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TITUTT.III [-] e --- sº ; : “OF THE º rºfuſiºuniº ERspºnſº 22:fff;. t º º -** | H. - - ºNEEEºs -: ºr sº sºciºlºra T tº tº sº º Pº º ºs ººl rºººººº. ºfflº ºiliºiſºniifºliºſitºrillº § \\ 0 | 5 | O €5 AN ELEMENTARY T E X T - B O O K OF MATERIA MEDICA, CHARACTERISTIC, ANALYTICAL AND COMPARATIVE. BY * Q & \j- A. C. CowPERTHWAITE, M.D., P.I.I.D., PROFESSOR OF MATERIA MEDICA AND DISEASES OF WOMEN IN THI. HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THIE STATE UNIVERSITY OF IO WA ; AUTHOR OF “ INSA N- ITY IN ITS M HIDTCO-LEGAIL RELA- TIONS,” ETC., ETC CHICAGO : D UN Cº, N B R O T H E R. S. 1880. Copyrighted by DUNCAN BROTHERs. 1880. TO THEODORE BACMEISTER, M.D., T4) WHOM I AM INDEBTED FOR MY FIRST KNOWLEDGE OF THE HOMOEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA; IN TOKEN OF GRATITUIDE FOR MAN Y FAVORS RECEIVED ; OF ADMIRATION OF HIS FIIGH ATTAINMENTS AND PRO- FESSIONAL SKILL, AND OF WARM PERSONAL REGARD, THIS VOLUME IS RESPECT- FULLY DEDICATED BY THE AUTHOR. PR E F A C E. In presenting to medical students and to the profession another Text-Book of Materia Medica a few words of explan- ation may not be inappropriate. Homoeopathic literature already abounds with valuable compilations of Materia Medica obtained from the most authentic sources, and it is not the ambition of the author that the present volume shall, in any sense, supercede these or render their use unnecessary, but rather does he desire that it may, by presenting in a clear and concise manner the prominent features of our most important remedies, furnish the beginner with a systematic basis of knowledge, that may facilitate his study of the complete Materia Medica, and enable him the more readily to comprehend the wider appli- cation of drug action as there afforded. How well this task has been performed the reception of this book alone will tell. Certainly no one is more conscious of its defects than is the author himself, who can only be-speak the charity of such as may not realize the difficulties to overcome in condensing the symptoms of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica, retain- ing only those which are essentially characteristic, and sift- ing out only those which are of less importance. Up to the present time even the most condensed works on viii. PREFACE. Materia Medica present to the mind of the student only a vast array of unmeaning symptoms, with nothing to point out their comparative value, or to assist in their practical application, so that, as a result, he stands discouraged at the outset, with little prospect but that the subject which should be to him the most entertaining, and, of necessity, the most important, will ever remain a confused mass of symptoms, which he surveys with mysterious awe, but which, in fact, he scarcely attempts to unravel or to comprehend. In view of this fact it has been the aim of the author to present in this volume only the characteristic points of the Homoe- opathic Materia Medica, and to include these as full and com- plete as possible. In so doing he has first given in brief the action of each drug from a physiological standpoint, hoping thus by presenting the general action of the drug to better prepare the student for a detailed study of its special action as afforded by its pathogenesis. For practical study the symptoms of the Materia Medica may be readily divided into four groups. First: Those which occur very often in provings, and which have been repeatedly verified in practice; these we may designate as “grand characteristics.” Second: Those which occur less often in provings, but which have been frequently verified in practice; these we may designate as “characteristics.” Third: Those which come next in order, being important, yet falling short of characteristic expression, and Fourth: Those which occur seldom in provings, and which lack clinical verification. All these groups of symptoms find their place in an “Encyclopaedia,” while it is usually inten- ded to incorporate the first three groups in manuals and text-books. The present volume, however, only includes PREFACE. ix. the first two, and of these the first group or “grand char- acteristics” are printed in italics, while the second group are given in ordinary text. While most of the symptoms given are pathogenetic, that is, are the result of provings on the healthy, yet it has not been deemed advisable to throw out altogether those distinctively curative symptoms, which have been so repeat- edly verified as to render them unquestionably characteristic, and such only of curative symptoms are given. To facilitate the use of this volume, the names of remedies possessing similar symptoms have been recorded in the text for comparison. In so doing especial attention has not always been had to the “grade” of the symptoms as occur- ring in the remedy mentioned for comparison, and reference is sometimes made to remedies where such symptom only occurs in the third group of symptoms as heretofore ex- plained, such fact being evinced by the absence of the symp- toms from this book. In presenting the therapeutic range of each drug only those diseases or morbid conditions have been named in which the symptoms of the drug are most apt to occur, and in which clinical experience has most often verified its use, yet it must ever be remembered that diseases are not treated by name, and that it is only when the totality of the symp- toms presented by the patient correspond to those of the drug that its use becomes Homoeopathic. In the preparation of the material for this volume, refer- ence has been freely made to every available work on Materia Medica published, and to some which have long been out of print, yet the author desires to especially acknowledge his X. PREFACE. indebtedness to Hahnemann’s Materia Medica Pura, Hahne- mann’s Chronic Diseases, Allen's Encyclopædia of Pure Mate- ria Medica, Hering's Condensed Materia Medica, Lippe's Text-Book of Materia Medica, Jahr's New Manual, by Hull, and Hale's New Remedies. With the hope that the work may assist in accomplishing the pulpose whereunto it was conceived, it is now submitted to the profession. A. C. CowPERTHWAITE. IOWA CITY, Dec. 10, 1879. CONTENTS. Aconitum, e Actea racemosa, tº © ($ tº AEsculus hippocastanum, . AEthusa, ſº e * Agaricus muscarius, Agnus castus, e © Ailanthus, te tº º Aloe, e * e tº e & Alumina, Ambra, ſº º © ſº Ammonium carbonicum, . Ammonium muriaticum, Anacardium, * Antimonium crudum, . e * * Antimonium tartaricum, Apis mellifica, * * Apocynum cannabium, § † : © Argentum metallicum, e tº * Argentum nitricum, * g * * Arnica,. e e Arsenicum album, tº 17 25 27 29 32 46 48 51 54 48 59 61 65 69 Q9I 39 I 8&I 8&I /.3 I 9&T &I 8II 9II G II if II 9 II &II III ()II 60I SOI /OI &OI 00I 86 96 #6 /.8 Q8 38 8), I8 9). Q/. ‘BSO.IIA BAmoſ) ‘unſuopſ[ou C) ‘UIIIuuoultuO ‘ūO.Ipo, ) ‘edo, ) ‘uinousn’t:O ‘UIn Il Kudoſnu, ) ‘siliqtºo-joA Oq.Ito ‘sittitulum; Odit:0 ‘tumorsdº) ‘skitsu]ut:0 *AI]t'S siqbulitº) ‘b.Ioudubo ‘lioIIoudsoud to Itolº) ‘uin.I tollsO taleoluſ) ‘snouſ) ‘ths, Aog “tutuqntus!g ‘bruo K.Ig “tututuo.1%I “xt:.10%| ‘SILoq.logI ‘plot; orozuogI ‘buuopºlogI ‘loſuoq.Ito ºn.S.lugi “ulsudug ‘un.In V ‘UIndusV. 6. wº “ºpylanjºs V. ‘tun II.Kudrun tun.IV. * SLNGHALNOO 'II & CONTENTS. xiii Cina, Cinchona, China, Clematis, Cocculus, Coffea cruda, Colchicum, Colocynthis, Conium, Crocus, Croton tiglium, Cuprum metallicum, Cyclamen, Digitalis, Drosera, Dulcamara, e e º 9 Eupatorium perfoliatum. Eupatorium purpureum, Euphrasia, Ferrum, Gelsemium, Glonoine, Graphites, Hamamelis, Helleborus niger, Hepar sulphur, Hydrastis, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Iodine, 137 140 140 145 147 150 152 155 158 161 163 164 166 168 170 171 174 175 176 178 181 184 186 191 192 194 198 200 204 208 xiv. CONTENTS. Iodide of Potash, Ipecacuanha, Iris versicolor, Rali bichromicum, Kali carbonicum, Kali iodatum, Kalmia, Kreosotum, Lachesis, Laurocerasus, Ledum, Leptandra, Lilium tigrinum, Lobelia inflata, Lycopodium, Magnesia carbonicum, Mercurius biniodidus, Mercurius corrosivus, Mercurius protoididus, Mercurius solubilis, Mercurius vivus, Mezereum, Muriaticum acidum, Natrum carbonicum, Natrum muriaticum, Nitricum acidum, Nux moschata, Nux vomica, Opium, Petroleum, CONTENTs. XV. Phosphorus, Phosphoricum acidum, Phytolacca, Platinum, Plumbum, Podophyllum, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Rheum, Rhododendron, Rhus toxicodendron, Rumex crispus, Ruta graveolens, Sabina, Sambucus, Sanguinaria, Secale cornutum, Sepia, Silicia, Spigelia, Spongia, Stannum, Staphysagria, Stramonium, Sulphur,. Sulphuricum acidum, Tartar emetic, Tabacum, Terebinthina, Thuja, 294 301 304 307 309 312 314 317 325 326 328 334 336 337 339 340 342 346 352 359 361 363 365 368 371 380 51 382 384. 385 Veratrum album, . º e e e & & 389 Veratrum viride, & e ſº º º e . 393 Zincum, . e º º º tº * º e 395 T E XT - B O O ESC OF MATERIA MEDICA. A CONITUM. Aconitum napellus. Watural order. Ranunculaceae. Common name. Monk’s hood. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts predominantly upon the cere- bro-spinal nervous system, producing an exalted activity in the arterial circulation, paralyzing the arterial capillaries, and, as a result, giving congestions and inflammations of various parts, especially of the brain, spinal cord, serous and mucous mem- branes, muscles and joints. The leading expression of Aconite is a feverish, nervous restlessness, which characterizes its entire action. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. MIND.—Great timidity, especially after a fright; afraid in the dark; fear of ghosts, etc. & Fear of approaching death; (Ars.) predicts the day of death. Inconsolable anariety, piteous wailings; complaints and reproaches about trifles. Eaccessive restlessness, agonized tossing about. |Wariable humor, alternate attacks of gaity and dejection. (Nux mos.) Ailments from fright; (Gels., Op.) from vexation; from anger. (Bry, Cham.) HEAD.— Vertigo, with nausea and vanishing of sight. 2 17 18 A CONITUM. Vertigo when rising from a recumbent posture, (Bry) with fainting and pale face. Vertigo on stooping, staggers, especially to the right. Vertigo from congestion; from anger; from fright; from suddenly suppressed catamenia." Burn?ng headache as ºf the brain were agitated by boºlèng water. Fullness and heavy feeling, as if everything would push out of the fore- head. (Bell., Bry., Merc.) Sunstroke, (Glon.) especially from sleeping in the rays of the sun. Congestion, anxiety; face hot and red or pale; carotids pulsate strongly; (Bell., Chinch.) pulse full, strong, or small and quick; worse towards evening. Squeezing in the forehead above the root of the nose, feels as if she would lose her reason. Sensation as if the hairs stood on end; scalp sensitive to the touch. (Baryta c.) & EYEs.—Violent acute inflammation, in the earlier stages. (Bell.) Intense burning, pressive, shooting pains, especially on moving the eyeballs. Conjunctivitis resulting from theirritation of foreign bodies in the eye; from ingrowing eyelashes; from exposure to cold, dry winds. Sensitive to light, particularly sunlight; light dazzles the eyes. (Bell.) Eye-balls feel enlarged as if coming out of the socket. EARS.—Great sensitiveness to every novse; noise intolerable, particularly music. Roaring in ears. (Chinch.) External ear hot, red and swollen. NoSE.—Sense of smell very acute, especially for unpleasant odors. Epistaxis, bright red blood. (Bell., Bry.) Coryza, with sneezing, (Sang.) fever, thirst, restlessness. Distressing pressive pain at root of nose. (Hepar, Merc.) FACE.-Anxious, frightened expression. Face red and pale alternately, or one cheek red, the other pale, (Cham.) face bloated and red. (Bell., Op.) Sensation of face growing large. On rising the red face turns deadly pale. Neuralgia of trigeminus, left side, (Spigelia), face red and hot; rest- lessness, anguish and Screaming. A CONITUM. 19 MoUTH.—Burning, tingiing and numbness of lips, mouth and tongue. Dryness of mouth. (Ars., Bry, Nux. m.) Toothache from cold, or dry cold winds, with throbbing on one side, cheek red, congestion to head. Teeth sensitive to cold air. (Spig.) Bitter taste in the mouth. (Bry., Coloc., China, Puls.) Tongue coated white or thick yellow white. Copious flow of saliva. (Merc.) THROAT.—Burning and numbness in throat. (Capsic.) Redness of soft palate and uvula. (Bell.) Fauces and pharynx dark red, stinging and burning. (Apis, Lach.) Feeling of dryness as if something had stuck in the throat. (Hep.) STOMACH.—No appetite, loathing of food. (Arn., Ars., Carbo veg.) Burning, unquénchable thºrst. Desire for beer, wine or brandy. Gastric catarrh from drinking ice water while overheated. (Ars.) Painful hiccough. (Nux, Puls.) Womiting of lumbrici, (Cina); of bile, (Pod); of green masses; of mucus, (Tart, emet, Ipec.); of what has been drank, (Ars, Phos.) Pressure in pit of stomach as from a weight or stone. (Ars., Bry., Puls.) Burning from Stomach up through the Oesophagus to the mouth. Region of stomach sensitive to the touch. ABDOMEN.—Constriction, or stitches in hepatic region hindering respira- tion. (Bry., Kali c.) Abdomen swollen, burning hot, and sensitive to the touch. (Bell.) Meteorism, vomiting, inability to wrºnate. Burning and cutting in the intestines, worse from pressure or lying on the right side. STOOL.-Watery; white, with red urine; like chopped herbs in summer com- plaint; black, foºtid; bloody and slimy; scanty, loose, frequent with teneSmuS. Intolerable nightly tingling and itching at the anus, from seat worms. (China.) URINARY ORGANS.—Painful anxious urging to urinate. Micturition painful, difficult, drop by drop; urine scanty, fiery, scald- ing hot, red or dark colored. (Canth.) 20 ACONITUM. Retention or suppression of urine, with pressure in the bladder, or stitches in the region of the kidneys; retention from cold especially in children, with crying and restlessness. (Stram., Hyos.) MALE SExUAI, ORGANs.-Bruised pain in testicles. (Con., Arn.) Testicles swollen and hard. (Con.) FEMALE SExUAI, ORGANS.–Menses suppressed; from fright, veſtation, cold; especially in plethoric women. Active uterine haemorrhage, (Secale, Ipec.); much ercitability, giddy, can not sit up, fear of death. Vagina dry, hot and sensitive. (Bell.) Suppressed lochia; skin hot and dry, milk scanty; abdomen inflated and sensitive. (Bry.) Ovaritis, from suddenly checked menstrual floºd. Impending abortion from fright or vexation. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Hoarseness. Larynx sensitive to touch and to inspired air, as if denuded. (Phos.) Laryngitis with inflammatory fever; also with suffocative spasms. Croup, awaking in first sleep; agony, fossing about ; dry, short cough, after exposure to dry, cold rinds. (Spong.) Cough, dry, hoarse, loud; spasmodic, rough; awaking, with danger of suffocation, (Lach.) dry, hard and ringing. Child grasps its throat every time it coughs. Expectoration of bright red blood. Haemoptysis, the blood comes up with an easy hacking, hemming or slight cough; anxiety, palpitation, quick pulse; stitches in chest, (Bry, Kali c.); from excitement, wine, or exposure to dry, cold air. Can not lie on the right side, but only on the back. (Merc.) Stitches in chest with cough. (Bry.) Lancinating pains through the chest, with dry heat, difficult breathing, often violent chill. Labored, anxious breathing; or quick and Superficial. Agony, sits straight up, can hardly breathe; pulse thread-like (Ars.) vomiturătro; sweat ſpäth ama'iety; swelling under short ribs; after scarlet fever. Oppression of the chest when moving fast or ascending; in heart disease. Pressive weight and burning under the sternum. ACONITUM. 21 HEART AND PULSE.-Dreadful oppression and anxiety about the heart. Palpitation with great anxiety and restlessness; difficult breathing; confusion in head; flying heat in face; pressive pain in cardiac region. (Cactus, Dig., Spig.) Feeling of fullness, pulse hard and strong; contracted; stitches in heart; constriction of the chest, in pericarditis. Uncomplicated cardiac disease; especially with numbness in the left arm, (Rhus tox.); tingling in fingers and fainting. Pulse; strong, full, hard, in fevers, inflammations, (Bell.); small, inter- mitting, irregular, in asthma, (Ars.); quick, hard, small, in periton- itis; contracted, full powerful, over 100 per minute; quicker than beat of heart; imperceptible, like a thread, with anxiety. BACK AND NECK.—Teſt ring in nape of neck. Painful stiff neck, worse on moving neck; pain extending down to right shoulder. (Gels.) Bruised pain between the shoulders. (Rhus.) Drawing, tearing pain in the scapulac. Stiffness of the back. (Rhus.) Numbness in small of back extending into the legs. UPPER LIMBs.—Drawing, tearing pain in shoulder joint, elbow-joint in the forearm, wrists and fingers. (Bry. Rhus.) Numbness of the left arm, catſ, scareely move the hand. Formication in arms, hands and fingers. Arms hang powerless, as if paralyzed by blows. Creeping in fingers especially in writing. Hands icy cold. Palms hot. LOWER LIMBS.–Drawing, tearing pains in all the joints, and in the thigh. (Bry., Rhus.) Tired feeling in lower limbs during repose. (Rhus.) Leſ/s almost powerless, after sifting, a ſtubness. (Rhus.) Cramps in calves. (Nux, Sulph.) Unsteadiness of the knees. Coldness of the feet, particularly the toes. GENERALITIES.–Rheumatic inflammations of the joints, worse evening and night; intense bright red, shining swelling of the parts, sensitive to least contact. (Bry) 22 ACONITUM. Lameness and numb feeling in the affected parts, pain intolerable, numbness and tingling in all parts. Great weariness and loss of strength. Faintness on attempting to sit up. (Bry.) Very sensitive to the least draft of cold air. Drawing, tearing pains here and there. (Rhus.) Bruised pains in different parts, (Arn.) Fine, stinging pains in many parts. Body sensitive to touch; does not wish to be touched or moved. Ea'cessive restlessness and tossing about for several hours. SKIN.—Red, shining, hot, swelling; violent pain. (Bell.) Fine prickling, as from needles here and there. Spots like flea bites; itching unchanged by scratching. (Con.) Rash of children; miliary; also; in measles and scarlet fever. (Apis, Bell., Puls.) - SLEEP.—Sleeplessness after midnight, with great restlessness and tossing about. Anxious, vivid dreams, waking with a start. FEVER.—Chilliness on slightest 'movement, or from being uncovered or touched. Shivering ascends from the feet to the chest. Chill with internal heat, anxiety, red cheeks. Heat with thirst, hard, full, and frequent pulse, analous, &mpatient, inap- peasible, beside himself, tossing about in agony. Profuse hot sweat during sleep. AGGRAVATION.—In the evening and night; when lying on the (left) side; when rising; in warm room; from tobacco smoke. AMELIORATION.—In the open air; when sitting still (rheumatism); from wine; generally better while at rest, but during night, in bed pains insupportable. - THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Is most often used in those diseases where the so styled antiphlogistic treatment—blood letting, etc., would be the common practice. In pure inflammatory fever, or in fever accom- panying meningitis, pleuritis, pneumonia, peritonitis, rhuematism, croup and catarrh, it is the Homoeopathic remedy. In pericarditis, and endo-carditis. In measles and miliary fever, also in children's diseases with dry fever, it is often indicated. ACTEA. HACEMOSA. 23 CoNDITIONs.—Bad effects from dry, cold air; from suppressed perspiration; from excitement, fright, anger, chagrin. Especially applicable to plethoric persons, or those leading sedentary lives; dark hair and eyes; persons with rigid fibre. Compare: Actea, Arn., Ars., Bell., Bry, Cactus, Canth., Cham., Coff, Nux v., Puls., Spig., Sulph. º - Antidotes : Acetic acid, Paris, Sulph. To large doses: free vomiting by emetics, wine, vegetable acids, vinegar. Aconite antidotes : Bell., Cham., Coff, Nux, Sepia, Sulph., Verat. ACTEA RACEMOSA. Cimicifuga, Macrotys. Natural order. Ranunculaceae. Common names. Black Cohosh, Blacksnake root, Squaw root, Rattleweed. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Through the brain and spinal cord, Actea affects directly the entire nervous system, producing a universal depressing irritant condition, which indirectly ex- tends to the muscular system, and to the female generative organs, giving rise to the various disorders indicating rheu- matic and neuralgic disturbances of these parts. The leading expression of the remedy is a quiet, anxious, nervous irritable condition. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Thinks she is going crazy. (Merc., Calc., Ambra.) Miserable, dejected feeling. Feels grieved and troubled, with sighing. (Ignat.) Mania following disappearance of neuralgia. Incessant talking, changing from one subject to another. (Lach.) Fear of death. (Acon., Ars.) Not disposed to fix the attention on anything. (Nux., Phos. ac.) HEAD.—Fullness and dull feeling in vertex. Rush of blood to the head, (Bell.) brain feels too large for the cranium. (Nux.) 24 ACTEA RACEMOSA. Severe pain in head and eyeballs, increased on slightest motion. (Bry.) Excruciating pain in right side of head, back of orbit. (Bell.) Top of head feels as if it would fly off. (Bapt.) EYES.—Intense aching pains in the eyeballs. STOMACH.-Nausea, eructations, headache and tremor. More in women. Sinking or goneness in the epigastrium. (Igna., Sep., Sulp.) Sharp pains across the hypogastrium. Abdominal muscles sore. STOOL.—Alternate diarrhoea and constipation. (Ant. cr., Nux.) FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANs.—Menses irregular, delayed or suppressed. (Puls.) Hysterical or epileptical spasms at time of menses. (Hyos.) Pains in uterine region shoot from side to side. Pains in ovarian region shoot upwards. Bearing down in uterine region and small of back; limbs feel heavy, torpid. (Puls.) Severe pain in lower part of abdomen. Rheumatic Dysmemorrhoea. Leucorrhoea with sensation of weight in the uterus. During pregnancy: nausea; false labor-like pains (Gels., Sec.); sharp pains across abdomen; sleeplessness. (Coffea, c., Opi.) During parturition: “Shivers,” first stage (Acom.); pains too strong, spasmodic cardiac neuralgia (Gels.); lochia suppressed (Bry); rigid oS (Bell. Gels.); puerperal mania. (Hyos.) Infra mammary pains, worse left side. Burning in the mammae. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Night cough, dry, constant, short. (Al.., Hyos.) Tickling in throat with violent cough. (Phos.) Pains in sides of chest, worse from motion. (Bry.) NECK AND BACK.—Rheumatic pain in the muscles of the neck and back; a feeling of stiffness and retraction. Stiff neck from cold air, (Gels., Dulc.) from moving even the hands. Sensitiveness of the spine; especially in the cervical and upper dorsal regions. Severe aching pain in the lumbar and sacral regions, (AEscul.) down the thighs and through the hips, with heavy pressing down. AESCULUS HIPPO CASTANUM. 25 LIMBs.—Constant irregular motions of left arm ; arm useless. Rheumatic pains in the joints, with heat and swelling. (Bry.) Aching in the limbs. Eaccessive muscular Soreness. (Arn.) Rheumatism affecting the belly of the muscles. GENERALITIES.—Weakness, trembling and spasmodic action of the muscles. Alternate tonic and clonic spasms. Epileptic and hysterical convulsions. Obstinate insomnia. (Coff, Opi.) : Sharp lancinating pains in various parts, associated with ovarian or uterine irritation. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-In rheumatic, neuralgic, choreac and other affec- tions of nervous, hysterical females from irritation of the generative Organs. Delirium tremens, Mental disorders, Meningitis cerebro spinalis, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Chorea, Rhumatism, Myalgia, Pleurodynia, Puerperal fever, Dysemenorrhoea, Amenorrhoea, Leucorrhoea, Owaritis. AGGRAVATIONS.–In the morning; at night; from motion; during the Ill CD SCS. AMELIORATION.—From rest; in the open air; after eating. Compare : Arn., Acon, Bry., Bell, Bapt., Caul., Gels., Hyos, Puls. Antidotes : Acon., Bapt., Caul, Gels, Puls. AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. Matural order. Sapindaceae. Common name. Horsechesnut. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—This drug acts prominently upon the liver and portal system, and from this reaches the rectum and anus, where its most characteristic action is displayed. The chief characteristic is a severe aching pain in the lumbar and Sacral regions. 26 AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Depressed, gloomy, low-spirited, irritable. (Nux.) HEAD.—Dull pressure in forehead, slight nausea followed immediately by stitches in right hypochondrium. (Bry.) Confused feeling, with giddiness. Frequent flying pains through the temples. Flushes of heat over the occiput, neck and shoulders. (Lach.) EYEs.—Weight in the eyes; they feel heavy and dull. NOSE.—Stinging and burning in posterior nares, and soft palate. FACE–Pale, miserable appearance. (Ars.) MoUTH.--Tongue coated white or yellow. Thick yellow phlegm in the mouth. * Taste: sweet (Sul), bitter—metalic. (Ac., Cinch., Bry., Puls.) (Merc., Sul., Rhus.) THROAT.—Feeling of dryness and roughness (or rawness and burning) in throat, as from taking cold. (Alum., Acon.) STOMACH.—Violent vomiting (Ant. tart., Ipec.); great burning, distress in the stomach. (Ars.) - Pressure as from a stone in pit of stomach. (Ars., Bry., Nux., Puls.) ABDOMEN.—Tenderness in the right hypochondrium. (Bry, Merc., Chel. Cinch.) Much distress in liver and epigastrium. (Chel., Podo.) Constant, severe aching from pit of stomach to right lobe of liver. Abdomen tender to touch. STOOL AND ANU.S.—Dry, uncomfortable feeling in rectum, as if it were fill 'd with small stºcks. - Soreness, burning, itching, and fullness at anus. Haemorrhoºds like ground nuts, purple; painful sensation of burning; generally blind, aching and lameness or shooting in the back. Stool hard, dry and passed with difficulty. (Bry.) URINARY ORGANS.–Frequent scanty urination. * Urine: dark and muddy; dark brown sediment; yellow, with thick mucous sediment. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANs.-Thick, dark, corroding leucorrhoea, with ach- ing and lameness in the back across the sacro iliac articulations. AETHUSA. 27 RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Short cough, increased by swallowing and breath- ing deeply. Raw feeling in the chest. HEART.—Functional disturbances of the heart from hamorrhoidal com- plaints. BACK.—Constant backache affecting the sacrum and hºps, very much aggra- cated by walking and stooping forwards. Back gives out when walking. UPPER LIMBs.—Pains in right scapula (Chel.) and right side of chest; worse during inspiration. * Low ER LIMBS.—Legs so weak she can hardly walk. GENERALITIES.—Paralytic feeling in arms, legs and spine. (Alum, Nux.) Feels faint, weak and weary. Disposition to stretch and yawn. (Igna.) Fullness in various organs, as if they contained too much blood. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Coryza. Congestion of liver, constipation. Haemorrhoids, prolapsus ani, leucorrhoea. CoNDITIONS.—Suitable in persons with haemorrhoidal tendency, and who suffer with gastric, bilious, or catarrhal troubles. AGGRAVATIONS.—In morning and from motion; walking; breathing deeply; after eating; from swallowing. Compare : Ars., Aloes., Bry., Collin, Ign., Nit. ac., Nux V., Merc., Podo., Sulph. AETHUSA. AEthusa cynapium. Watural Order. Umbelliferae. Common Mames. Fool’s Parsley, Garden Hemlock. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–The LEethusa cynapium is a power- ful narcotic poison, affecting first the sensorium, and through it the liver, producing functional disturbances of this organ, the various so-called “bilious ” conditions of a low form and 28 AETHUSA. intense degree. Its most essential feature is an intolerance of milk, particularly in children; the milk is forcibly ejected soon after taken. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Incapacity to think, confusion. (Bapt., Nux m., Phos. ac.) Great anxiety and restlessness, (Ac., Ars.) followed by violent pains in head and abdomen. Bad humor, irritability. (Bry., Cham.) HEAD.—Head confused; brain feels bound up. Vertigo with sleepiness. Inability to hold the head erect. Distressing pains in the occiput and nape of neck. Sensation as if the sides of the head were in a vise. (Merc.) EYEs.—Dilated pupils. (Bell., Hyos.) Eyes brilliant and prominent. (Bell., Hyos., Stram.) Scrofulous ophthalmia; edges of lids inflamed and agglutinate at night (Calc., Lyc., Sulph.); swelling of meibomian glands. FACE.-A drawn condition, beginning at the alae nasº, and eastending to the angle of the mouth, giving the face an eaſpression of great anariety and paºn. STOMACH.-Intolerance of milk; it is forcibly ejected almost as soon as swal- lowed (Silicea); then weakness causes drowsiness; in nursing children. |Wiolent vomiting of curdled milk and cheesy matter. Painful contraction of stomach, so severe as to prevent vomiting. Pains in epigastrium, with nausea. ABDOMEN.—Coldness of the abdomen and lower limbs. Swollen and tense abdomen. Colic succeeded by vomiting, vertigo and weakness. STool.—Diarrhoea: stools bright yellow, (Chel.) or greenish watery and slimy, with violent tenesmus. (Merc.) GENERALITIES.—Epileptiform spasms with clenched thumbs; red face; eyes turned downwards; dilated, staring immovable pupils; foam at the mouth; teeth set; pulse small, hard, accelerated. Great weakness; children can not stand; can not hold up their head. SLEEP.—Dosing of child after vomiting spells, (Ant. tart.) or after the stool. On falling asleep rolling of the eyes or slight convulsions. AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. 29 THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-In bilious and typhoid conditions with the char- acteristic cerebral symptoms; in low grades of abdominal disease; in summer complaints, convulsions, and other diseases of children, during dentition. CONDITIONS.–Frequently indicated in summer season. AGGRAVATIONS.–Mornings; At night; after meals; on rising from Seat; from nursing; from deep inhalation. AMELIORATION.—In open air; after sleep; from bending backwards; from motion. Compare: Asar., Cicuta., Clem., Cupr., Sulph. A GARICUS MUSCARIUS. Aminita. Watural Order. Fungi. Common Wames. Bug agaric, Fly agaric. GENERAL ANALYSIs.—Acting directly upon cerebral cen- tres, this remedy like Alcohol, Opium or Haschich produces an intoxicating effect, which at last ends in an entire loss of consciousness. The spinal nerves are profoundly affected, especially the motor centers, giving rise to tremors, chorea, convulsions, etc. The sensory nerves are also involved, caus- ing pain in the spinal cord and nerves, and tenderness of the spine to the touch, especially in the lumbar region. CHARACTERIstic Symptoms. MIND.—Indifference. Disinclined to answer questions. (Phos. ac.) Delirium with constant raving; tries to get out of bed; great exertion of power. (Bell., Hyos.) Out of humor, self willed, morose, stubborn. (Bry, Nux.) HEAD.—Wertigo when walking in open air; reeling as if drunk. Dull headache, especially in the forehead; obliging him to move the head to and fro, and to close the eyes as for sleep. Drawing from both sides of the frontal bone as far as the root of the nose. Headaches of those subject to chorea, or who readily become delirious in fever, or with pain; twitchings or grimaces. (Bell.) 30 AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. Sensation of icy coldness on head (Verat.), especially right side of frontal bone, though warm to the touch. Pain as from a nail in the right side of the head. (Cof., Ign.) Great weight in the occiput; the head constantly falls backward. EYES.—Twitching in eyelids; in eyeballs. Spasms, with aching in left eyeball. & Feeling of weakness in the eyes without having exerted them. Muscae volitantes (Merc.); vibrating spectra with vertigo. Black spots, motes, or mists before the eyes. (Sulph.) Narrowing of the face between the eyelids. EARS.—Redness, burning, etching of the ears, as if they had been frozen. NoSE.—Nosebleed when blowing nose, early in the morning, followed by violent bleeding. (Bry.) Sensitive smell. (Cof., Colch.) FACE.-Twitching of the facial muscles. Redness, with itching, burning as from freezing. MOUTH.—Tongwe dry. Dryness and constriction of pharynx, as from an astringent drink. STOMACH.—Eructations tasting of rotten eggs (Arn., Mur, ac.), or rotten apples. Burning at the stomach, changing to a dull pressure, with nausea, three hours after a meal. ABDOMEN.—Enlargement and congestion of liver. Loud rumbling in the bowels. (Aloes.) Passage of much nodorous flatus. STOOL.—Grass-green, bilious stools. Diarrhoea in morning after rising (Aloe., Sulph.); after meals; with much rumbling; crampy colic and passing wind. MALE SExUAL ORGANS.—Great desire for an embrace, the penis being re- laxed. (Agnus.) After an emission great debility and lassitude (Phos.); pains and weak- ness in the thighs. Complaints after sexual debauches. (Nux., Chinch., Phos. ac.) FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.—Awfully bearing down pains, almost intolerable. Itching and irritation of the parts, with strong desire for an embrace AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. 31 RESPIRATORY ORGANS.—Violent cough in isolated attacks, ending in re- peated sneezing. Sudden convulsive coughs, worse forenoons or during the day. Oppression and constriction of the larynx; cause, a dread of suffocation. Violent oppression and constriction of the chest. NECK.AND BACK.—Stiffness of the nape of the neck. Peculiar sensation of weakness and stiffness between the shoulders, ex- tending to the neck. g Pain in back, as after continual stooping. Muscles feel bruised; feel short when bending forward. Painfulness along the spinal cord when stooping. Violent shooting, burning pains deep in the spine. Achºng along the sp?ne and limbs. Sp?nal column sensitive to the touch. Every turning motion of the body causes pain in the spine. Sensation as if ants were creeping along the spine. Sudden violent stitch in the sacrum while walking in the open air. UPPER ExTREMITIES.—Tremor of the hands. Drawing pain from left upper of fore-arm; drawing in muscles of left fore-arm and down over the elbow. Itching, burning redness, and swelling of hands and fingers as if they had been frozen. Low ER EXTREMITIES.—Twitching of the gluteal muscles. Legs tired and heavy; weak. - Pains in legs, especially in region of right hip-joint, as if from fatigue. Itching, burning and redness of the toes, as if frost-bitten. GENERALITIES.–Frequent jumping of the muscles in different parts of the body. Feels as if her limbs do not belong to her. Paralysis of upper and lower limbs. Tearing in limbs, worse at rest or sitting, better from motion. Pains in limbs, with lameness from numbness. Uncertainly in walking; tumbling over everything in the way. Tremor of the whole body. |Violent muscular twitchings. Involuntary movements while awake; cease during sleep. 32 AGINUS CASTUS. Cramp in the hands and feet; body convulsed, as if a galvanic battery were applied to the spine. Startings and twitchings on falling asleep. (Bell., Stram, Op.) Shiverings over the body, running from above downwards. Profuse sweat when walking, or from the least exertion. Burning, itching, and redness of various parts, as if frost-bitten. Sensation in various parts as if ice touched, or as if ice-cold needles were piercing the skin. AGGRAVATIONS.–In mornings; after eating; after excessive sexual indul- gence; at night; in cold air; from mental application; from the sun's rays; during repose; before a thunder-storm. Symptoms generally better from motion; walking. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Has been found of service in the treatment of epi- lepsy and chorea; also in spinal irritation or congestion, and soft- ening of the spinal marrow. In typhoid fever; delirium tremens; rheumatism; various affections of the eye; chilblaðns. CONDITIONS.—Applicable more in persons of light hair, and lax skin and muscles; in old people with indolent circulation; in drunkards es- pecially for their headaches; complaints from frostbites. Compare : Can. ind, Cof., Hyos., Nux, Op., Puls., Phos. ac. Antidotes : Camph., Coff, Puls., Vinum. AGNUS CASTU.S. Vitex agnus castus. Watural order. Verbenaceae. Common name. Chaste tree. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–This drug has a special affinity for the sexual system, depressing the sexual instinct and produc- ing complete prostration and impotence. For this reason it was used, in an early day, by both men and women, to re- press carnal desire. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Eatreme absence of mind (Anac, Nux m., Phos. ac); unable to Tecollect things. (Kreo., Rhus.) AILANTUS. 33 Despairing sadness; low spirited; fears of approaching death. (Aco., Ars.) MALE SEXUAL ORGANS.—Serºtal dexine lessened, almost lost. Penis so relared that voluptuous fºrm cies evcite no erections. (Con.) Textes cold, spollen, hard and painful. (Con.) Penis small, flaccid. (Sulph.) Feeble erections without sexual desire. Impotence, with gleet. (Sulph.) Yellow urethal discharge. (Hyd.) Gleet without Sea”wal desire or erections. Emission of prostatic fluid when straining at stool. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.—Transparent leucorrhoea; parts very relaxed. Milk; scanty or entirely suppressed. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Especially useful in premature old age, which arises in young persons from abuse of the sexual powers, marked by melancholy, apathy, mental distraction, self-contempt, general debility, frequent loss of the spermatic fluid. In atonic conditions of the sexual powers. In gonorrhoea, gleet, induration of the testes, leucorrhoea, amenorrhoea, metrorrhagia, and agalactia in sterility. CoNDITIONS.–In lymphatic constitutions. In “old sinners,” who have frequently had gonorrhoea. Compare: Camph., Phos., Con., Phos. ac., Puls., Sulph. Antidotes : Camph., Nat. m. AILANTUS. Ailantus glandulosus. Watural Order. Simarubea. Common Mame. Tree of heaven. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Ailantus acts directly on the brain and cerebro-spinal centres, producing a low, adynamic condi- tions, greatly simulating malignant forms of scarlatina. It also has a special affinity for the skin, giving an eruption sim- ilar to that of the various eruptive fevers. 3 34 AILANTUS. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. MIND.—Semi-conscious, cannot comprehend what is said to him. (Bap., Phos. ac. Rhus.) Stupor, delirium and insensibility. (Bell., Hyos., Op.) Constant muttering delirium, with sleeplessness and restlessness. (Hyos.) HEAD.—Severe headache with dizziness, and red, hot face. (Bell.) EYEs.—Eyes suffused and congested; startled look when (troused; pupils dilated and sluggish. (Bell.) Nos.E.—Copious, thin, ichorous and bloody discharge from the nose. (ATS., Arnic., Merc.) Nostrils congested; secretion suppressed. FACE.-Face red and hot, covered with a rash (Bell., Rhus.); mahogany colored. - MOUTH.—Teeth covered with sordes. (Bapt., Hyos.) Tongue dry, parched, cracked. (Ars.) Tongue moist, coated white, (Ant. c., Merc.) lips and edges livid. (Bell.) THROAT.—Throat tender and sore on swallowing, or on admitting air. Throat livid, almost purple, swollen, tons?ts promºnent ºf ti studded with many deep angry-lookºng ulcers, oozºng a scanty, fetid discharge; evternal neck swollen and sensitive. Irritability of the throat, and hawking up of mucus. Thick occlematous, dry, choky feeling in throat. Throat dry, rough and scrapy. STOMACH.—Violent vomiting on sitting, with stupor. (Ant. tart.) STO 3L.—Thin, watery, offensive diarrhoea; passing involuntary with the urine. tº RESPIRATORY ORGANS.—Breathing hurried, irregular, heavy. Dry hacking cough. PULSE.-Rapid, Small pulse, weak, frequent and irregular. SKIN.—Eruptions of miliary rash in patches of a dark almost lºvčd color; most on forehead and face. Eruption disappears on pressure, returning very slowly. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-In low adynamic forms of disease, characterized by sudden and extreme prostration, stupor, vomiting, purplish ALOE. 35 appearance of the skin. In malignant scarlatina, and other eruptive fevers. Typhoid fever. Cerebro-spinal meningitis. CoNDITIONS.–Especially useful in women and children; in nervous sensi- tive persons. AGGRAVATIONS.—Generally in the morning. Compare : Arum., Ars., Bell., Bapt., Hyos., Lach., Phos., Rhus., Stram. Antidotes : Aloes, Rhus., Nux. ALOE. Aloe Socrotrina. Matural Order. Liliaceae. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Aloes acts predominantly upon the liver, giving rise to portal congestion, and secondarily to af- fections of the rectum and of the generative organs, its ener- gies being mostly spent upon the rectum. CELARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Great disinclination to mental labor (Nux. v.); it fatigues him. Disinclined to move. Exhaustion, alternating with activity. HEAD.—Dull headache across the forehead, with heaviness in the eyes and 72.(I.21 Séſt. e Dull pressive pain in the supra-orbital region; in the sinciput. Sense of weight in the vertex. Headaches are worse from heat and better from cold applications. EYEs.—Pain deep in the orbits, as if in the muscles, worse in the right side. (Actea) Yellow rings moving before the eyes. Compelled to make the eyes small, with pain ºn forehead. ABDOMEN.—Uneasiness, heat, pressure and tension in the region of the liver. Dull pain on right side under the ribs, worse on standing. Abdomen painful, especially about the navel; twisting, griping, must sit bent forwards (Coloc.); urging tº stool, with passage only of offensive flatus. 36 ALOE. Distention of the abdomen, especially the epigastrium; with flatus moving about. Discharge of much flatus, burning, offensive, relieving the pain in the abdomen. * Griping before, with, and after the stool (Merc.); with the stool loud flatus. A feeling of weakness in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would result. Heav'ness in the hypogastrºum, in the rectiºn. Abdominal muscles pain when touched, when pressing at stool or on rising from a recumbent position. STOOL AND ANU.S.—Heat, soreness and heaviness in the rectum. Sensation of heat and burning in the rectum. (Ars.) Itching and burning in the anus; weakness or loss of power of the sphincter ani. Constant urging to stool; during the day; unſtkens (tt night; arises out of bed at sºv A. M. (Sulph.) Ungency to stool with passage of urine. Urgency as with diarrhoea, only hot flatus passes, with great relief; but it soon returns, with a sensation as of a plug wedged ºn between the symphysis pubis (tnd the os coccygºs. After the stool, sensation as if more were in rectum. Involuntary stool angth the escape of flatus. Has to hurry to the closet immediately after eating and drinking. (Coloc.) Stool passes without evertion ; seems so heavy that it falls out of the in- testºves. Faces and wrime escape together. Weakness and prostration at stool. Stools; small, brownish, slimy, half fluid; bright yellow, pappy; lumpy, apatery; lumps of jelly-like mucus. Haemorrhoids protrude like a bunch of grapes (Mur. ac), with constant bearing down in the rectum. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.—Pain in the hypogastrium as if menses were coming on. (Actea, Puls.) Fullness and heaviness in the uterine region, with labor-like pains in the loins, groin ; worse standing. Menses too early and profuse. (Calc., Nux.) Leucorrhoea of bloody mucus preceded by colic. ALUMINA. 37 GENERALITIES.—Backache. (Actea, Bell., Nux., Puls.) Evtreme prostration with perspiration. AGGRAVATIONs.—From heat; during hot, damp weather; in the morning, afternoon, evening; open air; from motion; while standing; after eating. - AMELIORATIONS.–From cold applications; during cold weather; from dis- charge of flatus. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Of great value in dysentery, diarrhoea and hamor- rhoids; also in atonic conditions of the uterus, haemorrhages, etc. In women of nervous, relaxed phlegmatic habits, especially when near the climacteric period. CoNDITIONS.—In plegmatic, indolent people. In old people. Compare : ABSculus., Ars., Collinsonia., Croton., Cinch., Coloc., Nux., Puls., Sulph. Antidotes: Sulph., Mustard, Vinegar, Vegetable acids. Camph. relieves for awhile. ATLUMINA. Oxide of Aluminum. Al2.O3. . GENERAL ANALYSIs.-Alumina affects directly the motor nervous system, giving a paralytic condition, but it shows its most specific action upon the mucous membranes, and of these the intestinal and vaginal are principally involved. The condition seem to be that of extreme dryness and lack of secretion, with more or less irritation. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Great weakness or loss of memory. (Anac., Op., Lach, Merc., Kreos., Phos. ac.) Time passes too slowly, (Arg, nit., Nux); intolerable ennui. (Aur., Ign., Puls.) Changing mood, at one time confident, at another timid. Peevish and whining (Cham.); obstinate (Nux.); low spirited (Puls.); dread of impending evil. (Ars., Nux., Rhus.) 38 - ALUMINA. HEAD.—Vertigo, everything turns in a circle (Arn., Con, Bry, Nux); with a fainting nausea (Lob.); in the morning; on opening the eyes. Great stupor, with dread of falling forward. EYES.–Burning and pressure in the eyes. (Ars.) Dimsightedness, obliging to wipe the eyes constantly, which relieves. Eyes agglutinated on waking (Sil., Sulph.); burn on being opened, with dread of light. (Bell.) Eyelids thickened (Puls., Graph.), dry and burning. (Ars.) Nose.—Septum of nose swollen red, and painful to touch, (Aur., Merc.) Swelling and hardness of left alae nasi. Ulcerated nostrils. Chronic nasal catarrh, with scurfy sore nostrils, and discharge of thick yellow mucus. (Kali b., Hep., Merc.) FACE.-Tension of the skin of the face, as though white of egg had dried on it. (Bar. c.) THROAT.—Throat red and inflamed. (Bell., Merc., Lach.) Great dryness, which induces frequent clearing of the throat in the even?ng. Thick viscid mucus in the throat, evening and morning. (Kali. b.) Feeling of a splinter in the throat. (Nit, ac., Hep.) Sense of constriction from pharynx down to stomach in swallowing food. (Lyc.) Pressure in the throat as from a lump, with Soreness, roughness and dryness. STOMACH.—Entire loss of appetite. Aversion to meat. (Ars.) Appetite for starch, chalk, charcoal, and other indigestible things. (Cic. Nit. ac., Nux.) Sour eructations. (Phos., Nux., Sulph) Constriction and twisting in the stomach, extending up the oesophagus to the throat. ABDOMEN.—Pain in right hypochondrium, as if bruised when stooping; stitches when rising again. Sticking pressive pain in the region of the abdominal ring, as from hernia. (Nux., Nit. ac.) - STOOL.-Inactivity of the rectum; even the soft stool requires great straining. (Carb. v.) - ALUMINA. 39 No desire for and no ability to pass stool, until there is a large accumu- lation. º Itching and burning of the anus. (Ars., Cina.) Excoriation in the anus after an evacuation, with contraction of the rectum and constriction of the anus. (Nat. m.) Stools hard and knotty like sheep dung (Op.), with cutting ºn the anus, followed by blood. (Nux., Merc., Graph.) URINARY ORGANS.–Urine voided while straining at stool, or cannot pass urine without much straining. Feeling of weakness in the bladder and genital organs. (Caust.) Constipation of nursing children. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Profuse, transparent, aerid leucorrhaea running down to the feet, during the day. & Acrid, corrosive leucorrhoea, with burning in the genital organs; parts inflamed and corroded, (Kreos., Phos., Puls.) making walking diffi- cult; relieved by washing with cold water. g Menses scanty, pale and painful. (Phos.) After menses great exhaustion in both body and mind. (Cinch.) RESPIRATORY ORGANs.--Continued dry hacking cough, with vomiting and arrest of breathing. Dry cough at night (Hyos., Lyc.) with dryness of the throat. Cough with tearing pain, and involuntary emission of urine. (Caust.) Every morning a long attack of dry cough, ending in difficult raising of a little white mucus. When stooping a stitch from the left side of the abdomen, to the middle of the chest. Talking increases soreness of chest; lifting aggravates or produces soreness of left chest. (Bry., Rhus.) BACK.—Pain in the back as if a hot iron were thrust through the lower vertebra. Low ER LIMBs.—Great heariness in the lotter limbs, can sett reely drag them; when walking staggers, and has to sit doubm; in the evening. Nates go to sleep when sitting. Great weariness of the legs when sitting. Long continued tension in the thighs and legs, almost like a cramp, extending downwards. 40 ALUMINA. Trembling in the knees. Frequent cramps in the calves. Numbness of the heel, when stepping. Pain on the sole of the foot, on stepping, as though it were too soft and swollen. GENERALITIES.–Eaccessively faint and tired; must sit down. (Cinch., Sul.) Slow tottering gait, as after a severe sickness. Tremulous lassitude. (Cinch.) Paralysis from spinal disease; cannot walk with the eyes closed. Tired and drowsy. - SKIN.—Intolerable itching of the whole body, especially on becoming heated, and in bed; scratches until the skin bleeds, which is then painful. (Merc., Mez., Sulph.) Dry tettery itching eruptions. AGGRAVATIONS.–In morning on awaking, evenings, during day (leucor- rhoea) in winter; at new and full moon; on alternate days; from motion, taking cold food, potatoes; soup. AMELIORATIONS.–In open air; from cold washing; while eating warm food THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Chronic diseases, especially those of a catarrhal character, as bronchitis, pharyngitis, etc., also leucorrhoea, and gonorrhoea. Constipation, lead colic, liver complaint, spinal affections, chlorosis, prolapsus uteri. CONDITIONs.—Dry thin, withered subjects, and in old people. In infancy (constipation.) Puberty (chlorosis) has frequent relapses. Compare : Aur., Graph., Bry., Baryta, Con, Phos., Merc, Nux., Puls., Sulph. Antidotes : Bry., Camph., Cham., Nux, Ipec., Aluminum. Alumina antidotes, Plumbum, lead poisoning. AMBRA. 41 AMBRA. Ambra grisea. Common Name. Ambergris. GENERAL ANALYSIS.––Through the nervous system Ambra acts specifically upon the generative organs of the female, producing irritation of these parts, giving rise to various forms of nervous and hysterical affections. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Memory impaired; (Anac., Nux v., Phos. ac.,) comprehension slow; thinking difficult; melancholy, HEAD.—Must lie down on account of vertigo and feeling of weakness in the stomach. Falling off of the hair. (Graph., Lach., Phos., Sep.) EARS.—Roaring and whistling in the ears, in afternoon. Music aggravates the cough; produces congestion to the head. NoSE.—Bleeding at the nose, early in the morning. (Bry.) Dried blood collects in the nose. THROAT-Accumulation of grayish phlegm in the throat, which is diffi- cult to hawk up, accompanied by rawness. Sore throat after exposure to a draught of air; stitches from throat to right ear, and pains particularly from motion of tongue; sensation of rawness in region of velum palati. STOMACH.—Frequent empty or sour eructations. (Podo.) Heartburn with suppressed eructations. (Ars.) Pressure in stomach and hypochondria. ABDOMEN.—Sense of coldness in the abdomen. Coldness of one side of the abdomen. STOOL.—Frequent ineffectual desire for stool; this makes her very anxious; at this time the presence of other persons becomics unbearable. Constipation. URINARY ORGANs.—The urine is turbid even while being emitted, deposit- ing a brown sediment, the urine above being clear and yellow. Frequent micturition at night. 42 AMBRA. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.– Violent itchºuff of the pudenudun; has to rub the parts. - Soreness and itching with swelling of the labia. Stitches in the ovarian region, when drawing in the abdomen or press- ing upon it. Discharge of blood between the periods, at every little accident, 48 (ºfter every hard stool, or after a walk. Menses too early and too profuse. (Calc., Nux. v.) RESPIRATORY ORGANs, Violent spasmodic cough, with frequent cructations and hoarseness. Cough only at night, from irritation in throat. Cough every evening, with pain under the left ribs, as if something were torn loose there. Whooping cough; paroxysmal—but without crowing inspiration. Very saltish expectoration. (Lyc., Nat. m., Phos., Sep.) Sensation of pressure in the chest. º, Rawness in the chest. (Rumex.) Wheezing in the chest. Anxiety of the heart, causing oppression of breathing, with flushes of heat. (Acon.) GENERALITIES.—Sweat from slightest exertion. Spasms and twitches in the muscular parts. Arms and limbs go to sleep easily. Great weakness and lassitude. AGGRAVATIONS.–In morning; at night; from warm drinks; in Warm room; from reading or talking aloud; from lying down; from music. AMELIORATION.—After eating; from cold air; from cold food and drinks. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-In nervous and hysterical diseases, such as asthma, spasmodic cough, pertussis, pruritus, ooporhitis, nymphomania, etc. CONDITIONS.–In old people and children. - In nervous persons, infants or young people. In lean persons. Compare : Asaf., Calc., Lyc., Mosch., Nux, Phos., Puls., Sep., Valer. Antidotes : Camph., Coff, Nux, Puls., Staph. Ambra Antidotes : Nux v., Staph. AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 43 A MIMONIUM C AIRIB() NICU. M. Sesqui Carbonate of Ammonium. Smelling salts. 2NH4O, 3CO2. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—This drug exerts its most powerful influences upon the blood, producing liquefaction, destruction of the blood globules and promoting putrefaction, as a result, giving rise to haemorrhages and great exhaustion. It also, through the ganglionic nervous system, without affecting the brain, produces a temporarily increased activity of the heart and arteries, and to a limited degree, augments the activity of nearly every organ of the body. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Listlessness and lethargy, utter dejection of mind. HEAD.—Heaviness and beating in the forehead after dinner. Sense of oppressive fullness in the forehead and vertex, as if the head would burst. NoSE.—Nose’ bleed, when washing face in the morning. An acrid fluid runs from the nose. Burning water runs from the nose. (Merc. cor.) Stoppage mostly at night; must breathe through the mouth. (Nux v.) When stooping blood rushes to the tip of the nose. THROAT.—Burning in the throat down to the oesophagus, as from alcohol. Roughness and scraping in the throat. (Caust., Rumex.) Pain in the throat during deglutition, as if the right tonsil was swollen. (Lyc.) Putrid sore throat; gangrenous ulceration of tonsils. (Bapt., Merc., Mur. ac.) - Diphtheria, nose stopped up; child starts from sleep, cannot get its breath. STOMACH.—Pressure in the stomach after eating or at night. Painfulness of stomach when pressed upon. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.-Swelling, itching and burning of the puden- dum. 44 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. Menses too early and too abundant. (Calc., Nux v.) Cholera-like symptoms at the commencement of the menses. Menstrual blood blackish, in clots (Croc) ; acrid, makes thighs sore. (Sulph.) * Great fatigue of the whole body during the menses (Cocc.) especially of thighs, with yawning, toothache, pain in small of back and chil- liness. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Great oppression of breathing, especially in going up, even a few steps. (Ars.) Dry cough, especially at night, as from particles of dust in the throat. (Hyos.) Violent cough every morning at 3 or 4 o'clock. (Kali c.) Short asthmatic cough from irritation in larynx, with painful sensation of spasmodic contraction of the chest. Cough with expectoration of bloody phlegm. GENERALITIES.--Tired and weary all day. Extreme sensitiveness to open air. (Cocc.) Right side of body more affected than the left. SKIN.—Violent itching; after scratching burning blisters appear. Upper part of body red as scarlet. (Bell.) * Desquamation. SLEEP.—Frequent violent starting out of sleep, with great fear afterwards. (Ac., Bell., Gels., Op.) - Nightmare every night. Somnolence with blood over carbonized. AGGRAVATIONS.–In the morning; evening and night; during and after eating; from ascending; from Stooping; in open air; in bad stormy weather; at rest. AMELIORATION.—Warm, dry weather; indoors; from pressure. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Scarlatina. Affections of the air passages—catarrh, emphysema, bronchitis, asthma, hydrothorax. In hysteria and hysterical diseases. Softening of the brain. Ailments from stings of insects. CONDITIONS.—Especially suited to weak nervous persons of a lymphatic or venous temperament. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 45 Delicate women who must always have a smelling bottle at hand. Scrofulous children. Old people. Aversion to being washed: to walking in open air. Compare : Arn., Am. m., Bell., Hep., Phos., Puls. Antidotes : Arn., Camph., Hep. To large doses: vegetable acids; fixed oils, as castor, linseed, almond and olive. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. Ammonium Chloride NH4 Cl. Common Wame. Sal Ammoniac. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Ammonium muriaticum diminishes the plasticity of the blood, and promotes glandular secretion and the absorption of fibrinous exudations. It also increases the elimination of urea. Its most characteristic action is upon the mucous membranes, whose secretions are greatly increased. CHARACTERIST1C SYMPTOMs. NoSE.-Coryza, with stoppage, great soreness and tenderness of the nose, and loss of smell. |Watery, acrid coryza, corroding the lips. (Merc. cor.) MoUTH.—Vesicles on tip of tongue, with burning pain. (Ars., Merc. cor.) THROAT.—Sore throat, with viscid phlegm, so tough that it can not be hawked up. (Kali. b.) Stitches in the throat when swallowing. Stool, AND ANUS.-Much burning in rectum during and for hours after stool. (Ars., Canth.) Itching soreness of rectum, several pustules formed at side of it. Constipation. Stool hard and crumbling, requiring great effort to expel. (Mag. c.) Green, slimy, diarrhoeic stool. Glassy, tough mucus in stool. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.–Menses too early, with pain in abdomen and small of back, continuing at night, when the flow is more abundant. During menses a bloody discharge from the bowels. 46 ANACARDIUM. Leucorrhoea like white of egg (Bovista); brown, slimy, unpainful, after urination. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Hoarseness with burning in larynx. Dry cough from tickling in throat. Cough aggravated by eating, drinking anything cold and when lying down. Pressure and stitches in the chest, as if a morsel of food had lodged there. Burning at Small spots on the chest. BACK.—Painful stiffness on neck; of small of back. Severe pain in limbs and sacral region. Coldness in back, especially between the shoulders. & LOWER LIMBS.—Pain in left hip as if tendons were too short; must limp when walking; when sitting gnawing pain in bone. Tearing pain in front part of thighs, when sitting. Drawing tension in legs when sitting or lying. Hamstrings painful when walking, as if too short. Tension in joints as from shortening of the muscles. Can not walk erect on account of a pain as from a sprain in the groins. FEVER.—Chilliness evenings, after lying down, and as often as she walks without thirst. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.--Catarrhal conditions in all parts of the body; sci- atica; intermittent fever. CONDITIONS.—Suitable to those who are fat and sluggish; body fat but legs thin. Compare : Am. c., Ars., Bell., Hep., Phos., Puls. Antidotes : Camph., Coffea, Hep., Nux V., Bitter Almonds. AN ACARDIUM. Anacardium orientale. Mažural Order. Anacardiaceae. Common Mame. Marking nut. GENERAL ANALYSIs.—Acts directly upon the sensorium, depressing the cerebral centres and the organs of special sense, producing symptoms of cerebral weakness as well as general nervous prostration. It also acts prominently upon the skin. AN ACARDIUM. 47 CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Great weakness of memory. (Nux m., Phos. ac.) Anxiety and feeling of impending misfortune. Irresistible desire to curse and swear. Very irritable, passionate and contradictory. (Bry.) Feels as though he had two wills, one commanding to do what the other forbids. When walking anxious as if some one were pursuing. He is separated from the whole world, and has so little confidence in himself that he despairs of being able to do that which is required of him. e Hallucinations. (Hyos., Stram.) HEAD.—Weakness of all the senses. Dull pressure as from a plug, on left side of vertex. Pressive pain on top of the head when coughing or taking a deep inspiration. Pressing pain in temples as from a nail. (Cof., Ign.) EYES.–Dull pressure as with a plug, on upper border of right orbit. Vision indistinct. NOSE,--Illusory smell as of burning tinder, in the morning, when rising. Constant smell before the nose like pigeon or chicken dung, especially when smelling the clothes of his body. MoUTH.—Bleeding of the gums upon slight rubbing. Painful vesicles in the mouth. (Nit. ac.) STOMACH.-Symptoms disappear during dinner; begin anew after two hours. ABDOMEN.—Pain around the naval as if a blunt plug were squeezed into the Żntestºnes. STOOL AND ANUS.–Great urgent desire for stool, but with the effort the desire passes away without an evacuation; the rectum seems power- less, with a sensation as if plugged up. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Dull pressure as from a plug, in right side of chest. Sharp stitches in region of heart, extending to small of back. LOWER LIMBS.—Painful uneasiness about the knees, with sensation of stiffness, as if bandaged or made tense, when sitting. 48 ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. Knees feel paralyzed, with stiffness and great lassitude; is scarcely able to walk. Cramplike intermittent drawing in the legs, from heels into calves. Cramps in calves when walking, or rising from a seat. GENERALITIES.—Weakness in the body; wants to lie or sit down all the time. Very faint on going up stairs. Pressing or penetrating pain as from a plug ºn different parts. Sensation as of a hoop or band around the part. Trembling debility and paralytic weakness. SKIN.—White herpetic spots. Excessively itching eruptions. Itching of the skin, worse from scratching. AGGRAVATION.—In morning and from evening to midnight; from rising up. AMELIORATION.—After midnight; during day; from lying down; from rubbing. - THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Insanity, in its various degrees from hypochon. driasis, to mania. In various nervous disorders accompanied by the characteristic mental condition. CoNDITIONS.–Frequently indicated in nervous, hysterical females. In old people. During pregnancy. w In hyponchondriacs. Sensitive to draught; liable to take cold. Compare : Acon., Apis, Ars., Calc., Nux m., Nux v., Phos. ac., Rhus., Zinc. Antidotes : Coffea Camph., Juglans. Anac. antidotes: Rhus tox. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. Native Sulphide of Antimony, SbS3, GENERAL ANALysis.-Acts powerfully upon all the mu- cous membranes and upon the skin, but its intensity seems to be upon the intestimal mucous lining which it tends to disor- ganize. Its action does not go on to inflammation, but seems to produce a depressed vitality. The mucous membranes are ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 49 loaded with mucus, thus interfering with digestion as its pathogenesis indicates. * A thick milky white coating on the tongue is its chief characteristic. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Child delirious, drowsy, with nausea, hot and red face; pulse irreg- ular; feverish heat; cries when washed in cold water; better washed in warm water. Child is fretful and peevish, does not wish to be touched or looked at. (Ant. tart.) Great sadness and woeful mood. Sentimental mood in moonlight, particularly ecstatic love. Sulky, does not wish to speak with any one. HEAD.—Heaviness of the forehead, vertigo, nausea, nosebleed. Slight, dull headache, and vertigo, increased by ascending stairs. Violent headache, after bathing in the river, with weakness of the limbs and aversion to food. (Calc., Puls.) EYES.–Eyes, red, inflamed, with itching and nightly agglutination, morn- ing photophobia. (Lyc., Sulph.) Redness and inflammation of eyelids. (Arg, Merc., Lyc., Sulph.) Soreness of outer canthi. NOSE,-Sore, cracked and crusty nostrils. (Hep, Graph.) Nose painful when breathing, as if from inspiring cold air, or inhaling acrid vapors. FACE.-Cracks in corner of mouth, painful-like sores. (Graph.) Suppurating and long lasting eruptions on cheeks. (Graph.) © MoUTH-Toothache in hollow teeth, worse at night; worse after eating, and from cold water; touching the tooth with the tongue causes pain, as if the nerve were torn. Stitches in tooth when inspiring air. Dryness of the mouth. Much saltish saliva in the mouth. 0. Rawness of the palate, with expectoration of much mucus when clear. ing the throat. Tongue coated thick white. (Bry, Merc., Nux.) 4 50 ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. Stowack—violent thirst, with dryness of the lips. Belching, with taste of what has been eaten, vomiting of mucus and bile. Aversion to food, longing for acids. (Ars, Ant, tart.) Pain at stomach after too much eating, with distended but not hard abdomen. (Cinch.) - Cramplike pains at stomach. - Loathing, nausea and desire to vomit. (Ars., Ant., Ipec.) Stomach weak, easily disturbed digestion. (Ars., Puls.) Burning at pit of stomach, (Ars.) like heartburn, with good appetite. Painful sense of fulness of stomach, which is sore to pressure. (Bry., Nux.) STOOL AND ANU.S.—Stool watery with little hard lumps, or containing undi- gested food. (Cinch.) Diarrhoea worse from vinegar and other acids; sour wine; overheating; after cold bathing; at night and early mornings. - Alternate diarrhea and constipation of old people. (Lach, Phos.) Difficult hard stool; faces too large. (Bry.) Mucous piles, pricking and burning; continuous mucous discharge from the anus. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Loss of voice; from getting overheated; better after rest. Feebleness of voice. Violent spasms in the larynx and pharynx, as if the throat were filled with a plug, which becomes alternately thicker and thinner, accom- panied by a feeling of Soreness. UPPER LIMBS.—Arthritic pains in fingers. Finger nails do not grow fast as formerly; skin beneath the nails pain- fully sensitive. Crushed finger nails grow in splits, and like warts, with horny spots. Low ER LIMBS.—Rheumatic pains in the legs. Numbness of legs during rest and while sitting. Large, horny places on the soles, close to the toes. Great sensitiveness of soles when walking. SLEEP-Great sleepiness during the day; mostly in forenoons. SKIN.—Eruptions like boils and blisters. Horny excrescences; smooth warts. ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM. 51 Pimples and vesicles as from stings of insects. (Apis, Árn, Ledum.) Measly-like eruptions. (Coffea, Puls.) AGGRAVATIONS.–In morning; evening and night; after eating; from wine; after bathing; from motion; from heat of sun; from touch. AMELIORATION.—During rest; in open air. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Affections of the mucous membranes in general— mucous flux without fever. May appear as catarrh (nasal bronchial gastric or enteric). Dyspepsia, diarrhoea, etc. It is also of great service in some forms of skin disease, when pustules or pocks arisc, and when there is pricking and itching of the skin. Eczema of face— ears, nose, cheeks, etc. Corns and callosities. CONDITIONS.–Children. Young people who grow fat. Old people. Bad effects from getting cold; from washing or bathing, particularly in cold water. - Compare : Am. m., Ant, tart., Ars., Cham., Cof, Graph., Kali b., Hep., Ipec., Merc., Nux, Petrol., Puls., Sulph. Antidotes : Hep., Merc., Puls. ANTIMONIUM TARTARIOUM. Tartrate of antimony and potash. 2 [K (SbO)C4H4O6] H2O. Common Wame. Tartar emetic. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Through the pneumogastric nerve. Tartar emetic exerts its power on the mucous membranes of the stomach, lungs and liver, at the same time depressing in a remarkable degree the circulatory and respiratory systems. On the mucous membranes we have a catarrhal inflammation established, or as another result of the drug's action we may have a pustular inflammation. This latter condition also extends itself to the cutaneous tissues, giving rise to a condi- tion closely simulating that of variola, 52 ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. HEAD.—Headache as from a bald compressing the forehead. (Gels., Nat. m., Nit. ac., Merc, Puls., Sulph.) Pressive pains in the forehead, stitching extending downwards into the left eye. Throbbing in the right side of the forehead. Painful drawing in the right temple, extending down to the zygoma and upper jaw. Trembling of the head, particularly when coughing. EYEs.—Obscuration of sight; flickering before the eyes. NoSE.—Sneezing, fluent coryza, and chilliness, with loss of taste and smell. (Puls.) Stupefying tension across over root of nose, as from a band. (Ars., Camph., Verat.) FACE.-Pale, sunken face. Convulsive twitches in almost every muscle of the face. Lips dry and Scurfy or cracked. (Ars.) MoUTH.—Tongue covered with a thick white pasty coat; red in streaks; very - ared, dry in the middle. (Rhus.) STOMACH.—Desire for acids. (Ars.) Entire absence of thirst. (Apis., Puls., Nux m.) Empty eructations; at night as from foul eggs. (Arn., Mur. ac.) Qualmishness in stomach after dinner. Wausea : causing ana.iety; with slight pressure in pit of stomach, fol- lowed by headache in forehead; incessant, with vomiting, the whole night. Womiting :-with great effort; intense and long lasting (Ipec.); till he becomes faint; followed by languor, drowsiness and loathing; with headache and trembling in the hands. - Beating and throbbing particularly in the pit of stomach (Puls., Sep.) or abdomen. ABDOMEN.—Abdomen feels as if stuffed full of stones, though he has eaten nothing, and it does not feel hard. Sharp cutting colic before stool. (Coloc.) Stool, AND ANUs.-Watery, slimy, bloody diarrhoea. Diarrhoea and vomiting. (Ipec.) ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM. 53 URINARY ORGANs.—Burning in the urethra during and after urination. (Canth.) Urging to urinate, scanty discharge, last drops bloody, accompanied by violent pains in the bladder. (Can. sat.) Urine dark, brownish red, turbid, with strong odor. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Respiration : short, rapid; heavy, anxious; diffi- cult, must be supported in a sitting posture in bed. (Acon., Ars.) Suffocated and oppressed, can not get air, has to sit up in bed. (Acon. Ars., Samb.) - g Shortness of breath, from suppressed expectoration. & Oppression of breathing, relieved by expectoration. Much rattling of mucus in the chest. (Ipec.) Chest seems full of phlegm without ability to expectorate. Anxious, with oppression of the chest and rising of warmth to the heart. Constriction of the chest. Coughing and gaping consecutively, particularly children; with crying or dosing, and twitching in the face. HEART AND PULSE.-Palpitation of the heart. Pulse rapid, weak, trembling. UPPER LIMBs.—Trembling of the hands. Hands cold and moist; tips of fingers icy cold, as if dead. LOWER LIMBS.–Tension in the hamstrings on walking. Feet “go to sleep ’’ immediately after sitting down. GENERALITIES.—Trembling: whole body; internal; head and hands. Child wants to be carried (Cham.); cries if touched; will not let you feel the pulse. Excessive restlessness. Great weakness and lassitude. Great prostration and sluggishness of the body. Faintness. SKIN.—Thºck eruption like pocks, often pustular, as large as a pea. Vesicular eruption over the whole body. Pustular eruption leaves bluish red marks on face; also similar eruptions on genitals, thighs, etc., painful. SLEEP-Great sleepiness; irresistible inclination to sleep. (Nux m.) Yawning. - Shock and jerks during sleep. 54 APIS MELLIFICA. FEVER.—Trembling and chilliness over whole body. AGGRAVATION.—Profuse sweat all over; frequently cold and clammy. (Cinch., Verat.) AMELIORATION.—From eructations; by expectoration; from sitting upright and in open cold air. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-In catarrhal inflammations of mucous membranes especially of the stomach and lungs; gastric catarrh; bronchitis; pneunomia. In infantile diseases, including above; hydrocephalus; asthma of mºllar; whooping cough; capillary bronchºtis ; broncho-pneu- monºa; crowp; spasms; cyanosis; asphyxia, etc. In variola, varicella, and pustular inflammations of the skin and mucous membranes. After eating or drinking; after lying down; from motion; at night; from warmth; in damp cold weather. Compare : Ac., Ant. C., Clemat, Cham, Dig., Ign., Ipec., Lob., Nux, Phos., Puls., Tobac., Verat. vir. Antidotes: Asaf., Cinch., Cocc., Ip., Op., Puls., Sepia. To large doses: Cinchona, Ipecac. y Ant, tart. Antidotes : Sepia. & APIS MELLIFICA. Apium virus. Poison of the honey bee. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Apis acts specifically upon the cel- lular tissues, giving as its most characteristic effect an acute oadema both of the skin and the mucous membranes. On the skin it also produces an eruption resembling urticaria, and in the mucous membranes it has the power of irritation, extend- ing to a mild, inflammatory condition. Apis also affects the serous membranes, producing condi- tions similar to those which are the products of serous inflam- mations—hydrocephalus, hydrothorax, ascites, etc., but it does not appear to have in itself the power of producing serous inflammation. Apis acts prominently upon the ovaries and the uterus, producing irritation, congestion, mild inflammation, and dropsy of these organs. ' APIS MELLIFICA. 55 CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. MIND.—Loss of consciousness. (Bell., Hyos., Op.) Sopor interrupted by piercing shrieks. Absent mindedness. (Anac., Nux m., Phos. ac.) Awkwardness; lets everything fall, breaks things. Busy, restless, changing occupation. Great tearfulness, can not help crying. (Puls.) Indifference. (Bapt., Phos. ac.) Irritability. (Bry., Cham, Nux.) Premonition of death. (Acon.) In women: jealousy (Hyos.). Mania from sexual irritation. HEAD.—Headache with vertigo. Confusion and dizziness, with constant pressive pain above and around the eyes, somewhat relieved by pressure of the hands. Dull pain over the whole head relieved by pressure. Child lies in torpor; delirium; sudden shrilling cries, squinting, grinding teeth, boring head in pillow; one side twitching, the other paralyzed; head wet from Sweating; wrime scanty, milky. EYES.—Burning, stinging, shooting pains. Eyelids much swollen, red and odematous; upper lid hangs like a sack over the eye. (Kali c.) Inflammation of the eye, with intense photophobia and increased lach - rymation. (Ars., Dell., Acon., Euph., Merc.) Squinting of the eyes. EARS.—Redness and swelling of both ears. NoSE.—Nose swollen, red and adematous. (Rhus., Ars.) FACE.-CE dematous swelling of the face. (Ars.) Face swollen, red and hot, with burning and piercing pain. (Ars., Bell.) MoUTH.—Lips oedematous, upper lip swollen hot and red. (Bell.) Dryness of tongue, mouth and throat; fiery redness of buccal cavity, with painful tenderness. (Bell.) Rawness, burning and painful stinging blisters along the edge of the tongue. Scalding in mouth and throat. Tongue swollen, dry, cracked, sore, ulcerated, or covered with vesicles. (Ars., Rhus.) 56 APIS MELLIFICA. , THROAT-Dryness in the throat without thirst. (Puls, Nux m.) Burning and stinging in throat. (Acon.) - Throat swollen inside and outside; hoarse, sense of constriction; breathing and swallowing difficult. (Kali b., Merc.) Ulcers on the tonsils, palate, etc. (Merc. iod.) STOMACH.—No thirst with the heat. (Puls.) Burning heat in the stomach. (Ars.) Great Soreness in pit of stomach when touched. (Bry.) Womiting with diarrhoea. (Ipec.) ABDOMEN.—Soreness of the bowels and abdominal walls, felt when sneezing or pressing upon them. (Acon., Bell, Merc., Nux.) Fullness and sense of distension of the abdomen. Pains from below ribs spreading upwards. STOOL AND ANU.S.—Sensation of rawness in the anus, with diarrhaea. Passage of flatus before stool. Diarrhoea is copious, blackish brown, green or whitish; yellow, watery; greenish yellow mucus; soft and pappy, mixed with serum; thin, yellow. Stool occurs with every motion of the body, as if the amºus were constantly open. (Phos.) URINARY ORGANs.-Burning and soreness when urinating. Frequent desire, with passage only of a few drops. (Acon., Canth.) Urine scanty and high colored. (Acon.) Urine suppressed. (Acon., Hyos.) Frequent and profuse urination. Burning and stinging in the urethra. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Enlargement of right ovary, with pain in the left pectoral region and cough. Pain and sensitiveness in right ovarian region during menses. Sharp, cutting, stinging pain in the swollen ovary; worse during men- struation. Dropsy of the ovaries (right) or uterus. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Irritation to cough in the Supra sternal fossa. Chest feels as if beaten or bruised. (Arn., Kreos., Lyc., PhoS.) Respiration hurried and difficult. - Great feeling of suffocation; can not bear anything about the throat. (Lach.) APIS MELLIFICA. 57 Dull aching pains in the left side of the chest, near the middle of the sternum, with sensation of fullness in the chest, and short breath. UPPER LIMBs.—CEdoma of the hands. Sensation of numbness in fingers, especially the tips about the roots of the nails. Panaritium with burning, stinging and throbbing; very sensitive to touch. LowRR LIMBs.-Sensation in the toes and whole foot as if too large, swollen and 8tºff. - Legs and feet waxy, pale and Oedematous. Burning in the toes with redness; feet cold. GENERALITIES.—Tired as if bruised in every limb, and especially in the back, like after exertion; worse on rising after sitting. (Rhus.) General feeling of lassitude wath trembling. Burning, stinging pains like bee stings occurring occasionally. Great sensitiveness to touch and pressure. SKIN.—Skin usually white almost transparent (ovarian dropsy). Stinging; burning; prickling; smarting; or itching of the skin; sensi- tiveness to the slightest touch. Urtºcaria like bee stings, or stings from other insects, with intolerable £tching at night. (Arn., Ledum.) Eruption like nettle rash over the whole body. Swelling and dry erysipelatous redness. Body covered with large, elevated white wales. Carbuncles with burning, stinging pains. (Ars.) Intensely deep, red rash. (Bell.) SLEEP.-Great desire to sleep; extreme sleepiness. Screams during sleep; also sudden startings. (Bell, Stram.) Sleep late in the morning. FEVER.—Intermittents. Chill about 3 P. M.; worse in warmth ; from slightest motion, with heat of face and hands; runs down the back. AGGRAVATION.—Sweat after trembling and fainting, then nettle rash. AMELIORATION.—Cold water: pain, Swelling and burning. Pressing re. lieves headache. Bad effects from vaccination (Sil.); from suppressed or delayed erup- tions. 58 APOCYNUM CANNABIUM. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Ailments from stings, iodine, abuse of cinchona, turpentine, cantharides. In acute occlema of the skin and mucous membranes: anthrax, erysipelas, urticaria, measles, scarlatina, diph- theria; in meningitis; in hydrocephalus, hydrothorax, ascites; in cystitis; ischuria; strangury; in ovarian and uterine irritation, con- gestion and dropsy. In typhus and intermittent fevers. In carbuncles panaritia, ulcers, etc. In morning: aching; diarrhoea; mucus in mouth ; hoarseness; sleepiness. Afternoon: (intermittent). Night: Headache; pain; eye and chest, from exercise; from warmth. Compare: Anac., Ars., Apoc., Arn., Euph., Bell., Canth., Lach., Ledum, Merc. cor., Puls., Phos., Rhus., Rumex, Sulph. Antidotes : Lach., Plantain, Lact. ac. APOCYNUM CANNABIUM. Matural Order. Apocynaceae. Common Wame. Indian hemp. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts upon the kidneys, skin and serous membranes, giving rise to various dropsical affections; also to some extent upon the mucous membranes of the diges- tive tract. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Bewildered; nervous; low spirited; (Puls). HEAD.—Hydrocephalus ; stupor; sight of one eye totally lost, the other slightly sensible ; constant involuntary motion of one arm and leg; forehead projecting; sutures open. Stage of exudation. STOMACH.—Great thirst but water disagrees, causing pain, or is immedi- ately thrown off. (Phos.) Sinking feeling at pit of stomach. (Hyd., Ign., Puls., Sep.) Distressing vomiting at intervals. Great irritability of the stomach and vomiting. ABDOMEN.—Ascites. Abdomen distended and painful. (Ars.) STool.-Evacuations very scanty. URINARY ORGANS.—Scanty discharge; no uneasiness. ARGENTUM METALLICUM. 59 Profuse light colored urine ; no sediment. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Cough, short and dry; loose and rattling with op- pression. Sense of oppression about the epigastrium and chest. Short, unsatisfactory respirations. GENERALITIES.—Excretions diminished, especially urine and sweat. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-In all varieties of dropsy, both idiopathic and Secondary, especially ascites, anasarca and hydrothorax. Compare : Ars., Apis., Hell. ARGENTUM METALLIOUM. Pure metallic silver. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Chief action is upon the articula- tions and their component elements, bones, cartilages, lig- aments, etc. Cartilaginous surfaces; cartilages of the ears, eustachian tube, nose, false ribs; tarsal cartilages, etc. Also on the glandular organs and the heart. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. HEAD.—Suddenly giddy, as if a mist were before the eyes. Attacks of vertigo, can not think rightly. Pressing pain, with dullness in forehead, and drawing pressure in occiput. 3. EYEs.—Margins of lids swollen, red and thick. (Graph., Lyc., Merc.) Violent itching of lids and corners of eyes. (Sulphur.) NoSE.—Excessive fluent coryza, with sneezing. (Acon., Euph., Merc. cor.) FACE.-Pressing and tearing in facial bones; drawing, tearing in right Zygoma. THROAT.—Region of submaxillary glands swollen; neck stiff; swallowing difficult, as from internal swelling; has to force every mouthful down the throat. 60 ARGENTUM METALLICUM. Viscid, gray, jelly-like mucus in pharyna, easily hawked up; early in the morning. - Throat feels raw and sore; during expiration or coughing. Painſul tension in the fauces as from swelling, when yawning. STOMACH.-Eaccessive appetite; even after a full meal. ABDOMEN.—Bruised pain over the left hip, and on the whole left side of pelvis. Tension in the abdominal muscles. STOOL AND ANU.S.–Frequent urging in the lower part of the rectum, with discharge of small quantities of soft stool. Dry stool, like sand, after dinner. URINARY ORGANS.-Frequent desire to urinate, with profuse discharge.. (Arg. nit., Phos. ac.) * MALE SExUAL ORGANs.—Crush 'd pain in the testicles; clothing increases the pain on walking. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Pºins in left ovary and loins. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Hoarseness, especially of professional singers, speakers, etc. (Arg. nit., Arum.) Laughing produces mucus in the larynx, and evcites cough. (Cinch., Dros., Phos.) - When stooping, or ascending stairs, mucus rises in the throat, which is expelled by a single cough. Rawness and soreness in the upper part of the larymir, when coughºng, not when swallowing. Over the bifurcation of the trachea, a raw spot, worse when using the voice. - A dull cutting, which becomes a stitch, in the air passages, from below upwards, causing two or three fits of cough. : Attacks of short, rattling cough, by day, not at night, nor in the open air, with easy expectoration of white, thick mucus, like boiled starch. HEART AND PULSE.-Frequent spasmodic, though painless twitchings of the whole cardiac muscle, especially when lying on the back. GENERALITIES.—Tenderness, tearing pressure and pain in bones. Joints feel weak, sore; especially in descending. Sensation of Soreness in joints; especially of hands and feet, fingers and toes. ARGENTUM NITRICUM. 61 THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Ailments from abuse of mercury. Bad effects of Onanism. In arthralgia and arthritic inflammations of the joints. In chronic laryngitis and hoarseness. In diabetes; orchitis; irrita- bility of the heart. AGGRAVATION.—Symptoms are renewed at noon. On being touched. From lying on back. Compare : Asaf., Aur., Arum., Calc. O., Cinch., Hep., Mere., Nit. ac., Puls., Plat., Sepia., Zinc. Antidotes : Merc., Puls. Arg. met. Antidotes : Mercury. ARGENTUM NITRICUM. Nitrate of Silver. AgO,NO5. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Most important action is on the blood, producing an antiplastic effect, rendering it more fluid and darker; the red corpuscles lose their coloring matter; the blood stagnates in the vessels and nutrition is interfered with. As a result of this deficient nutrition the bones and periosteum become affected, and the mucous membranes become involved in a catarrhal inflammation, and finally degeneration of these and of the muscles takes place. The nerve centres are also involved, giving rise to various symptoms of cerebral and spinal derangement. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. MIND.—Loss of memory. (Anac., Arn., Nux m., Phos. ac.) Impulsive, must walk fast. Melancholic, does not undertake anything lest he should not succeed. HEAD.— Vertigo and buzzing in the ears, and general debility of the limbs and trembling. - Headache relieved by binding something tightly around the head; worse in the open air. Boring in left frontal eminence. (Coloc.) Head feels much enlarged. 