 1 165 7 242 7 162 Trinity (e) 4, 141 4, 915 S Mar Div.... 163 Tyler.. 5, 010 5,825 Mar 50 32 62 49 35 57 Div... 1 1 1 164 Upshur (ƒ) 12, 039 10, 266 { Div. Mar... 87 86 80 136 153 193 2 1 1 1 165 Uvalde 851 2,541 Mar 21 23 27 27 41 22 Div. 1 1 21 166 Val Verde (g)……. Mar Div. 167 Van Zandt (h). 6, 494 12, 619 168 Victoria 4,860 Div. Mar 6, 289 Div {Div. { Mar 4 5 1 3 61 61 52 70 63 75 · 2 1 1 3 169 Walker (i)……. 9, 776 12, 024 Mar Div.. 143 150 163 157 122 2 2222 130 7 170 Waller (j) 9,024 S Mar Div... 171 Washington (k) 23, 104 27, 565 Mar { Div.. 392 448 - 3 4 3 3 6 Mar 25 24 27 31 32 26 172 Webb (7) 2, 615 5, 273 Div... 3 Mar 40 48 42 51 52 40 173 Wharton 3, 426 4,549 Div.... 2 1 1 3 174 Wheeler (b) (Mar 512 {Div... 175 Wichita (m). 433 176 Wilbarger (m). 126 Mar Div... • S Mar Div... 177 Williamson 6, 368 15, 155 Mar Div.. 88 96 107 83 • • 1 2 106 7 96 5 178 Wilson (n)…… 2, 556 7, 118 S Mar Div.. 17 12 14 30 53 49 a Organized in 1878. b Organized in 1879. c In 1875 parts set off to form Franklin and Morris counties. d Organized February 5, 1875. e Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire November, 1871, and -, 1879. records stolen -, 1876; divorce ƒ In 1873 a part set off to form Gregg county; in 1874 a part set off to form Camp county. g Organized in May, 1885. No divorces granted. CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 413 ॐ TABLE 1.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. TEXAS-Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. | 1877. |1878. | 1879. |1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. | 1884. | 1885. 1886. Total. 7 13 22 19 22 41 77 55 34 293 $157 1 1 2 4S 4 3 4 2 5 7 7 6 1 15 38 8158 70 63 57 59 62 54 65 72 61 57 63 55 67 62 1, 341 159 4 7 6 1 1 3 3 6 5 7 5 5 6 72, 4 18 11 1 1 38 26 22 11 22 18 30 39 28 3 4 2 1 22 33 52 45 329 $160 2 5 8: 4 42 233 305 284 264 309 301 341 293 363 349 404 375 356 12 14 4 5 9 11 16 14 23 21 34 34 385 394 24 37 278 5,686 161 28 51; 40 72 53 87 49 36 34 67 67 1 1 22 3 64 76 50 73 98 99 87 2. 7 5 3 6 2 3 6 34/$162 အက 69 44 84 74 87 71 71 3 2 4 1 כד 3 4 3 281 1,178,163 184 94 86 70 140 95 124, 114 90 97 129 124 113 126 3 3 1 6 8 5 3 2 8 3 3 11 61 2,321164 22 13 15 22 35 30 29 30 31 40 40 45 36 44 593) 165 1 1 1 1 1 li 1 5 14 166 1 2 3 167 6 31 9 10 11 6 6 90 71 67 61 56 62 74 54 48 50 74 77 55 67 1 5 2 1 1 2 2 5 3 1 3 6 យយំ 73 1, 3 274168 123 99 104 120 4 1 4 1210 102 108 128 114 107: 104 112 5 4 4 7 4 7 4 6 3330 130! 100 100 2,416 12 6 8 87169 23 116 112 109 99 107 118 108 115 113 119 113 125 116 4 1 3 5 51 11 7 18 15 13 20 11 15 1,493 128 $170 390 100 392 398 305 317 372 369 408 371 422 373 397 3931 9 15 14 9 6 2 16 13 26 37 42 171 51 32 41 335 36 40 46 55 67 601 71 87 113 142 115 98 112 115 4 1 2 3 8 5 6 3 35 1, 325172 64 40 51 50 56 55 57 56 61 62 63 70 92 41 4 3 4 2 1 5 3 8 2 13 22 92 12 68 1, 142 173 174 2 14 18. 27 31 947 91 175 6 6 7 200 29 68 1 176 1 2 118 2 112 2 109 7 101 136 179 139 138 173 194 216 198 999 214 2 6 3 1 4 10 7 10 4 13 གྲྭ་ 7 2,825 (177 45 62 59 68 75! 73 70 75 96 95 96 70 96 gts 104 1,259') 6 15/3178 h In 1870 a part set off to Rains county. i In 1870 a part set off to San Jacinto county. j Organized in 1873 from parts of Austin and Grimes counties. k In 1874 a part set off to Lee county. The marriages and divorces include those of Encinal county, which was attached to Webb for judicial purposes. m Organized since 1880. n Divorce records destroyed by fire May 27, 1884. + 414 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1367 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. TEXAS-Concluded. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. |1868. | 1869. 1870. | 1871. | 1872. divorces. 179 | Wise (a) 1, 450 16, 601 Mar. Div.. - · 180 Wood (b)………. 6, 894 11, 212 Mar Div.. 181 Young (c). 135 4,726 S Mar --- Div.. 182 Zapata 1,488 3, 636 S Mar Div.. 183 Zavalla (d)…… 133 410 Mar Div... • Total e817, 502 e1, 590, 513 Mar Div... 91 101 108 163 233 236 UTAH. (f) 1 Beaver 2, 007 3, 918 Mar Div... · 1 4 2 Box Elder 4,855 Mar 6, 761 ... Div.... 4 3 11 LO 5 7 9 3 Cache 8, 229 12, 562 S Mar Div.. 10 2 5 3 4 Davis. 4, 459 Mar 5, 279 • Div.... 7 4 5 Garfield (g)………. Mar Div... 6 Iron (h)………. 2,277 4, 013 ( Mar › Div... 2 2 21 1 7 Juab. 2, 034 Mar 3, 474 { Div.... 21 1 3 8 Kane (i) 1, 513 3,085 { Mar Div.... 1 1 9 Millard. 2,753 Mar 3,727 - Div... 3 4 3 4 10 Morgan.. 1, 972 1,783 Mar {Div.. 2 1 11 Pi Ute (i)……. 82 1, 651| Mar Div... 12 Rich. 1, 955 1,263 S Mar Div.... 13 Salt Lake.. 18, 337 31, 977 Mar Div... 33 16 33 31 35 51 14 San Juan (j). 204 S Mar · Div... 15 San Pete (k) 6, 786 11, 557 S Mar Div. - 5 4 5 8 a Marriage records totally and divorce records almost totally destroyed by firo November 27, 1881. b In 1870 a part set off to Rains county. Marriage and divorce records destroyed by fire December 11, 1878. c Organized in 1875. dOrganized February 25, 1884. No divorces were granted. e The population of certain unorganized parts of the state is not included in the total, as only such counties as were organized prior to January 1, 1887, appear in this table. CHAPTER VIII.- 415 VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. TEXAS- Concluded. 1873. | 1874. | 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. | 1884. 1885. |1886. Total. 1 210 218 265 264 263 $179 3 4 2 8 7 7 7 13 53 126 131 156 133 137 155 151 167 1, 156 2 1 7 5 --9 12 6 10 52S $180 16 30 34 74 43 44 35 36 36 58 361 446' 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 11 181 182 286 299 370 356 455 497 611 5 8 10 23 183 786 959 1,024 1, 185 1, 171 1, 182 1, 326 11,472 UTAH. (e) 2 108 358 173 6 6 4 15 64 199 28 4 11 2 6 2 5 2 LO 5 2 154 3 6 ית 5 1 сл 1 11 21 3 51 691 → 8 7 5 6 409 } 2 9 2 4 8 3 4 108 లు. 4 4 184 5 2 1 1 3 26 W 6 1 3 6 8 లు 3 2 3 2 7 ་་ 59 1 2 1 8 11 3 3 1 1 3. 3 4 2 1 10 } 9 1 10 21 4 2 10 27 1 1 3 1 3 5 14 5 11 1 1 3 2 1 9 $12 }12 77 74 65 65 448 214 39 28 36 23 51 48 49 34 1,450 S 13 6 21 51 13 4 3 8 10 6 12 5 14 11615 f Prior to 1878 suit for divorce could be brought in Utah by any person who wished to become a resident of the territory; but by act approved February 2, 1878, applicants were thereafter required to be bona fide residents, for one year, of the county within the jurisdiction of the court wherein pro- ceedings were instituted, next prior to the commencement thereof. g Formed in 1880. h In 1880 a part set off to San Juan county. No divorces were granted during the years for which no figures are given. i In 1880 a part set off to San Juan county. j Formed in 1880 from parts of Iron, Kane, and Pi Uto counties. No divorces granted. In 1880 a part set off to Uintah county. 416 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. = TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. UTAH-Concluded. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867.|1868. |1869.1870. | 1871. 1872. divorces. 16 Sevier 19 4,457 Mar Div.... 17 Summit... 2, 512 Mar 4, 921 - · { Div.... 2 2 1 18 Tooele.. 2, 177 4, 497 S Mar Div.. 1 19 Uintah (a) 799 Mar Div. · · 20❘ Utah 12, 203 Mar 17, 973 Div... 8 14 3 5 21 Wasatch (b)……. 1, 244 2,927 Mar Div... 1 1 22 Washington.. 3,064 Mar 4, 235 • • { Div.. 3 4 23 Weber (c) 7,858 Mar 12, 344 Div. 14 8 5 9 11 3 24 First judicial district (d)…. Mar Div... 25 Second judicial district (d). 26 Third judicial district (d)…. Total... e86, 336 e143, 407 S Mar { Div... {Div. (Mar --- Div.... ... Mar Div.... VERMONT. 888 1 11 58 75 82 84 100 1 Addison.. 23, 484 24, 173 { Div. Mar 217 194 177 196 182 212 12 10 11 8 18 2 Bennington..... 21, 325 21, 950 { Div... Mar 171 180 176 201 168 5 13 10 3 20 3 Caledonia.. 22, 235 23, 607 Mar Div.... 196 187 201 220 225 221 • 8 7 12 8 4 བ ལ སྤུང 1.31 151 12 13 4 Chittenden 36, 480 32, 792 Mar 152 204 202 266 273 249 { Div... 11 11 12 12 13 7 Mar 37 61 541 70 68 66 5 Essex... 6, 811 7,931 Div... 1 5 3 1 6 Franklin 30, 291 30, 225 Mar 265 284 261 285 269 323 Div.... 11 11 8 11 21 11 7 Grand Isle.. 4, 082 4, 124 S Mar 33 32 Div.... 1 41 Mar 128 8 Lamoille... 12, 448 12, 681 Div.... 1228 110 7 9 Orange 23, 090 23, 525 Mar 236 238 173 Div.... 8 12 རླལ ཀ སྐྱུང 24 26 32 29 2 31 2 1 66 93 70 103 1 13 9 4 195 206 186 8 9 29 9 10 Orleans... 21, 035 22,083 Mar Div.... 245 ... 11 Rutland 40, 651 41, 829 S Mar 302 Div.... 7022 253 206 191 2251 192 15 8 8 2 13 337 281 322 28 244 22 25 11 20, 28 15 a Organized in 1880 from parts of San Pete and Wasatch counties. b In 1830 a part set off to Uintah County. c Eighteen of the divorces reported were granted by the U. S. district court and the remainder by the probate court. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL -GENERAL TABLES. 417 TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. UTAH-Concluded. 1873. | 1874, 1875. | 1876. | 1877. | 1878. | 1879. |1880. 1881. 1882.1883. 1884. | 1885. | 1886. Total. 2 1 31 28 5 1 2 1 1 31 . 5 11 сл 5 - 74 {16 3 6 5 4 LO 5 50 17 Co 3 3 2 3 2 1 3 2 18 32 19 9 10! 14 111 15 11 9 8 17 21 17 18 15 16 231 } 20 1 3 1 21 1 1 2 1 1 14 2 2 3 4 4 22 2 2 3 5 3 2 45 14 18 14 29 11 23 19 16 13 18 17 21 14 13 10 277 2 1 1 1 24 1 1 1 2 3 2 20 3 1 1 2 2 1 12 } 25 2 9 7 12 10 15 сл 26 17 19 17 15' 16 12 172 134 149 295 709 914 298 122 115 145 141 162 146 142 119 4,078 VERMONT. 189 13 167 186 180 14 10 ཙྪཱཡ 165 191 165 178 217 158 185 165 175 162 12 8 15 11 14 14 9 16 12 11 4 3, 661 235 } 1 161 155 154 161 134 164 154 148 161 195 130 146 119. 109 3, 141 15 11 12 5 14 12 9 15 8 7 7 2 11 2 4 195 238 210 204 204 186 206 191 205 205) 236 206 2011 198 199 5 13 9 12 4 17 10 10 11 13 4 14 11 4, 145 1893 266 247 281 246 254 265 257 251 215 265 288 279 298 294 5, 082 18 13 15 13 14 10 9 8 10 11 8 4 11 11 10 227 581 56 56 76 631 68 78 81 89 821 85. 81 72 73 6 1,377 1 2 4 1 2 3 2 6 5 เค 5 4 3 2 51 288 291 295 279 318 330 325 307 313 296 292 288 284 255 5, 818 5 13 15 9 12 16 4 13 14 10 10 23 6 9 12 238. 26 1 114 107 9 225 ཙྪི॰ 201 26 23 32 23 24 18 17 31 27 28 35 20 526 अ 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 7 1 31 103 105 96 96 7 12 11 7 པ་ 114 101 103 129 125 97 111 112 2,083 4 7 7 15 8 6 13 5 8 6 163' 190 190 168 193 213 170 10 25 18 21 25 1220 198 162 177 173 169. 158 154 143 3, 697 14 152 11 17 20 13 9 6 18 310 153 10 214 227 227 194 221 7 15 15 26 223 15 11 256 261 15 269 277 250 254 254 4,592 9 11 6 10 12 10 226 $1 10 293 302 266 221 300 16 18 281 181 22 280 31 270 283 272 269 22 12 25 22 296 287 289 283 23 27 9 5, 677 12 406 11 d The divorcos credited to each county by name were granted by the probate court, except eighteen in Weber county as noted. Those credited to the first, second, and third judicial districts were granted by the U. S. district court and can not be distributed to the several counties. e The population of certain unorganized parts of the territory is not included in the total, as only such counties as were organized prior to Jaùuary 1, 1887, appear in this table. 20267 M D-27 418 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. VERMONT-Concluded. Population. Mar. Counties. riages and 1867. |1868.1869.|1870. | 1871. | 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 12 Washington Mar 261 227 26, 520 25, 404 209 2201 223 222 Div. 19 14 11 21 14 19 13 Windham. 26, 036 26, 763 Mar 288 327 270 301 245 238 Div... 20 9 15 20 18 13 14 Windsor……. 36, 063 35, 196 S Mar 326 327 318 342 276 310 Total 330, 551 332, 286 { Div... Mar Div 19 23 23 25 32 22 2,857 2,961 2, 621 157 161 2,928 2,742 2, 749 137 161 211 152 VIRGINIA. 2 2 1 Accomack. 20, 409 24, 408 Mar Div.. · 1 1 2 Albemarle……. Mar 27, 544 32, 618 Div... 1 3 Alexandria 16, 755 17, 546 Mar Div.. 1 1 2 3 2 4 Alleghany... 3, 674 5,586 { S Mar Div 1 1 5 Amelia Mar 9, 878 10, 377 Div. 1 6 Amherst 14,900 18, 709 Mar Div... 1 7 Appomattox.. 8, 950 Mar 10, 080 Div... 1 2 8 Augusta... 28, 763 35, 710 Mar { Div... 1 9 Bath... 3, 795 Mar 4, 482 Div. 10 Bedford 25, 327 31, 205 Mar Div... · 3 1 2 11 Bland 4,000 5, 004 ( Mar > Div.. 1 12 Botetourt... 11, 329 14, 809 Mar Div.... 1 31 13 Brunswick 13, 427 16, 707 Mar Div.... 1 1 1 14 Buchanan (a)……. 3,777 5, 694 Mar Div.. 15 Buckingham (b) 13, 371 Mar 15, 540 { Div.. 16 Campbell. 28, 384 36, 250 Mar Div... 2 17 Caroline .. 15, 128 17, 243 Mar Div.. • 1 18 Carroll 9, 147 13, 323 S Mar Div.... • 6 5 7 4 19 Charles City. 4,975 Mar 5, 512 Div. • a Divorce records destroyed by fire April 15, 1888. 3 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 419 1 1 TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. VERMONT-Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. | 1877. 1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881. | 1882. | 1883. | 1884. | 1885.|1886. Total. * 219 199 1991 219 196 211 178 194 2081 259 240 228 186 222 4,320 28 21 13 14 14 21 10 6 13 19 20 19 2 17 31512 256 266 268 222 233 235 243 227 238 256 230 225 249 221 13 13 19 12 9 9 13 9 11 15 22 15 6 9 5, 038 270 13 263 300 277 281 251 310 285 283 257 265! 286 243 285 241 21 23 20 13 19 18 9 11 14 17 24 26 10 13 5,726 382 14 2,714 2,724 2,710 2,642 2,635 2,770 2,708 2,697 2,763 2, 883 2, 8362, 676 2,709 2, 588 170 182 190 157 178 192 132 54, 913 138 158 167 174 198 91 129 3,238 VIRGINIA. 1 1 1 2 1 31 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 Jand 6 CO 1 37 ลง 2 1 1 5 2 2 3 5 4 31 33 3 10 1 3 3 5 4 49 2 4 1 2 12 21 5 1 1 11 6 3 1 8 7 1 18 2 1 8 4 2 5 7 12 54 9 .5 5 3 1 1 1 2 5 1 2 1 10 1 24 2 2 1 1 1 1 11 1 14 3 2 2 2 5 5 3 34 }12 2 1 2 2 4 4 5 13 5 33 14 N 1 9 4 2 1 3 2 1 2 3 15 4 23 6 10 11 16 10 5 5 87 17 1 1 5 LA 5 1 1 10 3 18 60 19 b Divorce records destroyed by fire February 24, 1869. -1 420 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. * " TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. VIRGINIA-Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. 1868. ||1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 20 Charlotte.. Mar 14, 513 16, 653 • Div. 3 21 Chesterfield Mar 18, 470 25, 085 Div. 1 3 22 Clarke..... Mar 6, 670 7,682 Div.... 2 2 23 Craig 2, 942 3,794 { Div. Mar ... 24 Culpeper 12, 227 *13, 408 25 Cumberland • 8,142 26 Dickenson Mar { Div.... 10, 540 { Mar Mar { Div... ... 2 1 1 1 Div.. 1 27 Dinwiddie 30, 702 32,870 Mar Div.. - 1 2 2 28 Elizabeth City... Mar 8, 303 10, 689 Div... 1 1 29 Essex. 9, 927 11, 032 Mar Div.... Mar 30 Fairfax 12, 952 16, 025 · • Div... 1 31 Fauquier. Mar 19, 690 22, 993 Div... 1 32 Floyd.. 9, 824 13, 255 33 Fluvanna. 9, 875 10, 802 34 Franklin 18, 264 25, 084 { Div.. Mar Div... Mar Div... Mar - 1 · 2 - 2 2 3 35 Frederick 16, 596 17,553 Mar Div.. Mar 36 Giles 5,875 8,794 {Div... Div.... 1 1 2 1 3 37 Gloucester.. 10, 211 11, 876 S Mar { Div.. . 38 Goochland……. 10, 313 10, 292 39 Grayson 9,587 13, 068 Mar Div... Mar Div.. 1 · 4 LA 5 3 40 Greene 4,634 5, 830 S Mar { Div... 1 41 Greensville.. 6,362 8, 407 { Div Mar · + Div... 42 Halifax 27, 828 33, 588 Mar Div.. 1 1 1 43 Hanover 16, 455 18, 588 Mar Div.. → 1 44 Henrico… 66, 179 82, 703 { Div... Mar 11 111 81 11 潺 ​CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 421 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTJES-Cont'd. VIRGINIA- Continued. 1873.1874.1875. | 1876. | 1877. | 1878. | 1879. |1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. | 1884. | 1885. 1886. Total. 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 14 } 20 21 1 5 2 5 2 4 1 1 5 1 2 33 N. 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 4 11 4 5 1 4 1 1 1 2 21 11 2223 23 1 1 12 24 1 1 10 25 1 2 20 2 1 3 3 3 26 2 14 сл 5 5 6 9 6 96 {27 2 1 28 3 2 4 21 9 8 1 1 2 2 3 { + 29 1 2 1530 7 1 1 31 10 32 28 } 33 2 2 1 41 1 3 4 2 1 1 3 3 2 5 1 1 3 3 2 2 3 1 21 1 3 2 5 1 1 11 N 3 40 3 11 34 7 6 6 6 8 14 12 6 2 Co 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 N 1 ་ }: 34 35 } 36 }37 38 39 95 40 12 1 3 16 !} 41 42 2 2 3 3 2 1 2 3 10 5 55 43 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 15 12 10 51 12 12 12 18 16 241 15 28] 21. 270 44 422 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. VIRGINIA-Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867.1868.1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 45 Henry 12, 303 16, 009 S Mar Div... 1 1 1 1 46 Highland 4, 151 5, 164 Mar › Div……… · 1 1 47 Isle of Wight. 8,320 10, 572 { Div. Mar 48 James City 4, 425 5, 422 S Mar Div... 1 49 King and Queen 9, 709 10, 502 Mar Div... 1 50 King George... 5,742 6, 397, Mar Div.... 1 2 51 King William (a) 7,515 8,751 Mar Div.. ... 52 Lancaster.. 5, 355 6, 160 { Div. Mar 53 Lee Mar 13, 268 15, 116 Div.... 3 2 2 1 2 2 54 Loudoun 20, 929 23, 634 ‹ Mar Div.... 1 55 Lousia 16, 332 18, 942 S Mar ... { Div.... 1 2 1 1 56 Lunenburgh. 10, 403 11, 535 Mar Div. 57 Madison 8, 670 Mar 10, 562 Div.... 1 58 Mathews 6, 200 7,501 Mar Div.. 59 Mecklenburgh……. 21, 318 Mar 24, 610 Div.... 1 1 1 • 60 Middlesex 4, 981 6, 252 S Mar Div... 61 Montgomery. 12, 556 Mar 16, 693 · Div... 2 1 2 2 62 Nansemond (b). 11, 576 15,903 S Mar { Div... 63 Nelson. 13, 898 16, 536 S Mar Div.... 64 New Kent.. 4,381 5,515 Mar { Div.... 65 Norfolk.. 46, 702 58, 657 Mar Div... 1 2 2 4 66 Northampton.... 8, 046 9, 152 S Mar Div.. -- • Mar 67 Northumberland 6, 863 7,929 Div.... 1 1 68 Nottoway 9, 291 11, 156 S { Mar Div... 1 69 Orange. 10, 396 13, 052 Mar Div.. · - • • a Divorce records destroyed by fire January 18, 1885. CHAPTER VIII. A GENERAL TABLES. 423 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. VIRGINIA—Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. | 1876. 1877. 1878. | 1879. |1880. 1881. 1882. | 1883. | 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 2 4 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 45 2 27 46 3 1 9 47 1 } 48 49 111 50 ל లు. 3 12 51 1 1 2 52 1 18 21 1 8 LO 5 1 4 1 3 1 1 5 1 4 51 }53 2 1 2 1 1 54 1 1 2 16 1 21 1 2 55 CA 3 2 1 3 23 2 31 1 2 1 2 2 5 56 23 1 2 4 1 1 1957 2 1 · 00 58 8 2 3 o 59 4 1 1 30 60 4 1 1 1 2 7 2 2 2 37 }6 61 } 62 ~ GO 1 21 1 63 1 2 8 1. 31 1 1 13 }61 3 3 2 4 6 65 10 9 10 7 12 10 6 105 66 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 b No divorces granted. 2 67 68 9 69 ๆ 1 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 424 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. VIRGINIA—Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867.1868.1869.1870. 1871. | 1872. divorces. 70 Page 8, 462 Mar 9, 965 Div... 71 Patrick.. 10, 161 12, 833 Mar Div... 1 2 1 72 Pittsylvania..... 31, 343 52, 589 Mar Div.... 2 1 2 1 73 Powhatan 7,667 7,817 Mar Div. • - 74 Prince Edward……. 12, 004 14, 668 75 Prince George... 7,820 S Mar { Div.... Mar 10, 054 { Div.... 2 ... 76 Princess Anne Mar 8, 273 9, 394 75 47 52 57 65 88 Div... 1 77 Prince William.. 7,504 9, 180 Mar { Div... 1 78 Pulaski.. 6, 538 8, 755 { Mar Div.. · 79 Rappahannock Mar 8, 261 9, 291 .. Div……. 80 Richmond 6, 503 7, 195{ Div... Mar 67 51 49 40 44 52 81 Roanoke. 9, 350 13, 105 Mar {Div... 2 2 2 82 Rockbridge..... 16, 058 20, 003 Mar Div.... 2 1 83 Rockingham... 23, 668 29, 567 Mar Div. 2 w 3 2 1 1 84 Russell (a)…… 11, 103 13, 906 { Mar Div. 5 85 Scott 13, 036 17, 233 { Div. Mar 3 5 7 4 86 Shenandoah.... Mar 14, 936 18, 204 Div.... 87 Smyth 8, 898 Mar 12, 160 { Div.. 3 3 88 Southampton. 12, 285 18, 012 { Mar Div... 1 89 Spottsylvania..... 11, 728 Mar 14, 828 Div... 1 1 1 1 2 90 Stafford……….. 6, 420 Mar 7,211 Div.... 1 91 Surry.. 5, 585 7, 391 { Div.. Mar • 2 92 Sussex.. 7,885 10, 062 { Mar 85 63 70 50 71 Div. 1 3:3 93 93 Tazewell 10,791 12, 861 Mar ... Div.... 3 2 1 94 Warren…. 5,716 7,399 Mar Div. - 1 } a Divorce records destroyed by fire February 14, 1872. CHAPTER VIII.—GENERAL TABLES. 425 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. VIRGINIA—Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. | 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. | 1885.1886. Total. 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 1. 3 70 21 1 3 2 71 2 4 18 3 1 2 1 3 ית 5 3 7 72 9' 10 53 1 1 2 2 1 73 2 11 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 22 } 74 1 1 82 74 75! 75 96 81 70 83 86 82 93 1 1 2 3 8 }75 335 89 81 77 1, 528 1 1 1 76 6 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 1977 } 1 3 1 2 6 3 2 3 1 78 24 79 52 54 26 55 48 59 63 64 69 57 59 62 57 46 1 2 } 1 1 1 1 2 1,071 38 80 3 3 2 3 1 2 2 ་ 4 6 9 2 8 81 51 2 2 1 2 1 4 ית 5 2283 2 2 2 4 3 4 5 6 6 10 8 7 83 73 1 3 6 6 4 3 8 3 8, 84 61 7 1 7 5 4 1 4 10 6 3 3 3 95 } 85 2 1 2 2 4 3 1 21 27 } 86 1 3 2 1 2 5 3 1 87 28 2 2 1 88 11 3 H 1 1 3 89 22 1 1 90 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 14 }91 92 951 66 72 80 77 100 101 88 81 108 89 42 83 1 1, 606 2 1 2 CT 5 1 6 3 5 1 5 } 57 S 92 93 # }94 426 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 1 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. VIRGINIA-Concluded. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871.1872. divorces. 95 Warwick. Mar 1,672 2,258 Div... 96 Washington.. Mar 16, 816 25, 203 Div.... ♡ 1 97 Westmoreland.. 7, 682 8,846 { Mar Div.. 98 Wise 4,785 7,772 Div.. Mar 6 99 Wythe...... 11, 611 14, 318 Mar Div... 3 3 2 .2 100 York 7, 198 7, 349 Mar Div……. 1 1 Total.. 1, 225, 163| 1, 512, 565 Mar Div 90 77 67 62 86 65 WASHINGTON. (a) Mar 1 Adams (b) Div. Mar 2 Asotin (b) Div.... Mar 3 Chehalis. 401 921 Div.. Mar 4 Clallam.. 408 638 Div... Mar 5 Clarke (c)……. 3, 081 5, 490 Div.. 10 17 6 5 Mar 6 Columbia (d) 7, 103 Div.. 7 Cowlitz (c) 730 8 Douglas (b)……….. 2,062 { Div. Mar Div.. ... Mar Mar 9 Franklin (b)…. Div... Mar 10 Garfield (b)……… Div... 11 Island 626 1,087 { Div... Mar Mar 12 Jefferson (e) 1,268 1,712 Div. 2 2 2 13 King 2, 120 Mar 6,910 Div.. 5 7 14 Kitsap.. 866 1,738 Div. Mar 15 Kittitass (b) Mar Div……. a A majority of the counties in Washington territory were attached to other counties for judicial purposes during all or a portion of the period covered by the table, and any divorces granted in them are credited to the county to which they were attached up to such time as they acquired inde- pendent organization. A detailed statement is impracticable, owing to frequent changes in judicial districts, hence this general statement is made. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 427 ; TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. VIRGINIA-Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878.1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 2 1 3 3 ☺ 2 95 5 6 2 2 1 12 } 96 1 3 3 97 1 11 7 • 00 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 55 {98 . 99 3 3 5 4 5 65 1 2 1 $100 164 179 196 219 212 185 238 2, 635 2 1 3 6 4 5 ית. 1 1 88 91 106 112 113 153 132 8 WASHINGTON. (a) 1 7 13 ܗܗ 9 29 2 3 3 2 3 1 5 8 74 4 1,342 ગ 5 2 3 5 00 8 LO 5 5 5 6 10 134 38 45 48 52 54 70 69 62 41 60 65 601 2 2 5 3 2 6 5 3 3 29 300 1 31 01 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 7 20 2 2 3 6 5 6 5 1 00 8 9 23 31 24 40 30 148 4 5 9 }10 11 Co 3 5 6 3 6 3 54 519 12 4 12 4 16 24 13 12 17 165 14 15 b Formed since 1880. c Marriages reported are for the years 1867 to 1886, inclusive; the number for each year could not be ascertained. d Formed in 1875 from part of Walla Walla county. e The divorce records are defective. 428 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. WASHINGTON-Concluded. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. |1868.1869.1870. | 1871. | 1872. divorces. 16 Klikitat 329 4, 055 17 Lewis 883 2,600 Mar Div... · Mar Div... 18 Lincoln (a) Mar Div... Mar 19 Mason. 289 639 Div... Mar 20 Pacific (b) 738 1,645 Div. 21 Pierce.. 409 3, 319 S Mar 5 9 14 8 13 { Div.. 3 1 3 92 22 San Juan S Mar 554 948 { Div.... 23 Skagit (c). 24 Skamania. 133 809 {Div. Mar Div.... Mar { Div.. 25 Snohomish (d) 599 1,387 • • Mar Div.. Mar 26 Spokane (e) 4,262, Div... 27 Stevens (ƒ) 734 1,245 Mar Div... 28 Thurston (g). 2,246 3,270 Mar Div... - 2 3 21 5 Mar 29 Wahkiakum. 270 1,598 Div.... 30 Walla Walla (h) 5,300 8, 716 { Mar 52 47 64 53 71 70 Div.. 1 4 4 1 1 7: 31 Whatcom (i)……. 534 3, 137 { Div Mar 32 Whitman (j)………… 7,014{ Div Mar Div... 2 Mar 33 Yakima 432 2,811 Div. Total 23, 955 75, 116 { Div.. Mar 20 29 12 15 20 29 WEST VIRGINIA. Mar 1 Barbour.. 10, 312 11, 870 2 Berkeley.. 14,900 17, 380 { Div.... Div.... Mar 1 3 Boone 4,553 5,824 { Mar Div. 6 1 a Formed since 1880. 1 1 2 1 5 b Marriages reported are for the period from November 1, 1869. to December 31, 1886; the num- ber for each year could not be ascertained. c Organized in 1884; the number of marriages for each year could not be ascertained. d No reports of marriages or divorces prior to 1875; the number of marriages for each year could not be ascertained. e Formed in 1879 from part of Stevens county. + CHAPTER VIII. GENERAL TABLES. 429 TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. WASHINGTON-Concluded. 1873. | 1874. | 1875. | 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. | 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 12 } 16 17 3 1 2 4 9 20 23 35 40 98 18 1 1 19 161 1: 1 2 1 2 1 8/20 13 20 19 2 18 26 25 26 19 33 41 76 96 85 114 669 21 1 1 6 7 7 7 20 20 99 22 67 23 2 6 24 150 に ​25 1 2 1 3 2 41 15 ! 33 54 68 8 10 3=88 96 87 98 103 539 15 19 22 11 85 20 27 449 2 28 3 1 10 3 3 6 6 2 3 11 77. 29 76 84 84 59 55 91 95 115. 136 123 128 126 117 111 9 11 31 15 7 10 11 17 11 14 25 15 1,757 180 30 168.7 4 1 4 7 9 3 3 26 4 7 14 18 211 26 42 39 36 47 43 52, 80 508 3 9 6 45 00 4 20 17 37 33 39 20 30 24 250 } 31 } 32 } 33 29 35 21 225 26 25 37 40 65 67 73 99 109 114 128 996 1 1 8 3 WEST VIRGINIA. 1 3 2 3 31 4 3 2 3 5 3 1 3 33 29 3 72 ƒ In 1879 a part set off to form Spokane county. g Marriages are reported for the years 1867 to 1886, inclusive; the number for each year could not be ascertained. h In 1871 a part set off to form Whitman county; in 1875 a part set off to form Columbia county. i Marriages are reported for the period from August 22, 1879, to December 31, 1836; the number for each year could not be ascertained. j Formed in 1871 from part of Walla Walla county. 430' COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. REPORT OF THE женить TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. WEST VIRGINIA-Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. |1868. | 1869. 1870. 1871. | 1872. divorces. 4 Braxton 6, 480 9, 787 Mar Div.... 2 1 2 5 Brooke 5, 464 6, 013 Mar { Div.. • 3 6 Cabell 6, 429 13, 744 7 Calhoun 2,939 6, 072 Mar Div... Mar 1 4 3 2 Div.. 2 1 1 1 8 Clay.. 2, 196 3, 460 { Mar Div... 1 9 Doddridge 7,076 10, 552 Mar Div... 1 1 1 10 Fayette (a). 6, 647 11, 560 Mar - • Div.... 4 1 3 1 11 Gilmor. 4,338 7, 108 Mar Div... 1 1 1 2 12 Grant.. 4, 467 5, 542 Mar Div... · 13 Greenbrier (a)……… 11, 417 15, 060 Mar Div... 1 4 2 2 14 Hampshire 7,643 10, 366 Mar {Div. Div... 15 Hancock 4,363 4,882 { Mar { Div.. 1 16 Hardy 5, 518 6, 794 Mar Div... 1 17 Harrison.. 16, 714 Mar 20, 181. Div... 4 3 1 2 1 18 Jackson 10, 300 16, 312 S Mar Div.... 2 1 4 4 19 Jefferson 13, 219 15,005 Mar Div.. 1 2 20 Kanawha. 22, 349 32, 466 Mar Div... 21 3 8 51 10 21 Lewis 10, 175 13, 269 Mar Div... ► 2 22 Lincoln 5,053 8, 739 23 Logan 5, 124 7,329 S Mar { Div.. • • Mar { Div.... 1 3 3 3 4 3 4 2 2 24 McDowell 1, 952 3,074 { Div... Mar · 2 11 2 25 Marion 12, 107 17, 198 Mar { Div.... 1 2 1 1 4 26 Marshall 14, 941 18, 840 S Mar Div. 5 3 2 2 27 Mason 15, 978 22, 293 { Div... Mar 5 4 3 2 4 - 28 Mercer (b) 7,064 7, 467 Mar Div... 2 D a In 1871 a part set off to Summers county. CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 431 N TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. WEST VIRGINIA—Continued. 1873. 1874.1875. | 1876. | 1877. 1878. | 1879.1880. 1881. 1882. | 1883. | 1884. | 1885.1886.| Total. 4 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 4 1 4 4 30 5 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 4 1 23 6 3 3 2 2 4 1 6 3 5 12 20 85 7 3 1 1 ~ 3 4 41 co 3 4 2 2 39 8 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 19 9 1 N 2 1 1 2 1 22 3 3 1 2 ית 5 2 1 3 10 4 5 сл 5 55 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 31 211 (12 1 1 3 4 4 сл 13 5 3 3 6 66 1 2 14 3 3 4 3 4 2 8 5 1 2 1 3 2 1 15 1 1 18 16 4 5 3 4 5 4 5 ་ ་ 17 5 58 - 3 10 4 18 6 6 CQ 8 90 1 1 19 2 3 1 16 13 13 14 13 20 17 16 17 165 LOO 5 3 4 3 61 6 2 2 4 3 1 2 3 21 4 4 6 3 1 35 1 сл 5 6 6 3 3 2 6 3 3 6 8 2 6222 p 12 1 3 12 ית 51 9 6 9 10 13 11 110 23 1 3 2 2 1 LO 5 · CO 3 3 9 5 5 65 (24 1 1 co 3 1 4 3 4 1 30 1215 1 4 2 2 3 3 37 S 26 8 3 6 8 13 6 17 1 сл 5 8 12827 21 b In 1871 a part set off to Summers county. Divorce records destroyed by fire October 12, 1875. }28 432 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. WEST VIRGINIA-Continued. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar- riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 29 Mineral.. 6, 332 8, 630 S Mar Div... 3 30 Monongalia.: 13, 547 Mar 14, 985 Div.. 2 3 2 2 2 31 Monroe (α). 11, 124 11, 501 Mar Div………. 1 1 32 Morgan... Mar 4,315 5,777 ... Div... 1 1 33 Nicholas.. 4, 458 Mar 7,223 Div.. 1 1 2 34 Ohio... 28, 831 Mar 37, 457 Div... 1 4 ·་ 4 10 10 35 Pendleton 6, 455 8, 022 Mar Div · 1 36 Pleasants 3, 012 6, 256 Div.. Mar 1 37 Pocahontas 4,069 5,591 { Div... 38 Preston. 14, 555 Mar 19, 091 Div.... 4 3 2 1 8 39 Putnam 7, 794 11, 375 Mar Div.. 2 3 1 40 Raleigh.... 3, 673 41 Randolph.. 5, 563 7,367 { Div... 8, 102 { Div... Mar. 1 2 Mar --- 42 Ritchie 9, 055 13, 474 Mar Div... 2 4 2 43 Roane 7,232 12, 184 { Mar L Div... 1 6 44 Summers (b). 9, 033 Mar Div... 45 Taylor..... 9, 367 11, 455 Mar · • Div.... 3 2 2 3 46 Tucker 1, 907 3, 151 Mar Div... 1 1 1 47 Tyler... 7, 832 11, 073 Mar Div... 2 2 1 48 Upshur..... 8,023 10, 249 Mar Div.... 1 49 Wayne 7, 852 14, 739 S Mar { Div.... ... 1 10 6 6 50 Webster. 1, 730 3, 207 Mar Div.. 1 51 Wetzel 8, 595 13, 896 Mar { Div... 2 1 6 52 Wirt... 4,804 7, 104 Mar Div. 2 4 1 1 53 Wood... a In 1871 a part set off to Summers county. 19, 000 25, 006 { Div. Mar · 3, CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 433 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. WEST VIRGINIA-Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. | 1877. | 1878.1879.1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 10. }20 30 4 4 2 2 5 50 2 2 2 3 6 1 25 }= 31 32 3 1 11 లు 3 1 5 3 3 2 33 } 33 34 20 11 15 12 11 7 181 1 1 6 } 35 36 2 3 21 3 3 4 24 37 2 8 8 3 16 8 15 1 2 1 38 2 2 1 1 3 6 5 5 5 65 39 3 4 5 లు. 3 1 లు 2 4 2 3 3 46 3 2 3 2 6 ་ 5 1 36 } 40 2 1 3 1 2 2 3 3 21 } 41 42 1 2 1 12 14: 1 2 6 54 2 1 2 3 ལ་ 8 7 6 7 6 56 } 43 ♡ 2 1 1 6 2. 3 5 8 39 } 44 45 ลง 2 2 4 1 1 5 2 39 1 1 3 2 10 } 16 47 2 2 1 3 1 5; 3: 2 32 2 4 1 ་ 4 3 2 4 2 24 } 48 49 4 10 9 7 18 12 19 10 8 11 17: 14 18 15 203 50 2 2 21 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 8 1 1 1 3 3 4 5 4 3 3 3 3 8 1 51 10 35 3 5 44 }52 17 12 9 10 115 }53 b Formed in 1871 from parts of Fayette, Greenbrier, Mercer, and Monroe counties. Divorce recorda almost totally destroyed by fire September 8, 1874. 20267 M D--23 434 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I. -MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. WEST VIRGINIA-Concluded. Population. Counties. 1870. 1880. Mar. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. | 1872. divorces. 54 Wyoming.... 3, 171 Mar 4,322 Div.. 3 3 2 5 - 1 Total 442, 014 618, 457 Div.... { Mar 72 60 79 80 85 89 WISCONSIN. 1 Adams.. 6, 601. 6,741 { Mar Div. 33 3 33 35 48 39 1 4 6 Mar 2 Ashland 221 1, 559 • Div.... 3 Barron (a) Mar 1 19 538 7,024 • Div. 4 Bayfield 344 564 Div. Mar 2 6 · 5 Brown (b)………. 25, 168 6 Buffalo 11, 123 7 Burnett 706 8 Calumet. 12, 335 9 Chippewa (c) 8, 311 10 Clark (d) 3, 450 10, 715{ 34, 078 { Mar 15, 528 Dar {Div.. Mar 3, 140 { Div. 16, 632) Mar Div.... Mar 15, 491 Div - Mar Div.... Mar Div.... 960 188 175 227 3 2 7 9 4 6 114 69 54 74 6 8i 21 5 • 57 64 58 255 2 1 47 31 46 38 • · 31 33 591 43 2 2 2 1 3 2 11 Columbia (e) . 28, 802 28, 065 { Div. Mar 281 191 230 243 14 9 15 10 11 9 12 Crawford .. 13, 075 15, 644 Mar 147 260 155 - - - Div.... 9 6 4 8 355555 170 13 13 13 Dane (f) 53, 093 53, 233 Mar 459 779 405 Div... 24 14 12 17 11 14 14 Dodge. 47, 035 45, 931 (Mar 323 290 285 329 { Div.... 13 12 11 11 10 26 15 Door. 4, 919 11, 645 S Mar... Div... 32 29 261 43 2 圣 ​51 31 1 2 16 Douglas 1, 122 655 Mar Div. • 2 1 Mar 91 72 94 17 Dunn (a) 9, 488 16, 817 · Div. 2 5 LO 5 TH LO 125 5 6 18 Eau Claire.. 10, 769 19, 993 Mar Div.. 128 74 47 152 • 2 8 3 13 11 19 Florence (g) S Mar { Div... 20 Fond Du Lac........ 46, 273 46,859 Mar 662 204 345 406 .. Div.... 31 21 26 16 11 27 a Prior to 1875 Barron county was attached to Dunn county for judicial purposes. The number of marriages reported for 1869 includes numerous marriages of previous years which were not reported till 1869. c In 1875 a part set off to Taylor county; in 1879 a part set off to Price county. CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. · 435 • TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES—Cont'd. WEST VIRGINIA-Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. |1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885.1886.| Total. 1 5 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 ลง 2 3 46 }54 89 103 91 98 110 118 142 120 204 176 193 191 23. 217 2, 555 WISCONSIN. 35 27 39 35 42 59 49 38 57 46 ** 4 2 4 8 2 2 5 心​监 ​46 49: 43 36 756 1 3. 6 5 2 63 13 7 7 15 14 11 19 38 49 58 98 125 454 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 13: } 2 16 18 16 36 41 29 21 56' 69 100 10 119 138 123 908 3 2 1 1 3 19 7 12 11 8 6 70 5 3 1 4 1 3 6 6 101 9: 201 18 13 38 145 1 4 1 1 2 4.5 217 433 272 229 414 189 226' 279 245 285 361 246 272, 257 5, 475 3 H 6 11 7 9 5 5 9: 9 9 12 7 140 140 ما 5 87 86 105 120 113 130 138 133 111 155 128 165 147 133 2,062 to 6 1 2 6, 4. 1 1 4 7 00 8 7 9 2 59 13 65 5 18 7 14 11 40 20 28, 27 18 24 25 355 1 2 1 1.... 5 } 7 59 54 122 70 811 102 79 87 75 97 105 89 104 108 1,669 4 31 6 6 3 3 5 4 4 2 8 1 8 5 58 51 63 63 80 108 82 132 115 123 128 196 156 178 188 1,825 9 58 51 74 60; 58 88 74 81 86 102 131 117 105 100 1,354 1 1 1 3 4 3 6 27 3 10 3 6. 9 58 241 474 262 229 226 200 257 207 216 277 231 253 240 4, 258 81 12 14 12 6 16 5 20 10 8 14 10 21. 17 241 } 11 83 184 137 149 147 147 179 156 115 133 159 62 152 145 10 8 4 8 6 7 3 4. 8 8 6 2,680 136 12 319 378 309 338 317 400, 395 466 419 430' 508 + 486, 516 496' 7,420 9 13 19 20 9 13 7 17 28 24 29 16 18 17 331 }13 254 323 291 306 138 281 303 294 290 318 321 394 345 328 5, 415 LO 5 7 13 13 13 12 14 19 14 19 7 23 14 13 21. 276 28 36 46 56 50 65 75 92 116 112 108 108 106 $2 1,210 7 1 1 2 4 3 4 3 7 5 3 59 }1 15 3 3 5 11 7 28 24. 40 41 170 1 16 1 6: 107 91 107 120 145 147 153 182 148 184 213! 193! 193 182 2,547 12 4 10 11 4 14 10 13. 12 24 15 16. 17 192 } 17 199 220 174 13 19 10 213 16 151 192 190 225 258 353 358 393 311 263 3, 901 9 10 11 11 15 23 17 18 15 17 16. 240 38 35 14 4 6 97 1 4 6 19 323 23 350 323 22 22 325 351 208 353 322 341 377 386 12 26 16 18 21| 19 26 405 368 401 6, 450 291 11. 151 18 41320 d In 1875 a part set off to Taylor county. e The number of marriages reported for 1875 includes those for 1874. ƒ The number of marriages reported for 1871 includes those for 1870. g Organized since 1880. 436- REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES--Cont'd. WISCONSIN-Continued. Population: Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 21 Forest (a). Mar Div... 22 Grant.. 37, 979 37, 852 { Div... Mar 389 294 276 312 15 20 25 21 16 18 23 Green 23, 611 21, 729 { Div... Mar 256 197 206 183 2 13 6 16 4 1 Mar 83 9 90 85 24 Green Lake………. 13, 195 14, 483 Div... 4 7 21 1 2 25 Iowa... 24, 544 23, 628 Mar Div... 139 145 139 116 ་་ 9 3 5 5 26 Jackson 7,687 13, 285 { Div... Mar 79 71 71 90 5 3 11 31 5 27 Jefferson 34, 040 32, 156 { Mar 311 254 259 283 • Div... 19 13 17 24 111 9 28 Juneau 12, 372 15, 582 { Mar Div... 85 120 86 95 13 - 9 8 2 14 29 Kenosha. 13, 147: 13, 550 Mar Div... 122 94 105 100 8 6 10 6 5 7 Mar 88 88 60 83 30 Kewaunee. 10, 128 15, 807 Div... 1 5 • Mar 158 2911 266 247 31, La Crosse.. 20, 297 27, 073 { Div... 10 27 10 10 51 12 32 La Fayette 22, 659 21,279 Div.. Mar 140 148 155 134 4 4 1 7 8 9 33 Langlade (b) 685 {Div.. Mar 34 Lincoln (c) 2, 011 Mar Div.... 35 Manitowoc 33, 364 37, 505 Mar Div... 281 190 294 171 6 2 17 10 12 36 Marathon (d) 5, 885 17, 121 { Div. Mar 43 71 58 63 1 2 2 21 2 Mar 37 Marinetto (e)…. 8, 929 Div. Mar 8.5 60 45 45 38 Marquette. 8,056 8, 908 Div.. 2 2 4 5 1 1 39 Milwaukee (ƒ). 89, 930 138, 537 Mar 7,976 960 936 1,076 Div.... 43 45 51 57 55 45 40 Monroe. 16, 550 21, 607 { Div.. Mar 123 129 126 119 ... 7 3 1 3 8 6 41 Oconto (g) 8, 321 9, 818 { Mar 66 71 66 Div... 1 2 21 4 5 5 42 Outagamie... 18, 430 28, 716 { Mar 118 95 102 128 Div.... 6 2 5 6 6 43 Ozaukee 15, 564 15, 461 § Mar 172 93 84 255 Div... 2 1 1 2 Mar 36 68 42 66 44 Pepin.... 4, 659 6, 226 Div. 2 1 6 a Organized since 1880. No divorces granted. b Formed (as New county) in 1879 from part of Oconto county; attached to Shawano county for ju- dicial purposes prior to 1882. c Organized in 1874 from part of Marathon county; in 1875 a part set off to Taylor county; in 1879 a part set off to Price county. CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 437 TABLE 1.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1836, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. WISCONSIN—Continued. 1873.1874. 1875. | 1876. 1877. 1878.1879.1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. | Total. 2 2: }21 316 20 340 379 313 312 336 341 392 332 359 359 363! 296 310 6, 049 22 15 11 18 18 17 12 20 14 12 26 19 13 13. 343 184 186 167 181 196 222 202 180 245 229 240 227 226 278 5 15 4 5 4 7 4 10 1 6 14 12 13 5 3,805 147 } 23 90 125 95 111 117 112 92 131 122 117 139 142 140 129 2, 010 24 4 6 6 7 6 10 8 4 10: 8 3 1 1 5 1011 147 145 133 210 157 165 194 177 151 203 186 163 160 164 2,921 25 7 5 6 10 5 4 2 પ 2 1. 3 2 5 & 7 99 8888 85 21 1805 91 81 101 120 127 121 117 134 140. 104 119 141 1,880 26 3 4 31 3 11 7: 10 8 9 5 4. 4 14 104 I 317 303 280 237 290 276 255 355 300 324 346 334 344 359 10 8 5 12 1 9 3 7 2, 8 3 2 1 5, 427 172. } 27 } 115 138 116 113 112 120 116 125 113 103 127 122 132 123 2,061 28 9 5 9 10; 6 6 5 9 10 6 9 11 10 19 179 114 155 115 108 159 114 114 185. 165 173 186 220 181 227 2,637 29 6 6 6 11 7 2 3 6 ༠ 6. 4 3 3. 6 4 115 81 96 62 105 83 88 82 114 102 118 160 118 130 130. 1,788 1 1; 1 1 5 5 9 5 3 + 4 511 $30 289 282 259 286 259 278 270 279 346 319 361 408 357 451 5,406 8 19 6 11 7 31 13 15 13 20 24 18 17 23 34 302' 1411 163 121 137 152 151 148 155 154 180 162 154 167: 182 2, 744 4 5 5 1 3 7 32 7 3 5 4 4 1 10 5 97 14 18 37 41 50 160 1 3 2 8 16. } 33 ! 4 6 10 17 13 32 28. 36 68 41 57 312 1 2 1 1 3 3 6 6 7 33 }: 34 216 6 130 204 232 275 245 344 302 316 289 398 334 303 333 4,857 4 51 3 9 13 13 8 3 19 8 35 G 13 10 171 S 751 771 73 59 104 115 100 135 155 176 168 365 263 197 2, 297 3 3 1 1 1 4 12 5 5 6 8 15 14 10 97 S 36 i 42 76 80 92 80 104 116 119 709 11 3 3 37 4 2 4 6 27 57 55 55 71 84 58 72 65 741 84 $5 69 65 62 1,191 2 1 2 3 2 6: 3 2 8 3 7 38 5 1: 4: 64 S 1, 178 1, 214 1, 198 1, 122 62 57: 1, 030 1,077, 1, 149 1, 390 1, 693 1, 999' 1, 959 2, 037 1, 912 2, 180 06 61 501 72. 83 104 130 125 97 101 113 86. 32, 086 1,503 39 143 158 172 172 136 160 180 176 171 214 205 189 180 174 2,927 10 6 8 9 8 12 8 11 6 6 12 13 12 40 18 167 1 85 91 121 137 120 66 71 76 104 $6 128 101 95 1, 484 6 2 5 2 4 5 1 4 6 1 1 41 6 2 66 157 6 ༢༠ 142 156 141 178 177 283 331 233 2021 281 287 216 333 6 8 8 9 45 9 9 10 10 10 14 14 115 77 92 87 142 100 96 96 115 117 116 137 102 111 2, 107 1 2 1 2 1 5 2 3 2 3 49 50 441 65 68 59 84 80 66 71 63, 78 61 67 4 4 4 21 1 51 6 3 31 3 1 11 45 3,560 150 S 107} 3243 1.11744 42 d In 1874 a part set off to form Lincoln county; in 1875 a part set off to Taylor county. e Organized in 1879 from part of Oconto county. ƒThe number of marriages reported for 1869 includes numerous marriages of previous years which were not reported till 1869. g In 1879 parts set off to form New (now Langlade) and Marinette counties. 438 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. WISCONSIN-Concluded. Population. Mar. Counties. riages and 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 45 Pierce • 9,958 17, 744 S Mar Div.... 70 44 118 133 5 4 4 1 5 46 Polk 3, 422 10, 018 { Mar Div.. 36 28 31 48 . 1 2 1 4 47 Portage.. 10, 634 17, 731 Mar Div.. 59 · 3 82 93 73 59 2 4 .... 4 48 Price (a). 785 こ ​Mar Div. - · - 49 Racine….. 26, 740 30, 922 { Div. Mar 212 218 217 233 22 12 13 15 9 8 50 Richland' 15,731 18, 174 { Div... 123 132 131 149 1 7 2 8 3 Mar 337 345 51 Rock 39, 030 38, 823 314 373 Div.... 12 24 22 9 13 15 52 Saint Croix 11, 035 18, 956 { Mar Div.... 76 3 3 4 2 4 5 53 Sauk. 23, 860 28, 729 Mar Div... 153 156 162 170 - 25 23 16 13 10 22 54 Sawyer (b) Mar Div.. Mar 30 26 27 31 55 Shawano (c) 3, 166 10, 371 Div... 3 2 1 56 Sheboygan. 31, 749 34, 206 S Mar 2021 217 211 175 { Div.... 8 7 6 4 8 Mar 57 Taylor (d) 2, 311 Div.. · 58 Trempealeau 10, 732 17, 189 { Div. Mar 68 67 81 91 3 5 6 3 2 3 59 Vernon (e) 18, 645 23, 235 Mar 727 190 192 159 { Div.... 5 6 6 1 6 5 60 Walworth 25, 972 26, 249 Mar 104 187 183 201 Div... 14 17 20 10 16 14 61 Washburn (b)………… Mar { Div.. 62 Washington . 23, 919 Mar 189 164 23, 442 1091 232 • Div.. N 4 2 5 2 63 Waukesha.. 28, 274 28,957|{ S Mar { Div.... 253 168 168 174 8 8 10 5 64 Waupaca 15, 539 20, 955 Mar Div.... 109 155 116 111 10 9 6 9 12. 9 65 Waushara. 11, 279 12, 687 Mar. 84 69 97 72 { Div.... 8 12 5 14 2 66 Winnebago……. 37,279 42, 740 {Mar 290 188 267 340 ► 16 31 17 20 17 16 67 Wood (ƒ) ……. 3,912 8, 981 Mar { Div. 81 20 14 11 1, 054, 670 1, 315, 497 Mar Div • · 406 |17, 252|| 7, 475| 8,410| 9,082 409 417 396 378 414 Total (g) a Formed in 1879 from parts of Chippewa and Lincoln counties. b Organized since 1880. c Langlade county attached for judicial purposes prior to 1882. d Formed in 1875 from parts of Clark, Chippewa, Lincoln, and Marathon counties. e The number of marriages reported for 1869 includes nuinerous marriages of previous years which were not reported till 1869. CHAPTER VIÌI.—GENERAL TABLES. 439 + TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Cont'd. WISCONSIN-Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876: 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 123 1 114 6 134 6 162 8 153 157 162 160 149 166 177 184 212 8 12 1 8 12 6 11 14 9 160 7! 2,578 45 49 62 25 55 73 68 80! 79 80 109 108 107 115 92 94 1,314 46 6 ༥ 5 1 5 3 1 4 9 9 7 4 71 80 80 98 108 157 141 5 6 13 7 13 1113 167 164 183 195 219 197 246 189 2, 508 8 9 9 13 6 8 6 8 14347 6 16 16 13 23 14 88| 2 31 1 2 8 } 48 206 54 237 192 244 237 266 294 295 662 400 378 350 15 8 16 10 11 14 18 22 12 14 23: 13 113 74 181 146 183 162 173 206 153 177 198 176 8 7 6 7 12 4 8 12; 9 11 9 9 357 336 358 374 303 350 3431 373 452 480 504 464 492 13 13 7 8 11 11 11 8 27 13 25 24 57 103 180 111 134 183 175 210 211 230! 288 269 4 8 1 10 9: 11 8 8 10 16 16 10 209 201 209 234 206 198 198 226 222 240 262 254 91 4 9 15 4 13 16 6 17 17! 17 19. 88 12 23 12 93 334 5,029 49 18 293, 180 2, 821 19 153 }50 508 7,063 51 43 332 270 2, 802 52 13 9 154 239 3, 785 53 24 19 298 8 24 11 19 1 62 } {54 411 59 53 36 54 71 90 78 80 99 115 112 124 101 2 3 4 2 2 1 3 1 4 4 4 3 1,227 39 } 55 227 232 213 219 229 281 263 227 276 245 373 327 321 442 4,680 56 LO 5 6 10 7 12 12 12 7 6 11 12 20 13 181 7 4 12 16 11 12 34 36 61 56 44 296' 57 1 1 2 1 3 10 98 114 3 90 130 2 141 191 150 184 བྲཱ॰ 149 140 126 152 119 165 146 159 159 153 2,207 58 7 ان 5 6 3 GI 4 6. 3 78 S 155 10 11 ४ : 5 7 174 11 207 152 182 208 164 161 179 189 3,705 7 8 8 13 13 18 12: 9 169 (59 208 220 209 213 205 246 275 268 260 250 300 288 275 327 12 10 15! 15 12 11 11 10 11 13 14 12: 20 25 4, 219 282 60 17 10 20 5 1 2 1 5261 134 205 1 5 141 9 212 5 171 3 167 161 192 117 203 1731 162 178 176' 2 6 3 1 5 5 5 3 5 3,086 75 62 177 178 181 1 3 12 115 174 177 15 174 201 191 234 2681 235 216 251 213 3,636 63 15 8 9 13 12 12 22 14 10 17 208 ༠༧ 124 131 122 128 156 154 186 161 197 232 275 240 245 201 3,043 3 6 11 10 9 9 13 00 11 10 22 15 17 203 S 64 76 79 9 6 10 380 861 66 92 93 88 81 99 94 105 97 99 89 1,566 65 8 4 4 5 6 S 51 8 11 9 145 357 378 341 351 306 290 347 385 361 407 515 393 377 442 6, 368 66 24 21 28 16 11 23 23 25 24 22 41 35 31 34 478 40 31 40 21 28 47 84 55 68 24 107 131 78 112 919 1 3 4 5 3 2 6 3 7 5 71 5 7 12 7067 8,872 9, 145 9, 566 9, 548 9, 686 9, 846 10, 58011, 4511, 665 13, 308 14, 233,13, 967 13, 53614, 122 201, 745 390 416 455 471 396 486 468] 535 6931 6381 679 637 698 700 9, 988 f Divorce records destroyed by fire March 23, 1873. g As the law requiring the recording of marriages went into effect in 1868, the marriages for 1867 and 1868 could not be ascertained even approximately. The marriages reported for 1869 include, in the cases of three counties (Brown, Milwaukee, and Vernou), marriages of previous years which were not reported until 1869. 440 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE I.—MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Conc'd. YOMING. Population. Mar- Counties. riages and 1867. |1868. | 1869.1870. 1871. | 1872. divorces. 1870. 1880. 1 Albany 2, 021 4, 626 · Mar Div... 2 Carbon 1, 368 3 Crook (a)……. 4 Fremont (b)…. 5 Johnson (a). 637 3,438 Div. Mar 239 {Div.... Mar {Dir Div.... Mar Div... Mar 14 17 16 43 4 1 7 1 3 12 LO 5 6 Laramie (c) 2,957 6, 409 { Mar Div.. 43 40 46 21 56 • 3 2 4 8 10 7 Sweetwater….. Mar 1,916 2, 561 + Div. 2 1 8 Uinta.... 856 2, 879 { Mar Div.. .. 1 8 1 Total 9, 118 20, 789 { Mar. Div.. • - 3 2 13 10 19 a Organized since 1880. b Organized in 1884. CHAPTER VIII.- GENERAL TABLES. 441 TABLE I.-MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY COUNTIES-Conc'd. WYOMING. 1873.1874.1875. | 1876. 1877. 1878.1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 38 33 42 53 441 41 36 41' 61 65 80 53 3 4 7 2 5 7 12 91 15 8 8 283 62 51 793 1 15 4 111. 8 14 13 7 1 2 1 2240 16 19 5 22 22 30 35 30 44 42 46 361 2 4 2 5 6 5 4 7 51 8 00 - 8 16 3 1 1 10 21 121 43 4 1 1 2 I 6 9 18 31 29 27 120 5 1 3 ་ 4 12 47 48 65 76 85 79 333 60 81 81 91 108 116 108 1, 314 6 6 7 6 7 10 13 9 cr 5 5 7 9 10 23 15 159 24 24 16 21 7 2. 1 2 1 1 2 5 3 1 25 14 27 35 30 25 26 31 25 42 43 28 36 38 38 446 8 4 2 3 2 1 3 1 3 2 1 4 13 40 12 14 16 18 18 25 22 21 18 31 27 32 54 46 401, c Organized in 1868. 442 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR, TABLE II-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES. Population. States and terri- tories. 1867. 1868. | 1869, | 1870. | 1871. 1872. 1873. | 1874. 1870. 1880. 1 Alabama. 2 Arizona 996, 992 1, 262, 505 9,658 78 91 90 114 106 117 143 163 40, 440 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 Arkansas. 484, 471 802, 525 121 83 113 113 132 129 143 144 4 California. 5 Colorado. 560, 247 864, 694 200 206 297 298 287 368 489 535 39, 864 194, 327 4 9 9 30 28 42 59 63 6 Connecticut 537, 454 622, 700 500 493 497 412 412 449 461 531 7 Dakota . a14, 181 a135, 177 1 2 9 2 9 10 8 Delaware 125, 015 146, 608 25 1 21 1 21 25 8 9 Dist. of Columbia. 131, 700 177, 624 28 23 24 39 47 67 64 73 10 Florida 187, 748 269, 493 32 28 52 57 29 51 58 61 11 Georgia... 1, 184, 109 1,542, 180 127 82 112 118 148 143 175 182 12 Idaho. 14, 999 32, 610 12 7 12 9 14 7 8 3 13 Illinois 2, 539, 891| 3,077, 8711, 071 1, 125 1, 179 179 1,178 1,250 1,745 1,787 1, 1,678 14 Indiana 1,680, 637 1, 978, 3011, 096 1, 126 1, 126| 1, 210 | 1,170 | 1, 1, 139 1, 157 864 1,002 15 Iowa 1, 194, 020 1, 624, 615 504 553 584 570 627 617 709 662 16 Kansas • a364, 399 a996, 096 76 113 122 158 256 280 236 296 17 Kentucky 1, 321, 011 1, 648, 690 292 320 332 368 414 404 460 436 18 Louisiana a726, 915 939, 946 33 34 41 30 35 32 49 70 19 Maine 626, 915 648, 936 408 416 365 357 402 387 365 466 20 Maryland.. 780, 891 934, 943 83 83 86 84 89 109 87 81 21 Massachusetts. 1, 457, 351| 1, 783, 085 318 369 359 404 331 337 442 611 22 Michigan 1, 184, 059 1,636, 937 449 509 493 554 630 620 705 794 23 Minnesota • a439, 706 a780, 773 52 73 84 83 111 108 137 131 24 Mississippi 25 Missouri. 26 Montana 827, 922 1, 131, 597 49 59 75 85 105 170 169 176 1,721, 295 2, 168, 380 362 387 426 491 615 584 621 664 20, 595 39, 159 17 11 14 14 19 18 20 17 27 Nebraska a122, 993 a452, 402 10 23 39 30 49 37 80 87 28 | Nevada.. a42, 491 a62, 266 37 62 40 28 40 39 72 72 29 New Hampshire 318, 300 346, 991 136 143 186 163 153 200 209 281 30 New Jersey 906, 096 1, 131, 116 60 79 79 89 83 84 92 108 31 New Mexico... a91, 874 119, 565 1 3 1 1 1 4 4 32 New York.. 4,382, 759 5, 082, 871| 771 761 824 731 668 592 630 716 33 North Carolina 1,071, 361| 1, 399, 750 21 24 22 41 22 37 46 53 34 Ohio.. 2,665, 260 3, 198, 062 901 848 1, 013 992 975 1,065 1,126 | 1,090 35 Oregon 90,923 174, 768 81 66 77 64 81 79 64 99 36 Pennsylvania. 3, 521, 951 4, 282, 891 575 606 689 623 665 615 707 710 37 Rhode Island • 217, 353 276, 531 195 209 167 202 165 222 193 240 38 South Carolina 705, 606 995, 577 5 1 7 16 17 39 Tenuessee 1, 258, 520|| 1, 542, 329 287 226 299 281 319 363 431 361 40 Texas a818, 579 a1, 591, 749 91 104 108 163 233 236 286 299 41 Utah a86, 786 a143, 963 88 58 75 82 84 100 134 149 42 Vermont. 330, 551 332, 86 157 161 137 164 211 152 170 182 43 Virginia 1, 225, 163 1, 512, 565 90 77 67 62 86 65 88 91 44 Washington 23, 955 75, 116 20 29 12 15 20 29 29 35 45 West Virginia. 442, 014 618, 457 72 60 79 80 85 89 89 103 46 Wisconsin 1,054, 670 1,315, 497 406 409 417 396 378 414 390 416 47 Wyoming 9, 118 20, 789 3 2 13 10 19 12 14 The United States. 38, 558, 371 50, 155, 7839, 937 10, 150 10, 939 |10, 962 11, 586 12, 390 13, 156 13, 989 a These figures are the true population for the years indicated, but the figures given in Table I are somewhat less for reasons there stated. CHAPTER VIII. 443 GENERAL TABLES. 2 TABLE II.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. | 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 146 1 183 9 ༤ 194 268 327 300 413 395 486 413 515 662 1 5, 204 1 8 5 28 23 17 22 34 27 22 30 237 2 187 243 256 334 383 464 510 422 497 539 582 616 6, 041 3 573 588 630 594 664 683 829 858 986 1,049 971 1,010 12, 118 4 83 91 102 138 153 250 362 440 510 ! 476 i 387 451 3,687 5 498 380 412 412 325 346 428 401 423 344 398 420 8, 542 12 16 15 17 30 72 77 123 153 172 188 179 1, 087 7 4 6 16 6 36 5 20 6 27 11 41 9 289 8 56 58 74 49 40 66 65 55 66 81 55 75 1, 105 9 85 85 89 104 130 149 153 174 200 158 201 232 2, 128 1 10 196 197 211 123 223 253 215 284 258 292 295 325 3,959 11 10 9 9 8 16 23 14 36 30 36 52 53 368 12 1,647 1, 659 | 1,647 1,748 1,812 2, 139 2, 326 | 2,375 ! 2,455 } 2,342 1, 052 2,273 ; 2, 606 36, 072 13 1,014 1, 151 1, 183 1,271 1, 423 1, 495 1,540 1,607 1, 534 1, 504 1,655 25, 193 14 675 846 2 854 842 854 1, 001 1,063 1, 150 1, 043 1, 164 1, 119 1,127 16, 504 15 220 261 261 357 387 442 444 558 643 574 690 817 7, 191 16 432 510 550 531 537 567 660 615 640 668 755 757 10, 248 · 17 90 78 68 70 87 109 112 94 157 143 168 197 1,697 18 447 436 495 410 510 600 496 529 373 244 332 374 8,412 19 97 91 83 82 99 128 103 138 157 173 167 165 2, 185 20 547 511 520 572 550 595 387 532 631 619 623 565 9, $53 21 · 864 800 927 993 1, 110 1, 119 1, 313 1, 335 1,383 1, 1, 239 1,227 1, 339 18, 433 | 22 135 148 110 151 176 228 223 277: 301 328 358 379 3, 623 23 171 172 172 189 295 429 421 393 449 475 482 504 5,040 24 668 683 728 737 727 930 951 1, 029 1, 107' 1, 158: 1, 193 1, 217 15, 278 · 25 9 15 15 38 27 38 55 86 70 97 112 130 822 26 81 106 115 130 181 198 191 271 315 314 338 436 3, 034 27 65 72 80 84 78 64 61 44 51 57 $ 38 44 1, 128 28 231 252 237 235 265 352 303 318 308 312 314 381 4,979 29 127 117 104 120 146 135 147 190 176 234 186 286 2,642 30 3 5 5 3 8 8 12 39 44 34 39 40 255. 31 657 629 569 657 704 834 853 983 881 953 936 f 1,006 15, 355 32 65 65 46 74 77 84 83 104 88 106 1, 177 1,153 1,160 1, 345 1,441 1, 553 1, 594 1, 701 1,758 1,746 117 1,840 163 1, 338 33 96 1, 889 26, 367 31 110 126 138 152 174 169 170 216 188 210 249 655 638 2,609, 35 677 769 725 951 995; 1, 133 1,046, 1, 067 : 1,018 1, 156 184 16, 020 36 191 197 213 226 274 287 280 265 270 225 257 4,462 87 35 17 26 39 163 38 387 469 506 515 551 680 586 566 626 628 797 801 9, 625 39 370 356 455 497 641 786 959 1,024 1,185 1,171 1,182 295 1, 326 11, 472 40 709 914 298 122 115 145 141 162 146 142 119 190 157 178 4,078 41 192 132 138 158 167 174. 198 91 129 106 112 3, 238 42 113 153 132 164 179 196 219 212 185 238 21 26 28 2,635 43 37 40 65 67 73 99 109 114 128 996 44 91 98 110 118 142 120 204 176 193 194 235 217 455 2,555 45 471 396 486 468 535 599 638 679 637: 698 700 16 18 18 9, 988 46 25 22: 21 18 31 27 32 51 46 401 47 14, 212 14, 800 15, 687 16, 089 17, 083 19, 663 20, 762 22, 112 23, 198 22, 994 23, 472 25, 535 14,800 16,089 17,083 19,663 328, 716 } 444. REPORT OF THE THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES. ALABAMA. Causes, and to which party granted. 869. 1867. 1868. 1869. | 1870. 1871. 1872. To husband. 1 Abandonment To wife. Total 2243 45 ** 18 13 26 26 ឥទ្ធិ 21 30 44 39 51 To husband. 1 2 Abandonment and adultery... To wife.... 2 Total 3 347 To husband. To wife.. Total.. 527 22 4 2 12 888 NE *82 26 30 56 2233 34 56 9 2 11 627 5 1 1 3 Abandonment, adultery, and cruelty Abandonment, adultery, cruelty, and habit- To husband 4 ual drunkenness. To wife... Total... Abandonment, adultery, and habitual drunk- S To husband. 5 enness. 6 Abandonment and cruelty.. 7 Abandonment, cruelty, and habitual drunk-S enness. To wife. Total To husband. To wife Total.. To husband. To wife... Total සය 3 3 LO LO 5 3 4 5 3 4 3 33 4 3 4 To husband. 8 Abandonment and habitual drunkenness... To wife.... 1 1 1 Total 1 1 1 To husband. 9 Abandonment and impotency 10 Adultery To wife Total To husband. 12 15 22 To wife... 4 3 Total 16 18 27 252 25 19 8 8 33 27 ~~~ 25 2 27 To husband 11 Adultery and cruelty. To wife.... 3 1 1 3 Total 1 3 1 1 3 3 22 To husband. 12 Adultery, cruelty, and habitual drunkenness To wife 1 Total 1 13 Adultery, cruelty, and imprisonment in peni-To wife. tentiary. 14 Adultery and habitual drunkenness To husband. 15 Adultery and imprisonment in penitentiary To wife Total To husband. Total 16 Adultery and pregnancy before marriage..To wife To husband. To wife. Total To husband. Total To husband 1 1 To wife Total. 1 1 1 1 17 Cruelty.. ຫາ ຜູກ 5 8 5 8 15 G 6 7 235 257 * 4 11 15 18 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness S To husband. To wife... 3 1 Total 3 1 22 123 3 To husband. 1 19 Cruelty and imprisonment in penitentiary.. To wife. Total 20 Habitual drunkenness... To husband. To wife. Total. · • 1 1 1 2 $ 1. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 445 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES. ALABAMA, 1880. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879.1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 232 42 48 30 38 72 86 088 427 45 54 58 82 116 116 140 133 155 151 169 234 1, 665 32 51 58 74 93 66 98 95 107 104 134 178 1,327 1 77 105 116 156 209 182 238 228 262 255 303 412 2,992 9 6 4 7 8 15 25 10 20 19 1 2 3 4 2 7 5 5 6 2 10 8 7 11 10 22 30 15 26 21 བསྶ 21 15 22 9 24 28 24x 30 238 6 8 83 2 38 321 22 3 3 7 t- 7 10 10 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 5 5 44 4 257 1 5 6 1 1 22 92 1 1 12 3 1 1 12 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 6 LD LO 5 8 16 5 8 17 67 6 7 18 00 00 8 108 6 114 1 1 1 1 1 201 LO LO 5 7 5 1 1 2 2 co co 3 1 3 1 22 133 1 14 8 2 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 213 2 19 3? 39 32 33 39 41 10 | 11 5 5 7 42 50 37 38 46 53 I 123 12 858 52 63 10 15 62 78 8983 83 82 98 66 101 94 973 16 18 23 14 17 35 99 100 121 80 118 129 228 1,201 10 1 1 112 2 NN 212 4010 145 2 2 1 4 2 1 5 5 4 11010 4 4 49 11 51 1 1 1 0121 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 22 2 >12 2 213 1 7- 1 7 14 1 1 14 1 1 1 1 15 ch 1 1 29 16 - 1 1 2 ! 2600 1 3 1 2 4 1 1 6 12 12 9 13 7 9 25 19 31 25 27 45 دن ان 27 283 17 6 13 12 9 16 t- 7 10 27 19 35 26 28 48 310 22 ลงค 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 3 6101 2 5 2 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 4 156 213 2 40 $18 4 42 1 4 19 6 5 26 20 5 32 1 5 2 446 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. ALABAMA-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 21 Imbecility.... To husband. To wife. 22 Impotency. 23 Imprisonment in penitentiary 24 Pregnancy before marriage.... Total. To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife... Total STo husband. To wife Total 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1870. FS 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 To husband. 25 Unknown. To wife Total 2133 To husband. 36 All causes.. To wife... Total 8888888 39 43 56 56 59 42 52 47 58 50 58 78 91 90 114 106 117 1 Abandonment ARIZONA. To husband. To wife... 1 Total. 1 To husband. 2 Abandonment and adultery 3 Abandonment, adultery, and cruelty.. 4 Abandonment and cruelty.. 5 Abandonment and habitual intemperance. G Abandonment and neglect to provide.. 7 | Adultery 8 Conviction of felony 9 Cruelty.. 10 Cruelty and habitual intemperance.. 11 Cruelty and neglect to provide . 12 Habitual intemperance.. 13 Habitual intemperance and neglect to pro- vide. S S To wife.... Total. To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife. Total. To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total · To husband. To wife..... Total.. To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife Total - (To husband. To wife..... Total To husband. To wife... Total. To husband To wife. Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 447 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. ALABAMA—Concluded. 382. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1880. 1 1 Total. 1 $21 1 2 1 4 1 1 22 1 2 1 5 1 3 1 1 3 1 3 ww! 3 ∞ 8 23 8 1 1 4 1 3 3 3 4 5 2 2 4 4 42 >24 1 1 4 1 3 3 :00 co 3 4 5 2 ลง 2 4 +4 42 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 813 2 1 1 1 13 1 3 1 8 25 3 1 1 4 2 21 86 57 143 *88 94 85 99 107 147 201 195 253 241 284 237 306 368 2,992 69 61 84 87 121 126 105 160 154 202 176 209 294 2,212 163 146 183 194 268 327 300 413 395 486 413 515 662 5, 204 123 213 1 1 2 1 -- 1 1 1 • 1 1 - - 1 1 1 3 · 00 00 3 ARIZONA. CO LO CO 279 213 1 * 3 41 8 5 8 5 81 6 1 6 7 8 12 14 6 14 11 998 40 48 1 88 1 1 112 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 4 J 21 M 4 3 1 3 4 3 2 1 1 1 2 4 10 5 1 1 2 4 10 5 1 1 1 1 22 6 187 112 2 03 03 + 50010 2 8 213 tata 1 3 1 ao ap 22 3 4 3 1 5 1 6 21 8 7 29 co co 3 3 co co 3 8 6 3 43 9 4 49 110 15 1 1 11 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 9 12 3 2 1 12 हूँ 1 13 1 དྲྭ ' 448 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. ARIZONA-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 14 Neglect to provide.... 15 Unknown All causes To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife.. Total STo husband. To wife.. Total | 1867.1868.1869. 1870. 1871. | 1872. 1 1 • 1 1 22 1 1 2 ARKANSAS. To husband. 15 11 10 10 To wife. 3 2 6 Total 18 13 16 15 254 18 15 1 19 18 1300 1 Adultery 2 Adultery and bigamy. 3 Adultery and conviction of felony... 4 Adultery and cruelty. To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband To wife.... Total. 5 | Adultery, cruelty, and desertion S To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. 3 6 Adultery and desertion... To wife... Total 3 112 3 1 2 3 516 224 22 Adultery, desertion, and habitual drunken. To husband. 7 ness. 8 Adultery and habitual drunkenness.. 9 { To wife... Total. To husband. To wife. Total · To husband. Adultery, habitual drunkenness, and neg-To wife lect to provide. 10 Adultery and neglect to provide.... 11 Bigamy. 12 Bigamy and conviction of felony.. 13 Bigamy and cruelty.. 14 Bigamy, cruelty, and desertion 15 Bigamy and desertion 16 Conviction of felony. S Total To husband. To wife.. Total. To husband. To wif... Total 1 1 To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife... (Total. • To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. • 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 To wife.... Total.... 1 1 1 2 1 2 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 449 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. ARIZONA-Concluded. 1873. | 1874. | 1875. | 1876. | 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. | 1882. | 1883. | 1884. | 1885.|1886.| Total. 1878. 1879. 123 .22 1 1 1 2 1 6 1 2 1 6 44 1 4 1 4 19 14 19 6 1 7 10 16 22 · 00 00 3 1 1615 3 1 1 23 LOLO 629 459 10 6 3 5 18 17 14 8 5 28 23 17 22 *** 8 14 22 22* 12 9 10 9 79 18 34 27 22 22 12 21 158 30 237 ARKANSAS. 12 15 235 12 17 247 14 5 19 154 25 22 33 33 54 47 33 43 52 49 49 557 6 9 9 5 10 18 12 11 13 10 11 147 1 31 31 42 38 64 65 45 54 65 59 60 704 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 4 .00 4 112 2 8 325 6 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 527 1 1 123 1 1 T 2 1 3 1 2 6 4 1 8 1 1 сл 5 1 1 S 8 11 12 2 4 10 15 14 22- 9 10 2 4 11 14 62 ∞ 15 11 124 2 4 6 36 6 8 19 17 160 1 1 1 co co 3 3 213 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 5 1 1 1 22 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 235 8 9 10 wo w 3 1 24 11 3 1 32 1 S Te 12 1 1 213 13 1 1 14 1 1 1 112 1 1 224 $15 4 1 4 1 156 } 1 3 4 3 6 11 5 9 5 6 71 16 4 3 6 11 6 9 6 6 74 S 20267 M D -29 450 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ཀ་ TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1833, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. ARKANSAS-Continued. Causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868.1869.1570. | 1871. | 1872. 17 Conviction of felony and desertion...... S To husband. To wife... Total.. To husband. 3 3 2 5 6 3 18 Cruelty 19 Cruelty and desertion.. To wife.... 9 7 11 8 11 12 Total 12 10 13 13 17 15 ... 1 22 1 1 INN 2 2 22 1 S To husband. To wife.... Total. 20 Cruelty, desertion, and habitual drunken- To husband. 21 ness. To wife..... Total 1 1 To husband. Cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide.. To wife.. 22 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness Total To husband. To wife. Total. 23 Cruelty, habitual drunkenness, and neglect To husband. to provide. 24 Cruelty and impotency 25 Cruelty and incompatibility of temper…. 26 Cruelty and insanity.. 27 Cruelty and neglect to provide To wife. Total. To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife.... Total. To husband To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. 22 1 1 4 4 28 Cruelty and refusal to cohabit……. To wife.. Total S To husband. 38 21 31 37 38 37 29 Desertion To wife.... Total. 32 19 70 40 55 25 25 35 38 56 62 73 75 To husband. 30 Desertion and habitual drunkenness To wife 1 1 1 1 Total. 1 1 1 1 To husband. 31 Desertion and neglect to provide To wife.... Total. To husband. 32 Habitual drunkenness To wifo.... 1 3 1 1 3 Total 1 1 3 1 1 3 To husband. 33 IIabitual drunkenness and impotency 31 Habitual drunkenness and neglect to pro- vide. To wife... Total · To husband. To wife. Total.. To husband • 1 35 Impotency. To wife.... Total. 1 To husband. 36 Incompatibility of temper To wife. Total CHAPTER VIII.- 451 -GENERAL TABLES. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. ARKANSAS—Continued. 1873.1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1582. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1856. 1886. Total. = 1 1 1 1 ลง 2 17 2 4 3 5 3 3 6 10 20 7 23 10 23 39 34 24 10 28 13 26 45 44 2353 12 24 14 23 21 18 43 45 67 9833 49 62 59 67 63 85 80 85 105 12885 196 77 604 18 800 2 4 1 1 1 3 5 2 2 2 2 26 1 3 3 5 5 6 4 3 3 5 1 9 4 8 67 19 1 3 5 9 6 6 5 4 6 10 3 11 6 10 93 20 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 112 22 2 2 if H 4 1 3 4 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 221 1 1 2 1 ♡ ♡ 3 3 LO LO 22 5 36 22 5 37 23 1 1 1 1 1 24 1 2 ་ 1 1 1 1 1 ; } 25 1 1 (25 }26 ~~ 2 2 22 1 1 1 3 28 1 1 1 3 47 87 40 45 5 43 47 69 82 93 118 134 156 133 43 57 91 80 112 139 126 86 101 160 162 205 257 158 159 292 315 259 290 328 116 157 177 174 204 171 192 187 369 1,771 1,910 29 391 3, 681 1 1 2 6161 2 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 4 1 33 1 1 ♡ co 3 1 23 30 3 1 24 2 123 0350 4 4 1 1 1 1 2294 112 1 1 1 1 3 7 1 4 8 1 1∞ 1 7 8 00 00 8 8 3 3 I as co คร లులు 3 16 31 3 16 3 100 CQ 8 8 LOLO 6 9 10 91 6 9 13 273 12 32 93 1 33 1 1 1 1 22 734 2 S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 123 1 7 435 1 11 1 2 1 2 1 1 8 36 1 • 1 8 452 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR, TABLE III-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. ARKANSAS-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 37 Insanity 38 Neglect to provide.... 39 Refusal to cohabit 40 Unknown To husband. To wife.... Total (To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. (To wife 186 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 702 228 75 240 84 112 1 1 12 10 6 5 To wife.. 5 5 5 Total 12 12 16 15 6 10 To husband. 66 43 59 65 All causes To wife..... Total 55 40 54 48 121 83 113 113 132 129 155 62 67 CALIFORNIA. 1 Adultery. 2 Adultery and cruelty.. ca co 3 Adultery, cruelty, and desertion To husband. 17 To wife..... 10 Total 27 33 22383 20 13 2223 20 24 23 20 18 26 40 42 49 333 3233 30 33 63 To husband. To wife.... "Total · To husband. To wife..... Total 3 3 123 3 3 G 3 3 6 6 156 ww 1 1 1 1 4 Adultery, cruelty, dosertion, and neglect to provide. S To husband To wife... 1 Total 1 6 5 Adultery, cruelty, and habitual intemper-To wife.. ance. Adultery, cruelty, babitual intemperance. To wife and neglect to provide. To husband. 1 1 1 Total 1 1 1 - To husband wife... · 1 Total 1 7 Adultery, cruelty, and neglect to provide... To wife. STo husband. 1 1 1 1 Total 1 1 1 1 To husband. 4 8 Adultery and desertion... To wife... Total 1 5 53 6 4 32 5 828 2 5 325 5 LA 5 To husband. 224 S 9 Adultery, desertion, and habitual intemper. To wife. anco. Total To husband 10 Adultery, desertion, and neglect to provide. To wife. 11 Adultery and habitual intemperance Total To husband 1 2 To wife.... Total 1 1 1 1 2 1 12 Adultery, habitual intemperance, and neg lect to provide. S To husband. To wife.. Total - 13 Adultery and neglect to provide.. To husband To wife... Total To husband 1 1 22 14 Conviction of felony To wifo Total. 1 3 • 1 3 22 22 155 1 1 5 5 CHAPTER VIII. 453 GENERAL TABLES. 1 1 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. ARKANSAS-Concluded. 882. 1883. 1884 886.! 1873. | 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1875. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 123 213 112 22 1 1 22 1 1 527 10 5 5 525 17 10 37 27 1 1 1 1 012 2 6 38 6 1 1 >39 1 1 2 6 7 6 4 7 8 8 6 8 8 3 8 133 2 1 4 3 2 7 7 11 3 4 7 5 6 94 40 4 7 11 8 8 11 14 19 11 10 15 13 16 227 61 74 82 115 124 147 178 226 254 203 209 254 267 314 2,878 82 70 105 128 132 143 144 187 243 187 205 238 256 256 334 383 464 219 510 422 497 288 285 315 332 3, 163 539 582 646 6, 011 CALIFORNIA. 325 33 27 37 32 21 27 65 48 64 53535 26 29 888888 30 54 30 24 នគ 30 21 60 58 51 265 24 42 27 51 222 25 30 36 72 61 595 55 48 42 97 0203 37 44 30 34 27 626 536 1 84 71 71 1, 162 1 1 4 2 1 සහ 6 4 6 3 6 6 6 4 6 4 7 10 6 පහ පප 6 3 4 6 1 4 8 3 4 1 4 == 11 83 ลง 94 1 1 1 1 1 158 3 1 4 1 2 3 1 1 1 9 5 3 1 1 1 11 2 1 ลง 1 5 5 10 เวคเ 1 1 terta 1 to 0101 1 1 NN. 3 2 3 G G 5 3 8 6 5 ལ619 t- 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 1 7 4 7 7 11 12 ama 2 2 4 2 4 2 0113 213 1 729 133 ពព 3 0 3 16 7 16 tar 6 99 3 44 8 9 143 1 9 1 4 R10 4 1 2 25 9 11 1 2 34 1 1 3 12 1 1 3 1 3 1 4 4 3 គ 1 3 1 4 4 3 6 3 G 3 rep 37 13 37 41 6 1 4 6 4 77 7 2000 81 9 30 40 ུཛྱ= 10 2 12 10 9 9 11 134 14 10 91 9 13 148 454 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER OF TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. CALIFORNIA-Continued. Causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868. | 1869. | 1870. 1871. | 1872. 15 Conviction of felony and desertion... 16 Conviction of felony, desertion, and neglect to provide. 17 To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. Conviction of felony and neglect to provide. To wife... 18 Cruelty. 19 Cruelty and desertion 20 • 1 1 Total S To husband. 2 2 2 2 1 To wife..... 37 Total 39 223 23 25 60 888 58 57 57 75 59 58 78 * 10000 3 To husband. 1 To wife.... Total HAQ 1 1 6 2 1 6 178 03 63 LO 2 3 5 344 4 To husband. Total 1 1 1 1 Cruelty, desertion, and habitual intemper-To wife.. ance. 21 Cruelty, desertion, habitual intemperance, S To husband. and neglect to provide. To wife... Total. To husband. 22 Cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide... To wife Total. 22 3 3 44 2 2 co co 3 3 23 Cruelty and habitual intemperance. To husband. To wife. Total.... 9 8 8 :00 00 24 Cruelty, habitual intemperance, and neglect To wife.. to provide. To husband. 1 • Total 1 22 25 Cruelty and neglect to provide 26 Cruelty and refusal to cohabit. To husband. To wife..... Total. To husband. To wife LO LO 5 10 5 10 0100 8 10 18 18 15 2319 17 17 4 1 4 1 oc oc 8 8 77 •22 22 2 14 9 14 9 Total To husband 27 Desertion To wife.... Total 333333 13 16 33 27 18 31 39 40 44 48 37 52 56 77 75 55 28 49 80 To husband 1 29 28 Desertion and habitual intemperance.. Desertion, habitual intemperance, and neg. lect to provide. 30 Desertion and neglect to provide... To wife..... 2 1 1 4 3 Total.. 2 1 1 4 4 To husband. To wife Total. 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 To husband. To wife.... 19 17 31 Total 19 17 31 888888 28 19 26 28 19 26 To husband. 31 Desertion and refusal to cohabit. To wife. Total 32 Habitual intemperance 33 Habitual intemperance and neglect to pro- To wife.... vide. 34 Neglect to provide..... To husband. To wife..... Total To husband. pro-To husba Total To husband. To wife.. Total 257 2 4 5 1 5 6 8 5 10 18 8 12 10 11 23 ww 3 8 4 4 3 8 4 4 LO LO 5 5 44 00 00 8 10 18 8 10 18 ∞o ac 10 19 19 10 19 19 ނ ނ T CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 455 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. CALIFORNIA-Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879, 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 1 1 1 1 2 $15 2 116 1 1 1 1 2 R17 2 77 86 0898 9788 10 7 10 16 17 17 13 23 21 17 32 26 39 269 86 102 123 133 110 123 132 127 119 159 190 195 183 2, 166 18 96 109 133 149 127 140 145 150 140 176 222 221 222 2, 435 1 2 1 6 8 9 8 7 8 11 9 638 9 344 4 7 189 2 4 8 6 10 10 188 : 8 9 6 257 248 181 4 34 6 9 10 11619 150 ~~ 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 7 20 7 1 1 121 1 4 4 LO LO 5 4 5 4 ~~ 2 1 2 1 co co 3 3 3 CO CO 2 1 4 6 49 $22 3 2 1 4 6 49 3 5 2 4 3 1 3 4 6 4 21 18 24 17 31 32 29 30 26 27 36 24 23 26 21 34 33 32 31 32 31 ♡0088 3 5 5 6 58 34 29 25 452 23 39 39 31 31 510 22 4 4 55 110 10 5 4 5 4 LO LO 5 5 co co 3 7 6 3 7 6 • ແ ແ 5 5 : 00 00 8 10 8 200 3 10 3 23: 79 24 79 9 9 - - 9 13 15 21 26 21 9 13 15 21 26 21 22283 29 38 28 29 29 38 28 29 888 21 21 គគ 23 31 366 25 23 31 360 1 1 1 1 1 1 226 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 ස 62 86 73 80 76 76 85 84 103 102 70 9.5 73 101 113 146 189 175 150 171 149 186 189 76 121 126 129 205 139 168 158 326 265 297 304 146 135 132 1,541 162 149 1,979 27 297 281 3,520 1 1 44 3 วง ลงว 2 1 2 3 1 4 2 1 2 3 143- 1 5 4 11 1 48 $28 4 12 53 2 1 2 1 คล 2 1 1 2 1 1 ap 2 2 ลล te to 0 00 3 21 29 3 પ 21 37 36 45 36 39 39 60 45 37 36 45 36 39 39 60 45 :EF 77 76 67 77 76 67 555555 56 GO 813 $30 56 60 813 1 1 1 2 112 1 1 112 1 1 7 431 1 2 11 6 6 6 11 12 4 4 12 11 11 17 14 8 9 12 6 17 17 23 25 20 13 16 18 2433 19 14 =* 17 23 33 40 285 20 12 30 25 50 37 25 225 17 165 20 37 252 32 417 10 12 10 12 22 * 13 18 13 18 223 : 22 22 22 20 20 22 22 33 28 19 23 26 22 33 28 19 23 26 296 33 296 41 46 51 41 46 51 22 72 59 58 72 72 59 58 72 22 75 130 114 75 130 114 128 128 141 150 161 141 150 161 1,382 34 1,382 456 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. " TABLE III.--DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. CALIFORNIA-Concluded. " Causes, and to which party granted. 1867. |1868.1869. | 1870. 1871. | 1872. o. To husband. 1 1 35 Pregnancy before marriage.. To wife... Total 1 36 Refusal to cohabit…. To husband. To wife... Total 1 1 To husband. 37 Unknown. To wife.... Total 12 392 255 1 5 6 6 4 5 7 7 9 11 279 To husband. 43 49 70 69 57 82 All causes To wife.. Total 157 157 227 229 230 286 200 206 297 298 287 368 COLORADO. To husband. 1 3 To wife... Total. 1 314 4 3 4 4 3 To husband 1 | Adultery 2 Adultery and bigamy.. To wife. Total. To husband. Adultery, conviction of felony, and neglect To wife. 3 to provide. 4 Adultery and cruelty... 5 Adultery, cruelty, and desertion 6 Adultery, cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide. Total. To husband To wife... Total. S To husband S To wife... Total. To husband To wife.... Total. To husband. 7 Adultery, cruelty, and habitual drunkenness To wife. Total. S To husband 8 Adultery, cruelty, and neglect to provide... To wife.... 1 1 Total To husband To wife.. Total 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 9 Adultery and desertion.. 10 | Adultery, desertion, and habitual drunken- 11 ness. To husband. To wife... Total To husband. Adultery, desertion, habitual drunkenness, To wife.... and neglect to provide. S Total To husband. 12 Adultery, desertion, and neglect to provide. To wife. 13 Adultery and habitual drunkenness . 14 Adultery, habitual drunkenness, and neglect to provide. 15 Adultery and neglect to provide.. Total · To husband. To wife. Total... To husband To wife... Total · · To husband. To wife... Total · 1 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.- 457 GENERAL TABLES. Total. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. CALIFORNIA—Concluded, 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1850. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1881. 1885. 1886. 1 2 35 1 2 2 2 1 03 4 4 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 4 5 437 1 1 527 27 7 36 34 7 5 12 12 752 347 3 6 4 4 LO 5 5 6 7 4 9 12 15 13 9 13 11 13 15 16 19 18 14 19 18 25 235 12 11 5 9 110 16 11 18 190 37 27 16 27 300 126 148 137 153 153 152 150 149 215 218 251 279 231 267 2,999 363 387 436 435 477 442 514 534 614 640 735 770 743 743 9, 119 489 535 573 588 630 594 664 683 829 858 986 1,049 974 1,010 ! 12, i18 COLORADO. 6 3 8 6 5 12 13 13 27 40 34 27 12 19 236 1 2 1 5 4 6 12 25 24 40 35 32 16 204 1 7 5 8 7 10 16 19 25 52 64 74 41 35 440 а 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 123 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 123 1 1 1 1 1 1 224 267 5 8 8 ・ 00 00 325 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 426 224 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 10 3 11 3 1 1 22 1 3 1 11 39 4 50 =883 235 1 6 5 6 1 6 1 10 7 10 1 1 3 1 1 7 8 1 1 3 1 1 7 9 8 1 6 9 10 14 729 4 H 00 8 7 12 10 පිය. 3 236 66 31 9 97 1 1 54 A 639 1 1 1 213 1 ·10 11 تہ 1 3 2 1 లులు 1 1 8 12 3 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 13 1 1 2 1 1 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 ♡♡ 14 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 1 05.00 3 1 16 15 3 1 16 458 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. COLORADO- Continued. Causes, and to which party granted. 1869. 1870. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. S To husband. 1 1 16 Bigamy. 17 Bigamy and conviction of felony. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife. Total. To husband. 18 Bigamy, conviction of felony, and desertion. To wife..... 19 Bigamy and cruelty 20 Bigamy, cruelty, and desertion.. 21 Bigamy, cruelty, and neglect to provide 22 Bigamy and desertion 23 Bigamy and habitual drunkenness. 24 Conviction of felony. 25 Conviction of felony and cruelty 26 Conviction of felony and desertion... Total.. STo husband. S To wife. Total.. To busband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife. Total · S To husband. S S To wife. Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband To wife.. Total. To husband. To wife.. Total S.To husband. To wife... Total To husband. 27 Conviction of felony and neglect to provide. To wife... 28 Cruelty... 29 Cruelty and desertion Total STo husband. S 30 Cruelty, desertion, and habitual drunken- S ness. To wife... Total - To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife.... Total. Totall 31 Cruelty, desertion, habitual drunkenness, To husband. and neglect to provide. 32 Cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide 33 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness. To wife. Total To husband. To wife. Total.. • S To husband. To wife... Total. To wife... 34 Cruelty, habitual drunkenness, and neglect To husband. to provide. 35 Cruelty and impotency. S Total To husband. To wife. Total. • 1 1 6 6 ස 2N 112 1 1 1 · • 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 459 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. COLORADO—Continued. 1873. 1874.1875. 1876.1877. 1878.1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 1 C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 عرعر 1 ลงลง 2 1 2 1 44 1 1 2 1 3 213 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 82100 6 16 17 1 '18 1 1 19 1 1 1 20 1 1 1 21 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 8 00 00 1 22 1 1 23 The 16 24 16 325 3 1 1 26 1 1 1 1 27 ་་ 2 ∞0 00 8 10 6 10 12 8 10 6 12 14 22- 19 322 3 7 8 11 13 9 8 15 82 28 39 39 55 42 34 42 28 381 28 31 46 47 66 55 43 50 43 463 1 10 1 10 1 6 47 1 1 2 9 4 7 5 3 7 9 4 7 10 4 5 7 11 4 8 9 6 16 14 11 10 457 38 9 8320 121 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 LA LO 3 128 5 4 5 4 3 on as 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1730 21 front pred 1 4 3 5 6 3 4 1 4 3 5 3 5 5 LO LO 123 00 00 8 16 6 10 8 16 6 12 ~22 3 లులు 3 11 11 7 7 • 00 -3 d 1 7 8 8 go an 1 4 246 3 31 3 ww 31 32 31 ♡ LO 00 3 10 5 92 200 82 33 t 9 లులు 3 43 3 43 ****** 34 1 2 35 1 460 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. COLORADO-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 36 Cruelty and neglect to provide 37 Desertion.... 38 Desertion and habitual drunkenness 1867.1868.1869.1870. | 1871. 1872. To husband. To wife... Total. 1 · 1 1 2 1 2 To husband. 8 5 8 To wife... 3 4 4 10 6 11 Total 3 4 4 18 11 19 To husband To wife 1 1 1 Total 1 1 1 To husband Total 1 1 1 1 - • 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 Desertion, habitual drunkenness, and nog-To wife... 39 lect to provide. 40 Desertion and impotency 41 Desertion and neglect to provide 42 Habitual drunkennes9. To husband. To wife... Total... To husband. To wife. Total. To husband To wife.... Total To husband. 43 Habitual drunkenness and neglect to provide To wife... 44 Impotency.... 45 Neglect to provide..... 46 Unknown Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife…………. Total To husband To wife... Total · To husband. S All causes To wife.. Total P 1 Adultery 2 Adultery and cruelty.. CONNECTICUT. To husband. To wife .... Total S To husband. To wife... Total To husband. 1 1 22 2 2 2 2 44 4 9 879 13 9 17 19 30 28 2233 13 29 42 3233 13 7 6 12 7 11 cet- 3 5 7 8 25 14 17 10 13 1 1 1 1 1 549 3 Adultery, cruelty, and desertion...... To wife... Total 1 1 · 4 Adultery, cruelty, desertion, and habitual intemperance. To husband. To wife. 1 1 Total 1 1 ance. 5 Adultery cruelty, dosertion, habitual in- temperance, and misconduct. 6 Adultery, cruelty, desertion, and misconduct To wife Total... To husband. - Total 7 Adultery, cruelty, and habitual intemper-To wife. To husband. 3 5 6 To wife.. 18 17 10 4 5 Total 21 22 16 4 5 To husband. 3 5 33 4 36 218 1 4 3 6 4 235 236 5 CHAPTER VIII.- 461 GENERAL TABLES. ! TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. COLORADO-Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880.1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 2 3 1 2 3 1 44 22 22 · LO LO 5 14 15 18 21 8 5 14 15 18 21 8 9 12 23 18 17 14 19 28 26 26 42 46 2323 12 30 42 2355 26 31 35 33 61 64 100 5985 55 70 74 94 94 45 70 52 61 140 126 155 157 129 157 8533 285 82 47 1 22 1 1 að að 3 3 ~~ 22 2 1 4 5 6 3 2 1 4 6 6 3 134 22 805 11936 119 720 610 37 1,330 2 1 1 37 >38 1 1 39 7 7 33 22 3 1 1 1 6 3 1 1 1 6 1 1 22 4 4 22 1 1 3 ao Go 3 12 22 12 156 134 123 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 4 3 1 1 2 15 43 15 43 0880 60 60 4 1 10 9 14 10 279 2 112 213 1 Jamal Javed 1 1 1 3 17 39 3 17 00.00 22 213 40 444 48 48 00 00 33 64 299 41 33 61 299 -∞ 1 3 2 7 7 9 8 10 11 2223 17 73 42 90 5 10 9 10 5 10 9 10 22 12 555 50 43 50 1 1 22 1 1 Bower 5 7 44 12 4 3 1 4 3 1 22 1 1 1 1 ลงล 2 2 2 2 22 ลอง 12 27 40 55 43 44 239 45 12 27 40 55 43 44 239 1 1 1 1 1 1 436 2 8 2 346 2 11 16 18 43 45 59 63 87888 32 51 83 %82 28 25 49 63 77 89 101 91 102 138 153 52 87 123 151 168 163 239 289 342 250 362 440 510 150 124 153 1, 215 326 263 298 2,472 476 387 451 3,687 CONNECTICUT. 2233 12 7 13 7 ∞∞ 3 8 25 14 11 696 3 3 9 3 11 20 24 2:5 15 16 25 41 422009292902925 31 38 29 35 42 327 28 34 37 34 35 35 334 1 73 65 75 63 70 77 661 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6361 113 co co 133 2 2 22 1 2 1 20 2 1 2 1 92 2 2 3 5 3 5 13 3 18 131 1 10 4 11 257 1 1 123 ♡ ♡ 6 3 1 1 3 12 11 1 13 11 2 2 3 4 3 6 9 112 279 273 1 2 8 04 if 4 tte 1 1 2 1 2 115 628 1 37 12 1 18 21 94 on 5 24 77 6 101 7 2 tet 462 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. CONNECTICUT-Continued. Causes, and to which party granted. 8 Adultery, cruelty, habitual intemperance, S To husband and misconduct. 9 Adultery, cruelty, and misconduct 10 Adultery and desertion To wife.. Total To husband. $69. $70. 1867. 1868.1869.1870. | 1871. | 1872. 16 16 123 4 1 4 44 1 To wife..... 2 1 1 1 Total 1 1. 1 1 To husband. 6 5 13 6 17 14 To wife.. Total.... 5 10 15 7 11 11 15 28 13 28 137 13 27 11 Adultery, desertion, and habitual intemper. S To husband. ance. To wife Total. To husband. 12 Adultery, desertion, habitual intemperance, To wife. and misconduct. + 13 Adultery, desertion, and misconduct. 14 Adultery and fraudulent contract.... 1 2 1 bund 1 2 1 Total S To husband. To wife.. Total 17 22 39 ∞∞ F28 2 1 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 2 6 3 3 2 3 2223 26 26 52 2233 26 49 2=33 22 11 278 11223453 12 19 To husband. To wife.. Total S To husband. 1 15 Adultery and habitual intemperance. To wife. Total 1 22 1 1 To husband. 16 Adultery, habitual intemperance, and mis- conduct. 17 Adultery and misconduct. 18 Cruelty. To husband. To wife..... Total. 19 Cruelty and desertion To wife Total To husband. To wife..... Total To husband. To wife..... Total 20 Cruelty, desertion, and habitual intemper-To wife. 21 ance. Cruelty, desertion, habitual intemperance, S To husband. and misconduct. 22 Cruelty, desertion, and misconduct. 23 Cruelty and fraudulent contract.... 12 12 19 18 112 123 24∞ +4 270 3 5 6 10 10 13 15 515 4 6 4 123 2 33. 4 6 11 11 4 8 11 11 1 22 1 5 4 9 1 5 5 9 To husband. 2 1 Total 2 1 ~~ 22 2 2 sts. 2 LO LO 5 5 To husband. To wife.... Total. -** 272 4 19 23 122 3 2 1 26 27 18 17 27 30 20 18 20 20 20 12 5 3 5 7 3 17 26 30 26 30 19 29 31 33 31 37 22 To wife Total.. To husband. To wife. Total • 24 Cruelty, fraudulent contract, and miscon. To husband. duct. 25 Cruelty and habitual intemperance 26 Cruelty, habitual intemperance, and mis- conduct. 27 Cruelty and misconduct To wife. Total. To husband. To wife. Total. To husband. To wife.. 1 1 1 1 · as as 3 3 ww 3 3 ww 3 ૩ 1 3 3 1 1 1 15 13 16 10 Total 15 13 17 10 22 4 5 To husband. 1 1 4 To wife 15 16 10 Total.. 16 17 14 12 572 3 1 7 8 10 9 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 463 } } TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. ! { CONNECTICUT-Continued. } 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. | 1880. | 1881. | 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885.1886. Total. 00 8 9 $10 £ £ £ 200 mm0 900 17 2112 28 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 22 1 1 2 1 9 6 8 8 12 12 19 3 6 9 18 15 ४ 9 10 18 8 2 1217 1 2 1 149 1 2 1 2 166 18 24 23 16 21 22 37 11 8 3 2 2 3 3 315 2 2 ลงลง 123 213 112 1 1 1 ĦĦ 1 2 2 11Q 2 2 1 2 1 ? 16 8 11 10 10 12 7 26 20 18 18 00000 8 LO O 5 4 9 415 44 165 152 13 317 1 1 2 14 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 112 2 4 6 2 10 1 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 133 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 123 6 11 15 17 5 1 1 9 16 1 14 213 55 213 1 1 48 5588 51 17 99 1 3 6 ст 5 3 4 6 со со 8 3 17 8 3 18 ગળ 5 9 → a 00 00 8 8 212 3 3 133 77 1 14 1 8 14 1 2 2 13 18 17 18 9 2 1 13 24 19 17 20 11 2 1 7 7 5 3 5 6 28 31 30 14 18 12 4 35 38 35 17 23 18 4 1 10 17 11 19 70 279 13 31 48 53 38 44 43 கிய 4 39 47 391 18 16 40 53 56 42 50 46 51 430 27 225 1 1 22 8 4 4 1 4 9 4 5 1 4 ISHLO 1 13 4 119 19 132 177 1 77 1 1 1 1 1 946 4 65 20 69 18 227 21 245 1 69 285 1 354 1 1 1 Co 30 3 tets 4 1 2 6 1 CO CO 18 6 19 ♡♡ 19 14 14 16 17 19 14 14 17 18 -= 1 1 10 12 11 12 22 8 9 17∞ 5 6 8 5 6 3 1 2 4 8 15 13 11 10 8 18 14 13 14 co co 3 6 3 6 LO CO 1 1 88 1 23 1 24 1 3 151 25 154 5 108 26 113 25 130 27 155 464 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. : TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. CONNECTICUT-Concluded. 28 Desertion. Causes, and to which party granted. 29 Desertion and fraudulent contract.... 30 To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. To wife.... Total Desertion, fraudulent contract, and miscon- S To husband duct. 31 Desertion and habitual intemperance. To wife... Total STo husband. To wife.. Total.. 1867.1868. | 1869. | 1870. 1871. | 1872. 867. 1868. 405 2333 28593 255 15 20 20 25 30 28 37 39 49 43 53 63 57 64 79 ลง 213 145 4 22 134 1 1 1 1 328343 112 1 1 1 1 2 4 20 15 2 5 5 16 2 4 2 4 To wife... 17 18 19 15 14 Total 19 20 22 19 16 29 To husband. 32 Desertion, habitual intemperance, and mis- S To husband. conduct. 33 Desertion and imprisonment in penitentiary. To wife... Total To husband 2202 322 23235 34 Desertion, imprisonment in penitentiary, To wife.... and misconduct. S 1 Total 1 To husband. 42 54 46 37 35 Desertion and misconduct.. To wife... 64 56 56 ་ 39 Total. 106 110 102 6988885 34 44 46 57 76 80 101 To husband. 2 1 2 2 2 36 Fraudulent contract... To wife... Total 2 12 1 1 1 3 3 3 112 • husband. (To husba Fraudulent contract, habitual intemperance,Total.. 37 and misconduct. 1 1 38 Fraudulent contract and misconduct……….. S To husband. 1 2 1 To wife.. Total 1 2 1 To husband. 3 39 Habitual intemperance To wife... 12 14 10 10 Total 12 17 10 13 *** 3 2 2 11 16 13 18 - 40 Habitual intemperance and misconduct.... S To wife.... Total. To husband. To husband. 279 2 3 8 8 10 11 178 2 10 6 12 සය 6 41 Imprisonmont in penitentiary.. 42 Misconduct………. 43 Unknown.. All causes 1 Adultery.. 2 Adultery and cruelty.. To wifo.. 1 1 Total.. 1 1 S To husband. 18 To wife.... 29 21 Total.... 47 2233 12 17 14 6 11 20 19 16 26 37 33 22 37 To husband. To wife.. Total. To husband. 156 165 162 142 To wife.... 344 328 335 270 Total. 500 493 497 412 133 135 279 314 412 449 DAKOTA. To husband. 1 To wife.. 1 Total 1 1 To husband. To wife. Total CHAPTER VIII. 465 -GENERAL TABLES. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1883, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. CONNECTICUT-Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 282888 32 52 81 888888 26 32 19 25 36 31 36 54 51 45 GO 61 80 83 64 85 100 80 102 114! 138 56 55 74 113 116 125 97 113 169 171 199 132 172 35 59 57 92 711 1,388 28 149 2, 099 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 11 16 31 4 25 235 21 29 10 122 3 33 21 20 24 ~22 1 5 4 1 16 29 21 15 17 34 25 16 3 3D 6 17 22 19 279 7 22 7 128 2 1 13 23 15 22 1 1 1 1 1 48 44 51 23 31 19 47 68 71 49 43 33 95 112 122 72 74 52 4 1 1 2 2 2 ૫૦૦ 1 3 7 งา 123 213 3 29 4 5 4 30 9 S 1 33 CO CO 3 6 3 236 31 3 6 4 269 23 215 32 243 1 33 1 parent present a 1 34 2 473 1 634 35 1 1, 107 15 3 18 $36 4 33 1 37 1 1 38 2 ~22 20 17 22 22 422 5 1 1 4 5 3 4 18 11 10 8 12 10 104 20 19 18 27 17 39 55 62 73 62 56 84 642 39 21 20 22 32 20 43 73 73 83 70 68 94 746 6 6 CO CO QULO D- 2 5 7 9 158 27A 1 3 6 4 130 < 17 75 ·40 4 92 I 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 61 1 1 8 20 16 13 10 8 1 154 29 37 35 26 31 10 1 300 37 57 51 39 41 18 1 1 454 22 183 11 12 F 41 12 1 1 2 1 22 2 2 19: 7 11 43 13 154 143 146 90 113 118 95 71 140 104 130 79 116 119 307 388 352 290 299 294 230 275 288 297 293 265 282 301 6, 031 461 531 493 380 412 412 325 346 428 401 423 344 398 420 8, 542 2,511 DAKOTA. 1 ~~~ 1 2 4 1 4 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 4 1 7 4 441 3 ཀྲུཋ11? 23 6 14 9 2 15 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 20267 M D——30 6 3 3 71 26 1 97 3 en es to ลง 2 466 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. DAKOTA-Continued. To husband. Causes, and to which party granted. 3 Adultery and desertion.. 4 Adultery and habitual intemperance 5 Adultery and neglect to provide..... S To wife.... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife. Total To husband. 6 Adultery and pregnancy before marriage... To wife. 7 Conviction of felony...... 8 Cruelty. 9 Cruelty and desertion Total To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total 10 Cruelty, desertion, and habitual intemper. To husband 11 ance. To wife. Total. To husband Cruelty, desertion, habitual intemperance, To wife. and neglect to provide. Total To husband. To 12 Cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide.. To wife.... 13 Cruelty and habitual intemperance. 14 Cruelty, habitual intemperance, and neglect to provide. 15 Cruelty and neglect to provide. 16 Desertion.. 17 Desertion and habitual intemperance. Total. To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband To wife.. Total To husband. To wife. Total.. To To husband. To wife... Total.. To husband. 18 Desertion, habitual intemperance, and nog. To wife. lect to provide. 19 Desertion and neglect to provide……………. 20 Habitual intemperance.. Total. To husband. To wife.. Total • · 1867. |1868. | 1869. 1870. 1871. | 1872. • S To husband 1 1 To wife... Total Habitual intemperance and neglect to pro- S To husband. 21 vide. 22 Neglect to provide To wife... Total. A To husband. To wife... Total · • • සය 3 3 1 1 - 1 1 213 22 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 467 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. DAKOTA—Continued. 1882. 885. $86. Total. 1873. | 1874. | 1875. | 1876. | 1877. | 1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881. | 1882. | 1883. | 1884. | 1885. | 1886. 1 1 1 1 2 2 213 2 2 2 2 ~~ 112 11 2 3 ན་ 13 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 6 1. 1 1 2 1 2 44 1 1 + 100 00 8 7 8 1 3 4 --~ 1 1 1 1 2 4 3 7 7 1 1 2 3 4 6 9 14 13 14 15 012 6 18 23 2 2 2 4 5 8 13 17 20 21 23 24 28 LO S3 8 47 131 8 178 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 -213 31- 1 5 14 1 1 10 9 3. 2 21) -- 1 1 ลง 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 5 1 2 1 1 tet 4 6 # 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 PENGLƏ 1 4 5 8 620 516 718 1 1 3 1 1 4 3 市区 ​4 10 1 1 11 1 1 44 212 2 1 5 26 13 5 27 w to 3 13 14 3 13 2 7 6 2 7 6 33 5 5 00 00 4 40 15 40 12 20 12 1 11 13 13 31 25 235 0100083 45 40 26 31 42 61 76 82 235 62 54 306 33 31 202 16 95. 88 508 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 8 }17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 18 1 คล 2 1 1 6161 3 3 13 LO 20161 5 5 6 5 5 6 25 26 19 26 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 123 4 10 20 14 1 3 1 3 • 1 1 • LO LO 5 5 LO LO 5 3 5 3 คล 2 5 2 5 LO LO 5 25 21 5 25 LO 10 5 5 9 12 8 14 5 5 9 12 8 14 28 62 22 468 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. DAKOTA-Concluded. Causes and to which party granted. 23 Pregnancy before marriage.... 24 Unknown All causes. To husband. To wife... Total To husband. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. To wife.... Total. To husband. 1 To wife... Total 1 2 DELAWARE. 1 Adultery. 2 Conviction of felony... To husband. To wife..... Total (To husband. 3 Cruelty.. 1 1 22 279 111 235 134 3 3 6 To wife.. Total 1 1 To husband. To wife.... 1 2 1 Total 1 2 1 To husband. 4 Cruelty and desertion 5 Cruelty and insanity 6 Cruelty and neglect to provide. To wife... Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife. Total To husband. 4 3 2 7 Desertion To wife 12 6 5 Total 16 9 7 - To husband. 1 8 Desertion and habitual drunkenness To wife.. Total 1 - 9 Desertion and neglect to provide.. 10 Habitual drunkenness To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife. Total To husband. 11 Habitual drunkenness and neglect to provide To wife... 12 Neglect to provide 13 Procurement of marriage by fraud for want 14 of age. Unknown. Total • To husband To wife... Total To husband. To wife.... Total · - · To husband. All causes.. 1 1 1 1 To wife.. Total 12~ 1 3 1 325 1 4 5 To husband. 7 1 To wife.. 18 Total 25 1 *** 8 6 13 1 15 21 1 21 CHAPTER VIII.- VIII.-GENERAL GENERAL TABLES. 469 1 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. DAKOTA-Concluded. 882. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. | 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 378. Total. 1 1 2 23 1 1 4 1 2 5 248 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 44 4 112 5 17 24 22 4 4 5 6 10 9 10 12 202 11 5 16 15 875 11 16 32 6 14 40 17 30 72 252 222 22 55 77 123 122232 80 60 86 75 466 72 73 112 102 104 621 153 172 188 179 1,087 1 1 3 4 1 I22 2 3 2 3 1 1 336 1 ,22 ww 3 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 5 9 14 112 DELAWARE. 6 1 1 1 1 1 22 2 2 2 22 1 1 1 1 325 1 1 426 1 1 1 2 1 3 8 1 1 4 -4 12 1 888 33 28 1 61 1 3 2 5 LO LO 5 22 1 3 wo co 1 32 3 3 1 33 1 4 1 5 1 1 1 3 1 5 3 3 සහ‍ ∞ 8 2 4 5 11 3 9 5 1010 2 3 2∞∞ 6 co a 8 9 8 17 134 098998 40 78 118 1 8 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 669 10 ૧ 1 1 1 11 1 1 4 1 1 10 12 1 1 4 1 10 1 1 2 13 1 1 01 ลง ลง 1 2 2 1 7 2 18 4 4 25 8 4 1 6 1 S ગ 5 28 1 1 6 1 7 2 14 5 18 14 46 16 ོཀླ ཟ 6 6 9083 16 1 11 20 4 9 6 36 5 20 6 27 2122 3 21 15 8 20 11 41 369 109 180 289 470 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. t TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. 1 Adultery DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Causes, and to which party granted. 1867. |1868, 1869. |1870. |1871. 1872. To husband. To wife.... Total .... 7 3 3 7 6 5 8 8 8 11 5 6 15 11 11 18 11 11 . 2 Adultery, bigamy, and desertion 3 Adultery and cruelty. 4 Adultery, cruelty, and desertion. 5 To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.. Total 22 { To husband. To wife.... Total 1 1 To husband Adultery, cruelty, and habitual drunkenness To wife. 6 Adultery and desertion.. 7 Adultery and habitual drunkenness.. 8 Bigamy.... 9 Cruelty.. 10 Cruelty and desertion Total S To husband To wife.. Total To husband. 1 3 3 සහ 1 1 1 To wife... Total To husband. To wife..... 1 1 Total 1 1 S To husband. To wife.... 1 Total 1 To husband. To To wifo..... 1 Total. 1 To husband LO LO 22 1 1 0113 2 1 1 TIG 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 5 4 11 13 5 4 11 13 1 1 11 Cruelty, desertion, and habitual drunkenness To wifo... Total To husband. 12 Cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide... To wife. 13 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness 14 Cruelty, habitual drunkenness, and neglect to provide. 15 Cruelty and imprisonment in penitentiary 16 Cruelty and neglect to provide.... 17 Desertion S Total S To husband. To wife.. 1 1 Total 1 1 3 3 To husband To wife. Total To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife.. 1 1 325 6 පස 6 279 3 4 17 23 20 27 18 Desertion and habitual drunkenness Total To husband. To wife ………. Total 19 Desertion, habitual drunkenness, and neg. S lect to provide. 20 Desertion and neglect to provide To husband To wife Total • To husband To wife. Total * CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 471 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. } 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 10 5 6 5 8 15 13 6 w a 5 6 3 6 5 9 11 11 144 3 7 428 6 1 1 1 112 355 2 1 — w w 3 3 6 213 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 117 1 1 2 1 1 1 112 J 1 1 1 1 6 6 ૧૧૭ 7 22 257 LD 3D 00 5 3 10 8 13 1 9 7 8 3 ය. 11 17 20 1 LO 113 105 1 5 218 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 3 1 1 1 1 11 1 ת ת 5 4 3 11 5 4 3 12 235 178 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 8 5 10 1 9 5 10 1 1 1 • 1 1 LO LO 5 5 170 8 2 c. 1 1 1 4 1 1 5 J 1 1 1 13 21 ? 6 1 1 1 34) 1 1 5 4 7 1 1 9 1 1 1 459 8 10 5 10 9 5 250 19 134 11 113 9 124 1 3 1 1 18- 8 1 9 3 1 IT LO 5 5 12 12 22 10 11 1 12 15 4 89 65 13 69 2 14 1 1 Tu 15 1 3 1 3 0121 22 2 9 16 2 9 19 23 +0x 4 9 7 15 11 12 24 18 15 30110 =28 11 5 22 11 එය 3 6 3 8 18 6 15 114 9 18 13 22 33 16 12 22 28 16 21888 30 19 29 308 17 30 43 25 44 422 i 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 161 w3 1 1 0161 3 1 3 ts: 17 $18 17 1 19 1 1 1 tre 2 4 3 5 20 20 3 5 20 472 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 21 Habitual drunkenness. 22 Habitual drunkenness and insanity To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife Total To-husband 23 Habitual drunkenness and neglect to provide To wife... 24 Impotency 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871, 1872. Total To wife S To husband. 1 1 Total 1 1 To husband. 1 1 25 Imprisonment in penitentiary. 26 Insanity. 27 Neglect to provide To wife... Total STo husband. wife.. Total. To husband To wife. Total To husband. 28 Pregnancy before marriage 29 Unknown All causes. To wife... Total To husband To wife.. Total To husband. To wife. Total {TOWE 1 Adultery 1 1 1 ww 3 3 257 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 *288 20 15 28 23 5500 8 4 12 225 20 27 24 223 9 38 39 47 =S5 11 56 67 FLORIDA. {TO To husband. 3 3 4 7 4 2 To wife.. Total. 3 3 4 7 4 2 To husband To wife.... 1 1 Total 1 1 22 1 1 To husband. To wife Total - 2 Adultery and cruelty…. 3 Adultery, cruelty, and desertion.. 4 Adultery, cruelty, desertion, and habitual S To husband. intemperance. 5 Adultery, cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide. 6 To wife.. Total - To husband. To wife.. Total Adultery, cruelty, desertion, and violent To husband and ungovernable temper. To wife. Total To busband 7 Adultery, cruelty, and habitual intemper-To wife.... ance. Total - To husband. 8 Adultery, cruelty, habitual intemperance, To wife and violent and ungovernable temper. D Total - 9 Adultery, cruelty, and neglect to provide To husband To wifo.. Total • 1 1 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 473 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA-Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875.1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. $84. Total. 1 1 2 1 4 3 2 3 2 1 5 4 4 3 3 1 1 1 22 213 11 2 1 1 13 1 1 3 1 3 34 21 1 1 5 1 2 4 47 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 12 12 0161 23 3 24 213950 22 25 $26 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 en en 5 127 5 1 1 1 4 28 1 1 1 4 123 5 4 5 213 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 110 6 5 437 235 134H 1 3 4 4 10 21 43 48 61 73 WOL 25 19 11 37 47 56 58 28* 21 13 9 53 36 31 74 49 40 #28 14 52 66 12993 15 50 65 2113 10 27 27 45 39 54 55 66 81 2218 34 55 22 32E 6 393 24 40 $29 64 308 797 75 1.105 2 1 2 1 22 617 1 1 FLORIDA. 4 6 4 6 15 1 4 6 4 7 15 10 వేలు -1 11 18 8 12 2 4 1 13 22 9 15 Eco 3 පසට 16 139 18 1 19 157 1 1 NO 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 18 1 1 4 2 19 1 1 2 1 1 1 ww 3 1 10 3 3 1 11 1 1 1 4 1 1 ગ 1 1 1 1 ون 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 مرونه 1 1 61 01 5 3 7 4 ૭૭. Co 8 9 } 474 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1836, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. FLORIDA-Continued. Causes, and to which party granted. 10 Adultery, cruelty, neglect to provide, and violent and ungovernable temper. To husband. To wife. Total · To husband. 11 Adultery, cruelty, and violent and ungov To wife... ernable temper. 12 Adultery and desertion Total 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. To husband To wife.. 3 4 4 1 1 1 Total.... 4 1 4 5 To husband Total 13 Adultery, desertion, and habitual intemper-To wife... ance. To husband. 14 Adultery, desertion, and neglect to provide. To wife... Total To husband. 15 Adultery, desertion, and violent and ungov-To wife.... ernable temper. 16 Adultery and habitual intemperance Total 213 To husband 1 1 To wife.. Total 1 1 To husband. 1 Total 1 S To husband. To wife. Total. 1 1 17 Adultery, habitual intemperance, and vio-To wife..... lent and ungovernable temper. 18 Adultery and neglect to provide..... 19 Adultery, pregnancy before marriage, and S violent and ungovernable temper. To husband. To wife.... Total 20 Adultery and violent and ungovernable tem- S To husband per. 1 1 2 2 21 Cruelty. 22 Cruelty and desertion To wife. Total (To hus! To husband. To wife.... 1 Total 1 2 To husband To wife .... 1 1 Total 1 1 22 2 2 To husband. 23 Cruelty, desertion, and habitual intemper-To wife.... ance. Total 24 Cruelty, desertion, habitual intemperance, (To husband. and neglect to provide. To wife.. Total To husband. 25 Cruelty, desertion, habitual intemperance, To wife and violent and ungovernable temper. 20 Total · Cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide. To husband. To wife Total 27 Cruelty, desertion, neglect to provide, and S To husband. violent and ungovernable temper. To wife.. Total 28 Cruelty, desertion, and violent and ungov. To husband. ernable temper. 29 Cruelty and habitual intemperance. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife Total. - 1 1 224 22 3 ♡♡ 3 1 1 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 475 ་ TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1896, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. FLORIDA-Continued. 1886. Total. 1873. 1874. 1875.1876. 1877. 1878.1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 112 117 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 61614 4 1 5 3 213 2 2 1 2 128 4 9 11 14 1 3 9 12 17 22223 20 13 5 18 పాలుట 13 13 12 10 3 1 16 16 13 12 222 17 157 3 32 12 20 189 1 1 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 201 14 1 1 2 1 4 3 12 15 1 1 2 1 4 3 12 1 3 1 3 2 2 N IN 1 4 (17 1 4 1 1 1 3 18 1 1 3 19 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 01 2 1 3 2 19 1 1 2 4 1 1 2 2 2 1 4 tઙ 21 } 20 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 22 22 134 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 57 cr 5 ww 3 31 21 3 33 ลงลง 1 2 5 7 4 1 2 5 7 4 55. 7 2 2 5 55 1010 5 ပေးလ 2 53 55 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 ts 22 1 1 1 4 1 1 3 6 1 31 6 00 00 8 8 1 1 8 23 1 1 S 1 1 4 1 1 4 T 24 3 3 1 10 10 5 1 5 2 1 1 325 3 LO LO 5 1 13 26 5 1 13 01 20 10 1 1. 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 221 1 1 2 1 11 9557 4 3.27 3 5 32 28 37 19 $29 20 1 1 476 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 赋​点 ​TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. FLORIDA—Continued, Causes, and to which party granted. 68. 1867. 1868.1869. 1870.| 1871. | 1872. 30 Cruelty, habitual intemperance, and neglect To wife.. to provide. To husband Total ► 31 Cruelty, habitnal intemperance, neglect to (To husband. provide, and violent and ungovernable To wife temper. 32 Cruelty, habitual intemperance, and violent and ungovernable temper. Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband 33 Cruelty, impotency, and violent and ungov-To wife ernable temper. 34 | Cruelty and neglect to provide…………. 35 Cruelty, neglect to provide, and violent and ungovernable temper. 36 Cruelty and violent and ungovernable tem- 36 Total · To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife. Total · To husband. per. 37 Desertion... : 38 Desertion and habitual intemperance. ; To wife Total 225 1 3 1 134 To husband. 5 6 15 To wife 8 5 9 Total 13 11 24 =233 16 -1 7 12 5 28 12 22* 12 12 24 To husband. 1 To wife... Total 1 40 Desertion, habitual intemperance, and neg. To husband 39 lect to provido. Desertion, habitual intemperance, and vio-S lent and ungovernable temper. To wife ... Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. 41 Desertion and impotency. To wife.. 1 Total 1 42 Desertion, impotency, and violent aud un- governable temper. To husband. To wife.. Total To husband 43 Desertion and neglect to provide... To wife... Total 1 1 22 To husband. 44 Desertion and refusal to cohabit To wife... Total • 45 Desertion and violent and ungovernable S To husband. 1 1 To wife... temper. Total.. 1 1 To husband. 1 46 Habitual intemperance To wife... Total. 1 To husband. Habitual intemperance and neglect to pro- To wife 47 vide. 48 49 Habitual intemperance, neglect to provide, and violent and ungovernable temper. Habitual intemperance and violent and un- governable temper. Total. To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife. Total.. • 213 1 6 1 20 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHAPTER VIII. 477 -GENERAL TABLES. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. FLORIDA—Continued. 6.! 1873. | 1874.| 1875.| 1876. 1877. | 1878. | 1879. | 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 1 1 1 1 22 ลง 1 1 33 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 22 3 3 22 272 2 22 1 1 1 1 30 සය 3 731 3 7 1 3 10100 2 16 3 18 220 32 2 ~~ 1 33 10 34 10 ** 4 1 1 3 4 1 ww 4 3 4 201 15 35 15 268 235 145 4 5 4 200 1 1 5 1 2 4 4 33 6 5 8 5 9 9 1 8 15 92 36 8 6 12 6 14 10 12 19 125 19 15 21 28 18 24 29 34 37 36 47 47 51 509 8 22 17 12 18 26 22 21 24 29 32 38 42 42 404 37 27 37 38 40 36 50 51 55 61 65 79 80 89 93 913 221 1 2 2 2 3 Co to 1 2 2 9 38 11) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 61133 1 1 1 1 3 39 1 1 1 3 S 1 1 :འ་ཀ 5 40 1 1 3 41 1 1 3 1 1 12 1 คล 2 5 7 2 ها 5 7 :22 32 43 32 1 44 1 22- 3 8 4 13 6 3 9 10: 16. 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 4 3 9 5 14 10 1 10 10 17 1 1 2 2 LO LO 5 5 1 -AU 1 1 4 1 1 4 6 106 3 25 45 10 12 131 1 1646 17 1 1 47 1 1 1 48 1 S 1 1 1 1 5 3 1 1 2 1 15 3 49 2 1 2 1 1 20 478 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. " * A TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. FLORIDA-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 867. 1868. 871.1872. 1867. | 1868. |1869.1870. | 1871. | 1872. 50 Impotency. 51 Neglect to provide..... To husband. 1 To wife Total..... 1 To husband To wife..... Total To husband. 52 Neglect to provide and violent and ungov- To wife. ernable temper. + 53 Violent and ungovernable temper 54 Unknown All causes Total To husband. To wife.... 1 2 1 LO 5 Total 1 2 1 5 To husband. To wife... Total To husband. 224 112 213 2 2 213 213 213 17 To wife... Total 15 13 32 43888 15 21 28 228 52 885 31 38 17 27 19 12 24 57 29 51 1 Adultery 2 Adultery and cruelty. 3 Adultery, cruelty, and desertion. 4 GEORGIA. To husband To wife... Total To husband 5933 37 16 *=* 23 25 25 29 38 11 17 14 6 12 34 42 39 35 50 To wife.... 3 4 Total 3 4 To husband. To wife.. Total 1 1 Adultery, cruelty, desertion, and habitual S To husband. intemperance. 5 Adultery, cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide. To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total. 6 Adultery, cruelty, and habitual intemper. To husband. 7 ance. To wife.. Total To husband. Adultery, cruelty, habitual intemperance, To wife.. and neglect to provide. Total O 246 టలు. 3 3 1 1 325 1 1 3 1 1 3 ය. ස 2 2 1 • 1 1 1 8 Adultery and desertion. To husband. To wife.. Total Adultery, desertion, and habitual intemper. To husband 9 ance. 10 Adultery and fraud. 11 Adultery and habitual intemperance.. 12 Adultery and neglect to provide. 13 Consanguinity…….. To wife.. Total. To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife..... Total To husband. To wife..... Total To husband. To wife.. Total. · 112 පායප 3 3 6 CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 479 TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. FLORIDA-Concluded. 1880. 1873. 1874. | 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878.1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. | 1883. | 1884. 1885. 1886. $78. Total. 1 50 1 151 1 1 1 1 252 1 1 2 9 4 9 4 818 9 1327 2 639 620 8 729 9 10 9 10 224 6 4 9 4 102 1 1 1 17 53 7 5 10 119 1 2 1 1 2 5 6 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 4 3 3 3 6 6 4 5 3833 36 29 54 65 37 28 46 54 47 62 67 91 82 91 110 21 33 39 31 42 42 63 58 71 8.3 90 58 61 85 85 89 104 130 149 153 174 200 388998 78 101 114 1, 153 80 100 118 975 158 201 232 2, 128 GEORGIA, ! 37 35 39 34 37 27 15 16 16 11 17 52 51 55 45 54 35 200 100 8 337838 43 59 42 72. 55 67 17 15 19 24 16 14 60 74 61 96 71 $1 75 6185 56 68 848 19 12 295 1 80 1, 143 1 4 4 4 2 NO 44 2 ∞o co 3 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 314 3 3 347 246 11 22 2 4 1 49 2 4 1 60 1 1 1 1 5 5 11 1 1 5 6 9 16 1 1 3 3 437 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 LO 5 7 4 1 4 14 G 11 116 5 1 1 112 729 617 1 1 ་་ 4 3 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 7 1 1 7 1 1 11 7 13 11 119 1 7 6 51 8 12 14 17 17 170 1 1 1 1 9 1 10 946 11 12 1 2 1 13 1 1 480 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. GEORGIA—Continued, Causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1865. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871, 1872. 870. To husband 1 To wifo... 4 5 Total 4 6 298 1 - 1 යය 3 3 1 50 5 12 25 12 25 619 3 167 1 6 3 4 14 Cruelty ༣ 15 Cruelty and desertion 16 17 To husband. To wife... Total Cruelty, desertion, and habitual intemper- S To husband. ance. wife.. Total Cruelty, desertion, habitual intemperance, To husband. and neglect to provide. 18 Cruelty and habitual intemperance. 19 To wife. Total. To husband. To wife.... Total Cruelty and imprisonment in penitentiary. To husband To wife... Total To husband. · + 20 Cruelty and neglect to provide 21 Desertion... 22 Desertion and habitual intemperance. සය 3 3 -- 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 7 4 4 3 1 7 4 4 To wife.... Total To husband. 10 5 7 8 17 14 To wife... 18 8 17 16 20 25 Total.. 28 13 24 24 37 39 To husband. To wife. Total. 1 1 1 1 1 1 To husband. 23 Desertion and imprisonment in penitentiary. To wife. 24 Desertion and neglect to provide 25 Duress and force Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife. Total... 26 Fraud 27 Fraud and habitual intemperance s To husband. To wife... . Total.. To husband. To wife... Total. 1 1 To husband 1 : 28 Habitual intemperance To wife... 1 1 1 Total 2 1 1 To busband. 29 Habitual intemperance and neglect to pro- To wife. vide. Total 霰 ​To husband. 1 30 Impotency.. To wife .... Total 1 To husband To wife 1 3 1 3 31 Imprisonment in penitentiary 32 Mental incapacity at time of marriage..... Neglect to provide.... Total To husband To wife To wife ... Total To husband. To wife. Total. 1 1 1 1 113 2 123 NN 2 1 2 1 CHAPTER VIII.—GENERAL TABLES. 481 TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. GEORGIA-Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879.1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885.1886. Total. 3 2 21 13 18 24 15 20 2002 4 18 20 22 ~22 3 1 2 6 3 8 5 8 7 8 71 15 29 21 18 23 28 36 46 44 405 14 23 16 31 27 21 31 33 44 53 52 476 197 6 oo oo 3 3 1 LOCO 1 5 6 THOD *K 1 2 1 3 1 5 4 2 2 5 1 LO CO 5 6 2600 1 2 1 6 3 tt 7 6 6 8 7 5 7 7 6 CO CO 227 16 7915 95 44 1 1 1 1 ~~ 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 14 16 14 6 6 55 11 13 11 13 22 145 7.- 4 7 4 5 10 5 10 ID LO 235 167 9 6 a 1 1 $17 1 1 257 6 112 18 118 119 1 1 1 4 1 6 $20 1 4 1 6 11 18 21 28 29 21 29 33 35 38 35 51 46 50 506 28 31 28 24 31 14 35 39 27 48 47 49 43 60 608 21 39 49 49 52 60 35 61 72 62 86 82 100 89 110 1, 114 1 1 112 1 22 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 112 3 1 16 22 2 1 19 1 1 123 1 1 1 1 24 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 $25 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 2 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 ลง 26 2 3 3 3 3 5 1 2 5 5 1 3 5 10 10 5 23 LO 123 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 20267 M D--31 03 03 3: Co Co 3 5 18 to te 1 3 3 co co 0121 10121 1 Jad found 1 6131 0161 127 1 -33 ♡ 3 1 12 4 46 28 7 1 58 1 1 1 2 1 29 1 4 130 5 3 2 4 36 31 3 2 1 36 1 2 2 $32 1 1 1 2 6 33 1 6 482 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 3 , TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. G GEORGIA-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 34 Pregnancy before marriage. 35 Unknown 1867. 1868. 1869.1870. 1871. 1872. To husband. 2 1 1 1 To wife Total 2 1 1 1 To husband. To wife Total To husband. ... 127 202 202 13 9 16 ४ 29 17 65 41 62 41 ERA Não E2 505 12 14 26 64 84 82 112 118 148 143 221 POS All causes.. To wife Total IDAHO. HO To husband. 1 1 Adultery 2 Adultery and cruelty.. To wife. 1 Total 1 1 123 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 S To husband. To wife Total 3 Adultery, cruelty, and desertion.... 4 Adultery, cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide. To husband. To wife ... Total To husband. To wife. Total • 5 Adultery, cruelty, and habitual intemper- S To husband. To wife ance. Total To husband. 6 Adultery, cruelty, and neglect to provide... To wife. Total To husband. 1 2 7 Adultery and desertion. To wife. 1 Total 1 2 1 8 Conviction of felony. 9 Cruelty. To husband. To wife.. Total.. S To husband. To wife... 1 1 1 1 10 Cruelty and desertion Total. To husband To wife... Total 11 Cruelty, desertion, and habitual intemper. To husband. ance. To wife..... Total 22 1 1 22 1 1 12 Cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide .. To wife.. S To husband. 1 1 Total 1 1 To husband. 13 Cruelty and habitual intemperance 14 Cruelty, habitual intemperance, and neglect S to provide. 15 Cruelty and neglect to provide To wife.... Total 1 2 1 2 To husband. To wife. Total. To husband. To wife 1 1 Total 1 1 To husband. 16 Desertion.... To wife .. Total 1 1 22 112 - ww 3 3 6 134 1 3 4 CHAPTER VIII.—GENERAL TABLES. 483 2 TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued GEORGIA—Concluded. 1873.1874.1875. 1876. 1877, 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 2 1 1 R 5 3 1 CYS 3 2 2 1 3 2 1 32 2 1 1 5 3 1 3 2 2 1 3 2 1 32 $34 10 20 8 16 14 9 21 20 18 14 15 5 10 18 16 18 19 22 11 12 22 13 18 16 12 12 28 36 26 35 36 20 33 42 31 32 31. 17 22 222 18 263 14 294:35 35 32 557 71 82 84 91 102 68 107 130 112 148 128 141 140 163 104 100 112 106 109 55 116 123 103 136 130 151 155 162 -175 182 196 197 211 123 223 253 215 284 258 292 295 325 222 1, 907 2,052 3,959 7 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 IDAHO. 213 50 GD 3 1 1 3 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 co ♡ 3 1 1 22 22 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 4 4 4 25 26133 19 1 HHQ 1 1 1 2 6 2 2 ~~ 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 05 03 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 คล 2 347 1 1 257 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 7 3 00 8 3 20 LO 00 3 5 5 40 9 8 45 165 10 3 11 co co 2 12 2 1 1 ลงลง 2 1 10 13 2 1 1 11 co co 3 3 4 11 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 10 LO 5 1 5 co co 3 17 15 3 17 3 426 999 6 8 9 8 10 65 10 8 7 17 15 86 16 16 16 25 151 484 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. IDAHO-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 17 Desertion and habitual intemperance. To husband. To wife Total 1868. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871.1872. 1 1 1 - 1 To husband. 18 Desertion and neglect to provide...... To wife.. Total 1 1 1 1 To husband. 19 Habitual intemperance To wife Total.. 20 Habitual intemperance and neglect to pro- To wife... S To husband. 1 1 vide. Total 1 1 To husband. 21 Neglect to provide.... 22 Unknown..... All causes To wife. Total To husband. 22 To wife Total To husband. 1 To wife... Total 11 12 f ILLINOIS. 347 1 3 1 1 ww 3 1 1 1 1 1 10 12 202 549 5 4 12 9 14 257 ~24 1 Adultery 2 Adultery and bigamy.. 3 Adultery, bigamy, and cruelty 4 Adultery, bigamy, and desertion To husband. 184 149 150 143 161 130 To wife ..... 100 134 145 126 122 149 Total....... 284 283 295 269 283 320 To husband. 1 To wife Total 1 To husband. To wife. Total To husband To wife Total To husband. 5 | Adultery, bigamy, and habitual drunkenness To wife 6 | Adultery and conviction of felony 7 Adultery and cruelty... 8 Adultery, cruelty, and desertion. Total To husband. To wife Total STo husband 9 Adultery, cruelty, desertion, and habitual S drunkenness. To wife 4 6 Total. 4 6 -- 5 5 To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife Total - Adultery, cruelty, and habitual drunken. (To husband. 10 ness. 11 Adultery, cruelty, habitual drunkenness, and neglect to provide. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.... Total 112 1 1 2 5000 2 4 8 8 10 12 123 3 3 1 1 1 1 To husband. Total. 12 Adultery, cruelty, and neglect to provide...To wife CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 485 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. IDAHO–Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886.! Total.. 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0-3 1 1 1 1 7 3 9 8 8 3 10 9 1 1 1 1 22 22 4 44 44 4 17 20 2 223 18. 20 1 9 GD 00 1 8 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 21 2 2 2 ลงล 2 1 1 ~~ 2 5 $20 2 5 cr en 5 1 6 3 3 4 1 38 21 5 1 6 3 3 4 1 28 1 1 1 1 112 $22 ST 8 4 6 4 10 12 17 10 26 8 16 23 14 36 30 လက 8 22 2009898 10 26 36 732 17 17 101 35 52 38 36 267 53 368 22 112 2160 549 ILLINOIS. 1 3 1 161 159 174 157 179 185 163 173 164 166 155 181 229 208 236 172 346 322 347 321 345 327 236 219 181 195 190 239 247 233 362 424 398 475 483 452 203 272 203 243 406 515 3,736 3, 530 1 7,266 Jud 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 19 11 7 14 19 12 7 2 103 1 1 1 1 6 2 6 2 2 2 1 1 22 8 · 00 00 8 4 1 5 1 ! 1 1 6 1 15 1 4 ia a 1 2 9 8 6 11 11 16 9 10 12 13 2004 8 10 21 190 18 8 10 21 209 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 12 288 202 19 8 со 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 15 10 2197 E $11 2 คล 212 486. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. ILLINOIS-Continued. 13 # Causes, and to which party granted. Adultery, cruelty, and violence endangering S To husband. life. 14 Adultery and desertion.... 15 Adultery, desertion, and habitual drunken- ness. 1867. 1868.1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. To wife.... Total To husband. 10 5 6 To wife... 5 8 6 Total 15 13 12 Swa 8 16 3 10 15 10 18 31 To husband. 1 To wife Total 1 1 1 To husband. 16 Adultery, desertion, and neglect to provide. To wife 17 Adultery and habitual drunkenness Total To husband. To wife. Total - - To husband. 18 Adultery, habitual drunkenness, and neg- To wife.... lect to provide. Total...... To husband. 19 Adultery and pregnancy before marriage... To wife 20 Adultery and violence endangering life.. 21 Attempt to take life Total To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife.. 1 1 2 4 10 LO 5 2 5 2 2 4 1 1 Total To husband. 22 Attempt to take life and cruelty.. To wife Total To husband. 3 7 7 4 1 9 23 Bigamy 24 Bigamy and conviction of felony. 25 Bigamy and cruelty 26 Bigamy and desertion.. 27 Bigamy and habitual drunkenness.. Total To husband To wife.... Total To husband. To wife. Total (To husband. To wife.... Total.. To wife 6 10 9 13 11 4 Total 9 17 16 17 12 13 To husband. To wife. 1 28 Conviction of felony To husband To wife ..... 10 13 11 10 13 13 Total. 10 13 11 10 13 13 To husband 30 Conviction of felony and habitual drunken- 31 ness. 29 Conviction of felony and cruelty...... Conviction of felony and desertion. To wife... Total • To husband. To wife... Total 1 1 To husband To wife... Total 32 Conviction of felony and neglect to provide. To wife. S To husband. Total 1 1 CHAPTER VIII. 487 -GENERAL TABLES. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. 1874. ILLINOIS—Continued. 1880. 1873.1874. | 1875.1876. 1877, 1878.1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885.1886. Total. 1 1 1 2 N 1 13 2 17 16 4 8 5 8 11 11 9 17 9 9 11 9 196 12 12 10 7 6 16 10 16 11 8 9 9 14 9 196 14 29 28 14 15 11 24 21 27 20 25 18 18 25 18 392 1 145 1 1 5 12 2 123 22 1 1 1 1 127 5 1215 112 248 1 4 4 3 6 4 4 10 2 123 156 224 235 112 00 10 00 3 4 5 6 8 10 428 6 6 36 m 116 운 ​57 17 3585 1 35 9 92 1 18 1 1 1 1 19 1 1 1 1 20 1 පස 3 3 10 6 279 25 100 8 17 21 3 1 4 1 3 4 822 4 3 5 12 6 10 8 4 8 8 12 9 5 6 13 11 7 5 143 8 9 17 15 12 18 8 9 11 14 13 18 15 11 231 23 14 19 25 19 20 26 20 18 16 20 26 29 22 16 374 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $24 1 er of Jad 1 4 $25 5 5 26 5 1 1 27 1 1 1 1 1 3 9 18 9 18 22 22 21 16 30 26 27 37 41 25 16 30 20 27 37 41 25 888888 38 30 32 27 41728 38 30 33 28 450 1 1 1 1 -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 7 >29 1 1 1 7 7 130 7 (31 1 1 1 32 488 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. LLING ILLINOIS-Continued. Causes, and to which party granted. 33 Cruelty. 34 Cruelty and desertion 1870. 1867. 1868, 1869.1870. 1871. 1872. To husband. 13 To wife Total 15 146 159 165 159 - 18 175 171 187 193 22 20 197 271 24 217 295 • To husband. 2 To wife... Total 679 257 1 3 4 4 සහ 3 3 13 3 4 16 To husband. 35 Cruelty, desertion, and habitual drunkenness To wife.... 36 Cruelty, desertion, habitual drunkenness, and neglect to provide. 37 Total To husband. To wife... Total S To husband. To wife.. Cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide..Total. To husband. 38 Cruelty, desertion, and violence endangering To wife. life. ... · · 1 1 · 2 1 2 1 2 2 Total - S To husband. 1 1 5 ୫ 7 8 Сл 5 8 7 8 220 19 41 20 42 39 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness 40 41 42 Cruelty, habitual drunkenness, and neglect to provide. Cruelty, habitual drunkenness, and violence S endangering life. Cruelty and neglect to provide To wife.. Total To husband. To wife. Total To husband To wife.. Total To husband. To wife. Total 1 3 1 3 2 2 7 7 46 Desertion, habitual drunkenness, and neg- lect to provide. 47 Desertion and impotency 48 Desertion and neglect to provide……… 49 Desertion and violence endangering life. S To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To Total To wife... • S To husband 43 Cruelty and violence endangering life. To wife.. Total 2 2 S 44 Desertion To husband To wife. Total 190 205 205 184 221 283 300 328 352 327 478 503 533 536 518 321 456 777 3 45 Desertion and habitual drunkenness.. 22 ww. 3 3 22 4 4 9 4 4 12 22 1 2 1 2. 1 1 To husband. 4 4 50 Habitual drunkenness... To wife.... Total. 35 63 64 61 67 64 68 3266 2 10 92 81 115 95 83 125 To husband. 51 Habitual drunkenness and neglect to provide To wife.. Total 6 6 52 Habitual drunkenness and violence cndan. To husband. gering life. To wife... Total " CHAPTER VIII.- 489 GENERAL TABLES. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 18-6, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC —Continued. ILLINOIS—Continued. 1873. 1874.1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 25 9 290 26 30 295 275 297 277 315 304 301 21 34 29 289 295 327 298 323 324 29 32 31 34 35 34 31 366 260 401 424 403 399 418 395 392 435 458 438 433 512 5, 905 33 419 6, 417 13 2000 cr 5 3 8 18 200 2 2 3 8 6 11 12 11 13 21 10 6 11 11 13 16 178 257 4 1 4 37 16 10 8 11 179 34 20 10 9 15 216 3 · 00 00 3 oo oo 3 3 4 1 3 3 4 1 22 1 1 1 21 35 1 21 1 36 1 1 1 1 437 4 1 1 38 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 2 19 38 45 37 44 40 34 38 48 43 51 45 47 39 47 38 45 40 34 38 51 45 53 45 48 1888 30 59 68739 32 61 706 co co 3 1 3 1 2 ~~ 2 2 1 1 1 11 40 1 1 1 11 1 1 21537- ♡ co 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 ↑ Jand Jarak 1 1 1 1542 1 15 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 43 11 304 265 269 251 254 265 316 367 416 398 398 373 358 413 5,973 476 424 413 419 780 6:9 6.2 670 660 419 491 518 584 673 759 834 951 1,076 1,044 1, 046 1,000 1,002 1, 147 646 648 627 614 734 9, 757 | 15, 730 14 2 2 2 8 15 7 7 14 10 17 9 7 14 00 00 8 8 12 LO 5 9 11 5 .9 13 679 2 11 11 178 8 180 3 18 7 9 10 148 45 166 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 18 16 134 125 123 144 141 141 2 ลงล 2 E 416 47 3 1 1 1 1 ลล 2 8 148 2 8 1 $49 1 15 12 15 19 19 23 15 10 15 22 26 258 155 128 147 139 148 236 213 232 235 239 247 2,980 50 170 140 162 158 167 259 228 242 230 261 273 3,238 1 1 9 9 $51 1 1 1 1 1 3 52 1 1 1 490 REPORT OF THE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. ILLINOIS-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 53 Impotency …. 54 Neglect to provide... -55 Pregnancy before marriage…….... To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.. Total 1867. 1868. | 1869. 1870.1871. | 1872. 213 22 3 325 1 1 1 123 31 8 ∞ 8 1 1 To husband. 1 1 1 5 To wife.... Total 1 1 1 5 56 Refusal to cohabit 57 Violence endangering life. To husband To wife.... Total To husband. 58 Unknown All causes 1 Abandonment 1 To wife.... • Total 22 1 22 112 2 30 LO To husband. 18 11 8 11 To wife. 8 14 19 Total 26 25 27 === 13 24 22223 10 8 12 10 18 To husband. 425 397 407 372 432 593 To wife. Total 646 728 772 806 818 1, 152 1, 071 1, 125 1, 179 1, 178 1,250 1,745 INDIANA. (To To husband. 161 178 159 141 To wife..... 179 181 191 Total 340 362 350 319 143 149 178 164 178 307 327 To husband. 35 31 45 39 31 37 To wife... 14 17 18 17 5 11 Total 49 48 63 56 36 48 S To husband. To wife.... Total 22 2 To husband. 2 1 To wife... Total 1 2 2 112 1 1 2 Abandonment and adultery…. 3 Abandonment, adultery, and bigamy…. 4 Abandonment, adultery, and cruelty B 6 Abandonment, adultery, cruelty, and habit. ual drunkenness. To husband. To wife... Total • To husband. (To Abandonment, adultery, cruelty, and neg- To wife.. lect to provide. 7 Abandonment, adultery, and habitual drunk-S enness. Total • To husband. To wife... Total Abandonment, adultery, habitual drunken-To husband. ness, and neglect to provide. To wife. Total. 8 S Total · • To husband. 9 Abandonment, adultery, and neglect to pro-To wife... vide. 10 Abandonment and bigamy... 11 Abandonment and conviction of felony. 12 Abandonment, conviction of felony, and cruelty. To husband. To wife.... Total. To wi To husband. To wife. Total .... To husband. To wife... Total .. 22 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 සය 3 1 6 1 4 3 1 6 1 4 1 1 1 1 CHAPTER VIII. 491 -GENERAL TABLES. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. ILLINOIS-Concluded. 1881. 1886. Total. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1 4 5 437 347 3 8 11 að að m 3 1 3 5 в 6 544 5 9 178 Haw 3 7 10 527 279 3210 3 5 8 5 OD LO 00 5 8 3 LD 00 46 82 53 128 22 1 1 1 1 1 6 54 1 1 6 ** 4 2 2 1 4 2 IN 2 N IN er 5 1 3 2 3 31 >55 5 1 3 2 3 31 1 1 56 1 1 134 3 6 6 123 1 1 1 5 4 5 1 235 235 5 55 3 2 1.0 21 41 57 10 62 9 2 6 3 10 9 11 17 19 11 17 20 232 14 11 13 7 27 18 23 10 3 10 5 9 4 7 5 12 14 12 15 13123 4 02120 8 4 3 150 6 9 204 58 10 12 354 554 492 517 482 503 504 583 686 719 728 722 683 654 781 11, 240 1,233 1,186 1, 130 1,787 1, 678 1, 647 1, 1771, 141 1, 241 1, 259 1, 453 1, 607 1, 647 1, 733 1, 659 1, 619 1,822 24, 832 1, 659 1, 647 1, 748 1, 842 2, 139 2, 326 2, 375 2, 455 2,342 2, 273 2, 606 36, 072 INDIANA. 223 224 91 87 89 100 96 104 125 149 141 136 149 134 171 197 167 124 202 225 289 257 266 265 225 258 286 267 290 306 350 418 398 402 414 28 26 33 25 26 35 43 41 42 17 21 17 18 23 11 45 47 1 50 43 49 46 283 20 21 63 178 23 62 65 933 928 141 141 159 2, 639 243 252 255 4. 171 1 384 393 414 6, 810 43 44 35 47 715 22 21 15 9 332 2 65 65 50 56 1,047 1 110 1 2 1 1 213 1 1 tat G1 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 4 2 2 1 2 1 2 3 2285 12 14 1 26 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 คงค LO LO 2 5 5 6 5 01 2 1 1 1 2 HA 1919 2 1 2 2 16 2 3 2 4 4 1 25 7 4 4 4 4 6 1 41 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 ? 8 3 6 7 5 7 3 6 7 5 7 5 ગા 4 4 1 1 5 LO 5 11 11 9 5 11 11 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 คล 8 oc co ♡ ♡o 3 5 106 9 5 106 * ~~~ 10 2 1 1 1 10 11 1 1 1 10 S 1 12 492 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. INDIANA—Continued. Causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. To husband 13 Abandonment, conviction of felony, and neg- lect to provide. To wife.. Total. To husband. 7 11 15 6 9 14 Abandonment and cruelty To wife.. 11 16 15 Total 18 27 30 គន 21 27 21 27 12 20 ∞22 8 12 To husband. 1 15. Abandonment, cruelty, and habitual drunk- enness. To wife... Total. 7 7 ** 4 4 1 ܗܗ 3 3 2 2 16 17 Abandonment, cruelty, habitual drunken. To husband. ness, and neglect to provide. To wife.. Total. Abandonment, cruelty, and neglect to pro- To wife.... vide. (To To husband. 4 Total 4 00 00 3 3 To husband. 3 1 1 18 Abandonment and habitual drunkenness To wife.. 8 8 9 Total ... 11 9 10 77 156 2 3 2 3 4 6 00:00 8 8 8 12 19 Abandonment, habitual drunkenness, and neglect to provide. S To husband To wife. 8 Total 8 44 4 4 a a 9 6 9 9 9 6 9 9 To husband. 20 Abandonment and incompatibility of temper To wife. Total... 1 1 21 vide. Abandonment, insanity, and neglect to pro-To wife. To husband. 1 Total. 1 To husband 2 22 Abandonment and lewd conduct To wife.... Total 2 1 1 To husband. wife.. 74 23 Abandonment and neglect to provide.......To wi 24 Adultery 25 Adultery and bad temper.. 26 Adultery and bastardy. To husband To wife... Total {Toti To husband To wife.... Total To husband To wife. Total To husband. 103 127 12 222 24 113 Exx 88 81 81 103 26 129 122 ** *** 79 87 79 87 121 77 28 18 22 139 99 1 1 1 1 1 27 Adultery, bigamy, and conviction of folony. To wife.... Total 1 To husband. 1 1 28 Adultery and conviction of felony. To wife.... 1 Total 1 1 1 To husband 29 Adultery, conviction of felony, and cruelty. To wife Total To husband 30 Adultery, conviction of felony, and neglect To wife... to provide. 31 | Adultery and cruelty. 32 Adultery, cruelty, and habitual drunken- ness. T Total STo husband To wife.. Total • To husband. To wife. Totil } 100 — 3 8 8 9 11 103 2 1 1 224 1 1 1 4 5 C 309 1 1 1 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 493 TABLE III.-DIVORCES 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. INDIANA—Continued. 1873. | 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. Į 1882. | 1883. | 1884. | 1885. | 1886. 75. 1884. Total. en 2 2 213 2 9 11 5 18 20 14 27 31 19 50000 8 8 19 16 25 697 4 13 7 7 14 9 19 20 20 22 30 20 24 35 37 27 295 25 22 30 40 36 39 59 288 11 199 32 35 52 46 417 14 616 CU CO 22 3 2 1 3 3 2 1 3 134 1 4 4 1 KOLD 5 4 5 4 WN Mark 1 4 ! 2 5 4 LO 5 4 10000 3 3 LO LO 5 60 15 5 64 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 16 1 1 5 1 5 3 1 5 4 co co 12 4 13 14 7 13 3 12 4 13 14 7 13 77 เอเว 5 00 30 8 10 방 ​133 10 133 4 3 5 12 12 22 9 8 17 7 13 8 20 12 150 2 1 5 5 15 10 6 5 15 12 00 00 8 8 8 ~21 1 1 30 12 9 13 183 14 10 14 213 55 11 5 11 3D LO 5 10 5 방 ​10 44 00 00 8 10 11 11 5 12 8 10 11 11 5 12 -งง 7 6 7 6 29 10 16u 10 160 1 55 55 22 71 76 71 76 aa! 05 90 130 127 125 153 138 157 142 150 120 137 2, 141 23 90 130 127 125 153 138 137 142 150 120 137 2,141 66 71 81 85 93 94 108 118 138 127 131 128 111 130 2,068 24 31 33 29 31 21 27 36 39 11 48 37 42 48 629 24 90 102 114 114 124 115 135 154 177 168 179 163 153 178 2,697 1 25 1 1 26 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LO LO 5 4 3 5 10 7 6 10 14 10 6 15-00 5 3 7 9 15 دارم دی 4 2 8 15 12 S 14 18 16 19 14 1 1 1 1 2 00101 i 1 27 1 t 1 ༠༩༽༡ LO 5 5 1 3 60 9 12 14 13 23 13 181 16 241 быльный ротов 1 1 1800 494 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. INDIANA-Continued. Causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. | 1871. 1872. 1870. 1871. 5 ગા: 2 22 2 123 5 3 4 3 9 33 Adultery, cruelty, habitual drunkenness, To wife.. and neglect to provide. To husband. Total To husband. 1 I 34 Adultery, cruelty, and neglect to provide... To wife.. 35 Adultery and habitual drunkenness. Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. 36 Adultery, habitual drunkenness, and neg To wife.... lect to provide. Adultery and impotency. 22 415 2 112 Total -- 1 7 4 3 1 7 4 3 To husband. 1 6 1 6 Adultery and insanity. Adultery and neglect of duty.. Adultery and neglect to provide..... stardy Bigamy. To wife... Total... (To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.... Total STo husband. S To wife.. Total.. To husband. To wife. Total To husband. 43 Bigamy, cruelty, and neglect to provide.... To wife..... 44 Bigamy and habitual drunkenness. S Total To husband. To wife.. Total:. To husband. Total • · 112 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 LO LO 5 5 ww 3 5 3 5 112 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 45 Bigamy, habitual drunkenness, and neglect to To wife...... provide. • To husband. 46 Bigamy and neglect to provide. To wife.... Total. 1 1 To husband. 1 17 Conviction of felony To wife... 5 4 13 9 Total 5 4 13 10 • To husband. Conviction of felony and cruelty. Conviction of felony and habitual drunken- ness. To wife..... Total To husband. To wife. Total To husband. Conviction of felony, habitual drunkenness, To wife... and neglect to provide. Total To husband Conviction of felony and neglect to provide. To wife.. Total -- 1 1 To husband Crime against nature and cruelty... To wife... Total.... 1 1 22 1 1 55 22 9 180 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 495 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. INDIANA—Continued. 378. 1882. 883. 1884. 1873. 1874. 1875.1876. | 1877. | 1878.1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. | 1883. | 1884. 1885.1886. Total. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 213 3 22 22 3 6 323 5 1 4 1 1 4 1 22 4 7 11 4 7 11 පප 6 6 1 1 1 عرعر 1 4 4 22 2 3 4 5 3 1 4 3 að að 3 44 -- 1 1 1 1 ,22 2 •22 145 5 4 4 5 9 248 3 4 6 7 22 ~~ 2 4 33 2 1 1 1 1 INN 2 34 2 28 126 212 213 42 49 35 91 C Co 3 1 3 1 41 $36 3 1 3 1 41 er cr 5 12 5 12 22 9 9 1 1 77 10 4 10 10 4 10 1 1 112 137 1 38 1 1 39 1 00 00 8 124 40 8 124 ON THE CO 2 1 41 3 3 3 142 an co c 6 . 1 43 1 1 44 1 1 45 1 1 46 11 48 11 1 1 1 1 1 7 oo co 8 10 17 10 9 14 15 10 10 19 11 8 13 15 213 47 8 10 17 10 9 15 16 11 10 19 11 9 13 16 220 1 1 61 61 2 2 คล 2 2 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 oo co 3 3 ลด 2 9 49 2 1 50 1 851 152 496 REPORT OF OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. INDIANA-Continued. Causes, and to which party granted, 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. To husband 53 Crime against nature and neglect to provide? To wife.. 1 Total. 1 To husband 41 38 46 54 Cruelty.. To wife.... 97 107 123 Total 138 145 169 126 131 229230 43 42 88 100 142 (To husband. 1 1 To wife. 21 15 18 Total... 22 16 2002 2 1 22 31 28 24 32 28 To husband مام 5 5 ∞ ∞ 55 8 5 13 17 10 8 5 13 17 10 55 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness... 56 Cruelty, habitual drunkenness, and neglect S to provide. 57 Cruelty and impotency. 58 Cruelty and incompatibility of temper.. 59 Cruelty and kleptomania 60 Cruelty and lewd conduct To wife... Total.. To husband. To wife. Total. - To husband To wife... Total To husband. To wife. Total... To husband To wife... Total. To husband 1 1 1 1 2 2 61 Cruelty and neglect of duty 62 Cruelty and neglect to provide..... To wife.. Total 1 1 - 1 1 To husband To wife. 15 31 21 Total 15 31 21 37 37 33 22 34 22 34 To husband 63 General misconduct To wife.. 1 Total. 1 To husband. 1 1 64 Gross misconduct and lewd conduct. To wife... Total. 1 1 To husband. 3 1 4 2 1 4 65 Habitual drunkenness To wife..……. 23 22 23 21 21 Total 26 23 27 23 22 23 72 29 33 To husband. 66 Habitual drunkenness and impotency .. To wife... Total 67 Habitual drunkenness and neglect to pro- To wife. vide. To husband. 13 21 28 31 28 23 Total 13 21 28 34 28 23 - To husband. 1 1 1 68 Impotency.. To wife... 1 1 Total 2 1 2 • S To husband 69 Impotency and neglect to provide. To wife.. Total To husband. 1 1 70 Incompatibility of temper 71 Insanity and neglect to provide To wife.... 1 1 Total 1 1 2 123 1 1 2 To husband. To wife.. 1 1 Total. 1 1 To husband. 1 2 1 1 1 72 Lewd conduct and neglect of duty.. To wife. Total 1 CHAPTER VIII.- 497 -GENERAL TABLES. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. INDIANA—Continued. 1873. | 1874. | 1875. 1876. | 1877. | 1878. 1879. 1880. | 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. | 1885. 1886. Total. 1 53 1 27 21 18 17 17 13 22 22 23 42 37 43 45 63 649 89 123 106 118 147 155 137 | 159 182 179 194 196 209 249 2, 855 54 116 144 124 | 135 161 168 159 181 205 221 231 239 254 312 3, 504 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 3 1 1 25 28 30 34 1 28 31 35 888 28 30 28 30 +65 24 29 40 35 40 36 39 40 39 607 55 25 31 42 37 41 39 42 11 40 632 6 8 15 6 8 15 100 00 8 13 9 14 14 10 12 8 13 9 14 14 10 12 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 12 14 11 9 213 56 12 14 11 9 213 1 4:57 1 1 58 1 1 59 1 2 60 2 261 22 27 30 37 32 27 30 37 32 42 42 43 43. 1818 55 42 61 53 61 55 42 61 53 61 28 62 58 62 58 889 60 823 62 60 823 1 63 1 2 64 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 3 2 44 19 18 21 32 17 29 33 29 33 31 34 30 28 28 521 65 20 19 22 33 18 31 37 33 36 32 37 33 30 30 565 1 1 166 1 26 32 29 38 32 40 19 30 40 40 42 13 45 37 26 32 29 38 32 40 19 30 40 40 12 43 15 37 IR 640 67 640 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 3 1 1 3 Note 19 19 2 2 1313 13 2 23 68 36 1 1 1 1 20267 M D———32 ***** 1919. 7 1 69 1 5 70 71 72 498 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. INDIANA~Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868. 1869. | 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1870. | | 73 Neglect of duty and neglect to provide.... 74 Neglect to provide.. 75 Pregnancy before marriage To husband. 1 1 1 1 To wife.. Total STo husband. To wife... Total • To husband. 44 56 44 56 5555 59 66 59 66 གླཚ 58 58 To wife.... Total To husband. 76 55 53 57 67 53 76 Unknown. To wife.. 88 84 106 122 109 118 Total 164 139 159 179 176 171 All causes S To husband. 437 416 440 382 428 389 To wife.. Total 659 710 770 788 711 768 1, 096 1, 126 1, 210 1, 170 1, 139 1, 157 IOWA. To busband. 62 57 58 1 Adultery To wife.. 41 42 46 Total.. 103 99 104 888 68 66 134 109 ធម្ម 57 41 52 38 79 2 Adultery, conviction of felony, and habitual drunkenness. { To husband. 3 Adultery and cruelty.. To wife... Total.. To husband. To wife.. Total.... STo husband. To wife. Total. 1 1 134 2 22 4 4 2 1 1 1 1 4 Adultery, cruelty, and desertion 5 Adultery, cruelty, and habitual drunken-To s To husband. wife..... 1 1 ness. Total. 1 1 6 Adultery, cruelty, and neglect to provide 7 Adultery and desertion.. STo husband. To wife... Total • S To husband. 8 Adultery, desertion, and habitual drunken-S ness. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife. Total 9 Adultery and habitual drunkenness S Total. 10 Adultery and neglect to provide.. To husband. Co wife... To husband. 11 Conviction of felony 145 213 6 6 4 5 10 11 235 729 1 1 123 415 4 11 15 1 2 1 ~~ 2 To wife 3 1 8 1 Total 3 1 8 1 1 o husband. To wife.... Total 12 Conviction of felony and cruelty. 13 Conviction of felony, cruelty, and habitual S drunkenness. To husband To wife.. Total To husband. 14 Conviction of felony and desertion. To wife.... Total. 1 1 ま ​65. 5 5 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 499 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. INDIANA-Concluded. 1873. 1874. | 1875.1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. | 1881. 1882, 1883. 1884. 1885. | 1886. Total. 22 73 46 59 64 52 83 78 73 82 46 59 64 52 83 78 73 82 97 97 115 113 116 115 99 136 113 116 99 136 1,55174 1, 551 2 2 75 2 2 88888388 30 32 24 20 58 58 81 54 ୫୪ 90 105 74 2SE 21 26 56 58 77 84 7868 27 28 20 22 32 32 37 33 745 68 44 73 67 89 47 73 61 1,517 76 95 72 93 89 121 79 110 97 2, 262 263 261 252 270 273 281 349 386 391 396 416 425 398 454 7, 307 601 741 800 744 878 922 1, 037 1, 104 861 1,002 1, 052 1, 014 1, 151 1, 1831, 271 1, 423 1, 495 ཊྛོ 902 1,144 1, 1911, 109 1, 540 1, 607,1, 534 1, 106 1, 201 1, 504 ¡1, 655 17,886 25, 193 IOWA. 58 57 55 81 66 64 56 51 59 50 55 52 60 53 28 72 86 87 87 59 67 69 71 109 116 105 136 118 124 109 131 153 156: 158 158 88888898 80 89 1 79 1,360 78 93 82 1, 184 1 182 161 2, 544 9 181 1 1 3 · 00 00 3 1344 లులు 3 4 5 3 4 5 134 4 4 · 8 268 6 2 6 NN 2 LO LO 5 5 6 5 5 6 84 1 2 1 Rec 9 3 1 6 4 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 201 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 5 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 7 5 2 7 3 7 7 6 3 6 5 4 4 2 2 7 3 3 6 4 4 6 4 11 7 2 9 10 10 10 12 9 7 10 11 12 183 88888888 98 2 1 1 115) 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 112 22 2 17∞ 1 5 1 1 8 5 1 COMES 2 1 28 9 3 37 336 8 6 6 44 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 $10 3 1 1 6 5 10 11 5 10 14 7 6 12 9 12 140 11 6 5 10 11 5 10 15 7 6 12 9 12 141 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 12 1 2 1 13 3 14 3 S 500 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. IOWA-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 15 Conviction of felony, desertion, and habitual S To husband 16 drunkenness. Conviction of felony and habitual drunken- ness. To wife... Total To husband. 869. 1867. 1868.1869. 1870. 1871. | 1872. 1 1 To wife.... 1 Total. 1 To husband. To wife. 47 Total 258 12 16 17 31 13 77 74 63 59 93 91 16880 87 94 100 100 188888 82 To husband. 3 To wife... Total عرعر 1 1 LO LO 5 5 3 LO LO 5 4 5 4 8 158 - 17 Cruelty 18 Cruelty and desertion. 19 20 Cruelty, desertion, and habitual drunken. To husband. ness. To wife Total Cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide.. To wife 21 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness (To husband. Total • To husband To wife... Total 6 6 8 8 6 6 1 1 . 00 00 257 8 9 8 9 22 to provide. 23 Cruelty and neglect to provide Cruelty, habitual drunkenness, and neglect To husband To wife. Total To husband. To wife... Total. 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 To husband. 24 Desertion... To wife. 25 Desertion and habitual drunkenness. 26 Desertion, habitual drunkenness, and neg. lect to provide. Total To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife.. Total 97 134 133 231 108 102 91 103 141 171 137 160 165 241 273 228 263 306 213 1 1 2 22 4 4 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 3 4 4 5 22 32 34 30 44 44 32 37 34 48 49 To husband. 27 D. sertion and neglect to provide... To wife.. Total To husband. 28 Habitual drunkenness. To wife. 26 Total 2000898 * To husband. 29 Habitual drunkenness and neglect to provide To wife.. Total. To husband. 30 Neglect to provide. tots To wife... Total. 1 1 To husband 1 31 Pregnancy before marriage. To wife Total 1 S To husband. 32 Refusal to cohabit .. To wife.... Total - 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 33 Unknown To husband. To wife. 22 31 24 Total 55 2X2 24 28 52 === 14 16 29 19 30 34 41 18 4.1 50 70 37 All causes To husband To wife.... Total 210 213 294 340 504 553 584 570 627 617 204 215 216 231 380 355 411 386 1 CHAPTER 501 VIIIVIII. .—GENERAL TABLES. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. IOWA-Concluded. 876. 880. 381. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877, 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883, 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 1 1 22 >15 1 1 1 416 1 1 1 17 10 11 14 18 15 20 24 17 25 22 21 26 23 103 98 116 137 151 141 146 145 174 180 189 212 211 214 370 2,647 17 120 108 127 151 169 156 166 169 191 205 211 233 237 237 3, 017 1 1 22 2 2 22 52 Hi Jank 1 1 4 5 oo oo 3 3 3 4 229 1 7 66 10 -3 co 3 1 2 1 2 19 7 5 9 8 9 97 18 11 10 6 11 9 11 116 1 1 3 3 1 1 2220 22 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 9 11 9 15 10 15 15 16 26 20 9 12 9 16 11 16 16 19 28 21 1 1 3 3 • að an 819 189 1 2 3 20 1 2 3 25 HIQ 1 1 4 19 16 12 261 21 26 17 16 280 1 1 1 4 22 1 4 22 22 1 1 INN 22 22 2 1 4 2 2 1 4 2 LO LO 5 27 23 5 27 122 118 111 139 153 156 136 176 186 187 176 197 158 157 2,814 197 174 203 319 292 235 206 219 256 305 323 352 277 314 374 359 375 392 481 509 539 453 307 317 321 4,592 24 501 475 478 7, 406 3 3 3 3 5 144 145 2 2 11Q 1 1 2 9 1 4 2 4 22 6 4 9 8 12 6 5 9 8 14 73 25 82 1 1 1221 ? 3 26 3 22 22 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 ∞ ∞ 3 3 co co 3 2 1 24 27 3 2 1 24 1 1 1 5 2 7 8 3 3 3 1 2 7 62 52 52 49 66 64 63 66 53 53 50 71 66 70 74 88888 83 76 113 89 86 79 113 92 =33 94 89 94 1,260 28 95 91 101 1, 322 1 1 1 1 NO 2 2 2 221 2 1 1 2 1 1 13 29 13 1 1 fund fand i 1 1 1 1 1 1 NG 2 1 10 30 2 1 10 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 27 31 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 4 27 1 1 32 1 1 238 20 42 62 01231335 37 36 57 998 16 41 52 2433 22 30 18 20 26 18 16 21 27 17 18 422 52 44 38 11 30 47 39 51 50 45 768 33 63 82 62 58 67 48 63 60 78 67 63 1, 190 480 709 449 662 675 229 213 199 273 276 271 476 573 578 571 846 $54 842 254 313 322 326 319 338 299 20 5,227 600 688 741 824 724 826 820 821 11, 337 854 1,001 1, 063 1, 150 |1, 043 1, 164 1,119 1,127 16, 564 - 502 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. KANSAS. Causes, and to which party granted. 1 Abandonment 1867. 1868. | 1869, |1870. | 1871. | 1872. To husband. 19 24 42 42 63 To wife. 31 45 46 57 88 46 92 113 Total 50 69 88 99 155 159 To husband. 1 1 1 1 To wife... 4 Total 1 1 1 5 213 To husband. To wife Total 1 1 2 Abandonment and adultery 3 4 5 Abandonment, adultery, cruelty, and habit- ual drunkenness. Abandonment, adultery, and neglect to pro- vide. Abandonment, adultery, and refusal to co- S habit. 6 Abandonment and bigamy... 7 Abandonment and cruelty.. 8 Abandonment, cruelty, and neglect to pro- vide. S S 9 Abandonment and habitual drunkenness... 10 11 Abandonment, habitual drunkenness, and neglect to provido. Abandonment and neglect to provide.... 12 Adultery 13 Adultery and bigamy... To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife... Total... To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. To wife.... Total · To husband. To wife. Total To husband To wife Total To husband. To wife ..... Total To husband To wife Total.. 448 1423 1 1 7 4 2 13 1 9 5 7 5 11 18 St 12 8 20 14 Adultery and cruelty. 15 Adultery, cruelty, habitual drunkenness, and neglect to provide. To husband To wife... Total To husband. To wife Total. To husband 16 Adultery, cruelty, and neglect to provide... To wife. 17 Adultery and habitual drunkenness Total · S To husband. 18 Adultery, habitual drunkenness, and neg- lect to provide. S 19 Adultery and neglect to provide.... 20 Bigamy. To wife Total 1 - 1 To husband. To wifo... Total.. To husband. To wife Total. 22 To husband. 1 To wife.. 1 Total..... 2 • 1 1 22 4 4 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL -GENERAL TABLES. 503 TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. KANSAS. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1880. Total. 155 65 90 109 173 64 45 59 58 83 97 94 116 139 102 129 155 175 160 212 252 277 98 120 127 131 110 131 158 179 173 205 275 238 241 292 293 332 1,582 2. 782 1 406 318 372 450 4,364 2 2 426 6 213 213 3 1 3 1 213 224 3 1 4 248 6 6 6 426 38 20 2 58 1 1 ♡o Go 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 134 1 3 4 1 1 22 30.00 LLL 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 1 5 1 1 : 22 1 1 22 6 3 LO ∞ 2 5 4 8 246 8 43 7 51 1 1 1 1 1 '1 1 1 123 } 1 1 8 1 1 2 4 9 6 1 2 $10 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 4 4 20 $11 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 4 1 20 15 17 16 8 13 13 19 28 24 26 26 27 43 8 6 6 10 4 6 4 5 8 11 14 8 15 23 23 22 18 17 19 23 33 32 37 40 35 58 89985 50 367 26 158 12 76 525 1 1 13 1 1 1 I 2 1 22 1 1 4 1 2 11 14 1 1 1 4 1 13 - 1 1 1 1 123 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 1 1 คล 216 1 2 20161 17 شه 118 1 1 2 1 2 co co 3 3 10 2 1 5 2 LO 5 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 5 1 2 6 3 5 37 1965 3 3 CO LO 00 5 1343 3 29 63 22 88 10 $19 34 20 504 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 4 TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1836, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. KANSAS-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. S 21 Bigamy and habitual drunkenness. 22 Conviction of felony 1867. |1868.|1869.|1870. | 1871. | 1872. To husband. To wife Total To busband To wife.. Total To husband. 22 2 ลงลง 2 22 1 1 23 Conviction of felony aad neglect to provide. To wife Total (To To husband. 1 2 4 10 15 13 23 43 55 (Total 11 15 13 23 45 59 " 24 Cruelty 25 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness.. 26 Cruelty, habitual drunkenness, and neglect to provide 27 Cruelty and neglect to provide To husband. To wife Total - · • To husband. To wife. Total. - STo husband. wife Total To husband. * 28 Fraud 29 Habitual drunkenness. To wife. ► Total. To husband. To wife Total To husband. 30 Habitual drunkenness and neglect to provide? To wife.. 31 Impotency.. Total. To husband. To wife... Total To husband. · 3 3 3 3 ww 3 3 3 లులు: 2 22 ~~ 2 1 3 2 1 3 32 Neglect to provide 33 Pregnancy before marriage. 34 Unknown All causes To wife. Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife. Total • To busband. To wife.. Total 1 Abandonment KENTUCKY. 22 1 1 1 1 257 - a 9 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 7 8 4 7 ・0000 15 16 21 8 15 16 21 2 2 1 1 1 1 2223 24 36 47 46 82 66 52 77 75 112 174 214 76 113 122 158 256 280 (To To husband. 74 72 To wife.. 85 Total. 159 77 87 106 96 95 112 108 139 113 167 189 195 235 219 To husband. 4 9 5 15 8 17 To wife ..-- 5 8 4 5 4 Total. 9 17 9 20 12 19 720 To husband. To wife. Total • · 1 1 2 Abandonment and adultery 3 Abandonment, adultery, and conviction of felony. To husband 4 Abandonment, adultery, and cruelty. To wife ………. Total 2 2 CHAPTER VIII. 505 -GENERAL TABLES. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. KANSAS-Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. | 1877. |1878. | 1879. | 1880. | 1881. | 1882. 1883. | 1884. 1885.1886. Total. 4 4 22 Junk Jad 1 5 1 1 5 1 3 5 3 5 os as 2 22 22 2 21 2 193 2 ID C 1 2 5 3 5 45 22 6 3 5 47 1 1 23 1 1 3 3 2 3 1 6 6 10 9 11 16 20 97 34 45 28 26 35 58 45 61 44 79 93 77 87 137 1,008 24 34 48 31 28 35 61 46 67 50 89 102 88 103 157 1, 105 22 1 3 1 1 3 1 22 CU CO 3 4 3 4 22 248 LO 5 2 9 1 3225 6 5 3 41 1 1 1 $26 ï co co 3 3 22 1 1 1 1 22 6 1 1 6 1 1 1 3 w c 3 t-t- 7 7 C Co 3 6 4 40 27 3 6 4 40 1 3 22 328 1 6 1 2 1 2 8 6 6 6 3 13 9 8 6 6 10 15 10 15 6 6 6 4 13 9 8 8 6 11 15 10 17 220 15529 163 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 3 3 } 3 1 3 1 1730 17 5 as co 1 1 pod p 44 112 8 31 13 12 22 17 23 15 21 28 31 35 12 22 17 23 15 21 28 31 35 888888 39 49 40 39 49 40 888 66 51 523 32. 66 54 523 1 1 2 2 in 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 17 33 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 17 2 2 3 7 1 6 3 1 2 2 9 10 B14 3 4 3 7 123 337 3 2 4 3 944 8 7 46 12 8 4134 6 20 15 90 83 91 66 77 153 236 127 205 154 184 184 215 260 296 220 261 261 357 387 77 112 145 161 172 176 297 283 386 467 415 468 569 442 414 558 643 574 690 817 159 222 248 2,217 4, 974 7,191 KENTUCKY. 92 107 104 139 131 148 147 136 160 240 137 145 172 174 168 254 240 299 303 311 313 166 190 164 165 155 182 212 205 237 348 402 209 212 239 265 252 2,628 3, 349 1 369 402 394 474 464 5,977 9 11 13 11 14 15 14 13 16 23 7 12 7 9 8 15 10 4 8 6 11 6 7 5 16 20 21 26 24 19 22 19 27 29 14 17 F25 17 10 27 2283 19 252 10 144 2 29 396 • 1 個 ​3 1 1 1 3 4 • 1 } 506 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. KENTUCKY--Continued. 1867, 1868. | 1869. 1870. 1871.1872. 1871. Causes, and to which party granted. LO 5 Abandonment, adultery, and drunkenness. 6 habitual S To husband. Abandonment, adultery, habitual drunken- ness, and neglect to provide. To wife Total --- To husband To wife... Total STo To husband. To wife. 1 1 7 Abandonment and conviction of felony 1 Total 1 To husband. 1 1 1 To wife Total 3 3 සහ‍ LOLO 5 7 5 8 ܗܗ 9 5 5 9 6 6 8 Abandonment and cruelty.. 9 10 Abandonment, cruelty, and habitual drunk- S To husband. enness. Abandonment, cruelty, habitual drunken- ness, and neglect to provide. 11 Abandonment, cruelty, and impotency. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife. Total. · To husband. To wife... Total. Abandonment, cruelty, and neglect to pro-To husband. 12 vide. To wife... Total. 13 Abandonment and fraud.. S To husband. To wife.... Total ► 14 Abandonment and habitual drunkenness 15 Abandonment, habitual drunkenness, and neglect to provide. S To husband. To wife Total. To husband To wife... Total. 178 1 1 145 22 6 6 22 3 3 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 123 22 16 Abandonment and loathsome disease To husband. To wife.... Total 1 1 17 Abandonment and neglect to provide..... { To husband. To wife 1 1 1 1 Total. 1 1 1 1 22 To husband. 37 18 Adultery 19 Adultery and conviction of felony To wife.... Total. ខាង 13 888888898 38 39 43 47 41 10 12 10 11 9 50 48 51 53 58 50 To husband. To wife. Total. (To To husband. 1 20 Adultery and cruelty. To wife 1 1 Total 1 1 1 112 To husband. ness. To wife. Total 1 1 21 Adultery, cruelty, and habitual drunken- To wife. Total 22 Adultery, cruelty, habitual drunkenness, To husband. and neglect to provide. 23 Adultery and fraud.. 24 Adultery and habitual drunkenness ཉ To husband. To wife Total. To husband. To wife. Total S 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 507 ? TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. KENTUCKY-Continued. 1873. 1874.1875. 1876. | 1877. | 1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. | 1885. | 1886. 379. 1880. 881. Total. 11 11 8 7 8 7 1 1 22 9 9 44 1 1 1 6 ง 7 1 1 9 9 1 1 1 1 235 9 11 9 11 1 1 1 1 1 44 1 1 5 2 6 1 లులు. 3 7 6 8 14 9 13 141 8 8 14 9 13 147 1 1 14 9 14 110 1 1 $11 1 1 12 1 1 1 1 1 213 13 1 1 5 ∞ ∞ 8 4 $ 6 10 10 7 9 6 13 8 10 132 14 8 4 4 6 10 10 7 10 6 14 8 10 137 44 1 1 pol god 22 22 22 1 1 1 1 1715 17 1 16 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 22 ลล 2 2 1 20 17 2 2 1 20 46 47 50 53 67 68 65 72 67 73 62 81 80 75 1, 151 18 9 13 16 16 11 16 14 26 17 25 28 11 28 31318 64 56 63 69 83 79 81 86 93 90 87 109 91 103 1, 464 1 1 19 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 3 යය 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 3 ao c 3 22 1 2 1 25 1 28 3 21 3 6101 22 1 23 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 లులు 1 3 18 24 3 et 2 1 3 19 1 1 1 1 1 508 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. KENTUCKY-Continued. 1867. 1868. | 1869. | 1870. | 1871. | 1872. Causes, and to which party granted. To husband. 25 Adultery, habitual drunkenness, and neg-To wife lect to provide. Total To husband. To wife.... Total 26 Adultery and loathsome disease 1 1 27 Adultery and pregnancy before marriage..To wife (To husband 1 Total 1 To husband. 28 Conviction of felony.. To wife. Total ~~ 2 3 2 3 22 1 2 1 2 to co INN 3 3 To husband. 29 Cruelty... To wife.. ~~* 3 22 39 24 42 2223 1 2 27 43 52 47 29 44 54 47 30 Cruelty and fraud 31 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness Total To husband. To wife. Total · To husband. To wife Total 32 Cruelty, habitual drunkenness, and neglect To husband. to provide. 1 8 1 8 123 6 6 3 3 ww 3 4 3 4 Đa đa 44 To wife... Total 22 LO LO 5 1 5 1 4 S To husband. To wife. 1 Total 1 To husband. 1 1 1 1 33 Cruelty and loathsome disease. 34 Cruelty and neglect to provide... 35 Duress in obtaining marriage.. ? 36 Force and fraud To wife... Total..... To husband. To wife... Total To husband. 37 Fraud 1 1 1 1 To wife... Total To husband. To wife..... Total 1 1 ผล 2 2 112 To husband. 1 To wife.... 10 Total 11 156 1 13 17 17 21 6 13 18 17 21 To husband. 3 Total లులు 3 44 44 3 5 3 5 LO LO LO LO 5 5 To husband. 38 Habitual drunkenness. 39 Habitual drunkenness and neglect to pro-To wife... vide. 40 Impotency... 41 Loathsome disease. 42 Neglect to provide.... 43 Pregnancy before marriage.. To wifo.... Total To husband. husba To wifo. Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife. Total 44 Unknown 1 1 22 2 2 22 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 To husband. LO 5 4 To wife.... 4 Total 5 8 259 7 9 347 224 9 1 10 CHAPTER VIII. 509 -GENERAL TABLES. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. KENTUCKY-Continued. 1874. 1878. 1883. 1873. 1874. |1875. | 1876. | 1877. | 1878.1879.1880. 1881.1882. | 1883. | 1884. | 1885. | 1886. 375. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total. 1 25 1 326 3 1 $27 1 ~2 22 9 9 17∞ 8 22 2 15 6 5 7 6 བ 7 156 44 6 Co to 6 6 6 aa: 3 3 17∞ 4 9 87 28 8 9 91 31280 3 1 4 4 3 3 3 3 65 46 34 48 61 40 68 49 34 49 65 44 63 88. 60 43 58 59 58 46 61 62 60 833 2088888 1 6 3 49 63 61 8123 69 82 1,016 29 75 85 1, 065 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 >30 3 57 57 1 1 w c 3 3 ww 3 3 1 1 3 3 ♡ 77 as oo 3 3 1 2 1 2 123 1 4 3 6 5 - 3 w 6 aa! 3 3 1 1 N2 1 1 00 00 8 1 8 1 as as 3 3 300 73 31 76 2832 098998 28 1 1 533 5 1 1 2 1 734 1 1 2 1 7 1 1 35 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 123 1 1 123 1 1 1 1 14 11 17 17 19 11 14 15 15 18 17 19 12 14 6 a 1 136 1 1 5 1 2 1 8 3 1 1 15 37 4 2 1 1 1 23 3 2 1 13 9 17 11 18 12 20 9 285 38 9 17 11 21 14 21 9 298 415 ∞o co 8 9 8 10 8 9 8 10 Na 22 17 7 17 18 12 16 11 19 20 218 39 22 17 7 17 18 12 16 11 19 20 218 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tata 40 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 145 1 1 5 1 1 2 21 1 1 1 1 26 F F 12 1 1 22 19 19 29 10 10 ૧૭ 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 20 43 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 20 3 5 4 1 7 6 347 1 5 1 1 1 7 3 6 1 7 11 2 314 101 80 2 3 0103 10 6 C 6 4 22 59 60 12 6 119 510 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. KENTUCKY-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. All causes Tó husband. To wife.. Total 1869. 1867, 1868.1869.1870. 1871. | 1872, 127 130 127 150 161 177 165 190 205 218 253 227 292 320 332 368 414 404 LOUISIANA. 1 Abandonment.. To husband. To wife... Total To husband. 167 279 4 4 9 3 13 7 1 2 Abandonment and adultery To wife.. 1 1 Total 1 1 1 3 Abandonment, adultery, and cruelty.. S To husband To wife... Total. 4 Abandonment, adultery, cruelty, and defa- To husband. mation. To wife.... Total 5 Abandonment, adultery, and habitual in- S To husband. • To wife... Total temperance. To wife.. Total S To husband. 6 Abandonment and conviction of felony 7 Abandonment and cruelty.. 8 Abandonment, cruelty, and defamation. • 9 Abandonment, cruelty, and habitual intem- perance. To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife... Total.. To husband To wife... Total To husband. 112 2 246 268 1 1 828 6 255 7 Total 10 Abandonment and habitual intemperance.. To wife.. S 11 Adultery 12 Adultery and cruelty …. 13 · To husband. To wife... Total · To husband. To wife.... Total. Adultery, cruelty, and habitual intemper. To husband ance. 14 Adultery and habitual intemperance 15 Conviction of felony... wife..... Total · To husband. To wife... Total. - 1 -- 1 1 1 1 1 • 426 1 1 1 1 437 4 8 3 2 7 10 10 1 1 To husband. To wife..... Total. 1 1 1 1 To husband. 1 1 00 00 8 8 9 8 8 9 10 8 150 00 16 Cruelty... 17 Cruelty and defamation 18 Cruelty and habitual intemperance. To wife..... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total. • 1 235 22 1 1 7 7 CHAPTER 511 VIIIVIII.- .-GENERAL TABLES. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. KENTUCKY-Concluded. 1880 1873. 1874. | 1875. | 1876. | 1877. |1878. | 1879. |1880. | 1881. | 1882. | 1883. | 1884. 1885. | 1886. 85. Total. 158 176 175 206 302 260 257 304 460 436 432 510 537 219 234 235 258 282 269 245 256 331 297 302 309 378 346 395 550 531 567 660 615 412 323 312 432 445 640 668 755 757 4,220 6, 028 10, 248 LOUISIANA. 2 3 3 5 6 6 4 8 14 6 16 7 8 6 10 17 9 21 13 14 10 18 732 8 5 6 13 13 14 17 20 21 19 23 123 14 13 12 15 26 3488 10 113 24 210 28 34 1 1 1 1 426 3 3 CO ON LO 3 2 5 4 213 44 5 5 123 පායය 3 4 8 7 3 2 6 4 10 7 223 328 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 426 1 1 1 1 123 2 2 2 1 213 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 1 3 5 10 1 6 1 9 8 7 1 17 22 28 22 9 1 3 10 1 3 4 18 6 12 11 20 19 33 36 29 45 52 58 70 440 2 6 13 4 5 8 15 28 13 16 36 24 29 41 261 11 6 24 19 16 16 28 34 61 49 45 81 76 87 111 701 2 183 2 1 1 112 1 1 112 22 1 1 12 392 9: 12 1 13 1 1 1 1 14 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 4 2 123 1 13 $15 14 3 2 10 10 4 3 4 3 2 8 14 15 14 10 13 11 7 15 8 11 16 25 24 14 16 15 7 18 10 7283 3 2 5 62 21 21 24 23 24716 24 26 28 309 22 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 1 10 18 10 512 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. LOUISIANA-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 19 Habitual intemperance 20 Habitual intemperance and neglect to pro- vide. 21 Unknown All causes. To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.... Total... To husband. To wife.... 1867. 1868.1869.1870. | 1871. | 1872. 368. 1869. 1870. 2 218 3 14 22 131 224 4 4 329 163 ∞ 3 2 3 3 co co 22 3 1 3 3 6 2 Total. 6 5 1 6 To husband. To wife... Total 1233 11 7 15 11 22 27 26 19 33 34 41 30 2233 13 6 26 35 32 MAINE. To husband. To wife... Total មីងថា 75 71 62 61 77 63 136 148 1883 50 66 125 132 116 112 មិនគ 62 To husband. To wife.... Total.. To husband. To wife.. 1 1 Total. 1 1 To husband. To wife. 1 Total 1 To husband. 1 Adultery 2 Adultery and cruel and abusive treatment.. 3 Adultery and cruelty……… 4 Adultery, cruelty, and desertion.... 5 Adultery, cruelty, and habitual intoxication. To wife. 6 Adultery and desertion. Total. To husband. 1 2 To wife.. 2 Total. 1 2 2 To husband. 7 Adultery and habitual intoxication……. 8 To wife... Total Adultery, habitual intoxication, and neglect To husband. to provide. 9 Adultery and incest 10 Conviction of felony.. To wife.. Total. To husband. 2 2 To wife... Total. To husband. To wife... 1 1 Total 1 1 22 2 5 2 5 To husband. (To 11 Conviction of felony and cruel and abusive To wife.... treatment. 12 Conviction of felony and cruelty... 