A 574998 PEARLS OF HOMOEOPATHY DOUGLASS DORSETER LEVELS OF HOMEOB : * ARTES 1837 SCIENTIA VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN E-PLURIBUS-UNUM - CTDEBOR: SQUAERIS PENINSULAM AMOENAM CIRCUMSPICE 07 तह ный D74 PEARLS OF HOMOEOPATHY. BY M. E. DOUGLASS, M. D., Associate Professor of Materia Medica; Lecturer on Dermatology, and Professor of Mental and Nervons Diseases, in the Southern Homœo- pathic Medical College of Baltimore, Md.; Chairman of Bureau of Materia Medica of Maryland Homœopathic Medical Association; Anthor of "Characteristics of Materia " Medica," Repertory of Tongue Symptoms," "Diseases of the Skin," etc. NEW YORK: BOERICKE & RUNYON. 1903. I + " COPYRIGHT BY BOERICKE & RUNYON. 190 PREFACE. This little work is intended for the medical student as well as for the busy practitioner. The author hopes the work will prove as useful to those for whom it is designed as it has been to himself in compiling it. Only the most character- istic symptoms have been given, since the principal purpose was that it should serve only as a ref erence to refresh the mind. The balance of the picture can be filled up from the larger works. An index has not been inserted because of the alphabetical arrangement of the remedies. Baltimore, Md., 1903. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. ABIES CANADENSIS. Craving for meat, pickles, and other coarse food; a gnawing, hungry, faint feeling at the epigastrium. ABIES NIGRA. Sensation of an undigested hard-boiled egg in the stomach. Pain in the stomach, always comes after eating. ABROTANUM. The child is cross and depressed-marasmus or worms. Sensation as if the stomach were hanging or swim- ming in water, with a peculiar feeling of coldness. Blood and moisture oozing from the navel of new- born children. ABSINTHIUM. Constant desire to urinate. Urine of a deep yellow orange color, and strong, horse-like smell. Falling down, as in epilepsy, with distortion of the features, spasms of the limbs, bloody foam at mouth, and biting of the tongue. 2 6 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. ACALYPHA INDICA. Expectoration in the morning of pure blood; in evening, of dark lumps of clotted blood. Patient has a played-out feeling in the morning, and gains strength as the day advances. ACIDUM ACETICUM. Passing large quantities of pale urine, accompanied by intense thirst, and dry, hot skin. ACIDUM BENZOICUM. Diarrhoea of children; the discharge is copious, watery, clear-colored, very fœtid; the urine at the same time is uncommonly deep red, and the urinous odor very strong. Fotid, watery, white stools, very copious and ex- hausting, in infants, the urine being of very deep red color. Urine highly colored; the urinous odor exceedingly strong. ACIDUM CARBOLICUM. Dull frontal headache, as if an India-rubber band was stretched tightly over the forehead. Dull heavy pain through the temples, with tight band across forehead, and tightness in the nose between the eyes. Profound prostration. Vesicular eruption on hands and all over body, which itches excessively; better after rubbing, but leaving a burning pain. PEARLS OF HOMŒOPATHY. 7 ACIDUM MURIATICUM. Sad and taciturn. Tongue heavy, like lead, preventing talking; shriveled and dry, or covered with deep bluish ulcers, having black bases. Prolapsus ani during stool and during urination. Inclination to slide down in the bed. The lower jaw hangs down. Pulse weak and slow, intermitting every third beat. Stool: involuntary while passing urine; from drink- ing lager beer; during typhoid fever; after abuse of opium. After stool: protrusion of dark, purple varices, much worse from bathing with cold water. Menses too early and too profuse. ACIDUM NITRICUM. Suitable especially to lean persons of rigid fiber, dark complexion, black hair and eyes-the brunette rather than blonde-nervous temperament. Persons suffering with chronic disease who take cold easily; are disposed to diarrhoea; very seldom to those who suffer with constipation. Old people, diarrhoea, and great weakness. Excessive physical irritability. Pains: sticking, pricking, as from splinters; sud- denly appearing and disappearing; on change of temperature or weather; during sleep; gnawing here and there, as from ulcers forming. Diseases which depend on some virulent poison; 8 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. mercury, syphilis, scrofula; in broken-down, cachectic constitutions; hateful and vindictive. Often anxious about his own illness; constantly thinking about his past troubles; mind weakened and wanders. Ozæna: green casts from the nose every morning. Diarrhoea: great straining but little passes; as if stayed in rectum and could not be expelled; pain as if rectum and anus were torn or fissured; violent cutting pain after stool, lasting for hours. Urine scanty, dark-brown, strong-smelling, like horses' urine; cold when it passes; turbid, looks like remains of a cider barrel. : Ulcers easily bleeding, pricking pains especially on contact; zigzag, irregular edges; base looks like raw flesh; exuberant granulations; after mercury or syph- ilis or both, engrafted on a scrofulous base. Hæmorrhage: from bowels in typhoid; after mis- carriage or post-partum; from over-exertion of the body. Easily excited; much affected by peevishness. Vexed at the least trifle. Depressed, despondent mood. Headache, as if the head were tightly bound up. Profuse falling of the hair of the head. Double vision of horizontal objects at some distance. Obscuration of the eyes while reading. Soreness and bleeding within the nose, with violent coryza. Stitches as from a splinter in the nose, on touch. Ulcerated spots on the inner surface of the cheeks, with sticking pains as from a splinter. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 9 Blisters on the tongue and on its margins, with burning pain when touched. Sticking pain and ulceration of the corners of the mouth. Small painful pimples on the sides of the tongue. Corners of the mouth ulcerative and scabby. Profuse flow of saliva. Sticking, painful sore throat. Cracking in the maxillary articulation when chew- ing and eating. White patches appeared, first on the tonsils, then on the back part of the throat, and finally on the inside the mouth and lips. A morsel sticks in the pharynx while eating, as if the pharynx were constricted. Swallowing very difficult and painful. Burning sensation in the rectum. Sticking in the rectum and spasmodic constriction in the anus, during a stool, lasting for many hours. Itching in the rectum. With the stool a pain as if something in the rectum would be torn asunder. The stool is evacuated in hard masses. Needle-like stitches in the orifice of the urethra. Superficial ulcers in the corona glandis, looking clean, but exuding an offensive moisture. Small itching vesicles on the prepuce, that open after a few days and become covered with small dry scabs. Sharp stitches in the prepuce. Tearing in the lower extremities, especially at night. : 10 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. So weak that he was almost constantly obliged to lie down. Pains suddenly appearing and disappearing. Menses too early and too profuse. Menses irregular. Violent bearing-down pains in the lower part of the abdomen, as though everything would be pressed out of the vulva. Leucorrhoea: after the menses; flesh-colored mucus. Acrid, offensive discharge of brown water. Discharge of brown mucus which can be drawn out in long strings. Stitches in the vagina. Continuous chilliness in the evening, before going to bed and after lying down; in bed, worse from un- covering or moving. Icy coldness of soles of feet. Constant paroxysms of flushes of heat, of single parts, or over entire body. The blood seemed hot at night, especially in the hands. Sweat over the entire body after eating. Sweat, with cold hands and blue nails. Sweat sour, offensive, like horses' urine. Night-sweat, only on the parts on which he is lying. Profuse night-sweat, every other night. Offensive axillary sweat. Perspiration in the morning. Profuse sweat on the soles, causing soreness of the toes and balls of the feet, with sticking pain as if he were walking on pins. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 11 ACIDUM NITROMURIATICUM. A constant drooling at night. ACIDUM OXALICUM. Stools after coffee; in the morning; after break- fast. Thinking of the symptoms aggravates them. ACIDUM PHOSPHORICUM. Adapted to persons of originally strong constitutions, who have become debilitated by loss of animal fluids ; sexual excesses; violent acute diseases; chagrin; a long succession of moral emotions, as grief, care, dis- appointed affections. Is very weak, apathetic; indifferent to the affairs of life; to those things that used to be of most interest. In children and young people who grow too rapidly; pains in back and limbs as if beaten. Patient trembles, legs weak, stumbles easily, or makes missteps. Interstitial inflammation of bones; scrofulous; syph- ilitic; mercurial; periosteum inflamed, pains burning, tearing, as if scraped with a knife; caries, rachitis, but not necrosis. : Urine looks like milk mixed with jelly-like, bloody pieces; decomposes rapidly; profuse urination at night, of clear watery urine which forms a white cloud at once. Onanism; when patient is greatly distressed by the culpability of the act. 12 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Loss of ideas and weakness of mind. He cannot collect his thoughts in proper order. He speaks unwillingly; talking is irksome. Roaring in the ears, with difficult hearing. Distention of the abdomen. Stools thin whitish-gray; yellow, watery, with meal-like sediment; from depressing mental emotions ; in young persons who have grown very rapidly; after eating. Desire for something refreshing or juicy. Very profuse emissions. Menses too early and of too long duration. During menses: pain in the region of the liver. Leucorrhoea after menstruation, profuse, yellowish. Meteoristic distention of the uterus. Dry cough, caused by tickling low down in the chest, just above the pit of the stomach. Pain in the chest, as from weakness. Growing-pains in young girls. Great bodily weakness. Weak and apathetic in the morning. Lascivious dreams, with emissions. The evening chill predominates. Excessive heat, depriving one almost of conscious- ness. Thirst only during sweat. Profuse morning sweat; clammy; exhausting. ACIDUM PICRICUM. Lack of will-power to undertake any work. Great sexual desire, and painful erections, with emissions. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 13 Terrible erections, with restless sleep; very hard erections; profuse seminal emissions; violent erec- tions all night. Legs feel heavy, like lead. Restless sleep, with priapismic erections. Feet cold. Chilliness followed by clammy sweat. Great feeling of fatigue. Great muscular debility. ACIDUM SALICYLICUM. Roaring in the ears, with difficult hearing. ACIDUM SULPHURICUM. Irascibility; irritability. Hardness of hearing. Paleness of the face. Sensation of trembling without visible trembling. Child smells sour, despite the most careful washing. Stools: chopped, saffron-yellow, mucus; stringy after oysters. Menses: too early, too copious and of too long dura- tion. She is in great haste about everything she does, during menses. ACONITUM NAPELLUS. Great anxiety and restlessness. Sadness. Fear of approaching death, predicting even the fatal day. Nightly raging delirium. Vertigo or fainting on rising up, with paleness. 14 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Great fear and sad anxiety of mind, with great ner- vous excitability; afraid to go out, to go into a crowd where there is any excitement or many people, to cross a street. His countenance is expressive of fear his life is rendered miserable by it. Headache as if the brain were agitated by boiling water. Full, heavy feeling in the head, as if every- thing would come out at the forehead. Inflammation of the eyes, extremely painful. Great sensitiveness to noise. Great sensibility of the olfactory nerve. Sensation of the face growing large. Dryness of mouth. Burning in throat. Burning in the umbilical region and abdomen. Sensitiveness of the abdomen to touch, as from slight peritoneal inflammation. ; Great swelling of abdomen, which is painful to touch. Anxious desire to urinate. Urine hot, dark-colored. Larynx sensitive to inspired air, and to touch. Hoarse, dry, loud cough. Expectoration of bright- red blood. Stitches in chest with cough. Anxiety about the heart. Pulse contracted, full, powerful, febrile, exceeding one hundred beats to the minute. Coldness of the feet. Excessive restlessness and tossing about for several hours. Very fine stinging, or stinging-burning pains in many parts, as if seated in the skin. Anxious dreams, waking with a start. PEARLS OF HOMOEOPATHY. 15 Redness and heat of one, coldness and paleness of the other, cheek. Toward evening burning heat in the head and face, with redness of the cheeks and out-pressing headache. Aconite is most frequently indicated in recent cases occurring in young persons, especially girls of a full plethoric habit, who lead a sedentary life; persons easily affected by atmospheric changes. Hahnemann says: Whenever Aconite is chosen nomœopathically, you must, above all, observe the moral symptoms, and be careful that it closely resem- bles them; the anguish of mind and body; the rest- lessness; the disquiet, not to be allayed." In chills, the chill ascends from feet to chest ; chilli- ness on the slightest movement, even by lifting the bed-clothes. During fever there is great thirst for large quantities of water; everything else tastes bitter. Must be covered as soon as sweat begins; covered or affected parts sweat most profusely, or perspiration only on side on which he lies. Menstruation too profuse and too protracted. Sup- pressed menses from fright. Furor or frenzy on the approach of the menses. Copious, tenacious, yellowish leucorrhoea. Stools are watery; green, like chopped spinach ; bloody, slimy, mucous; small; frequent; worse after getting wet. Tenesmus. ACTÆA RACEMOSA. Great melancholy, with sleeplessness. Declares she will go crazy. Sensation as if a heavy black cloud had settled all over her and enveloped her head. 16 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Imagines strange objects in her room, and on her bed. Aching pain in head, particularly in occiput, in- doors. Feels as if the top of the head would fly off. Great tenderness on pressure over the uterine region. Hysterical or epileptical spasms at time of menses. Rheumatic pain in the muscles of the neck and back; a feeling of stiffness and retraction. Excessive muscular soreness. Rheumatism affecting the belly of the muscles. Nervous shuddering; tremor all over the body. ACTÆA SPICATA. Rheumatic pains in the small joints. Swelling of the joints after slight fatigue. ÆSCULUS GLABRA. Obstinate constipation. Great lameness and weakness of the back. ÆSCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. Dry, uncomfortable feeling in rectum, as if it were filled with small sticks. Soreness, burning, itching, and fulness at anus. Hæmorrhoids like ground nuts, purple ; painful sen- sation of burning; generally blind; aching and lame- ness or shooting in the back. Stool hard, dry and passed with difficulty. Rectum feels full of small sticks. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 17 J Constant backache affecting the sacrum and hips, very much aggravated by walking and stooping for- ward. Back gives out when walking. Constant throbbing behind the symphysis pubis. Venous congestion (portal and hæmorrhoidal), as if parts contained too much blood; heart, lungs, stomach, brain. Mucous membranes dry, swollen; burn and feel raw; mouth, throat, rectum. ÆTHUSA. A drawn condition, beginning at the ala nasi, and extending to the angle of the mouth, gave the face an expression of great pain. Intolerance of milk; it is forcibly ejected almost as soon as swallowed, curdled or not curdled, in from ten to fifteen minutes; then weakness makes them drowsy for some minutes. Dozing of child after vomiting spells or after the stools. Stools light yellow and greenish. Green mucus. Bloody mucus. Milk is thrown up just as it was swallowed, or in curds so large as to almost choke the child. Spasms; thumbs clenched; eyes turned down; pupils fixed, dilated; eyes staring; foam at the mouth; red face; locked jaw; pulse small, hard, and quick. Surface of body cold and covered with clammy sweat. Can't bear milk in any form. 18. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. AGARICUS EMETICUS. Violent vomiting, with ice-cold sweat of face. AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. Drawing from both sides of the frontal bone as far as the root of the nose. Redness, itching, and burning on any part of the body, as if frost-bitten, or burning and itching of in- ternal parts. Twitching of the facial muscles. Passage of much inodorous flatus. Peculiar painfulness along the spinal cord when stooping. Violent shooting, burning pains deep in the spine. Aching along the spine and limbs. Spinal column sensitive to the touch. Tremor of the hands. Awful bearing-down pains in female pelvis, almost intolerable. Paralysis of upper and lower limbs. Violent muscular twitchings. Involuntary movements while awake; cease during sleep. AGARICUS PHALLOIDES. Suppression of urine. AGNUS CASTUS. Extreme absence of mind; unable to recollect things. Sexual desire lessened, almost lost. i PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 19 Penis so relaxed that voluptuous fancies excite no erections. Testes cold, swollen, hard, and painful. Penis small, flaccid. Impotence, with gleet. Yellow urethral discharge. Gleet without sexual desire or erectious. Milk scanty or entirely suppressed. AILANTHUS GLANDULOSUS. Semi-conscious; cannot comprehend what is said to him. Eyes suffused and congested; startled look when aroused; pupils dilated and sluggish. Copious, thin, ichorous, and bloody discharge from the nose. Teeth covered with sordes. Tongue dry, parched, cracked. Throat livid, almost purple, swollen; tonsils promi- nent and studded with many deep, angry-looking. ulcers oozing a scanty, fœtid discharge; external neck swollen and sensitive. Breathing hurried, irregular, heavy. Dry hacking cough. Eruptions of miliary rash in patches of dark, almost livid, color; most on forehead and face. ALETRIS FARINOSA. Premature and profuse menses, with labor-like pains. 20 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. ALLIUM CEPA. Headache in the room, evenings, with coryza. Excessive non-excoriating lachrymation of the eyes, left eye worse, with redness of the eyeball, after fre- quent sneezing. Copious watery discharge from the nose, and water- ing of eyes. Acrid discharge from the left nostril. Profuse sneezing when coming into a warm room. On inspiring cold air, hacking cough. Violent catarrhal laryngitis; the hoarse cough seems to split and tear the larynx. ALLIUM SATIVUM. Very copious flow of sweetish saliva into the mouth in the forenoon, after meals; more especially after supper and during the night. ALOE. Great disinclination to mental labor. Dull headache across and above the forehead, with heaviness in the eyes, and nausea. Dull, pressive pain in the supra-orbital region. One is compelled to make the eyes small, with pain in the forehead. Distention of the bowels. A feeling of weakness in the abdomen as if diarrhoea would result. Very offensive burning flatus. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 21 Sensation of heat and burning in the rectum. Urgency to stool, with passage of urine. Sensation as of a plug wedged in between the sym- physis pubis and the os coccygis. Every time, on passing urine, the feeling as if some thin stool would escape with it. With the stool there is always a feeling as if still more were at hand. Fear lest a stool should escape with the flatus. The stool passes without his needing to make any exertion; it falls, as it were, out of the intestines. Involuntary stool, with passage of flatus. Fæces and urine will pass together, they escape together. He must go to stool soon after a meal. Gurgling in the abdomen as of water running from a bottle. Usually awakes in the morning with severe urging to stool, etc.; before 5 o'clock, aroused and excited in the head; has to hurry to the closet. ALUMEN. Cough from tickling in larynx, caused by talking. ALUMINA. In the evening, dryness of the throat, which induces frequent clearing of the throat. Evacuation of a small quantity of hard fæces, with pressure and a sensation of excoriation in the rectum. Urine can only be passed with the stool, or must stand up to urinate, and then sit down to defecate. 3 22 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Great dryness of all the mucous membranes. Dryness and harshness of skin, with absence of perspiration. Inactivity of the rectum; even the soft stool re- quires great straining. No desire for and no ability to pass stool, until there is a large accumulation. · Stools hard and knotty, like sheep dung; with cut- ting in the anus, followed by blood. Copious discharge of mucus from the vagina, before the menses. Acrid leucorrhoea. Abundant discharge of transparent mucus, flowing only in the day-time. Profuse, transparent, acrid leucorrhoea running down to the feet, during day. Discharge of flesh-colored liquid after the menses. Leucorrhoea, relieved by cold washes. Continued dry, hacking cough, with vomiting and arrest of breathing. Pain in the back, as though a hot iron were thrust through the lower vertebræ. Constriction of the oesophagus; can swallow but small morsels at a time. Great heaviness in the lower limbs; can scarcely drag them; when walking, staggers, and has to sit down; in the evening. Great weariness of the legs when sitting. Excessively faint and tired, must sit down. PEARLS OF HOMOEOPATHY. 23 AMBRA GRISEA. Sense of coldness in the abdomen. Frequent ineffectual desire for stool, which causes anxiety; at this time the presence of other people is intolerable. Violent itching of the pudendum. Stinging, smarting, and itching of the anus. Discharge of blood between the menses at every lit- tle accident, as after every hard stool, or after a walk. Violent spasmodic cough, with frequent eructations and hoarseness. Intense and painful coldness of legs. AMMONIUM BROMATUM. Right eye full of white stringy mucus. Irritation of throat, with inclination to cough. Expectoration of white, sticky mucus. Feet cold in warm room. Sensation of a band tied around head above ears. Sharp pain in left side of head, near the eye. AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. Bleeding at the nose. Hard swelling of the cervical glands. Frequent attacks of coryza. Premature menses, discharge consisting of blackish clots, acrid, and makes the thighs sore. Copious flow, especially at night, when standing or riding, and after a ride in the cold air. 24 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Menstruation too early, too scanty, and of too short duration. Griping, colicky pains before menstruation. Cholera-like symptoms at the commencement of the catamenia. During menstruation: Violent fatigue in the whole body, and especially in the thighs, with yawning, chilliness, and pain in the small of the back; aggrava- tion of the hæmorrhoids; she does not want to talk, to hear others talk. or After menstruation: Spasmodic pains in the abdo- men. Profuse, acrid leucorrhoea. At every menstrual period there is a discharge of blood from the bowels. AMMONIUM CAUSTICUM. Very great difficulty in breathing. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. Suitable to those who are fat and sluggish; or body fat but legs thin. Watery acrid coryza, excoriating the lip; mouth and lips sore and excoriated. Constipation extremely obstinate; stools hard, crumbling, requiring great effort for expulsion, with much flatulence. Menses premature and profuse; discharge black and clotted. During menses: Diarrhoea and vomiting with pres- PEARLS OF HOMOEOPATHY. 25 sure and contractions in the abdomen and small of the back; bloody discharge from the bowels; neuralgic pains in the feet. Chills alternating with heat every half hour. Chill worse from uncovering; dares not uncover on account of chilliness. Leucorrhoea like the white of an egg, preceded by pain about the umbilicus. Violent pain in the small of the back; especially at night. AMMONIUM VALERIANICUM. Violent neuralgia, with great nervous agitation. AMORPHOUS PHOSPHORUS. Cannot study nor keep his mind on any particular subject long at a time. Pupil of left eye dilated about twice the size of the right. Severe tenesmus, followed by stool, which shoots out as if from a gun. Excessive perspiration. Body cold. AMPHISBŒNA. Vertigo, as if one would fall toward one side, and is then impelled toward the opposite side by a contrary oscillation. Dull pain in the right lower jaw-bone. AMYL NITROSUM. Flushing of the face. The beating of the heart and of the carotids is very marked. 26 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. ANACARDIUM. Adapted to ill-natured, nervous, hysterical persons, in whose diseases mental symptoms predominate. Sudden loss of memory; everything appears as in a dream; patient much troubled about his forgetfulness. Hypochondriasis. Disposed to be malicious, seems bent on wickedness; irresistible desire to curse and swear. Suspects every one and everything around him; when walking he felt anxious as if some one were pur- suing him; lack of confidence in himself and others; weakness of all the senses. Feels as though he had two wills, one commanding to do what the other forbids. Strange temper; laughs at serious matters, and is serious over laughable things; thinks herself a demon; swears. Sensation as if a blunt plug were pressing into vari- ous parts. Sensation as of a hoop or band around the part. Child is very irritable, a slight offence or contradic- tion makes him excessively angry. ANALINUM. The principal characteristic of this drug is a cyanotic condition, with headache. ANGUSTURA. Very much fatigued, feels it most in the thighs. Caries and very painful ulcers, which affect the bones and pierce them to the marrow, particularly if PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 27 the patient has longing for coffee and a very touchy, sensitive mind; very susceptible; will not bear the slightest joke. Timid; dyspeptic. Traumatic tetanus. Shivering, with goose-flesh, without thirst. ANTHRAKOKALI. Copious evacuation of pale, clear urine. ANTIMONIUM ARSENITUM. Excessive dyspnoea in cases of emphysema. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. Child is fretful and peevish; does not wish to be touched or looked at. Sulky; does not wish to speak with any one. Redness and inflammation of eyelids. Sore, cracked, and crusty nostrils. Suppurating and long-lasting eruptions on cheeks. Tongue coated thick white. Belching, with taste of what has been eaten; vomit- ing of mucus and bile. Stool watery, with little hard lumps, or containing undigested food. Alternate constipation and diarrhoea of old people. Loss of voice. Arthritic pains in the fingers. Young people disposed to obesity. Gastric complaints from overeating; stomach weak ; digestion easily disturbed. Anxious, lachrymose mood; the slightest thing affects her. 28 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Irresistible desire to talk in rhymes or repeat verses. Disposition to abnormal growths of skin: finger nails do not grow rapidly; crushed nails grow in splits, like warts, and with horny spots. Large horny places (corns) on soles, which are very sensitive when walking, especially on stony pave- When symptoms reappear, they change lo- cality, or go from one side of the body to the other. Sweat at same hour every other day. ments. Great desire for pickles. The menses appear before the girl is of a proper age. Leucorrhoea causes a biting or smarting sensation down the thighs. Profuse discharge of acrid water mixed with plugs. Ulcerated cervix uteri, discharging acrid water and pus. ANTIMONIUM SULPH. AURATUM. Bleeding from nose on washing. Pasty mouth and taste in the morning. ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM. Adapted to torpid, phlegmatic constitutions. Intermittents from exposure to damp cellars or base- ments. Pale, sunken face. Tongue covered with a thick white, pasty coat; red in streaks, very red, dry in the middle. Entire absence of thirst. Vomiting, with great effort; intense and long last- PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 29 ing, till he becomes faint; followed by languor, drow- siness, and loathing. Child clings to those around; wants to be carried; cries and whines if any one touches it; will not let you feel the pulse. Continuous, anxious nausea; straining to vomit, with perspiration on the forehead. When patient coughs there appears to be a large collection of mucus in the bronchi, and it seems as if much would be expectorated, but nothing comes up. Suffocated and oppressed; cannot get air; has to sit up in bed. Oppression of breathing, relieved by expectoration. Pulse rapid, weak, trembling. With eruption like pox, often pustular, as large as a pea. Pustular eruption leaves bluish red marks on face; also similar eruptions on genitals, thighs, etc., painful. Great sleepiness, or irresistible inclination to sleep, with nearly all complaints. Trembling and chilliness, always from within out- ward. Short chill and long lasting heat, with somnolency and profuse sweat on forehead. Violent short heat succeeding a long chill, aggrava- tion by every motion. Affected parts sweat profusely. During paroxysms of fever, cannot keep his eyes open; irresistible sleepiness and deep, stupefied sleep; when awake, hopelessness and despair. Violent but not long-lasting heat succeeding a long chill, aggravation by every motion. 30 PEARLS OF HOMŒOPATHY. Long-lasting heat, after a short chill, with somno- lency and sweat on the forehead. APIOL. When reading, the right page laps over the left. Can only get to sleep by keeping the hand or foot in motion. APIS MELLIFICA. Adapted to strumous constitution. Bilious, nervous temperament; women, especially widows; children and girls who, though generally careful, become awkward and let things fall while handling them. Lachrymose disposition; cannot help crying; dis- couraged; despondent. Bag-like swelling under the eyes. Great sensitiveness to touch. Pain: burning, stinging, sore; periodical, in sudden, sharp paroxysms, suddenly migrating from one part to another. Sudden, shrill, piercing screams while wakening or sleeping. Thirstlessness; anasarca; ascites. Incontinence of urine with great irritation of the parts; can scarcely retain the urine a moment, and when passed, scalds severely. Frequent, painful, scanty, bloody urination. Child lies in torpor; delirium; sudden shrilling cries, squinting, grinding teeth, boring head in pillow, one side twitching, the other paralyzed; head wet from sweating; urine scanty, milky. Redness and swelling of both ears. Nose swollen, red, and oedematous. PEARLS OF HOMOEOPATHY. 31 Edematous swelling of the face. Sensation of rawness in the anus, with diarrhoea. Stool occurs with every motion of the body, as if the anus were constantly open. Dysentery; olive green, slimy, profuse, and full of bright red lumps-looks like tomato sauce. Constant oozing from anus, of which the patient is unconscious. Bruised, sore feeling of abdominal walls, with ex- cessive tenderness, felt when sneezing or upon the least pressure. Enlargement of right ovary, with pain in the left pectoral region and cough. Cutting or stinging pain in the right ovary. Sensation in the toes and whole foot as if too large, swollen, and stiff. General feeling of lassitude with trembling. Burning, stinging pains like bee stings, occurring occasionally. Urticaria like bee stings, or stings from other insects, with intolerable itching at night. Carbuncles, with burning, stinging pains. Chill with thirst, always; chill worse in a warm room; from external heat. Cannot bear heat of stove. Chill renewed from the slightest motion. Heat rarely with thirst. No thirst in sweating stage. Swelling and burning of lips during entire paroxysm. In ascites: sensation in abdomen as if something would break, if much effort were made to void a stool. 