62 ARGENTUM NITRICUM. Digging pains in the hemispheres of the brain. Painful fuliness and heaviness in the head. Excessive congestion of blood to the head. (Bell.) Almost constant boring cutting in bones of forehead, vertex, temples and face. Itching, creeping, crawling as from vermin; roots of hair feel as if pulled upward. EYEs.—Ophthalmia—with intense pains; worse in warm room, better in cool open air. (Puls.) Intolerance of light. (Acon., Bell.) Gray spots and serpent-like bodies move before the vision. Vanishing of sight, must constantly wipe away the mucus. (Puls.) Acute granular conjunctivitis; conjunctiva intensely pink or scarlet red, discharge profuse, inclined to be muco purulent. (Merc.) Canthi red as blood; the carnucula swollen, standing out like a lump of Ted flesh, clusters of intensely red vessels extend from inner-cauthus to CO7°7260. Opacity of the cornea; ulceration of cornea in infants; profuse puru- lent discharge from the lids. (Merc. cor.) NoSE.—Discharge of whitish pus, with clots of blood. Coryza with stupefying headache over the eyes; has to lie down; sneez- ing, chilliness, lachrymation-sickly look. FACE.-Sickly appearance. (Ars.) Face sunken, pale, bluish (Carbo. v.); yellow, dirty looking (Iod.); prematurely old look. (Sulph.) MoUTH.—Gums tender and bleed easily (Hepar., Nit. ac.); but neither pain- ful nor swollen. Tºp of the tongue red and painful; papilla, erect, prominent. Fetor from the mouth. Ptyalism. (Merc., Nit. ac.) THROAT.—Thick tenacious mucus in the throat, obligång him to hawk. Rawness, Soreness, and scraping in the throat. Sensation as if a splinter were lodged in the throat, when swallowing. (Nit. ac.) breathing or moving the neck. - Uvula and fauces dark red. (Bapt., Bell, Lach.) Burning and dryness in fauces and pharynx. (Ars.) Paroxysms of cramp in the oesophagus. STOMACH-Irresistible desire for sugar, ARGENTUM NITRICUM. 63 Violent belchings; with most gastric ailments ; after every meal; diffi. cult, finally air rushes out with great violence. Nausea after each meal, especially after dinner. The vomited substances tinged the bedding black. Awakens at midnight with oppression at stomach as from a heavy lump inducing vomiting ; in the morning throws up glairy mucus which can be drawn into strings ; during the afternoon desire to vomit, tremulous weakness, and a sensation as if the head were in a vise. (Merc.) Violent cardialgia with griping and burning. Stinging ulcerative pain in left side of stomach, worse from touch and deep inspiration. Trembling and throbbing in stomach. (Puis, Sep.) Painful 8welling of the pit of the stomach, with great anasiety. ABDOMEN.—Fullness, heaviness, and distension of the abdomen, with anxiety. Fatulence. (Aloes Carbo. Lyc.) STOOL AND ANU.S.—Stools; greenish, very fetid mucus, with noisy flatus, at - night; green mucus with retching and vomiting of mucus; scanty and watery with flatulent colle, at night.; like spinach in flukes; copious fluid ; bloody mucus, masses of epithelium connected by muco lymph, looking red or green or shreddy, with severe bearing down in the hypogastrium; advanced dysentery with suspected ulceration, diarrhoea as soon as he drinks; child fond of sugar, but diarrhoea results from eating it. URINARY ORGANs.—Burning during and after micturition (Caust., Canth.); urethra feels sore as if swollen. Urine passes unconsciously and uninterruptedly. Urging to urinate; urine passes easily and freely. Quick urging to urinate; flow copious and clear. (Phos. ac.) MALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Want of desire, organs shriveled. Coition painful; urethra as if put on the stretch, or sensitive at its orifice. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Coition painful, followed by bleeding from the Vagina. Prolapsus with ulcerations of os or cervix. - 64 ARGENTUM NITRICUM. Menses irregular, too copious or too scanty, too soon or too late. RFSPIRATORY ORGANS.—Internal soreness of the larynx and pit of the throat, worse mornings. Rawness and Soreness high up in trachea, when coughing. Chronic laryngitis of singers. (Arum.) Raising the voice causes cough. Evening cough, tobacco smoke becomes intolerable. (Ign.) Expectoration purulent, mixed with light blood. HEART-Heart's action irregular, intermittent, with an unpleasant sen- sation of fullness ; worse when noticing it, better on motion in open air. : Violent palpitations of the heart. LOWER LIMBS.—Limbs, especially knees, start up at night awaking him. Debility and weakness of lower limbs, with sick feeling and dread of work. Calves weary as after a long journey. (Cinch.) GENERALITIES.–Chorea like, convulsive motions of all the limbs. Lassitude, weariness of forearms and legs. Tremulous weakness, accompanied with general debility. Periodical trembling of the body. - Convulsions preceded by great restlessness. Epilepsy from fright (Gels, Op., Stram.) during menses. (Actea.) Sensation of expansion of the body, especially face and head. Loss of voluntary motion. SLEEP.-Restless, stupefied sleep, with horrid dreams. Prevented from falling asleep by fancies and images hovering before his imagination. .* SKIN.—Bluish black eruption. AGGRAVATION.—At night; in morning—from warmth ; from cold food; from walking or riding—after eating. AMELIORATION.—From fresh air; from eructations. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-In various chronic affections of the brain and ner- vous system : melancholia; spinal irritation ; epilepsy; paralysis and paraplegia ; cardialgia; gastralgia; locomotor ataxia. In affections of mucous membraries; opthalmia; dyspepsia. . In chronic laryngitis and asthma. ARNICA. 65 In urethretis; diabetes; gonorrhea and chancre. In chlorosis. Compare : Ars., Alum, Hep., Hydroc ac., Merc., Nat. m., Nit. ac. Antidotes : Ars. Merc. Nat. m., Nit. ac. To large doses : milk, salt in water, mucilaginous drinks. Arſ. nºt. Antidotes : Am., Caust., Tabac. ARN ICA. Arnica montana (radix). Natural Order. Compositae. Common Wame. Leopard's bane. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Acts especially on the muscular and cellular tissues and tendons, producing conditions quite similar to those resulting from injuries, falls, blows, etc., both external and internal. It also acts upon the capillaries, stim- ulating their absorbent power, especially after having been weakened by external injuries. Through the motor nerve it affects the cerebro-spinal axis, causing spinal irritation and its attendant evils, paralysis, etc. A bruised, sore feeling is its leading peculiarity. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Unconsciousness; when spoken to answers correctly, but uncon- sciousness and delirium return at once. (Bap., Hyos.) Indifference to everything. (Phos. ac.) Does not speak a word, or answer questions. (Bell.) Want of memory ; forgets the word he is about speaking. (Baryta, Hyd., Rhus.) Hypochondriacal anxiety. (Aur., Nux, Puls.) HEAD.—Vertigo; when moving the head she feels as if everything turned with her. (Bry.) Confusion of the head with pressure in right half of head, especially over right brow. Burning in the brain, with natural heat of the body; night and morn- ing, worse from motion, better at rest. (Bry.) Pressive headache, as if distended. 5 66 ARNICA. Pain, as if a knife were drawn through the head transversely, followed by coldness. Headache as from a nail thrust into the temple. (Cof., Ign.) Sticking pains in temple and forehead. Cold sensation at a small spot on forehead. EYES.–Margin of upper lids painful when the lids are moved, as if they were dry and slightly sore. Inflammation of the eyes, with suggilations after mechanical injuries. EARS.—Bruised pain in ears, stitches in and behind ears, with great sensi- tiveness to loud sounds; ears very dry. NoSE.—Nosebleed preceded by tingling. (Acon.) FACE.-Red swelling of right cheek with throbbing and pinching pain, swollen lips, and great heat ºn head, with cold body. Redness and burning in one cheek. (Cham.) MoUTH.—Putrid smell from mouth. Dryness in mouth, with great thirst. Tongue coated white. Taste ; bitter, disgusting ; putrid, slimy (Hep., Merc., Nux, Puls., Sep.); like rotten eggs. STOMACH.-Repugnance to food; aversion to meat and broth. Eructations bitter, and like rotten eggs. (Mur. ac.) Nausea, empty vomiturition. Vomiting of coagulated blood. Pinching, Spasmodic griping in the stomach. ABDOMEN.—Tympanitic distension of the abdomen; frequent urging to stool. g Offensive flatus; smelling like rotten eggs. Stool and anus. Involuntary stool (Ars., Hyos) at night, when asleep. Diarrhaea resembling brown yeast. Stools; undigested; blood or pus (Merc.c., Nux.); copious, thin, paplike; sour smelling (Podo.) following tenesmus. URINARY ORGANS.–Urine dark, scanty; brick-dust sediment. (Lyc.) Bloody urine, from mechanical causes. Involuntary urination (Caust, Hyos, Puls.), at night, during sleep. SEXUAL ORGANS.–Soreness, pain, swelling, haemorrhages, etc., resulting from mechanical injuries. ARNICA. 67 RESPIRATORY ORGANs.—Cough; in children produced by weeping and lamenting, constant and dry, shaking whole frame, causes bruised, feeling in ribs; from tickling in trachea. Bloody expectoration. Short, panting respiration. Stitches in chest (left side), worse from a dry cough; worse from motion better from external pressure. (Bry.) Excessive difficulty of breathing. Violent stitches in middle of left chest. (Bry., Kali c.) Pain, as if bruised or sprained in the articulations and cartilages of chest, during motion, breathing and coughing. HEART AND PULSE.-Pain in region of heart as if Squeezed (Iod., Lil.), or as if it got a shock. Stitches in cardiac region. (Bry., Kali C., Spig.) Pulse, intermittent, feeble, irregular, hurried. NECK AND BACK.—Violent pain in spine, as after Sudden rising up after long stooping. Great soreness and pain in back, as if beaten. Sensitiveness of cervical vertebrae to pressure. UPPER LIMBs.—Arms feel weary, as if bruised. Pain, as from bruises, on anterior surfaces of arms. Sensation as if the joints of the arms and wrists were sprained. Acute bruised pain in the balls of the thumbs. Low ER LIMBS.–Drawing, pressive pains in left hip joint, thigh being ex- tended when sitting. Pain, as from a sprain in the hips. Pain in thighs when walking, as from a blow or contusion. Pain in calf of right leg, as from a blow, with lassitude of the legs. Pain, as from a sprain in tarsal joint. Arthritic pains in foot, worse toward evening; big toe joint red, feels sprained. GENERALITIES.—Heaviness in all the limbs. Paralytic pain in all the joints during motion, as if brnised. Limbs as if bruised, at rest or on motion; painful concussion from jolt. ing of carriage, or stepping firmly. Lassitude and sluggishness of whole body; scarcely able to stand, Great sinking of strength. 68 A:RNICA. Weary, bruised, sore, great weakness, must lie down, yet bed feels too hard. (Bapt.) Whole body, especially skin and joints, excessively painful and sensi- tive. - * Tearing, tingling, drawing etc., in outer parts. (Acon.) SKIN.—Red, hot, Cedematous. Hot, hard, Shining, swelling, as from insect stings. (Apis, Ledum.) Petechiae, ecchymoses. SLEEP.-Sleepiness, drowsiness. Unrefreshing, Soporous sleep. Dreams, vivid, frightful, anxious. FEVER.—Chilly in morning, in bed. Shºvering over whole body and head, at 8ame time heat in head and redness and heat in face; cool hands; hºps, back and arms feel bruzsed. Dry heat in bed, violent thirst; even covering makes him chilly; chilly on moving in bed. Great internal heat, hands and feet being cold. (Ars.) Sweat, sour or offensive. AGGRAVATION.—In morning; at rest, lying down; from wine. AM ELIORATION.—In evening and at night; from contact and motion. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Bad effects, even inflammations, from mechanical injuries, falls, bruises and contusions, (Hypericum better in spinal concussion; Rhus in sprains.) In spinal irritation, paralysis, etc. In typhus fever. In rheumatism and gout. In pneumonia, pleurisy, etc., especially from injuries. CONDITIONS.—Dark hair, rigid muscle; also sanguine temperament. Compare : Acon, Actea, Apis, Ars., Bapt., Bry, Cham., Cinch., Hyper., Ign., Spec., Lyc., Merc., Phos. ac., Puls., Rhus., Ruta, Sepia., Sil. Antidotes : Camph., Ipec., Cinch., Ignat., Amm., Cic., Ferr., Senega, Arnica Antidotes : Alcohol, Am. C., Cinch., Cic., Fer., Ipec., Senega, Charcoal vapor. ARSENICUM ALBUM. 69 ARSENICUM ALIBUM. Arsenious acid. As2O3. General Analysis.-Arsenic has a specific action on almost every organ, tissue and secretion of the body. It acts directly upon the blood composition, upon the tissues and upon the nervous system. The condition produced is one of asthenia, which characterizes the entire pathogenesis, and exhaustion of vital power, producing symptoms of impeded functional activity, amounting in some cases to positive paralysis. This exhaustion, giving rise to lassitude, prostration, weakness, etc., is so peculiar of Arsenic, that it becomes at all times its most characteristic and important action, not result- ing in all cases, as might be supposed, from organic destruc- tion, but being present as a “sudden and complete sinking of the forces,” due to functional causes alone. Of the tissues of the body the mucous membranes are most powerfully affected, producing irritation, inflammation and ulceration, while upon the serous membranes and upon the skin is produced its peculiar irritated and inflamed condition; in the former giving rise to copious effusions, in the latter to squamous and vesicular eruptions. The leading feature of this remedy is the nervous restlessness, with rapid emaciation and peculiar thirst. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Delirium at night, with great restlessness. (Acon, Rhus.) Sad, tearful , antious mood. (Ign., Puls., Rhus.) Anguish (tnd despair, driving from one place to another for relief. Great anxiety and restlessness at 3 A. M. Dread of death (Acon.) when alone or ſo?ng to bed. Fretful, discontented, faultfinding, capricious, easily angered. (Bry., Nux, Staph.) Great feſty and am!/uish; sees ghosts day and night. HEAD.—Wertigo, as if he would fall. 70 ARSENICUM ALBUM. Head confused, dizzy, stupefied. Heaviness in the head, with humming in the ears; goes off in the open (tir, but returns, on re-entering the room. (Puls.) Intense headache increased by light and noise (Bell); with vertigo. Sensation as if the brain moved and beat against the skull during motion. (Hyos., Glon.) Drawing, pressive pain in right side of forehead. Pain as if bruised or sore over the nose and in the forehead, rubbing . relieves temporarily. Pain in head and face, especially severe on left side. Falling out of the hair. (Graph., Hep., Sep., Phos.) EYES.—Inflammation of the eyes and lids, with severe burning pain. Feeling of sand in the eyes. (Euph., Sulph.) Pulsative throbbing in the eyes, with every pulsation a stitch. Eyelids (edematous, often completely closing the eye. (Apis.) Trembling of upper eyelid with lachrymation. Excessive photophobia. (Acon., Bell.) . Dryness of eyelids as if the eyes were rubbed by them. Corrosive tears, making the cheeks and eyelids sore. (Euph—bland.” Cepa.) EARS.–Stitching pains in left meatus at night, from within outwards. Ringing in ears. Roaring in ears, with every paroxysm of pain. NOSE.—E.vcoriating discharge from the nostrºls. (Arum., Cepa., Euph.) Coryza : fluent with sneezing (Acon. Gels.); with hoarseness and sleeplessness; worse in morning, better in open aft'. (Puls.) Distressing stoppage at bridge of nose. FACE.-Face :—deathly color (Cinch., Carbo.); pale yellow, cachectic look; Swollen; sunken; covered with cold sweat, hippocratic. (Werat.) Face ea pressive of great mental agony. Lips livid; blue; swollen; black and cracked; ulcerated. CEdematous swelling of the face. Cancer of face and lips with burning pain. MoUTH.—Grinding of teeth while asleep. (Hell., Hyos., Podo.) Teeth seem longer, become loose (Merc., Nit. ac.), are sensitive to pressure and to cold water. ARSENICUM ALBUM. 71 Jerking toothache at night, extending to temple. Tongue: sides furred, red streak in middle and red tip; whitish, fiery, red smooth and dry (Bell., Rhus.); dry and brown. (Bry., Rhus.) Dryness in mouth, with violent thirst. (Bry.) Drinks often, but little at a time. (Acon., Bell., Cinch., reverse, Bry.) Burning in mouth, pharyna and a sophagus. (Acon., Bell., Lach, Nit. ac.) Bitter taste after eating. (Bry., Colo., Nux, Puls.) THROAT.—Dryness and burning in fauces and throat. (Bell., Caps., Lach., Nit, ac.) - Swallowing very difficult and painful; sensation of constriction. (Bell., Hyos.) STOMACH.—Loss of appetite; loathing of food. Hiccough at the hour when fever ought to have come.” Long lasting nausea, with fainting tremor; heat all over and shudder- ing. Violent and incessant vomiting; excited by eating or drinking. (Bry., Nux, Puls., Werat.) Stomach out of order from eating fruit, ice cream, etc. (Cinch., Puls., Nux.) Womiting of: ingesta; brown substance; mucus and blood. Great ana!?ety about the epigastric region. Intense burning pains in 8tomach and pºt of stomach. (Canth, Iris, Nux, Phos., Verat.) Cramps in the stomach. Weight in stomach, as of a stone. (Bry., Merc., Nux, Puls.) Stomach tender to pressure. (Bry, Lyc., Merc. Nux. v.) ABDOMEN.—Abdomen distended (1770 painful. Violent burning potºns, with intolerable anguish. (Lach., Phos., Sep.) Cutting pains in abdomen. (Colo.) STOOL AND ANU.S.—Tenesmus and burning in rectum and amus. (Merc., Canth.) Prolapsus ani. Haemorrhoids; burning pain. Evacuations eaccorate the anus. (Merc., Sulph.) Involuntary stools and urine. (Hyos.) Stools; black, acrid; put rid (Kali b., Lept., Verat.); slimy and green 72 ARSENICUM ALBUM. mucus (Arg, nit., Merc.); dark, bloody; watery and painless (Cinch., Podo.); bloody water; dark colored, offensive. Constipation. URINARY ORGANS.–Burnºng ºn the urethra during mêcturătºon. (Can. Sat., Canth.) Involuntary micturition. (Hyos.) Urine scanty, passed with difficulty, burning during emission. (Acon., Canth.) Suppression or retention of urine, (paralysis of bladder.) Haematuria. MALE SEXUAL ORGANs.-Painful swelling of the genitals and gangrene. (Lach., Merc. cor.) Glans blue, red swollen and cracked. (Lach.) FEMALE SExUAL ORGANs.—Leucorrhoea profuse, yellow, thick, corroding. (Hyd.) Menses too early, profuse (Calc., Nux.), exhausting (Cocc.); dark blood. Increased sexual desire with involuntary discharge of mucus. Lancinations from abdomen into vagina. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Voice weak, trembling, uneven, hoarse. Cough excited by smoky sensation, or as of vapors of sulphur. (Cinch., Ign.), or by constant titiliation in larynx. (Am. C., Bell., Calc., Dros., Ign., Rhus., Rumex.) Cough : Suffocating, at night, must sit up (Acon., Samb., Ant. tart); after lying down; on going into cold air. Difficult breathing, with great anguish. Oppression; want of breath; must spring out of bed at mºdm?ght. Air passages seem constricted. Suffocative spells in evening on lying down. Oppression of breathing on walking fast, or ascending a height. Constriction of the chest, with great anxiety and restlessness evenings. Chilliness in interior of chest evenings. Stitches in upper right chest. Very tenacious mucus in chest. (Ant. tart., Kali b.) HEART AND PULSE.-Violent palpitation of the heart, especially at night, oisible and audible (Dig., Spig.), with anguish. ARSENICUM ALBUM. 73 Pulse : accelerated; irritable; quick and small; quick, weak and irreg- wlar; weak, Scarcely perceptible. NECK AND BACK.—Nape stiff as if bruised or sprained. Stiffness in spinal column, beginning in region of os coccygis. Bruised pain in small of back. Loss of strength in sina'ſ of hack. UPPER LIMBS.—Drawing, jerking and tearing from tips of fingers into the shoulders. Hands and lower half of fore arm dark and livid. LOWER LIMBS.—Sensation as if lower limbs would break down, on going up stairs. - Uneasiness in lower limbs, can not lie still at night, has to change position of feet constantly, or walk about to get relief. (Rhus.) Coldness in lower limbs. Tearing, sticking periosteal pain along the limb to the big toe. Violent drawing, tearing pain in the right foot. Drawing pain in legs when resting feet upon the floor, while sitting. Cramps in the calves. (Sulph.) CEdematous swelling of the feet. LIMBS.—Evcessive weakness and e.vhaustion of limbs, oblèging him to lie down. Twitching, tremor, trembling, weariness of the limbs. GENERALITIES.—Great emaciation. Epileptic convulsions: Great restlessness and (m.wiety. (Acon.) Sudden sinking of strength (Acon., Camph., Verat.); from slight pſtºn or other causes. Great weakness and prostration, scarcely (thle to walk. Fatimt, an:vious and weak, eſtrly ºn morning. Pains intolerable, periodical. Burning pains (Carb. a., Carb. v., Phos., Sec.), especially ºn ºn/ver organs, skin (tºd ulcers. SKIN.—Painful black eruption. Petechiae.—Vesicular eruptions. Burning itching, painful after scratching. Ulcer on leg covered with gray crust, and surrounded with an inflamed border; burning and painful. 74 ARSENICUM ALIBUM. Bran like, dry, scaly eruption. Gangrenous aspect of sores. (Carb. v., Kreos, Lach., Sil.) SLEEP-Frequent startings in and from sleep. (Bell., Lyc., Op., Puls., Stram.) Restless, uneasy sleep, with moaning. Dreams: Full of care, sorrow and fear; thunder storms, fire, black water, darkness, etc. FEvKR.—Shuddering without thºrst, worse in open air. Coldness of body, dry skin, alternate with cold sweats. Chills and heat intermingled, or, internal coldness, external heat and red cheeks. (Arn., Calc., Thuja.) Internal burning, dry heat. (Acon., Bry., Rhus.) Cold, clammy, or sour and offensive sweat. During sweat unquenchable thirst. AGGRAVATION.—At might, especially after midnight (1 to 3 A.M.). From cold in general, cold air, cold food (ice cream), cold drinks, cold washing; after eating and drinking; from lying with head low. AMELIORATION.—From warmth in general, from lying with head high; from motion. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Effects of poisoning from decayed or morbid ani- mal matter, by inoculation, inhalation or swallowing. General dropsy of thoracic or abdominal cavities. Intermittent fevers, espe- cially after abuse of Quinine. Typhoid and hectic conditions. Inflammation of mucous membranes: conjunctivitis; coryza; aptha : diarrhoea; dysentery; ulceration, etc. Cutaneous disorders. Nervous affections; neuralgia; chorea; epilepsy; paralysis, etc. Asthma. Cardiac disease. Bright's disease. Gangrenous tendencies. Compare : Acon., Arn, Bell., Bry., Carb. v., Carb. a., Cham., Cinch., Graph. Hell, Iod, Kali, b., Lach., Merc., Nux, Phos., Puls., Rhus., Samb., Sulph., Verat. Antidotes : Camph., Carbo. veg., Cinch., Chin. Sulph., Fer, Hep., Iod., Ipec., Lach, Nux. V., Samb, Tabac., Verat. To large doses : Sesquioxide of Iron; hydrated peroxide of iron, or precipitated carbonate of iron; juice of sugar cane, or honey water. Lime water in copious draughts, emetics of sulphate of zinc. Car- ARUM TRIPHYLLUM. 75 bonate of potash and magnesia, shaken in oil. Infusions of astringent substances. Large quantities of diluent drinks. Arsen. Antidotes: Carbo., Cinch., Fer., Graph., Iod., Ipec., Lach., Merc., Nux. V., Verat. Lead poisoning. ARUM TRIPEIYLLUM. Matural Order. Araceae. Common Wames. Indian turnip. Jack-in-the-Pulpit. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Arum acts especially upon the mu- cous membrane of the mouth, and fauces, and to some extent, upon the larynx and bronchi, producing violent inflammation, tumefaction and ulceration. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. EYEs.—Aversion to light. Quivering of the upper eyelids. NoSE.—Discharge of burning chorus fluid from the nose, e.vcoriating the mostrºls and upper lips. (Ars., Cepa., Merc. cor.) Mose obstructed, must breathé through the mouth. Nostrºls sore, and chapped. FACE.-Nose, lips and face chapped, (ts (ºfter exposure to cold wind. Great heat in face and head, afternoons, with fluent coryzſt. Picks the lips until they bleed. Corners of mouth sore, cracked and bleeding. MoUTH.—Cracked tongue, painful and burning. (Graph., Merc., Nit. ac.) Root of tongue and palate feel rºtto. Buccal cavity raw, sore and bleeding. Mouth burns and is so sore that they refuse to drink, and cry when any- thing is offered. THROAT.—Swelling of submaa'illary glands. Constriction in throat, with sneezing. Sensation of swelling in soft palate when swallowing. Soreness, dryness, burning, pains and ulcers in palate and throat. 76 ASAFOETIDA. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.––Voice hoarse; from ovreuse in singing or 8peaking (clergymen's sore throat.) (Arg. nit., PhOS.) Accumulation of mucus in the trachea. Voice uncertain, changing continually. SKIN.—Evanthema, like scarlet rash, with itching; skin peels off after- ^Dard. AGGRAVATION.—Generally in the morning; from lying down; from N. W. wind. AMELIORATION.—On rising. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.--Is of most use in scarlatina (Maligna) and in clergy- men's sore throat. In all inflammatory affections of the mouth, tongue and buccal cavity where symptoms indicate. Compare : Ailantus, Arg, nit., Ars., Bap., Caust., Cepa, Nit. ac., Phos., Phytol. Antidotes : Buttermilk. ASAFOETIDA. Matural Order. Umbelliferae. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Through the nervous system acts particularly upon the female generative organs, and the respir- atory system, giving rise to conditions similating ovarian irri- tation, hysteria, asthma, etc. Also acts upon the bones and ‘skin. CHARACTERIST1C SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Hysterical restlessness and anxiety. |Unsteady and fickle. Ill humor; irritable (Bry., Cham., Nux.) Apprehensive. HEAD.—Pressive pain in forehead from within outward. (Bry., Kreas.) Single deep-penetrating stitches in left frontal eminence. Drawing, pressive pains like a plug (Anac.) in sides of head or temples, most on left side. EYES.–Nocturnal throbbing pains in and around the eye and head; syph- ylitic iritis. ASAFOETIDA. º Dryness and burning in the eyes. (Ars., Sulph.) Severe boring pains over the eye-brows. (Coloc.) NOSE.-Offensive discharge from the nose; bones swollen and inflamed. (Aurum. Sil.) FACE.-Sensation of numbness in the bones of the face. (Aurum.) THROAT.—Dryness of mouth, throat and Oesophagus. Sensation of a ball rising in the throat (Con., Plumb.), obliging frequent swallowing to keep it down, and causing at times difficult breathing. Sensation in the Oesophagus as if the peristaltic motions were from below upward. STOMACH.—Pulsation in the pit of the stomach. (Puls., Sep.) Sensation of fulness and distension in stomach. ABDOMEN.—Great distension of the abdomen. Sense of fulness and as if beaten, in epigastrium and whole abdomen. Pressive pain on drawing in abdominal muscles. STOOL AND ANU.S.—Dull, pressive pain in perineum. Stool profuse, watery, or thick, papescent, brown, and exceedingly offensive. URINARY ORGANs.-Urine brown and of pungent smell. Spasm of bladder during and after urination. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Labor-like pains in uterine region, with cutting and bearing down. Excited sexual desire. Leuchorrhoea profuse, greenish, thin and offensive. Swelling and inflammation of the genitals. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.--Spasmodic tightness of the chest, as ºf the lungs could not be fully expanded. Oppressive, pressing, aching pains in the chest. Stitches in the chest, (right side), from within outward. HEART AND PULSE.-Nervous palpitation, with small, quick, irregular pulse. NECK AND BACK.—Fine burning stitches behind right scapula, extending to ribs. Can not work on account of backache. UPPER LIMBs.—Tearing stitches in upper arm, and forearm down to tips of fingers. 78 AURUM. Twitching of muscles of arms. Low ER LIMBS.—Twitching of the muscles of the leg. Swelling and caries of the tibia, and bones of the feet. (Calc, Merc., Nit. ac., Phos. ac., Sil., Sul.) Painful throbbing in tip of great toe. SKIN.—Ulcers with high, hard edges, sensitive to touch, easily bleeding (Merc., Nit, ac.); pus profuse, greenish, thin, offensive, even ichorous. FEVER.—Chills run over body from time to time. Heat on the face after dinner, with anxiety and sleepiness, without thirst. In syphilitic patients who have taken much mercury. AGGRAVATION.—Most symptoms while sitting. * AMELIORATION.—In open air; from motion. THERAPEUTIC RANGE. — Hysteria. Hyper-sensitive conditions. Hypo- chondria. Asthma. Pertussis. Mercurial and scrofulous affections of the bones and skin—caries and ulcers. Rickets. Tertiary and secondary syphilis. CoNDITIONS.–Particularly adapted to nervous hysterical, scrofulous indi- viduals, with venous hæmorrhoidal constitutions. To scrofulous, bloated, clumsy children. Compare : Ambra., Aur., Ars., Bell., Bry., Calc., Caust., Cinch., Carbo veg., Coff, Con., Lyc., Merc., Moschus, Nit. ac., Phos., Puls., Sepia, * Sil., Sulph., Val. Antidotes : Caust., Camph., Cinch., Merc., Puls., Electricity. Asaf. Antidotes: Merc., Puls. - AURUM. Aurum metallicum. Metallic gold. GENERAL ANALYSIs.-Affects especially the Osseous and glandular systems, most prominently the nasal and palatine bones—and the occulo-nasal mucous membrane, giving rise to conditions quite analagous to those which, in these parts, result from a syphilitic, mercurial or scrofular disease. A UHUM. 79 Aside from its local action the distinguishing feature of Aurum is its desponding melancholy with suicidal tendency. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Disgust for life; suicidal tendency. Religious mania, imagines herself irretrievably lost. (Lyc., Puls.) Melancholy; imagines he is unfit for this world, never can succeed. Despondent, dejected, unhappy, weeping. (Puls., Rhus.) Great anguish, coming from the praecordial region, driving him from place to place; palpitation. Apprehensive, full of fear; a mere noise at the door makes him anxious. Peevish and vehement; the least contradiction, e.vcites his wrath. (Bry., Nux.) HEAD.—Wertigo; when stooping, as if turning in a circle (Con.); as if drunk, when walking in open air, must lie down. Rush of blood to the head, with sparks before the eyes, and glassy bloated face (Bell); worse from mental exertion. Skull bones painful as if broken, when lying down. Fine tearing from the right side of the occiput through the brain to forehead; worse during motion. EYES.—Tension in eyes; sees things double or mºved up. Objects as if divided horizontally; can only see lower half, upper half as Žf covered with a dark body. Redness of the sclerotica. Constant lachrymation. Morning agglutination. (Lyc., Sulph.) Bones of the eye feel sore and bruised. EARs.—Caries of the mastoid process; obstinate fetid otorrhoea. NOSE,-Ulcerated, agglutinated painful nostrºls (Nit. ac.); can not breathe through the nose. Crusts in the nose. Nose feels obstructed as in dry coryza, yet air passes through freely. Burning, itching, stitching and Smarting in the nose; feeling of sore. ness in mosé, especially when touched. Boring in inside of nasal bone, toward maxilla. Sensitive smell; everything smells too strong. (Coff, Bell., Colch., Hep., Lyc.) 80 AURUM. Putrid smell when blowing the nose. Caries of the nasal bones. (Calc., Merc) FACE.-Drawing tearing on left side of face. Burning and boring in Zygoma. Inflammation of the bones of the face; caries of the cheek bones. (Merc., Mez., Sil.) Painful swelling of the sub-maxillary glands. MoUTH.—Toothache from drawing air into the mouth. Putrid odor from the mouth, as from old cheese. Bitter or putrid taste in the mouth. Caries of the palatine bones. (Mer., Mez., Sil.) THROAT.—Parotid gland painful, as if pressed or contused. Stinging soreness in the throat only during deglutition. Dull pressive pain, with or without swallowing, in a gland below angle of lower jaw. STOMACH.—Immoderate appetite and thirst, with qualmishness in stomach. Pressure on left side near pit of stomach. ABDOMEN.—Burning heat and cutting pain in right hypochondria. Incarcerated flatulence. (Carb. veg.) Heaviness in abdomen, with icy coldness of hands and feet. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS.—Right testicle swollen, pressive pains when touch- ing or rubbing, as from contusion. Induration of the testes. (Con.) Nightly erections and pollutions. (Phos. ac.) FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.—Prolapsus and induration of the womb. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Dyspnoea, constantly takes'deep breath, can not get air enough. Suffocative attacks w th spasmodic constriction of the chest. HEART AND PULSE.-Violent palpitation of the heart, with anxiety and tremulous fearfulness. GENERALITIES.—Boring, tearing and bruised bone pains in extremities. Over sensitive to all pain and to the cold air. (Cocc.) Hysterical spasms; alternate laughing and crying. (Hyos., Ign.) Great nervous weakness; tremulous agitation. SLEEP-Awake all night; no pain, no lassitude or sleepiness in morning. ASARUM. 81 Vivid, frightful dreams; sobs aloud during sleep, SKIN.—Deep ulcers, affecting the bones; after abuse of mercury. (Kali., Nit. ac.) AGGRAVATIONS.–In morning; on getting cold; while reposing. AMELIORATION.—From motion; while walking; on getting warm. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-In syphilitico-mercurial affections. In scrofular diseases. Caries of the nasal, palatine, mastoid and Ossicular bones. Exostoses of skull and other bones. Ozoena; otorrhoea; nasal catarrh. Orchitis. Hysteria. Hypochondriasis. Melancholia. CoNDITIONS.–Especially indicated in scrofulous subjects, with light hair, sanguine temperament, and ruddy complexion. In corpulent old people. Also in syphilitic and mercurial patients. Compare : Asaf., Bell., Calc., Cinch., Merc., Mez., Nit. ac., Plat., Puls., Sil. Antidotes : Bell., Camph., Cinch, Cocc., Coff., Cupr., Merc., Puls., Spig. Aurum Antidotes : Merc., Spig. ASARUM. Asarum Europaem. Mažural Order. Aristolochiaceae. Common Mame. Hazel wort. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts upon the cerebro-spinal ner- vous system, and affects especially the mucous membranes of the alimentary tract. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Gradual vanishing of thoughts, like when falling asleep. HEAD.—Very sensitive, compressive headache, especially in left temple and behind the ears. Tension of scalp, making hair feel painful. EARS.–Pressure and tension in region of meatus auditorias. STOMACH-Nausea and inclination to vomit. Violent cutting colic, with vomiting. 6 82 BAPTISIA. LIMBS.–Lightness of all the limbs; when walking seem to be gliding through the air. - GENERALITIES.—Facessive sensibility of all the nerves; when merely thinking (and this he must continually), that some one might with the finger- tºp or nail, scratch even lightly on linen or similar material, a most disagreeable sensation thrills through him, a resting momentarily all h?s thoughts and actºons. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.- Mostly used in gastric and bilious disorders, where there is excessive nervous sensitiveness. CONDITIONS.–In nervous excitable temperament. Compare : Cupr., Nux., Phos., Puls. Antidotes : Camphor, Vinegar, Vegetable Acids. BAPTISIA. Baptisia tinctoria. Natural Order. Leguminosae. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Acts especially upon the blood, having a disorganizing and decomposing influence, producing a state similar to that present in low forms of fever and typhoid conditions. Through the blood it affects the mucous mem- branes, especially the mouth, throat and intestines, and also involves the motor and sensory nerves, giving rise to prostra- tion and to paralysis, both of motion and sensation. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Indisposed to think, want of power; mind seems weak and con. fused. (Gels., Phos. ac., Rhus.) Can not confine his mind; a sort of wild, wandering feeling. Body feels scattered about, tosses around to get the pieces together; can not sleep because can not get pieces together. HEAD.—Vertigo, and weak feeling of entire system, especially lower limbs and knees. & Dull, heavy, pressive headache. (Con., Gels., Hyd.) Frontal headache, with pressure at root of nose. (Acon., Kali b.) BAPTISIA. 83 Head feels large and heavy, with numbness of head and face. Soreness in the brain, worse on stooping. Top of head feels as if it would fly off. (Actea.) EYES.—Eyeballs feel sore; sore and lame on moving them. FACE.-Face flushed, dusky, hot; dark red with a besotted expression. MoUTH–Sordes on the teeth and lips. Tongue: Yellow along the centre; first white, with reddish papillae, followed by yellow brown coating in centre, edges dark red and shining; dry, brown down the centre; cracked, sore, ulcerated. Saliva rather abundant, somewhat viscid, tasting flat. Putrid ulcers of the buccal cavity, with salivation. (Merc., Nit. ac.) Mouth and tongue very dry in fevers. Putrid, offensive, foccal breath. Flat, bitter taste in mouth. THROAT.—Constrictive feeling in throat, causing frequent efforts at deglu- tition. Fauces dark red; dark, putrid ulcers; tonsils and parotids swollen ; absence of pain and great prostration. Difficult deglutition; can only swallow water. STOMACH.—Sinking, gone feeling at the stomach. (Hyd., Ign., Sep., Sul.) ABDOMEN.—Pain in liver, from right lateral ligament to gall bladder; can , Scarcely walk, it so augments pain in gall bladder. Constant severe pain over gall bladder. Fullness and distension of the abdomen. STOOL AND ANU.S.–Frequent small, thin, dark, offensive and acrid stools. Very fetid, exhausting diarrhoea. (Ars.) Stool papescent, with large quantities of mucus; no pain. Dark brown mucous and bloody stools, with tenesmus and typhoid tendency. URINARY ORGANs.-Burning when urinating. Urine rather scanty, dark red color. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.-Awakes with great difficulty of breathing; the lungs feel tight and compressed, must have fresh air. (Carb. veg., Sulpin.) & Constriction and oppression of the chest. 84 BAPTISIA. NECK AND BACK.—Stiffness and lameness of cervical muscles. Back and hips very stiff, ache severely. Dull sacral pain, compounded of a feeling as from pressure and fatigue, from long stooping; soon extending around hips and down right leg. & Feels as if lying on a board; changes position, bed feels so hard, makes him feel sore and bruised. (Arn.) LIMBS.—Drawing pains in arms and legs, aching in the limbs. GENERALITIES.—Restless; does not sleep quietly; wants to be on the move. (Rhus.) Great languor; wants to lie down. Tired, bruised, sick feeling in all parts of the body. Weak and tremulous, as if recovering from a severe illness. Great weakness, especially in lower limbs. Indescribable sick feeling all over. Numbness, prickling and paralytic feeling over the whole body, es- pecially left side. A sensation all over the body as if bruised or beaten. (Arn.) SLEEP.—Delirious stupor; falls asleep while answering a question or be- ing talked to. (Hyos., Phos. ac.) Sleeps well till 2 or 3 a.m. then restless till morning. Drowsy, stupid, tired feeling; disposition to half close the eyes. SKIN.—Great burning and heat in skin. (Ars.) Eruption like measles or urticaria. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-In typhoid fever (especially first stages); typhoid and adynamic conditions in general accompanying other diseases. Ulceration of the mucous membranes, especially of the mouth. Dip- theria; stomatitis materna; cancrum Oris, etc. Diarrhoea, dysen- tery, cerebro-Spinal meningitis. Compare : Ars., Arn., Bry, Gels., Hyos., Merc., Mur. ac., Nit. ac., Rhus. BARYTA CARBONICA. 85 BARYTA CARBONICA. Carbonate of Barium. Ba Cog. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Irritates and depresses the cerebral and ganglionic nervous system, producing a condition as from loss of energy, both mental and physical, or premature senil- ity. It also acts upon the lymphatic glandular system, es- pecially the glands of the throat, where is shown its most char- acteristic effect. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Irresolute, constantly changing his mind. (Ign.) Great forgetfulness, does not know what he has just spoken. (Ars., Hydras., Rhus.) - Deficient memory; child can not remember or be taught. (Calc, phos) Want of self confidence. (reverse Plat.) Dread of strangers; imagines she is being criticised and laughed at. Child does not want to play. Sudden ebulitions of anger, but coupled with cowardice. HEAD.—Apoplexy, vertigo; in old people who are childish. Pressive sticking in the vertex, which extends through the whole head whenever he stands in the sun. Baldness, especially on the crown. Scalp sensitive on the side on which he lies; worse from scratching. Crusta lactea; dry or humid scurf. (Calc., Hep., Lyc.) Encysted tumor on the scalp. EYES.—Weakness of sight; gauze before the eyes. (Caust., Phos.) Inflammation, with sensation of dryness in the eyes. Pupils dilate and contract in quick succession. EARS.—Right parotid swollen and painful to touch. Drawing, twinging pain in ears. Tearing, with boring and drawing in bones front of right ear. Itching in the ears. Buzzing and jingling in the ears. Cracking in the ear when sneezing, swallowing or walking fast, 86 BARYTA CARBONICA. Reverberation in ears on blowing the nose violently. (Caust., Graph.) NoSE.—Obstinate dryness of the nose; secretion of thick yellow mucus. FACE.—Face pale and puffy. (Ars.) Tension, as from a cobweb over the face. (Alum., Calad.) Pain in articulation when closing the jaws. MoUTIL–Tongue coated, as if fuzzy. Smarting, burning pain in tip of tongue; cracked and sore. - Paralysis of the tongue, loss of speech. (Caust., Gels.). Mouth filled with vesicles, especially palate and inside of cheeks. Much tough phlegm in the mouth. 3. Mouth very dry, with thirst. THROAT.—Smarting in the throat when swallowing, though most on empty subſtllowing. Tonsils: inflammation after every cold; tend to suppurate (Hep.); chronic induration. (Calc.) Constriction in throat; sensation of a plug in throat when swallowing. (Bell.) - Sºcelling of the submaa'illary glands. (Merc.) STOMACH.—Sensation of hunger in stomach, but no appetite. Weakness in stomach, disappears after eating. Pressure, as from a stone (Bry., Puls.), relieved by eructations. Sensitiveness of the stomach; every step painful to it. Soreness in stomach, as if food passed over sore places. ABDOMEN.—Abdomen distended and hard. Intestines fall from side to side on turning in bed. MALE SExUAL ORGANs.—Diminished sexual ability; increased desire. • RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Feeling in larynx as if inspiring smoke or pitch. Suffocative catarrh in old people; impending paralysis of the lungs. (Carbo. veg.) - Spasmodic cough from roughness and tickling in the throat; worse evening until midnight. Soreness in chest when coughing. NECK AND BACK.—Swelling of the glands of neck and occiput. Stiffness in nape of neck. UPPER LIMBs, Pain in the arms, with hard, swollen axillary glands. BELLADONINA. 87 LOWER LIMIBS.–Drawing pain down the entire left leg. Stitching pain in knee joints. Foetid foot sweat. 4 GENERALITIES.—Weariness, with heaviness of the body. Great weakness of mind and body in old people. Very sensitive to cold air. • Dwarfish; defective mental and physical growth. SKIN.—Fatty tumors (tbout the neck. Burning prickings here and there. Swelling and induration of the glands. AGGRAVATION.—In morning; while sitting; when thinking of symptoms; from moistening or washing the part. AMELIORATION.—When walking in open air. TIIERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Inflammation and induration of tonsils. Glandu- lar swellings and ulcerations. Premature senility. General paralysis of old people. Impotence. CoNDITIONS.–Especially suitable for old people; dwarfs; scrofulous chil- dren, especially those who have inflammation and swelling of tonsils from least cold. Left side most affected. Compare: Alum., Bell., Calc., Caust., Cinch., Gels., Merc., Phos., Sep. Sil., Sul. * Antidotes : Ant. tart., Bell., Camph., Dulc., Zinc. To large doses: Sul- phate of Soda or magnesia. BELLADONNA. Atropa Belladonna. Matural Order. Solanaceae. Common Mame. Deadly Nightshade. GENERAL ANALysis.-Belladonna has its chief centre of action in the cerebrum, from which radiates its influence upon the entire organism. The brain and its membranes are involved in active congestion and inflammation. The senso- rium is prominently affected, giving rise to delirium, illusions, 88 BELLADONINA. a- hallucinations, mania, stupor and insomnia. From this central point Belladonna acts as an irritant to the entire nervous sys- tem, producing congestion of the medulla oblongata and the spinal cord, and in consequence general hypera-sthesia of both sensory and motor nerves. The special senses become intensely acute, and at the same time perverted in function. The volun- tary muscular system is involved in teataniform convulsions, and sometimes clonic spasms, while the involuntary muscles are completely paralyzed, the sphincters being relaxed, and the iris dilated. - On the skin and mucous membranes Belladonna shows its most important local action. The skin becomes intensely red and hot, presenting a smooth, shining red surface, similar to that present in Scarlet fever, and non-vesicular erysipelas. The mucous membranes chiefly affected are those of the eyes, mouth, throat, and genito-urinary organs. The condition is similar to that found elsewhere, being an intense congestion going on to acute inflammation, involving also the sub-mucous cellular tissues. Neither the digestive apparatus, nor the se- rous, Osseous, or fibrous tissues are directly affected. But the glandular system is often involved in the characteristic conges- tion and inflammation of the drug, as are also the uterus and its appendages. The most characteristic expression of Belladonna is the flushed face, the throbbing carotids, the hard, full and bound- ing pulse, and the wild delirium that ever attends its oper- ations. Also the sudden appearance and disappearance of the symptoms. CEIARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. MIND.—Furious rage, anger, disposed to bite, strike and spit at those around (Hyos., Stram.); to tear things to pieces. Violent delirium; loud laughing and grinding the teeth; afraid of imaginary things; sees monsters (Op., Stram.); changing from mirth to fury; constant desire to spring out of bed, with complete loss of con- sciousness. (Hyos.) Carphilogia. (Hyos., Stram.) BELLADONINA. 89 Great anxiety, timidity and restlessness; desire to escape or to hide. (Ars., Cup., Puls.) Disinclination to talk or fast talking. Stupefaction with congestion to the head, and dilated pupils. (Hyos.) HEAD.—Wertigo when stooping, or when rising after stooping (Bry., Puls.); falling to the left or backwards, with vanishing of sight and flicker- ing before the eyes. Vertigo as if objects turned in a circle (Con.) or swayed to and fro. Vertigo on motion; on turning over in bed. (Con., Bry.) Dizziness with sensation as if a board were pressing on the fo, ehead. (Calc.) Rush of blood to the head; pulsation of cerebral arteries; throbbing in the brain. (Acon., Glon., Op.) Intense headache; aggravated by noise, motion, moving the eyes, contact and when cough?ng. (Bry.) Pressure ºn the head, now here, now there, which occupies each time large (0.7°6(!.S. |Violent throbbings in the brain, from behind forwards and towards both sides; the throbbing ends on the surface in painful shootings. Jerking headache, eatremely violent on walking quickly, or ascending stairs rapidly; at every step a jolt downwards as if a weight were ºn the occiput. Frequently obliged to stand still in walking, from the violence of the pain 2n the forehead; at every step 8e med as ºf the brain rose and fell in the forehead : pain relieved by pressºnſ, strongly on forehead. Pain in head and eyeballs as if the latter would start from their sockets. Pressive pain in forehead, so severe during motion that it causes him to close his eyes. * Stabbing as ºf with a knife from one temple to the other. Headache worse from leaning forward, better from bending backward. Headache from a draft of air, or from having hair cut; from the heat of the sun. Head so sensitive evternally that the least contact, even pressure of the hair, gives pain. EYES.—Eyes protruding, sparkling; pupils dºated; staring look. (Hyos., Stram.) Eyes red, swollen, distorted. 90 BELLADONNA. Eyes dry; feel stiff; heat (uld burning. Great intolerance of light (reverse, Stram.) and lachrymation. (Acon., Euph., Graph., Sulph.) Dilated, immovable pupils. (Hyos., Op., Stram.) Double vision. (Hyos., Stram.) Bright sparks and flashes of light, before the eyes. Everything looks red. - Halo around the light, partly colored, red predominating; at times light seems broken into rays. EARS.—Intolerance of noise, hearing sensitive. Roaring, ringing or noises in the ear. (Cinch.) Tearing at the internal and external ear (Cham., Puls., Merc.) in a down upſtral direction. Inflammatory swelling of ears, and of the parotids; shooting pains. NoSE.—Great sensitiveness of smell"; faintest odor, especially tobacco, un- bearable. Tip of nose swollen, shining red and burning. Great dryness of the nose. Frequent sneezing, with tickling in nostril. Discharge of mucus mixed with blood. Frequent nose bleed; with congestion of the head. (Acon.) FACE.-Face glowing red and hot; swollen and hot. (Acon.) Convulsive movements of the muscles of the face and mouth. Great swelling and tension of the upper lip. (Calc.) Shootings from the maxillary bones and to the ear. (Calc.) Nervous prosopalgia, with tearing, cutting pains. (Puls.) MOUTH.–Dull drawing in upper right row of teeth; worse at night and from cold air. Painful swelling of the gums. Tongue and palate dark red and dry. Dryness of mouth tongue and throat, interferes with speech and deglu- t?tion. Tongue: hot, dry, red, cracked; (Rhus.) white centre with red edges. Slimy mouth in morning when waking, with pressing headache. Thick whitish mucus in mouth and throat, with constant inclination to hawk and swallow. BELLADO.NN A. 91 THROAT.—Sore throat; fauces (tnd pharyna deep red, soft palate and tonsils s/collen, suballowing pºtiſful, particularly fluids; speech thick; feels like a lump in the throat which induces hawking ; throat supollen, outside (twd 86m8ºtice to the tortch. Great dryness of fauces and throat. During deglutition, feeling in the throat as if it were too lutroup, or drawn together (ts ºf ſlothing would pass properly. STOMACH.-Excessive thirst for cold water; or, aversion to all fluids. Nauseſt in the stomach. Gnawing, pressing, cutting, drawing, wrenching pain in stomach, compelling him to bend backward and hold his breath. Hard pressure in stomach after eating. (Ars., Bry., Puls.) Burning in stomach. (Ars.) Stomach sensitive to touch. (Bry.) ABDOMEN.—Painfully distended abdomen, very sensitive to touch. Heat and burning in abdomen. (Ars.) Colic, as if a spot in the abdomen were seized with the nails, a griping, clutching, clawing. (Ipec.) Wºolent cutting pr’ssure ºn abdomen, now here, now there. Tenderness of the abdomen, is alſ/gravated by the lettstjar of the bed, or the chatºr on, which she sits; obliged ºn walking to step with great care for fear of a jar. - STOOL AND ANU.S.--Pressing and urging in rectum towards anus; painful contraction of anus. Straining and urging to stool, with scanty evacuations. STOOL.—Containing lumps like chalk, green mucus (Calc., Mag. c.); slimy and bloody. (Merc., Nux.) Paralysis of sphincter ani; involuntary stools. (Hyos., Phos.) URINARY ORGANs.—Retention of urine, which only passes drop by drop. (Acon., Canth.) Urine becomes turbid, with reddish sediment. (Con., Sep.) Involuntary micturition; constant dribbling; paralysis Sphincter ves- C82. Difficult, scanty urination. Dull pressing in vesical region during the night. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANs.—Great pressing downwards in the genitals, as ºf 92 BELLADONNA. contents of abdomen would protrude through the vulva. (Nit. ac., Plat., Sep.) Burning, pressure, uneasiness and weight in the uterine region. Ovaritis; right ovary much enlarged (Apis.); burning lancinating pains (Con.). Menses too early and too profuse (A.m.c., Calc., Nux.); bright red blood, on thick decomposed, dark red blood. Lochia offensive, feels hot to the parts. (Acon.) Labor pains too weak or ceasing. (Caul., Gels.) After Pains (Gels) Retained placenta. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.— Voice husky and hoarse, and tº dry cough from dryness of laryna. Sensation as ºf laryna was inflamed, swollen and constricted. Short dry cough from tick'ing in the laryniv. (Acon, Ipec., Phyto., Phos.) Dry, spasmodic or hollow hourse cough, worse at night. (Dros., Hyos.” Ign ) g Barking cough (Dros., Nit. ac., Spong., Verbas., Rumex.) awaking after "midnight, with pain in laryna, and threatened suffocation. Short, hurried, anxious breathing. (Acon ) Tightness and oppression of the chest. (Phos.) Pressive pain in the chest between the shoulders. Burning in the right chest. HEART AND PULSE.-Violent palpitation of the heart, reverberating through the head (Spig.) Pulse much increased in force and frequency. Throbbing of the carotid and temporal arteries. (Glon.) BACK AND NECK.—Swelling of glands of neck and nape of neck. Shooting and gnawing pain in spinal column. Pain in small of back as if it would break. LIMBs.—Convulsive motions of the limbs. Twitchings. Heaviness of the hands and feet. UPPER LIMBS.—Shoo ing pressure on top of left shoulder. Drawing pain ºn inner side of left upper arm; weakness of whole left (7.7°772,. Patralytic drawing pressure ºn upper eactreſnº tºes. Paralytic tearing in middle joint of rºght &ndea! finger. BELLADONNA. 93 Painful drawing in posterior joint of left middle finger, as if in peri- OSteum. LOWER LIMBs.—Cutting stitches in the outer muscles of right thigh, just above the knee, only when sitting. Pain in thighs and legs as if beaten, and as ºf carious; fine shooting and gnawing along the bones, with violent tearing ºn the joints; pain gradually rises from the tarsal joints to the hºps, necessitating while sitting constant motion and shifting of the feet; mºlder when walking. Tearing pressure in middle of inside of leg, uninfluenced by motion or Contact. Phlegmasia alba dolens; can’t bear to be touched. GENERALITIES.—Pains come and go suddenly, and, after a shorte,' or longer duration, cease suddenly. Over-excitability of all the senses. (Coff., Cinch.) Violent convulsions; distortions of all the muscles. Epileptic convulsions. Great restlessness, with sudden startings. Paralytic weakness; tottering gait. Can not bear to be touched anywhere. SKIN.—Painful sensitiveness of skin to contact. Itedness of the whole body with quick pulse. Smooth, scarlet redness of the surface of the whole body. Eruption resembling scarlatina. Erysipelatous inflammations. Pustules break out in the cheek and nose, which rapidly fill with pus, and become covered with a crust. SLEEP.—Great inclination to sleep. Wants to sleep but can not. (Lach, Op.) Starts as in affright from sleep, or on just falling asleep. (Ars., 13ry., Hyos., Merc., Op.) Sleep with moaning and tossing about. (Acon.) Anxious and frightful dreams. FEVER.—Chill in evening, mostly on arms, with heat of head. Cold limbs, feet ice cold; hot head. Temperature much increased, face red, pulse accelerated, delirium. Intense burning heat within and without; Sweat only on head. 94. BENZOIC ACID. Sweat on the covered parts. Sweat with or just after the heat, mostly in face. AGGRAVATION.—After 3 P. M., and again after midnight; on moving; from touch; from draft of air; from sudden changes from warm to cold weather; in hot weather; from heat of sun; while drinking. AMELIORATION.—When wrapped up well in a warm room. THERAPEUTIC RANGE. —Violent congestions and inflammations of the brain and meninges; also of other organs and parts, when accom- panied by a flushed face, throbbing carotids and bounding pulse. In typhus cerebralis; apoplexia; mania; delirium tremens; hydro- cephalus. In neuralgia ; rheumatism ; convulsions (tetanic, hys- teric, epileptic, puerperal); hydrophobia; paralysis. In tonsillitis; pharyngitis; acsophagitis. In conjunctivitis ; retinitis ; iritis ; amaurosis. In otitis. In stomatitis; glossitis; cancrum Oris; gastral- gia; dysentery and diarrhoea. Orchitis; ovaritis; peritonitis; metri- tis ; mastitis; dysmenorrhea ; menorrhagia ; metrorrhagia ; hour- glass contractions; after-pains ; retained placenta ; suppressed lo- chia; milk-leg. Catarrh; laryngitis; asthma; pertussis. In Scarla- tina; measles; erysipelas; boils; ulcers, inflammation, and indura- tion of glands. CoNDITIONs.—In plethoric, lymphatic constitutions who are jovial and happy when well, but violent when sick. In young, full-blooded people. Compare : Acon., Arn., Ars., Calc., Cinch, Coff, Coloc., Con., Hyos., Lach., Merc., Op., Phos., Puls., Sep., Straum. Antidotes: Camph., Cof., Hep., Hyos., Op., Puls., Vinum. To large doses: strong Coffee, Op., Hyos. Bell. Antidotes : Acon., Cup., Fer., Hyos., Merc., Plumb., Jaborandi. BENZOIC ACID. C6 H5, CO, OH. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Acts especially upon the urinary organs, joints and fibrous tissues. The peculiar characteristic of the drug is its deep red colored urine with very strong ſurinous odor. BENZOIC ACID. 95 CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MoUTII.—Extensive ulceration of the tongue, with deeply chapped fungoid surfaces. THROAT.—Angina faucium and tonsillaris, with characteristic urine. STOOL.—Diarrhaea in children; profuse, watery, light colored offensive enhaust. 2ng stools, with characteristic urine. URINARY ORGANs.-Urime highly colored ; wrºnous odor earceedingly strong (Nit. ac.); offensive pungent smell. Soreness or hot burning pains in left kidney. SEXUAL ORGANS.—Suppressed gonorrhoea; gleet; with offensive urine. BACK.—Dull pain in back, in region of kidneys; stiffness in loins. LOWER LIMBs.—Swelling of the right knee, ulcerative pain in whole leg, with pains in kidneys. Cracking or sense of dryness in knee joint. Pain in both knees. Tearing and stitches; especially in the metatarsal joints of the right great toe. Gouty concretions and nodosities. GENERALITIES.—Weariness and lassitude. Pains suddenly change their locality. (Puls.) Symptoms in sick go from left to right, and from below upwards. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Ulcerations of the mouth and tongue. Tonsillitis. Infantile diarrhoea. Nephritic colic. Dysuria senilis. Eneurisis of children; suppressed gonorrhoea; gleet; articular rheumatism; gout; rheumatic and gouty arthritis; bad effects from copaiva. CONDITIONS.–Especially adapted to rheumatic or gouty subjects. In Syphilitic or gonorrhoeal patients. Compare : Nit. ac., Puls. Ben. ac. Antidotes : Copaiba. 96 BERBERIS. BERBERIS. Berberis vulgaris. Natural Order. Berberidaceae. Common Mame. Barberry. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Through the ganglionic system Berberis produces engorgement of the venous capillaries, and shows its especial action upon the mucous lining of the he- patic system, the kidneys and urinary tract. It also acts upon the mucous membrane of the throat, and upon the muscular system. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Indifference (Phos. ac.) Apathy. HEAD.—Wertigo and dizziness. Sensation as if the head were becoming larger. Tearing pains in forehead and temples, often changing locality. (Puls.) Cold sensation in right temple. NOSE.-Dryness of the nose. FACE–Pale, earthy complexion, with sunken cheeks and hollow, blue en- circled eyes. (Carb. veg.) MoUTH.—Dryness of the lips. Sticky frothy saliva, like cotton. THROAT.—Swelling and fiery redness of palate and tonsils; tonsils pain when speaking or swallowing; sensation of lump in side of throat, with dryness, roughness and scraping. STOMACH.—Thirst, with dryness of the mouth. Eructations. ABDOMEN.—Violent sticking pressive pain in region of gall bladder. Pains, mostly sticking, in left side of abdomen; often extending to lumbar region or to the groin, the liver, the spleen, or the stomach. Deep seated, sticking or tearing pain from the ilium, near spine, obliquely inward towards sacrum. § STOOL–Frequent urging to stool. Violent burning pain in the anus, as if parts around it were sore. Tearing, stitching, burning, crawling or itching in and around anus. Hard scanty stool, like sheep's dung. (Chel., Op., Plumb.) BERBERIS. 97 Watery evacuations. (Ars., Cinch.) URINARY ORGANs.-Sticking, digging, tearing or pulsative pain in region of one or the other kidney. Burnºng pain ºn bladder. |Violent stºcking, cutting pains from the kidneys into the bladder and wrethra. Cutting and burning in the urethra. (Cann., Canth.) Pain in loins and hips while urinating. Urine pale yellow, with a slight transparent, gelatinous sediment, with no deposit, or a turbid, flocculent, clay-like, copious, mucous sediment, mºved ^07th, wh?te or ºphºtºsh gray, and later a reddish mealy sediment. Urine bright yellow; blood red; profuse mucous sediment. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS.–Dragging or lancinating pains in spermatic cord, extending into testicles. Smarting, burning pains or stitches in spermatic cord. Weakness and coldness of genital organs. (Caps.) FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.—Sensation of burnºng and soreness ºn wagºna; painful to touch. Menses too scanty and painful; gray mucus or blood. BACK.—Bruised pain, with stiffness and lºtmeness in small of back; rises from a seat with difficulty. Baekatche worse whºle sitting or lying. - Painful pressure and tension in lumbar and renal regions, sometimes with sensation of numbness, puffiness, warmth, stiffness (trºd lºtmeness, extending at times into the lower limbs. LIMBS.–Tearing, stitching, or throbbing pains, or bruised feeling in ex- tremities. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Arthritic and rheumatic affections, particularly with urinary complaints. Especially applicable when renal or vesi- cal symptoms are prominent. In passage of gall Stones, and vesical calculi. Nephritis. Nephritic colic. Tonsilitis. Bilious and gas- tro-intestinal derangements. Compare : Aloes, Ars., Bry, Caps., Cinch., Nux v., Puls. Antidote: Camph. & • * Berb. Antidote : Acon. 7 98 BORAX. BORAX. Biborate of Soda. (2Boº NaBa Os 10He O.) GENERAL ANALYSIS.—The rationale of the operations of this drug is not well understood, but it has an important action upon the mucous membranes, especially of the mouth, intestines, uterus and vagina. It also involves the respiratory tract and the skin. Its most prominent mental expression is a fear of downward motion, which seems to characterize most of its pathological conditions. * CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Dread of downward motion, with ama;ious expression, as when in a swing, rocking chair, cradle or in gočng down stairs. Fretful, ill humored, discontented (Cham.), indolent. HEAD.——Hairs become entangled at the tips and stick together, can not be separated (Graph.); if these bunches are cut off they form again. EYEs.—Lashes turn inward toward the eye and inflame it, especially at outer canthus, when the margins of the lids are very sore. Inflammation of right eye at external canthus, with irregularity of the lashes; nightly agglutination. (Sulph.) Flickering before the eyes in the morning, when writing, so that he does not see distinctly ; there seem to be bright moving waves now from right to left, now from above downward. Nos.E.—Dry crusts in the nose, re-form if removed. Boil in forepart of left nostril, toward the tip, with sore pain and swell- ing of the tip of nose. Red and shining swelling of the nose, with throbbing and tensive sen- sation. (Bell.) FACE.-Sickly, pale, earthy color of the face. (Ars.) Burning heat and redness of face. (Bell.) MoUTH.—Gum boil, paining severely, with dull pain in hollow tooth; swelling of cheek and whole left side of face. Aphtha, on the tongue, in the mouth, inside of cheeks, etc., with great heat and dryness of the mouth. (Merc., Nit. ac.) BORAX. 99 Painful red blisters on the tongue, as if the surface were eroded. The mucous membrane of forepart of palate is shriveled, as if burnt, and pains especially when chewing. Flat, insipid or bitter taste. (Bry., Puls.) THROAT.—Tough, whitish mucus in the throat, which is loosened only after great exertion. STOMACH.—Great distention, discomfort, sick feeling and ill humor after a meal. Pain in region of stomach after heavy lifting; pain extends to small of back and then becomes stitching; can not turn at night without pain; better in morning. ABDOMEN.—Flatulent distention after every meal. Pinching in the abdomen; with diarrhoea. STool.—Soft, light yellow (Chel.), mucus stool, with weakness and exhaustion. Green stool in infants, preceded by crying. (Colo., Merc.) Painless diarrhoea in mornings. (Cinch., Sulph.) |URINARY ORGANS.–Severe urgent desire to urinate. At night must rise several times to urinate. Desire to urinate, without being able to pass a drop. Smarting in urethra after urinating. (Canth.) Hot wrine in infants. (Acon., Canth.) Infant urinates every ten or twelve minutes, and frequently cries and Screams before the passage. - FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.-Menses too early and too profuse, with nausea and colic. Leucorrhaſt like. the white of egg (Arm. C., Bov.), with sensation as if warm water were flow?ng down. Leucorrhoea white, thick as paste. Pains from the stomach to the small of the back, before the menses. Stitching, tearing pains in groins at time of menses. Gripings and sometimes stitches in left mamma, and when the child has nursed obliged to compress the breast with the hand, because it aches from being empty. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Hacking and violent cough, with slight expecto- ration of mouldy taste and smell. Obliged every few minutes to take a quick, deep breath, which is fol- 100 BROMIUM. lowed by a stitch in right side of chest, with subdued pain, sigh and slow exhalation. Sticking in the chest, ºpith enery com/ſ/h, and deep inspiration. (Bry.) Stitches in chest when yawning, coughing, or breathing deeply. (Bry.) Pains in chest relieved by pressure ; by washing chest in cold water ; aggravated by wines. SKIN.—Unhealthiness of the skin ; slight injuries suppurate. (Hep., Graph.) Severe itching on the back of the finger joints, must scratch them violently. Red papulous eruption on the cheeks and around the chin. SLEEP.-Sleep more than usual, wakes frequently. Wakes uncommon early, 3 A.M., can not full asleep again for two hours on account of heat in the whole body, especially in the head, with sweat on the thighs. Child cries out during sleep, as if frightened by a dream. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Has been found of greatest use in aphthac and diar- rhoea in infants, and in menstrual difficulties and leucorrhoea. Compare : Bell, Bry, Cham., Cina., Calc. Coff, Hep., Merc., Nux. Puls., Sulph. Antidotes: Cham., Coffea. BROMIUM. Bromine. A pure elementary substance. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Acts as a powerful irritant to the mucous membranes, especially of the respiratory tract, the larynx being most involved. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. ! NoSE.—Severe coryza, right nostril stopped up and sore throughout, later the left. Fluent coryza with sneezing; long continued and obstimate; corrosère soreness under the nose and on margins of nostrils. (Cepa, Merc cor.) EROMIUM. 101 Nose sore and swollen, with scurfs in it, and pain and bleeding on wiping. (Nit. ac.) Throat-scraping in the throat. Swelling of mucous membrane of fauces and pharynx. ABDOMEN.—Tympanitic distention of the abdomen and passage of much wind. STOOL AND ANUS.–Blind, intensely painful haemorrhoids, with black stool. - FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.–Loud emission of flatus from the vagina. Menses too early and too profuse (Calc., Nux v., Cinch.); of bright red blood (Bell., Ipec.); flow passive with much exhaustion (Cinch.); or membranous shreds may pass off. Violent contractive spasm before or during the menses, lasting hours, leaving the abdomen sore. RESPIRA'FORY ORGANS.—Cold sensation in laryna, with cold feeling when Žn spººng. Constriction in the larynx. Stitch in posterior portion of larynx, with feeling of constriction when swallowing saliva. Scraping and rawness in latryna, provoking cough, ºn evening. (Carb. veg.) Tickling in larynx or trachea, producing cough. Contracted Sensation internally, in the trachea, or feeling as if the pit of throat were pressed aſ/dºst the trached. Voice hoarse, can not speak clearly, loss of povce. Cough, with sudden parodyms of Suffocation, on Swallowing; respiration very short; obliged to catch for breath. Deep forcible inspiration, is necessary from time to time. Difficulty of breathing; can not inspire deep enough. Sensation as if the air passages were full of smoke. SLEEP.—Continued yawning and drowsiness with the respiratory troubles SKIN.—Swelling and induration of the glands—thyroid, testes, submaxillary parotid. (Con., Iod.) Boils on the arms and face. - THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Inflammatory affections of larynx and trachea; laryngitis, croup, etc. In bronchial catarrh and pneumonia. In 102 BRYONIA. membranous dysmemorrhoea. In enlarged and indurated glands,- goitre, etc. Follows spongia well in croup. AGGRAVATION.—In the evening till midnight. Left side most affected. AMELIORATION.—From motion, walking, riding on horseback. CONDITIONS.–More suitable for persons with light hair and blue eyes. Compare : Iodium, Spong. Antidotes : Am. carb. BRYONIA. Bryonia alba. Watural Order. Cucurbitaceae. Common Name. White Bryony. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Bryonia acts especially and power- fully upon the serous membranes and the viscera they con- tain, more particularly the pleurae and lungs; next the brain, and finally the liver. Then comes the action upon the syno- vial membranes and muscular fibre, and last that upon the mucous membranes of the respiratory and alimentary tracts. The condition set up is not one of acute inflammation, but rather of subacute; more closely simulating that condition when infiltrations, exudations or effusions are about to occur, the symptoms indicating a condition intermediate between in- flammation and nervous irritation. When, however, the synovial membranes and the muscular fibre are involved, the inflammation, while still being subacute in its character, par- takes more decidedly of a rheumatic or arthritic nature, and possibly this condition may be said to always characterize the Bryonia inflammation, regardless of the tissues involved. The most characteristic expressions of Bryonia are its stitching, tearing pains, and the aggravation of all its symp- toms by motion. (Rhus.) CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. MIND.— Very morose, ill-humored; (Cham., Nux.) inclined to needless ana'iety; fright, fear and wea'ation. (Acon.) BRYONIA. 103 Eacceedingly irritable, and inclined to be angry. (Cham., Hep., Kali c.) Great anxiety, mental depression and apprehension. Delirium about his business ; worse at night. Sensation in bed as if she were sinking deep down. HEAD.—Confusion of the head. Confusion in the head and aching, as after a night’s dissipation ; does not wish to rise (Nux v.); morning on awaking. -- Confusion in the head with drawing in occiput, extending into the neck, before going to sleep. Vertigo, as though objects were reeling; as though brain were turning around; as ºf head were turning in a circle (Bell., Con.); causing him to reel backward; on, rising from the chair or bed; on sitting up in bed; on raising the head. (Acon., Puls.) Headache commences ºn the morning, not on waking, but when first open- Žng the eyes. Great heaviness of the head, and pressure of the brain forwards. Pressure on the head as if the brain were too full, and pressed out- wards. (Acon., Bell., Merc., Rhus.) Headache as if eterything would press out of the forehead, worse on Stoop?ng. Pressive pain above the left eye, followed by dull pressive pains &n occipital protuberances; thence spreading over the whole body; on quick motion, and after eating, pain, so severe that it seemed a dºstinct pulsatºon within the head. - Slight drawing ºn the temporal bones from above downwards toward 2/907770. - Throbbing headache on top of head, morning when waking. Continued deep Stitch in brain, left side, on coughing. Pressive pains in the occiput, drawing down into neck; relieved towards noon. Headache as if head would split open. (Am. c., Bell., Merc., Puls.) Headache from ironing ; from washing perspiring face in cold water. EYES.—Severe burning and lachrymation of right eye. (Ars.) Puffiness of right upper lid. (Kali c.) Very sensitive pressive pain (coming and going) in left eyeball, espec- &ally, violent on moving the ball, with feeling as if eye became smaller, and were retracted within the orbit. 104 - BRYONIA. NOSE.-Swelling of nose, with very sore pain when touched. Nosebleed, especially in morning when rising. (Bell.) FACE.-Hot, red, soft puffiness of the face. Pinching pressure in articular cavity of right jaw, more violent on motion. - Upper lip and nose swollen, red and hot. (Bell., Merc.) MoUTH.—Great dryness of mouth, lips and tongue (Ac., Ars., Hyos., Nux m.); Tip of tongue moist. (Merc.) Drawing, sticking toothache while eating, extending to muscles of neck, aggravated by warmth. - Toothache relieved by cold water (Coffea, Puls.), aggravated by taking anything warm in mouth (Calc., Merc., Puls.); aggravated by lying on painless 82d6, goes away if one lies on painful side. Jerking toothache; when smoking. (Ign.) Tongue thickly coated white. (Ant. c., Merc.) Taste flat, insipid ; Sweetish ; 27ttensely bitter. (Coloc., Nux, Puls.) Frequent drinking of cold water relieves the bitter taste and the inclination to vom?t. THROAT.—Great dryness in throat. Stitches in throat when swallowing. (Bell., Hep.) STOMACH.—Too great appetite. Desires things immediately, which when offered are refused. (Cham.) Eacessive thirst; desire for large quantities of water (reverse Ars.) Great thirst, with longing for wine. Hiccough after eating. Bitter eructations after eating. (Cinch.) Nausea and vomiting from slightest motion. Stomach full and sensitive to pressure. - Pressure in stomach after eating, as from a stone, makes hºn fretful. (Ars., Puls.) Epigastric region painful to touch and pressure. (Ars., Lyc., Merc., Nux.) Soreness in pit of stomach when coughing. - ABDOMEN.—Tensive pains or transient stitches below false ribs, right side; especially sensitive on deep inspiration. Distention of abdomen and colic. BRYONIA. 105 Passage of offensive flatus. Griping, pinching colic, painful cuttings, and digging pains; relieved by diarrhoea. (Coloc.) s Abdomen very sensitive and sore. STOOL AND ANU.S.–Stools followed by a burning ºn unus. (Ars., Canth.) Stools offensive, pasty or bilious and acrid. Obstinate constöpation, stools large, hard and dry as if burnt, with great effort. - URINARY ORGANS.–Urðue dark, almost brown; like beer; scanty and dark. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.-Stitching pain in ovaries on deep inspiration. Menses too early and too profuse (Calc., Nux.); suppressed, with bleed- ing of the nose. (Puls.) Breasts swollen, very tender, painful, red, worse on motion and deep inspiration. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Tough mucus in trachea, loosened only after fre- quent hawking. (Kali b.) Coming ºuto warm room from cold air eveites a cough. Voice rough and hoarse. Hacking dry cough from upper part of trachea. Dry cough; as if coming from stomach; with sticking pains under Sternum. Cough from constant crawling upward in throat, followed by expecto- ration of mucus. Constriction of chest, must breathe deeply, but so doing causes pain in chest. Intense stºcking patiºns or stitches ºr chest; citn not bett'ſ to move or to draw a deep breath. (Bell., Merc., Phos., Rhus.) Sensation of heaviness beneath the sternum, extending towards the right shoulder, impeding respiration; deep inspiration difficult; oppression of right side of chest, with very fine, extremely severe stitches in right axillary gland. HEART-Pressive pain in præcordial region. Bulse full, hard and rapid. NECK AND BACK.—Pain in nape of neck as after taking cold. Drawing and stiffness in muscles of right side of neck. Shooting stitches from the back through to the chest. Pain in small of back making walking or turning difficult. 106 BRYONIA. Pain in small of back as if bruised, when lying on it. Limbs— Weariness and heaviness in all the limbs; weakness; stiffness. Joints red, swelling, stiff, with stitching pains from slightest motion. Transient drawing and tension in almost all limbs and joints. UPPER LIMBS.–Painful tension and pressure in right shoulder when at TeSt. - Swelling of the right elbow joint, with stitches. Tearing pains on inner surface of forearms, in a line from elbow to wrist. Pain in wrists as if wrenched or sprained on every motion. Swelling and sticking pains in finger joints, worse on exertion and touch. - LOWER LIMBs.—Legs so weak they will scarcely hold him. Stitches in hips; in hip joint extending to knees. Great weariness in thighs, worse going up steps. Tensive pººnful stiffness of the knees. Pain and stitches in knees. Pinching, tearing, or bruised pains in calves. Tension in ankle on motion. IIot swelling of the feet; of Żnstep, 70'th bruised patin on stretching out the feet. (Ars., Puls.) Pains as if sprained in the feet; stitches. GENERALITIES.–Great weakness and erhaustēon, ſtorse from walking. Sºttºnſ up in bed causes nausea and fainting. Every spot in body painful to pressure. Drawing rheumatic pains in various parts of the body. SKIN.—Yellow skin of the whole body, even of the face. Red, round hot spot on the cheek over the molar bone. Red elevated rash like eruption over the whole body. (Bell., Rhus.) Slow development of rash in eruptive fevers; or sudden receding of rash, causing respiratory or meningeal troubles or dropsy. (Gels., Hell.) SLEEP.—Frequent yawning the whole day. Much sleepiness during the day. (Merc., Nux., Pho., Sep.) Sleeplessness and restless sleep. Dreams, vivid, frightful; about business or household affairs. BISMUTHUM. 107 Starts in affright before falling asleep. FEv ER.—Intermittent : chill commences on the lip, and on tips of fingers and toes. Great thirst during all stages. Dry, burning heat, internal, blood seems to burn in the veins. (Ars.) Profuse, easily excited sweat, sour or oily sweat. AGGRAVATION.—Mornings and evenings. From motion; from heat; from warm food; after eating; while coughing. AMELIORATION.—In cool weather; in cool room ; from cold food ; while sitting; while lying, especially on painful side. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.--Rheumatic and congestive headaches. Pneumonia (Croupal); pleurisy; bronchitis; hepatitis; peritonitis; pericarditis, rheumatism and rheumatic and arthritic inflammations in general; dyspepsia; constipation; metrorrhagia; menorrhagia; amenorrhoea; mastitis. . Eruptive fevers, measles and scarlatina. CoNDITIONs.—Complaints from exposure to heat of fire. Complaints when warm weather sets in after cold days. Bilious, gastric and typhoid fevers. Compare : Acon., Atim., Ant. tart., Arn, Ars., Bapt., Cham., Chel., Cinch., Ign., Lyc., Merc., Nux v., Puls., Phos., Thus. Bryonia follow well after Acon, Nux v., Opi., Rhus tox. Antidotes : Aeon., Alum, Camph., Cham, Clem., Coff, Ignat, Mur. ac, Nux v., Puls, Thus, Senega. - Bry. Antidotes : Rhus, Chlorine. Following Bryonia, are frequently indicated Alumina, Kali carb., Nux v., Phos., Pulsatilla, Rhus tox., Sulphur. - BISMUTHUM. Bismuthum nitricum. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts especially upon those organs and functions which are under the control of the pneumogastric nerve—more especially upon the stomach, where it produces symptoms resembling those of gastralgia. 108 BOVISTA. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. HEAD.—Pressive pain and sensation of heaviness in the frontal region. MoUTH.—Toothache, relieved by taking cold water in the mouth. STOMACH-Tongue coated white, evenings. (Morning, Sulph.) Frequent empty eructations and feeling of discomfort in the stomach. Nausea after eating or nursing. - Vomiting of all fluids; water vomited soon as it reaches the stomach. (Phos.) - - - Pressure like a load in the stomach after eating. (Bry, Nux, Puls.) Distressing pressure and burning in region of stomach. TH *RAPEUTIC RANGE.-Is of most use in gastric affections, especially gas- tralgia. s -: Compare : Antim., Ars., Arg., Bell., Calc., Hyd., Ignat., Hydroc. ac., Kali, Lyc., Phos., Nux. v., Zinc., Puls., Rhus., Sepia., Sil., Sulph. Antidotes : Calc., Capsic, Nux. v. ROVISTA. Lycoperdon bovista Matural Order. Fungi. Common Wame. Warted puff ball. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Bovista affects the cerebro-spinal system, but its most important local action is upon the skin and the female sexual organs. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. HEAD.—Vertigo and feeling of stupidity .in head on rising. Vertigo, falls over; momentarily unconscious in morning. EARS.—Discharge of fetid pus from the ears. (Hep., Graph.) Nos.E—Bleeding of the nose; drops of blood when sneezing or blowing the nose. - RACE.-Very pale in morning after rising. MoUTH.—Cutting pain in the tongue. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Diarrhoea frequently before and during menstru- atºon. CACTUS. 109 Menses too early and too profuse. (Calc. os.) Flow most in morning, scanty during day and night. Painful urging towards genitals, and weight in small of back. During the intervals occasional flow of blood. Leucorrhoea like the white of an egg (Am. m.); when walking. GENERALITIES.—Great weakness of the joints. Weariness in hands and feet. Sweat in axilla smells like onions. Drops things from the hands as from weakness. Unusually deep impression on finger, from using blunt instruments (as scissors or knife). Itching of tips of OS coccygis; must scratch until the parts become raw and sore. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Most used in diseases of female sexual organs; leucorrhoea, menorrhagia, etc. Also in tetter and other cutaneous affections. Compare : Calc., Cicuta, Merc., Phos., Sulphur, Rhus, Puls., Staph., Sulph., Verat. Antidotes : Camphor. CAOTUS. Cactus grandiflorus. Watural Order. Cactaceae. Common Wame. Night-blooming cereus. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts especially upon the heart and arteries, and upon the lungs, producing at first nervous irrita- tion and afterwards congestion of these parts. Its distinguish- ing character is a constrictive sensation in various parts of the body, especially in the region of the heart, as if bound with an iron hoop. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. MIND.—Sadness, taciturnity, hypochondriasis; irresistible inclination to weep. (Lyc., Plat., Puls., Rhus.) HEAD.—Heavy pressing in the head as ºf a great weight lay on the vertez. (Aloe); better from pressure; worse from noise and light. (Bell.) Intense pulsating pain, with weight in right side of head. Nos E.—Profuse nose-bleed. (Bell., Ham.) FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Menses too early. Very painful menstruation. (Actea, Cham., Cupr., Nux v.) RFSPIRATORY ORGANS.–Spasmodic cough, with copious mucous expecto- ration. (Bell.) Oppression of breathing in going up stairs. (Ars.) 7a. 110 CALCAREA OSTREARUM. Much rattling of mucus. (Ipec., Amt. tar.) Can not lie in a horizontal position. Difficulty of breathing, continued oppression and uneasiness, as if the chest were constricted (Ars., Phos.) with an iron band. Congestion to the chest, which prevents lying down; palpitation; con- striction, Sensation of great constriction in middle of sternum, as if the parts were compressed by 'ron p?ncers, with oppression of breathing; worse on motion. HEART AND PULSE.-Sensation of constriction in the heart, as if an iron band prevented its normal movement. (Arn., Tod., Lill.) Very acute pains and stitches in the heart. (Acon., Arn., Bry., Kali c.) Palpitation of the heart, day and night; worse when walking, and at night, when lying on left side. Irregularity of the heart's action; at times frequent, at others slow. FEveR.—Coldness in back, and icy cold hands. Quotidian intermittent fever, which occurs every day at same hour, for many successive days. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.--Acute and chronic affections of the heart. Bron- chitis. Pneumonia. Pleurisy. Haemoptysis. Congestion to chest. Hepatitis. Quotidian Intermittent. Compare : Acon., Camph., Dig., Spig. Antidotes : Acon., Camph., Cinch. CALCAREA OSTREARUM. Calcarea ostrearum, Hahnemanni. Middle layer of the oyster shell. Improperly designated as calcarea carbonica. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Calearea acts primarily upon the veg- etative system, exciting moderately the functions of secretion and absorption, resulting in a condition of irritation which extends to all the organs and systems of the body, impairing their nutrition, favoring a deposit of the earthy salts, and altering profoundly the composition of the blood. In thus affecting the processes of assimilation Calcarea resembles, in its effects upon the system, the three great dis- orders of nutrition, scrofula, tuberculosis and rachitis, and it is in the treatment of these conditions in their various forms of manifestation that we find its chief sphere of usefulness. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. MIND.—Great amºiety, with palpitation of the heart. (Acon, Cact., Spig.) Despondent and melancholy, (Ign., Puls., Nat. m.) CALCAREA OSTREARUM. 110 Frightened, apprehensive mood, as of some future misfortune or impending evil. (Acon., Dig.) Feared she would lose her reason; or that people would observe her confusion of mind. (Amb., Merc.) Shuddering and dread as evening draws near. (Merc.) HEAD.