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List of Subscribers Preface Life of Vitruvius List of the several Editions and Versions of Vitruvius List of the Chapters contained in the Work Description of the Head-Pieces . The Architecture of Vitruvius, Book I. . . Book II. . . Book III. . Book IV. . . Book W. . . Book VI. . . Book VII. . Book VIII. . . Book IX. . Book X. Plates, and Explanations of them . Index . PAGE vii ix • XV . xvii ... xxi • XXXV xl . 33 75 97 123 . 161 191 227 259 293 . 347 369 TO THE KING. SIRE, - THE Writings of MARCUs WITRU- v1Us Pollio have long been distinguished by the especial patronage of Sovereigns. That of GEORGE THE FourTH is now added to those of Augustus, the Medici, Francis the First, and Lewis the Fourteenth. It would be presumptuous in me to dwell on the singular connexion between the successful cultivation of the Arts and the appearance of the different Editions of Vitruvius; but when we read the memo- rable words of Augustus, his first Patron, “ Urbem marmoream se relinquere, quam viii lateritiam accepisset,” we are so forcibly re- minded of the taste and munificence of our present Sovereign, that we look forward with the highest expectations to the future, while we reflect with gratitude on the past. With a deep sense of the obligation your MAJESTY has conferred, by allowing me to present this to your notice, and the most sincere prayer, that, in a long conti- nuance of your happy reign, the Nation may receive the fulfilment of its wishes, I have the honour to declare myself, with every respect, YOUR MAJESTY'S MOST DUTIFUL AND FAITHFUL SUBJECT AND SERVANT, JOSEPH GWILT. ix LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. ONLY TWENTY-FIVE LARGE PAPER COPIES HAVE BEEN PRINTED. A. ABRAHAM, Robert, Esq. Ackermann, Mr. Angell, Samuel, Esq. Arch, Messrs. Arch, Messrs. (large paper). Atkinson, Mr. Charles. BAILEY, George, Esq. Baker, H. Esq. Barclay, Charles, Esq. (large paper). Barry, Charles, Esq. Basevi, George, Esq. F.S.A. Beilby, Knott and Beilby, Messrs. Birmingham. Bellamy, Mr. Thomas. Bent and Co., Messrs., Manchester. Bishop, J. M. Esq. * Bohn, Mr. (2 Copies). Bohn, Mr. (large paper). Bradbury, Thomas, Esq. Brandram, Thomas, Esq. Lee Grove, Kent (large paper). Britton, John, Esq. F.S.A. Britton, John, Esq. F.S.A. (large paper). Brocas, Barnard, Esq. Wakefield Park, Reading. Brown and Co., Messrs. Bull, Simeon Thomas, Esq. Burn, J. Ilderton, Esq. Burn, Mr. (2 Copies). Burton, James, Esq. Busby, C. A. Esq. Brighton, X C. CARPENTER and Son, Messrs. Carpenter and Son, Messrs. (large paper). Carter, Mr. B. Chantrey, F. L. Esq., LL.D. R.A.F.R. and A.S. &c. (large paper). Cheffins, Mr. G. A. Clarke, Mr. William (large paper). Clarke, Isaac, Esq. Clelland Mc.. Mr. J. Clisby, Mr. W. Brighton. Cockslaw, Mr. Leicester. Collins, Mr. W. Richmond, Surrey. Cotton, Henry C. Esq. Cotton, William, Esq. Priory, Leatherhead. Cresy, Edward, Esq. F.S.A. Cuming, Mr. Samuel, Totnes. D. DALLAWAY, Rev. James, M.B. F.S.A., Davies, John, Esq. Davis, Edward, Esq. Davison, Mr. Henry. Davy, Mr. H. Southwold, Suffolk. Donaldson, Thomas L. Esq. Duff, Thomas J. Esq. Belfast. E. Edwards, F. Esq. Elmes, James, Esq. M.R.I.A. Evans, Thomas, Esq. F. FALLows, John, Esq. Birmingham, Finlayson, Thomas, Esq. Reading. Fisher, Mr. F. Salisbury. Foster, John, Jun, Esq. F.S.A. Liverpool. xi GARDINER, John, Esq. Garling, H. Esq. Goldicutt, John, Esq. Goldring, George, Esq. Good, Joseph H. Esq. Grapel, Mr. Liverpool (2 Copies). Gregory, Lieut. Royal Engineers, Chatham. Green, John, Esq. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Green, Mr. F. G. Grenock, Right Hon. Lord, Hythe, Kent. Groves, Mr. F. H. Guilford, The Right Hon. the Earl of, LL.D. F.R. & A.S. (large paper). Gwilt, Charles Perkins, Esq. (large paper). Gwilt, George, Esq., F.S.A. Gwilt, John Sebastian, Esq. Gwyn, L. Esq. H. HALLETT, Mr. J. Hamilton, Thomas, Esq. Edinburgh. Hardwick, Thomas, Esq. F.S.A. Harrison, Henry, Esq. Hayward, Mr. Hering, Mr. Frederic. Hernaman and Robinson, Messrs. Leeds. Hill and Son, Messrs. Edinburgh (2 Copies). Hollingsworth, R. M. Esq. Hollis, Charles, Esq. Hutchinson, H. Esq. Birmingham. I. J. JACKSON, Mr. B., Lccds, xii Jalland, Mr. Robert. I'Anson, Edward, Esq. Ingleman, Mr. Richard, Southwell, Notts. Inman, W. S. Esq. Johnson, Esq. Lichfield. Jones, Martin, Esq. Jones, Michael, Esq. F.S.A. Judge, Mr. Jupp, William, Esq. K. KAY, Joseph, Esq. Greenwich Hospital. Kendall, H. E. Esq. Keys, H. L. Esq. King and Ridings, Messrs. Cork. Kinnard, William, Esq. Knight, Mr. William. Knyvett, Rev. C. W. M.A. L. LAING, David, Esq. F.S.A. Lewis, Mr. Lockie, John, Esq. MI. MATHEws, Charles, Esq. Junior. Markland, J. H. Esq. F.R.S. Miekelam, R. Esq. Moneypenny, George, Esq. (large paper). Montague, William, Esq. Moore, George, Esq. F.S.A. Murphy, John Andrew, Esq. N. NARRIEN, John, Esq. Military College, Sandhurst. xiii Newman, John, Esq. Nicholl, John, Esq. Jun. * OGLE, John, Esq. PAPworTH, J. B. Esq. Parkinson, James T. Esq. Parsons, William, Esq. Leicester. Perkins, Frederic, Esq. Lee, Kent (large paper). Porden, Charles F. Esq. Preston, Rev. George, M.A. Pugin, A. Esq. Purser, Charles, Esq. R. RENNIE, John, Esq. F.R.S. (large paper). Rivington and Cochran, Messrs. Rivington and Cochran, Messrs. (2 Copies, large paper). Robinson, P. F. Esq. Roper, D. R. Esq. SALVIN, A. Esq. F.S.A. Sanders, John, Esq. F.S.A. Savage, James, Esq. Scott, George, Esq. Ravenscourt Park, IIammersmith. Smirke, Robert, Esq. R.A.F.S.A. Smith, C. J. Esq. Warwick (large paper). Smith, Mr. George. Smith, George, Esq. Smith, George, Esq. Smith, H. Esq. Smith, John, Esq. Aberdeen. Soane, John, Esq. R.A. F.S.A. (large paper). xiv T. TAPPEN, George, Esq. (2 Copies). Taylor, George L. Esq. F.S.A. Townley, George, Esq. Tracy, Charles Hanbury, Esq. Treherne, Edmund, Esq. Trendall, Mr. Tyerman, Thomas, Esq. V. VALPY, A. J. Esq. M.A. Vivian, George, Esq. (large paper). W. WALLACE, R. Esq. Wallen, John, Esq. Ward, Mr. Wardlaw and Co., Messrs. Edinburgh. Ware, Samuel, Esq. F.S.A. Webster, J. Esq. Wetton, R. G. Esq. Wheler, John, Esq. (large paper). Wilkins, William, Esq. A.M. F.S.A. Wilson, Sir Thomas Maryon, Bart, Charlton, Kent. Winter, James, Esq. Wolfe, John Lewis, Esq. Woodfall, George, Esq. F.S.A. Woolriche, S. Esq. Wright, Mr. (2 Copies). Wrightson, Mr. Robert, Birmingham. Wyatt, James, Esq. Wyatt, H. J. Esq. YoUNG, James, Esq. PREFACE. THE following Translation was commenced many years since, under a conviction of the benefit I should derive from it in my architectural studies; but at the time of undertaking it, its publication was not contemplated. During the progress of my labours I found it useful to refer to the different versions of the author, and more especially to that of Newton, the only Englishman who has hitherto translated and published the whole of the text of Vitruvius. That translation I found so unsatis- factory and incorrect, that my resolution was early formed of making an endeavour, at some period, to give the English student, not only a more con- venient volume for reference, but, as I presume to think, a truer interpretation of the text of the author. Whether I have succeeded, must be sub- mitted to the Reader's judgment. I have, perhaps, adhered more closely to the text than the idiom of our language may allow, but I trust that this will be far from a serious charge against me. The edi- tions chiefly used have been those of Philander, Elzevir, the Bipont, and that of Schneider, which is a most valuable book: not, however, without fre- xvi quent recurrence to the translations of Barbaro and Perrault, and the excellent one of Galiani. The plates subjoined to the work are not so numerous as might have been desired. My reason for limiting them to their present number has been more from a desire to avoid conjectural representations than to save trouble or expense in the publication. The following version is without note or comment, but I am in hopes that it may, at a future period, lead to a further consideration of the precepts and doc- trines of the only author, among the antients, on the art of which I am an humble professor. J. G. LIFE OF WITRUVIUS. THE materials for a life of Vitruvius are only to be found in his own Treatise. Among the antient authors he is merely mentioned by Pliny, as one of those writers from whom he compiled; and by Frontinus, in his Treatise on Aqueducts, as the first who introduced the Quinarian measure. Though practising in Rome, and in the service of the emperors, living in Rome, and writing the sub- joined work in that city, there appears nothing that can lead us to assert that he was a native of the place. Maffei, a Veronese, strove to prove the au- thor his countryman, and in corroboration adduced an inscription which existed on a triumphal arch in Verona as hereunder; L. VIT R U WIU S L. L. C E R DO A R C H IT ECT U.S. Had this arch, however, been built by our Author, it would not prove him a native of the city, not look- ing to the difference in the agnomen, a circum- stance which Alciati attempted to reconcile, by supposing that of Pollio to be a corruption of Pel- lio, and that then it would be synonymous with C xviii A Cerdo, both the one and the other signifying a cur- rier. Philander, however, completely refuted this conjecture, if indeed refutation could have been necessary, for the arch itself contained a violation of a rule insisted on by Vitruvius, that dentils should not occur under mutuli. From the fragments of inscriptions relative to the Vitruvia family, found in the neighbourhood of Formiae (the present Mola di Gaeta), it has been presumed, without a great stretch of probability, that it was in this territory Vitruvius was born. The age in which he lived was doubtless between the time of the death of Julius Caesar and the bat- tle of Actium, though some have assigned it to the reign of Titus. But his omission of the mention of a great number of magnificent buildings, erected after the time of Augustus, and his especial men- tion of the theatre of Pompey as the only one of stone, sufficiently prove that such a conjecture is not warranted by circumstances. The dedication, more- over, points to Augustus as the patron of Vitruvius: and the incident of C. Julius, the son of Masanissa, who was in the army of Julius Caesar, having lodged with him, as related in the third chapter of his eighth book, seems clearly to indicate the time of his existence. It is likely that the following treatise was compos- ed when he was advanced in life, and that it was pre- sented to his patron after he had assumed the title xix. of Augustus, that is, twenty-five years before the Christian aera, inasmuch as he speaks of a temple erected to Augustus, in his Basilica at Fano. He was, as may be collected from his writings, by no means a successful professor, though well born and well educated, and certainly, notwith- standing the common sophisms of the age which appear in his work, a man of no ordinary talent. He was no less a military than a civil architect, as may be gathered from the introduction to his first book, as well as from the rules, now incompre- hensible, but doubtless in his time sufficiently clear, laid down in the tenth book, respecting military engines. From the introduction to the third book we learn, that he was of small stature, and lived to some age. That he should have met with opposition from his brethren is quite conso- nant with later experience, for the rabble of igno- rant builders, and artisans, and draftsmen, who in the present day call themselves architects, and meet with considerable patronage, are of the same class as those that flourished subsequently to the time of our author, even in the time of Michael Angelo da Buonaroti. LIST OF THE SEVERAL EDITIONS AND � 1496. VERSIONS OF VITRUVIUS. . .—** Editio primceps.”—Without year, place, or printer's mame. Primted at Rome, by George Herolt, under the superimtend- emce of Sulpitius, in or about 1486. It begims without title as follows:—“ Io. sULPITIUS LECTORI SALUTEM. Cum di- vinum opus Victruvii: mom modo studiosis: sed reliquis ho- minibus, &c.”—At the emd of the last book of Vitruvius are the following verses : Lector habes tandem veneranda volumina docti Victruvii: quorum copia rara fuit. Hæc lege: nam disces: mova: magna : recondita: pulchra : Et quæ sint in re sæpe futura tua. Emendata vides: sed peccat litera siqua Corrige: memo satis lynceus esse potest. To theVitruvius is subjoimed,—* Sexti Julii Frontini viri com- sularis: de aquis que in urbem influumt: libellus mirabilis."— The pages are of thirty-four limes, and the Vitruvius contains minety-four fols. including the letter of Sulpitius, &c. The Frontinus contaims only sixteem fols. Gaigmat Catalogue 54 framcs. La Valiere ditto 130 framcs. Polemus says there are but few errors in this editiom. Harwood says it is a very scarce book. This Editiom begins thus.—“ Hoc im volumine hæc opera contimentur. L. Vitruvii Pollionis de Architectura Libri de- cem. Sexti Julii Fromtini de Aquæductibus Liber umus. Angeli Politiami Opusculum : quod Pamepistemon inscribi- tur. Angeli Politiami im priora Amalytica prælectio, cui ti- tulus est Lamia."—At the emd of the Vitruvius :—“ Florentiæ • impressum anmo a matali Christiano M.cccc.LxxxxvI."—fol. xxii —Accordimg to Fabricius, the orthography of this editiom is more correct tham the preceding ome of Sulpitius; in other respects it is very like it. It is quite as scarce as the editio primceps. ¥ 1497. This Volume begims,—“ Hoc in Volumime comtimemtur : Cleo- .- • • • midæ Harmonicum Introductorium imterprete Georgio Valla Placentimo. L. Vitruvii Polliomis de Architectura Libri De- cem. Sexti Julii Frontini de Aquæductibus Liber umά. Angeli Politiani Opusculum: quod Pamepistemom inscribitur. Angeli Politiani in priora Amalytica prælectio, cui titulus est Lamia.”—At the end of the Vitruvius,—“ Impressum Vene- tiis, per Simonem Papiensem dictum Bivilaquam : Amno M.cccc.LxxxxvII. die tertio Augusti.”—fol. With a few slight variations in the text, this is little more tham a reprimt of the preceding Florence Editiom, as regards Vitruvius. The Cleonidas is am addition to it. The name of the Editor does mot appear ; he has divided the chapters of the first book differently from those of the two former editions. This book, though mot common, does mot fetch a large price. 1511.—** M. Vitruvius per Iocumdum solito castigatior factus, cum figuris et tabula, ut iam legi et intelligi possit."—At the emd, —“ Impressum Venetiis ac magis quam umquam aliquo alio tempore emendatum : sumptu miraque diligentia Ioammis de Tridino alias Tacuimo. Ammo Domini M.D.XI. die XXII. Maii. Regmante inclito Duce Leomardo Lauredamo.”—fol. —With many wood blocks. This was the first edition illustrated with Figures. Jocumdus altered the text of the two former editions in many places. Polemus thinks he car- ried his emendatioms further tham he was justified in doing; but he gives the preference to this over the former editions. 1513.—** Vitruvius iterum et Frontimus a Iocumdo revisi repurgatique quantum ex collatiome licuit.”—At the emd:—“ Hoc opus , præcipua diligentia castigatum, et cura summa excusum est Floremtiæ sumptibus Philippi de Giumta Florentimi, ammo Do- mini M. D. XIII. memse Octobri."—Small octavo.—The figures in this editiom are the same as the preceding, but consider- xxiii -, ably reduced amd more imperfectly cut. It is extremely scarce, and produced am enormous price (elevem guimeas) at am auctiom in this country a few years since. 1522.—** M.Vitruvii de Architectura Libri decem muper maxima di- ligentia castigati, atque excusi, additis Julii Frontini de Aquæ- ductibus libris propter materiæ affinitatem.”—At the end :— “ Impressum Floremtiæ per hæredes Philippi Iuntæ Anno Domini, MDxxII. sexto Kal. Novembris."—Small octavo. This is a reprimt of the precedimg editiom with the same blocks for the figures. 1523.—** M. Vitruvii de Architectura Libri decem, summa diligentia recogniti, atque excusi. Cum nommullis figuris sub hoc signo * positis, numquam antea impressis. Additis Iulii Frontimi de Aquæductibus libris, propter materiæ affinitatem. 1523.”— Small octavo. Without place or primter's name. This is a counterfeit of the Giunta editiom. Amd though Polemus conjectures it was printed at Floremce, there is little doubt that it was the work of Will. Huyom of Lyons. The figures added with the mark * attached to them, are reduced from those of the first Italiam versiom of the author by Cæsar Cæsarianus 1521, which is hereinafter moticed. l543.—** M. Vitruvii, viri suæ professiomis peritissimi, de Archi- tectura Libri Decem, ad Augustum Cæsarem accuratiss. com- scripti: et nunc primum im Germania qua potuit diligentia excusi, atque hinc inde Schematibus mom iniucundis exornati. " Adiecimus etiam propter argumenti conformitatem, Sexti Iulii Frontini de Aquæductibus urbis Romae libellum. Item ex libro Nicolai Cusani Card. de Staticis experimentis Frag- mentum. Cum Imdice copiosissimo, et dispositione longe meliori, quam antea."—At the end:—“ Argentorati. Im offi- cina Knoblochiana per Georgium Machæropieum. Ammo 1543."—Quarto. The text is mearly the same as that of Jo- cumdus. The figures of the wood-blocks are partly borrowed from the Giumta edition, amd partly from the translation of Cæsariamus. 1550.—** M. Vitruvii Polliomis, viri suæ professionis peritissimi, de xxiv Architectura Libri x. ad Augustum Cæsarem accuratissime conscripti, et locis quam plurimis hac editiome emendati. Ad- iunctis mumc primum Gulielmi Philamdri Castilionii Galli, Civis Rom. Castigatiomibus atque Ammotatiomibus im eosdem longe doctissimis ad Framciscum Valesium Galliarum Regem. Una cum Lib. II. Sex. Iulii Frontimi de Aquæductibus urbis Romæ, et Nicolai Cusami Dialogo de Staticis experimentis. Cum Græco pariter et Latino indice, dispositione copiaque elaboratissimo."—At the emd:—“ Argentorati, ex officina Κmoblochiana, per Georgium Machaeropieum, Memse Au- gusto, Ammo M.D.L.”—Quarto, The text is the same as that of the 1543 editiom. The motes of Philander which are added, were first published im 1544 at Rome im 8vo, but with- out the text of Vitruvius. l552.—** M. Vitruvii Pollionis de Architectura Libri decem ad Cæ- sarem Augustum omnibus omnium editionibus longe emenda- tiores, collatis veteribus exemplis. Accesserunt Gulielmi Philamdri Castiliomii, civis Rom. Annotationes castigatiores, et plus tertia parte locupletiores. Adiecta est Epitome im omnes Georgii Agricolæ de mensuris et ponderibus Libros, eodem autore. Cum Græco pariter et Latino'indice locu- pletissimo. Lugduni. Apud Ioan. Tormæsium, 1552."— Quarto. Philander himself superintended this editiom, chiefly followimg the Giunta text, which he collated with several MSS. The wood blocks are better tham in amy precedimg editiom. • 1567.—** M. Vitruvii Polliomis de Architectura Libri decem, cum commentariis Danielis Barbari, electi Patriarchæ Aquilei- emsis : multis ædificiorum, horologiorum, et Machinarum de- scriptionibus, et figuris, uma cum indicibus copiosis, auctis et illustratis. Venetiis. Apud Franciscum Framsciscium Se- nensem, et Ioan. Crugher Germanum, 1567.”—Folio. Bar- baro in this seems to have mostly followed Philander's editiom of 1552. 1586.—** M. Vitruvii Pollionis de Architectura Libri decem, ad Cae- sarem Augustum, omnibus omnium editionibus longe emen- XXV datiores, collatis veteribus exemplis. Accesserumt Gulielmi Philandri Castilionii, Civis Rom. Ammotationes castigatiores et plus tertia parte locupletiores. Adiecta est Epitome in omnes Georgii Agricolae de mensuris et ponderibus libros eodem auctore. Cum Graeco pariter et Latimo Indice locu- pletissimo, M.D.LXXXVI. Apud Ioan. Tornaesium, typogr. Reg. Lugd.”—Quarto. Harwood says that the Editor of this edition was Jo. Tormaesius junior, and that it is more correct, though less elegant than that produced by the father in 1552. 1649–" M. Vitruvii Pollionis de Architectura Libri decem, cum 1758. notis, castigationibus, et observationibus Gulielmi Philandri integris; Danielis Barbari excerptis, et Claudii Salmasii pas- sim insertis. Praemittuntur Elementa Architecturae collecta ab illustri Wiro Henrico Wottono Equite Anglo. Accedunt Lexicon Vitruvianum Bernardini Baldi Urbinatis Guastellae Abbatis; et eiusdem scamilli impares Vitruviani. De Pic- tura Libri tres absolutissimi Leonis Baptistae de Albertis. De Sculptura excerpta maxime animadvertenda ex Dialogo Pomponii Gaurici Neapolit. Ludovici Demontiosii Com- mentarius de Sculptura et Pictura. Cum variis Indicibus copiosissimis. Omnia in unum collecta, digesta, et illustrata a Ioanne de Laet Antverpiano. Amstelodami. Apud Lud. Elzevirium. Ammo 1649.”—Folio. This has been usually considered the best edition of the Author: it was certainly at that period the most splendid edition, to which the Elzevir type not a little contributed. De Laet pro- fesses to follow the text of Philander's edition ; but neither was this accurately done, nor were the notes of Philander, mor the Lexicon of Baldus given entire, as the title would import. The most valuable novelty in this edition is the Commentary of Meibomius on those Chapters relating to musical notation. An Edition by the Marchese Berardo Galiani. Folio. Naples. This was accompanied by an Italian Version, which will be hereafter moticed among the Italian Editions Har- wood says this is a “a fair and valuable Edition.” Not no- ticed by Schneider. d xxvi 1800.—** M. Vitruvii Pollionis de Architectura Libri decem. Ope Codicis Guelferbytani, editionis principis, ceterorumque sub- sidiorum recensuit, et Glossario, im quo vocabula artis propria Germ. Ital. Gall. et Angl. explicamtur, illustravit Augustus Rode Dessaviensis. Berolimi, sumtibus Aug. Mylii. 1800."— Two thim volumes Quarto. The plates to this Editiom were published im Folio im the emsuing year to the number of twenty. The text of this Editiom is of little value. The plates though ill executed and the glossary in five languages, are useful to the Architectural student. It has mo notes ap- pended. 1807.—** M. Vitruvii Pollionis de Architectura Libri Decem ad Optimas Editiones collati. Præmittitur Notitia literaria Stu- diis Societatis Bipontinae. Accedit Anonymi scriptoris ve- teris Architecturæ compendium cum indicibus. Argemtorati Ex Typographia Societatis MDcccvII.”—Octavo. 1807.—** Marci Vitruvii Pollionis De Architectura Libri Decem. Ex fide librorum scriptorum recensuit, emendavit, suisque et virorum doctorum Ammotationibus illustravit Io. Gottlob Schmeider, Saxo. Lipsiæ, sumtibus et Litteris G. J. Göschem. Amno MDcccvII."—3 Vols. Imper. Octavo. This Editiom, the second amd third volumes of which are devoted to com- mentaries om the text, is the best edition of the Author which has appeared. It is much to be regretted that it was pub- lished without plates ; with the addition of them it would have been a perfect book. SPANISH VERSIONS. 1602.—* Los diez libros de Arquitectura de Marco Vitruvio Pollion, traducidos del Latin por Michaël de Urrea. Alcala de He- marez. 1602.°— Folio. , ^ ' 1787.—* Los diez libros de Architectura de M. Vitruvio Polliom, traducidos del Latin y commentados por Don Joseph Ortiz y Sanz. Presbitero, Madrid. 1787."—Large Folio, with plates. xxvii FRIENCH WERSIONS. 1547.—“Architecture, ou Art de bien bastir de Marc Vitruve Pol- lion, autheur Romain antique; mis de Latin en François par Jan Martin, secretaire de Monseign. le Cardinal de Lenom- court. Pour le Roy très Chrestien Henry II. A Paris. Pour la veuve et heritiers de Jam. Barbè. 1547.”—Folio. This was the first French Version of Vitruvius. 1572. A Reprint of the preceding by Jerome de Marnef et Guil. Cavellat Fol. Paris. 1618. The Third French Version. Printed in Quarto at Geneva from the two preceding Editions by Jean de Tournes. 1673.—“Les dix Livres d’Architecture de Vitruve, corrigez et tra- duits nouvellement en François, avec des Notes et des Figures. A Paris, chez Jean Bapt. Coignard. 1673.”—Large Folio. This was a version worthy of Perrault the Translator. Though in many parts it is impossible to agree with him in his Interpretation of the Text, yet it is a most valuable work. The figures are numerous and well executed on copper. 1684—“Les dix Livres d’Architecture de Vitruve corrigez et traduits nouvellement en François, avec des Notes et des Figures. Seconde edition revue, corrigée, et augmentée. Par M. Perrault de l'Academie royale des Sciences, Docteur en Medccine de la Faculté de Paris. A Paris, chez Jean Bapt. Coignard, Imprimeur ordinaire du Roy, rue St. Jaques, a la Bible d'or. 1684.”—Large Folio. This is, notwithstanding the wear of the plates, the best of Perrault's Editions; and copies of it, in which Seb. Le Clerc's plate representing the machinery for raising the two large stones of the Pediment of the Louvre appears, are valuable. 1816.-‘‘ L’Architecture de Vitruve traduite en François, avec des remarques par le Bioul. Bruxelles 1816.”—Quarto, with plates. GERMAN WERSIONS. 1548.—“Vitruvius Teusch. Alles mit schoenen künstlichen Figuren i und Antiquiteten, und Sonderlichen Commentarien zu meh- xxviii rerem Bericht und besserem Verstand gezieret und erklaeret. Durch D. Gualtherum H. Rivium. Medic. & Mathem. Wormals in teutsche sprach zu transferiren noch von nie- mand sonst understandem, somderm für unmüglichen geachtet worden. Zu Nürnberg trückts Johan Petreius.”—Folio. With plates on wooden blocks cut by Erard Schaen. 1575. A repetition of the preceding. Basil. Folio. 1614. Another repetition with this title:–“ Vitruvius. Des aller- namhafftigsten unmd Hocherfahrnestem, Roemischen Archi- tecti, unnd Kunstreichen Werck oder Bawmeisters, Marci Vitruvij Pollionis, Zehem Bücher von der Architectur und künstlichem Bawen. Ein Schlüssel und eynleitung aller Ma- thematischen unnd Mechanischen Kunst, Scharfsimmiger fleissiger machtrachtung oder Speculation künstlicher Wercke &c. Erstmals verteutscht, unnd in Truck verordnet durch D. Gualterum H. Rivium, Wormals in Teutsche Sprach zu transferiren, noch von niemand sonst understanden, Sonder für unmüglich geachtet worden. Jetzt aber an vilen Orten verbessert. Getruckt zu Basel. Durch Sebastian Henricpetri, im Jar mach der Geburt Christi M.D.C.xIV.”—Folio. 1796.-“Des Marcus Vitruvius Pollio Baukunst. Aus der Roemis- chem Urschrift übersetzt von August Rode, Zwey Thaile. Leipzig.”—Quarto. In the first volume is a life of Vitru- vius. This edition contains many illustrations of the Author. - ENGLISH. 1771, and 1791—“The Architecture of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, translated from the original Latin by W. Newton, Architect, London, Dodsley.”—Large Folio. The first volume was published in 1771, and the second in 1791, with many plates. This Edition exhibits such a mixture of ignorance of the lan- guage of the original in the translation of the text, with so much intelligence in some of the notes, that it is difficult to believe they are from the same hand. xxix Latterly has appeared a translation of the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth books of Vitruvius, by W. Wilkins, A.M. F.S.A.. The text of these, however, is not entire, and the introduction to each of them is omitted altogether.—So that hitherto the only entire English version is that by Newton above mentioned. ITALIAN. 1521.-‘‘Di Lucio Vitruvio Pollione de Architectura Libri Dece traducti de Latino in Vulgare affigurati: Commentati: et con mirando ordine Insigniti: per il quale facilmente potrai trovare la multitudine de li abstrusi et reconditi Vocabuli a li soi loci et in epsa tabula con summo studio expositi et emu- cleati ad Immensa utilitate de ciascuno Studioso et benivolo di epsa opera. Cum Gratia et Privilegio.”—At the end, —“Qui finisce L'opera praeclara de Lucio Vitruvio Pollione de Architectura traducta de latino in vulgare: Historiata e Commentata a le spese e Instantia del Magnifico D. Au- gustino Gallo Citadino Comense e Regio Referendario in epsa Citate: e del mobile D. Aluisio da Pirovano Patricio Milanese: Emendata e Castigata cum summo studio e dili- gentia excepto alchume poche cosse quale sono poste mella infrascripta tabula de li Errori li quali non se hano possuto fugire per langustia, dil tempo,”—&c.—“E Impressa nel amoena et delectevole Citate de Como per Magistro Gotardo da Ponte Citadino Milanese; me 1 anno del nro Sigmore Jesu Christo M.D.xxi. xv mensis Julii. Regmante il Chris- tianissimo Re de Franza Francisco Duca di Milano,”—&c.— “Laus Deo.”—Large Folio. This book, which is exceedingly rare, is the earliest version of Vitruvius, and was translated with the assistance of Benedict Jovius, by Caesar Caesarianus, who was one of the architects of the Cathedral of Milan, circă 1491. As late as the year 1810 it was in contemplation to finish some parts of that cathedral according to drawings left by him. Some of the wood engravings of this edition were reduced and inserted in the counterfeit copy of the Giunta XXX edition of 1523. Among the curious plates inserted in this translation, are, on folio 14, and on the recto and reverse of folio 15, a plan and two sections of the cathedral at Milan. 1524 –“ M. L. Vitruvio Pollione de Architectura traducto di Latino in Vulgare dal vero exemplare con le figure a li soi loci con mirando ordine insignito: con la sua tabula alphabetica: per la quale potrai facilmente trovare la moltitudine de li vocabuli a li soi loci con summa diligentia expositi: et enucleati: mai più da niuno altro fin al presente facto ad immensa utilitate di ciascuno studioso.”–At the end, “ Stampata in Venetia, in le Case Joanne Antonio et Piero Fratelli de Sabio. Nel anno del Signore, M.D.xxIIII. Del mese di Martio.”–Folio. This is a repetition of the preceding edition, but without the notes of Caesar Caesarianus. 1535.–“ M. L. Vitruvio Pollione di Architettura dal vero esemplare latino nella volgar lingua tradotto: e con le figure a suoi luoghi con mirando ordine insignito. Anchora con la tavola alfabetica: nella quale facilmente si potra trovare la moltitu- dine de vocaboli a suoi luoghi con gran diligenza esposti; e dichiarati: mai piu da alcuno altro fin al presente stampato a grande utilità di ciascuno studioso.”–At the end of the In- dex,-“In Vinegia, per Nicolò de Aristotile detto Zoppino. Nelli anni del Signor nostro Giesu Christo dopo la sua nativita M.D.xxxv. del mese di Marzo.”–Folio. This is copied from the preceding edition, but the Index is not quite so copious. 1536. A Translation of the first five Books, by Gianbatista Capo- rali. Perugia. Folio. 1556.–“ I dieci libri dell' Architettura di M. Vitruvio, tradutti et commentati da Monsignor Barbaro Eletto Patriarca d'Aqui- leggia. Con due Tavole, l'una di tutto quello si contiene per i Capi nell'Opera, l'altra per dechiaratione di tutte le cose d'importanza. In Vinezia per Francesco Marcolini, MDLv1.” –Folio. 1567.–“ I dieci Libri dell'Architettura di M. Vitruvio. Tradotti | ct commentati da Mons. Daniel Barbaro eletto Patriarca d'A- quileia, da lui riveduti et ampliati; et hora in piu commoda XXXi forma ridotti. In Venetia, Appresso Francesco de Frances- chi Semese, et Giovanni Crugher Alemanno Compagni MDLXVII.”-Quarto. i; 1584 –“ I dieci Libri,”–&c. (ut supra).–“ In Venetia, Appresso Francesco de Franceschi Senese, MDLXXXIIII.”-Quarto. Si- milar to the preceding edition. - 1629 –“ I Dieci Libri dell'Architettura di M. Vitruvio, Tradotti, et Commentati da Monsig. Daniel Barbaro Patriarca d'Aqui- leia, da lui riveduti, et ampliati; et hora in questa nuova Impressione per Maggior Comodità del Lettore, le materie di ciascun Libro ridotte sotto capi, Stc. In Venetia. Appresso Alessandro de Vecchj, MDcxxIx.”–Small Folio. Very similar to the preceding edition. 1641.–“ L'Architettura di Vitruvio Libri Dieci. Tradotta, e Com- mentata da Monsig. Daniel Barbaro Patriarca d'Aquileia, da lui riveduta, et ampliata. Et hora in questa nuova Impres- sione per maggior comodità del Lettore, le materie di ciascun Libro ridotte sotto capi etc. In Venetia, MDcxxxxI. Per li , Turrini.”-Small Folio. Little differing from the preceding. 1758 –“ L'Architettura di M.Vitruvio Pollione colla traduzione Ita- ſi liana e Comento del Marchese Berardo, Accademico Ercola- mense, Sc. In Napoli MDccLvIII. Nella Stamperia Simo- niana.”–Folio. Accompanied with the Latin text. 1790. Another Edition, by Galiani, similar to the preceding, but without the Latin text. - 7 cc e e- A - cº- fa - A 1. ( a e- - - ſl-ze- 4 - e-- - e A - c-e- ca- Ve - e le / º aree a esa. C. / /4- e ( e tº - - / Aſac o via i x / 4 4 o THE A R C HITECTURE OP MARCUS WITRUWIUS POLLIO. LIST OF THE CHAPTERs. BOOK THE FIRST. Introduction. (Page 1.) What Architecture is : and of the Education of an Architect. Chapter I. Of those things on which Architecture depends. Chap. II. Of the different Branches of Architecture. Chap. III. Of the choice of Healthy Situations. Chap. IV. Of the Foundations of Walls and Towers. Chap. V. Of the Distribution and Situation of Buildings within the Walls. Chap. VI. Of the choice of Situations for Public Buildings. Chap. VII. BOOK THE SECOND. Introduction. (Page 33.) Of the Origin of Building. Chap. I. Of the Origin of all things according to the opinions of Philosophers. Chap. II. Of Bricks. Chap. III. Of Sand. Chap. IV. Of Lime. Chap. V. Of Pozzolana. Chap. VI. Of Stone Quarries. Chap. VII. Of the different kinds of Walls. Chap. VIII. Of Timber. Chap. IX. Of the Firs called Supernas and Infernas, and of the Apennines. Chap. X. xxxvi BOOK THE THIRL). Introduction. (Page 75.) Of the Design and Symmetry of Temples. Chap. I. Of the Five Species of Temples. Chap. II. Of Foundations, and of Columns and their Ornaments. Chap. III. ~~~~ - 3 * 3. *** ***** ***.*.*.*.*.* BOOK THE FOURTH. Introduction. (Page 97.) Of the Origin of the Three Sorts of Columns, and of the Corinthian Capital. Chap. I. Of the Ornaments of Columns. Chap. II. Of the Doric Proportions. Chap. III. Of the Interior of the Cell and the Arrangement of the Pronaos. Chap. IV. Of the different Aspects of Temples. Chap. V. Of the Proportions of the Doors of Temples. Chap. VI. Of the Tuscan Proportions: of Circular Temples, and other Species. Chap. VII. Of Altars to the Gods. Chap. VIII. BOOK THE FIFTH. Introduction. (Page 123.) Of the Forum and Basilica. Chap. I. Of the Treasury, Prison, and Curia. Chap. II. Of the Theatre, and of its Healthy Situation. Chap. III. Of Harmony. Chap. IV. º Of the Wases used in the Theatre. Chap. V. Of the Shape of the Theatre. Chap. VI. Of the Portico and other Parts of the Theatre. Chap. VII. Of the Three Sorts of Scenes, and of the Theatres of the Greeks. Chap. VIII. - Of the Porticos and Passages behind the Scenes. Chap. IX. xxxvii Of the Arrangement and Parts of Baths. Chap. X. Of the Palaestra. Chap. XI. Of Harbours and other Buildings in Water. Chap. XII. BOOK THE SIXTH. Introduction. (Page 161.) Of the Situation of Buildings according to the Nature of Different Places. Chap. I. Of the Proportions of Private Buildings to suit the Nature of their Sites. Chap. II. Of Courts (Cavaedia). Chap. III. Of Courts (Atria), Wings or Aisles (Alae), the Tablinum and the Peristylium. Chap. IV. Of Triclinia, CEci, Exedrae, Pinacothecae and their Dimensions. Chap. V. Of the Grecian OEci. Chap. VI. Of the proper Aspects of Different Sorts of Buildings. Chap. VII. Of the Forms of Houses suited to different Ranks of Persons. Chap. VIII. - Of the Proportions of Houses in the Country. Chap IX. Of the Arrangement and Parts of Grecian Houses. Chap. X. Of the Strength of Buildings. Chap. XI. BOOK THE SEVENTH. Introduction. (Page 191.) Of Pavements. Chap. I. Of Tempering Lime for Stucco. Chap. II. Of Stucco Work. Chap. III. Of Stucco Work in Damp Places. Chap. IV. Of the Use of Painting in Buildings. Chap. V. Of the Preparation of Marble for Plastering. Chap. VI. Of Natural Colours. Chap. VII. Of Vermilion and Quicksilver. Chap. VIII. Of the Preparation of Vermilion. Chap. IX, xxxviii Of Artificial Colours. Of Black. Chap. X. Of Blue, and of Burnt Yellow. Chap. XI. * Of White Lead, Verdigrease, and Red Lead. Chap. XII. Of Purple. Chap. XIII. - Of Factitious Colours. Chap. XIV. BOOK THE EIGHTH. Introduction. (Page 227.) Of the Method of Finding Water. Chap. I. Of Rain Water. Chap. II. Of the Nature of various Waters. Chap. III. Of the Qualities of Waters in certain Places. Chap. IV. Of the Means of Judging of Water. Chap. V. Of Levelling, and the Instruments used for that Purpose. Chap. VI. Of conducting Water. Chap. VII. BOOK THE NINTH. Introduction. (Page 259.) Of the Method of Doubling the Area of a Square. Chap. I. Of the Method of constructing a Right Angled Triangle. Chap. II. Of the Method of detecting Silver when mixed with Gold. Chap. III. e Of the Universe and the Planets. Chap. IV. Of the Sun's Course through the Twelve Signs. Chap. V. Of the Northern Constellations. Chap. VI. Of the Southern Constellations. Chap. VII. Of the Construction of Dials by the Analemma. Chap. VIII. Of Various Dials, and their Inventors. Chap. IX. BOOK THE TENTH. Introduction. (Page 293.) Of Machines and Engines. Chap. I. xxxix Of Machines of Draught. Chap. II. Of Another Sort of Machine of Draught. Chap. III. Of a Similar Machime, of Greater Power. Chap IV. Of Another Machine of Draught. Chap. V. Of Ctesiphon's Contrivance for Removing Great Weights. Chap. VI. Of the Discovery of the Quarry whence Stone was procured for the Temple of Diama at Ephesus. Chap. VII. Of the Principles of Mechanics. Chap. VIII. Of Engines for raising Water; and first of the Tympanum. Chap. IX. Of Another Sort of Tympanum, and of Water Mills. Chap X. Of the Water Screw. Chap. XI. Of the Machine of Ctesibius for Raising Water to a Considerable Height. Chap. XII. Of Water Engines. Chap. XIII. Of Measuring a Journey. Chap. XIV. Of Catapultae and Scorpions. Chap. XV. Of the Construction of the Balista. Chap. XVI. Of the Proportions of the Balista. Chap. XVII. Of the Preparation of the Balistae and Catapultae. Chap. XVIII. Of Machines for Attack. Chap. XIX. Of the Tortoise for Filling Ditches. Chap. XX. Of Other Sorts of Tortoises. Chap. XXI. Of Machines for Defence. Chap. XXII. EXPLANATION OF THE HEAD PIECES PREFIXED TO THE INTRODUCTION OF EACH BOOK. Book I. II. III. IV. VI. VII. VIII. IX. Plan of Rome. Mount Athos, as proposed to be sculptured by Dino- CrateS. Plan of Athens. Corinthian, Ionic, and Doric Orders. . A Forum. Prothyrum and Roman Shops. Specimen of ancient Fresco Painting. View of an Aqueduct. The Earth, and Signs of the Zodiac. Catapultae from the Trajan Column. PRAEF. LIB, I, THE ARCHITECTURE OF MARCU S W IT R U WIU S POLLIO. BOOK THE FIRST. Il C I RC E LAN IN I C. S. 12 H2 ANTHE ON. 13, MLAUSC LEtºi. C. E. A.TG 1.). CJ R U S AGöN.ALLS. l6 C].B. CUS OF FI,0R A-. 16 'IH). ATRF, of PC, MP E.Y. 17 starriºr. 18 . Th.B. A.' I'R.F. C. E. B.A. I.B C S. 19 NAUTYſACH I A-. 2O AMPHIT CAS'ſ R. F.N. S. * . BATHS DIO CL.E.T. 2 BATHS TITU S. 3 : C OJ.ISECIM . | 4. , NY.M.P.H.F.U.M. º 5 BATHS CARACAT.L.A. ) 6 CIRCU'S MAXIMUS. 7 T.FORTUNA WTBI. . 