• ș***: < ≤ . . . **,№, §§ º až º ± ¡Sºy, &&& §§ ºſº), -*ſrºſae; §§ ¿? §¶√≠√≠√∞', § 3 º.ä. (..|× gºſ ae *,,,,,,,*º § Bae º, ſae -· |--º „” u “- -*. &.*-:-)· · · · ·.-- . &.*·.(~)-, º *. ·· ' .--|-··+ ' [-******** · * Laes.…… . … … s) : vº » The World's Columbian Water Commerce Congress CHICAGO, I893 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY INCEPTION AND ORGANIZATION MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS LIST OF MEMBERS f . . ; 3. # * * : « 5 * * : > ... f; /. A." Ş. ^. * \º *S* - \; # tºº sº I i i iji º ºxº **-ºs.ºrºse” B O S T ON . D A M R E L L & U P HAM @Ibe 49(b Čorner ºf Gołłątore 283 Washington Street LIST OF PAPERS. I. The methods and cost of transportation on rivers and canals. (a) Cable haulage on canals and rivers (Lévy's system), by Pro- fessor William Watson, Ph.D., Mem. Amer. Soc. C. E., Fellow Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., Secretary of the Congress.-Difficulties in cable haulage—system adopted—tension of the cable—the supporting and guiding pulleys—the rotation of the cable—the tow rope joint and its details—hooking on and management of the boat—automatic start- ing—method of circuits. Illustrated with figures showing the cable and stop—the details of the saddle, the tow rope joint, and the guid- ing pulleys—with a photographic view showing the system in opera- tion. (b) Chain towage with magnetic adherence by L. Molinos, Presi- dent, and A. de Bovet, Director of the Lower Seine and Oise Towage Co., Paris, France. Historical sketch—defects of the system hither- to in use—requisites for a proper system—M. de Bovet's experiments on magnetic adherence—description of the new chain tow boat Am- père—practical results obtained—various applications of the magnetic pulley. Illustrated (1) by a folding plate (Figs. I-17) containing the plan, sections, and details of the Ampère and those of the magnetic pulley, (2) by a photographic view of the Ampère (demi-tone plate). (c) Electric propulsion on canals, by O. Büsser, Oderberg-in-the- Mark, Prussia. Use of a portable motor—Büsser's system of electric chain towage—the motors—the chain—the power-house—descrip- tion of Büsser's electric motor steering boat—estimates—cost of the plant—the annual expense of maintenance—conclusions. Illustra- tions—Plate I. represents the system of electric towage with details. Plate II. the electro motor steering boat applied to barges and rafts. (d) NOTE.-The electric towage in use on the Burgundy Canal, France, by M. Galliot, Ingénieur des Ponts et Chaussées. 4. II. The importance of protecting canal banks in view of navigation at high speed. NOTE.-by Professor J. Schlichting, President of the Central Union of Navigation, Berlin, Germany. III. The advantages resulting from replacing chains of canal locks by hydraulic lifts. Description of the hydraulic lift at Les Fontinettes, France, by Prof. William Watson. Situation—principle of the lift—description of the works—method of working—time required for an up and down motion—summary. Illustrated by three plates, viz., the plan, the longitudinal and the transverse sections—and three photographs showing the lift in oper- ation—the plunger, the trough and the basin—and the machinery (demitone plates). • IV. The best form of canal and river barges in respect to capacity and cost of traction. Experimental researches on the forms of canal and river boats, by F. B. de Mas, Ingénieur en Chef des Ponts et Chaussées—object of the researches—method employed—influence of the surface— influence of the form—conclusions—Illustrated by four plates show- ing the plans, elevations, sections, and waterlines of the various boats used in the experimental researches. V. The new and the enlarged waterways required to meet the demands of commerce. (a). The proposed enlargement of the waterway from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River via the Illinois River, by L. E. Cooley, C.E.-Importance of this waterway—history of the scheme —physical features—its magnitude—detailed description.—Appen- dix. Excursion of the Congress to the Work, by Mr. E. P. North, C. E. Method of excavation, and handling of the materials—the benefits expected from this waterway. Illustrations. Plan and pro- file of the canal and the river diversion. Longitudinal section through the Illinois River basin from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi. The Brown balanced cantilever derrick for hoisting and conveying the broken material. Photographic view of the method used by the Western Dredging and Improvement Company for the same purpose. (b.) Canadian waterways from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic, by Thomas C. Keefer, C.E., Ottawa, Canada. The second enlarges ment of the Welland Canal—the St. Lawrence route—the Charº. 5 plain and St. Lawrence canal—the Ottawa Valley canal—the Grangers Canal. Illustrated by a profile of the Lake Erie navigation between Lake Erie and tide water at Albany, and the St. Lawrence navigation between Lake Erie and tide water at Montreal. Diagram showing the canals on the St. Lawrence River between Montreal and Prescott. (c) The proposed waterway from Lake Michigan to the Missis- sippi via the Illinois and Mississippi Canal. (Two papers.)— (1) Historical sketch, by Thomas J. Henderson, M. C. (2) The influence of the canal in reducing the cost of transportation, by Mr. Alonzo Bryson, Davenport, Iowa. (d) The new and the enlarged waterways required to meet the demands of commerce in Russia, by E. F. de Hoerschelmann, Engineer of Lines of Communication, Kief, Russia. General survey of the waterways—detailed description of the Marie system—project of the Don and Volga canal—improvement of the Dnieper. Illus- trated by a map especially prepared. (e) The projected Lake Erie and Ohio River ship canal, by Thomas P. Roberts, C.E. General description of the route—water supply—comparison with other proposed routes—estimate of cost— prospective business of the proposed canal—the Pittsburgh terminus. Accompanied by a map showing the general route of the projected ship canal, and the profile from Surveys made by the Pennsylvania Ship Canal Commission in 1890. VI. The respective use of waterways and railways, and their competitive influence in reducing the cost of transportation. (a) On the utilization of water and rail routes in Hungary and their competitive influence in reducing freight charges, by Dr. Alexander Halász, Professor in the Polytechnic School at Buda- Pest. General remarks—passenger traffic—consequences of the zone rates—conclusions as to passenger traffic—freight transportation —nature of the traffic—table of comparison of the traffic on railroads and rivers—influence of rates on the traffic by either route—water routes—competition of the State roads—conclusions. (b) NOTE. On the comparative cost of transportation by rail and by water in Austria, by A. Schromm, Navigation Inspector, Counsel- lor of the Government at Vienna, Austria. VII. Benefits resulting from improvements in water- ways. 6 By Professor Leveson Francis Vernon-Harcourt, M.A., Mem- Inst. C. E.-The greatest opportunities for inland navigation and the conditions favorable to its development—ship canals for ports—The Amsterdam ship canal—The Baltic canal—ship canals across necks of peninsulas—the Corinth canal—the proposed Florida canal—the Chignecto ship railway—inter-oceanic ship canals—the Suez canal— the piercing of the Isthmus of Panama—the Tehuantepec scheme —conclusions. VIII. Inter-oceanic canal projects. Ship canals. (a) The Nicaragua canal, by A. G. Menocal, Mem. Amer. Soc., C. E., Eng. U. S. N. The surveys—Nicarauga lake and river—the canal route—Brito—the river San Juan—the San Carlos—the San Francisco—the eastern divide cut—the Deseado—the port of Grey- town—rainfall—drainage—other Canals—the excavations—embank- ments and dams—deepening the river bed—lake dredging and piers. —the western divide—La Flor dam—the locks—time of lockage— time of transit—transportation facilities—period for construction— estimates. Appendix. “Nicarauga, the Gateway to the Pacific,” by the Nica- ragua Canal Company, containing the geographical and physical features, illustrated by three large, colored or shaded, folding maps. (1) The general plan and profile of the Nicaragua canal on a large scale, extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific. (2) Panoramic. view of the canal. (3) Chart of the world showing the distances saved by the canal. (b) The Manchester ship canal, by Elijah Helm, Secretary of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, with an introduction by Mar- shall Stevens, General Manager of the canal.—Nearest steamer port. providing for a population of 8,000,ooo, 2,500,000 being within cart- ing distance of the Manchester dock—dimensions and summary description of the canal—effect of the canal on the growth of Man- chester—prospects—attitude of the ship owners—the cotton trade— reduction in the cost of transportation of staple commodities—esti- mates of the prospective traffic and revenue. Ship Railways. (a) The working of the first ship railway, by William Smith, Mem. Inst. C. E., Harbor Engineer, Aberdeen, Scotland. Leading principles on which ship railway cars must be built—description of the Edinburgh ship railway—hydraulic cushions—report of the special jury—mechanical and hydraulic principles—Mr. Kinipple's report on 7 the advantages of this system of transportation. Illustrated by fig- ures representing the plan of the grounds—embarkations—midship section of a laden boat and an end of a pair of compound bogies— plan of the bogie and of the hydraulic cushions—view of the boat on the rails—diagram of docks and warehouses. (b) The Chignecto ship railway, by H. G. C. Ketchum, Chief En- gineer of the Chignecto Ship Railway, Amherst, Nova Scotia. Object —saving in distance, insurance, etc.—reasons for the adoption of the ship railway in place of a canal—description of the proposed railway with its appliances. Illustrated by plates: plan and longitudinal section of the Chignecto ship railway. Map of the country. IX. River Improvement. (a) Improvement of the navigation of the Seine, by Professor William Watson, illustrated by a map of the tidal Seine. Recent improvements in the river from Paris to Rouen—embankment works for the improvement of the tidal Seine—land reclaimed—results—an account of Prof. Vernon-Harcourt's experimental researches with a model of the Seine estuary—description of the model and the arrangements for imitating the tidal and fresh water flow—results of working with Bagshot sand—introduction of the training walls—results obtained from five experiments each corresponding to a different scheme for introducing training walls into the estuary. . Each experiment is illustrated by a separate drawing. • (b) The Mississippi River improvement below Cairo by C. B. Comstock, Colonel of Engineers, Chairman of the Mississippi River Commission. The maximum discharge at various points on the river—the Mississippi Commission—the closing of secondary branches —mattresses employed for protecting the banks—contraction of the river bed by the use of rows of piles—works at Plum Point Reach— the levee system. Accompanied by a map of Plum Point Reach with the works of improvement. (Two photographic views.) Plate I., Fascine mat under construction in Ashport Bend, Sept. 8, 1893. Plate II., Mat at Greenville, Mississippi (two demi-tone plates). (c) NOTE-Results of the improvement of the lower and outer Weser, by Ludwig Franzius, Director of Public Works, Bremen, Germany. X. Harbor Equipment. The port of Havre, by Baron Quinette de Rochemont, Inspecteur Général des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris, France. Geographical and hydrographical information — currents and tides — description of 8 the port—graving docks—floating docks—removal of the silt from the port—works in progress or projected—commercial and statistical information. Illustrated by a map. XI. Transportation statistics. (a) The commerce of the Mississippi River, by George H. Mor- gan, Secretary of Merchant's Exchange, St. Louis. Historical sketch —traffic on the Mississippi and its tributaries. (b) The commerce of the United States as related to that of other countries, by William W. Bates, Ex U. S. Commissioner of Navigation—The contrast between the present and the former position of the United States in respect to the foreign carrying trade—impor- tance of a commercial marine—history and causes of its decline— $200,ooo,ooo annually earned by foreign ships for carrying 92 per cent of value of our own ocean commerce. - (c) NoTE.—On the same subject by Ambrose Snow, President of the American Shipping League. (d) The status and interests of water transportation, by Thomas J. Vivian, in charge of transportation statistics, United States Cen- sus. Statistics of the United States foreign trade—unrigged craft considered as a legitimate portion of our fleet—diminution in our for- eign, and increase in our domestic carrying trade largely compensatory —extraordinary development of this domestic commerce—our entire fleet larger than that of Great Britain—the distances made in aver- age trips cover many of those made by English vessels on foreign voyages. XII. Harbor Improvement. (a) NOTE.-On the subaqueous framework constructions in the Baltic Sea, by Th. Shmeleff, Chief Inspector, Réval, Russia. (b) Pneumatic foundations at Genoa and Rochelle, (Description of Zschokke and Terrier's system) by Professor William Watson. Character of the foundation—caisson for blasting out the rocks— boring apparatus—great floating caisson for laying the flooring—pro- cesses adopted for the construction of the blocks—method of work- ing in the great caisson—displacement of the caisson—junction of the blocks. Illustrated by sections of the caissons and a photographic view of them in operation with the method of joining the blocks (demi tone plate). TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THE SECRETARY'S º REPORT. " 2 The organization of the Chicago Internaţional Congresses.—Officers. The inception and organization of the Water Commerce Congress.-The preliminary address of the Local Committee. The relation of the Water Commerce Congress to the Fifth International Inland Naviga- tion Congress at Paris, with extracts from the minutes of the Paris Congress, containing the sketch of a programme proposed for the Chicago Congress. The Water Commerce Congress.—Its definite programme. Membership. Papers. The opening. The President’s address. Minutes.—Including the titles of the papers. The discussions, with brief notes on the following subjects, printed in full : Electric towage on the Burgundy canal, by Galliot. The importance of protecting canal banks in view of navigation at high speed, by Prof. J. Schlichting. The economic value of a ship canal from the great lakes to the sea, by S. A. Thompson. The comparative cost of transporation by rail and by water in Austria, by A. Schromm. The improvement of the Lower and Outer Weser, by L. Franzius. The present condition of the foreign commerce of the United States, by A. Snow. The subaqueous framework constructions in the Baltic Sea, by T. Shmeleff. The list of books and photographs presented to the Congress. Closing resolutions. ZŽe list of members. ORGANIZATION OF THE CHICAGO INTER– NATIONAL CONGRESSES. In 1890, the directors of the World's Columbian Expo- sition decided to hold a series of International Congresses in connection with the Exposition, and for this purpose established a separate organization, viz.: “The Auxiliary of the World's Columbian Exposition to conduct these congresses.” The organization was constituted as follows: (1) A Central Administrative Bureau. (2) A Local Committee of Arrangements for each con- gress, consisting of a comparatively small number of per- sons, with few exceptions, residing in or near Chicago. (3) An Advisory Council, adjoined to each committee, constituting its non-resident but active branch, composed of persons eminent in the work involved, and selected from many parts of the world, co-operating with the Local Committee by individual correspondence. (4) Honorary and corresponding members invited to ive their advice and co-operation. g p (5) Committees of Co-operation appointed by particular organizations, and invited to an active participation in the work of the Congress. The appointment of all the Committees was vested in the President of the Auxiliary, and the executive adminis- tration of each congress was in charge of the Local Com- mittee and the officers of the Auxiliary. The names of these officers were as follows: President, Charles C. Bon- ney ; Vice President, Thomas B. Bryan; Treasurer, Lyman J. Gage; Secretaries, Benj. Butterworth, Clarence E. Young. - II ORGANIZATION OF THE WATER COMMERCE CONGRESS. The Committee of the Water Commerce Congress was appointed in the early part of 1892, and its first act was to issue the following address:— To the Friends of Water Commerce, in A// Countries:— In connection with the Columbian Exposition at Chicago, in 1893, and auxiliary thereto, will be held a Water Commerce Congress, to which delegates from all civilized nations are cordially invited. For many centuries interstate commerce and commerce between nations have chiefly been dependent on water transportation. As the population of the world increases, and the enlightened policy of reciprocity becomes more prevalent, the interchange of commodities between nations and states will continue to increase. That facilities for cheapest conveyance should be adequate to all requirements is self-evident. The nations being at peace, it is believed that the most important economic question before the civilized world is the cost of transport. Many steps in the modes of conveyance, on water as well as on land, Have been taken, and every step has been followed by a reduction in transport charges. Canals have been built, rivers straightened and deepened, harbors excavated and made larger, and docks built; barges have given place to boats, boats to sailing vessels, sailing vessels to steamships, and small steam vessels to larger ones; and many improvements have been made in marine steam engines. The expense incurred in making these improvements, considered in the abstract, is immense ; but considered in comparison with the aggregate saving in the cost of transport it is surprisingly small. In view of what has been accomplished in this and other countries in increasing the facilities for internal commerce by water, and the commerce between nations by the construction of interoceanic canals, together with those in process of construction and in contem- plation during the last half century, it is proposed to hold at Chicago, during the Columbian Exposition of 1893, an International Congress on Water Commerce, in which may be discussed such general ques- tions as interest all nations, as well as such as apply more particularly to the United States. As an illustration of the scope of this Congress, rather than as an attempt to lay out a program at this time, may be mentioned the following questions : — I2 1. The economy of recent improvements in sea-going steamers. 2. The improvements and changes required in ocean harbors to accom- modate the increase in size of vessels. - 3. The best methods of improving tidal harbors. f 4. The most efficient and economical plant and equipment for harbors, tugs, barges, elevators, cranes, docks, piers, etc., etc. 5. The best method of interchanging traffic between water and rail transportation. - 6. Interoceanic canal projects; their present status, the necessity for such, and the results to be expected. 7. The most economical methods of navigating great inland bodies of water. - 8. The economical effects of changes recently made, or proposed, in the construction and operation of lake vessels. - 9. Systems of slack-water navigation; their construction and opera- tion. - Io. The best methods of improving navigable rivers; their results in cheapening transportation. II. The respective effects of waterways and railways upon each other, and the results to the public. 12. Inland canals; their present position, usefulness, and economy. 13. Methods of cheapening transportation on canals. Self-moving vessels, various methods of towing, etc., etc. 14. Additional facilities in water transportation required in Europe, South America, or other parts of the world. 15. The projected enlargement of the Welland Canal and improve- ment of the River St. Lawrence. - 16. What is the most economical size of vessels in the several systems of navigation ? 17. What new motive power, if any, is likely to supersede steam in navigation ? Proposed ship canals in the United States:— Between Lakes Huron and Ontario. Between Lake Michigan and the Mississippi. Between the Lakes and the Hudson River. Across the Peninsula of Florida. In other parts of the country. What river or harbor improvements, and what canals are required in the Southern States, or on the Pacific Coast? : These, and kindred subjects which may be suggested, may be brought before the Congress, by the preparation of papers to be read and discussed at its meetings, and such further action be taken as may be deemed most expedient. Within the memory of many there was a time when it was believed that inland transportation by rail would generally supersede transport by canals and canalized rivers, if not by lakes. I3 It is true that the time has passed for the construction of small canals for local purposes, but we believe that the time will never come when it will not be deemed expedient to construct artificial channels to connect large bodies of water naturally navigable, so that navigation may be continuous. The St. Mary's Falls Canal, connect- ing Lakes Superior and Huron, whose borders to-day are for the most part a wilderness, gives passage to a tonnage so marvelous that it seems to border upon the fabulous. In 1870 the amount of registered freight which passed through the St. Mary's Falls Canal was 690,826 tons; in 1890 it was 8,454,435 tonS. The Suez Canal revolutionized the ocean commerce of Asia and the East India Islands with Europe and America. And when the Nicaragua Canal shall have been completed, it will become the com- mercial highway between the eastern coast of Asia, the East India Islands, the western coast of North and South America, and the western coast of Europe and the eastern coast of North and South America. Who can approximately estimate the probable CO m InerCe that will pass from the great oceans through this artificial channel, this great connecting water highway? This is not the place to multiply examples. It is enough to indicate the results of great enterprises in making available important material advantages by artificial means. Bradstreet's Report for 1889 says that during 234 days of that year ten (IO) millions more tonnage passed through the Detroit River than the aggregate of the entrances and clearances of all the seaports of the United States; and three millions more than the combined foreign and coastwise shipping of Liverpool and London. The saving in cost of transport by water is no less remarkable than the increase of water commerce. The statistician of the Interstate Commerce Commission says the entire cost of lake transportation in 1890 was $23,177,540.70, and that if the same freight had been carried at railroad rates the cost would have been $143,079,283.51. This shows a saving of nearly $120,000,000 in transport charges during the year 1890. - . It is the object of this address to elicit from persons interested, in all parts of the world, such suggestions as will promote the highest utility and success of the proposed Water Commerce Congress. All those to whom this address is sent, and others interested, who hear of it, are therefore cordially invited, at their earliest convenience, to I4. favor the undersigned committee with suggestions of subjects to be considered in the proposed Congress, also with the names of persons especially qualified to present such subjects, and any other recom- mendations which they deem conducive to the end in view. While the local arrangements of the proposed Congress are neces- sarily in charge of the Local Committee, which is composed of persons residing in or near the place where the Congress is to be held, the plans of the World's Congress Auxiliary provide that every such committee shall have the benefit of the advice and co-operation of an Advisory Council, composed of persons eminent in the depart- ment, and selected from all parts of the world. Proposals of names. suitable for the Advisory Council of the proposed Water Commerce Congress are, therefore, also respectfully solicited. In addition to this Advisory Council a Committee of Co-operation may be appointed by any existing organization which may desire to promote the success. of the proposed Congress. Such a Committee of Co-operation will constitute the means of communication between the organization and the World's Congress Auxiliary. The Committee earnestly desire the benefit of such suggestions. before proceeding to arrange a programme for the proposed Con- gress. Communications in relation to the subject may be addressed. to the Chairman of the Committee. - John C. DoRE, Chairman, E. L. CoRTHELL, Vice Chairman, GEORGE F. STONE, O. CHANUTE, MURRAY NELSON, D. E. RICHARDson, BENZETTE WILLIAMS, THOMAS G. CRosBY, Committee of the World's Congress Auxiliary on a Water Commerce Congress. WoRLD’s Congress HEADQUARTERs, CHICAGO, April, 1892. Later, the President added the name of William Watson to act as Secretary of this Committee. In July, the President of the Auxiliary, at the urgent request of two members of the Local Committee, commis- sioned its Chairman, the Hon. John C. Dore, to proceed to Paris, to solicit the co-operation of the Fifth Inter- national Inland Navigation Congress, which was about to I5 convene.” Mr. Dore accepted this commission, and the manner in which he fulfilled his task is shown by the fol- lowing extract from the minutes of the Paris Congress : — Axtracts from the minutes of the proceedings of the Fifth Zºzzerma- tional Congress on Zn/and AWavigation, Paris, /u/y 29, 1892. THE CHAIRMAN : Gentlemen, you are aware that next year there will be an International Exhibition at Chicago. The Hon. John C. Dore, Delegate from Chicago to the Paris Congress, wishes to invite us to be present on that occasion. He will now address the meeting. * These members were Mr. Elmer L. Corthell and Mr. Octave Chanute, who sent to Mr. Dore, on July 1, 1892, written memoranda as suggestions. concerning the proposed Congress. Mr. Corthell wrote as follows: ‘‘I find that this European Congress has held its sessions, at one time, in two consecutive years, and they may be induced to become a part of our Congress next year. If they are willing to do so, an organizing Commit- tee should be selected largely from the United States.” Then follows a list of names suggested for such a Committee. “If the Congress, as such, cannot accept an invitation to hold its Congress as a part of ours, then to fully inform it of the scope of our Congress, and invite its individual members to attend and to contribute papers.” Mr. Chanute wrote as follows: “The principal objects of International conferences upon a commercial matter, such as the subject of Navigation, are to compare views, ascertain what problems are now engaging the thoughts of experts, and to exchange information. There are a number of things in which the Europeans are in advance of us, and on which we should desire the benefit of their recent experience, such for instance as: • 10 Economy in operating ocean steamers of recent construction. “2% The best plant and appliances for economical harbor work. “30 The most economical methods of warehousing and distributing goods. “In these the English are in advance of the Americans. “49 The best methods of improving navigable, flowing rivers. “5” Methods of cheapening transportation on canals. “60 Substitution of hydraulic lifts for canal locks. “In these, the French and Belgians are in the lead. “We can, in exchange, give them valuable information as to the results attained in the United States, in cheapening water transportation, chiefly on the Great Lakes and their connecting waterways. A bare statement of those results will lead to the desire of knowing how it was done. To exhibit this, papers should be soon arranged for, on, say:— “ I” The improvements in navigating the Great Lakes. “20 The new forms and sizes of lake vessels (whalebacks, etc.). “39The enlargement of Sault Ste. Marie Canal.” e I6 MR. JoHN C. DoRE: Mr. President and gentlemen, I have the honor to represent the annexed Congresses of the Universal Colum- bian Exhibition of the United States, which is to be held at Chicago in 1893, at the Fifth International Congress of Inland Navigation. While the Universal Exhibition will be a display of products, the annexed Congresses have for their objects to show the advances made in all the branches of civilization : agriculture, arts, commerce and finance, education, civil engineering, government, literature, religion and philosophy, labor, medicine, social reform, temperance, and the press. . I am requested to inform you that the co-operation of your distin- guished members in the Congress of the Commerce of navigable ways, which will be held on the occasion of the Universal Exhibition of 1893, is earnestly desired. To the desire of securing your collaboration must be attributed the fact of my being commissioned to be present at your sittings and to invite you all, personally and collectively, in the most cordial and pressing manner, to come over and take part in the deliberations of our Congress. I trust that you will be willing to accept this invitation, either per- sonally, or in the name of the body which you represent. THE CHAIRMAN: On behalf of the Congress, I beg to tender my thanks to Mr. Dore for his gracious invitation and pray that he will tender in return our thanks to the companies he represents. All those among us whom circumstances will allow will not fail to respond to an invitation for which all here are grateful. (Cheers.) Appendix. Sketch of a programme proposed for the Water Com- merce Congress. In addition to the subjects mentioned in the address, viz. I-17, page 12, the following additional ones were inserted in a printed list distributed to each member of the Congress. 18. The influence of water commerce on exploration and discovery. 19. The great waterways of antiquity and their influence on national development. . 20. Modern waterways at the date of the advent of railway transpor- tation. - 21. The reciprocal influence of water and railway transportation, with special reference to safety, speed, economy, and convenience. 22. The relations of the waterways of to-day to the interests of pro- ducers and consumers. 23. The relation of the waterways of to-day to national defenses. 17 24. The new waterways demanded by the needs of modern civilization. 25. The laws of nature by which water commerce is affected or con- trolled. 26. The laws of nations by which water commerce is governed. 27. Municipal regulations of water commerce. 28. Harbors and harbor entrances. 29. Ship Railways. This list terminated with the following request: The delegates are requested to contribute communications on any of these subjects or on any others relating to water commerce. On the I2th of October, the Committee on the Water Commerce Congress, in response to a notice, met at the office of the President of the Auxiliary, and unanimously adopted the programme, which included the reading and discussion of papers relating to : I. The methods and cost of transporation on rivers, canals, lakes, and the ocean. II. The importance of protecting canal banks in view of navigation at high speed. III. The advantages resulting from replacing chains of canal locks by hydraulic lifts. IV. The best form of canal and river barges in respect to capacity and cost of traction. i - V. The new and the enlarged waterways required to meet the demands of commerce. VI. The respective use of waterways and railways, and their competi- tive influence in reducing the cost of transportation. VII. The benefits resulting from improvements in waterways. VIII. Inter-oceanic canal projects. Ships canals. Ship railways. The subjects of river and harbor improvements, tech- nically treated, were not included in the programme, but the President of the Auxiliary and the Chairman of the Local Committee were both desirous that the most approved methods for attaining and preserving the proper depth of channel should be illustrated by practical examples.” This programme was widely distributed, invitations to attend the Congress were sent throughout Europe and the *In conformity with this urgent request, papers on the Improvements of the Seine, the Mississippi, the Harbors of Genoa, and La Palice, with notes on the Lower Weser, and the subaqueous foundations at Réval, were presented and briefly explained. I8 United States, and eminent specialists were asked to pre- pare papers for presentation at the Congress. This invita- tion was cordially accepted, and twenty-four papers were received besides five notes or short commuications on im- portant topics. Distinguished gentlemen accepted posi- tions as members of the Advisory Council and as Honorary Members. The members of the Congress consisted : 1st. Of delegates from the various governments, and those holding official positions in the public service. - 2d. Of delegates from the various boards of trade, from navigation and water transportation companies, from engineering and maritime so- cieties, etc. 3d. Of those members of the Fifth International Congress on Inland Navigation, held at Paris in 1892, and others who accepted the invitation and were present at the Congress. OPENING OF THE CONGREss. The Congress was opened on Tuesday, August 1st, in the Memorial Art Palace at Chicago, by Charles C. Bonney, President of the Auxiliary, who welcomed the delegates, and organized the Congress by appointing the Hon. John C. Dore, President, and Prof. William Watson, Secretary. The President then read the following address: GENTLEMEN :— All civilized nations have deemed it appropriate to celebrate the four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of this continent by Columbus; and happily, nearly all have joined in the celebration of that event by an exhibition of material things, peculiar to each, in every department of industry, thus showing the progress achieved. It is encouraging to see that every step in advance has been for the general welfare, and especially that, through the agency of natural forces, great burdens have been lifted from the people ; that the necessity for arduous manual labor has been greatly diminished, production immensely increased, the cost of distributing products of every description on both land and water throughout the world has been reduced many fold, and that this distribution is now accom- plished with remarkable rapidity. - I9 The Auxiliary to the World's Columbian Exposition has been deemed no less appropriate than the Exposition itself: the former is intended to show the great civilizing agencies by which remarkable achievements have been made possible, as they appear in Agriculture, Art, Education, Literature, Science and Philosophy, Engineering, Government, Religion, Moral and Social Reform, etc., as incentives to continued efforts in the same direction. Undoubtedly, great rewards await genius in discovery and inven- tion in the future, as they have in the past, to which the public is the prospective heir. The Auxiliary has many departments, and these again are subdivided. One of these, is designated Commerce and Finance, and one of its divisions, the Water Commerce, is assigned to the Congress here assembled. It is a very comprehensive subject, older than civilization, and co-extensive with navigable water. It has been the incentive to navigation, ship building, improvements in waterways, engineering and discovery. It is reasonable to suppose that the scale of improvement of waterways in all ages has been commensurate with the requirements of trade. Under the old conditions progress was slow ; the oceans were unexplored, the form of the earth unknown, production repre- sented the labor of human hands, unaided by machinery driven by natural forces, and Commerce was limited then, as it now, is, by Production, which in every age has augmented with the development of natural resources. The discoveries of Columbus were a revelation. The form of the earth became generally known, and the maritime nations of Europe became rivals in discovery, conquest, and colonization. Neverthe- less, none of them made rapid progress in production or means of distribution on land or water. The rapid progress in material pros- perity, reserved for the 19th century, is indicated by inventions and improvements in every department of industry, namely, by more powerful steam engines and electric appliances, increased construc- tion of railroads, larger vessels, deeper and broader harbors, river channels, and canals, and as the most economical size of vessels has not yet been determined, continued demands for still larger water- ways may reasonably be expected. The United States being a new country, developing in every direction, it is evident that they have greater need of artificial, and improved natural facilities for navigation than the old countries of Burope. Fortunately, the lower tides on the coasts of the United 2O States preclude the necessity of great expenditures in the construction of such docks and basins as have been found indispensable in the ports of the higher latitudes of Europe. Some of the progressive steps taken in transportation on both land and water in the United States are as follows: In 1807, Fulton's steamboat carried one hundred and sixty tons on the Hudson, from New York to Albany at a speed of five miles an hour; a little later Stevens sent a steamboat from New York to Delaware. This was the beginning of ocean steam navigation. In 1831, cars were drawn by steam power from Albany to Schenectady. Fifty years ago there were less than 3,000 miles of railroad in the United States, and less than 5,000 miles in the world. There are now 175,000 miles in the |United States alone. As all commerce is dependent upon production, and water commerce is mainly dependent upon commerce on land, it is not strange that commerce by rail should have developed more rapidly than commerce by water. Twenty-five years ago Ocean and lake freights were carried mainly . on sailing vessels. The schooner Illinois, Ioo tons burden, was the first vessel to arrive in Chicago. This was in 1834, and it is said that on that occasion all the male inhabitants of the village, amounting to nearly one hundred, assisted in dragging the craft across the bar. The first American sailing vessel, launched on Lake Superior in 1835 —the John Jacob Astor—belonged to the American Fur Co.; the first lake propeller, said to be the first screw steamer ever built for business purposes, was launched at Oswego on Lake Ontario in 1841 ; the propeller Independence, of 260 tons, was the first steamer launched on Lake Superior ; this was in 1845; and her captain, A. J. Averill, is now a resident of this city. All vessels on the lakes above Ontario, prior to 1871, were of comparatively light draft on account of the Lime Kiln Crossing in Detroit River, and the shallow water on the St. Clair Flats. The improvements now in progress west of Buffalo, will provide a depth of water sufficient for vessels drawing twenty feet. - The total appropriations by Government for improvements on the Great Lakes up to 1892, were $37,247,993 ; the saving in the cost of transport on the Great Lakes during the year 1890, over the cost of the same freight by rail, at average rates, was estimated by the Inter- State Commerce Commission to be $135,000,ooo; hence it appears that $98,000,ooo were thus saved in the year 1890, in excess of the entire expenditure of the Government for improvements on all the lakes and connecting rivers from the beginning, to 1892. 2I The registered tonnage of the United States vessels on the Great Lakes in 1849 was 161,832 ; in 1891 it was 1,154,870. That of the Canadian vessels was 138,914. The tonnage, domestic and foreign, owned by Americans in 1892, was 4,678,397. The tonnage of vessels entered at American seaports from foreign countries was 18,180,480, of which only 20.61 per cent was American. The total vessel ton- nage, entrances and clearances, at all ports of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf Coasts, in foreign trade, in 1890, was 30,794,653. The United States traffic, foreign and coastwise, on the Great Lakes, in 1892, was 33,000,ooo tons. The traffic on the Mississippi and its tributaries in 1890, was 29,505,046 tons. The water surface of the Great Lakes is 95,275 square miles, which added to that of their water shed make a basin area of 270,075 square miles. The Mississippi and its tributaries furnish facilities for transport for twenty-four states and territories, drain an area of I,240,000 square miles, and are navigable to an extent of 15,000 miles. - In 1887, the cost of freight per ton per mile through St. Mary's Falls Canal was two and three-tenths mills; in 1890, the cost for the same service was one and three-tenths mills, or less than one seventh of the average cost by rail, as shown by the report of the Inter-State Commerce Commission for that year. One and three-tenths mills per ton per mile was a fair average for freight on all the lakes during that year. The report of the Inter-State Commerce Commission states that the railroads of the country carried during the year ending June 30, 1890, 76,207,047,298 mile tons of freight. If to this amount be added that carried on the Great Lakes, the Mississippi and its tributaries, the sum total will exceed IIo,ooo,000,ooo. Vast as is this internal commerce, it is estimated that, at the present rate of increase, it will double in sixteen and one-half years. If this estimate of increase be even approximately correct, there must be a stupendous increase in railroads, waterways, harbors and terminal facilities, to meet coming requirements of transportation. The public benefits received directly from cheap transport by water, great as they are, are made much greater by the controlling influence which water carriage exerts upon freight charges by rail ; and in view of the coming requirements for greatly increased facilities of transport, numerous schemes for ship canals and ship railways have been pro- jected to connect the Great Lakes with tide water. The trend of commerce is west, northwest and southwest, and vice versa. That 22 water carriage may continue to exert a controlling influence on rail- road charges for freight, it is evident that the future great waterway must not be far from the most direct lines of the general movement of commerce. Public attention has been called to the real or imaginary necessity for a ship canal connecting the Great Lakes with the Atlantic via the St. Lawrence River, or via Lake Champlain and the Hudson River, of a capacity sufficient for the passage of vessels carrying 5,000 tons. It is admitted that the construction of such a canal would be a stupendous undertaking, and its chief advantage would be the saving of time and expense in the transfer of cargoes from ships to boats at lake ports, and from boats to ships at New York or Montreal, and the converse. These re-shipments would be required only for exports and imports, and as less than four per cent of the commerce of the United States is foreign, the expediency of constructing such a canal so far north for the special convenience of so small a part of the commerce of the United States may well be questioned. The subjects of this Congress consist mainly of inter-oceanic canals, ship railways, improved coast and inland harbors, enlarged routes of interior navigation, better facilities for handling freight at terminals, etc., which have been assigned to distinguished gentlemen for their special consideration, and their reports will be the subjects of discus- sion by the members. After the address, the President called for the reading of the first paper, viz.: “The Nicaragua Ship Canal,” by A. G. Menocal, Chief Engineer. DISCUSSION, THE SECRETARY : You will recollect, that at a session of the Fourth International Congress, it was stated by Col. Van Zuylen, that among other things. it was especially the danger from volcanic eruptions, more frequently at Nicaragua than at Panama, which led to the selection of the Panama route. And again, by Mr. J. F. W. Conrad, that he preferred. the route from Colon to Panama rather than the Nicaragua route, by reason of the fear for the stability of the artifical works, especially the locks, in a region of earthquakes such as the latter traverses. 23 MR. MENOCAL : In reply to the question of the Secre- tary, I would say that the subject has been recently investigated by Major C. E. Dutton of the U. S. A. With regard to the active volcanoes he states: That of those in Costa Rica, the nearest, Irazu and Turalla, are about 58 miles from the junction of the St. Carlos, and 62 from the eastern locks. Of those in Nicaragua, the nearest is Ometepe in the Lake, 22 miles distant from the locks. In respect to earthquakes : While they are frequent in the vicinity of San José, the capital of Costa Rica, yet the portion of the Canal between Ochoa and the Caribbean is, in my opinion, too remote from the localities in which the Costa Rican earthquakes originate to be liable to any serious injury from them. The volcano of Mombacho in Nicaragua, 35 miles north of the Canal line, is a center of decided earthquake activity. A very few years ago the city of Granada at its base was severely shaken, many houses being damaged and a number of them wrecked. A large church nearly ready for the roof was badly shattered. A few lives were also lost. This shock was felt forcibly at Managua, about thirty miles distant, and, though it caused much alarm and even panic there, it does not seem to have produced any serious damages. Briefly, then, my opinion is that the risk of serious injury by earthquakes to the constructions proposed for the Canal is so small that it can be neglected. - This was followed by a short note written by S. C. Cobb, of Florida, on the relation of the State of Florida and the Gulf Ports to the Nicaragua Canal, expressing an interest in the canal and a desire for its achievement, in view of the benefits which would accrue to the commerce of those ports. The next paper was on the new and the enlarged waterways required to meet the demands of commerce in Canada, by Thomas C. Keefer, C. E., Ottawa, Can. Aug. 2. The first paper was on the project for a canal between the Upper Ohio and Lake Erie, by T. P. Roberts, C. E., of Pittsburgh, Pa. 24 DISCUSSION, Mr. John F. Dravo of Pittsburgh, Pa., alluded to the difficulties in the construction of the locks and dams on the Ohio. These can be overcome, as they have been in the case of the Davis Island Dam, which only waits to be connected with similar dams to secure con- tinuous navigation for the entire year with the exception of ice obstruction during the winter months. - Considering the canal and its connections with the Lakes and the Gulf of Mexico, the difficulties become unimportant when we take into account the objects to be accomplished. The Ohio River waterway connections represent some twenty thousand miles of possible inland navigation. The Secretary remarked with regard to the question of Lifts: That the actual time of lift was from three to five minutes. That the total time, including the entrance and departure of a barge in each direc- tion, was fifteen minutes (La Louvière lift). The next paper was on the commerce of the Mississippi River by George H. Morgan of St. Louis, which was followed by a paper on the benefits to be derived from the improvement of waterways:—Inter-oceanic canal projects ship canals and ship railways by Prof. Leveson Francis Vernon-Harcourt of London, England. Aug. 3. The first subject of discussion was, “The Best Commercial Route from the Great Lakes to Tide Water.” And the principal address was given by Samuel A. Thompson, Secretary of the Duluth Board of Trade, on “The Economic Value of a Ship Canal from the Great Lakes to the Sea.” He said: The influence which resulted in the destruction of the old canal system will in the end lead to the building up of a great system of canals in this country. Experience abundantly proves the economy of water routes as a means of the transportation of freight. Statis- tics show that from 1882 to 1890 the charges for freight carriage on railways have been decreased exactly 25 per cent. There has been a slight change in the other direction since 1890, for in 1891 the charge per ton per mile was 9.29 mills, against 9.27 mills in 1890, while in 1892 it was 9.67 mills. These figures standing alone might not indicate the ultimate triumph of the water carrier, but I believe 25 that the increase in the efficiency of steamships and waterways leads to like results in water traffic. The cost to the railroads of carrying freights, according to the Inter-state Commerce Commission's report was 6.3 mills in 1888, 6.04 mills in 1890 and 5.83 in 1891. The re- port of George H. Ely on the navigation of the great lakes shows that the cost of water transportation of freight on the lakes in these years was exactly one tenth of the cost of transportation by rail, or o.46 of a mill. We do not know in this country what canals can actually do, but the cost of transportation on the Erie canal is about 2 mills per ton per mile. The brains of this century have been largely devoted to railway planning and management, and we do not know what the Erie canal could do if the same amount of intellect, energy and capital had been put into its management as are put into the management of our great trunk railroads. The cost of transportation on the greaf lakes or deep water any- where, however, is much lower than on existing canals. And I am pleading for a deep-water canal. I have financial reports from dif- ferent steamers on the lakes, and they show the cost of transportation on some of them to have been for an entire year at the rate of only three fourths of a mill per ton per mile. The average cost of carry- ing from Buffalo to Duluth is 30 cents per ton. And we are yet go- ing to do much in the great lakes to cheapen the cost of transporta- tion. A Captain McDougal, the inventor of the whaleback steamer, has given me a few figures, by which I find that taking the average of the best model steamer the fuel consumed is almost exactly one ounce per ton per mile, while on the steamer A. D. Thompson and its con- sort the consumption in 1891 was less than one third of an ounce per ton per mile. Captain McDougal says we are to make on the great lakes a system of towing that will be analogous to the handling of a train of freight cars by a locomotive, and within five years we may expect to see tows coming down the lake which will handle 25,ooo tons of freight in a single tow. Steam barges will be notified by wire that a loaded barge is waiting at one port and an empty one is wanted at another. Then we shall have to make such a revision of the actual net cost per ton per mile as will even astonish some of us who are accustomed to deal with the microscopical figures of to-day. And when we get 20 feet of water everywhere from lake to lake, through which boats may pass, carrying 5,000 or 6,OOO tons of freight, this cost will have to be cut in half. 26 And so I say to the railroad man of to-day who argues that water ways cannot successfully compete with railroads that he is utterly mis- taken. There is an idea in many quarters that water traffic is all right when you are not in a hurry, but that it does not do if fast traffic is expected. Whatever may be the case on the canal it is a fact that our fast steamers maintain a far greater average speed per hour than the fastest freight trains. Boats in the ocean make 16.44 miles an hour. With the freight train while it is supposed to make sixteen miles an hour, it, as a matter of fact, makes only eight miles an hour on account of stops and delays. Last year more than I I,OOO,OOO tons of freight passed through the Sault Ste. Marie canal. If that same freight had been hauled an equal distance by rail the hauling would have cost over $77,ooo, ooo more than was actually paid for its transportation by water. The entire tonnage on the lakes, as near as we can get at it, is 30,000,ooo, and because the great lakes are where they are, supple- mented by the fact that the Erie canal is where it is, the saving to this country in transportation charges, assuming all this freight to be carried by rail, is simply enormous. And I do not believe the de- velopment of the water ways would have anything but the very best effect on the railways. You cannot show a single instance where a railway has been injured by a parallel water way or where it has not been really benefited. When the river Main was canalized from Frankfort to Metz it was supposed by the railroads that their business was going to be very seriously injured. What, in fact, took place? The business of the river increased 64 per cent the first year, and the next year 36 per cent additional. Meantime the business of the rail- roads showed an increase of 42 per cent the first year and 58 per cent the next year. Where do you find railroads in this country that are more prosperous than the roads that make their way eastward from Chicago to the Atlantic? It is my honest conviction that absolutely the best thing that could be done for the railroad interests of this country would be the opening of a canal twenty-one feet deep right alongside of every railway, and I think there would be no better way to punish some of our railroad managers than to show to them in letters of fire, after we have built such canals, how much bigger divi- dends the railroads would have paid in the past if they had cultivated water ways instead of trying to drive them out of existence. I believe there is a conspiracy to-day to drive the Erie canal out of existence. I cannot interpret in any other way the fact that a man 27 both governor of New York and a railway president vetoes a very moderate measure for the improvement of that canal, nor can I in any other way interpret the statement made in this building recently by a prominent railroad man that this year the trunk lines running east of Buffalo have entered into an iron-clad agreement that they will not make any through rates on freight with any lines of steamers and other vessels except the lines controlled by themselves. An in- dependent line cannot go down to Buffalo and get any rates that will allow it to do business unless it is done through the Erie canal, which the railroads are putting to their own use. The best commercia/ route for a shift cana/ is, in my opinion, first around Niagara Falls to connect Lakes Erie and Ontario. Then cross Lake Ontario to Oswego, and pass down Oswego river and across Oneida lake and the valley of the Mohawk to the Hudson river; thence down the Hudson to the sea. Going in this way we should make use of IIo miles of deep-water navigation, Crossing from the outlet of the canal across Lake Ontario to Oswego, and in Lake Oneida we should get some twenty-three or twenty-four miles of deep- water navigation additional, where full speed can be made. We have in this route, with possibly one exception, the fewest miles of canal navigation, and hence the greatest amount of speed and economy. I favor that route also because it brings Lake Ontario into direct con- nection with the other lakes, and I favor it because I am an American citizen and this route lies entirely within the limits of the United States. And it seems to me that the cost of the canal will be so great that it must be constructed by the national government as a national work. What is known as the Montreal or St. Lawrence route I consider not to be practicable. Of the total tonnage from the west to the sea- board less than 25 per cent is for export, and for our own seaboard states the St. Lawrence route is too far around. I cannot give the cost of the route I have described because no estimates have ever been made, but I have the opinion of an engineer that perhaps $150- ooo,ooo would be a fair rough estimate of the cost. A tax of one tenth of a mill on the property in the commercial territory directly tributary to the great lakes would pay for the canal in ten years. DISCUSSION. MR. E. P. NoFTH objected to the Montreal route on account of the fact that the St. Lawrence is closed with ice five months in the year. 28 In making a comparison of proposed routes, the question is, not whether one route would cost a million or two more than another, but of practicability and commercial advantages. MR. CHAUNCEY N. DUTTON : About 50 years ago, Mr. Jarvis, a leading engineer of that time, estimated the cost of freight transportation by water to be about one ninth of that by rail. This ratio still exists and will probably con- tinue, for the same causes which effect railway rates apply equally to rates by water. The proof of this is furnished by the published account of the transportation of the steamship Manola, and that of the principal trunk lines, as given by the Inter-state Commerce Commission. The cost to the Manola, taking the average of all the freights handled for the season, was #5 mill per ton mile. The cost per ton mile on eleven of the principal railroads in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Maryland, averaged 47% mills; more than ten times as much as by the Manola. The cost per ton mile on thirteen of the principal roads in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin averaged 3 ºr mills, i. e., nearly nine times the freight cost by the Manola. These figures show that could a deep-water route be opened parallel to the New York Central road, the freight cost on the products between the lakes and the seaboard would be diminished #. t Again they show that the relative cost of moving freight by a deep. waterway 720 miles long from Lake Erie to New York via Lake Ontario, the St. Lawrence and the Hudson as compared to the New York Central, would be 72 to 440, or as one to six. It is impossible that more than one route can be opened, and that should be the one which will furnish an avenue for the exchange of the products of all parts of the continent. Many routes have been proposed and advocated, but the St. Lawrence-Champlain route is the only satisfactory one. Canada has five millions of people and the reciprocal advantages must be considered. If the commerce of the United States will warrant the expenditure for the navigation, that of Canada will pay the dividends. The commerce from the great lakes is domestic and foreign. For the former, the St. Lawrence route is an adequate avenue ; for the latter, the estuary of the St. Lawrence is the shortest and cheapest. rOute. - 29 To impose upon the people the use of the longer route is to tax them unnecessarily. Briefly, if North America were under one government, only one route could be considered, and the reason that others receive atten- tion is due to political difficulties in the way of opening the St. Law- rence-Champlain route. But these difficulties have been removed ; for, on April first of this year, the Canadian Government, appreciating the importance of this project, chartered the North American Canal Company with ample power, giving them the free use of such por- tions of its navigation system as could be utilized in making a deep waterway, imposing only such restrictions as were necessary to guard the interests of the Canadian people and government. Further, giving them the right to draw water from the St. Lawrence River to: feed the canal to Lake Champlain. * Under the charter given, it is proposed : To widen and deepen the Summit level of the Welland Canal from Port Colborne, about 18. miles, to near Thorold ; and there diverge with a new canal running eastward 8 miles to the bluff above Queenston. From this point it descends to the lower Niagara River. From Queenston zia the Niagara River, Lake Ontario, and the St. Lawrence, there will be 280 miles of practically unobstructed navigation to Cornwall. From the eastern end of Lake St. Francis a descent of 50 feet is made, and a canal 40 miles long will connect the St. Lawrence River with Lake Champlain. [From this canal an arm will extend the navigation to Montreal harbor.] And the final descent to the tide level will be made a short distance from Waterford. To recapitulate: the length of the navigation from Lake Erie to New York City will be 720 miles; 630 miles of free navigation in lakes, rivers, and basins, and only 90 miles of restricted navigation in artificial channels. It is proposed to make these channels Io,000 square feet prism. There will be only five or six locks. These will be established having in view ultimate developments, on lines of 60. feet width, 5oo feet length, and 22 feet draft. The trip of a first-class steamer will occupy : From Port Coll)orne to New York . tº e sº 6o hours From Port Colborne to Montreal & § g & 32 hours From Montreal to New York ë * e ſº tº 32 hours In reply to the question, Would not the St. Lawrence outlet to the sea be sufficient for the needs of commerce :- Most certainly not ; the West has two terminals—Chicago and Duluth; the East two— 3O TNew York and Montreal. The route must reach from producers to consumers. New York is, and must always be, the terminal. A route eastward reaching only Montreal would be as partial as one westward reaching-only Duluth. In conclusion I would say that the seasons of navigation on the St. Lawrence River and on the Erie Canal are practically the same. The next paper was read by Professor Vosnessensky, a delegate of the Russian Government to the Congress, on the new and the enlarged waterways required to meet the demands of commerce in Russia, by Emile Teodorovitch de Hoerschelmann, Chief Engineer, Adjunct Director of Land and Water Ways at Kief, Russia. August 4th, The first paper was on the advantages re- sulting from replacing flights of canal locks by hydraulic lifts, as illustrated by the Fontinettes canal lift, by the Sec- retary, accompanied by photographs of the lifts as seen in operation. This was followed by a note on the importance of protecting canal banks in view of navigation at high speed, by Professor J. Schlichting, President of the Cen- tral Union of Navigation, Berlin, Germany, read by the Secretary as follows:— INTRODUCTION. At the request of the Organizing Committee of the V* International Congress held at Paris in 1892, the author made a report on “The Protection of Canal Banks,” which was the subject of detailed and repeated discussions during the sessions of the Congress. - On experimental, as well as on theoretical and practical grounds, the author, in his report, has arrived at this con- clusion, for those canals in which the traffic is carried on by steamboats :—viz. that the banks should be nearly ver- tical for such heights, both above and below the water level, as are affected by the impact of the waves. The author, having been requested to prepare a paper on “The importance of protecting canal banks in view of navigation at high speed,” places at the disposal of the Congress for their discussion, the foregoing report, believ- ing that in this way he can best comply with the request. 