13 Conviction of felony and habitual intoxica- tion. Total.. To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife.... Total. To husband. wife... 11 Conviction of felony and neglect to provide. To wife…………… 15 Crime against nature... Total To husband. To wife.... Total... ! } CHAPTER VIII. GENERAL TABLES. 513 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. LOUISIANA-Concluded. 1873. | 1874. 1875. | 1876. | 1877. | 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. | 1885. | 1886. 878. 1880. 1883. Total. 112 1 6 9 4286 2 1 2 1 4 6 2 2 2 6 4 6 10 8 3 4 3 6 8 - CO D 1 1 6 5 7 6 18- 145 26 76 19 9 102 1 1 R20 1 3 3 4 8 2 7 3 8 5 10 7 257 2533 12 37 49 8923 30 27 40 63 70 90 43888 45 31 33 37 78 68 1 a co cu boer co 2 4 1 1 5 2 1 39 7 9 6 5 5 1 6 3 88 21 9 13 7 6 10 3 6 4 127 34 35 47 55 36 95 52 62 57 87 109 112 *2* 42 68 76 52 89 67 94 157 143 168 88893 95 743 102 954 197 1, 697 MAINE. 40 62 57 49 59 58 55 52 99 120 112 101 125 44 37 52 47 58 57 67 52 81 51 30 33 45 1, 081 58 96 84 115 131 ២១ 64 67 55 47 31 47 44 1, 129 1 119 136 98 31 80 89 2,210 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 2 1 1 1 12 1 23 3 13 112 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 123 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20267 M D-33 1 4 1 " 1 1 1 1 22 5 1 1 8 1 22 2 2 INN 9 6 1 17 2 1 8 7 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 8 22 2 9 1110 12 111 19 2 11 2 110 5 $14 5 514 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. : TABLE III. DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MAINE-Continued. Causes, and to which party granted. 16 Crime against nature and cruelty 17 Cruel and abusive treatment 18 Cruel and abusive treatment and desertion.. 19 Cruel and abusive treatment, desertion, and S refusal to cohabit. To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife..... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife.... Total. {Total Cruel and abusive treatment and habitual To husband. intoxication. 1870. 72. 1867.1868.1869.1870. | 1871. |1872. 3 3 w w 15 5 224 246 426 22 5 3 6 3 ww 17∞ 20 To wife... Total 7 2 6 7 2 6 8 21 Cruel and abusive treatment, habitual in- toxication, and neglect to provide. To husband. To wife.. Total · To husband. 22 Cruel and abusive treatment and incompati. To wife.... bility of temper. 23 24 Total Cruel and abusive treatment and neglect to S To busband. to provide. To wife. Total Cruel and abusive treatment and refusal to To husband. cohabit. 25 Cruelty 26 Cruelty and desertion... 1 1 • 1 1 7 7 4 4 1 l'o wife. Total 1 To husband. 1 1 To wife. 36 38 40 49 49 51 Total 36 38 41 49 49 52 To husband 3 To wife.... Total. 3 3 3 6 LO LO 5 5 1 1 1 1 STo husband. 27 Cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide.. To wife. S Total To hasband. 28 Cruelty, desertion, and refusal to cohabit... To wife. 29 Cruelty and habitual intoxication. 30 Cruelty, habitual intoxication, and neglect To husband. to provide. 31 Cruelty and incompatibility of temper.. 32 Cruelty, incompatibility of temper, and neglect to provide. 33 Cruelty and neglect to provide 1 1 1 1 Total To husband. To wife.. Total. 3235 20 15 11 10 17 10 20 15 11 10 17 10 To wife.... Total 22 22 2 3 3 To husband. To wife.. 1 3 Total 1 3 1 1 To husband. To wife.. Total 1 1 To husband. To wife.... 2 14 7 9 Total. 2 14 7 ∞ ∞ 8 8 34 Cruelty and refusal to cohabit.. S To busband. To wife... Total To husband. 44 53 29 34 41 43 • 35 Desertion.. To wife.... 79 78 69 62 76 75 Total 123 131 98 96 117 118 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 515 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1836, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MAINE-Continued. │1874. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878.1879.1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1876. 883. 1884. 985. 1886. Total. 235 55 3 5 8 COLD 00 482 224 2 12 1 2 1 8 2009 437 10 5 7 57 ལ་ 12 22 22 22 16 3 1 4 టలు 3 3 134 3 1 1 3 4 8 4 7 9 23 22 23 133 888 38 95 17 2 3 2 1 1 1 14 22 1 1 1 9 718 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 23 1 7 7 7 7 180 7 9 7 ४ 00:00 8 8 8 1 1 22 3 3 3 3 1 2 ลง 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 5 19 1 51 23 5 23 x: 00 8 2 9 2 9 155 4 130 20 6 131 เวเว 167 1 1 1 1 ~~ 2 13 21 2 13 30 30 50 2 1. 1 19 3 3 25 522 6 2 1 1 24 . ∞ ∞ 8 5 6 8 5 6 11 1 6 6 1 6 6 CO CO 1 1 1 1 8 8 22 7 7 2 7 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 44 ww 3 6 11 91 23 3 6 11 91 1 7 24 1 7 39 39 2333 53 60 73 82 60 55 60 73 82 60 55555 -1000 2 2 9 85 55 48 35 36 39 37 1,020 25 86 55 48 35 36 41 39 1,029 2 6 Co Co 3 3 සය 3 3 wo co 3 5 4 4 4 3 6 4 4 4 55 1 3 1 3 22 2 50 26 56 1 1 22 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 tota 1 10 27 1 10 1 28 1 1 1 13 10 17 18 22 14 21 27 18 19 12 11 14 11 31029 13 10 17 18 22 14 21 27 18 19 12 11 15 11 311 1 1 1 1 1 1 සය - 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 3 21 30 3 21 6 1 31 7 1 1 232 2 5 13 10 14 16 19 17 32 25 19 11 13 13 6 253 33 5 13 10 14 16 19 17 32 25 19 11 13 13 6 253 2 34 2 55 59 43 40 47 47 60 54 53 66 47 29 79 89 78 86 107 75 94 123 99 111 8 134 148 121 126 154 122 151 177 152 177 130 835 39 52 81 88=3 50 933 52 74 1,611 35. 91 121 2, 574 516 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MAINE-Continued. Causes, and to which party granted. 1868. 1867. | 1868.1869. | 1870. | 1871. | 1872. To husband. 36 Desertion and habitual intoxication To wife.... Total 1 1 1 1 37 Desertion, habitual intoxication, and neg. lect to provide. 38 Desertion, habitual intoxication, and re- fusal to cohabit. S To husband Tc wife.. Total. To husband To wife.... Total 2 2 1 1 To husband 39 Desertion and impotency To wife..... Total To husband. 1 40 Desertion and incompatibility of temper.... To wife.. Total 1 To husband 41 Desertion and neglect to provide To wife.... 44 Total 28 29 32 28 36 44 28 29 32 28 36 To husband. 8 5 7 6 13 42 Desertion and refusal to cohabit. To wife..... 1 Total 9 5 6 13 · To husband. 43 Fraud 44 Habitual intoxication. S S To wife.... Total To husband. To wife... Total - To husband. 3 ♡♡ 6 3 213 145 1 4 5 224 1 1 123 45 Habitual intoxication and neglect to provide To wife..... 12 10 14 Total 12 10 14 ♡♡ 6 20 19 6 20 19 S To husband 46 Impotency.. To wife.... 1 1 47 Incest 48 Incompatibility of temper Total STo husband. To wife --- Total... To husband. 4 2 1 To wife.... Total.. 4 2 1 49 Incompatibility of temper and neglect to To husband. provide. To wife.... Total. 50 Incompatibility of temper and refusal to co- S To husband habit. 51 Insanity To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total 52 Miscegenation 53 Neglect to provide..... To busband. To wife.... Total 1 1 To husband. To wife.. Total.... 3 3 54 Nonage.. 55 Pregnancy before marriage..... To husband. To wife.. Total · To husband. To wife.... Total 112 1 • 30 00 3 3 on co 3 1 1 1 22 CHAPTER VIII. 517 -GENERAL TABLES. i Tota!. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1833, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. MAINE-Continued. 11 17 36 28 === 22 INN 2 2 188). 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1883. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1882. 1883. 384.1885. 112 112 1 1 2 1 3 145 1 1 22 213 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 123 50 5 5 37 1 1 $38 1 1 1 >39 1 4 140 5 143 17 31 32 35 21 22 40 46 38 36 17 31 32 35 21 22 40 க்க 24 11 18 46 38 36 24 11 18 20 10 578 41 10 578 11 15 20 1 12 15 2:23 6 21 14 20 30 21 18 4 2 4 225 1 2 1 1 7 42 6 21 14 21 32 22 19 4 2 4 232 en mo 3 3 16 16 1 235 18- 9 2220 167 1 5 6 1 2 21 8 3 4 1 8 21 96 44 8 4 4 1 ४ xx 23 117 oo oo 134 134 145 - 16 11 16 11 22 22 22 9 24 19 19 22 20 10 12 9 24 19 19 22 20 10 12 22 14 315 45 14 315 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 112 1 2 1 2 1 2 112 9 646 15 · 1 1 147 1 2 2 5 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 33 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 1448 3 3 7 3 5 5 4 6 3 1 47 1 1 1 1 5 49 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 2 5 >50 1 1 1 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 3 3 3 351 6 1 1 2 2 22 啤​啤 ​1 1 1 1 1 1 22 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 201 1 1 ww 3 3 22 2 2 252 2 00 00 8 6 56 8 6 55 53 56 1 54 1 1 6 $55 518 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MAINE-Concluded. 1 Causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868. | 1869.| 1870. | 1871. | 1872. 69. 1870. 1871. To husband. 56 Refusal to cohabit To wife.... Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 57 Unknown To husband. To wife... Total - To husband. 137 143 106 113 110 101 All causes To wife... Total 271 273 259 244 292 286 408 416 365 357 402 387 1 -1 Abandonment ! MARYLAND. To husband. 9 16 12 14 To wife..... 29 Total 19 28 24 38 35 40 38 225 14 14 20 39 34 53 To husband. 325 145 1 1 4 1 22 1 1 1 2 Abandonment and adultery.. 3 Abandonment, adultery, and desertion. 4 Abandonment and cruelty. 5 Abandonment, cruelty, and desertion 6 Abandonment, cruelty, and vicious conduct. To wife..... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband To wife.... Total To husband. To wife... Total • 1 1 1 1 To husband. To wife... Total. 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 7 Abandonment and desertion... 8 Abandonment, desertion, and vicious con- duct. To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. 9 Abandonment and vicious conduct 10 Adultery 11 | Adultery and cruelty..... 12 Adultery, cruelty, and vicious conduct...... 13 Adultery and illicit carnal intercourse be- fore marriage. 14 Bigamy. 15 Cruelty.. 16 Cruelty and desertion To wife..... 1 Total 1 To husband. 16 16 18 To wife.... 19 27 17 Total 35 43 35 37 2*33 13 24 223 21 20 41 46 2295 24 To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total 1 1 STo To husband. To wife.... Total లులు 3 3 5 1 3 3 5 1 To husband. To wife.. Total • 44 లులు 3 3 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 519 TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MAINE—Concluded. 56 7 878. 1873.,1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882.1883. 1884. 1885. | 1886. Total. 7 257 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 224 113 153 138 113 127 115 153 165 138 176 107 66 84 105 2, 463 252 313 309 323 368 295 357 435 358 353 266 178 248 269 5, 919 365 466 447 436 495 410 510 600 496 529 373 244 332 374 8, 412 MARYLAND. 11 14 20 8 16 15 16 23 34 25 38 33 27 34 34 48 45 46 49 42 50 2233 27 42 69 22900 19 40 52 60 282 33 55 71 88 8858 39 97 FRE 24 70 94 91 28= 22 363 69 759 1,122 22 123 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 248 325 22 123 112 213 3 3 6 6 822 **7 1 2 1 3 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 213 4 LO 5 1 6 1 2 2 112 13 9 7 2 22 1 8 1 1 1 1 3 9 1 1 1 4 24 12 26 17 10 12 20 33 15 28 20 24 29 27 405 21 13 14 16 11 18 16 16 19 19 35 31 24 32 414 10 45 25 40 33 21 30 36 49 34 47 55 55 53 59 819 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 1 1 1 2 13 1 1 2 co co 3 4 1 3 3 4 2 3 4 • 4 ta 1 2 1 3 Go co 3 3 3 ! 1 1 178 123 2 14 3 3 310895 55 15 58 ~~ 2 2 316 3 520 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MARYLAND-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868.1869. 1870. 1871.1872. 1867. 1868. 1869. To husband. 17 Cruelty and vicious conduct To wife... Total To husband. 1 18 Illicit carnal intercourse before marriage...To wife... Total To husband 1 1 19 Impotency.. 20 Insanity. To wife. 1 1 21 Vicious conduct 22 Unknown All causes Total To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife... Total • To husband. To wife.... Total MASSACHUSETTS. 1 1 112 1 1 415 22 123 2583 29 32 54 51 83 2288 32 30 54 54 86 84 388 40 49 89 109 1989-9 1 Adultery 2 Adultery and cruel and abusive treatment.. 3 Adultery, cruel and abusive treatment, and habitual intoxication. 4 Adultery, cruel and abusive treatment, and neglect to provide. 5 Adultery and cruelty. Adultery, cruelty, and habitual intoxication S To husband To wife.... 116 Total 73 78 71 77 GO 70 115 104 134 105 84 189 193 178 211 ► 165 154 To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife..... Total... 1 1 To husband. To wife... 1 1 1 Total 1 1 1 To husband To wife... Total To husband. 7 Adultery, cruelty, and neglect to provide... To wife. 8 Adultery and desertion.. 9 Adultery, desertion, and neglect to provide 10 Adultery and habitual intoxication.. 11 Adultery and neglect to provide.... 12 Cruel and abusive treatment.. { 1 1 1 1 Total To husband To wife... 1 5 Total 1 5 To husband To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife.. Total 1 1 30 10 00 5 8 112 123 Co w 3 9 3 9 ~~ 7 7 6 to to 6 1 1 6 5 6 5 CHAPTER VIII.- 521 GENERAL TABLES. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MARYLAND-Concluded. 1877. 1873.1874.1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. ' 1884. 1885. 1886. 22 2 2 1 1 ♡ 3 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 to 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total. 1 917 1 9 1 3 23 18 1 3 23 338 319 6 1 2 2 1 2 6 2 3 1 1 • 3 1 6 1 11 112 1 1 3 3 1 20 1 S 1 1 10 1 1 12 1 1 1 201 1 123 1 1 3 1 4 1 C1 Han Jank 18 1 5 43 022 0190 2 21 25 22 88858 38 49 87 850 28 53 81 295 51 46 97 252 34 35 32 57 48 91 83 8888 41 61 39 55 57 71 60 57 866 50 58 64 61 83 100 102 107 108 1, 319 82 99 128 103 138 157 173 167 165 2, 185 MASSACHUSETTS. 73 77 58 46 64 71 65 73 43 10 89 6.3 69 71 81 70 82 48 176 166 121 115 135 152: 135 155 91 មុនគ 46 82 74 69 53 1,326 75' 70 80 70 59 1, GSS 1 121 152 154 139 112 3, 014 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 0113 112 224 1 1 3 3 1 1 7 2 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 213 134 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 41919 ♡♡ 3 3 3 1 1 248 5 6 ลด 2 7 19 1 26 8 45 1 9 1 ·10 1 1 ลล 11 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 14 10 31 21 29 41 38 10 31 24 30 44 39 జల్ల 37 43 28 32 40 50 45 39 523 12 37 43 29 33 42 50 48 41 537 522 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. # TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MASSACHUSETTS-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 1867. | 1868. | 1869.| 1870. 1871. | 1872. To husband. 13 Cruel and abusive treatment and desertion.. To wife. Total 1 1 14 Cruel and abusive treatment and habitual intoxication. To husband. To wife. Total 22 15 Cruelty. STo To husband. To wife. 16 Total To husband. 16 a a 9 12 15 4 12 9 12 15 4 12 16 Cruelty and desertion To wife... Total 1 1 1 1 112 22 To husband 17 Cruelty and habitual intoxication 18 Cruelty, habitual intoxication, and neglect To wife to provide. To wife 1 1 Total 1 1 To husband. 2 Total. 2 To husband. 19 Cruelty and neglect to provide To wife 4 Total...... 4 od ad 3 3 er cr 5 6 5 6 22 2 20 Desertion.. S To husband To wife.. Total 22888 27 36 48 51 57 43 61 100 85 98 81 104 136 133 149 138 147 To husband. 21 Desertion and habitual intoxication To wife Total 1 1 1 1 23 Habitual intoxication. 22 Desertion and neglect to provide.. To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To husband. To wife Total -- 1 1 ww 3 3 ... 7 2 437 4 22 257 112 3 3 1 1 25 Impotency 24 Habitual intoxication and neglect to provide? To wife Total To husband. To wife. 2 1 Total 2 1 • To husband. To wife... Total 5 4 4 5 4 4 26 Imprisonment in penitentiary, etc... 27 Neglect to provide…. 28 Unknown To husband. To wife .... Total To husband. To wife Total 22 22 3 2 3 3 2 3 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 1105 123 1 1 To husband. All causes To wife Total 1 Adultery 2 Adultery and cruelty.. MICHIGAN. 106 115 124 130 120 116 212 254 235 274 211 221 318 369 359 404 331 337 To husband. 58 To wife .... 43 41 Total 101 101 #823 60 44 54 72 93 +883 39 422 45 32 77. 102 088 64 38 To husband. To wife. 1 Total 1 112 2 2 50 LO 3 5 325 2 123 · CHAPTER VIII 523 -GENERAL TABLES. *. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. MASSACHUSETTS-Concluded. 1885. 1873.1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878.1879. 1880. 1881. 1882.1883. 1884.1885. 1886. 1877. 1881. 1889 Total. 1 1 1 1 22 1 613 1 6 as as 3 3 లులు 3 3 STU 5 3 5 ww! 3 w w 31 34 2223 1 3 27 35 40 29 36 43 584 88888 33 14 33 15 569 15 1 22 15 .16 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2835 29 17 30 1 J 1 1 22 1 6 1 6 57 Cr 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 11 50 53 44 35 32 39 11 52 54 45 36 33 39 888888 38 25 38 38 25 41 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 ~~ 7 7 55 5 5 లులు 3 3 · 00 00 3 3 4 1 4 1 22 4 8 4 8 22 1 1 1 00 00 8 1 2 1 1 8 1 2 1 1 ao ao 3 3 51 2 (18 51 19 }10 65 79 109 73 69 80 84 85 69 74 93 127 110 102 1, 481 126 181 136 133 144 191 260 245 206 148 179 182 128 178 213 179 192 182 2,830 20 213 228 263 267 197 252 306 306 302 284 4,311 1 1 3 * WN 21 1 1 1 1 14 22 1 1 1 1 14 6 9 10 7 7 11 7 12 7 4 9 10 10 12 128 22 57 67 80 61 78 57 63 27 59 61 78 62 58 846 23 28 66 77 87 68 89 64 75 34 63 70 88 72 70 974 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 6 2 6 2 ww. 3 3 LO LO 5 11 5 11 22 22 2 2 งง 2 7 2 ,00 00 8 14 4 10 8 14 4 10 ww 3 3 1 1 123 66 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 on co 3 2 3 3 4 6 15 6 15 LO LO 1 1 120 10 10 3 24 3 1013 5 2 10 25 15 44. 00 00 8 5 8 5 1 1 62 సీతాలు 5926 6161 147 169 181 130 141 165 158 174 128 187 216 198 172 295 442 366 381 379 407 392 421 267 404 444 433 425 393 442 611 547 511 520 572 550 595 387 532 631 649 623 565 MICHIGAN. 117 27 117 6 $28 6 2,997 6, 856 9, 853 64 44 782 51 28 79 273 58 27 42 99 100 1023 71 2223 79 74 56 41 38 103 111 118 ♡♡♡♡ 64 37 32 91 101 8888 5€ 53 53 31 27 84 1 1 5 6 6 7 273 1 4 6 4 9 7 8 23565- 1 7 8 12 *** 8 4 12 752 010000 రా లా లు 3 370 240 1, 189 716 1 85 1, 905 12 53 77 2 16 130 43 42 2883 85 888888 104 108 1 2 - 01 03 123 524 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1836, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MICHIGAN-Continued. Causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868. | 1869. 1870. 1871. |-1872. 67. 1872. To husband. Adultery, cruelty, and desertion... To wife .... Total. 1 1 4 Adultery, cruelty, desertion, and neglect to S provide. To husband. To wife.... Total 5 Adultery, cruelty, and habitual drunkenness To wife.... S To husband 1 1 Total 1 1 L 6 Adultery, cruelty, and neglect to provide 7 Adultery and desertion.... To husband. To wife.... Total 2 2 22 To husband. To wife.... Total 1 1 527 426 6 6 3 6 3 12 6 8 | Adultery, desertion, and habitual drunken- drunken-S ness. To husband. To wife;. Total 1 1 1 1 To husband 9 Adultery, desertion, and neglect to provide. To wife 1 Total 1 1 1 11 to provide. 10 Adultery and habitual drunkenness. Adultery, habitual drunkenness, and neglect (To husband. To husband. To wife.. Total 1 1 1 1 123 1 1 wife. Total 1 1 12 Adultery and neglect to provide.... S To husband. To wife Total 221 1 2 1 ~N 2 13 Cruelty S To husband. 9 8 To wife.... 49 56 Total 58 64 To husband. 4 14 Cruelty and desertion To wife... 10 Total 14 1∞ 1 7 8 EEN 820 6 77 83 2088 16 16 17 73 77 85 89 93 102 6 3 2 15 9 7 19 17 15 10 21 - 15 Cruelty, desertion, and habitual drunken. ness. To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. 16 Cruelty, desertion, habitual drunkenness, To wife and neglect to provide. Total.. To husband 17 Cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide... To wife}.. 18 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness. 19 Total Cruelty, habitual drunkenness, and neglect To husband. to provide. 20 Cruelty and impotency .. 1 1 22 1 1 • S To husband. To wife. Total 1 3 7 12 11 18 7 3 7 12 12 18 7 To wife.. Total.... ~~ 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 4 22 To husband. To wife ..... Total 1 1 21 Cruelty and imprisonment in penitentiary, STo husband. etc. To wife.. Total (To husband 22 Cruelty and neglect to provide. To wife... Total · 12 16 15 28 35 22 12 16 15 28 35 22 CHAPTER VIII.—GENERAL TABLES. 525 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MICHIGAN-Continued. 1880. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. ¦ 1878. | 1879.1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 549 1 1 5 6 11 117 257 1 2 1 3 4 3 1 2 1 2 6 2 1 ลงล 1 4 3 2 2 1 2 1 10 248 6 415 134 1 1 1 1 22 7 3 4 4 10 8 617 1 1 22 1 1 10 4 3 11 13 15 1 1 1 1 527 5 5 LO LO 5 22 10 6 2 3 3 2 3 - ww 3 6 144 22 883 61: 7 8 3 1 1 co co 3 3 1 1 1 7 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 2. 1 1 4 1 3 2 2 22 2 25 $10 2 32 1 1 2 11 2 1 3 4 3 1 $ 4 4 3 4 37 12 1 3 4 3 1 4 4 4 1 3 4 37 23 18 31 22 31 39 44 44 54 72 67 72 62 83 734 96 114 120 ! 117 126 152 167 172 200 230 195 212 243 245: 2,806 13 119 132 151 139 157 191 211 216 251 302 262 284 305 328 3, 540 2 7 5 6 8 24 20 20 17 21 26 27 25 23 2223 25 ༑་ 5 16 16 16 23 11 11 7 156 29 25 42 36 44 25 24 36 29 30 34 41 58 52 67 36 35 43 ♡♡ 455 14 611 1 3 1 3 22 ap co 3 3 LO LO 5 3 5 3 1313 1 1 คล 2 1 27 15 1 2 1 28 1 1 3 16 3 LO LO 5 5 44 6 4 2 4 2 6 4 2 4 2 LO LO 5 5 cr cr 5 5 6 -- 6 4 4 69 5 5 པ་ པ་ ་ 10 10 5 63 17 E 5 63 3 1 4 5 2 1 1 19 17 16 17 20 16 .17 22 22 27 25 27 22 28 25 28 :8888 28 32 47 40 22 33 28 439 18 28 32 51 45 -24 31 29 458 4 9 10 4 4 9 10 4 tets 220 2 3 සය 6 10 9 5 13 14 3 6 10 9 5 13 14 00.00 8 12 8 12 22 119 19 119 1 1 1 0163 $21 22 22 49 66 57 66 77 72 62 107 22 49 66 57 66 77 72 62 110 113 107 110 113 128 128 103 101 1, 264 103 104 1, 264 22 1 1 } 526 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued, MICHIGAN—Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 867. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871.1872. | 187 To husband. 23 Cruelty and refusal to cohabit. To wife..... Total To husband. 24 Dosertion.. To wife... Total 95 92 119 134 214 99 96 130 109 112 129 136 137 226 211 225 266 246 To husband. 25 Desertion and habitual drunkenness.. To wife... 1 Total.. 1 co co 3 6 3 6 123 9 9 257 To husband. 26 Desertion, habitual drunkenness, and neglect To wife.... to provide. 27 Desertion and impotency.... Total To husband. To wife.... Total. 28 Desertion and imprisonment in peniten- tiary, etc. 29 Desertion and neglect to provide.... 1 1 To husband. To wife.... Total · 1 1 1 1 - To husband. To wife.. Total 12 25 18 16 17 12 25 18 16 17 STo husband. 673 2 3 1 1 2 6 12 12 9 15 13 23 14 28 30 15 30 36 30 Habitual drunkenness To wife. Total 31 Habitual drunkenness and neglect to pro. To husband. vide. 32 Impotency... 33 Imprisonment in penitentiary, etc. S To wife. Total To husband. To wife.... Total. Total To husband. To wife... Total... 34 Imprisonment in penitentiary, etc., and neg- To husband. lect to provide. 35 Neglect to provide.... To wife.. Total.. 36 Pregnancy before marriage... 3 3 3 · 00 00 3 3 1 1 1 1 Hand þad 1 1 03.00 31 9 3 31 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Co Co 3 3 3 4 සස 6 3 6 3 පස 6 6 ుట 3 3 To husband. To wife.... 14 18 22 32 25 33 Total. 14 18 22 32 25 33 STo husband. To wife... Total. To husband. 1 37 Previous divorce obtained in another state. To wife.. 1 Total. 1 1 S 38 Unknown. To husband. To wife... Total 2 • 1 1 · • 2 1 1 112 1 1 2 2 · All causes. To husband. 168 173 157 178 207 210 To wife... 281 336 336 376 423 410 Total 449 509 493 554 630 620 1 Abandonment 2 Abandonment and desertion.. MINNESOTA. STo husband. wife.. Total To husband. To wife.... Total • CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 527 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MICHIGAN-Concluded. 77. 82. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879.1880.1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885.1886. Total. 376. 1 1 >23 1 1 131 143 142 137 163 193 209 210 242 199 215 199 166 201 3, 171 159 146 174 148 178 167 232 200 195 216 232 199 221 246 3, 480 24 290 289 316 285 341 360 441 410 437 415 447 398 387 447 6, 651 1 LO LO 5 6 6 6 5 6 6 7 66 158 1 1 6 ww 3 3 44 4 14 8 6 9 14 9 6 9 2600 8 6 11625 8 6 124 ลง ลง 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 co c 3 1 16 26 3 1 16 T- 27 LO LO 5 >28 5 25 34 36 41 42 25 34 36 41 4 4 2 27 38 31 38 266 27 42 35 40 223 ♡ the 43 47 71 42 43 47 74 2 5 9 34 37 23 31 40 37 39 28 401 43 పరలు 6999 65 65 FE 77 57 63 77 57 88 51 815 29 63 54 815 5 37 53 42 59 om8 6 6 4 68 50 36 57 635 30 56 40 57 703 5 6 4 5 6 4 oo co 3 6 6 3 6 6 1 1 00 00 8 8 9 -- 9 7 1 13 11 13 7 1 13 11 13 88 23 23 19 14 20631 23 23 19 14 206 (31 1 2 1 1 1 مر 1 1 2 1 213 1 8 6 32 1 14 2 1O LO 5 5 LO LO 5 6 7 5 6 77 77 LO LO 5 3 6 4 5 3 6 4 10 10 5 98 ·33 5 100 1 34 1 46 49 46 49 155 57 65 79 57 65 79 70 97 70 97 97 108 120 126 97 108 120 126 89 104 115 89 101 115 1,366 95 1,366 1 1 26 1 1 1 1 $113 >37 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 437 4 5 123 1 1 2 11 Co 3 1 1 1 1 0 01:00 6 225 31 20 38 51 212 493 550 613 576 640 705 794 864 800 927 244 251 224 287 312 347 368 681 763 781 406 370 398 351 308 371 907 965 i 985 888 919 968 993 1,110 1, 149 1,313 1,335 1, 383 1, 239 1,227 1, 339 5, 542 12, 891 18, 433 MINNESOTA. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CO ON LO 3 2 1 5 1 528- REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MINNESOTA-Continued. Causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. To husband. GO 3 Abandonment and habitual drunkenness. To wife... Total. To husband 4 Adultery 5 Adultery and cruelty…. To wife.. Total. పాలుట 13 11 12 13 12 10 3 3 1 2 9 3 16 14 13 15 21 13 To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. -- 1 1 6 Adultery, cruelty, and desertion... To wife Total To husband. 1 1 7 Adultery and desertion. To wife.... 1 Total. 1 1 1 To husband. 1 8 Adultery and habitual drunkenness. 1 2023 18 NON 2 19 23 21 2008 1 1 3 27 31 32 28 28 32 35 9❘ Cruelty 10 Cruelty and desertion To wife.... Total To husband. To wife... Total (To husband. To wife..... Total To husband. 11 Cruelty, desertion, and habitual drunkenness To wife... 12 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness. 13 Cruelty, habitual drunkenness, and neglect to provide. 14 Cruelty and impotency. Total 1 1 To husband. To wife 1 Total 1 To husband To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total • To husband. 15 Cruelty and imprisonment in penitentiary..To witband 16 Cruelty and neglect to provide 17 Desertion.. 18 Desertion and habitual drunkenness 19 Desertion and neglect to provide 20 Habitual drunkenness 21 Habitual drunkenness and imprisonment { in penitentiary. wife.. Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife. Total 448 ૭. 3 5 22 22 10 16 26 20080089898 13 25 20 18 15 20 25 38 28 45 45 2 5 5 8 LO LO 167 - 187 6 246 To husband. 22 Habitual drunkenness and neglect to pro- To wife. 1 vide. Total 1 ! CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 529 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1836, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MINNESOTA-Continued. 80. 1882. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881.1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 76. * Total. 1 1 3 1 1 12 15 9 21 17 327 14 16 19 11 16 15 26 15 27 26 6 8 5 8 7 11 20 24 24 19 23 26 989985 10 21 15 21 36 36 42 47 827 26 25 51 223 29 338 21 190 50 528 1 22 1 4 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 213 1 4 1 1 4 1 ~~~ 112 1 1 3 2 2 ~~ 2 === 11 10 7 24 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 4 2 4 4 6 5 46 3J 42 45 34 44 50 73 61 81 47 41 47 49 36 44 54 77 67 86 1 ! 1 عرعر 1 8 1 1 +27 102 の​お​買 ​8 4 10 10 79 94 96 113 136 1, 101 9 100 123 146 1, 183 1 1 1 1 112 1 2 1344 3 $10 1 1 1 * 1 1 3 4 4 1 1 LO LO 5 1 1 3 3 5 1 1 3 3 NN 2 6 4 2 6 1 1 1 1 1 55 39 12 39 1 13 1 14 115 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 w3 00 00 8 16 32 16 15 31 28 33 43 51 43 55 41 50 63 60 656 22 30 34 31 32 32 35 48 51 60 66 76 75 82 772 17 54 46 49 62 60 65 78 102 94 115 107 126 138 142 1,428 S 9 181 1218 13 279 156 1 1 1 1 218 1 1 1 1 ลล 19 13 C100 2 8 11 12 13 10 11 15 52112 3 1 16 22 31 26 16 23 31 20000040 1 3 25 26 19 216 20 28 27 22 271 1 20267 M D ——34 1 1 1 1 1 21 1 22 530 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 4 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued, MINNESOTA-Concluded. 1867. 1868. | 1869.| 1870. 1871. | 1872. To husband. 1 To wife.. 1 Total 2 Causes, and to which party granted. 23 Impotency... To husband. 24 Imprisonment in penitentiary To wife... 1 Total 1 S To husband 25 Neglect to provide.... To wife.. 1 1 26 Unknown. Total To husband. To wife.... Total 1 1 112 2 1 2 1 22 112 1 1 All causes To husband To wife.. Total 2223 27 37 30 42 30 46 47 53 69 20 35 73 52 73 81 83 111 108 MISSISSIPPI, To husband. 13 13 To wife. 4 6 13 Total 17 19 4388 15 31 39 9 12 28 40 51 +363 47 13 60 1 Adultery 2 Adultery and cruelty 3 Adultery, cruelty, and desertion STo husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife... Total {Total 4 Adultery, cruelty, and habitual drunken. To husband. ness. 5 Adultery and desertion.. 6 Adultery, desertion, and habitual drunken- ness. 7 Adultery and habitual drunkenness To wife.... Total To husband. To wife. Total To husband To wife. Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. * 8 Bigamy.. 9 Cruelty.... 1 1 عمر 1 2 2 To wife... Total To husband. To wife.... Total 1 1 To husband. 10 Cruelty and desertion.. 11 Cruelty, desertion, and habitual drunken- 12 ness. Cruelty and habitual drunkenness. 13 Desertion.. 14 Desertion and habitual drunkenness To wife... Total To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife.... Total. STo husband. To wife. Total. To husband. To wife... Total. • 218 4 3 4 4 7 1 • 1 22 1 1 1 1 729 22 112 10 202 12 co c 3 1 3 1 ลล 2 2 22 a 3 3 3 22 222 15 13 7 17 30 2423 12 14 26 2723 20 232 19 13 32 **888 34 34 68 1 CHAPTER VIII. 531 GENERAL TABLES. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MINNESOTA-Concluded. 1878. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. | 1878. 1879. 1880. | 1881. | 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. | 1886. Total. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 1 1 1 2 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 15 ∞7-12 8 723 4 4 3 4 4 3 155 1 3 6 3 සාය 3 30 24 3 31 22 22 co co 3 1 11 25 3 1 11 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 22 1 1 246 1 1 i co co 44 123 3 3 123 10 2 4 4 34 26 3 4 4 44 48 38 37 54 50 52 67 76 77 78 79 87 102 104 1, 142 89 93 98 94 90 99 109 152 146 199 222 241 256 275 2,481 137 131 135 148 140 151 176 228 223 277 301 328 358 379. 3, 623 MISSISSIPPI. 39 38 30 38 27 46 47 91 91 89 98 9 5 10 10 8 8 10 18 20 16 22 8888 89 110 115 1, 106 25 29 268 1 48 43 40 48 35 54 57 109 111 105 120 110 135 144 1, 374 •22 ·22 2 1 2 1 123 1 2 3 3 22 00 00 8 1 8 2 44 1 4 3 4 1 Hi H 4 5 257 6 1 40 2 1 46 7 7 9 3 12 112 525 7 123 1 1 1 2 1 2 257 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 pred pol 1 6 4 1 6 13 4 16 22 27 25 25 28 29 33 273 7 7 11 8 5 12 9 7 13 93 5 13 11 23 33 35 30 37 37 36 46 366 1 1 22 ww 3 6 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 112 1 3 1 1 1 8 7 2 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 3 9 1 3 Со 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 ය. 3 12 3 2 5 2 1 1 4 2 2 4 3 3 1 3 38 12 7 15 13 9 6 13 28 24 23 33 23 36 35 293 9 15 9 - 20 15 10 17 30 26 27 36 26 37 38 331 1 1 1 4 7 1 3 6 7 4 8 3 7 7 5000 2 1 3 1 10 2 4 10 9 7 72 10 10 3 4 13 10 7 82 2 1 2 1 1 1 HI 1 1 5 11 5 0767 2 2 co co 3 6 3 6 44 1919 1 2 4 1 2 4 en He jud 1 1 ● 4 2 1 5 51 12 2 1 1 5 52 37 52 43 43 52 59 | 109 128 126 126 142 135 133 138 1,436 30 39 23 39 37 34 61 95 82 75 79 67 91 66 82 89 93 170 223 208 201 221 114 105 249 98 1,003 238 236 2, 439 13 1 123 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 5 1 10 $14 15 १ 532 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued, MISSISSIPPI-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868.1869.1870. | 1871. | 1872. To husband. 15 Desertion and impotency. 1 1 16 To wife.... Total. To husband. Desertion and imprisonment in penitentiary. To wife... Total To husband. 17 Desertion and insanity.. 18 Habitual drunkenness To wife..... Total 1 1 To husband To wife... 1 1 1 Total 1 1 1 To husband. 19 Idiocy 20 Impotency.. 21 Imprisonment in penitentiary 22 Insanity 23 Pregnancy before marriage To wife... Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.... 1 1 1 1 Total.... 1 1 1 1 To husband. 2 2 1 1 1 To wife... 1 Total 1 1 To husband. 1 2 2 1 3 6 To wife. Total 1 2 2 1 3 6 To husband. 1 24 Refusal to cohabit To wife..... Total 1 To husband 25 Unknown. To wife.. Total.. 2446 3 4 6 1 2 5 2 2 1 లు: 3 9 8 3 3 To husband. 32 All causes To wife... Total 17 49 3888888 33 26 59 2003 35 63 40 75 828 22 8898 101 69 85 105 170 MISSOURI. 1 Adultery 2 Adultery, bigamy, and desertion.. 3 Adultery and conviction of felony 4 Adultery and cruelty... 5 Adultery, cruelty, and desertion...... 6 Adultery and desertion. 7 Adultery and habitual drunkenness To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife..... Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband To wife..... Total · To husband. To wife.... Total 2283 42 20 62 746 51 14 65 4585 45 15 60 4823 44 46 28 72 2013 47 25 19 71 66 1 1 1 5 8 22 3 LD 00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 4 10 8 123 426 1 1 115 213 828 3235 629 4 CHAPTER VIII.——GENERAL TABLES. 533 4 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MISSISSIPPI-Concluded, 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 1874.1875. | 1 15 1 7. 1 - : $16 1 1 1 17 1 1 3 3 1 4 3 1 224 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 as on 22 123 112 112 4 4 1 8 9 •22 5 པ་ པའི : 4 4 167 6 4818 51 1 1 $19 1 1 1 1 4 7 20 11 3 1 1 2 4 3 5 4 4 4 4 22 77 7 6 3 7 6 ww 3 LO LO 5 5 55 $21 5 6 57 3 1 5 1 1 6 $22 1 3 1 1 11 5 2 1 2 2 2 3 1 3 3 4 3 5 51 23 5 2 1 2 2 2 3 1 3 3 4 3 5 51 1 24 1 9 2 8 3 3 3 4 1 4 $ 5 1 65 3 1 1 3 4 2 6 3 3725 12 2 8 4 4 3 7 5 6 10 8 1 102 103 106 100 66 70 71 169 176 171 172 172 2283 95 100 116 185 77 72 73 189 250 258 110 179 163 295 429 421 250 277 269 285 301 3,025 143 172 393 419 206 475 482 504 197 203 2, 015 5, 040 MISSOURI, 1 2 8888 60 67 23 83 99 528 51 6x 32 201 27 71 91 001853 67 62 62 20 30 87 92 2283 90 84 63 81 99 24 38 23 48 41 34 86 128 107 111 125 133 122 3888888 86 82 1,296 36 41 558 1 123 1,854 224 729 112 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 333 1 2 3 3 6 4 2 112 213 123 1 1 5 3 5 4 1 9 4 5 1 1 1 1 246 4 4 1 5 9 9 123 1 1 I 1 2 2 213 3 215 3 1 23 10 4 5 4 *** 19 24 4 43 224 5 3 2 2 69 on on 3 3 6 1 44 3 6 3 113 1 57 2 20 18 1 15 7 1 33 534 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MISSOURI-Continued. Causes, and to which party granted. To husband. 1867. 1868.1869.1870. 1871. | 1872. 8 Adultery and neglect to provide.... To wife... Total S To husband. To wife..... 1 Total 1 112 1 2 3 3 5 7 4 2 2 6 9 7 5 To husband. 9 Bigamy. 10 Bigamy and cruelty 11 Bigamy, cruelty, and refusal to cohabit 12 Bigamy and desertion 13 Bigamy and habitual drunkenness.. To wife... Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total. · 14 Conviction of felony. 3 To husband. To wife..... Total.. 1 1 22 44 1 1 ∞ ∞ 8 8 22 15 Conviction of felony and cruelty. 16 17 Conviction of felony and desertion Conviction of felony, habitual drunkenness, and neglect to provide. 18 Cruelty.. 19 Cruelty and desertion 20 Cruelty, desertion, and habitual drunken- ness. To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife.... Total. To husband. 1 1 1 1 To wife.... Total To husband. 9 9 To wife... 32 44 Total.. 41 53 68 0283 16 52 225 15 24 25 57 99 94 72 123 119 235 3 1 4 6 c w 3 5 8 13 493 3 ∞ 8 3 8 To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. To wife Total To husband. 21 Cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide.. To wife. Total 22 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness.. 23 To husband. To wife.... Total Cruelty, habitual drunkenness, and neglect To husband. to provide. 24 Cruelty and impotency 25 Cruelty and neglect to provide 26 Cruelty and refusal to cohabit………. 27 Desertion...... To wife. Total To husband. To wife..... Total To husband. To wife.... Total.. To husband. To wife. Total. LO LO 5 5 1 . 00 00 8 5 8 6 1 LO CO 1 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 oo oo 8 14 8 15 2 22 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 To husband. 83 77 95 104 121 125 121 135 137 183 208 107 178 198 230 241 304 285 To wife. Total CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL 535 TABLES. > TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MISSOURI—Continued. 383.1884. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 3 4 7 1 1 5 5 1 1 1 1 ♡ ♡ c 3 1 4 1 LO 5 3 3 6 4 6 4 10 5 5 4 13 3 8 7 13 LD 300 4 44 123 150 2 2 257 22 178 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 8 53 66 9 119 22 10 1 $11 1 co co 3 12 3 1 1 13 1 187 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 6 10 5 10 8 2 8 3 9 13 11 17 12 137 14 11 6 11 8 3 8 4 9 14 12 17 13 146 1 1 1 15 1 1 3 16 1 3 1 >17 1 24 29 25 23 37 33 31 43 39 38 47 55 42 48 612 89 101 120 103 113 126 102 137 156 161 178 209 235 246 2, 454 $18 113 130 143 128 150 159 133 180 195 199 225 261 277 294 3,066 1 8 9 279 1 1 4 4 2 3 5 6 55 3 4 777 5 2 4 5 3 5 5 5 6 4 5 7 7 8 2537 32 98 $19 130 1 1 pod pl 1 20 1 1 1 1 1 1201 21 1 2 1 6 2 1 2 18 2 2 3 5 3 5 10 10 13 11 11 4 8 5 137 22 3 2 3 5 3 7 11 10 13 17 11 6 9 7 155 1 1 عسم 1 1 1 1 323 3 213 24 2 2 22 22 as co 3 1 3 1 · 00 00 లులు 1 1 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 1 1 Go ap 3 6 41 25 3 6 41 3 26 3 118 124 119 128 143 136 190 201 237 184 222 224 308 325 356 312 365 360 152 249 321 326 401 512 509 191 183 229 205 222 210 234 2,981 347 576 388 363 400 593 585 410 4, 941 27 610 644 7,922 536 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ? TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. MISSOURI-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 28 Desertion and habitual drunkenness. 29 Desertion, habitual drunkenness, and neg- lect to provide. To husband. To wife.. Total. To husband. To wife... Total 1867. 1868.1869.1870. | 1871. | 1872. 134 2 22 4 8 3 4 8 3 ∞ ww 22 6 4 6 4 22 27 8 3 10 16 16 23 29 35 9 16 16 31 32 45 To husband. 30 Desertion and neglect to provide To wife..... 4 1 Total. 4 1 To husband. 31 Desertion and pregnancy before marriage.. To wife.. 32 Habitual drunkenness. 33 S Total To husband. To wife... Total pro-To wife... Habitual drunkenness and neglect to pro- STo husband. vide. 34 Impotency…. 35 Impotency and neglect to provide.... 36 Neglect to provide 37 Pregnancy before marriage.. * Total. 22 2 2 -- 9 1 9 1 To husband. 1 1 1 To wife... 1 Total 1 1 1 1 To husband. To wife Total.. To husband To wife 3 1 1 3 11 5 Total. 3 1 1 3 11 5 To husband. 2 1 3 3 3 3 To wife. Total 2 1 3 3 3 3 To husband. 1 1 To wife 1 1 257 15 347 22 78 1 1 1 1 22 22 2 Berer 5 5 5 32 9 10 10 11 To husband. 147 156 175 196 212 212 215 231 251 295 403 372 362 387 426 491 615 584 38 Refusal to cohabit 39 Vagrancy. 40 Unknown. All causes Total. To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total.. {Tow To wife Total. 1 Abandonment MONTANA. To husband. 1 To wife... Total ww 3 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 To husband. To wife.... Total 2 Abandonment and adultery.. 3 Abandonment, adultery, cruelty, and habit- ual drunkenness. 4 Abandonment and cruelty……….. 5 Abandonment and desertion... To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total · 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL -GENERAL TABLES. 537 TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MISSOURI-Concluded. 882. 886. 1873. 1874. 1875.1876. 1877. 1878.1879. 1880. 1881.1882. 1883. | 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 1 co 3 1 1 1 22 2 5 4 1 1 2 2 43 28 2 5 5 1 1 2 2 47 1 1 1 1 229 2 2 2 22 2 ૭૭. 2 100 00 3 3 1010 77 5 9 4 4 5 9 4 4 3 6 1 4 Co C 3 6 1 4 00 00 8 79 $30 8 79 1 1 31 1 5 4 6 56 46 40 61 50 46 585 7 8 9 4 60 53 51 39 28 67 61 60 43 +002 4 32 2185 6 11 6 6 7 108 55 45 57 64 57 51 68 70 83 63 55 838 32 69 62 946 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 4 112 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 قم ها 1 222280 33 ** 14 5 34 19 213 1 $35 1 00 00 8 13 14 9 11. 10 13 i 8 12 11 26 23 11 197 36 8 13 14 9 11 10 13 8 12 11 26 23 11 197 2 ся 5 3 4 2 1 6 4 3 4 6 8 6 69 37 2 5 2 2 CAD 3 4 2 1 6 4 3 4 6 58 6 69 1 1 01 2 3 2 13 $38 1 1 19 2 3 2 13 3 3 3 3 co co 3 2 3 1 5 4 3 3 5 66 6 5 6 5 7 3 4 4 5 1 2 1 8 6 5 6 10 13 03 5 4 3 1 2 3 4 4 6 8 10.00 5 8 7 9 4 3 3 11 10 6 11 14 13 431 4 180 23 58% 5039 50 87 93 40 1 219 243 219 215 270 258 261 402 421 449 438 458 479 463 621 664 668 683 728 349 334 360 381. 408 369 395 5,412 737 727 581 930 617 669 726 750 824 822 1 9511, 0291, 107 1, 158 1, 1931, 217 9, 86641 15,278 MONTANA. 1 1 1 1 1 5 S 4 5 5 10 10 123 2014 1 1 3 1 * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 બહા 9570 2 369 613 2 21 229985335 45 1 66 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 3 9 5 1 3 11 538 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MONTANA—Continued. 1867. |1868. | 1869. | 1870. 1871. 1872. 112 Causes, and to which party granted. S To husband. 6 Abandonment and habitual drunkenness... To wife. 7 Adultery 8 Adultery and conviction of felony. 9 Adultery and cruelty.. 10 Adultery, cruelty, and desertion.. 11 Adultery and desertion... 12 Adultery and habitual drunkenness Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife... Total # : 1 1 4 2 3 1 1 4 2 1 3 1 To husband. 1 To wife.... Total 1 To husband. 1 1 13 Bigamy... 14 Bigamy, cruelty, and desertion.. : 15 Conviction of felony... 16 Conviction of felony and desertion 17 Cruelty.. 18 Cruelty and desertion...... To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband To wife... Total To husband. To wife Total To husband. • 19 Cruelty, desertion, and habitual drunken-To wife..... ness. 20 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness. 21 Desertion... 22 Desertion and habitual drunkenness. 23 Desertion and impotency. 24 Habitual drunkenness.. 25 Impotency. 1 1 22 ♡ ♡ 3 3 3 3 සය. 1 1 að að 3 3 •22 1 1 44 లులు 3 3 4 4 Total S To husband. To wife... Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 · To husband. To wife Total. To husband. To wife... Total STo husband. To wife... 437 1 1 1 1 112 3 co co 3 257 1 1 1 1 246 Total - To husband. 1 1 To wife. 3 Total 1 1 3 To husband To wife... Total. CHAPTER VIII.—GENERAL TABLES. 539 TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. MONTANA—Continued. 82.1883. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885.1886. . Total. 375. 1876. 1880. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 8 11 1 1 2 1 3 22 3 1. 4 8 12 3 3 22 1 1 1 1 426 1 1 44 4 6 4 437 4 6 3 53 3 3 18 7 7 9 3 71 found pound 1 8 1 1 1 3 1 6 9 1 1 3 1 6 22 1 · 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 55 1 1 as as 3 3 ww 3 7 3 7 1 1 1434H 1 1 10 123 2 OM LO 2 3 $11 5 1 112 1 1 → 1 1 22 * 213 T 1 2 1 1 10 9 21 14 19 27 10 9 22 16 20 28 1 1 1 1 123 2 2 3 3 i co co ܗܗ 3 3 NN 2 2 1 1 1 1 114 1 55 5 1215 12 1 16 1 * 2008 4 10 26 169 $17 30 179 158 2 29 31 18 2 6 19 2 6 22 1 1 1 1 ww 3 4 3 4 LOLO 5 4 1 5 jim p 4 1 t-t- 32 7 22 $20 32 } 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 5 11 11 12 14 16 96 9 5 2 4 2 8 5 11 9 23 11 29 32 36 203 $21 11 6 3 7 5 11 8 13 14 34 22 41 46 52 299 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 · 60 60 3 33 33 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 So Go 3 3 33 3 3 -- 1 1 ON 2 10 22 2 10 1 23 1 1 1 6 2 5 2824 1 6 34 22 123 1 25 1 540 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MONTANA-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868. | 1869. 1870. 1871. | 1872. 26 Pregnancy before marriage... 27 27 Unknown All causes 1 Abandonment S To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife... 1 1 Total 1 1 To husband. 6 4 5 To wife.... 11 7 9 12 Total 17 11 14 14 22* 4 3 15 15 19 18 NEBRASKA. To husband. To wife.... Total - ww 3 3 6 S To husband To wile... 2 Abandonment and adultery. 3 Abandonment and cruelty.. Total. To husband To wife. Total To husband. 4 Abandonment, cruelty, and neglect to provide? To wife LO 5 Abandonment and desertion... 6 Abandonment and habitual drunkenness 7 Abandonment and physical incapacity 8 Abandonment and neglect to provido. Total. To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife Total 9 Adultery... 10 Adultery and cruelty.. 248 7 4 5 6 11 8 13 18 12 18 1 1 248 To husband. 3 6 3 To wife..... 1 3 1 1 Total 1 6 7 4 450 5 9 5 To husband. To wife.. Total 11 Adultery, cruelty, and desertion To husband. To wife. Total 12 Adultery, cruelty, habitual drunkenness, and S To husband. neglect to provide. To wife.... Total To husband. 13 Adultery, cruelty, and neglect to provide... To wife 14 Adultery and desertion.. Total To husband To wife.. Total Adultery, desertion, and habitual drunken- S To husband 15 ness. To wife... Total To husband. 16 Adultery and habitual drunkenness.. To wife. Total. ... - • CHAPTER VIII.-ĠENERAL GENERAL TABLES. 541 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MONTANA—Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881.1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 881. 201 3 3 17 14 20 17 279 Total. 1 1 $26 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 ww 22 112 2 ca 0 6 3 3 4 6 4 123 1 6 4 25 27 5 31 4 4 7 6 4 17 11 11 31 21 34 38 355 15 15 38 27 38 55 7888 27 59 86 292223 24 46 70 225 21 30 31 207 76 82 99 615 97 112 130 822 NEBRASKA. 2233 17 39 HR3 14 15 15 18 19 16 27 21 33 31 42 39 853 23 24 27 35 50 59 888888888 28 38 66 888888888 30 23 ย 38 51 68 77 2383 24 41 26 32 353 56 50 48 77 575 1 5 80 91 74 109 928 1 1 1 1 1 112 1 2 1 521 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 22 257 3 1 1 113 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 COLO 5 1 1 6 1 1 7 1 ~~ 2 2 1 1 4 1 ]] 8 2 1 1 4 1 11 7 3 10 5 7 18 19 12 G 4 10 11 ลงเว 3 4 4 4 ဘ 8 5 13 9 11 26 23 ΣΟ 2233 23 10 33 333333 28 25 18 32 232 11 11 14 20 120 39 36 32 52 352 1 1 1 1 1 2 .10 1 1 1 2 1 6 1 1 11 1 1 1 2 112 } 1 112 1 1 13 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 2 3 8 14 19 1 1 1 15 1 1 2 4 61 3 5 1 542 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, EIC.-Continued. NEBRASKA—Continued, Causes, and to which party granted. To husband. 17 Adultery, habitual drunkenness, and neg-To wife. lect to provide. Total. To husband. 1868. 1867. |1868. 1869. | 1870. 1871. 1872. 178 9 16 17 9 16 17 1 1 112 1 1 1 1 3 as as 3 112 2 18 Adultery and neglect to provide.... 19 Cruelty.. 20 Cruelty and desertion To wife. Total To husband. To wife.. 1 Total 1 55 5 5 To husband. To wife. Total. To husband. 21 Cruelty, desertion, and habitual drunkenness To wife.. S Total · To husband 22 Cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide..To wife 23 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness. 24 Cruelty, habitual drunkenness, and neglect to provide. Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. Cruelty and imprisonment in penitentiary, To wife.. 25 etc. 26 Cruelty and neglect to provide 27 Desertion..... 28 Desertion and habitual drunkenness 29 Desertion, habitual drunkenness, and neg- lect to provide. 30 Desertion and neglect to provide 31 Desertion and physical incapacity. Total.. To husband. To wife.. Total... To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife..... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife Total { To ti 32 Habitual drunkenness 33 Habitual drunkenness and neglect to pro- vide. ་ 34 Imprisonment in penitentiary, etc...... 35 Insanity. To husband To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 122 . 1 1 To wife. Total S To husband. 36 Neglect to provide.. To wife... 1 1 1 Total 1 1 1 • 22 CHAPTER VIII- 543 VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. NEBRASKA—Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878.1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 1 1 1 1 217 2 1 1 1 1 4 18 1 1 1 1 4 1 16 4 1 6 5 17 26 22285 2223 26 19 32 27 25 37 270028 10 7 41 46 45 30 51 46 52 71 286 224 7 72 79 2288 12 9 15 89 77 82 104 727 19 89 91 119 816 1 1 224 ww 3 3 113 2310 1 • 5 2 1 2 2 22 156 7 17 20 24 1 1 3 4 426 34 4 7 2 1 1 1 2 ~~ 2 1 1 22 1 1 1 5 1 6 22 21 122 1 as as 3 3 13XH 2 3 4 44 4 22 23 4 24 1 1 1 3 24 1 1 3 1 25 1 3 3 3 3 లులు. 3 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 22 3 3 LO 5 5 13 37 26 5 13 37 22 W 3 5 2157 5 5 14 5 6 25 28 27 36 5 9 6 10 17 20 19 19 28 10 14 20 15 23 45 47 46 64 9888 40 207 29 18227 69 389 found 1 1 1 1 1 Jaak Jusk 1 1 1 1 1 7 28 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 ev 4 2 4 ♡ ♡o 3 1730 3 17 1 31 1 235 4 3 5 4 3 LO LO 5 5 5 5 00 -3 Jud 1 7 8 123 1 11 21 11 2 3 12 15 10 12 17 22 12 17 104 32 12 12 20 116 22 22 ♡o co 3 3 3 co co 3 1 1 1 1 22 33 1 1 1 1 คล 2 4 1. 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 සය 3 3 112 1 1 2 1 22 18 34 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 G - CO 2 1 35 3 4 4 คล 2 77 7 10 4 13 11 11 25 17 7 10 4 13 11 11 25 17 2220 23 23 159 36 159 544 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. NEBRASKA-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. } 37 Physical incapacity.. 38 Pregnancy before marriage.... 39 Refusal to cohabit ¡ 40 Unknown To husband. To wife Total · · To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. All causes 1867. 1868. 1869.1870. 1871. 1872. 1 1 1 To wife.. 1 Total 1 1 To husband. 4 To wife.. Total 6 10 100* 5 15 8 18 24 23 39 30 285 22 =000 11 10 38 27 49 37 -- 255 1 1 NEVADA. 1 Adultery.. 4 2 Adultery and cruelty 3 Adultery, cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide. To husband Adultery, cruelty, habitual drunkenness, To wife. and neglect to provide. Total 5 Adultery, cruelty, and neglect to provide.. To wife... 6 Adultery and desertion. S To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. 516 6 1 7 123 3 3 ය. 123 213 2 To wife... 1 Total 1 2 2 INN 2 3 3 To husband. To wife. Total 1 1 STo husband. Total S To husband. To wife Total 1 1 112 To husband. 7 Adultery, desertion, and neglect to provide Tow ife. Total To husband. 1 1 8 Adultery and habitual drunkenness To wife.. Total 1 1 To husband. 9 Adultery and neglect to provide To wife... Total 1 To husband. 10 Conviction of felony To wife.. 1 1 Total 1 1 To husband. 11 Conviction of felony and neglect to provide To wife.... 12 Cruelty 13 Cruelty and desertion. 14 Cruelty, desertion, and habitual drunken- ness. Total STo husband 2 wife... 11 16 Total 11 18 167 1 7 10 1 7 10 213 2 1 2 * 1 To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. To wife Total · • CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 545 TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. NEBRASKA-Concluded. 1873.1874.1875. 1876. 1877.1878. 1879. 1880. 1881.1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1880. Total. 1 2 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 >37 1 5 1 38 1 1 1 39 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 257 4 2 On Hand H 1 3 5 5 - Co 3 5 4 2 6 2 11 235 49 3333 23 26 40 2588 26 54 58 80 288888 29 24 34 35 72 61 64 88 97 113 97 127 961 57 72 80 87 '81 106 88888 89 112 137 127 183 218 201 241 309 2,073 115 130 181 198 191 271 315 314 338 436 3,034 MO LO CO 3 5 8 143 7 718 1 1 1 1 1 1 325 NEVADA. 820 6 3 6 2 1 6 1 4 12 3 224 1 4 6 2 1 67 1 1 33 J 1 4 1 5 7 2 1 100 2 1 2 1 2 ลาล 22 2 1 2 1 1 13 2 1 15 1 1 3 3 3 ~~ 4 22 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 523 6 -1 1 2 คง 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 22 7 2 8 2 ลงลง คล 12 12 9 10 1 11 1 1 24 230 254 12 6 8 13 14 178 178 1 12 ~24 2 3 1 2 2 18 17 13 21 17 11 16 14 14 18 19 16 22 19 11 18 14 18- 1 9 9 10 14 *** 5 9 8 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20267 M D▬▬—35 22 14 546 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. NEVADA—Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 15 Cruelty, desertion, habitual drunkenness, S and neglect to provide. To husband. To wife... Total To husband. 16 Cruelty, desertion, impotency, and neglect To wife.. to provide. Total To husband. 17 Cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide.. To wife. 18 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness Total 1869. 1870. 1867.1868. 1869.1870. 1871.1872. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 To husband. To wife... Total 2 1 3 1 2 4 1 19 Cruelty, habitual drunkenness, and neglect To husband. to provide. 20 Cruelty and impotency To wife. Total S To husband. To wife.. Total •22 1 3 1 3 22 112 1 1 1 5 er e 3 5 3 1 516 6200 * (To To husband. 21 Cruelty and neglect to provide To wife.... 2 Total 2 44 4 4 To husband. 4 22 Desertion.. To wife. Total 4 To husband. 1 33 2014 22 3 3 23 24 to provide. Desertion and habitual drunkenness. To wife... Total To husband. Desertion, habitual drunkenness, and neglect To wife..... Total 22 To husband. 25 Desertion and neglect to provide.... To wife... 5 7 9 Total 5 7 9 LOLO 5 6 4 5 6 4 To husband. 2 26 Habitual drunkenness To wife.... 1 Total 1 2 10100 2 3 ins To husband. 27 Habitual drunkenness and neglect to pro- To wife. vide. Total - 28 Impotency.. 29 Neglect to provide...... 30 Unknown. To husband To wife.. Total STo husband. To wife.... Total. To husband. {Total To wife.. Total. All causes 1 Abandonment 22 1 1 S101 2 TH 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 03 01 22 3 4 3 4 1 1 1 1 2 S To husband. 12 To wife.... Total 37 223 16 25 985 46 62 2898 12 9 7 19 33 40 28 40 39 6393 33 NEW HAMPSHIRE. 2 Abandonment and adultery…………. To husband 10 To wife... Total 31 41 525 17 32 20 42 37 74 20 19 41 60 801993 28 25 53 232 24 48 72 To husband. To wife... 1 1 Total 1 1 112 2 සය 3 .. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 547 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. NEVADA–Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. ST 7. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 4 4 before Mafia 4 1 1 සය 3 1 3 ap co 3 1 1 1 $15 1 1 16 1 1 1 1 10 17 1 1 10 6 1 1 2 2 NN 2 2 LOLO 5 1 1 1 30 18 5 1 1 1 1 1 36 INN 22 1 ♡ 3 3 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 2 1 6 7 4 1 4 8 6 7 4 1 4 CO CO 3 8 3 ao ao 3 3 5 8 9 S S 10 7 5 4 6 6 4 6 10 00 8 13 14 14 14 13 64 5 4 9 1 1 1 1 ∞ ∞ 8 11 6 9 S 11 6 9 11010 5 13 9 5 13 9 คว 2 1 2 1 1 1 01 2 1 1 2 ເ : 1 1 50 co 3 1 3 3 1 3 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1 0161 2 2 0161 15 ° tota 428 1 1 22 22 19 1 20 co co 3 5 1 5 3 74 21 3 5 1 5 3 74 4 11 3 4 4 15 ∞ had J 7 113 1 56 22 S 169 1 1 1 1 23 co co 3 >24 3 . 00 00 8 9 13 9 13 44 3 143 25 3 143 1 1 1 1 10 1 222 12 26 1 1 2 1 1 2 tet, 0161 225 26 27 26 1 3 28 4 7 7 77 4 13 9 19 17 4 13 9 19 17 -- 15 14 8 15 14 00 09. 8 00 00 8 12 12 22 6 13 171 راشه 13 171 2 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 4 1 1 2 15 30 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 25 13 13 20 17 16 15 15 11 9 8 10 59 59 45 55 64 69 63 53 52 36 41 72 72 65 72 80 78 64 61 41 51 2812 6 10 219 33 32 57 44 38 ** 34 879 1, 128 NEW HAMPSHIRE. 40 41 81 48% 47 39 52 52 99 91 33340503 27 20 46 43 68 73 2983 50 63 898 39 47 34 58 105 289 2003 34 61 95 2003 32 36 32 38 45 70 81 3483 53 613 57 $95 110 1,538 2 2 ลด 2 ~~ 2 1 2 3 112 1 2 123 134 01 MO LO 1 2 07 1 2 228 227 548 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. NEW HAMPSHIRE—Continued. Causes, and to which party granted. 1867.1868. 1869.1870. | 1871. | 1872. 3 Abandonment and cruelty. S To husband. To wife.. 1 Total 1 22 To husband. 1 1 4 Abandonment and desertion. To wife.. 1 4 Total 1 1 4 To husband. 1 1 1 Total. 1 1 5 Abandonment and habitual drunkenness... To wife.. 6 Abandonment and neglect to provide. 7 Abandonment and refusal to cohabit To husband To wife..... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. 23 26 8 Adultery To wife.... 21 26 Total 44 52 22945 25 19 46 44 45 2243 21 3233 20 53 To husband. 9 Adultery and conviction of crime. To wife.... Total. 112 2 10 Adultery and cruelty S To husband. To wife. Total 5 2 1 5 2 1 112 To husband. 11 Adultery, cruelty, and desertion. 12 Adultery and desertion.. 13 Adultery and habitual drunkenness To wife... Total · To husband. To wife... Total - To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. 1 1 1 1 1 1. 14 Adultery and neglect to provide………. To wife. Total To husband. 15 Conviction of crime. To wife.... 2 1 Total. 2 1 1 1 To husband. 1 16 Cruelty To wife.... 24 Total 25 27 225 4 25 26 34 26 34 225 25 45 29 48 39 12 000 To husband. 17 Cruelty and desertion To wife... Total To husband. 18 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness. To wife. 1 Total 1 STo To husband. To wife.. Total 19 Cruelty and impotency 20 Cruelty and neglect to provide 21 Desertion 22 Desertion and habitual drunkenness. To husband. To wife... Total • 248 To husband. 2 To wife.... Total. {To wi To husband. To wife.. Total 6 1 1 LO DO 00 5 3 8 ♡0 00 0 3 3 3 1 2 6 1 5 213 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 549 # TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1836, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. NEW HAMPSHIRE-Continued. 877. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. | 1879. |1880. 1881.1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 1882. 1880 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 *1 213 123 22 213 3 123 213 22 1 1 97333 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 123 112 22 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 28 4** =22 5 23 3 11 10 21 2 2 12 5 2 14 22 1 6 145 4 9 -1 1 1 1 7 2 2 2253 29 34 21 23 24 25 23 36 26 35 21 31 36 18 36 36 55 69 42 54 60 43 61 72 888 30 23 53 4223 41 38 32 76 88888888 29 28 36 66 65 8288888 36 48 595 32 29 550 8 68 77 1, 145 1 1 22 i co co 3 3 1 1 1 22 123 156 1 1 3 1 4 2 6 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 5 3 6 3 6 6 EI G 22 6 6 6 LO LO 5 3 56 10 5 3 62 1 11 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 134 2 11 7 12 4 2 18 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 5 1113 16 1 1 114 15 4 4 22 లులు 3 1 3 1 22 22 3 3 oo go 3 3 44 22 22 2 44 22 38 15 38 6 7 5 7 4 12 10 14 48 9 14 18 13 36 52 57 75 57 70 65 88 40 76 77 72 82 42 59 62 82 61 82 75 102 88 85 91 90 95 107 00000 10 187 97 1, 123 16 1,310 1 1 13 CO LO CO 8 8 5 2121 8 R17 16 1 22 4 4 5 4 4 5 145O 3 3 156 3 7 10 11 12 6 7 10 11 12 ங்க. 68 18 71 1 1 1 $19 1 1 $22 1 20 1 3 2 3 1 2 3 7 4 2 14 11 8 12 87 3 2 1 8 5 10 13 11 8 23 11 16 27 15221 6 4 4 9 7 13 20 15 10 37 22 24 39 239 1 550 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 3 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. NEW HAMPSHIRE-Concluded. 1868 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. Causes, and to which party granted. To husband. 23 Habitual drunkenness To wife..... Total 22 145 2 2 4 44 4 To husband. 1 1 24 Impotency.. 25 Neglect to provide.. To wife.... Total. To husband To wife..... Total. 26 Unknown All causes 1 Adultery 2 Adultery and desertion... 3 Consanguinity.. 4 Cruelty... 5 Desertion... 6 Unknown. All causes. 1 Abandonment 2 Abandonment and adultery 3 Adultery 4 Cruelty.. 5 Unknown All causes • 123 1 7 10 7 11 24 1 1 To husband LO 5 3 To wife.... 6 7 Total 11 10 To husband. 43 54 To wife.... Total 93 89 122 136 143 186 FOR 120 7 7 14 6 123 158 55 62 65 108 91 135 163 153 200 NEW JERSEY. To husband. 19 To wife.. 18 Total 37 22880 10 18 11 30 29 44 234 227 21 16 23 9 44 25 To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife. Total - To husband. To wife 3 Total 3 1 1 1 1 ~~ 2 2 To husband. 8 0220 12 58 17 30 47 283295 14 36 50 224 12 32 44 22233 16 21 37 =883 17 39 56 To wife..... Total... To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife. Total NEW MEXICO. 1 1 213 2380 27 33 60 2223 27 52 47 79 252 32 79 21888 34 55 89 5383 37 35 46 49 83 84 To husband. 1 To wife... 2 1 Total 1 2 1 To husband. To wife... Total S To husband. 1 1 To wife.... Total 1 To husband. To wife... Total To husband To wife. Total. To husband. 1 To wife Total 1 123 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 551 TABLE III-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. NEW HAMPSHIRE-Concluded. 1873. 1874.1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882.1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 2 LO LO 5 9 5 11 સ્વગય 1 7 9 8 7 8 9 8 1 1 1 1 123 # 3 1 1 3 2 8 13 11 11 18 35 14 16 12 12 21 37 22 22 222 29 20 196 23 225 1 1 1 5 1 1 3 24 1 1 2 1 8 1 25 1 224 81 108 202 88 128 173 150 179 166 209 281 662 8玩​3 12 ∞ er w 3 5 10 10 5 5 8 10 81 73 71 167 231 252 237 235 DON BER 6 5 8 6 8 85 6 5 7 4 6 9726 12 10 15 10 14 182 68 86 121 131 103 106 97 102 125 1, 696 179 231 172 215 202 215 212 256 3,283 265 352 303 318 308 312 314 381 4,979 NEW JERSEY. 2488 21 18 17 17 222 20 23 27 38 35 47 878 27 +3 24 24 25 29 15 19 28 31 50 39 43 53 60 2295 2283 24 39 21 31 46 70 2233 40 32 53 22 42 32 82 28595 228 46 492 52 495 1 64 98 987 1 1 1 1 112 2 1 1 1 3 1 33 4 2 4 2 co co 3 3 4 3 3 4 12 CO 2 3 CO CO 3 9 3 9 77 co co 3 3 167 1 9 10 15 22 24 21 14 20 35 15 26 25 32 34 38 56 461 33 44 52 44 47 50 50 56 67 81 80 110 74 115 1, 073 48 66 76 65 61 70 85 71 93 106 112 144 112 171 1, 531 3 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 5 4 1 23 1 1 1 1 4 3 4 2 3 4 3 5 4 5 3 7 40 43 41 44 38 46 61 46 53 66 54 75 72 107 981 52 65 83 73 66 71 85 89 94 92 108 127 117 104 120 146 135 147 121 122 159 190 176 234 114 179 186 286 1, 661 2, 642 ~** C* 25A Zgj 4 5 23 6 50 22 2 134 112 CU CO 3 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 NEW MEXICO. 4 4 5 16 7 1 3 1 3 7 15 15 1 7 5 8 23 22 22 732 6 10 62 25 17 100 1 31 27 162 2 1 3 2 2 1 3 -- 1 1 123 616 5 3 2 1 1 4 3 ~~~ 1 HHQ 1 20 1 2 29 1 1 1 ~~ 2 1 10 15 2 1 10 16 :00:00 8 156 &-8 200 3 01 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 10 56 1 1 10 58 1 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 ∞ 119 2 3 1 4 4 6 21 13 10 .8 2 4 3 4 4 6 18 31 24 31 3 5 5 3 8 8 12 39 44 34 39 239 12 89 28 166 40 255 44 224 552 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. NEW YORK. Causes, and to which party granted. 1 Abandonment 2 Abandonment and adultery... 1867. 1868. 1869 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1871. S To husband 1 To wife.... 4 9 Total 4 10 පහ 6 6 To husband. To wife..... Total 1 1 3 Abandonment, adultery, and cruelty.. ་་ 4 5 Abandonment and cruelty... Abandonment and neglect to provide.. 6 Adultery To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife..... Total To husband. 7 Adultery and cruelty.. 8 Cruelty. 9 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness. 10 Cruelty and neglect to provide 11 Habitual drunkenness... i ma co 3 3 112 1 2 1 325 112 22 ∞ co 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 To wife... Total To husband. 327 277 326 276 244 201 To wife..... 389 Total 427 428 394 342 360 716 704 754 670 5:6 561 To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. 3 To wife... 26 23 Total 29 26 328 1 1 1 37 31 37 11 38 32 37 12 To husband 1 1 To wifo... Total... 1 2 1 2 1 To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife... Total 1 1 To husband. 1 12 Loathsome disease..... 13 Neglect to provide... 14 Pregnancy before marriage.... To wife. Total. To husband. To wife... Total To husband. 15 Unknown All causes. 1 Abandonment 1 1 1 To wife.. Total S To husband. 7 7 To wife.. Total 11 11 18 18 20223 12 10 17 4 10 9 22 12 19 39 16 - To husband. To wife... Total 337 434 771 289 339 292 262 207 472 485 439 406 385 761 824 731 668 592 NORTH CAROLINA. 2 Abandonment and adultery 3 Abandonment, adultery, and cruelty…. To husband 1 To wife... 1 1 1 Total 1 1 1 1 To husband. 1 To wife.... 1 Total 1 1 221 134 To husband To wife... 1 1 Total 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.—GENERAL TABLES. 553 TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1885, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.~Continued. NEW YORK. 86. 1973.1874. 1875. | 1876. | 1877. | 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. | 1883. | 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. G 6 1 1 1 1 248 1 1 6 6 7 44 4 4 5 22 1 1 4 4 8 9 18¬ LO LO 5 6 11 12 ~2 3 3 1 1 4 21 9 13 11 13 139 1 5 6 11 15 12 14 12 17 160 1 1 1 1 :ག 5 2 6 112 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 සය 3 1 3 26 3 2 3 29 1 1 5 1 1 229 250 215 242 180 226 335 413 381 341 346 372 226 317 312 329 309 331 344 342 5,503 421 442 479 557 483 509 496 556 8, 474 8 564 603 596 586 526 598 647 759 791 886 792 840 840 898 13, 977 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 33 26 35 28 26 34 27 36 29 27 34 ~** 2 4 3 3 2 6 32 34 41 31 49 36 45 34 55 49 52 51 8888888 68 60 68 66 4855 f 42 59 736 8 65 778 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 ته شه نه 1 1 1 1 ~~ 2 3 1 1 10 13 2 3 1 1 10 2 2 14 2 01 2 8 6 5 3 4 9 6 6 5 14 11 11 8 10 163 15 11 11 5 1 6 5 13 11 13 12 14 8 12 212 15 23 17 16 8 5 15 11 19 16 27 23 25 16 22 375 238 259 222 246 392 457 435 383 630 716 657 629 187 239 235 327 321 349 325 347 360 362 5,743 382 418 469 507 532 63-1 556 606 576 644 569 657 704 834 9, 612 853 983 881 953 936 1,006 15, 355 NORTH CAROLINA. 1 11 3 1 3 1 4 as an 3 3 369 =*8 237 28 1 39 19 35 2 51 2 1 3 1 4 3 2 1 2 6 4 2! 3 112 คล 2 2 MNN 1 1 2 CIN 2 • 00 00 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 2 112 3 1 4 123 3 ~~ 3 2 554 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.--DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.--Continued. NORTH CAROLINA-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868.1869.1870. 1871. 1872. To husband 4 Abandonment and cruelty.... 1 1 5 Abandonment, cruelty, and habitual drunk. enness. / S To wife... Total To husband. To wife..... Total To husband. 6 Abandonment and habitual drunkenness... To wife. Total 7 Adultery. 8 Adultery and cruelty... 1 1 To husband. 12 To wife. 24 16 14 5 5 6 Total 17 21 20 2333 20 11 13 6 17 243 21 14 35 To husband. To wife. ... 1 1 9 Adultery and desertion... 10 Consanguinity 11 Cruelty. 12 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness.. 13 Desertion. 14 Habitual drunkenness 15 Impotency.. 16 Pregnacy before marriage 17 Unknown.. S Total · To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife. Total. To husband. To wife. Total. To husband. To wife. Total. To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.... Total... To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife. Total.... S To husband. To wife. Total • To husband. All causes 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 14 17 14 To wife.. Total 7 7 8 • 21 24 22 222 21 12 20 10 41 2253 222 21 16 37 OHIO. 1 Adultery 2 Adultery and bigamy.. 3 Adultory and cruelty……. STo husband. Total To wife.... Total. To husband. S To wife... 148 118 121 110 134 108 282 226 139 260 90 127 143 131 123 253 221 250 Total STo husband. To wife. 11 1 2 1 Total. 1 2 1 සය 3 3 4 Adultery, cruelty, and desertion S To husband. To wife... Total. CHAPTER VIII. 555 GENERAL TABLES. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. NORTH CAROLINA—Concluded, 1877. 1873.1874. 1875. 1876. | 1877. 1878. 1879.1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. | 1885. | 1886. Total. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 22 1 1 11 4 11 22 5 1 1 6 1 1 20 29 37 34 26 37 39 50 42 55 51 61 60 88 723 12 11 18 16 10 24 21 23 27 31 20 27 37 44 370 32 40 55 50 36 61 60 73 69 86 71 88 97 132 1,093 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 2 1 9 112 22 123 22 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 213 1 1 co co 3 2 4 3 2 4 1 1 112 213 3 12 Baa 6 9 1 10 1 1 ลล 25 26 11 27 10 10 5 2 5 2 22 1 1 412 4 1 №13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 عر 1 1 1 1 112 1 4 1 1 1 ON 6 15 10 1 2 1 1 2 1 9 116 1 2 1 1 2 9 123 1 1 3 1 5 4 3 3 4 3 36 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 21 $17 1 4 4 2 5 3 4 5 4 57 25 33 21 20 46 53 9353 Saa 40 25 65 0655 40 29 41 25 65 999 17 33 46 74 989985 48 59 46 63 60 29 2.5 37 41 84 83 104 6888 82888 106 117 Eza 52 163 588 812 66 526 1,338 OHIO. 1 01 2 130 114 110 128 113 130 142 170 132 101 127 116 107 110 137 132 262 215 237 244 220 240 279 302 317 164 182 178 173 169 152 153 172 163 133 178 139 354 341 306 347 291 2,769 2,678 1 5,447 1 1 1 1 2 • 1 LO LA 5 2 3 3 1 1 2 28 3 5 2 3 1 1 2 3 31 1 1 1 556 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. OHIO-Continued. Causes, and to which party granted. 1867, 1868. 1869.1870. 1871. 1872. To husband 5 Adultery, cruelty, and habitual drunkenness To wife.. 1 Total. 1 6 Adultery, cruelty, and neglect of duty 7 Adultery and desertion.. STo 8 Adultery, desertion, and habitual drunken-S ness. To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. 1 2 To wife... 1 Total... 1 --3 To husband To wife.. Total 1 2 112 112 9 Adultery, desertion, and neglect of duty .- 10 Adultery and habitual drunkenness. To husband To wife... Total. 1 1 1 1 wife Total STo husband. 1 1 11 Adultery, habitual drunkenness, and neg. (To husba lect of duty. S wife... Total To husband. To wife.... Total • 1 1 12 Adultery and neglect of duty 13 Bigamy... 14 Bigamy and cruelty 15 Bigamy, cruelty, and desertion.. 16 Bigamy, cruelty, and habitual drunkenness 17 Bigamy, desertion, and neglect of duty. 18 112 1 1 STo To husband. 6 3 3 5 6 1 To wife... 7 8 11 12 8 10 Total. 13 11 14 17 14 11 1 1 To husband To wife... Total To husband. To wife.. Total. To husband. To wife.. 1 1 Total To husband. To wife.... Total... To husband. Bigamy and imprisonment in penitentiary...To wife. 19 Cruelty... 20 Cruelty and desertion Total... To husband To wife... Total 5 8 14 9 9 9 147 152 153 145 169 167 168 168 183 176 177 177 To husband To wife.... Total 33 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 ** Mar : To husband. 21 Cruelty, desertion, and habitual drunkenness To wife... 22 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness. Total. • To husband. To wife... Total 23 Cruelty, habitual drunkenness, and neglect (To husband. of duty. wife. Total. • 24 Cruelty and neglect of duty. • To husband. To wife Total. 22 1 1 1 1 co co 3 3 2 3 3 2 1 22 1 CHAPTER VII. 557 GENERAL TABLES. ፡ TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. OHIO—Continued. 80. 1873.1874. | 1875. |1876. 1877. | 1878.1879.1880. 1881. | 1882. | 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 11~ 2 123 123 1 Total. 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 178 ང 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 HIN 1 2 1 1 2 2 22 1 ****3 133 2 3 3 w co 2923 16 16 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 213 9 3 4 przed przed 1 310 1 3 7 211 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 DO NOT 2 112 2 1 1 10 $12 1 1 12 6 3 1 5 6 2 1 6 9 6 2 4 5 12 9 10 9 6 7 10 8 6 7 11 13 7 9 10 15 13. 10 11 13 12 9 12 16 17 15 11 14 222 92 178 $13 270 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 314 4 1 1 1 $15 116 1 1 117 1 1 1 1 18 1 1 9 15 207 216 10 164 207 179 217 9 14 201 12 20 20 16 235 246 222 243 275 210 249 258 242 263 291 17 19 287 267 330 304 12 22 15 264 327 361 1,536 19 286 342 349 376 1,800 1 4 5 22 aa 1 6 2 1 1 6 2 1 221 *NN 4 COILO 2 5 D 1 3 30 20 3 3 35 ༦、 ༥ LO LO 123 5 - 6 5 6 TH 1 1 1 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 1 ♡o co 5350 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 3 4 3 5 0161 178 8 136 1 1 5 7 2013 1 -- 1 21 1 2 3 oo no 3 7 6 7 CO CO 6 28 62 22 64 223 1 es w 3 4 9 3 9 23. 9 62 24 71 558 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. OHIO-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868. | 1869. | 1870. 1871. 1872. To husband. 25 Desertion.. To wife... Total 90 100 202 210 292 310 135 120 133 133 244 253 266 279 379 373 399 412 To husband 1 26 Desertion and habitual drunkenness To wife 1 1 Total 1 1 1 To husband 27 Desertion and neglect of duty. To wife... 1 Total. 1 ww 3 1 3 1 22 44 1 4 1 28 Fraudulent contract..…………………… S To husband. 6 To wife.... 1 Total 7 533 5 5 లుర 8 3 8 10 11 516 4 6 4 To husband. 4 29 Habitual drunkenness To wife... Total. 58 62 59 2583 6 3 8 6 57 56 63 71 99 62 66 79 105 123 16 16 30 Total To husband Habitual drunkenness and neglect of duty.. To wife. 31 Impotency.. 32 Imprisonment in penitentiary 33 Imprisonment in penitentiary and neglect S of duty. 34 Neglect of duty 35 Pregnancy before marriage.. Total To husband. To wife..... Total To husband To wife.... To wi Total... To husband 36 1 1 22 එප 6 6 1 22 1 314 18 → 1 1 11 14 8 11 9 11 14 9 =2 12 To wife... Total To husband 18 15 21 12 12 21 To wife.. 47 43 59 51 39 59 Total.... 65 58 80 63 51 83 To husband To wife... 1 2 2 1 22 2 2 S To husband. To wife Total. 280 253 621 595 901 310 271 269 703 721 848 1, 013 306 .706 759 992 975 1, 063 Previous divorce obtained in another state - Total To husband. To wife... Total All causes OREGON. To husband To wife Tota' 1 Adultery. 2 Adultery and cruelty... 3 Adultery, cruelty, and habitual drunken- ness. 527 To husband. To wife..... Total. 1 1 To husband. To wife. Total. To husband. 527 4 6 10 112 9 639 639 527 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 112 ลง Total To husband. 2 2 To wife. Total..... To husband. To wifo. Total • 2 4 Adultery, cruelty, and neglect to provide... To wife 5 Adultery and desertion. 6 Adultery and habitual drunkenness.. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 559 X TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 6 2 INN 145 3 6 9 2 2 8 4 7 5 6 3 13 10 10 0000 10 6 538 67 16 13 OHIO–Concluded. 874. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. | 1879. | 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. | 1886. 1876. Total. 161 163 155 138 148 190 172 216 176 179 210 191 192 208 288 301 305 308 288 358 398 432 383 423 424 469 466 456 3,210 6, 753 25 449 464 460 446 436 548 570 648 559 602 634 660 658 664 9, 963 1 22 1 224 248 213 2.13 213 516 22 314 22 2 1026 12 1 1 1 22 167 5 9 ∞ ∞ 3 61 $27 5 10 3 4 83 7 5 13 8 11 6 127 10 2 5 2 6 9 7628 17 7 18 10 17 15 203 3 3 7 5 5 4 7 2 7 12 6 8 11 6 115 88888 83 113 102 91 82 106 109 114 132 147 147 117 154 138 2,039 $29 86 116 109 96 87 110 116 116 139 159 153 125 165 144 2,154 1 1 22 4 4 ♡o mo 3 3 3 3 ao as 3 3 3 లులు að að 235 123 1 1 3 4 22 2 1 2 1 1 2 ~~ 2 112 123 3 3 7 3 3 7 1 00 00 8 8 22 2 6 66 55 5 5 2 112 134 1 1 112 42 *47 82- 61 30 62 15 27 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 12 10 16 13 20 17 21 15 17 13 10 16 13 21 17 21 16 18 20 20 23 28 20 21 28 1888 29 35 344 32 30 35 353 1 1 $33 1 15 21 22 31 33 32 37 37 58 56 53 46 52 63 658 49 38 72 67 71 90 116 117 146 157 196 194 180 236 2, 02734 64 59 94 98 104 122 153 154 201 213 249 240 232 299 2, 685 1 1 $35 1 1 112 1 5 2 1 1 6 >36 1 11 334 331 314 327 792 759 863 826 833 965 1, 0471, 085 1,126 1,090 1,177 1,153 1, 160 1,345 1, 441 1, 553 327 380 394 468 440 461 1, 1541, 240 1, 594 1,701 OREGON. 488 447 466 471 1, 2701, 299 1,374 1, 418 1,758 1,746 1,840 1,889 7,337 19, 030 26, 367 224 4 9 13 7 5 11 14 19 369 19 10 10 29 202 12 162 14 11 5 18 16 7 5 4 8 96 11 19 4 20 18 10 20 22 21 15 15 31 223 193 12 110 1 303 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 112 122 3 1 1 13 2 1 1 16 2 ลง 2 3 2 ts, 3 3 112 1 1 2 2 1 - 1 1 1 • · 123 1 4 1 1 1 2 2 1 23 1 1 2 2 1 *** 6 5 29 1 1 6 2 D 1 1 , > 560 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. OREGON—Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 7 Conviction of felony... 8 Cruelty.. 9 Cruelty and desertion 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1868. 1869. 1870. To husband To wife 1 1 4 • Total 1 1 4 22 2 2 To husband. 4 2 3 3 3 4 To wife... 30 36 35 23 33 31 Total. 34 38 38 26 36 35 To husband. To wife... Total 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 To husband. Total 1 1 To husband. To wife... 1 1 Total 1 1 1 1 To husband. To wife Total. To husband. • To wife..... 1 Total 1 To husband. To wife.. 1 Total. 1 11 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 S To husband. 8 5 To wife.... 7 7 Total 15 12 ២២២ 10 6 10 9 13 19 19 ** 13 23 72 17 24 10 Cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide ..To wife 11 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness. 12 Cruelty, habitual drunkenness, and neglect S to provide. 13 Cruelty and impotency * 11 Cruelty and neglect to provide 15 Desertion. 16 Desertion and habitual drunkenness.. To husband. To wife Total To husband. • 1 1 17 Desertion and impotency To wife.... Total 1 1 To husband. 18 Desertion and neglect to provide……... To wife..... Total 1 1 11 To husband. 19 Desertion and refusal to cohabit. To wife... Total To husband. 2 20 Habitual drunkenness. To wife... Total 9 11 22 1 1 22 112 4 4 21 Habitual drunkenness and neglect to pro- To wife... To husband. 1 1 · vide. Total To husband. 1 1 1 1 22 Impotency.. 23 Neglect to provide..... 24 Pregnancy before marriage……… 25 Unknown.. To wife. Total To husband. To wife..... 1 Total.. 1 To husband. To wife.... Total To husband To wife... All causes.. Total 213 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 To husband. 23 16 To wife... 58 Total 81 88 50 66 2823 19 18 23 58 46 58 77 64 81 79 182 17 62 M CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 561 TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC:-Continued. OREGON-Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. [1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 1 4 3 1 4 3 22 22 2 1 1 44 4 i oo oo 3 1 3 1 LO LO 5 5 od as 44 3 3 In n 5 5 32295 26 28 200 7 12 11 28 33 35 8888 29 42 5) 57 38 54 62 000 65 83 =28 11 18 10 72 63 81 2283 23 11 73 104 95 83 127 8888888 21 85 96 1,037 106 108 117 1,228 1 1 112 3 3 112 3 3 සහ 3 3 145 2 4 6 1 5 6 2 1 213 2 1 3 4 ཝཱཧྨཱ བྲཱཛྫིསྶོ ཌཆ་ 46 7 46 191 8 11 30 9 41 1 1 2 2 22 1 1 1 1 5 5 158 5 6 1 LO 6 187 22 426 22 2 22 1 410 1 4 6 • 10 10 5 1 2 2 39 11 5 1 2 2 4.5 1 1 1 1 1 122 812 8 見 ​113 1 1 1 22 3 3 2 3 3 2 00 00 3 3 201 2 2 INN 2 2 22 27 14 27 6 11 11 14 10 18 11 17 17 15 12 18 20 21 18 21 17! 13 16 32 29 35 27 31 293 29 25 27 46 42 30 37 12128 15 225 15 16 23 24 22 28 34 44 57 +29 251 32 56 36915 623 TH 1 1 2 16 1 $17 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 ลล 1 1 1 1018 1 1 1 10 TH 1 1 19 } 1 1 1 4 7 4 10 6 13 10 4 7 4 10 1 6 14 10 10 202 2 1 3 13 8 11 13 4 15 18 142 20 13 13 4 16 21 155 22 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $21 CO CT LO 2 22 5 1 1 HH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0101 2 1 2 12 23 2 1 2 12 1 1 24 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 COLO 1 1 1 2 1 1 COTIO 3 3 3 - ww 3 1 1 6 1 1 1. 201 16 3 25 25 4 41 15 23 49 76 61 99 298 28 39 50 43 39 39 68 71 96 110 76 1 95 113 126 138 152 46 135 119 121 174 169 170 50 59 39 63 69 718 157 149 147 180 216 188 210 249 1, 891 2,609 20267 M D -36 562 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. PENNSYLVANIA. Causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868. | 1869.1870. 1871.1872. 1870. 1 Adultery . To husband. 65 69 To wife.... 41 Total 106 74 37 38 106 112 90 99 288888 52 55 60 38 44 999 36 96 2 Adultery and bigamy... { To husband. To wife... 1 Total 1 S To husband. • To wife.... Total 1 1 1 1 LO LO 5 167 123 2 5 2 1 1 7 8 7 8 14 16 10 2000 5 4 8 4 4 9 8 459 123 213 3 Adultery and cruelty 4 Adultery, cruelty, and desert.on. 5 Adultery and desertion 6 Bigamy. 7 Bigamy and conviction of felony. 8 Bigamy and desertion.. 9 Conviction of felony 10 Conviction of felony and cruelty.. To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband To wife... Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife... Total {TO wi To husband. To wife.... 'Cotal 11 Conviction of felony and desertion.... 2 2 22 5 3 2 2 LO 313 4 134 325 1 1 1 1 පප 6 6 ลงคง 2 2 5 LO LO 5 ลงลง 2 To husband. To wife. 1 Total 1 To husband. 9 5 9 To wife.... 71 70 67 Total 80 75 76 7010 14 78 81 拉手 ​73 85 95 77 To husband. 1 1 1 To wife..... 22 -- 1 7 6 11 5 1 7 7 12 6 12 Cruelty 13 Cruelty and desertion 14 Cruelty and habitual intemperance. 15 Desertion... S Total To husband. To wife... Total. S To husband. · 16 Force... 17 Force and fraud 18 Fraud 19 Habitual intemperance 2 2 To wife..... Total 107 98 126 126 194 233 249 301 331 375 234 121 119 253 237 360 374 356 To wife S Total To husband. To husband. • 3 3 1 To wife.. Total 1 213 To husband. 3 3 To wife.... Total 2 1 3 2 4 To husband. 1 To wife.... Total 1 1 1 Habitual intemperance and neglect to pro- To husband. 20 1 vide. To wife... Total 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.- 563 GENERAL TABLES. < TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. PENNSYLVANIA. 1873.1874. 1875. 1876, 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. | | | | | 879. 1880. | | | | 885. 1886. Total. : 76 36 74 45 112 119 88888 59 30 51 89 7233 48 51 59 81 88 103 102 80 89 94 33 53 49 60 54 45 53 52 62 63 1, 430 901 1 83 81 104 108 141 142 148 155 132 151 157 2, 331 2 2 213 2 213 22 1 2 1 2 LO LO 5 5 279 123 ad oo 3 3 3 3 145 8 47 3 55 1 4 1 2 5 5 1 4 6 4 6 9 4 6 3 5 8 2 - 5 6 4 77 7 4 9 7 9 108 13 16 12 14 141 5 6 11 8 6 12 8 9 12 13 14 17 25 19 23 249 3 3 4 2 2 2 3 2 5 1 3 1 2 5 5 8 5 5 3 4 8 246 246 235 2 5 4 8 57 6 3 7 7 64 6 8 8 11 15 121 7 7 RH 1 1 3 8 3 8 156 6 6 6 co co 22 1 1 15 6 137 6 55 co co 3 3 or er 5 9 5 9 235 1 7 1 86 91 8 110 1 1 11 1 6 13 8 12 10 7 9 19 12 15 14 11 13 14 211 108 107 92 103 111 140 141 155 152 195 194 188 177 193 2,496 12 114 120 100 115 121 147 150 174 164 210 208 199 190 207 2,707 1 4 7 1 7 1 2 3 .7 1 7 1 2 3 සය co co 3 1 3 1 er er 5 4 7 4 6 10 93 13 5 4 t- 7 4 6 11 97 1 1 tos: 123 1 2 1 10 14 1 1 12 130 133 149 125 121 142 141 198 203 247 257 245 251 265 294 255 376 395 457 377 390 394 376 386 436 396 574 598 225 233 193 194 227 3, 111 366 438 682 599 631 395 450 6, 091 15 589 677 9, 202 1 1 16 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 3 2 1 6 1 31 1 1 3 5 3 1 1 20 1 1 1 4 3 3 6 6 1 6 436 4 2 1 4 1 437 4 1 5 બાકા 225 225 17 51 1 12 18 37 2 1 19 1 1 20 -1 . 564 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. PENNSYLVANIA-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1871. 21 Impotency…. 22 Pregnancy before marriage... 23 Unknown.. All causes 1 Adultery 2 Adultery and bigamy.. To husband. To wife... Total 1 1 1 1 To husband. 1 To wife.. Total 1 To husband 26 To wife... 41 Total 67 To husband. To wife.. Total 217 358 575 606 202 88888 52 37 26* 19 24 42 35 36 30 79 61 55 54 203 261 218 223 217 403 428 405 442 398 689 623 665 615 RHODE ISLAND. S To husband. 7 6 11 9 14 14 To wife ... 3 9 5 2 3 5 Total 10 15 16 11 17 19 To husband. 1 To wife 1 134 3 Adultery, bigamy, and desertion……….. Total. To husband. (To To wife. Total 4 Adultery, bigamy, desertion, and neglect to S To husband provide. 5 Adultery, conviction of crime, and habitual S drunkenness. 6 Adultery and cruelty 7 Adultery, cruelty, and desertion... 8 Adultery, cruelty, desertion, and gross mis-S behavior and wickedness. To wife 1 Total 1 To husband. 1 To wife.. Total. 1 To husband. To wife 1 4 Total 1 4 To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total.... 1 1 9 Adultery, cruelty, desertion, gross misbe- (To husband. havior and wickedness, and neglect to provide. To wife Total - To husband. 10 Adultery, cruelty, desertion, and habitual Tow 11 drunkenness. wife Total Adultery, cruelty, desertion, habitual drunk. (To husband. enness, and neglect to provide. 12 Adultery, cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide. 13 S Adultery, cruelty, and gross misbehaviorS and wickedness. 14 Adultery, cruelty, gross misbehavior and wickedness, and habitual drunkenness. | S To wife Total To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife Total 15 Adultery, cruelty, gross misbehavior and (To husband. wickedness, and neglect to provide. To wife. Total 44 22 22 ! $ J 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 [ } CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 565 TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. PENNSYLVANIA—Concluded. 880. 1886. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878.1879.1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. | | | 876. 1877. | | | Total. 1 1 112 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 112 Bor-i 5 21 12 1 $22 27 17 14 11 - 21 21 14 15 15 17 14 17 11 14 383 42 30 33 31 34 32 24 19 34 31 25 37 22 31 657 $23 69 47 47 42 55 53 38 -34 49 48 39 54 33 45 1, 040 249 253 240 207 211 233 233 325 332 372 374 319 325 377 5, 389 458 457 415 431 466 536 492 626 663 761 672 748 693 779 10, 631 707 710 655 638 677 769 725 951 995 1, 133 1, 046 1, 067 1, 018 1, 156 16, 020 RHODE ISLAND. 9 6 15 202 12 4 8 4 8 620 6 9 9 8 11 5 2 8 ∞ ∞ 8 2 8 11 11 17 16 13 10 උස - 8 11 4 1 12 12 614 4 5 9 175 3 87 1 9 12 262 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 10100 22 5 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 1 1 3 on an 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 INN 2 4 2 1 5 1 2 5 1 25 2 1 30 1 1 7 1 8 1 1 9 1 1 10 1 2 11 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Lo 14 12 2 14 1 1 1 13 1 6 156 1 ·14 1 1 4 15 1 566 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. RHODE ISLAND-Continued. Causes, and to which party granted. 16 Adultery, cruelty, and habitual drunken-S ness. To husband. To wife. Total. {Total To husband. 17 Adultery, cruelty, habitual drunkenness, To wife and neglect to provide. Total · To husband. 18 Adultery, cruelty, and neglect to provide... To wife · i 19 Adultery and desertion.. 1867. 1868. 1869.1870. 1871. 1872. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total 22 2 To husband. To wife.. Total 5 1 6 415 22 718 1 1 සය 3 TO LO 5 4 5 4 4 8 4 15 3 1 11 4 16 To husband. 6 4 3 To wife... Total 1 1 7 4 4 112 1 1 J 2 1 2 20 Adultery, desertion, and gross misbehavior) 21 22 and wickedness. To wife..... Adultery, desertion, gross misbehavior and S To husband. wickedness, and habitual drunkenness. Total • Adultery, desertion, gross misbehavior and (To husband. wickedness, habitual drunkenness, and neglect to provide. 1 1 To wife ... Total 2 2 23 | Adultery, desertion, gross misbehavior and wickedness, and neglect to provide. S To husband. To wife ……….. Total 3 සස 3 4 4 24 Adultery, desertion, and habitual drunken. To husband. ness. 25 Adultery, desertion, habitual drunkenness, S To husband. and neglect to provide, To wife... Total 2 To wife Total - 2 22 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 To husband. 26 Adultery, desertion, and neglect to provide. To wife. Total 1 1 LO LO 5 5 22 2 14 1 7 14 1 7 27 Adultery and gross misbehavior and wick- edness. To husband. To wife. Total 6 1 7 314 2 1 2 2 ♡♡ 3 3 1 2 28 112 1 1 112 29 30 Adultery, gross misbehavior and wicked. To husband. ness, and habitual drunkenness. Adultery, gross misbehavior and wicked ness, habitual drunkenness, and neglect to provide. Adultery, gross misbehavior and wicked- ness, and neglect to provide. To wife Total (To husband. To wifo Total To husband To wifo Total To husband. To wife... Total 1 1 11 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 3 31 Adultery and habitual drunkenness 112 213 32 Adultery, habitual drunkenness, and neg To wife lect to provide. 33 Adultery, loathsome disease, and neglect to S provide. 34 Adultery and neglect to provide. S To husband. 1 1 Total 1 1 To husband. To wife.. Total. To husband. To wife... 14 7 6 Total.. 14 7 6 To husband. 35 Bigamy. To wife... Total. 1 1 00 00 8 9 6 8 9 6 CHAPTER VIII. 567 GENERAL TABLES. 1 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. RHODE ISLAND—Continued. 1873. | 1874. 1875. 1876, 1877. 1878. 1879.1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 2 2) 1 1 ~~ 2 1 616 2 1 2 8 1 1 22 5 IO LO 17 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 2 1 2 1 22 221 4 12 5 6 4 12 110 5 20 8 818 9 617 9 2 00.00 8 21 12 12 16 3 1 3 2 7 11 11 22 15 14 16 ∞ 1- 8 12 182 1 9 13 206 22 8*8 2918 24 19 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 22 420 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 36 1 21 1 2 22 9 23 9 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 220343 24 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 $25 1 7 7 00.00 8 4 8 4 LO LO 5 1 5 1 ists: ♡♡ 3 5 6 3 5 6 ~~ 7 3 4 7 3 4 co co 3 1 3 1 89 1 1 1 1 4 1 61 2 OL ༡ 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 4 2 8.8 88 89 26 32 27 39 2 1 2 28 2 1 213 213 1 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 22 10 30 1 1 112 1 1 0118 2 2 3 ลา 2 1 3 2 4 2 123 6 4 3 36 1 11 31 6 4 4 47 co co 3 1 1 3 1 1 คล 2 2 -- 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 0161 คาลง 4 6 2 3 3 4 6 2 3 1 09.00 Co Co 3 3 TO LO 5 1 5 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 · 1 1 1 គ 1 1 1 15 32 15 133 1 6 97 6 65 31 97 4 4 35 568 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. E TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. RHODE ISLAND-Continued. Causes and to which party granted. 1867. 1868. | 1869.] 1870. 870. 1871. | 1872. 871. 872. To husband. 1 1 36 Bigamy and desertion.. 37 Bigamy and fraud 38 Conviction of crime………. 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 To wife... Total To husband To wife.. Total STo husband. To wife... Total Conviction of crime, cruelty, and gross mis-To husband. behavior and wickedness. To wife.. Total Conviction of crime, cruelty, gross misbe- (To husband. havior and wickedness, habitual drunken-To wife ness, and neglect to provide. Total - To husband. Conviction of crime, cruelty, and habitual aband drunkenness. Conviction of crime, desertion, and habitual S drunkenness. Conviction of crime, desertion, habitual S drunkenness, and neglect to provide. Total · To husband To wife... Total 1 1 1 1 To husband. 1 1 To wife wife.... Total.. Conviction of crime, desertion, and neglect To husband. to provide. To wife Total To husband. wife... Conviction of crime, gross misbehavior and Towi wickedness, and neglect to provide. Total • To husband. Conviction of crime and habitual drunken- (To husb ness. wife. Total To husband. Conviction of crime, habitual drunkenness, To wife.... and neglect to provide. Total. Conviction of crime and neglect to pro- To wife vide. 49 Cruelty.. { To husband. Total. { To husband. To wife .... Total 2 2 22 2 3 1 2 3 1 aa 2 · 213 123 1 1 2 1 1 50 Cruelty and desertion To husband To wife.. Total (To bus To busband. 51 Cruelty, desertion, and gross misbehavior To wife and wickedness. Total 52 Cruelty, desertion, gross misbehavior and To husband. wickedness, and habitual drunkenness. To wife.. Total. 1 1 53 Cruelty, desertion, gross misbehavior and (To husband wickedness, habitual drunkenness, and To wife neglect to provide. 54 Cruelty, desertion, gross misbehavior and wickedness, and neglect to provide. 55 Cruelty, desertion, and habitual drunken- ness. Total. To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife.. 1 Total 1 4 1 4 1 255 CHAPTER VIII.- 569 GENERAL TABLES TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1836, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. RHODE ISLAND—Continued. $73. 1873.1874. | 1875. │1876. | 1877. | 1878.1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. | 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1881. 1882. 1883. Total. 1 1 1 1 2 22 123 2 CIN 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 36 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~~ 2 2 LO LO 5 5 221 3 3 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 3 2 5 4 ww 3 1 3 2 123 224 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 2 1 1 22 1 37 1 138 1 139 1 1 40 1 2 41 22 $42 1 1 43 1 1 1 1 344 1 3 1 1 1 1 194 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 4 112 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 156 145 1 46 1 22 22 47 48 10 10 5 3 52 5 3 Lete 2 23 2 4 · 00 00 3 32 3 main may 19 55 >30 55 3 51 3 1 1 1 1 152 1 1 53 1 8 54 ~2* 12 55 14 123 570 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. RHODE ISLAND-Continued. Causes, and to which party granted. 56 Cruelty, desertion, habitual drunkenness, and neglect to provide. 57 Cruelty, desertion, impotency, and neglect to provide. To husband. To wife... Total To husband To wife... Total. - To husband. 58 Cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide... To wife Total 59 Cruelty and gross misbehavior and wicked. To husband. ness. To wife.... 1867. 1868. 1869, 1870. 1871. 1872. 1868. 1869. 1870. 3 3 Co Co 22 22 1 1 44 22 5 4 3 11 4 5 4 3 11 • 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 Total .. 1 1 2 1 60 Cruelty, gross misbehavior and wickedness, and habitual drunkenness. To husband. 1 1 To wife. Total. 1 1 61 Cruelty, gross misbehavior and wickedness, (To husband. habitual drunkenness, and neglect to pro- vide. 62 Cruelty, gross misbehavior and wickedness, and neglect to provide. S To wife. Total → To husband. To wife.. Total. 1 1 1 1 1 22 63 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness. S To husband. To wife.. Total 3 3 4 1 4 1 22 22 1 co co 3 1 1 3 3 2 1 3 64 Cruelty, habitual drunkenness, and neglect To wife to provide. To husband Total සප 6 1 * 4 6 1 4 . 77 9 12 9 12 122 To husband. } 65 Cruelty and neglect to provide To wife.. Total 7 7 13 33 13 7 6 11 14 7 6 → 11 14 S To husband. 10 66 Desertion To wife.... Total 12 513 022 718 10 15 10 5 6 15 15 12 922 67 Desertion, and gross misbehavior and wick- edness. To husband To wife. Total 213 2 2 213 2 317 6 3 3 husband. To wifo... Total.. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 拿 ​68 Desertion, gross misbehavior and wicked. To we? 69 70 71 ness, and habitual drunkenness. Desertion, gross misbehavior and wicked- ( To husband. ness, habitual drunkenness, and neglect to provide. Desertion, gross misbehavior and wicked-S ness, and neglect to provide. Desertion and habitual drunkenness 72 Desertion, habitual drunkenness, and neg- lect to provide. 73 Desertion and impotency. To wife... Total To husband To husband To wife.... Total. • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 To wife... 11 Total 11 77 6 3 6 3 සය 3 3 22 To husband. 1 To wife. 1 Total.. 1 1 To husband To wife... Total. 33 3 22 1 8 6 1 8 6 i S To husband. 74 Desertion and neglect to provide ……. To wife... 34 41 37 33 23 45 Total. 34 41 37 33 23 45 75 Desertion and refusal to cohabit . S To husband. 1 To wife.. Total 1 • CHAPTER VIII-GENERAL TABLES. 571 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. RHODE ISLAND—Continued. 380. 1881. 1882. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876.1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. | 1886. Total 22 4 4 22 • • 10 LO 5 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 عرعر 1 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 . 00 00 8 11 6 8 11 6 3 1 3 1 3 w w 3 4 44 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 සස 6 6 5 ID 5 1 ~~ 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 คล 2 1 1 2 1 1 112 112 2 2 ลาลง 2 2 22 8 8 :00:00 9 9 9 - - 6 11 9 6 11 22 213 4 4 1 1 1 22 8 00 0Q 8 22 112 22 ་་་མ 4 38 56 4 38 57 1 LO LO 5 7 9 11 122 58 5 7 9 11 122 1 3 59 1 13 1 1 16 60 1 1 1 1 22 22 1 1 1 1 213 00 00 8 7 7 7 9 6 8 7 7 7 9 6 246 00 00 8 8 $61 • 62 1 21 1 21 7 as as 3 37 63 3 44 22 144 $64 144 ~~ 2 4 2 4 00 00 8 8 8 8 15 9 15 9 a 20 12 1 20 13 22 HO 12 12 11 11 5 16 22 123 12 12 16 21 22 42 00 00 8 15 8 15 55 со со 8 11 8 11 -- 9 9 tot 7 13 10 221 65 7 13 10 221 16 5 19 639 20 24 19 36 22 16 26 318 4 7 8 5 2 4 ! 62 66 24 28 26 44 27 18 30 380 3 4 2 4 сл 5 1 3 4 2 5 5 011400 2 3 819 2 2 4 1 2 2 5 213 55 9 67 61 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 tors: LO LO 5 68 1 10 213 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 9 69 9 co co 3 1 1 4 3 1 4 54 70 3 1 1 4 3 54 සය 710 2 23 LO 8 7 -C 3 527 2 01 2 2 3 。 5 48 8888 28 20 71 co co 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HIN 1 3 1 2 3 1 10 3 10 3 む ​૧૭૭ 6 6 1 1 oo oo 8 8 0000 8 8 co co 3 6 4 3 6 4 8 00 00 77 -- 9 00 00 8 4 106 72 8 4 106 1 73 1 64 58 36 39 45 54 65 84 96 78 76 61 58 36 39 45 54 65 81 96 78 76 22 93 73 86 1,160 $74 93 73 86 1, 160 1 75 1 572 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. RHODE ISLAND-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 76 Force and duress. 77 Fraud.. 78 Gross misbehavior and wickedness 79 1867. 1868.1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 867. 1868. 1869. $70. To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife..... Total To husband. 1 To wife... 1 Total 1 1 1 1 2 112 1 Gross misbehavior and wickedness and S habitual drunkenness. To husband. To wifo.... Total. To husband. 80 Gross misbehavior and wickedness, habitual drunkenness, and neglect to provide. To wife.. 4 1 1 Total .... 4 1 1 81 Gross misbehavior and wickedness, and neglect to provide. To husband. To wife... Total 4 6 4 6 ลล 2 - 112 2 1 1 82 Habitual drunkenness 83 To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. Habitual drunkenness and neglect to provide. To wife.. 84 Impotency Total To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. To wife... Total • 5757 3 7 3 7 ∞∞ G 6 . 22 123 LO LO 战 ​213 5 10 5 10 85 Impotency and neglect to provide To husband. ร 86 Neglect to provide.. 87 Pregnancy before marriage.. Total · S To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife... 20 38 23 18 33 32 20 388 23 18 33 32 1 1 1 1 88 Unknown. All causes 1 Abandonment 2 Abandonment and adultery To wife. Total. 40 To husband 35 36 To wife.... 155 174 131 161 Total 195 209 167 202 41 43 54 122 168 165 222 SOUTH CAROLINA. To husband. To wife.. Total STo husband. To wife... Total · To husband. To wife... 3 Abandonment and cruelty.. 4 Adultery. 5 Adultery and cruelty... S Total - To husband. To wife.. Total. To husband. To wife..... Total 123 1 1 1 1 2 Յ ~13 112 112 • CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 573- ** TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. RHODE ISLAND-Concluded, 1880. 881. 1882. 1873.1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. | 1886, 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 Ľ pored pred 1 2 213 Total. 1 1 76 1 1 1 577 1 1 1 1 1 1 ة 1 78 1 1 1 1 6 1 2 1 1 3 213 1 13 6 79 1 19 · 224 112 3 2 3 w 3 2 3 22 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 347 123 69 8 1 1 1 1 2 1426 2 3 3 2 6 13 10 17 11 13 13 10 6 17 11 13 2 2 77 6 14 6 14 8 1 1 7 80 1 7 22 34 81 2 34 1 25 1 21 82 46 7 5 7 166 83 7 5 7 166 2 84 1 85 18 18 29 28 37 24 27 36 39 29 37 24 27 36 39 30 30 8888888 26 26 39 888888 39 33 33 28 26 589 86 33 33 28 26 589 2 87 2 1 1 88 1 1 34 34 37 36 59 44 157 181 150 157 160 169 174 214 200 225 184 193 240 184 191 197 213 226 274 287 280 265 52 60 87 55 81 66 47 60 1, 001 204 178 197 3, 461 270 225 257 4, 162 SOUTH CAROLINA. 5 4 9 634 11 5 12 L- 7 5 14 4 4 14 9 25 9 16 21 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 .1 1 1 1 3 3 5 1 1 729 1 1 7 6 10 1 6 16 • " + 47 48 1 95 633 2 મ 3 34 17 4 51 1 5 574 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. SOUTH CAROLINA-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868. | 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. To husband. 6 Cruelty 7 Incompatibility of temper 8 Unknown All causes. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. To wife.... Total 1 145 1 1 437 4 TENNESSEE. To husband. To wife.. 30 Total 535 67 46 97 2833 52 54 54 78 29 36 22 43 47 75 88 76 97 125 To husband. 1 To wife. Total 1 · 1 Adultery. 2 Adultery and bigamy... To husband. 3 Adultery, conviction of felony, and neglect To wife.. to provide. 4 Adultery and cruel and inhuman treat- ment. Total. 1 1 To husband. 1 To wife... 2 1 3 Total.. ----- 2 2 3 1 1 5 Adultery, cruel and inhuman treatment, and desertion. To husband. To wife... Total. 6 Adultery, cruel and inhuman treatment, and S To husband 7 habitual drunkenness. Adultery, cruel and inhuman treatment, and S neglect to provide. 8 Adultery and cruelty... To wifo. Total To husband. To wife Total · To husband. To wife. Total. 1 1 1 5 1 5 9 Adultery, cruelty, and desertion To husband. To wife... Total · To husband. 10 Adultery, cruelty, and habitual drunkenness To wife.. Total STo husband. 11 Adultery, cruelty, and neglect to provido.. To wife... 12 Adultery and desertion. Total. To husband. To wife. Total 13 Adultery, desertion, and habitual drunken. To husband. ness. To wife... Total. To husband. 14 Adultery, desertion, and neglect to provide. To wife. 15 Total ... To husband. Adultery, desertion, and violence endanger. To wife.... ing life or health. Total. • 1 1 224 3 3 6 112 123 134 1 6 7 1 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 575 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. SOUTH CAROLINA-Concluded. 1873. 1874.1875. 1876. 1877. 1878.1879. 1880. | 1881. | 1882. | 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 7 8 10 16 17 0533 18 12 17 35 17 257 21 18 5 21 26 39 TENNESSEE. 1 6 1 1 7 1 8 1 163 878 89 74 8888888 86 70 81 70 102 103 129 142 119 109 130 117 175 160 1, 944 38 43 41 42 47 55 64 65 80 66 69 55 108 93 1,073 1 124 113 122 112 149 158 193 2.7 199 175 199 172 283 253 3, 017 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 == 11 4 14 22 ૧૭૭: 5 6 7 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 3 හය 14 8 14 1 1 1 1 1 3 or to w 3 4 4 2 1 4 5 4 8 COL- 3 2 2 639 1 1 1 1 4 6 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 5 6 5 10 3 3 6 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 729 3 9 4 3 10 3 1 1 11 1 1 3 4 56 51 12 3 4 107 193 2 13 1 4 14 1 1 15 1 576 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. • TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. TENNESSEE-Continued. Causes, and to which party granted. 867. 1868.! 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. | 1872. To husband 6 187 123 246 3 16 Adultery and habitual drunkenness 17 Adultery and neglect to provide... 18 Adultery and violence endangering life or health. 19 Bigamy. 20 Bigamy and desertion.. 21 Conviction of felony.. 22 Conviction of felony and desertion... 23 ness. To wife.. Total.. To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband To wife..... Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife... Total... To husband. To wife. Total Conviction of felony and habitual drunken. (To husband. 1 1 2 22 aww 3 3 6 123 3 426 44 4 1 1 ww 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 లులు To wife.... Total To husband. 1 2 24 Cruel and inhuman treatment To wife... 34 26 42 35 43 42 Total 35 26 42 37 43 42 To husband. 25 Cruel and inhuman treatment and desertion. To wife... 1 1 Total. 1 1 22 26 Cruel and inhuman treatment, desertion, and S To husband. To wife... Total • 27 28 habitual drunkenness. Cruel and inhuman treatment and habitual S To husband. drunkenness. To wife... Total Cruel and inhuman treatment and neglect To husband. to provide. 29 Cruelty. 30 Cruelty and desertion. To wife. Total To husband. To wife... Total. To husband S To wife..... 31 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness. S Total To husband. To wife... Total • · 32 Cruelty and impotency.... 33 Cruelty and neglect to provide. 34 Desertion... 35 Desertion and habitual drunkenness • STo husband. To wife... Total STo husband. 22 2 2 1 1 1 1 To wife. 1 Total 1 To husband. 38 33 54 42 47 46 To wife………. 76 68 64 81 78 86 Total 114 101 118 123 125 132 - To husband. {Total To wife... Total. 1 1 ดล 2 2 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 577 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. TENNESSEE—Continued. 1873. 1874. | 1875. | 1876. | 1877. |1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. | 1883. | 1884, 1885. 1886. Total. 1 1 1 1 CTIO 2 1 2 4 1 4 4 2 2 4 8 1 1 1 1 1 -- 1 213 1 1 1 1 ∞ band N 2 1 3 516 22 3 සය 3 සය 3 6 8 2 4 10 10 6 3 6 8 2 10 10 6 134 3 16 3:17 3 218 2 1 1 2 11~ 4 2 4331 7 9999 36 40 19 76 1 1 2 123 $20 2 2 1O 1O 5 8 15 9 102 21 5 10 15 → 104 1 22 1 1 1 1 23 1 1 4 77 53 81 55 2853 4 3 49 56 64 49 60 67 జితేలు 3 1 3 3 1 1 28 79 83 70 85 79 82 104 1,103 124 82 84 70 88 82 83 105 1, 131 1 1 1013 1 2 1 1 2 2 10 25 11 2 ลง 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 64 65 73 22- 72 1 1 1 26 Co to 27 1 3 28 1 3 2 136 138 คล 1 1 2 3 15 30 2 1 1 3 15 22 31 1 32 1 1 3 33 1 1 60 54 48 68 72 79 79 110 73 80 97 85 125 | 132 1, 422 92 152 94 109 100 141 130 145 200 156 147 146 192 190 210 148 157 168 213 209 224 310 229 227 243 277 315 342 2,505 3,927 2, 505 34 1 1 20267 M D——37 1 5 35 578 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. TENNESSEE-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 869. 1870. 1871. 36 Desertion, habitual drunkenness, and neg-To wife... lect to provide. To husband. Tota! 37 Desertion and neglect to provide. 38 Desertion and violence endangering life or health. S 39 Habitual drunkenness. To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total 40 Impotency 41 Neglect to provide 22 1 1 22 4 1 4 1 3 22 1 10 6 13 12 1 10 6 13 15 25 To husband. 1 1 To wife.. 1 Total 1 1 1 S To husband. To wife... Total 7 4 6 10 10 7 4 6 10 10 44 wife.. Total.. To husband. 2 1 1 1 5 To wife... Total 2 1 1 1 5 To husband 42 Neglect to provide and violence endanger- (To husband ing life or health. 43 Pregnancy before marriage.. 44 Refusal to cohabit... 45 Refusal to move to state... 46 Violence endangering life or health.. 47 Unknown. To wife... Total S To husband. To wifo.. Total.. To husband. To wife... Total · To husband. To wife... Total. 4 159 All causes.. 112 1 1 10 342 732 9 12 100 00 5 3 3 8 10 8 8 13 S To husband. 118 87 115 109 107 144 To wife.... 169 139 181 Total.. 287 226 299 175 212 219 284 319 363 TEXAS. To husband. 13 1 Abandonment To wife. Total. 242 14 21 27 5233 17 16 14 28 38 30 2X8 22 50 22=8383 21 41 68 8+3 47 42 89 S To husband. 3 2 Abandonment and adultery To wife 1 Total... 4 133 2 145 4 5 325 5 4 6 4 11 8 S To husband. 1 3 Abandonment, adultery, and cruelty.. To wife.... 1 1 1 4 Abandonment, adultery, cruelty, and habit. ual drunkenness. Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife... Total.. 5 Abandonment and conviction of felony. To husband 6 Abandonment and cruelty. To wife..... 1 3 Total 1 3 CHAPTER VIII-GENERAL TABLES. 579 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. . TENNESSEE-Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 CJ Co 3 1 22 1 1 22 2 1 6 7 10 1 6 7 10 CO CO 3 1 3 3 1 3 77 3 36 3 56 137 55555 56 138 1 1 20 23 ** 3 1 1 6 16 13 7 17 23 124 2 2 4 3 3 16 11 6 9 19 14 19 15 15 15. 18 11 6 11 19 18 22 18 17 247 2 15 28 238 39 17 266 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GO LO 00 3 8 11 10 9 11 10 a a 12 10 10 9 12 10 10 — a 9 21 13 15 18: 18 37 20 9 21 13 15 18 18 37 20 251 41 20 254 G 3 40 : 1 42 1 5 2 3 4 1 49 43 2 3 1 4 1 49 1 1 ૐ 4 4 2 3 4 3 બ 3 4 4 2 3 4 3 5 པ་ 1 1 44 1 1 6 7 45 6 7 1 1 2133 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 cobta 5 5 5 10 15 12 เง 7 5 ♡ 30 3 8 is cr 18 6 12 19 6 14 10 11 17 37 12 20 21 202 E 10 9 222 12 20 26 168 143 141 157 196 211 230 265 213 214 251 229 431 263 221 246 364 387 252 310 304 409 506 515 321 i 551 415 373 352 375 399 471 489 680 586 566 626 628 797 801 no 03 288 880 0989 3 61 cr 2 2 16 8 46 01 24 S 13 6 132 11 24 326 312 22 285 214 17 346 3,736 5, 889 9, 625 } TEXAS. 42 48 61 54 1 74 93 114 140 161 41 53 73 65 106 109 135 140 191 83 101 134 119 180 202 249 280 352 11 14 11 6 4 8 17 18 19 647 2 5 9 14 8 9 3 16 15 ¦ 9 14 12 30 23 352 235 I 175 200 195 200 238 206 233 212 1,934 215 234 2,176 1 381 433 407 415 472 4, 110 12 13 3=333 15 17 32 2025 19 28 17 284 21 33 54 473 15 27 858 195 37 242 2 59 437 1 ม 2 2 1 1 1 103 2 1 1 1 112 4 ww 3 1 14 3 3 1 1 18 1 1 1 4 1 1 сл 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 3 4 2 ww 3 4 4 7 9 2100 4 3 2 12 10 11 3 5 8 11 10 16 13 13 *** 3 19 10 90 6 13 109 580 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ** TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. TEXAS-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 7 Abandonment, cruelty, and habitual drunk- enness. To husband. To wife... Total To husband. 8 Abandonment and habitual drunkenness... To wifo... 9 Abandonment and neglect to provide.. 10 Adultery (a)…… 11 Adultery and cruelty. 12 Total To husband. To wifo.... Total - 868. 1867.1868.1869.1870. | 1871. | 1872. { To husband. 11 9 7 To wife... Total. 4 11 9 11 14 221 To husband To wife.. Total... Adultery, cruelty, and habitual drunker. To husband ne88. 13 Adultery, cruelty, and neglect to provide ..{ 14 Conviction of felony.. To wife... Total.. To husband. To wife.... Total. To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. · 1 1 22203 1 11 1 1 22-23 21 15 Conviction of felony and cruelty. 16 Cruelty (a) To wife.... Total. To husband. 6 3 7 12 To wife... 16 18 19 25 Total. 22 21 26 37 === 11 49 955 10 55 60 65 S To husband. To wife.. 1 1 1 1 17 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness S Total To husband. 18 Cruelty, habitual drunkenness, and neglect To wife. to provide. 19 Cruelty and neglect to provide.... 20 Habitual drunkenness.. 21 Neglect to provide..... 22 Pregnancy before marriage.... S - Total...... To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total.. To husband To wifo.. Total. To husband. 23 Unknown All causes 1 -1 To wife.... Total 1 1 To husband. 17 16 To wife... 8 17 Total. 25 33 S To husband. 51 46 To wife.. Total 40 58 *28 830 24 12 36 55 53 *** CUN 26 30. 56 75 88 134 239 528 058 208 107 129 91 104 108 163 233 236 a The large number of cases of adultery and cruelty is partly due to the fact that in some instances, where several causes were alleged and the decree was issued "for cause alleged," they have been CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 581 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. TEXAS—Concluded. 1873. | 1874. | 1875. | 1876. | 1877. 1878. 1879.1880. 1881. 1882.1883. 1884. | 1885. 1886. Total. 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 22 8 22 72 22 6 9 6 28 30 44 41 53 3 4 2 4 9 31 34 46 45 62 2488 61 7 68 కిషి 87 112 125 141 151 161 169 198 1, 491 3 7 7 11 15 12 11 10 90 119 132 152 166 173 180 203 11410 1,605 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 123 1 1 213 1 3 3 1 3 CU 33 22 134 3 3 6 12335 15 2011 35 1 1 3 3 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 12 1 13 1 11010 5 4 5 4 158 1 3 1 5 11 20 22 6 11 21 22 22 21 27 24 24 28 24 -223 1 7 29 174 14 30 181 1 1 1 1 228 10 8 20 21 19 20 30 32 44 55 68 51 74 59 72 65 80 82 100 107 117 165 196 227 281 295 288 324 73 100 103 119 127 147 197 240 282 349 346 362 383 ลง ลง 2 1 2 1 134 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 1 4 4 2 5 4 201 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 19 19 3 3 215 560 2,581 16 3, 141 3 17 247 1 18 1 1 19 1 8 720 8 1 1 21 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 1 1 ลง 2 19 2 09888888 28 25 19 38 39 42 66 61 61 282 34 40 35 39 31 36 73 71 2003 18888882 71 102 137 119 126 158 151 194 221 302 374 167 173 212 202 261 276 286 299 370 356 455 497 1285 29 170 20000 110 2 4 10 5 ลง 2 29 22 2 4 5 29 66 75 81 73 64 139 888 66 59 64 860 66 70 83 895 23 139 132 129 147 1,755 437 459 522 504 524 590 339 412 522 565 663 667 651 736 641 786 959 1,024 1, 185 |1, 171 1,182 1,326 5, 117 6, 355 11, 472 inadvertently credited in Texas to what appeared to be the leading cause, namely, adultery or cruelty, rather than to the combinations of causes, as has been done in other states. 份 ​582 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. UTAH. 1 Adultery Causes, and to which party granted. 2 Adultery and cruelty... 3 Adultery and desertion 4 Adultery and habitual drunkenness 5 Adultery and incompatibility of temper.. 6 Adultery and neglect to provide STo husband. To wife.. Total. To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total · To husband. To wife... Total.. • 1867. 870. 1871. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 2 2 22 1 1 1 1 426 426 0 1 1 7 Conviction of felony... S To husband. To wife.... Total. 2 2 To husband. 8 Conviction of felony and desertion To wife.. Total 9 Conviction of felony and incompatibility of S To husband. To wife.... Total 1 1 • temper. To husband. 10 Conviction of felony and neglect to provide. To wife..... 11 Cruelty.... Total. To husband. To wife..... Total.. 3 3 To husband 44 7 4 7 4 LOLO 5 4 5 4 12 Cruelty and desertion To wife... Total 13 Cruelty, desertion, and habitual drunken- STo husband. 11088. To wife... Total.. 1 - • 1 14 Cruelty, desertion, and incompatibility of To husband temper. To wife.. Total.. To husband. 15 Cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide.. To wife.. 16 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness. 17 Cruelty, habitual drunkenness, and neglect S to provide. 18 Cruelty and incompatibility of temper. 19 Cruelty and neglect to provide 20 Desertion... Total... To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. 1 1 To wife. Total... To husband. To wife..... Total To husband. To wife. Total.. { To wif 1 1 22 2 2 งดง 22 2 1 2 1 22 3 1 3 5 6 5 8 6 10 10 13 9 11 7 13 15 19 14 CHAPTER VIII. 583 GENERAL TABLES. "f TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, CAUSES, ETC. ETC.-Continued.. UTÁH. 1873. 1874. 1875. | 1876. | 1877. 1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 877. 1878. 4 6 425 518 11 8 6 19 35 233 22 34 13 10 61 9 44 15 1 1 -- 1 1 527 4 - CO 3 7 627 5 aww 3 3 Her oo 81 3 5 7 13 10 213 Total. 37 3 126 79 1 10 205 1 1 1 1 CO CO 3 3 2 1 2 2 4 2 1 13 1 1 3 1 ,2 2 4 2 1 1 14 1 1 1 1 22 22 22 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 4 1 1 5 1 6 1 3 3 1 18 7 1 3 21 1 8 1 1 9 1 $10 1 4 4 11 8 3 6 12 99 6 4 9 11 14 16 19 17 6 4 13 15 25 24 22 23 222 7 6 8 8 6 83 27 34 34 2233 26 24 21 21 264 11 32 29 27 347 1 1 459 2 1 7 2 22 1 1 1 12 12 2 1 1 1 1 19 # 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 96 1 1 1 1 LOLO 5 12 5 14 1 1 1 15 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 ♡♡ 3 1 1 16 16 3 1 17 22 2 2 201 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 00 00 17 8 2 0100 00 6 18 8 1 1 22 3 లు. 3 4 4 4 4 4 เลค 3 3 6101 2 1 3 2 1 3 లులు: 1 1 388888 39 19 39 8 13 52 22 21 30 30 34 82 828 134 168 62 15 13 21 13 79 113 39 20 213 281 101 G13 21 33 26 35 34 54 39 22233 21 18 21 23 605 17 27 25 18 547 20 38 45 46 41 1, 152 584 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR, TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. UTAH-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 867. 1868. 1867.1868. 1869. 1870. 1871.1872. To husband. 21 Desertion and habitual drunkenness 22 Desertion, habitual drurkenness, and neg-To wife.. lect to provide. To wife. 2 Total 2 To husband. Total.. To husband. 1 23 Desertion and incompatibility of temper.. To wife.... Total... 1 1 1 1 1 To husband. 24 Desertion and neglect to provide To wife.... 1 Total. 1 22 To husband. 25 Habitual drunkenness To wife... 3 Total... 3 සස 6 6 22 2 1 2 1 22 3 3 1 8 22 9 S To husband. 26 Habitual drunkenness and neglect to provide To wife.... 1 Total. 1 S To husband. 1 27 Impotency... 28 Impotency and incompatibility of temper 29 Impotency and neglect to provide 30 Incompatibility of temper To wife... T..tal To husband To wife.... Total STo husband. 31 Incompatibility of temper and neglect to S provide. 32 Neglect to provide.... To wife.. Total To husband. 9 9 11 7 11 To wife.... 41 25 21 40 28. Total 50 34 32 47 39 225 21 34 55 To husband To wite... Total To husband. To wife... 4 1 1 3 1 1 Total... 4 1 1 3 1 1 333 Refusal to cohabit 34 Unknown... All causes To husband. To wife.. Total. S To husband To wife.... Total To husband To wifo.... Total VERMONT. 347 123 12 71 ==88 17 11 18 47 57 88 58 75 290 Pow 3 ♡ 6 9 123 235 16 66 82 858 9983 23 33 61 67 84100 S To husband. To wife.. Total. 255 34 27 24 61 820 28 18 19 52 37 228 20 31 32 9 52 40 233 12 13 25 To husband. To wife... 1 คว 2 2 3 Total.. 1 2 2 3 S To husband. To wife... 1 Total. 1 1 1 1 Adultery 2 Adultery and cruelty.. 3 Adultery and desertion 4 Adultery and neglect to provide.... To husband. To wife... Total 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 585 TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. UTAH-Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1 77. 1878.1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1881. 1885. 1886. Total. 1 1 1 12 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 4 224 10 10 213 1 1 1 1 } 1 1 1 1 I 1 921 10 1 1 2 2 522 5 9 6 23 13 22 33 3 4 5 3 5 3 සස 3 4 1 3 4 1 4 10 10 5. 3 6 4 5 1 3 6 3 co.co 3 5424 51 1 7 6 5 3 1 11 9 6 24 27 11 5 8 7 13 17 9 တဖ 2 28 183 25 12 9 13 30 32 14 8 7 13 17: 11 10 6 211 4 3 3 CO CO 3 3 22 2 3 1 3 2 co c 3 4 1 3 te 1 1 23 **** 4 19 26 1 1 1 1 224 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 1 8 27 2 13 1 1 1 1 18 27 81 257 339 87 49 57 61 129 140 33 67 81 145 326 479 120 314 369 1 1 ∞ 1- 8 7 4334 2 1 3 123 257 1 28 1 1 20 1 902 677 30 1,579 31 LOLO 5 1 5 1 1 55 5 10 25 20 25 20 35 5 10 25 • 20 25 20 35 28 32 30 21 246 32 32 30 21 246 1 1 33 1 1 224 2 123 112 3 ลงล 2 2 112 1 1 3 3 1 4 3 184 01 3 2 3 2 ર ww 692 26 45 34 71 33 48 161 429 571 108 101 101 131 280 343 130 131 149 295 709 914 298 122 31 30 45 32 43 33 362 37 1,818 91 85 100 109 119 113 106 2,260 115 145 141 162 146 142 119 4,078 VERMONT. 29833 19 16 14 33 2222065898 21 13 15 10 36 23 137 14 13 27 229 20 8 14 17 13 31 20 11 4 11 8 16 40 19 18 28 21 47 23333 25 сс 11 9 12 383 294 1 36 17 261 677 1 1 2 1 2 1 212 1 1910 15 2 16 112 1 1 3 6 1 4 3 1 2 3 10 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 586 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF OF LABOR. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1883, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. VERMONT-Concluded, Causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868.1869.1870. 1871. 1872. To husband. 5 Adultery and pregnancy before marriage... To wife.... Total To husband. 4 8 1 1 0 Cruelty. To wife.... 23 28 28 36 71 Total 27 36 29 37 71 09995 10 46 56 To husband 1 2 7 Cruelty and desertion….. To wife..... Total 1 2 To husband. 8 Cruelty and imprisonment in penitentiary.. To wife.. 9 Cruelty and neglect to provide..... Total STo husband. To wife.. 1 1 Total. 1 1 201 To husband 31 26 10 Desertion To wife.... 24 40 Total.... 55 66 588888 25 28 33 31 59 SOF 37 40 77 28809 39 59 S To husband. 11 Desertion and neglect to provide. To wife. 1 1 · · • Total 1 1 1 1 To husband 12 Imprisonment in penitentiary Total Total. To wife.. HH 22 1 1 co co 3 1 3 1 13 Neglect to provide. S To husband. To wife. Total. 10 10 LO LO 22 5 8 12 13 8 8 12 13 8 To husband. 1 24 Unknown.. To wife.... Total 1 To husband. 70 63 44 49 68 44 All causes To wife.... Total. 87 98 93 115 143 108 157 161 137 164 211 152 VIRGINIA. 1 Adultery S To husband. 43 To wife.... 8 Total 51 2893 26 27 23 14 49 41 255 25 29 21 10 11 14 35 40 35 2 Adultery and cruelty S To husband To wife..... 1 Total.. 1 - 1 1 1 1 3 Adultery, cruelt, and desertion S To husband To wife.. Total. 2 tot 4 Adultery and desertion.... To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife. 8 020 6 347 3 - ww 3 3 6 2244 119 5 2 2 O 3 LO 5 Cruelty Total.... ♡♡ 3 2 3 2 ww 3 3 LO LO 5 1 5 1 To husband 6 Cruelty and desertion To wife.. 3 Total 3 1 1 44 4 7 Cruelty, desertion, and impotency... S To husband. To wife.. Total To husband 8 5 4 10 6 11 8 Desertion.. To wife.... 13 11 10 7 17 6 Total 21 16 14 17 23 17 CHAPTER VIII. 587 GENERAL TABLES. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. VERMONT-Concluded. } 1873. |1874. 1875. | 1876. | 1877. | 1878. | 1879. | 1880. 1881. | 1882. 1883. 1884. | 1885. Į 1886. 78. 379. 1882. Total. 1 1 5 1 1 5 4 5 57 60 69 62 64 74 *** 8 5 4 5 8 3 1 7 3 82 54 73 76 48 31 : 58 50 47 56 62 78 80 53 39 58 53 48 63 23 ** 23 47 981 6 50 1, 063 1 4 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 7 1 1 1 12 1 1 1 8 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 22 1 1 22 1 16 9 1 16 21 24 23 20 34 22 22 29 21 34 31 36 15 19 518 36 32 47 34 26 32 19 39 33 40 30 43 29 22 669 10 57 56 70 54 60 54 41 68 51 74 61 79 44 41 1, 187 22 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 22 22 22 2 2 INN ao ao 3 1 4 3 1 4 24 11 24 1 4 1 4 ww 3 1 3 1 s 23 $12 23 6 - - 6 220 8 14 8 8 14 00 00 15 9 → 10 10 12 11 10 6 6 201 13 8 15 9 10 10 12 11 10 6 6 201 2 3 14 2 3 49 48 49 42 53 47 1 36 51 38 52 63 73 121 134 141 115 125 145 96 1 87 120 115 111 125 170 182 190 157 178 192 132 138 158 167 174 198 387 23 36 998 68 93 2,240 91 129 3, 238 VIRGINIA. 40 38 44 42 52 58 56 47 55 75 84 70: 62 79 973 12 18 16 29 14 21 26 39 43 33 35 40 27 37 470 1 52 56 60 71 66 79 82 86 98 108 119 110 89 116 1,413 4 5 9 5 3 8 10 00 00 617 4 1 4 1 23 30 50 1 3 3 co co 612 ttp: 1 1 1 1 ลอง 2 2 2 3 2 tet ులు 1 16 2 3 1 16 1 1 1 3 1 2 5 --- 5 6 7 8 10 1 5 10 11 6 6 11 17 19 16 F23 11 11 14 17 123 12 6 4 7 91 23 17 18 24 214 pod macht d 1 1 01.01 12300 1. 4 7 6 9 61 5 1 7 9 61 1 1 Co wo 3 3 co co 3 1 4 1 6 37 6 3 4 2 t 41 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 7 10 11 18 10 8 19 13 17 18 30 31 222 10 25 11 31 20 20 26 15 23 29 30 51 26 54 289 16 24 32 28 35 322 32 32│ 36 32 39 398 8 49 48 56 68 GO 74 720 1 1 588 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. VIRGINIA-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. To husband. 9 Desertion and imprisonment in penitentiary. To wife Total To husband. 10 Impotency. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 870.1871. To wife.. Total. 1 1 1 1 To husband To wife. 1 1 4 1 Total... 1 1 4 1 To husband. To wife.... 1 1 Total 1 1 To husband. 1 1 2 To wife. Total 1 1 2 To husband. 1 1 ลล 2 1 2 123 WIN 2 1 1 3 3 4 333 57 33 90 23235 42 77 3255 35 32 67 388 39 23 62 988 40 46 86 2015 37 28 65 11 Imprisonment in penitentiary 12 Insanity 13 Pregnancy before marriage. 14 Prostitution before marriage 15 Unknown All causes To wife.... Total.. To husband. To wife..... Total S To husband To wife... Total 1 Abandonment 2 Abandonment and adultery. WASHINGTON. To husband To wife.. Total. To husband. To wite.. Total.. To husband. 257 1 1 TOP 4 9 13 224 325 4 5 7 9 11 1 1 3 Abandonment, adultery, cruelty, and neg. lect to provide. S To wife - Total To husband. To wife.... Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 Abandonment and cruelty.. Abandonment, cruelty, and habitual drunk- S 5 enness. 3 To husband. To wife.. Total. Abandonment, cruelty, and neglect to pro-STo husband 6 vide. 1 1 wife. Total To husband. 7 Abandonment and habitual drunkenness.. To wife Total 1 1 1 1 8 Abandonment, habitual drunkenness, and neglect to provide. 9 Abandonment and neglect to provide. 10 Adultery. 11 Adultery and cruelty.. To husband. To wife Total To husband To wife.... Total.. S To husband. To wife... Total. • To husband To wife. Total 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 224 123 • 1 1 1 1 悲 ​589 CHAPTER VIII. GENERAL TABLES. 1 TABLE III-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. VIRGINIA-Concluded. 1879. 1880. 886. Total. 1873. | 1874. 1875, 1876. 1877. | 1878.1879.1880.1881. 1882. 1883. | 1884. 1885. 1886. 22 1 1 224 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 7 3 1 7 55 3 4 2 22 123 55 t-t 7 7 ~~ 2 2 1 9 1 1 10 1 සස 6 4 4 57 11 61 ลล 2 12 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1: ་ 4 1 1 1 20 $13 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 235 112 213 213 2 100083 15 15 33 8888888 53 35 38 58 62 63 65 33 44 49 48 91 106 112 113 153 18983 77 87 87 109 120 118 108 131 1, 477 55 77 92 87 99 91 77 104 1, 158. 132 161 179 196 219 212 185 238 2, 635 3 8 t-∞ 7 3 5 8 5 11 15 3 10 527 WASHINGTON. 6 12 11 7 9 10 13 21 21 225 15 14 24 21 17 25 187 12 15 17 21 20 23 187 1 27 29 41 42 37 48 374 1 1 2 4 2 2 1 1 2 6 - 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 2 1 1 10 10 22 5 2 5 ww 3 లులు 3 3 3 3 Ha Ha 11 1 4 1 223 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 129 1 Co 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 9 4 3 13 S 6 5 ઙ 7 w • 00 00 8 8 00:00: 9 52 9 9 52 4 47 21 10 8 68 1 11 1 590 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. WASHINGTON-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 12 Adultery, cruelty, and neglect to provide.. To wish 13 Adultery and neglect to provide.. 14 Cruelty.. 15 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness.. To husband. wife .... Total... To husband. To wife... Total.. 867. 1867. |1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. | 1872. To husband. To wife.... 4 4 Total.. (To husband. 16 Cruelty, habitual drunkenness, and neglect S to provide. 17 Cruelty and neglect to provide... 18 Force and fraud S To wife.. Total • To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife.... Total.. To husband. 22 77 3 3 LO LO 167 5 5 26∞ 8 1 1 19 Habitual drunkenness.. To wife... Total. 20 Habitual drunkenness and neglect to pro- STo husband vide. 21 Impotency 22 Imprisonment in penitentiary.. pro-To wife.. S Total · To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife.. Total • · 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 To husband. 1 1 1 ← 23 Incompatibility of temper. To wife.. 1 Total. 1 2 1 S To husband. 24 Insanity. To wife... Total To husband. 25 Neglect to provide... To wife.. 1 Total 1 ♡♡ 3 1 3 1 22 To husband. 26 Unknown To wife. Total To husband. 3 6 All causes To wife.. 17 23 Total 20 29 12 572 5 6 7 10 14 15 20 29 223 1 Abandonment 2 Abandonment and adultery WEST VIRGINIA. (To To husband. 7 9 To wife... 9 11 Total. 16 20 2253 13 9 19 28 2233 20 13 24883 21 17 To husband. To wife. 1 Total 1 112 123 1 2 3 4 2 2390 19 5 1 CHAPTER VIII. 591 GENERAL TABLES. TABLE III-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. WASHINGTON—Concluded. 1 1879. 1880. 1873. 1874. 1875.1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. ร์ : 1 1 112 1 t 1 1 1 1 2 13 2 187 1 6 10 ४ 11 30.00 8 ww. 3 3 17∞ 1 9 4 16 12 8 9 4 17 14 221 6 200 15 8 17 2321 4 5 5 27 11 19 15 24 25 19123 20 177 14 204 2 2 as as 3 3 22 2 ww 3 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 •1 3 1 ww 44 4 ♡ ♡ 3 2 29 15 3 2 31 1 1 2 2 2N 2 1 1 2 1 1 716 7 2 ~~ 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 6 10 11 41 17 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 6 10 11 41 1 1 2 >18 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 123 1 5 3 ad oo 3 3 LO LO 5 5 22 4 5 29 19 6 34 1 1 1 3 6 1 1 1 3 co 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 01 ༡ 2 3 4 4 3 4 4 සය 3 3 6 6 7 7 1 7 7 6 8 7 7 9 23 27 14 19 19 29 35 21 26 28 ♡ 30 3 1 17 20 1 17 ww 3 3 1 21 1 139 22 1 1 ૩૨૭-૧ 23 1 1 $24 1 1 72 100 00 8 11 12. 15 11 101 $25 8 11 12 15 11 101 HAN 1 1 CIC1 156 26 1 1 1 1 10 w to i 27 FR 17 21 23 44 37 40 65 295553 21 21 46 67 782 52 73 3983 32 34 36 288 67 75 87 92 708 99 100 114 128 996 WEST VIRGINIA. 12 27 39 289 258 21 15 22 13 43 28 988883 16 16 99 18 34 99905 20 27 19 20 19 26 40 46 45 355 38 41 49 40 81 322 33 37 39 48 49 33 55 72 85 104 出​店 ​283 456 12 531 1 75 987 237 5 112 2 134 4 3 6 4 10 212+ 6 1 1 o co co 3 3 3 6 9 141019 173 4 5 47 5 6 60 2 9 11 107 592 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. WEST VIRGINIA—Continued. * Causes, and to whi h party granted. 867. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 69. 1870. 3 Abandonment, adultery, and cruelty. To husband. To wife.... Total 1 1 1 1 4 Abandonment and cruelty.. 1 2 1 2 5 Abandonment and impotency To husband. To wife.. Total • To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. Abandonment and imprisonment in peniten- To wife. 6 tiary. 1 Total 1 To husband 25 18 25 23 7 Adultery.. 8 Adultery and cruelty. To wife.... 17 16 7 Total.. 42 34 32 21888 21 15 9 38 30 2=33 22 11 To husband. To wife. Total 1 1 To husband. 9 Adultery and imprisonment in penitentiary To wife 1 Total 1 • 10 Adultery and insanity. To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. 1 · 1 11 Adultery and pregnancy beforo marriage 12 Cruelty. To wife. Total. To husband. 1 To wife..... 1 1 1 Total. 2 1 1 13 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness. S To husband. To wife... 1 1 • · 1 1 14 Cruelty and insarity. 15 Cruelty and neglect to provide 16 Habitnal drunkenness. 17 Habitual drunkenness and impotency 18 Impotency. 19 Imprisonment in penitentiary 20 Insanity. 21 Nonago. 22 Pregnancy before marriage.... S Total. To husband. To wife.... Total. To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. To wife... Total - To husband. To wife Total. To husband. To wife.. Total. Tő husband To wife. Total To husband To wife.... Total. To husband. To wife.... Total To husband To wife... Total · .. • D 1 1 1 • 134 1 1 1 1 සය 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 593 TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. WEST VIRGINIA—Continued. 79. 1880. 1881 1873.1874.|1875. | 1876. | 1877, 1878, 1879, ' 1880. | 1881. | 1882. 18S3. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1886. 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 22 1 1 22 Total. co co 3 3 3 1 1 2 3 14 4 1 1 3 16 1 1 * 1 O 1 1 5 1 6 1 2223 27 30 29 28 38 10 12 18 13 19 21 39 48 42 47 8888888 49 59 922 29 47 37 53 40 22 19 32 28 36 30 71 48 79 65 89 70 728 57 62 682 25 35 395 7 82 97 1, 077 1 1 142 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 22 22 ลงล 22 2 1 112 4 14 8 18 1 1 1 1 2 193 4 5 5 LO LO 22 2 2 123 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 22 2 9 2 1 10 1 1 1 2 $11 1 1 2 2 1 8 6 4 8 4 6 4 10 4 a a 9 3 60 9 4 8% 12 68 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 22 2 3 13 2 3 1 $14 1 2 15 1 3 16 4 1 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 347- 4 18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 2 1 4 4 30 2000 ༡ 28 19 1 1 1 2 3 20 1 2 1 4 1 1 21 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 21 1 1 3 2 3 1 21 20267 M D -38 * 594 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. WEST VIRGINIA-Concluded. 1867. 1868. 1867. 1868.1869.|1870. | 1871. | 1872. Causes, and to which party granted. S To husband. 23 Prostitution before marriage...... 24 Kefusal to cohabit. 25 Unknown... To wife.. Total To husband. To wife... Total... To husband. To wife.... Total 178 1 235 246 5 5 3 40 00 5 8 1 10 To husband. 9823 36 29 41 36 31 38 72 60 =88888 37 50 51 43 79 80 388 35 85 88888 38 89 All causes To wife.... Total 1 Adultery WISCONSIN. (To To husband. 26 To wife.. Total. 36 998 10 11 26 3=25 15 2223 15 16 20 12 10 9 27 26 29 38 8888888 28 10 To husband. 1 Total.. 1 112 2 22 2 To hus and. T, wife.... Total.. .1 1 2 Adultery, and cruel and inhuman treatment. To wife 3 Adultery, cruel and inhuman treatment, and desertion. 4 Adultery, cruel and inhuman treatment, desertion, and habitual intoxication. Thus and. Twife.. Total · 5 Adultery, cruel and inhuman treatment, (To husband desertion, habitual intoxicat on, and ne- glect to provide. 6 Adultery, cruel and inhuman treatment, and habitual intoxication. To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total 1 1 1 - 7 8 To wife. Total To husband Adultery, cruel and inhuman treatment, To wife.. and neglect to provide. Total Adultery, cruel and inhuman treatment, (To husband. habitual intoxication, and neglect to pro- vide. S Adultery and desertion.. To husband. To wife. Total 1 7 4 1 $ -- 2 11 4 · To husband. 10 Adultery, desertion, and habit al intoxica-To wife tion. Total To husband. 11 Adultery, desertion, and neglect to provide. To wife.. 1 1 Total... 1 1 To husband To wife 1 Total. 1 12 Adultery and habitual intoxication 13 Adultery an habitual intoxication and neglect to provide. 14 Adultery and neglect to provide To husband To wife.... Total 437 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 5 4 8 1 1 To husband. To wife... 1 1 3 Total. 1 1 3 To husband. 15 Adultery and voluntary separatin. To wife... Total · D 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 CHAPTER VIII.- 595 -GENERAL TABLES. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. WEST VIRGINIA-Concluded. 1877. 878. 885. 886. Total. 1873. 1874.1875. 1876.1877. |1878.|1879.1880. 1881. 1882. | 1883. | 1884. | 1885. | 1886. 1 1 1 23 1 1 1 1 $24 1 224 - 7 4 11 435 530 325 8 7 549 246 11 6 7 11 18 17 459 644 5 87 8 10 9 15 20 2233 10 8 93 11 10225 19 195 098888 40 59 52 53 55 68 87 62 98 49 44 39 45 55 50 5.5 58 106 103 91 98 110 118 112 120 201 176 193 232 85 91 88888 91 125 111 1, 328 103 110 106 1,227 194 235 217 2, 555 WISCONSIN. 228383 13 29 16 14 14 27 43 2=2 20 21 20 17 21 19 12 23 21 11 7 9 14 12 14 10 8 10 31 28 29 31 33 33 22 31 31 87183 27 403 7 215 1 25 34 618 1 1 145 1 1 3 5 3 3 6 4 112 1 22 4 1 5 1 112 1 2 od co 3 3 LOLO 268 13 5 41 2 5 54 1 1 1 1 123 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 5 2 7 6 2 1 7 1 } 1 1 1 4 8 1 1 1 12 222 5 8 1 6 9 6 3 5 6 7 6 8 102 4 3 3 2 2 4 1 35 9 9 00 8 1 6 12 9 5 5 6 7 10 9 137 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 ~~ tets. 1 133 10 311 3 1 1 7 1 11 12 1 2 18 LO LO 5 13 5 1 22 $14 1 2 22 1 1 15 596 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. WISCONSIN-Continued. Causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 16 Crime against nature, and cruel and inhu- man treatment. To husband. 17 To wife.. Total Crime against nature, cruel and inhuman (To husband treatment, and neglect to provide. To wife... Total To husband. 18 Cruel and inhuman treatment To wife.. 42 Total ... 2023 10 10 5 7 50 71 58 56 52 60 76 65 తీలు 70 59 22∞ 8 78 To husband 4 19 Cruel and inhuman treatment and desertion? To wife. 6 1 Total 10 1 LD LO 5 5 123 1 2 3 4 134 4 20 21 22 23 Cruel and inhuman treatment, desertion, To husband and habitual intoxication. To wife.... Total Cruel and inhuman treatment, desertion, (To husband. habitual intoxication, and neglect to pro- vide. Cruel and inhuman treatment, desertion, S and neglect to provide. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife... Total Cruel and inhuman treatment and habitual (To husband. · 9 intoxication. Total 9 24 Cruel and inhuman treatment, habitual in- toxication, and neglect to provide. S To husband. To wife... Total 25 26 27 Cruel and inhuman treatment, habitual in- S To husband. toxication, and voluntary separation. Cruel and inhuman treatment, imprison- ment in penitentiary, and neglect to pro- vide. Cruel and inhuman treatment, loathsome disease, and neglect to provide. To wife... Total .... To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife.... Total Cruel and inhuman treatment, and neglect To husband. to provide. 1 1 اعلم 1 1 1 gal p 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 77 • 1 1 1 1 224 - 1 1 11 14 11 12 15 11 22 1 1 28 To wife.... Total 12 10 12 10 - - 6 8 12 14 G 8 12 14 29 Cruel and inhuman treatment and voluntary separation. To husband. To wife... Total To husband. 30 Desertion. To wife... Total 107 85 122 107 87 90 104 93 192 212 211 180 163 18083 169 885888 31 Desertion and habitual intoxication To husband. To wife………. Total 2 1 2 22 6 3 4 6 1 4 4 33 Desertion and impotency To husband. 32 Desertion, habitual intoxication, and neglect To wife.... to provide. Total To husband. To wife.... Total คล 1 2 2 1 2 To husband. 34 Desertion and imprisonment in penitentiary. To wife. Total. To husband. 35 Desertion and neglect to provide To wife.... 34 30 16 31 Total... 34 30 16 31 223 1 1 20 20 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 597 :: } TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. WISCONSIN-Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. | 1876. 1877. 1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 873. 1 1 116 1 1 1 $17 1 1 5 5 10 8 42 67 71 67 47 72 81 75 60+ 68 74 098998 10 2583 13 65 78 18933 12 97 109 103 18:3 16 20 20 8 13 13 202 87 108 90 109 123 108 1,538 18 128 110 117 136 121 1,740 1 1 3 1 4 3 2 3 2 5 1 33 1 2 7 8 3 7 4 9 10 10 17 4 11 3 116 19 2 2 7 9 6 8 8 12 12 13 19 4 16 4 149 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 20 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 2 1 2 1 22 3 3 i es co 1 1 1 >21 1 4 55 24 $22 24 1 1 1 2 1 5 3 3 21 8 11 9 22 8 11 9 23 28 18 16 16 15 21 21 19 16 16 16 23 21 1088 28 20 27 25 29 25 30 28 311 $23 332 8 3 a co 3 3 3 3 లులు 22 2 3 3 ~2 2 2 LG LO 5 3 4 1 5 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 44 6 6 00 00 8 8 54 $24 51 125 1 $26 1 1 27 1 10 15 7 15 11 13 16 8 17 24 10 15 7 15 11 13 16 8 17 24 20 20 23 22 29 29228 20 23 22 29 292 1 1 $29 1 1 92 85 107 105 74 91 99 109 70 97 86 103 73 102 96 102 108 134 122 119 156 130 149 133 2, 172 135 135 130 135 2, 03230 182 182 193 208 147 193 195 211 230 253 291 265 279 268 4, 204 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 14 2 2 23 3 2 2 3 5 3 3 2 8 2 3 1 30 3 4 2 4 5 5 4 3 8 79 31 93 2 2 2 2 INN 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 INN • 2 1 2 1 p5; 1 1 1 1 1 1 2432 24 1 33 1 334 3 18 30 12 24 38 18 30 12 24 38 32 22 32 36 43 37 52 38 53 60 626 $35 36 43 37 52 38 53 60 626 598 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. יז J TABLE III-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. WISCONSIN-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871.1872. 36 Habitual intoxication.. To husband. 3 To wife 11 Total 14 3344 7 To husband. 6 1 y 6 1 1 37 Habitual intoxication and neglect to provide. To wife... 38 Impotency.. 39 Imprisonment in penitentiary : Total To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife.... Total · To husband. 40 Imprisonment in penitentiary and neglect To wife.... to provide. 41 Insanity. 42 Neglect to provide..... Total · S To husband 43 Neglect to provide and voluntary separa-To wife. tion. 44 Pregnancy before marriage.. To husband To wife.... Total. 45 Refusal to cohabit 46 Voluntary separation.... 47 Unknown. All causes 1 3 oo oo 8 10 9 8 11 ་ 12 181 9 að að 3 3 **** 4 4 LO 10 5 6 5 6 i co to 134 1 1 2 1 2 1 To wife. Total 1 1 To husband. To wife... 12 9 18 18 18 Total.... 12 9 18 18 18 25 26 To husband Total S To husband To wife... Total To husband To wife.. Total 257 235 47 S To husband. To wife.... Total... 10 15 50F 16 19 9 3 11 181 347 5 12 729 1 1 437 V5 O 672 4 3 8 9 11 139 275 417 396 378 414 To husband. 160 163 140 125 133 To wife.... 246 246 277 271 245 Total. 406 409 {Total 1 Adultery 2 Adultery and cruelty. WYOMING. To husband. To wife.... Total... To husband. To wife... 3 Adultery, cruelty, and neglect to provide... To wif 314 1 1 Total. 1 1 To husband. wife... Total S To husband To wife... 1 1 4 Adultery and desertion 5 Adultery and habitual drunkenness 6 Conviction of felony. Total. To husband. To wife... Total. STo husband. To wife..... Total. ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHAPTER VIII. 599 -GENERAL TABLES. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. WISCONSIN-Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 882. Total. 2 6 3 2 17 6 16 10 10 19 6 22 13 12 2 ลงลง 2 co co 3 5 3 5 LO LO 5 5 6 112 1 1 2 1 1 118 1 2 1 246 NON 22 6 උප 3 3 10 11 18 13 14 2002 2 7 4 1 48 11 12 16 15 19 225 فاند 13 19 20 16 19 273 7 10 7 10 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 22 112 22 - a 6 6 8 11 14 8 118 3 6 6 8 11 14 8. 118 213 6 9 34 15 无​压 ​CU CU 4 3 7 4 3 7 22 4 4 4 1 33 18 34 34 34 16 16 28 28 22223 1 9 6 2 1 9 8 1 1 1 1 22 40 1 18 persaf print 1 1 1 3 41 21 25 25 22 27 27 36 41 46 43 45 42 46 579 42 27 27 36 41 46 43 45 42 46 579 1 1 1 1 4 143 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 44 1 1 1 1 3 45 1 1 3 3 4 9 5 4 8 5 9 9 18 7 7 5 12 127 3 6 2 8 4 3 6 6 9 11 4 6 9 101 46 6 10 11 13 4 12 8 15 15 27 18 11 11 21 228 5 8 4 5 3 4 5 4 4 9 4 4 1 87 15 6 10 8 11 12 8 10 10 6 10 5 8 9 182 47 20 14 14 13 14- 16 13 14 14 15 14 11 12 10 269 142 123 176 152 123 147 155 163 178 209 233 190 211 200 3,262 248 293 279 319 273 339 313 372 421 429 446 447 487 500 6, 726 390 416 455 471 396 486 468 535 599 633 679 637 698 700 9, 988 WYOMING. 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 to to 2 1 1 1 1 5 23 6 1 5 29 10 213 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 co co 3 1 3 1 LO * C 5 4 1 3 5 4 1 1 1 1 ww 3 6 3 ·600 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE III.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Concluded. WYOMING-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 1867, 1868. 1867, 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1871. To husband. 7 Cruelty. 8 Cruelty and desertion 9 10 To wife.. Total. To husband. To wife... Total Cruelty, desertion, and habitual drunken. To husband. ness. To wife... Total.. To busband. Cruelty, desertion, habitual drunkenness, To wife.. and neglect to provide. ** Total 11 Cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide.. To husband. 12 | Cruelty and habitual drunkenness. To wife... Total .. 1 1 To husband. To wife.... Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 Cruelty, habitual drunkenness, and neglect To wife.. to provide. S Total To husband. To husband. 14 Cruelty and neglect to provide 15 Desertion……. To wife... Total To husband 1 To wife... Total... 4 1 4 2 COLO 6 3 7 5 13 16 Desertion and habitual drunkenness 17 Desertion and neglect to provide. 18 Habitual drunkenness. To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife... Total Habitual drunkenness and neglect to pro. To husband. 19 vide. 20 Neglect to provide…………… To wife.... Total To husband. 21 Unknown. All causes .22 To wife Total 22 To husband. 1 1 1 1 1 To wife.. 1 -- Total To husband. (To To wife... Total 1 1 123 1 3 2 1 10 8 12 2 13 10 19 112 720 CHAPTER VIII. 601 -GENERAL TABLES. TABLE III.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Concluded. WYOMING-Concluded. 1880. 1873.1874. 1883. 1884. 386. Total. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 18$5. 1886. 1 1 1 1 123 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 224 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 122 1 1 1 1 6 3240 248 9 21 7 5 30 123 213 4 1 8 8 1 12 4 4 ลาลง 2 2 1 เลงวง 2 9 2 1 2 10 1 2 211 1 2 2 2 G1 2 21 12 23 22 2 2 2 4 13 4 3 3 4 514 4 LIA 12 5372 7 8 15 16 ∞ ∞ ∞ 8 61 8 106 $15 170 1 1 9 16 1 10 1 1 2 2 4 2 5 5 2 2 6 5 3 4 7 3 6 11 7 8 10 8 5 4 9 8 16 12 10 12 14 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 0121 ww 3 4 4 11 3 4 11 171555 25 17 25 1 1 1 Do w 8 18 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 tet tea lets - a 19 9 30.00 16 20 16 3 Baa 6 12 12 14 113 22 2014 1 1 1 1 123 tete 1 1 CICLO 3 5 338 13 31 19 21 6. 32 4 8 4 7 8 7 31 9 12 10 14 18 14 14 15 23 18 24 37 16 18 18 25 22 21 18 31 27 32 54 2295 20 125 20 276 46 401 602 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. \ TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES. ALABAMA. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. ears. years. years. years. To husband. 8 43 115 159 172 1 Abandonment To wife.... Total 9 38 94 178 136 131 102 163 121 135 117 92 93 17 81 209 322 293 313 253 223 195 2 Abandonment and adul. To husband 2 16 13 21 29 23 25 20 18 To wife.... 1 4 9 8 8 5 7 7 5 tory. Total 3 20 22 29 37 28 32 27 23 and cruelty. 4 3 Abandonment, adultery, S 5 Abandonment, adultery, (To husband. cruelty, and habitual To wife………. drunkenness. Total... Abandonment, adultery, (To husband. and habitual drunkon. To wife….……. ness. Total. To husband. 1 1 6 Abandonment and cruelty To wifo.. Total 7 Abandonment, cruelty, (To husband. and habitual drunkon- To wifo.... uess. To husband. To wife... Total Gð að 3 1 3 1 22 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 44 1 8 12 * 9 12 22 3 13 13 44 4 9 4 9 งมง 7 6 7 9 1 1 1 1 Total 8 Abandonment and habit- ual drunkenness. To husband To wife.. Total 1 1 To husband. 9 Abandonment and impo- To wife... tency. 10 Adultery 11 Adultery and cruelty S Total To husband. To wife. Total. To husband To wife... Total 12 Adultery, cruelty, and S To husband. To wifo... habitual drunkenness. Total. S 13 Adultery, cruelty, and (To husband. imprisonment in peni- To wife.. tentiary. Total 14 Adultery and habitual S To husband. drunkenness. To wife... Total. 15 Adultery and imprison. To husband. ment in penitentiary. 16 Adultery and pregnancy before marriago. 17 Cruelty 18 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness. 19 Cruelty and imprisonment in penitentiary. To wife.. Total - 44 15 198 22 2 2 INN 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2285 26 118 100 27 30 19 104 89 58 59 54 15 12 18 7 70 77 61 59 108 145 130 123 101 103 ירה 2 5 4 8 5 4 8 នគ 00 00 .00 90 156 3 3 44 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23 +97823 1 1 S To husband. 2 To wife... Total 2 To husband. 1 4 3 1 4 1 1 To wife... 14 25 31 22 26 26 16 25 10 Total 15 29 31 26 29 27 20 26 11 To husband. 1 To wife.. Total 1 To husband. 1 To wife Total 1 2 - • 5 5 G 2 2 5 5 6 2 2 12 13 1 1 1 1 CHAPTER VIII. VIII.—GENERAL -GENERAL TABLES. 603 TABLE IV.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES. ALABAMA. 21 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 14 20 years Un- years. years. years. years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. Total. Ar. erage. 92 71 78 85 61 66 == 50 47 45 47 44 38 31 27 177 132 144 91 85 76 74 2133 14 35 28 +255 18 15 20 78 10 11 11 34 33 26 31 112 282 39 1, 665 9.17 1,327 8.41 1 72 2,992 8.81 14 12 4 18 247 8 8 5 3 5 17 11 13 426 6 4 4 6 8 1 112 3 4 1 3 5 729 238 8. 13 1 83 8.262 1 321 8. 16 1 1 1 1 1 12 7.67 3 12 7.07 1 5.00 4 1 5.00 1 5.00 5 1 5.00 a a 9 3 4 4 5 9 3 4 4 5 3 1700 123 6 10. 17 2 4 1 1 C1 ༡ 108 / 9.09 6 8 2 4 1 1 2 114 9.15 1 1 1 5 10.40 7 1 1 1 5 10.40 1 1 15. CO 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 14 9.29 8 1 2 1 1 15 9.67 2 5.00 } 1 9.00 9 3 6. 33 9223 40 29 33 27 24 22 15 10 8 9 5 3 4 2 50 37 42 32 27 26 17 13 සයප 10 3 8 00 62100 8 3 20 28 973 7.17 1 8 4 228 . 6.99 10 9 Co 3 28 32 1, 201 7.14 2 3.00 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 3 ลาลง 4 49 7.98 11 ་་ 51 7.78 1 1 1 1 1 1 ค 2 1 2 2 1 4 229.00 12 2 29.00 9.00 13 2 9.00 7 14.71 7 14.29 14 14 14.50 S شه 210.00 15 2 10.00 S 19 1.00 2 1.00 $16 2 2 1 ស 1 9 10 12 10 4 9 9 12 14 10 4 10 LOLO 5 4 4 હ 6 2 10 5 4 4 6 3 12 ~22 27 8.85 3 283 7.95 17 3 310 S. 03 22 112 2 6.00 1 4 1 4 tetp: 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 2 tet tet 1 1 40 10. 38 18 42 10.17 1 2.00 4 6.75 $19 5 5.80 1 1 604 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. ALABAMA-Concluded. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 20 Habitual drunkenness To husband. To wife.. 21 Imbecility. 22 Impotency.. Total · To husband. To wife... Total STo husband. 33 1 To wife.. 1 Total 2 To husband. 123 123 3 1 4 3 5 3 1 1 22 tiary. 23 Imprisonment in peniten. To wife.. 1 1 2 Total 1 1 2 33 3 24 Pregnancy before mar riage. To husband. 21 12 31 3 2 To wife. Total 21 12 3 3 2 To husband. 25 Unknown. To wife.. 1 Total 1 123 1 1 All causes S To husband. 79 To wife.... Total 160 251 288 313 42 110 187 252 208 121 270 438 540 294 200 225 211 178 172 161 124 521 494 397 372 302 ARIZONA. 212 3 - 47 3 7 112 1 Abandonment 2 Abandonment and adul. S tery. 3 Abandonment, adultery, S and cruelty. To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. 4 Abandonment and cruelty To wife.... 5 Abandonment and babit-(To wife.. ual intemperance. 224 4 12 16 60 en co 3 5 8 36 - 1 6 9 7 428 To wife... Total To husband. 1 Total 1 To husband. Total. 6 Abandonment and neg. lect to provide. To husband. To wife.... Total. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 To husband LO 5 7 Adultery 5 213 3 3 3 1 1 1 4 4 3 1 8 Conviction of felony.. To wife. Total. To husband. To wife... Total - To husband To wife.... Total. 1 ลง 1 2 1 3 4 4 4 9 22 277 To husband. To wife.... Total 1 1 S To husband. To wife.... Total.. 1 9 Cruelty.. 10 Cruelty and habitual in- temperance. 11 Cruelty and neglect to provide. co co 3 3 44 325 3 1 2 3 1 2 CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 605 *** TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. ALABAMA–Concluded. 21 over. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. Total. Av- erage. 2 2 að að 3 1 922 1 3 1 1 123 .6 11.50 26 9.35 20 3 32 9.75 1 1 .14.00 21 1 -1 14.00 1 1 2 2 415 6.50 2.00 22 5 5.00 1 1 00 00 8 8: 8.00 8.00 23 1 42 2.17 24 1 42 2.17 1 1 1 1 149 115 121 85 76 77 69 32 25 26 28 110 123 93 97 76 59 54 50 29 23 20 18 70 272 208 218 161 135 131 119 61 48 46 46 180 228 1134 842 13 5.00 8 7.60 25 21 6.86 80 2,992 8. 34 44 2, 212 8.31 5, 204 8.32 213 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 112 1 1 112 ARIZONA. 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 22 band 1 1 3 1 1 KITH 3 40 9.15 1 4 888888 48 6.23 1 7.56 1 8.00 123 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 1 8.00 2 2 8.00 1 1 3 J 1 3 14.33 4 3 14.33 1 10.00 5 1 10.00 4 3.50 4 3.50 6 21 5.62 S 12.63 7 29 7.55 ♡♡ 3 2.67 8 3 2. 67 1 1 112 2 3 లులు. كر 1 6 7.67 3 22 1 2 3 43 8.23 9 2 1 2 1 3 49 8. 17 1 2.00 10 1 2.00 1 2.00 $11 ポ ​1 2.00 606 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. ARIZONA-Concluded. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. Causes, and to which party granted. 1 To husband. 1 12 Habitual intemperance.. To wife.. Total 1 • 112 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 13 Habitual intemperance To husband and neglect to provide. 14 Neglect to provide..... 15 Unknown To wife.... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife.... 1 1 22 همسر 1 1 22 1 1 22 2 1 2 1 að að 3 1 3 1 1 Total 1 To husband. 10 5 6 6 7 4 5 3 All causes To wife.... 12 21 14 15 13 8 5 8 6 Total. 22 26 20 21 17 15 9 13 9 ARKANSAS. 1 Adultery 2 Adultery and bigamy.. 3 Adultery and conviction To husband. of felony. 4 Adultery and cruelty.... 5 Adultery, cruelty, and de- sertion. To wife... Total. A To'husband. To husband. To wife..... Total 8133 55 71 62 7 14 8 62 85 70 2333 62 54 40 41 26 30 13 14 12 9 10 3 75 68 52 50 36 33 To husband. To wife.... Total 1 1 1 1 (To husband. 1 To wife.... Total 1 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 To wife Total 6 Adultery and desertion.. To wife... { To husband 6 13 27 15 3 6 4 3 Total 9 19 31 18 0304 10 11 8 6 6 1 4 4 13 12 12 6 10 To husband. To wife.. 7 Adultery, desertion, and habitual drunkennes8. 8 Adultery and habitual S 9 drunkenness. Total To husband. To wife... Total. Adultery, habitual drunk- (To husband. enness, and neglect to provide. 10 Adultery and neglect to To husband. provide. 11 Bigamy. 112 112 To wife.... 1 Total 1 1 To wife... 1 1 Total 2 1 To husband. 3 1 To wife 3 6 Total 6 7 112 2 එප 6 6 To husband. 12 Bigamy and conviction To wifold. of felony. Total.. 1 1 To husband. 1 1 13 Bigamy and cruelty To wifo.. Total.. 1 1 123 1 1 1 1 CHAPTER VIII. GENERAL TABLES. 607 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. ARIZONA-Concluded. 21 over. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years: Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 628 1 1 1 1 Av. Total. erage. 3 6.00 2 2 9 10.44 12 12 9.33 1 2.00 13 1 2.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 8.42 14 1 1 1 > 1 1 1 19 8.42 6 7 7.00 16 16 15 22 23 7.00 යය 3 3 15 C 325 1 5 6 6 6 4 248 11 CO 3 1~3 1 2 3 4 123 121 4 6 79 7.85 1 9 17 158 7.71 1 13 23 237 7.76 161 8 10 15 8 11 9 24 19 19 17 427 8 4 12 10 පසයා 3 1 1 1 1 4 5 4 1 1 LO 5 6 4 213 ARKANSAS. 1 1 5 3 10 00 8 620 1 2 8 3 213 3 6 29 557 5.93 1 4 7 147 7.99 1 4 10 36 701 6.36 112 218 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2.00 1 2.00 ต 1 1 8.00 3 8.00 260 3.50 9.17 4 8 7.75 1 10.00 5 1 10.00 1 1 124 5.94 1 2 36 6.38 6 } ས་ 3 100 6.01 1 14.00 7 1 14.00 2 1 3.00 3 3.00 1 5 3.00 1 1 1.00 1.00 9 2 2.00 >10 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 2: 2.00 38 865 8 4.00 1 24 3.95 32 11 12.00 12 1 2.00 2 | 2.50 1 1.00 13 32.00 608 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.- DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. ARKANSAS-Continued. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 14 Bigamy, cruelty, and de- sertion. To wife.. 1 Total 1 A To husband. 1 15 Bigamy and desertion To wife.. 1 1 • Total 1 1 16 Conviction of felony S To husband To wife.... 3 11 16 5 11 6 Total 3 11 16 5 11 6 134 1 5 6 4 4 To husband. 17 Conviction of felony and desertion. To wife... 2 Total 2 To husband. 13 To wife... Total. 338 43 56 20000908 78 9288 16 13 13 70 54 63 86 67 76 76 2223 20 10 10 56 38 27 48 37 37 2223 10 27 To husband. 3 4 4 5 22 6 6 15 9 9 10 19 14 Food 20 8 10 246 2 4 6 22 17 1 2 3 1 2 4 1 18 Cruelty.. 19 Cruelty and desertion 20 Cruelty, desertion, and S habitual drunkenness. 21 Cruelty, desertion, and S neglect to provide. 22 Cruelty and babitual drunkenness. To wife.... Total To husband To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband To wife.... Total 23 Cruelty, habitual drunk- (To husband enuess, and neglect to To wife.. provide. Total S To husband 24 Cruelty and impotency.. To wife. Total 25 Cruelty and incompati. To husband. bility of temper. 26 Cruelty and insanity 27 Cruelty and neglect to¶ provide. wife.... Total To husband. To wife.. Total · To husband To wife.. Total 28 Cruelty and refusal to To husband. cohabit. To wife... Total. - 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 co co 3 3 සය 3 3 1 1 w co 3 3 ~~ 2 2 110 244 Total... To husband To wife.... 115 236 271 221 208 225 480 493 222 199 172 129 117 157 104 420 380 286 221 165 80 60 85 82 142 1 To husband. To wife.. Total 22 55 1 1 22 2 4 1 1 4 1 1 1 • 29 Desertion…….. 30 Desertion and habitual S drunkenness. 31 Desertion and neglect to provide. To husband. To wife... Total To husband. 32 Habitual drunkenness... To wife. Total.... 112 1 1 22 1 1 co w 3 1 3 1 1 6 7 178 1 8 10 8 8 11 187 6 22 248 22 123 3 6 3 CHAPTER VIII. 609 -GENERAL TABLES. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. ARKANSAS—Continued. 21 over. $ Total Av- erage. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years, years. years. years, and known. 123 1 1 3 en co 1 3 1 1 3.00 14 1 3.00 8.00 23.00 224 >15 5.50 3 8.33 1 71 4.96 16 1 74 5.10 2 7.00 17 2 7.00 8 8 4 5 7 4 4 3 2 3 1 12 10 196 8.57 21 27 13 21 12 8 12 1 3 5 1 9 15 604 6.50 18 29 35 17 26 19 12 16 4 5 2 21 25 800 7.00 2 1 1 3 1 2 3 22 1 1 1 123 4 4 2683 6.50 67 6. 22 19 93 6.30 1 6.00 20 1 6.00 23.50 21 2 3.50 1 3.00 ♡ on 3 3 22 2 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 සය 3 1 36 10.29 22 3 1 37 10.08 1 5.00 5.00 $23 1 5.00 1 1 1 1.00 ~~~ 1 1.00 24 2 1.00 119.00 1 19.00 25 1 1 26 1 1 2 14.50 $27 1 2 14.30 1 1 3 11.67 28 1 1 3 11.67 60 46 43 33 67 59 35 41 127 105 78 74 2283 24 24 19 13 10 11 15 54 28 19 18 11 7 10 5 24 107❘ 1,910 52 43 37 24 17 21 20 78 86 1,771 6. 59 1,910 | 6.06 6.0629 193 3,681 6.32 3 co co 3 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 12 1 7 3 1 2 3 7 3 2 20267 M D——39 į లులు 3 3 ลงล 2 2 2 ลด 2 17.00 23 7.26 30 24 7.25 ลงลง 2 2 16 8. 69 31 16 8.69 8.69 MY LO CO 1 1 12 8.36 5 5 81 9.32 32 6 6 93 | 9.20 610 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR, TABLE IV. DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. ARKANSAS-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 33 Habitual To husband. 1 drunkenness To wife... and impotency. Total 1 To husband. 34 Habitual drunkenness* To wife. Total and neglect to provide. 35 Impotency. 36 Incompatibility of tem- per. To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. 1 1 112 1 1 123 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 To wife... Total 1 1 2 2 1 To husband. 1 1 To wife.. 1 Total 1 2 112 11 1 2 1 123 22 To husband. To wife. Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 pal park a 1 1 1 1 37 Insanity 38 Neglect to provide... 39 Refusal to cohabit. To husband. To wife. Total. To husband 40 Unknown To wife..... Total 415 448 1 2 2 1 22 1 1 To husband. 196 362 All causes. 3 To wife... Total. 338 298 259 184 381 399 332 333 257 176 380 743 737 630 592 465 358 274 208 182 128 107 146 125 232 1 Adultery CALIFORNIA. To husband 63 60 60 42 39 To wife.. 49 44 35 36 39 Total. 112 104 95 78 78 5985 50 43 33 40 38 90 81 325 24 57 2823 50 To husband. 3 1 To wife.... Total 23: 10 4 5 4 7 13 5 5 4 7 257 2 9 11 134 2 2 ลงค To husband. To wife. Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Adultery and cruelty 3 Adultery, cruelty, and de- sertion. 4 Adultery, cruelty, deser- (To husband tion, and neglect to pro- vide. 5 Adultery, cruelty, and ha- bitual intemperance. 6 Adultery, cruelty, habit- (To husband ual intemperance, and To wife. neglect to provide. To wife.. Total... To husband. 1 To wife. Total. 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total 1 1 7 Adultery, cruelty, neglect to provide. cruelty, and S To husband. To wife.... 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 Total. 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 To husband. 10 6 10 8| Adultery and desertion.. To wife.... 1 2 1 Total. 11 8 11 527 To husband. 3 12 1 පයය 118 7 5 2 5 224 5 6 11 9 Adultery, desertion, and habitual intemperance. To wife. Total. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL GENERAL TABLES. 611 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. ARKANSAS-Concluded. 21 10 12 15 11 13 14 16 17 19 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 18 Total. Av. erage. over. } 1 1 · 1 1.00 33 1 1.00 2 7.50 34 2 7.50 1 1 1 7 10.33 4 3.25 35 1 1 1 11 7.50 1 8! 4.29 36 1 8 4.29 213 17 '11.80 10: 9.56 27 10,96 $37 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 6 7.60 $38 1 6 7.60 1 6.00 39 39 1 6.00 1 1 1 1 120 133 6.51 1 1 82 94 4.67 40 1 1 1 1 1 202 227 5.61 90 73 63 109 105 75 1 199 178 138 127 12277 41 37 70 51 92 5323 72 8888 29 25 ' 15 20 21 78 251 2,878 6.59 39 18 15 20 11 51 231 3, 163 6.38 68 43 30 40 32 129 482 6, 011 6.48 CALIFORNIA. 24 29 24 19 19 18 43 48 *** 20 16 16 15 42 36 31 225 17 13 7 10 6 7 10 19 7 9 11 4 27 32 14 19 17 11: 1860 35 6 626 8.09 52 4 1 536 9.35 1 87 10 1, 162 8.67 110 10 5 1 5 1 -55 123 1 11 6.09 1 5 to hand p p 1 2 1 Jurid Jonk 1 1 2 22 ♡ 3 10 30 83 9.91 2 94 9.46 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 2 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 15.00 5 8.20 3 6 9.33 1 '12.00 1 12.00 2:10.50 9 13.00 11 12.55 3 10.00 3 10.00 5 6 2 ลงลง 1 1 2 1 16 2 1 1 2 1 8.56 7 16 8.56 6 828 7 4 8 11 235 3 3 3 2 1 1 11 1 99 9.00 1 1 1 1 10 1 44 13.23 8 3 3 1 1 2 2 21 2 143 10. 29 1 : 5.00 ら ​15.00 612 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. CALIFORNIA—Continued, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1 1 1 1 2 235 213 ~ IN ♡ 11 1 2 1 2 10 Adultery, desertion, and S neglect to provide. 11 Adultery and habitual in- temperance. To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. 1 3 To wife... Total 1 4 2 12 Adultery, habitual intem- ( To husband. perance, and neglect to provide. 213 To wife. 1 Total 1 1 1 1 1 To husband. 13 Adultery and neglect to provide. To wife.... Total. 3 1 ww 3 1 22 2 2 22 1 4 3 1 1 4 3 1 14 Conviction of felony. 15 Conviction of felony and S desertion. 16 Conviction of felony, de- (To husband sertion, and neglect to provide. 17 Conviction of felony and neglect to provide. To wife.. To husband. To wife... Total 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 10 16 17 11 13 10 6 4 6 ... 11 16 18 12 14 11 8 5 6 To husband. To wife.. Total 1 1 Total. To wife.... Total To husband 1 1 S 18 Cruelty To husband. 30 To wife.... Total 16 204 187 231 203 15 185 29 10 162 133 130 15 11 119 200 191 143 145 130 100 16820 15 85 16 101 117 · To husband 6 19 Cruelty and desertion.... To wife. 6 Total 12 178 4 8 27 13 17 248 3 9 2600 279 18→ 347 8 8 178 20 Cruelty, desertion, and To husband. To wife.. Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 عرعر habitual intemperance. 21 Cruelty, desertion, habit- (To husband. ual intemperance, and To wife.. neglect, to provide. Total. To husband 22 Cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide. To wife. Total.. 22 5 4 5 4 සය 1 6 6 3 1 6 as oo 3 3 23 Cruelty and habitual in- temperance. S To husband To wife.... Total *2*3 6 2 2 3 6 5 2 20 31 26 34 31 31 23 27 23 23 37 28 36 34 37 28 29 23 24 Cruelty, habitual intem- perance, and neglect to provide. 25 Cruelty and neglect to S provide. 26 Cruelty and refusal to S cohabit. (To husband. To wife Total · To husband. To wife.. Total.... 22 w w 3 3 55 77 7 6 6 5 7 6 6 5 3 లురు 19 19 333333333 31 25 31 25 24 15 22 31 25 31 25 24 15 22 22 To husband. To wife... Total. 1 1 S To husband. To wife.. 52 Total. 97 45 104 103 128 118 99 110 122 168 139 148 125 123 226 271 267 266 224 78 74 124 97 233 202 171 To husband. 2 1 To wife.... 4 Total. 6 LO LO 5 5 లటలు 3 5 1 3 6 i 1 22 22 27 Desertion….. 28 Desertion and habitualS intemperance. $ CHAPTER VIII -GENERAL TABLES. 613 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.--Continued. CALIFORNIA—Continued. 21 10 11 14 19 12 13 15 16 17 18 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. Av- Total. erage. 1 1 1 4 12.50 $10 1 4 12.50 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 25 8.80 1 2 9 11.67 >11 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 34 9.56 3 6.33 12 3 6.33 22 1 1 5 5 55 22 er cr 5 2 5 2 187 6 224 1 1 1 22 5 37 10.9713 5 37 10.97 12 7.83 3 3 2 3 22 1 1 22 as as 3 11 2 134 7.95 14 3 11 2 146 7.94 1 2 10.00 15 1 1 1 2 10.00 1 13.00 16 1 13.00 1 2 8.00 8.00 17 1 2 8.00 5 12 6 14 10 5 9 5 10 1 6 26 3 269 9.73 94 73 86 72 51 62 58 41 35 35 27 197 29 2,166 9.16 9.16 18 99 85 92 86 61 67 67! 