32 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. APOCYNUM CANNABINUM. Decided scantiness of the urine. Sense of oppression about the epigastrium and chest, several times, so great that there was the greatest difficulty in getting breath enough to smoke a cigar or to speak with any comfort, and this happened after lighter meals than ordinary. APOMORPHINUM. A feeling of nausea coming on at intervals, espe- cially after taking food; in pain, clean tongue, and no headache. Sudden vomiting, almost without nausea; vomiting of food, mucus, rarely of bile. ARANEA DIADEMA. Headache and confusion of the head, relieved by smoking, and ceases entirely in the open air. Sudden violent pains in the teeth of the whole upper and lower jaws, at night, immediately after lying down. Menstruation too early, too strong, and too copious. ARCTIUM LAPPA. An exceedingly sore, bruised feeling in the uterus, with great relaxation of the vaginal tissues; apparently entire lack of tonicity of pelvic contents. These symptoms all aggravated by standing, walking, a misstep or sudden jar. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 33 ARGENTUM METALLICUM. Viscid, gray, jelly-like mucus in pharynx, easily hawked up; early in the morning. Throat feels raw and sore during expiration or coughing. Crushed pain in the testicles. Pains in left ovary and loins. Laughing produces mucus in the larynx, and ex- cites cough. Rawness and soreness in the upper part of the larynx, when coughing, not when swallowing. Easy expectoration of white, thick mucus, like boiled starch. ARGENTUM NITRICUM. Vertigo and buzzing in the ears, and general de- bility of the limbs and trembling. Headache relieved by binding something tightly around the head. Boring in left frontal eminence. Intolerance of light. Serpent-like bodies move before the vision. Canthi red as blood; clusters of intensely red vessels extend from inner canthus to cornea. Tip of the tongue red and painful; papillæ erect, prominent. Thick tenacious mucus in the throat, obliging him to hawk. Rawness, soreness, and scraping in the throat. 34 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Sensation as if a splinter were lodged in the throat, when swallowing, breathing or moving the neck. Uvula and fauces dark red. Nausea, with loud eructations. Ineffectual efforts to eructate, causing strangulation, which is finally relieved by loud belching; the par- oxysin is preceded by yawning and followed by ex- haustion and deep sleep. Painful swelling of the pit of the stomach, with great anxiety. Stools: Green mucus, like chopped spinach, in flakes; turning green after remaining on diaper. Masses of epithelial substance, connected by muco- lymph, red, green, shreddy, thin, unshapely strips or shaggy lumps. Stools expelled forcibly with much sputtering. Stools worse from, or caused by, eating freely of sugar or candy. Nightly pains in the back. Great debility and weariness of the lower extremi- ties. Drowsiness or stupor, with dilated pupils. ARNICA MONTANA. Hydrogenoid constitution. Dark hair; rigid mus- cles. Plethoric; red face. Especially adapted to those who remain long im- pressed by even slight mechanical injuries. Nervous, cannot stand pain; whole body over-sensi- tive; sore bruised feeling all through the body, as if beaten. Everything on which he lies seems too hard; com- PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 35 plains constantly of it, and keeps moving from place to place in search of a soft spot. Heat of upper part of body; coldness of lower. The face, or head and face alone, is hot, while the body is cool. Diseases of traumatic origin, the muscular fibre being chiefly involved. Unconscious; when spoken to answers correctly, but unconsciousness and delirium at once return. Fears being touched or struck by person coming near him. Cannot walk erect on account of a bruised, sore feel- ing in pelvic region. Tendency to small painful boils, one after another; extremely sore. Excessive sensitiveness of the mind. Fœtid breath from the mouth. Eructations bitter, and like bad eggs. Offensive flatus; smelling like rotten eggs. Diarrhoea resembling brown yeast. Involuntary stool at night, when asleep. Menses profuse; discharge bright red color, mixed with coagula. Cough in children, produced by weeping and la- menting. Paralytic pain in all the joints, during motion, as if the joints were bruised. Chill, with pain in muscles of back and extremities as if bruised; aching in bones. Chilly, with heat and redness of one cheek. Shivering over the whole body and the head; at the same time heat in the head and redness and heat in 36 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. the face, accompanied by coldness of the hands and a feeling as if the hips, the back and the anterior sur- face of the arms were being bruised. ARSENICUM ALBUM. Great prostration, with rapid sinking of the vital forces. Fainting. The disposition is: Depressed, melancholic, despair- ing, indifferent; fearful, restless, anxious, full of anguish; irritable, sensitive, peevish, easily vexed. Very violent delirium, especially at night, with great restlessness. Her desire exceeds her need. He despairs and weeps, and imagines no one can help him; that he must die; he is cold and chilly, and afterwards generally weak. Anguish and despair drive him from one place to another for relief. With great anguish he turns and tosses to and fro in his bed. Violent anxiety at 3 A. M.; he now felt hot, now as if he would vomit. Dread of death coming on suddenly when left alone. The slightest paroxysm of pain is accompanied with an excessive sinking of strength. She is faint, anxious, and weary early in the morn- ing. Burning pains; the parts burn like fire. Great heaviness in the head, with humming in the ears; it goes off in the open air, but returns again as soon as he enters the room. Burning in the eyes. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 37 Eyelids oedematous, often completely closing the eyes. Corrosive tears, making the cheeks and eyelids sore. Excoriating discharge from the nostrils. The watery nasal mucus causes a smarting and burning at the nostrils, as if they were made sore by it. Face expressive of genuine mental anxiety. Deathly color to the face. Pale, yellow cachectic look. Swelling of the face. Face swollen; sunken; covered with cold sweat; hippocratic. Tongue: Redness of the tip; dry and coated brown. Feeling of great dryness in the mouth, with violent thirst; he drinks little at a time. Burning in the mouth along the pharynx, and in the pit of the stomach. Loathing of food. Burning thirst, without special desire to drink; the stomach does not seem to tolerate, because it cannot assimilate, cold water; it is wanted, but he cannot drink it. Great thirst for cold water; drinks often but little at a time; eats seldom but much. Teething children are pale, weak, fretful, and want to be carried rapidly. Hiccough at the hour when fever ought to have come. Violent vomiting, excited by eating or drinking. Great anxiety about the epigastric region. Intense burning pains in stomach and pit of stomach. 4 38 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 1 Water is immediately thrown off the stomach. Vomiting every time after drinking. Frequent vomiting, with apprehensions of death. Distention and pain in the abdomen. Burning pains in the abdomen, with anxiety. Diarrhoea after eating or drinking; stool scanty, dark color, offensive odor, followed by great prostra- tion. The evacuations excoriate the skin about the anus. Black, acrid, putrid stools. Burning at the anus like fire, with discharge of a black fluid. Considerable purging, and extreme coldness of the extremities. Constipation. Burning in the urethra during micturition. Involuntary micturition. Scanty emission, and burning during emission. Frequent oppressive shortness of breath in every position of the body, causing anxiety. Oppression; want of breath; a nocturnal asthma makes him spring up at midnight. Difficult breathing with great anguish. Oppression of breathing on walking fast, or ascend- ing a height. Violent palpitation of the heart, especially at night, visible and audible, with anguish. Pulse quick, weak, and irregular. Irregular palpitation of the heart, but so violent at night that he imagines he hears it; accompanied with anguish. Palpitation of the heart and tremulous weakness PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 39 after stool; he has to lie down. Loss of strength in the small of the back. Excessive weakness and exhaustion of the limbs, obliging him to lie down. Uneasiness in the lower limbs; he cannot lie still in the night, and had to change the position of his feet all the time or to walk about, to get relief. Very great restlessness, so that she could not lie quiet a minute. Restlessness; throwing herself from side to side. Rapid emaciation, with cold sweat and great debility. Excessive exhaustion from least exertion. Eruption around the mouth, burning and painful. Burning, itching, painful after scratching. Bran-like, dry, scaly eruption. Ulcers with burning pain as from glowing coals in them. Burning like fire around the ulcers. Startings of various kinds, when falling asleep, in the evening. After midnight (from 3 o'clock on) she tosses about, and sleeps only at times. Shuddering without thirst, worse in open air. Yearly return of complaints. Sleepiness the night before paroxysm. Feels as if burning up internally. Chill better by external warmth. Heat with insatiable thirst for cold water; drinks little and often, with vomiting after drinking several times. During chill and heat, aggravation of previously existing symptoms. 40 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Sweat with unquenchable thirst for large quantites of cold water. Cold, clammy sweat. Drinks large quantities in sweat; little and often in chill and heat. ARSENICUM IODATUM. Chronic diarrhoea, with intestinal ulceration. Obstinate chronic eruptions. ARTEMISIA ABROTANUM. Darting pain in region of left ovary. ARUM TRIPHYLLUM. Nose obstructed; compelled to breathe through the mouth. Nostrils sore and chapped. Nose, lips, and face feel chapped, as if he walked in cold wind. Great heat in face and head; afternoons, with fluent coryza. Picks the lips until they bleed. Corners of the mouth sore, cracked, and bleeding. Root of tongue and palate feel raw. Buccal cavity raw, sore, and bleeding. Swelling of submaxillary glands. Voice hoarse; from overuse in speaking or singing. Exanthema, like scarlet rash, with itching; skin peels off afterward. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 41 ASAFŒTIDA. Pressive pain in the forehead, from within outward. A hysterical rising in the throat, as if a ball or large body ascended from the stomach to the oesophagus. Hypersensitiveness, either moral or physical. Food, when partially swallowed, returns into the mouth. Spasmodic tightness of the chest, as if the lungs could not be fully expanded. Flatus passes upward, none downward. Stools disgustingly offensive. Hysterical spasms after suppression of habitual dis- charges, as from an ulcer. ASARUM EUROPÆUM. Cannot bear the sound of scratching on linen or any similar substance. ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA. Feeling as if a stream of fire passed through the abdomen, and as if bowels would come out. ASTUCUS. The cough is not troublesome while walking, but when she stops the cough is much aggravated. ATROPINUM. Stiffness in left knee and lower leg, in right great toe. Feeling as if the head was screwed up; walking causes the most severe sticking pains. 42 PEARLS OF HOMOEOPATHY. Fine, drawing, very sensitive stitches across the forehead and temples. Dull pain in the temples, coming on at intervals of perhaps a quarter of an hour. Very sensitive sticking in the left temporal region on waking in the morning. Spasmodic winking. Ovarian neuralgia. Dark red or mottled efflorescent redness of the skin. Anæsthesia of the skin. Chills alternating with flushes of heat. AURUM METALLICUM. Disgust for life; suicidal tendency. Despondent, melancholy, dejected, unhappy, weep- ing. Peevish and vehement; the least contradiction ex- cites his wrath. Her mind constantly turns towards self-destruction. Sees things double or mixed up. Half sightedness, as if the upper half of the vision were covered with a dark body. Ulcerated, agglutinated, painful nostrils. Soreness in both nostrils, especially when touched. The right nasal bone and the adjoining part of the upper jaw are painful to touch. Swelling of the right testicle. Pressive and tensive pain in the right testicle. AURUM MURIATICUM. A bad smelling, watery discharge from the nose. The nasal cavity is ulcerated in deep, with dry, yellowish scurf, with sense of obstruction. PEARLS OF HOMOEOPATHY. 43 BADIAGA. Profuse coryza, mostly from the left nostril. BAPTISIA TINCTORIA. Dysentery of old people; diarrhoea of children, es- pecially when very offensive. Great prostration, with disposition to decomposition of fluids. Ulceration of mucous membrane; exhalations and discharges, offensive, foetid-breath, stools, urine, sweat. Stupor; falls asleep while being spoken to, in the midst of his answer. Cannot go to sleep, because she cannot get herself together; feels scattered about, and tosses about to get the pieces together; thought she was three per- sons and could not keep them covered. Face flushed, dusky; dark red, with a stupid, besotted expression. Can swallow liquids only; the least solid food gags. In whatever position the patient lies, the parts rested upon feel sore and bruised. Tongue coated yellowish-brown in the centre, with red, shining edges. Mouth and tongue very dry in fevers. Chill, fever, and sweat every afternoon. Feverishness, with feeling all over as if bruised; the parts on which he is lying soon ache, and feel sore and bruised. A sensation all over the body as if bruised or beaten. 4.4 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. BARYTA CARBONICA. Especially adapted to complaints of first childhood; scrofulous, dwarfish children, who do not grow; scrofulous ophthalmia; opaque cornea; attacks of colic; swollen abdomen; puffed face; general emaci- ation; mind and body weak. Persons subject to quinsy; take cold easily, or with every, even least, cold, have an attack of tonsillitis prone to suppuration. * Dwarfish, hysterical women, with deficient vital heat, always cold and chilly. Old cachectic people; scrofulous, especially when fat; or those who suffer from gouty complaints. Diseases of old men; hypertrophied prostate or in- durated testes. Swelling and indurations, or incipient suppuration of glands. Offensive foot-sweats; toes and soles get sore; throat affections after checked foot-sweat. Great sensitiveness to cold. Mental weakness, timidity, and imbecility. Child afraid of strangers; will not play, will not read; prefers to sit idly in a corner; stupid, silly look. Right parotid swollen and painful to touch. Smarting pain in the throat when swallowing, though aggravated on empty swallowing. Swelling of the submaxillary gland. Hard, tense abdomen. Several swollen glands in the neck and occiput. Fatty tumors about the neck. PEARLS OF HOMOEOPATHY. 45 A continuous, troublesome weight, just over the pubis. Tension, as from a cobweb over the face. Cough from thinking about it. Tensive pain in the small of the back. Throbbing in the back, like strong pulsations. Dampness between the thighs. Constant coldness, as if cold water were dashed over her. Icy coldness of the feet. If she puts her hands out from under the cover of the bed she feels cold, chilly, and thirsty. Sweat profuse, of the left side; offensive of one side; returning every other evening. BELLADONNA. Adapted to bilious, lymphatic, plethoric constitu- tions; persons who are jovial and entertaining when well, but violent and often delirious when sick. Women and children with light hair, blue eyes, fine complexion, delicate skin; sensitive, nervous, threatened with convulsions. Great liability to take cold, sensitive to draft of air, especially when uncovering the head; from having the hair cut; tonsils swell after riding in a cold wind. Over-excitability of all the senses; convulsions dur- ing dentition; spasms of single muscles or the whole body; chorea, epilepsy. Pains come on suddenly, last indefinitely, cease sud- denly. Pains usually in short attacks; cause redness of face and eyes; throbbing of carotids and head. 46 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Head hot and painful, face flushed, eyes wild, star- ing, pupils dilated, pulse full and bounding, mucous membrane of mouth dry, stool tardy, urine suppressed. Inclination to bite and strike those about her. Such fury that she had to be held constantly, lest she should attack some one; and when thus held, so that she could not move, she spat continually at those about her. Head and face hot, the rest of the body cold. Face livid; eyes injected and protruding, the pupils strongly dilated; the carotid arteries pulsating most violently; a full, hard, and frequent pulse, with loss of power to swallow. Great intolerance of light and noise. Tries to get out of bed. Rush of blood to the head, pulsation of the cerebral arteries, and a throbbing in the interior of the head. Very intense headache. The pains in the head are aggravated by noise, mo- tion, when moving the eyes, by shocks, contact, the least exertion, and in the open air. Pressure in the head, now here, now there, which occupies each time large areas. Violent throbbings in the brain, from behind for- wards and towards both sides; the throbbing ends on the surface in painful shootings. Jerking headache, extremely violent on walking quickly, or ascending stairs rapidly; at every step a jolt downwards, as if a weight were in the occiput. Frequently obliged to stand still in walking, from the violence of the pain in the forehead; pain relieved by pressing strongly on forehead. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 4.7 Stabbing, as if with a knife, from one temple to the other. Head so sensitive externally that the least contact, even pressure of the hair, causes pain. Eyes protruding, sparkling; pupils dilated; staring look. Eyes red, swollen, distorted. Eyes dry; feel stiff; heat and burning. Dilated, immovable pupils. Tearing at the internal and external ear, in a down- ward direction. Great sensitiveness of smell. Face glowing red and hot; swollen and hot. Convulsive movements of the muscles of the face and mouth. Dull drawing in upper right row of teeth; worse at night and from cold air. Tongue and palate dark red, and dry. Dryness of mouth, tongue, and throat, interferes with speech and deglutition. Slimy mouth in morning when waking, with pressive headache. Sore throat; fauces and pharynx deep red, soft palate and tonsils swollen; swallowing painful, partic- ularly fluids; speech thick; feels like a lump in the throat which induces hawking; throat swollen outside and sensitive to the touch. Painfully distended abdomen, very sensitive to touch. Violent cutting pressure in abdomen, now here, now there. Tenderness of the abdomen is aggravated by the least jar of the bed or the chair on which she sits; 48 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. obliged, in walking, to step with great care for fear of a jar. Stools: thin, green, mucous; white, papescent, fæcal as white as lime. Retention of urine, which only passes drop by drop. Great pressing downwards in the genitals, as if con- tents of abdomen would protrude through the vulva. Menses too early and too profuse; bright red blood; thick, decomposed, dark red blood; hot; the discharge feels hot as it passes. Voice husky and hoarse, and a dry cough from dryness of larynx. Sensation as if larynx was inflamed, swollen, and constricted. Short dry cough, from tickling in the larynx. Dry, spasmodic or hollow cough, worse at night. Barking cough, awaking after midnight, with pain in larynx and threatened suffocation. Violent palpitation of the heart, reverberating through the head. Pulse much increased in force and frequency. Throbbing of the carotid and temporal arteries. Pain in small of back, as if it would break. Shooting pressure on top of left shoulder. Paralytic pains in upper extremities. $ Cutting stitches in the outer muscles of right thigh, just above the knee, only when sitting. Pain in thighs and legs as if beaten, and as if cari- ous; fine shooting and gnawing along the bones, with violent tearing in the joints; pain gradually rises from the tarsal joints to the hips, necessitating, while sit- ting, constant mction and shifting of the feet; milder when walking. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 49 Redness of the whole body, with quick pulse. Smooth scarlet redness of the surface of the whole body. Pustules break out in the cheek and nose, which rapidly fill with pus, and become covered with a crust. Starts, as in a fright, from sleep or on just falling asleep. Sleep, with moaning and tossing about, with half- closed eyes. BERBERIS VULGARIS. Violent burning pain in the anus, as if the parts around it were sore. Lancinating, tearing, stinging, or burning pain on one side of the umbilicus, and passing to the lumbar region. Sticking-digging, or digging-tearing pain in one or the other kidney regions. Burning pain in the bladder. Drawing-sticking pain in one or the other side of the bladder, extending down into the female urethra, often arising in the lumbar region, and extending along the course of the ureters. Painful cuttings in the left side of the region of the bladder extend into the urethra, coming from the left kidney along the course of the ureters. Violent sticking pain in the bladder extending from the kidneys. Pale yellow urine, either with a slight transparent gelatinous sediment which does not deposit, or a tur- bid, flocculent, clay-like, copious, mucous sediment mixed with a white, or whitish-gray, and later a red- dish mealy sediment. 50 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Blood-red urine, which speedily becomes turbid, and deposits a thick mucous and bright-red mealy sedi- ment. Sensation of burning and soreness in the vagina, very sensitive. Menstruation too scanty, of too short duration, and attended with violent pain. Smarting pain in the vagina. Chilliness along the back. Pressive or tensive pain in the region of the loins and kidneys, sometimes on one side only, sometimes on both, or frequently across the small of the back, at times extending downwards into the posterior portion of the pelvis, and of the thighs, with a feeling of stiff- ness and lameness; rises from a seat with difficulty. BISMUTHUM¸OXIDUM. Pinching-pressive pain in the region of the dia- phragm, extending transversely through the chest. BISMUTHUM SUBNITRICUM. Frequent empty eructations and feeling of discom- fort in the stomach. Thirst; drinks large quantities of water and vomits it immediately. BORAX. An anxious expression of the face during downward motion. Child cries frequently when nursing. Mouth of child was very hot. PEARLS OF HOMOEOPATHY. 51 Aphthæ on the tongue, in the mouth, inside of cheeks, etc., with great heat and dryness of the mouth. Soft, light yellow, mucous stool. Hot urine in infants. Leucorrhoea like the white of egg, with sensation as if warm water were flowing down. Sticking in the chest, with every cough and deep inspiration. Child cries out during sleep, as if frightened by a dream. Anxious feeling during downward motion or rock- ing; cannot bear downward motion. Expectoration of a mouldy taste and of the same smell. A stitch in the right side of the chest. With every cough and deep inspiration sticking in the chest. Premature and profuse menses. Beating in the head, buzzing in the ears. Pinching and griping in the abdomen. Leucorrhoea midway between the menstrual periods. Stools offensive, smelling like carrion. Easily startled at sudden noise. BOVISTA. Sensation as if head were enlarging, or very much enlarged; dull, bruised pain, deep in brain. Stool, first hard and difficult; then thin, watery, with much pain in abdomen. Diarrhoea before and during menses. 52 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Menses: flow, most profuse at night or early in the morning. During intermenstrual period, every few days a show. Leucorrhoea: a few days before or a few days after the menses; acrid, thick, tough, tenacious, yellow- green, leaving green spots on linen, causing soreness. Adapted to old maids, subject to palpitation, leu- corrhoea, tettery eruptions, urticaria. Great weakness of all joints; as if the muscles of lower limbs were too short. Drops things from the hands, as from weakness. Unusually deep impression on finger from using blunt instruments (knives or scissors). Stammering in children. Intolerence of tight clothing around the waist. Profuse sweat in axilla-smells like onions. Leucorrhoea like the white of an egg, especially when walking, dropping out in a coagulated mass or clot. Frequent urging to urinate. BROMIUM. Long-continued obstinate coryza, with soreness be- neath the nose and on the margin of the nose. Pain in the abdomen and small of the back during menses. Loud emissions of flatus from the vagina. Blind, intensely painful, varices; worse from appli- cation of warm and cold water; better after wetting with saliva. Cold sensation in the larynx, with a cold feeling when inspiring. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 53 Scraping and rawness in the larynx provoking cough. Hoarseness, loss of voice; he cannot speak clearly. Cough, with paroxysms of suffocation, suddenly on swallowing. Icy coldness of the forearms. BRYONIA. Suitable to the rheumatic diatheses; persons with bilious tendency, exceedingly irritable, inclined to be angry; black hair, dark complexion and firm mus- cular tissue. Hering says: "Indicated in light complexions, but more in dark.' The pains are stitching, tearing, worse at night, greatly aggravated by motion, relieved by heat. The parts which are the seat of subjective pain be- come subsequently sensitive to external pressure, and then swollen and red. After anger chilly; or head hot and face red. In delirium: talks constantly about his business; desire to get out of bed and go home. Headache: when stooping, as if brain would burst through forehead; from ironing; on coughing; in morning after rising, or when first opening the eyes; commencing in morning and gradually increasing till evening; from constipation; dull pain in forehead. Headache gastric, rheumatic, congestive, with vertigo, heaviness, pressure, and rush of blood to head. Vicarious menstruation, epistaxis when menses should appear. Cannot sit up from nausea and faintness. 5 54 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Pressure, as from a stone, at pit of stomach, re- lieved by eructation. Constipation; no inclination; stool large, hard, dark, dry as if burnt. Mammæ heavy, of a stony hardness; pale, but hard, hot, and painful. Great thirst for large quantities, at long intervals. Complaints: when warm weather sets in after cold days; from cold drinks or ices in hot weather; after taking cold or getting hot in summer. Very morose, ill-humored, inclined to needless anx- iety; fright, fear, and vexation. Exccedingly irritable and inclined to be angry. Vertigo, as if head were turning in a circle, on ris- ing from the chair or bed. Headache commences in the morning, not on wak- ing, but when first opening the eyes. Nosebleed, especially in morning, when rising. Hot, red, soft puffiness of the face. Great dryness of mouth, lips, and tongue. Toothache relieved by cold water; aggravated by lying on painless side, goes away if one lies on painful side. Tongue thickly coated white. Frequent drinking of cold water relieves the bitter taste and the inclination to vomit. Epigastric region painful to touch. Passage of offensive flatus. Stools followed by burning in anus. Stools offensive, pasty, or bilious and acrid. Obstinate constipation; stools large, hard, and dry, as if burnt, with great effort. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 55 Urine dark, almost brown. Coming into warm room from cold air excites a cough. Intense sticking pains or stitches in chest; cannot bear to move or to draw a deep breath. Menstruation too early and too profuse, with dark- red blood. Weariness and heaviness in all limbs; weakness; stiffness. Joints red, swollen, stiff, with stitching pains from slightest motion. Tensive painful stiffness of the knees. Hot swelling of the feet; of instep, with bruised pain on stretching out the feet. Sitting up in bed causes nausea and fainting. Red, round hot spot on the cheek over the malar bone. Worse from motion, even of a hand or foot; better by rest. Just before falling asleep, she starts up in fright. Chill; anticipating or postponing. Cough violent, dry, racking, with pleuritic stitching pains in chest and region of the spleen. • Sweat profuse, sour, oily. · Aggravation of all the sufferings during the heat. CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. Sanguineous congestions in persons of a plethoric habit. Hæmorrhage: from nose, lungs, stomach, rectum, bladder. 56 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Headache: pressing, like a heavy weight on vertex ; climacteric. Headache and neuralgia: congestive, periodic, right sided, severe throbbing pulsative pain. Whole body feels as caged, each wire being twisted tighter and tighter. : Constriction of throat, chest, heart, bladder, rectum, uterus, vagina; often caused or brought on by the slightest contact. Pains everywhere; darting, springing, like chain- lightning, and ending with a sharp, vise-like grip, only to be again renewed. Menstrual flow ceases when lying down. Vertigo from sanguineous congestions to the head. Heavy pressing in the head, as if a great weight lay on the vertex. Face bloated and red, with pulsating pain in the head. Painful sensation of constriction in the lower part of the chest, as if a cord was tightly bound around the false ribs, with obstruction of the breathing. Sensation of great constriction in the middle of the sternum, as if the parts were compressed by iron pincers. Palpitation of the heart. Sensation of constriction in the heart, as if an iron band prevented its normal movement. Palpitation of the heart, continues day and night, worse when walking, and at night, when lying on the left side. Very acute pain and painful stitches in the heart. Acute and chronic affections of the heart. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 57 Menses attended with terrible pain, causing her to cry aloud and weep. Menstrual discharge consists of thick, dark-colored, or black, pitch-like blood. Chill returns at same hour every day. CALCAREA CARBONICA. Adapted to the leucophlegmatic; blonde hair, light complexion, fair skin and blue eyes. Scrofulous constitutions; pale, weak, timid, easily tired when walking; vertigo on ascending a height, going up-stairs, is out of breath, has to sit down; dis- posed to grow fat, corpulent, unwieldly. Children with red face, flabby muscles, who sweat easily and take cold readily in consequence; large heads and abdomens; fontanelles and sutures open; head sweats profusely while sleeping, wetting pillow far around; diseases of dentition; during sickness or convalescence great longing for eggs. Girls who are plethoric, grow too rapidly; who be gin with too early, too profuse, too long lasting men- struation; subsequently have amenorrhoea and chlo- rosis, with menses scanty or not appearing at all. Women with menses too early and too profuse; feet constantly cold and damp, feel as if she had on cold, damp stockings; difficult to stop menstruating, the least excitement causes profuse return. Fears that she will lose her reason, or that people will observe her confusion. Aversion to cold air; least cold air seems to go through and through; very sensitive to damp, cold air. 58 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Lung diseases of tall, slender, rapidly-growing youth; oftener the guide to the true remedy than Phosphorus. Disorders arising from defective assimilation; im- perfect ossification; difficulty in learning to walk; have no disposition, will not try. Longing for fresh air, which inspires, benefits, strengthens. Feels better in every way when constipated. Desire to be magnetized. Great anxiety and palpitation. Vertigo, especially on suddenly turning the head. Rush of blood to the head, with heat in it. Painful swelling of the submaxillary glands. Toothache if cold air or cold drinks enter the mouth. Ravenous hunger in the morning. up. Sour vomiting. Pit of stomach swollen, like a saucer turned bottom Tight clothes about the hypochondria are unendur- able. Abdomen hard and very much distended. Swelling and painfulness of the inguinal glands. Stools: sour; smelling like rotten eggs; undi- gested, containing curdled milk. Head too large, cranial sutures widely open, fonta- nelles open and sunken. Profuse sweat on the head when sleeping, especially on the back of the head, wetting the pillow. Painful and difficult urination, the urine being usually clear, and having a peculiar strong, pungent, fœtid odor. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 59 Menses: premature, profuse, and protracted. Swelling and sensitiveness of the breasts before menstruation. Leucorrhoea like milk, before or after the menses. Leucorrhoea of little girls. Burning and itching of the vulva. Icy coldness in and about the head. Painless hoarseness in the morning. Shortness of breath on going up the slightest ascent. Expectoration of mucus with a sweetish taste. Chest painfully sensitive to touch, and on inspira- tion. Sore pain in chest on inspiration. Feet feel cold and damp. Profuse sweat from the slightest exertion. Profuse sweat in the mornings. CALCAREA FLUORATA. Varicose or enlarged veins. Swelling or indurated enlargements having their seat in the fasciæ and capsular ligaments of joints, or in the tendons. Indurated glands of stony hardness. CALCAREA HYPOPHOSPHORICA. A state simulating the development of the pulmon- ary inflammation unhappily so frequent and fatal among consumptives. Habitual coldness of the extremities. 60 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 产 ​CALCAREA IODATA. Itching in various parts of the body, disappearing and reappearing in other parts, only relieved after much scratching. CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA. Sensation as if ice were lying on upper part of occiput. Great A slight draught of air is followed by rheumatic pain in neck, stiffness, and dulness of head. emaciation, child looks old and wrinkled. Desire for salted and smoked meats, ham, bacon, etc. Pains where bones unite and form a symphysis or suture. Cranial bones very soft and thin, crackling like paper upon pressure. Abdomen sunken and flabby. Emission of much of- fensive flatus. CALCAREA SULPHURICA. The presence of pus with a vent is the general indi- cation. CAMPHORA. Blondes most affected; persons very irritable and mentally weak. Catarrhal and choleraic diseases. Exceedingly sensitive to cold air. Surface cold to the touch, yet cannot bear to be covered; throws off all the covering. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 61 Skin of the whole body painfully sensitive, slightest touch hurts. Sudden attacks of diarrhoea and vomiting; nose cold and pointed; sweating, vomiting, purging; anxiety and restlessness; skin and breath cold. Long-lasting chill, great coldness of skin, and sud- den and complete prostration. Excessively sensitive to cold air. CANNABIS INDICA. Exaltation of spirit, with excessive loquacity. Hallucinations and imaginations innumerable. Fixed ideas. Imagines he hears music; shuts his eyes, and is lost. for some time in the most delicious thoughts and fancies. Uncontrollable laughter, till the face became purple and the back and loins ache. Constant fear of becoming insane. Every few moments loses himself, and then wakes up, as it were, to those around him. Exaggeration of duration of time and extent of space; seconds seem ages; a few rods an immense dis- tance. Frequent involuntary shaking of his head. On regaining consciousness, violent shocks pass through his brain. Fixed gaze. Injection of the vessels of. the conjunctiva of both eyes. While reading, the letters run together. Throbbing and fulness in both ears. 62 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Ringing and buzzing in the ears. Drowsy, stupid look. Lips feel as if glued together. Dryness of the mouth and lips. White, thick, frothy, and sticky saliva. The throat is parched, accompanied by intense thirst for cold water. Ravenous hunger. Pain in the cardiac orifice. On squeezing the glans penis a white glairy mucus. oozes out. Burning and scalding before, during, and after uri- nation. Stinging pain, before, during, and after urination. Profuse colorless urine. The urine dribbles out, after the stream ceases. Rough cough, scratching the breast immediately under the sternum. Pulse below the natural standard, as low as 46. Pain across the shoulders and spine, forcing him to stoop, and preventing him from walking erect. Paralysis of the lower extremities and right arm. Agreeable thrilling through the arms and hands, and in both limbs from the knees down. Thoroughly exhausted from a short walk. Excessive sleepiness. Profuse sticky sweat, standing out in drops on the forehead. CANNABIS SATIVA. Pain extending from the orifice of the urethra back- ward, burning-biting, posteriorly more sticking while urinating. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 63 The urethra feels inflamed and sore to touch along its whole length; during erections, tensive pain. Burning while urinating, but especially just after urinating. CANTHARIS. Pain: raw, sore, burning, in every part of body, both internally and externally, with excessive weak- ness. Over-sensitiveness of all parts. Disgust for everything; drink, food, tobacco. Drinking, even small quantities of water increases pain in bladder. Passage of white or pale-red tough mucus with stool, like scrapings from the intestines, with streaks of blood. Constant desire to urinate, passing but a few drops at a time, which is mixed with blood, and very painful. Intolerable tenesmus vesicæ, before, during, and after urination. Menses too early and too copious, with black blood. Violent itching in the vagina. Swelling of the cervix uteri. Burning sensation in the throat. Violent burning, cutting pains in neck of bladder. Before, during, and after urination, fearful cutting pains in the urethra. Urging to urinate, with burning sensation in the urethra. Bloody urine. Priapism. Coldness and chills as soon as she attempts to rise, or puts one limb out of bed. 64 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Shivering and chill down the spine. Icy coldness of hands and feet, with fearful pains in the urethra. Sweat smells like urine. Very thirsty, but disgust for all kind of drinks. Collapse, with feeble pulse and cold hands and feet. CAPSICUM. Adapted to the phlegmatic diathesis: persons with light hair, blue eyes, nervous, but plethoric habit; lax fibre and weak muscles, awkward, indolent, easily offended. Children dread the open air, are always chilly; re- fractory, clumsy, fat, unclean, and disinclined to work or think. Home-sickness (of the indolent, melancholic), with red cheeks and sleeplessness; hot sensation in fauces. Lack of reactive force, especially with fat, indolent persons, who are constitutionally opposed to physical exertion. Desires to be let alone; wants to lie down and sleep. Every stool is followed by thirst and every drink by shuddering. Every chill is attended with thirst, and every drink with shuddering. Chill with great thirst; worse after drinking. Heat and sweat without thirst. Chill begins in the back between the scapulæ; re- lieved by hot irons or jugs of hot water, and lessened by motion. Headache on coughing, as if the skull would burst. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 65 A swelling on the bone behind the ear, painful to touch. Burning pain in the anus. Stool: small frequent passages, consisting of mucus, at times mingled with blood, and causing tenesmus. The cough expels an offensive breath from the lungs. CARBO ANIMALIS. Adapted to scrofulous subjects, especially the young; or the venous plethora of elderly persons, with blue cheeks, blue lips, and great debility, circulation feeble, stagnated, and vital heat sinks to a minimum. Glands indurated, swollen, painful; in neck, axillæ, inguinal region, mammæ; pains lancinating, cutting, burning. Benignant suppurations change into ichorous con- ditions. Easily sprained from lifting even small weights; straining and overlifting easily produce great debility. Joints weak; easily sprained. Headache at night; has to sit and hold head with both hands to prevent it from falling to pieces. Aversion to open, dry, cold air. After appearance of menses, so weak she can hardly speak. Desire to be alone; she is sad and reflective; avoids all conversation. Nosebleed, in the morning, for several mornings, preceded by vertigo. Chill without thirst. Great chilliness during the day. Chill after eating. 66 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Offensive night-sweat; stains the linen yellow. Fœtid; debilitating; exhausting; profuse sweat. Sweat in hollows of knees. CARBO VEGETABILIS. Best adapted to persons, young or old, who have suffered from exhausting diseases. Ailments: from Quinine, especially suppressed inter- mittents; abuse of mercury, salt, salt meats, or spoiled fish, meats, fats; getting overheated. Diseases of venous system predominate; symptoms of imperfect oxidation; deficient capillary circulation causes blueness of skin and coldness of extremities; vital powers nearly exhausted; desire to be constantly fanned. Weak digestion; the simplest food disagrees. Excessive accumulation of gas in stomach and intes- tines; after eating or drinking, sensation as if stomach would burst. Eructations give temporary relief. Awakens often from cold limbs, especially cold knees. Dull headache in the occiput. The hat pressed upon the head like a heavy weight, and he continued to feel the sensation even after taking it off, as if the head were bound up with a cloth. Severe nosebleed several times daily for two weeks, with great paleness of the face before and afterwards, every time. Great paleness of the face. The gum was painfully sensitive when chewing. Violent, almost constant, eructations. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 67 Contractive cramp in the stomach, even at night, extending up into chest, with distention of the abdo- men. Offensive flatus. Colic from flatulence, abdomen full to bursting; worse from least food; better from passing flatus. Abdomen greatly distended, better from passing wind up or down. Stools: putrid; cadaverous swelling. Restlessness and anxiety, worse from 4 to 6 P. M. Child irritable; strikes, bites, and kicks. Greenish color, or great paleness of the face. Profuse and constant salivation of stringy saliva. In cholera attack often begins with hemorrhage from the bowels; collapse without stool; nose, cheeks and finger-tips icy cold, lips bluish, cold breath and tongue; respiration weak and labored; desire to be fanned; cramps in legs and thighs; hiccough at every motion; voice hoarse or lost; pulse thready, intermit- tent, scarcely perceptible; consciousness retained, or coma; sopor without vomiting, stool or cramps. Menses premature and profuse. Discharge of pale blood, or it is thick, acrid, corrosive, and has a strong, pungent smell. Thick leucorrhoea with smarting of the vulva. Itching, burning soreness, and smarting at the vulva and anus. Leucorrhoea before the menses. Corrosive, thick, or thin, greenish or yellowish- white leucoorhoea. Obstinate leucorrhoea. Leucorrhoea flowing only in the morning on rising. 68 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Severe burning in the chest, as from glowing coals; rawness; soreness. Great roughness in the larynx, with deep, rough voice, which failed if he exerted it, though without pain in the throat. Sensation of weakness and fatigue of the chest. Chill, with thirst; with icy-coldness of the body and cold breath. Coldness of the knees, even in bed; of left arm. Loquacity during hot stage. CABBONEUM SULPHURATUM. Frequent attacks of vertigo. Great dulness of the head. Violent stitches and contractive pain in the left ear. In the mornings, after shaving, a red eruption. Increase of sulphates and carbonates in the urine. Constrictive, stitching, pressing pains in the chest. Continual backache and pain in the loins. Jerking, stitching, tearing, flying pains, returning at regular intervals, for a long time. CASTOREUM. Painful uneasiness in the middle of the thighs, afterward extending all over the limbs. Lacerating pain in the forehead. Bad smell from the mouth. Toothache, aggravated by cold drinks, relieved by warm ones. Unquenchable thirst. Feeling of fulness in the chest and stomach. Pinching and lacerating in the abdomen. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 69 Violent drawings in the tendons of the nape of the neck. Languor of the lower limbs. CAULOPHYLLUM. Sensation as if the uterus were congested, with ful- ness and tension in the hypogastric region. Spasmodic pains in uterus and various portions of hypogastric region. Spasmodic affections of chest and larynx. Rheumatism of small joints Constant flying pains in arms and legs, remain only a few minutes in any one place. Drawing pains in joints of arms, hands, legs, and feet. Severe pains in wrists and joints of fingers. CAUSTICUM. Adapted to persons with dark hair, rigid fibre; weakly scrofulous persons, with excessively sallow complexion, subject to affections of respiratory and urinary tracts. Children with dark hair and eyes, delicate sensitive skin, prone to intertrigo during dentition. Ailments from long-lasting grief and sorrow; from night-watching. Melancholy, sad, hopeless; looks on the dark side of everything. Constipation; frequent, ineffectual efforts; stool passes better when standing. Urination involuntary, when coughing, sneezing, blowing the nose. + 6 70 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Cough with inability to raise the sputa; must be swallowed; relieved by a swallow of cold water. At night, cannot get an easy position, nor lie still a moment. Cannot cover too warmly, but warmth does not relieve. Cicatrices, especially burns and scalds freshen up, become sore again; patients say "they have never been well since that burn.” Paralysis of single parts; vocal organs, tongue, eye- lids, face, extremities, bladder; generally of right side. Pressure in the eyes as if sand were in them. Inclination to close the eyes; lids seem heavy; even paralysis of upper lids. Feeling as though the scalp was too tight. Words and steps re-echo in her ears. Face of a yellowish, sickly appearance, with pale, bluish lips. Sensation of tension and pain in the jaws, so that she could only with difficulty open the mouth, and could not eat well because a tooth seemed too long. Salt waterbrash. Vomiting followed by sour eructations. Aversion to sweet things, which disagree. Fresh meat causes nausea and waterbrash; smoked meat agrees. Sensation in the chest as if the clothes were too tight. Painful stiffness in the back. Aching pain in the small of the back when sitting. Anxiety about the heart while sitting; she is obliged to get up and walk about. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 71 At night she cannot get in a quiet position; she can- not lie still a moment. Chill, without thirst, lessened in bed and by drink- ing; no subsequent heat. Flushes of heat, followed by chill. Sweat immediately after the chill, without interven- ing heat. Profuse sweat when walking in the open air; from motion. Sour smelling night-sweat all over. Viscid sweat of strong urinous odor. Left-sided chill. Urinates so easily not sensible of the stream. Sore sensation in a streak down along trachea, where every cough pains. CEDRON. Especially adapted to women; persons of nervous, excitable, nervous temperament. Nervous depression, and choreic attacks after coitus, more pronounced in women (debility more marked in male). Sick headache every other day at II A. M. Pains tearing and twitching in limbs. Menses during, mouth and tongue very dry; great thirst; epilepsy, premonitory symptoms appear pre- cisely same day that flow begins. Before: leucorrhoea every month regularly, five or six days previously to catamenia; leucorrhoea instead of the menses. After profuse ptyalism. : Removes roaring in ears, produced by Quinine. 72 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Periodicity which is often clocklike in its regularity. Severe shooting pain over left eye. CHAMOMILLA. Adapted to children, especially those with light or brown hair, excitable, nervous temperament; over- sensitive from use or abuse of coffee or narcotics. Peevish, irritable, oversensitive to pain, drives to despair; cannot return civil answer. Child exceedingly irritable, fretful; quiet only when carried; impatient, wants this or that, becomes angry when refused, or when offered petulantly rejects it; too ugly to live.” Patient cannot endure any one near him, is cross, cannot bear to be spoken to, answers snappishly. One cheek red, the other pale. Over-sensitive to open air; aversion to wind. Complaints from anger, especially chill and fever. Pains spasmodic, distressing, wants to get away from them. Piteous moaning of a child because he cannot have what he wants. Becomes almost furious about her pains. Speaks snappishly and short. During menstrual period can hardly speak a pleasant word, or give a civil answer. Imagines he hears the voices of absent friends. Semilateral headaches. Toothache, especially after a warm drink; during menstruation. Sour eructations. The existing pains are all aggra- vated by eructations. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 73 Green, watery diarrhoea. Stool hot, smelling like rotten eggs; worse during dentition. Emission of large quantities of colorless urine. Drawing from the sacral region forward, griping and pinching in the uterus, followed by discharge of large clots of blood. Profuse discharge of clotted blood, with severe pains, like labor pains, in the uterus. Menses too early and too profuse, with dark, and coagulated, and sometimes offensive, blood. Before menses: very irritable and peevish; snaps at everybody; cutting colic and drawing in the thighs; abdominal spasms. During menses: crampy colic; labor-like pressing from the small of the back to the genitals; drawing pain from the sacral region forward; griping and pinching in the uterus, followed by discharge of large clots of blood; profuse discharge of clotted blood, hav- ing an offensive odor. Catarrhal hoarseness. Rattling of mucus in the trachea, with wheezing. Drawing pains in the small of the back. The arms go to sleep, aud feel stiff when taking hold of anything. Crampy feeling in the calves, especially at night. Shivers, when uncovering or undressing. Chilly on posterior, with heat of anterior, portion of the body, or vice versa. Long-lasting heat, with violent thirst, and frequent startings in sleep. 74 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Heat and shivering intermingled, with one cheek red, the other pale. Hot perspiration, especially of the face and head. Profuse sweat on covered parts. CHELIDONIUM. Adapted to thin, spare, irritable persons; light com- plexion, blondes; subject to hepatic, gastric, and abdominal complaints. Constant pain under the lower and inner angle of right scapula. Ailments renewed on change of weather. Periodic orbital neuralgia (right side) with excess- ive lachrymation; tears fairly gush out. Constipation: stool hard; round balls. Diarrhoea at night; slimy, grayish, yellowish, watery, pasty. Debility and lassitude after eating, wants to lie. down. Face, forehead, nose, cheeks remarkably yellow. Chill begins in hands and feet. Shaking chill, with shivering, chattering of the teeth, as if dashed with ice-cold water. Pressive pain in the right side of the forehead. Whites of the eyes dirty yellow. Flickering and dazzling and brilliant specks before the eyes. Tongue thickly coated yellow. Pains transversely across the umbilicus, as if the abdomen were constricted by a string. Urine dark-yellow. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 75 Urine turbid on passing it; dark brownish-red, frothing at edges of vessel. Urine stains the diaper dark-yellow. Stiffness of the neck. CHINA. Adapted to stout, "swarthy" persons; to systems once robust, which have become debilitated, "broken down," from exhausting discharges; ailments from loss of vital fluids, especially hæmorrhages or ex- cessive lactation. After climacteric with profuse hæmorrhages; acute diseases result in dropsy. Pains are darting or drawing-tearing; in every joint, all the bones, periosteum, as if strained, sore all over; obliged to move limbs frequently, as motion gives relief; renewed by contact, and then gradually increasd to a great height. Great debility, trembling, aversion to exercise; ner- vous; sensitive to touch, to pain, to draughts of air ; unrefreshing sleep. Excessive flatulence of stomach and bowels; belch- ing gives no relief. Colic at a certain hour each day; from gall-stone, worse nights, after eating; better bending double. Labor-pains cease from hæmorrhage; cannot bear to be touched, not even her hands. Hæmorrhages from mouth, nose, or bowels; longing for sour things. Hæmorrhages: blood dark, or dark and clotted, with ringing in the ears, fainting, loss of sight, gen- eral coldness, and sometimes convulsions. 76 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Sadness, indifference, apathy. Slow train of ideas. Full of plans and projects, especially at night, which prevents her from sleeping. Headache, so sensitive that it seems as though the skull would burst; the brain beats in waves against the skull. Ringing in the ears. Bitter taste in the mouth. Craves dainties, but hardly knows what. Indifference to eating and drinking. Tympanitis. Fermentation in the abdomen from eating fruit. Emissions of large quantities of flatus, which afford no relief. Stools: yellow, watery; undigested; frothy; in- voluntary; putrid; cadaverous; worse at night and after a meal. Rapid exhaustion and emaciation. Fermentation in the bowels. After a long-lasting attack of cholera infantum child becomes drowsy, pupils dilated, rapid and superficial breathing; chin, nose, and tips of the ears cold (im- pending hydrocephaloid). Cough caused by laughing. Sensation in the lower leg as if the garters were tied too tightly, and as if the leg would go to sleep and become stiff. General soreness of the whole body. Excessive tenderness and sensitiveness of the ner- vous system. Excessive, almost painful, sensitiveness of the skin of the whole body. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 77 Paroxysms of fever return every seven or every fourteen days. Restless sleep night before the paroxysm. Thirst ceases as soon as chill begins. General shaking chill over whole body, increased by drinking. Internal and violent chill, with icy-cold hands and feet. General heat, with distended veins, congested head- ache, desire to uncover, but chilly when uncovered. On the least movement an unpleasant sensation of heat in the head and stomach. Sweat, with great thirst. Sweating during sleep. On being covered, sweats profusely all over. The sweat parboils the skin. CHININUM SULPHURICUM. Adapted to persons of dark complexion, bilious temperament. Feeling of impending evil. Whirling in the head like a windmill. Ringing in the ears, especially the left. Great weakness, especially of lower extremities. CHLORAL HYDRATE. Great heaviness of the head; he cannot lift it. Burning in the eye and eyelids. Eyeballs feel too large. Night-terrors, especially in teething children. 78 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. CHLORUM. Inspiration unimpeded, and effected in the natural manner, but expiration is absolutely impossible. Comparatively free, but crowing inspiration and ab- solutely obstructed expiration. Sudden and extreme dyspnoea, from spasm of the vocal chords. CICUTA VIROSA. Adapted to persons of a highly nervous organiza- tion. Women subject to epileptic and choreic convulsions; spasms of teething children. Convulsions, with frightful distortions of the limbs and the whole body. Epilepsy with swelling of the stomach as from violent spasm of the diaphragm; screaming; red face; trismus; hiccough; loss of consciousness and distor- tion of the limbs; frequent, during the night; recur- ring at first at short, then at long intervals. Puerperal convulsions; frequent suspensions of breathing for a few moments; upper part of body most affected. Violent jerking backward of the head. Pupils dilated and insensible. Sudden urging, scarcely able to retain the stool. Violent urging to urinate. Great longing for charcoal. Frequent involuntary jerking of the arms and fingers. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 79 Frequent waking, with sweat all over; feels invigor- ated. Convulsions, with wonderful distortion of the limbs, head turned backward, back bent as in opisthotonos. Loud-sounding, dangerous hiccough. Violent jerking backward of the head. CIMEX. Affects the right side most. Violent headache during the chill, which almost de- prives him of the power of thinking; worse when he drinks. Pain in liver as if strained; painful when touched and coughing. Constipation: stool dry, like small nuts, and only able to pass a small piece with each effort. Cough with gagging, belching, or vomiting; with purulent sputa; in daily attacks with fever paroxysm. Irresistible drowsiness and sleepiness. Pain as if tendons were too short, contracted, par- ticularly the knee-joints, which he is unable to ex- tend. Pressure and gagging in the oesophagus, affecting whole chest and impeding respiration. CINA. Adapted to children with dark hair; very cross, irritable, ill-humored; wants to be carried, but carry- ing gives no relief; does not want to be touched; cannot bear you to come near it; averse to caresses; 80 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. desires many things but rejects everything offered; uneasy, distressed; rubs or picks the nose all the time; pitiful weeping when awake; starts and screams during sleep; suffers from worms. Face is pale; sickly appearance around mouth and eyes; dark rings around the eyes. Canine hunger; hungry soon after a full meal. Child is afraid to speak or move for fear of bringing on a paroxysm of cough. Intermittents of nervous, weakly, scrofulous chil- dren. Chill at same hour every day. Febrile shivering over the whole body, with hot cheeks, without thirst. Shivering-creeping over the trunk, so that he trem- bles even by a warm stove, not relieved by external warmth. Cold face; cold cheeks; cold sweat on forehead. Rising heat and glowing redness of the cheeks, without thirst, after sleep. Child looks sickly about the eyes, with paleness of the face. White and bluish about the mouth. Great hunger soon after a meal. Gagging cough in the morning, after rising. Twitching of limbs. Before coughing, the child raises herself suddenly, looks wildly about, the whole body becomes stiff, she loses consciousness, just as if she would have an epi- leptic spasm; then follows the cough. Stool: white, mucous, like little pieces of popped corn. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 81 Urine: white, turbid; jelly-like urine; restless sleep; waking frequently, or frequently changing position; waking with cries. Will not sleep without rocking. Tongue always clean, CISTUS. Eruptions on the back, like zoster. CISTUS VULGARIS. Loss of sleep, with restlessness. CLEMATIS. Swelling of inguinal glands. Swelling of the right half of the scrotum. Swelling of the testicles. Painful sensitiveness in the testicles. Sensitiveness of the right spermatic cord, with draw- ing up of the right testicle. COBALTUM. Emissions without erections. COCA. Violent ringing and roaring in the ears. Menses come in gushes, awakening from sound sleep. 82 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. COCCULUS. For women and children with light hair and eyes; nausea from riding in a carriage, railroad car, or boat, or even looking at a boat in motion. Diseases peculiar to drunkards. Attacks of paralytic weakness, with pain in the back. Great lassitude of the whole body; it requires exer- tion to stand firmly. Vertigo, as if intoxicated, when rising up in bed; must lie down. Sensation in abdomen of cutting and rubbing, as of sharp stones, on every movement. During the effort to menstruate she is so weak she is scarcely able to stand from great weakness of lower limbs. Confusion of the head, most increased by eating and drinking. Whirling vertigo, on rising up in bed, with inclina- tion to vomit, which compelled him to lie down again. Metallic taste, with loss of appetite. Extreme aversion to food, even the smell of food. Unusual nausea and inclination to vomit, while rid- ing in a wagon, or when becoming cold. Griping in the upper abdomen, taking away the breath. Flatulent colic about midnight; awakened by in- cessant accumulation of flatulence, which distended the abdomen, causing oppressive pain here and there. Menstruation seven days too early, with distention PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 83 of the abdomen, and cutting-contracting pain in the abdomen on every motion and every breath. Menstruation too scanty, consisting of only a few drops of black, coagulated blood. Menses irregular and scanty, retarded and painful. Leucorrhoea in place of the menses. Great weakness and fainting spells during menses. Leucorrhoea gushing out on bending or squatting down. Anxiety, as if she had committed some great crime. Weakness of the cervical muscles, with heaviness of the head. At one time the feet are asleep, at another the hands. The hand trembles while eating. Now one hand, now the other, seems insensible and asleep. His knees sink down from weakness; he totters while walking and threatens to fall to one side. The soles of both feet go to sleep while sitting. COCCUS CACTI. Very frequent, copious discharges of pale, watery urine, day and night. Urine thick like oil. The odor of the urine is alkaline, ammoniacal, ca- daverous. Tickling in the larynx, very violent, waking him at 11:30 P. M., causing cough, with expectoration of much tenacious mucus, for ten minutes. Cough, with expectoration of a large quantity of viscid albuminous mucus. 84 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. COFFEA. Over-sensitiveness; all the senses more acute, sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch. Ailments, the bad effects of pleasurable surprises. Pains are felt intensely; seem almost insupportable; driving to despair. Sleepless, wide-awake condition; ecstasy, full of ideas, no sleep in consequence; physical excitement through mental exaltation. Headache from over-mental exertion, thinking, talking; one-sided, as from a nail driven into the brain, as if the brain were torn or dashed to pieces, worse in open air. Unusual activity of mind and body. Intermittent, jerking toothache; relieved by hold- ing ice-water in the mouth, but restless when water becomes warm. Sleeplessness on account of excessive mental and physical excitement. During menses: voluptuous itching in the vulva; the pains are so distressing as to drive her to despera- tion. COLCHICUM. Adapted to the rheumatic, gouty diathesis; persons of a robust, vigorous constitution. Old people. External impressions, such as bright light, strong odors, contact, misdeeds of others, make him quite be- side himself. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 85 Pains are drawing, tearing, pressing; superficial during warm weather; affect the bones and deeper tissues when air is cold. From left to right. Smell painfully acute; the odor of cooking food causes nausea. Autumnal dysentery; discharges from bowels con tain white, shreddy particles in large quantities. Affected parts very sensitive to motion and contact. Sour-smelling sweat. A paralytic pain in the arms, so violent that he can- not hold the lightest thing firmly. Cold extremities. Stools: jelly-like mucus, with spots and streaks of blood; white mucus. Child falls asleep on the vessel as soon as the tenes- mus ceases. Increased secretion of saliva, often very profuse. Burning in the stomach or icy coldness. COLLINSONIA. Flatulence and spasms of the stomach. Stools consist of dry, light-colored balls. Dysmenorrhoea complicated with piles and consti- pation. Prolapsus uteri, with pruritus, dysmenorrhoea, and most obstinate constipation. COLOCY COLOCYNTHIS. Constrictive pain in the umbilicus, immediately after dinner. 