— Vertigo : when walking in the open air, especially on Suddenly . turning the head; when ascending a height, or on looking upwards. Rush of blood to the head, with heat in it, and with redness and puffiness of the face. (Bell., Op.) Constant feeling of ſullness in the head. Icy coldness in and on the head; also one-sided. (Calc., Phos., Verat alb.) Headache as if a board lay upon the head. Heaviness in forehead; worse when reading or writing. Painful pressure in forehead extending down into nose. (Acon., Kali bich.) Large open fontanelles; head large. (Calc. phos.) Itching of the scalp; children scratch their heads on being disturbed or awakened out of sleep. Falling off of the hair (Nat. m., Phos., Sepia) especially on sides of head Scabs on hairy scalp. EYES.–Painful sensation, as if a small foreign body were in the eye. (Acon.) Profuse lachrymation. Swelling and redness of the lids, with nightly agglutination. (Sulph.) Itching in the margins of the lids. Burning or stitches in the inner canthi. EARS.—Swelling in front of left ear; painful to touch. Singing, roaring, or crackling in the ears. Purulent discharge from the ears. (Hep., Graph., Merc., Sulph.) Eruption behind right ear, which becomes moist. (Graph., Hep., Lyc.) Polypus of the ear. Hardness of hearing; also after suppression of intermittent by quinine. NoSE.—Swelling of the nose, especially at the root. Sore, ulcerated nostrils. Frequent sneezing without coryza, or with dry coryza. Very offensive smell from the nose, as from bad eggs, or gunpowder. Bleeding of the nose, especially in the morning. (Bry.) Polypus of the nose. FACE.-Face pale and hollow, or bloated, with deep-seated eyes, surrounded by blue rings. Moist, itching, Scurfy eruption on face, chiefly on cheeks and forehead. (Graph., Hep., Lyc.) 110 CALCAREA OSTREARUM. Eruption on lips and mouth. (Graph., Hep., Lyc.) Swelling of the upper lip in the morning. (Bell., Calc. phos.) Painful swelling of the sub-maxillary glands. (Baryta, Merc., Sil.) MoUTH.—Toothache, caused by a current of cold aºr, or by drinking cold liquids. Difficult dentition. (Calc, phos.) Tongue coated white. (Ant. c., Bry., Merc.) Burning pain at tip of tongue, as from Soreness; worse from warm food or drink. Pain beneath the tongue when swallowing. Sour taste in the mouth. THROAT.—Pain in the throat extending to the ears. (Hep., Lach.) Stitches in the throat when swallowing. Spasmodic contraction of the Oesophagus. STOMACH.—Ravenous hunger, or complete loss of appetite. Great thirst. Frequent eructations, tasting of the food (Phos., Puls., Sulph., Thuja); of tasteless fluid. Nausea in the morning. (Nux, Puls.) Nausea, with a flow of sour water from the mouth. Sour vomiting, especially during dentition. (AEthusa, Podo, Rheum.) Pit of stomach swollen like a saucer turned bottom up. Burning in stomach, extending up into throat. Pressure in stomach as if a lump were in it. (Ars., Bry., Puls.) Severe pressure in pit of stomach. ABDOMEN.—Tight clothes about the hypochondria are unendurable. (Lach.) A feeling as if laced below the hypochondria, with trembling and throbbing in the epigastric region. Pressure in the hepatic region, with every step. Stitches in the hepatic region, during or after stooping. (Bry., Kali c.) Abdomen hard and very much distended. Frequent severe cramps in the intestinal canal, especially in the even- ing and night, with coldness in the thighs. Incarcerated flatulence. (Carb. v., Lyc.) Mesenteric glands swollen and hard, in children. Swelling and painfulness of the inguinſul glands. Painful pressure in lower abdomen, on physical exertion. STOOL AND ANUS.–Swollen haemorrhoids protrude and cause pain during stool. Discharge of blood from the rectum. Feeling of heaviness in lower portion of rectum. (Aloe.) Cramp in the rectum, the whole forenoon, a griping and stitching with great anxiety; was not able to sit, but obliged to walk about. CALCAREA OSTREARUM. 110 Burning in rectum, in anus. (Ars., Canth.) Stool: frequent; first hard, then pasty, then liquid; undigested (Cinch.) offensive, like bad eggs; white; sour. Constipation; stools large and hard. (Bry.) URINARY ORGANS.—Very dark colored urine, without sediment; offensive; dark-brown, with white sediment. MALE SExUAL ORGANS.-Inflammation of the prepuce, franum and orifice of the urethra, with a little yellow pus beneath franum and glans. Excessive sexual desire, with retarded erection, and too early emission of semen, during coitus; followed by excessive weakness. FEMALE SExUAI, ORGANs.-Menses: too early; last too long; too profuse. Leucorrhoea like milk (Lyc., Puls.), with itching and burning. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Whistling in the larynx after lying down evenings. Painless hoarseness mornings. (Caust., Carb. v.) Frequent need to breathe deeply. Shortness of breath on going up the slightest ascent. (Ars.) Cough : tickling, as from a feather in the throat; at night; dry, espe- cially at night (Hyos.); first dry, afterwards with profuse salty expec- toration (Lyc., Nat. m., Sepia), with pain as if something had been torn loose from the larynx; in the morning, with ye.lowish expecto- ration. Cough caused by a sensation of plug, which moved up and down the throat. Cough excited by: inspiration; by eating. Ea:pectoration of mucus with a sweetish taste (Phos., Stan., Sulph.); of blood, with a rough, sore sensation in chest. Chest painfully sensitive to touch, and on inspirattºon. Tightness and oppression of the chest, as if filled too full with blood. Cutting in chest on inspiration. Sore pain in chest on inspiration. Mammary glands pain as if suppurating, especially when touched. HEART.—Palpitation of the heart. NECK AND BACK.—Hard swelling of the cervical glands. Painless swelling of the glands, in the neck at the margin of the hair. The glands of the neck pain. Pain in neck on turning the head, as if a tuumor would protrude there. Pain in loins and back, as if sprained. LIMBS.—Weakness and weariness of all the limbs. Paralytic bruised pain in the long bones, and in the joints of the limbs; also in the small of the back, on motion. UPPER LIMBs.—The arms feel bruised on moving them, or taking hold of them. The arm goes to sleep if he lies on it, with pains. 110 CALCAREA OSTREARUM. Cramps in the whole of one or the other arm. Weakness and a kind of paralysis of the left arm. Pain as from a sprain in right wrist, or as if something had been wrenched or dislocated. Trembling of the hands. Sweating of the palms. Finger joints much swollen. Low ER LIMBs.—Painful weariness of the lower limbs, especially of the thighs and feet, as after a long walk. Weakness and trembling in the legs, after coition. (Cinch., Phos. ac.) Swelling of the knees. Cramps in the legs (Camph.); in calves at night (Sulph.); in hollow of knee when stretching out leg; in the soles; in the toes. Legs go to sleep in the evening, when sitting. Burning in the soles. (Sulph.) Feet feel cold and damp. Sweating of the feet. (Sil., Sulph.) GENERALITIES.—Twitching of the muscles. Trembling of the body. Great weariness; not able to walk. Easily strained; can not lift anything. Weak and sick for several days after coition. Great exhaustion in the morning; unable to go up-stairs, or becomes much exhausted from it. Takes cold very easily. Epileptic attacks. Tendency in children and young persons to grow very fat. Great heaviness of the body. SKIN.—Elevated red stripes on the tibia, with severe itching and burning after rubbing. * Nettle-rash, mostly disappearing in cold air. Scurfy pimples on border of red portion of lower lip. Moist scurfy eruptions. (Graph., Hep., Lyc., Sulph.) SLEEP.-Sleepiness and weariness during the day. Difficult to arouse on awaking, mornings. Late falling asleep in the evening. Frightful, anxious dreams. FEVER.—Excessive internal chilliness. Chill and heat alternating. Frequent flushes of heat, especially at night. Internal heat at night, especially in hands and feet; in morning, dry tongue. Profuse sweat from the slightest evertion. CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA. 111 Profuse sweat in the mornings. Night sweat. AGGRAVATION.—Mornings; evening, or after midnight; from cold and cold air; on ascending a height; during and after coition; after eat- ing; from exertion; from walking; from milk; near or during full Ill OOD1. - THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-In scrofular, tubercular and rachitic affections in general. Diseases of bones, of glands, of skin. Polypi. Vesicular and pustular eruptions. Delirium tremens. Sufferings of drunk- ards. Epilepsy. Chorea. Rheumatism. Ophthalmia. Difficnlt dentition. Chronic catarrh, especially gastric. Dandruff. Diarrhoea. Constipation. Menorrhagia. Leucorrhoea, etc. CONDITIONS.–Fair plump children. Leuco-phlegmatic temperament. Compare : Arn., Ars., Baryta, Bell, Calc. phos., Cinch., Cupr., Iod., Graph., Lyc., Kali, Nit. ac., Merc., Phos., Sil., Sulph. Antidotes : Camph., Nit. ac., Nitr. sp. d., Nux, Sulph. Calc. Antidotes : Bis, Cinch., Chin., Nit. ac., Sulph. CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA. Phosphate of Lime. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Affects exclusively the vegetative system, causing defective nutrition, imperfect cell develop- ment, and consequent decay or destruction of tissue, espe- cially in the Osseous and glandular systems. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Children are peevish and fretful. (Cham.) HEAD.—Crawling sensations run over top of head, as if ice were lying on upper part of occiput (Verat alb.); head hot; smarting of the roots of the hair. Delayed closure, or re-opening of fontanelles. (Calc. ost.) EYES.—Light, particularly candle or gas-light, hurts the eyes. EARS.—Singing or other noises in the ear. (Calc. ost.) NOSE,-COryza ; fluent in a cool room. (Puls.) Bleeding of nose afternoons. FACE.-Pain in face, particularly in upper jaw bone, from right to left; extends from other parts to face, or vice versa. Swollen upper lip (Bell., Calc. Ost.); painful, hard and burning. MOUTH.—Retarded dentition. (Calc. ost.) Tip of tongue sore, burning; little blisters on it. Bitter taste in the morning, with headache. (Nux, Podo, Puls.) 111 CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA. THROAT.—Sore aching in the throat; worse when swallowing. STOMACH.—Unusual hunger at 4 P. M. With every attempt to eat he has bellyache. After dinner, heart-burn and other gastric symptoms. After belching, a burning in epigastrium. Empty, sinking sensation at the epigastrium. (Ign., Hyd., Sep.) Vomiting from hawking phlegm. Burning at the stomach, and rising of water into the mouth. (Ars.) Stomach feels expanded. ABDOMEN.—Aching soreness, and pain around the navel; relieved by pass- ing fetid flatus. Burning in the abdomen. (Ars.) STOOL AND ANUs.-Very offensive diarrhoea. (Ars.) Juicy fruit or cider causes diarrhoea. Passage of offensive flatus. Sore feeling in anus; worse outside, with stitching, burning and throbbing. Itching in the anus. (Sulph.) URINARY ORGANS.–Violent pain in region of kidneys, when lifting and when blowing the nose. Large increase of urine, with sensation of weakness. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANs.—Weakness and distress in the region of the uterus; worse during passage of stool and urine. Pressure upwards over mons veneris. Leucorrhoea like white of an egg. (Calc. ost., Lyc., Sulph.) Mammae sore to the touch. (Calc. ost.) RESPIRATORY ORGANS.—Hoarseness. Must hawk or hem to clear the voice. Involuntary sighing. (Ign.) Breathing more frequent, short and difficult. Cough during difficult dentition. Contraction of chest, and difficult breathing, evening till 10 P. M.; better lying down, worse when getting up. NECK AND BACK.—Rheumatic pain and stiffness of the neck, with dullness of the head; from slight draft of air. Cramp-like pain in neck, first one side, then the other. Backache and uterine pains. Soreness in sacro-iliac symphysis, as if separated or broken. LIMBs.—Pains flying about in all parts of rump and limbs, after getting wet in the rain. (Rhus.) Aching in all the limbs, with weariness. UPPER LIMBS.—Rheumatic pains in shoulder and arm. Pains as if ulcerated around the finger nails, especially of right hand CAMPHORA, 112 - LOWER LIMBS.—Lower limbs fall asleep; feel restless; anxious; has to move them. Legs tired, weak, restless, crawling, tingling. Pains above the knee. Cramp pain in calves, when walking. GENERALITIES.—Weariness when going up-stairs; wants to sit down; hates to get up. Sensations mostly on small spots. Children do not learn to walk, or lose the ability. SLEEP.—Gaping, with irresistible drowsiness all day. (Nux mos.) Can not get awake in the early morning. FEVER.—Frequent creeping shiverings. Copious night sweats, on single parts. - AGGRAVATION.—Mornings; evenings; from motion; artificial light; from cold; after eating; from juicy fruit; from change of weather, or from getting wet in rain. AMELIORATION.—After lying down. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Similar to that of Calc. ost., though not so exten- sive. Diseases of bones and glands in stramous, tubercular and rachitic persons. Non-union of fractures. Chronic hydrocephalus Headache of school girls. Difficult dentition. Rheumatism. Dys- pepsia. Leucorrhoea. Phthisis. Spina bifida. Abscesses. Cur- vature of spine. Vertigo of old people. CoNDITIONS.–Girls at or near puberty. During dentition. Old people. Compare : Baryta, Berberis, Calc. ost., Fluor, ac., Ruta, Sil., Sulph., Iod., Phos., Nit. ac. CAMPHORA, Laurus Camphora. Common Mame. Camphor. Matural Order. Lauraceae. GENERAL ANALYSIs.—Acts powerfully upon the cerebro- spinal system, depressing both the motor and intellectual cen- tres, causing a general prostration of the system, giddiness and cerebral oppression. The mucous tissues are involved in a catarrhal irritation, giving rise to coryza and diarrhoea, though the primary effects of Camphor upon the mucous lining of the stomach and bowels are manifested by extreme coldness and torpor of these parts, and a similar condition, also, is found up- on the skin. The genito-urinary system is involved, the genital organs becoming cold and relaxed; and in the urinary tract a con- dition of strangury is established. 112 CAMPHORA. The action of Camphor is rapid and intense, though com- paratively evanescent. Its chief sphere of usefulness is in the treatment of choleraic conditions, and the effects of cold. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Great anariety and eactreme restlessness. (Ac., Ars.) Loss of consciousness. (Bell., Op.) HEAD.—Wertigo and heaviness of the head, especially on stooping. Headache as from constriction of the brain. Throbbing in the cerebellum. EYES.—Eyes fixed, staring, distorted (Bell., Hyos, Stram.); hollow. Sensation as if all objects were too bright and glittering. NOSE.-Fluent coryza, on sudden change of weather. FACE.-Face: pale, livid, haggard; pale and anarious; distorted; bluish; cold. (Verat. alb.) MoUTH.—Tongue cold. (Carb. v., Verat alb.) Speech feeble, broken, hoarse. STOMACH.-Increased taste of all food. Burning in the pharynx and stomach. Coldness in the stomach. Pressive pain in pit of stomach. ABDOMEN.—A ching in anterior part of liver. Constrictive pain below the short ribs, extending to the lumbar vertebrae. Coldness in the upper and lower abdomen, followed by burning heat therein. STOOL–Colic and diarrhoea from cold. (Coloc., Merc.) Absence of discharges; cholera. s Constipation from inactivity of the rectum. (Alum, Carb. v.) URINARY ORGANs.-Diminished urination. Retention of urine. (Acon., Ars., Hyos., Werat.) Strangury. Burning urine. (Ac., Apis, Ars., Canth.) MALE SFXUAI, ORGANs.—Absence of sexual desire; testicles relaxed. (Ag- nus,Con., Sulph.) Impotence. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.—Mucus in the air passages. (Ant. tart., Ipec.) Almost complete arrest of breathing. Suffocative dyspnoea, as if from pressure at pit of stomach. HEART AND PULSE-Great pracordial anariety and distress; sensation of Severe coldness and irresistible sleepiness. Pulse very weak; scarcely perceptible. (Carb. veg.) GENERALITIES.—Coldness of the limbs. (Ars, Cupr., Werat.) Cramps of the calves. (Sulph.) Easily startled when awake, and then feels throbbing and palpitation CANNABIS SATIVA. 113 Great prostration. Sudden and great sinking of strength. (Ars.) Icy coldness of the whole body. (Tabac.) Epileptic and other convulsions. Want of bodily irritability; insensible to touch. Cold, clammy, exhausting sweat. (Verat.) Cramps in inner and outer parts. AGGRAVATION.—At night; in the dark; from motion; from cold or cold air. -- AMELIORATION.—In open air. Pains disappear when thinking of them. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Choleraic conditions. Coryza. Influenza. Con- vulsions. Cramps. Strangury. Nervous irritability. Antidote to vegetable poisons. Compare : Acon., Ars., Bell., Canth., Cocc., Op., Verat. alb. Antidotes : Opium, Nitr. sp. dulc. Camph. Antidotes : Canth., Cupr., Squilla, and most vegetable poisons CANNABIS SATIVA. Common Wame. Hemp. Matural Order. Urticaceae. GENERAL ANALYSIs—Acts especially upon the mucous lining of urinary tract, and upon the prepuce, giving rise to excessive irritation, followed by inflammation and a mucous discharge, the whole condition closely simulating that pre- sented in gonorrhoea. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS MIND.—Sadness. (Ign., Nat. m., Puls., Rhus.) Anxious and apprehensive feeling at pit of stomach, with oppression of breath and palpitation. HEAD.—Vertigo: when standing, with dizziness; when walking, with tendency to fall sideways. The forehead feels compressed, from the margins of the orbits to the temples; not relieved by bending forwards. Pressure below the frontal eminences, extending deep through the brain to the occiput. Sensation as if drops of cold water were falling on the head. PYES.—Pressure from behind the eyes forward. STOMACH.—Uninterrupted dull stitches, near pit of stomach, just below the ribs. 113 CAN NABIS SATIVA. Dull stitching in the left side, just below the ribs, when breathing and when not. RECTUM AND ANUs.-Pressure in the rectum and sacral region, as if the intestines were sinking down, and would be pressed out, while sit- ting. Constrictive pain in the anus, together with a sensation as if the thighs were drawn together, so that she was obliged to close them. URINARY ORGANs.-Drawing pain from the region of the kidneys to the inguinal glands, with anxious, nauseous sensation in pit of stomach. Burning, smarting in the urethra, from the meatus backwards; poster?- orly stitchºng whºle urinating. The urethra feels inflamed and sore to touch along its whole length; dur- 2ng erection tensive pain. Burning while wrinating, but especially just after. (Canth.) Burning along the urethra at commencement and end of urinating. (Canth.) When not urinating, burning pain in forepart of urethra, which compels him to urinate almost constantly. Pressure as if to urinate, especially in forepart of urethra, when not urinating. Stitches along the urethra when not urinating. Jerking stitches in posterior portion of urethra, when standing. Tearing as if in the fibres of the urethra, in the form of a zig-zag. The stream of urine forked. MALE SExUAL ORGANs.—Penis swollen, without marked erections. (Merc., cor.) Frequent erections, followed by stitches in the urethra. Penis painful, as if sore or burnt, when walking. Dark redness of glans and prepuce. Pressive dragging sensation in the testicles when standing. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-In the morning tough mucus in lower portion of trachea; can not be dislodged by coughing and hawking; after hawk ing and coughing the trachea feels raw and sore; finally the mucus loosens itself, and he must hawk it up frequently. A hacking cough arises from the pit of the throat, with a cold, salty fluid deep in the throat. Oppression of breathing, from tensive, pressive pains in middle of sternum, which was also sore to touch; with sleepiness. Oppression of the chest; sensation of apprehension in the throat; obliged to breathe deeply. A digging beneath the upper part of sternum, without oppression of breath. HEART.-Violent beating of the heart, on moving the body, and on stoop- ing, with warm sensation about the heart. CANTHARIS. 114 GENERALITIES.—Sensation as if drops of cold water were falling; on the head; from the anus; from the heart. SLEEP.—Disagreeable and frightful dreams; he is disappointed in every- thing, and is filled with great anxiety. Awake at night from slumber, with frightful dreams, not knowing where he was. * THERAPEUTIC RANGE.--Acute gonorrhoea. Cystitis. Nephritis. Dysu- ria, and other urinary troubles. Pneumonia. Asthmatic complaints. Carditis, etc. Compare : Arn., Apis, Canth., Copabia, Nux wom., Puls., Terebin. Antidotes : Camph. To large doses : lemon juice. CANTHARIS. Cantharis vesicatoria. Common Name. Spanish Fly. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Cantharis acts especially upon the mucous membranes and upon the skin. Its decidedly most important action is upon the mucous lining of the urinary tract, where it produces conditions ranging all the way from an irritation to a violent destructive inflammation, either of a part or of the whole, tract. The mucous membrane of the digestive tract is also involved in an inflammatory condition. On the skin the irritative action of Cantharis results in an erysipelatous form of inflammation, and vesicular conditions in general. The chief characteristic of this drug is its constant urging to urinate, scanty discharge, and violent cutting, burning pains before, during and after the discharge. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. MIND.—Anxious restlessness, ending in rage. Constant, complete, furious, almost frenzied delirium. Insolent and contradictory mood. HEAD.—Soreness and burning in the brain. Scales on the scalp; enormous dandruff; hair falls out when combing. (Calc.. Graph., Staph.) EYES.—Eyes protruding; fiery, sparkling, staring look. (Stram.) Eyes yellow; objects yellow. (Santon.) FACE.-Expression of extreme suffering. (Ars.) Death-like look during and after the pains. (Verat.) 114 CANTHARIS. MoUTH.—Tongue thickly furred; red edges. Sublingual glands swollen and red. Tongue and back of mouth in part excoriated, in part covered with small blisters. Dryness in the mouth. Burning pain in the mouth. (Ars.) THROAT.—Burning sensation in throat; feels “on fire.” Throat inflamed, and covered with plastic lymph. Throat swollen. (Bell.) Constriction and intense pain at back of throat. Aphthous ulcers in back part of fauces, and on right tonsil. Swallowing very difficult. STOMACH-Intense thirst With burning pain in throat and stomach. (Ars.) Nausea and vomiting. (Ipec., Ant. tart.) Acute pain in region of stomach and bladder, with such exquisite sen- sibility that the slightest pressure produces convulsions. ABDOMEN.—Great distention and tenderness of the abdomen. Violent burning pain through the whole intestinal tract. (Ars.) Cutting in the abdomen. STOOL AND ANU.S.--Violent burning in anus after diarrhoea. (Ars.) Pain in perinaeum, seemingly arising from the neck of the bladder. With stool cutting in abdomen; after stool shivering. (Merc.) Stool: Blood and mucus; slimy; bloody; white or blood-streaked mu- cus (Merc. cor.); like scrapings from intestines (Colch., Coloc.); pure blood. URINARY ORGANs.--Cutting and contracting pains from ureters down to penis; pressure on glans relieves a little. Dull pressing pains in region of kidneys. * Violent pains in the bladder, with frequent urging; intolerable tenesmus. Tenesmus of the bladder. (Merc. cor.) Violent burning, cutting pains in neck of bladder, extending to navicu- lar fossa of urethra. Passage of blood from urethra. Yiolent burning, cutting pains in urethra, before, during and after wri- nation. (Cann. Sat.) Urine scalds hºm; passed drop by drop. (Acon.) Urging to wrºnate, with burning sensation ºn urethra. Fruitless effort to urinate. (Nux v.) |Urine passes in thin, divided stream. Retention of urine, causing pain. Urine : red, as if mixed with blood; dark colored; bloody; turbid, scanty; at night cloudy like mealy water, with white sediment. CAPSICUM. 115 MALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Painful swelling of the glans. Painful priapism. Strong and persistent erections; painless, and without voluptuous Sen- sations; with sore pain along urethra. Sexual desire increased; disturbing sleep. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Swelling and irritation of vulva. Pruritis, with strong sexual desire. Violent itching in the vagina. Menses too early and too profuse (Calc. c., Nux); blood black or Scanly. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Voice low, with sensation of weakness of respir- atory organs. Stitches in chest, particularly in right side. (Bry., Rali c.) BACK.—Pain in the loins, kidneys and abdomen, with such pain on urina- ting that he could not pass a single drop without moaning and screaming. Pain in loins, with incessant desire to urinate. (Nux v.) LOWER LIMB S.—Ulcerative pain in soles of feet; could not step. Tearing in limbs, relieved by rubbing. GENERALITIES.—Weakness, prostration, faintness. Raw and sore pain in the whole body, internaily and externally. Over-sensitiveness of all parts. Convulsions, with dysuric and hydrophobic symptoms. SKIN.—Erysipelatous inflammation, forming blisters. Tearing and ulcerative pains. Burns, before blisters form. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.--Especially useful in acute cystitis, nephritis, and inflammatory strangury. Bright's disease. Spermatorrhoea. Gon- orrhoea. Nymphomania. Owaritis, Sterility. Gastritis. Enteritis. Tetanic Convulsions. Erysipelas. Ulcers. Burns. Carbuncles. Gangrene. Compare: Acon., Ars., Bell., Camph., Cann., Caps., Copab., Phos., Merc. cor., Sulph. - Antidotes : Acon., Camph., Lauros., Puls. Oil (according to Hering) increases the bad effects of Cantharis. CAPSICUM. Capsicum annuum. Natural Order. Solanaceae. Common Wame. Cayenne or Red Pepper. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts almost exclusively upon the mucous membranes, especially those of the alimentary canal, 115 CAPSICUM. and of the urinary passages, the condition set up being one of intense irritation, favoring congestion and inflammation. A similar action is, to some extent, had also upon the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. The chief feature of Capsicum is the sensation of intense burning and smarting which it produces as if Cayenne Pepper had been sprinkled upon the parts. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. MIND.—Taciturn, peevish, obstinate, easily offended. (Nux v.) Home-sickness (Phos. ac.); with flushed cheeks, sleeplessness; hot feel- ing in fauces. HEAD.—Vertigo during cold stage of intermittent fever. Headache as if the skull would burst (Bry.); on coughºng, moving the head or walking. (Bry.) Pressing frontal headache. EARS.–Painful swelling behind the ear; caries of mastoid process. Tearing pain behind the left ear. Pressive pain in ear, especially with cough. FACE.-Pain in face, partly like bone pains, excited by external touch. Cheeks red, not hot, changing with paleness. THROAT-Burning and pains in the throat; worse between the acts of swallowing. Pain in throat when coughing, as if from painful swelling or ulcer. Spasmodic contraction of the throat. Fetid odor from the mouth. STOMACH-Burning in the stomach, especially after eating. ABDOMEN.—Tensive pain from abdomen to chest, as from distension of the abdomen. Flatulent colic. Abdomen distended; suffocative arrest of breathing. STOOL AND ANU.S.—Tenesmus (Merc.); burning pain in anus. (Ars., Canth.) Haemorrhoids, burning and itching. Stool: mucous; frequent mucus mºngled with blood, causing tenesmus (Merc. cor.); after drinking. After every stool thirst, and after every drink shivering. URINARY ORGANS.--Burning, biting and smarting after urination. (Canth., Cann. Sat.) Burning at orifice of urethra, before, during, and after urination. (Canth.) CAPSICUM. 115 Stitches in orifice and forepart of urethra when not urinating. (Cann. sat.) Strangury with tenesmus of bladder. (Canth.) MALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Impotence; scrotum cold. - Purulent discharge from the urethra like cream. Dwindling of testes. (Zinc.) - RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Crawling and tickling in larynx and trachea, with dry hacking cough; evening after lying down. The cough expels an offensive breath from the lungs. Oppressed breathing and pain in chest; as if chest was too full; as if constricted. GENERALITIES.—Burning and Smarting pains, now here, now there. Vital forces exhausted; no power to re-act; paralysis, gangrene, me- teorism; typhus. (Carb. v.) Sensation as if parts would go to sleep. FEVERS.–Chill begins in back (Eup. purp.), with thirst, worse after drinking. Shºvering and chilliness after every drink. (Ars., Cinch., Nux., Verat.) Chill followed by sweat; or by heat, with sweat and thirst. Fever heat with violent burning. AGGRAVATION.—Morning on waking; evening after eating; after drinking; from cold; on beginning to exercise. Ameliorated in warmth and from continued motion. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Complaints from drinking coffee. Fevers from or after abuse of quinine. Catarrh. Tonsillitis. Diphtheria. Scarla- tina. Dyspepsia. Diarrhoea. Dysentery. Pyrosis. Haemorrhoids. Cystitis. Catarrh of Bladder. Gonorrhoea. Gleet. Intermittent Fever. CONDITIONS.—Most useful in persons that are fat, lazy, uncleanly, clumsy, awkward, peevish, easily offended; light hair, blue eyes; dislike to Open air. . Compare: Arg, nit., Ars., Calad., Canth., Cinch., Croton, Ign., Lyc., Nux v., Puls., Verat. Antidotes. Calad., Camph., Cina., Cinch., Sulph. Capsicum Antidotes: Calad, Cinch, Coffee. 116 CARBO ANIMALIS. CARBO ANIMALIS. Animal charcoal. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts especially upon the glandular system and upon the digestive organs. On the former pro- ducing painful swellings, inflammation, indurations and ulcer- ations, on the latter symptoms of a dyspeptic nature. The glandular action (often of a scirrhous nature) is its most char- acteristic feature. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Desire to be alone (Bry., Ign.), 8Gd and reflective; avoids conversation. HEAD.—Confusion in morning; did not know whether he had been asleep or awake. Wertigo with nausea, on rising up after stooping. Heaviness in the head; at night with weariness; in forehead on stoop- ing; as if a weight laid above the eyes. (Carb. veg.) Pain in vertex as if skull were split or torn asunder. EYES.—A net seems to swim before the eyes. EARs.—Hearing confused ; does not know from what direction sounds COIſle. NoSE—Nosebleed in morning preceded by vertigo, or confusion in head. Coryza scraping in throat, worse evening, night, and when Swallowing. MoUTH.—Burning on tip of tongue and rawness of mouth. Teeth loose, sensitive on chewing. Bitter taste every morning. (Nux. v.) THROAT.—Mucus in throat, frequent hawking and raising. Burning in throat. (Ars.) Raw sensation in throat extending to stomach, not increased by swal- lowing. STOMACH.-Eructations tasting of food eaten long before. Heartburn. Long-continued nausea after eating meat. (Carb. v., Puls.) ABDoMEN.—Great distension of the abdomen; much annoyed by flatus. (Carb. v.) CARBO ANIMALIS. 117 Painful sensation in right lower abdomen, as if something would be squeezed through. Tearing across pubes, through pudenda to anus. Hard buboes suppurate; or maltreated cases with callous edges, ichor- ous, offensive discharges. (Nit. ac.) * STOOL AND ANU.S.—Burning in rectum and anus. (Ars.) . Wiscid moisture oozes from anus. Haemorrhoids much swollen; burn on walking. Stool scanty, delayed. Passage of blood during stool. URINARY ORGANs.-Burning Soreness in the urethra while urinating. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Menses too early and too profuse. (Calc. c. Nux v.) During menstrual flow so exhausted that she could hardly speak. (Cocc.) Leucorrhoea staining the linen yellow. Induration and ulceration of neck of womb; burning. (Ars.) RESPIRATORY ORGANS.—Rawness and hoarseness, morning, after rising. (Caust., Phos.) Hoarseness, worse evenings. (Carb. veg.) Tickling cough, with constriction of larynx and chest. Severe dry cough, shakes the abdomen as if all would fall out; must support the bowels; loose rales until something is coughed up ; morn- ings on rising and nearly all day. Burning in chest, with pressive pain. NECK AND BACK.—Glands of neck indurated, swollen, painful. Pressing, drawing and stiffness in small of back, as if broken. Sharp drawing across small of back, sensitive to every step. Bruised pain in coccyx, burning when touched. Low ER LIMBs.—Legs, far as calves, go to sleep, during the day. Cramp in forepart of lower leg, near tibia. Painful tension in calves when walking. GENERALITIES.—Weakness and want of energy; confusion of head; pros- tration. Offensive, debilitating, night sweats, staining linen yellow. Numbness of all the limbs. - 118 - CARBO WEGETABILIS. SKIN.—Pimples on face; red spots on cheeks. Erysipelatous swellings with burning pain. SLEEP-Sleepiness and yawning in forenoon. AGGRAVATION.—Mostly in morning and evening; from cold; from the open air. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Enlargements, indurations and ulcerations of glands. Scirrhus. Erysipelas. Dyspepsia. Bronchitis. CoNDITIONS.—Especially useful in scrofulous, venous constitutions. Compare : Ars., Calc., Carb. v., Con., Hydras., Nux, Puls. Antidotes : Ars, Camph., Nux v. CARBO VEGETABILIS. Vegetable charcoal. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts upon the blood and nervous system, devitalizing the former, and exhausting the latter, but its most important action is upon the mucous membranes, es- pecially of the digestive tract, where it has the power of increas- ing the secretions, rendering them impure, and causing an excessive accumulation of gas in the stomach and bowels, which latter is the chief characteristic of the drug. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Anxiety and oppression. Peevish, irritable, and inclined to anger. (Bry, Cham.) Indifference to everything he hears or sees. (Phos. ac.) HEAD.—Confusion of the head, which makes thinking difficult. (Am. c., Kreas.) Vertigo, had to hold on to Something; also when stooping. Head feels heavy as lead. Headache as from contraction of the scalp. - Painſul stitches through the head, when coughing. (Bry.) Painful throbbing in the head, during inspiration. Pressive headache in forehead just over the eyes. CARBO WEGETABILIS. 119 Pressive pain in lower portion of occiput. Head painfully sensitive to pressure, especially of hat (Nit. ac., Mez.); sensation remains after hat is taken off, as if boºtná wip with cloth. EYEs.—Heavy weight seems to rest on the eyes (Caust., Gels.); must make exertion to distinguish letters when reading. Muscles of the eye pain, when looking up. Itching on the margins of the lids. (Sulph.) EARS.—Ringing in the ears. Something heavy seems to lie before the ears; seem stopped; but hear- ing not diminished. NOSE,-Severe nosebleed, several times daily, for weeks; face pale before and after every attack. Drawing in root of nose. FACE.-Face : very pale (Ars.) greyish yellow color; hippocratic (Verat.) Soreness of facial and maxillary bones. Tearing in left cheek. (Puls.) Jerking tearing in right upper maxillary. MoUTH.—Easily bleeding gums. Gum boils. Gums become loosened from the teeth, and retracted. (Merc., Nit. ac.) Gums painfully sensitive when chewing. Tongue coated white; yellowish brown. Tongue sensitive and raw. Mouth hot, with rawness and dryness of tip of tongue. Bitterness in palate; dry tongue. Bitter taste before and after eating. (Bry., Nux, Puls.) THROAT.—Much hawking of mucus. Scraping rawness and burning in the throat. Swallowing, coughing, or blowing the nose causes pain in posterior nares and fauces, as if sore. Sensation of contraction in pharynx. STOMACH.—Aversion to meat and fat things (Puls.); to milk, which causes flatulence. (Sulph.) |Violent almost constant eructations; sour, rancid or empty. (Puls.) Qualmishness in stomach. Feels acidity in stomach while lying on the back and when walking. 120 CARBO WEGETABILIS. Burning in stomach. (Ars.) Stomach feels tense and full. Contractive cramp, evtending into chest, with distention of abdomen. Epigastric region very sensitive. ABDOMEN.—Hypochondria painful to touch; clothing oppresses him and is unendurable. (Lyc., Nux.) Tension and stitches in liver. (Bry., Kali c., Cinch.) Colic from flatulence, abdomen full to bursting; worse from least food; better from passing flatus. (Coloc.) Abdomen greatly distended, better from passing wind up or down. Abdomen feels as if hanging heavily; walks bent. Flatus collects here and there in abdomen, under short ribs in hypo- gastrium, etc. STOOL AND ANU.S.—Acrid, corrosive moisture from rectum. In rectum; gnawing, crawling; tenesmus. Bleeding from anus. Much offensive flatus. Burning in anus after stool. (Ars., Canth.) Sticking, stitching Soreness in anus. Even soft stool passed with difficulty. (Alum.) Stools: mucous with much urging; cadaverous, putrid, offensive, invol- untary. (Ars.) URINE.—Red sediment in urine. (Lyc.) Urine dark red, as if mixed with blood. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Menses too early and too profuse (Calc. C., Nux v.); blood too thick and of a strong odor. Leucorrhoea thin in morning on arising, not through day; milky, exco- riating. (Ars., Con., Kreas.) - Red, sore places on pudenda: aptha ; itching; Sore and raw during leucorrltopa. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Great roughness in the laryna, with deep rough voice, which failed, if he exerted it. (Caust.) Hoarseness and rawness, worse evenings; aphonia, mornings. (Caust., Phos.) Difficult breathing; fulness of the chest, and palpitation on slightest motion. CARBO WEGETABILIS. 121 Desires to be fanned; must have more air. Cough : spasmodic, hollow; involuntary, rough, caused by roughness and crawling in throat; caused by itching in larynx. Expectoration : mucus; yellow green; tenacious, salty. Sensation of weakness and fatigue of the chest. Burning ºn the chest as from glowing coals; rawness, Soreness. (Am. C., Lach., Merc.) Oppression of the chest with wheezing and rattling. (Ant. tar., Ipec.) Pressive pain in upper right chest. PULSE. —Thread-like; weak and faint. (Acon.) NECK AND BACK.—Cervical glands swollen and painful, especially those near the nape. Tearing in cervical muscles. Rheumatic drawing pains in neck and back. Burning in right shoulder blades. Pressive, sore pain in coccyx and lower spine. LIMBs.—Numbness in all limbs; go to sleep while lying on them. Drawing and tearing pains in all the limbs. (Bry., Puls.) Low ER LIMBS.–Drawing pain in hip joints extending to thighs. Stiffness of legs, unsteady when first attempting to walk. Left lower leg feels paralyzed. Paralytic, drawing pain, from abdomen to left leg. Cramp in soles of feet; evenings after lying down. GENERALITIES.—Vital forces nearly exhausted, cold surface, especially be: low knees to feet; lies as if dead; breath cool; pulse intermittent, thready; cold sweat on limbs. Great debility and weakness soon as he makes the least exertion. Attacks of faint-like weakness. SKIN.—Fine moist rash, with burning at Spots when there is no eruption. Ulcers; bleeding easily; putrid; with burning pain. (Ars., Merc.) SLEEP-Great sleepiness and yawning during the day; sleepless at night. Night full of dreams. FEveR.—Shivering in evenings, with weariness. Chill, generally with thirst, cold hands and feet, mostly evenings. Fever generally without thirst. (Puls.) Hectic Fever. 122 CAULOPHYLLUM. Exhausting sweat. (Cinch., Phos. ac.) AGGRAVATION.—Morning; evening; night; debility worse at noon; in Warm, damp weather; changes of weather; from overlifting. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Ailments from quinine, especially suppressed chills and fever. Ailments from abuse of mercury; from salt or salt meats; from putrid meat or fish or rancid fats. Pyrosis. Dyspepsia. Cardialgia. Diarrhoea. Constipation. Haemorrhoids. Hoarseness; aphonia; emphysema; bronchitis; asthma; pluthisis. Intermittent fever. Typhoid. Ulcers. Eczema. Glandular diseases. Chlorosis. CONDITIONS.—In persons whose vital powers are low, venous system pre- dominant. Especially old people; children after exhausting diseases. Compare : Ars., Calc., Carb. an., Cinch., Fer., Graph., Lach., Lyc., Kali c., Merc., Nux v., Phos. ac., Sep., Sulph. - Antidotes : Ars., Camph., Cof., Lach., Sp. nitr. dulc. Carbo v. Antidotes : Cinch., Lach., Merc. CAULOPHYLLUM. Caulophyllum thalictroides. Natural Order. Berberi- daceae. Common Wame. Blue Cohosh. * GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts especially upon the muscular tissues of the female generative organs, and upon the small muscles and joints. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. HEAD.—Rheumatic or neuralgic headaches, especially in females. (Actea.) Headaches, dependent upon uterine disorder. (Actea, Puls.) STOMACH.-Dyspepsia, with spasmodic symptoms; from uterine irritation. ABDOMEN.—Spasmodic action of the muscular tissues of the intestines, from irritation of motor nerves, and from rheumatism. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.—Sensation as if the uterus were congested, with fullness and tension ºn hypogastric region. Spasmodic pain8 in uterus, and various portions of hypogastric region. (Dysmemorrhoea.) º CAUSTICUM. 123 Suppression of menses, with spasms of uterus. (Actea.) Abortion; pains, feeble, irregular, spasmodic. Deficient, spasmodic labor pains. Deficient labor from spasmodic rigidity of oš uteri. (Bell., Gels.) Passive hamorrhage after abortion or confinement. (Cinch.) Protracted lochia from atony of the uterus. Intermittent uterine contractions. (Secale cornutum.) RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Spasmodic affections of chest and laryna. LIMBS.–Rheumatism of 8mall joints. Constant flying pains ºn arms and legs, remain only a few minutes in any one place. Drawing pains ºn joints of arms and legs, hands and feet. UPPER LIMBS.—Severe pain ºn wrists and joints of fingers. Fingers very stiff; shutting hand produces severe cutting pains in fin- ger joints. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.--Abnormal conditions during labor. After pains. Lochia. Abortion. Dysmenorrhoea. Amenorrhoea. Metorrhagia. Uterine displacements. Hysteria. Spinal Irritation. Rheumatism of Small joints (Ledum.), especially wrists and fingers. CoNDITIONs.—Especially adapted to women. Compare Actea, Puls, Sab., Secale. CAUSTICUM. Hydrate of Potash. Caustic Potash. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts especially upon the motor nervous system, giving rise to paralytic conditions, more par- ticularly of face, larynx and bladder. It also has a remark- able action on the mucous membranes, especially those of the respiratory tract. Catarrhal aphonia is its most characteristic feature. º CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Melancholy mood; apprehensive, despondent; with exhaustion. Anxious, uneasy, unfitted for anything. Peevish, fretful. 124 CAUSTICUM. HEAD.—Wertigo; forwards and sideways; at night in bed on rising and lying down again; on looking fixedly at an object. Throbbing and stitches in vertex. Pain at small spot on vertex as if bruised, only on touch. Itching of scalp. (Merc., Nit. ac., Sulph.) Tension of scalp. (Carb. an., Merc.) EYES.–Inflammation, with burning, stinging; dryness and photophobia. Pressure in eyes as ºf sand were in them. (Euph., Sulph.) Itching of the eyes, especially of lids. Inclination to close the eyes, lids seem heavy (Con.), even paralysis of upper lids. (Gels.) Burning and itching in inner canthi. (Ars.) Flickering or sparks before the eyes. Light obscured ; as from gauze ; as from a thick fog or cloud ; mo- mentarily on blowing the nose. EARs.—Roaring or buzzing in the ears. Words and steps re-echo ºn her ears. Nos E.-Dry coryza, with stoppage of the nose. FACE.-Transient, violent drawing pain in right cheek, and then in the ear. Sensation of tension and pain in the jaws, so that she could only with difficulty open the mouth, and could not eat well because a tooth seemed too long. (Merc.) Paralysis of one side of the face. MoUTH.—Painful looseness and elongation of the teeth. (Nit. ac.) Tearing, stitching toothache. (Puls.) Gums painfully sensitive. Painful vesicle on tip of tongue. Greasy, putrid taste. Stuttering, difficult, indistinct speech. (Hyos.) Speechlessness from paralysis of organs of speech. (Gels.) THROAT.—Mucus collects in throat; can not be raised by hawking; is obliged to 8wallow 7t. Dryness, rawness, scraping, tickling in the throat. STOMACH.—Eructations, burning hot. Pains in stomach, relieved by lying down. Pinching, clawing in pit of stomach on deep breathing, CAUSTICUM. 125 ABDOMEN.—Pains in abdomen causing her to bend double (Coloc.); worse from eating or tightening the clothes. STOOL AND ANU.S.—Haemorrhoids; large; hard; stinging; burning; painful when touched; walking unendurable. Pressure in the rectum. Itching and sticking in rectum. Itching in the anus. Stool passes better when standing. Stool tough and Shining, as if greased. URINARY ORGANS.—Paralysis of the bladder from long retention of urine. Involuntary passage of urine; at might when asleep; when couſ/him/, sneezing or blowing nose. (Puls.) Burning in urethra. Retention of urine, with frequent and urgent desire; occasionally a few drops or small quantity may dribble away. Urinates so easily not sensible of the stream. Urine: dark brown; turbid and cloudy on standing. MALE SExUAL ORGANS.––Pressive pain, as if crushed, in right testicle. During coition blood discharged from urethra, with the semen. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Aversion to coition. Menses: too late, but profuse; no discharge at night; offensive odor, and cause itching of pudenda. Leucorrhoea, profuse, flows like the menses, and has same odor. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-The laryngeal muscles refuse their serrice; can not speak a loud word. (Arum., Phos.) Great hoarseness; worse mornings and even ings, ºr ºth scrap ºn ſ/ in the throat; could not speak aloud for several days. Dry sensation in air passages. Cough : Violent, hollow, at times dry, with pain in right chest: night and morning, with tightly adhering mucus in chest, Soreness in chest; tickling; in paroxysms with sore sensation ºn a streak down along trachea, where every cough pains ; wakes from sleep; caused by crawl- ing, or from stooping; always from Speaking. Cough with pain in hip and involuntary discharge of urine. Cough relieved by a swallow of cold water. Shortness of breath precedes the cough. 126 CAUSTICUM. Arrest of breath when speaking or walking rapidly; must suddenly catch for breath. Tightness of chest; must frequently take deep breath. Soreness in chest. NECK AND BACK.—Painful stiffness and tension of neck. Sharp stitches in left lumbar region. Pressing cramp-like pain in region of kidneys. In coccyx : dull, drawing pain; bruised pain. LIMBS.—Paralytic weakness of the limbs; trembling. Intolerable weariness in limbs in evening. Arthritic pains in all parts of the limbs. LOWER LIMBs.—Cracking in knees when walking. Tension and stiffness in hollow of knee, when walking. In ball of great toe: crawling, burning; severe pressive pain; burning stitches. - GENERALITIES.—At night can not get at quiet position, or lie still a minute. (Rhus.) Tearings in joints and bones. Sour-smelling night sweats ail over. SKIN.—Excessively itching, moist tetter on the neck. SLEEP.—Uneasy, restless sleep. Many motions with arms and legs during sleep. AGGRAVATIONS.–Generally morning and even?ng; in open air. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Rheumatic and arthritic inflammations, with con- tractions of flexors and stiffness of joints. Epilepsy. Chorea. Con- vulsions. Paralysis, especially of bladder and face. Neuralgia. Hoarseness. Aphonia. CONDITIONs.—Persons of dark hair and rigid fibre most affected. Compare : Am., Brom., Calc., Gels., Ign., Lach., Nux, Phos., Puls., Rhus., Spong., Stan., Sepia, Sulph. Antidotes : Asaf., Coloc., Coff, Nux, Spr. nitr dulc. Caust. Antidotes : Merc., Sulph. CEPA. 127 CEPA. Allium cepa. Matural Order. Liliaceae. Common Mame. Onion. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Acts especially upon the conjunc- tiva and the respiratory mucous membrane, producing a highly irritated condition, greatly resembling an acute catarrh. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.——Very melancholy. HEAD.—Confusion of the head, Headache with coryza; in the room, evenings; better in open air; ag- gravated on returning to a warm room. (Puls.) Pains in temples, most in right; aggravated by winking; extending over forehead, worse on left side. EYES.–Eaccessive non-ea:corating (Euph., excoriating) lachrymation; left eye worse; with redness of the eyeball; sensitive to light; worse evenings. Itching, biting, burning in the eyes. Swelling of lids around the eyes. NoSE.—Copious watery discharge from the nose, and watering of eyes. Constant sneezing, with profuse acrid (Euph., bland) coryza (Merc.); when coming ºnto a warm room. (Ars., in cool air.) Ichor oozing out of nose; second stage of scarlatina. Fluent coryza, headache, lachrymation, cough, heat thirst, trembling of hands; worse in evening, and in a room; better in open air. URINARY ORGANS.-Frequent and copious urination. (Phos., ac.) Urine red, with much urging and burning in the urethra. RESPIRATORY ORGANs –Catarrhal hoarseness. (Caust., Phos.) Tickling in throat, with aching in larnyx. Hacking cough from inhaling cold air. (Ac.) Constant inclination to hack. Violent catarrhal laryngitis; the hoarse cough seemed to split and tear the laryna. Oppressed breathing from pressure in middle of chest. LIMBs.—Sore, tired feeling of the limbs; especially arms. 128 CHAMOMILLA. tº º ºse , GENERALITIES.–Stitches and burnings; aching. AGGRAVATIONS.–Prominently in the evening and in a warm room. Bet- ter in the open air. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Inflammation and increased secretions of the mu- cous membranes; coryza; acute catarrh. Compare : Acon, Caust., Euphr., Ipec., Phos., Puls. Antidote 8: Arn, Cham., Verat. CEDRON. Simaba cedron. Matural Order. Simarubaceae. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts upon the cerebro-spinal and the sympathetic nervous systems, giving rise principally to cerebral congestion, and following this to a febrile condition much resembling intermittent fever, especially such as occur in damp, warm, low, marshy climates. The chief character- istic of this remedy is a periodicity which is often clock-like ân its regularity. r THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Has been little used save in intermittents, especially those of an obstinate character, accompanied by violent cerebral dis- turbances, and which continually recur in spite of other treatment; also, more particularly, if originating in damp, warm, marshy cli. mates, or, in tropical countries. According to Casanova, residents of hot countries are more susceptible to the influences of the drug. In South America Cedron is considered a specific for the bites of venom- ous serpents. Compare : Arnica, Cinchona, Gels., Lachesis. CHAMOMILLA. Matricaria Chamomilla. Natural Order. Compositae. Common Wame. Chamomile. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts primarily upon the nervous CHAMOMILLA. 129 system, causing an intensely acute susceptibility to morbid im- pressions, and, in the motor sphere, giving rise to general exhaustion and prostration. Through the nervous system it acts prominently upon the liver, and upon the digestive and respiratory mucous membranes, producing irritation, and giv- ing rise to congestion, catarrh and other abnormal conditions to which these parts are especially liable. The leading feature of Chamomilla is its excessive sensi- tiveness to pain, accompanied usually by great peevishness and irritability, and the relief from motion. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. MIND.—Anxious, uneasy; fretting and moaning about trifles. Irritable, impatient mood. (Bry., Nux.) Peevºshness; ill humor. (Bry.) Whining restlessness, the child wants different things and refuses or re. pels thern when given. (Cina., Staph.) - Child cries, quiet only when carried. Omits words when writing or speaking. Pains intolerable; cam not be endured. (Coffea.) HEAD.—Confusion of the head. Wertigo : after eating (Nux m.), or on rising from bed. (Ac., Bry.) Pressive headache in temples, as from pressure with fingers. Wandering, lancinating pains in temples and one half of head. Transient attacks of throbbing, in one half of the brain. Pressure extending from vertex to forehead and temples; worse when thinking of it; from sudden stooping and from mental exertion. EYEs.—Eye swollen in morning. Agglutinated with purulent mucus. (Puls., Sulph.) Violent pressure in orbital region; sensation in eyeball as if tightly compressed from all sides, with momentary obstruction of vision. EARS.—Roaring in the ears as from rushing waters. Pressing ear ache: stitching, tearing pains. (Merc., Puls.) Nos.E.—Extremely sensitive smell. Irritation to sneeze, with crawling, dry heat, stoppage; sensation as if coryza would appear. 9 130 CHAMOMILLA. FACE.-Redness of one cheek, the other pale. (Acon., Nux v.) - Burning in face. Stitches in the jaw, extending into the back teeth or inner ear. MOUTH.—Lips crack and peel. Toothache; drawing; stitching; from cold; after eating; in the room; getting warm in bed; after a warm drink. (Puls., Merc.) Teeth feel too long. (Merc., Nit. ac.) Collection of metallic, sweetish saliva in the mouth. Taste: bitter (Bry, Merc.); like rancid fat. (Puls.) THROAT.—Spasmodic constriction of the pharynx. Sore throat, with swelling of parotid gland. STOMACH.—Eructations smelling of bad eggs. Great thirst for cold water. Nausea; sour vomiting. Pressure in the stomach as from a stone; after eating. (Ars., Bry., Puls.) Pressive pain in stomach and beneath the short ribs, which impedes breathing, especially after drinking coffee. ABDOMEN.—Griping, tearing colic in region of navel, and lower down on both sides, with pain in small of back, as if broken. (Bell.) Cutting, sticking colic; flatulence in hypochondria; abdomen distended like a drum. STOOL AND ANU.S.—Blind hoemorrhoids. Itching in the anus. Stools: white, slimy, with colic; painless, gréén, watery; hot, smelling like rotten eggs (Podo.); green, watery, corroding, with colic (Ars., Merc., Sulph.), thirst, bitter taste and bitter eructations. URINARY ORGANS.—Dragging towards ureters like labor pains, with fre. quent urging to urinate. Burning in neck of bladder when urinating. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.–Drawing from sacral region forwards, griping and pºnching ºn uterus, followed by discharge of large clots of blood. (Actea.) Profuse discharge of clotted blood, with severe labor-like pains in uterus; tearing pains in legs. (Actea, Puls.) Leuchorrhoea; acrid, watery; yellow, smarting. Mammae hard and tender to the touch. (Con) CHAMOMILLA. 131 RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Pressure in air passages, with irritation to cough. Sensation of rawness and scraping in larynx. Paroxysms of coughing about midnight, with which something seems to rise in the throat, as if she would suffocate. Severe dry cough during sleep. Whistling, wheezing and rattling in trachea when breathing. (Ant. tart., Ipec.) Constriction in upper part of chest. Stitches in the chest. (Bry., Kali c.) BACK.—Bruised sensation in the muscles of the loins and back. Pains in the sacral region, especially at night. LIMBS.–Pain in the periosteum, with paralytic weakness. Joints sore, as if bruised or tired out; no power in hands and feet. UPPER LIMBs.—Arms go to sleep especially when taking hold of anything. LOWER LIMBs.-Cramp in the calves. (Sulph.) Crawling and heaviness in the calves. Burning in the soles; puts them out of bed. (Sulph.) GENERALITIES.–Child makes itself stiff and bends backwards; kicks with the feet when carried; screams immoderately, and throws everything Off. e Attacks of faintness; sick and qualmish about the heart. Evcessive sensitiveness to pain. (Coff.) Stitches juumping from place to place, especially in knees and ankles (Puls.), disappearing on motion. Convulsions, convulsive twitches. SLEEP.-Sleepy but can not sleep. (Bell.) Restless sleep; moaning; starting up, crying, tossing about and talking. SKIN.—Unhealthy, every injury suppurates. (Graph., Hepar.) Red rash on cheeks. Severe itching of the sweating parts. FEVER.—Coldness over the whole body, with burning heat of face and eyes, and hot breath. Chill of posterior part with heat anterior part of body, or vice versa. Slight shiverings, alternating with heat, creep over the back and abdo- Iſle Il. Alternations of heat and cold in various parts. 132 CIHELID() NIUM. Heat in head and face. Chilliness from exposure to air. Profuse sweat on covered parts. Perspiration in scalp and forehead. AGGRAVATION.—In morning; at night; from anger; from cold; from lying down; during sweat; during sleep. AM ELIORATION.—After sweating; on rising; from motion. TheRAPEUTIC RANGE.--Bad effects from anger. Fevers from local irrita- tation—during dentition, or from indigestible substances in the stom- ach or intestines, from worms, etc., or from liver disturbances. Also diarrhoea or convulsions from the same causes. Headache, earache, toothache, facial and cervical neuralgia. Abdominal colic. Catarrhal affections in general. Dyspepsia. Rheumatism. Dysmenorrhoea. Metorrhagia. CONDITIONS.–In children. Nervous, excitable temperaments. *. Compare : Acon., Ars., Bell, Bry., Cinch., Cina., Cocc., Coff, Coloc., Graph., Hep., Ign., Mag.c., Merc., Nua, v., Puls., Sulph. Antidotes : Acon., Alum, Borax, Camph., Cocc., Coffea, Coloc., Ign., Nux v., Puls. Cham. Antidotes : Coffea, Opium. CHELIDONIUM. Chelidonium majus. Matural Order. Papaveraceae. Common Wame. Celandine. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts powerfully upon the hepatic system, giving rise to congestion, inflammation, jaundice, and a train of general symptoms indicative of serious hepatic disturbance. It also acts prominently upon the lungs, produc- ing congestion, inflammation, and symptoms of hepatization. The most important characteristic of Chelidonium is a constant pain under the lower inner angle of the right shoulder blade. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. HEAD.—Wertigo, with bilious derangements. (Podo.) CHELIDONIUM. 133 Heaviness in the head, extending into the right side of the neck. (Nux.) Pressure in the forehead extending to the orbits, which pain as if sore on moving the eyes. (Bry.) Pressive pain in right side of head. Tensive pain in forehead, as from a band above the eyes. (Gels., Merc., Natr. m., Puls., Sulph.) Heaviness in the occº put. Pressive, drawing pains in left side of occiput. EYEs—Neuralgic, tearing pains in and above the eyes. (Cinch.) Whites of the eyes dirty yellow. (Podo.) Aching in the eyeballs; worse on moving the eyes. (Actea, Bry.) Dimness of vision. Blinding spot before the eyes, lachrymation when looking at it. EARs.-Sensation of wind rushing out of the ears. Ears feel stopped. Neuralgic pains in and around the ears. Loud, distant roaring in the ears. (Phos.) FACE.-Yellow color of the face, especially of the forehead, nose, cheeks and whites of eyes. (Podo.) Cheeks dark, reddish yellow. (Bapt., Gels.) Pain in right cheek bone; feels as if swollen. Violent tearing in maxillary antrum. (Puls.) MoUTH.—Tearing pains from right ear to right teeth, in aſternoon. Tongue : dry; thickly coated yellow (Cinch., Merc., Iod.); white; slimy. (Merc.) Bitter water collects in the mouth. Bitter taste when not eating or drinking. (Bry, Merc.) THROAT.—Choking, as from swallowing too large a morsel. STOMACH-Eructations; vomiting. Sharp painful stitches from pit of stomach through to back. ABDOMEN.—Pains from region of liver, shooting towards the back. Stitches in region of liver. (Cinch., Kali c., Merc.) Pain in hepatic region. Hepatic region sensitive to pressure. Pain across the umbilicus, as if the abdomen were constricted by a string. (Plumb.) 134. CHELIDONIUM. Griping, cutting pains in the bowels. (Coloc.) Spasmodic drawing pains in both inguinal regions. STOOL AND ANUs.-In rectum: burning and cutting; crawling and itching. Contraction of anus; itching. (Sulph.) Stool: thin ; pasty; bright yellow ; light gray; slimy; mucous. URINARY ORGANs.—Spasmodic pain in right kidney and liver. Dragging pain in bladder, with spasmodic trembling pains in inguinal region. Urine : dark yellow ; turbid on passing, dark brownish red; stains diaper dark yellow. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Memises too late, too profuse and of too long dura- tion. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.—Hoarseness. Cough : after waking, on rising, with sensation of dust under sternum; racking, as in consumption, with much expectoration; violent, some- what spasmodic; in paroxysms. (Dros.) Short and oppressed breathing, with sensation of constriction in chest. Pains in chest and back. Oppression of the chest; clothing seems too tight. Spasmodic pressure behind middle of sternum, extending into the bronchi, with constriction. Stitches in chest, worse right side. (Bry., Kali c.) Stitches beneath right ribs. BACK AND NECK.—Stiffness of the neck. Pain in right cervical muscles, and in region of right clavicle. Stiffness in back and between the shoulders. Drawing from nape of neck down the back. Pain in or beneath the right shoulder blade; stitches. Pain in right shoulder. Constant pain whder inferior angle of right scapula, may extend into chest or stomach. SLEEP.—Frequent yawning; drowsy and sleepy during the day. GENERALITIES.—Great debility and lassitude after eating (Nux m.), and after waking in the morning. Paralytic drawing and lameness in single parts. FEveR.—Chill and coldness of whole body, most in hands and feet. CICUTA. VIROSA. 135 Intense heat in evening, after lying down. Sweat in the morning or towards morning. AGGRAVATION.—In the morning; afternoons. Better evenings. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Hepatitis. Jaundice. Gallstones. Bilious con- ditions in general. Diarrhoea. Neuralgia. Pneumonia. Whooping Cough. Compare : Actea, Bry, Cinch., Gels., Merc., Nua, v., Podo., Phos., Sulph. Antidotes : Acon., Camph., Acids, Wine or Coffee. Chel. Antidotes : Bry. CIOUTA VIROSA. Natural Order. Umbelliferae. Common Mame. Water Hemlock, Cowbane. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts pre-eminently as a cerebro- spinal irritant, producing tetanus, epileptic and epileptiform convulsions, trismus, and local tonic and clonic spasms in gen- eral. Its action closely resembles that of Nux vomica, with the important difference that in the latter the consciousness is unimpaired, while in Cicuta the functions of the brain are par- alyzed, and an entire loss of consciousness is the result. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. MIND.—Weeping, moaning and howling. Aberration of mind, singing, performing the most grotesque dancing steps, shouting, (Hyos.) Dull and stupid, mental torpor. HEAD.—Vertigo. 4. Jerking and twitching of the head. Severe occipital headache. Affections of the brain from concussion—spasms. (Cupr.) EYES.–Staring at objects. Pupils dilated and insensible. (Bell., Op.) 136 CICUTA WIROSA. Objects appear double. (Bell., Con., Hyos., Stram.) Objects appear to alternately approach and recede. EARS.—Hardness of hearing. FACE. –Face: red; palid; cadaverous. (Ars., Verat.) Distortions, either horrible or ridiculous. Convulsion of the facial muscles. (Gels.) MOUTH − Tecth clenched, lockjaw. (Hydroc. ac., Ign., Physos., Stram.) Grinding of the teeth. (Ign., Cina., Stram.) Swelling of the tongue; white painful burning ulcers on edges of tongue; painful to touch. Foam in and at the mouth. (Cupr.) THROAT.—Inability to swallow; throat appears to be grown together. STOMACH.—Great thirst. Violent hiccough. Burning in the stomach. (Ars.) Womiting; with convulsions. ABDOMEN.—Rumbling and roaring in the abdomen. Distension and painfulness of abdomen. STOOL.—Frequent liquid stools. |URINE.—Involuntary micturition. Passes large quantities of urine or else none at all. REspír ATORY ORGANs.-Oppression, want of breath; may arise from tonic spasm of pectoral muscles. Tightness of chest; scarcely able to breathe. BACK.—Back bent backward like am, ſtreh. Tearing and jerking in coccyx. LIMBS.—Trembling in all the limbs. Weakness of arms and legs. Spasmodic distortion of the limbs. UPPER LIMBs.—Frequent involuntary jerking and twitching in arms and fingers. GENERALITIES.–Spasms of all muscles. - Convulsions, with loss of consciousness, frightful distortion of the limbs and whole body. Convulsions, with opisthotonos. CINA. 137 Epileptic attacks, with 8welling of the 8tomach, as from violent 8pasms of the diaphragm; hiccough; screaming; redness of face; trismus; loss of consciousness, and distortions of limbs. Tonic spasm renewed from slightest touch; from opening the door and from loud talking. Sudden rigidity with jerks, afterwards relaxation and weakness, during worm affections. Sweat, most at night; on abdomen. SKIN.—Elevated eruptions as large as peas, on face and hands, with burn?ng pain when touched; later becomes confluent. Burning, suppurating eruptions. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Convulsions in general. Chorea. Hysteria. Ma- nia. Amaurosis. Cerebro-spinal meningitis. Affections from con- cussion of brain; from repercussed eruptions. Spasmodic affec- tions in general. Compare : Bell., Con., Lach., Hydroc ac., Hyos., Puls., Verat. Antidotes : Arn., Op. For large doses: Tobacco. Cicuta Antidotes : Opium. CINA. Artemisia contra. Matural Order. Compositae. Common Wame. Wormseed. GENERAL ANALYSIs.—Acts upon the intestinal canal, pro- ducing irritation, and giving rise to a train of symptoms closely resembling those which indicate chronic irritation, inflamma- tion, and the presence of intestinal worms. It also acts on the brain and other organs, but these are only secondary to the primary irritation of the bowels. Santonin, the active principle of Cina, is often used in its stead, its characteristic action being the same, though possibly somewhat more uni- form and intense. The leading expression of Cina is peevish- Il CSS. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Delirium and crying out. Child cries piteously if taken hold of or carried. 138 - CINA. I'll humored (Bry., Cham.); can not be quieted; averse to being caressed" and rejects everything offered. Child don’t want to be touched. (Ant. c.) HEAD.—Stupefying headache, especially in the forehead, afterwards in occi. put; when walking in open air. Drawing from left frontal eminence to root of nose, causing confusion of head. Intermitting pressure, as from a heavy weight on middle of vertex. EYES.–Slow stitch, extending from above upper orbital margin deep into the brain. Pupils dilated. (Bell.) On rising from the bed, black before the eyes, with dizziness in head and faintness, totters to and fro; relieved on lying down. (Dulc.) NOSE. –Violent sneezing. (Acon.) Boring in the nose with the finger. FACE.—Pale, with sickly look about the eyes (Ars); pale and cold. (Werat.) White and bluish about the mouth. (Lach.) Pain as if the molar bones were pressed together with pincers; worse from external pressure. MoUTII.—Grinding of teeth; at night. (Ars., Cic., Podo.) THROAT.—Inability to swallow, especially fluids. (Bell.) STOMACH.—Great hunger soon after eating. Desires many (und different things. ThirSt. Violent vomiting; only mucus. Gnawing sensation in stomach, as from hunger. (Ign.) ABDOMEN.—Painful twisting about the navel. (Coloc.) Pinching or cramplike pressure transversely across epigastric region, after a meal. Abdomen hard and distended. STO 3L AND ANU.S.–Itching of the anus. Watery diarrhoea. (Ars., Cinch., Podo.) URINARY ORGANS.-Frequent urging, with passage of much urine. Urine becomes turbid immediately. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Short, interrupted breathing. CINA. 139 Gagging cough in morning after rising; from irritation as of dust. Hoarse gagging cough, in evening. Violent periodically recurring paroxysms of whooping cough, excited by sensation, as if down were in the throat, or by adherent mucus in the larynx. BACK AND NECK.—Drawing, tearing pain down along the whole spine. Tearing, jerking, pains in middle of spine. Fatiguing pains in loins, as if he had stood a long time. (Sulph.) GENERALITIES.—Twitchings of the limbs. Jerkings and distortions of the limbs. Trembling of the body, with shivering sensation while yawning. Epilepsy, with rigidity and full consciousness. Convulsions; child becomes suddenly stiff; there is a gurgling noise, as though water were portred out of a bottle, from the throat to the abdo- 7??.6/?. Child restless, uneasy; pale and weak. SLEEP.—Tossing about in sleep, with cries and lamentations. FEveR.—Chill, with shivering and shaking, even near warm stove; with hot cheeks, no thirst. Heat most severe over head and face. Burning heat of face, glowing redness of cheeks; thirst for cold drinks. (Bell.) Fever daily at same hour. Cold sweat on forehead, nose and hands. (Werat.) AGGRAVATION.—At night; on looking fixedly on an object; from external pressure. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Most used in vermicular affections, especially lum- brici. In convulsions, chorea, epilepsy etc., especially when result- ing from intestinal irritation. In intermittent and remittent fevers. Diarrhoea. Whooping Cough. Enuresis. CONDITIONs.—Especially suitable for children with worm affections. Compare : Ars., Bell., Calc., Cham., Cinch., Fer., Ign., Phos., Puls., Spig. Antidotes : Camph., Caps., Cinch., Ip., Pip. nigr. Cina Antidotes: Caps., Cinch., Merc. 140 CINCHONA. CINCHON A. Cinchona officinalis. Matural Order. Rubiaceae. Common Wames. China, Peruvian Bark. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Cinchona acts upon the ganglionic nervous system, more especially upon that portion which pre- sides over the functions of vegetation, producing a condition of general depression and exhaustion, diminishing the vital turgor, and modifying the digestive functions. The quantity and quality of the blood are altered. It becomes thin and watery, the circulation lacks energy, and as a consequence we have general debility and erithism, while various functional disturbances are manifest, such as haemorrhage, profuse sweat and urine, watery diarrhoea, etc. In the vegetative sphere Cinchona shows a special affinity for the liver and spleen, and here may be said to exist its most important relations. In the liver it produces hyperaemia and congestion, prostrating all functional performance, and giving rise to a long train of biliary symptoms, of which jaundice is one of great import- ance. In the spleen it also produces hyperaemia, which tends to congestion, and finally to enlargement of the organ. Through the ganglionic nervous system, and in connection with the disturbances of the system above set forth, Cinchona has a fever-producing power in an eminent degree, the latter almost invariably partaking of that character which in disease would indicate a malarial origin, periodicity being one of its most essential features. The chief characteristic of Cinchona is an excessive sen- sitiveness of the nervous system, all symptoms being aggra- vated by the slightest contact, by motion, and by physical or mental effort. Also prostration, with neither thirst nor hunger. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Ideas and projects crowd on his mind, especially in evening and at night. (Coffea.) CINCHONA. 141 Excessive excitability with despondency, and intolerance of noise. Indifference and apathy. (Merc., Phos. ac.) Inconsolable anxiety; fearful, apprehensive. (Acon., Nat. m.) Peevish, ill humored, easily angered. (Bry., Cham.) HEAD.—Dullness and confusion of head as from intoxication (Nux v., Op.) or coryza, or from sitting up at night (Cocc.) and sleeplessness. Vertigo; head inclined to sink backward; on waking at night; on raising head. Intense throbbing headache after excessive haemorrhage. Headache from suppressed coryza. Headache in occiput after sexual excesses or onanism. (Phos. ac.) Headache, as if the skull would burst (Ac., Bell., Bry., Nat. m.), the brain beats in loaves against the skull. (Glon.) Pressive headache, from within outwards. Acute jerking, tearing pains in the head. Headache worse from draft of air; in the open air, from slightest touch; better from hard pressure. (Bell.) Scalp sensitive to touch; roots of hair hurt when hair is moved. Profuse sweat on head, especially when walking in open air. EYES.—Dimness and weakness of sight. Yellow color of the eyes. Eyes sensitive to bright light. Motion of eyes painful, with sensation of mechanical hindrance. EARS.—Ringing in the ears. (Calc., Graph., Nux. v.) Humming, roaring, or ticking in the ears. (Bell. Lyc., Nit. ac.) NoSE.—Frequent nosebleeds, especially mornings. (Bry.) Pressive pain in root of nose (Ac., Kali b., Hep.), extending to side of In OSé. FACE.-Complexion pale, sometimes earthy, greyish yellow, or black. (Ars.) Face pale, sunken, pinched, eyes sunken and surrounded by blue mar- gins. (Ars., Verat.) Pale, sickly appearance, as after excesses. Lips dry, coated black, wrinkled and chapped. (Ars.) Sub-maxillary glands swollen. Periodical prosopalgia; pains excessive; skin sensitive to touch; mostly in infra orbital and maxillary branches. 142 - CINCHONA. MoUTH.—The teeth are loose and painful only when chewing. Throbbing toothache. Toothache worse from least contact; from draught of air; better from pressing teeth together. - Tongue coated yellow; white; dirty. Burning stitches on the tongue. Dryness of the mouth. Taste flat, insipid; first sweetish, then sour; slimy; bitter. Salivation day and night, years after mercury, great weakness, espe- cially of stomach. STOMACH-INo desire for eating or drinking. Desire for various things without knowing what. Longing for acid, fruit, wine. Violent thirst for cold water; drinks often but little at a time. (Acon., Ars., Op., Bry.) - Empty eructations; sour, after milk (Sulph); bitter (Kali c., Nux v.); taste of food. (Calc., Con., Puls.) Sensation of emptiness and qualmishness in stomach. Heavy, long-continued pressure in stomach, after even a small quantity of food. Milk deranges stomach easily. (Sulph.) Pulsations in pit of stomach. (Kali c., Puls., Sepia.) Stomach feels sore as if ulcerated, can not bear the slightest touch. ABDOMEN.—Distention of the abdomen, with a wish to belch up; or a sen- sation in the abdomen, as if it were packed full, not in least relieved by eructations. Abdomen tympan?tic. Fermentation in abdomen from eating fruit. Pain in hepatic region, as from subcutaneous ulceration, very sensitive to touch. Swelling and induration of liver. Swelling, inflammation, induration of spleen. (Natr. m ) Flatulent colic, especially after eating and at night. (Coloc.) Emission of large quantities of flatus; sometimes with griping pains (Aloes.) - Stools.-Diarrhoea; painless; debilitating; from eating fruit; undigested faces (Podo.); black; yellow; thin, watery; involuntary. (Ars.) CINCHONA. 143 Difficult passage of even a soft stool. (Alum.) URINARY ORGANS.–Frequent micturition. Urine dark, turbid, scanty; brick red sediment. (Colch., Nat. m.) MALE SEXUAL ORGANs.-Sexual desire; lascivious fancies. Impotence. Nocturnal emissions, frequent and debilitating. (Gels., Phos., Phos. ac.) Consequences of excessive seminal losses; onanism. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Congestion to the uterus; fullness, pressing and heaviness, worse when walking. Metrorrhagia; blood dark, fainting. Discharge of bloody serum, alternating with pus. Leucorrhoea, instead of or before menses; with spasmodic uterine con- tractions. Nymphomania of lying-in women. (Verat. alb.) RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Hoarse, rough voice. te Spasmodic cough from irritation in larynx, as from fumes of sulphur; at night and in mornings. Cough with granular expectoration during day or evening; none night or morning. Cough worse after eating; from laughing; talking; lying with head low ; lightly touching larynx; draught of air; loss of fluids. Oppression of chest; also evenings when lying down. Nightly suffocation fits; from mucus in larynx. Wheezing and whistling in bronchi during respiration. (Ant. tar., Ipec.) Pressive drawing pain across the lower portion of the chest while sit- ting, causing anxiety; disappearing while standing and walking. Haemoptysis, with subsequent suppuration of lungs; stitches in chest, worse from slight touch. Pain in side of chest, as if beaten. Stitches in left side of chest not affecting respiration. HEART-Palpitation, with congestion to chest and face. BACK.—Pressure as from a stone between the scapulae. Pain in small of back, as from a heavy load, or after long stooping. Intolerable pain in small of back, as from cramp, or as if bruised and crushed; worse from least movement. Sweat on back and neck from least motion. LIMBS.—Laxity of all the limbs, and trembling of the hands. 144 t CINCHONA. Numbness and deadness of the limbs. Heaviness in limbs, especially thighs. Sensible though invisible trembling of limbs, combined with cooling sensation. UPPER LIMBs.-Paralytic, jerking, tearing pains in bones of upper limbs; increased by touch. Hands tremble when writing. Swelling of back of left hand. LOWER LIMBS.—Drawing pains in bones of thigh, as if periosteum had been scraped with a knife. (Phos. ac.) Hot swelling of right knee. Sensation as if garters were too tight, and leg would become stiff and go to sleep. Arthritic swelling of the feet. Rheumatic pains “in metatarsal bones, and plmalanges, worse from motion and contact. Legs feel as after great fatigue from a long journey. GENERALITIES.—Great debility; sensitiveness of the nervous system ; special senses too acute; very sensitive to pain, to draughts of ſtir. (Coffea.) Eaccessive sensitiveness of all the nerves, with a morbid sensation of general weakness. Numbness of the parts on which he lies. Oppression of all parts of the body, as if clothing were too tight. Body sore all over; joints, bones and periosteum feel as if sprained Pains with lameness or weakness of affected parts. Ski N.— Yellow color of the skin; jaundice. SLEEP.—Sleepless from crowding of ideas, making plans. Sleepless, with pressive pain in head; anxiety on waking, from fright- ful dreams. Confused, senseless dreams after midnight. Constant Sopor or unrefreshing sleep. (Op., Lach.) FEVER.—Pulse small, hard, rapid and irregular. Shivering and shaking chill over the whole body; increased by drink- ing; thirst before or after, but not during chill. Internal violent chill, with icy cold hands and feet, and congestion of blood to the head. CI, EMATIS. 145 Heat with dryness of the mouth and lips, which are burning, redness of face, headache. General heat with distended veins. No thirst during chill or heat, after heat violent thirst. Thirst increased during sweat. Perspiration very profuse (t/ld debilitating; especially at night. (Phos., Phos. ac., Sil.) Profuse sweat during sleep, or on being covered up. Perspiration on the side on which he lies. AGGRAVATION.—From slightest touch; from draught of air; in morning; at night; after eating or drinking; from milk; from walking; from motion; every other day. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Debility or other complaints after loss of blood, or other fluids; particularly from nursing or salivation, bleeding, etc.; or from leucorrhoea, night sweats, seminal emissions, onanism, etc. Dropsical affections. Icterus. Chlorosis. Haemorrhages. Rheu- matic, catarrhal and neuralgic affections. Periodical . (ſtfections. Intermittent, bilious, gastric and other fevers, especially of mala- pial origin. Hectic fever. Bilious and gastric disorders. Dyspep- sia. Hepatitis. Enlargement and induration of spleen. Colic, diarrhoea. Bronchial and pulmonary catarrh. Chronic gastritis in children. Compare : Arn., Ars., Bell., Calc., Cedron, Coffea, Fer., Graph., Lyc., Merc., Nat. m., Nux v., Phos., Phos. ac., Puls., Sulph. Antidotes : Arn., Ars., Bell., Calc., Curb. veg., Eupat. perf, Fer., Ipee., Lach., Merc., Nat. m., Nux, Puls., Sep., Sul., Verat. Cinch. Antidotes : Ars., Ipec., Fer., Cupr. CLEMATIS. Clematis recta. Watural Order. Ranunculaceae. Common Name. Upright Virgin’s Bower. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts especially upon the skin, the lymphatic glandular system, and the genito-urinary organs. 10 146 CLEMATIS. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. HEAD.—Eruption on occiput, extending down the neck (Petrol.), moist sore, with crawling and stinging itching; often drying up in scales (Petrol.); itching worse when getting warm in bed (Merc.); only slight temporary relief from scratching. EARS.—Burning pains in the auricles with heat. EYEs—Inflammation of the eyes; smarting and rawness. MoUTH.—Toothache, worse on assuming the horizontal position in bed, better for a short time from cold water, or drawing in the air; worse from warmth of bed (Merc.); from crumb of bread. ABDOMEN.—Increased sensitiveness of both inguinal regions. Swelling and induration of the inguinal glands (Hep., Sil.); with pricking pains. STOOL-Constipation. URINARY ORGANS.–Interrupted flow of urine (Com.), with burning during, but most at the beginning, of micturition, or during the interrup- tions. Long-lasting contraction and constriction of the urethra. MALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Swelling of right half of scrotum (Puls.); testicles relaxed, hanging down. (Sulph.) Painful, inflamed and swollen testicles. (Arn., Con., Staph.) Pain in testicles drawing to spermatic cord. (Rhod., Staph., Spong.) Right spermatic cord sensitive, testicle drawn up. (Bell., Nux v., Plumb., Rhod., Thuj., Zinc. SRIN.—Painful swelling and induration of glands. Moist, itching eczema (Petrol., Graph., Merc.); worse from washing in cold water; from warmth of bed (Merc.); from wet poultices. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Indicated in the foregoing pathogenesis. Compare: Ars., Bry, Calc., Con, Graph, Merc., Petrol., Puls, Rhus., Sil., Sulph. * Antidotes: Bry, for the toothache. Camph. COCCULUS. 147 COCCULUS. Cocculus indicus. Matural Order. Meinspermaceae. Common Wame. Indian Cockle. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts pre-eminently upon the system of animal life, through the motor nervous tract, affecting first the voluntary muscular system and then the sensorium. In the former producing paralysis and tetanic convulsions, in the latter vertigo and confusion. Through the nervous irritation there is also produced a peculiar nausea and faintness, and sense of general prostration, which, in connection with the vertigo, gives a condition quite similar to that of seasickness, and either with or without the vertigo assumes a similarity to many nervous and hysterical affections, which is the most essential feature of the drug's action. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Constant sad thoughts, takes no notice of anything but herself. Anxiety, as if she had committed a great crime. (Verat. alb.) Very sensitive mood; everything worries. Startles very easily. HEAD.—Vertigo, as from intowication (Con), or with inclination to vomit, when raising up in bed (Biy.); must lie down. Sensation of emptiness and hollowness in the head. (Ign, Sep., Puls.) Confusion and stupéfaction of the head, generally increased by eating and drinking. Headache with inclination to vomit. (Nux, Petrol.) Pressive headache, as if the head were compressed by a bandage; or as if screwed together. (Merc.) Headache as if the eyes were being torn out. Headache aggravated after sleeping, eating or drinking (Ign.); from riding in a carriage (Bell.); in the open air; better during rest, and in a warm room. Convulsive trembling of the head, from weakness of the muscles of the neck. 148 COCCULÜS. EYES.–Dimness of vision. Bruised pain in the eyes, with inability to open the lids at night. EARS.–Noise in the ears like the rushing of waters, with hardness of hearing. FACE—Heat in face, and redness of cheeks. (Fer.) Earthy countenance, with painful expression. MoUTH.—Swelling and induration of the submaxillary glands. (Merc.) Dryness of the mouth. (Nux m.) Dry tongue with whitish yellow coat, without thirst. Metallic taste, with loss of appetite. (Ars., Rhus.) Foamy phlegm before the mouth. (Cupr.) THROAT.—Choking constriction in upper part of throat, which impedes breathing and provokes cough. STOMACH.-Eactreme aversion to food, especially acids. Desire for cold drinks, especially beer. Eructations : empty, offensive; bitter; ineffectual. Attacks of nausea increasing to syncope. Unusual nausea and inclination to vomit while riding in a wagon (Ars, Petrol); or from getting cold. Inclination to vomit associated with headache, and pain in intestines as if bruised. Violent cramp of stomach; griping, squeezing, lacerating sensation. (Coloc.) Sensation, as though a Worm were moving in the stomach. ABDoMEN.—Great distention of the abdomen. g Emptiness and sensation of hollowness in the abdomen. Constrictive pºnching in epigastrium, taking away the breath. Spasmodic flatulent colic about midnight; passing flatus without relief; aggravated when coughing. Painful inclination to an inguinal hernia. STool, AND ANU.S.–Contractive pain in rectum, preventing sitting, after. In OOI)S. Stool : soft, thin ; whitish yellow. Hard and difficult evacuations. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.-Menses too early with cramps in the abdomen and colic pºtºns. COCCULUS. 149 Suppression of menses with cramps in chest and fainting nausea. During menses so weak that she can scarcely stand or talk. (Carb. an., Graph., Phos.) Leucorrhoea. ResPIRATORY ORGANs.-Fatiguing cough from oppression of the chest. Contractive tension of right side of chest, taking the breath. Cramps in chest, also hysteric obstruction of breath at pit of throat as from constriction. HEART.-Nervous palpitation of the heart. NECK AND BACK.—Weakness of the cervical muscles; unable to support the head. Painful stiffness in neck when moving it. Paralytic pain in sumall of back. LIMBs.