3I The Secretary read at some length extracts from Prof. Schlichting's report relating to the currents and shocks caused by the movements of boats traveling at great speed. These movements, the author states, are considerably increased by those of the paddle or screw, which producing fresh waves strike the banks with full force, or ascending the slopes and returning, come . into collision with the rising waves. From which it is evident that Only well-consolidated banks can resist attacks produced by such irregular motions of the water, and he concludes by recommending the following means of consolidating the canal banks :- (1) Make the ratio of the immersed cross section of the boat to the cross section of the waterway I : 4 for inland canals of about 2.5 metres deep, and I : 6 for ship canals. (2) Construct solid vertical, or nearly vertical banks, extending above and below the water line, beyond the influence of the waves. The second part of the report treats of the various con- structions adopted for the consolidation of canal banks, illustrated by numerous examples taken from French, Ger- man, and Dutch practice. The next two papers were read and explained by Mr. Telford Burnham. They were as follows: Ist, “The Chignecto Ship Railway,” by H. G. C. Ketchum, Civil Engineer, Amherst, Nova Scotia. 2d, “The Working of the First Ship Railway,” by William Smith, Harbor Engineer, Aberdeen, Scotland. The next paper, read by Edward P. North, C. E., was on The Manchester Ship Canal, by Elijah Helm, Secretary of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, with an intro- duction by Marshall Stevens, General Manager of the Manchester Ship Canal Company, Manchester, England. This was followed by a paper on the best form of canal and river barges in respect to capacity and cost of traction, by De Mas, Chief Engineer of Roads and Bridges, Paris, France, read by the Secretary. The next paper was on the proposed waterway from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River, via the Illinois and Mississippi Canal, by Alonzo Bryson, of Davenport, Iowa. 32 The next paper was on the proposed enlargement of the waterway from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River, via the Illinois River, by L. E. Cooley, Civil Engineer, Chicago, Ill., who also presented and explained the paper following, on the improvement of the Mississippi River, by Gen. C. B. Comstock, U. S. A., President of the Missis- sippi River Commission, New York. - August 5th, The two following papers read by Mr. Greer, of Chicago, were on the relations of the U. S. commerce to that of other countries, by William W. Bates, Chicago, Ill. ; and on the status and interests of water transportation, by Thomas J. Vivian, in charge of Trans- portation Statistics, United States Census. He also read a note on the present condition of the foreign commerce of the United States, by Ambrose Snow, Pres- ident of the American Shipping League, New York city. In reply to a communication from the Secretary relating to the subject of Water Commerce, he says: “My interest in shipping has been almost wholly in the foreign over-sea trade. My efforts to arrest the decay of that interest have been confined to the question of some legislation changing the pres- ent laws now governing our merchant marine. The European nations. have fostered their shipping interest with much care, while we have been content to wait for natural changes which would again bring us. to the front. The only change thus far has been that we have been almost utterly driven from the over-sea trade. The seaports along the whole length of our coast are filled with foreign ships. The control of public opinion is in the hands of the foreigners. Our Boards of Trade, Chambers of Commerce etc., are filled with agents. of foreign Lines, whose influence is exerted in favor of their foreign owners. Few or no American ship owners are found in them ; indeed the few ship owners and people interested in American ships, are in eastern towns and exert no influence in the large cities. The above. appears to be the situation of the American merchant marine in foreign trade. On the subject of improvement in the construction of ocean steamships, referred to in Article I, I can only say that the part we play in the foreign freight-carrying business is so small that we now hardly count as a competitor on the ocean. All the trade 33 from our ports may be said to be in the hands of foreign steam and sailing vessels. The construction of freight carriers has changed very little on the seaboard. The lake commerce has grown into a large volume and we hear of the steamer called the whaleback; but that kind of ship has not been tried on the great ocean, and in the present condition of freighting will find no employment. The English subsidized ships have carried grain from here to Europe for one penny a bushel, and cotton for sixty cents a bale. There is no possible form of construction which can compete with the subsidized tonnage of Europe in foreign trade. Our coast and lake trade is protected from foreign competition. The length of time that that will continue depends upon future legislation. A bill has been introduced into Congress having for its aim the open- ing of all our ports, rivers, and lakes, as well as the whole coast, to the free competition of the world. When that comes to pass, the foreign- ers will decide the rate of cost of the handling of our exports and im- ports. When once the foreigner has the monopoly of our carrying trade the length and breadth of the land, his generosity will be the main dependence of those who require his services. The following statement illustrates the situation, in the struggle for life, of our people who are competing with the foreigners: there is a line of Ameri- can Steamers in front of our office, running to the West Indies, that, we are told, has not made a dividend in five years. A few blocks below, there is a Spanish Line, which, we are told, receive $4000, for each round voyage which they make running to the same port. Construction, let it be what it may, cannot remedy an advantage enjoyed by the Spanish Line over the American. The foregoing is one example only of the condition which American shipping is fac- ing. A favorite theory with some is that we shipping people ought to be permitted to purchase our ships in the cheapest market. There has been no cheaper market in the world in which to buy ships than New York. If the building business is to be transferred elsewhere, that would finish the ship-owning business of our country. The young and old of the present generation would turn from it in disgust. - The history of our merchant marine may be described as follows; that is to say, its creation in a seaport town –The young men seek to embark in some enterprise by which they can make a profit. They finally decide to build a vessel as large as means will permit. They cast about for a captain who can take a small part. 34 That captain looks around among his friends and finds some who will be induced to venture to take a part of the vessel to help his friend. The captain's relatives will also strain a nerve for the sake of furnishing employment for him. The man who furnishes the sails. and rigging, the blacksmith, the joiner, and all the different parties who are employed by this line of enterprise, are appealed to ; the ship carpenter keeps as much as he can afford and the vessel is finally completed, owned by a small community who look for returns which will enable them to build another and another. If the industry grows, the town grows, and from these small beginnings the American mer- chant marine comes into existence; if transferred to another country, the town would decay; the young men would abandon all thought of the ocean trade, and whatever other country built the ships that. country would monopolize the industry. Companies from the ship- building country would locate in our large seaports and probably be successful, but the iudustry would be a foreign one. The remainder of the papers were presented and read. by the Secretary, viz.:- “Chain Towage with Magnetic Adherence,” by L. Molinos, President, and A. de Bovet Director of the Lower Seine and Oise Towage Company. “Electric Propulsion on Canals,” by O. Büsser of Oder- berg-in-the-Mark, Prussia. A note on “Electric Towage” by M. Galliot Ingénieur des Ponts et Chaussées as follows: DIJON, February the 20th, 1893. WILLIAM WATSON, Ph.D. DEAR SIR,--I beg to send you a short paper relating to the electric towage I am now constructing on the upper level of the “Canal de Bourgogne, France.” I hope it will be at work before the opening of your Congress, and that I shall be able to forward you another note explaining the results. arrived at. Your most devoted, GALLIOT, Angénieur des Ponts ef Chaussées, Dijon, Zºrance. 35 ELECTRIC TOWAGE ON THE ** CANAL DE BOURGOGNE, FRANCE.” The upper pool of the “Canal de Bourgogne, France,” 6 kilo- meters long, is single gauged and does not allow boats to pass each other, and, moreover, it goes through a tunnel 3,330 meters long. From 1867 until now, the boats have been towed in this section of the canal by two steam tugs, manned by a crew superintended by engineers “des Ponts et Chaussées.” These engineers have been examining, during the past three years, a scheme for replacing these steam tugs by electric ones. In August, 1892, the Board of Public Works approved the proposed scheme, and, in January, 1893, ordered the work to be immediately carried Out. The new system is expected to be in operation in June or July, I893. The necessary power will be supplied by the fall of water through the locks at the end of the level. At Pouilly, the Seine-end of the level, the fall is 7 meters, and at Escommes, the Sãone end, it is 8 meters. The quantities of water supplied per day at each lock for the feeding of the canal not being equal, they will take 230 litres per second at Pouilly, and 150 litres at Escommes; these proportions being calculated so as to afford the least inconvenience to the water supply. Thus, the power of the falls will be 21.5 horse power at Pouilly, and 16 at Escommes. The power is obtained by turbines, with partial distribution. - The contractors guarantee an efficiency of 70 per cent for the turbines, hence their net powers will be 15 and II horse powers respectively. These turbines will work continuous current Gramme dynamos at a velocity of I, Ioo and 1,200 revolutions per minute. These dynamos will be connected in series. They are to give a tension of 370 volts at Pouilly, and 280 volts à. Escommes, and 25 Ampères, say 650 volts 25 Ampères together; so that their united power will be 16,000 volts, or, approximately 85 per cent of the power of the turbines. The motor, a Gramme dynamo, will be placed on board the tug, and connected with the generators through a brass wire, 8 millimeters in 36 diameter. The contractor for this wire guarantees an electric con- ductibility equal to 98 per cent of that of an equal copper wire. The wire is to be supported by insulators built in the arch of the tunnel, or hung from posts, fixed in the slopes of the cuttings. The electric line consists of three wires, one from a pole of one of the dynamos to the opposite pole of the other dynamo, and two others from each other pole run alongside the first. These latter, ending on insulators, are to feed the motor by overhead rolling contact. They are expected to supply the motor with a current of 25 Ampères and 550 volts. Straps and gears will connect the motor to the pulley working the chain immersed in the canal. This chain is the same as that used for towage from 1867 up to the present. - A tension of 1,200 kilogrammes is to be secured, when the velocity is o.75 metre per second. A special arrangement of gears allows this speed to be doubled. The scheme is completed by a set of 25o accumulators, in order to give light, and to regulate the speed. On the other hand, they are to work the tug a short time when the dynamos are at rest. The expense will amount to II 5,000 francs. The engineers think that these contrivances will lessen the annual expenses from 20,000 to 15,000 francs, and yet they intend to dismiss no man of the crew, though it will be too numerous. GALLIOT. DIJON, February 20th, 1893. DIJON, le 22 Juillet, 1893. DEAR SIR,--I have the pleasure of informing you that the maiden trip of my electric tug was made on the 18th inst. The works were completed only on the previous day, and the trial immediately made. It was not all right. We broke some trolley poles, and sometimes reversed the dynamos. But the poles being replaced by longer ones, and attention paid to the starting of the machines, we got a success. You can inform the Congress that there is now, or will be before the first of August, a towage operated by electricity. I intend to put it at work on Tuesday of next week, and continue from that day to work it without interruption. Your most devoted GALLIOT. 37 The next paper was a description of Lévy's system of cable towage between Paris and Joinville, as seen in operation by the Secretary. It was illustrated by a large collection of photographs, showing the system in operation in all its details. - The next paper was on the respective use of waterways and railways, and their competitive influence in reducing the cost of transportation, by Alexandre Halász, Professor at the Polytechnic School, Budapest, Hungary. It was fol- lowed by a note on the comparative cost of transportation by rail and by water in Austria, by A. Schromm, Naviga- tion Inspector, Counsellor of the Government at Vienna, Austria. The results reached in this last paper are as follows: On all Austrian railways having a total length of 15,307 kilometres (9,567 miles), 79,959,604 tons were carried in the year 1890, corre- sponding to 7,252,273,014 ton-kilometres ; i. e., a traffic of 464,464 tons per kilometre. On those waterways, for which documents have been prepared, on a total length of 1,656 kilometres (1,035 miles), there were carried in 1890, 5,238,005 tons, corresponding to 446,498,681 kilometric tons; i.e., a traffic of 269,625 tons per kilometre. The economic value of both methods of transport, which is shown by the given rates, is as follows: On the railways the rates for mer- chandise per mile ton is from 15% to 16 mills; on rivers from 4% to 7 mills. The lowest down stream freight was I mill per mile ton, against Io by rail along the banks. The next paper was on the improvement of the Lower and Outer Weser, by Ludwig Franzius, Director of Public Works, Bremen, Germany. The length of the Lower Weser, between Bremen and Bremerhaven, is 41 English miles. The length of the Outer Weser, below Bremer- haven, is 6 English miles. The object of the improvement is to create a depth of water in the fairway enabling vessels drawing 19 feet 8.2 inches of water to reach the free port of Bremen. The cost of this improvement is estimated at 7,900,ooo dollars, to be paid for by the free town of Bremen. The time of construction is estimated at 6 years. The following results are anticipated :— 38 In 1886 the depth of water in the fairway only enabled vessels with a maximum draught of 9 feet to reach Bremen; at the expira- tion of 4 years, vessels drawing 15 feet 6 inches can safely navigate to and from Bremen at ordinary high water. The available depth at high water spring tides is proportional to the height of the tide; with favorable tides vessels drawing 16 feet 6 inches of water have already come up to Bremen. w The Method of Construction.—The improvement works are executed under the personal direction of Mr. Franzius, according to the plans proposed by him in 1879. Predging planſ.—The dredging is done by day and night; the work during the night being carried on by electric light. The num- ber of dredges at work in the channel is 8, which lift 746 cubic yards per hour. - The conveying of dredging spoil to those branches of the river which cannot be navigated by the punts and barges on account of the insufficient depth of water, is done by special auxiliary dredging machines, which force the material mixed with water by means of centrifugal pumps through pipes to a distance of 872 yards. The dredging spoil is conveyed by 22 steam hopper barges, vary- ing in capacity from 131 cubic yards to 262 cubic yards, also by 58 tug punts, with a capacity of 52 cubic yards; 48 of these have bottom valves; Io of these are without bottom valves. The punts are towed by 5 tug steamers. For the general surveying service there are: I director's steamer, I steamer for the surveys in the Outer Weser, and 8 steam launches of different sizes. Statement of the work executed from 1888 fill 1892.-From the beginning of the regulation works to the end of 1892, 22,300,000 cubic yards have been removed from the channel of the river; 17 miles of training walls and 7 dams, cutting off branches of the river, have been built; 2,747,ooo cubic yards of fascine wood were employed for the construction of the training walls and dams. Zhe total expenditure up to December, Z892, was 5,700,ooo dollars. FRANZIUS, Offerðaudirektor. Bremen, in January, 1893. The next paper was contributed by the Secretary on the navigation of the Seine from Paris to the Sea. 39 This paper concluded with an account of the remarkable experimental investigations of Prof. Vernon-Harcourt of London on the effects of training walls in the Seine Estu- ary. It was illustrated by Prof. Harcourt's original draw- ings loaned to the Secretary for the occasion. His drawings illustrating the effects of training walls in the |Mersey, were also exhibited. The chief value of such in- vestigations consists in their indicating the influence that any scheme of training walls would have upon an estuary : thus enabling the most effective of the schemes to be adopted, and those injurious to be avoided. The next paper was on “The Port of Havre,” by Baron Quinnette de Rochemont, General Inspector of Roads and Bridges, Paris, France. The next paper was on the hydraulic works and pneu- matic foundations made at Genoa, and at La Pallice, the Port of Rochelle—by the Secretary. This paper was illustrated by photographs and drawings furnished by the contractors C. Zschokke and P. Terrier of Paris. The Port of Rotterdam. G. J. de Jongh (Engineer-in- chief, Director of the Rotterdam Board of Works), placed at the disposal of the Congress one hundred fifty copies of his illustrated description of the Port of Rotterdam. After a summary of the contents had been given by the Secre- tary, copies were distributed to the members present. The next was a note on The subaqueous framework- constructions in the Baltic Sea, by Th. Shmeleff, Réval, Russia. * Subaqueous framework constructions are convenient in the Baltic sea, because the borer (Teredo navalis) does not exist here. Those built in the beginning of the past century are well preserved. The timber of the old frames has been examined and found as solid as new. The low price of timber, the abundance of cobble-stones on the coasts of the gulf of Finland, and the simplicity of timber construc- tions have enabled us to select here the types of such construction. Breakwaters may be built of: 4O I. Piled-up cobble-stones and masonry (Sketch 1). 2. Regu- larly set masonry (Sketch 2). 3. Piled-up cobble-stones enclosed by pale-walls (Sketch 3). 4. Frames filled with cobble-stones. (Sketch 4). The average cost of the works at some ports is as follows: A cubic metre of piled-up cobble-stones, Io francs. A cubic metre of timber-work, 6o francs. A cubic metre of masonry, 70. francs. A cubic metre of regularly set masonry, 75 francs. The driving of a pile of 15 metres in length with mean diameter of o.33 metre together with the erection of the pale-walls, 4oo francs. Let us take for data the above mentioned estimates and the follow- ing profiles and calculate the cost of one metre in length of the breakwater. * The mean depth of the water supposed to be Io metres. The above mentioned comparisons show the frame-constructions to be the cheapest type of breakwater. But only when a cubic metre of timber costs 200 francs, which is very rare at present, a breakwater of the fourth type would cost as much as one of the first or second. In a sea where the teredo does not live, the cheapest breakwater would be of timber. But the only way to attain this economy in those seas inhabited by this animal, is to protect the timberwork against the worm, or discover some means of destroying it. For this purpose the caissons may be coppered at a cost of 20 per cent of the value of the breakwater. I propose for the fourth type of breakwater to copper the caissons: then the breakwater will cost 3753 × 1. 2 = 45oo francs per running metre. And then for those seas inhabited by the teredo the fourth type of breakwater will be the cheapest. 2O January, 1893. Reval, Russia. Alist of books, plans, and photographs presented to the Congress. Forth and Clide Ship Canal in relation to the Development of Commerce, by J. Law Crawford, Law Agent and Secretary to the Provisional Committee of Promoters. La Régularisation des Portes de Fer et des Autres Cataractes du bas Danube. Rapport par M. Béla de Gonda, Conseiller technique au Ministère royal hongrois du Commerce, Professeur agrégé à l’Ecole Polytechnique de Budapest. Canal de la Marne a la Saone. 3° Partie.—Bief de partage et descente en Saone jusqu'a Piépapeet, et w Jºketch / • * * . On the first type, composed of piled-up cobble-stones and massives, one metre in length — — — of the breakwater will cost: K.T.T [(*#sº).3+(*#º)el 10 fr. -- º, +(#4). 8. 70 fr. -- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ On the second type, composed of regularly set massives upon a foundation of piled-up cobble-stones, one metre in length of the break- water will cost: 23 + 17 º (*#) 3. 10 ft. 4- sº 9,40+ 7,60 3 + 1 - ; :- - - - - - - - #3+ . . . . . . . . : +[(*#iº ).9+(*#! ) 4]75 ſr. = 6937, fr. © - - - - - - - - - - - - - 423.6°- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Jºketch 3 º º On the third type, composed of cobble-stones * H: … cº-º-º: enclosed by pale-walls, l l piles calculated for a ax=}==########– 4. frº-E jº ==E metre of the breakwater, one metre of its length 35 Bºº; ººt ºº - will cost: Rººijºº l 1, 400 fr. —H ####| r + - — ği-, +[(*#)94-º'--º] to ſº. + • ,, . . . . * * * * * * +(*#sº) 1. 70 ſr. -- + I(*#iº) 2 + (*#) 4] 75 ſr. = 7720 fr, On the fourth type, composed of 20% of timber and 80% of cobble-stones, one metre in length of the breakwater will cost . (*#) 2. l () (r. —H l 1 + 10,30+9,90+ 9,20 tº +[( 2 )35+3.25](0.2.60ſ.-- + 0,8 10 ſ)+ 9,20 + 8,00\ q_ r 3 + 1 +[(*#sº)3 3 2.5-(+)3](0.2 60 fr. + O.S. 70 ſ) = 3753.6 francs. 42 Note sur l'accident à L'Ascenseur Hydraulicue D'Anderton suivie de la traduction du rapport publié sur le mème sujet par M. Edwin Clark, par Cadart, Ingénieur ordinaire. Canal Projecté de Tancarville. Memoire présenté par la munici- palité de Rouen a la commission de classement des voie navigables au sujet de ce canal. Notice sur les Travaux d'Amélioration de l'embouchure du Danube et du bras de Soulina, Par Voisin Bey, Inspecteur Général des Ponts et Chaussées, en Retraite. Die Beziehungen der Eisenbahnen und Binnenschiffahrt zu einander. Vortrag von Direktor Ströhler. Berlin, Sept. 9, 189o. Ship Canals, by Prof. Lewis M. Haupt, C.E. The Proposed Ship Canal between Philadelphia and New York (via Trenton). Addresses by Prof. Lewis M. Haupt, C.E., Univ. of Penna., Mr. Thomas Martindale, Philadelphia, and Mr. Erastus Wiman, New York. Resolutions of Boards of Trade and other Organizations in behalf of a ship canal across New Jersey. Publications of the American Economic Association, containing I. The Canal and the Railway with a note on the Development of Railway Passenger Traffic, by Professor James, University of Pennsylvania. II. Canals and their economic relation to transportation, by Pro- fessor L. M. Haupt, of the same university. - The Chignecto Ship Railway, the substitute for the Baie Verte Canal, 3 copies, by H. G. C. Ketchum, Amherst, Nova Scotia. Sul Regime Della Spiagge e sulla Regolazione dei Porti ; studi di Paola Cornaglia Ispettore nel Corpo R. del Genio Civile a riposo Allievo anziano della Scuola Nazionale dei Ponti e Strade di Parigi, 2 copies. La Seine Rade de Guerre par M. de Coene, 2 copies. Documents relating to Pneumatic Foundations presented by C. Zschokke and P. Terrier, engineers and contractors, Paris. 3 Photographs: Avant-port de la Pallice (La Rochelle). (1). Con- struction sous-marine des jetées et du batardeau. (2). Caissons mobiles. (3). Jetées du du sud. Pamphlets. Execution des Travaux sous-marins. One number of the “Annales des Ponts et Chaussees,” containing “ Notice sur les fondations à l'air comprimé des jetées.” Two numbers of the “ Génie Civil,” Travaux de Gênes –Travaux de Livourne. l 43 Travaux Hydraulicues à Rome, Gènes, et Livourne. Travaux Hydrauligues exécutés en France de 188o à 1889. The Commercial Aspects of the Manchester Ship Canal, by Mar- shall Stevens, General Manager. - Description of the Manchester Ship Canal and 1oo copies of the General Plan and Proposed Berth and Quay arrangements at Man- chester and Salford. Contributions of the society of Portuguese Civil Engineers to the World's Columbian Exposition. Descriptive Catalogue. Mémoire sur l'egout et l'assainissement de la ville de Coimbra par José C. da Costa, João da Costa Couraga, José Ferro de Madureira Bessa, Ingénieurs. Notice sur les Travaux d'Amélioration du Port de Lisbonne. Nouvelle Méthode pour le Calcul des Profils en travers des routes et des Chemins de fer par Francisco da Silva Ribeiro. Portugal. Common Roads, Railways and River Communications by Frederico Augusto Pimentel, Civil Engineer. Six semaines en Algérie par le Vicomte de Pulligny Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur, Officier de l'Instruction Publique Commandeur de Charles III., etc. - L'Art Préhistorique dans l'Ouest et Notamment en Haute Nor- mandie by the same. r Studi Sull' Irrigazione della Provincia di Teramo di Gaetano Crug- nolia, ingegnere capo. Serbatoi d'Acqua o Laghi Artificiali, by the same. Sistema Orografico, Idrografia e Archeologia Preistorica della Pro- vincia di Teramo. Memorie by the same. Bericht des K. K. Schifffahrts-Gewerbeinspectors, Regierungsrathes A. Schromm. ACKNOWLEDGMENT.–The Secretary takes this occasion to express his indebtedness to Henry D. Woods, City En- gineer, Newton, Mass., for translating the papers of Messrs. de Bovet, de Hoerschelmann and Halász, also to the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers for the plates illus- trating “The Chignecto Ship Railway.” CLOSING RESOLUTIONS. Mr. Thomas C. Keefer, C.E., of Ottawa, Canada, after a complimentary allusion to the Secretary, who, he stated, & 44 bad served with himself on the Jury at the Paris Exhibi- tion of 1878, proposed the following resolutions: Adesolved, That the thanks of the Congress be presented to the Hon. John C. Dore for presiding over its delibera- tions; to Professor William Watson for performing the la- borious duties of Secretary. º The President, pending the passage of this first resolu- tion, remarked that the success of the Congress was mainly due to the ability and untiring efforts of the Secretary, Pro- fessor Watson. - The following resolution was also proposed : Aſesolved, That the Congress present to the Secretary the foregoing publications and photographs as a token of its appreciation of his disinterested services, which have largely contributed to the success of its sessions. The resolutions were unanimously adopted. The Presi- dent and the Secretary made appropriate replies and the Congress dissolved. AUSTRIA-HUNCAFY. ADVISORY COUNCIL. Bela de Gonda Conseiller au Ministère du Commerce, Budapest. Farago, Leo., Conseiller Technique, Budapest. Dr. Halasz, A., Professeur à l’École Polytechnique, Budapest. Lauda, E., K. K. Baurath im Ministerium des Innern, Vienna. Pollack, R., Secrétaire de l’Elbeverein, Teplitz, Bohemia. Russe, W., Jur. Dr. ; M. P., Vienna. Schromm, A., Navigation Inspector and Govt. Counsellor, Vienna. HONORARY MEMBERS. Deutsch, J., C. E., Mem. Admin. Danube Navig. Co., Vienna. Klunzinger, P., Ingenieur, Schrift-führer des Donau-Vereins, Vienna. Koestler, H., Oberingenieur der K. K. Osterr, Staatsbahnen in Wien. Kortz, P., Engineer of the City of Vienna. - Landau, L., Royal Engineer, Budapest. Lovas, A., Government Counsellor, Budapest. Mauethner, M., M. P., Pres. of the Cham. of Comm., Vienna. Petrlik, K., Professor in the Imp. Roy. Tech. High School, Prague. Ritter von, Proskowetz, E., Mem. of the Austrian Par., Vienna. Rippl. W., Professor für Wasserbau, Technischen Hoschüle, Prag. Ritter Weber von Ebenhof, A., Baurath und Professor, Brünn. BELCIUM. HoNorARY MEMBERs. Cavans, L., Sec. du Cercle des Installations Maritimes de Bruxelles. Gobert, A., Prés. du Cercle des Installations Maritimes de Bruxelles. 46 BRITISH EMPIRE. ADVISORY COUNCIL. Abernethy, J., F• R. S. E., Past Pres., Inst. Civ. Eng., London. Alderman Bailey, W. H., Hydraulic Engineer, Manchester. Barios, J., Ingénieur en chef des Ponts et Chaussées, Cairo, Egypt. Clark, E., Civil Engineer, Marlow. Fleming, Sandford, Civil Engineer, Ottawa, Canada. Keefer, T. C., Civil Engineer, Ottawa, Canada. - Kennedy, W., Chief Engineer and Harbor Commissioner, Montreal. Ketchum, H. G. C., Ch. Eng. Chignecto Ship Railway, Amherst, N. S. Manning, R., M. Inst. C.E., Late Ch. Eng. to H.M.B'd, of Wks, Dublin. Professor Reynolds, 0., Manchester. - Smith, W., M. Inst. C. E., Harbor Engineer, Aberdeen. Stevens, Marshall, Gen. Man. Manchester Ship Canal Co. Professor Vernon-Harcourt, L. F., Mem. Inst. C. E., London. Wells, L. B., M. Inst. C. E., Manchester. HONORARY MEMBERS. Bateman, A. E., Prin. of Com. Dept. of B'd of Trade, London. Bartholomew, W. H., C. E., Aire & Calder Navigation, Leeds. Brown, A., Shipbuilder and Engineer, Renfrew. Brydone, J., H. M. Ch. Insp. under the Canal Boat Acts., Middlesex. Carey, A. E., M. Inst. C. E., Westminster. - Collier, W. H., Manager Bridgewater Canal, Manchester. Crawford, J. L., Solicitor, Glasgow. Darley, C. W., Ch. Eng. for Rivers and Harbors, Sidney, N. S. W. Dykes, C. R., Manager of the Rochdale Canal, Manchester. Fowler, A. F., C. E., Engineer Ribble Navigation, Preston. Griffith, J. P., M. Inst. C. E., Dublin. Hunter, W. H., M. Inst. C. E., Manchester. Jeans, J. S., Secretary to the Iron and Steel Institute, London. Sir E. G. Jenkinson, K. C. B., Director Manchester Canal, London. Knowles, E. R., Canal Superintendent, Liverpool. * Sir J. C. Lee, Dep. Chairman Manchester Ship Canal, Manchester. Lewis, W. T., Civil Engineer, Aberdare. Lindsay, C. C., M. Inst. C. E., Glasgow. Miller, T., M. Inst. C. E., Eng. to Ipswich Dock Commission. Nicol, R. G., Harbor Engineer, Aberdeen, Scotland. f 47 ·Palmer, J. E., Director Grand Canal Co., Howth Co., Dublin. Pigot, T. F., C. E., Sci. Exam., Royal College of Science, Dublin. Rhodes, J. H. W., Asso. M. Inst. C. E., Leeds. Saner, J. A., Assoc. M. Inst. C. E., River Weaver Nav., Northwich. | Stewart, D., Lord Provost of Aberdeen, Aberdeen. Stileman, F., M. Inst. C. E., Barrow-in-Furness. Williams, A., Gen. Man. and Sec. Leeds & Liverpool Canal Co. Williams, Edward Leader, M. Inst. C. E., Altrincham. , Williams, J. E., M. Inst. C. E., Boston. DENMARK. HON ORARY MEMBER. Commodore Lueders, F. U. W., Royal Danish Navy, Copenhagen. FRANCE. ADVISORY COUNCIL. Beaurin-Gressier, Chef de la Navigation, Ministère des Travaux, 4 Publics, Paris. Bertin,L.E., Direc. de l'École d'Application du Génie Maritime, Paris. Bouquet de la Grye, A., Membre de l'Institut de France. - Directeur du Service Hydrographique de la Marine, Paris. Cadart, Gaston, Ingénieur des Ponts et Chaussées, Rouen. Cadart, Gustave, Ingénieur des Ponts et Chaussées, Langres. Camere, A., Ing. en chef des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris. Delegate. Colson, C., Ingénieur des Ponts et Chaussées ; Maître des Requêtes au Conseil d'Etat, Paris. Crahay de Franchimont, Ingénieur en chef des Ponts et Chaussées • · (Service Maritime), Bordeaux. De Bovet, Manager Lower Seine and Oise Towage Co., Paris. Delaunay-Belleville, Président de la Chambre de Commerce, Paris. Desprez, H., Ingénieur des Ponts et Chaussées, Port du Havre. Flamant, A., Ingénieur en chef Professeur à l'École des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris Delegate. 48 Fleury, J., Ingénieur Civil, Paris. - Fontaine, A., Ingénieur en chef des Ponts et Chaussées, Dijon. Guerard, A., Ingénieur en chef des Ponts et Chaussées, Marseilles. Guillain, F., Directeur de la Navigation au Ministère des Travaux - Publics, Paris. Hirsch, J., Ingénieur en chef des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris. Laroche, F., Inspecteur Général des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris. LaSmolles, Directeur de la Cie, du Touage de la Haute-Seine, Paris. Le Brun Raymond, Ingénieur Civil, Paris. - - : De Mas, F. B., Ingénieur en chef des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris. . Molinos, L., Ancien Prés. de la Societé des Ingénieurs Civils, Paris. Pasqueau, Ingénieur en chef des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris. - Pontzen, Ernest, Ingénieur Civil, Paris. - Baron Quinnette de Rochemont, Inspecteur Général Professeur à l'École des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris Delegate. Renaud, G., Ingénieur en chef des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris. Ribiere, C., Ing. des Ponts et Chaussées (Service des Phares), Paris. Seyrig, T., Ingénieur Civil, Paris. Stoecklin, Inspecteur Général des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris. Terrier, P., Ingénieur, Entreprenneur de Travaux Publics, Paris. Vetillart, H., Ing. en chef des Ponts et Chaussées, Havre Delegate. Voisin Bey, Inspecteur Général des Ponts et Chaussées en retraite. Ancien Directeur Général des Travaux du Canal de Suez, Paris. HoNoRARY MEMBERs. , Berthelot, Senateur ; Secrétaire Perpetuel de l'Acad. de Sci., Paris. Bonaventure, B., Ingénieur de la Cº de Fives-Lille, Paris. Bonniol, L., Ingénieur de la C" des Eaux, Paris. Bourguin, Ingénieur en chef des Ponts et Chaussées, Soissons. De Brevens, E., Secrétaire de la Bourse de Commerce, Paris. Carlier, E., Inspecteur Général des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris. Clerc, Ingénieur des Ponts et Chaussées, Vernon. - Considere, A., Ingénieur en chef des Ponts et Chaussées, Quimper. Dargner, Président de la Chambre de Commerce, Calais. De Coene, J., Ingénieur Civil, Rouen. Dingler, Ingénieur en chef des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris. . Donan, M., Ingénieur; Directeur des Services de la Chambre de Commerce, Dunkerque. - 4 Galliot, F., Ingénieur des Ponts et Chaussées, Dijon. Girardon, H., Ingénieur en chef des Ponts et Chaussées, Lyon. 49 Gruner, E., Ingénieur des Mines, Paris. Jozan, Ingénieur des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris. Labat, C., Ingénieur Maritime, Bordeaux. Colonel Laussedat, A., Paris. Le Chatelier, L., Ingénieur des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris. Lourdelet, E., Member of the Chamber of Commerce, Paris. Mazoyer, A., Ingénieur en chef des Ponts et Chaussées, Nevers. Petyt, M.A., Président de la Chambre de Commerce, Dunkerque. Pelletreau, A., Ing. en chef des Ponts et Chaussées, Constantine. Polonceau, E., Ancien Prés. de la Société des Ingénieurs Civils, Paris. De Pulligny, Ingénieur du Port de Marseille, Marseille. Baron Reille, Deputé Prés. du Comité des Forges de France, Paris. Rigaun, Charleville, Ardennes. Rousseau, A., Conseiller d’Etat; Inspecteur Général des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris. Wyke, Wilberforce, Secretary of the Siamese Legation, Paris. GERMANY. ADVISORY COUNCIL. Won Doemming, A., Elbstrombaudirector, Regierungs-und-Baurath, Magdelburg. Franzius, L., Oberbaudirektor, Bremen. Froeler, Railway and Ship Director, Berlin. Merkins, F., President of the “Westdeutche Fluss-und Canal Verein,” Cologne-on-the-Rhine. Moeller, M., Professor der Technischen Hochschule, Braunschweig. Nehls, J. C., Wasserbau Director, Hamburg. Opperman, L., Regierungs-und Baurath, Vorsitzender der Königlich Kanal-Kommission, Münster. Pescheck, Ingénieur en chef, Conseiller du Gouvernement, Breslau. Roessler, H., Königlicher Regierungsbaumeister Kostheim bei Mainz. Dr. V.On Rumpler, Royal Consellor of Foreign Affairs, Munich. Schlichting, J., Professor für Wasserbau an der Königlichen Tech- + nischen Hochschule, Berlin. Schultz, A., Directeur au Ministère des Travaux Publics, Berlin. Symper, Ingénieur en chef a Holtenau-b-Kiel. Thiem, R., Königlicher Baurath, Eberswalde. Weber, Moritz, Wasserbau-Director, Dresden. 50 HONORARY MEMBERs. Blenknisop, Regierungs-Baumeister, Kiel. Broemel, M., Mitglied des Reichstags, Berlin. Buesser, 0., Techniker, Oderberg. Crasemann, R., VorsitSender der Handelskammer, Hamburg. Damme, R., Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, Danzig. Diffene, P., Praesident der Handelskammer, Mannheim. Engels, H., Prof. of Hydraulics, Roy. Tech. High School, Dresden. Flinsch, H., Vorsitzender des Vereins zur Stebung den Fluss u Ka- nal Schifffart für Süd u West-Deutschland, Frankfort-a-M. Frentzel, A., Geheimer Commerzienrath, Berlin. Frentzen, Regierungsbaumeister, Holtenau-by-Kiel. Grunner, T., Praesident der Handelskammer, Bremen. Dr. von Halle, E. L., Berlin. Hess, A., Baurath, Hanover. Baron Heyl zu Hermsheim, Mitglied der I Kammer der Staende . Worms. Hoeniger, C., Betriebs Director der Süddentschen Donan Dampf- schifffahrts-Gesellschaft, Wien. - † Hoech, T. G., Inspector of Water-Ways, Ger. Leg., Washington. Dr. Landgraf, J., Syndicus der Handelskammer, Mannheim. Lieckfeldt, E., Wasserbauinspector, Lingen. Lindenmeyer, C., Praesident des Vereins zur Wahrung der Rein- schifffahrt-Interessen, Ludvigshafen am Rhein. Lindley, W. H., M. Inst. C. E., City Engineer of Frankfort-on-Main. Meyer, J. L., Ship-builder, Papenberg, Hanover. Nebelthan, F., Jur. Dr. Syndicus der Handelskammer, Bremen. Pfeiffer, Geheimer Commerzienrath Praesident der Handelskam- mer, Düsseldorf. Rehbock, T., Government Engineer, Bremen. Schwartz, T., Ingenieur & Schifffahrts-Director, Ruprort. Wiggers, M., Late Member of Parliament, Mecklenberg. HOLLAND. ADVISORY COUNCIL. Conrad, T. F. W., Gen. Inspector of the Waterstaat, M.P., The Hague. * Deking-Dura, Ingenieur en chef du Waterstaat, Zwolle. De Jongh, G. J., Ch. Eng., Director of the Rotterdam, B’d of W’ks. * Welcker, J., Ingénieur du Waterstaat, Rotterdam. 5I HONORARY MEMBERS. Boissevain, J., Director of Nederland Mail S. S. Co., Amsterdam. Caland, P., Chief Inspector of the Waterstaat, The Hague. Fegelberg, P. E., Directeur de la Societé Nederland, Amsterdam. Baron Findal, Président de la Societé Nederland, Amsterdam. Hendrichs, A. M. J., Chairman Cham. of Com. & Ind., Amsterdam. Baron d'Ittersum, Chief Engineer of the Waterstaat, The Hague. Lycklama, a Nijholt, P., Bourgmester, Rotterdam. Reiger, B., Bourgmester, Utrecht. - Schorer, J. W. M., Queen's North Holland Commissioner, Harlem. Van Stolk, J., Civil Engineer, Delft. Telders, J. M., C. E., Professor in the Polytechnic School, Delft. Van Diesen, G., Chief Inspector of the Waterstaat, The Hague. Colonel Van Zuylen, G. E. W. L., Roy. Inst. Eng., The Hague. ITALY. ADVISORY COUNCIL. Cornaglia, P., Inspecteur Général du Génie Civil, enretraite, San Remo. Giaccone, P., Ingegnere Capo, Genova. Luiggi, L., C. E. Tech. Priv. Sec. of the Minister of Pub. WKs., Rome. Torricelli, G., Ingenere; Professore d'Idraulica Agroria netta R*Scuola Superiore d’Agricoltura, Portici. HONORARY MEMBERS. Baravelli, G. C., C. E., Sec. of the Soc. of Ital. Eng. and Arch., Rome. Brin, B., Inspecteur Général du Génie Maritime, Rome. Professeur Crugnola, G., Ingénieur en chef, Teramo. Magazini, I., Chief Engineer of Public Works, Rome. Orlando, P., Civil Engineer, Leghorn. Tuccimei, C., Civil Engineer, Rome. NORWAY. ADVISORY COUNCIL. Sotren, G., Chef"de l'Administration Royale des Canaux de Nor- vège, Christiania. * 52 PORTUGAL. ADVISORY COUNCIL. Da Costa Couraca, Joao, Civil Engineer, Lisbon. - Guerreiro, Mendes, J. V., Ingénieur en chef de 1" classe, Lisbon. De Souza-Gomes, J. Pises, Inspecteur des Travaux Publics, Lisbon. ROUMANIA. ADVISORY COUNCIL. Professeur Mironesco, C. M., Inspecteur Général des Ponts et Chaus- sées, Bucarest. RUSSIA. ADVISORY COUNCIL. De Hoerschelmann, E. T., Ing., Chef-Adjoint de la Direction des Voies de Communication, Kief. De Sytenko, N., Councellor, Editor of the Official Journal of Public Works, St. Petersburg. Schmelef, Th., Inspecteur en chef, Réval. Prof. de Timonoff, V. E., Engineer of Ways and Communications, St. Petersburg. ©º HONORARY MEMBERS. Fadeieff, P. A., Senateur; Conseiller Privé ; Ingénieur des Voies de Communication, St. Petersburg. Nyberg, A., State Counsellor; Professor in the School of Roads and Bridges, St. Petersburg. Delegate. Vosnessensky, N., Prof.-Adj., Inst. of Ways of Comy, St. Petersburg. Delegate. 53 SFAIN. ADVISORY COUNCIL. Arenal, Fernando Garcia, Ing. Direct. des Travaux du Port de Vigo. Jague y Buil, R., Ing. jefe de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Valencia. De Llaurado, A., Chief Engineer of the Forest District of Madrid. HONORARY MEMBER. De Churruca, E., Ingéniero jefe, Director de las Obras del Puerto, Bilbao. SWEDEN. ADVISORY councIL. Richert, J. G., Chief of the Royal Administration of Roads, Stockholm. HONORARY MEMBERS. Peyron, Le C., Rear Ad., Royal Swedish Navy, Stockholm. Sidenbladh, E., Directeur en chef du Bureau Central de Statistique de Suéde, Stockholm. Waern, C. F., Late Pres. Swedish B'd of Trade, Stockholm. SWITZERLAND. HONORARY MEMBER. De May, M., Ingénieur Civil, Bern. THE UNITED STATES. A DVISORY COUNCIL. Blanchard, N. C., Lawyer; Member of Congress, Washington, D. C. Bogart, J., Civil Engineer, New York, N. Y. Hon. George Clinton, Pres. Buffalo Merch. Exch. Delegate. Comstock, C. B., General, U. S. A.; Pres. Mississippi River Commis- - sion, New York, N. Y. * 54 Cooley, L.E., Civil Engineer, Chicago, Ill. * Craighill, W.P., Colonel Corps of Engineers, U.S.A., Baltimore, Md. Ely, G. H., Pres. Central National Bank, Cleveland, O. * Fuertes, E. A., Director Coll. Civ. Eng., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. Greene, G.S., Jr., Engineer-in-Chief Dept. of Docks, New York, N. Y. Professor Haupt, L. M., Philadelphia, Pa. * Henderson, T. J., Member of Congress, Princeton, Ill. Hutton, W. R., Consulting Engineer, New York. …” Kirby, F. E., Consulting and Const. Eng., Detroit Dry Dock Co. Colonel Mendenhall, T. C., Supt. U.S. Coast Survey, Washington. Menocal, A. G., U.S. N. ; Ch. Eng. Nicaragua Canal Co., Norfolk, Va. Hon. W. Miller, Late Pres. Nicaragua Ship Canal Co., New York. Prof. Mitchell, H., Cambridge, Mass. North, E. P., American Society of Civil Engineers, New York. Roberts, T. P., Ch. Eng. of the Monongahela Nav. Co., Pittsburgh. Snow, A., President of the American Shipping League, New York. Hon. Horatio Seymour, Civil Engineer, Marquette, Mich. Thompson, S.A., Secretary of the Board of Trade, Duluth, Minn. Vivian, T. J., Supt. Transp. U. S. Census Bureau, Washington, D. C. HONORARY MEMBERS. Bates, W. W., N. A. and Shipbuilder, Chicago, Ill. Boyd, J. T., Constructing Engineer, East Cambridge, Mass. Clarke, R. H., M. C., Alabama, Washington, D. C. Dolph, J. N., U. S. Senator, Washington, D.C. ' Frye, W. P., U. S. Senator, Lewiston, Maine. Haynes, W. E., Banker, Fremont, Sandusky Co., Ohio. Post, Philip S., Member of Congress, Washington, D. C. Stephenson, S. M., Member of Congress, Menvoninee, Mich. Weadock, T. A., Member of Congress, Bay City, Mich. Woods, Henry D., Ingénieur des Arts and Manufactures, Boston. MEMBERS. Hon. G. H. Anderson, Dele. Cham. of Com., Pittsburgh, Pa. Babcock, W, I., Manager Chicago Ship Building Co. Beach, L. H., U. S. Engineer, Chicago, Ill. Blount, W. A., Counsellor at Law, Pensacola, Fla. - Brewer, F., Correspondent for (Industries & Iron) So. Orange, N. J. Brown, G. H., Manufacturer, Portland, Me. Burnham, T., Lawyer, Chicago, Ill. 55 Bryson, A., River & Coal Trade, Davenport, Iowa. Chanute, 0., Consulting Engineer, Mem. Local Committee, Chicago. Chase, Champion S., Lawyer, Board of Trade, Omaha, Neb. Chipley, H. D., Vice Pres, of the P. & A. R.R., Pensacola, Fla. Cobb, S. C., Merchant, Pensacola, Fla. Hon. G. L. Converse, Att'y at Law, Columbus, Ohio. Hon. F. A. Copeland, Delegate, La Crosse, Wis. Cragin, E. F., Chicago, Ill. Crandall, C. L., Assoc. Prof. Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. . Corthell, E. L., C. E., Member of the Local Committee, Chicago. Dalton, H. G., Man'g Minn. Steamship Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Capt. Delahoussaye, L. P., Delegate Board of Trade, New Orleans. Hon. J. C. Dore, President of the Congress, Chicago, Ill. Drake, M. M., Delegate Merchants' Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. Hon. J. F. Dravo, Delegate Chamber of Commerce, Pittsburgh, Pa. Dutton, C.M., Civil Engineer, Wilmette, Ill. Edwards, N. M., C. E., Appleton, Wis. Gilchrist, C. H., C. E., Chicago, Ill. Gillette, C. E., U. S. Engineer, Chicago, Ill. Goff, L. B., Manufacturer, Pawtucket, R. I. Goodman, W. D., Editor “Railway Age,” Aurora, Ill. Grabery, M. L., Philadelphia, Pa. Gunn, 0. B., C. E., Kansas City, Mo. Haarslick, H. C., Delegate Merchants' Exchange, St. Louis, Mo. Hotchkiss, H. L., Banker, New York City, N. Y. Hon. J. B. Jones, Att'y at Law, Little Rock, Ark. Keasler, T. W., Manufacturer, Pensacola, Fla. Laidley, F.A., Steamboat Owner, Cincinnati, Ohio. Capt. Leathers, B. S., Delegate Board of Trade, New Orleans, La. Mattocks, C. P., Delegate Merchants' Exchange and Board of Trade, Portland, Me. e Capt. Mason, I. M., Delegate Merchants' Exchange, St. Louis, Mo. Morgan, G. H., Secretary Merchants' Exchange, St. Louis, Mo. Mulrooney, J. M., Editor “Marine Review,” Cleveland, Ohio. Nelson, M., Member of the Local Committee, Chicago, Ill. Nicholson, W. F., Manufacturer, Providence, R. I. Nickerson, J. E., Architect, Providence, R. I. . O'Brien, J. E., Delegate Chamber of Commerce, Pensacola, Fla. Owen, F., C pt. Transit Co., Ogdensburg, N. Y. Parker, J. D., Delegate Chamber of Commerce, Cincinnati, Ohio. Ray, C. H., Delegate, La Crosse, Wis. 56 Roney, C. P., Civil Engineer, Chicago, Ill. - Samuel, W. M., Delegate Merchants' Exchange, St. Louis, Mo. See, H., Engineer and Naval Architect, New York City. - Hon. E. O. Stanard, Delegate Merchants' Exchange, St. Louis, Mo. Thurston, W., Delegate Merchants' Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. Treat, C. P., Contractor, Chicago, Ill. Hon. C. P. Walbridge, Mayor, Delegate Merchants' Exchange. St. Louis, Mo. . . Prof. Watson, W., Ph.D., A. A. S. Mem. Am. Soc. C. E., Secretary of the Congress, Io'7 Marlboro St., Boston, Mass. Wheeler, F. W., West Bay City, Mich. Wisner, G. Y., Civil Engineer, Detroit, Mich. Capt. Wood, B. D., Delegate Board of Trade, New Orleans, La. Wright, H. T., Delegate Cham. of Commerce, Pensacola, Fla. The World's Columbian Water Commerce Congress, CHICAGO, 1893 w/º CABLE TOWAGE ON CANALS AND RIVERS–THE HYDRAULIC CANAL LIFT AT LES FONTINETTES, FRANCE – THE NAVIGATION OF THE SENE FROM PARIS TO THE SEA--THE PNEUMATIC FOUNDATIONS AT GENOA AND AT LA PALLICE, THE PORT OF ROCHELLE. BY WILLIAM WATSON, PH.D. Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Science, Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Secretary of the Congress. - *r- --> *: . . . tº ºr §º § ſº . ºùùiáti. B O S T ON D A M R E L L & U PHI A M (älbe (ºſt. Torner ºf Gołłątore 283 Washington Street * s *. --> : ; , ~ w & z1 + * & # , , . * * * * * CABLE TOWAGE FOR BOATS ON CANALS AND RIVERS. The principal difficulties in cable towage arise from the following circumstances:— . First. That owing to the obliquity of the towrope, the boat tends, constantly, to pull the cable out of the grooves of its guiding pulleys. Some means, therefore, must be found to confine the cable within these grooves. Second. When the towrope comes to a pulley, it passes into the groove with the cable; while the latter should be confined to the groove, the former should immediately slip out without carrying the cable with it. These two contra- dictory conditions render the solution of the problem ex- tremely difficult, especially in going around concave curves. Third. The joint between the towrope and the cable should be such that the former cannot be twisted upon the latter by the rotation of the cable; otherwise the towrope would be wound upon it, and could not then be detached from it. - Fourth. The towrope must be easily detached from the cable at any instant, an operation of some difficulty, as it is done by a cord 60, 80, or 150 metres long, which forms kinks by being dragged on the ground or through the Water. ſº Fifth. Starting should be progressive, although the boat is made fast suddenly to a cable in motion. System adopted.—The system of cable towage intro- duced by M. Maurice Lévy solves all these difficulties as follows:— The first condition of success was to avoid all irregular motions of the cable. For this purpose, instead of deter- mining the weight and tension of the cable according to 4 the usual rules governing telodynamic transmission, he determines them by the double condition of maintaining the oscillations of the cable, whether horizontal or vertical, within certain prescribed limits, which can be made as small as may be desired. This requires that the cable should be heavy (about 3 kilogrammes per metre), and that it should be set up with an initial tension incomparably greater than that usually adopted in such cables. This tension, as well as the weight of the cable, depends on the length of circuit and the speed required for the boats. For the system constructed between Paris and Joinville, the weight and tension were determined by the condition that the deflection caused by the oblique and irregular haul of the boat, should not exceed ten centimetres. This was accomplished by giving to the cable a weight of 3.65 kilo- grammes per running metre, and a permanent tension of 5 tonS. The cable as shown by Figs. I–3 has a breaking strength of 50 tons. - Advantages of this tension.—A boat of three hundred tons attached to the cable at any point exerts a pull of from IOO to 150 kilogrammes, which is added to the permanent tension of 5 tons; this addition produces scarcely any local deflection. - The mean force, F, required to impart to a boat at rest, the velocity, V, of the cable is found as follows: Let W. be the weight of the boat, g the acceleration of gravity (9.81 metres), and / the length of the towline. 2 A'- A V 2 g / If P = 300 tons, V = I metre per second, and l = IOO metres, then F = 150 kilogrammes (neglecting the resist- ance of the water as compared with the inertia of the boat). The supporting and guiding pulleys.-The vertical sup- porting pulleys are o.80 metre in diameter, and have a 5 depth of groove of o.20 metre. A roller on the top of the pulley prevents the cable from leaving it, but the towrope attachment would catch between the pulley and the guide roller. To obviate this, openings are made on the water side of the pulley grooves, consisting of two notches ex- tending the whole width of the groove, and having their edges curved in the form of the involute of a circle (Figs. 8–9); other notches are added having a depth slightly exceeding the thickness of the towrope. When the tow- rope coupling enters the groove, it is caught by one of the notches, carried over the pulley, and escapes, as shown in the figure. The passage around convex bends in the banks presents no difficulty; it is accomplished with the aid of horizontal pulleys turning round vertical pivots solidly fixed in metallic supports. These pulleys have no need of notches, as the cable, with its towrope coupling, passes only on the water side, and the latter thus escapes. On account of the great tension of the cable there is no danger that the towrope will pull it off. The passage around concave angles is, on the contrary, an extremely delicate problem. In that case, the cable passing round the pulley on the land side, the townope joint cannot clear itself unless we adopt very special and precise arrangements. This problem has been solved in several ways. The first method is shown in Figs. IO-II. In the elevation, the plane of the lower pulley is sup- posed to be revolved to coincide with that of the upper one. Two vertical pulleys are taken, having a common tan- gent, to the bottom of their respective grooves, one of the pulleys being in the plane of the part coming on, and the other in that of the part going off. The cable rolls upon the first (which we may suppose to be the upper one) and descends vertically along the common tangent, and then passes on to the second. Fig. 9. Fig. 8. ,SSN: !!! ***,№º: «¿№ Saeß ſºſ, ºſae•* • • • ** ** ſae,! -: №ſsº,******<!#%&!!!!!!!!!!--*« ~?>~&æ~`s)ſ^>)(\ſ* - o sº . . . l |, P ; - p • * 3 * tº * -- ***...*- --~~~ r. fº - - * C (tàs). * t ... : * s * s---. -—-T §. * §: *. = 5-5-[N: S * : . - ~~~~ *------ * * * - & ** . *.* * * , 5. s: - A • - - - & e : * - S 4. * - • # .." - t * .” | s g * > - . A § * . • * : . . . . } & ::: - * ~. w * * • . 3. f º Y-- * S- A. #. * : % \ * & sº g } º: s * N Y. * t y . N | 2. • tº X. W. * tº * ** * & i sº - º- º s N tº & º *N* ** lº -- •: #As -- gº 4. ** :-. fºrm D Yº: - * , * a * * º z’ .*&c., \ *X: **** -- ". .--~ : j § ; , ; ; ; * ~ : N- ; : . ~ * * * - *. :: - . . . . . º * - • * § 2. ~ –“: ; * . w ,, . * * * . s Sº º * • * > - * a 2 " . . . . cºs.- . $ * - * l, ". •. - • 5 S. | º • ‘e: > ~ . . R. A * * . . ... --> , 'vºº-º-; e & * -2 &s * * is . Tº q, ... “. . § , . . . : * & 9 .." *J. >, § * ... ſº *-i-----------4 § 5 a jºs * , SA: $g —l FIG. 3.-Cross section through the transverse axis of the Hydraulic lift at Les Fontinettes. B B, movable troughs; C C, pistons; D D, great presses; E E, supply pipes; F, connecting valve; --> I I I I, guides; K K K, towers; L, lookout cabin; P P, compensating reservoirs. 5 The lift was placed just below the point where the canal is carried across the Boulogne and St. Omer Railroad by an iron aqueduct. The troughs.—The troughs have their ends closed by lifting gates; they contain a minimum depth of water of 6 feet Io; inches, and are lodged at the bottom, in a dry masonry basin below the level of the lower bay. This basin is divided, by a wall 17 feet wide, into two compartments, each closed by a gate at the extremity of the connecting aqueduct. The pistons.—The pistons are cast-iron plungers, 57 feet, long, 6 feet 6% inches in diameter, and 2.8 inches thick; they are formed in sections 9 feet 2 inches long, flanged on the inside, united by bolts, and made water-tight by a ring of sheet copper inserted between each flange. The presses.—The great presses are 71 feet high and 6 feet Io inches in diameter. They rest upon masses of cement béton at the bottom of the pits, tubbed with cast iron. The presses themselves are made up of rolled weld- less steel hoops 6 inches wide, stepped into each other at half thickness, with a joint .2 of an inch high, and made water-tight by a copper lining. The joint between the piston and the press is formed by an India-rubber band, lined with sheet copper, and lodged in an annular recess made in the cylinder cover. This lining is kept in place by a bayonet attachment. The presses communicate by an iron pipe 9% inches in diameter inside, starting from the bottom of each cylinder and ascending the corresponding pit. The pipe has a horizontal branch at the bottom of the basin between the two pits, and contains a valve in the middle. This branch has also tubes connecting with two distributors, by means of which water may be forced under pressure into either press, or allowed to escape therefrom. Guides.—The troughs are guided on the upstream end and in the middle. The center guides, D D, which are the 6 most important, rest against three massive square towers. The engineer, in the valve house, L, at the top of the central tower, directs the whole apparatus, opens and closes the connecting valve between the presses, and the valves of the distributors. Access to this house is afforded by the tower staircase, or by a footbridge from the top o the lift wall. t The side towers contain wrought-iron cylindrical reser- voirs, designed to reduce the consumption of water, but it has not been thought best to use them. When one trough is raised to the end of its course, there is a play of about Iš inches between its upstream extremity and the downstream end of the aqueduct connecting with it. At the moment of raising the gates to allow a boat to enter or to pass out of a trough, the joint is made by an India-rubber hose running round the end of the aqueduct, and protected by springs. This hose is inflated with air, at a pressure of Ił atmospheres. Little valves inserted in the gates permit this space (between the gates) to be filled with water before making the connection. The same ar- rangement is made for the lower bay joint. Porticos constructed on the lift wall, and also on the tail wall, have, on their tops, hydraulic apparatus for lifting the gates. The gates, which are balanced to a great extent by counterweights, allow, when raised, a free height of 12 feet above the level of the water. Below the lift, a footbridge, Q_, connects the two banks with the central masonry wall. The machinery (Pl. III.) placed in a building, M, be- tween the two compartments of the dry basin on the up- stream side of the central tower, consists of two turbines driven by the water of the upper bay, brought into a tank between the two lines of the aqueduct. One turbine of 50 horse power drives four double-acting force pumps coupled together two and two, and supplying an accumulator of 2643 gallons capacity. The other 15 horse power turbine drives the air compressor for the inflation of the joining º º: GENERAL VIEW OF THE HIYDRAULIC CANAL LIFT AT LES FONTINETTES. 7 hose, and also a centrifugal pump which serves to keep the trough basins clear of water, whether from leakage or false maneuvering. w - + A little steam engine works the pump when the upper bay is not in use. . • The weight to be raised, including a piston, a trough, the water, and a boat floating in it, amounts to about 800 tons; the pressure in the presses is, therefore, about 25 at- mospheres. But the accumulator has been loaded to 30 atmospheres to make sure of the efficient working of the presses for lifting the gates. . Method of working the lift.