7 86 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Terrible, contractive, twisting pains in bowels, im- mediately about umbilicus. Griping around the navel, increased by eating fruit. Violent griping in the umbilical region. Violent colic-like pains, emanating from the um- bilicus, with frequent discharge of flatulence, which afforded relief: Isolated deep stitches, as if from a needle, some- times in the left, sometimes in the right flank, appa- rently connected with the ovaries. Abdomen greatly distended and painful. Violent griping pains in the abdomen. Pinching pain in the abdomen, as if the bowels were pressed inward, with cutting, extending toward the pelvic region, so severe below the navel that the mus- cles of the face are distorted and the eyes drawn together; the pain is only relieved by pressure upon the bowels with the hands and bending himself in- ward. Pinching in the bowels as if the intestines were squeezed between stones. Colic of the most violent character. Stool: saffron yellow, frothy, liquid; first watery. and mucous, then bilious, and lastly bloody; thin, greenish, slimy, and watery; sour; putrid; musty, like brown paper burning; from eating or drinking; from fruit; after vexation, indignation, or grief from ill-treatment; during dentition. Weakness, paleness, and great prostration. Intense griping, cutting or squeezing in the intes- tines, coming up into the stomach and causing nausea. Pains are aggravated by eating or drinking. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 87 COLOSTRUM. Stools: green, watery; yellow; profuse; sour- smelling; in nursing infants; dentition.. The whole body smells sour. COMOCLADIA. Right eye very painful, feeling much larger and more protruded than the left. CONIUM. Especially suitable for diseases of old men, old maids; women with rigid muscles; persons with light hair who are easily excited.* Glandular indurations of stony hardness; of mam- mæ and testicles in persons of cancerous tendency; after contusions and bruises. Breasts sore, hard, and painful during menstrual period; hysterical symptoms and vertigo increased. Vertigo, particularly when lying down or turning in bed. : Cough in spasmodic paroxysms, caused by dry spot in larynx; itching in chest and throat; worse at night; when lying down; during pregnancy. Frequent urination; flow intermits. Dreads being alone, but avoids society. Bad effects of celibacy and excessive indulgence. Inability to sustain any mental effort. Weakness and dazzling of the eyes, together with a giddiness and debility of the whole body, especially 88 PEARLS OF HOMOEOPATHY. of the arms and legs, so that when he attempted to walk he was apt to stagger like a drunken person. Stool: liquid, fecal, mingled with hard lumps; watery; undigested ;. sour. Sexual desire, without erections. Emission even while frolicking with a woman. Menses too early and too feeble, or too late and too scanty. Brownish blood appears instead of the menses. During menses: stitches up the left side of the chest; stitching pains in the breasts, worse at night; nipples sore and very tender; painful uterine spasms; downward pressure in the uterus; itching of the vulva and in the vagina. A dry spot in the larynx, where there is a crawling, and almost constant irritation to a dry cough. Cough, almost only when first lying down, during the day or evening; he was obliged to sit up and cough it out, after which he had rest. Hardness of the right breast, with painfulness to touch, and nightly stitches in it. Stitches, as with needles, in the left mammary gland. Stitches in the small of the back, with drawing pain in the lumbar vertebræ, especially when standing. Tremulous weakness after every stool. Great internal and external heat, with great nervous- ness. Heat, with profuse sweat at same time. Sweat, day and night, as soon as he sleeps, even when closing the eyes. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 89 CORNUS CIRCINATA. Stool: dark, bilious, greenish, slimy; very offen- sive. Yellow color of the face. Face hollow, with an expression of weakness and dulness. COSMOLINE. Great weariness and prostration. CROCUS SATIVA. Epistaxis of very tenacious, thick, black blood. Uneasy, sad, and anxious. Uncommon mirth and cheerfulness. Twitching of the eyelids. Sensation as of something living and jumping about in the pit of the stomach, abdomen, arms, and other parts of the body. Menses too early and too profuse, of dark, or black, coagulated or stringy blood. Foul-smelling discharge. Profuse flow of dark, clotted blood, coming away in long, black strings. Metrorrhagia, when the discharge is dark or black and stringy, and aggravated by the slightest move- ment. 90 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. CROTALUS HORRIDUS. Yellow color of the eyes. Swelling of the tongue. Easily tired by slight exertion. Yellow color of the whole body. CROTON TIGLIUM. Swashing in the intestines as from water. When pressing upon the umbilicus, a painful sensa- tion is felt down to the anus, where there is constant pressing outward. Constant urging to stool, followed by sudden pasty evacuation, which is shot out of the rectum, of a dirty- green color and offensive. Stool: yellow, watery; brownish-green; undi- gested; coming out like a shot. Aggravation after drinking; while nursing; while eating. Great pallor and weakness. Corrosive itching pain on the scrotum. On inspiration, it seems as though he could not ex- pand the lungs. Vesicular eruption on the scrotum and penis. CUBEBÆ. Stools: yellow, transparent, mucous; mingled with whitish shining particles looking like kernels of rice; bloody mucus. PEARLS OF HOMŒEOPATHY. 91 CUPRUM ACETICUM. Violent pains and cramps in stomach and bowels. Violent griping and pressure in the stomach, fol- lowed by vomiting. Colic. Cramps in the lower extremities, especially the calves. CUPRUM ARSENICOSUM. Vomiting and purging, with cramps and collapse. CUPRUM METALLICUM. Restless tossing about and constant uneasiness. Sunken, deep eyes, with blue rings around them. Desire for warm food and drinks. Violent pressure at stomach, with contractive pains at intervals. Deathly feeling of constriction beneath the sternum. Violent spasms in the abdomen and upper and lower limbs, with piercing screams. Violent intermittent colic. Cough, with interrupted, almost suppressed, respi- ration. Spasms of the throat, preventing speech. Dyspnoea so intense that he cannot bear a handker- chief before the face. Violent cramps in the legs and feet. 92 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. HOMEOPATI Intense coldness and blueness of the surface, with long-continued general cold sweat and great prostra- tion. General convulsions, with continued vomiting and violent colic. Uræmic eclampsia with loquacious delirium, fol- lowed by apathy, cold tongue and breath, and collapse. Spasms, with blue face and thumbs clenched across. the palms of the hands. CURARE. Aggravation: dampness, damp weather, change of weather, cold wind, or the least movement. Amelioration: after the first mouthful of food. Chill 2 or 3 P. M., every day, and continuing well into the night. Pernicious fever, with constant chilliness. Cold and bloody sweat. CYCLAMEN. Violent headache, with flickering before the eyes, on rising in the morning. Dimness of vision and spots before the eyes, espe- cially on waking. The saliva has a salty taste, which is communicated to all the food eaten. No thirst. Menses four days too early; flow profuse, black, and clotted. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 93 CYPRIPEDIUM PUBESCENS. Profound indifference to everything. DAPHNE. Violent yawning and stretching. DICTAMNUS. Profuse uterine hæmorrhage. DIGITALIS. Suitable for sudden flushes of heat, followed by great nervous weakness and irregular, intermitting pulse, occurring at climacteric; worse by least motion. Sensation as if heart would stop beating if she dared to move. Faintness or sinking at the stomach; feels as if he were dying. Great weakness of chest, cannot bear to talk. At night frequent waking in a fright, as from a dream, as if he fell from a height or into the water. Great anxiety. Loss of appetite. Stool: whitish or ash-gray fecal. Fetid or sweetish ptyalism. Violent vomiting of food; of green bile; of mucus. Respiration irregular, and performed by frequent deep sighs. 94 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. A sudden sensation as though the heart stood still, with great anxiety. Third, fifth, or seventh beat of the heart intermits. Extremely slow when at rest. Accelerated full, and hard from every motion. Weak, slow pulse. General weakness. Coldness of the limbs. Great coldness of skin. Great sensitiveness to the cold. One hand hot, the other cold. Covered with a copious perspiration, without relief of heart symptoms. DIOSCOREA. Constant distress in the umbilical and hypogastric regions, with severe cutting, colic-like pains every few minutes in stomach and small intestines. Griping in the umbilical region. Rumbling of bowels, and passing large quantities of flatulence. Sharp, cramping pain in pit of stomach, followed by raising, belching, and gulping enormous quantities of tasteless wind, followed by hiccough and discharge of flatulence from the bowels. Emission of semen during sleep. DOLICHOS. Intense itching of the skin, with no appearance of swelling or rash. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 95 DROSERA. Whooping-cough; in violent paroxysms, which fol- low each other so rapidly he is scarcely able to get his breath. Cough aggravated: by warmth; drinking; singing; laughing; weeping; lying down; after midnight. Clergyman's sore throat; with rough, scraping, dry sensation deep in the fauces. Constriction and crawling in larynx, hoarseness, and yellow or green sputa. Cough comes in violent paroxysms at intervals of about four hours. Chill, with icy-cold hands, blue nails, cold, pale face, and cold extremities. Febrile shivers over the whole body, with heat of the face and icy coldness of the hands. Sweat most profuse on face and abdomen. Profuse discharge of watery saliva during febrile stage. DULCAMARA. Adapted to persons of phlegmatic, scrofulous con- stitutions; restless, irritable; subject to catarrhal or skin affections, brought on or aggravated by cold, damp, rainy weather. The skin is delicate, sensitive to cold, liable to eruptions, especially urticaria, every time patient takes cold, or is long exposed to the cold. Anasarca after ague, rheumatism, scarlatina, or measles. 96 PEARLS OF HOMŒŒOPATHY. Dropsy after suppressed sweat, or suppressed skin diseases, from cold air or damp dwellings. Diarrhoea from taking cold in damp places or damp weather. Catarrhal ischuria in grown-up children, with milky urine, from wading with bare feet in cold water. Cannot find the right word for anything. Colic, as from taking cold; as if diarrhoea would occur. Yellow watery diarrhoea twice in a day, with tear- ing-cutting colic before every evacuation. All symptoms aggravated by a cool change of the weather. Great desire for cold drinks. Nettle-rash over the whole body, without fever. Eruption like nettle-rash over the whole body. ECHINACEA. General dulness and drowsiness. General weakness of limbs. Exhausted, tired feeling. ELAPS. Fruits and cold drinks lie on the stomach like lead. Discharge of black blood between the menstrual periods. ELATERIUM. Watery discharges from the bowels of a frothy character. Attacks similar to cholera morbus; copious liquid dejections. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 97 When chills were suppressed, urticaria appeared over the whole body. Pains shooting to the very tips of the fingers and toes. Nausea, vomiting, and copious discharges from the bowels of a frothy character. EPEIRA DIADEMA. Headache relieved by going out in the open air. All the symptoms are worse every other day at precisely the same hour. : EPIGEA REPENS. Urine discharge of small brown particles resem- bling fine sand. EQUISETUM. Pain in bladder as from distention. Severe and dull pain in bladder; this pain did not seem to abate after urinating. Pain and tenderness in region of bladder. Constant desire to urinate. Urine high colored and scanty. ERECHTHITES. Metrorrhagia: of bright red blood. 98 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. ERYNGIUM AQUATICUM. Sexual desire suppressed, then excited, with lewd dreams and pollutions. Discharge of prostatic fluid from slight causes. EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM. Adapted to diseases of old people; worn-out consti- tutions, especially from inebriety. Pains osteocopic, affecting the back, limbs, head, chest, particularly the wrists as if dislocated, the eye- balls; the more general and severe the better adapted. Like Bryonia, they are accompanied by headache, constipation, and pain in hepatic region, but here the similitude ends. In Eupatorium the sweat is scanty or wanting, the pains cause restlessness without any relief from motion, and there is entire inability to lie on left side. Pains as if broken; come quickly and go away as quickly. Vertigo; sensation as if falling to the left. Soreness of the eyeballs. Retching and vomiting of bile. Vomiting preceded by thirst. Aching pain and soreness, as if from having been beaten, in the arms. Soreness and aching of the lower limbs. Calves of the legs feel as if they had been beaten. Insatiable thirst, but drinking causes nausea and vomiting, and hastens the chill. PEARLS OF HOMŒEOPATHY. 99 Sick stomach and thirst night before the paroxysm. Thirst from one to three hours before the chill. Chill, with intense thirst, but drinking water causes bitter vomiting. At close of chill, nausea and vomiting of bitter fluids and bile. During heat, a swallow of water will make him shiver. The headache continues for several hours after fever is gone. Sweat generally scanty, or absent, but when there is much perspiration it brings relief of all pains except headache, which is increased. When chill is severe, sweat is light or wanting, and vice versa. EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM. Has been praised as a preventive of intermittent fever. All symptoms worse on left side. Sensation as if falling to the left; persistent; cannot get rid of it. Weak, tired feeling in every organ of the body; can- not move without making a desperate effort. Rheumatic pains go from below upward; change places frequently. Sleep, restless, disturbed with frightful dreams. Mechanical dysuria; from displaced uterus; jolting ride during pregnancy. Constant desire to urinate; no matter how often he voids urine, bladder still feels full. Jorm 100 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Incontinence of urine in children. Chronic cystitis; uneasy; deep aching; dull pain and soreness in bladder; smarting and burning in blad- der, urethra, on urinating. Chill with thirst; begins in the lumbar region. Longing for lemonade, cold acid drinks, with violent bone pains, blue lips and nails, frontal headache. Violent shaking, with comparatively little coldness. Longing for hot drinks, during heat. Sweat of upper parts of body. EUPHORBIUM. Erysipelatous inflamed swelling of the cheek, with vesicles as large as peas filled with yellow liquid. EUPHRASIA. Biting water runs from the eyes. Redness and swelling of the margins of the lids. Frequent inclination to blink. Feeling as though the cornea were covered with much mucus; it obscures his vision and obliges him to frequently close and press the lids together. The lids were swollen and red. Profuse fluent coryza, in the morning, with much cough and expectoration. Profuse expectoration by voluntary hawking. EUPION. Severe cramps in the calves. Maou PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 101 FERRUM IODATUM. On sitting down, feeling as if something pressed up- ward in the vagina. FERRUM METALLICUM. Adapted to persons of sanguine temperament; pet- tish, quarrelsome, disputative, easily excited, least contradiction angers; women who are weak, delicate, chlorotic, yet have a very red face. General hæmorrhagic diathesis. Extreme paleness of the face, which becomes red and flushed on the least pain, motion, or exertion. Erethic chlorosis, worse in winter. Red parts become white. Menses too soon, too profuse, too long-lasting, with fiery red face; ringing in the ears; intermit two or three days, and then return; flow pale, watery, de- bilitating. : Vertigo: with balancing sensation as if on the water; on seeing flowing water; when walking over water, like when crossing a bridge; when descending. Headache for two, three, or four days, every two or three weeks; hammering, beating, pulsating pains, must lie down in bed; with aversion to eating or drinking. Vomiting of food immediately after midnight. Stools watery, but always with much flatulence, and more frequent after taking food or water; undi- gested. A 8 102 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Difficult breathing and oppression of the chest, as if some one pressed with the hand upon it. Dyspnoea. Great weakness. Chill with thirst; during the chill the face got glowing hot; hands and feet cold and numb; feet very cold, toes cold as ice, fingers stiff. Heat, without thirst. Sweat from early morn till noon every other day, preceded by headache. Strong-smelling, clammy, debilitating night-sweat; stains yellow. FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM. Head sore to the touch. Eyes inflamed, red, with burning sensation, sore, and red-looking. Sensation as if grains of sand were under eyelids. A florid complexion. Ulcerated throat. Sore throat; dry, red, inflamed, with much pain. First stage of diphtheria. Initiatory stage of all inflammatory affections of the respiratory tract. Anæmia, blood-poverty, want of red blood. GAMBOGIA. The conditions calling for Gambogia are apt to occur especially toward evening or night. Frightful vomiting and purging, attended with fainting. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 103 Stool: profuse, watery, with colic and tenesmus; dark green mucus, offensive, corrosive, discharged with a single, somewhat prolonged, effort; great relief after stool, as though an irritating substance were removed from the bowels; burning in anus. Discharge of yellow and green diarrhoeic feces, mixed with mucus, preceded by excessive cutting around the umbilicus. GELSEMIUM. Adapted to children; young people, women of a nervous, hysterical temperament; irritable, sensitive, excitable; onanists, both sexes. Desire to be quiet, to be let alone; does not wish to speak, nor have anyone near her for company, even if the person be silent. Complaints from exciting or bad news; sudden emotions; the anticipation of any unusual ordeal; general depression from heat of sun or summer. Vertigo: spreading from the occiput; with diplopia, dim vision, loss of sight; seems intoxicated when try- ing to move. Children, fear of falling, seize the nurse. Lack of muscular co-ordination; giddy, confused; muscles refuse to obey the will. Headache beginning in cervical spine; pains ex- tend over the head, causing a bursting sensation in forehead and eyeballs; worse from smoking. Sensation of a band around the head above the ears; scalp sore. Fears that unless constantly on the move, the heart will cease beating. • 104 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Dizziness of the head and blurred vision, so that all objects are very indistinct. Heaviness of head, alleviated on profuse emission of watery urine. Drooping of the eyelids. Smoky appearance before the eyes, with pain above them. Numbness of the tongue. Severe, sharp, labor-like pains in the uterine region, extending to the back and hips. Fatigue of the lower limbs, after slight exercise. Complete relaxation of the whole muscular system, with entire motor paralysis. Weakness and trembling through the whole system. Chill and chilliness, especially along the spine, run- ning up the back from loins to nape of neck. GENISTA. Urgent desire for stool. GERANIUM. Constant desire to go to stool, with inability to pass the least fecal matter. GLONOINE. Distinct feeling of the pulse in the head. Immediately, a sensation as if the head were too large. Head felt enormously large. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 105 Fullness in the head and throbbing without pain He is afraid to shake his head, it seems to him as if the head would drop to pieces. Throbbing in the head. Shocks in the brain, synchronous with every pulsa- tion of the arteries. Undulating sensation in head. Throbbing in the temporal arteries, which were raised and felt like whip-cords. Throbbing pain in all the teeth. Throbbing in the whole body. GRAPHITES. Adapted to women inclined to obesity, who suffer from habitual constipation, and whose history reveals a tendency to delaying menstruation. What Pulsatilla is at puberty, Graphites is at the climacteric. Morning sickness during menstruation; very weak and prostrated. Leucorrhoea acrid, excoriating, occurs in gushes day and night; before and after menses. Hard cicatrices remaining after mammary abscess, retarding flow of milk. Unhealthy skin; every injury suppurates; erup- tions behind the ears and on various parts, from which ooze a watery, transparent, sticky fluid; nails brittle, crumbling, deformed; painful and sore, as if ulcerated. Cracks or fissures of ends of fingers and nipples, labial commissures, of anus, and between the toes. Burning round spot on top of head. 106 PEARLS OF HOMŒEOPATHY. Constipation; stool large, knotty. Cataleptic condition; conscious, but without power to move or speak. Takes cold easily; sensitive to draught of air, suf- fering parts emaciate. Hears better when in a noise; when riding in a car- riage. Sadness, with thoughts of nothing but death. Apprehensiveness, with inclination to weep. A pain as if the head were numb and pithy. Falling of the hair of the scalp. Scurfy spots on the vertex, with violent, sore pain when touched. Much scaliness on the head, which causes a distress- ing itching and becomes a scurf, which disappears on washing, and then is humid. Eruptions on the vertex painful to touch and humid. Dry mucus in the lashes. Very inflamed margins of the lids. Sore sensation in the nose on blowing it. Smell abnormally acute; cannot tolerate flowers. Constant sensation of a cobweb on the face. · Soreness and cracking of the lips and nostrils, as from cold. Burning blisters on the lower side and tip of the tongue. Aversion to animal food. Sweet things are disgusting and nauseous. Constrictive pain in the stomach. Great distention of the abdomen. Smarting, sore pain in the anus on wiping it. Itching in the anus. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 107 Stools: brown fluid, mixed with undigested sub- stances, and of an intolerable odor; pasty, like mud, adhering to the vessel; lumpy, conjoined with threads of mucus. Hard stool, with much urging and sticking in the anus. The urine becomes turbid, and deposits a white sediment. Menses: too late, too scanty, and of too short dura- tion. The discharge consists of thick, black blood. Itching of the pudendum and vagina. Profuse leucorrhoea of very white mucus. Itching of the pudenda, before menstruation. Soreness high up between the thighs. Smarting soreness between the nates. Weak exhaustion of the whole body. The skin of the hands is hard and cracked in several places. Itching pimples on the face, becoming moist after scratching. Itching eruption, full of corrosive water, in many parts of the body. Itching and moist eruption on the scrotum. Chill worse after meals; better after drinking and in the open air. GRATIOLA. Diarrhoea, consisting of only yellow-greenish water, followed by burning in the anus. Diarrhoea, consisting of green, frothy water, which is forcibly evacuated without any pain. 108 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Frequent discharge of yellow, watery feces. Cold feeling in the abdomen. Burning heat in the face. Hunger without appetite. Aversion to food with good taste. Urine scanty, and becoming turbid when standing. GRINDELIA. A fear of going to sleep on account of loss of breath, which awakes him. Antidote for poisoning by Rhus toxicodendron, used locally. GUAIACUM. Sensation of swelling and protrusion of the eyes; the lids seem too short to cover them. HAMAMELIS. Active hæmorrhage, blood bright, fresh, and not coagulated (metrorrhagia). Profuse menstruation; blood bright and fresh, and not coagulable. Bleeding from the nose, which clears her head and affords her great relief. Tight feeling over the bridge of the nose. General lassitude and feeling of weariness. Some pains running down the spermatic cords into the testes. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 109 HELLEBORUS. Stool consisting solely of clear, tenacious, colorless mucus. Burning, smarting at the anus. Urine scanty and dark, with floating black specks, or containing a deposit looking like coffee grounds. Sudden dropsical swelling of the skin. HELONIAS. Loss of sexual desire and power, with or without sterility. Menses too frequent, too profuse, and very ex- hausting. Leucorrhoea, with prolapsus uteri and ulceration of the cervix; discharge dark, and foul smelling. Profuse serous leucorrhoea. HEPAR SULPHURIS. Suitable for torpid, lymphatic constitutions; persons with light hair and complexion, slow to act, muscles soft and flabby. Like Sulphur, Hepar is adapted to the psoric, scrofulous diathesis. In Sulphur the skin affections are dry, itching and not sensitive to touch-in fact, relieved by scratching and rubbing. In Hepar the skin is unhealthy, sup- purating, even slight injuries suppurate and maturate, and are extremely sensitive to touch, the pain often causing fainting. 110 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Diseases when suppuration seems inevitable. Diseases where the system has been injured by the abuse of Mercury. Patient is peevish; angry at the least trifle; hypo- chondriacal; unreasonably anxious; hurried speaking and drinking. Extremely sensitive to cold air; must be wrapped up to the face even in hot weather; cannot bear to be uncovered; coughs when any part of the body is un- covered; croup or cough from exposure to dry west wind. Eyeballs; sore to touch; pain as if they would be drawn back into head. Sensation of a splinter, fish-bone, or plug in the throat. Constant pressive pain in one-half of the brain, as from a plug or nail. Great swelling of the upper lip. Great desire for vinegar. Abdomen distended, tense. Stools: light yellow, fecal; thin or papescent; green; watery; undigested; whitish, sour smelling; green, slimy, fetid; smelling like rotten cheese; clay- colored; soft, yet passed with great exertion. Urging to stool, but the large intestines are wanting in peristaltic action, and cannot expel the feces, which are not hard; only a portion of the feces can be forced out by the aid of the abdominal muscles. Very difficult passage of scanty, not hard, feces, with much urging. Micturition impeded; he is obliged to wait awhile before the urine passes, and then it flows slowly, for many days. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 111 He is never able to finish urinating; it seems as though some urine always remains behind in the bladder. Weakness of the bladder; the urine drops vertically down, and he is obliged to wait awhile before any passes. Leucorrhoea, with smarting of the vulva. Paroxysms of cough, as from taking cold, with ex- cessive sensitiveness of the nervous system, as soon as only the slightest portion of the body becomes cold. Dyspnoea. Sensitiveness to the open air. Unhealthy, suppurating skin; even slight injuries maturate and suppurate. Soreness and moisture in the fold between the scrotum and thigh. Bleeding of an ulcer, even on slight wiping. Great chilliness in open air. Violent chill every morning, at 6 or 7 o'clock, with- out subsequent heat. Violent shaking chill, icy-coldness and paleness of the face, hands and feet, unconsciousness and coma. Nettle-rash, with violent itching and stinging dur- ing chill, disappears as heat begins. Burning, febrile heat, with almost unquenchable thirst, distressing headache and slight delirium, last- ing from 4 P. M. all night. Fever-blisters around the mouth. Sweat, with flushes of heat. Sweats profusely day and night without relief. Perspires easily on every motion, however slight. Profuse, sour-smelling sweat at night. 112 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Sweat of perinæum, groins, and inside of thighs. Constant offensive exhalations from the body. HIPPOMANE. Vomiting of a bitter watery substance, on which float pieces like white, hardened fat. HYDRASTIS. Constipation, with piles. Tenacious, viscid, thick, yellow leucorrhoea, either vaginal or uterine. Leucorrhoea, discharge hanging from the os in long, viscid strings. Thick, ropy, yellow leucorrhoea. Ulceration of the os, cervix, and vagina. Faintness, goneness, great weakness, and prostration. HYDROPHOBIN. Symptoms aggravated on seeing water, or hearing it run. HYOSCYAMUS. Adapted to persons of a sanguine temperament; who are irritable, excitable, nervous, hysterical. Diseases with increased cerebral activity, but of a non-inflammatory type, as in hysteria or delirium tremens. Convulsions: of children from the irritation of in- PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 113 testinal worms; of labor; or during the puerperal state. : Delirium with restlessness, jumps out of bed, tries to escape; makes irrelevant answers; thinks he is in the wrong place; talks of imaginary wrongs, but has no wants, makes no complaints. In delirium Hyoscyamus occupies a place midway between Belladonna and Stramonium; lacks the con- stant cerebral congestion of the former, and the fierce rage and maniacal delirium of the latter. Fears being left alone; poisoned; bitten; sold; to eat; to take what is offered. Bad effects of unfortunate love; with jealousy, rage, incoherent speech, or inclination to laugh at every- thing; followed by epilepsy. Lascivious mania. Dry, spasmodic, nocturnal cough; worse when lying down, relieved by sitting up. Spasmodic affections are apt to be epileptoid in char- acter. Intense sleeplessness of irritable, excitable persons, from business embarrassments, often imaginary. Comical alienation of mind; they perform ludicrous actions, like monkeys. He strips himself naked Lies naked in bed and prattles. Violent, and beats people. Complete loss of consciousness. Pupils dilated. Small objects seem very large. The throat feels constricted, impairing swallowing. The stool passed involuntarily in bed. 114 PEARLS OF HOMŒOPATHY. Frequent cough at night, which always wakes him, after which he again falls asleep. Dry cough at night. Long-continued sleeplessness. Sleepless, on account of quiet mental activity. Starts up in sleep from affright. Urine scanty or retained, or passed involuntarily in bed, leaving streaks of red sand on the sheets. Picking at the bedclothes. Whole body cold, with burning redness of face; chill alternating with heat. Congestive chills with cold extremities. Burning heat all over, skin hot and dry to touch, with distended veins. HYPERICUM. Sensation as if the head suddenly became elongated. Fuzzy feeling of feet. Crawling in the hands and feet, they felt fuzzy. IBERIS AMARA. Constant hawking up of thick, stringy mucus, until after a meal. Palpitation of the heart on slight exertion. Palpitation, with vertigo and choking in the throat. Sensation of weight and pressure in the region of the heart, with occasional sharp, stinging pains in that region. PEARLS OF HOMOEOPATHY. 115 IGNATIA. Especially adapted to the nervous temperament ; women of a sensitive, easily excited nature; dark hair and skin, but mild disposition; quick to perceive, rapid in execution. In striking contrast with the fair complexion, yielding, lachrymose, but slow and inde- cisive-Pulsatilla. The remedy of great contradictions; symptoms often, and suddenly, directly opposite. Mental conditions rapidly, in an almost incredibly short time, change from joy to sorrow, laughing to weeping. Persons mentally and physically exhausted by long concentrated grief; involuntary sighing, and a weak, empty feeling at pit of stomach, not relieved by eating. Bad effects of anger, grief, or disappointed love; broods over imaginary trouble in solitude. Children: reprimanded, scolded, sent to bed, get sick, are convulsed in sleep. Headache, as if a nail were driven out through the side, relieved by lying on it. Cannot bear tobacco. In talking or chewing, bites inside of cheek. Sweat on the face, of a small spot only, while eating. Prolapsus ani from moderate straining at stool. Hæmorrhoids: prolapse with every stool, have to be replaced. Stitches up the rectum. Cough dry, spasmodic; after warm drinks; every time he stands still during a walk; the longer he coughs the more the irritation to cough increases. 