46 45 36 33 223 32 2,435 9.23 1 2 1 1 2 5 34 9.24 55 5 4 3 3 7 5 2 5 4 4 5 8 5 3 6 0161 2 2 1 15 1 116 10.83 19 2 1 20 1 150 10.47 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 7 13.5720 7 13.57 1 15.00 21 1 15.00 3 3 · 50 50 3 CO CO. 3 22 5D LO 1 1 5 1 1 212 201 6 49 10.92 22 6 49 10.92 1 1 5 3 34 11 26 12 44 4 9 13 35 12 31 15 13 13 268 3 3 3 4 13 11 8 7 54 16 14 11 7 58 0101 58 10.34 452 10.37 23 510 10.36 3 4 2 2 1 3 3 4 2 2 1 3 22 คล 2 2 LO LO 5 2 5 2 ∞ co 3 6 3 6 79 10.4421 79 10.44 16 19 14 16 19 14 1 LO LO 5 9 6 11 6 11 6 6 27 5 366 9.1625 5 9 6 11 6 11 6 27 5 366 9.16 1 1 1 112 64 56 58 47 47 44 39 90 75 73 66 56 57 52 154 131 131 113 103 101 91 798 41 29 17 42 40 29 83 69 46 88888 26 201 36 243: 62 225 13 22 1 ww 3 6 1 3 6 the 1 2 2 1 1 3 4 12.75 2 23.00 $26 6 16.17 1,541 10.73 1, 979 10.55 27 444 : 35 3, 520 10. 63 59.80 48 11.52 28 53 11.36 614 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. CALIFORNIA-Concluded. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1 Causes, and to which party granted. 29 Desertion, habitual in- (To husband. temperance, and lect to provide. neg-To wife.. Total. 1 1 1 1 22 22 == 1 1 22 30 Desertion and neglect to provide. To husband. To wife... 18 56 72 67 78 56 48 52 27 Total. 18 56 72 67 78 56 48 52 27 • To husband. 1 31 Desertion and refusal to cohabit. To wife... Total. 1 112 1 1 1 1 To husband. 5 33 Habitual 32 Habitual intemperance intemperance and neglect to provide.Total To wife... 11 Total 16 2433 12 8 11 12 13 10 8 9 14 16 13 9 19 15 11 11 26 24 24 21 32 25 19 20 S To wife. To husband. 6 19 6 19 223 2220 29 29 22 20 21 18 20 18 14 21 18 20 18 14 To husband. 34 Neglect to provide.... To wife..... 47 110 109 100 100 108 100 81 73 Total 47 110 109 100 100 108 100 81 73 35 Pregnancy before mar- riage. To husband. 1 1 To wife.... Total. 1 1 To husband. 3 3 1 36 Refusal to cohabit To wife... Total 3 3 1 213 1 1 123 To husband. 37 Unknown To wife. Total 3293 26 49 5523 4 15 7 aer 5 6 20 11 11 235 235 213 2 3 5 2 12 3 11~ 549 2 To husband. All causes To wife. Total. 486 677 682 896 196 219 212 230 202 198 722 654 641 600 556 934 884 843 798 751 195 151 128 474 429 625 557 COLORADO. To husband. 1 Adultery... To wife... Total 625 35 22 21 20 17 57 37 055600 18 16 19 21 16 15 8 19 34 31 27 40 137 14 13 12 27 227 15 600000= 10 8 18 To husband 1 2 Adultery and bigamy.... To wife... Total 1 5 5 LO LO 3 Adultery, conviction of to husband. felony, and neglect to To wife.. provide. 4 Adultery and cruelty....To wife. 5 Adultery, cruelty, and desertion. Total S To husband Total 248 6 To husband. To wife. Total 6 Adultery, cruelty, deser- (To husband. tion, and neglect to pro- To wife. vide. Total. 7 Adultery, cruelty, and STo husband habitual drunkenness. 235 145 1 4 5 213 1 LO LO 5 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 To wife.. Total 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 8 Adultery, cruelty, and neglect to provide. S To husband To wife. Total. : 1 1 1 22 22 { CHAPTER VIIL- VIII-GENERAL TABLES. 615 TABLE IV.- DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1836, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. CALIFORNIA-Concluded. 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 13 20 years Un- years. years. years. years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. 22 1 3 1 3 22 22 Total. Av- erage. 1 1 1 1 21 11.90 29 21 11.90 22 813 9.8130 813 9.84 7 11.71 4 15.25 31 11 13.00 165 10.14 252 11.07 32 417 10. 70 3 296 10.26 33 3 296 10.26 38 38 88888 28 34 28 30 18 24 15 28 34 28 30 18 24 15 20 20 20 20 20 11 71 20 11 71 2 1 1 1 1 224 === 14 10 8 6 CO 3 6 7 11 14 13 10 14 10 11 25 24 21 16 17 16 i 18 14 12 14 12 122 7 11 7 11 9 – a 9 9 9 5 5 LO LO 257 CO CO a co a 3 1 4 13 6 3 31 9 4 44 433 6 6 aa 9 9 со со 8 8 . 00 00 8 30 8 30 22 · 00 00 88 63 57 43 44 43 27 41 37 63 57 43 44 43 27 41 37 22 20 24 21 126 8 20 24 21 126 ∞ 8 1,382 9.71 34 1, 382 9.71 2 2.50 2 ลง $35 2.50 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 51G 6 27 13.00 7 12.57 36 34 12.91 1 3 2 2 1 3 2 2 11~ 1 1 1 46 110 6.50 1 118 190 4.01 37 2 1 1 1 161 300 5.18 116 120 108 104 413 335 341 286 255 235 241 529 455 449 390 342 315 316 87 80 75 61 58 33 46 311 69 2, 999 9.84 184 177 159 138 916 200 9, 119 9.83 245 235 192 181 1,227 269 12, 118 9.88 15 23 201700 8 6 8 9 5 8 3 11 16 12 22 1 1 සස 3 3 1 1 1 1 448 1 1 1 112 1 1 COLORADO. 336 6 CO LO 5 6 11 224 5 8 LO 30 00 1 1 1 1 224 1 1 224 os com 4 9 4 18 ** ** ** 236 7.49 204 8.50 1 440 7.96 1 1.00 2 1 1.00 1 1 23.00 3 1 1 23.00 1 11 7.27 4 39 8.49 4 5 50 8.22 2 2 1 1 6 12.83 612.83 5 1 1 21.00 6 1 1 21.00 1 10 9.50 7 1 10 9.50 7 9. 14 8 7 9. 14 616 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. COLORADO-Continued. 718 235 224 Causes, and to which party granted. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 4 1 8 9 Adultery and desertion.. To wife 6 2 Total 7 10 718 11 3 14 10 Adultery, desertion, and habitual drunkenness. To husband. To wife... Total 1 1 1 1 11 Adultery, desertion, ha- (To husband. bitual drunkenness, and? To wife... neglect to provide. 12 Adultery, desertion, and neglect to provide, 13 Adultery and habitualS drunkenness. Total · • To husband. To wife... Total. To husband To wife.. Total. 14 Adultery, habitual drunk- (To husband. enness, and neglect to provide. 15 Adultery and neglect to · provide. 16 Bigamy. 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 To wife. Total To husband. To wife.. 2 1 1 Total. 2 1 1 22 S To husband. 248 1 6 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 To wife.... Total 17 Bigamy and conviction of To husband. felony. To wife. Total 1 • 1 18 Bigamy, conviction of fel. To husband ony, and desertion. 19 Bigamy and cruelty.. 20 Bigamy, cruelty, and de- sertion. 21 Bigamy, cruelty, and neg. lect to provide. To wife.. 1 Total 1 To husband. To wife Total 1 1 · To husband. To wife... Total S To husband. To wife.... Total 1 1 • {TO WI To husband 1 1 22 Bigamy and descrtion....To wife Total. 23 Bigamy and habitual To husband. drunkenness. 24 Conviction of felony. 25 Conviction of felony and cruelty. 26 Conviction of felony and desertion. 27 Conviction of felony and neglect to provide. To wife.... Total.. To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. To wife.... Total To husband To wife.. Total. To husband. To wife... Total... 2 2 22 112 30 03 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 218 22 1 1 co co 3 3 22 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 617 J TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. COLORADO-Continued. 10 11 12 13 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- Total. Av- erage. 14 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. 224 224 1 1 4 1 5 415 4 2: 2 2 2 ~2 1 1 1 1 లులు 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 235 2 IN 2 2 2 2 2 66 8.30 8.81 31 9 8.46 97 213 5.50 2.00 10 4.33 1 1 4.00 $11 4.00 8 10.8812 8 10.88 5 6. 40 1 3 1 3 1 1 7 16.57:3 12 12.33 3 11.3314 ~~ 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1- 3 11.33 1 16 1 16 6.07 $15 6.07 6 5. 33 12 18 23 3.2516 3.94 1 1 1 1.00 17 1 1.00 1 1.00 $18 1 1.00 1 1.00 19 1 1.00 1 7.00 20 1 7.00 1 1.00 21 1 1.00 1 1.00 22 1 1.00 (22 1 3.00 23 1 3.00 1 16 7.93 24 1 16 7.93 3 10.00 25 3 10.00 110.00 26 1 10.00 110.00 1 10.00 27 618 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. COLORADO-Continued. 5. 6 7 8 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1 2 3 4 Causes, and to which party granted. To husband. To wife.... Total 76 282 6 9 6 5 7 1 2 1 69 24 38 22 29 19 15 19 17 30 47 28 34 26 16 21 18 To husband. 1 To wife..... Total 10 11 459 3 13 16 7 8 178 188 167 8 9 415 en co 3 3 2 112 28 Cruelty.. 29 Cruelty and desertion.... {Tow 30 Cruelty, desertion, and S 31 habitual drunkenness. To husband. To wife... Total... Cruelty, desertion, habit. (To husband ual drunkenness, and To wife. neglect to provide. Total 32 Cruelty, desertion and neglect to provide. To husband. 123 1 1 1 1 2 112 1 1 22 1 1 5 LO LO 22 22 LOLO 145 22 3 3 as co 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 5 9 3 3 7 5 10 3 3 8 44 4 4 270 4 9 4 To wife.... Total 33 Cruelty and habitual To husband drunkenness. To wife. Total. 34 Cruelty, habitual drunk. (To husband. enness, and neglect to To wife.. Total To husband. 4 provide. 4 35 Cruelty and impotency To wife.... Total. 1 • 1 Go co 3 3 - a 6 6 44 1 4 1 1 ģ 1 1 1 22 36 Cruelty and neglect to provide. To husband. To wife... Total To husband CO CO 9 12 9 9 12 9 aa 9 10 16 9 9 10 16 9 පප aa 6 7 6 7 37 Desertion.. To wife.... 30 Total.... 38983 60 63 51 52 63 111 115 2+85 42 35 54 40 96 2105 75 33998888 40 48 35 63 2383 28 45 34 39 31 84 65 provide. 38 Desertion and habitual drunkenness. 39 Desertion, habitual drunk- enness, and neglect to 40 Desertion and impotency. To wife To husband To wife. Total 1 1 1 22 45 4 (To husband To wife.... Total. 1 1 22 1 1 aa 112 44 9 3 1 3 1 S To husband. 1 Total... 1 2 1 1 22 To husband. 41 Desertion and neglect to provide. To wife.. 15 29 Total. 15 29 330 30 31 25 27 15 16 16 30 31 25 27 15 16 16 To husband To wife.... Total 1 1 134 3 4 257 3 1 6 10 9 11 213 6 6 LO LO 5 2 5 2 22 - 44 Impotency. 42 Habitual drunkenness.. 43 Habitual drunkenness and To husband. neglect to provide. To wife.... Total S To husband To wife.... Total To husband. 235 1 1 22 2 6 6 22 2 22 2 2 5 55 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 45 Neglect to provide To wife..... Total 17 21 21 14 9 16 7 15 15 17 21 21 14 9 16 7 15 15 S To husband 46 Unknown. To wife Total .... CHAPTER 619 VIIIVIII.- .-GENERAL TABLES. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. COLORADO-Continued. 21 over. 10 11 1.2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 2 11 10 13 ** 4 1 14 14 15 12 +500 + 4 347 2 3 4 4 .2 2 3 1 1 1 1 5 5 2 183 Total. Av- erage. 167 4 3 10 14 6 21 00 00 on as co 10 6 30 40 20 10 00 3 82 10.53 5 381 8.26 28 8 463 8. 65 1 1 8 38 12.03 1 6 2 83 8.02 29 1 1 1 2 14 2 121 9.30 4 8.75 2 1 1 17 11.19 30 2 1 1 21 10.70 8 296 1 12 13 189 22 245 246 1 6 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 123 1 1 1 ∞ = 1 7 4 8 4 ลงล 2 2 22 3 as co 3 3 CU CU 4 4 1 1 3 4 4 1 1 1 1 عركم 1 1 2 2 2 2 22 224 1 1 3 co co 3 5.00 31 5.00 co co 3 1 31 9.3332 3 1 31 9.33 10 10.60 82 9.62 33 92 9.73 145 22 44 43 43 9.33 34 9.33 2 4.50 35 2 4.50 LO LO 5 6 2 3 5 6 ♡ 3 22 2 1 3 4 1 1 4 119 7.4636 1 3 4 1 1 4 119 7.46 33 32 31 24 24 21 15 14 20 10 16 78 720 10.56 31 30 17 13 19 15 13 6 6 8 7 13 22 610 8.74 37 64 62 48 37 43 36 28 20 26 18 23 121 44 1,330 9.73 2 4.50 4 2 4 2 22 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 37 9.40 38 3 39 9. 14 22 1 1 1 2 17 1 1 1 2 17 9.76 39 9.76 1 1 213 2 12.50 1.00 40 8.67 10 11 13 6 7 7 10 11 13 6 7 7 1 1 LO CO 5 6 5 1 2 6 6 5 2 2 පප 3 9 2 w 3 3 9 2 w co 3 4 17 3 4 17 ce co 3 299 8.16 41 3 299 8.16 145 224 1 1 1 2 1 ~~~ 1 17 9.82 2 6 73 8.56 42 3 6 90 8.82 1 1 1 1 44 3 3 ~~ 2 2 1 1 1 1 22 77 1010 6 6 උප 10 9 11 3 5 10 9 11 3 5 1 1 1 + 3 Co Co 3 LO LO 5 1 6 1 50 12.12 143 1 5 1 1 50 12. 12 1 1 57 6.40 7.57 12 7.08 44 100 00 2 5 21 14 239 9.52 45 2 5 21 14 239 9.52 6 8 12.50 3 3 46 9 11 12.50 3 8 3 8 620 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. COLORADO-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. y ears. years. years.'years. years. To husband. All causes To wife.. Total 88 92 108 204 195 222 292 287 330 81 74 192 163 77 57 70 49 180 139 138 112 273 237 257 196 208 161 CONNECTICUT. 1 Adultery To husband. To wife. Total 8888888 38 26 25 30 63 56 888 27 2293 56 47 200 225 29 19 24 14 16 18 29 20 14 15 47 48 44 28 31 To husband. 1 2 Adultery and cruelty To wife... Total... ww 3 1 1 4 3 1 1 4 12 2 1 1 To husband. 3 Adultery, cruelty, and desertion. To wife.. Total 1 1 1 1 224 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 Adultery, cruelty, deser- (To husband tion, and habitual in- To wife.... temperance. 5 Adultery, cruelty, deser- (To husband. tion, habitual intemper-To wife………. ance, and misconduct. Total tion, and misconduct. 7 Adultery, cruelty, and STo husband. To wife. habitual intemperance. Total S · • 8 Adultery, cruelty, habit- (To husband. ual intemperance, and To wife.. misconduct. 9 Adultery, cruelty, misconduct. Total and S To husband. To wife..... Total • Total 112 123 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 4 7 8 10 11 11 12 8 පප 6 6 6 Adultery, cruelty, deser-S To husband. 4 To wife.... Total. 5 00 00 3 4 1 3 1 8 8 4 11 2 6 9 11 12 5 14 3 6 10 2000 8 LOLO 5 5 279 3 202 260 2 224 178 15 6 1 1 1 1 22 223 5 66 1 3 1 ww 3 22 1 2 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 සය 3 3 To husband. 17 13 -10 Adultery and desertion.. To wife.... 17 7 Total. 34 20 22222 10 12 20803 19 12 7 12 8 10 9 14 6 10 29 29 21 21 18 18 11 To husband. 1 11| Adultery, desertion, and habitual intemperance. To wife.. Total 2 1 1 2 1 12 Adultery, desertion, ha- (To husband. bitual intemperance, To wife and misconduct. Total 112 123 1 2 1 235 246 3 3 •22 1 1 22 112 · To husband 21 15 19 13 9 12 11 7 8 13 Adultery, desertion, and misconduct. To wife... 19 15 10 16 13 15 6 10 6 Total 40 30 29 29 22 27 17 17 14 intemperance. 16 Adultery, 14 Adultery and fraudulent To wife... contract. 15 Adultery and habitual (To husband habitual in- (To husband temperance, and mis-To wife. conduct. 17 Adultery and misconduct To wife.. Total. To busband 1 1 Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 To wifo.... 1 1 Total... 1 1 1 1 12 1 1 2 1 1 4 Total 1 4 COŁO T 1 1 2 3 1 To husband. 7 5 1 3 5 10 10 34 178 LD GO 00 5 LO 5 2 3 4 5 6 279 4 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL -GENERAL TABLES. 621 TABLE IV.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. COLORADO-Concluded. 21 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 14 15 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. Av- Total. erage. 51 118 102 169 149 123 #233 47 44 44 38 29 25 23 34 74 62 55 51 41 41 118 100 81 76 64 75 2923 16 26 34 25 110 180 33 1,215 9.75 64 2,472 8.68 42 59 290 97 3, 687 9.03 CONNECTICUT. 14 9 9 10 8 11 12 6 t- 7 6 19 15 6 11 10 12 7 6 3 33 24 15 21 18 23 19 12 10 6-8 920 12 7 34 9 46 2*9 123 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 $101 2 2 2 2 327 7.92 334 9.37 1 661 8.65 2 12.00 20 10.10 2 22.10.27 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 112 112 1 5 10.80 1 1 13 9.51 3 2 1 1 1 18 9.89 213 6 7.67 1 1 1 1 12 9.08 4 1 18 8.61 6 ** 15 G 1 44 4 3 4 4 3 4 2 4 3 4 2 3 లులు 66 සය. 3 2 3 2 ~2 1 21-0 21 6.76 91 8.85 5 9 115 8.47 ww 213 සය 3 1 1 3 2 1 1 Jenta 24 7.21 77 8. 16 6 101 7.93 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 6 12.83 7 1 1 6 12.83 2 2.00 3 26 8.50 8 3 28 8.01 1 3 10.67 6101 2 1 1 2 13 11.54 2 1 1 3 16 11.38 34H 1 3 2 1 5 CT front Hom 4 8 119 7.89 1 21 1 166 9.91 10 5 29 1 9 4 LO 5 5 11 8 5 5 20 12 10 10 279 246 5 33 6 1 1 1 1 1 පාසය 3 1 1 3 1 6 1 1 1 7 11 18 527 9 2 5 9 14 LS 00 00 5 3 3 3 8 6 1 1 1 1 1 315 8.95 1 1.00 9 11.00 11 10 10.00 1 17 8.24) 1 1 21 8. 1912 1 2 38 8. 21 aww 213 729 1 2 1 6 165 7.30 2 13 152 7.66 13 1 4 1 19 317 7.47 2 01 2.50 14 2 2.50 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 2 1 3 5 ~ 4 6 6.83 44 112 134 1 1 1 11 10.6415 1 17 9.29 5 8.00 1 1 9 S.67 16 2 1 1 14 8.13 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 2 2 1 257 48 7.98 51 9.20 99 8.61 17 622 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. • TABLE IV.~DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. CONNECTICUT-Continued. 1 2- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 18 Cruelty (To husba To husband. 3 4 2 4 1 1 ས 4 To wife.. 24 35 29 26 39 Total 27 39 31 30 40 22 21 15 22 19 19 Cruelty and desertion (To husband 1 1 1 To wife.... 6 Total. 7 CT Cr 5 5 00 00 8 8 13 23 12 8 15 11 ∞ 8 16 167 30 213 16 18 200 3 16 19 6 6 To husband. 20 Cruelty, desertion, and habitual intemperance. To wife... Total 1 1 -3-3 7 7 137 6 178 22 6 2 6 සස LO LO 5 5 2 2 21 Cruelty, desertion, habit- (To husband ual intemperance, and misconduct. 2 3 3 To wife.... 16 14 28 19 Total 18 17 31 19 178 19 16 19 18 200 2 11 9 13 9 misconduct. 22 Cruelty, desertion, and To husband 23 Cruelty and fraudulent To wife. 3 9 2 7 To wife.... Total. 223 19 2333 24 33 35 -855 30 37 25 3223 6 3 6 1 22 16 6 18 28 19 12 19 To husband 1 contract. Total 1 - 24 Cruelty, fraudulent con- tract, and misconduct. S To husband. 1 To wife.... Total 1 To husband. 1 25 Cruelty and habitual in- temperance. To wife.... Total 9 9 ∞ 8 11 13 6 11 9. 4 9 10 8 11 13 6 11 9 4 26 Cruelty, habitual intem- perance, and miscon- duct. To husband. To wife... Total To husband. 27 Cruelty and misconduct. To wife.... 12 Total 15 To husband. 7 28 Desertion... To wife... 16 Total 23 178 279 202 203 324 POR 10 10 සප 6 งง 7 7 279 4 4 77 4. 4 1 1 9 13 12 10 11 14 13 12 202 1 2 2 งงง 7 5 7 6 7 6 9 8 5 28 48 56 57 49 8 40 108 137 114 85 13 68 156 193 171 134 120 126 1313 43 41 77 888 85 To husband 29 Desertion and fraudulent S contract. 30 Desertion, fraudulent con- tract, and misconduct. To wife.... Total To husband To wife.... Total.. 123 224 1 1 1 1 1 112 To husband. 1 2 1 6 2 31 Desertion and habitual intemperance. To wife.... Total 1898 18 17 17 13 15 12 19 19 18 19 17 12 22 13 15 234 1 20 21 100 00 8 8 32 Desertion, habitual in- (To husband. temperance, and mis-To wife.... conduct. 33 Desertion and imprison' S To husband. ment in penitentiary. 34 Desertion, imprisonment (To husband. in penitentiary, and To wife.. 15 Total 247 6 16 23 17 22 26 3282 20 18 20 20 202 1 1 1 11 12 12 13 23 17 11 17 12 To wife. Total 1 1 misconduct. Total 1 1 35 Desertion and miscon- duct. To husband. To wife.. 42 36 41 34 25 43 31 57 57 42 Total 85 67 98 91 325 46 67 2923 29 75 283 27 26 23 33 31 36 60 57 8888 59 · 36 Fraudulent contract.. (To To husband 10 2 1 To wife... Total.. 9 1 19 3 22 1 1 2 22 123 CHAPTER VIII. VIII.—GENERAL TABLES. 623 " TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. CONNECTICUT—Continued. 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- years. years. years years years years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. Total. Av. erage. 5 15 19 16 15 24 18 26000 14 9 1 15 29 1 10 4 14 9 16 11 11 4 1 7 3 7 4 00 -3 14 7 8 లులు 3 THE L 1 4 3 5 235 123 22 1 1 1 6 6 —— 1 1 1 1 1 22 ગા 5 1 1 2 2 ~~ 1 1 550 167 3 44 4 39 9.33 391 10.02 18 47 4 430 9.96 1 13 10. 69 9 1 119 8.80 $19 10 1 132 8.98 Jah Jak 1 3 1 3 187 4 13. 50 6 65 9.77 20 69 9.99 11 10 11 10 156 268 11 4 11 4 145 5 5 18- £44 18 6. 89 8 1 19 227 9.18 21 9 1 19 245 9.01 3 3 1 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 10 69 10.48 16 10 13 8 5 3 5 3 4 3 25 285 8.5522 19 13 14 12 7 4 5 4 5 5 1 35 354 8.93 8 10 6 8 10 6 ܣܣ 178 1 156 6 w w 3 3 3 3 LOS LO 5 5 ww 3 3 3 3 ww: 16 16 1 1.00 $23 1 1.00 1 1.00 24 1 1.00 3 ~~ 2 7.67 151 10.32 25 2 154 10.27 4 4 1 3 3 6 3 4 4 1 3 3 6 3 22 ww 3 3 3 ww. 3 17 17 5 3.20 108 10.9726 113 10.63 2 1 1 1 2 3 25 10.76 3 8 4 3 5 2 1 4 1 3 14 1 130 9.03 27 3 10 4 3 5 3 2 4 2 4 2 17 1 155 9.33 47 29 33 27 20 23 13 19 18 12 17 114 5 711 12. 39 72 65 74 38 63 40 41 39 35 24 16 201 10 1, 388 11. 88 28 119 94 107 65 83 63 54 58 53 36 33 315 15 2,099 12.05 1 1.00 3 2.00 $29 1 1.75 1 1 549 5.00 2.75 30 4.00 123 2 5 3 9 13 10 9 4 11 18 13 11 4 2 1 8 7 1 10 7 2 241 མ་ 189 1 3 4 167 1 1 2 33 9.42 6 6 3 6 25 1 236 9.97 31 6 4 6 27 1 269 9.91 156 ♡ ♡ සය 3 3 3 3 3 3 30 91 5D 4 28,10.11 3 1 23 1 215 8.8832 3 1 27 1 243 9.02 1 1 13.00 33 1 1 13.00 1 4.00 9.00 $34 2 6.50 26 17 21 15 8 16 5 9 7 10 6 50 473 9.66 18 34 19 27 15 13 14 10 18 11 15 64 634 + 44 51 40 42 23 29 19 19 25 21 21 114 1, 107 1 1 9.9335 9.81 15: 1.93 18 3.61 36 33 2.85 624 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF, LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. CONNECTICUT-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 1 37 Fraudulent contract, To husband. habitual intemperance, To wife and misconduct. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1 Total 1 38 Fraudulent contract and S To husband 2 1 1 1 To wife.... 1 misconduct. Total 2 1 1 1 1 To husband 3 4 11 8 8 7 3 8 4 39 Habitual intemperance.. 40 Habitual intemperance To husband. and misconduct. ace 41 Imprisonment in peni-S tentiary. 42 Misconduct... To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.. Total STo husband. To wife.. Total To wife... 31 43 42 37 41 41 31 33 21 Total. 34 47 53 45 49 48 34 41 25 ་ང་ 145 4 7 1 4 7 1 178 6 7 167 248 6 279 224 2. 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 2 1 1 31 228 21 14 10 11 17 8 26 24 30 21 20 52 40 34 11 38 28 ==83 11 5 ما 4 17 10 15 28 15 19 43 Unknown To husband. {Tow To wife.... Total. 123 To husband. 202 All causes To wife.. Total. 160 173 351 338 434 · 553 498 191 184 607 165 469 470 422 334 322 660 654 587 493 455 159 133 113 291 404 DAKOTA. 1 Adultery To husband To wife.. Total To husband. LO 5 5 5 729 1027 123 3 55 5 1 6 ama 213 9 3 3 3 1 1 12 4 4 1 2 Adultery and cruelty. To wife.. Total.. 1 To husband 1 1 1 3 1 1 Total 1 1 1 3 1 1 To husband. To wife... Total 3 Adultery and desertion.. To wife.. 4 Adultery and habitualS intemperance. 5 Adultery and neglect to To husband. provide. 6 Adultery and pregnancy before marriage. 7 Conviction of felony.. 8 Cruelty... 9 Cruelty and desertion To wife.. Total ... 1 • 1 S To husband. 1 To wife... 1 Total.... To husband. To wife.. 1 2 3 1 Total 1 2 3 1 To husband. 1 1 5 3 1 To wife.... 16 5 13 14 4 Total 17 6 18 17 5 IBA 180 1 3 4 LOK S 5 4 4 6 9 10 To husband. 1 To wife... Total 1 1 1 225 1 3 2 2 1 2 112 112 To husband. To wife... 10 Cruelty, desertion, and S habitual intemperance.Total - 22 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.—GENERAL TABLES. 625 TABLE IV.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. CONNECTICUT-Concluded. 21 over. 10 11 12 13 18 19 14 15 16 17 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years-years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. Total. Av- erage. 1 3.00 37 1 3.00 516 3.80 9.00 38 6 4.67 4 6 5 6 1 5 5 3 4 1 31 33 29 26 24 11 21 16 11 16 11 35 39 34 26 30 12 26 21 14 20 12 0289 6 2 104 9.82 90 3 642 11.07 39 96 5 746 10.90 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 5 4 2 1 2 2 2 4 3 6 4 ww. 3 3 10 200 8 1 1 112 22 4 13 7 17 7 12 392 4 2 13 639 355 +93 3 7 9 ** 4 10 14 1 1 12 9.17 246 3 2 5 18 154 9.37 6 7 31 300 9. 17 42 9 2 12 51 154 9.24 1 2 1.00 9 11 1.00 $43 10 13 1.00 124 95 278 257 402 352 336 100 83 236 196 192 148 139 279 250 226 191 58 78 52 51 48 45 40 248 9 2, 511 9.76 140 104 96 86 693 35 6, 031 10.16 191 152 141 126 911 44 8,542 10.01 17 12.00- 75 11.19 40 92 11.31 1 14.00 11 8.73 41 325 213 213 1 1 DAKOTA. 2 3 3 2 1 3 3 Hm þad C 4 2 1 5 2 1 1 1 5 71 9.57 26 11.35 1 1 2 5 2 1 1 10 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2000 10 2+46 1 1 1 1 3 4 337 1 1 1 1 97 10.05 2 9.50 3 15.00 2 5 12.80 11 7.82 2.11.50 13 8.38 3 1 12.00 1 1 32.00 1 2 22.00 1 3.00 1.0 5 1 3.00 1 5.00 6 1 5.00 00 00 8 5.63 7 5.63 i 1 8 8 4134 1 1 10 1 47 12. 72 3 4 6 13 1 131 · 9.81 8 7 4 5 6 23 178 10.57 1 1 3 14 12.93 1 10 8. 10 9 1 1 1 3 24 10.92 00 00 123 213 20267 M D- -40 1 49.25 10 1 49.25 626 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.- Continued. DAKOTA-Concluded. 1 1 Causes, and to which party granted. Cruelty, désertion, habit- (To husband. ual intemperance, and To wife.. neglect to provide. Total 12 Cruelty, desertion, and S neglect to provide. 13 Cruelty and habitual in- temperance. To husband To wife.... Total • 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years, To husband. To wife.. Total 1 1 To wife. 14 Cruelty, habitual intem- (To husband perance, and neglect to provide. Total 15 Cruelty, and neglect to To husband. provide. co Go +44 22 22 3 3 22 1 1 1 1 2 1 22 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 සස 22 232 44 1 16 Desertion. 1 2283 18 13 10 9 10 27 23 3RK 22 22 To wife.. 1 3 4 3 -- Total 1 3 4 3 To husband. To wife. Total 4 8 12 **R 14 28 16 9 24 24 23 52 40 2223 16 12 9 34 25 1 To wife.. Total 1 1 1 17 Desertion and habitual To husband. intemperance. 18 Desertion, habitual in- (To husband temperance, and neglect To wife.. to provide. Total To husband. 19 Desertion and neglect to provide. To wife... Total 1 1 To husband 22 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 wo co 3 లులు 3 1 3 1 1 1 ww 3 3 20 Habitual intemperance.. To wife. Total • · To husband. To wife.. 21 Habitual intemperance S and neglect to provide. Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 44 To husband. 22 Neglect to provide.. To wife.. 3 4 Total 3 4 经典 ​LO LO 5 5 LO LO 5 5 44 22 4 4 4 4 4 To husband. 1 1 23 Pregnancy before mar- riage. To wife.. Total 1 1 S To husband 2 24 Unknown To wife... 3 Total 5 To husband. 13 22 42 20 32 20 36 All causes To wifo.... 28 Total 25 41 47 888 56 56 39 40 98 76 71 60 8893 29 34 65 888 28 23 31 62 51 1 Adultery. DELAWARE. To husband. 1 To wifo... Total 1 To husband. To wife.. Total 213 112 4 5 145 112 22 22 To wife..... Total 1 1 2 Conviction of felony To husband 3 Cruelty... 1 1 325 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 5 22 134 2003 LO 5 1 1 22 CHAPTER VIII.—GENERAL TABLES, 627 *p TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. DAKOTA-Concluded. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. 1 1 1 1 ลงลง 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 ~~ 22 1 1 1 1 22 Total. Av- erage. 1 8.00 11 1 8.00 2 9.50 12 2 9.50 22 1 17.00 26 10.08 13 27 10.33 13 11.15 13 11. 15 14 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 op Go 3 3 22 1 5 1 5 11010 1 +1 40 10.36 15 40 10.36 S 15 10 10 17 10 7 7 11 6 6 7 10 18 4 306 11.81 9 9 6 6 5 4 1 10 2 5 5 20 5 202 9.72 16 19 19 23 16 12 11 12 16 8 12 15 68 9 508 10.99 1 178 3.00 7 10.71 17 9.75 1 1 1 1 4 9.50 18 4 9.50 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 26 9.61 $19 1 1 1 26 9.61 1 1 112 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 2 4 13.33 + 10 13.44 $20 14 13.42 3 3 11 ♡ co 3 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 11 25 9.75 $21 25 9.75 LO LO 5 4 5 1 4 1 4 2 1 4 5 4 5 1 4 1 4 2 1 4 28 62 62 9.72 $22 9.72 2 1. 50 23 2 1.50 3 5 1.00 1 13 17 4.25 $24 1 16 22 3.17 15 17 32 20 47 37 27835 26 16 27 22 53 38 98888 10 16 15 11 9 8 10 66 11 466 11.39 17 13 16 17 12 11 16 53 27 621 9.90 27 29 31 28 21 19 26 119 38 1,087 10.51 DELAWARE. - 3 w 3 22 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 4 1 2 5 2 213 3 1 1 1 33 10.78 1 1 28 10.22 1 2 2 61 10.53 1 3.00 1 3 9.33 2 1 4 7.75 คล 2 3 3 1 1 1 6 32 12.10 3 2 3 3 1 1 1 6 1 33 11.94 1 7.00 628 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. DELAWARE-Concluded. A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 1 4 Cruelty and desertion To wife... 1 5 Cruelty and insanity 6 Cruelty and neglect to provide. 7 Desertion... Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife... 1 1 1 Total 1 To husband. 2 4 1 1 4 2 3 1 4 To wife. 5 3 8 10 8 5 2 Total 2 9 4 9 14 10 3 4 To husband. To wife. 8 Desertion and habitual drunkenness. 9 Desertion and neglect to provide. Total - To husband. To wife... Total S To husband. 10 Habitual drunkenness... To wife.. 11 Habitual drunkenness and neglect to provide. Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. ▼ 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 12 Neglect to provide.. To w fe.. Total 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 Procurement of marriage (To husband. by fraud for want of To wife.... age. 14 Unknown 1 1 Total 1 1 {Total Total To husband. 2 1 1 To wife... 2 1 1 To husband. 6 6 3 3 8 2 5 5 8 All causes To wife.... Total 20 8 10 13 16 12 10 5 6 8 14 13 16 24 14 15 10 14 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. To husband. 6 1 Adultery 2 Adultery, bigamy, and desertion. To wife... 6 Total. 12 To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. cruelty... To wife. Total 1 1 3 Adultery and cruelty. 4 Adultery, cruelty, and S desertion. 5 Adultery, cruelty, and habitual drunkenness. To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. 628 9 5 5 4 14 9 Gab 10 10 5 8 CO LO 8 13 7 5 17 6 15 18 13 30 13 1 1 To wife.... Total S To husband. 1 6 Adultery and desertion.. To wife.. Total 1 3 1 1 3 2 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 112 224 213 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 629 : TABLE IV.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFOre divorce, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. DELAWARE-Concluded. 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 21 15 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years and known. over. Av- Total. erage 1 1.00 4 1 1.00 1 6. 00 5 1 | 6.00 1 4.00 6 1 1.00 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 40 10.28 7 3 5 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 9 1 78 10.21 7 8 4 8 3 1 2 3 2 4 5 2 12 118 10.23 1 1 10.00 8 1 1 10.00 1 1 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 4 5 14 10 8 19 14 13 5 LO CO 8 13 1 1 ૨૦૦૭ન 235 2 7 4 7 6 14 112 3 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 7 43 34 4 22 1 1.00 9 1 1.00 2 11.50 2 7 11.86 10 2 9 11.78 1 6.00 11 1 6.00 22 1 10 9.33 12 1 10 9.33 2 4.50 13 2 4.50 1 1 1 1 1 19 28 12 22 18 18 $14 1 1 1 1 1 37 46 12.22 257 123 344 6 4 2 5 20 4 7 10 133 3 1 19 22 7 3 24 42 223 109 10.33 180 10.44 289 10.40 325 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 213 235 1 235 2 5 2 194 7 1 113 8. 82 3 10 3 105 10.29 1 4 17 4 218 9.52 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 1. 8.00 1. 8.00 1 '12.00 10 · 7.70 11 8.09 3 1 1 3.00 3.00 4 1 18.00 5 1 18.00 13 2 ลง 2 1 8.85 21 10.62 6 1 34 9.94 630 - REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. : TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA-Continued. 1 Causes, and to which party granted. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years, years, years, years, years, years. years. years, 7 Adultery and habitual drunkenness. To husband. To wife. Total 1 1 1 1 To husband. 1 8 Bigamy. To wife... 1 1 1 1 Total. 1 1 1 1 9 Cruelty. S To husband. 1 1 1 1 1 To wife... 5 5 9 Total 6 5 10 77 6 8 8 5 10 6 9 9 6 12 202 To husband. 10 Cruelty and desertion.... To wife... 11 Cruelty, desertion, and habitual drunkenness. 12 Cruelty, desertion, and S neglect to provide. 13 Cruelty and habitual S drunkenness. Total To husband. To wife.. Total. To husband. To wife.... Total.. To husband To wife... Total. 14 Cruelty, habitual drunk- (To husband. enness, and neglect to To wife.... provide. Total 15 Cruelty, and imprison. To husband. ment in penitentiary. 16 Cruelty and neglect to provide. 17 Desertion... 18 Desertion and habitualS drunkenness. To wife... Total. To husband. To wife... Total. To husband To wife. Total · 1 1 -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 122 3 3 6 8 4 4 2< 3 3 6 8 4 4 178 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 6 • • 200 8 4 6 10 3 13 11 19 24 22 31 21 25 23 8 27 28 28 41 24 38 34 To husband. To wife... Total 19 Desertion, habitual drunk- ( To husband. enness, and neglect to To wife.. provide. 20 Desertion and neglect to provide. 22 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 2 1 Total. 1 To husband. To wife... 1 6 Total. 1 6 To husband. To wife... 4 Total.. 4 213 drunkenness S To husband To wife... Total.. 21 Habitual drunkenness... 22 Habitual and insanity. 23 Habitual drunkenness S and neglect to provide. 24 Impotency 1 3 1 3 44 22 112 2 123 co co 3 3 To husband. To wife.. 1 1 1 1 2 Total 1 1 1 1 2 To husband. 1 1 To wife.... Total. 1 1 1 1 25 Imprisonment in peniten. To husband. tiary. peniten-To wife. Total. ... 1 1 F 631. CHAPTER VIII-GENERAL TABLES. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA-Continued. 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 16 17 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years, years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. fund 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 LO LO 5 4 12 5 4 14 22* 8 oo oo 8 1 1 1 1 3 00 30 22 22 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 as as 3 3 3 1 3 లులు. 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 ~ 2 123 1133 over. Total. Av. erage. 1 1 5 10.00 4 15.25 7 1 1 9 12.33 1 4 10, 75 1 5 5.25 8 1 1 9 8.00 w w 3 3 === 1 11 9. 45 10 11 22 113 9.96 9 124 9.92 33 22 44 12 11.75 12 11. 75 10 2 11.50 11 2 11.50 1 4.00 12 1 4.00 4 13.75 65 10.00 69 10.22 13 2 11.00 14 2 11.00 1 9.00 15 1 9.00 1 1 22 1 1 9 10.25 16 1 1 9 10.25 10 5 6 3 5 6 5 4 5 1 7 114 10.96 12 11 12 13 14 17 10 9 5 5 6 21 2 308 10.43 17 22 16 18 16 19 23 15 13 10 6 6 28 2 422 10.57 22 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 ~~ 3 17 12.00 18 3 17 12.00 1 1 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 3 3 4 4 144 2 1 7 22 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 235 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4.00 $19 4.00 220 9.45 20 9.45 13 12.77 34 11.8221 47 12.09 1 1 24.00 22 1 1 24.00 4 12 13.50 23 4 12 13.50 0733 50 2 2.50 9.00 24 6.40 2 11.50 25 เล 2 11.50 632 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA-Concluded. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. Causes, and to which party granted. 1 26 Insanity To husband. To wife... Total To husband. 1 1 27 Neglect to provide.... 28 Pregnancy before mar- riage. To wife... Total 2 2 To husband. 1 1 1 To wife.. Total.. 1 1 1 To husband. 29 Unknown To wife... Total To husband. All causes To wife.... Total 2253 10 9 18 13 17 43 48 26 61 2008 12 20 25 53 66 60 73 91 3883 13 53 66 2383 29 60 89 2283 21 62 FLORIDA, 718 22 2 828 13 15 324 10 5000 8 7 10 6 1 8 12 22 123 022 22 2 22 1 Adultery 2 Adultery and cruelty.. 3 Adultery, cruelty, and de- sertion. To husband. 12 11 To wife..... Total 1 1 13 12 To husband To wife.. Total. 112 213 1 1 1 1 1 1 To husband. To wife.... Total. 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 Adultery, cruelty, deser- (To husband tion, and habitual intem-To wife perance. Total. 5 Adultery, cruelty, deser- (To husband tion, and neglect to pro- To wife... vide. Total 6 Adultery, cruelty, desor. (To husband. tion, and violent and un- governable temper. 7 Adultery, cruelty, and habitual intemperance. 8 Adultery, crnelty, habit- ual intemperance, and violent and ungoverna- ble temper. 1 1 S 1 1 To wife.... Total.... 1 1 S To husband 1 To wife.... Total. 1 To husband. To wifo Total 1 1 9 Adultery, cruelty, and To husband. neglect to provide. To wife.... Total. 10 Adultery, cruelty, neg (To husband. lect to provide, and vio- lent and ungovernable temper. To wife. Total 11 Adultery, cruelty, and ( To husband. violent and ungoverna-To wife.. ble temper. 12 Adultery and desertion.. Total STo husband. wife.. Total 10 10 • 123 224 1 T 1 1 1 1 112 1 1 11 10 12 222 14 13 10 12 11 1 1 1 1 6 15 14 11 13 17 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 633 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA-Concluded. 10 11 12 13 15 19 21 Un- Total. Απ. erage. 14 16 17 18 20 years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. + 1 5.00 $26 1 5.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 14.60 $27 5 14.60 1 4 5.75 $28 1 4 5.75 40 200 21 17 41 62 23 27 44 2023 12 10 11 40 30 27 52 40 38 098998 10 9 7 8 26 16 21 12 36 25 28 20 2100000 1 18 16 15 18 16 88888 62 80 *** *** 24 24 40 29 64 64 25 308 9.93 49 797 10.43: 74 1.105 10.29 8 -] 7 5 2 6 8 7 5 2 6 2 12 FLORIDA. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 261 1 1 7 3 7 3 1 1 1 1 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 4331 718 139 18 8.04 9.24 1 157 8. 17 1 1.00 f 22 1 18 00 9.53 2 1 19 9.06 1 8.00 10 8.80 3 11 8.73 1 8.00 4 1 8.00 6.00 5 2 6.00 3 9.00 6 3 9.00 1 1.00 1 3 16.33 7 1 4 12.50 1 1 8 2 10 620 3 1 8 4 5 ON COLO 2 3 529 7 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 7 6 1 2 } 51000 1 2.00 8 1 2.00 भु 2 11.00 211.00 9 4 6.75 1 15.00 10 1 15.00 2 5.50 NCH 8.00 $11 -ka 5 157 8.37 2 32 10.87 12 71 189 8.78 634 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.--DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. FLORIDA-Continued. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 13 Adultery, desertion, and habitual intemperance. To husband. To wife Total. To husband. 14 Adultery, desertion, and neglect to provide. To wife Total 1 1 1 1 15 Adultery, desertion, and (To husband. violent and ungoverna- To wife 2 1 1 1 CO 3 2 ble temper. Total. 2 1 1 3 2 16 Adultery and habitual intemperance. To husband 1 To wife Total... 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total To wife .... Total To husband. 1 1 1 1 To husband. 1 To wife.. Total 1 To husband. To wife Total 1 1 213 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 3 To husband. To wife.... 6 Total 6 112 50 5 a pod p 5 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 INN · 123 1 en if t 4 1 10 4 4 6 5 1 10 4 4 6 112 44 2 22 17 Adultery, habitual intem- (To husband. perance, and violent and? To wife. ungovernable temper. 18 Adultery and neglect to provide. 19 Adultery, pregnancy be- fore marriage, and vio- lent and ungovernable temper. 20 Adultery and violent and ungovernable temper. 21 Cruelty... 03 03 22 1 1 1 1 22 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 22 1 6 2 6 22 Cruelty and desertion 23 Cruelty, desertion, and S habitual intemperance. To husband. To wife T'otal - To husband. To wife .. Total 24 Cruelty, desertion, habit- (To husband. ual intemperance, and To wife.. neglect to provide. 25 Cruelty, desertion, habit- ual intemperance, and violent and ungoverna- ble temper. 26 Cruelty, desertion, and S neglect to provide. 27 Cruelty, desertion, neg. lect to provide, and vio- lent and ungovernable temper. Total.. • • To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. To wife... Total 28 Cruelty, desertion, and (To husband violent and ungoverna. To wife ……. ble temper. 29 Cruelty and habitual in- temperance. 30 Cruelty, habitual intem- perance, and neglect to provide. 1 1 po 2 Total 1 2 1 2 To husband. To wife. Total ་་ 1 1 1 1 (To husband. To wife Total. • 22 224 6 CO CO 6 J 1 1 co co 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 ་་ A CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 635 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. FLORIDA-Contınued, 21 10 14 15 18 19 11 12 13 16 17 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known ověr. Total. Ar- ¡crage. 1 7.00 1 1 1 7.00 22 13 9.50 14 9.50 1 1 12 7.25 $15 1 1 12 7.25 1 1 3 9.00 16 1 1 3 9.00 1 4 6.25 17 1 4 6.25 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 4 1 1 1 1 221 1 an on 3 3 2 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 7.67 18 3 7.67 1 2.00 19 1 2.00 2 2 19 10. 68 2 2.50 20 2 2 21 9.90 2 5.00 4 31 6.00 21 33 5.93 22 1 53 1 2018033 1.50 7.50 22 55 7.28 00 00 8 8.75 23 8 8.75 4 7.00 24 4 7.00 3 9.00 25 3 9.00 1 13 4.92 26 1 13 4.92 1 1 3 8.33 27 3 8.33 1 1 5 12.80 1 1 22 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 32 9.53 28 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 37 9.97 1 11.00 1 19 8.11 29 1 20 8.26 7 9.80 30 9.80) 636 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1836, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. FLORIDA-Continued, • Causes, and to which party granted. 1 31 Cruelty, habitual intem- (To husband. perance, neglect to pro- vide, and violent and un- governable temper. To wife Total 32 Cruelty, habitual intem- (To husband perance, and violent and? To wife ungovernable temper. Total 33 Cruelty, impotency, and ‹ To husband violent and ungoverna- To wife ……. able temper. 34 Cruelty and neglect to To husband provide. 35 Cruelty, neglect to pro- vide, and violent and un- To wife governable temper. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 ww 22 22 2 2 03 30 co co 22 1 1 Total To wife Total • • (To husband. 1 1 3 1 Total. 1 1 3 1 36 Cruelty and violent and S ungovernable temper. To husband. 3 5 1 2 To wife... 7 Total 10 બળ 16 8 5 21 9 0100 279 3 3 6 9 6 12 9 235 37 Desertion To wife STo husband. 9 8 Total 17 399889909 40 54 45 46 47 79 100 92 33898383 35 73 282 34 28 38 31 72 59 237 29 25 54 223 31 53 To husband. 1 intemperance. To wife. Total. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 38 Desertion and habitualS S 39 Desertion, habitual intem- (To husband. perance, and neglect to To wife provide. Total 40 Desertion, habitual intem- ( To husband perance, and violent and? To wife ungovernable temper. Total + S To husband 41 Desertion and impotency. To wife. Total 42 Desertion, impotency, and (To husband. violent and ungoverna- ble temper. 43 Desertion and neglect to provide. To wife. Total - - To husband. To wife.. Total 44 Desertion and refusal to To husband. cohabit. To wife.. Total 45 Desertion and violent and S To husband ungovernable temper. Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 co co 3 22 3 3 ww 3 3 1 1 1 3 1 3 44 6 9 6 11 8 13 6 To wife... 1 1 8 4 7 9 7 19 8 17 6 46 Habitual intemperance . S To husband 1 To wife. 1 1 3 Total 1 1 4 22 To husband • 47 Habitnal intemperance { To wife. and neglect to provide. Total 48 Habitual intemperance; To husband. neglect to provide, and violent and ungoverna- ble temper. To wife. Total 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 DE SO LO 2 LO 5 3 5 5 CHAPTER VIII- -GENERAL TABLES. 637 に ​7 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. FLORIDA—Continued. 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years years. and known. 17 18 19 Av. Total. erage over. 22 1 1 1 1 1 7 8.43 31 7 8.43 2 15.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 ២៦ 16 8.33 32 18 9.12 1 2.00 (33 1 2.00 22 10 6.90 34 10 6.90 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 15 8.53 35 1 1 1 15 8.53 { 1 2 1 5 4 2 2 6 6 2 3 213 2 1 1 224 1 1 1 1 1 2 CHA 4 224 33 8.42 $ 92 125 24 19 22 12 6 12 14 8 5 2 2 31 41 503 7.30 26 7.59 8.72 Į 12 13 7 9 5 8 5 3 2 5 5 9 30 404 7.18 37 (37 36 32 29 21 11 20 19 11 7 7 40 74 913 8.03 1 2 18.50 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 616 5 3 1 1 6 4 22 2 2 1 1 22 22 1 1 9 10.2238 11 11.73 3 37.3339 7.33 59 5 8.20 40 5 8.20 1 1 ពត 3 6. 00 41 3 6.00 1 6.00 $42 1 6. 00 co co 3 3 22 1 1 2 1 1 2 28 32 9.09 43 32 9.09 1 8.0) 14 1 8.00 597 4 5 2 2 3 2 2 1 4 5 2 2 3 ဖတ 8 1 106 9.12 2 1 25 8.00 45 10 2 131 8.91 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 සය 3 1 4.00 16 9.62 46 17 9.21 ! 2.11.50 47 2.11.50 15.00 48 1 5.00 638 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. FLORIDA-Concluded. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. 3 49 Habitual intemperance (To husband. and violent and ungov. To wife ernable temper. 50 Impotency. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 123 1 1 Total. 1 1 S To husband 1 To wife... Total 1 10 10 5 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 22 : 51 Neglect to provide...... To husband. To wife..... Total. 52 Neglect to provide, and ( To husband. violent and ungovern. To wife.. Total able temper. 53 Violent and ungoverna- To husband. ble temper. 54 Unknown To wife... Total To husband To wife.. Total 22 11 11 9 6 10 6 6 5 12 12 4 1 15 9 6 10 7 6 5 559 4 325 1 1 1 1423 1 1 1 1 All causes To husband. To wife.. Total • 88888 59 90 104 92 39 74 100 97 98 164 204 189 151 159 855 84 78 69 67 81 77 146 88883 66 48 128 114 GEORGIA. To husband. To wife... Total 24 56 72 7 23 31 79 97 2283 235 72 61 52 55 47 42 24 18 9 18 13 23 96 79 61 73 60 65 To husband. Total 123 22 257 6 6 145 co to 2 9 1 9 เลง 2 1 1 Adultery. 2 Adultery and cruelty.... To wife... 3 Adultery, cruelty, and S To husband. desertion. To wife.... Total 4 Adultery, cruelty, deser- (To husband. tion, and habitual in- To wife... temperance. Total 5 Adultery, cruelty, deser. (To husband tion, and noglect to pro- vide. 3 3 1 1 1 1 6 Adultery, habitual intemperance. 7 Adultery, cruelty, habit- (To husband ual intemperance, and To wife.... neglect to provide. 8 Adultery and desertion.. To wife... To wifo.. Total.. To husband. cruelty, and To wife.. 1 1 Total 1 1 22 1 1 Total To husband 3 1 Total... 1 3 313 9 13 13 5 15 4 7 3 4 13 20 16 10 17 527 427 LO LO 9 Adultery, desertion, and habitual intemperance. S To husband. To wife.. Total. -- 1 1 To husband. 1 10 Adultery and fraud... 11 Adultery and habitual intemperance. To husband To wife... Total.. • To wife..... Total. 1 1 1 1 1 112 1 1 22 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 639 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. FLORIDA-Concluded. 21 10 11 12 15 13 11 16 17 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years years. years. years. and known. 18 19 Total. Av. erage. over. 527 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 - 2 3 ය. ය 213 1 1 1 1 20 7.42 5 9.80 15 6.57 49 112 1 2.00 50 1 2.00 2 4 1 1 2 3 1 2 4 1 1 2 4 1 1 51 1 1 2 5.00 52 2 5.00 LO 00 00 5 102 7.47 3 17 7.93 53 8 119 7.53 224 820 36 2.50 29 2.60 54 65 2. 55 95 1, 153 8.47 79 975 7.73 1742, 128 8. 13 888 54 40 39 37 93 77 2223 37 23 30 24 67 47 2283 28 26 24 10 20 17 13 11 52 45 39 35 20 292 10 60500 8 9 60 10 8 31 18 17 91 GEORGIA. 31 31 20 22 17 18 11 6 12 11 4 21 163 13 11 4 7 4 5 6 5 6 2 5 16 51 818 7.89 205 9.05 1 44 42 24 29 21 23 17 11 18 13 9 37 214 1, 143 8.20 ~~ 2 3 2 3 ww 112 22 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 == 11 8.70 49 8.87 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 4 60 8.81 4 6.00 3 4 6.00 1 3.00 1 1 3.00 1 1 2 8 1 3 5 LO 3 00 450 9 9 720 6 ~28 112 1 1 224 2 1 1 1 1 224 found fand 1 1 5 1 1 1 7 7.00 6 1 7 7.00 1 10.00 7 1 10.00 2 18 119 8.95 4 51 11.04 8 22 170 9.61 1 5.00 9 1 5.00 1 3.00 1 2.00 10 2 2.50 248 5.00 6.25 11 65.83 640 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. GEORGIA—Continued. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1 Causes, and to which party granted. To husband. 12 Adultery and neglect to provide. 13 Consanguinity. To wife... Total To husband. To wife.. 1 Total 1 To husband. 7 6 8 14 Cruelty. To wife... 16 23 52 50 24 Total. 16 30 58 58 27 222 4 3 1 2 25 33 17 17 29 36 18 19 15 Cruelty and desertion S To husband. --- 145 145 1 3 6 11 7 14 ∞ - 1 7 12 5 8 12 6 156 ∞ ∞ 8 8 156 22 16 Cruelty, desertion, and S habitual intemperance. To wife. Total To husband. To wife Total 17 Cruelty, desertion, habit- (To husband. ual intemperance, and To wife.. neglect to provide. Total husband. 18 Cruelty and habitual in-To us temperance. To wife..... Total To husband. 19 Cruelty and imprison. To wife..... ment in penitentiary. 20 Cruelty and neglect to S provide. 1 1 3 1 1 සය 1 3 1 2 ลงล 2 22 1 1 1 1 LO LO 5 9 9 10 11 7 8 5 9 10 10 • 11 .7 9 Total. To husband. To wife Total. 1 1 1 ► 1 1 1 To husband. 3 5 20 31 43 46 46 37 31 To wife... 9 10 24 38 67 52 53 45 28 Total 12 15 44 69 110 98 99 82 59 To husband. 1 1 To wife. 3 1 3 1 1 Total. 3 1 1 3 2 1 To husband. Total. 1 1 21 Desertion.. 22 Desertion and habitual intemperance. 23 Desertion and imprison-To wife.. ment in penitentiary. 24 Desertion and neglect to To husband. To wife.. provide. Total To husband. 1 3 25 Duress and force To wife.... Total 1 3 To husband 1 26 Fraud To wife. Total 231 1 1 1 5 1 1 * 3 3 co co 22 27 Frand and habitual in- (Tousband temperance. 28 Habitual intemperance 29 Habitual intemperance and neglect to provide. 30 Impotency.. 1 (Total 1 To husband To wife..... Total To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife.... Total 1 4 1 4 4 2 22- 33 112 22 4 4 w w 3 3 1 CHAPTER VIII. GENERAL TABLES. 641 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. GEORGIA-Continued. 21 over. 10 11 14 17 18 19 12 13 15 16 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 1 1 1 1 4 2 3 18 10 12 5 8 19 11 16 7 11 156 1 3 3 6 4 3 187 6 3 3 123 1 4 2 2 2 4 2 3 2 112 1 1 133 2 1 1 I♡☆ 1 3 4 77 1 1 2 ลล 55 5 2 1 1 2 2 123 1 3 1 3 4 1 3 123 Total. Av. erage. 11 1 2 18.00 12 1 2 18.00 1 2.00 13 1 2.00 7 15 71 10. 18 21 52 405 7.94 14 28 67 476 8.24 213 1 6 7 95 2953 16 10.93 79 7.66 15 8.22 1 14 8.31 16 1 14 8.31 15.00 17 1 5.00 6 9.50 as oo 3 1 4 11 112 8.97 18 3 1 4 11 118 9.00 1 13.00 19 1 13.00 1 1 1 6 7.83 7.83 20 1 1 1 6 7.83 24 18 19 22 7 14 17 7 10 4 6 31 65 506 10.24 40 27 22 25 10 16 9 11 5 6 7 18 86 608 8.92 21 61 45 41 47 17 30 26 18 15 10 13 49 151 1, 114 9.52 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 TH 1 3 12.67 1 1 16 2 1 19 9. 13 9.72 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 3 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 20267 M D41 1 co co 3 3 1 134 2 3 2 3 1 1 6.00 23 1 6.00 1 18.00 $24 1 13.00 1 6 4.00 25 1 6 4.00 4 2.00 4 3.00 $26 246 8 2.50 1 1.00 $27 1 1.00 12 12.10 46 9.98 58 10.38 $28 1 10.00 29 1 10.00 4 12.00 1 3.00 30 5 [10.20 , 642 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. } TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. GEORGIA-Concluded. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 31 Imprisonment in peniten- To wife..... tiary. 32 Mental incapacity at time of marriage. 33 Neglect to provide 34 Pregnancy before riage. Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. (To 1 1 ww 3 3 co co 3 3 සලය · 3 6 3 G G 6 wo co 3 3 w co 3 1 3 1 1 - 1 To wife.... Total 1 1 22 1 1 mar- S To husband. 5 9 4 3 5 2 1 1 To wife. Total To husband. 5 9 4 3 5 2 1 1 • 35 Unknown To wife.. ⚫3 Total 3 ww 5 6 6 112 213 To husband. All causes To wife.. Total 333333 35 89 114 129 131 121 113 105 83 44 84 130 151 163 126 142 99 98 79 173 244 280 294 247 255 204 181 156 213 248 112 112 123 IDAHO. 2 2 2 2 1 112 1 Adultery 2 Adultery and cruelty... To husband. To wife... Total 325 To husband. To wife. Total 1 1 3 Adultery, cruelty, and (To husband. desertion. 4 Adultery, cruelty, deser- tion, and neglect to provide. To wife... Total (To husband. To wife.... 1 Total.... 1 To husband. 5 Adultery, cruelty, and S habitual intemperance. To wife... Total cruelty, and S To husband. 6 Adultery, neglect to provide. To wife.. Total ... 7 Adultery and desertion.. To wite.... To husband 1 Total 1 8 Conviction of felony.... To husband. To wife... Total.. 1 1 224 112 1 1 1 1 9 Cruelty.. 10 Cruelty and desertion.... To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.. Total 11 Cruelty, desertion, and S To husband. habitual intemperance. Total. 12 Cruelty, desertion, and S neglect to provide. 22 සය 3 3 To wife.... 1 1 To husband. To wife.... Total. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 LO LO 5 2 3 2 6 5 3 3 3 6 1 1 1 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 643 : TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. GEORGIA—Concluded. 21 10 J 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and 17 18 19 Un- Av- Total. known. erage. over. w w 3 3 ลงล 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LO LO 5 36 6.61 31 5 36 6.61 1 2 14.00) 1 2 2.00 32 1 1 4 10.00 1 1 1 1 6 7.67 33 6 7.67 2 32 3.30 34 2 32 3.30 2 1 249 263 7.71 1 274 294 4.20 35 1 2 1 523 557 5.65 66 58 91 72 157 130 99998 49 103 10533 52 34 36 33 18 26 17 15 3853 33 36 27 24 22 17 18 10 67 72 60 42 46 34 33 138 82895 517 1,907 8.77 502 2, 052 8.59 1,019 | 3,959 8.67 1 1 1 123 2 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 123 IDAHO. 1 19 7.63 1 6 5.83 1 1 1 25 7.20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6.00 6 11.67 2 7 10.86 1 4.00 1 4.00 3 1 1.00 1 1.00 1 17.00 5 1 17.00 1 10.00 1 10.09 1 4 13.00 1 2.00 7 1 5 10.80 1 1 1 1 2 st 1 3 CATO p 3 7.67 8 3 7.67 5 8.40 40 8.80 9 45 8.76 S 1 17.00 1 6 10.00 10 1 7 11. 17 3 3 6.00 6. 00 11 مشه 6.50 12 i 6.50 644 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. IDAHO-Concluded. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 13 Cruelty and habitual in- temperance. 14 Cruelty, habitual intem. perance, and neglect to provide. 15 Cruelty and neglect to provide. To husband. To wife.... Total ( To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. 1 1 1 22 22 22 22 426 16 Desertion... 17 Desertion and habitual intemperance. To wife.... 3 1 1 2 Total 3 1 1 2 To husband 1 8 3 5 7 To To wife.. 6 7 15 4 4 6 Total.... 7 15 18 9 11 298 5 9 14 To husband. To wife Total 1 1 18 Desertion and neglect to To husband. provide. To wife. Total ~~ 2 3 2 3 - To husband. 19 Habitual intemperance.. To wife 22 235 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 22 Total 1 1 1 1 To husband. 20 Habitual intemperance and neglect to provide. To wife.. 1 1 Total. 1 1 To husband. 21 Neglect to provide..... To wife.. 1 Total.. 1 CO CO 6 6 LO LO 5 5 44 2 22 22 8 3 8 3 To husband. 1 22 Unknown To wife. 2 Total 1 2 112 To husband. 5 10 6 7 11 4 5 3 5 All causes To wife. 12 19 28 23 20 15 21 14 18 Total... 17 29 34 30 31 19 26 17 23 1 Adultory ILLINOIS. To husband. To wife... Total 435 422 376 321 276 340 385 353 313 254 775 807 729 634 530 251 211 217 181 468 392 191 155 162 146 353 301 To husband. 1 2 2 To wife.. Total 1 2 2 To husband. To wife.. Total 1 1 • 2 Adultery and bigamy. 3 Adultery, bigamy, and cruelty. 4 Adultery, bigamy, and S desertion. To husband. To wife. Total 5 Adultery, bigamy, and (To husband. habitual drunkeuness. 6 Adultery and conviction of felony. To wife.. Total To husband. 1 1 1 1 1 1 To wife... Total. To husband. 1 3 1 1 3 7 Adultory and cruelty. To wife.... 17 11 17 16 18 9 9 14 5 Total. 18 14 17 17 18 10 12 14 5 CHAPTER VIII.—GENERAL TABLES. 645 TABLE IV.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. IDAHO-Concludea. 21 10 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. 1 1 1 1 ま ​1 1 } 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 22 22 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 2 2 3 7 5 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 7 8 5 3 3 1 5 2 4 5 3 14 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 Av- Total. erage. 325 1 5.00 10 11.10 $13 11 10.55 4 16. 25 14 4 16.25 17 9.71 $15 17 9.71 65 10.23 86 151 8.27 $16 9.10 44 9.50 17 9.50 220 9.30 $18 9.30 1 10.00 1 8 11.75 $19 1 9 11.56 J 212 1 1 5 9.00 $20 5 9.00 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 38 7.2921 1 1 38 7.29 1 1 со 112 4 7.67 4 2.67 $22 8 5. 17 6 3 11 13 10 17 16 13 ~50 4 7 7 11 7 12 255 572 3 3 3 6 6 3 7 9 6 HHOT as en c 1 8 101 9.63 1 17 267 8 S7 25 8 368 8.93 ILLINOIS. 131 118 92 70 64 110 241 223 199 105 107 81 84 151 148 128 8829 59 69 659 52 43 41 60 34 34 112 77 75 39595 27 39 114 248 | 3,736 6.84 1 35 31 196 233 | 3,530 7.68 62 70 310 481 7,266 7.25 1 1 516 3.00 1 10.00 4. 17 2 1 1 10 6 11 10 12 30 40 00 5 1° 6 4 8 7 4 33 1 1 1 2.00 3 1 2.00 1 7.00 2 12.50 4 310.67 1 6.00 5 1 6.00 1 1 6 1 1 188 1 2 19 10.24 2 3 ་་ 4 8 13 190 8.07 7 4 9 15 209 8.26 646 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. . TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. ILLINOIS-Continued. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. [years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 8 Adultery, cruelty, and S To husband. To wife..... Total 1 1 desertion. 9 Adultery, cruelty, deser- (To husband. tion, and habitual? To wife….. drunkenness. Total.... 10 Adultery, cruelty, and To husband habitual drunkenness. To wife... Total 11 Adultery, cruelty, habit- (To husband. ual drunkenness, and To wife.. neglect to provide. - 22 ลง 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 Total To husband. 12 Adultery, cruelty, and neglect to provide. To wifo. Total 1 1 1 1 123 1 * 1 13 Adultery, cruelty, and (To husband violence endangering To wife 1 1 life. Total 1 1 • To husband 12 11 21 20 20 11 13 9 8 14 Adultery and desertion.. To wife... 3 13 16 17 17 18 10 12 10 Total .. 15 24 37 37 37 29 23 21 18 15 Adultery, desertion, and habitual drunkenness. 16 Adultery, desertion, and S neglect to provide. 17 Adultery and habitual drunkenness. To wife.... Total. To husband. To wife.... Total L To husband To wife.. Total 18 Adultery, habitual drunk- (To husband. enness, and neglect to provide. 19 Adultery and pregnancy To wife.. before marriage. S To husband. 1 1 1 1 213 213 224 1 1 DO LO 00 3 5 8 156 4 7 5 7 6 6 11 13 145 5 112 224 To wife.. Total.. To husband. 1 Total .. 1 20 Adultery and endangering life. violence (To husband To wife... Total - To husband. 1 21 Attempt to take life... To wife..... 1 1 Total. 1 1 1 22 213 1 1 1 1 1 ? 1 22 Attempt to take life and cruelty. 23 Bigamy. To husband. 1 1 To wife.. 2 1 1 1 1 Total 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 35 $6 -- 101 JEU 25 13 10 8 7 5 4 5 45 21 28 14 7 11 7 6 70 34 38 22 14 16 11 11 To husband To wife. Total. To husband To wife.... Total. To husband To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total. 24 Bigamy and of felony. conviction S 25 Bigamy and cruelty. 26 Bigamy and desertion.…….. S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 012 22 1 1 • • • CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 647 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. ILLINOIS-Continued. 21 10 11 12 16 18 19 13 14 15 17 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. 1 1 ~~ 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total. Av. erage. 1 1 10 12 ~22 4.00 9. 10 8.25 8 2 15.00 9 2 15.00 2 6.00 1 1 1 15 9.00 $10 1 1 1 17 8.63 1 1 225.00 $11 2 25.00 2 1.50 12 2 1.50 112 7.00 5.00 13 6.00 8 6 6 5 4 6 2 2 3 4 10 15 196 8.08 7 4 4 7 2 8 6 5 2 2 2 17 14 196 9.63 14 15 10 10 12 6 14 8 7 2 5 6 27 29 1 1 1 2 1 22 1 1 1 1 ~~ 2 2 392 8.85 58.20 12 13.75 15 17 12. 12 246 314 wa 10 1 1 2 3 3 3 1 1 224 6200 8 347 1 1 4.00 $16 1 4.00 1 1 1 2 35 7.39 1 3 4 1 3 1 57 9.52 17 1 1 3 5 2 an 3 3 92 8.73 1 1 1 1 ເ ເ 3 3 6 112 1 1 26.00 18 1 1 26.00 1 3.00 19 1 3.00 1 12.00 20 1 12.00 112 1 2 1 3 1 123 2 8 11.25 17 11.94 21 25 11.72 1 4 13.50 1 8 5.25 1 1 12 8.00 1 2 2 3 143 5.44 ૭ 1 2 10 231 3.81 23 1 1 2 to 2 6 13 374 4.46 $ 1 2.00 24 1 2.0J 1 4 2.50 2.00 125 5 2.40 5 2.40 26 + 5 2.40 648 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. ILLINOIS-Continued. / 1 Causes, and to which party granted. 27 Bigamy and drunkenness. habitual S To husband 28 Conviction of felony.. 29 Conviction of felony and cruelty. 30 Conviction of felony and desertion. 31 Conviction of felony and S habitual drunkenness. 32 Conviction of felony and neglect to provide, 33 Cruelty... 34 Cruelty and desertion.... 35 Cruelty, desertion, and S habitual drunkenness. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To wife.... Total 1 1 To husband 1 1 1 To wife.. 33 57 49 46 34 25 23 35 19 Total 34 57 49 47 35 25 23 35 19 Te husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband To wife.. Total To husband. To wife. Total - ** 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 To husband. 35 37 48 36 37 29 30 25 19 To wife. 423 477 47-1 468 456 441 332 286 250 Total 458 514 522 501 493 470 362 311 263 To husband. 1 7 2 2 2 1 5 11 19 17 15 12 14 9 12 26 17 17 14 16 10 To wife…………. Total To husband. To wife. Total 36 Cruelty, desertion, habit- (To husband ual drunkenness, and To wife………… neglect to provide. 287 123 24 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 Total 37 Cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide. To husband. To wife... Total 1 • 1 38 Cruelty, desertion, and ‹ To husband. violence endangering To wife. 22 1 1 life. Total 39 Cruelty and drunkenness. habitual To wife... To husband. Total. 4 2 1 2 13 25 42 46 49 42 48 44 13 29 42 46 49 44 49 44 23 31 33 44 Desertion To husband. To wife.. Total To wife. Total 45 Desertion and habitual habitual S To husband drunkenness. To wife..... Total.. 40 Cruelty, habitual drunk- (To husband. enness, and neglect to To wife. provide. Total. 41 Cruelty, habitual drunk- ( To husband. enness, and violence en- dangering life. To wife... Total 42 Cruelty and neglect to To husband. provide. 43 Cruelty and violonce en- dangering life. S To wifo Total. 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 วงลง 2 2 6101 2 2 0121 1 1 22 2 1 2 1 123 1 1 1 NN 2 2 1 1 1 S To husband 43 238 19 266 692 62-1 559. 492 413 316 263 62 417 1, 122 1, 032 984 867 695 6831, 8141, 656 1, 543 1,359 1, 108 530 459 846 722 22 2 2 ww 3 6 3 23∞ 2 12 8 16 420 2 1 1 12 11 8 8 12 14 12 8 9 12 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 649 ני TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. ILLINOIS-Continued. 10 13 16 17 18 19 21 11 12 14 15 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. 20 11 12 9 20 11 12 9 -- 1 6 6 144 4 4 5 4 4 5 1 1 44 7 11 7 11 33333333 Total. Av. erage. 1 2.00 27 1 2.00 3 3.33 447 6.72 28 450 6. 69 1 7 5.6729 1 7 5.67 20 Go 3 7 6. 25 30 3 7 6. 25 1 6.00 31 1 6.00 1 1 1 12.00 32 1 12.00 12 19 189 192 8 17 156 136 110 12 5 8 8 8 3 4 51 61 512 9.27 118 108 86 85 64 87 393 574 5, 905 8.57 33 201 211 164 153 122 123 116 94 93 67 91 444 635 6, 417 S. 63 8040 2 1 6 5 6 197 2 5 00 00 -- 8 6 8 6 5 145 145 1 1 9 1 37 12. 25 6 4 1 8 8 179 8.5634 6 4 1 2 17 9 216 9.20 සය 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 5 21 12.8635 21 12.86 1 1 1 16.00 36 1 16.00 4 6. 25 37 4 6. 25 1 1 10.00 38 1 1 10.00 2 39 35 18 39 37 18 2203 29 20 29 22 2222222 222 1 2 1 20 23 14 18 14 21 25 15 18 14 1000 8 9 -22 1 19 11.00 72 37 687 10.72 39 37 706 10.73 1 1 1 1 11 11.18 40 1 1 1 1 11 11.18 1 2 14.00 1 1 1 5 11.40 41 1 1 1 1 7 (12.14 -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 7.73 15 7.73 1 5 6.40 1 1 6 8.00 1 1 1 11 7.27 198 208 155 131 370 370 295 213 202 568 578 450 344 329 127 133 82 80 85 69 51 481 529 | 5,973 9.24 193 161 141 97 83 91 578 326 243 221 182 152 142 1,059 814 | 9,757 1,343 15, 730 8. 65 44 F F F 8.87 178 1 1 1 4 18 10.94 7 4 4 4 5 3 8 8 4 4 4 6 3 22 2 3 co co 5 5 17 3 5 6 21 Co Co 8 8 148 11.26 45 166 11.22 650 REPORT OF THE COMMİSSİONER OF LABOR. * 12. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. ILLINOIS-Concluded. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1 Causes, and to which party granted. 46 Desertion, habitual drunk. ( To husband. enness, and neglect to provide. To wife... Total To husband. 47 Desertion and impotency. To wife. 48 Desertion and neglect to S provide. 49 Desertion and violente endangering life. Total.. 1 1 To husband. To wife. Total 1 1 1 1 To husband. To wife Total.. 50 Habitual drunkenness... To wa · 1 1 1 1 22 To husband. 3 3 17 16 17 14 14 15 15 wife.... Total. 27 104 158 232 225 235 188 177 142 30 107 175 248 242 249 202 192 157 51 Habitual drunkenness To husband. To wife... • and neglect to provide. Total 52 Habitual drunkenness ( To husband. and violence endanger To wife.. ing life. 3 3 S Total To husband. 15 9 6 53 Impotency... To wife.... 37 16 12 Total.. 52 25 18 54 Neglect to provide. { To husband. To wife. Total 22 415 22 正​1 1 1 22 112 1 2 1 1 1 2 22 ,22 1 1 123 2 3 1 1 1 1 23 4 1 2 1 23 4 1 2 1 1 1 mar. S To husband 55 Pregnancy before mar- riage. 56 Refusal to cohabit To wife Total To husband To wife... Total To husband. 57 Violence endangering life To wife.. Total. 8 58 Unknown... To husband. To wife... Total. 8 8 16 156 257 17∞ 629 437 3 3 6 4 3 8 3 3 123 123 156 112 123 213 221 1 1 S To husband. All causes To wife.... Total.... 594 796 1, 1961, 048 939 820 699 566 472 1,037 1, 586 2, 323 2, 247 2, 104 1,913 1,536 1,301 1, 109 1,631 2,382 3, 519 3, 295 3, 043 2, 733 2, 235 1, 867 1, 581 INDIANA. To husband. 1 Abandonment To wife... 70 233 366 271 152 295 486 524 Total 222 528 852 795 272 216 161 139 462 400 335 273 734 616 496 412 99 217 316 To husband. 52 75 86 87 66 2 Abandonment and adal- tery. To wife... 27 40 33 41 24 Total.. 79 115 119 128 90 8283 56 61 34 24 22 19 13 8 78 80 47 32 3 Abandonment, adultery, STo husband. To wife... Total. and bigamy. S To husband. Total. ~~ 2 2 4 Abandonment, adultery, To wife and cruelty. 1 1 1 2 112 112 213 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 4 3 1 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL -GENERAL TABLES. 651 1 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. ILLINOIS-Concluded. 21 10 11 12 13 14 16 15 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 17 18 19 Total. Av- erage. over. 1 1 1 ..t.. 1 4 12.25 46 4 12.25 1 1 23.00 1 5.00 } 47 1 2 14.00 1 1 2 2 1 1 8 10.50 48 8 10.50 1 1 49 1 1 15 13 12 3 12 12 9 8 6 7 7 32 8 258 11. 85 133 127 123 97 82 96 74 58 71 65 60 261 245 2,980 10.56 50* 148 140 135 100 94 108 83 66 77 72 67 293 253 | 3,238 10. 66 TH 1 1 9 6.3351 9 6.33 1 6.00 1 3 9.67 52 1 4 8.75 ♡14 3 1 1 119 1 1 2 1 11~ 2 1 46 4.71 1 1 2 1 82 3.48 53 2 1 1 4 2 128 3.92 1 6 7.67 54 1 6 7.67 31 1.65 $55 31 1. 65 1 8.00 56 فر 1 8.00 1 2 112 213 1 1 4 1 3 21 10.81 41 6.22 57 1 3 1 1 5 62 7.77 1 1 124 150 3.58 1 1 383 382 280 236 905 872 | 745 602 531 532 459 |1, 288 1, 254 |1, 025 $38 758 753 617 1 186 204 3.83 58 1 1 1 310 227 221 158 144 144 113 362 324 277 506 468 390 111 716 298 1,586 351 3.68 995 11,240 · 8.37 2,183 24, 832 8.70 409 2,302 3, 178 36, 072 8.59 INDIANA. 92 91 64 47 46 31 34 36 30 215 127 121 98 72 54 45 31 27 307 221 185 145 118 $5 79 57 42 21 20 15 19 15 11 10 15 8 9 7 10 3 8 36 28 24 26 25 14 18 3441 5 *20 2 23 23 139 148 2, 639 7.84 19 18 98 102 4,171 7.03 46 237 250 6, 810 7.34 10 4 19 20 7 1 6 18 9 715 6.84 332 7.66 2 9 12 11 10 37 29 1,047 تهمته 7.10 1 217.50 3 1 2 17.50 คง 2 1 1 1 2 1 CO LO H 1 St 12 9.42 14 8.00 26 8.65 652 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER OF OF LABOR. TABLE IV.- DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. INDIANA-Continued. 1 Causes, and to which party granted. 5 Abandonment, adultery, To husband cruelty, and habitual To wife drunkenness. Total 6 Abandonment, adultery, (To husband cruelty, and neglect to To wife provide. Total - 7 Abandonment, adultery, ( To husband. and habitual drunken-To wife.. Total ness. 8 Abandonment, adultery, ( To husband habitual drunkenness, To wife. and neglect to provide. Total 9 Abandonment, adultery, S and neglect to provide. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1 1 1 1 224 1 6 167 224 1 1 22 224 145 To husband. To wife. 8 8 10 14 Total 8 8 10 14 To husband 1 Total 1 10 Abandonment and big-To wife amy. 11 Abandonment and con- S To husband. viction of felony. 12 Abandonment, conviction of felony, and cruelty. 22 To wife.. Total 1 1 1 2 1 S To husband To wife wife... Total 13 Abandonment, conviction (To husband of felony, and neglect To wife to provido. + - 22 LO LO 5 22 LO 3 00 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 44 1 1 5 11 6 4 6 5 11 6 4 6 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Total 1 To husband. 19 14 25 18 13 14 13 3 6 35 49 45 39 31 24 26 18 13 54 63 70 57 44 38 *39 21 19 14 Abandonment and cruelty To wife Total 15 Abandonment, cruelty, (To husband and habitual drunken- To wife ness. 16 Abandonment, cruelty, habitual drunkenness, and neglect to provide. 17 Abandonment, cruelty, S and neglect to provide. 18 Abandonment and habit. nal drunkenness. Total To husband. To wifo Total - To husband. To wife.. 3. === LO LO 145 853 5 4 7 5 5 7 1 1 1 1 100 00 8 8 134 22 2283 5 5 55 1 00 30 5 LO LA 5 22 7 16 10 11 10 7 8 10 3 Total 7 16 10 11 10 7 10 3 To husband. 3 1 6 2 2 1 To wifo... Total. 12 9 20 22 1-1 15 11 17 10 14 12 21 23 20 17 13 19 11 19 Abandonment, habitual (To husband. drunkenness, and neg.? To wife. lect to provide. Total 20 Abandonment and incom-To husband. patibility of temper. {Tow 21 Abandonment, insanity, S and neglect to provide. 22 Abandonment and lewa conduct. To wife Total. • To husband. To wife.. Total - ~2* គិត -28 247 to ♡ ♡ 7 12 13 10 16 17 13 7 12 13 10 16 17 13 1 1 1 1 9 9 55 1 1 S To husband. 1 To wife Total. 1 To husband. To wife ... Total 101 182 261 101 182 264 232 151 173 136 106 232 151 173 136 106 106 106 23 Abandonment and neg. To wish lect to provido. 1 CHAPTER VIII. 653 -GENERAL TABLÈS. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. INDIANA-Continued. 21 10 11 12 13 14 16 15 20 years. Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 17 18 19 Total. Av. erage. over. 22 5.00 5 5.00 1 nn 1 5 5.80 6 5 5.80 1 1 16 5.38 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 25 6.32 7 41 5.95 Janod Jak 1 1 1 1 1 VO LO 5 5 2 co co 3 4 3 1 ماما 5 1 5 1 1 -- 1 7 8 5 3 12 14 8 10 14 4 19 22 14 15 17 4 10 10 5 1 5 1 4 4 ૭૩૭ 9 3 no co 3 5 5 ૧૦૧૭ 1 1 LO LO 5 3 5 w co 3 246 44 8 100 00 8 00 00 2 6 00 tate: 1 1 617-9 co co 1 1 977 ^ 1 1 සස 6 11 7.73 ૬ 00 11 7.73 19 LO 2 106 106 có cơ 8.19 9 8. 19 1 5.00 1 1.00 $10 2 3.00 10 5.90 11 10 5.90 1 5.00 12 1 5.00 0161 2 8.50 13 8.50 3 - H 13 7 23 11 36 #133 18 199 8.08 417 7.76 7. 7614 40 616 7.86 te COLOT 1 4 9.67 5 GO 9.27 15 + 5 1 64 9.29 5 5.00 16 10 10 5 5.00 3 3 2 op co 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 1 6 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 2 1 5t 14 11 133 14 11 9.06 133 9.06 17 167 3 30 8.80 6 10 13 10 10 100 00 5 183 8.21 18 5 213 8.29 3 160 8.60 19 3 160 8. 60 1 1 20 1 1 4 7 4 3 4 3 1 1 4 3 4 3 1 1 1 1.00 21 1 1.00 2 3.00 1 4.00 22 3 3.33 95 55 68 37 35 33 95 55 69 37 35 34 33 34 25 25 28 13 13 18 119 130 2,141 7.89 23 18 119 130: 2,141 7.89 654 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. INDIANA—Continued. 1 3 4 5 Causes, and to which party granted. 2 8 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years.[years. 6 7 24 Adultery To husband. 277 To wife.. 303 315 264 185 132 87 73 74 77 55 41 39 28 Total 350 377 392 319 226 171 115 8253 68 55 29 97 1883 23 78 - 25 Adultery and bad tem- per. 26 Adultery and bastardy 27 Adultery, bigamy, and S conviction of felony. To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife. Total. To husband. To wife. Total. · 28 Adultery and conviction To husband of felony. > To wife... Total 29 Adultery, conviction of To husband. 301 felony, and cruelty. 30 Adultery, conviction of felony, and neglect to provide. · 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 To wife.. Total 1 1 To husband. To wife . Total S To husband. 8 6 4 31 Adultery and cruelty. To wife.. 14 22 Total 22 28 22 20 13 24 15 235 6 5 4 13 15 7 10 19 20 11 12 153 202 6 To husband. 1 1 32 Adultery, cruelty, and habitual drunkenness. To wife. 1 Total 1 22 5 3 1 1 5 3 1 1 - 33 Adultery, cruelty, habit- (To husband. ual drunkenness, and To wife neglect to provide. Total and S neglect to provide. To husband. To wifo.. Total 7 7 34 Adultery, cruelty, and 35 Adultery and habitual To husband. drunkenness. 36 Adultery, habitual drunk- enness, and neglect to provide. To wife... Total 57 12 268 1 1 1 1 729 4 4 4 1 1 4 4 4 1 1 LO - O 5 4 9 ลาวเว 2 7 3 5 3 5 12 3 924 134 (To husband. To wife Total - ww 3 7 3 7 33. 6 6 ลาล 2 4 1 2 G 6 2 4 1 2 - S To husband. 1 1 Total. 1 1 1 37 Adultery and impotency. To wife.. 38 Adultery and insanity - To husband. To wife... Total.. To wife 39 Adultery and neglect of To husband. duty. 40 Adultery and neglect to S provide. 41 Bastardy. To wife.. Total - 1 1 To husband. To wife... 14 8 14 Total 14 8 14 LA LO 5 10 7 10 6 1 5 10 7 10 6 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 22 1 1 1 42 Bigamy To husband. To wife..... 1 Total. To husband. To wife.... Total. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 655 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. INDIANA—Continued, 21 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 14 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. } Av- Total. erage. 59 42 33 29 32 25 17 18 13 13 84 59 51 42 45 24003 21 5 26 323 13 19 12 13 12 4 4 7 25 23 16 20 22 Boa 16 6 3920 30 40 70 8983 63 2,068 26 5.45 629 7.49 $24 89❘ 2,697 5.92 1 1 1 1 1 13.00 25 1 13.00 1 12.00 26 1 12.00 1 5.00 $27 1 5.00 4 12 16 1 1 437 277 9 77 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 co co INN 2 2 1 +22 1 246 1 1 224 22 224 123 112 112 2 2 22 1 1 3 4 Co 3 4 1 1 LO LO 5 An 5 4 1 1 22 11 1 1 257 2 10.50 5.00 6. 83 $28 1 8.00 29 1 8.00 1 16.00 30 1-16.00 60 7.70 4 6 3 10 8 181 7.99 $31 3 14 14 241 7.93 112 ~2. 3 6.00 22 19 1 1 9.94 32 22 9.55 412.00 $33 4 12.00 1 1 1 1 22 2 1 28 7.11 31 2 28 7.11 1 1 1 2 2 3 213 42 6.60 49 7.08 35 91 6.86 4 44 55 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 22 Hin Hi 41 41 6. 59 6.59 36 112 3.00 5.00 37 4.00 12.00 38 12.00 1 6.00 39 1 6.00 2 2 INN 9 9 66 124 8.51 40 6 124 8.51 23.50 1 1.00 3 2.67 F 41 22 1 3 12.67 3 4.3342 68.50 656 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. INDIANA—Continued. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1 Causes, and to which party granted. 43 Bigamy, cruelty, and neg To wife. lect to provide. To husband. Total 44 Bigamy and habitual drunkenness. To husband. To wife.. Total 1 1 provide. 45 Bigamy, habitual drunk- (To husband. enness, and neglect to 46 Bigamy, and neglect to To husband. provide. 47 Conviction of felony.. To wife. Total 1 1 To wife... 1 Total 1 To husband 1 2 1 To wife.. 26 21 24 29 13 Total 27 21 26 30 13 To husband 48 Conviction of felony and cruelty. To wife. 1 1 1 Total... 1 1 1 22 49 Conviction of felony and S To husband. habitual drunkenness. To wife... Total 50 Conviction of felony, ha- (To husband. bitual drunkenness, and To wife. neglect to provide. Total. 51 Conviction of felony and neglect to provide. S To husband. To wife. Total. 1 1 1 1 • 22 22 w 3 3 3 1 1 1 ∞ ∞ 8 13 13 12 8 13 14 12 1 1 2 ลง 2 1 1 —— 1 1 1 1 1 1 52 Crime against nature and cruelty. To husband. To wife... 53 Crime against nature and S To husband. neglect to provide. Total To wife. Total... S To husband. 81 41 51 51 34 40 35 17 19 54 Cruelty. To wife.. 208 209 257 256 221 203 166 148 137 Total 289 250 308 307 255 243 201 165 156 55 Cruelty and habitual S To husband. 3 3 2 1 3 1 To wife..... 40 49 43 48 37 51 37 26 26 drunkenness. Total 43 52 45 49 40 51 38 26 26 220 14 16 13 13 7 10 14 16 13 13 10 pl pol 1 1 1 56 Cruelty, habitual drunk- (To husband. enness, and neglect to To wife.... provide. S Total S 57 Cruelty and impotency -- To husband. To wife.. Total • 58 Cruelty and incompati. To husband. bility of temper. wife... Total To husband. 59 Cruelty and kleptomania. To wife 60 Cruelty and lewd con- duct. 61 Cruelty and neglect of duty, 17 12 17 12 22 { Total To husband. 1 To wife... Total 1 To husband. To wife... Total 1 1 1 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.—GENERAL -GENERAL TABLES. 657 ་ TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. INDIANA—Continued. 10 13 14 15 16 21 11 12 17 18 19 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. 9 9 4 4 1 1 1 LO LO 5 5 1 1 1 1 3 oo co 3 22 O Av- Total. erage. 1 7.00 43 1 7.00 1 1.00 544 1 1.00 1 5.00 $45 1 5.00 1 5.00 46 15.00 1 1 7 8.00 6 4 1 9 11 213 6.48 47 6 4 1 2 9 11 مسم 220 6.53 1 1 1 11 6.90 6.9048 1 11 6.90 1 1 1 .1 1 1 i 9 8.1149 9 8.11 1 10.00 50 1 10.00 00 00 8 8 251 4.88 51 4.88 1 1 52 1 1 1 1 1 20.00 53 120.00 28 19 21 19 149 90 100 81 177 109 121 100 =25 11 17 76 87 +3 44 61 2395 13 43 48 56 City 10 7 7 29 40 58 36 47 #183 11 79 38 649 9.88 35 195 120 2, 855 8.60 54 46 271 158 3, 501 8.84 1 1 3 1 1 1 25 16 18 15 18 17 13 15 11 9 14 54 25 25 8.00 607 9.49 55 27 17 19 18 18 17 14 15 11 9 15 55 27 632 9.43 7 15 t- 7 15 00.00 8 8 tele 21 9 9 00 00 8 2 5 2 20267 M D———42 196 3 16 8 213 9.27 56 3 16 8 213 9.27 4 2.00 57 4 2.00 1 1 17.00 58 1 1 17.00 1 1 21.00 (59 1 1 21.00 1 2 2.00 60 1 22.00 7.00 61 2 7.00 HorM 658 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. { TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. INDIANA—Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years.[years.[years. To husband. 62 Cruelty and neglect to provide. To wife. 63 Total 63 33: 62 62 88888888 28 83 70 67 39 53 45 19 83 70 67 39 53 45 19 To husband. 63 General misconduct To wife. 1 Total.. 1 misconduct and (To husband. 64 Gross lewd conduct. S 1 1 To wife ...: Total 1 1 65 Habitual drunkenness... To wife S To husband 5 4 2 5 2 2 6 2 22 25 26 21 32 33 Total 27 29 26 23 37 35 2223 30 36 32 42 31 · • To husband. 66 IIabitual drunkenness and impotency. 67 Habitual drunkenness S and neglect to provide. To wife Total 1 1 To husband. To wife 42 Total. 12 To husband. 68 Impotency. To wife. Total 13 15 55555 22 202 50 49 62 50 50 49 62 엉덩 ​47 41 29 50 47 41 29 22 2233 32 32 4 5 9 123 213 2 2 1 1 ❤ : To husband. 69 Impotency and neglect to To wife. provide. 1 • 1 S 70 Incompatibility of tem-S per. 71 Iusanity and neglect to provide. Total. To husband. 72 Lewd conduct and neglect To wife of duty. 73 Neglect of duty and neg-To wife lect to provide. 74 Neglect to provide. To wife... Total 123 1 1 To husband. To wife Total. S To husband. 1 1 4 1 Total. 1 1 4 1 To husband. Total 1 1 1 1 To husband. To wife. Total 108.. 129 108 129 160 148 160 137 122 99 85 148 137 122 99 85 889 69 69 To husband. 2 75 Pregnancy before riage. mar- To wife.. Total. 2 To husband 5 7 5 7 76 Unknown.. To wife.. 4 9 8 17 ထထ 8 3 3 18 20 Total 9 16 13 24 26 223 2235 19 20 22 ~22 13 15 235 To husband. 535 705 874 719 605 487 371 277 213 All causes To wife Total. 1, 0271, 317 1, 691 1,673 1, 409 1, 293 1,094 923 1,562 2, 022 2, 565 |2, 392 (2,014 1, 780 761 1,465 1, 200 974 1 Adultery IOWA. To husband. To wife... . Total 191 126 134 136 107 327 222 112 84 218 83 18986 92 75 54 195 160 129 137 125 285 74 62 64 63 63 48 112 2 Adultery, conviction of (To hasbard. felony, and habitual To wife.. Total drunkenness. Macul 1 1 怎么 ​پنے CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 659 TABLE IV.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. INDIANA—Concluded. 21 over. 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 16 17 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. years.[years.[years. Total. Av. erage. 29 22 14 15 20 18 13 9 29 22 14 15 20 18 13 9 00 00 8 12 8 11 81 70 823 8.93 62 12 11 81 70 823 8.93 1 8.00 $63 1 8.00 2 5.00 61 2 5.00 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 44 8.70 35 34 21 11 18 16 11 13 14 13 17 51 10 521 10.81 65 38 35 23 12 19 16 13 13 15 14 18 53 11 565 10.67 I 5.00 66 1 5.00 21 21 22 22 14 14 19 20 14 12 14 3 7 49 22 14 14 19 20 14 12 14 3 7 49 228828 29 29 1 1 1 1 2 812 22: 610 8.79 67 640 8.79 4.58 1.95 68 2.88 1 1.00 69 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 459 4 11.33 9.00 9.88 70 1 1 1 1 2 11.00 71 2.11.00 7 4.20 72 7 4.29 2 3.50 73 23.50 88 88888888 62 52 38 45 26 33 31 23 21 62 52 38 45 26 33 31 23 21 220 15 67 61 1,551 7.83 74 15 67 61 1, 551 7.83 2 1.00 75 2 1.00 4 3 3 18 7 22 10 225 190 152 766 521 491 酷​: ¥ㄩ​ˋ 3 11 14 134 991 711 643 525 257 ཌཤ ཚཚུལ 00.00 8 8 257 6 112 158 1 1 6 ૨૭ 682 745 7.40 1,310 1,517 8.83 76 1 1 8 1,992 | 2,262 8.50 112 83 79 75 60 62 67 297 985 7,307 7.16 391 364 288 261 214 189 158 476 371 340 289 249 220 176 903 1,97617, 886 8.02 243 1,200 2,961 25, 193 7.78 IOWA. 1992 45 48 46 45 45 49 90 93 88 9883 37 30 67 885 33 17 21 24 13 28 61 23 32 30 25 49 51 49 98 16 29 === 20 15 54 57 1,360 14 13 107 57 1, 184 34 28 161 114 2,514 7.36 9. 16 8. 19 1 1 4.00 2 1 4.00 660 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. Your TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. IOWA-Continued. Causes, and to which party granted. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 1 3 Adultery and cruelty.- To wife.. 8 Total 9 1 LO CO 6 1 5 9 10 178 1 1 4 3 9 5 1 5 4 9 5 1 --! 4 Adultery, cruelty, and de- sertion. 5 Adultery, cruelty, and S habitual drunkenness. 6 Adultery, cruelty, and To wife neglect to provide. 7 Adultery and desertion.. 8 Adultery, desertion, and habitual drunkenness. 9 Adultery and habitual drunkenness. 10 Adultery and neglect to S provide. To husband. To wife.... Total - To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife... To husband. To wife.... 1 1 Total 1 1 1 1 To husband. To wife... Total 11 1 1 ~~ 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 اسم 1 1 1 To husband wife.... 1 Total 1 To husband. 9 To wife. Total 5 75 7 14 4 6 8 9 6 7 14 12 15 23 10 13 279 527 1 1 1 1 3 3 6 1 1 ww 3 3 123 1 3 1 Total 1 1 To husband. 11 Conviction of felony.. To wife.... 9 18 12 18 13 Total 9 18 12 18 13 123 123 12 11 13 11 To husband. To wife... Total 1 1 1 1 · 257 1 1 2 ON GO LO 3 5 123 5 LO LO 5 8 · 00 00 8 12 Conviction of felony and cruelty. 13 Conviction of felony, (To husband. cruelty, and habitual To wife.. drunkenness. 14 Conviction of felony and S desertion. Total To husband To wife.. Total 15 Conviction of felony, do- (To husband sertion, and habitual To wife... drunkenness. 1 1 1 1 Total. 1 1 1 1 16 Conviction of felony and S To husband To wife.. habitual drunkenness. Total... ลว 2 1 2 1 To husband. 33 29 29 23 27 19 18 20 12 17 Cruelty... To wife.... 271 248 Total 304 277 210 239 210 182 141 124 106 93 233 209 160 142 126 105 - 18 Cruelty and desertion 19 Cruelty, desertion, and S habitual drunkenness. 20 Cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide. 21 Cruelty and habitual S drunkenness. Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband To wife.. Total S To husband. 1 1 4 To wife.... 9 10 8 Total 10 10 9 1} 8 12 00 00 8 8 279 1 1 6 6 7 7 235 To husband. To wife.. 113 1 1 2 1 1 -- 1 1 ลง 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 -22 20 14 19 19 13 21 13 16 11 21 16 20❘ 20 14 22 13 17 18 2133 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 661 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. IOWA-Continued. ہو 21 Total. Av. erage. 2 2 22 4 2 4 18- 1 9 8.56 75 9.30 3 9 1 84 9.22 10 11 | 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. 1 1 ww 3 1 3 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 224 22 1 1 1 12.00 6 12.17 4 7 12.14 2 13.00 9 6. 44 5 11 7.64 1 3.00 6 1 3.00 213 B88888 98 9.22 5 3 3 3 7 2 1 2 1 3 1 8 1 5 4 1 3 1 2 2 1 12 6 8 7 4 7 5 2 4 3 4 1 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 112 22 1 1 w3. 1 1 112 44 66 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 ww 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 22 85 9.58 7 183 9.39 310.33 39.33 6 9.83 CQ 8 9 6.67 28 8.50 9 37 8.05 oo 3 3 9.00 $10 9.00 1 6.00 1 3 3 1 3 ww 140 3 141 6.85 $11 6.85 22 3.00 12 3.00 1 | 6.00 6.00 13 6.00 1 310.33 3 10.33 $14 1 1 2 4.00 15 2 4.00 He thin 4 7.25 16 4 7.25 6 6 85 82 91 88 77 LOT 11 66 72 02 9 81 2823 10 6 8 2 5 6 63 63 54 48 43 34 73 69 62 50 48 40 2-683 12 69 10 44 328 80 370 11.37 2,647 56 397 90 | 3,017 3, 017 9.60 9.82 17 1 1 112 1 5 1 1 22 3 co co 1 2 3 5 3 8 2 19 13.05 97 9.28 18 3 1 2 3 5 4 13 2 116 9.91 1 1 1 1 279 1 1 10 10 11 11 224 aa 9 9 9 9 } 22 1 4.00 8 10.GO 99.33 19 co co 3 3 5.33 20 5.33 1 1 LO LO 5 6 5 33 3 2 43 3 2 43 144 19 8.61 261 10.94 21 5 280 10.79 662 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1856, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. IOWA-Concluded. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1 Causes, and to which party granted. 22 Cruelty, habitual drunk. (To husband. enness, and neglect to To wife.. provide. 23 Cruelty and neglect to • Total 1 1 1 1 S To husband To wife.... provide. 24 Desertion... Total 100 00 3 3 44 22 22 1 1 22 1 1 S To husband. 27 147 337 289 238 179 171 149 126 To wife. 64 251 538 494 397 335 297 235 196 Total 91 398 875 783 635 514 468 381 322 25 Desertion and habitual drunkenness. 26 Desertion, habitual drunk- enness, and neglect to provide. 27 | Descrtion and neglect to To husband. provide. To wife.. Total 28 Habitual drunkenness. To husband 29 Habitual drunkenness and neglect to provide. 30 Neglect to provide.. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.... 1 Total... 1 ما ما 5 10 5 10 LO LO 246 1 5 3 5 4 baco 1 7 10 སང་ 4 4 4 5 ( To husband. To wife... Total 1 1 1 1 22 4 1 4 1 22 2 2 22 333 1 3 1 2000 68 70 99 ~E8 2 ·4 4 5 4 3 97 80 91 84 1255 95 225 75 75 888888 81 73 61 89 77 58 58 62 61 22 1 1 1 1 as as 3 1 1 3 1 1 To husband. To wife.. 1 1 1 1 Total 1 1 1 1 To husband. 15 2 3 2 31 Pregnancy before mar- riage. To wifo... Total. 15 2 Co 3 2 32 Refusal to cobabit. 33 Unknown All canses To husband. To wife... Total - • S To husband. To wife... Total • 17 6 24 9 41 15 145 5 6 11 134 224 123 22 519 458 364 292 275 241 215 To husband. 299 322 To wifo.... 629 778 993 Total 928 1,100 1, 512 965 782 1,423 1, 146 681 973 614 514 889 755 435 650 KANSAS. 1 Abandonment. To husband 48 166 171 143 120 93 To wifo... 106 322 343 320 268 217 192 Total 154 488 514 463 388 310 281 247 92 80 75 167 124 199 2 Abandonment and adul. S tery. To husband. To wife. Total.... 0 25 3 aww 3 4 3 1 6 5 2 426 325 11~ 3 6 1 1 1 4 7 1 3 Abandonment, adultory, (To husband cruelty, and habitual To wife. drunkenness. Total 4 Abandonment, adultery, To husband. and neglect to provide. 5 Abandonment, adultery, and refusal to cohabit. To wifo... Total To husband. To wife... Total. ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 274 CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 663 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. IOWA-Concluded. 21 10 12 18 19 11 13 14 15 16 17 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. 1 1 1 1 Αγ. Total. erage. 4 7.00 22 4 7.00 1 1 22 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 27 10.26 23 27 10.26 92 75 82 68 59 50 56 41 32 175 162 124 120 128 267 237 206 188 88 76 78 187 138 132 119 96 28885 35 64 42 77 8888888 38 374 149 2,814 10.53 46 376 306 4,592 9.13 24 81 750 455 7,406 9.67 10 LO 5 1 5 1 22 5 LO LO 5 22 2 1 1 CA CO 3 3 112 2 22 2 22 1 1 17∞ 9 9.78 8 28 73 9.79 82 9.79 25 3 11.00 26 3 11.00 2 22 1 1 2 1 1 22 1 1 24 8.17 27 1 1 24 8.17 98& 62 45 忠心 ​1 5 3 3 1 3 1 1 10 43 42 39 46 30 67 47 44 47 42 49 31 22 19 22 2275 20 28 20 149 21 28 21 159 22833 62 11.92 30 1, 260 10.31 28 ' 1,322.10.38 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 1 1 13 8.62 29 8.62 1 1 4 10 15.30 30 1 1 4 10 15.30 1 1 1 2 27 3.08 31 1 1 1 2 27 3.08 1 1 30.00 $32 1 1 30.00 3 3 113 224 2 112 2 Prod 1 1 112 1 1 213 378 422 5. 52 708 768 4.52 33 1,086 1, 190 4.94 159 140 147 127 114 78 91 74 53 64 69 525 601 5, 227 9.60 395 366 303 292 276 254 201 191 554 506 450 419 390 332 292 156 130 137 1,053 1, 19211, 337 9.40 265 209 194 206 1,578 1,793 |16, 564 9.46 KANSAS. 70 50 35 100 90 170 140 8885 63 98 103 18885 37 41 == 24 66 48 41 $9 65 2983 22 36 58 2583 29 37 66 X48 28 25 20 53 42 759 21 150 21 101 42 251 4,364 65 1,582 9.32 75 2,782 7.21 1 140 7.97 2 3 2 1 2 4 ૩૧૭ 2 ลง 2 112 1 1 2 1 2. 1 1 1 58 888 38 7.21 20 8.32 2 7.58 1 8.00 3 1 8.00 1 4.00 4 1 4.00 1 1.00 5 1.00 664 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE REFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. KANSAS—Continued. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. Causes, and to which party granted. 1 To husband. 6 Abandonment and big To wife... amy. Total • 7 Abandonment and cruel- S ty. To husband To wife.. Total 156 To husband. 8 Abandonment, cruelty, and neglect to provide. 9 Abandonment and habit- To wife... Total habit-S To husband. ual drunkenness. To wife... Total 1 1 1 1 1 5 3 5 4 1 1 5 LO LO 5 213 1 6 3 1 1 6 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 lect to provide. 11 Abandonment and lect to provide. S 10 Abandonment, habitual (To husband. drunkenness, and neg. To wife... S Total • neg-To wife... To husband. Total - 1 1 22 2 3 3 22 22 ww 3 1 3 1 1 1 To husband. 12 Adultery. To wife.. Total 225 42 30 15 13 57 43 425 47 12 7 57 54 2253 23 25 24 13 12 10 8 7 12 35 35 32 20 ∞22 8 20 To husband. 1 13 Adultery and bigamy.... To wife. Total 1 • 14 Adultery and cruelty.. To husband. To wife... Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 22 112 S 15 Adultery, cruelty, habit- (To husband. ual drunkenness, and To wife.. neglect to provide. Total 16 Adultery, cruelty, and S To husband. neglect to provide. To wife... Total 17 Adultery and habitual To husband drunkenness. To wife... Total [] 18 Adultery, habitual drunk- (To husband. enness, and neglect to provide. 1 S To wife... Total 1 1 To husband. 19 Adultery and neglect to provide. To wife.... 1 1 1 1 Total 1 1 1 1 · To husband. 233 10 5 4 1 2 1 13 9 4 2 1 1 1 23 14 8 4 2 3 1 1 20 Bigamy... 21 Bigamy and habitual S drunkenness. 22 Conviction of felony.. 23 Conviction of felony and neglect to provide. 24 Cruelty.. To wife Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife. 112 1 7 10 4 5 3 4 7 11 4 5 3 4 22 2 1 2 1 1 Total 1 To husband. To wifo.. 7 10 7 94 125 89 Total 101 135 96 201 7 10 2 2 3 7 67 51 48 56 40 42 74 61 50 58 43 49 · CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL GENERAL TABLES. 665. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. KANSAS—Continued. 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 16 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. 1 1 1 1 123 1 1 Total. Av- erage. 22 8.50 6 8.50 1 8 10.50 1 2 1 1 5 1 43 8.33 7 1 2 1 1 6 1 51 8.68 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2°2 12 14 8 5 20 19 437 17 11 6 5 4 5 22 15 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 6 es en co 1 1 426 1 2.00 8 1 2.00 2 13.00 4 7.50 9 6 9.33 2 7.00 10 2 7.00 1 20 6.95 11 1 20 6.95 3 3 ♡ ♡ co 3 6 16 11 367 7. 21 3 17 7 158 9.30 12 6 6 33 18 525 7.83 1 1.00 13 1 1.00 2 6.50 1 1 11 1 1 13 9. 18:14 8.77 1 1 JER 1 11.00 15 1 11.00 2 10.00 16 2 10.00 1 2 15.00 17 1 2 15.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 3 1 1 3 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 3.00 18 1 3.00 10 11.40 19 10 11.40 29 3.00 34 3.15 20 63 3.08 2 10.00 21 2 10.00 en co 3 3 47 63 174 17 2 45 2.00 5. 62 5.45 22 13.00 1 3.00 23 48 LO 0035 5 4 2 1 3 2 3 1 39 35 20 32 26 21 17 12 43 37 21 35 28 24 18 22* 3 12 4 979.84 13 16 97 20 1,008 8.95 8.95 24 14 16 16 109 24 | 1, 105 | 9.03 9.03 666 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. KANSAS-Concluded. 4 4 44 112 44 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 25 Cruelty and habitual To husband. To wife... Total 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 drunkenness. 26 Cruelty, habitual drunk- ( To husband enness, and neglect to provide. S To wife.. Total 27 Cruelty and neglect to To husband. provide. 28 Fraud S To wife... Total. To husband. To wife.... Total - 1 3 7 1 1 3 7 1 J 3 O LO 2 1 5 1 44 4 44 1 1 22 1 1 To husband. 29 Habitual drunkenness To wife.... Total 6 6 6 6 a a 1 1 9 16 12 13 17 13 14 12 ∞ 001 8 9 178 9 9 → 30 Habitual drunkenness S and neglect to provide. To husband. Total. To wife.... ww 3 3 3 3 تتتت 1 1 1 1 To husband 31 Impotency.. To wife Total 240 1 1 6 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 To husband. 32 Neglect to provide..... 33 Pregnancy before riage. To wife.... Total 23 29 36 43 41 43 41 37 23 11 29 36 43 41 43 41 37 23 11 mar- S To husband. 13 1 2 To wife.... Total 13 1 2 34 Unknown To husband To wife.... Total. 183 2 1 1 All causes …. To wife.. Total STo husband. 134 217 236 202 163 127 122 104 93 292 542 530 471 404 352 321 251 203 426 759 766 673 567 479 443 355 296 KENTUCKY. To husband 93 240 210 200 176 155 128 132 1 Abandonment To wife... 107 277 295 269 273 256 220 154 125 Total 200 517 505 469 449 411 348 286 222 2 Abandonment and adul-Thun To husband. 10 To wife.... 2 tery. Total 12 == 16 12 26 7 9 11 23 21 37 225 15 7 22 37 F25 17 15 10 20 9 4 24 14 ទន្ត ០១៨ 3 Abandonment, adultery, and conviction of felony. S To husband To wife. 1 Total 1 To husband • 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 Abandonment, adultery, To wife.. and cruelty. Total 5 Abandonment, adultery, (To husband. and habitual drunken- To wife.. ness. Total - 6 Abandonment, adultery, ( To husband habitual drunkenness, To wife…………. and neglect to provide. (Total 1 1 7 Abandonment and convic- tion of felony. To husband. To wife.... Total 1 1 • · • • • CHAPTER VIII.-GÉNERAL TABLES. 667 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. KANSAS-Concluded. 21 over. 10 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 1 1 4 1 3 1 1 5 1 4 1 1 4 3 1 4 3 1 7 བས 7 5 LO LO 5 00 00 8 8 1-∞ 1 7 9 8 10 44 4 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 ་་ 4 3 3 4 3 3 Total. Av- erage. 288 9 10.67 6 1 32 10.81 $25 1 41 10.78 1 7.00 26 1 7.00 11 4 4 40 8.58 227 4 4 40 8.58 3 1.00 3 1.33 28 6 1. 17 · 00 00 3 3 134 8 9.63 9 4 155 9.77 $29 4 9 4 163 9.76 i 1 22 17 7.33 130 17 7.33 5 3.40 8 2.63 $31 13 2.92 32 12 .32 12 888888 22 28 20 15 20 15 28 20 15 20 15 77 13 13 5 cer! 7 37 5 7 37 00 00 8 523 9.23 32 8 523 9.23 1 17 1.56 33 1 17 1.56 1 44 46 9.50 1 1 1 1 39 44 5.6034 1 83 90 6.71 91 72 45 58 58 32 28 34 34 208 161 148 123 114 101 82 71 58 299 233 193 181 172 133 110 105 92 29235 29 29 181 128❘ 2, 217 8.78 46 49 281 166 4, 974 7.94 75 78 462 2947, 191 8.19 KENTUCKY. : 7333 97 95 93 58 77 174 188 135 112 882 50 62 813883 55 93 358 23 57 COCO 26 38 39 80 64 51 285 12 19 16 13 90 680 2,628 7.59 25 18 18 86 708 3, 349 7.39 1 44 34 31 176 1,388 | 5, 977 7.47 7 6 6 3 4 6 5 1 3 13 11 6 4 527 jand Co 3 1 4 224 2 1 1 2 N IN 6 75 252 7.40 1 5 39 144 7.75 2 1 11 114 396 7.53 1 1 1 1 1 1 23 61 1 4.00 3 1 4.00 1 5.00 3 6.33 4 £ 6.00 1 11.00 1 2.00 5 2 6.50 1 11.00 6 1 11.00 3 1.00 7 3 1.00 668 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ! TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. KENTUCKY-Continued. 1 2 Causes, and to which party granted. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 year. [years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 1 8 Abandonment and cruelty To wife 9 10 11 Total 9 10 12 156 1 1 5 10 6 11 6 10 7 12 9 Abandonment, cruelty, (To husband. and habitual drunken-To wife. ness. Total 10 Abandonment, cruelty, (To husband habitual drunkenness, To wife.... and neglect to provide. (Total cruelty, To busband. To wife.. Total 1 1 1 1 11 Abandonment, and impotency. 12 Abandonment, cruelty, S To husband. To wife.. and neglect to provide. Total To husband. 1 1 Total 1 1 13| Abandonment and fraud. To wife.. 14 Abandonment and habit. To husband. ual drunkenness. To wife.. Total 15 Abandonment, habitual (To husband. drunkenness, and nog- lect to provide. 16 Abandonment and loath-To wife. some disease. 17 Abandonment and neglect To husband. to provide. 18 Adultery 1 1 1 1 ماما 5 5 සය 3 2 3 2 INN 145 4 5 22 33 22 14 14 8 ∞ ∞ 8 5 LO LO 5 1 1 1 1 ∞ ∞ 8 7 8 7 To wife... 1 1 1 4 1 Total 1 1 1 4 1 ww 3 1 3 1 22 To husband. Total To wife Total 1 22 22 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 S To husband. 58 To wife... Total 15 73 8325 66 94 78 63 25 17 21 36 91 111 102 99 328 88835 63 64 20 15 83 79 543 55 49 14 15 69 64 To husband. 19 Adultery and conviction To wife... 1 of felony. Total 1 20 Adultery and cruelty. To husband. To wife. 1 · 1 1 1 1 6 5 1 Total 1 1 1 6 5 2 21 Adultery, cruelty, and ha. S To husband. bitual drunkenness. To wife... Total 22 Adultery, cruelty, habit- (To husband. ual drunkenness, and To wife.. neglect to provide. 1 1 Total 23 Adultery and fraud... To husband. To wife Total 1 1 · 24 Adultery and habitual S drunkenness. To husband. To wifo.. Total 25 Adultery, habitual drunk- ( To husband. enness, and neglect to provido. To wife.. Total 1 1 To husband. 1 1 Total.... 1 1 • 26 Adultery and loathsome To wife... disease. 1 1 1 1 1 1 ♡ ♡ B 1 3 1 CHAPTER VIII.- 669 GENERAL TABLES. 14 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. KENTUCKY-Continued. 21 10 11 16 17 18 19 12 13 14 15 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. • 5 5 22 3 එයය 3 4 1 4 1 1 1 8 1 9 ลล 2 2 1 1 22 6 6 CO CO 22 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 22 2 1 1 Av- Total. erage. 5 39 ~8 2 6 5.00 141 7.57 8 5 41 147 7.47 535 5 14 7.44 9 5 14 7.44 LO LO 22 1 1 1 (29.00 1 29.00 >10 1 1 4.00 $11 4.00 1 12.00 12 1 12.00 1 2 3.00 1 1.00 13 1 3 2.00 2 5 11.67 1 1 1 53 132 9.37 14 2 1 1 55 137 9.45 112 22 1 1 1 1 31 30 23 12 43 38 2323 8800080808 20 13 20 372 17 11 H 4 1 5 4 73 7 5 3 18 16 8 10 5 32 5 1 1 17 6.29 15 17 6. 29 1 21.00 16 1 21.00 77 7 22 20 20 5.15 $17 5. 15 -3 A 4 20 396 1,151 6. 81 6 78 313 7 26 474 1, 464 7.04 $18 6.86 1 7.00 19 1 7.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 5. 1 1 1 1 1 6 0317 00049 3 10.00 25 8.30 20 28 8.45 1 1 1 I 1 1 12 1 1 12 312.3321 3 12.33 1 2 10.00 22 2 10.00 1 2.00 $23 1 2.00 1 14.00 18 7.83 $24 19 8.71 1 2.00 25 1 2.00 32.00 CJ Co 3 2.00 26 670 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOK. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. KENTUCKY–Concluded. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 27 Adultery and pregnancy before marriage. 28 Conviction of felony... To wife To husband. Total To husband. To wife... Total 29 Cruelty. 1 1 1 3 3 10 15 11 15 15G 12 6 12 22 00 00 8 8 සස 3 3 22 1 1 S To husband. To wife.... Total 영하 ​1 5 3 49 65 88 50 70 91 822 7 5 75 64 68 69 +02 4 70 72 72 202 3 40 43 2009 38 40 30 Cruelty and fraud 31 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness. To husband. To wife.. Total 22 To husband To wife.. 2 Total 2 32 Cruelty, habitual drunk- (To husband. enness, and neglect to To wife. provide. 1 112 178 1 1 4 187 6 6 4 9 6 4 9 2 Total 2 HT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 33 Cruelty and loathsome disease. S To husband. To wife. Total. 1 ลงค 1 2 2 LOO LO 5 5 1 00 00 3 3 ลล 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 112 1 1 1 4 1 1 3 21 3 2223 13 12 13 14 22* 1 1 10 18 25 19 10 18 26 20 34 Cruelty, and neglect to To husband. provide. 35 Duress in obtaining mar- riage. 36 Force and fraud 37 Fraud { 38 Habitual drunkenness...{ 39 Habitual drunkenness and S neglect to provide. 40 Impotency.. To wife. Total. To husband. To wife. Total · To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife.... Total. 213 2 2 246 167 so oo 8 • 8 To husband. To wife. 3 Total 3 සය‍ 12 12 To husband. 1 To wife. 1 Total 2 41 Loathsome disease. 42 Neglect to provide. 43 Pregnancy before mar- riage. To husband. To wife... Total - STo husband. 44 Unknown.. All causes 5 23 15 15 13 23 15 15 13 33333 22 00 30 8 17 10 8 17 10 3 2 10 4 5 4 255 1 1 1 1 2 7 1 1 1 1 2 wife. 1 2 1 1 1 1 Total 1 2 1 1 1 1 (To To husband. 18 1 1 To wife. Total 18 1 1 To husband. To wife.. 1 Total 1 112 1 1 2 1 1 1 S To husband To wife. Total 187 336 325 318 216 437 503 440 403 773 828 758 265 241 211 201 162 449 426 387 293 244 714 667 598 494 406 CHAPTER VIII.- GENERAL TABLES. 671 'TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES- GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. KENTUCKY-Concluded. · 21 over. 10 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 11 14 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. Total. Av. erage. 1 4.00 27 1 4.00 1 1 4 5. 67 1 4 1 1 5 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 14 87 6. 11 $28 15 91 6.09 30 3888 20088 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 49 7.46 30 35 19 15 16 15 10 33 38 20 16 17 15 11 44! 8 4 47 228 1, 016 8.01 29 9 4 48 231 1, 065 7.98 ลงลง 2 3 2 3 3 ww. 3 3 3 ~~ 2 1 1 2 1 1 55 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 178 6 3 2.00 30 3❘ 2.00 3 3.33 5 1 73 9.58 31 5 4 76 9.32 44 28 11.6432 28 11.64 LO LO 22 3 3 ลล 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 6 6 6 6 లులు 4 1 3 4 1 1 1 11 14 9 9 11 4 5 11 14 9 9 11 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 167 tt 77 5 7.20 33 сл 5 7.20 1 1 7 11.00 34 1 1 7 11.00 1 4.00 - 35 1 4.00 4 1.50 1 2.00 36 5 1.60 8 4.50 1 15 3.14 37 1 23 3.61 1 2 3 13 12.40 2 6 12 100 285 9.56 38 14 103 298 9.70 LO LO 5 16 1 218 10.00 39 5 16 1 218 10.00 7 3 7 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 9.50 2 10.50 40 4 10.00 сл 5 1.80 21 5.62 $41 26 4.88 1 1 2 10 5.88 42 2 10 5.88 20 1.25 명​: 43 20 1.25 1 1 1 1 117 2 112 53 59 13.33 55 60 14.20 2 108 119 13.73 118 139 88 67 62 174 179 147 116 102 292 318 235 183 164 136 105 393380 40 96 328 72 2888 22 26 23 19 120 1,217 4, 220 7.33 68 47 37 45 195 1,355 6, 028 | 7.75 90 73 60 64 315 2, 572 |10, 248 7.59 672 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. LOUISIANA. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years years. years. years. years. To husband. 8 16 9 5 20 24 15 19 28 40 24 24 7223 8 9 6 11 11 8 29 19 20 14 178 To wife..... Total. To wife... To husband. Total 2 1 2 1 1 516 213 3 CU 3 314 3 620 8 628 1 2 8 1 2 1 1 1 Abandonment 2 Abandonment and adul- tery. 3 Abandonment, adultery, and cruelty. To wife... Total..... To husband. 4 Abandonment, adultery, (To husband cruelty, and defama- To wife.. tion. Total. 5 Abandonment, adultery, (To husband. and habitual intemper. To wife. ance. Abandonment and con- 6 viction of felony. Total To husband. To wife.. Total 1 1 - To husband. 1 2 7 A bandonment and cruelty To wife. 8 Abandonment, cruelty, and defamation. Total. 1 22 2 22 2 112 1 2 1 2 To husband. To wife. Total.. 1 1 1 1 9 Abandonment, cruelty, To husband. and habitual intemper. To wife.. auce. 10 Abandonment and habit-To wife ual intemperance. 11 Adultery 1 Total 1 1 1 To husband. 1 Total. 1 To husband. 26 30 32 36 35 38 27 21 22 To wite.... 19 21 18 15 22 21 16 8 5 Total 45 51 50 51 57 59 43 29 27 · To husband. 1 1 1 22 1 1 22 1 1 1 12 Adultery and cruelty.... 13 Adultery, cruelty, and habitual intemperance. To wife Total - To husband. To wife.... Total 1 1 To husband. 14 Adultery and habitual To wife. intemperance. 1 Total 1 To husband 1 15 Conviction of felony. To wife... Total. 44 4 1 i 1 22 2 2 22 1 1 1 1 1 To husband. 4 4 8 8 7 9 3 4 16 Cruelty. To wife. 13 21 20 21 16 Total. 17 25 28 29 23 223 13 21 15 16 27 19 16 To husband. 17 Cruelty and defamation. To wife.. Total 1 1 18 Cruelty and habitual in. temperance. To husband. To wife... Total. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 Habitual intemperance.. To husband. To wife..... Total 123 178 4 2 4 3 9 4 4 11 4 123 7 7 213 CHAPTER VIII- 673 GENERAL TABLES. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. LOUISIANA. 21 over. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 3LD ∞ 5 8 224 549 6 6 1 1 1 1 ආසය 3 3 6 COLO 00 3 5 8 00 as co 3 3 6 10 Bener 213 2 2 2 2 123 1 1 1 1 145 1 1 1 1 112 Total Av. erage 1 6 13 113 7.82 සදිය 3 1 7 31 210 6.96 1 3 2 13 44 323 7.27 1 1 1 1 112 *RN 235 43 6.95 19 10.06 2 62 7.82 426 3.00 7.00 3 4.33 1 12.00 4 1 12.00 1 12.00 5 1 12.00 1 3.00 6 1 3.00 9 9.00 1 8 8.14 7 1 17 8.63 2. 3.50 2, 3.50 8 22 2 5.00 9 5.00 1 1 1 1 3 10.50 19 19 16 10 . 9 6 2 4 1 3 75 440 7 17 7 7 1 7 3 2 1 3 4 50 261 26 36 23 17 13 16 9 5 3 5 125 701 222 22 3 10.50 $10 7.01 7.43 11 1 3 5.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 7.56 $12 1 12 7.09 1 1.00 1.00 13 1 1.00 1 7.00 14 1 7.00 1 7.00 279 1 1 1 1 8 1 13 3.92 $15 1 11 4. 15 9 CO CO 178 3 6 4 8 7 6 6 4 8 7 9 6 aw 145 4 1 1 22 10 18 ** 3 62 7.05 247 8.38 16 14 21 309 8.10 1 5.00 17 1 1 ∞ to 1 3 2 3 4 3 3 7 00 cn c 3 3 2 5 3 1 3 8 3 4 5 20267 M D-—43 11334 22 1 5.00 Go Go 3 10 4.86 4.86 18 3 10 4.86 1 1 26 10.32 3 1 4 3 76 9.85 19 3 1 5 102 9.97 S 674 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1836, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. LOUISIANA-Concluded. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 20 Habitual intemperance S and neglect to provide. To husband To wife... Total (To To husband. 21 Unknown. To wife.. 1 1 Total 1 1 112 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 112 All causes S To husband. 43 To wife... 67 2883 58 54 58 60 62 45 72 68 68 75 54 55 Total 110 130 122 126 135 116 100 - 73 3933 33 27 40 32 59 • MAINE. { To husband. 77 89 96 81 84 73 76 76 53 To wife... 48 78 26 89 73 64 72 75 70 Total 125 167 182 170 157 137 148 151 123 To husband. To wife... Total 1 1 To husband. 1 To wife.. 1 1 1 1 3 1 Total 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 To husband. To wife. 1 1 1 Adultery 2 Adultery and cruel and abusive treatment. 3 Adultery and cruelty... 4 Adultery, cruelty, and de- sertion. 5 Adultery, cruelty, and ha- S bitual intoxication. 6 Adultery and desertion.. Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband To wife. Total 7 Adultery and habitual in. To husband. toxication. 8 Adultery, habitual intoxi- cation, and neglect to provide. 9 Adultery and incest • 1 To wife. Total. 1 (To husband. To wife. Total - To husband. To wife... Total - 112 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 10 Conviction of felony S To husband. 1 To wife..... 1 3 Total. 1 1 3 ww! 22 2 11 Conviction of felony and ( To husband. cruel and abusive treat-To wife.. ment. 12 Conviction of felony and cruelty. 1 Total 1 To husband. To wife... Total 13 Conviction of felony and (To husban habitual intoxication. 14 Conviction of felony and neglect to provide. wife... Total... • To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. Total 15 Crime against nature....To wife.. . 22 1 1 22 112 1 1 සය 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHAPTER 675 VIIIVIII.- .-GENERAL TABLES. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. LOUISIANA-Concluded. 21 10 11 19 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. Total. Av. erage. 1 1 22.00 20 1 1 22.00 1 33 39 6.50 1 82 88 5.00 21 1 1 115 127 5.75 28 31 27 18 14 19 9 6 6 2 26 33 22 24 15 21 18 13 8 10 9 18 15 128 743 7.30 28 193 954 7.79 54 61 49 42 29 43 27 19 14 10 11 43 321 1,697 7.57 MAINE. 36 67 103 2885 42 35 34 35 31 48 32 30 30 25 90 67 64 65 56 2888 22 27 5 18 50 85 30 21 23 57 26 41 1835 17 74 25 115 42 189 1,081 1, 129 2,210 1 1 1 1 223 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8.77 10. 10 1 9.45 1 3.00 > 2 1 3.00 123 12 13 1.00 8.83 3 8.23 1 4.00 4 1 4.00 1 1 22 23.50 23.50 5 224 8 12. 88 9 16.33 6 17 14. 71 2 2.00 8 8.75 7 10 7.40 1 7.00 8 1 7.00 2 2 23.00 9 2 2 23.00 1 2.00 11 12 5. 27 10 5.00 1 1.00 11 1 1.00 1 2 11.00 >12 1 2 11.00 2 2 11.00 >13 11.00, LO LO 5 5 3.60 14 3.60 1 1 14.00 >15 1 • 1 14.00 676 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES divorceS GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MAINE-Continued. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years.[years. 1 1 224 M LO 00 3 4 5 8 8 12 2002 187 279 4 8 6 10 10 156 7 7 To husband. To wife... Total 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 - · 2 3 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 22 11 6 12 13 7 9 6 6 11 6 12 13 7 11 6 6 16 Crime against nature and cruelty. 17 Cruel and abusive treat- ment. 18 Cruel and abusive treat- ment and desertion. To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. To wife... Total 19 Cruel and abusive treat- (To husband. ment, desertion, and re- To wife.... fusal to cohabit. Total 20 Cruel and abusive treat- (To husband. ment and habitual in-To wife.... toxication. 21 Cruel and abusive treat- ment, habitual intoxica- tion, and neglect to pro- vide. Total To husband. To wife.. Total 22 Cruel and abusive treat- (To husband. ment and incompati- To wife.... bility of temper. Total 23 Cruel and abusive treat- (To husband ment and neglect to pro- To wife. vide. Total 24 Cruel and abusive treat- (To husband. ment and refusal to co- habit. 25 Cruelty 3 3 213 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 112 4 9 12 13 8 4 9 12 13 8 3 es co 3 3 3 3 8 8 සඟ 6 6 1 1 To wife.. Total 1 1 2 2 iN To husband. 1 1 1 To wife. 61 Total 62 28 82 83 89 888888 85 70 85 72 222 1 86 87 888888 58 45 52 58 45 52 To husband. To wife.... Total 1 1 123 1 5 4 6 5 4 6 GG ww 3 3 3 4 THE COR 1 3 1 4 1 · 26 Cruelty and desertion 27 Cruelty, desertion, and S neglect to provide. 28 Cruelty, desertion, and re- fusal to cohabit. To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.. Total · 3 3 co co 22 To husband 29 Cruelty and habitual in- toxication. To wife... Total. 16 25 28 16 25 28 33 23 21 23 21 30 Cruelty, habitual intoxi- ( To husband. cation, and neglect to To wife.... Total provide. 1 1 2 1 1 1 -2 1 To husband. 1 1 1 Total 1 1 1 • 31 Cruelty and incompati-To wife..... bility of temper. 32 Cruelty, incompatibility (To husband. of temper, and neglect To wife.. to provide. 2 2 1 ลงล 21 21 21 125 21 20 20 16 20 17 w3. Total 1 • 1 11 33 Cruelty and neglect to provide. S To husband To wife.... 9 25 21 21 16 13 Total 9 25 21 21 16 13 ** 12 12 22 To husband. 34 Cruelty and refusal to co- habit. To wife.... Total. 4 7 11 7 11 t 1 CHAPTER VIII.- GENERAL TABLES. + 677 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. # MAINE-Continued. 21 over. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 22 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 4 4 5 1 1 1 4 5 158 5 6 279 22 112 1 1 1 2 1 77 6 6 22 6 2 2 2 6 2 2 2 22 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 224 Total. Av. erage. 210.00 16 2 10.00 6 38 12.58 9 95 10.59 17 15 133 11. 16 2 14 9.43 1 3 9 11.1118 23 10.09 22 2 7 2 18 7 2 20 201 1 7.00 19 1 7.00 4 15.75 130 10.7220 134 10.87 1 13 10.6221 1 13 10.62 3 19 10.53 1 5 9.80 22 4 24 10.38 4 4 22 3 c 3 1 1 1 1 3 6 91 7.99 23 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 6 91 7.99 1 1 1 7 9.43 $24 1 1 1 7 9.43 1 2 9 9. 11 46 32 42 46 32 43 22 222222223 21 26 14 16 13 12 10 129 1,020 9.92 25 21 20 14 16 13 12 10 131 22 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 12 12 22 6 12 9 13 10 6 12 9 13 10 112 1 1 00 00 8 6 2 8 6 2 21 01 1 2 1 26∞ 1,029 9.91 3 6 13.50 50 10.34 26 8 56 '10.68 1 1 10 8.00 27 1 1 10 8.00 1 15.00 28 1 $15.00 1 9.00 00 00 8 4 29 8 4 29 33 310 9.64 $29 311 9.63 1 21 9.3330 1 21 9.33 1 6 11.00 1 11.00 31 1 7 11.00 2 3.00 132 1 1 22 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 14 10 16 14 10 లులు 3 7 3 7 ∞ ∞ 8 5 8 5 57 5 1 1 co co 3 3 2 3.00 10 10 5 41 253 10.83 33 5 41 253 10.83 1 2 15.50 1 2 15.50 34 678 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 5 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MAINE-Continued. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Causes, and to which party granted. 35 Desertion……. S To husband. 86 Desertion and habitual in- S toxication. To wife. Total To husband 9 year. years. years. [years. years. years. years. years.[years. 22 225 3 1 To wife.... Total 1 1 1 in- in-(To husband 2868689 85 242 219 231 180 59 91 86 92 151 133 139 67 55 50 113 122 87 177 137 2 1 1 1 1 2 123 1 1 22 213 37 Desertion, habitual to provide. toxication, and neglect To wife Total 38 Desertion, habitual in- habitual in- ( To husband. toxication, and refusal To wife.. to cohabit. Total To husband 39 Desertion and impotency To wife.... 40 Desertion and incompati- S bility of temper. 41 Desertion and neglect to S provide. Total 1 1 1 1 To husband 2 To wife... Total. 2 1 1 1 1 To busband To wife.. 17 Total 17 888888888 80 78 39 80 78 388 45 37 34 24 22 39 45 37 34 24 22 To husband 38 43 24 13 1.7 13 10 4 7 42 Desertion and refusal to cohabit. To wife.... 2 1 1 1 1 Total 40 44 25 14 18 13 10 4 7 - To husband. 43 Fraud To wife... 1 Total. 1 To husband. 44 Habitual intoxication.... To wife.. Total 123 1 2 4 3 5 268 273 1 8 9 9 145 1 10 11 167 5 5 45 Habitual intoxication and S neglect to provide. To husband. To wife..... Total 46 Impotency.. 47❘ Incest To husband To wife. Total To husband. To wife. Total 48 Incompatibility of temper To wife... 49 Incompatibility of temper and neglect to provide. Total S To husband. Total a a 426 347 22 9 18 29 24 24 28 26 13 13 18 29 24 24 28 26 13 13 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 25 2 2 213 4 1 2 2 1 4 1 3 2 To husband. To wife. 3 1 8 1 50 Incompatibility of temper To wife and refusal to cohabit. To husband. 2 1 1 Total 2 1 1 To husband. 51 Insanity To wife.... 1 Total 1 To husband. 52 Miscegenation. To wife. 1 Total 1 1 1 To husband. 53 Neglect to provide. To wife.... 1 7 9 Total 1 7 9 33 .00 00 هاها සහ 8 5 3 6 1 8 5 3 6 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 679 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MAINE—Continued. 21 over. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. Total. Av. erage. 49 42 28 45 31 21 95 92 74 54 59 56 47 144 134 102 99 90 77 2553 20 25 67 25 32 57 225 24 19 15 145 27 34 37 224 1 51 53 52 369 1 933 12.45 1,641 11.70 2,574 11. 97 35 ~~ 2 2 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 1 11 10.27 1 1 1 17 10.82 36 : 2 1 1 2 28 10.61 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 حق 5 10.40 37 5 10.40 1 10.00 38 1 10.00 1 1 25.00 $39 1 1 25.00 4 6.50 1 6.00 40 сл 5 6.40 18 18 20 20 17 17 11 13 9 15 4 12 20 17 17 11 13 9 15 4 12 1 7 6 CYS 3 3 2 2 3 4 2 1 1 6 3 3 2 2 3 4 2 1 88 2-8 59 578 8.9741 59 578 8.97 22 225 7.72 23 7 232 7.00 42 7.70 Fa Fa 4 2 ลงลง *** 4 2 347 2 6 8 145 7 5 7 සය 3 3 16 15 16 15 16 15 16 15 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 22 112 112 8 11 8 11 00 00 77 123 55! 1 1 2 1 1 ww 3 9 3 11 LO LO 5 3 5 3 1 1 1 1.00 43 1 1.00 S 21 11.29 96 10.5844 117 10.71 LO TO 5 24 1 315 9.42 45 5 21 1 315 9.42 9 3.44 6 4.1746 15 3.73 1 19.0047 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 CO 2 1 729 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 1 19.00 19. 33 11.91 14 11.50 48 47 11.79 5 5 6.80 6. 80 49 10 5 8.00 50 5 8.00 3 17.33 312.3351 6 14.83 3.50 52 2 3.50 2 1 1 1 2 56 7.09 $53 4 2 1 1 1 2 56 7.09 i 680 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MAINE-Concluded. * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 54 Nonage... {To wi To wife... Total. To husband 1 1 55 Pregnancy before mar- riage. To husband. 4 2 To wife.... Total 4 2 To husband. 4 1 1 56 Refusal to cohabit... To wife Total. 4 1 1 To husband. 57 Unknown To wife... Total... To husband. All causes To wife... Total 143 152 164 199 194 191 361 453 494 440 334 513 617 693 634 192 167 142 118 427 379 347 309 619 546 489 427 MARYLAND. To husband. To wife... Total 8 37 32 34 19 25 29 1 Abandonment 2 Abandonment and adul. To husband. tery. 3 Abandonment, adultery, and desertion. 31 62 67 46 57 67 50 39 99 99 80 76 92 79 1 To wife... Total 1 ww 3 3 123 145 3 2 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 To husband To wife Total 88893 8983 2888 952 395 2323 To husband. 4 Abandonment and cruelty To wife... 5 Abandonment, cruelty, and des rtion. 6 Abandonment, and vicious conduct. Total To husband. To wife... Total cruelty, To husband. To wife... Total To husband 7 Abandonment and deser-To wife. tion. 3 wife..... Total .... 218 1 3 4 To husband. 8 Abandonment, desertion, To wife.. and vicious conduct. Total 9 Abandonment and vicious (To husband. conduct. To wife. Total 314 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 Adultery To wife S To husband 18 32 47 31 31 36 29 23 18 38 50 28 32 39 35 25 14 14 Total 56 82 75 63 70 71 54 37 32 To husband 11 Adultery and cruelty.. To wife.. 1 ... Total 1 12 Adultery, cruelty, and S vicious conduct. To husband. To wife.... Total 13 Adultery and illicit carnal (To husband. intercourse before mar- riage. 2 To wife.... Total 2 • 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 681 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MAINE-Concluded. 21 10 13 15 11 12 14 16 17 18 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known, 19 Total. Av- erage. over. 1 1 1 posed parent 1 1 1 112 94 92 80 90 74 61 46 63 37 44 36 275 298 258 230 187 162 165 133 124 83 112 108 686 392 350 310 277 236 226 179 187 120 156 144 961 2 MARYLAND. 1 2.00 54 1 2.00 6 1.67 $55 6 1. 67 7 2.86 $56 7 2.86 2 19.50 57 2 15.50 4 17.50 2,463 10.22 25, 949 10.32 8,412 10.29 XXX 23 59 39 82 *33 24 13 15 38 38 63 51 1280* 30 53 289 12 42 1205 15 8 14 6 28 22 17 16 10 43 30 31 22 18 ∞ 3,00 8 50000 8 8 16 104 1 1 158 3 5 6 3 123 1 3 1 1 1 êeg ༠ 33 3 363 11.18 759 10.94 1 31, 122 11. 01 1 23 12. 18 28 12.11 2 1 1 1 1 1 51 12.14 1 1 25.00 3 1 1 25.00 1 1 1 2 20.00 4 2 20.00 1 5.00 5 1 5.00 1 1 24.00 6 1 1 24.00 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 112 1 13 2 3¬ 6.31 9 [10.67 7 2 22 8.09 1 1 23.00 8 1 1 23.00 1 1 22.00 1 1 3 12.67 9 1 1 1 415.00 24 13 19 15 14 18 3 2 4 4 4 20 405 8.21 20 12 7 12 18 9 11 9 6 4 3 28 414 8.26 10 44 25 26 27 32 27 14 11 10 8 7 48 819 8.24 1 7.00 11 1 7.00 1 8.00 >12 1 8,00 2 1.00 ૭ 2 1.00 + 13 682 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES · GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MARYLAND-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ୫ 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 14 Bigamy. 15 Cruelty.. To husband. To wife..... Total To husband. To wife. Total To husband. 16 Cruelty and desertion ... To wife. Total 44 2 $2 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 D 3 ww 3 duct. 17 Cruelty and vicious con. To husband. To wife... 1 Total 1 18 Illicit carnal intercourse To husband. 13 4 2 2 before marriage. To wife.. Total 13 4 2 2 19 Impotency.. 20 Insanity To husband. To wife Total To husband To wife... Total 213 1 1 Cu co 3 1 5 3 3 1 5 3 සය 3 3 21 Vicious conduct. STo husband. 1 1 1 1 wife.... Total 1 1 1 12 To husband. 22 Unknown To wife.. Total. To husband. All causes To wife.. Total 8888883 39 40 60 71 65 73 50 48 49 46 53 66 101 115 84 90 86 67 85 93 126 172 180 157 140 134 116 MASSACHUSETTS. 1 Adultery To husband. To wife.. Total • 288888 54 62 71 84 99 92 103 80 89 32 46 88 95 116 86 108 159 179 215 125 115 108 112 217 218 188 201 2 Adultery and cruel and S abusive treatment. To husband. To wife Total. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 Adultery, cruel and abus- (To husband. ive treatment, and ha- To wife bitual intoxication. Total • 4 Adultery, cruel and abus- (To husband. ive treatment, and neg- To wife... lect to provide. 22 1 Total. 1 5 Adultery and cruelty.. To husband. To wife. 1 1 2 1 1 1 Total ลง 2 1 1 1 2 6 Adultery, cruelty, and S To husband. habitual intoxication. 7 Adultery, cruelty, and neglect to provide. To wife Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. 8 Adultery and desertion.. To wife Total.. 1 1 3 1 1 3 • 134 4 4 235 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.—GENERAL TABLES. 683 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MARYLAND-Concluded. 21 over. 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 • 13 14 20 years Un- years. years. years. years years. years years. years. years. years. years. and known. 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 3 1 i co co 3 22 123 3 1 22 Ar- Total. erage. 14 14 22 2 22 24.00 4.00 14 3 12.33 55 13.43 15 58 13.38 3 6.00 $16 w w 3 6.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 917.6717 9 17.67 23 2.43 18 23 2.43 3 4.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11~ 1 2 2 1 2 336 6.00 $19 5.00 1 11.00 20 1 11.00 10 12.50 212.00 21 12 12.42 18 25 43 43 #1955 18 25 18888883 40 80 59 99 888 36 47 83 27888 32 27 38 12 17 11 13 54 51 40 39 31 25 86 78 78 51 48 36 28 3128 12 62 19 866 9.48 15 13 127 30 1,319 10. 24 25 189 19 2, 185 9. 91 MASSACHUSETTS. 74 61 101 89 175 150 2885 72 59 39 83 85 64 155- 144 103 9999999999995 49 41 23 28 46 54 95 #5 44 38 67 66 88888 ty 30 16 98 31 34 179 61 50 277 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 ~~ 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 CI CO LO 2 3 1,326 9.91 1,688 11.07 1 5 3,014 10.56 7 7.29 7 7.29 61 2 1 3 14.00 3 1 3 14.00 1 1 5.00 4 5.00 123 1 1 298 7.50 6 9.83 5 8 9.25 1 10.00 1 10.00 6 2 17.00 7 1 1 2 17.00 6 248 19 13:00 26 13.62 8 45 13.36 tat 684 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MASSACHUSETTS-Continued. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 9 Adultery, desertion, and S To husband. neglect to provide. 10 Adultery and habitual in- toxication. S To wife.. Total. To husband. To wife. Total 1 1 1 1 11 Adultery and neglect to provide. To husband. To wife Total - 12 Cruel and abusive treat- To husband. 22 1 2 1 1 2 To wife 19 16 24 38 37 29 30 ment. Total 19 16 25 38 39 30 30 23 22 33 23 35 13 Cruel and abusive treat- ment and desertion. S To husband. To wife. Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 Cruel and abusive treat- (To husband. ment and habitual in- To wife... toxication. 1 1 4 Total 1 1 4 22 3 1 2 3 1 444 4 4 To husband. 1 1 15 Cruelty. To wife.... 16 29 37 Total 16 30 38 20009898 1 26 38 33 42 27 38 34 42 28 2 25 29 25 To husband. 1 16 Cruelty and desertion To wife... 1 Total 1 1 17 Cruelty and habitual in. To husband toxication. 18 Cruelty, habitual intoxi- 22 22 22 22 1 1 To wife... 1 1 1 Total 1 1 1 22 (To husband. cation, and neglect to provide. To wife 1 1 Total 1 1 19 Cruelty and neglect to provide. 20 Desertion. 21 Desertion and habitual intoxication. To wife... Total 22 Desertion and neglect to To husband. provide. 23 Habitual intoxication....To wife. 24 Habitual intoxication and S To husband. neglect to provide. To husband. To wife.. 1 1 1 2 4 Total.. 1 1 1 2 4 LO LO 5 5 6 5 5 6 To husband. 1 7 10 66 65 113 104 118 85 To wife.. 8 13 31 115 143 196 199 203 179 Total ……. 20 41 181 208 309 303 321 264 To husband. To wife.... 1 Total 1 22 1 1 To husband. 5 1 5 10 9 9 9 5 8 19 35 37 55 46 52 56 Total 13 20 40 47 64 55 61 61 3 3 3 3 5 胡​松 ​54 59 25 Impotency To wife.. 1 Total 1 To husband 1 1 To wife.... Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 26 Imprisonment in peniten. S To husband tiary. peniten-To wife. Total 27 Neglect to provide…. · To husband. To wife. Total. 44 • LO LO 22 4 4 ww 3 7 6 1 1 3 7 6 1 1 22 :00 00 5 5 පප 6 10 8 11 6 10 8 11 மம் 5 8 5 8 4 4 11 11 CHAPTER VIII. 685 GENERAL TABLES. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MASSACHUSETTS-Continued. 1 4.00 1 4.00 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 years Un- years. years. years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 17 18 19 Av. Total. erage. over. 1 1 1 1 1 1 37 27 38 28 220 201 1 1 1 1 1 27 16 14 19 9 14 9 10 27 17 15 19 10 15 9 10 28. 70 71 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11.00 4 19.00 $10 5 17.40 28.00 8.00 2 14 11.43 11 3 3 3 523 11.49 $12 537 11.49 ; 6 13.67 13 6 13.67 1 2.00 1 1 as no 3 4 1 1 1 1 4 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 4 33 11.21 $14 33 11.21 3 1 1 27 30 26 ⚫30 30 26 226 30 16 19 19 14 31 17 19 19 14 178 1 1 15 10.67 7 11 8 12 00 00 8 8 88888 1 569 11.52 15 89 1 584 11.50 • 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 22 1 3 1 CU CU 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 221 22 2 22 15 14.20 16 16 13. 44 5 5 er er: 29 1 16.00 13.69 30 13.77 17 22 1.50 18 1.50 51 11.43 19 51 11. 43 1, 481 13.72 2,830 13. 26 4,311 13. 42 1 19.00 20 211.50 21 3 14.00 14 16.43 22 14 16. 43 4 4 లులు 3 22 లులు 3 1 3 1 cro co 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 83 84 86 65 48 57 48 41 48 45 31 274 176 170 146 140 134 118 259 254 232 205 101 86 83 57 73 455 182 175 149 127 131 102 104 729 6 2448 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 5 6 45 51 2945835 10 7 8 43 44 告​0 8 5 4 4 2 5 11 128 10.89 40 31 30 29 20 18 14 123 2 846 12.40 23 50 52 48 36 34 33 22 23 14 134 2 974 12. 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 -8- 1 3 9 3 8 6 8 6 6 రా రా 6 22 2 งค 2 44 1 1 ww 3 8.67 8. 67 24 3 8.67 ลง 2 5 8.40 10 9.40 $25 1 2 1 2 22 2 1 1 1 1 15 9.07 10 === 1 3 23.33 59 11.15 $26 11 62 11.74 คล 2 7 1 2 7 1 ลงค 2 1 10 117 10. 07 27 2 10 117 10.07 22 686 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MASSACHUSETTS-Concluded. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 28 Unknown To wife - Total 2 2 வல் 1 1 1 1 1 1 To husband. 61 73 89 162 176 218 220 208 182 All causes To wife. 95 138 228 339 418 458 456 446 435 Total 156 211 317 501 594 676 676 654 617 MICHIGAN. F 1 Adultery 2 Adultery and cruelty. To husband. 67 89 To wife.. . . 35 34 ឥទ្ធ 94 103 87 80 42 54 51 58 Total 102 123 136 157 138 138 122-07 18888888 68 57 43 100 To husband. 6 To wife... 4 Total 10 4377 3 7 10 341 268 224 5 5 10 344 3 1 4 3 7 4 3 Adultery, cruelty, and To husband. desertion. 4 Adultery, cruelty, deser- tion, and neglect to provide. 5 Adultery, cruelty, and S habitual drunkenness. To wife... Total - (To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife.. Total → 6 Adultery, cruelty, and S To husband neglect to provide. 7 Adultery and desertion.. To wife 8 Adultery, desertion, and habitual drunkenness. To wife.. 1 Total 1 S To husband. 1 Total... 1 112 2 To husband To wife 1 Total. 1 9 Adultery, desertion, and (To husband. neglect to provide. 10 Adultery and habitual S drunkenness. 11 Adultery, habitual drunk. enness, and neglect to provide. 12 Adultery and neglect to provide. 13 Cruelty 14 Cruelty and desertion... 15 Cruelty, desertiou, and habitual drunkenness. To wife. Total - - · To husband. To wife. Total - To husband To wife. Total - 112 1 1 2 1 2 1 437 718 5 8 10 3000 1 1 J 224 22 1 1 1 فر 1 3 4 7 000000 10 8 18 620 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 1 3 1 1 3 2 437 4 44 33 To husband. To wife... 2 1 4 3 3 3 Total. 2 1 4 3 3 3 පස 6 22 2 2 S To busband 71 66 69 44 46 46 39 31 30 To wife. Total. 242 240 207 188 313 306 276 232 217 171 175 165 221 148 131 204 179 161 To husband To wifo. 4 6 13 Total 17 26 2280 2880 10 13 16 8 15 6 8 26 35 37 35 28 39 36 48 53 43 43 45 1992 1993 19 2888 30 38 1 22 1 4 1 1 2 1 5 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 To husband. To wife. Total 16 Cruelty, desertion, habit- (To husband. ual drunkenness, and To wife. neglect to provide. Total • 1 1 · CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 687 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MASSACHUSETTS—Concluded. 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years and known. Av. Total. erage. over. 1 G 6.83 6.83 28 1 6 6.83 168 159 166 133 413 379 333 345 581 538 499 478 97 114 277 239 374 95 72 81 83 48 388 42, 997 11.88 234 193 169 136 146 966 13 6, 856 12.22 353 329 265 250 219 1941, 354 17 9, 853 12. 12 MICHIGAN. 609 57 66 56 39 36 26 24 21 34 41 42 28 20 22 18 11 91 107 98 67 56 48 42 32 22143523 20 15 19 34 222 16 7 23 130 228888888 72 9 1, 189 8.84 4 716 10.07 1 13 1, 905 9.30 -33 6 123 2 6 8 224 246 224 3 3 6 23 L 123 1 5 1 183 5 53 9.92 2 7 12 I22 2 77 10.71 2 130 10.38 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 € 11.83 4 8. 25 3 10 10.40 3 11.00 4 3 11.00 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 12 602 4 6 10 246 437 325 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 1 4 5 1 6 1 1 224 2 2 213 1 1 1 1 1 Jud 1 224 1 1 8 1 9 17 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 57.80 5 57.80 10 10.20 6 10 10.20 83 10.94 61 11.75 7 144 11.29 1 1.00 2 18.50 8 3 12.67 3 9.33 9 co co 3 9.33 77.43 ) 25 10.64 10 32❘ 9.94 215.00 11 2 15.00 37 10.49 12 37 10.49 3 1 1 1 1 6 3 1 1 1 1 6 25 28 17 19 129 99 ཚ 94 99 154 127 111 118 77 285 15 62 2E85 21 19 16 11 12 8 92 9 734 9.84 77 98 +88 64 51 58 48 33 296 29 | 2,806 9.7113 83 67 69 60 41 388 38❘ 3, 3, 540 9.74 5 8 4 8 11 3 1 3 3 3 4 16 1 156 10.97 21 16 26 22 14 20 26 19 10 9 10 8 6 8 10 47 4 455 10.16 14 22 30 27 21 12 11 11 9 11 14 63 5 611 10.37 1 4.00 1 1 1 1 Jared Janek 1 1 3 co co 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 4 4 27 10.59 $15 28 10.36 3 10.67 16 3 10.67 t 3 688 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1885, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MICHIGAN—Continued. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 17 Cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide. To wife Total to co 22 3 9 2 3 9 22 • 60 00 3 3 ILOLO 5 7 4 5 7 4 18 Cruelty To husband. 3 1 3 3 1 2 1 and habitual drunkenness. To wife.. 22 19 27 35 25 38 21 21 14 Total 25 20 30 38 26 40 21 24 15 19 Cruelty, habitual drunk- (To husband enness, and neglect to To wife.. provide. 20 Cruelty and impotency..To wife. 21 Cruelty and imprison mentin penitentiary, etc. Total 22 8 8 77 77 9 11 9 11 ŁO C 6 7 7 6 -t- 7 7 To husband. 2 Total 2 To husband. To wife. Total 1 1 22 Cruelty and neglect to provide. To husband. To wife 82 104 105 110 90 121 81 69 55 Total 82 104 105 110 90 121 81 69 55 23 Cruelty and refusal to To wife S To husband. cohabit. .. Total 24 Desertion. To husband To wife... Total. 8 124 331 293 21 186 347 364 29 310 678 657 300 241 301 261 265 601 502 213 478 195 228 191 423 347 156 drunkenness. 25 Desertion and habitual To husband. 26 Desertion, habitual drunk- (To husband. enness, and neglect to To wife.... provide. Total. 2 To wife.. Total 1 5 11 6 9 1 5 11 6 11 155 178 4 6 4 22 1 1 1 1 Junk Jand 1 1 1 1 To husband. 27 Desertion and impotency. To wife 1 Total 1 To husband. Total. 22 28 Desertion and imprison-Tous ment in penitentiary, etc. 29 Desertion and neglect to STo husband. provide. 1 1 1 1 1 1 To wife.... 19 40 Total 19 40 74 100 64 74 100 22 72 48 48 51 64 72 48 48 51 S To husband 3 9 4 4 5 3 14 36 35 Total 17 45 39 46 2006 42 48 கக 43 46 38 49 *008 4 5 6 35 37 42 40 43 30 Habitual drunkenness... To wife 31 Habitual drunkenness To husband. and neglect to provide. 32 Impotency. 33 Imprisonment in poniten- tiary, etc. To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total 34 Imprisonment in peniten- tiary, etc., and neglect To wife to provide. 6 11 9 18 21 16 11 16 4 6 11 9 18 21 16 11 16 4 629 112 లులు 145 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 9 7 3 9 7 178 7 6 8 6 LO LO 5 8 5 8 คล 2 2 (To husband. Total 35 Neglect to provide.... To husband. To wife.... Total... 107 133 149 106 107 133 149 100 112 84 93 86 59 112 84 93 86 59 CHAPTER VIII. VIII.-GENERAL -GENERAL TABLES. 689 די TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MICHIGAN-Continued. 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 21 14 20 years Un. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. 22 5 1 5 LO LO 220 29 30 3233 6 6 පප an að 3 3 1 1 16- 15 16 7 12 16 15 16 7 12 -- 6 5 6 6 5 6 සය 3 ww 3 3 LOLO 5 5 1 1 8 00 00 8 Av. Total. erage. ~~ 22 2 7 63 10.27 17 2 7 63 10.27 8 00 00 8 24 ~2~23 1 1 19 6.94 00 00 8 48 5 439 10.5918 8 49 6 458 10.45 co co 3 3 1 3 3 1 44 4 1 14 1 119 10.41 $19 4 1 14 1 119 10.41 22 2 1.00 20 1.00 2 9.00 $21 2 9.00 S 53 51 38 41 34 30 1 25 53 51 38 41 34 30 25 2220 :220 1 15 15 92 13 1,264 8.79 22 15 15 92 13 1,261 8.79 1 12.00 23 1 1 12.00 132 141 105 98 80 64 64 64 56 .46 49 380 31 3, 171 10.46 165 143 130 121 99 95 61 47 52 40 47 274 42 297 284 235 219 179 159 125 111 108 86 96 654 73❘ 6, 651 3,480 9.37 24 9.89 2 1 9 10 11 11 งงง 7 CO CO 6 5 6 5 Cn the hand 1 4 3 5 3 55 5 3 5 3 44 10 10 2 22 2 89.13 116 11. 30 $25 124 11.16 1 2 1 1 2 1 ~~ 2 1 2 1 43 39 29 43 39 29 4 27 38 31 40 2000 3 19 22 28 192 239 30 15 30 15 LO LO 18 15 18 16 18 15 2 2 19 19 20 20 21 2+2 22 21 23 គត 4 228 18 16 66 1 23 12 17 23 12 18 15 15 10 10 77 22 2321 1 16 13.20 26 1 16 13. 20 1 1 2.00 27 2.00 127 LO LO 5 4.80 $28 4.80 5 8.99$29 7 58 5 815 7 58 5 815 8.99 1 0 0 1 6 8 78 84 - CO - co co LO LO 1 68 8.76 8 9 635 10.97 703 10.76 30 3 206 3 9.88 206 9.88 31 8 1.63 5 5 లులు 3 5 3 5 ~~ 2 2 2 2 INN 15 15 LD LO cm cm 9 9 13 6 9 9 13 6 ♡ ♡ 3 9 3 66 1 9 1 లులు 3 3 201 2 3 3 22 1 1 6 3.33 32 14 2.36 2 3.00 1 11 98 10.17 33 1 11 100 10.03 1 19.00 34 1 19.00 60 40 65 39 27 36 27 20 17 15 12 71 8 1,366 8.02 35 60 40 65 39 27 36 27 20 17 15 12 71 8 1,366 8.02 20267 M D -44 690 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MICHIGAN-Concluded. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years years. years. years. 36 Pregnancy before mar. riage. To husband. 1 1 To wife.. Total 1 1 37 Previous divorce obtain-To wif ed in another state. To husband. wife.... 1 Total 1 To husband. 9 38 Unknown To wife... 3 Total.. 12 224 3. 2 1 4 2 112 1 1 213 213 To husband. 182 305 All causes To wife. Total 522 471 468 388 379 315 265 584 848 1,068 1, 101 955 950 837 782 649 766 1,153 1, 590 1,572 1, 423 1,338 |1, 216 |1, 097 914 MINNESOTA. To husband. 1 Abandonment To wife... Total. To husband 2 Abandonment and deser- tion. To wife... Total... 1 1 3 Abandonment and habit-To band ual drunkenness. 4 Adultery 5 Adultery and cruelty. S husband. wife... Total. To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. To wife.... Total 2008 32 18 50 2223 20 12 1 1 6 Adultery, cruelty, and de- sertion. S To husband. 32333 34 24 25 18 18 10 13 13 9 8 10 47 37 34 26 28 180 18 17 25 22 1 1 To wife... Total. To husband. 7 Adultery and desertion.. To wife.... 8 Adultery and habitual drunkenness. Total.. (To husband. To wife... Total.. 112 1 1 123 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S To husband. 5 9 Cruelty.. To wife... 60 Total 65 88888888 10 4 5 7 98 888888 83 73 78 87 78 85 322 5 4 72 58 47 49 75 58 52 53 D To husband. 1 1 10 Cruelty and desertion 11 Cruelty, desertion, and S To husband. habitual drunkenness. To wife.... 1 1 Total.. 1 1 1 1 1 To wife... Total 1 1 1 12 Cruelty and habitual S To husband drunkenness. To wife.... Total 2 22 4 1 4 1 Go ♡ 22 3 5 2 1 3 5 2 1 13 Cruelty, habitual drunk- (To husband enness, and neglect to provide. To wife. Total. To husband. 1 14 Cruelty and impotency .. To wife. Total, CHAPTER VIIL-GENERAL TABLES. 691 TABLE IV.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MICHIGAN~Concluded. 21 10, 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 13 14 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. Total. Av- erage. ลง 2 1.50 36 2 1.50 1 1 2 29.00 1 3.00 37 1 1 3 16.00 3 3 112 213 1 1 1 1 1 1 549 31 4.88 4 20 7.50 38 51 5.88 235 251 626 861 194 528 505 451 337 779 699 629 485 175 148 124 115 108 94 80 83 581 59 5,542 9.96 338 270 226 228 207 157 1, 110 131 12, 891 9.48 462 385 334 322 * 287 240 1,691 190 18, 433 9.62 MINNESOTA. 2 1 2 3 41.00 2 28.00 1 4 1 5 34.50 1 2.00 12.00 ลง 2 1 1 1 12.00 3 1 12.00 12 12 16 12 7 6 6 5 5 6 21 13 338 8.58 6 12 12 8 6 5 6 3 3 3 19 4 190 10. 04 18❘ 24 28 20 13 11 12 8 8 8 9 40 17 528 9.12 1 1 1 2.00 4 12.25 5 5 10.20 111.00 1 1 112 3 1 1 1 1 4 1 6 1 11.00 1 1 14 9.79 1 1 10 10. 20 7 1 2 24 9.96 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 3 1 1 2 1 45 38 42 38 47 43 45 39 28 29 22 28 20 30 24 29 22 ~22 1 14 21 17 23 154 21 17 24 168 1 1 2 1 1 4 19 *** 2 9.50 3 12.67 8 5 11.40 79 11.27 1, 104 10.59 9 23 | 1,183 10.64 3 6.33 4 8.75 10 -] HA CO 7 7.71 1 1.00 3 లులు 3 1 1 1 1 3 9.33 11 7.25 10 40 5 5 లులు 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 :883 39 39 9.85 9.85 12 1 1 123.00 13 1 23.00 1 1.00 14 11.00 692 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1836, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MINNESOTA-Concluded. 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1 Causes, and to which party granted. 1 1 1 1 1 1 → 224 පතය 3 31 67 63 54 37 -39 6 39 81 86 52 67 47 9 70 151 149 106 101 86 2333 43 76 To husband 1 Total. 1 15 Cruelty and imprison- To wife.... ment in penitentiary. 16 Cruelty, and neglect to To husband provide. 17 Desertion. 18 Desertion and habitual drunkenness. 19 Desertion and neglect to provide. 20 Habitual drunkenness. To wife Total To husband To wife... Total. To husband To wife. Total - To husband. To wife... Total To husband To wife. Total. 21 Habitual drunkenness ( To husband and imprisonment in? To wife. penitentiary. 22 Habitual drunkenness S and neglect to provide. Total. To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. • 1 1 1 1 1445 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 8 15 14 14 17 14 17 30 9 16 17 15 17 15 18 10 S 23 Impotency To wife.... Total 426 1 1 To husband. 24 Imprisonment in peniten-To wife. 3 4 tiary. 25 Neglect to provide.. Total 3 4 To husband To wife... Total. To husband 22 1 1 112 22 að að 1 1 22 3 3 33 3 22 22 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 26 Unknown To wife.... Total. 1 1 S To husband 46 38 60 111 96 82 58 64 55 All causes To wife... Total. 98 123 151 192 199 144 161 214 303 295 159 156 128 113 241 214 192 168 MISSISSIPPI. To husband. 51 81 110 93 97 106 To wife 19 20 24 19 19 20 Total 70 110 134 117 116 126 352 64 42 45 15 9 11 79 51 56 Total 123 3 1 1 3 1 1 156 1 5 6 3 6 6 4 22 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Adultery 2 Adultery and cruelty.. 3 Adultery, cruelty, and desertion. S 4 Adultery, cruelty, and S habitual drunkenness. To husband To wife.. To husband. To wife. Total To husband To wife. Total. To husband. Total. 5 Adultery and desertion..To wife ... ลด 2 1 1 2 1 1 344 4 7 4 208 10 3 13 Ecra 18 28 26 39 25 5 5 8 5 8 5 4 23 36 31 47 30 9 CHAPTER VIII. 693 GENERAL TABLES. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MINNESOTA-Concluded. 21 10 11 13 16 17 18 19 12 14 15 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. Total. Av. erage. 1 1.00 $15 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 1 8 14 0016 1 1 1 1 1 8 14.00 34 23 31 14 13 38 38 25 29 21 72 61 56 43 34 === 17 17 34 3285 35 5 14 4 13 24 8 13 59 13 27 ២៦ 15 19 2933 116 8 656 12.27 16 92 10 772 11. 0117 208 18 1,428 11. 58 2 6.00 6.00 18 2 6.00 1 1 | H 0-3 1 7 10 8 12 202 4 2 14 16 11 8 18 18 11 8 : oo oo 1 1 2 13.50 $19 134 6 2 10 6 12 134 3 4 36 4 39 2 13.50 25 11.28 1 1 LO LO 5 246 11.61 20 5 271 11.58 1 10.00 21 1 10.00 ཚ 4 12.50 $22 4 12.50 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 5.75 1 1 7 5.14 5.1423 1 1 15 5.47 127.00 లులు 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 -- 1 1 1 1 30 7.97 $24 1 1 1 2 31 8.58 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 11 10.64 25 1 2 11 10.64 10 10.00 1 34 9.00 $26 1 53 44 102 109 101 155 153 158 125 57 30 dea 2389985 21 70 91 695 25 56 81 108 9895 43 12 65 287 39 50 51 72 282 =383 11 39 50 22820 159 50 313 70 472 ទី៩៖ ឯ 14 9.33 1, 142 11. 04 2,481 10. 74 105 3, 623 10.81 MISSISSIPPI. 00 01 LO 620 1995 45 41 31 27 19 20 11 14 9 59 53 ซึ่ง 7 4 2 5 4 74 4 38 31 21 25 15 11 1 1 1 4 3 1 5 4 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 21 15 8 5 8 1 26 23 9 14 221 LD 60.00 5 3 8 5625- 3 Co 3 12 181 1, 106 6.82 2 3 50 268 6.73 1 5 3 15 231 1, 374 6.80 6 9.00 1 4 40 7.81 2 1 4 46 7.98 1 1 9971 2 2.00 5 11.50 8.33 3 1 6 1 6 1 7 7 21614 1 1 6 7.80 1 1 6 7.80 1 5 1 6 $530333 273 8.49 20 93 9.05 5 366 8.62 694 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF OF LABOR. " TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MISSISSIPPI—Continued, Causes, and to which party granted. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. 6 Adultery, desertion, and S To husband. habitual drunkenness. 7 Adultery and habitual S drunkenness. 8 Bigamy.. 9 Cruelty.. To wife. Total To husband. To wife.... Total... To husband • year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 3 1 213 22 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 To wife Total 4 2 1 To husband. 4 4 3 To wife... 18 Total 22 200 22 30 26 ♡♡ 30 33 32 202 5 1 3 27 32 2225 23 18 16 13 24 18 16 16 To husband. 1 1 To wife. 3 Total 1 සය 9 7 3 10 7 ماما 5 5 178 1 7 8 TO LO 5 3 5 4 ས To husband. To wife 1 1 Total 1 1 10 Cruelty and desertion.... 11 Cruelty, desertion, and habitual drunkenness. 12 Cruelty and habitual S To husband. drunkenness. 13 Desertion To wife. 1 4 Total 1 4 To husband. 1 To wife... Total. 3 ** 24 19 4 43 159 227 14 Desertion and habitual To husband. drunkenness. To wife... Total ► To husband. 15 Desertion and impotency. To wife. Total • To husband. 16 Desertion and imprison-To wife.. ment in penitentiary. Total. S To husband. 17 Desertion and insanity... To wife · · LO LO 5 5 සප 6 4 6 4 145 ww 3 3 4 3 3 4 58835 133 135 128 91 105 65 62 94 90 100 66 82 61 2.5 228 157 187 126 1 1 1 1 1 ~~ 2 1 2 Ι 1 1 1 1 Total.. 1 S To husband. 1 18 Habitual drunkenness. To wife. 6 4 6 2 Total 7 4 6 2 งดง IT 1 1 1 1 123 183 2 134 4 To husband 1 19 Idiocy. To wife.. Total 1 To husband. 20 Impotency.. To wife... Total. peniten-To wife.. 21 Imprisonment in peniten. To husband. tiary. 22 Insanity. S Total To husband. To wife.. Total. 1 1 1 1 2 5 6 2 5 6 ∞ ∞ 8 8 55 5 4 5 1 5 లులు 3 3 112 1 1 1 1 112 1 1 112 2 To husband. 19 13 4 3 4 2 23 Pregnancy before riage. mar- To wife... 24 Refusal to cohabit. Total.... S To husband. To wife Total. • 19 13 4 3 4 2 1 123 112 · LOLO 22 22 1 1 1 1 1 12 1 ་ CHAPTER > VIIIVIII.- 695 .-GENERAL TABLES. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED granted frOM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. MISSISSIPPI-Continued. 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 17 18 19 Total. Av. erage. over. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 12 16 14 LOLO 221 5 5 187 6 6 6 158 6 2 ~~ 2 1 1 1 6 3 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 187 235 134 22 3 co co 3 22 Cu co 3 9.67 6 3 9.67 3 10.67 22 8 6.83 7 11 8. 11 9 3.33 3 5.00 8 12 3. 75 3 4 5 35 293 8 39 3 13 16 887 228 38 8.38 6.88 9 331 7.06 9.43 8.07 $10 8.21 OLD 00 112 1 1 ลล 2 2 · LO LO 5 5.67 11 5 5.67 1 6.00 22 1 2 1 2 INN 1 1 ~~ 2 1 2 2 1 2 පය 6 51 7.7812 7.74 123 81983 68 50 49 55 42 31 92 80 225 48 29 77 234 29 15 44 44 227 22 17 14 15 10 4 22 14 8 3 1 7 31 22 18 11 11 4255 286 1,436 1,436 8.53 22 177 1,003 8. 1813 67 463 2,439 8.39 Ι 1 5 8.40 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 10 11.00 14 15 10.13 2 2 లులు 3 3 1 1 1 1 22 3 3 co Go 22 · 1 1 22.00 15 1 1 22.00 1 6.00 16 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 • 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 167 1 6.00 15.00 17 1.5.00 6 8.60 4 48 7.76 7.76 18 54 7.85 1 1.00 $19 1 1.00 1.00 4 3.75 7 5.71 20 11 | 5.00 1 9 55 1 57 2181 7.50 7.15 21 7.17 5 6.00 6 8.17 11 7.18 3 51 2.92 23 3 51 2.92 1 4.00 1 4.00 24 696 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MISSISSIPPI-Concluded. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 1 25 Unknown.. To wife.... Total 1 123 2 1 1 1 1 ลง 2 1 1 To husband. 87 133 230 258 271 266 203 175 123 All causes To wife... Total 58 83 147 176 173 173 127 131 103 145 216 377 434 444 439 330 300 226 MISSOURI. 1 Adultery 2 Adultery, bigamy, and de- sertion. 3 Adultery and conviction of felony. To wife.. Total. - • • • To husband. To wife.. Total S To husband 4 Adultery and cruelty....To wife. Total. 5 Adultery, cruelty, and de. To husband. sertion. 6 Adultery and desertion.. 7 . • Adultery and habitual S To husband. drunkenness. 8 Adultery and neglect to provide. 9 Bigamy... · S To husband. 140 174 163 148 110 74 55 66 52 To wife..... Total 44 75 60 32 36 34 32 24 27 184 249 223 180 146 108 87 90 79 To husband. 1 1 344 7 257 224 1 3 1 w w 3 To wife. Total. To husband. 3 9 To wife... 1 5 Total 4 14 44∞ ها 5 8 5 12 752 2 To wife..... Total 1 1 2 184 1 3 1 1 1 224 10 33 00 1 1 325 1 1 5 1 3 8 4 3 730 123 10 123 4 4 123 3 3 3 - To husband. - To wife... Total 1 1 To husband. 11 9 12 To wife.. 26 10 Total 37 19 21 257 248 347 292 6 5 LO 5 336 112 S To husband. 10 Bigamy and cruelty 22 11 Bigamy, cruelty, and re- fusal to cohabit. 12 Bigamy and desertion To wife.... Total. To husband. To wife. 1 Total 1 To husband. To wife... Total. 13 Bigamy and habitual S To husband. drunkenness. 14 Conviction of felony. 15 Conviction of felony and cruelty. 16 Conviction of felony and S desertion. 1 1 1 1 HA 1 1 To wife.... 1 Total 1 To husband. 2 3 1 1 To wife. 9 17 15 17 13 6 13 6 6 Total 9 17 17 20 13 7 13 7 6 · To husband. To wife... Total 1 1 To husband. To wife... Total 1 1 1 1 1 • : CHAPTER VIII. 697 -GENERAL TABLES. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MISSISSIPPI-Concluded. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and over. 21 Un- known. Total. Av- erage. 1 1 1 56 65 8.78 34 37 3.33 $25 1 1 1 90 102 7.42 137 116 90 91 102 89 56 47 239 205 146 138 18888888 55 49 31 27 25 15 9 33 43 92 888 28 19 8 12 10 59 46 33 27 19 104 15500 67 567 3,025 7.74 360 2, 015 7.75 927 5,040 | 7.75 MISSOURI. 888 56 27 83 98883 40 23 63 2103 25 14 39 5255 27 17 20 7 47 24 ==883 17 19 11 17 28 ៩២ 13 36 25 2333 12 8 12 7 15 202 8 127 5 2 7 23353 44 12 1,296 558 6.31 8. 14 1 65 56 1, 1, 854 6.87 1 9.00 2 1 9.00 1 1 3 1 1 112 2 1 2 1 1 22 213 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 7.84 21 5.77 4 43 6.73 2 14.00 2 9.50 5 4 11.75 03 3 LO 2 6 1 5 7 224 2 325 3 1 1 3 4 - HON 1 2 1 2 2 ~~~ 1 4 2 69 8.73 1 3 1 44 9.05 6 2 7 3 113 8.85 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 123 1 18 8.47 15 9.87 7 1 33 9. 13 1 2 8.50 8 1 28.50 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 ૭ 1 3895 4.87 66 3.25 119 3.97 9 LO LO 5 5 ~48 2 3 6 3 44 1 1 లులు 3 1 3 3 1 3 ลล 2 2 • 0161 2 1.00 10 2 | 1.00 1 1.00 $11 1 1.00 3 3 3.00 $12 3.00 1 1.00 13 1 1.00 9 6.00 LO LO 5 4 137 6.93 14 5 4 146 6.87 333 3 1 4.00 15 1 4.00 6.00 $16 e. 00 698 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MISSOURI—Continued. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1 Causes, and to which party granted. 17 Conviction of felony, hab- (To husband. itual drunkenness, and To wife... neglect to provide. 18 Cruelty.. 1 Total 1 To husband. 51 To wife.... 183 243 Total... 234 49 56 44 242 209 40 32 39 30 23 292 298 188 253 228 193 161 139 109 115 178 139 138 To husband. To wife.... Total 369 7 9 3 10 19 14 12 32 4 17 28 17 15 4 22 33. 3 257 19 Cru lty and desertion 20 Cruelty, desertion, and habitual drunkenness. To husband. To wife.. Total ... 21 Cruelty, desertion, and To husband. neglect to provide. 22 Cruelty and habitual S drunkenness. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife.. Total 23 Cruelty, habitual drunk- ( To husband. enness, and neglect to To wife.. provide. • 257 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 12 17 14 18 673 2 1 3 9 6 6 9 10 9 6 13 LO 5 5 22N 7 9 1 Total. 1 1 1 24 Cruelty and impotency..To wife. S To husband. 1 1 Total.. 1 1 25 Cruel y and neglect to provido. S To husband. To wife... Total 6 සහ 4 6 4 · LO LO 5 5 LO LO 5 1 6 5 1 6 22 22 26 Cruelty and refusal to co. To husband. 1 1 habit. To wife Total 1 1 27 Desertion. To husband. 144 307 To wife.... 170 484 Total 351 328 257 215 154 153 566 566 470 370 365 297 120 314 791 917 894 727 585 519 450 238 358 28 Desertion and habitual drunkenness. 29 Desertion, habitual drank. enness, and neglect to provide. 30 Desertion and neglect to To wife………. provide. 31 Desertion and pregnancy To husband before marriage. (To wifod 32 Habitual drunkenness...To wife 33 Habitual drunkenness and neglect to provide. 34 Impotency. S To husband. To wife... Total 35 Impotency and neglect to To husba provide. To husband. wife. Total To husband. To wife.... 1 7 Total 1 7 22 2 2 ས ས 4 4 LO LO 5 4 4 AA (To husband To wife. Total 1 1 { To husband. 6 13 10 11 6 Total.. 6 13 10 11 6 ~~ 2 2 22 30 00 3 213 1 1 8 8 1 8 8 1 1 (Total 1 To husband. 2 4 7 10 4 23 47 71 66 56 Total 25 51 78 76 60 253 12 9 4 7 57 65 46 37 69 74 50 44 { To husband To wife.... Total 1 1 729 2 2 + Fund Co 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 • CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL GENERAL TABLES. 699 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. MISSOURI-Continued. 21 over. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- years. years. years years. ye rs. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. Total. Av- erage. 1 7.00 17 1 7.00 32 27 11 11 9 16 20 8 4 14 9 55 32 612 9.23 101 77 92 66 60 40 54 44 34 40 21 159 71 2,454 | 8.40 8.40 18 136 101 103 77 69 56 74 52 38 54 33 214 103 3,066 8.56 55 22 145 1 1 4 1 4 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 213 1 1 2 2888888 6.06 6.35 19 130 6.28 1 4.00 $20 1 4.00 ∞ ∞ 8 9 4 8 9 4 1 1 22 224 1 8 5 6 1 1 4 9 5 6 ~ 2 4 22 1 10 11 1 1 22 22 4.00 21 4.00 18 7.72 137 155 9.61 22 9.39 an a 3 3 7.00 $23 7.00 2 19.00 1 3.00 24 3 13.67 1 1 2 2 ima 22 2 2 1 1 1 41 5.9325 2 1 1 1 41 5.93 1 3 16.00 26 1 3 16.00 123 207 · 81 66 63 50 50 40 45 37 26 23 182 166 2, 981 7.97 156 136 114 98 65 75 62 32 40 42 171 217 4, 941 7.41 27 330 237 202 177 148 115 115 107 69 66 65 353 383 7,922 7.62 1 1 ad ad 3 4 3 4 112 4 9.50 1 1 22 1 3 1 43 1 3 1 47 8. 2428 8.35 1 1 2 7.00 29 27.00 1 1 22 2 4 3 co co 3 1 1 లులు 3 79 5.53 30 3 79 5.53 1 4.00 31 14.00 2 108 9.98 8 7 2 4 1 5 2 2 3 4 1 8 42 41 40 30 21 28 34 21 23 11 17 52 10 838 9.70 32 50 48 42 34 22 33 36 23 26 15 18 60 12 916 9.73 1 1 22 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 20 10.3533 1 N 2 1 1 1 1 1 20 10.35 1 1 1 1 14 4.00 5 2.20 34 19 3.53 1 2.00 35 1 2.00 700 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR, } TABLE IV-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MISSOURI-Concluded. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. Causes, and to which party granted. 1 36 Neglect to provide.... To husband. To wife... Total 11 18 20 17 13 11 -18 20 17 13 2223 16 14 9 16 14 9 laa 37 Pregnancy before mar. To husband. 42 7 4 2 4 1 2 1 To wife. riage. Total 42 7 4 2 4 1 2 1 To husband. 4 1 1 1 38 Refusal to cohabit... To wife.. Total 4 1 1 1 To husband. 39 Vagrancy To wife.... 4 4 6 Total 4 4 6 ܣܣ 8 4 8 4 ลง 7 7 3 3 1 | -| 1 To husband. 6 40 Unknown To wife,. 4 Total 10 213 426 1 1 235 1 2 1 2 All causes To wife. Total S To husband 420 580 613 555 429 350 268 271 219 510 956 1, 061 930 1,536 1, 674 1, 522 1, 257 1, 050 967 828 700 659 524 454 927 795 673 MONTANA. 1 Abandonment 2 Abandonment and adul. S tery. To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wifo.. Total 3 Abandonment, adultery, (To husband. cruelty, and habitual To wife. drunkenness. 15 235 213 235 1 4 4 7 5 11 1 1 1 1 5 5 LO LO 22 1 3 4 325 Total 1 1 To husband. 1 4 Abandonment and cruelty To wife 1 Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 مر 5 Abandonment and deser. S tion. 6 Abandonment and habit ual drunkenness. To husband. 2 To wife.. Total 2 22 1 1 1 1 To husband To wife... 1 Total 1 To husband. 9 4 7 4 5 3 3 2 7 Adultery 8 Adultery and conviction S of felony. 9 Adultery and cruelty... 10 Adultery, cruelty, and de. To husband. sertion. 11 Adultery and desertion..To 12 Adultery and habitual S drunkenness. To wife..... Total · To wife. 1 3 5 1 2 Total 10 7 12 4 6 5 3 2 ગર 5 To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife... 1 1 1 1 1 Total 1 1 1 1 1 To wife. 1 Total 1 To husband. wife... Total 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 To husband. CHAPTER VIII.- 701 GENERAL TABLES. TABLE IV. DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MISSOURI-Concluded. 21 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 14 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. Total. Av. erage. 5 LO LO 5 - - 9 4 6 9 4 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 co co 22 3 3 3 3 w co 4 1 4 1 co co 3 3 ww 3 9 3 9 LO LO 5 197 7.82 36 5 197 7.82 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 69 2.66 37 2 69 2.66 1 13 7.00 >38 1 13 7.00 3 3 3 3 22 1 1 60 50 3 3 2 1 1 65 1 82 2 1 1 1 147 180 22 580 5.87 39 5.87 5.36 93 4.55 40 5.09 226 163 113 115 414 335 312 255 202 164 195 157 425 370 283 256 282 231 158 610 498 81 92 87 74 53 57 38 291 317 5, 412 7.62 105 111 91 450 4169,866 7.87 168 129 741 733 15,278 7.78 3 184 MONTANA. 112 11~ 22 22 112 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 • 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 285 235 1 1 21 9.10 45 8.67 1 66 8.80 2 9.00 2 11.50 2 4 10.25 1 7.00 3 1 7.00 – 1 3.00 3 6.00 4 4 5.25 2 3.00 9 11 10. 78 9.36 5 4 14.75 6 4 14.75 1 3 1 53: 6.75 1 1 18 6.83 7 1 1 4 1 71 6.77 1 1 1 19.00 8 1 19.00 6 5.67 9 6 5.67 1 3.00 10 1 3.00 4 4.00 1 5 8.00 11 1 9 6.22 1 16.00 12 1 16.00 702 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MONTANA—Concluded. 1 Causes, and to which party granted. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 13 Bigamy 14 Bigamy, cruelty, and de- sertion. 15 Conviction of felony .. To husband. 1 1 To wife... 1 1 Total. 1 1 1 1 To husband. To wife... Total | H 1 1 To husband. To wife.... Total.. 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 16 Conviction of felony and S To husband desertion. 17 Cruelty. 18 Cruelty and desertion 19 Cruelty, desertion, and S habitual drunkenness. 20 Cruelty and habitual S drunkenness. 22 21 24 9 6 7 21 11 6 7 22 44 To wife. 1 Total. 1 To husband. To wife... Total 21 4223 1 1 20 13 12 15 14 14 12 16 14 To husband. 1 To wife.... Total. 1 I22 ao m 3 3 3 3 ww To husband. To wife.. Total 22 ILD LO 5 5 22 2 22 2 2 2 2 To husband. To wife.... Total 22 33. 1 1 od ad 3 4 3 4 22 77 1 1 To husband. 8 10 4 3 6 4 6 6 1 21 Desertion. To wifo.... 5 21 18 23 17 20 11 8 Total 13 31 22 26 23 24 17 14 12 572 22 Desertion and habitual S drunkenness. To husband. To wife.... Total 1 1 To husband. 23 Desertion and impotency. To wife.. Total - 24 Habitual drunkenness.. To husband. To wife... Total 3 3 To husb: nd. 134 22 134 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 සය 3 3 44 123 1 1 25 Impotency.. 26 Pregnancy before mar- riage. 27 Unknown.. All causes To wife... Total 1 1 To husband. 1 To wife... Total... 1 To husband. To wife.. 1 Total 1 To husband. To wife. Total 2888 21 38 59 292 21 49 70 8888888 18 50 68 62 938 10 52 18538 17 8 13 48 60 65 68 ககக 9 11 43 31 28 56 40 39 NEBRASKA. 1 Abandonment 2 Abandonment and adul-S tery. To husband. To wife..... Total.... To husband. To wife.. Total 3 7 10 • 232 29 44 40 31 24 21 16 18 43 87 78 63 54 41 42 27 72 131 118 94 78 62 58 45 1 1 1 1 1 1 • CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 703 TABLE IV.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. MONTANA-Concluded. 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years.[years.{years. 18 20 years Un- and known. Total. Av- erage. over. 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 · 0000 8 7 5 8 7 5 3 1 3 1 112 1 1 3 4 -3. 4 22 1 1 1 1 224 4.50 24.50 13 4.50 1 6.00 $14 1 6.00 12 6.75 15 12 6.75 T 1 4.00 $16 1 4.00 2 1 10 13.33 1 4 16 169 8.34 8. 34 17 1 4 18 1 179 8.60 1 1 2 ~27 2 15.00 29 8.90 18 31 9.29 2 6 13.50 19 2 6 13.50 7 8 15 347 4 10 14 123 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 4 4 5 4 8 156 1 4 6 7 4 11 4 11 1 3 1 3 329.81 20 32 9.81 123 14 96 10.74 15 1 203 8.99 $21 29 1 299 9.55 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 8.90 22 1 10 8.90 1 12.00 $23 1 12.00 1 1 1 1 113 1 6 7.67 1 2 1 1 28 2 2 2 1 1 8.07 24 34 8.00 1 7.00 $25 1 7.00 1 2.00 26 1 2,00 6 6 24 30 13 19 32 222 4 6 3 8 5 3 1 1 18 22 22 10 10 13 13 12 15 22 28 13 18 18 16 13 19 1371 1 6 9 10 273 22 44 66 * Colom 25 1.00 27 31 1.00 8 207 25 615 9.22 8. 69 33 822 8.83 NEBRASKA. 15 13 12 5 9 7 11 3 27 21 15 16 13 8 7 2 1 42 34 27 21 22 17 14 13 4 ~6977 5 26 8 353 9.05 14 5 575 7.00 1 40 13 928 7.77 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 12.80 211.00 712.50 S 2 704 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ; TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. NEBRASKA-Continued. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband 1 3 Abandonment and cru- elty. To wife.... Total 1 112 1 1 11 4 Abandonment, cruelty, To husband and neglect to provide. 5 Abandonment and deser-S tion. 6 Abandonment and habit- ual drunkenness. To wife.. Total.... To husband. To wife... Total 1 1 1 1 To husband. To wife. Total. 7 Abandonment and physi. To husband. cal incapacity. 8 Abandonment and neg-To wife. lect to provide. 9 Adultery 10 Adultery and cruelty....{ 11 Adultery, cruelty, and S desertion. 1 1 1 1 To wife.. Total To husband. 1 4 3 Total.. 1 4 3 To husband 16 24 33 22 14 18 9 12 10 To wife... 10 15 17 7 9 9 6 6 2 Total 26 39 50 29 23 27 15 18 12 To husband. 1 1 1 1 To wife... Total.. To husband. To wife.... Total. Tota 12 Adultery, cruelty, habit- (To husband. ual drunkenness, and} To wife. neglect to provide. 13 Adultery, cruelty, and S neglect to provide. 14 Adultery and desertion>. 15 Adultery, desertion, and habitual drunkenness. 16 Adultery and habitual drunkenness. 17 Adultery, habitual drunk- enness, and neglect to provide. 18 Adultery and neglect to provide. Total To husband. To wife. Total To husband. {To To wife... Total..... • To husband. To wife.. 1 1 2 1 1 1 · 2 1 1 1 Total To husband. 1 To wife... Total. 1 (To husband. To wife.. Total 1 1 To husband. To wife Total · 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 · * 1 1 2 37 77 39 2580 10 87 820 9 8 5 9 1 77 59 50 54 44 86 67 55 63 45 37 1 1 112 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2100 112 112 1 35 30 31 1 1 19 Cruelty.. 20 Cruelty and desertion To husband. To wife.. Total. STo husband. To wife.. Total.... 21 Cruelty, desertion, and habitual drunkenness. S To husband. To wife.. Total • - • 1 CHAPTER VIII. VIII.—GENERAL -GENERAL TABLES. 705 TABLE IV. -DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1836, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. NEBRASKA-Continued. 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 18 19 Total. Ar- erage. over. 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- 1 1 257 2 2.00 5 10.60 8.14 3 1 11.00 4 1 11.00 1 2 16.00 1 3 | 4.50 5 1 1 5 10.25 1 7.00 6 1 7.00 1 10.00 7 1 10.00 1 1 1 11 6.60 8 1 1 11 6.60 10 8 9 4 8 3 2 2 3 2 9 14 232 7.26 6 .5 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 11 J20 6.99 9 16 13 11 6 8 5 4 2 3 4 2 14 25 352 7.17 2 1 4 9.25 2 1 1 1 2 16.50 10 6 11.67 1 1 1 15.00 11 1 15.00 123 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 123 1 13.00 12 1 13.00 2 4.50 $13 2 4.50 1 11 7.60 817.67 19 11.38 14 1 1 21.00 $15 1 1 21.00 1 1.00 4 12.75 16 5 10.40 1.00 17 2 1.00 1 2 1 ดล 2 4 5.50 18 4 5.50 6 3 5 3 2 2 1 1 13 6 89 9.92 23 23 27 19 22 11 12 6 13 11 13 53 31 727 8.63 19 29 26 32 22 24 13 12 14 11 13 66 37 816 8.77 1 1 7 7.17 1 ลล 2 1 2 3 17 10.61 20 1 1 4 24 9.60 20267 M D—-—45 1 1 C161 2 4.00 21 4.00 1 3 706 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. NEBRASKA-Concluded. 1 Causes, and to which party granted. 22 Cruelty, desertion, and STo husband. neglect to provide. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To wife Total 23 Cruelty and drunkenness. habitual S To husband To wife.... Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 113 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 in penitentiary, etc. 24 Cruelty, habitual drunk- (To husband. enness, and neglect to To wife.. provide. 25 Cruelty and imprisonment 26 Cruelty and neglect to provide. Total 1 1 1 1 - To husband. To wife.... Total 1 1 To husband. To wife..... Total HH 1 1 22 5 5 44 4 4 — — 1 1 22 27 Desertion.. (To To husband 2 17 12 17 To wife... 1 12 19 9 11 Total 1 14 36 21 28 2020 10 5 10 8 13 བབཅ 7 7 17 14 To husband. 1 To wife.. Total -- 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 ! 1 1 122 1 1 28 Desertion and habitual drunkenness. 29 Desertion, habitual drunk- ( To husband. enness, and neglect to provide. S To wife.. Total 30 Desertion and neglect to To husband. provide. 31 Desertion and physical incapacity. To wife.. Total To husband To wife.. Total To husband 32 Habitual drunkenness... To wife Total... 33 Habitual drunkenness To husband. and neglect to provide. To wife Total To husband. 34 Imprisonment in peniten-To wife. Total. To husband. To wife Total 6 6 CO CO 145 1 1 15 1 1 1 1 22 77 12 7 12 1 3 1 3 යය: 1 1 1 5 10 10 6 11 10 1 LO CO 123 225 3 tiary. 35 Insanity.. 112 134 1 5 1 2 4 1 5 1 2 1 1 36 Neglect to provide. To husband To wife... Total 2 9 17 18 14 17 9 10 9 2 9 17 18 14 17 9 10 9 To husband. 37 Physical incapacity To wife..... Total 2-3 2 1 2 38 Preg ancy before mar- riage. S S 39 Refusal to cohabit. To husband. To wife. Total.. To husband. To wife Total. To husband. To wife..... Total.. 1 1 40! Unknown 11 527 GD CD CD 3 3 6 123 1 1 All causes To husband To wife.. Total 34 75 108 82 177 72 245 203 106 252 353 285 64 38 71 160 161 125 115 231 225 163 160 121 45 282 39 82 t ༨ CHAPTER VIII.- GENERAL TABLES. 707 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. NEBRASKA-Concluded. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 Un- Total. Av- erage. 20 years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ลล 2 2 2 * 13 10000 5 8 12 752 3 5 8 10 11 15 1 7 8 1 1 1 1 22 6 CO CO 6 1 1 22 1 1 1 2 [13.00 1 1 4 4 22 11.89 23 | H 1 1 5 4 24 12.00 1 1 on co 3 9.33 24 3 9.33 325 347 1 1 -- + 1 1.00 25 1 1.00 ་ 1 1 1 1 ** 4 7 37 9.8326 4 7 37 9.83 4 3 2 6 347 6 1 3 34 50 207 12.75 1 1 12 41 182 9.53 27 7 4 46 91 389 11.23 1 1 111 30 8.00 7 8 6. 17 6.43 28 ลงลง 5.00 $29 5.00 1 17 6.35 30 1 17 6. 35 1 2.00 >31 1 2.00 2157 170 12 10.50 104 116 9. 1932 9.31 1 1 6 6 CO CO 3 ww. 3 3 4 1 1 3 4 1 2 8 2 1 2 ~2 tes 6.00 33 6.00 1 2.00 1 18 6.88 34 1 19 6.61 01 100 2 3.50 3 1.00 35 3 2.67 9 3 3 4 9 3 3 4 as as 3 3 3 3 3 3 සය 2 1 9 11 159 8. 23 36 3 2 1 9 11 159 8. 23 4 1.50 1 1.00 37 5 1.40 1 3.00 38 1 3.00 1 1.00 39 1 1.00 1 13 23 2.70 1 17 26 3. 89 40 1 1 30 49 3.26 38 33 89 65 127 98 22222223 31 18 67 60 98 78 2*23 20 14 11 21 7 9 86 95 961 9.22 48 3! 33 18 19 18 21 117 147 2,073 8. 13 70 51 47 29 40 25 30 203 242 3, 034 8.47 708 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV. DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. NEVADA. 224 76 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years years. years. To husband. 11 4 To wife.. Total 3 14 123 159 1 10 5 7 4 3 10 9 10 134 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 - 1 4 1 5 22 1 1 1 1 112 2 1 1 · 1 1 22 42 2 22 2 2 1 1 22 1 1 Total S To husband. 7 1 2 3 2 To wife.... 27 20 13 21 24 16 15 11 11 Total 34 21 13 23 27 16 15 11 13 STo To husband. 1 To wife.... Total. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~~ 2 2 1 Adultery 2 Adultery and cruelty... To husband. To wife.... Total 3 Adultery, cruelty, deser- (To husband. tion, and neglect to To wife.. provide. Total 4 Adultery, cruelty, habit- ( To husband. ual drunkenness, and To wife.. neglect to provide. 5 Adultery, cruelty, and S neglect to provide. Total To husband. To wife. Total To husband 6 Adultery and desertion.. To wife. Total 7 Adultery, desertion, and (To husband. neglect to provide. To wife... Total. 8 Adultery and habitual S To husband. drunkenness. 9 Adultery and neglect to provide. 10 Conviction of felony... 11 Conviction of felony and S neglect to provide. 12 Cruelty.. 13 Cruelty and desertion To wife. Total To husband. To wife.. Total. To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife.. 14 Cruelty, desertion, and To husband. habitual drunkenness. To wife.. Total 15 Cruelty, desertion, habit- (To husband ual drunkenness, and To wife.. neglect to provide. Total 16 Cruelty, desertion, impo- (To husband. tency, and neglect to To wife.. provide. Total..... 17 Cruelty, desertion, and To husband. neglect to provide. 18 Cruelty and habitual S drunkenness. To wife... Total To husband. To wife.... Total 19 Cruelty, habitual drunk- ( To husband enness, and neglect to To wife.. Total. provide. 1 1 1 1 1 1 123 1 1 22 2 112 134 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 167 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 mo co 3 1 3 1 22 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 709 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. NEVADA. 21 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 14 15 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. 213 2 2 4 1 2 2 5 1 1 1 1 279 1 112 1 1 Total. Av. erage. 3 1 2 1 2 225 67 7.09 3 1 33 7.47 1 5 1 100 7.21 1 2 13.00 1 1 1 13 6. 67 2 1 1 1 1 15 7.57 1 1 12 15 325 1 8 13 9 13 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 145 2 2 213 6 6 1 1 145 77 1 1 22 3 4. 