—The lift is worked as fol- lows: One of the troughs being raised to the height of its course and containing a depth of water 7 feet Ioſſ inches, the joint is made by opening the cock admitting compressed air into the hose running around the face of the end of the aqueduct. Then the trough and aqueduct bridge are hooked together, and at the same time the space between the gates is filled by means of a little valve. The two gates are then raised together by means of a counterpoise and the hydraulic apparatus; a boat is hauled into the trough, then the gates are lowered and unhooked, the valve is closed, and the air in the rubber hose allowed to escape. During this time similar operations have taken place be- low ; the other trough being at the end of its course, resting & on wooden blocks, and containing water 6 feet Io; inches deep. The upper trough has thus a surcharge of I2 inches in depth, corresponding to about 64.6 tons. The connecting valve between the presses is then opened, and one trough descends while the other rises. The mo- tion is stopped by closing the connecting valve when the level in the ascending trough is 12 inches below that of the upper bay. The descending trough has also its level 12 inches above the level of the lower bay. The joints are formed, and the gates lifted, slightly at first, then com- pletely. The upper trough takes its surcharge for the 8 following operation while the lower one gives up its water ballast to the lower bay. The boats can then be hauled out and replaced by others. The position of a trough may be corrected either before or after the opening of the lifting gates. It is sufficient for this purpose to move the distributor valves so as to allow water to escape from the press or to introduce water under pressure from the accumulator into it. Also safety valves are introduced, opening automatically, and thus preventing the trough from rising too high, which might be dangerous. At the beginning of the operation, the press of the upper trough contains 41 tons of water more than that of the lower. The force producing the descent attains about 106 tons. This force diminishes progressively, since the water in the first press passes gradually into the second, and at the end of the operation the force is only 24 tons; this is necessary to overcome the friction and passive resistances. This force would be in reality only 12 tons if the connect- ing pipe were entirely free, but it was thought best to reduce the section by valves and thus regulate the apparatus, in order to avoid either an excessive velocity or a premature stoppage in case of error in taking the surcharge. As we see, the initial force diminishes and the motion slackens continuously, so that each trough comes to the end. of its course with nearly no velocity. - The actual time of the ascent and descent of the troughs. is 5 minutes. The total time, including the entrance and the departure of a barge in each direction, is 20 minutes. The total cost of the lift was about $374,000. SUMMARY, Ales Fontinettes Lift, Weufossé Canal, France. Metres. Feet. Inches. Trough :— Length iº g tº e tº © . 39.5o 129 7 Breadth & * * © © º e 5.60 18 4% Depth of water . tº º © ſº t 2. IO 6 Ioš PLATE II. N. VIEW OF THE TROUGH HASI FONTINETTES. IIYDRA UILIC CAN AI. I. I. FT AT LES 9 Metres. Feet. Inches. Press; copper internal cylinder with exterior weldless steel hoops :— Thickness of copper cylinder . . º e O.OO3 O. I 18 Thickness exterior steel hoops . e º o.O6o 2.362 Length of press . º º & 15 682 5 I 5.4O6 Length of stroke (height of lift) * º I3. I3 43 I. Pressure in the press, 25 atmospheres, 442 pounds per square inch. Ram or piston — Thickness of cast iron º e G º o.o?o 2.755 External diameter o e tº wº 2.OO 6 6# Total weight lifted, including water, trough, and ram, 800 tons. Equivalent to a pressure of 25 atmospheres. The contents of one stroke in water, 41 tons. Equivalent to a surcharge on the trough of . O. 20 8. Actual surcharge used, 64.6 tons. Equivalent to a depth of water of . e o O.30 II .81 I Size of boats lifted, 300 tons. Actual time of lift, 5 minutes. Acknowledgment.—I wish in this connection to express my indebtedness to M. Gruson, chief engineer of roads and bridges, for the information concerning this interesting subject as well as for the three figures which accompany it. Plate I. is a general view of the lift. In the foreground is seen the iron lattice bridge over the two branches of the canal containing the lift. Immediately Dehind, is the lower iron frame supporting the downstream gates; the trough on the right is raised; on the right and left are the towers with their iron guides to steady the trough in its ascent and descent. Behind the first tower, on the left, is the machine house containing the accumu- lator, the turbines, and the feed pumps; on the top is the lookout cabin containing the levers for opening and closing all the valves used in operating the lift. Still farther in the rear are the supports for the upstream gates, also contain- ing the hydraulic moving apparatus. Below, in the rear, is the iron girder bridge carrying the canal over the Boulogne and St. Omer Railroad, resting on the massive abutment. At the extreme right is the original canal lead- ing to a flight of five consecutive locks. IO Plate II. shows the trough basin, giving a view of the trough as seen from beneath when it is raised, and of the parts of the structure which are then below the trough. It exhibits the junction of the square head of the ram with the trough bottom and the details of the construction of the latter. On the side of the house is seen the guide; beyond is the gate with its lifting chain and guide pulley, sur- mounted by the iron lattice supports. On the left side is a little centrifugal pump for draining the trough basin. PLATE III. HYDRAULIC CANAL LIFT AT LES FONTINETTES. VI EW OF THE PUM PING MACHINERY. THE NAVIGATION OF THE SEINE FROM PARIS TO THE SEA. At the beginning of the century the navigation of the Lower Seine was often interrupted by low water and by freshets. Great difficulties and even dangers were en- countered in passing the bridges and dams. Ascending only by horse towage, consuming from Rouen to Paris fifteen days for ordinary freight, and four or five for accel- erated freight, the boats were rarely able to be loaded to their full depth, from 6 to 64 feet. The cost of freight was $3.20 per ton from Rouen to Paris, and the annual traffic did not exceed 77,000,000 kilometric tons. Without undertaking to describe the improvements made in the navigation of the river before 1878, it is sufficient to say that with the works recently constructed, the river between Paris and Rouen has been divided into nine reaches by the construction of locks and dams, with a minimum draught of water of IO feet, and no difficulties are experienced either from low water or the passage of locks. The transport is made by steam, either by freight boats or towboats, by the former in 28 hours, and by the latter, tow- ing a convoy, in 3 days. The price of freight, which was from $2.4O to $3 per ton in 1840, is now from 80 cents to $I ascending, and from 65 to 70 cents descending, and will diminish progressively as new boats are built to utilize more completely the improvements of the route. Indeed, the traffic” since the completion of the canaliza- tion, has considerably augmented. The total tonnage be- tween Paris and Rouen, including that taken on the way, * M. Cameré pointed out to the author a new steamer of 600 tons burden, built for the coasting trade, just returned from a voyage to Spain. sev N + N F E R E U R = º ; K.290 4&Thouville : E. CAUDEBEC O La., Here LE HAVRE ...i. Tamcarville * * * * *s. Tºuillebeiß ** = º * * ~3 * Zºº, ô raſs Wörſzzé t- $º) a/Cobue gº 5.WillePVille 4. º : Q t * * PONSI-AUDEM ER U R t Map of the tidal Seine. 3 was in 1881, 227,307,266 kilometric tons, and in 1888 it was 389,668,346. Cost.—The cost of the works of canalization amounts to 88,553,000 francs ($17,21O,OOO). If we compare this total expense with the actual traffic we find the interest at 5 per cent on the first cost, divided by the number repre- 5 88,530,000 — — X — - ––– E O.OII = 2.2 IOO 389,568,346 mills per kilometric ton, and it is certain that the cost of freight has diminished very much more than that. senting this traffic to be, EMBANKMENT WORKS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE TID AL SEINE. The object of the improvement of the tidal Seine is to facilitate the access of vessels to the port of Rouen, situ- ated 78 miles from the sea. Of this distance, half required improvements to render it navigable, and this comprised the parts between La Mailleraye and the sea below Hon- fleur. The breadth of the river increased between these places from five eighths to six miles. See map. ; Depth of water.—This vast extent of water was filled with banks of shifting sand, which were constantly chang- ing place through the action of the strong currents of the ebb and flow of the tide, and it often happened that in the course of a few days the position of the channel would be shifted from one side of the river to the other. The depth was also variable and insufficient. During the highest tides there was a depth of 14 feet below Quillebeuf, and only 5 feet at high neap tides, and many dangerous rocks and shoals impeded the navigation above this point. These perils encountered at intervals of the voyage were con- siderably augmented by the tidal wave or bore, and vessels were stranded by its powerful action without the possibility of receiving assistance. Under these circumstances the navigation was confined to vessels of from IOO to 200 tons burden. The voyage from the sea up to Rouen occupied 4 four days; a great number of wrecks marked the route, freights between the sea and Rouen rose to $2 per ton, and the rate of insurance was one half per cent. Improvements.—Such was the state of things in 1848, when the improvements were begun, which consisted in building training walls, sometimes on one side, sometimes on both sides, extending from La Mailleraye to the mouth of the Risle, a distance of 26 miles. The distance between the training walls was 984 feet at La Mailleraye, and grad- ually increased to 1,640 feet at the Risle. These training walls are constructed of random work built of blocks of chalk taken from the cliffs on the banks of the river; some are raised above the level of the high- est tides, while others are capable of being submerged, so that they may have less influence in promoting the accu- mulation of deposits. The stones from the neighboring quarries were soft, and subject to the action of frosts, currents, and particularly the tidal wave or bore, a powerful volume of water preced- ing the flood tide, rushing up the river, and dashing against the banks with great violence; this has undermined and sometimes destroyed the original walls. Very extensive repairs, or rather reconstructions, were necessary, which bring up the total cost of the walls to the sum of $5,300,- OOO since the beginning. Alluvial land.—Behind the training walls, and in parts formerly occupied by the shifting sands, alluvial meadows were formed to an extent of over 20,000 acres in 1880. These meadows are of excellent quality, and they are actually worth $325 per acre. When all the alluvial lands now forming are definitely constituted, the total value of the lands thus reclaimed will be $6,71O,OOO. Finally, it should be understood that these calculations only include the lands above the actual limit of the training walls, and that the influence of these works extends a long distance beyond them into the estuary. , 5 Aresults.—The results have surpassed all anticipations. The channel has become fixed and deepened between the walls more than 6 feet 7 inches, so that vessels of 2,OOO tons can navigate the river, the depth being at low tide 17 feet, and at high tide 20 feet. The charge for freight be- tween Havre and Rouen has been reduced one half, that is, to 5 francs per ton, and the insurance for Rouen is the same as for Havre. The traffic has consequently in- creased from 500,000 tons in 1860 to I,6OO,OOO tons in I888. The effects of the training walls have been confined to the channel between them, but their deepening influence extends little beyond their extremities. The estuary chan- nel is constantly shifting. In M. Vautier's report he traces on the chart of the estuary twelve totally different locations of the main channel beyond the walls, from 1874 to 1880. A prolongation of the southern bank below the Risle was carried out in 1870, but a proposed prolongation of the northern bank was refused, and the works finally stopped, for fear of endangering the approaches to Havre, the second port of France, by the silting up of the estuary. Such was the state of things in 1886, when the idea occurred to Prof. Vernon-Harcourt, the eminent hydraulic engineer, of making the experimental investigations on the Seine estuary described in the following extracts from his paper on The Principles of Training Rivers through Tidal Estuaries. INVESTIGATIONS ABOUT THE SEINE ESTUARY. The training works in the lower portion of the tidal Seine are acknowledged to be incomplete; and great interest has been evinced, particularly within the last few years, in the question of their extension, so that the shifting channel between Berville and the sea may be trained and deepened, and the access to Honfleur improved, without endangering the approaches to Havre. The objects desired are distinctly defined, but the means for attaining 6 them have formed the subject of schemes, exhibiting great varieties in their general design, and illustrating very forcibly the great uncertainty which exists, even in a special case where the conditions have been long studied, as to the principles which should be followed in designing training works. It is evident that no reasoning from analogy could prevail among such very conflicting views; and having had the subject under consideration for a long time, the idea occurred to me in August, 1886, of attempting the solution of this very difficult problem by an experimental method, which might also throw light upon general principles for guidance in training rivers through estuaries. The estuary of the Seine is in some respects peculiarly well adapted for such an investigation, for old charts exhibit the state of the river before the training works were commenced, and recent charts indicate the changes which the training walls have produced, while the various designs for the completion of the works, proposed by experienced engineers, afford an interesting basis for experimental inquiries into the prin- ciples of training works in estuaries. If, in the first place, it should be possible to reproduce in a model the shifting channels of the Seine estuary as they formerly existed, and next, after inserting the training walls in the model as they now exist in the estuary, the effects produced by these works could be reproduced on a small scale, it appeared reasonable to assume that the introduction, successively, in the model of the various lines proposed for the extension of the training walls would produce results in the model fairly resembling the effects which the works, if carried out, would actually produce. When the third Manchester Ship Canal bill was being considered by Parliament, in 1885, Prof. Osborne Reynolds constructed a working model of the portion of the Mersey estuary above Liverpool on behalf of the promoters of the canal, with the object of showing that no changes would be produced in the main channels of the estuary by the canal works, which have been designed to modify very slightly the line of the Chesire shore above Eastham. This model was, I believe, the first experimental investiga- tion on an estuary by artificially producing the tidal action of flood and ebb on a small scale, and Professor Reynolds's experiment showed that a remarkably close resemblance 7 to the main tidal channels in the inner estuary could be produced on a small scale. But the very interesting and valuable results obtained in the model of the Mersey, could afford no assurance that experiments involving essentially different and novel conditions would lead to any satisfactory results. I therefore restricted the requirements for my ex- periments within the smallest limits, and contented myself with the simplest means, and the limited space available in my office at Westminster. APescription of the model of the Seine estuary.—The model representing the tidal portion of the river Seine and the adjacent coast of Calvados, extending from Martot, the lowest weir on the Seine, down to about Dives, to the southwest of Trouville, was moulded in Portland cement by my assistant, Mr. Edward Blundell, to the scales rºotſ horizontal and Tºm vertical. Where the rocky bottom lies bare, near Havre and Villerville, the model was molded to the exact depths shown on the chart of 1880; but in other places the cement bottom was merely kept well be- low the greatest depth the channel had attained at each place, whilst the actual bed of the estuary in the model was formed by the flow of water over a layer of sand. Arrangements for the tidal and fresh-water flow.—The mouth of the Seine estuary faces west, but the tidal wave comes in from the northwest, and the earliest and strongest flood tide flows through the northern channel between Havre and the Amfard bank; whilst the influx through the southern Villerville channel occurs later, and is stronger toward high water. Accordingly, the tidal flow had to be introduced from a northerly direction, at an angle to the mouth of the estuary ; and the line of junction of the hinged tray, producing the tidal rise and fall, was made at an angle of about 50° to a line running from east to west in the model, so that the tidal flow approached the estuary from a point only about 5° to the west of north- west. The tray was made of zinc, inclosed by strips on three sides to the height of the sides of the estuary ; and it was hinged to the model, at its open end, by a strip of india-rubber sheeting along the bottom and sides, so as to make a water-tight joint, with sufficient play at the sides to admit of the tray being tipped up and down from its outer end. The rise and fall of the tray was effected by the 8 screw of a letter press, from which the lower portion had been detached, by raising and lowering the upper plate of the press, half of which was inserted under the tray. After the requisite amount of sand had been introduced to raise the bottom to the average level, the model was filled with just enough water for the surface of the water to represent low water of spring tides when the tray was down and the screw at its lowest limit; and the tray was made of such a size that, when the screw was raised to its full extent, the water in the model was raised, by the tip- ping of the tray, to the level representing high water of spring tides. The water representing the fresh-water dis- charge of the Seine was admitted into the upper end of the model from a tap in a small tin cistern ; and the efflux of a similar quantity of water was provided for at the lower extremity of the estuary, on its northern side near the tray, by a cock with a larger orifice placed at such a level as to allow the water to flow out into a second cis- tern, of similar size, during the higher half of the tide. Aºrst results of working the model.-The construction of the model was commenced in October, 1886, and its working was commenced in November. Silver sand was used in the first instance for forming the bed of the estuary. From the outset the bore at Caudebec indicated by a sud- den rise of the water, and the reverse current just before high water near Havre, called the “verhaule,” were very well marked. The verhaule is evidently a sort of back eddy, on the northern shore, occasioned by the influx of the tide, and by the final filling of the estuary from the southern channel; whilst the bore appears to result from the concentration of the tidal rise by the sudden contraction of the estuary above Quillebeuf. The period given to each tide in working was about twenty-five seconds, which ap- pears fairly to reproduce the conditions of the estuary.* After the model had been worked for a little time, the channels near Quillebeuf assumed lines resembling those which previously existed, and a small channel appeared on the northern shore, by Harfleur and Hoc Point, which is clearly defined in the chart of 1834. The main channel * According to the formula in the paper by Prof. O. Reynolds on his Mersey model, read at the Frankfort Congress in August, 1888, the tidal period would be nearly twenty-three seconds. 9 also shifted about in the estuary and tended to break up into two or three shallow channels near the meridian of Berville, where the influences of the flood and ebb tides were nearly balanced. The model, accordingly, fairly re- produced the conditions of the actual estuary previous to the commencement of the training walls, though the chan- nel in the estuary did not attain the depth, as represented by the proportionately large vertical scale, which the old channels possessed, owing, doubtless, to the comparatively small scouring influence which the minute currents in the model possess. The sand did not prove satisfactory for producing the requisite changes when the training walls were inserted in the model. It became, therefore, essential to search for a substance which the water could to some extent carry in suspension for a short period. At last, in July, 1887, I found a fine sand, on Chobham Common, be- longing to the Bagshot beds, which combined the advan- tages possessed by silver sand with a considerably greater fineness. Results of working the model with Bagshot sand.—The bed of the estuary having been formed with the sand ob- tained from Chobham Common, after the model had been worked for some time, the channels assumed a form very closely resembling the chart of the Seine estuary of 1834. Accordingly, the first stage of the investigation was duly accomplished by the reproduction of a former state of the estuary in the model, with the single exception of a de- cidedly smaller depth in the channels, except in places where the scour was considerable; which is readily ac- counted for by the circumstances of the case. It is probable that with a larger model, and especially if the bed was not so nearly level as in the Seine, the depth would approach nearer to the proper distorted proportion as compared with the width. Introduction of the existing training walls into the model.-The second stage of the investigation consisted in the introduction of training walls into the model, corre- sponding in position to the actual training walls established in the estuary down to Berville. These walls, formed with strips of tin, cut to the corresponding heights at the differ- ent places, and bent to the proper lines, were gradually inserted in sections; and the model was worked between IO each addition, to conform, as far as practicable, to the actual conditions. The fine particles of the sand accreted behind the training walls, and the channel between the walls was scoured out, corresponding precisely to the changes which have actually occurred in the estuary of the Seine. The foreshores at the back of the training walls were raised up in some parts to high-water level, whilst in other places the accumulation was somewhat retarded by the slight re- coil of the water from the vertical sides of the model, and by the wash over the vertical training walls, these forms being necessitated by the great distortion of the vertical scale of the model. On the whole, however, the accretion and scour in the model correspond very fairly to the re- sults produced by the existing training walls in the es- tuary. The accretion, moreover, in the model, extended beyond the training walls on each side, down to Hoc Point on the right bank, obliterating the inshore channel close to Harfleur, which had been reproduced in the model, and down to Honfleur on the left bank, corresponding in these respects also to the actual changes in the estuary. The main channel also, beyond the ends of training walls, was comparatively shallow, and was unstable, reproducing the existing conditions in the estuary. The experiments relating to this stage extended over a year and a half; they formed the turning point of the in- vestigation, and have the interest of being, as far as I am aware, the first attempt at putting training walls in a model, and obtaining the resulting accretion on a small scale. Without the accomplishment of this stage, it would have been useless to continue the investigation; and its satisfactory attainment proved so difficult in actual practice, that for a long time it seemed probable that the attempt must be abandoned. Application of the system to ascertain the probable effects of any training works.-As the first and second steps in the investigation, by the aid of the model, had furnished results which corresponded very fairly with the actual states of the estuary of the Seine before and after the exe- cution of the training works, the final stage of the investi- gation, for ascertaining the probable results of any exten- sions of the training walls, could be reasonably entered upon. In selecting the lines of training walls to be experi- II mented on, it appeared expedient to adopt those which have been designed, after careful study, by experienced engineers, both on account of the results from these being far more interesting than those of a variety of theoretical schemes, and also in the hope that some assistance might thereby be rendered to French engineers in the prosecu- tion of this important work. Moreover, the schemes ex- hibit sufficient variety to admit of their being taken as types of schemes for throwing light upon the principles on which training works should be designed in estuaries. Accordingly, the third stage in the investigation consisted in extending the training walls in the model, in accord- ance with the lines of some of the schemes proposed; and, after working the model for some time with each of the extensions successively, the several results were recorded, as shown in figures I-4. The lines of training walls ex- perimented on in the model were taken, with one excep- tion, from five out of the seven most recent schemes pro- posed, as these five schemes are, I believe, the only ones which are still put forward for adoption. The lines shown on figure 5, represent merely a theoretical arrangement of training walls, inserted for a final experiment in the model, to ascertain the effect of the most gradual enlargement of the trained channel which the physical conditions of the estuary would have admitted of at the outset, whilst main- taining the full width at the mouth. Scheme A.—The first arrangement of extended train- ing walls introduced into the model was taken from a scheme put forward in an amended form in 1886. The design, as inserted in the model, consisted of an extension of the parallel training walls from Berville down to Hon- fleur, and the formation of a breakwater across the outlet, from Villerville Point, on the southern shore of the estuary, out to the Amfard bank, thus restricting the mouth to the channel between Amfard bank and Havre. The lines of these works were formed in the model with strips of tin, as shown on fig. I ; the northern training wall was kept low, and the southern wall was raised to the level representing high water of neap tides; whilst the strip representing the breakwater was raised above the highest tide level, thus forcing all the flood and ebb water to pass through the Havre Channel. The results obtained in the model with I 2 these arrangements, after working it for about six thousand tides, are indicated on the first chart (Fig. 1). The chan- nel between the prolonged training walls had a fair depth throughout, partly owing to the concentration of the fresh- water discharge between the walls, and partly from the re- tention of some additional water in the channel at low water, by the hindrance to its outflow offered by a sand- bank which formed in front of the ends of the training walls. A deep hole was soon scoured out in the narrowed outlet by the rapid flow of the water filling and emptying the estuary at every tide. The absence, however, of con- nection between the direction of the flood tide current through the outlet and the ebbing current from the trained channel, aided by the accretion of sand in the sheltered recess behind the breakwater, led eventually to the forma- tion of two almost rectangular bends in the channel, one just beyond the training walls and the other near Hoc Point, in the model. This tortuous channel, moreover, was shallow, except at the bends and the outlet, and a bar was formed a short distance beyond the outlet. The contraction of the mouth of the estuary by the breakwater interfered so much with the influx of the tide into the estuary as to render it impossible to raise the tide inside to its previous height, and the reduction in height of the tide was clearly marked at Tancarville Point in the model. Sediment ac- cumulated in the estuary beyond the trained channel, being brought in by the rapid flood current, and not readily re- moved by the ebb, except in the trained channel and near the outlet; and this accretion, by diminishing the tidal capacity, gradually reduced the current through the outlet, and consequently the depth of the outlet channel. A con- siderable accumultion of sand took place outside the break- water, along the southern seacoast, so that the bank opposite Trouville in the model was connected with the shore, and the foreshore advanced toward the end of the breakwater. $ Scheme B.-The second arrangement of training walls inserted in the model below Berville, was taken from a scheme proposed in 1888, representing a modification by another engineer of the design from which Scheme A was copied. It comprised the retention of the breakwater from Villerville Point to the Amfard bank, the most essential I3 HARFL £ U tº %2 2 *... . .” Ø 2% ſº ºf U. Ž gº Arzi Eſº 8ERVILLE - LA ROQUE sºft BERwill E § prville Rville Fig. 2 — Scheme B. 14ARFLEUR . ſº Fig. 3—Scheme C. The existing training walls stop at Berville. I4 feature in Scheme A ; but the extension of the northern training wall was dispensed with, whilst the southern train- ing wall was prolonged, in a continuous curve, from Berville to Honfleur, and eventually to the Amfard bank, connect- ing it there with the extremity of the breakwater (Fig. 2.) A slight widening out of the existing trained channel by an alteration of the end portion of the northern training wall, completed the arrangement of the model. The results obtained by the double operation of inserting the training wall down to Honfleur and working the model for about 3,500 tides, and then prolonging the southern training wall to the breakwater, and working the model for about 3,700 tides, are shown in Fig. 2. The channel followed pretty nearly the concave line of the prolonged southern training wall, between Berville and Honfleur in the model, except near Berville; but the depth of water was less regular than in the previous experiment, owing to the diminished concentration of the ebb from the absence of the northern training wall. The channel, however, above Honfleur was not improved, owing apparantly to the want of uniformity between the directions of the flood and ebb currents in the model. Scheme C.—The third arrangement of training walls experimented upon in the model was chosen from a design published in 1885. It consisted of an enlargement of the original trained channel below Quillebeuf, by a modifica- tion of the southern training wall from Quillebeuf, and of the northern training wall from Tancarville, and the extension of the northern wall to Amfard and Havre, and the southern training wall to Ratier, as shown on Fig. 3. The trained channel was thus given a curved, gradually enlarging form, and was directed into the central channel of the model, between Ratier and Amfard, the Villerville and Havre channels being practically closed near low water. The effects of working the model for about 6,500 tides with this arrangement of training walls are indicated on Fig. 3. The main channel kept near the concave southern training wall for some distance below Berville, and then gradually assumed a more central course between the training walls towards the outlet, passing out just to the south of the Amfard bank. The channel thus formed had a good, tolerably uniform depth, together with a fair width, I5 owing apparently to the flood and ebb tides produced in the model following an unimpeded and fairly similar course. Deposit occurred behind the training walls on each side; and the foreshore advanced in front of Trouville in the model, in consequence of the shutting up of the Villerville Channel. Scheme E.-In the next scheme as laid down in the model the trained channel in the bend between Quillebeuf and Tancarville, where the depth was greatest, was en- larged in width by setting back the southern training wall; the original width of the channel was retained at the point of inflection opposite Tancarville, and the channel was widened out below La Roque by a modification of the lines of both training walls down to Berville. The train- ing walls were also extended beyond Berville in sinuous lines, as shown on Fig. 4, the southern wall being carried down to Honfleur, and the northern wall not quite so far. The portion forming the last bend of the northern training wall was kept low, whilst the others were made high, ac- cording to the design. Both in this and the preceding arrangement of training walls experimented on, the ex- panding trained channel was somewhat restricted in width along the portions near the changes of curvature, to make it conform to the principles which experience has laid down for training winding rivers in their non-tidal course, as previously mentioned. The results obtained, after working the model for about 3,700 tides, are represented on the chart (Fig. 4). The channel between the train- ing walls was somewhat shallow in places, and though a deep channel was formed along the inner concave face of the southern wall below La Roque and Berville, a shoal emerging above low water appeared along the concave face of the last bend of the northern training wall. This bank appeared to be due to the protection the extremity of the bend afforded from the action of the flood tide in the model, whilst the ebb followed the central flood-tide chan- nel, instead of passing over to the concave bank, as would have occurred with the current of a non-tidal river. The main channel beyond the training walls, which, though of fair depth, was somewhat narrow and winding, was also unstable, for in the early part of the experiment its outlet was in the central channel between Ratier and Amfard in I6 the model, whilst at the close of the experiment it had shifted, as shown, to the Havre Channel. Accretion oc- curred behind the training walls in the model, and some silting up took place in the Villerville Channel and along the foreshore in front of Trouville, owing apparently to the preference of the main channel for the other outlets, and the diminished capacity of the estuary, resulting from accretion. HARFLEU 8 Fig. 4.—Scheme E. NARFLEU R - sº & &z w . . . Atzlę & Fig. 5–Scheme F. I7 Scheme F.—The last experiment was made on an ar- rangement of training walls inserted in the model, making the trained channel expand as gently as practicable between Aizier and the sea, whilst retaining the natural width at the outlet (Fig. 5). This is the form of channel which theory indicates as the most suitable; for whilst it facilitates the influx of the flood tide, it prevents, as far as possible, the abrupt changes in the velocity of a river in passing from its estuary to the sea, which are so prejudicial to uniformity of depth in a channel. It was therefore of interest to ascer- tain what results would be produced by this theoretical ar- rangement of training walls in the model, which, in order to leave the outlet free, and thus avoid favoring a progres- sion of the foreshore outside, had to provide a wide chan- nel near Honfleur, compared with the restricted width available at Quillebeuf. The direction of the channel between Aizier and Quillebeuf, together with the cliffs bor- dering the river at Quillebeuf and Tancarville Points, determined the maximum width obtainable at Quillebeuf and the direction of the channel from Aizier to Tancar- ville; and the extension of the training walls in the model from this point was regulated by the necessity of passing close to Honfleur at the south, and not impeding the ap- proach to Havre on the north. The effects produced in the model by working with this arrangement of training walls, for about 7,300 tides are indicated on the chart (Fig. 5). The southern training wall was kept above high-water level all the way to its termination at Honfleur in the model, but the northern training wall was gradually reduced in height from nearly opposite Honfleur toward Havre. The trained channel had a good width at low water throughout, in spite of the distance apart of the training walls in the model, the whole channel being below low-water level, except near the southern wall between Berville and Havre, and against the northern wall nearly opposite Hoc Point, where banks emerged slightly above low water. The channel, moreover, was distinctly, though slowly, improving with the continuance of the working, and the banks diminishing. There was also a fair depth in the channel, the shallowest place being opposite Berville, whilst a deep place was formed just above, near the south- ern wall between La Roque and Berville. The depth in I8 all the outlet channels was well maintained; and though deposit naturally took place behind the northern training wall, no accretion was visible along the foreshores outside. The value of experiments resembling those just de- scribed depends entirely upon the extent to which they may be regarded as producing effects approximately cor- responding, on a small scale, to those which training works on similar lines, if carried out in an estuary, would actually produce. If the effects of any training works could be foreshadowed by experiments in a model, the value of such experiments, in guiding engineers toward the selection of the most suitable design, could not be over- estimated. Some of the influences at work in an estuary cannot pos- sibly be reproduced in a model—such as winds and waves. Winds coming from different quarters are variable in their effects; but the direction of the prevailing wind indicates the line in which the action of the wind has most influence, which may be exerted in re-enforcing the flood or ebb cur- rents, and may aid or retard accretion by blowing the silt- bearing stream more into or out of the estuary. Waves are the main agents in the erosion of cliffs along open sea- coasts, and in stirring up sand in shallow places; and the material thus put in suspension may be transported by tidal currents, aided by wind, into an estuary, and be deposited under favorable conditions; but the action of waves in modifying the channels is stopped by the inter- vention of training walls. Accordingly, the further the training walls are extended, and the more an estuary is protected by works such as those indicated in Figs. I–2, the more is the modifying influence of waves eliminated, and therefore the more are experiments in a model likely to correspond with the conditions of estuaries under similar conditions. HYDRAULIC works AND PNEUMATIC FOUN- DATIONS MADE AT GENOA. The Duke of Galliera having bequeathed to the King- dom of Italy several million francs for the improvement and extension of the harbor of Genoa, the special commis- sion of engineers appointed to execute this work, in view of its exceptional technical difficulty, opened an inter- national competition. Eight competitors responded to the invitation of the commission, and after a long examination they reported in favor of the project presented by MM. C. Zschokke and P. Terrier. The works to be constructed included the quays and two graving docks. Character of the foundation.—The soil upon which the works had to be founded is a calcareous stratified rock of the Miocene formation, with shelving banks, covered with fine layers of sand and rock ruins. The formation is very variable, both as to the quality and hardness of the rock. The water has washed away the soft parts and left the hard, so that the surface of the rock presents a series of projections with the hollows filled with sand and fragments; hence the same arrangements had to be made as if the rock had been completely porous, by substituting a béton bottom for the natural soil. The submarine operations were as follows: First, the blasting of the rock; second, the removal of the sand and rock blasted ; and, third, the laying of the masonry on the bottom thus cleared. The thickness of the banks and their great depth under water precluded, for the boring, any arrangement employ- ing machinery set up above the level of the water. The same circumstances would have rendered the extraction of 2 the pieces of rock by dredges very difficult. Again, the sinking of beton under water at such great depths would have given only mediocre results. - Recourse to a pneumatic process was necessary. That which the contractors proposed, and which was adopted by the commission, consisted in removing the rock and laying the masonry under water in great diving-bells, furnished with the apparatus necessary for rapidly effect- ing the horizontal or vertical displacement of those machines best adapted to the boring and extraction of the blasted material and the introduction of new. This process permitted the direct building of the founda- tion upon the prepared bottom, avoiding risks of change of form and of rupture in the perfectly homogeneous and continuous masonry, in which no portion of iron remained imbedded. It allowed the different portions of the work to go on independently. To carry out this plan the con- tractors constructed,—First. A movable caisson for blast- ing out the rocks. Second. Two other movable caissons for constructing the quay and basin walls. Third. A great floating caisson for removing the rocks, and for lay- ing the floor. Caisson for blasting out the rocks.-The blasting caisson (Fig. 1) is 20 meters long and 6.50 meters wide. The working chamber does not differ from those ordinarily used for the construction of bridge piers, except that the walls are lighter, as they do not have to bear the load of the masonry above the bottom. Iron pigs placed between the beams of the roof bal- ance the underpressure and keep the caissons on the bottom. Two horizontal plate-iron cylinders are fixed above the frame parallel to the transverse axis of the caisson. They are open at their lower parts. A tube connects one with the other, and puts them in communication with the com- pressed-air pipes which supply the working chamber. Water is allowed to ascend in the cylinders to fill them when the caisson is kept at the bottom for blasting. The Yºu. * g ,": - - { - Fro. I.--Transverse section of the movable caissons used for drilling the rock for the purpose of submarine blasting. X, the working chamber; Y, the lightering chamber; Z, pontoons supporting the caisson; U, lock for the workmen; B, drills (Brandt’s system); M, two steam engines, driving pumps feeding an accumulator from which water under pressure is conveyed to drive the boring machines. 4. water is forced out by means of compressed air when the caisson is to be raised and changed in position. This substitution of water for air in the cylinders, can be regulated at will and continued just to that degree neces- sary for the equilibrium of the load so as to assure the stability of the caisson upon the bottom. The slightest ef- fort then suffices to lift the apparatus. The caisson is sur- mounted by two shafts with air locks for the entrance of workmen. A third is reserved to add, if necessary, a lock for the materials extracted. § The caisson is suspended by twenty-four chains to as many jacks resting on a heavy staging, which in turn rests on two barges furnished with all the apparatus necessary for a rapid displacement. Boring apparatus.—The boring apparatus is arranged in the following manner: The platform of the caisson is divided lengthwise into three equal belts by four double T-irons, the lower wings of which serve as a rolling track for three trunnions on rollers. Each of these trunnions has a collar at its lower part to which one of these boring machines is suspended by a joint. The trunnion moves the length of the platform, the collar slightly unscrews along the whole trunnion so that the point of articulation of the boring machine may occupy every position of a plane within the limits of one of the three belts, and the tool may also turn in each of its positions in all directions so as to pierce sloping holes at will. The boring machines are driven by water under pressure brought from an accumu- lator on the boat, by jointed piping which descends along the central shaft, runs along the platform, and feeds the tools in all positions and inclinations given them. As the boring progresses the boring tool is prolonged by hollow rods screwed together. Two double-acting twin pumps, furnishing water under pressure, are placed in a boat fastened to the caissons, and driven by two portable engines of 25 horse power each. The water, taken from the sea, is driven into an accumulator and kept under pressure by 5 the steam from the engine boilers. The steam acts on the upper surface of a plate, fourteen times the section of the piston, which transmits directly to the water the pressure of 60 or 70 atmospheres, necessary for boring. This arrange- ment avoids the great load which would have to be placed upon the barge with an accumulator so weighted as to be capable of giving such a great pressure. When the boring of the holes has been completed just to the required depth over the whole surface covered by the caisson, they are filled with cartridges or dynamite gelatin, the wires are at- tached to a floater which is passed under the cutter, the cais- son is raised and moved by the supporting barges, and the mines exploded by an electric battery. By experience in regulating the distance between the holes and the amount of the charges, they succeeded in giving to the fragments of rock broken off, the dimensions most convenient for use. The two caissons, which served also for the removal of the broken material, were constructed, ballasted, and suspended like the one just described. They were pro- vided with a man lock, and a second lock" for the removal of the spoil and the introduction of the materials, and a third for the introduction of béton. The second lock, small, light, and very easy to move, allowed the rapid removal of very considerable quantities, and quite large blocks without requiring for its manage- ment the presence of a single man in the compressed air. The chain drum is driven by means of two friction wheels. by a Schmid water motor taking its supply directly from the city reservoir situated IOO meters above the sea. The two caissons served not only to introduce the béton, but also to lay the masonry and the revetement in brick and cut stone of small dimensions. When the hewn stones were of too great dimensions to be carried in through the locks they were lowered outside by means of a floating crane, the caisson which had to be removed for this opera- *For the details of this lock the reader is referred to the U. S. Paris Exposition Report of 1889, page 729, Vol. III., by the author. 6 tion was replaced, and the workmen found in the working chamber the stones to be set up. Great floating caisson.—The great floating caisson shown in Fig. 2 is intended for the removal of the fragments of rocks made by the explosion of the mines just described and the putting in place of the béton flooring. The caisson consists of three essential parts: First. The working chamber with its two tight plate-iron envelopes. Second. The equilibrium chamber above the first, com- pletely enveloped with plate iron and traversed by shafts giving access to the working chamber. Third. The iron reservoirs or regulating pits, which rest upon the equilibrium chamber without communicating with it, and which are open at their upper parts above the level of the sea. These pits, four in number, are connected, and the rectangular central portion formed by their interior walls communicates by a pipe with the sea. The walls and braces of the four pits form the framework to support the service bridges and stagings which lead to the different air locks, and carry the tracks, cranes, etc., required for the handling of the excavations and the materials. Arrangements have been made for filling the equilibrium chamber with water or compressed air, as may be necessary, and for changing, at will, the level of the water in the regulating pits, which may even be completely emptied by means of pumps. The apparatus is thus maintained in equilibrium under all circumstances. It is brought into the condition of stability required for working by placing iron ballast between the braces and over the ceiling. The weight of the ballast and the dimensions of the pits depend on the depth at which the work goes on with a stable caisson. At Genoa the arrangements were made for a depth of from 8 to I4.50 meters. The rock excavations are taken out by six locks. The béton is spread along the whole length of the flooring in superposed layers of O.50 meter thickness. In order not to allow the caisson to be floating during 7 these operations, it is supported upon two rows of jacks resting upon iron plates placed on the layer of beton pre- viously spread. The air-compressors, which supply the pneumatic appa- ratus above described, are placed on the land in a shop, by the side of the four 150 horse power engines which drive them. The flexible jointed supply pipes leading to each caisson are placed on rafts. The free air spaces are lighted by Gramme arc lights, and the caissons by incandescent lamps. The shops and the caissons are connected by electric bells. FOUNDATION OF THE JETTIES AT LA PALLICE, THE PORT OF ROCHELLE, The foundations of the two jetties in the outer harbor of La Pallice had to be laid below the level of the lowest tide. The specifications required them to be made of great blocks of masonry, 20 meters long by 8 broad, separated by an interval of 2 meters and carried up to the level of 1.5o meters; the choice of methods for carrying out the work was left entirely to the contractors. Above this series of blocks arose the body of the jetty, which was carried over the spaces between the blocks by little segmental arches of 3 meters span. A rocess adopted for constructing the blocks.—As the blocks had to be built on the coast, without shelter against the sea, and especially against the southwest gales, the contractors could not employ the usual system of cais- sons, and build upon the interior flooring of the caisson, which the sea would have carried away and destroyed, but by the use of movable caissons they were able to lay dry at sea, without leaving a particle of iron in the masonry, twenty-four monolithic submarine blocks containing 1,150 cubic meters each. - AJescription of the carssons and air locks.—Two similar iron caissons were built by MM. Baudet & Donon, 22 me- ters long and IO meters wide, with two superposed com- 8 partments. The lower compartment was the working chamber, I.80 meters high, and the upper, the equilibrium chamber, 2 meters high, and completely tight; a platform was placed on the latter which carried a scaffolding 7 me- ters high, supporting a second platform 16 by 4 meters. Four locks and shafts led from the platform to the working chamber. Two of these passages carried the ordinary air locks, and two others served for the discharge of the ex- cavations and the introduction of the cut stone. At Rochelle, the caisson worked easily at several hun- dred meters from the shore, and the waves, during the tem- pests, passed over the scaffolding. Schmid motors were used, supplied by the compressors set up on shore. The caissons weighed IIO tons each. They carried between the braces and on the lower platform a permanent load of 220 tons of masonry. They were set up on the shore, rolled down on rollers at low tide to the bottom of an in- clined plane; launched at the next high tide, and towed near to the grounding place. The draught of water, with the equilibrium chamber filled with air and the working chamber filled with water, was then 3.30 meters. The grounding was an operation always delicate and sometimes danger- ous. It was necessary to go down exactly upon the loca- tion of the block to be constructed, against the waves, and especially against strong currents. It was anchored to six fixed points, one of which was furnished by the jetty be- hind and five others by buoys strongly anchored. The anchoring lines passed over the grooves of pulleys fixed above the upper platform and terminated at winches placed on the platform. By hauling and letting go with these winches, the position of the caisson and its alignment were regulated. The height of the water above the bottom at low tide was, for the first blocks, below the draught of the floating caisson. It was sufficient then to let it go down with the tide. When it struck upon the bottom the valves were opened, giving the water access to the equilibrium cham- Port of GENOA. ...--> : ! * cº ſº tº-ºº-ºº º --- - -e b_ 25- -- 5. % % * % % % FIG. 2.-Great floating caisson used in laying the flooring of dock No. 2; transverse section. M, Shaft for the materials, 1.05 meters; P, Shaft for the workmen, O.70 meter; C, Shaft for the bêton, o.45 meter interior diameter. 9 ber, and the surcharge prevented the caisson from rising with the tide. The depth increasing as the work advanced, the low water did not bring the cutter to touch the bottom. In this case the valves were opened when the caisson was low- ered, and the entry of the water into the equilibrium cham- ber produced the grounding. * The load was then more than sufficient to fix the caisson on the bottom, but a new load was necessary to balance the underpressure of 400 tons produced by the introduction of compressed air into the working chamber and to assure the stability of the apparatus. This surcharge of about 220 tons was given by cast-iron ballast which was stowed upon the upper platform. Work ºn the caisson.—The first care of the workmen going into the working chamber was to put the caisson on a level by digging at first under the highest portions of the cutting edge. They then proceeded to remove the upper layers of the bottom just to the limestone bed which was judged proper to serve as the foundation of the block. The operation of raising the caisson during the laying of the masonry was done with the aid of twenty-four great screw-jacks with steel rods I.80 meters long and o. IO meter in diameter. These rods passed through brass nuts set up on the smaller bases of reversed plate-iron cones, the larger bases being riveted to the ceiling of the working cham- ber. The rods were in line parallel to the wall and 1.5o meters from it. The lower extremity terminated in the form of a hemisphere carried in a hollow of the same form in a cast-iron plate resting on the masonry, which thus avoided all rigid connection between the suspending pieces of the rod and the plate. When the masonry was begun, the twenty-four jacks having been raised to the end of their course, had their plates O.80 meter above the ground. A layer of masonry o.80 meter thick could then be laid. They then took IO the support on this layer to raise the caisson. As there was to be overcome in this first operation, not only the weight of the apparatus, but the friction of its walls in the ground, they worked six hydraulic jacks of 30 tons, at the same time as the screw-jacks. The caisson being thus raised O.40 meter, they kept as points of support one jack out of two, that is, twelve in all, and took away the other twelve jacks to build o.40 meter of height under their plates. They then carried the caisson upon these twelve jacks, raised it, and then placed the twelve others to lay the ma- sonry under. They had thus, around one block and just to the walls, a continuous belt of masonry I meter thick and o 40 meter high. By a double working of the jacks iden- tical with the preceding, they raised the caisson again o.40 meter and carried the height of the surrounding belt to O.80 meter. They then filled with masonry the portions within the belt, which completed the second course of 80 centimeters. They proceeded in the same manner until the block rose to the reference, I.50 meters. High waves interrupted the work sometimes for several weeks, during which the caisson, exposed to the tempests, had to rest upon its twenty-four jacks. First, they limited themselves to removing the underpressure and allowing the water to come into the working chamber and placed a number of struts between the walls of the caisson and the partly finished block. Experience having shown that these precautions were insufficient, they built upon the block four great pillars of masonry reaching up to the ceiling, upon which the caisson rested during the interrup- tions of the work. They worked night and day in the caissons (except dur- ing the incessant stoppages caused by heavy seas). An average of eight hours out of the twenty-four was used for . laying the masonry, the sixteen others to raise the caisson and to carry the stone into the working chamber. Fifteen masons worked in the caisson, with thirty laborers, laying 50 cubic meters of masonry per day. These hands did I I not include those employed on the service bridge for carry- ing materials and for the preparation of the mortar on shore. The caissons were raised by sixty men, forty-eight to work the twenty-four jacks, and twelve for the six hy- draulic jacks. It took on an average one and three-quarter hours to raise the caisson o.40 meter. Z)isplacement of the caisson.