116 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Roaring in ears increased by music. Pain in small circumscribed spots; over-sensitive to pain. In most cases Ignatia should be given in the morn- ing. Slight blame or contradiction makes him angry, and this makes him angry with himself. Finely sensitive mood, delicate conscientiousness. Sour taste in the mouth. Sore throat; sticking in it when not swallowing, and even somewhat while swallowing; the more he swallows, however, the more it disappears; if he swal- lows anything solid, like bread, it seems as though the sticking entirely disappeared. A coarse stitch extending from the anus deep into the rectum. Sore pain in the anus, without reference to the stool. Great urgency and desire for stool, in the evening, felt mostly in the middle of the abdomen, but no stool follows, only the rectum protrudes. Frequent discharge of much watery urine. Menses: too early and too profuse; discharge of offensive, black blood mixed with coagula. Starting of the limbs when going to sleep. Chill always with great thirst for large quantities of water. Thirst only during chill. Chill begins in, and spreads from, arms. Shaking chill, with redness of the face. Coldness and chilliness of whole body, or only of posterior portions, relieved at once in a warm room or by a warm stove. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 117 The febrile coldness relieved by external warmth is characteristic of Ignatia. Heat of the whole body in the afternoon, without thirst, with sensation of dryness of the skin. External heat and redness, without internal heat. One ear, one cheek, and side of the face red and burning. Deep, snoring sleep during heat. Urticaria over the whole body, with violent itching, easily relieved by scratching. Sweat without thirst. Fainting during sweat. Eruption on the lips and in the corners of the mouth. During the chill, thirsty, seeks external warmth; during the fever, no thirst, external warmth very pleasant; sitting up relieves the chill. IODUM. Persons of a scrofulous diathesis, with dark hair and eyes; a low cachectic condition, with profound debility and great emaciation. Great weakness and loss of breath on going up- stairs; also during the menses. Eats freely, yet loses flesh all the time. Empty eructations from morning till evening, as if every particle of food was turned into air. Itching: low down in the lungs, behind the sternum ; causing cough; extends through bronchi to nasal cavity. Hypertrophy and induration of the glands. Palpitation, worse from least exertion. Sensation as if the heart were squeezed together. 9 118 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Iodum and Lycopodium are complementary. Increase of saliva. Salty taste. Ravenous hunger. Pain in the stomach, relieved by eating. Emaciation great. Stools: watery, foamy, whitish mucus; whey-like; fatty. Menses premature, copious, and violent; retarded. Great weariness, especially when going up-stairs. Leucorrhoea: thick, yellow, corroding. Sad and melancholy mood. Excessive nervous irritation, with constant inclina- tion to be moving about. Illusionary feeling. Convulsive twitching of the facial muscles. Induration of the uterus. The breasts dwindle away and become flabby. Quartan fever, with a constant diarrhoea on the days free from fever. IPECACUANHA. Adapted to cases where the gastric symptoms pre- dominate. In all diseases the constant and continual nausea is guiding. Nausea; profuse saliva; vomiting of white, glairy mucus; with distended abdomen; sleepy afterwards; worse from stooping. Stomach feels relaxed, as if hanging down. Stool: grassy green; white mucus; bloody; fer- PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 119 mented; preceded by griping, pinching pain about the umbilicus, as from a hand, each finger seemingly press- ing sharply into the intestines, aggravated by the slightest motion. Hæmorrhage: bright red, from all the orifices of the body; uterine, profuse, clotted; heavy oppressed breathing during; stitches from navel to uterus; cut- ting across from left to right; large accumulation of mucus in the bronchi, difficult to raise. Intermittent dyspepsia, every day or every other day at the same hour. Oversensitive to heat and cold. Is constantly obliged to swallow saliva. Menses: premature, profuse, like flooding; blood bright red and readily coagulated. Suffocating cough, whereby the child becomes quite stiff and blue in the face. Rattling noises in the air-passages during respiration. Dyspnoea, attended with wheezing and great anxiety about the præcordia. Great weakness, and constant desire to lie down. External coldness with external heat. Chill worse in a warm room, or from external heat. Shivering; then chilliness, with coldness without thirst. Redness of one cheek and paleness of the other. Sweat becomes profuse only after abuse of Quinine. If intermittents have been suppressed by Quinine, Ipecacuanha is all the more indicated. 120 PEARLS OF HOMOEOPATHY. IRIS VERSICOLOR. Mouth and tongue feel as though they had been scalded. Profuse flow of saliva. Burning from the mouth to the anus. Vomiting of an extremely sour fluid, which ex- coriates the throat. Burning of the anus, as though on fire. Stools: frequent, profuse; corrosive; fetid or cop- pery-smelling. Vomiting of ingesta; of acid matters; of bile; of soured milk in children. Autumnal bilious diarrhoea and cholera morbus. Nocturnal emissions, with amorous dreams. JABORANDI. Free salivation, with profuse sweating. Stools: gushing; painless. Face flushed. Intense thirst. Urine dark, scanty. JALAPA. Child good all day; screaming, restless, and very troublesome at night. Stools: watery; sour-smelling; bloody; with cut- ting colic. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 121 JATROPHA CURCAS. Rumbling in the abdomen, as if a bottle of water were being emptied in it. Headache on entering the house. Watery diarrhoea, as if it spurted from him. Profuse, gushing out like a torrent. Cramps in the legs and feet. Vomiting of large quantities of watery, albuminous substances. Coldness of the body. General cold, clammy perspiration. KALI BICHROMICUM. Adapted to fat, light-haired persons, who suffer from catarrhal, syphilitic, or scrofulous affections; fat, chubby, short-necked children, disposed to croupous inflammations. Affections of any of the mucous membranes-eyes, nose, mouth, throat, bronchi, gastro-intestinal, and genito-urinary tracts-discharges of a tough, stringy mucus which adheres to the parts, and can be drawn out in long strings. Complaints in hot weather. Pains in small spots, can be covered with point of finger; shift rapidly from one part to another; appear rapidly, disappear suddenly; neuralgia every day at same hour. Nose: pressive pain in root of nose; discharge of clinkers, plugs; mucus tough, ropy, green, bloody; in 122 PEARLS OF HOMOEOPATHY. clear masses, and has violent pain from occiput to fore- head if discharge ceases; ulcers and scabs on, or ulcera- tion of, septum; septum narium completely ulcerated away. Diphtheria; pseudo-membranous deposit, firm, pearly, fibrinous, prone to extend downwards to larynx and trachea; bladder-like appearance of uvula; much swelling, but little redness. Cough hoarse, metallic in croup, with expectora- tion of tough mucus or fibro-elastic casts; in morning on awaking, with dyspnoea relieved by lying down; sputa tenacious, expectorated, but cannot be easily de- tached, sticks to throat, mouth, lips. Sexual desire absent, in fleshy people. Prolapsus uteri, seemingly in hot weather. Tongue smooth, red, and cracked. Hawking of thick gelatinous mucus, in the morning. On the root of the uvula, on the right side, an ex- cavated sore, half the size of a split pea, with a red- dish areola, containing a yellow tenacious matter. Complete loss of appetite. Diarrhoea-like stool, consisting of brown, frothy water; bloody; jelly-like; from lager beer. Rough, hoarse voice. Expectoration of white mucus "as tough as pitch," and which can be drawn out into strings. Leucorrhoea yellow, ropy, tough discharge, which may be drawn out in long strings. Itching at the vulva. Objects appear yellow. Pulsating pain in the ears at night. Habitual constipation; stools scanty and knotty. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 123 Rheumatism co-existing or alternating with gastric or pulmonary troubles. Profuse sweat while sitting quietly. KALI BROMATUM. Night-terrors of children, with screaming, uncon- sciousness of what is occurring around them; cannot recognize, nor be comforted by, their friends. Profound melancholic delusions. Loss of memory. Puerperal mania. Remarkably depressed in spirits. Spasmodic stricture of the sphincter ani. Diminution of sexual desire. Nocturnal emissions, with amorous dreams and erections. Satyriasis. Nymphomania. During the menses: epileptic spasms, nymphomania, itching, burning and excitement in the vulva, pudenda, and clitoris. After the menses: headache, insomnia, and heat in the genitals. Extreme drowsiness. Unsteadiness of gait. Lead-poisoning. KALI CARBONICUM. Adapted to diseases of old people, dropsies and paralysis; dark hair, lax fibre, inclined to obesity. After loss of fluids or of vitality, particularly in the anæmia. 124 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Pains stitching, darting, worse during rest and lying on affected side. Cannot bear to be touched; starts when touched ever so lightly, especially on the feet. Great aversion to being alone. Bag-like swelling between upper lids and eyebrows. Weak eyes after coition, abortion, measles. Stomach distended, sensitive; feels as if it would burst; excessive flatulency; everything she eats or drinks appears to be converted into gas. Feels badly the week before menstruation. Persons suffering from ulceration of the lungs can scarcely get well without this antipsoric. Toothache only when eating. Sticking pain in the pharynx, as if there were a fish- bone in it.. Nausea on every inward emotion. A constant feeling as if the stomach were full of water. Great sensitiveness of the epigastric region ex- ternally. Distended abdomen, after eating. During the menses, cutting in the abdomen. Hair dry, rapidly falling off, with much dandruff. Obliged to urinate several times at night. Menses too late and too scanty, or too early and too copious and of too long duration. Menstrual discharge is acrid, of a pungent or fetid odor, and excoriates the parts with which it comes in contact. Soreness of the pudendum. Acrid, corrosive leucorrhoea. PEARLS OF HOMŒEOPATHY. 125 Swelling of the cheeks during the menses. Backache, night-sweats, dry cough, emaciation, or protracted metrorrhaga, as a sequel of abortion or ac- couchement. Stitches through the right lung to the back. Cutting pain in the chest, in the evening, after lying down. Sticking pressure in the left side of the chest, on deep breathing. Stitches in the right side of the chest, on inspiration. Very much inclined to take cold. She wakes in the morning about 1 or 2 o'clock, and cannot sleep again, from wakefulness. Great chilliness after eating, and towards evening. Chilliness on every motion, even in bed. Chill relieved near the warm stove and after lying down. Heat, with long yawning, stitching pains in head and chest, pulsations in abdomen. Internal heat, external chilliness. Sweat all night without relief. Sweat on every mental emotion, or least exertion. 10 KALI CHLORICUM. · Most acute ulcerative and follicular stomatitis. The whole mucous surface was red and tumid, and in the cheeks, lips, etc., were numerous gray-based ulcers. 126 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. KALI HYPOPHOSPHORICUM. Great debility, especially when attended by maras- mus and wasting of muscular tissue. KALI IODATUM. Adapted to scrofulous persons of lymphatic tempera- ment; victims of mercurial, syphilitic or lead poison- ing. Chronic periosteal rheumatism of a syphilitic or mercurial origin; the nocturnal bone pains become in- tolerable at night, driving the patient to despair. Glandular swellings; interstitial infiltration. Edema of the eyelids. Violent boring or darting pain in the ears. From the least cold, violent, acrid coryza. Accumulation of very tenacious mucus in the nostrils. Discharge from the nose of greenish-black or yellow matter, of a foul sickening smell. Discharge from the nose of decomposed greenish-red blood. Sensation of fulness in the nose, with beating pains in the nasal bone. Throbbing and burning pains in the nasal and frontal bones, with swelling. Bloody saliva. Sudden, painful bloating of the whole abdomen. Menses too late and too profuse. During menses: sensation as if the upper part of the thighs were tightly squeezed. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 127 Raw pain in the larynx, as if from granulations. Greenish expectoration. Chilliness and sleepiness. Was able to get warm in bed, but not by heat of stove. Shaking chill at night. Restless sleep. 2 KALI MURIATICUM. A white or gray coating at the base of the tongue, white or gray exudations, glandular swellings, dis- charges or expectorations of a thick, white, fibrinous slime or phlegm from any mucous surface. Chronic catarrhal conditions of the middle ear. Snapping and noises in the ear. Swelling around the joints. Fatty food, pastry, or any rich food disagrees. KALI NITRICUM. Burning in the urethra while urinating, and greatly diminished urine. Diarrhoea after eating veal. Suppression of the menses. Menstrual discharge as black as ink. During menses: great thirst; water-brash. Blackness before the eyes. Contracted sensation at the tip of the nose. Thirst, without much appetite. Palpitation of the heart when lying upon the back. 128 PEARLS OF HOMOEOPATHY. Pressure; spasms; aching; burning in the stomach. Stools like sheep's dung. Pain in the small of the back. Stiffness of the nape of the neck. Weakness of the hands, they feel as heavy as lead. Feet feel as if made of wood. KALI PHOSPHORICUM. Brain-fag from overwork. General irritability. Cerebral anæmia. Mouth excessively dry. Amenorrhoea with depression of spirits, lassitude and general debility. Neuralgic pains occurring in any organ, with de- pression, failure of strength, sensitiveness to noise and light, improved during pleasant excitement and by gentle motion, but most felt when quiet or alone. Paralysis of any part of the body. Spinal anæmia from exhausting diseases. Atrophy, wasting diseases with putrid stools. Gangrenous conditions. Septic hæmorrhages. KALI SULPHURICUM. Great rattling in the chest; rattling of mucus with cough. Rheumatic pains of a shifting, wandering, flitting nature. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 129 Yellow mucous discharges. Evening aggravation. Amelioration in the cool, open air. Great aggravation in a heated room. KALI TELLURICUM. Strong garlicky odor in the mouth, very offensive. KALMIA. Sensation of stiffness in the muscles around the eyes, and of the eyelids. Suppression of the menses, with severe neuralgic pains through the whole body. Palpitation of the heart. Pressure in the left arm. KREOSOTUM. Weakness of memory. Very painful dentition. Gums hot, swollen, tender, and look as if infiltrated with a dark, watery fluid. Teeth show dark specks and begin to decay as soon as they appear. Craving for smoked meats. Continuous vomiting and straining to vomit. Vomiting in the evening of all food eaten during the day. 130 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Stools: greenish or chopped; greenish, watery; dark brown, watery; fetid; cadaverous smelling. Will only sleep when caressed and fondled. Urinates copiously, and always in great haste. Leucorrhoea white, and smells like green corn. Leucorrhoea of a yellow color, also staining the linen yellow, with great weakness of the limbs; inclined to be intermittent. Burning between the pudenda when urinating. Soreness between the pudenda, with smarting pains. Soreness between the thighs and pudenda, with burning-biting pains. Violent itching of the vagina, so that she is obliged to rub it; posteriorly there is a smarting; the external genitals become swollen, hot, and hard; on urinating, the vagina pains as if sore. Violent itching and biting between the labia; she could not refrain from rubbing. Corrosive itching between the pudenda and in the vagina, so that she was obliged to rub them; with a feeling of burning and swelling in the pudenda. Menses: too early, too copious, and of too long duration; offensive. Intermittent menstruation. Before menses: buzzing and humming in the head; distention of the abdomen. During menses: humming and buzzing in the head; hardness of hearing; always chilly; burning and itch- ing of the parts. After menses: violent abdominal spasms; frequent and violent distress after too copious and long-lasting PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 131 menses; discharge of foul-smelling, acrid, bloody ichor; swelling, heat, and hardness of the labia. Offensive lochia with excoriating discharge. Intermittent lochia; it almost ceases and then com- mences again. Violent burning sensation, deep in the pelvis. Corrosive itching within the vulva, and biting be- tween the labia and thighs. Burning and swelling of the labia. The left thumb pains as if sprained and stiff. LAC CANINUM. Menses: bright red blood, forms into long strings when put in water. Discharge of small pieces of thin, white, transparent substance, having distinctly organized structure, but extremely delicate. Discharge grass-green while wet, and dark-green when dry, and smells most horribly. LACHESIS. Suitable to persons of a choleric, melancholy tem- perament, dark eyes and a disposition to low spirits and indolence. Women of choleric temperament, with freckles and red hair. Better adapted to thin and emaciated than to fat persons; or adapted to those who have been changed both mentally and physically by their illness. 132 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Climacteric ailments; hæmorrhoids, hæmorrhages, hot flushes, burning vertex headaches; especially after the cessation of the flow. Drunkards; with headaches, hæmorrhoids; prone to erysipelatoid inflammations. Left side principally affected; diseases begin on the left and go to the right. Great sensitiveness to touch; throat, stomach, abdo- men; can bear nothing tight around the waist; can- not bear bedclothes or night-dress to touch throat or abdomen, not because sore or tender as in Apis or Belladonna, but the clothes cause an uneasiness. Extremes of heat and cold cause great debility. All symptoms, especially the mental, worse after sleep, or the aggravation wakes him from sleep; un- happy; distressed. Mental excitability; ecstasy, with almost prophetic perceptions; great loquacity. Catamenia at regular time, but too short, too feeble; pains all relieved by the flow; always better during. menses. Great physical and mental exhaustion, would con- stantly sink down from weakness, worse in the morn- ing. Epilepsy; comes on during sleep, from loss of fluids, onanism, jealousy. Hæmorrhagic tendency; small wounds bleed much; blood dark, non-coagulable. Boils, carbuncles, ulcers; dark bluish-purple ap- pearance; tend to malignancy. Complementary to Lycopodium. Religious mania. . PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 133 Vertigo in the morning on waking; on closing the eyes. Headache extending into the nose. Dimness of vision; much black flickering before the eyes, that seem very near. Pains in the ears, with a sore throat. Tearing extending from the zygoma into the ear. Yellow complexion, with redness of the cheeks. Bad odor from the mouth. Anterior half of the tongue red, smooth, and shin- ing; cracked at the tip. Hawking of mucus, with rawness in the throat, after a nap in the daytime. Dryness in the throat without thirst, on waking. Left side of the face and lower jaw swollen and sen- sitive to touch. Pains in the throat, in connection with those in the ears. The throat and larynx are painful, even on bending the head backward. The throat seems somewhat swollen, as if two lumps as large as the fists came together; only on empty swallowing, not on eating, which latter on account of this sensation seemed to do good. Feeling as if a crumb of bread remained sticking in the throat. Such a sore and ulcerated throat that she could swallow only with great difficulty. Sensitiveness of the throat as if sore, with pain in the left side. Liquids cause more difficulty in swallowing than solid food. ΙΟ 134 PEARLS OF HOMOEOPATHY. The throat is very sensitive to external pressure. If in the evening, on lying down, anything touches the throat or larynx, it seems as though he would suffocate, and the pain is much worse. Tenderness in the left iliac region, with intolerance of the slightest pressure. Stitches in the rectum when laughing or sneezing. Beating in the anus as from little hammers. Hæmorrhoidal tumors protrude after stool. Stools: consisting of decomposed blood looking like charred straw; chocolate-colored; bloody water; very offensive; cadaverous smelling. Menses delayed, scanty, or intermittent; discharge is dark, lumpy, or acrid; reappearance of the sup- pressed menses, with diminution of the pains, at the climacteric period. Labor-like pains, as if everything was being pressed out, followed by a slight discharge. Cramps in the uterus. Menstrual colic beginning in, the left ovary. Dysmenorrhoea at the critical period. Leucorrhoea, a few days before menses, copious, stiffening the linen and leaving a greenish stain. Smarting at the vulva. She cannot bear any pressure, not even her clothing, upon the uterine region. Larynx and the whole throat painful to touch. Cough worse after every sleep. Dry, hacking cough caused by touching the throat. Constantly obliged to take a deep breath. Cramp-like pain in the præcordial region, causing palpitation, with anxiety. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 135 With every single cough stitches in the hæmor- rhoidal tumors. Troubles beginning on left side. Weakness of the whole body, in the morning on rising. Great physical and mental exhaustion. Sore spots became fungoid, dark-red to brownish. Lively and wide awake, for a long time. Chilliness in the back, commencing in the small of the back. Violent chill, and longing for the fire. Wants to be near the fire and lie down. Child must be held firmly to relieve the pain in head and chest, and prevent shaking. If held firmly or pressed down, feels relieved. Chill and heat alternating and changing from place to place. Internal sensation of heat, and cold feet. Sweat smelling like garlic; stains yellow; bloody, staining red. LACHNANTHES. Stiffness of the neck; head drawn to one side. During the cold sensation, the skin is moist and 'sticky. LACTIC ACID. Sensation as if food lodged under upper end of sternum. • 136 PEARLS OF HOMŒOPATHY. LACTUCA. Increased secretion of urine. Incessant spasmodic cough, which threatens to burst the chest. LAPATHUM. Constriction and expulsive efforts from top to bot- tom of the womb, and pains in the kidneys. LAPIS. Burning, stinging pains in the cardia and pyloris; in the female breast and uterus. LAPPA. An exceedingly sore, bruised feeling in the uterus, with great relaxation of the vaginal tissues; ap- parently entire lack of tonicity of pelvic contents. These symptoms all aggravated by standing, walking, a misstep or sudden jar. A LAUROCERASUS. Tearing pains in the vertex at night. Headache accompanied with drowsiness. Pain in every part of the external thorax on mov- ing it. Pupils dilated. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 137 Drinks roll audibly through the oesophagus and in- testines. Stools: green, liquid, mucous. In cholera absence of vomiting and stools; as- phyxia; coldness of the body. LEDUM. Adapted to the rheumatic, gouty diathesis; constitu- tions abused by alcohol. Rheumatism and rheumatic gout; begins in lower limbs and ascends; especially if brought to a low asthenic condition by abuse of Colchicum; joints be- come the seat of nodosities and " gout stones," which are painful. Affects left shoulder and right hip-joint. Emaciation of affected parts. Pains are sticking, tearing, throbbing, and pains in joints are aggravated by motion. All symptoms except above are attended with gen- eral coldness and lack of vital heat. Desire to be alone. Ledum is applicable to pale, delicate women, who are cold all the time. The periosteum of the phalanges is painful on press- ing it. Pain in the ankles, as from a sprain or false step. The ball of the great toe is soft, thick, and painful on stepping. Chilliness of single parts, as if cold water were poured over the parts. Shaking chill over the whole back, with hot cheeks 138 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. and hot forehead, without redness of the face or thirst, hands cold. Chill with colic every evening. Violent chills and horripilation with cold limbs. The warmth of the bed is intolerable on account of the heat and burning of the limbs. Heat in the hands and feet in the evening, with much distended veins of hands. Perspires, and cannot bear the bed covers. LEPTANDRA. Severe and constant distress between the umbilicus and epigastrium. Black fecal fluid, running from the bowels in a stream. Stools: black, papescent, tar-like; yellowish green. Jaundice, with clay-colored stools. LILIUM TIGRINUM. Depression of spirits. Constant hurried feeling, as of imperative duties, and utter inabilty to perform them; during the sexual excitement. Severe pressure in the rectum and at the anus, and a constant desire to go to stool. Dark colored and very offensive stools in the morn- ing on rising, followed by smarting and burning sen- sation, extending from the rectum high up into the abdomen, continuing for several hours. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 139 Continual pressure on the bladder, wants to urinate all the time. Frequent desire to urinate, with smarting or burn- ing in the urethra after every discharge. Pressure downward through the pelvis, as if every- thing would push out, with desire to press upward on the perineum and vulva. Dragging down sensation extending to the hypo- gastrium, thorax, and shoulders, with aching and dragging in the back. Prolapsus uteri ; anteversion; retroversion; uterine inflammation, sub-acute; endo-cervicitis. Menses: flow only when the patient is moving about; scanty, thick, dark, and offensive. Bright-yellow leucorrhoea; acrid, staining the linen brown. Sharp pain in the ovarian region. Dull, pressive pain in the left side, apparently about the heart. Sharp and quick pain in left side of chest, with flut- tering of the heart. Sensation as if the heart were squeezed in a vise, as if the blood had all gone to the heart, producing a feeling as if the prover must bend double; inability to walk straight. A full, distended feeling of all parts of the body. LIMULUS. Heat, burning, and constriction in the abdomen. 140 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. LIPPSPRINGE. Rumbling in the abdomen, and emission of much offensive flatus. Passage of large quantities of blood with the stools. Constipation stool hard, difficult. LITHIUM CARBONICUM. Entire vanishing of the right half of whatever she looked at; or if two short words occurred in succes- sion, that on the right hand was invisible. Gnawing pain in the stomach, relieved by eating. A pressing in the region of the heart. Diarrhoea; after fruit; after chocolate. LOBELIA INFLATA. For asthmatic affections, with deranged digestion; weakness and oppression at epigastrium and simul- taneous oppression at heart and chest. Dyspnoea aggravated by the slightest exertion, and increased by short exposure to cold to an asthmatic paroxysm. Extremely difficult breathing. Dyspnoea and asthma, with a sensation of lump or foreign body in the supra-sternal fossæ. Nausea in the morning, disappearing after a swallow of water. Morning sickness, with profuse flow of saliva. Faintness or weakness at pit of stomach from ex- cessive use of green tea or tobacco. Chronic vomiting in paroxysms, with nausea, pro- PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 141 fuse perspiration, prostration of strength, with good appetite and brick-dust sediment in urine. Violent pain in the sacrum. LOLIUM. While attempting to write the hand refused its service. Violent pain in calves of legs, as if bound with cords. LYCOPODIUM. Best suited to persons intellectually keen, but of weak muscular power; upper part of body wasted, lower part semi-dropsical; lean and predisposed to lung and hepatic affections. Deap-seated, progressing chronic diseases. Pains, chiefly aching-pressure, drawing, right-sided. Dread of men; of solitude; fear of being left alone. Red sand in urine; on child's diaper; child cries before urinating; pain in back relieved by urinating. Gastric affections; excessive accumulation of flatu- lence; constant sensation of satiety; good appetite, but a few mouthfuls fill up to the throat. 、 Complexion pale, dirty, unhealthy; fan-like motion of alæ nasi. Affects right side, or goes from right to left; throat, chest, abdomen, ovaries. Sad mood, weeps all day. Speaks wrong words and syllables. Becomes confused about everyday things. 142 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Vertigo in the morning, when and after rising from bed, so that he reels back and forth. Throbbing in the brain, on leaning the head back- ward during the day. Throbbing headache, after every paroxysm of coughing. With the cough, shattering as from a shock in the temples, and at the same time in the chest. Distressing pain in the eyes, as if they were dry, with nightly aggravation. Ulceration and redness of the eyelids. Styes on the lids. The evening light blinds him very much; he can- not see anything upon the table. Violent catarrh, with swelling of the nose. Stopped catarrh, so that he cannot get his breath at night on account of it. Complete stoppage of the nose. Yellowish-gray color of the face. The teeth are painful when chewing and when touched. Numerous blisters on the tongue. Feeling as if a ball rose from below up into the throat. Feeling in the throat as if too tight, on swallowing; food and drink regurgitate through the nose. Feeling of contraction in the throat, nothing goes down. Excessive appetite, followed by distention of the abdomen. Hunger remains immediately after eating, though the stomach and abdomen are full and tense. PEARLS OF HOMOEOPATHY. 143 She cannot eat at all; is constantly satiated and without appetite, and whatever she eats goes against her, even to vomiting. Sudden satiety, and great thirst. A sour eructation, the taste of which does not remain in the mouth, but the acid gnaws the stomach. Incomplete burning eructations, which only rise into the pharynx, where they cause a burning for several hours. Discomfort in the stomach after eating a little. Pain in the epigastric region, caused by coughing. Cramp in the stomach, which is much distended. Pressure in the stomach as if over distended, in the evening, after eating a little. She dares not eat to satiety, because if she does she has an unpleasant and distressed feeling in the hepatic region. Pressive pain in the hepatic region, on breathing. Sore, pressive pain as from a blow in the right hypo- chondriac region, aggravated by touch. Sensation as though something heavy were lying in the left of the abdomen, not affecting the breathing, but constantly felt while walking, sitting, and lying. Distention of the abdomen from gases. Much flatus seems to accumulate here and there in the abdomen, in the hypochondria, even in the back in the region of the ribs and chest, causing tension and bubbling, which is always relieved by empty eructa- tions. Tension of the abdomen, with incarceration of flatus. The rectum is frequently so contracted that it pro- trudes during a hard stool. 144 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Anus painfully closed. The hæmorrhoids in the anus are painful to touch. The first part of the stool is lumpy, the second soft. Stools: thin yellow or reddish-yellow fluid. Some red sediment in the urine. Reddish-yellow sand in the urine. Red sand in the urine. Night cough affecting the stomach and diaphragm, mostly before sunset. Tickling cough, as from sulphur fumes in the larynx. Gray salt tasting expectoration. Shortness of breath. Dyspnoea, as if the chest were constricted by cramp. Burning as from glowing coals between the scapulæ. Menses too profuse and of too short duration. Chronic suppression of the menses; suppression from fright. Bearing-down pain, as if the menses would reappear. Obstinate dryness of the vagina. Leucorrhoea, attended with cutting pain across the abdomen, from right to left. Corroding leucorrhoea. Itching of the vulva. Discharge of flatus from the vagina. Desire to go into the open air. Twitchings through the body. All symptoms are aggravated from 4 to 8 P. M. Shaking chill, commencing in the back, with numb, icy-cold hands and feet; she cannot get warm in bed. Shaking chill, with icy coldness even in bed, as if she were lying on ice. PEARLS OF HOMŒEOPATHY. 