8 T. CE PIE *-C E. 9 E CRUAL THA JAN. 10 Thijº, MARCELL. INTRODUCTION. WHILST, O Caesar, your god-like mind and genius were engaged in acquiring the dominion of the world, your enemies having been all subdued by your unconquerable valour; whilst the citizens were extolling your victories, and the conquered nations were awaiting your nod; whilst the Roman senate and people, freed from alarm, were enjoying the benefit of your opinions and counsel for their governance; I did not presume, at so unfit a period, B 2 to trouble you, thus engaged, with my writings on Architecture, lest I should have incurred your displea- sure. When, however, I found that your attention, not exclusively devoted to state affairs, was bestowed on the state of the public buildings, so that the republic was not more indebted to you for its extended empire, in the addition of so many provinces, than for your numerous public buildings by which its grandeur is amply mani- fested, I considered it right that no time should be lost in laying these precepts before you. My reverence for the memory of your virtuous father, to whom I was well known, and from whom, now a participator in coun- cil with the gods, the empire descended to you, has been the cause of your good will towards me. Hence, together with M. Aurelius, P. Numisius, and Cn. Cor- nelius, I have been appointed to, and receive the emolu- ments arising from the care of, the various engines of war which you assigned to me on the recommendation of your sister. As, through your kindness, I have been thus placed beyond the reach of poverty, I think it right to address this treatise to you; and I feel the more in- duced to do so from your having built, and being still engaged in the erection of, many edifices. It is proper to deliver down to posterity, as a memorial, some account of these your magnificent works. I have therefore given such definite directions for the conduct of works, that those already executed, as well as those hereafter to be constructed, may be by you well known and understood. In the following pages I have developed all the prin- ciples of the art. LIB, I, CAP, I, 3 CHAPTER H. WHAT ARCHITECTURE IS : AND OF THE EDUCATION OF AN ARCHITECT. ARCHITECTURE is a science arising out of many other sciences, and adorned with much and varied learning; by the help of which a judgment is formed of those works which are the result of other arts. Practice and theory are its parents. Practice is the frequent and continued con- templation of the mode of executing any given work, or of the mere operation of the hands, for the conversion of the material in the best and readiest way. Theory is the result of that reasoning which demonstrates and explains that the material wrought has been so converted as to answer the end proposed. Wherefore the mere practical architect is not able to assign sufficient reasons for the forms he adopts; and the theoretic architect also fails, grasping the shadow instead of the substance. He who is theoretic as well as practical, is therefore doubly armed; able not only to prove the propriety of his design, but equally so to carry it into execution. In architecture, as in other arts, two considerations must be constantly kept in view; namely, the intention, and the matter used to express that intention: but the intention is founded on a conviction that the matter wrought will fully suit the purpose; he, therefore, who is not familiar with both branches of the art, has no pretension to the title of architect. An architect should be ingenious, and apt in the acquisition of knowledge. Deficient in either of these qualities, he cannot be a perfect master. He should be a 4. good writer, a skilful draftsman, versed in geometry and optics, expert at figures, acquainted with history, informed on the principles of natural and moral philosophy, some- what of a musician, not ignorant of the sciences both of law and physic, nor of the motions, laws, and relations to each other, of the heavenly bodies. By means of the first named acquirement, he is to commit to writing his ob- servations and experience, in order to assist his memory. Drawing is employed in representing the forms of his de- signs. Geometry affords much aid to the architect: to it he owes the use of the right line and circle, the level and the square; whereby his delineations of buildings on plane surfaces are greatly facilitated. The science of optics enables him to introduce with judgment the requi- site quantity of light, according to the aspect. Arithmetic estimates the cost, and aids in the measurement of the works; this, assisted by the laws of geometry, determines those abstruse questions, wherein the different proportions of some parts to others are involved. Unless acquainted with history, he will be unable to account for the use of many ornaments which he may have occasion to introduce. For instance; should any one wish for information on the origin of those draped matronal figures crowned with a mutulus and cornice, called Caryatides, he will explain it by the following history. Carya, a city of Peloponnesus, joined the Persians in their war against the Greeks. These in return for the treachery, after having freed themselves by a most glorious victory from the intended Persian yoke, unanimously resolved to levy war against the Ca- ryans. Carya was, in consequence, taken and destroyed, its male population extinguished, and its matrons carried into slavery. That these circumstances might be better LIB, I, CAP, I, 5 remembered, and the nature of the triumph perpetuated, the victors represented them draped, and apparently suf- fering under the burthen with which they were loaded, to expiate the crime of their native city. Thus, in their edifices, did the antient architects, by the use of these statues, hand down to posterity a memorial of the crime of the Caryans. Again; a small number of Lacedae- monians, under the command of Pausanias, the son of Cleombrotus, overthrew the prodigious army of the Per- sians at the battle of Platea. After a triumphal exhibition of the spoil and booty, the proceeds of the valour and devotion of the victors were applied by the government in the erection of the Persian portico; and, as an appro- priate monument of the victory, and a trophy for the admiration of posterity, its roof was supported by statues of the barbarians, in their magnificent costume; indi- cating, at the same time, the merited contempt due to their haughty projects, intimidating their enemies by fear of their courage, and acting as a stimulus to their fellow countrymen to be always in readiness for the defence of the nation. This is the origin of the Persian order for the support of an entablature; an invention which has en- riched many a design with the singular variety it exhibits. Many other matters of history have a connexion with archi- tecture, and prove the necessity of its professors being well versed in it. Moral philosophy will teach the archi- tect to be above meanness in his dealings, and to avoid arrogance: it will make him just, compliant and faithful to his employer; and what is of the highest importance, it will prevent avarice gaining an ascendancy over him : for he should not be occupied with the thoughts of filling his coffers, nor with the desire of grasping every thing 6 in the shape of gain, but, by the gravity of his manners, and a good character, should be careful to preserve his dig- nity. In these respects we see the importance of moral philosophy; for such are her precepts. That branch of philosophy which the Greeks call pvaſioxoyſo, or the doc- trine of physics, is necessary to him in the solution of various problems; as for instance, in the conduct of water, whose natural force, in its meandering and expan- sion over flat countries, is often such as to require re- straints, which none know how to apply, but those who are acquainted with the laws of nature: nor, indeed, un- less grounded in the first principles of physic, can he study with profit the works of Ctesibius, Archimedes, and many other authors who have written on the subject. Music assists him in the use of harmonic and mathema- tical proportion. It is, moreover, absolutely necessary in adjusting the force of the balistae, catapultae, and scor- pions, in whose frames are holes for the passage of the homotona, which are strained by gut-ropes attached to windlasses worked by hand-spikes. Unless these ropes are equally extended, which only a nice ear can discover by their sound when struck, the bent arms of the engine do not give an equal impetus when disengaged, and the strings, therefore, not being in equal states of tension, pre- vent the direct flight of the weapon. So the vessels called hzāic, by the Greeks, which are placed in certain recesses under the seats of theatres, are fixed and arranged with a due regard to the laws of harmony and physics, their tones being fourths, fifths, and octaves; so that when the voice of the actor is in unison with the pitch of these instruments, its power is increased and mellowed by impinging there- on. He would, moreover, be at a loss in constructing hy- LIB, I, CAP, I, 7 draulic and other engines, if ignorant of music. Skill in physic enables him to ascertain the salubrity of different tracts of country, and to determine the variation of cli- mates, which the Greeks call xxigoro, ; for the air and water of different situations, being matters of the highest importance, no building will be healthy without atten- tion to those points. Law should be an object of his study, especially those parts of it which relate to party- walls, to the free course and discharge of the eaves’ wa- ters, the regulations of sesspools and sewage, and those relating to window lights. The laws of sewage require his particular attention, that he may prevent his em- ployers being involved in law-suits when the building is finished. Contracts, also, for the execution of the works, should be drawn with care and precision : be- cause, when without legal flaws, neither party will be able to take advantage of the other. Astronomy instructs him in the points of the heavens, the laws of the celes- tial bodies, the equinoxes, solstices, and courses of the stars; all of which should be well understood, in the construction and proportions of clocks. Since, therefore, this art is founded upon and adorned with so many dif- ferent sciences, I am of opinion that those who have not, from their early youth, gradually climbed up to the summit, cannot, without presumption, call themselves masters of it. Perhaps, to the uninformed, it may appear unaccountable that a man should be able to retain in his memory such a variety of learning; but the close alliance with each other, of the different branches of science, will explain the difficulty. For as a body is composed of various concordant members, so does the whole circle of learning consistin one harmonious system. Wherefore 8 those, who from an early age are initiated in the differ- ent branches of learning, have a facility in acquiring some knowledge of all, from their common connexion with each other. On this account Pythius, one of the antients, architect of the noble temple of Minerva at Priene, says, in his commentaries, that an architect should have that perfect knowledge of each art and science which is not even acquired by the professors of any one in particular, who have had every opportunity of improv- ing themselves in it. This, however, cannot be neces- sary; for how can it be expected that an architect should equal Aristarchus as a grammarian, yet should he not be ignorant of grammar. In music, though it be evi- dent he need not equal Aristoxenus, yet he should know something of it. Though he need not excel, as Apelles, in painting, nor as Myron or Polycletus, in sculpture, yet he should have attained some proficiency in these arts. So, in the science of medicine, it is not required that he should equal Hippocrates. Thus also, in other sciences, it is notimportant that pre-eminence in each be gained, but he must not, however, be ignorant of the general principles of each. For in such a variety of matters, it cannot be supposed that the same person can arrive at excellence in each, since to be aware of their several niceties and bearings, cannot fall within his power. We see how few of those who profess a particular art arrive at perfec- tion in it, so as to distinguish themselves: hence, if but few of those practising an individual art, obtain lasting fame, how should the architect, who is required to have a knowledge of so many, be deficient in none of them, and even excel those who have professed any one exclusively. Wherefore Pythius seems to have been in LIB, I, CAP, I, 9 error, forgetting that art consists in practice and theory. Theory is common to, and may be known by all, but the result of practice occurs to the artist in his own art only. The physician and musician are each obliged to have some regard to the beating of the pulse, and the motion of the feet, but who would apply to the latter to heal a wound or cure a malady? So, without the aid of the for- mer, the musician affects the ears of his audience by mo- dulations upon his instrument. The astronomer and musician delight in similar proportions, for the posi- tions of the stars, which are quartile and trine, answer to a fourth and fifth in harmony. The same analogy holds in that branch of geometry which the Greeks call 2,670; ozzizög : indeed, throughout the whole range of art, there are many incidents common to all. Practice alone can lead to excellence in any one : that architect, there- . fore, is sufficiently educated, whose general knowledge enables him to give his opinion on any branch when required to do so. Those unto whom nature has been so bountiful that they are at once geometricians, astro- nomers, musicians, and skilled in many other arts, go beyond what is required of the architect, and may be properly called mathematicians, in the extended sense of that word. Men so gifted, discriminate acutely, and are rarely met with. Such, however, was Aristarchus of Samos, Philolaus and Archytas of Tarentum, Apollonius of Perga, Eratosthenes of Cyrene, Archimedes and Sco- pinas of Syracuse : each of whom wrote on all the Sciences. Since, therefore, few men are thus gifted, and yet it is required of the architect to be generally well in- formed, and it is manifest he cannot hope to excel in each art, I beseech you, O Caesar, and those who read this C 10 my work, to pardon and overlook grammatical errors; for I write neither as an accomplished philosopher, an eloquent rhetorician, nor an expert grammarian, but as an architect: in respect, however, of my art and its prin- ciples, I will lay down rules which may serve as an au- thority to those who build, as well as to those who are already somewhat acquainted with the science. LIB, J. CAP. II, 11 CHAPTER II. OF THOSE THINGS ON WHICH ARCHITECTURE DEPENDS. ARCHITECTURE depends on fitness (ordinatio) and ar- rangement (dispositio), the former being called ráðic, in Greek, and the latter 31&0squg; it also depends on propor- tion, uniformity, consistency, and economy, which the Greeks call oizoyopoio. Fitness is the adjustment of size of the several parts to their several uses, and requires due regard to the general proportions of the fabric: it arises out of dimension (quantitas), which the Greeks call worórns. Dimension regulates the general scale of the work, so that the parts may all tell and be effective. Arrangement is the disposition in their just and proper places of all the parts of the building, and the pleasing effect of the same ; keeping in view its appropriate cha- racter. It is divisible into three heads, which, considered together, constitute design: these, by the Greeks, are named ièzi : they are called ichnography, orthography, and scenography. The first is the representation on a plane of the ground-plan of the work, drawn by rule and compasses. The second is the elevation of the front, slightly shadowed, and shewing the forms of the intended building. The last exhibits the front and a receding side properly shadowed, the lines being drawn to their proper vanishing points. These three are the result of thought and invention. Thought is an effort of the mind, ever incited by the pleasure attendant on success in compass- ing an object. Invention is the effect of this effort; which 19 aº throws a new light on things the most recondite, and pro- duces them to answer the intended purpose. These are the ends of arrangement. Proportion is that agreeable harmony between the several parts of a building, which is the result of a just and regular agreement of them with each other; the height to the width, this to the length, and each of these to the whole. Uniformity is the parity of the parts to one another; each corresponding with its opposite, as in the human figure. The arms, feet, hands, fingers, are similar to, and symmetrical with, one an- other; so should the respective parts of a building corre- spond. In Sacred buildings, for instance, the diameter of the columns and the width of the triglyphs must be similar. In the balista, by the size of the hole which the Greeks call Tagirgºrow; in ships, by the space between the thowls, which space in Greek is called 37m2.2iz}, we have a measure, by the knowledge of which the whole of the construction of a vessel may be developed. Consist- ency is found in that work whose whole and detail are suit- able to the occasion. It arises from circumstance, custom, and nature. From circumstance, which the Greeks call Sºpºriogºs, when temples are built, hypaethral and un. inclosed, to Jupiter, Thunderer, Coelus, the Sun and Moon; because these divinities are continually known to us by their presence night and day, and throughout all space. For a similar reason, temples of the Doric order are erected to Minerva, Mars, and Hercules; on account of whose valour, their temples should be of masculine proportions, and without delicate ornament. The cha- racter of the Corinthian order seems more appropriate to Venus, Flora, Proserpine, and Nymphs of Foun- tains ; because its slenderness, elegance and richness, LIB, I, CAI, II, 13 and its ornamental leaves surmounted by volutes, seem to bear an analogy to their dispositions. A medium be- tween these two is chosen for temples to Juno, Diana, Bacchus, and other similar deities, which should be of the Ionic order, tempered between the severity of the Doric and the slenderness and delicacy of the Co- rinthian order. In respect of custom, consistency is pre- served when the vestibules of magnificent edifices are conveniently contrived and richly finished: for those buildings cannot be said to be consistent, to whose splen- did interiors you pass through poor and mean entrances. So also, if dentilled cornices are used in the Doric order, or triglyphs applied above the voluted Ionic, thus trans- ferring parts to one order which properly belong to another, the eye will be offended, because custom otherwise applies these peculiarities. Natural consist- ency arises from the choice of such situations for tem- ples as possess the advantages of salubrious air and water; more especially in the case of temples erected to Æscu- lapius, to the Goddess of Health, and such other divini- ties as possess the power of curing diseases. For thus the sick, changing the unwholesome air and water to which they have been accustomed for those that are healthy, sooner convalesce; and a reliance upon the divinity will be therefore increased by proper choice of si- tuation. Natural consistency also requires that chambers should be lighted from the east; baths and winter apart- ments from the south-west; picture and other galleries which require a steady light, from the north, because from that quarter the light is not sometimes brilliant and at other times obscured, but is nearly the same throughout the day. Economy consists in a due and 14 proper application of the means afforded according to the ability of the employer and the situation chosen; care being taken that the expenditure is prudently conducted. In this respect the architect is to avoid the use of materials which are not easily procured and prepared on the spot. For it cannot be expected that good pit-sand, stone, fir of either sort, or marble, can be procured every where in plenty, but they must, in some instances, be brought from a distance, with much trouble and at great expense. In such cases, river or sea-sand may be substituted for pit- Sand; cypress, poplar, elm, and pine, for the different sorts of fir; and the like of the rest, according to cir- cumstances. The other branch of economy consists in suiting the building to the use which is to be made of it, the money to be expended, and the elegance appro- priate thereto; because, as one or other of these circum- stances prevails, the design should be varied. That which would answer very well as a town house, would ill suit as a country house, in which store-rooms must be provided for the produce of the farm. So the houses of men of business must be differently designed from those which are built for men of taste. Mansions for men of consequence in the government must be adapted to their particular habits. In short, economy must ever depend on the circumstances of the case. LIB, I, CAP, III, 15 CHAPTER III. OF THE DIFFERENT BRANCHES OF ARCHITECTURE. ARCHITECTURE consists of three branches; namely, build- ing, dialling, and mechanics. Building is divided into two parts. The first regulates the general plan of the walls of a city and its public buildings; the other re- lates to private buildings. Public buildings are for three purposes; defence, religion, and the security of the pub- lic. Buildings for defence are those walls, towers, and gates of a town, necessary for the continual shelter of its inhabitants against the attacks of an enemy. Those for the purposes of religion are the fanes and temples of the immortal gods. Those for public convenience are gates, fora or squares for market-places, baths, theatres, walks, and the like ; which, being for public use, are placed in public situations, and should be arranged so as best to meet the convenience of the public. All these should pos- sess strength, utility, and beauty. Strength arises from carrying down the foundations to a good solid bottom, and from making a proper choice of materials without parsimony. Utility arises from a judicious distribution of the parts, so that their purposes be duly answered, and that each have its proper situation. Beauty is produced by the pleasing appearance and good taste of the whole, and by the dimensions of all the parts being duly propor- tioned to each other. 16 CHAPTER IV. OF THE CHOICE OF HEALTHY SITUATIONS. IN setting out the walls of a city the choice of a healthy situation is of the first importance: it should be on high ground, neither subject to fogs nor rains; its aspects should be neither violently hot nor intensely cold, but temperate in both respects. The neighbourhood of a marshy place must be avoided; for in such a site the morning air, uniting with the fogs that rise in the neigh- bourhood, will reach the city with the rising sun; and these fogs and mists, charged with the exhalation of the fenny animals, will diffuse an unwholesome effluvia over the bodies of the inhabitants, and render the place pesti- lent. A city on the sea side, exposed to the south or west, will be insalubrious; for in summer mornings, a city thus placed would be hot, at noon it would be scorched. A city, also, with a western aspect, would even at sunrise be warm, at noon hot, and in the evening of a burning temperature. Hence the constitutions of the inhabitants of such places, from such continual and ex- cessive changes of the air, would be much vitiated. This effect is likewise produced on inanimate bodies: nobody would think of lighting his wine-cellar from the south or the west, but from the north, an aspect not liable to these violent changes. In granaries whose aspects are south of the east or west, the stores are soon ruined; and provisions, as well as fruits, cannot be long preserved unless kept in apartments whose aspects are north of the east or west. For heat, which acts as an alterative, by LIB, I, CAP, IW, 17 drying up the natural moisture of any body, destroys and rots those substances on which it acts. Iron, for instance, naturally of a hard texture, becomes so soft when heated in a forge as to be easily wrought into any form ; but if, when heated, it is suddenly immersed in cold water, it immediately regains its original quality. Thus, not only in unwholesome, but also in salubrious districts, the summer heats produce languor and relaxation of body; and in winter, even the most pestilential situations be- come wholesome, inasmuch as the cold strengthens and restores the constitution of the inhabitants. Hence, those who change a cold for a hot climate, rarely escape sickness, but are soon carried off; whereas, on the other hand, those who pass from a hot to a cold climate, far from being injured by the change, are thereby generally strengthened. Much care, then, should be taken so to set out the walls of a city, that it may not be obnoxious to the pestilential blasts of the hot winds. For as, ac- cording to those principles which the Greeks call a rolzeiz, all bodies are compounded of fire, water, earth, and air, by whose union and varying proportions the different qualities of animals are engendered ; so, in those bodies wherein fire predominates, their temperament is de- stroyed, and their strength dissipated. Such is the case in exposure to certain aspects of the heavens whence the heat insinuates itself through the pores in a greater de- gree than the temperature of the system will bear. Bodies which contain a greater proportion of water than is neces- sary to balance the other elements, are speedily corrupted, and lose their virtues and properties. Hence bodies are much injured by damp winds and atmosphere. Lastly, the elements of earth and air being increased or dimi- D 18 nished more than is consistent with the temperature of any given body, will have a tendency to destroy its equi- librium; the earthy elements by repletion, the aërial by the weight of the atmosphere. If any one doubt this, let him study the different natures of birds, fishes, and ani- mals of the land, and he will easily perceive the truth of these principles, from the variety existing among them. For there is one flesh of birds, another of fishes, and an- other, very different, of land animals. Birds have a small proportion of earth and water in their nature, a moderate quantity of heat, and a considerable portion of air; whence, being light by nature, from their component elements, they more easily raise themselves in the air. Fishes, by nature adapted to the watery element, are compounded of but a moderate degree of heat, a considerable pro- portion of air and earth, and a very small portion of water, the element in which they live; and hence, easier exist in it. Wherefore, when removed from it, they soon die. Terrestrial animals, being constituted with much air, heat, and water, and but little earth, cannot live in the water, on account of the quantity of that element naturally preponderating in their composition. Since, then, we are thus constantly reminded, by our senses, that the bodies of animals are so constituted, and we have mentioned that they suffer and die from the want or superabundance of any one element not suitable to their temperament, surely much circumspection should be used in the choice of a temperate and healthy site for a city. The precepts of the ancients, in this respect, should be ever observed. They always, after sacrifice, carefully inspected the livers of those animals fed on that spot whereon the city was to be built, or whereon a stative encampment was in- LIB, I, CAP, IW, 19 tended. If the livers were diseased and livid, they tried others, in order to ascertain whether accident or disease was the cause of the imperfection; but if the greater part of the experiments proved, by the sound and healthy appearance of the livers, that the water and food of the spot were wholesome, they selected it for the gar- rison. If the reverse, they inferred, as in the case of cattle, so in that of the human body, the water and food of such a place would become pestiferous; and they therefore abandoned it, in search of another, valuing health above all other considerations. That the salubrity of a tract of land is discovered by the pastures or food which it furnishes, is sufficiently clear, from certain qua- lities of the lands in Crete, situate in the vicinity of the river Pothereus, which lie between the two states of Gnosus and Gortyna. There are pasturages on each side of this river: the cattle, however, pastured on the Gnossian side, when opened, are found with their spleens perfect; whilst those on the opposite side, nearer to Gortyna, re- tain no appearance of a spleen. Physicians, in their endea- vours to account for this singular circumstance, discovered a species of herb eaten by the cattle, whose property was that of diminishing the spleen. Hence arose the use of the herb which the Cretans call &rAranyog, as a cure for those affected with enlarged spleen. When, therefore, a city is built in a marshy situation near the sea-coast, with a northern, north-eastern, or eastern aspect, on a marsh whose level is higher than the shore of the sea, the site is not altogether improper; for by means of sewers the wa- ters may be discharged into the sea; and at those times, when violently agitated by storms, the sea swells and runs up the sewers, it mixes with the water of the marsh, and 2O prevents the generation of marshy insects; it also soon destroys such as are passing from the higher level, by the saltness of its water to which they are unaccustomed. An instance of this kind occurs in the Gallic marshes about Altinum, Ravenna, and Aquileia, and other places in Cisalpine Gaul, near marshes which, for the reasons above named, are remarkably healthy. When the marshes are stagnant, and have no drainage by means of rivers or drains, as is the case with the Pontine marshes, they become putrid, and emit vapours of a heavy and pesti- lent nature. Thus the old city of Salapia, in Apulia, built, as some say, by Diomedes on his return from Troy, or, as others write, by Elphias the Rhodian, was so placed that the inhabitants were continually out of health. At length they applied to Marcus Hostilius, and publicly petitioned him, and obtained his consent, to be allowed to seek and select a more wholesome spot to which the city might be removed. Without delay, and with much judgment, he bought an estate on a healthy spot close to the sea, and requested the Roman senate and people to permit the removal of the city. He then set out the walls, and assigned a portion of the soil to each citizen at a moderate valuation. After which, opening a communi- cation between the lake and the sea, he converted the former into an excellent harbour for the city. Thus the Salapians now inhabit a healthy situation, four miles from their ancient city. LIB, I, CAP, W, 21 CHAPTER V. OF THE FOUNDATIONS OF WALLS AND TOWERS. WHEN we are satisfied with the spot fixed on for the site of the city, as well in respect of the goodness of the air as of the abundant supply of provisions for the support of the population, the communications by good roads, and river or sea navigation for the transport of merchandise, we should take into consideration the method of constructing the walls and towers of the city. Their foundations should be carried down to a solid bottom, if such can be found, and should be built thereon of such thickness as may be ne- cessary for the proper support of that part of the wall which stands above the natural level of the ground. They should be of the soundest workmanship and materials, and of greater thickness than the walls above. From the exte- rior face of the wall towers must be projected, from which an approaching enemy may be annoyed by weapons, from the embrasures of those towers, right and left. An easy approach to the walls must be provided against: indeed they should be surrounded by uneven ground, and the roads leading to the gates should be winding and turn to the left from the gates. By this arrangement, the right sides of the attacking troops, which are not covered by their shields, will be open to the weapons of the be- sieged. The plan of a city should not be square, nor formed with acute angles, but polygonal; so that the motions of the enemy may be open to observation. A city whose plan is acute-angled, is with difficulty de- fended; for such a form protects the attacker more than 22 the attacked. The thickness of the walls should be suf. ficient for two armed men to pass each other with ease. The walls ought to be tied, from front to rear, with many pieces of charred olive wood; by which means the two faces, thus connected, will endure for ages. The advantage of the use of olive is, that it is neither affected by weather, by rot, or by age. Buried in the earth, or immersed in water, it lasts unimpaired: and for this reason, not only walls, but foundations, and such walls as are of extraordinary thickness, tied toge- ther therewith, are exceedingly lasting. The distance between each tower should not exceed an arrow's flight; so that if, at any point between them, an attack be made, the besiegers may be repulsed by the scorpions and other missile engines stationed on the towers right and left of the point in question. The walls will be in- tercepted by the lower parts of the towers where they occur, leaving an interval equal to the width of the tower; which space the tower will consequently occupy: but the communication across the void inside the tower, must be of wood, not at all fastened with iron : so that, if the enemy obtain possession of any part of the walls, the wooden communication may be promptly cut away by the defenders, and thus prevent the enemy from penetrating to the other parts of the walls without the danger of pre- cipitating themselves into the vacant hollows of the towers. The towers should be made either round or polygonal. A square is a bad form, on account of its being easily frac- tured at the quoins by the battering-ram; whereas the circular tower has this advantage, that, when battered, the pieces of masonry whereofit is composed being cuneiform, they cannot be driven in towards their centre without LIB, I, CAP, W, 23 displacing the whole mass. Nothing tends more to the security of walls and towers, than backing them with walls or terraces: it counteracts the effects of rams as well as of undermining. It is not, however, always necessary to construct them in this manner, except in places where the besiegers might gain high ground very near the walls, from which, over level ground, an assault could be made. In the construction of ramparts, very wide and deep trenches are to be first excavated; the bottom of which must be still further dug out, for receiving the foundation of the wall. This must be of sufficient thickness to resist the pressure of the earth against it. Then, according to the space requisite for drawing up the cohorts in military order on the rampart, another wall is to be built within the former, towards the city. The outer and inner walls are then to be connected by cross walls, disposed on the plan after the manner of the teeth of a comb or of a saw, so as to divide the pressure of the fill- ing in earth into many and less forces, and thus prevent the walls from being thrust out. I do not think it requi- site to dilate on the materials whereof the wall should be composed; because those which are most desirable, can- not, from the situation of a place, be always procured. We must, therefore, use what are found on the spot; such as square stones, flint, rubble stones, burnt or unburnt bricks; for every place is not provided, as is Babylon, with such a substitute for lime and sand as burnt bricks and liquid bitumen; yet there is scarcely any spot which does not furnish materials whereof a durable wall may not be built. 