33 3 ♡ 3 4.33 2 21 2 9.00 2 9.00 4 1 3.00 1 3.00 2 5 17.60 2 7.50 :98 88 2 7 14.71 5 6 1 2 17.50 7 1 2 17.50 2 4.50 8 2 4.50 2 11.00 2 11.00 9 • 5.50 12 5.50 10 12 2 2 2 2 1 12.00 1 12.00 11 E HOM 1 6 1 24 7.38 230 7.45 12 251 7.44 610.83 2 1 8 10. 71 13 2 1 14 10.77 2 5.00 $14 2 5.00 1 12.00 $15 1 12.00 1 16.00 16 1 16.00 1 1 1 10 8.10 8.10 17 1 10 8.10 6 7.00 NN. 2 2 1 30 9.6718 2 2 1 36 9.22 3 22 10.82 19 3 22 10.82 ww 3 1 3 1 22 2 1 1 1 2 1 710 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. י TABLE IV. -DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. NEVADA—Concluded. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 1 · 1 20 Cruelty and impotency.. To wife.. 21 Cruelty and neglect to provide. Total To husband. To wife.... 22 Desertion. Total. 22 4 4 00 00 8 4 8 4 oo oo 8 2 5 2 8 2 5 22 4 2 4 To husband. 5 To wife... 1 Total 6 729 11 6 10 8 5 6 4 3 16 12 14 11 12 752 4 8 1 6 5 14 To husband. 1 To wife Total.... 1 1 1 (To husband. To wife..... Total. 1 1 23 Desertion and habitualS drunkenness. 24 Desertion, habitual drunk- enness, and neglect to provide. 25 Desertion and neglect to S To husband. provide. 26 Habitual drunkenness.. 27 Habitual drunkenness and neglect to provide. 28 Impotency.. To wife.... Total 4 11 14 14 11 6 10 4 6 4 11 14 14 11 6 10 4 6 To husband 2 To wife... Total 2 112 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 ลง 2 1 1 2 To husband. To wife.. 1 Total 1 22 4 1 4 1 22 1 2 1 1 2 1 To husband. 1 To wife.. 1 1 Total. 1 1 1 1 1 To husband. To wife... Total 29 Neglect to provide....... To w 30 Unknown. All causes STo husband. To wife. Total.... To husband. To wife.. Total - 33 LO LO 5 12 15 15 15 9 12 7 5 12 15 15 15 9 12 7 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 25 15 SE 52 55 77 70 2983 16 66 76 9255 19 19 70 95 89 282 19 10 53 58 72 68 *** 13 47 60 ==83 19 41 63 NEW HAMPSHIRE. To husband. 5 1 Abandoninent To wife..... Total 1 6 112 28 25 2 53 122583 - To husband 1 2 Abandonment and adul tery. To wife..... 1 Total 1 1 112 To husband. 3 Abandonment and cruelty To wife.. 1 Total 1 134 3 2 4 112 22 224 224 57 54 49 43 36 76 73 68 68 62 60 130 122 117 105 96 1 1 2 2885 112 224 22 c 3 2 3 To husband. 1 4 Abandonment and deser- tion. To wife..... Total 1 224 1 2 3 4 2 5 Abandonment and habit. To husband. ual drunkenness. To wife.... Total S To husband. Total 6 Abandonment and neg. To wife. lect to provide. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 711 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. NEVADA-Concluded. 21 10 15 18 19 11 12 13 14 16 17 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. Av. Total. erage. 12.00 2.00 $20 1 2.00 os co 3 3 ܩܩ 5 5 లులు 3 6 1 1 3 6 1 1 LO LO 5 1 74 9.63 $21 5 1 74 9.63 3 5 3 2 1 4 4 9 3 112 224 2 12 2 113 9.83 1 7 56 10.6822 1 .2 19 2 169 10.11 22 123 224 222 w co 3 3 LOLO 5 5 4 10 1 - 5 12 7 7 1 1 1 1 6 6 55 5 6 7 1 4 5 6 7 1 4 123 1 1 1 1 1 1 CO CO 44 1 1 44 44 2 1013 8.00 8.00 23 8.00 1 3 6.50 24 1 3 6.50 1 14 1 14 1 1 2 1 1 2 143 143 ** 222 9.85 $25 9.85 8.92 10 10. 88 26 9.70 22 22 3 ww 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 26 11.08 (27 26 11.08 1 3.00 34 3 4 3.00 $28 3.00 12 9 8 12 9 8 LO LO 5 2 5 LOLO 22 5 9 3 5 9 3 coco. co co 3 3 · co co 3 11 6 171 9.73 29 3 11 6 171 9.73 7 10 7.67 1 12 15 10. 67 130 1 19 25 9. 17 8 18 7 9 5 6 5 3 1 1 4 18 9 249 8.81 40 39 28 36 23 29 23 24 10 10 10 60 26 879 9.02 48 57 35 45 28 35 28 27 11 11 14 78 35 1, 128 8.97 NEW HAMPSHIRE. 888888 28 28 60 48 888 24 28 22 13 2 15 11 16 17 104 9 643 12.02 40 35 23 18 40 20 20 21 11 116 9 895 11.74 1 76 64 63 45 31 42 35 31 37 28 220 18 1,538 11.86 1 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 11~ 12 8.33 6 22 14.82 2 2 6 34 12.53 213 5 6.80 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 23 13.87 3 7 28 12.61 1 123 1 1 11 11.36 1 10 11.00 4 1 2 21 11. 19 1 2 19.50 3 12 12.50 5 1 4 14 13.50 1 4.00 6 4.00 712 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. NEW HAMPSHIRE-Continued. 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 year. years. years. years. years.[years. years. years.[years. 1 Causes, and to which party granted. To husband. 7 Abandonment and fusal to cohabit. re- To wife..... Total To husband. 8 Adultery To wife. Total.... ** 38 37 52 55 41 49 46 41 41 24 38 33 40 30 44 32 38 27 62 75 85 95 71 93 78 79 68 9 Adultery and conviction To husband. of crime. To wife. Total. To husband wife.. 10 Adultery and cruelty....To wif 11 Adultery, cruelty, and 112 1 1 1 1 9 4 1 10 4 1 1 134 1 4 4 1 4 4 desertion. provide. 12 Adultery and desertion.. To wife... 13 Adultery and habitual S drunkenness. 14 Adultery and neglect to S To husband. Total. S To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. 2 • 2 1. 1 112 1 1 22 1 1 To husband. To wife.. Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 134 1 1 22 To wife. Total 1 1 To husband. 15 Conviction of crime To wife.... 4 Total 4 LO LOD 5 6 3 5 6 3 22 22 22 16 Cruelty.. S To husband 15 14 16 15 9 13 9 13 6 To wife.. 62 71 100 81 89 66 61 61 63 Total To husband. 77 85 116 96 98 79 70 74 69 17 Cruelty and desertion.... To wife. • 18 Cruelty and habitual S drunkenness. 19 Cruelty and impotency. Total To husband. To wife. Total. STo husband. wife. Total. 20 Cruelty and neglect to To husband. provide. 1 1 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 · 1 . 00 00 3 3 එප 6 4 5 9 4 5 6 4 5 9 5 LO 5 1 1 To wife... 1 Total. 1 To husband. 1 13 5 4 8 6 5 To wife... Total. 6 10 14 14 11 7 6 1 6 23 19 18 19 13 11 22 21 Desertion.. {Total 22 Desertion and habitual S drunkenness. 23 Habitual drunkenness 24 Impotency... 25 Neglect to provide. { To husband. To wife.... Total.. To husband. To wife.. Total S To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife. Total.... 213 1 1 3 3 2 1 2 2 22 3 16 14 14 15 15 8 6 19 16 14 16 17 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 713 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE REFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. NEW HAMPSHIRE-Continued. 21 + 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- Av. Total. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. erage. over. 1 1 1 11.00 1 11.00 7 2 11.00 2 19 21 40 2285 24 46 22389 20 18 18 30 18 11 50 36 29 =25 14 11 20 16 12 34 27 19 729 9 13 5 8 6 11 17 19 16 i 8885 36 3 595 8.57 56 11 550 10.41 8 92 14 1, 145 9.45 1 1 1 1 HA 1 1 134 4 4 134 1 3 1 3 22 1 1 12 1 1 12 1 14.00 4 11.50 9 5:12.00 6 5.67 56 12. 29 10 62 11.65 1717 2 112 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 1 1 123 1 6.00 11 1 6.00 11 11.27 7 14.57 12 18 12.56 5 10.80 11 7.61 13 8.63 16 F 1 3.00 $14 1 1 3.00 1 1 44 4 22 1 1 221 1 1 0161 2 1 38 8.51 15 15 2 1 38 8.51 7 6 6 5 6 7 3 3 2 2 2 23 5 187 9.81 51 46 34 41 31 36 20 20 23 18 19 117 13 1, 123 9.92 $16 8898 58 52 40 46 37 43 23 23 25 20 21 140 18 1,310 9.91 S 134 112 2113 1 3 1 3 ww. 178 1 1 2 4 1 1 8 11.75 8.9.50 16 10.63 17 22 1 1 22 2 22 4 1 158 3 14.00 7 68 10.90 18 71 11.03 5 4 3 5 2 3 4 2 1 1 1 14 10 4 6 4 10 7 9 4 3 3 3 17 4 15 8 9 9 12 10 13 6 4 4 31 4 8 8 00 00 12 12 22 1 1 1 1 178 00 10.00 3 1 1 5 9 9 8 10 10 156 1138 7 5 7 6 2 30 6 7 6 2 37 1 1 1 3.00 19 1 3.00 1 3.00 20 13.00 87 12.28 152 11.70 21 239 11.91 123 1 7.00 22 1 7.00 29 12.64 196 11.85 23 225 11.95 5 5.20 10 0.00 3 5.67 8 5.38 24 1 10.00 25 1 10.00 714 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. *2 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. NEW HAMPSHIRE-Concluded. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1. To husband. 1 26 Unknown. To wife... 1 1 Total 1 1 1 All causes To husband. To wife.. Total 62 56 103 144 122 125 115 109 92 93 155 119 191 175 291 248 237 223 208 197 181 392 359 348 323 306 273 NEW JERSEY. To husband. 16 To wife.... 17 Total 27 14 33 41 822 30 22 52 82883 39 20 29 59 2223 42 30 52 282 72 2858 27 31 30 38 34 24 65 68 54 To husband. 1 1 Adultery. 2 Adultery and desertion.. To wife... 3 Consanguinity 4 Cruelty. Total To husband To wife... Total [] . To husband. To wife.. 2 Total 2 55 5 3 4 5 3 4 44 4 4 22 22 22 To husband. 6 42 42 44 28 37 24 5 Desertion..... To wife.. Total 22 9 55 89 69 106 73 69 15 97 131 113 131 110 93 To husband. 6 7 1 2 1 1 6 Unknown To wife. 1 5 3 1 1 2 2 5 1 Total. 7 12 3 2 1 4 3 6 1 To husband. All causes To wife... Total. 2223 34 20 21 42 55 9999 36 82 65 89 56 72 51 39 79 123 105 148 114 96 75 161 188 191 204 186 150- NEW MEXICO. To husband. 6 6 1 Abandonment To wife.. 4 10 Total 10 16 11 18 0 3 2 7 1 11 9 9 13 16 10 To husband. 1 1 2 Abandonment and adul- tery. To wife. Total 1 1 3 Adultery 4 Cruelty... To husband. To wife... Total - To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. 3 112 814 188 1 1 2 12 1 2 1 2 639 CO LO 00 3 5 8 22 2 2 4 9 4 2 11010 22 5 6 5 6 - - ao ao 3 3 325 LD LO 5 4 4 5 4 4 1 1 1 5 Unknown To wife... Total. 1 To husband. 11 8 4 All causes To wife.... 13 15 11 Total 24 23 15 4223 8 3 G 6 16 15 12 8 11 20 23 15 14 17 77 7 7 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL GENERAL TABLES. : 715 i . : TABLE IV.- DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. NEW HAMPSHIRE-Concluded. 10 11 12 13 15 21 17 18 19 20 years Un. Total. Ar- erage. 14 16 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. 84 85 8.00 1 94 97 9.00 $26 1 178 182 8.75 65 67 56 62 53 39 21 170 143 129 111 88 96 96 235 210 185 173 141 135 117 285 29 68 66 998 26 97 92 33888 27 188 102 1,696 10.42 56 53 376 134 3. 283 10.83 ? 89 80 564 236 4.979 10.69 NEW JERSEY. 29 12 23 23 15 17 21 17 11 9 9 38 492 10.13 32 34 19 15 21 5 17 13 16 15 7 72 1 495 11.81 1 61 46 42 38 36 22 38 30 27 24 16 110 1 987 10.97 1 1 1 6.00 1 12.00 2 2 9.00 1 16.00 I 1 1 1 16.00 4 4 22 4 4 ao as 3 3 3 3 టలు! -- 1 1 112 1 2 12 M 22 1 3 19.67 4 3 4 201 13 65 13.72 14 68 13.99 24 75 99 86 188 15 71 23888 22 15 20 18 17 14 50 57 32 35 26 60 65 77 50 52 40 123333 11 13 9 60 461 12.02 22 24 18 149 1 1,073 12.31 5 37 27 209 4 1,534 12.22 123 112 1 1 112 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 53 27 111 107 164 134 107 9855 45 62 88889 36 36 41 69 83 38 54 108 119 74 95 *** 31 23 22 42 73 93 40 63 233 44 CO2 18 100 27 234 66 45 331 55 23 5.65 27 7.30 50 6.54) 98110.94 1, 661 12. 13 2, 642 11.69 CON 1 1 2 3 4 4 ♡ LO 00 3 5 8 2214 1 1 1 4 1 4 112 LQ MD 00 5 3 4 3 9 8 12 4334 426 426 NEW MEXICO. 5 5 10 10 5 1 5 1 224 1 1 6 3 62 10.03 10. 3 1 9 7 100 9.14 1 1 15 10 162 9.49 35.33 2 3 5.33 1 1 112 2 20 1 1 1 2 29 22 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 56 t 2°8 "88 8.90 9 9.78 3 9.17 2 6.50 7.52 58 7.48 1 9 2.00 1 1 5 3 2.00 527 7 7 එයය 3 *2 3 6 → H 2 1 8 $9 9.42 4 2 2 11 8 166 8.60 6 2 19 12 255 8.89 * 716 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. NEW YORK. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1 Abandonment To husband. To wife.... Total adul-To 2 Abandonment and adul- tery. 3 Abandonment, adultery, and cruelty. To husband To wife.. Total To husband. To wife. Total.. · · 4 Abandonment and cru- elty. S To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. 246 1 10 11 178 13 11 13 11 273 4 11 6 4 9 11 10 4 1 1 1 1 4 3 1 4 3 1 00.00 3 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 5 { Abandonment and neglect To wife..... to provide. 1 Total. 1 S To husband. 310 312 368 377 362 367 377 343 319 6 Adultery To wife.... Total 356 368 497 534 602 574 548 542 496 666 680 865 911 964 941 925 885 815 To husband. 7 Adultery and cruelty. To wife.. - Total To husband. 3 1 2 7 3 2 8 Cruelty 9 Cruelty To wife.. 34 33 41 41 37 37 33 30 Total 37 34 43 41 37 44 36 32 34280493 25 and drunkenness. 10 Cruelty and neglect to To husband. provide. To wife... Total.. • habitual S To husband. 1 To wife. Total 1 1 1 1 1 S To husband. 11 Habitual drunkenness... To wife... Total. 1 1 To husband. To wife... Total 12 Loathsome disease... To husband. 1 1 13 Neglect to provide. 14 Pregnancy before riage. To wife 1 3 - • Total 1 3 i ce co 1 1 1 1 before mar- S To husband. 1 1 To wife.. Total 1 1 15 Unknown S To husband. To wife.... (Total. 43 *** 40 21 9 18 8 4 t 4 27 21 12 13 11 3 6 LO LO 5 5 83 48 30 30 21 15 10 10 10 All causes To husband. To wife... Total 356 335 380 396 370 380 387 353 329 438 442 569 604 671 632 794 777 949 1,000 1,041 1,012 NORTH CAROLINA. 595 587 531 982 940 860 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 4 1 3 112 1 1 2 123 1 1 134 158 To husband 1 Abandonment. To wife... Total 1 1 213 1334 2 Abandonment and adul. To husband 1 3 To wife... 1 1 tery. Total 2 4 6 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 717 ! TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. NEW YORK. 21 over. 10 12 17 18 19 11 13 14 15 16 20 years Un- years, years, years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 00 00 8 A 8 4 44 22 3 3 4 6 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 22 22 සය 3 3 112 3 3 123 1 3 ww 3 1 1 1 1 1 Total. Av. erage. 5 1 21 13.45 27 3 139 12.07 1 32 4 160 12.25 1 11.00 5 9.00 ང་ 2 6 9.33 123 1 8.00 3 1 8.00 3 19.00 26 10.08 4 29 11.00 1 1.00 5 1 1.0J 269 272 253 243 206 157 463 375 395 334 326 732 617 618 577 532 431 151 118 100 85 85 397 274 218 206 176 166 142 842 369 324 276 251 227 1, 239 232 32 5, 503 9.60 40 8, 474 10.50 6 72 13,977 10.15 1 1 23.00 7 1 1 23.00 31 31 23 122 1 1 5 31 32 22 23 27 24 32 23 788 1 2 3 1 1 + 1 42 11. 15 22 21 22 28 17 23 31 18 22 22 17 161 3 736 .13.05 8 22 18 ! 165 778,12.95 2 1 1 2 1 1 عرعر 1 1 5.18.80 1 7 15.00 12 16.58 1 6.00 $10 9 1 6.00 } 1 4.00 11 1 4.00 1 9.00 12 1 9.00 S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 10.90 10 10.90 13 2 2.50 14 22.30 8 15 260 3 1 1 1 1 ลง 2 4 4 3 1 7 4 2 Co to 2 3 1 2 LO CO CO 5 30 1634.95 3 48 212 4.76 4.76 15 78 375 1. 81 273 276 257 246 214 158 509 407 436 365 356 782 683 693 611 570 154 123 103 85 90 414 64 5,743 9.52 303 461 246 239 195 192 400 362 298 277 162 1,039 91 9, 612 10. 62 252:1, 453 158 15,355 10.21 NORTH CAROLINA. 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 ลง 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 26 12100 8 11 7.86 28 10.45 1 12 39 9.78 HAN 1 6 19 7.23 9 35 9.46 2 2 15 54 8.72 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 718 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 41 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. NORTH CAROLINA-Concluded. 3 1 Causes, and to which party granted. Abandonment, adultery, S To husband and cruelty. 4 Abandonment and cruelty To wife... Total · To husband To To wife... Total 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 Abandonment, cruelty. To husband To wife. Total and habitual drunken- ness. 6 Abandonment and habit-S ual drunkenness. To husband. To wife.... Total.. To husband 4 20 31 38 32 33 48 28 44 7 Adultery To wife.... 7 6 13 25 20 20 12 25 26 Total 11 26 44 63 52 53 60 63 70 · S To husband 1 8 Adultery and cruelty. To wife.. Total 1 1 1 1 22 1 - 10 Consanguinity.. 9 Adultery and desertion..To wife. 11 Cruelty. 12 Cruelty and drunkenness. 13 Desertion... To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. habitual To wife. Total To husband. To wife. Total S To husband 1 Total 1 213 1 22 1 S 1 1 22 272 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 To husband. 14 Habitual drunkenness... To wife... Total 1 1 1 1 S To husband. 1 15 Impotency. 16 Pregnancy before riage. To wife.... Total 1 2 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 - mar. STo husband. 1 3 1 3 wife.... Total 1 3 1 3 To husband. 2 1 1 17 Unknown To wife.... 1 Total 2 1 1 1 To husband. 7 31 35 42 34 37 All causes To wife.... Total 11 9 24 33 28 18 40 59 75 62 62 AKS 51 41 45 25 17 32 32 68 73 77 • OHIO. S To wife... Total 199 418 To husband 219 318 287 219 186 182 179 162 312 266 222 170 140 124 119 630 553 441 356 322 303 281 230 140 90 To husband. 1 Adultery 2 Adultery and bigamy.... To wife. Total • 1 1 CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 719 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. NORTH CAROLINA-Concluded. 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 1 1 1 1 1 1 over. Total. Ar- erage. 22 7.00 3 7.00 as as 3 4 11 22.29 4 3 4 11 22.29 1 2 12.00 5 1 2 12.00 1 1 6 1 1 44 22 31 21 22 11 12 11 11 8 4 20 218 723 9.47 19 2 12 11 10 10 11 4 4 7 5 24 97 370 10.10 7 63 24 43 32 32 21 23 15 15 15 9 41 315 1, 093 9.87 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 181 8.00 9.25 8 9 9. 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 6 13.20 6 9. GO 12 11.40 9 1 6.00 10 1 6.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12.00 55 5 7 26 15.79 $11 5 7 27 15.60 1 1 1 1 4 12. 7512 4 12.75 · • 1 1 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 9.67 14 6 9.67 123 4 3.33 6 4.25 15 10 3.86 1 9 3.50 $16 1 9: 3.50 1 31 1 19 1 1 50 45 23 24 4 69 27 22233 17 49 243 22 15 37 X23 11 12 11 11 12 13 15 8 8 35 24 27 19 19 50000 8 47 24 263 16 11 ere 35 149 59 412 1,338 825 200 7.80 8.50 17 8.00 812 9.29 526 10.87 9.93 OHIO. 97 104 70 91 94 81 8888 83 188 198 151 171 18538 67 56 37 60 67 57 48 肝​汤 ​44 132 134 113 85 79 *888 25 38 63 888888888 33 136 35 267 68 403 282 66 2,769 2.678 7.86 9.15 1 123 5,447 8.49 -- 1 3.00 2 1 3.00 720 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. } TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. OHIO-Continued. 1 Causes, and to which party granted. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 3 Adultery and cruelty To husband To wife. Total 4 Adultery, cruelty, and de- S To husband. sertion. To wife.. Total To husband. 5 Adultery, cruelty, and ha- To sb. bitual drunkenness. S To wife... Total 6 Adultery, cruelty, and cruelty, and STo husband. neglect of duty. To wife.... 22 2 4 2 4 213 3 imm 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total 1 1 • To husband. 1 2 1 3 1 1 3 2 2 7 Adultery and desertion.. To wife.... 8 Adultery, desertion, and habitual drunkenness. 9 Adultery, desertion, and S neglect of duty. Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife... Total husband. 10 Adultery and habitual To ws. drunkenness. Total 11| Adultery, habitual drunk- ( To husband. enness, and neglect of duty. 12 Adultery and neglect of S duty. 13 Bigamy.. 14 Bigamy and cruelty 15 Bigamy, cruelty, and de- sertion. 16 Bigamy, cruelty, and ha- bitual drunkenness. 17 Bigamy, desertion, and S neglect of duty. 18 Bigamy and imprisonment S in ponitentiary. 19 Cruelty. 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 213 123 2 1 1 1 1 325 2 1 1 1 1 To wife.. 1 Total 1 1 1 To husband. To wife.. 1 Total. 1 Prandi forzak 1 1 11~ 2 22 To husband. To wife..... 2333 22 7 15 43 32 18 65 39 33 2003 10 4 4 3 16 16 6 8 26 20 10 11 Total To husband. To wife. Total • • To husband. 1 1 1 1 1 1 184 3 1 1 268 7 6 13 To wife.. 1 Total 1 To husband. To wife. 1 Total 1 To husband. To wife 1 Total 1 To husband. 1 To wife.. Total 1 To husband To wife. Total 20 32 28 20 320 445 443 365 340 477 471 19 16 18 7 8 314 279 258 193 133 385 333 295 276 200 141 To husband. සය 3 3 145 4 5 22 235 1 4 2 5 0 00 3 1 3 1 22 1 1 20 Cruelty and desertion. 21 Cruelty, desertion, and habitual drunkenness. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife. Total · 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 721 . > TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. OHIO-Continued. 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 21 13 14 19 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. 950 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 22 Av- Total. erage. 3 6.00 2 28 9.18 3 2 31 8.87 1 1 22.00 4 1 1 22.00 1 5.00 5 1 5.00 1 4.00 1 1 1 7 11.00 6 1 1 1 810, 13. 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 1 1 1 1 123 1 1 2023 16 10. 13 16 32 9.47 9.81 7 7 148 1 1 1 1 112 255 213 7 1 1 1 1 1 112 213 1 3 1 15.00 ୧ 115.00 213 2 5.00 1 14.00 3 8.00 9 1 1 4 12.25 1 3 6.50 >10 1 1 1 7 10.33 24.50 11 4.50 2 5.50 10 6.10 12 12 6.00 2 1 1 5 92 5.43 1 3 6 178 4.6313 2 1 1 1 11 270 4.90 110.00 35.67 14 4 6.75 1 6.00 15 1 6.00 1 1.00 $16 1 1.00 18.00 17 1 S.00 1 5.00 18 1 5.00 7 8. 6 5 5 4 153 150 142 106 103 101 3 100 4 4 2 37 7 264 9.68 105 67 67 80 513 99 4,536 160 158 148 111 108 105 103 109 71 71 82 550 106 | 4,800 9.58 19 9.58 1 5 5.40 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 pre 30 7.27 20 35. 7.00 20267 M D—————46 -- 13.00 3.00 1 21 722 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER of labor. LILA ´TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. OUIO-Concluded. Josh ponek 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 22 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness. To husband. 1 To wife.... Total 3 4 සය 3 6 4 3 3 6 4 3 co co 3 3 සය 3 3 22 23 Cruelty, babitual drank- (To husband. enness, and neglect of ! duty. To wife..... Total. 24 Cruelty and neglect of To husband. duty. To wife... Total. • 1 1 1 1 235 4 4 145 178 4 5 LO LO 5 5 22 4 4 සය 3 3 145 To husband. 3 4 151 440 416 300 236 211 137 25 Desertion.... G To wife.... Total. 11 13 319 880 904 658 581 436 357 14 17/ 470 1, 320 1,320 958 820 647 494 26 Desertion and habitual To husband drunkenness. To wife. 27 Desertion and neglect of To husband. 1 1 1 1 Total - 1 1 1 1 1 To wife.... 1 duty. Total 1 22 213 246 2 10 12 957 2 ae ad 3 3 11010 5 5 197 6 To husband. 72 28 Fraudulent contract.... To wife.... Total 41 113 36 23 22 14 - To husband 29 Habitual drunkenness. To wife... Total සය 3 11 3 11 HER 288 11 14 25 729 123 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 53 5 146 8 8 7 2 9 150 140 142 128 107 55 151 158 148 149 130 116 30 Habitual drunkenness and neglect of duty. S To husband. To wife..... 1 1 Total. 1 22 oo co To husband. 3 4 31 Impotency. To wife. 10 7 Total.. 13 11 224 2 2 213 3 3 7 3 4 7 3 3 7 3 4 7 *2 co co 22 2 2 13 tiary. 32 Imprisonment in peniten-To wife.. 33 Imprisonment in peniten. tiary and neglect of duty To husband. 2 1 1 1 31 32 44 42 27 Total 31 32 46 43 28 223 223 23 17 22 11 21 17 22 11 · To wife... Total To husband 1 1 To husband. 69 69 57 51 42 35 28 29 24 31 Neglect of duty.. To wife.. 172 239 211 197 150 102 103 101 70 Total 211 308 268 248 192 137 131 130 91 To husband. 1 35 Pregnancy before mar- riage. To wife. Total. 1 36 Previous divorce obtained (To husband. in another state. 1 1 1 To wife. Total 1 3 - 1 1 1 3 1 All causes. To husband. To wife... Total. 413 845 1, 1251, 403 1, 891 1, 258 1, 583 1, 966 2, 655 458 563 764 685 551 475 418 331 1, 769 1,377 1,256 1,026 2,454 1, 928 1,731 1,444 |1, 132 801 OREGON. To husband 24 17 17 14 1 Adultery To wife.... 10 Total (To To husband. 8 9 5 34 25 26 19 372 13 10 14 8 9 5 11 2 3 20 15 25 10 12 2 Adultery and cruelty. To wife..... 1 Total..... 1 1 ~~ 2 2 11X 2 112 ' CHAPTER VIII.—GENERAL TABLES. 723 Total. Av. erage. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. OHIO–Concluded. 21 over. 1 1 1 10 1 1 11 12 2 11.50 62 11.44 64 11.44 $22 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 02 22 22 wo co 3 3 3 3 ♡ 3 w w 3 3 3 wap: 3 3 3 22 22 5.50 23 5.50 3 1 9 13.50 1 1 22 co co 3 1 3 1 ลง ลง 2 1 1 1 1 22 2 3 10 62 11.00 24 2 3 13 1 71 11.29 147 112 100 86 101 81 64 54 42 44 41 369 71 3,210 10. 60 326 247 213 194 177 147 135 93 96 78 96 645 144 6, 753 10.03 25 473 359 313 280 278 228 199 147 138 122 1371, 014 215 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 oo oo 3 3 9, 963 10. 21 2 11.50 10 13.50 $26 12 13.17 2 22 2 4 2 4 22 1 1 3 1 145 3 2 1 4 22 13.41 4 2 1 6 3 2 ca 3 1 10 عمر 1 61 9.95 $27 1 83 10.88 1 1 1 1 4 127 2.41) 1 1 1 76 2. 12 $28 1 1 1 1 1 5 203 2.30 8 7 5 5 9 6 107 93 96 90 91 70 115 100 101 95 100 76 22∞ 3 2 5 4 16 115 12.81 70 51 54 46 43 308 37 2,039 12.50 $29 73 56 54 51 47 324 41 2, 15412.52 1 1 2 2 1 1 J 1 2 14 8 9 11 14 8 9 77 22 22 213 ลงค 2 3 3 22 22 1 1 108 1 18.00 2 3 22 2 1 4 1 61 10.80 30 2 1 4 1 62 10.92 1 15 5.47 1 1 1 27 3.38 31 1 1 42 4. 15 6 → 6 4壬 ​156 ลงลง 2 1 1 2 1 134 9 9.22 18 18 00 00 12 12 344 353 7.26 32 7.31 1 1.00 >33 1 4.00 30 16 12 16 12 15 15 9 7 11 8 85 18 658 9.66 85 73 50 53 46 26 25 38 28 22 26 150 60 2,027 | 8.21 34 115 89 62 69 58 41 40 47 35 33 34 235 78 2,685 8.57 1 1.00 35 1 1.00 1 1 5 7.20 1 1 0161 2 6 13. 17 36 11 10.45 294 251 196 201 200 176 148 111 90 93 91 656 172 | 7, 337 7,337 9.27 796 681 614 551 491 432 403 348 295 259 290 1,946 1,090 632 810 752 691 608 551 459 385 352 381 2,602 431 19, 030 603 26, 367 9.73 9.60 OREGON. 7 6 7 4 14 10 24 00 3 5 10 5 4 8 9 12 222 471 6 CO 11 6 1 2 1 2 2 261 1 1 CD - - 3 1 4 2 193 213 193 2 22220 10 9 193 7.97 10 5 110 9.57 1 14 303 8.55 1 3 14.33 1 13 9.62 2 2 16 10.50 } 724 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. · TABLE IV.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. OREGON—Continued. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 3 Adultery, cruelty, and habitual drunkenness. 4 Adultery, cruelty, and S neglect to provide. To husband. To wife. Total.... To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. 5 Adultery and desertion.. To wife.. 6 Adultery and habitual) drunkenness. 7 Conviction of felony.….. Total To husband. To' wife.. Total · ? 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 2 1 1 1 112 To husband. To wife... Total. 22 444 LO LO 5 1 3 5 1 3 w co 6 6 aa! co co 3 3 co co 3 3 3 3 To husband. 16 16 16 9 8 Cruelty. To wife.... 94 77 81 84 Total 110 93 97 93 2080 12 78 90 327 15 14 4 5 64 60 54 44 79 74 *58 49 9 Cruelty and desertion.... S To husband. To wife.... Total 123 325 22 1 1 1 1 123 1 145 1 1 5 10 Cruelty, desertion, and S neglect to provide. 11 Cruelty and habitual S drunkenness. }: To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife... Total 12 Cruelty, habitual drunk- (To husband. enness, and neglect to To wife... provide. 1 22 213 3 4 3 4 4 1 1 1 1 ♡ co 3 1 3 1 on co 3 3 1 Total. 1 1 1 To husband. 13 Cruelty and impotency .. To wife.. Total 1 1 14 Cruelty and neglect to To busband provide. To wife 4 1 Total 4 22 3 2 4 1 3 2 4 1 To husband. 1 3 15 Desertion.. To wife... 6 Total 7 227 15 21 19 12 36 33 27 57 52 232 12 14 19 9 31 19 26 25 43 33 45 34 To husband. 16 Desertion and habitual drunkenness. To wife... Total To husband. 17 Desertion and impotency To wife... 18 Desertion and neglect to S provide. 19 Desertion and refusal to cohabit. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife. Total. To husband. 20 Habitual drunkenness...? To wife... 1 Total 1 - To husband. ~~ 2 2 1 1 1 1 Total • 123 2 4 1 3 లులు 7 9 6 14 8 8 3 7 11 6 18 9 8 10000 8 8 drunkenness S 21 Habitual and neglect to provide. To husband. To wife... Total 1 1 22 CHAPTER VIII GENERAL TABLES. 725 TABLE IV.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. OREGON-Continued. 21 over. 10 13 17 18 19 11 12 14 15 16 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. Total. Av. erage. 2 4.50 3 2 4.50 1 4.00 4 1 4.00 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 mim 23 10.87 6 5. 17 5 29 9.69 1 1 1 1 1 11.00 1 15.00 6 213.00 22 3 3 22 1 1 1 6 46 1 1 1 6 9.43 46 9.43 7 8 3 6 3 5 2 2 2 5 6 27 15 191 9.99 36 32 29 32 21 23 20 20 18 15 10 89 56 1,037 8.99 8 44 35 35 35 26 25 22 22 23 15 16 116 71 1, 228 9. 15 1 1 22 112 1 1 1 11 7.70 1 1 1 1 8 30 13.50 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 41 12.05 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 2 2 22 235 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 22 1 221 I22 1 1 4 11.25 10 4 11.25 6 7.83 4 39 12.56 11 4 45 11.93 8 13.00 12 8 13.00 1 2.00 13 12.00 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 ww 3 1 27 9.6214 1 27. 9.62 11 11 9 5 11 7 6 6 3 3 3 51 15 251 13.04 18 8 13 16 11 8 8 8 11 1 11 41 21 369 11. 31 15 29 19 22 21 22 15 14 14 14 4 14 95 36 623 12.01 1 1 1 1 12 7 7 12 7 4 7 1 1 1 1 156 1 1 22 5 LO LO 5 1 1 2 16.00 16 2 16.00 1 1 1.00 17 1.00 2 2 10 13.30 18 10 13.30 1 1 20.00 19 1 1 20.00 1 · LO LO 1 2 13 11.23 5 2 7 17 1 142 12.00 20 5 2 8 19 1 155 11.94 1 1 5 10.2021 5 10.20 726 REPORT OF THE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. OREGON-Concluded. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 22 Impotency. To wife..... Total To husband. 112 1 1 1 1 23 Neglect to provide. To wife... 1 2 Total 1 2 INN 1 1 1 1 1 1 24 Pregnancy before riage. mar- To wife... 25 Unknown {Total Total To husband. To wife... Total • To husband. 1 1 235 1 1 3 3 3 1 4 To husband. 50 43 50 51 47 43 45 32 26 All causes To wife.... T'otal 129 102 127 179 146 136 129 112 98 96 145 177 197 183 172 157 130 122 123 ww 112 1 Adultery PENNSYLVANIA. 1 To husband 91 87 124 104 109 88 105 79 77 To wife.... 39 64 43 49 60 61 62 47 41 Total.. 130 151 167 153 169 149 167 126 118 To husband 1 To wife... Total. 1 1 1 1 3 4 3 4 1 2 Adultery and bigamy. 3 Adultery and cruelty. STo husband To wife. Total 4 Adultery, cruelty, and de. S To husband. sertion. 44 4 4 1833 2 4 3 4 లులు 3 112 77 1 To wife.. Total . 1 To husband. 3 13 5 Adultery and desertion.. To wife.. 1 9 8 Total 1 12 21 3-2 13 3 9 10 22 13 25 w 3 10 13 • To husband. 6 9 5 7 3 6 To wife.. 17 6 9 3 3 1 Total 23 15 14 10 6 7 144 5 694 437 15 6 Bigamy. 7 Bigamy and conviction of felony. 8 Bigamy and desertion.... To husband. To wife.. Total { • S To husband. To wife... Total 1 1 To husband. 1 1 1 9 Conviction of felony. To wife.... Total ww 3 10 11 3 11 12 ܗܗ 9 14 G 9 14 7 117 2 123 6 3 3 3 3 426 8 00 00 8 2 ~~ 2 10 Conviction of felony and cruelty. To husband. 11 Conviction of felony and To wife.... desertion. To wife... Total 1 1 S To husband 1 Total.. 1 12 Cruelty To husband. To wife.... Total 12 11 15 14 15 17 6 9 18 110 98 159 170 170 188 170 169 150 144 136 185 202 185 186 156 153 154 13 Cruelty and desertion.... { To busband To wife. Total... 2 9 9 2 9 9 00 20 8 8 6 8 8 6 10 10 5 5 4 CHAPTER VIII GENERAL TABLES. 727 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. OREGON-Concluded. 21 10 11 12 14 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- years. years. years. years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. Total. Av. erage. over. 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 325 6.67 2.00 $22 4.80 12 13.75 23 12 13.75 1 1.00 24 1 1.00 1 9 16 5.43 1 1 9 25 6.38 $25 1 1 1 18 41 6.09 14 15 9 7 13 95 49 718 10. 47 40 36 38 30 32 188 93 1,891 9.93 54 51 47 37 45 283 142 2,609 10,07 == 123885 1 1 1 1 27 85 112. 83 2883 23 60 2888888 21 59 80 2583 16 67 45 83 742 27 43 72 PENNSYLVANIA. 77 68 46 45 43 47 32 37 24 22 12 92 21 1,430 9.01 } 30 52 39 43 26 28 22 23 19 18 22 105 8 901 10.87 1 107 120 85 88 69 75 51 60 43 40 34 197 29 2, 331 9.73 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 1 3 3 2 2 112 1 1 2 1 1 167 2 11.50 1 3.00 2 3 8.67 8 11.75 47 10. 17 3 55 10.40 1 2.00 4 1 2.00 8 6 6 5 8 5 1 2 2 2 2 11 10 6 3 5 4 4 4 4 10 17 16 11 11 10 5 6 6 6 218 13 108 11.85 25 3 38 141 11.83 5 249 11.84 2 3 5 1 2 1 3 3 4 4 8 4 22 224 1 1 1 1 found band 1 1 1 1 112 57 6.47 64 6.25 6 121 6.36 1 1 1 17.00 7 1 17.00 1 1 22 1 1 22 2 3 1 4 3 1 1 2 3 1 4 3 1 1 سرير 1 1 134 91 2 11.00 8 2 11.00 5 9.40 86 7.49 9 7.59 1 4.00 4.00 10 1 4.00 1 3.00 11 1 3.00 10 2 9 5 5 9 4 8 3 4 110 111 91 80 82 93 61 57 70 48 42 120 113 100 85 87 102 65 65 73 52 ఊసీలు 30 2 211 11. 16 252 15 496 10.32 12 45 282 17 2,707 2, 707 10.39 1 1 are an 3 6 1 3 4 3 6 1 3 4 123 3 ww 3 4 3 4 22 2 13 2 16 4 30.25 93 11.26 13 97 12.04 728 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES- GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. PENNSYLVANIA-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 14 Cruelty and habitual in- temperance. 15 Desertion…… To husband. To wife... 1 1 1 Total 1 1 1 112 S To husband. 11 146 348 331 263 228 190 194 141 To wife.. 29 252 590 615 510 463 423 364 335 Total 40 398 938 946 773 691 613 558 474 To husband. 1 16 Force.. To wife... Total 1 17 Force and fraud. ….. { To husband. 9 To wife.... Total. 7 16 ♡ LO ∞ 3 6 5 3 8 9 18 Fraud STo husband 11 6 To wife... Total 4 1 2 15 7 2 213 224 213 123 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 To husband 1 19 Habitual intemperance..To wife. 1 Total 1 1 To husband. 20 Habitual intemperance and neglect to provide. To wife. 21 Impotency. Total. To husband. To wife.... Total.... 213 213 213 1 1 1 To husband. 1 22 Pregnancy before mar. riage. To wife... Total 1 To husband. 2 1 23 Unknown To wife.. Total 2 1 123 112 1 1 All causes To husband 143 273 515 476 398 348 309 To wife..... 203 512 853 891 787 722 Total. 346 785 1,368 1, 367 1, 185 1, 070 289 247 653 962 583 521 872 768 RHODE ISLAND. To husband. 17 14 12 13 13 16 9 7 16 To wife.. Total. 3 5 9 5 5 6 6 3 5 20 19 21 18 18 22 15 10 21 To husband. 1 Total 1 1 Adultery 2 Adultery and bigamy....To wife. 3 Adultery, bigamy, and de- To husband sertion. To wife.... Total • 4 Adultery, bigamy, deser- ( To husband. tion, and neglect to pro- To wife vide. Total. 5 Adultery, conviction of (To husband. crime, and habitual To wife.. drunkenness. 1 Total S To husband. 6 Adultery and cruelty... To wife 3 Total. 3 123 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 CD CD 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 To husband. 7 Adultery, cruelty, and desertion. To wife 1 1 1 1 1 Total.... 1 1 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 729 + TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. PENNSYLVANIA-Concluded. over. 10 11 17 + 18 21 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years.jyears. years. and known. } Total. Av. erage. 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 13.50 10 10.80 14 12 11.25 154 107 112 104 83 87 54 47 59 49 35 348 20 3,111 10. 11 329 251 256 205 182 151 140 133 105 80 73 579 483 358 368 309 265 238 194 180❘ 164 129 108 927 48 88888 28 6,091 9.93 15 9, 202 9.99 1 2,00 $16 1 2.00 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 31 1 20 1 51 1 1 1 1 1 1 727 825 4.55 3.00 $17 3.96 3.48 12 4.0818 37 3.68 1 1 218 3 4.00 5.00 $19 4.50 1 1 1 18.00 20 1 18.00 7 2.29 1 5 7.40 $21 1 12 4.42 1 1.00 22 1 1.00 1 376 383 7.86 654 657 4.67 23 1 1,030 1,040 6.90 253 188 181 150 141 148 478 432 411 342 302 289 731 620 592 437 95 95 89 77 51 491 420 5, 329 9.77 235 223 206 154 142 986 706 10,631 |10.09 501 443 330 318 295 231 196 1,477 1,126 16, 020 9.98 6 6 12 1 1 22 325 1 1 10 5 · 15 224 459 1 1 RHODE ISLAND. 3 1 4 ∞ 10 8 3 9 3 549 3 9 175 1 11 4 20 8.57 87,10.70 262 9.27 1 1 9.00 1 9.00 1 11.00 3 1 11.00 2 12.00 2 12.00 1 8.00 1 $.00 4 LO 5 1 5 8.00 3 ww 1 3 1 NA 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 25 30 8.68 8.57 6 1 1 1 1 7 7.86 7 7.86 730 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. RHODE ISLAND-Continued. 1 Causes, and to which party granted. 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 8 Adultery, cruelty, deser- (To husband. tion, and gross misbe- To wife. havior and wickedness. 9 Adultery, cruelty, deser- ( tion, gross misbehavior j and wickedness, and neglect to provide. Total · To husband. To wife. Total • 10 Adultery, cruelty, deser- (To husband tion, and habitual To wife. drunkenness. 11 Adultery, cruelty, deser- tion, habitual drunken- ness, and neglect to pro- vide. Total {To husband. To wife.... 1 Total 1 12 Adultery, cruelty, deser- (To husband. tion, and neglect to pro- To wife vide. Total 13 Adultery, cruelty, and (To husband. gross misbehavior and To wife.. wickedness. Total 14 Adultery, cruelty, gross (To husband. misbehavior and wick edness, and habitual drunkenness. To wife Total 15 Adultery, cruelty, gross (To husband. misbehavior and wick- edness, and neglect to provide. 16 Adultery, cruelty, and habitual drunkennes9. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife Total. 17 Adultery, cruelty, habit- (To husband ual drunkenness, and To wife neglect to provide. 18 Adultery, cruelty, and S neglect to provide. {Tomit 19 Adultory and desertion.. To wife 3 3 22 1 1 1 -- 1 1 1 1 112 1 1 yol pol -- 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 Total 1 1 1 1 1 To husband. To wife... Total. 1 1 3 1 1 w w 3 22 2 1 3 1 3 To husband. 10 9 19 15 1 1 Total. 11 10 19 17 427 15 1 16 22123 20 Adultery, desertion, and (To husband. gross misbehavior and To wife wickedness. 1 3 2 3 Total 1 3 2 3 112 2 2 2 ia 21 Adultery, desertion, gross misbehavior and wick- edness, and habitual drunkenness. To husband. To wife... 1 Total 1 22 5 16 1 1 9 11 1 4 10 15 323 1 4 5 1 ་ 4 22 Adultery, desertion, gross misbehavior and wick-To husband. edness, habitual drunk-{ To wife.. enness, and neglect to Total provide. 23 Adultery, desertion, gross (To husband. misbehavior and wick- edness, and neglect to provide. To wife.. Total 24 Adultery, desertion, and To husband. habitual drunkenness. To wife Total -- 1 1 1 3 1 3 සය. 1 1 1 1 5 1 5 1 210 3 2 1 3 3 2 CHAPTER VIII. 731 GENERAL TABLES. TABLE IV.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. RHODE ISLAND-Continued. 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years years. years. years 20 years Un- and known. over. Total. Av- erage. 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ww 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 10 6 8 3 7 1 1 2 1 11 7 10 3 8 4 4 112 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 617 620 1 10.00 1 10.00 8 1 1 1 41.00 9 1 41.00 1 13.00 $10 1 13.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 012 2 6.00 6.00 11 6.00 11 14 8.00 12 8.00 156 5.00 9.2013 8.50 1 1 21.00 $14 1 1 21.00 4 5.75 5. 7515 4 5.75 2 5.50 6 6.83 16 8 6.50 1 5 10.40 17 1 5 10.40 22 2 1 2 1 மம் 5 29 11.14 18 29 11.14 2 510 11~ 5 2 6 2 213 12 1 Յ 13 1 1 3 1 1 3 2+8 +8 182 S. 89 24 10.75 19 206 9. 11 9.16 7.50 20 8.97 1 1 1.00 21 1.00 2 7.50 122 2 7.50 1 -1 1 97.44 23 1 9 7.44 1 1 1 20 8.90 3 8.00 24 1 23 8.78 S 732 * REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 。 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. RHODE ISLAND—Continued. 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1 Causes, and to which party granted. 25 Adultery, desertion, ha. (To husband bitual drunkenness, and To wife neglect to provide. • · Total 22 1 1 To husband. 26 Adultery, desertion, and neglect to provide. To wife 6 4 6 9 4 6 Total.. 6 4 6 9 4 6 22 4 6 2 4 6 LO 5 5 3 ness. 28 Adultery, gross misbe Total LO 5 5 3 213 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 224 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 27 Adultery and gross mis. (To husband behavior and wicked- ? To wife . [To husband. havior and wickedness, To wife and habitual drunken- ness. 29 Adultery, gross misbe- havior and wickedness, habitual drunkenness, and neglect to provide. Total To wife To husband. Total 30 Adultery, gross misbe (To husband havior and wickedness, To wife and neglect to provide. Total. 31 Adultery and habitualS drunkenness. 1 1 1 1 1 1 To husband To wife Total.. 620 8 415 3 1 4 To wife Total. 22 32 Adultery, habitual drunk- (To husband. enness, and neglect to provide. 33 Adultery, loathsome dis- (To husband ease, and neglect to pro- vide. To wife... Total 34 Adultery and neglect to To husband. provide. 35 Bigamy... To wife.... Total. 325 3 að að 3 2 2 22 213 22 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 11 6 9 4 7 4 4 8 10 11 6 9 4 7 4 4 8 123 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 N: N 2 36 Bigamy and desertion 37 Bigamy and fraud 38 Conviction of crime To husband. (To To wife... Total - To husband. To wife.. Total - · To husband To wife... Total. To husband. To wst To wife.... Total. 39 Conviction of crime, cruel- (To husband ty, and gross misbehav. To wife.. ior and wickedness. 40 Conviction of crime, crucl- 41 Total ty, gross misbehavior | To husband. and wickedness, habit-< To wife. ual drunkenness, and Total neglect to provide. Conviction of crime, cruel- ( To husband. ty, and habitual drunk- To wife enness. Total 42 Conviction of crime, deser- ( To husband. tion, and habitualdrunk- To wife ……… Total enness. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 733 TABLE IV.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. RHODE ISLAND -Continued. 21 over. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 22 2 2 22 Total. Av. erage. 7 9.2925 7 9.29 5 3 5 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 22 2 22 1 22 2 11 11 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 :88 278 89 10.75 26 89 10.75 32 6.66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 10.29 27 39 7.31 6 9.33 2 13.50 28 8 10.38 55 77 22 314 112 1 8.00 29 1 8.00 2 2 22 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 2 112 1 1 10 9.90 30 10 9.90 112 36 7.36 11 7.55 31 47 7.40 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 9.53 32 9.53 1 6.00 33 1 6.00 ♡ co 3 2 ลงล 4 4 5 4 3 3 2 4 4 5 4 3 1 1 1 1 22 2 1 1 3 97 8.21 >34 2 1 1 3 97 8.21 4 5.50 4 1.75 35 8 3.63 3 5.67 1 4.00 36 4 5.25 1 3.00 37 1 3.00 1 │15.00 115.00 38 1 1 1 15.00 39 1 15.00 1 2.00 $40 1 2.00 0161 2 6,50 41 6.50 2 12.00 42 1 2.00 734. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. RHODE ISLAND-Continued. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1 Causes, and to which party granted. 43 Conviction of crime, deser tion, habitual drunken- ness, and neglect to pro- vide. To husband. To wife Total 44 Conviction of crime, deser- (To husband. tion, and neglect to pro vide. To wife.... Total 1 1 45 Conviction of crime, gross (To husband. misbehavior and wick- edness, and neglect to provide. 46 Conviction of crime and S habitual drunkenness. To wife. Total 4 • To husband. To wife.. Total 47 Conviction of crime, hab. ( To husband. itual drunkenness, and To wife... neglect to provide. Total. 1 1 48 Conviction of crime and S neglect to provide. To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. 49 Cruelty To wife.. 1 1 22 123 50 Cruelty and desertion.... Total To husband. To wife. Total. 51 Cruelty, desertion, and (To husband. gross misbehavior and To wife wickedness. Total.. 52 Cruelly, desertion, gross (To husband. misbehavior and wick- edness, and habitual drunkenness. 53 Cruelty, desertion, gross To wife... Total - misbehavior and wick. To husband. edness, habitual drunk. To wife.... enness, and neglect to Total provide. 54 Cruelty, desertion, gross (To husbaud. misbehavior and wick- edness, and neglect to provide. 1 1 1 1 4 4 LO LO 5 4 5 4 1 1 1 1 2 213 2 3 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 3 3 4 3 · 00 90 336 4 44 235 To wife.. 1 3 1 Total 1 3 1 55 Cruelty, desertion, and S To husband. To wife 1 2 habitual drunkenness. Total. 1 2 1 6 1 112 2 1 1 3 සය 3 1 1 1 1 3 on on 3 56 Cruelty, desertion, habit- (To husband ual drunkenness, and? To wife.... neglect to provide. 57 Cruelty, desertion, impo- (To husband. tency, and neglect to provide. Total. 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 6 22 22 To wife. Total 1 1 To husband. 58 Cruelty, desertion, and neglect to provide. To wife.... Total 7 13 12 13 7 4 7 7 13 12 13 7 4 7 3 3 co co ∞ ∞ 8 7 8 7 59 Cruelty and gross mis- (To husband behavior and wicked- To wife.... 1 1 ness. Total.... 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 " CHAPTER VIII. 735 GENERAL TABLES. ན Į TABLE IV.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. RHODE ISLAND—Continued. 21 1 6.00 43 1 6.00 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years years. years. years. and known. 18 19 Total. Av. erage. over. 1 1 1 1 3 7.00 44 3 7.00 1 1 1 28.00 45 1 28.00 1 11.00 $46 1 11.00 1 22 1 7.00 7.00 47 1 2 17.50 48 1 2 17.50 1 1 LO LO 5 5 183 2 2 NIN 2 44 3 1 4 1 3 2 3 3 1 4 1 3 2 3 1 1 3 11.67 عرعر 1 1 1 6 52 9.96 49 1 1 1 1 6 55 10.05 22 ww INN 33 112 617 23 12.48 32 11.00 $50 55 11.62 1 3 14.33 51 1 3 14.33 1 3.00 52 13.00 1 7.00 53 front poured 1 7.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 7.25 8 7.25 54 2 16.50 1 12 7.50 55 1 1 1 14 8.79 3 4 4 3 4 4 22 22 7 7 7 7 55 සය 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 ♡ ♡ 22 22 22 w co 3 1 3 1 22 6 38 11.66 56 6 38 11.66 1 4.00 57 1 4.00 1 1 1 1 77 1 122 8.45 58 1 122 8.45 3 5. CO 13 10.31 59 16 9.31 736 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ; TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. RHODE ISLAND-Continued. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1 Causes, and to which party granted. 50 Cruelty, gross misbehav. ior and wickedness, and habitual drunken- ness. 61 Cruelty, gross misbehav- ior and wickedness, To husband. To wife Total 1 • 1 To husband. To wife habitual drunkenness, Total and neglect to provide. 62 Cruelty, gross misbehav-To husband. ior and wickedness, and neglect to provide. 63 Cruelty and drunkenness. 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 22 To wife... Total 22 22 1 1 w co 3 1 1 3 1 1 habitual S To husband. 3 1 1 To wife.. 1 3 1 4 4 Total 1 3 4 4 4 3 ww 3 3 4 - 64 Cruelty, habitual drunk- ( To husband. enness, and neglect to To wife provide. Total....... 65 Cruelty and neglect to To husband. provide. 66 Desertion. To wife. Total S To husband. To wife. Total.. 67 Desertion and gross mis- (To husband. behavior and wicked. To wife 4 4 6 6 9 15 6 6 9 11 6 6 9 15 6 6 9 11 CO 6 7 18 24 18 7 18 24 18 2223 14 13 10 10 14 13 10 10 155 246 8 17 11 26 23 26 26 3 3 3 5 4 3 6 11 20 14 31 27 29 29 29 808 3 Total. 325 3 6 6 4 3 2 1 1 4 6 6 сл 5 3 137 4 3 7 3 {To husband. To wife Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 69 Desertion, gross misbe- To husband. To wife 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 Dess. 68 Desertion, gross misbe- havior, and wickedness, and habitual drunken. ness. havior and wickedness, habitual drunkenness, Total and neglect to provide. 70 Desertion, gross misbe- (To husband. havior and wickedness, To wife. and neglect to provide. ( Total …. 71 Desertion and habitual S drunkenness. To husband. To wife... Total 72 Desertion, habitual drunk- (To husband. enness, and neglect to provide. er er 5 5 112 00 00 8 1 6 8 1 6 පහ ;සස 6 6 33 32W 4 5 4 629 *** 4 8 4 123 6 6 2 2 3 4 22 112 224 2 To wife……….. 1 Total .... 1 བས 9 – 7 9 S To husband. Total .. 73 Desertion and impotency. To wife.. 74 Desertion and neglect to STo husband provide. To wife... Total 75 Desertion, and refusal to To husband. cohabit. 100 00 8 9 8 9 ILO LO 5 9 5 - 9 oo oo 3 7 3 7 88888 28 97 110 71 90 93 77 28 97 110 71 90 93 77 22: 70 70 535 59 59 To wife.... Total S To husband. 76 Force and duress... To wife. 1 1 77 Fraud Total. To husband. To wife... Total 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL -GENERAL TABLES. 737 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1836, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. RHODE ISLAND—Continued. 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 18 Total. Av- erage. over. 1 1 1 1 1 112 2 12.00 4 10.75 60 6 11.17 1 1 8 11.00 61 8 11.00 1 1 1 1 oo oo 3 21 11.62 62 3 21 11.62 1 7 10.00 1 1 9 37 13. 19 63 1 1 10 44 12.68 1 1 22 22 22 123 1 1 1 1 王​1 1 1 1 1 00 00 8 7 4 3 8 7 4 co co 4 4 6 1 4 6 3 4 4 6 1 4 6 10 10 5 5 220 144 11.87 61 144 11. 87 25 26 20 2-0 10 10 วง 7 7 LO LO 5 6 5 ܗܗ 4 6 4 17 1 19 729 Nã 16 15 4 18 19 8 == 922 (100 11 6 11 6 w co 3 3 2121 3 3 3 4 24 221 9.76 65 4 24 221 9.76 7 10 5 10 8 8 49 318 12.99 2 2 2 9 62 11.47 66 12 10 10 10 10 58 380 12.74 1 1 2 2 3 1 3 1 9 55 11.36 1 1 9 9.00 67 1 1 2 2 3 1 4 1 10 64 11.03 112 1 1 WTE 2 5 13.80 1 5 12.20 68 3 10 13. 10 1 1 1 1 22 4 2 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 2 1 1 1 tort 2 1 8 5 1 2 5 8 5 1 2 5 -- 1 3 6 1 3 6 689 5 5 336 9 6.22 69 9 6.22 蚵​仔 ​54 8.63 70 54 8.63 28 8.51 20 12.40 71 48 10.15 no co 3 1 1 12 106 10.21 3 1 1 12 106 10.21 72 1 1 18.00 73 1 47 43 36 34 33 24 26 17 14 21 101 47 43 36 34 33 24 26 17 14 21 101 1 18.00 1,160 9.63 9.63 74 1,160 9.63 1 1 26.00 75 1 1 26,00 1 1.00 76 1 1.00 20267 M D -47 1 3.00 77 13.00 733 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 4 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. RHODE ISLAND-Concluded. 1 Causes, and to which party granted. 78 Gross misbehavior and S To husband. wickedness. To wife.. Total. 79 Gross misbehavior and (To husband. wickedness, and habit-To wife... Total. ual drunkenness. 80 Gross misbehavior and 81 wickedness, habitual drunkenness, and neg- lect to provide. Gross misbehavior and wickedness and lect to provide. To husband To wife. Total 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 2 ลง 2 112 123 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LO LO 22 22 22 To husband neg. To wife.. Total To husband. 1 1 82 Habitual drunkenness. To wife... Total. 4 1 1 5 1 To husband. To wife... 83 Habitual drunkenness and neglect to provide. Total. 84 Impotency. 85 Impotency and neglect to S provide. 86 Neglect to provide..... To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife.. Total.. 235 5 5 LO LO } 1 1 1 5 1 5 1 123 LO LO 5 10 12 5 10 12 22 7 15 10 10 7 15 10 10 1 1 22 213 10 10 1 1 5 13 5 13 1 1 To husband. To wife.... Total 15 38 59 51 52 42 42 38 24 15 38 59 51 52 42 42 38 24 87 Pregnancy before marri- age. To husband 1 1 To wife. Total 1 1 To husband. To wife.. Total • All causes To husband To wife... Total 50 46 113 163 63 249 316 76 61 55 250 261 245 221 197 295 379 326 322 331 276 86 54 77 174 251 251 88 Unknown 246 7 4 11 248 tes 145 3 4 6 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Abandonment SOUTH CAROLINA. S To husband. To wife... Total. 2 Abandonment and adul. To husband. tery. To wife.... Total.. To husband. 3 Abandonment and cruelty To wife. 4 Adultery 5 Adultery and cruelty Total. STo busband. To wife.... Total STo husband. To wife... Total.. 32 5 2135 213 213 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 Ι 6 213 • 4 24 2 6 CHAPTER VIII. 739 -GENERAL TABLES. TABLE IV.- -DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. RHODE ISLAND-Concluded. 21 over. 10 11 12 13 14 15 19 16 17 18 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 &14 3 2 2 1 1 4 Av. Total. erage. 1 5 8.60 1 10.00 78 1 Ꮳ 8.83 1 13 10, 15 1 6 7.67 79 1 1 19 9.37 1 1 1 1 7 14.00 80 1 1 1 1 7 14.00 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 ~~~ 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 100 2301 + 3 2 1 3 2 2 7 10 7 10 00 00 8 8 ما ما 5 8 4 5 8 4 སྐ་ 4 7 3 4 7 3 පය. 1 1 4 4 34 10.15 34 10. 15 81 22 9 720 2 112 ·44 235 26 23 23 11 26 23 23 11 28238 29 12 12 14 14 9 29 12 12 14 14 9 2 16 2 16 25 14.00 21 9.90 82 46 12. 13 هر كدا 1 166 10.56 183 1 166 10.56 2 9.50 81 2 9.50 1 8.00 £5 1 8.00 Him Min 4 50 1 589 9.48 $6 $ 50 1 589 9.48 22.50 $7 13 2 2.50 1 1 88 1 1 55 37 180 149 129 107 114 235 186 179 139 136 50 32 22 26 30 15 94 120 111 81 228 25 69 89 94 2055 17 56 54 73 8053 15 109 1,001 10.42 324 1 3, 461 9.83 69 433 4 4, 462 9.97 THEN CO 1 1 2 4 3 5 123 1 1 SOUTH CAROLINA. er 1 ja 4 1 1 2 1 3 1 5 1 3 3 1013 1 2 1 CO LO 00 3 11 47 10.72 5 5 48 10.95 1 16 112 95 10.85 6 9. 83 3 12.33 9 10.67 คร 2 : 2 7.50 2 7.50 3 1919 1 2 2 1 2 10 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 6:5 34 8. 17 2 17 8.60 4 12 51 8.33 1 1 22.00 5 1 1 22.00 740 REPORT OF THE THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. • TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. SOUTH CAROLINA-Concluded. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1 Causes, and to which party granted. To husband. To wife.. Total. 1 1 To husband. 1 Total - 1 6 Cruelty. 7 Incompatibility of temper To wife... 8 Unknown S To husband. To wife... Total To husband. All causes To wife..... Total 325 4 6 7 8 5 5 7 5 9 11 14 13 TENNESSEE. 549 5 3 9 14 3 1 Adultery S 279 To husband. 182 259 240 223 To wife..... 97 123 129 108 Total.. 187 118 118 78 79 84 62 61 46 47 382 369 331 271 180 179 124 126 To husband. Total • 2 Adultery and bigamy....To wife... S 3 Adultery, conviction of (To husband. felony, and neglect to To wife.... provide. Total. 4 Adultery and cruel and To husband. inhuman treatment. To wife... Total.. and To wife.... Total 1 1 5 Adultery, cruel and inhu-To husband man treatment, desertion. 6 Adultery, cruel and inhu- ( To husband. man treatment, and hab. To wife. itual drunkenness. Total - 7 Adultery, cruel and inhu- (To husband. man treatment, and neg. To wife. lect to provide. 8 Adultery and cruelty. 9 Adultery, cruelty, and desertion. 10 Adultery, cruelty, and habitual drunkenness. 11 Adultery, cruelty, and S neglect to provide. Total. To husband. To wife. Total. To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife... Total. · 22 22 1 1 17 1 1 22 22 1 1 22 To husband. To wife.... Total.... To husband. 6 10 4 5 Total 10 15 Gad 10 7 17 248 6 To husband. To wife.. Total 1 1 12 Adultery and desertion.. To wife.. 13 Adultery, desertion, and habitual drunkenness. 14 Adultery, desertion, and S To husband. neglect to provide. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 426 336 To wife..... 1 1 1 Total 1 1 1 5 2 4 9 ลงลง 2 2 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 741 TABLE IV.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. SOUTH CAROLINA-Concluded. 21 10 11 12 14 15 16 13 18 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 17 19 Av. Total. erage. over. 1 1 5 3K 0 8 224 415 224 58883 55. 38 35 33 34 33 35 15 89 71 70 48 3 CU 3 20 225435 3 co co 3 1 1 224 3 1 4 1 5.00 6 1❘ 5.00 2 10.00 1 11.00 3 10.33 7 1 1 8 1 1 183 1 6 21 89 9.72 2 4 7 8 74 10.45 4 1 13 29 163 10.08 TENNESSEE. 0000000 18 18 36 3033 15 10 25 2723 17 9 9 9 46 151 1, 944 6. 01 8 5 7 24 17 14 16 9999999 39 85 1,073 6.79 1 85 236 | 3,017 6.29 1 1 GI 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 17.67 1 3 1 1 4 22 11 13.56 4 14 14.58 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ate 1.00 5 2 1.00 1 2 4.00 6 1 2 4.90 5.00 1 5.00 1 1 1 14 6.77 8 1 1 1 14 6.77 1 1 1 3 6.50 9 2 4 6.50 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 12300 1 1 3 12.6710 3 12.67 1 1 11 1 1 1 2 1 5 56 6. 04 7 5 51 9.91 12 1 2 8 10 107 7.88 1 2.00 1 2 19.50 13 1 3 13.67 1 4 11.50 $14 1 4 11.50 S 742 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. TENNESSEE-Continued. Causes, and to which party granted. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. • 15 Adultery, desertion, and (To husband. violence endangering To wife life or health. Total 16 Adultery and habitual (To husband. drunkenness. 17 Adultery and neglect to S provide. To wife Total • To husband. To wife Total 1 1 1 1 18 Adultery and violence ( To husband. endangering health. 19 Bigamy.. life 1 1 1 1 1 1 or? To wife Total - 1 1 1 1 To husband. To wife... Total. 988 16 23 39 620 3 1 11 8 14 1 314 To husband To wifo Total To husband. 1 To wife 4 10 15 10 15 7 Total 4 10 15 11 15 7 To husband. To wifo Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 178 7 1 7 1 To wife.. Total 1 1 To husband To wife.. 1 81 3 104 1 5 2 3 3 2 118 111 101 95 74 52 Total 82 107 119 116 103 98 77 52 22 51 53 • 20 Bigamy and desertion ... 21 Conviction of felony. 22 Conviction of felony and desertion. 23 Conviction of felony and habitual drunkenness. 24 Cruel and inhuman treat- ment. To husband. 25 Cruel and inhuman treat. To husband. ment and desertion. To wife... Total. S Total 26 Cruel and inhuman treat- (To husband. ment, desertion, and To wife habitual drunkenness. 27 Cruel and inhuman treat- ( To husband. ment and drunkenness. 1 1 22 habitual To wifo ……. Total 1 1 1 28 Cruel and inhuman treat. S To husband. and neglect to provide. To wife .... Total 1 1 To busband. 29 Cruelty.. To wife. 9 13 15 Total 9 13 15 77 30 Cruelty and descrtion {Total To husband To wife... 1 3 1 Total.. 1 3 1 31 Cruelty and habitual drunkenness. S To husband. To wife. Total 1 1 32 Cruelty and impotency..To wife 33| Cruelty and neglect to provide. To husband To wife.. Total. S To husband. Total. 1 1 1 1 · 9 14 10 9 8 9 14 10 9 8 as ao 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 } ་ * CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 743 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. TENNESSEE-Continued. 21 10 11 13 15 16 12 14 17 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 18 19 20 Av- Total. erage. 1 1 over. 1 1 $15 1 1 1 7.00 3 6.67 16 4 6.75 1 3 1.50 17 1 3 1.50 22.50 18 2 2.50 1 1 213 2 36 3.00 1 40 2.50 19 1 2 76 2.73 123 8.00 7.50 20 7.67 3 4 1 3 4 1 20 1 1 14 102 2 5.50 5.58 21 1 1 14 101 5.58 1 4.00 22 1 4.00 1 9.00 23 (23 1 9.00 + 1 1 49 33 49 34 888888 28 25 17 16 16 10 7 7 10 46 28 25 18 16 16 10 7 7 10 48 发​岗​心 ​2 52 56 +98 4 28 7.13 1,103 7.34 24 1, 131 7.34 1 1 1 1 112 1 23.00 2 10 9.38 125 2 11 10.89 1 4.00 26 1 4.00 1 1 20.00 1 2 15.50 27 1 1 3 17.00 9 9 සය 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 13.67 28 3 13.67 1 1 2 20.00 22 2 4 4 ww 3 3 -- 1 1 2 1 1 4 11 136 1 1 1 1 5 11 138 7.17 29 7.37 1 1 1 3 15 8.58 1,30 1 3 15 8.58 1 2 1.00 31 1 2 1.00 1 6.00 32 1 6.00 1 3 15.50 33 1 1 3 115,50 744 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. TENNESSEE-Concluded. 3 4 5 7. 8 9 2 6 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1 Causes, and to which party granted. To husband. 10 73 198 201 157 140 To wife..... 69 129 305 292 287 Total 79 202 503 493 444 92 86 65 255 196 184 112 395 288 270 177 34 Desertion.... 35 Desertion and habitual drunkenness. 36 Desertion, habitual drunk- enness, and neglect to provide. S 37 Desertion and neglect to S provide. To husband. To wife... Total · (To husband. To wife Total... To husband. To wife.. Total and violence ( To husband. endangering life or To wife 22 44 1 1 22 13 10 2 13 10 44 4 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 ས 7 1 1 1 38 Desertion health Total. To husband. 2 2 6 1 1 2 39 Habitual drunkenness. To wife... 14 14 Total 16 16 23 26 25 14 14 11 17 12 26 31 14 15 11 18 14 To husband. 40 Impotency. To wife - Total 123 1 1 1 1 - To husband. 41 Neglect to provide.... To wife. 22 27 27 26 21 22 11 13 Total 22 27 27 26 21 22 11 13 ∞ ∞ 8 8 * 42 Neglect to provide and (To husband violence endangering To wife life or health. 43 Pregnancy before mar- 1 Total 1 mar-S riage. To husband. To wife Total 27 9 6 3 1 1 D 27 9 6 3 1 1 To husband. 44 Refusal to cohabit To wife 45 Refusal to move to state. Total To husband. To wife... Total 46 Violence endangering life To husband or health. To wife. + 1 1 2 2 N IN 3 3 co Total 235 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 325 1 1 1 1 1 1 To husband. 1 1 47 Unknown To wife Total 1 1 2 112 112 1 2 2 1 To husband. 248 364 462 445 356 All causes To wife Total 344 438 677 592 270 221 169 603 547 488 380 334 243 802 1, 139 1,048 903 758 601 503 396 153 • TEXAS. To husband. 10 1 Abandonment. To wife.. Total 2 Abandonment and adul. To husband. To wife. Total. 3 Abandonment, adultery, To wife and cruelty. 16 14 tery. S To husband Total... 19 200 DEG 12 26 26 38 91 176 214 199 168 153 139 95 227 245 251 166 196 133 186 403 459 450 364 319 272 5 9 19 19 14 19 19 23 13 28 38 42 27 858 2088 21 9 13 18 22 22 4 38 43 31 17 1 1 1 3 • 4 1 22 ~~ 2 2 • 22 1 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 745 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. TENNESSEE-Concluded. 10 11 12 13 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un. Av. Total. erage. 14 years. years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. 47 43 35 30 14 92 76 59 57 41 139 119 94 87 55 225 23 13 32 34 55 47 142 17 4 15 25 32 29 2353 12 13 16 25 a com 9 47 106 1,422 7.35 59 157 2, 505 7.15 34 106 263 3,927 7.22 1 1 1 1 5 13.00 $35 1 1 5 13.00 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 10 2∞ 1 8 10 5 14 10 10 6 2 2 11 11 oo oo 8 8 280 268 00 00 8 7 4 8 7 4 1 1 6 4 *** 4 22 1 1 6 6 -1 3 6 1 3 ww! ܗܗ 3 3 1.33 36 1.33 10 10 5 5 55555555 56 5. 69 37 56 5. 69 1 10.00 38 1 10.00 3 28 9.71 en on 3 1 1 21 14 238 8.73.39 3 1 1 24 14 266 8.84 } 00 10 00 3 9.00 5 6.00 40 8 7. 13 - - 1 1 1 1 ww 3 6 18 2546.78 41 3 6 18 254 6.78 1 1.00 42 1 1.00 1 49 2.04 43 1 49 2.04 1 1 1 1 1 3.00 44 1 3.00 7 7.29 45 7 7.29 1 1 1 1 2 16 7.21 8 3.88 46 1 1 1 1 2 24 6.00 1 1 1 124 132 7.50 1 1 208 214 7.50 1 1 1 1 1 332 346 7.50 108 87 73 69 43 45 29 36 16 23 19 102 398 3, 736 6.53 149 214 169 322 256 222 185 138 127 116 95 82 74 40 46 29 39 196 586 5,889 7.15 103 76 62 52 58 298 984 9,625 6.91 TEXAS. 121 111 116 232 78 75 95 194 170 130 823 60 70 +23 44 51 48 62 92 113 2003 38 31 26 32 25 70 56 2233 18 27 19 53 37 ∞0m 16 10 26 157 58335 126 1,934 9.26 137 | 2,176 8.69 1 263 4, 110 8.96 7 12 4 7 8 18 9 12 5 6 25 21 16 12 14 729 4 1 1 1 5 9 195 7.89 2 7 4 5 3 1 6 10 242 7.94 2 9 11 5 6 4 1 11 19 437 7.92 1 4 8.00 4 4 1 14 7.43 3 1 18 7.56 746 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. TEXAS-Continued. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 4 Abandonment, adultery. To husband. cruelty, and habitual drunkenness. To wife.. Total. con- S To husband. To wife.. Total 5 Abandonment and con- viction of felony. To husband. 6 Abandonment and cruelty To wife... Total 7 Abandonment, cruelty, S To husband. 30 L 00 5 8 347 4 1 4 9 11 11 11 9 15 11 12 • 1 1 and habitual drunken-To wife. ness. 8 Abandonment and habit-S ual drunkenness. Total To husband To wife Total. - - To husband. 9 Abandonment and neg To wife.. lect to provide. 123 2 8 10 1 1 246 1 1 Total. 10 Adultery S To husband. To wife Total 117 123 156 122 152 121 100 91 89 6 11 10 10 6 10 12 3 1 123 134 166 132 158 131 112 94 90 - To husband. 3 11 Adultery and cruelty. To wife... Total 1 4 2 55 112 3 3 co co 3 213 2 112 112 213 213 To husband. 12 Adultery, cruelty and S habitual drunkenness. To wife Total 13 Adultery, cruelty, and S To husband neglect to provide. To wife. Total · 1 F 1 1 1 To husband 1 1 14 Conviction of felony. To wife.. 5 11 22 Total. 6 12 22 NEN 2 1 19 19 10 21 10 14 21 19 10 21 10 15 15 Conviction of felony and cruelty. 16 Cruelty To husband. To wife.... 1 Total.. 1 S 49 To husband. To wife.... 170 232 Total. 219 288 314 312 266 56 55 54 40 · 32 34 30 24 259 258 226 194 163 124 121 226 197 154 145 17 Cruelty drunkenness. 18 Cruelty, habitual drunk- ( To husband. enness and neglect to provide. 19 Cruelty and neglect to provide. 20 Habitual drunkenness and habitual To wife. To husband 1 Total. 1 33 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 2 1 2 To wife. Total To husband To wife... Total. To husband To wife.. 1 1 1 1 Total. 1 1 1 1 21 Neglect to provide.. To husband. To wife.... Total. 1 1 22 Pregnancy before mar- riage. To husband 15 3 LO 5 3 1 1 1 To wife.... Total.. 15 3 5 3 CHAPTER VÍIL -GENERAL TABLES. 747 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. TEXAS—Continued. 21 over. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. 'years. years. years. years. years. and known. 2 ~2 1 4 5 DE SER LOO 123 22 co co 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 Av- Total. jerage. 1 1 4 1 1 1 9.00 5 1 9.00 123 19 6.63 6 907.13 6 6 109 7.04 1 1 23.00 7 1 1 23.00 22 6. 50 8 2 6.50 2 1 2 1 22 1 6 12.00 9 1 6 12.00 66 46 45 39 27 18 17 10 7 11 6 27 101 1, 491 6.81 5 3 4 5 3 2 1 1 2 1 3 15 114 7.60 >10 71 49 49 44 30 20 17 11 8 13 7 30 116 1,605 6. 86 3 15 4.83 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 20 6. 11 11 4 35 5.61 1 : 0000 8 8 178 6 a 6 183 2 2 1 2 22 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 ww 9 3 9 1 6.00 12 1 6.00 1 3.00 13 1 3.00 7 6.29 174 6.93 $14 181 6.90 1 2 1 22 4.00 15 2 4.00 21 15 18 10 10 7 9 9 6 6 4 40 31 560 8. 10 107 71 69 74 57 51 45 36 14 19 14 122 155 | 2,581 7.70 16 128 86 87 84 67 58 54 45 20 25 18 162 1863, 141 7.77 1 1 1 3 14.50 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 0161 3 9) 9.53 17 4 25 10.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 1 1 1 2 16.00 19 1 2 16.00 00 00 8 8 8.50 20 8.50 1 9.00 21 1 9.00 29 2.34 29 2.34 1 2 1 2 22 748 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. TEXAS-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 5 5 3 23 Unknown. To wife... 8 9 6 Total 13 14 9 246 123 iN 314 2 1 2 1 To hushand. 208 All causes To wife.... 226 Total 434 214 330 382 424 317 429 561 526 499 531 759 943 950 379 328 287 270 421 336 878 749 623 554 284 UTAH. 235 022 10 718 12 9 4 13 Bener 10 4334 4 7 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 Adultery 2 Adultery and cruelty To husband 17 6 6 To wife. 6 7 4 Total 23 13 10 To husband. To wife.. Total - · · To husband. 3 Adultery and desertion.. To wife.. 4 Adultery and habitual) drunkenness. Total · To husband. To wife.... Total. 5 Adultery and incompati-To wife. bility of temper. 6 Adultery and neglect to provide. 7 Conviction of felony..... felony.………. To husband. Total. · - · To husband. To wife... Total STo husband. To wife... Total 8 Conviction of felony and To husband. desertion. 9 Conviction of felony and incompatibility of tem- per. To wife... Total • (To husband. To wife.. Total 10 Conviction of felony and S neglect to provide. • To husband. 1 1 22 22 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 123 1 1 1 1 To wife.. Total To husband. 14 1 4 4 3 2 5 6 5 11 Cruelty. To wife.. 35 24 12 13 13 11 11 11 16 Total 49 25 16 17 16 13 16 17 21 To husband 1 12 Cruelty and desertion To wife.. 1 Total 1 1 213 1 1 1 1 2 13 Cruelty, desertion, and S To husband. To wife.... Total 1 1 2 2 habitual drunkenness. 14 Cruelty, desertion, and (To husband. incompatibility of tem- To wife. per. 15 Cruelty, desertion, and S To husband. neglect to provide. 16 Cruelty and habitual S drunkenness. Total Towbar Total To husband. To wife.. Total • • • 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 • 1 123 22 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.- 749 GENERAL TABLES. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. TEXAS-Concluded. 21 over. 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. Total. Ay- erage. 1 1 1 1 835 860 5. 16 1 1 1 861 895 4.06 23 1 1 1 1 1 1 1,696 | 1,755 4.53 216 154 144 117 89 83 €8 52 40 256 209 198 472 363 342 276 159 123 118 88 68 51 212 201 156 120 91 0888383 45 28588 27 161 1, 106 | 5, 117 8.09 209 1,204 | 6, 355 8.05 55 370 2,310 11, 472 8.07 5 4 9 5 8 13 =23 LO 3 00 11 248 2 4 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 Cro 3 14 17 527 4 4 112 UTAH. 2 2 3 5 HH~ 1 1 2483 12 14 26 629 7 ♡ 10 00 224 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 126 9.71 79 12.88 205 10.95 1 112 3 7.00 2 3 7.00 as co 13 6.33 1 18,00 3 14 7.23 1 18.00 8.00 4 1 10.00 83 1 10.00 5 * 1 1.00 6 1 1.00 3 6. 00 18 7.41 7 21 7.26 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14.00 10 1 14.00 2 12 30 268 5 83 10.44 30 264 9.47 11 42 35 347 9.71 01 350 248 1 1 3 8 4 11 5 6 1500 245 2 7 5 8 5 O COLO 3 5 6 1 1 112 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 213 459 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 CO2 Hond 5 1 5 7 11.71 12 13. 10 12 19 12.53 ·LO LO 7.2513 7.25 1 6.00 $14 1 6.00 1 3.00 1 12.00 $15 7.50 1 8.00 2 16 9.50 16 17 9.40 750 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. F TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. UTAH-Concluded. Causes, and to which party granted. 1 3 4 5 2 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 6 7 8 9 17 Cruelty, habitual drunk- ( To husband. enness, and neglect to provide. 18 Cruelty and incompati- bility of temper. 19 Cruelty and neglect to provide. To wife. Total - To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total - 1 1 2 1 1 12 22 1 1 00 00 8 1 8 1 co co 3 1 1 3 1 1 22 3 3 22 120 20 Desertion.... S To husband. To wife.. Total. 279 21 45 21 59 42 104 =8888888 44 36 80 91 88a 39 37 52 34 71 2283 34 29 63 2253 31 24 55 788 31 29 60 45 223 22 23 21 Desertion and habitualS To husband. 1 drunkenness. To wife..... Total. 1 1 22 1 1 1 22 1 1 22 Desertion, habitual drunk- (To husband. enness, and neglect to provide. 23 Desertion and incompati- Toife. bility of temper. To wife.. Total. 1 1 1 1 To husband. wife.... Total IB4 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 24 Desertion and neglect to provide. To husband. To wife... 6 Total. 6 උප 6 4 6 4 3 1 3 6 4 6 4. 3 1 3 co co : 1 1 To husband. 25 Habitual drunkenness... To wife. Total 11 10 11 12 202 10 11 -= 1 1 3 4 14 9 10 12 10 6 15 12 14 12 10 6 26 Habitual drunkenness and neglect to provide. ( To husband. To wife.... Total 123 123 To husband. 1 1 1 -- 112 1 1 1 1 27 Impotency…… 28 Impotency and incom- patibility of temper. -29 Impotency and neglect) to provide. To wifo.... Total To husband. To wife Total - To husband. 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 To wife... ·1 · Total 1 To husband. 100 52 43 42 35 33 30 | Incompatibility of tem- per. To wife... Total 86 49 48 32 30 186 101 91 74 65 3253 34 22 25 55 59 0943883 28 41 25 53 *** 22 63 31 Incompatibility of tem- (To husband. per and neglect to vide. pro- To wife. Total TH 1 1 To husband. 32 Neglect to provide To wife.. 48 22 13 16 12 14 11 Total 48 22 13 16 12 14 11 a a 9 6 9 6 To husband. 1 34 Unknown 33 Refusal to cohabit.. Total To husband. To wife... Total .. To wife... 1 1 1 All causes To husband To wife... Total 155 111 102 98 234 181 137 143 389 295 239 2.11 92 76 82 74 72 109 103 100 102 201 179 182 176 82 154 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL -GENERAL TABLES. 751 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. UTAH-Concluded. 21 over. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 Total. Av. erage. 1 1 8 14.63 17 8 14.63 2 14.00 268 5.00 18 7.57 22 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 as as 3 3 -- 6 39 8.45 19 6 39 8.45 24 29 18 17 8 13 16 11 11 6 12 104 32 605 11.72 31 19 14 15 10 12 5 10 3 6 3 67 45 547 9.77 20 55 48 32 32 18 25 21 21 14 12 15 171 77 1,152 10.81 1 5.00 1 1 == 1 1 9 6.56 21 10 6.40 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 22 NO 268 9 188 3 oo co 3 2 9 2 2 11 1 1 123 3 3 6 1 5 11. 60 22 1 5 11.60 1 9 6.88 22 22 6 9.83 23 1 15 8. 14 1 1 00 00 8 54 7.00 $24 8 54 7.00 1 4 1 4 සය 3 3 113 G 5 1 28 12.85 5 2 27 13 183 11. 22 $25 6 2 32 14 211 11.44 1 1 1 1 156 156 4 5.00 1 1 1 1 5 2 19 13. 5326 1 1 1 5 2 23 11.90 ર i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 14.40 8 8.29 27 13 10.83 38 31 28 30 26 16 16 15 23 16 12 11 54 46 51 46 38 27 228 19 28 20 9 39 37 1718 1 6.00 6.00 28 1 6.00 1 2.00 29 1 2.00 902 11.40 677 8.5930 19 16 135 97 9 5 47 148 28 21 182 245 1, 579 ¡10.29 1 4.00 31 1 4.00 13 6 6 4 9 6 1 4 4 4 25 13 1 246 8.40 32 13 6 6 4 9 6 1 4 4 4 25 13 246 8.40 1 2.00 33 12.00 1 24 26 13.00 45 45 | 34 1 69 71 13.00 76 72 6.5 56 42 36 37 42 95 62 62 53 171 134 127 109 48 47 89 46 40 33 82 77 75 2255 26 33 31 271 169 1. 818 11.29 24 * 34 19 229 / 322 2, 260: 9.41 50 67 50 500 491 4, 078 10.27 752 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. VERMONT. 1 Causes, and to which party granted. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 23 To wife.... Total 7 30 43 223 31 12 2233 34 12 35 285 24 200 20 23 18 58 47 48 2003 25 3283 33 12 20 15 53 242 19 16 27 35 To wife..……. Total 1 1 22 1 1 HHA 1 1 1 2 1 22 2 2 S To husband. 1 1 1 1 1 1 213 1 1 1 Adultery 2 Adultery and cruelty STo husband. 3 Adultery and desertion.. To wife.. Total 4 Adultery and neglect to To husband. provide. 5 Adultery and pregnancy before marriage. 6 Cruelty. To wife... 1 1 Total 1 1 To husband. 1 To wife. Total 1 To busband. 6 6 4 1 4 9 5 To wife... 43 Total 49 8885 56 61 80 69 67 62 65 81 73 76 55555 50 53 58 100000 5 50 52 288 To husband. 1 1 Total 1 22 1 1 1 7 Cruelty and desertion.... To wife. 8 Cruelty and imprison. ment in penitentiary. To husband. To wife... Total To husband.. 9 Cruelty and neglect to To wife.... provide. Total 10 Desertion. 1 1 22 1 2 1 2 22 1 1 مر 1 1 S To husband. To wife.... Total 1 14 53 49 45 42 28 30 19 55 64 57 54 52 44 1 33 108 113 102 96 80 74 11 Desertion and neglect to S To husband. provide. 12 Imprisonment in peniten Total. tíary. 13 Neglect to provide..... To wife.... Total 1 1 22 1 1 22 1 3 1 3 S To husband. 1 1 22 22 4 4 ·LO LO 5 1 5 1 S To husband To wife. 10 15 21 19 14 16 Total 10 15 21 19 14 16 44 4 ∞ ∞ 4 8 11 8 11 S To husband 3 14 Unknown To wife.. Total 3 To husband. All causes To wife... Total 288 34 38 41 64 98 81 119 122 160 90 83 80 81 46 51 186 168 175 135 132 127 276 251 255 216 178 178 1 Adultery VIRGINIA. To husband. 31 73 74 91 83 78 66 63 47 To wife 13 32 39 45 34 35 33 26 24 Total 44 105 113 136 117 113 99 89 71 2 Adultery and cruelty 3 Adultery, cruelty, and desertion. STo husband. To wife.... 1 3 Total 1 3 (To husband To wife... Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 753 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. VERMONT. over. 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Un- years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 2283 21 17 38 2208808 12 11 11 16 15 9 26 20 00888 18 9 8 7 10 7 6 4 28 16 14 11 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- 1 1 1 1 3 5 41 44 கக. 42 42 27 225 1 3 3 25 24 20 24 26 25 23 27 28293 1 1 549 Av- Total. erage. 10 5 6 27 16 383 8.99 6 6 36 9 294 11.13 1 11. 12 63 25 677 9.93 1 1 2 15 1 2 16 6 5.00 1 1 4 14.00 10 8.60 2:8 **8 2 3 A 8.75 4 44 8.75 1 2.00 5 12.00 13 15 235 15 16 146 21 202 10 6 82 10.54 19 142 23 981 10.93 6 152 29 | 1,063 10.90 213 4 12.75 c co 3 8 15. 63 7 3 12 14.67 1 8.00 8 1 8.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 16 8.86 9 2 16 8.86 29 17 23 15 21 11 13 16 11 11 10 64 15 518 11.44 43 22 35 23 20 15 14 16 12 10 10 88 16 669 11.50 $10 72 39 58 38 41 26 27 32 23 21 20 152 31 1, 187 11. 48 22 2 1 2 1 HA 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 30 3 3 1 24 14.04 11 3 1 24 14. 04 22 5 1O LO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 23 9.43 12 23 9.43 7 9 12 5 7 9 12 ૭૭ 6 6 co co 3 4 4 3 4 4 44 co co 3 1 19 6 201 9.32 13 3 1 19 6 201 9.32 3 1.00 >14 53 34 34 28 40 23 24 112 88 102 76 62 45 50 165 122 136 104 102 68 74 KAR 25 53 78 03 18 34 52 5383 17 35 52 VIRGINIA. 3 1.00 998 10.35 2,240 11.00 96 3,238 10. 20 98885 101 37 38 296 59 397 973 7.34 470 8.09 1 228 1,443 7.58 33 3 16 12.08 2 16 12.08 1 11.00 50 823 12 38 30 9 22 20 39 42 2283 27 13 21 15 12 14 7 39 27 28 23 1200 m 11 10 8 6 8 17 18 113 7 8 125 4 12 19 31 222 157 71 22 1 1 20267 M D——48 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 4 5.50 3 5 6.60 754 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. VIRGINIA-Concluded. 1 2 3 Causes, and to which party granted. 4 5 6 7 8 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 257 4 - LO 1 4 5 22 67 5 12 10 7 13 15 19 12 762 5 13 763 w w 3 3 ་ 22 2 1 1 5 LO LO 5 •22 3 3 3 3 44 3 ww 3 4 3 ad on 3 ĦĦ 1 1 3 1 7 11 26 28 31 27 3 9 9 16 33 36 34 6 10 16 27 59 64 65 52835 29 56 STo To husband. 3 5 4 Adultery and desertion..To wife. 1 1 1 Total 1 4 6 To husband. 5 Cruelty. 44 4 6 Cruelty and desertion S 3 3 123 To wife.. Total To husband. To wife.. Total. 7 Cruelty, desertion, and To husband. impotency. 8 Desertion.. To wife..... Total. To husband. To wife.. Total · 9 Desertion and imprison-To husband. ment in penitentiary. wife. Total 134 10 Impotency To husband. To wife.. Total - To husband. wife.... 11 Imprisonment in peniteTotal. tiary. 12 Insanity 13 Pregnancy before mar- riage. 14 Prostitution before mar- To husband. To wife.... Total. 1 1 213 1 1 1 1 112 22 සස 3 3 I22 145 5 6 155 33 22 6 6 LOLO 5 5 To husband. 14 6 • To wife. Total 14 6 • S To husband. 3 2 1 1 riage. To wife.. Total 3 2 1 1 D To busband. 1 15 Unknown To wife..... Total... 1 213 2 2 22 To husband. 52 91 84 103 102 109 106 101 81 All causes To wife... Total 20 49 72 140 62 69 116 172 174 72 89 83 78 68 198 189 179 149 WASHINGTON. To husband. 10 15 18 1 Abandonment To wife 9 13 17 16 ཚབ 11 7 9 10 8 14 17 12 8 7 Total 19 28 35 23 25 24 21 18 15 2 Abandonment and adul-S tery. To husband. 1 1 To wife... 1 1 Total 1 1 1 1 - 22 ~~ 3 Abandonment, adultery, (To husband cruelty, and neglect to To wife... provide. Total. S To husband. 1 1 2 Total... 1 1 2 4 Abandonment and cruelty To wife. 5 Abandonment, cruelty, (To husband. and habitual drunken-To wife.. ness, Total ………. 1 1 12 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 755 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. VIRGINIA-Concluded. over. 10 11 12 21 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- Total. Av. erage. 13 14 15 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 437 4 4 sel sh 11 4 15 12 Bera 5 779 2 5 5 10 620 2 8 IO LO 437 1 1 123 4 CT HP 1 1 3 5 3 coco: 1 1 1 1 4 3 4 4 1 221 2 2 22 134 1 1 1 1 123 3 00 co 3 22 + 3 ON LO 3 4 2 4 5 8 223 21 123 10.61 13 91 10.54 4 34 214 10.58 3 9.67 1 1 00 00 8 7 61 11.48 5 8 7 64 11.39 1 1 1 1 123 4 9.33 37 41 9. 31 9.32 6 15.00 1 5.00 7 15 28 43 35 1000 13 18 14 24 22 20 37 40 34 137 14 4 11 7 3 5 3 36 13 10 16 11 6 5 8 14 27 14 27 18 9 10 11 50 *93 44 322 12.33 49 398 10.57 8 93 720 11. 35 1 1 9 1 1 1 4331 4 2.25 3 2.50 10 7 2.33 4 4 co co 3 2 3 2 123 4 6.00 2 2 1 1 1 1 10 57 8.43 11 1 1 10 61 8.24 > " 2 1.00 12 2 1.00 2:20 1.30 $13 1.30 72. 14 14 7 2.14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 117 2 57 56 48 49 54 48 54 37 111 104 102 86 38888888 33 31 36 26 69 57 2222888883 26 222 21 14 14 20 20 58 41 34 13 14 28 242473 10 53 230 15 50 168 25 103 020 8888 6 15 9.33 12 18 9.17 15 18 33 9.27 1,477 8.60 1,158 9.42 398 2,635 8.96 1718 WASHINGTON. 7 8 5 5 5 10 7 8 12 18 12 13 15 6 8 5 3 6 11 155 5 5 6 10 729 9 - LO O 4 28 5 11 39 1 1 1 • = 213 187 11. 21 187 9.13 374 10. 16 1 4 11.25 2 5.30 2 6 9.33 1 1 22.00 3 1 1 22.00 4 4.50 1 1 2 9 12.56 4 1 1 13 10.08 2 16,00 5 2 16.00 756 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. WASHINGTON—Continued. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years.[years. years. 8 Abandonment, lect to provide. • 6 Abandonment, cruelty, and neglect to provide. 7 Abandonment and habit-S ual drunkenness. habitual (To husband. drunkenness, and neg. 9 Abandonment and neglect To husband to provide. To wife... Total 3 3 ww: 3 3 සය. งง 7 To wife... Total.... To husband. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 To husband. 1 1 To wife.... Total. 1 1 1 1 1 1 To wife. Total 1 1 ! 10 Adultery 'To husband. To wife.... Total 224 22 5 LO LO 5 325 218 3 617 415 224 3 3 4 4 44 4 ลล 2 2 6 4 6 4 224 2 4 11 Adultery and cruelty.. 12 Adultery, cruelty, and neglect to provide. 13 Adultery and neglect to S provide. 14 Cruelty- 15 Cruelty and habitual S drunkenness. S To husband. To' wife.. Total 1 1 To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife. 1 Total. 1 To husband. 5 To wife... 21 15 25 26 17 Total · To husband. To wife.... Total 16 Cruelty, habitual drunk- ( To husband. enness, and neglect to To wife. provide. 17 Cruelty and neglect to and neglect to provide. 18 Force and fraud - 156 22 167 1 1 15 20 8 13 15 10 13 2000 8 10 aa COCO 1 3 3 co co 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 Total 1 1 • S To husband. To wife.... 1 Total 1 LO LO 5 4 1 2 2 5 4 1 2 2 To husband. 1 1 To wife... Total 1 1 1 1 8 9 181 1 1 1 1 1 1 co co 3 3 3 3 19 Habitual drunkenness. To husband. To wife Total • 20 Habitual drunkenness and neglect to provide. S To husband. To wife ..... Total 1 1 To husband. 21 Impotency... To wife... Total. 6 3 6 3 లులు 1 1 235 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 1 2 158 i co co 3 1 3 1 Total 22 123 1 1 1 1 1 1 S To husband. 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 22 Imprisonment in peniten. S To husband. tiary. peniten-Towi 23 Incompatibility of temper To wife. 24 Insanity.. Total.. To husband. To wife. Total, CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 757 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued WASHINGTON-Continued. 5 5.20 6 LO LA 5 5.20 2 2.50 5 10.40 7 7 8.14 3 12.33 3 12.33 21 10 12 13 11 14 15 17 18 20 years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and 16 19 Un- known. Av- Total erage. over. 1 1 2 2 4 1 4 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 22 112 112 213 6 187 156 1 1 1 1 1 1 E 11.00 $11 1 1.00 22 1 1 55 5 1 1 1 5 1 2 1 1 1 2 ~~ 2 2 1 448 1 1 :22 228 52 9.14 9 52 9.14 47 9.28 21 11.62 $10 68 10.01 10 10 10 10 as as 3 w 3 1 3 3 1 44 77 22 22 4 5 145 5 LO LO 5 123 224 1 1 1 2 1 221 1 6 17 1 23 1 1 22 1 1 5.00 12 1 5.00 22 (13 5.00 13 5.00 27 12.31 177 9.43 14 201 9.81 いう ​8.31 15 2 9.50 29 31 8.39 711.7116 7 11.71 123 1 1 LO LO 5 5 R17 41 11. 15 17 41 11. 15 2 1.50 18 2 1.50 5 6.80 N2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 29 10.17 19 1 1 1 1 1 3 34 9.68 1 1 ~~ 2 1 1 3 4 2 1 1 3 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 17 12.00 20 1 1 3 1 1 1 17 12.00 1 3.00 21 1 3.00 1 3.00 1 8 4.38 22 1 9 4.22 1 1 5 7.80 2 1 2 1 -૧૭ 2 12.00 23 9.00 1 1 19.00 • 1 19.00 21 758. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1836, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. WASHINGTON-Concluded. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Causes, and to which party granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 25 Neglect to provide. To wife. Total 22 8 8 77 22 9 2 10 7 9 2 10 7 50 50 5 5 LO LO 5 5 To husband. 1 26 Unknown. To wife 1 - Total 1 1 To husband. All causes. To wife... Total 2253 21 24 44 53 65 77 358 25 14 18 11 19 57 58 39 53 40 82 72 57 64 59 252 15 13 37 29 52 383 42 WEST VIRGINIA. 1 Abandonment To wife. Total. S To husband 8 8 00 LO 8 15 33 5 17 40 16 13 32 3233 47 48 73 95 247 32 45 77 2*33 29 34 31 63 293 29 60 333333 14 23 37 2 Abandonment and adul. To husband. tery. 3 Abandonment, adultery, 1 3 LO 5 To wife. 3 Total 1 6 5 CD 3 6 3 6 * 4 ∞ 4 2 4 3 8 5 338 6 224 437 To husband. To wife. and cruelty. Total 1 1 1 1 To husband. 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 · • IN 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 D 1 4 Abandonment and cruelty To wifo 5 Abandonment and impo- tency. Total To husband'. To wife.. Total To husband impris-To wife. 6 Abandonment and impris. onment in penitentiary. 7 Adultery 1 Total 1 To husband. 45 50 43 56 51 45 27 27 25 To wife 25 22 34 22 24 25 16 17 12 Total 70 72 77 78 75 70 43 44 37 To husband. 112 22 2 2 112 2 2 S 8 Adultery and cruelty.... To wife Total To husband. 9 Adultery and imprison To wife.. ment in penitentiary. Total. To husband. 10 Adultery and insanity. To wife Total 11 Adultery and pregnancy before marriage. 12 Cruelty. 13 Cruelty and habitnal drunkenness. S To husband. 1 1 To wife. Total. 1 1 To husband 1 To wife.... 6 3 Total 7 3 145 To husband To wife... 14 Cruelty and insanity Total To husband. To wifo Total ... 15 Cruelty and neglect to To husband. provide. To wifo.. Total · 22 134 1 1 1 8 8 22 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 759 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, -ETC.-Continued. WASHINGTON—Concluded. 21 Total. Av- erage. 12 12 101 10. 0925 101 10.09 10 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 years Un- known. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years years. and over. 5 5 LO 10 55 6 පය 44 22 3 3 2 2 22 3 3 00,00 17 8 10 6 6 1 9 26 26 36 31 26 17 16 43 34 46 37 32 18 25 3923 19 22 22 44 156 1.00 4.00 26 2.50 22208 10 9 7 38 4 288 10.58 10 10 7 66 100 8 708 9.62 19 14 101 12 996 9.90 WEST VIRGINIA. 639 9 8 38 ♡♡♡♡ 53 79 100 456 11,31 531 10.34 1 17 91 179 987 10.79 3 ♡ 6 8 8 47 9.33 11 60 11.57 2 9 19 107 10.58 112 22 22435 20 14 11 13 7 24 21 8 9 ** 13 6 14 8 10 38 32 21 16 27 14 15 Aber 12 17 522 3 00 GT C 5 2 8 22 2 22 112 145 1 2 3 2 2 4 22 2 1 3 5.50 3 1 3 5.50 2 8.50 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ww 3 14 9.18 4 3 16 9.08 1 13.00 1 2.00 5 2 7.50 1 5.00 6 1 5.00 24 15 18 8 10 10 14 10 6 3 26 165 682 7.62 15 11 14 6 7 5 5 1 6 3 6 28 91 395 8.91 7 39 26 32 14 17 15 19 11 12 7 9 54 256 | 1,077 8.10 e.co 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 213 4 4.00 14 10.54 8 3 18 9.67 1 2 6.00 1 2 6.00 1 9.00 $10 1 9.00 2 3.00 11 2 3.00 හය 3 1 1 3 1 1 11~ 22 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 ♡ ♡ 123 3 5 3 5 10 07000 2 8 9.67 8 60 9.77 63 9.76 12 - 1 3 14.67 13 1 3 14.67 1 5.00 $14 1 5.00 1 216.5015 2 16.50 760 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. WEST VIRGINIA-Concluded. 4 5 7 8 9 2 3 6 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1 Causes, and to which party granted. To husband. 16 Habitual drunkenness. To wife .... Total 1 1 17 Habitual drunkenness and impotency. 18 Impotency... To husband To wife... Total. To usband. To wife .. Total 22 1 1 19 Imprisonment in peniten-To wife... To husband. 3 tiary. 20❘ Insanity Total 3 ·0003 ลงลง 2 2 123 2. 5 2 4 24 5 2 4 To busband. To wife.... 1 Total 1 To husband. 1 21 Nonage. To wife.... Total 1 22 Pregnancy before riage. mar- STo To husband. 9 2 4 1 1 1 1 To wife.... Total 9 2 4 1 1 1 23 Prostitution before mar- S To husband. 1 riage. 24 Refusal to cohabit. To wife... Total. 1 To husband To wife Total To husband 1. --- 1 25 Unknown. To wife.... Total 235 2 2 123 1 1 1 2 ~~ 2 2 2 1 2 All causes To husband To wife... Total 68 66 49 40 117 1383 98 106 79 62 60 45 74 86 92 59 57 41 106 125 172 192 171 121 117 89 • WISCONSIN. 1 Adultery To husband. To wife..... Total. 60 12 822 38 8 72 46 29989 34 16 50 2208883 26 12 2285 28 29 12 14 40 43 35 223 23 12 *♡♡ 24 9 11 33 113 14 25 2 Adultery and cruel and inhuman treatment. ( To hushand. To wife.... Total. 156 123 1 55 1 1 1 2 5 3 1 6 4 1 2 1 112 1 2 1 3 Adultery, cruel and inhn- man treatment, and de- sertion. 4 Adultery, cruel and inbu- man treatment, deser- tion, and habitual in- toxication. 5 Adultery, cruel and inbn- (To husband To wife.. Total To husband To wife. Total · man treatment, deser-To husband. tion, habitual intoxica- To wife.. tion, and neglect to pro- Total vido. 6 Adultery, cruel and inhu- (To husband man treatment, and ha- { To wife. Total... bitual intoxication. 1 - 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 CHAPTER VIII-GENERAL, TABLES. 761 * TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. WEST VIRGINIA-Concluded. 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- years. years. years. years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 213 Ατ Total. erage. 1 11.00 3 9. 33 16 4 9.75 1 2.00 $17 1 2.00 3 16.00 4 5.67 5.6718 7 8.25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2088888 30 2 7.50 7.21 7.23 19 1 11.00 1 1 318.50 20 1 1 4 16.00 1 1.00 21 1 1.00 2 21 2.58 $22 2 21 2.58 1 5.00 >23 1 5.00 1 4.00 $24 1 | 4.00 2 1 1 1 2 123 83 93 5.90 1 3 1 3 3 1 83 102 9.58 25 1 166 195 8.31 E 47 32 32 24 17 25 51 44 41 21 98 76 73 45 28 20 25 37 50 41 227 22 17 11 11 13 82 343 1,328 8.99 19 13 21 10 19 84 301 1, 227 9.77 30 32 21 32 166 611 2,555 9.37 WISCONSIN. * 2223 16 14 13 9 6 9 3 6 7 8 3 22 11 403 7.56 13 7 5 7 5 8 10 5 3 3 5 30 8 215 11.45 1 29 21 18 16 11 17 13 11 10 11 8 52 19 618 8.90 1 3 1 4 1 co co 3 2 3 2 1 คล 123 1 1 13 7.42 1 1 1 2 22 2 2 22 7 41 12.71 2 7 1 54 11.51 1 15.00 1 1 1 1 22 2 12.00 3 13.00 1 8.00 1 8.00 1. 6.00 1 6.00 1 18.00 7 13.29 8 13. 88 3 5 6 762 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. K TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. WISCONSIN-Continued. 1 Causes, and to which party granted. 5 4 5 6 7 8 2 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years.years. 7 Adultery, cruel and inhu man treatment, habit- ual intoxication, and neglect to provide. To husband. To wife.... Total 8 Adultery, cruel and inhu- ( To husband. man treatment, and neg. lect to provide. 9 Adultery and desertion.. 10 Adultery, desertion, and habitual intoxication. To wife. Total To husband. To wife. Total.... To husband. To wife.. Total 11 Adultery, desertion, and S To husband neglect to provide. 12 Adultery and habitual in. S toxication. • 112 1 1 1 1 8 8 426 6 5 11 1 1 1 1 To wife.... Total 1 1 1 2 221 1 2 To husbaud. To wife.. Total 13 Adultery, habitual intox- (To husband. ication, and neglect to provide. To wife. Total 14 Adultery and neglect to To husband. provide. To wife.. Total 15 Adultery and voluntary To husband. separation. To wife.. Total 16 Crime against nature, and ( To husband. cruel and inhuman treat. To wife... ment. Total 17 Crime against nature, (To husband cruel and inhuman treat To wife... ment, and neglect to pro- Total vide. 18 Cruel and inhuman treat. So husband 1 1 22 729 22 112 1 4 .3 1 4 3 1 1 7 13 3 2 10 15 1 1 1 1 ~~ ~2 1 1 729 213 2 1 2 1 1 1 To 20 21 11 9 13 4 9 11 To wife.. 147 109 119 107 97 Total 167 130 130 116 110 22 71 56 75 65 =28 6 72 57 83 63 To husband. 4 1 6 2 2 2 19 Cruel and inhuman treat- meut and desertion. To wife. 10 9 12 7 6 6 Total... 10 13 13 13 8 8 පප 6 9 4 11 4 ment. 20 Cruel and inhuman treat S ment. desertion, and habitual intoxication. 21 Cruel and inhuman treat- ment, desertion, habit- ual intoxication, and neglect to provide. To husband. To wife. Total ... To husband. To wife. Total 22 Cruel and inhuman treat-‹ To husband. ment, desertion, and To wife………. neglect to provide. Total 23 Cruel and inhuman treat ( To husband. ment and habitual in- toxication. 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- 1 1 1 1 2 6 2 -- •22 22 පස 22 1 1 ww 3 1 3 1 1 4 4 To wife 16 16 23 Total 17 20 :333 23 22223223 21 25 22232 15 17 247 1 1 23 18 17 24 18 18 24 Cruel and inhuman treat- To husband. ment, habitual intoxica tion, and neglect to pro- vide. To wife. 1 Total 1 6 4 22 6 සස 6 co co 3 4 1 3 4 1 22 4 4 CHAPTER VIII. GÊNERAL TABLES. 763 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. WISCONSIN—Continued. 21 over. 10 12 14 15 17 18 19 11 13 16 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 415 6 6 2 527 437 1 1 Total. Ar- erage. 1 1 3 4 4 3 1 1 1 1 4 5 5 4 112 1 11 1 3 3 2 1 3 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 14.00 7 1 14.00 4 11.25 8 4 11.25 102 10.57 35 12.43 9 137 11.05 1 4.00 2 14.50 10 3 11.00 3 3.67 11 3 3.67 V 1 1 7 12.71 11 10.64 12 1 1 18 11.44 1 1 5 13.40 13 5 13.40 22 22 6.9514 6.95 1 12.00 15 1 12.00 1 4.00 $16 1 4.00 1 7.00 17 1 7.00 202 10.99 순 ​1, 538 10. 84 18 45 | 1, 740 10. 86 5 6 53 41 58 47 98. 5 6 5 ما 5 6 4 62 34 40 32 37 31 69 39 46 37 42 37 983 29 33 21158383 3 35 9 37 27 244 36 39 30 279 6 6 246 00 00 8 8 ~~~ 213 2 C 30 3 123 1 9 1 1 1 17 1 1 2 26 77 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 ลงลง 2 2 1 11 17 12 11 17 13 2 2 2 2 9 11 123 -23 co co 3 2 3 2 1 77 9 7 10 co co 3 3 22 2 2 0161 33 12,58 116 9.95 19 149 10.53 1 1 10 10.56 10 10.56 20 4 7.50 4 7.50 21 3 24 3 24 8.46 22 8.46 5 2 50 5 2 288 21 9.00 3 311 11.43 23 52 3 332 11.27 LOLO co co 77 22 3 3 4 1 54 10.77 24 3 3 4 1 54 10.77 764 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. WISCONSIN-Continued. 5 7 8 9 2 3 4 6 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1 Causes, and to which party granted. 25 Cruel and inhuman treat- ment, habitual intoxica- tion, and voluntary sep aration. 26 Cruel and inhuman treat- ment, imprisonment in penitentiary, and neg- lect to provide. To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife.... 1 Total 1 - 27 Cruel and inhuman treat- ( To husband. ment, loathsome disease, To wife..... and neglect to provide. Total.. S 28 Cruel and inhuman treat- ( To husband. ment and neglect to To wife. provide. S Total. 29 Cruel and inhuman treat- ( To husband. ment and voluntary To wife. separation. Total · 2223 29 37 23 28 23 13 17 13 15 29 37 23 28 23 13 17 13 15 30 Desertion STo husband. 113 253 210 To wife.... 107 223 Total. 220 476 192 227 180 152 132 124 437 372 299 262 238 147 130 114 89 89 109 72 198 161 To husband 31 Desertion and habitual intoxication. 1 To wife.. . . . Total.. 6 9 6 10 200 6 8 44 4 17∞ 7 8 .4 44 178 7 181 6 8 9 8 298 32 Desertion, habitual in- (To husband. toxication, and neglect to provide. To wife. 1 Total.. 1 To husband. 33 Desertion and impotency. To wife.. Total To husband 34 Desertion and imprison-To wife. ment in penitentiary. {Total 35 Desertion and neglect to S provide. 36 Habitual intoxication.. Total. To wife.... Total 22 4 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 co Co 3 3 1 To husband. :8888888 38 64 38 64 62 22: 62 64 54 45 64 54 45 203 29 31 29 31 22 24 24 1 3 1 12 · 13 22 13 17 16 18 10 330 5 3 3 2 7 10 18 g 9 15 21 12 11 9 STo husband. 37 Habitual intoxication and S neglect to provido. wife. Total To husband. To wife... Total - - LO LO 5 10 5 10 co co To husband. 3 38 Impotency.. To wife ... Total.... 2 5 234 3 10 10 11 3 10 10 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 LO LO 5 6 7 5 6 7 tentiary. provide. 39 Imprisonment in poni-To husband. 40 Imprisonment in peni- (To husband. tentiary and neglect to To wife.. Total. 134 ww. 3 3 1 9 1 1 3 1 9 1 1 3 සය To wife. Total. 1 1 1 1 To husband 1 1 1 1 41 Insanity. To wito. Total ... 1 1 1 1 To husband 42 Neglect to provido.... To. wife... 54 54 49 59 46 28 27 Total... 54 51 49 59 46 28 27 22:3 27 27 33 :88 33 43 Neglect to provide and S To husband To wife voluntary separation. Total 1 1 · 4 1 1 CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 765 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. WISCONSIN-Continued. 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 17 18 19 Total. Av- erage. ! 1 1 1 1 55 CO CO 10 7 6 7 10 6 10 7 6 7 10 6 2 44 4 4 over. 1 11.00 25 1 11.00 1 2.00 26 1 2.00 1 15.00 27 1 .15.00 10 10 5 24 21 44 292 8.42 28 4 292 8.42 1 1 74 73 50 62 74 57 44 62 148 130 94 124 *** 52 50 38 40 43 41 43 42 95 91 81 928 34 26 82 60 888888833 30 26 263 43 1 '20.00 120.00 2,172 9.83 29 30 15 179 50 2,032 8.76 30 60 41 442 93 4, 204 9.31 1 1 1 1 22 4 2 4 31 123 128 4 1 2 1 5 1 2 1 134 14 10.36 1 79 8.06 31 1 93 8.41 22 1 1 1 1 22 • 3 3 24 9.42 32 24 9.12 1 1 1 1 1 14.00 4.00 33 3 13.67 34 3 13.67 + 17 17 3 283 20 23 SON NN 23 10 15 12 10 ४ 23 10 15 12 10 00.00 7 10 10 75 11 626 9. 15 35 8 10 10 75 11 626 9.15 21 3 1 4 10 10 པ?] 12 4 11 10 LO 17∞ → 59 2 2 6 10 29 8 12 5 35 48 12.11 225 11.23 36 273 11.39 LO LO 5 5 ลด 2 2 1 1 LD LO 5 4 5 4 LO LO 5 5 བཀ 7 ww 3 3 1 2 7 3 4 3 1 2 7 1 1 HH 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 24 19 18 24 19 18 112 2203 2 :: to 19 19: 1 1 1 1 1 1 co co 3 118 9.75 37 3 118 9.75 } 6 1 2.17 9 · 4.00 38 1 15 3.21 A 1 3 1 3 34 te to 2 5 1 2 6 ↑ 1 1.00 33.9.00 8.76 M 2 0161 39 2.50 40 2 2.50 18 16.33 3 23.00 41 21 17.29 12 10 16 7 6 6 12 10 16 7 6 CO CO 4 50 10 579 8.49 42 6 4 50 10 579 8.49 I · 4 12.50 $12.50 766 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. WISCONSIN-Concluded. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. years. years. years years. years. 1 Causes, and to which party granted. To husband. 1 44 Pregnancy before mar- riage. To wife... Total 1 To husband 1 1 1 45 Refusal to cohabit…. To wife. Total 1 1 1 46 Voluntary separation... S To husband. 1 To wife.. 1 Total.... 1 1 527 6 11 12 9 8 6 6 5 14 17 18 14 To husband. 13 47 Unknown To wife..... Totai . 17 347 w c 3 1 3 1 14 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 1 To husband. 215 338 266 251 214 187 175 145 129 All causes.. To wife.. 461 580 582 538 460 380 337 327 272 Total 676 918 818 789 671 567 512 472 401 WYOMING. 1❘ Adultery 2 Adultery and cruelty.. To husband. 3 2 5 To wife... 1 Total 1 3 2 5 ལག ༔ To husband. To wife Total 1 1 To husband. 3 Adultery, cruelty, and (To s 4 neglect to provide. wife.... Total S To husband. 1 Total 1 To To husband. Adultery and desertion..To wife.. 2 2 3 2 ~1~ 314 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 ลง 2 5 5 Adultery and habitual drunkenness. 6 Conviction of felony... To wife.... Total To husband. To wife... Total • 7 Cruelty. 8 Cruelty and desertion 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 · 1 1 1 Co Co 3 1 3 2 123 112 1 1 1 1 S To husband To wife.... Total 1 1 To husband. To wife.... 1 Total 1 To husband. To wife Total 9 Cruelty, desertion, and S habitual drunkenness. 10 Cruelty, desertion, habit- ( To husband. ual drunkenness, and To wife... neglect to provide. Total 11 Cruelty, desertion, and (To husban neglect to provide. 12 Cruelty and habitual S drunkenness. wife.... Total To husband. To wife Total 1 1 13 Cruelty, habitual drunk- ( To husband. enness, and neglect to To wife Total. provide. 213 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 112 1 1 22 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 හය 3 3 Է: Է: 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 CHAPTER VIII. 767 GENERAL TABLES. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. WISCONSIN-Concluded. 21 over. 10 11 12 13 14 19 15 16 17 18 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years and known. Total. Av- erage. 1 5.00 1 5.00 3 4.33 45 3❘ 4.33 Tower 12 11 2 572 325 12 4711 347 - WA 4 3 7 762 246 5 12 213 2 225 4 38 3 4 88888888888 4 127 16.35 30 101 16. 62 46 68 4 228 16.47 112 71 87 2.10 168 182 3.29 47 239 269 2.70 109 108 84 88 246 191 205 186 156 147 355 299 289 274 232 228 76 81 56 64 53 47 42 393 141 3,262 9.93 156 125 109 112 82 770 304 6, 726 9.76 212 189 162 159 124 1, 163 4459,988 9.82 1 1 1 1 1 WYOMING. 1 2 2 112 1 1 1 1 22 29 23 6.96 6 12.50 1 8.10 3 6.33 2 3 6.33 1 6.00 3 1 6.00 5 7.20 4 5.75 4 9 6.56 1 1 3 4. 67 5 1 4 4.67 1 1 3 6.00 6 3 6.00 1 1 1 3 1 1 43 1 1 134 9 9. 11 21 11.00 7 30 10.43 1 4 11.75 1 1 1 88.88 8 ] 1 12 9.83 2 16.00 9 1 2 16.00 22 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 215.00 $10 2 15.00 คล 2 2 5.00 11 5.00 1 1 1 2 21 1 1 1 2 23 278 3.00 9.95 12 9.29 1 4 12.25 13 4 12.25 768 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Concluded. WYOMING-Concluded. 1 2 Causes, and to which party granted. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 year. years. years. years years. years. years. years. years.| 14 Cruelty and neglect to S To husband To wife.. 1 provide. Total 1 15 Desertion…. STo husband 4 5 3 To wife... 4 19 7 Total 8 24 10 246 1 1 7 6 7 5 9 11 12 15 18 268 3 5 8 16 Desertion and habitual To husband. drunkenness. 17 Desertion and neglect to S provide. To wife. Total 22 2 22 1 1 22 To husband. To wife.... 1 Total 1 erer 5 3 3 5 3 3 22 22 To husband 1 1 18 Habitual drunkenness... To wife. 1 1 1 1 1 Total 1 1 • 1 1 2 1 19 Habitual drunkenness and neglect to provide. To husband. To wife. Total 1 1 1 1 123 20 Neglect to provide..... To husband. To wife Total 22 3 5 3 5 HA LOLO 1 1 1 1 To husband. 21 Unknown. To wife... 1 Total 1 1 1 To husband. 4 8 8 10 12 11 All causes To wife..... 13 34 23 17 16 17 Total 17 42 31 27 28 28 2023 12 17 12 29 19 729 4 14 18 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 哦 ​769 TABLE IV.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY SPECIFIC CAUSES, ETC.-Concluded. WYOMING-Concluded. over. 10 18 19 21 Un- Total. Av. erage. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 years years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years and known. 3 3 LO ∞ 5 8 1 1 - ∞ - 1 3 1 1 8 4 3 5 9 7 4 6 2 2 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 123 3 1 1 213 3 3 1 4 3 22 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 3 2 3 14 16 8 9 10 5 17 17 12 12 12 8 20267 M D--49 1 1 213 112 347 2 2 3 7 10 4 8.75 4 8.75 14 4 64 9.72 1 4 106 7.32 15 5 4 170 8.25 1 1 22 1 3 * GO < 4 426 1 15.00 9 8.00 16 10 8.70 25 9.20 17 25 9.20 3 6. 67 8 6.00 18 11 6. 18 9 10.89 19 9 10.89 16 5.13 20 16 5. 13 13 13 17 19 5.00 $21 30 32 5.00 6 14 125 8.90 11 23 276 8.26 17 37 401 8.45 213 770 REPORT OF THE THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES. ALABAMA. Classified causes, and to which party granted. 1869. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 867. | To husband. 12 15 1 Adultery.. To wife.... 4 3 Total 16 18 27 222 5 ∞ 33 25 19 8 8 33 27 222 25 27 To husband. 2 Cruelty 3 Desertion Total To wife.... Total. To husband. To wife.... To husband. 55 8 8 156 2 2 4 5 3 11 5 15 2243 18 13 28 26 45 41 39 223 21 30 51 988 26 22 30 34 56 56 4 Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide....... 6 Combinations of the preceding or of a pro- ceding with some minor cause. 7 All others... All causes To wife Total 112 2 To husband To wife.. Total To husband 1 3 6 5 9 7 To wife.. 10 15 11 14 9 10 Total. 11 18 17 19 18 17 To husband. 1 3 1 3 To wife... 1 Total 1 3 1 4 · To husband To wife.... Total 228083 36 42 78 91 887 39 43 56 52 47 58 90 114 106 9999 59 50 58 117 ARIZONA. 1 | Adultery. To husband To wife.. Total To husband. 2 Cruelty. To wife. 1 Total 1 To husband. 3 Desertion... 4 Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide.... 6 Combinations of the preceding or of a pre- ceding with some minor cause. To wife. Total To husband. To wife. Total To husband. (To To wife... Total · To husband. To wife. Total... 7 All others All causes 1 1 To husband To wife.. Total To husband. To wife... 1 1 Total 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 112 1 2 22 CHAPTER 771 VIII.- GENERAL TABLES. TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES. ALABAMA. 1873.1874.1875, 1876. 1877. 1878.1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 879. 1880. 1881. Total. 42 200 32 10 8=8 39 11 50 2000 6 6 8 6 13 42 48 30 38 32 72 86 77 27 120 425 32 33 5 37 38 8 or 8 39 41 5 7 46 12 12 a a 9 13 9 16 54 58 51 58 74 *** *** ** 12 10 53 828 52 62 223 63 15 78 3 1 -- 7 9 7 1) 82 116 116 93 66 98 105 116 156 209 182 *28 *** 288 100 888888 98 66 101 94 973 23 14 17 35 228 1 121 80 118 129 1, 201 4 1 1 3 27 19 31 25 27 45 283 2 19 35 26 28 48 310 140 133 155 151 169 234 1,665 95 107 104 134 178 1, 327 3 228 262 255 303 412 2,992 formed. 1 11 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 22 1 1 2 -- 112 1 1 3 1 4 44 213 6 LOLO 5 26 4 5 32 S 9 10 12 19 18 628 5 7 9 17 28 11 22 19 23 17 26 31 261 11 15 10 22 14 14 19 20 35 27 26 27 331 6 16 22 19 39 42 25 41 39 58 44 52 58 592 1 1 112 2 5 1 3 5 4 5 3 1 1 3 ลาล 7 6 60 2 4 4 17 2 2 5 1 3 5 4 6 8 6 4 11 10 77 مشه 86 94 85 99 107 147 201 195 253 241 284 237 306 368 2,992 57 69 61 81 87 121 126 105 160 154 202 176 209 294 2,212 143 163 146 183 194 268 327 300 413 395 486 413 515 662 5,204 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 ARIZONA. 213 5 4 3 2 1 شه مشه مشه مشه ممه 4 3 4 10 10 5 5 112 3 191 6 112 224 2 123 213 21 29 7 21000 1 8 3 43 4 COLD 00 279 22 22 4 8 5 8 4 8 6 1 6 7 12 14 6 14 11 ww 3 3 112 2 1 1 2 How 80 m Bto yo 8 6 49 40 48 88 12 4 10 4 10 2 3 1 3 3 22 123 213 1 1 1 1 6 7 7 1 1 1 1 66 4 1 4 1 1 1 22 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 44 221 6 10 2 16 ♡ co 3 1 3 * CYO * 1 3 4 120 3 22 4 1 5 1 9 8 6200 10 6 3 57 5 5 18 17 14 28 23 17 ∞*83 12 14 22 34 22* 9 22 18 27 222 10 9 12 21 158 30 ** *** 202 235 79 1 772 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. .1 TABLE V.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. ARKANSAS. Classified causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868. | 1869. 1870.| 1871, | 1872. To husband. 15 11 1 Adultery To wife.... Total. 18 2500 3 9000 123 10 10 18 6 5 1 16 15 19 To co o 15 3 18 To husband. 2 Cruelty. To wife..... Total 12 · (To To husband. 38 3 Desertion………… To wife... 32 Total 2000 Bow 37 3 11 70 2 299 10 21 31 19 25 40 56 213 288 LO 00 5 6 8 11 13 17 37 38 25 35 62 73 ~24 KOK 3 12 15 37 38 75 To husband. 4 Drunkenness To wife.. 1 1 3 1 1 Total 1 1 3 1 1 as as 3 3 To husband. 5 Neglect to provide..... To wife... Total To husband. 3 6 Combinations of the preceding or of a pre- ceding with some minor cause. To wife.... Total.. 3 6 156 3 3 6 2 3 LO 6 6 12 246 7 All others a All causes To husband. To wife.... Total · To husband To wife. Total t•t! $ 7 13 6 6 13 19 43 59 55 40 54 121 FOR 1000 11 7 6 3 17 10 65 48 83 113 113 132 129 123235 62 67 172 252 5 CALIFORNIA. 1 Adultery. 2 Cruelty.. To husband. To wife... Total.. To husband. To wife... 3 Desertion…… Drunkenness 17 10 27 Total S To husband. To wife Total FON "NO *** 2333 20 13 40 2 37 23 39 13 39 40 52 GAN NNN 58 25 16 56 220 208 BE 24 18 42 60 33 44 77 To husband. To wife .... Total ▼ To husband. 257 2 4 6 8 8 12 Bora 262 JUN SON 23 26 49 2 1 57 57 59 58 27 18 48 37 75 55 800 1000 208 *** TEO COM 30 33 63 3 75 78 31 49 5 1 10 18 Ber 10 11 23 S 5 Neglect to provide..... To wife. · Total ∞ ∞ 8 10 18 8 10 6 Combinations of the preceding or of a pre-To wife ceding with some minor cause. To husband. 5 7 48 57 Total 53 64 입고 ​야야 ​10 19 19 18 10 19 19 10 5 8 11 71 82 74 80 81 87 82 91 7 All others To wife. STo husband. 4 2 1 6 10 8 8 9 67 2 12 Total 14 10 9 15 13 14 S To husband. 43 49 70 69 57 82 All causes.. To wife.. 157 157 227 229 230 286 Total 200 206 297 298 287 368 CHAPTER VIII- VIII-GENERAL TABLES. 773 TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1836, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. ARKANSAS. 1873. 1874 77. 1873.1874. 1875. | 1876. | 1877. 1878.1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. | 1885. | 1886. Total. 40 87 OOR NONA GOB 12 15 17 20 24 43 47 43 86 207 BIO **8 12 14 25 22 33 33 5 5 6 9 9 5 19 31 31 42 38 3 5 3 3 6 10 7 23 10 23 39 24 33 KAT 23 51 10 64 12 10 28 13 26 45 41 45 GAN AHA 47 18 65 24 43 49 67 63 324 198 33 43 12 11 45 54 14 23 62 85 228 282 *=* *~* 52 13 65 21 59 67 85 228 056 49 49 557 10 11 147 1 59 60 704 18 28 196 77 604 2 105 800 47 69 82 93 118 134 156 133 116 157 177 204 1, 771 57 91 80 112 139 158 159 126 174 171 192 187 1, 910 3 104 160 162 205 257 292 315 259 290 328 369 391 3, 681 123 235 4 4 224 1 1 2 178 134 1 3 12 1 7 1 8 00 00 8 8 00 00 8 6 9 10 81 4 8 6 9 13 93 22 1 1 1 1 22 6 5 10 6 1 8 7 7 8 7 9 13 15 15 14 10 19 5 7 6 14 9 11 8 15 12 12 18 18 22 6 15 13 21 17 18 17 28 27 27 32 28 41 15 15 165 30 211 6 45 376 248 7 9 9 8 7 7 13 11 8 4 10 5 10 13 12 21 17 12 11 19 14 18 20 19 34 28 20 3352845 13 14 4 15 177 15 17 14 15 204 31 18 30 381 مشه 7 61 82 74 82 115 124 147 178 226 254 203 209 254 267 314 2,878 143 144 70 105 128 132 187 187 243 256 334 383 464 510 205 238 256 219 288 285 315 422 497 539 582 332 646 3, 163 6,041 CALIFORNIA. 72* 288 88 #33 ⌘ ཨྰཿ 96 86 109 133 73 76 76 103 102 70 95 146 189 175 150 171 6 6 6 12 4 11 11 17 17 17 23 PER 14 8 9 25 20 13 37 -27 64 7 102 234 238 8 HR 26 30 34 30 24 55 60 59 823 30 21 51 10 16 17 17 133 110 123 132 149 127 140 145 226 227 228 200 24 27 51 13 127 238 229 230 23 282 850 25 55 48 36 42 36 61 97 81 17 32 119 159 190 195 140 176 i 222 221 85 76 121 126 129 146 135 73 101 113 205 I 139 168. 158 162 149 186 189 326 265 297 301 297 4 19 17 20 12 14 23 30 16 33 40 50 BAE 265 225 235 37 31 71 12 *མང ཡོ 626 536 1 1, 162 183 269 2, 166 222 2, 435 132 1, 541 149 1,979 3 281 3, 520 17 165 252 37 417 41 46 51 72 59 58 41 46 51 72 59 58 22 888888 72 75 130 114 128 141 150 161 72 75 130 114 123 141 150 161 1,382 1, 382 9 112 110 121 122 202 12 11 18 13 16 9 127 117 136 146 161 138 135 149 162 173 18 163 10 181 7 6 10 10 13 17 13 పరలు 8 6 5 5 6 10 16 18 22 25 22 21 18 43 27 26 24 208 2*8 16 17 18 79 197 192 189 157 89 213 209 207 172 255 15 19 247 172 2,473 191 2,720 19 11 16 15 16 151 2! 23 26 20 31 331 7 62 32 39 41 26 47 482 126 148 137 153 153 152 150 .149 363 387 436 435 477 442 514 534 489 535 573 588 630 591 664 683 215 218 251 279 231 267 2,999 614 640 829 858 735 770 743 743 9, 119 986 1,049 974 1,010 12, 118 4 774 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ་ }. TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1836, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. COLORADO. Classified causes, and to which party granted. 1 Adultery. 2 Cruelty. 3 Desertion.. 4 Drunkenness To husband. To wife... Total To busband. To wife Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband To wife... 1867. |1868.1869.1870. | 1871, | 1872. 1870. Total To husband 5 Neglect to provide. To wife. Total Combinations of the preceding, or of a pre. To husband 6 ceding with some minor cause. F All others pre-To wife. Total To husband To wife.. All causes 1 201 3 4 3 లు 1 4 4 3 112 පය 6 6 22 8 LO 5 8 3 4 4 10 6 11 3 4 4 18 11 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 3 134 Total To husband. To wife... Total 4 4 273 9 9 145 1 4 5 == 123 270 2 LO LO 5 14 5 16 1 1 1 1 13 9 13 17 19 30 28 ** 29 42 CONNECTICUT. 1 Adultery.. 2 Cruelty To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife... Total 3 Desertion 4 Drunkenness 2223 13 12 25 14 774 6 3 11 7 17 10 13 LO 00 00 5 8 4 9 549 123 2 3 4 3 4 200 6 8 == 11 11 11 11 { To husband 15 To wife.. Total 23 28 43 53 2383 20 3853 25 20 37 63 57 3853 255 25 30 39 49 64 79 To husband 3 3 2 2 To wife.. 12 Total 12 22 14 10 10 11 16 17 10 13 13 18 To husband To wife. Total 5 Neglect to provide Combinations of the preceding or of a pre- Į ceding with some minor cause. To husband. 7 All others All causes F 106 122 112 98 91 85 To wife Total 260 248 251 190 193 207 · 366 370 363 288 284 292 To husband 21 13 19 To wife... 30 Total 51 3383853 23 21 36 40 36 2223 16 10 13 20 17 27 27 40 To husband. 156 To wife.... 344 Total. 500 165 162 142 133 328 335 270 493 497 412 135 279 314 412 449 CHAPTER VIII. GENERAL TABLES. 775 FOR TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. COLORADO. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882, 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 6T7 3 1 20 2 10 8 6 2 1 5 8 7 10 • ∞ ∞ 8 10 8 10 9 17 14 26 26 20 2400 6 10 6 12 42 *2* 23 18 19 28 46 NON 00000 2 14 12 30 42 450 221 222 26 35 61 PUN NEW BAB 12 13 4 6 16 19 3 3 19 28 22 31 31 55 33 45 64 100 3233 -09 348 13 12 25 233 27 25 52 7 39 46 140 005 200 8 39 47 66 70 74 70 52 61 126 *** *** *85 *** 225 155 GJI E88 F22 224 12 32 44 8 42 43 50 94 82 63 47 157 129 157 • · 00 00 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 6 6 123 ico c 1 3 - LO C 1 4 1 5 10 9 4 6 14 10 279 - to co 1 3 7 7 8 10 20* 4** 887 NOT 19 236 16 204 1 35 440 15 82 28 381 2 43 463 99 720 58 610 3 1,330 2 9 11 FX8 17 73 4 90 4 3 4 co c 3 عرعر 1 1 22 1 1 a pred prod 1 1 2 1 2 6 7 3 10 14 24 21 21 27 28 56 11 16 25 23 27 34 31 65 12 228 22 22 12 27 27 9 12 19 77 118 147 89 137 168 བག བ་ 40 40 ပါး 55 43 44 239 43 44 239 21 18 17 18 141 129 91 134 926 6 147 108 152 1, 067 112 ஓசுக 278 2 16 18 32 28 43 45 51 63 59 63 83 91 102 138 22 1 1 2 260 248 112 6 4 1 4 5 3 6 8 10 9 4 213 19 9 39 7 9 58 28= 102535 49 52 87 123 151 163 150 124 153 i, 215 89 101 163 239 289 153 250 362 342 440 510 326 | 263 476 387 298 2,472 451 3,687 CONNECTICUT. 233 12 13 25 ผึ้งง 7 3 7 8 6 14 11 CO CO C 3 6 9 3 9 15 16 45 31 3 11 9 25 6 20 24 41 1-Q 22 1 1 3 6 1 3 2 3 100 00 8 8 co co 3 17 13 3 18 16 32 26 52 84 80 2 22 20 22 278 PEN 32 54 51 83 5 17 22 278 +22 2553 19 45 60 61 3853 25 36 34 64 80 102 85 100 114 138 169 មីនីម គ JA CA, IN 28 34 73 65 5 3 48 53 53 56 56 55 113 116 125 2383 25 *** *28 29 35 34 35 63 70 6 3 44 43 50 46 35 59 97 113 CHE 57 58 327 1 334 661 39 2 391 430 711 3 92 1,388 171 199 132 172 149 2, 099 1 20 19 21 20 ** coa 192 4 5 3 4 18 18 27 17 39 55 22 32 20 43 0128 11 62 73 73 2233 10 73 83 280 62 70 20888 12 56 68 200 10 104 84 642 94 746 5 Da Da Da 7 190 289 354 9 30 39 858 288 99 83 94 54 71 58 39 9 14 4 1 1 7 5 1. 153 235 184 184 165 329 238 255 223 104 72 35 29 18 26 34 39 2,935 143 81 49 33 19 27 41 44 4, 088 16 13 10 9 1 2 3 1 177 35 28 31 10 7 3 9 3 2 1 41 341 51 41 41 19 S 3 11 3 5 1 51 518 154 143 146 90 113 118 95 71 140 104 130 79 116 119 2.511 307 388 352 290 299 294 230 275 461 531 498 380 412 412 325 346 288 297 293 428 401 423 265 282 301 344 398 420 6, 031 8, 542 776 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 1 TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. DAKOTA. 1867.1868.|1869. | 1870. 1871. | 1872. To husband. 1 To wife... 1 Total 1 1 Classified causes, and to which party granted. 1❘ Adultery 1 • 1 2 Cruelty.... 3 Desertion.. 4 Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide..... S To husband. To wife..... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. Combinations of the preceding or of a pre- To wife 6 ceding with some minor cause. 7 All others.... Total ... To husband. To wife.. Total. All causes . To husband. To wife... Total 1 1 DELAWARE. 1 Adultery To husband. To wife.... Total - To husband. 2 Cruelty.. 3 Desertion... 4 Drunkenness • 134 3 33 3 2 2 213 112 235 22 22 1 1 279 336 22 To wife... 1 1 Total 1 1 To husband. 4 3 To wife..... 12 6 Total. 16 9 257 To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife.... 1 1 Total.. 1 1 To husband. 1 Total 1 123 1 1 353 50 2 156 7 1 8 6 To wife.. Total 18 13 1 15 25 1 21 1 21 5 Neglect to provide...... 6 Combinations of the preceding or of a pre- To wife... ceding with some minor cause. +7 All others To husband. To wife... Total D To husband. All causes . CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 777 TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. DAKOTA. } 1878. 1880. 1873. | 1874, 1875, 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. | 1882. 1883. | 1884. 1885. 1888. Total. 1876. 883. 1884. 886.! 112 2 12 ~~ 112 112 1 1 1 1 2 134 1 3 4 112 112 4 1 4 431 4 4 7 4 3444 23 2 6 a 6 9 7 25 15 1 1 4 2 2 3 4 er had 1 4 5 288 4 3 6 9 14 13 17 5 8 515 710 6 8 13 213 629 12 20 12 11 13 31 25 722 *** 7 13 14 15 20 21 23 38 45 40 26 31 42 64 76 *4* 028 8 62 33 95 #NO 600 288 14 2 16 639 71 26 1 97 5 47 18 23 131 2 24 28 178. 54 306 34 202 3 88 508 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 1 4 4 123 4 10 4 14 5 7 منه منه 6 1 3 1 3 1 1 3 1 4 22 2 2 5 5 LO LO 5 5 σ 9 12 5 5 9 12 22 00 00 8 14 62 8 14 62 23: 224 1 2 1 3 4 4 8 31 2 6 7 18 22 15 31 29 26 165 2 7 9 19 25 19 35 33 34 196 257 248 1 1 235 8 1 1 5 8 123 7 25 32 4 4 5 6 10 9 10 12 202 21 11 8 11 16 5 7 6 14 16 15 17 30 292 32 22 51 80 60 86 75 466 40 55 72 73 112 102 104 621 72 77 123 153 172 188 179 1,087 134 1 1 22 2 3 Go co 3 DELAWARE. en es co 3 6 3 1 6 7 22 3 3 • co co 1 1 112 5 1 1 9 1 1 14 2 1 1 1 1 22 5 32 LO 22 22 3 að að 3 ♡ 00 8 3 11 1 1 1 2 1 2 314 426 123 2 1 مشه خته 3 12 842 1 1 යය 3 i 3 1 296 1 9 3 8 17 4 118 **5 -88 90- 78 1 1 1 227 22 1010 22 1 5 1 5 5 4 5 9 5 123 7 5 مشه منه منه 1 1 1 1 44 1 1 10 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 22 2 1 1-20 7 1 9 1 213 8 ما 5 6 14 5 7 4 18 4 4 25 8 4 2448 7 16 9 6 16 පළ 6 6 2003 20 36 5 =-2 145 11 12 3 21 9 6 15 8 20 20 6 27 11 41 636 109 180 9 289 246 279 808 778 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE-V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Classified causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868.1869.1870. 1871. 1872. To husband. 7 3 3 7 6 5 1 Adultery To wife.. 8 8 8 5 6 Total 15 11 11 18 11 11 To husband. 2 Cruelty... To wife.... 1 Total. 1 To husband. 3 Desertion....... 1 Total 1 LOLO පප 22 325 5 4 11 13 5 4 11 13 2 3 4 6 7 17 23 9 20 27 4 Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide………. 6 To wife. To husband. To wife. Total To husband To wife.. Total + Combinations of the preceding or of a pre-S To husband. ceding with some minor cause. 7 All others All causes pre-To wife Total - To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife... Total. FLORIDA. 8 8 1 № had fund 1 1 2 1 . 00 00 3 3 224 257 1 6 1 6 123 2 123 1 1 134 1 4 1 లులు 3 3 *22 8 8 20 15 28 23 ** 4 20 24 2233 12 9 11 27 38 56 39 47 67 S To husband. 3 3 4 7 4 2 1 Adultery To wife... Total 3 3 4 7 4 2 (To husband. : • 2 Cruelty. To wife. 1 2 Total 1 2 INN oo oo 3 3 22 To husband. 5 6 15 3 Desertion To wife. 8 5 9 Total. 13 11 24 22883 16 12 12 762 5 222 12 12 24 STo husband. 1 4 Drunkenness To wife.... Total .. 1 S To husband 6 7 All others All causes. 5 Neglect to provide.. Combinations of the preceding or of ceding with some minor cause. a pre- To wife.. STo husband wife.. Total To husband. To wife. Total To wife... Total pre-S To husband. 5 5 Total 10 248 9 8 11 7 6 20 15 437 9 8 17 ~14 426 314 3 7 2 4 7 426 0113 S 2423 17 15 32 1288 15 31 38 17 13 21 19 12 28 52 57 29 226 27 24 51 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 779 ! TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1336, BY CLASSIFIED_CAUSES, CAUSES, FOR STATĖS AND TERRITORIES—Continued. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. } 1878.1879. so. 1873. 1874, 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885.1886. Total. 1884. 10 5 15 0912 13 538 6m - 6 5 6 3 6 5 9 11 11 341 4 2 7 6 6 6 257 257 1 5 4 3 11 5 4 3 12 8 LO 00 00 325 1-∞ 5 3 10 8 13 3 1 9 3 11 17 20 246 10 10 10 10 279 5 5 145 272 134 22 113 105 1 218 i 11 113 2 124 19 23 +23 4 9 7 15 11 24 18 3215 11 5 3 4 6 3 22 11 9 18 22 13 33 16 12 22 28 16 i 30 ∞ 22 18 30 19 48 6?!? 15 25 44 #13 114 29 | 308 3 422 184 145 3 224 : 3 3 co co: 123. 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 5 1 2 134 13 34 4 y 47 مشه مه www 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LOLO 5 5 4 3 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 23 7 16 12 19 18 15 11 19 13 19 20 18 00 00 8 17 17 18 3 5 1 6 181 6 8 20 18 19 4 5 1 7 204 224 5 1 3 1 4 2 1 5 5 5 2 3 112 218 1 6 7 134 3 4 1 1 4 34 3 3 4 7 51 7 6 11 85 21 43 64 130823 25 19 48 37 47 73 56 ==883 11 21 13 9 14 53 36 31 52 58 74 49 40 66 1288 15 50 $499 10 45 39 65 55 283 27 27 54 66 81 225 21 23 308 34 52 797 55 75 1, 105 FLORIDA. 2 1 6 4 6 4 6 15 7 11 18 8 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 7 4 6 4 15 10 13 22 9 Ecot 12 16 139 3 3 18 1 15 19 157 1 1 112 1 1 1 1 134 2 2 2 คล 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 10 10 5 3 31 2 5 3 33 19 15 21 28 18 24 29 34 37 36 47 42 47 51 509 8 22 17 12 18 26 22 21 24 29 32 38 12 42 404 3 27 37 38 40 36 50 51 55 61 65 79 80 89 93 913 1 1 1 ~2 5 5 1 1 4 2 16 4 1 1 4 2 17 S 5 1 12 19 16 10 37 21 58 8888885 ONO MAO 61 cococo Of goo -96 729 7 8 16 16 26 23 28 28 36 36 22 18 15 17 7 30 32 40 48 47 28 26 31 33 33 53 63 68 84 83 50 5 10 6 7 7 9 14 10 8 9 1 1 3 6 4 3 3 1 3 2 4 6 11 9 13 11 12 17 13 10 13 6 C - 6 3 9 ៨៩ ឌឌ 88 41 363 65 459 106 822 6 139 2 3 46 12 9 185 مته منه 6 28 46 33 39 31 85 85 *288 54 47 62 67 91 82 91 110 42 42 63 58 71 83 90 78 101 114 80 100 118 1, 153 89 101 130 149 153 174 240 158 201 232 975 2, 128 780 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. GEORGIA. Classified causes, and to which party granted. 1 Adultery 2 Cruelty... 3 Desertion 1867.1868. 1869, 1870. 1871. 1872. To husband. 37 23 To wife.... 16 11 Total 53 34 R22 25 25 17 14 42 39 229538653 38 12 50 To husband. To wife... 4 Total 4 248 158 6 6 12 12 To husband. 10 5 To wife. 18 8 Total.. 28 13 7723 17 16 24 24 ** F25 22 *0* 25 3 25 9 17 14 20 25 37 39 4 Drunkenness. 5 Neglect to provide... To husband. To wife.. Total. To husband. To wife.. Total. Combinations of the preceding or of a pre. To husband. 6 ceding with some minor cause. 7 All others 8 All causes 112 1 1 1 1 119 2 123 1 1 3 pre-To wife. 6 Total.. 9 189 3 Co 3 8 6 19 9 22 To husband. 14 11 11 10 To wife... 17 8 16 8 Total 31 19 27 18 To husband. 65 41 48 47 To wife... 62 41 64 71 Total.. 127 82 112 118 *02 202 **I 4 64 84 148 143 មិនថា ៩៨៨ ៨៦ 68 IDAHO. To husband 1 1 Adultery To wife... 1 Total. 1 1 123 1 1 1 1 1 1 To husband. 2 Cruelty... To wife.... 1 1 Total. 1 1 22 To husband. 3 Desertion... To wife.... Total. 1 1 112 22 3 1 1 3 3 3 6 4 4 4 Drunkenness To husband. To wife.. 3 3 3 1 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 Total To husband. 5 Neglect to provide.... To wife.... Total....... 2 1 2 1 6 Combinations of the preceding or of a pre-To wife.. S To husband. 1 6 ceding with some minor cause. Total. 7 224 To husband. 7 All others To wife. Total To husband. 1 8 All causes. To wife.... Total 11 12 347 10 12 549 202 22* 12 14 257 CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 781 TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1885, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. GEORGIA. 1873. 1874.1875. 1876. 1877. 1878.1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. | 1883.1884. 1885. | 1886. 381. Total. 37 35 39 15 16 16 52 51 55 3 2 21 13 18 24 15 11 18 21 28 31 28 39 49 49 801 202 200 34 11 45 11 02 0 4 18 22 28 24 52 SEX 2* 278 37 27 43 17 8 54 35 3 1 20 15 23 16 31 29 21 i 31 14 35 60 35 64 *E8 27 267 59 17 15 60 74 2 29 29 33 39 72 ONN MON 6 21 27 21 27 62 One Noco 250 42 72 19 24 61 96 392 55 67 16 14 71 81 8253 56 19 75 8288 68 848 12 295 1 80 1,143 3 8 5 8 7 8 71 18 23 31 0333 28 36 46 14 405 2 33 44 53 52 476 35 38 48 86 183 35 ! 51 46 47 49 82 100 888 43 89 110 889909 50 506 60 608 3 1, 114 ww 3 3 3 3 లులు 123 O 30 LO 2 5 TO LO 5 1 5 1 123 5 3 5 3 6 156 3 1 12 5 22 ~~ 2 4 46 4 2 7 1 58 1 1 1 1 1 22 6 5 6 7 7 12- 5 13 7 9 9 10 12 15 7 18 21 26 27 13 6 20 17 19 16 16 33 25 28 38 32 26 13 29 26 29 28 31 40 43 13 20 9 18 20 19 16 32 36 31 22 22 23 41 43 2=33 233 12 11 225 23 13 ** 23 22 25 17 36 48 39 22323 17 18 8 20 21 16 37 39 24 71 82 84 91 102 104 100 112 106 109 175 182 196 197 211 123 888 63 107 130 112 148 128 141 140 163 55 116 123 103 136 130 151 223 253 215 · 284 258 292 400 245 255 15 13 28 39 13 14 27 162 *** *** 203 159 26 356 6 515 23 311 18 336 7 41 647 1, 907 2, 052 3,959 IDAHO. 1 1 1 1 22 1 3 1 4 3 直​1 1 1 1 1 ลงล 2 2 3 213 • co co 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 2 4 ་ # 4 . 3 2 3 2 3 ww 3 3 257 3 5 8 111 112 1 1 4 3 4 6 9 8 10 1 2 1 2 4 3 10 8 7 17 15 2 5 2 7 7 6 16 16 16 25 25 151 Jgg Ata &ab 1 40 AT 65 863 1 1 1 -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 1 6 1 1 1 1 2 2 5 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 4 2 2 9 S sts: LOLO -- · 00 00 3 3 30 no 3 44 1 38 5 1 38 3 1 2 3 1 2 NN! 22 1 1 · 00 00 • 30 00 3 3 LO LO 5 5 178 3 3 113 1 2 ลล 2 1 2 22 7 7 11 1 1 5 3 9 8 4 3 10 9 9 268 2 4 12 8 16 672 +20 4 10 17 10 23 14 36 288980 26 30 ∞ 28 8 22 2008 10 17 26 35 36 er than those 17 101 52 888 36 267 53 368 279 112 2 7 4 12 8 13 82 12 10 13 89 782 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. ILLINOIS. Classified causes, and to which party granted. 67. 1868. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. i871. 1 Adultery. To husband. 184 149 150 143 161 180 To wife.. 100 134 145 126 122 149 Total. 284 283 295 269 283 329 To husband. 13 15 23 18 21 26 2 Cruelty.. To wife... Total 146 161 165 .177 198 276 159 176 188 195 219 302 To husband. 190 205 205 184 221 321 3 Desertion. To wife.... 288 300 328 352 327 456 Total. 478 505 533 536 548 777 4 Drunkenness (To To husband. 4 4 3 2 10 To wife.. 63 64 64 92 81 115 Total 67 64 68 95 83 125 • To husband. 5 Neglect to provide………… Combinations of the preceding or of a pre-To husband. 6 ceding with some minor cause. 7 All others All causes 1 Adultery.. 2 Cruelty.. 3 Desertion. 4 Drunkenness.. 5 Neglect to provide To wife.... 1 Total 1 wife.. Total. 23 35 (To To husband. To wife... Total 2** 2** 12 31 39 22 26 38 48 ∞ = 2008 6 29 35 30 19 41 58 GO ∞20 208 8 22 16 37 53 400 283 15 51 66 154 12 50 425 To husband. To wife.. Total. 646 728 772 806 1, 071 1, 125 1, 179 1, 178 1, 250 1,745 397 407 372 432 593 818 1, 152 221 222 22 34 INDIANA. To husband 103 To wife.. Total 22 89 103 24 24 26 127 113 129 122 To husband 41 To wife... Total 97 ⪜ཝཱ 38 46 107 123 S To husband. 161 138 145 169 126 131 142 178 159 141 143 149 **2 253 121 18 139 43 88 100 To wife..... Total 179 184 191 178 164 178 Fa8 983 92 340 362 350 319 307 327 To husband. 3 4 2 1 4 To wife 23 22 Total 26 23 23 23 21 21 27 23 22 22333 29 To husband. To wife.... 44 56 Total 44 56 35335 55 59 55 59 88: 66 58 66 58 50 52 71 56 50 58 To wife.... Total 198 226 230 27-1 237 253 248 278 301 330 287 311 To busband. 79 To wife Total 58 94 91 173 149 57 60 70 122 131 117 128 179 191 187 187 59 To husband. To wife.... Total 437 416 440 659 710 1, 096 1, 126 [1, 210 770 382 428 389 788 711 768 170 1, 139 1, 157 6 Combinations of the preceding or of a pro. To husband ceding with some minor cause. 7 All others. All causes.. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 783 TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. ILLINOIS. 876. 877. 1873. 1874.1875.1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 85.! Total. 161 159 185 163 173 164 166 181 174 157 179 155 181 229 208 236 236 219 172 203 272 3,736 195 190 259 247 233 20.3 243 3,530 1 346 322 347 321 345 327 362 424 39$ 475 483 452 406 515 7, 266 29 10 27 31 23 35 31 29 38 31 37 37 37 36 550 293 302 278 302 281 29) 293 366 368 410 435 406 402 423 5, 977 2 322 312 305 333 304 325 329 395 406 444 472 443 439 459 6, 527 301 265 269 251 254 265 316 367 416 398 398 373 358 413 5,973 476 424 413 419 419 494 518 584 650 646 648 627 644 734 9, 757 3 780 689 682 670 673 759 834 951 1,076 1,044 1, 016 |1,000 1,002 1,147 15, 730 10 16 18 15 12 15 19 19 23 15 134 125 123 155 128 147 139 148 236 213 10 232 235 15 22 26 258 144 141 141 170 140 162 158 167 259 228 242 250 239 247 261 273 2,980 4 3,238 22 1 1 1 6 5 - 1 1 1 6 33 26 11 13 11 112 132 90 81 89 85 145 158 101 94 100 97 17 16 18 15 27 22 31 39 53 56 58 56 48 55 71 71 85 78 265 200 12 536 237 17 80 97 121 19 42 61 355 228 24 16 28 18 15 19 90 91 104 93 76 106 119 122 108 } 18 17 23 24 15 63 81 88943 48 67 65 55 65 90 89 70 Den se 23 349 121 1.617 6 95 141 1, 966 14 374 54 965 68 1,339 554 492 517 482 506 504 583 1,233 1, 186 1, 130 1, 177 1, 141 1, 2441, 259 1,787 1, 6781, 647 1, 659 1, 647 1, 748 1, 842 686 1,453 1, 607 2, 139 2, 326 719 728 722 683 654 781 11, 240 1, 6471, 733 1, 659 1,619 1, 822 2,375 2,455 2,342 2,273 2,606 24, 832 36,072 INDIANA. ! 116 134 828 582 222 22 66 71 81 24 31 33 90 102 114 $8ཎྜ 85 93 94 108 118 138 127 131 128 111 29 31 21 27 36 39 41 48 37 114 124 115 135 154 177 168 179 165 27 21 18 17 17 13 22 22 23 42 37 43 123 106 118 147 155 137 159 182 179 194 144 124 135 164 168 159 181 205 221 231 239 87 89 100 96 104 125 149 171 197 167 191 202 225 269 258 286 267 290 306 350 418 141 136 257 266 398 402 149 141 ཌཝིཛྫི ཝིཛྫིཀྑུཾ ཙ 130 2,068 42 48 629 1 153 178 2,697 45 63 649 196 209 249 2,855 2 254 312 3, 501 159 265 243 252 255 2, 639 4, 171 3 414 384 393 414 6, 810 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 4 3 1 3 3 2 18 21 20 19 22 33 128 32 17 29 18 31 1835 33 29 37 33 88888 33 31 34 30 28 28 36 32 37 33 30 30 2000 44 521 565 46 59 46 $9 64 59 61 46 49 37 222 270 280 282 268 319 317 3.9 888888 22 423 83 78 83 78 Za! 13 73 43 41 61 340 315 406 383 386 465 470 2583 32 26 2) 29 67 69 99 6 83 99 101 125 81 99 112 8N JER ASS 82 410 471 56 55 320 220 115 113 116 115 113 116 983 99 136 1,551 5 99 136 1, 551 67 64 75 62 65 1, 122 424 434 430 388 404 6,397 6 491 498 505 450 469 7,519 $6 888 23 32 103 108 111 135 35 37 57 88 92 35 785 81 125 116 1,762 7 2,547 263 261 252 270 273 281 349 386 391 396 601 741 860 741 878 902 922 1,037 1,104 |1, 144 1, 191 864 1,002 1,052 1,014 1, 151 1, 183 1, 271 1, 423 1, 495 1, 540 1, 607 416 425 398 454 7,307 1, 109 |1,106 |1, 201 17,886 1, 534 1, 504 1, 655 23, 193 į 784 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. IOWA. Classified causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 868. 1869. 1870. 18 1 Adultery 2❘ Cruelty. To husband To wife... 62 41 Total 103 S To husband. 12 To wife.. 47 Total 59 508 REX 57 58 68 42 46 66 99 104 134 109 16 17 31 77 74 63 93 91 94 100 622 268 57 41 52 38 79 13 18 87 82 100 3 Desertion... S To busband 97 108 102 91 103 141 To wife... 134 133 171 137 160 165 Total 231 241 273 228 263 306 To husband. 2 3 4 4 5 4 Drunkenness. To wife.. Total 222223 22286 34 30 44 44 37 31 48 49 5 Neglect to provide..... S To husband To wife... * Total -- 1 1 22 6 Combinations of the preceding or of a pre- To wife. ceding with some minor cause. To husband. 5 8 10 4 9 6 18 25 17 24 22 34 Total 23 33 27 28 31 .40 - To husband. 32 24 14 17 30 7 All others To wife. 27 29 38 35 46 Total 59 53 52 52 76 ** 2** 20 23 43 S To husband. 210 213 204 215 216 231 All causes To wife... 294 340 380 355 411 386 Total 504 553 584 570 627 617 KANSAS. To husband. 4 7 1 Adultery To wife.... 4 Total 8 བ 7 115 4 2 13 9 11 To husband. 1 2 Cruelty.. To wife... 10 15 13 Total 11 15 13 S To husband. 19 24 3 Desertion..... To wife.. 31 45 46 Total 50 69 88 33 208 42 42 ** 258 23 23 57 99 155 250 220 888 18 2015 12 20 43 45 63 92 113 159 GEA GU 4 Drunkenness To husband. To wife... Total .. 22 22 1 1 co co 3 3 257 9 9 5 Neglect to provide.... To husband. To wife... Total 4 7 8 15 4 7 8 15 55 16 16 22 21 21 6 Combinations of the preceding or of a pre- To wife.. ceding with some minor cause. To husband. 1 Total 1 173 8 11 To husband. 4 7 All others To wife.. 1 Total 5 22 235 22 1 8 9 2 20 50 3 1 156 5 6 257 All causes .-- To husband. To wifo.... Total 222 24 52 3283 36 47 46 82 66 75 112 174 214 76 113 122 158 256 280 ALT CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 785 TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. IOWA. 11874. 1873.1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885, 1886. | | | | 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. | Total. 58 57 55 81 66 51 59 50 55 52 109 -116 105 136 118 ༄་ྲ 64 60 124 109 17 103 120 80089898 11 14 18 15 116 137 151 141 146 127 151 169 156 166 $38 299 56 53 20 145 283 198 72 86 87 87 59 67 69 71 131 153 156 158 158 888889 89 79 1,360 93 82 1,184 1 182 161 2, 541 24 17 25 22 21 26 23 370 174 180 189 212 211 214 2, 647 2 191 205 211 233 237 237 3, 017 122 118 111 139 153 156 136 176 186 187 176 197 158 157 2,814 197 174 203 235 206 219 256 305 323 352 277 307 317 321 4, 592 3 319 292 314 374 359 375 392 481 509 539 453 504 475 478 7, 406 1 1 1 -28 52 52 49 53 53 50 28& 5 2 7 8 3 3 3 1 2 7 62 66 64 63 66 83 76 113 89 94 89 94 1,260 4 71 66 70 74 86 79 113 92 9.5 91 101 1, 322 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 2 1 10 2 1 10 0088 208 10 28 38 21 48 41 69 PIN ~~~ 7 25 16 32 19 20 18 42 61 60 =** **8 300 008 11 34 45 23 46 69 880 **. 6 43 49 31 62 93 271 571 28 28 EES 11 33 44 18 55 73 254 289 298 18 9 9 45 57 54 66 29 21 51 44 80 73 *** C** 8 8 55 63 19: 54 GAN 80. 52 60 23 45 68 AED REN 10 71 81 29 63 92 200 150 6 49 52 55 70 18 59 57 77 *ge 252 18 170 736 6 906 451 908 7 79 1, 359 229 213 199 273 276 480 449 476 573 578 709 662 675 846 854 600 688 741 842 854 1,001 1, 063 1, 150 1,043 1, 164 1, 119 |1, 127 313 322 326 319 338 299 306 5, 227 824; 724 826 820 821 11, 337 16, 564 KANSAS. 15 8 23 742 17 6 23 26243 16 8 13 10 4 18 17 19 48 పటాలు 3 34 45 34 65 64 45 28 31 90 109 94 116 155 173 139 175 208 209 35 ఔలు ఉంటే 19 4 23 33 000 2000 3 28 24 5 8 32 1 6 6 58 45 61 44 | 35 61 46 67 50 58 83 97 98 120 127 102 129 155 179 173 205 160 212 252 2=5 228 588 26 26 11 14 37 40 10 9 79 89 93 102 100 10 =E88 27 13 8 15 35 58 11 16 77 87 137 103 157 131 110 131 158 275 238 241 292 277 293 332 406 348 372 450 222 255 82& 50 367 26 158 1 76 525 20 97 1,008 2 1, 105 1,582 2,782 3 4,364 1 6 6 6 6 -- 6 3 13 9 6 4 13 9 oo oo 8 8 888 1 2 8 6 6 10 15 10 15 6 11 15 10 17 29280 155 4 163 12 12 22 22 22 17 22 17 ** 23 15 23 15 22 21 21 888 28 28 · 00 00 31 35 31 35 39 2 - 20 2 4 1 11 3 15 co 30 3 224 2 5 1 1 3 6 12 17 9 11 8 17 18 10 14 ** 2** 39 49 40 49 40 3 4 23 17 30 25 20 34 1 3 2 5 4 8 9 10 2 6 4 9 10 3 6 3 9 2 9 13 18 12 16 ཨཅ 8 6 14 83 91 66 77 153 236 77 112 127 205 154 184 184 245 260 297 283 296 220 261 261 357 387 442 444 DOR 288 6 7 19 25 4 11 12 19 145 161 172 176 159 222 386 467 415 558 643 574 690 88 F33 27* 988 729 54 523 10 5 54 523 17 8 61 23 40 13 21 34 248 468 569 22 252 185 214 275 102 134 236 2, 217 4, 974 7, 191 20267 M D- M D-50 į 786 OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. REPORT REPORT TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. 2* KENTUCKY. Classified causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. To husband. 37 38 1 Adultery. To wife.. 13 10 Total 50 48 To husband. 2 Cruelty. To wife... Total To husband. 3 Desertion.. To wife. Total. JON AND 3 39 42 29 72 95 112 159 167 189 827 252 F28 43 10 53 1 43 44 87 108 139 195 228 22* 283 47 41 11 === 9 58 50 52 47 54 47 96 106 113 219 To husband. 1 41 Drunkenness To wife.. 10 11 156 1 13 17 17 21 6 13 18 17 21 • Total To husband. To wife..... Total 22 1 1 22 2 To husband 7 9 7 To wife..... 30 32 28 Total 37 41 35 To husband. 6 7 To wife.... 3 8 13 Total 9 15 15 · To husband. 127 130 To wife... 165 190 Total 3583 10R 202 20 15 12 19 37 28 28 52 40 47 3 3 6 3 6 127 150 161 218 253 292 320 332 368 414 རཌ་ུ 11 6 7 10 18 177 227 404 5 Neglect to provide 6 Combinations of the preceding or of a pre- ceding with some minor cause. 7 All others All causes LOUISIANA. 257 2 487 426 3 8 2 3 7 10 10 · 00 00 8 03 SO LO 2 3 5 งง 7 9 7 1 9 HAS LAR 18¬ 6 10 8 4 4 9 13 43 3 1 22 2 3 2 4 224 157 279 1 Adultery. 2 Cruelty.. 3 Desertion. 4 Drunkenness.. S To husband To wife... Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wifo..... Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife.. 620 8 oo oo 8 8 213 5 Neglect to provide.. 6 Combinations of the preceding or of a pre- To wife.. ceding with some minor cause. 7 All others All causes. 6 288 3 co co 3 246 123 Total To husband. 2 Total 2 INN 21 2 3 යය 3 3 123 3 3 S To husband. To wife.... Total 145 4 337 4 en to w 3 1 2 5 1 CO CO 6 3 6 3 To husband 11 7 15 To wife... Total 23 22 27 26 33 34 41 ==8 11 13 6 19 30 23 22 26 35 32 CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 787 TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. KENTUCKY. 1873. | 1874. | 1875. |1876. | 1877. |1878. |1879. |1880, 1881. | 1882. | 1883. | 1884. | 1885. | 1886. 1882. Total. 148 *** 58 20 47 9 56 8383 50 13 63 3853 53 16 69 59883 67 68 65 72 16 11 16 79 81 86 3 1 4 4 3 46 34 48 61 40 60 43 68 49 34 49 65 44 63 46 248 38 14 93 3 28, 201 67 73 26 17 90 87 3 3 58 59 61 62 *** 2*3 62 81 80 75 25 28 109 == 11 28 1, 151 313 1 91 103 1 6 3 1,464 49 58 63 69 82 1,016 2 60 64 75 85 1, 065 92 107 104 139 131 137 145 166 190 164 165 155 209 212 2, 628 147 136 160 172 174 168 182 212 205 237 239 265 252 3,349 3 240 251 240 299 303 311 313 248 402 369 402 394 474 464 5, 977 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 13 14 14 17 17 19 11 14 → 9 17 11 18 12 20 9 285 15 15 18 17 19 12 14 9 17 11 21 14 21 9 298 1 1 22 22 10 5 10 10 11 13 11 15 16 17 14 17 24 8 13 19 19 276 48 39 41 46 56 46 37 51 58 42 49 59 51 60 869 6 58 50 51 57 71 62 51 68 75 66 57 72 70 79 1, 145 6 7 7 2 9 5 16 17 15 12 23 19 279 8 15 23 12 672 5 3 сл 5 сл 5 5 4 8 • 7 6 10 8 9 16 10 11 15 13 13 24 347 103 14 186 17 289 مشه 7 158 176 175 206 219 234 235 258 282 302 260 257 304 331 297 302 309 378 460 436 432 510 550 531 537 567 660 269 245 256 323 312 4, 220 346 395 412 432 445 6, 028 615 640 668 755 757 10, 248 LOUISIANA. -26 4 18 6 13 21 3 2 10 8 14 15 11 16 3 14 17 6 3 3 3 6 9 Rower to 530 6 12 19 16 10 11 25 240 24 11 20 5 16 2008 19 33 36 29 45 52 15 28 13 16 36 24 28 34 61 49 45 EL 76 222 888888 58 70 440 29 41 261 1 87 111 701 4 3 4 3 10 13 11 7 15 14 16 15 7 18 10 2002 7 3 2 8 21 5 6 6 4 8 7 8 5 16 7 8 6 10 13 13 14 21 13 14 10 18 20 21 19 EHS 22. 21 24 23 Dm 5 62 247 2 28 24 26 28 309 6 14 13 10 113 17 12 15 24 210 3 23 26 28 34 323 1 1 1 6 2 6 100 9 10 426 2 6 8 123 224 1 4 2 9 6 3 4 6 3 3 3 2 6 5 10 5 12 9 5 6 2 7 3 3 5 10 145 8 8 8 00:00! 325 5 37 279 12 49 ==== 30 40 70 824 540 10 -31 7 257 30 LD 00 5 10 27 45 31 34 63 33 37 90 78 68 2003 36 52 70 27000 MONT 8 13 35 47 62 87 109 112 +03 188 4 9 178 --- 1 5 5 10 25D- 7 55 42 57 *** 68 76 52 89 67 94 157 143 123 OI SE LO 4 1 6 4 6 6 8 7 145 50 1 5 A 6 5 180 26 76 102 5 4 4 9 7 62 4 4 5 1 58 6 14 8 120 OC 00 8 8 ૧૭ 40 102 7 7 142 1888888888 95 743 85 102 954 197 1,697 788 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. MAINE. Classified causes, and to which party granted. 1869. 1867.1868. 1869. 1870. 1871.1872. To husband. 75 71 1 Adultery To wife... 61 77 Total. 136 148 15333 ఆతజ్ఞ 68 50 64 66 125 132 116 112 មិនឬ 50 62 2 Cruelty.. S To husband. 4 3 To wife 39 40 44 51 Total 39 44 47 53 To husband. 3 Desertion.. To wife... Total $20 44 53 79 78 123 131 88888 29 34 41 69 98 ~** *28 2 1 1 54 54 55 55 43 62 76 75 96 117 118 • 4 Drunkenness To husband. To wife..... Total To husband To wife.. Total · 213 3 3 6 145 1 4 4 5 224 123 2 3 5 Neglect to provide · 00 00 3 3 3 3 ww 3 3 22 6 Combinations of the preceding or of a pre-To wife.. ceding with some minor cause. To husband. 11 86 Total 97 === 11 8 6 14 5 71 82 ஐசு 75 60 89 83 66 103 855 90 95 To husband 7❘ All others To wife. Total 112 527 3 1 4 257 235 112 S To husband. 137 143 106 113 110 101 All causes. To wife.... 271 273 259 244 292 286 Total 408 416 365 357 402 387 1 Adultery 2 Cruelty. 3 Desertion...... 4 Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide..... MARYLAND. To husband 16 16 18 13 21 {To wi To wife.... 19- 27 17 24 20 Total.. 35 43 35 37 41 2245 46 To husband. To wife.... 3 3 5 Total. 3 3 5 GIỚI: 1 1 4 ܗܗ 3 3 To husband. 9 To wife... Total.. 888 29 38 0933 16 19 35 2205 12 15 15 28 24 21 40 39 36 === 14 40 54 STo husband. { To wife... Total To husband. To wife. Total. To husband. - 45 325 1 2 1 1 3 ♡♡ 3 1 3 2 To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. To wife.... 29 54 HHN 2H 1 1 4 1 2 22 4 1 1 4 5 224 Total.. 83 2283 32 51 83 2+88 32 30 40 54 54 49 86 84 89 109 10820 68 6 Combinations of the preceding or of a pre- To wife.... ceding with some minor cause, Total 7 All others.. All causes } • 1 CHAPTER VIII.—GENERAL TABLES. 789 TABLE V.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES—Continued. MAINE. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878.│1879.1880. 1881. | 1882. | 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 382. Total. 9883 40 62 57 49 44 37 57 67 59 58 55 52 52 47 58 64 99 120 112 101 96 84 115 131 119 20180 2599 47 136 7588 51 1 98 39 39 55 79 134 +88 289 4 4 3 4 55 68 78 85 59 72 81 89 59 43 40 47 78 86 107 148 121 126 2008 +1888 56H 68 62 70 67 $8, 1 3 1 888888 87 56 51 38 59 51 1232 75 154 122 154 177 8** 60 54 53 66 47 94 123 99 111 83 152 177 130 08888 40 39 ពិតផ *°* 22 30 33 31 47 61 80 89 44883 45 1,081 1, 129 2,210 3 3 3 47 47 59 1, 115 شه خته 1 2 43 50 62 1,162 29 39 52 81 825 50 933 52 74 1, 641 3 91 124 2,574 as as 3 8 3 9 18→ 235 1 6 7 158 6 cr fe had 1 1 4 3 5 4 134 1 2 21 8 3 4 1 8 4 4 1 . 00 00 8 21 96 4 8 23 117 INN 2 2 ,22 2 4 1 4 1 22 4 4 4 4 4 4 22 1 1 60 co 3 3 22 8 8 -- 6 56 5 6 56 16 21 28 12 25 24 26 37 25 24 7 3 7 4 314 8888 70 98 99 98 114 92 134 151 121 131 91 52 86 63 1, 871 6 86 119 127 110 139 116 160 188 146 155 98 55 93 67 2, 185 2 6 3 2 9 426 8 6 4 2 3 10 426 459 53.00 5 4 1 1 2 1 67 5 1 2 41 7 8 10 5 1 1 2 3 108 113 153 138 113 127 115 153 165 138 176 252 313 309 323 368 295 357 435 358 353 266 365 466 447 436 495 410 510 600 496 529 373 244 107 66 84 105 2,463 178 248 269 5, 919 332 374 8, 412 MARYLAND. 229 24 21 45 22222223 12 26 17 10 12 20 33 13 14 16 11 18 16 16 25 40 33 21 30 36 49 ន២៦ 15 28 19 19 34 47 2013 20 24 35 31 55 55 2233 29 24 53 5885 27 32 405 414 1 59 819 1 1 Go a 3 4 1 3 4 2 33 3 4 Hi Ha 4 22 1 3 1 3 ww 3 7 3 8 123 3 3 55 2 3 58 11 14 21 9 18 16 16 27 20 20 33 41 23 35 25 38 33 27 35 42 41 53 56 59 34 49 46 47 51 43 51 69 61 73 89 100 6223 26 70 96 323 23 376 70 768 3 93 1, 144 7 6 4 مته منه منه منه 2 2 3 3 6 co co 224 218 224 3 3 8 3 00 8 6 123 325 513 1 2 2214 224 156 ifa C bond 1 3 448 279 3 3 6 3 3 ය. 224 213 639 3 3 ♡ ♡ co 1 1 6 2 248 4 6 4 **7 135 28 49 77 54 33 87 00858 38 28 49 87 888 53 81 295 51 46 97 *55 34 35 57 91 8888 100004046828383 32 41 64 39 55 57 71 60 57 866 50 58 64 64 82 99 128 103 138 157 83 100 102 107 108 173 1,319 167 165 2, 185 790 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. r TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. MASSACHUSETTS. Classified causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868. | 1869. | 1870. 1871. | 1872. 1 Adultery... To husband. 73 78 74 77 60 70 To wife.... 116 115 104 134 105 84 Total 189 193 178 211 165 154 To husband. 2 | Cruelty To wife.... 19 Total 18 19 21 10 17 19 18 19 21 10 17 To husband. 27 36 3 Desertion…. To wife... 61 100 Total 88 136 38988888883 51 57 43 85 98 81 104 149 138 147 4 Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide.... To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. Combinations of the preceding or of a pre- To wife..... 6 ceding with some minor cause. Total To husband. 7 All others All causes 437 22 5 5 LO LO 257 22 112 3 ♡o co 3 22 3 3 1 2 3 44 11 16 14 10 11 4 11 16 15 12 14 To wife..... Total 279 6 4 6 4 123 123 ww 3 3 To husband. 106 115 To wife.... 212 254 Total 124 130 120 116 235 274 211 221 318 369 359 404 331 337 MICHIGAN. STo husband. 58 60 1 Adultery wife.... 43 41 Total. 101 101 To husband. 9 8 2 Cruelty... To wife 49 56 77 Total 58 64 To husband 95 92 3 Desertion To wife... Total 119 134 112 214 226 211 4 Drunkenness S To husband To wife... Total To husband. 279 3 12 12 15 13 *** **8 822 4% ° ཡྻཏྭཱ ཏཝལཱ 96 129 136 42E AE8 888 45 61 32 38 77 102 16 17 77 85 93 102 130 109 137 266 246 1 14 15 2003 6 28 30 30 333333 36 5 Neglect to provide..... To wife... 14 18 Total.. 14 18 2223 32 25 33 32 25 33 6 Combinations of the preceding or of a pre- To wife.... ceding with some minor cause. To husband. 4 7 46 71 Total 50 78 0982 7 11 12 11 78 84 117 83 85 95 129 94 To husband. 3 2 7 All others To wife... 3 4 7 5 8 Total 3 7 7 5 10 7 JAW 3 4 To husband. 168 173 157 178 207 210 All causes To wife. 281 336 336 376 423 410 Total 449 509 493 554 630 620 CHAPTER VIII. VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 791 TABLE V.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. MASSACHUSETTS. 876. 1877. |1878. 1880. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. | 1882. | 1883, 1884. 1885. 1886. 1885. 1886. Total. 73 103 77 176 166 8999 2 ม 21 21 81 83 65 79 109 126 181 136 191 260 245 6 9 28 288 22 57 66 882 *** 989 ASE 58 46 64 71 65 63 69 71 81 70 115 135 152 135 មិនដ 43 46 82 48 75 70 155 91 121 152 223 74 80 154 139 2 1 2 1 4 2 2 74 73 79 70 76 81 53 70 74 77 75 80 72 76 81 54 74 76 79 73 69 80 84 85 69 74 133 144 148 179 182 128 178 213 05 93 127 110 179 192 206 213 228 263 267 197 252 306 306 302 7 7 11 7 12 7 4 9 10 80 61 78 57 63 27 59 61 78 87 68 89 64 75 34 63 70 88 82893 "2% 28% 202 53 1,326 70 59 1,688 112 3,014 S 4 5 29 80 84 10 23 281 282 79 1,092 2 84 1, 121 1, 481 2, 830 3 4, 311 12 128 58 846 70 974 6 شه شه 5 10 LO 5 11 8 14 5 11 8 14 44 4 10 $ 10 3 සප 6 6 15 10 8 6 6 15 10 OC 00 5 2 117 8 5 2 117 12 15 325 2 2 21 13 10 18 23 13 12 18 112 11 12 255 7 257 1 1 4 13 1 4 14 279 10 ** 4 25 12 14 12 22 208 233 6 6 212 er er 5 5 AN 2 2 9 2 2 2 9 2 6 63 ** 2 1 8 2 4 3 4 4 3 යය 3 4 6 1 75 3 сл 5 7 1 83 147 169 181 130 141 165 158 174 120 128 187 216 198 172 2,997 442 611 547 511 295 442 366 381 379 407 392 421 267 572 550 404 444 433 425 393 6,856 520 595 387 532 631 649 623 565 9, 853 MICHIGAN. 226 222 66 61 38 44 104 108 18 31 114 120 117 126 152 119 132 151 139 157 191 131 143 142 163 193 209 159 146 174 532 228 53 72 58 71 27 42 32 223 79 74 56 64 32 44 38 37 32 99 100 103 111 118 94 101 31 39 25 44 41 167 172 200 211 216 251 51 72 67 230 195 212 302 262 284 228 227 53 31 84 62 243 245 305 328 855 885 1, 189 716 1 1, 905 734 2 3, 540 290 289 316 285 210. 242 148 178 167 232 200 195 341 360 441 216 199 215 232 199 ! 166 201 3, 171 199 221 246 3, 480 410 437 415 447: 398 387 447 6, 651 4 4 27 38 31 38 27 42 35 40 2002 3 2 34 37 23 37 39 28 10 09 08 9 3 5 6 6 4 68 31 40 37 53 50 36 57 635 40 43 42 59 56 40 57 703 46 49 46 49 9975 57 65 79 70 57 65 79 70 12 13 8 11 16 14 119 157 180 131 170 188 184 20 173 191 204 205 207 218 219 66 2880 97 97 14 4 3 8 7 8 255 170 279 · 00 00 6 4 9 7 8 15 11 ཨེན སིདྡྷིཤྩ ཀཋཌ 97 108 97 108 120 126 120 126 88 101 115 104 115 1,366 1,366 ગ 5 25 30 239 312 35 43 18 21 23 317 337 299 280 271 335 3,763 264 342 352 380 317 301 294 4,098 1 3 3 8 7 11 11 10 M ID 00 3 2 6 45 51 7 7 125 7 8 7 6 13 170 244 251 224 212 287 312 347 368 493 550 613 576 640 681 763 781 907 965 705 794 864 800 927 993 1, 110 1, 149 1,313 1, 335 1, 383 1, 239 1, 227 |1,339 406❘ 370 398 351 308 371 5, 542 985 888 919 968 12, 891 18, 433 792 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. MINNESOTA. Classified causes, and to which party granted. 1 Adultery. 2❘ Cruelty 3 Desertion...... 4 Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide 868. 1867. 1868. | 1869. | 1870. 1871. | 1872. To husband. 13 To wife.... Total 16 To husband. To wife.. Total.... ♡♡♡ 202 11 12 3 3 14 13 2 5 18 19 23 21 28 To husband. 4 10 20 To wife 4 16 18 Total 8 26 38 28 CONNO NO NO NO DEE 22 GNE 13 12 2 9 15 21 1 1 27 31 28 32 35 13 25 15 20 45 ANN &w co co co = 10 3 13 3 32 20 25 45 To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. 55 7 165 235 268 4 6 246 6 187 S To wife... Total 1 1 To husband. 1 Total To husband. To wife.. Total 123 3 12 2 2 22 183 2 183 2 4 4 1 1 134 112 To husband. 22 To wife.... 30 Total. 52 222 27 37 30 42 46 47 73 84 3888 53 69 83 111 108 18838 35 6 Combinations of the preceding or of a pre- To wife.. ceding with some minor cause. 7 All others.. All causes. MISSISSIPPI. To husband. 13 13 15 31 39 47 1 Adultery. To wife.... 4 6 13 9 12 13 Total 17. 19 28 40 51 60 To husband. 2 2 Cruelty. To wife..... 1 Total. 1 22 1 1 22 10 12 3 Desertion.. 4 Drunkenness STo husband. To wife..... Total To husband. To wife. 372 15 13 == 17 22 30 2423 12 14 26 2-20 7 27 232 19 34 13 34 32 68 1 1 Total 1 1 To husband. 1 1 5 Neglect to provide..... To wife.. Total 6 Combinations of the preceding or of a pre. To husband. ceding with some minor cause. 7 All others.. All causes 1 To wife... D Total 1 213 213 2 426 3 9 9 8 12 17 To husband. 3 5 6 8 5 9 To wife.. 5 1 9 3 3 3 Total. 8 6 15 11 8 12 To husband 32 To wife.... 17 Total 49 3283 33 26 40 59 200 35 63 66 101 22 39 69 75 85 105 170 CHAPTER VIII.- 793 GENERAL TABLES. TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. MINNESOTA. 1873. | 1874. | 1875. | 1876. | 1877. | 1878. | 1879. |1880. | 1881. | 1882. | 1883. 1884. | 1885. | 1886. 1879. Total. 12 15 9 21 17 1 2 46 39 47 41 228 32 16 22 30 54 46 627 9 13 202 427 ~*7 989 129 14 16 19 6 8 5 20 24 24 5 4 2 42 45 34 44 47 49 36 44 16 31 28 34 43 34 31 32 32 50 62 60 66 OTR TOM *** 1819 16 7 23 4 50 54 35 78 103 1 8 9 158 2 13 6 13 3 3 8 10 == 11 11 550 587 32. ZEE 26 15 27 26 26 29 332 10 21 15 21 25 21 190 1 36 36 42 47 51 50 528 6 5 8 4 10 10 79 61 81 94 96 113 136 1, 104 67 86 102 100 123 146 1, 183 43 55 42 50 63 60 659 49 51 60 67 76 76 82 775 3 94 115 109 126 139 142 1, 434 3 1 2 1 3 25 16 15 16- 2283 31 26 26 19 246 4 31 28 27 22 271 } 22 2 22 3 11 3 11 1 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 22 1 8 6 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 7 12 8 9 84 2 11 7 3 2 8 3 5 3 7 8 14 10 11 106 S 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 19 4 2 2 2 3 4 2 6 9 6 7 8 7 71 4 3 2 3 4 7 2 7 10 7 10 8 7 90 مثه مثه مثه منه 5 7 48 38 37 54 50 52 67 76 77 78 79 87 102 104 1, 142 89 93 98 94 90 99 109 152 146 199 222 241 256 275 2, 481 137 131 135 148 140 151 176 228 223 277 301 328 358 379 3, 623 MISSISSIPPI. 39 38 30 38 9 5 10 10 48 43 40 48 37 224 225 3 12 15 279 30 67 285 52 43 39 91 *** N*G 5 15 13 20 15 43 39 66 2018 HOO N58 020 2020 288 27 46 co 8 35 54 285 47 91 10 18 1 1 4 2 9 6 13 28 10 7 17 30 52 37 89 85 59 109 128 126 34 61 95 93 170 223 208 223 272 222 91 20 57 109 111 105 120 110 89985 98 16 22 38229230 110 115 1, 106 25 29 268 1 135 144 1,374 4 3 1 3 38 23 33 23 36 35 293 2 27 36 26 37 38 331 126 142 135 133 75 79 114 201 32 138 1, 436 105 98 1, 003 3 221 249 238 236 2, 439 1 3 ♡ 3 1 4 3 1 224 4 1 4 1 123 1 1 6 4 8 4 9 22 5 4 5 6 48 54 6 5 شه مشه مثه 15 103 169 07 248 289 8 10 15 555 13 7 14 6 17 25 30 26 25 25 233 20 9 9 18 19 26 24 16 25 33 16 23 24 36 51 54 42 50 25 34 32 33 23 67 55 15 4 9 5 1 2 20 5 11 COLO 347 6 5 11 10 106 100 66 70 71 33835 95 100 116 72 +00 90% 4 7 6 5 12 185 250 73 110 179 176 171 172 172 189 295 429 421 393 449 475 482 +02 223 4 8 5 9 8 9 8 5 12 13 258 163 = 8380 11 8 11 8 16 17 19 17 250 277 269 285 143 172 206 197 388 49 22% 289 301 295 596 138 108 246 301 203 504 3,025 2, 015 5, 040 794 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 1. TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. MISSOURI. Classified causes, and to which party granted. 1 Adultery 2 Cruelty.. 3 Desertion... 4 Drunkenness 1867.1868. | 1869. | 1870. |1871. | 1872. To husband. 42 To wife.. 20 Total 2223 62 25 51 14 65 To husband. 9 9 To wife.... Total. To husband. To wife.... Total སྐྱཆོས༔ 44 53 *** SHA 45 44 15 28 60 72 16 52 68 422 462 15 57 72 77 95 104 121 125 121 135 137 183 178 932 283 28 47 19 66 25 94 119 107 208 198 230 241 304 285 To husband. To wife.. Total 679 2 8 3 10 7 16 16 23 16 16 31 32 - 22 29 35 45 To husband. 5 Neglect to provide..... To wife.... Total. 3 co co 3 1 1 3 11 1 1 3 11 55 6 Combinations of the preceding or of a pre-To wife.. ceding with some minor cause. To husband 6 10 11 15 6 Total 280 20 20 20 33 37 33 26 30 31 48 43 39 To husband 5 9 8 10 12 17 7 All others. To wife 8 15 12 14 19 oma O 6 8 Total 13 24 20 24 31 25 To husband. 147 156 175 196 212 212 All causes. To wife Total.. 215 231 251 295 403 372 362 387 426 491 615 584 MONTANA. 1 Adultery. To husband. To wife Total 2❘ Cruelty.. 3 Desertion 4 Drunkenness. 112 4 2 3 1 1 2 4 2 1 3 1 To husband. {TO W To wife..... Total 1 1 so go 3 3 To busband. 4 To wife.. · Total be 6 10 ~~ 2 2 co co 224 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 257 441 cate 8 To husband. 1 1 To wife 3 Total 1 1 3 5 Neglect to provide To husband. STo To wife. Total - Combinations of the preceding or of a pre. To husband. 6 ceding with some minor cause. 7 All others All causes To wife. Total To husband. To wife. Total STo husband. To wife Total. 3 co 29: 1 3 1 CD CS 3 3 33 7 7 1 11~ 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 4 5 2 4 11 7 9 12 15 15 17 11 14 14 19 18 2310000 CHAPTER VIII.—GENERAL TABLES. 795 TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. 2 MISSOURI 881. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879.1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885.1886. Total. 113 8** *** 67 51 32 20 99 71 29 25 89 101 103 120 130 128 143 $57 227 113 150 526 598 67 20 87 37 126 159 20% 828 62 90 24 38 86 128 33 31 43 102 137 156 133 180 195 118 124 119 128 143 136 152 191 190 201 237 184 222 224 249 321 326 308 325 356 312 365 360 401 512 5 4 6 7 8 9 4 56 46 40 60 53 51 39 28 61 50 46 67 61 60 43 32 +008 **9 222 888 85 84 63 84 99 23 48 41 34 107 111 125 882 86 36 133 122 123 1,854 39 38 47 55 42 161 178 209 235 246 &ཝམྨཱ ཝཡྻུཾ; 1,296 558 1 612 2,454 2 199 225 264 277 294 3,066 183 229 205 222 210 234 2,981 347 388 363 400 410 4, 941 3 509 576 593 585 610 644 7, 922 6 11 6 6 7 108 45 57 61 63 55 838 4 51 68 70 69 62 946 4 4 00 00 8 8 ** 13 14 9 11 13 14 9 11 18 23 29 1000 722 9 18 27 ONK 6 17 23 1- 0 1945 7 7 8 18 21 25 25 28 33 41 89 =8= 10 13 8 12 10 13 8 12 11 6 9 13 30 29 38 35 35 47 48 10 12 16 8 10 4 15 17 11 15 19 15 20 12 9 15 11 21 25 31 31 28 22 13 30 28 32 = X5 2** 22 2120 228 11 26 23 11 197 11 26 23 11 9 10 28 37 32 25 23 48 48 222 220 9 7 34 31 43 38 16 16 17 32 33 28 49 45 219 243 219 245 270 258 264 349 334 360 381 408 369 395 5, 412 402 421 449 621 664 438 463 668 6.83 728 737 727 458 479 581 617 669 726 750 824 822 9, 866 930 951 1,029 1, 107 1, 158 1, 1931, 217 15, 278 MONTANA. 7 مشه مشه مشه 6 5 1 1 112 1 3 1 3 134 8 11 3 1 8 1 3 3 55 1 1 00 00 3 3 7 3 10 3 3 7 4 10 a a 9 21 123 257 10 12 1 202 4 3 3 5 3 7 6 7 17 7 16 11 10 10 20 12 19 18 12 222 ** 426 4 1331 7 630 3 3 9 3 1 2 14 19 16 20 14 14 24 14 38 28 100 100 1 4 27 28 14 19 35 38 49 57 On the road to come 26 169 30 179 18 119 40 58 376 207 280 250 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 en co 3 3 1 3 3 1 w c 3 3 co co 3 3 123 1 1 6 22 2 5 28 2 1 6 34 5 ته مه 3 3 专区 ​4 3 3 17 14 20 17 22 2 1 1 1 3 2 22 4 9 11 12 4 11 9 11 13 -23 1 1 3 -- 1 1 22 4 6 1 4 6 2 - 3 w 3 6 155 5 6 123 224 4 10 18 103 22 113 1 9 10 40 11 49 O IN 2 4 4 7 6 4 17 7 11 11 31 21 34 38 9 15 15 38 27 38 55 88888 27 59 86 2925 24 46 70 225 21 30 31 207 76 82 99 615 97 112 130 822 796 COMMISSIONER REPORT OF THE • COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. Ĉ # TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. NEBRASKA. Classified causes, and to which party granted. 867. 1867. 1868.1869.1870. | 1871. | 1872. To husband. 1 Adultery 2 Cruelty... To wife.. 1 Total 1 333 6 3 4 ما 5 3 1 1 5 6 4 9 5 To husband. To wife.... 1 Total 1 LOLO 5 5 - a 178 9 16 17 16 17 To husband. 4 3 Desertion To wife.... 4 Total. 8 259 7 12 20 ∞22 8 5 5 3 8 16 7 13 21 10 To husband. 4 Drunkenness To wife.. 1 Total 1 22 1 1 To husband. 5 Neglect to provide To wife.... Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 6 ceding with some minor cause. Combinations of the preceding or of a pre-To wife (To husband. 1 1 1 1 Total 1 1 22 1 1 7 All others.. S To husband. 1 To wife.. 1 Total 1 1 112 1 1 2 To husband. 4 5 All causes... To wife.... Total. 6 18 10 23 32835 15 24 39 ∞288 11 10 22 30 888 38 27 49 37 NEVADA. 1 Adultery To husband. To wife 5 6 -1 A Total 6 CO To husband. 2 Cruelty. To wife ..... 11 16 Total 11 18 123 167 317 2004 3 : 3 123 213 1 7 10 1 7 10 To husband. 4 3 Dosertion.. To wife. Total 4 828 6 2 518 5 1 6 1 224 3 3 To husband 2 4 Drunkenness To wife.. 1 1 2 123 22 5 Neglect to provide... 6 Combinations of the preceding or of a pre-To wife. ceding with some minor cause. 7 All others All causes Total. To husband. To wife. 4 Total 4 ** 4 4 22 22 2 3 4 2 3 4 To husband. 3 2 8 21 Total 11 23 ~2 3 3 17 14 20 17 202 2 19 14 21 16 To husband. 1 To wife. 1 1 Total 1 1 1 112 1 1 To husband 12 16 12 9 7 6 To wife... 25 46 28 19 33 33 Total.. 37 62 40 28 40 888 39 CHAPTER VIII.- GENERAL TABLES. 797 } TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. NEBRASKA. 1880. 1882 1883. 1873. |1874. | 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. | 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. | 1884. | 1885. | 1886. 1885.1886. Total. 4 7 6 4 10 11 925 3 10 3 13 là ai có 5 4 74 18 19 4 8 4 9 11 26 23 1 4 1 6 5 2 10 16 22 26 19 32 28 41 46 17 26 27 25 37 30 51 46 20 18 18 17. 23 28 38 33 26 21 18 32 26 36 41 48 46 39 36 49 49 61 79 81 92 C&C CM Noon 12 23 8 10 20 33 7 9 45 52 37 55 124 3 3 3 3 ww 44 235 4 3 5 4 3 5 ఱలు: LOLO LO LO 5 5 1∞ 1 7 8 123 1 2 11 12 Eat 280 HEN Bag UN CEN 79 52 75 127 137 2 15 10 12 *=8 28 885 92 25 11 36 2003 18 32 232 14 20 120 1 32 52 352 12 9 15 89 77 82 104 727 89 91 119 816 68 62 72 562 69 77 107 760 3 139 179 1, 322 2 3 12 12 17 104 4 12 20 116 4 4 ~~ 2 2 77 ~~ 7 10 7 10 ཅ༅ 44 4 i 13 11 11 ---25 17 4 13 11 11 25 17 1 1 3 3 සය 3 3 66 6 6 8 7 9 246 4 4 8 13 12 17 245 4 5 10 12 13 6 14 17 18 పటలా 1 1 2 2 4 5 2 3 1 1 رم 1 1 2 5 6 2 4 8 4 1 1 1 4 7 10 6 11 5 988 26 54 80 88888888 29 58 87 255 24 34 35 41 72 61 64 88 97 113 57 72 80 89 112 137 127 183 218 201 241 309 81 106 115 130 184 198 191 271 315 314 338 436 22 -20 - 528 20 20 3 29 32 ** ** 23 159 5 23 159 2 35 33 156 6 35 191 5 7 12 COLD 00 3 31 5 47 8 78 سته 7 97 127 961 2,073 3,034 NEVADA. CO LO DO 3 3 5 4 8 7 718 325 8 314 620 6 6 12 213 12 14 22* 2 18 17 18 19 to co 3 1 2 13 21 16 2223 17 11 16 14 19 11 18 14 224 188 1 4 6 2 1 1 1 5 7 IN 2 100 1 9 9 10 14 5 8 9 8 8 10 7 5 5 4 6 6 4 6 + 10 8 13 14 14 14 13 9 426 426 6 -] COP 11 3 504 145 9 10 178 246 8 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 113 1 8 169 1 1 2 388 187 288 AN 67 33 1 2 3 4 7 t- 7 77 4 13 9 19 17 15 14 8 4 13 9 19 17 15 14 8 8 00 00 8 12 6 13 171 5 12 6 13 171 1 1 1 2 1 388 29 27 16 20 20 27 22 29 27 16 21 21 27 22 15 23 15 LO LO 16 18 18 18 19 18 178 22 12 12 22 9 349 6 9 371 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 5 1 2 4 4 1 5 1 1 1430 4 22 1 1 1 11 1 ลง 2 1 22 4 30 5 41 13 59 72 282 282 13 20 59 45 72 65 2323 17 55 238 16 64 72 80 84 482 15 69 225 15 11 9 8 10 24 6 10 249 63 53 52 36 41 33 32 34 879 78 64 61 44 51 57 38 44 1,128 798 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE V.--DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Classified causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868.1869.1870. | 1871. | 1872. 369.1870. To husband. 23 1 Adultery To wife 21 Total 224 · 26 26 44 To husband 1 2 Cruelty.. To wife 24 Total 25 ORN NON 52 2235 25 24 33 24 19 21 20 46 44 45 2 4 25 26 34 25 27 26 34 29 48 * Aw & N 53 3 45 To husband. 12 3 Desertion.... To wife 4 Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide.... Total. To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife. Total To husband. Combinations of the preceding or of a pre-To wife 6 ceding with some minor cause. To wife ..... Total 227 35 47 3293 23 23 46 சோசு 35 20 45 42 80 28883 2223 31 59 145 22 1 1 .7 All others All causes 1 1 10 10 5 6 5 6 To husband. ཅ 6 3 7 7 To wife. 8 7 17 7 Total 14 10 24 14 145 4 5 13 1 257 15 G 123 246 3 6 4 To husband. 43 54 64 55 62 65 To wife 93 89 122 108 91 135 Total 136 143 186 163 153 200 44 7 7 832 -9= 26 53 79 1 10 11 1 Adultery 2 Cruelty.. 3 Desertion... NEW JERSEY. (To husband. To wife 20 19 10 18 22 21 16 18 20 11 22 23 9 Total. 37 30 29 44 44 25 To husband. To wife 3 Total.. 3 ww 1 1 2 1 1 2 To husband. To wife ∞220 8 17 14 12 30 36 47 50 2243 12 16 21 44 37 38953 17 56 4 Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide.... 6 Combinations of the preceding or of a pre- ceding with some minor cause. 7 All others Total To husband. To wife. Total To husband To wife Total.. To husband. To wifo Total To husband. To wife. All causes. 1 Total 1 213 - To husband. 27 To wife.. Total... 238 27 32 34 37 35 33 52 47 55 60 79 79 89 9888 46 49 83 84 : CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 799 TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES--Continued. NEW HAMPSHIRE. 1873. 1874. | 1875. | 1876. | 1877. | 1878.1879. 1880. 1881. | 1882. 1883.1884. 1885.1886. Total. 44 225 000 **8 29 26 55 6 36 42 44 88 106 **8 28 289 50 56 229 450 *** 21 23 21 31 42 54 7 57 75 62 82 44 36 54 44 98 80 2333 *** TEN 88 24 36 60 4 225 226 57 61 29 47 48 76 70 Kom den 2*2 25 18 43 12 70 82 125 JAC PUN 36 72 88 102 42 54 60 125 5 5 11 291 257 1 3 7 9 8 2 *** *** *** ** ** HER ** 88 38 112 105 58* *2. 281 38 28 66 14 77 85 91 36 47 69 61 108 103 1 ! 1 3 11 11 i 18 35 8 → 9 8 16 12 12 21 37 208 228 58 5 103 5** *** 2** 36 ! 48 595 29 550 1 77 1, 145 10 187 97 1, 123 2 107 1, 310 65 741 63 84 1, 057 3 149 1, 798 2 8 2 29 14 20 196 4 22 22 225 1 5 10 13 10 15 13 9 21 DO LO 00 201 202 273 3 3 9 3 5 14 11 15 8 17 20 18 12 6 3 5 6 8 8 8 6 14 11 11 14 ** 8 12 392 672 13 18 5 10 19 43¤ n0º 5 2003 8 5 3 1 4 54 17 17 16 14 18 21 218 6 25 22 19 15 22 21 272 9 6 8 7 10 13 18 123 2 2 HP 3 14 90 3 5 138 7 4 5 228 81 108 81 73 71 68 128 173 150 179 166 167 209 281 231 252 237 235 86 121 131 103 97 102 179 231 172 215 202 215 212 256 265 352 303 318 308 312 314 381 106 125 1, 696 3, 283 4, 979 NEW JERSEY. 21 17 38 8218333 17 35 257 20 27 27 47 *78 23 24 24 25 29 24 15 19 28 31 22 50 39 43 53 60 46 822 39 31 70 788 21 32 42 53 221383 40 32 32 61 888 22* 46 492 52 495 98 987 ce co 3 4 3 4 H H 22 3 3 లులు ww 3 3 44 193 1 1 3 2 3 9 3 -- a a 7 3 6 9 65 2 7 3 7 10 68 15 22 24 21 14 20 35 15 26 25 32 34 38 56 461 33 44 52 44 47 50 50 56 67 81 SO 110 74 115 1,073 3 48 66 76 65 61 70 85 71 93 106 112 144 112 171 1,534 7 6 مشه مشه مشه مه 1 1 1 1 1 2 BO ON LO 3 3 2 1 5 4 1 224 10100 1 1 335 2 235 1 3 et Hom wat 5 123 437 *25 21 27 51 40 43 44 44 38 46 61 46 53 66 54 52 65 83 73 66 74 85 89 94 92 108 127 117 104 120 146 135 147 72 107 124 122 159 114 179 190 176 234 186 286 75 981 1,661 2, 642 800 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. # TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. NEW MEXICO.. Classified causes, and to which party granted. 1 Adultery . 2 Cruelty 3 Desertion (To husband. To wife. Total... To husband 868. 1869. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1 1 1 1 To wife . Total... To husband. 1 To wife Total 1 ~~ 2 2 1 1 4 Drunkenness 5 | Neglect to provide 6 Combinations of the preceding or of a pre- ceding with some minor cause. S To husband. To wife Total - To husband To wife Total.. To husband To wife... Total To husband. 7 All others All causes To wife... Total. S To husband. 1 1 1 To wife. 2 1 1 Total 1 3 1 1 1 NEW YORK. To husband. 327 277 326 1 Adultery To wife.... 389 427 428 Total.... 716 704 754 276 244 201 394 342 360 670 586 561 S 2 Cruelty... To husband. To wife.. 3 3 1 1 1 26 Total. 29 22238 37 31 37 11 26 38 32 37 12 S To husband. 1 3 Desertion... To wife.... 4 9 6 Total 4 10 6 325 3 1 3 1 · 4 Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide..... STo husband. S To wife.... Total. To husband. To wife.. Total 6 Combinations of the preceding or of a pre-To wife. ceding with some minor cause. 7 All others All causes . 1 1 1 1 To husband. 4 Total 4 tů pod prod 1 1 4 2 4 2 BLO 3 5 112 1 1 To husband. 7 7 To wife. 11 11 Total. 18 18 2023 12 10 10 9 19 2233 17 22 12 39 17 LO 27 5 S To husband 337 289 339 292 262 207 To wife Total 434 472 485 439 406 385 771 761 824 731 668 592 } 1 1 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 801 TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. NEW MEXICO. 1873. 1874. 1875.1876. 1877. |1878. 1879. 1880. | 1881. 1882. 1883. | 1884. | 1885.1886. Total. 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 222 1 5 1 3 6 314 1 213 112 1 20 1 9 1 2 2 29 1 1 1 هم قسم 22 2 3 -- 1 112 1 1 1 1 4 3 3 1 4 7 5 1 1 4 22 1 10 15 8 1 10 16 8 156 2 10 56 2 10 58 5 16 8 23 7323 1783 LO 3 00 15 22 742 6 15 25 22 31 225 10 62 17 100 3 27 162 } 4 3 } 5 2 1 6 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 213 7 1 4 4 6 21 13 10 81 4 3 4 4 6 18 31 24 31 28 12 89 28 166 5 3 8 8 12 39 44 34 39 40 255 325 213 44 224 NEW YORK. } 229 250 215 242 180 226 335 413 381 344 346 372 564 663 596 586 526 598 647 759 226 317 312 329 421 442 479 557 791 886 309 331 344 342 483 509 792 496 556 ま ​840 840 898 5,503 8, 474 13, 977 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 3 3 2 6 6 42 33 26 35 34 27 36 8828 28 26 32 34 41 31 49 29 27 34 36 45 34 超甜 ​49 68 52 51 68 88888 60 66 157 268 66 1 6 4 4 ❤ LO 4 5 189 cricл 5 6 11 6 11 15 3212 3 1 1 9 13 11 12 14 12 855 28 FIN 59 736 2 65 778 4 21 13 139 17 160 4 1 1 1 1 22 3 1 1 10 5 3 1 1 10 లులు 3 3 22 1 1 156 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 3 2 1 2 3 3 112 11 4 40 6 4 51 8 6 5 3 4 9 в 6 5 14 11 13 15 11 11 5 1 6 5 13 11 13 12 14 23 17 16 8 5 15 11 19 16 27 23 27 16 =0000 12 222 10 166 212 378 مته 7 238 259 222 246 187 239 235 327 321 349 325 347 360 362 5,743 630 392 457 435 383 382 418 469 507 532 ! 