—Trembling of all the limbs. (Ign.) Painful lameness in arms and legs. Feet and hands go to sleep alternately. UPPER LIMBs.—Arthritic hot swelling of the hands. Hands numb and asleep; alternately bot and cold. Low ER LIMBs.—Paralytic immobility of the lower limbs. Paralysis of lower limbs from loins down. Rinees give way; totters while walking. Inflammatory swelling of the knee, with transient stitches. Soles of feet go to sleep while sitting. - GENERALITIES.—Great weakness so it was difficult to stand firmly. Attacks of paralytic weakness, with pain in back. Intolerance of open air, whether cold or warm. Feels too weak to talk loud. Paralytic tearing, digging pains in bones as if beaten. SLEEP.—Sleeplessness; from night watching; from business thoughts; from anxiety and restlessness. Sleep unrefreshing. FEVER.—Alternation of heat and chilliness. Burning, heat and redness of cheeks. AGGRAVATIONS.—All the symptoms and pains, especially in the head, are aggravated by drinking, eating, sleeping, talking, riding in a carriage, Smoking, exertion, and by cold air. 150 COFFEA CBUDA, THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Affections caused by the motions of a carriage Swing or ship. Melancholia. Nervous weakness. Paralysis. Con- vulsions. Syncope. Hysteria. Nervous fevers. Gastric and bilious affections. Dyspepsia. Arthritis. Hernia. Conditions—Most often indicated in women and children. - Comparé: Ant. tart., Ars., Bell., Cham., Coff, Cupr., Ign., Ipec., Lyc., Nux v., Petrol º Phos., Puls., Rhus., Sil., Verat. Antidotes : Camph., Cham., Cupr., Ignat., Nua, v. Oocculus Antidotes : Alcohol, Cham., Cupr., Ign., Nux v.; while Coffee is noxious to it. h COFFEA CRUDA. We Coffea arabica. Watural Order. Rubiaceae. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Coffea irritates the cerebro-spinal nerves, producing excitation of the special senses and of all the organic functions, the former becoming highly acute and sensitive, and the nervous activity of the latter morbidly in- creased. Hence the general condition is one of high nervous excitement, or exaltation of both mind and body, both cerebral and organic manifestations. Therefore, we find its chief char- acteristics to be a morbid excitation of the special senses, great sensitiveness to pain, and sleeplessness from excitement, one or more of which conditions are always present. - CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Greatest mental activity (Lach); full of ideas; quick to act; no sleep on this account. (Cinch.) Pºtºns seem insupportable (Cham.); driving to despair. All senses more acute, reads fine print easier; hearing, Smell, taste and touch acute, particularly alsº an increased perception of slight pas- sive motions. (Cinch.) HEAD.—Dizziness and confusion of head. Headache, as if the brain were torn or dashed to pieces. COFFEA CRUDA. 151 One-sided headache, as from a nail driven into the parietal bone, worse in the open air. (Ign.) Headache Worse after eating; disappears in open air; returns after en- tering the room. (Puls.) EYES.—-Power of vision increased. EARS.—Hearing more acute. NOSE.-Sense of smell more acute. FACE.-Dry Reat of the face with red cheeks. MOUTII.—Toothache relieved only by ice or ice-cold water. (Bry., Puls.) Taste more acute. - STOMACH.-Great hunger before meals; hasty, eager eating. ABDOMEN.—Abdominal pains, as if abdomen would burst, driving to des. peration. - RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Roughness and hoarseness in larynx, in the morning on waking. (Caust., Phos.) Oppression of the chest; short inspirations. Spasmodic, dry hacking cough. & GENERALITIES.— Would like to scratch or rub the part, but it is too sensi- tive. Physical excitement through mental exaltation. Fainting from sudden emotions. Convulsions after over excitement. (Gels.) Pains insupportable, driving to despair. SLEEP.-Sleeplessness from eaces8've mental and physical elecitement. FEVER.—Chilliness increased by every movement. Internal chilliness, with external heat of face and body. SKIN.—Measly spots on the skin, with dry heat; over excitability and weeping. - THERAPeutic RANGE-Affections after sudden emotions; particularly sudden pleasurable surprises. Excessive nervous excitability. Ex- cessively painful neuralgia. Toothache. Sleeplessness. Hysteria. CONDITIONS.—Aversion to open air, which aggravates the symptoms. Compare : Acon., Ars., Bell., Bry., Caust., Cinch., Cham, Cocc., Hyosc., Ign., Lyc., Nua, v., Op., Puls., Sepia. Antidotes: Acon., Cham., Ignat., Nua, v., Puls. 152 tº COLCHICUM. Chronic affections from abuse of coffee require Cham., Ign., Merc., Nux v., Sulph. Coffea Antidotes : Cham, Coloc., Nux. Noxious to it are Canth., Caust., Cocc. and Ignatia. COLOHIOUM. Colchicum autumnale. Matural Order. Liliaceae. Common Mame. Meadow saffron. GENERAL ANALYsis.-Acts upon the cerebro-spinal and ganglionic nervous systems, irritating the nerve centres and producing convulsions, cramps, neuralgia, paralytic conditions, and debility. As a result of this primary action on the ner- vous system, Colchicum finds its most important action exerted on the periosteum and synovial membranes (especially of the small joints), on the urinary and digestive tracts, and to some extent upon the respiratory organs. The secretions of all mucous surfaces are altered and increased, and the general condition throughout strikingly resembles an arthritic inflam- mation. The chief peculiarity of the drug is its tearing pains with intolerable exacerbations at night. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Peevish; nothing satisfies him. External impressions, such as bright light, strong odors, contact, mis- deeds of others, make him quite beside himself. HEAD.—Pressure in the head, especially in the occiput, and deep in cere- bellum. Boring headache, especially over the eyes. (Coloc.) Creeping sensation in the forehead, and over the head. EYEs.—Inflammation of the eyes, dim sightedness, watering of the eyes, white spot on cornea. - EARs.—Earache, with lacerating pains. Nos.E.—Excessive acuteness of smell, (Coff, Bell., Hep., Lyc.) COLCHICU M. 153 Sore pain in the septum. Nosebleed, evenings. FACE.-Sickly, sad, suffering expression. Drawing, tearing pains in muscles and bones of face. Tingling in face, as after being frosted. (Agar.) MoUTH.—Tongue coated white. Tongue heavy, stiff and insensible. (Con.) Toothache with tearing pains; teeth sensitive. Inflammation of mucous membranes of mouth and throat. Profuse flow of saliva with dryness of throat. THROAT.—Inflammation and redness of the palate and fauces. STOMACH.—Aversion to food; loathing the sight and still more the smell of it. Great thirst, but no appetite. Eructations with burning in the stomach. Every motion excites or renews the vomiting; can not sit erect. (Bry.) Womiting of food or bile. Epigastrium extremely sensitive to the touch. (Bell.) The stomach feels icy cold. Violent burning in the epigastrium. (Ars.) ABDOMEN.—Great distension of the abdomen, as if had eaten too much. (Lyc.) Griping pains in abdomen. (Coloc.) STool, AND ANUs.-Very offensive flatus in the evening. Spasms in the sphincter, with a shuddering over the back. Unsatisfactory urging to stool; relieved by passing flatus. Violent tenesſm iſs. Stools: bilious, then mixed with membranous pieces; slimy and bloody; frequent orange yellow, slimy, with bright yellow flakes; copious yellow coating; transparent, gelatinous (Aloes, Hell., Kali b.); very membranous mucus, relieving the colºc. (Coloc.) Discharges contain large quantities of small, white, shreddy particles. (Canth.) URINARY ORGANs.-Scanty discharge of dark, turbid urine, with tenesmus and burning. Bloody urine with strangury. (Canth.) Whitish sediment in the urine. 154 * COLCHICUM. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Difficult breathing and oppression of the chest. Night cough, with involuntary spurting out of urine. (Caust.) Lacerating, tearing pains in chest. - - HEART.-Violent palpitation. NECK AND BACK.—Rheumatic tearing, drawing pains in neck and back. LIMBS.—Tearing pains in muscles and joints. Numbness and prickling of hands and feet. UPPER LIMBS.— Paralytic pain, in arms, so violent that he can not hold the slightest thing firmly. * Rheumatic pains in arms extending into the fingers, especially finger joints. (Bry., Caul.) • LOWER LIMBS.—Rheumatic pains in legs extending to toes. Cramps in the legs. (Edematous swelling of legs and feet. (Ars.) Tingling in toes as after being frosted. GENERALITIES.–Great evhaustion and weakness, as after exertion. Sudden and extreme prostration. Very sensitive to slightest touch. Paralytic feeling with the pains, and real paralysis. Tearing, tensive pains, quickly changing location. (Puls.) SLEEP.—Drowsiness during the day. SKIN.—Tingling here and there, as after being frozen. (Agar. m.) FEVER.—Coldness and chilliness running through all the limbs; Clown the back. At night dry heat with excessive thirst. Suppression of perspiration. AGGRAVATION.—At night; from motion. (Bry.) Better during repose. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-In rheumatic and arthritic affections. In paralysis. Dropsy of cavities and internal organs, especially hydropericardium; hydrothorax; ascites; hydrometra. CEdema. Anasarca. Diarrhoea. Dysentery. Compare: Acon., Actea, Arn, Bell., Bry., Cocc., Merc., Nux v., Op., Puls., Rhus, Sepia, Werat. alb. Antidotes : Bell., Camph., Cocc., Nux v., Spig., Puls. To large doses: Am. caust., a few drops in sugar water. COLOCYNTHIS. 15 5 COLOCYNTHIS. Cucumis colocynthis. Matural Order. Cucurbitaceae. Common Names. Squirting Cucumber. Bitter Apple. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Colocynth acts especially upon the ganglionic nervous system, more particularly upon the tri- geminus, the solar plexus, the lumbar and femoral nerves, and the tissues which these nerves supply. The condition produced is one of irritation resulting in neuralgia, and at times passing into a true inflammation. This latter is partic- ularly the case in the profound action had upon the alimentary canal through the Solar plexus, giving rise to vomiting, purg- ing and an intense griping colic, which is the most important action of the drug. Through the trigeminus we obtain neural- gic affections of the face, eyes and head, due entirely to func- ‘tional derangements of its sentient extremities, and through the lumbar and crural nerves we get sciatica and other neuralgic affections. The chief characteristic of Coloc. is its severe colicky pains, obliging the patient to bend double, and worse in any other position. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Disinclined to talk, to answer, to see friends. (Gels.) Extremely irritable and morose; impatient; easily offended. (Nux.v.) Anger with indignation. HEAD.—Pressive frontal headache, worse while stooping or lying on the back. Painful tearing, digging through the whole brain, becoming intolerable when moving the upper lid. Severe boring in right side of forehead. Boring stitches in right temple, disappearing on touch. Pressing and dull throbbing in left temple, growing gradually more acute and cutting. EYES.–Painful pressure in eyeballs, especially on stooping. Pain in the eyes; sharp cutting in right eyeball. 156 COLOCYNTHIS. FACE.-Dark redness of the face. (Bap, Op.) - Constriction and pressing in left malar bone, extending to left eye. Left-sided tearing or burning and stinging pains, extending to ear and head. Tearing pains in cheeks. (Merc.) MoUTH.—Persistent bitter, disgusting taste. (Bry., Podo., Puls.) Burning of tip of tongue. STOMACII.-Violent thirst. Empty eructations. Nausea rising from the stomach. Vomiting of bitter tasting, yellow fluid. Griping in epigastrium after each meal, worse towards evening. Cramp in stomach at night, relieved by eructations. ABDOMEN.—Abdomen distended and painful. Terrible, contractive, twisting, grºping, cutting pains, mostly about the wmbºlicus; has to bend double, being worse in every other posture (reverse, Bell.); great restlessness and loud screaming on changing position; worse at intervals of five or ten minutes; discharge of stool or flatu- lence affords temporary relief. Colic so distressing that they seek relief by pressing the corner of a table or head of bed post against the abdomen. Feeling in the abdomen (ts ºf the intestines were being squeezed between Storvé8. Isolated deep stitches, sometimes in left, at others in right flank, appar- ently connected with the ovaries. Coffee, and tobacco smoking relieves the pains in the bowels; every other food or drink aggravates. STool, AND ANUs.-Frequent excessive urgin g to stool, with sensation as if anus and rectum were weakened by long-continued diarrhoea. Dysentery-like diarrhoea renewed after taking the least food or drink. (Ars., Croton, Ferr.) Stools : copious fecal, with great discharge of wind; bloody; fluid after eating, with much flatulence and pain in abdomen; thin, frothy, saffron yellow, of musty odor. Constipation, hard stools; as if passing stones. URINARY ORGANS.—Sudden violent pressure upon the bladder, which was full, passed off suddenly on the emission of flatus. COLOCYNTHIS. 157 Frequent urging to urinate, with seanty emission. Urine like brown beer, becoming turbid soon as cold, depositing copious sediment. Thick; foetid, viscid, jelly-like urine. FEMALE SExUAL, ORGANs.-Cramp-like pain in left ovarian region, as though the parts were squeezed in a vise. Intense boring or tensive pain in the ovary, causing her to draw up double, with great restlessness. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Frequent tickling and irritation in larynx induces cough at night. Oppression of the chest. NECK AND BAck.—Feeling of stiffness in muscles of the nape, when moving the head. (Rhus.) Violent tensive drawing in left cervical muscles, worse on motion. Pressure in left side of nape, worse from turning. Drawing pain, internally, in region of right scapula, as if the nerves and vessels were made tense. Tensive sticking in the right loin, only during inspiration (Bry.), most violent when lying on the back. Painful lassitude in small of back, and lower extremities in the even- ing. LIMBs.—Rheumatic, tearing, drawing pains in all the limbs. (Bry., Led.) Low ER LIMBS.–Crampy pain in hip joint, as though the parts were screwed in a vise, with pains extending from the lumbar region down to the legs. Drawing, twitching, with dull throbbing in region of left hip, and in right loin. Pain in right thigh only when walking, as if the psoas magnus were too short. Drawing pain in right thigh, down to the knee. Cramp in the left calf. Drawing aching in the left foot. GENERALITIES.—Great tendency to painful cramps and cramp-like contrac- tions in all the muscles of the body. (Cupr.) Fainting, with coldness of external parts. Tearing shootings traversing the whole length of the body. 158 CONIUM. FEVER.—Feeling of coldness in the whole body. External dry heat. Nocturnal sweat, smelling like urine. AGGRAVATIONs.—At rest; from motion; after eating and drinking; from anger. AMELIORATION.—From discharge of flatus; from coffee; from smoking; from bending double; from hard pressure. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Bad effects from anger, with indignation. Diar- rhoea. Dysentery. Colic. Cramps. Hip disease. Neuralgia, espe- cially facial neuralgia, and sciatica, Ovarian affections (neuralgic). Rheumatic and arthritic conditions. Compare : Bell., Bry., Caust., Cham, Chel., Cocc., Coff, Lyc., Merc., Nux v., Puls., Staph. - Antidotes : Camph., Caust., Cham., Coff., Staph. To large doses: tepid milk, infusion of galls, Camph., Opi. Coloe. Antidotes : Caust. CONIUM. Conium maculatum. Matural Order. Umbelliferae. Common Name. Poison Hemlock. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts upon the motor nervous tract, especially the peripheral extremities of the nerves, producing paralytic conditions, and affecting in a remarkable degree the glandular system, causing engorgements and indurations, and altering the structure of the glandular substance. In this lat- ter condition we find its chief action, rendering it of essential value in scrofulous and cancerous affections. The main pecu- liarity of Conium is its adaptability to the diseases of old peo- ple—especially old men. - CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Ill-humored and morose. (Bry., Nux.) Hypochondriacal depression and indifference. (Phos. ac.) CONIUM. 159 Inability to susta in any mental effort. (Phos. ac.) Want of memory. (Nux m., Phos. ac.) Disinclination for business. * Dullness, difficulty in understanding what he is reading. Averse to being near people, or hearing them talk. (Ign.) HEAD.—Vertigo, particularly when lying down, and when turning over in bed; on rising from bed in morning; when walking. Constant confusion in region of eyebrows and root of nose. Stitching pain in forehead, from within outward; mornings or at noon. (Kali. c.) Tearing headache; must lie down. Numbness, with sensation of coldness, in one side of the head. Sensation in right half of brain, as of a large foreign body. Pain in the occiput, with every pulse, as if pierced with a knife. EYEs.—Weakness of vision. Weakness and dazzling of the eyes, together with giddiness and de- bility, especially of (trºms and legs; on tPalking, staffffering, as if drunken. Burning in the eyes. (Ars.) Burning on inner surface of lids. Could scarcely raise the lids, they seemed pressed down by a heavy weight (Caust.); disposed to fall asleep. (Nux m.) Sluggish adaptation of the eye to varied range of vision. EARS.—Tinging, humming, and roaring in the ears. (Cinclu.) Stitches in and around the ears. Ears feel as if stopped up, on blowing the nose. Blood-red ear wax. MOUTH.—Drawing pain in teeth; from eating or drinking cold things. Difficult speech. STOMACHI.-Offensive eructations. Violent vomiting; like coffee grounds. Violent pain in stomach; pressing, burning, squeezing, lancinating. (Ars.) ABDOMEN.--Stitches in the hepatic region. (Bry, Kali. c.) Lancinations in the abdomen, as if knives were plunged in. (Coloc., Werat.) 160 - CONIUM. Stitches extending from the abdomen to the right side of chest. Cutting in abdomen, before the emission of flatus. Aching pain in hypogastrium. Forcing-down feeling in hypogastrium. * Contractive pains in lower abdomen, like after-pains, with urging to StG Ol. • STooi...—Frequent ineffectual urging to stool. Stools: undigested, painless (Cinch.); liquid, mixed with hard por- tions. Tremulous weakness after every stool. URINARY ORGANs.--Frequent micturition at night. Burning during and after urination. The flow of urºne suddenly stops, and continues again after at short inter- 'ruption. MALE SExUAL ORGANS.-Sea:ual desºre without erections. Emission even whºle frolicking with a woman. Discharge of prostatic fluid on every change of emotion, without voluptuous thoughts, with itching of the prepuce. Swelling of the testes. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Severe itching deep in the vagina. Leucorrhoea: with weakness and paralyzed sensation in small of back before the discharge; thick, milky, with contractive labor-like pain, coming from both sides; of white acid mucus, causing burning. (Kreos., Puls.) Indurations of uterus; of ovaries; of breasts. Lancinating pains. Soreness and swelling of the breasts preceding menses. * Shriveling of the mammae, with increased sexual desire. (Iod.) RESPIRATORY ORGANS.—A dry spot in the larnyw, where there is a crawling, and almost a constant irritation to a dry cough. Violent spasmodic dry cough, almost only when first lying down during day or at night. (Hyos., Puls.) The clothes lie like a weight on the chest and shoulders. Sharp thrusts directly through the chest, from sternum to spine, while sitting. Violent stitches in right chest, about the nipple, on every inspiration (Kali. c.); while walking, relieved by hard pressure with the hand. CROCUS. 161 HEART.—Palpitation; beats intermit. (Dig., Nat. m.) LIMBs.—Trembling of all the limbs. Difficulty in using limbs; unable to walk. GENERALITIES.—Sudden loss of strength while walking. Exhaustion and faintness, as if paralyzed. Sick and faint early in the morning in bed. Swelling of the glands, with tingling and stitches; after contusions and bruises. AGGRAVATIONS.—At night; during rest; while eating; when lying down. Better from motion, especially from walking. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Bad effects from suppressed sexual desire, or from excessive indulgence. Affections, especially of glands, from con- tusions and bruises. Indurations, enlargements, and scirrhosities of glands. Hysteria. Hypochondria. Scrofula. Cancer. Traumatic cataract. Gravel. Diabetes. Dyspepsia. Bronchitis. Asthma. Whooping cough. Paralysis. CONDITIONS.—Suitable for old people; old men; old maids; for women with tight, rigid fibre; for scrofulous and cancerous people; children who are prematurely old. Compare: Ars., Bell., Bary. c., Calc., Dig., Dulc., Gels., Hyosc., Iod, Lyc., Merc., Nit. ac., Nux. v., Phos., Rhus., Puls., Sepia, Sil., Sulph. Antidotes : Coffea, Nit. ac., Nitr. sp. dulc. (Vinum.) Con. Antidotes : Nit. ac. CROCUS. Crocus sativus. Matural Order. Iridaceae. Common Mame. Saffron. GENERAL ANALYSIs.—Acts upon the cerebro-spinal sys- tem, producing in the brain irritation and congestion, and causing hysterical mania. It also produces congestion of the womb and metrorrhagia. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. MIND.—Wascillating mood; angry and soon repents of it; depression and hilarity; ill humor, then lively. (Cycl., Plat., Stram., Wal.) 11 162 CROCUS. Gay and pleasant mania; strong desire to sing, laugh immoderately, and jest. t HEAD.—Sudden broad thrust deep into the brain in right temples, or above left frontal eminence, causing him to start. EYES.—Must wink and wipe the eyes frequently, as though a film of mucus were over them. (Puls.) * . Feeling as of biting smoke in the eyes. The light seems dimmer than usual, as if obscured by a veil. (Phos., Puls., Sulph.) Feeling as though water were constantly coming into the eyes. Feeling in the eyes like after much weeping. Sore #urning in eyes after reading; also dimness; must wink fre- quently. Inclined to press the lids tightly together from time to time. NOSE.-Epistaa's of very tenacious, thick black blood, with cold sweat on the forehead in large drops. STOMACH.—Excessive thirst for cold drinks. Eructations. Sensation as if somethºng living were jumping about in pit of stomach and 'abdomen, with nausea and shivering. ANUs.-Sensitive dull, long Stitch near left side of anus, from time to time. Intolerable writhing in the anus. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.–Sensation as if the menses would appear; with colic and pressing towards genitals. - Metrorrhagia of dark, viscèd, stringy blood in black clots (Cycl.); worse from slightest motion. - RESPIRATORY ORGANs..—Very violent attack of exhausting, dry cough. Offensive, sickly odor of the breath. Dull stitches in the left chest. GENERALITIES.–Sensation as of something living jumping in various parts. Bleeding from different parts, blood, black, viscid, clotted. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Chorea. Hysterical affections. Active hamor. rhages. Metrorrhagia. - Compare: Acon, Bell, Calc., Ipec., Ign., Nux, Op., Plat., Puls., Rhus., Sep., Sulph. Antidotes : Acon., Bell., Op. CROTON TIGLIUM. 163 CROTON TIGLIUM. Matural Order. Euphorbiaceae. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts especially upon the mucous lining of the intestinal tract and upon the skin. In the former producing a transudation of the watery portions of the blood, causing copious watery diarrhoea, and on the latter developing a true eCZema. - * g CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. EYEs—Copious lachrymations. (Euph.) EARs—Spasmodic, twinging pains, deep within the left ear. (Stram.) STOMACH.—Sensation of emptiness in the stomach. (Sep.) Sinking in stomach, and Sensation of weakness. (Ign., Sulph) ABDOMEN.—Abdomen full and distended, with griping pain about the navel. Unpleasant sensation of emptiness and hunger (Podo.); rumbling in the abdomen. Gurgling in the intestines, as though only water were in them; mostly on left side. - Swashing ºn the Žntestºnes, (ts from water. STool, AND ANUS.—Flatulence, soon followed by urgent desire for stool. (Aloe.) Evacuation sudden, and with much flatus. (Aloe) Upon pressure at the umbilicus, a painful sensation is felt down to the (tnus, where there is a constant pressure outwards. Dragging in the anus as if diarrhoea would easily ensue. Pain in the anus as if a plug were forcing outwards. tº Constant urg?ng to stool, followed by sºldden pasty, offensive evacuation of a dirty green color, which is forcibly shot out of the rectum. Stool very thin, like yellowish water, forcibly evacuated. Painless, watery diarrhoea. (Ars., Cinch.) MALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Frequent corrosèbe itching in the glans and &C7'Oţ71777. º Scrotum shriveled, itching severely, disturbing the sleep; better from scratching, which, however, caused a voluptuous sensation. \64 CUPRUM METALLICUM. Corrosive itching pain in the scrotum, worse while walking; redness of the part. g Vesicular eruption on the scrotum and penis. (Rhus.) RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Feels as though he could not expand the lungs. Feeling of fulness in both sides of chest, with burning stitches in left thorax, and toward both Scapulae. SKIN.—Red, moist spot; exuding an offensive moisture, on left thigh opposite the scrotum; painfully sore to touch, and on walking. Itching and painful burning, with redness of the skin; formation of vesicles and pustules; dessication of the pustules; desoluamation and falling off of the pustules. (Ant. tart., Rhus., Sulph.) Itching pustules. (Sulph.) FEvKR.—Coldness of feet extending as far up as calves. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Diarrhoea. Summer complaint. Eczema. Pus- tular eruptions. Compare : Anac., Apis., Colch., Rhus., Werat. Croton, tig. Antidotes : Rhus tox poisoning. CUPRU M METALLIOUM. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Cuprum acts prominently upon the alimentary canal, producing symptoms of gastro-intestinal inflammation, colic, diarrhoea, vomiting, etc. Secondarily, it affects profoundly the nerve centres, giving rise to spasmodic affections, cramps, convulsions and paralysis. The chief char- acteristic of the drug is that its symptoms are disposed to ap- pear periodically and in groups. * CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Anguish with restless tossing about. (Ac., Ars.) Paroxysms of deathly anxiety. HEAD.—Wertigo on looking up, as if the head would fall forward, with vanishing of vision, as though a veil were before the eyes. Bruised pain in the brain, and also in the orbits, on turning the eye. (Hell.) CUPRUM METALLICU M. 165 Strange tingling in the vertex. Crawling sensation in the vertex. EYES.—Light obscured. Pressing pain in the eyes. Pain in orbits, as if bruised, on turning the eyes. (Hell.) Convulsive and restless movements of the eye. (Gels.) EARS.—Distant drumming in the ear upon which he is lying, in the morn- ing, in bed, always disappearing on rising. Boring in and behind the ear. FACE.--Bluish face, with blue lips. (Lach.) ** * Face pale; anxious, dejected expression. (Ars.) Spasmodic distortion of the face. - THROAT.—Audible gurgling of the drink passing down the oesophagus. Sense of constriction and acute pain in throat. STOMACH.—Excessive nausea. Frequent ineffectual attempts to vomit. Womiting is relieved by drinking cold water. (Bry.) Pressure in pit of stomach; aggravated by touch and by movement. Violent pressure at stomach, with contractive pains at intervals. ABDOMEN.—Abdomen tense, hot and tender to touch. Abdomen drawn in and sore to touch. Spasmodic movements of the abdominal muscles. Wºolent intermittent colic. STOOL.—Painful green stools, with violent cutting and tenesmus. (Merc.) Violent watery diarrhoea. (Cinch., Podo.) URINARY ORGANS.—Wetting the bed at night. (Gels., Puls., Sepia.) RESPIRATORY ORGANS.—Cough, with interrupted, almost suppressed respir- ation. Very fatiguing cough, with discharge of bloody mucus from the Il OS62. Painful contraction of the chest, especially after drinking. Spasmodic attacks of dyspnoea; the chest feels constricted, respiration is difficult, even to suffocation. LIMBs.—Cramps in all the limbs. (Sulph.) UPPER LIMBS.—Jerking in the arms and hands. 166 CYCLAMEN, LOWER LIMBs.—Weakness of the knees, with painful drawing when walk- ing and standing, which is very difficult; the knees will give way. Spasms and cramps in the calves. (Stram., Verat.) Painful heaviness in the ankle. GENERALITIES.—Nervous trembling, with great acuteness and sensitiveness of the senses. (Coff.) Contraction of muscles and tendoms. Clonic spasms; accompanying brain affections. (Bell., Hyos., Ign, Stram., Verat.) Epileptiform convulsions; trembling, tottering and falling unconscious without a scream; frothing from the mouth; followed by headache. Eclampsia of children during dentition. AGGRAVATION.—By contact; from vomiting. AMELIORATION.—From drinking cold water. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Bad effects from repercussed eruptions; brain affec tions, convulsions, etc.; also the same during dentition. Spasmodic affections, cramps, convulsions. Epilepsy. Chorea. Paralysis. Mania. Whooping cough, Laryngismus stridulous. Spasmodic asthma. Asiatic cholera. Spasmodic colic. Gastro-intestinal inflam- mation. .” w Gompare : Ars, Bell., Calc., Cinch., Coc., Hep., Ipec., Nux v., Puls., Stram., Sulph., Verat. Antidotes : Aur., Bell., Camph., Cinch., Con., Cocc., Dulc., IIep, Ipec., Nux v., Merc. To large doses: Sugar; white of an egg; Iron. Sulphur. Hepar. Cupr. Antidotes : Aur., Op. CYCLAMEN. Cyclamen europaeum. Matural Order. Primulaceae. Common Mame. Sow-bread. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Acts upon the cerebro-Spinal sys- tem, affecting the sensorium, the eyes, the gastro-intestinal canal, and more especially the female sexual organs, as indi- cated in the following pathogenesis : CYCLA.M.E.N. 167 CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Ill-humored, morose; easily offended. (Nux. vom.) Disinclination for all kinds of work. (Cinch., Nux. v.) HEAD.—Great confusion of the head; in the evening with vertigo. |Wertigo : with pain in the forehead, towards evening. Congestion of blood to the head. Violent headache, with flickering before the eyes, on rising in the morn- 2nſ/. EYES.–Dimness of vision, and spots before the eyes (Merc., Sulph.), espe- cially on wakinſ/. Flickering before the eyes, as of various colors; glittering needles, fiery specks and sparks. (Phos.) Dâmness of vision, as of smoke or fog before the eyes. (Bell., Phos., Plumb.) Burning of the eyes and flickering of the light on attempting to read. Diplopia, swelling of the upper lids. (Rhus., Sulph. NOSE,-Frequent sneezing. MOUTH.—Saliva increased; tastes pasty. Salòed and food have a salty taste. Food tastes flat, almost tasteless. STOMACII.-Little hunger or appetite; no desire for breakfast or supper. Entire loss of appetite. Aversion to bread (Nat. m.) and butter. No thirst during day, but thirsty in evening. Eructations: with oppressive sensation in stomach ; tasting sour; with hiccough. Nausea and qualmishness after eating. Nausea after eating fat food. (Puls.) Fullness and pressure of pit of stomach, as if overloaded. STOOL-Diarrhoea; renewed after drinking coffee. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Menses too early and too profuse. (Calc.) Menstruſil blood black, clotted (Crocus), and membranous. Menses suppressed, scanty or painful. (Actea, Puls.) RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Violent suffocatiye cough, from tickling and scraping in larynx, especially at night; worse during sleep. 168 DIGITALIS. GENERALITIES.–Great weakness and prostration. Violent, pressive frontal headache. Enervation of whole body; burdensome to move even a limb. Great uneasiness and restlessness at night. SLEEP.—Restless, uneasy sleep; full of dreams. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Gastric affections. Menorrhagia. Amenorrhoea. CONDITIONS.—Very similar in its action to Pulsatilla. Compare : Bell., Lyc., Rhus., Sepia, Sulph., Puls., Crocus. Antidotes : Camph., Coff., Puls. * DIGITALIS. Digitalis purpurea. Natural Order. Scrophulariaceae. Common Wame. Fox Glove. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Digitalis acts profoundly upon the muscular substance of the heart and arteries through the pneumogastric and the vaso-motor nerves, producing debility of these tissues even to paralysis, causing a depression of the circulation, and an intermission of the beats of the pulse. It also secondarily produces functional derangements of the brain, the kidneys, and the digestive apparatus. The chief characteristic of Digitalis is its extremely slow, intermittent pulse. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. MIND–Great anariety. (Ac.) Apprehensive, sad, with great depression, extremely aggravated by music. (Sabina.) Thinking difficult, and weakness of memory. (Am. C., Kreos., Phos. ac.) HEAD.—Confusion and heaviness of the head. Vertigo : with anxiety and faintness; on rising from sitting (Acon); with very slow pulse. Head constantly falls backward while sitting and walking, as from paralysis of cervical muscles. Sudden cracking noise in the head, during siesta, with starting, as in a fright. DIGITALIS. 169 Throbbing headache in the forehead. (Bell., Cinch.) EYEs.—Pupils dilated and insensible. (Bell., Op.) Objects appear either green or yellow. Inflammation of the meibomian glands. (Puls., Rhus., Sulph.) Agglutination of the lids in the morning. (Calc., Caust., Lyc. Sulph.) EARS.–Hissing in both ears, as from boiling water. FACE.-Face pale; sickly, death-like expression. (Ars.) STOMACH,-Loss of appetite. - - Eactreme thºrst. Deathly nausea (Ant. tart., Ipec., Lob.); vomiting. Faintness or sinking at the stomach, feels as if he were dying. Extreme anxiety in the epigastrium. Extreme sensitiveness in epigastrium. Stool-Constipation. Ash-colored diarrhoea. (Kali. c.) URINARY ORGANs.—Constant urging to urinate, with scanty discharge. Frequent urination at night. Urine scanty, dark, turbid. (Canth.) MALE SEXUAL ORGANS.–Copious nocturnal emissions. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Frequent painless hoarseness. Respºration ºrregular, difficult; performed by frequent deep sighs. Suffocative painful constriction of the chest, as if internal parts were grown together. Dry spasmodic cough. Expectoration of blood, or streaked with blood. HEART AND PULSE.-Uneasiness in region of heart, with sensation of weak- sness in fore-arm. Sudden sensation as though the heart stood still, with great anariety. Heart’s action feeble; beats are more frequent and intermittent, sometimes *rregular. Thready, slow, intermittent pulse. Irregular; small. Ea:tremely slow pulse. (Cann. ind.) Low ER LIMBS.–Infiltration of lower extremities. Lassitude in legs and knees. GENERALITIES.–Great weakness and sinking of strength. 170 DROSERA, Faintness; feeling of great debility. SLEEP.—Uneasy, unrefreshing sleep. Frequent waking, as ſrom anxiety. FEVER.—Great coldness of the skin. Coldness of the extremitºes. Cold, clammy, copious perspiration. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.--Organic affections of the heart. Hydrothorax. Em- physema. Pericarditis. Aneurism. Cyanosis. Dropsical affections. Gastric and bilious affections. Jaundice. ('ompare : Ant. tart., Ars., Bell., Bry., Cinch., Con., Lyc., Nux v., Op., Puls., Sepia, Spig., Sulph. Antidotes: Camph., Nux. v., Op. To large doses : Sweet milk with Foenum græcum; vegetable acids, vinegar, infusion of galls, ether, Camphor. Diff. Antidotes: Wine. DROSERA. Drosera rotundifolia. Wataural Order. Droseraceae. Common Wame. Round-leaved Sundew. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Through its influence on the pneu- mo-gastric nerve, Drosera acts powerfully upon the respiratory system, producing as its most characteristic effect a spasmodic dry cough, simulating that of whooping cough. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. HEAD.—Pressive pains in the head, especially in forehead and cheek bones. IIYPOCIIONDRIA.—Constrictive pain in both hypochondria, which impedes coughing; must support with the hands when coughing. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Bruised feeling in the larynx while inhaling. Hoarseness and very low voice. Oppression, with every word he speaks the throat contracts; no dyspnoea when walking. Chest and throat symptoms worse from talking. (Caust, Phos) The paroxysms of cough follow each other 80 violently that he is scarcely able to get his breath. DULCAMARA. 171 Cough at night; in evening immediately after lying down; waking at 2 A. M. (Am. C., Kali c.) Dry spasmodic cough, with inclination to vomit. Vomiting of food during the cough and afterward. (Ant. tart., Ipec.) Cough with purulent or bloody expectoration. (Cinch., Lyc., Phos., Sil) Rough, Scraping, dry sensation deep in the fauces, and in soft palate, causing at hacking cough, with a yellow mucous eaſpectoration (Puls.), ſtud hoarsené88, the cočce having at deep bass sound, together with oppres- Sion of the chest, as if the air was withheld on talking and coughing, so that the breath could not be capired. TIIERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Only prominently useful in respiratory affections, especially catarrhal difficulties, hoarseness, laryngitis, whooping Cough, etc. Compare : Ac., Am. C., Calc., Cupr., Hep., Hyos., Ipec., Nux v., Puls., Rhus, Sil., Sul., Verat. Antidotes : Camph. DULCAMARA. Solanum dulcamara. Matural Order. Solanaceae. Common Mame. Bitter Sweet. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts especially upon the mucous membranes and the muscular tissues, giving rise to catarrhal inflammations, and symptoms like to those which result from exposure to damp, rainy weather. It also acts upon the lym- phatics, and the skin, producing glandular enlargements, cel- lular effusions and eruptions. The leading peculiarity of the drug is the aggravation of its symptoms in damp cold weather. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Can not find the right word for a thing. Inclination to scold without being angry. Restless and impatient. Quarrelsome mood. (Bry.) 172 DULCAMARA. HEAD.—On awaking in the morning, giddy and dizzy, dark before the eyes, trembling and weakness. Dullness and painful stupefaction of the head. Heaviness in the head. Boring pain in the temples. Thick crusts on the scalp, causing the hair to fall out. (Graph., Merc.) EARS.–Stitches in the meatus auditorius and parotid gland. NOSE.-Nosebleed; blood bright red and hot (Bell., Fer.); with pressure above the nose. (Ac., Ham.) Dry coryza, aggravated in the cold air. FACE.-Faceache and asthma, after disappearance of tetters in the face. Thick brown yellow crusts on the face, forehead and chin. (Lyc.) MoUTH.—Mouth and tongue dry. Accumulation of Saliva. Tongue and jaws become lame if cold air or water chills him. Paralysis of the tongue. (Gels.) STOMACH.-Aversion to food. Burning thirst for cold drinks. Nausea; vomiting. ABDOMEN.—Colic, as from taking cold. Colic, as if diarrhoea would occur. Swelling of the inguinal glands from a cold. (Merc.) STool, AND ANUS.–Desire for stool in evening, with griping in lower abdo- men, followed by large thin, sour-smelling stool, which relieves but weakens. Alternately yellow and greenish diarrhoea. Yellow watery diarrhauſt, with teſtring, cutting colºc before every evacua- tion, as after taking cold. (Coloc.) Diarrhoea or dysentery from damp, cold weather. (Merc.) URINARY ORGANs.--Catarrh of the bladder. Burning in the meatus while urinating. |Urine turbid and white. Involuntary discharge of urine. Strangury; painful micturition. Constant desire to urinate felt deep in the abdomen. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.—Rash before the menses. DULCAMARA, 173 Menses milk or lochia, suppressed by cold. (Actea, Acon., Puls.) RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Oppressed breathing from a cold; with accumu- lation of much mucus. Rough hoarse voice. Cough with expectoration of bright blood. Loose, moist cough, worse indoors and at rest. (Puls.) Excessive secretion of mucus in the chest. NECK AND BACK.—Neck stiff, back painful, loins lame, after taking cold. Deeply cutting pain in right loin, transiently disappearing upon pres- SUll'é. Pain in small of back as after stooping a long time. (Rhus.) UPPER LIMBs.—Paralytic bruised pain in left arm. Low ER LIMBs.-Exostosis on upper part of right tibia, with bluish red spots; suppurating lumps. Drawing, tearing pain in thighs; disappears on walking, returning while sitting. GENERALITIES.—Dropsical swellings after suppressed sweat, by damp cold air. Paralysis from suppressed eruptions; from cold. SKIN.—Tetter oozing a watery fluid, bleeds after scratching. (Merc., Nit. ac.) Nettle-rash over the whole body, with much itching; after scratching it burns; increases in warmth; better in cold. Thick, brown, yellow crusts over the whole body. Sticking and itching in various parts of the body. SLEEP.-Uneasy, restless sleep. FEVER.—Chilliness with the pains. General dry, burning heat all over. Offensive perspiration. AGGRAVATION.—At night; while at rest; from cold air; in wet weather; from cool change of weather. AMELIORATION.—After rising from a seat; from motion; from warmth in general and dry weather. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Catarrhal and Rheumatic affections from exposure to damp, cold air. Bad effects of retrocession of eruptions from 174 EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM. exposure to damp cold air. Affections from taking cold in general. Paralysis. Nettle-rash. Tetter. Crusta lactea. Colic. Diarrhoea. Dropsy. Bright's disease. Catarrh of bladder. Influenza. Asthma Bronchial catarrh. Whooping cough. Scrofula. Exostosis. Compare : Actea, Acon, Ars., Bell., Bry., Lyc., Merc., Nit. ac., Puls, Rhus, Sepia, Sulph. Antidotes : Camph., Cupr., Ipcc., Merc., while repugnant to its action are Bell. and Lach. Dulc. Antidotes : Cupr., Merc. EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM. AWatural Order. Compositae. Common Mames. Thoroughwort. Boneset. GENERAL ANALYSIs –-Acts upon the gastro-hepatic sys- tem, the fibrous tissues and the bronchial mucous membranes, its most characterstic condition being a bilious derange- ment partaking of a malarial character. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. HEAD —IIeadache, with a sensation of Soreness internally; better in the house; aggravated when first going into the open air; relieved by conversation. Headache and nausea every other morning on awaking. Pain in occiput after lying, with sense of weight; must aid with hand in lifting head. (Chel.) EYES.–Soreness of eyeballs. Intolerance of light. NOSE,-Coryza, with sneezing; aching in every bone. STOMACII.-Thirst for cold water. Nausea and vomiting of food. (Ant. tart., Ipec.) Retching and vomiting of bile (Iris, Podo), with trembling and pain in stomach, and weakness even to fainting. Vomiting preceded by thirst. Vomiting after every draught. (Phos., Sil.) A BDOMEN.—Soreness in region of liver. (Bry, Merc., Chel., Podo.) EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM. 175 Tight clothing is oppressive. (Calc., Carbo., Nux v., Sulph.) STOOL.—Purging stools with smarting and heat in anus. |URINARY ORGANS.—Dark colored clear urine. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.—Hoarseness. Hacking cough in the evening. (Carbo. v., Caust.) Cough with soreness and heat in the bronchia; flushed face; tearful eyes. Hectic cough from suppressed intermittent fever. (Cinch.) Soreness in chest; worse from inspiration. NECK AND BACK.—Beating pain in nape and occiput (Chel.); better after rising. Aching pain, in the back, (18 from a brºt?se. Weakness in small of back. Trembling in back during fever. LIMBs.—Intense soreness and aching ºn limbs (18 ºf bruised or betten. (Arn Cinch.) Wrists pain, as ºf broken, or dislocated. FEVER.—Chilliness throughout the night and in morning; trembling and nausea from least motion; intense aching and Soreness in back and limbs; more shivering than the degree of coldness warrants. Womiting of bile after the chill. Thirst several hours before the chill, which continues during the chill and heat. Fever commences in morning; attended with painfulness, trembling, weakness and soreness; but little or no perspiration. Tii ERAPEUTIC RANGE.--Intermittent and remittent fevers. Pilious and gastric derangements. Influenza, or catarrhal fever. Rheumatism Compare : Actea, Arn., Bap., Bºy, Cham., Chel, Gels., Ipec , Merc., Nux v., Podo., Phytol. EU PATORIUM PURPUREUM. Matural Order. Compositae. Common Wame. Queen of the Meadow. GENERAL ANALYSIs.-Acts especially upon the urinary organs and the muscular system. 176 EUPHRASIA. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. HEAD.—Sensation as if falling to the left side (Aurum, Bell., Stram., Sulph., Zinc.), with dizziness. THROAT.—Choking fullness of throat. Smarting and burning in back part of throat. URINARY ORGANs.-Deep, dull pain in kidneys (Berb., Canth.); also cut- ting pain. Intense smarting and burning in bladder and urethra on urinating. (Caps., Can. Sat., Canth.) Greatly increased quantity of urine. (Phos. ac.) FEVER.—Chill at different times of day, every other day; begins in small of back, and spreads over body; violent shaking with comparatively little coldness; bone pains; lips and nails blue; thirst during chill and heat. Chilly when changing position during sweat. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Diabetes insipidus. Dysuria. Incontinence of urine. Vesical calculi. Impotence. Atony of sexual organs. Intermittent fever. Compare : Apoc., Can. sat., Senecio. EUPHRASIA. Euphrasia officinalis. Watural Order. Scrophulari- 3.Cé89. Common Wame. Eyebright. GENERAL ANALYSIs.—Through the ganglionic nervous system Euphrasia exerts its power almost entirely upon the mucous membranes, especially those of the eye and lids, pro- ducing a distinct catarrhal inflammation, partaking of the nature of an influenza, and characterized by an excessive watery secretion, which is the chief characteristic of the drug. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. HEAD.—Confusion and bruised pain in the head. (Gels.) Dull frontal headache. (Merc., Puls.) EU PHRASIA. 177 EYEs—Burning in the eyes with Jachrymation. Pressure on the eyes with lachrymation. Frequent burning biting in the eyes; biting water runs from them. Itching and burning in the eyes, obliging frequent winking and wiping the eyes. (Puls.) Redness, burning; 8welling of the margins of the lids. (Merc. cor.) JFrequent inclination to blink. Lids sensitive and swollen. Abundant flow of corrosive tears, almost blinding him. Vision dim, as through a veil, in the evening. (Puls.) Feeling as though the cornea were covered with much mucts; it obscures his vision, and obliges him to frequently close (tied press the lids together. (Puls.) Excessive photophobia. (Ac., Bell.) Spots, vesicles and ulcers of the cornea. (Merc.) Sensation as though a hair hung over the eye, and must be wiped away. NoSE.—Profuse bland (Cepa, acrid.) fluent coryza, with scalding tears and aversion to light; worse in the evening and during the night. Violent irritation to sneeze, without cold or apparent cause. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Catarrhal hoarseness. (AC., Hep., Phos.) Irritation of the larynx impelling him to cough, followed by tensive pressure beneath the sternum. Cough on rising in the morning, with abundant expectoration of mucus. Profuse expectoration of mucus by voluntary hawking. Difficult deep inspiration even while sitting. Pressive pain beneath the sternum, with transient sticking here and there in the chest. AGGRAVATION.—In morning; while in bed; indoors; in evening. Better after getting out of bed, and out doors. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Acute catarrhal affections in general; headache; conjunctivitis; nasal and bronchial catarrh ; influenza; catarrhal fever. Also in amaurosis, and opacity of the cornea. Compare : Ac., Arg. nit., Ars., Bell., Calc., Cepa., Con., Hep., Merc., Merc. cor., Nux v., Puls., Phos., Kali b., Sulph., Sepia. Antidotes : Camph., Puls. 12 178 & FERRUM. FERRUM. Including both Ferrum metallicum and Ferrum aceticum, without distinction. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Ferrum acts pre-eminently upon the blood in such a manner as to produce a debilitating and disorganizing effect upon the entire system, its especial influ- ence being exerted on the vegetative sphere, as indicated by the symptoms below given. The leading expression of the drug is a general exhaustion and weakness with anaemia. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Anxiety; with throbbing in pit of stomach. Excited by the slightest opposition; everything irritates or depresses her. HEAD.—Confusion of the head. Vertigo : On descending (reverse Calc.); on looking at running water; when walking. Rush of blood to the head; veins of head swollen; with flushes of heat 2n face. (Acon., Bell.) Headache after the menses. Severe frontal headache, with cold feet. Hammerčng and beating pulsating pains in the head. Pressure in frontal eminences, relieved by pressure of the hands, and in the open air. gº Stitches in temples, extending to forehead. Shooting headache in left side of head. Sticking pain over left eye, coming suddenly. A drawing from the nape upwards into the head, in which there is shooting, roaring and humming. Falling out of the hair (Puls., Sep., Sulph.); scalp and hair painful to touch. (Cinch., Fer., Nit. ac., Verat.) EYES.–Eyes confused, dull and watery. Eyes red, with burning pain. Nose.—Epistaxis; mornings when stooping. FERRUM. 179 FACE.-Cadaverous earthy complexion. (Ars., Zinc.) Pale, wan face. Fiery redness of the face; veins large. Flushed face with burning cheeks. MoUTH.—All solid foods taste dry and insipid. THROAT.—Feeling of constriction in throat. STOMACH.—Voracious appetite. Anorexia; e.vtreme dislike to all food. (Cinch., Nux, Puls.) Eructations and regurgitations of food after eating. Nausea and vomiting of food after eating. Vomiting of food immediately after midnight. Distention of epigastric region. Pressure in the stomach after eating. (Lyc., Nux m.) ABDOMEN.—Flatulent colic at night. Bowels feel sore when touched, as if bruised, or weakened by cathar- tics. STOOL-Frequent diarrhoea; stools watery (Ars., Podo., Cinch.), with or without tenesmus, and preceded or not by pain, but always with much flatulence, ſtnd worse after food or drink. (Aloes, Coloc.) Sudden, watery, painless, without smell. (Podo., Phos. ac.) Constipation. Ascarides in the rectum. (Cina, Spig., Sulph.) URINARY ORGANS.–Urging to urinate; with tickling in urethra extending to neck of bladder; with pain in liver, chest and kidneys. Involuntary urination, especially by day. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Menses too late, long lasting and profuse. Haemorrhage from the uterus with labor-like pains in abdomen, and glowing heat in the face. (Bell.) RESPIRATORY ORGANs.—Voice hoarse; almost extinct. Roughness of the throat. Difficult breathing and oppression of the chest, as if some one pressed with the hand upon it. (Phos.) Uneasy breathing from pain across the chest. Coughing up of blood in the morning on rising from bed. Scanty, thin, frothy expectoration, with streaks of blood. Cough worse when moving. 180 FERRUM. Spasmodic cough from tickling in the trachea, after eating. Contractive cramp in the chest, and cough only when moving and walking. Pressure under the sternum, with catarrh and cough. Haemoptysis, morning and night. Flying pains in chest; blood spitting; persons who flush easily and get epistaxis, dyspnoea, palpitation. (Acon.) HEART AND PULSE.-Rapid action of the heart. Palpitation; better on walking, slowly. LIMBS.—Swelling of the hands, and legs up to the knees. (Ars.) Nightly tearing in arms and legs. UPPER LIMBs.—Downward shooting pains in shoulders and arms. Pinching in right deltoid. Low ER LIMBs.—Shooting and tearing in the hip joint, which pains as if bruised when touched, down along the tibia; worse in the evening in bed; must get up and walk about. (Rhus.) Painful drawing in the legs, with heaviness and stiffness. Cramps in the calves, worse at rest; especially at night. (Sulph.) Cramps in the soles of the feet and the toes. (Sulph.) GENERALITIES.—Great emaciation. Great weakness and prostration; very easily fatigued. SkIN.—Skin pale, yellow, sallow, dirty, withered, flabby. (Iod., Sepia.) SLEEP.-Restless sleep at night. Excessive and drowsy fatigue, with restless sleep at night. Sleep disturbed by dreams; much weariness in morning. AGGRAVATION.—At night; in morning; after eating and drinking; while at rest, especially while sitting still; from noise. AMELIORATION.—From slight exercise. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.--Bad effects from the abuse of quinine; of tea; inter- mittent fever, dropsy, etc. Congestions. Haemorrhages. Dyspepsia. Anaemia. Chlorosis. Varices. Phthisis. Asthma. Haemoptysis. Cystitis. Bright's disease. Paralysis. CoNDITIONS.—In persons who, though weak and nervous, have a very red face. In delicate chlorotic women. Sanguine temperament, GELSEMIUM. 181 Compare : Ars., Bell., Calc., Cinch., Gels., Helonias, Ipec., Lyc., Nux v., Puls., Sep., Sulph., Sabina. Antidotes : Ars., Cinch., Hep. S., Ipec., Puls., Verat., Thea. Ferriton Antidotes : Copper, Mercury, Prussic ac., Ars., Iod., Cinch. GELSEMIUM. Gelsemium sempervirens. Watural Order. Logani- 3.C6232. Common Wame. Yellow Jassamine. GENERAL ANALYSIS.--Acts powerfully upon the motor nervous system, causing a passive congestion of the brain and spinal cord, and as a result giving rise to general prostration and paralysis of the whole muscular system, both voluntary and involuntary. The circulation is increased, the mental powers become sluggish, the mucous membranes are irritated and inflamed, and conditions resembling remittent and ca- tarrhal types of fever are manifest. The leading expression of Gelsemium is its low nervous condition, manifested by drow- siness, languor, disposition to be quiet, and erithism. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Incapacity to think or fix the attention. (Phos. ac.) Dullness of the mental faculties. (Bapt.) Irritable, sensitive; desires to be let alone. HEAD.—Dizzºness ſund blurred vision. Light headed and dizzy, increased by sudden movement of the head, and walking. Heaviness of the head, relieved after profuse emission of watery urine. Sensation of weight and pressure in the head. Fullness in the head, with heat in the face and chilliness. Brain feels as if bruised. (Hell.) Dull dragging pain in Occiput, mastoid, and upper cervical region, extending to shoulders. Sensation of a band around the head above the ears. (Merc., Sulph.) 182 GELSEMIUM. EYES.-Drooping of the eyelids (Caust.); they are heavy, can hardly open them or keep them open. Dilated pupils. (Bell., Hyos.) Dºnness of sight and vertigo. Smoky (tppearance before the eyes, with pain above them. Confusion of sight; blindness. Sees double when inclining the head towards the shoulder. EARS.–Sudden transient loss of hearing; rushing and roaring in the ears. NOSE,-Irritation of the nasal passages; sneezing; tingling; coryza. (Acon., Merc. cor.) FACE.-Face: heavy, besotted expression (Bap.); flushed and hot to the touch. (Bap., Bell., Op.) Sensation of stiffness in the muscles of the face. MoUTH.—Tongue thickly coated; yellowish white. Numbness of the tongue; feels 80 thick he can hardly speak; partial paral- Aysis. (Caust.) THROAT-Dysphagia; paralysis of the organs of deglutition. (Bell., Caust. Stram.) } Spasmodic sensations and cramp-like pains in gullet. Painful sensation of a lump in the Cesophagus. STOMACH.-Feeling of emptiness and weakness in the stomach and bowels. (Puls., Sep., Sulph.) STools.-Diarrhoea after sudden emotions, grief, fright, bad news (Igna., Phos. ac., Opium); anticipation of any unusual ordeal. URINARY ORGANS.—Copious discharge of clear, limpid urine; relieving the headache. (Phos. ac.) Incontinence from paralysis of the sphincter (Caust.); mervous children. Tenesmus of the bladder. (Merc. cor.) MALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Involuntary emission of semen without an erec. tion. (Cinch., Phos. ac.) FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.—Severe, shºt rp, labor-like path, 8 ºn wtérôme region, eastending to back and hips. (Actea.) Spasmodic or neuralgic dysmenorrhoea. (Actea,) Cramps in the abdomen and legs during pregnancy; diplopia; drowsi- ness (Nux mos.); loss of muscular power; convulsions. (Bell., Hyos.) GELSEMIUM. 183 Inefficient labor pains or none at all; Os widely dilated, complete atomy. (Caul.) False labor pains; rigid os. (Bell.) HEART AND PULSE.-Irregular beating of the heart; palpitation. Feeling as ºf the heart would stop beating if she did not move about. Pulse frequent, soft, weak, almost imperceptible. NECK AND BACK.—Myalgic pains in the neck, mostly in upper part of the sterno-cleido muscles, back of the parotid glands. Pains from the spine to the head and shoulders. LIMBs.—Trembling in all the limbs. Deep-seated dull aching in the muscles of the limbs and in the joints. Neuralgic and rheumatic pains in the extremities. (Act, Bry., Rhus.) LOWER LIMBS.–Fatigue of the lower limbs after slight evercise. Loss of muscular power in the legs; they will not obey the will. GENERALITIES.—Excessive irritability of mind and body. Trembling and weakness; listless and languid; easily fatigued. Complete relaxation and prostration of the whole muscular system, with entire motor paralysis. SLEEP.—Restless sleep; unpleasant dreams. Sleeplessness from nervous irritation. (Bell., Cof.) Languid and drowsy, but can not compose the mind for sleep. FEVER.—Chilliness, languid aching in back and limbs, sense of fatigue; every afternoon 4 to 5 o'clock. Chills begin in the hands; chills running up the back, hands and feet cold. Febrile chilliness; cold extremities; heat of the head and face. Fever heat with drowsiness; languid, wants to lie still. AGGRAVATION.—From walking; from warmth of bed; from smoking; from wine; after midnight; in damp weather; from a change of weather. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Complaints from bad or exciting news; from fright; from the anticipation of some unusual ordeal. In asth- emic types of fever: Remittent, intermittent, typhoid. In erup- tive fevers, especially with tendency to convulsions. In ca- tarrhs of mucous membranes. Amaurosis. Neuralgia. Epi- lepsy. Convulsions. Paralysis. Hysteria. Nervous chills. Cere- bro-Spinal meningitis. Spinal and cerebral congestions. Rheuma- 184 GLONOINE. tism. Myalgia. Dysmenorrhoea. Ovarian irritation. Delayed or inefficient labor pains. Rigid os uteri. False labor pains. Abor- tion. Puerperal convulsions. Eneuresis. CONDITIONs.—In nervous persons. Young people. Children. Compare : Ac, Actea, Bap., Bell., Bry., Caust., Con., Cinch., Op., Rhus, Stram., Werat. vir. Antidotes : Cinch., Coffea, Salt. (+LON OINE. Nitroglycerine. C3IIb (NO2) O3. GENERAL ANALYSIs.—Acts upon the medulla oblongata, the pneumogastric, and the vaso motor nerves, producing active cerebral hyperaemia, and palpitation of the heart, the former presenting symptoms closely resembling those resulting from exposure to the sun's rays, even to the intense degree of sun- stroke, yet lacking their important symptoms of fever and inflammation which characterize the cerebral disorders caused by Aconite and Belladonna. The chief characteristic of Glo- noine is a pulsating, throbbing fullness (not pain) in the brain. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Falling down with loss of consciousness and alternate palpitation of the heart and congestion of the head. Confusion of ideas (Bapt., Gels.); can not tell where he was; well-known streets seem strange (Nux mos.); way home too long; forgets on which side the street he lives. HEAD.—Vertigo; worse from stooping or moving the head (Bry.); worse in the open air. (Cocc.) Sensation as ºf the head were enormously large. Fullness in the head; distinct feeling of the pulse in the Jead (Bell.); throbbing without pain. Sensation as ºf the blood were mounting to the head. (Bell.) Tensive pain over the eyes and nose, also behind the ears, followed by choking sensation about the throat. G.I.ONOINE. 185 Skull seems too small, and as if the brain were attempting to burst the skull; violent action of the heart, and a distinct pulsation over the whole body. Sensation of Soreness through the whole head; is afraid to shake the head, as it seems that it would make the head drop to pieces. Throbbing ºn the head; in forehead; ºn temples; in rerten, in occiput; worse when moving (Bry,); better when sitting still and lying, and from pressure. (Bell.) Shocks in the brača synchronous with the pulse. Undulatting or atave-like motion in the brain. Throbbing in the temporal arteries, which trere raised, and felt like rhip “ords. Headache, throbbing, etc., during or in place of menses. Shaking the head increases the headache; also motion. (Bry.) Headache worse from the heat of the sun. (Brom.) EYES.–Sparks and flashes before the eyes. Objects dance with every pulsation. Pressing, protruding pains in eyes. JEyes injected, protruding, look wild. (Bell.) Pupils dilated, eyes rolled upwards, (Bell.) EARs.—Deafness, ears feel as if stopped up. Ringing in the ears, audible pulse. FACE.-Pale during heat, Sunstroke, congestions, etc. Flushed and hot with headache. Redness of the face, which comes and goes. (Acon., Bell., remains.) MoUTH.—Throbbing pain in all the teeth. HEART AND PULSE.-Violent action of the heart, distinct pulsation over the whole body. Iºxcessive perceptible palpitation of the heart. Pulse accelerated; rises and falls alternate.y; low and feeble in sun- stroke. GENERALITIES.—Great weakness and prostration. Painless throbbing in the whole body. AGGRAVATION.—From motion; from wine; from shaking or jarring the parts. AMELIORATION.—At night, in the open air. 186 GRAPHITES. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Bad effects from exposure to the rays of the 8wn. Bad effects of mental excite ment, fright, fear; mechanical injuries and their later consequences. Sunstroke. Syncope. Congestion of brain. Headache. Hydrocephalus. Epileptiform convulsions. Compare : Acon, Bell., Brom., Bry., Coff., Nat. c., Nux, Stram. Antidotes : Acon., Camph., Cof, Nux v. GRAPHITES. Plumbago. Black Lead. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts especially upon the skin, the lymphatics, the digestive system and the sexual organs. Its characteristic action being upon the skin, where it produces a moist, scabby eruption. (Dry and scaly, Lyc; thick hard scab Mez.; scab easily torn off, leaving raw, bleeding surface, He- par.) CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Sad and despondent (Ign., Puls., Nat. m.), thinks of nothing but death. (Ac., ATS.) Much inclined to grief; sad and weeping. (Ign., Puls.) Apprehensive, with Žnclination to weep. Hesitates; unable to make up her mind about anything. Absent minded. Forgetful. (Lach., Nux m., Sulph.) HEAD.—Feeling of intoxication in the morning on rising. (Nux.) Vertigo during and after stooping. (Bell.) A pain, as if the head were numb and pºthy. Pain as ºf constricted, especially in the occiput. Violent headache with eructations and nausea during the menses. Pressive pain in the head. Itching of the scalp. Falling off of the hair. (Nat. m., Nit. ac., Puls., Sep., Phos.) Eczema capitãs of entire Scalp, forming massive dirty crusts, which mat the hair together; painful and sore to touch. (Merc., Nit. ac., Lyc., Sulph.) EYES.—Intolerance of light; with redness of the eyes and lachrymation. ** GRAPHITES. - 187 Heat, burning and biting in the eyes. Light dazzles the eyes. Lachrymation. (Euph.) Dry mucus ºn the lashes. Inflamed margins of lids (Sulph.); also eaternal canthi. In the lids: heaviness, dryness, pressure, heat. Agglutination of lids in the morning. (Caust., Euph., Sulph) Styes on lower lid, with drawing pain. EARS.–Cracking in the ear when moving the jaws. Humming, roaring, cracking sounds in the ears. (Cinch, Kali c.) Loss of hearing, with dryness of the ears. (Carbo veg., Lach.) Stitches in the ears. (Kali c., Puls.) Moisture in the ears. Discharge from ears : bloody; thin, watery, offensive; gluey, sticky, pus. Moist and sore places behind both ears; (Calc., Hep., Lyc.); spreads over cheeks and neck. Swelling of the glands beneath the ears. Sensation of a large body, large as an egg behind the ear. NoSE.—Sense of 8mell too acute; can not tolerate the smell of flowers. Nose sore and painful internally. (Merc., Nit ac.) Dry scabs in and on the nose, with sore, cracked and ulcerated nostrils. (Kali b., Nit. ac., Puls.) Bloody mucus discharge from the nose. Purulent, offensive secretion. DryLess of the nose. FACE.-Paleness of the face. (Ars.) Constant sensation as of a cobweb on the face. (Alum, Baryta c., Bor.) Soreness and cracking of the lºps and nostrils, as from cold. Itching pºmples on the face, moist after scratching. (Hep., Lyc.) Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of the face. Moist eczema in the face; especially on chin and around the mouth. (Hep., Lyc.) MOUTH.—Lancinating toothache, especially after drinking anything cold. Swelling of the gums. Eruptions in corner of mouth. (Hep., Lyc.) 188 GRAPHITES. Burning blisters on the lower side and tip of the tongue. (Merc., Nitac.) Bitter taste in the mouth (Bry., Podo., Puls.), with sour eructations. (Cinch, Nux, Phos.) THROAT—Sensation when swallowing of a lump in throat (Bell, Lach.); on empty swallowing a constrictive retching from oesophagus up to . larynx. STOMACH.—Aversion to animal food (Calc., Carb. v., Lyc., Sep., Sul.); to salt things; sweet things are disgusting (tºwd wattseous. Frequent eructations, tasting of the ingesta. (Carb. v., Phos., Puls., Sulph.) Ineffectual eructations. Nausea, especially in the morning, with weakness and trembling; during menses. Womiting of all the food taken. (Ipec.) Pressure in stomach; in pit of stomach. Insipid, sickening sensation in stomach. Constrictive, gripčng pain in stomſ/ch. ABDOMEN.—Burning in the left hypochondrium. Great distention of the abdomen; hardness. Full abdomen, as from incarcerated flatus. Passage of much offensive flatus. (Aloes.) Can not endure anything tight about the abdomen. (Lach.) Glandular swellings in the groins. (Merc., Nitac.) Stool AND ANUs.—Stool: very thin, like a round worm; dark colored, half digested, of an intolerable odo1'; much white mucus with the stool; lumpy, united by mucous threads; hard, with much urging and sticking tn, the anus. Mucus remaining in the anus after stool. (Ant. c.) Itching in the anus; Stitches, smarting, Sore pain in the anus on wiping Žt. Prolapsus of rectum with the varices, as if paralysed. Haemorrhoids of the rectum, with burning rhagades at the anus. URINARY ORGANS.–Urging to urinate, with scanty discharges. (Acon., Canth.) # « Frequent micturition. (Phos. ac.) Nocturnal enuresis. GRAPHITES. 189 Thin stream, as if the urethra were contracted. The urine becomes turbid, and deposits at white or reddish sediment. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS.–Dropsical swelling of prepuce and scrotum. Immoderate sexual excitement; violent erections. No ejaculation follows coition. Itching and moist eruption on scrotum. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANs.-Profuse leucorrhaia of very thin white mucus, with weakness in the back. First menses delayed. (Puls) Menses too late; too scanty; too pale. (Puls.) Pain in epigastrium during menses, as if everything would be torn to pieces. Painful pressure towards the pudenda. Itching of the pudenda before menstruation. Painful, sore nipples. Morning sickness of pregnancy or during menses. (Nux v., Sepia.) RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Scraping in the throat. Raw pain in chest, like raw flesh. Cough at night, caused by deep inspiration. HEART AND PULSE.-Palpitation of the heart, like electric shock from the heart to the neck. NECK AND BACK.—Glands on side of neck down to shoulder swollen and painful, when bending the neck or lying, as if tense and stiff. Tearing, cutting pain in nape of neck. Bruised pain in loins. LIMBs.—Weakness; paralyzed sensation of all the limbs. Limbs “go to sleep.” UPPER LIMBs.—Violent sticking and tearing in left shoulder. Skin of hands hard and cracked in places. Arthritic nodosities on the fingers. Raw, moist places between the fingers. The finger nails become thick. IOWER LIMBS.–Ea:coriation between the legs; between toes. Smarting soreness between the nates. ‘Herpes in the hollow of knees. Numbness and stiffness of the thighs. 190 GRAPHITES. Restlessness in the legs. Cramps in the calves. (Fer., Sulph.) Gouty tearing in the feet and toes. Swelling of the legs and feet. Burning and crawling in the heels. Thick and crippled toe nails. GENERALITIES.— Weak eahut'ustion of the whole body. Great emaciation, especially of suffering parts. (IOd., Nat. m.) Sudden sinking of strength. Violent pulsation of blood in the whole body. Cramp-like sensations in various parts. Painful drawings in the whole body. Swelling and induration of the glands. (Calc., Baryta carb.) SKIN.—Itchºng blotches, from which oozes a corrosive watery sticky fluid, in many parts of body. Itching over various parts of the body. Eaccordation of skin, especially in children. Unhealthy skin; every injury tends to ulceration. (Hepar.) Old ulcers, with fetid pus (Ars., Carb. v., Sulph.), proud flesh, itching, stinging. Skin dry, inclined to crack. SLEEP.-Great agitation at night, with anxious, frightful dreams. AGGRAVATIONS.—At night; in mornings; from becoming cold; during and after menses; from suppressed menses; on beginning to walk. AMELIORATION.—From eructations; from walking in the open air. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Skin diseases; erysipelas; ulcers; tinia capitis; eczema: excoriations, etc. Scrofulous affections. Ophthalmia. Styes. Coryza. Falling out of hair. Toothache. Dyspepsia. Gastralgia. Diarrhoea. Constipation. Impotence. Amenorrhoea. Leucorrhoea. Sore nipples. Cramps. Old cicatrices. Glandular swellings and indurations. CoNDITIONS.–Especially adapted to persons inclined to obesity; particu- larly females with disposition to delayed menstruation. Compare: Ars, Calc., Carb. v., Hep, Kalib., Lye, Merc., Nit. ac., Phos., Puls., Sepia, Sil., Sul. Antidotes: Acon., Ars., Nux v., Winum. Graph. Antidotes : Ars, Iod., Rhus. HAMA MELIS. 191 HAMAMELIS. Hamamelis virginica. Natural Order. Hamamelaceae. Common, AWame. Witch Hazel. GENERAL ANALYSIs.—Acts pre-eminently upon the venous system of blood vessels, giving rise to varicosis, venous con- gestions, haemorrhages, and even structural lesions, its most important local action being upon the rectum and the genera- tive organs. The chief characteristic of Hamamelis is a passive, venous hæmorrhage from any part. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. HEAD.—Stupor, headache, crowding fullness in the head and neck, also in forehead. NOSE,-Epistaaris, with a feeling of tightness of the bridge of the mosé, and crowding pressure ºn forehead between the eyes. (Acon , Dulc.) The nosebleed clears her head and affords great relief. Profuse epistaaºs (Ac., Bell., Cinch.) flow passive, renous; idiopathic or vicarious. (Bry., Puls.) & MoUTH.—Gums swollen, bleed easily. (Merc., Nit. ac.) Passive, venous hæmorrhage after extraction of teeth. (Ars.) THROAT.—Tonsils and fauces congested; veins enlarged, varicose. STOMACH.—Haematemesis of black blood; tremulous, weak, cold, quick pulse, profuse sweats. (Ars.) STOOL AND ANU.S.—Painful and bleeding hamorrhoids. Discharge of large quantities of dark blood from the bowels. URINARY ORGANs.—Irritation of the urethra, followed by a discharge and ardor urinae. Haematuria from passive congestion of the kidneys. MALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Severe neuralgic pains in the testicles. Pain "unning down the spermatic cords into the testes; orchitis; intense Soreness and swelling. Varicocele, circocele. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANs.—Active uterime hapmorrhage, blood bright red. (Acon., Bell.) 192 HELLEBORUS NIGER. Metorrhagia, passive flow, venous blood. Vaginismus, intense Soreness; prurigo of vulva. (Canth.) Vicarious menstruation. (Bry.) Ovarian soreness and painfulness. Phlegmasia alba dolens. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Hasmoptysis, tickling cough, with taste of blood, or of sulphur. LIMBs.—Varicose veins and ulcers, with stinging or pricking. Phlebitis of the vessels of the extremities. Great lassitude and weariness in the limbs and elsewhere. The RAPEUTIC RANGE.-Venous hæmorrhages from all parts. Varicosis, plebitis, phlegmasia alba dolens. Bleeding hapmorrhoids. Metror- rhagia, vaginismus, ovaritis, orchitis, neuralgia of testicles. Compare: Bell., Cinch, Fer., Puls., Trilium. Complementary, Ferr. Antidotes: Puls. { } HELLEBORUS NIGER. Natural Order. Ranunculaceae. Common Marve. Black Hellebore. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts especially upon the kidneys and the serous membranes, giving rise to dropsical effusions of the brain, thorax, peritoneum and cellular tissue. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Stupefaction; insensibility. (Op.) Excessive anxiety and anguish. Silent melancholy. (Ign.) Home sickness. (Capsic.) Must strongly concentrate the mind on what he is doing, or the muscles do not act properly. HEAD.—Dullness and heaviness of the head. Heat deep within the head. Sensation of Soreness of the head, as if bruised, especially in back part of the head, with stupefaction, worse on stooping. HELLEBORUS NIGER. 193 Stupefied; head hot, heavy (Op.); boring head iſ, the pillows (Apis.); coldness of the body. EYES.—Photophobia, without inflammation. Pupils dilated; (Dell., Hyos., Stram.); insensible to the light. (Op.) FACE.-Face pale, oedematous, distorted. MoUTH.—Tongue very dry, numb, swollen. Aptha in the mouth. Constant chewing motion of the jaws (Bry.); grinds the teeth. (Hyos.) STOMACH-Nausea and vomiting. (Ant. tart., Ipec.) Fullness and distension of pit of stomach. ABDOMEN.—Excessive distension of the abdomen. Gurgling, as if the bowels were full of water. (Aloes, Lyc.) Griping, pinching colic. (Bell., Colo.) STool.-Consisting solely of clear, tenacious, colorless mucus. White gelatinous stool, with tenesmus. URINARY ORGANS.–Frequent urging ºrith scunty discharge. (Acon.) Urine scanty, dark (Colch.); like coffee grounds; profuse RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Chest constricted, gasps for breath, with open mouth; propped up in bed; hydrothorax. (Ars.) PULSE.-Rapid; small and tremulous; slow. GENERALITIES.—Convulsive twitching of muscles. (Cupr.) Convulsions; with extreme coldness; of sucklings. Great weakness. Sudden dropsical swellings. Coldness over the whole body, with cold hands and ſect. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Dropsical (ºffeetions; of brain, chest or abdomen ; sudden swellings; anasarca; after Scarlatina, nephritis, intermittents, etc. Melancholia, imbecility, nostalgia, neuralgia, convulsions, Epilepsy. Nephritis. CoNDITIONS.–Often indicated in weakly scrofulous children. In dentition (brain symptoms.) i Compare : Apis, Apoc., Ars., Bell, Bry, Canth., Dig., Hyos., Lyc., Puls., Merc., Nux, Op., Phos., Rhus., Stram, Sulph. Antidotes: Camph., Cinch. 13 194 HEPAR SULPHUR. IIEPAR SU LPH.U.R. Hepar sulfuris calcareum. Impure calcium sulphide. CaS. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Acts especially upon the lymphatic glandular system, the skin, and the respiratory mucous mem- brane. In the glands, producing enlargement and suppuration, in the skin ulcers, eczematous eruptions, unhealthy skin, etc.; on the respiratory mucous membrane, catarrhal conditions mostly of a croupous character. The most essential feature of the drug is its tendency to promote suppuration. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Over sensitiveness and irritability, with quick, hasty speech. Great weakness of memory. . HEAD.—Vertigo; when closing the eyes at sièsta. (Com.) Sticking headache. - Tensive headache above the nose. (Kali b. Merc.) Constant pressive patin in one hºt'ſ of the brºn, as from a plug or a maºl. (Ign.) - Aching in the forehead like a boil. Pressive pain externally in right side of occiput, gradually extending to the nape of the neck, throat and shoulder blades. Boils on the head and neck, very sore on contact. Humid eruptions feeling sore; of fetid odor; itching violently on rising in the morning; burning and Sore on Scratching. (Graph. Merc., Sulph.) - Nodosities on the head, sore to the touch. Falling off of the hair. (Merc., Nit, ac., Graph., Sepia, Phos.) EYEs.—Inflammation of the eyes and lids; sore to the touch; lachrymation. Eyes ache from bright daylight, when moving them. Pressure in the eyes, as from sand. (Euph., Sulph.) Agglutination of the lids at night; secretion of hardened mucous. Spasmodically closed eyelids (Merc., Puls.) in the morning. Smarting pain in external cantly us. * HEPAR SULPHUR. - 195 Pressing pain in eyeballs, feel bruised when touched. Ulcers and specks on the cornea. (Merc., Nit. ac.) Dimness of sight by candlelight. Blindness before eyes on rising up after sitting bent over. EARS.—Itching in the ears. Discharge of fetid pus from the ears. Scurfs on and behind the cars. (Cic., Graph.) NOSE.-Sense of smell extremely sensitive. Catarrh, with inflammatory swelling of the nose, which pains like a boil. (Bell) Discharge of bloody offensive mucus from the nose. Bones of the nose painful to the touch. (Merc., Nit. ac.) FACE—Yellow color of the face. (Sepia.) Heat and redness of the face. Erysipelatous swelling of the cheeks. (Bell., Rhus.) Bones of face painful to touch. (Cinch., Colo., Merc.) Boils on lips, chip and neck very painful to touch. Great swelling of the upper lip (Bell., Lach.); very painful to touch. MoUTH.—Toothache after drinking cold things, or opening the mouth. Offensive odor from the mouth. Apthous ulcers on the gums and in the mouth, with base resembling lard. (Merc.) Bitter taste in the mouth. (Bry, Podo.) THROAT.—Pressive and constrictive sensation in throat. Smarting rawness and scraping in the throat. Stitches in the throttt e.ttending to the ear (Kali b.); ſcorse on swallowing. Sensation as ºf a fish bone or splinter were sticking in the throat. (Arg, nit., Dolichos, Nitric ac.) Sensation of a plug, or internal swelling in throat when swallowing. (Bell., Merc., Phyt.) STOMACII.—Grett desire for timeſ/d)', and sour pungent things. (Bry., Cinch., Nux.) Disgust for food, especially fat. (Puls.) Eructations after eating. Stomach painful on walking, as if it hung loose. 196 HEPAR SULPHUR. Distension of pit of stomach, has to loosen the clothing. (Cinch., Bell., Lach., Lyc., Nux.) . Gmawing in stomach as from acids, which also rises up into the throat. Hunger in the forenoon. (Sulph.) ABCOMEN.—Contractive, clawing pains in abdomen, around the navel, in paroxysms, with nausea and heat of the cheeks. Abdomen, distended and tense. Rumbling in the abdomen. (Aloes, Lyc.) STOOL AND ANUS.–Faces not hard but expelled with great difficulty. (Carb. v., Cinch.) Stools sour smelling (Podo., Rhem.); greenish; clay colored. (Bell., Calc.) - URINARY ORGANs.-Inflammation and redness of the orifice of the urethra. (Cann. Sat.) Weakness of the bladder (Enuresis, Caust., Sepia, Sulph.) Möcturition impeded; has to wait awhºle before urine passes (flow inter- mitting Con.); can not empty the bladder thoroughly; urine drops down vertically without force. Urine; dark red and hot; milky, turbid; bloody; acrid, burning, corroding the prepuce; pale and clear; on standing becomes turbid and thick, and deposits a white sediment. MALE SEXUAL, ORGANs, Chancre-like ulcers on the prepuce. (Merc., Nit. aC.) Eveoriation (trud humid 80 reness on genitals (t/yd ºn fold between scrotum and thighs. FFMALE SExUAI, ORGANs.-Ulcers of uterus or mammae ; stinging, burning edges; smelling like old cheese. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Dyspnoeſt, weakness of larynx and chest, can not speak aloud. Hoarse, dry, cough. (Bell., Nux, Phos.) Deep, rough, barking cough. (Spong.) Cough caused by being uncovered, or any portion of body becoming cold; eating or drinking any thing cold; tightness of breath; tick- ling in throat; cold air; crying; talking. (Ant. tart., Ipec.) Cough which provokes vomiting. HEPAR SULPHUR. 197 Paroxysms of dry cough in evening. Croup with loose rattling cough. Croup after dry cold wind, with swelling below the larynx, and great sensitiveness to cold air or water. LIMBs.—Drawing pains in all the limbs. UPPER LIMBs.—Suppuration of the axillary glands. (Sil.) Pain as from a bruise in bones of the arm. Skin of the hands cracked, rough and dry. (Ars, Nat. c.) Low ER LIMBs.—Hip joint feels sore, as if sprained when walking. Bruised pain in thighs; in knee. - Swelling of ankles and feet. Cracks in the feet. Stitches in great toe. GENERALITIES.—Fainting from slight pains. General exhaustion. Sensitiveness to the open air, with chilliness and frequent nausea. Glands inflame, swell and suppurate. (Ars., Merc., Sil.) Caries of bones. (Sil) Rheumatic swelling, with heat, redness, and sensation as if spraired. SKIN.—Unhealthy, suppuratºng skin; even slight injuries maturate and sup- purate. (Calc., Graph., Sil.) Eruptions very sensitive, sore to the touch. |Bozema, spreading by means of new pimples appearing just beyond the old parts. Ulcers very sensitive to contact, easily bleeding (Merc., Nit. ac.); burning or stånging edges; discharge corroding, smelling like old cheese; little pimples 8wrround the principal ulceration. FEVER.—Chilliness in the open air. Pains aggravated during the febrile chill at night. Fever accompanying catarrhal conditions. Sweats easily, by every, even slight, motion. Profuse sour smelling, offensive sweat. Night sweats. AGGRAVATION.—At night; in morning; from cold air; from touching the parts; during sleep, when swallowing. 198 - HYDRASTIS. AMELIORATION.—From warmth; from wrapping up warmly. (Sil.) THERAPEUTIC RANGE.--Bad effects from abuse of mercury. Inflammation and suppuration of glands. Boils; ulcers; abscesses, and suppura- tions in general; eczema: tetters; unhealthy skin; tinea capitis; Thagades; humid eruptions; crysipelas; excoriations; catarrhal affec- tions; ophthalmia; croup; bronchitis, Laryngitis. Diarrhoea. Ton- silitis. Enuresis. Dysentery. Dyspepsia. Secondary syphilis. CONDITIONS.—Ailments aſter west or northwest winds. 2. Compare: Ant, tart., Ars., Bell., Calc., Kali b., Iod., Lyc., Merc., Nit. ac. Phos., Puls., Sepia, Spong., Sil., Sulph. ; after Hepar may be indi- cated: Bell, Mer., Nit. ac., Spong. and Sil.; while these may precede it: Bell., Lach, Sil., Spong. and Zinc. Antidotes: Vinegar, Bell, Cham., Sil. Hepar antidotes: Mercurial and other metallic preparations; iodine, and particularly the iodide of potash. HYDRASTIS. Hydrastis canadensis. Wałural Order. Ranunculaceae. Common Wames. Golden seal. Orange root. GENERAL ANALysis. --The especial action of Hydrastis is upon the mucous membranes, where it stimulates to higher se- cretion, and produces catarrhal conditions, excoriations, ero- sions and ulcerations, without acute inflammatory symptoms. It also acts upon the glandular system and the skin in a much similar manner, as indicated by its pathogenesis. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. HEAD.—Dull, heavy, frontal headache; catarrhal. (Euph., Merc.) EYEs—Ophthalmia; catarrhal; scrofular; thick, mucous discharge. (Merc.) Profuse secretion of tears; smarting, and burning of eyes and lids. (Euph.) EARS.—Otorrhoea; thick mucous discharges, NoSE—Constant discharge of thick white mucus; frontal headache. Secretion runs from posterior nares, thick and tenacious. (Kali b.) HYDRASTIS. 199 Coryza, watery, excoriating; burning, smarting and rawness in the nose (Merc. cor.); discharge scanty in the room, profuse out of doors; rawness in throat and chest. Sneezing, with full Less over the eyes (Acon.); dull frontal headache. Ozana, with ulceration; bloody, purulent discharge. (Merc.) FACE.—Pale, with worn, weary expression. MoUTH.—Stomatitis; in nursing women and weakly children; especially after mercury or chlorate of potash. THROAT.—Hawking of yellow, tenacious mucus, from posterior nares and fauces (Kali b.); rawness of the ſauces; ulcers in the throat; espe- cially after mercury. STOMACII.-Fażnt, sinking, gone feeling at the stomach (Ign., Puls., Sep.); and palpitation of the heart, preceded by dull, aching pains. Chronic gastric catarrh ; ulceration. ABDOMEN.—Severe cutting in the hypogastrium, extending to the testicles; occurring after stool, with faint feeling. Sharp pain in the coecal region. - Sharp pain in the region of the splcen, with dull pain and burning in the stomach and bowels. Griping pains with the stools. Intestinal catarrh, followed by ulceration. Flatulent colic, with faintness. STOOLs.-Profuse, light colored, acrid stools. Constipation with haemorrhoids. URINARY ORGANs:—Urine smells decomposed. Catarrh of bladder, with thick ropy, mucous sediment in the urine. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS.–Gonorrhauſt, second stage, thick yellow discharge (Merc.). Gleet. (Sulph.) Debility following spermatorrhoea. (Phos. ac.) FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.–Leucorrhaea, tenacious, ropy, thick, yellow (Kali b.) - Ulceration of the os, cercia, and bafflua. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.--Dry, harsh, rattling cough. Rawness, Soreness and burning in the chest. (Merc. cor.) BACK.—Tired aching pain in the small of back. 200 HYOSCY.AM U.S. LIMBs-Limbs tired and ache, with catarrh. Irritable, indolent, or scrofulous ulcers on the legs. GENERALITIES.–Faiutness, goneness. Great weakness and prostration. Secretions from mucous membranes increased, tenacious, ropy (Kali b.); 67'osions. FEVEF.—Gastric, bilious or typhoid forms of fever; with gastric disturb- ances; jaundice, and great debility following. SKIN.