—When a block was fin- ished they waited to the next high tide to disengage the caisson. - - The reference of the top of the block being 1.50 meters and that of the high tide 5.40 meters, with a draught of water of 3.30 meters, there was a margin of about o 60 meter for the grounding. - The operation of displacement consisted in withdrawing the cast-iron ballast, which was deposited upon the boat, in replacing the six anchorages at low tide and in driving out the water from the equilibrium chamber, and allowing the caisson to rise with the tide. At the moment of high tide they pulled with the winches upon the anchorage chains toward the open space, and they let go on the opposite side until the caisson was brought over its new anchorage. They then repeated the operations already described for immersion. The difficulty of this operation arose because the caisson had to float nine hours, often in the night, from the mo- ment when it lost its support upon the finished block to the moment when the following low tide allowed it to be grounded anew. If a tempest arose when the caisson did not cover the block they could, although not without risk, precipitate its immersion; but the danger would be very much greater if a sudden change of weather, as was often the case in these regions, had overtaken the cassion float- ing at the moment when one could not disengage it from the block nor ground it again upon it, hence they did not move the caisson except when the weather appeared to be favorable and the tide sufficiently high. It was not possi- ble always to fulfill this double condition, except by wait- 12 ing five or six weeks, during which the materials and the workmen were idle. * These operations of incontestible boldness were repeated twenty-four times. - Access to the caisson was from the jetty, which was built as the first blocks were laid, and by a service bridge constructed upon the last blocks not yet finished. This service bridge rested on an iron framework having its uprights of channel iron fixed in the masonry. It was constructed as light as possible, so as to not offer much resistance to the waves, but at the same time solid enough to give passage to the cars loaded with materials for the work. Over this bridge passed the electric wires for light- ing, the two air pipes which supplied the working chamber, and the air for driving the little motors of the excavation locks, The level of this service bridge was constant, while the platform surrounding the locks varied according to the height of the caisson on the block. When the platform was sensibly higher than the service bridge the two were joined by a safety planking, carrying rails upon which the little cars were raised by means of a winch driven by one of the little compressed-air motors of the locks. The construction of these great blocks began in 1884, and terminated in 1888. During this time the two caissons constructed twenty-four blocks. The depth at which the blocks were laid varied from the reference, O.76 to 5.35 meters. The total cubic mass was 18,OOO cubic meters; it was paid for at the rate of 70.49 francs per cubic meter, the excavated rock and cement being provided by the Government. For the purpose of maintaining a large coffer dam it became necessary to join the blocks with solid masonry; this very difficult operation was accomplished by convert- ing the interval into a caisson formed by the two walls of the blocks and two lateral iron panels” held together by *The details of this operation are given on pp. 742-744 Paris Exposi- tion Report Vol. III., 1889. - I3 tie rods and turn buckles, the whole covered by an arch through which an aperature was left for the passage of the lock shaft. This operation is shown in Plate I. At the right is seen, the arch loaded with masonry to resist the under pressure, through which passes the shaft surmounted with its air lock. One panel being removed, the tie rods are seen hanging from the other. PLATE I. OUTER HARB or of LA PALLICE (Rochel LE). - **** --- - METHOD OF JOINING THE BLOCKS. VIEW OF THE CAIS SONS IN OPERATION The World's Columbian Water Commerce Congress CHICAGO, 1893 CHAIN TOWAGE WITH MAGNETIC AD HERENCE BY L. MOLINOS Past President of the Society of Civil Engineers of France, Presi- dent of the Zower Seine and Oise Zowage Company ( y AND A. De BOVET Airector of the Zower Seine and Oise Zozyage Company BOST ON . W D A M RE L L & U PHXSº @The Øſt. Torner ºcciºğtore 283 Washington Street CHAIN TOWAGE WITH MAGNETIC ADHERENCE. I. The traction on rivers of boats not individually pro- vided with motive power is done either by means of chain- towing or by tug-boats. The first method, taking a bearing on fixed points, gives much higher duty than the second, and has thereby an absolute, incontestable superiority over it. It is, however, necessary to give rational preference to the chain-towage over tug-boats, that the economy due to this higher duty be sufficient to cover the expenses chargeable to the chain and those incurred by the difference in cost of chain tow- boats over ordinary tug-boats. This is a question of rela- tive, and not absolute, superiority, and depends only on the nature of the river. It can be established, at least with sufficient approxima- tion for practice, that the work required of the engines for drawing the same tow in still waters, with the same speed, is twice as great in the case of tugs as in that of chain tow-boats. In running waters, going up stream, if the speed of the tow with reference to the shore is in absolute value equal to that of the current, the ratio of power required of the tug to that furnished by a chain tow-boat equivalent thereto (as above described) would be as 4 to I. This ratio would be between 2 and 4 to I, when the speed of the tow with reference to the shore is greater than that of the current. It will be greater than 4 4 to I when the speed is less, the ratio increasing rapidly as the difference in speed increases. - We know, on the other hand, what an amount of power is required to give an appreciable speed to a tow going up stream if the current is somewhat rapid, and that this speed is much below that of the current when the latter reaches from 4 to 5 kilometres. It will therefore be understood why chain-towage is pref- erable as the current increases, and is finally the only method possible on streams having steep grades, either when in a natural state or where artificially regularized, and this even where the depth is sufficient to allow of powerful tugs. We might easily cite as examples large rivers, such as the Rhone, for instance, where, owing to the want of success up to the present time in establishing chain-towage, navigation is carried on by self-propelled carriers only. Such an example shows also that, as at present practised, chain-towing has not been developed successfully in many cases where it would be the most natural method. On canalized streams, one effect of canalization being among others to reduce the current to a considerable extent, and that during long portions of the year chain- towage, during the seasons when the dams can remain more or less raised, loses its relative advantages, and the use of tugs, on the contrary, becomes more easy, and the struggle between the two methods is so intensified that one is forced to ask if both can possibly coexist. This is the case on the Seine. There canalization has been carried forward to a rare degree of perfection. The use of tugs therefore has found exceptionally favorable condi- tions, and has, in fact, been greatly extended during the last few years. It has thus shown that chain-towage was not, or was no longer, able to satisfy all the needs of navi- gation, but without, however, succeeding in showing that tugs alone could fulfil these needs, to a larger or to a better extent. It is not, however, probable that there are two 5 equally good and sufficient ways of performing the same work; and one is forced to conclude that either one or the other method has not yet reached its highest perfection. What is wanting in each of these methods? Nothing can show this better than the study of facts on a stream where both are in concurrent use; and the Lower Seine, with which we are specially familiar, seems very suitable for this comparison. It shows at the same time why chain- towage may have a hard struggle against tugs on canalized rivers, and why it is not always available in places where tugs are useless. We shall see that the cause is due to certain inherent defects in the apparatus in actual use for chain-towage, and we will show how we think these defects may be remedied. II. We will not insist on the origins of chain-towage and the experiments preceding its industrial application. The first idea is attributed to Marshal Saxe. He pro- posed towing boats by means of a cable, one end of which was made fast to the shore. A horse-gin set up on the boat wound the cable on a drum. The cable was then unwound, and the end carried further ahead on the shore, and so on. But this was practically what had been done at all times on ships by means of the capstan. We consider that chain-towage really began with the use of a submerged chain having the length of the whole route, the idea of which, we believe, is due to Messrs. Tourasse and Courteaut, who in about I 832 conceived the project of applying it to the Seine, from Paris to Rouen. The experiment failed. It was premature. In 1855 there was a short tow-line of submerged chain from the lock at the Mint to Port-à-l’Anglais, 6 kilometres long, used for clearing the empty barges from the docks in Paris. It was this embryo application which caused the forma- tion of the first large towage company, that of the Lower 6 Seine and Oise, which had a line 72 kilometres long, and had considerable traffic between the Mint lock at Paris and Conflans, at the mouth of the Oise. At the time of its foundation, 1856, the canalization of the Seine was very imperfect, the régime of the river was very irregular, the current frequently violent, and the depth of water variable, being less than I. 50 metres in summer. Owing to the absence of a lock at Suresnes, the ship- ping from the north, arriving with full cargoes at the Seine, were obliged at great expense to lighten their loads, in order to reach the Paris docks and the basin of the St. Denis canal. Chain-towage, the object of which is to realize economi- cally great traction power, rendered during this period incomparable service. - Substituted for horse-towing, or the use of the few rare and inferior tug-boats, it absorbed at the start nearly all the traffic except that down stream, which was mostly drifted; and its proportion amounted to 97 per cent. It lowered the cost of traction of a barge from 6 to 2 mills per kilometric ton; * and, although in the last few years its proportion of traffic has been much reduced, it has in thirty years towed from Conflans to St. Denis or Paris over 1,800,000 kilometric tons. It has consequently caused a saving to the Parisian commerce and industry that may be estimated at some $6, OOO, OOO, seeing that its influence was the cause of the reduction of rates. And this useful result was obtained without any subsidy or any other help from the authorities than the permission to lay a chain in the bed of the river. But since its formation the navigation of the Seine has been greatly modified. The construction of new weirs with locks has carried the depth of water at all times to a minimum of 3 metres. The water section has been * In 1856 the cost of traction of a 250-ton barge from Conflans to Grenelle was $1oo in winter and $53.25 in summer. To-day, at the maximum, all included, it is not over $33.75. 7 thereby naturally increased; and the velocity, except in times of freshets, correspondingly reduced. These modi- fications, very advantageous to the shipping interests, reduced the relative advantages of chain-towage, as the necessity for it decreased with the reduction of the veloc- ity of the current. On the other hand, the increased depth of water allowed improvements to be made in the tugs, which also profited by all the improvements made in steam-engines in the last twenty years as regards economy of fuel, whereas the chain tow-boats in actual use to-day are the same as those used at the outset. The consequence has been that, except during the three, four, or five months of high water, when chain-towage has the advantage, tugs compete successfully with it; and its traffic has been reduced. In the last few years its share of the total traffic has fallen off from 97 per cent. to about 50 per cent. Moreover, the slackening of the current has rendered down-stream traction more and more necessary. Steam- tugs, that were better adapted for this work, came up, sure of finding employment. Once established, they natu- rally endeavored to procure loads for the down-stream trips, and thus gradually increased their power for service in this direction. Hence the development of tug service on the Lower Seine, where there are to-day in use for regular or tempo- rary service about 75 screw-tugs and screw-carriers. Of this number, besides those belonging to water transporta- tion companies, I9 are employed at all seasons in towing barges; but in summer there are at least 28, of a total horse power of 4,450. - Is this condition of things to be final? Is chain-towage to disappear on the Seine? Is it not possible, on the con- trary, to improve the appliances for chain-towage and the conditions of its service, so as to give to it decisive advan- tages over the other systems of towage? This is the question that the Lower Seine and Oise Towage Company has been studying with perseverance for 8 the last six years. It is of great interest from a general point of view, in regard to the best solution to be adopted for towage on canalized rivers. The common character- istic of these streams is to have necessarily a variable 7%gime. In summer, the weirs being raised, the current is almost annulled, whereas in winter, during the rainy season, it is necessary to partially lower the weirs, and the current increases; and during flood waters the weirs are completely removed, and the natural régime of the river is re-established. Now, the usefulness of tugs dimin- ishes considerably with the increase of the current. For instance, a tug of the “Wasp" type can in summer tow 7 barges, whereas during high water it can tow but I I-2, 3 for 2 “Wasps” coupled together, and only I during very high water. The proportion remains about the same for the large 3OO horse-power tugs. In summer they can take I 2 barges, but only 3 with high waters, sometimes only 2, and that at reduced speed. It is thus seen that, in order to meet the requirements of traffic which is pretty regular, four or five times as many tugs would be required in winter as in summer; and, as they would not have employment for the greater part of the year, it is difficult to conceive how satisfac- tory service can be organized with the use of tugs only. There would naturally be either a dearth of means of tow- age in winter, an accumulation of barges, and excessive rise in prices, or else in summer a surplus of tugs (as we have stated above), and abnormal cuts in prices, thence, in short, a great latitude in the scale of rates. Chain-towage, on the contrary, owing to its method of traction, is much less affected by variations in the current. In practice, the weight of the tow during high waters is reduced rarely in the proportion of 5 to IO (very excep- tionally 4 to IO). It should also be added that, whereas any variation in the current is of importance for the tug, only notable variations affect chain tow-boats. Conse- quently, with a given plant towage by chain can give much 9 more regular service, and at the same time prevent large variations in the rates. It is evident that a system of traction that has a crushing advantage over all others during from three to five months of the year, according to the conditions of the waters, will supersede all its competitors, if during the remainder of the year it equals them as to cost, security, and regularity of service. Now, chain-towage does not at the present time fulfil this last condition; and, in order to explain the cause cor- rectly, it is important to explain briefly how it operates and the defects inherent in the arrangement of its plant. The method of hauling on the chain adopted at the origin by the Lower Seine and Oise Towage Company, was copied from the arrangements of the Small tow-boat of Port-à-l’Anglais, and it has been universally adopted both in France and abroad. No other method was known; and, notwithstanding its defect, no French or foreign engineer has hitherto been able to propose a better one. It consists of two drums with five grooves each, with par- allel axes set 3 metres apart, around which the chain is wound a sufficient number of times (generally 4 half-turns on each drum) for the adherence to equal the necessary traction effort. This system is very defective with reference to the pres- ervation of the chain. If the gauge of the grooves in the drums is not absolutely the same, the winding from one groove to the other becoming different, the chain is obliged to slip, which brings abnormal strains on the intermediate portions, that may considerably exceed the traction strain on the portion stretched in front of the bow of the boat. Besides, the chain is bent and straightened out eight times while under strain in passing around the drums, which, in presence of sand brought up by the chain, increases the wear. This apparatus is, therefore, in itself a cause of breakage of the chain. In fact, this usually occurs on the drums. IO With regard to the general service, the inconveniences of this arrangement are not less serious. The length of chain wound around the drums is 37 metres. It therefore does not allow the use of boats having a propeller, which might cast off the chain at the end of the route; for at each trip it would bring up stream 37 metres of chain, and erelong all the chain would be accumulated at the upper end of the route. It has been tried on the Lower Seine, and also on the Danube, to cut the chain in IOO metres lengths, which the tow-boat returns, to be added to the down-stream end; but this expedient, very unsatisfactory in many ways, has the serious inconvenience of displacing successively the chain in the whole length of the route. It cannot there- fore be methodically repaired by placing new sections at the points the most strained or the most dangerous, such as bridges, etc., so that this arrangement consequently increases considerably the cost of maintenance of the chain, which is already quite heavy. The consequence is that the towage service is done by relays, each boat remaining on the chain as well going down stream as going up, plying up and down with those preceding and those following it. If the traffic increases, if in consequence one or two more tow-boats are added to the service, there is no other way but to shorten the relays. But at the end of each relay the tow-boat must swap tows with the following one. This causes much loss of time, for it cannot be done at all points on the river. It is only practicable, without danger, at certain mooring places, so that the boats are obliged to wait for each other, absolute regularity being incompatible with all navigation service. The amount of this loss of time is so great that in winter, during the short days, when the traffic is usually most active, there is scarcely any advan- tage in putting on a fifth boat between Conflans and St. Denis, the loss of time taken up by these changes compen- Sating for the advantages gained by an extra tow. I I Another and more serious drawback to chain-towage is that, although an excellent system for going up stream, it is much inferior to tug-boats for down-stream work. In the first place, especially in high waters, if the boat going down stream has a tow, its speed, limited by the winding apparatus, is not sufficient for the steerage-way of the barges. The operation of swapping tows is much more complicated, much more dangerous, and takes more time. Finally, if the chain breaks, the boat is stopped. Held by the chain rolled on the drums, the tow may col- lide with it, and more or less damage may result from it. Hence a certain repugnance among bargemen to chain- towage down stream. For the same rates they prefer tug-boats. All the chain-towage companies established under the same conditions as the Lower Seine and Oise Company, such as the Upper Seine Company, the German companies on the Elbe, the Main, the Necker, the Russian company on the Tcheksna, are subjected to the same difficulties. All, or most of them, have had to give up down-stream towing. This is for them a loss of an important part of the traffic. It is also an avowal on their part of their inability to render to shipping all the service required. Towage down stream is convenient, even when the barges might float down. It is necessary on streams where the effect of the weirs is to frequently annul the current. Chain-towage has not, however, up to the present time been able to do this except by the means used by the com- panies from Conflans to Rouen and on the Danube, - means which we explained just now, but of which we also showed the serious inconveniences. We may now formulate from what precedes the condi- tions to be fulfilled in order that the chain-towage plant yield a good service. Instead of the present chain tow-boats, there should be used chain-towing tug-boats; that is to say, first-class propeller or paddle-wheel tug-boats, supplied with a chain- I 2 towing apparatus for use going up stream only. This apparatus should be simple, should not injure the chain, and should allow the chain to be removed and thrown over- board at any point on the route. Then the relay service would be suppressed. The boats going up stream would take their tows to destination with- out any swapping. On going down stream, they would operate the same as free tug-boats. The service would be effected both ways, with a single chain. It would there- fore gain in regularity, in speed, in traffic power, and in economy. All depends, therefore, on the discovery of a system of hauling which would realize the conditions that we have just enumerated, and at the same time necessitate but a short length of chain over the apparatus, and sufficiently short so that it could be thrown overboard at any point without causing a dangerous amount of slack in the chain. III. Supposing the problem solved as far as the towing appa- ratus is concerned, there remains in a service organized according to the above programme one difficulty, which is to keep the chain in a good position on the bottom. When a chain tow-boat comes to a curve, as soon as the traction effort is applied to that portion of the chain placed on the curve, the tendency is for the chain to swing towards the centre. It places itself on a shorter line than the one previously occupied, and there is slack in the chain at the point where the boat is. If this slack could be retained on board, to be paid out gradually as the curve is passed over, the chain could be replaced in its original position. For this purpose there is needed, beyond the towing apparatus, an adjustable brake, by means of which, as needed, less chain could be paid out at the stern (at the beginning of a curve) or more chain I 3 (during the passage of the curve) than is taken in at the bow. For want of this brake, the slack falls back into the water at the time it is produced, and is not at hand when needed, so that each boat going up stream leaves the chain nearer to the convex shore than it was before. This happens, for instance, on the Seine. When pro- duced, the slack falls immediately from the stern. Some- times it accumulates between the guide-sheaves on the chain-way, and the men have to draw it out. This also happens on the boats of the Elbe, the Main, the Necker. There, however, there is behind the towing apparatus a chain-well, reaching down to the bottom of the hold (the depth of these boats is nearly the same as that of the river), so that there is no piling up of the chain among the sheaves; but, the height which the chain has to rise on coming out of the well being comparable to that which it has to fall beyond the stern pulley, the well acts as a regu- lator. It does not, however, replace a brake, adjustable at will; and in all these cases, in the latter as well as in the former, the chain is displaced behind the boat going up stream, and the boats going down stream, acting both by their speed and their mass, have to be relied on to put it back into place. - On the Danube, with very rapid current, consequently under the action of very considerable traction efforts, the chain is still more displaced, but is, however, immediately replaced, without descending boats, by means of a large well at the rear of the towing apparatus and a powerful brake, consisting of two corrugated drums, similar to, but smaller than, the towing drums, on which the chain is wound several times, and which are held by spring breaks. In all services organized with chain tow-boats going up stream on the chain and going down free, it will be neces- sary to have something analogous to this; and the brake will be all the more necessary and have to be all the more powerful for rivers with rapid currents. A more or less complete system of brakes being neces- I4. sary in the hypothesis we are considering, all that we have said in reference to the towing apparatus remains true of this brake. It must of necessity be able to act on a short length of chain, and will be acceptable only on the condi- tion that it does not injure the chain and that the latter can be easily removed. In this last respect the system in use on the Danube, acceptable with the plant in actual use on that river, would not be a sufficient solution. It is evident that the resisting effort required of the brake will of necessity be inferior to the traction effort, since these two are in opposite directions; and it is the difference between the two that alone causes the boat to advance, which is the final object in view. It is also evi- dent that, the two operations being of the same nature, only in opposite directions, whatever arrangement is adopted for the towing apparatus may also be applied to the brake. In other words, the considerations that we have just presented add nothing new to the conditions that we mentioned at the end of Chapter II. as necessary for a good solution of the problem of chain-towage. We will simply note in passing that these considerations show well one of the reasons why chain-towage has not been developed on very rapid streams, where its use would be the most natural. A chain tow-boat going down stream cannot run at full speed, as the chain holds it back. It runs at a speed less than the current; and the pull on the chain on curves displaces the latter in the same direction as when going up stream, and there is no method remain- ing to correct the effect produced. IV. From what precedes it would seem on the whole that, if chain-towage as practised up to the present time has defects that have interfered with its full development, all these defects are derived from one and the same cause; and, if means were found to obtain great adherence, using I 5 up but a small length of chain, which would not be over- strained, these defects would all be corrected. This being accomplished, chain-towage would regain, in most cases, its marked superiority over tug-boat towage. The problem thus defined by Mr. Molinos, President of the Lower Seine and Oise Towage Company, this company has been trying for several years to solve the question. Previous experiments had shown that all methods of gearing the chain by embossed pulleys, etc., should be put aside, owing to the impossibility of obtaining, or at least of maintaining, a uniform calibre in the chain. Taking the chain up by a process similar to hand haul- ing, by means of projecting arms set at certain distances apart, was tried, but found to present many difficulties. Trials in the shops were made, giving promising results, with a pulley having three prongs, which grasped the chain vigorously, operated by water under pressure. By means of a system of distribution, each prong or jaw seized the chain, and held it from the time it entered the groove of the pulley till it left it. This apparatus, however, was too delicate for rough towage work. The compression was liable to deform the chain; and, if the pulley was of small diameter, considerable water under pressure was required. Unless a small diameter is used, the speed of the pulley must be reduced; and this requires complicated gearing, heavy and massive parts. Another suggestion was to press the chain on the pulley by means of friction rollers under constant water pressure, but here also the excessive pressure required was destruc- tive to the chain. At this point Mr. de Bovet suggested magnetizing the groove of the pulley, hoping thereby to get considerable power, adding the attractive force of the magnet to the ef- fect due to winding a flexible organ through a large angle. Experiments alone could determine whether the results obtained would be sufficient, or in what measure this effect would permit of educing other mechanical devices, if any were needed in addition. I6 A first trial on a small scale having given encouraging results, it was decided to build a pulley of the size that would be used in practice. We have just said that it was desirable to keep to small diameters. This was fixed at I.25 metres. -- The plan was to place the chain in contact with two magnetic poles, set quite close to each other, so that, being of soft iron, it would short-circuit any magnetic cur- rent that might be developed in the magnet by an electric current. To obtain the maximum effect with the least expenditure of current, it was necessary to make the elec- tro-magnet — that is, the towing-pulley — of soft steel, using a large mass of metal, an extra weight in this case not being objectionable. - A drawing of the trial pulley built by Messrs. Sautter, Harle & Co. is shown in Figure 5. The groove is smooth, turned on a lathe, and made so that the links of the chain will fit into it alternately in a vertical, then a normal, plane to it with the least possible play, in order to reduce to a minimum the distance between the chain and the lips of the groove. The dimensions taken were those of the heaviest chains used on the route. Consequently, it was expected that the adherence would be much reduced at those points where the chain, being old and worn, weighed less per metre, and would give more play in the groove; but, as the oldest parts of the chain are always in those sec- tions where the resistance of the current, and consequently the traction effort, are the least, it was hoped there would still be sufficient adherence at these points, if there was on the new parts of the chain, situated on the more difficult portions of the route. For these portions we did not esti- mate that the traction effort would ever exceed 6, OOO kilos, and we thought we should be in safe conditions if we could reach these figures with the new chain. • The total angle encompassed by the chain on the pulley would necessarily be less than 360 degrees. Owing to Constructive necessities, 270 degrees was determined upon as a maximum. 17 Figure 5 gives all the dimensions of the trial pulley, made of 2 flanges of cast steel. The space reserved for winding the wire is enclosed by a bronze ring with rubber joints (for extra precaution the induction coil may be enclosed in a sealed casing). The bolts of the outside flanges are also of bronze. If of iron, there might be loss of current. The feed-wires pass through the centre of the shafting, and terminate on 2 insulated rings, on which are applied 2 brushes. As can be seen, the apparatus is strong. The lips alone are liable to wear out. For pulleys in constant use the lips should be made in separate pieces, easily removable. The maintenance of a pulley of this style would be quite simple. Figure 6 shows this arrangement. The pulley shown in Figure 5 was tested in the shops of the makers, being set up stationary; and, without insist- ing on the details, we will rapidly give a summary of the principal results obtained. At first an experiment was made to determine the limit of current that it would be best not to exceed. This was done with a portion of new chain (an old worn chain would naturally be saturated by a weaker current), formed of one whole and two half links, placed against the bottom of the pulley, and sustaining a box in which weights were placed till the chain was pulled off. It was found that this sus- taining effort did not exceed 300 kilos, and that the cur- rent above which no greater adherence was obtained was 48 amperes, corresponding to 37, OOO ampere-revolutions and an expenditure of 4.5 horse power. This maximum current corresponds to the saturation of a new chain of 26.5 millimetres, weighing I 5.5 kilos per running metre; and we were not able to measure the slip of this chain when wound 3-4 around the pulley, as the appliances at hand did not allow over 7, OOO kilos to be applied, which was not sufficient to start the chain. With old chain, out of service owing to excessive wear and deformation, and reduced in weight to about 9 kilos I8 per metre, the limit of adherence, when wound 3-4 around the pulley when dry, was found to be about 6,000 to 6,500 kilos, and this with an expenditure of only 3 horse power. Of course with new chain, this same power would carry more than 6,500 kilos. With the chain wet in clear water, or soap and water, which we consider would give the same slipperiness as the Slime brought up by the chain, the loss was about Io per Cent. Even when twisted, new chain carried all the load we could get on without any slipping; and, when twisted as much as possible, badly placed on the groove, and oiled as much as possible, with 3-4 turn on the pulley, it carried more than 4, OOO kilos. The adherence is good; and, with sufficient current, it is maintained even where there is back lash produced. When the limit of weight for a given current is reached or exceeded, there is a more or less rapid slip of the chain, according to the load. In fact, the pul- ley itself limits the stress. We will add a last remark. We have shown how we measured the power necessary to pull the chain off in the direction of the radius with but 2 links. If we call f the shearing stress, or normal attractive force per centimetre of chain, the same conditions of current and chain which give for the total length wound 3-4 round the pulley sum f = 4,OOO will give for the effort necessary to produce slipping of the chain in the groove 6, Ooo kilos. This abnormal result seems to us to show plainly that the mechanical effect of winding enters for a large part in the results obtained. All these experiments were made in place, but in ser- vice the speed foreseen, at the circumference of a towing- pulley of the diameter of the one experimented with, is about I metre; and every one knows that with such speeds the coefficients of friction are the same as at rest. At most the loss would only be that corresponding to a few less degrees of winding, and due to the retardation of the I9 links of the chain in motion in reaching the maximum state of magnetization. There does not seem to be any- thing to fear on this head, as the results obtained were far beyond practical needs; and, the experiments being con- cluded, the Lower Seine and Oise Towage Company decided to build a boat with a magnetic pulley, the same pulley used in these experiments. We will note that the pulley might be built in some other way, as long as the chain could short-circuit the magnetic current applied. Thus electric cores might be placed along the radii of the pulley, as in the armatures of an alternate current Gramme machine, or along the rim, normally to the plane of the pulley, as in the armature of an alternate current Siemens machine. With the addition of a properly fitted collector, these arrangements would allow of suppressing the current at the point where the chain leaves the pulley, and thus detach it without any effort. But the construc- tion of the apparatus would be complicated, the mainte- nance more delicate; and it has seemed preferable, if only on account of its rusticity, to use the arrangements just described, although the chain has to be forced off of the pulley, and a small amount of energy applied for this purpose. This is quite small, however. If we turn back to the figures given above for the shearing force per centi- metre of groove, and if we admit that, after a separation of, say, 2 centimetres, no more effort is necessary, it is easy to figure that for the speed required only about 1-2 horse power is needed. V. In a report presented to the fifth congress of navigation (Paris, 1892), from which has been largely extracted what proceeds, we gave a description and a plan of the boat that the Lower Seine and Oise Towage Company was then building for applying the system we have just described. 2O The boat was not then completed. The work was well under way, and was to be completed according to the description that we then gave; but we could only surmise as to its working capacities. Now it is completed and in regular service,” experience has caused us to make but few modifications to the arrange- ments first adopted, as can be easily seen by comparing the description given at that time and the following one. The boat built by Mr. Sâtre, of Lyons, is shown in Fig- ures I, 2, 3, and 4. It is 33 metres long, 5 metres wide amidships, with 2.70 hold, and a mean draft, when towing on chain, of I.90 Imetres. Advantage was naturally taken of the fact that there is a great depth in the Seine in adopting a rather large propeller. The engine is of the overhead, compound type, placed near the centre of the boat; and, by means of two clutches, it can, as may be required, drive the propeller by direct action or the towing apparatus by means of bevel gears. When working on the propeller, it is intended to develop I 50 horse power, with I 50 revolutions per minute; when working on the chain, 60 to 80 horse power and 90 revolutions. At the rear are 2 boilers of 50 square metres of heating Surface each; near the bow the towing apparatus, the trans- mission to which is clearly shown on the drawing. The two rudders have been maintained as in ordinary chain tow-boats. The forward one is placed in such a way that, when it is set at rest, while the propeller is in use, there is no tendency for it to turn. The two wheels are set near together, by the side of the captain’s stand, the forward one at G, the aft one at G'. Instead of the ungainly-shaped hulls of the boats in *We have sent to the Chicago Exposition to be shown in class 31 : (1) Plans of the boat just as it was built; (2) Photographs of it as used in service. We also added drawings of the towing- pulley and a photograph of the old style boats used by the Lower Seine and Oise Towage Company. 2 I actual use, this one has been moulded so as to give satis- factory speed when used as tug-boat. When drawing on the chain, the boat will set practically level longitudi- nally. In this position the bow widens out suddenly, in order to insure sufficient steadiness, even when drawing obliquely on the chain. When using the propeller, the stern must set down lower, and the raised bows show finer lines. In order to obtain this difference of water lines, there are 2 water-ballast compartments, W, W’, one for- ward and the other aft, with a pump for shifting the water from one to the other, as may be required. The general form of the deck remains the same as usual. Forward and aft the chain passes over needles F, F, similar to those on the company’s other boats, then over the vertical blocks E, E'. (Figures 8, 9, Io, I I, and 12 show details of the needles and blocks.) From the forward vertical block the chain follows the chain-way D to the towing-pulley A, around which it can make a 374 turn. It is guided on and off of the pulley by 2 sheavy B, B', set symmetrically on either side of the vertical/ tis. If the boat is only going up stream by chain power (when going for any distance down stream on the chain, the boat is turned about), it is sometimes obliged to work backwards for a short distance in shunt- ing, etc. The 2 guide-sheaves are set on carriages, and can be pushed back to put the chain in place or cast it off, or in order to reduce the encircling angle of the chain. As to the towing-pulley, it is mounted at the end of the shaft; and 20 or 30 centimetres play between it and the iron portions of the deck and engine, are sufficient to pre- vent all loss of current. After leaving the towing apparatus, the chain follows the chain-way, D', beyond which, before reaching the ver- tical blocks, is a well, L, and a brake, M, for the purpose already described. As chain-towage presents no great difficulties on that portion of the Seine where this boat was to be used, and 22 does not necessitate any very great strains, we considered best to give to this well a size sufficient only to hold from 20 to 25 metres of chain. The shape, an inclined plane from fore to aft, is to prevent the accumulation of the chain on the outgoing end. The brake-pulley is built similar to the towing-pulley, only smaller, 50 centimetres. (The de- tails of this brake are shown on Figures 16, 17, 18.) Set loosely in the boxes supporting its axis, as long as it is not magnetized it acts simply as a supporting sheave; but a roller firmly set on the same standard and just behind it obliges the chain to cover at least 90° of the sheave. So that, when a current is sent through it, the magnet always acts on a sufficient length of chain to insure its action, which would not be the case if the chain was in contact with the brake-pulley only at one point. On the lower quarter of this same pulley there is a shoe, encircling the groove at a small distance from it, free to be drawn into it by magnetic attraction when the current is turned on, and falling back by its own weight when the current is cut off. The operation of the brake is easily understood. Turning on the current attracts the shoe, which prevents the pulley from revolving. At the same time the chain, which becomes slack on the side towards the well, is drawn on to the upper quarter of the pulley. It then covers half the circumference, and can resist a strain of I, OOO kilos in the case of a new chain with full current. The result can be varied by graduating the intensity of the current; and the paying out of the chain is the result of its weight, the tension of the chain falling at the stern, and the variable resistance of the brake. All that is needed for operating is a commutator and a rheostat placed at the captain’s stand. As to the sheaves, B, B', that guide the chain on and off of the towing-pulley, we at first thought it might be well to make the entering one, B, of non-magnetic metal, in order not to affect the field on this side. This precau- tion seems superfluous. The other sheave, B', was, on 23 the contrary, made of magnetic metal, with a very thick rim, in order that, when in contact with the large pulley, it would present less resistance than the chain to the pas- sage of the current, and the chain, being almost indiffer- ent, would leave the pulley more easily. For safety and to insure this separation, a pawl, H., of non-magnetic metal, was added, fitting into the groove and overhanging it, but also supported by 4 bronze rollers resting on the pulley and transferring all the stresses to it, either from the press- ure of the chain on the end of the pawl or from its tendency to raise it. (Figure 7.) As the chain-way is but slightly inclined between the sheave, B', and the well, in order to make doubly sure of the paying out of the chain, we placed a sheave with rough surface at the end of the chain-way, that in case of need could be operated by a receiving dynamo. As a matter of fact, the action of the sheave, B', which is quite massive, though somewhat effective, is insuffi- cient to insure for a certainty the easy detaching of the chain, which has a tendency, as soon as the tension of the outgoing end is reduced, to jam in between the pulley, the sheave, and the pawl. The first trials showed that the arrangements we had made were insufficient, and that it was necessary to maintain a constant tension on the out- going end, to make sure of detaching the chain from the pulley. The figures from experiments referred to in the previ- ous chapter showed that this tension need not exceed 300 kilos. It could therefore be easily obtained by a slight winding on a small pulley lightly magnetized, on the con- dition that the pulley was constantly revolving with a cir- cumferential speed equal to or slightly superior to that of the large pulley. It was best to operate this pulley by a mechanical trans- mission taken directly from one of the shafts of the towing apparatus. This is shown in Figure I, at J, K. As to the details of the apparatus set up at the entrance of the 24 chain-well, they are found in Figures I 3, I4, and I 5. Two guide-sheaves pressing on the chain oblige it to make a quarter turn around the magnetized pulley. Sometimes it happens, however, that the chain is under considerable tension at the rear of the boat, as well as at the bow. Then the use of the magnetized pulley at the entrance of the chain-well is unnecessary, but the supports of the 2 small guide sheaves may be considerably strained. In order not to have them made too heavy, they are mounted on springs, which allow them to rise when the general tension of the chain exceeds 300 kilos, so that they never are submitted to excessive stresses. In the engine-room a small receiving dynamo runs a centrifugal pump that supplies water for washing the decks and chains and for operating the water-ballast. The current for the different electric appliances is sup- plied by a special motor, acting directly on a dynamo set up at T. This work could not be done by the main engine, thus leaving the production of current dependent on the manoeuvres of the boat. The distributing board and resistance boxes are in the engine-room. The commutators, which regulate the cur- rent for the towing-pulley, the brake, and pulley, P, are enclosed in a box placed on the bridge near the rear rudder wheel. This is a closed box, from which the handles only protrude. A plate glass set over the keys shows these up, and at night they are illumined by 2 incandescent lights. On the bridge, which is raised slightly above the deck (it is placed over the shaft of the large pulley), the cap- tain has under his hand the wheel of the rear rudder, which he operates, and the different commutators, thus allowing him to control all the machinery connected with the pas- sage of the chain on the boat without having to call on the crew. He is so placed that he can see perfectly how the chain is acting on the pulley and also give orders to the man at the forward wheel. 25 Everything that might interfere is carried on the port side of the deck, the starboard side being kept clear for handling the chain and shipping it on or off. The only obstacles, and these present no great difficulty, are the cleats for making fast the tow-ropes. When the boat acts as tug-boat, it draws its tow by a single line, as usual. This can be made fast to a hook at the base of the chimney at a short distance from the plane of the thrust-bearing of the propeller. It is supported on rollers at the stern, which can be removed when the chain is used. There are also fastenings on the deck for snatch-blocks, used when necessary for handling the chain. VI. Such as we have described it, this boat was put in ser- vice on the Seine at the beginning of this year. Alone of its kind at present and operating concurrently with the old style boats, it has, of course, not transformed the methods of operation; but it has completely filled all the conditions for which it was built. i t It has proved that there was a satisfactory solution of the problem, as we described at the beginning of this report. We have not sought for greater traction power than that of the old style boats of this company, for this was sufficient. It takes as large tows as the others going up stream, with the same current and equal speed. The chain may be thrown off at any point with the greatest ease (it takes at most from 5 to IO minutes) without dis- placing it longitudinally or forming any slack that might interfere with boats following. The necessary 3 or 4 metres of slack are obtained by one turn of the engine, by tightening the chain forward. Going down stream, free as any other tug, it tows very correctly. It realizes, in fact, all the advantages that we could 26 only foretell in our report of 1892, which we then summed up thus: — - First, as compared with the system of chain-towage in general use. Considerable less wear of the chain, suppression of the principal causes of breakage, and the service of relays, better utilization of plant, increase in traffic power, de- crease in running expenses. Possibility of towing down stream same as ordinary tug-boats. Second, as compared with tug-boats. Equal to them in shallow waters. Incontestable superiority to them in high waters. This whole amelioration, so important from different points of view, will bring about a real transformation of towage as practised up to the present time by bringing to it that which it lacked, in order to give by itself complete satisfaction to the different needs of shipping. We will remark that a steamboat supplied like the one described, with a propeller as well as an apparatus for chain - towing, will be well adapted for use on certain rivers, such as are to be found in different parts of the world, where long stretches of easy navigation are sepa- rated by rapids almost impassable with the present means at hand, whether it be for purposes of towing freight boats or for self-propelled carriers. We studied the apparatus described for purposes of chain-towage, the only one we have referred to up to the present point. We are aware that trials have been made in different places to substitute a cable for the chain. All these have failed except that on the Rhine. This latter success is due, we think, simply to a local particularity. The bot- tom of the river where it is applied is covered with points of rock that prevent the cable from dragging around the curves, and hold it so well that sometimes it escapes only just a short distance ahead of the boat, with a vertical 27 whip-lash motion which a chain would hardly resist. This special circumstance, therefore, obviates the principal objection to the use of a cable, and justifies it in this case. But otherwise and in a general way we consider the cable inferior to the chain for towing. Owing to its short duration, it is not more economical. On the contrary, as it can only be rolled on large diameters, it necessitates much larger and cumbersome apparatus. - Being too light, it is displaced much more in the curves by the tractive effort, and thus renders the passage of a boat much more difficult, notwithstanding the much easier steering facilities attributed to a cable tow-boat, but which we consider very doubtful. It breaks less frequently, but it is harder to fish up and much more complicated to splice together. It winds more smoothly and evenly, it is true; but we do not think that this single advantage compensates for the inconveniences we have enumerated. We can but point out these different facts, as to discuss them would necessitate an additional report; and we refer to it only to explain why, in searching for improvements in the towing industry, we have considered only chain- towage. We would, however, note that in the rare cases where cables could be used with advantage magnetic pulleys, sim- ilar to the one we have described, might well replace the one with much more delicate jaws, more expensive, and one that exerts a most destructive action on the cable. The twisted chain passes on the pulley, as we have described it, with sufficient adherence; but sometimes it is straightened out when in the groove, this giving rise to a jerk. It is best in all ways to see that it is kept free from twists, as thereby it is much better preserved. This is all the easier to do with a few hand spikes, as the whole towing apparatus has a tendency to untwist the chain when it has been poorly placed. 28 It might be possible to have a pulley with a single groove instead of the double one we have adopted, through which the links would pass x-wise. From a few experi- ments made, we estimate that with a good construction of this shaped groove the loss of adherence would be about I-3 as compared with the double groove system. The former arrangement seems to us the best. The total adherence increases with the weight of the chain. For streams with rapid currents a much heavier chain is necessary than on the Seine, so that even in this case there will be sufficient adherence without need of exaggerating the size of the pulley. Besides the 2 sheaves, B and B', might be magnetized and made to revolve by power (Figures I and 7), and thus increase the length of active chain, and consequently the total adherence. In this case, if care were taken to give to the sheave, B', a less amount of magnetism, it would play the part of the pulley, P; and the apparatus at the entrance of the chain- well could be dispensed with. VII. VARIOUS APPLICATIONS OF THE MAGNETIC PULLEY. In closing, we would note various applications of the magnetic pulley that we have been describing.” Mechanical Traction on Canals.--It appears to us that it might give a satisfactory solution to the question of mechanical traction on canals. A pulley of but 40 centi- metres in diameter would be sufficient with a light chain, 3 to 4 kilos per metre, to give the necessary effort to propel a dumb-barge, which is the heaviest boat to draw in a canal. In these conditions the proposed solution would be to rig up an apparatus consisting of a towing-pulley with accompanying guide-sheaves, a driving dynamo, and *See these different applications in the bulletins of December, 1892, and of January, 1893, of the International Society of Electricians. 29 the necessary connection transmission. The whole, of small volume (about 1.25 metres by I.20 metres by O.80 metre), and weighing not over 1,500 kilos, would be enclosed in a box, and set on the boat as it reaches the canal and unloaded from it as it leaves it, to be used on another boat for the return trip. There would be one or two submerged chains in the canal, according as the traffic was or was not of such importance as to allow the necessary time for shifting the chains on passing boats. The current would be taken from an overhead line, as in the case of electric tramways. A commutator handle projecting from the box would allow of running faster or slower or of stopping. This would be done by the boatman himself, without any outside help, so that he would remain entirely independent, to stop or go ahead as he pleased, as he might at any time take on, or throw overboard the chain. We intend shortly to make a trial of this system, in accordance with a wish expressed by the fifth international congress. AHauling by Floating Chain. Transmission by Chain.— In a different line of thought, it is clear that the magnet- ized pulley could be applied with success in cases of mechanical hauling by means of a floating chain. It would also apply to transmitting movement from one shaft to another without all the difficulties due to variations in the thread, which are so vexatious in all systems of chain- gearing. Carriage and Car Brakes.— With the same construction of pulley, but with a different-shaped groove, and replac- ing the chain by a flexible blade or sheet with shoes, we obtain a brake at once simple, strong, and easily moder- ated. Here the widening of a flexible organ again inter- venes in a very efficacious manner, that certain measures that we were able to take make quite evident. It is shown by this fact that the curve constructed by referring the total slipping stress to the exciting of the electro-magnet still remains very much inclined on the line of ordinates in that portion where, if the magnetic attraction acted 3O alone, it would be almost parallel to it. From trials made at the shops we believe that we may conclude that with a pulley of 40 centimetres diameter, the heaviest brake effort that need ever be applied to the axle of a heavy wagon at high speed needs but 40 Watts per axle. Such a brake would have the advantage of absolute simultaneous- ness. It could easily be made automatic. Couplings.- By slight modifications in the shape of the pulley, and replacing the chain or blade by a ring of mag- netic metal, we lose the advantages of a flexible organ; but we get an excellent utilization of the field, and arrive at forms giving good mechanical working couplings, from which we have obtained very good results. In many cases they constitute very good limiters of power (for instance, on dredges). With very slight expenditure of current, considerable power can be obtained. Coupling is rendered possible at full speed, or the transmission of any power without shock, by allowing any length of time desired from the first setting in motion to the full coupling up. We think we can obtain with this apparatus even the power necessary for reversing the run in rolling mills: the pos- sible applications are evident either as couplers or brakes. To return to our subject, we will mention as example the following case. On a river with rapid current the necessary manoeuvres to keep the chain in proper place going up stream may require for a time the use of the pro- peller, or paddle-wheels, at the same time that the towing apparatus is in Operation. This happens, by the way, on the Danube. Well, nothing would be easier on a boat such as we have described than to arrange the coupling of the propeller in such a way that going up stream it could be stopped at will, while keeping the arrangements so that in going down stream by the power of the propeller it could be coupled without the use of the current. PARIS, May, 1893. CHAIN TowAGE witH MAGNETIC AD HERENCE. | |-º-º-º-º: VIEW OF THE CHAIN Tow-BoAT AMP fºr E. CHAIN TO VVAGE BY NMAGNETIC AD HERENCE. – DeBovet's - Toueur-remorqueur "Ampère" a helice de 150 chevaux Construit par M. Henri Sätre. fig2. Coupe transversale en awant de la Poulie toueuse - - tº " * “ ” --- * * - - - - , Systerra. Fig.1. Coupe longitudinale F Tig,3. C al ==crº Fig.5: Fouhe tºueuse dessal Fig.6. Poulie magnetique de touage. Fig.1. Mecanisme de touage IOI, §. COUDe UPSTSVēPSSle ºS, A-2 . . . . . . ſkS S- - - - N sº ºr º º s - Håå Appareil d entree du puits * - - - - | *ś, Fig.13 Fig.1% \º ; : : H– § & i • - º - s -: {, u - ~ * > ~ Tºs-º-º-º-º-zº-IN_ | -— Aguille et support d'articulation - - - - >† • ‘W., Tº 7TPs ºfesſºr C ğions 1 - D || : NG § - T º' -- ~~ His NS # U N §%----. y ~ ś. sº §º T. N § is . -----.37% . . . - - Eğ K- - l-- : ºrt | []H§ : s p 5 Lº i |Fi 9. 18. Plan NºSis *Sesºs NSSS º [2 &S §§§ % sº. Tº - - - S. *NSWS - § ‘S- * | O O O Support de pouhe Imagnétique ăgălet de Fig.16. Fiq.11 l f | - - - *- — — — — -4*--- IEngraved and Printed by Lux Engraving Co., Boston, The World's Columbian Water Commerce Congress CHICAGO, 1893 Elºiſt Pºlsion on tails BY O. Bij SSE R Oderberg-in-the-Mark, Prussia B O ST ON D A M R E L L & U PH A M Tb2 Qſb Qorner $500kgtore 283 Washington Street ELECTRIC PROPULSION ON CANALS. & The solution of the canal problem depends largely upon the construction of a compact portable motor, adapted to any canal boat, whatever its shape or size, and capable of being shipped on board when the boat enters, and removed when it leaves the canal. In order to meet the demands of trade, canal traffic should be provided for by the establishment of a system of mechanical haulage, with a speed of at least from o 5 to o.7 metres per second (the speed of horses); or, better, I meter per second,-7. e., 3.6 kilometres per hour (24 miles). The production of a large amount of power in one place, and its subdivision and distribution, has been proved by experience to be economical, as has been shown in cable haulage. As the power used in propulsion (from 2 to 5 horse power) would be too expensive if produced sep- larately on each boat, the idea presents itself of making use of electricity, so applied as to dispense with any addition to the boat’s crew. Storage Batteries.—The first application of electric power to navigation was made in 1839, by Professor Jakobi, on the Neva. He used a galvanic battery, and since his day electric boats have been driven by storage batteries. In this system the motive power is exhausted after working a few hours, and the boat must stop for a fresh supply at a special station. But the same objections to the equipment of every boat with a steam or petroleum engine, have still greater weight against electric accumulators, which are still more troublesome and expensive, and for this reason no further allusion to them will be made in this report. Transference of the Electric Current by means of Wires.—The first known use of the transference of the 4. electric current by means of wires, as applied to canal boats, was made by R. Hunter, of Philadelphia, in 1888, and his patent, No. 403,193, for an electric boat, bears date of May 14, 1889. Biisser's Invention.—A proposition differing from Hunt- er's was offered to the Royal Prussian Government for its consideration, by the author, in 1891. He starts with the idea of furnishing every boat traversing a canal with a portable motor, shipped on board when the boat enters, and removed when the boat leaves the canal. Electricity drawn from a conducting wire running along the shore, was proposed as the motive power to drive a screw, a paddle wheel, or a chain drum. This project was also described, in 1892, at the Fifth International Congress on Inland Navigation. BUSSER's SYSTEM OF ELECTRIC CHAIN TowAGE. The complete establishment of the system requires: First, storehouses to contain the motors to be placed on the boats. Second, the motors and their accessories. Third, a chain with its anchor fixtures. Fourth, a power house. Fifth, a conducting wire and appropriate transformers. The general arrangements of the system are shown in Plate I., figures 6 and 7. The boat F, carries the motor M, at its bow, over which the chain A passes. M is connected with the con- ductor Z, by the wire Z, and the trolley C, which the boat carries forward as it moves. Storehouses for the motors are established at the various ports on the canal. These are provided with traveling cranes and railway connections to the bank, where other cranes are placed for loading and unloading the motors. These cranes may be worked by electricity. The Motors.-Of all the appliances requisite for electric towage, the motor alone merits a detailed description. Position in the boat.—The most available position of the motor in respect to the efficient working of the chain, is in the bow. Figures I and 2, Plate I., represent the motor in i 6 question. As may be seen, its frame, hollowed so as to avoid all useless weight, and strengthened by ribs and flanges, rests on the boat by means of two crosspieces fastened to the gunwale, and capable of being adjusted to the varying widths of the boats. The anterior crosspiece fixed at its ends to the gunwale, is formed of two parts, sliding one within the other; the frame resting on this crosspiece by the appendage, d. The posterior crosspiece is partly openwork, and held by sliding into the two rings, g and gº of the frame; the support is completed by the part, f, which is fixed to the side, like the extremities of the cross- pieces, by a special arrangement, readily understood from figures 3 and 4. The crosspiece is held by a strong ring h, which has a shoulder Z; the latter has a hole, into which the pivot A. fits, AE arises from the top of the stirrup /; / rides on the gunwale, and is held in position by means of the clamp SCI eVVS 772. - - The frame thus fixed at the bow of the boat, carries a dynamo S, which, by means of the spur wheels n, m1, m2, ms, drives the main shaft p to which the chain wheel o is keyed. Rollers tº and v are also placed in front and below this wheel, to guide the chain ; the latter passes first on the hor- izontal roller w, thence between the two vertical rollers tº and v.; the axle of roller w rests on brackets & , &, which are connected to the frame a of the machine ; the rollers u and v turn round axles supported by cast-iron bearings, u and v. The head of the roller tº is rounded, and the nut which fixes this roller on the axle is countersunk, so as not to impede the passage of the chain. Other arrange- ments for the same object have been omitted, so as not to confuse the drawings. After the chain passes over the wheel o, it returns on the roller y, whose axle is also fixed to the frame by means of the cast-iron hanger z. Figure 5 shows the arrange- ment of the upper and lower rollers on a larger scale. 7 The electro-motor chosen is the machine S, 3 of the “Aerliner Maschinenbau Aktien-Gesellschaft” which makes 600 revolutions per minute, and weighs 235 kilo- grammes. It is a 3-horse power machine, having an efficiency of 75 per cent. It absorbs, therefore, 2,940 volts. # The main shaft bearing the chain pulley revolves 50 times a minute; as this pulley has a radius of I55 milli- metres, the length of the chain developed per second is 97.4 millimetres. The motor is completed by a commutator, for putting the machine in and out of circuit, and a resistance coil, which regulates the speed of the boat. The electrical ap- paratus is protected by a casing omitted in the drawing. Finally, the trolly takes the current from the conducting wire and carries it by the wire Z to the motor on the boat. This connection is effected in the same manner as for the electric railroads. The Chaân.