24 CHAPTER VI. of THE DISTRIBUTION AND SITUATION OF BUILD- INGS WITHIN THE WALLS. THEIR circuit being completed, it behoves us to consider the manner of disposing of the area of the space enclosed within the walls, and the proper directions and aspects of the streets and lanes. They should be so planned as to exclude the winds: these, if cold, are unpleasant; if hot, are hurtful; if damp, destructive. A fault in this respect must be therefore avoided, and care taken to prevent that which occurs in so many cities. For instance; in the island of Lesbos, the town of Mytilene is magnificently and elegantly designed, and well built, but imprudently placed. When the south wind prevails in it, the inha- bitants fall sick; the north-west wind affects them with coughs; and the north wind restores them to health : but the intensity of the cold therein is so great, that no one can stand about in the streets and lanes. Wind is a floating wave of air, whose undulation continually varies. It is generated by the action of heat upon moisture, the rarefaction thereby produced creating a continued rush of wind. That such is the case, may be satisfactorily proved by observations on brazen aeolipylae, which clearly shew that an attentive examination of human inventions often leads to a knowledge of the general laws of nature. AEolipylae are hollow brazen vessels, which have an open- ing or mouth of small size, by means of which they can be filled with water. Previous to the water being heated over the fire, but little wind is emitted, as soon, however, as LIB, I. CAP, WI, 25 the water begins to boil, a violent wind issues forth. Thus a simple experiment enables us to ascertain and de- termine the causes and effects of the great operations of the heavens and the winds. In a place sheltered from the winds, those who are in health preserve it, those who are ill soon convalesce, though in other, even healthy places, they would require different treatment, and this entirely on account of their shelter from the winds. The disorders difficult to cure in exposed situations are colds, the gout, coughs, phthisis, pleurisy, spitting of blood, and those diseases which are treated by replenishment instead of ex- haustion of the natural forces. Such disorders are cured with difficulty. First, because they are the effect of cold; secondly, because the strength of the patient being greatly diminished by the disorder, the air agitated by the action of the winds becomes poor and exhausts the body’s moist- ure, tending to make it low and feeble; whereas, that air which from its soft and thick nature is not liable to great agitation, nourishes and refreshes its strength. Accord- ing to some, there are but four winds, namely, Solanus, the east wind, Auster, the south wind, Favonius, the west wind, and Septentrio, the north wind. But those who are more curious in these matters reckon eight winds; among such was Andronicus Cyrrhestes, who, to exemplify the theory, built at Athens an octagonal marble tower, on each side of which was sculptured a figure representing the wind blowing from the quarter opposite thereto. On the top of the roof of this tower a brazen Triton with a rod in his right hand moved on a pivot, and pointed to the figure of the quarter in which the wind lay. The other winds not above named are Eurus, the south-east wind, Africus, the south-west wind, Caurus, by many called E 26 Corus, the north-west wind, and Aquilo the north-east wind. Thus are expressed the number and names of the winds and the points whence they blow. To find and lay down their situation we proceed as follows: let a marble slab be fixed level in the centre of the space enclosed by the walls, or let the ground be smoothed and levelled, so that the slab may not be necessary. In the centre of this plane, for the purpose of marking the shadow correctly, a brazen gnomon must be erected. The Greeks call this gnomon azio.9%go.g. The shadow cast by the gnomon is to be marked about the fifth ante-meridianal hour, and the extreme point of the shadow accurately determined. From the central point of the space whereon the gnomon stands, as a centre, with a distance equal to the length of shadow just observed, describe a circle. After the sun has passed the meridian, watch the shadow which the gnomon con- tinues to cast till the moment when its extremity again touches the circle which has been described. From the two points thus obtained in the circumference of the circle de- scribe two arcs intersecting each other, and through their intersection and the centre of the circle first described draw a line to its extremity: this line will indicate the north and south points. One-sixteenth part of the circum- ference of the whole circle is to be set out to the right and left of the north and south points, and drawing lines from the points thus obtained to the centre of the circle, we have one-eighth part of the circumference for the region of the north, and another eighth part for the region of the south. Divide the remainders of the circumference on each side into three equal parts, and the divisions or re- gions of the eight winds will be then obtained: then let the directions of the streets and lanes be determined by the LIB, I, CAP. VI. 27 tendency of the lines which separate the different regions of the winds. Thus will their force be broken and turned away from the houses and public ways; for if the di- rections of the streets be parallel to those of the winds, the latter will rush through them with greater violence, since from occupying the whole space of the surrounding country they will be forced up through a narrow pass. Streets or public ways ought therefore to be so set out, that when the winds blow hard their violence may be broken against the angles of the different divisions of the city, and thus dissipated. Those who are accustomed to the names of so many winds, will perhaps be surprised at our division of them into eight only; but if they reflect that the circuit of the earth was ascertained by Eratosthenes of Cyrene, from mathematical calculations, founded on the sun’s course, the shadow of an equinoctial gnomon, and the obliquity of the heavens, and was discovered to be equal to two hundred and fifty-two thousand stadia or thirty-one millions and five hundred thousand paces, an eighth part whereof, as occupied by each wind, being three millions nine hundred and thirty-seven thousand five hundred paces, their surprise will cease, because of the number of impediments and reverberations it must naturally be subject to in travelling such distance through such varied space. To the right and left of the south wind blow respectively Euronotus and Altanus. On the sides of Afri- cus, the south-west wind, Libonotus southward and Subvesperus northward. On the southern side of Favo- nius, the west wind, Argestes, and on its northern side Etesiae. On the western side of Caurus, the north-west wind, Circius, on its northern side Corus. On the west- ern and eastern sides respectively of Septentrio, the north 28 wind, Thrascias and Gallicus. From the northern side of Aquilo, the north-east wind, blows Supernas, from its southern side Boreas. Solanus, the east wind, has Car- bas on its northern side, and Ornithiae on its southern side. Eurus, the south-east wind, has Caecias and Vul- turnus on its eastern and southern sides respectively. Many other names, deduced from particular places, rivers, or mountain storms, are given to the winds. There are also the morning breezes, which the sun rising from his subterranean regions, and acting violently on the humidity of the air collected during the night, ex- tracts from the morning vapours. These remain after sunrise, and are classed among the east winds, and hence receive the name of sºgo; given by the Greeks to that wind, so also from the morning breezes they called the morrow &ügloy. Some deny that Eratosthenes was correct in his measure of the earth, whether with propriety or other- wise, is of no consequence in tracing the regions whence the winds blow : for it is clear there is a great difference be- tween the forces with which the several winds act. Inas- much as the brevity with which the foregoing rules are laid down may prevent their being clearly understood, I have thought it right to add for the clearer understanding thereof two figures, or as the Greeks call them oºzåørø, at the end of this book. The first shews the precise re- gions whence the different winds blow. The second, the method of disposing the streets in such a manner as to dissipate the violence of the winds and render them in- noxious. Let A be the centre of a perfectly level and plane tablet whereon a gnomon is erected. The ante- meridianal shadow of the gnomon being marked at B, from A, as a centre with the distance AB, describe a LD, ICAI. I. 29 complete circle. Then replacing the gnomon correctly, watch its increasing shadow, which after the sun has passed his meridian, will gradually lengthen till it become exactly equal to the shadow made in the forenoon, then again touching the circle at the point C. From the points B and C, as centres, describe two arcs cutting each other in D. From the point D, through the centre of the circle, draw the line EF, which will give the north and south points. Divide the whole circle into sixteen parts. From the point E, at which the southern end of the meridian line touches the circle, set off at G and H to the right and left a distance equal to one of the said sixteen parts, and in the same manner on the north side, placing one foot of the compasses on the point F, mark on each side the points I and K, and with lines drawn through the centre of the circle join the points GK and HI, so that the space from G to H will be given to the south wind and its region; that from I to K to the north wind. The remaining spaces on the right and left are each to be divided into three equal parts; the ex- treme points of the dividing lines on the east sides, to be designated by the letters L and M ; those on the west by the letters NO ; from M to O and from L to N draw lines crossing each other: and thus the whole circum- ference will be divided into eight equal spaces for the winds. The figure thus described will be furnished with a letter at each angle of the octagon. Thus, beginning at the south, between the regions of Eurus and Auster, will be the letter G; between those of Auster and Afri- cus, H ; between Africus and Favonius, N.; between that and Caurus, O ; K between Caurus and Septen- trio; between Septentrio and Aquilo, I; between Aquilo 30 and Solanus, L; and between that and Eurus, M. Thus adjusted, let a bevel gauge be applied to the different angles of the octagon, to determine the directions of the different streets and lanes. LIB, I, CAP, W.H. 31 CHAPTER VII. OF THE CHOICE OF SITUATIONS FOR PUBLIC BUILDINGS. THE lanes and streets of the city being set out, the choice of sites for the convenience and use of the state remains to be decided on ; for sacred edifices, for the forum, and for other public buildings. If the place adjoin the sea, the forum should be placed close to the harbour: if in- land, it should be in the centre of the town. The tem- ples of the gods, protectors of the city, also those of Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva, should be on some eminence which commands a view of the greater part of the city. The temple of Mercury should be either in the forum, or, as also the temple of Isis and Serapis, in the great public square. Those of Apollo and Father Bacchus near the theatre. If there be neither amphitheatre nor gymnasium, the temple of Hercules should be near the circus. The temple of Mars should be out of the city, in the neighbouring country. That of Venus near to the gate. According to the regulations of the Hetrurian Haruspices, the temples of Venus, Vulcan, and Mars should be so placed that those of the first be not in the way of contaminating the matrons and youth with the influence of lust; that those of Vulcan be away from the city, which would consequently be freed from the danger of fire; the divinity presiding over that element being drawn away by the rites and sacrifices performing in his temple. The temple of Mars should be also out of the city, that no armed frays may disturb the peace of 32 the citizens, and that this divinity may, moreover, be ready to preserve them from their enemies and the perils of war. The temple of Ceres should be in a solitary spot out of the city, to which the public are not necessarily led but for the purpose of sacrificing to her. This spot is to be re- verenced with religious awe and solemnity of demeanour, by those whose affairs lead them to visit it. Appropriate situations must also be chosen for the temples and places of sacrifice to the other divinities. For the construc- tion and proportions of the edifices themselves, I shall give rules in the third and fourth books; because it ap- pears to me, that in the second book I ought to ex- plain the nature of the different materials employed in building, their qualities and use; and then, in the other books, to give rules for the dimensions of buildings, the orders, and their proportions. PRAEF. LIB, II, THE ARCHITECTURE OF MARCUS VITRUVIUS Poll Io. HOOK THE SECOND. z g §§§ $$$$$$.S.- “Sº ! TIT i. º { i : i , f : . l 1. ch E -- ==-|- Wºº & | N. H. : it § || tº: * #ſº s H * - *{v. * Sºs- *, > s QFº issºs - lili --" INTRODUCTION. DINoCRATEs the architect, relying on the powers of his skill and ingenuity, whilst Alexander was in the midst of his conquests, set out from Macedonia to the army, de- sirous of gaining the commendation of his sovereign. That his introduction to the royal presence might be fa- cilitated, he obtained letters from his countrymen and relations to men of the first rank and nobility about the king's person; by whom being kindly received, he be- F 34 sought them to take the earliest opportunity of accom- plishing his wish. They promised fairly, but were slow in performing; waiting, as they alleged, for a proper occa- sion. Thinking, however, they deferred this without just grounds, he took his own course for the object he had in view. He was, I should state, a man of tall stature, pleas- ing countenance, and altogether of dignified appearance. Trusting to the gifts with which nature had thus endowed him, he put off his ordinary clothing, and having anointed himself with oil, crowned his head with a wreath of pop- lar, slung a lion’s skin across his left shoulder, and carrying a large club in his right hand, he sallied forth to the royal tribunal, at a period when the king was dispensing jus- tice. The novelty of his appearance excited the atten- tion of the people; and Alexander soon discovering, with astonishment, the object of their curiosity, ordered the crowd to make way for him, and demanded to know who he was. “A Macedonian architect,” replied Dinocrates, “who suggests schemes and designs worthy your royal renown. I propose to form Mount Athos into the statue of a man holding a spacious city in his left hand, and in his right a huge cup, into which shall be collected all the streams of the mountain, which shall thence be poured into the sea.” Alexander, delighted at the proposition, made immediate inquiry if the soil of the neighbourhood were of a quality capable of yielding sufficient produce for such a state. When, however, he found that all its sup- plies must be furnished by sea, he thus addressed Dino- crates: “I admire the grand outline of your scheme, and am well pleased with it: but I am of opinion he would be much to blame who planted a colony on such a spot. For as an infant is nourished by the milk of its mother, PRAEF. LIB, II, 35 depending thereon for its progress to maturity, so a city depends on the fertility of the country surrounding it for its riches, its strength in population, and not less for its defence against an enemy. Though your plan might be carried into execution, yet I think it impolitic. I never- theless request your attendance on me, that I may other- wise avail myself of your ingenuity.” From that time Dinocrates was in constant attendance on the king, and followed him into Egypt; where Alexander having per- ceived a spot, at the same time naturally strong, the centre of the commerce of the country, a land abounding with corn, and having those facilities of transport which the Nile afforded, ordered Dinocrates to build a city whose name should be Alexandria. Dinocrates obtained this honour through his comely person and dignified deportment. But to me, Emperor, nature hath denied an ample stature; my face is wrinkled with age, and sickness has impaired my constitution. Deprived of these natural accomplish- ments, I hope, however, to gain some commendation through the aid of my scientific acquirements, and the precepts I shall deliver. In the first book I have treated of architecture, and the parts into which it is divided; of the walls of a city, and the division of the space within the walls. The directions for the construction of sacred buildings, their proportions and symmetry, will follow and be explained: but I think they will be out of place, unless I previously give an account of the materials and workmanship used in their erection, together with an in- vestigation of their several properties and application in different cases. Even this I must preface with an in- quiry into the origin and various species of the earliest 36 buildings, and their gradual advance to perfection. In this I shall follow the steps of Nature herself, and those who have written on the progress from Savage to civil- ized life, and the inventions consequent on the latter state of society. Thus guided, I will proceed. LIB, II, CAP, I, 37 CHAPTER. I. OF THE ORIGIN OF BUILDING. MANKIND originally brought forth like the beasts of the field, in woods, dens, and groves, passed their lives in a savage manner, eating the simple food which nature af. forded. A tempest, on a certain occasion, having ex- ceedingly agitated the trees in a particular spot, the fric- tion between some of the branches caused them to take fire; this so alarmed those in the neighbourhood of the accident, that they betook themselves to flight. Return- ing to the spot after the tempest had subsided, and find- ing the warmth which had thus been created extremely comfortable, they added fuel to the fire excited, in order to preserve the heat, and then went forth to invite others, by signs and gestures, to come and witness the discovery. In the concourse that thus took place, they testified their different opinions and expressions by different inflexions of the voice. From daily association words succeeded to these indefinite modes of speech; and these becoming by degrees the signs of certain objects, they began to join them together, and conversation became general. Thus the discovery of fire gave rise to the first assembly of mankind, to their first deliberations, and to their union in a state of society. For association with each other they were more fitted by nature than other animals, from their erect posture, which also gave them the advantage of continually viewing the stars and firmament, no less than from their being able to grasp and lift an object, and 38 turn it about with their hands and fingers. In the as- sembly, therefore, which thus brought them first together, they were led to the consideration of sheltering themselves from the seasons, some by making arbours with the boughs of trees, some by excavating caves in the moun- tains, and others in imitation of the nests and habitations of swallows, by making dwellings of twigs interwoven and covered with mud or clay. From observation of and improvement on each others’ expedients for sheltering themselves, they soon began to provide a better species of huts. It was thus that men, who are by nature of an imitative and docile turn of mind, and proud of their own inventions, gaining daily experience also by what had been previously executed, vied with each other in their pro- gress towards perfection in building. The first attempt was the mere erection of a few spars united together with twigs and covered with mud. Others built their walls of dried lumps of turf, connected these walls together by means of timbers laid across horizontally, and covered the erections with reeds and boughs, for the purpose of shel- tering themselves from the inclemency of the seasons. Finding, however, that flat coverings of this sort would not effectually shelter them in the winter season, they made their roofs of two inclined planes meeting each other in a ridge at the summit, the whole of which they covered with clay, and thus carried off the rain. We are certain that buildings were thus originally constructed, from the present practice of uncivilized nations, whose buildings are of spaps and thatch, as may be seen in Gaul, in Spain, in Portugal, and in Aquitaine. The woods of the Colchi, in Pontus, furnish such abun- dance of timber, that they build in the following manner. LIB, II, CAP, I, 39 Two trees are laid level on the earth, right and left, at such distance from each other as will suit the length of the trees which are to cross and connect them. On the extreme ends of these two trees are laid two other trees transversely: the space which the house will inclose is thus marked out. The four sides being thus set out, towers are raised, whose walls consist of trees laid hori- zontally but kept perpendicularly over each other, the alternate layers yoking the angles. The level interstices which the thickness of the trees alternately leave, is filled in with chips and mud. On a similar principle they form their roofs, except that gradually reducing the length of the trees which traverse from angle to angle, they assume a pyramidal form. They are covered with boughs and smeared over with clay; and thus after a rude fashion of vaulting, their quadrilateral roofs are formed. The Phrygians, who inhabit a champain country destitute of timber, choose natural hillocks, which they pierce and hollow out for their accommodation, as well as the nature of the soil will permit. These dwellings they cover with roofs constructed of logs bound together, covered with reeds and straw, and coated with a large quantity of earth. This species of covering protects the hut from the extreme heat of the summer, as well as from the piercing cold of the winter. The weeds which grow in the vi- cinity of pools are used in other parts of the covering of huts. Each nation, in short, has its own way of build- ing, according to the materials afforded and the habits of the country. At Marseilles the roofs are covered with straw and earth mixed up together, instead of tiles. At Athens, even to this day, the Areopagus, an example of remote antiquity, is covered with clay; and the house of 40 Romulus in the capitol, by its thatched roof, clearly ma- nifests the simple manners and habits of the ancients. It is from such specimens we are enabled to form just ideas of the early method of building. Daily practice made the original builders more skilful, and experience increased their confidence; those who took more delight in the science making it their exclusive profession. Thus man, who, in addition to the senses which other ani- mals enjoy in common with him, is gifted by nature with such powers of thought and understanding, that no sub- ject is too difficult for his apprehension, and the brute creation are subject to him from his superiority of in- tellect, proceeded by degrees to a knowledge of the other arts and sciences, and passed from a savage state of life to one of civilization. From the courage which his gradual success naturally excited, and his engagement in those various speculations with which the arts are connected, his ideas expanded; and from building huts he soon proceeded to the erection of houses constructed with brick walls or with stones, whose roofs were of tim- ber covered with tiles. Thus by experience and obser- vation the knowledge of certain proportions was attained, which in the beginning were fluctuating and uncertain; and advantage being taken of the bounty of nature, in her supply of timber and other building materials, the rising art was so cultivated that by the help of other arts mere necessity was lost sight of; and by attending to the comforts and luxuries of civilized society, it was carried to the highest degree of perfection. I shall now, to the best of my ability, proceed to treat of those materials which are used in building, their quality, and use. Lest any one object that the order of my treatise on the matters LIB, II, CAP, I, 4, 1 in question be not well arranged, and that this book should have had precedence of the last, I think it proper to state, that in writing a Dissertation on Architecture I considered myself bound, in the first place, to set forth those branches of learning and science with which it is connected, to explain its origin and different species, and to enumerate the qualifications which an architect should possess. Hence, having first adverted to those principles on which the art depends, I shall now proceed to an ex- planation of the nature and use of the different materials employed in the practice of it. This work not being in- tended for a treatise on the origin of architecture; that origin, and the degrees by which it passed to its present state of perfection, is only incidentally mentioned. This book is consequently in its proper place. I shall now proceed to treat, in an intelligible manner, of the mate- rials which are appropriate for building, how they are formed by nature, and of the analysis of their component parts. For there is no material nor body of any sort what- ever which is not composed of various elementary par- ticles; and if their primary composition be not duly under- stood, no law of physics will explain their nature to our satisfaction. 42 CHAPTER II. OF THE ORIGIN OF ALL THINGS ACCORDING TO THE - OPINIONS OF PHILOSOPHERS. THALEs thought that water was the first principle of all things. Heraclitus, the Ephesian, who, on account of the obscurity of his writings, was called rºorewog by the Greeks, maintained a similar doctrine in respect of fire. Democritus, and his follower Epicurus, held similar opi- nions with regard to atoms; by which term is understood such bodies as are incapable of being cut asunder, or, as some say, of further division. To water and fire the phi- losophy of the Pythagoreans added air and earth. Hence Democritus,though loosely expressing himself, seems to have meant the same thing, when he calls the elements indivisible bodies; for when he considers them incapable of corruption or alteration, and of eternal duration and infinite solidity, his hypothesis makes the particles not yet so connected as to form a body. Since, therefore, all bodies consist of and spring from these elements, and in the great variety of bodies the quantity of each element entering into their composition is different, I think it right to investigate the nature of their variety, and explain how it affects the quality of each in the materials used for building, so that those about to build may avoid mistakes, and be, moreover, enabled to make a proper choice of such materials as they may want. LIB, II, CAP, III, CHAPTER III. OF BRICKS. I SHALL first treat of bricks, and the earth of which they ought to be made. Gravelly, pebbly, and sandy clay are unfit for that purpose; for if made of either of these sorts of earth, they are not only too ponderous, but walls built of them, when exposed to the rain, moulder away, and are soon decomposed, and the straw, also, with which they are mixed, will not sufficiently bind the earth toge- ther, because of its rough quality. They should be made of earth of a red or white chalky, or a strong sandy na- ture. These sorts of earth are ductile and cohesive, and not being heavy, bricks made of them are more easily handled in carrying up the work. The proper seasons for brick-making are the spring and autumn, because they then dry more equably. Those made in the summer solstice are defective, because the heat of the sun soon imparts to their external surfaces an appearance of sufficient dryness, whilst the internal parts of them are in a very different state; hence, when thoroughly dry, they shrink and break those parts which were dry in the first instance; and thus broken, their strength is gone. Those are best that have been made at least two years; for in a period less than that they will not dry thoroughly. When plastering is laid and set hard on bricks which are not perfectly dry, the bricks, which will naturally shrink, and consequently occupy a less space than the plaster- ing, will thus leave the latter to stand of itself. From its 4. 4. being extremely thin, and not capable of supporting it- self, it soon breaks to pieces; and in its failure sometimes involves even that of the wall. It is not, therefore, with- out reason that the inhabitants of Utica allow no bricks to be used in their buildings which are not at least five years old, and also approved by a magistrate. There are three sorts of bricks; the first is that which the Greeks call Didoron (31%gov), being the sort we use; that is, one foot long, and half a foot wide. The two other sorts are used in Grecian buildings; one is called Pentadoron, the other Tetradoron. By the word Doron the Greeks mean a palm, because the word 36eoy signifies a gift which can be borne in the palm of the hand. That sort, therefore, which is five palms each way is called Pentadoron; that of four palms, Tetradoron. The former of these two sorts is used in public buildings, the latter in private. Each sort has half bricks made to suit it; so that when a wall is executed, the course on one of the faces of the wall shews sides of whole bricks, the other face of half bricks; and being worked to the line on each face, the bricks on each bed bond alternately over the course below. Besides the pleasant varied appearance which this method gives, it affords additional strength, by the middle of a brick, on a rising course, falling over the vertical joints of the course thereunder. The bricks of Calentum in Spain, Marseilles in France, and Pitane in Asia, are, when wrought and dried, specifically lighter than water, and hence swim thereon. This must arise from the porosity of the earth whereof they are made; the air contained in the pores, to which the water cannot penetrate, giving them a buoyant property. Earth of LIB, II, CAP, III. 45 this sort being, therefore, of such a light and thin qua- lity, and impervious to water, be a lump thereof of whatever size, it swims naturally like pumice-stone. Bricks of this sort are of great use for building purposes; for they are neither heavy nor liable to be injured by the rain. - - 46 CHAPTER IV. OF SAND. IN buildings of rubble work it is of the first importance that the sand be fit for mixing with the lime, and unal- loyed with earth. The different sorts are these ; black, white, deep red, and bright red. The best of each of these sorts is that which, when rubbed between the fingers, yields a grating sound. That, also, which is earthy, and does not possess the roughness above named, is fit for the purpose, if it merely leave a stain or any par- ticles of earth on a white garment, which can easily be brushed away. If there be no sand-pits where it can be dug, river sand or sifted gravel must be used. Even sea sand may be had recourse to, but it dries very slowly; and walls wherein it is used must not be much loaded, unless carried up in small portions at a time. It is not, however, fit for those walls that are to receive vaulting. In plas- tered walls, built with sea sand, the salt which exudes de- stroys the plaster; but plaster readily adheres to and dries on walls built with new pit sand, and vaulting may safely spring from them. If sand have been dug a long time, and exposed to the sun, the moon, and the rain, it loses its binding quality, and becomes earthy; neither when used does it bind the rubble stones together so as to prevent them sliding on their beds and falling out: nor is it fit to be used in walls where great weights are to be supported. Though pit sand is excellent for mortar, it is unfit for plastering; for being of a rich LIB, II, CAP, IW, 47 quality, when added to the lime and straw, its great strength does not suffer it to dry without cracks. The poorness of the river sand, when tempered with beaters, makes the plastering as hard as cement. . . / -º 'n't 48 CHAPTER v. OF LIME. HAVING treated of the different sorts of sand, we proceed to an explanation of the nature of lime, which is burnt either from white stone or flint. That which is of a close and hard texture is better for building walls; as that which is more porous is better for plastering. When slaked for making mortar, if pit sand be used, three parts of sand are mixed with one of lime. If river or sea sand be made use of two parts of sand are given to one of lime, which will be found a proper proportion. If to river or sea sand, potsherds ground and passed through a sieve, in the proportion of one third part, be added, the mortar will be better for use. The cause of the mass be- coming solid when sand and water are added to the lime, appears to be, that stones, like other bodies, are a com- pound of elements: those which contain large quantities of air being soft, those which have a great proportion of water being tough, of earth, hard, of fire, brittle. For stones which, when burnt, would make excellent lime, if pounded and mixed with sand, without burning, would neither bind the work together, nor set hard; but having passed through the kiln, and having lost the property of their former tenacity by the action of in- tense heat, their adhesiveness being exhausted, the pores are left open and inactive. The moisture and air which were in the body of the stone, having, therefore, been extracted and exhausted, the heat being partially re- tained, when the substance is immersed in water before LIB, II, CAP, W, 49 the heat can be dissipated, it acquires strength by the water rushing into all its pores, effervesces, and at last the heat is excluded. Hence, limestone, previous to its burning, is much heavier than it is after having passed through the kiln : for, though equal in bulk, it is known, by the abstraction of the moisture it previously contained, to lose one-third of its weight by the process. The pores of limestone, being thus opened, it more easily takes up the sand mixed with it, and adheres thereto; and hence, in drying, binds the stones together, by which sound work is obtained. * II C H A PTER VI. OF POZZOLAN.A. THERE is a species of sand which, naturally, possesses extraordinary qualities. It is found about Baiae and the territory in the neighbourhood of Mount Vesuvius; if mixed with lime and rubble, it hardens as well under water as in ordinary buildings. This seems to arise from the hotness of the earth under these mountains, and the abundance of springs under their bases, which are heated either with sulphur, bitumen, or alum, and indicate very intense fire. The inward fire and heat of the flame which escapes and burns through the chinks, makes this earth light; the sand-stone (tophus), therefore, which is gathered in the neighbourhood, is dry and free from moisture. Since, then, three circumstances of a similar nature, arising from the intensity of the fire, combine in one mixture, as soon as moisture supervenes, they cohere and quickly harden through dampness; so that neither the waves nor the force of the water can disunite them. That these lands are affected with heat, as surmised, is evident, because in the mountains of Cumae and at Baiae, sweating places are excavated, in which the hot vapour rising upwards from the intensity of the fire, strikes through the earth, and so escapes in these places that they are singularly beneficial for the purpose. It is moreover said that in former times fires under Vesuvius existed in abundance, and thence evolved flames about the fields. Thus that which we call sponge-stone, or Pompeian pumice-stone, burnt from another species of LIB, II. CAP, WI. 51 stone, appears to be acted on by fire so as to possess a quality of this sort. The species of sponge-stone, how- ever, thence obtained, is not found except in the neigh- bourhood of Ætna and the hills of Mysia, which the Greeks call 22rozezzvyºvo, and places of such descrip- tion. If, therefore, in these places hot springs and heated vapours are found in the cavities of the mountains, and the spots are recorded by the antients to have been sub- ject to fires issuing out of the lands, it seems certain that the moisture is extracted from the sand-stone and earth in their neighbourhood, by the strength of the fire, as from lime-stone in a kiln. Dissimilar and unequal actions being thus concentrated towards the same end, the great want of moisture quickly supplied by water binds and strongly cements them, and also imparts a rapid solidity, by means of the heat common to both the bodies. It is needless to enquire why, as there are many hot springs in Tuscany, we do not there find a powder, which, for the same reason, would harden under water: should I be thereon questioned, I would thus explain the circum- stance. All lands do not possess similar qualities; nor is stone universally found. Some lands are earthy, others gravelly, others gritty, others sandy: in short, the quality of land, in different parts of the earth, varies as much as even the climate itself. For instance; on the side of the Apennines towards Tuscany, sand-pits are found in abundance; whereas, on the other side of the Apen- nines, facing the Adriatic, none are discoverable: So also in Achaia, Asia, and universally on the other side of the sea, such things are not known. It does not therefore follow, that in all places abounding with hot springs all other circumstances should be similar. Nature has not 52 made all things to suit the convenience of man, but dif- ferently and fortuitously. Hence, in places where the mountains are not earthy, but of stone, the force of the fire escaping through the chinks burns that which is soft and tender, whilst that which is hard is left. Thus the earth of Campania, when burnt, becomes a powder; that of Tuscany a coal. Both of these are of great use in building, one species being very serviceable in land works, the other in works under water. In Tuscany, however, the quality of the material is softer than sand- stone, but harder than earth; and from its entire subjec- tion to the action of the sub-existing fire, it becomes that sort of sand which is called carbunculus. LIB, II, CAP, VII, 53 CHAPTER VII. OF STONE QUARRIES. I HAVE described the different species of lime and sand, and their qualities. Stone quarries, from which square and rubble stones are procured and prepared for the purposes of building, will now be considered. The qualities of these differ very much. Some stone is soft; the red, for instance, found in the neighbourhood of Rome, in the countries of the Pallienses, Fidenates, and Albanaº. Some moderately so, as the Tiburtine, Amiternine, Soractine, and those of that sort. Others are hard, even as flints. There are many other species, as the red and black sand- stone (tophus) of Campania, and the white sort of Um- bria, Picenum, and Venice, which is cut with a saw like wood. The soft species have this advantage, that when recently taken from the quarry they are easily worked, and answer well under cover; but when used in open and exposed situations, and subjected to the action of the frost and rain, they soon become friable, and moulder away. They are also much affected by the salt near the sea-shore, and are not capable of preserving their strength when ex- posed to great heat. The Tiburtine stones, and those of a similar nature, resist great weights no less than the action of the weather, but are easily injured by fire. The instant they are exposed to that they are ruined, from their possessing so small a quantity of moisture; their earthy particles, also, are few, and the quantity of air and fire in them considerable. Hence, from the small por- tion of earth and water which they contain, the fire easily 54 acts upon them, and, occupying the interstices, drives out the air with accumulated violence, and communicates its own hot quality to them. There are many quarries on the borders of the Tarquinienses, called the Anician quarries, in colour much resembling the Alban stone. They are worked in most abundance in the neighbour- hood of the Volscinian Lake, and in the prefecture of Statonia. This stone has numberless good qualities; neither frost nor fire affects it. It is hard and durable, from its containing but little air and fire, but a moderate quantity of moisture, and much earth. Close in tex- ture, it is not injured by the weather nor by heat. The monuments about Ferentinum, which are built of this stone, prove its durability; among these may be observed large statues well executed, bas-reliefs on a smaller scale, and acanthus leaves and flowers elegantly carved, which, though long since wrought, appear as fresh as though they were but recently finished. From the stones of the above quarries the metal founders make their casting moulds, for which they are well calculated. If this stone were to be had near Rome, it would be used in all works about the city, to which it is indeed worthy to be applied. But as necessity, on account of proxi- mity to the quarries, obliges us to use the red sort of stone, that of the Pallienses and other species in the immediate vicinity of the city, in order to find that which is least defective, let it be selected as follows. Two years before the commencement of the building, the stones should be extracted from the quarries in the summer sea- son; by no means in the winter; and they should then be exposed to the vicissitudes and action of the weather. Those which, after two years’ exposure, are injured by LIB, II, CAP, VII, 55 the weather, may be used in the foundations; but those which continue sound after this ordeal, will endure in the parts above ground. These rules apply equally to squared as to rubble or unsquared stone work. " 66 CHAPTER VIII. OF THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF WALLS. THE different species of walls are, the RETICULATUM (net- like), a method now in general use, and the INCERTUM (un- certain), which is the antient mode. The reticulatum is the most beautiful, but is very liable to split, from the beds of the stones being unstable, and its deficiency in re- spect of bond. The incertum, on the contrary, course over course, and the whole bonded together, does not present so beautiful an appearance, though stronger than the reti- culatum. Both species should be built of the smallest sized stones, that the walls, by sucking up, and attaching them- selves to, the mortar, may last the longer. For as the stones are of a soft and porous nature, they absorb, in drying, the moisture of the mortar, and this, if used plentifully, will consequently exercise a greater cementing power; because from their containing a larger portion of moisture, the wall will not, of course, dry so soon as otherwise; and as soon as the moisture is absorbed by the pores of the stone from the mortar, the lime, losing its power, leaves the sand, so that the stones no longer adhere to it, and in a short time the work becomes unsound. We may see this in several monuments about the city, which have been built of marble or of stones squared externally; that is, on the face, but filled up with rubble run with mortar. Time, in these, has taken up the moisture of the mortar, and destroyed its efficacy, by the porosity of the surface on which it acted. All cohesion is thus ruined, and the walls fall to decay. He who is desirous that this may LIB, II, CAP. VIII, 37 not happen to his work, should build his two face walls two feet thick either of red stone or of brick or common flint, binding them together with iron cramps run with lead, and duly preserving the middle space or cavity. The materials, in this case, not being thrown in at ran- dom, but the work well brought up on the beds, the up- right joints properly arranged, and the face walls, more- over, regularly tied together, they are not liable to bulge, nor be otherwise disfigured. In these respects one can- not refrain from admiring the walls of the Greeks. They make no use of soft stone in their buildings: when, however, they do not employ squared stone, they use either flint or hard stone; and, as though building with