— Infantile intertrigo. Variola; all stages; faintness and prostration. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Catarrhal and other affections, as noted in the pre- ceding pathogenesis. Compare : Ars, Am. m., Ant. c., Kali b., Merc., Merc, c., Puls., Sepia, Sulph. Antidotes : Sulph. Hydrastis Antidotes : Merc., Kali chlor. HYOSOYAMU.S. Hyoscyamus niger. Matural Order. Solanaceae. Common Walme. Henbane. - GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts especially upon the cerebro- spinal system, affecting particularly the sensorium and the muscular system. In the former producing perversion of the perceptive and intellectual faculties—illusions and hallucina- tions, and also causing a distinct mania partaking of the quarrelsome or obscene character. While in its action upon the cerebral functions, Hyoscyamus has much in common with Belladonna and Stramonium, there is yet an essential difference, in that it does not produce the cerebral hyperaemia. so characteristic of the former, nor the intensely high degree of maniacal excitement caused by Stramonium. Its functional excitement is moderate, and the circulatory disturbance never goes on to inflammation. IIence its cerebral manifestations partake more of a purely nervous excitability, and resemble more particularly the type of cerebral disorder occurring in HYOSCYA MUS. - 201 typhoid conditions, typhus fever, and delirium tremens. On the muscular system, through the motor nerves, it acts with great power, producing paralysis, spasmodic affections of single parts, and convulsions, but more especially paralysis of the involuntary system. The most essential feature of the drug is its increased sensorial activity and nervous excitement. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Complete loss of consciousness. (Bell., Op.) When spoken to answers properly, but immediately stupor and delirium return. (Arn.) Delirium, and restlessness; would not stay ºn bed. Illusions and hallucinations. Delirium; talks of business (Bry); complains of imaginary wrongs; fears being poisoned or sold; constant muttering, unintelligible chattering, or talking (Stram.), or meddling with the hands. Picking at the bed clothes. (Op.) Delirium tremens, with clonic spasms; aversion to light and company. (rev. Stram) gº Lascicious mania, uncovers the whole body, especially secual parts; sings (tºmorous (t/ld obscene songs. Manča, with ridiculous gestures, and ludicrous actions. Mania, rage; scolds, swears, tries to injure others, strikes, bites, wants to kill. -* Foolish laughter, animated and hurried talk. (Lach., Merc., Stram.) Fright, followed by convulsions, startings, etc. (Gels., Op., Stram.) Jealousy. (Lach.) Disappointed or unfortunate love; jealousy, rage, incoherent speech, convulsions. HEAD.—Confusion and vertigo, as from intoxication. (Cocc., Nux. m., Op. Led.) - Pressing, stupefying pain in the forehead. The brain feels as if it were loose. (Bell.) Stupor; shakes the head to and fro (Hell., Stram.); swashing sensation in the brain. (Bell., Nux.m.) - Undulating sensation in the brain. EYES.—Eyes look wild, red and sparkling (Bell); Squinting. 202 HYOSCYAMIUS. Stupid, staring look. Pupils dilated (Bell) and insensible. (Op.) Obscuration of sight; near sighted. Dimness of vision, as if a veil were before the cyes. (Caust., KreOS., Phos.) * - Illusions of vision; objects look red as fire, or too ſurge. (Reverse Plat- inum.) - - Nose.—Loss of smell. Sudden jerks at root of nose. Pressing pinching at root of nose and malar bones. FACE.-Face: flushed, dark red, bloated (Bapt.); pale; red and hot; dis- torted. (Bell.) Lockjaw with consciousness. MoUTH –Toothacle, in sensitive, nervous" people; throbbing, drawing, tearing pains; in morning; worse from cold air. Paralysis of the tongue. * Speech difficult, confused. Dryness of the mouth, tongue, lips, and fauces. (Bry, Nux. m.) THROAT—Constriction of the throat, with inability to swallow, especially fluids. (Bell., Stram.) An attempt to swallow renews the spasm. STOMACH.—Great thirst; drinks but little at a time. (Ars.) Great dread of liquids. (Bell., Canth.) Hiccough after a meal. - * Retching and vomiting. (Ars., Ant., Ip., Ver.) Pit of stomach tender to touch. ABDOMEN.—Sticking in the umbilical region, during inspiration. Painful soreness of the abdominal walls. Abdomen distended and painful to touch. (Bell) Outtºng low down, Žn the abdomen. STOOL AND ANU.S.—Paralysis of rectum; of sphincter ani. Involuntary stools (Ars, Carb. v., Rhus); at night; while wrinating. Watery, painless diarrhoea. (Ars., Cinch.) Frequent desire for stool with small discharges. URINARY ORGANs. Paralysis of the bladder. HY ()SCYAMU.S. 203 Micturition: frequent; scanty; difficult; involuntary; has no will to urinate. Retention of urine. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS.–Sexual desire excessive; lascivious; exposes his person. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.—Lascivious, uncovers sexual parts. Labor-like pains in uterus, with pulling in loins and small of back. (Bell.) - During the menses, convulsive tremblings of the hands and feet, head- ache, nausea, and profuse perspiration. Profuse flow of the menses. Spasms during pregnancy; puerperal convulsions. (Bell.) Suppression of lochia; of milk. (Ac., Bry., Puls.) RESPIRATORY ORGANS.—Dry spasmodic cough at night; worse on lying down, has to sit up when it disappears. (Puls.) Dry, tickling, hacking cough, which seems to come from the air pas- Sages. - Spasms of chest, arrest ºf breathing, must lean forward. Stitches on sides of chest. NECK AND BACK.—Spinal meningitis, with convulsions, jerks of muscles. (Bell.) LIMBS.—Trembling of the limbs. Frequent twitching of the hands and feel. (Strain.) GENERALITIES.—Muscular twitching. Subsultus tendinum. Convulsive jerks; of single muscles or sets of muscles; long-lasting Spasms. Convulsions; the spasms flex the limbs, and the bent body is tossed upward. w Body rigid as in tetanus. Epilepsy; falls suddenly to the ground with shrieks, and convulsions; ending with Sopor and snoring. Uncommon sinking of strength. Weins expanded or puffed up; full pulse. SLEEP.-Sleeplessness: from eveessive nervous eveilement. Restless sleep; startings from fright. (Bell., Gels.) Deep sleep, with convulsions. 204 IGNATIA. Wakes up with a cry. AGGRAVATION.--In evening; after eating and drinking; in hot room ; during menses. * AMELIORATION.— By stooping; from smoking. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.—Bad effects from cold air; from abuse of Bella- donna; from jealousy, unhappy love; convulsions, spasms, cramps, epilepsy, chorea, and other spasmodic affections, especially in preg- nant or parturient women, and in children; excessive nervous excite- ment, mania, delirium tremens, typhus fever, typhoid conditions; apoplexy; hydrocephalus; trismus; paralysis; paralysis of sphinc- ters; retention of urine; spasmodic night cough; metrorrhagia, hic- cough, diarrhoea of lying-in women. CONDITIONs.—Useful with nervous, excitable persons; with drunkards; with old men and children. * Compare: Bell, Bry., Cupr., Ign, Gels., Lyc., Op., Puls., Stram. Antidotes: Vinegar, Bell., Camph., Citric ac., Cinch., Stram. Hyos. Antzdotes: Bell, Plumb., Stram., Ether. IGNATIA. Strychnos ignatia. Watural Order. Loganiaceae. Common Mame. St. Ignatius Bean. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts upon the medulla oblongata and the spinal nervous system, giving rise primarily to tetanic convulsions and dyspnoea, which may end in death. Sec- ondarily, the entire nervous system becomes morbidly excited and sensitive, so that we find an intense acuteness of the nerves of sensation and of special sense, and an increased suscepti- bility to external impressions, both mental and physical. The co-ordination of functions is perverted, and at the same time we may find convulsive twitchings and spasms, or these alter- nating with torpor and depression. The leading expression of Ignatia is a finely sensitive mood, with tendency to sadness and silent grief, and continually brooding over imaginary troubles. IGNATIA. 205 CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Desire for solitude. (Bry., Carbo. anim.) Changeable disposition, jesting and lituſ/hing, chſtmging to stdness, with shedding of tears. (Hyos.) Anxiety, as if he had committed some great crime. Finely sensitive mood, delicate conscientiousness. Slight blame or contradiction irritates and eccites him to anger. Fearful, timid. Inconstant, impatient, ºr resolute. Taciturn, sad, melancholy. " (Nux m., Puls.) Anger, followed by quiet grief or sorrow. Full of suppressed grief; seems weighed down by it; broods over imaginary troubles. HEAD.—Headache, like a pressure with something hard, on the upper sur- face of the brain. Headache, as if bruised or beaten in the morning on waking; on rising changes to toothache, as if crushed or shattered, then to bruised, beaten pain in small of back; worse when thinking about it. Jerking headache; on ascending steps; aggravated by raising the eyes. p Pressing headache in right half of forehead, involving the right eye. Pressing pains in forehead and root of nose (Kali b., Hep.); must bend the head forward; followed by inclination to vomit. Pain as if a nail were driven out through the side of the head, relieved when lying on the painful sºde. Headache from coffee, tobacco or alcohol. Aggravated in mornings; from moving the eyes; from stooping; from noise. Better from changing position; when lying on painful side. EYEs.—Photophobia. Flickering zigzags before the eyes. (Bell., Hyos., Lyc., Nat. m., Spig.) Pressure in the eyes; as from Sand. (Caust., Euph., Sulph.) Burning and watering of the eyes. Convulsive movements of eyes and lids. t FACE.-Convulsive twitchings of muscles of face. (Stram.) MoUTH.—Twitching of corners of mouth. Spasmodic closure of the jaws. 206 IGNATIA. Accumulation of acid saliva. -- While chewing or talking bites inside of cheeks easily. (Petrol.) Sour taste in the mouth. g THROAT.—Sensation of a lump in the throat; more when not swallowing. Sore throat, sticking and stitches only between the acts of swallowing; better from swallowing solid food. - STOMACH.—Aversion to tobacco; to warm food and milk; to spirituous ... liquors. Eructations of bitter fluid. Hiccough ; after eating and drinking; from smoking. - Sensation of emptiness in the stomach. (Hyd., Puls., Sep., Sulph.) Sensation of weakness and sinking in pºt of stomach. Pressure in pit of stomach; and in region of spleen. ABDOMEN.—Drawing and pinching in the umbilical region. Throbbing in the abdomen. - STool, AND ANUS.–Prolapsus of the réctum, from moderate evertion at stool. (Podo.) Contractive sore pain in the reclum, (ts from blind piles; for one or two hours after stool, (Nat. m.) - Shoºp, pressive pain in the recium. Stitches from the aſtus deep into the rectumn. Itching and crawling in the rectum, as from thread worms. Constrictive sore patin in ants after stool. (Nat. m.) Fruitless efforts and urging to stool. Stools large and soft, but passed with difficulty. URINARY ORGANS.–Frequent discharge of match watery urine. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.–Menses too early. Menstrual blood black, of putrid odor, in clots. Violent labor-like pains; followed by purulent corrosive leucorrhoea. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.—Constrictive sensation in larynx and trachea. (Ars., Ipec.) - Desire to take a deep breath. (Lach.) Frequent s?ghºng. Dry spasmodic cough. Hollow spasmodic cough, especially in evening, caused by a sensation like from fumes of sulphur or from dust in pit of throat. IGNATIA. 20% The longer the cough the more the irritation to cough increases. Every time he stands still during the walk he coughs. Sleepy after each coughing spell. Spasmodic constriction of the chest. HEART.-Palpitation of the heart. NECK.—Stiffness of the nape of the neck. (Kali c., Lach., Rhus.) LIMBS.–Single jerks of the limbs on falling asleep. Convulsive jerkings of the arms and legs. (Stram.) GENERALITIES.—Jerkings and twitchings in various parts of the muscles, here and there. (Stram.) Convulsive twitchings, especially aſter fright or grief. (Gels., Op.) Convulsions alternating with oppressed breathing. Convulsions: during dentition; after punishment: from fright or grief. (Gels., Op.) - Paralysis after great mental emotion, or night watching. Over-sensitiveness to pain. (Cof) Pressing pains from in to out, like from a hard pointed body. Frequently changing position at night in bed. (Rhus.) Hysterical debility and fainting fits. (Nux m.) Great weakness and exhaustion. SLEEP.—Excessively frequent spasmodic yawning. Restless sleep. º Dreams of one and the same object the whole night through. FEVER.—Shaking chill with redness of the face. Chill, especially in posterior portions of the body; relieved by easterna? warmth. (Ars., Kali c.) During the chill thirsty, desires external warmth; during the heat no thirst, external warmth intolerable. Heat of the whole body in the afternoon, without thirst. Easternal heat and redness, without internal heat. One-sided burning heat of the face. Very little sweat, or only on the face. SKIN.—Itching; relieved by gentle scratching. Excoriation of the skin. AGGRAVATION.—In morning, immediately after waking; in the evening 208 IODINE. after lying down; after dinner; from slight touch; from tobacco, cof. fee, alcohol. AMELIORATION.—When lying on the back or on the painful side, or from change of position; from hard pressure. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Ailments from mortification, bad news, grief or suppressed mental sufferings. Bad consequences of disappointed love. Melancholy. Hysteria. Convulsions. Cramps. Spasms and spasmodic affections in general. Epilepsy. Chorea. Paralysis. Neuralgia. Nervous headache. Gastralgia. Haemorrhoids. Pro- lapsis ani et recti. Nervous dyspepsia. Intermittent and nervous fevers. Spasmodic cough. CoNDITIONS.–Especially suitable to nervous, hysterical females of mild but easily excited nature; to nervous children. Compare : Ars., Coc., Cof., Hyos., Ipec., Nux m., Nux v., Puls., Stram. Incompatible—Coffee. Tobacco. Antidotes : Arn., Cham., Camph., Cocc., Oof, Nur v., Puls. To large doses : Coffee. Ignatia Antidotes : Zinc, effects of coffee, Cham., Puls. Also Brandy and Tobacco. IODIN E. The element, Iodine. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Acts especially upon the ganglionic nervous system and through it the glandular and mucous tis- sues, having a depressing and atonizing influence, impairing their reproductive energies and producing functional embar- rassment, atrophy, and even total destruction of the part. So, also, in some instances of glandular action, notably upon the thyroid, do we find the loss of reproductive and functional power resulting in cellular hypertrophy, the gland assuming the proportions of a morbid growth, due to the same causes, as will at other times produce atrophy. The glandular action of Iodine is more especially centered upon the thyroid, the mesenteric, the mammae, ovaries and testicles. Of the mucous IODINE. 209 membranes, its action is most prominent upon that of the res- piratory tract. The leading expression of the drug is emacia- tion, both local and general, which accompanies nearly all Iodine conditions. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Sadness; melancholy mood. (Nat. m., Puls., Rhus.) Excessive nervous excitability. (Cof.) HEAD.—Wertigo; throbbing in the head and all over the body, tremor at the heart, fainting; worse immediately after rising from a seat or bed; or, by sitting or lying down after slight exercise. Throbbing in the head at every motion. Headache worse in the hot air. EYEs.—Dirty yellowish color of the sclerotica. Pain as from excoriation in the eyes. EARS.—Difficult hearing. FACE.--Face pale, yellowish (Merc., Nux, Podo., Puls.), or greenish. Sallow, distressed countenance. Bluish lips, with swelling of the superficial veins. Swelling of the submaxillary glands. MoUTH.—Bleeding of the gums. Softening of the gums. Teeth covered with much mucous in the morning; yellow and easily blunted by vegetable acids. Apthae in the mouth. Offensive odor from the mouth. (Kali b.) Salčvation; also after mercury. (Hep., Kali b.) Tongue loaded with thick coating. THROAT.—Constriction in the throat, impeding deglutition. STOMACH.-Ravenous hunger, can not be satisfied. Nausea; vomiting, renewed by eating. Heartburn after indigestible food. ABDOMEN.—Left hypochondria hard and painful to pressure. Swelling and distension of the abdomen. Incarcerated flatulence. Swelling of the inguinal glands. (Merc.) 14 # 210 IODINE. STOOLS.—Diarrhoea; alternating with constipation. (Ant. crud.) Stools watery, foaming, whitish mucus. URINARY ORGANs.-Copious and frequent micturition. MALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Swelling and induration of the testicles. (Con.) FEMALE SExUAL ORGANs.—Induration and swelling of uterus and ovaries. (Con.) The mammae dwindle away and become flabby. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Hoarseness. Pains in the larynx with desire to cough. Tightness of respiration; difficult; especially inspiration. Membranous croup (Brom., Kalib.), with wheezing and sawing respira- tion; dry, barking cough ; child grasps throat with the hand. (Acon.) HEART AND PULSE.-Violent palpitation; worse from the least exertion. (Dig.) Constant, heavy, oppressive pain in region of heart (Cact.), with sharp, quick, piercing, movable pains. Great praecordial anxiety, obliging him to constantly change his posi- tion. (Rhus.) NECK.—Goitre with marked hardness. Swelling and induration of the cervical glands. LIMBs.—Subsultus tendinum of both hands and feet. Trembling of the limbs. GENERALITIES.—Emaciation. (Nat. m.) Great debility and prostration. Twitching of muscles. Swelling and induration of glands. Brofuse night sweats. SKIN.—Dirty yellow, clammy, moist skin. Rough, dry skin. AGGRAVATION.—At night; in morning; by walking or riding; from pres- sure; from warmth. AMELIORATION.—From cold in general; after sleep; after eating. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Bad effects of mercury; scrofulous affections; enlargements and induration of glands; atrophy; ptyalism; dys- pepsia; membranous croup; hydrocele; ovarian cysts; abscesses. IPECACUANHA. 211 CoNDITIONS.–Especially suitable to persons, particularly children, with dark hair and eyes. To scrofulous persons, old people. º Compare: Ac., Ars., Brom., Caust., Con., Dig., Hep., Kalib., Merc., Phos., Spong., Sulph., Merc. Antidotes: Ant. tart., Ars., Bell., Camph., Chin., Sulph., Cinch., Coff., Hep., Op., Phos., Spong., Sulph. To large doses: starch or wheat flour in water. Iodine Antidotes: Effects of Ars., Arg. nit., Calc., Merc. IPECACUANEIA. Cephaelis ipecacuanha. Natural Order. Rubiaceae. Common Wame. Ipecac. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts especially upon the ramifica- tions of the pneumogastric nerve, producing spasmodic irri- tation, mostly in the chest and stomach, giving rise in the former to asthma, and in the latter to nausea and vomiting. It also irritates the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive tracts, causing catarrhal conditions of these parts, and through the same sources of irritation has the power of pro- ducing haemorrhages from mucous surfaces. The principal feature of Ipecac is its persistent nausea and vomiting, which is its chief indication in all diseases. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Peevish. Irritable. (Bry, Cham.) Impatient. HEAD.—Headache, as if bruised, all through bones of head and down into root of tongue, with nausea. NoSE.—Coryza, with stoppage of the nose and nausea. Epistaxis of bright blood. FACE.-Pale and puffed, or sunken; with blue rings around the eyes. (Ars., Cinch.) MoUTH.—Profuse accumulation of saliva. Constantly obliged to swallow salieſt. 212 IPECACUANHA. STOMACH.—Aversion to all food. Empty eructations. Distressing naused and inclination to vomit, with almost all complaints. Nausea, as from the stomach. Vomiting, thirst, sweat and bad breath. Vomiting, with distended abdomen; after vomiting inclined to sleep. Vomiting worse from stooping. (Alum., Rhus.) Distressing feeling, as though the stomach were hanging down relaxed. (Ign., Mur, ac., Sep.) ABDoMEN.—Pinching pain in both hypochondria, and in region of pit of stomach. (Bell.) Griping as from a hand, each finger seemingly sharply pressing into the intestines; better during rest, much worse by motion. With every movement a cutting pain almost constantly running from left to right. STool-Diarrhoea; stools as if fermented, green as grass, with nausea and colic. *s Frequent stools of greenish mucus. Bloody stools. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.—Haemorrhage from the uterus, blood bright red profuse, clotted; nausea; breathing heavy, oppressed; stitches from navel to uterus. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.—Rattling noises in the air passages during resp?ra- tion. - Dyspnoea; attended with wheezing and great weight and ana.iety about the praecordia. Violent constriction of the throat and chest, with shortness of breath and wheezing respiration; gasps for air at the open window; face pale; worse from least motion; threatened suffocation; asthma. (Ars) Severe and convulsive paroxysms of asthma. Oppression of the chest in the forenoon, with shortness of breath, as from inhaling dust. Cough caused by tickling from upper portion of larynx to lowest ex- tremity of bronchi. Cough causing inclination to vomit, without nausea. IRIs VERSICOLOR. 213 Suffocating cough, whereby the child becomes quite stiff and blue in the face. (Cor. rub.) Whooping cough, with nosebleed, bleeding from the mouth, vomiting; loses breath, turns pale or blue, and becomes rigid. Cough, with expectoration of blood. Haemoptysis; from the slightest exertion. UPPER LIMBs.—Coldness of one hand while the other is hot. GENERALITIES.—Great weakness. Body rigid, stretched out stiff; followed by spasmodic jerking of the arms. Haemorrhages, bright red. Tearing pains in all the bones. Dropsy of internal parts. FEVER.—Backache, short chill, long fever; heat usually with thirst, head- ache, nausea and cough; sweat last. External coldness, internal heat. Intermittent fever when gastric symptoms predominate. AGGRAVATION.—After lying down; morning and evening. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Nausea and vomiting in all complaints. Asthma. Croup. Pertusis. Bronchial asthma. Haemorrhages from all parts. Diarrhoea. Intermittent fever. Compare : Ant. tart., Ars., Bell., Bry., Calc., Cham., Cinch., Cupr., Nux v., Puls., Phos., Sepia, Sulph., Tabac., Verat. Ars. follows well in cholera infantum, debility, croup and intermittent fever. A lit. tart in foreign substances in larynx. Nux v. and Ars, in checked cold. Cuprum is complementary. Antidotes : Arn., Ars., Cinch. Nux v., Tabac. Ipecac Antidotes : Alum, Ant, tart., Arn., Ars., Cinch., Cupr. (vapors), Dulc., Fer., Op., Tabac. IRIS WERSICOLOR. AWatural Order. Iridaceae. Common Mame. Blue flag. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts especially upon the glandular system, and the gastro-intestinal mucous membrane, causing 214 IRIS WERSICOLOR. abnormal activity, increasing the secretions, and rendering them acrid. It is supposed to have a specific and powerful action upon the pancreas. On the skin it produces vesicular and pustular eruptions. The chief characteristic of Iris is a headache resulting from gastro-hepatic derangement, resem- bling the well-known “sick headache.” CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Despondent, low spirited, easily vexed. (Puls., Nux. v.) HEAD.—Dull throbbing or shooting in right side of forehead, with nausea. Dull heavy frontal headache, with nausea. (Bry.) Shooting in the temples, mostly the right, with constrictive feeling of the scalp. Pustular eruptions on the scalp. (Graph., Sulph.) NOSE,-Constant sneezing. FACE.-Neuralgia, involving supra and infra orbital, superior maxillary and inferior dental nerves; begins after breakfast every morning, with a stupid stunning headache, and lasts several hours. Pustular eruptions on the face, around nose, lips and cheeks, secreting a sanious irritating matter. (Graph., Sulph.) MoUTH.—Mouth and tongue feel as though they had been scalded. (Cham, Sep.) Ulcers on mucous membranes of cheeks. Profuse flow of saliva. (Cinch., Merc., Nit. ac., Podo.) STOMACH.-Loss of appetite. Eructations of tasteless gas. Nausea and vomiting of an extremely sour fluid. Vomiting of food; of bile (Nux, Podo.); of soured milk in children. (AEthusa.) Great burning distress in the epigastrium. (Ars.) ABDOMEN.—Sharp, griping pains in the bowels. Pain in abdomen relieved by discharge of flatus. Colicky pains, obliging him to bend forward for relief. (Coloc.) STOOL AND ANUs.—Stool: thin, watery; soft, yellow, with rumbling, but no pain; mushy, painless; blood; and mucous, with straining. (Merc.) KALI BICHROMICUM. 215 Great burning in annus, as ºf on fire, after stool. UPPER LIMBs.—Sharp, tensive pain in right shoulder, worse on motion, particularly on raising the arm. Severe shooting pains about the phalangeal and metacarpal phalangeal articulations. - Lower LIMBs.—Sciatica, painful drawing and lameness, extending to popliteal space. SKIN.—Pustular eruptions, especially on scalp and face. (Graph., Sulph.) FEveR.—Heat followed by chill, with cold hands and feet. Sweat over whole body, particularly in groin. AGGRAVATION.—In evening and at night; from rest, also from motion, better from continued motion. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Gastric and bilious derangements, sick headache, neuralgia, diarrhoea, influenza, bilious fever, eczema, crustalactea. Compare: Ant. c., Ars., Ipec., Merc., Puls., Podo., Verat. Antidote: Nux vomica. |KALI.EICHROMICUM. Bichromate of Potash. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts prominently upon the mucous membranes, especially of the respiratory and alimentary tracts, and to a less extent of the uterus, producing catarrhal inflam- mations, characterized by an excessive secretion of mucus, which is viscid and tough in its character. This action at times goes on to ulceration, or, in the respiratory tract, to the formation of false membranes. The drug also acts to a con- siderable extent upon the glandular system, especially the liver and kidneys, and upon the skin and fibrous tissues and cartilages, its action in general representing congestion, disorganization, and even destruction of the parts. The chief characteristic of Kali bich. is the secretion of tough, viscid, stringy mucus, before mentioned. 216 KALI BICHROMICUM. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. HEAD.—Wertigo, with nausea and inclination to vomit; when rising from a seat (Podo., Puls.) tºº, In the morning, on awaking, pain, in the forehead and vertex (Nat. m.); later extends to the back of the head. Violent shooting pain from root of nose along left orbital arch to extreme angle of eye, with dim sight, like a scale on the eye; begins in morning, increases till noon, and ceases toward evening. Frontal headache, usually over one eye. (Sang.) Bones of the head feel sore. (Merc., Nit, ac.) EYES.—Inflammation, with yellow discharge, and agglutination in the morning. In the eyes: itching; heat; burning; pressure. Photophobia; with lachrymation and burning. Margins of lids very red. Redness of conjunctiva, with lachrymation. Pustules on conjunctiva; on cornea. (Merc., Nit. ae) EARs.—Violent stitches in the left ear, extending into roof of mouth, side of head and neck; glands swollen; neck painful to touch. (Hep.) NoSE.—Ulceration of the 8eptwm marium (Aur.); purulent inflammation of the whole nasal mucous membrane. (Graph, Merc., Nit, ac., Sil.) Formation of hard plugs &n the nostrºls. (Alum, Sep., Sil.) * Tough, stringy discharge from the nose. Coryza, fluent, excoriating nose and lips. (Merc. cor.) Great dryness of the nose (Graph., Nit. ac.), with a feeling of pressure in nasal bones. Sensation as if the nose were swollen and stiff; must blow out a thick substance, but no discharge; feels as if a heavy weight were hanging from it. - - Pressure or pressive pain at root of nose. (Acon.) On blowing nose violent stitches in right side of nose, as though two loose bones were rubbed against each other. Soreness in the nose; scabs on the septum. (Nit. ac.) FACE.-Pale, yellowish complexion. - Bones of face sensitive, painful as if bruised. (Merg.) MoUTH.—Tongue : Smooth, red and cracked (Bell., Rhus.); dry and red; KALI BICHROMICUM. 217 coated thick whitish yellow (Podo., Merc., Iod.); ulcerated. (Merc.) Dryness in the mouth. Viscid, sticky saliva in mouth, and upper part of throat. THROAT.—Hawking of much thick tenacious mucus in the morning. Deep excavated sore, with a reddish areola, and containing a yellow tenacious matter, at the root of the uvula. Uvula and tonsils red, swollen, painful and finally ulcerated (Apis, Bell., Lach, Merc.), surrounding tissues dark, livid and swollen. Sensation of a hair in the fauces. Sensation of a plug in the throat, not relieved by swallowing. (Lach.) Sharp shooting pains in left tonsil, extending towards the ear; relieved by swallowing. StomACH-Complete loss of appetite. Great thirst, especially for acid drinks. Sudden nausea. Vomiting; of a thin pinkish glairy fluid. Pressure and heaviness in the stomach; immediately after eating. (Bry., Nux.) ABDOMEN.—Stitches in right hypochondrium (Bry., Kali c.); in region of spleen (Bry, Kali c.); through abdomen extending to spinal column. STOOL-Dysentery; stool consisting of brown frothy water, or bloody, with painful pressure, urging and tenesmus. Periodical dysentery every year. (Ars., Lach.) Constipation, stool scanty and lumpy; followed by burning and pressure in the anus. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Menses too early, with giddiness, nausea and headache. Leucorrhoea, yellow, ropy; pain and weakness across the small of back, and dull, heavy pains in the hypogastrium. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Hoarseness and accumulation of large quantities of mucus in the larynx, in the morning. Rough, hoarse coice. “Stuffing” cough, with pain at the chest and expectoration of yellow or yellowish green tough matter. * Ea'pectoration of cery tough mºrews, so wise?d that it drew in strings down to the feet. 218 KALI CARBONICUM. Cough, hoarse, metallic; false membrane formed, difficult to detach (Brom., Iod.), with expectoration of stringy mucus; coughs up casts of elastic fibrinous nature; loud mucous rales; wheezing, rattling in sleep. Dyspnoea; wheezing and panting; with tightness at bifurcation of bronchia; as if mucous membrane was thickened. Cough worse undressing; morning on waking; after eating; deep inspiration; better after getting warm in bed. LIMBS.–Rheumatic pains in limbs. Tearing in the right tibia. GENERALITIES.—Great prostration. Pains fly rapidly from one place to another. Bones feel bruised; caries. Diphtheritic formations on mucous membranes; also plastic exuda- tions, of ropy, stringy mucus. SKIN.—Papular eruptions, especially on forearms. Ulceration deep, as if cut out with a punch, edges regular. AGGRAVATION.—In the morning; from cold; after eating. AMELIORATION.—From heat; towards evening. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Catarrhal affections in general : nasal; bronchial; membranous croup; diphtheria; diarrhoea; leucorrhoea, etc. Ophthal- mia. Chronic ulcers. Syphilitic ulcers. Rheumatism. Dyspepsia. Bilious conditions. - CoNDITIONS.—Especially useful in fat, light-haired persons; fat, chubby children. Compare : Ars., Ant. tart., Brom., Hep., Iod., Lach., Merc., Mez., Nit. ac., Phytol., Puls., Spong., Sil. Antidotes: Ars., Lach., Puls. KALI CARBONICUM. Carbonate of Potash. K2, O, CO2. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Acts especially upon the respiratory mucous membrane, the digestive tract, and upon the ovario- KALI CARBONICUM. 219 uterine system. The condition produced is one of excessive irritation, giving rise to a condition bordering on inflamma- tion, yet hardly reaching that point. The membranes, under its influence, become extremely dry, and as a result we have sharp stitching pains, which is its great characteristic. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Very easily frightened. Irascible, passionate humor. (Nux V.) Anxiety with fear. (Acon., Gels., Op.) Peevish and irritable. (Bry., Cham.) HEAD.—Wertigo when rapidly turning the head or body. (Con.) Pressive headache. Pressure and drawing tearing in the forehead, extending into the eyes and root of the nose. Stitches in the temples; worse stooping, moving head, eyes Or jaw ; better raising the head and from heat. Headache from the motion of a carriage. (Bell, Cocc.) Dryness and falling out of the hair. EYES.—Burning and stitches in the eyes. Swelling between the eyebrows and lids, like a sac, (under lid, Apis., Euphor.) Lids swollen and inflamed; agglutinated, especially mornings. (Merc., Sulph.) Pain in the eyes while reading. (Ruta.) Soreness of external canthus with burning pain. Photophobia, lachrymation. Weakness of vision; fog before the eyes. Bright sparks and spots before the eyes. NoSE.—Nose swollen and red; nostrils sore and Scurfy. (Merc., Nit, ac., Kali. b.) Stoppage of the nose. (Nux v.) Frequent bleeding of the nose. EARS.—Stitches in the ear. Inflammation and swelling of the parotids. Roaring, whizzing, cracking noises in the ear. 220 KALI CARBONICUM. FACE.-Pale, sickly color of the face; face bloated. (Ars.) Tearing stitches in the cheeks. MoUTH.—Toothache only when eating; throbbing; worse when touched by anything cold or warm. Tearing, lancinating toothache, with pain in facial bones. Burning and soreness of tip of tongue. - Mouth and tongue covered with painful, burning vesicles. (Merc. C., Nat. m.) Foul, slimy taste in the mouth. THROAT.—Much tenacious mucus in back part of throat. Sticking pain &n the pharynac, as if there were a fish bone in it (Hepar); on becoming cold. - Difficult swallowing; the food descends the oesophagus very slowly, with gagging and vomiting. STOMACH.-Sour eructations (Bry, Calc., Phos.); regurgitation of food and Water. Nauseſt; after a meal; on every inward emotion; pregnancy. A constant feelºng as if the 8tomach were full of water. Pit of stomach swollen, tense, sensitive to the touch; violent throbbing; cuttings. (Bell.) Heavy pressure in the stomach after eating. ABDOMEN.—Heat and burning pain or stitches in hepatic region. (Ars., Bry., Cinch.) Violent cutting pains all over the abdomen. (Coloc.) Fullness, heat and great distension in the abdomen immediately after eat &ng a little. Feeling of coldness, as if a cold fluid passed through the intestines. Heaviness and tension in abdomen. STOOL AND ANU.S.—Large painful haemorrhoids (Mur. ac.), with stitches and burning; protrude during stool; much bleeding. In the anus: stitches; soreness; itching. Ineffectual urging to stool; rectum feels too weak to expel it. Stool: insufficient; soft; bloody; like sheep dung (Plumb); only with much exertion. URINARY ORGANS.–Frequent urination, especially at night, with much pressure and scanty emission. KALI CARBONICUM. 221 MALE SEXUAL ORGANs.-Sexual desire excessive or deficient. Great weakness after pollutions or coition. (Cinch., Phos.) FEMALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Menses too early, too profuse, and long lasting. (Bell., Calc., Nux, Phos., Sabina.) Suppression of the menses, with dropsical effusions. Great soreness about the genitals before, during and after menstruation. During menses, cutting in abdomen; aching in small of back (Actea, Puls.); itching nettle rash. (Dulc.) Yellow corrosive leucorrhoea (Merc. cor.), backache. Tearing stitches in the mammae. (Bry.) RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Easy choking when eating. Complete hoarseness and loss of voice. (Caust., Hep., Phos.) Cough worse from 3 to 4 A. M. - sº Cough: evening after lying down; paroxsymal from tickling in the throat; spasmodic with gagging and vomiting; suffocation, from dryness of the larynx. - Purulent expectoration with the cough. Expectoration of small round lumps from the throat. Weakness of the chest; from rapid walking. Tension across the chest on expiration, while walking. Cutting pain in the chest in the evening, after lying down. Stitches in the chest, on inspiration. (Bry., Phos.) Sore pain in chest; from talking, breathing, lifting. (Rhus.) Pressure in the chest. HEART.-Frequent and violent palpitation. (Dig.) Intermission of the beats of the heart. (Nat. m., Lach.) NECK AND BACK.—Stiffness of the nape of the neck. (Rhus, Lach., Ign.) Backache, as if broken. (Bell., Nux.) Stitches and tearing in right scapula, on breathing; mornings. Drawing pain in small of back. Hard pressure in small of back. Tearing in lumbar muscles, impeding respiration. LIMBS.–Uneasiness in limbs, in evenings, in bed. Heaviness of the limbs, scarcely able to lift the feet. Extremities inclined to fall asleep. Drawing, tearing pains in limbs. 222 KALI IODATUM. Tips of toes very painful on walking. GENERALITIES.–Frequent exhaustion and weariness. |Very much inclined to take cold. Twitching of the muscles. Sticking, stitching pains. (Bry.) Night sweats. SLEEP.—Drowsiness and yawning. (Nux m.) Attacks of sleepiness while eating; after eating. Restless sleep. Wakes in the morning about 1 or 2 o’clock, and can not sleep again, from wakefulness. AGGRAVATION.—In the morning about 2 or 3 o'clock; at rest; from cold and from becoming cold. AMELIORATION.—During the day while moving about; from warmth; in the warm air. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-In pulmonary affections; pneumonia; pleurisy; phthisis; asthma; bronchitis; whooping cough; dropsical affec- tions; anasarca; ascites; hydrothorax; anaemia; obesity; dyspepsia; congestion of the liver; haemorrhoids; amenorrhoea; paralysis; rheu- matism. • CONDITIONS.—Especially suited for old people, and for fat people with lax fibre. Compare : Ars., Aco., Bell., Bry, Carb. v., Cham., Cinch., Con., Gels., Kali b., Op., Lact., Lyc., Merc., Nit. ac., Nux, Phos., Puls., Rhus., Sepia, Sulph. Antidotes : Camph., Coff., Nºtr. sp. dulc. KALI IODATUM. Iodide of Potash. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Acts upon the mucous tissues, and the glands, its action closely resembling that of Mercury, and involving the same character of disorganization of fluids and destruction of tissues. KALI IODATUM. 223 CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Sadness and anxiety. HEAD.—Pain in the upper part of head, as if it would be forced asunder. (Bell., Bry, Calc., Nux, Sep., Sil.) Pain in sides of head as if screwed in. (Merc.) The scalp feels as if ulcerated when scratching it. (Merc.) EYES.—Sunken eyes surrounded by blue rings. (Sulph.) Injection and tumefaction of the conjunctiva. Chemosis. CEdema of the eyelids. (Apis, Kali c., Rhus.) Vision dim and foggy. Nose-Acute coryza; great redness of mucous membrane of eyes, nose, throat and palate, with profuse lachrymation. Violent sneezing, and running of acrid water from nose. (Cepa, Kali b.) Accumulation of very tenacious mucus in mostrils. (Kali b.) Discharge from the nose of greenish-black or yellow matter, of a foul sickening smell; of decomposed greenish-red blood. Sensation of fullness and tightness at root of nose. (Acon, Kali b.) Throbbing and burning pains ºn nasal and frontal bones, with 8welling. Gnawing sensation in nasal bones, with lancinating, boring pains ex- tending to forehead. FACE.-Face pale, colorless. Swelling of face and tongue, especially after mercury. MoUTH.—Burning of tip of tongue; vesicles on tip of tongue. Dryness of the mouth. * Swelling of the gums, especially round the decayed teeth. (Staph., Sil) Very offensive odor from the mouth. Copious salivation. (Merc., Nit, ac.) Swelling and suppuration of submaxillary glands. (Hep., Graph., Sil.) THROAT.—Itching and dryness of throat. Sensitive swelling of thyroid gland. STOMACH.—Excessive thirst. Nausea and vomiting. ABDOMEN.—Sudden painful bloating of the abdomen, as if it would burst, disappearing after emission of flatus. 224 KALMIA. STOOL-Scanty, hard, difficult. Light green and yellow watery stools. MALE SExUAL ORGANs.—Extensive swelling and inflammation of the penis. FEMALE SExUAL, ORGANs.-Frequent urging to urinate when the menses appear. Thin, watery, acrid leucorrhoea. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Raw, pain in laryma, as from granulations. Deep hollow cough, with whitish and greenish expectoration, and tearing pain starting from ensiform cartilage. Stitches through the sternum to the back, or deep in the chest (Kali c.) while walking. BACK.—Pain in small of back as if screwed in a vise; after moving. LIMBS.—Tearing, darting or gnawing pains; periosteum involved; worse at night; after mercury or syphilis. GENERALITIES.—Great general debility. Subsultus tendinum, or contraction of muscles and tendons. Enlarged or atrophied glands. (Hep., Iodine.) CEdematous infiltration of tissues. Swelling of bones. SLEEP.—Restless sleep. Sleeplessness. AGGRAVATION.—At night; in cold air; at rest. Better from motion. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-In mercurial and syphilitic affections. Affections of glands; of bones. CoNDITIONs.—After abuse of mercury. Compare: Arum, Euph., Kali bich., Hepar, Iodine, Mercurius, Mezerum Antidotes : Hepar sulph. Kali iod. Antidotes : Mercury. KALMIA. Kalmia latifolia. Watural Order. Ericaceae. Common Mame. Mountain Laurel. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts prominently upon the heart, diminishing the force and frequency of its action, and upon the muscular system, producing rheumatic pains. RREOSOTUM. 225 CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. HEAD.—Vertigo, with pains in the limbs. EYEs.—Glimmering before the eyes. Pain in eyes, worse on turning them. Sensation of stiffness around the eyes, and in the eyelids. (Rhus, Spig.) FACE.—Neuralgia of the face, mostly on right side; rending, agonizing pains. STOMACH. –Pressure in pit of stomach, worse when sitting bent over; better when sitting erect, with the sensation as if something would be pressed off below the pit of stomach. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Tickling in the trachea. Difficult and oppressed breathing. Stitches in lower part of the chest. Shooting through chest above the heart into the shoulder blades (Kali c.); with pain in the left arm. (Rhus.) HEART AND PULSE-Pulpitation of the heart; with anxiety and oppressed breathing. Rheumatic pains in region of heart. (Laur., Rhus, Spig., Spong.) Pulse: slow and feeble; irregular. LIMBs.—Pain in left arm. (Acon., Rhus.) Pressure in left arm. Rheumatic pains in the limbs; from hip to feet. GENERALITIES.—r Rheumatic pains all over the body. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-In affections of the heart; rheumatism; endo. carditis; hypertrophy; valvular disease. Muscular rheumatism. Compare : Acon., Bell., Dig., Hepar, Spig., Rhus. Kalmia follows Spigelia well in heart disease. (Hering.) Antidotes : Acon., Bell. KREOSOTUM. A product of distillation of wood tar. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Kreosote acts upon the lymphatic system, and especially upon the mucous membranes of the 15 226 KREOSOTUM. digestive and female generative organs, producing catarrhal conditions with tendency to disorganization, ulceration and destruction of the parts involved. The chief characteristic of Kreosote is the corrosive, acrid character of its secretions. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. MIND.—Weakness of memory. (Anac., Op., Nux, Phos. ac.) HEAD.—Painful dullness in the head, as after a carouse. (Nux, Led.) Throbbing pains, especially in the forehead. EYES.–Sight confused, as when looking through a veil. (Hyos., Caust., Phos.) Heat and burning in the eyes, and lachrymation. (Ars.) Swelling of the eyelids and their margins. (Puls., Staph., Sul.) NoSE.—Offensive smell before the nose. (Graph., Nit. ac., Phos. ac.) Frequent sneezing, especially in morning. (Graph.) FACE.-Pale face, bluish tinge; bloated. - Flushes of heat, with circumscribed redness of the cheeks. (Cham, Dulc., Lyc.) MoUTH.—Tongue coated white. Drawing pains in the teeth. (Merc.) Gums bleed readily, scorbutic, spongy and ulcerated. (Merc., Nit. ac.) Putrid odor from the mouth. (Nit. ac.) STOMACH.-Bitter taste, especially in the throat. (Bry., Merc., Puls.) Nausea, like that of pregnancy. (Nux m., Ipec.)” Womiting; of sweetish water; of ingesta. (Ars., Phos., Verat. alb.) Painful hard spot, at or to the left of the stomach. ABDOMEN.—Feeling of fullness, as after having eaten too much. (Lyc.) Constriction of hypochondria. Can not tolerate tight clothing. (Lach,) Distension of the abdomen. Colic, resembling the pains of labor. STOOL-Constipation, stool hard and expelled only after much pressing. (Bry, Nux.) URINARY ORGANS.–Frequent urging to urinate (Canth.); always with great haste and passing a great deal. (Phos. ac.) KREOSOTUM. 227 Urine offensive (Ben. ac., Nit. ac.); colorless (Phos. ac.); reddish sedi- ment. (Lyc.) FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Menses too early, too profuse and too pro- tracted. (Calc.) - Leucorrhaea of a yellow color, staining linen yellow, with great weakness. (Iod., Nat. c.) White leucorrhoea having. the odor of green corn. Burning between the pudenda on wrinating. Soreness between the pudenda, also between the thighs and pudenda, with burning, bºting p(tºns. Violent itching of the labilt, also of the vagina (Canth., Croton tig.); obliged to rub the parts; easternal genitals swollen, hot, hard (tnd 807'e. Soreness and smarting between the labia and vulva. (Sep.) RESPIRATORY ORGANs—Scraping and roughness of the throat, with hoarse- IO €SS. Shortness of breath. (Ars., Bor., Nux, Phos.) Convulsive cough with inclination to vomit. (Ant. tart., Ipec.) Paroxysmal, moist cough, caused by a crawling behind the sternum. (Sang, Rumex.) Burning in the chest. (Ars.) Stitches in left chest, just over the heart. (Lil., Kali c.) NECK AND BACK.—Glands of leck swollen. (Merc., Hep., Iod.) Pains in small of back, like labor pains. (Actea, Nux, Puls.) LIMBs.—Bruised pain in all the limbs. (Arn.) Pain in the left thumb, as if sprained. GENERALITIES.—General weakness and prostration. Faintness in morning, when rising earlier than usual. Excoriation of mucous surfaces. SKIN.—Itching; becomes exceedingly violent towards evening. Pustular eruptions over the whole body. (Sul., Crot.) SLEEP.—Great desire to sleep, with frequent yawning. Sleeplessness; tosses about without any apparent cause. AGGRAVATIONS.–In morning; at night; in open air; from growing cold; cold weather; cold bathing; cold food; from rest. AMELIORATION.—From warmth; from motion. 228 LACHESIS. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.--Scrofulous affections. Putrid ulcers. Gangrene. Cancer. Catarrh. Difficult dentition. Odontalgia. Morning sick- ness. Dyspepsia. Metrorrhagia. Leucorrhoea. Pruritus. CoNDITIONS.–Suitable for old women. For tall, lean persons. Compare : Ant. tart., Ars., Calc., Graph., Hep., Ipec., Iod., Merc., Nit. ac., Phos., Puls., Sulph. (Followed well by Sulph., also Ars. in cancer.) After Carbo veg. it disagrees. * e Antidotes : Ac., Ars., Cinch., Ipec., Nux v. LACHESIS. Trigonocephalus lachesis. Watural Order. Ophidia. Common Mame. Lance-headed viper of Brazil. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts upon the cerebro-spinal sys- tem, and more especially upon the pneumogastric. The nerve centres are poisoned, and as a result prostration, convulsions, and unconsciousness ensue, while from the influence of the pneumogastric we obtain irritable conditions of the throat, larynx, bronchi and heart, yet not passing into distinct inflam- mation. As a farther result of the poison, the blood becomes inoculated, decomposition sets in, the fibrin of the blood is destroyed, and we have, as a result, ecchymoses, haemorrhages, asthenic inflammations, abscesses, malignant inflammations, gangrene, pyamia, and with all, and as a result of all, a gen- eral typhoid condition. The chief characteristic of Lachesis is the aggravation of all its symptoms after sleep. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Memory weak (Anac., Kreos., Nux m., Op., Phos. ac.); makes mis- takes in Orthography. (Lyc.) - Great mental activity. (Coff, Cinch.) Loquacious : constantly changing from one subject to another (Actea); with mocking jealousy, satire, ridiculous ideas, frightful images. (Hyos.) Great sadness and anxiety on awaking in the morning. (Nat. m.) • LACHESIS. 229 Proud (Plat.); jealous (Hyos.); suspicious. Thinks herself under super-human control. HEAD.— Vertigo; in the morning on waking; mome, tary, on closing the 69/68. Headache extending into the root of the nose. Pressive headache with nausea. Headache in left frontal eminence, deep internal. (Nat. c.) Headache over the eyes and in the occiput, every morning on rising. One-sided headache; pains intense, extend to neck and shoulders. Neck stiff (Rhus); tongue paralytic. Pressing bursting pains in the temples (Nat. m.), better when lying down. Heaviness like lead in the occiput; can scarcely raise head from pillow, with vertigo. Numbness and crawling on left side of head; when touched or on moving the muscles. - Hair falls off (Merc., Nit. ac., Sepia, Phos.); worse during pregnancy; averse to sun’s rays. (Glon., Bell.) EYES.—Dâmness of vision; black flickering before the eyes. Fog before the eyes; bright blue rings filled with fiery rays about the light; zigzag figures. Sticking, drawing pains in and above the eyes. EARS.–Pains in ears, with sore throat. 4. Tearing extending from the zygoma into the ear. Whizzing, as from insects in the ears. NOSE.-Coryza preceded by headache; discharge watery, with red, sore nostrils; scabs in the nose. (Lyc., Merc.) FACE.-Pale; earthy gray color of face. (Ars.) Erysipelatous inflammation of face. Heat and redness of the otherwise pale face. Trifacial neuralgia, leſt side, orbital, heat running up into the head. Feeling of stiffness of the malar bone coming from the cervical glands. MOUTH.—Toothache, tearing, jerking, sticking (Puls); often extending through jaw to ear; periodic; after waking; after eating; from Q0(t?"??? and cold drinks. • Tongue dry, red, black, stiff, cracked. (Ars.) 230 LACHESIS. Difficult speech, tongue heavy, can not open mouth. Tongue trembles when protruded, or catches behind the teeth. (Ars., Bell.) Mouth sore, parched, dry; apthous. THROAT.—Hawking of mucus, with rawness in the throat. Dryness ºn throat without thirst. (Nux m.) Throat seems swollen, as ºf two lurge lumps came together, on empty switllowing; better from swallowing food. Feeling of a crumb of bread left sticking in the throat. Towsillitºs, worse on left side, choking when swallowing; or, when subal- lowing pains from throttt to ear; neck sensºtive to touch. (Apis, Kali b.) Lºquºds cause more difficulty in subullowing than solids. (Bell.) Easternal throat very sensitive to touch. (Not painful but an uneasy sen- sation.) STOMACH.—Appetite variable, at times good, at others no appetite at all. Desire for oysters. (Lyc.) Eructations, which relieve. Dyspepsia, worse after eating. (Cinch., Nux. v., Puls.) Gnawing in stomach, relieved after eating, but returns when stomach gets empty. Great discomfort of having clothes tight around the waist. ABDOMEN.—Tearing and cutting pains in right side of abdomen. Abdomen distended and hard ; hot, sensitive, painful. (Bell.) Drawing from anus to umbilicus. STool, AND ANUs.-Burning in anus during and after stools. (Ars, Canth., Nat. m.) Constriction of rectum; of anus. Beating in the anus, as with little hammers. Tormenting, constant urging in the rectum, not for stool. Stools: watery; offensive; dark. (Ars., Sept.) Obstinate constipation. (Alum., Plumb., Nux, Op.) Haemorrhoidal tumors, protruding, with stitches at each cough or SEle626. URINARY ORGANS.—Urine frequent, foaming, black. Pressure in bladder, with frequent urging. LACHESIS. 231 FEMALE Sexual ORGANs.-Menses scanty, feeble, but regular; blood black. Labor-like pains during menses. Uterine and ovarian pains, relieved by a flow of blood. Pains like a knife thrust into abdomen. • Uterus will not bear contact even of bed clothes, they cause uneasiness. Hot flashes; metrorrhagia, and other troubles during climacteric period. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Hoarseness; rawness, scraping and dryness in larynx (AC., Caust., Nux m., PhoS.); sensitive to touch. Suddenly something runs from neck to larynx, and interrupts breathing, awakens him at night; spasm of glottis. Cough : worse after sleep; caused by pressure on laryna ; dry and h(tck- 'ng; caused by touching the throat; from tickling the throat; from ulcers in the throat. Constantly obliged to take a deep breath. (Ign.) Shortness of breath; attacks of suffocation. (Ars., Apis, Ipec., Phos.) Oppression of the chest, HEART.—Constriction about the heart. (Cactus.) Cramp-like pain in the praecordial region, causing palpitation, with ana!?ety. Feels beating of heart, with great weakness. Irregularity of beats in the heart. (Kali c., Nat. m.) NECK AND BACK.—Stiffness of the nape of the neck (Rhus.); sensitive to external pressure. Pain in small of back, as if lame and weak. (Rhus.) Drawing pains in small of back. LIMBS.–Great weakness in both arms and legs. Aching pains in shin bones. Ulcers on lower extremities. (Ars., Lyc.) Red, bluish, painful swellings of legs and feet. GENERALITIES.—Weakness of whole body in morning on rising. - Great physical and mental exhaustion, in mornings. Fainting with pain in heart, nausea, pale face, vertigo. Pricking, pulsating, tearing pains. Convulsions; epilepsy. Affected parts look bluish. 232 LACHESIS. Obliged to wear clothes loose, can't bear the contact. SKIN.—Sore spots become fungoºd, dark red, brownish. Superficial ulcers, foul at the bottom (Merc., Nit, ac.); blackish-blue appearance. Miliary eruption; rash appears slowly, or turns black or bluish. Carbuncles, with purple surroundings. Old scars break open and bleed. SLEEP.—Sleepiness, without being able to sleep. Tossing and moving during sleep. Lively and wide awake, in the evening. Restless sleep, with many dreams and frequent waking. FEVER.—Chilliness in back, commences in back. Chill runs up the back; on alternate days. Heat as from orgasm of blood; mostly at night. . Heat, particularly in hands and feet, evenings; burning in palms and soles. (Sulph.) Perspiration at night. Intermittents, recurring every spring, or after suppression in the pre- vious fall, by quinine. AGGRAVATION.—After sleep; in morning; in evening; after eating; from acids or alcoholic drinks; from sun's rays; in open air; from ex- tremes of temperature. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Bad effectsfrom mercury. Nervous cough. Whoop- ing cough. Croup. Asthma. Pericarditis. Typhoid fever. Putrid fevers. Intermittent fever. Convulsions. Paralysis. Epilepsy. Neuralgia. Dropsy. Ulcers. Carbuncles. Abscesses. Bed sores. Cancers. Erysipelas. Metrorrhagia. Amenorrhoea. Induration and suppuration of ovaries. Climacteric troubles. Diarrhoea. Haemor- rhoids. Dyspepsia. Icterus. Tonsillitis. Diplitheria. Scarlatina. CONDITIONS.—Often useful in women during climacteric period. Compare : Ars., Bell., Caust., Cinch., Hep., Lyc., Merc., Nit. ac., Puls., Phos., Rhus, Sulph. Antidotes : Ars., Bell., Merc., Nux V., Phos. ac.; heat, alcohol, salt. LAUROCERASUS. 233 LAUROCERASUS. º Prunus laurocerasus. Matural Order. Rosaceae. Common Wame. Cherry Laurel. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts upon the brain and spinal cord, paralyzing the nerve centres in a manner resembling the poison of Hydrocyanic acid. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Insensibility and complete loss of sensation. (Op.) HEAD.—Stupefaction with vertigo. Stupefying pain in the whole head. Sensation of coldness in forehead and vertex, as if a cold wind were blowing on it, descending through the neck to the back. EYEs.—Obscuration of vision, as if a veil were before the eyes. Eyes open and staring; distorted. (Bell., Hyos., Stram.) FACE.-Sunken face, with livid gray-yellow complexion. Twitching and convulsions of the facial muscles. (Cicuta, Ign.) MoUTH.—Lockjaw. (Hyos., Stram.) Foam at mouth. (Hyos.) Loss of speech. THROAT.—Impeded deglutition. (Stram.) Spasmodic contraction in the throat and Oesophagus. (Stram.) ABDOMEN.—Sensation like the falling of a heavy lump from just above the umbilicus to the small of back; produced by talking or over-ex- ertion. RESPIRATORY ORGANs-Spasmodic oppression of the chest. Dyspnoea, with sensation as if the lungs would not be sufficiently expanded. Gasping for breath; suffocating spells. Cough with a whistling sound, as if the membranes were too dry. Stitches in the region of the heart. (Kalm., Kali c., Spig.) HEART AND PULSE.—Irregular beating of the heart, with slow pulse. (Dig., Nat. m.) 234 LEDUM. GENERALITIES.—Want of energy of the vital powers, and want of reaction. Painlessness with the ailments. Rapid sinking of the forces. (Camph., Verat.) SLEEP.—Deep, Snoring sleep, soporous condition. (Op.) THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Apoplexia. Paralysis of special senses; of organs of speech; of lungs; of extremities. Choreic convulsions. Clonic Spasms. Epilepsy. Compare : Baryta c., bry., Calc., Hydroc. ac., Lyc., Nux, Bell., Op., Phos., Puls., Rhus, Sepia, Sulph., Verat. Antidotes: Camph., Coff., Ipec., Op. To large doses: Alumina. Strong Coffee. Cold effusions. LEDUM. Ledum palustre. Matural Order. Ericaceae. Common Names. Marsh Tea. Wild Rosemary. GENERAL ANALYSIs.—Acts upon the serous, fibrous and mucous tissues, upon the periosteum and upon the skin, produc- ing inflammatory symptoms of an arthritic or rheumatic char- acter, increasing and thickening secretions, and causing a deposit of solid, earthy masses in the tissues. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. MIND.—Discontented; morose; peevish. (Nux.) HEAD.—Wertigo, as from intoxication (Nux m., Cocculus), especially when walking in the open air. (Calc. c.) Stupefying headache. (Acon.) Raging, pulsating headache. (Bell., Glon.) EYES.—Photophobia. Dilated pupils. (Bell.) Burning, corrosive lachrymation. (Ars., Merc. cor.) EARS.—Roaring in ears as from a storm of wind. Hardness of hearing. (Nit, ac., Merc., Phos.) FACE.-Pimples, like those of drunkards, on face and forehead. Boils on the forehead. (Hep.) STOMACH.—Water-brash. (Ars., Nux, Puls.) LEDUM. 235 Pressure in stomach after a light meal. (Lyc., Nux m.) RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Cough, preceded by suffocative arrest of breathing. (Ars.) Hollow, racking cough, with purulent expectoration, or of bright and foaming blood. Constrictive oppression of the chest. (Lob., Ars.) Eruption, like varicella, on the chest and upper arms. NECK AND BACK.—Painful stiffness of the back and loins, on rising from a Seat. LIMBS.—Pºtºmful, hard modes, and calcareous concretions on the joints. (Calc., Merc., Phos.) Rheumatism of the small joints. (Caul.) Rheumatism begins in lower limbs, and ascends. UPPER LIMBS.—Rheumatic, tearing pains in the joints. Great trembling of hands, as from old age, on moving them, or on seizing anything. (Con., Phos.) Boring pain in first joint of thumb. Periosteum of phalanges painful on pressure. Low ER LIMBS.—Swelling, and tensive sticking pains in knee, when walk- ing. (Bry.) Weakness and tremor of the knees when walking. Tearing, and sore pains in knees. Pain in the ankles as from a sprain or a false step, worse on motion. (Arn., Bry.) Swelling of the feet, and up to the knees. (Ars., Cact.) Feet heavy, weary; stiff and rigid. tº Pain in soles of the feet, as if bruised, when walking. Ball of great toe swollen, soft, and painful on stepping. GENERALITIES.—The limbs and whole body are painful, as if bruised or beaten. (Arn.) Heat of bed intolerable; wants to uncover. Pains change location suddenly. (Puls.) Emaciation of suffering parts. CEdematous swellings. SKIN.—Red, pimply eruptions, especially on face and forehead. 236 LEPTANDRA. Excessive corrosive itching of the skin, worse from scratching, and from the heat of the bed. (Merc.) Eruptions which burn and sting like the bites or stångs of insects. (Apis.) FEVER.—Coldness; want of animal heat. Burning heat in limbs and hands, and feet, making heat of bed intoler- able. (Sulph.) Perspiration from least exertion, principally on forehead. Warm sweat on hands and feet. Night sweats, with inclination to uncover. AGGRAVATION.—From heat, especially heat of bed; from motion; at night. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Stings of insects, especially mosquitoes. Punctured wounds. Ailments from abuse of alcoholic drinks. Rheumatic and arthritic affections in gencral. Boils. Blood boils. Pimples. Her- pes and other chronic eruptions. Dropsy. Compare : Arn., Ars., Bell., Bry., Cal., Cinch., Croton, Lyc., Merc. c., Puls., Rhus, Ruta, Sepia, Sulph. Antidotes : Camph. Ledum Antidotes : Alcohol, Apis, Cinch. LEPTANDRA. Veronica virginica. Matural Order. Scrophulariaceae. Common Wame. Culver's Physic. * GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Acts especially upon the liver and intestinal canal, arousing their secretory functions. Its chief and only true characteristic is a profuse black, tar-like, very fetid stool. Its therapeutic range is confined to bilious con- ditions and hepatic diseases in general, especially when the characteristic blackish stools are present. g Compare : Bry., Cinch., Iris, Podo. LILIUM TIGRINUM. * 237 LILIUM TIGRINUM. Matural Order. Liliaceae. Common Wame. Tiger lily. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts profoundly upon the female generative organs, and upon the heart, in the former pro- ducing irritation, congestion, and subacute inflammation, together with the various forms of uterine displacement. Through reflex action it depresses the action of the heart, and produces symptoms of cardiac irritability, palpitation, etc. The chief characteristic of Lilium is a bearing-down sensation in the uterine region as if every thing would press out of the vagina. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Depression of spirits; inclination to weep, timidity, apprehen- siveness. (Nux m., Puls., Phos.) Constant hurried feeling, as of imperative duties, and utter inability to perform them. HEAD.—Headache, especially if depending on uterine disorders. (Actea.) Dull pain in forehead over the eyes. STOMACH.—Nausea with hawking of mucus. Loss of appetite. ABDOMEN.—Distension of the abdomen. (Calc, Cinch., Lyc., Nux.) Dragging down of whole abdominal contents, extending even to organs of chest; must support the abdomen. (Bell, Sepia.) Sensation as if diarrhoea would come on (Aloe), also passing off by wrin- - atºng. STOOL AND ANU.S.–Pressure in rectum with almost constant desire to go to 8tool. Morning diarrhoea (Sulph.) stools loose, bilious (Podo.); dark, offen- sive, very urgent, can’t wait a moment, stool preceded by griping pains or great urging, with pressure in the rectum; followed by Smarting, burning of the anus. (Ars., Canth.) URINARY ORGANS.--Frequent wrºnation during the day, with smarting in the urethra. (Canth.) 238 LOBELIA INFLATA. Continuous pressure on the bladder. Constant desire to urinate, with scanty discharge; burning (tnd 8marting 'n urethra after. (Canth.) * FEMALE SExUAL ORGANs.--Bearing down, with sensation of heavy weight and pressure in uterine region, as if the whole contents would press out through the vagina (Bell, Sepia); relieved by pressure of the hand against the vulva. Sharp pains in the ovarian region. (Bell.) Leucorrhoea: bright yellow, acrid, excoriating (Alum, Ars., Kali); leav- ing a brown stain. CHEST AND HEART-Dull pressive pain ºn region of heart. (Cact., Dig.) Constant fee.ing of a load or weight in left chest. Sharp and quick pain in left side of chest, with fluttering of the heart. (Spigelia.) * Heart feels as if squeezed in a vise (Cactus); or alternately grasped and relaxed. Fluttering or palpitation of the heart. BACK.—Dull pain in sacrum. (AEscul, Nux m.) AGGRAVATION.—At night. AMELIORATION.—During the day; from fresh air; from keeping busy. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Ovarian irritation, inflammation, or neuralgia; hysteria; subacute uterine inflammation; displacements; prolapsus, anteversion; retroversion; leucorrhoea; nervous affections of the heart. Compare : Actea, Cactus, Canth., Helonias, Nux, Plat., Podo., Puls., Sepia, Spig. Antidotes : Helonias (anteversion), Nux (colic.) LOBELIA IN FLATA. Matural Order. Lobeliaceae. Common Mame. Indian Tobacco. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts upon the cerebro-spinal system, especially on the pneumogastric nerve, producing a depressed, relaxed condition of the system, causing oppression LO BELIA IN FLATA. 239 of the chest, and impeded respiration and deglutition, together with epigastric oppression, nausea and vomiting. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Great mental depression. Fear of death, with difficulty of respiration. (Ars.) HEAD.—Vertigo with nausea. (Ant. c.) Dull heavy pain passing around the forehead from one temple to the Other. Pressive pain on left side of occiput; worse at night and from motion. (Bry.) MoUTH.—Copious discharge of saliva. (Merc., Lach., Nit. ac.) THROAT.—Sensation as of the oesophagus contracted from below upward. (Alum.) Sensation as of a lump in pit of throat. (Lach.) STOMACH.—Loss of appetite, with acrid burning taste in the mouth. (Ars.) Acidity of the stomach, with a contractive feeling in the pit of Stomach. Flatulent eructations. (Carb. v., Cinch.) Incessant violent nausea. (Ant. tart., Ipec.) Nausea in the morning disappearing after a swallow of water. Nausea, with cold perspiration on the head. (Verat alb.) Nausea with indescribable pain, heat, oppression and excessive uneasi- ness about the stomach. Heartburn and running of water from the mouth, and oppression. Feeling of weakness at the epigastrium, with qualmishness, and oppression of the chest. (Ars.) Burning in the stomach. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-E.ctremely difficult breathing, caused by constric- tion of the chest. (Ars., Phos.) Oppression of breathing. GENERALITIES.—Great prostration and weariness. AGGRAVATION.—From cold, especially cold washing. AMELIORATION.—Towards evening. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.--Nausea and vomiting, with various complaints, especially respiratory troubles; dyspepsia; gastralgia; intussuscep- 240 LYCOPODIUM. tion of the bowels; incarcerated hernia; rigid perineum or os uteri; whooping cough; bronchitis; spasmodic coughs; asthma; croup; angina pectoris; hysteria; rheumatism; intermittent fever. Compare : Ars., Ant. tart., Dig., Ipec., Tobac., Verat alb. After Ant. tart and Ipec. fail in morning sickness. (Hering.) Antidotes : Ipecac. (?) I.Y COPODIUM. Lycopodium clavatum. Watural Order. Lycopodiaceae. Common Wames. Club Moss. Wolf's Foot. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Lycopodium acts powerfully upon the vegetative system, depressing its action, and causing a slowly advancing weakness of functional power and decay of tissue. It acts especially upon the mucous membranes and upon the skin, but shows its most important local action upon the liver and the digestive tract, where it produces a disturbed digestion, hepatic congestion, constipation, etc. The chief char- acteristic of this remedy is an excessive accumulation of flatu- lence in the abdomen. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. MIND.—Depression of spirits; sad, melancholy, despondent. (Nat., Puls.) Great anxiety, as if in pit of stomach. Fretful, ill-humored, irritable (Bry., Cham.), morose, peevish, vehement, angry, timid. Weak memory; confused thoughts; speaks or writes wrong words and syl- lables. (Anac., Lyc.) - HEAD.— Ver, go in the morning when and after rising, so that he reels back and forth. Pressing, stupefying headache, worse from 4 to 8 P. M. Throbbing headache; on leaving head backward; during the day; after coughºng. * Pressing or tearing frontal headache, especially in right side of head; worse on rising up, better on lying down. LYCOPODIUM. 241 Pressive headache in the vertex. (Nux, Ign.) Headache after breakfast. Hair becomes gray early; falling out of hair. (Graph., Nat., Merc. c., Phos., Sepia.) Eruption beginning on the Occiput; crusts thick, easily bleeding, oozing a fetid moisture; worse after scratching, and from warmth. (Graph., Hep., Merc., Nit. ac.) EYEs—Inflammation of the eyes, with itching in canthi, redness and swell- ing of lids; distressing pain as if they were dry, with mightly aggluti- nation. Dryness and smarting in the eyes, as if dust were in them; difficult to open mornings. Styes on the lids, more toward inner canthi. Ulceration and redness of lids, with acrid lachrymation. Photophobia; evening light blinds very much; can see mothºng on the table. - Sees only the left half of an object distinctly. Weil and flickering before the eyes; black spots before the eyes. EARS.–Hearing over-sensitive. Roaring in the ears. Purulent ichorous discharge from the ears. (Graph., Merc.) NoSE.— Violent catarrh, with swelling of the nose, and aerid discharge. (Ars., Merc.) Nose stopped up, can not breathe through it (Nit. ac., Nux), with exces- sive dryness. Smell extremely sensitive. (Bell., Con., Hep.) Fan-like motion of the alae nasi. FACE –Yellowish-gray color of the face (Ars., Cinch.). Pale, sickly, puffy. (Ars.) Flushes of heat in the face. (Sulph.) MOUTH.—Humid suppurating eruption around the mouth; corners of mouth sore. (Graph.) The lower jaw hangs down. (Op., Merc. ac.) Teeth excessively painful to touch; front teeth loose or too long (Merc., Nit. ac.); drawing, cramp-like pains, relieved by warm drinks. Gums bleed violently from touch. (Merc., Nit, ac., Phos) 16 242 LycoPODIUM. Tongue coated white. Ulcers on and under the tongue. Vesicles on the tongue. Dryness of mouth and tongue, without thirst. (Nux m.) Accumulation of water in mouth. Saliva dries on palate and lips to a tenacious mucus. Sour or bitter taste. * - THROAT.—Accumulation of mucus in throat; hawking of bloody mucus. Feeling as if a ball rose from below up into the throat. Feeling of constriction in throut, nothing can be swallowed; food and drink regurgitate through the nose. (Merc., Bell., Kali b., Lach.) Swelling and suppuration of tonsils. (Hep., Merc.) Sensitiveness of the submaxillary glands. STOMACH.--Eccessive appetite; the more he eats the more he wants. (Merc., Cina) Hunger, but a small quantity of food fills him. up; constant feeling of satiety. (Cinch., Nux v., Phos.) Aversion to coffee. Eructations : acrid; incomplete and burning. (Ars., Nux.) Höccough. Heartburn. Waterbrash. (Ars., Carb. v., Nux.) Nausea; in pharynx and stomach; in mornings, fasting. Constriction and cramp in stomach. Pressure ºrnd heaviness in stomach, as ºf disténded; ºn evening after eating only a little. - Pit of stomach swollen, and sensitive to touch. ABDOMEN.--Sore pressive pažn ºn region of liver, on breath?ng; aggravated by touch. Sensa'īon of something heavy lying on left side of abdomen. Eaccessive fullness and distension of the abdomnen from flatulence. Much flatus accumulates here and there in the abdomen, in the hypo- chondria, ºn the back, in region of ribs and chest, causing tension and bubbling, relieved by empty eructations. Tension and pain in ſtbdomen from incarcerated flatulence. (Cinch., Carbo v.) Continuous rumbling and rolling in the abdomen. (Aloe.) STOOL AND ANU.S.—Rectum contracted, and protrudes during hard stool. LYCOPODIUM. 243 Stitches and cramps in the rectum. Varices protrude; very painful to the touch. Constipation; stools dry and hard (Bry.), or, first part lumpy, second soft; feeling as if much remained unpassed. (Nux.) URINARY ORGANs.-Severe backache, relieved by passing urine. Frequent desire to urinate. Red, sandy sediment in the urºne. (Cact., Cinch., Phos., Sil.) MALE SEXUAL ORGANS.–Impotence; penis Small, cold, relaxed. (Ars., Hep., Mag. c.) FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Menses too profuse, and too long protracted. Suppression of menses, also from fright. (Aco., Op.) Sense of dryness in vagina. Burning in vagina during and after coition. Leucorrhoea: like milk (Calc., Puls.); bloody; corroding. Cutting across the hypogastrium, from right to left. Discharge of wind from the vagina. (Brom.) RESPIRATORY ORGANS.—Hoarseness. Shortness of breath, especially during sleep. Difficult breathing, as if he had inhaled sulphur fumes. Dyspnoea, as ºf the chest were constricted by cramp. Cough : dry, day and night, with painfulness in region of stomach, in evening before goºmſ, to sleep, from tickling in laryna, as from a feather; a8 from sulphur fumes ºn latryma. Expectoration: scanty; thick, yellow mucus; bloody; purulent; gray, salty. Dull aching all over the lungs, with feelings of constriction of the Chest. * Violent oppression of the chest. HEART.-Palpitation of the heart. NECK AND BACK.—Stiffness of the neck. Swelling of the cervical glands. (Merc., Sil.) Tensive pain in nape of neck and occiput. Burning as from glowing coals between the 8Capulaº. Pain in the small of the back. (Nux, Puls.) LIMBs.—Drawing, tearing pains in all the limbs. (Bry., Merc.) Stiffness and painfulness of joints. 244 LY COPODIUM. UPPER LIMBS.–Swelling of the axillary glands. Arms and fingers go to sleep easily. LowRR LIMBs.—Swelling and stiffness of the knees. Swelling of the feet. Pain of the soles when walking. Cold, 8weaty feet. (Calc., Sil) GENERALITIES.—Weariness; weakness after every exertion. Desire for the open air. - Involuntary alternate extension and contraction of muscles. Emaciation and debility. SKIN.—Humid suppurating eruptions. (Hep., Graph., Merc.) Intertrigo, raw places, readily bleeding. SLEEP.—Yawning and sleepiness during the day. Restless, uneasy sleep; full of dreams. Soporous sleep in typhoid and exanthematous fevers. FEVER.—Creeping chills over the back in the evening. Flushes of heat over the whole body, mostly evenings. Sweats from the least exertion. AGGRAVATION.—All symptoms aggravated from 4 to 8 P. M.; on lying down; while sitting; after eating; from moistening the parts; on beginning to move. (Rhus.) AMELIORATION.—After 8 P.M.; from continued motion (Rhus); from cold, from warm food and drink. ' THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Dyspepsia. Flatulence. Waterbrash. tion. Haemorrhoids. Catarrh. Otorrhoea. Pneumonia. Catarrh on chest of infants. Tonsillitis. Gravel. Catarſh of bladder. Nephritis. Ophthalmia. Humid eruptions. Mercurial ulcers. Chronic hepatitis. Diaphragmitis. Dropsy. Leucorrhoea. Rheumatism. Glandular sweilings. Caries. Compare : Ars., Bell., Bry., Calc., Carbo, Cinch., Graph., Hep., Merc., Nat. m., Nit. ac., Nux, Pet., Phos., Puls., Rhus, Sil., Sulph. Antidotes : Acon., Camph., Caust., Cham., Graph., Op., Puls., also a cup of Coffee. Lyc. Antidotes : Cinch. MAGNESIA CARBONICA. 245 MAGNESIA CARBONICA. Carbonate of Magnesia. Mg. Cox3H2O. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts on the mucous membranes of the intestinal canal, and upon the female generative organs, producing irritation and catarrhal inflammation, and in the latter deranged menstruation. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. HEAD.—Pressive headache. Falling out of the hair. (Graph., Merc., Nit. ac., Nat. m., Phos., Sepia.) Tetter on the scalp, itching during wet, rainy weather. EYES.—Agglutination of the lids in the morning. (Bry., Calc., Merc., Sulph.) EARS.—Hardness of hearing. FACE.-Nightly tearing, digging, boring in the cheek bones, insupportable during rest, and driving from one place to another. MOUTH.—Toothache at night, compelling one to rise and walk about, pain insupportable while at rest; worse in cold; during pregnancy. (Nux m., Sepia.) Bitter or sour taste in the mouth. STOMACH.—Desire for fruit and acid things (Ars., Ant. c., Amt. tart., Phos. ac., Verat); for meat. Aversion to green food. Violent thirst, especially towards evening. ABDOMEN.—Distension of the abdomen, with profuse emission of flatus, with relief. (Aloe, Lyc.) Grºping, cutting and rumbling in the whole abdoment, followed by thºn, gréén stools, without tenesmants. STOOL AND ANU.S.–Piercing pains in rectum, as from needles. (Aloe.) Stools greem, and frothy, like the scum of a frog pond; or with white floating lumps like tallow. Constipation. FFMALE SEXUAL ORGANs.-Menses too late and scanty. Menstrual flow more profuse during the night than during the day. 246 MERCURIUS. Menstrual discharge, glutinous, thick, acrid, black, pitch-like. (Nux, Sang.) & GENERALITIES.–Rheumatic pains in shoulders, and limbs in general. Epileptic attacks; frequently falls down suddenly, with consciousness. (Lyc.) Weary and tired, especially in the feet, and when sitting. Restlessness in the limbs, in the evening, after sitting long. AMELIORATION.—Better from motion. (Rhus.) THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Diarrhoea, especially of children. Dyspepsia. Constipation. Colic. Menstrual derangements. CONDITIONS.—At night; while at rest; while sitting; in cold weather. Compare : Ars., Aloes, Calc., Cham., Graph., Lyc., Nit. ac., Nux Iſl., Phos., Sepia, Sil. Complementary to Cham. Antidotes : Cham., Puls., Merc., Nux, Rheum. MERCURIUS. Mercurius vivus, Quicksilver. Mercurius solubilis, Hahnemanni. Precipitated black oxide of mercury, with Nitric acid and Ammonia. N2O5 3Hg2O+2NH3. (See foot note.) GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Mercurius acts profoundly upon the entire organism affecting both the function and the sub- stance of every organ and tissue of the body. Pre-eminently it operates upon the vegetative system, altering its functional power, both quantitatively and qualitatively, and decomposing and destroying its organic constituents. Secretion and absorb- tion are both increased, and the secretions, losing their plastic- ity, become thinner and more fluid, and at the same time acrid and excoriating. On the organic system Mercury acts more especially upon the mucous and serous membranes, the glandular system, the parenchymatous organs, the fibrous and Osseous tissues and the skin. The first condition produced is one of excitation— MERCURIUS. 247 swelling and inflammation, soon followed by reaction, and sub- sequent weakness and exhaustion, which betokens commencing organic decomposition. The tissues above mentioned become the seat of destructive ulcerative processes, suppurations and puriform collections, while there is, at the same time, a tend- ency to the deposition of new products, according to the char- acter of the tissue involved. Thus we see that Mercury penetrates the entire organism, and permeates every tis- sue, acting upon these tissues by virtue of its presence in them. Its special action upon each we may more clearly comprehend by a careful study of the characteristic effects, as given below. The most essential feature of the action of Mer- cury is its remarkable resemblance to the effects of the syphy- litic poison. Its chief characteristic is an aggravation of all the symptoms at night, and from the warmth of the bed. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—% Weakness of memory. (Anac., Op., Lach., Phos. ac.) **Great anxiety, restlessness (Ac., Ars.), and apprehension, especially in evening and at night. *Answers questions slowly. *Low, muttering delirium. Morose and suspicious. Hurried and rapid talking. (Hyos., Lach, Stram. HEAD.—Head feels as if bound around with a cord. (Gels., Nat. m., Nit. ac., Puls., Sulph.) Head feels as if it would burst, with fullness of the brain. (Acon., Bry., Bell, Cinch., Nat. m., Sulph.) Pressive pain in left temple. Tearing or drawing pains or stinging in one side of the head, extending to the ears, teeth and neck. *Constant rotary motion of the head. The scalp is painful to touch (Mez., Nat. m., Nit, ac.); worse when scratching, which is followed by bleeding. Moist eruption on the scalp (Hep., Graph. Luc., Nit. ac.), which eats away the hair; yellow running scabs and excoriation. *Falling out of the hair. (Graph., Nit. ac., Sepia, Phos.) 248 MERCURIUS. Tearing and stinging in the bones of the skull. EYEs—*Eyes inflamed, with swollen inverted tarsi, and very sensitive to light. (Calc., Nit. ac., Sulph.) Heat, burning, redness and pressure in the eyes. Lachrymation profuse, burning, excoriating. Lids spasmodically closed (Puls.); red, inflamed, swollen; agglutinated in the morning. Eyes forcibly drawn together on attempting to look at any thing; can not see distinctly. - Fog before the eyes; also black points, flies, etc. Intolerance of light and fire light. EARS.—Inflammation of internal and external ear, with stinging, tearing pains; bloody offensive discharge. (Prºls., Graph, Pet., Rhus.) Ringing and roaring in the ears. (Caust, Cinch.) Soreness and excoriation of the ears, Hardness of hearing, with obstruction; sounds vibrate in the ears; obstruction momentarily better after swallowing, or blowing the In OS6. NoSE.—Nosebleed during sleep; during cough. Coryza : fluent, corrosive, with much sneezing; offensive odom"; nostrils bleeding, scurfy; nose red, swollen, shining. (Ars., Arum., Puls.) Nasal bones swollen and painful to touch. (Aurum.) FACE.-4*Paleness of face. *Face earthy-colored, puffy. (Ars., Puls.) Internal swelling of the upper lip. (Bell.) Corners of mouth ulcerated and painfully sore. (Bell., Graph.) Lips dry, cracked and ulcerated. (Ars.) **Spasm and immobility of the jaws. MoUTH.—*Teeth feel loose, fall out; *become black; carious. Pulsating, jerking toothache, evtending into ear and head; worse at night, and from warmth of bed. **Gums painful to the touch, swollen, spongy, receding from the teeth, edges whitish; bleeding; fetid odor from the mouth. Tongue : *red and swollen (Bell.); **ulcerated; *black with red eyes (Ars.); *swollen, coated white; *moist, with Žntense thirst; *swollen, flabby, showing impress of teeth on margºn; *movements difficult; - speech difficult; stammerčng. MERCURIUS. 249 Aphtha, in the mouth. *Inflammation and superficial ulceration of the mucous membranes of the mouth. (Nit. ac.) *Profuse salivation; saliva fetid or tastes coppery. Taste : sweetēsh; salty; *metallic (AEscul, Rhus); slimy or putrid. THROAT.—*Uvula swollen and elongated. Painful dryness of the throat, with mouth full of saliva; pressure on 8wallowing. Suppuration of the tons?ls, with sharp, Sticking pain in fauces when swallowing. (Hep., Nit. ac,) *Angina, throat and fauces of a coppery red color and swollen. Inability to swallow liquids, which return through the nose. (Bell., Kali b., Lach.) *Glands swollen. STOMACH.—Excessive hunger or complete loss of appetite. Violent empty eructations. Eactremely violent thirst. Water collects in mouth, causing nausea and vomiting of a bitter Substance. ABDOMEN.—Stitches in hepatic region, interfering with breathing and eruc- tations. (Bry., Cinch., Kali c.) Region of liver swollen, sensitive, can not lie on right side. Abdomen hard, distended and painful. *Chronic atrophy of the liver. Complete icterus. Pressure on the abdomen, as from a stone. (Ars, Bry., Nux v., Puls.) - Bruised feelings of intestines, can not lie on right side. (Lyc., Sulph.) Violent colic, with cutting and stinging pains, as if caused by knives, principally at night or in cool of evening; colic from cold. Inguinal glands swollen or suppurating. (Nit. ac., Thuja.) STOOL AND ANU.S.—Ineffectual urging to stool every moment, with tenesmus in the rectum. Colic, burning and tenesmus before, during and after stool; chilliness between stools. Colic and diarrhoea caused by evening air. 250 MERCURIUS. Stools : greew or green mucus; **bloody; mucous and bloody; slimy; brownish; whitish gray; acrid and burning foecal matter. Discharge of ascarides and lumbrici. URINARY ORGANs.-Burning in the urethra. Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty discharge. Sudden irresistible urging to urinate, passing large quantities. Urine : dark, red, turbid; deposits a sediment. Gomorrhoea, with phymosis or chancroïds; green discharge; worse at nºght. MALE SExUAL ORGANs.-*Total loss of sexual power. Ulcers on the glans, with cheesy base; chancroids. (Nit. ac.) Painful inflammation and swelling of the glands and prepuce. Dragging pains in the testes and spermatic cord. Feeling of coldness in the testicles. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Menses too profuse, with anxiety and colic. Leucorrhoea, always worse at night; greenish discharge; Smarting, cor- roding, itching, burning after scratching. Inflammation of the vagina, and still more of the external genitals, with rawness, smarting and excoriated spots. - Itching of the genitals; worse from the contact of the urine. Prolapsus of the vagina. (Sepia.) Mammae swollen, hard with ulcerative pains; suppuration. (Bry., Con., Hep.) RESPIRATORY ORGANs.—Hoarse, rough voice; burning, rawness in larynx: fluent coryza and sore throat. Shortness of breath, on ascending or walking. (Ars., Calc.) Short, dry, fatiguing cough, principally in bed, in the evening or at night; caused by tickling in upper part of chest. (Hyos., Phos.) Cough which sounds and feels as if everything in the chest were dry; with pain in chest and small of back. (Nux wom., Phos.) Stºtches ºn the chest (right side), e.vtending through to the back, on sneezing and coughing. (Bry.) **Constriction of the chest. HEART-"Palpitation on slightest exertion. NECK AND BACK.—*Swelling and inflammation of the glands. Bruised sensation of back and small of back. MERCURIUS. - 251 Stºcking in small of back on breathing. LIMBS.—“Trembling of all the limbs, especially of hands and feet. *Involuntary jerking in the limbs. *Weakness and weariness in all the limbs; unusual heaviness. Drawing and tearing in all the limbs; worse at night, in the warm bed; with profuse sweat, which gives no relief. Cold hands and feet. UPPER LIMBs.—Cramp-like contraction of the hands and fingers. Scaling off, and exfoliation of the finger nails. Low ER LIMBS.—Burning in the nates. Soreness between the thighs and genitals. Swelling of the backs of the feet. GENERALITIES.