—The thickness of the links is Io milli- metres, which gives a resistance of 975 kilogrammes, while the actual stress never exceeds 300 kilogrammes, allowing a factor of safety of 3; its weight is 2.2 kilogrammes per running metre; it is raised from 25 to 30 metres in front of the boat using it. In order that boats going in opposite directions may pass each other, the chain is double at the locks; the two chains are interrupted and united transversely, so as to have an endless chain, for the following reason : when the boat is moving, it carries the chain forward as much as the difference in length between the taut chain and the slack chain; instead of having to carry back this excess, it is carried across the canal to the other chain ; thus the chain will have passed the whole length of the section, up on one side and down on the other, whereby the irregularity is obviated by subjecting every link to the haul of the boats; besides preventing the formation of kinks, as the moving boat has no superfluous length of chain in front of it. 8 In the straight part of the canal the chain rests freely without anchors; in the curves, anchors or guiding posts are necessary; at each extremity the chain passes through & 4. aſº i ©||—|\g ŞH=CH-4–4– ==ºff}=------— ITIS § º h =========== ; - - - - II. Tº Tº .--~~ I_TSC II/A |& - lºº." T TTK L/7 - I LIFT ºf h[T TºS IT II-ILT-I H TCA, Plate II. sº a simple ring, solidly fixed, which serves as an end anchor. It is not absolutely necessary to interrupt the chain at every lock; on the contrary, it can very well be carried 9 * over: the places of its interruption must be determined by the practical necessities of the case. The Power House, and the system of distribution.—We shall not consider here the source of power, the details of the power house, or the plan of distribution; we may simply remark that the high-tension electric current leaves the power house requiring only a small conducting wire; but as this current cannot be used for driving the motors, it must be transformed, in special stations erected for that purpose, a short distance from each other into one of lower tension, and it is only this secondary current, thus obtained, which gives the available motive power. For this working current a second wire is necessary, but no addition to the personnel is required.” The electric motor-steering boat is a small craft used for propelling and steering both boats and rafts; it is not intended to go independently, and, therefore, has no arrangement of its own for steering, and no room for a steersman, but is fastened to the boat or raft in place of its rudder, which is temporarily removed and laid aside during the passage through the canal. This steering boat is operated from the craft to which it is attached. Description.—The motor-steering boat consists of a small boat of wood or iron (figs. I–4, Plate II.). Its keel is enlarged so as to have the shape of a rudder blade, a. m is an electro motor, keyed to a horizontal or vertical driving shaft, figure I, which is carried through the side wall of a well c, c, being water-tight, is raised above an opening in the bottom of the boat, and closed with a lid. The end of the driving shaft projecting into the well c, carries a pulley p, from which the belt is carried to a second pulley r keyed to the screw shaft. *An article by Professor Fischer on the “Introduction and Development of Steam Navigation on the Elbe,” in the Kingdom of Saxony, published in the Civil Ingenieur for 1891, page 233, contains a statement of the cost of chain towage as compared with steam towage, together with Mr. Büsser's comments; but as the discussion has been superseded by M. de Bovet's report, it has been thought best to omit it.—ED. IO In the vertical position of the driving shaft, figure 4, the latter is carried downward, through a stuffing box, in the bottom of the boat. The transmission of the motion to the screw shaft is effected by a pair of bevel wheels, r, the well naturally is omitted in this case. The propeller screw s, mounted on a horizontal shaft in the midship section, half way up the blade a, rests on two bearings fastened to a the latter is hollowed out, so as to allow the revolution of the screw. The tiller g, has the usual form of those of river boats, but is not perma- nently fastened to the steering boat, and, therefore, ends with a knee. The fastening of the tiller q, to the boat is effected by two flat rails A, fastened to the bottom of the boat and braced. The knee of the tiller q, fits into the space be- tween these two rails, and is fastened to them by two screw bolts. The tiller g, has a different position when fitted to a boat than when fitted to a raft. On a boat it is turned forward, and fastened to it by means of a pintle, in the usual way. In order to counterbalance the upward pressure, which tends to lift the pintle, n, there is a plate, Z, on the knee with a hole in one end, through which the lower part of the pintle passes. For rafts, the motor-steering boat is used somewhat dif- ferently. A free space corresponding to the size of the boat is left in the head of the raft when the logs are fas- tened together, and a simple footbridge d, figure 4, is put across this space at such a height that the rails, k, can be pinned into it just above the gunwale of the boat. The bridge, d, is here either cut out, or provided with two pintles, in order to prevent the rails from sliding side- ways. The tiller, g, is fastened in the opposite direction, so that it projects backward over the steering boat, and can be handled there for steering the raft. The downward pressure on g, caused by the working motor, is Counteracted by a wooden crosspiece, e, pushed under 7. The accessory pieces of machinery belonging II to the motor, m, are not indicated in the drawing, because their arrangement, as well as the fastening of the tiller to the steering boat, and the attachment to the boat or raft, can be varied indefinitely. The motor has a rheostat, by which the velocity of the screw can be varied within cer- tain limits; this regulator is placed upon the boat itself. The flow of electricity is regulated by a commutator fas- tened to the tiller; the working of the commutator and the rheostat is limited to the handling of two levers by the steersman. The trolley pole is attached to the end of the tiller. Ademarks.-First, electricity from a central station can be used to drive tugboats provided with electric motors, as the boat invented by Hunter, and mentioned above. Sec- ond, we may also have electric funicular traction. In this case electricity is used instead of steam to drive the cable. Third, Wollheim's Electric Railway. A system of electric haulage has been proposed by Leonhard Wollheim, of Vienna, in which a boat is provided with a storage battery, and the current from this, used to drive an electric loco- motive running on a railroad laid along the shore, and drawing the boat by a tow line. The experiments already made with steam locomotives for this purpose are not very encouraging. The weakest point in Wollheim's system is the necessity for storage batteries. Financial Conditions.—The use of electricity for the propulsion of boats allows the production in one place of an amount of power required for the propulsion of a great number of boats. Besides, the consumption of motive power is more easily adapted to the exigencies of the sit- uation than is the case with steam, and it can, therefore, be supposed that electricity will have the advantage of cheapness. This supposition might be proved by careful calculation, but as long as practical experiments in elec- tric towage are wanting, the financial advantages can only be ascertained by computation, and that only for chain towers and the motor-steering boat, as even the necessary data for an estimate are wanting for the others. I 2 Suppose a stretch of canal IOO kilometres in length : let the boats be of 200 tons capacity, to be moved as fast as they could be towed by horses, i. e., at the rate of o.667 metres per second (2.4 kilometres, or 13 miles per hour). The dimensions of the boats, if laden to 80 per cent of their capacity, are as follows: length, 38.32 metres; width, 5. II metres ; draught, I.54 metres. If the ratio of the Cross section of the canal to the maximum cross section of a boat floating on it be as 5 to I, the canal will have a cross section of 39.27 square metres. Therefore, the power nec- essary for the propulsion of the boat, calculated according to Bellingrath's formula, will be: P = 20.387 Vºg= O.990 horse power with a full cargo, and O.244 horse power with one fifth of a full cargo. In the formula, V equals the velocity in metres per second ; C equals the cross sec- tion of the water in the canal; Q equals the largest sub- merged cross section of the boat. The traffic is supposed to be such that the boats always carry a full cargo on their first trip, and only one fifth on their return trip. The high- est rate of traffic may be found as follows: Let the boats follow each other in the canal at a distance of 300 metres, both up and down stream, this speed being O.667 metres per second. One boat up stream and one boat down stream will pass a certain point in the canal every 450 seconds. At 15 working hours per day there will be a traffic of 240 boats a day; of these, I2O carry each 200 tons, making 24,OOO tons; I2O carry each 40 tons, making 4,800 tons; making in all 28,800 a day, or, with 3OO days of traffic a year, 8,640,000, or 864 million kilometric tons. The actual average traffic may only amount to 45 boats at 200 tons, 2. e. 9,000 tons ; 45 boats at 40 tons, i. e. I,8OO tons ; total, IO,8OO tons a day, making in all 3,240,000 tons per year, or 324 million kilometric tons per year. In the former case, z. e., with the heavier traffic of 864,OOO,OOO kilometric tons, there would be in the canal at the same time : ***.** = 334 boats with full loads, 3 () () * P = 74.35 k.m. = O.990 H. P. I3 requiring each op90 horse power = 331 horse power; as well as 333 boats with partial loads, requiring each O.244 horse power = 81 horse power. The propulsion of all these boats consequently requires 412 horse power. At an average traffic, there are to be propelled simul- taneously : 120 boats with full loads, at O.990 horse power = 119 horse power; I2O boats with partial loads, at O. 244 horse power = 29 horse power. For ordinary traffic, this would be 148 horse power. The expenditure of establishing the system is supposed to be based on the first sum of 412 horse power; the expenditure of carrying on the traffic, on the sum of I48 horse power. The total amount of power necessary for propelling two boats separately is greater, as is well known, than the power required for both when the second is towed by the first. Assuming this to be the case, and that the locks of the canal are capable of accommodating two boats at a time, we should only require ******, say 350 motors. The average traffic would only require 130 motors; but in order not to overrate the capacity of the system, this item of saving will not enter into our calculations. The total propelling power of marine engines, according to Weisbach’s formula (“Engineering and Machinery’), is rated at from o.30 to O.50 for a screw or paddle, and at O.65 for chain boats. - In transmitting the motive power by electricity different conditions arise, and so we may estimate it at O.50; so that it would hardly be overrating if we estimated the degree of power of the screw at O.30 X O.5O = O. 15, and that of the chain machine at O.60 × 0.50 = O.30. The 412 horse power calculated above for the haulage of boats gives the following : *H for the screw motor = 2,750 horse power ; ; for the chain motor = 1,400 horse power. And the average traffic requires #; for the 0 . I 5 screw motor = 1,000 horse power; ; for the chain motor = 500 horse power, which would have to be supplied by the steam engine from the central station. I4 The cost of the plant, including the steam engines, may be estimated as follows:— Screws Chains Marks. Marks. Central Station (dynamos, transformers, etc.) e 4OO,OOO 4OO,OOO Poles and wires for Ioo kilometres, with transform- ing stations tº g tº tº * Ç gº 90O,OOO 900,000 350 motors at 2,000 marks * e tº i. wº 7OO,OOO 7OO,OOO IOO kilometres double chain, at 5,000 marks . * > 5OO,OOO Cranes, storehouses, etc. . º * tº * e 2OO,OOO 2OO,OOO Total sº º te e e g . 2,2OO,OOO 2,7CO,OOO THE ANNUAL EXPENSE OF MAINTENANCE. º Interest on the cost of the plant, at 4% e § 88,OOO Io3,OOO Sinking fund, Io9% . & © º e ſº tº 22O,OOO 27O,OOO Wages in excess of those paid under the present administration . * & & 3O,OOO 3O,OOO Motive power (interest, sinking fund, attendance, maintenance, at a price of coal of 2 marks for IOO kilogrammes), par effective horse power, is © o.O4 per hour x 2,750 horse power x 1.5 x 30O = 495,000 1,400 x ooq x 15 x 300 = es g sº gº g 252,000 Expenses for the heaviest traffic . . 833,000 66o, OOO For the average traffic these sums would be reduced by a smaller consumption of coal, the expenses of which, cal- culated at I.O5 kilograms per horse power, per hour, for the difference of 2,750—I,OOO= 1,750 horse power, amounting to 236,000 1,400–500=900 horse power, amounting to I2 I,OOO Consequently the yearly expenses= 597,OOO 539, OOO The average yearly traffic amounts to 324,OOO,OOO kilometric tons, the cost of I kilometric ton is o.oO1,843 o.o.o.1,664 For the heaviest traffic which would cost yearly 833,OOO 66o,OOO Which corresponds to 864 OOO,OOO kilometric tons; hence, the cost of propulsion would amount to O.OOO,964 O.OOO,764 Per kilometric ton. - The cost of haulage by horses is from O.OO25 to o.o.o.30 marks, and, in comparison with the electric system, would afford the following noteworthy savings:— At an average traffic for the screw . { } o.OOO7 or 26% At an average traffic for the chain . e O.OOO8 or 333% I5 With an increase of the average traffic, these savings would also increase, and if the canal were used to its full capacity they would amount to :— For the screw . ity e e se * } o.OO15 or 61.5% For the chain . * © º º © O.OOI7 or 69.5% Although practical experience will necessitate many corrections in these numbers, yet it is evident from the foregoing calculation that electricity used as motive power for navigation on canals has financial advantages, and that the chain motor, in spite of higher cost of plant, affords cheaper haulage per kilometre than the motor-steering boat; besides, it may be noticed that the chain has been assumed about three times as strong as necessary, and consequently the sinking fund would hardly amount to the sum calculated. C. CON CLUSION. I. The use of electricity for the haulage of boats on canals offers a fair prospect of financial success, and that in a higher degree than steam power. 2. For the development of these projects, practical trials are absolutely necessary. 3. The theoretical and practical solution of the problem is so elaborate and expensive that practical results could only be attained by spending a considerable amount of time and money. 4. This improved haulage of boats on canals must be followed by an improvement in the traffic on water ways, and consequently an increase in trade and industry. The profits arising from this increase would not accrue to the benefit of any individual, but to the whole community; therefore the State should be called upon, in the first instance, to provide the necessary means for the realiza- tion of these projects. ODERBERG-IN-THE-MARK, May 9, 1893. The World's Columbian Water Commerce Congress 2– CHICAGo, I893 EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCHES ON THE FORMS OF CANAL AND RIVER ‘BOATS BY i F. B. DE MAS - Ingenieur en Chef des Ponts et Chaussées ... *-*** * * : Sºrº---. ~~5.x. 2'- - 3 > - T * - - * *. rº-‘‘ -- ~ * zº. r-e ’.” " * * e A sº - B O S T ON D A M R E L L & U P H A M Çbe 9th Torner ºughstore 283 Washington Street -- :- - - , , t < * > - .” tº 3 . . . . ~ J- : 3 s, , : T. º: * . ; ; , . . . . S 2#3; # #4 i ; ; ; ; ; ; * , 3. * -: * * * EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCHES ON THE FORMS OF CANAL AND RIVER BOATS. I. OBJECT OF THE RESEARCHES. The object of the researches made during the three years 1890, 1891, 1892, was to improve the construction of boats plying alternately upon rivers and canals. This subject has a special interest in France, where the traject in the most frequented waterways is equally divided between canals and rivers ; and the boats capable of alter- nately navigating each form the immense majority of the boating fleet. As the boats have to pass through locks 38.50 metres long, 5.20 metres wide, with a draught of 2 metres, this requirement unfortunately restricts their dimensions within very narrow limits, and consequently their tonnage. Again, the tendency of constructors has been to utilize as much as possible the capacity of the locks by reducing the sacrifice of space for the sake of form to a minimum. They have gone as far as possible in this direction. The Coefficient of Displacement of a boat is the quotient, always less than the unity, of its real displacement, by the volume of a rectangular parallelopipedon circumscribed around the immersed portion; this measures the sacrifice of space made for the sake of the form of the boat in its construction. Now, for the type most used in France, the “péniche flamande,” this coefficient rises to O.99; the real displacement only differing by one one-hundredth from the volume of the parallelopipedon circumscribed around the immersed portion of the hull. On the contrary, the result of this total absence of form, at least upon rivers, is to increase the tractive effort, and *Dumb barge. 4. consequently the cost of haulage, thus materially augment- ing the cost of transportation. This expense can only be lessened by improving the form, thus diminishing the coeffi- cient of displacement, and consequently the displacement itself, and therefore the tonnage of the boat. In what measure can we conciliate these two contradictory interests 2 It is very easy to evaluate with sufficient precision the loss resulting from a diminution of the coefficient of displace- ment. The dimensions of the immersed part of the hull of the boats in question are subject to very slight variations: length, 38.50 metres; width, 5.00 metres ; draught, 1.8o metres. The product of these in round numbers equals 350 cubic metres. The maximum displacement of these boats being 350 cubic metres, their total weight (dead weight and useful weight) does not exceed 35o tons; and each hundredth of diminution in the coefficient of displace- ment corresponds to a reduction of 3.50 tons at the most, in the total weight. As elsewhere, in the limits where the form may vary, we must consider the dead weight a con- stant. We may admit that the diminution bears entirely on the useful weight, and state the following rule. In the construction of boats plying alternately on canals and rivers in France, each hundredth of reduction in the coefficient of displacement corresponds to a diminution of 3.5 tons, at the most, of freight. What, on the other hand, is the reduction which an im- provement of form affords in the effort of traction, and con- sequently on the cost of traction, especially on the rivers ? This is precisely, as we have said above, the object of our researches during the last three years. II. METHOD EMPLOYED IN THE RESEARCHES. All our experiments have been made with the boats themselves, by means of direct towage, on a part of the Seine immediately above the upper dam at Port à l’Anglais, near Paris, where the width and the depth are sufficiently great to assimilate it to an indefinite stream of water, and 5 where the velocity of the current is nearly zero in ordinary times. The experiments made on each boat consisted in towing it successively at different speeds with a special apparatus, making continuous registration, Ist (le dynamometre hy- drauligue enregistreur) of the efforts of traction, 2nd (le moulinet avec enregistreur de vitesse) of the relative velocity of the boat and the water in which it is towed. For the description and use of this apparatus we may refer the reader to Vol. I. of Recherches Expérimentales sur le Matériel de la Bazellerie.* When this apparatus indicates simultaneously a constant effort and a constant relative velocity, we consider that we have accurately the effort corresponding to the velocity; and we note both. If we take the velocity for the abscissa and the effort for the ordinate, we shall have, on a chart, a point for each observation. The curve determined by the relative positions of points in the same experiment constitutes what we call the curve of total resistance of the boat experimented upon. It is by comparing the curves of total resistance obtained under different circumstances that we are able to show the characteristic properties of different crafts. In place of the curves themselves, we can compare the resistance at certain typical velocities laid off on the said curves. This is what we shall do in the course of the present report, where we shall find for the experiments mentioned tables showing the resistance at velocities of O.50 metre, I.OO metre, I.50 metres, 2.OO metres, and 2.50 metres per second. We rarely exceed this last velocity in our experiments. Sometimes it is for the want of towage power, sometimes the guidance of the boat becomes impossible or its security is menaced. Besides, the velocity of 2.50 metres per second, or 9 kilometres per hour, may, in most cases, be considered, practically, a maximum. *Two volumes have already appeared : they are in vellum, price 3f. They may bº obtained from the following publishers in Paris: — Mme. Wve. Dunod, Quai des Grandes-Augustins, 49. M. M. Chaix et Cie, Rue Bergère, 20. M. Baudry, Rue des Saints-Pères, 15. 6 Some experiments made in 1890 have already established the following fact: “At moderate speeds practically in use on our rivers, for boats of which the coefficient of displace- ment nearly approaches unity, varying between very narrow limits, the effort of traction per cubic metre of displace- ment, i.e., per ton dead weight and useful weight com- bined,—yet varies in very wide proportions, which may ex- ceed unity and sometimes may go up to two.” The usefulness of the researches is thus manifestly con- firmed : we have methodically pursued them during the two years 1891 and 1892. We give the following abridgment of the most interesting results obtained. III. INFLUENCE OF THE SURFACE. We have, first of all, sought how, in the same boat, the resistance to traction varies with the draught ; and for this purpose the experiments have been made with the “Alma,” a boat of the type called ſliºte (Plate I.), at the successive draughts of I.OO, I.3O, and I.6O metres. The following table shows the principal dimensions at the different draughts : — DRAUGHT. DIMENSIONs of THE IMMERSED PART of THE FLUTE “ALMA.” I. OO IIls I.3O m. I.60 m. Z. Length, . . . . . . . . . . 37.54 m. 37.74 m. 37.99 m. 1. Breadth of beam, . . . . . . . 5.02 m. 5.02 m. 5.02 m. & Draught, . . . . . . . . . . I,OO Iſl. I.30 m. I.60 m. d. Coefficient of displacement, . . . O.957 O.954 O.950 A. Displacement, . . . . . . . . . I80 cu.m. || 235 cu.m. || 290 cu.m. The second table, on the other hand, shows how the im- mersed midship section, the total wetted surface, and the resistance at the velocity types of O.50, I.OO, I.50, 2.OO, and 2.50 metres vary with the successive draughts, for both ab- solute and relative values. DRAUGHT. DATA AND RESULTs RELATIVE To THE FLUTE “ALMA.” I.OO IIl. I.30 m. 1,60 m. * - sº tº & absolute: w = 2 * 5. O2 m. 6.53 m. 8.o3 m. Immersed midship section, { relative - I •OO I.3O 1.60 Wetted perimeter amidships: x = 1 + 2 t 7.02 m. 7.62 m. 8.22 m. Immersed length: L 37.54 m. || 37.74 m. 37.99 m. absolute measured value . . . . 259 sq. m. |283 sq. m. 307 sq. m. Total wetted surface, absolute calculated value: d = Z. 264 sq. m. 288 sq. m. 312 sq. m. relative value . a s 5 & 4, I, O.O I.O.9 1.18 t * º g kg. o kg. Total resistance at the velocity of o.50 m., { . • - sº º ; : * - e & º º kg. Total resistance at the velocity of 1.00 m., { . º iºs ºks .. § º & absolute. 280 kg. kg. kg. Total resistance at the velocity of 1.5o m., { relative . I.O.O g 3. g : # g w e absolute. 502 kg. 579 kg. 664 kg- Total resistance at the velocity of 2.oo m., { relative . I.O.O. I. I5 I.32 - e absolute. 805 kg. 953 kg. 1,119 kg. Total resistance at the velocity of 2.50 m., { relative . I.OO I.18 3.3% This table shows that for the same boat, the “Alma,” of which the draught varies : — I. The immersed midship section increases as the draught; 2. The total wetted surface increases less rapidly than the draught ; 3. The total resistance for the same velocity increases less rapidly than the immersed midship section and more rapidly than the total wetted surface. This fact is explained by considering the total resistance as composed of at least two elements, the first dependent on the immersed midship section, and the other on the total wetted surface,— elements which we name respectively; re- sistance of form and resistance of surface. This conception is also in accordance with the theory which considers the total resistance as composed of two terms: the first expressing the resistance proper, called re- sistance of form, and the second, the resistance due to fric- tion, resistance of surface. What is the ratio of the surface resistance to the total resistance & This is the vital question ; for, although the boats which form the principal object of our investigations 8 have very variable forms, the total wetted surface is percep- tibly constant for the same draught. We know, in a word, that this surface is given with sufficient exactness by the formula S = L (/ 2d) in which the values of L and of l determined by the maxi- mum dimensions of the canal locks are constant. After various trials we have been led to think that the best way of appreciating the importance of the resistance of surface is to modify in different ways the nature of the sur- face of the same boat, and we have again used the flûte “Alma" for these experiments. At first, for the sake of economy, we contented ourselves with modifying the nature of the portion of the lateral sur- face which emerges when the boat is empty. This portion of the surface lies between the water line when empty and the water line when laden to a depth of I.60 metres, at which the experiments were made, a belt of I.26 metres in height, and 25 square metres of surface. The total wetted surface at the depth of I.60 metres being 307 square metres, we see that the modified portion of the sur- face represented by O.31 would be about 3 of the total sur- face. - The “Alma" having been first drawn on land and care- fully scraped so as to bring the wood into its natural state, the zone in question was successively tarred, then covered with a coarse wrapping cloth, with a view of augmenting the friction, then with enamelled cloth so as to diminish it as much as possible. The annexed table shows the value for each experiment of this resistance at the typical velocities : — TotAL RESISTANCE AT THE SUCCESSIvE CoNDITIONs of THE “ALMA ’’ DURING THE VeLocITIES. ExPERIMENTs. Uniform, Draught of 1.60 mt. o.5o m. I.OO m. 1.5o m. 2.Oo m. 2.5o m. Wood scraped to the natural state, . . . . 54 kg. 162 kg. 355 kg. | 664 kg. | 1,119 kg, Zone of 1.26 m. in height tarred, Zone of 1.26 m. in height covered with coarse } wrapping cloth, . . . . . . . . . . 57 kg. 169 kg. 368 kg. 686 kg. | 1,155 kg. 55 kg. 164 kg. 360 kg. 675 kg. 1,138 kg. Zone of 1.26 m. in height covered with waxed } cloth, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 kg. | 1.42 kg. 308 kg. 558 kg. 906 kg. 9 The table shows that the partial tarring has had, so to speak, no effect, since the observed differences in the total resistance at the different velocities are comprised between I per cent. and 2 per cent. Again, they are positive, con- trary to what we should expect; but it should be observed that the “Alma” is an old boat; having great inequalities in its sides, and that, only one coat of tar being applied, it was not completely dry on the day of the experiment. The partial covering with wrapping cloth did not very sensibly increase the total resistance. According to the different velocities, the increase varied from 31% per cent. to 53% per cent. But, as we have already said, the “Alma’’ is an old boat: it is certain that, in scraping the wood so as to bring it to its natural state, it has been left very much rougher than new wood freshly planed. It is also proper to call attention to the change which, at the end of a certain time, takes place in the pine-wood bottom of a boat con- structed like the “Alma.” This bottom undergoes, from the effect of the mechanical and chemical action of the water, a change which we believe is shown by a very rapid wearing and diminution of the thickness. Only the hardest parts, the knots, the fibres, wear less rapidly, and form projections appearing very different from the ends of the wrapping cloth. It is true that the surface of the wood assumes at the same time an unctuous, Soapy consistency, which may dimin- ish the friction in a certain degree. On the contrary, the partial covering with enamelled cloth seems to have a considerable influence. Although it effected only one-third of the wetted surface, it diminished . the total resistance at the different velocities, from 12 per cent, to 19 per cent. Such important diminutions arising from the single fact of having substituted upon 31 per cent. of the wetted surface, the enamelled cloth — that is to say, a perfectly smooth surface for the wood brought to its natural state (i.e., a surface passably rough)—seem to show the great importance of the friction of the water against the hull of the boat, to the resistance of surface, in a word. To completely elucidate the question, we have made a new experiment with the “Alma" entirely covered with enam- IO elled cloth. The results are shown in the following table where the total resistances of the “Alma" are shown : first, with the sides brought to their natural state; secondly, entirely covered with enamelled cloth : — ToTAL RESISTANCE of THE ALMA. DIMINUtion. DESIGNATION OF THE WELocITIES. e Hull scraped. ...à. Absolute. Relative. Velocity of o.50 m. . . . . . 54 kg. 28 kg. 26 kg. o.48 Velocity of 1.oo m. . . . . . 162 kg. IoS kg. 57 kg. O.35 Velocity of 1.50 m. . . . . . 355 kg. 250 kg. IoS kg. O.3O Velocity of 2.oom. . . . . . 664 kg. 480 kg. 184 kg. o.28 Velocity of 2.50 m. . . . . . 1,119 kg. 81.2 kg. 307 kg. o.27 The great importance of the surface resistance is here demonstrated, thus : — at the depth of I.60 metres and the velocity of 1.50 metres per second, for example, the total resistance of the “Alma" was reduced 30 per cent. by the simple fact of substituting for the passably rough surface of the hull, (wood brought to its natural state), a perfectly smooth surface (enamelled cloth). As, on the other hand, the friction upon the enamelled cloth, although extremely slight, is not absolutely nothing, we may conclude that, in £he assumed conditions of draught and velocity, the resistance due to the friction of the water upon the hull, in its natural state, is at least one-third of the total resistance. We have not sought to carry farther the analysis of the phenomena of which the surface resistance is the result. We consider it sufficient to have shown the importance of the premium assured to constructors and navigators who will know how to obtain and maintain the smoothness of the wetted surface of the hulls. At the same time there is a point upon which we have strongly desired to throw light. It is the effect upon the total resistance to traction of substituting an iron hull for a wooden one. Unfortunately, we have not yet succeeded in finding two boats, one of wood and the other of iron, pre- senting such a complete identity of dimensions and forms II that we might certainly attribute the differences which would take place in the curves of total resistance to the difference in the nature of the surfaces. This is an experiment which we shall not fail to make finally. IV. INFLUENCE OF THE LENGTH. We have experimented with three boats of the flûte type, the “Alma,” the “René,” and the “Adrien,” having the same width at the midship section, 5.02 metres, having fore and aft as identical forms as possible, only differing in length. At the draught of 1.60 metres, at which these experiments were made, the length of the immersed portion of the hull was : — For the “Alma" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37.99 m. For the “René’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.03 m. For the “Adrien” . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.55 m. The three total resistance curves obtained are identical, which is shown in examining the following table which gives the resistances at the typical velocities : — RESISTANCES AT THE Successive VELOCITIES. DESIGNATION OF THE BOATs. O.50 m. I.OO IIls I. Som. 2. OO IOl. 2.5O In. Alma, . . . . . . . . 54 kg. I62 kg. 355 kg. | 664 kg. I, II9 kg. René, . . . . . . . . 5I kg. I60 kg. 355 kg. | 665 kg. I, I.20 kg. Adrien, . . . . . . . 5I kg. I60 kg. 355 kg. | 665 kg. 1,120 kg. Hence the three boats present the same resistance to traction ; an equal effort is required with a flotation length of 20.55 metres or the “Alma,” with a flotation length of 37.99 metres; that is, with a displacement almost double.* This result seems at first paradoxical, and in entire con- tradiction to the resistance of surface previously demon- strated; but it is easily explained, if, conformably to the ideas of Du Buat, we admit that the resistance properly called the resistance of form is equal to the sum of the live pressures *With the depth of 1.60 metres, the displacement of the “Adrien” is 150 tons, and that of the “Alma” 290. I 2 exercised on the bow of the boat and the non-pressure exerted at the stern, the first independent of the length, the second varying inversely as this length, or rather with the ratio of this length to that of the breadth of beam. Considering the forms of the “Alma,” the “René,” and the “Adrien’’ identical, the live pressure is the same for the three; but, for shorter boats, the non-pressure is greater, and consequently, also, the resistance of form. We may therefore admit that for these boats the increase in the re- sistance of form, arising from the shorter length, is compen- sated by the diminution in the resistance of surface, resulting from the same cause. - This explanation appears very plausible ; it is, besides, confirmed by the results of other experiments made under similar conditions. We may therefore consider it demon- strated that, other things being equal, the resistance of form varies inversely with the ratio of the length of the boat to its &readth of beam, #. V. INFLUENCE OF THE FORM. From what precedes it is evident that, in order to demon- strate the influence of form, we must compare the results of experiments made with boats having as nearly as possible, the same length, width, draught, and condition of surface. We have united in the following table both the data and the results of the experiments relative to five boats sat- isfying the above conditions, and belonging : — Two, the “Dalila” and the “Ourouki,” to the type called pémiche (Plate I.). Two, the “Alma" and the “Pour nous,” to the type called flûte (Plate I.). One, the “Désirée,” to the type called toue (Plate I.). The sketches in Plates I. and II, give a sufficiently exact idea of the forms of these different types. This table shows the inferiority of the type péniche and the superiority of the type toue: in reality, at the velocity of 1.50 metres for example, the tractive effort required for the péniche being I.OO, that required for the flûte I3 DIMENSIONs of THE Boats AND DESIGNATION OF THE BOATs ExPERIMENTED UPON. RESISTANCE TO TRACTION. Péniches. Flötes. Toue. Palila. | Ozerozeki. A/ma. Pour nozes] Désirée. Dimensions of the immersed part: Z. Length, . . . . . . . . . 38.16 m. 38.oom. 37.99 m. 36.70 m. 37.76 m. f. Breadth of beam, . . . . . . 5.oom. 4.97 m. 5.02 m. 5.oz m. 5.og In. Ratio: #. 7.64 7.64 7.57 7.3 I 7.5I t. Draught, 1.60 m. 1.60 m. 1.60 m. 1.60 m. 1.60 m. d. Coefficient of displacement, O. 990 O.990 O.950 O.942 o. 966 . Displacement, . . . . . . . . 302 cu.m. 299 cu.m. 290 cu.m. || 278 cu.m. || 294 cu.m. Total resistance at the velocity of: o.50 m. per second, Io2 kg. Ioë kg. 54 kg. 51 kg. 44 kg. I.oo m. per second, 3or kg. 3oS kg. I62 kg. 153 kg. 126 kg. 1.50 m. per second, 682 kg. 694 kg. 355 kg. 333 kg. 266 kg. 2.00 m. per second, . . . . . . 1,287 kg. 694 kg. 664kg. 619 kg. 484 kg. 2.50 m. per second, 1,287 kg. 694 kg. 1,119 kg. 1,040 °g. 806 kg. Resistance per cubic metre (or ton) of displacement at the velocity of: o.50 m. per second, o:337 kg. o.354 kg. o. 186 kg. o.184 kg. o. 151 kg. 1.oo m. per second. o,996 kg. | 1.020 kg. o.558 kg. o.552 kg. o.43o kg. 1.50 m. per second, 2.251 kg. 2.321 kg. | 1.224 kg. | 1.202 kg. o.907 kg. 2.00 m. per second, 4,261 kg. 2.321 kg. 2.289 kg. 2.235 kg. | 1.646 kg. 2.50 m. per second, 4.261 kg. 2.321 kg. 3.858 kg. 3.755 kg. 2.750 kg. Resistance at the velocity of 1 metre per square metre of immersed mid- ship section, . . . . . . 37.6 kg. | 38.4 kg. 20.2 kg. 19.0 kg. 15.7 kg. is exactly O.5O, and that for the foue is less than O.39. The superiority of the type toue even over the type filte is more remarkable, as the flûtes are not only sharper at the bow, but have also certain curved forms astern, while the toues have only these curved forms at the bow, and have the stern absolutely square. The influence of the elevation of the bottom at the ends was, therefore, preponderant. In order to further elucidate this point, we have compared, experimentally, the boat “Suffren’’ of the type called margo- tat (Plate II.) and the flûte “Adrien,” having the same I4. length and breadth. The following tables show in detail the dimensions of the immersed part of the two hulls, at the com- mon maximum draught of 1.30 metres, of which the margo- tat was capable:– DIMENSIONS OF THE IMMERSED PART. ADRIEN. SUFFREN. Z. Length, . 2O.25 m. 2O.30 m. Z. Breadth of beam, 5.02 m. 5.oO m. Ratio: #, 4.03 4.06 t. Draught, . . . . I.30 m. 1:30 II]. d. Coefficient of displacement, O.9IO o,818 A. Displacement, & I2O Cll. In , Io& cu.m. The results of these experiments are shown separately. In order to render them more striking, we have united them in the same table with those given by the toue “Dési- rée” and the flûte “Alma,” the dimensions of which are, so to speak, identical. FluTE AND Tone DRAUGHT of 1.60 m. FLUTE AND MARGOTAT DRAUGHT OF I.30 m. RESISTANCE TO Diminution for the Diminution for the TRACTION. “Flöte **Toue Toue. “Flåte, “Margotat Margotat. Alma.” | Désirée.” Adrien.” | Suffren.” — Absolute. | Relative. Absolute. Relative. Total at the velocity of: o,50 m. per second, 54 kg. 44 kg. Io kg. o, 185 45 kg. 28 kg. 17 kg. o,378 1.oo m. per second, 162 kg. 126 kg. 36 kg. O.222 143 kg. 72 kg. 71 kg. o,497 1.50 m. per second, 355 kg. 266 kg. 89 kg. O.25I 3.14 kg. 140 kg. 174 kg. O.554 2.oo m. per second, 664 kg. 484 kg. 180 kg. o.271 576 kg. 239 kg. 337 kg. o,585 2.50 m. per second, 1,119 kg. 806 kg. 313 kg. o,28o 950 kg. 377 kg. 573 kg. o,603 Per ton of displace- ment at the veloc- ity of : o.50 m. per second, o. 186 kg. o. 151 kg. o.o.35 kg. o, I88 o,375 kg. o.259 kg. o. 116 kg. O.309 1.oo m. per second, o.558 kg. o.430 kg. o. 128 kg. o,229 1.192 kg. o.667 kg, o.525 kg. O,44O 1.50 m. per second, 1.224 kg. o.907 kg. o.317 kg. O.259 2.617 kg. | 1.296 kg, | 1.321 kg. •ses 2.oo m. per second, 2.289 kg. | 1.646 kg. o.643 kg. o,281 || 4.8oo kg. 2.213 kg. 2.587 kg. o,539 2.50 m. per second, 3.858 kg. 2.750 kg. | 1.108 kg, o.287 7.917 kg. | 3,491 kg. 4.426 kg. O.559 I5 From the figures inscribed in this table, the elevation of the stern doubles, so to speak, the advantages already ob- tained by the raising at the bow. At the velocity I.50 metres, for example, the tractive force for the mangotat is only 45 per cent. of that of the flûte. These results are also confirmed by a final experiment made with the boat “Remesch,” of the type called prussien (Plate II.). In length and displacement, this boat is sensibly intermediate between the two flûtes “Alma" and “René.” The first following table shows in detail the dimensions of the immersed part of the three hulls, with the common draught of I.30. DIMENSIONS OF THE IMMERSED PART. ALMA. RENE. REMESCH. Z. Length, . . . . . . . . . . 37.74 m. 29.86 m. 34. IO m. 2. Breadth of beam, . . . . . . . 5.02 m. 5.02 m. 4.91 m. Ratio: #. * * * * * * * * * 7.52 5.77 6.94 4. Draught, . . . . . . . . . . I.30 m. I.30 m. I.30 m d. Coefficient of displacement, . . . O.954 O.938 O.935 D. Displacement, . . . . . . . . . 235 cu.m. | 183 cu.m. || 203 cu.m. In the second table below, we have united the results of the experiments made with the three boats, and compared the figures obtained for the “Remesch’’ with the mean of those given by the two others. The “Alma" and the “René” having identical total resistances, the mean only pre- sents an interest for the resistances per ton of displace- ment. I6 FLUTES. DIMINUTION. RESISTANCE TO TRACTION, Remesch. Alma. René. Mean. Absolute. Relative. Total at the velocity of: o,50 m. per second, 44 kg. 45 kg. 44.5 kg. 22 kg. 22.5 kg. o. 506 I.oo m. per second, 143 kg. 143 kg. | 1.43 kg. 80 kg. 63 kg. O.44I 1.50 m. per second, 315 kg. 3.14 kg. 314.5 kg. 185 kg. | 129.5 kg. O.4II 2.oo m. per second, 579 kg. 576 kg. 577.5 kg. 349 kg. 228.5 kg. o,396 2.50 m. per second, 953 kg. 950 kg. 951.5 kg. 582 kg. 369.5 kg. o.388 Per ton of displacement at the velocity of: o.50 m. per second, o, 187 kg. o.246 kg. o.212 kg. o. 108 kg. o. 104 kg. O.49 I 1. oo m. per second, o,609 kg. o.781 kg. o.695 kg. o.394 kg. oso, kg. O.433 1.50 m. per second, 1.340 kg. 1.716 kg. 1,528 kg. o.911 kg. o.617 kg. O.4O4. 2.oo m. per second, . . . 2.464 kg. 3.148 kg. 2.806 kg. | 1.7.19 kg. | 1.087 kg. o,387 2.50 m. per second, 4.055 kg. 5.191 kg. 4.623 kg. 2.867 kg. | 1.756 kg. o,38o At the velocity of 1.5o metres, the effort of traction for the “Remesch’ is only O. 59 of that of the flûtes. VI. CONCLUSIONS. It is now possible to form practical conclusions from the point of view of the improvements to be made in the con- struction of boats used to navigate alternately the rivers and canals of France. We have already said that for these boats the length (38.50 metres), the width (5.OO metres), and the maximum draught (1.80 metres) are fixed by the law of Aug. 5, 1879. The only variable elements are the forms at the bow and the stern. As far as concerns the forms, the experiments related above appear to us decisive. From the point of view of the resistance of traction, two extremities decidedly raised from the keel of the boat seem obligatory. Let us see if this ar- rangement is compatible with other equally important con- ditions,—sufficient capacity, room enough in the locks, facil- ity for evolution, etc. To illustrate this, we have studied in a purely geometrical way two theoretical types of boats 17 which only differ in the rake of their sterns, and which are shown in Plates III. and IV. The first type (Plate III.) presents a length of 38.58 metres between the perpendiculars, and one of 33.58 metres between the stem and the stern posts. Through this last, the section is uniform, and rectangular, 5 metres wide and 2.20 metres high. The two extremities are identical. They have the follow- ing longitudinal profile: first, a quarter ellipse, of which the semi-vertical axis is 2.20 metres and the semi-horizontal axis 2.50 metres in length ; second, a vertical portion of O.40 metre corresponding to the rake of the boat. The length of the immersed part at the depth of 1.8o metres is exactly 38.50 metres, the water lines determined by the horizontal plane drawn from O.2O to O.2O metre are all, in the parts beyond the stern post, ellipses, and conse- quently the horizontal extremities are circular. The second type (Plate IV.) does not differ essentially from the first, except that, the ellipses following those of the extremities, the longitudinal profiles have their horizon- tal semi-axis 4.50 metres in length instead of 2.50 metres. The length of the immersed part has a draught of 1.8o metres. 38.50 metres, the length between perpendiculars, is raised to 38.64 metres, and that between the rakes is reduced to 29.64 metres. The exclusive adoption of these geometrical lines permits a very rapid calculation * of the real displacement and the co- * Here, for example, is the calculation for the first type. If we call d the displacement of each extremity at the depth of 1.80 metres, the value of the total displacement is D = 33.58 × 5.oo X 1.8o-H 2d = 302.22 +2d. The calculation of D is made, in the usual method, thus : — Water Surface Height of Line No. Half-ellipse. Application. Volume. Ox . . . . . . . # 7T × 2.5o X o.o.o = o.ooo O. IO O. OOOO I , . . . . . . . . I. O4 = 4.090 Oa2O o,8180 2: . . . . . . . I-44 = 5.645 O, 2O I. I29O 3, . . . . . . . 1.72 = 6.740 O's 2C) I.348o 4, " . . . . . • I-93 F 7.575 O.2O I. SISO 5, “ . . . . . . 2. Io = 8.23o O, 2C) 1.6460 6, . . . . . . . 2.23 = 8.745 O,2O I,7490 73 - . . . . . . 2.33 = 9. I45 O.2O 1.8290 8, . . . . . . . 2.4I = 9.445 O. 2C) 1.8890 9, “ . . . . . . 2.46 = 9.655 O, IO o,9655 Total, . . . . . . . . . . . f = 1.8o d= 12.8885 D = 3.02.22 + 2 × 21.8885 = 327.997 = 328 I8 efficient of displacement of each of the two types at the legal draught of 1.80 metres. For the first type we have, q28 J AX = 328t d = = 0.046: 32 38.50 × 5.oo X 1.8o O.940; and for the second,- I D = 313t d = 3I3 = O.904. 38.5o X 5.oo X 1.80 If for both extremities of the boat we adopt the form corresponding to either of these two types, or still another intermediate form by maintaining the immersed length at 38.50 metres, we shall certainly have a coefficient of dis- placement and an intermediate displacement between those calculated above. There is no doubt, therefore, that we can in practice con- struct boats capable of navigating canals and satisfying the above-named condition (raking extremities), preserving a co- efficient of displacement comprised between O.90 and O.95, and a total displacement equivalent to that of the types act- ually in use; that is, the péniches. It seems evident that the use of the iron would facilitate the making of curved ex- tremities without any projection at the stem or stern.” It may be remarked that the term “spoon” is precisely that used by a celebrated constructor in Germany, Mr. Theo- dore Klepsch, of Frankfort - on - Oder, author of the first treatise * which was published, we believe, on the construc- tion of boats for river navigation in order to characterize the shape which he recommends giving to the ends of boats so as to obtain the best nautical qualities. Guided by the experience acquired during long years of practice, and by the success obtained by the boats built in his yards, Mr. Klepsch arrives at this conclusion : that boats intended for river navigation should be spoon-shaped at their two extremities. *Der Fluss-Schiffsbau, von Th. Klepsch. Weimar, 1889. Bernhard Friedrich Voigt. I9 After three years of experimental researches on river boats, conducted without any preconceived idea, and in reference principally to their variations in resistance to traction, we arrive at an identical conclusion. This fact appears worthy of being noted. However, we can, in conclusion, strike a balance between the advantages and the disadvantages presented by those whose geometric form we have sketched above in respect to the “péniches” which form the majority of boats capable of alternate navigation on the canals and rivers of France. As disadvantages, we have only to note the sacrifice made for the sake of their form. It is not excessive, varying ac- cording to the type from 4.4 per cent. to 8.6 per cent., cor- responding respectively to from I5 to 30 tons’ reduction on a total displacement of 350. As advantages independent of the very superior nautical qualities, and discounting the possible benefit in the substi- tution of iron for wood, we may put into the account the re- duction of the tractive effort, and consequently of the cost of traction upon rivers, to about one-quarter* of what they actually (Z%. PARIS, May 25, 1893. *The tractive effort is for the £russierz o.59 and for the margotato.45 of what it is for the jääte ; that is, respectively, o,295 and o.225 of what it is for the £4niches. FLATE 1. %uče 'étwiſt py i § s S. º %k "eſ: itle floº, &al.orv. --- § - == —% - * . *- - -, -97'3? --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ** * * * * * * * * * * * * • -} s s $, s Goue delice, &alion. -rr; ~2 ======= É *::::= -Tº : ===== * --- * ... 37*** ------ - - - - -- . . . . . --- . . . . . . . . . . ....------. . . . . . . . - - co s 3,3 … "... s-º *s † - e * * º sº § £ ; & . 4 s J. +. PLATE II. 43alaauptuvien ‘hºme,& * &alion. Tº º - - *- s --- - *: - Y. - --> tº a s * - - - - - * - - - * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... ºr to - - - * - * * * - - . . ... --- - - - - -II T /T - : t *- S . : t. * * - : \l : *— J. Gyuo aé, *aur eyeºmetſ& F LATE I I I. Elévation. ; fi : 7 : * 3– ! : k-3:32: 33' 3& tºo., r&sº ºn m = ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - - 3ºzº - - - - ×4 Plan 33°35' ty Longitudinal A. et AB. 2,39 - - -- ~~~~$’------ - - - - - ---> Horizontal A' et AR & * I ig rves d'eaxw. IFLAT. E. 1 V. * Elévation. : - § ; ; •. º k---4%.-4: 29°02 #---4:32 3&ºº. - r --------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Plan. Horizontal A et AR. - 'i Ziynes d'eauo. r The World's Columbian Water Commerce Congress CHICAGO, I893 THE PROPOSED ENLARGEMENT OF THE WATER WW FROM LIKE MIGN TO THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER T VIA THE ILLINOIS RIVER L. E. COOLEY, C. E. zººsºº" “:-ºf- --~ * - F -- T. -* -- - - - ejoº Tà? ... tº ºsº a . º §ºſhi tº it. ić,” * 8. - w a '*-, ... * * º § - *Ag 2 BosTo N. *Sº i ! DAM R E L L & Uſ PHAM the Sto Corner Bookstore 283 Washington Street & THE PROPOSED ENLARGEMENT OF THE WATER WAY FROM LAKE MICHIGAN TO THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER, v1A THE ILLINOIs RIVER, I. A commercial water way via the Chicago Divide and the Desplaines and Illinois Rivers, through the State of Illinois, from Lake Michigan at Chicago to the Mississippi River near St. Louis, is an enterprise of the first importance when viewed in its most restricted relations as a channel uniting the Mississippi River and its thousands of miles of navigable tributaries, and the Great Lakes with their phenomenal commerce; or even as uniting the Metropoli of the two great and productive valleys of North America. In its broadest aspect, however, such a water way is to be considered as a link in a system of navigation from the Atlantic Ocean, via the Great Lakes, to the Gulf of Mex- ico; which, as a result of a progressive development and a wise policy, shall ultimately extend the navigation of the high seas through the resourceful heart of the continent, and make tributary to the one artery, all its rivers and lakes. Reservoirs at headwaters and the Great Lakes can furnish a steady low-water volume as required to develop any useful depth that commerce may demand through the alluvial river sloping southward. The lake outflow can be restricted by works that are incident to overcoming the sharp declivities dropping eastward. The work in oppo- site directions is complementary, and thus the largest development is made possible. The solution of the engi- neering problem is feasible at moderate cost, measured 4 by the economic achievement; and the resources of states- manship and finance should render it practicable. The idea of a water route from the Atlantie via the Lakes to the Mississippi and the Gulf, is nearly a century ū Davenporto O Pontiac Blośington MAP of THE WATER WAY FROM CHICAGO TO CAIRO. From the Railroad Gazette, by the courtesy of its editor. old. Such a route, scarcely developed to the meager canal proportions of our fathers, actually exists to-day. The possibilities of development to all the demands of deep- 5 water commerce have been suggested by the writer on other occasions. It is referred to here as furnishing a view point in considering the water way from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River, through the State of Illinois. The improvement of the connecting channels of the Lakes, now in progress, for a depth of 2I feet, would seem to exhaust the useful limit of navigation for the short routes of these land-locked seas. In extending deep navigation to the ocean, remoter possibilities of development, up to 26 feet, should govern in the planning of works. The improvement of the Mississippi by itself, beyond the fullest needs of steamboat and barge navigation, has been ques- tioned; and this doubt has also applied to the river in its extension to the Lakes, on account of the material change in regimen to be brought about through nearly 1,500 miles of alluvial streams, and the radical difference in type of shipping, as developed on river and lake. When, however, the matter is looked at as a whole, a homogeneous development from the Lakes, both to the east and to the south, becomes the primary consideration ; and it is seen how the engineering possibilities are mutually facilitated, and, also, how a common interest throughout the continent may enlist in the consummation. Navigable waters have everywhere evolved the types of shipping suited thereto, and when deep channels shall unite lakes, rivers, gulfs, and seas, the type of carrier which will best utilize the situation will hardly fail the need. The link between the Valley of the St. Lawrence and the Valley of the Mississippi through the State of Illinois, is the determining factor in the entire project, and sets the gauge of what shall be attained. This work may be so planned as to measurably foreclose the future, or it may define a policy which shall ultimately exhaust the engi- neering practicabilities. In an age when so many take comfort in their “practi- cal ideas,” and are unskilled in what Tyndall is pleased to term “the scientific uses of the imagination,” it is difficult 6. to contemplate a policy which seeks to achieve more than what is now usefully in sight, even though it be ſeasible to plan equally well for the present need and in harmony with a policy of progressive development. It is fortunate, therefore, that this broader project may be accomplished in separate links, each of which finds local justification, as the joining of Lakes Erie and Ontario, and the uniting of Lake Michigan and the Mississippi. It is still more fortu- nate that the Illinois water way has immediate occasion for development, and is now actually under way, and, fur- ther, that urgent public needs, aside from navigation, have determined for the governing reach a capacity of channel and a plan of work in harmony with the ultimate demands of commerce. II. The Illinois water way, as a scheme of sanitary relief for Chicago, has been persistently agitated since 1885. In the conflict of diverse interests between the city and the Des- plaines-Illinois Valley, it took on a large capacity for flow- ing water, and dimensions designed to secure navigable proportions of channel. The enabling act, under which the present sanitary district of Chicago is organized, was passed by the General Assembly of Illinois in 1889. This provides for a gravity channel of not less than 18 feet deep, and 160 feet wide at bottom, and of a minimum capacity of 6OO,OOO cubic feet per minute, all at low water, from Lake Michigan across the Chicago Divide, to a point where the water can be discharged into the Desplaines River, near Lockport, whence certain improvements are to be made to Joliet; and the authority is given to make any river im- povement in the Desplaines and Illinois Rivers that may be required, to avoid damage on account of the water con- tributed to these streams. The law also contemplates a progressive enlargement of the channel with growth of population, and a volume at all times sufficient for a sani- tary condition. 7 The joint resolution passed by the same Legislature, defined the policy of the State of Illinois to be the securing of a water way not less than 22 feet deep across the Chicago Divide, for a distance of some 40 miles, thence not less than 14 feet for 280 miles to the Mississippi, on such a design as will permit a progressive increase of depth to any limit that may ultimately prove desirable, and called upon the General Government to co-operate with Chicago in an early consummation of this project. The Sanitary District of Chicago was organized in 1889-90, and has entered upon the actual construction of 28 miles of main channel and 7 miles of auxiliary works, by which the waters of Lake Michigan shall be delivered to the Desplaines River near Lockport, and conducted through Joliet to a point 38 miles from Lake Michigan. These works are set for completion in 1896, at a cost of from $22,OOO,OOO to $24,OOO,OOO. The plans for the extension of the work through the city of Chicago, so as to fully utilize this channel, are not yet matured, nor have any steps been taken to secure the improvement of some 60 miles of river between Joliet and La Salle. A movement is now on foot to enlist the United States, during the present Congress, in the im- provement of the alluvial section of the Illinois, some 220 miles from the city of La Salle to the Mississippi. It is anticipated that within the next four years the entire scope of the work over the 320 miles between Lake Mich- igan and the Mississippi will be defined, and that public sentiment will be fully crystallized, not only as to the utility of the work, but also as to the magnitude of the achievement and the ultimate policy involved. III. The physical features are peculiarly adapted to a great water way, and the topographical situation has no counter- part in commercial possibilities. The Chicago Divide is lower by nearly 200 feet than any other pass between the 8 basin of the Lakes and that of the Mississippi, and is the only practicable route for a water way of magnitude, con- sidering the improvement of the Mississippi. The alluvial 'summit is but 12 feet and the rock summit but 8 feet above the level of low water in Lake Michigan, and some 4 feet less above high water. Lake level is practically reached in the Desplaines Valley at 30 miles from the lake, and thence in the next IO miles the valley descends to 76 feet below lake level at the pool known as Lake Joliet. In the next 55 miles the river descends by a series of pools and rock-bound rapids to the head of the alluvial valley at Utica, the level of natural low water being 145 feet below low water of Lake Michigan (the present level, occasioned by the dam at Henry, is 142 feet below lake level), thence to the Mississippi. The lower Illinois has but 31 feet fall at low water in a distance of 227 miles. - The bottom grade of channel is in alluvium and drift for 16 miles from Lake Michigan; thence in Niagara lime- stone overlaid with heavy drift for 6 miles; thence in solid Niagara limestone for 9 miles; the next 9 miles of descent being also over the same formation. The descent from Lake Joliet to Utica is in a valley I to 2 miles wide, gen- erally bounded by high bluffs, breaking down through coal measures and over St. Peter's sandstone to the last rock, the water lime at Utica. The alluvial valley is from 3 to 6 miles wide to the Mis- sissippi, with an extraordinarily low declivity for the mod- ern stream, the bottoms being cut up by a large develop- ment of marsh, lake, and slough. All the geological evidences point to a past time when the outlet of the Upper Lakes was to the south. Ancient beach lines testify to a lake level, 30 and more feet higher, when the site of Chicago was a bay leading to the rock- bound Desplaines Valley, where the water ran 20 feet deep over the rock floor, in volume not unlike the Niagara River at Black Rock, descending in a precipitous course to Utica, whence the stream flowed gently onward more 9 than 30 feet deep ; a depth which may be presumed to have extended southward to the sea. The logic of the past may guide the present policy even to better purpose than had the ancient conditions persisted. The cutting of the Chicago Divide on any scale of useful- ness is simply measured by the funds which may be applied thereto, and the work may be planned for further development. The works required from Joliet to Utica involve no element of chance, and lend themselves to pro- gressive treatment. Through the alluvial section, ſrom Utica to the Mississippi, the depth obtainable is simply a question of water supply, dredging and channel correction, and the results attained can be regarded as substantially permanent. A channel of 22 feet across the Chicago Divide will be adequate to supplying the water for the maintenance of a channel of not less than 300 feet in width and 14 feet in depth through the lower Illinois, and the intermediate stretch may be developed accordingly. The cost of the works for 280 miles from Joliet to the Mississippi will be less than that for the Chicago Divide, and of this two thirds are required for one fifth of the distance, or from Joliet to Utica. Greater depths may be attained through a larger water supply, in conjunction with such further works as will apply it to advantage, but this means a more capacious channel across the Chicago Divide than is now being pro- vided. - It is evident that the opening of the channel across the Chicago Divide will of itself bring lake and river naviga- tion within 60 miles of each other, for very little im- provement is demanded with this volume of water to carry Io feet through 227 miles of the Lower Illinois. This scheme of improvement contemplates the removal of the four State, and United States dams below Utica, and an open and unobstructed river thence to the Mississippi: in other words, all permanent structures on a route of 1,600 miles to the Gulf, are restricted to the first Ioo IO miles, between Lake Michigan and La Salle. The an- ticipated effect of the additional water is more than one foot to low-water bar depths between the mouths of the Illinois and the Ohio, and half as much below Cairo. This is a sensible aid to the improvement of the Mississippi, and has the merit of greatest effect on the upper reaches of the river, where the attainment of adequate bar depths presents the greatest difficulty. 