716 657 629 569 657 704 834 853 983 634 556 606 576 881 953 644 936 1,006 9, 612 15, 355 } 20267 M P-51 802 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. J TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1986, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. NORTH CAROLINA. Classified causes, and to which party granted. 1867. | 1868.1869.1870. 1871.1872. To husband 12 16 14 1 Adultery 2 Cruelty... To wife... 5 5 6 Total. 17 21 20 2233 20 11 21 13 6 17 35 23 14 To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. 1 3 Desertion…. To wife.... 1 1 1 Total 1 1 1 ཝ་ 4 Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide....... To husband. To wife.... Total S To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. 1 Total 1 To husband To wife.... Total. To husband 112 6 Combinations of the preceding, or of a pre-To wife.... ceding with some minor cause. 7 | All others All causes 1 Adultery. 2 Cruelty. 3 Desertion..... To wife..... Total OHIO. 112 5 5 LO LO 22 145 2 112 2 1 I 14 17 14 21 12 7 7 8 20 10 ♪ 21 24 22 41 2023 2013 21 16 37 To husband. 148 118 121 110 90 127 To wife.... 134 108 139 143 131 123 Total. 282 226 260 253 221 250 To husband 5 8 14 9 9 9 To wife.. 147 145 169 167 168 168 Total 152 153 183 176 177 177 To husband. 90 100 135 120 133 133 To wife 202 210 241 253 266 279 Total. 292 310 379 373 399 412 To husband 4 388929 58 62 258 6 3 8 6 57 56 63 71 99 59 62 66 79 105 4 Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide..... To wife..... Total STo husband To wife... Total Combinations of the preceding or of a pre- To husband. ceding with some minor cause. 7❘ All others pre-To wife... All causes Total To husband To wife... 31 73 Total 104 79 208 279 1 3 2 2 1 9 9 15 11 10 10 12 17 13 11 24 31 27 27 30 66 86 80 90 117 107 888 59 80 86 110 S To husband To wife.. 621 595 703 280 253 310 271 269 306 759 721 706 Total 901 848 1,013 992 975 1, 065 CHAPTER 803 VIIIVIII.- .-GENERAL TABLES. TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. NORTH CAROLINA. 1879. 1880. 882. 1886. Total. 1873. | 1874. | 1875. 1876. | 1877. | 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. | 1884. 1885. 1886. 2223 20 29 37 34 26 37 12 11 18 16 40 55 50 988 10 24 36 61 8280 39 21 60 8323 50 42 55 51 23 27 31 20 73 69 86 71 2288 61 27 88 85555 60 88 723 37 44 370 1 97 132 1,093 22 347 22 123 22 1304H 22 1 3 1 4 1 1 3 2 1 3 2 44 INN 4 5 4 5 2 123 22 112 112 22 2 ww 3 1 3 1 22 134 27 -07 220 1 26 2 12 28 3 40 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 4 6 1 3 4 123 2 2313 1230 1 1 123 2 134 2 5 4 4 3 134 145 1 3 3 1 4 GOLD DO 135 3 5 8 -] 4 4 279 134 5 10 15 1 4 224 4 729 617 6 4 4 415 4 6 1 1 5 7 32350 1227 3 7 10 25 21 46 3233 20 53 999959959 40 25 65 9393 40 29 25 17 65 46 *** 41 33 74 9353 48 59 46 63 60 67 65 97 29 25 37 41 28 39 52 66 77 84 83 104 88 106 117 163 284 ANE non meg 588 26 69 6 95 50 27 7 77 812 526 1, 338 OHIO. 130 114 110 128 113 130 142 170 164 132 101 127 116 107 262 215 237 214 220 1 110 137 240 279 132 153 182 172 178 173 169 152 2, 769 163 133 178 139 2,678 1 302 317 354 311 306 347 291 5,447 9 15 10 9 14 12 | 20 20 16 17 19 12 22 15 264 207 164 207 201 235 246 222 243 275 287 267 330 327 361 4,536 2 216 179 217 210 249 258 242 263 291 301 286 342 349 376 4,800 161 163 155 138 148 190 172 216 176 179 210 191 192 208 3, 210 288 301 305 308 288 358 398 432 383 423 424 469 466 456 6,753 3 449 464 460 446 436 548 570 648 559 602 631 660 658 664 9, 963 338888 3 7 5 5 4 7 2 7 12 6 8 11 6 115 113 102 91 82 106 109 114 132 147 147 117 154 138 2,039 4 86 116 109 96 87 110 116 116 139 159 153 125 165 144 2, 154 5 5 5 6 3 3 2 5 9 1 3 10 5 3 3 7 71 9 16 21 17 16 25 28 17 30 21 31 16 21 33 365 6 14 21 27 20 19 27 33 26 31 24 36 19 40 436 26 31 26 44 44 42 48 51 76 63 70 60 69 83 908 73 64 101 99 95 127 93 105 120 137 149 153 147 181 190 238 234 223 291 2, 659 162 201 198 257 258 308 294 294 374 3, 567 334 331 314 327 327 380 394 468 792 759 863 826 833 965 1, 0471, 085 1, 126 1, 090 1, 177 1, 153 1, 160 1,345 |1, 441 1, 553 440 461 483 447 466 471 1,154 1,240 1,270 1,299 1,374 1,418 1, 594 1,701 1,758 1,746 1, 8401, 889 7,337 19, 030 26, 367 804 REPORT OF THE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ** TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. OREGON. Classified causes, and to which party granted. To husband 1 Adultery 2 Cruelty 3 Desertion. 4 Drunkenness 1867. 1868. | 1869. 1870. | 1871. 1872. To wife... Total 527 527 4 6 10 639 639 6 3 9 527 To husband. 4 2 To wife..... 30 36 35 Total 34 38 38 To husband. 8 5 10 To wife. 7 7 • Total. 15 12 19 ~1000 000 3 3 23 33 26 36 6 10 13 13 ~38 23 4 31 35 7 17 19 23 24 To husband. 2 To wife. 9 Total. 11 22 -- 1 2 1 2 22 112 4 4 To husband To wife... Total 1 1 2 8 10 235 257 1 2 1 3 3 5 4 5 6 To wife. Total 213 2 2 1 2 2 5 3 2 2 4 6 3 To husband. 23 To wife.. Total. 58 81 988 16 19 18 23 17 50 58 46 58 02 66 77 64 81 79 5 Neglect to provide Combinations of the preceding or of a pre. To husband. 6 ceeding with some minor cause. pre-To wife.. Total To husband 7 All others All causes 1 | Adultery 2 Cruelty.. 3 Desertion 4 Drunkenness PENNSYLVANIA. 5 Neglect to provide 6 Combinations of the preceding or of a pre- ceding with some minor cause. 7 All others. All cause To husband. 65 69 To wife.... 41 37 Total. 106 106 112 To husband. 9 5 To wife.. 71 70 Total. 80 75 *3g %e 74 52 38 38 90 9 78 288 Domn 55 44 99 888 60 36 96 7 14 4 81 73 85 95 77 To husband. 107 98 126 126 121 119 To wife... Total 194 233 249 234 253 237 301 331 375 360 374 356 To husband 1 To wife.... 1 1 1 Total To husband. To wife.. Total - To husband. 4 To wife. 8 Total 12 16 To husband 32 To wife.. 44 Total. 76 HON HOL 24 43 54 78 ~~~ *H* 9 2 22 11 31 13 31 51 44 94 75 DAM NUL 20 16 27 22 25 44 69 002 000 6 28 36 64 STo husband 217 203 261 218 223 217 To wife 358 403 428❘ 405 442 398 Total 575 606 689 623 665 615 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 805 * TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. OREGON. 1873. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1882. Total. 224 4 9 13 7 5 6 4 11 14 19 29 302348 5 7 9 26 28 28 29 33 35 38 - 6 11 11 14 10 12 21 18 21 17 18 32 29 35 27 223 224 225 19 10 29 12 11 54 62 18 13 31 222 R8 022 12 14 11 10 51 11 27 02 058 07 6 7 18 11 57 72. 65 83 17 16 29 46! 42 * 080 Barc 10 63 73 81 83 17 25 15 30 *** ** 198 18 16 9 4 8 6 22 24 15 10 23 11 104 95 127 106 108 15 15 16 22 28 37 44 *** 28% 2*5 4 15 23 85 117 23 31 1 1 4 4 ~~ 7 4 10 6 13 10 7 4 10 1 6 14 10 21000 2 1 8 11 13 4 15 13 13 4 16 223 287 288 02 19 193 12 110 1 31 303 191 96 1,037 2 1, 228 24 254 32 369 3 56 623S 13 142 4 155 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 6 3200 10 50000 3 7 2 2 5 1 4 2 4 2 7 1 4 11 16 11 14 14 9 6 5 12 148 7 4 11 13 18 11 19 15 13 8 9 14 195 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 5 5 3 2 3 5 6 4 1 8 3 8 2 6 6 3 3 3 8 6 7 2 9 8 22 96 22% 12 5 2015 15 23 28 39 50 43 39 39 50 46 59 39 63 69 718 49 76 68 71 76 95 113 135 119 124 157 149 147 180 1,891 64 99 96 110 126 138 152 174 169 170 216 188 210 249 2,609 PENNSYLVANIA. 76 74 36 45 112 119 6 108 ཋཎྜ 13 107 103 114 120 100 115 121 130 133 149 125 121 247 257 245 251 377 390 394 376 ཨྰཿ ཋཊྛསྶ བྲཱནྣིཉྩ 728 202 *** **8 51 59 81 53 49 60 104 108 141 142 7 9 19 111 140 141 155 152 147 150 174 161 210 *** 228 88 103 102 80 89 94 1, 430 54 45 53 52 62 63 901 1 148 155 132 151 157 2, 331 12 15 14 11 13 14 211 195 194 | 188 177 193 2,496 208 199 190 207 2,707 142 141 198 203 225 265 294 255 376 395 457 233 193 191 227 3, 111 366 438 395 450 6, 091 3 386 436 396 574 598 682 599 631 589 677 9, 202 1 1 213 4 5 2 7 5 1 4 6 5 6 9 9 6 7 13 124 13 9 10 7 13 7 10 7 16 19 22 23 21 28 291 15 16 15 8 17 13 15 13 25 28 28 32 28 41 415 34 26 19 18 28 27 19 21 20 20 19 26 22 29 511 54 39 38 38 44 42 37 28 46 45 37 47 38 45 851 7 88 65 57 56 72 69 56 49 66 65 56 ! 73 60 74 1,362 249 253 240 207 211 233 233 325 332 372 374 319 325 377 5, 389 458 457 415 431 466 536 492 626 663 761 672 748 693 779 10, 631 707 710 655 638 677 769 725 951 9951, 133 1,046 1,067 1,018 1, 156 16, 020 806 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. RHODE ISLAND. Classified causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868. | 1869. | 1870. † 1871. | 1872. To husband. 10 730 6 11 9 14 14 9 5 2 3 5 15 16 11 17 19 ; : 1 | Adultery ! 2 Cruelty. 3 Desertion 4 Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide..... 6 S To wife..... Total To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife. Total Combinations of the preceding or of a pre- To husband. ceding with some minor cause. 7 All others. All causes 22 22 222 718 as oo 3 1 3 1 10 5 1 12 6 God 10 15 22 4 257 10 5 15 15 12 022 112 1 1 213 123 To wife Total 22 224 38 23 38 23 19 128 123 22 28 18 18 00 00 33 32 33 32 19 19 12 26 98 135 82 122 154 142 117 154 94 148 To husband. 2 1 To wife... 1 1 Total. 1 2 1 1 To husband. 40 35 36 41 43 54 To wife..... 155 Total 174 131 161 122 168 195 209 167 202 165 222 SOUTH CAROLINA, 1 Adultery 2 Cruelty. 3 Desertion... 4 Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide..... 6 Combinations of the preceding or of a pre- ceding with some minor cause. To husband. To wife.. Total. To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife. Total · To husband To wife.... Total. To husband 7 All others All causes 1 NO 1 Ja 1 2 212 3 123 To wife... 1 1 Total. 1 1 112 2 To husband. To wife... 1 Total 1 To husband. 1 4 To wife. 4 1 3 Total 5 1 7 CHAPTER VIII.- GENERAL TABLES. 807 TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. RHODE ISLAND. 1882. 1878. 1874. | 1875. | 1876. 1877. | 1878. | 1879. | 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. | 1885. | 1886. Total. 9 12 6 15 20 202 4 8 22 22 1 628 LO LO 22 6 9 9 8 il 7 8 11 5 9 175 5 2 8 8 2 3 4 1 4 3 87 1 11 11 17 16 13 10 12 12 9 12 262 1 3 5 5 ~~ 2 3 2 3 w w 3 3 1 3 4 1 22 ao ao 3 3 · LO LO 5 5 ma no 3 52 2 3 55 12 20 12 11 11 16 16 20 24 19 36 22 16 26 318 1 1 5 2 51 3 4 4 7 8 5 2 4 62 3 13 20 13 16 13 21 19 24 28 26 44 27 18 30 380 11~ 2 347 123 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 6 2 6 112 224 112 25 21 46 18 18 29 323 29 ! 37 24 27 36 39 30 37 24 27 36 39 80 :99999 26 39 33 33 26 39 33 33 2008 28 26 589 5 28 26 589 15 26 17 14 20 19 25 28 46 24 33 31 24 24 467 130 140 105 120 120 123 121 168 162 174 134 160 137 158 2, 640 6 145 166 122 134 140 142 146 196 208 198 167 191 161 182 3, 107 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 4 1 112 1 13 2 10 7 2 2 23 36 59 34 34 37 44 52 60 87 55 81 66 47 60 i 157 181 150 157 160 169 174 214 200 225 184 204 178 197 193 240 184 191 197 213 226 274 287 280 265 270 225 257 1,001 3, 461 4, 462 霹 ​1 3 4 3 235 SOUTH CAROLINA. 6 10 1 6 7 16 817 718 729 1 1 5 4 11 5 12 7 4 5 14 4 4 14 9 9 25 9 16 21 1 34 *55 17 1 51 1 2 1 47 48 3 95 112 112 2 1 2 112 12 662 1 1 1 1 1 1 224 100000 8 7 8 10 16 17 0333 18 12 17 35 257 21 18 89 5 21 74 17 26 39 163 5 6 7 808. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ; TABLE V.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. TENNESSEE. Classified causes, and to which party granted. 1 Adultery 2 Cruelty. 3 Desertion..... 4 Drunkenness 1867. | 1868.1869.|1870. | 1871. | 1872. S To husband To wife.... Total. 6335 67 46 30 29 97 75 98888 52 36 $225 54 22 76 X35 54 43 47 97 125 84283 To husband. 1 2 1 To wife... 34 26 Total. 35 26 42 225 42 35 44 42 37 45 42 To husband. 38 33 54 42 47 To wife..... 76 68 64 81 78 Total 114 101 118 123 125 132 8888998 To husband. 3 To wife... 22 1 10 © 6 13 12 1 10 6 13 15 5 Neglect to provide..... S Total. To husband. To wife. Total. Combinations of the preceding or of a pre- To husband 6 ceding with some minor cause. 7 All others All causes 1 Adultery 2 Cruelty... 3 Desertion.... วง 7 7 44 6 6 3 To wife.... Total... 7 10 en er 5 5 12 1500+ 14 16 190 200 10 4 10 4 12 15 To husband. 9 To wife. 13 ∞ ∞ 8 5 9 6 18 7 12 Total.. 22 14 23 16 ~2* 14 ~30 142 325 13 16 14 15 29 To husband. 118 87 115 109 107 144 To wife. Total 169 139 184 175 212 287 226 299 284 319 219 363 TEXAS. To husband. To wife.... Total. 11 9 74 12 11 9 11 14 To husband. To wife... Total 0923 6 3 16 18 22 21 79849 12 19 26 37 To husband 13 To wife.... Total 222 17 16 14 27 2838 21 14 38 30 224 227 228 25 50 *** H*8 *18 30 2 32 11 49 60 24 41 68 2-2 288 728 21 1 10 55 65 47 42 89 4 Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide....... To husband. To wife.... Total. To husband. To wife. Total · To husband. Combinations of the preceding or of a pre-To wife..... 6 ceding with some minor cause. 7 All others All causes S Total To husband. To wife.. Total • To husband. To wife. Total 3 123 426 3 5 4 3 12 6 17 10 en co ∞ 145 134 223 5280 107 129 233 236 258 228 208 288 220 800 91 FOR Hea 17 16 8 17 25 33 51 46 40 58 104 108 163 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 809 1 ་ TABLE V.--DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. TENNESSEE. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. | | | | | 1880. 1877. Total. 86 124 152 *** E 8*£ 113 5 77 82 148 2*2 *** *** 70 81 43 41 122 e2 70 102 103 42 47 112 149 4 5 w 54 50 56 64 58 50 54 48 94 109 157 168 3 20 23 23 167 1 16 17 ២៨ស ឌីវីឌ ជា 67 68 72 100 141 130 213 209 284 285 28 129 142 55 · 64 65 158 193 207 5 1 65 79 83 67 84 84 288 -20 119 109 130 117 66 69 199 175 199 2 5 70 86 72 91 79 79 110 73 80 97 145 200 156 147 146 192 224 310 229 227 243 277 282 88 BSE 175 160 1,944 55 108 93 1, 073 1 172 283 253 3, 017 3 3 46 82 82 104 1,247 2 85 107 1,293 125 132 1,422 190 210 2, 505 3 315 342 3,927 2 2 2 4 3 3 2 13 16 11 6 9 19 14 19 15 15 18 11 6 11 19 18 22 18 17 17 237 28 15 238 4 266 7 6 شه مشه منه 5 11 10 9 12 10 10 9 21 13 15 18 11 10 9 12 10 10 9 21 13 15 18 BEE HER 3 4 11 6 13 14 10 17 11 10 14 8 25 18 GOOD LEA 4 5 6 11 7 10 16 13 8 15 E-0012345 7 11 23 18 25 23 36 46 *** *** 4 7 1 1 1 8 12 12 20 10 14 15 13 13 21 12 10 9 19 18 10 25 21 20 20 34 40 38 41 00:00 200 257 18 18 00 00 37 7 8 15 14 29 13 MAN GE co ou oo 37 20 20 254 20 254 4 67 12 11 15 18 27 45 168 143 141 157 196 211 230 263 221 246 252 310 304 321 361 431 387 409 506 515 551 265 213 214 251 229 326 312 680 415 373 586 352 375 399 471 489 #R 285 28 210 15 277 11 229 36 362 47 591 3,736 5, 889 566 626 ! 628 797 801 9, 625 TEXAS. 28 31 10 41 *~~ ON 273 30 3 4 34 8 72 65 82 73 100 103 42 48 53 73 83 101 134 222 CON AN Cag 5* *** 100 119 106 *-* 280 28 61 87 112 125 141 151 161 169 198 1, 491 7 3 7 7 11 15 12 11 10 114 68 90 119 132 152 166 173 180 208 1, 605 20 30 32 44 55 68 51 74 59 560 107 117 165 196 227 281 295 288 324 2, 581 2 127 147 197 240 282 349 346! 362 383 3, 141 93 114 140 161 175 200 195 200 238 1, 934 109 135 140 191 206 233 212. 215 234 2, 176 3 119 180 202 249 280 352 381 433 407 415 472 4, 110 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 2 2 ww 3 3 00 00 8 4 8 ︽ 1 5 1 11 15 13 3 6 10 18 11 15 20 25 26 17 28 236 12 12 11 10 10 13 27 27 26 26 47 53 47 56 406 6 23 27 24 13 16 23 45 38 41 46 72 79 64 84 642 1 28 25 20 35 42 37 53 79 92 68 78 71 64 67 896 39 39 45 41 36 40 57 73 101 95 85 93 94 112 1,069 7 67 64 65 76 78 77 110 152 193 163 163 164 158 179 1,965 119 126 158 154 194 221 167 173 212 202 261 286 299 370 356 455 302 374 437 459 522 504 524 590 276 339 412 522 565 | 663 667 658 736 497 641 786 959 1,024 1, 185 1, 1711, 1821, 326 5, 117 4 6,355 11, 472 810 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. UTAH. 1867.1868. | 1869. | 1870. | 1871. |1872. Classified causes, and to which party granted. To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. 2 IN 2 1 Adultery 2 Cruelty.. 3 Desertion... 4 Drunkenness 22 1 1 426 2 6 4 426 To wife - Total Go co 3 4 3 4 77 4 4 57 5 5 4 5 4 To husband. 3 1 3 5 6 5 To wife. 8 6 10 10 13 9 Total. 11 7 13 15 19 14 To husband. 1 To wife... 3 Total ww 6 3 6 22 පප 11 1 1 22 8 9 To husband. To wife.. 4 1 Total 4 1 To husband. 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 Total LO LO 5 1 1 7 7 5 1 1 7 8 To husband. To wife... Total. 2200088888 12 48 60 22233 10 14 10 13 22 27 30 47 31 36 37 44 57 44 58 To husband. 17 To wife..... Total. =288 71 ==33 11 18 16 23 47 58 24 57 66 61 75 82 84 100 358800 33 67 1 1 oo co 178 5 Neglect to provide..... Combinations of the preceding or of a pre- To wife.... 6 ceding with some minor cause. 7 All others All causes VERMONT. 1 | Adultery 2 Cruelty To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To To wife.... 3 Desertion... 4 Drunkenness Total .. To husband To wife.. Total. *** *** 225 34 28 27 61 4 23 27 36 31 24 55 ∞ * ∞000 298 18 20 24 19 52 37 2223 31 9 52 40 8 28 28 29 -80838 1 1 36 37 26 25 28 40 33 31 66 58 59 228 22 71 46 71 40 217 288 288 13 25 10 56 20 39 59 To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife.. 10 Total.. 10 5 Neglect to provide..... To husband 6 Combinations of the preceding or of a pre- To wife ceding with some minor cause. 7 All others. All causes LO LO 5 8 12 13 8 5 8 12 13 8 Total.. 33 2 3 3 00 00 112 co 30 3 7 3 7 213 1 To husband. 1 To wife... 2 1 3 Total. 1 2 1 3 සය. 1 1 To husband 70 63 44 49 68 44 To wife.. 87 98 93 115 143 108 Total 157 161 137 164 211 152 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 811 CAUSES, FOR STATES TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED AND TERRITORIES-Continued. UTAH. 1873.1874. 1875. | 1876.1877. 1878. | 1879. | 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. | 1884. | 1885. | 1886. Total. 875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 426 5 11 1 8 6 19 2333 22 13 35 4 4 6 4 9 11 6 4 13 15 ** FIR 34 6 10 9 44 15 627 5 4 131 7 527 5 3 3 7 6 13 ão cr∞o 8 5 11 8 14 16 25 24 8 13 52 134 168 62 REL NO 22 21 30 79 113 39 20 30 34 82 213 281 101 35 *** 425 3 6 12 7 6 19 17 22 27 26 22 23 34 31 32 15 13 21 13 21 21 33 26 17 27 34 54 39 38 45 HANOMA CON Co Bow 10 213 126 7 79 1 10 205 8 8 6 83 24 21 21 264 2 32 29 27 347 18 21 23 605 25 18 547 3 46 41 1, 152 11 9 76 6 5 3 24 27 11 12 9 13 30 32 14 158 2 2 28 5 6 ४ ∞o xo 8 7 13 17 9 8 6 183 4 7 13 17 11 10 6 211 15 1 1 1 1 LO LO 5 5 LO LO 5 10 5 10 215 25 20 25 25 20 25 20 20 35 32 30 21 246 LO 5 20 35 32 30 21 246 2 5 4 12 2 2 6 1 2 1 39 2 5 13 13 30 11 11 12 10 16 13 8 13 6 191 2 7 18 17 42 13 13 18 11 16 15 8 13 230 20 28 85 259 341 87 5 1 6 9 6 3 937 53 60 64 135 144 34 9 4 1 4 6 6 8 750 7 73 88 149 394 485 121 14 5 7 13 12 8 11 1,687 33 48 164 429 571 168 31 30 45 32 43 33 36 37 1, 818 101 101 131 280 343 130 91 85 100 109 119 113 106 82 2,260 134 149 295 709 914 298 122 115 145 141 162 146 142 119 4,078 VERMONT. 23 39 *28 7 235 19 21 16 14 33 36 5 4 57 60 62 61 74 21 24 36 32 57 56 200 DO 252 13 15 5 69 23 47 70 . 51 ♡om *** 243 14 10 13 23 27 8 54 62 20 34 HAN 20 208 5 73 78 34 26 60 220 128 22* 8 14 11 4 40 19 18 ==83 17 11 28 21 5 8 76 48 31 58 80 53 39 58 22 29 21 32 19 39 33 54 41 68 54 mom mom *22 13 31 25 8 16 11 47 36 3 1 50 47 56 53 48 63 34 31 36 40 30 43 74 61 79 *** 2*, SER 8 9 17 2203 14 383 12 291 26 677 7. 3 82 23 47 981 2 23 50 1,063 15 19 518 29 669 3 44 41 1,187 6 6 2220 00 00 8 14 8 15 8 14 8 15 aa 10 10 12 9 10 10 12 22 11 10 6 6 201 5 11 10 6 6 201 1 1 1 2 3 12 6 7 2 1 5 2 7 2 4 2 6 5 1 4 72 6 6 8 2 5 3 8 2 4 1 6 8 1 4 84 2 CO 3 1 1 22 2 2 1 4 3 1 2 23 7 2 1 4 3 1 2 2 26 49 48 49 42 53 47 36 51 38 52 63 73 23 36 998 121 134 141 115 125 145 96 87 120 115 111 125 68 93 2,240 170 182 190 157 178 192 132 138 158 167 174 198 91 129 3, 238 812 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. VIRGINIA. Classified causes, and to which party granted. 868. 186 1867.1868.1869.1870. 1871. | 1872. 1 Adultery S To husband. 43 To wife.... 8 Total 51 2393 26 27 25 29 21 14 10 11 14 49 41 35 40 35 To husband 2 Cruelty. To wife... Total සය 3 3 · 60 00 22 3 3 LO LO 5 1 5 1 To husband. 8 5 4 10 6 11 3 Desertion.. To wife.... 13 11 10 7 17 6 Total 21 16 14 17 23 17 To husband. 4 Drunkenness To wife.. Total. To husband. 5 Neglect to provide....... To wife... • Total 6 Combinations of the preceding or of a pre-To wife... To husband. 6 6 ceding with some minor cause. Total. 12 369 3 2 3 1 3 3 8 2 6 5 11 3 To husband. 1 1 2 4 7 All others To wife. Total හය 3 2 3 5 3 1 5 S To husband. All causes To wife... Total 33 90 588 57 1785 35 35 39 40 42 32 23 46 77 67 62 86 5053 37 28 65 2 1 Adultery 2 Cruelty.. 3 Desertion..... 4 Drunkenness WASHINGTON. To husband. 1 2 To wife..... 1 Total 1 1 2 To husband. To wife.. 4 7 3 Total STo husband. wife.. Total. To husband. 4 7 සප 3 257 4 9 13 224 2 To wife.. 1 1 Total. 1 1 To husband. To wife... 1 Total. 1 co co 3 1 3 1. 5 Neglect to provide..... To husband. Combinations of the preceding or of a pre- To wife..... 6 ceding with some minor cause. 7 All others All causes.. 3 2 5 224 123 167 BO O LO 1 1 2 5 6 5 8 159 4 4 7 11 1 1 2 Total. LO LO 5 5 co co 3 3 22 6 6 STo husband. 1 To wife.. Total S To husband. To wife... Total 1 112 1 2 1 3 6 5 5 6 17 20 223 23 7 10 14 29 12 15 20 29 722 CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 813 TABLE V.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, AND TERRITORIES-Continued. VIRGINIA. FOR STATES $78. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 879. Total. 40 38 44 42 52 58 12 18 16 29 14 21 52 56 60 71 66 79 8888 56 47 55 75 84 70 26 82 88888 39 43 33 35 40 86 98 108 119 110 2588 62 79 973 27 37 470 1 89 116 1, 413 1 4 1 4 1 122 2 1 1 22 4 1 5 1 123 22 4 7 4 7 187 3 6 22 9 61 2 9 64 7 10 11 18 10 25 11 31 20 16 24 32 28 35 322 10 8 19 13 20 26 15 23 29 32 32 36 32 39 398 3 17 18 30 31 30 51 26 54 49 48 56 68 60 74 720 10 5 4 8 5 2 5 6 7 8 12 11 12 14 17 129 5 4 4 5 4 3 10 10 16 10 18 9 9 14 149: 6 9 12 9 5 6 8 16 17 24 22 29 21 23 31 278 2 2 2 3 1 4 4 2 3 6 1 3 4 50 4 2 3 1 8 6 3 3 2 8 7 3 7 5 80 7 6 5 4 9 10 7 5 14 6 11 8 130 53 58 62 63 65 93 77 87 87 109 120 118 108 134 1, 477 35 33 44 49 48 60 55 77 92 87 99 94 77 104 88 91 106 112 113 153 132 164 179 196 219 212 185 238 1, 158 2,635 WASHINGTON. 1 1 213 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 729 1 3 5 2 4 1 3 9 100 00 5 3 8 426 44∞ 47 21 8 68 167 1 10 11 :00:00 8 ww 3 3 1t∞ 1 9 4 8 9 4 3 7 3 8 8 11 15 3 Bero LO LO 5 5 10 527 6 12 7 7 13 21 97 292 292 16 12 17 14 224 200 6 15 2107 1 11 19 15 11 10 21 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 co co 3 4 4 3 4 4 ww 3 2 6 1 3 2 6 1 LO LO 167 2 1 5 6 5 2 १०० 8 6 9 145 1 9 10 1227 Go Co 123 77 77 1213 178 15 14 24 21 15 29 17 21 41 42 10* 185 5 24 17 20 37 DOR 389 27 177 2 25 204 187 23 187 48 374 3 3 10 10 5 2 5 2 ~~ 145 5 4 4 6 23 29 4 34 . 00 00 8 11 12 15 11 101 5 8 11 12 15 11 101 1 1 2 12 17 13 23 25 26 177 18 14 25 25 26 189 1 2 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 5 3 16 1 1 1 1 2 2 5 2 26 29 6323 8 7 7 9 23 27 14 19 19 35 21 26 28 2223 10 27 37 Hey hey had 17 23 40 245353 21 44 65 2015 21 21 46 67 222 52 73 89835 32 34 27 36 288 75 87 92 708 99 109 114 128 996 ' 1 P 1 ܂ : 814 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. WEST VIRGINIA. Classified causes, and to which party granted. 1867. 1868. | 1869. 1870. 1871, | 1872. To husband. 25 18 25 23 21 1 Adultery To wife... 17 16 7 15 9 Total 42 34 32 38 30 2133 22 11 To husband. 2 Cruelty.. To wife... Total. 112 1 1 1 1 134 1 1 To husband. 7 9 3 Desertion. To wife.... 9 11 Total 16 20 3233 13 9 22 19 13 35 28 23333 20 21 17 38 4 Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide... To husband. To wife.. Total · To husband. To wife.. Total Combinations of the preceding or of a pre-To wife.. 6. ceding with some minor cause. To husband. Total To husband. 7 All others All causes 1 Adultery 2 Cruelty.. 3 Desertion... 4 Drunkenness To wife. Total. 10 103 2 123 22 370 248 134 257 6 347 6 224 257 8 10 10 5 5 14 10 To husband. To wife... 36 Total. 28883 36 72 238 29 41 31 38 60 79 80 53883 37 50 43 35 85 5888 51 38 89 WISCONSIN. To husband 26 15 To wife.. 10 Total 36 To husband. 10 To wife.. Total 42 52 To husband. 107 To wife.. PER 288 282 11 26 10 50 60 22G SET 15 12 27 5 71 76 107 90 104 85 Total 192 To husband. 3 To wife 11 Total 14 To husband. 5 Neglect to provide.... 6 To wife.... Total..... Combinations of the preceding or of a pre-S To husband ceding with some minor cause. pre-To wife.. Total 7 All others All causes 347 202 708 88 93 *0* ** * 8 70 2-2 -38 878 88 81 211 180 163 169 1 8 10 ♡ ♡ 3 9 8 11 12 188 9 12 22 9 18 18 18 26 9 18 18 18 226 26 7 8 - 7 6 6 6 71 63 47 78 71 54 22 71 77 To husband. To wife. Total 7425 5 15 19 17 22 24 23 678 8 11 19 257 28. 69 75 223 67 73 12 8 10 13 22 21 To husband. 160 163 140 125 133 139 To wife... Total 246 246 277 271 245 275 406 409 417 396 378 414 { CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 815 TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. WEST VIRGINIA. 1873. 1874. | 1875. | 1876. 1877. 1878. | 1879. 1880. 1881. | 1882. 1883. 1884. | 1885. 1886. 1877. 1882. Total. 2223 10 2283 27 30 12 18 39 48 42 2323 29 28 38 49 29 47 13 19 21 22 19 32 47 59 71 48 79 88888 37 53 28 65 1 1 4 LOLO 22 44 123 5 5 22 2 123 22 6 4 6 4 10 12 21 15 16 16 20 27 19 38 41 33 27 22 13 22 18 20 19 26 49 40 39 39 43 28 38 34 40 46 45 87 81 72 **8 N∞Q 382 36 89 70 932 40 57 30 5888 62 682 25 35 395 82 97 1,077 سته 1 8 ✪ a 44 9 3 60 2 4 68 37 49 33 456 48 55 42 531 3 85 104 75 987 1 1 1 1 112 1 3 4 3 1 4 2 5 3 6 2 3 3 4 3 5 6 58 8 4 2 4 9 2 4 2 6 10 5 9 8 10 101 11 5 6 6 14 5 10 4 9 13 9 12 13 16 159 } ✪ ww 3 9 3 6 40 93803 49 103 +3 248 4 13 22 1 3 6 6 4 4 5 59 52 44 39 91 0 340000 10 10 12 53 55 68 45 55 50 98 110 118 Bera 2000 5000 12 10 9 12 21 22 \ 62 -98 58 106 BE 91 142 120 201 176 193 2002 200 4 5 11 14 9 123 8 6 12 13 16 137 7 12 11 23 27 25 260 85 98 91 125 111 1,328 95 103 110 106 1,227 191 235 217 2,555 WISCONSIN. 6 6 16 6 22 2298828 13 29 20 21 16 47 92 70 IN EN 85% 425 226 22 17 19 14 14 11 7 38 27 43 31 28 5 10 8 67 71 67 72 81 75 107 105 97 86 103 182 193 208 147 193 25. 522 28. 6 74 73 102 2º2 288 222 195 588 235 96 102 17 21 14 31 33 223 268 82 19 12 12 97 109 99 109 14 33 108 134 119 211 230 253 3 2 3 3 10 10 4 10 11 13 12 6 13 14 **7 289 202 280 28 18 208 822 N°8 21 18 27 403 10 7 7 215 1 31 25 34 618 8 13 13 202 90 109 123 108 1,538 110 117 136 121 1, 740 156 130 149 133 2. 172 135 135 130 135 2, 032 3 291 265 279 263 4, 204 2 7 4 1 48 11 12 16 15 19 225 13 19 20 16 19 273 1 = 34 12 49 61 ** 277 16 28 34 16 8 79 87 9 12 22 20 14 29 26 ∞∞ 220 225 28 10 51 89 61 95 14 10 13 17 27 27 ** 278 ∞ m 22 * 225 25 27 25 27 12 11 77 90 89 101 100 8 13 13 18 21 31 25 288 22* 36 41 46 43 36 41 46 43 5 10 96 119 13 18 31 Ba 292 32% 8 14 115 136 101 129 123 150 129 171 176 33 13 ទេ 20 22 53 35 142 123 176 152 123 147 155 163 178 248 293 279 319 273 339 313 372 390 416 455 471 396 486 468 535 209 233 421 429 416 599 638 679 637 698 700 BID WHH BH tt 42 42 19 116 152 14 16 18 30 29 190 211 200 447 487 500 220 288 28 ཝཝ ཛྫིཀྑཱུ ཌ 46 579 5 46 579 14 194 162 1,807 6 2, 001 13 243 330 7 36 573 3,262 6, 726 9, 988 1 816 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Concluded. WYOMING. Classified causes, and to which party granted. 1 Adultery 2 Cruelty... 3 Desertion.... 4 Drunkenness 5 | Neglect to provide…… 1867. 1867. 1868. | 1869. | 1870. 1871. | 1872. To husband 3 To wife... 1 1 Total. 4 1 To husband. To wife... 1 Total 1 To husband. 1 To wife.... 4 Tot al 1 4 235 6 J 13 To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife..... 1 1 Total 1 1 To husband. 6 Combinations of the preceding or of a pre- To wife... ceding with some minor cause. 7 All others All causes 1 Total 1 33 3 4 4 es co 3 3 To busband. 1 To wife. Total 1 1 1 1 1 To husband. To wife. Total 112 123 పంట 3 10 13 10 200 8 12 19 112 729 CHAPTER VIII. 817 -GENERAL TABLES. , TABLE. V.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Concluded. WYOMING. 1873. 1874. 1875. | 1876. | 1877. | 1878. | 1879. 1880. | 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. | 1885. | 1886. Total. 2 1 2 4 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 4 1 2 112 213 2 5 23 6 1 . 5 29 1 1 -- 1 1 123 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 11 1 22 224 1 1 246 3 9 2 21 2 5 30 2 2 4 2 5 5 2 2 6 5 5 7 8 64 3 4 7 3 6 11 7 8 10 8 2 7 8 8 106 3 5 4 9 7 8 16 12 10 12 14 12 15 16 170 1 1 1 1 112 TH 1 1 22 2 1 1 20 00 3 8 2 1 1 11 1 2 2 1 3 co co 3 22 268 er er! 5 5 167 44 4 3 4 3 4 2 6 6 12 22 213 22* 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 2 12 12 14 16 +20 4 8 4 10 14 18 18 25 7012 8 7 3 8 9 8 18 14 14 15 23 18 24 22 21 18 31 27 32 ~~ 2 1 2 1 22 00 00 8 8 16 5 16 279 2 4 13 10 11 12 10 13 200 13 97 6 16 13 110 22 22 235 33 6 3 3 6 2233 13 7 35 in cui ho 17 20 125 37 26 276 54 46 401 20267 M D————52 } REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 818 TABLE VI.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR THE UNITED STATES. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. years. years [years. years. years. Years, classified causes, and to which party granted. 1 1867. 1 Adultery { To husband. To wife .. 2 Cruelty. { To husband. To wife ... 28288 129 180 119 126 110 102 70 22 76 103 121 69 73 69 66 50 3553 70 56 18 4 11 5 6 5 6 4 110 90 56 57 57 61 44 43 To husband. 37 100 116 113 107 104 111 75 3 Desertion...………. To wife 53 122 227 183 154 143 169 134 ஐசு 65 78 4 Drunkenness • { To husband 2 1 1 3 To wife.. 10 17 13 11 200 8 15 19 13 23 14 6 5 Neglect to provide Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preceding with some minor cause. 7 All others………. { To husband To wife. 8 17 16 11 eл 5 9 5 8 4 To husband To wife. 19 77 { S To husband To wife.... 27 15 33 21 97 105 223 79 25 17 22 67 64 233 28 273 22 10 13 66 66 36 35 14 9 81 3 37 42 25 15 11 0.00 3 8 15 9 4 ce so 64 3 3 All causes for 1867. To wife { S To husband. 234 346 270 283 210 238 264 168 155 357 515 578 425 375 365 395 319 234 .. : 1868. To husband 114 116 121 1 Adultery and To wife 73 104 121 To husband 11 18 2 Cruelty. { To wife ... 98 113 22 88 119 98 3888 93 59 7 7 96 76 74 3 Desertion.. { To husband. 28 117 168 133 111 To wife..... 42 122 235 238 199 143 500 & 88 85 90 71 4 5 48 88 76 148 153 58 31 82 68 2, 22 60 103 To husband. 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 4 Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide · To wife... 6 10 11 -17 23 20 17 16 11 S To husband To wife 12 18 15 22 6 Combinations of the pre-To husband ceding or of a preceding To wife... 25 25 31 21 72 97 108 with some minor cause. 7 All others.. All causes for 1868... {To busba { To husband. 26 14 9 To wife. 35 30 28 2 28 29 15 8 4 9 8 21 20 98 81 58 10 3 19 16 28 12 15 5355 19 15 73 43 23 6 14 37 3 To husband. 204 291 348 292 235 212 184 201 160 338 494 614 568 467 390 346 405 263 1869. 1 Adultery 2 Cruelty... { To husband. To wife. 130 146 160 129 120 80 109 96 107 93 {{ To husband. 17 18 To wife..... 86 123 13 9 105 143 112 69 3 Desertion.. { To husband. 26 99 180 167 169 To wife.. 40 141 234 251 227 173 20 20 22 68 aco 82 70 68 56 88888 3 6 55 43 24 22 79 73 7 65 83 95 83 130 106 141 To husband. 7 All others 4 Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide... 6 Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preceding with some minor cause. To husband. 28 To wife... To husband. To wife..... {To wusband To wife... Go to 3 2 1 2 9 21 19 19 15 25 2 1 2 2 14 16 11 19 { To husband. To wife..... 10 33 63 26 42 * 82 28 23 15 14 11 13 11 .00 8 12 30 2008 253 32 79 118 101 95 283 23 323333 22 21 69 62 2280 12 9 60 59 2200 12 7 5 3 30 13 12 10 ON 2 1 9 10 All causes for 1869... {To To wife..... 330 508 To husband. 230 318 394 355 330 211 182 662 634 523 440 352 183 181 293 382 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 819.- } TABLE VI.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR THE UNITED STATES. 21 10 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 15 14 Un- years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. Av. Total. erage. 31 80 ON THE 188 76 62 62 54 7883 ཆཐ 57 53 48 54 67 20 xo 6 28 30 58 35 70 UN Na wy 41 37 1 35 35 33 31 20 49 33 18 3 3 4 3 1 25 21 27 31 26 50 48 59 100 888 28 17 28 23 29 30 36 23 22 72 om 19 2223 20 17 71 103 1,612 8.10 27 14 106 34 1, 216 9.59 3 3 15 12 139 10.06 2 12 17 18 81 49 994 8.98 16 11 9 131 104 1,382 9.51 3 18 20 112 136 2,012 8. 65 4 3 9 15 2∞ 2 8 10 23 - CO 27 1 6 18 28 1 6 6 11 6 26 18 200 39 13. 14 4 253 11.31 ما 5 6 5 པའ 5 5 3 లు: 4 3 3 8 9 142 8.62 16 38 33 33 7 10 2903 8 2 6 2 сл 5 4 6 6 29 34 27 29 25 20 12 24 8 288 23 7 281 9.02 6 86 22 1,044 8.86 4 9 28 24 64 161 138 112 99 2! 4 79 = AT 3 6 5 21 COLO مر 1 1 9 221 338 6.78 3 2 14 267 485 7.207 63 70 46 41 37 255 449 3,791 8.80 235 210 191 165 147 178 117 119 76 100 71 436 535 6, 146 9.00 52 53 35 51 51 3355 50 49 30 36 40 5 45 37 60 46 87 IM COL 4 1 3 31 36 43 48 65 72 63 2* 29 Om mig a 26 31 19 19 33 33 25 26 29 3 3 5 25 19 21 13 22 36 50 37 COR 28 18 19 ** ~~ 2 Fa 17 13 21 21 2 2 6 16 12 18 14 ༤g འ© g 88 1,409 8.09 1 114 44 | 1, 285 9.55 15 11 145 9.49 105 66 1, 100 9.02 }: 2 121 100 1, 453 9.35 3 45 25 32 24 21 139 126 | 2, 169 8.71 1 3 2 14 11 9 7 7 13 12 1 2 4 9 9 er brand 1 1 1 20 10.84 5 3333 23 19 263 10.68 } 4 13 4 5 2 3 1 5 4 2 2 15 2 169 8.48 7 16 9 11 7 4 5 4 8 4 4 19 6 296 8.62 6 47 34 36 28 24 25 16 17 23 18 18 91 36 1,098 8.91 16 27 32 25 ~~ 3 3 1 1 10 181 2 3 1 4 3 1 4 281 7.18 210 462 5.74 7 113 126 119 109 266 208 191 181 144 128 117 72 74 70 41 49 42 90 121 93 ESS 39 236 387 3, 3,604 8.72 78 491 553 6, 546 8.95 233 53 42 44 43 39 63 46 40 5 6 3 49 36 45 94 888 45 59 41 76 87 me mm mo 40 42 3 43 25 aa am 2 37 30 36 62 61 aa & NON 27 16 28 26 333333 23 12 17 23 23 24 ** 18 7 3 26 23 26 25 53 33 48 to no to co 3 1 20 16 26 20 111 26 22 13 26 20 24 37 30 88 143 169 26 27 28 71 97 55 66 1, 467 7.75 55 1,298 9.23 28 9 169 10.41 57 1, 253 9.04 101 1,598 139, 2, 362 9.30 3 9.05 1 1 1 1 16 11 13 10 13 9 બર 5 O ເ 2 5 11 O LO 2 ပ 5 1 31 11.83 5 5 26 17 289 10.47 5 7 6 >>> 5 00 ક 1 1 3 1 2 I2 LO 2 00 8 41 170 7.74 11 42 == == 11 11 13 4 9 8 6 2 4 42 39 26 33 26 15 20 16 16 00.00 3 24 9 323 8.39 8 80 38 1, 107 8.72 } 6 2 145 1 10 5 g Lạ 1 5 6 -- 1 2 1 9 4 22 1 3 11 199 311 6.92 7 1 4 12 309 561 6.69 116 119 101 97 77 82 54 72 279 223 235 192 186 152 107 137 CE 29 51 95 101 35 50 282 385 3, 899 8.60 87 503 619 7,040 | 8.96 820 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. י; ; TABLE VI.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. Years, classified causes, and to which party granted. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1870. 1 Adultery (To husband To wife 125 126 78 118 161 154 115 109 105 100 283 72 61 66 2 Cruelty.. (To husband. 14 12 19 9 5 6 10 To wife... 87 107 113 113 97 62 68 3 Desertion.. { To husband. To wife.. *2 34 83 178 189 157 100 81 52 117 265 290 272 165 134 108 27 ** 28 51 44 / 5 49 49 101 4 Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide..... 6 Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preceding with some minor cause. 7 All others All causes for 1870.... To husband. To wife... S To husband. To wife... To husband. To wirel {To wife..... To husband. 1 4 5 2 4 3 2 2 To wife. 10 13 21 28 18 17 17 14 18 { To husband. To wife.. 18 28 59 # 33 39 .... 2 38 2ã 88 88 22 21 20 14 9 16 4 8 23 29 30 18 15 20 89 113 118 91 95 38 18 9 56 64 45 11 9 6 5 21 20 26 21 20 4 9 12 CO LO 3 2 5 8 234 256 400 393 302 199 182 159 118 343 487 662 700 613 440 369 298 273 · 1871. To husband. 163 116 165 140 122 1 Adultery • To wife. 78 83 108 75 22 97 105 105 77 2 Cruelty.. { To husband. To wife 100 3 Desertion.. { To husband. To wife.. 2828 12 20 17 14 19 12 133 137 140 116 111 119 183 216 174 145 141 224 298 250 235 162 62 22 60 59 33 64 48 5 74 64 2 87 79 117 ཧྭཙྪ 49 50 104 4 Drunkenness { To husband. 1 2 4 4 2 To wife.. 14 19 18 30 32 27 16 1 (8 2 17 10 5 Neglect to provide.. 6 Combinations of the pre- STo husband. { To wife.. To husband. ceding or of a preceding To wife.... with some minor cause. { } 7 All others { To husband. To wife..... 2 25 22 21 19 23 25 26 14 18 10 5 27 31 22 16 28 25 21 6 15 61 88 105 102 111 110 68 57 43 29 12 32 21 22223 12 90 16 10 7 3 20 24 23 12 03.00 2 8 3D LO 5 All causes for 1871. {To To husband. 264 300 399 406 357 To wife.. 365 504 647 690 656 296 209 153 103 597 422 337 264 1872. 1 Adultery 2 Cruelty. 68 To husband. 118 150 143 139 To wife... To husband. 25 To wife.. 104 159 58.98 132 108 90 80 94 112 82 82 888198 68 61 55 57 14 13 27 11 14 5 136 129 115 127 112 61 To husband. 33 107 172 202 187 172 141 93 3 Desertion.... To wife... 40 170 251 284 299 259 249 152 4 Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide.... 6 Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preceding with some minor cause. To To husband 1 4 3 5 3 5 4 1 To wife..... 9 24 35 39 27 44 25 + 35 E a 88 Ser 62 68 99 3 20 (To husband. To wife..... 16 24 16 23 16 14 13 13 6 To husband. To wife 7 All others To husband 50 To wife... 22 82 24 79 42 36 32 288 36 39 25 24 27 90 132 128 109 111 79 223 24 11 12 56 48 20 16 12 10 8 3 1 36 16 19 23 6 13 37 All causes for 1872……..{To wife. To husband. 251 333 387 396 383 331 276 179 152 358 592 686 713 697 660 566 385 299 CHAPTER 821 VIIIVIII.- .-GENERAL TABLES. TABLE VI.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. 21 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. Total. Av. erage. 659 57 098998535 48 44 39 31 48 45 37 25595 20 25 26 21 35 8888 38 31 36 2888888 18 26 2223 20 69 80❘ 1, 440 7.79 1 109 45 1, 336 9.58 3 4 3 133 958335 46 31 37 77 38 41 91 58 43 ఓం సలా ما 5 32 30 29 ~2 253 4 5 7 2 3 22 35 26 20 23 21 16 17 24 32 21 15 20 55 43 44 35 30 18 10 25 22 18 167 10.50 118 74 1,249 9.38 شه 2 148 102 1,535 9.35 27 151 135 2,367 8.51 3 2 2 2 1 1 3 17 14 11 10 11 12 10 CIG 1 4 41 10.59 4 6 12 3 3 29 28 322 10.26 5 10 5 4 3 4 5 2 4 3 3 1 2 7 185 6.78 15 4 11 9 3 12 5 58 40 36 29 35 34 20 22 32 6 3 4 15 15 295 8.04 6 25 17 15 80 38 1, 179 8.81 3 4 1 8 4 8 32 1 2 5 24 22 32 3 3 3 w w 3 24 9 201 312 8.11 4 14 314 534 7.34 7 169 98 102 88 68 56 65 329 238 202 164 169 168 142 120 2220 72 54 42 132 91 8888 50 267 416 3, 790 8.64 503 641 7,172 8.93 46 45 44 55 98 12 ~* ** 22 2 43 57 64 91 20 000 00 46 35 27 40 43 40 46 38 30 223 22 27 32 223 24 18 16 27 13 22 13 18 19 ** 48 88 1,458 7.22 1 120 36 1, 202 9.63 6 1 3 4 5 3 1 36 34 38 42 31 68 56 225 29 32 28 65 52 283 21 35 23 18 30 26 24 22 23 43 40 32 18 22 ~~ 22 21 13 180 8.99 2 22 132 88 1,494 8.87 152 111 1,748 9.15 3 178 156 | 2,509 8.75 2 1 20 15 14 13 13 1 1 2 12 13 5 -- 1 1 1 4 3 36 11.30 9 4 4 37 25 366 10.43 4 9 8 7 3 4 1 4 5 2 1 4 11 8 227 7.43 9 13 9 7 5 LO 5 3 34 51 26 42 26 33 25 งง 7 4 4 2 22 16 297 8.33 27 12 19 20 108 37 1,205 9.23 4 4 8 5 12 1 8 12 1 1 6 203 322 5.66 www 2 3 2 2 1 7 1 16 315 542 6. 91 127 137 243 92 100 288 201 199 1888 60 62 58 48 55 163 137 135 92 78 *8 43 253 92 602 440 4.041 665 7,545 8.99 8.26 44 4 45 52 == 78 VIA A 44 50 47 6 46 800 we 55 34 62 87 69 59 99 112 G 5 16 18 22 22 42 *8 ** *E 24 34 27 21 15 23 39 36 25 32 14 19 4 1 2 3 3 32 26 25 34 33 27 43 30 34 32 36 28 ** TE CO 16 12 24 22 106 1 27 18 59 220 22 57 81 1,462 39 1,206 7.40 9.53 1 13 208 9.50 7 2 128 72 | 1,580 8.76 17 77 58 56 49 41 31 25 1985 25 177 114 1, 864 9.38 23 190 152 2,803 3 8.75 3 2 3 1 1 11 19 16 14 7 1∞ 3 1 5 8 11 14 57 17 62 10.63 488 10.96 4 10 9 9 · LO 5 2 4 9 4 5 ས 1 4 5 16 3 222 8.74 11 7 17 13 6 4 6 4 42 48 42 31 24 25 23 32 ** 3 4 5 21 10 333 8.17 23 13 16 118 32 1,301 8.90 ♡ a 6 5 - LO 1 5 ♡ co 3 8 ww 3 3 22 12 1 1 2 8 180 33Q 5.33 2 5 4 4 2 12 281 531 6.28 مشه مه 6 123 122 255 272 289 127. 90 75 71 63 60 59 41 45 297 398 4, 259 8.44 198 167 153 166 135 117 103 97 627 596 8, 131 | 8.95 822 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VI.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. Years, classified causes, and to which party granted. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1873. 1 Adultery To husband. 125 To wife 2335 2 Cruelty.. To husband. 3 Desertion 1888 87 8 129 204 108 116 114 112 89 102 90 98 87 113 28223 87 58 76 49 88989998 19 15 23 To wife. 108 155 190 22232 12 16 8 5 7 134 122 95 94 68 To husband. 111 208 214 177 154 154 110 To wife. 137 309 327 294 271 259 ཎྜཱཤྩ 80 181 134 4 Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide..... { To husband. 1 3 2 2 5 1 2 1 3 {To wife..... 20 17 33 48 43 29 38 27 27 {{ S To husband. To wife.. 18 14 24 14 21 15 6 Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preceding To wife. To husband. 18 32 25 28 30 29 56 113 125 117 100 101 228 18 14 24 223 16 73 51 with some minor cause. 7 All others. { To husband 38 25 12 11 11 6 6 4 3 {To wife. 39 33 35 19 15 12 22 17 11 All causes for 1873... S To husband. 229 315 474 383 351 320 302 231 167 To wife. 369 558 818 747 705 637 625 486 5 354 1874. To husband 124 1 Adultery an To wife. To husband 2 Cruelty. To wife. 117 3 Desertion... { To husband. 35 111 {To To wife. 22 22 32 120 158 164 110 97 75 89 108 112 102 94 3333 93 100 90 96 24 17 12 13 12 11 6 12 131 134 162 144 138 111 91 187 252 180 166 140 133 52 135 234 395 321 275 216 221 186 52 ** *8 To husband 2 4 6 4 5 3 2 3 1 4 Drunkenness To wife. 19 21 23 58 34 40 40 35 25 5 Neglect to provide.. { To husband. To wife.... 19 14 26 32 6 Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preceding To wife To husband. 21 32 37 75 104 140 158 with some minor cause. 7 All others.. { To husband To wife.... 42 23 17 16 41 39 30 32 མི ཚཛྱཱ ཋསྶ 2 28 22 27 24 20 21 16 21 109 115 38888888 33 14 12 98 90 99 9 15 ** 4 3 5 14 18 14 All causes for 1874... {To wife To husband 218 307 401 536 695 417 428 351 307 278 265 949 757 701 589 572 497 207 1875. (To husband. 108 168 151 1 Adultery. To wife... 77 101 90 133 138 113 110 81 107 81 78 103 72 To husband 14 15 20 2 Cruelty. To wife... 137 151 170 154 1ST 17 23 To husband. 32 104 174 205 220 186 3 Desertion.. To wife..... 51 146 273 330 384 242 14 160 131 128 140 138 126 256 229 174 15 10 98 22 15 22 2000 92 72 14 95 To husband. 4 Drunkenness To wife 33 3 4 8 4 4 13 5 5 5 9 18 34 40 62 36 41 44 31 5 Neglect to provide { To husband. To wife... 14 34 21 32 23 25 21 22 12 6 Combinations of the pre- ) To husband ceding or of a preceding To wife. 28 38 40 68 122 124 124 123 101 with some minor cause. To husband. 38 19 14 7 All others ¿ To wife……. 38 41 36 2298 21 20 22 21 16 113 89 33333 20 65 งง 7 10 9 32 27 23 17 งง 9 12 All causes for 1875...{To wis husband. 223 348 407 395 418 358 300 394 613 748 797 891 640 685 257 266 571 461 CHAPTER 823 VIIIVIII.- .-GENERAL TABLES. TABLE VI.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, divorce, for DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- years. years. years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 5 over. Av- Total. erage. 48 55 253 09168365 42 35 29 47 45 43 3233333 28 8 7 4 6 4 61 49 33 41 40 106 8999 69 51 53 68 81 8883 49 54 82 63 2 4 5 4 32 22 24 22 17 NO NO NO NO 37 30 223 22238 15 15 14 17 23235 15 20 122 2 2 6 3 4 46 31 31 28 23 26 157 22 25 84 88 1, 539 7.70 1 54 1, 314 9.39 13 203 8.89 2 8 89 1,753 8.92 37 26 34 31 21 33 189 117 2,003 9.58 3 60 51 39 34 44 31 211 144 2,975 8.83 2 1 1 13 8 14 00 8 8 2:00 7 3 51 11.33 4 8 58 20 536 10.45 མ 5 13 6 9 6 5 9 8 9 4 5 5 16 сл 5 250 9.30 11 11 8 41 46 39 40 2003 12 9 6 29 25 22 72 7 4 4 26 19 23 123 20 127 82 33 15 350 8.93 6 40 1, 319 9 26 1 9 95 2 at. 2 44 2 1 9 1 сл 5 26 1 1 3 1 27 6 161 304 5.61 7 1 18 291 559 7.31 139 117 107 100 101 317 213 238 243 188 188 151 145 107 85 65 71 51 42 47 57 338 400 4,450 8.71 121 111 709 643 8,706 9.07 110 58 08 52 57 53 8983 57 34 40 38 33 ∞ 3 66 55 58 38 00 +000 31 38 37 098 28 34 40 21 22 22 16 21 21 14 11 == 17 69 109 1,588 7.79 1 17 110 59, 1, 337 9.07 4 7 50 39 67 64 49 91 71 - er 51 48 33 74 93 -8 38 7 28 35 62 58 22 22 6 1 3 2 4 1 30 22 16 17 14 19 +00 1000 2º 4 3 35 24 255 26 27 37 44 Cu no Noor 2 19 9 194 9.22 26 31 204 93 1,856 9. 67 2 28 31 188 138 2,086 32 210 157 | 3, 3, 135 9.35 9.06 3 1 23 12 -- 1 5 2 59 9.65 7 14 69 19 579 10.87 6 9 6 00 8 9 7 6 4 6 2 5 22 9 298 8.71 5 19 14 6 11: 6 6 6 5 3 6 7 26 13 371 8.46 64 64 39 40 42 37 30 23 32 21 31 146 52 1,609 9.40 6 5 4 13 3 I CO 1 6 ૧૭ 6 4 12 2150 25 24 54 4 7 2 1 06 2 4 179 342 5.71 6 17 235 535 7.21 7 96 113 101 162 148 334 290 235 220 252 203 169 148 134 77 83 56 50 355 65 60 311 450 4, 640 4, 610 | 8.58 99 136 808 624 9,349 9.29 60 49 39 38 70 38 55 31 223 27 33 25 18 14 26 40 31 22 19 RE *1 13 7 17 23 103 183 104 1,584 7.39 45 1,301 9.31 22 23 11 8 6 79 72 60 38 75 60 55 137 111 76 au ga CIA E COLO ww 3 32 42 40 41 48 56 63 at to 6 3 7 6 4 4 19 15 236 9.18 34 37 33 30 33 37 75 56 46 ** 23 32 282 20 167 78 1,916 | 8.95 2 22 18 237 130 2,144 31 41 234 152 3, 195 3, 195 9.89 8.99 1 5 21 18 15 15 3 2 5 1 2 16 17 17 15 13 17 టలు 3 1 4 13 1333 63 పలు 3 82 9.23 28 581 10.67 17 12 10 5 6 4 6 9 3 6 5 21 5 313 8.66 11 8 13 5 6 8 4 3 CO 3 2 1 29 13 82 45 51 39 26 36 22 26 25 23 19 124 338 60 1, 507 8. 12 6 9.06 10 1 4 ୧ 18 11 11 6 55 10 te 5 7 € 00 6 3 8 2 333 7 N GI 2 2 0101 28 140 345 9.55 2 25 274 640 7.72 مشه 168 131 118 96 81 105 72 70 49 46 33 380 405 4,729 8.83 424 307 278 191 175 221 172 155 136 122 123 737 642 | 9,483 9.08 824 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. '' } TABLE VI.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. Years, classified causes, and to which party granted. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1876. 1 Adultery { S To husband. 133 To wife..... To husband. 2 Cruelty. To wife.... 146 • 3 Desertion.. 4 Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide....... { 6 Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preceding with some minor cause. 7 All others All causes for 1876…….. {To wife. { To husband To wife... To husband. To wife... 38 24 4* *2 133 118 136 119 125 109 92 98 68 86 78 93 91 . 102 69 70 66 27 13 13 166 179 139 136 28386 16 13 17 191 119 112 117 205 245 189 216 147 154 100 158 266 344 311 346 210 205 167 28 12 98 1 3 3 6 6 7 4 8 30 25 49 40 50 52 53 46 To husband. {To wife.... 18 31 36 To husband. To wife... 23 23 13 34 75 105 140 136 To husband 65 34 24 To wife..... 61 33 47 228 22 26 26 12 20 110 17 31 2 288 01 103 18 15 ♫ 23 22 25 21 19 91 283 12 79 15 13 13 14 husband 290 325 397 442 361 407 318 301 243 449 609 771 812 745 818 596 569 491 1877. 1 Adultery S To husband To wife..... 134 152 133 77 64 To husband 2 Cruelty... 3 Desertion.. 4 Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide. To wife.. 163 283 23 161 22 21 38828 160 20 82 =3 121 107 110 79 79 85 77 17 17 13 16 195 182 171 129 159 20 48 92 78 87 3883 62 15 7 93 119 ~ • 37 To husband. 124 To wife.... 77 160 207 241 180 200 173 155 119 277 351 367 269 317 213 173 To husband. To wife... 1 2 2 4 5 9 15 20 35 43 39 40 నీలు 3 2 3 42 45 38 (To husband. · To wife..... 19 23 6 Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preceding To wife.... To husband 25 with some minor cause. 7 All others All causes for 1877.... To wife... } S To husband. { To wife..... To husband 22 28 24 72 112 131 73 42 59 49 * 27 28 32 28 27 32 26 15 34 27 26 36 16 138 112 115 119 102 37 29 21 18 16 42 35 19 32 293 365 482 589 806 421 493 379 376 356 296 867 831 684 778 588 22 22 28 3223 20 250 509 1878. 1 Adultery { To husband. 131 155 152 135 129 To wife.... 76 72 94 99 2 Cruelty.. 3 Desertion... • { To husband 18 To wife.... 140 181 177 228 24 24 21 215 155 28 25 132 105 116 81 92 76 78 78 21 14 14 19 14 158 137 152 97 To husband 37 {To wife... 57 178 257 130 200 297 367 229 215 163 178 142 363 322 263 249 201 4 Drunkenness { To busband. 2 To wife.... 15 27 4 6 1 2 8 8 6 43 40 40 52 44 48 26 To husband. 5 Neglect to provide…… { To wife... 24 33 31 35 35 28 6 Combinations of the pre-( To husband ceding or of a preceding To wife... 24 29 35 24 69 109 131 141 105 with some minor cause. To husband. 46 34 7 All others To wife..... 39 48 2235 13 34 201803 27 30 145 5 24 2 85 == 26 26 97 103 11 17 2 28 °* 15 29 15215 75 9 14 All causes for 1878.... { To husband. To wife... 374 258 420 628 440 456 414 395 331 358 270 805 931 819 821 660 683 506 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 825 TABLE VI.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. 21 10 11 12 14 16 19 13 15 17 18 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. AY- Total. erage. 74 71 295 57 54 6 4 92 74 84 75 164 142 5 3 36 40 2= ∞∞ 888 -2 ** ** 52 39 51 40 8 3 38 44 59 41 37 ~ * ~in A 22 28 24 26 35 32 32 ** 22 2 23 19 13 11 13 23. 19 8 25 16 3 6 6 6 42 35 86 79 51 51 51 39 2 383 29 30 31 32 ~♡ 2 28 194 41 40 30 3238 29 36 220 40 247 355 12 24 25 99 1,597 7.86 54 1, 257 9.63 14 245 9.58 2 133 163 8 88 80 2,039 9.05 2,272 9.62 3 3, 251 8.95 7 1 wo 25 2 3 1 2 29 20 13 15 11 8 10 10 2223 9 3 84 11.11 4 22 66 29 674 10.38 5 15 11 9 12 6 2 14 5 5 6 4 188 15 14 73 14 24 13 32 7 8 6 7 3 1 5 1 5 44 48 11 17 100 99 30 24 27 24 26 18 22 10 10 5 cr 5 ܗܣ 8 9 ગર 5 00 LO 8 4 12 5 1 22 9 5 2 228* 21 4 347 | 8.44 20 16 294 8.48 88888 6 38 1,515 9.18 176 560 10.31 7 275 665 7.94 198 166 144 102 76 79 72 70 70 61 67 419 441 5,052 | 9.06 490 406 274 253 167 159 173 129 120 120 141 813 643 9, 748 9.14 109 112 189 27 28 28 71 1234 59 11 83 125 149 107 Ea do 28 41 23 43 34 6 51 37 75 45 38 81 60 20 22233 ** 2m 088 19 28 20 14 36 18 25 223 15 75 74 105 1,652 7.79 117 41 1,237 9.78 3 3 3 6 4 4 32 13 260 9.70 32 29 38 29 43 26 38 58 53 60 40 25 28 2 225 32 40 197 89 2,214 9.03 26 22 216 154 9.50 2,378 3 30 47 235 162 3,475 8.94 7 4 4 3 1 3 1 1 4 3 6 4 72 10.84 4 40 23 24 20 19 9 9 17 14 9 13 69 29 612 10.89 15 22 21 23 71 17 13 12 28 14 13 12 8 00 8 5 5 9 3 3 4 18 4 351 8.06 14 88 65 15 15 1525 8 8 49 35 39 22. 10 14 14 6 60 100 10 5 00 8 3 5 5 26 32 36 21 28 132 22 19 14 377 8.36 56 | 1,661 9.36 11 14 10 12 9 2 ta 7 4 62 187 668 9.67 9 5 25 284 730 7.67 228 248 190 113 498 430 364 89 95 65 92 63 67 42 409 266 199 171 154 179 149 126 152 793 477 5.407 8.92 665 (10,280 9.16 123 ២ម ៥៦ ឌឌ 78 66 14 97 107 183 161 131 50 22 50 67 58 13 91 50 40 22 99 3 7 35 27 39 10 5 مشه 101 8. 22 2, a o 70 29 #8 31 20 42 22 20 22 20 20 26 9 52 44 44 42 99 61 3 1 32 21 22 ma 200 22 22 3 39 40 48 12 FiiO 2 w co to a 23 16 10 17 27 28 3 6 6 38 37 37 26 42 27 43 42 40 NIO Me E5 67 125 1,724 7.61 15 120 51 1,347 9.75 5 26 213 93 25 10 277 9.32 101 2,358 9.30 20 213 134 2,511 28 269 173 3,676 2 3 17 11 25 2 7 10 8 900 8 67 27 640 10.73 22 24 ww 32 2 4 5 10 * 28 27 24 18 17 13 11 པ་ 5 ts 3 2 5 4 23 10 390 8. 15 19 13 14 12 4 5 4 1 8 2 29 12 363 S. 71 6 61 79 48 37 27 24 21 34 24 30 139 56 1, 637 9.43 → a 9 9 15 OJ LO 2 8 7 13 10 57 2 1 ao m 8 2 1 28 177 421 | 8.34 7 3 LO 5 2 18 272 639 7.36 247 216 175 159 89 82 508 425 435 338 272 188 152 142 ૩૩ 63 75 61 39 370 458 158 141 113 849 5,402 693 10,687 9.27 8.78 826 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VI.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. Years, classified causes, and to which 1 party granted. 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1879. 1 Adultery 77 To husband 157 136 188 150 138 To wife.. 83 103 102 2 Cruelty To husband. ~ To wife... 183 388 25 14 27 23 166 197 170 173 888 28 128 108 124 101 125 89 104 23 19 24 153 138 113 131 2882 93 18 3 Desertion... { To husband. 46 130 262 252 248 204 198 155 174 To wife. 64 177 366 379 393 348 306 248 270 4 Drunkenness { To husband. 1 1 2 5 7 7 6 5 5 To wife.... 14 16 35 29 47 44 40 37 34 To husband. 5 Neglect to provide.... To wife.... 22 34 39 33 42 43 26 25 16 6 Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preceding To wife.. To husband. 23 23 23 33 43 27 41 29 22 24 90 117 129 124 131 129 109 92 113 with some minor cause. (To husband 51 18 16 13 12 7 6 8 4 7 All others. { To wife.... 44 43 39 30 36 20 18 26 18 All causes for 1879... {To wife.. husband. 303 322 528 486 453 410 382 315 350 494 636 908 867 910 845 726 645 675 1880. To husband. 181 208 196 203 167 164 157 139 122 1 Adultery To To wife..... 92 112 99 118 102 97 87 82 92 2 Cruelty { To husband. 18 To wife... 3 Desertion. { To husband. To wife... 888 223 28 32 28 15 25 233 223 202 218 175 175 162 គីម 24 15 17 145 126 53 144 239 295 264 249 235 232 151 66 223 334 524 384 383 377 334 235 To husband. 3 2 5 6 4 8 5 3 2 4 Drunkenness འ To wife 16 31 29 49 30 39 39 42 36 5 Neglect to provide.... 6 Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preceding with some minor cause. { S To husband To wife... 18 37 48 43 36 34 35 To husband. To wife.... 7 All others.. {To To husband. To wife..... 28 88 25 28 27 30 33 28 36 89 123 158 162 106 135 137 107 20 20 27 17 83 48 56 223 27 13 6 7 15 5 3 8 42 43 26 28 23 27 20 20 All causes for 1880... To husband. To wife.. 331 437 570 512 568 490 489 462 413 317 791 913 1, 140 861 886 864 762 619 1881. 1 Adultery کر To husband 181 196 234 141 173 154 169 112 To wife.... 123 129 108 117 105 99 93 To husband. 48 39 2 Cruelty. To wife.... 231 225 42 260 33 23 25 15 189 243 157 136 136 2828 121 68 21 136 3 Desertion.. { STo husband. 50 179 305 289 372 253 207 197 171 To wife..... 100 241 424 435 471 365 342 357 279 To husband. 3 4 Drunkenness To wife.. 21 2133 5 5 6 5 7 4 3 6 35 44 64 45 43 46 53 47 5 Neglect to provide.. 6 Combinations of the pre- To husband. ceding or of a preceding To wife.. with some minor cause. { To husband To wife.... 46 48 49 41 33 39 27 S 333333 23 32 33 40 32 27 19 95 149 162 130 137 124 119 126 2 220 98 : 00000 22 18 7 All others • { To husband. {To wife.... 57 23 18 18 19 12 68 44 53 59 40 30 200 28 10 6 9 20 35 21 All causes for 1881... To husband. To wife. 362 474 637 527 624 684 871 1,100 1, 035 1, 074 857 478 424 365 346 783 830 671 CHAPTER VIII-GENERAL TABLES. 827 TABLE VI.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. 21 10 11 14 15 17 18 19 20 years Un- Total. Av. erage. 12 13 16 years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. 86 64 72 47 15 12 113 81 142 118 232 144 137 છુટને 38 60 50 51 39 22 8888883 31 27 2286 21 28 223 21 19 25 14 7 4 1 2 5 89 64 44 43 36 24 25 104 66 50 42 34 34 153 107 67 48 40 45 36 00 +1 33 22 28. 18 1220 77 126 55 1,910 7.86 1 1,450 | 9.69 4 8 44 9 324 10.17 N 29 216 87 2,350 | 9.21 24 223 178 2,821 9.48 3 35 268 190 4,053 8.94 38 2888 4 4 5 3 5 2 31 25 21 18 14 19 24 2 7 1 75 10.68 9 9 16 11 74 25 606 11.19 23 16 12 14 9 9 5. 6 5 8 1 33 со 429 8.57 } 5 22 96 28 14 18 14 10 6 4 1 4 3 25 16 8.26 402 6 63 64 62 49 24 39 24 22 21 24 118 52 1,695 9.12 8 6 3 3 3 11 12 12 10 11 19 1 2 ♡ 6 3 4 1 22 2 - CO 1 3 12 4 185 359 5.81 7 2 12 251 609 6.77 275 218 194 200 139 97 78 64 63 61 58 380 515 5, 891 8.79 585 394 392 400 297 187 186 144 132 140 120 841 668 11, 192 9.16 118 94 70 65 82 85 57 58 8 14 7 9 141 98 84 86 91 25 26 74 55 15 173 128 114 107 99 260 228 173 151 161 101 6 9 5 3 8 2 34 29 25 25 27 NO 22 20 4 20 to 80 34 40 225 24 21 26 2223 25 20 20 25 90 130 2,361 7.79 1 14 26 140 63 1,607 9.77 10 8 5 в 4 18 48 44 -31 36 50 225 50 40 38 36 76 55 50 45 Cot 45 282 53 322 206 22 85 359 10.53 2 90 2,754 9.10 211 3, 3,256 9.85 3 4,741 9.20 2 19 084 2 3 3 8 93 11.05 4 8 16 15 9 81 26 652 11.34 5 26 16 19 13 17 11 15 3 6 4 1 26 11 478 8.40 107 200 RE 20 15 19 13 77 84 51 64 2015 10 51 2283 10 5 3 27 25 21009 3 17 19 401 8.51 6 26 22 157 63 1, 889 9.41 7 7 2 2 19 11 12 12 18 3 9 6 44 5 3 6 6 16 1 ลงลง 2 2 ~1 2 13 224 404 6.97 7 1 17 278 668 7.16 332 272 213 205 210 150 111 669 544 454 396 424 84 70 69 $2 458 599 6, 6,874 9.01 325 234 169 159 142 162 968 737 12, 789 2,789. 9. 29 222 223 88888 123 89 81 13 76 13 112 115 101 134 151 131 6883 85 86 66 69 53 63 15 203 228 184 166 211 580 132 88885 88 61 54 48 53 2283 26 28 28 16 101 136 2,338 8.06 2 1 33 27 13 15 142 66 1,684 9.45 10 12 70 59 89 80 113 99 20 28 6 3 1 5 53 40 31 35 27 246 19 446 9.48 112 2,815 9.00 31 74 1* 40 39 45 329 179 3,438 9.79 } 71 47 40 363 235 4, 969 9.25 ~~ 3 4 5 3 3 5 1 1 2 10 5 83 10.46 40 37 36 32 33 33 35 10 18 15 12 94 23 816 11. 11 27 23 22 20 13 14 12 12 11 7 110 5 5 42 14 554 8.91 19 353 23 90 64 22 SZ 19 17 14 15 10 7 8 7 7 27 19 70 64 52 59 49 29 25 20 24 186 60 441 9.36 1,932 | 9.55 6 13 18 00-1 7 6 th 7 3 4 10 11 54 5 7 1 te 4 1 18 227 4 5 4 3 4 4 24 306 466 7.28 780 6.80 هه هه 6 7 265 275 261 222 191 573 561 426 430 176 154 71 82 81 74 538 585 7,212 9.09 373 341 312 202 186 141 127 1,097 816 13, 550 9.28 828 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VI.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, ETC.—Continued. Years, classified causes, and to which party granted. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 year. years. years. years. years. years years. years. years. 1882. 1 Adultery To husband 196 234 195 209 166 177 156 129 130 138 163 154 128 87 120 105 99 96 2 Cruelty.... To husband. 36 40 40 33 20 22 26 20 21 To wife 233 246 278 237 201 183 169 147 155 3 Desertion.. To husband. and To wife. 4 Drunkenness To husband. To wife.. £8 ~2 62 195 300 303 268 278 219 207 172 62 276 463 481 390 500 340 289 262 3 6 11 5 5 7 5 4 20 41 59 46 55 60 46 49 48 To husband. 5 Neglect to provide... To wife. 38 50 46 46 47 48 34 33 35 6 with some minor cause. Combinations of the pre- ( To husband ceding or of a preceding To wife.... 31 { 112 152 To husband 54 7 All others {To To wife... 73 22 85 26 40 37 35 30 23 21 26 198 156 145 147 113 107 120 10 18 11 9 36 39 35 22 223 12 14 11 23 27 17 To husband. 381 521 591 611 505 521 443 396 364 All causes for 1882. To wife.... 676 995 1, 234 1, 133 960 1,080 830 751 733 1883. 1 Adultery 2 Cruelty.. To husband. To wife.... 113 181 219 278 208 220 160 155 146 130 154 169 139 122 99 99 100 95 To husband. To wife.. 53 37 43 55 - 25 35 28 16 15 259 26.3 293 201 229 200 201 136 142 3 Desertion 4 Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide.. 6 Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preceding with some minor cause. To husband To wife……….. { To husband. 50 171 323 325 314 238 258 215 182 To wife.. 76 232 506 502 498 360 437 321 275 To To husband 4 6 2 6 9 4 4 2 10 To wife.... 19 34 50 76 63 57 62 47 49 To husband. -- To wife... 41 45 24 31 112 148 193 7 All others • { All causes for 1883.... 5 To husband To wife..... To husband. 366 To wife. 684 54 42 2 88 = 72 61 56 51 47 39 28 44 41 25 29 25 15 179 158 134 145 122 81 8 13 7 11 11 8 64 61 62 54 23 26 27 27 23 506 696 646 622 937 1,345 1, 275 1, 149 469 485 415 360 927 1,018 792 693 1884. 1 Adultery 2 Cruelty. { To husband. 161 To wife.... 105 To husband. 37 To wife.... 258 216 208 256 188 119 124 150 140 173 128 153 120 109 85 100 82 41 28 286 285 35 33 38 24 21 23 284 253 252 159 183 144 3 Desertion……. To husband. 64 176 To wife.... 87 262 281 351 298 448 594 472 281 211 232 175 422 325 350 262 4 Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide.... 6 Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preceding with some minor cause. 7 All others To husband. To wife... 3 15 CO LO 6 5 7 6 6 2 5 4 35 45 62 78 63 41 58 35 S To husband. To wife.. 37 To husband. To wife 29 87 137 To win To husband. 59 To wife..... GO 2 22 35 88 88 54 66 58 47 44 32 40 35 23 30 33 25 36 25 18 16 143 186 167 139 118 112 95 25 28998 20 17 12 8 8 6 6 56 51 43 33 24 31 23 All causes for 1884………. { To husband. 353 487 572 699 562 542 To wife..... 649 954 1,167 1,385 1,200 1,062 398 435 344 781 874 676 CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 829 TABLE VI.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, ETC.-Continued. 21 10 11 12 18 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. Av- Total. erage. 103 80 113 38 19 85 73 15 11 101 126 170 106 123 257 199 233 SE 22 88 69 68 65 53 61 11 14 98 79 87 19 250 49 10 111 153 ES 91 113 126 143 107 27 28 29 49 39 45 49 888888 28 14 22 23 35 26 96 144 2.470 7.87 1 30 154 56 1, 865 9.34 12 91 82 112 -88 22 7 8 5 5 63 13 458 10.50 68 49 38 30 319 122 2 3,170 9.56 70 50 39 71 19 89 43 338 191 3, 531 10.03 60 419 209 5, 201 9.57 9 5 3 7 4 3 1 1 1 4 2 6 91 9.87 51 41 41 36 27 31 23 25 14 14 14 107 35 886 11.05 16 17 35 30 17 20 16 H 11 6 11 3 47 15 621 9.21 } 10 5 18 107 98 20 25 14 16 11 9 7 86 84 70 64 47 56 51 33 ထိထ 8 6 8 29 28 189 8 5 4 6 20 14 7 13 2 00 38 23 2 6 4 4 4 4 8 12 3 4 • t- 7 28 FR 25 20 456 8.99 59 | 2,153 6 9.53 196 424 7.93 25 320 783 7.30 7 323 232 273 218 195 204 159 128 99 72 83 545 561 7.433 9. 19 644 534 603 453 385 380 316 328 198 168 172 1, 260 816 14, 679 9.53 118 106 92 88 16 15 136 112 114 165 148 134 248 223 62 28 77 71 68 61 57 5-1 33333 63 49 48 30 2833 30 33 20 120 16 25 99 152 | 2,640 7.89 27 132 70 1,881 1 9. 15 11 6 8 12 12 140 81 83 87 76 132 99 98 92 85 181 196 148 118 124 101 8 11 4 4 3 40 50 38 45 39 జలు 3 3 3 32 11 29 22 2 CIN 11 3 2 60 27 307 9.40 59 39 39 360 118 3,374 9. 14 74 32 41 405 185 3,766 10.41 78 49 56 371 214 5, 350 9.28 2 2 14 1 26 9 109 43 107 11.27 98011.32 31 18 20 18 100 68 85 2050 0 18 34 20 10 11 18 19 78 69 =8 78 28 14 14 7 62 52 48 15 13 52 16 11 UI 5 47 12 เค 688 5 8.74 3 2 5 24 21 445 8.70 30 38 26 203 59 2, 177 9.58 9 19 15 LO UB 5 3 3 5 16 13 12 337 3 CO LO 3 3 5 18 20 2 6 Co to 3 6 11 17 220 448 6.83 3 28 320 835 7.65 336 303 245 246 ; 198 194 180 165 122 58 76 619 606 7,913 9.29 666 594 524 561 422 356 361 324 244 189 165 1, 190 866 15, 285 9.39 101 76 28 126 121 85 22. £8 67 26 14 122 158 138 120 105 256 236 195 139 23 22 28 81 14 13 98 103 171 82 142 22 22 89 47 45 44 55 9 5 86 52 89 20 117 101 7 5 2 4 3 3 1918 #2 - - 32 7 69 71 $3 1 43 48 46 31 39 36 33 23 36 31 So 28 Goo Good 30 16 35 25 172 8 10 5 35 50 332 58 41 384 76 60 396 2 6 17 85 22 82 3% 98 136 2, 513 8.09 70 1, 817 1 9.88 16 495 9.83 2 132 3,529 9.44 191 3,706 10.41 3 243 5,440 9.44 1 99 11.60 27 940 11. 35: 825 30 31 22 17 15 28 17 15 16 13 LO 5 48 20 10 690 5 9.16 24 19 15 15 23 97 91 82 61 85 28 12 56 200 8 6 3 56 46 45 27 ၄၂။ 5 29 18 416 9.27 26 181 70 | 2,107 6 9.77 4 4 23 15 -+ C) 16 26 1 17 5 I 37 2 4 1 18 200 408 6.88 6 6 5 29 7 307 $34 7.48 322 285 243 220 223 186 160 143 128 106 71 593 562 7,637 9.44 651 609 543 1 420 469 409 360 302 287 243 188 1, 256 869 15,357 9.58 830 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VI.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, ETC.-Concluded. 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 year. years years. years. years. years. years. years. years, Years, classified causes, and to which 1 party granted. 1885. 1 Adultery To husband To wife.... 109 199 195 230 198 238 175! 165 135 145 134 135 122 145 121 89 92 102 2 Cruelty... { To husband. 47 43 37 40 40 29 321 17 19 To wife. 251 309 258 315 291 230 217 137 158 3 Desertion... { To husband. 67 179 300 338 355 257 239 166 187 To wife..... 101 279 445 497 571 463 3751 287 304 To husband. 3 6 10 16 4 6 2 6 4 Drunkenness To wife... 16 41 55 51 71 74 61 48 36 5 Neglect to provide…………. To husband. To wife. 52 42 69 58 66 60 51 27 39 6 Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preceding To wife.. To husband. 21 32 36 30 41 41 39 23 29 84 1192 181 157 180 159 120 101 81 with some minor cause. To husband. 55 32 13 17 12 7 41 71 7 7 All others.. To wife 49 65 561 52 49 32 31 18 19 All causes for 1885... - { To husband 389 481 622 633 702 513 485 350 370 To wife 662 1,003 1, 198 1, 265 1, 373, 1, 139 944 7101 739 1886. To husband. 204 223 224 239 211 222 180 160 117 1 Adultery To wife.... 137 187 146 121 136 139 139 114 90 2 Cruelty { To husband {To wife..... 55 279 339 331 63 34 36 44 34 27 18 320 310 279 295 224 181 150 3 Desertion……. 4 Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide..... 6 Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preceding with some minor cause. To wife... To husband To wife... 82 28 79 204 339 336 362 377 262 259 178 278 467 564 5091 540 447 358 258 To wirban To husband 5 3 6 9 4 10 5 14 4 To wife.... 18 44 52 59 66 81 71 54 41 To husband 37 To husband To wife... 24 7 All others All causes for 1886... To husband { { To husband 61 To wife.... 79 283 520 52 66 67 47 51 54 41 44 26 34 29 43 49 25 94 130 197 168 183 182 153 88 29 20 24 104 98 22 35 25 17 14 10 11 8 4 662 77 41 42 38 27 18 428 519 686 678 676 688 521 488 345 To wife.. - 726 1,077 1, 315 1,346 1, 265 1, 333 1, 113 882. 681 AGGREGATE, ALL YEARS, 1 Adultery To husband 2, 997 3,318 3,538 3, 247 To wife. 1,807 2, 156 2, 213 2, 113 2,8922, G06 2,388 2, 0441, 851 2,029 1,912, 1, 739 1, 625| 1,462 To husband 530 496 509 419 391 374 323 273 245 2 Cruelty. To wife.... 3, 301 3, 732 3, 853 3, 597 3, 272 3, 008 2, 573 2, 139 1, 996 3 Desertion.. { To husband 874 2,700 4, 527 4, 923 4, 561 3, 977 3, 325 3,035 2,426 To wife... 1, 268 3,695 6, 545 7,634 7, 129 6, 224| 5, 462 4,612 3, 809| {{ To husband To wife... 488 4. Drunkenness 5 Neglect to provide... 6 Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preceding with some minor cause. 7 All others { To husband. To wife... To wigband To husband 490 578 632 616 566 535 515 369 337 To wife..... 1, 589 2, 280 2, 833 2, 702 2, 420 2, 321 2, 016 1, 795 1, 494 To husband. 940 480 320 291 223 170 154 136 134 To wife.... 1, 003 889 807 699 560 427 390 378 284 All causes for twenty ( To husband. To wife... years. {{ 5, 871 7, 628 9, 598 9, 630 8, 728 7, 760 6, 782 5, 928 5, 068 9, 751·13, 897,17, 672 18, 27916, 871|15, 322 13, 445 11, 752 10, 020 15, 622 21, 525 27, 270 27, 909 25, 599 23, 08220, 227 17, 680 15, 088 40 56 295 407 72 104 679 95 858 836 845 98 771 71 75 773 746 611 648; 742 676 625 585 492 457 364 } 1 + CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 831 TABLE VI.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, ETC.-Concluded 10 11 12 13 15 18 19 21 14 16 17 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. Total. Av- erage. over. 116 1011 93 81 61 59 42 32 81 70 75 56 57 48 38. 35 888888888 28 36 21 112 33 31 24 159 17 20 130 134 133 គឺម 16 14 14 14 21 10 97 811 91 811 56 သတ 8 5 6 50 22 521 53 60! 56 373 136 3,647 178 132 140 109 104 96 78 59 93 70 50 353 218 250 232 185 174 135 164 120 98 81 82 69 402 244 5, 561 161 2,603 7.99 87 1,869 9.5%, 9 50' $ 57 9.44. } 2 } 3 3,768 16 21- 6 3 41 5 5 4 10 1 2 3. 31 12 3: 114 11.88 4 48 33 42 44 34 32 29' 22 24 16 14 115 36 945 11. 10. 5 22 27 28 23 10 20 13 14 10 8 9 46 15 709 8. 54 15 18 11 11 11 16 6 7 8 8 28 21 457 8.94 6 89 68 73 64 50 61 56 39 40 38 31 183 61 2,035 9. 73 3 5 51 2 1 7: 4 21 14 23 12 81 111 7 8 as oo 3 1 9 198 400 6.43 8 4 6 29 321 843 7.55, مشه 7 335 279 269 222 196 196 160 112 141 123 92 564 626 7, 863 9.25 644 578 559 470 375! 427 344 272 252 239 209 1,307 900 15,609 9.51 105 101 79 69 75 74 178 2228 20 22 14 121 140 111 E= 20 82 63 52 60 45 2* 41 44 31 41 119 194 2,817 8. 8.14 1 54 29 37 36 24 162 95 1,993, 9.41 16 11 13 1 113 98; 96 73 186 133 144 114 114 100 96 72 309 213 191 204 137 128 176 105 000 20 8 7 10 13 71 26 589 9.99 2 61 61 61 376 132 3,998 9.43 1 79 71 88 67 6588 67 410. 210 4, 192 10.13 89 453! 281 5,947 9.56 } 3 7 6 4 2 6 5 3 2 3 3! 14 2 119 11.03 4 47 37 46 34 39 25 32 34 22 29 29 105 39 1,004, 11. 19 5 42 22 22 19 18 12 30 8 13 8 12 70 13 722 9.47 12 69 96 283 22 11 19 20 17 12 12 5 10 6 42 25 490 9.76 6 84 58 58 57 74 49 45 42. 39; 199 70 2, 249, 9.81. 7 30 17 57 5 6 15 - 13 ܗܗ 9 8 5 10 13 2∞ 4 5 4 15 204. 8 6 I- 31. 342 446 7.26 969 6.92 S 7 337 289 258 240 246 201 178 139 138 744 581 572 5131 435 378 470 BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES. 132 134 671 661 8,653 9.37 304 268 247 261 1,396 975 16,882 9.54 1,552 1,360 1,207 1, 090 1,348 1, 181 1, 121; 930 7901 666 548 454 410 359 1,619 2,318 38, 184 7.84 1 963 818 756 683 545 480 460 411 2,528 1,122 29,502, 9.51 i 217 213 172 152 138 135 131 102 95 82 86' 712 297 6, 122 9.75 1,812, 1, 542 1, 497 1, 287 1,073 1,0341 936 808 685 643. 6:3 4, 197 1,865 45, 473 9.25 2, 188 1, 868 1, 640, 3,483 2, 914|2, 501 63 1, 411 1, 207 1,119 956 832 786 613 627 4,859 3,001 51, 485' 9.80 2, 160 1,889 1,643 1,428 1, 181 974 797 824, 5, 369; 3,650 75, 191; 9.14 871 76 54 611 558 530 456 57 430 55 44 34 338 352 287 271 36 30 148 35 288 259 230; 1,373 35! 1,434 10.92 530 12, 432; 10.97 $ 4 355 278 278 315 295 261 1, 444 1,258 1, 144 130 100 86 301 204 198 249 189 174 181 146. 122 106 82 540 178 4 7,955 8.67 5 245 187 178 124 953 852 770 685 114 83 94 607 548 479 90 497 455 2,775 305 7,426 8.72 999 32, 419 9.35 91 185 69 66 65 133 110 111 105 71 41 56 66 60 48 350 68 401 3, 8687, 889 7.66 7 5, 822 13, 201 7.22 4, 489 3,912 3, 429 3,043 2, 588 2, 343 1, 986 1, 701 9, 351 7, 935 7, 269 6, 253 5, 414 4, 875 4, 376 3, 679 1,486, 1, 321 3, 163 2, 804 1,240, 8, 185. 2, 693 17, 186, 9, 824|112, 540) 8.97| 14, 166 216, 176| 9.27 13, 843|11, 817|10, 698 9, 296|| 8, 002 7, 218 6, 362 5, 380 4,649 4, 125 3,933, 25, 371|| 23, 990 328, 716 9.17 832 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 1. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES. ALABAMA. Years, and to which party granted. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 year. years. years. years. years, years. years. years. years. To husband. 1867.. To wife.... Total.. ♡ ♡ 3 3 246 6 4 10 comm 6 3 9 งง 7 7 22 To husband 4 1368. To wife.... 1 Total 5 159 4 12 18 628 145 4 336 5 4 9 6 6 CO G 426 235 257 To husband. 2 7 1869.. To wife.... 4 Total 2 11 278 7 8 8 2 9 15 10 To husband. 1872. 1873... 1870... 1871.. To wife.... Total. S To husband To wife.. Total. To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.... Total 2 3 12 == 549 112 774 602 225 11 → 6 6 12 17 18 628 13 18 639 257 ∞NO 3500 ♡ LO 00 3 5 1 8 5 1 156 145 347 6113 1 1 5 7 6 4 14 11 11 248 6 10 213 2 6 4 10 639 4 8 8 10 7 3 8 14 15 11 10 ~1~ 415 2∞∞ 730 200 4 1 5 2 3 4 6 8 4 325 629 8 1874... To husband. To wife. Total 2 • 2 628 50000 öscrão 13 7 5 7 18 14 21 8 15 8 7 16 22 To husband. 1875.. To wife..... Total 123 6 4 10 3400 8 5 6 8 14 2∞ G Foo Nat 15 4 8 5 6 6 6 5 10 14 10 12 169 7 5 9 9 6 17 6 6 5 4 15 15 11 21 16 15 8 8 8 7 23 15 15 To husband. 6 1876.. To wife.. 1 Total 7 10 To husband. 2 1877.... To wife... Total 2 End Berer 5 10 2 12 To husband. 2 9 1878. To wife.... Total 5 2 14 S To husband. 1879... 1880.. To wife.... Total... To husband. To wife. 9 Total 527 පසහ 6 3 9 To husband. 8 15 1881...... To wife... 7 Total 15 21 To husband. 8 1882. To wife... 2 Total 10 202 202 6 16 6 70K 100 0 0 22 222 222 28 59 63 → 426 120 000 220 221 5 6 13 7 8 8 7 8 13 13 15 13 21 20* 2 922 3075 8 4 12 12 10 10 20 13 14 774 14 8 6 14 8 6 11 6 13 6 20 19 12 27 14 18 13 13 14 31 14 28 12 26 40 16 12 4 10 20 30 16 12 16 42 32 19 23 17 31. 40 come to the AHN NE SEE SII 13 18 26 25 16 13 13 29 18 17 6 13 23 28 25 15 40 23 13 36 GON GEN DER Hot G 14 22 5 25 15 24 13 37 24 8 32 600 201 200 822 ZER 18 8 14 32 20 16 3 11 27 10 12 6 8 16 20 20 11 12 13 32 24 NEO DE DIE ZE Faro Hero Two ano 14 13 16 18 34 17 24 8 13 21 14 15 13 11 11 25 26 1883.. } 1885... 1884... (To husband. To wife.... Total... To husband. To wife. Total.. STo To husband. To wife.... Total.... 718 9 8 21 8 17 នគន 29 32 29 50 61 437 6 8 2 222 628 14 12 228 528 19 10 31 29 27 12 39 32 285 NEO 500 27 58 17 15 *** 250 000 34 24 12 58 39 23 31 17 40 38 9) 28 66 728 HON axe 20 14 18 52 21 23 45. 223 207 208 18 10 34 28 12 16 9 16 32 30 16 16 9 46 25 NE NJE Bat Not 22 11 5 16. 13 20 18 11 29 = TABLE 1 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES.. 833 VII.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, BY STATES AND 1886, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES. ALABAMA. Aver- 21 age for 10 11 12 13 14 20 years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. 15 16 17 18 19 Un- Total. known dura- tion. ها -- 22 123 224 1 1 OD ON LO ww CJ CO ! 273 213 123 323 3235 ཁྱབཅ 134 3 314 224 3 926 1 1 1 22 12 Saa 6 6 11 50= 6 2 133 437 22 112 1 1 112 22 213 122 224 213 1 1 1 1 1 2 9 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 2 4 1 2 5 4 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 5 5 10 4 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 2 123 112 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 5 1 3 1 2 3 3 5 3 1 3 22 1 1 1 224 128 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 ~~ 123 213 21 3 LO 5 114 213 23 10 5 106 1 1 1 1 1 1 117 1 2 3 દ 1 4 1 1 3 143 *** A87 258 88 888 88 853 36 8.73 42 7.17 78 7.85 39 6.97 52 7.33 91 7.18 43 6.30 47 7.96 90 7.17 56 6.54 58 6.76 6.65 56 7.23 50 8.04 7.61 59 7.24 58 7.05 7.15 86 6.95 57 8. 12 7.43 2 2 213 1 1 201 145 3 94 6. 56 8 69 8.93 11 163 7.51 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 2 1 1 ཀ ་ 5 1 1 2 437 336 4 85 7.80 61 7.62 4 146 7.73 7 9 4 1 6 10 10 11 8 11 19 197 10 10 19 10 NE 3-5 336 9 97 16 12 9 14 7 7 17 16 21 13 9 17 9 11 22 20 24 KLE ELE Ferns 50005 Fon Goo Goom 1 1 ww 3 3 ~~~ 1 2 3 คล 213 1 2 2 1 527 516 426 99 8.82 84 7.67 183 8.28 107 8.06 87 8.67 194 8.34 6 18 12 8 842 203 6 12 782 9 5 4 13 235 617 2 1 3 CO 1 to 1 3 t 3 1 4 213 2 3 2-3 1 1 1 1 1 MOIL) ~] 7 147 8.06 121 8. 43 7 268 8.23 537 15 9 8 3 3 1 8 15 17 8 3 1 193 2 ama 112 9 10 3 12 12 Bid Goa 6 201 8.27 126 8.10 327 8. 21 195 9.36 2 105 9.00 300 9.23 10 5 15 136 8 10 6 14 933 13 53 19 1 3 2 11 4. 1 3 15 6M - 253 8.69 3 160 7.97 9 413 8.41 10 2047435 15 11 4 15 =23 11 4 10 12 7 23 11 200 8 6 3 1 4 6 c 10 2 16 14 16 ה 1 4 12 ama 9 3 ลงเว 241 8.51 3 154 8.79 395 8. 62 12 13 25 16 13 29 16 9 25 675 22* 227 202 CFR 10 7 18 5 9 13 15 16 31 ¢» ** - 8 8 11 6 7 15 13 1~3 2 ~OUN 1344 3 1 10 3 16 900 6 8 15 అలా 5 9 9 4 4 5 9 13 14 629 3 t- 7 8 5 8 11 12 ما 2 OLLO 5 5 -- 1 1 12 8 8 16 6 2 12 4 6 3 14 4 1 34 16 14 11 30 10 3 1500 3 257 5 7 12 24 130 221 7 LO SO 00 LO GO 30 5 284 8.28 3 202 & 53 486 8.38 237 8.56 176 7.95 413 8.30 t I 6 306 8.87 3 209 9.65 9 515 9. 19 20267 M D—53 834 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. ALABAMA~Concluded. Years, and to which party granted. 1 2 year. years. years. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 years. years. years. years. years. yeare. To husband. 9 18 18 35 32 57 27 28 15 1886. To wife.. 10 19 23 32 13 45 23 24 9 Total 19 37 41 67 45 102 50 52 24 To husband. 79 160 251 288 313 294 225 211 178 All years.. To wife.... 42 110 Total 121 270 20 187 252 208 200 172 161 124 438 510 521 494 397 372 302 To husband. 1867.. To wife... Total. To husband. 1868.. To wife.. Total To husband. 1869... To wife.. Total To husband. 1870...... To wife... Total S To husband. 1871.. To wife. Total 1 1 To husband. 1872.. To wifo. Total. To husband. 1 1873.. To wife... 1 Total 1 1 S To husband. 1874. To wifo.... Total 1 1 - ARIZONA. 1 1 1 1 1875... To husband: To wife... Total 1 1 To husband. 2 1876... To wife.. Total. 2 112 1 1 2 1 1877.……………. To wife... STo husband. 2 1 1 Total 2 1 To husband. 1878.. To wife. 2 • Total To husband. 1879...... To wife.... Total 33 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 22 • 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 NN! 223 1 1 1 1 2 12 113 1880. To husband. To wife.. Total 22 To husband. 1881... To wife... 1 Total 1 සය 3 2 3 2 To husband. 1 1 1882... To wife... 4 1 Total 1 4 1 123 1 1 112 1 2 1 CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 835 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. ALABAMA~Concluded. 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- Total. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. A ver- age for known 1 over. dura- tion. 1323 17 15 16 23 2483 9723 14 7 9 5 14 11 / 4 18 13 247 LO 3D 00 12 15 10 30 00 5 8 257 149 115 121 85 76 123 93 97 76 59 272 208 218 161 135 టైల్లా - 77 69 54 50 131 119 285 32 25 26 29 23 20 61 18 46 Oº2 299 10 12 525 20 7 368 8.86. 11 4 294 8. 23 7 31 11 662 : 8.58 0000000 28 110 80 2,992 8.34 18 70 44 2,212 8.31 46 180 124 5, 204 8.32 ARIZONA. 1 1 6.00 6.00 1 1 1 1 17.00 17.00 1 1 0301 2.00 2.00 1 7.00 1 4.00 5.50 HOM 0701 1.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1 3.00 1 3.00 1 4 5.75 5 6.00 1 9 5.89 3 3 6 01:00 6 6.17 5.50 6.00 1 1 1 1 .. 5 8.20 5 8.20 6 10 4.75 1 1 10 18 4. 13 16 28 4.33 1 1 6 9.33 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 คง 2 1 2 2 17 9.00 23 9.09 1 1 3 10.33 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 10.14 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 17 10.18 2 1 2 1 1 1 - CA CO 1 8 10.38 2 14 8. 43 22 9. 14 836 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 1 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. ARIZONA-Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 granted. 2 year. years. 3 years. 4 5 6 7 8 9 years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 1883.. To wife.... Total. 112 1 2 1 4 1 2 5 22 2 To husband 1884.. To wife.... Total 145 1 225 3 1885.. 1886. ... { To husband. To wife..... Total To husband. To wife... Total 22 22 224 112 246 6 112 2 2 2 1 1 112 112 112 213 112 235 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 6 1 3 112 1 1 2 1 1 To husband. 10 5 6 6 4 7 4 5 3 All years To wife... 12 Total 223 21 14 15 22 26 20 21 31 13 8 5 8 6 17 15 13 9 ARKANSAS. 1867. To husband. To wife.... Total. To husband. GOLD CO 3 5 8 50000 8 4 4 8 8 9 6 16 13 10 8 10 1868.. To wife.... Total 213 5 4 12 5 17 9 213 3 að að 3 123 To husband. 4 11 1869... To wife.... 5 14 Total 9 25 434 7 LD DO 00 5 3 8 459 4 4 8 To husband. 3 1870... To wife.... Total. 3 13 S To husband. 1871... To wife... Total 2043 00 11 5 673 17 9 12 4 13 16 248 336 246 CD 10 00 538 415 · 00 00 213 730 3 5 8 1 1 3 2 1 4 2 3 3 112 1 1 2 314 3 4 1 4 1 4 8 9 4 4 7 6 4 4 8 18 15 15 8 8 325 að að ∞ 3 3 325 6 5 To husband. 7 6 1872. 1873.. 1874... S To husband. To wife Total.... S To husband. To wife. Total. To husband. To wife..... Total 4 7 11 13 +22 9 8 9 6 12 6 10 3 21 14 19 9 235 2 235 235 12 602 8 13 12 21 20 ∞22 8 6 7 10 13 12 202 17 247 3 2 15 1 2 4 2 22 2 LO TÉCN 5 15 11 4 8 9 23 146 5 13 16 17 +37 4 268 8 3 11 1875.. To wife.... Total. 13 To husband. 10 1876.. To wife.. Total 19 703 000 6 9 *=* 228 18 9 11 10 11 14 10 15 10 29 23 21 25 13 303 10 32 1877... To wife.. Total STo husband. 7 6 11 13 1878.... To wife S To husband. 8 8 Total. 16 39 To husband. 6 16 1879…………. To wife... 18 Total 24 35 S=8 228 228 19 30 17 19 R43 253 254 233 19 14 33 128 14 10 12 26 =2 11 21 15 785 12 Bera 7 5 123 BDO BON 426 224 255 7 3 7 10 GO DE LO 3 2 5 5 6 11 13 783 6 16 17 18 33 30 14 27 41 41 24 25 20 49 200 or 228 12 16 25 HER 228 11 10 17 28 23 33 13 15 12 10 21 14 33 24 26 13 19 RE 25 33 44 1033 14 13 16 30 TOK 248 R=2 7 8 12 14 1 11 24 == 552 50500 8 10 18 208 6 10 17 13 10 10 4 14 19 *03 200 8 5 9 4 CHAPTER VIII.- VIII. GENERAL TABLES. 837 TABLE VII.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. ARIZONA—Concluded. 10 11 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 Un- years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 1 1 22 2 1 1 22 ** Aver- Total. age for known dura- over. tion. 213 22 222 12 9.50 22 9.45 34 9.47 9 6. 11 1 1 33 1 1 1 1 112 21 ON 222 ON 18 6.87 27 6.58 10 6.90 12 8.00 7.48 9 8.67 6.33 30 7.03 4 1 9 1 13 6m2 79 7.85 17 158 7.71 23 237 7.76 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 එය 3 1 · 1 1 1 1 1 6 128 3 3 3 2 M & LO 5 136 5 2 193 314 248 150 5 6 6 123 134 ARKANSAS. 3 1 4 2 2 112 1 134 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 N IN 2 1 2 1 2 1 22 2 1 112 1 1 1 1 133 2 3 20* 200 14 10 24 121 10 6 16 1 1 1 1 11 112 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 22 2 2 437 4 16 5 21 113 1 2 22 1 1 1 2 112 1 1 ~~ 2 2 2 1 1 2 213 1 1 336 1 1 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 HER FAS 516 14 11 25 113 17 10 27 132 3 3 224 213 11~ 1 1 2 1 1 13 LO 00 M 5 8 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 3 1 *∞ 14 8 4 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 22 143 Ex* E*: 8*a Ear Exg *** Egg 66 6. 65 55 5.16 5.98 7.30 6.44 6.87 6.49 6.82 6.66 7.75 7.65 7.70 75 6.29 57 5.83 6.09 62 5.04 5.46 129 5. 25 61 6. 36 82 4.78 5.40 144 134 1 1 2 112 213 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 527 15 74 4.97 12 70 6, 02 27 144 5.49 1 5 1 ~~~ 2 3 2 112 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 10 ** 4 1 3 1 1 61 2 4 4 1 1 2 1 5 14 5 3 1 1 1 3 2 01 1 9 6 9 15 en co to 3 5 ∞ tú a 6 2 8 213 1 1 03130 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 48 2E2 200 224 8 82 5. 19 14 105 6.05 22 187 5.67 10 115 6. 18 11 128 6.61 21 243 6.41 10 124 5.91 6 132 6.03 16 256 5.98 10 460 A 9 4 4 8 13 12 527 3 5 1 8 1 112 1 1 1 22 1 2 112 CO TO MA 2 12 21 8 3 5 7 9 8 4 9 17 11 9 16 344 3 1 1 1 4 4 3 3 1 224 19 15 34 -27 24* 9 147 6.36 187 6.30 334 6.33 178 6.75 205 6.18 383 6.44 838 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ร TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. ARKANSAS-Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 granted. 2 3 year. years. years. 4 5 6 7 8 9 years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 19 1880.. To wife. 15 Total 34 To husband. 1881 To wife... Total To husband. 1882. To wife.... Total To husband 1883.. To wife.... Total 35 To husband. 1884. To wife.... Total 31 To husband 1885. To wife.. Total. To husband 1886. To wife.... Total. *** F25 259 294 925 PAS 818 31 30 61 17 33 10 27 12 27 17 26 53 16 26 19 19 12 HAE BAS N** 220 200 23 23 46 2533 26 17 43 33 13 30 35 63 68 26 37 63 27 26 41 52 68 26 38 34 66 17 20 37 25 14 39 To husband. 196 362 223 222 2 29 42 71 29 33 62 75 338 All years.. To wife.... 184 381 399 332 Total. 380 743 737 630 *** FAR FAR 955 98* 254 255 227 533 234 28* *38 2A8 888 888 153 229 285 RAM GHE Ase 28 *** *** 953 NC 273 897 ASS 18 16 43 29 17 23 15 32 42 14 18 -.32 10 11 20 31 60 26 22 30 56 30 33 63 *** *2* *0* =27 228 229 *** 16 6 13 16 11 32 17 9 12 19 12 12 21 24 9 11 10 10 19 21 15 00 - 13 8 7 10 13 16 *=* F* 14 8 11 24 19 11 7 18 15 29 29 22 4 11 18 9 10 40 13 21 24 14 13 24 19 13 48 33 26 259 208 182 128 107 333 257 176 146 125 592 465 358 274 232 CALIFORNIA. 1867.. To husband. To wife... 3 1 8 4 Total 11 5 10 S To husband. 1868. To wife... Total 33 6 3 5 6 10 11 TOR 202 4 G 15 18 231200 18 5 11 10 12 16 15 To husband 4 1869. To wife. 14 10 Total. 18 12 To husband. 3 1870... To wife. 13 17 Total 16 19 - • To husband 4 1871.. To wife..... 15 15 Total 19 ~02 ~EG 042 1 10 13 12 12 14 ༡༡ 18 210 DOD 600 3 15: 12 15 EEO CO 3 8 11 136 1 3 5 7 6 10 5 79 2 12 12 16 14 16 4 4 15 7 10 19 11 12 7 6 4 5 4 16 23 5 17 23 To husband. 5 6 11 1872.. To wife.. 10 24 Total 15 30 To husband. 6 1873..... To wife... .. 12 24 Total 18 To husband. 10 1874.. To wife.... Total 11 21 To husband 8 1875.. To wife.. 18 Total 26 To husband. 8 1876.... To wife.. 25 Total 33 * * *** 202 258 7 31 31 8 20 28 13 39 52 13 37 50 2* * =*= ORE 203 2** *** 17 14 13 15 11 23 18 18 19 13 420 202 ~ER 10 10 2 10 12 2 2 8 10 6 12 18 23 34 6 25 13 37 50 ON MAN 250 C23 6 17 19 272 2 4 11 15 13 11 11 17 17 12 112 3 8 4 9 1 5 19 24 21 22 17 11 22 32 25 31 18 16 10 11 3 4 27 22 21 17 37 33 24 21 13 7 9 31 32 44 39 33 15 5 4 34 27 32 49 32 36 13 9 10 39 40 28 52 49 38 20 7613 ≈28 24 9 26 35 13 20 Fa 88 283 =* 17 25 7 29 36 10 33 11 24 33 35 EEN CON NEA ME∞ 8 4 23 27 4 5 16 31 20 36 10 7 26 21 36 28 2 6 17 19 20 22 28 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 839* } י TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. ARKANSAS-Concluded. Aver- 21 10 11 12 13 14 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 15 16 17 18 19 Total. over. age for known dura- tion. 10 5 11 17 21 22 -] + ∞ 3 3 5 4 8 6 7 11 11 117 3 1 3 2 2 3 2 1 3 8 11 4 5 4 9 10 5 5000 5 12 20 14 10 15 7012 8 8 8 9 6 17 14 549 4 5 11 1025 123 Q10 E- 55 23 LO 246 144 C 3 1 4 7 1 ~~ 2 2 133 14 6 20 2 3 9 6 1 2 3 1 11 74 3 5 9 8 4 5 47 5 6 1 3 4 3 2 7 11 12 13 12 10 11 9 2 10 11 5 6 11 8 9 22 13 15 1344 5 739 127 2 10 12 9 11 8 16 13 17 27 8 5 10 9 18 14 5-700 to ter 12 18 18 8 13 15 18 620 400 439 23 35 224 628 ~22 248 6 4 3 1 4 1 8 - NU 5 2 7 6 4 4 5 9279 4331 90 73 63 57 41 37 109 105 75 70 51 35 39 199 178 138 127 92 6+0 888 4 10 224 He had c 3 1 4 325 639 5 8 1 4 12 By 325 10 8 18 29 25 15 18 15 Sã 20 21 78 251 PRA HAZ ARR FRA PER 222 225 F 14 226 6. 14 16 238 6.28 30 464 6.21 11 251 7.27 10 256 6.70 21 510 6.99 10 203 6.92 13 219 6.09 23 422 6.49 11 209 6.74 19 288 6. 69 30 197 6.71 12 254 6.80 11 285 6.39 23 539 6.58 14 267 6.84 15 315 6.52 29 582 6.67 18 314 6.89 19 332 6.92 37 616 6.90 2,878 6.59 20 11 51 231 3, 163 6.38 72 63 43 30 40 32 129 482 6, 041 6.48 CALIFORNIA. 2 1 9 6 11 1 144 7 10 4 8 10 347 3 3 1 4 5 3 4 20 10 00 3 3 2 43 10.24 5 2 4 9 9 157 9.96 8 tat 12 11 200 10.02 7 7 10 50000 279 1 11 12 143 4 4 4 4 16 8 10 20 12 14 5 10 13 12 12 15 18 14 246 257 12* *O* *2* *∞2 520 247 15 17 13 16 257 339 1 4 5 18- 1 1 123 3 11 14 246 49 8.43 157 10.07 206 9.68 2 6 1 6 17 5 3 6 19 11 4 6 LO LO 5 15 21 158 70 10.06 7 227 10.58 297 10.45 13 189 134 1 3 01446 6 144 3 6 3 69 10.03 3 5 18 7 229 9.62 3 6 24 10 298 9.72 333 18 - 3 3 1 10 10 11 13 13 12 13 +93 4 1 co co 3 10 3 10 1 18¬ 4 23 12 15 18 25 32 701 *** *** 12 ~A* 2 5 3 6 5 14 5 6 10 18 → 3 8 6 11 9 14 270 1 4 9 - LO 4 25 5 30 3 4 19 9 22 13 18 as as co 9 12 8 4 3 6 12 9 14 20 13 17 == 11 17 14 3 5 4 23 14 26 19 225 20 24 13 498 13 15 **2 221 222 4 4 8 10 15 14 18 03 10 00 CIL-O 3 1 11 18 9 14 19 01000 19 6 35 4 8 9 3 12 10 6 10 16 18 15 i 13 - F 6 4 1 5 4 9 เร 4 10 5 12 12 18 12 16 12 23 16 +22 4 21600 4 10 8 14 ** P* *** 208 283 459 57 9.36 230 10.26 237 10.09 ཋ2} $2 8 89 12 286 9.64 14 368 9.47 G 126 1 11.24 10 363 10. 66 54 16 489 10.81 16 4 148 10.35 43 8 387 9.99 59 12 535 10.09 18 33 51 130 137 10.32 8 436 9.61 9 573 9.80 25 +38 7 7 4 5 3 6 4 17 17 18 8 6 12 4 29 24 24 22 13 9 18 00 if 278 2 4 16 6 49 9 10 9653 153 10.03 7 435 9.63 65 11 588 9.73 840 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. CALIFORNIA-Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 2 granted. year. years. 3 years. 4 years. 5 6 7 8 9 years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 14 1877.... To wife..... Total 41 S 1878. 1878……………. To husband. To wife.... 11 24 Total 35 To husband. 18 11 1879.. To wife. 23 48 Total 41 59 To husband. 10 10 1880. To wife... 29 41 Total 39 51 S To husband. 12 21 1881. To wife... 35 38 Total 47 To husband. 10 1882... To wife. 38 44 Total 48 To husband. 10 1883... To wife... 41 Total 51 To husband. 18 1884. To wife... Total 40 58 1885... To husband. To wife. 12 43 Total.... 55 To husband. 27 1886. To wife.. 57 Total 84 To husband. 196 219 All years To To wife..... 486 677 • Total 682 896 =** *** *89 89 FME 273 298 F** **5 **X 222 === === == 200 288 217 225 258 AKE F82 227 228 08- 228 207 00000 CET 008 200 250 11 43 54 11 38 49 11 47 58 15 34 49 11 30 41 45 13 11 36 43 49 54 7 39 46 46 54 17 18 54 39 59 71 57 10 10 21 41 51 51 18 12 49 48 67 11 61 48 89 59 20 15 57 82 77 97 17 23 62 73 79 96 ESE 924 1 ∞ * O*7 22* **2 2986 432 282 16 8 52 73 24 48 72 20 45 65 15 55 70 16 56 72 230 654 934 884 700 2800* ARE 282 288 282 288 255 598 273 9 27 36 11 29 40 35 39 14 39 53 13 44 54 -64 66 •NG ERO +48 188 245 204 252 282 ZI* 2*8 57 16 38 54 17 57 74 20 52 72 64 21 63 84 16 44 35 60 202 198 195 151 600 798 556 474 751 625 *** ** 128 23* DOM ONO --* 2** 488 289 157 298 28* 235 288 ཋ མཊཿ ཿཧྨ ཊཿསླ སྒྱུམྱྀ 7 228 229 -05 280 2*8 288 288 392 285 286 9 5 28 16 37 21 6 22 20 28 28 7 11 31 23 38 34 10 4 24 34 25 9 10 31 33 40 43 71 6 20 29 128 429 557 To husband. COLORADO. 1867... To wife. Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 To husband. 1 1 1868.. To wife. 1 1 3 • Total 1 1 4 12 To husband 1 1869 To wife.... Total 1 To husband. 1 4 1870……. To wife.... 1 Total 1 5 To husband. 1871... To wife.... Total. ww 3 3 1872.. To husband. To wife.. Total 112 11~ To husband. 1873.. To wife..... Total. 2 224 1 6 2 6 4 2 4 4 8 6 22 134 112 112 112 22 2 22 123 2 → 156 235 1 1 112 2 1 3 4 235 1 1 2 1 1 22 123 123 213 3 2 22 2 1 3 1 ~~ 2 5 2 6 NN. 2 CHAPTER VIII. GENERAL TABLES. 841 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. CALIFORNIA-Concluded. Aver- 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. age for 16 17 18 19 Total. known dura- over. tion. 6 28 34 9 17 26 5 22 2002 20 *** NO NE 7 сл 5 8 3 4 14 14 11 13 7 4 14 21 19 19 16 11 18 3 18 21 8 22 30 6 27 29 283 25 ON 200 ~27 427 294 295 33 30 25 ∞2888 22 7 20 31 27 5 9 22 18 27 12 16 32 26 44 42 17 8 40 36 57 44 6 26 32 9 35 44 116 120 108 413 335 341 529 455 *** ** *37 222 *** *** *** *** *** 29 27 -** 228 28 223 Nda Não co 15 18 13 සපය 21600 5 10 10 8 15 12 273 -** 200 8 ♡ OC 3 10 11 35 w 3 1 1 10 10 13 11 11 CO 3 4 1 14 9 8 9 17 13 9 6 3 16 20 22 23 6 4 19 13 24 14 10 13 24 17 8 23 31 10 32 REL CRE 450 450 560 2 15 12 22 5 17 17 14 22 4 4 19 13 13 5 17 17 8 18 → 29 30 LD 00 3 2 5 10 8 12 341 3 #13 4 7 1 10 11 11 23 10 00 17 5 63 8 80 2 17 16 19 22 13 10 23 13 36 23 19 602 279 -== 1 10 12 11 18 620 1 4 27 10 9 64 11 13 2 6 4 3 17 14 13 9 13 16 19 13 16 7 6 4 5 6 3 3 17 24 22 21 17 14 8 7 7 27 21 8 8 20 27 35 18 8 10 31 24 39 34 7 26 33 33 *** ** 208 9 14 25 14 21 31 23 6 4 15 20 13 21 24 12 ONE 222 19 14 10 10 114 6 1 7 14 13 12 27 15 13 19 29 113 1 3 4 13 9 4 15 14 12 6 6 4 4 3 3 15 15 14 12 12 16 21 21 18 16 15 19 103 246 *** **5 88 N** 28* *82 382 38% *72 22 45 12 67 14 14 49 19 63 22+ 102 153 10.28 477 9.47 630 9.67 152 8. 67 442 10.08 594 9.71 150 8.88 48 10 514 9.45 61 10 664 9.32 4 149 10.46 12 534 9.90 16 683 10.02 G 215 9.93 11 614 9.71 91. 17 829 9.77 22 3 218 10. 17 66 7 640 9.95 88 10 858 10. 01 24 5 251 10.03 90 12 735 10.03 17 986 10.03 25 8 279 9.38 88 16 770 10.24 21 1,049 10.01 25 5 231 10. 19 63 9 743 9.09 88 14 974 9.35 24 6 267 9.34 79 15 743 9.67 21 1,010 9.59 104 87 80 75 61 58 33 46 311 69 2,999 9.84 286 255 235 241 184 177 159 138 916 200 9, 119 9.83 449 390 342 315 316 245 235 192 1841, 227 269 12, 118 9.83 COLORADO. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 සය 3 3 22 1 1 CORO M 2 1 3 1 2 1 22 2 2 123 325 4 4 7.00 7.00 259 4.50 7 5.71 5.44 279 4.50 7.57 6.89 13 6.85 17 10.24 30 8.77 19 28 1 1 *** 22* 2*8 9 7.89 8.37 8. 21 13 9.23 29 8.66 42 8.83 16 8. 94 43 8.76 59 8.81 842 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.--DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. COLORADO-Concluded. 5 5 3 3 4 6 5 Years, and to which party 1 2 3 5 granted. year. years. 4 years. years. years. years. years. years. 6 7 8 9 years. 1874.. To husband. To wife... Total 156 6 44 22 3 3 ao a 235 1875 1876.. To husband. To wife... Total {Towi STo To husband. To wife Total To husband. 2 5 3 O 4 224 235 426 112 2 134 1 3 5 4 6 งง 7 7 1877. To wife... Total. 208 6 248 248 6 6 18 → 8 167 153 ลง 7 7 6 246 257 8 8 00 00 3 3 w w 9 9 a a 6 248 6 1 6 1 1 4 5 2 - 2 1 3 123 279 To husband. 4 3 1878.... To wife... 8 Total 12 6 - ∞ 6 9 To husband. 7 1879.. To wife. 10 Total.... 17 13 To husband. 11 1880.. To wife. Total 28 To husband. 1881.. To wife... Total 28 1882.. {To To husband. To wife.. 26 Total 39 1883. To wife. STo husband. Total == ONO 200 m o 17 550 500 16 19 6 22 24 32 13 11 5 13 33 29 38 To husband. 1884.. To wife.. 27 Total. 36 1285.. So To husband. To wife. Total. S To husband 1886.. To wife.. Total 21 ONG 293 F28 9 47 *** F*1 989 2097 8 24 35 36 42 12 35 10 12 19 15 27 11 10 20 32 30 702 000 72 22 30 155 988 228 9*8 13 3 268 279 673 3 7 10 5000 09 ♡ 6 3 6 187 4 6 6 10 257 298 8 10 3 3 6 4 O SA ∞ 1 5 13 11 14 12 12 19 25 6 7 15 16 21 23 21 CNO ANO ONE 13 14 13 14 34 28 30 15 10 27 24 42 34 main ∞0000 SE3 20 5 5 73 6 10 14 2 5 10 10 267 8 4 9 B 18 16 14 13 26 20 23 19 5 6 6 17 18 23 14 11 14 18 28 29 EA 922 14 17 20 23 10 7 14 14 24 21 7 8 6 8 28 21 25 14 15 35 29 31 22 27 242 12 5 21 26 12 26 38 31 15 24 39 227 22α 8 8 23 13 21 13 21 34 · All years.. (To bust To husband. 88 To wife .... 204 195 82 92 108 81 222 192 163 Total 292 287 330 273 237 222 223 180 PRO POR FO 6 5 4 6 24 13 17 6 30 18 21 12 5 7 10 4 30 35 77 139 257 196 253 25. 15 10 25 14 70 49 138 112 208 161 CONNECTICUT. 1867. To husband. To wife .... Total. To husband. 1868.. To wife. Total ... To husband. 1869. To wife.. Total 31 47 To husband. 1870... To wife (Total . • 42 F88 *** 224 22? 17 39 56 18 24 42 16 43 20 *** 2** 2** 222 13 26 39 10 27 37 19 24 47 10 16 26 238 === FRE 22* 10 40 50 11 29 40 31 11 36 45 200 000 FOL 12 16 28 2233 12 24 36 5 9 26 36 23 27 222 200 12 9 20 18 19 32 27 26 12 11 12 18 13 21 30 24 33 17 9 9 8 28 30 22 13 12 39 31 21 18 12 14 9 6 7 9 35 23 21 12 12 34 49 32 27 19 21 7083 672 722 223 620 Não 2000 8 9 17 15 22 16 23 5 12 CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 843 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1836, ETC.—Continued. COLORADO-Concluded. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 Un- Total. 20 years 19 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. Aver- age for known dura- tion. 7 3 7 3 3 1 4 co co 112 3 3 1 1 CO NO pl 1 1 2 3 1 3 COIN 2 1 1 1 5 6 11 6 246 1 2 1513 2 5 118 224 134 257 184 2014 1 1 ૧૭ 4 112 22 112 1 01 2 1 1 1 1 2 123 1 2 3 0183 18 11.88 45 8.12 63 9. 18 to: 1 4 3 3 ܗܗ 4 134 1213 1213 10 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 123 224 ∞ ON LO 22 1 1 1 1 527 6 1 7 1 1 ལྦ ་ 9 2 4 4 3 3 1 2 5 22 2 6 5 2 9 6 102 1 5 2 2 1 5 2 2 1 1 113 1 4 1 279 3 4 138 3 4 17 30 19 GL24 1 1 112 1 3 3 1 7 6 101 4 1 10 10 153 27888 ** RES 982 SER 32 10.27 51 8.98 83 9.42 11.25 9.05 9.66 11.01 8.85 9.40 8.46 8.90 8.74 52 7.73 8.67 8.36 5 7 8 14 13 21 alt-a 9 on to w 9446 77 346 2 1 1 123 1 6 2 87 8.93 4 8 4 163 1 3 4 14 14 6 15 17 10 15 785 1 3 3 3 4 2 6 1 7 1 1 3 1 4 10 4 5 5 4 13 20 13 10 17 ~2* 228 13 3 23 23 120000 11000 OO C7 5 12 15 11 713 5 6 17 18 12 11 sagt might co 4 1 3 2 4 9 2 S 10 3 2 6 5 10 14 6 16 19 14 12 8 7 5 4 16 13 9 7 24 20 14 11 GNC Boos 6 6 10 +0.0 4 3 6 9 12 ♡ LO GO 3 5 8 OD LO 00 3 5 8 15 6912 S 3 7 4 15 7 10 559 4 7 11 235 1-100 7 6 10 8 -14 17 14 11 15 18 పటాలు 4 5 11 11 15 16 51 118 102 79 169 149 123 118 459 mom *** 22 22 323 3 10 13 ૩૧૭ 18 - 3 ww 3 4 4 3 7 6 11 4 6 8 14 47 44 44 38 29 74 62 88800 5-100 2018 250s 3 10 13 55 සතය සපය 3 10 13 347 7 7 14 O FRA F82 283 ERG 289 2** CO LO 00 10160 8.21 5 14 6 250 8.46 5 17 4 123 11.13 15 8 239 8.04 32 12 362 9.09 11 5 151 8.49 20 9 289 8.17 31 14 440 8.28 14 168 9.88 20 10 342 8.45 34 10 510 8.93 3 11 150 10.43 29 4 326 8.78 40 476 9.30 1 p to co 12 124 9.54 7 263 9.45 8 40 387 9.48 3 19 3 153 10.57 24 4 298 9.26 43 451 9.70 25 23 34 51 41 41 76 61 75 222 16 26 42 888 25 110 34 180 59 290 35 33 1,215 9.75 64 2,472 8. 68 97 3, 687 9.03 CONNECTICUT. 23 10 2 8 14 9 12 24 11 20 16 6293 3 1 2 10 • 00 00 8 10 13 8 8 13 13 9 COTTO 1 1 10 3 11 13 19 639 9 11 20 18 62100 4 10 14 14 8 15 23 008 6 5 7 16 8 9 10 22 13 16 13 Kot mom 5 9 sgt seg (0 4 6 3 4 4 8 8 14 10 3 6 7 13 CICO LO 2 3 10 5 14 7 6 13 150 6 7 5 8 11 369 9 4 9 8 9 9 17 13 10 NO TO CLO 7 6 10 642 7 9 4 227 • 113 LO 3 7 00 — 19 aww 3 3 6 13334 35 1 put to co 5 6 3 31 5 CS LO pod 20* 228 229 230 19 156 9.62 344 9.36 54 500 9.44 20 165 10.50 30 328 9.48 56 493 9.82 14 162 8.72 1 335 8.95 45 1 497 8.88 11 142 8.79 270 9.60 43 412 9.32 844 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ་ 2 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. CONNECTICUT-Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 2 granted. year. years. 3 years. 4 years. years. years. 5 6 7 8 9 years. years. years. 1871..... To husband. To wife... Total To husband. 1872. To wife Total 46 To husband. 1873……………. To wife Total 31 *23 284 223 14 13 19 20 33 40 20 26 26 31 33 47 11 17. 20 17 34 33 To husband 9 10 11 1874.... To wife 30 27 Total 39 37 46 To husband. 18 10 1875……………. To wife.. 15 19 Total 33 29 To husband. 8 2 1876... To wife.. 22 9 Total 30 11 1877... To wife.. STo husband. 6 11 11 20 Total 17 31 To husband. 9 5 1878.. To wife.... 12 12 Total 21 17 23 22 222 #1 ∞o oo coo 222 175 ON HRG 208 270 783 223 255 222 ~DE 427 12 7 26 32 33 16 13 27 40 6 17 27 25 920 HAD FG 16 24 40 222223 10 9 4 5 7 11 14 16 15 19 11 8 9 2 4 20 29 37 17 30 42 47 14 13 35 34 48 35 223 10 39 2 ON 228 16 8 13 25 10 17 7 7 13 6 20 25 14 12 27 32 27 18 7 8 29 26 24 33 32 30 17 11 6 4 10 8 16 36 31 26 25 26 33 47 37 30 35 34 2 8 6 8 9 19 28 22 21 36 28 8 8 12 24 25 20 32 33 32 11 9 9 19 30 To husband. 5 4 2 1879.. To wife..... 18 10 22 Total 23 14 24 23 248 24 24 33 33 12 2 14 16 26 18 To husband. 2 4 2 4 6 1880.. To wifo.... 10 12 14 17 Total 12 16 16 21 To husband. 8 7 10 6 1881.. To wife.. 9 11 17 19 Total 17 18 27 25 To husband. 4 4 5 8 1882. To wife... 10 11 9 11 Total.... 14 15 14 19 To husband 1883.. To wife.. Total FOR Q 5 3 1 4 12 14 9 15 15 == 11 26 37 To husband. 5 5 8 1884.. To wife.. 16 10 17 Total 21 15 25 To husband. 2 4 12 1885. To wife.... 9 9 11 Total.... 11 13 23 To husband. 1886. To wife.... Total GAG 5 4 9 To husband. 202 160 All years .. To wife 351 Total 553 498 180 8888 MON 6 12 18 173 191 434 469 607 660 300 432 - 200 16 19 5 28 7 13 9 25 20 184 470 654 ONN =28 222 ** ** 0 222 222 *** 225 2* 222 * 20* ** ** *** *** ** 16 15 18 24 24 10 16 26 NONE N er No 5 23 20 25 9 5 21 16 30 21 EGE ~ 550 UNE OMG 5 25 10 20 30 6 13 19 6 14 20 1 15 16 5 14 15 19 8 18 22 12 20 32 19 28 11 17 **2 222 *** == 2HR 4 20 26 9 28 200 250 XH- ~~. NEW 4 10 22 14 6 4 13 17 8 16 23 23 31 8 4 15 13 23 17 7 18 12 24 19 5 5 11 6 12 13 11 17 5 7 19 19 20 12 24 27 15 325 4 6 3 8 18 9 11 22 15 14 31 223 23 165 159 133 113 334 322 291 587 493 455 404 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 845 、 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. CONNECTICUT—Concluded. 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- Total. over. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. Aver- age for known dura- tion. 6 10 12 16 17 5 11* 19 16 4 7 11 427 422 673 5 4 4 8 00 en co 3 4 1 5 10 10 8 14 11 ܗܗ 6 6 224 1 ག 1 224 167 1 14 6 41 7 55 3 1000000 6 2 6 9 16 12 11 156 335 8 er er 5 5 14 221 3 4 3 4 30 6 8 38 3 4 5 3 5 14 13 7 6 13 17 17 12 9 er er! 5 6 5 11 1355 2 7 213 1 18 6 7 8 5 15 12 23 17 16 8 6 22 30 2220 14 120 104 4 6 1 3 12 10 8 18 11 6 4 6 3 15 15 11 13 21 19 11 16 7 8 5 16 15 18 23 23 23 5 6 6 15 11 17 20 17 23 1 6 6 13 7 12 14 13 18 5 1 4 15 10 12 20 11 16 7 11 15 18 20 23 *** 200 ~27 18 28 10 9 15 19 450 2002 742 7 9 16 200 202 000 202 20 1000 colom 20 10 8 12 14 347 156 279 235 ~24 07 627004 11 7 3 123 345 1 2 9 10 257 4 6 10 159 12 18 4 10 00 m3 punk 7 6 8 6 10 200 1 8 3 4 9 18- 1 8 10 9 11 123 159 2 3 3 1 000 000 000 ggg =** 133 8.56 1 279 9.92 1 412 9.48 8 135 8.16 1 314 9.01 1 449 8.75 154 9.18 40 307 9.93 58 461 9.67 18 143 9.88 40 1 388 9.27 58 1 531 9.44 16 1 146 9.06 40 352 10.04 56 1 498 9.75 10 90 9.97 33 1 290 10.10 43 380 10.07 156 3 7 10 10 ප්‍රය 1 7 113 8.46 3 6 28 299 10. 14 3 7 35 412 9.68 1 3 10 3 7 12 4 10 636 9 5 5 4 5 6 7 10 11 11 1333 4 7 6 178 · 00 00 248 3 8 1 6 4 14 268 9 118 9. 44 34 294 10.18 43 412 9.97 8 8 187 6 2350 9 95 10.37 15 2 230 9.25 24 2 ค 325 9.58 9 11 6 12 18 3500 123 221 8 11 279 268 6 5 13 4 14 18 18- 6 8 22 16 22 15 -3 605 7 8 13 10 10 5 5 235 9 COLD 00 3 3 5 14 8 17 10 3000 5 8 7 3 3 13 17 10 22 20 20 13 369 3 8 11 18 6210 1 2 4 9 5 11 •me am? -*8 285 156 145 224 639 en He furt 1 7 4 33 5 40 167 71 10. 10 275 10.82 346 10.67 9 33 12 42 17 521 140 10.30 288 10.40 428 10.36 248 9 104 10.86 43 2 297 11.36 52 2 401 11.23 237 26 35 61 246 130 12.52 293 11.24 423 11.64 3 3 2 4 19 17 12 12 12 21 20 15 14 16 24443 10 15 ♡ 00 3 8 17 25 11 21 422 10 4 7 в 14 19 16 16 18 26 22 26 124 95 100 278 257 236 196 402 352 336 279 - 293 88 7 5 13 17 18 ♡ 6 9 #20 20 3 1 12 13 9 18¬ 3 S3 8 5 8 158 1 6 79 9.24 3 35 6 4 41 + 4 9 13 12 662 279 4 4 8 10 83 256 257 4 11 10 15 === 3 13 11 561 6 10 งง 167 6 5 11 16 14 -∞ 1 7 43 8 27 69 293 1 265 11.35 344 10.87 6 116 10.32 36 282 11. 15 42 2 398 10.91 12 119 12.11 1 301 12.37 55 1 420 12.30 78 52 51 48 45 192 148 139 140 104 96 250 226 191 191 152 141 126 941 39888 248 9 2,511 9.76 693 12345 35 44 6, 031 8, 542 10. 16 10.04 846 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. DAKOTA. Years, and to which party 1 2 granted. year. years. 3 4 years. years. years. 5 6 7 8 9 years. years. years. years. 1867.. STo husband. To wife... Total.. To husband. 1868 To wife. 1869 1870.. 1871.. 1872.. 1873... Total To husband. To wife..... Total To husband. To wife.. Total.... To husband. To wife.... Total - To husband. To wife..... Total (To husband. To wife. Total • To husband. 1874.. To wife... Total · 22 • 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 • 1 1 To husband. 1 1880.. To wife.... 1 Total 2 To husband. 1881.. To wife... Total සය 3 3 To husband. 1875...... To wife... Total 1 · 1 123 To husband. 1 1 1 2 1876... To wife... 1 Total 1 1 1 1 ૧૭ To husband. 1 1877. To wife... Total 1 1 1 2 112 1 1 2 1 1 D D S 1879... 1878...... To husband. To wife..... Total To husband To wife... Total 1 2 2 1 22 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 4 2. CO CU 3 2 3 6 527 224 123 123 1 22 1 1 · 123 112 3 3 134 4 4. 3 4 1 3 4 8 5 235 1 6 1 7 1 156 1 1 246 336 S To husband. 3 1882.. To wife.... 3 4 10 Total 3 5 13 21 3 LO 5 S 1884.. S 1885. 1883... To husband. To wife... W Total To husband. To wife.... Total • To husband. To wife... 4 37 426 6 4 8 6 14 10 Kao Baw 1 3 10 4 224 2 4 GO ON LO 3 2 5 6 6 12 104 3 325 7 9 16 11 4 4 8 LO 00 00 5 5 2 1 2 7 6 3 13 9 4 11 10 7 8 18 11 5 13 17 13 10 459 74 200 8 Total .. -333 3 9 5 5 4 7 6 16 6 7 10 15 21 11 - 304 7 720 347 314 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 847 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. DAKOTA. Aver- 21 10 12 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 20 years Un- Total. age for known dura- over. 1 1 tion. 1 13.00 1 13.00 1 1 112 9.00 2 9.00 1 2 19.50 1 7 8.29 2 9 10.78 1 212 1 6. 50 6.50 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 159 16.00 4.60 8.88 1 4 22 22 1 1 1 10 1 10 2 1 12 1 1 1 2 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 ลง 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 End Bat 350 Ba I 6. 25 6 10.67 8.90 6.50 10.90 10. 17 11.82 10.40 16 11.38 S 11. 71 9.00 15 10.36 1 1 1 2 11 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1H2 1 1 1 ૭ 2 1 1 2 1 117) 1 2 1 2 1 3 183 3 2 1 2 1 4 co co 3 1 1 tate 2 1 2 3 IN 2 1 1 2 437 1 5 6 103 -- 50003 6 187 6 2 1 1 2 1 7 8 7 10 1 14 5 1 1013 15 6 2 co to p 1 2 0113 1 3 4 ગર 5 3 1 3 6 7 HOE 213 292 ABE 6 17 9.45 6.00 8. 24 16 14 12.25 9.29 30 10.87 32 11.29 40 10.57 72 10.91 10.55 55 10.22 77 10.31 213950 LO - CO 5 135 260 123 662 257 -3 CO ગઇક 12 S3 50 10 1 1 1 5 1 1 2 6 6 2 5 4 1 3 3 3 3 7 5 4 10 4 5 9 246 1 1 1 1 LOTO 3 11 1 7 3 18 123 CON LO On Atta 2 11 1 3 3 ارون 1 5 3 2 16 3 153 426 – Co w 37 es to m 1 3 2 19 19 2 1 8 1 112 2 10 1 172 4 3 5 6 4 4 co 1 1 4154 16 3 9 9 25 12 xxx de Bag Bag 51 14.06 72 9.71 11.49 80 11.10 73 9.57 10.39 9.68 9.57 9.61 86 11.86 102 10.09 188 10.92 848 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ? 1 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. DAKOTA-Concluded. 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. Years, and to which party 1 granted. 1886.. S To husband. To wife... Total 15 G 5 6 5 3 ∞ 5 2 8 7 7 2 2 10 7 8 7 6 3 4 8 15 9 16 14 13 5 To husband. 13 22 42 20 32 20 36 28 23 All years To wife.... 28 25 56 56 39 40 29 34 31 Total 41 47 98 76 71 60 65 62 54 DELAWARE. To husband 1 1 1867.. To wife.... Total 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 عرعا 1 1 22 To husband. 1868.... To wife.... Total To husband. 1869... To wife. 1 Total 1 123 22 1 2 1 2 2 To husband. 1870.. To wife.... Total.. To husband. To wife.... Total 213 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 • 1871... 1 1 22 S To husband. 1872... To wife Total To husband. 2 1 1873……. To wife.... 1 Total 2 1 1 123 ww 3 3 To husband. 1 1874.. To wife 1 Total 1 1 To husband. 1875.... To wife.. 1 Total 1 To husband 1876.... To wife.... Total 1 1 1 1 1 To husband 1877... To wife ..... Total To husband. 1878... To wife.. Total 22 22 S To husband. 1 1 1879... To wife.... Total To husband. 1 3 2 4 55 5 1 5 1 1880. To wife... Total. • • To husband. 1881... To wife... Total To husband. 1882. To wife... Total 123 · 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 123 1 1 1' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 • CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 849 : : 4 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. DAKOTA-Concluded. Aver- 21 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 13 20 years 19 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. Un- age for Total. known dura- over. tion. 1 5 6 325 10 47 225 15 32 37 525 17 26 20 27 53 CNN Berer 6 22 516 3 1 41 213 145 3 4 3 6 6 6 38 22888 16 225 10 16 15 17 13 16 27 29 31 ==33 20 11 17 28 21 ~27 9 8 12 11 19 99903 10 16 26 119 22R 839 148 75 11.00 104 10. 71- 5 179 10.83 11 466 11.39 27 621 9.90 38 1, 087 10.54 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 DELAWARE. 1 2 2 2 1 2 134 ออง 7 10.17 18 9.87 25 9.95 1 1 1 1 112 4 8 9.75 22 2 13 12.00 2 6 21 11.40 1 1 1 1 6 4.80 1 5 15 7.90 1 6 21 6.87 1 1 7 6.71 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ♡ ♡ 3 18 11. 13 3 25 9.78 1 1 4 10.33 1 1 1 1 1 4 11.00 1 1 1 8 10.71 1 بم 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 123 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 213 1 2 1 1 1 • 20267 M D- 54 1 1 12.67 1 12.67 1 14.00 5.00 1 8.00 2 1 7 12.67 1 1 9 12.89 2 1 1 16 12.80 6 5.83 6 5.83 2 5 16 10.82 1 1 20 8.95 1 2 2 6 36 9.63 1 9.00 1 4 14.00 5 13.00 61 2 2 11 10.18 9 12.50 1 20 11.16 1 1 123 1 1 1 1 1 6 12.83 6 12.83 850 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. DELAWARE-Concluded. Years, and to which party granted. 1 2 3 year. years. years. 4 years. 5 6 7 8 9 years. years. years. years. years. 1883.. S To husband. 2 To wife... 1 Total 2 1 To husband. 1884. To wife..... Total To husband. 2 1885. To wife.. Total 2 22 3 1886.. All years.. STo husband. To wife. Total. STo husband. To wife... Total.... 1867.. To husband. To wife.... Total... To husband. 1868. To wife. Total. To husband. 22 1 1 1 1 1 22 3 123 5 2 3 1 1 3 3 6 2 6 1 1 1 620 6 8 10 8 14 13 *9* 3 3 8 2 5 5 8 13 16 12 10 5 6 16 24 14 15 10 14 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 123 1869.. To wife.. -- · Total To husband. 1870... To wife... 1 Total 1 To husband. 1871... To wife... 1 Total 1 · 1872... S 1873... To husband. To wife... Total · To husband. To wife.. Total.. 325 123 1 1 1 1 1 22 2 1 සය 3 3 112 1 1 113 2 1 1 1 1 213 1 1 3 1 1 ∞ 3 2 2 2 2 లులు 3 3 2 145 4 3 3 213 123 112 1 3 4 213 134 3 co co 3 3 112 1 1 6 3 2 7 4 123 22 122 - LO 145 1 1 1 2 3 1 4 5 ་་་ 4 4 123 246 213 22 22 145 3 3 cow 6 4 7 11 156 1 7 4 5 213 4 4 048 6 1 2 1 1 33. 3 1 257 224 123 112 22 268 22 1 3 1 3 279 134 112 2 4 4 3 20 52 00 8 LO LO 5 5 2 3 2 QI DO LO 2 5 112 3 3 1 LO 1 4 5 10 ♡ra 3 7 1 1 3 3 3 3 4 4 235 1 1 1 2 3 4 1 3 3 3 4 4 8 5 134 135 cn - T- 3 4 7 2 6 5 7 3 6 9 O 3 LO 77 145 22 2 N GOL 3 5 213 1 1 CO THE 3 4 22 6 6 To husband 1 1 1874... To wife.... Total 1 1 To husband. 1 1875... To wife... Total 1 224 To husband. 1 1876. To wife. 1 Total 1 1 To husband. 1 1877.. To wife... Total 1 To husband. 1878... To wife.. Total.. 1879……………. STo husband. To wife. Total CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 851 Table TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. DELAWARE-Concluded. 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- Total. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. Aver- age for known dura- tion. 112 1 1 1 1 5 3 6 2 1 1 4 11 247 12 9.57 15 14.89 12.56 1 1 3 17.33 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 112 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 14 10 19 ** 4 14 13 100 27 5 4 8 1 1 1 8 11.88 1 1 1 1 1 11 13.36 1 2 1 Jud 1 1 2 224 1 21 10.35 20 8.50 1 41 9.43 *2 1 1 2 m6 9 3 15.67 9.50 11.56 235 437 347 257 123 6 4 10 437 4 2 5 20 1 19 3 24 222 109 180 10.33 42 289 10. 44 10.40 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 123 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 123 8 8.71 20 7.61 28 7.92 1 1 123 1 8 5.71 3 3 15 8.80 1 23 7.82 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 22 22 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ** 4 7.75 20 7.95 24 7.91 1 1 1 1 1 1 123 224 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 55 5 4 1 3 2 5 4 1 4 2 246 1 1 4 3 4 1 123 213 3 2 1 1 3 1 4 3 2 5 TRE LO 00 01 LO 1 4 5 01130 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 reta tets 1 1 1 1 112 1 1 1 1 278 ** 285 79I 2 21 123 12 7.58 9.88 39 9.14 9 8.56 1 38 9.14 47 9.02 11 3 56 10.78 8.92 3 67 9.23 21 7.10 43 64 S. 73 8.20 1010 5 25 8.65 3 2 4 1 1 19 19 1 1 1 1 CO CO 6 48 6 5 tal 19 1 1 0161 5 37 5 3 සය wow! 123 235 246 123 2 2 123 1 3 3 1 3 2 1 1 3 1 3 2 1 497 5 2 1 5 1 6 CICI-H 2 4 te 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 ลง 6 - - 1 6 1 Not at 805 26 11.92 73 10.96 7.74 9.41 56 8.78 11 7.33 47 10.93 58 10.33 21 9.38 53 11.08 74 10.59 1 13 8.08 2 2 ~~ 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 20 2 2 ลง 1 1 هر مهر 4 1 36 10.20 4 2 49 9.66 123 123 1 9 8.75 1 1 1 1 31 9.03 1 40 8.97 852 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA,Concluded. Years, and to which party granted. 1 year. 3 2 years. years. years. years. years. 4 5 6 7 8 9 years. years. years. To husband. 1 1880... To wife.... Total 1 1 1 134 1 3 4 4 4 5 • To husband 1881.. To wife Total • 1 1 22 224 2 134 22 123 4 1 1 1 4 2 4 4 1 4 3 4 5 1 3 1882 To husband. To wife Total. 22 1 1 1 1 156 257 1 1 To husband. 1 1 1883... To wife. 3 Total. 1 4 O COLD 112 250 1884.. { S To husband. 1 To wife... 1 4 Total 1 5 To husband. 1885.. To wife 1 1 Total 1 1 22 22 2 1 3 1 6 4 5 2 8 4 1 2 2 3 1 3 8 1 3 5 11 246 213 AA 4 4 4444 8 1 246 To husband. 1886. To wife Total... 434 1 4 2∞∞ 2 6 112 123 2 336 1 3 4 GHA 4 1 5 213 22 S To husband. All years.. To wife.... Total 23 003 10 9 18 13 17 43 26 61 20083 12 48 53 60 232 20 73 91 225 25 13 66 53 33333 66 8888 29 21 89 788 62 83 FLORIDA. 1 1 1 1 235 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 4 8 6 1 013 2 1 1 1 1 113 2 5 5 2 6 11 336 1 2 1 1 1 ลง 2 aww 3 3 1 1 6 1 183 3 669 437 1867.. To husband. To wife.... Total - To husband 1868.. To wife.... Total To husband. 2 1869... To wife. Total. 2 STo To husband. 2 1870. To wife... Total 2 To husband. 1 1871... To wife.. 1 Total 2 134 112 112 2 2 112 620 224 627 620 426 2 8 1 1 2 To husband. 1872.. To wife 1 Total .. 1 336 To husband. 1873.. To wife.. Total 235 112 To husband. 1874.. To wife ………. Total 22 1875... 1876...... To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wifo... Total · 336 426 4 2 5 311 3 2 4 2 414 4 5 5 1 4 2 2 5 1 5 8 7 7 2 3 1 4 225 1 4 3 4 8 5 1 8 8 437 4 1 4 8 1 1 3 3 4 อง 7 10 347 6 4 10 336 4 6 4 CO LO 00 3 5 8 437 aww 3 3 6 720 6 © 20 3 1 3 4 5 2 3 1 4 1 4 8 6 7 5 9 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 853 TABLE VII.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA-Concluded. 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 13 14 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years years. years. years years. years. and known. 21 Aver- Total. age for known dura- over. tion. 012 112 187 1 1 1 4 4 1 2 123 22 248 134 -34 22 11~ 3 1 1 4 4 2 33 10 5 123 224 22 1 1 1 1 347 1 5 6 22 2 10100 2 145 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 7 3333 2 5 1 1 3 3 2 4 2 INN 2 1 2 2 37 338 1 2 1 5 2 224 1 1 22 60100 4 27 43 33 3 39 7 2 2 218 3 134 246 1 1 1 1 145 22 123 213 4 2 5 333 2 6 2 34~ 7 201 2 2 1 2 2 2 INN 1 2 112 1 1 213 112 246 පඑ 1 1 1 1 279 235 1 3 4 81 ZN3 286 245 NAS Nä 14 13.00 52 10.79 66 11.27 15 12.64 50 11.39 65 11. 68 10 9.63 11.76 55 11.42 14.87 10.36 66 12.12 27 11. 04 54 12.35 11.91 21 4 5 4 2 6 1 1 3 1 pod 67 1 4 7 11 735 382 11.33 34 10.50 55 10. 84 11.05 52 12.11 75 11.80 21 41 278 62 == 17 27 40 44 2083 12 52 028990 10 30 40 =238 11 10 27 26 38 36 2215 9 7 8 2 1 16 21 25 28 20 22 12 16 15 18 16 80 328 18 25 308 9.93 62 49 797 10.43 74 1, 105 10.29 FLORIDA. 1 1 to 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 aa 1 5 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 112 2 2 112 1 1 2 1 1 3 TOO TOR 0118 4 6 10 6 13 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 : 2 1 2 2 1 2 8 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 ลงล 2 123 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2323 100 220 225 228 536 6200 17 7.62 15 8.79 8.22 15 13 28 10. 73 9. 14 10. 11 31 7.96 21 7.40 52 7.74 38 6.81 19 6.29 57 6.63 17 8.71 12 4.91 29 7.04 27 7.75 24 5.70 51 6.74 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 3 6 37 8.23 1 21 5.45 3 7 58 7.14 1 1 1 G 28 6.73 77 1 2 1 4 33 6.45 1 1 2 1 1 10 61 6.57 4 2 1 1 2 6 46 8.08 3 4 39 5. 17 7 2 1 1 2 10 85 6. 72 2 2 4334 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 436 2 54 8.25 2 1 31 8.43 3 85 8.32 ** 854 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOŘ. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. FLORIDA-Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 2 3 4 granted. year. years. years. 5 years. years. years. years. years. 6 7 8 9 years. 1877.. To husband. To wife 1878. Total S To husband. 415 3 6 9 459 6 5 1 To wife... 1 Total. 2 639 3 325 11 8 224 3 1 4 444 8 aww 3 3 1 6 1 4 4 4 12 8 LO 3 CO 5 8 12 729 572 To husband. 3 6 6 5 4 5 5 1879... To wife.. 3 5 4 13 3 4 4 Total. 6 11 10 18 7 9 9 729 2 12 729 482 To husband. 7 1880... To wife 4 Total 11 LO 1 CO 5 4 1 7 6 11 10 1881.. To husband To wife.. Total ~ 2 00 6 2 8 13 763 7 10 7 14 50005 Baw 7 3 4 3 7 LO LO 5 5 10 10 9 10 639 9 5 4 4 8 5 5 7 5 18 14 10 11 9 644 5 4 9 - To husband. 3 9 10 6 5 1882.. To wife 1 7 9 6 L L 5 ཚ Total 4 16 19 12 10 16 799 4 8 3 7 5 6 11 13 9 To husband. 1883.. To wife... Total 36 5 3 2 5 To husband. 1884.. To wife... Total ༠་་" 3 4 7 To husband. 8 1885... To wife.... 5 Total 13 Bod 10000 Boa 9 8 9 3 12 18 11 13 8 8 16 21 279 10 8 6 11 16 19 To husband. 6 7 1886... To wife.... 3 9 12 Total 9 16 19 729 13 11 To husband 59 All years To wife Total 39 · 88888998 90 104 92 74 100 97 161 204 189 D-2 212 25% 5 7 12 50005 For Boo 3 7 10 7 13 14 11 540 77 9 527 4 1 5 5 9 6 437 10 8 8 11 10 0 5 3 10 8 7 18 19 13 10 12 24 720 14 6 5 7 7 8 21. 13 13 12 81 78 69 65 66 67 81 77 63 48 151 159 146 128 111 ON TON 89- 2 7 5 1867.. To husband. To wife Total 1 1 aww 3 3 1868. 1869.. S 1870... 1871.... 1872 1873... To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife Total STo To husband. To wife Total * GEORGIA. 5 8 30 12:00 213 224 123 123 257 6 4 6 10 8 336 +48 336 224 258 5 LD 00 00 123 3 8 3 1 1 6 1 4 1 3 4 4 4 5 3 8 134 1 3 7 4 3 1 7 8 5 4 1 10 15 9 6 257 355 7 8 3 2 4 9 6 6 5 4 16 14 9 5 112 123 LO CD 00 213 150 224 325 245 5 3 3 7 8 10 1 1 333 6 4 729 325 134 6 5 11 12 235 4 6 6 8 10 14 GO OD 4 4 10 8 14 752 TOL 7 7 14 4 10 8 5 10 15 18 213 260 279 1 1 8 112 2 CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 855 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. FLORIDA-Concluded. 21 10 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. Total. A ver- age for known dura- tion. 7.88 7.13 224 426 213050 3 1 1 1 3 1 224 4 4 8 6 1 1 1 4 4 3 1 1 10 4 2 2 527 9 9 325 235 3126 22 224 235 1 1 5 224 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 LO 1 CO 5 4 1 6 4 527 4 2 1 1 1 7 5 2 1 1 112 729 I to w 3 2 5 130 7 7 14 123 2 ← w c 3 3 224 6 4 4 2 3 3 6 235 112 3 3 C$ 4 1 3 3 1 4 4 1 -3 w 4 6 6 10 61: 7:- 783 Řez 8** 7.53 7.95 7.53 104 7.78 7.50 7.05 7.28 10. 18 6.94 149 8.96 7.79 7.42 153 7.62 8 516 257 02 10 3 257 628 2 2 22 7 10 7 17 5 1 6 529 224 255 224 123 426 32 10 6 LO 428 5 3 6 3 2 3 4 1 ગ 5 6 10 3 1 2 325 LO CO OD 504 91 8. 21 3 83 8.19 10 174 8.20 5 9 110 9.83 3 7 90 8.58 16 200 9.27 6 3 – 6 3 Hime prand C4 3 1 1 3 4 4 235 1 1 325 GO LO CO 3 78 8.64 5 80 8.07 8 158 8. 35 5 5 10 235 1 2 1 4 1 1 2 4 1 1 3 4 5 3 6 431 7 t- 123 7 3 101 8.53 9 100 7.54 - 7 12 201 8.05 426 5 2 1 6 1 3 2 1 1 2 8 4 12 4 3 3 1 3 2 10 67 6 114 8.71 118 9.99 14 5 9 1 6 4 18 13 232 9.37 +88 54 40 37 23 32 28 26 24 39 93 23 37 30 24 20 17 13 11 77 67 47 52 45 39 35 222 10 8 9 60 95 1, 153 8.47 10 10 31 79 975 7.73 20 18 91 174 2,128 8.13 GEORGIA, 01 39 50. 224 123 2 2 2 2 2 ~~~ 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 246 21 43 1 1 2 1 22 1 2 2 112 2 112 1 3 1 1 2 4 35 223 224 65 8.86 62 8.85 127 8.86 20 41 10.10 15 41 8.00 82 8.91 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 5 2 2 Co Co 3 2 3 2 112 1 1 1 3 3 10 13 2130 1 1 1. 2 1 3 1 1 .2 22 213 1 1 212 1 Co to 1 2 3 150 2 1 3 6 2 5 4 ~ 10 112 2 3 112 1 8118 2 2,2 * 2 3 2 ลงคราว 2 2 3 1 1 1 5 2 Hea 1 4 1 2 4 1 5 1 2 3 CO'21 คล 2 1 3 2 3 4 4 3 145 0161 4 1 01.01 2 1 1 2 1 1 2244 420 48 345 230 000 218 248 15 39 112 16 14 30 118 23 24 47 143 24 22 46 18 28 46 ཝཙ +སྒྱུམྦཱ ཙ⌘སྐྱུ e8 r¢e 48 8.61 61 8.05 8.30 47 7.32 71 8.09 7.82 64 8.51 84 8.65 8.60 75 68 7.90 9.20 143 8.52 71 7.55 104 8.14 175 7.90 856 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. વ TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. GEORGIA-Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 granted. year. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 1874. To wife Total .. 448 134 9 6 15 167 8 4 3 4 8 9 9 13 7 9 17 13 16 11 17 1875.. To husband. To wife. - 3 .... Total 333 3 6 15 6959 8 5 10 13 12 202 7 9 B 5 9 8 5 15 14 22 14 6 G 20 11 15 To husband. 1876.... To wife Total 224 3 5 6 9 9 3 8 4 11 7 6 13 10 20 16 248 6 4 8 8 14 12 1877. To husband. To wife... Total COT NO 2 8 1 3 3 11 OS LO CO 3 6 9 6 5 7 5 8 4 5 10 7 8 14 13 11 15 14 428 6 To husband. 1878. To wife... Total 1879.. To husband To wife.... Total To husband 3 325 213 ∞∞∞ 218 5 2 3 8 235 325 2 5 7 12 2 34D 8 4 5 12 527 6 78 8 5 4 11 16 14 6 8 8 15 24 19 10 19 15 1880.. To wife. Total 108.00 213 5 3 67 67 5 10 4 6 5 9 13 7 10 19 17 13 To husband. 5 5 5 14 1881... To wife ..... 3 6 7 7 Total 8 11 12 21 14 To husband. 1882. To wife.... 1883 Total To husband. To wife.. Total [ 123 10 8 8 11 18 19 12 742 5 *0* 207 4 3 10 7 10 12 9 13 12 25 21 Na Goa Ewo 9 3 12 20 10001 5000 12 15 225 12 8 12 752 8 5 9 7 3 15 15 8 8 9 12 3 73] 20 12 10 134 3 549 20171200 8 8 11 19 To husband. 1 7 9 1884... To wife... Total 1 6 6 2 13 15 1885. 1886.. S To husband. To wife Total • To husband. To wife..... Total 224 5 9 7 10 4 12 19 FEX 922 17 11 28 10 12 145 10 6 5 5 9 12 15 15 17 · To husband. 35 89 114 129 131 All years To wife.... Total... 44 81 130 15i 163 79 173 241 280 294 BE SEEN 25 20 649 5 4 649 5 6 6 6 6 12 12 10 G 16 9 15 24 16 11 25 27 299 222 =23 10 Ꮳ 3 6 5 11 16 11 14 10 12 11 12 121 113 105 126 142 247 255 204 29 55a dwa 200 200 to 6 6 83 98 181 1867.. To husband To wife 1 : Total 1 22 2 To husband 1868... To wife.. Total. To husband. 1869.. 1870.. To wife... Total • STo husband. To wife. Total. • 2 112 IDAHO. co Go 3 3 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 123 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 • ► 11~ 112 2 1 1 CHAPTER VIII- GENERAL TABLES. 857 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. GEORGIA-Concluded. Aver- 10 11 12 - 13 14 15 16 Un- years years. years. years. years. years. years. years years. years. years. years. and known. 21 17 18 19 20 age for Total. known dura- over. tion. 2 5 2 6 156 314 2 3 1 -- 1 4 1 1 2 3 112 28 25 2 53 4 12 112 257 189 156 +82 1 1 1 1 1 145 4 1 1 1 1 1 --2 1 1 325 1 4 9 7 2 11 11 248 1 2 6 3 213 112 123 1 1 1 1 314 30 31 112 4 29 4 41 8 70 415 437 4 235 224 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 437 12 12 wa 3 10 336 5 7 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 6 8 10 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 347 4 47 5 7 11 12 4 12 ลง 00 572 130 ** 2 G 8 ૩૭૧ 2 to 2 01014 3 2 3 456 5 2 1 6 193 2 3 6 3 LO 00 5 8 13 6 BLO BOL 7 426 13 7 JC [G 2 6 14 224 GO LO 00 997 2 4 1 6 3 10 3 5 5 8 7 224 I- མ 61TI 1 1 1 2 1 7 4 11 134 1 1 12 12 16 796 200 6 8 123 662 516 279 - ww 3 3 6 948 2 6 8 6 14 LAND- 5 2 7 - CO - 549 415 மம் 347 1 3 1 4 1 10 5 2 1 5 4 1 5 9 ૧૭: FACO Baco Towe ૩૧ન 20 8 12 268 3 8 4 6 14 248 fie hand co 3 1 00 00 3 6 8 1 4 11 7 બહા 4 1 5 CJ COLO 2 3 5 333 2 11 6 13 *** 227 873 278 227 729 88* *** *** 252 783 **8 82 7.70 100 6.73 182 7.14 84 6.44 25 112 7.61 47 196 7.12 91 7.97 106 7.37 61 197 7.64 162 8.08 109 8.54 211 8.30 68 9.63 55 9.53 24 123 9.59 107 8.90 19 116 7.39 46 223 8.07 32 130 9.90 32 123 8.63 61 253 9.29 33 112 8.68 103 7.93 53 215 8.30 26 148 9.62 33 136 8.03 59 284 8.89 40 128 9.07 35 130 9.48 75 258 9.28 25 141 9.22 33 151 9.56 58 292 9.39 33 140 9.21 23 155 9.76 56 295 9.51 6 9 4 8 10 17 334 ૭૧ 3 1 7 4 01 30 4D 2 5 260 3 1 8 4 638 9 Or if pad 1 4 5 25-9 6 7 9 15 935 42 163 9.14 25 162 9.97 67 325 9.58 66 58 91 72 157 130 983 49 52 50 51 99 103 2853 34 36 33 36 67 8923 72 328 33 27 60 *** 18 24 42 48 933 26 17 15 22 17 18 34 33 138 32893 66 517 1,907 8.77 72 502 2,052 8.58 1,019 3,959 8. 67 els 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IDAHO. 1 1 1 1 1 22.00 1 11 6.73 1 1 12 8.00 3 5.67 1 4 9.33 1 7.50 10 Roto 2 6.50 8.60 12 8.25 5 9.00 4 6. 25 9 7.78 858 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. :. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. Conc IDAHO –Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 granted. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 1 1871.. To wife... Total.. ww 3 3 122 1 1 22 22 To husband. 1872. To wife. Total. 1833 2 1 1 To husband 1873..... To wife 1 Total 1 22 112 1 1 To husband. 1874.. To wife... 1 Total 1 -- To husband 1875.. To wife.... 1 1 Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 To husband. 1 1876.. To wife.. 1 Total. 1 1 22 1 1 S To husband 1 1 1 1877.. To wife... Total 1 1 1 22 To husband. 1878.. To wife. Total 1 1 To husband. 1 1 1879... To wife. Total 1 1 To husband. 1 1880. To wife.. 1 3 1 Total .. 1 4 1 123 22 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- To husband. 1881... To wife.... 1 Total... 1 1882.. 1883.. S To husband. S 1884.. 1885... S 1886.. To wife. Total To husband. To wife.... Total. To husband To wife..... Total.. To husband. To wife.... Total To husband To wife.... Total... 1 4 1 5 3 co co 3 123 1 224 213 1 5 1 5 224 1 1 1 4 1 2 5 1 -38 3 1 6 4 156 22 1 4 6 5 235 2 224 1 1 5 2 5 221 224 (22 LO LO 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 To husband. 5 All years To wife..... 12 Total.. 17 09899 10 6 7 19 28 29 34 ~~ 23 30 =22 11 4 5 3 20 15 21 14 18 400 5 31 19 26 17 23 123 22 22 134 224 5 5 ILO LO 44 123 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 2 3 4 128 22 CHAPTER VIII.—GENERAL TABLES. 859 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. IDAHO–Concluded. 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years 17 18 19 20 years Un- and known. over. 22 Total. Aver- age for known dura- tion. 1 1 1 12 1 1 1 14 22* 8.00 7.00 7.14 1 2 1 2 2137 9.00 5 11.40 10.71 1 3.00 00-13 5. 57 8 5. 25 3 6.67 3 6. 67 1 9.00 1 1 1 1 22 9 10.56 10 10.40 12 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 188 5.00 8 10.38 9 9.78 1 1 2 15 thi ơn 9.00 4 9 12.75 10.67 1 1 1 1 1 1 21 5 00 112 20.00 6 9.80 8 11.50 1 1 1 1 12 1 1 1 1 16 +21 4 3.50 7.67 6.63 1 1 112 1 1 6 9.20 1 1 1 17 6.63 1 1 1 2 23 7.24 1 1 4 9.00 1 1 1 2 10 12.50 2 1 1 2 1 14 11.69 1 22 ลด 2 2 112 1 1 1830 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 28888 10 14. 20 26 8. 19 36 9.86 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 112 8 9.25 22 6.32 30 7.10 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 235 10 12.50 26 8.58 36 9.67 213 1 3 1 3 1 1 123 2 ลค 134 Coto- 1 17 7.71 2 1 1 35 10.85 3 1 1 52 9.80 123 1 1 2 1 1 1 17 10. 13 1 4 • 1 1 1 4 2 9: 95: 1 4 36 8.92 1 1 5 1 53 9.29 6 3 3 11 13 10 47 4 5 17 16 13 11 ~~ 7 7 7 12 E- 7 360 3 3 1 8 4 101 9.63 6 3 1 17 4 267 8.67 9 9 6 2 25 368 8.93 17 I £ 1 860 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. ILLINOIS. Years, and to which party 1 granted. 2 3 year. years. years. 4 · years. 5 6 7 8 9 years. years. years. years. years. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870.. To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.. Total · To husband. 54 104 55 89 47 1871.. To wife.. Total To husband. 1872.. To wife.... Total To husband. 1873. To wife... Total 103 1874. To husband. To wife.... Total 1875...... To husband. To wife..... Total. 1876.. To husband. To wife. Total · 1877.. S 1879. 1880... 1878..... To husband. To wife.... Total. To husband. To wife.. Total To husband To wife.... Total To husband. To wife... Total 1881.. To husband To wife... Total 1882. To husband. To wife.... Total 118 1883. To husband. To wifo... Total 138 To husband. 1884. 1885. To wife..……. Total To husband. To wife……….. Total... 2** *52 8*5 2** **8 397 881 252 298 298 #5 298 2*7 558 285 * 288 2F5 858 35 69 29 42 119 35 68 28 111 68 105 43 109 44 100 26 37 98 150 60 87 139 44 107 156 42 96 107 160 26 71 106 156 ** *8% 258 22 336 # 988 9F 282 *F8 588 2** *82 886 988 959 822 289 47 36 29 31 57 65 45 50 48 101 74 81 34 59 32 23 71 74 60 130 106 83 42 48 44 33 31 82 59 56 61 89 130 103 89 28 54 36 27 56 88 81 61 84 142 117 88 28 53 59 37 59 92 78 67 87 145 137 104 Gu☺ cüm 822 Cow Ja☺ 30 78 33 58 91 92 25 58 83 39 56 95 44 60 67 63 40 75 108 125 122 78 168 192 185 118 106 40 68 50 46 38 59 139 114 110 78 99 207 164 156 116 108 40 58 60 40 71 118 112 103 176 172 143 153 32 51 48 62 73 108 98 128 159 146 190 38 47 42 36 71 98 93 109 122 145 135 145 163 31 49 40 43 ུ ཎྜ མུཥྛི ཙ 111 59 130 128 41 105 114 69 105 99 119 93 82 154 139 162 134 117 22 57 61 41 36 36 73 109 104 90 103 86 95 166 165 131 139 122 27 55 53 45 37 35 69 104 86 111 107 85 96 159 139 156 144 101 56 62 71 45 46 34 94 110 149 106 108 102 172 220 151 154 136 124 47 64 56 58 48 39 92 140 130 134 93 102 204 186 192 141 141 114 49 70 61 60 43 45 183 138 116 113 81 253 199 176 156 126 53 82 55 74 40 50 144 169 137 103 111 226 224 211 143 161 50 63 71 51 54 34 145 181 143 133 75 208 252 194 187 109 121 39 68 56 65 38 44 112 137 147 153 129 94 96 151 205 203 218 167 138 #8# 9** F35 #88 *** 288 288 288 287 998 982 285 *82 508 822 92 882 *** **2 *** *** *** *85 250 *8* *** *8* * * 252 228 580 882 262 982 288 BAN 888 *72 84% 292 978 888 8*% 88% *** *** ** ** *** *** *28 111 99 75 114 117 35 62 134 23 62 85 30 34 69 87 99 121 # CHAPTER VIII.—GENERAL TABLES. 861 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. ILLINOIS.. Aver- 21 10 15 16 11 12 13 14 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. 17 18 19 20 years Un- Total. age for known dura- tion. 16 21 37 35 44 10 24 34 12 30 42 17 21 38 14 32 46 22 39 61 32 50 12 32 44 16 45 61 227 04 223 282 228 229 285 ON 22 297 258 28 28 284 925 88% 882 *** 28% 12 18 30 2008 12 12 9 9 9 19 37 56 17 59 76 32 64 96 29 66 95 16 71 87 86 29 69 98 80 23 56 79 110 23 55 20 63 83 NA 529 *** *58 892 396 288 256 585 892 993 783 282 288 A88 52 38% R32 16 25 10 28 38 9 10 27 21 31 3 19 13 36 19 13 39 52 18 *13 10 32 42 18 26 14 12 36 18 29 REN 0 2012 HO HO HO 224 FOR 200 22 22 269 PAN 222 08 248 00 10 5 11 13 21 18 4 3 14 10 18 13 0908 D30 DOR 10 16 ક્યા 4 6 11 4 12 26 11 15 16 134 3 30 5 00 3 5 8 6 5 11 11 17 16 5 4 9 26 11 31 12 17 10 21 12 5 7 15 19 26 14 5 6 24 8 18 29 14 22 11 31 42 34 40 19 27 29 35 19 27 12 28 47 40 8 10 49 41 38 49 48 15 11 38 34 53 45 26 18 53 42 60 26 22 60 57 79 15 60 56 71 21 79 58 79 25 19 63 62 78 88 81 25 12 54 Om 2 ONS OON HER 20 000 000 247 248 =83 F32 222 228 COOK 200 000 000 243 232 585 245 248 0 403 023 362 282 282 287 235 9 10 21 30 38 6 13 18 23 31 30 8 9 27 22 36 27 6 6 17 16 23 22 40 8 11 17 18 28 24 6 25 26 33 10 11 36 23 46 34 33 18 30 48 18 20 30 44 41 48 64 61 22 19 44 45 66 64 48 11 48 32 71 43 17 17 50 34 67 51 22 14 28 67 42 15 14 47 45 65 62 59 61 221 +02 2008 -8 -** ERO # 120 FR 000 275 280 10 287 032 233 12 16 TO NON +00 255 3 2 15 Go w 12 2600 3 9 12 5 8 4 DO LO 00 310 00 10 *=*=* 0000 3 5 8 3 8 14 11 4 7 5 13 19 4 3 16 10 19 30 7 ♡♡♡♡ ON♡ 6 36 6 27 33 21 1500 564 55 16 5 23 10 336 5 7 17 12 8 5 16 14 21 19 9 7 23 19 32 26 5 8 2 6 21 18 20 29 20 26 7 6 4 15 11 13 22 17 17 BEO Dom ~58 229 230 *** FOR AR 3 7 11 10 13 5 10 15 3 27 30 1950 1952 BEN 2 7 22 8 23 13 5 12 14 25 19 5 15 19 279 17! 8 19 28 34 20 *** *02 E88 FRI FR 3 9 12 17 4 16 19 26 SAT TOO 8 1 6 9 9 6 19 17 10 25 108 7 3 3 3 11 14 21 14 17 24 11 7 22 23 12 30 18 620 3 4 12 11 15 15 11 23 21 31 11 33 44 21 15 13 10 33 45 17 35 52 12 39 51 18 43 20 He had to cut a GEE ONE SEI 32 10 27 40 37 48 10 45 55 16 32 CHAR 220 000 fa! OOM 7 11 18 14 14 23 24 40 8 11 21 13 22 35 18 48 27 14 PHOTO 943 278 279 28‡ 7 16 23 9 12 17 16 TOR DOE CON 7 5 10 18 9 18 27 4 13 32 17 3 20 35 23 14 11 30 33 44 Who we BK, WER 838 Sta 12 102 18 144 28 28 108 12 62 16 28 5 24 29 175 24 118 31 6 50 17 119 23 169 988 388 985 958 408 982 258 988 952 522 483 48 *** 858 239 589 698 582 480 282 *** 50% 838 2 4 83 852 822 222 222 PAIR SHT 66 425 7.57 79 616 8.08 145 1,071 8.88 47 397 7.51 728 7.97 136 1,125 7.81 407 7.06 100 139 772 8.10 1, 179 7.73 372 7.57 806 7.86 137 1, 178 7.77 432 7.11 107 818 8. 19 153 1,250 7.81 593 8.31 1, 152 8.43 129 1, 745 8.39 36 554 8.46 93 1,233 8.78 1.787 8.68 492 8. 12 107 1, 186 1,678 8.90 8.66 517 8.08 108 1, 130 8. 13 153 1, 617 8.11 482 8. 18 137 1,177 8. 40 179 1, 659 8.33 506 8.29 112 1, 141 8.36 179 1, 617 8.31 501 8.00 107 155 1. 244 8.78 1,748 S.55 583 9.09 150 1,259 1,842 9.30 9.23 62 686 8.08 125 1,453 8. 60 187 2,139 8.43 72 719 9.65 151 1, 607 9.20 223 2,326 9.40 59 728 : 8.69 134 1,647 8.99 193 2,375 8.90 48 722 8.46 133 1,733 9.04 181 2,455 8.87 53 683 9.17 108 1, 659 8.96 161 2, 342 ! 9.02 11 32 17 87 8 9 18 43 25 27 35 28 Get 13 8 38 48 654 8.55 22 201 108 114 1,619 8.83 146 162 2,273 8.75 } ፣ 862 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TAPLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. ILLINOIS–Concluded. Years, and to which party granted. 1 2 3 year. years. years. years. years. years. 4 5 6 7 8 9 years. years. years. To husband. 37 49 92 57 59 68 56 1886. To wife.. 41 70 134 177 165 129 181 129 Total 111 107 183 269 222 188 249 185 152 2858 29 87 All years -- S To husband. 594 796 1, 196 1,048 939 820 699 566 To wife 472 1,037 1,586 2,323 2,247 2, 104 Total 1, 631 2, 382 3, 519 3,295 3, 043 1,913 2, 733 1,536 1,301 1, 109 2,235 1,867 1, 581 INDIANA. 1867.. To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. 1868. To wife.... Total S 1869. To husband. To wife..... Total To husband. To wife..... Total 32 47 79 107 22 1872.. 1873...... S 1874... 1875.. Total 1876... S 1877.. 1878.. To husband. To wife.... Total - To husband To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife.. (To To husband. To wife... Total. To husband To wife... Total To husband. To wife.. Total 1870...... 73 1871... To husband. To wife... Total . 38 47 85 100 97 108 38 44 48 17 36 53 20 34 54 40 66 14 42 56 102 To husband. 36 1879... To wife.... Total. 75 1880.. To husband. To wife. Total 68 107 To husband. 1881.. To wife. Total • 119 128 1882. To husband. To wife... Total 62 135 *** 8 10 8 355 *** *58 88* *** *** *22 *Pg 289 88 FE #22 82 955 855 388 980 297 298 *8* **N *** 582 2** *85 *** 5 235 858 *** *** *56 898 88 92* F** A** =98 **8 882 888 262 888 120 123 59 56 128 115 58 81 139 120 36 47 90 137 112 46 56 63 38 42 56 128 19 20 32 46 117 EA 283 288 58* Eas 222 824 JAN 29 27 98 44 76 59 99 37 29 75 45 68 60 163 28 39 56 113 18 35 63 72 98 106 23 28 52 72 75 100 114 37 23 65 79 102 103 29 59 88 150 38 56 134 145 177 42 41 117 158 130 49 104 115 A28 WE SEE 282 282 3E 388 49 19 71 90 124 35 71 76 37 77 72 102 18 27 85 98 29 66 70 95 94 43 57 75 31 40 99 93 133 51 26 69 153 166 256 288 298 988 928 *** 2** 288 282 282 257 RE* *8* *** *** 986 89P 988 248 888 888 238 458 282 252 822 NE* *0* *** *88 232 36 40 16 70 68 55 73 63 83 70 29 92 121 17 74 112 23 28 66 94 26 56 82 25 83 29 114 143 385 933 935 *** 598 88 88 88 #52 238 282 288 **E 228 998 958 41 56 97 41 15 25 40 16 41 57 14 32 46 21 48 69 ENE 198 #35 37 298 14 27 14 49 63 32 14 23 37 228 229 SHE 15 17 32 10 23 54 77 14 4 33 47 10 15 25 14 8 39 36 17 35 32 52 42 11 10 9 220 2 44 24 4000 128 21 25 5 18 23 14 16 30 10 6 16 22 9 54 45 65 55 11 7 61 40 72 47 15 44 42 59 224 12 51 20 9 92 14 50 64 17 54 71 20 76 96 17 43 60 16 47 88 208 225 188 N** ** 50 59 19 73 92 10 47 57 101 14 55 69 22 64 86 18 39 63 57 22 *** *** *8 286 287 98 998 A88 44 40 12 39 52 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 863 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. ILLINOIS-Concluded. Aver- 10 12 13 15 16 17 11 14 years! Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years years and known. 1 21 18 19 20 Total. age for known dura- over. tion. 2*83 29 54 *BE 24 53 77 383 382 280 905 872 745 1, 288 1, 254 1,025 222 222 21 23 24 33 42 54 66 224183 20 12 45 40 65 228 13 10 9 8 59 45 784 8.91 35 31 17 23 135 104 1,822 8.86 52 48 41 26 31 194 149 2, 606 8.87 236 227 221 158 144 144 113 111 716 995 11, 240 8.37 602 531 532 459 362 324 277 298 1,586 2, 183 24, 832 8.70 838 758 753 617 506 468 390 409 2, 302 3, 178 36, 072 8.59 INDIANA. 17 24 41 10 30 *7 288 28 238 2293 13 24 13 46 26 6 12 26 40 18 35 7 11 32 20 39 31 20 8 43 19 63 27 6 16 11 32 PRE 225 °* OE5 *88 39 17 55 346 00 -4* 22 * ∞∞∞ 20 LS 00 3 5 8 8 12 9 11 12 23 9 15 15 24 22 12 12 13 24 21 8 18 26 29 13 8 9 24 13 32 16 37 21 41 19 8 3 1 HAR DER * *00 - 3 12 15 652 402 *25 12 158 57 7 21 6 28 10 12 6 8 12 14 -1 - 00 6 4 18 8 24 18- 9 7 6 11 17 12 උපය 5 6 7 9 6 4 11 10 oo co 3 8 3 15 8 8 1 13 11 21 12 4331 3 4 9 6 235 3 7 12 10 5 11 4 4 18 10 14 77 7 6 7 5 200 8 14 18 14 11 10 333 6 3 1 1 3 5 12 10 16 8 16 11 19 13 549 10 27000 8 9 4 3 24 13 9 11 8 15 16 10 20 12 18 459 2 10 12 10 9 27 13 37 22 +22 4 6 1 1 20 15 25 11 8 9 21 15 31 4 4 3 29 11 21 13 33 15 • 25 16 32 ~92 11 9 10 10 12 12 44 51 35 47 77 278 28 287 240 22* 6 3 3 20 11 12 26 14 15 165 7 Stoc 10 15 13 4 10 13 යම් සපය 1 10 11 14 15 200 6 145 123 NON HOO 235 237 0135 2 1 1 4 6 10 15 17 GO LO DO 5 8 9 6 39 22 44 45 26 12 9 33 32 59 428 22* 16 13 16 10 14 42 34 21 6 8 7 52 33 58 41 లులు 31 28 38 35 16 18 8 65 41 28 81 59 36 15 45 46 32 60 55 42 47 12 9 52 29 64 38 0000 280 132 26 29 9 10 14 33 14 60 0 = 2*CLA 22 23 2 16 18 10 21 31 137 702 2000 275 1 3 7 4 19 11 4 aa 22 273 10 9 12 ~99 2 6 8 6 10 2 6 12 14 9 30 39 23 ** 4 3 19 13 16 7 9 9 28 20 19 35 29 21 178 257 200 ~** **0 007 12 కోడలు 15 167 G 347 4 6 10 3 9 12 +266 4 3 12 11 16 14 639 662 55 224 437 F** =85 988 418 234 028 HER #28 200 m 2 978 20 25 45 183 *88 84 437 8. 10 99 659 7.24 1,096 7.57 10 ♡♡♡ 7 14 71 416 7.00 3 33 101 710 7.71 172 1, 126 7.45 6 17 68 440 7.09 7 26 126 770 7.17 13 43 194 1,210 7.14 6 11 76 382 7.08 9 26 150 788 7.08 15 37 226 1, 170 7.08 279 13 81 428 6.63 35 124 711 7.79 48 208 1, 139 7.36 3 15 68 389 6.74 10 44 138 768 8.31 13 59 206 1,157 7.78 14 port the co 221 1 13 34 263 7.06 7 33 73 601 7.64 8 46 107 864 7.47 9 36 261 6.39 29 80 741 7.83 38 116 1,002 7.47 11 32 252 6.85 4 41 103 800 7.75 4 52 135 1, 052 7.53 3 11 35 270 6.82 18 21 71 744 7.73 21 32 106 1, 014 7.50 11 37 273 6.74 10 35 92 878 7.94 10 46 129 1, 151 7.66 8 44 281 6.65 10 10 too ttt Sc 37 99 902 7.85 45 143 1, 183 7.57 13 36 349 6.84 12 41 93 922 8.06 15 54 129 1,271 7.73 15 42 386 7.08 51 75 1,037 8.11 66 117 1, 423 7.84 9 27 6 3 19 12 7 10 11 12 13 13 5 6 4 6 1 -6 8 27 30 22 25 17 8 14 7 74 35 35 28 29 23 9 20 15 *** 228 51 73 128 88888 391 7.56 1, 104 7.84 1, 495 7.77 13 32 396 7. 18 76 85 1, 144 8.54 89 117 1,540 8.20 864 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. INDIANA-Concluded. year. 2 years. years. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 years. years. years. years. years. years. Years, and to which party 1 granted. To husband 1883.. To wife..... Total 108 To husband. 1884. To wife... Total 1886. 1885. To husband. To wife... Total. {Total S To husband. To wife. Total All years S To husband. To wife.... 535 1,027 *** **2 286 287 2 29 56 38 76 90 124 110 119 180 148 137 325 43 24 94 73 97 122 25 39 63 39 30 78 113 114 110 90 103 152 177 149 120 36 50 36 37 30 72 101 89 123 86 108 151 125 160 116 103 39 45 48 47 43 69 94 81 99 95 108 139 129 146 138 106 705 874 719 605 487 371 ANN ** 208 209 2 17 10 59 34 76 20 75 50 58 95 11 32 43 77 24 87 111 0 000 HSE DAN 44 8 58 14 63 7 45 52 277 213 1, 317 1,691 1, 673 1, 409 1,293 Total. L, 562 2, 022 2, 565 2,392 2, 014 1,780 1,094 1,465 923 761 1,200 974 IOWA. 1867.. To husband. To wife. 15 20 Total 35 To husband 14 1868. To wife.. 27 Total 41 S To husband. 15 1869.. To wife Total. 39 To husband. 17 1870.. To wife.. 19 Total... 36 S To husband. 14 1871.. To wife.. 20 Total.. To husband. 9 1872.. To wife.... 15 Total 24 S 1873.. 1875.. 1876... J 1874....... To husband. To wife... Total. S To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. To wife.... Total. {Total To husband To wife.. Total 1878... 1877...... To husband. To wife... To husband. To wife... Total 282 785 958 437 238 2 10 30 40 17 30 47 10 21 31 15 29 41 12 44 56 16 35 Total 51 · To husband. 21 1879. To wife.... 40 Total. 61 OR 227 287 222 23* *3E FRS 122 123 232 235 203 Des 225 12 428 128 123 16 19 25 41 51 15 23 38 37 14 16 33 46 47 14 27 32 41 49 13 35 48 18 33 41 51 11 25 36 9 32 41 14 22 36 14 38 52 19 42 61 15 21 38 53 7 40 55 17 81 225 285 998 EN2 236 1=3 752 **3 =S 833 2** *52 965 32 61 40 62 17 23 33 56 19 34 55 18 59 21 47 49 71 23 43 66 2.5 41 زانا 36 58 31 43 74 51 72 26 225 283 298 888 275 433 292 398 A75 395 A78 *÷8 983 20 17 18 37 2-1 19 30 24 49 32 12 20 52 42 18 21 39 13 16 34 47 50 25 20 38 32 63 52 35 70 47 23 45 68 20 41 61 41 45 67 22 41 66 23 46 69 16 21 G∞ ∞ ** 227 228 229 222 205 933 933 935 855 222 2 31 27 15 20 14 23 37 20 32 12 31 15 36 51 41 10 13 31 47 20 47 67 20 32 52 50 37 66 58 225 222 GOT DAG EN5 AN8 #29 Ese 2x3 303 260 230 235 10 13 17 17 14 54 5 27 30 19 450 9 14 8 8 10 17 10 13 10 18 21 9 7 7 11 18 14 14 13 21 21 24 5 16 19 309 31 19 27 52 41 11 45 *= = 238 8 15 27 24 207 047 12 19 12 9 15 14 8 14 13 22 15 35 50 14 9 27 535 27 36 13 9 28 41 21 42 30 66 16 27 43 12 40 52 13 15 44 57 44 en SAR 293 238 40* 42 51 20 50 18 35 53 15 35 50 98% CEF SEE GET CES GEE B 17 18 17 17 35 9 11 25 28 34 39 12 13 23 25 35 29 40 41 11 25 36 22 30 57 29 23 200 How 302 872 THE CER FAS 142 10 100 100 colo 9 4 23 38 13 28 7 19 26 15 18 33 18 25 29 43 5 CHAPTER VIII. ·GENERAL TABLES. 865 TABLE VII.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. INDIANA-Concluded. Aver- 21 10 11 12 14 15 16 13 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 17 18 19 20 years Un- Total. age for known dura- over. tion. 28 *** HLE 2F 28 15 47 62 14 34 48 11 30 41 =2* *2* 128 11 8 15 4 5 32 27 45 38 18 43 35 60 42 23 13 12 9 17 31 26 16 35 28 44 38 25 52 33 11 9 7 1 34 28 19 34 32 43 35 20 46 4000 2*4 5 12 10 26 13 71 84 35 25 0 1 2 3 22 28 028 3 8 7 28 19 23 37 31 27 30 ONE OL 928 Po 6 21 19 27 27 *25 8 3 11 11 14 4 25 9 34 13 3 16 16 19 23 ~IN TOR 3 14 13 17 16 LO CO 213 33∞ ww 3 3 5 6 11 7 2 1 16 16 11 10 13 11 88 5 6 6 3 6 29 18 15 18 42 24 21 21 220 88 26 117 ཝ་ྲ གཆེཎྜ ཝཎྜ 278 788 92* 2*5 42 416 7.21 96 1, 191 8. 14 138 1,607 7.91 425 7.85 82 1, 109 8.28 125 1, 534 8. 16 43 398 7.44 90 1, 106 8.50 133 1, 504 8. 23 49 454 7.74 100 1, 201 9.20 149 1, 655 8.81 225 190 152 134 112 83 79 75 60 62 67 297 985 7,307 7.16 766 521 491 391 364 288 991 711 643 525 476 371 340 261 214 189 158 176 903 1,976 17,886 8.02 289 249 220 243 1,200 2, 961 25, 193 7.78 A IOWA. 6 11 17 13 9 7 13 15 12 21 O DOR 220 DEA 16 20 403 732 5 8 83 ་ 4 9 11 12 15 257 How 10 13 4 7 11 9 11 15 16 12 -12 4 7 11 ∞ - - 6164 8 1 63 9 3 113 1 19 7 1 18 4 7 2 37 4 2 4 8 187 6 14 5☆** 9 30 43 00 19 5 20 39 5 3 8 7 5 5 5 6 1 10 16 13 10 11 9 4 6 3 19 21 17 16 14 9 12 4 426 288 19 6 20 39 9 14 6 26 15 6 aw 3 6 5 5 6 6 9 9 7 9 15 14 12 369 87 3 15 6 123 1 2 5 9 2 3 16 13 12 8 29 4 4 6 8 22 14 11 11 10 12 167 00 00 8 8 15:00 8 13 13 పంట 3 10 13 19 639 7 11 18 en en co 3 3 6 11 4 5 6 3 15 13 19 16 12 16 17 *20 422 4 10 5 26 10 022 220 GEM 6 ANG SEA ASA SE 8 17 11 10 13 23 14 12 ∞∞ = 202 3 3 4 8 6 4 9 8 10 ප්‍රය 1 347 314 426 224H 24 37 61 17 34 51 113 **8 292 298 2*2 982 42 210 9.40 44 294 8.43 86 504 8. 82 28 213 9. 15 45 340 8.46 73 553 8.72 204 9.73 48 380 8.08 584 8.66 21 215 9.87 54 355 9.46 75 570 9.62 48 216 9.41 65 411 8. 93 627 9.09 4 26 4 33 8 59 527 12 17 527 3 6 549 8 19 4 41 12 60 & 14 268 426 7 1 2 7 14 10 4 12 17 16 19 15 25 18 40 25 9 34 15 30 16 43 8 17 20 33 28 270 TOIR 227 22* 5 7 3 10 11 8 10 15 18 11 13 noe som 2 8 167 1 6 7 1 639 16 40 56 3 2 9 11 187 257 1 18 6 10 34 11 52 7 3 3 2 5 8 14 11 15 8 11 17 13 20 12 12 4 3 18 8 22 11 178 5 8 11 13 13 8 5 4 1 4 13 21 8 9 11 10 26 29 13 13 12 14 31500 **2 213 *O* 4414 4 3 31 5 11 12 55 9 15 15 86 8 92585- 3 27 13 42 16 69 ลง coo 26 6 4 8 8 1O 1O 5 59 5 85 8 LO 5 5 10 12 2 28 29 16 19 14 15 36 34 21 29 26 17 20267 M D M D -55 ES LOD 00 5 8 310 00 4 3 5 8 9 12 244 25 52 77 *** ADD 89% AAR 88% 882 702 28% 088 208 209 210 258 798 *** *NK 231 9.73 386 & 67 617 9.06 229 9.77 480 8.93 709 9.20 213 8.38 449 8.33 662 8.35 199 8.91 476 9.25 675 9.15 273 9.86 573 9.80 846 9.82 276 9.49 578 8,93 105 $54 9.10 271 9.63 58 571 9.38 79 842 9.46 29 254 9.68 53 600 9.28 854 9.39 866 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. IOWA-Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 2 3 granted. year. years. years. 4 years. 5 6 7 8 9 years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 16 1880... To wife..... Total 51 To husband. 20 1881.. To wife.... 41 Total 61 To husband. 15 1882. To wife. 45 Total 60 - > To husband. 19 1883.. To wife... 40 Total 59 To husband. 1884. To wife..... 34 Total 46 To husband. 19 1885. To wife..... 37 Total 56 To husband. 13 1886... To wife... 43 Total 56 275 2** KAD XXX ZON 258 227 235 275 448 200 210 278 208 16 35 27 25 18 14 19 9 51 33 70 43 60 35 34 30 67 68 97 68 78 49 53 39 20 38 24 35 18 14 10 15 44 64 56 62 35 38 39 36 64 102 80 97 53 52 49 51 25 34 56 81 84 118 23 53 76 100 24 53 77 23 67 90 12 42 54 104 To husband. 299 322 519 All years To wife. 629 778 993 Total. 928 1, 100 1, 512 1, 423 *** *8% 50 * 28- 888 *** ** **2 882 MF* 30 50 80 45 108 80 110 288 **8 ANN 288 202 17 54 71 24 35 69 18 57 75 19 66 85 12 58 70 E32 283 28 528 EST 18 51 69 14 22 38 49 16 44 37 60 17 42 59 17 47 64 *78 208 258 *** £88 20 36 56 33 60 22 59 14 40 286 487 288 FO 17 30 47 14 15 31 46 13 9 39 29 52 38 11 12 36 54 47 39 17 16 15 39 31 35 100 279 26 56 47 50 458 364 292 275 241 215 965 782 681 614 514 435 1, 146 973 889 755 650 KANSAS. To husband. } 4 1867... To wife... 14 4 Total.. 15 8 178 1 6 1 co co 3 5 3 11 To husband. 4 1868. To wife 4 21 Total 8 28 728 3 5 8 12 +82 4 1 3 3 3 4 325 3 4 2 5 5 9 LO LO 134 213 5 4 To husband. 4 11 1869.. To wife... Total. LO LO 5 14 5 18 To husband. 1870... To wife.... Total 298 6 6 12 18 =28 ==* 19 30 - ww 3 3 44 4 2 7 11 2 193 2 325 2 13 763 11 6 1 17 18 11 28 24 12 CO LO 00 3 5 8 11 To husband. 1871.... To wife.... 17 Total. 25 To husband. 1872.. To wife.. Total.. 19 To husband. 1873... To wife. 11 Total 13 To husband 10 1874.. To wife..... Total.. 23 NEE EEN 554 M200 8 13 2 23 13 10 36 15 15 501 7 6 28 13 14 35 19 17 7 9 5 6 9 12 41 2 13 F 2 ORN 21 13 50 26 19 10 20 14 23 24 43 11 9 6 23 32 To husband. 1875 To wife.... Total. 268 2 21 LO 22 5 16 1876.………….. To husband. To wife..... Total. 268 8 17 25 27 22 222 22 14 43 20 30 201 20 18 25 27 28 6 9 13 15 19 23 ∞ 10 00 00 LOO 3 11 8 19 15 7 1 14 11 58 21 12 DOE EN 202 72 GEE 5 6 4 蛋蛋 ​22 3 3 1 1 1 4 2 9 57 12 4 12 9 157 257 187 6 6 11 16 17 22 10 4 13 2 5 12 14 29 9 8 18 42 11 13 10 GON LOO 6 1 9 10 13 123 BOS 3 7 6 2 8 20 20 17 28 12 52 4 7 9 14 26 19 36 17 13 21 1 * CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 867. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. IOWA-Concluded. Aver- 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 years. years. years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years over. age for 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- Total. known and known. dura- tion. 31 287 18+ 288 ** more inte 12 29 41 2223 10 13 22 35 14 7 14 30 29 14 36 10 6 29 28 39 34 8 9 23 18 27 2 7 31 17 33 24 26 34 10 32 42 ∞ com amo 8 24 32 9 19 28 ** 100 200 E2 200 -28 000 IN TENZ 19 33 9 25 34 NEL SER UN 27 34 24* 9 15 24 12 17 29 2222 24 27 7 7 13 30 20 20 37 00100 620 725 8 15 23 20 12 16 18 19 732 300 13 156 1 3 5 8 3t 7 10 6 11 10 202 12 11 13 4 5 5 10 3 23 26 18 21 28 31 28 24 13 4 10 6 10 16 14 31 25 20 29 18 41 31 30 *** *** 298 18 18 22 25 4 18 18 22 23 16 19 ~HO TOOK 0000 300 2 2 2 4 14 9 6 16 11 10 119 7 2 5 7 8 6 8 10 11 15 116 5 5 4 16 6 งon 5 7 21 10 12 102 3 3 5 18 16 11 21 19 16 9 10 6 6 5 15 21 17 24 31 23 12 8 11 26 21 20 38 29 31 159 140 147 127 114 395 366 303 292 276 254 554 506 450 419 390 22 22 228 78 201 སྶ ཝསྶ ཙཏྠུ 16 15 19 9 17 19 +49 229 3 6 3 15 8 14 18 14 17 131 4 5 4 12 15 9 75 16 20 13 108 91 74 53 64 69 525 191 156 130 332 292 265 209 194 137 1,053 206 1,578 787 282 328 288 988 289 822 798 *** 882 882 2*2 *** *** **% 313 9.31 688 9.55 1, 001 9.48 322 9.10 741 9.83 1, 063 9.61 326 9.73 824 9.49 1, 150 9.56 319 9.11 724 9.90 1, 043 9.66 338 10.97 826 10.32 133 1, 164 10.51 299 9.53 820 10.22 119 1, 119 10.03 306 10.45 821 9.48 124 1, 127 9.74 5, 227 9.60 1,192 | 11, 337 9.40 1,793 16,564 9.46 KANSAS. 1 1 1 1 123 123 2 1 1 112 3 3 1 1 6 1 213 24 9.38 52 6.73 76 7.57 257 2 4 6 123 246 1 1 6 1 2 6 2 1 2 426 36 6.72 1 4 77 7.27 1 4 113 7.10 3 1 2 లులు 3 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 1 2 03130 2 47 8.43 2 75 5.59 122 6.70 5 1 6 1 11 2 279 22 112 1 4 2 ww 3 1 1 3 1 1 DO LO DO 3 46 6.67 5 112 7.15 8 158 7.01 1 2 12 3 18 620 1 8 9 - co t- 235 4 2 3 9 7 11 224 347 1 1 1 1 314 8 82 9.07 10 174 7.51 18 256 8.01 # ∞ ∞ 123 2 260 123 347 8 2 3 5 3500 3 123 123 1 8 18 3 4 8 20 1 3 4 1 4 8 7 8 1 2 3 9 4 11 7 213 w3. 2135 1 1 2 4 5 1 67 CÓ 16 4 3 16 5 20 21400 66 7.50 214 7.71 3 280 7.66 8 11 22 235 10 4 4 1O 1O 5 4 5 14 347 3 83 8.88 4 153 7.44 236 7.94 3 3 3 8 6 11 1314 1 3 3 4 113 1 1 1 2 2 1 tů pod pazd 1 6 1 12 2 18 2 2 5 2 4 5 2 8 4 1 2 1 2 1 5 4 3 5 2 3 9 5 1 5 6 2 2 30 5 00 22 112 224 112 es es 3 3 4 3 7 1 1 2 2 10 16 246 12 617 662 91 7.56 205 7.27 296 7.36 66 7.43 154 7.53 220 7.50 699 6 W NO 77 9.35 2 184 7.69 8 261 16 868 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. KANSAS-Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 granted. 2 3 year. years. years. 4 years. years. years. 5 6 7 8 9 years. years. years. To husband. 1877.. To wife.. Total 21 472 17 16 21 To husband. 8 1878.. To wife... 13 Total. 21 To husband. 6 1879.. To wife.... 12 Total 18 202 201 222 5 11 18 29 13 28 16 41 25 10 23 44 32 67 To husband 12 9 15 1880…………. To wife..... 12 34 30 Total 24 43 45 To husband 13 15 16 1881.. To wife. 27 29 36 Total 40 44 52 1882. STo husband. 9 16 21 wife.. 25 60 35 Total 34 76 56 To husband. 3 19 20 1883... To wife... 11 39 Total. 14 58 To husband. 9 18 1884.. To wife.... Total 1885...... To wife... STo husband. Total To husband. 1886... To wife.. Total. To husband. 134 All years To wife.. Total 426 20 284 285 282 21 27 38 30 45 19 13 26 34 43 45 47 61 13 24 34 68 47 92 217 236 542 530 759 766 ** F** 24 * HER FOR 258 202 292 RAP SEC HOO Dom 245 404 Com 288 289 208 **7 406 4** 180 000 ONL 8 13 13 21 17 9 11 23 34 12 15 27 17 34 51 11 14 25 ACE ELE Now Não SEA 4 13 Ber 5 9 24 18 33 268 279 6 7 2 10 18 11 11 28 24 18 13 38 3 6 1 4 19 22 18 13 22 28 19 17 10 8 6 4 7 17 21 17 25 27 17 6 5 30 14 11 47 20 16 17 7 14 8 38 21 17 55 28 25 19 17 69 47 45 66 62 12 18 58 50 76 18 12 40 52 15 25 50 51 65 76 202 163 471 401 673 567 225 OON CAN UN∞ AGE GAZ ACE ACT ON. 12 8 48 60 6 7 14 26 20 33 20 8 35 55 10 41 39 51 127 122 104 352 321 479 443 *** *** **O CON FOR *** 2** *28 2 888 *** *** *** O* Tom 3 280 255 12 12 13 25 7 26 33 7 203 296 KENTUCKY. S To busband. 7 16 4 1867.. To wife.. 6 17 9 .... Total 13 33 13 To husband. 6 9 12 1868.. To wife. 8 13 14 Total. 14 22 26 To husband. 4 12 11 1869.... To wife... 8 19 21 Total. 12 31 32 To husband 5 5 14 1870... To wife... 11 13 Total 16 18 35 To husband. 5 12 13 1871.. To wife. 6 25 23 Total 11 37 36 To husband. 9 12 1872.. To wife. 9 19 24 Total 18 31 45 To husband 16 14 1873…………. To wife.. 25 27 Total... 12 41 41 605 403 TOO DOM 228 FAZ EZB DIO CON PER 229 === 142 223 ** 207 000 202 227 OR 242 22 12 220 221 222 5 11 9 18 16 15 21 6 5 13 15 8 21 13 25 9 7 11 9 10 20 16 13 20 8 20 16 40 24 62~ 250 m oco 14 12 19 23 3 14 17 12 14 14 16 26 17 12 7 17 24 15 12 34 36 22 15 PE FOR 7 228 229 7 7 15 694 4 6 5 11 100 bac 10 18 3 8 6 8 11 16 17 448 6 4 5 3 15 11 10 12 29 21 20 13 11 14 24 23 35 35 37 *28 - 5 16 21 9 12 21 25 IN HAN SEE 11 17 28 7 14 E =2R 11 4 7 11 11 12 23 7 4 18 7 11 1 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL -GENERAL TABLES. 869 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. KANSAS—Concluded. 10 11 12 13 21 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- Total. 14 15 years. years. ears. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. Aver- age for known dura- over. tion. 2 7 12 8 14 15 4 213 145 134 6 10 10 16 15 291 505 11 ODO LO 3 2 રાજ 1 3 4 3 4 4 3 1 4 3 5 8 5 3 To co 22 235 4 4 8 235 1 5 3 1 16 3 2 21 8 11 19 10 23 33 4 10 14 279 PER 0** *** 454 5 8 13 336 224 1 1 4 1 4 279 2135 13 8 21 5 5 15 9 20 14 ૩૦. 12 8 525 17 -87 1 6 8 7 ・ 00 00 8 257 ** 4 4 813 2 238 13 6 13 26 11 5 2 4 5 20 6 9 6 9 31 11 11 10 14 7 4 11 9 20 18 24 33 19 100 mm 449 13 427 2 8 2 14 8 9 24 16 16 11 12 I22 6691 12 9 4 12 100# 8 13 673 9 2 5 2 14 14 15 16 15 21 TOR 55 32 9 41 11 178 3 со 8 12 11 19 224 392 720 123 3 13 1 2 16 4 2 29 4 55 437 3 123 112 17 27 14 14 6 3 2 37 11 5 51 7 7 1 3 6 27 9 7 13 34 10 10 -] Hà ∞ 3 2 9 11 295 288 18 6 40 7 52 17 12 24 18 60 200 4 6 10 8 14 14 159 4 4 5 14 6 18 11 249 7 7 10 7 17 9 3 LD XC. 23 34 57 2223 13 29 20 42 28 101000 3 11 14 20 732 6 6 4 13 14 10 20 10 2225 16 8 12 6 ☺ ☺ ☺ 3 3 15 91 72 45 58 58 32 28 34 34 29 208 161 148 123 114 101 299 233 193 181 172 133 110 105 82 71 58 46 92 JAI Goo 6 18 6 5 37 LAS 102 228 222 De mom 202 220 254 255 220 2* COM 7 77 7.63 10 184 7.18 17 261 7.31 14 112 7.32 18 245 8.17 32 357 7.91 13 127 9.13 13 260 7.40 26 387 7.95 12 145 8.59 10 297 8,30 442 8.39 7 161 8.63 7 283 7.58 14 12 21 1 22 23 LO 444 7.95 172 9.40 386 7.99 558 8.42 176 9. 12 467 8.47 643 8. 65 11 55 49 75 293 29 181 128 281 166 78 462 291 POE AON ABE 85- 159 9.70 415 8.60 574 8.90 222 9.56 468 8.74 690 9.00 248 9.35 569 8. 21 817 8.55 2,217 8.78 4,974 7.94 7,191 8. 19 KENTUCKY. → to 4 11 ∞+2 213 235 8 4 12 18¬ 9 5 1 4 O GOLD 2 3 5 1 3 4 CO LO do 3 5 8 279 03 LG 00 5 8 549 21 3 5 224 134 257 22 5 1 1 1 1 233 LO 1 1 1 013 112 112 123 112 2 4 6 10 2 2 er er 5 5 103 5 1000 2 3 112 2 12 ama 12 572 1 6 7 437 2 4 1 156 LO CO 5 6 11 a 6 6 246 123 23 LL EY 3 6 3 2 5 2 ww 123 2 246 133 ta 2 123 71 5 12 1 2 2 3 3 4 en co 1 3 3 21600 8 2 8 3 6 5 7 3 8 13 10 4 -334- 2 1 7 · LO LO 5 3 4 1 1 5 5 4 1 1 1 136 5 6 136 4 3 5 5 7 7 5 9 10 7 5 248 1 1 2 3 5 6 4 6 Co w 3 2 2 11 3 2 13 *** **8 882 RGE 102 RTE 222 127 8.04 165 7.75 292 7.86 130 6. 28 190 7.10 320 6.79 127 8.65 205 7.26 332 7.78 150 7.93 218 7.18 368 7.47 161 6,53 253 7.20 414 6.96 177 6. 12 227 7.29 404 6.80 158 5.78 79 302 7.76 129 460 7.11 870 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.—DÜRATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. KENTUCKY-Concluded. 5 6 7 8 9 4 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. Years, and to which party 1 2 3 granted. year. years. To husband. 1874.……………. To wife.... Total 2920 10 10 23 35 223 12 To husband. 4 18 1875.. To wife.... 15 16 Total 19 34 To husband. 1876………. To wife. 11 Total S To husband. 20 1877... To wife.. 15 Total 35 To husband. 16 1878... To wife... Total. 23 To husband. 10 1879. To wife... 12 Total CHO CE 6-8 222 7 18 7 To husband. 7 1880.. To wife.. 11 Total 18 To husband. 10 1881. To wife.. 14 31 Total 24 To husband 14 1882... To wife... 9 Total 23 40 • To busband 11 19 1883.. To wife.... 10 29 Total 21 48 To husband. 10 1884.. To wife.... 16 23 Total 26 44 To husband. 1885. To wife..... Total To husband 1886... To wife.... Total CER 228 14 11 25 47 12 24 21 33 33 57 DEO ME8 00000000 0000000 20000 220 202 220 221 225 235 19 17 36 13 17 30 33 18 20 18 38 35 20 28 48 19 26 45 27 58 19 18 29 48 27 37 61 20 34 54 24 31 55 23 37 727 427 0010 00 00 10 0 FOR 2*O ONE ** 2** N** 2** 225 258 20 14 23 37 18 25 43 25 17 41 22 24 46 18 27 45 19 34 53 33 52 20 31 51 25 35 60 31 54 *** 22 283 28* *** *2* 228 2** *** *** 2** **8 23* 14 24 38 16 18 34 11 13 10 21 29 42 21 17 26 44 43 17 13 27 25 44 38 13 16 28 14 30 14 11 20 30 34 41 19 16 17 20 36 36 22 19 28 31 50 50 15 10 23 23 38 33 19 16 33 49 16 45 20 38 58 22 33 55 All years -- { To husband 187 336 325 318 265 To wife..... 216 437 503 440 449 Total 403 773 828 758 714 26 292 92 998 258 2** *** *** 200 298 *** ** ** ** 0 FSE 928 278 288 980 924 288 235 35 49 988 227 238 273 10 8 26 16 36 24 10 17 15 50 22 27 39 9 38 21 36 16 13 29 33 28 29 ∞ ∞ CO OF 250 2000 220 222 223 ** F** 8 18 26 10 13 17 21 27 34 12 16 24 40 13 13 25 17 30 15 12 20 12 19 31 16 44 37 14 10 19 19 29 ** 222 223 22O ANO ONO 202 925 998 6 12 10 19 10 12 13 19 720 639 5 6 11 9 23 17 8 11 21 18 PER FER HER 247 22* Foo 14 7 24 15 26 12 15 13 34 17 35 11 8 6 14 22 14 32 46 52 128 284 exa 11 15 21 32 36 12 13 33 20 45 33 16 14 33 19 49 33 241 211 426 387 201 293 162 244 667 598 494 406 22 222 672 02 220 LOUISIANA. 1867... To husband. To wife. 3 Total..... 3 To husband. 1868..... To wife... Total 1 1 123 co co 3 3 To husband. 1 1869... To wife..... 1 Total 2 218 3 To husband. 1 1870.. To wife.. 1 3 Total. 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 123 224 22 288 123 1 1 3 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 22 0113 2 1 3 3 1 112 22 112 2 1 1 3 1 4 1 213 1 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. - 871 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. KENTUCKY-Concluded. Aver. 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Un- years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years and known. age for Total. known dura- over. tion. 3 3 4 6 7 9 156 13 48* w w 3 3 6 44 156 4 4 2 2 3 8 10 8 10 12 11 11~ 2 er Am 1 4 5 123 4 8 213 224 ,22 225 3 123 6 65 176 7.41 6 52 260 7.50 12 117 436 7.46 1 9 55 175 8.02 1 2 8 53 257 7.49 1 3 17 108 432 7.68 7 9 16 459 4 260 145 3 1 4 ILO S 5 8 7 6 329 5 1 1 9 10 11 20 8005 34 3 4 18 7 123 2 NOW 50000 8 8 a a 9 4 7 16 16 18 11 LO LO 246 279 5 5 ลล 2 1 1 2 1 2 123 123 112 7 51 206 6.88 6 14 63 304 7.94 6 21 114 510 7.53 1 1 2 112 7 54 219 7.02 15 75 331 7.87 2 22 129 550 7.53 1 1 1 8 4 3 4 4 1 1 → 33 67 234 7.44 13 63 297 7.88 6 21 130 531 7.70 11 16 26 13 19 32 16 123 976 Berer 5 7 5 7 10 14 437 4 213 5 65 235 6.95 1 4 4 1 2 5 63 302 7.11 3 1 4 4 1 2 10 128 537 7.04 6 Б 8 10 14 15 673 DOD 1 3 1 2 4 3 4 1 4 1 10 13 5 6 5 1 4 3 000 6 74 258 7.39 62 309 7.96 16 136 567 7.72 9 19 10 10 19 29 +22 228 12 10 200 3 7 Go a c 3 3 10 6 32 W 3 5 ~~ 7 IBA 1 3 3 65 282 6.78 3 3 18 81 378 7.82 4 3 3 21 146 660 7.39 8 14 22 3263 13 5 5 12 8 9 25 13 14 6 10 5 12 15 19 62 40 11 16 722 11 15 22 143 7 9 15 16 246 12 2 6 CO LO 00 246 66 246 5 8 8 9 0121 235 193 673 257 12 76 269 8.09 11 78 316 8. 21 23 154 615 8.16 7 66 245 7.23 2 3 3 5 σ 5: 17 82 395 i 8. 13 24 148 640 7.81 18 ∞∞ 6 24 16 796 5 5 6 1 9 5 11 10 14 10 17 11 257 437 1 9 3 4 5 5 5 14 1585 60 256 7.76 97 412 7.72 157 668 7.73 2920 10 10 202 11 10 21 342 200908 13 13 3 14 14 7 12 27 27 10 19 720 6 18 24 200 6 255- 5 3 8 7 13 33 ∞ 3 6 183 6 102 323 7.65 2 18 83 432 8.56 24 185 755 8. 21 10 16 14 26 23 -43 9 7 11 18 118 139 88 67 174 179 147 116 102 292 318 235 183 164 136 105 មុនីន ៨w t 5 -3 w 3 4 10 ཎྜབ 17 246 3 4 4 10 74 312 7.98 6 6 14 91 445 7.73 9 10 24 165 757 7.83 988886 18283 33 72 2885 22 68 90 248 26 47 73 938 23 19 120 1, 217 4, 220 7.33 37 45 195 1, 355 6, 028 7.75 60 64 315 2,572 10, 248 7.59 123 LOUISIANA. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 19 19 1 คล 2 2 2 22 2 2 1 1 22 22 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 22 1 CO LO CD 3 11 5 22 8 33 3 1 4 1 -3 = C 7 1 2 2 1 CO CT f 4 5 9 1 1 #88 -* 107 10 3.75 7.65 8.00 7 7.75 27 8.35 34 8.26 15 8.09 26 8.00 41 8.03 11 7.78 19 6.76 30 7.12 872 REPORT OF THE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. LOUISIANA-Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. year's. years. 1881... 1877...... 1878.. 1879... 1880... STo husband. wife... Total • To husband To wife.... Total To husband. To wife..... Total STo husband. To wife... Total (To husband. To wife... Total To husband. 1871.. To wife... Total. 224 2 22 2 To husband. 1872.. To wife... Total 22 2 1 1 22 2 To husband 1873.. To wife... Total.. 123 257 To husband. 3 5 1874.. To wife... 1 6 Total 4 11 To husband. 3 1875.. To wife.... 4 4 Total 4 7 To husband. 1876... To wife……. Total. 6 518 5 1 246 3 LD 00 224 213 257 LOLO 314 3500 235 426 8 4 4 5 213 60 GD 6 6 22 123 22 · 00 00 8 8 4 4 8 112 112 235 112 22 3 235 134 2 3 5 2 3 LO 235 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 4 3 5 10 8 12 ~ON 2 - 3 w 3 6 පසක 7 6 3 5 10 11 5 321 4 4 1444 3 4 7 ་ 22 2 4 1 3 1 1 17 22 2 1 1 2 123 145 123 224 246 224 1 1 2 6 11 12 672 5 3 1 4 336 6 544 4 9 7 5 5 1 3 4 IBA 1 5 3 3 4 5 6 3 3 145 4 ♡ LO 00 525 3 5 MO O LO 4 6 123 257 123 426 ගියය 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 8 5 1 44 268 1 3 3 22 2 3 4 LS OC 5 8 13 2∞∞ 6 8 415 4 4 6 10 314 7 3 10 I to w 3 6 2 1 5 7 TH23 1 1882. To husband. To wife.... Total 246 4 527 4 4 6 4 10 8 LO LO ** 00 5 5 527 224 224 1 4 1 1883.. To husband. To wife.... Total 12:00 5 3 ∞∞ 6 6 8 6 8 14 12 13 763 10 337 4 3 7 7 11 10 4317 To husband. 1884... To wife.... 29 5 6 7 4 8 Total 11 9 14 13 6R 12 002 6 5 6 * 00 549 4 6 4 4 8 10 To husband. 2 6 5 1885... To wife.. 4 7 Total. 6 13 6 762 515 5 12 To husband. 6 1886... To wife.... 7 Total. 13 To husband. 43 All years.. To wife.... 67 Total 110 130 704 02800 8 15 639 3 7 58 51 58 72 68 68 122 126 135 218 NEE L 729 65 6 4 5 4 11 8 235 235 424 6 8 5 7 6 6 3 3 14 11 co w 3 10 62 45 75 54 55 116 100 2*33 33 27 40 32 73 59 CHAPTER VIII. GENERAL TABLES. 873 'TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. LOUISIANA-Concluded. 10 21 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. Aver- Total. age for known dura- tion. 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 ∞ 8 1 1 1 1 7 2 12 2 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 13 49 2 23 19 134 4 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 123 8 30 22 3 40 11 70 22 112 1 1 2 2 IN 112 112 2 2 1 33. 1 1 224 5 15 20 90 1 2 N 112 1 1 5 45 6 33 2 1 1 11 78 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 123 298 6 134 4 3 3 3 ♡ LO CO 3 5 8 2 4 2 5 CO DI LA 235 123 235 428 9 3 2 4 112 224 224 213 123 112 213 112 235 123 123 134 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 1 224 213 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 213 123 22 9 10 19 527 000 29 17 11 16 27 109 8 10 18 112 1 5 • 2 3 5 4 5 3 ТАН 5 208 6 224 5 3 4 1 2 4 5 3 4 2 4 1 1 3 2 4 2 1 4 යය. 1 3 10 COŁO 1 Go Go ∞ 3 213 Q2 3 LO 123 426 224 1 1 3 3 6 3 1 1 5 1 1 4 15 1 11 22 1 16 1 27 INN 2 224 13 6 19 -3 Wif 4 3 7 123 مرمر 1 1 22 112 1 1 279 14 16 30 168 LO ♡ 00 325 5 3 8 437 SO ON LO 3 2 1 5 1 248 1 1 2 1 6 2 224 3 3 • co co 235 18 1 25 1 43 221 000 259 892 788 488 758 482 805 788 852 28* 885 259 888 225 13 7.85 7.36 35 7.59 6 6. 67 26 6.53 6. 56 12 4.70 37 6.38 5.92 6. 14 6. 24 6. 20 7.59 7.35 7.43 6.83 5.52 6.30 7.83 7.13 7.47 6.76 8.75 7.66 8.88 7.45 8.00 6.69 7.80 7.32 6.72 7.85 7.29 7.14 52 7.98 94 7.58 7.04 7.85 7.49 76 7.89 7.28 7.59 7.67 10.49 9.08 95 7.35 8.45 7.90 8873 28 31 26 51 === 33 723 27 18 14 19 9 6 6 2 22 24 15 24 18 13 8 10 64 49 42 29 43 27 19 14 10 22 9 11 185 15 128 743 7.30 28 193 954 7.79 43 321 1, 697 7.57 874 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.--Continued. MAINE. Years, and to which party granted. 1 2 year. years. 3 4 years. years. years. 5 6 7 8 9 years. years. years. years. G To husband. 9 14 1867. To wife.. 7 18 Total 16 32 223 *2 14 21 25 35 35 To husband 1868. To wife.... Total 15 1869... S To husband To wife. 10 Total 19 7014 000 7 5 8 21 225 2883 21 27 36 9 17 25 To husband. 6 1870.. To wife.. 9 15 Total 15 29 To husband. 10 1871... To wife..... 7 Total 17 24 PER 140 *2* 8 9 24 25 210 220 1 8 9 6 8 13 14 13 20 13 21 23 19 28 15 235 15 11 11 4 5 5 16 18 15 19 10 27 29 19 24 15 5 16 6 4 28 13 11 LO 0 5 4 8 13 33 30 44 19 15 13 17 7 4 11 16 23 33 4 13 20 35 48 23 *** 29 29 17 40 25 14 8 24 22 25 38 30 32 To husband. 4 3 6 1872... To wife.... 9 15 29 Total 13 48 35 33 To husband. 1873... To wife... Total.. Bera 7 25 12 30 To husband 7 10 1874.. To wife. 20 14 Total 27 24 1875... S To husband 10 13 To wife... 11 25 Total 21 38 DE 22 228 5 6 12 12 23 18 35 13 13 18 27 31 40 12 10 34 21 46 31 S To husband. 8 1876. To wife. 16 21 Total 24 · To husband. 8 1877.. To wife.... Total 220 12 428 207 5 6 22 26 26 28 34 12 9 15 32 41 To husband. 9 7 1878....... To wife.... Total 9 24 18 31 To husband. 1879.. To wife.... Total. To husband. 1880.. To wife.... Total 1881.. {Total 1882... S 1883.. 1884.. 1885. To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. To wife.. Total S To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife. Total · To husband. To wife.... Total Cod Bow NNO NEE 13 6 15 19 28 25 32 10 20 28 29 38 2 2** *** *** 41 10 24 36 34 46 8 24 47 8 25 33 9 9 18 21 12 27 12 30 42 *8 229 232 33 13 27 40 35 12 742 5 8 10 5 14 27 19 35 325 đa là có 3 2 5 9 19 8 11 26 278 220 250 222 00 10 280 275 987 ANA 238 222 TOR 6 11 10 26 37 35 9 16 25 9 22 31 7 28 35 8 20 26 15 26 27 37 10 16 38 16 10 27 37 11 25 0100 000 258 =** 208 22* 2** FR 6 10 11 18 29 12 50 12 34 *ER TIN ORD TE* *** 20% =** 278 ►** 287 F25 8 12 12 24 7 15 23 10 25 28 7 17 24 9 18 27 13 16 21 29 22* *** 2000 427 FR* H22 7 11 18 3215 8 5 3 13 16 18 19 10 4 18 20 13 30 17 5 4 22 15 19 15 785 8 11 9 9 23 12 16 34 21 25 11 8 7 32 2008 6 13 11 7 6 6 24 24 21 15 35 31 27 21 12 6 11 30 23 39 36 34 722222 18 25 7 11 6 6 23 19 21 12 30 30 27 18 13 8 9 9 26 19 41 34 28 17 18 6 34 37 29 51 55 35 10 6 7 24 34 25 36 8 13 18 21 28 6 11 12 17 17 347 29 1 4 8 10 15 18 16 18 11 16 22 24 28 38 18 00000 27 00000 33 21 39 28 32 14 10 30 26 44 36 25 ** 20 8 24 21 10 15 28 222 728 FR* 21 30 12 20 32 11 23 34 10 8 5 4 18 18 15 26 23 19 5 7 7 3 7 9 16 14 16 19 6 2 7 11 15 16 17 17 23 CHAPTER 875 VÍÍIVIII.