—*Great weariné88 (tnd prostration. *Trembling. *Involuntary trembling of the voluntary muscles, h(tºds, tongue, etc. *Breath and whole body smell foul. Whole body feels bruised, with soreness in all the bones. (Arn.) *Boring pains ºn the evostosz's at mºght; bone pains. Excitability and sensibility of all the organs. *Glandular swellings, with or without suppurations. SKIN.—Skin dirty yellow; jaundice. Itching all over, worse at night, when warm in bed. **Eruption of watery vesicles. Ulcers, bleeding readily; base lardaceous; margins éverted like raw 7776&t. Ulceration very superficial and wide-spread. Flat, painless ulcers, pale, covered with phlegm-like pus; on the Scalp, skin of penis, etc. Primary and secondary syphilis; round, coppery, red spots, Shining through the skin. (Nit. ac.) Herpetic and pustular eruptions, forming dry, Scaly spots, or yellow crusts and acrid discharges. (Graph., Nit. ac.) SLEEP,-Excessive sleepiness day and night. *Sleeplessness. FEVER.—Chilliness; in open air; between diarrhoeic stools; in morning, or in evening after lying down, as from cold water poured over one; not relieved by warmth of stove. 252 MERCURIUS. Alternations of chilliness and heat. Attacks of heat at night. (Cinch., Phos.) Sweat: *Profuse at night; on every motion; cold and clammy; fatty and oily; *offensive (Sil); stains linen yellow. Sweat with all complaints, but giving no relief. AGGRAVATION.—In the evening and at night; from heat of bed; during per- spiration; in wet weather; in cold evening air; in fall, with warm days, and damp, cold nights; during exercise. AMELIORATION.—During the day; during rest. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Syphilitic, scrofulous and catarrhal affections. Rheumatic and arthritic affections. Dropsical conditions. Affec- tions of bones and glands. Diarrhoea and Dysentery. Skin diseases. Neuralgia. Paralysis. Convulsions. Haemorrhages. Gastric and bilious derangements, including gastric and bilious fevers; jaundice. The therapeutic range of Mercury is so great, including, as it does, to a greater or less degree, almost every diseased condition to which flesh is heir, it would be impossible to attempt giving a list of the individual pathological states in which it is useful, more than is included above in a general way, and which also may be gathered - from the drug pathogenesis herewith presented. Compare : Am., Ant., Arg., Ars., Aur., Bell., Calc., Cinch., Con., Graph., Hep., Iod., Lach., Lyc., Mez., Nat. m., Nit. ac., Phos., Puls., Sil., Staph., Sulph., Thuja. Merc. follows well after Bell., Hepar, Sulph., Lach. After Merc. follows Bell., Cinch., Dulc., Hepar, Nit. ac., Sulph. Merc. and Sil. do not follow each other well. (Hering.) Antidotes : Asaf., Bell., Carbo veg., Hep., Kali, Lyd., Nºt. ac., Aur., Mez., Sulph., Iod., Cinch., Staphs., Lach. Electricity. Merc. Antidotes : Ars., Cupr., Aur., Ant., Cinch., Mez., Calc., Sulph. NotE.—I have, in accordance with the usual custom, embraced both these prepara- tions under the one head, their similarity being so great that no distinction is usually made in practice. Most of the symptoms are obtained from the solubiläs, and in order to facilitate the student's knowledge, I have as far as possible designated those obtained from the vious by an asterisk, those obtained from both preparations by a double asterisk. On account of the varying and doubtful composition of the solubilis, the vious is usually considered the most reliable remedy, and has replaced the former to a great extent since Hahnemann's time, and even by Hahnemann himself, in the later years of his practice. I find the vivus of most use in affections of the mouth, throat, and respiratory organs, and in glandular swellings, while the sol. seems to act more decidedly upon the alimentary and genito-urinary tracts, and upon the skin. MERCURIUS CORROSIWUS. 253 MERCURIUS CORROSIWUS. Merc. sublimatus cor.—Chloride of Mercury, HgCl2. Common Name. Corrosive sublimate. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–The general action of Mercurius Corrosivus is essentially the same as of other mercurial prepara- tions, yet it offers peculiarities of its own, and which are found in no other. It is, as the name indicates, a highly corrosive, irritating poison, acting pre-eminently upon mucous mem- branes with destructive energy, producing an intensely acute inflammation rapidly tending to softening and gangrenous dis- organization. Its irritant influence also extends to the serous membranes, especially to the peritoneum. The most essential feature of Merc. cor. is the phagedenic tendency of all inflam- matory conditions. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Depressed, low-spirited. Ill-humored. (Bry., Cham., Nux. v.) Weakness of the intellect; stares at persons who talk to him, and does not understand them. Stupor and delirium. HEAD.—Congestion to the head and face, with burning of the cheeks. (Ac., Bell.) Violent frontal headache. Pain, like a drawing in the periosteum of the skull. (Nit. ac.) EYES.—Pupils contracted and insensible. (Op.) Excessive photophobia and acrid lachrymation. Redness of the conjunctiva. Lids everted, swollen, red, excoriated, burning and smarting; edges covered with thick crusts or pustules. (Puls., Sulph., Staph.) EARS.—Violent pulsation in the ears. NoSE.—Swelling and redness of the nose. Fluent coryza; rawness and smarting in the nostrils. (Ac., Cepa.) FACE.—Countenance pale, anxious. 254 MERCURIUS CORROSIWUS. Face flushed; red; swollen; puffy. Lips black; excessively swollen and tender; dry and cracked. Stiffness of the jaws; soreness. MOUTH.—Teeth loose; pain and fall out. (Merc.) Soreness in teeth and gums. Gums swollen and spongy; bleed easily; detached from teeth. (Merc., Nit. ac.) Tongue, coated with thick white mucus, or dry and red; excessively swollen. Mouth dry, burning and parched, as if scalded. Exudations and ulcers on the mucous membranes of mouth and throat. - Accumulation of tenacious saliva, expectorated with difficulty. Ptyalism; salty or very bitter taste. Swallowing not so painful as depressing the tongue. THROAT.—Throat intensely inflamed and swollen, preventing swallowing and threatén?ng suffocation. (Bell.) Violent burn?ng pain in throat and a sophagus; aggravated by slightest external pressure. Uvula swollen, elongated, dark red. External throat and glands of throat enormously swollen. STOMACH.-Violent unquenchable thirst for cold water. (Ac., Ars., Bry.) Drink frequently regurgitates through the nose. Painful retching and vomiting. - © Incessant green bilious vomiting. Streaks of blood in matter vomited. Great distension and sensitiveness in the epigastric region (Bry, Nux., Lach., Nat. m.) to the slightest touch or pressure. ABDOMEN.—Stitches in the hepatic region. (Bry., Cinch., Lyc., Merc., Nat. m., Nux. v., Sulph.) Abdomen distended and very painful to least touch. Bruised pain ºn abdomen, especially in caºcal region and over transverse colon. STOOL AND ANU.S.—Constant burning in rectum and anus. Corrosive ichor oozes from anus, excoriating the parts. Very distressing, persistent tenesmus, and cutting colºcky pains; after MERCURIUS CORROSIVUs. 255 stool burning and tenesmus of rectum and bladder ; stools frequent, nothing but mucus tingéd with blood. Stool pasty, dark green, bilious, blackish, offensive ; tenacious faeces. URINARY ORGANs.-Tenesmus of the bladder; urine suppressed. Frequent urination; passed ºn drops with much pain. Urine scanty, bloody; albuminous ; containing filaments, flocks, or dark flesh-like pieces of mucus. Gonorrhoea, at first thin, afterwards thick, greenish, worse at night; burning, smarting urination. MALE SExUAL ORGANs.—Penis and testes enormously swollen. Chancres assuming a phagedenic appearance, and secreting a thin ichorous pus. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Intense inflammation of the vulva. Painful glandular swellings about the nºpple. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Hoarseness or aphonia ; burning, cutting and stinging in the trachea ; tightness across the chest ; influenza. (Ac.) Difficult respiration. Cough, with expectoration of mucus tinged with blood. Stitches shoot through the thoraw (right side). PULSE.--Small, ºn termittent irregular. LIMBs.—Lassitude in all the limbs; trembling. Stitches in hip joints. GENERALITIES.—Lies on the back with knees bent up. Great debility; trembling. Convulsive twitchings and contractions. Glandular swellings. Drawing pains in periosteum. (Nit. ac.) General anasarca. Ulcers, which perforate or become phagedenic. SLEEP.—Frequent yawning and stretching. Sleepless at night; startings from sleep. FEVER.—Chilliness from slightest exercise. Surface cold and covered with profuse perspiration, especially on fore- head. 256 MERCURIUS BINIODIDUS. Great heat of the skin. Clammy, cold perspiration. AGGRAVATION.—In evening and at night; from acids; in open air; from fat food; from motion. AMELIORATION.—After breakfast; while at rest. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Ophthalmia, syphilitic, gonorrhoeal or neonatorum. Iritis; Retinitis, etc. Coryza. Ptyalism. Aphtha. Stomatitis. Ton- silitis. Inflammation of buccal cavity. Phagedenic conditions in general. Hepatitis. Dysentery. Tenesmus vesicae. Cystitis. Bright's disease. Gonorrhoea. Chancres. Buboes. Influenza. Bronchitis. Glandular swellings. Convulsions. Dropsy. Compare : Acon., Ars., Bell., Bry., Cepa., Nit. ac., Nat. m., Sulph. Antidotes : Hep., Nit. ac., Silic. To large doses : white of an egg. MERCURIUS BINIODIDUS. Biniodide of Mercury. Hg I2. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–The Iodides of Mercury act espe- cially upon the glands and mucous membranes of the throat, after the manner of other mercuries, though partaking some- what of the action of Iodine. In the Biniodide this latter action preponderates, while the action of the Protoiodide more closely resembles that of mercury. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Low spirited, disposed to cry. (Ign., Nat. m., Nux m., Puls., Rhus.) HIEAD.—Sensation, as if bound by a tight cord in frontal region. (Merc.) Heat and pulsation in vertex. EARS.—Itching in both ears. Swelling of parotid and neighboring glands. (Iod.) Nos.E.—Cold in the head; nose hot, swollen; much sneezing and running from the head. (Acon., Sang.) MOUTH.—Lips slimy and sticky on waking. Profuse flow of saliva, and aching pains in teeth of lower jaw. (Merc.) MERCURIUS PHOTOIDIDUS. 257 THROAT.—Much phlegm in throat and nose; hawks it out. Sensation of a lump in the throat (Bell.), with disposition to havk it out; hawked up a hard, greenish lump. Painful swelling of tonsils and sub-maxillary glands. Diphtheritic patches, and superficial ulcers in the throat. URINARY ORGANS.-Increased flow of urine. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.—Constriction across the chest. Catching pain under right breast. SKIN.—Pustules, with inflamed base, sore to touch; itching slightly, Scab over, but pus oozes. (Mez.) Syphilitic ulcers. (Merc., Nit. ac.) Hunterian chancre. t THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Catarrh. Tonsilitis. Diphtheria. Syphilitic affec- tions; buboes; hard chancre; ulcers, indurations, etc. Glandular swellings. Bronchial catarrh. Pustular inflammation. Compare : Bell., Lach., Merc., Mez., Nit. ac., Kal; b., Iod. Bell. follows well in scarlet fever. Antidotes : See Merc. and Iod. |MERCURIUS PROTOIDIDUS. Protoiodide of Mercury. HgI. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. HEAD.—Headache on top of the head, or on the right side. Dull frontal headache, with pain at the root of the nose. (Kali b.) Itching of the scalp. (Graph., Nit, ac., Sulph.) FACE.-Dull aching and soreness in the bones of the face. MoUTH.—Tongue coated bright yellow, lip and edges red. Base of tongue covered with a thick, dirty yellow coating, especially on rising in the morning. THROAT.—Much tenacious mucus in throat; hawking causes gagging. Burning in the throat. Fauces and pharynx red and inflamed; tonsils swollen, especially the right; pain on swallowing; sensation of a lump. (Lach.) 17 258 MEZEREUM. Posterior wall of pharynx dotted with patches of mucus and small spots which look ulcerated. STOOL-Tough, almost like putty, with much straining. Stools thin, light brown, frothy. GENERALITIES.–Faintness, wants to lie down. (Nux m., Sulph.) Has troublesome itching over the whole body. Glands swollen and indurated. (Merc.) AGGRAVATIONS.–In the evening and at night; from passive motion; from reSt. AMELIORATION.——During the day; in the open air; from active motion. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Diseases of the glands. Scrofulous affections. Secondary syphilis. Diphtheritic affections, especially the prevalent diphtheritic sore throats, which are really only follicular pharyngitis. Compare: Bell., Kali b., Lach., Merc., Nit. ac., Sulph. Antidotes: Compare Iod. and Merc. MEZEREUM. Daphne mezereum. Matural Order. Thymelaceae. Common Name. Spurge olive. GENERAL ANALYSIs.—Acts especially upon the skin and the mucous membrane of the genito-urinary organs, and the alimentary tract, producing a high degree of irritation, which results in inflammation of the mucous membranes, and in characteristic eruptions on the skin. It also acts in a similar manner upon the bones and periosteum, resembling the action of mercury and the syphilitic poison. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Hypochondriac and despondent; inclined to weep. (Nat. m., Puls., Ign., Rhus.) Vexed and angry at trifles. (Bry, Cham.) Mental dullness and distraction; thinking difficult; unable to recollect. (Nat. m.) MEZEREUM. 259 HEAD.—Dullness of head, as if intoxicated. (Nux m.) Pain in bones of skull, aggravated by touch. (Nit. ac.) Headache in temples and sides of head after exertion and from talking much. Violent headache; head painful on slightest touch, after vezation. Pressive headache from root of nose into forehead. (Merc., Kali b.) Pressive pain from within outward in left temple. Boring in the bones of the occiput. Head covered with a thick leathery crust, under which pus collects and 'mats the hair. Elevated, white, chalk-like scabs, with ichor beneath, breeding vermin Dry scurf on the scalp; dandruff. EYEs.—Eyes hot, inflamed; conjunctiva injected, dirty red; pressive pain, and a servsation of dryně88. Obstinate twitching of the muscles of the left upper lid. Lachrymation, with smarting in the eyes. Inclination to wink; to close the eyes. Itching of margins of 11ds and skin near the nose. EARS.—Sensation as though air were distending the right eaternal meatus, afterwards in left. Nos.E.—Catarrh, with discharge of yellow, thin, at times bloody, mucus, making the nostrils Sore; Soreness and burning of upper lip. Dryness of the nose and diminished smell. FACE.-Violent tearing pains in the face, especially on left side. Cramp-like and stunning pressure in Zygomatic process. Violent, frequent jerking and twitching of the muscles of the right cheek. Lips swollen, dry; scaly externally; painful, Sore, and burning. Inflammatory redness of face, with fat, moist eruption. Child scratches the face continually, which becomes covered with blood, ºtching worse at night, tears off the 8cab8, leaving raw spots, on which fat pustules form. The ichor from Scratched face excoriates other parts. MoUTH.—Pains in carious teeth. (Merc.) Boring toothache, extending into bones of jaw, malar bones and temples. 260 MEZEREU M. Teeth feel blunt and elongated. Violent burning ºn tongue and mouth, extending to the stomach. THROAT.—Burning in the throat, pharyna, and opsophagus. Sensation as if the throat were full of mucus. Dryness, heat, scraping and rawness in the fauces. STOMACH.—Great hunger, or loss of appetite. Nausea in throat; bitter vomiting. Burning in the stomach. ABDOMEN.—Dull pain in region of spleen. Stitches in left hypochondria. Loud flatulence; much offensive flatus passing. (Aloe, Lyc.) Burning and heat in the abdomen. STOOL AND ANU.S.—Stitches in the rectum. Biting sore pain in anus on walking, and burning in rectum. Itching in the anus. STOOL.—Constipation. Stool soft, brown, sour, fermented; containing small white shining grains. |URINARY ORGANS.—Emission of blood instead of urine. |Urine hot, with reddish sediment. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS.–Itching of the glans penis. Heat and swelling of the penis. Fine, pricking stitches in penis and tip of glans penis. Swelling of scrotum and testicles. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.–Menses too soon, profuse, and long lasting. Leucorrhoea like the white of an egg. (Bor., Bow.) RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Hoarseness, with cough, and rawness of the chest. (Caust., Phos., Sulph.) After eating, must cough till he vomits. Violent cough when lying down. Violent inclination to cough, low down in the trachea; can not loosen anything by the cough. Constricting and contracting pains transversely across the chest. Stitches in the chest. (Bry., Kali c.) PULSE.-Pulse intermittent (Nat. m.); full, tense, hard. MEZEREUM. 261 NECK AND BACK.—Pain from stiffness of nape and external cervical muscles. Rheumatic pains in scapular muscles; they feel tense and swollen, pre- venting motion. LIMBs.-Trembling of the limbs. Pains in periosteum of long bones, especially the tibae, worse at night and in bed; least touch intolerable; worse in damp weather (Merc.); syphilis. UPPER LIMBs.—Pain in right shoulder joint. Finger ends powerless, can not hold anything. Low ER LIMBS.—Jerking pain in hip joint. Violent pains in bones of feet. GENERALITIES.—Feeling of great lightness of the body. General sick feeling. Hot, jerking stitches in various parts of the body. Joints feel bruised and weary, as if they would give way. Bones inflamed, swollen, especially shafts of cylindrical bones, caries (Nit. ac.); after abuse of mercury. Constant chilliness over the whole body. SKIN.—Usual liver spots on chest and arms become dark and desquamate. Red rash, itching violently; worse in bed, from touch; burning and change of place after scratching. Curtaneous ulcers form over bony protuberances. Ulcers, easily bleeding, sew8itive, painful at night; thick, whitish yellow 8cab8, under which thick, yellow pus collects, burning, itching vesicles around the ulcers. (Merc.) Skin covered with elevated white scabs. SLEEP.-Irresistible sleepiness. (Nux mos.) AGGRAVATION.—In the evening; at night; from contact; by motion; in damp weather. AMELIORATION.—When walking in open air (sensitive to cold air); wrap- ping up the head; in dark room. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.--Bad effects of abuse of mercury. Affections of the periosteum and bones. Scrofulous affections. Syphilitic affections. Leucorrhoea; gonorrhoea; pustular and miliary eruptions. Ulcers. Neuralgia. Erysipelas. Rheumatism. 262 MURIATICUM ACIDUM. CONDITIONS.—One side of body generally affected. & Compare: Anac., Bell., Bry., Calc., Ign., Lyc., Mere, Nit, ac., Nux v., Phos., Puls., Phytolacca, Rhus, Sepia, Sulph. Antidotes : Acetum, Bry., Calc. c., Camph., Nux v., Merc., Rhus. Mez. Antidotes : Merc., Nit, ac., Phos., Spirituous liquors. MURIATIOUM ACIDUM. Muriatic acid. Hydrochloric acid. (HCl) GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Acts upon the ganglionic nervous system, and through it upon the blood, the skin and the ali- mentary tract, especially the mouth and anus. Causes morbid condition of the blood, increases its coagulability, and renders it prone to disorganization. In the gastro-intestinal mucous membrane it produces inflammation, ulceration, and causes grayish white deposits. Its most essential feature is a low, adynamic condition, similar to that of low, putrid fevers. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Unconsciousness. Moaning. Irritable, peevish, fretful; disposed to anger. HEAD.—Headache as if the brain were torn or bruised. Heaviness in the occiput. EARs.—Hardness of hearing. Over-sensitive to noise. FACE.—Pimples forming scabs on face, forehead and temples, whole face red; every summer. Margins of lips raw, and the skin dry and cracked. Burning in the lips. MoUTH.—Tongue thick, bluish, and covered with grayish white membrane; or containing deep ulcers, with black bases; vesicles, with burning Tongue heavy as lead, hinders speech. Tongue dwindles. (Lyc., Cinch.) MURIATICUM ACIDUM, 263 Mucous lining of lips and mouth inflamed, red, raw, painful, dotted with whitish points; fetid breath; stomatitis, THROAT.—Mucous lining of throat and fauces deep, dark red, swollen, and burning; rawness and smarting; covered with grayish white diph- theritic-like deposits. Attempting to swallow produces violent spasm and choking. STOMACH.—Sensation of emptiness in the stomach, not relieved by eating. ABDOMEN.—Fullness and distension of the abdomen. Cramp-like pains in the abdomen. STOOL AND ANU.S.—Prolapsus ani while urinating. * Haemorrhoids protruding like a bunch of grapes (Aloes), swollen, blue, with burning soreness. Stool: difficult, as from inactivity of the bowels; thin, watery, involun- tary while urinating; followed by smarting and burning in the 8.D U18. URINARY ORGANS.–Frequent and profuse urination. MALE SExUAL ORGANS.—Impotence. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.-Menses too early and too profuse. (Calc.) Ulcers in genitals, with putrid discharge, much sensitiveness and gen- eral weakness. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Deep respiration, sighing and groaning. PULSE.-Pulse rapid, and very feeble. GENERALITIES.—Tearing pains in the limbs during rest, better from motion. All joints feel as if bruised. Ea:cessive prostration. Great debility; as soon as he sits down his eyes close; the lower jaw hangs down; slides down in bed. Typhus fever. Coldness of the extremities. Great sensitiveness to damp weather. Paralysis of tongue and sphincter ani. SKIN.—Scabby or scurfy eruptions. Painful putrid ulcers (lower legs), with burning at their circumference. Ulcers painful, deep, putrid; covered with scurf. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-In low putrid fevers, typhus, scarlatina, putrid 264 NATRUM CARBONICU. M. sore throat, etc. Aphtha. Scorbutic affections. Scabby eruptions. Putrid ulcers. Haemorrhoids. Stomatitis. Compare: Ars, Am. c., Bap., Calc., Lyc., Nit. ac., Phos., Puls., Rhus., Sepia, Sulph. It follows well after Rhus and Bry. Antidotes : Bry., Camph. To large doses: carbonate of soda, lime or magnesia; Sapo medicinalis. Mur, ac. Antidotes : Opium. NATRUM CARBONICUM. Carbonate of Soda. Na2CO3 10 H2O. GENERAL ANALYSIs —Through the ganglionic nervous system acts especially upon the mucous membranes, especially of the nasal cavity, the eyes and the digestive tract, including the liver, producing symptoms of catarrhal inflammation. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. MIND.—Depressed, extremely despondent mood, ćutolerable melancholy and apprehensºon. Peevish and irritable. Restlessness and anxiety, especially during a thunder storm. Aversion to man and society. HEAD.—Vertigo from drinking wine, or from mental exertion. Dullness and confusion of the head. Headache from the sun. (Bell., Glon., Lach.) Frontal headache when turning the head rapidly. EYES.—Black spots before the eyes when writing. Dazzling flashes before the eyes on awaking. Inflammation of the eyes and eyelids, with photophobia. Inability to read small print. Ulcers on the cornea (Calc., Sil.), with stinging pains. Needle-like stitches in both eyes, after dinner. Heaviness of the eyelids. EARs.—Otalgia, with sharp, piercing Stitches in the ears. Hardness of hearing. NATRUM CARBONICUM. 265 NoSE.—Coryza, fluent; violent sneezing; nose obstructed; yellow, offensive, thin mucus, or thick green mucus, discharge. Hard, fetid pieces from one nostril. Ulceration high up in nostrils. (Sil.) Much nasal mucus passes through the mouth. (Hyd., Kali b., Sulph.) Nose red, with white pimples on it. FACE.-Face pale, puffy, with blue rings around the eyes, swollen lids. Swelling of both cheeks with glowing redness. Freckles on the face. - Yellow blotches on forehead and upper lip. MoUTH.—Toothache during or after a meal, especially after sweet things. Sensitiveness of the teeth. Pimples on tip of tongue. Burning on tip of tongue, as if full of cracks. Bitter taste in the mouth. Dry tongue, and heavy, rendering speech difficult. Constant dryness of the mouth and lips. Superficial ulcers in side of the mouth, with burning pain when touched. THROAT.— Violent hawking up of thick mucus, which constantly collects again. Swelling of the sub-maa'illary glands. STOMACH.—Incessant hunger. Violent thirst, and uneasiness after drinking anything cold. Bad effects from a cold drink, while over-heated. (Ars., Carb, an.) Frequent empty or sour eructations. Water-brash. Violent retching in the morning, without actual vomiting. Stomach weak and easily disordered. Violent pressure in stomach after meals. Pit of stomach sensitive to touch. ABDOMEN.—Violent stitches in the hepatic and splenic regions. (Nat. m.) Distension of the abdomen, especially after eating. (Cinch., Lyc., Nux m.) Griping in the abdomen like colic, immediately after eating. (Nux m.) Swelling of the glands of groin and axilla; generally painful. STOOL AND ANU.S.–Frequent ineffectual urging to stool. 266 NATRUM CARBONICUM. Difficult evacuation of stool that was not hard. Hurried urging, thin stool forcibly spurting from him. Stool spotted with blood. URINARY ORGANS.–Frequent desire to urinate, with copious discharge; with scanty discharge. Urine smells like horse urine. (Nit. ac., Benz. ac.) Involuntary urination at night. (Caust., Sulph.) Burning in urethra during urination. MALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Incomplete coition; erections weak; emissions speedy. Glans penis easily becomes sore. Soreness between scrotum and thighs. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.—Pressure in the hypogastrium, as if everything would come out, and the menses would come on. (Bell., Nit. ac.) Leucorrhoea, thick, yellow, putrid, ceasing after urination. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Violent dry cough, worse when entering a warm room. (Bry., rev. Phos.) Cough, with Salty, purulent, greenish sputa. Short breath, with difficult respiration. - HEART.-Violent palpitation of the heart, especially on going up-stairs, or at night, while lying on left side. NECK AND BACK.—Cracking of the cervical vertebrae, on moving the head. Backache; violent pain in small of back, after walking. LIMBs.—Tearing pains in the limbs. - Excessive soreness and lassitude of the limbs. Weakness, unsteadiness and heaviness of lower extremities, and heavi. ness of the arms. Jerking sensation in the finger joints. LOWER LIMBs.—Jerkings in lower extremities, and in parts of lower por- tion of the body. Hollow of knees painful on motion. Needle-like stitches on sole of right foot. Throbbing and crawling in both heels. Easy dislocation and spraining of the ankle. Ulcer on the heel arising from spreading blisters. NATRUM MURIATICUM. 267 Blisters on points of toes, as if scalded. GENERALITIES.—Great prostration and heaviness of the whole body. Whole body relaxed and limber, in morning. Swelling and induration of glands. SKIN.—Skin dry, rough and chapped. Itching over the whole body as from fleas. Herpes with yellow rings or suppurating. SLEEP.—Sleepiness and much yawning during the day. FEVER.—Cold hands and feet, head hot, or hands and feet hot, with cold cheeks. Heat with burning thirst. Burning in feet, especially soles, on walking. Cold, anxious perspiration, with trembling from the pains. AGGRAVATION.—In forenoon; during a thunder storm; after slightest exer- tion; after meals; while sitting; from talking. AMELIORATION.—On motion; on pressure; from rubbing. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Melancholy. Hypochondria. Ophthalmia. Nasal catarrh. Dyspepsia. Constipation. Impotence. Ulcers. Herpetic eruptions. Glandular swellings. Compare : Ars., Calc., Carb. v., Cinch., Lyc., Merc., Nat. m., Nux v., Phos., Puls., Sil., Sep., Sulph. Antidotes : Camph., Nitr. sp. dulc. Nat. c. Antidotes : Cinchona. NATRUM MURIATIOUM. Chloride of Sodium. Common Salt. (NaCl.) GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts upon the blood, the lymphatic system, the mucous lining of the digestive tract, and upon the liver and spleen. It causes a deterioration of the blood, which, with a high degree of irritation, results in inflamma- tions, partaking of a scorbutic nature, and from which arises various ulcers and eruptions on the skin, as well as destructive inflammations of mucous and glandular tissues, and conditions *~ 268 NATRUM MURIATICUM. generally pointing to a distinct dyscrasia of a scorbutic char- acter. Aside from this dyscrasia the most essential feature of salt is its power to produce a condition of system or a cachexia simulating that which results from long-lasting or badly- treated cases of ague, and it is in this sphere of therapeutics that salt has achieved its greatest victories. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND —Melancholy, depressed, sad and weeping (Nux m., Puls., Ign., Rhus); consolation aggravaté8. Very irritable and ill-humored; easily provoked to anger. (Bry., Cham.) I)ifficult thinking; absence of mind; weakness of memory. (Mez.) HEAD.—Vertigo and great dullness of the head, with flickering before the eyes. * Dullness and heaviness of the head. Headache as if the head would burst. (Acon., Mez., Bell., Bry., Sulph.) Headache in the morning on awakening, lasts till noon. Headache from sneezing and coughing, disappearing on pressure. Dull, pressive, stupefying headache. Throbbing or stitches in head, extending to neck or chest. Heat in the head, with redness in the face, nausea and vomiting. Heavy pressive pain in forehead, over both eyes...} Falling out of the hair (Graph., Merc., Nit. ac., Phos., Sepia); sensi- tiveness of the scalp. (Cinch., Nit. ac., Merc.) Itchºng eruption on margin of hair at nape of neck. EYES.—Dimness of vision, as if looking through a mist or veil. (Caust., Phos., Sulph.) Objects become confused; letters and stitches run together. (Cinch., Cocc.) Small fiery points constantly before the eyes. Eyes give out on using them. (Ruta.) Inflammation, redness, and lachrymation. Pressure in the eyes on looking intently at anything. Sensation of sand in the eyes, mornings. Burning and Smarting in the eyes; sensitive to light. Margins of lids red, inflamed, burning; agglutinated mornings. NATRUM MURIATICUM. 269 EARS.–Hardness of hearing. Discharge of pus from the ears. NoSE.—Inflammation and swelling of left side of nose; painful to touch. Liable to catch cold; coryza fluent; or nose dry and stopped up; sneezing. FACE.—Yellow color of face. Face shines as if greasy. Redness of the left cheek. Lips dry, chapped and cracked; upper lip swollen. Whiskers fall Off. Tettery eruptions around the mouth. MoUTH.—Gums swollen, and bleed easily. (Carb. v., Merc., Phos.) Great complaints about dryness of the tongue, which is not very dry. Tongue dry and stiff; speech difficult. Vesicles and ulcers in the mouth, and on the tongue (Mur. ac.); smarting and burning when touched by the food. - Taste: bitter (Bry., Puls.); salty (Carb. v., Sepia); entire loss of taste. THROAT.—Frequent hawking of salty tasting mucus. Sensation of a plug in the throat (Bell, Merc., Nux v., Sulph.), with rawness and burning pain. STOMACH.-Excessive hunger; after eating weary and sleepy. Loss of appetite. Aversion to bread, of which he was once very fond (Lyc., Nux v.); also to coffee. Repugnance to smoking, to which he was accustomed. Violent, unquenchable thirst. Nausea, heartburn. Burning and fullness in stomach. Pressure in pit of stomach, which is sensitive to touch. (Bry., Merc. Sulph.) Throbbing in pit of stomach after eating. Sensation as if a foreign body were sticking in the cardiac orifice, and behind the sternum. ABDOMEN.—Stitches and tension in hepatic (Bry., Kali c.) and splenic regions. (Nat. c.) 270 NATRUM MURIATICUM. Abdomen distended; rumbling, and incarceration of flatus. (Lyc. Cinch.) STOOL AND ANU.S.—Constipation, with sensation of contraction of the amºus; difficult expulsion of Juſtra, dry and crumbling stool, fissuring the anus, so that it bleeds, and pažns as if sore. Itching stitches in the rectum. Burning in anus after hard stool. Alternate constipation and diarrhoea. (Ant. cr.) Painless watery diarrhoea. (Ars., Cinch.) URINARY ORGANS.-Discharge of mucus from the urethra during and after urination. Cutting and burning in urethra after urination. (Canth., Can. sat.) Urethra painfully sore to pressure. Frequent desire to urinate, with copious flow of light watery wrine. Urine dark and turbid. Urine passed involuntarily while walking, coughing, or laughing. (Caust.) e Brickdust sediment in urine. (Lyc.) FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.—Pressing and bearing down in the genitals every morning; has to sit down to prevent prolapsus. (Bell., Nit. ac., Sepia.) Menses too early and too profuse; lasts too long. Suppression of the menses. Itching on the genital Organs. Leucorrhoea, profuse, of a greenish color, worse while walking. (Bow.) RESPIRATORY ORGANs-Hoarseness in the morning; accumulation of mu- cus in the larynx. Cough in the morning; in evening after lying down in bed; from tickling in the throat; with bursting pain in forehead; with short- ness of breath; with vomiting of food; with tearing pain in sper- matic cords. Stitches (Bry., Kali c.) or sore pain in chest. HEART AND PULSE.-Fluttering motion of the heart. Palpitation of the heart; on going up stairs; when lying on left side. Painful stitches in region of heart. Intermission ºn the beating of the heart and pulse. (Kali c., Lach., Sepia.) * NATRUM MURIATICUM. 271 NECK AND BACK.—Pain in the small of back as if broken. Pain in back relieved by lying on something hard. (Rhus.) Throat and neck emaciate rapidly, especially during summer com- plaint. UPPER LIMBs.-Weakness and paralytic heaviness of the arms. (Caust.) Trembling of the hands when writing. Skin of hands, especially about the nails, dry, cracked; hang-nails. Low ER LIMBs.—Weakness and trembling of the lower extremities. Drawing pains in thighs, knees, and legs. Great heaviness of the legs and feet. Tension in hollow of knee, as if the cords were too short. Restlessness in legs and feet, must move them constantly. (Zinc.) GENERALITIES.—Great emaciation (Calc. c., Iod.); trembling of the whole body. Easily fatigued; mental and physical exhaustion and weakness; great prostration. Takes cold easily. Muscles, especially of thighs and arms, painful on motion, as if flesh were loose. SKIN.—Itching and pricking in the skin. Large red blotches, like hives, itching violently. Itching nettle-rash after bodily exertion. Ringworm. (Sepia.) Tettery eruptions, oozing an acrid fluid; crusts with deep cracks. SLEEP.—Sleepiness during the day, with frequent yawning. Sleepless at night. - Uneasy, anxious sleep. FEVER.—Chill predominates (Bry), mostly internal; hands and feet icy cold. (Gels.) Chilliness over whole body, with heat in the forehead, pressure in root of nose, and violent thirst. - Chill 10 to 11 A. M., beginning in feet or small of back; blue nails; thirst; bursting headache; nausea and vomiting. * Heat, with violent headache and thirst, chilliness over the back, and sweat in axillae and soles of feet. Profuse perspiration, too easily excited by motion. 272 NITRICUM ACIDUM. During apyrexia: stitches about the liver; languor; emaciation; Sal- low complexion; loss of appetite; fever blisters on the lips. AGGRAvATION.—While lying down, especially in morning or evening; at 10 A.M.; after exertion; in heat of sun; heat in general. AMELIORATION.—In open air; while fasting; after dinner; from sitting up. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Intermittent fever, especially inveterate or badly- treated cases; after quinine; in damp regions, or near newly-turned ground. Scorbutic affections. Congenital malformations, caused by contraction of muscles (externally with friction). Constipation. Summer complaint. Melancholy. Hypochondria. Ophthalmia. Catarrh. Dyspepsia. Enlargement of liver; of spleen. Gonorrhoea. Leucorrhoea. Chlorosis. Compare : Alumina, Bry., Calc., Carb. v., Graph., Lyc., Merc., Phos., Plumb., Puls., Rhus, Sepia, Sil., Sulph., Zinc. Natrum m. is followed well by Sepia, and is complementary to Apis. Antidotes : Apis, Ars., Camph., Phos., Sp. dulc. nitr. Nat. m. Antidotes : Apis, Arg. nit., Quinine. NITRICUM ACIDUM. Nitric acid. HNO3. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts upon the blood, the mucous membranes, the glands, the bones and the skin, its special action being upon the muco-cutaneous outlets of the body, the mouth, the rectum and anus, and the vagina. Intense irrita- tion is produced, resulting in inflammation and destructive ulceration of the parts, even to gangrene. The whole action of Nitric acid points to a violent dyscrasia or poison, resem- bling either the syphilitic, scrofular or mercurial miasms. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Nervous, excitable, easily startled and frightened. Irritable, peevish, vealed at trèfles. Anxiety about his disease, with fear of death. (Ars., Acon.) Depressed, despondent mood; discontented; inclined to weep. (Nat. m., Puls., Rhus.) NITRICUM ACIDUM. 273 Weakness of memory; aversion to mental exercise. HEAD.—Wertigo in the morning, on rising. (Phos.) Congestion to the head, with much heat in it. Headache in the morning on waking (Nat. m.), disappearing on rising. (Phos.) Headache as ºf the head were tºghtly bound up, as if in a vise. (Gels., Merc.) Feeling of fullness and pressure in the head. Drawing and stitching pains in the temples. Profuse falling off of the hair. (Graph., Merc., Nat. m., Phos., Sepia.) Scabby, moist, itching eruption on the scalp. (Graph., Merc.) Offensive scurf on the scalp. Painful sensitiveness of the scalp, even to the pressure of the hat. (Mez.) EYES.–Double vision of horizontal objects. (Bell, Hyos.) Obscuration of sight while reading. Shortsighted. Inflammation of the eyes, after syphilis, or the abuse of mercury. Pressure and stinging in the eyes. Spots on the cornea. Paralysis of upper lids. (Caust., Gels.) Biting and stitches in the eyes. EYES.–Hardness of hearing after the abuse of mercury. Swelling of the glands beneath and behind the ear. Offensive purulent discharge from the ear. Stitches in the ears. NoSE.—Violent coryza, with Soreness and bleeding of the nose. Tip of nose red; nostrils ulcerated and sore. Dry coryza, nose obstructed, throat, dry. Offensive yellow matter is blown from the nose. (Puls.) Stitches as from a splinter ºn the nose, on touch. FACE.-Yellowness of the face; about the eyes, with red cheeks. Bones of the face painful. Lips are swollen and itch. Eruption of pimples on the face. Dark freckles on the face. MoUTH.—The teeth become yellow or loose; pain on chewing. 18 274 NITRICUM ACIDUM. Stitching, tearing, or boring pains in teeth, when touched by anything cold or warm. Gums white, swollen, bleeding. (Merc., Nux v.) Blösters and wicers on the tongue, and on its margins, with burning pain when touched. (Merc.) He bites the tongue when chewing. (Ignat.) Tongue sensitive, even to soft food, which causes smarting. Ulcerated spots on inner surface of cheeks, with sticking pains as from a splinter. e Corners of the mouth ulcerated. Foul odor from the mouth. (Merc.) Dryness and intense burning in mouth and fauces. Mucous membrane of mouth and throat swollen and ulcerated; with pricking pains; after abuse of mercury. Profuse flow of salãou. Saliva bloody. Sour taste in the mouth. Tongue coated green, with ptyalism. THROAT.—Heat and dryness in the throat. Much mucus in the throat posteriorly. Sore throat on swallowing, as if swollen ; raw and ulcerated. Pricking as from a splinter in the throat (Alum); worse when swal- lowing. * Stitches in the throat and fauces. Cracking in maa'illary articulation when chewing. Diphtheritic membrane on tonsils and fauces, extending to mouth, lips 7?,086. Swallowing very difficult, as from constriction of the pharyna. STOMACH-LOSS of appetite. Violent thirst. * Many eructations before and after eating. Nausea and vomiting of mucus and food; of tenacious, purulent and bloody mucus. Stitches in pit of stomach. ABDOMEN.—Abdomen distended, with flatulence; very tender. Cutting and pinching pains in abdomen. NITRICUM ACIDUM. 275 Incarcerated flatulence, worse mornings and evenings. Inguinal hernia; also of children. (Nux v.) Swelling and suppuration of inguinal glands. (Merc., Thuja.) STOOL AND ANU.S.—Haemorrhoids; protruding; swollen; bleeding; pain- less or burning. Burning sensation ºn rectum and anus. Stºcking in rectum, and spasmodic constriction ºn anºus during stool. Fºssures. Pain as if rectum would be torn asunder during stool. Moisture and soreness about the anus. Stools: dysenteric; bloody, with tenesmus; black offensive blood; Iſltl COUIS. Painful constipation; stool evacuated ºn hard masses. (Alum.) URINARY ORGANS.–Smarting and burning in the urethra during and after urination. Discharge of bloody mucus and pus from the urethra. Needle-like stitches in the orifice of the urethra. Frequent urging to urinate, with Scanty discharge. Urine is cold when passed. Urine scanty, dark brown, smelling intolerably strong, like horses' urine. (Benz. ac., Nat. carb.) MALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Superficial ulcers, like chancres, on the glans and prepuce, looking clean, but 6a, waºng an offensive moisture. (Merc.) Sycotic excrescences on the glans, bleeding when touched. Vesicles on the prepuce becoming covered with small dry scabs. (Thuja.) Sharp stitches in the prepuce. Itching of the prepuce. Violent erections at night. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Itching on the pudenda. Ulcers in the vagina, burning and itching. (Sulph.) Leucorrhoea: offensive; green mucus; cherry-colored; flesh-colored. Excrescences on cervix uteri. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Hoarseness. Loss of breath; palpitation and anxiety on ascending steps. Cough more during the night, or when lying down during the day. Rough dry cough before midnight. 276 NITRICUM ACIDUM. Purulent yellowish expectoration with the cough. Congestion to upper part of chest. Oppression and fullness in chest. NECK AND BACK.—Stitches in and between the shoulder blades. Rigidity of the nape of the neck. Swelling of the glands of the neck and axillae. (Calc.) Low ER LIMBs.—Bruised pain as from excessive fatigue. Tearing ºn lower eatrem?ties especially at night. Violent cramp in calf, at night. Chilblains on the toes. Offensive, profuse perspiration (Sil.) on feet, causing Soren.688, with 8tºck- 2ng pains, as if he were walking on pin8. GENERALITIES.—Excessive emaciation. So weak almost constantly obliged to lºé down. Frequent drawing pains in almost all parts of the body, suddenly appearing and disappearing. Stitches, and sticking pains as from splinters, especially on touch, in all parts of the body. Glands inflamed, swollen, suppurating. SKIN.—Skin dry and scaly. Ulcers, with stinging and pricking pains as of splinters; edges irregu- lar; exuberant granulations; after mercury, or in secondary syph- ilis. SLEEP.—Difficulty of going to sleep in evening; wakens too early in morning, or difficult waking. Restless, disturbed sleep, and frequent waking with a start. FEVER.—Chill afternoon and evening, on lying down. Flushes of heat, with perspiration on the hands. Heat, especially at night, with excessive thirst. Frequent heat in face and hands. - Profuse, offensive night sweats; every other might. Perspiration ºn the morning. AGGRAVATIONS.--In evening and at night; in morning; from change of temperature or weather; on waking; while walking; on rising from a seat; from touch. AMELIORATION.—While riding in a carriage. (Reverse Cocc.) NUX MOSCHATA. 277 THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Syphilitic and sycotic affections. Bad effects from abuse of mercury. Affections of bones and glands. Ulcers on mu- cous and cutaneous surfaces, especially of mercurial or syphilitic origin. Ophthalmia. Catarrh. Angina. Diphtheria. Constipation. Haemorrhoids. Leucorrhoea. Gonorrhoea. Jaundice. Rheumatism. CONDITIONS.—Especially useful in dark complexioned persons; old people. Compare with Calc., Hep., Kali, Merc., Mez., Mur. ac., Sil., Thuja. Nitric acid follows well after Calc., Hepar., Kali c., Natrum, Carb., Puls., Sulph., Thuja. After Nitric acid are often indicated Calc., Puls., Sulph. Calad. is complementary to it, while Lachesis is inim- ical. - Antidotes : Calc. c., Camph., Hep., Merc., Mez., Sulph. To large doses: alkalies, soap, magnesia, etc. Nit. ac. Antidotes : Calc., Dig., Merc. NUX MOSCHATA. Matural Order. Myristicaceae. Common Mame. Nutmeg. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Through the nervous system. Nux moschata affects particularly the digestive tract, the ovaries and the uterus, the symptoms it produces being of a purely nervous character, and indicative of no change whatever in organic substance, save the slight congestion which the nervous irritation may produce. Its chief characteristic is a sleepy, drowsy condition, with all complaints. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Changeable mood; one moment laughing, the next crying. Disposition to laugh or jest at everything; feels lively and bright. Weeping, gloomy mood. (Nat. m., Puls., Ign.) Absence of mind, can not think (Am. c., Kreos); has to collect his thoughts slowly before speaking or answering; thoughts vanish while reading, with tendency to sleep. Ideas confused; incoherent expression, either in Speaking or writing. 278 NUX MOSCHATA. Loss of memory. (Anac., Lach., Kreos., Op., Phos. ac.) Stuporous condition, as if intoxicated. (Op.) HEAD.—Vertigo as if intoxicated. (Cocc., Led.) Head drops forward while sitting. Head feels full and as if expanding, but without pain; seems bulky, and rolls around without control; has to support with the hands. Painless pulsation in the head, with fear to go to sleep. Pain, especially in the temples, with a sensation as if the brain were loose, with wabbling on motion, as if it struck the sides of the skull. (Acon., Bell, Nux v.) Pressive headache in a small spot over left frontal eminence. Headache after eating, as from over-eating. EYES.—Sensation of dryness in the eyes, can move eyelids only with diffi- culty. Objects appear too large (Hyos) or too distant. FACE.-Face pale; blue rings around the eyes. MOUTH.—Taste like chalk in the mouth. Painfulness of the teeth while eating. Toothache; during pregnancy; from damp cold evening air. (Bor., Merc.) Dryness of the mouth, tongue and lips, but without thirst. Accumulation of saliva and thick mucus in the mouth. Paralysis of the tongue; speech difficult. THROAT.—Great dryness in the throat, without thirst. Difficult swallowing, from paralysis of the muscles of deglutition. STOMACH.—Very great hunger; no thirst. Nausea and vomiting, with inclination to sleep; during pregnancy (Puls.); while riding in a carriage (Cocc.); from irritation of pessaries. ABDOMEN.—Pressure in the liver as from something sharp, or as if stones were cutting and tearing their way out; weight about the liver. Abdomen enormously distended; after meals. Rumbling in the abdomen; feeling as though colic would occur. (Aloes.) Stool soft, but eagelled with difficulty; rectum inactive. (Alum.) Diarrhoea, undigested or like chopped eggs, with loss of appetite and great sleepiness; in summer with children. NUX MOSCHATA, 279 MALE SExUAL ORGANS.—Inclined to coitus, but erections weak and of short duration. (Lyc.) FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Menses irregular in time and quantity; flow generally dark and thick. During menses great pressure in the back from within outward, abdom- inal bearing down and drawing in the limbs. Spasmodic labor-like pains. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.—Hoarseness; sudden, from walking against the wind. Cough when becoming warm in bed. Oppression of the chest; short breath after eating. Feeling of rush of blood to the heart, and thence to head and all over the body. Palpitation with fainting, followed by sleep. Pulse small and slow. BACK.—Pain in small of back, as if broken (Bell., Nux v.), when riding in a carriage. LIMBS.—Numbness in all the limbs. Pains in limbs and joints in cold, damp weather. GENERALITIES.–Great weakness and fatigue, fees as if he must lie down after least exertion, with sleepiness. Disposition to faint; also, from the pains, even when slight. Convulsions; hysterical; epileptic, with consciousness; children, with diarrhoea. Skin cold over the whole body, and sensitive to cold air. SLEEP,-Sleepiness with all complaints, particularly with pains, lies in stupid slumber. Almost irresistible desire for sleep. AGGRAVATIONS.–From cold, damp weather; from washing or getting wet; from riding in a carriage; after eating or drinking; from spirituous liquors. AMELIORATION.—In the room; from warm air. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Hysterical paroxysms. Fainting fits. Convul- sions. Epilepsy. Paralysis of tongue, oesophagus, eyelids. Cata- lepsy. Summer complaint. Worms. Enlargement of liver. Dyspep- sia. Nausea and vomitin g of pregnancy. Toothache. Menorrhagia. 280 NUX WOMICA. CONDITIONS.–Especially suitable for women and children. For nervous people; also for the aged. Compare with Ambra, Asaf, Bell., Cocc., Con., Ign., Lyc., Nua, v., Op., Phos., Puls., Rhus, Sepia, Sil, Sulph. Antidotes : Camph. NUX VOMICA. Strychnos nux vomica. Watural Order. Loganiaceae. Common Mame. Poison-nut. - p GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Nux vomica acts pre-eminently upon the spinal cord, including the motory and sensory cen- tres at the base of the brain; affecting chiefly that portion of the spinal tract which presides over reflex functions. The condition produced is one of excessive irritation and excita- bility, giving rise to incoherent muscular action, which, in the extreme, constitutes violent tetanic contractions, and which finally may end in entire cessation of muscular movement, or paralysis. These tetanic convulsions affect particularly the limbs and trunk; the former being rigidly flexed, and the body arched as in opisthotonos, the respiratory muscles rigidly contracted, rendering breathing laborious, even to asphyxia, while at the same time there are present spasmodic conditions of the face, jaws, throat, Oesophagus and of the intestinal and urinary tracts. The entire condition thus presents a horrible aspect, but through it all the mind is unaffected, though it is probable that little pain is experienced. The paroxysms are usually interrupted “by periods of calm, from which, however, the least noise, a breath of air, or the lightest touch, may act with the suddenness of lightning to renew the scene.” (Stram.) Death finally results, either from asthenia or asphyxia. In addition to this remarkable action upon the muscular system, Nux vomica affects profoundly the organs and func- tions of nutrition, the secretions being altered, the functions NUX WOMICA. 28I. perverted, and the organic substance changed, giving rise to a long train of symptoms, presenting accurate pictures of gas- tric, hepatic, and intestinal affections, which may be only ap- preciated and understood by a careful study of the pathogen- esis of the drug. The same character of irritation which, in the mucous membrane of the alimentary tract, gives rise to dyspeptic symptoms and aids in the production of constipation, pro- duces in the respiratory sphere a dry catarrhal condition, giv- ing obstruction in the nasal passages and dry cough. Nux vomica also affects prominently the genito-urinary sphere, producing at first an increased activity of these organs, fol- lowed by depression and relaxation. The chief peculiarity of Nux is its adaptation to disorders of digestion, especially when resulting from long-continued errors in diet, from highly seasoned foods, stimulating drinks, hot medicines, and drug mixtures in general, and especially when occurring in persons of sedentary habits. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Quarrelsome, even to violence; ill-humored; finds fault and scolds; irritable; morose; stubborn. (Bry., Cham.) Careful, zealous persons, inclined to get excited and angry, or of a spiteful, malicious disposition. Over-sensitiveness to eaternal impressions; can not tolerate noise, talking, music, strong odors, or bright light. (Bell., Stram.) Over-sensitiveness, every harmless word offends, every little noise frightens; anxious and beside themselves; can not bear the least, even suitable, medicine. Hypochondriac mood, worse after eating; especially in persons of sed- entary habits, or in those who dissipate, with abdominal sufferings and constipation. The time passes too slow. (Arg, nit.) Great anxiety, with inclination to commit suicide (Aurum), but is afraid to die; much lamentation and weeping. Great dread of, and incapacity for, literary work; can not think cor- rectly. (Gels., Phos. ac.) 282 NUX WOMICA. Disinclination to bodily labor. (Cinch., Phos. ac.) HEAD.—Intocicated confusion in the head. (Op.) Stupefaction. Vertigo : after dinner; as if the brain were turning in a circle (Arn., Con.), with momentary loss of consciousness; dizzy, reeling while walking, as if he would fall to one side or backward. Intoaxicated, dizzy heaviness of the head in the morning. Headache ºn the morning in bed; in middle of brain, felt before open?ng the eyes; in forehead; in occiput; as if the skull would burst (Bry., Nat. m.); as if the head had been beaten with an awe; as if he had not slept, makes him stupid, disappears after rising. sº Pressive boring pains in the head, commencing in the morning, worse after eating, with nausea and sour vomiting, toward evening, after ly- ing down. Drawing, tearing, jerking, burning or pinching pains in the head, espe- cially in morning, and after eating. & Heaviness and pressure in the head, after dinner, especially on moving the eyes. Pressing as if something heavy were sinking forward in the head, on Stooping. Headache, as if the brain were bruised or beaten. Pressing pain, as if a nail were being driven deeply into the side of the brain. (Arn., Coff, Ign.) Violent jerking or dull stitches in left side of brain, from orbit to pari- . etal bone or occiput. Tension in the forehead, as if it was pressed in, at night and in the morning, worse on exposing head to cold air. Sensation as from a bruise in the back part of head. Small, painful swellings on the forehead. Scalp sensitive to the touch, or to wind; better from being warmly cov- ered. * Elead symptoms worse in the morning, from mental exertion, eacercºsing *n the open air, after eating, and from wine and coffee; better in the warm room, and from 87tting quietly or lyöngy down. EYEs.—Photophobia; much worse ºn the morning. Vision cloudy. Inflammation, with swelling, red streaks in the whites, and pressive tensive pain. NUX WOMICA. 283 Painless injection of the whites of the eyes. Ecchymoses. (Arn.) Burning and smarting as from salt, with lachrymation. Margins of lids and canthi itch and burn as if rubbed sore, especially in the morning. lº Smarting dry sensation ºn immer canthº, in the morning, in bed. EARS.—Itching in the ear and through the eustachian tube. Ringing, roaring and hissing in the ears. (Cinch., Bell., Merc., Nit. ac.) Tearing, sticking pains in the ears (Puls.), worse in the morning in bed. NOSE,-Profuse discharge of acrid mucus from the obstructed nostrils. Coryza : fluent ºn the morning; fluent during the day, and stopped at night; in the morning and after dinner; with scraping and crawling Žn the nose and throat, with frequent sneezing, especially in morning in bed; with headache, heat in the face, chilliness. (Acon.) Coryza, worse in the warm room, better in the cool air. (Puls.) Nostrils internally painful, as if ulcerated. FACE.-Paleness of the face. Twitching and spasmodic distortion of the facial muscles. Tearing and drawing pains in the face, extending into the ear. Tetanic contraction of the jaws, trismus. (Bell, Cic., Hydroc ac., Hyos.) Pimples on the face, from excessive use of spirituous liquors. Painful desquamation of the lips. MOUTH.—Drawing, tearing toothache; worse from mental exertion (Bell., Ign.); from cold or cold things (Bell., Hyos., Merc., Staph.); after eating (Bell., Bry., Coff, Chin.); from coffee or wine (Cham., Coc., Puls.); relieved by warmth. (Ars., Bry.) Stinging in decayed teeth; in whole row of teeth. Tongue coated thick white (Ant. c.); blisters on tongue. (Borax, Hell.) Heaviness of the tongue, with difficult speech. (Caust., Con., Gels.) Internal mouth, tongue and palate are slimy, and feel raw and sore. Dryness of the mouth without much thirst, but with much accumulation of saliva (Merc.) in the fauces. Bad taste in the mouth in the morning (Puls.), though food and drink taste natural; taste sour; bitter. (Bry, Puls., Calc., Cinch., Merc., Pod., Sulph.) Offensive odor from the mouth. (Kreos.) 284 NUX WOMICA. THROAT—Throat raw (Arum.), sore, rough, as if scraped; principally when swallowing, and when inhaling cold air. Pharynx constricted; swallowing impeded (Alum); pain on empty Swallowing, as from a plug in throat. STOMACH-Hunger, with aversion to food (Op.), especially bread (Nat. m.), water, coffee and tobacco. Bitter, sour eructations. (Carb. v., Puis., Coloc.) Violent hiccough. (Cupr., Hyos., Stram.) Heartburn (Ars.); waterbrash (Carb. veg.); after eating. Nausea in morning (Ambra); after eating; from tobacco (Ign.), with faintness. (Nux m.) Vomiting of sour mucus; of food and drink (Ipec., Phos.); of bile (Podo.); of blood. (Bry., Puls.) Retching as if to vomit, while hawking mucus from fauces. Region of stomach sensitive to pressure. Clawing, cramping pains in the stomach. (Bell., Cocc., Carb. an.) Tensºon and fullness in the epigastrium. (Lyc.) Pressure in the stomach an hour or two after a meal, with dullness of head and hypochondriacal mood. Bloatedness, and pressure as from a stone ºn the stomach (Ars., Bry., Puls.); especially after eating. Disordered stomach from over-eating; from debauchery; from high living; from drugs; from sedentary habits. Scraped sensation ºn pit of stomach. ABDOMEN.—Stitches in the region of the liver; worse from contact or motion. (Bry., Cinch.) Throbbing pain as from hepatic abscess. Jaundice, aversion to food; fainting turns; gall stones. (Cinch.) Loud rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen (Lyc.), in the morning. Flatulent distension of the abdomen after eating. (Cinch., Lyc.) Colic: flatulent; from indigestion; from over-eating; as from a cold; cutting pains as from stones (Coloc.); griping, pinching; period- ical after breakfast, or after meals; making him bend together. (Coloc.) Pressure under short ribs as from incarcerated flatulence. Bruised, sore pain in the intestines. Sensation of weakness in inguènal ring, as if a hermºa would occur; or pain as ºf a hernia would become incarcerated. NUX WOMICA. 285 STOOL AND ANU.S.—Blind haemorrhoºds; with stºcking, beating or pressive pains in rectum and amºus: after stool, after a meal, and after €3.6 ričng the mind. Constipation, with frequent and ineffectual desire for stool, and 8ensation of constriction ºn rectum. After stool, sensation as if more remained, but could not be evacuated. Alternate constipation and diarrhoea. (Ant. Cr., Bry., Phos.) Discharge of bright red blood, with faces, with sensation of constriction and contraction ºn rectum. Diarrhoea, especially in the morning, of a dark color. (Rumex, Sulph.) Small stools of a slimy, bloody mucus, with much urging, ceasing after stool. URINARY ORGANs.—Painful, ineffectual urging to urinate; wrine passes in drops, with burning and tearing in urethra (und neck of bladder. (Apis, Canth., Cann., Caps.) Tenacious mucus passes with the urine, without pain. MALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Easily excited desire, painful erections, especially in the morning. Nightly emissions, with lascivious dreams; from high living, etc. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.-Menses too eitrly and too profuse, flow dark. During mem.86s, naused ºn morning, with chilliness and attacks of faint- 70,688. Pressure towards the genitals, especially in the morning. Contractive uterine spasms, colic, with discharge of coagula. (Caul., Secale.) RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–IIoarseness, with roughness, and scraping in the throat (Caust., Puls.); provoking a cough. Accumulation of tenacious mucus in upper part of trachea. (Staph., Rumex.) Itching and tickling in the trachea (Ars., Baryta c.), exciting a cough. Oppressed breathing; tightness of breathing from spasmodic constric- tion of lower part of thorax; especially when walking and ascending. Dry, fatiguing cough (Rumex), from midnight tºll daybreak; in the evening after lying down, or very early ºn the morning. Wiolent cough before rising in the morning, with expectoration of clotted blood, and 80'réné88 ºn the chest. 286 INUX WOMICA. Cough causing: bruised pain in abdominal walls; headache as if skull would burst. (Bry.) Cough worse: after eating or drinking (Bry); after mental or physical exertion; when lying on the back; from cold; from tobacco. (Ign.) Pressing in the chest, as from a heavy load. Boughness, rawness and scraping in the chest. Congestion in the chest, with heat and burning. HEART AND PULSE.—Palpitation; on lying down after dinner; after eating; from coffee; from protracted study. BACK AND NECK.—Heaviness and stiffness in the neck. Tearing pain in nape of neck and in back. (Puls.) Pain in back and small of back as if bruised or broken. (Bell.) LIMBs.—Bruised pains in the limbs and joints, worse in the morning in bed. Trembling of the limbs, and jerking of the heart. Great weariness and relaxation in all the limbs, after taking the open air. Sensation of sudden loss of power in the extremities, in the morning. Falling asleep of arms, hands and soles of feet. Low ER LIMBs.—Tottering and unsteadiness of the lower extremities; knocking under of the knees; drags the feet. Paralytic drawing in muscles of thighs and calves, painful on walking. Painful swelling of the knee. Stiffness and tension in hollows of knees, especially after standing; sensation as if tendons were too short, on arising from a seat. Numbness and deadness of the legs. Cramps in the calves at night. (Sulph) GENERALITIES.—Great debility with over-sensitiveness of all the senses.(Cinch.) Emaciation. Stitches in jerks through the whole body. Trembling all over; mostly of hands; especially in morning; in drunk- ards. Violent contractive, painful sensation through the whole body. Greater weariness in the morning after rising than in the evening on going to bed. Sensitiveness and aversion to open air. (Cocc.) NUX WOMICA. 287 Fainting fits after walking in the open air. Wants to sit or lie down. Convulsions, with tetanic rigidity of nearly all the muscles of the body, with interruptions of a few minutes, during which muscles re- laxed. Spasms renewed by the slightest touch. (Stram.) Paralysis with numbness and coldness of the paralyzed parts; caused by apoplexia, alcohol, sexual excesses, etc. SLEEP.—Much yawning and sleepiness during the day. Irresistible sleepiness after eating, for several hours. (Nux mos.) Sleepy in the early evening, but sleepless at night. Awakens at 3 A. M., lies awake for hours, with a rush of thoughts, falls $nto a dreamy sleep at daybreak, from which he is hard to arouse, and then feels tired, weak and averse to rising. Sleeps mostly lying on the back. Loud snoring respiration during sleep. Dreams, with frightful visions, causing fear. FEveR.—Chilliness and shivering over the whole body, with blueness of the skin, especially the hands and nails. Chill in evening on lying down, followed by heat in head and face. s Chill not relieved by heat; aggravated by motion. Dry heat which does not tolerate covering, or else desires it, yet chilly on being uncovered. Heat precedes the chill, and is renewed after the chill. Sweat after midnight and in the morning; sour, offensive; cold, clammy on face. AGGRAVATION.—From mental evertion; in the morning; after eating; espe. cºally after dinner; from motion; from slight touch, in open air; in dry weather. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.--Bad effects from highly seasoned foods, coffee, tobacco, and spirituous liquors; from all kinds of drug mictures, hot medi- cines and nostrums; from over-evertion of the mind, sedentary habits, over eating, loss of sleep. Periodical and intermittent affections. Gas- tric, bilious and intestinal disorders, especially dyspepsia, indigestion, jaundice, constipation, etc. Hernia. Hepatitis. Haemorrhoids. Hypochondriasis. Apoplexia. Catarrhal affections—-nasal, bronchial 288 OPIUM. intestinal, vesical. Prosopalgia. Menorrhagia. Rheumatism. Gout. Convulsions. Paralysis. - CoNDITIONS.—Fiery, excited temperaments. Suits thin, irritable, choleric persons, with dark hair, and persons who make great mental exertion, or lead a sedentary life. Debauchers who are irritable and thin. Compare : Am. m., Arn., Ars., Bell., Bry., Calc., Carb. v., Cham., Cinch., Cocc., Coff, Cupr., Ign, Ipec, Lyc., Merc., Op., Phos., Puls., Rhus, Sep., Sulph. Its relations are : Arsen., Ip., Phos., Sulph., precede Nux well, while Bry., Puls. and Sulph. follow it well. Zinc does not agree well with Nux, but Sulph. is complementary. Antidotes : Acon., Bell., Camph., Cham., Coff., Cocc., Ignat., Puls. To large doses: wine, coffee, camphor, opium. Mua, vom. Antidotes : Ars., Cham., Cinch., Cocc., Coff, Op., Phos., Puls. It is also an antidote to aromatics, drastics, “hot medicines,” nar- cotics, coffee, and alcohol. *s OPIUM. Papaver somniferum. Watural Order. Papaveraceae. Common Wames. Opium. Poppy. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts upon the cerebro-spinal and the sympathetic nervous systems, producing brief excitation, rap- idly followed by depression and paralysis of all functional activity. As a result there is a general torpidity of the entire system. The cerebral powers are overcome, and stupor ensues; , motion and sensation are destroyed; the secretions of the mu- cous membranes are diminished, and the mucous surfaces be- come dry and congested; the breathing becomes slow, sighing and irregular; the heart’s action is retarded, and these evi- dences of cerebro-spinal paralysis continuing, death results; or, passing off, leave deranged digestion, headache, sleepless- ness and constipation. The leading feature of Opium is its depression of the cer- ebral functions, indicated by great drowsiness and stupor, with stertorous breathing. OPIUM. 289 CfIARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. MIND.—Complete loss of consciousness (Hyos., Laur), with slow, 8tertorous breathing; insensibility to eaſternal impressions. Delirious; eyes wide open, glistening (Stram.), face red, puffed up; sees frightful and distressing visions. (Bell.) Drunkenness ºpith stupor, as from smoke in the brain, eyes burning, hot and dry. (Bell.) Dull and stupid, as ºf drunk. Vivid imaginations, exaltation of the mind. (Cann. ind.) Nervous and irritable; easily frightened. (Nux.) HEAD.—Great confusion, dullness and heaviness of the head. (Nux.) Vertigo, as from intonication. (Nux, Cocc., Gels.) Congestion of blood to the head, with pulsations in it. (Bell.) Pressing pains in the temples. Cold sweat on forehead. (Verat.) EYES.–Pupils dilated, and insensible to light. (Bell., Hyos., Stram.) Pupils contracted. (Hyos., Physostigma.) Eyes glassy, protruded, immovable. (Hyos., Stram.) Eyes half-closed, red, burning, hot and dry. (Bell.) Lids hang down as if paralyzed. (Com., Caust., Gels.) EARS.—Violent roaring in the ears. Acuteness of hearing. (Cinch., Coff, Can. ind.) FACE.-Face bloated, dark red, and hot (Bell., Stram.); flushed (Hyos.); pale; earthy. Features distorted. The lower lip and jaw hang down. (Hell., Lach., Stram.) Twitching in the corners of the mouth. (Ign.) Tongue.—Paralysis of the tongue, and difficult articulation. (Caust., Dulc., Nux m., Hyos., Gels.) Tongue: purple (Lach.); black (Ars., Nux, Sec.); white (Borax, Nux). Dryness of the mouth. (Dulc., Nux m., Sul) THROAT.—Dryness of the throat. Inability to swallow, from paralysis. (Nux m.) STOMACH.-Loss of appetite. Wºolent thirst, Vomiting of food; of green substance; of blood. (Ars., Bell., Ham., 19 290 OPIUM. O Ipec.); of faecal matter; with violent cutting colic and convulsions. Heaviness and pressure in the stomach. (Ars., Bry., Nux, Puls.) ABDOMEN.—Inactivity of the digestive organs. (Nux, Bry.) Abdomen hard, distended, and sensitive to touch. (Bell.) Accumulation of much flatus, with rumbling in abdomen. (Carb. veg., Lyc.) Violent griping and cutting in the abdomen. (Coloc.) Pressive pain in the abdomen, as if the intestines would be cut to pieces. STOOL AND ANUS.–Anus spasmodically closed during the colic, with diffi- cult emission of flatus. Involuntary stool; offensive (Ars.); after fright. Diarrhoeic stools, whitish, pasty, frothy, causing burning, in anus (Aloe, Ars., Sulph.); black, fetid. Constipation from inactivity of the bowels (Alum, Plumb.); from spas- modic retention in small intestines. Stoo, composed of hard, round, black balls. (Plumb., Thuja.) URINARY ORGANS.–Involuntary micturition. (Caust., Bell., Hyos., Nat.) Retention of wrine from paralysis of fundus of bladder; from spasm of sphincter; from nursing after passion of nurse. Urine scanty, dark brown, cloudy. (Canth.) MALE SExUAL ORGANS.—Increased sexual desire, with frequent erections and pollutions. (Phos., Nux.) - RESPIRATORY ORGANS.-Dry cough, with tickling and scraping in the larynx (Anac., Rumex); with gaping, drowsiness, yet can not sleep. Deep snoring respiration, with open mouth. Frequent involuntary deep breathing; long and sighing respºration. Respiration irregular, slow and stertorous. PULSE.-Full and slow, with 8noring, slow and soft; small and weak; irreg- ular. BACK.—Back spasmodically curved, like an arch. (Nux.) LIMBs.—Trembling of all the limbs, especially arms and hands; after fright. Spasmodic jerkings and numbness of limbs. Convulsive movements of limbs. Coldness of the extremèties. (Camph., Verat.) OPIUM. 291 GENERALITIES.—Twitching, trembling of head, arms, hands; now and then jerks of flexors; body cold; inclination to stupor; motion of body and uncovering of head relieves. Tetanic spasms; opisthotonos; begin with loud screams, foam at mouth, trembling of limbs, eyes half open, pupils dilated and insen- sible to light, face dark red and hot; from fright, anger, etc. General insensibility of the nervous system; no reaction. Paralysis after apoplexia; in drunkards; in old people. Bed feels so hot she can not lie on it. - SLEEP.—Great drowsiness, can hardly keep awake. Unrefreshºng Soporous sleep, with eyes half open, and snoring. Sleepy, but can not go to sleep. (Bell.) Restless, uneasy sleep; full of visions and imaginations. Sleeplessness, with acuteness of hearing; clocks striking and cocks crowing at a great distance, keep her awake. FEvK.R.—Body cool, head warm. Head hot, cheeks red and burning. Whole body burning even when bathed in sweat; wants to uncover; complains that bed is too hot. Cold perspiration over whole body, especially on the head and forehead- AGGRAVATIONS.–From heat; from brandy, wine; while perspiring; during and after sleep. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Ailments from fright or emotion. After fright, fear of the fright still remaining. Ailments from charcoal vapors. Ailments from lead in paints, pipes and otherwise—lead colic. Delàr- Żum tremens. Apople.cia. Cerebral paralysis. Paralysis. Convul- sions. Trismus. Epilepsy. Constipation. Diarrhoea. Typhoid. fevers. Dry cough. CoNDITIONS.—Especially suitable for children and old persons; for drunk- ards. Compare : Acon., Ars., Bell, Bry, Camph., Coff, Dig., Hyos., Lyc. Merc., Nux, Puls., Rhus, Stram., Sulph., Verat. Antidotes: Bell., Coff, Con., Camph., Ipec, Merc., Nux, Plumb., Vinum. To large doses; very strong Coffee; Camph., Bell., Emetics. Warm baths. Opium Antidotes : Ant. tart., Bell, Dig, Lach, Merc., Nux, Strychnia, Plumb., Stram. Charcoal Vapors. º 292 PETROLEUM. PETROLEUM. Oleum petrae. Rock oil. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts especially upon the skin and mucous membranes. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Violent, excitable, irritable, easily offended. Great fearfulness; easily frightened. Loss of consciousness. Delirium; thinks another person lies along-side of him, or that he is double, or one limb is double. HEAD.—Vertigo on stooping or on rising. Dullness and heaviness of the head. Headache from anger, or after fasting in the morning. Dull, pressive frontal headache. Pressure and heaviness like lead, in the occiput. Dull, pulsating pain in Occiput. Falling off of the hair. (Graph., Phos., Sep.) Moist eczema, worse on occiput. Moist, itching, eczema; sore after Scratching. (Graph.) EYEs.—Burning and pressure in the eyes on exerting them. (Ruta.) Inflammation, with itching and sticking in the eyes. Weakness of vision: veil before the eyes. (Phos., Sulph.) EARS.-Inflammation and painful swelling of meatus auditorius. Hardness of hearing. Roaring, ringing and cracking in the ears. Humid soreness behind the ear. (Graph.) Nos.E.—Bleeding of the nose. Much mucus in nose. MoUTH.—Swelling of the gums. Tongue coated white. (Ant. c., Bry., Nux.) Bad odor from the mouth. Taste : slimy, sour, bitter. (Ars., Bry., Puls.) Accumulation of mucus in the mouth. PETROLEUM. 293 THROAT.—Swelling of the sub-maxillary glands. STOMACH.-Ravenous hunger; after a stool. Violent thirst; for beer. Hot, sharp, sour eructations. Incessant nauseſt and qualinish mess; in the morning; with accumulation of water in the mouth; from motion of carriage or boat. (Cocc.) Violent vomiting. Feeling of great emptiness in stomach. (Cocc., Ign., Sep., Tabac.) Heaviness and pressure in stomach. ABDOMEN.—Violent cutting colic with nausea and diarrhoea. STOOL.—Diarrhoea, preceded by colic, only during the day. Stools difficult and hard; slimy. URINARY ORGANs.-Constant dribbling of urine after micturition. (Caust., Stram.) MALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Itching and moisture on scrotum. (Sil.) FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.—Itching, Soreness and moisture of external parts. Menses too early; the discharge causes itching. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Hoarseness. Dry cough at night. (Hyos.) Oppression of the chest, at night. NECK AND BACK.—Heaviness and pain in nape of neck. Pain in the back and loins. Coccyx painful on sitting. UPPER LIMBS.–Great weakness in the arms. Bruised pain in finger nails, when touched. Tips of fingers rough, cracked, fissured, with sticking, cutting pain. Salt rheum, red, raw, burning; moist, or covered with thick crusts. LOWER LIMBS.—Itching, burning, moist eruption on legs, Heel painfully swollen and red, with stitches; blisters; chilblaims. Burning and stitching in corns. Profuse perspiration on feet. (Sil.) GENERALITIES.–Limbs go to sleep, and become stiff. Cracking and arthritic stiffness in joints, Aversion to open air. (Cocc.) 294 PHOSPHORUS. SKIN.—Unhealthy skin; small wounds ulcerate and spread. (Hep, Graph.) Chronic moist eczema; parts seem excoriated. Painful sensitiveness of skin of whole body; clothing painful. Ulcers, with stinging pain and proud flesh; often deep ulcers, with raised edges. AGGRAVATION.—Before or during a thunder storm; from riding in a car. riage or ship; in open air. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.--Affections from anger, vexation. Eczema. Herpes. Salt Rheum. Chilblains. Gastric affections. Sea sickness. Compare: Bell., Bry., Calc., Cham., Cocc., Graph., Ign., Lyc., Nux, Phos., Puls., Rhus., Sepia, Sil., Sulph. Antidotes : Cocc., Nux vom. Petrol. Antidotes : Lead poisoning. PHOSPHORUS. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Acts powerfully upon the vegetative nervous system and upon the blood, tending in each to disor- ganization and destruction, which is manifest more especially in the paralysis consequent upon the destruction of nerve force, and in the disorganization and decomposition of organic substance, consequent upon the modification of the blood life. The first condition produced is one of violent erethism, going on to congestion and inflammation, this soon giving way to a con- dition of torpor and paralysis, which may indicate exudations in parenchematous organs, or decomposition of the blood and of organic tissues, including the brain, spinal marrow and the bones. The most essential action of Phosphorus is upon the blood, the maxillary bones, the lungs and the teeth. The char- acter of this action has already been indicated. In the blood, as a result of the decomposition, there are haemorrhages and ecchymoses; in the maxillary bones and the teeth caries and necrosis, and in the lung tissues sanguinous infiltration, while in various organs and tissues there is fatty degeneration, not- ably in the liver and heart. PHOSPHORUS. 295 The special action of Phosphorus on each of the separate tissues and organs of the body, may only be studied in the careful provings which Hahnemann and his immediate follow- ers have left us. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Stupor, low muttering, delirium (Arn., Bapt., Merc. ac., Op., Phos. ac., Rhus); grasping at flocks. (Arn., Hyos., Stram.) Great apathy; very sluggish; dislikes to talk; answers slowly or not at all. (Phos.ac.) Great indifference to everything. (Phos. ac.) Hysterical alternation of laughing and weeping. (Cocc., Nux m., Puls.) Sad, apprehensive, depressed; filled with gloomy forebodings. (Nat. m., Plat, Puls.) Great anxiety and restlessness, especially when alone or during a thun- der storm. Nervous, fearful, especially in the evening. Very irritable and fretful mood. Great indisposition to mental or physical ea:ertion. (Nux v., Sulph.) Inability to think; ideas slow; can not keep the mind on any particular subject. (Arn., Phos, ac., Rhus.) HEAD.—Vertigo; staggers while walking (Nux mos, Sulph.); after rising from bed (Bry., Sulph); or from a seat (Kali b.); worse mornings. Great dullness of the head; confused and heavy, with some vertigo. Congestion to the head. Dull, pressive frontal headache, extending to eyes and root of nose. (Acon., Bapt., Rali b.) Throbbing pain in the temples. aſ Sensation of coldness in cerebellum, with sensation of stiffness in the brain. Pulsations, sticking and burning in the brain; the heat enters the head from the spine. Sensation as if the skin of the forehead were too tight. Violent itching of the scalp; with copious dandruff. Falling out of the hair in large bunches. EYES.–Pupils contracted. (Op., Stram., Physos.) Eyes give out while reading. (Ruta, Sepia.) 296 - PHOSPHORUS. Distant objects appear to be covered by smoke or mist; sees better in morning, in twilight, or by shading the eyes with the hand. Green halo around the candle. º Black jloating points (Merc., Nit. ac.); sparks, spots and flickerings before the eyes. (Cycl., Sulph.) EARS. —Difficult hearing, especially of the human voice. Sounds re-echo in the ears. (Caust, Merc., Nux v., Phos. ac.) NOSE,-Nose swollen and painful to touch. (Sulph.) Internal nose, swollen, dry and stopped up; ulcerated; scabs on mar- gin of nostrils. (Alum., Calc., Graph., Lyc., Merc., Sul.) Polypus of the nose; bleeding easily. Frequent sneezing. Greenish-yellow discharge from the nose. (Kali b., Puls., Thuja.) Frequent blowing of blood from the nose; profuse nosebleed. Coryza : with inflammation of the throat and dullness of the head; fluent and dry alternating. (Alum., Nux v.) Over-sensitive smell (Bell., Colch., Hep., Lyc., Sul); especially with headache. FACE.-Face pale, sunken, earthy; sickly yellow; icteric; swollen, puffy. Eyes sunken, with blue rings around. (Sulph.) CEdema of the lids and around the eyes. (Apis, Rhus.) Tension of the skin of the face. Tearing, darting pains in bones of the face, temples and jaw. Lips dry and parched. (Bry.) Necrosis of the lower jaw, rarely of the upper. MoUTH.—Tearing, stinging pains in teeth. Gums separated from the teeth, and bleed easily, especially from touch (Merc., Nit. ac.); painfully sensitive. (Merc., Nit, ac.) Tongue: swollen, dry and black (Ars., Verat.); dry and white; dry and red (Rhus); dry and brown down centre (Bapt., Plumb); coated yel- low. (Podo., Nux.) Dryness of the mouth. Bloody erosions on inner surface of cheeks. Saliva increased, tasting saltish (Sepia), or sweetish. (Plumb., Puls.) Difficult articulation (Bell, Merc., Stram., Verat.); speech slow. THROAT.—Dryness of the throat, day and night. PHOSPHORUS. 297 Itoughness and scraping in the throat, worse towards evening. (Carb. v., Caust.) STOMACH-Ravenous hunger, especially at night; feels faint. Loss of appetite. - Longing for acids and spicy things. (Ant. tart., Ars., Hep., Puls., Verat.) Thirst; longs for something refreshing. (Phos. ac., Puls.) Reſurgitation of food (Bry., Nat., Nux, Merc., Sulph.); also in mouth- fuls. Eructations; empty; sour; tasting of the food; ineffectual. Much belching of wind after eating. (Cinch., Iod., Hep.) Constant nausea. As soon as the water becomes warm in the stomach it is thrown up. Vomiting : of food; of blood, mingled with bile and mucus; of black substances. Great fullness in stomach, and painfulness to touch and pressure. (Ars., Bry., Merc.) Pressure as from a hard substance above pit of stomach. Pressure in stomach as from a heavy weight after eating. (Ars., Bry., Puls.) Oppression and burning in epigastrium. (Ars.) Drawing pain in stomach, extending to chest. Spasmodic, gnawing pains in stomach. (Ars., Nux v.) Goneness in region of stomach. (Ign., Puls., Sep., Sulph.) ABDOMEN.—Enlargement and induration of the liver. Enlargement of the spleen. Abdomen distended and tympanitic; painful to touch. Incarcerated flatus; loud rumbling in abdomen (Lyc.); emission of much flatus. (Aloe, Cinch., Lyc.) Sensation of great weakness and emptiness ºn abdomen (Sep.); must lie down. STOOL AND ANU.S.–Stitches or smarting in rectum. Violent burning in anus and rectum, with great exhaustion after stool. (Ars., Cinch.) - Painless, debilitating diarrhoea (Cinch., Podo.); not debilitating (Phos. ac.); worse mornings. (Apis, Sulph.) Chronic, painless, diarrhoea, of undigested food. (Cinch.) Diarrhaea, stools involuntary; gray or whitish gray; bloody; green; 298 PHOSPEIORUS. watery, with flakes of mucus and clots of blood; watery, with whitish- gellow and cheesy masses; copious, like water from a hydrant. Constipation; faces slender, long, dry, tough and hard, like a dog's; voided with difficulty. (Caust.) URINARY ORGANS.–Frequent micturition at night; scanty discharge. Urine: turbid and high-colored; brown, with red, sandy sediment (Lyc.); deposits white, cloudy sediment (Calc., Sep.); variegated cuticle appears on surface; albuminous. (Merc. cor.) Haematuria. MALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Sexual excitement; frequent erections and emis- sions, or irresistible desire for coitus. (Calc., Can., Canth., Nux v., Staph.) -- - Impotence after excessive excitement and Onanism. (Cinch., Con., Phos. ac., Staph.) FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Menses too early and too scanty, or too profuse; pale, with colic, nausea and diarrhoea. Frequent and profuse metrorrhagia. Acrid, excoriating leucorrhoea. Amenorrhoea, with blood spitting, or haemorrhage from nose, anus or urethra. (Bry., Ham.) Ulceration of the mammae, with hardness (Con); bluish color (Lach.); fistulous openings, with burning, stinging and watery offensive dis- charge. (Sil.) RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Hoarseness and roughness of the voice. (Carb. v., Caust., Hep.) Aphonia, from prolonged, loud talking. (Arum tri., Carb. veg., Caust.) Can not talk on account of pain in the larynx. (Bell., Dros.) Rawness ºn laryna, and trach6a, with frequent hacking cough and hawking. Cough: dry, tickling, with tightness across chest; hollow, spasmodic; loose, without expectoration, with soreness of chest; with trembling of whole body; dry on reading aloud; from tickling in throat; with wºolent oppression of the chest and difficult respºration; causing pain in abdomen. Expectoration: difficult, frothy; bloody; rust-colored (Bry, Rhus, Sang), tenacious mucus (Kali b.); mucus streaked with blood; purulent, white and tough; cold mucus, tasting salty. (Sepia.) PHOSPHORUS. 299 Cough worse : evening and night (Carb. v., Puls., Werat.); change from warm to cold air (reverse, Bry.); from reading, laughing or loud talking (Cinch., Dros.); from lying on left side or back. Pains in chest, with coughing, relieved by external pressure. Respºration short, labored, anarious, pantºng, with tightness and oppres- sºon of the chest. Loud mucous rāles during respiration, especially in lower lobes. (Ant. tart., Ipec.) Congestion to the chest, with amaziety and oppression. Heaviness in chest, as if weight were lying on it. (Sep.) Stitches in the chest. (Acon, Bry., Kali c.), especially on left side. Suffocative constriction of the chest. Burning, Soreness and tension in chest. - Inflammation of the lungs; hepatization; suppuration; cavities; tuber- cles, with hectic fever. Yellow spots on chest. HEART AND PULSE.-Violent palpitation with anxiety, evenings and morn- ings in bed; while lying on left side. Pressure in middle of sternum and about the heart. Pulse rapid, full and hard; small, weak, easily compressed. NECK AND BACK.—Stiffness in nape of neck. Sensitiveness of spinous processes of dorsal vertebrae to pressure. Softening of the spine. Burning pain between the scapula. Throbbing pain in a small spot between shoulder blades. LIMBS.—Weakness in all the limbs, as if paralyzed; tremble from every exertion. Extremities, especially hands and feet, heavy as lead. UPPER LIMBS.—Arms and hands become numb; fall asleep. Trembling of the hands. Fingers, especially tips, feel numb and insensible. LOWER LIMBs.—Bruised pain in periosteum of tibia. Swelling of the tibia. Feet swollen in the evening, or when walking. GENERALITIES.—Great emaciation. (Ars., Baryta, Lyc.) Can lie only on the right side. Haemorrhages from various organs and parts of the body. (Ham.) 300 PHOSPHORUS. Small wounds bleed much. (Lach.) Great weakness and prostra won of the whole system. Painful heaviness in the whole body. Numbness of whole body, accompanied by pricking sensations. Takes cold easily. - SKIN.