4. IV. The project for a minimum bar depth of Io feet, at ex- treme low water, from St. Louis to the Gulf, may be con- sidered as established, and the General Government has entered systematically on the attainment of this object. This improvement can be as well carried over the forty miles intervening between St. Louis and the mouth of the Illinois. Extreme low water is limited in duration, and is not always recurrent in successive years; so that low water is not the criterion of boating stages, nor of the draft of ship- ping in which the bulk of the water commerce is carried. With Io feet minimum, boats of a draft of 14 to 16 feet will navigate the Mississippi with the same facility as do the steamboats and barges of a draft of 8 to II feet on the present depth. In 1890, the writer made an investigation of the stages of the Mississippi from gauge records extending through many years. It was concluded that when the present project is completed, 14 feet of water will be carried through the Mississippi for 9 months of the average year; so boats from Lake Michigan drawing I4 feet could always reach the Mississippi, barring some 70 days of closure by ice on the Upper Illinois, and could pass thence to the Gulf for 9 months, and boats of less draft would be inter- rupted on an average of but 70 days, and this on account of ice. - In contrast with this, navigation on the Lake and the Atlantic seaboard is interrupted for I40 days. The Wel- II land Canal carries 14 feet only into Lake Ontario, while the St. Lawrence canals carry but 9 feet, though their im- provement to I4 feet is in progress. It will be useful also to consider the effect of an increase in the low-water volume at St. Louis of 60,000 cubic feet per second ; 20,000 cubic feet to come from reservoirs at head waters, and 40,000 cubic feet from Lake Michigan. Such a volume would double the cost of the Illinois water way on a basis of 20 feet for through navigation. The depth of 14 feet would be continuous in the Mississippi, and 20 feet would prevail for 9 months. It will be perceived that there is no useful limit to the improvement of the Mississippi by restricting the Lake outflow eastward, and turning the available waters south- ward through the Illinois water way, sufficiently enlarged to answer as a conduit, and that the largest useful depth between the Lakes and Gulf may be thus attained. Nor does the restriction of the Lake outflow on the Niagara and the St. Lawrence present any insuperable obstacles from an engineering standpoint. # The available navigation of 14 feet which present poli- cies contemplate is a most useful and far-reaching achieve- ment. It will serve most satisfactorily the Mississippi trade with the Lakes, and for lumber, coal, and ore, and it is adapted to boats which may pass from the Lakes to the ports of the Gulf, of the Caribbean Sea, and the South At- lantic coast, and it will permit the entire Lake fleet to seek employment in the general commerce of the world in the 5 months of winter idleness which now obtains. It will stimulate North and South commerce as yet scarcely begun in this country, and it will enable all raw material for manufacture to assemble in the bread basket of the con- tinent. & V. The present project of the Sanitary District of Chicago provides substantially for a depth of 22 feet of water, in a channel of a width of I60 feet at bottom in the rock and I 2 I62 feet wide at the flow line ; and 21o feet wide at bottom, and 290 feet at the flow line in the clay, and the capacity is to be not less than 600,000 cubic feet of water per minute, or IO,OOO cubic feet per second, under the most unfavorable conditions at low water of the Lake. In a length of 28 miles of main channel now under contract or to be soon advertised, there are II,000,000 cubic yards of rock and 31,OOO,OOO cubic yards of earth excavation, the average depth of cutting throughout being 35 feet. These quanti- ties will be added to by the work required between the end of the main channel and Lake Joliet, and that required to connect with Lake Michigan in order to utilize the full capacity, but the plans for this additional work have not been matured. The increase of the depth so as to give a minimum of 26 feet when properly connected with Lake Michigan, is being urged, which will involve an extra outlay of about $600,000, and materially increase the capacity of the channel. To give the channel a minimum capacity of I,OOO,OOO cubic feet per minute under extreme conditions, with a depth of 26 feet, when properly connected with the Lake, will involve an extra expenditure above that for the channel now under way of about $4,000,000 ; and this has been suggested as better satisfying the prospective needs of the city, and as a justifiable present investment. These are matters which will doubtless be fully considered before the channel is completed. - The considerations which have determined the deep channel across the Chicago Divide are purely economic, and pertain solely to a conduit for carrying the required volume of water. The fact that the half of the channel most remote from the Lake is in rock, makes a deep prism throughout and an enlarged section in the earth economical, thus lessening the total grade and the amount of rock excavation. The economical limit for the prescribed width in the rock, and the stipulated capacity, is a depth of 22 feet, and in an earth section about fifty per cent in I3 excess of the rock section. The channel of greatest economy also involves moderate velocities, which are in the interests of navigation. No argument is required to show that depth, rather than width, saves grade, thus making regulation easier at the lower end of the summit level, and that the volume flowing is less variable on account of lake fluctuations and ice ; it is also apparent that for a given water section the excava- tion above the flow line will be lessened. The most economical channel has been adopted after elaborate cal- culation, and it is peculiarly fortunate that the channel so determined is also in the highest degree adapted to the requirements of navigation. Should a still greater capacity be finally adopted, the depth for economy will increase to the limit of any possible navigable requirement. When the main channel is opened out to the Lake the summit level will be 31 miles long, and will be available throughout as a lake harbor of 22 feet depth to meet the improvements now in progress through the connecting channels of the Lakes; and with a depth of 26 feet it will be adequate to the needs when deep water is extended eastward to the sea, and will furnish a local reason for such a standard of depth, which will be valuable in promoting its consummation. The uses of the summit level as a harbor, of which Chicago is in great need, gives substantial commercial reason for its development on a large scale, and in harmony with the remoter requirements as a water way; and in this view it is fortunate that each IOO feet of additional width on the first 13 miles through, and behind the city may be had for $2,000,000 for excavation. It is thus seen how all the present needs and local advan- tages, both sanitary and commercial, are in strict accord- ance with the broader development as a link in a conti- nental water way. The large areas of land necessarily acquired, the dockage which accrues to the Sanitary Dis- trict, the water power of IOO,OOO horse power between I4 Lockport and La Salle, and 300,000 acres of land to be reclaimed in the Lower Illinois Valley, are all potent local and State factors in urging the early and full completion of the Illinois water way, and in such a manner as not to im- pair any of its functions as an instrument for the accom- plishment of the greatest useful depth through the Missis- sippi to the Gulf. * The improvement of the Lower Illinois so as to utilize fully the steady volume of flow in useful depth, will no doubt be undertaken before the completion of the channel across the Chicago Divide, and in anticipation thereof, and this may go on progressively to meet current commercial needs. Thus will the navigation of the river at Utica be brought within 60 miles of lake navigation at Lockport. This stretch will cover the permanent works required for the descent of 140 feet, and their construction is likely to be deferred until the work on the Chicago Divide is so fully determined in the public mind, as to insure their develop- ment on some plan that will permit their fullest utility in extending deep navigation. & VI. The present status of the Illinois water way may be re- capitulated as follows:— A channel 22 feet deep has been determined across the Chicago Divide, which is to be adequately connected with Lake Michigan, so that deep water will be extended 31 miles from the Lake, and partial works will be extended from 6 to 8 miles farther; and this part of the project is in actual process of execution. * The water from this channel, with very little aid, will give IO feet minimum for 227 miles throughout the Lower Illinois to the Mississippi; and it is proposed to enlist the General Government at an early day in dredging operations and channel improvement, by which 14 feet shall be se- cured as fast as the same may be useful. The Joliet-Utica stretch of 60 miles is to be promoted as soon as the work on the Chicago Divide is sufficiently I5 determined to make clear the character of the work that should be projected. The securing of any depth required to the Mississippi presents no serious engineering difficulties. Considerably over half the cost is involved in the first 40 miles, and over five sixths in the first IOO, the remaining 220 miles involving less than one sixth the total expenditure. The work proceeds on the theory of a conduit that may be enlarged to any capacity for supplying water to strengthen the low water stages of the Mississippi; and further, that the present project of Io feet minimum for the Mississippi exhausts the possibilities without radical disturbance in regimen, and that further improvement is to be accom- plished largely through equalization of flow by contribu- tions to the low-water volume. The channel across the Chicago Divide may be con- structed of still greater capacity and of a depth of 26 feet when completed to the Lake, thus exhausting the possible utility as a future harbor and permitting a higher development southward, and said channel will furnish much needed harbor facilities for the deep navigation of the lakes now developing. In addition to the harbor facilities, the works now pro- jected and under way will furnish dockage, provide water power by the wholesale, and ultimately reclaim several hundred thousand acres of land. Local needs and State interests insure the immediate carrying out of such a portion of the works as will set the gauge for the water way through Illinois, and thus will be practically determined the scale of future achievements east and south ; and thus will the policy be set which links, by separate steps, a chain of deep navigation along the lowest continental line through the productive heart, and unites all navigable waters in one systematic whole. The idea that deep navigation shall extend from the Atlantic via the Lakes and the Mississippi to the Gulf, is no idle dream, and men here to-day should live to “go down to the sea in ships.” APPENDIX. *-**-*-*. ExCURSION OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CONGRESS To THE CHICAGO MAIN DRAINAGE CANAL, BY E. P. NORTH, Mem. Amer. Soc. C. F. (From the Railroad Gazette of October 6, 1893.) One of the most instructive incidents connected with the Congress at Chicago, was an excursion to the canal just described. Through the kindness of the Board of Trus- tees of the Sanitary District, on August 7th, a train was placed at the disposal of the members of the Congresses, by means of which the various points of interest were visited. Without repeating Mr. Cooley's description of the canal, it is sufficient to say that the contracts for the excavation of. the II, OOO,OOO cubic yards of rock have been let at an average of 87 cents per cubic yard; and those for 18,OOO,- OOO cubic yards of earth at an average of 26.7 cents per cubic yard. The extreme prices are 20 to 30% cents for earth and 73 to 91 cents for rock. Some of the earth may have to be relet. A ſand/ºng the Material.—Teams and scrapers, or steam shovels were moving the earth and sending it to waste by a train of cars in the usual way. A noticeable exception to this was that of the Western Dredging & Improvement Co., which drew their loaded cars by a wire rope trans- versely to the line of improvement up a trestle about 30 feet high on to a tilting table, where they were discharged and run back by gravity to the steam shovel. ~~. The rock work was distinguished by the breadth of cut- ting, the use of channeling machines for cutting the sides of the canal, and the employment of Brown's cantilever hoists or derricks for removing the rock,-the latter are Chic AGo MAIN DRAINAGE CANAL. HANDLING THE MATERIAL – METHOD USED BY THE WESTERN DREDGING AND IMPROVEMENT CO. I7 shown in line and in perspective in the engravings here- with. The rock operated on is a light colored limestone, and lies between the Lamont and Joliet beds, which are used for dimension stones; but it does not dress easily and is used for rubble masonry, dock filling, etc., so that it may be broken up and sent to waste by the quickest and most economical methods. The channeling machines leave a wall of great longitudinal smoothness, with two or three horizontal offsets; they also free the rock for blasting, so that it is thoroughly broken up by the use of about #3 lb. of No. 2 dynamite per cubic yard. In some, if not in all instances, this channeling is sub-let by the contractor, at the rate of I5 cents per square foot, making the cost about five cents per cubic yard excavated. The broken rock, as mentioned, is sent to waste along- side the canal by derricks, the principal dimensions of which are shown in the illustrations. It is understood that the wasting of the rock is sublet to the Brown Hoisting & Conveying Machine Company, of Cleveland, O., who build and operate the derricks, for about 15 cents per cubic yard, the contractor loading, hooking on and unhooking the kibbles. The Brown company has built a track along the canal, as shown in the cut, on which II machines are now at work. These machines traverse the track parallel to the canal at the general speed of 150 to 200 feet per minute. While the visiting engineers were there, they made a speed of about 350 feet per minute. The capacity of the buckets is 75 cubic feet when even full, and when heaped, the load may be 9,000 or IO,OOO lbs. The guaranteed capacity is 25 round trips per hour, discharging 88 tons on the waste pile. For a whole day an average of 32 trips per hour has been made, or, say 900 cubic yards per day. The engines have double cylinders IO)4 by I2 in., with patent band friction clutches, and are operated by three levers, one for hoisting, one for the travel of the kibble on the cantilever and one for the travel of the machine on the tracks. It is expected that the tracks and some of the I8 derricks will be employed in loading the wasted rock for use in and about Chicago when the canal is completed. The advantages to the people living on the 1,600 miles from Chicago to the Gulf will be almost incalculable. The contribution to the wealth of this locality may be partly measured by the estimate in the “Report on the Internal Commerce of the United States for 1891,” that the saving to the public by water transportation on the entire traffic of the lakes during 1890 was $135,000,000. This immense sum, equivalent to a dividend of over 66 per cent on the gross expenditures by the general government on all rivers and harbors up to that time, must have been distributed between the producers who shipped via the lake route and their customers, for any charge for transportation must come out of either the producer or the consumer. And as the freight charges by the lake route were about 6% per cent of the value of the goods shipped, whereas, if shipped an equal distance by rail, the cost would have been 46 per cent of such value, the low freight rates by water must have been the governing factor in the production of a large. part of the goods shipped. It is this production which has filled up the Northwest with inhabitants and railroad lines. The influence of deep water channels on population,-and population is a fair index to prosperity,+may be seen from a comparison of the inhabitants of four lake and four river cities. Up to 1858 the maximum governing depth between Chicago and Buffalo was 9% ft. ; to 1871 it was I2 ft., and from that to 1874 it was 13 ft., and has been I6 ft. since. In 1870 the aggregate population of Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit and Chicago, the four largest cities, was 589, Io'7; in 1890 the aggregate was I,822,743, a gain of 209 per cent. In the Mississippi valley, where there has been no noticeable improvement in the rivers, the total population of St. Louis, Cincinnati, Louisville and New Orleans, the four largest cities, was 819,269 in 1870, and in 1890 the total was I, I5O, I53, a gain of 40% per cent. There seems no reason to doubt that the prosperity born of a 14-ft. channel º I- I I --- --- º --- --- ---- --- *** *** *** *** --9 --w --- --- **** .. J. J. J. J. tº- J. !. 1. 1. 119. --- . J. . . º . ! lº f -o- |-tizo | -eof. I rº |--> º * : : : : i --- +: - º * * + + = *. ; : # - * --- º : - - → - ? --- *---------- - + - : 3 - - * . ----- 6 ; : - - 3. * 5 º º r - 3 * - º |-o –––––––––– º –– º –––– “--— — — — — — * -- * = * * * * * : * :-- Asºº - - *-*- - HT * = e tº gº - --~~~$; cº----- * * * : ; ; ; - * tº \ 1- |-- = - - ; , ; ** = 5 : ; : : ºil | s *: - - - : --- - > E; - : : - 243 –- S! | -o : #: : : : ; ; ; . : * Ø - - - - - - 2 º - - tº of ºzº ſi # , ; : ; : : ; ; ; ; i ; , ; ; : " : i -- - == - - - - : - --- –Twº –– | | \ |- tºo - : ; : ; : : : : ; ; ; - § : ; s # * * *Tºº ! --- º - - ++ - |-- so. Prº 3 × º 3. º + § .# zºº __2^T *o * ****** Q.F | | N ... " - - se ---º-º-º: s ...” --- re- *** - –fººt *i-º-º: - o - - - ** - T ------ - º - º _-- - º c -ºud- s *-na-> -------- - - - º - - -º- - T __--T #|EDFFT || | | | | N rº... ...—T * - _--T | º 2^ - - N + | | - * *m --- * * * * r * * *** r r * * * -- 1sº lºo --> 1-0 1-0 1-0 -at- --- -tº- -º-o: alo- sº -- -º- º -- º -- - - - | Mile- | I | I I | | | | | | | I | | | _l | fºſseºuse, Iroiſsº-TIT. FF -97 sº- - - - - - # * º 158" - - -- | Profile, Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River through the Illinois River Basin ºr. - - Ż Żſ. | - -- - - – -—- —- – 24 2' 4" -— — —---—- The Brown Balanced Derrick — Chicago Main Drainage Canal. Cross Section of Dump Shown in Broken Line. WI R PLAIN The Brown Patent Balanced Cantilever Derrick. In use on the Chicago Main Drainage Canal—The Brown Hoisting and Conveying Machine Co., Cleveland, O. Height above ground, lower end, 20 ft.; upper end, 94 ft. Capacity of bucket, 75 cu. ft. Total length of cantilever, 355 ft. Speed, of travel of entire structure on tracks, 150 to 400 ft. per Working capacity of machine, 120 tons loose rock per hour. minute. These Illustrations are reprinted from the Railroad Gazette, by the courtesy of its editor. — ºn AND THE RIVER OIVERSIUN. TUM - - ~ - - PLAN AND PROFILE OF THE CHICAGO MAIN DRA|NAGE CANAL I9 from Chicago to New Orleans, open nine months of the year, will justify a demand for a 20-ft. channel ſor the entire distance—a depth within the available resources. This depth (which would give Chicago control of the com- merce of the north coast of South America), drawing freight from Buffalo on the one hand and Duluth on the other, will cover the route with manufacturing towns, which have always been located on lines of least resistance, in time and money, to transportation. The consumption of these towns will change the population of the Mississippi valley from “the hewers of wood and drawers of water” for distant con- sumers, to suppliers of the wants of near-by customers, and bring the average consumption per capita up to that of the North. Incidentally Chicago, which in 1859 Horace Greeley ventured to predict would contain a million inhabi- tants within the life of some child then born, will become the largest city on this continent. The World's Columbian Water Commerce Congress CHICAGO 1893. THE PROPOSED WATERWIY FROM LIKE MIGHIG|N TO THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER, WIA THE ILLINOIS AND MISSISSIPPI (MNHL. PY ALONZO BRYSON, Davenport, Iowa. DAVENPORT, IOWA: THE DEMOCRAT COMPANY., PRINTERS. 1893. WATER COMMER CE. THE CONNECTION OF LAKE MICH IGAN AND THE MIS- SISSIPPI RIVER BY THE HENNEPIN CANAL, MAK- ING A C () NTINUOUS WATER LINE TO THE ATLANTIC OCEAN–- WHAT IT MEANS TO THE WORTH WEST. The building of this waterway means higher prices for grain and produce to the farmer by making freight cheaper. This canal will carry wheat from the Mississippi river to Chicago for two cents per bushel, saving four cents per bushel. Suppose it carries 400,000,000 bushels of grain, or one-third of the crop of 1,200,000,000 bushels produced in the six states of Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Kansas and Ne- braska, the farmers will be benefitted by this route to the extent of $16,000,000 on this item alone, and on the 800,000 tons of anthracite coal used in this valley will at least be saved $2.00 per ton on the through route from Buffalo, which would amount to $1,600,000 more. Then on the item of salt a saving of $200,000 could be effected. So we might go on piling up statistics of saving until we would consume hours in their recital, but the reports of con- gressional committees, the able speeches of our senators and representatives in urging the necessity of the building of this canal, and the subsequent action of congress in making ap- propriations for building this great national waterway are replete with statistics which have been widely read, so I will desist; but it is safe to assert a grand total of $20,000,000 as the yearly saving to the people of the Mississippi valley. CAPACITY OF CANAL. - Did you ever stop to think what this canal can transport to — 4 — Chicago, from the Mississippi river, in twenty-four hours, when it is completed and new propelling power applied to canals as it no doubt will be by the time this canal is in operation, pulling these boats along at a speed of eight miles an hour, landing them alongside of lake vessels in twenty-four hours after leaving the Mississippi with a cargo of 600 tons, or 20,000 bushels of wheat, at a cost of not over two cents a bushel (railroad rate is now six cents). Suppose you place boats one mile apart or 180 boats loaded with wheat, that would mean 3,600,000 bushels transported in twenty-four hours from the river to lake Michigan. Turn these barges around with 600 tons anthracite coal each, or 100,000 tons in the fleet carried to the Mississippi in twenty-four hours at a cost of fifty cents per ton, as compared to present railroad rate of $1.30 per ton saves eighty cents per ton, or $72,000 on this one item alone between Chicago and the Mississippi river. Salt can be carried at ten cents per barrel as against present rate of thirty cents, or twenty cents from the works on the lakes to Davenport. CONNECTIONS OF CANAL. This waterway unites 5,000 miles of lake navigation with 5,000 miles of river. The importance of lake navigation to the cities of Chicago, Duluth, Buffalo and all lake points as well as to the whole northwest need not be recited here, it is a matter of knowledge to every resident in the great west. WHAT OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER 2 Some say its commerce has so declined that it has outlived its usefulness, but it is not so. To be sure great fine passenger steamers no longer plough its waters as in days of yore, but it stands there as the great regulator of freights more power- ful than the Inter-State Commerce Committee, and the govern- ment recognizing its value in that respect has expended large sums of money and successfully improved it as by building jº — 5 — a canal around the Keokuk rapids, capable of floating the largest Mississippi steamer, or fleet of barges, or great rafts of lumber in the lowest stages of water, where twenty years ago there existed a complete blockade at low water. The upper or Rock Island rapids, at the location of the National Arsenal, have been made an open waterway over which pass boats and rafts at lowest water ever known, thus removing the objection made by those advocating other than the final loca- tion of the Hennepin Canal. Entering the Mississippi almost half-way between St. Louis and St. Paul, at a point opposite Davenport, Iowa, this canal will prove the wisdom of its loca- tion when it is in operation. The value of the lumber traffic alone on the Mississippi river to the people of that valley is a sufficient recompense for all that has been spent on the river by the government. There are eighty mills on the main river, sawing 800,000,000 feet of lumber daily, employing 16,000 men, representing a capital of $20,000,000. On the Mississippi and its tributaries there are 200 mills sawing lumber, the greater part of which is floated down the river, employing 100 steamboats in towing these great rafts to their destination. There passed the Rock Island bridge alone during the season of 1892, 756 rafts, 200 barges lumber and logs, containing 2,500,000,000 feet of lumber valued at $250,000,000. ANOTHER, OBJECTION ANSWERED. It has been asserted that freight could not be brought up stream to this canal any great distance, the answer to that has been made and that too by a Railroad Company, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway has for three years been trans- porting 700,000 oak ties, enough to equip 300 miles of road, to the Mississippi River at Cape Girardeau by rail, thence by barges up the Mississippi to Davenport, a distance of 5.0 miles against the stream. Why? Simply because it could be done cheaper than any railroad on earth could haul them. — 6 — WHAT WATERWAYS LACK TO MAKE THEIR SUCCESS COMPLETE IS SPEED. The prime cause of the decline of water commerce other than lake commerce was its slowness. The passenger trade left the rivers because of the swiftness of railways, the freight left the canals because it was hauled too slowly and capacity of canal boats too small, but with enlarged canals and power no doubt soon to be successfully introduced by electricity or cable draw- ing large quantities of freight in quick time, success is assured. Let this Congress urge the encouragement and application of these new modes of propelling power and the problem of cheap transportation will be solved, and the time is fast approaching when this country will need all its modes of transportation to move quickly and cheaply its vast products brought out of the soil, the mines, and the manufactory. PROGRESS OF CANAL TO DATE. I have personally inspected the work done to this date and find great progress has been made, the four and one-half miles from the Mississippi River to the open river navigation on Rock River will be nearly done by the time snow flies and if it had not been for the floods and the failure of some contractors to perform their work, this twenty-seven miles of canal and river navigation would have been ready for navigation in early spring. As it is they expect to complete it next summer, and Engineer Wheeler, under Capt. Marshall, U. S. A., is doing a large amount of work by day labor and working a double turn of men. He has collected a valuable and useful plant of machinery along the canal and is pushing the work as fast as possible and has enough of the appropriation left to enable him to do so for some time to come. DAVENPORT, Iowa, July 28, 1893. The World's Columbian Water Commerce Congress CHICAGO, 1893 P^ THE NEW AND ENLARGED WATERWAYS REQUIRED TO MEET THE DEMANDS OF COMMERCE IN RUSSIA BY f E. F. DE HOERSCHELMANN Angineer of Zines of Communication, Kief, Æussia - - - -, -º-; * . . *** • . . . . . " .. º- ... -- " …. ‘. . . : - . . - ..~ : * * *. .* . * : ;3.2 S. **, *, *, *s, * * w - " : a *, *, *, *. 6*.* W.º.º.” «» * - Y ** * B O S T ON D A M R E L L & U P H A M @Ibe 49ſt. (Corner ºncăgtotz 283 Washington Street THE NEW AND ENLARGED WATER— WAYS REQUIRED TO MEET THE DEMAND'S OF COMMERCE IN RUSSIA. •-sm sºm-ºs- RUSSIA possesses a large number of very important navi- gable rivers, such as are found in no other European country. Most of these rivers are so situated as to be easily united into uninterrupted navigation lines, by means of canals connecting the upper waters of the differ- ent streams. The sources of several large rivers are sepa- rated by only slight elevations of small area. These natural conditions of the river system of Russia are excep- tionally favorable to the development of internal naviga- tion. In comparing the navigable lines of, France and Germany with those of Russia, it is noticeable that in France the rivers are comparatively small, with small low- water discharge, and, as a rule, rather steep grades. This is the reason why, with a few exceptions, the French rivers have needed to be canalized and provided with locks, in order to serve with advantage for internal navigation. Specially of late, since the extensive development of rail- roads, the rivers of France, which in their natural condi- tions could only carry very small boats, could not have withstood the competition of the railways without the extensive constructive works which have created and main- tained sufficiently large and deep channels to allow of the circulation of the larger boats, which alone are able to carry merchandise at low rates. Naturally, under these conditions, the establishment of the system of navigable ways in France has necessitated large expenditures. 4 In Germany the navigable rivers are larger, so that their improvement has been much less expensive than was the case in France. German rivers have slighter grades and larger discharge of water. Usually, it has not been neces- sary to canalize or lock them, in order to obtain sufficient depth of water. Works of regularization, which are much less costly than those necessary for canalization, have been sufficient. Thus the natural qualities of the rivers of Ger- many are more favorable to their improvement for naviga- tion, which can be realized at comparatively moderate expense. From what we have said it follows that the same amount spent for improvement of navigable ways will produce greater results in Germany than would be possible in France. In Russia, the natural conditions of the navigable rivers are still more favorable. The majority of the large streams have comparatively insignificant grades, with large discharge, which facilitates very much up-stream naviga- tion. On the large rivers, there are but few rapids and falls. There are but very few that are entirely impracti. cable or that present great difficulties to navigation. On our largest river, the Volga, from the town of Tver down to the Caspian Sea, a total distance of 3,000 kilometres, there is not a single cataract. Other large rivers, like the Dwina of the North, the Neva, the Vistula, the Don, etc., have none; or, if there are a few, they are but slight rapids. Among the large rivers, the Dnieper alone, in its lower course, has very considerable rapids, presenting great dangers to down-stream navigation, and entirely for- bidding up-stream navigation, so that the Dnieper is, so to speak, cut into two separate parts, – that below the rapids, extending 350 kilometres, and that portion above, with a length of I, 500 kilometres. In order to give an easy pas- sage through the rapids of the Dnieper, it would be neces- sary to establish locks. This, however, is but an isolated case; and most of the rapids of small importance on the other large rivers are practicable even for up-stream navi- 5 gation in their natural state, without any constructive works, and it is but in rare cases that recourse is had to towage. It may be said, in a general way, that on the rivers of Russia boats may ply, most of the time, thou- sands of kilometres without meeting with rapids or cataracts of any importance. A11 the above conditions contributed to the development of interior navigation in Russia at a time when the population was still small and the financial means of the country amounted to figures quite insignificant. The oldest of the commercial cities of Russia, Novgorod, has had an exceptional development, owing to its favorable situation on the banks of one of the large navigable rivers, the Volkhoff,” which flows from Lake Ilmene to the Baltic Sea. The upper waters of one of the tributaries of this lake, the Lovate, are but a short distance from the sources of the Dnieper, which, after a run of some 2, OOO kilometres, discharges into the Black Sea. These two rivers, the Volkhoff and Dnieper, with Lake Ilmene and its tributaries, were used in olden times for transporting merchandise from the Baltic to the Black Sea, and vice versa. The merchandise was 'transported from one basin to the other, over the summit, on men’s backs. Large quantities of freight thus reached Novgorod from the region of the Volga, by going up the Tvertsa, an affluent of the Volga, then, after a short portage over land, coming down by the Msta, an affluent of Lake Ilmene, from which, as we said, flows the Volkhoff. The first lines of artificial navigation used to unite the basins of the different rivers in Russia were built toward the end of the seventeenth century, under the Emperor Peter the Great, who personally took the initiative. After some unsuccessful attempts to connect the Don with the Volga and the Oka, Peter the Great built the Vychenevolot- sky Canal, uniting an affluent of the Msta with the Tvertsa. As above stated, the Msta flows into Lake *See the Hydrographic Atlas of the Principal States of Europe, published by the Ministry Sf Public Works in Paris. 6 Ilmene, from which starts the Volkhoff, emptying into the Baltic. On the other hand, the Tvertsa flows into the Volga. Thus the Vychenevolotsky Canal unites the waters of the Caspian Sea with those of the Baltic. Since the time of Peter the Great, the principal navigable rivers of Russia have gradually been connected by canals. Thus, besides the Vychenevolotsky Canal, the Volga has also been connected with the Baltic by the Tikhvinnsky and Mary Canals, the latter being the most important of the ar- tificial navigable ways of Russia. There is between the tributaries of the Volga and the Dwina of the North the “Duke Alexandre of Wurthemberg” Canal.” The Dnieper has been connected by three canals with the Vistula, the Niemane, and the Dwina of the West; and the two last- named rivers are themselves connected by a fourth canal, the Augustoff Canal. All these artificial ways were built at the commencement of this century, and have from time to time followed the same fate as the Erie Canal in Amer- ica; that is to say, their dimensions were no longer suffi- cient to serve the modern requirements of shipping. For this reason the Erie Canal had to be rebuilt scarcely twenty years after its completion. The above-mentioned Russian canals have lost their preponderant importance for freight transportation, which is largely done by the railroads. Commerce is now clamoring for the reorganization of the existing lines and the establishment of new artificial water- ways. The renewing of our whole system of artificial navigable ways would require enormous sums of money. Up to the present time, only the reorganization of our prin- cipal artificial line of internal navigation could be under- taken; that is, the Marie line, or, as it is called in Rus- sia, the “Marie System.” For several decades, Russian commerce has been calling for the reorganization of this route, connecting the largest river of Europe, the Volga, with the capital of the Russian Empire, and with the . Baltic, forming thus an uninterrupted line of navigation * Named in honor of the Director-General of the Lines of Communication of that name. 7 from the Caspian Sea to St. Petersburg, with a total length of more than 4,000 kilometres. The city of St. Petersburg is situated in the delta of the Neva River, near its mouth. The Neva rises in Lake Ladoga, and falls in the Baltic, and has a length of 65 kilometres. It has an abundant supply of water from Lake Ladoga, and a depth and width of channel amply sufficient not only for the circulation of the boats in actual use, but would present no difficulties for larger-sized boats. Lake Ladoga, from which flows the Neva, presents many difficulties to navigation: it is subject to storms, so that the shipping coming from the “Marie System ’’ can only cross the lake with great danger. For this reason it has been circumscribed by canals on its southern side for a distance of I68 kilometres. Along this whole distance there is a double line of canals. The older canals, built partly during the last century, partly early in the pres- ent century, are situated the farthest from the lake: whereas the newer canals built later on — 1863 to 1883 — are between the lake and the old canals. The loaded boats take the new canals: the old are used for logging and for empty barges or light loads, going from St. Peters- burg to the Volga. The Ladoga canals connect on the east with the mouth of the Svir River, which flows from Lake Onega to Itake Ladoga. The Svir River, for a distance of 200 kilometres, forms part of the “Marie Sys- tem.” For most of its length, this river has sufficient depth and width for navigation. But rocks and rapids, of which there are several in its course, present difficulties from want of depth and from the great rapidity of the current. Lake Onega, from which flows the Svir, is also surrounded by a canal called the Onejsky, about 65 kilo- metres long. Then comes the Vytegra River, which is locked on nearly its whole length, and connects at its upper end by a canal and locks with the Kovja River. This canal, called the “New Marie Canal,” forms the summit level of navigation between the Neva and the 8 Volga. This canal was built some ten years ago to re- place the old Marie Canal, which passed through Lake Matko, and was for this reason, and on account of its nu- merous locks, not convenient for navigation. The new Canal goes around this lake, and has only two locks in- stead of nine on the old one. The Kovja falls into Lake Bielo-Ozero, which is also turned by a canal 67 kilometres long, called the Bielozersky Canal. From Lake Bielo- Ozero flows the Chekska River, which joins the Volga, near the city of Rybinnsky, and forms the last link of the Marie System of navigable ways. The Chekska is more than 400 kilometres long, with a total fall of 35 metres, very unevenly divided along the course of the river. For nearly IOO kilometres there is an almost uninterrupted series of rapids, with steep grades. These rapids present the greatest difficulties to internal navigation on the whole route from the Neva to the Volga, and freight charges on this portion of the Chekska are very high. But still the advantages presented by the navigation over rail- road transportation were such that, notwithstanding the building of several railroads connecting fertile countries situated on the banks of the Volga with the Baltic ports, the traffic on the Marie route of navigation continually increased, and four years ago already amounted to over a million tons. No further increase in the traffic could take place without a fundamental reconstruction of sev- eral portions of the route. The number of boats had reached 3,400 : with the short season of navigation — about five months — and the double lift locks situated on the route, this number could scarcely be increased. It was then decided to rebuild all the locks, increasing their size, so as to pass boats of 65 metres in length and 650 tons burden, whereas the old style boats carried but half this amount of freight. At first, when the question of rebuilding the “Marie System ’’ was brought up, the ship- ping interests wanted the adoption of a model of boat cor- responding to the large boats used on the Volga, having 9 85 metres in length. The administration of Lines of Communication did not see things in the same light: these dimensions seemed exaggerated, and it was feared that they would not be so easily handled. Besides, in adopting the size of boats used on the Volga, it would have been necessary to entirely change the lines of the Marie route by widening the channel, and avoid all sharp turns or curves, which would have increased the cost enor- mously. The topography of the country where the locks of the route are situated is such that the locks have to be placed close together, so that sharp curves cannot be avoided. Under such conditions, boats of great length (85 metres) could only circulate at reduced speed, thus preventing most of the boats returning the same year to their starting-point, and would present great hardships for the crews, who would be obliged to pass long winters away from their homes. Gradually commerce and the shipping interests became convinced of the exaggeration of their demands, and saw that the reorganization of the Marie Navigation Route, so as to admit of the circulation of the large barges of the Volga, would necessitate extraor- dinary expenses without being absolutely indispensable. As early as 1887, the Chambers of Commerce of the cities the most interested in the wheat trade, supplied by means of the navigation route from the Volga to St. Petersburg, began to make appeals for the adoption of a plan of reor- ganization of the “Marie Route ’’ such as would answer for the use of barges 64 metres long, 9.60 metres wide, and with a draft of 1.78 metres, of about 650 tons burden. Boats of this model would allow of a great increase in the traffic: in fact, it could be double its present amount. The present boats on this route measure only 42 metres, with a capacity of about 350 tons. In order to obtain the results required, the following works were found to be necessary. On the Onejsky and Ladojsky Canals and the Svir River there is considerable excavation and rock-cutting going on; for the canals were IO somewhat silted up, and the Svir River presented many shallows over ledges, with insufficient water. On the Kovia and Vytegra Rivers and the “New Marie Canal,” which unites them, all the locks have been rebuilt of wood, like the old ones, but of larger size, suitable for the new model of boats. Instead of twenty single chamber locks and eight double locks, one above the other, there will be thirty-two single chamber locks. This is done by increasing the fall on some of them, which was previously very unequal: the new ones are about alike, the fall not exceeding 3.50 metres. The channel will be 25.60 metres wide in the tangents, and the curves of at least 240 metres radius. Where the curves are sharper than this, the width has been correspondingly increased. The Bielozersky Canal has been widened and deepened. As on this canal there are straight sections several kilometres long, with- out any curves, 23.50 metres has been adopted for the width in these sections instead of 25.60, as in the other sections. On the Chekska considerable work of canaliza- tion and regularization is being carried on. In the upper portion of this river there are several quite sharp curves. The improvements in these sections consist in cuttings having 25.60 metres in width at the bottom and a mini- mum radius of 530 metres. Near the outlet of the Bielo- Ozero Lake, a weir of the Poirée System is being con- structed, with a lock for the passage of boats going from the Chekska to the lake and vice versa, and to retain in the lake a portion of the flood waters, which are to be sup- plied to the river during low waters, in order to increase its flow. In the central portion of the river, where there are several important rapids, three large lock chambers are being built in lateral canals, capable of containing whole tows, consisting of four barges and their tug-boat. The available length of the chambers is 320 metres. Near each lock the river is closed by a weir of the Poirée Sys- tem. These are in the principal rapids. Several less important rapids are being improved by rock excavation. II The lower portion of the river abounds in sand bars, over which the new model of boats could not pass. These are being removed by the construction of longitudinal dykes and training walls, both formed of fascines and rock-work. At the present time, over one-half of the proposed works are completed. It is expected that the whole route will be completed and turned over to the navigation of the new model of boats by 1895. The administration of Lines of Communication is actually building one of the new type boats, to be used as a model by which to build others. One of the great difficulties in this reorganization of the “Marie Route ’’ is the fact that navigation must not be interrupted during the prosecution of the work. This route is so important for the transportation of wheat to St. Petersburg that even a temporary closing would almost amount to a disaster. For this reason the work had to be planned out so that all construction which might interfere with, or completely stop, the passage of shipping should be carried on in winter. During the past year, when there was a cholera epidemic in several parts of the Empire, special precautions had to be taken on the works of reor- ganizing the “Marie Route,” where, at short distances apart, gangs of several thousand workmen were engaged on the improvements. Notwithstanding these difficulties, the works are progressing rapidly, so that they are some- what ahead of the estimated time. The work is subdivided into three contracts, – one for the excavations on the canals of Lake Ladoga, a second one for all the works on the Vytegra and Kovja Rivers and the Marie Canal which unites them, the third contractor is enlarging and deepening the Bielozersky Canal and executing all the works on the Chekska River (weirs, locks, dykes, cuts, etc.). The improvements on the Svir River and the Onejsky Canal are being done by day labor, under the charge of the Direction of Lines of Communica- tion of the Vytegra Arrondissement, which also has the supervision of most of the rest of the work, which is under I2 contract, as above stated. The head of the Direction, Engineer and State Counsellor Zviaginntsef, has for sev- eral years been studying the project of the reorganization of the “Marie System ’’ of navigation. Fifteen years ago he was sent out by the Russian Imperial Ministry of Lines of Communication to the United States, where he studied the great works of reconstruction of the Erie Canal, which was already completed at that time. The rich harvest of information gained during this trip helped him to the con- ception of the vast project for reorganizing the navigation on the “Marie System,” the execution of which, we just stated, was being carried on successfully toward completion. After the completion of these important works, there will still be other works and problems connected with the improvement of the navigation lines of Russia, the ex- treme importance of which must not be overlooked. One of these problems is that of the connection, by means of an artificial waterway, of the Lower Volga with the Don River, which empties into the Azoff Sea, a bay of the Black Sea. This project dates from olden times. Sultan Selima of Turkey, back in the sixteenth century, started to dig a canal between the Ilovla, an affluent of the Don, and the Kamychennka, which empties into the Volga. He expected to use this canal for the transportation of his army. Works were begun in 1568 in a locality actually forming part of the province of Saratoff, but were not com- pleted. Probably it was expected that a communication could be had simply by cutting away the summit that separated the respective affluents, taking no account of the steep grades existing in this region; and, as at that time chambers with locks were unknown, the enterprise natu- rally failed. Later on the Emperor Peter the Great, who had con- ceived a vast plan for connecting all the principal rivers of Russia by means of lines of internal navigation, took up the question of canal between the Volga and the Don. At the end of the seventeenth century, he confided the I3 direction of the works of this canal to Colonel Broeckel, who, however, was not able to overcome the many difficul- ties that presented themselves in carrying out the work, and he left the works soon after their commencement. Then Peter the Great appointed the English Engineer, Perry, director of the works. He built a portion of the cut between the Ilovla and Kamychennka Rivers and sev- eral locks. But in 17O I, owing to war declared between Russia and Sweden, the troops that were working on the canal were recalled, the works stopped and have never been resumed. Still, the problem of uniting the Don and Volga by a canal has continued to occupy the thought of the engineers. Under Nicholas I., the Direction of Lines of Communications had detailed studies made on the grounds, which served as a basis for a project of canal from the Volga to the Don. But the estimated cost of this work was such that it was never carried out. A few years ago a private company (Franco-Russian) was formed, which obtained from the government the permission to make new studies for a canal from the Volga to the Don. These studies were carried on in 1885–86, and the result was a preliminary project of canal by a new route. But the elaboration of the details necessary before the plan can be presented for examination to the Russian Imperial Min- istry of Lines of Communication is not yet complete. However, one of the founders of the company, Mr. Leon Dru, published in 1886, in Paris, a pamphlet under the title of “Project of Canal from the Don to the Volga: Report on the Project. Franco-Russian Civil Society for the Promotion of the Don and Volga Canal.” This con- tains a description of the principal points of the project. The canal is to serve for navigation of boats 64 metres long, I2.80 metres wide, with a draft of 2. I 3 metres. It is proposed to start the canal from the right bank of the Volga, I6 kilometres below the city of Tsaritsine. Thence it follows up the valley of the little Proudovaia River, an affluent of the Volga, clear to the summit, thence descend- I4. ing by the valleys of the little rivers, Yagodnaia and Kar- pofka, toward the Don. The total length of the canal from the Volga to its outlet in the Don is 85 kilometres. The summit section is Io.8 metres long and 85 metres above the level of the Volga. On the Volga side, which is 7.46 kilometres long, there are twenty-one locks, with an av- erage fall of 4 metres: the other branch, descending toward the Don, presents twelve locks in a length of 67.2 metres, and a total fall of 42 metres. The most important excava- tions are at the summit, where for over 4 kilometres the depth of cut reaches 30 and even 40 metres. The canal is to be supplied by means of reservoirs, storing rain and snow water. Plans have also been prepared for raising the waters of the Volga by means of powerful steam pumps. The total cost is estimated to be about fourteen millions of dollars. The Volga-Don Canal would have great advantages for the grain trade. During several months of each year the transportation by water of the wheat crops of the fertile countries along the Volga, toward the Baltic ports, is interrupted by ice. A navigable route from the Lower Volga to the Don would allow these crops to reach the Black Sea during that portion of the year when the north- ern routes and northern ports of Russia are closed by ice. Besides, this route would allow the products of the vast basin of the Volga being brought to a shipping port with- out having to be taken up stream. On the contrary, they would come down stream to Tsaritsine, and, after crossing the short canal from the Volga to the Don, would continue down this latter river. This would naturally reduce the cost of transportation. Another project of interior navigation, the execution of which might have great influence in developing the naviga- tion on another of our large rivers, the Dnieper, is the improvement of the rapids situated on its lower course, be- tween the cities of Yecaterinoslaf and Alexandrofsk, where at the present time only down-stream navigation and log- I5 ging is possible, and even this with considerable difficul- ties and dangers. Thus, one of our largest rivers, which from the earliest times has been used for transportation of merchandise be- tween the north and the south of Russia, remains up to the present, cut into two separate parts, between which no regular navigation can be carried on. Soon after the union of the south-western provinces with the Russian Em- pire, the government undertook the improvement of the navigation of the Dnieper rapids. In the second half of the last century, about I78O, some rock excavation was done, by means of powder, to remove the most dangerous rocks. At the same time lateral canals were excavated in the Nenassytets and Kaidaki rapids. At the time of the trip of the Empress Catherine II. to the south of Russia, in 1787, the corps of pilots was established to pilot oats and logging rafts through the rapids. In the first years of the present century, the work of rock excavation was continued, and three lateral canals were begun, without locks, in the three first cataracts below Yecaterinoslaf, and one locked canal in the most dangerous cataract, that of Nenassytets, from plans prepared by General Devolant of the Engineer Corps. But these works were not com- pleted, owing to the insufficiency of the sums appropriated . for them. Most of these works were destroyed by the waters and the ice. About 1830, the General Direction of Lines of Communication (later on transformed into a Ministry) had plans prepared for extensive works intended to make these rapids accessible for up-stream navigation; but, owing to the enormous expense that these works would have involved, it was found necessary only to undertake the improvement of the rapids with a view of down-stream navigation only, by means of non-locked lateral canals, limited on each side by random rock dykes. The first of these canals was begun in 1833 in the Old-Kaidaki cata- ract: the building lasted eight years, and was completed in I84I. In the other eight cataracts the works lasted till I6 1854. The construction of these nine canals and some rock excavation in the secondary rapids, which are very numerous between the principal ones, cost about one mill- ion dollars. The above-described canals present, no doubt, advan- tages for down-stream navigation, especially in low waters; but they are not sufficient to allow of boats passing up stream, and consequently do not afford an efficacious final improvement of the Dnieper rapids, which can only be done by means of locked canals, owing to the extreme steep grades, reaching over 4 metres per kilometre in some places. For several years, systematic rock excavations have been going on in the rapids for removing the most dangerous rocks and ledges by means of dynamite. But a project for the final improvement of the Dnieper cataracts is still to be elaborated. It is a difficult problem, quite unique of its kind. “The Iron Gates” of the Danube, the regularizing works of which have been pushed forward since 1891, are much more easy of treatment than the cataracts of the Dnieper. At the Iron Gates of the Danube the cataracts are less numerous, not so extensive, the grade and velocity are less, and the rock is not as hard as on the Dnieper. It is to be hoped that the experience gained on the works of the regularization of the Iron Gates will help to hasten the solution of the problem for the complete and final improvement of the cataracts of the Dnieper. At the present time, the budget of interior navigation is pretty well loaded down with the large expenses necessitated by the works of reorganization of the Marie Navigable Route (from the Volga to the Neva). When these works are completed, which will be in 1895 or 1896, it is hoped that means may be more easily obtained for executing, in the domain of interior navigation, other very urgent works, among which the canalization of the cataracts of the Dnieper is of very great importance, and merits special attention. 17 I do not wish or intend to retrace, in this brief notice, a programme of all the navigable routes, the execution of which would have an important bearing on the develop- ment of our interior navigation; but it is proper to state that there are still several principal arteries between our large rivers missing, and that most of our artificial naviga- ble routes have to be rebuilt the same as the Marie Route, in order to satisfy the requirements of modern shipping, which, in order to compete with the railways, is obliged to use boats of very large capacity and draft of water. Besides the canal from the Volga to the Don, already spoken of, it would be of great importance to connect the Volga and Dnieper, by an artificial navigable route, which could be done by means of the Oca, one of the principal affluents of the Volga and the Desna, which fall into the Dnieper near Kief. The respective affluents of these two rivers run close to each other in several places, and might present favorable conditions for digging a connecting canal. If at the same time the Berezinnsky, Oguinnsky, and Dnieprofsko-Bougsky Canals, uniting the Dnieper with the Western Dwina and the Vistula Rivers, could be improved, an uninterrupted navigable route would be obtained several thousand kilometres long, crossing the fertile, and in part industrial, countries of Central Russia, and extending from the Caspian Sea to the western frontier of the empire. As most of the streams and rivers that would be part of this route have but slight grades and large discharges, the execution of this work would call for much less expense than has been needed to build the prin- cipal artificial navigable lines of the countries of Western Europe, such as France and Belgium. KIEF, RUSSIA, May 30, 1893. MAP of THE RUssian WATER-ways, BY E. F. De HoerschelMANN. §§§ - zºº; Sºs/ a Sºrº ſhrººſ. & Sº 5\} AZ0FF § §: A \\ Q \º) & Vº cº WY" ^4 R. S’ Šso. a'. * * * * sº R. \ <\\ wou Gº R, ni JNY- VOLGA Novg. QR00 *. KA1A R. 6) MOSCOW - wº * * & tº * & § S ga º cº S sARAtkº § AlexanoRorsk sº f. -º-, * CASPIAN | sea j } sº The World's Columbian Water Commerce Congress CHICAGO, 1893 THE PROJECTED ſº /~ LAKE ERIE AND OHIO RIVER SHIP CANAL BY THOMAS P. ROBERTS, C. E. zºzzº-º-º-º-º-º-º-ºs- º: A ºf ºs. §0RTAIlúH lſº \\ “... 2. *. º'- %N ŽX B O S TO N D A M R E L L & U PH A M Tº be QIb Corner ſSochatore 283 Washington Street 2-2 *64EVAZAW// ! i | | < s º yawre' (e Zºe Way. o's Coadysſaº/kazrº Cowmeºsé Gerºess cazcago. /*S*. Afa arzz roa/ si 22 v 22:4: >==C=ºss>> ~~~~ § 5ersºn -º § Vo •0%aaszzway § 1 WAEE4//v4. s “A | l **- | k-------6 • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A l- “( Al 4- - * Zw 2 Z * * X. •" ~ *...* * * • N.Z. º }%. VA. THE PROJECTED LAKE ERIE AND OHIO FIVER SHIP CANAL. • *-*.**** * * * * * * *** **** **** In 1889 the Legislature of Pennsylvania authorized the appointment of a Commission to determine the feasibility of connecting the waters of Lake Erie and the Ohio River by a ship canal, and, in the language of the Act, “To lay out a route for the same, if feasible, and to estimate the expense of its construction, etc.;” the sum of $10,000 be- ing appropriated to cover the necessary expenses. The Commission made its report to the Legislature in 1891, and three thousand (3,000) copies of the report, with duplicates from the plates,—which had been prepared, —were ordered to be printed; but as no money was appro- priated to cover the expense of printing, the report of the Commission was never officially published. No route having been specified in the act of the Legis- lature, the Commission felt justified in recommending the shortest practicable route to connect the Ohio River with the Lakes, and finally reported in favor of a route leaving the Ohio River at a point twenty-eight (28) miles below the city of Pittsburgh, and thence via the Beaver and Shenango Rivers to the head of the last-named stream, near the Ohio State line; and thence passing into Ohio, and for a distance of twenty (20) miles in that State to Conneaut Harbor, Lake Erie, -a point located about one mile west of the Pennsylvania State line. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF ROUTE, ETC. The length of the canal from the mouth of the Beaver, on the Ohio, to Conneaut Harbor, Lake Erie, on the line 4. adopted, was found to be one hundred and three (IO3) miles; or only 7 miles more than an air line connecting the two points. In order to reach the harbor of Pittsburgh, however, and to accommodate the vast coal, coke, and iron interests of that city, the Commission recommended the extension of the canal paralleling the Ohio River to the United States dam at Davis Island, situated four miles be- low the city of Pittsburgh, and which dam makes the “permanent harbor” of the city. This extension from the lowermost dam on the Beaver is about twenty-four (24) miles in length, and forms one continuous pool, or level, having an exit lock at the Pittsburgh end, dropping 6 feet into the pool of the city harbor, formed by the aforesaid Davis Island dam. The water supply of this long level would be furnished from the Beaver River. Three locks of an aggregate lift of forty-one-eqi) feet would be required to reach low-water surface in the Ohio River at Beaver, or Rochester, and are provided for in the estimate; the said connection with the Ohio being chiefly for the benefit of vessels trading from Wheeling, Cincinnati, and other ports on the Ohio, located below the mouth of the Beaver River. It was not deemed expedient, or advisable, to terminate the canal at the mouth of the Beaver, for the reason that the improvement of the Ohio River below the Davis Island dam, now being undertaken by the United States Govern- ment, provides for a minimum depth in the river of only 6 feet, while the ship canal is designed with a depth in the canal prism of 15 feet, and with the same depth on the miter sills of its locks. As designed, the canal will have at the bottom a width of Ioo feet, and at the surface, one of 152%. The dimen- sions of the locks, as elsewhere referred to, are 3OO feet available length by forty-five (45) feet width. For con- venient reference the following table of distances and elevations of the most important places along the route of the canal are herewith presented :- Elevation No. of Miles. &ºf iº. #. Sea Level. Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh . c e º º O.O. 699.29 O Rochester . g & • e 27.4 7O5.3 I New Brighton g e tº * 3O.4 7O5.3 2 Beaver Falls tº g tº & 32.4 715.6 3 Rock Point . g º e © 4O. I 739.O 4. Wampum . * * ſº jº 42.9 755.O 5 New Castle . e e e © 5 I.4 790.O 8 Middlesex . © © e ge 66.4 823.5 I 2 Sharon . wº § & º * 72.4 856.5 I4 Sharpsville * & * 75.9 866.O I6 Head of Shenango Navigation . 79.6 876.o 17 Transfer tº º •e re 8I.9 976.O 22 Greenville . e † º tº 86.7 984.O 23 South End of Summit . & te 98.5 1,016.O 25 North End of Summit . & * * I 18.5 1,016.O 26 Conneaut Harbor . e * º I3O.4 572.89 5 I As early as 1824, the General Government executed sur- veys for a canal from the mouth of the Beaver River to Lake Erie at the Harbor of Erie, Penn., and between 1837–40, a canal of sixty-five (65) ton boat capacity was completed, and continued in operation until 1872, when it was sold to private parties, and a portion of the old aban- doned canal is now used as a roadbed for a railroad. Although terminating twenty-eight (28) miles below the city of Pittsburgh, and small as it was, the old canal ac- commodated a very considerable business; there being carried over it in some years as much as 400,000 tons of coal, and its net toll receipts were more than $1OO,OOO per a111]ll II] . The abandonment of this canal has left the too prevalent impression in Western Pennsylvania that it was a failure, and increases the difficulty in reviving interest in any kind of a canal. The old canal had I.33 locks, and its summit level was 66 feet higher than the proposed ship canal, and, besides, it was 31 miles longer between the river and the lake than the Contemplated project. Two years previous to its final abandonment, an attempt was made to have the State assist in enlarging it to the present capacity of the 6 New York and Erie Canal, viz., to a depth of 7 feet, and made available for boats of 250 tons; but the opposition of certain Eastern politicians defeated this project, and by the constitution adopted in 1873 the State can now take no part in this or any other similar enterprise, the State Canal Commission having been appointed in 1889 merely for the purpose of setting forth the facts regarding the feasi- bility of a Lake Erie and Ohio River Ship Canal. The old canal, as it was maintained for a number of years, suffered greatly from the neglect to deepen its sum- mit level; and in consequence, while there was an ample supply of water to be had by natural means, pumping from Conneaut Lake into the feeder—two miles long—had to be resorted to to keep up the supply’; and frequently the inefficiency of the pumps resulted in insufficient depth being provided, so that ox teams were sometimes employed to drag the boats eight miles through the summit level. So again, at its Ohio River end, during the season of low water in the river, when no boats were moving, agricul- tural produce, for want of adequate means of transporta- tion on the river to Pittsburgh, suffered deterioration in value. There can be no question, however, that had the old canal terminated at Pittsburgh instead of at Rochester and Beaver, 28 miles below, it never would have been abandoned ; and it is from such miserable excuses for canals built for the most part on routes abounding with lockage, and where the water supply was generally insufficient, that the average American citizen draws his conclusions regard- ing inland water transportation in general. The newly projected ship canal leaves the old canal. route at the head of the proposed slack-water navigation of the Shenango River, the main prong of the Beaver River, and 55 miles above the mouth of that stream. This divis- ion, which forms rather more than one half the distance between the Ohio and Lake Erie, is remarkably direct, requiring but few changes to make it suitable for a ship canal of splendid proportions. The natural width of the 7 Beaver varies from 3oo to 500 feet, and of the Shenango from 175 to 300 feet; and the thalweg of these streams, as shown by soundings indicated on the profiles, shows that with a comparatively small amount of dredging, a depth of I5 feet can be had without the necessity of erecting dams any higher than those constructed for the old canal, some of which are still in use, affording water-power for mills. The new dams might in some portions—as in the neigh- borhood of the city of New Castle—well be arranged with adjustable tops, or made so as to be entirely lowered to the bed of the stream, in order to pass floods which, at rare intervals, have overflowed the adjacent low lands. In addition to the iron-manufacturing towns of Beaver Falls, New Brighton, New Castle, Middlesex, Sharon, and Sharpsville, located on this division, by means of a branch, about 17 miles in length, upon which an abundant water supply can be had, the city of Youngstown, Ohio, on the Mahoning River, could be reached. Youngstown and its neighborhood is the seat of 13 furnaces, each one of which is equivalent, as a freight producer, to an average city of thirty or forty thousand inhabitants. In addition to these 13, there are I6 more furnaces directly on the route of the canal in the Shenango Valley, with many rolling mills, etc., and at the Pittsburgh end 25 furnaces, most of them larger than can be found elsewhere in the world, be- sides iron and steel works in great numbers. From the head of the Shenango navigation, 55 miles, as before stated, from the Ohio, and I6 from the southern end of the summit level, the canal proper would begin (referring now to the country between the Ohio and Lake Erie, and neglecting for the time being the 24-mile exten- sion above the mouth of the Beaver to Pittsburgh). In this distance of I6 miles eight locks, averaging not quite 18 feet lift each, are projected to reach the summit; which summit level, as at present designed, is 20 miles in length through a region of swamps for most of the dis- tance,—the exact point of the divide being difficult to 8 determine by ordinary observation. The conformation of the Country is such, however, that the summit level could be extended entirely to the “head of navigation,” so called, on the Shenango, making it nearly 30 miles long; and thus it might be possible to dispense with the eight locks, substituting in their place a double lift of 140 feet. The canal, as projected, would be provided with single locks, measuring 315 by 45 feet, or with an available length of 300 feet; but in case lifts should be decided upon, in order to reduce the number of locks, it would probably be found necessary to make the lifts double. The time re- quired to pass lifts, under the best circumstances (appears to the writer, who has, however, had no personal experi- ence with them), would be considerably in excess of that required to make a lockage, say of 20 feet, which is the maximum proposed by the Pennsylvania Ship Canal Com- mission. The elevation of the summit level above mean tide is I,OI6 feet, and 443. II feet above the mean level of Lake Erie; and this descent of 443. II feet from the summit is provided for in 25 locks, with an average lift of 17.7 feet, all in a distance of about I 2 miles. The Commission made no serious study of the possibilities of lifts for this division, though it is manifest that there is here afforded an opportunity by their employment to dispense with quite a number of these locks, and, as well, to economize in the use of water necessary for the maintenance of the supply in the summit level, etc. Auxiliary reservoirs were pro- vided for to maintain an equable supply at several of the intermediate levels between the summit and Lake Erie, but it must remain for further study to determine which of several practicable expedients would be best for actual construction in this situation. The lake terminus in the mouth of Conneaut Creek was specially surveyed, and numerous borings made to determine the depth to the rock, etc. It was found that a dredged channel, of about 250 feet width, passing 9 straight inward from the proposed breakwater of 17 feet in depth, and one mile in length to the first lock, was entirely practicable at a moderate cost. Examinations of the mouth of Elk Creek Harbor, in Pennsylvania, seven miles east of Conneaut, were also made ; but Conneaut Harbor was `--found to furnish more favorable natural conditions, and proved to be the terminus for the shortest and least expen- sive route which could be found for the canal. On the entire route between the lake and the river there are no engineering difficulties worthy of much notice, the most important being two arched spans of 40 feet each in an embankment 50 feet high for the passage of Conneaut Creek beneath the canal, at a distance of about 5 miles from the lake terminus; and besides this an aqueduct embankment over the valley of Big Run, about 14 miles south of the terminus of the summit level,-the said em- bankment averaging about 30 feet from the top of the berm to the ground for a distance of about 6,000 feet; the material for this embankment comes from the adjacent canal cuts. At no point does it appear necessary to excavate more than 35 feet to secure the full depth of the canal prism ; and this kind of location may be secured with an alignment, save at one or two bends in the Shenango River, where the hills come down on both sides to the stream, requiring a curvature of a less radius than 2,000 feet. It may be said in general that the contours of the country between the Shenango and the lake are quite gentle, and never broken by sharp ravines. It is a region, for the most part, which permits of considerable latitude on the part of the engineer in the arrangement of his levels, so as to reduce the excavations necessary for the canal to a minimum, and with but little material to waste. The slope toward the lake, which presents such a formidable appearance on the profile, would, with the exception of the Conneaut Creek crossing, afford almost a natural bed for a railway, on one mile of which, however, the descent would be rather more than IOO feet, but in all it averages less than 40 feet fall per mile. IO THE WATER SUPPLY. From the territory directly tributary to the summit, the Commission found that 13,000,000 cubic feet of water per diem could be obtained for the 2I4 days of lake and canal navigation allowed by the underwriters. The basis of this calculation is a conservative one. With a rainfall of, say 4O inches, the first assumption is that 40 per cent is avail- able flowage, which in this case is I6 inches, and these I6 inches are distributed as follows:— Compensation to riparian owners . © e 6.72 inches. Evaporation from surface of reservoirs, 4, I per cent of rainfall . * tº & t 1.64 “ Percolation from reservoirs and conduits ę 1.64 “ Available storage water . e tº * tº 6.OO “ Total * e * (h . I6.OO “ It would be practicable, in my opinion, to supply the few riparian owners who live in that sparsely settled region, and from whom necessary streams are diverted, by pipe lines from the reservoirs, and thus largely increase the available supply to be had from the country immediately adjacent to the summit level. The canal can obtain 40,000,000 cubic feet per diem by uniting these reservoirs with the surplus flow of French Creek, supplemented by storage reservoirs constructed in the valleys of Cussewago and French Creeks. At the Bemus dam in French Creek, above Meadville, from whence the old canal feeder ran to Conneaut Lake 23 miles, Mr. W. Millnor Roberts (late Chief Engineer of Pennsylvania) states that the lowest discharge is 19,000,000 cubic feet per diem, and of this 15,OOO,OOO cubic feet was considered available for canal purposes, leaving 4,000,000 cubic feet daily for the use of landowners below. The mean discharge of French Creek for ten months yearly is much greater than the figures reported by Mr. W. M. Roberts. • We have to sum up, an area of country about the heads of the Conneaut and Shenango Rivers, Cussewago and II French Creeks, embracing an area of more than 800 square miles; a region—and the late Colonel Merrill, of the United States Corps of Engineers, agreed with me in the opinion—most favorably disposed for the location of shallow reservoirs, the kind harmless even should they burst, yet, in some instances, of enormous area and storage capacity. One dam of this sort, shown by the surveys of the Commission only 14 feet high, would make a pond of 8,000 acres on ground now mostly a worthless swamp. This pond would lie alongside the summit level for a number of miles, but its water surface would be 26 feet lower than canal level. Pumps could be resorted to to lift water into the canal from it, but its principal use would be to keep up a brisk supply in the canal south of the summit. With 40,000,000 cubic feet daily, and making the liberal allowance of 5,000,000 cubic feet daily loss in the hot months by evaporation, infiltration, and gate leakage from the summit, we should still have 190 locks full daily, which is rather more than could theoretically be used in the lock- age of vessels through single locks over the summit. One and a half locks full will pass a vessel into and out of the summit level. The supply, therefore, is shown to be enough for 125 vessels, or 62 passages each way daily. Should the time ever come when a duplicate ship canal upon this chosen route should become a necessity, some- thing, however, not within the bounds of reasonable prob- ability,+the Alleghany River, with its 4,000 square miles of drainage area, could be tapped in the neighborhood of Tidioute, and made to flow to Conneaut Lake through a feeder branching from the French Creek feeder, and pos- sibly not more than 60 miles long. I know from my own gauging of French Creek, and other tributaries of the Alleghany River, that its low-water discharge from its 1,100 square miles, which is the area of its entire basin, is more than equal to the Kiskiminetas of I,3OO square miles, the Clarion River, Redbank Creek, and the Mahoning River, all united. Evaporation is much more excessive, I 2 for some reason, in the valleys last named, in the summer and fall months, than is observed on French Creek. French Creek originates in a cool, elevated region, trav- ersed by moisture-laden winds fresh from the Great Lakes ; and this is probably the explanation of the marked atmos- pheric and hygrometrical differences in the valleys named. It was my fortune to have referred to these facts, which now have so much significance, in a report to Colonel Merrill, when I made a survey of the Alleghany River in 1878, under his direction, for the United States Govern- ment. COMPARISON WITH OTHER PROPOSED ROUTES. A comparison between this route and those which have been surveyed by State and United States engineers, upon some of which small canals are now in operation, connect- ing the waters of Lake Erie with the Ohio River, will show most conclusively the superiority of the Beaver route over them all in the following prime considerations: Ist, length of route ; 2d, aggregate of lockage, with one exception ; 3d, cost; 4th, prospective business. Ohio River to Lake Erie. Length, Lockage, Miles. Feet. |Miami, or Cincinnati-Toledo Route tº e 238 882 Maumee, or Wabash Route . * e º 5OO 648 Portmouth-Cleveland Route . e tº . 312 II 30 Beaver-Conneaut Route . * e º g IO3 759.81 Upon none of the routes named west of the Beaver route is it possible to find a water supply for a canal of the dimensions proposed for the Beaver route ; viz., I5 feet depth of water, with a canal prism IOO feet wide at the bottom, 152 feet at the surface, having locks 3OO feet available length by 45 feet actual breadth. ESTIMATE OF COST. Regarding the estimated cost of the canal, I can say that while the surveys were only of a preliminary nature, suffi- cient data was secured to make a reasonably close approx- I3 imation of what the actual cost would be. Some of the more important items were made purposely large, and in some instances the prices attached are lower than respon- sible dredging companies both in this country and England, who had been communicated with by Mr. Goodwin, my associate, advised. The report of the Commission and memoranda printed separately from the report, may be referred to for further details as to the cost. The total estimated cost of the work is $27,000,000. I can conceive of no reasonable additions or improvements which would make it cost more than $30,000,000. The Beaver sand- stone is noted for its durability and the ease with which it can be worked. Clay for brick slope revetment; cement, equal to the best made in America, manufactured in its valley; sand, gravel, timber, and everything else needed by contractors, is at hand, or conveniently accessible by railroads. g PROSPECTIVE BUSINESS OF THE PROPOSED CANAL. The coal region of Western Pennsylvania and the Pitts- burgh, Shenango, and Mahoning iron-manufacturing dis- tricts presents more business prospectively for a canal than any equal area of the country can possibly exhibit; but to make the exhibit as it should be made would require much more time than I, can devote to it in this place. The following table, compiled from the records of the “American Manufacturer and Iron World,”—a recognized authority,+exhibits the number, condition, and capacity of the furnaces in the “canal district,” as I shall beg leave to term it, on February Ist of the present year:— In Blast Weekly Cap. Fur. Total Cap. Furnaces. Total Feb. naces in Blast Weekly No. I St Tons. Tons. Pittsburgh Region, 24 2 I 34,214 39,616 Shenango Valley, I6 9 9,869 I5,793 Mahoning Valley, I3 IO I IO,O72 I 4,432 West Virginia, 4. 2 2, IS4 3,340 Totals, 57 42 59,309 73, 181 Total U. S., 528 281,865 I4. The 57 monster furnaces of our canal district, which by their output so astonished the visiting members of the British Iron and Steel Institute, have alone a capacity equal to one quarter of the entire furnace production of the whole United States. The present production of furnaces of this dictrict is, no doubt, greatly in excess of 3,000,000 tons per annum. Their production actually was 2,593,719 tons in 1889, as shown by reports of the American Iron and Steel Associ- ation. Of the iron ore to supply these furnaces, including a few thousand tons shipped through Pittsburgh to Johnstown, etc., there was received in 1889, 4,627,049 tons—all of which had been transferred from lake vessels to railroads at Pittsburgh's five lake ports; viz., Cleveland, Ashtabula, Fairport, Loraine, and Erie. The ore receipts at these ports have largely increased since 1889, and it may fairly be assumed that from 5,500,000 to 6,000,000 tons are now annually consumed in our canal district. It is reasonable to think that within a few years after its completion the canal would do an enormous business in the transportation of coal, ore, lumber, grain, and miscellane- ous freight; and such was the conclusion of Hon. John Dalzell in the report prepared by him, and favorably rec- ommended to Congress by the Committee on Railways and Commerce last winter. On the assumption that a toll was to be levied to provide for interest on cost and for mainte- nance of way, I think it can be shown the canal would be profitable in operation with tolls of no more than IO cents per ton on coal, 15 cents on iron ore, and with somewhat higher rates upon more valuable articles of merchandise. The interest account on, say $30,000,000 at 5 per cent would be $1,500,000. The cost of maintenance of way on 2,431 miles of canals in France, summing up accounts for the 5 years 1883–1888, was only $390 per mile per annum. It seems to me scarcely probable that a rate in excess of $1,000 per mile per annum for actual mainte- I5 nance of way would be required upon this canal; this, with $70,000 for office and contingent expenses, should be ample for maintaining the work in the highest state of efficiency. We might, therefore, have to provide for a revenue of $1,700,000. As the canal district now pays to the rail- roads perhaps as much as $7,000,000 for the transportation of its direct lake business, it may be seen that there is a safe margin to meet canal expenses, provide a profit to vessel owners, and still effect a large annual saving to shippers. I will not undertake to refer to the indirect ad- vantages this canal would be to the people of the Ohio Valley, and to the possibilities of the future. THE PITTSBURGH TERMINUS. Pittsburgh with its environs now forms a compact manu- facturing and mercantile Community of 575,000 population, employing in 1892, in her various establishments, 134,097 persons, the annual product of their labor being for the year mentioned $350,2OI,925, as reported in the statistics printed by the Chamber of Commerce. But population alone affords no criterion of the extent of the commerce of this great community. The commerce originating in Pittsburgh is vastly greater than that originating in any other city in the Union, and including that which passes through, forms an aggregate of 40,000,000 tons per annum, a tonnage in excess of the united volume of traffic of the Great Lakes annually passing the city of Detroit; and it has been well said that Pittsburgh's financial and material interests in lake navigation is equaled only by Chicago and Buffalo of all the cities directly on the lakes. Her tonnage of vessels on the Ohio River, engaged chiefly in the transportation of coal to the Mississippi Valley, from her inexhaustible coal mines, is greater than that of any lake or ocean port in America. Twenty-two firms and individuals in Pittsburgh, engaged chiefly in the coal trade in 1889, reported the numbers and tonnage of vessels owned by them as follows:— Number. Tonnage. Coal boats . & tº Qe * tº I,467 I, I'74,600 Coal barges tº e * > & ſº 1,776 958, IOO Coal flats . & ge * (* e 648 I2O,8OO Total e e © g & 3,891 2,253,500 The steamers registered at the port of Pittsburgh, ex- clusive of small propellers and dredging vessels, number I54, with an aggregate tonnage of 32,438; of these, fully I25 are coal-towing steamers. These are universally stern- wheel vessels, and are used to push, and not tow, the fleets of barges, etc. A fleet leaving Pittsburgh generally con- veys IO,OOO tons of coal, and at Louisville, the larger class of towboats combine not infrequently three of these fleets, making up a tow of 30,000 tons. In addition to the high power of the engines, with which these towboats are equipped, they are provided with a number of balanced rudders, against which the current is thrown by reversing the wheel when making sharp bends, which produces a leverage that enables the most intricate channels among bridge piers, and in the face of violent currents to be steered in safety. This is a system of towing, of course, not possible to be put in practice on the lakes or the ocean, but the inventive skill of Pittsburgh boatbuilders, which has enabled her to present the cheapest means of trans- portation on difficult waters known to the world, may be relied upon to furnish vessels well adapted to ply upon the canal and lakes in the iron ore, coal, coke, lumber, and grain trade. With an outlet to the Lakes, her unrivaled facilities for steel-vessel construction would promise soon to result in a decrease of their cost. The facts regarding this so-called “inland city” should be better known to the world than they are ; and when such a place is ready to grasp hands with the Lake people in their efforts to improve lake navigation, and to extend it to tide water, it argues well for the early consummation of these truly national enter- prises. Pittsburgh's situation is much the same as that of à I7 Manchester, England,-though happily for Manchester, a situation which will shortly be relieved, thanks to her own energy, a large contributor to, but a small receiver of the benefits accruing from deep-water navigation. But in favor of Pittsburgh, it may be said that for less than one half the expenditure of that incurred by Manchester, she can, by means of a ship canal to the Lakes, benefit a tonnage, not so valuable per ton, but nearly three times as great in volume as the most hopeful friends of the Man- chester Ship Canal anticipate for their project, now so nearly completed. The Davis Island dam affords 14 feet of water for two miles above in the Ohio over a width of more than 1,000 feet, and about Io feet water, thence to the wharves of Pittsburgh, and to the lowermost dam of the Monongahela Slack-water Navigation, which unlocks the territory of the coal fields of Southwestern Pennsylvania. The existing conditions of Pittsburgh's Harbor as a canal terminus are susceptible of great improvements, and it can be made in every respect suitable for the commerce which would naturally be developed in case of the construction of the Ship Canal. 4ecarº s § § c/?ass A-X. Arºso. A. Aſ S/A/7/psy/a/. Af. 4 o'ck dº. Caress/y.x A*% oz/7. Szare S7, S/AAPaa/. | 4ocar 36 MWA/AWAZZAay/7 Cºoss A.9%/2/?/7. Aoar 37. ///azzas 4 x. Æð4AS/C/ A/P/ag & Žºgºrzes }* = * * * * -- * * 4ocar 59 & ava-sa/va-6/7/47GA. 4oca 462. 4o car4 /. WAS//a/67"ow Sz A/P/age /Wºry C1672 A: caross ºv, asy & a z/P 42 car 43, Ayaa/oazzave ropway 427/acaº Cºoss AE8, My gº ZººZ. Žºzº; Coaºz4/4/ycé or Jºya wazvo o * //A//oava/G /?ve/PS * * * * * ſ zoºg” Cross Ayşçº. 4.4° --- * /facar Aoyay 7 /*rreafaraaw A//acaſ cross Aºaz M. & Cº. ºx | **** *7 Azavez Azzs. 4 o'car 4/5, /Me W &/ºrg/wzoa/ - Žºg 4o º, 44 & * o 40AV/S /S ZAA/42 *reazare, -zeszziº, cross C 3/2/2/? /?c//aszz/P o4/o/7/47 – § ; § Saſowe arza’are - Coa/wat4.4/7//A/732/; say ****%-zzzaze 2.7 Azcarave 6, 4 o'car o'º a 3. coa'aza wr/A994 oz. cz l Asa'zaazzº Apes ea vozº 4 o'cººr 2/, zocera”25, Z2.367/M./ºroaz 7A/4, AAAſ 6. S! * Sl § |& Nº. Q N S - | S $ § § § $| S. th § tººk * * * tº º & º - tº §§§ §§ S|S Czoss Szaze 4×4= SS e.] N Q § S ?\) §§§ § R § Sº S. º t § * th § § S. S. Ś §§ §§ -----.S."--- Kw ^ S ^{ Zocar 253,32.367ars & //7car ZAfr& Zoca-26 cºoss /?awarzway &r- 044/Asroway S. A. S 3& A-7. S. APA’. ^: tº' § * * * … º ºs º ºs ºs" ºs § § S & N. Ö). S §§ go S 674 &a v/z 2 & zocar 27 * &/G /?way/fºa'aawcy: | Zºpaays eart 4ocac 23. * * * * * * * * caross azXA28 oz ºf 4o car 32. //saa of Saaraswa tº S. A carjºrazºº The World's Columbian Water Commerce CongreSS CHICAGO, I893 ON THE UTILISATION OF WATER AND RAILROUTESIN HUNGARY AND Ilº (main ſºil ºn Hitting BY DR. ALEXANDER HALĀSz Professor in the Polytechnic School at Buda-Pest --ºs- 2&Whº Jºs Zºš *A*. | ^ B O S T ON D A M R E L L & U.P. H. A M The CWIb Corner $ookstore 283 Washington Street Page. 3, E. R. R. A. T A. Line from the bottom. 3, I2, 29, 2O, 4, I7, 2O, 38, 4. 9, IO, I4, I5, 4, Io, I2, I9, 22, 5, 5, 28, 5, 8, 35, 35, 35, 36, 9, } for devolpment put development. for the put this. leave out the word much. for 1,733,917 put I,733,944. insert was before still. for obtained put given. for 3,786,02O put 3,486,02O. for Pecs, put Pécs. - for 71.2 put 71.3. for 61. I put 60. I for 46. I put 45. I. for hectolitres put tons. for Hungarian put Royal State. for obtain put determine. for insignificant put not important. insert should before have. for 234,605 put 232,605. for 34,486 put 32,4S6. insert economical after general. omit of farming. for long put only. for Essegg put Eszék. for Gombsrog put Gombszög. for Srentes put Szentes. for Sreged put Szeged. for Becskeres put Becskerek. for Maje put Nagy. for calling put task. ON THE UTILISATION OF WATER AND RAIL y ROUTES IN HUNGARY, AND THEIR COMPETITIVE INFLUENCE IN REDUCING FREIGHT CHARGEs. I. GENERAL REMARKS. The great progress accomplished throughout the whole of Hungary since the Compromise of 1867, by which its independence was assured, is also apparent in the develop- ment of the transportation facilities of the country. If one considers the reciprocal effects of the institutions and the economical conditions, it may be said that the means of transportation have been one of the principal factors in this progress. The railroads have rendered eminent service to the traffic of the country, but have not been able to reduce the im- portance of the water routes. To be sure, since the economical reawakening of the country, public attention has been turned almost entirely to the railroads, and the funds obtained, through the loan of 150 millions of francs (30 millions of dollars), for canal and railroad purposes, has been spent on the construction of railroads, and most of the loans since contracted by Hungary have been absorbed in extending and buying up the railroads. But if human labor has been denied in forming and developing the river routes, Nature has undertaken to overcome this deficiency by supplying the country with a system of rivers which allows of a very extensive devolpment of navigation. The river routes of Hungary extend over 5,000 kilo- metres, 3,OOO of which are easily available for steam navi- 4. gation. The Danube, one of the greatest commercial routes of Europe, passes through 973 kilometres of the central portion of Hungary, by a route which, even in times of antiquity and the Middle Ages, was of the first importance, and has maintained its importance as a water connection between the eastern and western Countries. With few exceptions all the rivers of Hungary belong to the Danube system, thus making a connected system, by which the products of all parts of the country are collected on this principal route. The advantages of the unity would be much enhanced, however, if the frequent changes in the beds of the river, due to the lack of regulation works, did not cause obstacles in many places, occurring especially in summer and autumn, when the wheat crops, the staple product of the country, require the greatest efforts of the transportation companies. The general formation of our river system also presents some disadvantages. If our principal river, instead of flowing to the east, followed the direction of our commerce, and flowed to the west, or if the other rivers, the Theiss, Save, Drave, ran into the Danube, not on the south frontier of the country, but near the capital, the political and eco- nomical centre of the State, then the water system would be in harmony with the economical organization, and our products carried by the water routes would not have to make long circuits and be taken up stream. But even in their present state, owing to their extent and their topo- graphical conditions, our water ways are successful com- petitors of the railroads. In fact, competition was inaugurated when the first engine started out on the rails, and it was increased when the railroads were extended into the regions till then served only by the rivers. It was not long ere the railroads drew away a larger traffic than the rivers. This necessarily happened in Hungary, as everywhere else. The question now is to find out whether, notwithstanding the triumphant progress of its powerful rival, the water 5 way has maintained its importance with regard to traffic, and has increased its attractive power. It is therefore necessary to establish the respective situations of the two systems, and the relative extent and conditions of the services rendered by each. f II. PASSENGER TRAFFIC. We will first consider passenger traffic, for which the water ways are available to a large extent. The Danube, over its whole length, is used for the trans- portation of travelers; but on the Theiss, owing to frequent obstacles to navigation, this travel is cut in sections, and extends over half of its navigable course. The Save is also used by travelers. There are over 2,000 kilometres of our rivers that are used for the transportation of passengers. Taking no account of travel from one bank to the other, this transportation is done by three different companies: The Imperial and Royal Navigation Company of the Danube, The Navigation Enterprise of the Hungarian Railroads, and The Navigation Company of Lake Balaton. The last two companies have but short routes, used in part for merchandise. The Danubian Navigation carries on 90 per cent of the passenger traffic, and maintains regular routes over 2,050 kilometres (967 kilometres on the Danube, 467 kilometres on the Theiss, and 607 kilometres on the Save river). In 1891 these three companies carried 2,690,987 pas- sengers over the water routes, or 79,271,906 kilometre passengers. On the other hand, our railroads, extending over 12,000 kilometres, transported in 1891 some 35,886,050 passengers, who traveled 1,504,346,679 kilometres. - These few figures show the inferior role of the water routes. This is still better shown if we go back to ten years ago. - 6 The passenger traffic in Hungary shows the following figures:— WATER ROUTES. w RAILROADS. No. of Distance in Years No. of Distance in Passengers. Kilometres. g Passengers. Kilometres. 2,455.7 I'7 93,283,532 1881 IO,2 I3,333 58O,272,865 2,533,034 66.3O3,431 1889 19,036,700 939,909.21 2,659,888 75,088,824 1890 29, 163,756 I,327,016,947 It would seem at first sight that the passenger traffic had not much diminished, at least as far as the number of trav- elers is concerned, notwithstanding the large extension of the railroad routes; on the other hand, railroad travel did not increase much till 1889, and did not make a great showing till 1890. This last is explained by the fact that the new tariff was introduced on the Hungarian State rail- roads in August, 1889, by which Hungary inaugurated a new epoch in the history of transportation rates, the power- ful effects of which is shown by the results of the last two years. This reform shows that the stagnation in travel that lasted such a long time with regard to the railroads, was due to the high rates of the old tariff, which exceeded those of any other country except England and Turkey. If we wish to study the elements constituting the traffic on the water routes, and see the decadence of this traffic, we must examine the group of figures of the preceding official returns, and distinguish between the long-distance travel, between a long series of landings, and the local travel, established between the two shores at Buda-Pest, between the capital and the suburbs, or between certain stops on the Lower Danube. The above table contains the results of the totalizing of all these services, including the boats that only ply between the two shores in the capital. This local travel constitutes a very large part of the total traffic ; thus of the 2,593,882 passengers transported by the Danubian Company in 1890, there were I, 199,745 whose trips did not extend outside of the capital. It is evident that the traffic of a capital whose population and territory is constantly increasing in an extraordinary measure, will 7 always exert a favorable influence on the total results; but it should not be taken in account in appreciating the role of the water routes as compared to all the means of communi- cation of the country, and the transportation of travelers. This distinction is necessary, not only in order to appre- ciate the traffic of the different lengths of routes, but also to bring out the influence of railroad competition on navi- gation. This influence varies with the length of the trips. It is evident that this competition has reduced the rates on long distances, but has not affected the development of local service; and this explains the fact that we have already noted, that the total number of travelers carried by water does not sufficiently show the diminished traffic. In the existing statistics we have found the quinquennial average of each kind of travel to be :— Long routes, annual average for 1881 to 1885, 900,025 passengers. & 4 & & 1886 to 1890, 770,731 Short routes, & 4 1881 to 1885, 1,733.977 $ & & & { { 1886 to 1890, 1,810,970 & & Without doubt it is the railroad competition which has had the greatest influence on this result. The simple establish- ment of a railroad, that is an improved method of travel, suffices to draw away from river travel the large flow of passengers. Here it is man that is being transported, so that speed will be insisted upon, and the regularity and pre- cision of the stops; advantages that the traveler will be willing to pay for at higher rates, especially as–notwith- standing the much lower tariffs—transportation by water is not always the cheapest on long distances. For long dis- tances river navigation can scarcely hope to hold its own against railroad competition, although the latter has some- what higher rates. The traffic on the Danube gives us a good example of this. The steam navigation companies run boats from Vienna and Buda-Pest to the country of the Lower Danube, and even to the Black Sea. In 188o and 1881 the Hungarian lines carried from 700,000 to 8OO,OOO passengers per annum. Since then the railroads 8 have been built from Buda-Pest to Pecs, to Zimony, and to Bruck along the banks of the river, and the number of river passengers has fallen off to from 600,000 to 700,000 ; yet the railroads maintained their high rates, while the navigation companies were reducing theirs, in order to maintain the competition. .. The decrease in the passenger traffic is not only shown by the number of passengers, but also in the mileage, showing that the travelers choose the river routes for shorter and shorter trips. Here is a table that shows this :— NUMBER OF TRAVELERS ON the Danube. the Theiss. the Save. In 1883 & & tº 788,480 • ' . 63,786 tº º 76,533 ‘‘ I 886 tº e º 7 I7,097 te º 45,865 Q { } 68,862 “ 1889 g © ſº 690,853 e º 4 I,999 © • 5O, IO5 NUMBER OF KILOMETRES TRAVELED. In 1883 * tº . 62,316,083 g . 6,961,496 ſº I3,965,672 • ‘ I 886 g g . 51,598,079 . . 3,786,020 . IO,O28,954 “ 1889 * g . 46,866,830. . • 2,364, 182 . 6,545,599 CONSEQUENCES OF THE ZONE TARIFF. After the reduction of tariff obtained by the Zone Tariff the railroads obtained a very much larger proportion of the travel. Navigation made vain efforts to reduce the effects of this tariff, which revolutionized passenger traffic in Hungary. - The Zone Rate was first put in operation on August I, 1889. At the end of the year—that is, in five months— the increase in the number of passengers had reached 3,203,388, as compared with the corresponding period in 1888. This increase, representing 134 per cent, was still greater the following years. The influence of this rate was very disastrous to the river routes, whose total traffic, already reduced, went down to 775,140 in 1890, with a total of 61,712,462 kilometres traveled ; and still less in 1891. The travel on long routes of the Navigation Co. in 1891 was only 495,373 passengers, carried 50,486,882 kilometers. 9 The services on short routes naturally felt this influence much less. The short time, comfort, and pleasure of the trips, here present advantages for the water routes that the traveler will naturally choose, on condition that the compa- nies reduce their rate as low as is necessary for competi- tion. By all these circumstances, the results on short routes remain the same, notwithstanding the competition of the railroads. Local traffic, especially in the capital, is increasing, and this helps to bring up the totals on river transportation. Thus the total for 1891 shows an increase on that of I890, for it shows 2,690,987 passengers, carried 79,271,906 kilometres. This result has been obtained only, however, - by great sacrifices and reductions in rates. Thus the Dan- ubian Transportation Company carried in 1878, 3,196,443 passengers, with receipts of 3,598,736 florins* ; in 1890 it carried 3,565,063 passengers, and received but I,619,993 florins. To-day the transportation in Hungary is carried on by the company at a loss. CONCLUSIONS AS TO PASSENGER TRAFFIC. Now let us summarize our opinion as to the role of these two methods of transportation, by water and by rail, and the effect of their competition with regard to passenger travel. - - Passenger service by steamboat, inaugurated in Hungary about 1830, was able to maintain its supremacy until rail- roads were started, especially the roads following the lines of the river. Since that time business has constantly been on the decline, notwithstanding the extent of the river and the importance and richness of the cities accommodated. Expressed in figures, the number of passengers carried by water routes in the last ten years has diminished from Io to I5 per cent. The appearance of the locomotive has caused this de- crease, notwithstanding the reductions of rates made by the * A florin is equal in value to 50 cents. IO navigation companies, and the higher rates that the rail- roads felt that they must maintain. But the complete de- feat of navigation came when the railroads decided for their general interests to inaugurate that extraordinary reform known as the Zone Rate. This reform, after in- creasing enormously passenger travel, imposed new con- cessions on navigation companies, which, however, did help to maintain their previous position. Low prices leave to navigation companies only the role of serving short routes, which is the only mission left them for passenger transportation. III. FREIGHT TRANSPORTATION. The situation is entirely different with regard to the question of transportation of merchandise, for which river navigation is favored by several conditions. •. Hungary is especially an agricultural country, and cereals form the principal article of production, traffic, and foreign commerce. At one time the country was con- sidered the granary of Europe; but the competition of Russia and America has caused a change in this respect. But its productive power, and capacity for export have not ceased,—in fact have increased. How the cereal production has developed in the last few years, is shown by the following table :- From 1869 to 1873 the annual production was 90 1-4 million bushels. 4 & 1874 ( & 1878 & & { { II 2 I-2 - & & O & 6 1879 { { 1S83 & & & 4 I34. { { “ ISS4 “ 1888 & & 4 172 I-2 & 4 The native consumption does not need these enormous amounts of grain, notwithstanding the constant increase in the population : by increasing its production through a more rational cultivation, the country can easily furnish for exportation an amount averaging 42 I-2 million bushels a year. These quantities come mostly from the regions of the Theiss and Maros Rivers, of those between the Theiss II and Danube, and from the right bank of the Danube; here we constantly see the mass of grain being carried up on the main line to its outlet in the West. The quantities put in motion by the native production is still more increased by those of the Danubian countries of the Balcan Peninsu- lar, whose economic life is also based on the export of agricultural products, and which also send a large portion of it by this same route, except when prevented by politi- cal or custom house measures. This route over which, besides grain, large quantities of the products of the agricultural districts pass, presents a very animated aspect. In the opposite direction, that is, from West to East, it is the mass of manufactured products that prevail. These go to the less developed sections, which are obliged to rely on importation for these products. NATURE OF THE TRAFFIC. The character of the traffic is manifested in the results of the companies called upon to effect the transportation. Four groups of merchandise (grains, grist, fuel, and build- ing and working woods) constitute from 60 to 70 per cent of the merchandise transported. This proportion of bulky freight brings out the impor- tance of the river routes, and explains their ability to stand against the competition of the railroads. Those articles that constitute the principal item of freightage of both means of communications, take the river routes from choice, owing to their peculiar nature. For the reception and transportation of grain, these routes provide strong boats of large capac- ity, which the companies are constantly enlarging. From 1870 to 1890 the river fleets of Hungary only increased 16 per cent as to the number of boats; but the capacity was increased 246 per cent, and the number of boats of over 600 tons capacity is constantly on the increase. More than 30 per cent of the fleet consists of boats of over 300 tons. As they are mostly used for carrying grain, they are ar- § THE HUNGARIAN RAILROADS CARRIED IN [All measured in hectolitres.] Total l Fuels, Per Year Grand Total Cereals Per cent Grist Per cent Coal, Wood Per cent Timber Per cent cent 1891 I4,524,709 3,O72,722 (21. I) 6O6,719 4. I 2, 181, IO9 I5.O 976,993 6.7 46.9 1890 13,456,192 2,438,826 I8. I 583,492 4.3 2, I 19,658 I5.8 940,695 6.9 46. I 1889 8,447,936 I,864,756 22.0 631,724 7 5 I,810,734 2 I, 4 774,33 I 9.2 61. I I888 8,862,755 2, 182, 138 24.6 626,330 7.o 1,385, 128 I5.7 748,708 8.4 55.7 1887 6,996,158 1,622,251 23.2 465,491 6.6 I,369,070 I9.5 699, 182 99 59 2 THE DANUBIAN TRANsportation company carried 1891 1,660,446 665,622 4O. I . 151,140 9. I I47,716 8.8 122,858 7.4 - 65.4 1890 I,917,618 890,052 40.6 I57,385 8.2 I73, IO3 9. O I49,167 7.7 71.2 1889 I,743,739 695,834 39.9 I56,648 8.9 184, 195 10.5 148,686 8.5 67.8 1888 I,7I4,953 747,607 43.6 176,466 8.2 14 I,082 8.2 142,963 8.3 7O.3 - 1887 1,574,080 619,940 39.3 152,813 9.7 7.8 116,661 7.4 64.2 I23,784 I3 ranged for easily loading and unloading large quantities. A boat of 600 tons will carry 60 full car loads, representing two freight trains. The water routes allow of transportation in bulk, where- as the railroads take grain only in bags, which costs much labor and expense. The water route presents another ad- vantage: the Danube is so long that merchandise can arrive at destination without transshipments, which cause so much expense and loss. The Danubian Transportation Company can deliver Bulgarian and Roumanian wheat even into Bavaria; frequently the boats are used for store- houses, which is favorable for speculation, whereas the railroads charge high rates for demurrage and handling. On the other hand, one cannot overlook the inconven- iences inherent to river transportation,-such as the slow- ness and uncertainties of the trips, which are doubly felt in Hungary, where merchandise for export is obliged in most cases to travel up stream in order to reach the West- ern markets, and are also delayed by low waters, which coincide precisely with the season of the greatest rush of the export trade. It is generally thought that the river routes attract only bulky merchandise,—that is, articles requiring a large amount of space, out of proportion to its value, which can therefore not stand the high railroad rates. This is not true in Hungary, as well as in some other countries. The great competition between producers, and the increase in salaries, have reduced the profits of the contractor very materially, and he looks for compensation either in the reduction of the cost of production, or of transportion. It is therefore natural that merchandise whose value presents a favorable ratio to its weight, and could therefore stand the higher rates of transportation, should also seek the water route if the rates are lower than those of the rail- roads. This happens all the oftener in Hungary, as these products of greater value, which are traveling toward the East, go down the Danube, and can therefore travel pretty I4 rapidly. Consequently here, also, the water routes compete with the railroads. The returns of The Danubian Naviga- tion Company show, not a reduction, but even an increase of traffic belonging to this class, notwithstanding that both banks of the river are lined with railroads, and that the traffic between Vienna and Buda-Pest, particularly im- portant for these products, is no longer reduced to a single railroad route on the left bank, but has also a railroad in first-class order on the other bank at its disposal. Owing to all these favorable conditions, freight traffic by water, instead of declining, and suffering from the competi- tion of the railroads, shows symptoms of a systematic development. - - - - In the report that we had the honor of presenting to the Paris Congress of Interior Navigation, in 1892, we showed the development of river traffic. We will here give a summary of it. It will suffice to go back only ten years, as during that time the navigation companies have had to withstand the influences of the increase in the rail routes and their new system of tariff. Here is the comparison of the traffic of merchandise in Hungary over the railroads and the rivers:– TABLE OF COMPARISON OF THE TRAFFIC ON RAILROADS AND RIVERS. By River Routes. By Railroads. Years. Tonnage. Kilometric tons. Tonnage. Kilometric tons. I881 I,865,992 678,470,685 13,861,818 I,621,593,755 1890 2,839,572 I,OO2, 18O,777 21,286,32O 2,797, I32,372 1891 2,841,856 927, 176,830 23,258,978 3, IO4,244,529 It is evident that the river traffic is insignificant as com- pared with that on the railroads, but it must be remembered that there is much more traffic by water than would appear by the above tables, as they are taken from the official re- turns of steam navigation only, and take no account what- ever of the traffic by rowboats and rafts, which is quite im- portant, but much more difficult to obtain. In examining the tables, however, we notice that, notwithstanding the very unfavorable conditions, the total river tonnage has increased 52 per cent, and the total distance traveled 78 I5 per cent; which increase is all the more remarkable, as the railroads, working in much more favorable conditions, and whose length has been notably extended, show for the same time, almost identical increase; i. e., 53 per cent for the tonnage, and 72 per cent for the total distance run. INFLUENCE OF RATES ON THE TRAFFIC BY EITHER - ROUTE. We must now examine the important role played by the tariffs, or rates, in order to produce the present state of affairs. - It may be stated in a general way that the rates have a downward tendency; and if from time to time rates on certain articles are raised, the general tendency, is not- withstanding, toward a reduction. The transportation companies have to comply with the economical exigencies of the traffic, and everywhere the interests involved have obtained reductions of rates,—which rates are an item in the cost of production. This reduction, therefore, has a gen- eral motive. But there always has been, and always will be, interests of special nature, for which transportation com- panies will be willing to cut under the reduced rates in certain cases; thus when it is to render certain raw mate- rials or certain ingredients more accessible, in order to favor increased industrial or agricultural production, or when it is necessary in order to allow native production to compete with foreign production. In these cases the reduc- tion is in the form of various favors. The reduction of rates may also be due to competition between different transpor- tation companies, a war in which rates form a very effi- cacious weapon. - As the latter is the case that we are considering, we will note that it is not always a war between the railroad and the water route. It may be between two railroads, or two water routes. The latter, in fact, presents more definite results. - - Whereas the railroads are more or less monopolies, and, in a certain way, are under the control of the public, and I6 have fixed tariffs, the river ways form a free route, on which rival transportation companies can use various methods for regulating their rates and making their con- traCtS. WATER ROUTES. That which caused for a long time reduced rates in Hungary was not the competition of rail and water routes, but the rivalry between the different navigation companies. The Danubian Navigation Company, owning 190 steam- boats and 782 towboats, of a total capacity of 276,809 tons, and which covered extensive routes, soon occupied a dom- inant position, and on the Lower Danube stations had a monopoly ; but private navigation finally became a power- ful rival, as shown in the following figures. At the close of the year 1891 native companies and in- dividuals owned 112 iron boats of a capacity of 34,486 tons, and I,OOO wooden boats of 200, II9 tons capacity, making a total of I, II 2 boats, and a total tonnage of 234,605. This fleet in 1891 carried 267,911,802 kilometric tons, or 41.3 per cent of the total river traffic; whereas, The Danubian Navigation Company, which carried 90 per cent of the passenger traffic, carried only 58.7 per cent of the freight which traveled by water routes. The great activ- ity and the light expenses of private navigation enterprises have caused frequent variations in transportation rates, and, by forced competition, reductions which have had their effect on the railroads and their tariffs. As to the direct conflict between the rail and water routes, the outcome is not doubtful wherever the water route serves but a small district; this weaker route will fall back to the rear, or should, more rationally, become a feeder of the railroad. But in sections where the rivers offer a first- class route, this is the case in Hungary, where the charac- ter of the products, the quality of the merchandise to be trans- ported, favor river traffic, and where the water routes coin- cide with mercantile traffic,+competition against the rail- roads will certainly be possible. It was not even necessary 17 that in Hungary this conflict should be specially prepared for ; it came up spontaneously, by the nature of things, as fast as railroads were built. But it would be a mistake to suppose that this competition, based on a purely economi- cal law, had at the same time caused reductions of rates, and that the lowering of the railroad rates was caused specially by water competition. This happened long after I88O. At first the railroads established their rate alone; the powerful development of production, the favorable condi- tions to export trade, increased the amount of merchandise to be transported, so that the railroads, still incomplete, were not in condition to take all the traffic, and refuse all division with the water routes. Most of the railroads, and specially the State roads of Austria and Hungary (very important in view of the competition we are referring to), were held by private companies, who, not wishing to reduce rates solely in order to get the traffic away from the river routes, preferred to consolidate with the Danubian Navi- gation Company the most powerful of the water transpor- tation companies. Thus no competition existed between these two routes to reduce rates; in some cases the water route could maintain rates almost as high as the railroad. In these conditions the railroad, instead of competing, entered into an agreement with the river route, to maintain rates, to the detriment of national development; and we are shown the strange phenomenon that the water route caused no reduction on the railroad rates, but only followed in its lead. COMPETITION OF THE STATE ROADS. The situation has materially changed in the last ten years, since the time when the old natural competition developed by the general laws of farming, has given place to a definite policy, organized with a definite end in view. The policy of State railroads inaugurated in the country became more and more prominent. Railroads were built along the rivers and bought up by the State; thus the I8 Danube was followed by two lines of road, parallel with each other, one from Buda-Pest to Zimony, and the other from Buda-Pest to Bruck. The system of State roads, at the end of 1891, comprised 7,505,439 kilometres out of a total of II,967,023 kilometres, or 62.8 per cent of the whole. The direct influence of the State also extended to certain private roads, and the total of roads run by the State amounted to 9,787,727 kilometres, or 81.8 per cent. The predominant character of the State roads already offered a chance of reducing the rates, which was imperi- ously demanded by the economic situation. Besides the continued competition with our products, the tendency of protective tariffs of the different States of Europe was added. Hungary, whose life depends on the exportation of its raw materials, and which is already encumbered by the cost of production, found itself in the presence of many difficulties to maintain its own in its old markets, or to establish new ones. It was evident that the reduction of transportation rates was the only way to counteract the new difficulties of competition. The State, by means of its State roads, could do this. The water routes naturally felt the effect of this reduc- tion. They were still more affected by the new measures of 1889, which assured for the railroads the heavy freights on which the water routes relied. The reports of the Hun- garian Minister of Commerce to Parliament enumerates the reductions, constantly increasing, which have been allowed, outside of the general and special tariffs, in order to compete with the river routes. These concessions not only refer to bulky materials, such as cereals and flour, but also to manufactured products arriving at Buda-Pest from Vienna, either direct or in transit. As this policy was carried on systematically, the navi- gation companies had to submit. Under these circum- stances they could only turn and reduce their rates to a considerable extent; and we have this new phenomenon, that it is rather the railroads, and not the water routes, that impose reduced rates to the competing companies. I9 To show up what we have just described, we will give a table of charges on cereals which the Danubian Naviga- tion Company has made, since 1858, on some of the impor- tant routes competing with the railroads. RATES IN KREUTZERS (ONE-HALF CENT) PER IOO KILCS, TO BUDA-PEST FROM Major year Srentes Sreged Becskeres Temesvar Ujvidek Zimony 1858 55 78 76 67 39 3') 1864 IOI 92 83 Ioé 7t 78 1868 IOI 92 83 IO6 71 78 1871 92 84 76 96 66 72 1876 94 86 78 98 66 7I 1881 67 6I 56 7o 5 I 55 1885 57 5 I 46 6o 46 5O 1887 6O 53 5O 65 48 5O 1891 78 42 4O 56 36 4O We might in the same way compare the rates on other products. After the moderate rates of 1858 we see the high rates of 1867–1868, which were continued in 1871–1876, when railroad competition was not yet felt. In 1881–1885 the rates begin to decline; the extraordinary fight inaugu- rated in 1887 by the State roads, specially on the Buda- Pest Zimony route, and the Buda-Pest to Bruck, is shown in the rates of 1891, which are about a half of those of 1867–1871. To bring out the influence of the competition of the two routes on freight rates, it is only necessary to quote an ex- ample out of the statements of the Hungarian railroads in the cereal tariff, to show the difference in charges for the same distances with and without river competition. THE CHARGES FROM BUDA-PEST TO THE FOLLOWING STATIONS ARE :- Competing Distance, Charges, Non-competing Distance, Charges, Stations." Kilometres. Kreutzers. Stations. Kilometres. Kreutzers. Baja, 23O 33 Gombsrog, 23O 63 Ujvidek, 272 4O Kassa, 272 7o Vukovar, 29I 4O Perbenyik, 295 73 Essegg, 297 4. I Devecser, 298 73 Zimony, 343 46 B. Hunyad, 349 8I Mitrovica, 347 49 Homonna, 35O 8I We should be going beyond the scope of this paper if we were to expose in details the existing conditions, and exam- 2O ine the effects of the reductions of rates spoken of on the expenses and the financial condition of the companies in question; but it can be set down as a result of this great competition of rates, that a large benefit has been reaped by national production and the country at large, which can- not be overestimated. CONCLUSIONS AS TO FREIGHT TRAFFIC. Let us now summarize the results of the facts above referred to, as regards freight transportation. To be sure, the amount of freight carried by water is much less than that carried by the railroads, but it would be hard to point out a fact that would show that the rail- roads have prejudiced the traffic of the water routes. As a fact, the water traffic has advanced with that of the rail- roads; the work on both for a series of years shows a uniform increase in traffic, which shows that the country possesses in both economic organs full of vitality. But, whereas in the case of the railroads, this result has been obtained by the exclusive solicitude of all the interested parties, and by the great sacrifices that the country has submitted to in order to create at short notice, a power- ſul system of railroads; the water routes have obtained their success only by a constant fight against numerous impeding circumstances. It is proper to expect that the capacity, and, therefore, the use, of the water routes will increase as fast as the regulating works shall remove the present obstacles to navigation, and as fast as new artificial water ways and canals are established to complete routes that are now disconnected, owing to natural conformations of the country. Now that our railroad system is completed, public attention will have to turn to the water routes, doubly necessary in a country where bulky freight pre- dominates. The simple fact that a certain line of traffic has two routes at its disposal, is not sufficient to bring about a com- petition that will terminate in reduced rates. When both the railroad and the river route are in exceptional condi- 2 I tions, the struggle to get traffic may cause the two enter- prises to come to an understanding in view of maintaining rates equally high on both routes. This is an unwhole- some state of things, prejudicial to the economic life of the country, which is in contradiction with the principle—the motives of which it is needless to expound—that the water route which, by its nature, can consent to lower rates, should exert a pressure on the railroad rates. Competition can bring about lower rates only if the parties compete more energetically to draw away the traffic from each other, which can usually be done by means of special measures relative to rates. In all cases State rail- roads are more disposed and more able to reduce rates than private companies, and are much more to be feared by the navigation companies as rivals. Of course rate war has limits. On the one hand it must be considered that the State railroads are not only economic institutions, but are also financial institutions, whose profits are closely con- nected with the revenue. On the other hand the navigation companies, which are in competition, serve not only the private interests of their owners and stockholders, but also serve the needs of the economic life of the country. It would be a great mistake to invoke the economic role of the State railroads to the point of compromising their revenue; but it would be no less irrational to carry the struggle to the point of endangering the prosperity, or even the existence, of the navigation companies. The rail and water routes are called to complete each other; their common calling consists in serving to the best advantage the interest of traffic. This determines the object of their competition; and if it is a question of deciding the time and the limits claimed by the interests of traffic for reductions of rates, one must never look from an exclusive point creating an unreasoned contrast between the two routes; one must always consider the general economic effect that the harmonous working of the two is called on to produce. The World's Columbian Water Commerce Congress CHICAGO, 1893 The Benefits to be derived from the Improvement of Waterways —z— SHIP-CAN ALS R E PORT BY LEVESON FRANCIS VERNON-HARCOURT M.A., MEM. INST. C.E. \ tº ...” **-ºs.