— .—ĠENERAL TABLES TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. MAINE. 10 11 Aver- 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 years Un- Total. age for known 12 13 14 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. dura- tion. 13 18 15 CO 6 ♡ LO CO 3 5 8 2 13 12 6 10 15 18 12 1 4 4 12 13 LOLO 5 10 9 5 14 13 5 6 1 15 13 14 13 20 19 15 20 15 Home Go to wwwer No No Good 6 6 7 9 13 13 15 20 732 732 13 673 4 14 18 415 4 4 6 10 5 5 3 9 8 11 14 13 14 12 1 1 1 18 11 20 12 8 12 9 16 796 235 298 100 620 4 6 5 Bow Boa 156 3 8 279 325 273 246 202 246 123 572 LO LO 5 5 12 6 11 325 145 145 1000 5 1 3 8 9 6 4 13 12 7 7 සය 3 3 10 2000 8 7 4 9 4 181 4 6 10 7 1 10 11 1 14 4 15 10 16 26 12 15 20 25 22 THE 90g 326 327 328 NHL Bow 12 13 LS 00 00 5 8 4 4 13 500 on LO 5 16 11 જળ 3 7 11 23 16 12 14 459 437 JA 7 7 257 ♡ LO 00 0000 8 10 235 3 3 5 8 4 4 3 7 10 6 8 29∞ 279 5 3 6 10 10 11 15 13 17 12 4 7 21 14 25 21 4 5 23 18 27 23 10 4 9 13 19 25 7 15 13 35 15 #2 HD 283 +03 69K 22 228 6 4 14 12 20 16 1 6 14 11 15 17 NOW NOHA 50000 Foo 10 14 12 MON NON 5 11 16 co co 3 3 159 2600 8 2 1 CO 1 3 4 LOLO 5 8 5 14 224 255 246 2 16 5 20 5 1=223 235 5 LO 3 14 8 15 11 - 3 w 3 3 4 6 6 200 1 1 8 10 LO 5 5 3 5 6 4 00 m fuck 1 2401- 257 156 2 3 13 9 11 20 11 325 2 4 14 5 6 257- 10 3 25 18 21 12 6 13 19 ~* 4 18 22 12 6 8 6 10 18 15 13 13 24 23 19 23 392 572 22* 8 2 2 1 2 17 14 9 11 7 9 25 16 11 11 11 13 643 6 7 16 22 5 9 14 10 baw 500 50000 3 10 10 13 to co co 3 4 9 8 12 12 6 IN CO 5 4 4 1 6 16 11 5 10 16 18 12 200 302 9 4 4 2 3 15 13 6 11 0.00 3 1 8 6 24 10 5 22 11 27 13 * 200 2-* 17 10 13 11 LO CO 5 434 JJ CO 2 5 235 277 278 200 217 H*‡ 22= == 20 2 2 428 283 048 208 HON ** 257- * - 30 123 167 16 137 9.96 31 1 271 10.49 47 1 408 10. 31 4 21 143 11.73 6 10 41 273 10.92 62 416 11.19 3 12 106 9.76 6 28 259 10.07 9 40 365 9.98 2 113 9.92 2 25 244 9.74 4 37 357 9.80 157 11 110 9.23 6 33 1 292 10. 11 44 1 402 9.87 12 101 10.55 29 286 9.67 41 387 9.90 © བ v ༠n 17 113 11.26 5 41 252 11. 14 10 58 365 11. 18 LO LO 5 16 153 10. 19 5 48 313 10.88 10 61 466 10.66 1 13 138 9.26 10 35 309 10.02 11 48 447 9.79 1 17 113 10.90 4 34 323 9.67 5 51 436 9.99 7 127 8.51 42 368 10. 14 49 495 9.72 14 115 9.71 22 295 9.10 6 36 410 9.27 2 22 153 10.83 6 36 357 9.58 58 510 9.96 187 18 165 9.76 45 435 10. 15 63 600 10.04 187 16 138 10.79 6 40 358 10.62 56 496 10.67 17 176 9.92 6 40 6 57 353 529 9.91 9. 91 8 107 9.36 7 1010 33 266 10.94 41 373 10.48 8 ∞ - 1 2 2 7 3 4 8 5 6 61 40 30 2 1 6 9 10 11-0 66 10.36 3 3 NS 27 178 11.78 35 244 11.40 15 22 722 4 4 1 CH 6 10 7 20 4 9 6 10 14 8 11 10 ✪ 194 6 256 2 4 84 10.65 10 21 248 10.92 9 12 25 332 10.85 876 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ... TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. MAINE-Concluded. Years, and to which party granted. 1 2 year. years. 3 years. years. 4 5 6 7 8 9 years. years. years. years. | years. To husband. 1 3 5 4 10 1886.. To wife.. 4 8 13 17 26 Total 5 11 18 21 36 7223 8 11 17 10 15 25 24 18 26 27 245 To husband. 143 152 164 199 All years To wife.. 191 361 453 494 Total 334 513 617 693 10 194 192 167 142 118 440 427 379 347 309 634 619 546 489 427 MARYLAND. 426 224 To husband. 1 1867. To wife.. 5 Total 187 6 459 347 - 1868 S To husband. 3 3 To wife.... 8 4 Total 11 7 279 4 4 8 હ To husband. 2 1869... To wife... Total. 2 257 2 4 4 4 6 9 6 10 13 To husband. 1 1870.... To wife.... 3 4 Total. 4 4 428 4 7 11 341 7 1871.. 1872...... To husband. To wife... Total To husband To wife.... Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. 8 224 22 260 5 1 6 112 1 2 1 3 6 4 6 5 3 12 246 246 22 123 ~~ 123 369 1 3 4 224 233 235 4 5 1 1 5 1 184 3 4 12 202 10 123 145 123 224 1 3 4 4 4 4 4 7 4 11 8 యిలాలు 3 5 8 112 5 187 426 4 1873.. 1874.. To wife... Total To husband 1875.. To wife..... Total 213 213 224 213 123 213 3 325 2 6 6 127 167 4331 6 7 6 224 2 COLO 00 3 3 2 5 7 1 8 10 3 13→ 5 55 5 4 5 5 3 3 1 5 4 4 3 3 4 1 4 1 6 6 5 6 8 5 224 To husband. 4 3 1876……….. To wife... 1 • Total 5 3 235 2 257 S 1877... To husband. To wife. Total To husband To wife.... Total 224 2 co ♡ 2 1878.... 213 1 3 22 1879.... To husband To wife. Total 112 1 1 S 1880 To husband To wife.. Total 3 3 1 1 4 4 To husband. 1881... 1882.. To wife. Total To husband. To wife..... Total • 224 347 224 4 6 3 4 7 6 4 3 4 2 3 3 4 7 4 4 3 8 10 6 4 3 4 4 8 248 1 5 6 6 325 257 - ww 3 6 3 4 6 10 437 159 ED LO 00 426 4 325 4 2 6 10 259 2 7 9 588 22 3 8 3 5 8 10 730 6 3 8 6 £ 8 6 5 10 11 14 11 225 4 3 5 13 7 4 3 4 9 10 8 7 6 13 2135 35300 4 4 8 8 224 257 279 224 2350 235 358 187 347 as a c 3 415 44 : 3 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 877 TABLE VII.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. MAINE-Concluded. 21 10 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 13 14 Un- years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. Total. Aver. age for known dura- tion. 3 12 15 94 298. 392 350 202 2885 5 10 16 15 19 369 6 F 4 8 11 9 7 8 17 13 11 16 213 3 14 105 12. 11 9 6 35 269 11. 88 12 6 49 374 11.94 80 90 74 61 46 63 37 44 36 275 2, 463 10.22 230 187 162 165 133 124 83 112 108 686 310 277 236 226 179 187 120 156 144 961 22 5, 949 10.32 8, 112 10.29 MARYLAND. IT LO 426 235 1 4 2 2 224 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 3 1 4 2 238 29 7.57 54 8.42 83 8.12 1 3 4 1 6 7 33 3 3 3 3 6 3 213 1 1 3 1 4 415 4 1 2 1 1 as as 3 1 3 2 2 257 32 1 51 1 83 2 22 213 213 112 3 25 426 22 134K 1 1 183 112 3 3 en að ∞ 133 6 4 4 8 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 1 1 3 co co 3 1 1 235 32 112 123 3 3 6 1 3 4 4 235 1 0 3 1 1 3 1 729 22 112 4 2 11~ 527 22 183 325 112 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 213 213 3 1 2 1 1 1 12 1 1 3 2 14 134 ~21 4 1 5 27* *** ** *** 9.84 8.78 9.20 8.47 54 8.46 86 8.45 30 10.93 54 9. 15 84 9.80 40 10.64 49 9.46 89 9.96 134 4 109 1 4 1 2 1 4 4 1 1 4 10 5 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 93 w 3 156 2 1 2 6 2 1 2 . 00 00 3 1 3 1 369 437 3 3 3 1 3 5 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 4 1 6 1 4 1 22 2 1 6 1 11 1 48 ** 280 795 9.33 10.94 10.32 38 9.55 49 9.04 9.28 8.18 9.92 9.31 10.46 10.07 10.75 1 1 255 2 1 ♡ 3 2 3 2 1 212 2 22 1 1 1 1 47 22 6 11 6 5 3000 8 1 6 1 4 235 1 2 3 2 3 1 ૧૭: 2 2-3 1 1 1 عرعر 297 1 1 325 426 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 4 1 1 4 4 1 5 1 t-t- 7 6 5 11 3 3 3 ગણ 2 3 7 2 6 4 1 1 4 1 3 4 2 5 3 4 5 5 4 197 2 3 6 2 6 4 9 w 213 2 112 22 ·55 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 0146 1 527 1 1 1 1 HH 1 1 257 729 123 (22 *57 898 888 738 362 112 34 8.57 10.93 91 10.15 35 8.89 48 9.81 83 9. 41 32 8.00 50 9.00 82 8.61 41 9.00 58 99 10.07 9.63 64 9.53 61 9.53 128 9.53 13 LO 224 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 10 5 1 1 1 2 11 1 103 246 415 1 2 3 5 4 6 161 1 4 5 11 16 126 3 138 852 283 8.45 12.50 10.99 10.83 11.67 11.33 ( 878 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. MARYLAND-Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 1883. To wife..... Total 325 3 3 8 2 2 4 3 ∞ ∞o 8 10 10 4 10 9 8 18 12 6 14 12 To husband. 1884. To wife.. Total 279 437 130** 7 4 6 6 7 8 44 4 6 6 4 13 11 14 10 10 213 235 To husband. 1 3 7 5 6 3 4 5 1885... To wife.... 6 4 5 5 10 5 5 6 Total 7 7 12 10 16 8 9 11 To husband. 6 4 2 4 5 7 7 1886.. To wife... 2 4 2 6 14 7 8 .... Total... 8 8 4 10 19 14 15 178 To husband. All years To wife.. Total 9995898 39 40 46 03835 888 60 71 65 73 50 66 101 115 84 90 93 126 172 180 157 140 B89888888 134 116 Eat Bow Bow 12 49 MASSACHUSETTS. To husband. 1867.. To wife ..... 67 Total 13 279 2 9 11 *** 4 9 10 13 14 22 · S To husband. 3 3 5 1868.. To wife 9 8 8 77 7 8 7 16 Total 12 11 13 14 24 To husband. 7 1869... To wife. 7 Total 14 355 7 8 11 2 13 9 9 20 17 20 S To husband. 1870... To wife... 1871.. 1872.... S 1873.. 1874.. 1875.. 1876... 1877. 1879……….. { 1878... Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife... Total {Total { · To wife.. Total To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. Tɔ wife Total To husband. To wife .. Total • To husband. To wife Total 69 6 3 10 15 8 8 3 8 11 379 7118 595 673 459 415 325 347 5 15 10 20 11 13 2=2 6 11 17 5 4 4 6 9 11 11 13 15 4 6 11 11 To husband 2 5 10 To wife.... Total. 11 10 19 13 15 29 TE 998 7 9 15 15 26 11 17 31 28 To husband. 5200 10 448 235 +82 720 268 6 5 11 3 11 14 4 12 12 19 وت 3 11 14 257 NEL NEW ~~ NA DNA 4 12 17 15 FER FRO 20 D42 222 H2R 200 2** *** *0* EPO DE 6 13 11 11 17 24 3 16 19 23 5 15 20 10 19 29 CER TOR3 228 922 6 6 14 7 20 13 7 8 5 16 21 16 29 21 12 18 14 30 22 10 16 26 16 11 42 11 27 21 38 12 8 18 30 23 22 42 31 13 6 20 23 32 21 36 38 3 12 11 19 29 22 41 32 6 12 15 20 30 22 26 42 207 000000 ∞ge Egg C** `** 278 27 400 400 428 485 225 ON* 28 12 282 DE HER 247 282 289 224 11 8 12 12 9 11 23 17 23 12 10 18 18 30 28 10 8 24 32 34 40 9 17 29 32 38 49 15 19 34 28 49 47 *** NO 2ER TO DER 2000 OEM 8 7 14 21 9 7 12 17 525 23 25 7 19 12 26 18 10 10 14 17 24 27 10 28 33 38 42 10 27 37 14 7 25 23 39 30 15 12 32 28E FR 12 29 41 11 26 47 39 37 *** *2* CEN O❤* *2* 278 *** 2 6 9 8 20 28 12 39 8 25 33 13 13 9 9 24 24 37 37 15 18 27 31 42 49 28 HER 29 24 38 33 11 7 31 42 22 20 27 CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 879 the TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. MARYLAND~Concluded. Aver- 21 10 11 12 14 15 16 13 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. 17 18 19 ! 20 years Un- Total. age for known dura. tion. 7304 3 3 10 6 6 8 14 6 4 5 11 325 260 167 123 369 3 2 LO 8 257 2 3 5 123 2 ما 5 11 2 16 134 57 10. 61 100 10.77 4 157 10.71 5 5 4 6 6 11 10 279 2 2 2 5 71 10.52 1 9 2 2 1 14 22 102 10.28 173 10.38 4 8 167 4 7 11 325 1 1 246 1 1 5 1 60 9. 15 1 6 3 4 10 4 107 10. 71 1 7 3 5 15 5 167 10.14 257 1 2 3 1 1 1 4 3 5 4 2 6 4 1 5 5 8 5 4 7 4 2+ 123 4 57 8.42 12 1 108 10.93 16 1 165 10.06 132 288 52 40 36 32 27 38 12 17 11 13 12 80 59 47 54 51 40 39 31 25 15 99 83 86 78 78 51 48 36 28 234 62 19 866 9.48 13 127 30 1, 319 10.24 25 189 49 2, 185 9.94 MASSACHUSETTS. 15 19 +59 4 12 19 7 14 21 201500 222 3 14 17 572 720 on 729 4 9 15 12 13 20 7 12 10 11 19 17 13 542 243 2 3 9 13 11 16 426 3 6 156 3 2 28 9 6 39 4 7 11 18 621000 5 5 57 5 9 14 12 5 4 10 11 15 15 487 3 13 9 8 9 5 ما 4 21 23 11 16 10 30 31 20 21 14 8 7 3 8 2 11 8 11 10 19 15 14 18 9 403 120 TOO 673 9 246 2 9 11 1560 Bow BEN 10 257 16 30 46 3 9 12 4 1 5 1 3 21 16 72 6 10 22 11 11 1 9 10 65 HT 4 4 6 8 9 10 12 279 279 9 3 6 6 3 9 16 40 56 22 31 53 18 7 36 1 9 12 10 19 6 10 13 16 20 2 10 18 27 20 9 26 35 8 31 39 8 22 30 Não NNA DEG ONE DEL S 729 5 5 3 14 12 7 19 17 10 10 m 6 a 46 173 3 3 4 7 7 9 10 11 156 5 7 19 co 8 13 24 15 16 පයය 6 8 14 0 20 14 45 9 5 6 11 2 ∞ ∞ 6 8 623 12 18 8 10 16 15 19 37 24 25 26 4 7 19 14 8 12 24 18 15 18 11 2 2 20 13 23 14 24 24 25 16 5 11 3 16 19 10 13 25 24 21 16 20 202 on moa 700 620 246 6 8 1 1 5 2 10 18 3 8 16 16 12 9 21 6 6 10 12 བཙག བཙབ ཚ 19 4 13 18 4 9 3 7 11 8 11 20 11 279 200 000 998 278 087 288 **2 **: 788 106 11. 21 212 11.86 318 11.64 115 11. 74 254 11.75 369 11. 75 124 10.65 1 235 12.76 1 359 12.03 130 11. 91 274 12.07 404 12.02 120 11.98 211 12.87 331 12.55 20 116 12. 15 33 1 221 12.84 53 1 337 12.60 23 147 12.90 53 295 13.12 442 13.04 25 169 11.73 74 442 12.38 99 611 12. 20 24 181 11.82 58 366 11.95 82 547 11.90 2 8 15" 10 10 3 6 9 CO LO DO 3 5 10 8 12 9 8 7 6 33 22 21 20 23 42 30 28 26 30 9 11 10 5 27 17 11 21 36 28 21 26 TO ON.. 9 11 13 20 20 732 6 16 12 22 !mer 1 15 17 16 11 FON EEN BON 2 11 550 201 3 1 1 7 4 8 .9 9 4 13 181 145 83. 6 1 130 10.16 53 1 381 11.49 59 2 511 11.16 13 141 11.17 57 1 379 11.49 70 1 520 11.40 2 5 4 12 10 5 8 7 12 10 12 11 2 9 03 01 42 2 217 2 5 5 7! مت сосся 2 8 280 282 165 10. 56 50 407 11.57 62 572 11. 28 20 1 158 11.20 59 392 11.83 79 550 11,65 880 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. " TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. MASSACHUSETTS-Concluded. Years, and to which party granted. • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 3 1 3 11 1880... To wife... 6 11 10 28 Total. 9 12 13 39 To husband 3 1881. To wife 1 Total 4 12 482 167 16 27 S To husband. 1882. To wife Total 224 4 LO LO 5 5 11 201 9 19 =88 #97 +59 У 12 15 18 24 30 2008 10 19 31 25 41 44 11 8 ► 13 8 10 28 4 15 21 30 To husband 1 5 #4 9 11 1883.. To wife. 3 6 13 27 20 Total.. 4 11 17 36 31 To husband 1884.. To wife. Total 23 ID 1 7 5 8 Two 9 9 3 18 12 27 To husband 4 3 10 1885.. To wife. Total ww 3 4 8 21 3 8 11 31 To husband 3 2 8 1886.. To wife. Total... 44 4 6 10 18 9 12 26 20 ONO HAD AN COMO ∞ ta 9 ** 200 23 15 16 36 23 26 12 6 28 30 40 36 9 17 24 33 10 27 37 8 37 45 8 24 *8 128 227 FB 22 11 19 26 30 28 529 220 28 33 39 12 38 12 6 25 26 37 32 11 7 35 21 32 46 28 To husband. 61 73 89 162 176 218 220 208 *** 29 *** *** *** *** *** * 5 14 35 49 10 33 43 12 26 38 15 13 28 All years To wife 95 138 228 339 418 458 456 446 Total 156 211 317 501 594 676 676 651 * 22 *** ** FIT == =** 868 48 16 34 182 435 617 MICHIGAN. To husband. 1 1867……………. To wife... 11 Total. 12 To husband. 1868 To wife.... 13 Total 17 To husband. 1869.. To wife..... Total To husband 1870.. To wife..... Total To husband. 1871....... To wife... Total S To husband. 1972... To wife.... Total 20 25 To husband. 1873.. To wife.... Total 19 26 To husband 1874... To wife.. 23 Total 37 To husband. 1875... To wife.... Total 25 34 22 37 INO OMA 4* FOR FAR FRA PR* 40*5 15 10 19 27 34 37 7 20 33 32 40 4 4 12 20 16 24 6 11 17 23 23 34 8 17 15 31 23 48 5 12 26 *2* =** 20 20 42 32 43 38 7 9 23 38 47 14 13 27 40 9 16 62 78 To husband. 10 5 15 1876... To wife..... 27 39 Total.. 32 54 ON* 2** 229 FA♫ 589 2** *** *** **≈ 488 33 33 66 22 14 27 42 52 41 16 15 26 43 58 38 17 14 34 40 51 54 46 17 15 45 38 49 60 21 19 26 64 45 14 50 56 73 70 22 29 23 38 55 60 84 28 21 54 44 82 65 15 28 50 62 65 90 DEN 207 208 270 200 000 000 **7 222 228- 5 10 17 16 26 45 +255 19 26 25 39 12 7 9 16 24 21 36 54 31 30 9 8 18 36 45 12 15 34 16 31 25 15 41 63 56 18 21 24 40 42 61 16 17 30 31 46 48 19 48 36 71 55 29 15 49 47 78 62 24 14 42 44 66 58 *2 223 222 230 998 20 168 09 207 208 207 720 083 458 ***- 24 28 32 41 20 29 21 49 10 21 31 14 35 49 16 40 56 11 31 36 42 14 45 41 59 11 33 44 *** CON *** *22 200 DEN FIN ∞ 0 0 523. 14 9 8 17 11 18 52 29 13 8 21 29 8 7 17 29 24 12 5 36 11 48 16 5 9 17 33 22 42 11 10 31 20 42 30 8 6 31 44 18 59 15 0040 37 19 26 45 17 5 26 31 43 36 CHAPTER VIII. GENERAL TABLES. 881 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. MASSACHUSETTS—Concludęd. Aver- 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 Un. years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 16 17 18 19 20 Total. age for known dura. over. tion. 13 26 39 27 288 TON 228 23 31 7 20 12 10 24 27 36 37 8 11 30 *** FOR 255 =3 8 8 10 3 сл 5 4 3 21 30 21 13 14 10 -100 8 7 57 5 4 7 6 29 40 24 18 18 13 15 12 10 7 2 5 4 4 3 2 20 9 11 14 11 10 8 23 16 13 19 15 14 11 LE LO 5 5 2 246 9 5 4 3 2 29 38 12 25 25 38 36 37 168 159 413 538 *** 222 222 #23 223 708 #38 228 *2* 825 14 23 29 23 43 46 Qin aci 2253 20 10 25 14 9 7 26 18 35 25 12 25 19 37 12 11 7 21 31 31 33 42 38 27 252 2500 8 27 12 15 12 7 4 19 17 29 17 26 29 36 21 166 133 97 114 379 333 345 277 239 499 478 374 353 329 # 000 * 292 APR 288 14 11 17 13 18 boo be co 2 15 8 10 3 9 23 14 15 26 23 20 10 108 5 3 12 15 12 16 +29 4 9 8 18 11 12 27 19 19 man 200 224 720 3 9 12 8 10 60 How 34 9 61 12 9 6 LO 5 6 21 13 13 11 30 19 18 17 M LO GO 3 5 8 10 9 15 12 18 25 21 23 In com 5 17 22 522 11 3 9 7 20 10 *72 921 272 2*8 *08 Ada 808 18 174 11.72 4 421 12.37 79 4 595 12. 18 16 120 11. 05 28 267 11. 28 44 387 11. 21 1 128 12.35 57 1 404 12.63 79 2 532 12.56 22 187 11.99 38 444 11.93 631 11. 95 1 216 13.26 1 433 12. 88 2 649 13.01 30 198 13.45 22 2 425 12. 74 623 12.97 20 172 12.82 58 1 393 12.81 78 1 565 12. 81 95 72 81 83 48 388 4 2,997 11.88 234 193 169 136 146 966 13 6, 856. 12.22 265 250 219 194 1,354 17 9, 853 12.12 MICHIGAN. 8 8 16 18 6 14 20 13 4 13 15 10 19 23 1100 100 22% 7 3 15 5 10 8 3 13 12 472 221.9mm 572 6 6 3 6 5 13 12 11 16 6 7 6 5 8 9 11 15 15 MD IN 00 30.00 336 246 549 3 5 8 2 6 5 11 1 17 7 21 8 255 er to co 2 5 279 10 000 21:00 40 5 145 235 145 6200 10 21 31 16 38 15 8 39 6 6 2 2 4 1 17 16 15 9 10 9 10 23 22 17 11 14 10 14 8 17 25 2433 12 14 13 26 20 732 6 2 6 12 11 14 18 13 20 14 10 9 9 18 16 19 12 28 25 28 21 13 6 25 38 26 9 23 32 40 15 27 22 42 9 14 26 22 282 28 42 12 10 GMA NEW 520 11 14 19 19 30 10 10 19 20 29 7 28 35 *22 = 222 732 9 679 2 4 11 10 15 17 12 21 23 -22 TOR 9 7 6 10 13 14 TOH BOH FOR TOT 4 5 6 47 6 7 4 27 11 11 11 10 49 5 7 9 7 14 145 55 10 3 1000 19 5 37 7 aww 3 3 6 10 4 13 7 5 8 16 19 11 10 24 19 5 3 13 13 22 37 3 20 18 25 10 Bow A too cr 5 8 be a mere 5 2 5 9 11 336 20 26 46 2 4 14 6 16 10: 0310 D- 4 14 2 ta 7 9 269 2 14 8 16 3 1 12 - — - 6 7 *24 3 12 15 030 10:00 5 11 8 6 4 6 23 17 18 11 17 13 11 35- 7 14 35 37 28 26 11 23 17 17 10 16 246 5 9 220 220 240 250 258 289 287 2ZZ *52 267 168 8.57 4 281 9. 12 4 449 8.91 1 173 10.13 3 336 8.23 4 509 8.88 1 157 9.87 1 336 8.70 2 493 9.07 2 178 10. 18 8 376 9.28 10 554 9.57 257 207 9.69 423 9.21 630 9.37 3 210 9.53 7 410 8.86 10 620 9.09 18 33 51 369 212 9.71 493 8.79 705 9.07 54 -8- 1 244 9.40 550 9.88 9 794 9.73 24 75 19 255- 251 9.05 613 8. 85 864 8.91 55 74 45 → 224 9.50 576 9.37 9 800 9.40 20267 M D -56 882 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.- DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. MICHIGAN-Concluded. Years, and to which party granted. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 7 6 1877... To wife.... Total 24 24 31 30 To husband. 7 1878...... To wife.... Total.. 21 28 S 1879.. To husband. To wife.... 8 Total.. 43 1880. To husband. To wife..... Total 11 40 1881.. To husband. To wife.... Total. 1882. {TO WI Total... To husband To husband. To wife... 1883. To wife..... Total.. To husband. 1884 To wife.... Total Gao 22 QUE 27E ☺*H * cu toate 35 102 51 10 54 64 104 17 50 67 104 133 25 22 48 42 73 64 110 9 46 55 102 To husband 6 1885... To wife.... 38 Total 44 101 1386.. (To husba To husband 19 To wife..... 46 Total 65 KJO RAP X58 282 285 768 800 288 282 282 72% 85% 852 *** ** *** *NA 882 287 288 297 298 20* *** 2** 2** *2% 798 782 19 40 59 26 65 91 32 48 42 95 207 208 *** 280 232 103 27 52 79 22 56 44 98 66 20 53 68 73 90 36 32 19 72 81 69 115 113 88 36 24 28 66 68 53 109 92 81 29 80 109 102 33 70 82 98 102 103 118 *** F** 2** *** *** **2 058 205 FOR R$8 298 28P 2E2 892 2*8 282 28* *** 22 *** 24 26 49 73 47 73 17 17 36 47 53 64 22 17 53 47 75 64 43 16 55 50 98 66 32 58 85 90 26 18 53 44 79 62 18 22 67 61 86 20 46 44 67 64 17 10 58 35 75 45 25 15 64 49 DEN DAN 287 295 440 288 LED 27E HON 20 252 253 257 288 282 DIN 218 217 23 40 10 41 51 18 39 57 34 39 73 21 40 61 15 47 62 22 66 16 41 57 13 34 47 14 48 62 13 38 89 64 51 To husband 182 305 522 471 468 388 379 • 315 265 All years.. To wife.. 584 Tota 766 818 1, 153 1, 068 1, 101 955 950 837 782 649 1, 590 1,572 1, 423 1, 338 1, 216 1,097 914 MINNESOTA. 1867... To husband. To wife.... Total 1 3 4 To husband. 1868... To wife..... Total. To husband. 1 1869.. To wife. Total. 4 4 5 8 3D LD 00 1 5 3 8 4 112 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 4 · LO LO 3 3 6 213 3 3 3 5 3 5 6 428 2 22 224 *48 437 426 4 22 44 257 213 235 4 257 To husband. 2 1870.... To wife..... Total 22 37 3 4 4 5 1 2 10 9 5 193 2 co co 3 224 1871.. To husband. To wife.... Total 1 4 5 ♡ 3 1 3 11 3 2 7 16 248 2 6 12 672 5 224 21 J 3 3 2 3 2 3 4 6 1 2 2 1 1 3 లులు 336 1872.. To husband. To wife... Total 257 257 145 4 4 7 11 O SO LO 2 3 5 437 4 4 13 122 673 2 2 1873……….. To husband. To wife.... Total... 123 සය 3 3 -34 4 9 2 3 8 10 7 7 17 12 10 273 2 7 9 200 6 8 berer 10 CHAPTER VIII GENERAL TABLES. 883 TABLE VII.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. MICHIGAN-Concluded. Aver- 21 10 12 14 11 13 15 20 years Un- years. years. years. years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. 16 17 18 19 Total. age for known dura- tion. 53 20 42 62 42 49 44 41 487 488 **8 488 227 720 218 #==2 15 39 54 15 35 21 50 38 23 21 43 25 66 46 15 38 68 58 46 66 34 42 20 12 42 64 54 11 19 52 61 02 220 230 20000 208 ** 2** 225 18 32 50 17 31 36 47 28 37 17 53 70 16 46 62 35 H** 22 HOE OM F82 0EN DAA 11 23 34 3223 17 20 31 =22 11 20 10 6 5 41 11 9 15 50 42 13 13 43 37 56 50 8 54 62 235 236 13 43 56 235 251 194 626 528 505 861 779 699 ** *** *00 200 588 FAN 228 *** *22 228 188 30 13 36 18 19 9 34 53 15 8 13 36 31 44 44 12 18 38 21 50 39 17 9 33 16 50 25 11 11 51 31 62 42 8 10 16 29 45 39 61 . 21 29 35 47 "22 277 8 6 18 27 CON 325 128 =** *8 2000 240 271 278 OOR HOE OD 000 5 12 17 12 342 9 25 6 16 22 12 15 11 32 11 18 29 16 30 46 5 21 26 8 21 29 6 24 77 23 27 34 175 148 124 454 337 338 629 485 462 385 **E PER 10 000 000 0000000 000 84 208 208 8 9 17 11 ∞11 201 8 3 17 14 17 ♡♡♡ 3 2 6 12 9 14 5 5 2 9 12 10 9 17 15 11 100 6 4 7 17 9 10 17 23 13 17 19 249 5 10 15 10 6 14 14 13 18 24 19 15 785 8 12 20 10 16 12 26 16 26 19 35 27 8 11 28 20 36 31 *20 *** =27 6 18 12 24 17 527 7 co 8 15 137 7 8 6 19 18 6 26 26 12 10 5 6 17 15 8 27 20 14 5 9 6 8 6 14 21 26 8 16 19 30 32 16 22 120 9 3 8 19 16 18 28 19 26 mog 3 3 26 10 29 13 130 888 188 AJF 988 955 5652 489 972 988 431 287 10.22 640 9.53 7 927 9.74 3 312 9.64 9 681 9.70 12 993 9.68 257 235 347 8.81 763 9.38 1, 110 9.20 368 10.69 781 9.36 1, 149 9.79 2 1 ∞ 406 10.04 6 907 9.78 1,313 9.86 5 370 10. 29 27 12 965 9.52 17 1, 335 9.74 9 398 10. 10 17 985 9.89 26 1,383 9.95 46 1 351 10.85 9 888 9.59 10 1, 239 9.95 6 308 10.47 90 10 919 10.06 16 1, 227 10.17 8 38 23 46 32 *** 9 10 6 6 55 6 371 10.88 15 16 25 22 115 108 94 80 270 226 228 207 157 1, 110 334 322 287 240 1,691 22 859 16 89 5 968 9.91 144 11 1, 339 10.18 581 59 5,542 9.96 131 12, 891 9.48 190❘ 18, 433 9.62 1 1 224 MINNESOTA, 224 123 123 1 3 235 22 5 112 22 3 134 224 246 134 1 1 1 3 231 1 1 224 1 } 1 1 1 లులు 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 112 1 4 1 4 325 1 1 1 8 2 6 2 3 1 1 14 3 33 22 2 2 145 5 213 1 6 7 112 1 1 2 1 3 639 22- 224* 111 22 32 LO 235 426 1 1 1304 1 5 1 3 1 9 9 4 3 1 1 14 10 108 1 2 1 ลง 22 1 1 325 123 4 1 3 7 5 3 11 6 137 Eca õng Fo* *** *** JAN JUN 7.81 9. 41 8.74 7.33 9.32 8.62 12. 14 10.27 11. 10 9. 11 11.31 10.53 11.58 9.39 10.21 10.29 9.91 10.04 48 9.94 9.89 9.91 4 1 1 4 2 426 224 112 112 1 1 3 5 ~~~ 213 11 112 2 3 3 14 03 0 55 3 5 6 884 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. MINNESOTA-Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 granted. 2 3 year. years. years. years. years. 4 5 6 7 8 9 years. years. years. years. To husband. 1874..... To wife.... Total 246 55 356 1 9 8 5 3 8 27 2 9 6 12 16 11 157 4 3 6 9 4 7 13 7 To husband. 1 1875... To wife... 5 Total... 6 257 3 7 10 · 1000 12 8 14 224 4 3 6 14 10 17 22 2 13 2 4 To husband 6 1 4 7 3 2 1876. To wife.... 1 9 Total 7 10 500 8 7 11 4 12 14 14 6 12 302 3 6 437 4 3 1877 To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. · 1878.. To wife.... Total +426 4 2 6 257 123 145 167 5 1 6 14 11 15 6200 6 2 8 297 5 155 5 6 లులు 6 5 3 7 11 12 482 6 6 12 183 9 1577 6 2 212 2 3 347 To husband. 5 1 6 4 4 4 6 1879. To wife.. 6 6 7 9 4 6 8 Total 11 7 13 13 8 10 14 437 • To husband. 1 3 2 1880... To wife.... 11 9 11 13 Total 12 12 13 16 To husband. 2 5 7 1881.. To wife.... 8 10 11 10 Total 10 15 18 12 To husband. 2 2 : 1882. To wife..... 9 Total 11 00 00 8 14 15 8 16 To husband. 2 1883. To wife... 9 Total 11 10 S To husband. 7 1884.. To wife. 3 Total. 10 To husband. 5 1885... To wife... 4 Total 9 awer 500 Boon 8 15 16 18 19 25 5 3 13 18 To husband. 1 3 1886... To wife..... 12 Total. 13 23 16 11 19 12 819 9 2127 7201 ER DER ~30 NON *** *A 5 11 12 16 17 527 5 15 2 8 6 4 5 12 11 9 8 6 17 5 24 25 11 How Ever Go 57 5 10 459 8 7 12 15 12 2 10 12 12 12 18 7 3 10 23 15 30 18 32 6 9 17 26 23 35 18 222 20∞ 4 2 13 9 17 11 14 16 15 18 పటాలు 37 18 10 7 13 8 8 6 17 23 24 9 17 24 36 32 17 23 **2 620 000 R 3 9 5 9 4 22 1 14 15 223 14 9 5 4 7 4 22 19 20 25 13 9 36 28 25 29 20 13 To husband. 46 38 60 111 96 82 58 64 55 All years To wife... 98 123 154 192 199 159 156 128 113 Total 144 161 214 303 295 241 214 192 168 MISSISSIPPI. S 1867... 1868. To husband. To wife.... Total. To husband To wife.... Total 213 1 13, 1 Cr 4 4 1 112 2 4 314 9 432 12 112 1 1 2 1 2 224 112 4 325 325 Ca 3 1 2 4 1869.... To husband. To wifo... Total 347 3 4 8 4 11 8 828 6 2 2 325 1 1 134 112 112 2 1870.. To husband. To wife.. 4 2 10 16 2 2 4 Total. 4 4 12 20 620 2 1 8 3 123 1 CHAPTER VIII885 . —GENERAL TABLES. .VIIITABLE VII-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. MINNESOTA-Concluded. Aver- 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Un- years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. Total. over. 22 134 238 1 4 6 5 .22 123 436 2 co co 23 5 3 3 2 22 2 2 213 4 22 5 5 22 1 1 1 1 1 5 123 1 1 426 -] ✪ pak 1 2 1 6 3 " 7 2 4 6 1 4 5 10 6 345 3 4 7 18- 9 246 325 257 437 4 123 224 123 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 112 22 22 2 12 17 3 1 12 4 15 5 131 888888 213 527 2 589885 age for known Jura- tion. 8.03 10.83 10. 01 11.14 10.22 40 3 135 10.46 224 12 15 ~21 3 4 4 8 148 3 w w 3 1 2 3 4 2 183 2 2 2 23 2 7 235 437- 4 6 10 260 4 3 8 431 7 2 8 120 260 4 6 1 6 3 16 12 4 527 5 2 1 LOGO ON 3 LO 2 5 1∞ 1 7 8 188 1 11 9 12 158 6 2∞∞ 2 6 8 1 5 6 3 6 9 248 M♡ 112 134 123 213 123 112 B OLD 123 113 1 1 3 1 20 2 3 1 **** *22 8 15 235 2 140 9 29 as as 3 3 3 3 22 123 9 2 2 5 2 3D LD DO 5 8 1 1 20 LS 00 3 2 5 8 2 33 6 5 11 270 4 3 1 14 6 9 9 18 10 4 8 29 12 11 16 19 55 8 6 5 6 2 325 +00 112 CO LO A LOD 00 1 5 6 673 2 9 123 1 11 2 4 5 22 222 123 185 31 13 22 369 151 109 176 16 29 22 152 11 2 22 1 146 3 223 26 2∞ 8 199 37 10 *** 280 285 582 208 FOR FRE 54 8.46 9.71 9.26 12.31 10.94 11.43 11.33 12.68 12.21 11.33 12.39 11.98 76 12.79 9.87 10.85 10.63 11. 21 11.01 78 11.79 11.17 277 11.35 4 1 6 4 10 5 260 8 3 3 3 3 4 6 2 8 14 9 12 20 11 178 1 8 9 47 369 4 7 1 4 11 1 << < 00 4 4 8 224 17∞ *** ***? 18 30 48 IE CO 1 79 13.29 5 222 10.40 6 301 11.17 14 3 87 11.26 29 1 241 10.53 43 4 328 10.72 8 ♡ ∞ 3 9 11 8 13 19 11 1 1 16 8 12 17 9 17 22 427 10 13 5 13 15 145 ~03 234 3 7 10 as as co 3 3 6 5 10 7 10 12 53 44 57 30 21 25 102 109 101 95 70 56 155 153 158 125 91 81 108 10000 3500 5 13 18 18 → 134 1 4 5 170 2 9 11 36 8 13 1 6 -- 4 5 10 43 65 285 12 39 51 222 22 11 50 39 72 50 gento Baco 04 284 6 248 102 9.62 256 11.83 358 11. 20 45 2 6 00 104 12. 59 275 10.37 8 379 .10.98 20 159 50 313 70 472 105 ទី៩៖ 1, 142 11.04 2, 481 3, 623 10.74 10.84 2 ૭૫૭. 2 112 MISSISSIPPI. 1 1 1 1 1 6 32 22 4 17 10 49 123 123 10 33 1 3 14 1 1 1 1 GOD SE LO 3 4 2 8 12 1 1 2 13 1 1 2 259 828 892 ON 6. 27 10. 15 7.56 7.22 26 9.64 59 8.40 35 7.48 40 6.63 75 7.05 5.86 2 1 2 15 85 7.60 6.36 213 1 1 2 2 117 1 1 2 1 1 112 1 2 3 4 22 2 1 1 1 112 22- 2986 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII-URATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. MISSISSIPPI-Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 6 1871.. To wife.... Total. 6 718 7 12 4 11 16 246 18 60 30 = 10 8 13 To husband. 7 9 15 11 9 18 1872.. To wife... 6 4 9 7 6 Total. 13 13 24 18 S To husband. 1873. 1874. To wife.... Total. To husband To wife.... Total To husband. 122 718 9 12 6 15 16 4 4 8 3 1875... To wife... Total 5 8 437 4 1876... 1877. 1878... 1879... S S To husband. ... To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total..... To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife..... Total.. To husband 4 7 11 4 1 5 3 8 1880.. To wife... Total 448 4 4 8 Hab 10 16 To husband. 4 1881... To wife.... 4 Total. 15 1882.. To husband. To wife... งง 7 13 Total 14 18 . S To husband. 8 10 1883.. To wife... 4 Total 12 16 Bad Berão 200 6 To husband. 8 11 1884. To wife... 5 8 Total 13 19 To husband. 6 1885.. To wife.. 1 Total 7 To husband. 11 1886.. To wife.... 7 Total 18 (To husband. 87 133 All years..To wife... 58 Total 145 216 No God MHE 213 GTO 202 ore ED LO 00 426 4+2 ODE TOM 40* 228 720 627 27 127 2=5 123 415 112 10 00 00 123 818 8 10 10 9 20 BTO HOO - 240 222 15 26 13 7 20 11 9 20 12 522 9 10 7 4 16 14 6 212 6 9 8 6 15 12 2001 ~ ~ But Not 1000050 Na 6 1 1 112 2 112 8 10 13 14 9 22 23 10 13 22 550 0 *2 1 2 3 3 4 9 að að co 3 2 3 6 2143 3 14 13 8 4 17 426 13 8 3 20 11 333 15 6 19 549 8 6 8 6 14 347 820 8 10 7 12 17 12 732 5 10 9 9 5 15 14 7 12 6 10 13 15 20 9 15 24 35 21 16 12 17 33 33 20 13 13 40 33 25 12 37 9 18 41 15 26 11 37 2 222 223 228 223 228 227 202 22* 11 20 23 6 24 42 ≈ 222 223 29 18 14 36 19 9 28 17 23 13 7 30 30 27 19 22 49 16 30 16 16 32 46 17 12 21 34 38 230 258 271 266 147 176 173 173 377 434 444 439 BIO DE 20** ** 222 *** 225 2A 8A9 98 88 5 10 13 11 6 8 3 16 16 21 639 15 2 17 729 12 4 5 7 17 11 10 8 10 28 20 17 18 18 15 35 33 20 18 12 7 32 25 14 16 14 10 28 26 23 18 14 6 37 24 22 10 32 26 19 45 16 17 33 203 127 330 **E 28 202 222 9 8 17 22 11 33 16 36 228 HER DER 220 202 1000 00000000 292 000 m 202 *** 15 875 14 7 21 24 13 37 20 11 12 14 25 15 11 26 15 13 28 16 13 29 11 8 19 Dm Dm How Faro Noot ~ 201 8 8 20 9 5 5 14 13 9 22 6 14 20 12 14 26 20 6 18 11 38 17 175 123 131 103 306 226 : CHAPTER VIII- GENERAL TABLES. 887 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. MISSISSIPPI—Concluded. Aver- 10 12 11 13 14 15 Un- years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 21 16 17 18 19 20 Total. over. age for known dura- tion. 123 134 224 248 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 112 3 1 1 1 4 16 1 1 123 1 1 2 1 3 28 325 123 2 2 112 112 1 1 2 16 1 1 16 1 2 1 2 32 1 1 3 19 1 1 1 16 1 1 1 1 4 35 369 3 3 2 22 2 22 W z pod 1 2 3 112 325 17 13 5 30 5 12 762 5 8 268 LO 23 00 LO 3 00 1 1 112 2 2 20 2 2 ia 2 32 5 3 3 1 1 1 8 6 1 1 1 213 224 314 16 25 10 18 32 13 Fat Cat 822 5000 5 Scier 5 9 3 12 325 213 1 2 3 5 4 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 133 21 2 15 36 10 8 13 103 7 6 17 9 15 8 17 15 6 10 19 25 11 6 17 13 703 6 Home cerco acã Two SE 11 15 6 17 18 9 12 3 12 14 13 9 3 6 16 15 9 10 5 1 14 11 21 -22 108 2008 9 8 5 10 12 7 5 15 12 15 14 14 14 9 9 14 8 7 23 28 22 16 16 10 26 18 ܤܘ 9 9 729 11 2 9 20 724 540 230 224 GOD CLE OLD Gro =-2 472 402 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 633 33 22 9 55 2 1 1 2 1 1 112 47 að að 3 3 LOLO 5 30 5 9 4 4 9 13 13 LD 20 00 5 3 8 213 2 1 5 47 1 3 2 1 1 8 639 4 4 8 134 4 677 6 1 11 11 6 17 16 00 LO 8 8 5 2 13 10 248 LO 3 00 150 000 5 1 6 314 112 19.00 8 2 10 112 1 8 1 8 1 3 4 3 1 1 6 8 1 1 4 10 13 19 5 24 3=23 18 9 11 6 29 15 426 5 3 137 116 90 91 102 89 56 47 239 205 146 138 88888888 55 33 cott Gerä 10 15 325 763 527 LO CO CO 235 8 2 115 4 2 10 5 2 620 8 ∞∞∞ 2∞∞00 200 201 F23 222 207 208 326 F8E 482 448 888 888 *** 66 5. 62 8 39 6. 71 105 6.00 101 4.80 8 69 6. 61 170 5.58 103 6.94 66 6. 58 169 6.81 106 7.05 70 7.00 176 7.03 100 7.27 71 7.24 171 7.26 95 6. 43 12 77 5.97 172 6. 21 100 7.87 9 72 7.94 172 7.90 116 7.28 73 8.36 189 7.69 185 8.45 110 8.18 295 8.35 250 7.47 179 8.09 77 429 7.73 258 8.25 23 163 8.06 70 421 8.17 45 250 7.98 24 143 7.28 69 393 7.72 277 8.38 39 172 8.07 449 8.27 59 269 8.27 30 206 8. 07 89 475 8. 18 54 285 8.39 40 197 8.06 94 482 8.26 7 4 5 5 7 3 14 5 246 Mafia fand Ch 3 1 4 8-8 1 9 8985 59 301 8.57 37 203 8.01 96 501 8.35 49 43 92 283 31 27 28 19 59 46 2003 25 8 33 227 15 9 67 567 3, 025 7.74 12 10 37 360 2, 015 7.75 27 19 104 927 5, 040 7.75 888 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. .. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. MISSOURI. Years, and to which party 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband 9 1867.. To wife. 11 Total 1868.. {Total To husband. 20 7 To wife. 14 Total. 1869.. To husband. To wife Total To husband. 1870……. To wife. Total 21 7 10 17 21 15 36 To husband. 13 1871.. To wife... Total 28 41 To husband. 1872.... To wife. Total To husband. 1873... To wife. Total To husband. 1874... To wife..... Total 1875.. To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. 1876... To wife Total To husband. 1877... To wife. Total To husband. 1878... To wife Total To husband 1879.. To wife... Total 1880.. To husband. To wife... Total 1881.. To husband. To wife... Total 1882... To husband. To wife. Total 1883.. To husband. To wife. Total S 1884.. To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. 1885... To wife.. Total *2 99 200 201 *** 207 992 293 277 *** R ** *** 272 7** *** *** 26 33 14 36 14 52 28 88 13 20 43 18 31 57 100 16 16 34 32 65 17 25 16 38 33 20 27 47 74 23 36 25 45 48 81 70 19 25 45 60 44 75 89 16 24 24 32 52 40 56 34 32 34 31 51 65 83 34 36 48 61 72 82 97 126 32 41 34 41 82 68 73 123 102 27 31 38 35 79 96 62 110 29 31 28 75 69 57 106 106 28 34 40 50 89 85 78 123 125 22 292 EN* *A* *** *** *** 282 98 *** F27 228 *** *** 498 998 883 *** *38 HGE RAJ *** *88 2** *** *** 284 220 ARE 286 A85 **8 285 286 358 *** *** 592 292 238 788 *** ** *82 882 588 923 229 222 ~AJ *** 288 *** Abb 7*6 208 *** 890 892 JAG SEX 855 FIR 13 18 పటలా 15 22 7 37/ 14 21 13 • · 16 17 33 15 28 43 99 2 98 -** 737 235 237 238 2** *** 18 15 18 15 16 31 17 15 34 38 51 742 530 200 100 100 1 13 19 10 32 15 3 13 9 12 3 9 15 15 23 24 53 31 13 17 34 30 17 57 43 34 17 30 26 47 35 17 16 43 60 38 32 16 49 40 81 56 18 25 31 44 49 69 9 12 28 40 24 33 57 11 18 49 38 67 23 50 36 100 73 59 32 22 56 88 24 40 64 30 62 92 29 63 145 92 200 220 998 38 2** **5 ORE 288 2*8 N*X 298 288 9 12 32 44 32 39 35 43 10 28 38 16 47 63 23 31 23 37 59 27 46 73 24 35 59 27 58 85 45 22 87 52 108 132 74 DOL 001000 *2 F* 284 00 01 000 273 *** 200 592 #33 236 28* PAN 230 13 8 Dok 392 *** **00 5 6 3 9 16 .15 695 9 8 15 22 23 10 7 8 11 18 18 7 6 16 13 22 19 8 11 12 19 19 11 25 36 7 8 13 42 11 35 21 37 8 20 12 28 35 40 27 46 73 11 35 46 29 65 20 62 15 37 52 16 61 77 Hi ∞∞0 232 =** *** 223 287 E85 993 284 28* 278 2XS 19 24 8 18 20 26 35 29 24 13 29 49 41 16 51 17 30 47 AWO ANN 1:1 AME BNE D50 GNT 25 BB- 55a 15 19 24 15 27 42 15 25 40 30 20 28 48 33 42 15 49 21 64 27 13 15 32 45 19 34 34 53 48 20 21 43 31 63 22 38 60 ONE 400 201 202 295 6 34 49 14 52 15 42 57 CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 889 TABLE Table VII.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. MISSOURI. Aver- 12 13 14 15 16 10 11 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 17 18 19 20 21 years Un- Total. age for known dura- over. tion. 22 73 3O TEN 7 12 10 18 7 15 12 238 620 572 6 ♡ * E- 145 279 5 3 4 7 LOGO 00 134 5 3 8 3 7 12 4 4 15 11 4 as as co 257 3 3 6 224 224 4 16 147 6.95 1 6 24 215 7.29 1 10 40 362 7.15 246 1 4 19 156 7.12 3 .7 26 231 7.80 4 11 45 387 7.53 7 4 9 4 16 8 268 0.00 3 3 8 8 11 11 224 → 3 w 3 8 1 4 6 1 14 9 4 22 10 8 15 6 7 13 в 10 11 ప ప = పటలా 5 13 15 18 17 12 Bow Ge 4 8 17 18 9 5 19 5 28 10 12 9 8 17 14 13 26 22 14 18 7 4 4 12 228 228 14 13 11 17 15 12 100 mom 200 mom 424 --O 273 247 137 279 594 9 9 459 6 3 a a 9 4 9 4 257 123 6 2 9 15 ** 19 175 6.58 15 251 7.74 34 426 7.28 338 6 LO 3 00 5 3 8 er er 5 3 4 5 6 4 10 13 13 too cr 8 10 1 8 5 9 10 6 4 3 3 8 10 8 13 11 12 5 3 12 10 15 12 3 3 9 7 10 10 NON TOO 2 16 50000 5000 mp 30A 500 10 ఊదలు 13 235 1 4 5 6 10 188 2 6 9 187 6 4 6 8 5 11 HELO 224 1 4 5 8 8 6 4 6 * E- 248 257 235 248 459 279 3 3 4 2 5 6 11 19 25 30 29 13 14 26 22 39 36 8 10 Olm 25 15 33 25 5 26 31 10 27 989 228 *2* *** * 14 20 13 33 43 35 20 19 39 23 29 21 52 29 18 35 18 23 41 9 31 40 36 422 428 PER CE2 121 120 +48 ∞∞* *** FRS 16 12 20 25 30 6 Too Coo 15000 50000 3 8 11 257 3 యిలాలు 5 8 6 - w 3 1 6 10 9 11 268 10 13 ♡ am 3 10 8 2 8 10 LOGO 00 459 5 3 8 10 200 5 8 11 16 12 342 12 18 12 18 18 26 4 12 22 22 18 26 30 16 10 26 14 19 42 24 5 11 28 39 8 11 26 24 53 34 32 14 11 24 27 38 38 11 9 25 32 41 ON∞ ∞∞00 200 07 FOR 228 22 TOR 6 ♡ LO 00 3 4 4 5 9 6 மம் 5 3 6 7 8 13 10 10 6 10 * OF 108 000 228 222 223 22* *-* 426 22 112 248 235 426 4 22 13 16 17 38 10 21 14 26 24 47 14 19 33 15 18 2 33 10 6 32 10 14 24 200 287 949 933 979 228 196 6.71 295 7.43 491 7. 16 212 7.18 403 7.51 615 7.40 16 212 7.41 21 372 7.64 40 584 7.56 16 219 7.77 23 402 7.39 621 7.52 16 243 7.23 27 421 8. 19 43 664 7.84 16 219 7.17 23 449 7.36 39 669 7.30 3 13 6 245 7.20 7 12 19 25 25 12 13 21 33 9 4 19 4 28 23 247 248 438 7.63 683 7.49 270 7.48 14 458 7.89 728 7.74 10 258 7.18 15 479 7.83 25 737 7.60 8 2 1 6 4 14 8 5 18 13 11 2* 21 34 19 8 5 པ་ 14 12 27 19 7 6 16 15 23 21 8 19 33 27 4 8 10 17 17 21 25 7 1 16 8 23 ~ 1500 CNH 2500 250 500 500 8 10 11 3 13 15 21 7 13 *HO TOT 2 HER 4 -* -* 00 4 3 4 6 8 9 4334 18 7 LO LO 6 21 6 39 1 1 ∞-) -- 7 8 145 3 6 13 6 4 21 10 34 8 2 1 20 14 10 8 6 25 16 11 8 6 45 11 7 5 17 14 3 28 21 CO LO OC 3 5 437 18 30 48 8 7 9 10 8 14 LO CO 5 6 4 18 15 23 11 6 10 21 20 31 4223 5 8 6 11 6 11 16 14 17 Bow Saw 38 8 9 3 8 7 1 12 20 31 22 22 9 15 6 9 12 23 13 10 228 227 21 Coco CCA 2 00 00 0 12 12 24 16 43 11 20 31 27 65 34 45 79 18 48 66 227 792 127 OR1 000 424 223 264 7.75 463 7.95 727 7.88 349 7.43 581 7.87 930 7. 71 334 7.17 617 7.87 951 7.62 10 360 7.93 25 669 7.79 35 1, 029 7.84 18 381 9.15 25 726 7.53 43 1, 107 8.08 15 409 8.72 29 750 8.49 1, 158 8.57 20 369 7.71 15 824 7.88 35 1, 193 7.83 曾 ​890 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. MISSOURI-Concluded. 5 6 7 8 9 4 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. Years, and to which party granted. 1 year. 2 years. 3 1886.. To husband To wife. 41 31 34 69 Total 75 100 - 123 3888 39 37 34 27 84 70 107 200 73 67 107 94 25880 67 40 87 2223 13 28 62 41 To husband. 420 580 613 555 429 350 268 271 219 All years. To wife. 510 956 1, 061 967 828 700 659 524 454 Total 930 1, 536 1, 674 1,522 1,257 1,050 927 795 673 MONTANA. To husband. 1867.. To wife... 1 Total 1 123 1 3 1 1 1 1 To husband. 1868. To wife.... Total 1 1 To husband. 1869...... To wife..... Total. 22 1 1 2 1 1 2 ♡ ♡ 3 3 224 112 1 1 1 1 1870.. To husband. To wife.. Total 1 22 2 1 1 2 1 1 22 2 1 3 1 2 1 4 1 · To husband. 1 1 1871... To wife... Total •22 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 To husband. 2 1872... To wife.. 1 Total 1 224 2 3 co co 3 To husband. 1 1873... To wife.. Total. 1 22 1 1 1 1 224 22 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1874... {To husband wife. Total. To husband. 1875 To wife. Total } 1 1876..... .... To husband. To wifo.... Total To husband. To wife.... Total. 1877... 1878... To husband To wife... Total 2 1 2 1 22 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 213 · 00 00 1 1 •22 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 22 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 a 4 1 4 4 1 4 1 T 1 134 123 2 22 112 112 3 3 1 3 4 4 134 1879... 1880.. 1881...... S To husband To wife.. Total • To husband. To wife.... Total To husband To wife... Total To husband. Total 1882.. To wife... 437 3 2 1 3 H 22 1 3 1 1 3 1 145 5 267 235 ព 22 235 2 6 10 12 ลล 2 2 213 134 2 22 22 2 22 112 •22 లులు 3 4 4 2 3 1 3 1 44 4 4 2 235 248 80 cr co 3 2 5 8 298 4 6 43 3 7 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 891 3 : TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. MISSOURI-Concluded. Aver- 21 10 11 12 15 13 14 16 17 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years years. years. years. years. and known. 18 19 Total. ⚫ge for known dura over. tion. 283 28 14 5 27 25 41 30 27833 12 10 6 7 3 4 5 5 15 14 25 8 4 16 9 39 25 20 32 11 8 21 14 288 21 59 80 640 498 226 414 335 312 255 425 370 163 113 115 81 92 87 74 53 57 38 291 317 202 164 195 157 105 111 91 450 416 283 256 282 231 158 168 129 741 228 229 14 395 7.81 822 8.73 36 ì, 217 8.43 5, 412 7.62 9, 866 7.87 733❘ 15, 278 7.78 MONTANA. 123 1 1 1 1 123 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 8.17 1 1 1 1 11 11.27 17 10. 18 1 1 1 1 2 4711 8. 00 8.67 8.44 5 6.40 9 7.11 14 12 14 *22* 6. 86 10.50 6. 17 6.79 4 4.75 3 3 1 1 සය 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 22 15 7.60 19 7.00 3 4.67 1 1 15 7.00 18 6.61 3 10.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 44 4 17 12.76 20 12.35 3 15.00 ลล 2 14 8.92 17 10. 13 2 10.00 2 22 1 7 11.43 1 9 11. 11 1 4 11.75 1 1 1 1 1 11 9.20 1 1 1 1 15 9.93 1 4 11.25 22 224 1 1 2 1 1 2 ลง 1 1 2 11 9.55 3 15 10.00 7 7.00 22 AA 2 1 31 8.07 2 1 38 7.86 1 1 1 ~~~ 1 6 11.00 1 2 Go Go 3 21 7.39 3 27 8.29 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 224 2 163 2 22 22 1 1 4 5 1 4 1 22 2 1 -- 1 112 0113 1 1 112 248 2 2 123 1 1 2 1 6 3 4 7 *** FX1 N88 112 4 7.00 34 10. 06 38 9.74 17 8.06 38 9.50 55 9.04 27 10.04 59 86 7.72 8.44 892 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ་ TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. MONTANA-Concluded. Years, and to which party J. granted. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1883. To husband. To wife.. Total 426 3 4 7 257 257 325 ∞ ∞ 8 3 2 8 3 1884... To husband. To wife. Total To husband. 1885 To wife. 4 Total 167 134 4 1 6 7 10 7 8 ลงลง 7 6 4 7 7 4 4 5 4 5 8 298 4 6 6 10 18- 4 9 9 13 22 3 3 6 112 187 22 4 6 4 To husband. 4 5 1 2 1 1 5 1886 To wife.... 4 5 7 11 10 13 9 6 Total 8 10 8 13 11 14 14 в 335 2 To busband. 21 All years To wife.... Total 28885 21 18 38 49 59 70 888888 10 17 50 52 48 60 68 62 65 68 2800 13 9 11 43 31 28 56 40 39 NEBRASKA. 1807.. To husband. To wife.. Total · To husband. 1868.. To wife.. 1 3 Total 1 5 2 OM LO 1 1 22 2 2 To husband 1869... To wife.... Total 123 1 6 3 3 4 9 1 1 123 1870... 1871.. S 1872.……………. To husband To wife.... Total. To husband. To wife... Total. To husband. To husband To wife Total.. 1 1 224 4 235 22 156 6 6 G 213 257 444 5 5 LO LO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LO LO 5 1 6 6 112 123 134 5 4 5 5 3 3 123 257 123 134 213 8 1873...... 1874.... 1875... 1876... .... .... S S 1877... Total. To husband. To wife.. Total. To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife. 1 17 Total 1 2 25 112 4 2 4 To husband. 1 To wife.... c 3 4 3 5 235 6 4 15 6 21 10 8 1 8 1 187 7 1 6 7 14 1 ∞ CT CO 3 5 8 257 225 3 112 112 2 1 22 ∞ - 1 7 8 3 LO 00 5 8 It∞ 1 4 1 7 9 6 1 p 8 13 7 1 22 347 257 6 11 17 10 2 3 2 6 12 2 8 15 1878.... To wife... Total 112 ∞423 8 14 22 12 25 002 10 15 200 SOP 8 279 4 3 15 7 19 10 224 257 5 5 1 6 6 ∞ - w 3 6 13 9 13 Co Co 235 167 50010 8 4 4 లులు 3 3 To husband. 2 10 1879. To wife.... 4 9 Total. 6 19 2233 12 21 158 14 14 248 5 7 } 3 8 8 9 5 4 9 6 13 16 6 7 17 123 CHAPTER VIII. GENERAL TABLES. 893 TABLE VII.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. MONTANA-Concluded. Aver- 21 10 12 11 13 14 15 19 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 16 17 18 Total. age for known dura- over. tion. 112 1 2 3 1 3 2 2 ลง 1 1 22 224 3 4 7 1 4 1 5 145 224 7 7 112 1 1 123 218 22 246 113 1 3 3 4 22 112 1 1 1 1 426 1 4 5 2 4 1 22 3 1 1 1 9 2 3 1 2 1 1 13 3 112 325 1 1 1 3 1 1 లులు 3 1 2 4 2 3 1 1 1 6 3 1 2 5 3 3 1 1 2 115 4 130 13 19 32 228 +02 4 6 18 22 2888 22 10 13 ~RR 3 8 5 LO 3 10 13 13 18 18 16 123 4 1 15 6 19 7 10 180 9 2483 22 44 66 33 ∞ women 8 207 25 615 **2 286 282 282 522 24 7.10 46 7.50 70 7.37 21 12.55 76 8.36 97 9.27 30 10. 14 9.59 9.73 31 8.47 99 8.47 8.47 9.22 8. 69 8.83 NEBRASKA. 112 1 1 1233 10 1 22 1 1 1 HA 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 18 1 1 23 *00 5000 4 9.00 6 9.25 9.14 6.40 6.59 6. 55 123 15 22 24 39 1 1 1 1 112 213 1 1 22 1 1 30 1 1 4 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 5 1 1 224 112 112 123 38 27 37 213 235 347 22 112 134 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1038 22 224 1128 112 1 1 2 1 50000 1 1 4 3 1 2244 426 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 213 3 ON LO 1 2 3 5 4 106 1 1 8 2 10 ww 3 2 1 1 1 4 3 1 2 2 1 2 - ww 3 56 6 11 115 235 250 220 300 6.73 9.40 7.16 7.76 8.70 6.43 7.17 8.37 80 8. 18 8.23 3 లులు 3 1 3 4 156 1 2 4 1 4 3 41 9.71 1 1 5 7 89 7.13 1 1 2 5 1 10 130 7.95 178 3 SOLO 00 3 5 8 426 ลง 22 2 1 1 1 128 4 1 7 m co 3 72 7.80 8 112 7.91 3 11 11 184 7.87 123 1 1 2 4** *28 189 ANM 248 6. 60 7.68 7.24 10.00 5. 19 6. 52 11 9.00 6. 44 49 7.00 10 9.44 6. 42 7.20 26 7.92 54 7.42 80 7.58 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 224 6.85 6. 68 894 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. NEBRASKA-Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 granted. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1880... To husband. To wife.. Total 4 1881. To husband. To wife Total. 448 8 To husband. 1882. To wife.. Total 459 To husband 4 1883... To wife. 5 224 021 400 223 TE 8 1 13 14 10 6 10 33 13 7 20 16 33 23 4 11 11 30 Total. 9 15 41 To husband. 3 1884 To wife.. 14 Total 17 · To husband. 3 1885.. To wife.. 10 Total.. 13 To husband 4 + 1886.. To wife.. 7 Total.. 11 To husband. 34 All years To wife.... 72 Total 106 527 ~R FOR PER "om 6 12 15 17 21 223 DE OR ON 200 283 FOR F8E 13 20 33 5 11 13 16 20 145 732 3 3 6 3 4 2 3 11 9 6 15 11 156 257 3 5 9 6 12 347 112 9 14 10 23 6 21 27 TO ORN 4 6 3 4 17 8 6 13 23 14 23 11 10 15 9 LO 5 7 7 23 11 19 4 32 16 26 11 145 4 10 9 13 3 6 26 5 18 6 21 36 14 31 9 27 LO 3 00 5 3 8 3 13 22 27 25 7 30 37 43 *** *** 21 40 223 10 31 13 6 30 23 29 75 108 82 177 245 203 252 353 285 GOT TRX FOR PR8 3 18 18 21 2002 350 5 17 8 22 10 3 10 26 28 19 48 8 36 31 29 12 64 38 45 39 160 161 125 115 82 231 225 163 160 121 NEVADA. 1867.. 1868.. To husband. To wife..... Total. To husband. To wife..... Total 213 426 ww 3 1 3 1 1 22 2 1 7 10 2 1 1 7 12 1869.. To husband. To wife... Total 112 1 2 112 224 123 224 202 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 5 2 6 22 2 123 2 1 2 1 344 1 2 4 7 1 2 4 To husband. 1870... To wife.... Total 123 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 22 1 1 1 1 ลงลง 2 2 1 To husband 1 1 1871...... To wife.... 3 1 Total 3 1 44 4 3 1 ∞ ∞ 3 4 4 2 3 or spine fund 1 1 2 4 4 1 5 5 3 1872…………. S To husband 1873.. To wife... Total S To husband. 1874.. 1875... 1876... S To husband. To wife..... Total. To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife.... Total. 5 257 5 6 1 To wife..... Total 3 4 - 1 45 4 156 ww: 145 4 5 4 4 246 358 246 155 246 4 3 3 145 248 260 8 279 314 261 · 00 00 3 3 123 1 1 1 LO LO 5 3 6 5 3 7 213 248 3 6 3 9 6 9 112 2 167 22 1 4 2 6 4 1 ~~ 2 134 2 2 සය 235 1 1 3 4 7 3 4 4 7 4 • CHAPTER VIII.- GENERAL TABLES. 895 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. NEBRASKA-Concluded. Aver- 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years and known. Total. ago for known dura- over. tion. 3 13 4 16 6 123 112 248 2 246 66 369 සපය 10 13 6 6 20 NOHON Berer 10 Chand 1 4 5 123 2 18 *LOO 1 5 3 9 4 123 123 213 178 156 134 3 1 4 4 3123 5 2 1 2 11 5 1 2 16 15 123 2 113 1 6 8 10 2 1 11 13 7 3 9 4 16 7 === 167 1 3 13 11 14 14 3 22 2000 123 co co 8 3 3 1 4 213 134 1 9 12 10 10 1 19 10 1 44∞ 1 8 1 4444 4 6 4 13 8 19 1331 7 งง 7 11 7 12 === 1 544 3 8 9 11 CO III 112 3 1 1 4 1 298 4 6 5 7 15 1 4 11 5 159 4 30 LD 00 1 5 1 8 2 44 4 9 19 28 10 38 89 127 98 200 000 5 3 4 9 12 4 14 15 224 1 8 224 2 2 31 18 65 67 60 98 78 2923 48 31 22 20 14 11 21 33 18 19 18 70 51 47 29 40 100100 7 25 843 FER AN DER ER 224 145 145 77 22 9 11 14 18 ~25 "OR 202 =0 3 61 9.28 12 137 9.06 198 9. 13 3 64 9.30 127 8. 18 191 8.56 88 8.91 183 8. 85 271 8.87 97 9.33 218 8.66 23 29 315 8.86 11 14 25 3 9 18 3 లు. 27 15 15 7 30 43 9 86 95 123 123 *** B 113 10.37 201 8.89 314 9.40 97 9.61 241 8.49 338 8.80 127 10.38 309 8. 16 436 8.77 961 9.22 21 117 147 30 203 242 2,073 3,031 8. 13 8.47 NEVADA. 1 1 3 3 112 459 11 22 1 1 1 1 112 112 - 1 1 2 123 112 123 1 1 37 1 1 1 16 1 2 1 2 46 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 112 2 2 2 1 3 1 3 1 1 22 1 1 1 2 1 4 22 1 1 40 247 248 239 12 7.50 25 9.25 8.67 9.60 7.64 62 8.14 12 8. 42 28 8.89 8.74 9 13.50 19 8.76 28 10.28 1 1 1 22 1 1 2 1 1 212 1 33 1 40 22 THE CO SCH 1 3 4 22 2 2 123 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 33 1 39 156 224 235 6 · 30 00 1 13 3 22 1 1 · 1 1 1 1 co co 1 1 food 112 22 1 1 1 1 4 6 5 6 224 3 5 1 3 5 1 1 112 22 to co 1 } 1 tets: 3 3 01.01 2 2 2 2 pak pad 1 1 22 1 1 1 2 1 112 1 112 22 1 1 3 R 1 6 12150 123 1536 te 1O 1O 2 2 72 13 2 Ima oma 282 282 248 FEN 7 7.86 7.78 7.79 6 10.17 8.45 8.72 6.31 59 8.51 8. 10 8.09 59 8. 29 72 8.26 20 7.47 45 9.21 65 8.68 17 10.53 55 9.17 72 9.49 ގ 896 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. NEVADA–Concluded. 1 Years, and to which party 1 granted. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 year. years. years. Jears. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 1877... To wife..... Total 279 1445 77 10 12 2448 202 1 4 6 5 134 336 3 3 To husband 1878.. To wife.. Total... 218 156 5 3 6 ܗܗ 3 3 260 235 2 4 4 4 19T1 6 8 6 4 4 7 To husband. 1 2 3 2 2 1 1879.. To wife..... Total 22 7 3 8 8 2 7 1 1 8 5 8 11 4 7 3 2 • 1880.. 1881.. 1882.. To husband. 1 1883.. To wife. Total. 2 To husband 1 1884 To wife.... Total 3 4 To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife.... Total 2 22. ao od 224 3 3 LO LO pound - LOO 22 224 1 1 123 5 5 1 4 5 9 18- 2 2 224 1 5 5 3 as ad 22 · an an • 30 30 3 7 1 3 1 3 2 145 273 22 1 1 ་་ 6 8 288 22 178 344 1 5 6 1 3 5 4 112 ED CD 3 3 4 4 123 22 1 1 235 LO LO 5 5 213 112 1 2 6 1 1 5 2 2 3 11 1885. .... S To husband. To wife... Total To husband. 1886... To wife. Total 3 as es 123 112 123 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 LO LO 112 5 112 4 2 $ On co 3 3 123 లులు 3 3 112 1 1 1 1 1 To husband 25 15 16 19 19 19 10 13 19 All years To wife.... 52. Total 77 12 55 66 76 70 53 58 47 41 70 82 95 89 72 68 60 63 NEW HAMPSHIRE, 1867... .... 1868. To husband. To wife.... Total.. To husband. To wife.. Total. 527 268 3 5 8 273 1 4 87 9 5 15 Bow 1 1 9 3 12 10 4 325 2 278 437 257 6200 8 246 3 8 11 To husband. 1869..... To wife.... Total 268 8 To husband. 4 1870.... To wife..... Total 5 9 225 123 3 5 3 6 13 11 16 =23 11 12 Bow 3 9 12 සයය 3 3 6 224 145 3 3 6 CO I ŁO 2 1 3 2 448 4 4 8 15 To husband. 6 1871... To wife. 1 Total 1 ~~ 2 3 2 9 12 695 752 6 11 17 178 1 4 2 10 4 4 11 8 6 5 8 13 50000 8 6 8 3 16 9 224 2 2 4 644 5 To husband. 1 2 6 11 1872... To wife.. 3 7 9 13 Total. 4 9 15 24 222 12 12 6 a 5 6 2 6 12 24 11 18 257 257 To husband. 1873……….. To Total wife..... 213 --w 3 5 6 9 7 6 6 17 9 17 79 3 9 7 9 11 23 18 24 16 12 13 5 CHAPTER VIII.- 897 VIII. GENERAL TABLES. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. NEVADA-Concluded. Aver- 21 10 11 16 17 18 19 12 13 14 15 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. Total. over. age for known dura- tion. లులు. 123 235 55 22 22 3 3 3 3 1 4 6 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 NH 66 4 4 1 1 134 1 1 112 22 4 4 44 1 1 1 1 133 2 en if pad 4 5 11 112 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 2 1 1 4 3 3 1 2 1 2 1 22 279 15 1 63 1 78 C8 48 48000 16 64 7.06 7.40 80 7.33 15 6. 64 69 9. 51 84 9.01 8.87 9.06 9.03 3 3 123 123 2 22 3 3 er er 5 1 5 1 22 22 1 1 1 1 22 1 A 4 22 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 112 1 1 112 2 2 22 22 1 1 22 FAT AND *** 24S 22 44 123 235 66 11 8.36 53 9.02 61 8.90 9 9.67 3 3 52 9.04 61 9.14 1 8 9.86 36 11. 17 1 44 10.95 10 8.00 1 41 9.95 1 51 9.56 3 3 1 1 336 1 1 235 24 11.83 33 10.00 57 10.75 1 1 1 2 1 112 2 123 6 8.67 3 22 2 2 1 HH 1 22 1 32 8.22 38 8.29 1 1 1 10 8.00 2 3 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 සය 3 1 1 7 4 34 13.07 3 1 1 8 5 44 11.90 8 18 7 9 5 တ 6 40 39 28 36 23 29 48 57 35 45 28 35 523088 3 1 223 24 10 27 11 === 1 4 18 9 249 8.81 10 10 60 26 879 9.02 11 14 78 35 1, 128 8.97 NEW HAMPSHIRE. 1 6 7 112 11& 3 4 7 123 1 1 6 1 6 201 1 1 1 · co co 3 3 13 +93 4 6 12 10 1 7 6 7 4 11 2 548 1 3 4 9 4 4 1 LOG 370 1 1 5 4 2 6 3 268 1 2 6 3 5 3 3 5 3 2 LOLO +] = h 6 7 257 946 145 224 1 1 4 5 ༠༥ 213 22 1 6 3 1 13 4 4 1 19 10 1 10 2 4 15 15 1 25 BEL Baw Ba 6 136 3 143 7 ** *** * 8.38 93 10.38 9.78 89 10.41 12.34 11.60 10.60 122 22 186 11. 19 10.98 3 4 133 2 213 213 134 3 2 9 11 4 12 7=30 55 9. 17 108 10.06 18 163 9.77 8 3 3 6 1 7 8 4 9 426 156 123 246 LO - CO 23 3 6 1 1 1 1 3 7 4 4 2 6 1 8 4 5 3 2143 2 6 13 3 19 288 2 6 4 6 1344 7 1 3 4 295 7 112 426 123 4 4 187 6 3 1 23 3 1 25 156 134 1 62 10.25 91 12.83 153 11.76 65 7.69 135 11.56 200 10.30 112 325 2 3 8 2 81 9.94 3 co as 3 13 2 128 9.79 21 209 9.85 20267 M D--57 898 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. NEW HAMPSHIRE-Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 granted. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1874. To husband. To wife... Total {Total To husband. 123 10 LO 5 5 6 5 8 14 13 10 13 20 1875.. To wife... Total 8 279 260 4 7 11 13 12 403 18 5 8 12 16 To husband. 3 2 1876.. To wife... 10 9 Total 13 11 2423 8 10 14 13 16 21 19 To husband. 1877.. To wife... Total 257 1 3 5 5 10 9 10 18 11 12 15 21 1878.... 1879... .... S To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. 235 3 3 3 11 13 6 14 16 273 2 4 6 12 4 14 12 9 8 20 24 1880.. To wife... Total. 156 1 6 13 10 12 18 6 11 18 31 1881…………. S To husband. 6 To wife.... 8 Total 14 459 8 7 12 14 20 To husband. 1882.. To wife..……. Total To husband. 224 Baco 3 11 7 6 10 17 12 222 13 12 25 1883. .... To wife... Total 12 672 572 5 5 6 14 12 19 25 16 22 To husband. 7 6 2 13 1884.. To wife.. 6 4 11 14 Total 13 10 13 27 B4R VE2 430 I20 ooo ma2 222 221 *** 2=R ON TO 01X ~30 22* 2 5 9 7 10 14 11 14 23 18 24 →32 9 13 22 4 75 6 8 5 12 16 8 12 18 24 13 7 4 2 4 9 11 9 13 8 18 3 3 10 13 5 13 7 15 12 6-7 720 100 mom 13 15 12 8 5 5 9 10 8 17 15 13 12 12 19 17 7 6 12 14 19 29 7 13 8 7 9 16 14 22 24 21 31 12 8 8 11 14 8 23 22 16 6 7 9 16 17 13 22 24 22 127 FOR PAN 208 SER 5 10 16 7 10 10 17 12 OOO NON 6 2 5 7 22 16 27 23 15 4 13 23 17 10 5 11 11 21 16 3 11 3 7 6 7 18 16 10 11 10 29 19 17 17 8 3 5 6 6 15 17 15 12 23 20 20 18 218 20 12 18 To husband. 7 1885.. To wife..... 7 Total 14 11 201 9 23 2500 8 8 2 7 15 17 19 11 14 25 21 18 18 To husband. 5 3 9 8 7 10 10 1886. To wife.... 5 11 18 18 18 15 Total.. 10 14 27 26 25 25 16 *** 000 4 6 5 7 13 13 18 6 To husband. 62 56 103 144 122 125 115 109 All years To wife. 93 119 191 248 237 223 208 197 - Total 155 175 291 392 359 348 323 306 0713 858 8 7 21 25 28 92 181 273 NEW JERSEY. 1867.. To husband. To wife 3 Total 3 134 1 1 3 4 224 2 1 3 3 1 Coto 1 2 2 3 2 123 To husband. 1868... To wife.. Total. 224 22 3 7 1 1 1 6 1 3 4 4 9 8 4 5 5 1869... To husband To wife.. Total 1870.... To husband. To wife... Total 112 22 1 1 2 2 2 2 224 1 1 1 1 5 3 2 6 4 - 33 3 3 6 123 1 1 ♡ a to 3 2 4 4 3 4 6 6 6 10 LO LO 5 1 5 5 6 248 CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 899 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. NEW HAMPSHIRE-Concluded. ' 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- Total. over. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years years. years years. and known. Aver- age for known dura- tion. 13 10 12 18 → 673 202 1 8 4 1 1 246 2 4 5 9 6 5 6 11 10 10 224 235 134 224 5 6 4 1: 3 4 3141 4 237 5 LO LO 5 5 22 235 123 224 4 4 8 156 5 6 2 3 1453 35 11 9 3 1 15 10 4 3 8 11 13 493 4 4 9 8 13 12 1 1 3 10 8 11 11 DO LO 00 3 3 5 11 8 14 1X1 8 112 1 2 4 15 19 347 3 4 9 12 co cr 5 187 6 134 5 15 20 12 19 10 10 +29 *00 50m 442 720 4 5 7 7 12 6 4 8 16 11 11 15 ID 23 00 3 5 6 6 5 8 5 4 6 -33 3 7 6 10 10 13 7 18 7 23 14 6 4 7 6 7 10 9 12 22 11 17 15 14 12 100* 325 703 240 155 60+ 639 4 8 9 12 10 10 8 12 11 145 167 55 213 246 22 as as c 156 3 5 00 150 123 450 202 44 235 · að að 3 3 1904 3 4 1 7 8 2 6 134 22 187 23 36 213 3 6 2 3 5 4 3 4 3 ww 123 3210 213 117 17 26 FIR 283 mm OFO 11 14 25 12 Bao NUK 12 108 10.79 10 173 10. 77 22 281 10.78 6 81 10.96 6 150 11.59 12 231 11.37 13 4 73 11.30 4 179 10.41 8 252 10. 66 9 10 ඌnn 5 71 11. 15 5 166 10.39 237 10. 61 21 21 40 3 6 3D LO CO 5 8 1- CO ** 1 12 3 13 4 25 Com ONIA 979 22R 6 6 68 10.66 18 6 167 10.91 12 235 10.81 8 27 35 13 673 86 9.93 179 11. 24 265 10.82 19 8 121 11.87 9 231 9.99 17 352 10.62 44 8 6 325 2 14 6 5 279 2 2 2 8 10 19 721 1 7 8 12 342 1 9 ∞ =] 1 7 8 279 5 8 12 13 15 4 *200 1280 14 14 18 21 325 742 10 15 Sop 5 7 9 16 336 1 9 4 134 A LO 00 3 5 8 257 2 246 10 3 6 3 5 8 9 9 9 11 15 12 14 123 178 178 3 4 131 5 6 11 01 600 2 8 156 6 235 13 235 167 20 221 222 223 185 426 22 26 30 15 549 875 131 10.25 172 9.95 303 10.08 103 8.45 215 11. 63 318 10.63 16 37 1 2 3 106 11.70 2 202 10.69 308 11.04 1 11 1 34 2 45 12 14 21 4 35 10 STA BTO 5 97 10.00 7 215 11.23 312 10.85 3 102 11.46 7 212 10.51 314 10.82. 4 14 6 125 10.65 9 23 11 256 10.67 37 17 381 10.66 65 67 56 62 53 39 21 29 26 33 27 188 102 1,696 10.42 143 129 111 88 96 96 68 66 56 53 376 134 3,283 10.83 235 210 185 173 141 135 117 97 92 89 80 564 236 4,979 10.69 1 1 3 2 1 4 4 ~~ 2 2 158 6 112 1 184 235 5 පස 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 255 7 22 2 112 NEW JERSEY. 4 1 4 12 112 1 1 1 2 1 2 25-O 27 7 33 9 60 http 11 624 2 22 10 2 12 201 202 27 1 1 NN 2 2 112 1 6 9 15 N83 NN2 252 258 10.85 11.94 11.45 10.85 52 12.31 79 11.81 32 12.59 47 13.78 79 13.29 34 55 89 11.94 12.09 12.03 224 - CYS - 1 3 4 ww 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 THE LO CO 5 6 Q 3 LO 2 2 3 3 5 2 3 1 ~~ 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 7 44 4 3 11A 900 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF OF LABOR. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. NEW JERSEY—Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 granted. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 4 2 1871.. To wife Total. 4 2 To husband. 1872... To wife.... Total 213 112 516 224 123 6 246 369 459 4 260 8 1 1 235 2 2 6 2 8 4 257 437 325 1873... (To To husband. 2 2 2 6 1 5 2 1 6 To wife 3 1 3 3 4 3 5 5 Total.... 2 5 3 9 4 9 5 6 11 To husband. 1 1874... To wife.. Total 1 To husband. 1875... To wife ..... 1 Total · 1 213 224 1 1 10 730 4 7 11 2 4 2 2 426 2 BOL E. 15 785 6 6 6 437 248 4 3 2 4 7 9 6 6 13 11 12 8 10 To husband. 1 1 ག་ 1876.. To wife Total 1 1 224 3 344 4 178 6 4 4 8 10 12 178 5 4 9 To husband. 1877.. To wife Total • 1878.... To husband. To wife.. Total - 1879.. 1880.. S 1881.. To husband. To wife Total To husband. To wife.... Total. To husband. To wife... Total · To husband. To wife. Total 1 3 1 1 516 213 246 314 828 224 213 178 235 112 3 2 639 4 1 6 1 10 6 178 Berer 5 1 5 4 10 5 5 11 1882. To husband. 1883.. To wife.... Total 1 1 To husband. 2 1884.. To wife.... Total 2 2 To husband. 1885. To wife. Total 1 1 1886... All years STo husband. wife.. Total To husband. To wife... Total - 6 16 5 8 13 8125 6 4 6 14 20 be 6 4 10 10 213 112 620 325 224 123 213 5 5 LO LO 415 112 4 4 2 8 134 9 457 5 1 6 347 Bom How Bow Bever 6 4 10 10 167 6 3 4 11 10 10 14 +00 178 369 369 4 10 6 7 6 2 8 10 7 9 11 14 17 13 11 3 3 9 1 8 10 10 12 13 11 13 19 13 03 CD LO 5 6 3 8 7 5 13 13 20 42 2223 8 3 5 ♡ LO 00 34 123 620 325 00 00 8 8 25 21 55 0989985 36 39 75 161 ** ON 22: 8 5 9 4 35 00 CO LO 3 11 14 22 742 15 426 6 4 5 6 6 17 9 11 10 200 36 3 6 8 9 7 6 7 5 9 3 15 17 17 14 11 8 22 23 24 19 20 11 82 65 89 56 72 54 79 123 105 148 114 96 188 194 204 186 150 279 448 CHAPTER VII.- GENERAL TABLES. 901 1. TABLE VII.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.—Continued. NEW JERSEY-Concluded. Aver- 21 10 11 12 13 16 14 15 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 17 18 19 20 years Un- age for Total. known dura- over. tion. 1 3 4 112 1 1 1 1 224 1 1 123 2 CUIA 4 37 8.95 1 7 46 12.00 4 3 11 83 10.64 3 3 1 3 4 6 00 HP + 4 1 1 4 1 4 1 8 1 4 2 1 22 1 1 112 3 35 9.86 6 49 11. 55 9 84 -10.85 437 ∞ 3 3 123 279 1 1 1 6 9 6 10 187 6 4 4 213 369 en she find 6 2 6 2 1 123 112 224 · LO LO 246 314 112 123 246 235 235 235 1 1 3 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 13 257 5 5 2 2 2 2 213 so go 123 246 1 1 1 1 12 1 1 15 325 1 1 108 5 3 1 9 3 1 14 127 112 1 4 1 1 4 268 2 1 1 123 2 4 7 4 11 5 4 6 9 6 268 5 2 8 3 11 IN 4 112 ~~~ 224 123 2 2 1 6 7 2 2 LO 5 co co 3 3 112 6 10 16 117 4 2 2 235 134 325 1 3 1 8 1 2 11 1 104 288 289 *** *22 880 9.08 11.96 10.71 9.74 11.25 10.64 9.70 11.53 10.90 11.68 11.89 11.81 10.34 66 12.54 11.73 1 13 1 16 పాటలు 46 10.04 1 12.90 1 120 11.80 134 224 167 3500 156 5 5 225 3 1 1 426 5 5 224 1 47 1 11 146 8 729 1 1 4 6 3 4 5 9 7 4 H 4 5 13 135 8 7 8 3 7 10 77 CD LD 00 3 5 8 369 29 1 4 co co w 3 2 3 5 6 2 7 7 11 14 187 3 6 11 14 200 8 180 7 9 8 187 527 LO CO 00 123 435 257 213 1 2 6 1 5 3 123 3 5 as as 22 3 12 3 2 19 22 23 30 720 728 147 190 1 1 4 5 21 15 25 20 246 7 3 7 7 235 3 t 7 14 10 5 10 001 # 4 4 8 369 268 4 1 9 3 9 8 7 10 17 246 50000 5 8 4 10 112 257 112 1 1 7 ста 4 16 5 1 23 5 1 4 12 72 6 20 1 7 24 1 234 584 483 B* 848 *22 288 61 10.69 11. 12 10.94 46 11.39 89 13. 18 12.57 53 11.53 94 11. 74 11.67 66 11.67 124 12.65 12.31 54 10.43 11.38 176 11.22 75 11.40 159 12.96 12.45 1 2 3 13 2 4 8 9 17 53 111 107 164 134 200 3 8 11 27 Set Baa 13 39 107 108 DOR 28% 7 3 7 6 9 6 12 13 298 6 431 ♡ LD 00 3 5 8 145 3 12 — w w 3 6 *** 2*8 18 72 12.54 114 12.35 26 186 12.42 107 11.27 24 179 11.53 36 286 11.43 36 36 41 69 83 38 119 74 95 7455 31 54 42 2223 40 73 *8 23 63 233 22 18 44 27 66 CONT 100 981 10.94 234 5 45 334 11010 1,661 12. 13 5 2,612 11.69 902 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. THE COMMISSIONER TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. NEW MEXICO. Years, and to which party 1 granted. 2 3 4 year. years. years. years. years. 5 6 years. years. 7 8 9 years. years. To husband. 1867.. To wife.. Total. To husband. 1868... To wife. Total To husband. 1 1869.. To wife.. Total 1 To husband. 1870... To wife.. Total.. 1871.... 1872.. 1873.. To husband. To wife... Total S To husband S To wife. Total • • To husband. To wife.. Total. To husband. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 1874 .... To wife.. 1 1 • Total 1 1 1875... S To husband. 1 1 To wife.... Total 1 1 1876. To wife.. S To husband. 1 Total 1 1 1 1 1 • To husband. 1 1877... To wife... • Total 1 To husband. 1878. To wife... 1 1 Total To husband. 1 1 1 1879.. To wife. 1 1 1 Total 1 1 2 1 1 To husband. 1880.. To wife.... • 1 1 1 1 Total To husband. 1 1 1. 1 1881.. To wife... 1 1 1 Total 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 f 2 To husband. 1882...... To wife 03 00 5 2 1 3 3 Total.. 5 4 2 123 112 314 3 4 To husband. 3 1883.. To wife... 3 Total 6 178 1 3 1 3 8 ww 3 1 4 123 235 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 4 1 1 5 1 S 1884. 1885... To husband. To wife Total. To husband. To wife... Total.. 1 1 22 112 224 1 6 3 1 6 లులు 3 3 2 10 1 1 5 1 1 2 LA LO 5 5 44 as 3 1 2 3 1 22 112 CHAPTER VIII.—GENERAL TABLES. 903 3. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. NEW MEXICO. Aver- 21 10 11 12 15 16 13 14 17 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 18 19 age for Total: known dura- over. tion. 1 3.00 1 3.00 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 123 1.00 19.00 13.00 1 4.00 1 4.00 1 4.00 1 4.00 1 7.00 1 7.00 1 15.00 1 2 8.00 1 1 4 12.67 هر جهر 4 10.25 4 10.25 2 2.50 1 1 21.00 1 3 8.67 1 1 32 40 145 5.50 6.50 6. 00 1.00 4 26.75 5 21.60 1 1 2 1 1 ~~ 2 1 1 1 1 1 ars as 3 10.50 3 10.50 4 6.75 1 4 9.25 1 1 8 8.00 1 2 1 4 25.67 1 1 4 11.00 1 1 1 2 1 8 17.29 1 1 112 6 8.17 12 2 1 1 2 2 112 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 213 21 18 39 1 1 1 1 213 2 2 ลง 1 1 1 1 31 3 2 1 1 1 ON 200 27* 6 7.33 7.75 10.48 6.06 8.44 13 7.08 5.70 44 6.12 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 128 1 3 1 2** 10 11.22 24 34 9.58 10.03 1 1 1 1 } 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 112 8 10.88 1 3 ww 3 31 7.93 39 8.58 904 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ! } TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. NEW MEXICO-Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 1 1886. To wife.. Total 4 213 00 8 337 9.91 6 434 10.07 14 771 10.00 4 289 8.64 7 472 9. 91 11 761 9.43 6 339 9.02 7 485 10. 66 72 13 824 9.99 57 LO 3 00 5 292 9. 15 439 10. 16 731 9.76 8 262 7.90 14 406 10.92 22 668 9.74 4 207 9.00 14 385 9.82 18 592 9.53 4 238 9. 12 7 392 10.34 11 630 9.88 7 259 9.50 6 457 9.99 13 716 9.82 16 4 222 9.11 37 6 435 10.08 10 657 9.75 22 61 2113 246 9.60 383 10. 14 629 9.93 10 1 187 9.35 54 382 11.59 64 1 569 10.86 19 47 66 19 51 1013 140 239 9.75 2 418 11. 19 657 10.67 235 10.20 469 10.93 5 704 10.69 327 10. 16, 53 3 507 10.50 78 3 834 10.37 22 64 170 321 9.96 532 10.83 853 10.50 2 349 9.73 69 634 10.81 983 10.45 906 COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. REPORT OF THE TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. NEW YORK-Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1883.. To husband. To wife 1884...... Total To husband. To wife Total To husband. 1885... To wife ... Total To husband. 1886.. To wife... Total... To husband. 356 All years To wife .. 438 Total 794 982 229 28 28 100 21 21 18 16 17 31 31 26 40 52 52 44 56 43 ធន់ឌ 23 23 23 26- 27 40 32 50 63 55 19 20 33 25 18 18 25 22 41 41 46 42 35 23 41 61 74 71 60 53 48 224 22 23 45 27 20 24 18 22 21 26 27 40 38 40 29 37 53 47 64 56 62 50 20 22 18 27 25 24 34 30 41 43 44 56 48 71 68 8888 28 54 82 258 287 22 com 13 37 59 50 24 50 38 74 283 12 50 335 380 396 370 380 387 353 329 442 569 604 671 632 595 587 531 777 949 1,000 1, 041 1, 012 982 940 860 NORTH CAROLINA. To husband. 1 1867...... To wife..... · Total. 1 112 To husdand. 1 1868... To wife... 1 Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TH 22 2 2 112 2 To husband. 1 1 1 1869. To wife 1 Total 1 1 1 1 112 To husband. 1870.. To wife... Total. 213 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 314 3 To husband 1 1871.. To wife. Total 1 - 1 1 224 1872... To husband. To wife Total To husband. 113 1 1 2 2 - 2 1873.. To wife.. Total 2 2 145 22 112 1 1 235 3 5 15 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 2 2 1 3 6 w to 3 3 235 To husband. 1 1874. To wife.. Total 1 4 123 134 2 3 1 3 1 2 3 32 5D To husband. 1 1 1 1875 To wife. 1 1 Total 1 2 2 218 2 1 3 1 21∞ 2 1 3 1 To husband. 1 4 1876.. To wife... Total 1 6 213 224 248 415 2 1 1 112 сл 437 3 3 6 5 1 2 5 S 1877... 1879..... 1878.. To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife. Total To husband. To wife... Total 1 1 112 1 2 1 2 112 1 2 112 1 2 1 224 4 1 2 • • 5 2 549 1 9 1 525 3 2 7 3 428 22 2 2 4 213 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 123 112 3 2 1 CO LO ∞ 3 2 3 5 8 پست CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 907 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. NEW YORK-Concluded. Aver- 21 10 12 13 15 11 14 16 17 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 18 19 Total age for known dura- over. tion. 273 276 509 28° 288 208 238 298 *** *** 250 210 280 41 24 400 2001 200 123 15 15 30 30 45 45 13 17 28 26 43 37 19 26 18 45 38 14 11 29 23 43 34 46 * * FA8 SE& 225 227 4** *2G D0D 700 20000 =** 13 18 9 6 7 6 9 19 2 325 9.76 24 15 12 16 14 7 8 58 556 10.76 37 33 21 22 21 13 17 77 2 881 10.39 15 7 6 7 24 17 23 31 23 30 16 796 6 19 12 25 14 11 13 10 8 8 24 19 12 17 9 10 11 38 30 25 27 17 18 15 24 12 4 9 9 7 11 22 11 23 223 21 14 20 19 11 25 23 29 26 22 TOO THE FEN 4 27 1 347 9.56 73 3 606 11. 19 16 100 4 953 10.60 4 27 73 100 29 72 101 213 112 360 10. 19 576 10.97 936 10.67 362 9.96 644 10.91 1,006 10.57 257 246 214 158 154 123 103 85 90 414 64 407 436 365 356 683 693 611 570 303 246 239 195 192 162 1,039 94 461 400 362 298 277 252 1,453 + +0000 5,743 9, 612 158❘ 15, 355 9. 52 10.62 10.21 NORTH CAROLINA. 1 1 1 1 112 1 1 ete 1 2 1 9 1 1 1 10 1 11 1 1 1 1 12 1 1 1 1 112 1 1 123 1 1 112 1 1 1 1 15 875 639 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 123 2 525- 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 12 1 2 1 1 1 3 17 1 1 3 1 1 1 14 1 2 1 3 ය. 1 2 1 Jind Jod 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 4 1 2 2 2 112 15 1 1 11 2 1 1 26 415 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 12 1 1 1 2 1 23 1 2 1 2 213 1 1 2 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 18 325 2 1 1 11 3 1 1 1 1 4 2 4 1 1 1 1 5 2 1 3 224 112 2 1 22 1 2 123 2 22 2 2 2 292 293 229 maB GRD GAD 259 E DRE 742 252 12 G H2R 800 OF 23 22 112 14 6. 20 7 12.33 21 9.55 17 9.50 7 9.17 24 9.33 14 8.88 8 10.00 22 9.31 21 5.92 20 12.77 41 9.35 12 9.86 10 13.25 11.67 21 8.29 16 7.42 37 7.88 25 9.15 21 9.88 46 9.55 33 7 20 53 8.68 10.85 9.56 40 8.32 25 65 9.43 8.72 40 25 65 7.93 7.38 7.76 17 10.11 10.00 46 10.07 41 7.13 6 17 33 74 11. 15 9.04 23 48 10 29 33 77 8.40 11.32 9.66 908 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. { TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. NORTH CAROLINA—Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 granted. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 1 2 1880. To wife. Total 1 2 224 3 4 3 2 To husband. 2 4 6 6 5 617 3 3 1 3 4 1881... To wife... Total 1882 (To To husband. To wife. 1 Total. 1 314 3 2 123 627 213 213 426 213 2 347 S To husband. 6 2 1883... To wife.. 2 1 1 · Total 2 7 3 235 6 2 3 2 To husband. 1 7 1884. To wife.. 2 1 Total.. 2 1 8 426 4 2 213 To husband. 1885. To wife. 1 1 Total 1 1 426 6 2 8 3D O LO 2 5 213 426 123 224 515 218 2 213 3 3 1 4 en to co 3 4 2 4 5 8 213 426 213 627 22 639 5 5 6 3 11 8 S To husband. 3 6 3 1886... To wife.... 2 Total 22 1 5 1 2 4 11 4 12 *82 4 559 4 639 639 7 3 10 - To husband. 7 31 35 All years To wife.. 11 9 24 Total 18 40 59 2333 42 33 75 208 24 28 62 228 37 25 62 7483 51 41 17 68 7223 425 45 32 77 оно. To husband. 1867.. To wife.. 35 Total 1993 25 31 58 60 89 To husband. 12 1868...... To wife... 34 39 Total 46 1869.. To husband. To wife.... Total 1870... To husband. To wife.. Total 1871..... To husband. To wife.. Total 1872.. To husband. To wife... Total. 1873. 1875... 1874.. To husband To wife... Total (To To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife... Total. 1876....... To husband. To wife.... Total. 18 48 RAD 245 987 4** 223 224 2** 000 25 30 55 41 65 16 35 51 15 23 38 16 20 36 20 44 10 34 39 44 20 42 66 62 7** *** *** 208 289 298 888 88 29* 228 18 54 72 15 19 54 54 73 16 30 48 50 64 80 122 13 25 49 41 100 62 66 113 124 13 35 33 62 80 46 97 115 115 24 17 32 45 58 75 69 75 107 113 30 31 53 82 83 113 17 39 56 15 21 54 Hot 205 2** 35 40 75 66 103 ཙ ཚེསྶཱ ཝཎྜ 41 71 112 117 36 89 125 42 87 145 124 20 36 46 54 78 79 74 114 125 988 *** A*8 *** 985 582 875 88% ADF N** *39 #98 295 298 *F 222 *58 28* 28* 28E **8 J87 285 28 29 30 *** 888 882 AP2 889 225 *** 2** 288 RES 385 FOOL 285 280 282 283 49 52 43 14 43 44 38 24 16 35 101 35 78 79 101 117 28 26 30 29 62 65 86 25 29 99 84 20 33 53 2** *** *** *** H** F** *** 258 247 288 28 33 14 29 38 18 17 26 * 130 130 F88 8 25 13 25 33 50 13 6 30 30 43 36 11 32 43 100105 7 18 25 11 9 34 21 45 30 28 58 86 30 22 11 61 41 83 52 29 13 45 43 56 15 42 57 got get SPE UN CO 8 22 CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 909 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. NORTH CAROLINA-Concluded. 10 11 21 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. Aver- Total. age for known dura- tion. 213 112 3 6 3 1 1 3 7 4 123 1 1 112 3 15 co on 3 1 3 4 19 4 6 6 100 4 224 5 1 6 3 3 1 4 3 213 325 224 235 213 314 235 123 112 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 235 16 11 27 4 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 4 10 8 31 BIO CHE 222 4 104 3 3 527 2 6 1 2 6 1 213 1 1 815 6 4 7 4 123 2 1 1 2 4 3 3 6 1 4 224 po co 3 3 428 1 4 1 7 4 6 1 8 1 7 325 112 4 1 1 3 1 4 415 224 134 123 325 325 1 3 16 1 1 4 23 347 16 213 2 1 1 4 3 5 1 3 3 orm com 42* 229 7 8 24 106 14 10 23 45 163 B** *** BEE 8** 588 829 589 9.98 11.62 10. 51 9.27 12.96 10.98 10.52 13.23 11.67 10.25 9. 14 9.89 9.67 12.32 10.67 9.22 11.76 10.37 97 10.35 66 8.30 9.58 45 23 32 22 23 11 12 283 24 4 17 15 12 13 69 27 49 37 35 24 27 242 11 11 15 8 8 19 19 50000 8 4 7 16 11 23835 24 263 812 9.29 149 526 10.87 59 412 1,338 9.93 OHIO. 11 22 33 18 27 #28 ON 7*8 18 30 2008 12 17 22 572 10 10 1 18 16 23 28 26 24 21 2002 3 18 26 792 1 2 4 19 12 13 22 15 14 17 18 9 9 6 9 2 7 8 1 2 20 29 11 25 15 32 26 16 38 220 025 F25 925 11 22 33 ** 28 #22 #23 10 24 16 33 9 33 42 26 31 who 5 *** ON H 10 17 11 12 24 19 9 7 9 18 14 16 27 21 25 18¬ 18 9 28 100 00000 9 11 12 13 16 10 3 14 9 17 15 11 9 20 8 29 20 37 17 20 37 M50 MBer 19 25 24 6 19 18 25 23 13 6 24 20 16 37 26 28 9 14 10 02 4000 20* ~ 5 3 15 18 30 5 9 16 25 12 2 24 26 3 9 26 21 14 35 35 17 31 22 22 11 8 LO 5 3 39 34 19 15 50 42 24 18 O FOR DER DAT OON CRN 6 4 18 17 24 21 11 4 19 11 15 5 10 21 13 26 23 9 5 15 15 24 20 6 7 16 10 22 17 9 12 23 20 32 32 11 11 5 5 7 7 50 41 16 16 21 11 61 52 21 21 28 18 THE ORR DER TOE 222 OER THE ** **0 ~24 - 05 6 17 12 23 18 4 13 10 17 13 3 16 15 19 18 620 mom 100 20 23 3 3 For How to Now 3 16 18 8 12 12 4 6 17 12 23 +27 22 732 420 602 200 -*2 F* 12 12 16 1 10 14 13 15 13 20 6 13 19 13 3 12 13 15 17 3 13 16 2 13 12 15 A Boo 2 Cover 337 10 7 12 19 16 12 18 я сос TO FAO 2000 048 2 4 11 6 7 4 11 15 18 19 105 f 4 1 8 10 12 11 232 275 223 AFG *** *** 982 222 386 392 422 18 22 11 24 35 23 10 10 15 180G & DE 13 OF 4 280 8.24 621 9.85 901 9. 34 253 9.26 595 9.41 848 9.37 310 9.26 18 25 703 9.51 1, 013 9.43 5 271 8.76 17 721 9.90 22 992 9.59 7 269 8.52 18 706 9.05 25 975 8.90 3 306 9.09 17 759 9.47 20 1, 065 9.36 00 334 8.03 95 21 15 114 29 21 33 42 23 135 30 2 2 3 එය 4 47 9 11 11 110 22 14 11 14 15 157 30 78 278 -~8 28 792 9.42 1, 126 9.01 12 331 8.56 759 9.81 1,090 9.43 7 314 9.99 863 9.41 1,177 9.56 8 327 10.06 826 10.00 1, 153 10.02 910 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. OHIO-Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 2 3 granted. year. years. 4 years. years. years. 5 6 7 8 9 years. years. years. years. 1877... To husband. To wife.... Total 19 37 1878....... 1879.. To husband. To wife.... Total. To husband. To wife.... Total. Total 17 38 55 24 47 To husband. 20 1880... To wife. 47 Total. 67 To husband. 30 1881.. To wife... Total 67 1882. { Total To wife.... Total. To husband. To husband. 1883.. To wife.... Total.. To husband. 1884.. To wife... Total - To husband. 1885 To wife..... Total - To husband 1886.. To wife..... Total.. 256 FOR 252 255 255 288 *** 245 26* 78% 71 97 106 29 60 89 25 62 80 87 113 22 37 78 67 29 26 55 79 84 105 17 63 92 80 109 *8* ** 5*2 50 500 209 208 20 225 RAF 258 28% 25% 209 *** *** 282 28 25 52 39 32 32 15 17 24 79 90 58 59 46 48 77 118 122 90 74 63 72 26 35 34 37 23 32 13 65 99 87 95 58 53 39 91 134 121 132 81 85 52 44 94 138 40 97 147 115 97 84 117 137 124 36 113 121 149 139 41 113 107 154 118 37 44 102 104 108 139 148 149 36 32 107 141 111 143 173 145 26 41 107 135 129 133 176 169 55 50 146 122 133 201 172 All years.. To husband. To wife.... Total 413 458 563 764 685 845 1, 125 1,258 1,403 1,891 1,769 1,377 1,583 1,966 2, 655 2, 454 1, 928 FOR REE afg 287 *** **2 *** ** *8* *** *25 TE 282 EN ES ཨིནཝ གལ༹སྶཾ ཧི སཻཀྐཱ ཙཙྪཉྩ ཚཊྛ ཙམུཙྪོ 27 21 91 70 118 91 38 27 75 71. 106 113 98 24 16 65 68 78 89 44 25 84 76 128 101 28 28 79 78 107 106 42 22 89 69 131 27 34 123 220 220 DO 208 852 218 208 10 51 61 20 44 64 41 94 76 96 30 61 91 64 85 23 65 88 255 2** *78 78* N38 N28 202 24 65 31 53 84 27 63 90 27 55 24 50 74 43 27 111 93 154 120 2985 24 66 90 28 24 57 81 475 1,256 418 331 1, 731 1,026 1, 444 801 1, 132 OREGON. 1867.. To husband. To wife Total 4 8 12 7 2 7 22 2 3 123 268 1 4 145 CO CO 6 7 3 6 7 3 133 2 3 7 9 279 123 248 246 246 347 167 6 7 10 2000 3 4 9 4 12 TCDI 1 3 1 4 1 145 213 248 184 4 158 1 5 5 6 1868.. To husband. To wife. Total 1869.. To husband. To wife.. Total S 1870.. To husband. To wife. Total To husband 225 3 1 1 1 8 1 8 2 268 257 213 18☹ 4 4 9 To husband. To wife 'Total 3 4 6 123 178 123 8 1871... To wife.. Total 1872... To husband. To wife... Total 1873.. 22 22 167 7 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 156 22 134 22 123 2.79 ૦૭ 3 5 3 3 ♡ ♡ ♡ 3 3 6 224 22 1304 4 4 లులు. 3 3 123 1 2 3 1-2 5 · 5 CHAPTER VIII.- GENERAL TABLES. 911 > TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. OHIO-Concluded. Aver- 21 10 14 16 12 13 11 15 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 17 18 19 20 years Un- Total. age for known dura- over. tion. 22 44 66 21 52 73 10 49 59 25 48 73 76 DET 2 248 22* 2*8 *000 200 8 45 28 54 36 21 14 53 44 74 58 15 37 52 17 46 63 42 60 11 43 51 22 23 54 56 79 19 78 19 60 *** *** 2 12 59 46 58 19 68 79 87 14 20 57 41 71 61 FON 000 280 278 0103 218 288 ∞0 00 00 00 170 108 108 HO* 282 200 Com 275 17 7 3 11 4 41 29 16 58 36 19 13 19 12 44 36 21 57 55 33 5 18 36 34 38 41 52 46 17 12 15 35 37 41 52 49 56 18 13 12 40 42 35 58 55 47 19 9 16 33 37 52 46 TO* Bom 188 18 m 223 ∞ ∞ 0 40 20 080 28 000 *** 250 225 11 15 22 19 4 3 20 11 24 14 8 3 9 10 18 13 27 Bag HAG HOO +59 3 6 4 5 22 7 327 8.54 9 7 14 18 84 18 833 9.84 12 13 18 23 106 25 1, 160 9.47 1 9 12 10 17 1 18 15 19 19 14 39 22 53 30 11 17 36 37 47 18 33 33 49 51 ∞N IN 2** 23 54 12 34 46 *** 020 88 9 14 22 28 6 15 26 18 11 28 20 39 26 427 459 2000 200 000 5 2 2 37 9 380 9.20 8 8 87 28 965 9.27 10 10 124 37 1,345 9.25 4 5 30 11 394 8. 56 13 15 96 22 1, 047 9.56 17 20 126 33 1, 441 9.29 6 9 4 40 9 468 9.54 11 15 107 13 1, 085 9.86 20 19 147 22 1,553 9.77 3 6 8 39 10 440 9.45 9 11 113 15 1, 154 9.61 15 19 152 25 1,591 9.57 6 6 9 26 ∞o co 42 7 461 9.89 156 15 34 198 w to 24 1, 240 10.48 31 1, 701 10.32 15 51 i 66 8 45 53 51 63 13 50 63 294 251 196 201 210 176 796 681 614 551 1, 090 932 810 *** 289 28 258 259 9 12 38 29 47 41 16 12 30 37 46 49 16 18 44 39 60 57 13 19 47 29 60 48 1 491 432 22* 2** 220 83 188 227 259 com o 12 19 8 5 1 3 54 32 44 10 34 44 13 29 42 Acme Act Co 33 40 21 19 19 124 52 48 26 20 22 178 15 30 45 13 10 32 20 45 30 14 9 36 37 *** 228 22 15 10 2 37 34 29 23 17 132 42 44 33 19 169 8 21 22 29 26 10 2 31 15 20 50 46 41 17 27 INO FON 4 9 42 18 128 27 170 7 8 42 25 145 33 187 148 111 90 93 691 608 551 403 348 295 259 459 385 352 91 656 290 1,946 381 2,602 172 252 2** 287 284 2 12 488 9.75 17 1,270 9.96 29 1,758 9.90 10 447 9.65 24 1.299 10.09 34 1, 746 9.98 13 466 9.99 38 1,371 9.64 51 1,840 9.73 12 471 9.60 33 1, 418 9.78 45 1,889 9.74 7,337 9.27 431 19, 030 9.73 603 26, 367 9.60 OREGON. 112 112 W to hand 1 2 3 123 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 2113 4 2 23 12.48 1 2 1 58 7.45 1 2 5 2 81 8.78 01 2 1 1 2 1533 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C1 - CO 16 8.86 50 6.96 3 66 7.38 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 to 14 1 1 2 ลด 2 2 0161 2 2 1 2313 2 1 3 3 2 5 22 193 1 2 1 2 22 .... 1 2 1 3 1 30155 ♡ 14 6161** 19 9.88 58 7.25 77 7.86 3 1 18 13.29 5 46 8.51 6 61 9.91 ww 3 4 3 6 246 123 1 2 1 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 4 sta: 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 -] 9559 1 23 4 58 11~ 1 $ 1 4 1 112 1 2 1 3 9 1 4 11 ++ 20 ** 1 23 LO 112 ลง 1 5 1 1 1 9 6 11 6 267 384 ZHU 9.91 9. 13 9.36 17 10.69 62 11.27 79 11.15 15 12.20 49 10.77 64 11. 14 912 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. OREGON-Concluded. Years, and to which party granted. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1874.. To husband. To wife. 1875... Total To husband. To wife. 1 ∞ Go 3 5 3 6 Q er hal 6 1 5 257 Total To husband. 1876.. To wife To Total To husband. co co 3 3 112 246 264 224 4 6 2 10 347 4 4 2 1 1 3 5 4 6 7 7 5 7 257 Or H Hand 1 1 2 4 4 7 5 5 9 4 145 257 44 5 8 30 10 00 4 +82 12 1 9 10 112 123 1877.. To wife Total LO MO CO 5 7 3 7 8 14 To husband. 1878. To wife.. 10 Total 13 සපය w3. 639 246 6 3 8 11 10 100 5 3 5 4 7 4 6 9 7 13 13 437 167 246 2 ลง 1 5 2 6 260 2 3 8 5 To husband. 1879.. To wife Total 426 4 1 3 2 4 17 6 5 22 3 14 20 17 To husband. 1 1880.. To wife... 11 Total 12 ♡ ♡ 20 3 3 6 పరలు 10 13 9 +02 201 18¬ 4 8 7 12 7 178 2 8 10 167 6 1 9 14 11 15 සපය 3 4 10 6 28 13 10 10 (To To husband. 1 1 4 1881. To wife 8 6 7 Total 9 7 11 30 L300 5 5 11 33 3 6 7 11 8 16 To husband 1 1882. To wife 13 Total 14 13 To husband. 4 1883... To wife 9 12 Total 13 18 100000 6000 5 1 8 10 6 9 10 11 15 12 3 5 11 18 13 14 To husband. 5 1884.. To wife Total To husband. 1885. 1886. S To To wife Total husband. To wife Total To husband. All years To wife.. Total 129 179 NEO HEW CON SH 167 12 # 342 23 16 19 202 336 10 17 6 4 10 1 16 5 4 2 14 18 309 279 178 347 22 879 વગર 7 2 9 8 10 279 3 1 2 3 9 100 8 12 426 4 8 6 12 2 7 6 6 8 11 16 8 15 17 43 50 51 102 127 146 136 145 177 197 183 OOR HET BOO A 13 47 129 172 NEA HEO NHA HO 9 11 7 10 13 10 3 4 4 8 10 6 11 14 10 6 3 10 9 16 12 - 8 - 1 9 43 45 32 26 112 98 96 157 130 122 PENNSYLVANIA. To husband. 8 1867.. To wife. 13 Total 21 1868 (To husba To husband. 8 To wife... 14 Total 22 40 To husband. 6 19 1869.. To wife... 10 26 Total. 16 45 238 289 224 16 16 45 39 61 14 26 70 252 19 51 48 31 To husband. 5 4 1870. To wife..... 5 25 Total 10 29 242 24 47 38 78 60 26 27 47 47 73 74 ago 00 00 0 289 NIIN 9 29 38 18 66 22 60 28 33 61 227 222 233 23♫ 14 23 37 12 10 34 30 16 44 38 925 228 900 16 21 37 20 19 19 8 26* 17 34 22 21 22 222 PEN 7 14 26 14 23 37 27 10 10 17 32 27 5 12 17 NO CON OEN 27 12 19 21 9 18 12 19 31 5 13 22 NOT ON∞ 2*- -*N 12 6 12 18 CHAPTER VIII913 VIII- .-GENERAL TABLES. } TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. OREGON-Concluded. Aver- 21 10 11 12 13 16 14 15 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. ears. and known. 17 18 19 20 years Un- Total. age for known dura- over. tion. 213 123 156 1 1 3 1 4 3 ww 22 314 Cл à 14 4 4 1 1 4 1 4 5 123 4 4 1 4 1 3 6 3 4 4 1 3 J 2 1 1 4 1 1 22 22 లులు 224 3 3 1 3 22 HH 1 1 1 1 12 +002 4 3 8 3 235 112 3 2 6 9 123 Re: 888 23 11.90 76 10.30 99 10.64 28 10.33 68 11.86 96 11.42 2 8 2 39 12.14 -- 22 1 14 5 71 11.52 t. 1 7 110 11.74 224 145 4 2 7 11 235 350 7 246 10 3 213 3 6 153 224 1 2 3 5 4 5 224 123 314 213 201 112 224 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 4 1 3 0161 123 11Q · 00 00 2 50 6.77 10 5 76 11.00 12 126 9.31 15 2 10 120 5 2 43 10.78 95! 10.89 138 1 10.86 1 1 112 2 123 6 3 39 10.31 10 4 113 9.22 16 7 152 9.49 167 3 6 3 6 13444 3 2 7 2 22 2 专区 ​4 13 4 16 4 1 2 1 7 7 6 5 2 7 1 11 7 7 5 4 7 1 261 3 4 112 4 5 15 21000 2010 39 9.73 8 135 9.91 174 9.87 50 8.93 5 119 8.87 169 8.88 134 35300 LO KO 5 5 187 6 260 1 4 8 5 123 1 1 2 2 2 257 7 8 268 3 3 6 3 CO CO 1 6 4 5 W t 3 5 178 2 2 5 9 2! 14 9 in a 4 2 8 5 33 6161 19 28 12 279 752 46 9.43 124 9.21 170 9.27 59 10.54 157 9.88 216 10.04 1 1 1 2 11 5 3 3 12 6 4 3 6 145 1 4 4 5 · 00 00 3 3 22 112 1 7 1 39 11.82 1 13 12 149 9.43 20 13 188 9.95 6 ∞ co 3 8 6 11 15 6 5 6 5 11 16 66 268 5 9 257 123 257 156 224 178 -3 w 4 3 3 3 156 8 17 25 616 00 63 10.18 147 11.06 210 10.79 1 13 2 69 11.99 4 5 5 4 20 11 180 11.10 5 6 4 33 13 249 11.35 27 23 21 85 112 888 60 83 80 788 16 27 15 59 67 45 43 83 72 58 === 14 15 9 7 13 40 36 38 30 54 51 47: 37 +3 95 49 718 10.47 32 188 93 1,891 9.93 45 263 142 2,609 10.07 PENNSYLVANIA. 10 19 14 16 12 17 COD FOR 425 6 9 9 15 5 15 10 30 20 18 4 8 19 LO 00 5 13 23 $ 6500 Na 19 26 8 20 720 TR2 95 12 67 7 13 19 13 18 పటలా 1 9 10 15 7 5 4 13 7 1 12 COLD 30 10 11 16 LO LO 5 5 27 10 2433 10 15 25 ION 12 - 7 6 6 23 21 9 30 27 15 12 +82 5 5 5 9 5 8 14 10 13 POD LOO 402 40m 7 8 549 4 00 H+ H 4 8 ∞m park 1 18 7 24 42 1 3 2 16 9 7 4 4 10 38 8 260 8 8 12 156 19 5 32 9 2 3 9 7 2 7 13! 16 10 ** 220 287 **N 51 18 34 52 S** *** $98 20388 30 217 9.81 41 358 9.18 74 575 9.41 25 203 9.15 53 403 8.33 78 606 8. 61 44 261 8.80 46 428 9.09 90 689 8.98 27 218 9.54 38 405 9.21 65 623 9.32 20267 M D -58 914 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. PENNSYLVANIA-Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 2 granted. year. years. 3 years. 4 5 6 7 8 9 years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 6 13 1871.. To wife.... 11 Total 17 1872... {Total To husband 6 To wife..... Total. 5 11 To husband. 9 1873. To wife.. Total 21 1874. 1875..... STo husband {Total To wife.. Total.. To husband To wife... 12 22 202 12 30 47 15 8 29 44 6 12 Total 18 To husband. 1876.. To wife... Total. 15 To husband. 1877.. To wife.. Total 12 69F 662 227 228 28 28 2 o 21 24 37 34 10 23 17 13 23 40 63 26 28 54 26 33 8 24 13 21 13 18 35 31 56 8 17 21 29 To husband. 3 5 26 1878... To wife.. 7 16 Total 10 21 To husband. 7 13 1879.. To wife.. 7 20 Total 14 33 To husband 7 24 1880.. To wife.. 14 24 Total. 21 48 To husband. 1881... To wife.. Total 15 964 12 31 43 To husband 7 20 1882. To wife..... 9 42 Total 16 1883.. (To busb To husband. 4 To wife..... 15 Total.... 19 To husband. 6 1884.. To wife.... Total To husband. 1885 .... To wife..... Total 1886.. (To husb To husband. To wife..... Total FREE HIL 14 20 11 13 24 11 13 24 22 223 *** 272 277 489 970 930 19 57 24 32 56 20 49 42 36 78 34 57 62 91 15 31 30 62 45 93 16 27 43 80 16 26 33 42 49 68 15 30 44 66 59 96 S To husband. 143 273 515 All years To wife. 203 512 853 Total 346 785 1, 368 298 287 278 285 RAJ 234 238 *8* 2** *** *88 2EF 28- NEC AAP A3 20 255 298 2** *** *89 298 FAX 2-5 *** 29 *** *na 788 272 228 288 30 52 13 13 38 51 34 47 23 37 60 18 42 60 8 29 37 12 39 12 41 53 14 38 52 48 70 27 42 69 29 49 78 22 31 53 26 46 72 26 62 78 88 30 50 58 78 88 36 24 51 100 75 0 000 212 585 220 480 281 282 208 25E 205 205 008 289 295 202 220 250 **: *** 278 278 #02 202 738 230 270 2ON 200 2000 200 13 31 44 18 32 50 15 34 49 17 30 47 13 29 42 15 30 45 14 50 64 14 27 41 18 40 58 20 57 77 34 63 97 31 36 67 18 48 66 20 36 56 22 55 77 476 891 398 787 348 722 1, 367 1, 185 1,070 *** *** *** 297 *** *** *** *** *** 888 AER 296 288 238 298 292 888 16 8 3 24 24 27 4 15 24 45 39 13 25 38 13 42 19 46 14 32 46 4 11 35 21 39 32 16 32 44 13 14 30 44 25 39 46 71 12 43 70 55 20 51 67 71 20 43 62 63 15 22 39 61 14 42 56 24 46 70 309 289 653 583 962 872 888 ANN G*5 222 ∞ co* * 2** 289 279 229 228 28 28 392 209 237 238 2AE 120 ∞∞00 220 221 277 278 400 000 100 283 287 1 HOO FOOLO 200 937 16 8 18 26 15 15 30 20 24 41 12 35 47 12 39 14 29 43 9 26 35 14 38 52 16 39 55 19 38 57 14 34 48 17 38 55 12 36 48 19 35 54 247 521 768 • CHAPTER VIII. GENERAL TABLES. 915 TABLE VII.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. PENNSYLVANIA-Concluded. 21 10 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. Total. Aver- age for known dura- tion. 12 14 26 5 17 22 5 11 16 11 18 29 13 25 38 10 30 5 23 28 23 35 15 21 36 13 30 43 14 27 41 25 42 67 38 30 56 15 40 55 18 40 58 18 37 *NO NO 10 7 274 2 24 ER DER CO2 210 220 ** 221 228 289 FRI 395 286 Hom oo com 9 15 24 16 25 4 9 13 8 17 25 6 14 20 4 15 19 30 18 19 OmO DON DER FER DE* DOK R DER OR DO ∞ a 9 6 11 15 15 313 4 1 6 16 11 13 20 21 18 20 12 19 459 4 4 1 4 2 8 3 9 18 27 16 7 17 12 24 19 120 720 4 4 12 6 2 2 2 7 8 5 10 11 3 11 20 11 10 13 5 6 7 15 15 21 22 178 5 4 2 8 4 11 13 8 13 5 cr cr 5 11 17 28 167 6 7 19 10 12 25 17 16 +20 4 9 1 21 22 12 9 10 9 3 21 19 22 13 37 16 නයසා 3 5 17 10 29 39 22 228 -2 7 11 24 29 35 222 123 12 4 20 18 32 22 29 31 8 13 28 36 8 22 30 11 27 39 25 43 68 39 15 10 36 51 42 12 31 23 43 36 0 = 488 278 279 288 28 28 167 DO SER HOO *** 222 02 227 20 6 сл 5 6 4 11 9 13 10 16 15 18 549 5 3 00 4 6 4000 5 4 8 6 10 13 10 1 4 7 7 7 8 11 7 1 13 11 14 14 314 6 4 10 10 5 9 14 13 279 673 7 9 16 13 200 120 Bow 3 9 12 4337 3 8 3 3 17 20 3 13 16 15 17 37 41 32 11 6 14 22 20 33 14 16 53 39 12 21 32 40 13 40 7 36 30 ao ona como como 249 22 31 26 45 23 =23 11 22 33 8 9 13 16 24 32 16 10 31 24 33 55 48 37 46 46 253 188 181 159 141 148 478 432 411 342 302 731 620 592 501 413 437 330 318 295 600 202 22 2*8 288 22* *** *22 228 985 28 228 227 289 229 12 B72 5 8 6 14 37 3 7 C 22 10 23 5 00 5 8 5 1 8 9 13 10 369 1 6 10 5549 9 6 3 4 12 10 9 10 21 16 12 11 13 LD GO CO 5 8 9 2 16 10 25 12 13 5 6 24 29 22 21 27 9 21 30 8 -20 12 16 20 4 10 18 20 22 30 ONO CON 288 8 22 30 NEN ME∞ com 5 6 8 8 13 14 8 6 2 17 12 11 25 18 13 111 7 3 £ 15 9 11 22 12 15 6 22 12 7 6 27 14 32 34 20 95 95 235 223 206 DO FOR 02 888 6 5 2 19 15 24 17 9 3 17 11 75 26 14 104 369 8 48 10 86 18 134 77 54 154 142 986 82 25* 288 286 287 28* *** F82 284 285 280 285 28 925 287 298 2** 396 238 290 AB2 **8 *** A** BRE #85 875 822 22 28 42 18 34 **= 225 292 ** 23 223 8.97 38 442 9.36 61 665 9.23 23 217 9.72 32 398 9.74 55 615 9.74 249 8.56 458 9.84 71 707 9.40 253 9.28 157 10.28 52 710 9.92 16 210 9.75 415 10.50 655 10.22 207 9.25 431 10. 13 638 9.84 211 9.72 466 9.53 677 9.59 233 10.68 536 10.33 769 10.43 233 9.07 492 725 10.42 9.99 325 9.92 626 10.25 951 10. 14 332 9.69 663 10.23 995 10.05 372 9.95 761 10.70 1, 133 10.45 374 10.65 672 10. 11 1, 046 10.30 319 9.68 39 748 10.56 57 1,067 10.30 12 325 10.49 22 693 10.89 1,018 10.76 14 377 10.79 33 779 10.52 47 1, 156 10.61 420 5, 389 9.77 706 10, 631 10.09 231 196 1,477 1, 126 16, 020 9.98 916 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. RHODE ISLAND. Years, and to which party granted. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 5 1867.. To wife... 5 16 Total 10 18 To husband. 3 1868... .... To wife..... 8 Total 11 200 32 15 17 26 20 22 432 70010 308 2 3 1 1 2 14 11 11 10 6 6 14 13 14 11 7 8 5 2 15 9 20 11 123 6 4 6 6 12 062 7 11 To husband. 1869... To wife... Total లులు 3 29 16 3 11 19 360 3 6 12 9 12 273 22 4 10 145 5 9 9 14 14 To husband. 1870.. To wife... Total . 13 +03 4 9 122 19 22 BAN 3 4 4 11 4 13 15 8 330 2 2 11 8 16 13 10 279 S To husband. 4 1871... To wife.... 6 Total 10 10 (To husband. 4 1872.. To wife... 9 10 Total 13 13 To husband. 1873. To wife.... Total ICO 4 1 3 14 17 S To husband. 5 1874.. To wife.... Total 7 13 12 14 - 1875.. To husband. To wife. Total 134 3 4 14 S To husband. 1876... To wife.... S 1877... 1878. Total To husband. To wife.... Total. (To husband. To wife. Total. 112 1 1 14 2 15 145 "no mom "HI HA 221 222 200 3 4 7 19 23 3 3 19 22 3 14 16 713 2723 TOR BAN 240 16 23 448 12 14 224 5 1 10 4 4 15 4 5 5 3 7 17 15 9 18 16 279 4 4 13 7 17 11 11 1 6 15 21 20 6 10 20 16 1 3 22 20 25 1 16 14 18 15 NOH CH2 222 222 RE 2 1 20 21 6 14 16 26 18 6 13 19 BEN Bow Nor 1 3 15 10 7 20 11 10 13 1 5 10 9 12 11 14 15 493 695 2 1 10 12 =2 11 12 77 48 12 10 200 8 145 2 15 10 17 13 303 5 4 0 1 13 7 15 14 8 23 1 -== 10 11 178 19 8 22 1879... To husband. To wife.... Total 178 12 14 224 13 15 ** 392 235 4 2 10 12 13 COLOR 000 8 4 9 13 257 5 12 5 4 1 9 14 14 14 18 13 15 14 5 4 6 22 18 100 5 4 3 12 13 11 26 23 16 16 16 S To husband. 4 1880 1881.. To wife. Total.. To husband. To wife.. To husband. Total 4 15 0 8 18 పటాలు Total 12 100+ 4 4 8 14 18 1882. To wife.. 155 2 12 Total 6 14 S To husband. 1 1883.. To wife... 9 Total 10 9 To husband. 5 6 1884. To wife.... 5 13 *#7 200 *** 42 L 277 3 14 11 17 8 10 BIL DEN 3 3 6 7 2 11 22 14 14 7 4 10 15 15 10 22 19 20 28 222 19 17 10 26 19 12 5 7 11 17 16 24 17 2 22 24 278 +023 4 4 4 3 18 14 12 17 22 18. 16 20 402 221 120 222 222 +50 8 4 5 12 4 15 19 5 5 6 5 2 2 9 19 9 9 8 17 8 6 24 14 15 13 19 10 15 3 4 1 5 3 5 4 14 12 Total 10 19 17 16 To husband. 1 1885. To wife 4 13 Total.. 5 15 235 2 9 11 13 20 673 20 DE2 17 11 14 13 7 18 16 17 18 11 5 1 2 17 .16 9 12 22 17 11 14 224 3 11 14 -} j Aver- CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 917 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. RHODE ISLAND. 21 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 14 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. Total. age for known dura- over. tion. 18 200 12 งง 156 5 459 279 356 7 1 145 255 4 8 12 .11 11 1 1 11 7 4 11 8 5 1 1 1 7 6 8 4 6 7 7 10 5 7 1 3 2 11 7 6 10 12 7 9 12 2 137 6 298 6 155 158 156 123 15 S 156 145 6 5 ww 3 325 123 156 1 3 40 9.13 2 22 2 4 14 155 9.57 5 17 195 9.48 1 35 7.49 1 3 16 174 9.10 6 1 3 17 209 8.83 1 - C 224 -] − 1 1 6 2 LO LO 7 4344 1 who wo 145 123 213 3 8 11 14 2 1 8 6 10 7 12 123 224 3 3 4 6 235 **2 402 10 10 4 1 8 9 12 10 ४ 6 7 7 2 157 123 22 123 00 00 246 18 - 123 246 22 145 112 280 167 12 15 1 5 5 1 7 8 1 4 5 1 3 4 1 4 5 4 156 22 123 213 246 145 134 2 1 1 123 5 36 11.94 12 131 9.51 17 167 10.04 3 5 3 123 4 41 10.05 11 161 9.22 15 202 9.39 123 CU CO 3 3 6 112 213 145 10 12 202 43 7.81 122 8.36 165 8.22 1 6 54 9.65 2 1 21 168 9.79 3 1 27 222 9.75 1 3 36 9.56 2 2 22 2 3 11 2 4 14 22 2 157 9. 06 193 9. 16 1 2 1 7 59 10.34 8 4 5 3 19 181 10. 18 8 5 7 4 26 240 10.22 2 34 7.82 w co 3 6 3 6 444 2 16 150 9.56 4 2 18 184 9.24 1 8 8 © G 178 6 6 - LA CO 1 9 13 10 30 40 00 37 1 5 6 3 6 7 3 3 2 123 224 1 4 5 112 1 1 6 9 5 34 11.82 9 157 8.90 2 14 191 9.42 3 37 9.27 ww 3 45! 1 14 160 9.76 1 17 197 9.66 5 8 5 77 53 5 2 4 9 13 187 6 7 957 2 12 ♡♡ ~2* 14 3 3 2148 246 2 2 1 156 248 112 5 1 1 183 6 44 11.00 2 15 169 9.59 21 213 9.88 1 6 2 22 123 1 6 52 10.63 3 8 174 8.75 4 14 226 9. 18 5 9 14 12 LO LO ** 202 10 2000 2 8 14 6 G 5 9 16 14 187 2 6 8 10 1134 5 6 2 5 8 11 10 14 13 Or if fond 1 3 4 11 5 14 -34 3 7 123 10 10 1 7 60 10.07 3 4 4 21 214 10.23 3 5 4 28 274 10.20 5 5 6 4 15 10 21 14 288 6 3 ༡ 9 14 8 11 17 10 20 Hoo Bawo 3 10 18¬ 2 9 9 11 259 7 55! 213 CO DE LO 3 112 2 2013 12 87 11.52 29 200 11. 10 41 287 11.22 3 2 5 187 6 123 2 25 29 6 6 7 12 7 7 627 5 4 4 8 8 150 263 1 5 4 6 257 20 *** *22 55 10.96 1 225 10.63 1 280 10.69 81 11.51 184 10.76 29 265 10.99 5 2 9 11 14 13 336 1 5 10 9 4 9 11 14 4 187 659 7 167 6 3 3 9 8 12 11 235 2 2 4 8 4 9 4 8 4 11 ులు. 3 4 3 134 ♡ co c 9 66 10.56 6 21 204 10.78 6 30 270 10.73 6 3 3 6 1 LO CO 1 7 47 11.57 5 20 178 10.82 27 225 10.98 918 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 了 ​TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. RHODE ISLAND—Concluded. Years, and to which party granted. 1 2 year. years. years. 3 4 years. years. years. 5 6 7 8 9 years. years. years. To husband. 1886... To wife.... 3 Total aww 3 2 16 16 18 200 3 5 8 1 21 16 9 6 18 16 21 26 24 10 273 3 11 9 14 All years.. (To To husband. 50 46 63 76 61 86 55 54 77 To wife 113 249 316 250 261 245 221 197 171 Total. 163 295 379 326 322 331 276 251 251 To husband. 1867.. To wife.. Total... To husband. 1868... To wife.. Total. To husband 1869.. To wife... Total To husband. SOUTH CAROLINA. 1 1 1 1 1 · 1 1870... To wife.. - • • • . • · Total . To husband. 1871.. To wife.. • • Total To husband. • 1872.. To wife... Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 To husband. 1873... To wife... Total 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 To husband. 1 · 1874.. To wife. 1 1 Total 1 1 1 22 2 112 1 2 134 123 1 1 To husband. 1 1 2 1875.. To wife... Total 1 1 22 2 2 224 1 1 2 To husband. 1 1876.. To wife... Total D 1 112 2 Jud 1 1 2 1 1 To husband. 2 1877.... To wife... Total. 2 112 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 v To husband. 1 1878... To wife.... Total 1 2 224 134 22 224 1 1 123 1879.. STo husband. To wife... Total To husband. 1880.. To wife.. • Total To husband. 1881.. To wife... Total To husband. 1882... To wife... Total. · CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 919 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. RHODE ISLAND-Concluded. 10 11 12 Aver- 21 18 19 20 years Un- Total. age for known 13 14 15 16 17 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. dura- tion. 10 280 4 3 1 9 7 6 13 10 7 257 77 4 4 7 11 55! 3 LO 00 5 8 248 6 55 37 50 32 22 180 149 129 107 114 235 186 179 139 136 22220 26 30 15 94 81 74 120 111 89 5855 25 69 94 588333 17 15 109 56 73 18 54 324 69 433 ཨཝ སྶུདྡྷི 60 12.05 1 197 9.46 1 257 10.07 1,001 10.42 4 3, 461 9.83 4 4, 462 9.97 1 1 SOUTH CAROLINA. 1 1 1 1 145 9.00 4 6. 67 7.25 1 29.00 1 29.00 1 1 1 4 14. 25 1 3 5.00 1 1 1 1 7 10.29 2 1 1 8 10. 71 1 1 8 9.00 2 2 2 16 9.86 1 1 1 1 3 112 3 1 3 1 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0113 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 COE DEM 207 25 18 123 516 112 123 7 11.67 10 8.38 17 9.79 18 10.46 17 35 12.31 11.48 12 8.67 1 5 12.25 4 17 9.77 LO 5 21 5 26 7.19 12.80 8.52 6 10.08 2 21 9.79. 8 39 9.90 920 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. V TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. SOUTH CAROLINA-Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 granted. year. 2 3 4 years. years. years. years. 5 6 years. years. years. 7 8 9 years. To husband. 1883.. To wife... 1884. Total To husband. To wife.... Total.. • To husband. 1885.. To wife Total To husband. 1886.. To wife.. Total .. All years.. (To To husband. To wife... To:al 325 • 4 6 7 8 5 5 -7 5 9 11 14 13 TENNESSEE. 549 5 3 9 14 3 To husband. 9 17 13 1867. To wife..... 17 22 Total.. 26 39 35 To husband. 3 1868.. To wife... 8 13 Total 11 22 To husband 9 1869... To wife.... 10 18 Total 19 26 40 To husband. 8 1870... To wife.. 12 16 Total. 20 24 To husband. 9 1871.... To wife.... Total. 15 19 24 29 To husband. 10 1872... To wife.... Total .. S 1873... S 1877... 1874. 1875... 1876...... To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife.... Total. {Total To husband. To wife..... Total To husband To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.. Total. To husband. 13 26 39 14 1878.. To wife... 19 Total 33 * ER 224 22* 218 288 FOR 14 24 24 43 10 16 11 21 12 15 13 25 22 12 15 12 24 35 14 18 26 22 31 35 21 30 50 To husband. 7 15 36 1879... To wife... 14 14 37 Total 21 29 73 203 2ER 2** *** *** 259 228 258 200 *38 228 220 220 FR 858 400 250 281 2** ORO FOL *** 288 858 INO *** ∞∞∞ ∞00* 99* *** 225 42 423 298 299 ZE DR 12 21 12 16 28 *27 20* 9 13 18 12 10 16 19 12 16 15 35 12 12 11 23 39 12 33 24 21 48 36 25 23 38 48 23 33 30 53 12 22 23 27 35 49 18 20 19 45 39 500 600 227 27* *** ∞∞00 200 227 228 6 10 16 2555 10 3 15 14 25 17 4 6 10 444 6 17 8 23 426 ~EN CER 9 1 10 2 11 15 16 23 16 17 29 33 28 20 36 13 33 37 14 41 31 53 13 6 16 28 37 50 22 42 36 58 20 24 35 59 31 25 25 34 50 53 *8 780 RM 2*8 24 30 45 THE TOR 93 -22 227 27 228 229 2 15 5000 8 6 18 10 6 23 2007 1 2 3 cb 10 8 10 4 11 15 273 9 9 29 30 13 24 30 24 25 15 24 39 *NO TRA *** HER 8 3 22 8 11 47 347 145 7 10 4 23 14 8 24 12 13 11 8 13 14 15 26 25 23 11 14 25 6 15 21 17 10 29 23 46 33 6 25 19 AND AND 18 28 46 SEE #82 15 28 23 43 11 11 21 22 31 19 19 10 27 18 16 46 37 26 101 102 ¬RN 227 228 3 13 15 14 18 8 6 14 9 11 14 32 25 10 9 12 21 15 26 41 CHAPTER VIII- 921 GENERAL TABLES. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.—Continued. SOUTH CAROLINA-Concluded. 10 11 12 13 16 21 18 19 20 14 15 17 Un- years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. over. Aver- Total. age for known dura- tion. 2 3 2 4 3 2 3 1 1 6 21 89 9.72 2 5 2 1 3 2 1 2 4 7 8 74 10.45 4 8 4 5 3 3 4 4 3 4 1 13 29 163 10.08 ! TENNESSEE. 415 224 1 2 3 4 4 2 4 5 4 7 112 1 3 5 12 118 6.97 3 1 5 16 169 6. 29 3 3 1 10 28 287 6.57 2 3 2 6 1 2 8 4 4 516 1 1 3 3 3 3 4 2 1 3 6 7 5 1 4 1 2 2 8 2 2 12 3 2 235 2 LO 5 2 1 6 5 2 1 6 3 11 7 5 2 21'M LO 112 112 246 246 112 123 224 201 ad as co 112 112 299 1 22 2 1 4 2 2 4 12 382 8 87 7.14 9 8 139 7.40 16 226 7.30 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 13 673 14 115 7. 12 30 184 6. 89 44 299 6.98 1 1 248 1 17 109 5.78 6 14 175 6. 71 6 31 284 6.37 2 6 ૦૨૭ 4 107 6.60 24 212 6.53 8 28 319 6.56 2 6 6 224 948 03 30 LO 145 155 5 8 13 2 2 5 5 CO 00 hod 1 8 9 — ww 3 200 123 178 2008 52 3 9 3 12 6 4 7 6 2 6 7 11 8 2 6 7 3 6 6 1 1 3 8 10 9 3 1 1 1 11 16 15 4 2 1 4 4 5 4 2 12 9 11 3 3 16 13 16 7 5 8 9 5 3 1 11 8 9 11 4 -3 19 17 14 14 3 10 6 18 14 12 28 201 17 13314 3 123 145 145 167 0300 LO 112 22 i co co 1013 2 1 5 3 14 1 3 4 123 7 15 144 6.55 6 19 219 6.81 13 34 363 6.71 1 4 1 6 4 1 1 11 5 4 2 3 3 2 123 1 1 3 1 1 11 3 4 1 2 718 213 32 54 17 17 34 a a 2446 -- ~~~ 22 213 134 1 1 11 18 2 1 12 1 1 -3- 6 3 7 6 13 123 363 L 3 3 2 1 3 1 1 7 5 1 3 4 1 10 227 FE* 208 208 578 168 6. 14 263 7.04 431 6.69 143 6.02 221 7.51 364 6.95 12 141 5.05 246 7.39 30 387 6. 54 16 157 7.13 23 252 6.69 39 409 6.85 17 196 6. 10 21 310 6. 56 38 506 6. 38 444 213 112 • ro co ∞AN 2 6 8 112 1 4 41 6 2 1 10 369 16 21 LO 30 00 522 5 2 2 1 ! 8 2 2 1 224 4 12 100 8 +48 2200 211 6.49 45 304 6.92 86 515 6.75 23 230 6.67 26 321 7.60 49 551 7.22 922 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. TENNESSEE-Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 1880 To husband. To wife. Total 37 To husband. 1881. To wife.... Total 525 40m 17 20 14 19 33 To husband. 16 1882.. To wife... 31 Total To husband. 1883... To wife.... Total 1884.. 1885... To husband. To wife... Total.... To husband. To wife Total 42 To husband. 30 1886..... To wife... 25 Total To husband. 248 All years To wife... 344 *** 2** *** NAN *** 272 2** ** ** *** 228 *** *** ** 18 44 23 41 281 248 **~ ~*8 283 14 25 39 64 16 47 63 62 43 53 96 22 33 58 55 35 36 45 47 70 80 83 31 37 30 47 46 84 76 364 462 445 438 677 603 Total 592 802 1, 139 1, 048 287 *** *** *** 2** 85E 888 858 *** *** 258 220 887 88 89 989 15 33 48 12 29 41 17 34 51 111 32 32 64 400 222 F33 252 288 258 +38 10 38 11 22 33 12 17 29 12 20 17 39 29 59 13 13 26 17 39 30 26 17 37 23 63 40 37 21 53 48 90 69 356 270 221 547 488 380 903 758 601 2*2 **~ ~** 22 ** HA 225 88 220 E2 SER 288 CE8 F80 208 11 17 28 10 15 25 LO 5 14 19 10 17 27 7 38 14 56 21 11 20 25 30 45 12 7 12 37 19 169 153 334 503 243 396 TEXAS. 1867. To husband. To wife Total To husband. 1868.. To wife ... Total. 4916 123 112 224 To husband. 3 1869... To wife .... Total 1 4 To husband. 1870... To wife. Total ** LO OT 4 5 347 246 9 213 2 235 4 4 325 4 145 224 325 3 OS LO 00 5 4 1 1 2 448 4 as ap 3 1 3 ما 5 5 8 7 4 10 11 15 To husband. 4 1871.. To wife.. 3 Total 7 159 4 7 4 8 13 15 17 To husband 4 5 1872.. To wife. 7 10 16 9 12 7 14 Total 11 15 16 26 1873... To husband. To wife Total 208 5 15 7 6 12 17 11 27 24 1874. To husband. To wife.. Total 12 1875... To husband. To wife.. Total 13 572 493 10000 14 13 12 14 16 26 27 ∞ ∞ 14 14 6 15 14 29 35 1876... STo husband 6 5 11 11 To wife.... Total 9 8 19 14 15 13 30 25 5053 2088 TRE 248 DER GER 123 F** 6 3 9 22 112 1 1 2 213 3 4 347 3 1 4 235 224 112 6 4 10 123 44 4 12 7 3 16 9 9 16 12 347 4 1 3 4 7 11 9 16 25 8 ONE MI SEE BE 15 13 23 FIR DAN 4 14 8 12 426 2 3 2 5 9 22 13 13 20 26 18 12 25 29 15 22 37 *2* ENR *** 3 23 17 #92 20*♡ ♡♡♡♡♡ 11 5 10 14 21 19 00 15 00 5 3 8 13 9 5 10 10 6 23 19 11 8 9 14 20 15 9 28 24 23 16 9 9 7 23 15 7 9 39 24 16 16 CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 923 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. TENNESSEE-Concluded. Aver- 21 } 10 11 12 15 13 14 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. aud 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- known. age for Total. known dura- over. tion. 16 8 2 7 29 14 8 7 7 9 45 22 10 11 7 9 LO LO 5 5 224 6 7 5 14 17 16 20 24 21 6 ✪ w 3 7 2 6 6 9 10 9 13 11 10 3 13 12 16 16 +266 4 10 3 14 11 24 14 347 527 134 14 22 224 213 213 1 5 1 18 2 23 10 1 16 1 26 3 1 1 1 4 1200 6 12 ! 18 588 888 288 27 265 6. 23 39 415 7.45 66 680 6.98 30 213 6.98 36 373 7.79 66 586 7.50 27 214 6.88 36 352 6.71 63 566 6.77 6 11 17 17 23 672 O 3 LO 2 5 732 4 4 4 6 13 10 4 9 4 3 20 14 8 13 10 3 33 THO 1 1 18- 22 251 6.08 40 375 7.32 9 62 626 6.82 13 *** *** 8 3 4 14 22 13 26 6 25 31 108 214 OR 42 2 60 10 13 13 17 12 ~02 325 5 2 12 72 en He found 1 4 5 310 00 4 5 7 8 11 - ** LO 257 12 21 229 7.61 4 15 47 399 7.84 27 68 628 7.75 5 15 10 Ber 8 3 5 2 11 8 9 9 20 15 19 11 14 11 297 5 233 53 3 1 11 28 326 6.82 1 4 17 40 471 7.29 4 28 68 797 7.09 7 сл 5 8 4 13 11 9 9 20 16 17 13 431 4 3 6 7 9 159 4 - on bo 2 1 6 25 312 6.19 5 4 3 10 55 489 6.97 7 5 3 16 80 801 6.66 87 73 69 43 45 29 169 149 116 95 82 74 40 322 256 222 185 138 127 103 76 2003 36 99853 16 23 46 29 62 52 3823 19 102 398 3, 736 6.53 39 196 586 5,889 7. 15 58 298 984 9, 625 6. 91 TEXAS. 112 1 3 3 1 3 0161 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2124 1 1 1 3 -૩ 1 61 1 1 1 1 1 19 2 1 1 1 013010 112 1 2 1 2 108 34 20 14 2 3 2 103 1 WROT 134 3 4 145 5 193 2 How T 1 3 4 3 257 333 6 123 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 T 1 1 1 2 ~~~ 120 1 4 1 4 310 1 3 4 4 CO 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 167 30 6 21 51 302110 33 34 67 35 4 torte 8 36 15 71 597 982 382 232 8 12 223 224 875 875 332 9. 38 8.21 8. 81 9.00 9.53 104 9.30 6.00 9.53 108 7.98 75 7.50 $8 7.91 163 7.73 99 8.69 134 8.66 233 8.67 8 00 + 4 4 01 M LO 2 1 2 1 6 30 107 7.56 3 5 201 1 1 7 1 2 1 13 XS 33 129 7.55 63 236 ! 7.55 3 1 1 267 1 5 1 1913 2 200 6 6 4 8 10 3 9 3 4 8 2 13 11 Co And to 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 16161 134 1 2 1 183 6 2 5 2 11 112 1 1 1 2 CHŁO 1 3 112 1 2 0713 2 1 1 1 1 01600 2 - ་ ~~~ 3 4 1 1 1 6 4 5 314 145 3 1 5 1 9 4 1 14 103 2 ete 21 30 10 1 5 2 1 1 1 018 288 87* ge 36 119 7.63 11 167 7.61 286 7.64 30 126 6.39 53 173 7.02 83 299 6.74 33 158 7.83 * 51 212 7.89 84 370 7.86 42 154 7.32 46 202 6.82 5 2 88 356 7.03 924 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 4 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. TEXAS-Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years: years. years. To husband 9 6 1877.. To wife.. 8 15 8 16 Total 17 21 24 To husband. 9 9 12 1878. To wife 9 12 15 Total.... 18 21 27 1879 To wife.. S To husband 15 10 Total 25 To husband. 11 1880.. To wife... 11 Total 22 To husband. 17 1881.. To wife. 15 Total 32 1882.. (To hus! To husband. To wife ... Total To husband. 1883 To wife ..... Total. To husband. 1884.. To wife Total OK EEN ON 124 28 202 22 31 14 24 38 39 25 20 45 19 25 44 28 02 10 728 227 293 29 9 14 19 33 24 37 61 17 22 20 21 41 30 53 25 35 50 60 ∞ COTH OLAN 200 202 227 ON BED 788 44 54 26 32 58 77 35 36 46 81 105 34 52 86 89 To husband. 33 1885.. To wife.. Total To husband. 1886.. To wife... 21 Total 285 223 28 61 13 34 228 858 18 26 47 40 38 58 64 105 40 50 42 60 56 258 2*5 542 828 87% 292 996 900 938 83 *** *** 229 298 2*2 2F 888 888 19 19 38 16 33 49 23 23 46 29 32 40 42 42 45 101 55 *-* -** *** 225 *** *** 20 785 898 GE 15 25 40 19 21 40 44 23 28 82 38 50 88 29 52 81 47 50 97 33 49 82 40 51 70 100 106 118 91 DR A 22* ** AND ORE BEN 10 H 11 6 6 16 17 22 17 26 18 22 40 13 26 51 39 18 27 32 45 36 35 71 33 41 74 25 43 68 41 44 85 FOR ONG *** *** **8 A02 228 229 11 9 8 19 14 19 33 17 13 30 23 29 29 55 30 36 30 66 53 30 42 72 38 66 32 34 66 31 40 53 31 87 71 E28 228 228 * 20 *28 2*3 58 23 31 31 68 30 28 58 33 29 62 31 All years.. STo husband. 208 214 330 382 424 379 328 287 270 To wife...- 226 317 429 561 526 499 421 336 281 Total 434 531 759 943 950 873 719 623 551 UTAH. 1867 To wife. Total 1868... 1869... S 1870... 1871. 1 1872.... S S Total To husband. 1 To wife. 10 - 11 156 4 A 112 156 1 5 4 3. 6 5 3 සහා 3 3 To husband. To wife... Total To husband. To wife..... Total To husband. To wife Total • To husband. To wife Total - S To husband. 3 9 12 Bever 22 1 1 1 1 22 ་་ 4 4 1 112 246 3 3 134 134 3 6 6 co co 3 3 3 3 22 134 22 145 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 012 22 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 9 10 9 SLO X 3 1 5 1 1 2 145 2 To husband. 2 1 2 1 1873.. To wife.... 14 15 8 8 Total.. 16 16 10 9 6 420 248 2 248 145 16161 193 2 1 3 4 5 LO LO 5 5 CHAPTER VIII. ·GENERAL TABLES. 925 1 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. TEXAS-Concluded. Aver- 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- Total. age for known 1 years years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. dura- over. tion. 16 23 12 11 18 29 37 19 35 33 FOR 2~2 =02 227 258 229 258 280 *** 7 6 14 20 435 5 5 9 10 218 235 3 123 1 1 2 246 1 1 224 00 UI CU 3 5 8 6 3 13 15 19 15 8 23 14 15 14 28 16 12 17 24 20 36 40 23 15 24 18 21 47 33 19 18 37 18 56 36 27 16 33 15 36 60 31 2390 8 TER 222 223 222 170 00 000 F 4 3 11 6 15 9 10 Bever INN 2 2 134 3 4 1344 3 5 3 4 3 co 10 10 5 3 11 5 3 16 100 10 12 14 15 29 32 14 35 18 17 35 16 52 17 27 18 68 35 35 21 225 34 55 216 154 256 209 472 225 285 188 24 27 51 144 117 198 159 363 342 276 212 *** ** 22K 14* ** *** A28 229 230 698 3 6. 639 3 2 4 1 8 ww 3 3 3 1 3 3 6 5 5 13 21 12 25 *02 2000 8 4 437 1343 3 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 6 10 11 8 18 8 9 15 11 23 20 18 9 9 18 15 9 17 21 32 30 HR 228 222 *** 14 25 30 40 00 12 8 14 12 26 20 10 11 19 16 29 27 9 6 14 8 23 14 12 Bon was 500 10 19 224 22 123 4 1 1 1 2 3 12 13 25 10 ིག་པ་ 246 224 224 916 2 4 5 11 == 15 12 20 16 24 40 123 ** * 8â 9 9 1 7 13 10 10 1 22 19 11 11 10 9 18 27 83 118 201 10 888 15 9 21 68 156 120 400 282 5 14 19 15 10 38 51 45 91 83 20 ta con Groome END Exer 2 2 8 2 224 13 8 £ 17 27 161 28 55 370 20 DAN OOK 9-3 938 958 289 290 29 10 123 278 588 85% *P 54 194 7.55 41 261 7.34 95 455 7.42 47 221 7.47 53 276 8. 11 497 7.83 56 302 8.03 67 339 7.90 641 7.96 91 374 8.09 75 412 7.63 169 786 7.84 106 437 7.78 109 522 8.04 215 959 7.92 18 83 459 8.46 17 100 565 8.27 35 183 1, 024 8.36 16 101 522 8.51 23 93 663 8.32 194 1, 185 8.40 18 79 504 8. 19 95 667 8. 18 174 1,171 8.18 20 87 524 8.21 26 102 658 8.34 46 189 1, 182 8.28 16 88 590 8.56 16 115 736 8.23 32 203 J, 325 8.38 1, 106 5, 117 8.09 1,204 2,310 6,355 8.05 11, 472 8.07 UTAH. 112 13 1 1 1 4 39 1 1 1 4 52 1 1 1 1 co co 3 3 20 29 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 22 167 11 6 30 41 1 ลอง 2 1 1 1 123 23 L 10 41 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 22 2 3 22 123 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 મ 6 288 88 8 AED 289 223 17 71 88 9 11 47 58 18 57 75 16 66 51 12 30 61 FED HER ANR 990 RJA 4.25 7.13 6.81 1.50 5.93 5.62 10. 14 11.63 11.32 17.00 10.12 82 11.45 23 13.00 4.55 6.76 10 33 9.74 19 67 7.75 29 100 8.39 155 1 1 6 3148 1 3 6 4 123 1 1 3 8 33 10.92 1 8 15 101 7.56 1 11 23 134 8.32 926 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. i TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, DIVORCE, FOR FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. UTAH-Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 granted. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 1874.. To wife. 16 Total.... To husband. 1875...... To wife. Total To husband. 1876... To wife... Total To husband. 43 1877... To wife... Total To husband. 1878. To wife.. Total HEL 20 ON DEE E 22 13 11 15 13 28 35 20 24 21 59 41 35 32 75 11 18 To husband. 2 1879.. To wife.. 9 Total 11 To husband. 4 1880... To wife 7 Total To husband. 1881.. To wife Total #222 11 * R* 227 *** =** *0* -EN 4 5 7 9 11 14 370 178 3 7 10 7 6 8 10 11 24 18 22 16 38 36 23 18 58 54 11 10 8 19 = 200 CO ON2 4 6 10 23 *** *** 26 13 49 35 38 24 21 62 43 6 11 12 17 2 223 222 00* 14 34 ** 222 222 14 12 18 40 257 224 701 208 828 8 ܣܣ 8 246 2 6 15 23 21 16 39 20 48 ∞∞ = = = 222 8 8 6 4 14 12 13 14 14 35 27 21 32 20 20 41 52 16 5 9 6 9 8 7 3 7 4 24 12 12 13 13 3 10 156 OC CU 3 5 1 8 6 13 6 11 11 LOLO 5 10 5 11 134 4 123 1 1 3 11 4 6 12 5 9 235 257 257 10 1 13 9 23 10 13 +9* 4 33 3 4 7 6 10 10 246 2 1 4 9 10 235 145 2 co co 3 3 4 5 S To husband 1882.. To wife.. Total.. 14 To husband. 1883.. To wife. 14 Total 15 To husband 1884.. To wife 10 Total 17 S To husband 1885.. To wife.. 13 BOE LED FOR 33 5 ما 5 9 9 11 OC లు 3 1 1 8 14 11 11 5050 5 9 3 5 10 4 123 17∞ 257 8 1 5 3 11 7 16 10 CÓ KIT CA 3 1 5 3 8 4 167 1 4 1 6 6 11 4 7 15 5 7 3 7 10 DO LO 00 3 5 8 ස ප 6 6 18¬ 2 9 2 4 2 9 8 Total. 16 13 10 248 1 1 9 ∞ 8 6 10 9 To husband. 4 3 1886... To wife 11 6 Total 15 9 1 LOO 235 5 6 437 TŁO CO 1 5 2 6 156 112 347 224 123 167 6 4 7 4 5 2 6 SI SO LO 2 3 1 5 1 To husband. 155 111 102 98 92 76 82 74 72 All years To wife ... 234 181 137 143 109 103 100 102 82 Total. 389 295 239 241 201 179 182 176 154 1867... 1868.. 1869.. To husband. To wife.. Total → To husband. To wife. Total To husband To wife.... Total D STo husband. To wife..... Total 1870.... { VERMONT. 224 246 CD ON LO 3 5 6 9 2 8 5 9 5 13 11 18 32 LO 47 4 3 6 5 11 9 213 12 752 10 4 5 2 10 10 5 4 8 11 9 4 5 14 12 16 11 5 224 1 1 20 LD 00 3 5 8 273 11 3 සය 3 248 1 6 13 6 7 18 207 10000 3 5 3 9 8 10 7 11 15 10 426 4 1 5 6 5 2 11 13 448 3 4 8. 8 11 DO LO 00 3 4 5 6 8 10 CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 927 ( >> Aver- age for known dura- DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. UTAH-Concluded. 21 10 11 12 13 15 14 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 16 17 18 19 20 years! Un- and known. Total. over. tion. 123 325 1 1 2 PHO NEE 15 13 28 31 16 47 527 2 2 2 0 oo oo 4 6 10 12 16 5 15 21 34 25 22 18 11 43 33 762 DE* 2=3 5 13 19 18 27 25 Mão Não 2000 22 224 123 550 1 4 5 112 1 1 3 6 1 1 9 6 1 7 10 00 00 5 3 4 8 4 323 5 325 3 3 8 9 9 10 5 15 5 4 5 4 5 13 13 14 14 10 16 369 318 13 29 19 88 *** *28 26 18 44 59 14 13 13 15 11 7 6 99 20 7 10 8 7 1 9 3 29 21 21 23 21 22 12 16 9 128 41 2E2 20 225 27¬ 10 48 8.37 11 101 7.52 21 149 7.77 10 164 11.81 14 131 9.77 24 295 10.93 29 429 11.42 26 280 9.46 55 709 10.66 571 11.53 343 9.36 914 10. 73 =92 11 10 21 0000 10 5 8 6 6 4 7 - 5 16 9 15 11 437 4 123 729 181 1 3 9 4 213 221 112 2 123 1 1 2 112 213 2 3 112 1 2 88888 29 19 48 12 +82 4 168 1.0 1 4 od ad 22 3 6 3 1 10 123 1 5 2 2 1 4 1 4 1 5 1 4 6 1 4 22 22 22 145 1 1 12 1 1 19 PO NO 257 122 7 2 11 13 115 4 22 1 1 •22 10 3 11 50 cr 20 5 8 123 145 112 22 123 ♡ 314 370 213 2 5 1 2 3 3 3 1 4 1 ૩૧૭ 1 7 1 3 LD 00 3 22 213 2 1 1 5 235 235 134 14 LO 6 1 11 1 17 525 2 100 7 145 3 3 NN 2 1 13 7 109 2 1 16 10 141 4 1 3 13 6 119 3 17 10 162 28 DE AB 989 282 928 11.73 10.84 11.35 10.66 7.90 8.59 30 85 11.86 9.62 10. 24 8.98 8.71 8.79 8.93 9.70 9.53 10. 10 10.41 10.33 • 1 4 1 4 77 7 33 145 2 5 1 1 22 17 2 22 00 00 8 113 8 146 1 1 3 6 3 4 7 3 ∞ 123 2 2 3 2 3 C13 257 1 1 6 1 22 2 17 2 1 23 257 106 142 CO CO 6 6 - pl 134 76 95 223 62 171 134 127 109 885 1 1 1 1 65 56 62 53 123 4 4 123 1 1 112 1 9 5 3 15 4 32 88 58 33 9.15 11.39 10.86 36 12.09 10.52 10.92 37 13.28 82 11.50 3 1 24 9 119 12.02 47 24883 36 46 89 82 2483 37 42 40 33 77 75 628985 33 31 271 169 1,818 11.28 24 34 19 229 322 2,260 9.41 50 67 50 500 491 4, 078 10.27 VERMONT. 1 3 3 1 3 134 3 2 5 GO DE L 9 17 26 012 157 2 6 1 12 3 2 18 4 161 4 8 12 123 255 820 182 70 10.80 12.25 11.59 63 10.15 10.82 10.55 44 93 10.95 9.56 137 10.01 1 1 13 a co cr 5 8 49 10.90 8 13 115 9.79 21 164 10.11 123 224 21 3D 5D 123 1 1 1 1 3 65 1 6 6 2 4 10 MQ LO 235 3 4 2 5 4 22-H 33 4 8 12 GO CO CO +02 370 10 257 37 1 6 5 10 11 213 3 3 6 123 5 5 213 213 2 3 6 ♡ ♡ - 145 6 6 ww 3 3 2 123 235 325 123 1 1 3 ♡ 14 1 1 156 928 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. VERMONT-Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 granted. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 1871...... To wife.... Total ♡ as 6 3 3 6 298 6 268 11 15 15 26 22 732 12 16 120 4 3 6 9 178 00 cr 13 1872... 6 8 To husband. 1873. To wife.... Total. To husband. To wife.... Total 240 213 งง 7 16 1874...... (To To husband. To wife... Total. To husband 5 6 105 235 156 134 5 5 6 224 16 22 8 4 14 ONO OON POR 9 4 4 4 7 7 7 9 11 11 13 178 1 7 8 Yİ SİLƏ 1 4 5 6 12 16 5 10 15 15 19 134 420 450 5 8 13 4 1875.. To wife.... Total 33 6 1 6 6 3 7 11 16 8 12 7 12 22 14 15 To husband. 3 1 5 1876... To wife.. 5 7 6 Total 8 11 9 279 273 5 13 18 To husband. 1 1877. To wife... 3 Total. 4 257 5 1 5 3 6 10 8 8 BELLE 992 225 2300 200- 3 11 14 246 10 13 47 4 3 8 13 11 11 17 BOR TRE 3 4 10 1 4 10 11 7 20 12 11 156 4 3 9 8 13 11 3 1 3 < 4 9 6 11 11 13 11 7 10 9 1878.... To husband. 1879. To husband To wife.. Total 148 257 257 3 5 14 11 5 17 16 260 5 11 67 5 8 16 12 12 392 To wife..... Total.. 459 ww 3 3 งง 7 7 279 1880... S To husband. 1 To wife... Total. 1 To husband. 1881.. To wife.... Total 4 4 1885.. 1882... 1883.. 1884. (To To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.... Total STo husband. To wife.... Total. To husband. To wife... Total - 246 224 180 178 112 4 6 5 4 9 10 12 246 572 4 3 3 6 7 7 10 10 10 12 392 12 3 4 8 9 16 9 11 13 19 602 309 6 4 10 155 6 -8- 9 12 100+ 3 8 6 9 10 370 2 11 213 4 9 13 14 221 4 4 8 CHLO O 4 1 5 10 11 257 12 1 2 8 347 55 35300 6 3 4 5 6 4 11 8 10 7 10 14 12 15 13 369 1 1 5 5 10 ♡♡ 7 6 7 11 13 673 4 7 4 17 7 10 21 14 14 10012 4 8 112 145 4 4 5 5 4 5 G2W 3 2 2 9 5 11 213 ww 3 3 112 1 2 1886... To husband To wife.. Total 1 5 112 45 3 2 3 279 5 4 9 246 57 12 156 1 5 4 6 5 All years To husband. To wife.... Total ~~88 34 64 98 122 888888 41 90 83 80 81 46 51 119 186 168 175 135 132 127 160 276 251 255 216 178 178 CHAPTER VIII. 929 ·GENERAL TABLES. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. VERMONT-Concluded. Aver- 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years years. years. years. and 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- Total. age for known known. over. dura- tion. 6 3 7 6 13 9 — w cu 3 3 6 Baw 3 1 7 10 OT HD F 4 5 2 30 10 5 1 1 123 2 2 2 1 6 7 10001 8 9 235 1 1 3 4 4 1 1 5 sл 5 6 9 134 3 4 22 2 2 3 i 3 1 2 1 5 4 4 2 3 2 1 5 5 6 6 2 6 2 7 1 22 2 2 3 123 112 123 4 4 68 24 6 143 28 10 211 9.02 11. 07 10.42 13 16 පයය නිස 12 15 336 44 9.46 108 10.90 152 10.49 3 4 49 9.84 7 121 10. 19 11 170 10.09 178 241 2 2 1 ગ 5 4 6 3 4 1 5 5 4 8 3 6 2 6 112 1 1 2 4 14 3 5 20 369 48 10. 31 6 134 10.74 182 10.63 9 6 11 6 1 4 5 CO THE- 3 4 7 167 437 12 22 178 ♡ as co 123 – a 572 2 2 3 3 3 6 1 6 1 6 9 9 134 30 30 6 2 1 9 10 9 4 11 11 9 6 5 1 1 3 1 1 5 9 4 5 2 6 5 10 1 4 338 224 i co co 183 145 347 01 30 40 213 123 15 7 1 49 9.29 4 4 22 2 18 1 141 10.17 2 25 2 190 9.95 1 2 1 2 224 3 42 9.76 19 115 11. 10 22 157 10.74 5 5 ♡ ♡ co 3 3 6 224 2 5 2 18 4 23 134 53 11. 71 125 11.95 4 178 11.88 3 1 123 22 0 2 10 6 22 22 28 133 47 10.63 2 145 11.10 192 10.98 123 1 1 HHO 1 3 1 1 11 2 14 1 132 888 36 9.49 96 10.67 10.35 428 6 3 5 0 3 123 454 9 1 5 8 13 1 213 426 3 8 3 1 3 3 3 5 6 4 3 8 1 3 3 7 4 10 2 9 183 246 257 2 103 2 2 COLO 1 3 1 5 1 co co 3 14 3 15 et to w 3 51 7.79 2 87 12.31 5 138 10.68 COLO CO 1 1 6 38 10.74 46161 امه 2 COLO 2 3 ON 11 1 13 156 مر جيران 3 3 3 3 1 3 4 4 1 1 9 4 2 2 ♡ as 1 1 6 — w 3 6 CO DULO LO CO CO 5 3 ลงลง 1213 347 123 123 123 1 13 1 120 10.07 2 2 19 1 158 10.23 9 52 12.25 4 15 1 115 11.58 4 21 1 167 11.79 Co to m S 2 13 21 336 63 10.75 111 11.52 174 11.24 224 6 18 1 21 ~~~ 73 10. 24 125 11.05 3 198 10.75 1 3 6 7 બબ 8 1 1 5 8 2 4 1 0135 2 1 23 13.26 · 1 1 1 1 1 tis 7 1 68 10.90 12 1 91 11.50 1 1 1 3 4 4 5 77 44 1 st 7 2 123 1 1 3 2 **** 30 213 36 11.24 93 12.85 129 12.41 53 34 34 112 88 102 165 28 76 122 136 104 102 982 2583 23 24 25 45 50 68 71 235 18 53 34 78 52 E88 17 35 52 2883 20 101 37 998 10.35 38 296 59 2,240 11.00 58 397 96 3, 238 10.80 20267 M D-59 1 930 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. VIRGINIA. Years, and to which party 1 granted. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 3 1867. To wife.... 1 Total.. 4 437 112 To husband. 1868.. To wife... Total.. 112 2 10 33 6 To husband. 1869... To wife. Total. 123 437 4 6 4 2 3 3 6 1 1 3 126 ය. 4 3 10 3 3 13 6 ** 50 3 6 155 6 3 3 4 4 I34 257 22 1 617 1 1 To husband. 1870.. To wife... Total. 112 3 6 6 2 To husband. 1 1871... To wife.... Total 1 22 213 1 1 4 1 4 7 10 123 235 325 437 112 30 II 224 213 123 2 118 2 2 3 4 50000 8 10 415 4 12 72 57 To husband. 1872... To wife..... Total... 115 4 1 5 • 50 D- 4 1 3 3 7 4 218 4 4 3 8 325 112 છ 1873.... To husband. To wife... Total...... 123 2 2 71∞ 2 4 1 8 2 ст 5 225 3 369 To husband. 1 1874.... To wife. Total. 1 729 213 2 639 3 9 415 224 To husband. 3 3 1875.. To wife. 1 1 Total 4 4 314 213 3 12 1 4 16 246 544 9 LO 3 00 213 8 4 2 3 3 3 3 1 8 2 4 11 5 2 2 2 5 2 1 1 6 3 5 4 3 4 213 00 01 LO 246 ~ — M 426 347 426 To husband 4 1876. To wife... 1 Total. 5 426 4 3 2 6 4 To husband. 1877.. To wife... Total 336 10 50000 729 314 426 112 4 6 5 8 14 10 6 1878. To husband. To wife... Total 3 1 4 739 8 2 4 12 729 3ww 333 813 2 10 Kab Bun 3 2 COLO 3 5 437 7 17 437 235 620 6 10 6 5 7 5 8 11 17 11 To husband. 1 1879.. 1880.. To wife..... Total STo husband. wife.... Total To husband 2 134 213 12 1 3 369 પરી 2 739 6 2 2 8 639 8 5 13 5 5 10 18¬ 7 9 11 6 9 පය. 3 8 6 3 10 17 17 - - - 9 15 7812 1881.. To wife. Total. ∞ ON LO 426 3 2 5 13 200 437 763 7 6 6 13 3 65 8 20 9 11 Box Ewa 10 6 10 To husband. 8 9 1882... To wife.... 1 3 64 5 5 Total 9 12 10 10 12 752 3 9 4 4 6 14 4 9 9 23 8 13 To husband. 1 9 8 10 6 1883. To wife... 2 7 11 5 Total. 1 11 15 21 11 12 762 9 5 6 15 0000000 10 8 18 a33 6 To husband. 1884... To wife.... Total 718 4 4 8 13 aeroo === 11 4 6 12 10 5 4 21 9 10 16 246 13 16 2356 7 7 14 1885... To husband. To wife... Total ... 213 2 1 3 5 8 115 ID 3 00 4 9 13 6 5 1 9 5 4 10 22 11 9 659 5 5 4 3 9 8 CHAPTER VIIE-GENERAL TABLES. 931 " # TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. VIRGINIA. Aver- Un- Total. age for known 10 11 12 21 15 16 17 18 19❘ 20 years over. 13 14 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. andknown dura- tion. 1 1 123 22 3 3 112 213 2 1 2 2 112 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 4 1 3 1 1 1 4 2 3 сл 5 1 22 1 2 11 TOT DOT 6 17 5 6 1 1 6 213 44 22 224 248 1 3 1 1 1 3 2 4 1 3 සය. 134 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 235 1 4 8 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 639 23 62 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 3 1 01214 4 +37 3 1 1 3 112 2 ~~ 2 2 2 12 752 123 257 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 11 2 3 1 1 8 4 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 19 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 ลง 2 224 1 1 1 } 1 1 1 1 4 4 8 2 3 4 7 LO GO 00 5 3 -3 C3 14 7 4711 314 257 *** 50 415 8 3 4 7 6 5 4 1 4 1 9 3 10 6 13 4 3 325 22 123 22 112 415 325 ♡♡ 213 < LƏ 426 B DE LO 201 2 113 1 1 1 1 1 2 11Q 213 112 26 *22 *** 14 12 15 9 11 24 106 K38 990 485 830 ged 508 888 RAF 848 57 8.09 33 8.93 90 8.40 35 8.77 42 7.81 77 8.24 35 9. 32 32 11.46 67 10.34 39 9.09 7.40 8.45 9.08 8.63 8.84 7.27 28 7.30 7.28 8.38 8.30 8.35 8. 11 8. 33 8. 18 7.34 9. 60 8.30 1 1 112 4 2 C) - CO Cityw 350 00 8 ลล 548 10 8 4 7 12 FIX 2 3 1 6 2 9 Gaw 257 MOLO 134 11 0044 01 6:00 2 5 628 13 673 279 730 1213 41 to c − 436 167 459 01 01 - 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 3 3 1 4 2 1 5 4 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 ~~~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 113 1 3 21 012 18 SOCHO 20 — 00 00 3 S3 LO 2 5 ELE EGF Eco Boo 1000 13 8 112 9 113 12 8 153 11 5 16 10 7 17 240 291 29s Exa Ees 6.76 9.32 7.91 65 7.64 8.82 8. 13 93 8.25 9.81 8.86 9.33 55 10.26 9.73 8.69 8.47 161 8.59 4 1 6 6 4 1 10 4496 213 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 5 6 3 6 3 4 8 11 9 7 CT LO CO 6 3 9 -) + C 3 4 7 224 3 3 6 63 14 00 813 2 CT ES CO 2 ONE GO LO O GO LO 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 5 4 2 5 5 2 2 3 5 Tota NO LE CO TO 5 3 8 2 3 3 2 5 5 3 CO to prod 1 729 **A SER 218 218 128 369 13 $7 9.12 9 92 10. 19 22 179 9.69 19 109 8. 13 11 87 9.41 30 196 8.72 16 120 8.87 14 99 9.53 30 219 9.16 118 8.44 15 94 9.84 33 212 9.06 14 108 10.13 77 10.45 26 185 10.26 932 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. VIRGINIA-Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. | years. years. years. 1886... To wife... S To husband. 3 10 10 3 8 44 8 15 6 10 7 4 8 11 6 6 Total 3 13 18 8 12 23 17 16 13 To husband. 52 All years.. To wife.... 20 Total 72 222 91 84 103 102 109 106 101 81 49 62 69 72 89 83 78 68 140 146 172 174 198 189 179 149 WASHINGTON. To husband. 1 1867.. To wife.... Total 1 as as 3 3 To husband 1868... To wife.. 3 Total 3 112 To husband. 1 1 1869.. To wife... Total . 1 1 S To husband. 1870.. To wife.... 1 Total 1 123 213 22 22 1 1 To husband. 1871.. To wife 1 Total 1 To husband. 1872. To wife.. 213 2 1 1 3 1 1 134 4 2 2 3 1 3 1 123 112 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 213 2 2 1 2 1 123 1 1 3 3 1 1 112 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 4 1873...... 1874.. 1875.. Total To husband. STo To wife... Total. To husband. To wife. Total To husband To wife... Total 22 22 213 5 6 156 2 22 1 33 1 2 22 123 123 213 123 2 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 221 1876...... To husband To wife... Total 1 0101 2 2 -- 1 3 1 co co 1 3 1 1 Co Co To husband. 1 1877... To wife.. Total -- 1 6 1 7 To husband. 1878. 1879.. To wife... Total To husband. To wife..... Total 22 2 2 3 134 013 134 218 2 1 4 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 1 22 325 112 3 145 4 5 2 คล 112 2 1 2 1 112 1 2 1 123 1 1 ww 3 4 1 1 3 1 4 2 1 G7 26 3 1 5 1 1880.. To husband. To wife... Total To husband. 1881.. To wife... Total To husband. 123 246 213 112 44 +34 1 LO CO 00 5 3 8 213 2 1 3 44 1 1 22 2 2 260 1 3 8 4 IBA 1 3 4 123 2 3 55 2 1882. To wife.... Total 516 3 6 రాలులు 1 3 5 6 6 145 235 1 5 51 6 248 3 5 1 6 8 1 CHAPTER VIII. 933 GENERAL TABLES. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.—Continued. VIRGINIA-Concluded. Aver- 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Un- years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. Total. age for known dura- over. tion. 12 762 8 5 5 13 3210 3 6 5 ** 00 4 4 8 325 113 112 369 3 7 18 134 9.10 2 3 22 6 14 104 9.90 ၁ 13 32 238 9.45 57 56 48 54 48 54 111 104 102 9888 49 37 86 33883 31 36 69 295 26 57 28888 32 26 22 21 20 22 14 14 20 14 58 41 34 28 2121943 10 15 25 103 888 230 1, 477 8.60 168 1, 158 9.42 398 2,635 8.96 WASHINGTON. 1 1 2 22 1 1 22 3223 4.67 17 7.82 20 7.35 1 6 6.67 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 44 R2 23 10.87 29 10.00 1 5 8.20 1 1 1 7 8. 17 1 2 1 12 8.18 1 5 8.80 1 1 1 22 1 1 10 10.90 1 1 1 15 10.20 1 6 9.50 1 1 1 2 22 2 1 1 1 1 14 11.71 1 1 1 1 1 20 11.05 22 123 2 11A 1 2 1 مرمر 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 2 2 1 123 7 7.71 22 8.73 29 8.48 2 6 6.00 1 1 612 2 333 23 8.48 29 8.11 235 1 1 8 11. 25 1 5 1 1 6 1 3 27 10.33 4 35 10. 54 1 1 1 1 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 21 ~~~ 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 0113 2 19 26 2 1 112 .00 60 එප 123 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~~~ 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 · 1 1 1 1 2 1 60 01 LO 3 2 1 6 3 1 5 3 1 1 123 1 1 1 2 4 3 2 5 3 1 19 2 1 2 1 2 1 134 10 4 11~ 2 co co 22 1 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 8118 3 3 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 426 112 0 13 00 1 1 THE TOR *** ONS FRO 7 14 9. 14 8.07 8.43 7 14.43 7.68 9.50 9 9.44 5.47 28 6.75 9.00 27 9.52 37 9.38 17 23 40 13.63 9.48 11.18 21 5 8 44 22 112 cer if 4 21 5 1 9 1 2 1 3 3 2 193 2 1 1 248 298 282 8.71 10.70 65 10.06 12.76 46 10. 18 67 11.00 21 6.10 52 9.20 73 8.29 934 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. WASHINGTON-Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband 1883. To wife. Total 5 හප 140 7 6 8 6 15 369 123 248 3 6 337 4 an að 3 3 - ww 3- 3 6 To husband. 1 1884 To wife... 9 Total 10 336 - ww 3 3 3 3 6 3 w w 3 145 4 7 11 224 ► S To husband. 1885... To wife.... Total 347 3 7 10 167 11 11 459 cr cr 5 5 5 5 145 336 156 To husband. 1 4 2 1 2 2 2 1886.. To wife.. 6 6 8 6 8 10 4 6 3 Total 7 10 10 7 10 10 4 8 5 S To husband. All years.. To wife.. Total 2+353 21 24 25 14 18 44 53 57 58 39 65 77 82 72 57 === 11 19 53 40 37 64 59 89235 15 52 1~23 13 29 42 WEST VIRGINIA. To husband. 2 1867.. To wife... Total 2 To husband. 1868. To wife..……. Total. 013 -- 213 123 2 134 4 3 7 To husband. 4 1 1869.. To wife... Total 4 1 To husband. 1 1870... To wife... Total 1 To husband. 6 1871.. To wife.. 1 Total 7 123 187 123 GO CO C 134 6 3 3 6 To husband. 2 4 1872.. To wife.. Total 22 1 2 5 1873.... To husband. To wife... Total 3 1 4 134 To husband. 1874.. To wife.. . . 22 314 2 347 123 2 3 2 1 1 2 4 2 1 112 50 GN LO 3 2 5 2 3 61100 112 2 325 3 2 5 437 639 201 516 527 134 279 123 246 224 3 2 123 44 4 325 5 23 LO 11334 3 2 3 6353 8 8 5 30 4D 00 145 549 426 150 437 22 1 3 1 3 3 2 5 1 5 8 3 3 4 3 9 9 12 5000 2 10 627 213 5 1 1 2 145 10 00:00 123 ~~ 2 2 5 3 8 O 3 KO 2 5 ~~ 2 2 00:00 17 5 3 8 — ww 3 3 3 6 3 336 3 2 1 3 4 5 431 1 1 527 112 134 3D 4D 3 235 426 257 3 1 non 5 5 2 4 10 123 A 213 2 3 248 5 6449 5 5 2 1 4 1 9 3 1 37 15 00 3 2 5 437 4 1 5 213 720 687 5 2 437 10 13 emm 3 3 1 4 63– 1 1 9 1 1 4 1 5 82∞ 6 15 875 10 370 4 7 4 5 4 1 9 11 5 1875.. 1876..... 1877.. 1878..... 1879.. S Total To husband To wife.... Total To husband. To wife.. Total · To husband. To wife.. Total To husband. To wife.... Total To husband To wife..... Total.. {TO wi 4 , CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 935 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. WASHINGTON—Concluded, ނގ Aver- 21 10 11 13 12 14 years. years.[years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- and known. age for Total. known dura- over. tion. 3 1 3 1 O MOLD 2 1 6 3 5 1 1 6 1 1 22 1 1 10 1 1 16 NN 2 2 2535 32 10.72 67 9.97 99 10.22 1 2 3 - 12 1 2 3 1 1 4 9 1 4 5 11 4 4 IO LO 5 5 ww 3 3 1 213 1 7 4 1 1 11 1 109 2 3 5 ww 3 3 347 3 4 4 22 1 1 1 4 ลงล 2 1 224 2 2 1 11 1 4 1 13 1 114 1 2 2 1 4 2 2 3 5 4 4 4 5 23 L 22 2 3 10 2 5 INN 2 2 218 213 213 5 1 10 **2 562 ** 13.38 75 9.91 11.00 27 9.63 87 10.02 9.93 36 12.77 92 9.69 3 15 128 10.55 17 8 10 6 6 1 9 3 26 26 36 31 26 17 16 19 43 34 46 37 32 18 25 22 29880 10 9 7 38 288 ! 10.58 10 10 7 66 8 708 9.62 19: 14 101 12 996 9.90 WEST VIRGINIA. 224 CONF 118 2 314 2 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 1 112, 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 22 224 123 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 =233 ∞ 14 11 19 30 ♡ to w 2 5 15 1- 0010 7 8 31 9 41 11 20 2 1 1 1243 3 11 1 10 1 3 21 1 1 ་ 2 1 1 QUI SO 426 10 17 415 1 1 1 1 COT LO 1 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 325 ૭, ૭ 134 123 246 123 235 426 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 2 1 1 3 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 3 2 2 4 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 2 213. 213 112 1 1 3 1 6 2 1 1 1 201 2 1 1 0115 09 07719 00 21 ૧૭: ro 0161 2 حب قسم ا 5 7 E& HAR 277 224 227 228 F** * = 38 79 37 80 882 278 #87 1*8 286 36 36 9.68 11.24 10.31 29 9.32 9.74 60 9.53 7.66 8.74 8.15 8.62 43 8.24 8.41 50 9.08 35 7.86 $5 8.57 12 12 11 10 16 13 29 103 17 8 25 21 13 34 17 il 11 28 *** 99% **% 285 29% 18132 51 9.28 38 9.42 89 9.34 40 9.76 49 7.97 89 8.74 59 8.79 44 9.06 8.91 9.54 39 9.16 91 9.36 53 8.63 45 7.94 98 8.28 55 9.79 55 10. 14 9.98 a 10 30 70 5 t cr 2E8 855 18 68 9.60 17 50 10.45 35 118 9.94 20 $7 8.48 13 55 8.50 33 142 8.49 - 936 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. WEST VIRGINIA-Concluded. Years, and to which party 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 granted. year. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. S To husband 3 4 1880.. To wife.. 3 Total 6 4 123 369 213 3 279 325 5 1 6 To husband. 1881. To wife.. 77 6 7 5 6 8 5 4 1 4 5 5 8 6 9 Total 14 7 11 10 11 16 11 13 123 63 9 To husband. 1882. To wife.. Total.. 235 235 240 6 8 6 3 2 9 9 10 15 437 4 3 6 1 10 4 1893.. STo husband. 4 6 To wife... 6 4 Total... 10 10 268 246 12 10 7 5 6 3 18 16 10 12 To husband. husba 1884.. To wife. Total.. 437 LO 4 − 5 4 9 620 5 6 12 8 8 17 14 12 572 2 9 11 459 134 672 224 437 To husband. 8 8 1885.. To wife.. 3 3 Total 11 11 620 8 12 10 8 8 18 20 550 9 6 10 4 19 10 20 LO 00 3 5 8 To husband. 5 6 12 8 7 8 1886.. To wife. 4 2 5 4 5 9 Total 9 8 17 12 12 17 437 8 4 12 444 333 8 To husband 68 66 68 98 106 79 62 60 All years To wife.. 49 40 57 74 86 92 59 57 44 Total 117 106 125 172 192 171 121 117 *** 45 89 WISCONSIN. S To husband. 17 11 1867.. To wife. 17 Total 34 31 S To husband 11 1868... To wife.... 15 Total. 26 41 1869... (To To husband. 6 To wife.. 13 Total 19 =27 227 FAN 13 20 15 28 20 21 20 34 17 35 52 2000 1 225 9 10 11 9 20 t 29 51 12 527 25 19 28 17 10 20 18 37 28 14 9 23 16 37 25 WHO ENG WHE 10 9 5 6 18 11 18 18 20 23 24 6 7 12 13 16 8 15 23 15 +20 704 4 8 8 10 9 18 17 5 8 11 12 16 16 1870. To husband. To wife... Total To husband. 1871... To wife.... Total.... 1872.. To husband. To wife... Total S To husband 13 1873. To wife.... 12 Total 2** H** =27 22K 12 18 30 11 23 34 11 20 31 25 1874... To wife. S To husband 5 21 Total 26 To husband. 12 21 1875... To wife. 24 Total 36 45 To husband. 13 14 1876.. To wife.... 27 24 Total 40 38 *** 227 2* *** *20 2*4 +0 23 13 23 31 46 12 19 31 12 28 40 15 18 33 14 26 19 40 27 11 17 28 10 32 A 18 mmg tag ∞on ==* 222 11 44 21 39 13 23 36 6 30 36 8 11 36 12 34 ==8 988 92* *eg og HKS 227 28 39 13 9 23 22 36 31 10 14 22 32 23 26 40 14 8 16 26 30 34 7 28 35 25 13 22 PER HER CON 10 17 27 11 14 25 9 72734 *** *** F23 2° 2 ∞♡= ∞OOK FOR 4 14 18 12 572 6 12 12 18 16 -29 +29 4 4 14 5 8 16 22 21 279 5 5 10 11 22 33 12 8 20 ==R RIS 11 6 8 18 11 6 29 17 14 13 3 4 17 12 12 30 15 16 8 9 6 1 16 15 19 17 21 24 25 18 8 9 9 5 9 15 14 13 17 24 23 18 7 19 26 31 === 13 12 6 18 19 13 31 19 CHAPTER VIII.—GENERAL TABLES. 937 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. WEST VIRGINIA—Concluded. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 years Un- years. years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 1 21 19 20 Total. Aver- age for known dura- over. 1 tion. oo go c 3 1 4 3 3 6 1431 3 123 123 213 f 1 CO 3 1 1 1 3 21 62 9.71 1 1 1 8 14 58 11.86 1 1 2 11 35 120 10.82 123 2 3 6 3 9 4 11 1 325 235 as a 471 639 Co 3 3 459 7 18 98 8.75 4 3 2 3 22 1 10 23 106 10.53 17 41 204 9.66 1 1 9 22 85 10.76 3 3 3 w w 3 3 3 3 4 - 20 c 3 3 2 2 9 13 91 11.78 6 4 3 3 18 35 176 11.33 112 1 6 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 7 426 10 47 51 98 TOO DOT 58 4 10 Berer 459 3 1 1 4 1 22+ 224 5 1 6 325 6 4 10 235 3 3 6 5 6 11 180 3 1 6 9 9 1 246 3 3 224 145 50 5 4 2 2 123 201 Lo my co 2 3 26 98 8.46 1 2 3 27 95 8.69 4 6 53 193 8.57 112 4 21 91 9.59 6 24 103 9.32 2 10 45 194 9.44 2113 213 1 112 9 25 125 9.14 9 26 110 9.96 18 51 235 9.52 5 338 4 7 Co oo 3 2 180 30 111 6.86 22 106 10.73 52 217 8. 83 2+23 32 32 44 41 27 76 73 2755 24 17 21 20 45 37 115 25 22 17 11 25 19 13 21 50 41 30 32 292 11 10 21 cho that the 13 82 343 1,328 8.99 19 84 301 1, 227 9.77 32 166 644 2,555 9.37 WISCONSIN. +000 4 5 8 16 7 6 20 12 14 260 4 4 4 4 7 8 8 8 11 12 145 1 6 2 17 4 5 22 11 5 39 5 1025 627 5 7 5 8 2 11 9 8 18 14 16 4 3 6 8 11 10 11 14 4 7 11 બેબર 2 5 7 10 ~ 200 3 10 10 187 6 10 369 10 10 3 8 5 5 8 12· 201 572 3 10 13 314 145 11 3 224 11 14 1 4 3 4 2214 150 CO CO 155 5 6 108 5 29 G 1 8 9 3341 3 16 26 42 6 6 co m 3 3 10100 16 31 4 5 $ 7 9 4 44 9 11 14 8 13 279 6 aw 3 6 9 279 4 6 10 369 260 213 5 5 10 01 COLD 1-∞ 77 2 1 3 1 8 5 တ 03.00 2 8 8 10 246 3 3 6 224 197 2 6 4 43 4 10 14 7 6 13 4 14 18 6 19 25 279 900 TOT TOR 10 K 6 5 11 347 4 3 5 4 6 6 9 11 12 10 3 4 6 7 6 16 10 10 10 224 572 200 5 2 6 9 11 11 437 1 1 4 3 5 4 2 8 6 10 6 369 G 3 3 7 7 7 7 7 10 10 14 11 10 257 Q] - ∞ +60 3 3 2 3 11 14 → LO O 178 4 5 9 636 3 2 4 6 1 3 8 10 6 7 5 9 6 10 10 10 13 6 128 134 280 27 89 285 282 287 278 12 19 31 25 227 01 160 9.68 246 9.80 406 9.75 9 163 8.76 246 10.14 34 409 9.57 14 19 11 47 16 BIO BO 5 140 9.16 277 9.42 417 9.33 5 125 8.68 271 9.02 396 8.91 9 4 133 8.02 29 13 38 17 11 32 15 14 23 19 37 25 12 10 38 16 50 25 29 54 18 44 62 OD POD 097 298 COM DIO 245 9.59. 378 9.03 7 139 8.49 8 275 9.22 414 8.98 6 142 9.38 248 9.06 390 9.18 123 9.70 293 9.72. 20 416 9.71 8 176 10.71 16 279 9.98 24 455 10.27 5 152 9.95 11 319 10.40 16 471 10. 25 938 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. WISCONSIN-Concluded, Years, and to which party granted. 1 2 3 year. years. years. 4 5 6 7 8 9 years. years. years. years. years. years. To husband. 1877.. To wife..... 23 Total 26 1878. S To husband. To wife... 18 Total 28 To husband. 1879.. To wife.. 23 Total 37 To husband. ♡♡♡ poco om a 3 19 10 14 12 40 9 14 1880.. To wife..... 18 31 Total 27 45 To husband. 11 15 1881.. To wife.... 34 37 Total 45 To husband. 4 1882.. To wife... 30 Total 34 To husband 15 1883. To wife... 26 Total 41 To husband. 1884. To wife.... Total To husband. 1885.. To wife Total To husband. 1886. To wife.... Total To husband. 215 All years To wife.. 461 Total 676 *** 2** ** 20 13 33 46 12 33 45 13 33 46 220 484 282 22 278 279 288 245 R25 288 21 40 15 45 33 10 28 38 17 52 25 31 56 23 39 62 16 20 41 61 20 39 59 338 580 918 9** A** *2* =*8 288 28* 298 #59 958 288 800 10 23 19 36 11 28 39 16 38 54 12 32 44 20 46 66 11 37 48 18 51 69 13 53 266 582 818 FAR AND BA* *2* *** 287 *** *** *23 258 588 39 24 25 36 15 18 11 8 4 4 14 15 11 8 25 23 15 12 12 10 10 6 6 15 22 10 32 25 28 16 6 10 7 8 24 12 16 14 29 30 23 22 9 6 9 3 29 25 14 38 31 17 4 4 26 25 30 10 15 26 15 36 30 11 6 11 28 33 43 8 34 42 42 18 13 50 43 24 68 56 35 15 11 33 40 44 251 214 187 175 460 380 337 789 674 567 512 *** ** *** 238 922 29 ~~~ 222 227 235 998 På 95E ** CAR 222 PRH *** 228 HRH 2ª EN A FIR 228 *** *** གསྶཉྩ ཨཔྤནྣཱ ལསྶཉྩལལླཙྩ ཛམནྟི ཆོ ཙྪཱཤྩ *10* 278 222 *** 900 HRS 287 278 298 PES P20 FOR 29 20 1:5 25 10 22 16 33 26 12 24 20 34 36 145 327 472 401 1867.. To husband. To wife.... Total To husband. 1868.. To wife..... Total To husband. 1 1869. To wife. Total. 1 To husband 1870... To wife.... Total To husband. WYOMING. 1 1 123 - 11A 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 ลงคว 2 1 2 22 1 1 1 1 2 1 22 2 2 1 1 1 1871 To wife.... 1 1 * Total 1 1 · To husband. • 1872 To wife..... Total To husband. 1373 To wife. 1 1 1 Total... 1 1 1 CHAPTER VIII. 939 -GENERAL TABLES. TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Continued. WISCONSIN-Concluded. Aver- 21 10 11 12 13 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. 14 15 16 17 18 19 Total. age for known dura- over. tion. 235 13 7 10 15 17 369 1 9 10 140 5 178 7 8 12 17 Ever To co co 6 5 1 13 8 12 12 19 13 13 426 23 22 15 5 224 2 10 12 224 3 3 6 on or co 3 15 5 8 55 6 Bow 1 6 3 12 6 4 9 10 19 17 23 OMA 6 279 77 020 som 3417 G 6 14 7 14 20 13 11 6 4 9 4 12 27 7 11 18 31 16 15 10 *H 200 4 7 44 4 4 279 5 9 Or Him pred 1 4 5 4 GO FITN 3 19 1 8 549 527 2 3 11 14 4 134 134 3 10 77 3 7 17 13 14 20 15 00 10 8 12 602 1 15 30 ED ∞ 5 4 1 5 7 16 8 12 10 Se 6 6 7 8 8 4 12 22 20 30 10 16 21 31 29 223 14 18 18 22 **** 4 5 5 9 5 9 8 19 10 14 13 28 15 2 8 3 13 10 11 13 12 29 12 19 16 19 7-29 3 3 10 7 13 10 255 DOD BIO 2 4 5 6 5 10 10 5 1 10 9 15 10 ♡ ♡ 6 3 3 8 6 5 5 16 16 19 12 16 24 22 24 17 22 5 5 7 18 12 11 23 17 18 9 LQ 5 5 19 15 19 28 20 24 ZBO 550 10 10 15 Gog OFF 6 6 6 9 13 11 8 19 17 17 21600 8 0000 4 5 S 8 12 7 17 12 6 3 12 14 16 18 17 25 472 GOR 5 3 4 13 7 16 11 15 6912 5 11 9 16 9 9 2 6 3 16 8 18 14 3 18- 4 8 6 9 10 298 538 2*8 846 8*2 282 888 852 55% 253 40: 13 18 20 55 23 20 19 100900 600 018 TO THE D 5 123 9.29 273 10.12 396 9.86 147 9.90 339 9.38 26 486 9.54 155 10.06 15 313 9.49 468 9.68 70 163 10.46 372 10. 10 27 535 10.21 4 178 10.72 11 421 9.26 15 599 9.70 1 15 209 10. 20 52 16 429 10.37 31 638 10.32 35 C 233 10.83 15 446 10.23 21 679 10.43 6 190 11.20 13 417 9.57 72 19 637 10.06 27 8 211 10.34 61 17 487 9.80 25 693 9.96 28 5 200 10.65 61 12 500 9.99 89 17 700 10. 18 109 108 81 88 76 81 56 61 53 47 42 393 141 3,262 9.93 246 191 205 186 156 147 156 125 109 112 82 770 304 6,726 9.76 355 299 289 274 232 228 212 189 162 159 124 1,163 445 9,988 9.82 } WYOMING. 1 1 1 1 1 1 cotom 15.00 15.00 1 1.00 1 1 18.00 1 9.50 3 4.67 1 1 1 1 10 7.50 13 6.85 2 6.00 1 8 5.83 1 10 5.88 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 7 13.67 12 9.82 2 19 11.18 ลง 2 3 6 9.33 1 1 6 8.40 2 1 4 12 8.75 > > } 940 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VII.—DURATION OF MARRIAGE Before DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Concluded. WYOMING-Concluded. Years, and to which party ·1 granted. year. 2 years. years. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 years. years. years. years. years. fears. 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 119 2 1 2 112 To husband. 1874.. To wife... Total. 4 4 To husband 1875.. To wife... 1 Total 1 To husband 1876... To wife..... 1 Total .1 To husband 1877.. To wife..... 1 Total-. 1 224 145 To husband. 1878. To wife..... 1 Total 1 ww 3 3 To husband. 1 1879…………. To wife... Total 1 To husband. 1880... 1881.. To wife... Total... STo husband. To wife... Total - S To husband. 1882.. To wife..... Total 3 3 To husband. 1883.. To wife. - W ▸ Total.... 1 1 22 22 145 2 22 22 1 1 1 22 112 112 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 —— 1 1 112 2 123 2 3 1123 1 3 1 1 3 1 2 112 1 2 1 1 1 1 112 1 2 112 2 1 2 112 134 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 123 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 4 2 1 1 2 2 1 4 22 2 123 2 112 1 3 1 2 1 22 1 1 4 1 112 F 1884. 1885... To husband. To wife... Total · STo husband. To wife.... Total. To husband. 1 1 ماما 5 3 5 3 123 112 1 1 213 1 3 1 235 2 4 3 -- 1 4 2 1 1 6 4 112 224 1 1 1 1 4 1886.. To wife. 1 4 Total 1 8 224 1 11~ 1 2 224 2 1 1 3 1 To husband. 4 8 8 All years To wife.... 13 34 23 -- Total 17 42 31 225 10 17 27 20880 12 16 ==883 11 17 28 2223 12 17 12 29 19 112 729 4 14 18 • 蠢 ​CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 941 TABLE VII.-DURATION OF MARRIAGE BEFORE DIVORCE, FOR DIVORCES GRANTED FROM 1867 TO 1886, ETC.-Concluded. WYOMING–Concluded. 1 Aver- 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 years Un- years. years. years. years. [years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and known. Total. age for known dura- over. tion. 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 10.50 w w 3 12 5.78 3 14 6.61 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 112 2 12 16 426 3.33 5.73 5. 21 2 ~~~ 112 1 8 11.14 10 9. 11 2 18 10.00 1 4 7.67 1 1 122 1 1 1 ลง 2 1 2 1 2 112 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 7.36 1 1 18 7.41 7 9.00 18 6.39 25 7.12 1 1 123 8 10.43 14 8. 17 22 9.00 1 1 1 1 7 10.57 1 14 4.85 • 1 1 1 1 1 21 6.85 1 1 3 14.33 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 15 8.77 18 9.81 1 1 8 10. 13 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 සය 22 2 1 1 2 6161 01 61 112 2 23 7.24 31 8.03 9 9.44 18 11.31 27 10.64 1 1 1 1 8 12.00 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 2 24 32 7.50 8.63 1 ww 3 4 3 4 คล 2 2 22 ลาลง 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 224 1 1 1 1 3 722 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 122 4 3 6 3 1 4 14 16 8 17 17 12 key to ow 3 9 10 12 12 343 00 ~22 5 8 347 3 7 10 438 1 2 6 14 125 3 1 11 23 276 FX 83 32 5.20 9.31 `8.08 20 7.41 10.96 9.45 8.90 8. 26 3 17 37 401 8.45 942 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VIII.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF MAR- RIAGE, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES. Where married. 1867.1868. 1869.1870. 1871. 1872. ALABAMA. In the state In an adjoining state (Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi) In other of the United States.. 64 8 77 81 98 95 109 3 In a foreign country. Unknown · 3 ∞312 8 CO CT 5 6 7 3 1 1 1 3 Total.. 78 91 90 114 106 117 ARIZONA. In the territory In an adjoining state or territory (Utah, New Mexico, California, Nevada). In other of the United States. In a foreign country.. Unknown Total.. 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 ARKANSAS. In the state 79 59 73 74 94 98 In an adjoining state or territory (Missouri, Tennessee, Missis- sippi, Louisiana, Texas, Indian territory). 10 6 16 12 11 15 In other of the United States. 10 2 4 4 6 4 In a foreign country. Unknown 1 22 16 19 23 21 12 Total.. 121 83 113 113 132 129 CALIFORNIA. In the state 99 112 145 145 152 222 In an adjoining state or territory (Oregon, Nevada, Arizona).. In other of the United States. 5 2 3 11 2 5 68 65 111 98 90 97 In a foreign country. 10 14 16 18 20 14 Unknown 18 13 22 26 23 30 Total... 200 206 297 298 287 368 COLORADO. In the state…. 3 4 In an adjoining state or territory (Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Indian territory, New Mexico, Utah). 1 22 13 9 14 21 3 3 4 In other of the United States. 1 4 5 12 16 2 22 22 In a foreign country. Unknown * Total.. 4 9 9 30 28 42 CONNECTICUT. In the state. 3 4 3 1 In an adjoining state (Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York) In other of the United States. 1 In a foreign country... 1 Unknown 497 497 488 409 410 448 Total.. 500 493 497 412 412 449 DAKOTA. In the territory. In an adjoining state or territory (Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana). 1 24 1 In other of the United States.. 1 1 In a foreign country. 1 Unknown Total.. 1 2 9 2 DELAWARE. In the state 22 14 13 In an adjoining state (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland) In other of the United States.. 2 2 3 1 In a foreign country.. ... Unknown 1 5 1 5 Total... 25 1 21 1 21 CHAPTER VIII. 943 GENERAL TABLES. TABLE VIII.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF MAR- RIAGE, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES. 1873.1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878.1879.1880. 1881. 1882. | 1883.|1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 127 7 143 130 163 177 248 289 272 374 368 449 394 477 620 14 4 4 en 00 8 4 8 81 19 9 18 12 21 10 20 26 4, 755 223 5 6 4 4 3 2 6 2 4 3 6 5 71 2 5 2 3 10 5 8 16 17 15 13 12 6 12 11 153 143 163 146 183 194 268 327 300 413 395 186 413 515 662 5, 204 2 2 1 6 6 5 7 1 4 10 00 LO 8 13 10 13 15 11 7 4 4 1 2 2 2 3 6 6 5 3 11 1 16 1 5 1 88 8-7 90 60 56 4 27 3 2 1 9 81 5 28 23 17 22 34 27 30 - 237 ་ 113 96 139 192 215 282 306 372 413 341 401 441 503 521 4,812 11 14 15 17 15 23 26 35 32 39 46 45 31 67 486 LO 5 12 9 7 12 18 20 33 231 24 28 33 31 289 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 12 14 30 19 25 19 16 33 36. 29 18 24 25 14 27 442 143 144 187 243 256 334 383 464 510 422 197 539 582 646 6, 041 271 321 329 342 373 351 381 433 521 514 660 699 672 657 7, 129 9 9 11 15 12 11 13 13 20 14 331 32 27 411 288 136 133 164 157 165 156 192 171 202 226 203 218 196 214 3,062 34 39 38 42 42 27: 38 35 39 40 50 52 36 41 645 39 33 31 32 38 49 40 31 47 34 40 48 43 57 694 489 535 573 588 630 594 664 683 829 858 986 1,049 974 1,010 12, 118 20 19 25 30 34 45 5 2 8 9 14 13 ~ន 52 10 25 79 96 131 151 143 135 160 21 33 45 47 51 28 27 1,168 326 32 35 2 4 3. 59 63 ఐ ఎలుక 40 41 42 67 67 136 213 227 276 243 187 232 1,898 3 7 7 4 48 4 9 13 S 11 23 27 33 27 26 201 11 6 9 11 9 6 10 6: 91 83 91 102 138 153 250 362 440 510 476 387 451 3,687 2 1 3 3 3 1 9 4 3 41 1 1 5 1 1 1 2 456 531 498 380 410 411 325 343 425 398 422 335 393 417 8, 193 461 531 498 380 412 412 325 346 428 401 4231 311 398 420 8, 542 22 2 1 2 6 7 21 21 1 5 7 12 22 S 17 13 29 58 28 27 27 32! 39 32 42 38 26 4 3 3 10 12 13 33 38 57 72 91 91 93 1 3 1 7 13 16 11 13 12 .. 1 1 2 88 820 188 230 532 86 7 2 6 14 9 51 9 10 12 16 15 17 30 72 77 123 153 172 188 179 1,087 16 6 1 4 1 2 1 4 1 25 0Q co co 3 8 4 32 19 4 11 3 13. 5 20 4 165 1 tad 1 5 3 6 6 11 5 68 1 3 9 1 3 7 3 رو S 7 46 8 4 6 16 6) 36 5 20° 6 27 11 41 9 289 944 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. : TABLE VIII.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF MÁR- RIAGE, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. Where married. 1867. | 1868.|1869.|1870. | 1871. | 1872. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. In the district. 18 13 14 27 26 41 In an adjoining state (Maryland, Virginia) In other of the United States. In a foreign country.... Unknown Total.. 3 5 4 17 7 4 5 16 13 5 1 24 2 4 28 23 24 39 47 67 || FLORIDA. In the state. 20 14 37 42 22 37 In an adjoining state (Alabama, Georgia) In other of the United States.. 3 5 3 2 3 1 1 In a foreign country.. 1 Unknown. 7 7 5 3 Co 213 9 Total... 32 28 521 57 29 51 GEORGIA. In the state.. 97 50 771 97 113 106 In an adjoining state (Tennessee, North Carolina, South Caro- lina, Florida, Alabama). 6 4 7. 3 8 12. In other of the United States. 1 2 1 2 In a foreign country. Unknown ... 21 21 26 17 27 23 Total. 127 821 112 118 148 143 1 IDAHO. 4 1 2 In the territory In an adjoining state or territory (Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Oregon, Washington). 5 24 25 2 61 4 In other of the United States. 8 5 45 4 3 4 1 21 In a foreign country.. Unknown Total... ILLINOIS. 12 7 12 9 14 7 In the state 779 825 877 876 882 1,127 In an adjoining state (Wisconsin, Indiana, Kentucky, Mis- souri, Iowa). 80 78 87 88 94 140 In other of the United States 97 101 93 105 127 307 In a foreign country 10 11 12 23 29 67 Unknown 105 110 110 861 118 104 Total.. INDIANA. In the state 1,071 1, 125 1, 179 1,178 1,250 1,745 633 681 756 743 737 712 In an adjoining state (Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois) In other of the United States 112 157 155 139 132 140 93 102 81 68 66 76 In a foreign country 9 5 10 6 6 12 Unknown 219 181 208 214 198 217 Total.. 1,096 1,126 1,210 1, 170 1, 139, 1, 157 IOWA. In the state 226 252, 283 271 285 308 In an adjoining state or territory (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illi- nois, Missouri, Nebraska, Dakota). 57 65 73 60 76 69 In other of the United States 94 98 111 118 118 136 · · In a foreign country 4 17 14 21 19 201 123 Unknown Total... 121| 103 100 129 81! · 504 553 581 570 627 617 In the stato KANSAS. In an adjoining state or territory (Nebraska, Missouri, Indian territory, Colorado). In other of the United States. In a foreign country Unknown Total... 26 225 228 43 60 81 106 22 22 13 20 49 1271 124 41 45 47 56 90 107 3 1 1 4 10 4 76 113 122 158 256 280 CHAPTER VIII 945 -GENERAL TABLES. L TABLE VIII.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, 1867 TO 1886, CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF MAR- RIAGE, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. 1873.1874.1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 42 39 31 34 51 29 24 31 36 35 37 3333 47 33 40 648* 7 11 5 9 11 5 12 8 6 7 11 8 91 137 10 15 14 12 11 11 15 15 13 19 9 14 225 2 3 1 3 5 6 2 22 2 2 2 2 1 2 22 2 6 5 7 4 4 10 73 64 73 56 58 74 49 40 66 65 55 66 81 55 75 1, 105 49 53 69 70 72 86 101 116 127 136 157 126 158 172 1, 664 3 3 3 13 12 3 6 1 2 3 4 5 3 5 12 7 10 9 7 10 10 10 114 8 9 11 10 18 16 12 27 35 180 3 3 1 2 10 2 2 6 40 5 6 6 5 12 51 9 10 8 4 9 130 58 61 85 85 89 104 130: 149 153 174 200 158 201 232 2, 128 133 143 159 152 161 94 185 210 179 239 209 254 263 282 3, 212 6 6 4 7 4 2 61 12 10 14 8 11 7 8 145 41 2 4 1 1 1 21 2 4 3 2 32 1 1 1 3 32 33 31 38 38 26 31 30 25 28 39 23 22 33 567 175 182 196 197 211 123 223 253 215 281 258 292 295 325 3, 959 7 3 2 2 221 42 32 10 1 77 6 10 14 12 3 11 6 10 20 16 19 132 17 12 87 1 1 71 4 2 3 5 9 5 ગ 13 *10 12 19 20 11. 2 2 20 137 2 9 1 3 8 3 10 9 9 8 16 23 14 36. 30 36 52 53 368 1,153 1, 123 1, 142 1, 201| 1, 191 115 126 130 122 116 1, 262 1, 302 1, 538 1, 639 1, 658, 1, 765 98 153 175 159 185 196 1,673 1, 626 1,843 25, 482 184 179 215 2, 720 294 234 219 175 76 89 43 41 149 106 113 120 168 202 217 223 275 276* 265 351 44 58 72 89 104 99 137 142 112 131 164 152 130' 131 277 261 288 4, 204 77 92 132 1, 203 115 128 2,463 1,787 1, 678 1, 647 1, 659 1,647] 1,748 1, 842 2,139 2,326|| 2,375, 2, 455 2, 342 2,273 2,606 36, 072 96 105 43 47 5 7 605 733 762 760 869 8761 122 113 124 431 32 38 5 980 1,101 1, 159 1, 185 1, 230 1, 226 122 136 148 151 170 175 1, 167 1,283 141 158 156 54 38 47 38 36, 46 54! 39! 44 18, 198 2,782 1,085 6 Q 6 51 101 8 9 3 3 11 5 115 110 120 103 111 1251 112 117 139 140 153 110 129 167 } 140 2,988 864 1,002 1, 052 1, 014 1. 151 1, 183 1, 271, 1, 423 1, 495 1, 540 1, 607 1, 534 1, 504, 1,655 25, 193 351 97 84 358 3621 459 466 185 498 592 646 700 637 686 98. 115 119 120 121 143 144 160 666 700 9, 231 145 158 169 154 2, 227 127 98 97 131 120 109 106 131 146 146 106 135 117 105 2, 319 24 10 18 17 19 201 110 112 100 124 130 108 23 23 26 24 27 106 112 100 122 129 145 38 30 31 425 137 137 2, 332 709 662 675 846 854 842 854 1,001 1, 063 1,150 1,043, 1, 164 1, 119 1,127 16, 561 101 139 112 127 134 186 192 232 208 304 347 300 357 437 3, 616 34 38 21 32. 32 39 40 36 61 60 71 60 76 96 863 84 103 74 90 77 98 122 146 152 166 213 180 201 216 2,295 4 3 1 4 13 13 12 8: 18 32 2010 4 6 4 5 6 6 5 9 68 29 22 19 23 6 28 51 59 349 236 296 220 261 261 357 387 442 444 558 643 574 690 817 7, 191 20267 M D- -60 - 60 946 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VIII.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF MAR- RIAGE, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued Where married. KENTUCKY. In the state In an adjoining state (Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, Missouri) In other of the United States In a foreign country Unknown Total.. LOUISIANA. In the state. In an adjoining state (Arkansas, Mississippi, Texas) In other of the United States. In a foreign country Unknown Total.. MAINE. In the state . In an adjoining state (New Hampshire). In other of the United States In a foreign country Unknown Total.. • 1867. 1868.1869. 1870.|1871. | 1872. 231 242 248 283 320 297 19 17 19 19 22 23 3 4 7 7 5 8 1 2 1 1 2 38 55 57 58 65 76 292 320 332 368 414 404 24 26 28 261 25 3 1 1 12 2 1 1 4 6 10 2 211 CO 2 6 23124 33 34 41! 3) 35 32 356 357 319 315 358 337 17 13 13 7 10 5 22 39 27 23 26 32 9 4 4 8 7 3 CO 3 2 4 2 6 408 416 365 357 402 387 MARYLAND. In the state 76 73 80 73 80 88 In an adjoining state (Pennsylvani, Delaware, Virginia, Dis- trict of Columbia, West Virginia). 3 8 4 3 2 15 In other of the United States In a foreign country Unknown 112 1 2 5 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 5 3 Total.. 83 83 86 84 89 109 MASSACHUSETTS. In the state. 250 287 286 In an adjoining state (Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York). 44 59 51 224 324 262 252 55 47 52 In other of the United States 15 11 17 15 16 18 In a foreign country 8 12 4 10 6 14 Unknown 1 1 1 Total... 318 369 359 404 331 337 MICHIGAN. In the state 352 400 371 418 472 475 In an adjoining state (Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin) 21 25 27 23 36 25 In other of the United States 61 65 76 82 93 83 In a foreign country 10 14 14 24 25 27 Unknown 5 5 5 7 4 10 Total. 449 509 493 554 630 620 In the state MINNESOTA. In an adjoining state or territory (Wisconsin, Iowa, Dakota). In other of the United States In a foreign country Unknown Total...... 25 31 36 44 51 52 5 9 81 6 17 10 · 17 24 32 25 30 30 3 3 5 9 6 2 6 5 3 4 10: 52 73 84 83 111 108 MISSISSIPPI. In the state 39 37 57 72 94 145 In an adjoining state (Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana, Ar- kansas). 1 6 4 5 10 In other of the United States 1 3 5 3 5 In a foreign country Unknown 8 13 9 6 6 10 Total... 49 59 75 85 105 170 CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 947 TABLE VIII.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO TO 1886, CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF MAR- RIAGE, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. 1873.1874. 1875.1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 876. 1886. Total. 364 26 340 339 378 434 443 425 459 535 490 514 554 608 617 8, 121 28' 31 44 30 36 44 45 43 36 51 39 60 54 689 7 7 4 5 5 3 8 4 11 6 4 2 5 7 112 1 1 3 1 1 11 1 1 1 2 1 1 22 62 60 58 80 80 48 59 58 70 82 66 72 82 78 1,304 460 436 432 510 550 531 537 567 660 615 610 668 755 757 10, 248 36 59 70 60 55 58 69 90 102 77 134 133 151 179 1,424 1 1 2 1 21 1 2 4 2 4 3 35 1 1 51 1 1 2 2 1 4 2 1 5 4 37 1 3 1 1 1 1 13 11 9 14 12 9 10 15 15 9 11 16 7 8 10 188 49 70 90 78 68 70 87 109 112 94 157 113 168 1971 1,697 307 395 375 365 420 337 421 512 412 436 313 204 268 315 7, 122 15 17 14 20 17 17 18 23 21 201 13 11 15 17 303 31 41 42 43 42 42 63 55 51 55 35 20 32 28 750 8 11 13 6 9 10 6 9 9 16 10 8 15 12 180 4 2 3 2 7 4 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 57 365 466 447 436 495 410 510 600 496 529 373 244 332 374 8, 412 74 72 79 73 67 70 87 108 84 122 137 147 142 134 8 8 8 10 9 6 6 10 9 8 6 17 8 19 1, 866 167 2 91 • CO 3 1 1 215 5 2 1 222 712 * CO CO 3 com Ha 4 1 1 3 6 5212 7 4 6 372 73 28 51 87 81 97 91 83 82 99 128 103 138 157 173 167 165 2, 185 350 468 437 406 395 458 422 465 301 414 470 490 481 450 7,668 66 94 69 70 87 64 84 83 48 77 97 99 96 68 1, 410 13 13 2223 27 17 22 27 14 17 15 30 22 30 30 27 17 26 33 32 20 13 15 21 14 29 23 1 1 1 5 1 2 285 22 25 19 432 21 28 324 19 442 611 547 511 520 572 550 595 387 532 631 619 623 565 9, 853 518 603 676 609 736 781 8921 907 1, 013 1,071 1,098 985 978 1, 106 14,491 31 42 40 38 34 431 49 461 69 58 57 52 41 511 811 89 103 107 111 123 119 118 146 170 12. 146 126 142 118 2, 204 30 38 35 36 30 401 42 43 50 67 61 68 54 50 758 7 8 6 $ 10 9 7 11 13 21 8 12 11 169 705 794 861 800 927 993 1, 110, 1, 149 1,313 1,335 1, 383 1,239, 1,227 1,339 18,433 6 74 75 88 79 83 78 141 16 15 16 13 14 18 35 136 231 33 158 166 201 214 225 2,026 361 13 39 44 52 452 31 27 28 32 34 36 40 49 35 51 591 60 68 68 776 15 9 13 8 11 12 13 16 22 28 22 24 27 257 6 6 3 5 3 11 2 3 10 10 5 6 8 112 137 131 135 148 140 151 176 228 223 277 301 328 358 379 3, 623 143 152 150 161 152 171 267 406 392 370 431 4301 143 476 4,588 10 7 7 5 S 3 11 7 8 3 16 10 16 145 7 9 7 3 9 8 7 3 010100 2 6 4 1 4 2 5 5 81 1 3 8 13 11 12 16 15 13 21 ક 21 223 · 169 176 171 172 172 1891 295 429 421 393 4491 475 482 504 5, 040 948 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 1 1 TABLE VIII.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 18-6, CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF MAR- RIAGE, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. Where married. MISSOURI. In the state In an adjoining state or territory (Iowa, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Indian territory, Kansas, Nebraska). In other of the United States: In a foreign country. Unknown Total... MONTANA. In the territory. In an adjoining territory (Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho) In other of the United States.. In a foreign country Unknown Total... NEBRASKA. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 271 265 321 356 447 31 49 37 56 27 36 39 47 31 13 10 7 30 24 19 25 78 825 411 1723 61 12 29 362 387 426 491 615 584 3 2 5 7 7 8 1 1 13 8 7 11 e- 7 3 2 1 17 11 14 14 19 18 In the state 1 6 18 15 21 13 In an adjoining state or territory (Dakota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming). 1 3 31 5 8 11 In other of the United States 6 13 14 In a foreign country 2 Unknown Total... 2 1 2 72- 17 9 2 1 3 4 10 23 39 30 49 37 NEVADA. In the state 9 14 9 7 14 13 In an adjoining state or territory (Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, California). 7 18 12 7 15 11 In other of the United States 19 23 17 10 9 10 In a foreign country.. 1 1 1 1 5 Unknown Total.. 1 6 2 3 1 37 62 40 28 40 39 NEW HAMPSHIRE. In the state 91 88 126 108 102 146 In an adjoining state (Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont) In other of the United States.. 29 37 33 34 40 44 3 7 2 4 4 4 In a foreign country. 1 1 3 3 1 Unknown 12 10 22 14 6 3 Total... 136 143 186 163 153 200 NEW JERSEY. In the state 43 57 55 63 67 54 In an adjoining state (New York, Delaware, Pennsylvania) In other of the United States.. 12 16 18 19 11 23 4 3 1 3 In a foreign country 1 2 5 4 47 4 2 1 4 Unknown 1 1 Total... 60 79 79 89 83 84 NEW MEXICO. In the territory 1 2 1 1 1 In an adjoining state or territory (Colorado, Indian territory, Texas, Arizona). 1 In other of the United States. In a foreign country. Unknown Total. 1 3 1 1 NEW YORK. In the state 641 633 671 621 560 488 In an adjoining state (Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Nev Jersey, Pennsylvania). 52 In other of the United States. 32 In a foreign country. 31 Unknown Total.... 15 3 222 58 56 42 41 17 31 40 28 15 14 9 20 ខ្លួន ឥនិង 35 24 30 15 771 761 824 731 668 592 1 CHAPTER VIII. 949 -GENERAL TABLES. ་ ་ TABLE VIII.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO TO 1886, CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF MAR- RIAGE, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1836. Total. ខ្លួន 466 506 516 549 603 582 588 751 769 844 898 915 954 967 11, 979 50 51 57 43 54 64 49 70 74 77 93 105 102 120 1, 316 59 67 61 55 51 57 57 69 63 64 63 75 88 83 1, 187 16 13 14 17 6 13 15 16 13 14 17 21 19 15 267 30 27 201 19 14 21 18 21 32 30 36 42 30 32 529 621 664 668 68.3 728 737 7271 930 951 1,029 1, 107 1, 158 1, 193 1,217) 15, 278 10 5 2 3 9 9 14 9 18 19 32 1 3 2 6 2 15 10 5 ית 5 5 19 11 17 23 45 33 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 3 52 5 4 2 3. 48837 25 36 33 46 292 2 1: 9 81 36 49 53 62 405 5. 12 9 49 5 5 40 20 17 9 15 15 38 27 38 55 86 70 97 112 130 822 223 26 27 29 22 17 14 27 25 43 42 47 67 76 671 107 123 124! 123 177 1, 152 24 25 41 34 45 43 61 55 67 88 594 28 36 31 32 39 50 64 68 59 92 95 101 108 114 983 2 3 2 4 25 2 5 22 1 1 3 9 7 9 15 10 10 5 5 6 8 7 6 13 68 15 23 28 27 34 44 237 80 87 81 106 115 130 184 198 191 271 315 314 338 436 3, 034 26 27 26 23 19 14 2223 20 35 29 14 32223 223 29 25 21 15 12 16 20 16 20 20 19 21 20 13 6 3 1 3 54 8 5 7 4 1 1 6 7 3 3 22 225 22 27 31 21 20 433 4 9 11 9 10 276 11 - * CO 4 3 -] # # 13. 11 7 1 512 2 626 292 62 63 72 72 65 72 80 84 78 61 61 44 51 57 38 44 1, 128 151 200 164 196 177 175 192 247 231 242 234 231 246 281 3, 631 47 47 46 48 38 . 35 50 69 51 45 53 47 44 60 897 7 10 5 1 9 8 8 13 10 10 15 8 13 148 6 5 1 3 5 4 3 6 31 6 2 4 6 66 18 11 6 10 12 11 20 8 18 5 14 12 21 237 209 281 231 252 237 235 265 352 303 318 308 312 314 381 4,979 60 76 25 18 888 84 74 85 98 92 99 129 131 166 129 205 29 25 1, 855 20 24 38 313 34 48 30 50 38. 64 573 3 9 6! 6 5 9 6 71 8 5 S 9 3 5 4 2! 107 6 3 8 5 7 13 11: 81 102 1 1 5 92 108 127 117 104 120 146 135 147 190 176 234 186 286 2, 642 2 4 3 2 4 5 9 15 15 19 10 1 1 គ 3 7 G G 6 338 96 39 1 1 4 4 3 3 3 5 4 24 20 9 12 20 103 1 1 3 1 6 1 1 2 3 11 LO 5 5 LO 3 00 8 8 12 39 44 34 39 40 255 533 616 568 556 489 578 611 714 736 844 763 835 816 876 13, 149 34 43 37 32 29 34 45 561 54 58 58 41 46 60 934 2535 20 24 15 15 18 19 19 29 29 31 23 26 321 27 501 22 23 25 31 24 27 33 26 48 36 45 41 39 621 8 11 14 1 2 2 2 8 2 1 6 1 4 150 630 716 657 629 569 657 701 834 853 983 881 9.53 936 1,006 15,355 950 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VIII.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF MAR- RIAGE, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. Where married. $69. 1867. 1868. |1869. 1870. | 1871.1872. 1871. NORTH CAROLINA. In the state 19 20 20 38 18 31 In an adjoining state (Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Ten- nessee): 1 2 In other of the United States.... In a foreign country. Unknown Total... 2 3 2 1 4 6 211 24 22 41 22 22 37 OHIO, In the state 741 649 797 772 798 857 In an adjoining state (Michigan, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana). 61 66 66 66 65 76 In other of the United States. 41 61 In a foreign country. 15 17 26 Unknown 43 55 222 72 74 46 58 19 21 21 521 611 451 53 Į ! Total.. 