—Jaundice. Ecchymoses. Petechia. Polypi, erectile tumors, ulcers, etc., which bleed readily. SLEEP.—Constant sleepiness; coma vigil. Sleepless and restless before midnight. Sleepy all day, restless at night. FEVER.—Chilliness every evening, with Shivering, without thirst. Coldness of limbs; ºn knees at night in bed. Chill at night, alternating with heat. Heat with anxiety, burning in face and hands, flushed cheeks, left more than right; afternoon and evening. Profuse perspiration; at night; during sleep; in morning, in bed; on slight evertion. Cold, clammy Sweat. AGGRAVATIONS.—Before midnight; during a thunder storm; when lying on back or on left side. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Physical and nervous weakness, resulting from excessive sexual indulgence or Onanism. Sterility from similar causes. Metrorrhagia. Amenorrhoea. Leucorrhoea. Chlorosis. Aphonia. Mastitis. Asthma. Larnygitis. Bronchitis. Broncho- pulmonary catarrh. Pneumonia. Pleurisy. Tuberculosis. Haemo- ptysis. Typhoid forms of fever. Hectic fever. Apoplexia. Soften- ing of the brain. Acute atrophy of brain and medulla oblongata. Epilepsy. Paralysis of brain. Paralysis. Softening of spine. Pro- gressive locomotor ataxia. Rheumatic and arthritic affections. Affections of the eye and vision. Diseases of bones—exostoses, ne- crosis, caries. Enlarged glands. Polypi. Ulcers. Inflammation of mucous membranes. Fatty degeneration of liver, heart, kidneys, etc. Haematuria. Bright's Disease. Chronic diarrhoea. Cholerina. Gastric affections. Jaundice. Diffuse hepatitis. Enlarged and indurated liver. Acute yellow atrophy of liver. PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. 301 CONDITIONS.–Tall, slender women. Compare : Acon., Amb., Am., Ars. Bell., Bry., Calc., Carb. v., Caust., Cinch., Ipec., Kali c., Lyc., Merc., Nux, Puls., Rhus, Sep., Sil., Sulph., The remedies Calc., Cinch., Kali c., Lyc., Nux, Rhus tox, Sil. and Sulph. precede Phos. well, while Ars., Carbo. veg., Rhus tox and Sulph. follow well. Causticum and Rhus are said to be incompatible to it, but Cepa and Ars. are complementary to it. Antidotes: Nua, v., Cof., Camph., Tereb., Vinum. To large doses: Emetics. Magnesia in water. Phos. Antidotes : Excessive use of salt; iodine; camphor. Tereb., Rhus ven. PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. Glacial phosphoric acid. He O P2 O5, or HPO3. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Acts especially upon the male sex- ual organs, the kidneys, the digestive tract, the bones and the skin. Secondarily it affects the nervous system, producing torpor and debility. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Weakness of memory. (Anac., Merc., Nat., Nux mos.) Quiet; perfectly indifferent; difficult comprehension; imbecility. Incapacity for thought. (Gels., Nux v.) Disinclination to talk; answers questions reluctantly. (Phos.) Home-sickness (Caps.), with inclination to weep. - Quiet delirium, with stupefaction and dullness of the head. (Bell., Rhus, Phos.) HEAD.—Confusion and dullness of the head; vertigo. Pressure as from a weight in the head. Violent pressure in forehead, in the morning, on waking. Headache forces one to lie down, and is insupportably aggravated from least shaking or noise. (Bell.) Bones of the skull feel as if some one had scraped the swollen and tender periosteum with a knife. Hair turns gray early, or flaxen; falls off, especially after grief or sor- 7°070. 302 PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. EYEs.—Pressing in the eyes, as if the eyeballs were too large. (Plumb., Spig.) Yellow spots on the white of the eyes. EARs.—Every sound re-echoes loudly in the ears. Intolerance of noise, especially music. (Caust., Merc., Nux, Phos.) Roaring in the ears, with difficult hearing. NoSE.—Bleeding of the nose, blood dark. (Ham.) FACE.—Paleness of the face. MoUTH.—Red streak in middle of tongue, widens in front. Dryness of tongue, palate and whole mouth, without thirst. (Nux m.) Bêtes 87de of tongue involuntarily (Ign.); also at night. STOMACH.—Loss of appetite. Unquenchable thirst. Longs for something refreshing and juicy. (Phos., Puls., Verat.) Sour or acrid eructations. Aversion to coffee; desire for milk and beer. Pressure in the stomach, as from a weight, after every meal. (Ars, Bry., Puls., Sep.) Pressive pain in stomach, from touching pit of stomach. ABDOMEN.—Metoristic distension of the abdomen; rumbling and gurgling. STOOL.—Diarrhoea not debilitating, though of long continuance. (rev. Ars., Cinch., Sec., Werat.) - Involuntary stools, with the emission of flatus. Stool thin, whitish-gray; yellowish and very offensive. URINARY ORGANS.–Urine like milk, even coagulating. Urine passed in large quantities, especially at night. MALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Frequent and debilitating emissions. (Cinch.) Weakness of sexual organs (Agnus, Con., Phos); with onanism, and little sexual desire. Exhaustion after coition; also after pollutions. (Cinch., Staph.) FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.–Menses too early and too long; too copious; blood dark. Pain in the liver during menstruation. Profuse yellow leucorrhoea, mostly after the menses. Meteoristic distension of the uterus. PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. 303 RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Hoarseness and roughness in the throat. (PhOS., Carb. v., Caust.) . Dry cough, caused by tickling low down in the chest; worse evening after lying down. Cough in morning, with yellow expectoration. Cough, with copious expectoration; with expectoration of herby taste and odor. Oppressed, difficult respiration. Pain in the chest, as from weakness. (Stan.) HEART.—Palpitation in young persons growing too fast; after onanism. LIMBs.—Bruised pains in all the joints, in the morning, and in the arms and legs. Burning, gnawing, tearing pains in the bones of the extremities. Weakness of extremities, after loss of fluids. (Calc., Cinch., Phos) GENERALITIES.—Great weakness and prostration, especially in the morning. Disinclination to do anything. (Cinch, Nux.) Swelling and sponginess of the bones. Painless swelling of glands. Periosteal inflammation, with burning, gnawing, tearing pains. Pains at night, as if bones were being scraped (Rhus) with a knife, (after contusions.) Constant disposition to move. (Acon., Rhus.) SKIN.—Formication of the whole body. Warts, indented, pedunculated. (Thuja.) Skin adhering, after ulceration; grows to the bone. SLEEP.-Great drowsiness and apathy. Sleeplessness after midnight. Lascăvious dreams. FEVER.—Chills, with shuddering and shaking, always in the evening; more internal shivering than external coldness (Eup.); with coldness in hands and tips of fingers. Heat over the whole body in the evening. Internal heat, without being hot to the touch. Profuse sweat during the night and in the morning. (Calc., Cinch., Merc., Sil., Sulph. ac.) AGGRAVATION.—At rest; at night; from uncovering; from warm food. 304 PHYTOLACCA. AMELIORATION.—From motion; from warmth. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Bad effects from growing too rapidly; from sexual excesses; onanism ; grief, sorrow, home-sickness or unfortunate love; affections of periosteum; of bones, caries (not necrosis); of glands. Hysteria. Hypochondriasis. Typhoid fever. Dyspepsia. Chronic Diarrhoea. Impotence. Seminal emissions. Ovaritis. Metritis. Dysmenorrhoea. Menorrhagia. Leucorrhoea. Diabetes mellitus. CONDITIONs.—Especially suitable for young people who are growing too fast. Compare: The mineral acids. Fluoric acid. Asaf., Anac., Ars., Bell., Calc., Cinch., Con., Ign., Lyc., Merc., Phos., Puls., Rhus, Sep., Sil., Staph., Sulph., Verat. Phos. acid follows Cinch. (sweat, diarrhoea, and debility), Nux (in fainting after a meal), while after it comes Ferr., Rhus tox, Verat. Antidotes : Camph., Coffea. PHYTOLACCA. Phytolacca decandra. Watural Order. Phytolaccaceae. Common Names. Poke weed. Poke root. Garget. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts especially upon the glandular system, particularly of the throat and mammae, and the serous, fibrous and mucous tissues. It also acts prominently upon the periosteum and the skin, its effects resembling those of mercury, or of the syphilitic poison. The general condition produced by Phytolacca is one of inflammation, which, in the fibrous tissues, partakes of a rheumatic character; and in mu- cous and glandular tissues, has a tendency to ulceration and suppuration. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Indifference to life. Loss of personal delicacy, complete shamelessness. HEAD.—Vertigo, with dimness of vision. Sore pain over head, worse on right side. PHYTOLACCA. 305 Sensation of soreness deep in the brain. Headache, with sick stomach (Iris, Nux, Podo., Sang); worse in fore- head, or above eyebrows; comes every week. (Sulph.) Pressive pain in forehead or on top of head. Tinea capitis. -" EYEs.—Pupils contracted. (Op., Stram., Physos.) Double vision. (Bell., Cic., Hyos., Stram.) Feeling of sand in the eyes, with burning and smarting. (Cinch., Caust., Sulph.) NoSE.-Flow of mucus from one nostril while the other is stopped. (Sep., Stan.) Drawing sensation at root of nose. (Acon.) Feeling in nose and eyes as if a cold would come on. (Acon., Cep., Euph.) FACE.-Paleness of the face. Pains in bones of face and head, at night. MoUTH.—Tongue feels rough; white-coated blisters on both sides, and very 'red tºp. Great pain in root of tongue when swallowing. Profuse saliva; tenacious, yellowish, ropy, with metallic taste. (Acon., Bis.) THROAT—Throat sore, fauces congested, and of a dark red color (Bap., Rhus); dryness of throat; tonsils swollen. (Bell.) Sore throat, swelling of soft palate in morning, with a thick white and yellow mucus about the fauces. (Kali b.) Feeling, when swallowing, as of a lump in the throat. (Bell., Lach,) Sensation of rawness and scraping in the throat and tonsils. Dryness, soreness, smarting and roughness of the throat. Dryness in throat, provoking cough, with disposition to hawk and clear the throat. Difficult swallowing; with every attempt excruciating shooting pains through both ears. Throat and fauces covered with a dirty, dark, pseudo membrane. (Merc. iod.) STOOL AND ANU.S.–Intense vomiting and purging, with griping pains and cramps in the abdomen. - & 20 306 PHYTOLACCA. Bleeding haemorrhoids. (Ham, Nit. ac.) Ulcers and fissures in rectum. (Nit. ac.) URINARY ORGANS.—Chalk-like sediment in ti.e. urine. Urine acid and albuminous. (Phos., Merc. cor.) MALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Syphilis primary and secondary. (Merc., Nit. ac.) Chancres on penis. (Merc., Nit. ac.) FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Menses too frequent and too copious. (Calc., Nux.) Metrorrhagia. Inflammation, swelling and suppuration of the breasts. (Hep., Sil, Sul.) Abscesses or fistulous ulcers of the breasts. (Sil.) Nipples sensitive, cracked and excoriated. (Graph.) Mammary gland full of hard, painful nodosities. NECK AND BACK.—Hardness of glands in right side of neck. Stiff neck; worse on right side, and in bed; after midnight. Back very stiff, every morning. Constant dull heavy pain in lumbar and sacral regions. Pains shooting from sacrum down both hips. LIMBS—Rheumatic pains in arms and hands. Neuralgic pain in outer side of both thighs. Sciatica. Rheumatic pains in lower extremities. Nightly pains in periosteum of tibia. GENERALITIES.—Great exhaustion and prostration. Feeling of soreness in all the muscles. (Bry., Rhus.) Bones and glands inflamed and swollen. (Merc., Nit. ac.) SKIN.—Syphilitic eruptions and ulcerations—secondary and tertiary. Squamous eruptions. Tinea capitis. Lupus. Ulcers. AGGRAVATION.—Pains always worse at night. AMELIORATION.—Most symptoms better while lying down. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Syphilitic affections. Periostitis. Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Conjunctivitis. Glandular inflammations, swellings and suppurations, especially mammary. Diplitheria. Ulcerated sore throat. Bright's Disease. Haemorrhoids. Metrorrhagia. Chancres. Tinea capitis. Squamous eruptions. Compare : Mez, Merc., Nit. ac., Kali hyd., Kali bich., Rhus. Antidotes : Milk and salt; Ignatia, Sulph. To large doses : Opium, Coffee. PLATINUM. 307 PLATINU M. GENERAL ANALYsis.--Acts chiefly upon the nerve centres, depressing the sensºrium, and producing in general a tendency to torpor and paralysis, manifested mostly in women in de- ranged sexual health, hysterical conditions and melancholia. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Illusion; everything around her is very small, and every body infe- 'rior to her ºn mind and body. Arrogant, proud, haughty; looks down with pitful contempt on others. Low-spirited, sad, apprehensive, inclined to shed tears (Nat. m., Puls., Nux m.), worse evenings and in the house, better out of doors. Alternate cheerful or depressed mood. (Cocc., Croc., Cyc., Stram., Val.) Feels that she is all alone in the world, and that life is wearisome, but dreads death, which she thinks near at hand. - Peevish, irritable, fretful mood; very sensitive to the least word or action—however innocelºt. (Nux, Staph.) Physical and mental symptoms alternate. HEAD.—Sensation of numbness ºn head, especially in forehead, as if con- 8tricted. Tense, numb sensation in temples, 24/gomata and mastoºd processes, as $f the head were screwed together, or too tightly bound. (Acon, Merc.) Numb pain on top of vertex, as if scalp would be contracted, and as if a heavy weight were lying on it. Form?cation ºn one temple, extending to lower jaw, with sensation of coldness on that 8pot. EYES.–Spasmodic twitching of the eyelids. (Gels.) Objects appear smaller than they really are. (Stram., reverse Hyos., Laur.) NoSE.—Numbness and crampy pain in nose and root of nose. (Acon. ECali b.) FACE.-Sensation of coldness, crawling and numbness ºn right side of face. Sensation of burning and redness in face, without any visible change in color. Cramp, pain, numbness and boring in malar bones, especially left. 308 PLATINUM. MOUTH.—Toothache, with pulsating, digging pains. Numb pain in left lower teeth. Sensation as if the tongue were scalded. (Puls.) Crawling sensation on the tongue. STOMACH-Ravenous appetite, and greedy, hasty eating, with contemptuous mood. Empty eructations, after fasting, in morning. Continuous nausea with great weakness, anxiety, and trembling sensa- tion, through the whole body. Fermentation in epigastric region. ABDOMEN.—Sensation as if the abdomen were too tightly constricted. 0. Pressing and bearing down in abdomen, eatending into pelvis. (Actea, Puls., Sep.) STool, AND ANUS.—Constipation; after lead poisoning or while traveling; frequent urging, Scanty stool, with sensation of great weakness. Stool indurated, as if burnt (Bry.) Stool adheres to rectum and anus, like soft clay. MALE SExUAL ORGANs.—Excessive sexual desire, with violent erections, especially at night. ' FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.–Nymphomania; especially in lying-in women; with voluptuous tingling, extending from genitals into abdomen. Painful sensitiveness and constant pressure ºn mons veneris and genital organs, with internal chill and external coldness, except face. Frequent sensation as if the menses would appear. Menses too early and too profuse (Calc., Nux); lasting too long; flow dark and clotted (Crocus); with much bearing down, and drawing pains in abdomen. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Deep breathing from sensation as of a weight on the chest. Inclination to draw a long breath, prevented by a sensation of weakness in the chest. (Stan.) º NECK AND BACK.—Tensive, numb sensation in nape, close to Occiput, as if tightly bound. Pain in back and small of back, as if bruised or broken. (Bell., Nux v.) Numbness in 80 crum and coccyc, while 87tting. LIMBS.–Tensºon in the limbs, especially thºghs, as ºf wrapped tightly. PLUMBUM. 309 Cramp-like pains; numbness in limbs and joints. Tremulous restlessness, and tired feeling in legs and feet, when sitting. GENERALITIES.—Weakness and prostration. Tremulous sensation at times, through whole body. Painful numbness here and there. I)ull pushing pains, as from a plug. Spasmodic affections of hysterical women and children. SLEEP.—Great inclination to violent, almost spasmodic yawning. AGGRAVATION.—In evening; in room; at rest. AMELIORATION.—From motion; in open air. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Hysteria and hysterical affections. Melancholia. Mania. Neuralgia. Convulsions. Paralysis. Lead colic. Consti- pation. Nymphomania. Ovaritis. Metrorrhagia. Pruritis. CoNDITIONS.—Especially suited to females. Compare : Aurum, Asaf., Bell., Croc., Ign., Lyc., Plumb., Puls., Rhus, Sabad., Sepia, Sulph. Antidotes : Puls., Sp. nitr. dulc. Platinum Antidotes : Bad effects of lead. PLUMBUM. Plumbum metallicum, aceticum, carbonicum. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts especially and with great power upon the nerve centres, first producing irritation, giving rise primarily to increased sensibility, neuralgic spasms and convulsions. This condition of the nerve centres gradually gives way to softening or induration, and as a result of this process there is anaesthesia, paralysis, muscular atrophy, men- tal and physical decay, while at the same time there may occur at longer or shorter intervals, neuralgia, epilepsy, or kindred affections of the nervous system. The chief feature of Plumbum is the well-known “ lead colic’’ or “painter's colic,” characterized by excruciating spasmodic pains in the abdomen, from contraction of the colon, with obstinate constipation. 310 PLUMBUIM. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Slow perception; apathetic. (Phos., Phos. ac.) Loss of memory (Anac., Nat. m., Nux m., Merc., Phos. ac.); unable to find proper word while talking. Quiet and melancholic mood. HEAD.—Heaviness in the head, especially in cerebellum. Headache as if a ball were rising from the throat into the brain. EYES.—Yellowness of the sclerotica. Hypopion. Pain in eyeballs as if too large. (Phos. ac., Spig.) Paralysis of the upper lids. (Caust., Gels.) FACE.-Sallow, pale compleaſion, like a corpse. Expression of extreme anxiety and suffering. (Ars., Camph., Verat.) MOUTH.—Distinct blue line along margin of gums. Tongue paralyzed, can not put it out. (Bell., Caust., Hyos., Stram.) Margin of tongue red, brown fur down the centre. (Bapt., Phos.) Dryness of the mouth. Taste sweetish. (Sulph.) Imperfect articulation. THROAT.—Constriction of the throat when trying to swallow. (Hyos., Stram.) Tonsils swollen, inflamed and indurated. Paralysis of the throat, with inability to swallow. (Bell., Lach., Nux m.) STOMACH.—Loss of appetite. Violent thirst. Eructations: sweetish, sour (Calc., Carb. v., Merc., Nux, Phos., Puls.); of offensive odor. (Kali bich., Sulph.) Incessant vomiting; of food; of fecal matter; of brownish or blackish substances. Pressure and tightness about the stomach. ABDOMEN.— Violent colic, abdomen retracted to the spine, as ºf drawn in by a strºng. Constriction of the intestines, navel violently retracted (Podo., Plat.); recti muscles hard and knotty. Ea:cruciating pains in umbilical region, shoot to other portions of the abdomen and body; somewhat relieved by pressure. PLUMBUIM. 311 STOOL-Constipation; stools scanty, hard, in lumps or balls, like sheep's dung (Op., Plat.); black or green color; passed with difficulty. TJRINARY ORGANs.-Difficult micturition; urine passed only in drops; ineffectual urging; strangury. Urine : dark-colored and scanty; albuminous. MALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Loss of sexual desire, or increased desire, and violent erections. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.—Vaginºsmus. Milk scanty. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Cough: short, dry, spasmodic; with purulent or bloody expectoration. Suppuration of the lungs. Pressure upon the chest. LIMBS.—Violent pains ºn the limbs, especially ºn muscular parts of th?gh8, worse evening and night. Twitching and jerking in the limbs. Coldness of the hands and feet. Paralytic weakness in limbs. Wrist drop. Sharp neuralgic pains ºn lower limbs, mostly from hºps to knees, occu?'- Tºng ºn paroxysms. GENERALITIES.—Eactreme emaciation; wasting of the muscles, especially of paralyzed parts. Andem?a. Paralysis. Anoºsthesia. Hyperaesthesia. Epileptic attacks. Convulsions. General prostration; lassitude; faintness. Arthralgic and neuralgic pains in trunk and limbs. Sensation of constriction, with pain and spasm in the internal organs. SKIN.—Dry, yellow or bluish. SLEEP.-Sleeplessness at night; sleepy during the day. AGGRAVATION.—At night; while lying in bed; from drinking. AMELIORATION.—From rubbing. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Constipation. Colic. Neuralgia. Sciatica. Par- alysis. Convulsions. Epilepsy. Phthisis. Jaundice. Bright's 312 PODOPHYLLUM. Disease. Vaginismus. Hysteria. Chronic meningitis. Sclerosis, of the brain. Progressive muscular atrophy. Compare : Alum, Bell., Calc., Lyc., Merc., Nux vom , Op., Phos., Plat. . Sepia, Rhus, Stram., Sulph., Zinc. Antidotes to lead poisoning: Alumen, Alumina, Bell., Cocc., Hyosc., Nux v., Op., Plat., Stram., Zinc. Electricity. Alcohol as a prevent- ative. Milk. PODOPHYLLUM. Podophyllum peltatum. Watural Order. Berberideae. Common Wames. May apple, Mandrake. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts especially upon the liver and the digestive tract, its special affinity being for mucous mem- branes and glandular structures, producing in such irritation, excessive secretions, inflammation, and even ulceration or suppuration. The chief feature of Podophyllum is a morning diarrhoea, with sour, green, bilious evacuations. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Depression of spirits (Chel., Nux, Puls.); imagines he is going to die or be very ill. HEAD.—Morning headache, with heat in vertex. (Nux v., Sulph.) Giddiness and dizziness, with sensation of fullness over the eyes. Headache, rolling from side to side, with moaning (Hell.); during den- tition, or with bowel disorders. Headache, alternating with diarrhoea. MoUTH.—Grinding of the teeth (Hell.) at night, especially during dentition. Offensive odor from the mouth. Tongue coated white, with foul taste. (Bry., Nux, Puls.) Much viscid mucus in the mouth. THROAT.—Dryness of the throat. t Soreness of the throat, extending to ears. STOMACH.—Loss of appetite. Desire for something sour. (Arn., Ars., Phos., Puls.) PODOPHYLLUM. 313 Great thirst for large quantities of cold water. (Bry.) Regurgitation of food which is sour (Bry, Merc., Nux, Phos., Sulph.), with acid eructations. Heartburn and water-brash, with heat in stomach. (Ars.) Nausea and vomiting, with fullness in head. Womiting: of food; of thick bile, mixed with blood (Ars., Nux); of hot, frothy mucus. Hollow sensation in the epigastrium. ABDOMEN.—Fullness with pain, and soreness in right hypochondria. Pain and rumbling in tranverse colon, at 3 A.M., followed by diarrhoea. Cramp-like pain in bowels, with retraction of abdominal muscles, at 10 P.M., and 5 A. M. (Plumbum, Plat.) Heat in bowels, with inclination to stool. STOOL AND ANU.S.—Haemorrhoids. Prolapsus ani, with stool, or from least motion. Faintness, with sensation of emptiness ºn abdomen, after stool. Diarrhaea early ºn the morning (Apis, Rumex, Sulph); stools green, sour (Hep., Rheum, Sulph.), with much flatulence. Diarrhoea, after much eating or drinking. (Ars., Croton, Coloc.) Stools natural, but too frequent during the day, and exhausting. Alternate diarrhoea and constipation. (Ant. c., Lach., Nux.) Stool: frequent painless, watery, gushing, fetid; yellow liquid; with nealy sediment; greem, sour, watery; yellow, undigested faces, m?aced with mucus, offensive; streaked with blood, and tenesmus; black only in morning; preceded by griping and colic; with heat and pain in amºus; clay-colored, chalk-like. (Calc., Hepar.) FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.—Pain in region of ovaries, especially right. Sensation as if genitals would come out during stool. Prolapsus uteri, with aching and bearing-down pains. (Con., Nux v., Sep.) Leucorrhoea of thick, transparent mucus. (Kali b.) URINARY ORGANS.–Eneuresis; frequent nocturnal urinations. Suppression of urine. GENERALITIES.—Pain under right shoulder blade. (Chel.) SLEEP-Sleepy, especially in forenoon. Drowsy, half-closed eyes, moaning, whining, especially in children. 314 PSORINUM. Restless sleep, especially forepart of night. AGGRAVATION.—In morning, 2 to 4 A. M. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Bilious conditions, and hepatic affections in gen- eral; congestion of liver; acute and chronic inflammation. Gall- stones. Jaundice. Diarrhoea. Cholera infantum. Haemorrhoids, especially during dentition. Prolapsus ani. Lead colic. Constipa- tion. Bilious fever. Dyspepsia. Gastritis. Ptyalism. Bad effects of mercury. Hydrocephaloid. CONDITIONS.—Bilious temperament. Compare: Aloes, Bry., Chel., Colch., Hell., Iris, Lept., Merc., Nit. ac., Nux v., Puls., Sulph., Verat. After Ipecac, Nux v. (vomiting), Podo. Antidotes : Lact. ac., Nux v. Salt increases its action. Podo. Antidotes : Mercury. PSORINUM. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–This morbid product when intro- duced into the healthy body shows at once its affinity for the skin, by centering upon that its chief local action. It also im- presses strongly the vegetative sphere, producing great debility, and a low, non-reactive condition of system, which, in connec- tion with its characteristic action upon the skin and lymphat- ics, represents the type of “psora,” as advocated by Hahne- IIlä.I] Il. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. MIND.—Anaxious; full of fear. Repressed, melancholic mood (Puls., Nux); apprehensive; suicidal thoughts. (Aurum.) Irritable, peevish, easily angered. (Bry., Cham., Nux.) HEAD.—Vertigo, with headache; eyes pressed outward. Fullness and heaviness in the head. Pains like little hammers striking the head (Nat. m.) from within out- ward. Morning headache, with pressing in forehead and stupefaction. (Nux, Phos. ac.) PSORINUM. 315 Pain on rising in morning, as if brain had not room enough in fore- head, a forcing outward; better after washing and eating. Dry, or humid, fetid eruptions on the head. Hair dry, glues together, and becomes entangled easily. (Graph., Lyc., Suiph.) EYEs.—Fiery sparks before the eyes. (Cycl., Phos., Sulph.) Aversion to light. Eyelids swollen, inflamed, gummy; can not open them. (Sulph.) EARS.–I)ischarge of fetid pus from the ears. (Hep., Graph., Sulph.) Scurfs on ears; scabby eczema behind right ear. (Graph., Sil.) NOSE,-Loss of smell. Nose sensitive when inhaling air. FACE.-Face pale, sickly. Lips painful and swollen, especially upper lip. (Bell., Sulph.) Lips dry, brown, black. (Ars.) Burning of the lips. . Humid, scabby eruptions on the face. (Graph., Hep., Lyc., Sulph.) MoUTH.—Teeth feel loose; fear they will fall out. Tongue dry; tip dry, feels scalded (Plat., Puls.); coated white, or yel- lowish white. Dryness of the mouth. Bitter taste when not eating. (Bry., Merc., Nux.) THROAT.—Tough mucus in throat, necessitating hawking. (Kali b.) Severe angina; ulcers on right side, with deep-seated pains and burning in fauces. Dryness; scraping sensation in the throat. STOMACH.-Eaccessive hunger. Hunger without appetite. Fructations, tasting like rotten eggs. Nausea all day, with inclination to vomit. ABSOMEN.--Stitches in region of spleen. Deep-seated heavy pain in region of liver. (Cinch, Nux, Podo.) Colicky pains after eating, better from passing flatus, which is fetid. STO DL AND ANUs.-Burning in the rectum. Stool discharged with great difficulty. (Alum, Phos., Plat., Sil) 316 PSORINUM. Stool: dark brown, fluid, very fetid, green, bilious, mixed with mucus, preceded by colic. Obstinate constipation. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS.—Inflamed ulcer on glans, with swelling and heaviness of testicles. Impotence. Averse to coition. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Suffocation and crawling sensation in larynx, producing paroxSymal, dry, hacking cough. Talking fatigues, and produces cough. (Phos., Stann.) Cough : dry, hard, from tickling in trachea; dry, with weakness, heav- iness or Soreness in chest; with green mucus sputa; worse mornings when waking, and evenings on lying down; expectorates with diffi- culty. - Can not get breath, even in fresh air. Stitches from back to chest when breathing. (Kali c.) Oppression in the chest. Excruciating cutting pains in the chest. Feeling, especially under sternum, as of ulceration of chest. Pressure on the chest. NECK AND BACK.—Glands of neck swollen, painful to touch, as if bruised; pain extends to head. Severe backache, as if bruised. (Bell., Nux.) Pain in small of back. Weakness in small of back. LIMBs.—Weakness of all joints as if they would not hold together. Trembling of the hands and feet. Pustular, vesicular and herpetic eruptions on limbs (Sulph); suppurat- ing. Itching between the fingers. Pains in legs, especially on tibia and soles, as from over-exertion in walking; legs restless, better on rising. GENERALITIES.—Great weakness; easily tired out and exhausted, especially without structural disease. (Sulph.) Debility after acute diseases. Feels a restlessness in his blood days before, and during a thunder St0rm. PULSATILLA. 317 SKIN.—Body itches intolerably; worse in bed and from warmth (Merc.); scratches until it bleeds. (Merc., Nit. ac) Vesicular, pustular, and itch-like eruptions here and there on body (Sulph.); especially on face, hands, back and limbs. Crusty eruptions all over. SLEEP.—Sleepy by day, sleepless at night. Anxious dreams, of robbers, dangers, traveling, etc. FEVER.—Evening heat, delirium, great thirst, followed by profuse sweat. Profuse sweat from slight exercise. * Profuse debilitating sweat. (Cinch., Phos.) Sweat on palms of hands. (Sulph.) AGGRAVATION.—In evening and before midnight; when riding; in open air. AMELIORATION.—In morning; on lying down; in the room. - THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Scrofulous and psoric diseases. Itch. Ulcers. Rczema. Herpes. Swollen glands. Dropsy. Caries. Tuberculosis. Hydrothorax. Diarrhoea, chronic. Constipation. Chronic hepatitis. Melancholia. CoNDITIONS.—Scrofulous, nervous people. Psoric constitutions, especially when other remedies fail to permanently improve; lack of reaction. Pale, sickly, delicate children. Compare : Carb. v., Lac. ac., Sulph. After Lac. ac. Arnica; then follows Psor. After it follows well Carb. veg., Sulph. Antidotes : Coffee. PULSATILLA. Pulsatilla nigricans. P. pratensis. Anemone pratensis. AWatural Order. Ranunculaceae. Common Wames. Wind flower, Meadow anemone. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Pulsatilla acts prominently upon all the mucous membranes of the body, and upon the synovial membranes, the veins, the eyes, the ears, and the generative organs cf both sexes, more especially the female. In the mu- cous membranes a catarrhal process is established, the secre- 318 PULSATILLA. tions are modified, sometimes retarded, more often increased, the functions of the organs they supply are disturbed, the nervous system becomes irritated and depressed, and as a result we obtain the numerous symptoms of deranged digestion, respiratory troubles, genito-urinary disturbances, and catarrhal affections of the eye and ear, which so fully characterize the action of this drug. On the generative system Pulsatilla exerts a marked action outside of its catarrhal sphere, due, probably, to its influence over the cerebro-spinal system. On the synovial membranes it produces arthritic or rheumatic inflammation, and in the veins varicose conditions. The most essential feature of Pulsatilla is its action upon the female generative organs, especially when occurring in females of a mild, affectionate, yielding disposition, inclined to weep. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. MIND.—Möld, gentle, timid, yielding disposition, with inclination to weep. Tremulous anxiety, as if death was near. Fears ghosts at night, or in the evening. Anxiety about the heart in the evening, even to suicide. Peevish and capricious, though not vexed. Hypochondriac moroseness; out of sorts with everything. (Nux.) Ill-humored, discontented, fretful. HEAD.—Confusion of head, with bruised pains for hollow feeling in head. Vertigo : as if ºntovicated (Cocc., Nux); on stooping (Bell.); while 87t- tºng; ºn morning, on rising (Bry.); must lie down again. Dullness of the head, and bruised sensation in forehead. Headache as if the brain would burst (Bry, Nat. m.); and the eyes fall Out. Headache from overloaded stomach (Bry., Ipec., Iris, Nux), or from fats. Headache, with aching pain in the eyes, ºn the evening. Throbbing, pressive headache, relieved by easternal pressure. (Apis, Arg. n.) Pressive pain in forehead above the orbits, aggravated on raising the ég/68. Stitching, tearing pains in temples, and through the whole head. Pulsation in the head, in the evening. PULSATILLA. 319 Pressive and constrictive pain in temples. EYES.–Dryness of the eyes and lids, with sensation as if darkened by mu- cus, which ought to be wiped away. (Crocus.) Pressure as from sand in the eyes, when reading. (Caust., Cinch., Euph., Sulph.) Conjunctivitis, with profuse, thick, yellow, bland discharge. Burnºng and Žtching ºn the eyes, provokes rubbing and scratching. Inflammation of eyes and margins of eyelids, with lachrymation and n?ghtly agglutination. Subject to styés, especially on upper lids. (Phos. ac., Lyc.) Itching, biting and burning in the lids and canthi, in the evening. Profuse lachrymation in the wind or open air. (Suiph.) Dłmness of vision, like a fog or veil before the eyes. (Caust., Phos., Merc., Pet., Sulph.) Dark before the eyes ºn the morning on rising, and on going into a warm 7°007/0. EARS.—External ear and meatus red and swollen. Otalgia, with darting, tearing pains, and pulsating at night. (Merc.) |Violent pain ºn ear as jrom somethºng forcing outward. Hardness of hearing, as ºf the ears were stopped. (Calc., Caust., Sil., Sulph.) - Sensation as if the ear were stopped, with roaring in it like a loud, distant 7,0786. Humming, cracking, singing in the ears. Bland, nearly inoffensive, discharge of mucus and pus from the ears. NOSE.-Coryza ; fluent or dry; frequent gneezing; loss of smell and taste (Nat. m., Mag. c.); mostrils sore, wings raw (Lyc.); later, yellow-green. discharge (Graph., Merc.); worse indoors; chilliness; pale face; head confused; frontal headache. Stoppage of nose ºn evenºng, and ºn warm room; ºn morning, gyellow), opaque, offensive mucous dischargé. Bad smell, as of old catarrh in the nose. (Sulph.) Epistaxis; with catarrh, with suppressed menses. (Bry., Ham.) Pressive sensation at root of nose. (Acon., Kali b.) Nasal bones pain as if they would be forced asunder. FACE.-Paleness of the face. Lower lip swelled and cracked in the middle. 320 PULSATILLA. MoUTH.—Sharp, shooting pains in teeth, or drawing, jerking, as if a nerve were put on the stretch, and then let loose. Toothache worse; evening and night, in warmth of bed; from taking anything warm in the mouth: when eating; from picking teeth. Better in open air; from uncovering. Tongue dry; covered with a tenacious mucus; coated thick white, or yellow (Bry, Merc., Nux, Podo.); sensation in middle as if burned; insensible, even when moist; at night and in morning. Wery offensive odor from the mouth. Mouth and pharyna, dry, and covered with tasteless, insipid, tenacious 7mucus, ºn morning. Accumulation of sweet saliva ºn the mouth. Taste: of putrīd meat, in morning, with inclination to vomit (Arn., Merc.); slimy, foul, clammy, insipid; bitter, especially after eating. (Bry., Coloc., Nux, Podo.) Bad taste in the mouth in the morning. Food, especially bread, tastes bitter (Bry., Cinch., Coloc.), or taste of food diminished. * Great dryness of the mouth in the morning, without thirst. (Nux m.) THROAT.—Rawness and scraping in the throat. threat dryness of the throat in the morning. Throat, internally, covered with a tenacious mucus, in morning. Pressure and tension in throat on swallowing. Sensation of a worm creeping up into the throat. STOMACH.—Desires food, but does not know what kind. Aversion to fat food, meat, bread, butter, milk; to smoking. Thirst for beer, or alcoholic drinks. Thirstlessness with all complaints. Fructations : after eating; tasting and smelling of food (Calc., Cinch.); bitter, bilious, rancid, sour (Bry, Nux, Phos.); tastes like putrid meat. Wausea; water-brash; disagreeable risings, especially after eating and drinking. Morning nausea, especially during menses, from suppressed menses, or during pregnancy. Vomiting: of bilious matter (Ars., Bry., Nux, Podo.); of food eaten long before, or after each meal. Stomach disordered from fat food, pastry, (Ipec., Nux) fruit or ice cream. Pain in stomach an hour after eating. (Ars., Nux, Sulph.) PULSATILLA. 321 Weight, like as from a stone (Ars., Bry., Nux); especially in morning, On Waking. Crampy pains in stomach, in morning, or after meals. Gnawing distress in 8tomach, as from hunger. Pressure and pinching pains in stomach after eating. Scraping sensation ºn stomach and 0.8ophagus, like a heart-burn. Perceptible pulsation in pit of stomach. (Ant. tart, Iod, Rhus, Sep.) ABDOMEN.—Flatulent colic; loud rumbling and gurgling (Lyc.); flatus moves about ºn abdomen (Aloes), especially ºn evening. Incarcerated flatus, pressing here and there; not relieved by passing flatus (Cinch.) after midnight. Colic and griping, especially in upper abdomen. Fullness and distension of abdomen and stomach; painful sensitiveness. Pressure in abdomen and small of back, as from a stone; limbs go to sleep when sitting; ineffectual desire for stool. Drawing, tearing, or forcing down pains in abdomnen, like labor pains. (Caul.) STOOL AND ANU.S.–Painful, protruding blºnd p?les (Aloes, Am. C., Calc., Lach.), with Stitches, Smarting, Soreness and itching. (Sulph.) Pressure in rectum after stool. Frequent urging as if diarrhoea would occur. Stools : ºpatery at night; like bile, preceded by rumbling (Ars., Cinch., Cham, Merc.); green mucus (Coloc., Merc., Sulph.); slimy, soft; nºa:ed with mucus, or only mucus, frequent, bloody mucus, without colic, not eachausting. (PhOS. ac.) Constipation; difficult evacuation, with painful pressure, and pain in back. URINARY ORGANS.–Tenesmus of the bladder. Region of bladder painful to touch. Sharp pressure on bladder, without desire to urinate. Burning in orifice of urethra during and after micturition. (Can. s., Canth.) Frequent, almost ineffectual, urging to urinate, with cutting pains. Involuntary micturition (Bell., Gels., Hyos.); at night, in bed (Eup. purp., Kreos.), especially in little girls, while coughing, or passing flatus, (Caust.) Frequent wrºnation, profuse flow. 21 re) 322 PULSATILLA. Urine: watery, colorless; brown; bloody. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS.–Drawing, tensive pains, from abdomen through spermatic cords to testicles. - Swelling of the testicles, with Soreness and tearing pains. (Staph.) Swelling of right side of scrotum. (Clem.) Nocturnal emissions. (Cinch., Phos.) Thick yellow, or yellow-green discharge from urethra, in gonorrhoea. (Can. Sat.) * FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.—During menses and with uterine troubles, heavy pressive pain ºn abdomen and small of back, as from a stone. Lºmbs tend to go to sleep; ineffectual urging to stool. Drawing, pressing pain extending toward uterus, with nausea in morning. Constrictive pain ºn left side of uterus, like labor pains, obligºng her to bend double. Menses too late, scanty, and of short duration (Con., Dulc., Phos., Sulph.); suppressed, or flow intermittent; flow thick and black (Ign., Mag.); more during day while walking about. First menses delayed. Menses suppressed after getting feet wet. Leucorrhoea thick like cream, or milk (Calc. c., Lyc., Sil., Sulph. ac.), with swollen vulva, painless, acrid, thin, burning. (Com., Iod., Kreos., Merc., Phos.) Milk suppressed ; lochia becomes white, like milk. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.– Violent tickling and scrap?ng in the laryna, bring- Žng tears ºnto the eyes, and causºng dry cough. Constriction in larynx, especially at night when lying down. Hoarseness and roughness of throat; can not speak a loud word. (Caust., Hep., Phos.) Dry cough at night or in evening, after lying down (Bry., Hyos., Sang.); disappears on 87tting up in bed, returns on lyºng down, causes dry- ness of throat; prevents sleep, with nausea and vomiting. Fapéctoration difficult; yellow mucus (Calc., Sulph.); bitter; black clotted blood. (Am., Nit. ac.) Dyspnoea in lower portion of chest, as if too full and tight, especially mornings. (Bell, Nux, Phos., Stann.) Oppression of the chest. PULSATILLA. - 323 Cramp-like and constrictive tension in the chest. Shortness of the breath, ana;iety and palpitation, when lying on left side. Scraping and Soreness in chest, causing cough. Pain in chest as if ulcerated. Stitches in the chest and sides, when lying, at night, from inspiration or coughing. (Acon., Bry., Kali c.) HEART AND PULSE.-Catching pain in cardiac region; better for a time from pressure of hand. Palpitation; with anxiety; after dinner; with menstrual irregularities, chlorosis, etc. - NECK AND BACK.—Stiffness, and rheumatic, tensive and drawing pains in nape of neck. Sticking pains in nape of neck and back. Pain in small of back, as after long Stooping, or from a spraºn, on motion; after sitting. (Rhus.) Labor-like pains in small of back (Actaea, Caul.), as if constricted by a tight band. Drawing, tensive pains in loins. Pressive pains in Sacrum, in evening, as from fatigue. LIMBS.—Redness and swelling of joints, with stinging pains. JDrawing, tearing pains in limbs, shifting rapidly from place to place,; worse at night, from warmth (Merc.); better from uncovering. On waking the parts on which he has lain are asleep, with crawling and tingling. (Acon.) UPPER LIMBs.—Sensation of numbness and heaviness in the arms, as if beaten. Drawing, tearing pains, in shoulder joints, and in arms, hands and fingers. Swelling and wrenching pain in elbow joints. LOWER LIMBS.—Hip joint painful, as ºf dislocated. Acute, drawing, jerking pains from the hip to the knee. Bruised pains in gluteal muscles, and in muscles and bones of thighs. Drawing, tensive pains in thighs &nd legs, with great restlessness, sleep- lessness and chilliness. Painless swelling of the knee. JKnees smoollen, with tearing, drawing pains. 324 PULSATILLA. Drawing, heaviness, and weariness in legs and feet. Cramps in leg, in evening, after lying down. Feet inflamed, red hot, swollen, with tensive, burning pains; also soles. Varices on the legs. (Ham.) Boring pain in heels towards evenºng. Chilblains; burning, sticking, itching. GENERALITIES.—Violent trembling of the whole body. Excessive weariness and prostration. Heaviness of the whole body. Inclination to stretch. Longing for fresh air. Feeling of discomfort over the whole body, in morning, after rising, disap- pearing on moving about. Symptoms ever changing. Wandering pains shift rapidly from part to part. (Kali b.) Pulsations through the whole body. SKIN.—Burning, biting itching, here and there; worse from warmth of bed, $n evenings and before midnight; from scratching; from becoming heated during a walk. (Merc., Sulph.) Measle-like eruption; nettle-rash. SLEEP.—Irres?stºble sleep?ness in the afternoon and early evening. Can not go to sleep in evening, sleepless first part of might, sleeps late in morning, s Restless sleep; with sensation of heat, wakes frequently, as in frights. Dreams : confused; vivid, frightful, anxious. Frequent yawning. FEVER.—Constant chilliness, even in a warm room, cold chills all over; chilly with the pains; worse evenings. (Ars., Phos., Rhus.) Amazow8 heat, as if dashed with hot water. Intolerable, dry, burning heat, evening or night; with distended veins and burning hands, that seek out cool places, without thirst. Profuse sweat in morning; one-sided sweat. AGGRAVATION.—In the evening; every other evening; at night; from warmth of bed; while lying down, especially on left side; in warm room; after eating, especially after fat food, pork, ice cream, fruit, pastry. AMELIORATION.—In open ačr, in a cool place; when lying upon the back. REHEUM. 325 THERAPEUTIC RANGE.--Catarrhal affections, especially with thick, bland, yellowish-green discharge. Rheumatic and arthritic affections. Amenorrhoea. Dysmenorrhoea. Chlorosis. Leucorrhoea. After pains, suppressed lochia. Milk-leg. Suppressed milk. Sore, swol- len breasts. Uterine difficulties in general. Bad effects from men- strual suppression or irregularities. Hysteria. Orchitis. Melan- cholia. Neuralgia. Ophthalmia. Otorrhoea. Otalgia. Bad effects from rich, fat food, especially pork. Dyspepsia. Diarrhoea. Dys. entery. Constipation. Gastric and bilious disorders. Intermittent fever. Measles. Urticaria. Nocturnal enuresis. Varicose veins. CONDITIONs.—Sandy hair, blue eyes, pale face, inclined to silent grief and submissiveness. Especially women and children. Compare: Actea, Ant. c., Ars., Bell., Bry., Calc., Caul., Cham., Cinch., Cocc., Colch., Con., Fer., Ign., Ham., Kali b., Lyc., Merc., Nux v., Nux mos., Plat., Phos., Rhus, Sepia, Sil., Sulph. Complementary to Puls. is Sulph. ac., Lyc. Antidotes : Coff., Cham., Ign., Nux vom. (Acetum.) Puls. Antidotes : Cinch., Iron, Sulph., Sulph, ac., Vapor of mercury or of copper, Coff., Cham., Bell, Colch., Lyc., Plat., Stram. RHEUM. Natural Order. Polygonaceae. Common Wame. Rhubarb. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts especially upon the liver and intestinal canal, increasing the secretion of bile, stimulating the muscular activity of the bowels, and causing purging of fecal matter, without symptoms of inflammatory action. Its chief characteristic is a diarrhoea, with an excessively sour- smelling stool. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—The child demands different things, with vehemence and crying. HEAD.—Dull, stupefying headache. Heaviness of the head. FACE.-Cool Sweat on face (Verat.); most around nose and mouth. 326 RHODODENDRON. STOMACH.-Désiré for various things, but can not eat them, they become repulsive. Nausea, as from the stomach or abdomen, with colic. Fullness in stomach, as after'eating too much. (Lyc, Nux, Puls.) ABDOMEN.—Violent, cutting colic, forcing one to bend double. (Coloc.) Griping in abdomen, with great urging to stool. STOOL AND ANU.S.–Frequent, ineffectual urging to stool; worse on motion and when walking. Colic before each stool. Desire for stool after a meal. Thin, pasty, Sour-smelling stools (Hep., Podo., Sulph.), with straining before, and colicky constrictive cuttings ºn the abdomen after, and shºverings during stool. (Merc., Puls.) Stools brown, mixed with mucus, followed by tenesmus, and great burning in anus and rectum. (Ars., Nux.) SLEEP.—Restless sleep, with tossing about, and talking in sleep. GENERALITIES.–Child smells sourish, even if washed or bathed every day AGGRAVATION.—From uncovering; from cold. AMELIORATION.—From wrapping up; from warmth. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Diarrhoea of children, or of lying-in women. CONDITION.—Often suitable for children, sucklings, or during dentition. Compare : Ars., Bell, Cham., Coloc., Nux v., Podo., Puls., Rhus., Sulph, Complementary to Magn. c., while Rheum follows Ipecac well. Antidotes: Cham., Camph., Coloc., Merc., Nua, Puls, Rheum Antidotes : Canth., Magn. carb. F.HODODEN DRON. Rhododendron chrysanthemum. Watural Order. Eri- CàCe3e. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts upon the muscular and fibrous tissues, producing arthritic and rheumatic conditions, and upon the testes and epididymis, producing inflammation, swelling, and induration. Its chief characteristic is the aggra- RHODODENIDRON. 327 vation of all symptoms in cold, stormy weather, and before and during a thunder storm. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. HEAD.—Pain in forehead and temples when lying in bed, in the morning; worse from drinking wine, and in wet, cold weather; better after rising, and on moving about. EYEs.—Sensation of dryness and burning in the eyes; worse in bright daylight, and from intent looking. EARs.—Violent pain in right outer ear, commencing in morning, and con- tinuing all day. Nos.E.—Obstruction of left nostril, sometimes alternating with right; less in open air. Toothache, drawing, tearing pains, worse ºn stormy weather or before a 8torm. STool.—Soft stool, evacuated slowly, and with much urging. MALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Drawing pain from the anus to testicles. Testicles drawn up, swollen and painful. (Clem., Staph.) Testºcles, 68pecially epididymis, intensely painful to touch. Contw8?ve pain in testicles, with alternate drawing. Induration and swelling of testicles, especially left, with violent drawing pains, eastending to abdomen and thºghs. Sticking, stitching pains in right testicle. Itching, and increase of sweat about the scrotum. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.--Dry, exhausting cough, morning and evening, with oppression of the chest, and rough throat. NECK AND BACK.—Rheumatic pain, with stiffness in nape of neck; early in morning, in bed, or after rising. Bruised pain in small of back; worse at rest, and in rainy weather. (Rhus.) LIMBs.—Bheumatic, drawing, tearing pains in all the limbs; worse at rest, and in rough weather. (Rhus.) Sensation in the joints as if sprained; also tearing, drawing pains. Drawing and tearing in the periosteum, mostly in forearms and legs; in small spots; worse at night; at rest; from change of weather. 328 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. AGGRAVATION.—In morning; while at rest; before a thund ºr storm; in cold, damp weather. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Arthritic and rheumatic affections. Orchitis. Hydrocele. Induration of testes. Compare : Bry, Calc., Clem., Con., Lyc., Merc., Nux, Puls., Rhus, Sepia, Sil., Sulph. - Antidotes : Bry., Camph., Clem., Rhus. RHUS TOXICODENDRON. ' Matural Order. Anacardiaceae. Common Names. Poison Oak. (Including Rhus radi- cans, Poison Ivy.) GENERAL ANALYSIS.--Acts prominently upon the organs of animal life, upon the mucous membranes, the lymphatic glands, the skin, the muscular tissues, and the tissues which compose the joints. The primary condition produced is one of irritation, and this may proceed to inflammation, or, if it stops short of that, produce serous discharges, in the form of evacuations or oºdema. This condition of irritation affects most prominently the skin. “Even contact of the leaves of the plant, or proximity to them, produces an eruption, varying in intensity, from the slightest erythema to the gravest form of vesicular erysipelas.” The action of Rhus upon mucous membranes resembles that which it has upon the external skin, simulating eczema- tous and vesicular eruptions; it acts most powerfully upon the conjunctiva, though affecting other mucous surfaces to a greater or less degree. In the sero-fibrous tissues the characteristic primary irritation develops a rheumatoid inflammation of the joints and muscles, affecting particularly the fascia, tendons, sheaths of nerves, ligaments, and fibrous tissue. The lymphatic glands throughout the body become enlarged and inflamed. The cel- RHUS TOXICODENDRON. 329 lular tissue become infiltrated with a serous exudation, and the functions of nutrition are depressed and impaired. On the organs of animal life Rhus acts secondarily, pro- ducing dullness of the senses, and a condition of the cerebral system, closely resembling that present in low grades of typhus fever. The chief characteristic of Rhus is the prominent aggravation of its symptoms during repose, and amelioration by motion. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Full of sad thoughts, anxious, apprehensive, especially in the evening and at night, with desire for solitude, and inclination to weep; (Lyc., Nat. m., Puls.);'worse in house; relieved by walking in open aºr. Anaxiety, with great restlessness; can not remain ºn bed. (Ars.) Satiety of life, with fear of death. Fretful, impatient, ill-humored, easily vexed. (Bry., Nux.) Forgetful; difficult comprehension; can not remember the most recent events. (Phos. ac.) Low, mild delirium, with stupefaction and insensibility. (Ars., Bapt., Op., Phos. ac., Merc. ac.) HEAD.—Confusion, dullness of the head, and vertigo. Giddy, as if intovicated, with staggering (Cocc., Nux), when rising from bed. (Bry., Gels.) Fullness and heaviness of the head, with pressing downward, as from a weight in the forehead. Sensation as if the brain were loose, and hit against the skull (Natr., Nux m.), when stepping, or shaking the head. Aching in occiput, which disappears on bending head backward. Sensitiveness of the scalp to touch. (Bry., Hep., Staph., Sulph.) Moist, suppurating eruptions on the head, forming thick crusts, eating off the hair; offensive smell and itching; worse at night. (Calc. os., Graph., Lyc., Staph.) EYEs.—Inflammation of the eyes and lids, with redness, swelling, and nightly agglutination. (Caust., Phos., Sulph.) Swelling of the whole eye and surrounding parts. Burning and itching in the eyes and lids. (Sulph.) 330 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. Aching, pressive pains, as from sand in the eyes. (Caust., Euph., Sulph.) Heaviness and stiffness of lids, as if paralyzed. (Spig.) Eyeball sore, when turning the eye, or pressing upon it. Obscured vision, as if a veil were before the eyes. (Caust., Pet., Plat., Phos., Sulph.) EARS.—Lobule of left ear swollen. Inflammation, Swelling and suppuration of parotid gland. NOSE.-Frequent, violent, spasmodic sneezing. Nosebleed: in morning or at night; when stooping; in typhus. Puffy, swelling of nose. Tip of nose red and painful to touch; nose sore internally. Hot burning beneath left nostril. FACE.-Sickly expression, sunken face, blue rings around the eyes. (Phos., Sulph.) Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of face, with much burning, Smarting and tingling. Also vesicular erysipelas of face. Cramp-like pain in articulation of lower jaw, close to the ear. Pressive and digging pain in glands beneath angle of lower jaw. Corners of the mouth ulcerated and sore. (Hep., Graph., Sil.) Moist eruptions and thick scabs on the face. (Lyc., Merc., Staph.) MoUTH.—Toothache; tearing, jerking or crawling; better from external heat. Teeth feel elongated and loose. Tongue red, dry and cracked (Bapt., Bell.); covered with brown mucus, Sore sensation of tongue, with red tºp. Mouth dry, with much thirst. (Nat. m., Nitr. ac.) Saliva runs from the mouth during sleep. Putrid breath. Taste : putrid; bitter; also of food (Bry, Colo., Nux, Puls.), especially bread. (Nat. m.) THROAT.—Sensation of dryness of throat. Sore throat; difficult deglutition, with stitching pains; throat swollen externally. Difficult swallowing of solids, as from constriction; of liquids, as from paralysis. (Bell., Lach., Nux m., Plumb.) Parotid and submaa'illary glands hard and 8wollen. FHUS TOXICODENDRON. 331 StomACH.-Great thirst for cold water or cold milk; from dryness of mouth and throat. Hunger and emptiness in stomach, without appetite. Complete loss of appetite. (Chin., Hep., Merc., Puls.) Eructations; incomplete. Nausea after eating and drinking. Fullness and heaviness in stomach, as from a stone, after eating. (Ars., Iłry., Merc., Nux, Puls.) Pressure in stomach and pit of stomach; after eating. ABDOMEN.—Pressive drawing from below upwards, in left hypochondrium, with anxiety, and nausea in chest. Soreness, as if beaten, in hypochondria, and still more in abdomen; worse on side lain on ; when turning, and when beginning to move. Excessive distension of the abdomen, especially after eating. Cutting, griping and jerking pains in abdomen; especially after eating; better after stool. Colic pains and contraction in abdomen force him to walk bent. (Cinch., Coloc.) Swelling of the inguinal glands. STOOL AND ANU.S.–Sense of constriction in rectum, as though one side had grown up. Stools: thin, tinged with blood; loose, dark brown (Ars.); mucus, mixed with blood; gelatinous (Aloes, Hell.) and liquid, red and yellow. Nocturnal diarrhoea, with violent colic, headache, and pains in the limbs. URINARY ORGANs.-Frequent urging day and night, with profuse emission. Incontinence of urine, especially during repose. Urine: hot, high-colored, scanty, irritating; dark, soon becoming tur- bid. MALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Sweiling of the glans and prepuce; dark, red, erysipelatous. Scrotum becomes thick and hard, with intolerable itching. Paraphymosis. Humid eruption on genitals, and between scrotum and thighs. (Hep., Graph., Pet.) 332 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.-Menstrual flow light-colored and acrid, causing biting pain in the vulva. Soreness and pain in the vagina. Erysipelatous inflammation of the external genitals. Suppression of the milk, with general heat. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Hoarseness and scraping rawness in larynx, with roughness and soreness in chest. (Rumex.) Short, hurried respiration. Putting hand out of bed-covers brings on a cough. Short, dry cough, from ticklöng in bronchia (Rumex, Plat.); worse even- 2ng, and before midnight. Cough in the morning, soon after waking. Spasmodic cough that shatters the head. Cough, with tearing pains, and stitches in the "chest. (Acon., Bry., Kali c., Puls.) Anxious oppression of the chest. Stitches in chest and its sides; worse when at rest, and while sneezing and breathing. HEART AND PULSE.-Violent palpitation when sitting still. (Aspar., Phos., Spig.) Sensation of weakness and trembling in the heart. (Bell., Nitr. ac., Nux m., Spig.) Organic diseases of the heart, with painful lameness and numbness of the left arm. NECK AND BACK.—Rheumatic stiffness of neck, with painful tension on moving. Pain in shoulders and back, as from a sprain. Pain in cervical muscles, as if asleep, or as iſ head had been too long in an uncomfortable position; especially towards evening. Stitches in back, worse when walking or stooping; more when rising up after stooping. !. Stiffness and aching; bruised pains in small of back, when sitting still or when lying; better from motion, or when lying upon somethºng hard. (Nat. m., Rhod., Ruta.) Lºmbs swelling, stiffness and paralyzed 8ensatºons ºn joints, from 8prains, over-lifting or over-stretching. RHUS TOXICODENDRON. 333 Lameness, stiffness and pain on first moving after rest, or on getting up &n the morning; relieved by constant motion. Trembling, or sensation of trembling in the limbs. The limbs upon which he lies, especially arms, go to sleep. Rheumatic tension, drawing, tearing in limbs, during rest. UPPER LIMBs.—Rheumatic, tearing or stitching pains in shoulder joints, in arms, elbows, wrists, hands and fingers; worse in cold, wet weather (Rhod.); in bed, and at rest. Swelling of axillary glands. Swelling of hands; of fingers. w Crawling, prickling sensations in palms, surfaces and tºps of fingers. LOWER LIMBs.—Great weakness and paralytic heaviness of the legs and feet; is scarcely able to walk. Great weariness ºn legs whºle 87tting, disappearing on walkºng. Aching pains în legs; must change position every moment. Tension and pain ºn hip and knee joints, when sitting, when rising from a seat, or after over-eatercise. Cramps in legs and feet; must walk about. Swollen about the ankles, after sitting too long; feet swell in evening. GENERALITIES.—Great debility, paralytic weakness and 8oreness, especially when sitting and at rest. Great restlessness and uneasiness; must constantly change position; especially at night. Sensitiveness to cold open air. (Rumex.) SKIN.—Itching over the whole body (Graph., Sulph.), especially on hairy parts. Red rash, like measles, all over the body. (Urticaria.) Vesicular and pustular eruptions, with burning and itching. (Graph., Merc., Staph., Sulph.) Eczema, surface raw, eacoriated; thick crusts, oozing and offensive. (Graph.) Erysipelatous swelling and inflammation, vesicular, phlegmonows. SLEEP.-Sleeplessness, with restless tossing about. Disturbed sleep, with anxious, frightful dreams. FEVER.—Constant chilliness, especially evenings. Chill in back, and heat in anterior portion of body. 334 RUMEX CRISPUS. Coldness of hands and feet. Fever in evening, with shivering, over the body; stretching, headache, and pains ºn the limbs. Remittent type of fever; sometimes with brain symptoms. Profuse sweat in the morning. Sweats from warm drinks. AGGRAVATIONS.—While at rest; after midnight; before storms; on rising from a seat or bed; on beginning to move; from getting wet; in wet Weather. AMELIORATION.—From continuous motion; from moving affected parts; in warm, dry weather. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Complaints after getting wet in a rain, while over- heated. Bad effects of sprains, bruises, etc. Rheumatism and rheu- matic affections. Sciatica. Glandular swellings, indurations and Suppurations. Erysipelas. Vesicular, pustular and herpetic erup- tions. Dropsy. Paralysis. Fevers: Intermittent, remittent, typhoid. Exanthemata. Organic heart disease. Mild catarrhal affections. Ophthalmia. Compare : Apis, Arn., Ars., Bry., Caust., Clem., Crot, Dulc., Led., Nux, Phos., Phos. ac., Puls., Rhod., Ruta, Sepia, Sil., Sulph. These remedies precede Rhus well: Arn, Bry., Calc. ostr., Calc. phos., Cham., Lach., Phos. ac., Sulph.; while these follow well: Ars., Bry., Calc. ost., Con., Nux v., Phos. ac., Puls., Sulph. To Rhus, Apis and Phos. (?) are inimical, while Bry. is complementary. Antidotes : Bell, Bry, Camph., Coff, Crot, Sulph. Rhus Antidotes : Ant. tart., Bry., Ranunc., Rhod. RUMEX CRISPUS. Matural Order. Polygonaceae. Common Mame. Yellow dock. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Rumex affects the mucous mem- branes, lymphatics and skin, but its prominent action is upon the mucous membrane of the larynx and trachea, diminishing RUMEX CRISPUS. 335 its secretions, and exalting, in a very marked degree, its sen- sibility, indicating an excessive morbid irritability, yet not passing into an inflammatory condition. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. HEAD.—Dull headache, and slight bruised feeling in the forehead. NoSE.—Epistaxis; violent sneezing and painful irritation of nostrils. Fluent coryza, with violent sneezing; worse evening and night. MoUTH.—Tongue coated yellow. THROAT.—Excoriated, scraping feeling in the throat (Carb. v., Rhus., Phos., Puls.), with secretion of mucus in upper part of throat. STOMACH-Heaviness in epigastrium, soon after a meal. (Bry, Nux, Puls.) Sensation of fullness on pressure, in pit of stomach, extending up into throat. Shooting from pit of stomach to chest. STOOL.-Morning diarrhoea (Apis, Sulph.); brown and watery (Ars., Kali b., Sulph); preceded by urging, and pain in abdomen. Constipation. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.—Tenacious mucus in larynx (Kali b.), with constant desire to hawk, but without relief. Pain in the larynx (Phos.) Hoarseness. Frequent feeling as if she could not get another breath; as if the air did not penetrate the chest. Dry, incessant, fatiguºng eough, caused by tickling in throat pit (Sang.); aggravated by pressure, talking, and especially by ºn 8piring cool air, and in evening, after lying down. (Cincl., Dros., Phos.} Sensation of 807'éness and rawness ºn laryna, and behind the sternum. (Phos.) Aching over anterior portion of both lungs. Acute stitching or burning, stinging pains in left side of chest, near heart; worse from deep breathing, and on lying down in bed at night; rheumatism. (Bry., Rhus.) LIMBS.—Legs densely covered with a rash, small red pimples. GENERALITIES.—Great languor. Restlessness in the evening. Very sensitive to the open air. (Acon, Rhus.) 336 RUTA. SKIN.—Itching in various parts (Graph., Phos., Sulph); worse on lower limbs, while undressing. Stinging, itching, or prickling itching of skin. Vesicular eruption; itching when uncovered, and exposed to cool air. AGGRAVATION.—In evening, on lying down; from cool air; in raw, cold weather. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-In acute catarrh of larynx or bronchia. Cough from laryngeo-tracheal irritation. Dyspepsia. Diarrhoea. Compare : Bell., Caust. Hep., Lach., Phos., Podo., Spong, Sulph. RUTA. Ruta graveolens. Matural Order. Rutaceae. Common Mame. Rue. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Tuta acts especially upon the peri- osteum, bones, joints and cartilages, producing symptoms of a rheumatic character. It also has a special action upon the eyes, producing a somewhat similar condition. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. EYES.–Itching at the inner canthus, and on lower lid, smarting after rub- bing; eye becomes full of water. Cramp in lower lid, followed by profuse lachrymation. Eyes burn, aché, feel strained; sight blurred; from fine sewing or reading too much, or otherwise over-taating them, worse on us?ng eyes ºn evenºng. (Sepia, Phos.) STOMACH.—Frequent eructations; odorless. Burning or gnawing in the stomach. RECTUM AND ANU.S.—Tearing stitches in rectum while urinating. Frequent unsuccessful urging, with prolapsus ani. URINARY ORGANS.–Pressure on bladder as if continually full, with con- stant urging, as if urine could not be retained, yet little is voided. NECK AND BACK.--Pain as if sprained, or bruised in nape and shoulder. Pain a8 ºf beaten, and lame in the spine. Bruised pain in back and coccyx. SABINA. 337 LIMBs.—Pains in the limbs, joints and bones, as if beaten, or as after a blow or a fall. GENERALITIES.—Great weakness after a walk; limbs feel bruised; small of back and loins painful. All parts of the body on which he lies are painful, as if bruised. SKIN.—Itching all over the body; relieved by scratching. (Sulph.) AGGRAVATION.—During rest; while sitting; in cold, wet weather. AMELIORATION.—By motion. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Bruises and other mechanical injuries of bones and periosteum. Periostitis. Rheumatism. Bad effects from over- straining the eyes. Compare: Am. c., Arn., Bry., Calc., Euph., Lyc., Merc., Mez., Phos. ac. Phytolac., Puls., Rhus, Sepia, Sil., Sulph. Antidotes : Camph. Ruta Antidotes : Mercur. SABIN A. Juniperus Sabina. Watural Order. Coniferae. Common Mame. Savin. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts chiefly upon the generative organs of women, but also affects prominently the urinary organs and the gastro-intestinal canal. The general condition produced is one of intense irritation, resulting in congestion and inflammation, which in the uterus gives rise to haemor- rhages, and abortion, in the urinary organs to strangury, and in the bowels to purging and bloody stools. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Hypochondriacal mood. (Nux.) Great anxiety and apprehension. Music is intolerable. HEAD.—Wertigo ; when standing, as if she would fall ; with obscuration of vision. 22 338 SABINA. Pressive headache, especially in temporal eminences, suddenly appear- ing and slowly disappearing. - Dull, pressive frontal headache. MOUTH.—Dryness in mouth and throat. STOMACH.-Desire for acid things (Ant. t., Ars., Bry., Puls.), especially lemonade. Heartburn and eructations. STOOL-Blood and mucus, or (liarrhoeic stools. URINARY ORGANs.-Frequent violent urging to urinate, with copious emission. Retention of urine ; discharge by drops, with burning. (Canth., Can. S.) FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.–Menses too profuse, too early, and last too long. (Calc., Nux.) - Hamorrhage from the uterus, in paroxysms; worse from motion ; blood dark and clotted (Bell., Croc., Rhus); from loss of tone in uterus (Caul.); after abortion or parturition; with pain from back to pubis. Miscarriage, especially at third month. (Sec.) Leucorrhoea, thick, yellow, fetid; after suppressed menses. (Puls.) RESPIRATORY ORGANS.—Crawling and tickling in larynx, exciting cough, and a slimy expectoration. Dry hacking cough and tickling in the trachea. Haemoptysis. NECK AND BACK.—Drawing patiºns (tnd dragging ºn Small of back, e.vtending Žnto the public region. LIMBs.—Drawing, tearing pains, especially at night : most in wrist joints and toes; with red shiny swelling. Middle of anterior surfaces of thighs feel bruised and painful. Great weakness and weariness in all the limbs. SLEEP.—Restless, disturbed sleep. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.--Menorrhagia. Metrorrhagia. Abortion. Leucor- rhoea. Metritis. Chlorosis. Hysteria. Arthritic affections. Compare: Arn., Bell., Croc., Cocc., Puls., Rhus tox., Ruta, Sulph., Trillium. Thuja is useful after Sabina in condylomata. Antidotes: Camph., Puls. SAMBUCUS. 339 SAMBUCUS. Sambucus nigra. Watural Order. Caprifoliaceae. Common Mame. Elder. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Affects especially the mucous mem- brane of the respiratory organs and the skin, causing in the former obstructive catarrh, and in the latter profuse debili- tating perspiration. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Constant fretfulness, very easily startled; trembling, anxiety and restlessness. FACE.-Bloated or dark blue. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Hoarseness, with much tough mucus in the laryma. (Kali b.) Oppression of the chest, with pressure in the stomach, and nausea. Oppression and stitches in left side of chest, below nipple. (Kali c.) Suffocative attacks after midnight; wakens suddenly, sits up in bed turns blue and gasps for breath. Quick, wheezing respiration, Suffocative cough, with crying in children. GENERALITIES.—Hands and feet bloated and blue. Dropsical swellings of the body. SLEEP.-Sleepiness without sleep. FEVER.—During heat dread of uncovering. Sensation of burning heat in the face, with moderate warmth of the body, and icy coldness of feet, without thirst. Very profuse, debilitating perspiration, while awake, without thºrst. Profuse night sweats. (Cinch., Phos., Sulph, ac.) AGGRAVATION.—While at rest, AMELIORATION.—From motion; on sitting up in bed. THERAPEUTIC RANGE. — Coryza. Snuffles. Croup. Whooping cough Asthma. Dropsy. Compare: Acon, Ars, Bell., Cinch, Hep, Ipec, Rhus, Sepia, Sulph. 340 SANGUINARIA. Antidotes : Ars., Camph. Sambucus follows well after Opium. Sambucus Antidotes : Abuse of Arsenic. SANGUIN ARIA. Sanguinaria canadensis. Matural Order. Papaveraceae. Common Name. Blood root. GENERAL ANALYsis.--Affects chiefly the respiratory-mu- cous membrane, producing irritation and catarrhal inflam- mation. It has a decided influence upon the pneumogastric nerve, and through it creates derangement of the liver and digestive tract. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. HEAD.— Vertigo : on rising from a sitting or stooping position (Bry.); on quickly turning the head (Calc.), or looking upward. Determination of blood to the head, with whizzing in the ears, and flushes of heat. Dull, pressive, frontal headache. Headache occurrëng ºn paroay&ms. Headache begins in occéput, spreads upwards, and settles over right eye. (Chel.) Head aches as if it would burst (Bry., Nat. m.) in forehead and temples; mostly right; better in open air. Headache, with nausea and chillºn 688, followed by flushes of heat, eastend- $ng from head to stomach. EYEs.—Pupils dilated. (Bell, Hyos.) Burning, dryness in the eyes, followed by copious lachrymation. EARS.–Burning of the ears; cheeks red. Earache, with headache, with singing in the ears, and vertigo. NoSE.—Fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing (Acon., Euph.); worse in right nostril, FACE.—Circumscribed redness of one or both cheeks. Cheeks livid; in typhoid pneumonia. Paleness of the face, with disposition to vomit. SANGUINARIA. 341 MoUTH.—Loss of taste, with burnt feeling on the tongue. Sores on gums and roof of mouth. THROAT.—Throat feels swollen as if to suffocation, when swallowing. Feeling of dryness in throat; not relieved by drinking. Throat sore as if raw and denuded. Ulcerated sore throat. Pearly diphtheritic coating on palate and fauces. STOMACH.-Craving for he knows not what; for spiced things. Deathly nausea, in paroxysms (Ant. tart.), with much salivation; with headache, chill and heat. Nausea, not relieved by vomiting. Vomiting: of bitter water; of sour, acrid fluids; of ingesta; of worms. Sensation of emptiness in the stomach, with faint, feverish feeling. Soreness and pressure in epigastrium; worse after eating. Burning in the stomach. STOOL.—Diarrhoeic stool, mixed with much flatus. (Aloe.) Diarrhoea following coryza; pains in chest, and cough. URINARY ORGANs.-Copious and frequent nocturnal urination, clear as water. (Phos. ac.) FEMALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Climacteric disorders, especially flushes of heat, and leucorrhoea. (Lach.) Abdominal pains as if menses would appear. (Al.., Puls.) RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Dry, hacking cough, caused by tickling in throat pit (Rumex); with dryness of throat; crawling sensation, eastending down behind the 8ternum. Dry cough awaking from sleep, not ceasing until after he sits up in bed and passes flatus, upward and downward. Cough, with circumscribed redness of the cheeks; pain in the chest and coryza. Severe dyspnoea and constriction of chest, with inclination to take deep inspirations. Constant pressure and heaviness in upper part of chest, with difficult breathing. Sharp, pinching pain midway between sternum and right nipple. Intense pain and burning under sternum, and in right side of chest. Acute stitches in right side of chest, near nipple, (Bry, Kali c.) 342 SECALE CORNUTUM. Pain in right chest to the shoulder; can only with difficulty place hand on top of head. Exceedingly offensive breath and expectoration. HEART AND PULSE,--Irregularity of the heart's action, and of the pulse, with coldness, insensibility, etc. NECK AND BACK.—Rheumatic pains in nape of neck, shoulders and arms. GENERALITIES.–Great weakness and prostration. General torpor and languor. FEVER.—Burning heat, rapidly alternating with chill and shivering. Heat flying from head to stomach. Flushes of heat; glow of warmth over body. AGGRAVATION.—Morning and evening; from light noise and motion. AMELIORATION.—When lying quiet; in the dark room; after vomiting. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Coryza. Croup. Whooping cough. Asthma. Pneumonia. Typhoid pneumonia. Haemoptysis. Hydro-thorax. Pulmonary consumption. Jaundice. Diarrhoea. Rheumatism. Sick headache. Dyspepsia. Hectic fever. Compare : Ant. tart., Bell., Bry., Chel., Hep., Iris, Merc., Phos., Rumex. Spong. Sang. follows Bell. well in scarlet fever. t Sangwºmarča Antidotes : Opium, Rhus rad. SECALE CORN UTU M. Spurred rye. Ergot. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Acts powerfully upon the cerebro- spinal system; giving rise to two distinct and characteristic conditions, known as convulsive and gangrenous ergotism; the former resulting directly from nerve poisoning, while the latter is due to secondary blood disorganization, or, as is well maintained, to the power ergot possesses over the unstriped muscular fibre, producing persistent contraction of the arterial coats, diminishing their calibre, and so reducing their current of blood. This, too, might produce cerebral and spinal anae- mia, and thus, also, cause the convulsive form of ergot poison- ing. A full description of these conditions may not be pre- SECALE CORNUTUM. 343 sented here, but sufficient may be gathered from the annexed list of symptoms. To the powerful action of ergot on the unstriped muscular fibre, also, is due the important effects it displays upon the gravid uterus, exciting contractions thereof, and expelling its contents. To avert such a disaster Secale is often the true homoeopathic remedy, but to give it in parturition, to hasten delivery, as is the practice of the old school, is simply inex- cusable. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Stupid, half-sleepy condition. Dullness of all the senses. Mild or raving delirium. Great ana.iety and fear of death. (Acon., Ars.) HEAD.—Stupefaction. Vertigo. Heaviness of the head, and tingling in the legs. EYES.—Eyes sunken, and surrounded by a blue anargin. (Phos., Sulph.) Eyes look fired, wild, starīng. (Bell., Hyos., Stram.) Obscuration of sight. Pupils generally dilated. (Bell., Hyos.) EARS.—Roaring in the ears, with great difficulty in hearing. (Bell., Cinch., Lyc.) NOSE,-Bleeding of the nose. FACE.-Pale, sunken, Hippocratic (Ars., Camph., Verat.); anarious ea:pression. Lips bluish or deathly pale. MoUTH.—Tongue clean, or coated white. (Bry., Nux.) Very offensive breath. Increased secretion of saliva. (Hep., Merc.) Feeble, stuttering, indistinct speech, as if the tongue were paralyzed. (Caust., Stram.) THROAT.—Dryness of the throat. STOMACH.—Ravenous hunger. |Violent, unquenchable thirst. Nausea, and inclination to vomit. Womiting: of bilious matter (Bry., Nux, Podo.); of mucus; of dark brown, coffee grounds fluid, 344 . SECALE CORNUTUM. Haemorrhage from the stomach. Great anxiety and oppression in stomach, with great sensitiveness to the touch. Violent pressure in the stomach, as from a heavy weight. (Bry, Nux, Puls.) Burning in the stomach. ABDOMEN.—Abdomen distended and tympanitic. Painful colic, with convulsions. Continual bearing down in lower abdomen. Cold feeling in abdomen and back. STOOL AND ANU.S.—Paralysis of rectum and anus. Diarrhoea; frequent brown, slimy discharges; dark colored; very offen- sive; thin, olive green; involuntary; very exhausting. Haemorrhage from the bowels. Constipation. URINARY ORGANS.–Paralysis of the bladder. (Caust., Hyos.) Retention of urine. (Bell., Op., Stram.) Urine pale and watery. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Menses too profuse and of too long duration. (Calc., Nux.) Uterime hapmorrhage, worse from the slightest motion (Sab.); discharge black, fluid and very fetid. Pains of an expulsive character, in the uterus. (Caul.) Uterus and right ovary congested, and sensitive to touch. Threatened abortion, especially at third month. (Sab.) After abortion, uterus does not contract (Caul.); thin, black, foul- smelling discharge. Suppressed lochia, followed by uterºne inflammation. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.-Voice feeble, inaudible, stammering. Spitting of blood, with or without cough. Anaxious, labored inspºration. Constant sighing; hºccough. HEART AND PULSE.-Palpitation of the heart. Pulse: small, very rapid, contracted; frequently ºn termittent; fluttering, slow, suppressed. BACK.—Pain in back and Small of the back. SECALE CORNUTUM. 345 Tingling in the back, which is numb, extending to fingers and toes. (Acon.) LIMBs..—Convulsive movements of the limbs. Contractions of hands, feet, fingers and toes. Heaviness and trembling of the limbs. Limbs become cold, pale and wrinkled, as after being a long time in hot QDaté?”. Numbness, insensibility and coldness of the limbs, especially tips of fingers and toes. Disagreeable sensation of sleep and formication in the limbs. Cramps in legs, arms, hands and toes. Crawling and tingling in the limbs. (Acon.) Drawing pains in the limbs. Burning of the hands and feet. (Ars., Sulph.) Fuzzy feeling ºn the limbs. Gangrene of the limbs. GENERALITIES.—Ea:treme debility, prostration and restlessness. Rapid sinking of strength. (Carb. v., Werat.) SKIN.—Cold and dry. Formication over the whole body. Sensation of somethºng creeping under the skin. Petechia. Ecchymoses. Gangrenous blisters. FEVER.—Coldness of the surface of the body, especially the extremities and face. Profuse cold; clammy sweat over the whole body. AGGRAVATION.—During menses; from warmth. AMELIORATION.—In the cold air, and from getting cold; from sweat. TBERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Haºmorrhages, especially from uterus. Atonic haemorrhages during the critical age. Abortion. Irregular, spas- modic, weak, or ceasing labor pains. Suppressed or deranged lochia. After-pains. Retained placenta. Convulsion. Paralysis. Gangrene. Ulcers. Asiatic and sporadic cholera. Spinal conges- tion and irritation. CoNDITIONS.—Particularly useful in tall, scrawny women; of lax muscular fibre; feeble, cachectic. In very old, decrepit persons. 346 SEPIA. Compare: Ars, Bell., Cham., Caul., Colch., Lyc., Puls., Rhus, Sulph. After Secale follows Cinch. Resembles Colch. in cholera morbus Antidotes : Camph., Op. * SEPIA. Cuttlefish. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Affects especially the portal, hepatic and the female sexual systems, and diminishes in general the reproductive energies of the vegetative sphere. Its action is sluggish, and its pains and isolated symptoms feebly pro- nounced, the general condition being one of torpidity and depression. The functions of the liver are not greatly disturbed, but the secretions are altered, becoming sour and foul, and the texture changed, as is indicated by a special analysis of the symptoms produced. Sepia exerts its chief local action upon the mucous membranes of the genito-urinary organs, and upon the skin. The leading expression of Sepia is a peculiar cachectic aspect—yellow, earthy, waxy complexion, with puffi- ness of the soft parts, and with mental depression and apathy. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. MIND.—Excessively nervous; sensitive to the least noise. (Cocc., Sil.) Great sadness and dejection, with much weeping. (Lyc., Nat., Plat., Phos., Puls.) Gloominess and dark forebodings of the future. Depression, on awaking in the morning. Anxiety, with flushes of heat in the evening. (Acon., Puls.) Wery irritable, fretful and easily offended. (Bry., Cham., Nux.) Great apathy; indifference to everything (PhOS. ac.), even to one's own jatm?ly. Indolent mood; indisposed to any exertion, mental or physical. (Nux v.) Heavy flow of ideas; language coming slowly; weak memory. (Anac., Nat., Nux m.) HEAD.—Painful confusion of the head, particularly in the forehead. SEPIA. 347 Vertigo, when walking in the open air. Violent, pressive headache, as if the head would burst; worse from stooping, motion, coughing, or shaking the head. (Bell., Bry.) Headache with nausea, beginning in morning (Nux, Nat., Sulph.), and lasting till noon or evening; better in the open air. Heavy, pressing pain in the ‘left orbit, and left side of head, with darting pains from left eye over sºde of head toward occiput; better after 7méals. Intense frontal headache, dull, pressure, or stitching, tearing pains. Tearing pains from left temple to upper part of left side of head. Great falling out of the hair. (Graph, Nat., Phos., Sulph.) Moist eruptions on vertex, and back part of the head. (Graph., Hep., Lyc., Rhus, Sulph.) Scalp and roots of the hair very sensitive to touch. (Bry., Hep., Staph., Sulph.) s Much itching of the scalp. (Sulph.) EYES.–Inflammation of the eyes, with swelling, redness and burning pres- sive pains. Lachrymation morning and evening. Eyes feel heavy, and lids inclined to close, as from paralysis. (Caust., Gels., Rhus.) Soreness, roughness, and burning in the eyes, from walking in cold wind; aggravated by gaslight, and from reading. Pressure as from sand in the eyes, aggravated by rubbing. (Caust, Euph., Rhus, Sulph.) Eyes become easily fatigued from reading and writing, especially by candle light. (Ruta.) Nightly agglutination of the eyes. (Calc., Rhus, Sulph.) Heat and dryness of the margins of the lids, with much itching. (Sulph.) - Vision obscured as from a veil. (Caust., Croc., Pet., Phos., Sulph.) Fiery sparks (Cycl., Phos., Sulph.), and zigzags before the eyes. (Nat. m.) Many black spots before the eyes. (Merc., Nit. ac., Phos., Sil.) EARS.—Very sensitive to noise. NOSE.-Nose inflamed and swollen; nostrils sore and ulcerated. Severe dry coryza, especially of left nostril. Fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing. (Acon., Cepa, Sang.) 348 SEPIA. Violent bleeding of the nose, especially during menses. FACE.-Face: pale; yellow; red; flushed. Yellow saddle across the nose, and upper part of cheeks, also yellow 8pots on the face. (Fer.) Yellowness around the mouth. Herpetic eruption on the lips. Itching pimples on the chin. MoUTH.—Early decay of the teeth. Toothache, drawing, tearing, stitching, extending to the ear; especially after eating, drinking, or taking anything hot or cold into the mouth. (Puls.) Gums painful, swollen, dark red, ulcerated, and easily bleeding. (Merc. Nit. ac., Sulph.) Vesicles on the tongue. Tongue coated white. (Bry, Nux, Puls.) - Tip of tongue feels as if scalded. (Merc., Plat., Puls.) Bad Smell from the mouth. Dryness of lips, mouth and tongue. Taste: bitter (Bry., Nux, Puls.); sour (Ant., Ars., Nux, Puls.); slimy; foul; mostly in morning. THROAT.—Dryness and Soreness in throat, with tension and scraping. Much mucus in the throat. - Pressure in throat in region of tonsils, as if neck-cloth were too tight. Roughness and burning in fauces; aggravated by hawking. STOMACH.—Excessive appetite; never satisfied, or no appetite at all. Desire for vinegar. Frequent eructations, sour, bitter (Nit. ac., Nux, Phos., Puls.), or like rotten eggs (Arn.); especially after eating and drinking. Nausea : mornings, passing off after eating somethºng; after a meal; from smell of food; with weakness, vertigo, and darkness before the eyes. Vomiting of bile and food; during pregnancy. (Con., Kreos., Nux.) Sensitiveness of pit of stomach to touch. (Sil., Puls.) Painful sensation of emptiness in stomach and abdomen. (Ign., Pet.) Pressure in stomach as from a stone; after eating. (Bry., Nux, Puls.) Pulsation in pit of stomach. (Puls.) SEPIA. 349 ABDOMEN.—In region of liver; stitches (Bry., Kali c.); fullness; pressure; SOTeneSS. Severe stitches in left side of abdomen. Pressure and heaviness in the abdomen. Abdomen distended and sensitive. Abdomen puffed up. Pot-belliedness of mothers. Loud rumbling in the abdomen, especially after eating. (Lyc.) Brown spots on the abdomen. STOOL AND ANU.S.—Burning and itching in rectum and anus. Soreness, aching or stitches in the anus. Inactivity of the bowels. (Alum, Op.) Ineffectual urging to stool, with discharge of mucus or flatulence only. (Aloes.) Stool insufficiently retarded; like sheep's dung. (Op. Plumb.) Whitish or brownish color of the stools. Expulsion of ascarides. URINARY ORGANs.