145 Profuse perspiration all over, with great thirst after the sweat. Chill on left side of the body. Sour vomiting between chill and heat. After eating, heat of the head and a red spot on the left cheek. Nausea after cold drinks; warm drinks are grateful. Profuse sour-smelling perspiration on the body. Sweat cold, sour, offensive, bloody, or smelling like- onions. Perspiration immediately after the chill, without in- tervening heat. Thirst after sweating stage. LYCOPUS. Constricting pain and tenderness around the heart. MAGNESIA CARBONICA. Adapted to persons, especially children, of irritable disposition, nervous temperament. The whole body feels tired and painful, especially the legs and feet. Pains neuralgic, lightning-like, worse left side; insupportable during repose, must get up and walk about. Pain on vertex as if the hair were pulled. All the symptoms are aggravated every third week.. Menses, preceded by sore throat, labor-like pains, cutting colic, backache, weakness, chilliness; flow only at night and in absence of uterine pains. 146 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Diarrhoea : preceded by cutting colic; occurs regu- larly every three weeks; stools green, frothy; green scum like that of a frog-pond; white, tallow-like masses are found floating in stool; sour-smelling. Menses too frequent and too profuse; dark, thick, viscid. The menses flow more profusely during the night than in the day. At the commencement of the menses coryza with obstruction of the nose. Leucorrhoea after the menses, thin, and scanty. Chill running up the back; lessened by out-door exercise. Great internal heat at night; could scarcely remain in bed, yet dreads the slightest exposure. Great aversion to uncovering. Sour-smelling, oily perspiration, difficult to wash off. MAGNESIA MURIATICA. Especially suitable to diseases of women; spasmodic and hysterical complaints complicated with uterine diseases. Children, during difficult dentition, are unable to digest milk; it causes pain in stomach and passes undi- gested. General sensation of soreness, with great sensitive- ness to noise. Headache: every six weeks; in forehead and around the eyes; as if it would burst; worse from motion and PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 147 in open air; better when lying down, from strong pressure, and by wrapping up. Tendency of head to sweat. Continual rising of white froth into the mouth. Eructations tasting like onions. Constipation; stool large, hard, knotty, like sheep's dung; difficult to pass; crumbling at verge of anus. Urine pale yellow; can only be passed by bearing down with abdominal muscles. Menses with great excitement at every period; flow black, clotted; metrorrhagia, worse at night in bed, causing hysteria. Menses too soon and too pro- fuse. : Leucorrhoea after exercise; with every stool; with uterine spasm; followed by metrorrhagia; after every constipated stool. Great tendency to foot-sweat. Headache disappearing on pressing the head with both hands. Pains in back are aggravated by walking, those in the thighs are worse when sitting. MAGNESIA PHOSPHORICA. Neuralgic headaches, always relieved by the appli- cation of warmth; aggravated by washing face and neck in cold water. Toothache, better by heat and hot liquids. Severe pains in decayed or filled teeth. Complaints of teething children. Spasms without febrile symptoms. Enteralgia. 148 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 'Flatulent colic forcing patient to bend double, relieved by rubbing, warmth, pressure, accompanied with belching of gas which gives no relief. Flatulent colic of children and the new-born. Bloated, full sensation in abdomen; must loosen clothing, walk about, and constantly pass flatus. Menstrual colic. Membranous dysmenorrhoea. Languid, tired, exhausted. Chorea. All the pains of this remedy are worse on the right side, from cold, and touch. Relieved by warmth, bending double, and friction. Chills run up and down the back with shivering, followed by a suffocating sensation. MAGNESIA SULPHURICA. HURICA. Menses too early and of too short duration. Great heaviness in the head. Thick leucorrhoea. MAGNOLIA. Sense of great uneasiness about his chest. A strong tendency to fainting. MANGANUM. Low-spirited and reflective. Tension and stinging in the head, worse in the open air. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 149 Pains extend to, and concentrate in, the ear from other parts. Face pale and sunken. Menses too early and too scanty. Dry cough, ceasing on lying down. MARUM VERUM. A sensation in the right nostril as if it were partly stopped; he was obliged to blow the nose and sneeze, but could not thereby remove the obstruction. MELILOTUS. Headache so intense as to cause a purple redness of the face and blood-shot eyes, culminating in epistaxis, which affords relief. Menses scanty, intermittent; nausea, pain in back and bearing-down pains in pelvis. MENISPERMUM. Headache through the temples, extending to the occipital region. Tongue much swollen. Excessive discharge of saliva. Tenesmus, but stool natural. Stretching and yawning, with intense headache. MENTHA PULEGIUM. Affects the right side chiefly. II 150 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. : MENYANTHES. Adapted to complaints from abuse of Cinchona and Quinine. Fevers in which the cold stage predominates; cold- ness felt most acutely in abdomen and extremities. Anxiety about the heart, as if something evil were going to happen; precedes or attends many attacks of disease. Headache; a pressing in the head from above down- wards, as of a heavy weight, worse ascending, better during hard pressure with the hand, and accompanied by icy coldness of hands and feet. Chilliness, especially of the fingers and toes. Coldness of the abdomen. Coldness of the spine.. Feet cold as far up as the knees. Icy coldness of the hands and feet, with warmth of the rest of the body. Veins of lower arms and hands distended, while the feet are icy cold. Chill the predominant stage. Flushes of heat, with hot ears and cheeks. MERCURIALIS. Attacked with vertigo on going down stairs. Chilliness over the whole body, commencing in the right arm and right side of chest. Cutis anserina on the cold right arm, which extends over the whole body. Offensive perspiration on both sides, worse on arms. Veins of hands distended. PEARLS OF HOMŒOPATHY. 151 MERCURIUS ACETICUS. Burning in the urethra when urinating and when not. MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS. Excessive coryza. Lips black. Lips excessively swollen and tender. Gums swollen and spongy. The gums bleed easily. Taste bitter. Salty taste in the mouth. Great swelling of the throat that threatened suffoca- tion. Burning pain in, throat. Violent burning pain in the throat and oesophagus, aggravated by the slightest external pressure. Pillars of the velum palati swollen and dark red. Incessant, green bilious vomiting. Great sensitiveness in the epigastric region. Stools: bloody, slimy; containing shreds of mucous membrane; offensive. Very distressing tenesmus, getting worse and worse; nothing passed but mucus tinged with blood. Tenesmus vesica, with intense burning in the urethra, and discharge of mucus and blood, with the urine or after it. Urine scanty, hot, bloody, retained or suppressed. Urine passed in drops with much pain. 152 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Flakes of albumen precipitated by heat and nitric acid. Frequent stitches shoot through the thorax. Painful glandular swellings about the nipple. Faintness, weakness, and shuddering. Cold face and hands, with small, feeble pulse. MERCURIUS CYANATUS. Great weakness, so that he cannot stand up. Extreme prostration. MERCURIUS DULCIS. Stools: mucus and blood, covered with bile. MERCURIUS IODATUS ÇUM KALI IODATUM. Secondary and tertiary syphilis. MERCURIUS IODATUS FLAVUS. The back part of the tongue is covered with a thick, dirty-yellow coating. Small spots on posterior wall of pharynx which look ulcerated. MERCURIUS IODATUS RUBER. Vertex hot. Lips slimy and sticky on waking. PEARLS OF HOMOEOPATHY. 153 MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS. Hurried and rapid talking. The whole external head is painful to touch. If she attempts to look at anything she cannot dis- tinctly recognize it, and then the eyes are almost always involuntarily drawn together; the more she tries to restrain the contraction the less able is she to prevent it; she is obliged to lie down and close the eyes. A fog before one or both eyes. The eyes cannot tolerate the firelight or daylight. The ear was inflamed internally and externally, with pain partly cramp-like, partly sticking, and a feeling as if stopped by swelling. Bloody and offensive matter flows from the right ear, with tearing pain. An offensive odor from the nose as in violent coryza. Acrid matter flows from the nose. Nosebleed during sleep. The nasal bone is painful when taken hold of. Corner of the mouth ulcerated and painfully' sore. Looseness of the teeth, which are very painful when touched by the tongue. A feeling as if all the teeth were loose. Violent toothache at night, and as it disappears great chilliness over the whole body. Jerking toothache, especially at night. The gum is swollen, and separates from the teeth. Bleeding of the gum from the slightest touch. The gum was painful when touched and on chewing. 154 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Tongue coated white, and swollen, showing the im- prints of the teeth in scallops, on the margin. Aphthæ in the mouth. Pain and swelling of the salivary glands. Sweetish taste in the mouth. Bread tastes sweet. Throat constantly dry; it hurt as if too tight posteri- orly; a pressure in it if he swallowed, yet he was con- stantly obliged to swallow, because the mouth was always full of water. Suppuration of the tonsils, with sticking pain in the fauces when swallowing. Extremely violent thirst. Swelling of the inguinal glands, with circumscribed redness. Ineffectual urging to stool every moment, with tenesmus in the rectum. Prolapsus recti, the rectum looking dark and bloody. Violent tenesmus and continued urging; never-get- done feeling. Diarrhoea of green mucus, with burning and pro- trusion of the anus. Greenish painless gonorrhoea, especially at night. Burning in the urethra. Constant desire to urinate; indeed, every ten min- utes; but only a little passed. Leucorrhoea looks greenish, and causes a biting in the forepart of the genitals, so that she is obliged to scratch much, especially in the evening and at night, with violent burning after scratching. Stitches in the right chest, on sneezing and cough- ing. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 155 A stitch in the anterior and upper portion of the chest, extending through to the back. Sticking in the small of the back, on breathing. Weakness and weariness in all the limbs. Trembling of the hands. He was very much exhausted after stool. As soon as he went to bed in the evening, the pains recommenced and banished sleep. Large ulcers, bleed easily, the margins everted like raw meat and their bases covered with a caseous coat. Constant cold hands and feet. Very much inclined to perspire day and night, though more at night. Perspiration fatty and oily; offensive. MERCURIUS SULPHURICUS. Urine scanty and scalding, but clear. MERCURIUS VIVUS. Indicated in bone diseases, pains worse at night; glandular swellings, with or without suppuration, but especially if suppuration be too profuse. Profuse perspiration attends nearly every complaint, but does not relieve and may even increase the suffer- ing. Ptyalism; profuse, fetid, metallic-tasting saliva. Dysentery; stools slimy, bloody, colic, fainting; great tenesmus during and after, followed by chilli- ness, and a "cannot finish sensation." The more blood and pain the better indicated. 156 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Morning sickness; profuse salivation wets the pillow in sleep. Mammæ painful, as if they would ulcerate, at every menstrual period; milk in breasts instead of the menses. Cough dry, fatiguing, racking; in two paroxysms; worse nights; with utter impossibility of lying on right side Leucorrhoea acrid, burning, itching, with rawness; always worse at night. Ulcers appear on the gums, tongue, throat, inside the cheek, with salivation; irregular in shape; unde- fined edges; have a dirty, unhealthy look; lardaceous base surrounded with a dark halo; apt to run together. The syphilitic ulcers are circular, attack the posterior parts of the mouth, have well defined edges; sur- rounded with a coppery hue, and they do not extend from their primary seat. Follows Hepar and Lachesis well, but should not be given before or after Silicea. Slow in answering questions. Memory weak. Constant anxiety and apprehension. Nightly headache. Face earthy-colored, puffy. Decay of the teeth; they become loose in succession. Teeth become denuded of the gum and turn black, with nightly pains in the teeth, jaws, and head. Violent toothache, with swelling of the gum and salivary glands. Gums red, and bleeding at the slightest contact, sometimes spontaneously. The gums have a bright-red margin. PEARLS OF HOMŒEOPATHY. 157 Gums spongy and bleeding. Gum bleeds easily. Tongue black, with red edges. Tongue red, swollen. Coated tongue, showing the impress of the teeth upon the margins. Bad odor from the mouth. Violent stomatitis and salivation. Speech difficult on account of the trembling of the mouth and tongue. Stools: dark green, bilious, frothy; watery and colorless; watery, with greenish scum floating on the surface of the water. Trembling of the hands and feet, so that the patient was unable to write. Trembling of the hands and tongue. Sensation of coldness; has to wear a heavy overcoat, even in the hot summer. Profuse sweat on every motion. Profuse sweat at night; same in the morning. Sweat makes fingers look softened, spongy, wrinkled, like a washerwoman's. Profuse, fatty, and oily perspiration at night. Profuse, offensive perspiration at night. Profuse, offensive perspiration, soaking through the bedclothes; the linen was stained saffron yellow and could not be removed by washing. MEZEREUM. For the irresolute, of a phlegmatic temperament. Hypochondriacal and despondent; indifferent to 158 PEARLS OF HOMOEOPATHY. everything and everybody; angry at trifles and per- fectly harmless things, but is soon sorry for it. Violent headache, after slight vexation; it was pain- ful on the slightest touch. The head is covered with a thick, leather-like crust, under which thick and white pus collects here and there; hair is glued together; pus after a time is ichor- ous, becomes offensive, breeds vermin. Ulcers covered with thick, whitish-yellow scabs, under which thick yellow pus collects. Linen or charpie sticks to the ulcers; when it is torn away they bleed. Vesicles appear around the ulcers, itch violently, burn like fire; fiery-red areola around, shining like fire. Neuralgic burning pains, after zona. Hypochondriac and despondent. Obstinate jerking of the muscle of the left upper lid. A sensation as though air were distending the right external meatus. Violent burning in the mouth, throat, and pharynx. Heat and scraping in the fauces. Stools: fermented; undigested; sour; offensive; after suppression of an eruption of thick crusts cover- ing thick pus. The skin of the face is of a deep inflammatory red- ness, and the eruption is "fat" and moist. Vesicles appear around the ulcers, itching violently and burning like fire. The child scratches the face continually; it becomes covered with blood. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 159 MILLEFOLIUM. It causes nosebleed. It causes hæmaturia. MIMOSA. Swelling of the left ankle, with redness, tension, and lancination. MORPHINUM. The look becomes unsteady. Paresis of the recti interni. MOSCHUS. Great anxiety, with palpitation of the heart. Menses too early and too profuse. Before menses: violent drawing and downward pressing pains in the genitals. During menses: at the beginning, violent drawing pains, pulling and pressing on the parts like labor- pains. Violent sexual desire. MUREX. Weak, gone feeling in the stomach. Violent sexual excitement. Violent pain in the right side of the uterus, extend- ing through the abdomen to the chest. " 160 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 鲁 ​Violent stitching pain from the uterus upward into the thorax and across chest to the left mamma, leaving a severe pain in the gland. Lancinating in the cervix uteri. MYOSOTIS. Cough, with purulent expectoration. NATRUM CARBONICUM. Sad and despondent. Aversion to men and society. Weak minded. Anguish, tremor, and sweat during her pains. Much nasal mucus passes through the mouth. Violet hawking up of thick mucus that constantly collects again. Sour eructations. Thin stools that forcibly spurted from him. Stool spotted with blood. Tearing and throbbing headache during menses. Pressing in the hypogastrium toward the genitals, as if everything would issue from the abdomen. Momentary pain in the small of the back. Ankles weak and turn easily. NATRUM NATRUM HYPOCHLOROSUM. Vertigo caduca; with an aching across the forehead. Both hands are swollen every morning. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 161 NATRUM MURIATICUM. Great emaciation; losing flesh even while living well; throat and neck of children emaciate rapidly during summer complaint. Great liability to take cold. Headache of school-girls; from sunrise to sunset; with left-sided clavus; as if bursting; with red face, nausea and vomiting before, during, and after cata- menia; as if beaten with little hammers, during fever, better after sweat begins. Squirming in the nostril as of a small worm, in hay asthma. Lachrymation; tears stream down the face when- ever he coughs. Constipation sensation as of contraction of anus; anus torn, bleeding, smarting afterwards; stool hard, difficult, crumbling; stitches in rectum; involuntary, knows not whether flatus or feces escape. Urine involuntary, when walking, coughing, laugh- ing; has to wait a long time if others are present. Pressing and pushing towards genitals, every morn- ing; must sit down to prevent prolapsus. The hair falls out when touched, in nursing women. For the bad effects of anger (caused by offense); acid food; bread; Quinine; cauterizations with Ar- gentum nitricum of all kinds. Hangnails: skin around the nails dry and cracked; herpes about the anus. Dreams of robbers in the house, and on waking will not believe to the contrary till search is made; of burn- ing thirst. 162 PEARLS OF HOMŒEOPATHY. Cannot often be repeated, in chronic cases, without an intercurrent remedy. Sad, and enjoys the sadness. Very much inclined to weep and to be excited. Melancholy mood; the more he was consoled, the more he was affected. When coughing, it seems as though the forehead would burst. Redness of the whites of the eyes, with lachryma- tion. The eyes give out on reading or writing. Pressure in the eye on looking intently at any- thing. Sensation as if sand were in the eyes, in the morn- ing. Unsteadiness of vision; objects become confused on looking at them. Letters and stitches run together. Redness of the left cheek. Great swelling and some burning of the lower lip, followed by the appearance of a large vesicle, that next day formed a scab and desquamated. Blisters on the tongue. Mapped tongue. Bitter taste in the mouth. Loss of taste. Aversion to bread. Longing for salt, salt-fish, oysters, or bitter things. Violent thirst, with dry, sticky mouth; worse in the evening. Sensation of contraction in the rectum during a stool; hard feces at first evacuated with the greatest PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 163 exertion, that causes tearing in the anus, so that it bleeds, and pains as if sore. Stools: black, watery; greenish, watery; like the white of an egg; gushing. An unusually hard, dry, crumbly stool. Menses: too late, too scanty, and of too short dura- tion. Suppressed menses, especially in young girls. Itching of the vulva. Intermission in the beating of the heart. Severe backache, relieved by pressure and by lying on the back. Easily fatigued. General emaciation, most conspicuous about the neck, which is very thin and shrunken. Itching eruption on the margin of the hair at nape of the neck. A small, painful vesicle on the upper lip below the septum of the nose. Fever without chill, 10 to II A. M. Chill, with thirst; unconscious, with violent head- ache. Long and severe chill from 10 to II A. M., beginning in the feet, fingers, and toes, or small of the back, with blue lips and nails. Thirst, drinking often and much at a time. Bursting headache; nausea and vomiting; and some- times complete unconsciousness. Chilliness, great thirst, tearing in the bones, blue nails, chattering of the teeth at Io A. M. Heat with increased thirst; with intolerable ham- 164 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. mering headache (as if beaten with thousands of little hammers); with stupefaction and unconsciousness. Fever-blisters cover the lips like pearls. Sweat profuse, gradually relieving all pains, except headache. The heart's pulsations shake the body. Thirst continues through all stages. NATRUM PHOSPHORICUM. Thin, moist coating on the tongue. Yellow, creamy coating at the back part of the roof of the mouth. Sour eructations, sour vomiting, greenish diarrhoea. NATRUM SULPHURICUM. Suicidal tendency, must exercise restraint. Mental troubles arising from injuries to the head. Tongue dirty; brownish-green or grayish-green coating. Mouth full of thick and tenacious white slime, Thirst in the evening. Stitches in the region of the liver, and sensitiveness when walking in the open air. Liver is swollen and sore to the touch or to any jar of the body. Passage of large quantities of flatus, mostly fetid. Stools: thin, yellow, fluid; gushing; in the morn- ing (after rising and moving about). Gonorrhoea and sycosis. PEARLS OF HOMŒEOPATHY. 165 Panaritium. Inflammation and suppuration around the roots of the nails. Menses with colic and constipation. Profuse, acrid, corrosive menses. During menses: pinching in the abdomen; burning of the palate, as if raw and sore. NICCOLUM. Objects appear too large. Twitchings of the upper lip. Diarrhoea after drinking milk. Bloated abdomen. Colic. Pain in the small of the back. Great debility. Sleeplessness from over-wakefulness. NUPHAR LUTEUM. Painless morning diarrhoea. Sensation of weakness and loss of power in the limbs. General exhaustion. NUX MOSCHATA. Adapted especially to women and children of a ner- vous, hysterical temperament; to people with a dry skin who rarely perspire. All the ailments are accompanied by drowsiness, sleepiness, or an inclination to faint; complaints cause sleepiness. 12 166 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Absence of mind, cannot think; great indifference to everything. Changeable humor; one moment laughing, the next crying. Sudden change from grave to gay, from lively to serene Great dryness of the mouth; tongue so dry it ad- heres to mouth; saliva seemed like cotton; throat dry, stiffened, no thirst. Sensation of great dryness; without dryness of the tongue and without real thirst. Abdomen enormously distended after every meal. Diarrhoea from cold drinks; boiled milk; den- tition; during pregnancy; with sleepiness and faint- ing. At every menstrual nisus, mouth, throat, and tongue become intolerably dry, especially when sleeping. Leucorrhoea, in place of menses; awakens with dry tongue. Pain, nausea, and vomiting, caused by pessaries, re- lieved by Nux moschata. Sudden hoarseness from walking against the wind. Cough, caused by: getting warm in bed; getting over-heated; bathing; standing in water; living in cold, dark places; cough during pregnancy; loose after eating, dry after drinking. Soreness of all parts on which one lies. Fatigued, must lie down after least exertion. Absence of mind, cannot think. Everything looked too large. Stool soft, but difficult to pass. Feeling as though the food formed itself into lumps PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 167 with hard surfaces and angles, which caused soreness in the stomach. The dyspeptic symptoms come on while the patient is still at the table. Menstrual discharge is dark and thick. Menstrual pains are relieved by hot, moist applica- tions. Irresistible desire for sleep. Skin cold and blue over the whole body. Coldness commencing in left arm and lower limbs. NUX VOMICA. Adapted to thin, irritable, choleric persons, with dark hair and bilious and sanguine temperament, dis- posed to be quarrelsome and malicious. Debauchers of a thin, irritable disposition. Nux vomica is chiefly successful with persons of an ardent character; of an irritable, impatient tempera- ment, disposed to anger, spite, or deception. Oversensitive to external impressions; noise; odors; light or music; trifling ailments are unbearable; every harmless word offends. Persons who are very particular, careful, zealous, in- clined to become excited or angry. Bad effects of: coffee, tobacco, alcoholic stimulants ; highly seasoned food; overeating; over-mental exer- tion; sedentary habits; loss of sleep; aromatic or patent medicines; sitting on cold stones. Pains are tingling, sticking, hard, aching, worse from motion and contact. Cannot keep from falling asleep in the evening, 168 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. while sitting, hours before bedtime, and wakes at 3 or 4 A.M.; falls into a dreamy sleep at daybreak, from which he is hard to arouse, and then feels tired and weak (with many complaints). Eructations: sour; bitter; nausea and vomiting every morning, with depression of spirits; after eating. Constipation frequent unsuccessful desire, passing small quantities of feces; sensation as if not finished. Should be given on retiring, or, what is better, sev- eral hours before going to bed. Complementary to Sulphur. Is often indicated after Ipecacuanha, which it follows well. Quarrelsome, even to violence. Oversensitive to impressions upon the senses; he cannot tolerate strong odors or bright lights, a noise or talking; music and singing affect him. Very hypochondriac, and affected by the slightest thing, after eating. Dread of that kind of literary work at which one must think and employ the ideas, whether to be elab- orated by writing or to be delivered orally, in the morning. Vertigo after dinner. Headache, on awaking in the morning; felt even before opening the eyes. Headache, worse after eating, with nausea and very sour vomiting. Pressive pain in the forehead, as if he had not slept enough. A smarting dry sensation in the canthi, in the morn- ing, in bed. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 169 Intolerance of the daylight, in the morning. Profuse discharge of mucus from one nostril, that seems obstructed by dry catarrh. Fluent coryza, in the morning. Coryza fluent during the day, and stopped at night. Coryza in the morning and after dinner. Catarrh, with headache, heat in the face, and chilli- ness. Sneezing. in the morning, in bed, but after rising sudden fluent coryza. Contraction of the jaws, like lockjaw. Bad taste in the mouth in the morning, though food and drink have a natural taste. Sour taste in the morning. The throat is painful, as if raw and sore, at the palate. Rawness in the throat that provokes cough. Aversion to food and drink, tobacco and coffee. Smoking nauseates him. After a meal he is qualmish, anxious, nauseated, and sick, as after a violent purge. Vomiting of sour-smelling and sour-tasting mucus. Retching, as if to vomit, while hawking the mucus from the fauces. Pressure as from a stone, in the upper abdomen, in the morning, aggravated by walking, relieved while sitting. Pressive pain in the epigastric region, as from over- loading the stomach, immediately after eating. Flatulent distention of the abdomen after eating. Colic that causes nausea. Pain in the abdominal ring, in the morning, in bed, as if a hernia would become incarcerated. 170 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Sensation of weakness in the abdominal ring, as if a hernia would occur. Forcing down towards the genitals, in the lower abdomen. Blind hæmorrhoids. After a stool it seemed as if some remained behind and could not be evacuated, with a sensation of con- striction in the rectum, not in the anus. Discharge of light blood with the feces, with a sen- sation of constriction and contraction in the rectum, during stool. Stools: thin; brownish; mucous; bloody. Diarrhoea, of a dark color, especially in the morn- ing, and immediately after dinner. Ineffectual calls to stool, and the stool, when passed, was soft. Diarrhoea after debauchery; after abuse of alco- holic spirits; after drastic medicines or prolonged drugging; after change of food (infants); in the morning. Before stool: backache as if broken; constant urg- ing (often ineffectual). During stool: backache; violent tenesmus. After stool: cessation of the pains and tenesmus ; sensation as if more stool would pass. Burning and tearing pain in the neck of the bladder, while urinating. Frequent desire to urinate; constantly called out that he would feel better if he could pass water. Violent straining; the efforts to urinate were con- stant and most painful, without being able to pass a single drop. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 171 Urine passed with difficulty. Menses too early, too profuse, and of too long dura- tion. Menses too early, too scanty, and of too short dura- tion. Menses too early, and too profuse. Menses too early, with cramps in the abdomen. Menses irregular; never at the right time. Menstrual discharge dark or black. Before menses: anxious, excited, irritable, and cross. During menses: nausea in the morning, with chilli- ness and attacks of faintness; backache, aggravated by turning in bed. Fetid leucorrhoea, staining the linen yellow. Violent cough before rising in the morning, with ex- pectoration of clotted blood and soreness in the chest. Dry cough, from midnight till daybreak. Scraping in the chest, causing hawking. Everything makes too strong an impression upon him. The slightest touch of the hand immediately brought on spasms. Small painful swellings on the forehead. Excessive itching all over the body. Great sleepiness, in the evening, with yawning, two hours before bedtime; in the bed he immediately fell asleep; awake after midnight, for a long time, then slept till late in the morning, with vivid dreams full of the events of the previous day; in the morning he did not wish to rise. Sensation of chilliness on the back and limbs, in the morning, with painfulness of the skin, as if it had been 172 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. frozen, and a sensation of falling asleep in the limbs, like that caused by cold weather, in the morning. Violent, shaking chill, lasting three-quarters of an hour, with bluish cold face and hands. Anticipating morning fever. Afternoon paroxysm: chilliness and coldness, with blue nails, for four hours, followed by general heat and burning of the hands, with thirst at first for water, afterward for beer. Coldness of the whole body, with blue hands and blueness of the skin. Great coldness, relieved neither by warmth of the stove, nor by covering in bed. Heat, with thirst; violent, long-lasting heat, with great thirst. Cannot move or uncover in the least without feeling chilly. Sweat, without thirst. Usually sweating stage light, with chilliness from motion or allowing the air to strike him. Sweat relieves pains in limbs. Profuse perspiration, after the severest paroxysms, or attending the congestive chills. OCIMUM. Nephritic colic (right side), with violent vomiting, every fifteen minutes; twists about, screams and groans. Red (bloody) urine, with brick-dust sediment, after the attack. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 173 ŒNANTHE CROCATA. Pupils dilated. Obstinate vomiting. Epileptiform convulsions. Sudden convulsions, trismus, biting of the tongue, followed by unconsciousness and oblivion of the cir- cumstances. ŒNOTHERA. Summer diarrhoea of children. Exhausting, watery diarrhoea. Chronic diarrhoea, in thin, emaciated people. OLEANDER. Desquamation of the epidermis of the scalp. Violent gnawing itching on the scalp, as from lice; after scratching, a smarting as if scratched raw. Humid, scaly, biting, itching eruption, especially on back part of the head. Ravenous hunger. Stools: undigested (food of the previous day); involuntary (when emitting flatus). Burning in anus. OLEUM ANIMALE. Leucorrhoea thin, white mucus. Pale, earthy complexion. 