901 848 1,013 992 975 1,065 OREGON. In the state 45) 46 40 41 46 50 In an adjoining state or territory (Washington, Idaho, Nevada, California). 11 8 11 7 18 6 In other of the United States 22 9 20 12. 11 21 In a foreign country. 1 2 2 Unknown Total 2 3 6 2 4 2 81 66 77 64 81 79 PENNSYLVANIA. In the state 430 453 506 468 509 462 In an adjoining state (New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Mary- land, West Virginia, Ohio). 26 38 48 44 51 45 In other of the United States.. 4 6 10: 10 8 5 In a foreign country. 4 3 4 5 11 11 Unknown Total.. 111 106 121 96 86 92 575 606 689 623 665 615 RHODE ISLAND. In the state.. 149 165 136 152 125 164 In an adjoining state (Massachusetts, Connecticut). In other of the United States.. 27 25 17 31 28 26 3 6 4 3 2 3 . In a foreign country.. 51 3 2 3 7 Unknown 11 10 10 14 7 22 Total.... 195 2091 167 202 165: 222 In the stato.. SOUTH CAROLINA. In an adjoining state (North Carolina, Georgia) In other of the United States. In a foreign country…… Unknown Total... TENNESSEE. In the state In an adjoining state (Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Missouri). In other of the United States.. In a foreign country. Unknown Total... 5 1 2 1 5 1 7 251 197 245 256 272 307 12 9 11 6 15 19 7 5 5 7 31 1 4 2 17 15 36 17 21 32 287 226 299 284 319 363 TEXAS. In the state.. 38 40 51 77 139 143 In an adjoining state or territory (Indian territory, Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico). 6 8 1 6 4 7 In other of the United States. 10 7 1 In a foreign country Unknown -- 7 72 14 18 16 1 7 4 36 42 47 65 65 66 Total.. 91 104 108 163 233 236 CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 951 ! i TABLE VIII.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1836, CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF MAR- RIAGE, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. 1873.1874.¦ 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878.1879. 1880. 1881. 1852.1883. 1884. sso. 1885. 1886. Total. 41 43 2 62 62 35 71 65 73 76 · 95 74 91 101 142 1, 177 2 3 3 2 4 4 23 2 2 • 5 8 حت 3 3 11 3 12 9 7 6 11 13 12 15 136 461 53 65 65 46 74 77 84 83 104 88 100 117 163 1,338 ༠/ 896 864 935 939 77 79 90 841 68 70 61 55 321 22 16 32 53 55 52 43 28 535 92 941 1, 101 1,170 1, 275 1, 303 1, 356 1, 409 1, 401 91 119! 128 125 148 1, 444 1, 493 21, 161 152 125 154 160 2, 024 67 70 221 61 59 225 2383 71 70 77 79 83 73 65 1,321 22 38 43 36 371 49 39 553 57 58 77 82 100 120 132 1,308 1,126 1,090 1,177 1, 153, 1, 160 1,345 1, 4411, 553 1, 594| 1, 701| 1, 758 1, 746 1,840 1, 889 26, 367 37 50 7 2235 61 55 75 22 9 15 6 12423 72 78 97 95 15 15 18 28 121271 25 3868 90 97 111 120 1, 433 27 21 32 39 345 14 19 16 29 28 41 43 35 28 32 40 42 50 65 577 2 2 2 3 B 6 8 9 14 2∞ 2 5 1 2 4 10 5 4 10 57 8 11 23 16 17 12 20 13 15 197 64 811 99 96 110 126 138 152 174 169 170 216 188 210 249 2, 609 565 566 5051 510 516 615 552 773 800 931 877 8721 859 973 12, 742 34 44 51 38 47 42 61 78 70 81 71 80 70 79 1, 104 17 9 7 15 13 15 16 9i 23 10 13 13 14 13 230 4 12 7 11 10 11 10 5 9 8 18 10 14 174 87 79 85 68 90 87 82 81 97 99 77 84 65 77 1,770 707 710 655 638 677 769 725 951 995 1, 133 1, 046| 1, 067 1, 018 1, 156 16, 020 143 150 119 124 147 139 171 188 190 204 197 192 166 166 3, 187 23 36 36 19 19 20 24 41: 43 35 45 46 28 30 599 5 13. હાજી 9 9 5 12 8 2 22 17 6 14 20 11 13 16 12 23 197 2 5 6 9 5 10 9 83 37 20 41 17 37 23 26 28 21 5: 6 19 29 396 193 240 184 191 197 213 2261 274 287 280 265 270 225 257 4, 462 12 15 30 15 25 37 1 21. 1: 3 5: 1 1 1 16 17 35 17 26 39 144 #9 6 10 1 2 163 379 314 341 346 451 429. 499 605 502 486 551 542 720 710 8, 403 13 19 18 29 23 17 19 24 30 21 21 30 28 28 392 10 10 6 10 7 7 7 9 11 16 6 8 6 9 155 3 3 2 1 2: 1 1 3 2 27 26 18 22 22 241 60 25 42 42 40 46 46 43 54 648 431 364 387 409 506 515 551 680 586 566 626 628 797 801 9, 625 178 182 243 224 309 328 431 507 642 701 832 841 8501 946 7, 702 7 5 3! 6 9 9 17 17 18 19 19 18 23 31 233 16 15 24 25 24 44 49 55 531 71 78 76 73 77 752 2 3 2 2 4 5 91 7 3 4 7 10 8 95 83 94 98 99 109 111 135 200 243 229 249 229 226 261 2,690 286 299 370 356 455 497 641 786 959 1,024 1, 185 1, 171 1, 182 1,326 11,472 952 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE VIII.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF MAR- RIAGE, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Concluded. Where married. 67. 1869. 1867. 1868.1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. UTAII. In the territory. 24 23 16 18 29 33 In an adjoining state or territory (Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada). 1 7 In other of the United States. 4 3 6 7 5 18 In a foreign country. 91 1 9 7 6 12 Unknown 51 30 44 50 44 30 Total.. 88 58 75 82 84 100 VERMONT. In the state. In other of the United States. In an adjoining state (New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York). 128 129 105 128 160 112 16 17 15 18 26 18 In a foreign country... Unknown 229 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 с 51 11 16 16 23 16 Total.. 157 1611 137 164 211! 152 VIRGINIA, In the state……. 75 66 59 58 79 61 In an adjoining state (Maryland, District of Columbia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia), 6 4 4 1 4 2 In other of the United States. 2 4 3 In a foreign country... Unknown Total... 21 1 1 3 1 90 77 67 62 86 65 WASHINGTON. In the territory In an adjoining state or territory (Idaho, Oregon). In other of the United States. In a foreign country. Unknown Total.. In the state. WEST VIRGINIA. In an adjoining state (Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Ken- tucky, Ohio). In other of the United States.. In a foreign country. Unknown Total.. WISCONSIN. In the state.. In an adjoining state (Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota) In other of the United States. In a foreign country. Unknown Total.. In the territory WYOMING. 10 12 6 8 8 1 2 2 02 11 LO 12 3 5 2 ~ww 30 A 7 15 2 6 3 1 เอ เวล 6 2 2 4 1 20 29 12 15 20 29 28 88888 26 36 29 24 29 3333 37 43 51 30 25 21 2 1 1 1 2 15 8 14 12 16 14 72 GO 79 80 85 89 249 251 278 270 269 266 11 15 161 16 17 28 · .. 91 82 82 67 55 78 21 24 20 20 18 21 34 37 21 23 19 21 406 409 417 396 378 414 In an adjoining state or territory (Montana, Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Idaho). In other of the United States. In a foreign country. Unknown Total.. Grand total → 1 12 1 1 3 2 2 1 LA 5 14 1 2 3 2 13 10 19 9, 93710, 15010, 93910, 96211, 586 12, 390 CHAPTER VIII. 953 -GENERAL TABLES. TABLE VIII-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1836, CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF MAR- RIAGE, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Concluded. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Total. 65 70 59 82 91 61 69 75 100 94 99 97 87 75 7- 5 11 3 12 6 9 3 2 3 3 6 9 5 1,267 92 25 35 163 510 702 186 24 14 22 15 22 10 16 11 1,798 7 15 34 61 74 27 12 12 12 12 24 18 18 17 387 30 24 28 53 35 18 8 11 9 17 14 15 12 11 534 134 149 295 769 914 298 122 115 145 141 162 146 142 119 4, 078 119 142 22 17 2293 126 130 17 3320 148 95 99 127 139 135 150 65 100 2, 466 21 17 18 6 9 16 22 15 18 356 4 2 2 2 27 21 27 248 2 4 10 සය 3 25 3 4 31 31 1 4 1 2 6 14 17 17 14 24 13 14 19 529 1 38 4 3 58 320 170 182 190 157 178 192 132 138 158! 167 174 198 91 129 3,238 81 88 97 105 108! 144 122 152 167 186 198 187 172 220 2,425 5! 3 5 3 3 5 4 7 7 5 14 12 8 9 111 3 1 13 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 222 3 5 5 9 2 7 60 2 8 2 4 3 31 88 91 106 112 113 153 132 164 179 196 219 212 185 238 2, 635 13 14 8 1 7 4 10 10 6 10 3 2 2 2 3 84022 16 18 19 27 5 5 11 7 8' 12 1 31 3! 3! 3 1 24322 26 27 39 41 40 43 390 7 11 18 16 10' 24 142 29 30 34 45 55 46, 360 31 2 4 2 3 4 248 5 4 54 5 5 45 10 59 29 35 21 26 28 37 40 65 67 73 99 109 114 128 996 49 62 53 67 64 71 89 66 135 117 142 127 150 151 1, 564 25 16 20 14 26 25 25 25 39 36 32 35 48 29 553 4 2 1 3 1 1 2 5 6 29 15 21 16 16 16 1 1 2 11 2 1 1 1 3 16 19 22 25 28 25 21 18 29 31 28 393 89 103 91 981 110 118 142. 120 201 176 193 194 235 217 2, 555 247 279 297 312 276 355 325 381 440 467 490 4841 521 519 6,976 23 17 23 32 21 30 341 32 40 36 51 47 50 56 595 68 62 73 81 45 531 56 67: 57 67 72 51 50 61 1, 324 25 23 27 35 3333 29 23 28 15 18 20 36 34 38 35 47 32 527 20 26 33 35 35 26 34 28. 20 30 29 566 390 416 455 471 396 486 468 535 599 638 679 637 698 700 9, 988 ลล 2 2 0121 5 4 5 5 3 2 1 LO CO 4 3i 3 3 96 10 21 14 106 4: เร 5 11 59 نت 3 7 5 11 10 14 11 11 12 12 15 12 180 1 1 3 1 2 15 3 4 31 2 1 3 3 4 =ལྔ • 19 37 12 14 16 18 18 25 99 21 18 31 271 32 54 46 401 13, 156 13, 989 14, 21214, 800 15, 687 16, 089 17, 08319, 663 20, 762 22, 11223, 19822, 994 23,472 25, 535 328, 716 535 954. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. & Years. To husband. Divorces. · - TABLE IX.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, WITH REFERENCE TO CHILDREN, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES. ALABAMA. WITH CHILDREN. Causes. To wife. Average number of children of libellant. Adultery. Cruelty. Desertion. Drunkenness. Neglect to provide. Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preced. ing with a minor cause. All other. 1867.. 9 16 2.00 31 1868.. 3 171 2. 15 1869. 25 2. 34 5 1870.. 7 16 2.09 4 1871.. 8 17 2.00 1872... 12 20 1.91 234H23 15 ما 5 25 6 471 78 12 4 20 15 56 91 13 10 32 3, 55 90 1 12 5 23 86 114 13 4 25 5 76 106 31 16 2 5 32 11 74 117 1873... 5 17 2.00 5 13 4 22 16 105 143 1874.. 9 27 2. 61 1875.. 16 23 2.10 78 7 1 16 1 10 36 9 118 163 8 21 19 10. 39 9 98 146 1876... 13 31 2.30 26 1 7 44 15 124 183 * 1877 ... 6 26 2.34 2 5 2i 4 32 22 140 194 1878.... 24 39 2.43 13 35 11 63 24 181 268 1879... 19 35 2.04 8 32 2 12 54 27 246 327 1880. 25 30 2.62 13 6 28 8 55 16 229 300 · 1881. 34 53 2.17 18 5 49 - 15 87 18 308 413 1882. 29 52 2. 16 20 8 39 14 81 19 295 395 1883.. 44 79 2. 12 18 9 71 1884.. 30 46 2.05 15 8 40 1885... 39 70 2.33 23 11 60 1886. 48 82 2.28 20 12 82 150 150 23 123 20 343 486 3 10 76 23 314 413 14 109 34 372 515 3 12 130 44 488 662 Total. 387 721 2.22 198 92 612 14 187 5 1,108 341 3,755 5, 204 ARIZONA. 1867.. 1868 2.00 1 1 1869.. 1870.. 1 1 · 1871.. 1872... 1873.. 1 1.00 1 4.00 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1874.. 2 2 1875... 1 1 1876... 1 2 2.67 1 1 1 3 6 9 1877... 3 3.33 2 1 3 4 1 8 1878.. 2.00 1 1 1 3 5 1879.. 2 4 1.17 2 1880... 1 2.14 1881.. 2 8 1.90 co en co 3 1 6 4 18 28 5 7 12 4 23 1882... 1.50 7 1883.. 4 2.08 2 5 121 1 10 7 17 10 8 22 4 1 13. 13 8 34 1884 4 8 1.42! 3 2 12 11 4 27 1885. 5 1.60 1 1 1 1 1 5 13 4 22 1886. Co 3 11 1.79 2 5 1 3 2 1 14 15 1 30 f Total. 23 64 1.84 8 25 29 7 9 5 4 87 99 51 237 રે Total. Without children. Unknown. Total divorces. CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 955 Years. TABLE IX.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, WITH REFERENCE TO CHILDREN, CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. ARKANSAS. BY To husband. To wife. Divorces. Average number of children of libellant. Adultery. Cruelty. Desertion. Drunkenness. WITH CHILDREN. Causes. Neglect to provide. Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preced- ing with a minor cause. All other. Total. Without children. 1867. 8 15 1.52 5 1868. 12 2.00 6 1869 4 18 1.77 4 1870... 8 15 1.78 2 1871.. 13 17 1.43 1872 28 1.54 1873 9 201 1.62 LO LO LO OD 569 11 1 23 31 67 121 1 2 3 21 27 35 83 9 1 3 35 56 113 13 1 1 3 25 65 113 19 1 30 36 66 132 G 19 35 40 54 129 10 3 1. 29 40 74 143 1874... 13 19 1.88 16 2 1 32 35 77 144 1875... 8 37 1.76 5 24 3 3 45 47 95 187 1876 211 39 2.01 5 40 2. 60 55 128 243 1877.... 17 43 1.52 11 36 3 60 721 124 256 1878.... 13 72 1 68 20 43. 3 1879... 29 58 1.72 14 57 3. 1880 35 76 1.90 16' 11 73 1 1881... 33 85 1.91 15 24 63 3 coten 85 97 152 334 87: 107 189 383 111 113 240 464 8 118 113 279, 510 1882... 32 66 1.81 13 14 55 4 98 117 207 422 1883 33 98 1. 67 15 27 78 1. 6 4 131 137 229 497 1884 24 106 1.72 10 28 68 4 1 10 130 139 270 539 1 1885 47 112 1.78 16: 37 90 3 11 159 144 279 582 1886... 50 106 1.85 10 30 83. 6 1 19 156 156 334 646 Total. 413, 1, 042 1.77 162 270 8131 44 Co 3 95 68 1, 455 1, 566 3,020 6,041 CALIFORNIA. 1867 15 75 2.47 12 21 23 51 23 90 23 871 200 1868. 17 85 2.26 12 19€ 17 30 35 102 25 79 206 1869 27 125 2.41 17 33 30 13 49 152 37 103 297 1870.. 22 106 2.39 14 29 34 41 128 35 135 298 1871. 24 1211 2.40 23 38 23 5 43 4 145 33 109 287 1872 18 133 2.24 21 40 21 12 48 151 52 165 368 1873. 47 168 2.37 26 49 46 7 20' 64 215 69 205 489 1874 42 192 2.41 22 53 63 9 211 62 234 72 229 535 1875 41 222 2.34 25 56 62 14 22 78 263 100 210 573 1876... 41 214 2.33 21 65 15 39 68 255 92 241 588 } 1877.. 45 259 2.49 30 69 11 36 81 304 97 229 630 1878. 51 239 2.421 22 75 12 29 85 10 290 949 210 594 1879. 1880.... 1881... 1882... 1883... 49 52 279 71 71 303 83 262 2.32 19 721 72 9 38 95 6 311 97 256 661 2.53 19 86 74 11 92 331 109; 243 683 299 2. 16 21 77 89 52 90 41 370 147 312 829 2.32 26 70 88 14 55 105 10 374 152 332 858 362 2. 21 3 101 111 20 64 100 10 445 181 360 986 1884.. 97. 403 2.16 28 115 117 33 80 115 12 500 187 362 1,049 1885 1886... 81; 372 100 2. 13 30 121 116. 23 74 83 6 453 167 351 974 356 2.19 31 123 103 18 78 96 7 456 200 351 1,010 Total. 994 4, 575 2.30 458 1,318, 1, 257 236 695 1,453 152 5, 569 1,969 4,580,12, 118 Unknown. Total divorces. } 956 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE IX.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, WITH REFERENCE TO CHILDREN, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. COLORADO. Years. Divorces. WITH CHILDREN. Causes. 1867.. 1868 23 1. 50 1 1.00 1 12 1 1 4 3 6 9 1869... 1 1.00 1 1 7 1 9 1870... 2 8 2.00 1 5 1 2 10 20 30 1871.. 1 9 2. 10 1 5 3 1 10 16 2 28 1872 6 16 1. 64 2 8 10 221 16 4 42 • 1873.. 2 19 1.95! 1 1 7 10 21 33 59 1874.. 5 21 1.65 1 6 11 1 7 26 29 8 63 1875.... 12 33 2.04 3 18 1 1 19 45 30 8 83 1876.. 12 37 1.98 5 10 19 1877.. 7 35 2.24 4 7 14 1878. 13 49 2. 03 5 14 24 142 2 12 49 38 4 91 12 1 42 41 19 102 2 17 62 59 17 138 1879.. 14 51 2.25 8 16 24 15 65 68 20 153 1880.. 16 74 2.00 10! 26 23 1881.. 37 100 1.99 21 17 45 CO LO 27 90 133 27 250 6 43 137 186 39 362 1882... 35 133 1.86 15 25 43 4 14 65 2 168 208 64 440 1883... 42 154 1.95 19 25 41 6 16 88 1 196 234 80 510 1881. 31 151 2. 01 9 21 41 7 31 72 1 182 208 86 476 1885.. 28 123 1.89 14 21 41 4 21 49 1 151 158 78 387 1886.. 50 130 1.92 12 14 58 5 23 61 7 180 207 64 451 Total. 313 1, 149 1.96 131 212 428 44 120 513 14 1,462 1, 698 527 3,687 CONNECTICUT. 1867.. 19 142 1.64 1868.. 17 122 1.81 1869.. 1870.. 23 158 1.74 14 125 424 2 11 8 131 5 161 48 291 500 10 5 116 6 139 46 308 493 1.83 1 1871. 12 110 1.71 3 1872. 13 123 1.80 1873. 15 125 1. 60 I222 10 2 14 7 140 14 181 5 311 497 19 6 102 9 139 5 268 412 17 4 82 10 122 284 412 18 6 93 13 136 308 449 18 93 15 140 319 461 1874 12 164 1.69 4 1 17 8 134 12 176 352 531 1875... 18 148 1.81 1 23 8 114 19 166 1876... 9 119. 1.88 3 3 15 14 83 10 128 22 330 498 250 380 1877.. 6 119 1.74 2 21 11 78 13 125 287 412 1878.. 10 120 1.78 5 8 19 15 80 3 130 2 280 412 1879... 12 94 1.54 5 8 35 6 51 1 106 1 218 325 1880 13 132 1.60 13 16 51 26 39 145 201 346 1881... 26 109 1. 77 14 25! 44 33 19 135 288 428 1882.. 18 111 1. 66 25 18 43 28 15 129 270 401 1883 21 119 1.84 22 18 57 33 9 1 140 279 423 1884.. 1885... 7 115 1.86 18 17 37 34 14 2 122 5 217 344 19 123 1.76 16 21 49 31 24 1 142 4 252 398 1886 26 122 1.80 27 21 31 45 22 ลง 2 148 3 € 269 420 Total 310 2,500 1. 74 173 176 549 337 1,439 136 2, 810 150 5, 582 8,542 } 1 CHAPTER VIII. GENERAL TABLES. 957 TABLE IX.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, WITH REFERENCE TO CHILDREN, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. DAKOTA. Years. WITH CHILDEEN, Divorces. Causes. Total divorces. 1867.... 1 2.00 1 1. 1 1868. 1869 1870... 1871... 1 1.00 1 1 2 1 1.00 1 1 31 9 1872. 1 2.00 1 1 2 1873. 1874. 32 2 1. 60 2 2 1 5 9 7 5 1.71 7: 10 1875. 7 2.14 2 21 12 1876. 2 3. 201 1 16 1877 6 1.90 1 10 15 1878.. 4 2 2. 17 6 10 17 1879 5 10 2.53 3 1 15 6 9 30 1880.. 9 20 2.24 4. 6 8 4 5 2 29 23 20 72 1881 11 27 2.39 1 7 15 4 9 38 21 18 77 1882 18 43 2.02 5 10 29 4 13 611 26 361 123 1883 34 44 2.50 11' 9 34 2 5 17 78 44 31 153 1884. 29 57 2.16 7 14 37 6 19 1885... 32 56 2. 13 8 11 36 5 24 1886 .. 31 58 2. 58 5 14 42 2: 6 19 344 86 57 29 172 88: 59 41 188 89 51 36 179 Total. 186 342 2.28 46 92 218 00 8 36 117 11 528 321 238 1,087 DELAWARE. 1867... 1868 3 8 2.00 2 9 11 6 8 25 1 1 1869 8 1870.. 1871... 1 6 8 18 2.75 1 2 4 8 3 10 21 3.00 1 1 2.00 1 1 7 12 21 1872 1873 1874 1875 721 2.71 1 4 1 1 71 S 10 25 2.67 2 } 3 هر 8 2.00 1 1876 2 1.50 2 2. 6 1877 2.08 5 1 12 3. 16 1878 4 1.00 1 1 1 6 1879.. 1 10 1.19 2 1 11 36 1880 1 3 2.75 1 4 1 5 1881. 7 1.92 1882.. 3.00 1883 1881 1885 1886.. 326 1.71 - 1.67 2722 1 12 20 3 1 6 17 27 6 1 9. 1 11 1.77 5 4 1.83 1 1 12 13 201 11 6 1 9 Total. 29 92 1.98 23 21 58 8 Co 3 2 6 121 19 119 289 ! 958 REPORT OF THE THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. Years. TABLE IX.—DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, WITH REFERENCE TO CHILDREN, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. To husband. To wife. Divorces. Average number of children of libellant. Adultery. Cruelty. Desertion. Drunkenness. WITH CHILDREN. Causes. Neglect to provide. Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preced- ing with a minor cause. All other. 1867... 1 111 1.33 11 1868 1 10 2.27 2 1869... 1 11 2.67 4 1870... 2 15 2.29 1871 19 2.05 123 ∞ ∞ 6 12 8 8 2 11 6 6' 3 12 4 6 1 17 5 17 39 5 8 1 22 6 19 47 1872. 31 2.11 8 15 6 3 36 13 18 67 1873.. 5 24 1.90 14 3 4 29 9 26 8828752 23 24 64 1874 10 31 2.15 4 15 1 10 41 24 73 1875.. 5 23 2.11 9 8 28 23 56 1876 32 2.82 11 12 1 34 7 17 58 1877. 6 31 2.32 15 14'.. 37 11 26 74 1878.. 20 2.22 5 1 11 23 101 16 49 1879.. 18 2.20 2 5 4 20: 11 9 40 1880. 33 2.23 1 1 16 3 16 1881... 6 30 2.22 1 4 18 1 11 21 40 6 20. 66 36 12 17 65 1882... 1 31 2.31 6 8 1 17 32 11 12 55 1883 12 27 2.31 4 18 4 4 2 39 14 13 66 1884.. 13 30 2.05 5 27 2 1 43 30 8 81 1885... 12 17 1.69 1886. 7 25 2.41 5 21 2 15 1 18 22 1 29 16 10 55 5 1 32 11 32 75 Total 104 469 2.20 223 92 77 229 333 4 127 11 573 203 329, 1, 105 FLORIDA. 1867.. 1868 1869.. 323 2.40 2 10 7 15 5 2.29 1 1 7 5 16 6 2.78 1 1 9 9 34 1870.. 1 2.50 2 4 1871 7 1.00 31 2 1872... 6 7 1.46 2 6 225 8 40 2825 32 57 8 19 29 13 34 51 1873 6 5 2.82 5 5 11 7 40 58 1874 2 13 1.60 1 8 15 51 41' 61 1875.. 11 10 1.81 4 10 3 21 6 58 85 1876. 10 8 2.33 2 5 9 18 11 56 85 1877... 7 11 2.56 2 6 8 18 16 55 89 1878. 16 12 1.64 13. 1 12 28 15 611 104 1879. 14 30 1.82 3 10 5 24 44 21 65 130 1880.. 21 22 2.05 5 10.. 24 43 20 86 149 1881. 28 21 1.96 4 1 13 27 49 28 76 153 1882... 13 27 2.18 2 11 1 25 1 40 46 88 174 1883 27 29 2.02 10 21'. 21 4 56' 20 124: 200 1881. 12 26 2.08 4 1 17 1 14 1 38 26 94 158 1885.. 21 40 2.08 5 19 37 61 411 96: 201 1886. 37 47 2.10 25 2 48 3 84 43 105 232 Total. 247 334' 2.04 55 7 182 9 293 34 581 344 1,203 2, 128 Total. Without children. Unknown. Total divorces. CHAPTER VIII.- -GENERAL TABLES. 959 Years. TABLE IX.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, WITH REFERENCE TO CHILDREN, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STÁTES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. GEORGIA. To husband. To wife. Divorces. Average number of children of libellant. Adultery. Cruelty. Dosertion. Drunkenness. WITH CHILD REN. Causes. Neglect to provide. Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preced. ing with a minor cause. All other. 1867.. 21 20 2. 32 24 1 9 1 1868. 8 12 2,00 9 3. 1869.. 11 24 2. 46 16 9 645 41 20 35 1870.... 6 22 2.07 8 71 7 28 1871... 22 32 2.30 15 16 1 12 1 1872. 16 20 2.44 12 12 6 12 54 ***** 18 68 127 13 49 82 23 54 112 25 65 118 24 70 143 2 36 27 80 143 1873.... 19 34 1.89 15 19 1 10 53 36 86 175 1874. 16 32 1.60 18 15 2 9 48 24 110 182 1875 14 33 1.98 13 11 1 13 1876 18 36 2.02 12 15 2 16 1877.. 26 34 2.32 16 22 1 10 1878... 12 22 2.62 12 7 10 2 1879... 18 46 1.91 18 12 18 12 1880. 34 40 2.20 1881.. 31 27 2.33 1882... 34 46 2.31 1883.. 32 39 2.30 19 1884. 40 68 2.22 1885. 38 47 2.75 19 1886.. 44 70 2.12 28 2222222 9 25 13 31 20 1 12 25: 12 29 4 7 16 23 11 19 40 23 23 201 17 2013O QITH 3221 47 46 103 196 51 29 114 197 60 32 119 211 34 31 58 123 64 52 107 223 74 60 119 253 58 49 108 215 80 79 125 284 71 63 124 258 108 81 100 292 85 73 137 295 24 40 1 15 6 114 82 129 325 Total 460 704 2.22 345 189 363 23 2 210 32, 1, 164 870 1,925 3,959 IDAHO. 1867. -1868.. 1869. 1870... 1 4 2.40 1 19 2 2 5 1 12 2 2.50 1 4 1 7 1871.. 121 1. 57 1 1 2 12 2 1 1.67 1 5 1 9 1 2.43 1 1 6 14 1872. 1.50 1 5 7 1873... 6 2. 17 2 1 1 6 2 1874.. 1 1.00 1 1 1875. 3 1. 67 1 1 3 10 1876... 5 3.00 2 1 9 1877.. 1 3.25 2 1 1 9 1878... 3.00! 1 2 2 4 8 1879... 1.55 4 2 11 3 16 1880... 2.73 2 11 7 5 23 1881 7 2.50 1 8 4 14 1882.. 3 17 1.80 1 3 1 20 13 36 1883.. 3 8 1.55 1 1884. 1 14 1.87 1885... 21 2.33 1886... сл 5 16 2.24 64915 1 11 12 30 1 3 ૦૭ 15 8 13 36 5 21 7 24 52 11 21 8 24 53 Total. 24 141 2.12 7 26 18 3 18 58 10 5 165 75 128 368 Total. Without children. Unknown. Total divorcos. - 960 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. Years. TABLE IX.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, WITH REFERENCE TO CHILDREN, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. ILLINOIS. To husband. To wife. Divorces. Average number of children of libellant. Adultery. WITH CHILDREN. Causes. Cruelty. Desertion. Drunkenness. Neglect to provide. Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preced ing with a minor cause. All other. 1867. 107 308 2.00 94 81 166 52 14 415 292 364 1,071 1868... 85 330 2.04 89 87 175 44 12 81 415 291 419 1, 125 1869.. 76 372 2.03 96 92 183 50 16 11 448 343 388 1, 179 1870.... 73 390 2.02 97 96 193 58 12 7 463 319 396 1,178 1871... 91 403 2. 06 102 111 197 48 28 8 494 337 419 1,250 1872... 131 549 2.06 94 152 263 86 64 21 680 433 632 1, 745 1873.. 125 571 2.11 116 147 266 89 62 15 696 374 717 1,787 1874... 97 605 2.17 108 139 267 90 81 17 7021 369! 607 1,678 1875.... 103 561 2.00 130 154 238 91 41 10 664 395 588 1, 647 1876... 97 601 1.93 125 170 242 105 45 11 698 353 608 1,659 1877... 116 563 1.89 126 150 246 97 46 14 679 370 598 1,647 1878... 106 628 2.06 109 170 281 105 52 17 734 410 604 1,748 1879... 140 629 2.00 138 164 313 102 41 11 769 454 619 1,842 1880... 184 732 1.98 162 217 349 113 53 22 916 482 741| 2,139 1881.. 184 821 2.09 161 212 395 168 51 18 1,005 495 826| 2,326 1882 169 838 2.07 175 227 383 153 55 14 1,007 573 795 2,375 1883... 167 845 2.06 154 245 391 143 62 17 1,012 585 858 2,455 1884.. 150 832 1.94 1885.. 139 813 2. 04 1886.. 186 887 2. 16 155 224 133 211 374 169 197 217 410 164 352 168 65 18 982 517 8432, 342 45 20 952 516 805 2,273 72 13 1, 073 631 899 2, 606 Total 2, 526 12, 278 2.01 2, 561 3,266 5, 684 2, 095 1 917 280 14,804 8, 542 12, 726,36, 072 * INDIANA. 1867.. 116 313 1.99 48 74 147 10 25 92 33 429 158 509) 1,096 1868... 102 340 1.95 36 91 125 14 41 109 26 442 204 480 1,126 1869... 105 395 1. 91 37 100 137 22 43 121 40 500 222 488 1,210 1870... 117 378 1.99 44 77 139 17 35 139 44 495 178 497 1, 170 1871 116 363 2.05 46 75 123 17 46 136 36 479 186 474 1, 139 1872.. 97 404 1.90 35 79 133 24 40 152 38 501 190 466 1, 157 1873... 65 331 1.96 25 60 106 15 37 128 25 396 146 322 864 1874... 91 450 1. 88 46 91 144 15 18 166 31 541 154 307 1,002 1875.... 76 426 1.93 42 76 136 13 52 152 31 502 174 376 1,052 1876 89 440 1.90 43 87 149 23 35 167 25 529 173 312 1,014 1877. 88 505 1.98 42 107 164 16 57 189 18 593 192 366 1,151 1878... 1879. 1880... 1881.. 1882.. 1883.. 80 520 1.94 97 536 1,89 112 591 1.94 580 123 1.90 126 655 1.97 626 1.98 114 44 103 148 24 57 194 30 600 193 3901, 183 39 102 174 25 62 201 30 633 232 406 1,271 50 119 202 25 51 234 22 703 242 478 1,423 56 115 189 24 52 243 24 703 271 521 1,495 58 138 211 22 79 247 26 781 254 505 1,540 55 133 189 19 87 231 26 740 271 596 1,607 1884... 124 641 1.91 61 144! 191 23 76 251 19 765 254 515 1.534 1885.... 1886... 126 610 1.92 45 155 194 18 71 220 33 736 244 524) 1,504 141 697 2.00 63 173 223 16 90 254 19 838 259 558 1,655 Total 2, 105 9, 801 1. 94 915 2,099 3, 224 382 1,084 3, 626 576 11,906, 4, 1979, 09025, 193 Total. Without children. Unknown. Total divorces. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 961. • Years. * TABLE IX.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, WITH REFERENCE TO CHILDREN, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. IOWA. To husband. To wife. Divorces. Average number of children of libellant. Adultery. Cruelty. Desertion. WITH CHILDREN. Causes. Drunkenness. Neglect to provide. Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preced- ing with a minor cause. All other. Total. Without children. Unknown. Total divorces. 1867 41 131 2.24 33 25 80 16 11 7 172 90 242 504 1868... 46 162 2.31 34 46 80 20 18 10 208 112 233 553 1869... 46 169 2.10 38! 45 91 21 8 12 215 122 247 584 1870... 52 166 2.26 51 47 82 18 15 5 218 102 250 570 1871 37 166 2.31 32 46 75 25 13 12 203 127 297 627 1872.. 43 163 2. 12 22 45 98 22 17 2 206 122 289 617 1873. 43 221 2.16 35 56 113 26 1 22 11 261 124 321 709 1874... 33 214 1.99 35 55 106 29 18 4 247 139 276 662 1875 44 218 2.31 33 69 122 25 6 262 128 285 675 1876 53 269 2.31 49 69 129 44 23 8 322 157 367 846 1877... 51 275 2.18 43 85 114 42 31 11 326 172 3562 854 1878... 55 262 2.25 41 88 126 34 19 9 317 216 309! 842 1879 72 255 2.18 42 76 137 40 24 8 327 175 352 854 1880 72 344 2.20 44 $6 197 50 29 10 416 200 385 1,001 1881... 57 346 2.28 55 99 155 48 38 81 403 223 437 1,063 1882... 72 402 2. 17 56 101 202 68 1 32 14 474 221 455 1,150 1883.. 73 345 2.25 53 97 175 53 1 31 8 418 231 394 1,043 1884. 76 401 2.27 74 125 163 54 44 17 477 224 463 1, 164 1885.... 69 396 2.33 66 114 182 56 1886... 78 383 2.23 61 132 176 44 21 2 33 12 465 229 425 1,119 1 31 16 461 256 410 1,127 Total. 1, 113 5, 288) 2.23 897 1, 506 2,603 735 6 463 191|| 6, 401| 3,370| 6, 79316, 564 KANSAS. 1867... 5 25 2. 33 1868... 6 34 2.00 1869.. 16 39 1. 85 695 19 1 1 339 30 12 34 76 23 1 4 40 16 571 113 71 36 1 4 55 13 54 122 1870. 18 48 1.71 12 35 3 9 66 18 74 158 1871 19 72 2.11 4 18 52 6 4 6 1 91 36 129 256 1872... 14 98 2.08 6 30 56 12 1 112 49 119 280 1873.. 32 71 1.95 12 17 64 3 103 45 88 236 1874... 28 114 2.04 9 27 70 1875.... 21 88 1.95 10 23 1876... 22 92 2.05) 7 20 1877.. 28 99 1.91 9 17 2862 16 10 4 142 40 114 296 59 12 1 109 27 811 220 67 12 114 32 115 261 70 12 127 35 99 261 1878 29 125 2.02 10 31 84 10 154 62 141 357 1879.. 33 137 2.00 10 26 103 17 170 53 164 387 1880.. 36 160 2.05 10 47 106 16 8 3 196 70 176 442 1881. 61: 131 2.07 18 26 116 201 7 192 75 177 444 1882. 58 184 1.99 15 45 137 23 12 4 242 88 228 558 1883. 511 266 2.10 15 64 188 28 12 3 317 81 245 643 1884 60 221 .98 13 56 171 6 16 12 7 281 88 205 574 1885. 80' 266 2.21 27 61 175 12 36 24 11 346 112 232 690 1886... $6 286 2.09 30 85 197 11 25 11 10 372 165 280 817 Total. 703 2, 556 2.05 221 626 1,828 104 279 143 58 3,259 1, 117 2, 815 7, 191 20267 M D--61 } 962 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. Years. 1 TABLE IX.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, WITH REFERENCE TO CHILDREN, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. KENTUCKY. To husband. To wife. Divorces. Average number of children of libellant. Adultery. Cruelty. Desertion. WITH CHILDREN. Causes. Drunkenness. Neglect to provide. Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preced- ing with a minor cause. All other. Total. 1867.. 18 601 2.45 71 11 411 1868.. 21 64 1.74 7 11 45 1869... 19 60 2.01 11 8 44 1870... 25 81 2.22 9 17 57 1871... 23 87 2.06 11 26 60 1872... 19 77 2.07 8 21 47 1873 20 111 2.08 18 26 54 1874... 22 80 2.16 7 16 52 DO O COLD LD DO AO LO 3 1 14 1 78 52 162 292 2 1 18 1 85 38 197 320 3 12 1 79 52 201 332 5 17 1 106 61 201 368 5 7 1 110 70 234 414 7 11 2 96 89 219 404 3 30 131 96 233 460 5 21 1 102 106 228 436 1875.... 25 92 2.09 15 10 59 9 19 1876..... 24 110 2. 07 12 211 67 10 22 1877.... 31 117 2. 13 16 25 66 8 31 1878... 25 107 2.06 14 17 67 4 28 1879.. 38 88 2.06 15 22 69 5 13 52222 117 79 236 432 134 91 285 510 148 96 306 550 132 88 311 531 126 76 335 537 1880... 33 114 2. 28 18 22 75 3 29 147 87 333 567 1381. 34 124 2.18 17 24 77 7 1 32 158 132 370 660 1882 44 112 2.13 251 22 81 23 1883... 37 133 2. 15 18 20: 95 9 26 1884. 43 153 2.00 13 26 115 5 1 34 1885. 50 141 2.27 14 27 111 4 28 1886.. 45 162 2.07 28 35 99 4 37 142274 156 91 368 615 170 108 362 640 196 125 347 668 191 128 436 755 207 118 432 757 Total. 596 2,073 2. 12 283 407 1, 381 102 4 452 40 2, 669 1,783 5,796 10, 248 LOUISIANA. 1867.. 5 10 1.87 1868.. 1 13 1.86 1869... 1870... 1871... 145 10 2.64 4 5 1.67 1 7 1.42 4 1872... Q 1.56 2 1873. 2 15 1.76 1 1874. 15 1.59 6 1875.. 15 1.96 4 IN COLO 2337∞∞ 422 5 2 15 8 10 33 6 424 A 1 1 14 4 16 34 2 11 9 21 41 1 1 9 6 15 30 2 1 12 7 16 35 1 2 1 9 7 16 32 5 1 3 17 7 25 49 2 3 3 22 15 33 70 5 1 24 16 50 90 1876... 12 2. 35 1 3 1877.... 6 18 2.33 4 8 1878... 11 11 2.09 7 10 1879 8 16 2.08 9 6 1880.. 12 15 2.22 16 1 1881.. 9 15 2.33 8 51 3 4 1882. 6 19 1.96 8 6 3 1883... 20 35 1.98 24 14 1884.. 22 23 2.09 19 12 6 3 1885. 1886.. 2235 14 31 2.20 17 8 12 2 20 41 2.26 22 12 16 7 24 221 THE CO LO DO DIT 17 18 43 78 24 13 31 68 22 15 33 70 4 21 13 50 87 2 27 19 63 109 4 24 32 56 112 4 212 2 25 34 35 94 55 46 56 157 2 45 32 66 143 5 45 39 84 168 1 3 61 45 91 197 Total. 167 335 2.07 161 138 99 50 42 12 502 385 810 810 1, 697 Without children. Unknown. Total divorces. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 963 Years. To husband. To wife. Divorces. Average number of children of libellant. TABLE IX.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, WITH REFERENCE TO CHILDREN, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STÁTES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. MAINE. Adultery. Cruelty. Desertion. WITH CHILDREN. Causes. Drunkenness. Neglect to provide. Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preced. ing with a minor cause. All other. 1867 36 149 2. 23 52 23 55 1 1868. 37 128 2.28 47 16 50 3 12 52 2 45 12 185 98 125 408 165 91 1601 416 1869. 26 126 2.05 41 21 45 1 44 152 82 131 365 1870... 21 128 2. 17 52 27 37 1 32 149 67 141 357 1871.. 30 144 2.01 44 24 49 3 54 174 99 129 402 •1872... 31 143 1.94 50 26 43 2 2 51 174 76 137 387 1873... 22 127 2.16 35 201 47 1 1 44 1 149 100 116 365 1874... 37 169 2. 12 46 27 61 4 67 206 20 180 466 1875.. 32 146 2.06 36 33 41 4 61' 178 103 166 447 1876.. 31 176 2.01 50 36 60 1 54 2 207 81 148 436 1877... 34 187 2.00 39 431 67 1878... -20 160 2.05 341 36 50 1879.. 42 177 2.00 44 28 66 321 1 66 21 221 133 141 495 3 53' 2 180 99 131 410 2 76 2 219 133 158 510 1880. 41 220 2.00 51 1881... 39 189 1.96 47 1882... 41 196 1.93 39 20 1883.. 28 125 2.17 33 16 1884 21 89 2.29 27 ༡༡ 1885.. 29 132 2.20 30 1886.. 34 146 2. 17 37 2222275 40 87 1 82 261 142 197 609 28; 56 1 95 228 103 165 496 83 3 90 2 237 128 164 529 48 54 1 153 87 133 373 29 I 401 2 54 13 242 28 1 110 56 78 244 58 161 52 119 332 36 1 180 52 142 374 Total 632 3,057 2.08 834 550 1,068 50 28 1, 142 17 3, 689 1,862 2, 861 8, 412 MARYLAND. 1867 11 23 2. 24 7 2 21 34 31 18 83 1868.. 12 25 2.19 16 18 37 30 16 83 1869.. 10 28 2.08 11 4 22 1870... 8 27 2.03 12 2 19 1871...... 14 33 1.87 18 3 23 123 38 38 10 86 35 16 84 47 24 18 89 1872..... 10 38 2.27 17: 2 28 1 48 45 16 109 1873... 17 25 2.05 23 18 42 31 14 87 1874.. 10 28 1.87 10 4 24 38 30 13 81 1875.. 22 31 1. 831 171 4! 27 · 1876.. 11 33 1.98 16 25 1877... 18 29 2.09 12 30 522 53 33 11 97 44 30 17 91 47 27 9 83 1878... 8 25 1.82 10 3 20 33 38 11 82 1879... 18 36 1.831 18 6 28 54 31 14 99 1880. 26 39 1.94 21 40 1 65 47 16 128 1881. 10 441 2. 19 16) 36 1 54 38 11 103 1882.. 26 45 2.27 17 41 2 71 47 20 138 1883... 26 58 2. 17 30 47 4 84 59 14 157 1884..... 25 62 1.87 26 1885.. 19 66 1.84 23 1886... 20 62 2. 12 25 7339 52 87 59 27 173 54 85 59 23 167 52 3 82 70 13 165 Total. 321 757 2.02 345 64 628 39 2 1,078 ཚ 800 307 2,185 Total. Without children. Unknown. Total divorces. 964 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. } Years. To husband. To wife. Divorces. Average number of children of libellant. TABLE IX.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, WITH REFERENCE TO CHILDREN, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. MASSACHUSETTS. Adultery. Cruelty. Desertion. WITH CHILDREN. Causes. Drunkenness. Neglect to provide. Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preced- ing with a minor cause. All other. 1867.. 24 91 1.56 1868... 23 109 1.76 1869. 21 93 1.66 8888888 68 11. 29 3 1 68 11 45 4 62 9 33 3 1 321 115 132 24 114 225 29 174 318 213 369 27 218 359 1870.. 19 115 1.66 74 8 42 3 2 134 22 248 404 1871.. 16 82 1.52 57 6 31 1 1872... 17 84 1.56 49 6 37 1 1 5 1873... 30 106 1.70 60 12 39 15 -122 98 23 210 331 101 14 222 337 136 27 279 442 1874.. 23 153 1.71 50 33 51 26 176 39 396 611 1875.. 36 117 1.73 43 24 46 25 7 7 1 153 27 367 547 1876.... 18 142 1.57 33 35 46 35 6 5 160 25 326 511 1877.... 20 137 1.63 37 40 46 27 4 157 48 315 520 1878.... 32 176 1.63 50 33 76 38 6 4 208 50 314 572 1879.. 27 135 1.46 42 25 65 26 3 1 162 33 355 550 1880.. 27 153 1.53 45 311 68 30 3 180 33 382 595 1881... 17 109 1.62 26 25 53 171 126 17 214 387 1882... 15 158 1.57 32 34 73 24 1883... 31 163 1. 52 43 30 85 30 1884. 41 165 1.70 52 34 75 36 1885- 36 1.69 171 50 33 90 29 1886.... 31 126 1.64 31 27 73 201 ∞NON MO 8 2 6 2 3 • 2 0 3 M N 173 16 343 532 3 194 16 421 631 206 28 415 649 3 207 2 157 20880 388 623 29 379 565 Total. 504 2,585 1.63 972 467 1, 103 388 73 70 16 3,089 555 6, 209 9, 853 MICHIGAN. 1867. 83 148 2.16 56 30 107 4 8 24 1868..... 75 196 2.06 54 36 116 10 9 43 1869.... 64 190 2.08 33 45 108 5 12 48 3333 231 123 95 449 271 197 41 509 254 128 111 493 1870... 81 198 2.36 56 47 95 5 18 57 279 160 115 554 1871. 80 212 2. 17 31 41 116 20 15 68 292 188 150 630 1872.. 100 207 2.16 47 61 123 20 13 41 307 202 111 620 1873.... 84 265 2.07 33 65 133 19 31 67 349 175 181 705 1874..... 100 328 2. 13 45 85 144 12 29 108 5 428 209 157 794 ∙1875.... 99 327 2.05 51 73 143 23 32 100 426 253 185 864 1876... 89 2.06 325 36 72 141 23 40 100 414 46 340 800 1877... 125 367 2.10 38 97 161 27 50 113 492 290 145 927 1878... 138 382 2.20 48 107 173 16 44 124 520 70 403 993 1879..... 154 422 2.03 49 107 225 14 47 126 576 109 425 1,110 1880... 164 437 2.18 55 120 191 25 51 155 601 104 444 1, 149 1881. 170 507 1.95 53 138 224 26 48 185 677 129 -507 1,313 1882. 164 527 2.20 41 161 210 28 52 194 691 146 498 1, 335 1883.. 160 554 2.14 45 131 221 34 60 221 714 143 526) 1,383 1884. 140 498 2.27 39 145 198 38 43 172 638 167 4341, 239 1885.. 134 518 2.08 39 163] 200 24 49 175 652 144 431 1, 227 1886.. 168 515 2.20 38 1651 218 - 38 59 161 4 683 143 513 1,339 Total. 2, 372 7, 123 2.13 887 1,889 3, 247 411 710 2,282 69 9,495 3, 126 5, 812 18, 433 Total. Without children. Unknown. Total divorces. CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 965 : TABLE IX.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, WITH REFERENCE TO CHILDREN, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. MINNESOTA. Years. WITH CHILDREN. Divorces. Canses. Without children. Unknown. Total divorces. 1867.. 5 16) 2,00 6 9 2 1868... 11 27 2. 03 7 14 8 1869... 10 26 2.69 6 16 12 1870... 10 30 2.25 6 17 10 1871.... 14 42 2.43 10 19 20 4726 ◄ 1) 21 22 9 52 38 27 8 73 36 37 111 84 1 40 34 9 83 4 1 56 43 12 111 1872... 10 36 2.37 3 20 18 3 2 46 49 13 108 1873... 16 48 2.42 8 28 20 6 64 59 14 137 1874... 12 58 2.06 5 27 23 7 8 70 52 9 131 ! 1875.. 16 48 2.17 3 24 26 7 1 64 55 16 135 1876.. 18 51 2.03 11 32 21 2 2 69 61 15 148 1877.. 24 59 2.52 13 24 30 12 1 83 43 14 140 1878. 20 57 2.64 9 34 22 6 1 77 62 12 151 1879. 25 56 2.65 9 27 35 7 81 76! 19 176 1880... 26 78 2. 13 11 38 41 10 104 111 13 228 1881 29 85 2.57 12 40 44 11 114 99 10 223 1882. 28 121 2.46 18 60 47 16 3 5 149 107 21 277 1883. 31 132 2.38 20 64 55 20 1 166 117 18 301 1884.. 31 147 2.18 24 62 60 21 1 1 181 127 20 328 1885.. 38 144 2.48 27 64 63 24 3 182 154 22 358 1886.. 46 155 2. 33 22 87 63 18 201 160 18 379. Total. 426, 1, 416 2.36 230 706 620 192 6 60 28 1,842 1,498 2833,623 MISSISSIPPI. 1867.. 1868... 1869. 225 1 1.67 41 2.33 2 1 11 2.19 5 P M 00 1 5 3 11 35 49 6 91 44 59 8 1 16 14 45 75 1870.. 13 9 1.86 10 10 1 ༡༠ 22 12 1871... 6 13 1.79 10 1872... 13 18 1.68 9 1873.. 7 14 1.67 1874.. 9. 18 2.30 1875.. 10 16 1. 85 1876..... 6 15 1.57 1877... 14 12 2. 15 1878... 12 20 1.72 1879 12 15 1.85 8 1880.. 23 37 2. 12 16 1881.. 26 33 2.56 14 • 100 M OD OD ON CANI 00 51 85 2 1 19 19 67 105 3 13 I 31 25 114 170 6 2 1 211 28 120 169 10 2 27 21 128 176 12 26 26* 119 171 9 1 3 21 31 120 172 12 1 26 21 125 172 16 6 32 23 134 189 12 24 23 123 5 27 38 230 295 10 3 60 52 317 429 10 1 59 40 322 421 1882... 38 31 2.07 22 31 8 2 69 42 282 393 1883... 25 37 2.60 13 29 3 6 62: 57 330 449 1884.. 34 44 2.31 16 39 2 13 78 18. 349 475 1885 1886.. 233 29 30 1.86 14 9 27 8 59 49 374 482 33 62 2.26 22 10 42 6 14 95 62 347 504 Total. 319 440 2. 12 191 76 331 22 112 27 759 628 3,653 5,040 } 966 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ''. TABLE IX.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, WITH REFERENCE TO CHILDREN, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. MISSOURI. Years. Divorces. WITH CHILDREN. Causes. Total divorces. 1867... 36 117 1.88 241 25 1868.. 43 124 1.90 16 1869. 45 127 2.02 21 30 233 821 7 21 13 153 27 182 362 33 91 9 14 167 30 190 387 94 13 12 2 172 42 212 426 1870 52 156 1. 63 23 38 100 19 22 6 208 53 230 491 1871... 61 217 2. 04 23 73 128 18 1872 52 212 2.08 14 75 117 29 1873. 60 210 1.94 30 68 123 34 522 25 6 278 51 286 615 23 4 264 54 266 581 6 7 270 55 296 621 1874 63 220 1.95 35 66 124 331 31 14 8 283 53 328 664 1875..... 65 246 1.93 21 701 164 261 10 11 9 311 72 285 668 1876.... 56 264 1.90 28 80 136 45 9 15 7 320 65 298 683 1877... 65 252 2.00 27 70 151 38 7 11 13 317 80 331 728 1878.. 66 270 2.04 22 93 155 33 10 16 7 336 70 331 737 1879.... 77 266 1.98 28 75 183 21 6 25 5 343 63 321 727 1880... 79 310 1. 85 33 90 212 20 9 1. 9 389 95 446 930 1881... 78 351 1.97 32 103 216 42 5 23 429 98 424 951 1882.... 94 340 2.09 44 105 208 32 29 8 434 88 507 1,029 1883. 95 388 1.89 44 108 245 41 8 18 19 483 100 524 1,107 1884.. 113 383 1.91 52 123 227 47 13 19 15 496 97 565 1, 158 1885.. 105 433 1.88 51 143 255 40 15 19 15 538 135 520 1,193 1886.. 108 435 1.80 39 151 277 35 6 16 19 543 98 576 1,217 Total. 1, 413 5, 321 1.93 607 1, 619 3, 288 619| 582 120 347 171 6,734 1,426 7,118 15, 278 MONTANA. 1867 3 1868 1 74 2.20 1 4 2.60 1 2 51 10 1 6 17 1 5 1 5 11 1869.. 1 2.00 1870.. 1 2. 11 1871.. 8 2.63 1872. 7 2.29 1873. 10 2.50 1874 5 2.20 1875... 4 1.80 1876... 5 2.20 1877..... 1 7 2.00 1878..... 3 15 1.89 2 .1879... 1 8 2.67 1 1880. 1 13 2.79 122212 2252 M 1 1 3 5 14 3 3 1 14 1 5 7 19 3 1 1 7 18 5 4 10 6 20 2 5 10 17 2 1 13 5 3 9 5 7 15 6 8 4 15 7 1 1 1 22 18 12 38 2 9 9 9 27 3 11 14 11 13 38 1881... 8 21 '1.93 6 11 1882.. 11 29 1.90 4 11 17 22 6 29 14 12 55 6 40 14 32 86 1883... 5 22 1.93 3 8 6 9 27 16 27 70 1884. 9 39 2.15 3 10 27 7 48 18 31 97 1885 10 41 2.22 4 19 23 5 51 25 36 112 1886.. 3 50 2.30 15 23 10 3 53 28 49 130 Total. 59 305 2.16 24 3333 156 10 70 11 364 177 281 822 CHAPTER · VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 967 + Years. TABLE IX.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, WITH REFERENCE TO CHILDREN, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STÁTES AND TERRITORIES—Continued. NEBRASKA. To husband. To wife. Divorces. Average number of children of libellant. Adultery. Cruelty. Desertion. WITH CHILDRen. Causes. Drunkenness. Neglect to provide. Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preced- ing with a minor cause. All other. Total. Without children. 1867 1 6 2.86 1 1 1868. 3 10 2.00 3 3 1869. 10 3. 14 41 3 1870. 13 2.13 LO LO LO C 5 -7 1 2 10 1 1 13 1 9 23 2 14 6 19 39 8 1 1 16 3 11 30 1871. 23 2.10 11 11 1 29 16 49 1872... 10 1.92 3 6 3 13 9 15 37 1873.. 6 35 1.80 5 11 21 1874 8 37 1.76 6 17 16 1875. 8 38 1.96 4 21 14 1876. 17 461 1.71 10 19 26 1877. 15 50 2. 11 5 27 16 1878 17 60 1.94 3 24 37 1879.. 23 68 1.88 10 32 31 312 - CD CD4 1 41 10 29 80 1 2 2 45 5 37! 87 2 1 4 46 9 26 81 2 63 8 35 106 65 12 38 115 7 77 14 39 130 3 7 91 29 64 184 1880.. 26 78 2.17 14 27 38 10 104 28 66 198 1881. 28 76 2.08 11 341 441 2 81 1041 26 61 191 1882. 29 129 1.96 14 55 58 8 10 8 158 36 77 271 1883 34 136 1.99 16 56 64 11 16 6 170 43 102 315 1884. 45 132 2. 24 21 60 64 9 11 10 177 49 88 314 1885. 34 143 2.27 15 65 55 5 14 18 5 177 66 95 338 1886. 53 190 2.11 27 81 81 11 15 22 243 69 124 436 Total 363 1, 290 2.07 179 558 605 73 105 107 26 1,653 428 953) 3,034 NEVADA. 1867.. 4 1868.. 9 11 2.00 *22 1.84 1 4 4 1869. 9 2.31 3 232 1 4 1 15 4 18 37 3 15 1 31 27 1 10 16 3 21 1870.. 6 13 2.63 1871... 2 14 2.00 1872 1873 12 2.00 31 328 2 12 1 19 9 2 1 9 16 6 18 1 2 3 1.88 3 1874... 34 1.87 1 1875 24 1.90 11 1876.. 3 30 2. 18 8 1877 29 1.85 9 1878... 6 36 2. 14 12 1879.. 34 2.32 4 1880... 4 31 1.86 1 11 IN LO QI MO LO C♡ 12 7 20 16 33 13 26 4 19 38 8 26 21 8 2 31 12 10 10 33 12 27 4 12 1 33 17 30 14 42 7 35 9 15 38 12 28 10 7 35 5 24 1881... 1 27 1. 68 1 9 1 81 1 28 26 1882.. 24 2.07 4 3 15 1 28 5 11 1883 16 2.57 5 8 23 5 23 1884... 15 1.75 6 5 6 24 10 23 KOGKGANNUNZI**SIEK 62 40 28 40 39 72 72 65 72 80 84 78 04 61 41 51 57 1885... 2 14 1.81 1 1 4 1386.... 19 1.89 5 1 00 oft 4 16 5 17 38 8 1 19 4 21 44 Total. 85 445 2.02 40 121 56 10 89 203 11 530 146 452 1,128 Unknown. Total divorces, 968 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. Years. > TABLE IX.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, WITH REFERENCE TO CHILDREN, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STÁTES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. NEW HAMPSHIRE. WITH CHILDREN. Divorces. Causes. All other. Total. Without children. 1867... 4 41 1.76 -12 16 13 2 1868... 4 43 2. 09 12 14 16 1 1869.. 44 1.86 13 10 14 1 + 1870.. 1871.. 1872.. 1873.. 1874. 1875..... 1876... 1332 2 ∞∞ 5 51 1.73 10! 19 20 1 42 2.18 10 17 11 3 60 1. 81 10. 23 21 6 48 1. 56 12 18 10 64 1.59 13 25 19 8 58 1.91 9 26 24 8 65 1.71 13 34 18 1877.. 79 1.91 21 31 27 4 1323 − ∞ ∞ ON LO LO C 2523 * 1 45 41 50 136 } 47 23 73 143 4 44 53 89 186 3 56 41 66 163 4 45 30 78 153 63 39 98 200 50 51 108 209 2 66 51 164 281 5 66 41 124 231 5 73 58 121 252 3 86 38 113 237 1878.. 91 67 1.79 14 31 19 4 7 76! 44 115 235 1879... 11 66 1.79 13 27 27 2 81 77 57 1311 265 1880... 15 93 1.64 21 41 31 6 7 2 108 60 184 352 1881..... 17 91 1.60 16 37 38 11 6 108 69 126 303 1882.... 16 91 2.03 211 39 241 9 12 1883. 17 88 1.80 18 38 33 7 8 11 2 107 52 159 318 105 52 151 308 1884. 13 82 1.57 14 29 34 9 9 95 86 131 312 1885. 16 89 1.62 20 48 27 ༢ 3 7 105 86 123 314 1886. 16 110 1.87 18 45 42 12 8 1 126 103 152 381 Total. 176 1,372 1.78 290 568 468 93 110 19 1,548 1,075 2,356 4,979 NEW JERSEY. 1867 8 20 2. 32 16 3 9 28 28 60 1868..... 12 33 1.89 15 1 29 45 33 79 1869... 17 32 1.88 14 35 49 26 79 1870... 16 30 2.02 20 1 25 46 39 89 1871 14 32 2:09 23 2 21 46 35 2 83 1872. 13 28 1.88 10 31 41 41 2 84 1873. 15 29 1.48 13 31 44 42 6 92 1874.. 14 41 1.56 21 1875.... 18 54 1.83 22 32 3 31 55 49 4 108 2 48 72 50 5 127 1876 16 48 1.67 16 1 44 3 64 49 117 1877.. 14 36 2.44 18 21 30 50 52 104 1878... 16 47 2.24 20 42 63 55 120 1879... 31 58 1.89 29 56 1 89 55 1880.... 18 45 2.06 27 34 63 68 1881... 29 59 1.93 26 59 $8 54 245 146 135 147 1882... 27 69 1.981 31 59 96 91 190 1883.. 23 77 1.96 23 70 1 100 74 176 1884.. 32 106 2.29 46 89 1885.... 43 70 2.04 31 76 1886... 50 113 1.97 52 8 102 211 138 91 113 69 163 118 55 5 234 4 186 286 Total 426 1,027 1.98 473 50 921 1 8 1,453 1, 119 70 2,642 ! Unknown. Total divorces. двова CHAPTER VIII. GENERAL TABLES. -969 TABLE IX.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, WITH REFERENCE TO CHILDREN, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STÁTES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. Years. Divorces. NEW MEXICO. WITH CHILDREN. Causes. Total divorces. 1867.... 1 1.00 1 1 1 1868 1869... 1 1.00 1 1 2 3 1 1870... 1871.. 1 1. 00 1 1 1 1 1 1872. 2 4 1873 1874 1 2.00 1 4 1875... 1 1.00 1 2 1876... 2.00 1 3 1877... 2 2.00 1 1 2 1878.... 1 2.00 1 1 122 2 2 1879... 1880... 1881. 1882. 1883... 1884. 1885.... 1886.... 12122242 1.00 1 1 3 ૯૦ન 1 2.33 1 2 3 8 2.00 1 1 5 6 12 31 1.40 2 5 16 18 39 15 1.59 1 8 17 16 11 44 13 2.07 1 11 15 9 10 34 12 2. 19 1 11 16 12 11 39 9 2.00 8 11 14 15 40 Total. 20 58 1.87 8 3333 47 78 86, 91 255 NEW YORK. 1867.. 128 196 1.97 300 20 1 2 1868... 1869 1870.... 97 206 1.67 276 104 235 18 6 1 12 324 363 303 356 84 771 102 761 1.93 300 30 4 1 3391 390 95 824 103 205 2.03 277 23 2 308 336 87 731 1871... 84 177 2. 24 226 29 3 261 281 126 668 1872.. 73 174 1. 82 227 14 1 247 2671 1873 77 178 2. 08 227 23 1 2 255 295 78 SO 630 592 1874.... 1875.. 91 209 82 203 1.96 273 21 2 1 300 312 104 716 1.83 253 22 61 285 291 81 657 1876 91 189 1.96 259 17 2 1 280 257 92 629 1877... 67 191 2.09 234 19 1 258 235 76 569 1878.. 85 203 1.91 252 25 3 288 297 72 657 1879. 88 226 1.92 283 27 1 314 290 100 701 1880.. 124 241 1.91 331 30 2 1 1 365 359 110 834 1881.. 133 258 1.89 358 23 9 391 348 114 853 1882.. 119 279 1.89 356 33 398 448 137 983 1883.... 126 295 1884... 1885 1886.. 1.87 132 308 2.021 373 141 261 1.93 349 137 342 1.86 420 374 38 1 421 372 88 881 56 7 1 440 408 105 953 44 6 3 402 456 78 936 41 13 4 1 479| 450 77 1,006 Total. 2,082 4,576 1.93 5,948 553 87 ما 5 32 33 6, 658 6, 811 1,886 15, 355 970 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. t Years. TABLE IX.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, WITH REFERENCE TO CHILDREN, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. Divorces. NORTH CAROLINA. WITH CHILDREN. Causes. To husband. To wife. Average number of children of libellant. Adultery. Cruelty. Desertion. Drunkenness. Neglect to provide. Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preced- ing with a minor cause. All other. 1867.. 1 2.00 1868. 1869.. 2 2.00 1870... 1871.. 1872... 1873.. 1874.. 1875.. 10 1876..... 1877... 22122502 M 1.33 3 1. 60 2.83 2.50 2.17 2.50 12232637 1 2 1 3 2 5 2417 18 21 18 24 18 22 29 41 4 14 22 26 37 1 1 5 35 46 1 8 39 53 2.93 13 1 15 46 65 2.00 3 5 8 52 65 2. 14 3. 1 3 7 35 46 1878.. 6 2.75 6 1 1 8 11 55 74 1879. 1 9 2.50 7 1 1 10 91 58 77 1880.. 8 11 2.58 12 5 1881.. 8 10 1.89 11 1 1 2 23 19 8 57 84 18 11 51 83 1882. 14 10 2.46 19 24 17 63 104 1883... 8 8 2. 63 12 2 1 1 16 13 59 88 • 1884.. 8 9 3.00 14 3 17 13 76 106 1885. 6 21 2.81 18 3 1 5 27 14 76 117. 1886... 12 12 2.29 19 1 4 24 30 109 163 Total 96 131 2.49 163 8 00 8 3 40 5 227 174 937 1,338 OHIO. 1867. 72 303 2.39 108 71 100 42 1868.. 58 305 2.33 106 78 97 41 44 50 375 24 502 901 37 363 23 462 848 1869.... 63 350 2.17 91 97 128 47 2 48 413 23 577 1, 013 1870... 64 344 2.36 97 94 121 44 10 42 408 25 559 992 1871. 62 340 2.09 88 94 123 51 8 38 402 31 542 975 1872. 78 381 2. 18 95 103 131 74 5 51 459 20 586 1,065 1873... 62 395 2.16 85 123 146 59 7 37 457 24 6415 1,126 1874. 67 388 2.09 75 92 159 83 111 35 455 29 606 1,090 1875..... 82 405 2. 15 92 106 153 67 15 51 487 32 658 1, 177 1876... 82 407 2.22 112 106 139 62 9 61 489 23 6411, 641 1, 153 1877 86 415 2. 16 93 137 154 50 8 59 501 22 637 1, 160 1878.... 90 458 2.08 98 133 174 711 10 62 5481 35 762 1,345 1879... 87 508 2.11 102 122 212 81 13 65 595 46 800 1,441 • 1880. 132 531 2. 26 109 141 244 75 9 85 663 44 846 1,553 1881. 123 567 2.17 124 140 215 93 15 103 690 38 866 1,594 1882. 124 617 1883. 146 663 1884.. 110 621 2. 20 1885. 154 718 2.08 1886... 142 702 2.19 2.36 127 150 234 2.11 139 142 261 99 177 259 137 171 296 107 187 277 108 12 110 741 46 914 1,701 105 19 143 809 69 880 1,758 75 10 111 731 80 935 1,746 112 17 139 872 95 873 1,840 92 22 159 844 117 928 1,889 Total. 1, 884 9,418 2. 19 2, 084 2,461 3, 623 1, 432 210 1,489 11, 302 846 14, 21926, 367 Total. Without children. Unknown. Total divorces. .、, Years. CHAPTER VIII. -GENERAL TABLES. 971 TABLE IX.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, WITH REFERENCE TO CHILDREN, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. OREGON. WITH CHILDREN. Causes. To husband. To wife. Divorces. Average number of children of libellant. Adultery. Cruelty. Desertion. Drunkenness. Neglect to provide. Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preced- ing with a minor cause. All other. Total. Without children. Unknown. 1867. 10 36 2.78 3 23 8 1868... 4 32 2.50 23 4 ∞ 2 8 3 1 46, 14 21 81 2 3 36 11 19 66 1869... 8 36 2.16 21 10 4 2 41 13 20. 77 1870... 7 26 2.79 12 5 1 6 33 11 20 64 1871... 11 39 2.14 22 13 2 4 50 9 22 81 1872... 5 46 2.71 4 23 15 4 51 6 22 79 1873... 7 37 2.89 1 20 13 4 44 5 15 61 1874. 11 45 2.86 6 21 15 4 56 19 24. 99 1875.. 13 44 2.93 6 23 11 3 6 57 201 19 96 1876. 18 46 2.81 10 24 21 6 2 64 21 25 110 1877... 18 51 2.81 16 30 14 1 8 69 26 31 126 1878... 19 60 2. 66, 12 39 12 3 1 10 2 79 21 38 138 1879... 19 74 2.61 9 41 16 10 14 93 24 35 152 1880..... 23 85 2. 51 11 50 28 7 81 4 108 26 40 174 1881... 23 71 2.21 4 43 25 7 12 3 94 30 45 169 1882... 19 74 2.49 51 16 5 9 93 31 46 170 1883. 23 88 2.72 70 20 9 1 111 40 65 216 1884. 15 88 2. 28 6 58 25 2 5 103 29 56 188 1885... 231 87 2.70 8 63 23 10 6 110 1886.. 24 111 2.54 12 69 25 13 1 10 5 135 28 29 71 210 55 59 249 Total. 300 1, 176 2.59 142 726 319 100 00 8 130 51 1,476 440 03 2, 609 PENNSYLVANIA. 1867.. 1868... 45 115 2. 11 19 38 98 36 115 1.95 25 24 100 1869... 55 157 1.93 25 37 139 1870... 1871.... 1872... 50 163 2.10 25 47 136 9205 3 160 45 370 575 151 42 413 606 212 53 424 689 213 52 358 623 48 175 47 1.96 24 42 146 11 223 72 370 665 170 1. 43 26 36 139 13 217 $9 309. 615 1873... 54 169 2.06 30 43 141 2 223 108 376 707 1874. 53 169 2.321 28 13 140 10 1 222 107 381 710 1875. 70 183 2.14 25 52 168 1 253 721 330 655 1876 47 186 2.00 28 52 149 2 233 78 327. 638 1877... 52 196 1.95 23 61 156 248 77 352 677 1878... 59 256 1.94 36 84 188 315 79 375 769 1879.. 1880. 45 214 80 291 2. 16 26 73 151 5 259 99 367 725 1.85 43 83 238 371 124 456 951 1881. 1882.. 1883 1884... 85 311 1.94 98 3751 2.00 117 312 1.99 93 365 2.04 42 98 245 9 396 122 477 995 1885... 99 354 1.99 1886. 153 399 1.98 42 100 310 54 99 263 39 102 297 56 90 291 57 105 361 16 5 473 155 505 1, 133 13 4291 135 482 1,046 18 10 26 263 458 179 430 1,067 453 173 392 1,018 552 201 403 1,156 Total. 1,386 4, 675 1.99 673 1,309 3, 856 180 43 6,061 2,062 7, 897 16, 020 Total divorc es. · 972 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. Years. TABLE IX.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, WITH REFERENCE TO CHILDREN, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. RHODE ISLAND. To husband. Divorces. WITH CHILDREN. To wife. Average number of children of libellant. Adultery. Cruelty. Desertion. Drunkenness. Neglect to provide. Combinations of the pie ceding or of a preced- ing with a minor cause. All other. Causes. Total. Without children. Unknown. Total divorces. 1867. 5 55 1.63 1 1 57 1 60 135 195 1868. 1 50 1.82 1869. 6 49 1.60 26 21 2 14 33 51 158 209 1 7 41 55 112 167 1870 4 51 1.45 1 3 3 48 55 147 202 1871. 3 35 1.37 1 1 1 6 28 1 38 127 165 1872. 70 1.61 1 4 1 } 15 48 70 152 222 1873. 31 60 1.57 3 1 2 57 63 130 193 1874.. 56 1.75 3 1 1 9 46 61 179 240 1875.. 59 1.64 4 1 2 1 14 39 61 123 184 1876. 45 1.47 1 6 37 47 144 191 1877.. 59 1.63 1878... 51 1.94 1879 4 60 1.69 18-0... 3 67 1.49 1881. 14 58 1.65 3 1882 1 70 1.68 1 1883. 6 56 1. 50 1884. 67 1.56 1885 1 1886... 6 689 69 1.61 2 60 1.67 3 213 2 ∞ 212 2122 1218~ 2241 OD 1 CO G~~ 9 48 63 134 197 5 44 53 160 213 15 40 64 162 226 1 9 55 70 204 274 8 1 5 55 72 215 287 16 51 71 209 280 • 2 1 10 45 62 203 265 9 58 72 198 270 3 1 10 54 70 155 225 • 3. 1 8 49 66 191 257 Total. 77 1, 147 1.62 44 27 34 11 173 933 2 1,224 3, 238 4, 462 SOUTH CAROLINA. 1867.. 1868.. 1869 5 6 1870 1 1 1871.. 1872... 1 1 1.00 1 5 7 1873... 2 5 1.43 2 4 1 8 1874.. 4 2.00 3 3 2 8 7 1875. 7 1.89 1 8 9 23 1230 16 2 17 35 1876... 2 2.00 4 4 8 9 17 1877... 5 1.83 2 9 12 14 26 1878... 9 2. 31 5 8 13 26 39 1879... 1880 1881. 1882.. 1883.. • 1881 1885.. 1886. Total. 26 38338 1.92 17 37 1 59 98 6 163 1 CHAPTER 973 VIIIVIII.- .-GENERAL TABLES. Years. To husband. To wife. Divorces. Average number of children of libellant. Adultery. TABLE IX.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, WITH REFERENCE TO CHILDREN, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Coutinued. TENNESSEE. Cruelty. Desertion. WITH CHILDREN. Causes. Drunkenness. Neglect to provide. Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preced- ing with a minor cause. All other. Total. Without children. 1867. 30 52 2.24 26 14 1868. 24 50 2. 19 30 10 1869. 27 72 2.04 28 15 288 32 4 4 2 82 72 133 287 2 74 58 94 226 39 6 3 3 99 63 137 299 1870. 23 68 2.18 25 16 35 2 4 91 63 130 284 1871... 18 88 2. 24 25 22 35 6 4 106 68 145 319 1872... 20 91 2. 14 36 17 38 10 2 111 84 168 363 1873.. 44 122 2.36 401 39 53 16 2 166 91 174 431 1874. 23 86 2.17 26 20 50 2 4 109 89 166 364 1875.. 23 110 1.87 25 28 55 9 8 1331 97 1876... 38 104 2.08 30 251 57 13 5 142 95 157 .172 409 387 1877.. 33 119 1.91 36 271 69 152 129 225 506 1878. 39 108 2.09 33 24 69 147 133 235 515 1879. 50 115 1.96 49 28 73 165 130 256 551 1880.. 48 160 2. 12 51 32 99 5 208 172 300 680 1881... 53 148 2.22 62 31 81 11 4 201 135 250 586 1882.. 38 118 1.94 41 22 66 5 14 156 147 263 566 1883... 38 134 2.09 41 45 69 7 1884. 57 146 2.20 42 31 102 8 8 1885. 72 178 2. 22 69 31 112 7 14 12 352 3 172 162 292 626 5 203 144 281 628 5 250 205 312 797 1886. 56 178 1.87 59 37 106 6 10 10 6 234 220 347 801 Total. 754 2,247 2.10 774 514 1,268 123 109 141 72 3,001| 2,357|||| 4,267 9,625 TEXAS. 1867 7 15 2. 23 3 8 11 22 4 65 91 1868.. 7 13 1.95 1 4' 13 20 8 76 104 1869... 11 15 1.85 11 5 26 77 108 1870... 12 30 2.33 15 17 42 13 108 163 1871.... 20 44 2.13 29 17 64 23 146 233 1872.... 15 37 2.13 21 18 52 20 164 236 1873... 12 52 1.98 38 16 5 64 30 192 286 1874. 13: 61 1. 59 7 31 19 10 74 26 199 299 1875.. 30 69 2.18 9 43 35 7 99 30 241 370 1876... 24 70 1.88 10 47 27 8 94 15 247 356 1877.... 26 94 1.83 10 51 44 9 120 22 313 455 1878...... 37 87 2. 02 10 58 47 124 42 33: 497 1879..... 52 119 2.14 20 62 66 11 12 171 67 403 641 1880.. 65 143 1.95 23 81 77 12 15 208 73 505 786 1881 1882.. 67 73 193 168 2.09 27 96 81 1 7 23 235 98 626 959 2.26 27 124 81 13 18 266 88 670 1.024 1883.. 80 201 2. 24 20 120 109 16 18 284 107 794 1,185 1884. 109 174 2.18 37 127 85 1 18 15 283 123 765 1, 171 1885..... 119 198 2.19 34 136 109 18 19 317 136 729 1,182 1886... 106 245 2.10 34 157 117 19 24 351 152 823 1,326 Total. 885 2,031 2.10 290 1,259 997 3 1 151 215 2, 916 1,082 7,474 11, 472 Unknown. Total divorces. ** 974 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR, Years. TABLE IX.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, WITH REFERENCE TO CHILDREN, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. UTAH. To husband. To wife. Divorces. Average number of children of libellant. Adultery. Cruelty. Desertion. WITH CHILDREN. Causes. Drunkenness. Neglect to provide. Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preced- ing with a minor cause. All other. Total. 1867. 3 28 1868... 3 1869... 8 1870.... .3 *22* 2.94 2.40 2. 07 24 3.00 1871.... 5 22 2. 30 1872... 13 32 2.40 1873... 11 46 2.28 1874... 7 48! 2.53 1875 22 53 2.68 1876... 50 76 2.36 •232235 242 & CO – 2 4 2 5 6 352 --- 3 1 1 012- 3 20 15 2 2321 32 31 9 48 88 25 28 58 20 30 7 38 75 19 27 8 47 82 1 17 27 10 47 84 9 4 1 17 4 2 236 12 8 512 5 21 45 9 46 100 30 57 12 65 134 2 28 55 21 73 149 19 1 5 44 75 25 195 295 35 10 1877... 801 122 1.97 581 14 23 2 4 64 126 42 541 709 31 11 102 2021 103 609 914 1878 36 46 2.05 10 29 5 6 25 82 36 180 298 1879.. 10 59 1.87 16 14 16 7 6 69 15 38 122 1880... 8 47 1. 13 6 12 12 11 55 20 40 115 1881... 19 67 2.46 19 33 15 8 86 22 37 145 1882 8 63 2.82 20 13 4 13 12 71 28 42 141 1883... 22 62 2.57 14 21 12 16 9 5 84 36 42 162 1881.. 12 61 3. 10 1885.. 11 57 2.85 1886. 14 53 3. 13 625 14 21 7 15 5 73 31 42 146 7 24 6 16 10 68 25 49 142 17 19 5 12 4 67 22 30 119 Total. 345 1, 010 2.39 59 151 355 104 134 107 445 1, 355 486 2, 237 4, 078 VERMONT. 1867.. 31 1.74 8 11 4 1 31 11 115 157 1868. 31 1. 45 8 9 12 31 15 115 • 161 1869 32 1.53 8 7 14 2 1 34 10 93 137 1870. 2 28 1.80 4 11 8 5 2 30 18 116 164 1871.. 3 61 1.73 12 32 16 4 61 16 131 211 1872...... 4 36 1.83 4 18 15 3 40 21 91 152 1873... 46 1.67 24 12 3 1 46 18 106 170 1874.. 2 47 1.69 21 14 7 2 49 16 117 182 1875.. 3 55 1.38 21 22 3 1 58 10 122 190 1876... 45 1.40 27 11 4 45 16 96 157 1877... 3 53 1.64 9 32 12 2 56 10 112 178 1878... 1 73 1.78 9 38 17 1 74 20 98 192 1879... 41 1.60 3 26 7 1 43 8 81 132 1880. 321 1.38 14 15 1 34 2 102 138 1881. 45 1.32 6 18 15 4 3 1 47 81 103 158 1882. 38 1.53 16 12 6 1 38 12 117 167 1883 1 47 1.85 22 14 4 48 18 108 174 1884 10 56 1.62 31 22 5 2 66 17 115 198 1885. 26 1.27 3 7 12 26 1 61 91 1886. 4 44 1.73 28 8 3 2 48 11 70 129 Total. 41 867 1.61 115 413 269 79 22 10 908 261 2,069 3, 238 Without children. Unknown. Total divorces. CHAPTER VIII975 VII . -GENERAL TABLES. Years. TABLE IX.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, WITH REFERENCE TO CHILDREN, CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. VIRGINIA. BY To husband. To wife. Divorces. Average number of children of libellant. Adultery. Cruelty. Desertion. WITH CHILDREN. Causes. Drunkenness. Neglect to provide. Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preced- ing with a minor cause. All other. Total. Without children. 1867 14 17 2.58 10 3 11 6 1 31 17 42 1868... 11 24 2.51 21 9 5 35 12 30 1869... 8 17 2.48 14 3 Co 4 4 25 21 21. 67 1870.. 11 13 1.67 13 6 1 24 11 27 1871. 7 26 4.27 9 2. 12 21 33 12 41 1872.. 51 19 2.29 12 4 4 24 15 26 388913 90 77 62 86 65 1873.... 13 14 1.93 12 6 27 21 40 88 1874.. 10 12 1.73 11 5 22 24 45 91. 1875... 16 20 2.67 18 14 36 20 50 106 1876………. 14 25 2.13 24 9 39 17 56 112. 1877... 15 27 1.83 15 16 1878.. 20 30 2.48 19 1879.. 20 31 1.86 28 1880. 25 40 1. 91 34 1881.. 22 44 2. 27 36 1882. 29 39 1.93 30 1883.. 32 40 2.40 36 1884... 27 37 1.91 31 312 233 18 12 22 20 18 15 19 11 3 WC band (IWA U 42 17 54 113 4 50 32 71 153 51 15 66 132 65 77 164 66 76 179 31 68 41 87 196 72 36 111 219 23 7 64 37 111: 212 1885.... 35 41 1.92 32 30 10 76 34 75 185 1886... 32 45 2.22 25 4 30 17 ཡ 77 50 111 238 Total. 366 561 2.21 430 38 288 137 34 927 491 1,217 2,635 WASHINGTON. 1867.... 1868..... 1869... 1870... 1871 1872. 1873.... 1874. 1875...... 1876.... 1877. 19 9 01 1 1 1 23222 1 9 1.73 8 3.78 1 1 8 2.22 4 3.40 11 2.77 10 1.92 13 2.27 2.95 2.91 4 12 2.31 tot LOGO CI 110 00 CO C13 11 4 20 1 9 11 29 1 9 1 12 5 15 5 3 6 6 13 20 13 29 15 9 29 21 3 11 35 1 11 6 21 16 S 26 2 7 2.33 1 9 12 28 1878 18 2.36 6 6 1879.. 12 2.50 11 1 11 1880... 24 2.76 1 8 81 1881..... 8 33 2.20 10! 1882.. 8 29 2.38 14 1883... 7 36 2.30 4 16 1881.. 21 53 2.38 7 28 10 1885. 13 52 2.49 11 20 12 1886.. 15 56 2.08 1 17 25 LOLO NALO27 22 11 37 16 5 19 40 5 29 11. 25 65 11 1 41 9 17 67 15 1 37 16 20 73 7 1 43 33 23 99 19 1 74 14 21 109 14 7: 18 09 19 65 22 27 114 3. 71 19 38 128 Total 107 423 2.40 32 107 174 17 68 120 12. 530 182 284 996 Unknown. Total divorces. 976 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. Years. To husband. Divorces. TABLE IX.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, WITH REFERENCE TO CHILDREN, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Continued. WEST VIRGINIA. WITH CHILDREN. To wife. Average number of children of libellant. Adultery. Cruelty. Desertion. Drunkenness. Causes. Neglect to provide. Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preced- ing with a minor cause. All other. Total. Without children. 1867. 7 10 2.59 10 1868.. 3 11 2.29 5 15 5 1869... 11 3.27 5 4 324 1870... 17 2.39 9 6 1871... 8 13 2.38 5 6 22224 17 11 44 14 8 38 15 5 59 23 50 21 9 55 29282 72 60 79 80 85 1872... 13 12 2.64 5 8 25 571 89 1873... 9 19 2.11 8 10 28 54 89 1874. 11 15 2.38 10 1 5 26 69 103 1875... 111 12 2.91 9 1 111 1 1 23 61 91 1876... 8 11 2.84 8 7 1 1 19 8 71 98 1877... 9 17 2.23 9 5 5 4 26 9 75 110 1878... 11 13 2.46 13 1 6 24 12 82 118 1879.. 12 23 2.54 11 2 13 6 1880.. 9 17 2.35 10 1 11 1 1881. 12 41 2.19 14 3 24 4 33 3 3 35 14 93 142 26 4 90' 120 53 18 133 204 1 1882. 18 27 2.62 12 1 26 1 4 45 11 120 176 1883 14 36 2.86 19 4i 20 1 1 50 18 125 193 1884.. 18 38 2.45 17 2 31 4 1885... 27 29 2.09 28 3 1886. 19 34 2.58 23 32 23 20 9 221 56 14 124 194 56 25 154 235 53 25 139 217 Total 229 406 2.48 230 27 27 242 2 81 53 635 227 1,693 2, 555 WISCONSIN. 1867... 43 114 2.45 14 1868... 40 111 2.38 10 52 64 7 6 38 70 4 27 1869..... 36 146 2.26 14 79 6 21 1870..... 31 126 2.37 10 51 7 9 37 LO LO ✪ 2 5 157 66 183 406 5 151 73 185 409 9 182 67 168 417 157 81 158 396 1871. 38 106 2.26 12 3+ 52 5 9 29 144 81 153 378 1872. 44 137 2.42 18 41 63 6 15 30 8 181 92 141 414 1873... 31 129 2.44 9 30. 56 11 20 30 160 70 160 390 1874 45 136 2.26 14 46 71 1875.. 60 141 2.29 17 39 80 10 139 5 33 9 181 61 174 416 17 29 9 201 81 173 455 1876.. 49 167 2.56 14 40 83 12 51 8 216 82 173 471 1877 1878.. 170 1879... 40 142 49 57 151 2.38 2.53 13 42 58 { 14 41 6 182 74 140 396 2,32 19 bi 71 10 571 6 219 89 178 486 9. 41 83 81 15 46 6 208 89 171 468 1880... 45 213 2.45 11 73 83 24 54 6 258 81 196 535 1881... 65 231 2.45 15 63 96 1 27 64 20 296 134 169 599 1882. 72 247 2.33 14 74 108 22 77 15 319 121 198 638 1883.. 78 206 2.44 6 59 107 13 20 72 7 284 152 243 679 1884... 66 229 2.28 15 63 108 16 25 61 7 295 129 213 637 1883... 83 246 2.38 10 67 119 12 21 91 9 3291 151 218 698 1886... 71 279 2.36 13 69 114 14 30 95 15 350 144 206 700 Total. 1, 043||3, 427| 2.37 257 970 1, 619 170 312 983 159 4, 470 1,918|||||3, 600|| 9, 988 Unknown. Total divorces. / CHAPTER VIII.-GENERAL TABLES. 977 20267 M D——62 Years. To husband. Divorces. TABLE IX.-DIVORCES, 1867 TO 1886, WITH REFERENCE TO CHILDREN, BY CLASSIFIED CAUSES, FOR STATES AND TERRITORIES-Concluded. WYOMING. WITH CHILDREN. To wife. Average number of children of libellant. Adultery. Cruelty. Desertion. Drunkenness. Neglect to provide. Combinations of the pre- ceding or of a preced ing with a minor cause. All other. Causes. Total. Without children. 1867.. 1868. 1869. ... 1870...... 2 1871... 1872 2 1873. 2 1874. 1 1875... 1876... 1877. 1878.. 1 214&UN OD CD MD LT 2.50 1 1 2 1 3 3.00 1 1 1 2 3.00 2 1.50 6 2.50 315 1 1 6 13 1 8 10 3 11 19 2.50 1 31 6 12 3 1.25 1 1 1 1 1 14 6 1.67 1 4 1 8 16 3 1.40 1 1 1 2 11 18 5 1.33 1 3 2 1 11 18 7 1. 50 7 1 6 11 25 1879... 1 4 1.60 3 2 12 22 1880... 3 2.20 1881. 7 1.80 21 13 21 7 1 10 6 18 1882. 1883.... 1884... 1885.... 1886.... 10 2. 14 6 7 14 11 31 232 12 2.36 16 2.53 20 1.95 4 12 2.44 1121 1 3877- 9 1 14 8 27 1 4 765 1 19 8 5 32 22 22 10 54 2 16 17 13 46 Total 32 125 2.11 12 13 71 1 6 50 4 157 81 160 401 1 Į Unknown. Total divorces. APPENDIX. LAWS AND STATISTICS RELATING TO MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE IN EUROPE. 979 APPENDIX. LAWS AND STATISTICS RELATING TO MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE IN EUROPE. [For authorities consulted see note at close of this appendix.] The principal changes which have taken place in the laws regulating marriage and divorce during the last twenty years in the countries for which the laws and statistics have been touched upon in this report, have occurred in Austria, France, the German Empire, Ireland, and Switzerland. In the countries named important and considerable changes have been made during that period, affecting an aggregate pop- ulation of about one hundred fifteen and millions of people. Prior to 1868 the ecclesiastical courts had, in most of the countries named, more or less complete jurisdiction over matrimonial causes, but the civil v courts have now exclusive jurisdiction over such matters in all of them. In Austria, in 1868, and in Ireland, in 1871, the jurisdiction was taken from the ecclesiastical courts and given to the civil courts. Neither iu Austria nor Ireland, however, is absolute divorce allowed to members of the Roman Catholic Church. In Switzerland a general law governing divorce was passed by the Bundesrath in December, 1874, and went into effect throughout the Confederation January 1, 1876, prior to which date each canton was governed by its own peculiar laws. By the law of February 6, 1875, perpetual separation (limited divorce "forever") was abolished throughout the German Empire, and the causes which had formerly authorized such separation in the several states were made causes for absolute divorce. In France, by the law of July 27, 1884, absolute divorce, which had 981 982 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. not been permitted since 1816, was revived, and the conversion of pre- viously granted limited divorces (séparations de corps) into absolute divorces was provided for. The laws of France, Germany, and Switzerland, now in force, per- mitting absolute divorce, affect over fifty millions of Roman Catholics, making no distinction on account of religious belief. The Swiss law of 1874 and the German imperial law of 1875 made civil marriages obligatory within the domain of their respective juris- dictions, and placed the legal celebration and recording of marriages wholly in the hands of civil officers. In the preparation of the tables which follow (relating to marriage and divorce in different European countries) endeavor has been made to cover, as far as possible, the same period as has been covered by the tables for the United States; but in many instances, owing to lack of data upon which to base the tables, this could not be done, and in some cases information is given for years outside the period referred to-1867 to 1886. · In a few of the tables manifest discrepancies occur, the means for the correction of which were not available, the figures given being those which were reported to this office. The presentation of a comparative table showing marriages and divorces in the United States and Europe is rendered impracticable by the variance in laws, customs, and statistical methods between them and between the different European countries, and for this reason the figures relating to each country have been given separately, without attempting to bring them together into one common table in this appendix. ។ AUSTRIA. The Austrian Civil Code, which was promulgated June 1, 1811, took effect in the "German patrimonial lands" of the Austrian empire January 1, 1812. It has been in force throughout the empire since 1852. January 1, 1857, in accordance with a patent dated November 5, 1855, all Catholics were exempted from the provisions of the marriage law as contained in the second chapter of the code, sections 44 to 138; but by law of May 25, 1868, the patent of November 2, 1855, was annulled, and these sec- tions were made operative with regard to Roman Catholics as well as to non-Catholics; the jurisdiction over Catholic matrimonial causes was transferred to the civil courts, and the issuing of marriage licenses was placed in the hands of the civil authorities. It can not properly be said that any change has been made in the legal grounds for divorce since 1866, the period covered by the statistics. The following account of the marriage and divorce laws of Austria is taken from "Das Allgemeine Bürgerliche Gesetzbuch für das Kaiserthum Österreich,” 12th edi- tion, Vienna, 1887, and citations to this work are given by continuous section num- bers. For a more complete account see the work itself, and also T. Weber's "Das in Deutschland, der Schweiz und Österreich geltende staatliche Eherecht," Augsburg, 1877. The marriage contract constitutes the foundation of family relations; and it is based upon the legally declared will and consent of the two contracting persons of different APPENDIX. 983 sex to live inseparably together, to bear and raise children, and to render mutual sup- port to each other. [Sec. 44.] Marriage can be contracted by any person not legally hindered from so doing. Insane, idiotic, and weak-minded persons, minors, and persons of age unfit to con- tract obligations must have consent of father; if the latter be dead, the consent of both the guardian and the courts is required. [Sec. 47 to 49.] Minors of illegitimate birth must have consent of guardian and courts, and minors of foreign birth, if not able to produce consent of father, must obtain that of the court, or person appointed thereby. [Sec. 50 to 52.] Insufficient income, well-known or proven immorality, contagious disease, or defects of mind or body contrary or destructive to the objects of marriage, constitute valid grounds for refusing permission to marry. [Sec. 53 and 54.] Consent to wed when brought about by fear, or when given by a person in abduction, is invalid. [Sec. 55 to 57.] A husband who finds his wife to have been pregnant by another before marriage can ask to have the marriage declared void. [Sec. 58.] Impotency before marriage is a ground for the dissolution thereof, but impotency after marriage, or temporary impotency, is not ground therefor. [Sec. 60.] A person sentenced to severe prison punishment can not legally marry after the day of his sentence, nor during his imprisonment. [Sec. 61.] A man can be married to one wife only (and a woman to one husband); if he has previously been married he must prove the former marriage to have been wholly dis- solved. [Sec. 62.] Clergymen (who have received high ordination), and also members of religious orders of both sexes who have taken a solemn vow of celibacy, can not legally marry. [Sec. 63.] Marriage contracts between Christians and persons not of the Christian faith can not legally be made. [Sec. 64.] Marriage contracts can not legally be made between blood relations in ascending or descending line; between full or half brothers and sisters, or between their off- spring; between uncles and nieces, or aunts and nephews, whether the relationship arises from legitimate or illegitimate birth. The husband can not legally marry the above-named relatives of his wife, or the wife those of her husband. [Sec. 65 and 66.] A marriage between two persons who committed adultery with each other is illegal; but the adultery must be proved before marriage. [Sec. 67.] If two persons, even though not having committed adultery, have promised to marry, and either of them in order to accomplish this object has attempted the life of the party who stood in the way of such marriage, no legal marriage can be en- tered upon, even if the murder was not actually committed. [Sec. 68.] Valid marriage requires a solemn declaration of the mutual consent to wed, and a subsequent public announcement thereof as prescribed by law. [Sec. 69.] To legalize marriage, the same must be publicly announced on three Sundays or holidays in the church of the district where the parties live, and if they live in dif- ferent districts, then in the churches of both districts. If the parties are members of Christian confessions other than the Catholic, then the public announcement must be made in the church of their confession in the district where the parties live. In the announcements the Christian names and surnames of the contracting par- ties, their birthplace, occupation, and residence are given. The announcement is made by the minister in church, and parties having any reason why the marriage should not take place must report the same to the minister officiating at the mar- riage. [Sec. 70 and 71.] If either of the parties have not lived in the district where the marriage is to take place for six weeks before the announcement, then such announcement must also be made in the district where the party previously lived. [Sec. 72.] 984 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. : If the marriage does not take place within six months after the announcement, a re-announcement will be necessary. [Sec. 73.] If public announcement of the intended marriage be duly made only once in the church or churches of each of the contracting parties, the marriage will not be invalidated; the respective parties, however, or their representatives, and especially the clergy, must, under penalty of the law, see to it that all rules relating to public announcement of consent to wed be strictly observed. [Sec. 74.] The declaration of consent must be made, in the presence of two witnesses, to the priest, pastor, or minister of one or both of the contracting parties. [Sec. 75.] Such declaration may be made by a person designated by the contracting parties, provided such designation was previously submitted to the proper court, without whose approval the act is invalid. [Sec. 76.] When a person of the Catholic church desires to marry a non-Catholic, the permis- sion of the Catholic clergyman, in the presence of two witnesses, must be had; but the non-Catholic may, upon request, have his or her minister present. [Sec. 77.] Pastors of churches must keep a record of all marriages, and must enter therein the full names, ages, occupation, and residence of the contracting parties, and state whether or not they have been previously married; and must also enter the full names and occupations of parents and witnesses, the date of the marriage, and the name of the minister. [Sec. 80.] If the ceremony is to take place outside of the church district to which both parties belong, the minister of the district shall designate the minister who shall perform the ceremony, and enter such designation in the marriage record of his church. The minister performing the ceremony must enter the facts in the marriage record of his church, stating by whom he had been designated to perform the ceremony, and must within eight days thereafter notify the minister who designated him. [Sec. 81 and 82.1 Dispensation from the provisions of law can be granted to the contracting parties before the marriage is solemnized, either by the district courts, or by the provincial authorities. After marriage, should any unknown impediments to its legality be discovered by the parties in contract, absolution from the same, with suppression of names if desired, may be sought for in the courts by the pastor who united them, who, after obtaining absolution, must enter the same in his parish books in the presence of two witnesses. [Sec. 83 to 88.] The general rights and duties of persons living in the state of matrimony are derived from the object and scope of the institution of matrimony as defined by law, while the personal and property rights of the wedded persons are established by special enactments and provisions. [Sec. 89.] Above all, both parties are equally bound as to fidelity, matrimonial duties, and decent deportment. [Sec. 90.] The husband is the head of the family, and has the right to direct the management of the household, and it is his duty to maintain it decently and in proportion to his means, and to represent his wife responsibly in all cases. [Sec. 91.] The wife assumes the name of her husband, enjoying the rights and privileges of his rank and station. She is bound to follow her husband to his domicile, to aid him in the management of the household and the enlargement of the means thereof, to follow his directions and to see that they are followed. [Sec. 92.] Married persons are not allowed to dissolve the bonds of matrimony of their own free will, or to separate even as to bed and board. [Sec. 93.] The validity of the marriage contract, as to the requirements mentioned in sections 49 to 54, and the obstacles enumerated in sections 56, 62 to 68, 75, and 119, can only be inquired into by law, whose decision the aggrieved party is bound to await. [Sec. 94 and 95.] Annulment of the marriage contract can be asked by the innocent or injured party only, and such party forfeits said right by continuing to live in silence in the bonds APPENDIX. 985 of marriage after knowledge of defects in the contract. Fathers or guardians can contest the validity of a marriage only during the term of their authority. [Sec. 96.] Questions affecting the legality of a marriage can be determined only by the civil courts of the district where the parties live. The presumption is always in favor of the validity of the marriage, and the illegality must be fully established by proof. In cases where impotency before marriage is alleged, the same must be proved by medical testimony. Should there be a doubt as to the permanency of the impotency, the parties are compelled to live together for one year longer, after which, if the cause still exists, the marriage may be declared void. [Sec. 97 to 101.] If one or both of the parties knew at the time of contracting the marriage that such contract was illegal, and concealed the fact, heavy fines are imposed upon the guilty party, and the innocent party may demand damages. Should there be children, they are provided for by the law relating to the duties of parents. [Sec. 102.] A separation from bed and board when both parties consent and agree upon the terms can be decreed by the courts when the following conditions have been com- plied with: The parties must first make known their wishes to the minister of the church, stating their reasons therefor. It is then the minister's duty to remind them of their solemn vow. This must be done at three different times, after which, if it have no effect, the minister must give the parties a written certificate showing that they were three times reminded by him of their vows, and that they still demand to be separated. Both parties must appear in court with this certificate, where they must be examined, and if both state that they have agreed on terms as to property and support, the court shall without further proceeding grant the separation and make a record thereof. [Sec. 103 to 105.] Minors may agree to and seek before the courts separation from bed and board; but in any agreement relating to property and the maintenance of childrзn, the con- sent of the guardian or legal representative is required. [Sec. 106.] If one of the parties does not agree to a separation, but the other has valid grounds. to demand it, the latter must first proceed to the minister of the parish, as required in cases before mentioned, and should the pastor's mediation be of no avail, or the other party refuse or neglect to appear, proceedings may be instituted upon the pastor's certificate in the proper courts, who may allow to the injured party, even be- fore final decree of separation, a suitable and separate abode, and may also decide as to disputes relating to division of property and maintenance of children. [Sec. 107 and 108.] The important grounds upon which a separation may be granted are: If the defendant has been convicted of adultery or a crime; or has maliciously abandoned the plaintiff; or has led a disorderly life in consequence of which a considerable portion of the possessions of the plaintiff, or the good morals of the family, were endangered; attempts on the life or health of the plaintiff; gross ill-treatment, or according to the condition of the parties, repeated insults; lasting bodily defects accompanied by danger of contagion. [Sec. 109.] Separated persons may again reunite by making application to the courts wherein they were separated, but should they again wish to be separated they must comply with all requirements as before. [Sec. 110.] Between persons of the Catholic religion the bonds of matrimony can be dissolved by death only, and are equally indissoluble where but one of the parties belonged to that church at the time of marriage. [Sec. 111.] Upon the long continued absence of either party from the common domicile, such as leads to a reasonable supposition of death, the other party may, upon proper proceedings had in the courts, obtain a judicial declaration of such absentee's death, which declaration shall operate as a dissolution of marriage, the same as though the absentee were actually dead. The proceedings include the appointment of a curator, advertisement in newspapers, and revision by a superior court after judgment by the lower court. [Sec. 112 to 114.] 986 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ་ Divorce may be granted to non-Catholic Christians upon the following grounds: Adultery; commission of crime punishable by 5 years imprisonment; malicious abandonment, or non-appearance after one year's solicitation when absentee's where- abouts is known; assault endangering life or health; repeated cruelty'; unconquer- able aversion, on account of which both parties demand a divorce. In the last case, however, separation from bed and board must first be sought, and final divorce can be granted only in the second instance. [Sec. 115 to 119.] Sections 123 to 136 contain special provisions concerning marriage and divorce among the Jews; but such provisions are not deemed of sufficient general importance to be reproduced here. The population of Austria by the census of December 31, 1880, was 22,144,244, divided as to religions as follows: POPULATION OF AUSTRIA IN 1880. Roman Catholic. Oriental Greek Protestant. Hebrew Other religions Religion. Number. Per cent. of total popula- tion. 20, 229, 825 493, 542 91.35 2.23 401, 479 1,005, 394 1. 81 14, 004 4.54 0.06 MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN AUSTRIA FROM 1867 TO 1886, INCLUSIVE. Divorces. (b) Year. Marriages. (a) Marriages to Separation. Divorce. Total. one divorce. 1867 .. 191, 661 1868 182, 940 1869 208, 787 1870 199, 083 · • 1871 - 194, 815 1872 192, 406 1873. 194, 815 1874. 189, 017 1875.. 180, 349 1876 176, 148 • 1877 161, 337 1878.. 164, 233 1879... 169, 088 1880.. 167, 200 1881 176, 983 1882 183, 378 651 97 748 245 1883 176, 016 616 81 697 253 1884 179, 171 656 65 721 249 1885. 175, 233 654 91 745 235 1886. 180, 191 670 90 760 237 a The figures relating to marriages are taken from the annual reports concerning the "movement of population," published by the "K. K. Statistische Central-Commission" of Austria. Prior to 1882 reports of divorces and separations from bed and board granted by the district courts were not made to any central office, and therefore data could not be obtained regarding dissolutions of marriage during the years 1867 to 1881, inclusive. Returns in this class of cases are now made yearly to the central statistical commission Judicial separation in Austria is equivalent to limited divorce in the United States, and "divorco" to absolute divorce. APPENDIX. 987 MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN THE CITY OF VIENNA FROM 1867 TO 1886, INCLUSIVE. (a) 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 .. 1878 1879 .. 1880. 1881 1882 1883 1884.. 1885 1886 Year. Divorces. Marriages. Separation. Divorce. (b) 5, 236 5, 890 7,691 8,586 110 8, 158 126 7,989 130 7, 378 157 6, 713 117 6, 072 152 5, 498 133 5, 049 134 5, 183 167 5, 772 183 5,975 155 6, 297 169 6,526 178 6, 602 160 6,660 191 6, 571 7, 007 165 162 40 29522 42 37 42 a The figures relating to marriage are taken from the statistical year-books of the city of Vienna, and the reports of the city council for different years. Those in regard to divorces are from the same sources, and from Dr. W. Löwy's articles and records. b See note b to preceding table. These divorces are for the judicial district of Vienna, comprising a population of 534,505 in addition to the population of the city, which was 704,756 in 1880. The exact figures for the city were not obtainable. The separations are comparable with the marriages, as the figures for both relate only to the city of Vienna proper. MARRIAGES CELEBRATED AND DISSOLVED BY DEATH OR JUDICIAL DECREE IN THE CITY OF VIENNA FROM 1867 TO 1886, INCLUSIVE. (a) $ Death- Divorces granted- Year. Mar- riages. Of hus- band. Of wife. Total. To hus- band. By mu- To wife. tual con- Total. sent. 1867. 5, 236 1868... 5, 890 1869... 7,691 1870. 8,586 1871 8, 158 1872. 7,989 1873.. 7,378 1874... 6, 713 3, 660 8 1875.. 14 6, 072 103 125 1876 3, 947 16 25 5,498 127 168 3, 619 8 1877 S 5, 049 125 141 3,859 1878.. 10 17 5, 183 117 144 3,917 25 1879... 5,772 17 2,339 150 192 1,660 1880 3,999 22 27 5,975 2, 326 156 1, 569 205 3,895 1881... 30 27 6, 297 128 475 1, 704 185 4, 179 16 1882.. 24 6,526 2, 445 145 1,667 184 4, 112 16 1883 22 6, 602 2,572 156 1,695 191 4,267 11 1884. 13 6, 660 2,511 147 1,627 1885... 4,138 170 9 19 6, 571 172 2,492 1, 719 200 4, 211 10 1886.. 19 7,007 2,508 146 1, 723 4, 231 175 16 13 149 178 a Compiled from official sources. 988 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. MARRIAGES DISSOLVED BY DECREE OF COURT IN THE JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF VIENNA (a) FROM 1882 TO 1887, INCLUSIVE. Separations (from bed and Marriages declared null- board)- Total dissolved Year. Divorces. With mutual consent. Without mutual Total. For public reasons. By desire of par- ties. mar. Total. riages. consent. 1882. 159 82 241 52 1 1883.. 151 78 229 42 1 1884.. 92 159 251 37 2 1 1130 294 272 3 291 1885.. 62 157 219 42 261 1886 203 42 245 40 6 2 8 293 1887.. 210 38 248 61 4 4 313 a Including the city and suburbs, with a population of 1,239,261, by the census of December 31, 1880. The preceding table covers only the city. ANALYSIS OF ACTIONS FOR SEPARATION, BROUGHT WITHOUT MUTUAL CONSENT AND FOR DIVORCES IN THE JUDICAL DISTRICT OF VIENNA (a) FROM 1882 TO 1886 INCLUSIVE. Year. Husband. By whom brought. Wife. Both Adultery of- Separations. crime. for Wilful deser- tion. Assault, cruel- ty, injury. (b) Disreputable life. (c) Invincible aversion. Other grounds. sent. Mutual Hus- band. Wife. Both. Changed Grounds of action. Dissolution accom. plished by- Verdict was-(d) -под Verdict of guilty against- 30 amended. Confirmed. or Total. Hus- band. Wife. Sentence 1882.. 25 55 2 82 3 8 5 1883.. 23 54 1884.. 47 1885.. 45 104 1886.. 11 30 107 1 LO CI 1 78 6 7 5 159 12 12 9 16 8 157 6 11 1 42 2 2 14337 82024 29 3 12 15 30 37 9 12 53 38 2500008 15 34 28 9 11 34 26 4 14 30 109 37 8 5 117 31 4 5 17 30 4 8 Divorces. 12 1882.. 2 1883.. 1 49 52 2 1 49 41 1 10 7 3 39 42 1 3 2 28 36 6 4 1884.. 2 5 30 37 2 1 34 34 1 2 3 1885.. 4 1886.. 3 3 35 42 1 2 35 40 12 1 2 5 35 35 2 5 2 36 36 1 3 a Including the city and suburbs. Compiled from official sources. The means are not available for correcting the discrepancies occurring under "Grounds of action" in the table of "Divorces.' b Also injury to reputation. c Or extravagance. d The last two columns indicate the cases in which verdict was modified or confirmed on appeal 2944H 1 APPENDIX. 989 RELIGIOUS STATUS OF THE PARTIES AND OCCUPATION OF THE HUSBANDS IN MARRIAGES DISSOLVED IN THE JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF VIENNA (a) FROM 1882 TO 1886, INCLUSIVE. Separation from bed and board by mutual consent. Religion of both spouses. Calling in life of husband. LO LO CO 1882 .. 140 4 5 10 31 6 53 11 29 15 1883 .. 127 3 5 1 1 14 24 11 51 6 34 1884. 76 3 6 7 1 21 3 34 $2 20 1885 52 1 1 1 2 13 3 23 5 8 1886 .. 164 7 10 27 13 82 8 631 21 7 7 Separation from bed and board without mutual consent. 22225 Year. Roman Catho- lic. Protestant. Hebrew. Other confes- sions. No confession. Mixed confes- sions. Active soldier. Learned pro- fession. (b) Literary artistic.(c) Artisan or or *~ commercial. (d) 2*2*7 14622 ☺ — en a0 00 8 159 8 151 5 92 6 62 3 203 Of independ- ent means. Laborer. Servant. Other calling. Total. 1882 71 1 4 65 · 141 4 138 1 34 1 1695 4 1883 1884.. 1885. 1886 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1- 03 00 0S LO 7 41 36 3 29 3 31 5 32 6 7 1 1 8 1 10 8 2 14 1 8 1 21 2 5 GO GO 14 3 3 00200420 28 32 58 45 2123 Absolute divorce. 1 1 3 2122M 3 6 1 5 4 1 5 1 5 87242 38 20 LO SE LÒ LO 1 4 41 30 20 ◄ 30 30 4 41 20 46 5829 15 1 7 2008 78 17 159 19 19 157 9 3 1 42 2211f 2351 1 4 52 1 3 42 3 2 37 4 2 42 4 5 2 40 a Including the city and suburbs. Compiled from official sonrces. correcting the discrepancy occurring in this table for the year 1886. The means are not available for b Including government officials, lawyers, doctors, teachers, and scholars. c Including journalists, authors, actors, and artists. d Including manufacturers, mechanics, and tradesmen. AGES, DURATION OF MARRIAGE, AND CHILDREN IN MARRIAGES DISSOLVED IN THE JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF VIENNA (α) FROM 1882 TO 1886, INCLUSIVE. Separation from bed and board by mutual consent. Year. Under 30. Absolute age. Husband. Wife. Relative age. One older than other. Duration of mar- Legiti- mate riage. children. Betw. 30 and 50. Over 50. Under 20. Betw. 20 and 40. Betw. 40 and 60. Over 60. Husband older. Wife older. Both same age. Under 10. Betw. 10 and 30. Over 30. Under 1. Betw. 1 and 5. Betw. 6 and 10. Betw. 11 and 25. Over 25. With. Without. 1882.. 19 115 25 1883.. 17 113 21 5 107 37 1 123 32 3 136 23 2 119 38 2 6 51 123 28 108 42 1884.. 7 72 13 2 68 22 80 12 70 22 1885.. 7 46 9 4 45 13 46 16 46 15 1886.. 23 43 11 38 49 51 2 85 8 24 28 28 4 34 58 4 19 18 21 29 53 6 86 73 66 33 159 21 137 64 2 134 53 16 155 48 7 44 60 88 4 104 99 Separation from bed and board without mutual consent. 1882.. 9 62 11 2 56 24 65 17 67 15 2 1883.. 15 53 10 2 55 20 1 56 22 59 19 27 31 20 4 22 17 34 2 48 31 36 42 1884.. 14 126 19 1 108 50 116 43 117 41 1 7 55 40 54 3 81 78 1885.. 20 120 17 1886.. 119 37 1 123 34 1 34 7 30 12 36 4 2 125 38 31 1 10 4 44 45 54 4 12 5 85 72 24 1 20 22 a Including the city and suburbs. Compiled from official sources. 9.90 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. AGES, DURATION OF MARRIAGE, AND CHILDREN IN MARRIAGES DISSOLVED IN THE JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF VIENNA, (α) FROM 1882 TO 1886, INCLUSIVE-Concluded. Absolute age. Husband. Year. Wife. Absolute divorce. Relative age. One older than other. Duration of mar- Legiti- mate riage. children. Under 30. Betw. 30 and 50. Over 50. Under 20. Betw. 20 and 40. Betw. 40 and 60. Over 60. Husband older. Wife older. Both same age. Under 10. Betw. 10 and 30. Over 30. Under 1. Betw. 1 and 5. Betw. 6 and 10. Betw. 11 and 25. Over 25. With. Without. 1882.. 1883.. 1884.. 1885.. 1886.. 4758 M 41 31 28 6 33 3 34 49 38 31 21 35 3 35 74430 ED 32575 48 39 33 36 4346 3 34 3 34 17 1 3 10 21 18 24 28 30 11 1 4 11 18 9 21 21 22 15 1 16 7 11 2 16 32 9 1 2 18 12 10 3 31 9 1 11 9 19 19 23 18 22222 21 a Including the city and suburbs. Compiled from official sources. HUNGARY. The appended statement of the most important features of the marriage and divorce laws of the Kingdom of Hungary is compiled from "Religions- und Ehe-Gesetze Ungarns," by Peter Enyvári, Pest-Ofen, 1874. A promise of marriage given by a subject of Hungary in a foreign country is not legal in Hungary. Marriage is a civil contract. Minors can not marry without the consent of the father, or, in default thereof, of the grandfather on the father's side. If these are dead, the consent of the guardian, approved by the court, is necessary. Should parental consent be refused after repeated request for it the party may appeal to the courts. Marriage without the prescribed consent is void. Marriage between a Christian and a non-Christian is void. The restrictions as to marriage between blood relations apply as well to those of illegitimate as of legitimate birth. Persons who have committed adultery with each other can not legally marry if the adultery has been judicially proved before marriage. If either or both of the parties desiring to marry have been previously married, and have murdered or procured the murder of the spouse or spouses who stood in the way of their marriage, they can not legally marry. A person who marries through fear or mistake can have the marriage annulled on that ground if there has been no subsequent voluntary cohabitation. Announcement of an intended marriage must be made in church during service on Sunday, or on a legal holiday, or at any other time when the people are sufficiently well assembled, and must be repeated on the two following Sundays or holidays. If the parties live in different church districts announcement must be made in both, and if either party has not lived in the district six weeks the announcement must also be made in the district of former residence. But if extraordinary circumstances exist, and the parties have obtained permission from the legal authority, the mar- riage may be celebrated without the three announcements, though at least one shall be secured if possible. Marriages without compliance with the conditions as to announcement are void. Marriage is celebrated by the parties giving consent to it in the presence of the clergyman and two witnesses in the district (diocese) where the parties or either of them reside. The officiating minister must make a full record in his own hand of all marriages celebrated by him. The marriage of parties who knew at the time that legal obstacles to it existed shall be declared void and the parties punished. When a marriage is declared void all rights and obligations growing out of it cease to exist, but in all cases the custody APPENDIX. 991 of the children is given to the father, and both parties are required to contribute to their support and education according to their ability. A marriage may be dissolved by the judicial proclamation of the death of a missing spouse under any of the following circumstances: (1) If eighty years old, and his or her abiding place has been unknown for ten years. (2) If not heard from for thirty years. (3) If not heard from for three years after having been severely wounded in war, or shipwrecked, or otherwise exposed to extremo peril. Divorce has been legal in Hungary for Protestants since 1786, and for Hebrews since 1863. Roman Catholics, Greek Catholics, and Oriental Greeks are amenable to the laws of their respective churches. The canon law also holds for Protestants and Unitarians in Transylvania. Matrimonial causes, whether in regard to divorce or validity of marriage, where both parties are Protestant, are in Hungary proper decided by the civil courts, which courts also render decisions in divorce cases between Hebrews, but matrimonial causes, where both parties are of the same religious con- fession (excepting Protestants and Hebrews as above noted), are within the juris- diction of the ecclesiastical courts, each confession having its own courts. In case of mixed marriages the court of the confession to which the defendant belongs has jurisdiction. The grounds for absolute divorce among Protestants are: (1) Attempt upon the life. (2) Adultery of either party. (3) Wilful desertion. (4) Unconquerable aversion or enmity, where both of the parties demand divorce, but only after a temporary judi- cial separation (limited divorce). Both parties may remarry, but in no case can they marry the person who was the cause of the divorce, if the same is legally proved, and in case they remarry each other, they must observe all rules and regulations as though they had not been pre- viously married. The grounds for separation from bel and board (limited divorce) as provided by the law of 1786 are: (1) Gross ill-treatment. (2) Seduction to vice and degradation. A limited divorce can be had only when both parties have agreed to live apart, and have agreed on terms as to property. The parties are required to make known their wishes to the proper legal officer, but need not state the grounds on which their demand is based, and must have a written certificate from their parson, pastor, or priest, to the effect that they have appeared before him, and that he has in vain endeavored to reconcile them. Parties so separated may, at any time, reunite by giving notice to the proper civil officer. All marriage obligations remain in full force during separation, and the same regulations as to children govern, as in cases where mar- riage has been declared void. POPULATION OF TRANSYLVANIA, HUNGARY PROPER AND TRANSYLVANIA, AND ALL HUNGARY, BY RELIGIONS, ACCORDING TO THE CENSUS OF 1880. Religion. Transylvania. Hungary proper and Transylvania. All Hungary. (a) Population. Per cent. Population. Per cent. Population. Per cent. Roman Catholic……… 263, 816 Greek Catholic • 572, 772 12.66 27.48 6, 482, 595 47.22 7,849, 692 50.18 1,486, 598 10.83 Oriental Greek ……. 1,497, 268 662, 936 9.57 31.81 1,937, 105 14.11 Augsburg Protestant. 199, 551 2, 434, 890 15.57 9.58 1, 107, 515 8.07 Swiss Protestant 1, 122, 849 296, 395 7.18 14.22 2,023, 257 14.74 Unitarian.. 2,031, 803 55, 068 12.99 2.64 55, 787 0.40 Hebrew.... 55, 792 29, 993 0.36 1.44 624, 737 4.55 Other sects 638, 314 3, 517 4.08 0.17 11, 028 0.08 11, 494 0.07 Total 2,084, 048 100.00 13,728, 622 100.00 | 15, 642, 102 100.00 a Including Hungary, Transylvania, Fiumo (city and district), Croatia, Slavonia, and the Military Boundary districts. U મ + 992 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN HUNGARY (α) FROM 1870 TO 1886, INCLUSIVE. (b) 1870 1871. 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879.. 1880. 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 Year. Marriages. (c) Divorces. (c) Marriages to one divorce. 145, 310 • 153, 427 159, 669 165, 393 162, 577 169, 642 154, 127 910 169 143, 380 914 157 147, 014 979 150 162, 188 1, 006 161 144, 126 1,267 114 157, 733 1,080 146 163, 839 981 167 167, 609 956 175 167, 404 1, 063 157 165, 179 973 170 160, 674 862 186 a Including Hungary, Transylvania, Fiume (city and district), Croatia, Slavonia, and the Military Boundary districts. The population of the territory covered by the above table, by the census of 1880, was as follows: Hungary proper and Transylvania, 13,728,622; Fiume (city and district), 20,981; Croatia and Slavonia, 1,194,415; Military Boundary districts, 698,084; total, 15,642,102. b The figures in this table (except the ratios) are taken from the Hungarian Statistical Year Book, published annually. c The number of marriages from 1867 to 1869, and of divorces from 1867 to 1875, inclusive, are not reported. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN HUNGARY PROPER AND TRANSYLVANIA FROM 1867 TO 1886, INCLUSIVE. (a) 1867. 1868 1869 1870. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877. 1878.. 1879. 1880. 1881 1882 1883. 1884 1885. 1886. Year. Marriages. Divorces. (b) Marriages to one divorce. 135, 601 179, 637 146, 272 133, 999 142, 853 147, 555 153, 068 143, 718 147, 443 135, 011 910 148 125, 064 914 137 129, 346 977 132 140, 267 1,005 140 124, 860 1,249 100 137, 025 1,069 128 141, 944 963 147 145, 004 946 153 144, 416 1,047 138 142, 367 967 147 139, 729 815 165 a The figures in this table (except the ratios) are taken from the Hungarian Statistical Year Book, published annually. The population of the territory covered by this table, by the census of 1880, was 13,728,622. b The divorces from 1867 to 1875, inclusive, are not reported. APPENDIX. 993 MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN THE CITY OF CUDA-PESTH FROM 1867 TO 1886, IN- CLUSIVE. (a) 1867 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871... 1872... 1873 .. 1874 1875 1876 (c) 1877 ... 1878 1879 ... · 1880.. 1881 1882 1883 1884. 1885 1886.. Year. } Marriages. Divorces. (b) Marriages to one divorce. 1, 652 2,362 2,714 2, 726 2, 593 2, 557 2,264 2,524 2,429 2, 412 22 110 2,295 17 135 2,374 21 113 2, 822 15 188 2,894 24 121 3, 116 3, 419 3, 613 3,952 33 3, 904 3, 911 30 #22878 14 223 19 180 20 181 120 145 130 a The figures in this table relating to marriage from 1867 to 1875, inclusive, are derived fom "Sta- tistiques des Grandes Villes" (published at Buda-Pesth in 1876), " Vol. 1, Mouvement de la Population," and other publications by Josef Körösi regarding Buda-Pesth; and those from 1876 to 1886, inclusive, and also the figures relating to divorce for the same period, are from the Hungarian Statistical Year Book. The number of divorces from 1867 to 1875, inclusive, are not reported. b Including "separations" and "divorces." c The population of Buda-Pesth in 1876 was 295,251, and in 1884, 371,649. NUMBER OF MARRIAGES AND DISSOLUTIONS IN HUNGARY AND TRANSYLVANIA FROM 1876 TO 1886, INCLUSIVE. (a) Marriages. Dissolutions. Religion. Parties of Parties of same religion. different religions. Total. By death. By divorce. Total. 1876. Roman Catholic 61, 151 Greek Catholic 14, 835 2,862 1,440 64, 013 50, 341 115 50. 456 Oriental Greek 16, 275 - 13, 658 30 17,490 13, 688 716 Augsburg Protestant.. 18, 206 17,956 70 9.949 18, 026 1, 115 Swiss Protestant 11, 055 8,747 18, 810 185 1,807 Unitarian... 20, 617 8, 932 16, 652 351 425 126 17, 003 Hebrew... .551 426 43 4, 294 469 4, 294 2,707 116 2,823 Total 126, 945 8,066 135, 011 110, 487 910 111,397 1877. Roman Catholic. 56, 717 3,089 Greek Catholic 59, 806 51,323 102 12, 438 1,706 51, 425 Oriental Greek 14, 144 15, 103 46 16,660 761 15, 149 Augsburg Potestant. 17,424 19, 389 81 8, 555 1, 248 19, 470 Swiss Protestant ... 9,803 8, 983 17, 124 173 1,927 9. 156 Unitarian. 19, 051 17, 216 395 Hebrew 400 4,310 126 17, 611 526 472 55 527 4,310 2,785 62 2,847 Total 116, 201 8, 860 125, 064 115, 271 914 116, 185 1878. Roman Catholic 57, 793 3, 413 Greek Catholic 61, 206 50, 637 • 13, 761 67 1,922 Oriental Greek 15, 683 50, 704 14, 442 17, 039 46 782 14, 488 Augsburg Protestant.. 17,821 17,857 8, 894 110 1,366 17,967 Swiss Protestant 10, 260 9, 038 17, 716 177 1, 993 19.709 9, 215 Unitarian... 16,733 374 468 112 Hebrew. 486 17, 201 374 4, 181 38 412 4, 181 2, 802 71 2,873 Total 119, 758 9, 588 129, 346 111, 8 977 112,860 a This tablo is compiled from official sources. No account is taken of the marriages celebrated in Fiume, Croatia, Slavonia, etc. 20267 M D————63 # 1 994 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. NUMBER OF MARRIAGES AND DISSOLUTIONS IN HUNGARY, ETC.--Continued. (a) Marriages. Dissolutions. Religion. Parties of same religion. Parties of different religions. Total. By death. By divorce. Total. } 1879. Roman Catholic Greek Catholic 61, 076 3, 816 64, 892 51, 641 Oriental Greek 14, 784 54 2,086 16, 870 51, 695 13, 951 Augsburg Protestant 19, 492 45 919 20, 411 13, 996 16, 300 85 Swiss Protestant 9, 847 1,459 16, 385 11, 306 Unitarian... 19, 312 8,948 170 2,375 21, 687 9, 118 16, 828 538 Hebrew.. 440 142 17, 366 582 387 4, 519 44 431 4, 519 3, 028 69 3, 097 Total 129, 470 10, 797 140, 267 111, 083 1, 005 112, 088 1880. Roman Catholic Greek Catholic 55, 173 3, 133 58,306 53, 189 Oriental Greek 13, 574 92 1,782 53, 281 15, 356 16, 213 16, 882 41 16, 254 844 Augsburg Protestant. 17, 726 17, 351 131 8, 438 Swiss Protestant 1,422 17, 462 9, 860 9, 152 Unitarian. 16, 265 230 2, 189 9, 382 18, 454 17, 911 609 419 Hebrew.. 136 18, 520 555 371 52 4, 603 423 4, 603 3, 093 94 3, 187 Total 115, 354 9, 506 124, 860 117, 280 1,249 118,529 1881. Roman Catholic 61, 360 Greek Catholic 3, 306 64, 666 51, 864 54 15, 041 51,918 Oriental Greek 2,055 17, 096 14, 238 42 17,819 934 14, 280 Augsburg Protestant. 18,753 16, 580 122 9, 322 Swiss Protestant 1,675 16,702 10, 997 8, 626 198 17, 457 Unitarian.. 2, 624 8, 824 20, 081 17, 284 520 393 147 Hebrew. 540 380 45 4,892 <,892 3, 140 88 17,804 425 3,228 Total • 126, 284 10, 741 137,025 112, 112 1, 069 113, 181 1882. Roman Catholic 64, 115 Greek Catholic 15,058 3, 640 2,051 67, 755 47, 624 66 47, 690 Oriental Greek 17, 109 12, 729 29 17, 719 12, 758 920 Augsburg Protestant.. 18, 639 15, 916 115 9, 793 16, 031 Swiss Protestant. 1, 773 11, 566 8,435 192 Unitarian.. 18, 352 8, 627 2,869 21, 221 15, 925 424 386 16, 349 149 Hebrew 535 372 39 411 5, 119 5, 119 2, 898 98 2,996 Total 130, 542 11, 402 141, 944 103, 899 963 104, 862 1883. Roman Catholic.. 63, 153 3,753 Greek Catholic 66, 906 49, 024 50 16, 056 49, 074 2, 181 Oriental Greek…. 18, 237 12, 711 44 19, 476 12, 755 997 30,473 Augsburg Protestant. 15, 556 128 15, 684 9, 471 1,796 11, 267 Swiss Protestant 8,741 186 8, 927 19, 352 2,979 Unitarian... 22, 331 15, 195 389 461 15, 584 152 613 Hebrew 361 47 5, 177 5, 177 3, 146 102 408 3,248 Total 133, 146 11, 858 145, 004 104, 734 946 105, 680 1884. Roman Catholic. 61, 978 3,910 68, 888 48, 269 68 Greek Catholic 48, 337 15,367 2, 179 17, 546 12, 117 32 Oriental Greek.. 12, 149 17, 790 957 18, 747 15, 295 147 Augsburg Protestant. 15, 442 Swiss Protestant... 9, 297 18,983 1,885 11, 182 8,304 199 8, 503 3,030 22, 013 15, 278 Unitarian. 467 440 137 577 Febrew 5, 463 5, 463 337 3,088 44 15,745 381 90 3, 178 Total. 132, 318 12, 098 144, 416 102, 688 1, 047 103, 735 a This table is compiled from official sources. No account is taken of the marriages celebrated in Fiume, Croatia, Slavonia, etc. APPENDIX. 995 ན NUMBER OF MARRIAGES AND DISSOLUTIONS IN HUNGARY, ETC.-Concluded. (a) Marriages. Dissolutions. Religions. Parties of same religion. Parties of different religions. Total. By death. By divorce. Total. 1885. Roman Catholic 64, 552 Greek Catholic 3,719 68, 271 50, 129 63 50, 192 ► 13, 971 2, 199 16, 170 Oriental Greek. Augsburg Protestant. Swiss Protestant Unitarian. 12, 225 50 12, 275 17,823 929 18,752 16, 314 116 9, 300 18,753 16, 430 1,893 11, 193 8,546 181 8,727 3, 185 21, 938 15, 874 433 493 16, 307 170 663 Hebrew 357 51 408 5, 380 5,380 3, 243 73 3, 316 Total 130, 272 12, 095 142, 367 106,688 967 107, 655 1886. Roman Catholic 61, 719 3,637 Greek Catholic 65, 356 49, 014 53 15, 133 2, 267 49, 067 Oriental Greek 17, 400 11, 529 36 | 11, 565 17, 902 1,044 Augsburg Protestant 18, 946 15, 640 110 9, 058 15,750 1, I, 878 Swiss Protestant.... 10, 936 8, 394 157 17,976 8, 551 Unitarian……. 3, 249 21, 225 15, 377 360 Hebrew *397 5, 314 15, 737 155 552 361 42 403 5, 314 3,230 87 3, 317 Total 127, 499 12, 230 139, 729 103, 545 845 104, 390 a This table is compiled from official sources. No account is taken of the marriages celebrated in Fiume, Croatia, Slavonia, etc. RELIGIOUS STATUS OF THE SPOUSES, WHEN OF DIFFERENT RELIGIONS, IN HUN- GARY PROPER AND TRANSYLVANIA, 1877 TO 1886. (a) Brides. Grooms. Roman Greek Oriental Augsburg Swiss Catholic. Catholic. Greek. Protestant. Protestant. Unita- Totals by confession of grooms. rian. 1877. Roman Catholic.. 659 159 812 Greek Catholic. 1,221 58 2,909 673 602 37 180 9 Oriental Greek. 1,501 183 634 29 48 Augsburg Protestant 5 899 929 69 29 322 13 Swiss Protestant. 1, 413 1,362 197 43 321 73 Unitarian 36 2, 047 10 3 9 84 142 Totals by confession of brides 3, 234 1, 569 836 1, 208 1, 855 158 8,860 1878. Roman Catholic. 895 184 889 Greek Catholic. 851 ཟ 583 Oriental Greek.. 203 673 8538 1,269 51 3,288 37 202 7 1,683 25 62 3 966 Augsburg Protestant 966 60 34 313 8 1,381 Swiss Protestanı. 1, 532 211 24 320 69 2, 156 Unitarian 27 3 5 5 74 114 Totals by confession of brides 3,582 1,842 830 1,276 1,920 138 9,588 1879. Roman Catholic. 966 204 952 Greek Catholic. 898 703 Oriental Greek. 206 764 85888 57 1,463 219 70 Augsburg Protestant 1, 103 80 37 367 Swiss Protestant... 1,753 216 46 363 **008 44 3,629 1,885 10 1,085 16 1,603 Unitarian. 2,458 31 4 6 3 93 137 Totals by confession of brides 3, 991 2,030 996 1,410 2,212 158 10, 797 a Compiled from official sources. 996 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. RELIGIOUS STATUS OF THE SPOUSES, WHEN OF DIFFERENT RELIGIONS, ETC.- Concluded. (a) Brides. Grooms. Roman Greek Oriental Augsburg Swiss Catholic. Catholic. Greek. Prodestant. Prodestant. Unita- rian. Total by confession of grooms. 1880. Roman Catholic. 839 164 906 1,289 54 3,252 Greek Catholic 736 598 54 177 4 Oriental Greek. 1, 569 214 679 22 60 4 979 Augsburg Protestant.. 1,019 57 47 286 9 1,418 Swiss Protestant.... 1,557 180 38 288 96 2, 159 Unitarian 26 2 11 6 84 129 Totals by confessiou of brides 3, 552 1, 757 858 1,276 1,896 167 9,5 6 1881. Roman Catholic 899 183 1, 027 1, 461 46 3, 616 Greek Catholic.. 944 620 57 243 13 1,877 Oriental Greek. 232 815 38 56 8 1, 149 Augsburg Protestant 1,061 73 47 377 13 1,571 Swiss Protestant…….. 1, 703 196 37 352 106 2, 394 Unitarian 40 2 8 8 76 134 Totals by confession of brides 3,980 1,985 895 1, 482 2, 213 186 10, 741 1882. Roman Catholic... Greek Catholic. Oriental Greek……. Augsburg Protestant Swiss Protestant.. Unitarian Totals by confession of brides 1883. Roman Catholic. Greek Catholic Oriental Greek... Augsburg Protestant Swiss Protestant.. Unitarian Totals by confession of brides 1884. 885 186 1, 135 1,679 44 3,929 1,007 700 57 228 16 2,008 268 717 33 80 7 1, 105 · • 1, 168 68 42 364 9 1,651 1, 829 238 43 349 85 2, 544 46 8 8 4 99 165 4,318 1, 916 979 1,578 2,450 161 11, 402 940 192 1, 091 1,833 45 997 787 64 283 242 780 26 86 * • · 1, 182 59 38 382 1,814 273 46 416 97 1010105 4, 101 2, 146 1, 139 8 1,669 2,646 44 4 8 4 97 157 4, 279 2,056 1, 071 1, 601 2, 681 170 11,858 Roman Catholic. 1,024 232 1,212 1, 761 40 4, 269 Greek Catholic. 1, 047 690 62 278 15 2,092 Oriental Greek 240 738 34 63 4 1,079 Augsburg Protestant 1, 203 70 42 376 7 1,698 Swiss Protestant. 2, 004 277 36 396 94 2,807 Unitarian 47 5 4 9 88 153 Totals by confession of brides 4, 511 2, 114 1,004 1,713 2,566 160 12, 098 1885. Roman Catholic. 1, 114 190 1, 203 1,706 Greek Catholic. 1, 040 692 47 283 Oriental Greek .. 240 724 24 76 Augsburg Protestant 1,203 80 66 420 Swiss Protestant... 1,922 262 73 368 87 222~~ 71 4,284 12 2,075 1,066 8 1,777 2,712 Unitarian 53 5 8 5 110 181 Totals by confession of brides 4, 458 2, 185 1, 030 1, 647 2,595 180 12, 095 1886. Roman Catholic. 1, 115 192 1, 140 1,722 55 4, 224 Greek Catholic. 1, 033 769 72 310 10 2, 194 Oriental Greek……. 255 797 36 65 2 1, 155 Augsburg Protestant 1,204 65 30 397 9 1,705 Swiss Protestant.. 1, 931 305 55 391 114 Unitarian 51 8 4 6 87 2,796 156 Totals by confession of bridės 4, 474 2,290 1,050 1, 615 2, 581 190 12, 230 a Compiled from official sources. ! APPENDIX. 997 MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN THE DIFFERENT SECTIONS OF HUNGARY, CLASSED ACCORDING TO THE LANGUAGES SPOKEN (1878-1879). (a) Language. Hungarian, or largely so Roumanian, or largely so. German, or largely so Slav, or largely so.. Mixed Hungarian and Roumanian Hungarian and German Hungarian and Slav.. Roumanian and German Roumanian and Slav German and Slav.. Hungarian, Roumanian, and German. Hungarian, German, and Slav. Marriages. Divorces. Marriages to one divorce. 68, 855 636 108 31, 334 323 97 1, 306 3 435 20, 778 18 1, 154 24, 569 258 95 36, 839 205 180 25, 650 117 219 10, 472 333 31 4, 242 15 283 5,768 9 641 8, 173 13 629 31, 627 52 608 a This table (except the ratios) is taken from "Etude Démographique du Divorce" by M. Jacques Bertillon, D. M. P. part 1, page 45. BELGIUM: (a) The husband can apply for divorce on the ground of adultery on the part of the wife. [Code civil, art. 229.] The wife can claim divorce on the ground of adultery, provided the husband keeps his mistress in the family home. [Art. 230.] Either party may claim a divorce for excesses, cruelty, or grave injuries committed by the other. [Art. 231.] The condemnation of either party to an infamous punishment is a cause for divorce in favor of the other. [Art. 232.] Divorce may be granted on the mutual and persevering desire (or consent) of both parties, expressed as prescribed by law under the conditions and proofs which show that life together is insupportable. [Art. 233. ] When divorce is applied for on the ground of excesses, cruelty, or grave injuries, the court can not grant an immediate divorce, but shall authorize the wife to sepa- rate herself entirely from the husband in case she so desires, and the husband shall be ordered to provide a regular sum for the support of the wife, unless she has suffì- cient revenue of her own for the purpose. [Art. 259.] Mutual consent, as a ground for divorce, is applicable only to those married couples where the husband is at least twenty-five, and the wife at least twenty-one years of age, and where the parties have been married two years or longer. But such consent is not admissible as a ground of divorce after twenty years of married life, or when the wife shall have reached her forty-fifth year. And in any case such consent will not suffice unless supported by the authority of the parents or nearest living relatives of the parties, following the rules prescribed by Art. 150, on marriage. [Art. 275 to 278.] The public prosecutor, after finding that all these conditions have been complied with, especially that requiring consent of parents, and that mutual agreement to the divorce has been duly expressed four times during the year, after the prescribed form, may give his decision in these terms, viz: The law permits," or in case of the contrary decision, "The law denies." [Art. 289.] In all cases in which a divorce could be demanded for any of the specified causes, the parties may apply for a separation, and the suit must be commenced, examined, a This account of the divorce law is based on the "Code Formulaire du Divorce et de la Séparation de Corps," by J. H. Zwendelaar, Brussels, 1878. For the chief points of the marriage law of Belgium, see France, post, pp. 1004 to 1006, the laws of the two countries being substantially the same. * 998 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 1 and judged in the same manner as any other civil action, and the separation can not take place merely by mutual consent. [Art. 306 and 307.] In these cases the presiding judge shall make such representations to the married couple as he thinks proper toward securing reconciliation. Failing in this, he shall certify the fact in writing, adding to the order previously given for reconciliation a second, referring the parties, without preliminary citation, to the Bureau of Con- ciliation. He is also to authorize provision for the temporary separation of the wife from the husband, and for her support, while the application is meanwhile sent forward for a hearing, [Art. 308.] MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN BELGIUM(a) FROM 1867 TO 1886, INCLUSIVE. (b) Divorces. (c) Year. Marriages. Separations. Divorces. Marriages to Total. one divorce. 1867 38, 244 66 64 130 294 1868 36, 271 60 60 120 302 1869 37, 134 41 82 123 302 1870. 35, 263 47 81 128 275 1871.. 37, 538 44 75 119 315 1872.. 40, 084 49 109 158 254 1873 40,598 58 114 172 236 1874 40, 328 57 120 177 228 1875 39, 050 66 126 192 203 1876. 38, 228 65 135 200 191 1877.. 39, 964 65 118 183 218 1878.. 36, 669 77 143 220 167 1879 37, 421 56 151 207 181 1880 38,926 81 214 295 132 1881 39, 487 82 202 284 139 1882 39, 214 83 216 299 131 1883. 38, 666 71 209 280 138 1884 39, 205 1885 39, 910 1886 39, 642 68 598 57 221 278 141 60 230 290 138 286 354 112 Total... 771, 842 1,253 2,956 4, 209 183 a The population of Belgium in 1880 was 5,520,009. b The figures for marriage and divorce for the years 1867 to 1885, inclusive, are taken from the "An- nuaire Statistique de la Belgique," dix-septième année, 1886, and those for 1886 from advance sheets of the "Annuaire Statistique" for 1887. The number of séparations de corps was furnished by Mr. Deguelde, chief of the statistical division of the ministry of justice, of Belgium. c" Séparation de corps " and "divorce" in Belgium are equivalent to limited divorce and absolute divorce in the United States. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN BELGIUM FROM 1830 TO 1866, INCLUSIVE. (a) Year. Year. Marriages. Divorces. Marriages. Divorces. Year. Marriages. Divorces. 1830. 26, 484 4 1843 28, 220 20 1856.... 32, 926 42 1831... 30,915 7 1844. 29, 326 16 1857.... 37,292 50 1832 27, 511 3 1845.... 23, 210 22 1858. 38, 237 55 1833 26, 770 10 1846.. 25, 670 29 1859... 36, 941 47 1834. 30, 455 12 1847... 24, 145 21 1860.... 35, 112 55 1835... 33, 778 11 1848... 28, 656 22 1861.... 33, 802 56 1836. 29, 439 15 1849.. 31,788 23 1862.... 34, 146 57 1837 32, 213 18 1850... 33, 762 29 1863... 35, 813 65 1838.. 31, 601 20 1851.... 33, 169 2/ 1864... 36, 959 66 1839 29,758 9 1852... 31, 251 35 1865.. 37, 671 51 1810... 30, 551 26 1853... 30, 636 20 1866... 37,783 70 1841... 29, 876 21 1854.... 29, 485 44 1842. 29, 023 21 1855.... 29, 815 37 a The figures in this table are taken from the "Annuaire Statistique de la Belgique" for 1886, page 72. The number of “séparations de corps" for these years are not reported. APPENDIX. 999 ! MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN BELGIUM, BY PROVINCES. (a) Annual averages. Province. 1840. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885 (b) 1841 1851 1861 1871 to to to to 1850. 1860. 1870. 1880. Antwerp.. (Marriages. 2, 886 2,837 3,252 3, 693 4, 251 > Divorces.. 2 1.3 2.5 3.5 7.5 19 Brabant.... S Marriages. 5, 108 4, 977 5, 871 5,871 | 6,723 7,494 4,455 15 7,888 4,268 12 4,384 17 7,416 | 7, 460 4, 497 17 7,739 > Divorces.. 22.4 32.3 West Flanders {Marriages. 4, 497 4,025 4,568 4, 613 4, 432 Divorces. 10 10.9 67.4 93 113 108 114 133 4,334 4, 294 4, 575 4, 681 - 0.5 1.2 East Flanders. Marriages. 5, 532 Divorces.. 4, 873 4,873 | 5,566 | 5,632 1.4 5,632 2.6 4 6 4 1 5, 564 5, 547 5,630 5,791 2 1.4 3.0 3.5 7.1 16 11 8 17 Hainaut. Marriages. 5, 224 4, 893 5, 952 6, 512 7,081 7,474 7, 594 7,399 2 5,839 10 7, 413 { Divorces 5 1.2 3.3 6.8 14.0 28 20 26 24 16 Liége Marriages 3, 141 Divorces 3, 205 3, 656 3,656 4, 263 4, 751 4,825 4,824 | 4,895 4, 922 6 6. 1 Limbourg. Marriages. 1, 246 1,210 7.1 1,280 13.5 26.0 35 43 44 41 47 1,349 1, 398 1,282 1,244 1, 311 1, 289 Divorces 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 1 2 2 1 1 Luxembourg Marriages. 1, 241 1, 1961, 285 1,285 1,317 1,370 1,208 1, 247 1, 260 1,273 Divorces 0.3 0.5 1.1 2 1 2 3 Namur Marriages. 1, 673 1, 751 2,056 Divorces.. 1 0.7 1.2 2, 207 3.4 2, 240 4.6 4 5 2,2012, 149 | 2,130 6 2,293 4 1 202 39, 214 38, 666 39, 205 216 210 221 39, 910 230 Total.... {Marriages 30, 551 28,967 33, 486 36, 309 38, 581 41.2 65. 2 130.5 LA a The figures in this table are taken from the "Annuaire Statistique de la Belgique," 1886, page 82. The marriag: s by provinces for the year 1881 are not reported. Séparations de corps" are not in- cluded. b The marriages in the provinces for the year 1885 foot up 39,946, instead of 39,910, but as it can not be ascertained where the error occurs, they are given as published in the "Annuaire Statistique " with- out change. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES FOR ALL BELGIUM AND FOR CERTAIN CITIES OF BEL- GIUM COMPARED. (a) All Belgium. Antwerp, Brussels, Ghent, and Liége. Year. Marriages. Divorces. (b) Ratio. Marriages. Divorces. (b) Ratio. 1870. 35, 263 81 435 4,735 41 115 1875... 39, 050 126 310 5,337 64 83 1878... 36, 669 143 256 4,843 61 79 1879. 37, 421 151 248 5,070 68 75 1880 38, 926 214 182 5, 219 102 51 1881... 39, 487 202 195 5, 347 81 64 1882. 39, 214 216 182 5, 508 92 60 1883... 38, 666 209 185 4, 978 83 60 1884... 1885. 39, 205 221 177 5, 248 103 51 39, 910 230 174 5, 503 129 43 a The figures in this table (except the ratios) are taken from the "Annuaire Statistique de la Bel- gique," 1886. b"Séparations de corps" are not included. 1000 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES FOR CERTAIN CITIES OF BELGIUM DURING CERTAIN SPECIFIED YEARS. (a) Year. Antwerp. Brussels. Ghent. Liége. Total. 1865... 1866... S Marriages.. Divorces 1,057 1 1,730 982 843 4,612 15 2 6 24 Population. 117, 269 157, 905 115, 354 99, 129 489, 657 1870... Marriages.. 1, 138 1,739 968 890 Divorces 7 22 4 8 4,735 41 1875... Marriages.. 1, 432 1, 824 1,002 1,079 5,337 Divorces 8 29 4 23 64 1878.. 1879... Divorces Marriages.. 1, 335 1, 554 971 983 7 34 7 13 4,843 61 Marriages.. 1,396 1, 581 1,051 1,042 5,070 Divorces 8 38 8 14 68 1880... (Marriages.. 1, 501 1, 666 1,056 996 5,219 Divorces 13 65 5 19 102 Population. 169, 112 162, 498 131, 431 123, 131 586, 172 1881.. Marriages.. 1,542 1, 663 1,089 1, 053 Divorces 12 40 12 20 1882. Mar iages.. 1, 654 1,729 1, 085 1,040 Divorces. 12 50 9 21 1883. 1884... 1885.. {Divorces Divorces.. Marriages.. Divorces.. Marriages.. Divorces.. Marriages.. 1, 425 1,470 1,053 1,030 10 49 7 17 5, 347 84 5,508 92 4,978 83 1,509 1, 539 1, 115 1, 085 5, 248 17 46 14 26 103 1, 613 1, 596 1, 140 1, 154 5, 503 17 78 8 26 129 a The figures in this table are taken from the "Annuaire Statistique de la Belgique," 1886, p. 91. Séparations de corps are not included. CANADA. The following statement of the divorce laws of Canada and the subjoined statistics were furnished by J. A. Gemmill, esq., of Ottawa, Canada, author of "The Practice in Divorce in Canada": Under the constitutional act known as the "British North America Act," passed by the parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in 1867, the subjects of marriage and divorce were vested under the control of the parliament of Canada, but that body has not up to the present time passed any legislation of a general character on either subject. At the time of the confederation of the British provinces in 1867, under the British North America act, divorce courts were in and existence in the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, British Columbia, and under authority of that act these courts continue their func- In the other parts of tions until altered or changed by the parliament of Canada. Canada, comprising Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, and the Northwest territories, no divorce courts existed at the time of the union of the provinces, and none have been · since established by parliament. The only mode of dissolving the marriage tie is by obtaining an act from parliament for each particular case, a system attended with considerable delay, publicity, and expense. The grounds upon which the parliament of Canada have entertained applications for divorce are adultery and impotency of the husband, or where the marriage is voidable for non-consummation. There is no inequality between the husband and wife as respects the offense of adultery; either party may obtain a divorce for the adultery of the other. Parliament has recently declared that divorces granted in any of the states of the American Union to Canadians who may have resided there for the mere purpose of obtaining same are of no validity in Canada, and if either of the parties marry again an indictment for bigamy is likely to follow. Jurisdiction of the provincial courts, and some of the powers incident to marriage exercised by courts in the provinces of Canada in which no courts exist. Nova Scotia.-Divorces may be granted by the court for divorce and matrimonial canses. Any marriage may be dissolved or declared null and void for impotence, adultery, cruelty, or kindred within the degrees prohibited in an act made in the ་ 2 20 APPENDIX. 1001 32d year of King Henry VIII, cap. 38. The powers of the court are similar to those of the court for divorce and matrimonial causes in England. The action of crim. con. has not been abolished. New Brunswick.—All jurisdiction in respect of suits, controveres, and questions concerning marriage and contracts of marriage and divorce, as well from the bond · of matrimony as divorce and separation from bed and board and alimony, are vested in the court of divorce and matrimonial causes, and the grounds of relief are frigidity or impotence, adultery, and consanguinity within the degrees prohibited by law. Prince Edward Island.-Divorces are granted by the lieutenant governor and coun- cil, sitting as a court. The causes are frigidity or impotency, adultery, consanguinity within the degrees prohibited by law. It appears that only two divorces have ever been granted in this province. British Columbia.-The jurisdiction and powers of the English divorce court, as constituted in 1857, were assumed by the supreme court of British Columbia, while that province was a crown colony of Great Britain, but grave doubts have from time to time been expressed as to its right to do so. At present only two of the judges of the court will hear applications for divorce—the other three maintaining that they have no power to do so. The grounds upon which divorces are granted are similar to those observed by the English divorce court. Ontario. -The high court of justice has power, under the old chancery jurisdic- tion, to declare a marriage void for fraud, duress, lunacy, and perhaps infancy. It has power also to grant alimony to the wife upon a proper case. Quebec. The provincial courts may declare a marriage void for impotency, and may also grant a separation from bed and board, which does not dissolve the matrimonial bond, but permits husband and wife to live apart. The grounds of separation are as follows: (1) Adultery on the part of the wife. (2) Adultery on the part of the hus- band, if he keep his concubine in the cominon habitation. (3) Ill-usage, outrage, or grievous insult, committed by either consort to vard the other. Manitoba, and Northwest territories of Canada.-The supreme courts of law in these provinces of Canada exercise a jurisdiction similar to the high court of justice in Ontario. DIVORCES GRANTED IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA FROM 1867 TO 1888, BY PROV. INCES. (a) By parliament. By the courts. Year. Total. Ontario. Quebec. Nova Scotia.. New Bruns- British Co- wick. lumbia. 1867 1868... 1 3 1869 1 1 2 4 4 1870... 2 1 1871... 1872.. 1873.. 1874... 2 2 1 3 1 3 4 1875.. 1 4 5 1876.. 1 2 1877.. 3 5 1 1878. 2 1 1 3 1 8 1879... 1 1 2 4 1880 3 5 1881 3 7 1882.. 1 1 6 1883. 3 7 3 13 1884.. 1 4 3 2 10 1885... 1886 1887. 1888... 4122 1 4 3 12 4 1 11 3 1 3 1 10 1 3 1 2 9 Total 19 t- 7 52 42 15 135 a No divorces were granted during the years specified in Prince Edward Island. Manitoba, or the Northwest territories. The population of Canada in 1871 was 3,635,024, and in 1881, 4,324.810, accord- ing to the censuses of those years. 1002 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ": . · CAUSES FOR DIVORCES GRANTED IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA FROM 1867 TO 1888, INCLUSIVE, BY PROVINCES. Cause. Ontario. Quebec. Nova Sco- tia. New British Brunswick. Columbia. Total. Adultery Cruelty Impotence Consanguinity. Total 18 7 44 39 14 122 1 7 2 10 1 1 2 1 1 19 7 52 42 15 135 DIVORCES GRANTED TO HUSBAND OR WIFE IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA FROM 1867 TO 1888, INCLUSIVE, BY PROVINCES. Granted to- Husband Wife Total. Ontario. Quebec. Nova Sco- tia. New British Brunswick. Columbia. Total. 11 8 95 25 2888 24 23 28 19 96 9 f9 6 66 19 7 52 42 15 135 DENMARK. The facts as to Danish laws were obtained from "Le Divorce et la Séparation de Corps," Vraye & Gode, Paris, 1887, Vol. II, sec. 950, pp. 494–496. The civil code in force in Denmark is very old, dating back to the middle of the 17th century. (a) It recognizes both divorce and legal separation. The legal grounds for divorce are: (1) Adultery. (2) Desertion. (3) Impotence. (4) Contagious disease, existing at the time of marriage, unknown to the other party. (5) Sentence to imprisonment or hard labor for life. (6) Mutual consent, when all the conditions of a legal separation have been complied with. The grounds for legal separation are: Cruelty, serious injuries, or other acts which render life in common intolerable. Such separation may also be granted by mutual consent, if demanded by both spouses reciprocally when further life in common seems impossible. Adultery ceases to be a cause for divorce if it has been provoked by the united bad conduct of both parties, as by excitement to debauchery, theft, etc. The same is true if the other party is equally culpable. The husband who continues to cohabit with his wife after having discovered her in flagrante delictu is not entitled to a divorce. Descrtion is simple if the spouse departed on business, or is absent with the consent of the other. It is malicious if the party disappears without reason and in spite of the opposition of the other spouse. In the first case, divorce can be granted only after five years of absence, and evidence that the return of the absent party is not impossible. In the second, a divorce may be decreed in favor of the deserted spouse after three years of absence. Impotence, to be a ground for divorce, must have ex isted prior to the marriage and must be incurable. In case of sentence to imprisonment for life a divorce can be applied for after three years if the condemnation is infamous, and only after seven years if it is not infamous. Pardon extinguishes the action for divorce. The applicant for a divorce can remarry after divorce, provided the judgment of a Sig. Bodio gives the date 1683. APPENDIX. 1003 the court makes special note of it. The defendant against whom a divorce is granted on the ground of adultery can remarry only after three years, by royal authority, and can never marry his or her accomplice in adultery. The same delay and author- ization are necessary to the marriage of a person against whom a divorce is granted on the ground of malicious desertion. In every case, if divorce is pronounced in the first instance, the applicant can remarry only after the expiration of the delay inci- dent to an appeal, or at least not until the defendant has given up the right to appeal. Divorced parties may reunite, but they must first obtain the authority of the depart- ment of justice and declare their intention before a clergyman. A new marriage ceremony is not necessary. The parties to a divorce may agree as to the custody of the children of the mar- riage; in case of failure to agree, the decision rests with the court. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN DENMARK FROM 1867 TO 1887, INCLUSIVE. (a) Divorces. Year. Marriages. Separa- tions. (b) Divorces. (b) Total. Marriages to one divorce. 1867 13, 225 1868. 12, 769 1869. 12, 971 1870 13, 134 1871 13, 207 152 327 479 28 1872. 13, 627 197 323 520 26 1873.. 14, 903 174 322 496 30 1874 15, 260 184 340 524 29 1875 15,915 187 334 521 31 1876 16, 180 Z 198 418 616 26 1877 15, 428 186 449 635 24 1878 14, 295 181 434 615 23 1879 14,287 197 409 606 24 1880. 14, 959 213 400 613 1881. 15, 529 223 354 577 122 24 27 1882 . 15, 496 1883 15, 642 1884 15,970 1885 15, 645 1886. 1887 14, 834 14, 726 a The returns as to marriages in this table (and also in the supplementary table for Copenhagen) are taken from the annual reports of the Danish statistical bureau-a department of the ministry of finance. The number of separations and divorces are taken from Bodio's monograph on divorce and were furnished Sig. Bodio by the Danish statistical bureau. b Judicial separation in Denmark is probably equivalent to limited divorce in the United States; divorces are absolute. MARRIAGES IN COPENHAGEN FROM 1867 TO 1887, INCLUSIVE. Year. Marriages. Year. Marriages. Year. Marriages. 1867 1.406 1875 2,539 1883 1868. 1, 371 2,699 1876. 2,343 1884 1869. 1, 505 2,908 1877 2, 199 1885 1870... 1, 511 2,714 1878 2, 144 1886 1871... 1,586 2,653 1879 2,079 1887 1872. 1,768 1880 2,515 2,263 1873.. 1.914 1881 2, 465 Total.... 1874. 1, 996 1882 45, 183 2,605 : 1004 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. FRANCE. Professor Edmund Robertson, in his article on Marriage," in the Encyclopædia Britannica, Vol. XV, p. 575, gives the following provisions of French law concerning marriage: "Articles 144-226 of the Code Napoléon prescribed the qualifications and condi- tions of marriage. The man must be eighteen and the woman fifteen years of age. A son under twenty-five and a daughter under twenty-one can not marry without the consent of the father and mother, or of the father only if they disagree, or of the sur- vivor if one be dead. If both are dead grandfather and grandmother take their place. A man after twenty-five and a woman after twenty-one are still bound for- mally to ask the consent of their parents. Until the age of thirty and twenty-five, respectively, this request must be repeated twice, and after the third application parties are at liberty to marry without such consent. Even after the age of thirty formal notice must be served on the parents or grandparents one month before mar- riage. If neither parents nor grandparents be alive parties under twenty-one require the consent of the family council. These rules apply to natural children when affiliated; those not affiliated require the consent of a specially appointed guardian. "Marriage is prohibited between all ascendants and descendants in the direct line, and between persons related by marriage in the same line, between brother and sister, between uncle and niece, and brother-in-law and sister-in-law. Before sol- emnization of marriage, banns are required to be published on two distinct Sundays, containing the names, occupations, and domiciles of the parties and their parents. The marriage can not take place until three days after the second publication, and if a year is allowed to elapse fresh banns must be put up. On the day appointed by the parties, and in the parish to which one of them belongs, the marriage is cele- brated by the civil officer or registrar reading over to them the various necessary documents, with the chapter of the code relating to husband and wife, receiving from each a declaration that they take each other for husband and wife, and drawing up the act of marriage. All this has to be done in the presence of four witnesses. Marriages contracted abroad between French subjects are valid in France if cele- brated according to the forms of the foreign law, provided the French conditions as to banns and consent of parents have been observed.” The Civil Code of France (Code Napoléon), as amended by legislation subsequent to its enactment in 1803, contains the following provisions relating to the causes for divorce and séparation de corps : (1) The husband may demand a divorce on account of the adultery of his wife. [Code Civil, Art. 229. ] (2) The wife may demand a divorce on account of the adultery of her husband. [Art. 230.] (3) The spouses may reciprocally demand a divorce for excesses, cruelty, or serious injuries, of one towards the other. [Art. 231.] (4) The sentence of one of the spouses to corporal and infamous punishment will be a cause for divorce to the other. [Art. 232.] In all cases in which a divorce could be demanded, the parties may apply for a separation, and the suit must be begun, examined, and decided in the same manner as all other civil actions; the separation can not take place by mutual agreement of the spouses. [Art. 306 and 307.] When a separation has lasted three years, the judgment of separation may be con- verted into a decree of divorce upon the demand of one of the spouses. [Art. 310.] The foregoing are the existing provisions of French law upon the subject of causes for divorce and séparation de corps, but these causes, and the very existence of divorce has been subject to fluctuation, as will be seen from the following statement of the history of French divorce laws, compiled from "Le Divorce et la Séparation de Corps," by Vraye & Gode, Paris, 1887, Vol. I, pp. 7–26. : APPENDIX. 1005 い ​Ancient laws.-The traces of divorce found in the ancient laws of France, such as permitting the husband to repudiate his wife if found to have been unchaste before mar- riage, were obliterated by the decree of the Council of Trent (1563), according to the spirit of which only marriages not yet consummated by cohabitation were considered dissoluble, and the couple so separated were obliged to enter, respectively, a convent or monastery. Up to the Revolution, separation only was authorized in France, and the causes thereof, neither limited nor defined, were left to the discretion of the judge. Jurisprudence, however, had to some degree fixed the causes of separation, among which were: maltreatment of wife by husband, or neglect to support her; false accusation of capital crime made by one spouse against the other; adultery by the woman; overt heresy by husband endangering the faith of wife, etc. No disease or defect of mind and body, however contagious or repugnant, was deemed to be suf- ficient cause for separation. This state of affairs was radically changed by the Rev- olution, during which the national assembly, yielding to the spirit and philosophy of the times, made the declaration that, "France must be allowed to enjoy the right of divorce, said right being the offspring of individual liberty, which is necessarily de- stroyed by bands indissoluble." Hence the enactment of the first statute law recog- nizing and regulating the right of divorce-the Law of 1792.—The causes or grounds of divorce, as recognized by this law. were as follows: (1) Mutual consent of the spouses. (2) Allegation of incompatibility as to temper or character by either of the consorts. (3) Frenzy, insanity, or mental derangement of either husband or wife. (4) Condemnation of one of the wedded to corporal or infamous punishment. (5) Crime, cruelty, or injury committed by one spouse towards the other. (6) Notorious licentiousness. (7) Desertion for two years. (8) Five years absence without news of whereabouts. (9) Emigration under certain circumstances. The decrees of December, 1793, also of April and October, 1794, enlarged still more the scope of the above law, by- (a) Authorizing the abandoned spouse to demand divorce after six months' deser- tion, and this without even a previous recalling of, or notice to, the absentee. (b) Granting leave to remarry: to husband immediately, and to wife six months after divorce, in lieu of one year, as before, to both. (c) Allowing the wife also to remarry immediately after divorce if previous to that she had been abandoned for ten months. (d) Permitting both spouses to demand divorce after a de facto separation of six months. (e) Granting divorce from absentee in foreign lands upon the simple fact of emi- gration. Owing to the wide extension of the grounds of divorce by the decrees just described, there were, as M. Glasson avers, during the 27 months following the promulgation of the law of 1792, 6,000 divorces pronounced in Paris alone, where for the year 1797 the divorces actually outnumbered the marriages. The law of 1798 restricted provision No. 2 of the law of 1792, making divorce upon the ground of allegation of incompatibility allowable only six months after final failure of attempts at reconciliation. This law made it obligatory upon all municipal authorities to proceed-also upon all teachers of public and private schools to take their pupils to the usual meeting places of the community every ten years in person and in state, there to make stern proclamation of the parties divorced during the previous decade, with the view of thus checking divorces. The law of 1803.-This law-abrogated in 1816 and restored again in its principal provisions during the year 1884-regulated more strictly civil procedure in marriage 1006 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 1 suits, re-introduced separation from bed and board, and limited the grounds of divorce to the following: (1) Adultery of the wife. (2) Adultery of the husband, if keeping concubine in the same house with wife. (3) Excesses, cruelty, grave injury of one spouse to the other. (4) Condemnation to infamous penalty of either of the spouses. (5) Mutual and persevering agreement of the wedded to separate, if said consent is expressed and established as prescribed. The law of 1816.-This law, said to have been inspired by the retrogressive ideas of the Restoration and the revived religious influences of the day, abolished divorce absolutely, permitting only séparation de corps, or that from bed and board. The law of 1884 re-introduced divorce under certain modifications. By force and virtue of this law- (a) Adultery by husband, even if the concubine is not kept under the roof of con- jugal domicile, constitutes cause for divorce. (b) Separation, after the lapse of three years and upon the demand of one of the spouses, may be converted into divorce by the court. (c) Condemnation to infamous punishment, if not at the same time corporal, ceases to be a ground for divorce. (d) Simple consent of both spouses to live asunder is excluded from the list of valid grounds of divorce. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN FRANCE FROM 1867 TO 1886, INCLUSIVE. Divorces. (b) Year. Marriages. (a) Separations. Divorces. Total. Marriages to one divorce. 1867 300, 333 1868. 301, 225 2, 181 2,272 2, 181 138 1869 2,272 133 303, 482 2, 332 1870.. 2, 332 130 223, 705 1,893 1871. 1,893 118 262, 476 1,171 1872 1, 171 224 · 352, 754 2,150 1873 2, 150 164 321, 238 2, 166 1874. 2, 166 148 303, 113 2, 242 1875 2,242 135 300, 427 2,292 1876. 2,292 131 291, 366 2,534 1877 .. 2,534 115 279, 094 2, 495 1878. 2, 495 112 279, 892 2,556 1879 2,556 110 282, 776 2.587 1880.. 2,587 109 279, 046 2, 624 1881.. 2, 624 106 282, 079 2,870 1882. 2, 870 98 281, 060 2,806 1883.. 2,806 100 284, 519 3, 010 1884 3, 010 95 289, 555 2, 821 1, 657 1885 4, 478 65 283, 170 2, 122 4, 122 6, 245 1886 45 283, 193 2,206 4, 005 6, 211 46 a The figures for the marriages in the foregoing table are taken from the Forty-ninth Annual Re- port of the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths. and Marriages in England for 1886, p. lxxx. b The figures for divorces were obtained from the ministry of justico in Paris. Prior to the adop- tion of the law of July 27, 1884, only séparations de corps were granted. By that law, as has been seen, divorce is permitted, and also after a lapse of three years séparations de corps may be converted into divorces. This will account for the large number of divorces granted since the law took effect. The character of the divorces granted-as to whether directly granted or after a prior separation-will be shown by the following supplementary table: -} APPENDIX. 1007 ཅན་ DIVORCES (NOT INCLUDING SÉPARATIONS DE CORPS) IN FRANCE, 1884 TO 1886. 1884. 1885. 1866. Year. Divorces. Direct. After sépara- tion de corps. Total. 108 1, 549 1, 657 1,960 2,705 2, 163 4, 123 1,300 4, 005 MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES OR SEPARATIONS IN FRANCE FROM 1802 TO 1886, IN- CLUSIVE, BY PERIODS. (a) 1802 to 1805 (b). 1806 to 1810... 1811 to 1815... 1816 to 1819 1820 to 1829 (c) 1830 to 1839 (e). 1837 to 1840 1841 to 1845. 1846 to 1850. 1851 to 1855... 1856 to 1860. 1861 to 1865 1866 to 1870.. 1871 to 1875 1876 to 1880. 1881 to 1886 Period. Marriages. Divorces or separations. Marriages to one divorce or separation. 881, 166 3,855 229 1, 144, 934 998 1, 147 1, 252, 546 899 1,393 883, 725 662 1, 335 241, 091 273 883 265, 029 442 600 1,090, 684 2,260 483 1, 411, 437 3,796 372 1,388, 087 3, 891 357 1, 403, 181 5, 636 249 1, 474, 320 7, 199 205 1, 508, 914 9,053 167 1, 433, 379 10, 831 132 1, 540, 008 10, 021 154 1, 412, 174 12, 796 110 1,703, 576 20, 608 83 a 'This table (except the ratios) is compiled from "Étude Démographique du Divorce." by M. Jacques Bertillon (part 1, pp. 90 and 95), and other official sources. Absolute divorces were allowed from 1803 to 1816; after 1816 only separations de corps (or limited divorces) were permitted, until 1884, since when both classes are allowed. The figures in the second column represent the number of divorces or separations granted during auy stated period. The absolute divorces granted since 1881, by con- version of former séparations de corps into divorce, are not included. b According to M. Bertillon, who quotes M. Louis Le Grand for authority, there were 206,149 mar- riages and 2,504 divorces in France in the year 1803, or 82.3 marriages to one divorce. The figures for the periods 1820-1829 ani 1830-1839 do not represent the total number of marriages au 1 divorces, but the annual averages during those periods. MARRIAGES IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF PARIS FROM 1867 TO 1887, INCLUSIVE. (a) Year. Marriages. 1867. 16, 730 1874. - 1868. 1869 18, 593 1875.. 18, 948 1876. 1870(b) 5,451 1877. 1871 (c) 10, 215 1878... 1872 21, 373 1879... 1873... 19, 520 1880.. Year. Marriages. Year. Marriages. 18,827 1881 18, 845 20, 993 1882 21, 443 18, 117 1883. 21, 187 18, 032 1884. 20, 562 18,278 1885 18, 906 20, 265 1886 19, 443 20, 601 1887 20, 502 a The figures for the years 1875 to 1885, inclusive, are taken from the " Annuaire Statistique de la Ville de Paris," VIe Année 1885, pp. 151–155. Those for the years 1886 and 1887 are from the " Tableaux Mensuels" for those years, p. 3. b The year of the siege of Paris. c No records for 1871 prior to May. Z 1008 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. DIVORCES IN PARIS (DEPARTMENT OF THE SEINE) FROM 1867 TO 1886, INCLUSIVE. (a) 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872.. 1873 1874 1875.. 1876 1877.. 1878 1879 1850 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 Year. Divorces. (b) Separations. Direct. After sepa- ration. 487 531 559 456 115 460 443 547 559 724 581 612 621 640 723 725 812 743 13 302 256 588 853 317 698 508 a The figures in this table were obtained from the ministry of justice in Paris. The department of the Seine includes Paris, divided into twenty arrondissements, the population of which in 1886 was 2,260,945, and the arrondissements of St. Denis and Sceaux, the populations of which in 1886 were 315,151 and 262,230, respectively, making the total population of the department of the Seine 2, 8€8,326. See explanation appended to first table on p. 1006. OCCUPATIONS OF HUSBANDS APPLYING FOR SEPARATION (ALLOWED OR NOT) FROM 1837 TO 1880, INCLUSIVE, BY PERIODS (ANNUAL AVERAGES). (a) Period. Proprietors, landholders, and liberal professions. Merchants and shop. keepers. Farmers. Workers, day laborers, and servants. Unknown professions. Total. 1837 to 1840 224 133 153 182 98 790 1841 to 1845 ... 324 243 169 216 91 1, 043 1846 to 1850 325 196 199 259 101 1, 0.20 1851 to 1855 445 327 247 469 41 1,529 1856 to 1860 411 371 291 742 98 1, 913 1861 to 1865 . 451 535 334 936 139 2,395 1866 to 1870 .... 529 542 400 1, 174 188 2, 833 1871 to 1875 .. 449 497 356 1, 101 244 2, 617 1876 to 1880 529 525 416 1,502 292 3, 264 p. 66. a From "Étude Démographique du Divorce," by M. Jacques Bertillon, MARRIAGES AND SEPARATIONS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF THE SEINE FROM 1837 TO 1878, INCLUSIVE, BY PERIODS. (a) 1837 to 1840. 1841 to 1845. 1846 to 1850. 1851 to 1855. 1856 to 1860.. Period. Marriages (annual aver- ages). Separations (annual aver- ages). Marriages to one separa- tion. 10, 871 76 143 12, 093 121 100 12, 573 122 103 14, 700 202 73 17,846 307 58 18, 677 382 49 20, 118 509 40 21, 402 425 50 21, 438 639 34 1861 to 1865.. 1866 to 1870 1871 to 1875.. 1876 to 1878. a Compiled from "Etude Démographique du Divorce," by M. Jacques Bertillon, p. 69. * APPENDIX. 1009 20267 M D- -64 Year. Husband. Wife. Total. LIMITED DIVORCES (SÉPARATIONS DE CORPS) AND ABSOLUTE DIVORCES IN 1 Actions brought by— FRANCE, 1867 TO 1885. (a) Limited divorces. Relating to children. Grounds of action. Result of action. Adultery Cross-actions. With. Without. Cruelty. Husband. of- 1867 275 2, 544 2, 819 125 | c1, 822 c991 2,720 1868 319 2,680 2, 999 155 1, 919 1,080 2,901 1869 445 2, 611 3, 056 145 1, 958 1,091 1870... 2, 959 307 2,171 2, 478 159 c1, 608 c844 1871. 157 2,413 88859 68 119 37 2, 181 254 384 158 36 2,272 288 439 65 147 30 2, 332 282 442 72 138 14 1,554 1, 893 241 344 1,711 67 c1. 104 c597 1, 652 48 64 1872 14 337 2, 456 1, 171 140 400 2,793 121 1, 731 1,062 1873.. 385 2, 653 86 148 27 2,465 2, 150 240 403 2,850 156 1,802 1874... 1, 048 2, 697 90 188 31 371 2, 513 2,884 2, 166 252 432 138 1,803 1, 081 2, 739 104 134 1875.. 45 412 2,585 2,997 2,242 235 407 182 1,920 1, 077 2, 881 105 169 21 1876 453 2,798 2,292 295 3,251 410 202 2,015 1,236 3, 093 107 211 43 1877... 419 2,797 2, 534 268 449 3, 216 175 2,066 1, 150 1878... 475 2,802 3, 107 78 178 28 2,495 291 430 3,277 222 2, 049 1,233 3,207 92 169 1879... 436 31 2,850 2, 556 283 3,288 438 200 2,156 1, 130 1880... 442 3, 226 85 139 2, 848 36 2, 587 290 3, 290 411 197 2, 106 1, 184 3,249 1881... 581 73 129 36 3, 107 2,624 259 3, 688 407 214 .1882... 2,363 1, 325 3,578 65 212 47 507. 3,016 3,523 2,870 317 501 182 2,260 1,263 3, 421 104 152 1883 28 589 3, 126 3, 715 2, 806 308 409 322 2, 455 1,260 1884 3, 800 64 134 39 530 3,086 3,666 3, 010 272 433 431 2,418 1, 248 1885... 3, 545 174 212 60 372 2,538 2, 910 2, 821 307 538 264 1, 826 1, 084 2,860 105 162 47 2, 122 331 457 Limited divorces decreed in preceding years made absolute. 1884 659 990 1885... 871 1, 439 1,649 2, 310 102 d198 d614 168 d1, 015 d997 1, 409 1, 968 95 225 131 320 8888 22 59 1, 549 2, 163 84 122 16 25 Absolute divorces decreed primarily. 1884 ... 49 1885.. 966 75 1, 364 124 2, 330 4 e55 e60 180 el, 071 | el, 249 68 1, 639 2 192 zi|n,.m「..2a| 2360 526 38 153 108 10 6 1,960 203 167 a Compiled from official sources. Slight discrepancies occur in this table in the figures for the years 1867, 1869, 1876, 1878, 1879, and 1884, and the means for their correction are not available. b By reason of reconciliation of the parties or for other causes. c In addition 1 not reported as to children in 1867, 26 not reported in 1870, and 10 not reported in 1871. d In addition 537 not reported as to children in 1884, and 298 not reported in 1885. e In addition 9 not reported as to children in 1884, and 10 not reported in 1885. Wife. crime. Conviction of Decreed. Refused. Stricken from the rolls. (b) {. 1010 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 1884.. 1885... 1884.. • 1885. Year. LIMITED DIVORCES (SÉPARATIONS DE CORPS) AND ABSOLUTE DIVORCES IN THE DEPARTMENT OF THE SEINE, 1867 TO 1885. (a) Limited divorces. Husband. Actions brought by— Relating to children. Grounds of action. Wife. Total. With. Without. Cruelty. Adultery of- Husband. Wife. crime. Conviction of Decreed. Result of action. Refused. Stricken from the rolls. (b) 1867... 1868... 440 535 335 200 530 15 19 6 487 22 26 498 599 321 278 575 18 25 11 531 33 35 1869.... 497 616 c 373 € 236 602 21 25 7 559 26 31 1870.... 394 496 c 297 c 174 492 20 15 4 456 19 21 1871.... 29 125 154 c84 c 63 145 14 2 3 115 11 28 1872.... 94 428 522 301 221 476 29 29 3 460 22 40 1873... 102 444 546 313 233 479 35 50 6 443 19 84 1874. 130 495 625 372 253 547 60 43 8 547 28 50 1875 135 523 658 381 277 621 39 41 7 559 40 59 1876 .. 175 639 814 475 339 756 34 84 7 724 43 47 1877.... 136 503 639 352 287 624 16 31 4 581 35 23 1878... 163 531 694 391 303 648 35 44 3 612 44 38 1879... 168 496 664 384 280 633 28 29 8 621 43 1880. 115 547 662 386 276 648 23 14 8 640 22 1881.... 158 597 755 458 297 719 19 45 11 723 32 1882.... 166 609 775 431 344 750 28 20 8 725 50 1883. 177 688 865 544 321 956 15 16 11 812 47 6 1881... 816 743 52 21 1885. 344 302 24 18 13 299 608 878 Limited divorces decreed in preceding years made absolute. Absolute divorces decreed primarily. 588 16 853 24 a Compiled from official sources. The statistics since the law of July 27, 1881, took effect do not analyze the returns for departments. b By reason of reconciliation of the parties, or for other causes. c In addition, 7 not reported as to children in 1869, 25 not reported in 1870, and 7 not reported in 1871. APPLICATIONS FOR LIMITED DIVORCE (SÉPARATION DE CORPS) IN FRANCE, 1837 1837 to 1840 1841 to 1845 1846 to 1850 1851 to 1855 .. 1856 to 1860 1861 to 1865 . 1866 to 1870 ... 1871 to 1875 1876 to 1880 Period. TO 1880. (a) 13 256 21 19 Per cent. of applications. By husband. By wife. 5.3 94.7 6.7 93.3 7.0 93.0 8.8 91. 2 9.6 90.4 10.8 89.2 11.5 88,5 12.5 87.5 13.6 86.4 a From "Etude Démographique du Divorce," etc., p. 116. 4 41 APPENDIX. 1011 1 RESULTS OF SUITS FOR LIMITED DIVORCE (SÉPARATION DE CORPS) IN FRANCE, 1837 TO 1880. (a) Annual averages- Percentages- Period. Granted. Refused. With drawn. Total. Granted. Refused. With- drawn. 1837 to 1840.. 1841 to 1845... 1846 to 1850.. 1851 to 1855.... 1856 to 1860. 1861 to 1865. 1866 to 1870 .. 1871 to 1875 1876 to 1880.. ་་ 2,559 69 156 790 71.5 8.7 19.8 103 181 1,043 72.8 9.9 17.3 114 188 1,080 72.0 10.5 17.5 155 247 1, 529 73.7 10. 1 16.2 198 275 1, 913 75.3 10.3 14.4 257 327 2, 395 75.6 10.7 13.7 268 399 2, 833 76.5 9.4 14. 1 232 411 2,617 75.8 8.7 15.5 278 427 3, 264 78.4 8.5 13. 1 a From "Étude Démographique du Divorce," etc., p. 167. CROSS-BILLS IN ACTIONS FOR LIMITED DIVORCE (SÉPARATION DE CORPS) IN FRANCE, 1841 TO 1880. (a) 1841 to 1845 1846 to 1850 1851 to 1855 1856 to 1860 1861 to 1865 1866 to 1870 1871 to 1875 1876 to 1880. Period. Average number of cross-bills filed- Per cent. of cross-bills filed by one party of limited divorces ap- plied for by the other. By wives. By husbands. By wives. By husbands. 7 34 10.0 3.5 10 27 13.3 3.7 16 58 12.0 4. 1 22 77 12.0 4.4 24 107 9.2 5.0 32 106 10.0 4.0 30 103 9.0 4. 4 50 149 11.0 5.3 a This table, taken from "Etude Démographique du Divorce," etc., p. 117, shows the average number of cross-petitions filed annually in actions for limited divorce by either husband or wife, and the number of cross-petitions filed by either party to each 100 petitions for limited divorce filed by the other party, by periods. CAUSES IN APPLICATIONS FOR LIMITED DIVORCE (SÉPARATION DE CORPS) IN FRANCE FROM 1837 TO 1880, INCLUSIVE, BY PERIODS. (a) Annual averages. Percentages. Period. Excesses, cru- elty, grave in- juries. Adultery of the wife. Adultery of the husband. Condemnation to infamous punishment. Total. Cross-petitions. Excesses, cru- elty, gravein. juries. wife. Adultery of the Adultery of the husband. Condemnation to infamous punishment. 1837 to 1840 699 32 42 17 790 88.5 4.0 5.3 1841 to 1845 2.2 946 50 63 25 1, 084 41 87.3 4.6 5.8 1846 to 1850 2.3 998 55 50 24 1, 127 47 88.6 4.9 4.4 1851 to 1855 2.-1 1,387 99 85 32 1,603 74 86.5 6. 2 5.3 1856 to 1860 2.0 1,750 128 97 37 2, 012 99 87.0 6. 4 4.8 1861 to 1865 1.8 2.237 159 100 30 2,526 131 88.7 6.2 4.0 1866 to 1870 1.1 2,730 138 74 29 2,971 138 92.0 4.5 2.5 1871 to 1875 2, 524 1.0 141 87 28 2, 780 133 91.0 5.0 3.0! 1876 to 1880 3, 176 1.0 165 87 35 3, 463 199 91.7 4.8 2.5 1.0 a Compiled from "Etude Démographique du Divorce," etc., p. 130. 1012 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. PARENTAL STANDING IN APPLICATIONS FOR LIMITED DIVORCE (SÉPARATION DE CORPS) IN FRANCE (ALLOWED OR NOT) FROM 1837 TO 1880, BY PERIODS. (ANNUAL AVERAGES.) (a) Application by parties- Percentage where situ- ation is known. Period. Without With Situation children. children. unknown. Total. Without children. With children. 1837 to 1840... 1841 to 1845. 1846 to 1850. 1851 to 1855. 1856 to 1860.. 1861 to 1865 1866 to 1875.. 1871 to 1875. 1876 to 1880. 264 374 152 790 41. 4 58.6 393 578 72 1,043 40.5 59.5 376 601 100 1, 080 38.4 61.6 585 904 40 1, 529 39.3 60.7 747 1, 126 40 1,913 39.9 60. 1 904 1,480 11 2,395 38.0 62.0 1, 018 1,808 7 2, 833 36.0 64.0 973 1, 187 1, 672 2,077 2 2,647 36.8 63.2 3, 264 36.4 63.6 a Compiled from "Étude Démographique du Divorce," etc., p. 137. DURATION OF MARRIAGES BEFORE APPLICATION FOR LIMITED DIVORCE (SÉPA- RATION DE CORPS) IN FRANCE FROM 1841 TO 1880, INCLUSIVE, BY PERIODS. (PER- CENTAGES.) (a) 1841 to 1845……. 1846 to 1850…. 1851 to 1855. 1856 to 1860 1861 to 1865... 1866 to 1870. 1871 to 1875.. 1876 to 1880... Period. Less than 1 year. 1 to 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 20 years. More than 20 years. 1321QIAal goal 21 24 33 21 21 26 31 19 2 23 25 33 25 25 32 24 27 33 18 27 36 19 1 21 228 28 34 29 33 16 ERREBR 17 17 15 17 18 a Compiled from "Etude Démographique du Divorce," etc., p. 152. UNITED KINGDOM. ENGLAND AND WALES. The information embraced in the following statement relative to Great Britain and Ireland is derived from Prof. Edmund Robertson's articles on 'Marriage" and "Divorce," in the Encyclopædia Britannica, and from examination of the statutes. The celebration of marriage in England is wholly regulated by statute. The two most important acts upon the subject are the 4 George IV, c. 76, and 6 and 7 William IV, c. 85. The former regulates marriages within the Church of England, but was intended to be of universal application, Jews and Quakers excepted, and the latter was passed for the relief of persons belonging to Christian denominations other than the Church of England. Under the first statute it is required either that banns be published or a license procured from the proper ecclesiastical authority preliminary to the marriage. Under the second, parties intending to be married may proceed, either by certificate of the superintendent registrar of the district without license, or by such certificate with license. In case of publication of banns seven days' notice must be given to the clergyman, specifying the names, residence, and duration of residence of the parties. The banns must be published on three successive Sundays in the church of the parish in which the parties dwell, or they may be published in a public chapel if authorized by the bishop. If either party is under age, publication of banns will be rendered nugatory if the parents or guardians of the minor express their objections thereto at the time of publication. APPENDIX. 1013 2. Before a license can be granted an oath must be taken as to the fact of residence, and, if either of the parties is under age, of parental consent, but if a marriage is solemnized without such parental consent it is, nevertheless, good. Such license is granted by the archbishop, bishop, or other authority for the celebration of the mar- riage within the church of the parish in which one of the parties shall have previously resided for fifteen days, but a special license may be granted for its celebration else- where. If the marriage is not celebrated within three months after publication of banns or issuance of license, banns must be republished or a new license issued before the marriage can take place. In case of marriage solemnized by authority of the certificate of the superintendent registrar without license, notice must be given to the registrar of the district or dis- tricts where the parties have previously resided for seven days, which notice is inscribed in a marriage-notice book open to public inspection at all reasonable times. The notice must be accompanied by a declaration as to absence of impediments, and in case of minors, as to parental consent, and must be posted conspicuously in the registrar's office for twenty-one days. The issuance of the certificate may be forbidden by any person whose consent would be necessary to ecclesiastical license. If not ob- jected to, the registrar's certificate will issue at the expiration of twenty-one days from the time notice was filed. Objection suspends the proceedings until the points made are decided by the registrar, who may refer to the registrar-general, to whom appeals may also be taken from the registrar's decision. In case parties do not desire to await the expiration of twenty-one days after notice, before having their marriage solemnized, they may proceed by registrar's certificate with license in the following manner: Notice must be given to the registrar of the district in which one of the parties resides, together with a declaration that he or she has resided therein for fifteen days, that there is no impediment, and if parental con- sent is necessary that it has been obtained. The notice is not exhibited in the regis- trar's office, and the registrar's certificate and license may be obtained at the expira- tion of one whole day after entry of notice. A registrar's license can not be granted for the celebration of a marriage in a church of, or according to the forms of, the Church of England. As to the solemnization of marriage, the place thereof must in all cases be stated in the notice and certificate, and it is provided by the act 6 and 7, William IV, c. 85, that in the case of persons wilfully intermarrying in a place other than that mentioned in the notice and certificate, etc., the marriage shall be null and void. This applies only to marriages other than by ecclesiastical license or publication of banns. All marriages must be solemnized between the hours of 8 a. m. and 3 p. m., (a) and in case of solemnization under authority of a registrar's certificate, either without or with license, in one of the following ways: (1) In a certified place of religious wor- ship, registered for the solemnization of marriage; in which case a registrar of the district with two witnesses must be present, and the ceremony must include a mutual declaration of assent by the parties, and a disavowal of any impediment; (2) at the superintendent registrar's office, with the same declaration, but not necessarily with religious ceremonies; (3) in a church, according to the usual form, the consent of the minister thereof having been previously obtained; (4) according to the usages of Jews and Quakers. (b) a Until 1886 the hours were between 8 a. m. and 12 m. b The Registrar-General's Report for 1886 shows that in that year out of a total of 196,071 marriages in England and Wales, 138,571 were celebrated according to the rites of the Established Church. Of the remainder, 8,220 were in the registered buildings of the Roman Catholics; 22,969 in those of other Christian denominations; 47 were among the Quakers; 674 among the Jews, while 25,590 were celebrated in the registrar's office. No statement seems to be given showing how many of the latter were without any religious ceremony. ! 