brick, they cross or break the upright joints, and thus produce the most durable work. There are two sorts of this species of work; one called Isodomum, the other PSEUDIsodom UM. The first is so called, because in it all the courses are of an equal height; the latter received its name from the unequal heights of the courses. Both these methods make sound work: first, because the stones are hard and solid, and therefore unable to absorb the moisture of the mortar, which is thus preserved to the longest period; secondly, because the beds being smooth and level, the mortar does not escape; and the wall moreover, bonded throughout its whole thickness, be- comes eternal. There is still another method, which is called pºtaszroy (EMPLECTUM), in use even among our country workmen. In this species the faces are wrought. The other stones are, without working, deposited in the cavity between the two faces, and bedded in mortar as the wall is carried up. But the workmen, for the sake of despatch, carry up these casing walls, and then tumble I 58 in the rubble between them ; so that there are thus three distinct thicknesses; namely, the two sides or facings, and the filling in. The Greeks, however, pursue a dif. ferent course, laying the stones flat, and breaking the vertical joints; neither do they fill in the middle at ran- dom, but, by means of bond stones, make the wall solid, and of one thickness or piece. They moreover cross the wall, from one face to the other, with bond stones of a single piece, which they call 31&révol, (DIATONI) tending greatly to strengthen the work. He, therefore, who is de- sirous of producing a lasting structure, is enabled, by what I have laid down, to choose the sort of wall that will suit his purpose. Those walls which are built of soft and smooth-looking stone, will not last long. Hence, when va- luations are made of external walls, we must not put them at their original cost; but having found, from the regis- ter, the number of lettings they have gone through, we must deduct for every year of their age an eightieth part of such cost, and set down the remainder or balance as their value, inasmuch as they are not calculated to last more than eighty years. This is not the practice in the case of brick walls, which, whilst they stand upright, are always valued at their first cost. Hence, in some states, not only public and private buildings, but even royal structures, are built of brick. We may instance that part of the wall at Athens towards Mounts Hymettus and Pentelicus, the temples of Jupiter and Hercules, in which the cells are of brick, whilst the columns and their entablatures are of stone, in Italy the antient and exqui- sitely wrought wall of Arezzo, and at Tralles a palace for the Attalic kings, which is the official residence of the priest. Some pictures painted on brick walls at Sparta, LIB, IL CAP. VIII. 59 after being cut out, were packed up in wooden cases and transported to the Comitium to grace the AEdileship of Varro and Murena. In the house of Croesus, which the Sardians call Gerusia, established for the repose and comfort of the citizens in their old age, as also in the house of Mausolus, a very powerful king of Halicarnas- sus, though all the ornaments are of Proconnesian mar- ble, the walls are of brick, are remarkably sound at the present day, and the plastering with which they are co- vered is so polished that they sparkle like glass. The prince who caused them to be thus built was not, how- ever, restrained by economy; for, as king of Caria, he must have been exceedingly rich. Neither could it be urged that it was from want of skill and taste in archi- tecture, that he did so. Born at Mylasa, and perceiv- ing that Halicarnassus was a situation fortified by nature, and a place well adapted for commerce, with a commo- dious harbour, he fixed his residence there. The site of the city bears a resemblance to a theatre, as to general form. In the lowest part of it, near the harbour, a forum was built : up the hill, about the middle of the curve, was a large square in the centre of which stood the mauso- leum, a work of such grandeur that it was accounted one of the seven wonders of the world. In the centre, on the summit of the hill, was the temple of Mars, with its colossal statue, which is called &zé6xidog, sculptured by the eminent hand of Leocharis. Some, however, at- tribute this statue to Leocharis; others to Timotheus. On the right, at the extreme point of the curve, was the temple of Venus and Mercury, close to the fountain of Salmacis. It is a vulgar error, that those who happen to drink thereat are affected with love-sickness. As, how- 60 ever, this error is general, it will not be amiss to correct the impression. It is not only impossible that the water should have the effect of rendering men effeminate and unchaste; but, on the contrary, that alluded to is clear as crystal, and of the finest flavour. The origin of the story, by which it gained the reputation of the above quality, is as follows. When Melas and Arevanias brought to the place a colony from Argos and Troezene, they drove out the barbarous Carians and Lelegae. These, betaking themselves to the mountains in bodies, committed great depredations, and laid waste the neigh- bourhood. Some time afterwards, one of the colonists, for the sake of the profit likely to arise from it, established close to the fountain, on account of the excellence of its water, a store where he kept all sorts of merchan- dize; and thus it became a place of great resort of the barbarians who were drawn thither. Coming, at first, in small, and at last in large, numbers, the barbarians by de- grees shook off their savage and uncivilized habits, and changed them, without coercion, for those of the Greeks. The fame, therefore, of this fountain, was acquired, not by the effeminacy which it is reputed to impart, but by its being the means through which the minds of the barbari- answere civilized. I must now, however, proceed to finish my description of the city. On the right summit we have described the temple of Venus and the above named fountain to have been placed : on the left stood the royal palace, which was planned by Mausolus himself. This commanded, on the right, a view of the forum and har- bour, and of the whole circuit of the walls: on the left, it overlooked a secret harbour, hidden by the mountains, into which no one could pry, so as to be aware of what LIB, II, CAP. VIII, 61 was transacting therein. In short, from his palace, the king, without any person being aware of it, could give the necessary orders to his soldiers and sailors. After the death of Mausolus, the Rhodians, indignant at his wife, who succeeded to the government, governing the whole of Caria, fitted out a fleet, for the purpose of seizing the kingdom. When the news reached Artemisia, she commanded her fleet to lie still in the secret harbour; and having concealed the sailors and mustered the ma- rines, ordered the rest of the citizens to the walls. When the well appointed squadron of the Rhodians should enter the large harbour, she gave orders that those stationed on the walls should greet them, and promise to deliver up the town. The Rhodians, leaving their ships, penetrated into the town; at which period Artemisia, by the sudden open- ing of acanal, brought her fleet round, through theopen sea, into the large harbour; whence the Rhodian fleet, abandon- ed by its sailors and marines, was easily carried out to sea. The Rhodians, having now no place of shelter, were sur- rounded in the forum and slain. Artemisia then embarking her own sailors and marines on board of the Rhodian fleet, set sail for Rhodes. The inhabitants of that city seeing their vessels return decorated with laurels, thought their fellow citizens were returning victorious, and received their enemies. Artemisia having thus taken Rhodes, and slain the principal persons of the city, raised therein a trophy of her victory. It consisted of two brazen sta- tues, one of which represented the state of Rhodes, the other was a statue of herself imposing a mark of infamy on the city. As it was contrary to the precepts of the religion of the Rhodians to remove a trophy, they en- circled the latter with a building, and covered it after 62 the custom of the Greeks, giving it the name &32tov. If therefore, kings of such great power did not despise brick buildings, those who, from their great revenue and spoils in war, can afford the expence not only of squared and rough stone, but even of marble buildings, must not despise brick structures when well executed. I shall now explain why this species of walls is not permitted in the city of Rome, and also why such walls ought not to be permitted. The public laws forbid a greater thick- ness than one foot and a half to be given to walls that abut on a public way, and the other walls, to prevent loss of room, are not built thicker. Now brick walls, unless of the thickness of two or three bricks, at all events of at least one foot and a half, are not fit to carry more than one floor, so that from the great population of the city innumerable houses would be required. Since, therefore, the area it occupies would not in such case con- tain the number to be accommodated, it became abso- lutely necessary to gain in height that which could not be obtained on the plan. Thus by means of stone piers or walls of burnt bricks or unsquared stones, which were tied together by the timbers of the several floors, they obtained in the upper story excellent dining rooms. The Roman people by thus multiplying the number of stories in their houses are commodiously lodged. Having ex- plained why, on account of the narrowness of the streets in Rome, walls of brick are not allowed in the city, I shall now give instructions for their use out of the city when required, to the end that they may be durable. On the top of a wall immediately under the roof, there should be a course of burnt bricks, about one foot and a half in height, and projecting over the walls like the corona of a cornice; LIB, II. CAP, VIII, 63 thus the injury to be guarded against in such a wall, will be prevented; for if any tiles should be accidentally broken or dislodged by the wind, so as to afford a passage for the rain, the burnt brick, a protection to it, will secure the wall itself from damage, and the projection will cause the dropping of the water to fall beyond the face of the wall and thus preserve it. To judge of such burnt bricks as are fit for the purpose is not at first an easy matter; the only way of ascertaining their goodness is to try them through a summer and winter, and, if they bear out through these undamaged, they may be used. Those which are not made of good clay are soon injured by the frost and rain; hence if unfit to be used in roofs they will be more unfit in walls. Walls built of old tiles are conse- quently very lasting. As to wattled walls, would they had never been invented, for though convenient and expedi- tiously made, they are conducive to great calamity from their acting almost like torches in case of fire. It is much better, therefore, in the first instance, to be at the expense of burnt bricks, than from parsimony to be in perpetual risk. Walls moreover, of this sort, that are covered with plaster are always full of cracks, arising from the crossing of the laths; for when the plastering is laid on wet, it swells the wood, which contracts as the work dries, breaking the plastering. But if expedition, or want of funds, drives us to the use of this sort of work, or as an expedient to bring work to a square form, let it be executed as follows. The surface of the foundation whereon it is to stand must be somewhat raised from the ground or pavement. Should it ever be placed below them it will rot, settle, and bend forward, whereby the face of the plastering will be injured. I have already treated on walls, and generally 64 on the mode of preparing and selecting the materials for them. I shall now proceed to the use of timber in fram- ing, and to a description of its several sorts, as also of the mode of fitting timbers together, so that they may be as durable as their nature will permit. LIB, II, CAP, IX, 65 CHAPTER IX. OF TIMIBER. TIMBER should be felled from the beginning of the Au- tumn up to that time when the west wind begins to blow; never in the Spring, because at that period the trees are as it were pregnant, and communicate their natural strength to the yearly leaves and fruits they shoot forth. Being empty and swelled out, they become, by their great porosity, useless and feeble, just as we see females after conception in indifferent health till the period of their bringing forth. Hence slaves about to be sold are not warranted sound if they be pregnant; for the foetus which goes on increasing in size within the body, derives nourishment from all the food which the parent consumes, and as the time of delivery approaches, the more unwell is the party by whom it is borne : as soon as the foetus is brought forth, that which was before allotted for the nourishment of another being, once more free by the separation of the foetus, returns to reinvigo- rate the body by the juices flowing to the large and empty vessels, and to enable it to regain its former natural strength and solidity. So, in the Autumn, the fruits being ripened and the leaves dry, the roots draw the moisture from the earth, and the trees are by those means recovered and restored to their pristine solidity. Up to the time above-mentioned the force of the wintry air compresses and consolidates the timber, and if it be then felled the period will be seasonable. In felling, the pro- per way is to cut through at once to the middle of the K 66 trunk of the tree, and then leave it for some time, that the juices may drain off; thus the useless liquor contained in the tree, running away through its external rings, all tendency to decay is removed, and it is preserved sound. After the tree has dried and the draining has ceased, it may be cut down and considered quite fit for use. That this should be the method pursued, will appear from the na- ture of shrubs. These, at the proper season, when pierced at the bottom, discharge from the heart through the holes made in them all the redundant and pernicious juices, and thus drying acquire strength and durability. On the contrary, when those juices do not escape, they con- geal and render the tree defective and good for nothing. If, therefore, this process of draining them whilst in their growing state does not destroy their vigour, so much the more if the same rules are observed when they are about to be felled, will they last for a longer period when con- verted into timber for buildings. The qualities of trees vary exceedingly, and are very dissimilar, as those of the oak, the elm, the poplar, the cypress, the fir, and others chiefly used in buildings. The oak, for instance, is useful where the fir would be improper; and so with respect to the cypress and the elm. Nor do the others differ less widely, each, from the different nature of its elements, being differently suited to similar applications in build- ing. First, the fir, containing a considerable quantity of air and fire, and very little water and earth, being con- stituted of such light elements, is not heavy: hence bound together by its natural hardness it does not easily bend, but keeps its shape in framing. The objection to fir is, that it contains so much heat as to generate and nourish the worm which is very destructive to it. LIB, II, CAP. IX, 67 It is moreover very inflammable, because its open pores are so quickly penetrated by fire, that it yields a great flame. The lower part of the fir which is close to the earth, receiving by its proximity to the roots, a large portion of moisture, is previous to felling straight and free from knots; the upper part, throwing out by the strength of the fire it contains, a great many branches through the knots, when cut off at the height of twenty feet and rough squared, is, from its hardness, called Fusterna. The lower part, when cut down, is sawed into four quarters, and after the outer rings of the tree are rejected, is well adapted to joinery works, and is called Sapinea. The oak, however, containing among its other elements a great portion of earth, and but a small quantity of water, air, and fire, when used under ground is of great durability, for its pores being close and compact, the wet does not penetrate it; in short its anti- pathy to water is so great that it twists and splits very much the work in which it is used. The holm oak (esculus), whose elements are in very equal proportions, is of great use in buildings; it will not however stand the damp which quickly penetrates its pores, and its air and fire being driven off, it soon rots. The green oak (cerrus), the cork tree, and the beech soon rot, because they con- tain equal quantities of water, fire, and earth, which are by no means capable of balancing the great quantity of air they contain. The white and black poplar, the willow, the lime tree (tilia), the withy (vitex), are of great service in particular works on account of their hardness. They contain but a small portion of earth, a moderate propor- tion of water, but abound with fire and air. Though not hard on account of the earth in them, they are very white, 68 and excellently adapted for carving. The alder, which grows on the banks of rivers, and is to appearance an al- most useless wood, possesses nevertheless most excellent qualities, inasmuch as it contains much air and fire, not a great deal of earth, and less water. Its freeness from water makes it almost eternal in marshy foundations used for piling under buildings, because, in these situations, it receives that moisture which it does not possess na- turally. It bears immense weights and does not decay. Thus we see that timber which above ground soon decays, lasts an amazing time in a damp soil. This is most evident at Ravenna, a city, the foundations of whose buildings, both public and private, are all built upon piles. The elm tree and the ash contain much water and but little air and fire, with a moderate por- tion of earth. They are therefore pliant, and being so full of water, and from want of stiffness, soon bend under a superimcumbent weight. When, however, from proper keeping after being felled, or from being well dried while standing to discharge their natural moisture, they become much harder, and in framings are, from their pliability, capable of forming sound work. The maple tree, which contains but little fire and earth, and a considerable portion of air and water, is not easily broken, and is, moreover, easily wrought. The Greeks, therefore, who made yokes for oxen (called by them ºvy&) of this timber, call the tree ºvyeto. The cypress and pine are also singular in their nature; for though they contain equal portions of the other elements, yet, from their large proportion of water, they are apt to bend in use ; they last, however, a long time, free from decay; the reason whereof is, that they contain a bitter juice, LIB, II, CAP. IX, 69 whose acrid properties prevent the rot, and are not less efficacious in destroying the worm. Buildings, in which these sorts of timber are used, last an amazing number of years. The cedar and juniper trees possess the same qualities as the two last named ; but as the cypress and pine yield a resin, so the cedar tree yields an oil called cedrium, with which, whatsoever is rubbed, as books, for instance, will be preserved from the worm as well as the rot. The leaves of this tree resemble those of the cy- press, and its fibres are very straight. The statue of the goddess, as also the ceiled roof in the temple of Diana at Ephesus, are made of it; and it is used in many other celebrated temples, on account of its great durability. These trees grow chiefly in the island of Crete, in Africa, and in some parts of Syria. The larch, which is only known in the districts on the banks of the Po and the shores of the Adriatic, on account of the extreme bit- terness of its juices, is not subject to rot and attack of the worm, neither will it take fire or burn of itself, but can only be consumed with other wood, as stone is burnt for lime in a furnace; nor even then does it emit flame nor yield charcoal, but, after a long time, gradually con- sumes away, from the circumstance of its containing very little fire and air. It is, on the contrary, full of water and earth ; and being free from pores, by which the fire could penetrate, it repels its power, so that it is not quickly hurt thereby. Its weight is so great, that it will not float in water, when transported to any place, and is either conveyed in vessels, or floated on fir rafts. This property of the wood was discovered under the following circumstances. Julius Caesar, being with his army near the Alps, ordered the towns to supply him with provi- 70 sions. Among them was a fortress called Larignum, whose inhabitants, trusting to their fortifications, refused to obey the mandate. Caesar ordered his forces to the spot immediately. In front of the gate of this fortress stood a tower built of this species of timber, of consider- able height, and constructed after the manner of a funeral pile, with beams alternately crossing each other at their extremities, so that the besieged might, from its top, an- noy the besiegers with darts and stones. It appearing that the persons on the tower had no other arms than darts, which, from their weight, could not be hurled any great distance from the walls, orders were given to con- vey bundles of fire-wood and torches to the tower, which were quickly executed by the soldiers. As soon as the flames, reaching almost to the heavens, began to en- compass the tower, every one expected to see its demoli- tion. But as soon as the fire was extinct, the tower ap- peared still unhurt; and Caesar, wondering at the cause of it, ordered it to be blockaded out of arrow’s flight, and thus carried the town, which was delivered up to him by its trembling inhabitants. They were then asked where they obtained this sort of wood, which would not burn. They shewed him the trees, which are in great abundance in those parts. Thus, as the fortress was called Larignum, so the wood, whereof the tower was built, is called larigna (larch). It is brought down the Po to Ravenna, for the use of the municipalities of Fano, Pesaro, Ancona, and the other cities in that district. If there were a possibility of transporting it to Rome, it would be very useful in the buildings there; if not generally, at least it would be excellent for the plates under the eaves of those houses in Rome which are insulated, as they would be LIB, II. CAT, X, 71 thus secured from catching fire, since they would neither ignite nor consume, nor burn into charcoal. The leaves of these trees are similar to those of the pine-tree; the fibres of them straight, and not harder to work in joinery than the pine-tree. The wood contains a liquid resin, of the colour of Attic honey, which is a good remedy in cases of phthisis. I have now treated of the different sorts of timber, and of their natural properties, as well as of the proportion of the elements in each. It only re- mains to enquire, why that species of fir, which is known in Rome by the name of Supernas, is not so good as that which is called Infernas, whose durability in buildings is so great. I shall therefore explain how their good and bad qualities arise from the situations in which they grow, that they may be clearly understood. 72 CHAPTER X. OF THE FIRS CALLED SUPERNAS AND INFERNAS, AND OF THE APENNINES. THE Apennines begin from the Tyrrhene Sea, extending to the Alps on one side, and the borders of Tuscany on the other; and their summits spreading in the shape of a bow, almost touch the shores of the Adriatic in the cen- tre of their range, which ends near the Straits of Sicily. The hither side of them towards Tuscany and Campania, is in point of climate extremely mild, being continually warmed by the sun’s rays. The further side, which lies to- wards the upper sea, is exposed to the north, and is enclosed by thick and gloomy shadow. The trees, therefore, which grow in that part being nourished by continual moisture, not only grow to a great size, but their fibres being too much saturated with it, swell out considerably. When hewn, therefore, and squared, and deprived of their natural vegetation, they change in drying the hard- ness of the grain, and become weak and apt to decay, on account of the openness of their pores. They are, there- fore, of little durability in buildings. On the contrary, those which grow on the side opposite to the sun, not being so porous, harden in drying, because the sun draws the moisture from trees no less than from the earth. Hence, those which grow in open sunny places, are more solid, on account of the closeness of their pores, and when squared for use, are exceedingly lasting. The fir, which goes by the name of Infernas, brought from the warm open parts, is therefore preferable to the sort called LIB, II, CAP, \, 73 Supernas, which comes from a closely and thickly wooded country. To the best of my ability I have treated on the materials necessary for building, and their natural tem- peraments in respect of the different proportions of the elements which they contain, as well as on their good and bad qualities, in order that those who build may be well informed thereon. Those who follow my directions, and choose a proper material for the purpose whereto it is ap- plied, will do right. Having thus considered the prepa- rations to be made, we shall proceed, in the following books, to the consideration of buildings themselves, and first, to that of the temples of the immortal gods, and their symmetry and proportions as the importance of the subject requires, which will form the subject of the fol- lowing book. PRAEF. LIB, III, THE ARCHITECTURE OF MARCU'S VITRUVIUS POLLIO. BOOK THE THIRD. Aºf HEN s ERF, C T H E U M AcRoPolis . …’” . . . . º ! . . tºº, . & 100 200 'so o 400 3oo 600 FEET. -** g.: §§: * * ————— - % --—l—l INTRODUCTION. THE Delphic Apollo, by the answer of his priestess, de- clared Socrates the wisest of men. Of him it is said he sagaciously observed that it had been well if men’s breasts were open, and, as it were, with windows in them, so that every one might be acquainted with their senti- ments. Would to God they had been so formed. We might then not only find out the virtues and vices of per- sons with facility, but, being also enabled to obtain ocular 76 knowledge of the science they profess, we might judge of their skill with certainty; whereby those who are really clever and learned would be held in proper esteem. But as nature has not formed us after this fashion, the ta- lents of many men lie concealed within them, and this renders it so difficult to lay down an accurate theory of any art. However an artist may promise to exert his ta- lents, if he have not either plenty of money, or a good connexion from his situation in life; or if he be not gifted with a good address or considerable eloquence, his study and application will go but little way to persuade persons that he is a competent artist. We find a corro- boration of this by reference to the ancient Sculptors and Painters, among whom, those who obtained the greatest fame and applause are still living in the remembrance of posterity; such, for instance, as Myron, Polycletus, Phi- dias, Lysippus, and others who obtained celebrity in their art. This arose from their being employed by great cities, by kings, or by wealthy citizens. Now others, who, not less studious of their art, nor less endued with great genius and skill, did not enjoy equal fame, because employed by persons of lower rank and of slenderer means, and not from their unskilfulness, seem to have been deserted by fortune; such were Hellas the Athenian, Chion of Corinth, Myagrus the Phocaean, Pharax the Ephesian, Bedas of Byzantium, and many more; among the Painters, Aristomenes of Thasos, Polycles of Adra- myttium, Nicomachus, and others, who were wanting nei- ther in industry, study of their art, nor talent. But their poverty, the waywardness of fortune, or their ill success in competition with others, prevented their advancement. Nor can we wonder that from the ignorance of the public PRAEF, LIB, III, 77 in respect of art many skilful artists remain in obscu- rity; but it is scandalous that friendship and connexion should lead men, for their sake, to give partial and un- true opinions. If, as Socrates would have had it, every one’s feelings, opinions, and information in science could be opéâ to view, neither favor nor ambition would prevail, but those, who by study and great learning acquire the greatest knowledge, would be eagerly sought after. Matters are not however in this state as they ought to be, the ignorant rather than the learned being successful, and as it is never worth while to dispute with an ignorant man, I propose to shew in these precepts the excellence of the science I profess. In the first book, O Emperor, I laid before you an explanation of the art, its requisites, and the learning an architect should possess, and I added the reasons why he should possess them. I also divided it into different branches and defined them : then, because chiefest and most necessary, I have explained the proper method of setting out the walls of a city, and obtaining a healthy site for it, and have exhibited in dia- grams, the winds, and quarters whence they blow. I have shewn the best methods of laying out the streets and lanes, and thus completed the first book. In the second book I have analysed the nature and qualities of the ma- terials used in building, and adverted to the purposes to which they are best adapted. In this third book I shall speak of the sacred temples of the immortal gods, and explain them particularly. 78 CHAPTER I. . OF THE DESIGN AND SYMMETRY OF TEMPLES. THE design of Temples depends on symmetry, the rules of which Architects should be most careful to observe. Symmetry arises from proportion, which the Greeks call &voxoyſz. Proportion is a due adjustment of the size of the different parts to each other and to the whole; on this proper adjustment symmetry depends. Hence no building can be said to be well designed which wants symmetry and proportion. In truth they are as neces- sary to the beauty of a building as to that of a well formed human figure, which nature has so fashioned, that in the face, from the chin to the top of the forehead, or to the roots of the hair, is a tenth part of the height of the whole body. From the chin to the crown of the head is an eighth part of the whole height, and from the nape of the neck to the crown of the head the same. From the upper part of the breast to the roots of the hair a sixth ; to the crown of the head a fourth. A third part of the height of the face is equal to that from the chin to the under side of the nostrils, and thence to the middle of the eyebrows the same; from the last to the roots of the hair, where the forehead ends, the remaining third part. The length of the foot is a sixth part of the height of the body. The fore-arm a fourth part. The width of the breast a fourth part. Similarly have the other members their due proportions, by attention to which the ancient Painters and Sculptors obtained so much reputation. Just so the parts of Temples should corre- LIT, III. (AT, I, 79 spond with each other, and with the whole. The navel is naturally placed in the centre of the human body, and, if in a man lying with his face upward, and his hands and feet extended, from his navel as the centre, a circle be described, it will touch his fingers and toes. It is not alone by a circle, that the human body is thus circum- scribed, as may be seen by placing it within a square. For measuring from the feet to the crown of the head, and then across the arms fully extended, we find the latter measure equal to the former ; so that lines at right an- gles to each other, enclosing the figure, will form a square. If Nature, therefore, has made the human body so that the different members of it are measures of the whole, so the ancients have, with great propriety, deter- mined that in all perfect works, each part should be some aliquot part of the whole; and since they direct, that this be observed in all works, it must be most strictly attend- ed to in temples of the gods, wherein the faults as well as the beauties remain to the end of time. It is worthy of remark, that the measures necessarily used in all buildings and other works, are derived from the members of the human body, as the digit, the palm, the foot, the cubit, and that these form a perfect number, called by the Greek réxalog. The ancients considered ten a perfect number, because the fingers are ten in number, and the palm is derived from them, and from the palm is derived the foot. Plato, therefore, called ten a perfect number, Nature having formed the hands with ten fingers, and also because it is composed of units called gováðs; in Greek, which also advancing beyond ten, as to eleven, twelve, &c. cannot be perfect until, another ten are included, units being the parts whereof such numbers are composed. 80 The mathematicians, on the other hand, contend for the perfection of the number six, because, according to their reasoning, its divisors equal its number: for a sixth part is one, a third two, a half three, two-thirds four, which they call 3igogo; ; the fifth in order, which they call reprápoleos, five, and then the perfect number six. When it advances beyond that, a sixth being added, which is called £azrog, we have the number seven. Eight are formed by adding a third, called triens, and by the Greeks, &rírgºrog. Nine are formed by the addition of a half, and thence called sesquialteral; by the Greeks #916xio; ; if we add the two aliquot parts of it, which form ten, it is called bes alterus, or in Greek áriëſgogog. The number eleven, being compounded of the original number, and the fifth in order is called ězizévr&pougog. The number twelve, being the sum of the two simple numbers, is called Birazoſov. Moreover, as the foot is the sixth part of a man's height, they contend, that this number, namely six, the number of feet in height, is perfect: the cubit, also, being six palms, consequently consists of twenty-four digits. Hence the states of Greece appear to have divided the drachma, like the cubit, that is into six parts, which were small equal sized pieces of brass, similar to the asses, which they called oboli; and, in imitation of the twenty-four digits, they divided the obolus into four parts, which some call dichalca, others trichalca. Our ancestors, however, were better pleased with the number ten, and hence made the denarius to consist of ten brass asses, and the money to this day retains the name of denarius. The sester- tius, a fourth part of a denarius, was so called, because composed of two asses, and the half of another. Thus finding the numbers six and ten perfect, they added them LIP, III. (AP, I, 81 together, and formed sixteen, a still more perfect num- ber. The foot measure gave rise to this, for subtracting two palms from the cubit, four remain, which is the length of a foot; and as each palm contains four digits, the foot will consequently contain sixteen, so the dena- rius was made to contain an equal number of asses. If it therefore appear, that numbers had their origin from the human body, and proportion is the result of a due adjust- ment of the different parts to each other, and to the whole, they are especially to be commended, who, in designing temples to the gods, so arrange the parts that the whole may harmonize in their proportions and symmetry. The principles of temples are distinguished by their different forms. First, that known by the appella- tion IN ANTIs, which the Greeks call woog #y Togo.or> then the PROSTYLos, PERIPTERos, PSEUDoDIPTEROS, DIPTE- Ros, HYPETHRos. Their difference is as follows. A tem- ple is called IN ANTIS, when it has antae or pilasters in front of the walls which enclose the cell, with two columns between the antae, and crowned with a pediment, propor- tioned as we shall hereafter direct. There is an exam- ple of this species of temple, in that of the three dedi- cated to Fortune, near the Porta Collina. The PRosTYLos temple is similar, except that it has columns instead of antae in front, which are placed opposite to antae at the angles of the cell, and support the entablature, which re- turns on each side as in those in antis. An example of the prostylos exists in the temple of Jupiter and Faunus, in the island of the Tyber. The AMPHIPROSTYLos is si- milar to the prostylos, but with this addition, that the columns and pediment in the front are repeated in the rear of the temple. The PERIPTERos has six columns M 82 in the front and rear, and eleven on the flanks, count- ing in the two columns at the angles, and these eleven are so placed that their distance from the wall is equal to an intercolumniation, or space between the columns all round, and thus is formed a walk around the cell of the temple, such as may be seen in the portico of the thea- tre of Metellus, in that of Jupiter Stator, by Hermodus, and in the temple of Honour and Virtue without a Pos- TICUM designed by Mutius, near the trophy of Marius. The PSEUDoDIPTERos is constructed with eight columns in front and rear, and with fifteen on the sides, including those at the angles. The walls of the cell are opposite to the four middle columns of the front and of the rear. Hence from the walls to the front of the lower part of the columns, there will be an interval equal to two inter- columniations and the thickness of a column all round. No example of such a temple is to be found in Rome, but of this sort was the temple of Diana, in Magnesia, built by Hermogenes of Alabanda, and that of Apollo, by Menesthes. The DIPTERos is octastylos like the former, and with a pronaos and posticum, but all round the cell are two ranks of columns. Such are the Doric temple of Quirinus, and the temple of Diana at Ephesus, built by Ctesiphon. The HYPETHRos is decastylos, in the pro- naos and posticum. In other respects it is similar to the dipteros, except that in the inside it has two stories of columns all round, at some distance from the walls, after the manner of the peristylia of porticos. The middle of the interior part of the temple is open to the sky, and it is entered by two doors, one in front and the other in the rear. Of this sort there is no example at Rome, there is, however, an octastyle specimen of it at Athens, the temple of Jupiter Olympius. - LIT, III. C.P. II. 83 CHAPTER II. OF THE FIVE SPECIES OF TEMPLES. THERE are five species of temples, whose names are, PYc- NoSTYLos, that is, thick set with columns: SYSTYLOs, in which the columns are not so close : DIASTYLos, where they are still wider apart: AR.EosTYLos, when placed more distant from each other than in fact they ought to be : EUstylos, when the intercolumniation, or space be- tween the columns, is of the best proportion. PYCNOSTY- Los, is that arrangement wherein the columns are only once and a half their thickness apart, as in the tem- ple of the god Julius, in that of Venus in the forum of Caesar, and in other similar buildings. SYSTYLOS, is the distribution of columns with an intercolumniation of two diameters: the distance between their plinths is then equal to their front faces. Examples of it are to be seen in the temple of Fortuna Equestris, near the stone theatre, and in other places. This, no less than the former arrangement, is faulty; because matrons, ascending the steps to supplicate the deity, cannot pass the intercolum- niations arm in arm, but are obliged to enter after each other; the doors are also hidden, by the closeness of the columns, and