174 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. ! OLEUM JECORIS ASELLI. Great hoarseness. Soreness in chest and stomach, with cough. ONOSMODIUM. Extreme drowsiness of mind and confusion of thought. Dulness of intelligence. Dazed feeling of the mind. Pains in the left side of the head. Dull, heavy pain in the occiput with dizzy sensa- tions. Heaviness and dulness of the eyes. Nose feels dry. Dryness of the throat and pharynx, with severe soreness. Severe uterine pains. Bearing-down pains in the uterine region. Heart's action at first increased; pulse full and strong. Pulse slow, weak, and irregular. Tired, weary, and numb feeling in the legs and popliteal space. Feeling of numbness, mostly below the knees. Disturbance of the gait in walking, with a sensation of insecurity in the step. Staggering gait. The legs feel tired, as though they would not sus- tain the weight of the body. PEARLS OF HOMOEOPATHY. 175 . Tired, weak feeling in the arms and hands. Great muscular prostration and tired feeling over the entire body. The muscles feel unsteady and treacherous, as though he dare not trust them. OPIUM. Suitable especially to children and old people. : Diseases of first and second childhood; from fright, bad effects of, the fear still remaining; from charcoal vapors; of drunkards. All complaints with great sopor; painless, com- plains of nothing, wants nothing. Screaming, before or during the spasm. Sleep heavy, stupid; with stertorous breathing, red face, eyes half-closed; after the spasm. Sleepy, but cannot sleep; sleeplessness with acute- ness of hearing; clocks striking and cocks crowing at a great distance keep her awake. Bed feels so hot she cannot lie on it; moves often in search of a cool place; must be uncovered. Want of susceptibility to remedies; lack of vital re- action. Digestive organs inactive; peristaltic action reversed or paralyzed; bowels seem closed. Constipation of children; of corpulent, good- natured women, from inaction or paresis; from lead; stool hard, round, black balls. Involuntary stools, espe- cially after fright. Urine retained, bladder full; post-partum; nurs- ing children after passion of nurse; in fever or acute illness. 176 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Opium renders the intestines so sluggish, that the most active purgatives lose their power. Persistent diarrhoea in those treated with large doses of the drug. Complete loss of consciousness, with slow, stertorous breathing; insensibility to external impressions Drunkenness with stupor, as from smoke in the brain; eyes burning, hot, and dry. Fear of impending death. Complete insensibility, so that it was impossible, either by pulling the hair, or pinching the skin, to excite any wincing or signs of uneasiness, nor was any effect produced by the sudden affusion of cold water. Insensibility, accompanied with a complete apoplectic respiration. Cold sweat on the forehead. Pupils contracted. Face flushed, or pale. Great thirst. Griping in the abdomen, with constipation. Cutting in the abdomen. Pressive pain in the abdomen, as if the intestines. would be cut to pieces Deep snoring respiration, with open mouth. Respirations long and sighing. Deep and frequent sighing. Pulse slow, with slow stertorous respiration; exceed- ingly red distended face, and extremely profuse perspi- ration, with convulsions. Although he is sleepy he is unable to fall asleep, with slow pulse. * PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 177 Unrefreshing soporous sleep, with eyes half open and snoring. Shaking chill at II A. M.; body cold, or coldness only of the limbs, abdomen, back, hands, and feet. Chill with hot head and deep sleep, with profuse sweat about the head. Hot, profuse morning-sweat, wants to be uncovered. Worse during sweat. ORIGANUM. Increased sexual desire. Lascivious ideas and dreams. PÆONIA. The orifice of the anus seems somewhat swollen. A small ulcer on the perineum, near the anus, that constantly oozes moisture of a very offensive odor; it is painful. PALLADIUM. Sharp, knife-like pains in the uterus. PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. It seemed as though a thread were tightly drawn through the eye to the middle of the head which was very painful. Sensation as if a great weight were lying upon the nape. 178 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. PAULLINIA SORBILIS. Sick headaches. Stools: green, odorless, mucous; profuse. PETROLEUM. Adapted to persons of light hair and skin; irritable, quarrelsome disposition; offended at trifles; vexed at everything. Symptoms appear and disappear rapidly. During sleep or delirium: imagines that one leg is double; that another person lies alongside of him in bed; that there are two babies in the bed. Vertigo on rising; in occiput; as if intoxicated; like seasickness. Headache in occiput, which is as heavy as lead; pressing, pulsating pain; as if everything in the head were alive, numb, bruised, as if made of wood. Gastralgia of pregnancy; with pressing, drawing pains; whenever the stomach is empty; relieved by constant eating. Complaints from riding in a carriage, railroad car, or in a ship. Sweat and moisture of external genitals, of both sexes; fetid, of axillæ and feet. Tips of fingers rough, cracked, fissured; skin of hands rough and cracked; of whole body, sore and painful. Incessant nausea. Nausea, in the morning, with accumulation of water in the mouth. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 179 Stools: yellowish, watery; gushing; after sour- kraut; after cabbage. Menses too early, the discharge causing intense itching. During menses: intense itching of the genitals; much heat in the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet; tearing pains in the thighs. Leucorrhoea, like albumen. PETROSELINUM. Cutting, biting pain in the navicular fossa after urinating. PHELLANDRIUM. A violent stitch through the right mamma near the sternum, extending to the back between the shoulders. PHOSPHORUS. Adapted to tall, slender persons of sanguine tem- perament, fair skin, blonde or red hair, quick, lively perceptions and sensitive nature. Young people, who grow too rapidly, are inclined to stoop; chlorosis; anæmia. Apathetic; unwilling to talk; answers slowly; moves sluggishly. Weary of life; full of gloomy forebodings. Great nervous debility; trembling. Weakness and prostration of whole body; weari- ness, from loss of vital fluids. 180 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Sensation of weakness and emptiness in stomach and abdomen. As soon as water becomes warm in stomach it is thrown up. Constipation; feces slender, long, dry, tough, and hard like a dog's; voided with difficulty. Diarrhoea as soon as anything enters the rectum ; profuse, pouring away as from a hydrant; watery with sago-like particles; the anus remaining open; involun- tary; during cholera time; green and bloody oozing from the constantly open anus; bloody water, like the washings of meat; after cold food, ice or ice-cream. During pregnancy: unable to drink water; sight of it causes vomiting; must close her eyes while bathing. Vomiting relieved for a time by ice or very cold food or drink. Weak, gone feeling in the abdomen, Hæmorrhagic diathesis; slight wounds bleed pro- fusely. Hæmorrhage frequent and profuse, pouring out freely and then ceasing for a time; hæmoptysis; met- rorrhagia; cancer; vicarious, from nose, stomach, anus, urethra in amenorrhoea. Cannot talk, the larynx is so painful; cough, going from warm room to cold air, laughing, talking, read- ing, eating, lying on left side Very great indisposition to mental or physical exer- tion. Disinclination to study or converse. Could not study nor keep his mind on any particular subject long at a time. Lay most of the time in a stupor, from which he PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 181 could be roused, however, for an instant, only to lapse back into low muttering lethargy. Vertigo as soon as he attempts to rise from lying down. A green halo about the candlelight, in the evening. Black floating points before the eyes. Hearing difficult. Swelling of the nose, that is painful to touch. Slow bleeding of the nose. Nose swollen and dry; cannot draw air through it. Frequent blowing of blood from the nose. Emission of much flatus. Emptiness and a feeling of weakness in the abdo- men. Extreme irresistible desire for coition : Menses too early, too profuse, and of too long duration. Too early, too scanty, and watery; retarded, but copious; hæmoptysis or hæmatemesis instead of the menses. Before menses: colic; leucorrhoea with weeping mood; bleeding of present ulcers. During menses: blue margins about the eyes; spit- ting of blood; palpitation of the heart. After menses: stitches through the pelvis; acrid, smarting, corrosive, and blistering leucorrhoea; aver- sion to sexual intercourse. Spitting or vomiting of blood at each menstrual period. Puffed eyelids. Stitches in the mammæ. 13 Uor M • 182 PEARLS OF HOMOEOPATHY. Sensation of heat or burning up the back, between the shoulders. Rawness in the larynx and trachea, with frequent hacking cough and hawking. Suffocative pressure in the upper part of the chest. Hoarseness can hardly speak above a whisper; in the morning. Violent, dry cough on reading aloud in the evening. Frequent dry cough, with scanty expectoration. Paroxysmal cough, accompanied by expectoration of tenacious, purulent mucus. Dry, troublesome cough, causing soreness in the forepart of the chest. Cough in the morning, after rising, with expectora- tion of transparent mucus. Cough caused by constant tickling in the throat. Bloody expectoration, with mucus. Respiration always very short after coughing. Respiration is impeded by rapid walking. Tubercles of the lungs develop, with hectic fever. Great oppression of the chest, so that the patient, during the attack of cough, and in order to expectorate; must sit up in bed, when she experiences great pain, with a constrictive sensation under the sternum. Distressing anxiety and pressure in the chest, amounting to real suffocation, so that deep inspiration was difficult but not impossible. Heaviness of the chest, as if a weight were lying upon it. The spinous processes of the dorsal vertebræ between the scapulæ become exceedingly sensitive to pressure. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 183 Weakness in all the limbs. Extensive gangrenous periostitis of the tibia, with severe febrile disturbances; the periosteum pulled off from a large area upwards, as far as the knee-joint ; the bone was rough. Mucous membranes pale. Blood very fluid and difficult to coagulate. Great weakness of the whole body. Lying on the left side at night causes anxiety. Great sleepiness during the day, even before dinner. He cannot fall asleep before midnight. Flushed cheeks, the left one much more than the right. Chilliness, every evening, with shivering, without thirst. Coldness in the knees, constantly in bed. Icy coldness of the hands and feet, even in bed. Heat and sweat at night, with ravenous hunger. Sweat profuse over whole body and on slight exertion. Morning sweat, most profuse during sleep. PHYTOLACCA. Great pain in the root of the tongue when swal- lowing. Throat sore; the isthmus congested and of a dark- red color; dryness of the throat, with some swelling of tonsils. Every attempt to swallow is attended with excru- ciating shooting pains through both ears. 184 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. PLANTAGO. Suitable to chronic cases with regular type, which Quinine will neither change nor suppress (Inter- mittents). Persons of irritable, morose disposition; impatient, restless mood, with dull, stupid feeling in the brain. Great mental prostration, increased by mental exer- tion, which also causes rapid respiration and a feeling of great anxiety. Teeth (left side) elongated, sore; pain unbearably severe, boring, digging in sound teeth; worse from contact and extremes of heat and cold. Bad effects of excessive use of tobacco, especially the mental anxiety; digging toothache and frequent attacks of sudden sneezing, with profuse, watery, bland coryza. Nocturnal enuresis ; profuse colorless urine, deposit- ing a white sediment; occurs from midnight to morn- ing. Stools: brown, fermented, frothy; watery, brown. PLATINA. Illusion, as if everything about her were very small, and all persons physically and mentally inferior, but she herself physically large and superior. Great fear of death, which she believed near at hand. Sensation of numbness in the brain. Sensation of coldness, creeping, and numbness in the whole right side of the face. PEARLS OF HOMŒEOPATHY. 185 Face pale and sunken. Greedy, hasty eating, with ravenous hunger. Pressure in the lower abdomen. Painful pressing downward toward the genitals, as during menstruation. Constipation while traveling. Nymphomania, with voluptuous tingling in the ex- ternal and internal genital organs. Induration of the uterus. Emission of much clotted blood during the first day of the menses. Menses too early, too profuse, and of too long dura- tion. Menses too early and too profuse, and lasting but a short time. Menses suppressed in emigrants. Excruciating pains in the uterus. Excessive sensitiveness of the genital organs. Metrorrhagia, with a sensation as if the whole body were growing larger in every way. Albuminous leucorrhoea only in the daytime. Weakness in the nape of the neck. Pain in the small of the back. Numbness in the sacrum and coccyx, while sitting, as from a blow. The pains begin gradually, increase in severity, and decrease in the same slow gradual manner. PLUMBUM. Slow of perception. Loss of memory, so that while talking he was often unable to find the proper word. 186 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Complexion sallow. Distinct blue line along the margins of the gums. Sweetish taste. Constriction of the throat. Loss of appetite. Vomiting of food. Extremely violent pains in the umbilical region, that shoot to other portions of the abdomen, somewhat relieved by pressure. The navel seems to adhere to the spine. Excessive pain in abdomen, radiating thence to all parts of the body. Stools: watery, dark, offensive. Constipation. Difficult micturition. Urine dark-colored and scanty, evacuated by drops. Violent pains in the extremities, especially during the evening and night, particularly in the muscular part of the thighs. Neuralgic pains in the limbs. The pains in the limbs are worse by paroxysms, which are so severe that he cries out; aggravated at night. Wrist-drop. Lightning-like pains in the lower limbs. Convulsions. General paralysis. Yellow skin. PODOPHYLLUM. Adapted to persons of bilious temperament, who suffer from gastro-intestinal derangement, especially after abuse of Mercury. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 187 Sudden attacks of jerking pain. Depression of spirits; imagines he is going to die or be very ill. Headache, alternating with diarrhoea. Painless cholera morbus; violent cramps in feet, calves, thighs; watery, painless stools. Difficult dentition; moaning; grinding the teeth at night; head hot and rolling from side to side. Diarrhoea of children; during teething; after eat- ing; while being washed; dirty water soaking napkin through; early in morning, continues through fore- noon, followed by natural stool in evening, and ac- companied by sensation of sinking or weakness in abdomen and rectum. Stool: green, watery, fetid, profuse; gushing out; chalk-like, jelly-like; undigested; yellow, meal-like sediment; prolapsus of rectum, before or with stool. Prolapsus uteri; from overlifting or straining; after parturition. In early months of pregnancy, can lie comfortably only on stomach. Affects right side of throat, right ovary, right hypo- chondrium. Leucorrhoea discharge of thick, transparent mucus. Fever, with violent pain in the head, and excessive thirst. Sleep during perspiration. Loquacity during chill and far into heat. Heartburn, and water-brash, with heat in the stomach. Chronic, painful, hæmorrhoidal tumors. Constipation alternating with diarrhoea. 188 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Fulness of the superficial veins. Faintness, with the sensation of emptiness in the abdomen after stool. Sleepiness in the daytime, especially in the forenoon, with rumbling in the bowels. POLYGONUM. Sensation as if the hips were being drawn together. POLYPORUS OFFICINALIS. Chronic diarrhoea and dysentery. Great aching distress in all the large joints. Frequent creeping chills along the spine between the shoulder-blades, up the back to nape of neck. Chills commencing in the back between the shoulder- blades. Coldness of nose, hands, and feet. Great languor, with severe aching pains in back, large joints, and bones of legs; yawns and stretches. Unusual chilliness when the open air is encountered, with icy coldness of the nose. Face hot and flushed; hands, palms, feet, hot and dry. Profuse sweat after midnight. PRUNUS SPINOSA. A sharp pain beginning in the right side of the fore- head, shooting like lightning through the brain and coming out at the occiput. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 189 Pain in the right eyeball, as if the inner portion of the eye would be torn out. He suffers from tenesmus of the bladder. Urine seems to pass forward into the glans penis, and then seems to return and cause the most violent pain in the urethra. Anxious, short respiration. PSORINUM. Especially adapted to psoric constitutions; lack of reaction after severe acute diseases; appetite will not return. Extremely scrofulous patients; nervous, restless, easily startled; sleepless from intolerable itching or frightful dreams of robbers, danger, etc. In chronic cases, when well-selected remedies fail to permanently improve; when Sulphur is indicated and fails to act. Children are pale, delicate, sickly; sick babies will not sleep day or night, but worry, fret, cry; child good, plays all day; restless, troublesome, screaming all night. Great weakness and debility; from loss of fluids; remaining after acute diseases; without any organic lesion, Despairs of recovery; hopeless, thinks he will die, especially after fevers. Religious melancholy. Body has a filthy smell, even after bathing. Headache, chronic; at every change in the weather; 190 PEARLS OF HOMŒOPATHY. awakened from sleep with pain; hungry during head- ache; relieved by washing, by nosebleed. Great sensitiveness to cold air or change of weather; wears a fur cap, overcoat or shawl, even in hottest summer weather. Stormy weather affects him; feels restless for days before, and during a thunder-storm. Cough returns every winter. All excretions, diarrhoea, leucorrhoea, menstrual flow, perspiration, have a carrion-like odor. Hungry in the middle of the night; must have something to eat. Eructations tasting of rotten eggs. Diarrhoea; stool watery, dark brown, fetid, carrion- like odor. Stools: dark brown, thin, fluid; black, watery; very offensive, like rotten eggs. Leucorrhoea clotted, large lumps, of an unbearable odor. Vomiting of pregnancy; obstinate cases when the best selected remedy fails. Asthma; worse sitting up, better lying down and keeping arms spread wide apart. Anxious, full of fear and melancholic. Very depressed. Discharge of fetid pus from the ear. Swelled upper lip. Cough, with expectoration of green mucus, nearly like matter. Skin dirty, greasy looking, with yellow blotches here and there, and a partially developed eruption on the forehead and chest. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 191 Sweats profusely and freely when walking, with consequent debility. Takes cold easily. Copious perspiration on face, palms of hands, and perineum, when moving about. PTELEA. Great mental confusion. Performed his duties in a perfunctory manner. Constant dull headache. Persistent nausea. Pain in the hypogastrium. Retraction of the abdomen. Small, hard stool. PULSATILLA. Adapted to persons of slow, indecisive, phlegmatic temperament; sandy hair, blue eyes, pale face, easily moved to laughter or tears; affectionate, mild, gentle, timid, yielding disposition. Weeps easily; almost impossible to detail her ail- ments without weeping. Pains: drawing, tearing, erratic, rapidly shifting from one part to another; accompanied with constant chilliness, and the more severe the pain the harder the chill; appear suddenly, leave gradually, or tension, which increases until very acute, and then "lets up with a snap" (toothache, neuralgia). Symptoms ever changing; no two chills, no two · 192 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. stools, no two attacks alike; very well one hour, very miserable the next. Thirstlessness with nearly all complaints. Gastric difficulties from eating rich food, cake, pastry, especially fat pork or sausage; the sight or even thought of pork causes disgust. Derangements of puberty; catamenia suppressed from getting the feet wet; too late, scanty, slimy, in- termitting flow, with evening chilliness. Sleep wide awake in the evening, does not want to go to bed; first sleep restless, sound asleep when it is time to get up; wakes languid and unrefreshed. Styes, especially on upper lid from eating fat, greasy, rich food or pork. Threatened abortion; flow ceases and then returns with increased force; pains spasmodic, excite suffoca- tion and fainting; must have fresh air. Vertigo in the morning, on rising from bed, on ac- count of which he was obliged to lie down again. Headache in the evening. Headache as if one had eaten too much, or as if the stomach had been disordered by being overloaded with too much fat meat. Throbbing, pressive headache, relieved by external pressure. Burning and itching in the eyes. The margin of the lower lid is inflamed and swollen, with lachrymation, in the morning. The inner canthus seems agglutinated with matter, in the morning. The eyes are full of water in the wind. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 193 During the menses it became black before the eyes, and she felt worse on going into a warm room. Violent pain in the ear, as from something forcing outward. Difficulty of hearing, as if the ears were stopped, with roaring in them like a loud distant noise. Stoppage of the nose, as from catarrh, in the even- ing, on going to bed, and in the morning a thick yellow opaque mucus, as in old catarrh, is blown from the nose. Bad smell, as of old catarrh, in the nose. Toothache immediately on taking anything very warm into the mouth. The tongue is covered with tenacious mucus, as with a membrane. Accumulation of much sweet saliva in mouth. Slimy taste in the mouth. Canstant bitter, bilious taste in the mouth, espe- cially after eating. Loss of thirst. Frequent eructations tasting of the food. Vomiting of food that has been eaten a long time be- fore. Sensation in the stomach as if one had eaten too much; food rises up into the mouth, as if one would vomit. Pain in the stomach, an hour after eating. Gnawing sensation in the stomach, like ravenous hunger. Flatus moves from one part of the intestines to another, with loud rumbling, with gurgling, and with a griping sensation, especially in the evening in bed. 194 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Sensation of heaviness, like a stone, in the abdomen, just before the menses. Drawing and drawing-tensive pains, extending from the abdomen through the spermatic cords into the tes- ticles, that hang down. Painful, protruding, blind hæmorrhoids, with itching in the anus. Diarrhoea changeable stools; no two alike; at night; after ice-cream; after fruit; from warmth or in a warm room. Frequent desire to urinate. Involuntary urination, at night, in bed. Right side of the scrotum swollen. Painful drawing pains in the spermatic cords. Painless leucorrhoea, with thickish mucus of the color of milk, especially noticed on lying down. Acrid thin leucorrhoea. Contractive pain in the left side of the uterus, like labor pains, obliging her to bend double. Retarded or delayed menses, in young girls. Menses suppressed, especially from cold, from get- ting the feet wet. The menstrual discharge is thick, viscous, black and coagulated, or changeable. The menses flow only in the daytimę Constant cough in the evening, after lying down. Dry cough at night; it disappears on sitting up in bed, but returns on lying down. Cough, with expectoration of yellow mucus. Pain in the small of the back, as if sprained, on motion. Pains in the limbs. 1 PEARLS OF HOMOEOPATHY. 195 Painless swelling of the knee. Varicose veins. Boring pain in the heels, towards evening. Longing for fresh air. A (burniug) itching over the whole body, on be- coming warm in bed, before midnight, aggravated by scratching; is unable to sleep on account of it; less during the day, and only after becoming heated from walking or after rubbing; there is no appearance of an eruption. Irresistible sleepiness, in the afternoon. Sleep before midnight prevented by a fixed idea. Confused dreams. Chilliness, yawning, and stretching before the ap- pearance of the menses. Intolerable burning heat at night, in bed, with un- easiness. Dry heat of the body, in the evening, with dis- tended veins and burning hands, that seek out cool places; external warmth is intolerable. PULSATILLA NUTTALIANA. Frequent urination, too profuse; light-colored. Sharp pains in the uterus, from side to side, accom- panied with chilliness. QUINIA SULPHATE. Feeling of impending evil. Whirling in the head like a mill-wheel. Ringing in the ears, especially noticed in the left. 196 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Sensitiveness of the last cervical and first dorsal vertebræ to pressure. Intermittent fever, quotidian, with well-developed chill, fever, and sweat. RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. Pain in both hypochondria, accompanied by painful- ness of these regions when touched. Stitching, with pressure, in the right side of the abdomen, in the region of the last true rib, arresting the breathing, with stitches and pressure of top of the right shoulder. Burning and fine stitches in the left side of the chest. Violent sticking in the right side of the chest, in the region of the fifth to the seventh ribs, arresting the breathing. RAPHANUS SATIVUS. Stools: brown, or yellow-brown, fluid; frothy, copious, and passing out with much force. No emission of flatus by mouth or anus for a long time. Protrusion of intestines like pads all over the abdo- men, here and there during the pains. RHEUM. Desire for various kinds of food, which become re- pugnant as soon as a little is eaten. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 197 Twitchings of the muscles of the face and hands. Sour smell of the whole body. Stools: sour-smelling; during dentition. Before stool: colic; urging. After stool: tenesmus. RHODODENDRON. General rheumatic pains, brought on by damp, cold weather, worse during wet. Diarrhoea in cold, damp weather; after fruit. The testes are intensely painful to the touch. Contusive pain in the testes. RHUS RADICANS. Pain in the head and nape of the neck. Yellow coat on the tongue. Burning in the tongue. Redness of the tip of the tongue. Tongue feels sore at the tip. Pain in the chest, worse on inspiration. The legs feel weak. Pain in the calf of the leg when walking. Itching of the skin in various parts. The pains are often semi-lateral. Pains in various parts often remote and successive. Pains in the muscles during the early part of the time in which they are excited, disappearing after long continued action. 14 198 PEARLS OF HOMŒŒOPATHY. RHUS TOXICODENDRON. Adapted to persons of a rheumatic diathesis. Bad effects of getting wet, especially after being heated. Ailments from spraining or straining a single part, muscle or tendon; overlifting, especially from stretch- ing arms high up to reach things; lying on damp ground. Affects the fibrous tissues especially; right side more than left. Pains as if sprained; as if a muscle or tendon was torn from its attachment; as if bones were scraped with a knife; worse after midnight; in wet weather. Great restlessness, anxiety, apprehension; cannot remain in bed; must change position often to obtain relief from pain. Muscular rheumatism, sciatica, left side; aching in left arm, with heart disease. Great sensitiveness to open air; putting his hand from under the bed-cover brings on the cough. Vertigo when standing or walking, is worse when lying down. Dreams of great exertion; rowing, swimming, work- ing hard at his daily occupation. Corners of mouth ulcerated; fever-blisters around mouth; exanthema on chin. Sad, begins to weep without knowing why. Great restlessness. Inflammation of the eye. The eyes are closed or greatly swollen and inflamed. PEARLS OF HOMOEOPATHY. 199 Heaviness and stiffness of the lids, like a paralysis, as if it were difficult to move the lids. Great swelling of the face. Sore sensation, with redness at the apex of the tongue. Throat much swollen externally. Parotid and submaxillary glands hard and swollen. Great thirst. Desire for cold milk. Short cough, from severe tickling and irritation be- hind the sternum, followed the feeling of discourage- ment and apprehension. Stiffness in the small of the back, painful on motion. While sitting the small of the back aches, as after walking; with a sensation of a hundredweight upon the nape of the neck. The limbs upon which he lies, especially the arm, fall asleep. Drawing in the limbs, while lying down. Pains in the joints, during rest, better during motion. Crawling, as if asleep, in the tips of the fingers. Great weakness of the legs. Stiffness, especially of the knees and feet. Feels stiff on rising from a seat. Soreness in every muscle, which passes off during exercise. Erysipelas, with numerous vesicles, that burst, and secrete a slimy liquid. Covered from head to foot with a fine red vesicular rash, itching and burning terribly, especially in the joints, worse at night, causing constant scratching, • 200 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. with little or no relief, and which felt very hard upon pressure with the finger; skin burning hot. Violent vesicular erysipelas of the face and hands, attended with a high state of fever. Vesicular eruption on the cheek, with intense itching and burning. Restless sleep, with tossing about, raising, and throwing off the bed-covers. Pains occur and are aggravated during repose and are ameliorated by motion. Severe chill at 7 P. M., as though dashed with ice- cold water, or as if the blood were running cold through the vessels; cold when he moves; increased by eating and drinking. Cough during chill; dry, tearing, fatiguing. Excessive heat, as from hot water running through the blood-vessels. No cough in heat, but urticaria breaks out over entire body with violent itching, increased by rubbing; passes off with the sweat. Stools: thin, yellow mucous; bloody; lumps of transparent mucus; bloody water, like washings of beef; very offensive. RICINUS. Scanty, or suppressed secretion of milk, in nursing women. ROBINIA. Vomiting of an intensely sour fluid. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 201 RUMEX CRISPUS. Watery discharge from the nostrils. Stool: brownish, watery; thin, brownish, fecal. Movement of the bowels, in the morning, watery and brown. Diarrhoea in the morning, with the Rumex cough. Much tough mucus in the larynx, with a constant desire to hawk and raise it, but without relief. Dry spasmodic cough, simulating an early stage of whooping-cough. Dry at first, came on in paroxysms, preceded by a tickling sensation in the throat-pit; worse minutes after lying down at night. Sensitive to the open air. RUTA. a few Sensation of heat and fire in the eyes, and aching while reading (in the evening, by the light). Vision very weak, as if the eyes were excessively strained. Pain, as if beaten and lame, in the spine. The limbs feel bruised. All parts of the body upon which he lies, even in bed, are painful, as if bruised. Menses too soon and too profuse. SABADILLA. Suited to persons of light hair, fair complexion, with a weakened, relaxed muscular system. Worm affections of children. 