-Urging to wrºnate from pressure on the bladder. Frequent mêcturition, even at night. Feeling as if the bladder were greatly distended. Burning in the urethra, when urinating. Urine: turbid, clay-colored, with redish sediment; thick, slimy, very offensive, depositing a yellowish, pasty sediment; becomes turbid and offensive, with white sediment. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Pain in the uterus, and sensation of bearing down in all the pelvic organs, with strong pressure, as though the con- tents would issue through the vulva (Bell., Nat. m., Nit. ac.); must cross her lêmbs to prevent protrusion of the parts, with oppressed breathing. Dull, heavy pains in the Ovaries. Great dryness of vulva and vagina; painful to touch. Prolapsus ºuteri. Menses too early and scanty; too late and seanty; regular but scanty; flow dark. Soreness and redness of the labiae; in the perinaeum, and between the thighs. Leucorrhoea : yellow, like milk (Calc., Puls.); excoriating; like pus; of bad-smelling fluids; before the menses. 350 SEPIA. Itching of nipples, which bleed, and seem about to ulcerate. (Graph.) RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Dry, hacking cough, especially in the evening, on lying down, and at night (Hyos.); from tickling in the larynx (Hep., Phos., Rumex); much rattling of mucus in the chest. (Ipec., Ant. tart.) Short dry cough, as ºf proceeding from the stomach; with pain in Stormach. Nausea and bitter vomiting. Expectoration profuse, purulent, offensive, tasting salty. (Carb. v., Phos., Puls.) Oppression of the chest and shortness of breath, when walking, or from slightest exertion. Oppress?on of the chest morning and evening. Stitches in chest when coughing (Bry., Kali c.); especially in left side. Brown spots on the chest. HEART AND PULSE.-Palpitation; in evening, in bed; during digestion; with stitches in left side of chest. NECK AND BACK.—Paºn ºn the back and small of back, particularly with stiffness ; &mproved by walking. (Rhus.) Aching pain between the shoulders, and under left scapula. Aching and dull pain in lumbar and sacral regions, extending to thighs and legs. Weakness and tired pain in small of back, when walking. LIMBs.—Heaviness of the limbs. Drawing, paralytic pains and weakness in limbs, especially in joints. Arthritic pains in the joints. Limbs go to sleep easily. Coldness of the hands and feet. UPPER LIMBs.—Itchºng eruption ºn bends of elbow8. Low ER LIMBs.—Lancinating Stitches over right thigh; must get out of bed for relief; sore as if ulcerated. Pains in hips and thighs, extending to knees. Soreness and burning pain between the nates. Swelling and heaviness of the feet. Offensive foot sweat, causing soreness between the toes. (Sil.) GENERALITIES.–Frequent trembling of the whole body. SEPIA. 351 Eaccessive prostration, eachaustion and faintness. Easily fatigued from the least exercise. Excessive sensitiveness to pain. (Coff.) Sensitive to cold or cold air. (Sil.) Violent ebullition of blood, also during the night. Feels pulse beating through whole body (Puls.); especially in whole of leſt chest. SKIN–Itching on various parts of the body (Rhus, Sulph.), face, arms, hands, back, hips, feet, abdomen and genitals. Red, herpetic eruptions, with itching and burning. Brown or reddish liver spots on the skin. Indolent ulcers, with itching, stinging and burning. SLEEP.-Great sleepiness in the day time, especially in forenoon. Difficult waking in the morning, with much weariness. Restless, unrefreshing sleep; wakes up tired and aching. Wakes at night in a fright, and screaming. FEveR.—Want of natural body warmth. (Sil.) Chilliness in the evening, in the open air, and from every motion. Chilly in the warm room, during the day. Flushes of heat, as if hot water was poured over him, or from least motion. Anxious heat afternoons and evenings. Heat ascends to the head and face. Profuse perspiration; at night (Cal., Cinch., Sil., Stan., Sul. ac.), in morning, after awaking (Nux, Puls., Sulph.); while walking: from slightest motion. (Sil.) Cold sweat at night on breast, back and thighs. AGGRAVATION.--Morning and evening; after eating; while sitting; after Sexual excesses. AMELIORATION.—In the open air. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Amenorrhoea. Dysmemorrhoea. Metrorrhagia. Leu. Corrhoea. Displacement of uterus. Chlorosis. Pot-belliedness of mothers. Morning sickness. Gonorrhoea. Disposition to miscar- riage. Hysteria. Melancholia. Hemicrania. Eczema. Herpes. Ophthalmia. Hepatic and gastric disorders. Constipation. Spinal irritation... Diarrhoea. Paralysis. Cough. Tuberculosis. Whoop- ing cough. Arthritic affections of the joints. 352 SILICIA. CoNDITIONS.—Especially suited to persons with dark hair; for women, and particularly during pregnancy, child-bed, and while nursing. Compare : Acon., Ars., Bell, Bry, Calc., Carb. v., Cinch., Lyc., Merc., Nux v., Puls., Rhus, Sil., Sulph. After Puls., Sil., Sulph., then Sepia, follows well. Inimical to Sepia is Lachesis. Antidotes: Vegetable acids, Nitr. spr. dulc., Acon., Ant. c., Ant. tart., Rhus. Sepia Antidotes: Calc. ostr., Cinch, Merc., Phos., Sars., Sulph. SILICIA. Silicic acid. Silica. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts powerfully upon the vegeta- tive sphere, affecting more especially the organic substances of the body, and involving prominently mucous surfaces, glandu- lar structures, bones and joints. The general condition of sys- tem produced, representing a perverted nutrition, resembles the two great dyscrasias—scrofula and rachitis, while the action of the drug like that of the disease is also slow, deep and long lasting. The chief property of Silicia is its power to produce a suppurative process, either in soft tissues, in the periosteum, or in the bone itself. As a secondary result of the morbid processes set up by Silicia the nervous system becomes involved, giving a condi- tion of erethism conjoined with exhaustion, and resulting in various nervous disorders, spinal irritation, exalted activity of the senses, followed by depression and paralysis. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Difficulty in fixing the attention, mind confused. (Gels., Lach.) Restless and fidgety, startled and anxious from the least noise, to which he is very sensitive. (Cocc., Sepia.) Desponding, melancholy, tired of life. Irritable, peevish, low spirited. (Nux v.) Compunctions of conscience about trifles. HEAD.—Vertigo: ascending from dorsal region, through nape of neck into SILICIA. 353 head, constantly inclined to fall forward; all day, while stooping at work. Congestion to the head, with redness and burning in the face. Pressing, bursting headache, as if the eyes and brain were forced outward. (Acon.) IIeadache rising from the nape of the neck to the certea. Violent headache with loss of reason. Roaring and shattering sensation in the brain; when stepping hard, or knocking the foot against anything. Violent pressive headache in the morning, with chilliness and nausea. Violent tearing in the head, frequently one-82ded; starting from occip- 7tal protuberances; eactending upward and forward. Headache, consisting of a bruised pain above the eyes, so that he could scarcely open them. Stitches in the forehead and temples. Pressive headache in occiput. Head aches worse : from mental exertion; noise; motion ; jarring; light; stooping; cold air; better from binding head tightly; wrap- p?ng head warmly, hot compresses; in warm room. Head is wet from profuse sweating at night; likes wrapping up. Open fontanelles; head large, body emaciated; abdomen swollen and hot. (Calc. c.) Scalp very sensitive to touch; even of the hat. (Bry, Hep., Staph., Sulph.) Eruption on back of head, moist, dry or offensive, scabby, burning, itching, discharging pus. (Hep., Graph., Lyc., Rhus, Sulph.) Itching on scalp; painful (tnd 8076 after scratch?ng. r Itching pustules on scalp and neck; better from wrapping up warm. EYEs.—Inflammation of the eyes; red, with Smarting, burning and profuse lachrymation. Agglutination of the lids at night. (Calc., Lyc., Phos., Sulph.) Painful dryness of the eyes; as if full of Sand in the morning. (Euph., Rhus, Sep., Sulph.) Tearing, shooting pains in the eyes on pressing them together. Swelling of the right lachrymal gland and sac, skin inflamed. Dimness of vision; mist or flickering before the eyes. Letters run together, appear pale. 23 354. SILICIA. Black spots before the eyes. (Merc., Nit. ac., Phos., Sepia.) Ulcers, spots and opacities of the cornea. (Sulph.) EARS.–Swelling of the external ear, with thin discharge from inner ear, accompanied by a hissing noise. Otalgia, with drawing, stitching pains. (Puls.) Itching in the ears, especially when swallowing. Stoppage of the ears, which open at times with a loud report. (Graph.) Difficult hearing, especially of the human voice. (Phos.) Roaring and singing in the ears. (Cinch.) Over sensitive to noise. (Sep.) Nose.—Frequent, violent sneezing, or inefficient efforts to sneeze. Acrid corroding discharge from the nose. - Dry coryza; complete stoppage of the nostrils. (Alum, Nux, Phos., Sep.) Alternate fluent and dry coryza. (Alum, Nux., Phos.) Nose inwardly dry, painful, excoriated, covered with crusts. Bleeding of the nose. Itching in the nose. Soreness, as if beaten in nasal bones. FACE.-Pale, suffering expression. Ulcers in vermillion border of lower lip. Painful ulcers in corners of mouth (Hep., Graph., Rhus) with itching. Herpes on the chin. Painful swelling of the submaxillary glands. MoUTH.—Teeth become loose and feel elongated, with swelling and painful Soreness of the gums. Inflamed gums; gum boils. Gums painfully sensºtºve on taking cold water into the mouth. Soreness of the tongue. Sensation of a hair lying on fore part of tongue. (Back part: Kali b., Nat. m.) Offensive odor from the mouth. Dryness of the mouth. HROAT.—Sore throat; as if swallowing over a lump or an excoriated surface SILICIA. 355 Pressive pain or prickling in throat when swallowing. STOMACH-Ravenous hunger or loss of appetite. Eaccessive thºrst. Bitter taste in the morning. (Ars., Bry., Merc., Puls.) Sour, acid eructations. Water tastes badly, vomits after drinking. Heaviness and pressure in stomach after eating. (Puls., Sep.) Burning in pit of stomach. (Ars., Canth., Nux., Phos.) Sensitiveness of pit of stomach to pressure. (Sep., Puls.) Squeezing and clawing in pit of stomach, especially after meals. ABDOMEN.—Swelling; uneasy and pressive in region of liver. Abdomen distended; hard and tense. Flatulence; much rumbling. Emission of very offensive flatus. (Aloe.) Cutting and pinching pains in abdomen; with constipation. Inflamed inguinal glands. STOOL AND ANU.S.–Cutting and stinging in the rectum. Burning or stinging itching in rectum during stool. Moisture ºn the anus. Burning in the anus, especially after a dry, hard stool. Constant but ineffectual desire for stool. Diarrhoea; stools horribly offensive. Pasty; liquid; mucus. Constipation; stool scanty, or composed of hard lumps; light colored , eapulsion difficult ; as from inactivity of the rectum ; when partly eapelled it slips back again. Painful haemorrhoids, protrude during stool. GENITAL ORGANs.-Sexual desire increased or very weak. Violent erections at night. Nocturnal emissions. Discharge of prostatic fluid while straining at stool. Itching and moist spots on scrotum. (Staph., Sulph.) Hydrocele. Sweat on scrotum. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANs.—Increased menses; with repeated paroxysms of icy coldness over the whole body. 356 - SILICIA. Suppressed menstruation. Menses too early and too feeble. Profuse acrid, corrosive leucorrhoea. Pressing down feeling in vagina. Itching, burning and soreness in the vulva. Mamma swollen hard and painful, as if “gathering,” near the nipple. Darting, burning patiºns in left nºpple. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Hoarseness; roughness of the larynx. (Hep., Carb. v., Caust.) Dry, hacking cough with hoarseness ; with Soreness in the chest; caused by tickling and irritation in the throat. (Phos., Rumex.) . Cough, especially in the evening on lying down, during the night ; and after waking in the morning. Eaſpectoration thick, yellow, lumpy, purulent (Carb. v., Cinch., Phos.); tenacious mucus (Kali b.); profuse; greenish. (Puls.) Obstructed respiration; shortness of breath. Bruised pain in chest when coughing. Sticking pains in the chest, and sides. HEART.—Palpitation and throbbing over the whole body while sitting. Violent palpitation on every movement. NECK AND BACK.—Cervical glands and parotids swollen; indurated. Stiffness of the nape of the neck with headache. Weakness in back and paralyzed feeling in limbs; could scarcely walk. Aching, shooting, burning and throbbing in lumbo-sacral region. Tearing pain between and beneath the scapula. Stiffness and pain in small of back on rising from a seat, or on getting out of bed in the morning. Pain as if beaten in the small of back and hips. Coccya, painful; as after a long carriage ride. Stinging in os coccygīs; painful to pressure. LIMBS.–Nails dirty yellow; Crippled and brittle. Weakness of the limbs; can Scarcely walk. Limbs go to sleep easily. Icy cold legs and feet. Soreness and lameness in the limbs. SILICIA. - 357 UPPER LIMBs.—Heaviness and paralytic weakness of the arms. Trembling in all the limbs, especially in the hands. Great swelling of the axillary glands. Tearing pains in wrist and ball of hand. Arms go to sleep when resting on them. Cramp-like pain and lameness of the hand after slight exertion. Profuse sweat of the hands. & Falling asleep of the hands at night. Dryness in tips of fingers. Contraction of flexor tendons; very painful when moving fingers. Tearing, drawing, sticking pains and numbness in fingers ; as ºf 8wp- purating or as if a panaritium would form. LOWER LIMBS.—Heaviness and weariness of the lower limbs. Tearºng, stitchºng, pains 27, the hips and thighs. Suppurating pains in hip joint. Knee is painful, as if too sightly bound. Cramp-like tension in the calves. Swelling and redness of the feet. Intolerable carrion-like odor of the feet without sweat, every evening. Offensive foot sweat, with raw mess between the toes. (Sepia.) Cramp in soles of feet. (Sulph.) Soreness of the soles; also burning. Constant violent boring or tearing in the great toes. Ingrowing toe-nails; offensive discharge. Stitching pains in corns; also under toe-nails. GENERALITIES.—Weakness and sense of great debility; wants to lie down. Want of vital warmth (Sepia); even when taking exercise. Sensitive to cold air (Sepia.), takes cold easily. Painful, bruised feeling!over the whole body. Whole side of body on which he lies is painful, as if ulcerating, with chºllèness on uncovering; thirst, and flushes of heat to head. Child slow in learning to walk. Itching and sticking in various parts of body. SKIN.—Small wounds heal with difficulty, and suppurate profusely. (Hep., Graph.) Painful pustular eruptions; at last forming suppurating ulcers. Eczematous or herpetic eruptions. Disposition to boils, boils in various parts. 358 SILICIA. Ulcers, with stinging, stºcking, burning pains; offensive, with ichor and proud flesh. (Ars., Lach., Sulph.) Mild and malignant suppurations of membranous parts. Painless swelling of gland; also with suppuration. SLEEP—Great sleepiness after eating, and in the evening. Restlé88, uneasy sleep. Starting from sleep in fright, with trembling of whole body. Dreams: confused; frightful; of his youth; of past events; anxious; lascivious, with emissions. FEVER.—Constant chilliness, even when exercising or in a warm room. (Puls.) Fever, with violent heat ºn the head. - Frequent flushes of heat, especially in face and head. Fever worse at night. Profuse perspiration at night (Cinch, Sulph. ac., Stan.); sour or offen- sºve. Perspiration on slight exercise. (Sepia.) AGGRAVATION.—During new moon; from motion, at night; in morning; from uncovering the head. AMELIORATION.—From wrapping head; from warmth; in the room. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Slow suppurating processes in general: glands, abscesses, ulcers, felons, boils, carbuncles, cancers, caries, etc. Scrof. ular and rachitic conditions. Dropsy. Emaciation. Diseases of bones; of glands. Necrosis. Ailments from vaccination. Spinal disease. Periostitis. Erysipelas. Eczema. Herpes. Asthma. Tuberculosis. Amenorrhoea. Metrorrhagia. Leucorrhoea. Chlorosis. “Gathered breasts.” Hydrocele. Nocturnal enuresis. Constipation. Haemor- rhoids. Nasal catarrh. Otorrhoea. Affections of cornea, ulcers opacities, etc. CONDITIONs.-Scrofulous children; large bellies, weak ankles, and much sweat about the head. Over-sensitive; imperfectly nourished, not from want of food, but from imperfect assimilation. Compare : Bell., Calc., Carb. v., Fluoric acid, Graph., Hep., Lach., Lyc., Merc., Phos., Phos. ac., Tuls, Rhus, Sep., Sulph., Thuja. After Bell., Bry., Calc. ost., Cina., Graph., Hepar, Ignat., Nit. ae. or Phos., then SPIGELIA. 359 Silicia follows well. After Silicia comes Fluoric ac. or Hepar, Lyc., Lach., Sepia. Complementary to it is Thuja. Antidotes: Camph., Hep., Fluoric ac. Silicia Antidotes : Merc., Sulph. Si’IGELIA. Spigelia anthelmia. Watural Order. Loganiaceae. Common Wame. Pink root. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts especially upon the nerves of animal life and of special sense, and upon the fibrous and mus- cular tissues of the eye and the heart. It produces irritation of the nerves, resulting, in the motor sphere, in spasmodic movements of the facial muscles, subsultus tendinum, and even convulsions; in the sentient nerves to neuralgic pains, especially of the fifth pair, and of the heart, which is the most important action of the drug. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. HEAD.—Vertigo on looking down, as if he would fall. Dullness of the whole head, with pressive pain, within outward, ºn the jorehead. Sensation of a band around the head, especially when stooping. Tearing pains ºn temples and forehead, eastending towards the eyes; worse on motion, and especially on making a false step. Pressing headache, mostly ºn right temple, and involving the eye; worse from motion, moºse, jarring, or stratºning at stool. Feeling as if the head would burst asunder. Periodical headache. Shaking in the brain; worse when moving the head, or stepping hard. (Bell., Hyos., Nux.) Scalp sore, and sensitive to the touch. (Bry., Hiep., Staph., Sil., Sulph.) EYES.–Eyes hurt on motion, as if too large for their orbits. (Plumb., Phos. ac.) Sharp, shooting, cutting pains radiate from the eye, in every direction. Intense pressive pain in eyeballs, especially on turning them. 360 SPIGELIA. I’ains in the eyes, deep in the sockets. Inflammation of the eyes, with red, injected sclerotica. EARS.—Periodical deafness. Otalgia, with pressive pain, as from a plug. FACE.-Prosopalgia, mostly left-sided, with tearing, shooting, burning pains, especially in cheek bones, lower jaw, above the eyebrows, and in the eye- ball; periodical; from morning until sunset; worse at noon, worse from motion or noise. MoUTH.—Toothache; pressing outward; throbbing, tearing and jerking; especially in hollow teeth; aggravated by cold water; cold air; after eating. - Tongue cracked. Stitches in right side of tongue. STOMACH-Pressing in pit of stomach, as from a hard lump. Dull stitches in pit of stomach. ABDOMEN.—Griping in abdomen, as if constricted, with anxiety and diffi- cult breathing. Sharp stitches in the abdomen. ANUS.—Itching and tickling in anus and rectum; ascarides. Boring stitches in perineum. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.--Constriction in chest, with anxiety and difficult breathing. Stitches in the chest; worse from the least movement, or when breath- ing. (Bry, Kali c.) Dyspnoea and suffocating attacks when moving in bed, or raising the arms; must lie on right side, or with head high. HEART AND PULSE.—Palp?tation; violent; visible and audible (Sulph., Thuja, Verat); when bending forward; on sitting down after rising from bed ºn the morning; from deep inspiration or holding the breath ; with ana!?ous oppression of the chest. Stitches in the heart; sometimes synchronous with the pulse. Pulse: weak; irregular; trembling. - LIMBs.—Trembling of the upper limbs. Drawing, tearing pains in limbs and joints. GENERALITIES.—Body painfully sensitive to touch, or jarring. Great weakness, especially mornings. SPONG.I.A. - 361 Chilliness from the slightest motion. AGGRAVATION.—From motion; noise; inspiration; touch; turning the eyes. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Especially useful in neuralgia of the fifth pair of nerves, and in rheumatic and neuralgic affections of the heart. Or. ganic heart disease. Rheumatic ophthalmia. Vermicular affections. Compare : Acon., Actea, Beil., Bry., Calc., Cina., Dig., Kali c., Laur. Lyc., Merc., Phos., Puls., Rhus, Sep., Sulph., Zinc. After Aconite (endocarditis), then Spigelia follows well. After Spig. come Arsen., Dig., Kali carb. (heart symptoms), Actea, Zinc. Antidotes : Aur., Cocc., Camp., Puls. Spig. Antidotes : Merc. SPONGIA. Spongia officinalis. Burnt sponge. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Affects chiefly the larynx, trachea, thyroid gland, heart and testicles, producing irritation, inflam- mation, swelling, and sometimes fibrous exudations; its action upon glandular structures is enlargement and induration, as well as its inflammatory effects upon the larynx and trachea, resemble closely the action of Iodine. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. HEAD.—Dull headache in right side of brain, on coming into warm room, from the open air. Congestion of blood to the head. NOSE.-Fluent coryza, with much sneezing. (Acon., Cepa, Euph.) Dry coryza; nose stopped up. (Alum, Nux, Sep., Sil.) FACE.-Bloated, red or bluish, with anxious expression. MoUTH.—Swelling of the submaxillary glands. THROAT-Thyroid gland swollen and hard, (Iod.) with suffocative attacks at night; stitching pains. STOMACH.-Increased appetite. Bitter taste (Ars., Bry, Nux, Puls.), especially in throat. 362 SPONG.I.A. MALE SEXUAL ORGANS.–Pressive, painful swelling of the testicles. (Clem., Rhod., Staph.) Pinching, bruised, squeezing pain in the testicles. Stitches from testicles into spermatic cord. Spermatic cords swollen and painful. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Hoarseness; voice cracked. Great dryness of the larynx. Bain in the larynx on touching it (Lach., Phos.), and on turning the head. Sensation of obstruction in the largn.c, as from a plug (Lach.), with lmpeded respiration. Incessant cough from low down ºn chest, where there is a sore pain. Cough dry, barking, hollow, crowpy, or wheezing and asthmatic. Dry cough day and night, with burn ºng in the chest. Cough worse from lying with head low; from too warm room; dry, cold winds; better after eating or drinking. Wheezing, whistling, sawing, anxious breathing; worse during inspira- tion, and when lying down. Expectoration yellow, tenacious, hard or slimy, tasting salty. Dyspnoea and great weaknes ºn chest, so she could hardly talk after slight evercºse. (Stan.) Awakens from sleep with suffocative sensation. Burning sore pain in chest and bronchi, with rawness in the throat, when coughing. HEART AND PULSE.--Wºolerºt palpitation of the heart; with pain and gasping respiration; awakens after midnight, with Suffocation, great alarm and anxiety. Pulse full, hard and frequent. NECK.—Painful stiffness of muscles of neck and throat. GENERALITIES.—Extreme exhaustion and heaviness of the body; after slight exertion, with great anxiety, nausea, pale face, and difficult breathing. FEVER.—Feverish heat, with hot, dry skin. Anxious heat, red face, weeping, inconsolable. AGGRAVATION.—At night; lying with head low; in the room; when ascend- ing. STANNUM. 363 AMELIORATION.—When descending; after eating and drinking, especially the cough. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Goitre. Croup. Laryngitis. Laryngismus strid- ulous. Bronchitis. Phthisis. Orchitis. Epididymitis. Organic affections of the heart. Rheumatic endocarditis; valvular ineffi- ciency, etc. Aneurism of aorta. CONDITIONs.—Children and women, especially with light and lax skin and muscles. Compare : Acon., Bell., Bry., Brom., Calc., Con., Dros., Hep., Ig., Iod., Lyc., Merc., Nux, Phos., Puls., Rhus, Sepia, Spig, Sulph. Aconite or Hepar precede Spong, well. After it Brom., Hepar. Antidotes : Camph. STANNUM. Tin. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Aets primarily upon the cerebro- spinal system, giving rise in the motor sphere to profound prostration, as well as paralysis and convulsions, and in the nervous sphere to neuralgic pains. It also acts prominently upon the respiratory organs, producing great weakness, and symptoms resembling those of phthis is pulmonalis. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Great anxiety and restlessness; melancholy and disposition to weep. (Nat. m., Puls., Rhus.) HEAD.—Neuralgic headache; begins lightly and ºncreases gradually to its highest point, and then gradually declines. Constriction and pressure in whole upper part of head, and in fore- head. Painful jerks through left temple, forehead and cerebellum, leaving a dull pressure; worse during rest; better from motion. EYES,-Pustular swelling of left inner canthus, like a lachrymal fistula. Pressive pain in left inner canthus, as from a stye. Agglutination of the lids at night. (Caust., Merc., Sil., Sulph.) FACE.-Face pale and sunken; sickly expression. 364 STANNUM. MoUTH.—Tongue coated with a yellowish mucus. Fetid smell from the mouth. THROAT.—Accumulation of thick, viscid, grayish, bloody mucus in throat; efforts to expel excite vomiting. Extreme dryness and rawness of throat; worse when Swallowing. STOMACH.—Excessive hunger; can not eat enough. Bitter eructations, after eating. (Bry., Cinch., Nux, Puls.) Nausea, especially after a meal, followed by vomiting of bile. (Nux.) Womiting of blood. Heavy pressure in stomach, with Soreness of touch. Cramps in the stomach. ARDOMEN.—Sensation of emptiness in the abdomen. (Ign, Sep.) Abdomen sore, and sensitive to the touch. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.—Hoarseness and roughness in the laryna, with great weakness in the chest. (PhOS.) Great accumulation of mucus in the trachea, easily detached by a slight cough. Scraping cough, with profuse greenish expectoration, of an offens?ve, 81066t- Žsh taste (Can., Carb. v., Sulph., Thuja); worse ºn evening before lying down; producing soveness in trached and chest. Dry cough in the evening, ºn bed, tºll midnight, with scanty €aſpectoration. Short cough from weakness of chest, having a hoarse, weak sound. Constant hacking cough, caused by tickling in the chest, as from IIll!CUIS. Expectoration: yellow, fouliasting (Calc., Sulph.); grayish (Lyc.), thick mucus and blood; greenish, profuse (Sulph.); taste putrid, sweet or salty. Dyspnoea and want of breath on ascending, or from the slightest motion. Dyspnoea in the evening; must loosen the clothing. Sensation of great weakness and emptiness in the chest. Oppression of chest as from constriction, with disposition to take a deep breath, and anxiety. Sensation of great soreness ºn the chest. Sharp cutting stitches in left side of chest. (Kali c.) LIMBS.—Great heaviness and paralytic weakness in arms and legs. STAPHYSAGRIA. 365 Swelling of the hands and feet in the evening. GENERALITIES.—Extreme weakness and prostration ; must sit or lie down continually. Faintness in going down stairs; can go up without difficulty. Reading aloud or talking produces great exhaustion. Pains commence lightly, increase gradually to a very high degree, and decrease again as slowly. Chilliness over the whole body. Profuse debilitating sweat, night and morning (Cinch., Sul, ac., Phos.); with mouldy, putrid smell. (Nux v., Staph.) AGGRAVATION.—From motion; from talking; when descending. AMELIORATION.—From walking; when lying on the back. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Phthisis pulmonalis, also laryngeal phthisis. Bron- chitis. Haemoptysis. Hydrothorax. Hectic fever. Paralysis. Epi- lepsy, Hysteria. Prosopalgia. Vermicular affections. Compare : Ars., Arg., Bell., Bry., Calc., Caust., Cinch., Cuprum, Hell., Lyc., Puls., Phos., Rhus., Sep., Spig., Sulph., Zinc. After Caust, then Stan. follows well. It is complementary to Puls. Antidote : Puls. STAPHY SAG RIA. Delphinium staphysagria. Matural Order. Ranuncu- laceae. Common Mame. Staves Acre. GENERAL ANALysis.--Acts chiefly on the genito-urinary organs, and affects also the cerebrum, the digestive tract, and the skin. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. MIND.— Very peevi sh; throws or pushes things away indignantly. Very sensitive to the least impression; the least word that seems wrong hurts her. (Nux, Plat.) Great indignation about things done by others or by himself; grieves about the consequences. Weakness of memory (Anac., Nux mos., Lach.); especially after sexual excesses or onanism. (Cinch., PhoS. ac.) 366 STAPHYSAGRIA. HEAD.—Sensation of a round ball in forehead, sitting firmly there, even when shaking the head. Pressive, stupefying headache, especially in forehead. Headache, as if the brain was compressed; worse in forehead. Dullness in small spot in middle of forehead. Violent pressing, boring stitches in left half of forehead, from within outward, in the morning. Fine, burning, needle-like stitches, externally on the vertex. Moist, itching, fetid, scurfy eruption on occiput, sides of head, and behind the ears. (Graph., Lyc., Sil, Sulph.) EYES.—Dryness and pressure in the eyeballs and lids. Itching of the margins of the lids. (Sulph.) Inflammation of margins of lids, with nightly agglutination. (Graph., Sulph.) Styes, nodosities, chalazae on the eyelids (Graph.), one after the other, sometimes ulcerating. EARs.-Hardness of hearing, with swelling of the tonsils, especially after the abuse of mercury. NoSE.—Coryza, with ulcerated nostrils. MoUTH.—Painfulness of the sub-maxillary glands, with or without swelling. Teeth turn black, crumble and decay; have black streaks across them. Tearing pains in decayed teeth; worse after eating and chewing; after drinking anything cold, and in the open air; teeth sensitive to touch, especially at night and in the morning. Gums swollen, ulcerating, spongy; bleed when touched. (Merc., Nit. ac., Sil.) Excrescences and painful nodosities on the gums. THROAT.—Dry and rough, with Soreness, when talking and swallowing. ABDOMEN.—A feeling of weakness in the abdomen, as if it would drop. Painful swelling of the inguinal glands. STOOL AND ANU.S.–Smarting, Sore pain in rectum after stool. Itching in the anus, while sitting. Constipation; stool scanty and hard. Loose stools with much flatulence. (Aloe.) URINARY ORGANS.–Frequent urging to urinate, with scanty discharge in a thin stream, or discharge of dark urine, in drops. STAPHYSAGRIA. 367 Burning in the urethra during and after micturition. (Canth., Can. Sat.) After micturition, urging as if the bladder were not emptied, with dribbling of urine. (Caust.) Profuse discharge of watery, pale urine. (Phos. ac.) MALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Sexual desire increased. Seminal emissions, followed by great prostration. (Cinch., Phos. ac.) Pressing pain in left testicle when walking; worse from touch. Soft, moist excrescences on and behind the glans. (Merc., Nit. ac.) FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Painful sensitiveness of the sexual organs, espe- cially when sitting. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Cough, with purulent, yellow expectoration, espe- cially at night. (Phos., Stan., Sulph.) HEART.—Palpitation of the heart from the least motion. NECK AND BACK.—Bainful swelling of the glands of the throat, neck and axillae. Pain in small of back as if broken or sprained; worse at rest; on rising from a seat; turning the body; principally at night and in the morn- ing. (Rhus.) LIMBS.—Drawing, tearing, stitching pains in extremities. Arthritic nodosities on the fingers. Nates ache while sitting. GENERALITIES.—Weakness of the whole body; especially of knees, when walking. In the morning in bed, weary, without sleepiness; limbs sore as if bruised, and as ºf there was no strength ºn them. Weariness and sleepiness after eating; needs to lie down. Pain, swelling and suppuration of the bones and periosteum. Drawing pain here and there in all the muscles of the body, while sitting. General bruised sensation when walking; weary pains as if beaten; can scarcely drag the feet. Sweat, smelling like rotten eggs. SKIN.—Herpes; itching in the evening; burn after scratching. (Ars., Rhus.) Chronic miliary eruption. Painful swelling of glands. 368 STRAMONIUM. SLEEP.-Sleepy all day; awake all night; body aches all over. AGGRAVATION.—At night and in morning; from loss of fluids; sexual excesses; Onanism; from touch. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.--Abuse of Mercury or Thuja. Bad effects of sex- ual excesses or Onanism. Affections of glands and bones. Secondary syphilis. Paralysis. Herpes. Eczema. Polypi. Warts. Arthritis. Scrofulous and scorbutic affections. Incised wounds, after surgical operations. Toothache. Hysteria. Hypochondria. Compare : Ambra, Calc., Caust., Cinch., Cocc., Coff, Coloc., Kreos., Lyc., Merc., Phos. ac., Puls., Thuja, Sulph. Staph. precedes or follows Coloc. Antidotes : Camph. Staph. antidotes: Merc., Thuja. STRAMONIUM. Datura stramonium. Matural Order. Solanaceae. Common Mames. Thorn apple, Jamestown-weed, Stink- weed. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Acts chiefly upon the sensorium, increasing its activity, perverting its function, and giving rise to nausea, delirium and to hallucinations; simulating in kind the action of Belladonna and Hyoscyamus, yet differing in degree. The delirium is more furious, the mania more acute, while the congestion, though greater than in Hyoscyamus, is much less than in Belladonna, never approaching a true inflam- matory condition. Stramonium also produces great dryness of the throat and skin, on the latter causing a fiery red rash, resembling that of Scarlatina. On other portions of the body Stramonium only acts through sympathetic irritation from the brain. In this man- ner it produces dilated pupils, diminished general sensibility, perversion of the special senses, convulsive motions, intense sexual excitement, suppressed urine, etc. - STRAMONIUM. 369 CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Delirium; furious (Bell.); full of fear (Bell., Verat.); tries to escape; struggles to get out of bed (Bell., Op., Rhus); incessant and incoherent talk; laughing (Hyos.); carphologia, seasual excitement. Mania; desire for light and company, attacks of rage, with beating or striking; proud, haughty (Plat.); screaming, biting, 80 ratching, terri- fied; merry, eacaltation, 82ngºng and dancing. Hallucinations which terrify the patient; horrible images; sees strangers, or imagines horrible animals are jumping sideways out of the ground, or running at hºm. Hydrophobia (Bell., Hyos.); eccessive aversion to liquids; water, a mir- ror or anything bright, etcites convulsions; spasmodic constriction of throat, etc. Dullness of all the senses. Alternate exaltation and melancholy. Stupid indifference to everybody and everything. (Phos. ac.) The child on waking is frightened at anything that first meets its eyes; (Bell.); wants to run away from them. Unconscious snoring; jaw hangs down; hands and feet twitch; pupils dilated. Weak memory (Anac., Kreos., Lach.); loses thoughts before she can utter them; calls things by wrong names. HEAD.— Vertigo, can not walk in the dark; falling to the left or backward: reeling as if drunk. Wiolent congestion in the head. Heat in head; pulsation about vertex and in forehead; fainting; loss of sight and hearing; face bloated and turgid. Convulsive movements of the head, mostly to the right side; frequently raising the head up. EYES.—Eyes wide open, 8taring, prominent (Bell., Hyos., Op.); brilliant, contorted. Pupils dilated (Bell., Hyos., Op.); sometimes immovable, and insensible to light. Conjunctiva injected; as if the vessels were filled with dirty liquid. Total blindness, transient. Light dazzles; shuns the light; bright light or brilliant objects cause convulsions. 24 370 STRAMONIUM. Double vision; sees obliquely. EARS.—Hardness of hearing. FACE.-Face, hot, red and bloated; eyes wild (Bell.); expression of terror. Twitching in muscles of face; frowns on forehead. MoUTH.—Tongue: swollen, stiff, dry, moved with difficulty. Stammerčng, or entirely speechless. Great dryness of mouth and fauces. Dribbling of glairy saliva, from the mouth. THROAT.—Difficult deglutition, from spasmodic constriction of the throat. (Bell., Hyos., Laur., Plumb., Verat.) Great dryness of the throat. STOMACH.— Violent thirst ; especially for acid drinks. (Bry., Dig, Pulb.) STOOL AND URINE.—Suppression of both stool and wrine. Constipation. Urine dribbles away slowly and feebly. (Caust, Gels.) Involuntary urination. (Bell., Hyos., Op.) SExUAI, ORGANs.-Exalted sexual desire in both sexes; in females, nymph- omania. (Canih, Plat.) Q RESPIRATORY ORGANS.— Voice : hoarse and croaking, high, fine, squeaking; ??vdºstinct. Difficult, hurried respiration. Great sense of suffocation, from constriction of the chest. HEART AND PULSE.-Palpitation. Pulse: rapid, full, strong; soft, feeble, frequent. LIMBs.—Convulsive motions of hands and arms; carphologia. Twitching of the hands and feet. Twitching of the tendons. Trembling of the limbs. GENERALITIES.—Suppression of all Secretºons and eſcoretions. Trembling of the whole body, as ºf from fright. Frequent twitchings; sudden jerks through the body. Convulsions : from the sight of bright, dazzling objects; from water, touch, or being spoken to. - Choreaic convulsions. (Agar, Act, Cic., Hyos., Ign., Laur.) Constant, restle88 novements of the limbs and whole body, SULPHUR. 371 SKIN.—Intense scarlet red rash over the whole body. (Bell., Rhus.) SLEEP.—Snoring; deep sleep. (Laur., Op.) Restless sleep, with tossing about, twitching and screaming. FEvK.R.—Coldness of the whole body, especially the limbs. During chill head is hot; don't want to be covered. Hot, red face, with cold feet. Violent fever; skin dry and burning hot, especially head and face. Cold sweat over the whole body. (Ant. tart., Ars., Cup., Dig., Verat.) AGGRAVATION.—When alone; in the dark; from being touched; from look- ing at glistening objects; when attempting to swallow, especially liquids. AMELIORATION.—In the house; from light and company. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Acute mania. Delirium tremens. Hydrophobia. Nymphomania. Convulsions. Epilepsy. Chorea. Hysteria. Cat- alepsy. Spasmodic affections from fright. Coxalgia. Paralysis. Ailments from the vapor of mercury. Scarlatina. Measles. Sup- pressed eruptions. Whooping cough. CONDITIONS.—Especially in children, and in young plethoric persons. Compare : Agar., Ars., Bry., Bell., Cham., Can. ind., Hyos., Ign., Lyc., Nux v., Op., Plumb., Puls., Sulph., Verat. It follows Bell. well in whooping cough. After it in menorrhagia, with delirium, Secale. Antidotes : Bell., Hyos., Nua. v. To large doses: Lemon juice; vinegar; tobacco; injections. Stram. antidotes : Merc., Plumb. Gº SULPHUR. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts especially on the ganglionic nervous system, affecting primarily the venous capillary sys- tem, and through it affecting profoundly the entire vegetative sphere, penetrating deeply every recess of the human body. Precisely how this mighty agent operates, and exactly the channels through which it produces its wonderful changes in organic and functional life, may not be definitely known, yet the effects of these operations are ever before us, and offer 372 - SULPEIUR. conclusive evidence as to the character of the remedy, in its general constitutional action, tainting the system, as it does, with a chronic miasma, peculiar to itself, yet simulating a vast array of pathological states which have, for their peculiar ex- pression, some character of cutaneous eruption. Thus, as we have indicated, the chief local action of Sulphur is found to be upon the skin, producing various forms of eruption, papular, vesicular, pustular and herpetic, its most noted action being an itching, vesicular formation, holding a marked resemblance to scabies or itch, and other kindred affections of the skin. Sulphnr also affects particularly the lymphatic gland- ular system; the mucous membranes, especially of the eyes, bronchi, urethra and rectum, and the portal system, especially the haemorrhoidal vessels. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Melancholy, sad, despondent inclined to weep. (Ars., Aur., Nat. m., Puls., Plat.) Peevish, irritable; fretful; ill-humored; quarrelsome. (Bry., Cham., JNua.) Indolence of mind and body; indisposed to anything—work, talk, pleasure or motion. (Nux v., Phos. ac.) Great anaciety and apprehension ºn the evening. (Calc. OS.) Great tendency to religious and philosophical speculations. Uneasiness and involuntary haste in everything. Weak memory (Anac., Kreos., Lach., Nux m.), particularly for names. Mental distraction; can not think, or fix his mind on any subject. (Calc., Gels., Nat. m., Phos. ac., Sepia.) HEAD.—Great confusion of the head, with dizziness; with aching, as ºf a band were tied tight around the forehead. (Merc., Puls., Spig.) Vertigo : while walking in the open air; when stooping; when rising from a seat (Bell., Bry., Puls.); when crossing a stream; with nose- bleed, mornings. (Bell., Bry.) Heaviness, fullness, and pressure ºn the forehead. Rush of blood to the head; with pulsation, heat, and pressure in the brain. (Acon., Bell.) - Pre38?ve headache, especially in temples, ºn the morning, after rösöng. SULPHUR. 373 Pain as if the brain were beating against the skull, especially when nod. ding, or moving the head. (Nux m., Sil, Spig.) Every step is felt painfully in the head. Stitches in the head and out of the eyes. Tearing, tensive, jerking or hammering pains in the head. Heavy, pressive frontal headache, especially in the morning. (Nux v.) Headache as from a board in front of the head. Pré88?ve headache ºn vertea, as from a weight on top of the brain. (Aloe.) Scalp, especially the vertea, painfully sensºtive to touch. (Carb. veg., Cinch., Merc., Nit. ac., Nat. m.) Profuse falling out of the hair. (Graph., Hep., Lyc., Merc., Phos., Sep.) Roots of hair painful, especially to touch. (Cinch., Fer., Verat.) Violent itching of the scalp. (Graph., Sep.) Painful, inflamed, itching pimples on scalp and forehead. (Hep., Sep., Sil.) Humid, offensive eruption, with thick pus, yellow crusts, itching, bleeding and burning. (Ars., Graph., Hep., Merc., Sil., Sulph.) EYES.–Inflammation of eyes or lids, with swelling, redness of conjunctiva, and much itching, burning and 8weating. Burning and rubbing dry sensation beneath the lids, as if sand were in them. (Caust., Cinch., Euph.) Dryness of the eyes in the room; lachryma tion in the open air. (Phos. Puls.) Agglutination of the lids at night. (Calc., Lyc., Merc., Phos., Puls.) Shooting pains in the eyes, and cutting stitches as from a knife, especially in right eye. Pustules and ulcers on and around the cornea (Lach., Merc., Sil.), with redness of the eye, photophobia and lachrymation. Ulceration of the margins of the lids. (Euph., Merc., Nat. m.) Great sensitiveness of the eyes to the light of the sun. (Bell., Calc., Euph., Ign., Puls.) Dimness of vision, as of a veil before the eyes. (Croc., Pet., Phos.) Dark points and spots floating before the eyes. (Agar., Merc., Phos., Sep., Sil.) Flickering before the eyes. EARs.—Pressure and pain in the ear when swallowing. 374 SULPHUR. Sharp, shooting or drawing pains in ear, sometimes extending to throat and head. Stitches in left ear. Itching in the ears. Ringing and roaring in the ears. (Cinch, Sil.) Hardness of hearing. (Caust, Phos.) NoSE.—Nose swollen, red and inflamed. (Aur., Bell., Calc.) Violent fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing. (Acon, Cepa, Kreos.) Burning coryza in the open air; stopped up when in the room. (Thuja.) Bloody mucous discharge when blowing the nose. Profuse secretion of thick, yellow, purulent mucus. (Calc., Hydr.) Offensive odor of nasal mucus, as of an old catarrh. * Dryness of the nose. Itching and burning ºn the nostrºls, as if sore. FACE.—Paleness of face, and expression of great suffering. Eyes sunken, and blue rings around them. (Cinch., Phos., Sec., Staph.) Heat and burning in the face, with dark, red face, or circumscribed red cheeks. (Bapt.) Pressure and tearing pains in malar bone. Black comedones on face, especially on forehead, nose, upper lip, and chin. Swelling of the lips, especially upper lip. (Bell., Calc.) Dryness of the lips. Painful eruptions around the chin. Herpes at the corners of the mouth. (Ars., Nat. m.) Painful glandular swelling of the lower jaw; drawing, jerking pains. MOUTH.—Drawing, throbbing or boring toothache; in the open air, or in slightest draft of air; from cold water; in the evening and night. Swelling of the gums, with throbbing pain. Taste: bitter; (Bry, Nux v., Puls., Merc., Verat.); pasty; offensive; Sweetēsh; metallic (Nat. Im., Rhus); Žn mornings. Tongue coated white, with red tip and borders (mostly in acute diseases). Blisters on the tongue and in the mouth. Great dryness of the mouth, tongue and palate, with much thirst. Mouth dry, insipid, and sticky in the morning. SULPHUR. 375 Fetid or sour smell from the mouth, especially in mornings and after eating. - Accumulation of saliva in mouth; bloody (Merc., Nux V.), or salty. (Phos.) THROAT.—Roughness, rawness and dryness of the throat. Scraping ºn throat; hawking and clearing throat. Sore throat, with great burning and dryness; soreness begins on right side, and goes to left. Stitches in throat when swallowing. (Arn., Bell., Nux v.) A hard ball seems to rise in the throat, and to close the pharynx, and take away the breath. (Plumb) Painful contraction of the throat when swallowing. Burning up into the throat, with sour eructations. Stitches and swelling in parotid and submaxillary glands. STOMACH.—Eaccessive, ravenous hunger; must eat frequently. Complete loss of appetite. Constant thirst; thirst for beer. (Nux v.) Milk disagrees, and causes much distress. (Nit, ac., Nux v.) Water-brash, mornings, or after meals. (Nux v.) Sour or empty eructations, especially after meals, or in morning. (Bry., Calc., Carb. v., Merc., Nux v., Phos.) Nausea and qualmishness, mornings; before meals; during stool. (Calc., Nux v., Phos., Sep., Sil.) Womiting of food or acid substances, mornings, evenings, or after meals. Feeling of fullness in stomach after eating but little. (Lyc.) Empty, gone, faint feeling about 11 A.M. Burning in the stomach. (Ars.) Pressure and heaviness in the stomach, also after eating. (Ars., Bry., Nux v., Puls.) Stitches in stomach and pit of stomach. ABDOMEN.—Stitches, or dull, pressing pain in region of liver. Swelling and induration of the liver. Soreness in both hypochondria, which are sensitive to the touch, morn- IngS. Stitches in region of spleen; in left side of abdomen, on deep breathing. 376 SULPHUR. Grºping pains about the navel, relieved by emission of flatus. Tension and pressure in the umbilical region. Distension of the abdomen. Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen. (Aloe, Lyc., Zinc.) Fullness and tension ºn abdomen, as from incarcerated flatulence. Emission of much flatus, smelling of rotten eggs. (Arn.) Colic and griping in abdomen, relieved by bending double. (Coloc.) Pressure downwards in abdomen, towards anus. Painful sensitiveness of the abdomen to touch. (Bell., Nux v.) STOOL AND ANU.S.—Burning and pressure in rectum during a stool; burn- *ng in amºus after a stool. Wºolent Stitches and crawling in rectum, especially in evening. Violent itching in rectum and anus. (Nux, Sil.) Frequent ineffectual urging to stool. (Caust., Lyc., Nux v.) Moist, blind or bleeding haemorrhoids. (Nux, Phos., Puls.) Diarrhaea some hours after midnight, or drºving out of bed early in the 7morning. (Aloe, Rumex, Podo.) Dysenteric stools, with colic, straining and violent tenesmus (Merc., Nux v.); especially at night. Stools: watery; frothy, green or bloody mucus; pappy, greenish-yellow; jetëd slimy, excoriating; involuntary. Constipation; stools hard as if burnt (Bry.); scanty, difficult and insuf- ficient. (Lyc., Nux.) URINARY ORGANs.--Retention of urine. Frequent and sudden desire to wrinate, especially at night, with copious discharge. Nocturnal enuresis. (Cham., Ign., Puls.) Burning in the urethra, also while urinating. (Canth., Can. S.) Stitches and shooting pains in the urethra. Itching in the urethra. Stream intermits, or is thinner than usual. Urine: twrbőd (Lach.); reddish; offensive; excoriating. (Merc.) MALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Involuntary emissions. (Calc., Phos. ac., Sep., Sil.) Coldness of penis; seasual powers much weakened. (Agnus, Caps.) Increased 863;ual power. SULPHUR, 377 Inflammation and swelling, with redness and burning of the prepuce, with phymosis. Stitches in the penis. Itching in the glans penis. Testicles relaxed; hanging down. (Nit. ac.) Offensive sweat around the genitals. Soreness and moisture of the scrotum. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.–Menses too early; too profuse, but of too short duration, too late; suppressed. (Actea, Puls.) Menstrual blood thick, dark and excoriating. During menses: headache, nose-bleed (Bry., Ham.); pressure in pit of stomach. Before menses: headache. Profuse, yellowish, corrosive leucorrhoea. (Sepia.) Burning in the vagina; is scarcely able to keep still. Troublesome itching of the genitals, with papular eruption around them. (Merc., Sepia.) Erysipelatous inflammation of mammae; they are red, hot, hard, with red rays extending from nipple, and stitching pains. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.– Voice rough and hoarse, especially mornings; aphonia. (Carb. veg., Caust., Phos.) Roughness and scraping in throat, with much mucus in the chest; causes cough. Shortness of breath from talking (Dros., Kali b., Puls.), or when walk- ing. Dyspnoea ; oppression and ana!?ety. Attacks of suffocation, especially at night, in bed; wants doors and windows open. Dry cough in the evening in bed, or waking from sleep, at night. Dry cough, with hoarseness, dryness in the throat and watery coryza. Short, dry, violent cough, with pain in the sternum, or with stitches in the chest. Cough caused by rawness ºn the laryna. Congestion of blood to the chest. Weakness of the chest when talking (Phos., Stan.); also in evening when lying down. Pain in the chest as if sprained. Sensation of constriction in chest. 378 SULPHUR. Tightness in chest as if something had grown fast. Stitches in chest, eatending to back, or to left scapula (Kali c., Merc., Sil.); worse from breathing; from motion, and when lying on the back. Burning in the chest, rising to the face. HEART AND PULSE.-Palpitation of the heart ; with amazety (Spig.); at night; in bed; when ascending. Pulse full, hard, and accelerated. (Acon., Bell.) NECK AND BACK.—Stiffness in neck or back. Cracking in the cervical vertebrae, especially on bending head back- ward. Drawing tension, and stitches in nape of neck. Tensive pain between the scapula, on motion, and when lying down. Pain in back as if sprained. Violent bruised pain in small of back, and in the coccyx; especially when stooping or rising from a seat. Stitches in the shoulder blades, back and small of back. LIMBS.—Weakness and trembling of the limbs, especially hands and feet. Limbs “go to sleep,” especially when lying down. Bruised feeling, and drawing, tearing pain in the limbs. UPPER LIMBS.–Rheumatic, drawing, tearing pains in shoulders (left), arms and fingers. Sensation of weakness and weariness in upper arms. Very disgusting, offensive sweat in the avillae. Great burning in the palms of the hands. Skin of the hands, hard, dry and cracked. Hang-nails. Thick red chilblains on-fingers. Numbness of the fingers. LowLF LIMBS.–Weakness and heaviness of the limbs when walking. Violent shooting pains in hip joint; worse from touch or motion; can not rise from bed. Cramp-like, tensive pain in muscles of thigh. Stöffness of the knee and ankle joints. Tension ºn hollow of knees, as if contracted, on stepping. Stºcking ºn the knee and tibia. SULPHUR. t 379 Cramps in the calves of the legs and soles of the feet, principally at night. (Calc, Camph., Nux, Sil.) Burning in the soles; wants them uncovered. (Puls., Sil.) Corns, with aching and sticking pains. Coldness of the feet, especially the soles. GENERALITIES.—Eatreme emaciation. Great debility and trembling; weariness and prostration. Sensitive to the open air; inclined to take cold. Unsteady gait; tremor of hands. Can not walk erect; stoop-shouldered. Standing is the most disagreeable position. Child dislikes to be washed and bathed. (Ant. c.) SKIN.—Voluptuous itching and tânglºng, with burning and soreness after scratch?ng. Ves?cular and herpetic eruptions, with much itching and burning. (Crot. t., Merc., Rhus.) Itching, worse from the warmth of the bed. (Merc.) Slight cuts and injuries inflame and suppurate. (Hep., Graph.) Soreness in the folds of the skin. (Graph., Lyc., Merc.) Ulcers, with raised, swollen edges, bleeding easily; surrounded with pimp les, and discharging fetid pus. SLEEP.-Irresistible sleep?ness during the day; wakefulness the whole night. Restless sleep, with frequent waking. Violent starting on falling asleep. (Bell.) Vivid, frightful, ana!?ous dreams. FEveR.—Chilliness every evening in bed, followed by heat, and profuse perspiration. Frequent internal chilliness, without thirst. Chill creeping up the back. Chill and fever; no reaction; constantly sinking. Heat in afternoon or evening, with dry skin, and excessive thirst. Frequent flushes of heat, sometimes ending with a little moisture and faintness. Morning sweat; setting in after waking. Profuse night sweat. (Cinch., Sulph. 8c.) Perspiration from the least exertion. 380 SULPHURICUM ACIDUM. AGGRAVATION.—In evening, or after midnight; from warmth of bed; during rest; when standing; from touch; from washing or bathing; in the open air. AMELIORATION.—During motion. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Scrofulous and rachitic complaints. Sufferings from abuse of Mercury or Cinchona, and metals generally. Scabies. Vesicular, herpetic and pustular affections of the skin. Ulcers. Abscesses. Erysipelas. Inflammation, swelling and suppuration of glands. Dropsy. Rheumatism. Gout. Epilepsy. Ophthalmia. Catarrhal affections. Gastric and herpetic disorders. Diarrhoea. Constipation. Haemorrhoids. Asthma. Whooping cough. Pneu- monia. Phthisis. Amenorrhoea. Dysmenorrhoea. Leucorrhoea. Chlorosis. Phymosis. Gonorrhoea. Bilious, typhus and hectic fevers. Frequently serves to rouse the reactive power of the system, when the carefully selected remedies have failed to produce a favorable effect, especially in acute disease. CoNDITIONS.–Especially suitable for lean, stoop-shouldered persons. Compare : Ars., Bell., Calc., Cinch., Iod., Lyc., Merc., Nit. ac., Nux vom. Puls., Rhus, Sep., Sil. Antidotes : Acon., Camph., Cham., Cinch., Merc., Puls., Rhus, Sepia. Sulphur Antidotes : Cinch., Iod., Merc., Nit. ac., Rhus, Sepia. SULPHURICUM ACIDUM. Sulphuric acid. He SO4. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Acts especially upon mucous tis- sues, particularly of the alimentary canal and the respiratory tract, and upon the skin, though, owing to its chemical action, its dynamic physiological effects are but little understood. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. MIND.—Fretful, ill-humored, peevish. (Cham.) Impatient; must do everything in a hurry. HEAD.—Sensation in the forehead as if the brain were loose, and falling SULPHURICUM ACIDUM. 381 from side to side (Glon., Hyos.); worse when walking in the open air; better when sitting quiet in the room. Painful shocks in the forehead and temples; worse in the forenoon and evening. Gradually increasing, and suddenly ceasing headache. EYES.—Sensation of a foreign body in right outercanthus, in the morning when walking. Chronic inflammation of the eyes. EARS.—Hardness of hearing. (Calc., Sulph.) NoSE.-Dry coryza, with loss of smell and taste. (Puls.) FACE.-Face deadly pale. Face feels as though the white of an egg had dried on it. (Alum.) MoUTH.—Breathing very offensive. Pain from submaxillary glands into tongue; tongue feels burnt. Aphtha in the mouth. Mucous membrane of palate and pharynx swollen, injected and ulcer- ated. THROAT.—Throat swollen, as if a lump were in it; sensitive; impeded, deglutition. (Bell.) Rawness in the throat. Swelling and inflammation of the submaxillary glands. STOMACH.-Sour eructations. Violent hiccough. Vomiting, of drunkards. Every drink chills the stomach, unless some spirit is mixed with it. ABDOMEN.—Weak feeling in the abdomen, as if the menses would appear. Violent protrusion of an inguinal hernia. STOOL-Chronic soft stool. Soft stool, followed by a sensation of emptiness in the abdomen. Stool as if chopped; saffron-yellow, stringy and slimy, in children. Stool: soft, pasty; yellowish-white; partly solid; partly liquid, with much thin mucus and streaks of blood; watery; very offensive. URINARY ORGANs.—Pain in bladder, as if the call to urinate is postponed. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.-Menses too early and too profuse. (Calc. Nux v.) Leucorrhoea, acrid or burning, or like milk. (Puls.) *s- 382 TABACUM. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.—Hoarseness, with roughness in throat and larynx. Shortness of breath. Cough from irritation in the chest, with expectoration in the morning, of dark blood, or of a thin, yellow, blood-streaked mucus, of a sour- ish taste. Belching after the cough. Cough, with haemoptysis. GENERALITIES.–Faitreme weakness and eachaustãon, with sensation of tremor all over the body, without trembling. Pains appear gradually, and cease suddenly, Haemorrhages of black blood from all the outlets of the body. SKIN.—Blue spots like ecchymoses. Gangrenous tendency after a bruise. SLEEP.-Falls asleep late, and awakes early. FEVER.—Chilliness, worse in-doors; better out-doors; when exercising. Profuse perspiration with great debility; also at night. AGGRAVATION.—In open air; after dinner; in cold, wet weather. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Bad effects from mechanical injuries, bruises, chafing, etc. General debility. Hectic fever. Haemoptysis. Phthisis. Haemorrhages. Diarrhoea. Aphtha. Acidity of stomach. Hiccough. Typhus fever. Ophthalmia. CONDITIONS.–In old people, particularly women. Light-haired people. In climateric years, flushes of heat. Compare : Mineral acids. Arn., Dig., Puls. Antidote : Puls. Sulph. ac, Antidotes : Bad effects of lead water. TABACUM. Nicotiana tabacum. Mažural Order. Solanaceae. Common Mame. Tobacco. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts especially upon the pneumo- gastric nerve and the medulla oblongata, producing complete relaxation and paralysis of the muscular system. Its chief TABACUM. 383 characteristic is a deathly nausea, accompanied by pallor, ver- tigo, cold sweat and intermittent pulse. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. MIND.—Anxiety; better after weeping. HEAD.—Vertigo, with qualmishness of the stomach; worse in-doors; better in the open air. Heaviness of the head. FACE.-Death-like paleness of the face, with sick stomach. (Ant. tart., Ars., Ipec.) Face pale, collapsed; covered with cold sweat. (Verat.) Violent tearing in facial bones and teeth. MoUTH.—Frothing from the mouth. Profuse salivation. Accumulation of white tenacious mucus in mouth and throat, which nvust be frequently eaſpectorated. STOMACH.-Great thirst. Qualmºshness, nausea and vomiting; worse on motion. Deathly nausea, with vertigo, in paroxysms; body covered with cold 810éat, sea-8ickness. Feeling of coldness in the stomach, with nausea. Sönlºng at pit of stomach; sensation of relaxation. ABDOMEN.—Painful retraction of the navel; contraction of the abdominal muscles. (Plumb.) Incarcerated hernia. STOOL-Violent pain in small of back during soft stool, with tenesmus and burning. Diarrhoea, yellowish-green, or greenish, slimy stools. Cholera-like stools. (Camph., Cupr., Verat.) RESPIRATORY ORGANs.--Difficult respiration. Violent constriction of the chest. Hiccough after every paroxysm of whooping cough. HEART AND PULSE.-Violent palpitation. Paroxysms of praecordial oppression, at night, with palpitalion and pain between the shoulders. Pulse: very feeble, soft and slow; imperceptible, small, intermittent. 384 TEREBIN THINA. GENERALITIES.—Great weakness and debility. FEVER.—Icy coldness from knees to toes. Body warm; hands and legs icy cold. Cold sweat on hands, forehead and face. (Werat.) Cold, clammy sweat. (Ant. tart., Ars., Cupr., Tereb., Verat.) THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Nervous diseases and heart affections, accompanied by deathly nausea. Sea sickness. Cholera. Incarcerated hernia. Asthma. Asphyxia. Compare : Ant, tart., Bell., Dig., Ipec., Lobelia, Nux, Op., Stram., Werat. Antidotes : Ars., Cham., Ipec., Nux v., Ign., Puls. Tabacum Antidotes : Cicuta, Stram. TEREBIN THINA. Oil of Turpentine. GENERAL ANALYSIs.—The chief action of turpentine is upon the kidneys, where it produces irritation, congestion and inflammation, together with haematuria and albuminuria. It also affects to some extent all mucous surfaces, producing a tendency to congestion and catarrhal inflammation, but more especially does it act upon the mucous lining of the bladder and urethra, giving rise to inflammation and strangury. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Stupefaction; comatose condition (uraemia). (Bell., Op.) HEAD.—Headache; intense pressure and fullness of the head. NOSE.-Violent nose-bleed. FACE.-Pale, earthy color of the face. (Ars.) MoUTH.—Tongue red, smooth and glossy, as if deprived of papillae. STOMACH.—Loss of appetite. Womiting of mucus. ABDom EN.—Excessive distension of the abdomen, meteorism; colic. STOOL.—Stools of mucus and water; worse in the morning. Intestinal catarrh and diarrhoea, with nephritis. TEIUJA. 385 URINARY ORGANs-Heaviness and pressure in region of kidneys. Violent, burning, drawing pains in region of kidneys. Distressing strangury, followed by soreness. (Canth., Can. Sat.) Urine scanty and bloody. (Arn., Cann., Canth., Merc., Mez., Nux v., Phos., Sulph.) Urine having the odor of violets. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Difficult respiration, as if from congestion of the lungs. Great dryness of the mucous membranes of the air passages. PULSE.-Quick, small, thready, almost imperceptible. GENERALITIEs—Great prostration. Occasional subsultus. Cold, clammy perspiration all over the body. (Tabac., Verat.) THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Nephritis. Bright's disease. Haematuria. Cystitis. TJrethritis. Gonorrhoea. Intestinal haemorrhages and ulcerations. Worms. Diarrhoea. Dropsy. Emaciation. Compare: Canth., Copabia. Antidotes : Phosphorus. THUJA. Thuja occidentalis. Watural Order. Coniferae. Common Wame. Arbor vitae. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts chiefly upon the genito-urinary organs, the anus and the skin, producing irritation, changing the secretions to an acrid, corroding character, and causing a tendency to dissolution of fluids, and destruction of tissues. As Sulphur is to psora and Mercury to the syphilitic poison, so is Thuja to that intermediate condition, designated by Hahnemann as sycosis, its chief characteristic action being the formation of wart-like excrescences upon mucous and cutaneous surfaces, resembling the fig warts and condylomata, which characterize the sycotic poison. 25 386 THUJA. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Very ill-humored and depressed; disposed to weep. (Aur., Puls., Kreos., Rhus.) Discontented; peevish ; obstinate. (Bry, Nux v.) Loathing of life. Can not think; talks slowly, as if hunting for words. Makes mistakes in writing and talking; uses wrong words, or omits words and syllables. Indisposition to mental labor. (Cinch, Phos. ac., Nux v.) Forgetfulness. (Anac., Nux m.) Fixed idea of a living animal in the abdomen. HEAD.—Dull confusion in the head. Wertigo on closing the eyes. Headache in morning; at one time feeling as if the head were forced asunder at the malar bone and upper jaw; at another time in vertex as if pierced by a nail, at another time in forehead, as if it would fall out; relieved by walking in the open air. Tearing in forehead, temples and occiput; worse at night, and on lying down. Boring, stitching pains in the temples, forehead, and over the eyes. Pain in left frontal eminence, and in right side of head, as if a nail were driven ºn. Hair becomes hard, dry, lustreless, and;falls out. Scalp very sensitive to the touch. (Cinch., Merc., Nat. m., Nit. ac., Sulph.) EYES.—Sclerotica inflamed and red, like blood. Pressure and dryness in the eyes, as if sand were in them. (Caust., Euph., Sulph.) Violent burning and stinging in the eyes and lids. Inflammatory swelling of the eyelids, with hardness. Nocturnal agglutination of the eyelids. (Calc., Caust., Euph., Sulph.) Dimness of vision as if a mist or veil were before the eyes. (Croc., Caust., Phos., Pet.) Flickering before the eyes; flames of light, like fire-flies. (Cycl.) NOSE,-Painful ulceration and scabs in the nostrils. Swelling in wings of nose, with hardness and tension. THUJA. 387 Red, itching eruption on wings of nose, at times humid. Discharge of offensive, purulent mucus from the nose. Dry coryza; nose very dry and stopped; worse evenings. Painful pressure at the root of the nose. FACE.-Boring and digging pains in face and cheek bones; relieved by touch. Jerking sensation in upper lip, near corner of mouth. MoUTH.—The teeth become dirty-yellow, and sore. Painful ulcers and vesicles on the tongue. Tongue swollen and sore; tip of tongue painfully sore to the touch. Ranula bluish; surrounded by varicose veins. Aphtha : ulcers; mouth feels as if burnt. THROAT.—Much tenacious mucus in throat; hawked up with difficulty. (Kali b.) STOMACH.-Loss of appetite. Increased thirst, especially at night. ABDOMEN.—Abdomen enlarged and puffed; protrudes here and there as from the arm of a foetus; movements and sensation as ºf something were alève, without pain. Abdomen much enlarged after eating. Abdomen distended by flatulence; much rumbling and croaking, as if an animal were crying in the abdomen. Painful swelling of inguinal glands. STOOL AND ANU.S.–Condylomata about the anus. (Euph., Merc. cor.) Painful contraction of anus during an evacuation. Anus sore, and very sensitive. (Sulph.) Haemorrhoids, painful to the slightest touch. Painful stitches in the anus. Pressing and burning in the haemorrhoidal vessels. Itching in the anus. (Sulph.) Diarrhoea daily, in the morning (Aloe, Rumex, Sulph.), after breakfast; at times painless; at times with colic. Stool bright yellow, watery; expelled forcibly, with much noisy flatus; gurgling, as water from a bung hole. Constipation. URINARY ORGANS.–Frequent urging to urinate, with profuse emission. 388 THUJA. After urination sensation as if a few drops were running down the urethra. Burning in the urethra during emission of urine. Urine: Scanty, dark, colored, profuse, watery. Gonorrhoea: orifice of urethra agglutinated by mucus; yellow-green discharge. (Hyd.) MALE SEXUAL ORGANS.–Sycotic, moist eacrescences on the prepuce and glans. (Nit, ac., Cinn., Lyc., Merc. cor., Sulph.) Swelling of the prepuce. Itching in the glans and prepuce. Nightly painful erections. Profuse sweat about the genitals, especially on scrotum and perinaeum. (Merc. cor., Sep., Sulph.) FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Sycotic excrescences; moist, bleeding and offen- sive. (Nit. ac., Sulph.) Biting and itching in the genitals. Mucous leucorrhoea. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.–Shortness of breath. Asthma. HEART.-Visible palpitation, without anxiety. BACK.—Painful drawing in sacrum, coccyx and thighs, while sitting; after long sitting prevents standing erect. LIMBS.--Nails crippled; brittle or soft. Hang-nails. Trembling of the hands and feet. LOWER LIMBS.—Painful laxity in both hip-joints, as if the capsules were weak and relaxed. Perspiration on the feet. (Sil., Sulph.) SKIN.—Wart-shaped eacrescences here and there, especially on hands and gen- itals. (Merc. cor., Cinn., Nit. ac., Lyc., Sulph.) SLEEP.-Persistent sleeplessness. Troublesome, anxious dreams, when sleeping on the left side. SweAT.—Profuse night sweat, staining the clothes yellow, as if saturated with oil. AGGRAVATION.—In morning and forenoon; after 3 P. M. During rest; from heat of the bed; from spirituous liquors; from tobacco. VERATRUM ALBUM. 389 AMELIORATION.—In the open air; from warmth. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Sycotic affections (condylomata, etc.). Syphilitic herpes, and obstinate chancres. Gonorrhoea. Warts. Ranula. Aphtha. Prosopalgia. Asthma. CoNDITIONS.–Especially useful in persons of a lymphatic temperament; people with dark complexion, black hair, dry fibre, and not very fat. Compare : Canth., Cop., Merc., Nit. ac., Puls., Staph., Sulph. Antidotes : Cham., Camph., Merc., Puls., Sulph. Thuja Antidotes : Abuse of tea; Merc. iod., Nux wom., Sulph. WERATRUM ALBUM. Matural Order. Liliaceae. Common Wame. White Hellebore. GENERAL ANALYSIS.–Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, Veratrum acts especially upon the system of nutrition, affecting profoundly the entire vegetative sphere. The blood be- comes disorganized, and separated into its constituent elements, the circulation is embarrassed, and as a result general torpor of the vegetative system occurs, giving rise to a true choleraic con- dition, general coldness, prostration, collapse, copious watery vomiting and purging, spasmodic colic and profuse cold, clam- my perspiration. It also affects, but to a less degree, the sen- sorium, causing excitation of the cerebral nerve centres, re- sulting in delirium and mania. It also produces exhaustion of nerve power, even to complete extinction. The chief feat- ure of Veratrum is the choleraic condition above described. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Mania; persistent raging, with desire to cut and tear, especially clothes (Bell., Stram.); with inconsolable weeping, howling, and scream- ing over some fancied misfortune. Delirium; talks about religious things (Ars., Aur.); praying, cursing and howling all night; loguacious. 390 VERATRUM ALBUM. Disposed to talk about the faults of others, or silent; but if irritated, scolding, calling names. Despair about his position in society; feels very unlucky. Depression of spirits; despondency and discouragement. Anxiety and apprehension, as after committing a great crime. (Merc.) HEAD.—Wertigo, with cold perspiration on the forehead. (Tabac.) Congestion to the head when stooping. Paroxysms of headache, as if the brain were bruised or torn, with pres- SUITé. Dull pressure on vertex. Coldness on the vertex as if ice were lying there. Painful sensitiveness of the hair. (Cinch., Fer., Sulph.) EYEs.—Eyes distorted, protruding (Bell., Stram.); fixed, sunken, lustreless; surrounded by blue or black rings. (Cinch., Phos., Sec., Staph., Sulph.) Eaccessive dryness of the lids. Pupils contracted. NoSE.—Nose grows more pointed; seems to be longer; face cold and Sunken. (Ars., Camph., Cupr.) Epistaxis. FACE.-Face pale, cold, sunken, hippocratic; more pointed, face bluish. (Ars., Camph., Cupr.) Face is red while lying in bed, but becomes pale on rising. (Acon.) Heat and burning of the cheeks. Cold perspiration on face, especially on forehead. Stiffness of the masseter muscles. Lockjaw. MoUTH.—Tongue: cold (Carb. v.); dry, blackish, cracked (Ars.); red and swollen. (Bell, Rhus.) Dryness of the mouth and palate. Much flow of saliva from the mouth, like water-brash. Biting taste as from peppermint, in the mouth. • THROAT.—Throat dry and burning. Scraping in the throat. STOMACH.—Violent hunger; craves fruit, juicy, acid things (Ant. tart., Bry., Phos. ac., Puls.), or cold or salt food. (Calc, Carb. v.) VERATRUM ALBUM. 391 Eaccessive thºrst, especially for cold water. (Acon., Ars., Phos.) Aversion to warm things. Violent empty eructations. Hiccough. Violent vomiting, with continued nausea, with great exhaustion, and desire to lie down. Nausea, with profuse salivation, and violent thirst. Womiting : violent, forcible, eaccessive; of food; of green mucus; of slimy, acid liquid, whenever he moves or drinks; with cold sweat. Painful distention of pit of stomach. Violent pressure in pit of stomach, which extends into the sternum, the hypochondria and the hypogastrium. Acute pains in the stomach and epigastrium. ABDOMEN.—Great sensitiveness of the abdomen to the touch. (Bell., Sulph.) Distention of the abdomen. Colic: cutting, griping and twisting, especially about navel; better after stool (Coloc.); as ºf the intestºnes were twisted in a knot; flatu- lent; cold 870éat. STOOL AND ANU.S.—Diarrhoea; violent, painful, copious; with profuse per- 8pºration. Stools: watery, greenish, mixed with flakes; rice water; sudden, invol- Constipation; stools hard and too large size. (Bry.) URINARY ORGANS.–Urine: suppressed; involuntary; greenish. (Ars., Mag. c., Ruta.) FEMALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Menses too early and too profuse. (Calc., Nux.) Suppressed menses, with despair of Salvation. Dysmenorrhoea with vomiting and purging, or exhausting diarrhoea and cold sweat. Nymphomania of lying-in women. (Plat.) RESPIRATORY ORGANs.-Paroxysms of constriction of larynx; Suffocative fits, with protruded eyes. Difficult respºration, with tightness and constriction in the chest. Pressure in chest in region of sternum. Shortness of breath on slightest motion. Deep, hollow cough, occurring ºn 8hocks. 392 WERATRUM ALBUM. Cough, with much expectoration, blueness of the face, and involuntary micturition. (Caust., Puls.) * Cough on entering warm room, from cold air. (Bry.) HEART AND PULSE.-Palpitation with ana:iety, and rapid, audible ré8- pºration. Pulse: rapid; slow; feeble; irregular; intermittent. NECK AND BACK.—Neck so weak child can scarcely keep it erect, especially in whooping cough. Pain in loins and back as if beaten. LIMBs.—Painful paralytic weakness in all the limbs. Falling asleep of the limbs. - Nails blue from coldness. Icy coldness of hands and feet. LoweR LIMBs.—Difficult walking; first right, then left hip-joint feels par- alytic. Cramps in the calves. (Sulph.) GENERALIrres—Tremblin g of the whole body. Sudden sinking of strength. (Ars., Camph.) Factreme weakness and prostration. Excessive chronic weakness. Rheumatic pains during wet weather; getting worse in warmth of bed; better on walking up and down. Spasms, with convulsive motions of the limbs. Attacks of pain, with delirium, or driving to madness. Pressure and bruised sensation in muscular parts of body. SKIN.—Wrinkled skin; remains in folds after pressure. Skin blue, purple, cold. Dry eruption, resembling itch. SLEEP.—Unusual sleepiness. - FEVER.—Coldness and chill?ness over the whole body. External coldness, with internal heat. Cold persp?ration over the whole body, especially on forehead. AGGRAVATION.--After drinking; before and during stool; on rising. AMELIORATION.—While sitting and lying. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.--Chronic affections from abuse of Cinchona. Bad VERATRUM WIRIDE. 393 effects of fright, fear or vexation. Colic from copper, fruits and vege- tables. Mania. Neuralgia. Rheumatism. Trismus. Tetanus. Con- vulsions. Paralysis. Sporadic or Asiatic Cholera. Cholera morbus. Diarrhoea. Summer complaint. Constipation. Whooping cough. Anaemia. * CoNDITIONS.–Especially useful in children. Compare : Ant. tart., Acon., Arn., Ars., Cinch., Colch., Coff, Cupr., Dig., Dros., Ferr., Ipec., Op., Phos. ac. * Antidotes : Acon., Camph., Cinch., Coff. |Werat. Antidotes: Ars., Cinch., Fer., Op., Tabac. WERATRUM WIRIDE. Mažural Order. Liliaceae. Common Wames. American white hellebore. Indian poke. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts upon the cerebro-spinal sys- tem, especially upon the pneumogastric nerve, producing pro- found paralysis of the cerebro-spinal nerve centres, the reflex motor nerve centres, and of the whole circulatory apparatus, which results in intense congestion and inflamma- tion of the brain and other organs, especially those under the control of the pneumogastric nerve, notably the lungs and stomach. Thus the action of Veratrum will be seen to differ from that of Belladonna and other remedies which pro- duce congestion, by excitation of the nerve centres, rather than by paralysis. On the motor nerves it first produces prostration, but has the power of causing both tonic and clonic spasms, especially the latter, giving rise to a condition similar to chorea. The most essential feature of Veratrum is its depressing influence upon the heart and circulation, it being indicated by a loud, strong beating of the heart, quick pulse, and a very slow res- piration. 394 VERATRUM WIRIDE. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. MIND.—Quarrelsome and delirious. Insanity from cerebral congestion. (Bell.) HEAD.—Headache with vertigo. Headache proceeding from the nape of the neck (Sang.); head feels full and heavy. Active congestion to the head. (Acon., Bell.) Severe frontal headache, with vomiting. EYES.—Džlated pupils. Dimness of vision, especially on rising or attempting to walk. Unsteady vision. FACE.-Face: flushed (Bell, Bapt.); pale, cold, bluish; covered with cold perspiration. (Wer. alb.) Convulsive twitchings of the facial muscles. (Cic., Gels., Ign.) MoUTH.—-Mouth and lips dry; thick mucus in mouth. Tongue feels as if it had been scalded. Tongue yellow, with red streaks in the middle. THROAT.—Burning in the fauces and oesophagus, with constant inclination to Swallow. Spasms of the oesophagus, with or without rising, of frothy, bloody IIll] Cl].S. STOMACH.—Painful, almost constant hiccough. Violent nausea and vomiting, with cold sweat. (Ver. alb.) Smallest quantity of food or drink is immediately rejected. Excruciating pain in lower part of stomach. Intense twisting, tearing pains in the stomach. ABDOMEN.—Pains at right of umbilicus, passing down to groin. Pain and soreness across the abdomen, just above the pelvis. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANS.–Menstrual disorders, with intense cerebral congestion. (Bell.) w Puerperal mania (Actea, Bell., Plat., Stram.); convulsions. RESPIRATORY ORGANs.—Difficult, slow, labored breathing. (Falls from 40 to 16 in pneumonia) Oppression of the chest. Active congestion of the chest. (Acon) ZINCUM. 395 HEART AND PULSE.-Constant, dull, burning pain in region of heart. Heart beats loud, strong, with great arterial excitement. (Acon., Bell.) NECK AND BAck. —Aching in the back of neck and shoulders. LIMBS.—Cramps of the legs, fingers and toes. Violent, galvanic-like shocks in the limbs. GENERALITIES.—Convulsive twitchings and contortions of muscles of face, neck, fingers and toes. (Chorea.) Convulsions. Paralysis. FEVER.—Chilliness, with nausea. - Coldness of the whole body; cold sweat on face, hands, feet. (Verat alb.) Fever, with full, hard, frequent pulse. (Bell.) Profuse sweat, and sense of utter prostration. AGGRAVATION.—On rising; on waking; in the evening; from motion. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-Eruptive and other fevers, accompanied by intense arterial excitement. Pneumonia. Pleuresy. Congestion, especially of base of brain, chest, spine and stomach. Chorea. Convulsions: puerperal, epileptic. Meningitis. Cerebro-spinal meningitis. Puer- peral mania. Paralysis. Rheumatism. Carditis. Pericarditis. Gastritis. Gastralgia. CONDITIONS.–In full-blooded, plethoric persons. (Bell.) Compare : Acon., Ant. tart., Bell., Dig., Gels., Hell., Tabac., Wer. alb. ZINCUM. GENERAL ANALYSIS.—Acts profoundly upon the cerebro- spinal nervous system, producing a condition of erethism in the brain, medulla-oblongata and spinal cord, followed by cer- ebral depression, and an exhaustion of the nerve centres, which latter is its most important homoeopathic application. In the blood it produces changes similar to those present in chlorosis. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMs. MIND.—Weak memory (Anac., Kreos., Lach., Nux v.); forgets what has been accomplished during the day. 396 ZINCUM. Mental operations difficult (Nux v., Phos. ac., Thuja); loss of thought, and a soporous condition of mind. . Aversion to work. (Cinch., Phos. ac.) HEAD.—Wertigo in the occiput, with falling to the left when walking. (Bell.) Frequent attacks of vertigo, preceded by sharp pressure at root of nose, and a sensation of a drawing together of the eyes, as if by a cord, followed immediately by excessive nausea, faintness, and trembling of the hands. Pressure on root of nose, as if it would be pressed into the head. Sharp pressure on a small spot, in forehead, evenings. Hemicrania; worse after dinner; tearing and stinging. Headache, from drinking even small quantities of wine. Drawing, pressing, tearing on top of head. Sensitiveness of vertex to touch, as if ulcerated; worse evenings. Hair falls out on vertex, causing complete baldness, with sensation of soreness of Scalp. IEYES.—Inflammation and redness of conjunctiva; worse in inner canthus; pačns worse evening and night, as from sand, with frequent lachry- 7mation. i Much burn?ng in the eyes and lids, ºn the morning and evening, with feel- &ng of dryness and pressure in them. Itching, biting and tickling, especially in right eye. Itching and stºcking pain in inner angles of eyes, with cloudèness of 8?ght. Upper lids heavy, as if paralysed. (Caust., Gels.) Agglutination of lids at night (Caust., Euph., Sulph.), with pressing, sore feeling. Photophobia. EARS.–Frequent acute stitches in right ear, near tympanum. Earache, especially in children. Nos.E.—Nose feels sore internally. Stoppage of nose. FACE.-Pale, alternating with redness. (Acon.) Tearing and sore pain in the facial bones. Lips dry and cracked. (Bry.) ZINCUM. - 397 MoUTH.—Drawing, tearing, jerking pains in teeth. Gums bleed on slightest touch. (Nit, ac.) Copious secretion of saliva, with crawling on inner surface ofAheeks. THROAT.—Dryness of the throat, with accumulation of mucus, especially from posterior nares. Sore throat; tearing, drawing pains, more in posterior; worse between acts of swallowing than on empty swallowing. STOMACH.-Salty taste in the mouth. (Ars., Carb. v., Nat. m., Nux V., Sulph.) Voracious appetite, and insatiable hunger. Loss of appetite. Thirst, with heat in the palms. Sour, empty eructations. Heart-burn, after eating sweet things. Nausea and vomiting. Retching of bloody mucus. Burning in the stomach and epigastric region. (Ars.) Pressure in pit of stomach. ABDOMEN.—Cramp-like pains in the hypochondria, with dyspnoea and hy- pochondriasis, after eating. Sticking in right hypochondrium. Pressure and tension in the abdomen, after eating. Flatulent colic, especially in the evening; loud rumbling and rolling (Aloe., Lyc., Sulph.); frequent emission of hot, fetid flatus. STOOL AND ANU.S.—Burning or itching in the anus. (Sulph.) Crawling in the anus, as from worms. (Sep., Spig.) Obstinate constipation; stools small, hard, dry, crumbling; insufficient; difficult; expelled with much pressure. URINARY ORGANS.—Pressure in region of left kidney. Violent pressure of urine in the bladder. Can only pass water while sitting bent backward. Involuntary urination while walking, coughing and sneezing. (Caust., Puls.) MALE SExUAL ORGANS.—Long-lasting and violent erections. Drawing in the testicles, extending up to the spermatic cord. One or the other testicle drawn up. 398 ZINCUM. FEMALE SExUAL ORGANs.-Irresistible sexual desire at night. Menses too early, or suppressed. Discharge of large clots during the menses. Leucorrhoea of thick mucus; bloody mucus; excoriating after the In 6 DS6S. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.—Burning and sore pain in the chest. Tightness and oppression of the chest. Dry, spasmodic cough ; with bloody expectoration; in children, put their hands to genitals; before and during the menses, worse from eating sweets. HEART –Tension and stitches in the praecordial region. Palpitation without special anxiety. NECK AND BACK.—Stiffness and pain in cervical and upper dorsal muscles. Nape of the neck feels weary, from writing, or any ea:ertºon. Bruised pain and weakness in small of back, when walking. Pressive tension beneath the right scapula. Sticking pain in back and small of back, when sitting and walking. LIMBs.—Stiffness of the joints, with sharp, lancinating pains above the joints, always transverse, not lengthwise of the limb. - Weakness, weariness, and bruised feelings in the limbs. Coldness of the extremities. Drawing, tearing pains in the limbs. Violent itching in all the joints. UPPER LIMBs.—Weakness and trembling of the hands when writing; also during menses. * Tearing in first joints and phalanges of the fingers. LOWER LIMBS.— Varices in the legs. Legs Oedematous. Itching of thighs, and hollows of knees. Burning pain ºn the tibiae. Erysipelatous inflammation of the tendo-achilles. Nervous, fidgety moving of the feet. Paralysis of the feet; weakness and trembling. Ulcerative, boring pains in heels. Painful chilblains on the feet. Profuse sweat on the feet. ZIN CUM. 399 GaNERALITIES.—Twitching and jerking ºn various muscles. Pains seem to he between the skin and the flesh. Great heaviness, weakness and lassitude. Jerking through the whole body during sleep, at night. Violent throbbing through the whole body. SLEEP.—Unrefreshing sleep; disturbed by frightful dreams; with 8creaming and startings; limbs and body jerk. FEveR.—Febrile shivering down the back. AGGRAVATION.—Most symptoms appear after dinner, and towards evening. From wine; nux vomica; during rest; while sitting; from heat; during menses. AMELIORATION.—From camphor; in open air; while eating. THERAPEUTIC RANGE.-In anaemic diseases; brain exhaustion; not able to develop exanthemata. Dropsy. Paralysis. Convulsions. Chorea. Rheumatism. Chilblains. Nymphomania. Leucorrhoea. Amen- orrhoea. Spermatorrhoea. Orchitis. Constipation. Worms. Spinal irritation. Brain affections. Compare : Carb. veg., Cupr., Hep., Ign., Nux v., Plumb. Zinc is followed well by Ign., but not by Nux vom., which disagrees. Antidotes : Camph., Hep., Ign. Zinc Antidotes : Baryta c., Cham., Nux v. 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