the statues are too much in shadow. The passages moreover round the temple are inconvenient for walking. DIASTYLos has intercolumniations of three diameters, as in the temple of Apollo and Diana. The inconvenience of this species is, that the epistylia or architraves over the columns frequently fail, from their bearings being too long. In the ARIEosTYLos the archi- 84 traves are of wood, and not of stone or marble; the different species of temples of this sort are clumsy, heavy roofed, low and wide, and their pediments are usually or- namented with statues of clay or brass, gilt in the Tuscan fashion. Of this species is the temple of Ceres, near the Circus Maximus, that of Hercules, erected by Pompey, and that of Jupiter Capitolinus. We now proceed to the EUSTYLos, which is preferable, as well in respect of conve- nience, as of beauty and strength. Its intercolumnia- tions are of two diameters and a quarter. The centre in- tercolumniation, in front and in the posticum, is three diameters. It has not only a beautiful effect, but is con- venient, from the unobstructed passage it affords to the door of the temple, and the great room allowed for walk- ing round the cell. The rule for designing it is as follows. The extent of the front being given, it is, if tetrastylos, to be divided into eleven parts and a half, not including the projections of the base and plinth at each end: if hexa- stylos, into eighteen parts: if octastylos, into twenty- four parts and a half. One of either of these parts, ac- cording to the case, whether tetrastylos, hexastylos, or octastylos, will be a measure equal to the diameter of one of the columns. Each intercolumniation, except the middle one, front and rear, will be equal to two of these measures and one quarter, and the middle intercolum- niation three. The heights of the columns will be eight parts and a half. Thus the intercolumniations and the heights of the columns will have proper proportions. There is no example of eustylos in Rome; but there is one at Teos in Asia, which is octastylos, and dedicated to Bacchus. Its proportions were discovered by Hermo- genes, who was also the inventor of the octastylos or LIB, III, CAP, II, 85 pseudodipteral formation. It was he who first omitted the inner ranges of columns in the dipteros, which, being in number thirty-eight, afforded the opportunity of avoid- ing considerable expense. By it a great space was obtained for walking all round the cell, and the effect of the tem- ple was not injured because the omission of the columns was not perceptible; neither was the grandeur of the work destroyed. The pteromata, or wings, and the disposition of columns about a temple, were contrived for the pur- pose of increasing the effect, by the varied appearance of the returning columns, as seen through the front inter- columniations, and also for providing plenty of room for the numbers frequently detained by rain, so that they might walk about, under shelter, round the cell. I have been thus particular on the pseudodipteros, because it dis- plays the skill and ingenuity with which Hermogenes de- signed those his works; which cannot but be acknow- ledged as the sources whence his successors have derived their best principles. In araeostyle temples the diameter of the columns must be an eighth part of their height. In diastylos, the height of the columns is to be divided into eight parts and a half; one of which is to be taken for the diameter of the column. In systylos, let the height be divided into nine parts and a half; one of those parts will be the diameter of a column. In pycnostylos, one-tenth part of the height is the diameter of the co- lumns. In the eustylos, as well as in the diastylos, the height of the columns is divided into eight parts and a, half; one of which is to be taken for the thickness of the column. These, then, are the rules for the several inter- columniations. For, as the distances between the columns increase, so must the shafts of the columns increase in 86 thickness. If, for instance, in the araeostylos, they were a ninth or a tenth part of the height, they would appear too delicate and slender; because the air interposed between the columns destroys and apparently diminishes, their thickness. On the other hand, if, in the pycnostylos, their thickness or diameter were an eighth part of the height, the effect would be heavy and unpleasant, on account of the frequent repetition of the columns, and the smallness of the intercolumniations. The arrangement is there- fore indicated by the species adopted. Columns at the angles, on account of the unobstructed play of air round them, should be one-fiftieth part of a diameter thicker than the rest, that they may have a more graceful effect. The deception which the eye undergoes should be allowed for in execution. The diminution of columns taken at the hypotrachelium, is to be so ordered, that for columns of fifteen feet and under, it should be one-sixth of the lower diameter. From fifteen to twenty feet in height, the lower diameter is to be divided into six parts and a half; and five parts and a half are to be assigned for the upper thickness of the column. When columns are from twenty to thirty feet high, the lower diameter of the shaft must be divided into seven parts, six of which are given to the upper diameter. From thirty to forty feet high, the lower diameter is divided into seven parts and a half, and six and a half given to the top. From forty to fifty feet, the lower diameter of the shaft is to be di- vided into eight parts, seven of which must be given to the thickness under the hypotrachelium. If the propor- tion for greater heights be required, the thickness at top must be found after the preceding method; always re- membering, that as the upper parts of columns are more LIB, III, CAP, II, 87 distant from the eye, they deceive it when viewed from below, and that we must, therefore, actually add what they apparently lose. The eye is constantly seeking after beauty; and if we do not endeavour to gratify it by proper proportions and an increase of size, where neces- sary, and thus remedy the defect of vision, a work will always be clumsy and disagreeable. Of the swelling which is made in the middle of columns, which the Greeks call wroots, so that it may be pleasing and appropriate, I shall speak at the end of the book. 88 CHAPTER III. OF FOUNDATIONS: AND OF COLUMNS AND THEIR ORNAMENTS. IF solid ground can be come to, the foundations should go down to it and into it, according to the magnitude of the work, and the substruction should be built up as solid as possible. Above the ground of the foundation, the wall should be one-half thicker than the columns it is to receive, so that the lower parts which carry the greatest weight, may be stronger than the upper part, which is call- ed the stereobata: nor must the mouldings of the bases of the columns project beyond the solid. Thus, also, should be regulated the thickness of all walls above ground. The intervals between the foundations brought up under the columns, should be either rammed down hard, or arched, so as to prevent the foundation piers from Swerv- ing. If solid ground cannot be come to, and the ground be loose or marshy, the place must be excavated, cleared, and either alder, olive, or oak piles, previously charred, must be driven with a machine, as close to each other as possible, and the intervals, between the piles, filled with ashes. The heaviest foundations may be laid on such a base. When they are brought up level, the stylobatae (plinths) are placed thereon, according to the arrange- ment used, and above described for the pycnostylos, sys- tylos, diastylos or eustylos, as the case may be. In the araeostylos it is only necessary to preserve, in a peripteral building, twice the number of intercolumniations on the flanks that there are in front, so that the length may be LIB, III, CAP, III, 89 twice the breadth. Those who use twice the number of columns for the length, appear to err, because they thus make one intercolumniation more than should be used. The number of steps in front should always be odd, since, in that case, the rightfoot, which begins the ascent, will be that which first alights on the landing of the temple. The thickness of the steps should not, I think, be more than ten inches, nor less than nine, which will give an easy ascent. The treads not less than one foot and a half, nor more than two feet; and if the steps are to go all round the temple, they are to be formed in the same manner. But if there is to be a podium on three sides of the temple, the plinths, bases of the columns, columns, coronae, and cymatium, may accord with the stylobata, under the bases of the columns. The stylobata should be so ad- justed, that, by means of small steps or stools, it may be highest in the middle. For if it be set out level, it will have the appearance of having sunk in the centre. The mode of adjusting the steps (scamilli impares), in a pro- per manner, will be shewn at the end of the book. The scamilli being prepared and set, the bases of the columns may be laid, their height being equal to the semidiame- ter of the column including the plinth, and their projec- tion, which the Greeks call zºoga, one quarter of the diameter of the column. Thus the height and breadth, added together, will amount to one diameter and a half. If the attic base be used, it must be so subdivided that the upper part be one-third of the thickness of the column, and that the remainder be assigned for the height of the plinth. Excluding the plinth, divide the height into four parts, one of which is to be given to the upper torus; then divide the remaining three parts into two equal N * | 90 parts, one will be the height of the lower torus, and the other the height of the scotia, with its fillets, which the Greeks call reáxixog (trochilus). If Ionic, they are to be set out so that the base may each way be equal to the thick- ness and three eighths of the column. Its height and that of the plinth the same as the attic base. The plinth is the same height as in that of the attic base, the re- mainder, which was equal to one-third part of the co- lumn’s diameter, must be divided into seven parts, three of which are given to the upper torus; the remaining four parts are to be equally divided into two, one of which is given to the upper cavetto, with its astragals and listel, the other to the lower cavetto, which will have the ap- pearance of being larger, from its being next to the plinth. The astragals must be an eighth part of the sco- tia, and the whole base on each side is to project three sixteenths of a diameter. The bases being thus com- pleted, we are to raise the columns on them. Those of the pronaos and posticum are to be set up with their axes perpendicular, the angular ones excepted, which, as well as those on the flanks, right and left, are to be so placed that their interior faces towards the cell be perpendicu- lar. The exterior faces will diminish upwards, as above- mentioned. Thus the diminution will give a pleasing effect to the temple. The shafts of the columns being fixed, the proportions of the capitals are thus adjusted: if pillowed, as in the Ionic, they must be so formed that the length and breadth of the abacus be equal to the diameter of the lower part of the column and one eighteenth more, and the height of the whole, including the volutes, half a diameter. The face of the volutes is to recede within the extreme projection of the abacus one thirty-ninth part LIB, III, CAP, III, 91 of the width of the abacus. Having set out these points on the listel of the abacus at the four angles, let fall ver- tical lines. These are called catheti. The whole height of the capital is now to be divided into nine parts and a half, whereof one part and a half is the height of the abacus, and the remaining eight are for the eye of the volute. Within the line dropt from the angle of the aba- cus, at the distance of one and a half of the parts last found, let fall another vertical line, and so divide it that four parts and a half being left under the abacus, the point which divides them from the remaining three and a half, may be the centre of the eye of the volute; from which, with a radius equal to one half of one of the parts, if a circle be described, it will be the size of the eye of the vo- lute. Through its centre let an horizontal line be drawn, and beginning from the upper part of the vertical dia- meter of the eye as a centre, let a quadrant be described whose upper part shall touch the under side of the aba- cus; then changing the centre, with a radius less than the last by half the width of the diameter of the eye, pro- ceed with other quadrants, so that the last will fall into the eye itself, which happen in the vertical line, at a point perpendicularly under that of setting out. The heights of the parts of the capital are to be so regulated that three of the nine parts and a half, into which it was divided, lie below the level of the astragal on the top of the shaft. The remaining parts are for the cymatium, abacus, and channel. The projection of the cymatium beyond the abacus is not to be greater than the size of the diameter of the eye. The bands of the pillows pro- ject beyond the abacus, according to the following rule. Place one point of the compasses in the centre of the 92 eye, and let the other extend to the top of the cymatium, then describing a semicircle, its extreme part will equal the projection of the band of the pillow. The centres, from which the volute is described, should not be more distant from each other than the thickness of the eye, nor the channels sunk more than a twelfth part of their width. The foregoing are the proportions for the capitals of co- lumns which do not exceed fifteen feet in height: when they exceed that, they must be otherwise proportioned, though upon similar principles, always observing that the square of the abacus is to be a ninth part more than the di- ameter of the column, so that, inasmuch as its diminution is less as its height is greater, the capital which crowns it may also be augmented in height and projection. The me- thod of describing volutes, in order that they may be properly turned and proportioned, will be given at the end of the book. The capitals being completed, and set on the tops of the shafts, not level throughout the range of columns, but so arranged with a gauge as to fol- low the inclination which the small steps on the stylobata produce, which must be added to them on the cen- tral part of the top of the abacus, that the regularity of the epistylia may be preserved: we may now con- sider the proportion of these epistylia, or architraves. When the columns are at least twelve and not more than fifteen feet high, the architrave must be half a diameter in height. When they are from fifteen to twenty feet in height, the height of the column is to be divided into thirteen parts, and one of them taken for the height of the architrave. So from twenty to twenty-five feet, let the height be divided into twelve parts and a half, and one part be taken for the height of the architrave. Thus, in LIB, III. CAP, IHI. 93 proportion to the height of the column, is the architrave to be proportioned; always remembering, that the higher the eye has to reach, the greater is the difficulty it has in piercing the density of the air, its power being diminished as the height increases; of which the resultis, a confusion of the image. Hence, to preserve a sensible proportion of parts, if in high situations, or of colossal dimensions, we must modify them accordingly, so that they may ap- pear of the size intended. The under side of the archi- trave is to be as wide as the upper diameter of the co- lumn, at the part under the capital; its upper part equal in width to the lower diameter of the column. Its cyma- tium is to be one seventh part of the whole height, and its projection the same. After the cymatium is taken out, the remainder is to be divided into twelve parts, three of which are to be given to the lower fascia, four to the next, and five to the upper one. The Zophorus, or frieze, is placed over the epistylium, than which it must be one fourth less in height; but if sculptured, it must be one fourth part higher, that the effect of the carving may not be injured. Its cymatium is to be a seventh part of its height, the projection equal to the height. Above the frieze is placed the dentil-band, whose height must be equal to that of the middle fascia of the architrave, its pro- jection equal to its height. The cutting thereof, which the Greeks call ºrožň (metoche), is to be so executed that the width of each dentil may be half its height, and the space between them two-thirds of the width of a dentil. The cymatium is to be one sixth part of its height. The corona, with its cymatium, but without the sima is to be the same height as the middle fascia of the archi- trave. The projection of the corona and dentils, together 94 is to be equal to the height from the frieze to the top of the cymatium of the corona. It may, indeed, be generally observed, that projections are more beautiful when they are equal to the height of the member. The height of the tympanum, which crowns the whole work, is to be equal to one ninth part of the extent of the corona, mea- sured from one extremity of its cymatium to the other, and set up in the centre. Its face is to stand perpendicu- larly over the architrave and the hypotrachelia of the co- lumns. The coronae over the tympanum are to be equal to that below, without the simae. Above the coronae are set the simae, which the Greeks call Tiraşſösc, whose height must be one-eighth more than that of the corona. The height of the acroteria is to be equal to that of the middle of the tympanum ; the central ones one eighth part higher than those at the angles. All members over the capitals of columns, such as architraves, friezes, coronae, tympana, crowning members (fastigia), and acroteria, should not be vertical, but inclined forwards, each a twelfth part of its height; and for this reason, that when two lines are produced from the eye, one to the upper part of a member, and the other to its lower part, the upper line or visual ray will be longer than the lower one, and if really vertical, the member will appear to lean backwards; but if the members are set out as above directed, they will have the appearance of being perpen- dicular. The number of flutes in a column is twenty- four. They are to be hollowed, so that a square kept passing round their surface, and at the same time kept close against the arrises of the fillets, will touch some point in their circumference and the arrises themselves throughout its motion. The additional thickness of the LIB, III, CAP, III, 95 flutes and fillets in the middle of the column, arising from the entasis or swelling, will be proportional to the swell- ing. On the simae of the coronae on the sides of tem- ples, lions’ heads should be carved; and they are to be so disposed that one may come over each column, and the others at equal distances from each other, and answering to the middle of each tile. Those which are placed over the columns are to be bored through, so as to carry off the rain-water collected in the gutter. But the interme- diate ones must be solid, so that the water from the tiles, which is collected in the gutter, may not be carried off in the intercolumniations, and fall on those passing. Those over the columns will appear to vomit forth streams of water from their mouths. In this book I have done my utmost to describe the proportions of Ionic temples: in that following I shall explain the proportions of Doric and Corinthian temples. PRAEF. LIB, IW, THE ARCHITECTURE MARCUS VITRU VIUS POLLIO. BOOK THE FOURTH. /ſ. 2’ ºf . * `-- ~. ‘A pºſſ ºf ºl '!'}|% Nº * ***{C} \!\}) (ºft: * * - - g * º & º i *A. º º º: ; \\ \s g i § 2 & - ~: :=s. PV-1, ºff. §§ ; : !. ; , , --- ; ; ; ". * ... - | | | | | f : . | | | * . . . . . sºrº. ---, * * • :: * ~ ::::= ~ T TT"--~~~~~...ºrs º:::ſº- 2 sºrrº & * * * > *...* 2’s": -º-º- g-3 - ***** * ., §§ ºx-- ºf º º ar *s sº ~~~~~~~~~~ . 34 .--~f~~~ - *. Ş - *~... - . - *::::- * * **, sº-sºº • * ~ * - *rº. INTRODUCTION. FINDING, O Emperor, that many persons have left us precepts in Architecture, and volumes of comment- aries thereon, not systematically arranged, but mere general principles, little more indeed than scattered hints, I considered it a worthy and useful task, first, to give a general view of the whole subject, and then to dilate in each book on the detail. Thus, Caesar, I treated in the first book on the duties of an architect, and the O 98 sciences in which he should be skilled. In the second, I taught the knowledge of the different materials used in building. The third contained instructions on the ar- rangement of sacred buildings, their different forms and species, and the distributions appropriate to each sort; confining myself, however, to the use of the Ionic order, which, of the three, from the great delicacy of its pro- portions, requires the most attention in its use. I shall now, in this book, point out the difference and properties of the Doric and Corinthian Orders. LIB, IV, CAT, I, 09 CHAPTER I. OF THE ORIGIN OF THE THREE SORTS OF COLUMNS, AND OF THE CORINTHIAN CAPITAL. THE Corinthian Column is, except in its capital, of the same proportion as the Ionic: but the additional height of its capital makes it taller and more graceful; the Ionic capital being but one third of the diameter of the shaft in height, whilst that of the Corinthian is equal to the thickness of the shaft. Thus, the two thirds of the thickness of the shaft, which are added to its height, give it, in that respect, a more pleasing effect. The other members which are placed on the Columns, are borrowed either from the Doric or Ionic proportions: inasmuch as the Corinthian itself has no regular settled rules for its cornice, and other ornaments, but is regulated by analogy, either from the mutuli in the cornice, or the guttae in the architrave, or epistylium in the Doric order; or it is set out according to the laws of the Ionic, with a sculptured frieze, dentils and a cornice. Thus, from the two orders, by the interposition of a capital, a third order arises. The three sorts of columns, different in form, have received the appellations of Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian, of which the first is of the greatest antiquity. For Dorus, the son of Hellen, and the Nymph Orseis, reigned over the whole of Achaia and Peloponnesus, and built at Argos, an ancient city, on a spot sacred to Juno, a tem- - ple, which happened to be of this order. After this, many temples similar to it, sprung up in the other parts of Achaia, though the proportions which should be pre- 100 served in it, were not as yet settled. But afterwards when the Athenians, by the advice of the Delphic oracle in a general assembly of the different states of Greece, sent over into Asia thirteen colonies at once, and appointed a go- vernor or leader to each, reserving the chief command for Ion, the son of Xuthus and Creüsa, whom the Delphic Apollo had acknowledged as son; that person led them over into Asia, and occupied the borders of Caria, and there built the great cities of Ephesus, Miletus, Myus (which was long since destroyed by inundation, and its sacred rites and suffrages transferred by the Ionians to the inhabitants of Miletus), Priene, Samos, Teos, Colophon, Chios, Ery- thrae, Phocaea, Clazomenae, Lebedos, and Melite. The last, as a punishment of the arrogance of its citizens, was detached from the other states in a war levied pursuant to the directions of a general council; and in its place, as a mark of favor towards king Attalus, and Arsinoë, the city of Smyrna was admitted into the number of Ionian states, which received the appellation of Ionian from their leader Ion, after the Carians and Lelegaº had been driven out. In this country, allotting different spots for sacred purposes, they began to erect temples, the first of which was dedicated to Apollo Panionios, and re- sembled that which they had seen in Achaia, and they gave it the name of Doric, because they had first seen that species in the cities of Doria. As they wished to erect this temple with columns, and had not a knowledge of the proper proportions of them, nor knew the way in which they ought to be constructed, so as at the same time to be both fit to carry the superincumbent weight, and to produce a beautiful effect, they measured a man’s foot, and finding its length the sixth part of his height, LIB, IV, CAP, I, 101 they gave the column a similar proportion, that is, they made its height, including the capital, six times the thickness of the shaft, measured at the base. Thus the Doric order obtained its proportion, its strength, and its beauty, from the human figure. With a similar feeling they afterwards built the temple of Diana. But in that, seeking a new proportion, they used the female figure as the standard: and for the purpose of pro- ducing a more lofty effect, they first made it eight times its thickness in height. Under it they placed a base, after the manner of a shoe to the foot; they also added volutes to its capital, like graceful curling hair hanging on each side, and the front they ornamented with cy- matia and festoons in the place of hair. On the shafts they sunk channels, which bear a resemblance to the folds of a matronal garment. Thus two orders were in- vented, one of a masculine character, without ornament, the other bearing a character which resembled the de- licacy, ornament, and proportion of a female. The suc- cessors of these people, improving in taste, and preferring a more slender proportion, assigned seven diameters to the height of the Doric column, and eight and a half to the Ionic. That species, of which the Ionians were the inventors, has received the appellation of Ionic. The third species, which is called Corinthian, resembles in its character, the graceful elegant appearance of a virgin, in whom, from her tender age, the limbs are of a more de- licate form, and whose ornaments should be unob- trusive. The invention of the capital of this, order is said to be founded on the following occurrence. A Co- rinthian virgin, of marriageable age, fell a victim to a violent disorder. After her interment, her nurse, col- 102 lecting in a basket those articles to which she had shewn a partiality when alive, carried them to her tomb, and placed a tile on the basket for the longer preservation of its contents. The basket was accidentally placed on the root of an acanthus plant, which, pressed by the weight, shot forth, towards spring, its stems and large foliage, and in the course of its growth reached the angles of the tile, and thus formed volutes at the extremities. Calli- machus, who, for his great ingenuity and taste was called by the Athenians Catatechnos, happening at this time to pass by the tomb, observed the basket, and the delicacy e of the foliage which surrounded it. Pleased with the form and novelty of the combination, he constructed from the hint thus afforded, columns of this species in the country about Corinth, and arranged its proportions, de- termining their proper measures by perfect rules. The method of setting out the capital is as follows. Its height, including the abacus, is to be equal to the diameter of the lower part of the column. The width of the abacus is obtained by making its diagonal from opposite angles, equal to twice its height. It will thus have a proper front on each face. The faces of the four sides of the abacus are to be curved inwards from its extreme angles, equal to one ninth of its extent. The thickness of the lower part of the capital must be equal to the diameter of the top of the shaft, exclusive of the apothesis and astra- gal. The height of the abacus is a seventh of the height of the whole capital; the remainder is to be divided into three parts, one of which is to be given to the lower leaf, the middle leaf will occupy the space of the next third part, the stalks or caulicoli will be the same height as the last named, out of which the leaves spring for the recep- LIB, IV, CAP, [. 103 tion of the abacus. Large volutes are generated from these, which branch out towards the angles. The smaller volutes spread out towards the flowers, which are intro- duced in the centre of each abacus. Flowers whose diameters are equal to the height of the abacus, are to be placed in the central part of each its faces. By attention to these rules the Corinthian capital will be properly proportioned. . . Other sorts of capitals are however placed on these columns, which, differing in proportion, and standing on a different sort of shaft, cannot be re- ferred to any other class; but their origin, though the detail be changed, is traced to, and deduced from the Corinthian, the Ionic, and the Doric, their only differ- ences arising from a variation of the arrangement of the sculpture on them. - 104 CHAPTER II. - OF THE ORNAMENTS OF COLUMNS. THE origin and invention of the different species of co- lumns, having been discussed, it is now necessary to say something on the subject of their ornaments, how they originated, and upon what principles and for what pur- poses they were invented. In all buildings the timber framed work, which has various names, crowns them. The timbers vary as much in their uses as in their names. Those are called bressummers (trabes) which are placed over columns, pilasters (parastatae), and antae. In the framing of floors, beams (tigna) and boards (axes) are used. If the span of a roof be large, a ridge piece (co- lumen) is laid on the top of the king post (columna, whence is derived the word column), and a tye beam (transtrum) and struts (capreoli) will be necessary. If the roof be of moderate span, the ridge piece (columen), and rafters (cantherii), of sufficient projection at their feet to throw the water off the walls, will answer the pur- pose. On the rafters are laid purlines (templa), and again on these, to receive the tiles, are placed common rafters (asseres), which must be of sufficient length to cover the walls and protect them. Thus each piece has its proper place, origin, and purpose. Hence, following the arrangement of timber framing, workmen have imi- tated, both in stone and marble, the disposition of tim- bers in sacred edifices, thinking such a distribution ought to be attended to ; because some antient artificers, having laid the beams so that they ran over from the inner face LIB, IV, CAP, II, 105 of the walls, and projected beyond their external face, filled up the spaces between the beams, and ornamented the cornices and upper parts with wood-work elegantly wrought. They then cut off the ends of the beams that projected over the external face of the wall, flush with its face; the appearance whereof being unpleasing, they fixed, on the end of each beam so cut, indented tablets, similar to the triglyphs now in use, and painted them with a waxen composition of a blue colour, so that the ends of the beams in question might not be unpleasant to the eye. Thus the ends of the timbers covered with tablets, indented as just mentioned, gave rise to the tri- glyph and metopa in the Doric order. Others, in subse- quent works, suffered the rafters’ feet above each tri- glyph, to run over, and hollowed out the projecting infe- rior surface. Thus, from the arrangement of beams, arose the invention of triglyphs; and, from the projection of the rafters, the use of mutuli under the corona. On which latter account it is observable, that in works of stone and marble the carving of the mutuli is inclined, in imitation of the feet of rafters, whose slope is necessary to carry off the water. Hence we have the imitation of the earliest works to account for the Doric triglyph and mutulus, and not, as some have erroneously said, from the circumstance of triglyphs being introduced as win- dows; which could not be the case, inasmuch as they are placed on external angles, and immediately over co- lumns, in both which situations windows would be ab- surd, in the highest degree, for the tye at the angles of buildings would be entirely destroyed, if occupied by windows; and therefore the dentils of the Ionic orders might as properly be seen to occupy the places of win- P 106 dows, if the spaces occupied by triglyphs have an origin of such a nature. The intervals, moreover, between dem- tils, as well as those between triglyphs, are called meto- pae. Besides, the Greeks, by the word āral, signify the beds of the beams, which we call cava columbaria : thus the space between two beams obtained the name of a metopa. As in works of the Doric order triglyphs and mutuli were first used, so in Ionic works the use of dentils was first introduced; for as the mutuli bear a resemblance to the projecting feet of the principal rafters, so, in the Ionic order, the dentils imitate the projection of the com- mon rafters. Hence the Greeks never placed dentils be- low the mutuli, because the feet of common rafters cannot be below those of principal rafters. For a design must be anomalous, when that which ought to be above the prin- cipal rafters is placed below them. The antients, there- fore, neither approved nor used mutuli nor dentils in the cornices of their pediments, but coronae simply; because neither principal nor common rafters tail on the front of a pediment, neither can they project beyond it, their di- rection being towards the eaves. Their opinion, there- fore, evidently was, that a distribution would not be correct in a copy which could not exist in the proto- type. For the perfection of all works depends on their fitness to answer the end proposed, and on principles re- sulting from a consideration of Nature herself, and they approved those only which, by strict analogy, were borne out by the appearance of utility. Their principles were thus established, and they have left us the symme- try and proportion of each order. Following their steps, I have already spoken of the Ionic and Corinthian orders: I shall now proceed to give a succinct account of the Doric order, and its most approved proportion. LIB, IV, CAP, III, 107 CHAPTER III. OF THE DORIC PROPORTIONS. SoME antient architects have asserted that sacred build- ings ought not to be constructed of the Doric order, be- cause false and incongruous arrangements arise in the use of it. Such were the opinions of Tarchesius, Pitheus, and Hermogenes. The latter, indeed, after having pre- pared a large quantity of marble for a Doric temple, changed his mind, and, with the materials collected, made it of the Ionic order, in honour of Bacchus. It is not because this order wants beauty, antiquity (genus), or dignity of form, but because its detail is shackled and inconvenient, from the arrangement of the triglyphs, and the formation of the sofite of the corona (lacunaria). It is necessary that the triglyphs stand centrally over the columns, and that the metopae which are between the triglyphs should be as broad as high. Over the columns, at the angles of the building, the triglyphs are set at the extremity of the frieze, and not over the centre of the columns. In this case the metopae adjoining the angular triglyphs are not square, but wider than the others by half the width of the triglyph. Those who resolve to make the metopae equal, contract the extreme interco- lumniation half a triglyph’s width. It is, however, a false method, either to lengthen the metopae or to con- tract the intercolumniations; and the antients, on this account, appear to have avoided the use of the Doric order | 08 in their sacred buildings. I will, however, proceed to ex- plain the method of using it, as instructed therein by my masters; so that if any one desire it, he will here find the proportions detailed, and so amended, that he may, with- out a defect, be able to design a sacred building of the Doric order. The front of a Doric temple, when columns are to be used, must, if tetrastylos, be divided into twenty- eight parts; if hexastylos, into forty-four parts; one of which parts is called a module, by the Greeks #13&rng: from the module so found the distribution of all the parts is regulated. The thickness of the columns is to be equal to two modules, their height equal to fourteen. The height of the capital one module, its breadth one module and a sixth. Let the height of the capital be di- vided into three parts; then one of those parts is to be assigned for the abacus and its cymatium, another for the echinus, with its fillets; the third for the hypotrachelium. The diminution of the column is to be as directed for the Ionic order in the third book. The architrave or episty- lium, with its taenia and guttae, is to be one module in height; the taenia is the seventh part of a module; the length of the guttae under the taenia plumb with the tri- glyphs, and including the fillet, the sixth part of a module. The width of the soffit of the architrave is to correspond with the thickness of the column at the hypotrachelium. Over the architrave triglyphs are placed, with metopae one module and a half high, and one module wide on the face. They are to be distributed so, that as well over the columns at the angles, as over the intermediate columns, they may stand above the two central quarters of the columns. Two are to be placed in each intercolumnia- LIB, IV, CAP, III. 109 tion, except in the central one of the pronaos and posti- cum, in which three are to be set; because, by mak- ing the middle intercolumniations wider, a freer pas- Sage will be given to those who approach the statues of the gods. The width of a triglyph is divided into six parts, of which five are left in the middle, and of the two halves of the remaining part, one is placed on the right and the other on the left extremity. In the centre a flat surface is left, called the femur (thigh), by the Greeks ºngog, on each side of which channels are cut, whose faces form a right angle; and on the right and left of these are other femora; and, lastly, at the angles are the two half channels. The triglyphs being thus arranged, the metopae, which are the spaces between the triglyphs, are to be as long as they are high. On the extreme angles are semi-metopae half a module wide. In this way all the defects in the metopae, inter- columniations, and lacunaria, will be remedied. The ca- pitals of the triglyphs are to be made the sixth part of a module. Over the capitals of the triglyphs the corona is to be laid, whose projection is one half and a sixth part of a module, with a Doric cymatium over it, and an- other above it, so that, with the cymatia, the corona is one half of a module high. In the soffit of the corona, perpendicularly over the triglyphs and centres of the metopae, are arranged guttae and sinkings. The former, so as to have six guttae appearing in front, and three on the return : the remaining spaces, which occur from the in- creased width of the metopae beyond that of the triglyphs, are left plain or sculptured with representations of thun- derbolts, and near the edge of the corona a channel is cut, 110 called a scotia. The remaining parts, the tympana, simae, and coronae, are to be executed similar to those described for Ionic buildings. The above is the method used in diastyle works. If the work be systyle, with a monotri- glyph : the front of the building, when tetrastylos, is to be divided into twenty-three parts; when hexastylos, into thirty-five : of these, one part is taken for a module; ac- cording to which, as above directed, the work is to be set out. Thus, over the epistylia are two metopae and one tri- glyph, and in the angles a space will be left equal to half a triglyph. The middle part, under the pediment, will be equal to the space of three triglyphs and three metopae, in order that the central intercolumniation may give room to those approaching the temple, and present a more dignified view of the statue of the god. Over the capitals of the triglyphs a corona is to be placed, with a Doric cymatium below, as above described, and another above. The corona, also, together with the cymatia, is to be half a module high. The soffit of the corona, per- pendicularly over the triglyphs and centres of the meto- pae, is to have guttae and sinkings, and the other parts as directed for the diastyle. It is necessary that the co- lumns should be wrought in twenty faces, which, if plane, will have twenty angles; but if channelled, they are to be so formed, that a square being described, whose side is equal to that of the channel or flute, if, in the middle of the square, the point of a pair of compasses be placed, and a segment of a circle be drawn, touch- ing the angles of the square, such segment will deter- mine their sinking. Thus is the Doric column properly chamfered. In respect of the additional thickness in LIB, IV, CAT, III, 1 11 the middle thereof, as mentioned in the third book, respecting Ionic columns, reference must be made to that place. As the external symmetry of Corinthian, Doric, and Ionic edifices has been explained, it is neces- sary to give directions for the interior arrangements of the cell and pronaos. 