1014 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. The officiating person, the partics married, the registrar (in case his presence is required), and the witnesses must all sign the record of the marriage, which record is entered in a book of Records of Marriage. Returns must be made quarterly to the registrar-general. There are two classes of disabilities which affect the validity of a marriage contracted in violation thereof, viz, canonical and civil disabilities. The canonical disabilities are those formerly under the cognizance of the ecclesiastical courts, and these were physical incapacity (i. e., impotence) and proximity of relationship. By the act 5 and 6 William IV, c. 54, the latter was made a civil disability and rendered marriages solemnized in violation thereof null and void. The other civil impediments render- ing a marriage void are, the fact that either party is already married and has a spouse still living, that either party is of unsound mind, that either party was under the age of consent at the time of marriage (14 for males; 12 for females). The effect of the canonical disability (impotency) is to render the marriage not void but voidable. Such a marriage is good unless set aside by regular process and sentence pronounced during the lifetime of the parties. In general, it may be said that the civil courts had no jurisdiction as to marriage and its incidents in England and Wales prior to 1857. By statute 20 and 21 Vic- toria, c. 85, passed August 28, 1857, the English court for divorce and matrimonial causes was constituted. This statute took from the ecclesiastical courts all jurisdic- tion "in respect of divorces a mensâ et thoro, suits of nullity of marriage, suits of jactitation of marriage, suits for restitution of conjugal rights," etc., and gave gene- ral jurisdiction over these subjects to the new court. By section 7 it was provided that "no decree shall hereafter be made for a divorce a mensâ et thoro; but in all cases in which a decree for divorce a mensa et thoro might now be pronounced, the court may pronounce a decree for a judicial separation which shall have the same force and the same consequences as a divorce a mensâ et thoro now has." By section 16 of said act it was provided that a sentence of judicial separation "may be obtained either by the husband or the wife on the ground of adultery, or cruelty, or desertion without cause for two years and upwards." As to divorce from the bond of marriage, section 27 provides that "it shall be law- ful for any husband to present a petition to the said court, praying that his marriage may be dissolved, on the ground that his wife has, since the celebration thereof, been guilty of adultery; and it shall be lawful for any wife to present a petition to the said court praying that her marriage may be dissolved on the ground that, since the celebration thereof, her husband has been guilty of incestuous adultery, (a) or of bigamy with adultery, or of rape, or of sodomy, or bestiality, or of adultery coupled with such cruelty as without adultery would have entitled her to a divorce a mensâ et thoro, or of adultery coupled with desertion without reasonable excuse for two years or upwards." The act provides that no divorce shall be granted if the court is satisfied that there has been collusion, connivance, condonation, or recrimination. The court is not bound to pronounce a decree of divorce on the ground of adultery "if it shall find that the petitioner has during the marriage been guilty of adultery, or if the peti- tioner shall, in the opinion of the court, have been guilty of unreasonable delay in presenting or prosecuting such petition, or of cruelty towards the other party to the marriage, or of having deserted or wilfully separated himself or herself from the other party before the adultery complained of and without reasonable excuse, or of such wilful neglect or misconduct as has conduced to the adultery." Provisions are made for the payment of alimony, and the recovery of damages against the particeps criminis. Section 57 of the act provides that after dissolution of a marriage "it shall be a Incestuous adultery is defined as "adultery committed by a husband with a woman with whom, if his wife were dead, he could not lawfully contract marriage by reason of her being within the prohibited degrees of consanguinity or affinity." APPENDIX. 1015 lawful for the respective parties thereto to marry again as if the prior marriage had beeu dissolved by death." In all cases of petition for divorce since 1860 the decrees are always in the first instance made nisi or conditional for six months, (a) at the expiration of which period they are made absolute, or if cause is shown to the contrary the decree nisi is reversed, or further inquiry ordered, or otherwise as justice may require. In 1873, the court for divorce and matrimonial causes, together with other superior courts, was merged in "one supreme court of judicature in England;” so that divorce causes are now heard in the first instance in the "probate and divorce division of the high court of justice," from the decrees of which appeal may be taken to the 'court of appeal." By act of May 27, 1878 (41 Vict., c. 19), it is provided that the court or magistrate before whom a husband is convicted of an aggravated assault may order, if satisfied that the future safety of the wife is in peril, that she shall no longer be bound to cohabit with her husband, said order to have the force and effect in all respects of a decree of judicial separation on the ground of cruelty. By act of Aug. 14, 1884, it was provided that the failure of a respondent in a suit for restitution of conjugal rights to comply with the decree of the court is to be con- strued as a desertion, and a sufficient ground for a decree of judicial separation; and a like failure in case of adultery by the respondent is made equal to "adultery coupled with desertion," and a ground for a decree nisi. SCOTLAND. The marriage laws of Scotlaud differ from those of England chiefly in the legal recognition of irregular marriages, and in somewhat less stringent rules as to the formalities. For example, in respect to formalities, marriages may be celebrated either in churches or private houses, and at any hour of the day. As to irregular mar- riages, according to Fraser a marriage may be constituted by declarations made by the man and the woman that they presently do take each other for husband and wife. These declarations may be emitted on any day, at any time, and without the presence of witnesses, either by writing, or orally, or by signs, and in any form which is clearly expressive of intention. Such a marriage is as effectual to all intents and purposes as a public marriage. The children of it would be legitimate, and the parties to it would have all the rights in the property of each other given by the law of Scotland to husband and wife. Although irregular marriages are valid, they are looked upon with great disfavor, and all the parties connected with the celebration of such marriages, especially in case any religious ceremony is included in the celebration, are subject to severe pen- alties, extending even to corporal punishment. By 19 and 20 Vict., c. 96, it is enacted that no irregular marriage shall be valid in Scotland unless one of the parties has lived in Scotland for twenty-one days next preceding the marriage, or has his or her usual residence there at the time. Before 1878 the publication of banns was indispensable to a regular marriage, but since the marriage notice act of that year the registrar's certificate of the publication of the marriage notice is sufficient, thus making the Scotch law practically conform in its general features to that of England. (b) The consent of parents is not necessary to the validity of marriage, even of minors, but marriage under the age of puberty, with or without such consent, is void. a Until 1866 a decree nisi was made for three months; in that year it was provided by 29 Vict., c. 32, that "no decree nisi for a divorce shall he made absolute until the expiration of six calendar months from the pronouncing thereof, unless the court shall under the power now vested in it fix a shorter time." b See article by F. G. Cook in Atlantic Monthly for February, 1888, pp. 260, 261. 1 1016 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. Absolute divorce is granted in Scotland on the ground of adultery of either spouse, or malicious desertion by either spouse of the other for four years. Adultery has been a ground for divorce since 1560 and desertion since 1573. Recrimination is no bar to an absolute divorce. Judicial separation is granted for adultery or cruelty. The party injured by the adultery of the other spouse has the right to choose either a judicial separation or a divorce. The effect of a divorce is to restore the parties to the status of unmarried persons, but the party guilty of adultery is not allowed to marry the particeps criminis if the name of such particeps criminis is mentioned in the decree. IRELAND. The marriage law of England in its essential features has been gradually extended to Ireland. The disestablished church in Ireland has privileges similar to those of the established church of England, to which it corresponds. The hours for marriage in Ireland are from 8 a. m. until 2 p. m. The presence of the registrar is not required when the marriage takes place in a registered building, but there must be two witnesses present. By act of 1845 the fee for issuance of cer- tificate of notice was one shilling. Ten shillings was the fee if marriage took place before the registrar with license, and five shillings if without license. By an act of 33 and 34 Vict., August 10, 1870, which took effect January 1, 1871, the present Irish court of matrimonial causes and matters was established. To it was given the jurisdiction formerly exercised by ecclesiastical courts or persons in Ireland in respect of divorces a mensâ et thoro; suits for nullity of marriage; suits for resti- tution of conjugal rights; suits for jactitation of marriage, and in all causes, suits, and matters matrimonial except in respect of marriage licenses. It is not found that the provisions of this act have been altered, and it is therefore presumed that the Irish courts are practically bound by the laws of the Roman Catholic Church and can not grant decrees of absolute divorce on any ground. (a) The "Criminal and Judi- cial Statistics for Ireland" contain returns of the decrees of the above-mentioned court for divorces a mensâ et thoro, without specifying their grounds. Dissolutions of marriage in Ireland must be sought for in the "Private Acts of Parliament." Two are recorded therein for 1886, but the causes for which they were granted are not specified. a The "Criminal and Judicial Statistics for Ireland," 1873, state "The jurisdiction as to divorce in Ireland is still founded on the precedent of the ecclesiastical courts, and corresponds to that which existed in England before the divorce court was estab- lished in 1857. A complete divorce in Ireland still requires a private act of parlia- ment." APPENDIX. 1017 TABLES FOR THE UNITED KINGDOM. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN ENGLAND AND WALES FROM 1867 TO 1886, INCLU- SIVE. Year. Mar. riages. (a) Judicial separation.(b) Dissolution of mar- riage. (b) Total. Marriages to one divorce. 1867 1868. 179, 154 176, 962 23 1869 176, 970 1870 181, 655 1871 190, 112 1872. 201, 267 1873. 205, 615 23 =*4222% 11 119 130 23 46 1, 378 3,847 25 159 184 962 154 176 1,032 166 188 1,011 133 155 1,298 215 238 864 1874 202, 010 36 194 230 878 1875. 201, 212 19 173 192 1,048 1876. 201, 874 27 208 235 859 1877 194, 352 49 249 298 652 1878. 190, 054 57 292 349 545 1879. 182, 082 38 358 396 460 1880 ... 191, 965 58 278 336 571 1881.. 197, 290 53 311 364 542 1882.. 204, 405 29 289 318 643 1883 206, 384 45 1884 204, 301 45 1885. 197, 745 1886. 196, 071 47 4434 334 379 545 348 393 520 33 396 429 461 325 372 527 Total.... 3, 881, 480 684 4, 724 5,408 718 a The figures as to marriages in this and the three succeeding tables were obtained from the "Forty- ninth Annual Report of the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England" 1886 pp. lxxi, lxxii. b These figures were derived from annual returns of the court for matrimonial causes, made to the home secretary, and published under the title of Judicial Statistics for England and Wales. MARRIAGES AND ABSOLUTE DIVORCES IN SCOTLAND FROM 1867 TO 1886, INCLUSIVE. Year. Absolute Marriages. (a) divorces. (b) Year. Absolute 1867... 22, 618 32 1878... 1868... 21, 855 41 1879.... 1869... 22, 144 36 1880... 1870.... 23, 854 42 1881.. 1871.... 24, 019 26 1882 1872... 25, 641 33 1883.. 1873.... 26, 748 28 1881.. 1874... 26, 390 48 1885... 1875... 25, 974 43 1886... 1876... 26, 579 68 1877... 25, 817 64 Total Marriages.(a) divorces. (b) 24, 358 65 23, 519 55 24, 505 80 26, 004 73 26,596 68 26, 855 63 26, 061 89 25, 256 74 24, 469 96 499, 262 1, 124 a For source of these figures see note a of the preceding table. b The statistics as to divorce were obtained in Edinburgh, through the courtesy of the registrar-gen- eral for Scotland. The figures for the years 1867 to 1879, inclusive, were derived from a paper on The Increase of Divorce in Scotland, prepared from official sources by Mr. John P. Coldstream, W. S., and those for the remaining years, from an examination by an agent of this Department of the Intimations of Divorce, being records of decrees given by the lords ordinary of the court of session, certified to the registrar general by the clerks of the courts. No attempt was made to compile the number of decrees for judicial separation in Scotland. Though such decrees are granted no returns concerning them were accessible either in print or in manuscript. 1018. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. A Mar- riages. (a) MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN IRELAND FROM 1867 TO 1886, INCLUSIVE. Year. Marriages to one divorce. Divorces.. Limited. (b) Absolute. (c) Total. 1867. 1868. 29, 742 1 27, 699 1869 • 27, 277 1870.. 28, 667 1871. 28, 960 b3 1 4 1872 26,943 2 > 2 1873 7,240 13, 472 25, 730 2 1 3 1874 8, 577 24, 481 2 2 1875 12, 241 --- 24, 037 1 1 1876. 24, 037 26,388 5 5 1877 5, 278 24, 722 3 1 4 1878. 6, 181 25, 284 3 3 8,428 1879. 23, 254 7 1880. 3, 329 20, 363 3 3 1881. 6,788 21, 826 4 4 5,457 1882 22, 029 1 1 22, 029 1883 21, 368 1 1 21, 368 1884 22, 585 1885 21, 177 1886. 20, 594 MO LO LO 3 3 7,528 5 5 4, 235 5 2 7 2, 942 a For the source of these figures see note a of the first table. b The facts as to divorces a menså et thoro (which have the force of the judicial separation of Eng- land, Wales, and Scotland) were compiled from the annual blue books, entitled Judicial Statistics for Ireland. Prior to January 1, 1871, divorce causes were decided by the Irish ecclesiastical courts. Since January 1, 1871, there has been an Irish court for matrimonial causes, which, while superseding the ecclesiastical courts, follows closely the principles of ecclesiastical law, and which has power only to decree divorces a menså et thoro. c For a divorce a vinculo matrimonii (equivalent to the English and Scotch "decree absolute" for dissolution of marriage) in Ireland a private act of parliament is required, and the figures bere given were obtained by searching the Private and Personal Acts of Parliament for the years 1867 to 1886, inclusive. MARRIAGES AND ABSOLUTE DIVORCES IN GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND FROM 1867 TO 1886, INCLUSIVE. 1867 1868 1869... 1870 1871 1872... 1873 1874 1875 ► A 1876 1877 ... Year. Marriages. (a) Absolute divorces.(b) Year. Marriages. (a) divorces. (b) Absolute 231, 514 152 1878. 239, 696 357 226, 516 64 1879. 228, 855 413 226, 391 195 1880 236, 833 358 234, 176 196 1881. 245, 120 384 243, 091 193 1882.. 253, 030 357 253.851 166 1883 254, 607 397 258, 093 244 1884. 252, 947 437 252, 881 242 1885 - 244, 178 470 251, 223 216 1886 241, 134 423 254, 811 276 244, 891 314 Total. 4,873, 868 5, 854 a For the source of these figures see note a of the first table. b This column gives the aggregate of decrees absolute for England and Wales and Scotland, and dis- solutions by private act of parliament for Ireland. GERMAN EMPIRE. The following statement of the marriage law of the German Empire is made from the work of Dr. Paul Hinschius on "The imperial law of February 6, 1875, for the registration of births and marriages and for the celebration of marriage," second edi- tion, Berlin, 1876. Dr. Hinschius is professor of law in the University of Berlin and a member of the Reichstag. The law has been in force since January 1, 1876, and takes the place of all local law. · · The legal ages at which men and women in the German Empire may marry are twenty and sixteen years respectively. All legitimate children must have the con- sent of the father if they are under the ages of twenty-five and twenty-four respect- ively. Dispensation may, however, be granted as to age in both these particulars. But if the father is dead, then the consent of the mother, and if a minor-who under APPENDIX. 1019 } the present law is any person under twenty-one years of age-that of the guardian also must be obtained. If neither parent is living, then the consent of the guardian in case of a minor is alone necessary. These rules apply also to illegitimate children, except that in their case the consent of the father is not required. Parents incom- petent to give or withhold consent are held to be civilly dead. Guardianship is left to the regulation of the several states composing the empire. The provisions of the law relating to fatherless children are applicable to children of illegitimate birth. Adopted children require the consent of the adopting father in those states of the empire in which the adopting parents have full parental rights. In all these cases, should consent be refused by the person authorized to give it, appeal may be made to the courts. Marriage is prohibited: (1) Among relatives of the ascending and descending line; (2) between full and half brothers and sisters; (3) between stepparents and children, or between parents and children in law of whatever grade, and all these restrictions shall apply whether the persons are of legitimate or illegitimate birth, and also even after the dissolution of the marriage out of which any of these rela- tionships may have sprung; (4) between an adopted child and a person adopting the same; wards can not marry their guardians nor the children of their guardians during the term of guardianship, but such a marriage once contracted is not consid- ered thereby invalidated. (a) Marriage is also prohibited (5) between a person divorced for adultery and the person with whom the adultery was committed. Women may marry only after ten months have expired after the termination of the former marriage. This, however, is subject to dispensation. Marriage can not be entered into unless the previous marriage be either (1) dissolved, (2) declared invalid, or (3) made null and void; but this provision is subject to dispensation. The legal consequences of a decision affecting a marriage under the above provis- ions of the imperial law are determined by the laws of the separate states, which take cognizance of any coercion, error, or fraud that may have occurred in contracting the marriage. Throughout the German Empire marriage may be celebrated legally only by the civil officer-who is the registrar of births, marriages, and deaths-of the com- munity (district) where one of the parties lives. The officer may, however, desig- nate any other civil officer for the service, but such designation must always be made in writing. Announcement must precede marriage and must be made in the community or com- munities where the parties live. If one of the parties is temporarily absent, the announcement must be made at the place where he or she may be at the time; and if either of the parties have removed within six months, then also in the community where the parties last lived. The applicants must prove the required facts touching birth and consent of parents or others whose consent is a prerequisite of marriage. Convincing oral statements, however, may be accepted by the officer, especially if he has personal knowledge of the circumstances. Dispensation from the announcement of proposed marriage can only be granted by the state, excepting in case of death- bed marriages. Announcements must contain the full names, the rank, profession or occupation, and place of residence of the parties and their parents; and these announcements must be made by being posted in prominent places for two weeks. If one of the places where announcement must be made is in a foreign country, then the required announcement must be accomplished through one insertion in a newspaper published and circulated in that country. But if a certificate from the proper officer of the town in the foreign country is produced, then the insertion in the newspaper is not required. a The validity of marriage is not impaired when contracted by military or civil officers or foreigners requiring under law previous permission to their marriage. Nor are marriages invalid when entered into without satisfying the legal require- ments touching dowry, property, etc. 1020 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. Marriage can not take place until two weeks have expired since publication, and the announcement is void if the marriage does not take place within six months. Two witnesses of legal age must be present at the marriage. The contract of mar- riage shall contain these two essentials: (1) An affirmative answer given by the con- tracting parties to the civil officer, who must interrogate each separately as to his or her willingness to take the other in marriage; and (2) the solemn declaration by the officer of the bonds. A record of the marriage must be kept by the registrar (or civil officer), giving names, religion, rank, profession, or occupation, place of birth, and residence, and also the names, rank, or profession, and residence of the parents and witnesses. A certificate of the marriage must be immediately given to the parties. A minister who shall perform the marriage ceremony before the certificate of the civil officer is produced shall be liable to a fine of 300 marks or imprisonment for not less than three months. The dissolution (a) of every marriage (whether by death or divorce), every declara- tion of invalidity and of nullity, must be entered on the margin of the original entry of the marriage. This law, strictly speaking, added no new causes for which divorces could be granted, but it abolished perpetual judicial separations, and made it legal for all who were, at the time of its enactment, living in such state of legal separation to sue for a divorce to take its place. It also allows all subjects of the empire, without regard to their religious status, to avail themselves of the laws relating to divorce which exist in their respective states. By this legislation, therefore, all German Catholics may now be legally divorced throughout the empire, notwithstanding the refusal of the church to assent to the dissolution of a valid and consummated marriage and to administer the sacraments to those who by so doing disobey its laws. (b) MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN THE GERMAN EMPIRE FROM 1867 TO 1886, INCLU. SIVE.* Marriages 1867 1868... 1869.. 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874.. 1875 1876 1877 1878.. 1879.. 1880 1881 1882 1883 -- 1884 1885. 1886 Year. Marriages. Divorces. † to one divorce. 363, 491 357, 862 384, 267 313, 961 336, 745 423, 900 416, 049 400, 282 386, 746 366, 930 347, 792 340, 016 335, 113 337, 342 338, 909 350, 457 3,912 5, 263 352, 999 5, 686 362, 596 368, 619 372, 318 5, 952 6, 161 60 6, 078 61 852583 86 67 62 61 The figures relating to marriage are taken from the "Statistisches Jahrbuch für das Deutsche Reich." Those from 1872 to 1886 appear in the Forty-ninth Annual Report of the Registrar-General of Great Britain. The figures relating to divorces from 1881 to 1885, inclusive, are from the published "Deutsche Justiz-Statistik," and those for 1886 from records in the Reichs Justiz-Amt. Complete sta- tistics of divorces in the German Empire prior to 1881 do not exist. The population of the empire, December, 1880, was 45,234,061, and the number of married persons was 15,358,904, or nearly 34 per cent. of the whole population. † In addition to the divorces there were marriages dissolved on account of nullity and invalidity, from 1881 to 1886, inclusive, as follows: In 1881, 57; in 1882, 79; in 1883, 78; in 1884, 95; in 1885, 64, and in 1886, 99. a The granting of divorces in the states of the German Empire is governed by the law of the state where the action is brought. b Representative German jurists claim that the law of 1875 is a practical re-estab- lishment of ancient Teutonic law. APPENDIX. 1021 MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN PRUSSIA, BAVARIA, SAXONY, AND WÜRTEMBERG FROM 1867 TO 1886, INCLUSIVE. (a) Year. Prussia. Bavaria. Saxony. Würtemberg. Marriages. Divorces. Marriages. Divorces. Marriages. Divorces. Marriages. Divorces. 1867.. 222, 466 43, 578 270 1868... 22, 077 396 212, 958 94 38, 077 315 23,939 1869. 440 216, 914 117 59, 726 295 23, 778 1870... 517 181, 539 121 43, 232 308 21, 035 1871... 493 196, 330 97 40, 707 211 21, 547 1872.. 496 255, 886 20, 763 89 52, 045 215 1873. 26, 140 618 253, 327 19, 533 104 48, 924 204 27, 807 1874.. 605 245, 224 18,211 126 45, 886 288 27, 190 1875.. 642 231, 331 16,759 127 45, 014 229 29, 086 1876. 611 221, 727 16, 421 149 42, 012 26, 606 758 1877 210, 357 15, 321 87 39, 372 1878... 24, 919 687 207, 716 14, 387 112 37, 565 1879. 24, 797 800 206, 752 13, 364 133 35, 067 1880. 25, 230 691 208, 456 b 907 12, 735 117 34,958 1881. 25, 626 209, 586 2, 329 13, 058 35, 538 191 1882.. 25, 861 649 217, 239 12, 294 2,306 95 37, 801 218 1883. 220, 748 26, 662 869 12, 523. 3, 577 35, 985 122 243 1884. 27, 367 887 225, 939 3,856 12, 208 150 36, 733 215 1885... 28, 818 872 230, 707 3,902 12, 429 130 36, 496 245 1886... 29, 286 981 231, 588 3,808 13, 264 37, 325 144 238 29, 849 917 13, 167 161 a Compiled from official sources. The marriages and divorces in Bavaria, Saxony, and Würtemberg do not, in some years, cover exactly the same periods; see first tables for each state. The number of divorces could not be ascertained for the years in which they are not stated in this table. b The number of divorces in Prussia for 1880 is much too small, being based on incomplete returns. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN BADEN, HESSE, ELSASS-LOTHRINGEN, AND HAM- BURG FROM 1867 TO 1886, INCLUSIVE. (a) Year. Baden. Hesse. Elsass-Lothringen. Hamburg. Marriages. Divorces. Marriages. Divorces. Marriages. Divorces. Marriages. Divorces. 1867.. 11, 677 19 6, 861 28 1868.. 12, 378 40 8, 627 3, 170 32 1869.. 13, 611 39 8, 660 4,040 36 1870.... 10, 607 35 3,658 6,560 28 1871... 13, 234 37 6, 899 3,247 35 1872 14, 599 3.274 41 8, 343 40 1873 15,719 13, 459 55 3, 919 7,916 27 1874. 13, 123 13, 020 63 4, 256 7, 785 33 1875 12, 520 56 12, 797 4, 249 70 7, 666 44 11, 536 1876 55 12,320 76 4.537 6, 982 45 1877... 11, 082 11,400 60 87 6, 945 4,617 44 1878.. 10, 187 67 10,861 96 6, 625 4,462 45 1879. 9, 989 87 10, 469 90 6, 328 4, 243 33 1880. 9, 705 10, 070 58 56 6, 318 4, 041 33 1881.. 9, 818 10, 028 $2 66 6, 423 4, 164 145 70 1882.. 10,051 104 10, 101 97 6, 501 4,050 191 64 10, 322 1883. 116 10, 234 95 6, 285 4, 165 188 64 1884... 10, 399 10, 303 130 87 4,282 6, 723 203 65 1885. 10, 543 128 10, 646 100 6, 960 4, 424 207 75 1886. 10,400 138 11, 161 143 4,314 7,085 225 53 10, 508 117 4,592 287 a Compiled from official sources. The number of divorces in Elsass-Lothringen from 1874 to 1880, inclusive, do not cover exactly the same periods as the marriages reported for those years. See the table for that province. 1022 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. POPULATION OF THE GERMAN EMPIRE DECEMBER 1, 1885, AND MARRIAGES IN THE EMPIRE IN 1885 AND 1886. (a) Prussia Political divisions. Bavaria Saxony. Baden... Hesse Würtemberg. ... Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Saxe-Weimar Mecklenburg-Strelitz Oldenburg Brunswick Saxe-Meinigen Saxe-Altenburg Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Anhalt.. . Schwarzburg-Sondershausen. Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt. Waldeck. Reuss (older branch). Schaumburg-Lippe Reuss (younger branch) Lippe Lübeck Bremen Hamburg Elsass-Lothringen Total.... Marriages. Population. 1885. 1886. 28, 318, 470 5, 420, 199 230, 707 36,496 3, 182, 003 29, 286 1,995, 185 13, 264 1, 601, 255 231, 588 37, 325 29,849 13, 167 10, 646 956, 611 11, 161 6, 960 7,085 575, 152 4,364 313, 946 2,470 98, 371 735 4, 623 2,505 714 341, 525 2,576 2,526 372, 452 3,238 3, 388 214, 881 1,682 1, 688 161, 460 1, 407 1, 168 198, 829 1, 494 1, 538 248, 166 2,279 2, 192 73, 606 581 581 83, 836 668 726 56, 575 451 342 55, 904 502 539 110,598 977 1, 110 37, 204 297 296 123, 212 1,030 1,051 67, 658 509 507 165, 628 1, 256 1,249 518, 620 4,344 4,592 1,564, 355 10, 400 10,508 46,855, 704 368, 619 372, 318 a From "Statistik des Deutschen Reichs." POPULATION OF THE GERMAN EMPIRE DECEMBER 1, 1880. (a) Population over 15 years of age. Political divisions. Population. Single. Married. Widowed. Divorced. Prussia Bavaria Saxony. Würtemberg Baden. Hesse • 27, 279, 111 5, 284, 778 2,972, 805 6, 591, 155 1, 419, 828 671, 675 9, 215, 872 1,584, 275 37, 162 1, 765, 821 293, 299 3, 108 1,067, 925 163, 825 1, 971, 118 8, 121 478, 305 663, 347 114, 071 1, 570, 254 413, 697 3,637 515, 242 89, 862 Mecklenburg-Schwerin Saxe-Weimar Mecklenburg Strelitz Oldenburg Brunswick . Saxe-Meinigen 936, 340 825 224, 254 317, 545 59, 660 577, 055 612 138, 753 207, 945 34, 977 309, 577 511 67, 840 114, 761 19, 682 100, 269 589 28, 767 34, 123 5, 459 337, 478 22 82,430 112, 615 22, 480 349, 367 177 82, 078 126, 509 21, 988 Saxe-Altenburg Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Anhalt.. Schwarzburg-Sondershausen. Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt... Waldeck Reuss (older branch) Reuss (younger branch). Schaumburg-Lippe. Lippe Lübeck Bremen Hamburg Elsass-Lothringen. 207, 075 558 46, 312 72, 612 12,862 155, 036 289 33, 016 58, 112 9,750 194, 716 435 42, 638 70, 854 12, 178 232, 592 412 48, 961 85, 898 13, 455 71, 107 385 14, 782 26, 457 4, 662 80, 296 160 17, 051 28, 850 5, 291 56, 522 136 13, 648 17, 590 50, 782 3,842 27 10, 167 19, 360 2, 658 101, 330 81 21, 933 36, 584 5, 910 ... 35, 374 218 8, 812 12, 351 2,049 120, 246 9 28, 614 39, 894 7,057 63, 571 43 16, 302 22, 144 3, 888 88 156, 723 40, 828 51,021 8, 680 453, 869 215 124, 673 157, 657 26, 600 1,566, 670 432, 302 2, 883 517, 820 108, 812 1, 359 Total.. | 45, 234, 061 11, 098, 821 | 15, 358, 909 2,637, 272 62, 062 a From "Statistik des Deutschen Reichs," 1883, Band LVII, verified from the Jahrbuch für das Deutsche Reich," 1883. แ Statistisches APPENDIX. 1023 J POPULATION IN 1880 AND 1885 AND MATRIMONIAL ACTIONS INSTITUTED IN THE GERMAN EMPIRE DURING THE YEARS 1881 TO 1885, INCLUSIVE, BY JUDICIAL DISTRICTS. (a) Judicial districts (Oberlandesge- richtsbezirke). Population. Matrimonial actions instituted. 1880. 1885. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. Augsburg · 907, 734 931, 658 54 47 45 59 51 Bamberg Berlin .. Braunschweig. Breslau.. Cassel 1, 175, 290 1, 169, 461 50 69 62 58 72 3, 389, 155 3,657, 698 1,429 1, 429 1, 515 1, 581 1,598 349, 367 372, 452 74 86 91 95 88 4, 007, 925 4, 112, 219 631 721 663 704 744 821, 526 823, 092 43 56 68 54 52 Celle.. Cöln 2,272, 418 2, 327, 800 205 230 220 217 241 3, 500, 800 3,713, 265 170 194 205 242 235 Colmar 1, 565, 670 1,564, 355 169 167 170 240 172 Darmstadt.. 936, 340 956, 611 126 130 131 123 130 Dresden 2,972, 805 3, 182, 003 1,358 1, 453 1, 436 1,510 1, 614 Frankfurt am Main 977, 713 1,019, 378 134 168 143 146 133 Hamburg 709, 308 786, 627 362 400 397 406 447 Hamm. 2, 456, 810 -2, 670, 635 197 227 220 205 238 Jena. Karlsruhe 1, 185, 982 1,228, 035 260 288 282 288 291 1,570, 254 1, 601, 255 138 162 147 159 217 Kiel Königsberg Marienwerder München Naumburg Nürnberg Oldenburg Posen. Rostock Stettin... 1, 127, 149 1, 150, 306 140 162 161 182 204 1, 933, 936 1, 959, 475 394 477 475 471 462 1, 338, 835 1,343, 121 229 256 297 319 325 1, 380, 260 1, 441, 901 105 147 148 112 151 2, 574, 332 2,707, 851 654 703 680 738 733 1, 144, 207 1, 180, 801 131 121 123 144 111 299, 022 304, 315 34 35 26 18 35 1,770, 400 1,780, 726 165 225 189 226 238 677, 324 673, 523 88 87 95 79 101 1, 540, 034 1, 505, 575 266 320 336 331 325 Stuttgart Zweibrücken 1, 971, 118 677, 281 1,995, 185 243 267 251 267 286 696, 375 55 87 89. 78 83 Total.. 45, 234, 061 46, 855, 701 7,904 8, 711 ε, 695 9,075 9, 113 a Compiled from official sources. The figures relating to population in 1885 are from the "Statis tisches Jahrbuch" for 1887, p. 7. The matrimonial actions referred to in this table include all classes of cases, viz: nullity, invalidity, divorce, aud restoration of conjugal rights. APPLICATIONS FOR DIVORCE IN COURTS OF ORIGINAL JURISDICTION IN THE GERMAN EMPIRE, 1881 TO 1885, INCLUSIVE, BY JUDICIAL DISTRICT'S. (a) Judicial districts (Oberlandesgerichtsbezirke). Augsburg. Bamberg Berlin.. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1881. 1885. 49 44 42 46 61 60 1, 419 1,420 1, 534 1, 569 Braunschweig Breslau. 60 70 76 8888 47 70 1,576 80 71 629 717 660 694 738 Cassel. 28 46 55 43 41 Celle.. 181 205 200 196 228 Cöln 168 188 199 233 225 Colmar 166 166 165 200 168 Darmstadt 114 117 115 111 115 Dresden.. 966 1.099 1,021 1, 142 1, 177 Frankfurt am Main.. 126 148 135 128 128 Hamburg 215 386 377 391 420 Hamm 192 227 219 201 238 Jena 216 232 229 226 248 Karlsruhe. 117 147 131 147 190 Kiel.. 136 157 160 172 202 Königsberg 389 466 471 466 453 Marienwerder.. 224 252 280 314 318 München.. 102 136 144 132 140 Naumburg 648 697 673 731 724 Nürnberg. 129 118 123 139 110 Posen. Oldenburg Rostock. 28 32 21 14 31 159 214 184 224 233 75 82 83 75 83 Stettin. 263 317 335 330 320 Stuttgart 149 181 172 175 187 Zweibrücken. Total... 55 86 $6 75 87 7,049 8, 014 7,959 8,323 $, 568 a Compiled from official sources. 1024 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. MATRIMONIAL ACTIONS CONCLUDED BY VERDICT IN COURTS OF ORIGINAL JURIS- DICTION IN THE GERMAN EMPIRE, 1881 TO 1885. (a) Judicial districts (Oberlandesgerichtsbezirke). Augsburg 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. Bamberg. Berlin. Braunschweig.. 668 Breslau. 349 288598 44 35 26 45 38 38 34 46 1, 105 1, 179 1,276 1, 294 47 55 68 66 79 510 570 573 565 Cassel 30 38 30 56 46 Celle 120 131 174 158 176 Cöln 127 118 162 200 184 Colmar 112 127 134 142 154 Darmstadt 99 88 92 104 102 Dresden. 1,037 1, 184 1, 145 1, 281 1,258 Frankfurt am Main 81 110 105 96 121 Hamburg 261 267 284 285 294 Hamm. 125 173 148 181 155 Jena 175 178 179 219 190 Karlsruhe 89 109 117 119 136 Kiel 83 98 148 156 153 Königsberg Marienwerder. München... Naumburg Nürnberg Oldenburg Posen. Rostock - 240 348 369 350 383 136 194 226 255 268 107 88 113 110 93 466 538 501 630 579 73 103 86 111 86 18 26 25 17 15 124 151 157 129 182 59 56 61 56 72 Stettin Stuttgart Zweibrücken.. Total.. 179 217 248 276 265 181 193 232 206 207 42 53 58 69 61 7,209 b5, 074 | b6, 348 | b6, 686 | 67, 068 a Compiled from official sources. b The details of the first four columns do not make the totals as reported, and the means are not available for making the necessary corrections. VERDICTS OF DIVORCE RENDERED IN THE GERMAN EMPIRE, 1881 TO 1885. (a) Judicial districts (Oberlandesgerichtsbezirke). 1881. 1882. 1883. 1881. 1885. Augsburg Bamberg Berlin 23 26 18 17 28 16 25 32 21 32 648 1, 094 1, 132 1, 242 1,221 Braunschweig Breslau. Cassel 35 32 51 45 49 321 468 528 527 515 16 24 24 39 28 Celle Cöln. 91 100 126 123 129 118 109 123 134 156 - Colmar Darmstadt 104 116 130 128 138 70 64 64 65 75 Dresden 649 869 887 872 982 - Frankfurt am Main 70 88 93 79 105 Hamburg. 224 233 253 258 261 Hamm. 97 139 126 146 144 Jena 119 109 149 164 165 Karlsruhe 66 91 95 87 100 Kiel. 67 86 124 122 134 Königsberg. 124 261 295 298 341 Marienwerder... 117 172 205 221 250 München Naumburg Nürnberg Oldenburg. Posen .. Rostock Stettin Stuttgart. Zweibrücken • 52 45 74 59 55 418 495 465 601 528 62 74 69 86 77 11 23 17 12 13 103 128 135 130 152 33 33 41 40 48 155 189 230 244 232 95 122 150 130 144 38 48 50 62 53 Total 3, 942 5, 263 5, 686 5, 952 6, 181 a Compiled from official sources. APPENDIX. 1025 ANALYSIS OF MATRIMONIAL CAUSES IN THE GERMAN EMPIRE, 1881 TO 1886. (a) Actions for nullity of marriage. Cases concluded— Year. In courts of original jurisdiction. Cases un- Total cases finished. considered. In court of In court of Total cases appeal error. concluded. Without By verdict. verdict. 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885.. 1886.. ****** 38 48 47 47 59 63 3 5 ODO LO OS OS LO CO 3 3 5 2 3 2 2 2 27**** 43 28 71 55 22 77 50 29 79 50 33 83 66 33 99 68 45 113 Actions for invalidity of marriage. 1881 39 12 1882 55 13 1883 47 1884 49 12 1885 57 10 1886 64 14 2**20* 8 2 1969 a 2 5 67 9 12 1 2 BRICES 55 73 64 77 89 245326 107 118 55 119 60 127 79 156 55 144 Actions for divorce. 1881 4, 496 846 169 1882. 5,822 1, 131 278 1883.. 6, 152 1, 176 291 1881.. 6, 551 1, 209 344 1885 6, 658 ► 1,280 317 1886.. 6, 557 1, 334 368 37 239145 5, 523 5, 519 11,042 7, 266 6, 454 10 7,659 6,759 13, 720 14,418 8, 148 6,937 15, 085 8,328 7, 179 15, 507 8, 296 7, 761 16,057 Actions for restoration of conjugal rights. 1881 501 103 9 1 614 431 1,045 1882 .. 423 140 16 1 580 292 872 1883. 440 134 11 585 311 896 1881. 421 153 21 1 596 341 937 1885 435 169 27 2 633 387 1,020 1866. 516 136 25 1 678 433 1, 111 All classes of matrimonial actions. 1881. 5,074 964 180 1882. 17 6, 348 6, 235 1,289 301 1883 36 6, 686 7,974 1, 321 6, 030 6,813 12,265 311 14,787 1881.. 40 7,068 8, 358 1, 377 7, 154 371 15, 512 1885. 45 7, 209 8, 861 1,464 7,371 385 16, 232 1886 46 7,200 9, 104 1,487 7.678 404 16, 782 40 9, 131 8, 294 17,425 a Compiled from publications of the "Reichs Justiz-Amt,`` Berlin, 20267 M D- D65 ! 1026 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. THURINGIA. DIVORCES PRONOUNCED IN THURINGIA DURING THE YEARS SPECIFIED. (a) 1871 1873.1874. 1875. 1878. 1863. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. By the sovereign Saxe-Weimar: By the courts. Saxe-Gotha: By the courts. By the sovereign Saxe-Meiningen: By the courts. By the sovereign Schwarzburg-Sondershau- sen: By the courts By the sovereign Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt: By the sovereign 39 34 26 25 23 24 27 29 26 32 33 2323 1 1 3 1 16 18 4 5 10 10 5 11 15 103 10 15 19 5 11 == 11 10 16 17 21 14 19 10 8 11 12 16 17 22 23 25 21 1 24 21 13 13 19 5 4 1 3 By the courts... 4 4 1 3 2 Reuss (elder branch): By the courts.. By the sovereign Reuss (younger branch): By the courts.. b2 By the sovereign 22 9 11 7 3 2 93 7 8 6 4 8 17 HCT 5 11 21 24 10 16 17 16 17 1 1 1 1 сл 5 5 4 1 8 сл 5 4 5 11 6 6 8 6 6 2 -ง 7 8 6 1 10 12 15 11 19 1 1 2 12 11 12 1 20 17 3 1 a Compiled from Signor Bodio's monograph on divorce, p. 41. No figures are given for the duchy of Saxe-Altenburg, nor for Saxe-Meiningen for the years 1870 to 1878, inclusive, nor for any portion of Thuringia for the years 1868 and 1869. b The divorces reported as granted by the courts in Reuss (younger branch) for the year 1863 cover the period from February 1 to December 3 of that year. ELSASS-LOTHRINGEN. (a) The grounds for divorce in Elsass-Lothringen are the same as those of Belgium, being the causes prescribed by articles 229 to 233 of the Code Napoléon, of 1803. Prior to the establishment of the constitution of the German Empire in 1873, which was subsequent to the acquisition of this territory in 1871 by Germany, only sépara- tions de corps (limited divorces) were permitted. Since the acquisition the same causes have constituted grounds for divorce. On February 6, 1875, permanent sépa- ration de corps was abolished by the imperial law. In detail the grounds for divorce are as follows: (1) Adultery of the wife; or of the husband, if he keeps his mistress in the family home. (2) Excesses, cruelty, or grave injuries committed by either party. (3) The condemnation of either party to an infamous punishment. (4) The mutual and persevering desire of both parties for divorce, upon proof that life together is insupportable. a The information concerning this province is compiled from official sources. * > A APPENDIX. 1027 MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN ELSASS-LOTHRINGEN FROM 1872 TO 1886, INCLU- SIVE. (a) ' Divorces. (b) Year. Marriages. Marriages to one divorce. Limited. (c) Absolute. Total. 1872 15, 719 1873.. 13, 123 1874 12, 520 1875 11, 536 22 325 21 56 33 55 1876. 11, 082 9 51 60 1877 .. 10, 187 1 66 67 1878 9, 989 87 87 1879.. 9,705 58 58 1880. 9, 818 82 82 1881 10, 051 104 104 97 1882 10, 322 116 116 89 1883 10, 303 130 130 79 1884 10, 543 128 128 82 1885 10, 400 138 138 75 1886. 10, 508 117 117 90 a The figures relating to marriage are derived from the "Monatsheft zur Statistik des Deutschen Reichs," and the "Statistisches Handbuch für Elsass-Lothringen," 1885. Those relating to divorce, from 1874 to 1880, inclusive, are from the last-named work, and from 1881 to 1886 from the "Deutsche Justiz-Statistik. The number of marriages from 1867 to 1871, and divorces from 1867 to 1873, coald not be obtained. b The divorces reported for 1874 cover the period from October 1, 1873, to September 30, 1874, and so for the succeeding years until 1880, in which year they are for the period from October 1, 1879, to December 31, 1880, after which they are reported for each year from January 1 to December 31. c Séparations de corps not reported prior to 1874 and abolished February 6, 1875. The cases reported since February 6, 1875, were probably instituted prior to that date. BADEN. The grounds for divorce in Baden include those of the Code Civil (Code Napoléon) of 1803, which have been embodied in the "Badisches Landrecht," as the body of codi- fied laws of Baden is termed. In addition to the five causes specified by articles 229 to 233 of the Code Civil of 1803, Baden has added article 232a, which provides three more causes for divorce. The causes in detail are as follows: (1) Adultery of the wife. (2) Adultery of the husband, if he keeps his mistress in the family home. (3) Sentence of either party to an infamous punishment. (4) On public proclamation of disappearance (Verschollenheit). (5) Absence from the country, through flight, for three years. (6) Insanity of three years' duration. (7) Mutual consent, upon proof that further life together is insupportable. Permanent separation from bed and board, which was permitted by the Code Civil, was abolished in Baden, as in the other German states, by the German imperial law of February 6, 1875. 1028 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR, MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN THE GRAND-DUCHY OF BADEN, (a) 1867 TO 1886. (b) Divorces. Year. Marriages. Limited. Total. Absolute. Marriages to one divorce. 1867 1868. 11, 677 2 17 19 615 12, 378 40 40 309 1869 13, 611 3 36 39 349 1870.. 10, 607 3 32 35 303 1871.. 13, 234 2 35 37 358 1872 14, 599 1 40 41 356 1873.. 13, 459 2 53 55 245 1874. 13, 020 2 61 63 207 1875 12, 797 70 70 183 1876. 12, 320 76 76 162 1877 11, 400 87 87 131 1878.. 10, 861 96 96 113 1879.. 10, 469 €90 c90 116 1880.. 10, 070 56 56 180 1881. 10, 028 66 66 152 1882. 10, 101 97 97 104 1883. 10, 234 95 95 108 1884. 10, 399 87 87 120 1885 10, 646 100 100 106 1886. 11, 161 143 143 78 a The population of Baden in 1871 was 1,461,562; in 1875, 1,507,179; in 1880, 1,570,251, and in 1885, 1,601,255. b The figures for marriages and divorces are taken from the Statistisches Jahrbuch für das Grossherzogthum Baden; "the "Statistik des Deutschen Reichs," and the "Deutsche Justiz-Sta- tistik." The footings in the Baden and Imperial publications are at variance in several cases in regarg to the divorces for the years 1881 to 1886, but those given by the Reichs Justiz Amt are given as beind the more likely to be corrrect. c The divorces reported for 1879 cover only the first nine months of that year. 1867... 1868.. 1869... 1870... 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874.. 1875... 1876... 1877. MATRIMONIAL ACTIONS IN BADEN, 1867 TO 1879. (a) Actions brought— Year. By husband. By wife. By both. Total. 14 58 72 17 69 5 91 20 77 2 99 20 73 5 98 27 81 1 109 24 74 98 26 89 43 1333535 104 36 104 1322 118 149 142 36 105 141 109 6 166 41 130 57 120 ས་ 7 178 7 184 1878. 1879 (b) a Compiled from official sources. b The figures for 1879 are for the first three quarters of the year. } APPENDIX. 1029 GROUNDS OF MATRIMONIAL ACTIONS IN BADEN, 1867 TO 1879. (a) Grounds of action. Year. Adultery. Cruelty. Insanity. Desertion or vaga- bondage. Infamous Mutual Total crime. agreement. 1867 10 53 2 1868 11 71 1869 12 74 1870 21 66 1871... 15 86 1872 17 69 1873. 18 87 1874. 25 113 5 1875. 31 104 3 1876. 28 100 1 1877.. 40 108 4 1878 35 127 4 1879 (b) 35 132 3 LO DO TË AD E-LO 30 DO LO 5273D OD LO OD 5 3 4 3 2121 5 2 5 2288 72 91 99 98 1 109 7 2 98 5 2 3 118 2 149 1 1 2 142 7 5 141 4 4 5 5 2 -47 6 166 178 184 1867.. 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873.. 1874 1875 1876.. 1877. 1878. 1879 (b) a Compiled from official sources. b The figures for 1879 are for the first three quarters of the year. RESULTS OF MATRIMONIAL ACTIONS IN BADEN, 1867 TO 1879. (a) Results of actions. Year. Divorces granted. Reconciled. Non-suited. Total. Limited. Absolute. 42 11 2 17 72 38 13 40 91 37 23 3 36 99 46 17 3 32 98 51 21 2 35 109 44 13 1 40 98 54 9 2 53 118 56 50 NARI 52 57 56 64 822208 30 2 61 149 70 142 13 76 141 87 166 26 96 178 30 90 184 a Compiled from official sources. b The figures for 1879 are for the first three quarters of the year. OCCUPATIONS OF HUSBANDS DIVORCED IN BADEN FOR THE YEARS 1876 TO 1880, INCLUSIVE. (a) Year. 1876... 14 8 7 3 3 9 6 1 25 76 1877... 16 4 11 8 1 2 13 6 1 22 84 1878... 1 1879 ... 23 2 5 4 8 4 1 36 89 13 2 5 10 3 13 7 2 29 84 1880. 11 2 10 3 7 6 16 56 a From Signor Bodio's monograph on divorce. The totals are somewhat at variance with those given in the first table. 1030 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. ނ BAVARIA. The laws of Bavaria are manifold and complicated, there being many towns with particular privileges granted them in the Middle Ages. In some matters relating to marriage, provisions from the ancient Austrian law, and from the Austrian Civil Code of 1811, were in force until the German imperial law of February 6, 1875, was enacted; but since 1870, at least, Bavaria has been gov- erned under three main systems of law, viz: Das Gemeine Recht (the common law), the Code Civil (Code Napoléon), and Das Allgemeine Preussische Landrecht (the gen- eral Prussian law). The provisions of the Gemeine Recht, or common law, touching marriage and divorce, are those of the Catholic law, under which no divorce is allowed in case of valid consummated marriage. The provisions of the Code Napoléon, and of the Allgemeine Preussische Landrecht are stated in the sections relating to Belgium and Prussia, respectively. In that portion of Bavaria governed by the common law, the Code of Maximilian, promulgated early in this century, obtains, and has embodied in statutes many of the doctrines of the common law. In 1871 nearly three-fourths of the population of Bavaria was under the dominion of the common law, and the remainder was about equally divided between the Code Civil and the general Prussian law. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN BAVARIA, 1867 TO 1886. 1867 1868 1869 1870. 1871 1872... 1873 1874. 1875.. 1876.. 1877.. 1878 1879 1880. 1881.. 1882. 1883 1884 1885 1886. Year. Marriages. (a) Divorces. (b) Marriages to one divorce. 43, 578 270 38, 077 315 59, 726 295 43, 232 308 40, 707 211 193 52, 045 215 242 48, 924 204 240 45, 886 288 159 45, 014 229 197 42, 012 39, 372 37, 565 35, 067 34, 958 35, 538 191 186 37, 801 218 173 35, 985 243 148 36,733 245 150 36, 496 245 149 37, 325 238 157 a The number of marriages for the years 1874 to 1886 are taken from "Monatshefte zur Statistik des Deutschen Reichs," and the figures for prior years from official Bavarian publications. For the years 1867 to 1870 the figures are for years ending August 31, and it is impossible to obtain the figures for years ending December 31 for this period. 44 b The figures for divorces are from the 'Ergebnisse der Zivil- und Strafrechtspflege bei den Gerichten des Königreichs Bayern" and the "Deutsche Justiz-Statistik." Until 1870 the statistical year (so far as divorce returns are concerned) ended September 30. For that year the figures given include the period from October 1, 1869, to December 31, 1870. For the subsequent years the figures given are for calendar years, and are comparable with the marriages. The figures for the years 1876, to 1880, inclusive, were not obtainable. 7 APPENDIX. 1031 MARRIAGES TO ONE DIVORCE IN BAVARIA, BY PROVINCES, FROM OCTOBER 1, 1862, TO DECEMBER 31, 1875, INCLUSIVE. (a) Province. Upper Bavaria Lower Bavaria Palatinate. Upper Palatinate and Ratisbon Upper Franconia…… Middle Franconia Lower Franconia and Aschaffenburg. Swabia and Nenstadt. Kingdom of Bavaria……… Marriages to one divorce. October 1, 1862, to Sep- tember 30, 1870. October 1, 1870, to De- cember 31, 1875. Per cent. of Catholic population of total popu- lation. 86 123 81 123 99 263 238 256 263 92 278 244 133 185 455 470 291 526 *****285 96 43 42 22 80 156 200 71 a Compiled from M. Bertillon's "Étude Démographique du Divorce,” p. 36. MARRIAGES TO ONE DIVORCE, BY RELIGIONS OF THE SPOUSES, IN BAVARIA FROM OCTOBER 1, 1862, TO DECEMBER 31, 1875, INCLUSIVE. (a) October 1, 1862, to September 30, 1870. Provinces. King- The spouses were— Upper Lower Bava- Bava- ria. ria. Palati- nate. Upper Palati- nate and Lower dom 1 Upper Middle Franco Franco- nia. uia. Ratis- Franco- Swabia nia and As- chaffen of and Bava- Neu- ria. stadt. bon. burg. Catholics. Protestants and Reformed. 83 Non-Christians.. Of different religions 8:88 81 526 250 714 357 526 256 156 196 227 200 116 313 182 159 189 66 200 238 108 117 October 1, 1870, to December 31, 1875. Catholics... 130 120 455 270 526 1 244 833 500 270 Protestants and Reformed 169 169 169 185 238 172 Non-Christians….. 213 Of different religions.. 81 213 204 Both periods. Catholics. 102 93 500 256 625 303 667 385 175 Protestants and Reformed. 88 185 185 133 250 200 164 Other Christ an religions.. 45 Non-Christians. 196 Of different religions 72 200 152 169 a This table is based on a table in M. Bertillon's "Étude Démographique du Divorce,” p. 38. HAMBURG. This account of the divorce law of Hamburg is from "Le Divorce et la Séparation de Corps," by Vraye & Gode, Paris, 1837, and from official sources in Hamburg. The divorce laws of Hamburg are partly statutory, promulgated in 1605, and partly decisions based on the common law, no complete codification having been made. Separation, other than the perpetual separation abolished in the empire in 1875, is 1032 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. } allowed. No changes have taken place in the divorce laws within the period covered by these statistics. Divorce may be granted for the adultery of either party, physical incapacity, and voluntary abandonment (desertio malitiosa), after two years' absence of the wife or three years of the husband. When the wife was pregnant by another man at the time of marriage the husband can demand a nullity, which is in reality a divorce. If the divorce is granted for adultery, the innocent party only can re-marry. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN HAMBURG, 1867 TO 1887. (a) Year. Marriages. Divorces. Limited. (b) Absolute. Total. Marriages to one divorce.(c) 1867 1868 1869 1870 3, 170 4, 040 3, 658 3,247 1871. 3, 274 1872 3, 949 1873 4, 256 1874.. · • 4, 249 1875. 4,537 1776. 4, 617 1877.. 4, 462 1873.. 4, 243 1879.. 4, 041 1880. 4, 164 18 127 145 29 1881 4, 050 31 160 191 21 1882 4, 165 42 146 188 22 1883 4, 282 44 164 208 21 1881. 4, 424 46 161 207 21 1885 4,344 60 165 225 19 1886 4.592 57 230 287 16 1887 4, 924 53 235 288 17 a The figures for this table were taken from various official documents in the statistical bureau of the tax department in the city of Hamburg and from the reports of the city government. These are temporary separations. c The census of December 1, 1880, showed that 93 out of every 10,000 persons over 15 years of age in Hamburg were divorced persons. The corresponding number for the empiro was 21. SUITS FOR DIVORCE IN HAMBURG, 1869 TO 1887. (a) Applications for- Applications for- Year. Total. Year. Total. Limited Absoluto divorce. divorce. Limited Absolute divorce. divorce. 1869... 19 71 90 1879. 16 91 107 1870... 14 68 82 1880. 62 290 352 1871... 16 75 91 1881. 67 156 223 1872... 25 106 131 1882.. 87 182 269 1873. 35 106 141 1883... 69 303 372 1874.. 25 129 154 1884.. 68 319 387 1875.. 36 106 142 1885. 88 354 442 1876... 30 141 171 1886. 91 387 478 1877.. 31 117 148 1887. 77 339 416 1878. 27 141 168 a Compiled from the same sources as the preceding table. The population of Hamburg, according to the official estimate, was 319,360 in 1869, and 538,750 in 1887. APPENDIX. 1033 HESSE. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN THE GRAND-DUCHY OF HESSE, 1867 TO 1886. (a) 1867 1868. 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874. 1875. 1876 1877 .. 1878.. 1879 1880 1>81. 1882 1883 1834 1885.. 1886. Year. Marriages. Divorces. Marriages to one divorce. 6, 864 28 245 8, 627 32 270 8, 660 36 241 6, 560 28 234 6, 899 35 197 8,343 40 209 7,916 27 293 7,785 33 236 7, 666 44 174 6,982 45 155 6, 945 44 158 6, 625 45 147 6, 328 33 192 6, 318 33 191 6, 423 70 92 6, 501 64 102 6, 285 64 93 6, 723 65 103 6, 960 75 93 7,085 53 134 a These figures are derived from the "Mittheilungen der Grossherzoglich Hessischen Centralstelle für die Landesstatistik." PRUSSIA. In addition to the imperial law of February 6, 1875, which has been already noted, (a) there are three systems of divorce law that are still operative in Prussia, viz: (1) Das Allgemeine Preussische Landrecht (the general Prussian law); (2) Das Gemeine Recht (the common law); and (3) the Code Civil. The general Prussian law is operative in the following territory, with population in 1880 (b) as follows: East Prussia West Prussia Brandenburg. Berlin. Posen Silesia Saxony Westphalia Total The common law affects territory with population in 1880 as follows: 1,933, 936 1, 405, 898 2,266, 825 1, 122, 330 1, 703, 397 4,007, 925 2, 312, 007 2,043, 442 16,795, 760 Pomerania. Schleswig-Holstein.. Hanover Hesse-Nassau Hohenzollern Total 1,540, 034 1, 127, 149 2, 120, 168 1, 554, 376 67, 624 6, 409, 351 The Code Civil of Napoléon is in force in the Rhenish Provinces, whose population in 1880 was 4,074,000. A. The provisions of the general Prussian law concerning divorces are based ou a See: German Empire, ante, p. 1018. b Peterman: Mittheilungen, Vol. IV, pp. 122, 123. } 1034 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. the edict of November 17, 1782, and allow the following primary and secondary grounds for divorces, (a) viz: I. Major grounds for divorce. (1) Adulte y of either of the parties. (2) Wilful desertion. (3) Refusal to perform atrimonial duties. (4) Self-caused impotency. (5) Assault by one of the parties upon the life, health, liberty, or honor of the other. (6) False accusation of serious crime preferred by one of the parties against the other. (7) Endangering the life, honor, or office of the other spouse. `II. Minor grounds for divorce. (8) Natural or inculpable impotency. (9) Frenzy or insanity. (10) Commission of crime by one of the parties against the other. (11) Disorderly conduct or mode of life. (12) Refusal of maintenance or support by the husband. (13) Unconquerable aversion. No new grounds of divorce seem to have been added to this law since 1867, but the following have been abrogated: (1) Engaging in a degrading occupation; and (2) change of religion. Concerning this latter cause and the effect of the imperial law of February 6, 1875, upon it, see Peters, op. cit., p. 30. In the application of the foregoing causes sodomy and other unnatural lusts are considered equivalent to adultery, as is also suspected criminal intimacy continued in disregard of the order of a court to discontinue it. Any intentional frustration of the "end of marriage" is tantamount to refusal to perform matrimonial duty. An incurable bodily disease of such a nature as to induce loathing or aversion, or to prevent copulation is equivalent to impotence. Insanity is a cause only when it has lasted a year without hope of improvement. By some jurists "idiocy" is excluded from the meaning of the law. "Disorderly con- duct or mode of life" includes incorrigible drunkenness or prodigality, etc. Uncon- querable aversion as a ground of divorce seems to be left largely to the discretion of the court. Divorce, as a rule, will not be granted for this cause except when the couple have a mutual aversion each for the other, and are childless; but exceptionally it will be granted if the aversion, though one-sided, is deep rooted and there no longer exists any hope of reconciliation, or the attainment of the prime object of marriage. Concerning procedure in divorce cases under the Prussian general law, see Peters, op. cit., pp. 2-88; concerning recrimination and condonation, see p. 50; and concern- ing the results of divorce, see pp. 54-67. Perpetual separation from bed and board (equivalent to limited divorce "forever" in the United States) was not allowed by the Prussian general law even before its abolition throughout the empire by the law of February 6, 1875; but if, in the course of the preliminary investigation by the court, there appears to the judge ground for the hope that the parties may become reconciled, he may, in certain cases, decree a temporary separation, not to exceed one year in duration. B. As the common law is uncodified it is very difficult to say exactly what causes for divorce are valid under it in all parts of the territory under its domain, but the following are clearly recognized : (1) Adultery of either party. (2) Sodomy or bestiality. (3) Wilful desertion; i. e., when the abode of the deserter is unknown to or outside the jurisdiction of the court. "Dio a This account of the provisions of the general Prussian law is based on Ehescheidung und die Ungültigkeits- oder Nichtigkeits-Erklärung der Ehe im Gel- tungsbereiche des Preussischen Allgemeinen Landrechts," by W. Peters; Berlin, 1881. APPENDIX. 1035 J (4) Quasi desertion; i. e., when the deserter defies or neglects the order of the court to resume married life. (5) Obstinate refusal to cohabit (sexually). (6) Cruelty and assault involving danger to life or health. (7) Sentence (for crime) to imprisonment in a penitentiary for two years or more. (8) For various and variable reasons the sovereign could, in Prussia, as in most of the states, pronounce divorce; sometimes on grounds not ordinarily recognized by the common law. It is open to argument whether the right now exists in Prussia. (a) (9) False accusation. (b) C.-The Rhine Province of Prussia is still under the Code Civil (Code Napoléon) of 1803 for France and 1809 for the Confederation of the Rhine. In the present code of the province (Rheinisches Civilrecht, edition of 1888) the causes for divorce are those of articles 229-233 of the Code Civil, for which see Belgium, ante p. 997. The "infamous punishment" (peine infamante) specified in art. 232 of the Code Civil is not recog- nized in Prussia as a cause for divorce when it amounts to civil death (mort civile); but certain kinds of imprisonment are recognized. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN PRUSSIA, 1867 TO 1886. (a) 1867... 1868... 1869... -1870.. 1871 (b) 1872... 1873... 1874. 1875 (b)... 1876... 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880 (b).. 1881... 1882 1883.. 1884. 1885 (b)... 1886.... Year. Marriages. Divorces. Marriages to one divorce. 222, 466 212, 958 216, 914 181, 539 196, 330 255, 886 253, 327 245, 224 231, 331 221, 727 210, 357 207, 716 206, 752 208, 456 c 907 209, 586 2, 329 90 217, 239 2,306 94 220, 748 3,577 62 225, 939 3,856 59 230, 707 231, 588 3, 902 59 3,808 61 a The figures relating to marriage were obtained at the Statistical Bureau of Prussia. Those relat- ing to divorce are derived from various issues of the " Justiz-Ministerial-Blatt für die Preussische Gesetzgebung." The number of divorces granted annually prior to 1880 could not be ascertained. b The population of Prussia in 1871 was 24,691,085; in 1875, 25,742,404; in 1880, 27,279,111; in 1885, 28,318,470, according to the censuses of those years. c The number of divorces reported for the year 1880 is much too small, being based on incomplete returns. ATTEMPTED RECONCILIATIONS IN DIVORCE CASES BY THE ECCLESIASTICAL AUTHORITIES IN PRUSSIA, 1869 TO 1879.* Year. Successful. ་ Unsuccess- ful. Total. Year. Successful. Unsuccess ful. Total. 1869.. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874... 2,875 3,662 6, 537 1875... 2,520 3, 032 2,992 5, 216 5,552 1876... 8.208 2,527 3, 129 3,226 5, 613 5, 656 1877.. 8,839 2,715 3,392 3, 222 5,876 6, 107 1878.. 9, 098 2,829 3, 377 3, 316 6, 206 6, 254 1879 9,570 2,688 3,700 2,737 6, 388 4, 912 7,649 * From L. Bodio's monograph on divorce, p. 37, wherein it is stated that ecclesiastical intervention in divorce cases, for the purpose of reconciliation, was required by law up to October, 1879, since when such intervention is not obligatory. a See, "Motive zu dem Entwurfe eines Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches für das Deutsche Reich," Band IV, p. 578; also, Hinschius: "Das Reichsgesetz über die Beurkundung des Personenstandes und die Eheschliessung," Berlin, 1876. b Hergenhahn: Das Eheschliessungs- und Ehescheidungs-Recht; Hanover, 1888, p. 54 f. 1036 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 1867.. 1868. 1869.. 1870.. 1871. 1872. 1873.. 1874. 1875... 1876.. 1877.. 1878.. 1879... 188) (c). 1881.. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885 (c). 1886.. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN BERLIN, 1867 TO 1886. (a) Year. Marriages Marriages. Divorces. to one divorce. 8, 271 326 25 8, 019 512 16 8,423 224 38 8, 814 559 16 8, 225 367 22 11, 481 470 24 12, 397 480 26 13, 106 481 27 14, 529 539 27 12,093 390 31 11, 006 580 19 10, 429 574 18 10, 431 b131 10, 829 412 26 11, 149 484 23. 11, 812 729 16 12, 252 788 16 13, 314 754 18 13, 866 714 19 14, 451 845 17 a The figures in this table (except the ratios) for the years 1867 to 1884, inclusive, are derived from the "Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Berlin." Those for the years 1885 and 1886 were obtained at the Royal Prussian Statistical Bureau, and the Berlin Statistical office. b The number of divorces reported for the year 1879 covers only the last three months of that year. c The population of Berlin in 1871 was 826,341; in 1875, 966,858; in 1860, 1,122,230, and in 1885, 1,315,287, according to the censuses of those years. DIVORCE CASES INSTITUTED IN BERLIN, 1879 TO 1884. (a) 1879 (b) 1880... 1881.. 1882... 1883. 1884. Year. Action brought by- Total. Husband. Wife. Both. 122 184 84 390 400 614 187 1,201 686 1,053 281 2, 020 848 1,411 524 2,783 878 1,343 533 2,754 1,013 1, 481 451 2, 945 a From the "Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Berlin.” b The figures for 1879 cover only the last three months of that year. GROUNDS UPON WHICH DIVORCES WERE GRANTED IN BERLIN, 1879 TO 1884. (a) Year. Adultery. Mutual *Wilful desertion. consent. Uncon- Cruelty. querable Felony. aversion. Other Imprison- Sick- ment. ness. grounds. Total. 1879 (b). 51 31 32 1880 (c). 147 103 106 23 1881. 137 120 136 27 1882. 278 188 147 1883... 271 196 194 34 1884. 238 210 163 36 **25*9 1 7 4 131 4 4 1 1 11 412 13 9 25 17 484 37 5 15 31 28 729 9 12 43 7 22 788 10 17 44 9 27 751 a From the "Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Berlin." The figures for 1879 cover only the last three months of that year. c The means are not available for correcting the discrepancy between the details and total as reported for the year 1880. APPENDIX. 1037 RELATING TO CHILDREN AND THE RELIGION OF THE DIVORCED IN BERLIN, 1879 TO 1884. (a) Religion. Relating to children. Year. Both spouses. Total. With. With- Protest- out. aut. Cath- olic. Jew. Dissent- ers. Protest- Christian Other aut and and Jew. sects. Catholic. 22 +74250 1879 (b) 45 86 106 1880.... 178 234 330 10 1881.... 192 292 408 7 13 1882... 342 387 604 10 1883.. 348 440 648 23 1884. 353 401 595 14 -23202 2 12 37 1 13 16 10 26 8 P+H318 16 37 51 60 12 74 15 96 10 131 c £12 484 729 783 c 754 a From the "Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Berlin." b The figures for 1879 cover only the last three months of that year. c The means are not available for correcting the discrepancies between the details as to religion and the totals as reported for the years 1880 and 1884. OCCUPATIONS OF HUSBANDS DIVORCED IN BERLIN, 1880 TO 1884. (a) Laborers Year. Commer- cial. Artisans. and jour- Servants. Army officers. Civil officials. neymen. Artists and liter- ary men. Other callings. Total. 1880 93 152 73 1881 119 150 104 1882. 151 258 152 1883... 169 280 159 1884 156 193 234 **NXX 23 37 52 33 50 54784 AAANK 30 23 13 412 29 25 13 481 50 44 15 729 52 41 46 -788 38 47 32 751 a From the "Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Berlin." SAXONY. The following statement of the divorce law of Saxony is taken from the "Sächsisches Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch," or civil code of Saxony, which superseded January 2, 1863, the "Gemeine Recht" (common law), and also all special laws whether civil or ecclesi- astical, and is in force in the entire kingdom of Saxony, which is co-extensive with the judicial district (Oberlandesgerichtsbezirk) of Dresden. The Saxon code follows essentially the principles of the common Protestant law in regard to marriage and its incidents. The grounds of divorce are: (1) Adultery of either spouse. (2) Sodomy or bestiality. (3) Criminal relation with children under twelve years of age. (4) Bigamy. (5) Wilful desertion for at least a year. (6) Refusal to cohabit continued for a year. (7) Self-caused impotency. (8) To the wife if the husband is afflicted with an incurable disease, duly attested by medical authority, and of a nature such as to render continuance of cohabitation dangerous to life. (9) Insanity, supervening after marriage, on the ground of which a spouse has been for three years in an asylum and declared by the physician to be incurable. (10) Assault of either husband or wife upon the other with intent to kill, or cruelty endangering life. 1038 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. 1 (11) The court has discretionary power to convert a judicial separation for cruelty or ill usage endangering the health into divorce. (12) Sentence, for a crime intentionally committed, to imprisonment for three years. (13) Habitual drunkenness, if after one year's separation from bed and board the guilty party has not reformed. (14) Change of religion if announced to the court within one year after the change. Disappearance of one spouse without tidings entitles the other (after a period vary- ing from five to twenty years, according to the occupation of the absentee) to demand an official declaration of death by disappearance (Todeserklärung), and upon obtaining it to remarry. The reappearance of a party declared to be dead is a ground for divorce of the new marriage of the other party, but the claim for divorce must be made within six months of the return. The grounds for temporary separation from bed and board are: (1) Serious quarrels. → (2) Likelihood that by the continued life together the health or lives of the chil- dren of a couple will be imperilled. (3) Leading an immoral life. Any person entitled to claim a divorce on the grounds given for it above may, with- out prejudice to that right, first sue for a separation. The maximum duration of a separation from bed and board is fixed by law at one year. Prior to November 6, 1875, in cases of mixed marriages, that is, of Catholics with dissenters, the suit for divorce was tried under the law of the church to which the plaintiff belonged, but by the ordinance of that year the members of all religious confessions were placed on an equal footing as regards actions relating to marriage and divorce, and all such causes were remanded to the civil courts. (a) MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES (INCLUDING ANNULMENTS) IN SAXONY, 1867 TO 1886.* 1867 1868.. 1869... 1870.. 1871 1872. 1873.. 1874.. 1875... 1876. 1877. 1878.. 1879 1880.. 1881. 1882 1883. 1884 1885 1886 Year. Marriages. Divorces. Marriages to one divorce. 22, 077 396 56 23, 939 440 54 23, 778 517 46 21, 035 493 43 21, 547 496 43 26, 140 618 42 27,807 605 46 27, 190 642 42 29, 086 611 48 26, 606 758 35 24, 919 687 36 24, 797 800 31 25, 230 † 691 25, 626 (+) (1) 25, 881 649 40 26, 662 869 31 27, 367 887 31 28, 818 872 33 29, 286 981 31 29, 849 917 33 * The figures relating to marriage are derived from statistical publications of the German Empire and of the kingdom of Saxony, found at the Statistical Bureau in Berlin. Those relating to divorce for the years 1867 to 1879, inclusive, are from the "Uebersicht der Civil- und Strafrechtspflege im Königreich Sachsen," and from 1881 to 1886, inclusive, from the "Deutsche Justiz-Statistik. .་ † Thз number of divorces reported for 1879 cover only the first nine months of that year. The number of divorces for the year 1880 were not ascertained. a Hinschius, pp. 197, 198, 248. APPENDIX. 1039 ་་ } DURATION OF MARRIAGES DISSOLVED (INCLUDING ANNULMENTS) IN SAXONY, 1866 TO 1879. (a) Year. Under 1. Years married. 1 to 5.6 to 10. 11 to 15. 16 to 20. 21 to 25. 26 to 30. 31 to 35. 36 to 40. Over 40. Total. 1866... 1867.... 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 4787829 108 107 75 40 18 เว 5 144 127 56 31 20 5 6 132 137 88 38 23 12 183 152 ! TLO pont C 4 5 1 84 54 18 10 6 149 167 86 45 25 12 113000 1 362 396 440 517 1 493 151 150 107 45 26 12 2 1 496 191 184 1 116 55 41 11 9 O 2 618 1873 4 184 186 133 52 31 11 605 1874. 8 190 210 128 52 28 18 1875 6 205 169 123 1876.. 14 246 236 128 1877 .. 18 236 181 135 1878.. 10 287 246 126 78 1879 (b). 16 212 199 136 73 22828: 66 29 8 73 30 24 66 30 12 25 19 30! 17 5 2211I3 2 1 642 2 611 1 758 1 687 1. 1 800 691 Total.. 119 2, 618 2, 454 1,521 768 374 176 60 21 LO 5 8, 116 a Compiled from publications of the Saxon ministries of the interior and of justice. b The figures for 1879 cover only the first nine months of that year. During the ten years from 1867 to 1876, inclusive, 5,420 marriages were dissolved by divorce (annulments not being included in that number) on the following grounds: Adultery, etc., 1,883; wilful desertion, 552; quasi desertion, 1,235; cruelty, 1,322; other grounds, 428. MATRIMONIAL ACTIONS OF ALL CLASSES INSTITUTED IN THE COURTS OF SAXONY, 1866 TO 1878. (a) Action brought by- Action brought b Year. Total. Year. Total. Husband. Wife. Husband. Wife. 1866 383 528 911 1873.. 533 1867 693 418 591 1, 009 1,226 1874. 643 1868 697 423 1,340 599 1,022 1875. 717 1869.. 752 433 1,469 . 616 1,049 1876.. 722 1870.. 839 391 560 1, 561 951 1877.. 746 1871.... 951 475 574 1, 049 1, 697 1878. 754 1872.. 974 576 698 1,274 1,728 i a Compiled from publications of the Saxon ministries of the interior and of justice. 1040 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. GROUNDS UPON WHICH MARRIAGES WERE DISSOLVED BY THE COURTS OF SAX. ONY, 1866 TO 1878. (a) Year. Nullity. Montal Impo- un- Other tency. sound- grounds ness. Divorce. Total. etc. Adul- Wilful Quasi tery, deser- deser- tion. tion. Total nullity and Cruel- Other ty, etc. grounds Total. divorce. 1866 3 1 5 9 94 27 101 106 25 353 362 1867. 4 2 7 13 107 34 101 105 36 383 396 1868. 10 14 24 100 34 130 117 35 416 440 1869 11 1870.. 11 1871 5 1872 2 1512 9 21 129 57 143 132 35 496 517 5 21 125 51 132 127 37 472 493 1873 5 1874 ·5 1875 1876 1877 1878 12 132 22 000500 8 14 177 42 119 100 44 482 496 10 14 233 50 139 148 34 604 618 8 13 204 66 134 140 9 14 241 74 125 143 1 8 12 255 67 96 135 7 10 312 77 116 175 11 15 277 84 91 171 19 21 317 69 114 208 2****5 48 592 605 45 628 642 46 599 611 68 748 758 49 672 687 71 779 800 Total.. 65 16 120 201 2,571 732 1, 511 1,807 573 7, 224 7,425 a Compiled from publications of the Saxon ministries of the interior and of justice. MARRIAGES IN THE GOVERNMENT DISTRICT OF DRESDEN, AND DIVORCES IN THE JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF DRESDEN, 1867 TO 1878. (a) Marriages 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875.. 1876 1877 1878 Year. Marriages. Divorces. to one divorce. 5, 714 136 42 6, 024 135 45 6, 149 170 36 5,477 156 35 5,930 150 40 6, 674 137 49 7,510 135 56 7,618 172 44 7,977 197 40 7, 536 231 33 6, 992 194 36 6, 908 245 28 a The figures in this table (except the ratios) were furnished by Herr Edelmann, director of the statistical office of Dresden. MATRIMONIAL ACTIONS BROUGHT AND CONCLUDED IN THE JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF DRESDEN, 1867 TO 1878. (a) Action brought by Cases concluded. Year. Total. Total. Husband. Wife. Nullity. Divorce. Conjugal Action rights with- restored. drawn. By death, etc. 1867 89 149 238 6 136 110 24 5 281 1868. 75 157 232 10 135 114 23 15 297 1869. 68 159 227 10 170 80 16 3 279 1870 92 132 224 8 156 102 11 3 280 1871 79 134 213 5 150 81 10 6 252 1872 111 188 299 6 137 103 22 5 273 1873 95 174 269 8 135 120 17 15 295 A 1874 114 205 319 4 172 113 23 11 323 1875 135 203 338 7 197 121 23 5 353 · 1876 152 226 378 3 231 121 17 5 377 1877.. 146 242 388 7 194 110 11 1 323 1878 138 255 393 9 245 117 3 5 379 a Figures obtained from same source as those in preceding table, and include actions for nullity, divorce, and restoration of conjugal rights, APPENDIX. 1041 GROUNDS UPON WHICH MARRIAGES WERE DISSOLVED IN THE JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF DRESDEN, 1867 TO 1878. (a) Nullity. Divorce. Year. Mental Impo. un- Other tence. sound- grounds. Adul- Wilful Quasi Cruel- | Total nullity aud Other Total. tery, etc. deser- deser- tion. tion. Total. divorce. ty, etc. grounds. ness. 1 3752 CO LO DI C627☹ 6 45 2 37 35 9 10 32 4 50 33 10 52 24 48 39 8 51 14 40 38 3 5 56 18 38 21 FELLE 17 136 142 16 135 145 170 180 13 156 161 17 150 155 5 6 67 6 25 25 14 137 143 7 8 58 11 32 3 9 9 4737 → 82 15 35 99 23 23 103 25 37 86 28 21 102 24 33 2222-8 24 10 135 143 21 19 172 176 32 20 197 204 42 24 231 234 40 • 19 194 201 56 30 245 254 1867 1868 1869 1870 2113 5 3 1871. 1 1 1872 1 1873 1 1874 .. 1 1875 1 1876 1 1877 1878. a Figures obtained from same source as those in tables on p. 1040. DURATION OF MARRIAGES DISSOLVED IN THE JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF DRESDEN, 1867 TO 1878. (a) Years married. Year. Under 1. 1 to 5.6 to 10. 11 to 15. 16 to 20. 21 to 25.26 to 30. 31 to 35. 36 to 40. Total. 1 1 142 4 145 3 2 1 180 2 164 155 3 143 1 143 176 2 1 1 204 3 2 234 5 1 201 9 254 1 x C G D OOO ON SO LO a 5577 1867... 2 46 49 25 13 1868. 2 34 51 35 14 1869.... 4 58 59 27 19 1870.... 4 58 59 21 13 1871.... 45 48 40 12 7 1872... 3 38 47 27 16 7 1873. 2 46 1874... 1 1875.. 5 1876... 5 1877... 6 1878.... 360238 30 41 12 9 55 53 34 17 11 53 64 49 19 10 72 76 47 19 10 69 53 39 21 7 84 42 20 7 a Figures obtained from same source as those in tables on p. 1040. WÜRTEMBERG. The following statement is compiled from "Das Staatliche Eherecht in Würtem- berg," by J. Weber, Augsburg, 1877: When the parties to divorce proceedings belong to different religious confessions, or to those not recognized by the state, the proceedings are determined by the Protest- ant laws. All proceedings must be in the courts of the district in which the husband lives, and in private, if requested by either party. The civil courts may grant absolute divorce to Catholics on the ground of adultery only, that being the only ground upon which permanent separation was allowed among Catholics prior to the imperial law of 1875. Permanent separation was allowed by the Catholic Church law on the ground of adultery alone, when it is fully consummated, either natural or unnatural, not forced or indulged in by mistake, but committed knowingly and wilfully; committed by only one of the spouses, and not brought about by the approval, acquiescence, or fault of the other consort, nor its commission, either directly or indirectly, condoned thereby, and when its commission is morally certain and proved beyond doubt. 20267 MD -66 1042 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. Temporary separation from bed and board may be granted to Catholics by the civil courts, for a definite or indefinite time, on the following grounds: (1) Apostasy from Christianity, conversion to Judaism or Islamism. (2) Apostasy from the Catholic Church to some other confession, when accompanied with the attempt to induce the other spouse to join in the apostasy. (3) Seduction to vice or felony, inciting to sodomy, pollution, etc. (4) Cruelty or assault and injury to life and health. (5) Long-standing grievance or mortification. (6) Diseases acquired by lust when the healthy consort is in constant danger of infection. (7) Wilful desertion. (8) Violation of duty endangering the civil or property rights of the other spouse. Besides the above, learned canonists extend the grounds of separation to the fol- lowing: (9) Dangerous mental derangement and mania for drink. (10) Impotence acquired during marriage.. (11) Pregnancy of the bride by a third party. (12) Sentence to imprisonment for years. The grounds for divorce among Protestants are as follows: (1) Adultery. (a) (2) Fornication with a third person; of a betrothed person after betrothal. (3) Wilful desertion. (4) Quasi desertion- that is, obstinate refusal to consummate marriage if of one year's duration; also the refusal by the wife to perform the ordinary duties of the household. (5) Attempt upon the life of a spouse. (6) Incest or sodomy. (7) Attempt upon the life of an own begotten child. (8) Sentence to penal servitude for ten years or more, if the other spouse is entirely innocent. (9) Cruelty and bitter enmity endangering the life of the other spouse, manifested after determination of judicial separation. Divorces may be granted on either of the above grounds when one or both parties are Protestants, when one is a Catholic and the other a Protestant, when one is a Christian and the other a Hebrew, and to persons not members of any church recog- nized by the state. No divorces for life from bed and board are granted. Temporary judicial separa- tions for one year from bed and board are pronounced between Protestants, and in mixed marriages, for aversion or cruelty. Among Hebrews divorces are granted for: (1) Actual adultery of the wife, even though the husband has committed a like offense. (2) Apostacy from Judaism. (3) Certain transgressions of Mosaic morals by the wife. (4) Wilful desertion, and wilfully withholding the means of subsistence from the wife. (5) Unlawful refusal to pay the "debitum conjugale." (6) Impotence of either spouse. (7) Loss of virginity by the woman before marriage. (8) Certain loathsome or dangerous diseased conditions of the husband. (9) Crime by the husband necessitating his flight to foreign parts. (10) Repugnance, hatred, or cruelty, under certain conditions. a The guilty party in a case of divorce for adultery is punishable by not more than six months' imprisonment if a prosecution is demanded. APPENDIX. 1043 Judicial separation among the Hebrews may be granted for one year for the fifth of the above causes (unlawful refusal, etc.). Also, for aversion or hatred, against either party, and for cruelty, if sufficient to warrant a final suit for divorce. When the husband has deserted the wife and does not live within the German Empire, suit for divorce may be brought where he last lived in Würtemberg. But if he still lives within the empire, the suit must be brought where he resides. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN WÜRTEMBERG, 1867 TO 1886. (a) 1867 (c) 1868 (c) 1869 (c) 1870 (c) ► 1871 1872.. 1873 1874 1875 .. 1876.. 1877 1878 1879 1880 1831 · 1882 1883 1884 1-85 1886 Year. Marriages. Divorces. (b) Marriages to one divorce. (b) d 94 d 117 € 121 97 20, 763 89 19, 533 101 18, 211 126 16, 759 127 16, 421 149 15, 321 87 14,387 142 13, 364 133 12, 735 ƒ 117 13, 058 (g) 12, 294 95 129 12, 523 122 103 12, 208 150 81 12, 429 130 96 13, 264 144 92 13, 167 161 82 a Compiled from official sources. b The figures from 1867 to 1875 include not only the cases of divorce, but also those of nullification (on account of fraud, impotency, etc.), as an accurate classification could not be obtained, and it coul·t not be ascertained whether the decrees of divorce from 1876 to September 30, 1879, were finally valid or not. The ratios are therefore only given for the years subsequent to 1879. c The number of marriages during the year 1867 to 1870, inclusive, could not be ascertained, but the annual average was estimated to be about 15,000. d Divorces from July 1, 1866, to June 30, 1867, and from July 1, 1867, to June 30, 1868. e Divorces from July 1, 1868, to December 31, 1869. f Divorces from January 1 to September 30, 1879. g Divorces from October 1, 1879, to December 31, 1880, not reported. DISSOLUTIONS OF MARRIAGE, BY CAUSES, IN WÜRTEMBERG, 1870 TO 1875. (a) Year. Stubborn refusal to cohabit. Adultery. Fraud. Impotence. Other grounds. Total. 1870.... 1871... 1872. 1873.. 1874.. 1875.. GAGAAN 26 46 42 54 49 58 228548 33 31 39 37 44 COM CIP HO 2 16 77 1 10 88 4 2 17 104 5 30 126 1 33 127 3 34 149 4 a Compiled from official sources. The means are not available for correcting the discrepancies between this table and the preceding table as to the number of dissolutions of marriage in the years 1870 and 1871. ITALY. The following statement of the law governing limited divorce (a) (Separazione perso- nale dei coniugi) in Italy is translated from a pamphlet on separation and divorce, by Sig. L. Bodio, director of the Italian Bureau of Statistics, published in Rome in 1882: "In Italy separation of married people is allowed by the provisions of articles 148-158 of the Civil Code, and the procedure is regulated by articles 806-811 of the Code of Civil Procedure. a Absolute divorce is not allowed by the law of Italy. 1044 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. "The grounds upon which a demand for separation may be based are determined by articles 150, 151, and 152, Civil Code, and are: (a) Adultery of the wife; (b) adultery of the husband if he maintains the concubine in his home, or notoriously in some other place, or under such circumstances that the fact constitutes a grave injury to his wife; (c) voluntary abandonment; (d) excesses, cruelty, threats, and grave inju- ries; (e) the condemnation of one of the parties for crime, unless the sentence was pronounced before marriage, and the other party was cognizant of the fact; (ƒ) the wife may demand a separation when the husband, without any good reason, fails to settle upon a place of abode, or, having the means, refuses to establish one in accord- ance with his condition in life. 66 Separation is obtained either by mutual agreement or cross-demand, or on the demand of only one of the spouses. The first stage of the proceeding is had before the president of the tribunal, who must endeavor to reconcile the parties. If the demand was mutual and the reconciliation is accomplished, the president of the tri- bunal will cause an entry to be made of the fact, and in this case the reconciliation extinguishes the right to demand the separation and causes its abandonment; if the attempt at reconciliation is not successful, the president will cause minutes to be taken, in which must appear the mutual consent given by the spouses to the separa- tion, and he must then send the parties before the tribunal, which on the statement made by the president either agrees to or denies the demand for separation. If the demand has been made by only one of the spouses, and the president has failed in his attempt at reconciliation, he will send the parties before the tribunal for trial of the case, where a regular judgment will be obtained in consequence of which the demand will be either agreed to or rejected." MARRIAGES AND SEPARATIONS IN ITALY, (a) 1867 TO 1886. (b) 1867 1868 1869 1870. 1871.. 1872... 1873. 1874 1875 1876. 1877.. 1878.. 1879 1880. 1831. 1882 1883. 1881.. 1885. 1886. Year. Marriages. Separations. (c) Marriages to one soparation. 170, 456 182, 743 205, 287 723 284 188, 986 554 341 192, 839 605 319 202, 361 493 410 214, 906 766 281 207, 997 230, 486 225, 453 214, 972 199, 885 213, 096 585 361 196, 738 615 320 230, 143 717 321 224,041 630 356 231, 945 597 389 239, 513 479 500 233, 931 556 421 233, 310 a The population of Italy by the census of 1871 was 26,801,154; by the census of 1881, 28,452,139. b The figures as to marriages were taken from the "Movimento dello Stato Civile," 186, p. 7; those for separations for the years 1869 to 1885, inclusive, were taken from the "Annual Statistics of Statistica Giudiziaria,” 1884, p. 83. The mar- Italy," 1886, p. 970; and the figures for 1885, from "Statistica Giudiziaria, riages do not include those of the province of Rome for the years prior to 1872. The separations do not include the provinces of Rome and Venice for the years prior to 1871. No figures are obtainable for the years 1867 and 1868 and for 1874 to 1878, inclusive, but the mean annual number for the years 1866 to 1879 is given in the following table as 432. c Equivalent to limited divorce in the United States. There are no absolute divorces granted in Italy. APPENDIX. 1045 CASES OF SEPARATION AND THEIR RESULTS. (a) Filed. Disposed of. Year. Num- ber. Mar- riages to one case. Separation granted. Separation refused. Abandoned, or parties reconciled. * Total. Num- Per ber. cent. Num- Per ber. cent. Nnm- Per ber. cent. Mean annual number, from 1866 to 1879 (exclusive of Venice and Rome for the years prior to 1871) 817 244 432 53.93 71 8.87 293 37.20 801 18-0 1,393 141 615 69.41 118 13.32 b 153 17, 27 886 1881.. 1,688 136 717 72.28 91 9. 17 b 181 18. 55 992 1882 1, 786 125 630 64.02 212 21.55 b 142 14.43 984 1883 1, 502 154 597 62. 51 16 1.68 342 35, 81 955 1884 1,235 194 479 53.28 15 1. 67 405 45.05 899 a Derived from "Annual Statistics of Italy," 1886, p. cciii. b For the years 1880, 1881, and 1882 the cases abandoned were not reported. APPLICATIONS FOR SEPARATION AND THEIR CA USES, BY JUDICIAL DISTRICTS, IN ITALY, 1866 TO 1879, INCLUSIVE (EXCEPT ROME AND VENICE FOR THE YEARS PRIOR TO 1871). (a) Judicial district. Suits brought by-- Both parties. By mutual consent. By separate demands. Husband. Wife. Total. Causes of suits. Adultery. Voluntary aban- donment. Violence and cru- elty. Threats and seri- ous injuries. Condemnation to criminal pun- ishment. Composite causes. Other causes. Ancona, Macerata and with Perugia 160 2 28 Aquila.. 23 15 79 45 269 83 Bologna 170 29 Brescia 239 1 52 215 ៥៨ 86 285 507 Cagliari 57 1 24 88 Casale Monfer- rato 119 3 41 269 432 Catania. 87 1 61 146 295 Catanzaro 43 6 31 127 207 Florence. 764 17 170 709 1,660 Genoa 191 23 87 200 501 Lucca 311 1 42 122 476 Messina 3 2 16 21 Milan. 1,279 13 179 1,185 2,656 Naples, with Potenza 198 8 GO 200 466 Palermo 40 2 52 268 362 Parma, with Modena. 119 13 43 61 236 Rome... 197 6 102 224 529 146 Turin... 789 6 115 617 1, 557 95 275 93882 89588578 23 233 61 24 18 35 33 201 17 90 74 28 96 136 118 3 188 75 115 134 26 30 131 2289 2222222 *8 22 ཙཨྰཿཏྠུ་ྐ ཆེc ཀྰཙཎྜ ཀྑཀྑཾ ཆེབྦོ 83 44 16 9 1 t-00 7 29 8 7 64 130 2 29 3 146 111 3 9 37 3 19 171 106 G 40 105 12 1 28 32 44 33 1 45 9 705 123 12 18 570 72 54 2 13 263 218 62 6 3 8 12 124 320 7 24, 1, 941 78 156 28 14 90 15 3 51 21 111 52 101 87 374 184 -- 90 00 1 10 6 7 54 8 163 458 Trani.. 28 3 61 197 289 41 59 116 30 29 12 Venice.... 289 5 63 155 512 59 61 115 143 4 9 121 Total...... 5, 106 Annual average. 365 8 91 353 111 1,269 4, 945 11, 431 817 932 1,835 2,787 70 131 1,675 61 475 | 3,616 199 120 4 34 258 a Compiled from Sig. Bodio's monograph on divorce, p. 22 et seq. 1046 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. Judicial district. APPLICATIONS FOR SEPARATION AND THEIR RESULTS, BY JUDICIAL DISTRICTS, IN ITALY, 1866 TO 1879, INCLUSIVE (EXCEPT ROME AND VENICE FOR THE YEARS PRIOR TO 1871). (a) Ancona, with Ma- Applications. Abandoned. tween the parties. Separation. Concluded after agreement be- Concluded without agreement be. tween the parties. Reconciled. Al- Disal- lowed. lowed. Abandoned. Disallowed. Allowed for the fault of- Hus- band Wife. Both. Judgment pending. cerata and Pe- rugia 269 Aquila 83 Bologna 285 Brescia 507 Cagliari 88 Casale Monferrato 432 Catania 295 2139214 20 118 42 10 20 3 18 149 21 61 234 5 འཆལ 47 3 22 8 11 7 38 575 7 3 4 4 3 112 14 42 13 7 10 1 11 46 9 1 12 4 1 1 31 95 24 76 45 114 18 21 7 23 28 59 80 4 59 25 6 7 Catanzaro 207 6 29 14 118 2 27 7 1 3 Florence 1, 660 2 109 680 84 707 • 13 45 12 3 5 Genoa. 501 55 146 45 173 12 44 16 4 6 Lucca 476 Messina. 21 Milan 2, 656 Naples, with Po- tenza.. 466 Palermo. 362 322 24 42 139 172 71 5 21 11 3 9 1 3 4 9 2 554 1,261 18 476 47 197 34 13 54 22 183 15 150 15 41 26 6 4 24 37 3 228 9 42 7 6 62 to t Parma, with Mo- dena. 236 22 Rome 529 28 23 118 1 39 8 17 9 23 116 81 201 9 18 Turin 1,557 138 743 46 101 53 348 ❤ Trani.. 289 80 13 24 4 92 10 30 Venico. 512 3 33 264 25 79 10 57 OONDO 6 2 6 4 62 72 54 2 15 5 16 20 6 15 Total.. 11, 431 151 1,207 4,398 708 2,815 279 1, 194 311 153 215 Annual average .. 817 11 86 314 51 201 20 85 22 11 15 a Compiled from Sig. Bodio's monograph on divorce, p. 22 et seq. NETHERLANDS. The following is the substance of the marriage and divorce laws of the Netherlands, as given in the Civil Code, which dates from 1838: The officers of the civil list, that is, registrars of births, marriages, and deaths, shall inscribe, in registers kept for the purpose, declarations of intention of marriage, and such statements shall mention the full names, ages, occupations, and residence of the persons to be married. When such declaration shall have been made in writing the officer of the civil list shall copy it into the register, and shall attach his signature to it. When satisfied that there is no lawful impediment to the marriage he shall pub- lish it. The documents authenticating the publication must also be recorded in order of date in the register and signed by the officer of the civil list. Should there be documents presented relative to objections to the marriage (on account of some dis- qualification) a marginal note of reference to them must be made on the document of publication. The documents of a divorce shall contain names, residence, and occu- pation of divorced parties, and the cause of the divorce, of which a copy shall be Mention shall be made in this of recorded in the civil officer's (registrar's) record. the authentication of the court that no legal objection existed to the divorce, and, by consequence, none to the marriage of the divorced parties. This instrument shall, according to its date, be recorded in the marriage register, and the party receiving the divorce shall be under obligation to take care that a note thereof shall be made APPENDIX. 1047 by the side of the instrument of marriage. Notice of intended marriage must be given in the prescribed place, and in case of private marriage it must be so stated. The declaration of the parties contracting the marriage, with statement of the degree of their blood relationship, witnesses, and formal recognition of illegitimate children, should there be any, must be recorded with the other facts already noticed as prescribed. Suits for divorce, as a rule, can be brought only in the place of the husband's resi- dence. Divorce can never be granted by mutual consent. The causes for which divorce may be granted, and which have not been changed during the period from 1867 to 1886, are as follows: (1) Adultery of either spouse. (2) Malicious abandonment. (3) Sentence to imprisonment for four years or upwards, when sentence 18 pro- nounced after marriage. (4) Severe bodily injuries or maltreatment endangering the life of the other. (5) By agreement after legal separation for five years or more. When one of the parties has been convicted of adultery the only formality needed to enable the other to procure a divorce is the presentation to the district court of a copy of the sentence, with evidence that the sentence is beyond the reach of lawful appeal. This restriction is also applicable when the divorce is sought on the ground of the sentence of one of the parties to imprisonment for four years or more. Applications for divorce for malicious abandonment must be made in the court hav- ing jurisdiction over the place of last residence, and can only be brought after the lapse of five years from the time the abandonment began. The wife, whether plaintiff or defendant, may be allowed alimony by the court during the pendency of the suit. The court shall also decide as to the custody of the children pending the suit. Reconciliation between the parties extinguishes a prior ground for divorce, and cohabitation of the parties as husband and wife constitutes such reconciliation; but if a suit is afterwards begun on account of a new reason, the old cause may also be alleged in support of the demand. A suit for divorce on the ground of malicious abandonment is extinguished if the abandoning party returns before the decree of divorce is pronounced; but if such party again leaves the common residence, the other party may after six months begin a new suit and allege the former abandonment in support of it, and in such case the return of the abandoning party can not extinguish the action. Separation from bed and board may be sought for any of the grounds for divorce, and also for violence, maltreatment, and outrageous insults. Such demands shall proceed like demands for divorce. Separation from bed and board may also be granted by the judge, at the request of both parties, without any specific cause being alleged. Such a separation, however, can be granted only to parties who have been married at least two years. Before making the application the parties must settle all the conditions of their separation by an authenticated instrument. The arrangements thus agreed upon are to exist during the pendency of the proceedings and must have the approval of the court, in order to be enforced by it if necessary. Separation of this kind entails separation of property, as if the marriage were dis- solved. The separation must be published, and until this is done it can not affect third parties. When the judge has granted the separation from bed and board, it shall have all the consequences provided in the agreement. Reconciliation terminates the legal separation, but the consequences of reconcilia- tion can take place only after publication of the fact. When parties have been separated from bed and board for one of the specified causes therefor, and such separation has continued for five years, either of the parties may make application for the dissolution of the marriage. Such application shall be denied if the other party fails to appear after having been summoned three times " 1048 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. from mouth to month, or, appearing, opposes the application or declares a readiness to become reconciled. If the summoned party agrees to the application, the parties shall be ordered to appear in person before one or more members, who shall endeavor to effect a reconciliation. If such endeavor fails, a new appearance shall be ordered at least three and at most six months after the first, at which the nearest blood-rela- tions of the parties in the ascending line shall be cited to appear. The court shall take the report of the commissioners, and if all the required formalities have been complied with, shall decide the case; but if there seems to be a probability of recon- ciliation, the decision may be reserved for a further period of six months. The sentence of dissolution shall be recorded in the records of the registrar of mar- riages, etc. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN THE NETHERLANDS, 1867 TO 1886. (a) 1867 1868. 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873.. 1874. 1875 1876. 1877.. .. 1878 1879... 1880. 1881 1882 1883. 1884. 1885 1886. Divorces. (b) Year. Marriages Marriages. Limited. Absolute. to ono divorce. (c) Total. 29, 935 20 113 133 225 27, 680 23 111 134 207 27,796 28 97 125 222 28, 632 36 120 156 184 28, 991 30 121 151 192 30, 189 15 97 112 270 31, 671 21 131 152 208 31, 353 29 154 183 171 31, 553 35 151 186 170 31, 699 25 153 178 178 • 31, 470 51 155 206 153 30,710 71 163 234 131 30, 655 59 155 214 143 30, 349 75 151 226 134 29, 849 94 187 281 106 29, 571 84 168 252 117 29, 815 82 189 271 110 30, 528 95 196 291 105 29, 894 78 261 339 30, 298 103 315 418 888828 a The figures in this table (except the ratios) were obtained at the statistical office, of the depart- ment of the interior of the Netherlands at The Hague. Those relating to marriage are published in the Annuaire Statistique des Pays-Bas." " b "Separation" and "divorce" in the Netherlands correspond to limited divorce and absoluto divorce in the United States. c During the period from 1850 to 1864 the number of marriages to one divorce was 221, as shown by the first table on page 1019. DIVORCES AFTER FIVE YEARS' SEPARATION FROM BED AND BOARD, 1877 TO 1886. (a) 1877. 1878... 1879... 1880... 1881... Year. Divorces. 10 1882 14 1883. 6 1881 11 11 1885 1886.. Year. Divorces. 11 11 14 10 9 a The figures in this table were obtained at the statistical office of the dep irtment of the interior of the Netherlands at The Hague, and are included in the divorces as given in the first table. Divorces of this particular class were not registered separately prior to 1877. APPENDIX. 1049 LIMITED AND ABSOLUTĖ DIVORCES IN THE DIFFERENT PROVINCES OF HOLLAND, 1850 TO 1864, INCLUSIVE. (a) Per cent. Number of marriages- Provinces. Catholics in 1859. Protestants, in 1859. To one lim- To one abso- ited divorce. | lute divorce. To one of both. Northern Brabant.. 88 12 Dutch Limburg. Guelders South Holland North Holland 98 38 62 26 74 34 66 22244 1,818 2,778 1,099 1, 299 5, 263 1,042 1, 176 833 488 641 207 157 450 124 97 Zealand 27 73 1, 316 385 298 Utrecht 39 61 515 444 239 Friesland 9 91 769 526 303 Overyssel Groningue. Drenthe... The entire Kingdom…………… 33 67 1,818 820 565 9 91 1, 190 336 262 8 92 3, 701 610 524 39 61 806 301 221 a This table is compiled from Table VII, page 34, Part 1, of "Étude Démographique du Divorce," by M. Jacques Bertillon, D. M. P. CHILDREN OF MARRIAGES DISSOLVED BY DIVORCE IN THE NETHERLANDS, 1860 1860-'64 1865 1866 .. 1867.. 186 1865-'68 1876.. 1877.. 1878 . 1876-'78 Year. TO 1878. (a) Children. Absolute divorces. Number. Average to one divorce. 475 368 0.77 107 90 0.81 114 119 1.0 113 92 0.8 111 99 0.9 445 400 0.9 153 124 0.8 155 99 0.6 163 130 0.8 471 353 0.75 a The figures in this table are taken from Tables LIX and LX, on pages 139 and 140, Part 2, of "Etude Démographique du Divorce," by M. Jacques Bertillon, D. M. P. NORWAY. (a) In Norway the matter of divorce is regulated by the Code of 1687, as amended by subsequent legislation, particularly the laws of December 18, 1750, and October 12, 1857. According to these laws the causes for divorce are as follows: (1) Adultery of either of the parties. (2) Absence of one of the parties without the consent of the other and without proper cause, if such absence has continued for three successive years. (3) Absence without original intention of abandonment, but which has continued for seven years without news of the absent party. But if there are plausible grounds for believing that the absentee died through some well-known occurrence, as, for example, a battle or shipwreck, an absence of three years will be considered sufficient. (4) Natural impotence and all loathsome and incurable diseases existing prior to marriage. (5) The sentence of one of the parties to hard labor for.life, if no pardon be granted within the period of seven years. a See: "Le Divorce et la Séparation de Corps," Vraye & Gode, Paris, 1887, Vol. II, sec. 969; also, Sig. Bodio's monograph on divorce, pages 15 and 16. - 1050 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. {A In the above cases the ordinary courts are competent to take cognizance of peti- tions for divorce. But the king may also authorize divorce in case of the mutual consent of the parties. The divorce by mutual consent can be demanded only after a separation (quo ad thorum et mensam) for three years, on representations made by the pastor and the civil authorities. After the expiration of the three years, if there has not been a reconcilia- tion, the king grants an absolute divorce. In this case neither of the parties may marry again without special permission. Divorced parties may be reunited (a) in wedlock through a new marriage ceremony. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN NORWAY, 1867 TO 1886.* Year. Divorces. Marriages. Marriages to one divorce. Limited. t Absolute. + Total. 1867 11, 105 1868 10,709 1869 10, 635 1870.. 11, 176 29 4 33 339 1871 11, 610 32 4 36 323 1872. 12,302 25 6 31 397 1873. 12, 822 28 6 34 377 1874 13, 713 28 11 39 352 1875 14, 177 14 5 19 746 1876.. 14, 049 29 10 39 360 1877 14, 022 33 4 37 379 • 1878. 13, 681 42 7 49 279 1879. 12, 850 41 9 50 257 1880 12, 751 21 9 30 425 1881 12, 316 18 11 29 425 1832 12,874 20 9 29 414 1883 12, 710 29 8 37 344 1884 . 13, 247 47 7 54 245 1885.. 13, 024 12, 819 1886. * The figures in this table (except ratios) were obtained at the Central Statistical Bureau of Nor way, in Christiania. The number of divorces_granted from 1867 to 1869, inclusive, and during the years 1885 and 1886, could not be ascertained. The means are not available for separating the mumber of divorces granted by the king after three years' separation in cases of mutual agreement, from those granted by the courts for other causes, and hence the total divorces include both the decrees of limited and absolute divorce in such cases as may have been based on mutual agreement. Termed "judicial separations.' "} During the period from 1875 to 1884, inclusive, 79 absolute divorces were granted; of which 41 were on the demand of the husband, 22 on that of the wife, and 16 on that of both parties. ROUMANIA. The following statement is based on Sig. Bodio's monograph on divorce, pages 16 and 17, and "Le Divorce et la Séparation de Corps," by Vraye & Gode, sec. 971. The Roumanian Code, which is modelled after the Code Napoléon, besides the causes for divorce indicated in chapter 1, title vi, volume I, of that code, provides that divorce may be granted (1) when one of the conjugal parties has attempted the life of the other; or (2) when such party, being cognizant of an attempt on the life of the other by a third party, has not immediately made the fact known. The other causes for which divorce may be granted (taken from the Code Napoléon) are as follows: (3) To the husband for adultery of the wife. (4) To the wife for adultery of the husband should he take his paramour into the family home. a During the period from 1876 to 1885, inclusive, forty-two divorced couples were reunited in marriage in Norway. APPENDIX. 1051 (5) To either husband or wife for violence, cruelty, or serious injury; or, (6) The condemnation of one of the parties to an ignominious or criminal punish- ment. (7) The mutual and continued desire of both parties, expressed in the legally pre- scribed manner under the conditions and after proofs legally required, will be held sufficient proof that life together is insupportable, and that its existence, by their evidence, is a peremptory reason for divorce. In regard to the proceedings in divorce cases, the provisional measures that may be had during such proceedings and the consequences thereof, the provisions of the Roumanían Code are identically the same as those of the French Code. de corps (limited divorce) is prohibited. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN ROUMANIA, 1871 TO 1880. (a) Séparation 1871 1872 1873 1874. 1875 1876 1877 1878. 1879. 1830 Year. Marriages. Divorces. (b) Marriages to one divorce. 28, 010 276 101 35, 872 346 101 29, 257 365 80 30,962 350 88 32, 971 323 102 31,565 403 78 29, 312 353 83 35, 558 366 97 46, 481 378 123 39, 764 432 92 a Compiled from Sig. Bodio's monograph on divorce, page 61. b Corresponding to absolute divorce in the United States. Limited divorces are not allowed in Roumania. 1875.. 1876. 1877.... APPLICATIONS FOR DIVORCE IN ROUMANIA, 1875 TO 1877. (a) Suits entered. Year. In what year of marriage. By hus- band. By wife. Cross bills. Total. Within first. Second to fifth. Sixth to tenth. · Beyond tenth. 210 232 485 599 182 628 155 7 702 187 207 225 83 836 236 197 316 87 815 157 213 338 107 a Compiled from Sig. Luigi Bodio's “Separazioni Personali di Coniugi," etc., pp. 52, 53. CAUSES AND RESULTS OF APPLICATIONS FOR DIVORCE IN ROUMANIA, 1875 TO 1877. (a) Causos alleged. Results. Suits Adultery. Year. entered. Excesses, cruelty, etc. Of hus- band. Convic- tion of crime. Other. Decrees Decrees granted. refused. With- drawn. Of wife. 1875 ... 702 614 17 1876.. 836 770 13 1877. 815 760 === 37 9 25 323 37 4 12 403 13 24 12 6 353 828 78 301 78 355 69 393 a Compiled from Sig. Luigi Bodio's "Separazioni Personalı di Coniugi," etc., pp. 52, 53. 1052 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. RUSSIA. The grounds of divorce in Russia are given in "Le Divorce et la Séparation de Corps," Vraye & Gode, Paris, 1887, section 972, and were kindly verified by Mr. Shipoff-Schoultz, of St. Petersburg, who is engaged in codifying the Russian laws, Ho also and were found to agree with the Russian Civil Code, edition of 1887. states that no material changes have been made in the divorce laws of Russia within the period covered by the statistics. In Russia the members of each religious confession are amenable to the laws of their church in the matter of divorce. Though most of the Hebrews living in Rus- sia are found in Poland, or the government of the Vistula as it is officially designated, the great majority of the Poles are Roman Catholics. Most of the inhabitants of Finland are Lutherans. Divorce cases throughout Russia are within the jurisdiction of the ecclesiastical and not of the civil courts. In the orthodox Russian Church, the holy synod of the church has cognizance of all divorce cases, in that it is the court of last resort for matrimonial causes. The diocesan consistory is the court of first instance, or original jurisdiction, but the Civil Code sets forth the grounds on which the holy synod may grant divorces. This court sits in St. Petersburg, and consists of the metropolitans of St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Kief, with two bishops, a procurator-general, the Georgian exarch, and two or more priests. The holy synod also has jurisdiction of cases of mixed marriages, if one of the parties belongs to the Russian Church and the other to another Christian sect. In such cases if both parties demand a divorce the diocesan court passes upon the demand, but the approval of the holy synod is necessary to render a decree valid. Divorce by mutual consent is not legal for members of the Greek Church. Separa- tion is not recognized by law. Though marriage is a sacrament in the Russian branch of the Greek Church, this church has never apparently committed itself to the Roman Catholic position that only death can dissolve a legally consummated marriage. In Russia an unconsummated marriage may be dissolved if the spouse enters a religious order or takes a vow of chastity. In such cases the ecclesiastical authority pronounces a decree of dissolution, and the other party is theu free to marry again. For members of the orthodox Russian-Greek Church the following are the legal grounds of divorce: (1) Adultery of either party. (2) Impotence or sterility. (3) Condemnation to a punishment entailing the loss of civil rights, and exile or deportation. (4) Disappearance or absence without tidings for five years. Divorce in Poland is, of course, not legal for Roman Catholics. The grounds for legal separation, either perpetual or temporary, among the people of this faith in Poland are by the law of June 25, 1836, as follows: (1) Adultery. (2) Assault involving a serious injury. (3) Commission of crime, or forcing a spouse to commit crime. (4) Mutual consent, if the reasons are deemed sufficient by competent authority. In Finland, where, as before stated, the population is largely Lutheran, the law and procedure of divorce are based on the Swedish law, Finland having belonged to Sweden until 1809. Much discretion is exercised by the court in administration. The following grounds for divorce are recognized: (1) Adultery. (2) Cruelty, or assault involving serious injury. (3) Sentence for an infamous crime. APPENDIX. 1053 · 礴 ​(4) Desertion. (5) Incurable insanity. * Bigamy and forbidden consanguinity are given as causes for divorce in the returns of the holy synod, but they are not mentioned as causes therefor in the Russian Civil Code. It is probable that divorces reported under these heads correspond to decrees of nullity in other countries. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES AMONG THE ORTHODOX IN THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE, (a) 1866 TO 1885. (b) 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873.. 1874 . 1875 1876. 1877. 1878.. 1879.. 1880.. 1881. 1882 1883 1884 1885 Year. Marriages. Divorces. (c) Marriages to one divorce. 518,298 810 640 554, 860 892 622 563, 518 758 743 588, 548 715 823 607, 064 735 826 602, 278 798 755 625, 081 770 812 610, 320 863 707 602, 427 886 680 590, 776 1,005 588 601, 502 1,023 588 535, 073 949 564 468, 662 829 565 591, 173 984 604 646, 309 920 703 654, 496 943 694 664, 570 831 800 614, 170 1, 195 514 614, 297 J, 309 469 562, 364 1, 196 470 a According to the article on "Russia" in the Encyclopædia Britannica, Vol. XXI, p. 89, the number of Greek Orthodox in the Russian Empire (excluding two foreign bishoprics) in 1881 was estimated at 61,941,000. In the same article the marriages for the entire empire are reported as 835,433 for the year 1880. b The figures in this table (except ratios) are derived from the reports of the holy synod. c Including decrees rendered on account of bigamy and forbidden consanguinity. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES AMONG MEMBERS OF THE EVANGELICAL AUGSBURG CONFESSION IN THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE, 1867 TO 1886. (a) 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873.. 1874. 1875 1876. 1877 1878 1879. 1883 1881 1882 1883 ... 1884 1885 1886. Year. Marriages Marriages. Divorces. to one divorce. 18,470 147 126 17, 264 118 146 19, 231 125 154 23, 270 130 179 23, 841 146 163 22, 535 156 144 23,414 135 173 23,608 140 169 23, 523 166 142 21, 882 160 137 19, 991 136 147 22, 577 149 152 24, 426 166 147 22, 981 159 145 24, 276 144 169 26, 063 143 182 26, 173 169 155 26,006 164 159 24, 705 186 133 24, 992 188 133 a The figures in this table (except ratios) are derived from official reports furnished to the repre- sentative of the United States government at St. Petersburg. 1054 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES AMONG MEMBERS OF THE EVANGELICAL REFORMED CONFESSION IN THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE, 1867 TO 1886. (a) भ 1867 1868. 1869. 1870 1871.. 1872.. 1873 1874. 1875 1876 .. 1877. 1878. 1879 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883 1884 1885 1886. Year. Marriages. Divorces. Marriages to one divorce. 250 210 274 275 309 257 236 256 229 275 281 282 338 306 318 320 332 335 302 311 E-LO CO EQ & A LO CO CO DREZ «gi að b→ CGI 7 36 5 42 3 91 4 69 2 155 2 129 3 79 5 51 3 76 3 92 4 70- 3 94 6 56 7 44 4 80 3 107 7 47 3 112 6 50 1 311 a The figures in this table (except ratios) are derived from official reports furnished to the repre- sentative of the United States government at St Petersburg. CAUSES OF DIVORCE AMONG ORTHODOX IN THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE, 1866 TO 1885. (a) Year. ? Divorces granted on account of— All causes. Forbidden Impotence Bigamy. consan- and Adultery. ance. guinity. sterility. Disappear. Exile and civil death. 1866 7 8 6 11 633 145 810 1867. 25 4 6 17 681 159 892 1868 20 11 7 19 567 134 758 1869 ... 18 5 13 28 538 113 715 1870 25 14 8 47 523 118 735 1871 27 9 5 58 556 143 798 1872 12 5 4 50 515 184 770 1873 26 6 6 60 602 163 863 1874 39 4 9 74 596 164 886 1875.. 24 34 1876 29 1877 24 1878. 23 ~~207 6 62 661 218 1,005 15 80 650 247 1, 023 6 12 71 603 233 949 6 66 480 247 829 1879.. 20 5 25 76 618 244 084 1880 32 9 17 121 482 259 920 1881 32 6 11 171 418 305 943 1882 19 7 21 154 350 280 831 1883 65 8 35 295 471 326 1, 195 1884. 26 9 13 101 b846 312 1,309 1885 34 26 23 167 688 292 1, 196 a From the annual reports of the holy synod. The details for the years 1879, 1883, 1884, and 1885 do not make the totals given, and the material for correcting the errors is not at hand. b Five years had elapsed since the last war with Turkey. APPENDIX. 1055 * MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES AMONG ORTHODOX RUSSIANS IN THE DIOCESE OF VIATKA, 1866 TO 1885. (a) Divorces granted on account of- Year. Marriages. Forbidden Impotence Bigamy. consan- and guinity. sterility. Adultery. Disappear ance. Exile aud civil death. Total divorces. 1806... 18, 731 16 16 1867... 22, 337 16 3 19 1868 21, 709 27 4 31 1869.... 22, 700 1 1 18 7 27 1870 .. 27, 571 16 9 25 1871.... 24, 172 17 11 28 1872.... 24, 737 21 15 36 1873.... 24, 026 30 13 43 1874... 22, 002 1 1 31 15 48 1875.... 24, 300 39 10 49 .1876.... 22, 039 1 50 51 1877.... 19, 809 1 48 4 53 1878... 1879... 1880... 1881... 1882... 16,792 29, 729 25,001 8 4 12 1 83 81 1 1 38 5 45 1 4 8 13 1883 22, 253 12 2 1 6 10 1 1 7 1 1884... 21, 494 4 41 9 54 1885.... 20, 506 2 2 66 11 81 a From the yearly reports of the holy synod. The marriages for the years 1879 and 1880 were not reported for the diocese. The population of the diocese in 1880 was 2,347,601. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES AMONG ORTHODOX RUSSIANS IN THE DIOCESE OF MOSCOW, 1866 TO 1885. (a) Divorces granted on account of- Year. Marriages. Bigamy. consan- guinity. Forbidden Impotence and sterility. Adultery. ance. Disappear Exile and civil death. Total divorces. 1866... 13, 046 1 1867... 13, 738 1 1868... 13, 395 1869.... 12, 962 1 1 21 1870.... 13, 090 2 1871... 13, 222 7 1872 13, 646 4 1873... 13, 792 6 1874.. 12, 987 2 6 1875.. 12, 811 6 1876... 13, 694 1 3 1877... 11, 485 1 1878.... 8,748 2 1879... 14, 753 1 3 1880.. 14, 153 2 2 4 1881 13, 716 1 7 21 1882... 13, 706 17 1883.. 14, 624 1 6 19 20 1884. 14, 029 10 1885.. 13, 002 1 6 ***AZR2=2-3228-TERAI 3 36 18 .3 22 11 25 27 31 25 2 34 26 34 11 19 10 21 15 28 31 13 16 10 17 20 33 15 31 7 36 11 7 35 9 10 7 27 11 2 372 55 21 a From the yearly reports of the holy synod. The population of the diocese in 1880 was 1,473,157. 1056 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES AMONG ORTHODOX RUSSIANS IN THE DIOCESE OF KIEF, 1866 TO 1885. (a) Divorces granted on account of- Year. Marriages. Forbidden Impotence Bigamy. consan- and guinity. sterility. Adultery. ance. Disappear Exile and civil death. Total divorces. 1866... 16, 270 1 85 46 132 1867.... 17, 129 • 114 44 158 1868.. 21, 301 1 3 2 79 26 111 1869.... 18, 311 48 6 1870... 17,936 54 1 1 35 9 46 1871... 21, 448 1 55 10 66 1872... 20, 360 58 9 67 1873... 23, 823 69 14 X3 1874... 21, 728 63 16 79 1875.... 22, 719 80 14 94 1876... 59 18 77 1877.... 17, 642 60 15 75 1878.... 17, 522 25 10 35 1879... · 1 1 1880... 24, 679 1 1881... 20, 615 1 1882... 23, 358 1883... 24, 244 2 1884 24, 399 1885.. 23 T7GQ732 122~~ 1 128 25 157 78 15 103 6 40 12 61 50 15 69 85 21 117 60 24 89 27 25 59 a From the yearly reports of the holy synod. The marriages for the years 1876, 1879, and 1885 not reported for the diocese. The population of the diocese in 1880 was 2,013,810. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES AMONG ORTHODOX RUSSIANS IN THE DIOCESE OF ST. PETERSBURG, 1866 TO 1885. (a) Divorces granted on account of- Year. Marriages. Forbidden Impotence Bigamy. consan- and guinity. sterility. Adultery. ance. Disappear Exile and civil death. Total divorces. 1866... 1867.... 5, 430 5,488 · 1868... 1869.. 3,696 1870. 1871... 1872.... 1873.... 5, 175 3,900 4, 098 5,899 6 1 7 15 3 18 4 4 1 15 1 17 24 12 2 38 1 26 17 2 46 1 24 12 3 40 1874... 5, 721 22 1 1 27 15 4 50 2 26 13 2 45 1875.... 5, 618 2 19 17 1 39 1876. 5, 615 1 3 27 23 54 1877.... 6, 105 1 2 24 9 4 40 1878.... 6, 166 22 12 4 38 1879.... 5 20 11 3 39 1880.... 6,713 3 29 6 4 42 1881.. 6, 956 5 1 35 5 2 48 1882... 8, 672 2 36 6 1883.... 1884 8, 813 3 83 8 8, 316 1 1 1 4 1885... 1 1 4 38 4 WNAN 2 46 4 98 2 9 3 51 a From the yearly reports of the holy synod. The marriages for the years 1868, 1879, and 1885 not reported for the diocese. The population of the diocese in 1880 was 665,003. APPENDIX. 1057 MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES AMONG THE MEMBERS OF CERTAIN RELIGIOUS CON- FESSIONS IN THE CITY OF ST. PETERSBURG, 1867 TO 1886. (a) Years. Armenian-Gregorian. Religious confessions. Roman Catholic. Evangelical Lutheran. Evangelical Reformed Marriages. Divorces. Marriages. Divorces. Marriages. Divorces. Marriages. Divorces. 1867.. 1868... 1869 1 103 504 99 101 449 15 135 579 19 1870. 1871.. 1872 1873. 1874 1875 1876 1877... 1878 1879 1880 2221-22 NO NO NO LO 106 638 15 104 680 17 100 679 16 5 131 619 14 124 645 19 127 646 23 3 141 645 17 3 122 557 17 3 158 614 14 29 3 153 638 18 5 182 615 9 30 1881.. 181 1 555 22 1882. 1883. 1884 1885 1886... NNNMCI 2 177 508 14 2 183 565 16 2 188 594 10 3 201 531 17 2 231 562 16 837?*28HANNA*8.RAN8* 36 1 2 1 25 29 36 1 24 2 30 1 22 2 22 34 1 4 * 1 2 29 33 2 a The figures in this table are derived from official reports furnished to the representative of the United States government at St. Petersburg. It is of course to be understood that the above is not a complete report of marriages and divorces for St. Petersburg, but only for persons of the religious confessions stated. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN THE GRAND-DUCHY OF FINLAND, RUSSIA, 1867 TO 1867 1868.. 1869 1870 1871.. 1872. 1873 1874 · 1875 1876.. 1877.. 1878. 1879.. 1880. 1881 1882. 1883. 1884 1885 1886 .. Year. 1886. (a) Marriages. Divorces. Marriages to one divorce. 11, 733 10, 121 17, 233 17,917 17,318 15,796 15, 634 | 16, 852 15, 937 55 290 15, 807 67 236 16, 116 66 244 15, 261 64 238 14, 993 52 288 13,846 19 $34 14,283 28 510 15,928 30 531 16.546 34 407 16,585 30 553 15.978 63 254 16, 248 62 262 a The figures for divorces in Finland for the years 1875 to 1878, inclusive, were obtained from Signor Bodio's monograph on divorce, pp. 52, 53; those for 1879 to 1884 from the Finnish Statistical Year Books; those for 1885 and 1886 from the director of the Finnish statistical bureau, who reports that the returns for divorces prior to 1875 cannot be furnished. The figures for marriages are from official sources. The population in 1870 was 1,767,191; in 1880, 2,060,782, and in 1885, 2,176,421. 20267 M D- -67 1058 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. Year. 1875 1876 1877. 1878. DIVORCES GRANTED IN FINLAND, BY CAUSES, 1875 TO 1879. (a) Violence, Divorces granted on account of- Abandonment- Adultery- cruelty, and serious injuries. Of wife. Of hus- band. Sentence to infamous punish- ment. Total divorces. Incurable Other By hus- band. insanity. causes. By wife. 4947∞ 1879.. 8 14 13 15 +2232 #336 10 4 1 20 31 5 10 GINN 2 2 35 19 22232 10 7 10 8 5 ૭૦. હ 2 55 5 67 66 64 3 52 a From Sig. Bodio's monograph on divorce, pp. 52, 53. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN THE KINGDOM OF POLAND, 1867 TO 1886. (a) Divorces. Year. Marriages. Separation. (b) Divorce. (b) Total. Marriages to one divorce. 1867 34, 487 17 146 163 212 1868 32, 422 25 131 156 208 1869 34, 182 25 46 71 481 1870 36, 372 19 176 195 187 1871 38, 948 31 193 224 174 1872 · 37, 017 29 181 210 176 1873 40, 006 32 199 231 173 1874. 41, 377 22 155 177 231 1875 41, 791 22 193 215 194 1876 48, 461 19 221 240 202 1877 42, 412 21 234 255 166 1878.. 48, 612 24 230 254 191 1879.. 56, 663 24 283 307 185 1880 56, 383 32 297 329 171 1881 57, 810 19 268 287 201 1882 62, 123 14 335 319 178 1883 60, 364 33 294 327 185 1884 60, 158 32 334 366 164 1895.. 63, 167 26 312 338 187 1886 62, 937 21 324 345 182 a The figures in this table (except the ratios) and in the two succeeding tables were furnished by Joseph Rawicz, esq., U. S. consul at Warsaw, who states that Polish statistics are only approximately correct. b Equivalent to limited divorce and absolute divorce in the United States. MARRIAGES IN THE KINGDOM OF POLAND, BY RELIGIONS, 1867 TO 1886. Year. Roman Catholic. Evangelical Evangelical Augsburg. Reformed. Russian Orthodox. Jewish. Total. 1867.... 31, 297 2, 444 65 1868... 387 294 29, 404 2, 425 34, 187 52 284 1869... 257 30, 613 2, 791 32, 422 70 1870.. 316 392 32, 199 2, 975 34, 182 63 187! 358 777 34, 232 3,072 36, 372 99 561 1872. 984 32, 660 3,079 38, 948 69 527 1873... 682 35, 411 3, 190 37, 017 64 498 1874... 843 36, 952 3, 236 40, 006 71 483 1875... 635 37, 103 41, 377 3, 438 50 1876. 597 603 43, 424 41, 791 3, 422 91 887 1877... 637 38, 064 2,663 48, 461 70 1878... 1,083 532 43, 497 3,282 42, 412 77 1, 293 1879. 463 50, 054 3, 997 48, 612 98 1,755 1880... 759 49, 030 56, 663 3, 817 90 2,106 1881... 1, 340 50, 051 56, 383 3, 775 80 2, 787 1882. 53, 923 1, 117 57, 810 4, 016 85 2,862 1883... 1, 237 52, 191 3,860 62, 123 90 2,950 1884.. 52, 617 1,273 60, 364 3, 526 103 3, 011 1885.... 901 55, 432 60, 158 3,594 96 1886... 3, 014 1,031 54, 977 63, 167 3,760 78 3, 016 1, 106 62, 937 APPENDIX. 1059 ". DIVORCES IN THE KINGDOM OF POLAND, BY RELIGIONS, 1867 TO 1886. 7 Roman Catholic. Year. Evangelical Evangelical Russian Augsburg. Reformed. Orthodox. Jewish. Total. Separations. Divorces. (a) 1867.. 17 10 21 1 1868... 25 11 18 1 22 112 163 99 156 1869.. 25 11 15 20 71 1870... 19 12 12 1 1871.... 31 9 14 1872. 29 6 19 1 1873.. 32 7 15 1 1874. 22 12 8 1 • 1875. 1876... 22 8 19 10 22+3207 149 195 168 224 151 210 173 231 132 177 156 215 19 3 22 1 188 240 1877.. 21 8 16 1 201 255 1878 24 6 15 1 202 254 1879... 24 8 22 8 245 307 1880... 32 11 30 5 251 329 1881.. 19 4 18 3 243 287 1882 14 1883.. 33 1884... 32 13 1885... 26 12 1886... 21 20 57222 19 4 307 349 24 1 256 327 27 1 284 366 16 277 338 14 6 281 345 a The decrees rendered in the cases reported in this column were probably in the nature of annul ments of invalid marriages, divorce not being permitted by the laws of the Roman Catholic Church. SWEDEN. The laws of Sweden regulating divorce are those of the Code of 1734 as amended by subsequent legislation. Divorces may be granted both in cases of marriage and of legalized betrothal. Divorces may be granted by the ecclesiastical courts (12 in number), besides the consistory of the royal court, and the consistory of Stockholm, and also by the king in council of state. The causes for divorce recognized by the courts are as follows: (1) Adultery of either party. (2) Wilful desertion. (3) Illicit intercourse of either party with a third person before marriage but after betrothal, or by the woman before betrothal. (4) Impotence or sterility, or incurable contagious disease contracted before mar- riage and concealed. (5) Attempt by either party against the life of the other. (6) Sentence of either party to imprisonment for life or to banishment, provided the other party was entirely innocent of the crime. (7) Incurable insanity of either party, provided the other party was not the cause thereof. The king may also authorize divorce for the following causes: (8) Infamous crime committed by either of the parties. (9) Disgraceful conduct, e. g., drunkenness, extravagance, or violent behavior. (10) Incompatibility of temper. In case of persistent discord between the parties the court may decree a limited divorce (separation) for a determinate period. Adultery is a cause for divorce, provided there has been no condonation, that the parties are not both guilty of the offense, and that the suit has been brought within six months after the plaintiff obtained knowledge of the adultery. If divorce is granted on the ground of adultery of the husband, he forfeits to the wife one-half of the communal property [giftorätt]. If on the ground of adultery of the wife, she forfeits to the husband her own dowry. The party guilty of adultery may not 1060 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. remarry unless the other party is dead or has remarried, or unless such party has given consent to the marriage of the guilty one, and the authorization of the king has been obtained. For further particulars concerning the law and procedure in divorce cases, see: "Sveriges Rikes Lag," etc., by W. Uppström, Stockholm, 1887; see, also, "Le Divorce et la Séparation de Corps," Vraye & Gode, Paris, 1887, Vol. II, sec. 974. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN SWEDEN, 1867 TO 1886. (a) 1867 1868.. 1869. 1870 1871. 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 · 1877 1878. 1879... 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885.. 1886. Year. 1. Marriages. Divorces. Marriages to one divorce. 25, 440 128 199 22, 833 115 199 23, 503 115 204 25, 072 126 199 27, 187 135 201 29, 470 154 191 31, 257 190 165 31, 422 216 145 30, 762 181 170 31, 184 212 147 30, 674 211 145 29, 151 205 142 28, 635 206 139 28, 919 217 133 28, 301 214 132 28, 967 195 149 29, 449 218 135 30, 200 241 125 30, 911 229 135 30, 133 226 133 a Compiled from the annual "Bidrag till Sveriges Officiels Statistik." The population of Sweden in 1870 was 4,168,525, and in 1880 4,565,668, according to the censuses of those years. CAUSES FOR WHICH DIVORCES WERE GRANTED IN SWEDEN, 1867 TO 1886. (a) Adultery of― Criminal conduct after betrothal of (b) — Desertion by- Imprisonment for life of- Insanity of- Year. Hus. band. Wife. Man. Woman. Hus- band. Wife. Hus- band. Wife. Hus. band. Wife. 1867... 17 16 2 34 17 2 1 3 1868.. 9 14 31 27 4 1869.. 9 10 1 36 17 1 3 • 1870... 4 15 48 16 1 1871.. 10 15 51 22 1 1872... 10 17 66 33 1 1 1 1873.. 12 18 3 71 38 1 1 1 1874.. 17 20 94 39 1 3 1875.. 9 15 1 83 30 1 4 1876 7 19 99 39 1 2 • 1877... 12 22 95 34 1 5 1878... 9 19 82 41 1 2 2 1879... 10 14 1 81 38 1 1880 7 15 95 42 3 2 • 1881... 10 14 78 41 3 1882... 9 24 66 38 3 1883... 10 16 92 45 1 2 · 1884 .. 8 15 100 57 2 5 1885... 4 21 1 90 51 4 4 1886.. 11 14 1 97 41 1 2 3 a Compiled from the annual "Bidrag till Sveriges Officiels Statistik.” The means are not available for correcting the discrepancies between the details and totals reported for the years 1868 and 1870. b Illicit intercourse by either party after betrothal and before marriage is a ground for divorce; also, lascivious conduct by a betrothed woman with a third party before betrothal. APPENDIX. 1061 by- Bigamy by bus- CAUSES FOR WHICH DIVORCES WERE GRANTED IN SWEDEN, 1867 TO 1886—Conc'd. Infamous crime Attempt on life of- Extravagance, drunken- ness, etc., of (c) — - Incurable dis- ease of (b)- Year. Total. band. Hus- band. Wife. Hus- band. Wife. (a) Hus- band. Wife. Hus- band. Wife. Both. 1867 1868 .. 1869 12 1870 13 1871.. 16 1872.. 6 1873 .. 5 1223231 57230 1 1 2 1874.. 3 1 1875.. 2 1 1 1876.. 6 1877 .. 6 1878 7 223 1879 10 1880 .. 7 1 1881.. 15 2 2 1882.. 14 1 1883 .. 7 4 1881.. 5 1 1885.. 6 1 1886 .. 9 1 1 1 3 1 3 20 3 5228 27 128 22 115 115 25 126 1 16 135 2 11 154 4 4 31 190 2 36 216 5 1 27 181 3 1 33 212 2 2 30 211 39 205 4 121 << 30 44 206 2 39 217 1 48 214 1 4 Hin Huis en 5 35 1 195 37 218 1 42 241 47 229 2 44 226 a Bigamy does not appear to be a cause for divorce under the laws and it is probable that decrees of this kind correspond to decrees of nullity in the United States. b Also, incurable impotence or sterility, and contagious disease contracted before marriage and con- cealed from the other spouse. c Also, violent behavior and unconquerable aversion. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN STOCKHOLM, 1867 TO 1886. (a) 1867 1868. 1869 1870. 1871. 1872 1873 1874.. 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879. 1880 1881.. 1882. 1883 1884 1885 1886 Year. Marriages. Divorces. Marriages to one divorce. 918 23 41 831 23 36 906 33 27 993 28 35 1, 132 39 29 1, 203 33 36 1, 348 40 34 1, 380 48 29 1, 461 37 39 1, 541 32 48 1, 539- 57 27 1,482 66 22 ་ 1, 502 1, 481 1,508 1,624 1, 816 { 45 33 1, 912 2,071 1,857 VYBERJA 72 21 45 34 55 30 GI 30 73 26 61 34 56 33 a Compiled from the Swedish Statistical Year Books. 1062 REPORT OF OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. J BETROTHALS DISSOLVED IN SWEDEN AND IN STOCKHOLM, 1867 TO 1886. (a) Year. Sweden. Stockholm. Year. Sweden. Stockholm. Year. Sweden. Stockholm. 1867. 145 1868.. 145 1869... 135 1870.... 140 1871... 133 6255 00 8 1874... 181 6 1881... 115 3 1875... 156 6 1882... 124 1876.... 148 5 1883... 136 1877... 169 13 1884.... 118 13 7 1878.... 159 10 1885.... 153 15 1872... 159 7 1879... 179 11 1886... 128 11 LO LO 10 20 10 = 5 5 5 1873... 168 11 1880.... 119 ୪ a Compiled from the Swedish Statistical Year Books. Such betrothals in Sweden as are legalized can be dissolved only through legal proceedings. DIVORCES IN SWEDEN AND STOCKHOLM, 1831 TO 1866. (a) Year. Sweden. Stockholm. Year. Sweden. Stockholm. Year. Sweden. Stockholm. 1831.. 1832. 95 14 1843.... 101 19 1855... 116 18 118 19 1844. 106 23 1856.... 127 22 .. 1833... 135 20 1845 94 21 1857.... 113 12 1834.... 121 21 1846.... 115 18 1858... 122 27 1835... 87 9 1847.... 100 15 1859... 135 22 1836. 117 13 1848.... 112 12 1860.... 119 18 1837. 89 4 1849.... 126 19 1861.... 150 23 1838..... 128 15 1850... 110 13 1862... 123 24 1839.. 84 12 1851. 111 17 1863... 148 37 1840.... 101 15 1852... 112 25 1864... 135 30 1841... 113 16 1853... 115 21 1865... 127 25 1842.. 95 12 1854... 137 23 1866. 137 26 • a From Sig. Bodio's monograph on divorce, p. 42-45, and from manuscript furnished by Rev. Samuel W. Dike, LL. D., understood to have been compiled from official sources. RELATIVE AGES OF THE DIVORCED, DURATION OF DISSOLVED MARRIAGES, ETC., IN SWEDEN, 1876 TO 1880. (a) Relative ages of the divorced. Duration of marriage. Living chil- dren of- Husband older. Wife older. Total Year. Both same 10 age. (b) years or less. 11 to Over 20 20 years. years. 5 years or less. Over 5 years. Less thau 1 1 to 5 6 to 10 year. years. years. | years. (c) Dis- Over divor- Dis- 10 ces. solved solved mar- betroth- riages. als. 1876.. 66 92 13 1877.. 65 74 18 1878.. 54 86 14 1879.. 57 92 6 1880.. 57 85 20 124 ~ ~ 27 13 14 2 32 20 20 27 20 25 4 32 15 2 22 3 34 18 29 C**** 12223 63 135 212 259 33 54 137 211 270 42 53 127 205 275 34 148 206 275 42 146 217 279 38 82558 a From Sig. Bodio's monograph on divorce, p. 46. o Including, in 1876, 7 persons; in 1878, 9; in 1879, 2; and in 1880, 1 person of unknown age. c Including, in 1876, 11 marriages; in 1877, 6; in 1878, 16; in 1879, 13; and in 1880, 15 marriages of unknown duration. SWITZERLAND. Switzerland has a federal law regulating civil status and marriage throughout the Confederation. This law (which was promulgated by the Bundesrath, Decem- ber 24, 1874), having been accepted by the popular vote, took effect January 1, 1876. Prior to 1876 each canton had its own regulations, codified or customary, regarding marriage and its incidents, consequently many restrictions touching income, status, APPENDIX. 1063 religion, and compliance with police regulations were in force. There were practi- cally some twenty-four laws, or systems of law, regarding marriage and divorce in Switzerland, and it is impossible to compile and set forth the provisions of each, as will be apparent from the fact that the Swiss cantons contained people of five differ- ent languages, and the cantonal laws in many cases have not been codified. These cantonal laws fall under the following heads: (1) Popular law-as in Appenzell and Uri, where the laws are made by the assem- bly of the whole people. (2) The Code Civil, in the French cantons. (3) Roman Catholic common and canon law. (4) Protestant common law. (5) Austrian law. All these different systems of law were swept away by the federal law of Decem- ber 24, 1874, upon its adoption as of date January 1, 1876. The provisions of this law upon the subject of marriage and divorce are substan- tially as follows: (a) Marriage is under the protection of the confederation, and the right to it cannot be abridged by any reasons of church, public economy, or police discipline, nor on the ground of previous conduct or condition. Marriages contracted in the several cantons or in foreign lands are recognized as legal throughout the confederation. The wife acquires the domicile of the husband through marriage. Illegitimate chil- dren are legitimized by the subsequent marriage of the parents. [Art. 25.] Free consent is essential to the validity of a marriage, and there can be no such consent in case of force, fraud, or mistake in the person. [Art. 26.] No valid marriage can be contracted by a man under eighteen or a woman under sixteen years of age, and parental consent is required to the marriage of all persons under twenty years of age. [Art. 27.] Marriage is prohibited between persous already married; between blood relations of all grades in ascending or descending line; brothers and sisters of the whole or half blood; uncles and nieces or aunts and nephews, whether the relationship is legitimate or illegitimate; tween parents-in-law and children-in-law; step-parents and stepchildren; adopted parents and adopted children. Lunatics and idiots are prohibited from marrying, and widows, divorced women, and women whose marriage have been declared void are not permitted to marry until the expiration of three hundred days. [Art. 28.] Public announcement must precede marriage, and must be made by the civil officer, upon evidence of baptismals and parental consent when required, by means of notices posted in public places, or by one insertion in the official newspaper at the places of birth and residence of the parties. [Art. 29 to 33.] Objections to the marriage must be made within ten days to the civil officer who made the announcement, and referred by him within forty-eight hours to the civil officer of the bridegroom's place of residence. Objections, if not based on the provis- ions of arts. 26, 27, and 28, are not considered. After fourteen days following the announcement the marriage may be solemnized, and if not solemnized within six months the announcement becomes invalid. [Art. 34 to 36.] The marriage is performed by the civil officer, generally within the district where the husband lives, and only upon evidence of the announcement made, unless fear of the sudden death of either party interferes. If the husband is a foreigner the cere- mony can take place only by consent of the competent authority where the bus- band lives. The ceremony is performed at a magistrate's office in public, and at least two witnesses must be present. The magistrate's office must be open at least two days of each week for this purpose. [Art. 37 and 38.] The contract of marriage is completed by the declaration of the parties in answer to questions propounded by the civil officer, that they take each other as husband a See: "Bundesgesetz vom 24 Christmonat," 1874, Arts. 25-27. 1064 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. J and wife, and the subsequent declaration by the officer in the name of the law that the parties are married. Immediately after the declaration the civil officer shall make entry thereof in the marriage record, which must be signed by the husband, wife, and witnesses. [Art. 39.] A marriage in church can take place only after the same has been celebrated by the civil authority and upon presentation of the certificate thereof. [Art. 40.] The marriage record must contain: (1) The Christian name and surname, the place of nativity, home, and residence, the occupation and date of birth of both parties; (2) the Christian name and surname, occupation, and place of residence of their parents; (3) Christian name and surname of the deceased or divorced consort if one of the par- ties was previously married, also the date of such death or divorce; (4) the date of announcement; (5) date of celebration of marriage; (6) list of papers filed; (7) Christian name and surname and place of residence of witnesses. [Art. 42.] Divorce.-Proceedings for divorce or nullity must be instituted in the courts of the district where the husband resides or where he last resided if removed. [Art. 43.] During divorce proceedings the court may on demand of the wife grant her sepa- ration from bed and board, and also provide for the support of herself and children during the pendency of the suit. [Art. 44.] If both the husband and wife ask for divorce the court will grant the same if the circumstances show that further cohabitation of the parties is incompatible with the true intent of marriage. Upon the request of one of the parties divorce must be granted: (a) For adultery, if not more than six months have elapsed since the injured party has had knowledge thereof. (b) For attempt upon the life, extreme ill-treatment, or a serious injury to the honor or reputation of either of the parties. (c) Sentence to a degrading punishment. (d) Wilful desertion, if the same has continued for two years, and the absentee has failed for six months to obey a judicial summons to return. (e) Incurable mental disease of three years' standing If none of the above-mentioned grounds exist, but, ne ertheless, the marriage rela- tion seems to be greatly strained, the court may gran absolute divorce or separa- tion from bed and board; the latter can not be for a longer period than two years. In case a reconciliation does not occur within this period, the proceedings for abso- lute divorce can be renewed, and the court may or may not grant the same. [Art. 45 to 47.] In case of absolute divorce for any of the above causes, the guilty party can not remarry within one year, and the court may extend this time to three years. [Art. 48.] A marriage when contracted without the free consent of both parties, through force, fraud, or mistake in the person, can be declared null and void upon complaint of the injured party, provided that not more than three months have elapsed since the dis- covery of the fraud or error or the removal of the force. [Art. 50.] Proceedings of nullity of marriage, when against the provisions of art. 28, are begun by the state (i. e., the public prosecutor). [Art. 51.] If one or both the contracting parties were minors at the time of marriage, it may be declared null upon the complaint of the father, mother, or guardian, as the case may be, provided: (1) that the minor has not yet become of legal age; (2) that the wife is not pregnant; (3) that the minor had not the parental consent. [Art. 52.] All judgments in divorce or nullity must be immediately communicated by the courts to the civil authorities of the place of residence and home (Heimatgemeinde) of the divorced, and by them duly entered upon the margin of their respective mar- riage records. [Art. 57.] APPENDIX. 1065 7 1867 1868 1869. 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 .. 1875.. 1876... 1877.. 1878 1879 1880 1881. 1882. 1883 1884 . 1885. 1886 MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN SWITZERLAND, 1867 TO 1886. (a) Year. Marriages. Divorces. (b) Marriages to one divorce. 18, 011 17, 618 19,091 18,610 19, 514 21, 212 20, 649 22, 655 24, 629 22, 376 21, 871 1, 102 1,036 20 21 20, 590 1,036 . 20 19, 450 938 21 19.413 856 19, 425 945 19, 414 961 19, 696 898 19, 898 907 20, 105 920 20, 080 899 2222222 23 21 20 a Compiled from the annual publications of the Federal Bureau of Statistics of Switzerland. The number of divorces granted prior to 1876 could not be ascertained. The population of Switzerland in 1876 is stated to have been 2,759,854, and according to the census of 1880 it was 2.846, 102 in that year. b Not including separations (limited divorces). In the year 1887, 925 divorces were granted in Switzerland, according to proof-sheets of the unpublished report for that year. MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES IN SIX CANTONS OF SWITZERLAND (ZURICH, BASEL- TOWN, SCHAFFHAUSEN, APPENZELL AUSSER-RHODEN, WAADT, AND NEUEN- BURG), 1867 TO 1886. (a) 1867 1868. 1869. 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 .. 1875 1876. 1877 1878 1879. 1880 1881 1882.. 1883. 1884 1885 1886. Year. Marriages. (b) Divorces. (b) Marriages to one divorce. 5, 292 190 28 5,250 182 29 5,657 208 27 5.598 238 + 24 5,761 212 27 6, 577 242 27 6, 479 248 26 6, 667 251 27 7.204 287 25 7,067 414 16 6, 916 452 15 6, 494 433 15 6, 269 424 15 6, 198 385 16 6, 107 394 16 6, 238 424 15 6, 368 379 17 6, 397 360 18 6, 351 342 19 6, 331 396 16 a Compiled from the annual publications of the Federal Bureau of Statistics of Switzerland. The population of the six cantons named, according to the census of 1880, was 815,445. 6 In the year 1887 there were 6,514 marriages and 372 divorces in the six cantons named, according to proof-sheets of the unpublished report for that year. 1066 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. DIVORCE CASES JUDICIALLY DETERMINED IN SWITZERLAND, 1876 TO 1880. (a) Result. Relating to children. Duration of marriage. Year. Di- vorce. Separa- Disal- tion. lowed. Total. With. With- Un- Under 1 to 5 6 to 10 11 years Un- and out. known. 1 year. years. Fears. known. over. 1876.. 1877. 1, 102 190 105 1,397 607 370 125 32 278 247 419 126 1,036 194 115 1, 345 604 392 40 29 308 243 417 39 1878.. 1,036 152 77 1, 265 657 350 29 43 332 205 429 27 1879. 938 132 115 1, 185 563 346 29 42 343 227 318 8 1880.. 856 141 72 1,069 532 308 16 b27 b277 b 230 b 719 b3 a Compiled from Sig. Bodio's monograph on divorce, pp. 34, 35. b The means are not available for correcting the discrepancy between the number of divorces granted in 1880 and the details under "duration of marriage" for that year. RELATIVE AGES OF PERSONS DIVORCED IN SWITZERLAND, 1877 TO 1880. (a) 1877... 1878. 1879... 1880... Husband older than wife. Wife older than husband. Year. Less than 11 to 25 Over 25 11 years. years. years. Less than 11 to 25 11 years. years. Over 25 years. Both Un- same age. known. 380 80 437 92 425 102 389 86 263M 206 249 3 216 2892 32 3 39 46 212 31 · 30 5 3 5885 57 276 76 137 56 £5 61 71 a Compiled from Sig. Bodio's monograph on divorce, p. 34. POPULATION TO ONE DIVORCE GRANTED ANNUALLY IN SWITZERLAND, IN THE OCCUPATIONS SPECIFIED, 1876 T() 1880. (a) Occupation. Population to one di- vorce. Agriculture Mechanics.. Commerce... • Transportation. Public administration, justice, letters, science, and arts Day laborers (not in the fields), nurses, people without occupation or profession 5, 263 2,041 1, 613 1, 193 2, 128 2,041 a Compiled from "Étude Démographique du Divorce," by M. Jacques Bertillon, p. 111. DURATION OF MARRIAGES DISSOLVED, BY DIVORCE BY AGES OF THE PARTIES AT THE TIME OF DIVORCE, IN SWITZERLAND IN 1880. (a) Duration of marriage. Age. Less than 1 year. 1 to 2 years. 2 to 3 years. 3 to 5 years. 6 to 10 11 to 20 21 to 30 years. years 31 years and years. Un. 'known. Total. over. Husbands: Under 20. 20 to 29.. 7 26 26 61 23 1 144 30 to 39 6 15 21 60 133 67 302 40 to 49. 10 4 4 20 38 104 31 211 50 to 59.. 2 3 3 9 9 33 27 5 91 60 and over 1 3 1 4 6 11 2 9 37 Unknown 1 3 2 12 21 19 5 5 3 71 Wives: Under 20.. 1 3 1 5 20 to 29.. 9 28 31 74 64 6 212 30 to 39. 6 13 14 51 98 103 40 to 49. · 5 -50 to 59. 60 and over Unknown……… 5 -- 1 1 co e a n 5 3 23 27 77 38 2 4 2 16 28 188882 287 178 20 8 85 2 3 4 2 6 18 2 12 21 19 5 5 3 71 a From Étude Démographique du Divorce," by M. Jacques Bertillon, p. 151. APPENDIX. 1067 A NOTE.-For the information of persons desiring to further pursue the investigation of marriage and divorce legislation in foreign countries, the following works are cited as affording information on the subject: BERTILLON, M. JACQUES. Étude Démographique du Divorce, Paris, 1883. BODIO, SIGNOR L. Separazioni Personali di Coniugi e i Divorzi in Italia e in Alcuni Altri Paesi, Rome, 1882. ENYVARI, PETER. Religions- u. Ehegesetze Ungarns, Pest-Ofen, 1874. GEMMILL, J. A. Practice in Divorce in Canada, Ottawa, 1888. GOULD, S. BARING. Germany, Past and Present, London, 1881. HERGENHAHN, TH. Das Eheschliessungs-und Ehescheidungs-Recht, Hanover, 1880. HINSCHIUS, DR. PAUL. Das Reichsgesetz über die Beurkundung des Personenstandes und die Eheschliessung, vom 6. Februar 1875, Berlin, 1876. HÖLDER, DR. EDUARD. Die römische Ehe, Zürich, 1874. KÖNIG, DR. KARL GUSTAV. Abänderung einiger Bestimmungen des Bundesgesetzes, vom 24. Dezember 1874, betreffend die Ehescheidung, Bern, 1888. LINGG, DR. MAX. Die Civilehe vom Standpunkte des Rechts, Augsburg, 1870. MAYR, H. Das Würtembergische Familien- Erb- und Vormundschafts-Recht in seinen Grundzügen dargestellt, Stuttgart, 1886. PETERMANN, DR. A. Mittheilungen, Band 16, Gotha, 1870. PETERS. W. Die Ehescheidung * im Geltungsbereiche des Preussischen Allgemei- nen Landrechts, Berlin, 1881. ROEDENBECK, DR. RUDOLF. Die Ehe in besonderer Beziehung auf Ehescheidung, und Eheschliessung Geschiedener, Gotha, 1882. SALIS, DR. L. R. VON. Ehescheidungs- und Ehenichtigkeitssachen von Ausländern in der Schweiz, Basel, 1888. SALIS, DR. L. R. VON. Die Publikation des Tridentinischen Rechts der Eheschlies- sung, Basel, 1888. SOHM, DR. RUDOLPH. Das Recht der Eheschliessung, Weimar, 1875. UPPSTRÖM, W. Sveriges Rikes Lag, Stockholm, 1887. VRAYE, PAUL, ET GODE, GEORGES. Le Divorce et la Séparation de Corps, Paris, 1887. (Note. This work is especially valuable, as containing brief sketches of the divorce laws of many foreign countries, besides those of France.) WEBER, J. Das staatliche Eherecht in Würtemberg, Augsburg, 1877. WEBER, J. K. Das in Deutschland, der Schweiz u. Oesterreich geltende staatliche Eherecht, Augsburg, 1877. WOOLSEY, THEODORE D. Divorce and Divorce Legislation, New York, 1882. ZWENDELAAR, J. H. Code-Formulaire du Divorce et de la Séparation de Corps, Brussels, 1878. BUNDESGESEZ betreffend Feststellung und Beurkundung des Zivilstandes und die Ehe vom 24. Christmonat, 1874. (The above is the Swiss general law governing marriage and divorce.) ENTWURF eines bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches für das deutsche Reich, Berlin and Leip- zig, 1888. MOTIVE zu dem Entwurfe eines bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches für das deutsche Reich (Band IV. Familienrecht), Berlin and Leipzig, 1888. * INDEX. A. Absolute and limited divorce, causes for Age of parties to marriage Alabama, causes for divorce Alimony Annulment... and children... and divorce……… Arizona, causes for divorce. Arkansas, causes for divorce. Austria, laws and statistics relating to marriage and divorce in. Page. 89-117 28-31 89 .118, 211, 212 207-212 121, 122 77, 78 90 90, 91 .982-990 B. Belgium, laws and statistics relating to marriage and divorce in By whom marriage may be solemnized C. .997-1000 50-56 California, causes for divorce.. 91 Canada, laws and statistics relating to marriage and divorce in Causes, classified, divorces 1867 to 1886, with reference to children, by, for states and territories (Table IX). ......1000-1002 ......954-977 duration of marriage before divorce, by, for divorces granted from 1867 to 1886, for the United States (Table VI). 818-831 divorces by classified, 1867 to 1886, for states and territories (Table V). 770-817 Causes for absolute and limited divorce 89-117 Causes for divorce, by states 89-113 Alabama Arizona Arkansas. California. Colorado Connecticut 89 90 90,91 91 91 91, 92 Dakota. Delaware. District of Columbia Florida Georgia 92 92 92,93 93.94 94 Idaho.. Illinois Indiana. Iowa 94 94, 95 95 95, 96 Kansas Kentucky Louisiana.. Maine Maryland.. Massachusetts Michigan. Minnesota. Mississippi.. 96 96, 97 97, 98 98 98,99 ..99, 100 100 .100, 101 101 1069 1070 INDEX. Causes for divorce, by states-Concluded. Missouri Montana Nebraska.. Nevada. New Hampshire.. New Jersey New Mexico.. New York North Carolina. Ohio. Oregon Pennsylvania. Rhode Island.. Tennessee Texas... Utah Vermont Virginia... Washington... West Virginia.... Wisconsin. • Page. 101, 102 102 102, 103 103 103, 104 104, 105 105 105 105, 106 106 106, 107 . 107, 108 108 108, 109 109 109 110 110 111 .111, 112 112 Wyoming .112, 113 Causes for divorce, recapitulation of.. .113-117 which divorce is granted 165-178 Causes, divorces by specific, 1867 to 1886, for states and territories (Table III) 444-601 specific, duration of marriage before divorce, by, for divorces granted from 1867 to 1886, for states and territories (Table IV). 602-769 Celebration. 50-59 Certificate of marriage 59 Change of name after divorce 120 Character and form of solemnization of marriage 56-58 of the investigation..... 14-21 Children and alimony ..207-212 divorces, 1867 to 1886, with reference to, by classified causes, for states and territories (Table IX). .954-977 of divorced parties. 209-211 Classified causes, divorces by, 1867 to 1886, for states and territories (Table V)………… .770-817 divorces 1867 to 1886, with reference to children, by, for states and territories (Table IX). 954-977 • duration of marriage before divorce, by, for divorces granted from 1867 to 1886, for the United States (Table VI) 818-831 Colorado, causes for divorce 91 · Colored libellants, divorces granted to Connecticut, causes for divorce... .131, 132 Court records destroyed by fire or otherwise Customs and practices sectarian, relating to divorce Dakota, causes for divorce. marriage. D. Defence in divorce cases, special provisions for Definitions of marriage.. Delaware, causes for divorce Denmark, laws and statistics relating to marriage and divorce in District of Columbia, causes for divorce... 91, 92 21, 22 .122-125 64-73 92 117 25, 26 92 .1002, 1003 92, 93 77, 78 79,80 Divorce and annulment cases, jurisdiction in special provisions for defence in. 117 Divorce, change of name after... 120 causes for absolute and limited. .89-117 movement of, 1867 to 1886, inclusive. 127-164 in cities 158-162 recapitulation of causes for...... .113-117 sectarian practices and customs relating to...... 122-125 1 INDEX. 1071 i Page. 121 Divorce statistics. Divorce, when refused. .118-120 Divorces and estimated married couples in 1870 and 1880 compared.. marriages, 1867 to 1886, by counties (Table I).. Divorces, 1867 to 1886, by classified causes, for states and territories (Table V) periods of 5, 10, and 20 years specific causes, for states and territories (Table III). states and territories (Table II) 147-149 .214-441 770-817 141-144 444-601 - .442, 443 classified by place of marriage, for states and territories (Table VIII)……..942-953 with reference to children, by classified causes, for states and territories (Table IX) granted to colored libellants Divorces, influence of legislation on.. ..954-977 131, 132 150-157 judicial legislative 79, 80 78, 79 obtained in another state, validity of residence limitations in 120 80-85 service of notice on defendant in.. Duration of marriage before divorce, for divorces granted from 1867 to 1886, by classified causes, 85-89 for the United States (Table VI).. 818-831 for divorces granted from 1867 to 1886, by specific causes, for states and territories (Table IV) .602-769 for divorces granted from 1867 to 1886, by states and terri- tories (Table VII). was granted.……… 832-911 ...179-189 E. Encouragement and restraint of marriage England and Wales, laws and statistics relating to marriage and divorce in. Estimated married couples and divorces in 1870 and 1880 compared. 26-28 1012-1015 ....147-149 Europe, laws and statistics relating to marriage and divorce in. (See Laws and statistics re- lating to marriage and divorce in Europe). Existing statutory regulations governing divorce in the United States-sectarian customs and influences.. marriage in the United States-sectarian influence on marriages... 75-126 23-73 F. Fees for solemnization of marriages. Florida, causes for divorce Form and character of solemnization of marriage.. France, laws and statistics relating to marriage and divorce in. G. 58 93, 94 56-58 .1004-1012 General tables.. Georgia, causes for divorce 213-977 94 German Empire, laws and statistics relating to marriage and divorce in .1018-1013 H. Hungary, laws and statistics relating to marriage and divorce in .990-997 I. Idaho, causes for divorce Illinois, causes for divorce Indiana, causes for divorce 94 94, 95 95 171 Influence of intemperance on divorce. legislation on divorces. .150-157 Intemperance, influence of, on divorce 171 Introduction.... 9-22 Iowa, causes for divorce............ 95, 96 Ireland, laws and statistics relating to marriage and divorce in Italy, laws and statistics relating to marriage and divorce in. ...1016 1043-1046 1072 Judicial divorces Jurisdiction in divorce cases Kansas, causes for divorce... ". Kentucky, causes for divorce...... INDEX. J. K. L. Laws and statistics relating to marriage and divorce in Europe Austria Belgium Canada Denmark France... German Empire Hungary Italy.. Netherlands Norway Roumania Russia. Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Legislation, influence of, on divorces. relative to the parties Legislative divorces Letter of transmittal License for marriage. Limited and absolute divorce, causes for Louisiana, causes for divorce M. f • Page. 79, 80 79, 80 96 96, 97 .979-1067 ..982-990 997-1000 .1000-1002 1002, 1003 .1004-1012 1018-1013 ..990-997 .1043-1046 .1046-1049 1049, 1030 .1050, 1051 ..1052-1059 ..1059-1062 .1062-1066 1012-1018 150-157 28-31 78, 79 5 46-50 89-117 97, 98 Maine, causes for divorce... 98 Marriage after divorce, subsequent.. 59, 60 Marriage, ages of parties to.... 28-31 by whom solemnized.. 50-56 Marriage certificate 59 Marriage, definitions of. 25, 26 divorces, 1867 to 1886, classified by place of, for states and territories (Table VIII)...942-953 duration of, before divorce, for divorces granted from 1867 to 1886, by classified causes, for the United States (Table VI)………. ..818-831 duration of, before divorce, for divorces granted from 1867 to 1886, by specific causes, for states and territories (Table IV). 602-769 duration of, before divorce, for divorces granted from 1867 to 1886, by states and ter- ritories (Table VII).. 832-941 encouragement and restraint of.. 26-28 license for….. 46-50 preliminaries to.. 46-50 · Marriages and divorces, 1867 to 1886, by counties (Table I). 214-441 61-73 Marriage, sectarian practices and customs relating to Marriages out of the state.. Marriages, record of.. state registration of. Maryland, causes for divorce void, voidable, and prohibited Massachusetts, causes for divorce Michigan, causes for divorce Minnesota, causes for divorce.. Mississippi, causes for divorce.. Missouri, causes for divorce Montana, causes for divorce * 27, 28 61-64 63, 64 35-45 98, 99 .99, 100 100 .100, 101 101 .101, 102 102 --- INDEX. 1073 Mormons, practices and customs relating to divorce Movement of divorce, 1867 to 1886, inclusive marriage in cities Name, change of, after divorce.. N. Page. 123-125 65-73 .127-164 .158-162 120 Nebraska, causes for divorce Netherlands, laws and statistics relating to marriage and divorce in. New Hampshire, causes for divorce Nevada, causes for divorce New Jersey, causes for divorce New Mexico, causes for divorce New York, causes for divorce. 102, 103 .1046-1049 103 ..103, 104 .104, 105 105 105 North Carolina, causes for divorce Norway, laws and statistics relating to marriage and divorce in Notice, service of, on defendant in divorces 105, 106 -1049, 1050 85-89 0. Ohio, causes for divorce Oneida Community, practices and customs relating to marriage Oregon, causes for divorce.... P. Pennsylvania, causes for divorce 106 64, 65 106, 107 -107, 108 Place of marriage, divorces, 1867 to 1886, classified by, for states and territories (Table VIII) ...942–953 of divorced parties-the publication of notice Practices and customs, sectarian, relating to divorce.. marriage Preliminaries to marriage Prohibited degrees marriages, void, voidable, and Provisions, special, for defence in divorce cases Recapitulation of causes for divorce Record by person solemnizing marriage of marriages · Records destroyed by fire or otherwise, court. Registration of marriages, state .191-206 .122-125 64-73 46-50 31-35 35-45 117 R. ..113-117 61 61-64 21, 22 63, 64 Regulations, existing statutory, governing divorce in the United States-sectarian customs and influences.. 75-126 • marriage in the United States-sectarian influence on marriages. *23-73 Remarriage during the life of former spouse 15 Residence limitations in divorces.... 80-85 Restraint of marriage, encouragement and... 26-28 Return by person solemnizing marriage Returns of marriages celebrated out of the state. Returns, in the territories, of marriages solemnized Rhode Island, causes for divorce. Roman Catholic Church, practices and customs relating to divorce.. Roumania, laws and statistics relating to marriage and divorce in.. Russia, laws and statistics relating to marriage and divorce in 61, 62 62 62, 63 108 .122, 123 1050, 1051 .1052-1059 S. 1015, 1016 Scotland, laws and statistics relating to marriage and divorce in Sectarian customs and influences on divorce-existing statutory regulations governing divorce in the United States... ...75-126 influence on marriages-existing statutory regulations governing marriage in the United States practices and customs relating to divorce. 23-73 .122-125 Mormons.. .123-125 Roman Catholic Church.. .122, 123 20267 M D- 68 རོ 1074 INDEX. Page. Sectarian practices and customs relating to marriage 64-73 Mormons Oneida Community Separatists of Zoar- 65-73 64, 65 65 Shakers Separatists of Zoar, practices and customs relating to marriage. Service of notice on defendant in divorces Shakers, practices and customs relating to marriage. 64 65 85-89 64 Solemnization of marriage, by whom character and form of.. - 50-56 56-58 fees for Special provisions for defence in divorce cases Specific causes, divorces by, 1867 to 1886, for states and territories (Table III).. State registration of marriages Statistics and laws relating to marriage and divorce in Europe. (See Laws and statistics relat- ing to marriage and divorce in Europe). Statutory regulations, existing, governing divorce in the United States-sectarian customs and 58 117 444-601 duration of marriage before divorce by, for divorces granted from 1867 to 1886, for states and territories (Table IV). 602-769 63, 64 influences marriage in the United States-sectarian influence on marriages. .75-126 23-73 Subsequent marriage after divorce Sweden, laws and statistics relating to marriage and divorce in……. Switzerland, laws and statistics relating to marriage and divorce in 59, 60 .1059-1062 .1062-1066 Tables, general. Tennessee, causes for divorce. Texas, causes for divorce Transmittal, letter of T. ..213-977 108, 109 109 5 U. United Kingdom, laws and statistics relating to marriage and divorce in Utah, causes for divorce ...1012-1018 109 V. Validity of divorces obtained in another state Vermont, causes for divorce Virginia, causes for divorce. Void, voidable, and prohibited marriages.. W. Wales, England and, laws and statistics relating to marriage and divorce in. Washington, causes for divorce... West Virginia, causes for divorce... When divorce is refused……… Wisconsin, causes for divorce Wyoming, causes for divorce Y. Years from marriage to separation in certain counties.. separation to divorce in certain counties 120 110 110 35-45 .1012-1015 111 111, 112 118-120 112 .112, 113 185-187 ..188, 189 12 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN } BOUND OCT 18 1946 UNIY. 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