202 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Nervous diseases; twitching, convulsive tremblings, catalepsy; from worms. Nymphomania from ascarides. Most symptoms, especially in the throat, go from right to left. Headache: from too much thinking, too close appli- cation or attention; from tænia. Follows Bryonia well in pleurisy, and has cured after Aconite and Bryonia failed. She imagines herself sick. Great sensitiveness to cold, which aggravates her pains. Stools: brown, fermented, swimming on the water. Urine thick and turbid, like muddy water. Chill without thirst, and often without subsequent heat; dry, spasmodic cough, with pain in ribs and tearing in all the limbs and bones. Chill predominates. Fever without thirst, or thirst for warm drinks. Sweat of soles of feet. SABINA. Headache, suddenly appearing and slowly disappear- ing. Sensation of swelling in the throat. Severe stitching pain in the vagina. Increased sexual desire; an almost insatiable desire for an embrace. Menses too early and too profuse. Discharge may be either bright red, or dark and coagulated. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 203 Flows mostly in paroxysms. During menses: indescribable drawing pains in the last lumbar vertebræ, extending through to the pubis. Discharge aggravated by the least motion and attended with severe drawing pain in the back extend- ing through to the pubis. Jelly-like, yellowish, ichorous, and fetid leucorrhoea. With affections of the female sexual organs, draw- ing pains in the small of the back through to the pubis. Indescribable uneasiness in the lumbar vertebrææ, a dragging from behind forward. As a remedy for abortion, at about the third month, Sabina has no equal. Metritis, where the characteristic pain runs from the lumbar region down the thighs. SAMBUCUS NIGRA. Adapted to diseases of scrofulous children, especially of their air-passages. Persons formerly robust and fleshy suddenly become emaciated. Bad effects of violent mental emotions; anxiety, grief, or excessive sexual indulgence. Edematous swellings in various parts of the body, especially in legs, instep, and feet. Dry coryza of infants; nose dry and completely ob- structed; breathing much impeded; snuffles. Dyspnoea child awakens suddenly, nearly suffo- cated, face livid, blue, sits up in bed, turns blue, gasps for breath, which it finally gets; spell passes off, but is again repeated; child inspires, but cannot expire. 204 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Cough dry, suffocative, with crying, worse about midnight. Constant fretfulness. Hoarseness caused by much tenacious glutinous mucus in the larynx. Heat without thirst; dread of uncovering. Dry heat of the body, with coldness of the feet and hands during sleep; on awaking the face breaks out into profuse sweat, which extends over the body and continues more or less during the waking hours; on going to sleep again the dry heat returns. No thirst during heat or sweat. SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS. Cannot bear to hear persons walk across the room. Pain like a flash of lightning on the back of the head. Supra-orbital, right-sided neuralgia; relieved only by holding the head tight to the floor. Headache begins in occiput, spreads upwards, and settles over right eye. Vomiting of bitter water. Polypi of the uterus. Pseudo-membranous croup. Dry cough, with tickling in the pit of the throat and a crawling sensation beneath the sternum. Hacking cough. Acute stitches in right breast. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 205 SANGUINARIA NITRATE. The pain becomes more severe on the left side of the head, through the left temple. Sensation of obstruction and fulness of the head. Pain in right eyeball; in left eyeball. Profuse lachrymation. Heat and burning of the eyes. Watery mucus flows freely from both nostrils. Burning pain in both nostrils. Accumulation of mucus, obstructing nose. Free discharge from posterior nares, tinged with blood. Soreness, rawness, and roughness on right tonsil, with difficulty in swallowing. In the morning raised large quantities of thick, yellow, sweet-tasting mucus. Great accumulation of mucus in the throat and bronchi. Heat and tension behind centre of sternum; sensa- tion of tightness in the chest, inducing a short hack- ing cough. Sensation of burning in stomach and oesophagus. Borborygmus and pains in abdomen, as if diarrhoea would set in. SANTONINUM. Nervous failure of sight. Suppression of urine. Chronic cystitis. 206 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Incontinence of urine. Dysuria. Vibriones in the urine. SARRACENIA. Small-pox, in its worst form. SAKSAPARILLA. Aphthæ on tongue and roof of mouth. Colic and backache at the same time. Child screams when urinating. Urine deposits white sand. Neck emaciated and shrunken. Great emaciation, the skin shriveled and lying in folds. SECALE. Best adapted to women of thin, scrawny, feeble, cachectic appearance, and irritable, nervous tempera- ment. Women of very lax muscular fibre; everything seems loose and open; no action, vessels flabby; pas- sive hæmorhages, copious flow of thin, black, watery blood; the corpuscles are destroyed Hæmorrhagic diathesis; the slightest wound causes bleeding for weeks; discharge of sanious liquid blood, with a strong tendency to putrescence; tingling in the limbs and great debility, particularly when the weak- ness is not caused by previous loss of fluids. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 207 Leucorrhoea green, brown, offensive. Boils: small, painful with green contents; mature very slowly and heal in the same manner; very debil- itating. Unnatural appetite; even with exhausting diarrhoea he is hungry. Diarrhoea involuntary, profuse, watery, brown, putrid; discharged with great force; very exhausting, urine suppressed. Eneuresis of old people; urine pale, watery, bloody. Burning in all parts of the body, as if sparks of fire were falling on them. Cholera collapse; face pale, sunken, distorted, par- ticularly around the mouth. Senile, dry gangrene; cannot bear heat. Eyes sunken and surrounded by a blue margin. Constant nosebleed. Face pale, drawn, collapsed, hippocratic. Aversion to heat or to being covered. Constant and intense thirst. Menses: too profuse and of too long duration; flow thin and dark or black; disgusting smell. Uterine hæmorrhage. Cessation of the lochia, with fever, inflammation of the uterus. Pains of an expulsive character in the uterus. The limbs become cold, pale, and wrinkled, as if they had been a long time in hot water. Numbness, insensibility, and coldness of the limbs. Fuzzy feeling in the limbs. Sensation as of something creeping under the skin. # 208 PEARLS OF HOMŒŒOPÀTHY. SEMPERVIVUM. Erysipelatous affections, burns, ringworm, and shingles. SENEGA. Dulness of the head, with pressure and weakness of the eyes. SEPIA. Adapted to persons of dark hair, rigid fibre, but mild and easy disposition. Diseases of women; particularly those occurring during pregnancy, child-bed, and lactation; or dis- eases attended with sudden prostration and sinking faintness. Complaints that are brought on by, or are aggravated after, laundry work. Pains extend from other parts to the back; are at- tended with shuddering. Particularly sensitive to cold air, "chills so easily;" lack of vital heat, especially in chronic diseases (in acute diseases, Ledum). Sensation of a ball in inner parts; during menses, pregnancy, lactation; with constipation, diarrhoea, hæmorrhoids, leucorrhoea, and uterine affections. Coldness on the vertex. Indifference; even to one's family; to occupation. Indolent; does not want to do anything, even work or play; even an exertion to think. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 209 Yellowness of the face; conjunctivæ; yellow spots on the chest ; a yellow saddle across the upper part of cheeks and nose. Herpes circinnatus in isolated spots on upper part of body (in intersecting rings over whole body, Tellur- ium). Painful sensation of epigastrium, not relieved by eating. Constipation during pregnancy; stool hard, knotty, in balls, insufficient, difficult; pain in rectum during and long after stool; sense of weight or ball in anus, not relieved by stool. Diarrhoea almost constant oozing from the anus; after taking boiled milk; during dentition. Urine deposits a reddish, clay-colored sediment, which adheres to the vessel as if it had been burnt on ; fetid; so offensive it must be removed from the room. Eneuresis; the bed is wet almost as soon as the child goes to sleep; always during the first sleep. Prolapse of uterus and vagina; pressure and bear- ing down as if everything would protrude from pelvis, must cross her limbs to prevent it; with oppression of breathing. Menses: too early and too profuse, and lasting only one day. Sensation of distention of the genitals. Acrid, smarting leucorrhea, with soreness of the pudendum. Sepia should not be alternated with Pulsatilla. Very indifferent toward everything, and apathetic. Headache better after meals. Great falling out of the hair. 210 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. .. Black spots hovering and swimming before the eyes. Nausea, mornings only, passing off after eating some- thing. Sensation of a load in the abdomen, during emotion. Great dryness of the vulva and vagina, causing a very disagreeable sensation when walking. Yellowish leucorrhoeal discharge in the morning, with bearing down in the pelvic organs. Leucorrhoea, like milk, only during the day, with burning pain and excoriation between the thighs. Induration of the cervix uteri. Cough, mostly in the evening, in bed. Spasmodic cough. She cannot sleep at night, on account of incessant cough. Short, dry cough, which seems to come out of stomach. Oppression of the chest, morning and evening. Herpetic eruption on the lips. Itching on the bends of the elbows. Chilliness from every motion. Very cold feet, with headache, evening and in the morning. Icy cold and damp feet all day, like standing in cold water up to ankles. Coldness, with deadness of the limbs and fingers. Attacks of flushes of heat, as if hot water were poured over one, with redness of face, sweat of the whole body, with anxiety, without thirst or dryness of throat. Sweat profuse in the morning after awaking; sweat worse from least exertion, mental or physical, PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 211 walking, writing, eating; cold sweat on breast, back, thighs and male genitals. SILICEA. Adapted to the nervous, irritable, sanguine tem- perament; persons of a scrofulous diathesis. Constitutions which suffer from deficient nutrition, not because food is lacking in quality or quantity, but from imperfect assimilation; over-sensitive. Scrofulous, rachitic children with large heads; open sutures; much sweating about the head, which must be kept warm by external covering; large bellies; weak ankles, slow in learning to walk. Persons of light complexion; fine, dry skin; pale face; weakly, with lax muscles. Diseases: caused by suppressed foot-sweat; expos- ing the back to any slight draft of air; from vaccina- tion; chest complaints of stone-cutters, with total loss of strength. Want of vital heat even when taking active exercise. Has a wonderful control over the suppurative pro- cess, whether it be the soft tissues, periosteum, or bone; it matures abscesses when desired, or reduces excessive suppuration. (Hepar affects chiefly the soft tissues.) Children are obstinate, headstrong, cry when kindly spoken to. Inflammation and suppuration of the lymphatic glandular system in any part of the body. up. Vertigo, as if one would fall forward, from looking Chronic, sick headaches, since some severe disease 212 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. of youth; headache rising from the nape of the neck to the vertex, as if coming from the spine and locating in one eye, especially the right, relieved by pressure and wrapping up warmly. Constipation, before and during menses; difficult, hard, with great straining, as if rectum was paralyzed; stool that has already protruded recedes again. Stools: cadaverous-smelling; putrid; sour; during exposure to cold air; after vaccination. Menses too early and too profuse; too early and scanty; too late and too profuse. Milky, watery, or brown leucorrhoeal discharge instead of the menses. Icy coldness of the whole body at the commencement of the flow. During menses: momentary blindness; itching on the pudendum; icy coldness of the feet; always cold during the menses. Painful, emaciating leucorrhoea. Leucorrhoea instead of the menses. Large head, with open fontanelles. Profuse perspiration on the head. Pale, earthy-colored face. Water tastes badly. Aversion to the mother's milk, and vomiting when- ever taking it. Sour eructations after eating. Vomits whenever she drinks. Hard, hot, distended abdomen. Suppuration of the mammæ. Chronic fistulous openings. Injuries of the skin heal badly. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 213 Small injuries suppurate. Offensive foot-sweat making the feet sore. Chill on every movement; very chilly all day. Shaking chill at 6 P. M. Icy-cold shivering frequently creeps over the body. Affected parts feel cold. Icy coldness of the feet and legs as far as the knees. Coldness with ravenous hunger. Violent heat in the head, and dark redness of the face. Great heat all night, with catching respiration. Sweat only on the head, or head and face. Offensive sweat of feet; they become sore while walking. SINAPIS NIGRA. Left nostril stopped up, in the afternoon and even- ing. Left nostril stopped all day. SOLANUM NIGRUM. Tetanic rigidity of the whole body. SOLANUM OLERACEUM. Swelling of the mammary gland, with profuse effu- sion of milk. SPIGELIA. Adapted to anæmic, debilitated subjects, of rheu- matic diathesis; scrofulous children afflicted with ascarides and lumbrici. 15 214 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Body painfully sensitive to touch; part touched feels chilly; touch sends shudder through the whole frame. Rheumatic affections of heart. Nervous headache; periodical, beginning at cere- bellum, spreading over head and beating in eye, orbit, and temple of left side; pain pulsating, violent. Intolerably pressive pain in eyeballs; could not turn the eyes without turning the whole body. Prosopalgia; periodical, left-sided, in the orbit, eye, malar bone, teeth; from morning till sunset; pain tearing, burning; cheek dark red. Toothache from tobacco smoking. Pains in chest are stitching, needle-like. Dyspnoea; must lie on right side or with head high. Chest affections, with stitch pains, synchronous with pulse, worse from motion. Chill every morning, at same hour. Sudden creeping chills. SPONGIA. Excessive mirth, with irresistible desire to sing. Pressive painful swelling of the testicles. Spermatic cords are swollen and painful. Swelling and induration of the glands. The region of the thyroid gland seems indurated. Incessant cough, from a place low down in the chest, where it pains as if sore and bloody, from coughing. Dry cough, day and night, with burning in the chest. Difficult respiration, as if a plug were sticking in larynx, and the breath could not get through on account of the constriction of the larynx. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 215 Pain in the chest and bronchi, with rawness in the throat, when coughing. Palpitation and rush of blood to the chest. SQUILLA. A violent sudden cough, in the morning, with stitches in the side on every cough, with expecto- ration. Cough, in the morning, with profuse slimy expec- toration. Constant expectoration of mucus. Dyspnoea and stitches in the chest, which are most distressing on inspiration. Recurrent stitch in the side. Stitches in the left and right true ribs, at the same time. Stools: dark brown or black, slimy, fluid, in frothy bubbles; very offensive; painless; involuntary (when coughing, sneezing or passing urine). STANNUM. Headache slowly increasing and decreasing. Want of disposition to talk. Ulceration of the ring-hole in the lobe of the ear. Talking or reading aloud causes a weak feeling in the throat and chest. The smell of cooking causes nausea and vomiting. Scraping of the throat, with greenish expectoration of a disagreeable sweetish taste. Hoarseness, weakness, and emptiness in the chest, on beginning to sing. 216 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. ¡ Violent, shattering, deep cough. Much inclination to cough, before midnight, with scanty expectoration. Expectoration of a globular, grayish lump of thick mucus. Sore pain in the whole of the chest. Colic, relieved by hard pressure, or by laying the abdomen of the child across the knees or against the shoulder of the nurse. Menses too early and too profuse. Before menses: great anxiety and melancholy. During menses: great improvement in her mental condition. STAPHISAGRIA. For the bad effects of onanism, sexual excesses, loss of vital fluids, chagrin, mortification, unmerited insults. Onanism persistently dwelling on sexual subjects; constantly thinking of sexual pleasures. Spermatorrhoea : features sunken; guilty, abashed look; emissions followed by headache, weak legs, prostration and relaxation or atrophy of sexual organs. Apathetic, indifferent, low-spirited, weak memory from sexual abuses. Mechanical injuries from sharp cutting instruments, post-surgical operations; colic from lithotomy or ova- riotomy. Styes, chalaza, on eyelids, on upper lids, one after another, leaving hard nodosities in their wake. Toothache during menses; sound as well as decayed teeth; painful to touch of food or drink, but not from biting. • PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 217 Teeth are black, or show dark streaks through them ; cannot be kept clean; crumble; decay on edges. Scorbutic cachexia. Ostitis of phalanges, with sweating and suppuration. Arthritic nodosities of joints, especially the fingers. Pain in the teeth during menses. Great desire to weep. Eyes sunken, with blue margins around them. Ravenous hunger for days. Chill predominates. Chill, without subsequent heat or thirst. Stools: hot; smelling like rotten eggs; after drink- ing cold water. STICTA. Dull, heavy pressure in the forehead and root of the nose, increasing in intensity during the day. Feeling of fulness and heavy pressure at the root of the nose. STRAMONIUM. Adapted to diseases of young plethoric persons; es- pecially in children; in chorea, mania, fever. Delirium; simulates Belladonna and Hyoscyamus, yet differs in degree. The delirium is more furious, the mania more acute, while the congestion, though greater than Hyoscyamus, is much less than Belladonna, never approaching a true inflammatory condition. 218 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Convulsions with consciousness; renewed by sight of a light, a mirror, or water. Desires light and company; worse in the dark and solitude; awakens with a shrinking look, as if afraid of the first object seen. Painless with most complaints. Disposed to talk continuously. Imagines all sorts of things; that she is double, lying crosswise, etc. Desire to escape, in delirium. No pain with most complaints. Twitching of single muscles or groups of muscles, especially of upper part of body. Desire for light and company. Child is very cross, and strikes or bites. She talks incessantly and absurdly. Deep, stupid sleep. Spasms of the oesophagus. General coldness of the whole body. Chills, with great sensitiveness to uncovering. Skin icy cold, and covered with cold sweat, hands and feet livid. Face, hands, and feet blue and cold. Coldness of the limbs. Sweat, with thirst. Cold sweats over whole body. Oily sweat. STRYCHNINUM. Perspiration flowing in a stream from his head and chest. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 219 SULPHUR. Adapted to persons of a scrofulous diathesis, subject to venous congestions, especially of portal system. Persons of nervous temperament, quick-motioned, quick-tempered, plethoric, skin excessively sensitive to atmospheric changes. Most suitable for lean, stoop shouldered persons who walk and sit stooped. Standing is the worst position for Sulphur patients; cannot stand; walk stooping, like old men. Dirty, filthy persons, prone to skin affections. Children cannot bear to be washed or bathed; ema- ciated, big-bellied; restless, hot, kick off the clothes at night; have worms, but indicated remedy fails. When carefully selected remedies fail to produce a favorable effect, especially in acute disease, it fre- quently serves to rouse the reactive powers of the system. Scrofulous chronic diseases that result from sup- pressed eruptions. Complaints that are continually relapsing; patient seems to get almost well, when disease returns again and again. Sick headache, every week, or every two weeks, prostrating, weakening, with hot vertex and cold feet. Constant heat on top of head; cold feet with burn- ing soles; wants to find a cool place for them; puts them out of bed to cool them off; cramps in calves and soles. Hot flushes during the day, with weak, faint spells. 220 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Weak, empty, gone or faint feeling in the stomach about II A. M.; cannot wait for dinner. Drowsy in afternoon, after sunset; wakefulness the whole night. Nightly suffocating fits; wants doors and windows open. Haste in working or walking. Anxiety, with doubts about her salvation. Fancies that rags are fine dresses, everything looks pretty which she takes a fancy to. Goes to sleep late and has short naps all night. Eyelids red and covered with a dry scurf. Red lips. : Diarrhoea after midnight; painless, driving out of bed early in the morning; as if the bowels were too weak to retain their contents. The discharge, both of urine and feces, is painful to parts over which they pass. Stools: green, watery, leaving a pale green stain on the diaper; yellow; mucous; bloody in streaks; undi- gested; purulent; corrosive; changeable; frothy; sour; fetid; putrid; in the morning; early in bed; after drinking milk; after ale or beer. After stool: tenesmus; excoriation about the anus; prolapsus ani; child falls asleep as soon as the tenes- mus ceases. Loss of appetite, with constant thirst. Voracious appetite. Child grasps everything within reach and thrusts it into his mouth. Excoriation about the anus. Moist excoriation about the genitals. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 221 Stupor, with pale face, dropping of lower jaw, eyes half open, cold sweat on the face, suppression of urine, and frequent twitching of the muscles. Frequent, unsuccessful efforts at stool. Severe burning in the vagina and at the vulva. Pain in the chest from over-lifting. Offensive odor of the body despite frequent washing. The smell of the stool follows him all around as if he had soiled himself. Excessive prostration and rapid emaciation. Frequent internal chilliness. Chilliness and shivering over whole body, without subsequent heat or thirst. Chilliness constantly creeps from the sacrum up the back, without subsequent heat or thirst. Icy coldness of the genitals. Frequent flushes of heat in the face, with shivering sensation over the body. Burning heat of the palins of the hands and soles of the feet. Copious morning-sweat setting in after waking. At night profuse sweat all over the body and restless sleep. Profuse, sour night-sweat. Menses: too late and of too short duration. The menstrual blood is too pale, or it is thick, black, and acrid. SUMBUL. Tenacious yellow mucus in the nose; nostril. Tenacious mucus in the throat. worse in left 222 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. Abdomen full, distended and painful. Oily pellicle on the surface of the urine. Palpitation of the heart. TABACUM. Death-like paleness of the face, with sick stomach. Body cold, abdomen hot. Child wants the abdomen uncovered, which relieves the nausea and vomiting. Coldness in the abdomen. Oppression of the heart. Icy coldness of the legs from the knees to the toes. Warmth of the body, with icy-cold hands. Feeble, irregular pulse. Grinding of the teeth at night. TANACETUM. Pain in the bowels relieved by stool. Desire for stool almost immediately after eating. TARAXACUM. Tongue, inside of mouth and fauces, covered with a white, slimy coating, peeling off in patches, leaving dark red, sensitive places. Mapped tongue. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 223 TELLURIUM. Fluent coryza, with hoarseness and watering of the eyes. The spine, from the last cervical to about the fifth dorsal vertebra, very sensitive, and the seat of a pe- culiar sense of irritation, which makes the prover dread having the part touched or even approached. Skin itches, burns, and swells. Copious watery discharge from the ear, smelling like fish-pickle, causing a vesicular eruption wherever it touches the skin. TEREBINTHINA. Tongue very red, sore, and glassy. Excessive tympanitis. Burning during urination. Violent strangury. Urine fetid, albuminous, scanty, dark, cloudy, and smoky. Hæmaturia. Stools: watery; greenish; profuse; fetid. The urine has the peculiar odor of violets. Prostration. THASPIUM. Pain permanent on the right side. THLASPI. Hæmorrhage after abortion. Hæmorrhage, from cancer of the neck of the uterus. 224 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. THUJA. Thuja bears the same relation to the sycosis of Hahnemann-figwarts, condylomata, and wart-like ex- crescences upon mucous and cutaneous substances— that Sulphur does to psora or Mercury to syphilis. Acts well in lymphatic temperament, not very fleshy, dark complexion, black hair, unhealthy skin. Bad effects of vaccination. (Silicea.) Vertigo, when closing the eyes. Music causes weeping. Headache: as if a nail had been driven into parietal bone (Coffea, Ignatia); as if a convex button were pressed on the part; from sexual excesses; from tea (Selenium). Teeth decay at the roots, the crowns remaining sound. Abdomen: as if an animal were crying; motion, as of something alive; protrudes here and there like the arm of a fœtus. Tongue swollen, clean or red, the tip painfully sore to the touch. Diarrhoea pale yellow, watery; in early morning; expelled forcibly, with much flatus; gurgling, as water from a bung-hole. Anxious palpitation of the heart. Involuntary urination. Menses too early and too profuse. Profuse perspiration. Terrible distressing pain in the left iliac region. Night-mare. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 225 Excessively tired all the time. Swelling of the labia. Skin looks dirty; brown or brownish-white spots here and there; warts, seedy, pediculated; eruptions, only on covered parts, burn after scratching. The flesh feels as if beaten off the bones (as if scraped, Rhus). Chill beginning in the thighs. Shivering through and through, from the slightest uncovering of the body in warm air. Sweat only on uncovered parts; or all over, except the head. Sweats when he sleeps, stops when he awakens. Profuse night-sweat, staining the clothes yellow, as if saturated with oil. Follows well after Nitric acid. TRILLIUM PENDULUM. Menses premature and profuse. TROMBIDIUM. Stools thin, brown, fecal; blood-streaked ; in small, fecal grains, constantly oozing; in the morning; after eating and drinking. Before stool: pain in the left side of the abdomen, with perspiration; griping pains. During stool pain in the abdomen continues; te- nesmus; chills in the back; much urging. After stool: tenesmus; prolapsus ani; burning in the anus. 226 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. URANIUM NITRICUM. Pain over left eye. Urinary tenesmus. Bright's disease. USTILAGO. Menses too frequent, too profuse, and of too long duration. Discharge of dark, foul-smelling, fluid blood, inter- mixed with small, black coagulæ. Persistent oozing of a dark, mahogany-colored, semi-fluid blood. Cervix soft and tumefied, os patulous. VALERIANA. Sticking pain in the eyes. Sensation as of a string hanging down in the throat. Pains in the extremities when sitting; disappears when rising from a seat. Drawing in many places, now here, now there, like transient jerks. VERATRUM ALBUM. Adapted to diseases with rapid sinking of the vital forces. Cold sweat on forehead, with nearly all complaints. Mania, with desire to cut and tear everything, espe- cially clothes. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 227 Cannot bear to be left alone, yet persistently refuses to talk. Attacks of fainting from least exertion. Sensation of lump of ice on vertex. Face: pale, blue, collapsed; features sunken; red while in bed, becomes pale on getting up. Constipation stools large, hard; from inactivity of rectum; in children when Nux vomica, though in- dicated, fails to relieve. Cholera; vomiting and purging; stool profuse, watery, gushing, prostrating, after fright. Dysmenorrhoea, with vomiting and purging. Bad effects of opium eating or tobacco chewing. Headache, with nausea and vomiting. Cold perspiration on the forehead. Violent, unquenchable thirst, especially for cold water. Wants everything cold; desire for fruits; for acids. Contracted pupils. Vomiting aggravated by drinking, or by the least motion. Great weakness after motion. Vomiting and purging at the same time. Excessive weakness; sudden sinking of strength; fainting. Violent cramps of the extremities. Wrinkling of the skin of the hands and fingers. Skin cold, blue, remaining in folds when pinched. During stool, paleness of the face, pinching colic, nausea, vomiting, cold sweat on the forehead and great weakness. 228 PEARLS OF HOMOEOPATHY. , After stool: great sinking and empty feeling in the abdomen. Menses: too early and too profuse; suppressed, with despair of salvation. Before menses: mania for kissing people; headache, vertigo. During menses: morning headache; buzzing or roaring in the ears; violent thirst for ice-cold water; vomiting, or diarrhoea, or both; great exhaustion. After menses: unbearable backache; colic with diarrhoea. Severe chill, with coldness and thirst. Internal chilliness running from the head to the toes of both feet, with thirst. Predominant external coldness. Sweat always with deathly pale face. VERATRUM VIRIDE. Quarrelsome and delirious. Headache, proceeding from the nape of the neck. Dilated pupils. Face flushed. Dry mouth and lips all day. Tongue feels as if it had been scalded. Violent nausea and vomiting. Smallest quantity of food or drink is rejected im- mediately. Constant burning distress in the cardiac region. Chilliness with nausea. All fevers with full, frequent, hard pulse. PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. 229 VERBASCUM. Sensation as if the temples were pinched together with pincers. VIBURNUM OPULUS. Severe pain in left parietal region; every cough hurts the head. Constant nausea, relieved by eating. Deathly sickness at the stomach at night. Cramps and colic pains come on suddenly and with terrible severity just preceding menstrual flow. Spasmodic and membranous dysinenorrhoea. VIBURNUM PRUNIFOLIUM. A preventive in cases of habitual miscarriage. Renders the pains of confinement milder and more bearable. After-pains, of a severe character. XANTHOXYLLUM. Ovarian and sacral pains during pregnancy. ZINCUM METALLICUM. Soporous condition of mind. The eyes are most painful in the evening and night, as from sand, with frequent lachrymation. 16 230 PEARLS OF HOMEOPATHY. During the menses inflammation of the eyes. Constant burning in the eyes, in the afternoon. Strong aggravation of the nausea and headache from taking even a small sip of wine. Stool hard, small, and rather dry. Weariness in the nape of the neck, in the evening while writing. Lancinating pains above the joints, always trans- verse, not lengthwise the limb. Burning pain on the tibiæ. Feet constantly in motion. Menses too early and too profuse. Before menses: distention of the abdomen. During menses: she feels perfectly well while the flow continues; heaviness of the limbs; sudden op- pression at the stomach, obliging her to loosen her dress. Amenorrhoea; when alternate paleness and redness of the face is a prominent symptom. Sexual mania, from pruritus vulvæ. Nausea and vomiting after eating; as soon as the first spoonful reaches the stomach it comes up again. Pains in the small of the back. Twitching and jerking in various muscles. Jerking through the whole body during sleep at night. Wine aggravates nearly all the symptoms. Most of the symptoms appear after dinner and towards evening. Itching in the hollows of the knees. PEARLS OF HOMŒEOPATHY. 231 ZINCUM PHOSPHORATUM. Severe neuralgia of face and head. ZINCUM SULPHURICUM. Evacuations bloody, accompanied by sticking and cutting pains in both sides of the abdomen and along the colon. ZINCUM VALERIANICUM. Uncontrollable sleeplessness from pain in the head, in children with meningitis. Facial neuralgia, of a very obstinate character. Neuralgia of the ovaries. ZINGIBER. Smarting sensation below the larynx, followed by a cough, with expectoration of mucus. Worse from drinking impure water. Menses too early and too profuse. 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