112 CHAPTER IV. OF THE INTERIOR OF THE CELL AND THE ARRANGE- MENT OF THE PRONAOS. THE length of a temple must be twice its width. The cell itself is to be in length one fourth part more than the breadth, including the wall in which the doors are placed. The remaining three parts run forward to the antae of the walls of the pronaos, which antae are to be of the same thickness as the columns. If the temple be broader than twenty feet, two columns are interposed between the two antae, to separate the pteroma from the pronaos. The three intercolumniations between the antae and the columns may be enclosed with fence work, either of marble or of wood, so, however, that they have doors in them for access to the pronaos. If the width be greater than forty feet, columns opposite to those which are be- tween the antae, are placed towards the inner part, of the same height as those in front, but their thickness is to be diminished as follows. If those in front are an eighth part of their height in thickness, these are to be one ninth ; and if the former are a ninth, or a tenth, the lat- ter are to be proportionally diminished. For where the air does not play round them, the diminution thus made will not be perceived; lest, however, they should appear slenderer, when the flutes of the external columns be twen- ty-four in number, these may have twenty-eight, or even thirty-two. Thus, what is taken from the absolute mass of the shaft, will be imperceptibly aided by the number of the flutes, and though of different thicknesses, they LIR. I. CAP, IW. 113 will have the appearance of being equal. This arises from the eye embracing a greater number of surfaces, and thence producing on the mind the effect of a larger body. For if two columns, equally thick, one of them with- out flutes, and the other fluted, are measured round with lines, and the line is passed over the flutes and their fillets, though the columns are of equal thickness, the lines which girt them will not be equal, for that which passes over the fillets and flutes will of course be the longest. This being the case, it is not improper in confined and enclos- ed situations to make the columns of slenderer propor- tions, when we have the regulation of the flutes to assist us. The thickness of the walls of the cell must depend on the magnitude of the work, taking care, however, that the antae are the same thickness as the columns. If built in the ordinary way, they are to be of small stones, very carefully laid, but if of square stone or marble, the pieces should be chiefly small and of equal size, because then, the upper stones coming over the middle of the joint below them, bind the work together and give it strength; fillets of lime used in pointing the joints and beds give the work an agreeable appearance. 114 CHAPTER V. OF THE DIFFERENT ASPECTS OF TEMPLES. If there be nothing to prevent it, and the use of the edi- fice allow it, the temples of the immortal gods should have such an aspect, that the statue in the cell may have its face towards the west, so that those who enter to sacri- fice, or to make offerings, may have their faces to the east as well as to the statue in the temple. Thus suppliants, and those performing their vows, seem to have the temple, the east, and the deity, as it were, looking on them at the same moment. Hence all altars of the gods should be placed towards the east. But if the nature of the place do not permit this, the temple is to be turned as much as possible, so that the greater part of the city may be seen from it. Moreover, if temples be built on the banks of a river, as those in Egypt on the Nile, they should face the river. So, also, if temples of the gods be erected on the road side, they should be placed in such a manner that those passing by may look towards them, and make their obeisance. LIB, IV. CAP. VI. CHAPTER VI. OF THE PROPORTIONS OF THE DOORS OF TEMPLES, THE following are the rules for door-ways of temples, and for their dressings (antepagmenta). First the spe- cies is to be considered: this is Doric, Ionic, or Attic. The Doric is constructed with these proportions. The top of the cornice, which is above the upper dress- ing, is to be level with the top of the capitals in the pro- naos. The aperture of the door is determined as follows. The height from the pavement to the lacunaria is to be divided into three parts and a half, of which two consti- tute the height of the doors. The height thus obtained is to be divided into twelve parts, of which five and a half are given to the width of the bottom part of the door. This is diminished towards the top, equal to one-third of the dressing, if the height be not more than sixteen feet. From sixteen feet to twenty-five the upper part of the opening is contracted one fourth part of the dressing. From twenty-five to thirty feet the upper part is con- tracted one-eighth of the dressing. Those that are higher should have their sides vertical. The thickness of the dressings in front is to be equal to one-twelfth of the height of the door, and they are to diminish towards the top a fourteenth part of their width. The height of the architrave is to be equal to the upper part of the dress- ing. The cymatium is to be a sixth part of the dressing; its projection equal to its thickness. The cymatium is to be sculptured in the Lesbian form, with an astragal. Above the cymatium of the architrave of the dressing (super- 116 cilium), the frieze (hyperthyrum), is placed, and it is to have a Doric cymatium, with a Lesbian astragal, in low relief. Over this the corona is placed, unornamented, and with a cymatium. Its projection is to equal the height of the supercilium placed over the architrave of the dressing. On the right and left, projectures are made ; and the cymatia of the dressings are connected by a mitre. If the doors are Ionic, their height is to be regulated as in those that are Doric. Their width is found by dividing the height into two parts and a half, and taking one and a half for the width below. The di- minution is to be as in the Doric door-way. The width of the dressings is to be a fourteenth part of the height of the aperture; the cymatium a sixth part of their width; the remainder, deducting the cymatium, is to be divided into twelve parts, three of which are given to the first fascia, with the astragal, four to the second, and five to the third. The fasciae, with the astragal, run quite round the dress- ings. The upper members of the door-way are the same as those of the Doric. The trusses (ancones), or prothy- rides, wich are carved on the right and left, reach to the bottom of the level of the architrave, exclusive of the leaf. Their width on the face is one-third of the dressing, and at the bottom one fourth part less. The wooden doors are to be so put together, that the hinge styles (scapicar- dinales) may be one-twelfth of the height of the aperture. The pannels (tympana) between the styles are to be three out of twelve parts in width. The arrangement of the rails is to be such, that when the height is divided into five parts, two are given to the upper and three to the lower rail. In the centre the middle rails (medii impages) are placed; the others are disposed above and below. The LIB, IV, CAP, WI, 117 width of the rail is to be one-third of the pannel, and its cymatium a sixth part of the rail itself. The width of the inner styles is one half of the rail, and the raising (replum) four sixths of the rail. The styles nearest the dressings are made one half of the rail. If the doors are folding, the height remains the same, but the width is to be increased. If in four folds, the height is to be increased. The Attic doors are made of the same proportion as the Doric, ex- cept that, in the dressings, the fasciae return within the cymatium; and these are proportioned so, that exclusive of the cymatium, they are to be two sevenths. These doors are not to be inlaid (cerostrata), nor in two folds, but single folded, and to open outwards. I have ex- plained, to the best of my power, the proportions used in setting out Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian temples, accord- ing to the approved methods. I shall now treat of the arrangement of Tuscan temples, and how they ought to be built. 118 CHAPTER VII. OF THE TUSCAN PROPORTIONS: OF CIRCULAR TEM- PLES, AND OTHER SPECIES. THE length of the site of the temple intended, must be divided into six parts, wherefrom subtracting one part, the width thereof is obtained. The length is then di- vided into two parts, of which the furthest is assigned to the cell, that next the front to the reception of the columns. The above width is to be divided into ten parts, of which, three to the right and three to the left are for the smaller cells, or for the alae, if such are re- quired: the remaining four are to be given to the central part. The space before the cells in the pronaos, is to have its columns so arranged, that those at the angles are to correspond with the antae of the external walls: the two central ones, opposite the walls, between the antae and the middle of the temple, are to be so disposed, that between the antae and the above columns, and in that direction, others may be placed. Their thickness below is to be one seventh of their height: their height one third of the width of the temple, and their thickness at top is to be one fourth less than their thickness at bottom. Their bases are to be half a diameter in height. The plinths, which are to be circular, are half the height of the base, with a torus and fillet on them as high as the plinth. The height of the capital is to be half a diame- ter. The width of the abacus is equal to the lower diame- ter of the column. The height of the capital must be divided into three parts, of which one is assigned to the LIB, IV, CAP, VII. 119 plinth or abacus, another to the echinus, the third to the hypotrachelium, with its apophyge. Over the columns coupled beams are laid of such height as the magnitude of the work may require. Their width must be equal to that of the hypotrachelium at the top of the column, and they are to be so coupled together with dovetailed dowels as to leave a space of two inches between them. For if they are laid touching each other, and the air does not play round them, they heat and soon rot. Above the beams and walls the mutuli project one fourth the height of the co- lumn. In front of these members are fixed, and over them the tympanum of the pediment, either of masonry or tim- ber. Above the pediment the ridge-piece (columen), rafters (cantherii), and purlines (templa), are distributed so that the water may drip therefrom on three sides. Cir- cular temples are also constructed, of which some are MONOPTERAL, having columns without a cell; others are called PERIPTERAL. Those without a cell have a raised floor (tribunal), and an ascent thereto equal to one third of their diameter. On the pedestals (stylobatae) columns are raised, whose height is equal to the diameter which the pedestal occupies, and their thickness, including the bases and capitals, one tenth part of their height. The height of the architrave is half a diameter; the frieze and members over it are to be proportioned according to the directions to that effect which have been given in the third book. But if the building be peripteral, two steps, and then the pedestals are built thereunder ; the wall of the cell is raised at a distance from the pedestals of about one fifth of the whole diameter, and in the middle is left an opening for the door. The clear diameter of the cell within the walls, is to be equal to the height of 120 the columns above the pedestals. The columns round the cell are proportioned as above directed. In the cen- tre of the roof, the height of it is equal to half the diame- ter of the work, exclusive of the flower. The flower without the pyramid is to equal in dimensions the capi- tals of the columns. The other parts are to be similar in proportions and symmetry to those already described. Other species of temples are also erected, regulated on the same principles, but with a different arrangement of parts, such as the temple of Castor in the Circus Flaminius, and of Beardless Jupiter (Vejovis), between the two groves. As also, though more ingeniously con- trived, that of Diana Aricina, with columns on each flank of the pronaos. The first temples built similar to that of Castor in the Circus, were those of Minerva on the Acropolis of Athens, and of Pallas at Sunium in Attica, the proportions of which are similar. The length of the cells is double their breadth, and in other respects, those symmetries which are used in the fronts are preserved on the sides. Others, with an arrange- ment of columns similar to that observed in Tuscan tem- ples, transfer it to Corinthian and Ionic designs; for in some examples, instead of the antae which run out from the pronaos, two columns are substituted, and thus Tuscan and Greek principles are mixed. Others removing the walls of the cell, and placing them between the interco- lumniations of the pteroma, give more space to the cell by their removal, and by preserving in other respects the same proportions and symmetry, seem to have invent- ed another species which may be called PSEUDoPERIP- TERAL. These different sorts of temples are dependent on the sacrifices performed in them ; for temples to the LIB, IW, CAP. VII. 121 gods are not all to be constructed in the same manner, the worship and sacred rites of each being different. I have, according to the rules taught to me, explained the different principles on which temples are constructed, the different orders and symmetry of their detail, wherein and how they respectively differ; and this I have writ- ten to the best of my ability. I shall now describe the altars of the immortal gods, and their situation as adapted to sacrifices. 122 CHAPTER VIII. OF ALTARS TO THE GODS. THE aspect of altars should be to the east, and they should always be lower than the statues in the temple, so that the supplicants and those that sacrifice, in looking towards the deity, may stand more or less inclined, as the reverence to be shewn may proportionably require. Hence altars are thus contrived ; the heights of those of Jupiter and the celestial gods are to be as high as they may con- veniently be ; those of Vesta, the Earth, and the Sea are made lower. On these principles, altars in the middle of temples are fitly proportioned. In this book the me- thod of designing temples is given; in the following, rules will be given for the arrangements to be observed in public buildings. PRAEF. LIB, W. THE ARCHITECTURE OF M A R C U S W IT R U W IU S PO LLIO. BOOK THE FIFTH. f i i - - * > . . _* - º i: - - == .* . º : **** Tº 27, - - . . . . - - - 1,4 * > . Jºe:- ſºlº gºmºlº ||{j}|ſ) ~! l ſº füß F# - º ----- - * --- - | " -: , === ==tºp-ºº: #~, - - -- ~ JT_*-* 'º. --> - w C ——- T' • * * \º º - - r * *> ~~~~ rº.: . . s - ; w º —4 - #3: . . . . ; , -, ... • ?:Tºº INTRODUCTION. THOSE, O Emperor, who at great length have explained their inventions and doctrines, have thereby given to their writings an extended and singular reputation. Would that such were the case with my labours, so that amplification might bring reputation with it. That, how- ever, I believe is not probable, since a treatise on Archi- tecture is not like History or Poetry. History interests the reader by the various novelties which occur in it; 124, Poetry, on the other hand, by its metre, the feet of its verses, the elegant arrangement of the words, the dia- logue introduced into it, and the distinct pronunciation of the lines, delighting the sense of the hearer, leads him to the close of the subject without fatigue. This cannot be accomplished in Architectural works, because the terms, which are unavoidably technical, necessarily throw an obscurity over the subject. These terms, moreover, are not of themselves intelligible, nor in common use; hence if the precepts which are delivered by authors extend to any length, and are otherwise explained than in few and perspicuous expressions, the mind of the reader is bewildered by the quantity and frequent re- currence of them. These reasons induce me to be brief in the explanation of unknown terms, and of the symmetry of the parts of a work, because the matter may thereby be more easily committed to and retained by the memory. I am moreover inclined to be con- cise when I reflect on the constant occupation of the citizens in public and private affairs, so that in their few leisure moments they may read and understand as much as possible. Pythagoras and his followers wrote the precepts of their doctrines in cubical arrangement, the cube containing two hundred and sixteen verses, of which they thought that not more than three should be allotted to any one precept. A cube is a solid, with six equal square faces, which, however it falls, remains steady and immoveable till removed by force : such are the dice which are thrown on a table by gamesters. From this circumstance they seem to have adopted the cube, since like the cube, this number of verses makes a more lasting impression on the memory. The Greek comic PRAEE, LIB, W. 195 poets have also divided the action of their stories, by the interposition of the chorus to ease the principle actors, so that a cubical proportion is observed. Since the ancients therefore used these methods, founded on the observance of natural effects, seeing that the subject I treat of will be new and obscure to many, I thought it would be pre- ferable to divide it into small portions, that it might more easily strike the understanding of the reader. The sub- jects also are so arranged, that those of the same nature are classed together. Thus, O Caesar, I explained the proportions of temples in the third and fourth books; in this I intend to describe the arrangement of public buildings; and that of the forum first, because therein public no less than private affairs are regulated by the magistrates. 126 CHAPTER I. OF THE FORUM AND BASFLICA. THE Greeks make their forum square, with a spacious and double portico, ornamenting it with columns placed at narrow intervals, and stone or marble epistylia, and form- ing walks above on the timber framed work. In the cities of Italy, however, this practice is not followed, be- cause the antient custom prevails of exhibiting the shows of gladiators in the forum. Hence, for the convenience of the spectators, the intercolumniations must be wider; and the bankers’ shops are situated in the surrounding porticos with apartments on the floors over them, which are con- structed for the use of the parties, and as a depôt of the public revenue. The size of the forum is to be pro- portioned to the population of the place, so that it be not too small to contain the numbers it should hold, nor have the appearance of being too large, from a want of numbers to occupy it. The width is obtained by as- signing to it two-thirds of its length, which gives it an oblong form, and makes it convenient for the purpose of the shows. The upper columns are to be made one- fourth less than those below ; and that because the latter being loaded with a weight, ought to be the stronger: be- cause, also, we should follow the practice of nature, which, in straight growing trees, like the fir, cypress, and pine, makes the thickness at the root greater than it is at top, and preserves a gradual diminution throughout their height. Thus, following the example of nature, it is rightly ordered that bodies which are uppermost should be less than LIB, W. CAP, I, 127 those below, both in respect of height and thickness. The basilica should be situated adjoining the forum, on the warmest side, so that the merchants may assemble there in winter, without being inconvenienced by the cold. Its width must not be less than a third part, nor more than half its length, unless the nature of the site prevent it, and impose a different proportion; if, however, that be longer than necessary, a chalcidicum is placed at the extremity, as in the Julian basilica on the Aquiline. The columns of basilicae are to be of a height equal to the breadth of the portico, and the width of the portico one-third of the space in the middle. The upper columns, as herein above described, are to be less than those below. The parapet between the upper columns should be made one-fourth less than those columns, so that those walking on the floor of the basilica may not be seen by the merchants. The proportions of the archi- trave, frieze, and cornice may be learnt from what has been said on columns in the third book. Basilicae, similar to that which I designed and carried into execu- tion in the Julian colony of Fano, will not be deficient either in dignity or beauty. The proportions and symme- try of this are as follow. The middle vault, between the columns, is one hundred and twenty feet long, and sixty feet wide. The portico round it, between the walls and columns, is twenty feet wide. The height of the columns, including the capitals, is fifty feet, their thickness five feet, and they have pilasters behind them twenty feet high, two feet and a half wide, and one and a half thick, supporting beams which carry the floor of the portico. Above these, other pilasters are placed, eighteen feet high, two feet wide, and one foot thick, 128 . which also receive timbers for carrying the rafters of the portico, whose roof is lower than the vault. The spaces remaining between the beams, over the pilasters and the columns, are left open for light in the intercolumnia- tions. The columns in the direction of the breadth of the vault are four in number, including those on the an- gles right and left; lengthwise, in which direction it joins the forum, the number is eight, including those at the angles; on the opposite side, including all the angular columns, there are six columns, because the two central ones on that side are omitted, so that the view of the pro- naos of the temple of Augustus may not be obstructed: this is placed in the middle of the side wall of the ba- silica, facing the centre of the forum and the temple of Jupiter. The tribunal is in the shape of a segment of a circle; the front dimension of which is forty-six feet, that of its depth fifteen feet; and is so contrived, that the merchants who are in the basilica may not interfere with those who have business before the magistrates. Over the columns round the building architraves are placed. These are triple, each of them two feet in size, and are fas- tened together. At the third column, on the inside, they return to the antae of the pronaos, and are carried on to meet the segment on the right and left. Over the archi- traves, upright with the capitals, piers are built three feet high and four feet square, on which are laid beams well wrought, joined together in two thicknesses of two feet each, and thereon the beams and rafters are placed over the columns, antae, and walls of the pronaos, carrying one continued ridge along the basilica, and another from the centre thereof, over the pronaos of the temple. Thus the two-fold direction of the roof gives an agreeable LIB. W. CAP, I, effect outside, and to the lofty vault within. Thus the omission of the cornices and parapets, and the upper range of columns, saves considerable labour, and greatly diminishes the cost of the work; and the columns in one height brought up to the architrave of the arch, give an appearance of magnificence and dignity to the building. | l t * 180 - CHAPTER II. OF THE TREASURY, PRISON, AND CURIA. THE treasury, prison, and curia are to adjoin the forum, to which their dimensions are to be proportionate. First of the curia, which must be suitable to the importance of the community or state. If square, its height is to be once and a half its width; but if oblong, the length and width must be added together, and one half of their sum assigned for the height up to the lacunaria. The walls, moreover, at half their height, are to have cornices run round them of wood or plaster. For if such be not provided, the voices of the disputants meeting with no check in their ascent, will not be intelligible to the audience. But when the walls are encircled round with cornices, the voice, being thereby impeded, will reach the ear before. its ascent and dissipation in the air. LIB. W. CAP, III, 131 CHAPTER III. OF THE THEATRE, AND OF ITS HEALTHY SITUATION. WHEN the forum is placed, a spot as healthy as possible is to be chosen for the theatre, for the exhibition of games on the festival days of the immortal gods, according to the instructions given in the first book respecting the healthy disposition of the walls of a city. For the spec- tators, with their wives and children, delighted with the entertainment, sit out the whole of the games, and the pores of their bodies being opened by the pleasure they enjoy, are easily affected by the air, which, if it blows from marshy or other noisome places, infuses its bad qualities into the system. These evils are avoided by the careful choice of a situation for the theatre, taking especial precaution that it be not exposed to the South ; for when the sun fills the cavity of the theatre, the air confined in that compass being incapable of circulating, by its stoppage therein, is heated, and burns up, extracts, and diminishes the moisture of the body. On these ac- counts, those places where bad air abounds are to be avoided, and wholesome spots to be chosen. The con- struction of the foundations will be more easily managed, if the work be on a hill; but if we are compelled to lay them on a plain, or in a marshy spot, the piling and foundations must be conducted as described for the foundations of temples in the third book. On the foundations, steps (gradationes) are raised, of stone and marble. The number of passages (praecinctiones) must be regulated by the height of the theatre, and are 132 not to be higher than their width, because if made higher, they will reflect and obstruct the voice in its passage upwards, so that it will not reach the upper seats above the passages (praecinctiones), and the last syllables of words will escape. In short, the building should be so contrived, that a line drawn from the first to the last step should touch the front angle of the tops of all the seats; in which case the voice meets with no impediment. The entrances (aditus) should be numerous and spacious; those above ought to be unconnected with those below, in a continued line wherever they are, and without turnings; so that when the people are dismissed from the shows, they may not press on one another, but have separate outlets free from obstruction in all parts. A place which deadens the sound must be carefully avoided ; but, on the con- trary, one should be selected in which it traverses freely. This will be effected, if a place is chosen wherein there is no impediment to sound. The voice arises from flowing breath, sensible to the hearing through its percussion on the air. It is propelled by an infinite number of circles similar to those generated in standing water when a stone is cast therein, which, increasing as they recede from the centre, extend to a great distance, if the narrow- ness of the place or some obstruction do not prevent their spreading to the extremity; for when impeded by obstruc- tions, the first recoil affects all that follow. In the same manner the voice spreads in a circular direction. But, whereas the circles in water only spread horizontally, the voice, on the contrary, extends vertically as well as hori- zontally. Wherefore, as is the case with the motion of wa- ter, so with the voice, if no obstacle disturb the first undu- lation, not only the second and following one, but all of LIB, W, CAP, III, 133 them will, without reverberation, reach the ears of those at bottom and those at top. On this account the antient architects, following nature as their guide, and reflecting on the properties of the voice, regulated the true ascent of steps in a theatre, and contrived, by musical proportions and mathematical rules, whatever its effect might be on the stage (scena), to make it fall on the ears of the audience in a clear and agreeable manner. Since in brazen or horn wind instruments, by a regulation of the genus, their tones are rendered as clear as those of stringed instruments, so by the application of the laws of harmony, the antients discovered a method of in- creasing the power of the voice in a theatre. 134 CHAPTER IV. OF HARMONY. HARMONY is an obscure and difficult musical science, but most difficult to those who are not acquainted with the Greek language; because it is necessary to use many Greek words to which there are none corresponding in Latin. I will therefore explain, to the best of my abi- lity, the doctrine of Aristoxenus, and annex his diagram, and will so designate the place of each tone, that a per- son who studiously applies himself to the subject may very readily understand it. The inflexion of the voice is two-fold; first, when it is monotonous, second, when it proceeds by intervals. The first is not limited by ca- dences at the close, nor in any other place; no percep- tible difference of tone being discoverable between its beginning and its ending, the time between each sound is however distinctly marked, as in speaking, when we pronounce the words, sol, lux, flos, nox. Herein the ear does not perceive any difference of tone between the be- ginning and the ending, by the voice rising higher or de- scending lower; neither, that from a high pitch it becomes lower, nor the contrary. But when the voice moves by in- tervals, it is differently inflected, being sometimes at a high pitch, and sometimes at a low one, and resting at different times on different tones; by doing which with quickness and facility, it appears unfixed. Thus in singing, the variety of inflexion produces an air. In short, by the use of dif. ferent intervals, the tones are so marked and determined, LIB. W. CAP, IV, 135 that we perceive the pitch at which it begins, and that at which it finishes, though the intermediate tones are not heard. There are three sorts of modulation, the en- harmonic (&égovío), the chromatic (X.6%gº), and the diatonic (31&rovog), so called by the Greeks. The enharmonic is so constructed by art, as to be full of majesty and pathos. The chromatic by the skilful con- trivance and closeness of its intervals has more sweetness. The diatonic, whose intervals are more simple, is most natural. The disposition of the tetrachords, in these genera, are dissimilar. The enharmonic tetrachord con- sists of two dieses, and two whole tones; a diesis being the fourth part of a tone, and two of them consequently equal to a semitone. In the chromatic tetrachord, there are two consecutive semitones, and the third interval con- tains three semitones. The diatonic tetrachord has two consecutive tones, and an interval of a semitone. Thus in each genus, the whole tetrachord is equal to two whole tones and a semitone. But the intervals in each genus, differ when considered separately. For mature has made the divisions of tones, semitones, and tetra- chords, and has established those proportions of the in- tervals, by which workmen are guided in making and as- signing their just proportions to instruments. Each genus consists of eighteen sounds, which the Greeks call ©967) ot (phthongi). Of these, eight sounds in each of the genera, vary neither in sound nor situation. The re- maining ten in each are not common to the other two genera. Those which do not vary, contain between them the variable sounds, and are the limits of the tetra- chords in all the genera. Their names are as follow : proslambanomenos, hypaté hypatón, hypaté mesón, mesé, 136 neté synēmmenón, paramesé, neté diezeugmenón, neté hyperbolaeón. The variable, which lie between those that are not variable, change their places according to the genus. Their names are parhypaté hypatón, lichanos hypatón, parhypaté mesón, lichanos mesón, trité synēm- menón, paraneté synēmmenón, trité diezeugmenón, pa- raneté diezeugmenón, trité hyperbolaeón, paraneté hyper- bolaeón. Those sounds which shift their places, change also their nature, and are at different intervals, as, for instance, the interval between hypaté and parhypaté, which in the enharmonic genus is only a diesis or quarter tone, is in the chromatic genus a semitone. So the lichanos is only a semitone distant from the hypaté in the enharmonic genus ; whereas in the chromatic it is two semitones dis- tant, and in the diatonic three semitones. Thus the ten sounds, by their situation in the different genera, make three different sorts of melody. There are five tetrachords. The Greeks call the lowest ºzorov (hypaton); the second, which is in the middle, ºrov (meson). The third, which is joined to the two preceding, is called ovyngºvoy (synēmmenon). The fourth, which is disjoined, called Biaćavyºvoy (diezeugmenon). The fifth, which is the highest, the Greeks call wºrseſ?6xxlow (hyperbolaeon). The natural consonances, which the Greeks call ovº- ©ovío (symphoniae), are six in number ; diatessarón (fourth), diapente (fifth), diapasón (octave), diapasón with diatessarón (eleventh), diapasón with diapente (twelfth), and disdiapasón (fifteenth). These names are given them from the number of tones which the voice passes through in going to them, counting that on which the voice begins as one ; thus, moving through them to the fourth sound is called diatessarón; to the fifth, dia- LIB. W. CAP, IV, 137 pente, to the eighth diapasón, to the eleventh diapasón with diatessarón, to the twelfth diapasón with diapente, to the fifteenth disdiapasón. For between two intervals, either in a melody sung by a voice, or played on a stringed instrument, neither with the third, sixth nor seventh can there be consonances, but only, as above shewn, with the diatessarón and diapente up to the dis- diapasón do natural consonances arise, and those are pro- duced by an union of those sounds which the Greeks call £367,701 (phthongi). 138 CHAPTER V. OF THE WASES USED IN THE THEATRE. ON the foregoing principles, the brazen vases are to be made with mathematical proportions, depending on the size of the theatre. They are formed so, as, when struck, to have sounds, whose intervals are a fourth, fifth, and so on consecutively to a fifteenth. Then, between the seats of the theatre, cavities having been prepared, they are disposed therein in musical order, but so as not to touch the wall in any part, but to have a clear space round them and over their top : they are fixed in an in- verted position, and on the side towards the scene are supported by wedges not less than half a foot high : and openings are left towards the cavities on the lower beds of the steps, each two feet long, and a half a foot wide. The following is the rule for determining the situations of these vases. If the theatre be of moderate size they must be ranged round at half its height. Thirteen cavi- ties are prepared at twelve equal distances from each other, so that those tones above-named, producing neté hyperbolaeón, are to be placed in the cavities at the ex- treme ends; second, from the ends, the vessels are to be of the pitch of neté diezeugmenón, bearing an interval of one fourth from the last mentioned. The third netë pa- ramesón, an interval of another fourth. The fourth, netë synemmenón, another fourth. The fifth, mesé, a fourth. The sixth, hypaté mesón, a fourth : in the centre of the range, hypaté hypatón, a fourth. By the adoption of this plan, the voice which issues from the scene, expand- LIB, W, CAP, W, 139 ing as from a centre, and striking against the cavity of each vase, will sound with increased clearness and har- mony, from its unison with one or other of them. If, however, the theatre be on a larger scale, the height is to be divided into four parts, so that three ranges of cavities may be provided, one for harmonic, the second for chroma- tic, and the third for diatonic vases. That nearest the bot- tom is for the harmonic genus as above described, for a lesser theatre. In the middle range on the extremities, vases producing the chromatic hyperbolaeon are placed: in the second cavities the chromatic diezeugmenon, a fourth from the last : in the third, at another interval of a fourth, the chromatic synēmmenon : in the fourth, the chromatic meson, another fourth : in the fifth, the chromatic hy- paton, another fourth : in the sixth, the paramesé, which is a fifth to the chromatic hyperbolaeon, and a fourth to the chromatic meson. In the centre none are to be placed, because no other sound in the chromatic genus can be in consonance therewith. In the upper division and range of the cavities, the vases on the extremities are constructed to produce the tones of the diatonic hyperbo- lacon: in the next cavities, those of the diatonic diezeugme- non, a fourth: in the third, of the diatonic synēmmenon, a fourth : in the fourth, of the diatonic meson, a fourth: in the fifth, of the diatonic hypaton, a fourth : in the sixth, proslambanomenos, a fourth : in the centre, mesé, be- tween which and proslambanomenos is an octave, and a fifth between it and the diatonic hypaton. He who is de- sirous of more fully understanding these matters, must refer to the musical diagram at the end of the book, which is that left to us by Aristoxenes, who with much intelligence and labour, formed a general scale of the tones. Hence, 140 he who carefully attends to these rules, to the nature of the voice, and to the taste of the audience, will easily learn the method of designing theatres with the greatest per- fection. Some one may perchance urge, that many theatres are yearly built in Rome, without any regard to these matters. But let him not be herein mistaken, inasmuch as all public theatres which are constructed of wood, have many floors, which are necessarily con- ductors of sound. This circumstance may be illus- trated, by consideration of the practice of those that sing to the harp, who when they wish to produce a loud ef- fect, turn themselves to the doors of the scene, by the aid of which their voice is thrown out. But when thea- tres are constructed of solid materials, that is of rubble, squared stones or marble, which are not conductors of sound, it is necessary to build them according to the rules in question. If it be asked what theatre in Rome can be referred to as an example of their utility, we can- not produce one, but such may be seen in some of the provinces of Italy, and many in the Grecian States. We moreover know that L. Mummius on the destruction of the theatre at Corinth, brought to Rome some of its brazen vases, and dedicated them as spoils at the temple of Luna. Many clever architects who have built theatres in small cities, from the want of other, have made use of earthen vessels, yielding the proper tones, and have introduced them with considerable advantage. LIB. W. CAP, WI. 141 CHAPTER VI. OF THE SHAPE OF THE THEATRE. THE form of a theatre is to be adjusted so, that from the centre of the dimension allotted to the base of the pe- rimeter a circle is to be described, in which are in- scribed four equilateral triangles, at equal distances from each other, whose points are to touch the circumference of the circle. This is the method also practised by astrolo- gers in describing the twelve celestial signs, according to the musical division of the constellations. Of these tri- angles, the side of that which is nearest the scene will de- termine the face thereof in that part where it cuts the circumference of the circle. Then through the centre a line is drawn parallel to it, which will separate the pul- pitum of the proscenium from the orchestra. Thus the pulpitum will be more spacious than that of the Greeks, and be the better, on account of our actors remaining chiefly on the scena. In the orchestra, seats are as- signed to the senators, and the height of its pulpitum must not exceed five feet, so that those who sit in the or- chestra may be enabled to see all the motions of the actors. The portions between the staircases (cunei) of the theatre are so divided that the angles of the triangles, which touch the circumference, point to the directions of the ascents and steps between the cunei, on the first prae- cinction or story. Above these the steps are placed al- ternately, and form the upper cunei in the middle of those below. The angles thus pointing to staircases will be seven in number, the remaining five will mark certain 142 points on the scene. That in the middle, for instance, will mark the situation of the royal doors, those on the right and left, the doors of guests, and those at the ex- tremities, the points at which the road turns off. The seats (gradus) on which the spectators sit are not to be less than twenty inches in height, nor more than twen- ty-two. Their width must not be more than two feet and a half, nor less than two feet. LIB. W. CAP, WII, 143 CHAPTER VII. OF THE PORTICO AND OTHER PARTS OF THE THEATRE. THE roof of the portico, which is on the last step, should be on a level with the top of the scene; by which ar- rangement the voice will extend and be distinct to those on the upper seats and roof. For if it be not equally high, where that height is deficient, the voice, first striking thereon, will be stopped. One sixth part of the diameter of the orchestra is taken between the lowest steps, and level with that dimension the lower seats are disposed. A continuation of this line on the scene marks the height of the entrances: for thus proportioned, they will be of sufficient altitude. The length of the scene must be double the diameter of the orchestra. The height of the podium, or pedestal, with its cornice and base, from the level of the pulpitum, is a twelfth part of the diameter of the orchestra. The columns on the po- dium, with their capitals and bases, are to be one-fourth of its diameter high. The architraves and cornices of those columns one-fifth of their height. The upper pe- destal, including the base and cornice, half the height of the lower pedestal. The columns on this pedestal one- fourth less in height than the lower columns. The ar- chitrave and its cornice a fifth of the columns. If there is to be a third order, the upper pedestal is to be half the height of that under the middle order, and the architrave and cornice a fifth of the columns. It is not, however, possible to produce the same effect in every theatre by 144 the same proportions; but it behoves the architect to consider the proportions which symmetry requires, and those adapted to the nature of the place or the size of the work. Some things there are which their use re- quires of the same size in a large as in a small theatre; such as the steps, praecinctions, parapets, passages, stairs, pulpita, tribunals, and others which occur; in all which, the necessity of suiting them to their use, makes it im- possible to form them symmetrically. So, also, if the materials are not provided in sufficient quantity, such as marble, wood, and the like, the diminution of or addition to the dimensions, so that it be not too much, and made with judgment, may be permitted: and this will be easily managed by an architect who is a man of experience, and who possesses ingenuity and talent. The parts of the scene are to be so distributed, that the middle door may be decorated as one of a royal palace; those on the right and left, as the doors of the guests. Near these are the spaces destined to receive the decorations; which places the Greeks call reguázrol, from the turning trian- gular machines. Each of these machines has three species of decoration, which, when the subject changes, or on the appearance of a god, are moved round with sudden claps of thunder, and alter the appearance of the decora- tion. Near these places the turnings run out, which give entrance to the scene from the forum and from the country. t LIB, W. CAP. VIII, 145 CHAPTER VIII. OF THE THREE SORTS OF SCENES, AND OF THE THEATRES OF THE GREEKS. THERE are three sorts of scenes, the Tragic, the Comic, and the Satyric. The decorations of these are different from each other. The tragic scenes are ornamented with columns, pediments, statues, and other royal decorations. The comic scene represents private buildings and gal- leries, with windows similar to those in ordinary dwellings. The satyric scene is ornamented with trees, caves, hills, and other rural objects in imitation of nature. In the theatres of the Greeks the design is not made on the same principles as those above mentioned. First, as to the gene- ral outline of the plan : whereas, in the Latin theatre, the points of four triangles touch the circumference, in the theatres of the Greeks the angles of three squares are substituted, and the side of that square which is nearest to the place of the scene, at the points where it touches the circumference of the circle, is the boundary of the proscenium. A line drawn parallel to this at the extremity of the circle, will give the front of the scene. Through the centre of the orchestra, opposite to the proscenium, another parallel line is drawn touching the circumference on the right and left, then one foot of the compasses being fixed on the right hand point, with a radius equal to the distance from the left point, describe a circle on the right hand side of the proscenium, and placing the foot of the compasses on the left hand point, with the distance of the right hand interval, describe another circle on the left side U 146 of the proscenium. Thus describing it from three cen- tres, the Greeks have a larger orchestra, and their scene is further recessed. The pulpitum, which they call Aoyalov, is less in width: wherefore, among them, the tragic and comic performers act upon the scene; the rest going through their parts in the orchestra. Hence the performers are distinguished by the names of Scenici and Thymelici. The height of the pulpitum is not less than ten feet, nor more than twelve. The directions of the stairs, between the cunei and seats, are opposite to the angles of the squares on the first praecinction. Above it the other stairs fall in the middle between the lower ones, and so on according to the number of praecinctions. When these matters are arranged with great care and skill, particular attention must be bestowed on the choice of a place where the voice falls smoothly, and reaches the ear distinctly without an echo. Some places are naturally unfavourable to the diffusion of the voice. Such are the dissonant, which in Greek are called zoºrnx.09vrag; the circumsonant, which the Greeks call reginx.00wreg; the resonant, which they call &vrnxoov reg; and the consonant, which they call ovvexotyTeg. The dissonant places are those in which the voice, rising first upwards, is obstructed by some hard bodies above, and, in its return downwards, checks the ascent of its following sounds. The circumsonant are those where the voice, wandering round, is at last retained in the centre, where it is dissipated, and, the final syllables being lost, the meaning of words is not dis- tinguished. The resonant are those in which the voice, striking against some hard body, is echoed in the last syllables so that they appear doubled. Lastly, the con- sonant are those in which the voice, aided by something LID. W.C.P.VIII. 147 below, falls on the ear with great distinctness of words. Hence, if due care be taken in the choice of the situation, the effect of the voice will be improved, and the utility of the theatre increased. The differences of the figures consist in this, that those formed by means of squares are used by the Greeks, and those formed by means of triangles by the Latins. He who attends to these precepts will be enabled to erect a theatre in a perfect Iſla, Illſler. 148 CHAPTER IX. OF THE PORTICOS AND PASSAGES BEHIND THE SCENES, BEHIND the scenes porticos are to be built; to which, in case of sudden showers, the people may retreat from the theatre, and also sufficiently capacious for the rehearsals of the chorus: such are the porticos of Pompey, of Eumenes at Athens, and of the temple of Bacchus; and on the left passing from the theatre, is the Odeum, which, in Athens, Pericles ornamented with stone columns, and with the masts and yards of ships, from the Persian spoils. This was destroyed by fire in the Mi- thridatic war, and restored by king Ariobarzanes. At Smyrna was the Strategeum : at Tralles were porticos on each side over the stadium, as in the scenes of theatres. In short, in all cities which possess skilful architects, porticos and walks are placed about the theatre, which ought to be constructed double, with their exterior columns of the Doric order, whose architraves, and cornices are to be wrought after the Doric method. Their width is to be thus proportioned: the height of the exterior columns is equal to the distance from the lower part of the shaft of the exterior columns to that of those in the middle, and from them to the walls which surround the walks of the portico is an equal distance. The middle range of columns is one fifth part higher than the exterior range; and is of the Ionic or Corinthian order. The proportions and symmetry of these columns LIB, W. CAP, IX, 149 are not to be guided by the rules delivered for those of sacred buildings. For the style used in the temples of the gods should be dignified ; whereas, in porticos and similar works, it may be of a lighter character. If, therefore, the columns be of the Doric order, their height, including the capitals, is to be divided into fifteen parts, of which one is taken as a module. By this all the work is set out, making the thickness of the lower part of the column equal to two modules. The intercolumniation is of five modules and a half. The height of a column, ex- clusive of the capital, fourteen modules; the height of the capital one module, the width of it two modules and a sixth. The proportions of the rest of the work are to be the same as those described for sacred buildings in the fourth book. If Ionic columns be used, the shaft, exclusive of the base and capital, is to be divided into eight parts and a half, of which one is assigned to the thickness of the column. The base, with its plinth, is half a module high ; and the formation of the capital is to be as shewn in the third book. If Corinthian, the shaft and base are to be the same as the Ionic ; but the capital is to be pro- portioned as directed in the fourth book; and the addition on the pedestal is made by means of the scamilli impares, mentioned in the third book. The architraves, coronae, and all the other parts, are set out in proportion to the columns as explained in the foregoing books. The cen- tral space between the porticos should be ornamented with verdure, inasmuch as hypaethral walks are very healthy; first, in respect of the eyes, because the air from green plants being light and volatile, insinuates itself into the body when in motion, clears the sight, and, removing the gross humours from the eyes, leaves the vi- 15O sion clear and distinct. Moreover, when the body is heated by the exercise of walking, the air, extracting its humours, diminishes corpulency, dissipating that which is superabundant in the body. That this is the case, may be proved by observing, that from fountains in covered places, or those which are under ground, no moist va- pours rise; whilst in open places exposed to the air, when the rising sun darts his rays upon the earth, he raises the vapours from humid and marshy places, and, gathering them into masses, carries them into the air. If, there- fore, in open places, the noxious humours of bodies are carried off by the air, as they are from the earth by means of clouds, there can be no doubt of the necessity of making spacious and pleasant walks open to the air in every city. That they may always be dry and free from mud, the following method must be adopted. They must be dug out and drained to the lowest possible level; and on the right and left sewers must be constructed; and in the walls thereof, towards the walk, drains are laid, with an inclination to the sewer. When this is done, the place is filled in with coals; over which the walks are strewed with gravel, and levelled. Thus, from the natural porosity of the coals, and the inclination of the drains towards the sewer, the quantity of water is carried off, and the passages remain dry and unaffected by the moisture. In these places the antients also made depôts for the reception of things necessary for the use of the city. For in case of the city being under block- ade, all things are more easily provided than wood. Salt is with facility laid in beforehand; corn, from the public or private stores, is soon collected; and the want of that is remedied by the use of garden herbs, flesh, or pulse. LIB, W. CAP, IX, 151 Water is obtained either by digging new wells, or by col- lecting it from the roofs of buildings; but wood, which is absolutely necessary for cooking the food, is provided with difficulty and trouble; and that which is slowly procured is quickly consumed. In such times these walks are opened, and an allowance distributed to the tribes, according to their numbers. Thus they are conducive to two good purposes; to health in time of peace, and to preservation in time of war. If walks are provided after these directions not only behind the scene of the theatre, but also adjoining the temples of all the gods, they will be of great utility in every city. As they have been sufficiently explained, the method of arrang- ing the different parts of baths will now follow. CHAPTER X. OF THE ARRANGEMENT AND PARTS OF BATHs. FIRST, as warm a spot as possible is to be selected, that is to say, one sheltered from the north and north-east. The hot and tepid baths are to receive their light from the winter west; but, if the nature of the place prevent that, at all events from the south, because the hours of bathing are principally from noon to evening. Care must be taken that the warm baths of the women and men adjoin, and have the same aspect; in which case the same furnace and vessels will serve both. The caldrons over the furnaces are to be three in number, one for hot water, another for tepid water, and a third for cold water : and they must be so arranged, that the hot water which runs out of the heated vessel, may be replaced by an equal quantity from the tepid vessel, which in like manner is supplied from the cold vessel, and that the arched cavities in which they stand may be heated by one fire. The floors of the hot baths are to be made as follows. First, the bottom is paved with tiles of a foot and a half inclining towards the furnace, so that if a ball be thrown into it, it will not remain therein, but roll back to the mouth of the furnace; thus the flame will better spread under the floor. Upon this, piers of eight inch bricks are raised, at such a dis- tance from each other, that tiles of two feet may form their covering. The piers are to be two feet in height, and are to be laid in clay mixed with hair, on which the above-mentioned two feet tiles are placed, which carry LIB, W. CAP, X, 153 the pavement. The ceilings, if of masonry, will be pre- ferable; if, however, they are of timber, they should be plastered on the under side, which must be done as fol- lows. Iron rods, or arcs, are prepared and suspended by iron hooks to the floor as close as possible. These rods or arcs are at such distances from each other, that tiles, without knees, may rest on and be borne by every two ranges, and thus the whole vaulting depending on the iron may be perfected. The upper parts of the joints are stopped with clay and hair. The under side towards the pavement is first plastered with pounded tiles and lime, and then finished with stucco or fine plastering. If the vaulting of hot baths is made double it will be better, because the moisture of the steam cannot then affect the timber, but will be condensed between the two arches. The size of baths must depend on the number of persons who frequent them. Their proportions are as follow : their width is to be two thirds of their length, exclusive of the space round the bathing vessel (schola labri) and the gutter round it (alveus). The bathing vessel (labrum) should be lighted from above, so that the bye standers may not cast any shadow thereon, and thereby obstruct the light. The schola labri ought to be spacious, so that those who are waiting for their turn may be properly ac- commodated. The width of the alveus between the wall of the labrum and the parapet must not be less than six feet, so that it may be commodious after the reduction of two feet, which are allotted to the lower step and the cushion. The laconicum and Sudatories are to adjoin the tepid apartment, and their height to the spring- ing of the curve of the hemisphere is to be equal to their width. An opening is left in the middle of the X 154 dome from which a brazen shield is suspended by chains, capable of being so lowered and raised as to regulate the temperature. It should be circular, that the intensity of the flame and heat may be equally diffused from the centre throughout. LIB, W. CAP, XI, 155 CHAPTER XI. OF THE PALAESTRA. Though not used by the people of Italy, it seems proper that I should explain the form of the palaestra, and de- scribe the mode in which it was constructed by the Greeks. The square or oblong peristylia of palaestrae, have a walk round them which the Greeks call 8tovXog, two stadia in circuit: three of the sides are single porticos : the fourth, which is that on the south side, is to be double, so that when showers fall in windy weather, the drops may not drive into the inner part of it. In the three porticos are large recesses (exedrae) with seats therein, whereon the phi- losophers, rhetoricians, and others who delight in study, may sit and dispute. In the double portico the following provision is to be made: the ephebeum is to be in the middle, which is in truth nothing more than a large exedra with seats, and longer by one third than its width, on the right is the coriceum, immediately adjoining which is the conisterium, near which, in the angle of the por- tico, is the cold bath, which the Greeks call ×ovrećy. On the left of the ephebeum is the elaeothesium, adjoining that is the frigidarium, whence a passage leads to the propig- neum in the angle of the portico. Near, but more in- ward, on the side of the frigidarium, is placed the vaulted Sudatory, whose length is double its width; on one side of this is the laconicum, constructed as before described: on the other side is the hot bath. The peristylia of the palaestra are to be carefully set out as above mentioned. Exteriorly three porticos are constructed, one through 156 which those who come out of the palaestra pass; and sta- dial ones on the right and left, of which, that towards the north is double, and of considerable width. The other is single, and so formed that as well on the side next the wall, as on that where the columns stand, there are margins for paths of not less than ten feet, the centre part is sunk one foot and a half from the path, to which there is an ascent of two steps ; the sunken part is not to be less than twelve feet in width. Thus, those who in their clothing walk round the paths, will not be in- commoded by the anointed wrestlers who are practising. This species of portico is called xystus (āvarog) by the Greeks; for the wrestlers exercise in covered stadia in the winter time. Xysti ought, between the two porticos, to have groves or plantations, with walks between the trees and seat of cemented work. On the sides of the Xystus and double portico are open walks which the Greeks call regiºgápotoag, but with us they are termed Xysti, on which the athletae exercise themselves, when the weather is fine, in the winter. Behind the xystus the stadium is set out, of such dimensions that a great num- ber of people may commodiously behold the contending wrestlers. I have now given rules for the proper distri- bution of such buildings as are within the walls. LIR. W. CAP. XII. 157 CHAPTER XII. OF HARBOURS AND OTHER BUILDINGS IN WATER. I MUST not omit to speak of the formation of harbours, but explain in what manner ships are secured therein in stormy weather. If they are naturally well situated, and have rocks or long promontories jutting out, which from the shape of the place, form curves or angles, they are of the greatest utility; because, in that case, nothing more is necessary than to construct porticos and arsenals round them, or passages to the markets; and then erect a tower on each side, wherefrom chains may be suspended across by means of machinery. But, if the place be not thus fitted by nature, nor secure for ships in stormy wea- ther, and there be no river there to prevent it, but on one side there is a proper shore, then on the other side, by means of building or heaps of stones, a projection is run out, and in this the enclosures of harbours are form- ed. Building in the sea is thus executed. That powder is procured, which is found in the country between Cumae and the promontory of Minerva, and is mixed with the water in the proportion of two parts thereof to one of lime. Then, in the place selected, dams are form- ed in the water, of oaken piles tied together with chain pieces, which are driven firmly into the bottom. Between the ranges of piles, below the level of the water, the bed is dug out and levelled, and the work carried up with stones and mortar, compounded as above directed, till ... the wall fills the vacant space of the dam. If, however, T58 from the violence of the waves and open sea the dams cannot be kept together, then on the edge of the main land, a foundation for a wall is constructed of the greatest possible strength ; this foundation is laid horizontally, throughout rather less than half its length; the remainder, which is towards the shore, is made to overhang. Then, on the side towards the water, and on the flanks round the foundation, margins, projecting a foot and a half, are brought up to the level already mentioned. The over- hanging part is filled up underneath with sand, brought up level with the foundation. On the level bed thus prepared, as large a pier as possible is built, which must remain for at least two months to set. The margin which incloses the sand is then removed, and the sand being washed away by the action of the waves causes the fall of the mass into the sea, and by a repetition of this expe- dient the work may be carried forward into the sea. When the place does not afford the powder named, the following method is to be adopted. Double dams are constructed, well connected with planks and chain pieces, and the cavity between them is filled up with clay and marsh weeds well rammed down. When rammed down and Squeezed as close as possible, the water is emptied out with screw pumps or water wheels, and the place is emptied and dried, and the foundations excavated. If the bottom be of loose texture, it must be dug out till a solid bottom is come to, wider than the wall about to be erected, and the wall is then built of stone, lime, and sand. But if the bottom be very soft, alder, olive, or oak piles, previously charred, must be driven, and the inter- vals between them filled with coals, as directed above for the foundations of theatres and walls. The wall is then LIB. W. CAT, XII, 159 raised with squared stones, the joints of which are to be as long as possible, in order that the middle stones may be well tied in. The inside of the wall is then filled with rubble or masonry; and on this, even a tower might be erected. When this is completed, the arsenals are to be constructed chiefly with a northern aspect; for if they are to the south, the heat will generate and nourish the rot, the worm, the ship worm, and other noxious insects; and timber should be sparingly used in these buildings on account of fire. No rule can be given for the size, but they must be suited to receive the largest ships, so that, if drawn ashore, there may be plenty of room for them. In this book, as far as it has occurred to me, I have treated of the public buildings necessary for the use of a city: in that following, I shall treat of the convenience and symmetry of private houses. PRAEF. LIB, WI, THE ARCHITECTURE OF M A R C U S VITR U W IUS PO LLIO. BOOK THE SIXTH. - - - * * : Arrº. “ , ” . *- S—º- - ** INTRODUCTION. ARISTIPPUs, the Socratic philosopher, shipwrecked on the coast of Rhodes, perceiving some geometrical dia- grams thereon, is reported to have exclaimed to his companions, “Be of good courage, I see marks of civilization:” and straightway making for the city of Rhodes, he arrived at the Gymnasium ; where, dis- puting on philosophical subjects, he obtained such ho- nours, that he not only provided for himself, but fur- Y 162 nished clothing and food to his companions. When his companions had completed their arrangements for return- ing home, and asked what message he wished to send to his friends, he desired them to say: that the posses- sions and provision to be made for children should be those which can be preserved in case of shipwreck; in- asmuch as those things are the real supports of life which the chances of fortune, the changes of public affairs, and the devastation of war, cannot injure. Thus, also, Theophrastus, following up the sentiment that the learned ought to be more honoured than the rich, says, “ that the learned man is the only person who is not a stranger in foreign countries, nor friendless when he has lost his relations; but that in every state he is a citizen, and that he can look upon a change of fortune without fear. But he who thinks himself secured by the aid of wealth, and not of learning, treads on slippery ground, and leads an unstable and insecure life.” Epi- curus also says, that fortune is of little assistance to the wise, since all that is of consequence or necessary may be obtained by the exercise of the mind and understanding. The poets, not less than the philosophers, have argued in this way; and those who formerly wrote the Greek co- medies delivered the same sentiments in verse; as Eu- chrates, Chionides, Aristophanes, and, above all, Alexis, who said, that the Athenians deserved particular commen- dation, since, inasmuch as the laws of all the Greeks make it imperative on children to support their parents, those of the Athenians are only obligatory on those chil- dren who have been instructed, by the care of their pa- rents, in some art. Such as possess the gifts of for- tune are easily deprived of them : but when learning is PRAEF, LIB, WI, 168 once fixed in the mind, no age removes it, nor is its stability affected during the whole course of life. I there- fore feel myself under infinite obligations, and am grate- ful to my parents, who, adopting the practice of the Athenians, took care that I should be taught an art, and one of such a nature that it cannot be practised without learning and a general knowledge of the sciences. Since, then, by my parents’ care, and by the instruction of mas- ters, I had the means afforded me of acquiring know- ledge, and was naturally delighted with literary and phi- losophical subjects, I laid up those stores in my mind, from the use of which I enjoy the advantage of wanting no more, and the value of riches consists in having no- thing to wish for. But some thinking, perhaps, lightly of these things, suppose those only are wise who have plenty of money. Hence, many, aiming at that end alone, have, by the aid of their assurance, acquired notoriety from their riches. But I, Caesar, have not sought to amass wealth by the practice of my art, having been rather contented with a small fortune and reputation, than desirous of abundance accompanied by a want of reputation. It is true that I have acquired but little; yet I still hope, by this publication, to become known to posterity. Neither is it wonderful that I am known but to a few. Other architects canvass, and go about soliciting employment, but my preceptors instilled into me a sense of the pro- priety of being requested, and not of requesting, to be entrusted, inasmuch the ingenuous man will blush and feel shame in asking a favour; for the givers of a favour and not the receivers, are courted. What must he sus- pect who is solicited by another to be entrusted with the expenditure of his money, but that it is done for 164 | l sº the sake of gain and emolument. Hence the antients entrusted their works to those architects only who were of good family and well brought up; thinking it better to trust the modest, than the bold and arrogant, man. These artists only instructed their own children or rela- tions, having regard to their integrity, so that property might be safely committed to their charge. When, therefore, I see this noble science in the hands of the un- learned and unskilful, of men not only ignorant of archi- tecture, but of every thing relative to buildings, I can- not blame proprietors, who, relying on their own intel- ligence, are their own architects; since, if the business is to be conducted by the unskilful, there is at least more satisfaction in laying out money at one’s own plea- sure, rather than at that of another person. No one thinks of practising at home any art (as that of a shoe- maker or fuller, for instance, or others yet easier) ex- cept that of an architect; and that because many who profess the art are not really skilled in it, but are falsely |called architects. These things have induced me to compose a treatise on architecture and its principles, under an idea that it would be acceptable to all per- sons. As in the fifth book I treated on the construc- tion of public works, I shall in this explain the arrange- ment and symmetry of private buildings. LIB, WI. CAT, I, 165 CHAPTER I. OF THE SITUATION OF BUILDINGS ACCORDING TO THE NATURE OF DIFFERENT PLACES. 'ſ º- º5 * */º àſ. A.X. eVºsy #: s: Nºſſ- Çly > ^. º r- %| #4% ; - j4:4) ~ — — ——---------> - —-i Nºſ. I gºtiff, |% iſſiliſ, t|| || || {: | t | wº { Nº. 4. \,-- ; | |- -- 24' : hiº. #iº | - - |e e e s - e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. -- Fig.1. ----- º - - PLATE VIII. 364 Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. PLATE VIII. The Doric Order. Chapter III. Book IV. A.A. The Column, with twenty flutes. B. The Capital. C. The Architrave, or Epistylium. D. The Frieze. E. The Cornice. F. A Metopa. G. A Triglyph. H. Capital of a Triglyph. The Ionic Order. Chapter III. Book III. A.A. The Column. B. The Base. C. The Capital. D. The Architrave. . The Frieze. E F. The Cornice. G . Lower Fascia. H. Middle Fascia. I. Upper Fascia. K. Side elevation of Capital. L.L. Dentels. M. Capital to a larger scale. Corinthian Order. Chapter I. Book IV. The plan of the Corinthian Capital. The Elevation of the same. º.ſ.zºº.ru/.*/g, 'zººar /º/rºyzºſ y ſº?? rº?-47 až pºzº????? ?:)?' +7,9 ſ ------- 1.4. Modulos. A. : : * : ... 8%. Diameters -------------- ĶI | | №ºt TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT'|| IŤ Y— Ž p──────────── '8' | }}[ PLATE IX. 866 PLATE IX. Fig. 1. and 2. Exhibit the parts of a Roof in section and elevation as described in Chapter II. Book IV. a a. Beams (Trabes). b b. Ridge piece (Columen). c. King post (Columna). d d d. Tye beam (Transtrum). e. Strut (Capreolus). f f. Rafters (Cantherii). g g g g. Purlines (Templa). h h. Common Rafters (Asseres). The above letters refer to both Figures 1. and 2. On the right hand part of the latter Fi- gure the tiles are shewn. Fig. 8. and 4. Are Doors with their ornaments (Ante- pagmenta). Chapter VI. Book IV. Fig. 5. The Tuscan Order. See Chapter VII. Book IV. ºſmiqºutwo/g'A*.*.*?\*ſpºły?????]|| ?43/1.rº,ay pºſſº/ņae/ *** 2,37'yi *ºpzº wae? /* !!); “unsicſ. [. ºg 3.J. (№№ £§!!!!!!! ºſſaeae ſ!!!№,*** [“g#T-±|| ‘T’ſì!)L PLATE X. 368 Fig. Fig. Fig. 4. Fig. Fig. PLATE X. Is a plan of a Tuscan Temple. Chapter VII. Book IV. The side A shews it in antis, the side B shews it prostylos. C. is the larger, and DD. the smaller cells. Represents the elevation of the preceding Fi- gure. The arrangement of the intercolumnia- tions is Araeostylos. Is a plan of a Monopteral Temple, see Chapter VII. Book IV. - An elevation of the preceding Figure. A. The Stylobata or Pedestal. B. The Flower (Flos). C. The Dome (Tholus). Plan of half a Peripteral round temple. A. The Cell. An elevation of the preceding Figure. B. The Stylobata. C. The Tholus. D. The Flower. \,7/ |- º, , , ,º, , , INDEX. ABAcus, Page 102. 118, 91. ABATON, 62. - ABDERITEs, 212. ABUTMENTs, 188. AcANTHUs, in the Corinthian capital, 102. Accius the poet, 266. AcHAIA, 51. 100. AKPOBATIKox, 296. ACIDs, wonderful mature of 244, et seq. AcRoTERIA, 94.—Represented, 358. ACTORS, comic and tragic, 145. ADJUSTMENT, 78. ADRIATIc Sea, 51. 69, 70. AEoLIPILE, 24. AEQUI, in Italy, 245. AEscHYLUs, 195. AEsculapius, 13. 195. AETHIoPs of the south, 236.—Lake of AEthiopia, 241. AETNA, 51. 56. AFRICA, prolific of wild beasts, 247—African plains, 236. AFRICUs, 25. AGATHARCHUS, 195. AGESISTRATUS, 196. AGETOR, of Byzantium, 338. AISLEs, or wings, of courts, 174. ALABANDINES, 212. ALBANAE, stone quarries of, 53. ALBULA, river, 238. 370 INDEX. ALDER, 231. ALEXANDER, 33, et seq. 192. 244, 334. ALExANDRIA, 35. 192, 194. 222, 268. 284. ALExIs, the comedian, 162. ALPs, 69.72. 236. 244. et seq. ALTANUs, 27. ALTARs of the Gods, how to be placed, 114, 122. ALTINUM, 20. - * AMALGAMATION, 217, 218. ‘AMA=oſio.AEx, 336. AMITERNINE stone quarries, 53. AMMON, 240. AMPHIPRosTYLos, 81.—Plan of an amphiprostyle temple, 354. 'AMºbiPETXIz, a machine, 302. AMPHITHEATRE, 31. AMPHoRAE (cullearia), 182. - ANALEMMA, 268; on the construction of dials by the, 284; form- ation of the, 287. ANAPORICUM, a winter dial, 289. ANATONA, capitals, 327. ANAXAGoRAs CLAzoMENIUs, 192, 195. 276, 227. 283. ANCONA, 70. ANCONEs (trusses), or prothyrides, 116. ANDRIAs, 287. ANDRONEs, 185. ANDRONICUs CYRRHESTEs, 25. ANGLE-TILEs, 201. ANGLEs, 81; of a portico, 155. ANICIAN stone quarries, 54. ANIsocycLON, an engine, 297. ANTAE in buildings, 81. 184, 187; represented, 354. ‘ANTHXornTEX, places that resound, 146. ANTERIDEs, counter-forts, 188. ANTHRAx, 217. ANTIBASIs, 326. 331. ANTIBOREUs, a dial, 287. INDEX. 371 ANTIMACHIDEs, an Athenian architect, 196. ANTIOCHUs, king, 196. ANTIPATER, 244, 283. ANTISTATEs, 196. ANTITHALAMUs, 184, APOLLONIA, 241. 344. APOLLONIANs, 344. ApolloNIUs, 9, 287. APULIA, 20. AQUEDUCT, 252. AQUILEIA, 20. AQUITAINE, 38. APATURIUs of Alabanda, 211. et seq. APELLEs, the painter, 8. - APENNINF MoUNTAINs, 51.—Described, 72. . APOLLO, colossal, of Ephesus, 306.—Of Delos, 265.—Of Delphi, 100,—Games dedicated to Apollo and the Muses, by Ptole- my, at Alexandria, 192.—Temple of, at Miletus, 197. APOPHYGIs, a contraction of thickness, 119. APOTHESIs, 102. ARABIA, Numidian, 241. 243. ARACHNE, a dial, 287, ARADUs, 341. ARAEosTYLos, 83.86. 368. ARATUS, 283. ARCADIA, 244. ARCHED CHANNELs, 252. ARCHES, 187. - - ARCHIMEDEs, 6.9. 196. 265. - ARCHITECTURE, defined, 3.−On what it depends, 11.-Of its dif. ferent branches, 15. ARCHITRAve, 115. 143. ARCHYTAs, 9, 196. 265–Arcs or rods, iron (uncini ferrei), 153. ARDEA, fountains of 238. AREA, 24, 31, 56. 78.88. 261. AREA, of a city, disposition and situation of buildings within it, 24, 372 INDEX, AREoPAGUs, 39. AREVANIAs, 60. AREzzo, 58. ARGELIUs, 195. ARGos, 60.99. 246. ARICINIAN Wood, 120. A RIOBARZANES, 148. ARISTARCHUs, of Samos, 8.9. 274. 287. ARISTIDEs, 248. ARISTIPPUs, the Socratic philosopher, 161. ARISToMENEs of THAsos, the painter, 76. ARISToPHANES, the comic poet, 162.-The grammarian, 193. AR1stotle, 192. 260. ARISToxENEs, the musician, 8, 134. 139. ARMs of CATAPULTs, 6.325. ARRANGEMENT, 11–In Doric proportions, 109. ARRISEs, of Fillets, 94. ARSENAL, 157. 195. ARSINoe, 100. ARTEMISIA, 61. et seq. ARTEMo, 303. ARTIST, or workman, 189. ARTs, relative to attacks, 333. 21. Ascent, 88. 119. 141. ASIA, 44, 51. ASPHALTIC Pool, 241. "AXIIAHNOx, herb, 19. As TABORA, river, 236. Ast AsobA, river, ib. ASTRAGAL, 90. 116. ASTROLogERs, 141. 283. ASTRONOMY, 7. ATHos, Mount, 34. ATHENIANs, 100. 162. ATHENs, 25. 39, 58. 82. 120, 148, 197, 215. 240. 268. 284. "ATAANTEx, 186. - INDEX, 373 ATLAs, 236. ATOMs, 42. ATTACK, machines for, 333. ATTALUs, 100.—Attalic Kings, 58. 192. Attic, honey, 71; attic work, to &rtinoupyès, 90. 115, 117. AUGER (terebra), 334, 335. AUGUSTUs, temple of, 128. M. AURELIUs, 2. AURIGA, a celestial sign, 278. Ampion, 28. AUSTER, 25. AUTOMATA, 288. AvLNTINE, Mount, 219. Axis, 104. 290. 303. 268. 165. 92. 306. Axl E, 308. - AxI.Es, 297. Axon, 285. BABYLoN, walls of, 23. 241. BAccHus, temples of, 13. 31.84. 107. 148. 195. BALE, 50.—Baian Mountains, ib. BALEARIC IsLEs, 215. 247. BALISTA, 328, 329. 332. 6. BANA'rxox, a machine for draught, 296. BANDs, of pillows, 91. BANKERs' shops, 126. et seq. BARs (fusi), 306. BARs and levers, 317. BASE (lysis), 143. BASE (subjectio), of the catapult, 326. BASEs, of columns, 88. 105. BASILICA, 126. # 3 BASIN, 231, 374 INDEX. BASIN (catinum), 317. BASIs, base, 101. 306. 319. 336. BATHs, their arrangement and parts, 152, 181. BEAR, Great and Little, constellations, 279. BEAMs (trabes), 104; lintel beams, 174; well-wrought beams, 128. 333.336. 338; small beams, 339; see representation, 366. BEAMs (tigma), 104. 296. 299. 333.338. BEATER (bacillus), 47. BEATERs, 200. 256. BEAUTY, in building, how produced, 15. BED-CHAMBERs, 184. BEDAs, of Byzantium, statuary, 76. BEDs, of beams (columbaria), 103; of beams and rafters, 106. 113. 56; of stones, 56. . BERosus, the Chaldean, 273. 282. 287. BITUMEN, 23. 50. 241. BLACK (atramentum), 221. 208. BLACK, colour (coracinus), 243. BLock (trochlea), 299. BLocks, of stome, 306. BLUE, colour, 222. BLUE-EYED PEoPLE, 166. Body, of the roof, 172. 1 - ? Bogotia, 243. º ' ' ' ' Bond (coagmentum), 44, 56. 113, 188. BondsTones, 3iarávo, 58; represented, 350. Boryst HENEs, 235. BossED nails (clavi muscarii), 206. Box, 319; small, 322; dove-tailed, 326; of the drum-wheel, 322. BRACEs, capreoli, 326, 324. - BRACEs, in the tortoise, 336. BRAss, Corinthian, 249. - BRAss BARRELs, with moveable bottoms, 319. BRAss CoIN, 80. - - e BRAss FoundERs, 54. BREssum MERs (trabes), 104. INDEX. 375 BRICK, eight inch (bessalis), 152. BRICK, walls, 58; burnt-bricks in buildings, walls, &c. 63. 200. BRICRs, 43; of baked earth, 241; representations of antient bricks, 350. BRYAxBs, 196. BUccul, E, in catapults, 325. BucKETs, 312. 317. 319. BUILDERs, who the earliest, 40. BUILDING, 15; origin and progress of, 37; of walls, 21. 56.88. 178. 187; in water, 157. BUILDINGs: on their situation according to the nature of different places, 165; of the proportions of private buildings, to suit the nature of their sites, 170; aspects proper for the differ- ent sorts of buildings, 178; forms of houses suited to the different ranks of persons, ib.; proportions of houses in the country, 181; arrangement and parts of Grecian houses, 184; on the strength of buildings, 187. BULRUSH, 231. BURNT BRICK, course of, on a wall, 63. BYzANTIUM, 333. CADIz, 333. C.ECUBAN WINE, 242. CAIUs JULIUS, son of Masinissa, 247. CAIUS MUTIUs, 197. CALDRON, in baths, 152. 233. CALECHEs (cisia), 298. CALENTUM, 44. CALLESCHRUS, an Athenian architect, 196. CALLIAs, an architect of Rhodes, 341, et seq. CALLIMACHUs, an architect named Catatechnos, 102. CALLIPPUS, an astrologer, 283. CAMILLUM, 326. - CAMCENAE, 238. 376 * INDEX, CAMPANIA, 52, et seq. 72. 242. 244. CANDELABRA in houses, 211. CANoN in hydraulics, navò, aouzinºs, 319. CANopus, constellation, 282. * CAPITAL, of a column, 91. 108; Corinthian, 101, et seq. ; Ionic, 99; in machines, 329. 14; Catatomum, 327. CAPITOL, 40. 84. CAPPADocIA, 241. CAPst AN, 302. CARBUNCULUs, a kind of sand, 16.52. 231. CARch EBI, or tracheli, in the catapult, 326. CARDINALEs scAPI, 116. CARIA, 59, 60. 100. CARIANs, 59. 100. CARPIon, 195. - CARTHAGE, 241. CARTHAGINIANs, 333. CARYA, 4. CARYATIDEs, ib. CASIUM, 241. CASTOR, temple of, 120. CATAPULT, on the, 325. 328, 329. 332, 6. CATARActs of the Nile, 236. CATATONUM, capital, 327. CATHETI, vertical lines, Káðsto; Ygaugh, 91. CAUCASUs, Mount, 235. CAULIcoli (stalks), in capitals, 102.211. CAURUs, wind, 25. CAUSIs, a mode of painting, 219. CAvLTTo, upper and lower, 90. CAVITIES, in a theatre, 138. CEILINGs, 202. 176. - CELL, in temples, 81, et seq. 112, et seq. 118, et seq. CELLAR, wine, 16. 181; oil, ib. * CEMENT, 14, 23.46. 51.56; of flint, 256; marble, 214. CENTRE, 195. 11. 79. 285, 308. - INDEX. - 377 CEPHISUs, river, 243. CEREs, temples of, 32.84, 197. CERosTRATA (doors inlaid), 117. CETRAs, of Chalcedon, 333. CHEREAs, 334. CHALCIDICA, 127. CHALDEANs, 273. 282. CHALK, 220; Eretrian, ib.; Selinusian, 225; green, 315. CHAMBERs (cubicula), 178. 13. CHANNEL, atgić, 325. 99. 107.201. 207. 253. 335; in Ionic co- lumns, 91; in the catapult, 326. CHANNELs (columbaria), 312. CHARIDAs, 196. CHARIoT-Body, 322. CHEEK, of the chest, in the balista, 331. CHEERs (chelonia), 303. 308. 320. CHELo, or manucla, 326. CHELONIUM, or pillow, 326. 299, et seq. 303. XHAOx, in the balista, 330. CHEST, 319. 330. CHION, a Corinthian statuary, 76. CHIONIDEs, the comic poet, 162. CHIos, 100. 194, 343; fountain of 246. CHIPs, of marble (assulae), 214. CHOICE, of salubrious places, 16; of places for the common use of the city, 31. CHoRoPATEs, in levelling, 250. CHORUs, in theatres, 148. xpo MA, 135. - CHROMATIC modulation, 135, 136. CHRYSocoLLA, 213. 220. CICERo, 266. CILBIAN Fields, of the Ephesians, 217. CILICIA, 240, et Seq, CIRCLE, 26. 3 C 878 INDEX. CIRCULAR application of motion, kvuxinh wivnals, 296; circular walk, 3iavaos, 155. 172. 21. CIRCUMSTANCE (statio, Separta wh;), adds to the beauty of a work, 12; of the Greeks, 62. CIRCUs, Flaminius, 120; Maximus, 84. CISTERN, 252. CITY, choice of situation for a, 16; foundations of walls and towers, 21; distribution and situation of buildings within the walls, 24; choice of situations for public buildings, 31 ; plans relative to these subjects, 352. CLAzom ENAE, 100; fields of the Clazomenians, 243. CLEOMBROTUs, 5. CLIADEs, 196. CLIMACIS in the balista, 331. CLIMATE, dial of Berosus adapted to, 287. CLITORIUM, fountain of 245. CLOD, or mass, of lime, marble, &c. 202. 214, 216. 37. CN. CoſtNELIUs, 2. CoAT in stucco, 204. CoATING, 203. CoATs of Punic wax, 215; of lime or sand, 200. CoELIA, notato, in aqueducts, 254. - CoELUs, temple of, 12. CoLoRIs, 235; buildings of the Colchi, 38. CoLD BATH, lutrum, 155. CoLLARs, in water engines, 319. CoLLINA PORTA, 81. CoLLIQUIE (valleys), 172. CoLoR, marsh, 236. CoLoRNY, Julian, of Fano, 127. CoLophon, 100. CoLossIcoTERos, Koxoacinétegos, 93. 302. CoLossus of Halicarnassus, 59. CoLou Rs, in stucco, 205; natural, 215; vermilion and quicksilver, 217; preparation of vermilion, 219; artificial, 221; black, INDEX, 379 ib.; blue, and burnt yellow, 222; white lead, verdigrease, and red lead, 223; purple, 224; factitious, 225. CoLUMELLA (small column), of the catapult, 326. CoLUMEN (ridge-piece), 104. See Plate, 366. CoLUMNs, 88; origin of the three sorts of, 99; Corinthian, ib. 104; Doric proportions, 107; Tuscan, 118; Ionic, 88. 78. 83; their ornaments, how adapted to the sight, 94. CoMIC Ports, Greek, 125. 162. CoMPAss (amussium), 26. CoMPLU v.IUM, 172. - CoMPREsston, in hydraulics, 255.288. 317. 7. 112. CoNCAMERATIo (vaulting), 46. 153, 187. CoNE, a dial, 287. CoNISTERIUM, in the Palaestra, 155. CoNsistENCY, 13. . CoNSONANCEs, natural, ava powicz, 136. CoNSTELLATIONs, northern, 278; southerm, 281. CoPPER, Cyprian, 222. CoRD, of the Spanish broom, 202. Coric EUM, in the Palaestra, 155. - CoRINTHIAN VIRGIN, 101; columns, 99; occi, 176; theatres, 140; vessel, 249; order, 99; plate relative to, 364, CoRNETAN DIVISION, in the Faliscan territory, 244. CoRNICEs, 115. 129. 204. CoRoNA, 62.94. et seq. 110. et seq. 115. CoRUs, wind, 26. Cos, isle and city, 283. CossuTIUs, a Roman architect, 196. et seq. CoTTIAN ALPs, 244. CountERForts, anterides, 331, 188. CounterPois E, 290. 264. Count RY, house in the, 180, 181. Coupling, of beams, 118. Courts (cavaedia), 172; distributed into five species, ib. Counts (atria), 174. CourTs (cortes), in country houses, 181. 380 INDEX. Coven, in the machine of Ctesibius, 306. CRANE, revolving (carchesia), 304, 341. CRANE, or grappling-hook, (grus) 334. CRATHIs, river, 242. CRETE, isle of 19, 69. CREUsA, 100. CRIoDocIIE, a machine, ngioºxn, 334. CRocodiLEs, 236. CROESUs, 192; house of, 59. CRoss-FRONT, 330. CRoss-PIECEs, 206. 296. 250, 333. 336. CRossING, of laths, 63. CRowNING members (fastigia), 94. CRYPTs, in temples, 179. CTEs.IBIUs, 6. 196. 287. et seq. 318; his machine, 317. CTEs.IPHON, of Gnosus, 82. 195. 197; machine of Ctesiphon, 305. CUBIT, the fourth part of the height of the body, 78. CULLEARIA, 182. - Cuwe, 157; Cuman Mountains, 50. CURIAE, 130. CUTILIUM, 239. CYBDELUs, 240. CYCHRI, in Thrace, 244. CYCLADEs, 215. CYDNUs, a river of Cilicia, 240. CYMATIUM, 89. 108. 99. CYNosuKA, ºvyovoſeo, 279. CYRENE, 243. CYZICENI, Oeci, 177; triclinia, 185. D. DAMs, 157. - DAPHNIs, of Miletus, architect, 197. DARIUs, 192. - DECASTYLos, 82; represented, 362. INDEX, 381 DEcoRATION, in theatres, 143; on polished stucco, 208. DEFENCE, machines for, 341. DEFENCEs (munitio), of a city, 21. 70.341. DELPHI, 195; Delphic Apollo, 75. 100. DEMETRIUs PHALEREUs, 197. DEMETRIUS Polio Roe TEs, 342, 343. DEMocles, 196. DEMocr1TUs, of Abdera, 42. 192, 195. 260. 266. 282, et seq. DEMoPHILUs, 196. DENTILLED, cornice, 13. DENTILs, 13. 106.93. DIADEs, 334, 335. DIAGoNAL, line, 102. 261, 173. DIAGRAM, 134. DIAGRAMs, 161. DIALLING, a part of architecture, 15; on the construction of dials, 268. 276. 284; of various dials and their inventors, 287. DIAMETER, 143. 322. 285. _- + ºr DIANA, temples of, 13.82. 101. 120. 195. 197. 305. 307; image of, in cedar, 69. DIAPAsoN, 136. DIAPENTE, 136. DIASTYLos, 83, 85, 86; elevation of a diastyle tetrastylos temple, # * , tº 3. * *. ..}.}** - --------- 354. DIATEssa Ron, 136. AIA®exix, arrangement, 11. AIAerPON, 186. DIATONIC, modulation, 135. AIATONOI, or bond-stones, 58; representation of, 350. AIATAOx, 155. DIDoRo N, 3:33pov, a kind of brick, 44. DIESIs, in music, 132. 135. DIEZEUGMENON, 3ieśvyuávov, 136. DIGIT, a measure, 80. DIMENSION (quantitas), 11. DIMINUTION of columns, 86. 115. 382 INDEX. AIMoiPox (two thirds), 80. DINocRATEs, architect of Alexander the Great, 33. DIoGNETUs, of Rhodes, architect, 341, et seq. DIoMEDEs, founder of Salpiae, 20. Dionysodomus, 287. DIoPTRA, 250. AIIIHXAIKH, in ships, 12. DIPHILUs, the architect, 196. AIIIAAXION, 80. DIPLINTHIUs (two bricks), 62. DIPTERos, 82; dipteral arrangement, 196; plan of a dipteral temple, 360. - DIRECTION, by rule and square, 203. D1scus, on a plane, 287. DISDIAPAsóN, 136. DIsoftDERs, obstimate, in exposed situations, 24. DISPLUv1ATUM, 172. DIssonANT places, warnxoëvres, 146. DISTANCE, of planets from the sum, 264. DISTRIBUTION, 11. 13. 107. 56. 210. DISTRIBUTION and situation of buildings within the walls, 24. DIVISIONs, of a city, 27. DoIPHIN, in hydraulics, 319. DoME (tholus), 211. See Plate, 368. Doors, of temples, 115; of two folds (bifora), 117. Doorways, of temples, 115. 174. , , DoRIC proportion and column, 99. 11. 107. Plate relative to, 364. DoRoN, 3380V, a palm, 44. DoRUs, king of Achaia and Peloponnesus, 99. Dov E-TAIL, 119. 331; dove-tailed box, 326. Dow ELs, dove-tailed, 119. 305. 314. DRAUGHT, machines of 299. 15, 16, 21. (See MACHINEs.) DRESSING (antepagmentum), 115, et seq. 118. DRUM-wheel, 302. 314, 322; toothed, 288. 312, DYRIs, river, 236. - DYRRHAchium, 241. index. 383 E. EARTH, circuit of, 27; proportion of, in various trees, 67; altars' to the, 122; pressure of, in foundations, 188. EAves, 70. 172. 118. 211. 334. - 'HXELA, 6. 138. EcHINUs, in capitals of columns, 108. 119. LconoMY, 13. 'EKKAHx1AxTHPION, a theatre, 211. 'EKoopa, projection, 89. 170. EGYPT, 35, et seq. 114, 165. 215. 236. 241. 282. EGYPTIAN OEci, 176, et seq.; priests, 229. EIGHT PARTs, division into, 315. ELEOTHESIUM, 155. ELBow (geniculus), in aqueducts, 254. ELEPHANTIs, 236. ELEUSIs, temple of Ceres at, 197. ‘EAIKH, 279. ELPHIAs, of Rhodes, 20. EMBATEs, module, 12. 108. EMBRo1DERING, rooms for, 178. EMPEDocLEs, 228. 'EMIIAEKTON, a method of building, 57; representation of, 354. IENCARP1, 101. ENDs of ropes (ansae rudentis), 332. ENGIBATA, 318. §yyigato, vel áyyú8&ta. ENGINEs, distinguished from machines, 296; for drawing water, - 312. 314, 315; water engines, 319. ENGoNATos, a dial, 287. º: BNHARMONIC modulation, 135. ENNIUs the poet, 266. ENTABLATURES, 305. ENTASIs, a swelling in the middle of columns, Évraorus, 87. EPAGoN, Tayov &préuay, 303. - 384 INDEX, EPHEBEUM, 155. 'Ed'EKTox, 80. it (, Ephesus, 100. 195, 197,217. 305, 307; law of the Ephesians on building, 293; mines in, 220. 'EIIIBAepA, ladder of the Greeks, 334. EPICHARMUs, 228. EPICURUs, 42. 162. 192. 'EIIIAIMoIPOx, 80. EPIGRAMs, Greek, three, inscribed on fountains, 245, 246. EPIMACHUs, the Athenian architect, 342. 'EIIIIIENTAMoIPox, 80. EPIscENIUM, 212. 'EIII.xxi.AEx, 332. EPISTYLIUM, 13.81. 83. 108. 126. 128. 'EIIITIOIAEx, simae, in the coronae, 94. EPIToxis, 326. 'EIIITPITox, 80. EPIzYGIs, 329. EQUILIBRATION, 309. ERATosTHENEs, of Cyrene, 9, 27, et seq. 265. et seq. ERISMAE, anterides, to Éptiago, 188. ‘EPMHAONH, constellation, 281. ERYTHRE, 100; Erythraean fields, 243. 'ExxAPA, basis of the balista, 331. 336. EUCRATEs, the comic poet, 162. EUDAEMON, the astrologer, 283. EUDoxUs, 283. 287. EUPHRANor, 196. EUPHRATEs, 235. EURIPIDEs, disciple of Anaxagoras, a dramatic philosopher, 227; - his tomb, 244; extract from his Phäethon, 272. EuroNotus, 27. EURUs, 25. EUSTYLos, 84. BUTHEIA, 308. Ev ANGELUs, 307. INDEX, 385 Evapor ATION, 223. ExEDRA, 155, 176, 185. 210. 219. F. FABERIUs, the scribe, 219. FACE, of walls, 44. 56. FACE-WALLs, 57. FACINGs (crustae), 58; of marble, 210; facings cut from walls, 206. FACTITIous colours, 224. - FALERNIAN WINE, 242. FALISGAN TERRITORY, ib. FANo, 70. 127. FASCIAE, 93, et seq.; in doors, 116. FASTIGIA, in buildings, 94, 151, 104. 119; in pavements, 201. FAUNUs, temples of, 81. FELLING of timber, 65. FEMALE Joint, 290. FEMUR, in triglyphs, ungos, 109. FENCE-work, 112. FERENTIUM., 54. FIBULA, 22. FIDENATEs, stone quarries of the, 53. FILLETs, 90. FILLETs of lime, 113. FILLING, of ditches, 336. FILLING-IN, 58. FIR, 66; infernas and Supermas, 71. FIRE, discovery of, 37. FITNEss, ordinatio, Táčig, 11. FLAMINIAN CIRCUs, 120. 287. FLINT-STONEs, quarries of, 53. FLoor, 339. FLoor ING, 199, 200. 127. FLoors, 334. FLORA, temples of, 12, 220. g 386 INDEX, FLowers, 102. 118. 211; see plate, 368; flowers of sulphur, 222, FLUTEs, in columns, 88. 107. 112.99. FLUTINGs, 110. Fold ING-Doo Rs, 141. 116. Foot, 78. For E-ARM, the fourth part of the height of the body, 78. For E-PIECE (antefixa), 326. FoETUNA EQUESTRIs, temple of, 83; temples to the three Fortunes, 81. ForUM, 126. ForUM, of CESAR, 83. Found ATION-wALL, in a harbour, 158. Found ATIONs, 21.88, 187. 131, 247. 250. 252. Four. Folds, doors of, 117. FRAMEs, or margins of pannels, 208. 210. FRAMING (coagmentatio), 68. (commissura), ib. (compactio), 338. (contignatio), 66. 104. FRANCE, 235. FRIGIDARIUM, 155. FULCRUM (hypomochlium), 308. FUNDI, a town of Campania, 242. FURNAcE, in baths, 152; mouth, ib. 221. FUSSITIUs, the first of the Latins who wrote on architecture, 196. FUSTERNA, upper part of the fir, 67. G. GALATIA, 224. GALLERIES, 127, 145. GANGEs, 235. GATEs, 72. 180. 184, 152. GAUL, 20. 38. GEOMETRY, 4, GERUSIA, 59. INDEXe 387 GLADIATORs, shows of, 126. GLAss, 225. GNOMON, anizºpas, 26. 284. GNoSUs, 19. 197. GoLD, method of detecting silver in, 264. GoNARCHE, a dial, 287. GoRTYNA, 19. GRANARIES, 179. 181. GRAPPLING Hook, 334; machine, 335. GRAvel, 231. 43. GREEKs, buildings of the, 184 et seq.; winter apartments, 208; theatres, 145 et seq.; their ancestors, 259; comic poets, J25. GUDGEoNs, 299. 305. GUT-RoPEs, 6. GUTTE, under triglyphs, their distribution, 109, 110. GUTTER (alveus), in baths, 153. GUTTER-PLATEs (deliquiae), 172. Guy, 301. GYMNASIUM, 155. GYNEconITIs, 184. HALF BRICKs, 44. HALICARNASSUs, 59. HAMAxopod Es, 338. HAND-SPIKES, 6. HANDLE (amsa), in machines, 309. HARBours, structure of, 157. HARMony, 134. 167. Häk: ; * * HARPERs, citharoedi, 140. HATCHET (ascia), for lime, 202. HEALTH, temple of, 13. HEALTHY SITUATIONs, choice of, 16. HEAPs of STONES (aggeres), in harbours, 157. 388 INDEX. HEAVY-Roof ED TEMPLEs, 84. HEGESIAs, 248. - HELEPolis, 342. HELICEs (volutes), 103. HELLAs, of Athens, the statuary, 76. HELLEN, father of Dorus, 99. HEMISPHERE, 287. 153. HEMITRIGLYPH, 110. HEPTABOLUs, lake, 236. HERACLITUs, of Ephesus, anotewog, 42. 227. HERCULEs, temples of, 12. 31, 58. 84. HERMoGENEs, of Alabanda, an architect, 82.85. 107. 195. HERodoTUs, 248. HETRURIAN HARUSPICEs, 31. HEXACHORD, hydraulic, 319. HEXAGONS, in pavements, 200. HEXASTYLE, 84; elevation of an hexastyle temple, with a systyle intercolumniation, 356; hexastyle with eustyle intercolum- niations, 358. HIERAPOLIS, 241. HIERo, 264. HILLocks, 39. HIMERA, river, 240. HINGE-STYLEs, in doors, 116. HIPPARCHUs, 283. HIPPocRATEs, the physician, 8. HIPPopotAMUs, 236. HoMER, 194. HoMEROMASTIx, ib. HoMoToNA, 6. HoNou R AND WIRTUE, temples of, 82, 197. Hoops, iron, 325. HoPPER, in water-mills, 314. Hospit ALIA, in Grecian houses, 185; in theatres, 144. HostILIUs, M. 20. - Houſt–LINEs, projection of, 286. INDEX. 889 /fºrce" . . . . . / Hous E QF Romulus, 40. HUMER1, of the pronaos, 118. HYDRAULIc machines, 319. HYMETTUs, mount, 58. - * ..." HYPETHRos (vač;), 82; Hypaethral walks, 149. {12.—Plan of an Hypaethral temple, 362. *...*. HYPANIs, river, 215. 235. 242. HYPATE, 136. HYPER Bol/EoN, 136. HYPERTHY RUM, 116. HYPoGEA, under-ground apartments, 187. HYPoMoCHLIUM, 308. HYPoTRACHELION, 86.94, 108. 119. ICHNEUMon, 236. ICHNOGRAPHY, 11. IcTINUs, architect, 195. 197. IDEA, ièéal, 11. IMPLUVIUM, court, 175. INCERTUM OPUs, a method of building, 56; representation of 350. INCLINATION, 188. INCREASE, of days, 284. INDEX (bulla), in dials, 290. INDIA, 235. INDIGo, 220. INDUs, river, 235. INLAID Dooms (cerostrata), 117. . INTER columniATIONs, 83. 107. INTERSCALMIA, in ships, 12. INTERSECTION, wetox), 93. * (decussatio), 26. INTERTIGNIUM, space, 106. IOLAUs, 244. - 390 ... INDEX, f }. 3.54. - | * Ion, whence Ionians, 100. } o º § 1 - ? : Ionic proportion, Ionic work,+04: 106; plate relative to, 364. IRON cramps (ansae), 57. & instruments, 202. 217. 346. ISIs, temple of, 31. ISMUc, town of 247. IsopoMUM, work so called in walling, 57; representation of, 350. ISTHMIAN games, 259. ITALY, 51. 126, 140; commendation of, 168. Ivy, 231. JACK (choragium), 320. Jorn ERs’ Work, 67. 112. 129. 171. Joints, masculine and feminine, 290. Joist (axis), 199. Joppa, 241. Joup NEYs, contrivance for measuring, 322. JUBA, king, 247. JULIAN colony, of Fano, 127. basilica on the Aquiline, 127. JULIUs, the god, temple of 83. JUNo, temples of, 13. 31. 99. JUPITER, temples of, 12. 31. 58. 81. 128. 196; altar of, 122; planet, 271. & R. KATAKEKATMENoi, hills, in Mysia, 51. Catakecaumenitan wine, 242. KATHXornTEx, 146. KEYs, in water-engines, 320. KING-Post, 104. See plate, 366. KITCHEN, in country-houses, 181, . KPIOAOKH, 334, KTKAIKH KINHxix, 296. INDEXe 391. RTKAn TH, 308. krNOxotpa, 279. LABor ATORY, 217. 220. LACEDMEMON, 58. LAconicum, in baths, 221. 153. LAcoToMUs, line, 286. LACUNAR, a dial, 287. LACUNARIA, 107. LADDER, for scaling walls, called #71330ga, 335. LANDSCAPEs, on walls, 210. LAODICEANs, fields of the, 243. LARIGNUM, castle of, 70. LATHs, crossing of, 63. LAw, 7; Roman law on building, 62; law of the Ephesians, 293; law of the Athenians, on the maintenance of parents by chil- dren if instructed by them in the arts, 162. LAYER, of rubbish, 199. - LEAD, red, 215. 223; white, 223. LEADING-RoPE, 300, 301. LEBEDos, 100. LELEGE, 60. 100. LEMNos, 215. LEoch AREs, the statuary, 59. 196. LEoNIDEs, 196; his precepts on the symmetries, ib. LEsBos, isle of 24, 242. LEvEL, 26. LEvel of water, 239. 143. 207. LEVELLING, and the instruments used for that purpose, 250, 308. LEveR, 308. 182; for pounding rubble, 200. 256. LEVER (phalanx), 311. LIBRARIES, 178; of Alexandria and Pergamos, 192. LICHANos, in music, 136. LICINIUS, the mathematician, 212. 392 INDEX. LIME, 48. 199. 202. 207. 210. LINEs, from the points of sight and distance, 195. LINTEL-BEAMs, 174. LIPARIs, a river of Cilicia, 241. Aor EION, in theatres, 146. Aorox 'oritikox, 9. Loos E GRound, in foundations, 89, 199. AOTTPON, cold bath, 155. LovE-SICKNEss, 60. LUCANIA, 243. LUCRETIUS, 266. LYDIA, 211. 242. I.YNCESTIs, fountain of 244. LYSIPPUs the statuary, 76. M. MACEDONIA, 33. 194, 223. 244. MACHINERy, 294, MACHINEs, 145. 296; of draught, 299. 301, 302; the polyspas. ton, 303; Ctesiphon's contrivance, 305; principles of me- chanics, 308; engines for raising water, 312. 314, 315; ma- chines of Ctesibius, 317; for measuring a journey, 322. 328; for war, 325. 340. M.EoNIA, 242. MAGI, 227. MAGNESIA, 82, 195. 216, 247. MALE-Joint, 290. MAMERTINE wiNE, 242. MANACUs, circle, 286. MANUCLA, in the catapult, 326. MARBLE, on the preparation of, for plastering, 214. MARCELLUs, portico of 82. MARIUs, trophy of, 197. MARs, temples of, 12. 31.59; planet, 270. MARSEILLEs, 39.44, 344. - - INDEX. 93 MARSH-weeDs, 158. MARTIAN aqueduct, 238. MASINIss A, 247. MATHEMATIcs, 80. 133. 165. 286. MAURUSIA, Mauritania, 236. Mausoleum; 60.195. MAUsolus, 59, 60. MAZACA, a town of Cappadocia, 241. MECHANICs, 15. 287; principles of, 308. MEDULLI, 245. MELAMPUs, 196. 245. MELAs, 60; river, 243. MELITAN wine, 242. MELITE, 100. - MELo, the astrologer, 283. MELos, isle of, 215. MENESTHEs, 82. MERCURY, temples of, 31, 59; planet, 270. MERoe, 236. MHPox (femur), in triglyphs, 109. MESAULE, 185. MESE, in music, 136. METAGENES, son of Ctesiphon, 194, 197. 305. METAL-Foun DER, 54. METELLUs, portico of 82. METoxH, 93. METoPAE, 106, 169, 110. * METRoDoRUs, 248. MILETUs, 100. 197. MILL, 182. MILLSTONE, 314. MILo, of Crotona, 260. MINE (in sieges), 344; mines of metals, 215. MINERVA, temples of, 8, 12. 31. 120, 195; promontory, 157. MIRROR, 205. MIssiLEs, 344, 345. 394 INDEX, MITHRIDATIc war, 148. MoDULATION, 149; in music, 136. MoDULE, 11. 108. 149. } - MONAAEx, 79. MonoPTERAL temples, 119, 195. See Plate, 368. MonotRIGLYPH, 110. MonumENTs, 54.59. Moon, temples of the, 12. 140. MoRTICE (carchesium), 326. MoRTISED beams, 336. MUMMIUs, L. the overthrower of Corinth, 140. MURENA, aedileship of 59. MUSICAL proportion (canonica ratio), 133. 6. MUTIUs, C. architect, 82. 197. MUTULI, 186. MUTULUs, 99. 104. 107. 118. MYAGRUs, the Phocaean statuary, 76. MYLASA, town of, 59. MYRoN, sculptor, 8.76. MYTILENE, town of, 24. MYUs, 100. NAILs, bossed, 206. NAox, Év Tagaatáal, 81. NARRow PAss, 27. NATIONs, southern, weak, but acute; northern, strong, but obtuse, 168, et seq. NAVEs, of wheels, 322. 336. NAVES, or hamaxopodes, 338. NEMAEAN games, 259. NEPTUNUs PANIONIUs, temple of, 100. NETE, in music, 136. NEXARIs, 196; his precepts on the symmetries, ib, NICHOMACHUs, painter, 76. -- NIGER, river, 236. INDEX. 395 NILE, 35. 114; source of 236. NoNACRIAN region, in Arcadia, 244. NUMISIUs, P. architect, 2. NYMPIIoDoRUs, 196. OAKEN piles, 157. 'OxPA, 215. Oct AGONAL tower, 25. Oct Ast YLos, 82. 84. Octochor D, in hydraulics, 319. OCTOGENARIAE, pipes, 253. ODEUM, 148. - OEC1, halls, 176; Grecian, 177. 185. OECI CyziceNI, 177. OECUs, in Grecian houses, 184. 'OIA=, a tiller, 309. OIL-CELLAR, 181. OLIVE-wooD, charred, advantage of, in walls, 22. OLYMPIC games, 259. OLYMPIus Jupiter, 82. 197. 5 'OIIAI, beds of beams, 106. - OPENINGs, for air, 205; or mouths of channels, 207, 315; of a furnace, 221. OPTICs, 4. ORACLEs, on Socrates, 75; on colonies of the Greeks to be settled in Asia, 100. ORCHESTRA, 141. 143. ORDERs, of architecture, 88.99. 107.118; representation of 364. 368. ORNAMENTs, of columns, 104. 191; of epistylia, 126, 143; of doors, 115. ORPIMENT, 215. ORSEIs, NYMPH, mother of Dorus, 100. ORTHog RAPHY, 11. 396 INDEX. or rrez, tortoises, 338. OstruM, purple, 224. Ov.ALs, in pavement, 200. Over HANGING, 158. 188. PACEs, one thousand, 323. PADDLEs, in water-mills, 314. P.EoNIUs, of Ephesus, architect, 197. 306. PAINTERs, celebrated, 76. PAINTING in buildings, on the use of, 2142 PAINTING Rooms, 178. PALESTRA, 155. 180. PALLIENSEs, stone-quarries of the, 53, et seq. PALM, 44. 79. PANIonius NEPTUNUs, temple of 100. PAPHLAGONIA, fountain of 245. PARAETONIUM, a town of Egypt, 240. PARALLELs, in catapults, 325.—Parallel-line, 141. 286. PARAMESE, in music, 136. PARANETE, in music, ib. PARAPET, 127. 152. 144, 334. IIAPAXTAx, in temples, 184; in the catapult, 325. PARASTATAE, 325. 128. PARHYPATE, in music, 136. PARMENIo, 287. PARos, 307. PASSAGE (xystus), of theatres, 150. 156. PASSAGEs (fauces), to courts, 175. PATRocLEs, 287. PAUSANIAs, 5. PAvement, 199. 207. PEAKED, tiles, 200. PEARLs, soluble in acids, 245. PEDESTAL, 143. * } § to 6 - k INDEX. 397 PELECINoN, a dial, 287. PELOPoNNESUs, 4.99. PENTADORON, 44; a kind of brick; of five palms; representation of, 350. IIENTAMoIPOx, 80. PENTASPASTos, block of five pulleys, 301. PENTELICUs, mount, 58. - PENTHous E, 338. PEPHASMENUs, a Tyrian artificer, 333. PER GAMUs, 192. IIEPIAKTOI, 144. PERICLEs, odeum of, 148. IIEPIAPOMIAEx, 186; Xysti, 156. IIEPIHXornTEx, 146. PERIMETRos, 141. PERIPTERos, 81. 119.-Plan of a peripteral temple, 358. 368. PERISTYLIUM, 184. 155; Doric, 175; Rhodian, 184; in private houses, 175. IIEPITPHTox, sight-hole in the balista, 329, 12. IIEPITPOxox, 302. PERPENDICULAR, 94. 250. 57. 274. PERPENDICULAR-LINE, in dialling, 284. PERSIAN, portico, 5. PERSPECTIVE, 195. PESARo, 70. PHARAx, of Ephesus, a statuary, 76. PHASIs, 235. PHELLos, in a dial, 290. PHIDIAs, the statuary, 76. PHILEos, 195. PHILIP, son of Amyntas, 333. PHILIP, the astrologer, 283. PHILO of Byzantium, 196, et seq. PHILOLAUs of Tarentum, 9. PHILUs, 197. PHoc.EA, 100. 398 INDEx. PHRYGIA, 242. PHRYGIANs, 39. ºpeorror, 135. 137. PHYRos, 196. PHYSICIANs, 19. PHYSICs, 41. ºpºrxIOAOTIA, 6. PHYTEUs, 195. PIACENZA, 268. PICENUM, 53. PICTUREs, cut from walls, 58, 59. PICTUREs, large, 208. 210. PIERs, in buildings, 188. 152, et seq. 126, 155 PIERs, in harbours, 158. PILE, driving, 88. 301. PILING, 68. PILLARs, for marking time, 289. PILLow, in a capital, 90; in the catapult, 326. PILLow ED (Ionic) capital, 90. 103.13. PIN (fibula), 299. 301. 317. PINAcot HECA, 176. 13. IIINAE, 320. PINNA, 239. PINNING, of beams, 301. PIPEs (fistulae), in hydraulics, 238. 252, 172, 317. PIPEs (tubuli), 238. 253. PIRAEUs, harbour, 195. 240. PISISTRATUs, 196. PISTON-Rods (ancomes), 320. PIsTons, 317. PITANE, a city of Asia, 44. PIvors (chodaces), 305. PIxoDAURUs, called Evangelus for having discovered a quarry of marble, 307. * - PLACEs, salubrious, choice of 16; places for the common use of a city, 31. INDEX. - 399 PLAN of a city, should be polygonal, 21. PIANETs, 268. º PLANKING, 337. - **** PLASTER-work, 46. 156. 256, et seq. PLASTERING (tectorium opus), 43. 59. 153. 212; preparation of marble for, 214. PLASTERING (albarium opus), 130. 153. PLATO, 79. 192. 260, et seq. PLEURITIDEs, rules in hydraulics, 320. PLINTHIUM, a dial, 287. - PLINTHs, 56.83. 88; in the column, 89, 108.84, 90. 118. PNEUMATIC machine, 296. PNEUMATIcos, 296.-Pneumatics, 287. Po, river, 69, 70. 236. Podium, in a theatre, 143; around a temple, 89. 208. Pole, poles in a gnomon, 268. - Poles, 166. 291. Polish ING, of pavements, 200. • Polish ING, of plastering, 202. 205. 207. 215. 219. Pollis, 196; his precepts on symmetry, ib, PolycIEs of Adramyttium, the painter, 76. PolycLETUs, the sculptor, ib. PolyGo NAL towers, 21. PolyIDUs, 196; of Thessaly, temp. Philip of Macedon, 333. Polyspaston, a machine, 304. PoWTINE marshes, 20. PoWTUs, 38. 165. 215. 224, 235. 242. Pores, 231. 256. PoſtINUs, an Athenian architect, 196. |PortABLE dials, 287. Port ER's rooms, 184. PoRTIco, of Eumenes, 148; of Pompey, ib.; double portico, 155; portico on three sides, 184; portico behind the scenes, 148; in baths, 155. 157. Portug AL, 38. PosLDoNIUs, 248. 400 INDEX. IIoxoTHz, dimension, 11. T- PostIcuM, rear of the temple, 8]. 88. 90. Posts, 187. º, Pot HEREUs, 19. PotsHERDs, coat of, 207. PozzoLANA, 50, et seq. . PRECINCTIONEs, passages, in theatres, 131. PRAxITELEs, 196. PREss, 182. 311. PREss-Roomſ, 181. PREssur E, in mechanics, 309. PRIENE, a city of Asia, 8, 100. 195. PRINCIPLEs, growsia, to be considered in the choice of situations, 17. 42. PRIson, on the, 130. PROETUs, daughters of, 245. PRocon NESIAN marble, 59. 307. PROJECTION, 89. 63; in machines, 346; of roofs, 104. PROJECTIONs (crepidines), 84. 115. 157. PROJECTURE, 116. PROMONToRIES, 157. PRoMonToAY, of Minerva, ib. PRONAos, 78.90. 107. 112. 118. 126. PROPIGNEUM, 155. PRoPortion, 15. 78. 164. . . PRoPortionAL instrument, of Eratosthemes, 266. PROPs, 296. PRosceniuM, 141. PRosERPINE, temple of, 12. 197. PRosLAMBANOMENos, in music, 135. PRosPANCLIMA, 760; Tāv kaiaa., a dial, 287. PRosTAHIStortoum ENA, 790; t& igrogotaeva, a dial, 287. IIPOXTAx, 184. PRosTYLos, 81. PROTHYRIDEs (trusses), 116. PROTHY RUM, 186. INDEX, 401 PROTYRAN wine, 242. PSEUDIsodom UM, work so called in walling, 57; representation of, 350. PSEUDoDIPTE Ros, 81. 85. PSEUDoPERIPTERAL temple, 120; plans of, 356. 360, PTEREGoMA (wing), 330. PTERoma, Trégoſzcz, 85. 112. 120. PToI.EMY, king, 192, 194. PULLEY, 287, passim, 299. 302, 303. 308. PULPITUM, Aoysiov, in a theatre, 141, 146. PUMICE-STONE, Pompeian, 50. PURLINEs (templa), 104. See Plate, 366. PURPLE, 224; colours, how prepared, 225. PUZZUol.1, 222, Pycnosty Los, 85, et seq.; represented, 362. PYTHAGoRAs, of Samos, 124. 228. 260. 262. 283. 316. PYTHAGoREANs, discipline of the, 42. PYTHIAN games, 259. PyTHIUs, of Prieme, architect, 8, et seq., 107. Q. QUADRAGENARIA, pipes, 253. QUADRANT, 91. 105. QUARTILE, 9. QUICKSILVER, 217. QUINARIA, pipes of five digits, 253. QUINQUAGENARIA, pipes, ib. QUIRINUs, temple of, 82. 220. QUIvER, a dial, 287. R. RAFTERs (cantherii), 104. 128. See Plate, 366. RAFTERs (asseres), 104. See Plate, 366. RAILs in doors, 116. * 402 * INDEX. RAIN water, 234. . (. . . " ºn 5 o RAMMER, for loose earth, 199. 208. RAMPARTs, construction of, 23. RAvRNNA, 20. 68. 70. RECEPTAcLE of waters, 253. RECEss of a wall, 118. RECEssion of objects in painting, 195. RECHAMUs, 299. RED lead, 215. 223. REEDs, indicate water, 231; Grecian reeds, 203. REFLECTION from polished walls, 205. RESERVoIR, 253. 290. 317. REsoNANT places, 146. RETICULATED work, in walling, 56; represented, 350, REveRBERATION, 133. RHINE, 235. RHoDEs, 61. 161. 224, 284, 341. RHODIAN portico, 184. RHoDIANs, 223. 341, et seq.; their flect, 61. RHoNE, 235. RIBs (asseres), 203. RIDGE-PIECE, columen, 104. RIGHT angled triangle, 256; method of constructing, 262. RIGHT line, 4. RIVERs, the greatest, flow from the north, 235. RoADS leading to gates, 21. Rod, iron, (arcus ferreus), 153. Ro1.LER, or cylinder, 306. 334. RoME, praise of, 62, ct seq., 168. Romulus, house of, 40. Roofs, 104. 118; parts of a roof, represented in section and eleva- tion, 366. Rooms, 202. 205. 207. 176. 182. RoPEs, in machines of draught, 301. RULE, 108; by rule and square, 204. RULEs, in hydraulics, 320. INDEX, 403 SAGGING, 187. SALAPIA, town of 20. SALMACIS, fountain of, 59. xAMBTKH, 166. 343. SAMos, 100. 195. SAND, 46. 48. 85. 203; strong, common, and red, 231 ; counter- poise of, 290. 264. SAND-CoAT, in stucco, 204. SAND-PIT, 46. 50. SAND-ston E, 50. 53. SAPINEA, 47. SARDIANs, 59. SARNAcus, 196. SATURN, planet, 271. SATYRUs, 195. SAwING into four quarters, 67, ScALE, 261. 267. SCALE-BEAM, 309. ScALING machine, 334. ScAMILLI (impares), 89. 149. ScANson 1A, 296. ScAPHE, a dial, 287. ScARLET-DYE, 224. ScLNE. See THEATRE. ScFNE painting, 145. ScLNog RAPHY, 11. SchEMATA, 28. ScHol.A, in a bath, 153. ScoPAs, 196. 287. Scorpion, a machine, 325, 296. 308. 6, 22. Scot1A, in columns, 90. 110. Screw (cochlea), 180. ScREW-PREss, 182. 404 INDEX, Screw-PUMP (cochlea), 159. Sculpture, 8.88; of the cymatium, 115. Scutul.A, sight-hole, 329. SEA, superior and inferior, 72. altar of the, 122. SEAsoNs, changes of the, 283. SEMICANALICULI in triglyphs, 109, SEMICIRCULAR dial, 287. SEMICYLINDER, 266. SEMIRAMIs, 241. SEMIMEToP.E, 109. SEMITONE, 135. SEPTENTRIo, 25. SEPTIMIUs, P. 196. SERAPIs, temple of, 31. SEsquTALTERUM, 80. SESTERTIUM, 80. SETTLING of timber, 199. SEwAGE, 7. 150. SEwBRs, 150. SHAFT, of a column, 83; of the climacis in the balista, 330; in staircases, 262; of the water-screw, 316. SHAFTs (scapi), in machines, 305. SHEEPCOTEs, 182. SHIELD (clypeus), in the Laconicum, 154. SICILICUs, 326. 331. SICILY, 240. 242. SIDE-PIECEs, 337. SIDE-Posts (parastatae), 325. > SIGHT-Hole, in the balista, 329. *… 4:... v., v. f. 2 * * SIGNs, of the zodiac, Sun's course through, 276. SILANION, 196. SILENUs, 195. SILVER, method of detecting, when mixed with gold, 264. SILVER-MINEs of Athens, 215. SIM.E (epitithides), in the coronae, 94. INDEX. 405 SINGING birds, in hydraulics, 307. SINKINGs, in the soffit of the corona, 110. SINoPE, 215. SIX, deemed a perfect number, 80. x KIAQHPAX, 26, 284. SLABS, in pavement, 200. SMYRNA, 194, 215; city of, 100. 148. SocKET-PIECEs, chelonia, 299. SocEATEs, 75. 77. 192. SoFFIT, of the corona, 110. SoLoR, a town of Sicily, 241. SoRACTE, stone quarries of, 53. Sound work (catenatio), 68. SPACE between two veins of earth, or timber, &c. 51, 54. 70. SPAIN, 38. 165. 215. 220. SPARTA, 58. SPECTACULA, in theatres, the places for the beholders, 141. 131. SPHEROIDAL surface, 251. SPRINGs, 240; supply of water from, 252. SPUR, 331. SQUARE (ancomes normae), prothyrides, 261; stone, 56. 112. 53; rule and square, 204; method of doubling the area of the square, 261. SQUARE, quadratum, 107. STADIA, covered, 156. STAIRCASEs, in a theatre, 141; method of setting out the steps, 262. STALKs (caulicoli), in capitals, 102. 211. STALKs, of plants, represented on walls, 211. STAND-PIPEs (columnaria), in aqueducts, 254, STARs, rising and setting of, 283, STATONIA, prefecture of, 54. STATUAR1Es, distinguished, 76. STEELYARD (statera), 309, 333. STEPs, 89. 131; lower, of staircases, 263. STEREOBATA, stylobata, 88. STocks, brazen, 332. 406 INDEX. xToixEIA, 17. Stone-quaRRIEs, 53; discovered at Ephesus, 307. STOPPLEs, 290. 319. STORE-Rooms, apothecae, 179. STRATEGEUM, 148. STRAw, its use, 43. 337. STREETs, 24. STRENGTH, in building, whence arising, 15. STRING, 203. XTPIs, of the catapult, 325. STRUTs (capreoli), 104. 129. See Plate, 366. STUcco, 202, 203. 206, 207. 214, 221. STYLoBATA, 88. See Plate, 368. STYx, water of 244. SUDATORIES, in baths, 153. 51. SUMMER-Rooms, 204. 210. *. - - SUN, temple of the, 12; course of the sun through the twelve signs, 276. SUNIUM, 120. SUNK, in the centre (alveolatus), 89. SUSA, 246. - SweLLING, in the middle of columns (entasis), 87.89. 149. SYENE, 236. {..~.” SYMMETRY, 11, 15. 78. 164, 81. 170. . . . XTMºon1A1, consonances, 136. y xtNHXornTEX, consonant places, 146. SYRAcus E, 264. SyFIA, 69.235. 241. 243. SYSTYLos, 83, 85. TABLE, in the balista, 330. TABLINUM, 174. TACNIA, in the epistylium, 108. TANAIs; 235. TARCHESIUs, architect, 107. INDEX, 407 TARENTUM, 284. TARSUs, a city of Cilicia, 240.247. TARQUINIANs, 54. TA=12, fitness, 11. TEETH, of the saw, 26; of sheers, 299; of the wall, 188; of the drum-wheel, 314; denticuli, 288. TELAMONEs, 186. TEAEIox, 79. TEMPERING of lime, 202. TEMPLEs, 99, et seq. 115. 118, 8; of Apollo, 31.82; at Miletus, 197; of Diana, 83; of Æsculapius, 13; of Augustus, 128; of Castor, in the Circus Flaminius, 120; of Ceres, 32.84; of Proserpina at Eleusis, 197; of Coelus, 12; of Diana, 13. 101; of Diana Aricina, 120; of Ephesus, 82. 195. 197. 305. 307; of Magnesia, 82; of Faunus, 81; of Flora, 12. 220; of Fortune, 81 ; of Fortuna Equestris, 83; of Hercules, 12. 31. 58. 84; of Honour and Virtue, 82. 197; of Jupiter, 12. 31. 56.81. 128; Capitolinus, 84; Tonans, 12; Olympius at Athens, 82. 196, et seq.; Stator, 82; in the island of the Tiber, 81; of Isis and Serapis, 31; of the god Julius, 83; of Juno, 13. 31; at Argos, 99; at Samos, 195; of Bacchus, 13. 31. 107. 148; Teos, 80. 195; of the Moon, 12. 140; of Mars, 12. 31 ; of Mercury, 31; of Minerva, 13. 31; at Athens, 120. 195; Prieme, 8, 195; Sunium, 120; of Nep- tume Panionius, 100; of the Nymphs of the Fountains, 12; of Proserpime, 12; of Quirinus, 82; of Health, 13; of Se- rapis, 31; of the Sun, 12; Vejovis between two Groves, 120; of Venus, 12.31; in the forum of Caesar, 83; of Vulcan, 31; sacred to different gods, 12. 31, et seq.; five species of, 83, et seq. 122; on their design and symmetry, 78; their different aspects, 114; the proportions of their doors, 115; plans of, 354. 356. 358. 360. 362. TEN (decussis), 80. TEN inches (dextans), 89. TENoNs, 336. TEos, 84, 100. 195. 408 INDEX, TEPID water, in baths, 152. TEREBRA, 335. TERRACINA, 242, et seq. TEssERA, in pavement, 200. TESTUDINATUM cavaedium, 172. TETRAcHoRD, in music, 136; in hydraulics, 319. TETRADoRoN, four palms, 44; representation of, 354. TETRASTYLos, 172, 176; tetrastylum cavedium, 172; elevation of a diastyle tetrastylos temple, 354. THALAMUs, 184. THALEs, the Milesian, 42. 192. 227. 283. THAsos, 307. THEANUM, 244. THEATRE, 131; vases used in, 138; its shape, 141; of its por- tico and other parts, 143; of the three sorts of scenes, and - of the theatres of the Greeks, 145; of the porticos and pas- sages behind the scenes, 148. THE BAIs, Plains of, 236. OEMATHXMox. See CIRCUMSTANCE. THEocydes, 196. THEoDoRUs, the Phocaean, 195. THEoDosius, 287. THEoDoTUs, 215. THEoPHRASTUs, 162. 248. THESSALY, 244. THOLUs, dome, 211. See Plate, 368. THowLs, in ships, 310. THRAcE, 244. - THREE-BRICK wall, triplinthius paries, 62. THREE FoRTUNEs, 81. THUNDER BOLTs, in sculpture, 109. erpopeion, 184. TIBER, river, 236. island of the, 81. 236. TIBURTINE tiles, 200. TIBURTINE-WAY, 238; stone quarries, 53. INDEXe 4.09 TIE-BEAM, 104. 128. See Plate, 366. TIES (catenae), 203. of charred olive wood, 21. TIGRIs, 235. TILEs, 207. 63.95; Tiburtime, 200. two feet square, 201, with returning edges, 207. TILLER, olaš, 309. TIMEUs, 248. TIMAvus, 236. - - TIMBER, 65; fir, 72; in what buildings to be sparingly used, 159; framed work, 104; settling of timber, 199; what kinds of wood bend or sag, 68, et seq., 187. partitions, 206. TIMOTHEUs, statuary, 59, 196. ToNGUED-TUBEs, 254. ToRToISE, for filling ditches, 336; other kinds of tortoises, 338. 335. ToRUs, in columns, 90. - . . . . cº-º- º ºvv^*& ToweR, 21. 24, 65. * * * * * * - - Town-houses, 180. TRALLEs, 58. 148, 195. 211. TRANSTRUM, 104. See Plate, 366. TRANsvers E PIECEs, 326. TRAVERSE, 39. TREADs, of steps, 89. TREASURY, where to be situated, 129, 130. TRIANGLE, right angled, of Pythagoras, 262. 316. TRIBUNAL, in temples, 118, 128; in theatres, 144. TRICENARIA, pipes, 253. TRICLINIUM, 176, 177, 178. 184. TRIENs, 80. - - TRIGLYPH, 107. 105.13. TRIMMERs (interpensiva), in Tuscan cavaedia, 172. TRINE, 9. TRIsPAstos, block of three pulleys, 301. 410 - INDEX, TRITE, in music, 136. TRochILUs, axotia, 90. TRojaN plains, 243; Trojan battles, 210. TRoj ANs, 243. TRow EL, 204. TRoy, 20, 191. 243. TRUMPET, in the machine of Ctesibius, 317. TRUNK, of a column, 89; in stylobata, 101. TRUsses (prothyrides), 116. TRYPHo, of Alexandria, architect of the Apollonians, 244. TUANA, 241. TUNNELs, for water-conduits, 252. - TURNINGs, 132; in theatres, 142. 144; in aqueducts, 249; in harbours, 157. //7 TuscAN proportions of temples, 118, et seq. See Plates, 366. 368. Tuscan cavaedium, 172, TuscANY, 51, et seq., 72. TYMPANUM, 94, 290. 312, 314. TYRE, 333. TYRRHENE sea, 72. U. ºr AAox, 225. ULYssEs, wanderings of, 210. UMBRIA, 53. . UNBURNT bricks, walls of, 62. UNIFoRMITY, in architecture, 12. UNION, 200. UNIVERSE AND PLANETs, 268. “rn EPBOAAION, 136. r UPPER layer, in pavements, 200. UPRIGHT joints (orthostatae), 57. 335. UPRIGHTs (arrectarii), 206. 333, 339. UTICENSEs, 44. UTILITY, in building, whence arising, 15, INDEX. 411 V. VACCINIUM, purple colour prepared from, 225. WALVEs (cymbala), 319. (axes), 317. WARRo, Ter., 59. 196. 266. VASEs, used in the theatre, 138. VAULT, 128; 129. ^ - VAULTED roofs, of towers, 39. * Vaulted temple, 120, 195. 211. ' ' ' ' ' ..., , , , …, VAULTING (concamératio), 46.153, 187. 42.9% A * WAULTs (cryptae), 179. VEJovis, temples of 120. ... t-z ‘’ VELINUs, 244. VENICE, 53. VENTER, xoixia, in aqueducts, 254. VENUs, temples of, 12. 31.59; planet, 270. VERMILION, 217; preparation, 219. VEssEL, Corinthian, 249 ; brazen vessels in theatres, 138. WESTA, altar of, 122. WESTIBULE, 179, 184. 197. VESTORIUs taught the preparation of a blue colour at Puteoli, 217. VESUv1Us, Mount, 50. VICENARIAE, pipes, 253. VILLA, 181. VIRTUE AND HoNour, temples of, 82. 197, VolscINIAN LAKE, 54. VoluTEs, 92.99. 103. 105, WULCAN, temple of, 31. W. WAGGON, 298. WALLs, 21. WALLs (incumbae), 188. 412 INDEX, WALLs (maenia), 81, 35,247. - WALLs (parietes), 56. 199. 203. 88. 21. 181. 3; brick, 56; middle (medii), 130; of burnt brick, 62–Different sorts of brick and stone walling, represented, 350. 230. 252. WATER, on the method of finding, 230.-On rain-water, 234.—On - hot springs, and on the nature of various fountains, rivers and lakes, 238—On qualities of waters in certain places, 247. —On the means of judging of water, 249.-On levelling, and on instruments for that purpose, 250.—On the conducting of water, 252.—Water reverenced by Egyptian priests, 229. WATER-DIALs, for winter, 289. WATER-ENGINEs, 319. WATER-MILLs, 314. WATER-screw, 315. 311. WATTLED walls, 63. WEDGES, with concentric joints, 187—Use of wedges, 332. WEEv1L, 182. WELLs, on the digging of, 255. WHITE-LEAD, 225. WIND-CHEST, 320. WINDLAss, 6. WINDows, 105. 177. WINDs, 26; diagram of 350. WINE-CELLAR, 181. WINEs, various kinds of 242. WINGs. See Aisles. WINTER-Rooms, 208. WITHY (vitex), 67. WonDERs, of the world, 196. WooDEN pins, 203. WoRK (buildings), kinds of, 57; in plaster, 152; stucco, 202, 203. 207. 214; in sand, 11; foundations, 88; ornamental, 207. 214; carpenters', 104; plasterers, 152; joiners, 104. 112. 130, 172. 184.65; marble, 203; plaster, 203. 152. 214.56; reticulatum, 56; signinum, 46. 155. 252; decorative, 145. WoRSHIPPERs, in temples, face the east, 114. INDEX, 413 WRESTLERs, 259. 266. X. XANTHUs, 242, et seq. XENOPHANES, Colophonius, 192.283. XUTHUs, 100. XYSTUs, £varès, 156, 184. Y. YELLow, method of making burnt yellow, 222. YokE, 311. ZAcynthus, 241. ZAMA, town of, 247. ZENo, 192. ZoDIAc, 2.76. Zoilus, the Macedoniam, called Homeromastix, 194, et seq. ZoPHoRus, or frieze, 93.99. THE END. G. Woodſall, Angel Court, Skimmer Street, London. 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