º. 32 ºr * B O S T ON D A M R E L L & U P H A M @The Øſt (Carmer ºochátore 283 Washington Street IMPROVEMENT OF WATERWAYS, AND SHIP- CANALS. BY LEVESON FRANCIS VERNON-HARCOURT, M.A., M. INST. C.E. The benefits to be derived from the improvement of water. ways depend upon the length of the navigation, and the nature of the traffic. When a country is comparatively small, and detached from any continent, like Great Britain, its rivers cannot be large except at their tidal estuaries, owing to their restricted drainage area; and therefore inland navigation can only be provided for by purely artificial works at a considerable cost. The extensive seaboard, moreover, in such a case, in proportion to the area, affords numerous outlets for the trade of the country; whilst the distance of any portion of the interior from the seacoast is so moderate, that a waterway is too short to compete on favorable terms with railways, unless there is a large traffic in bulky goods. Accordingly, the improvement of rivers for navigation in Great Britain has been, to a large extent, confined to their tidal portions; and no large inland navigation works have been recently carried out, except the Manchester ship-canal, which is more an extension of ocean navigation a few miles inland than an inland waterway. Inland navigation in Eng- land has been practically superseded by railways, except in rare instances, such as the Aire and Calder navigation, and the Leeds and Liverpool Canal, on which the traffic in coals and bulky goods has enabled these waterways to flourish in spite of brisk railway competition, and where the trade has been carefully fostered by successive improvements. Even in France, where inland navigation is encouraged and devel- oped by the State and made free of tolls like the roads, the 4. traffic by water is not very large, except on the north coast and along two or three waterways connected with Paris, owing, no doubt, to the extensive seaboard possessed by the country and its excellent system of railways. Indeed, the only inland waterways in France having a considerable traffic are those connecting Dunkirk and the Belgian coal- fields with Paris, the Seine between Havre and Paris, and from Montereau to Paris, the Marne and Rhine Canal at its connections with Paris, and to a smaller extent the Loire lateral canal with the canals joining it to the Seine. A large portion of this traffic consists of the carriage of coal and other bulky goods to Paris. The Rhone and the Saône have only a very moderate traffic; but they undoubtedly suffer from the bad condition of the mouth of the Rhone, and the absence of direct connection by water with Marseilles. Un- doubtedly, France in general and Paris in particular, have derived great benefits from the progressive improvement of French waterways; but it is evident that inland navigation is only capable of the fullest development where large quan- tities of bulky goods have to be conveyed, and where there is direct access by water to the sea. The greatest opportunities for inland navigation occur in the interior of large continents, where the seaboard is distant, and small in proportion to the area of the country, and where often the rivers are large and more or less navigable for long distances inland. The Rhine, the Danube, and the Volga are instances of such rivers in Europe; and the St. Lawrence, the Mississippi, the Amazon, and La Plata in America. These rivers, owing to the vast areas which they drain, possess not merely a larger channel, but also a more regular discharge, and consequently a moderate amount of improvement in places suffices to render them navigable for very great distances; and they form natural highways for the trade of the country. The economy, moreover, of transporting goods in bulk by water in such cases is fully realized on account of the long distances that can be trav- ersed. A remarkable instance of the benefits to be gained by even a small increase in depth of a river navigation, at a 5 long distance from the seacoast, is afforded by the canaliza- tion of the river Main from its junction with the Rhine up to Frankfort. Till these works were carried out in 1883–86, the navigable depth of the river in dry weather was liable to fall below 3 feet; and the traffic by water up to Frankfort did not exceed 12,000 tons in the year. As soon, however, as the minimum navigable depth was increased by canaliza- tion and dredging to 6% feet, enabling vessels of from 700 to 1,000 tons to get up to Frankfort, the traffic rose to 3OO,OOO tons. The traffic last year reached 709,000 tons; and the success of the works has led to the decision to augment the minimum depth to 84 feet, and to enlarge the locks sufficiently to receive a train of six Rhine boats with their tug. More- over, this great rise in river traffic has been effected in the face of keen railway competition; for, like the Rhine, the Main has a railway running along each bank. The blasting of a channel through the “Iron Gates” of the Danube, and the removal of other rocky obstacles, will considerably extend the navigable capabilities of that river; and improvement works on the Rhine at the rocky rapids below Bingen, where the minimum depth is 43 feet, would prolong the minimum navigable depth of 6% from below this point right up to above Mannheim. The proposed connec- tion of the Volga with the Don, by means of a canal, would greatly increase the commercial importance of the Volga by giving it access to the Black Sea, especially as its trade is considerably hampered by the shallowness of its outlets into the Caspian Sea. * The most notable instance of a large extension of inland navigation is afforded by the works which have surmounted the obstacles to navigation between the large lakes of North America and the St. Lawrence, and which have placed the important cities established upon the shores of these lakes in direct communication by water with the ocean. The benefits conferred by these works are sufficiently attested by the successive enlargements which a growing traffic and the increasing size of vessels have necessitated. This is a case where a large expenditure in perfecting the connecting links is most fully justified, and where trade is sure to follow 6 with rapid growth every increased facility afforded to naviga- tion. These works must, indeed, be regarded as ship-canals connecting inland seas, possessing flourishing ports on their shores, with the ocean, and not as ordinary extensions of inland navigation ; and it is under such special conditions that inland traffic by water is capable of attaining its highest development. The moderate minimum depth of 6% feet has been adopted as the standard depth along the main lines of inland naviga- tion in France, and has proved capable of accommodating a large traffic; whilst on the Rhine, a similar depth has enabled Mainz, Frankfort, and Mannheim to acquire the importance of seaports, though situated inland, at a long distance from the ocean. Undoubtedly, a greater navigable depth is prefer- able, if it can be obtained at a reasonable cost, as it enables larger vessels to be employed, and therefore the carriage to be effected more economically, and can also accommodate a larger traffic. Nevertheless, though the navigable depth of the Lower Seine, proving the connecting link by water be- tween Havre, Rouen, and Paris, has been gradually increased to Io; feet, only the portion of the Lower Seine between the mouth of the river Oise and the St. Dénis Canal has a larger traffic than the portion of the Upper Seine between Corbeil and Paris, where the minimum navigable depth is 6% feet. The conditions favorable to the development of inland navi- gation are a large area of country at a distance from the seacoast, a considerable traffic in bulky goods, the ex- istence of large rivers stretching far into the interior, and large inland lakes or seas capable of connection by water with the ocean. All these conditions are found in North America; and, if France, with her extensive seaboard on the north, west, and south, has found it expedient, notwith- standing her network of railways, to improve, extend, and throw open her waterways, it is evident that a similar policy is far more important for America, where the distances from the ocean are so vast, the rivers so large, and the inland lakes so extensive. Railways undoubtedly enable traffic to be carried on in regions which waterways could not ap- 7 proach,- such, for instance, as the Denver and Rio Grande Railway in North America, and the Oroya and Transandine railways in South America. In level districts, however, canals are beneficial in supplementing and relieving rail- ways, and furnish means for economical transport in bulk for great distances, when connected with and serving as feeders for a large river system. Moreover, whilst the con- struction of an extensive system of artificial waterways at the public expense may be open to question, there can be no doubt that river navigation, in a country like America, should be carried as far into the interior as practicable, es- pecially as, in large rivers, moderate local improvements often open up a considerable length of navigation. Whilst the construction of local canals might be sometimes left to private enterprise, the improvement of the main waterways should be effected by the State; for the government can more easily raise the necessary funds, it alone can under- take a comprehensive scheme of improvement, extending over long distances, and occupying a considerable period in execution, it looks to the interests of the community at large, and not to local advantages, and it alone derives the indirect benefits resulting from the general development of the resources of the country. When the increase in traffic from any scheme of improvement of waterways is uncertain, the work can often, to a considerable extent, be carried out in successive stages, so as to proportionate the expenditure to the rate of growth of trade. SHIP-CANALS. Ship-canals, being intended to accommodate ocean-going vessels, are much larger works than ordinary inland canals. They may be designed for improving the access to a seaport of which the natural approach is circuitous or deficient in depth, as, for instance, the Baltic and North Sea Canal and the Amsterdam Ship-canal,—or for bringing ocean-going vessels up to an inland town, such as the Manchester Ship- canal and the schemes for converting Paris and Brussels into seaports. Again, a ship-canal may cut through a 8 narrow neck of land, and thereby shorten the sea voyage between certain ports, of which the Corinth Canal is a notable instance, whilst the Florida Canal has been proposed with a similar object. The ship-canals, however, which pre- sent by far the greatest interest, are those which, cutting across isthmuses, materially shorten the routes between far distant countries. The first class, though constituting very important engineering works, possesses merely a local value; the second class shortens the distance between a few ports ; but the last class is of universal interest to mankind, and modifies the lines of traffic between distant quarters of the globe. e SHIP-CANALS FOR PORTs.— The commercial success of the Manchester Ship-canal, 35 miles in length, will wholly depend on the trade of Manchester and the surrounding dis- trict, and on the development of traffic which cheaper transport and increased facilities may produce. Unfortu- nately, the actual cost of this work has largely exceeded the estimate,_ a fate not uncommon in works of unusual mag- nitude and somewhat novel in character, where the actual work to be done is difficult to define with adequate accuracy at the outset, the nature of the soil is varied, additional works are found necessary during construction, and unfore- seen contingencies arise. Manchester will, indeed, benefit equally, whatever may be the financial results to the share- holders; but the absence of a suitable return in such an undertaking prevents capital flowing in toward the promo- tion of works of a similar nature, and thus checks enterprise. The Amsterdam Ship-canal provides a direct route with deep water between Amsterdam and the North Sea, and has thus secured the trade of this old commercial city from the serious injury with which it was threatened by the in- creasing draught of vessels, the improved access to Rotter- dam, and the marvellous development of Antwerp. The Dutch government recognized the necessity of saving the capital of the country from the loss of commercial impor- tance by the inadequacy of the depth of the Zuider Zee and the North Holland Canal to meet the requirements of mod- ern ocean navigation; and it was, moreover, bound to give 9 similar facilities of access to the ocean to Amsterdam as had been conferred on Rotterdam by the works at the mouth of the Maas. Accordingly, though Amsterdam is not sur- rounded by the same thriving industries as Manchester, its prosperity is of national importance; and the government wisely came to its aid, in order to preserve and improve one of the main ancient outlets of the trade of the country. Owing to the shortness of the route, which is only 15 miles, the flatness of the country, and the existence of lakes along a considerable part of the distance traversed by the canal, the works did not approach in magnitude or cost the Man- chester Ship-canal, whilst the sale of large tracts of land reclaimed from the lakes by the construction of the canal, enabled the government to recoup a portion of the outlay. Moreover, the country will be amply repaid for the expendi- ture by the preservation of the trade of the capital, and by the increased commerce which an improved waterway to a centre of trade has produced. The Baltic Canal is of national importance to Germany in a somewhat different sense; for its object is to place Kiel, the naval arsenal of Germany, in the Baltic, in direct com- munication by water with the North Sea, and thereby im- prove the naval position of the empire, which has been considerably hampered by the comparatively small extent of its seacoast, and till the conquest of Schleswig-Holstein, by the inadequate depth of its Baltic seaports. To a large nation, with such an object in view, the cost of such an undertaking is of secondary importance; for in the event of war the value of this route might be very great. But, never- theless, though the canal will have a length of 60 miles, a minimum depth of 29% feet, and regulating locks at each end, in Kiel Harbor and the Elbe respectively, its estimated cost of £5,000,000 is less than the expenditure on the Man- chester Ship-canal works; and, even allowing for a probable excess over the estimate, the expense will be worth the facilities afforded. Moreover, the new waterway should also prove very useful for the commerce of the country, by shortening the route from the Baltic ports to the North Sea by 240 miles. Irrespective of the naval advantages, the IO government can raise the necessary funds for such a work on easier terms than a private company, and reaps all the indirect advantages of an increased trade. Government aid, however, can only be invoked where the proposed waterway is of national importance, and not in such a case as Man- chester, where a provincial city away from the seacoast desires to be converted into a port, though in propinquity to one of the largest seaports in the world. - SHIP-CANALS ACROSS NECKS OF PENINSULAS.—Ship-canals of the second class are designed to shorten the sea route of vessels, by cutting a channel through a neck of land, so as to avoid a circuitous voyage round a projecting penin- Sula. The Corinth Canal, for instance, has been constructed through the isthmus of Corinth, to afford more direct com- munication between some of the ports of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, and also to avoid the stormy circuit round Cape Matapan. This canal, consisting merely of a straight open cutting only four miles in length, with protecting piers at each end, was proposed and actually commenced in the reign of Nero ; but its execution has been reserved for the close of this century. The cutting, however, though so short, and mainly in rock, reaches a maximum depth of about 290 feet. The works, moreover, have been delayed by financial difficulties, owing chiefly to the increased ex- cavation necessitated by slips, resulting from the unex- pected dislocation of the strata traversed. The canal has been carried out by private French enterprise, as it will be principally used by vessels trading beyond the limits of Greece. The proposed Florida Canal would considerably shorten the voyage between the ports on the east coast of North America and Galveston and the mouth of the Mississippi. This canal would be a much greater undertaking than the Corinth Canal, on account of the far greater width of the narrowest portion of the peninsula; and, unlike that canal, it would naturally have to be carried out by the nation through whose territory it passes. At present it can hardly be regarded as of sufficiently general commercial importance II to the United States to justify its being undertaken by the government; but, if the prospects of traffic are adequate, it might be carried out by a private company, or still better at the expense of those States whose ports it would principally benefit. This route, however, would acquire greatly in- creased importance if a passage for vessels was obtained across the isthmus of Panama, especially if the more north- ern Nicaragua Canal was carried out, or the Tehuantepec Ship-railway was constructed; for then the Florida Canal would be in the direct course between the eastern and west- ern coasts of North America. A similar object is being attained for coasting vessels up to 2,000 tons by the Chignecto Ship-railway, which will enable vessels trading between New England and the St. Lawrence River and Prince Edward’s Island to shorten their voyage by over 500 miles of stormy sea, by being transported over a neck of land 15 miles wide, connecting Nova Scotia with the mainland. This enterprise, though simply an extension on a large scale of the system of in- clines in place of flights of locks, adopted many years ago on the Morris Canal for vessels of 80 tons and at George- town for vessels of I I5 tons, as well as in Great Britain and Germany, is of considerable interest, as the first work carried out for hauling sea-going vessels overland. The working of this ship-railway will afford an indication of the prospects of extending the system to the conveyance of the largest class of vessels, so as to offer another method of enabling vessels to traverse the isthmus of Panama. The comple- tion, however, of these works, though not presenting any formidable difficulties, has been delayed by financial impedi- ments, which appear inseparable from large undertakings where no return can be obtained for the capital expended till the works are finished. A canal has been undertaken for providing more direct communication between the Sea of Azov and the Danube and north-western parts of the Black Sea by cutting through the isthmus of Perekop, which connects the Crimea with the mainland. This canal, with a length of 73 miles and a depth of I4 feet, will accommodate the coasting traffic along I 2 the northern shore of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, and will place the navigation of the Don in more direct com- munication with the Danube and the Dnieper. A scheme has been proposed for cutting a navigable chan- nel through the Palk Strait, between Ceylon and India, and thus shortening the route to the east coast of India by about 350 miles. Another obstacle to direct navigation is the Malay Peninsula; and, if it was feasible to cut a canal through it, a much shorter route would be obtained between India and the China Sea. Any works which materially shorten the routes of sea- going vessels are advantageous to commerce; but the extent of the barrier to be traversed and the uncertainties as to the actual cost and as to the amount of traffic which would be secured, render the prospects of success of a private company uncertain ; whilst such works as have been referred to above are not of sufficient national importance to claim the appro- priation of public funds. Inter-oceanic Ship-canals.- The earliest instances of works carried out for connecting two seas, which are still in ex- istence, are the Languedoc Canal, which connects the Bay of Biscay with the Mediterranean, and the Caledonian Canal traversing Scotland. Both these canals were constructed by the governments of the countries in which they are situated, and were designed solely for the benefit of these countries. The Languedoc Canal, constructed in the seventeenth cen- tury, though intended for sea-going vessels, has only the depth of the main inland waterways of France at the present day; but its enlargement to meet the present requirements of sea-going trade has been proposed. The advantages of the route for shortening the passage between the western and southern ports of France are evident; but the length of the canal and the height of its summit level at 600 feet above sea-level would make its adequate enlargement very costly, and consequently it is unlikely that the scheme will be carried out. The Caledonian Canal, executed in the early part of the present century along a naturally favor- able route, owing to the existence of a chain of lakes, was designed on a larger scale, with an available depth of 17 feet. I3 This canal, however, is no longer adequate for sea-going merchant vessels, and still less for the passage of vessels of war, as originally contemplated ; but this route never at- tracted much traffic, and the advent of railways, the adop- tion of steam for navigation, and the increased draught of vessels have aided in keeping away trade. Recent inter-oceanic canal undertakings have aimed at a far more general accommodation of traffic, and have been de- signed to shorten the main routes of the traffic of the world between far distant ports. The vicissitudes through which the Suez Canal passed, and its ultimate great commercial success, are well known. The work presented no serious engineering difficulties, the greatest depth of cutting being only 80 feet, and the prospects of the silting up of Port Said Harbor having been greatly overrated. The real difficulties consisted in raising adequate funds for the execution of the work; but these were overcome by French energy, the cor- dial support of the Egyptian rulers, and their aid with forced labor and money. This canal has entirely altered the sea route between Europe and the East, and to some extent the Australian traffic; and the trade through it has been so great that traffic by night has had to be organized by the aid of the electric light; whilst more perfect accommodation for the shipping will eventually be secured by the widening works in progress. Great Britain has derived great benefits from the canal by the shortening of the voyages to India and her colonies, and the shareholders are receiving ample dividends. Egypt has already derived considerable advan- tages and increased importance from being on the highway to the East; but the full value of the Suez Canal to that country will not be fully realized till, on the termination of the concession shortly after the middle of the next century, its government will have the possession of this splendid in- heritance. The piercing of the isthmus of Panama by a navigable channel would probably confer almost equal advantages on the commerce of the world as the Suez Canal. Unfortu- nately, the conditions of the work are less favorable. The length of cutting is, indeed, considerably shorter, both at I4. Panama and Nicaragua; but a tide-level canal at Panama would have involved a depth of cutting reaching a maximum of 344 feet, mainly in slippery clay, and the proposed Nica- ragua Canal would necessitate a cutting 328 feet deep about 20 miles from Greytown. The climate of the isthmus is unhealthy; the region is subject to occasional earthquakes; and the abundant tropical rains are liable to produce consid- erably greater inconveniences than the dryness of Egypt. In spite, however, of these disadvantages, the uniting of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans cannot be regarded as beyond the limits of engineering skill. No financial aid can be expected from the governments of the countries through which the proposed canals would pass; and the financial difficulties of the problem have been exemplified in a vivid manner by the collapse of the Panama Canal Company. A private company experiences almost inseparable obstacles in raising capital for such a gigantic work; and a certain amount of the capital having been raised at the hopeful commencement of the enterprise, and the works partially carried out, the company, in seeking the additional capital necessary to complete the undertaking, and to give any return to the capital first subscribed, falls into the clutches of rapacious financiers, who can impose exorbitant terms on a company at the end of its resources. The peculiar features of such a work are the immense capital required, the uselessness of the canal till its final completion, and the uncertainty as to the actual cost of the enterprise. The Manchester Ship-canal had to be aided by financiers to start it; and the works would unquestionably have been brought to a standstill, except for the timely aid of the Manchester Corporation, though the capital involved is considerably less than any Panama scheme would require. The regulation of the Danube, and the deepening of its outlet, have been effected by a European commission, composed of represen- tatives of the nations interested in the navigation of that river; but this was the result of a special clause in the international treaty at the close of the Crimean War, and the nations interested were clearly defined. It would be more difficult to form a combination of the nations inter- 2^ I5 ested in the cutting of a navigable channel through the isthmus of Panama for the purpose of raising the capital and constructing the works; but some national guarantee appears essential for obtaining the necessary funds at a reasonable rate and insuring the completion of the work. Probably the most feasible plan would be for the United States government to undertake the work, as it would be the nation that would reap the main indirect benefits of the canal, by thus connecting its eastern and western coasts, and thereby promoting the commercial prosperity of the nation. This course would obviate any international com- plications, and would give the United States that command- ing control of the canal which, in a waterway so close to their territory, and of so much importance to the nation, they naturally desire. Till the stoppage of the Panama Canal works, it might have been unwise of any government to promote a rival scheme; and the construction of two waterways would have been injurious to the success of both. Now, however, when there is no prospect of a revival of the Panama Company, and the French government has declined to intervene, the work of joining the two oceans is again open to the world. There appear to be three practical solutions of the prob- lem ; namely, the completion of the Panama Canal, the construction of the Nicaragua Canal, and the formation of the Tehuantepec Ship-railway. The original scheme of the Panama undertaking as a level canal might have proved an impracticable work, owing to the depth of cutting in a treacherous soil under tropical rains, combined with the unhealthiness of the climate and the floods of the river Chagres. The introduction, however, of locks would greatly reduce the excavation, and render the work much more feasible; whilst the waters of the Chagres might be utilized in supplying water for lockage. The route possesses the advantage of being only 46 miles long. Portions of the work have been executed, especially at the two ends; and no difficulties seem to have arisen about harbor accommo- dation at the entrances. The work, however, has not as yet passed out of the hands of the French company. The I6 undertaking has been so unfortunate that its revival would not readily be contemplated, and it might seem invidious for the government of another nation to assume control of the work. These objections, combined with the uncertainty as to the cost of the purchase of the undertaking, and the natural preference for an original scheme, weigh strongly against the taking up of the Panama works by another nation, unless, after full consideration, it should prove decidedly the most economical method of piercing the isthmus. The preference shown by Americans for the Nicaragua 7 oute has doubtless partly arisen from a desire to see the junction of the two oceans effected by their own nation, and their objection to a European nation obtaining control of an American waterway in the neighborhood of their country and of great importance to their trade. Assuming, however, that the cost of the Panama and Nicaragua routes were similar, the Nicaragua Canal would be decidedly the better for the United States, on account of its being nearer to their coasts. As far as small longitudinal sections permit a comparison, the excavations for the Panama Canal with locks and for the Nicaragua Canal do not appear very dis- similar. The Nicaragua route is nearly 170 miles long, or more than three and a half times the length of the Panama route; but this is compensated for by the large proportion of lake and river navigation, leaving only 27 miles of actual canal. The climate, moreover, is said to be more healthy and the rains less heavy than at Panama. An objection formerly raised against the scheme was the prospect of silting up of a harbor at Greytown on the Atlantic; but similar fears were expressed about the harbor at Port Said, which has been easily maintained; and the great improve- ments in dredging appliances have much increased the facil- ities for overcoming such obstacles. Accordingly, the bal- ance of advantages appears to be in favor of the Nicaragua Canal, which is more conveniently situated for the United States. The Tehuantepec scheme aims at solving the problem in a somewhat novel manner, which is still under trial. It was, however, proposed by the late Mr. James Eads, and 17 therefore was doubtless satisfactorily designed. The site, being to the north of the Nicaragua route, is still better situated in respect of the United States; and the cost of an overland road should be considerably less than the expense of canal excavation. On the other hand, the risk of damage to the vessels is considerably greater on a ship-railway; and the cost of dragging the vessels across the isthmus would devolve on the company, instead of the vessels being pro- pelled by their own engines. There would therefore be a much greater liability incurred, and considerably greater expenses involved in the working of a ship-railway than in the case of a ship-canal; for the company would be responsi- ble for the safety of the vessel from the time it is taken out of the one ocean till it is deposited in the other, as well as for its transit across the isthmus. The absence of experi- ence in such undertakings, on a large scale, and the uncer- tainty as to possible risks in working, render the simpler, though possibly more costly, expedient of a ship-canal the most reliable method of traversing the isthmus. Conclusions.—The value of waterways for traffic in bulky goods, especially in the interior of vast continents, has been fully established; and the care of the main waterways should devolve on the State, which alone can undertake a compre- hensive scheme, and which alone reaps the indirect benefits of the increase in the trade of the country. Only the main lines of inland navigation should be improved at the public expense, local improvements and the establishment of quays and depots for merchandise being left to private enterprise. Works for connecting river navigations or for extending them further into the interior and the development of main lines of inland navigation are specially incumbent upon the State, as constituting national benefits. The formation of new outlets for ocean traffic may be ex- pedient when the ancient outlets have become inadequate in depths, and when there is a danger of diversion of trade to other countries by the absence of adequate access between commercial centres and the ocean. Canals for shortening sea routes by piercing narrow necks of land do not come within the province of national under- .* I8 takings, except under special conditions, as they are rather serviceable to special ports, possibly of different countries, . rather than general benefits to a particular nation; and they may sometimes confer no advantages on the country through which the works pass. Inter-oceanic ship-canals traversing isthmuses and trans- ferring the routes of commerce of the world confer great benefits on mankind. The Suez Canal, moreover, has dem- onstrated that they may under favorable conditions afford an ample return on the expenditure. The capital, however, required is so large and so difficult for a private company to raise on reasonable terms that it appears essential for the success of such an enterprise that either the government of the country through which the work passes should come to its aid, as Egypt did in the case of the Suez Canal, or that the country most interested in the undertaking should carry out the work. The construction of the Nicaragua Canal by the United States government, by its facilities for raising the necessary funds or by means of its surplus, would insure the completion of a work of great importance to America, as well as secure its control over the canal. Moreover, besides the indirect benefits that would accrue to the United States from the development of commerce, such an undertaking offers good prospects of adequate finan- cial success, by serving as an important route for the trade of the world. May 17, 1893. The World's Columbian Water Commerce Congress CHICAGO, 1893 THE NICARAGUA CANAL BY A. G. MENOCAL, M.A.S.C.E., Etc. B O S T ON D A M R E L L & U P H A M @Ibe 49t, QCorner ºuchâture 283 Washington Street THE NICARAGUA CANAL. It is assumed that the reader is sufficiently acquainted with the early history of Isthmian transit and the various tentative explorations and surveys conducted under the auspices of the United States Government, and by private individuals, from Tehuantepec to the southern limits of the Isthmus of Darien, with the view of ascertaining the most practicable route for the safe and economical con- struction of the canal, and that, after several years of most careful and thorough investigation, regardless of expense and labor, the field of inquiry was narrowed down to Pan- ama and Nicaragua. In 1876, a high commission ap- pointed by the government, gave its final decision in favor of the latter route as possessing the greatest facilities for the economical and safe construction of a waterway be- tween the Atlantic and the Pacific. This decision was later on disregarded by the Paris International Canal Con- gress; for in May, 1879, it voted in favor of a sea-level canal at Panama as the most advantageous and desirable route, for a profitable enterprise and a safe waterway. The sad history of that unfortunate undertaking is ample justification of the action of the commission and an un- questionable proof of the soundness of their conclusions. And yet it may be proper to say that the plans now under consideration are far more complete than those considered and indorsed by the commission. THE SURVEYS. Government investigation and American enterprise did not rest with that decision. There was a restless desire 4. to improve, if possible, on what was already known to be good; and, regardless of the attempt (which it was believed would prove fruitless) to overcome insurmountable diffi- culties at Panama, government expeditions and private surveying parties succeeded each other at Nicaragua from I88o to 1890, and the whole ground was gone over again. Every river, watercourse, valley, swamp, or hill likely to affect the construction of the work was carefully examined. Thousands of miles of transit and level lines were run in some sections of the route before a mile of canal location was finally decided upon; and this data, together with numerous borings, penetrating to the bottom of the canal, and at the sites of dams, locks, and embankments, com- prise a vast store of exact knowledge, from which a final location has resulted, as perfect in its details, it is be- lieved, as the natural conditions will permit. The great- est obstacles met with at other localities are high elevations in the Cordillera separating the two oceans, requiring tunneling, or a high summit level with a large number of locks for which an adequate water supply was not obtainable, or torrential streams are encountered whose control within economical limits defies the skill of the engineer. Nicaragua is free from all these obstacles. NICARAGUA LAKE AND RIVER, The great lake, a veritable inland sea, I Io miles in length by an average of 40 in width, is the recipient of a watershed of 8, Ooo square miles, of which its water area represents nearly one-half. Its outlet, the river San Juan, is a noble stream. Its source is at the south-eastern extremity of the lake, and flows through a broad valley, almost due east, for a distance of I IQ miles, to its mouth in the Carribean Sea, south of Greytown. Its minimum flow is I 2, OOO cubic feet per second: the width varies from 800 feet to 2, OOO feet, and the average fall is II inches per 5 mile. Its main source of supply is the lake, which, by reason of its large area, restricted watershed, and ample outlet, is not subject to sudden or large fluctuation in level. Both the lake and river are, therefore, free from floods; and it is this important, invaluable feature which distin- guishes this route from all others, and which enables us to make use of the lake and a large portion of the river as parts of the canal. The lake is separated from the Pacific by a narrow strip of land, a true isthmus, but I 2 miles wide at its narrowest point. It is at this point, also, that is found the lowest depression in the Cordillera all the way from the Arctic region to Cape Horn, and the summit, or crest, of the ridge rises but 42 feet above the lake, or I 52 feet above the seas. Through this gap will be cut that section of the canal connecting the lake with the Pacific, and terminating on the coast at Brito, a small roadstead where a harbor is to be constructed. From the lake east- ward the river San Juan supplies the transit route to a point below its confluence with the San Carlos tributary, where the canal leaves the channel of the stream, by a series of short sections in excavation, connecting a chain of artificial basins, and stretches in a well-maintained straight line to Greytown, the Atlantic terminus of the waterway. This general outline and an inspection of the map and profile will materially assist in arriving at a clear understanding of the route and engineering works pro- posed, which will now be described in detail. THE CANAL ROUTE. The lake, which is the controlling feature of the whole problem, is, necessarily, the summit level of the canal. The average yearly fluctuation of level due to wet and dry seasons is about 5 feet, its highest water-mark being I Io feet above the sea; and that is the elevation assumed for the highest summit level of the canal. A direct sailing line between the outlet at Fort San Carlos, on the east 6 coast, and the mouth of the river Lajas on the west, a dis- tance of 56.5 miles, comprises the lake navigation proper. On that line the 30 feet contour (below the assumed level of I IO feet) is met with, about 14 miles from the outlet and I, 2OO feet from the west shore. Between those points the depth gradually increases to 150 feet or more, the free navigable portions comprising the greater part of the lake area. Dredging in mud to an average depth of 9 feet will be required in the 14 miles on the east, and rock-blasting and dredging in the 1,200 feet near the west shore. Two piers are proposed on the west coast to pro- tect the canal entrance. While the isthmus separating the lake from the Pacific is, at its narrowest point, not more than I2 miles in width, the most economical route connecting the lake shore with Brito has a length of 17.04 miles. It starts from the mouth of the Lajas, a small stream draining a limited watershed to the south of the line, and trends westerly through a broad valley slightly rising toward the “Divide,” which it reaches at a distance of 4.70 miles from the lake. Descending thence on the Pacific slope, at . the rate of about 9 feet per mile, at a further distance of I 3-4 miles it falls into the narrow, tortuous valley of the Grande, a dry creek during the dry season, but a stream of considerable flow in the rainy portion of the year. Its maximum volume has been estimated as high as Io, Ooo cubic feet per second; but this is attained only in times of extraordinary precipitation. In this narrow valley, con- fined by spurs of considerable elevation projecting from the highlands on both sides, there is not room for the canal and for an independent channel for the stream. A very favorable location has been made for the former, and it will be shown later on what disposition is proposed to be made of the stream. In I I-2 miles the Grande makes a detour to the westward; and the canal, free from the con- fining hills on the north, cuts across a broad valley to fall again into the stream at a distance of 9 miles from the 7 lake. At this point the surface of the ground is 30 feet below the assumed level of the lake. The valley con- tinues its uniform descent of about 8 feet to the mile, and gradually expands until, at the junction of the Tola tributary, it attains the maximum width of 12,500 feet. At mile-post 14, near a place called La Flor, the Grande passes through a narrow gap, flanked by high hills, into the more extensive plain of Brito, bordering on the Pacific. It was the original plan to cut a canal through this valley of Tola, and four locks were contemplated, with the aggre- gate lift of I Io feet; but another scheme has since been adopted by which the valley in question is flooded and converted into an extensive navigable basin. This will be accomplished by closing the gap at La Flor by a dam I,8oo feet long and 70 feet high, so forming a basin whose surface level will be the same as that of the lake, and, in fact, forming a part of it. The basin thus created will be 5.60 miles long on the sailing line, with a depth of water varying from 30 feet to 70 feet, and will have a superficial area of 4, OOO acres. The advantage gained by this plan consists not so much in Saving canal excavation for a dis- tance of over 5 I-2 miles (which is partly offset by the cost of the dam), as in the increased facilities offered to traffic by the large, deep, and safe inner harbor, within 3 miles from the Pacific port, where ships can lie at anchor, or pass each other with safety and freedom when moving in opposite directions. A better control and disposal of the surface drainage is provided by this treatment. Two locks will be placed at the western end of the dam, by whose combined lift the level of the water will be lowered 85 feet; namely, from I Io feet above sea level to 25 feet. From these locks the canal route traverses the valley of Brito, a distance of I. 58 miles, to lock No. 6, where the last drop of 25 feet is made to sea level. But, as a tide of 8 feet must be provided for, the lock will have a variable lift of from 2 I to 29 feet. From this last lock to the harbor will be about 1-2 mile of canal, but the 8 prism has been so enlarged as to make that portion of the waterway an extension of the harbor itself. BRITO. The only well-founded criticism to the Nicaragua route for an interoceanic canal is the lack of good harbors; but an examination of the existing physical conditions will show that, while the construction of ample and safe ports will necessarily involve important and expensive works, yet the cost is not out of proportion to the magnitude and importance of the undertaking, and the engineering prob- lems do not present more serious difficulties than those readily mastered elsewhere for objects less important. Brito, barely a roadstead, is an indentation of the coast, formed by a projecting spur from the coast range. About I 1-4 miles to the southward another headland juts into the sea. Between, lies a cove now filled to about sea level with river silt and sand; but this opening, it is believed, was once an arm of the sea. The Grande traverses this low land through a narrow channel; and in it the tide ebbs and flows, with a depth, at the entrance, of about IO feet at high water. The designs for the creation of this harbor contemplate the construction of two breakwaters, one about I, OOO feet long, projecting from the rocky prom- ontory on the west, and the other 850 feet long, and nearly normal to the beach on the east side. (See plan of harbor.) The entrance will be between the jetties, and a considerable deep water area will be confined; but the main portion of the harbor will be excavated in the allu- vial valley of the Grande, the whole forming a broad basin penetrating 3,000 feet from the present shore line and about 4, OOO feet from the entrance. Beyond this basin an enlarged section of the canal, about 3, OOO feet long, extends to the nearest lock, and forms a substantial portion of the harbor itself. DRA IN AGE. The proposed route of the canal, from the lake nearly to the summit of the Divide Cut, pursues a right line. The Lajas has its source in the hills to the southward, and in its course to the lake intersects the canal line at a distance of I.25 miles from its mouth. At this point the stream will be diverted through an artificial channel, carried along the south side of the canal and discharged into the lake. A small tributary empties into the Lajas near the point of proposed division of the latter. This brook, called the Guiscoyol, will drain the country to the south as far as the highest point of the line; and the canal fol- lows the general course of this brook. It will be observed that the Rio del Medio, to the north of the canal, drains the country on that side from the vicinity of the Tola basin to the lake, leaving but a small watershed to be drained into the canal or, if preferred, by a small ditch which may be diverted to the lake. West of the Divide the canal, including the Tola basin, lies within the water- shed of the Grande. With the canal wholly in excavation, no doubt could be entertained as to the necessity of divert- ing that stream; and careful surveys have been made with that object in view. It was found that to make a diver- sion channel on the south bank of the Grande would be a work involving some difficulties and heavy expense. A safer, less expensive, and far more satisfactory plan was found to be the diversion of the stream into the Juan Davila, a tributary of the Lajas, and through the latter into the lake; and a careful location has been made to that end. (See plan of western division.) The plan requires the construction of a dam near “El Carmen,” and the opening of a canal of diversion from above the dam, through the valley of Jobite and the watercourse Cumal- cagua to the Davila, beyond which no other work will be needed. With the adoption of the basin plan, however, IO the additional expense demanded by this work seems to be of doubtful expediency. With a large reservoir acting as equalizer of floods, possessing ample facility for discharg- ing the surplus waters over a weir in connection with the dam, through the lock culverts capable of discharging 5, OOO cubic feet per second, and through the canal itself eastward into the lake, it does not seem that any injurious results need be feared by receiving the waters of the upper Grande into the basin, especially as the extraordinary floods, which seldom occur, are of but brief duration; and, except at such times, the flow of the stream is insignifi- cant, while for nine months in the year it is nil. The problem, in any case, admits of a practical and satisfactory solution; and perfect immunity from all danger can be secured by the expenditure of, say, $1,500, OOO. From the Tola basin to the harbor the canal traverses a flat val- ley, with no watercourse to provide for. THE RIVER SAN JUAN. From the lake eastward this river will be made naviga- ble for a distance of 64.5 miles by the erection of a dam at Ochoa, and by dredging for the first 28 miles below the lake. Rock-blasting will also be needed for a short dis- tance at Toro rapids. The dam at Ochoa will there raise the water 56 feet. It will be 1,250 feet on the crest and I,900 feet between abutments, with a maximum height of 70 feet. The river in its natural condition from the lake to the Atlantic, a distance of I IQ miles by its course, has an average fall of II inches per mile; but this slope is not uniform. There are rapids at Toro, Castillo, and Ma- chuca, with an aggregate fall of about 20 feet in a total dis- tance,—for the three, of not more than 2 I-2 miles, the fall at Castillo being 4 I-2 feet in a distance of I, OOO feet. On the other hand, between the lake and Toro, and for I 5 miles below Machuca, the fall is not more than I inch per mile. Two rapids, where the first rock ledge across the I I river is met with, is the natural weir which maintains the present lake level, the crest being 9 feet above the proposed bottom of the navigable channel. At Castillo, where the ledge is 7 feet lower, 3 feet of rock excavation for a short distance will be needed; and over the present Machuca rapids, I 2 miles below, the depth of water as raised by the dam will be not less than 34 feet. Between the lake and Toro dredging to an average depth of 4 1-2 feet will be required throughout an aggregate distance of 24 miles, the material to be removed being gravel, clay, and loose stones. Below Toro no excavation will be needed in the bed of the river, except at the ledge at Castillo. Between the rapids the depth of water attained will vary from 30 to 50 feet, and from Machuca to the dam from 60 to 130 feet. The width of the navigable channel, where no excavation is required, will average I, OOO feet, and, in excavation, I 25 feet at the bottom. The surface width will at no point be less than 1,200 feet, expanding in places to 2,500 between the banks, and in the flooded adjacent valleys to 1 mile or more. A fall of 3-4 of an inch to the mile has been allowed from the lake to the dam as the necessary slope to discharge the surplus waters. Consequently, the level of the river at the dam is esti- mated at I of feet above sea level, or 4 feet below the lake. For the purpose of navigation, however, that portion of the river may be regarded as an extension of the lake, in which the maximum current will probably never exceed I-2 mile an hour. THE SAN CARLOS. A short distance above the dam the river San Carlos debouches into the San Juan from the south. This stream drains a large area in Costa Rica, and possesses in marked degree the general characteristics of a tropical torrential river; namely, extreme fluctuations in volume from a nearly dry bed, with barely enough water to float a canoe, I 2 to a discharge of, possibly, 3, OOO cubic feet per second. Its upper channel and tributaries, confined by high banks and flowing from mountain slopes, gradually broaden and flatten as they approach the lowlands near the San Juan, and the flanking hills recede from the banks, so that for a few miles above the confluence, the San Carlos flows through a wide valley, elevated but a few feet above the bed of the stream. This valley will be flooded to the same level as the San Juan (IO6 feet), and thus converted into a large basin, or artificial lake, constituting a part of the summit level of the canal, navigable for some twenty miles toward the Costa Rica capital. The San Carlos will discharge into this basin, or artificial lake, at a locality some 20 miles distant from the nearest point of the canal navigation. The San Carlos is the only sand-bearing stream emptying into the waters of the canal. Discharg- ing its waters into a basin of still water, it will deposit all the heavier sand and silt now brought from the highlands, by the rapid current, 20 miles from the canal line. The lighter material held in suspension will be carried along with the slowly moving current, which will always seek the nearest outlet, and be discharged over the vast weirs to be built in the confining ridge several miles south of the San Juan, and will never reach the channel of the latter stream. The lower part of the valley of the San Carlos will be flooded to a width of from I to 2 miles, and to a depth of 60 feet. It will require a long term of years to fill this basin so as to encroach on the canal navigation. When that time does come, the San Carlos waters can, if desired, be diverted entirely by throwing an embankment across the valley and discharging the waters over the weirs previously built, and through existing watercourses in the San Juan far below Ochoa. The confining ridge to the east of the valley extends from the south abutment of the proposed dam in a southerly direction for a distance of IO miles to the foot of the high mountains of the interior of Costa Rica. There are, how- I3 ever, several depressions in which the ground falls below the contour II.4, adopted as top of the confining barrier. These gaps will be closed by embankments, seven of which will be built wholly above the normal water level in the basin, eleven will have an average height of 2 I feet, and two of 50 feet, with an aggregate base length of I 30 feet, the total length of embankments on crest being 5,893 feet. THE SAN FRANCISCO. The canal, as it leaves the river channel a short distance above the Ochoa dam, is located in the lower valley of Machado Creek. Continuing easterly, it will cross the ridge dividing the valley of the Machado from a swampy region known as Florida Lagoon. It crosses the latter, and then, by a short cut, enters the valley of the San Fran- cisco; and, skirting some foot-hills to the south, it enters the valley of the Chanchos, follows this stream to its junc- tion with the Limpio, and thence via the valley of the latter to the foot of the dividing ridge. An examination of the plan will be necessary to a clear idea of the topo- graphical conditions existing in this region. It has required much time, labor, and perseverance to develop this topography, and the most careful study to make profit- able use of the information thus acquired. It will be observed that the canal traverses four adjacent valleys. The Florida Lagoon drains into the basin of the San Juan by a small watercourse, the Danta; the San Francisco Valley by the stream of the same name; and the Limpio and Chanchos by the brook Chanchos, tributary of the San Francisco, the latter, as well as the Danta and Machado, being tributaries of the San Juan. All these valleys are to be converted into large, deep, navigable basins by extending through them the summit level from Ochoa. Their outlets must therefore be closed by em- bankments; and the foot-hills, wherever their crests fall below the contour II.4, must be raised to that level. The I4. main embankments will have to sustain a water pressure of about 60 feet, the level of the valleys being about 46 feet above the sea. Six embankments will have an aggregate base length of 3,440 feet, and on the crest, of 13,685 feet. The embankments to close gaps in the chain vary consider- ably in height. Many of them are wholly above the ordi- nary water level in the basin, - i.e., from I to 8 feet high, — while other gaps require embankments of much greater height. They are 61 in number, with a total length on the crest of 17,835 feet. (See profile showing development of the San Francisco embankment line.) Several important advantages are gained by this treat- ment. The total length of basin created is II, 267 miles, of which 8,697 miles will have a water depth varying from 30 to 60 feet. In other words, of the 12.50 miles from the bank of the river San Juan to the deep cut to the east- ward of this section, but 1,233 miles will be wholly and 2,570 miles partly in excavation. The economy, however, is not confined to the saving in excavation, against which must, of course, be charged the cost of the embankments, but is principally in the enormous saving in the deep rock excavation following, and in the valley of the Deseado beyond, by carrying the summit level through into the valley of the stream. The increased cost to result from a plan contemplating a much lower level would have been so great as to seriously handicap the undertaking financially. The gain in facilities of navigating and maintaining the canal is also important. Through wide and deep basins vessels can move at full speed, lie at anchor, or pass each other at all points, while in the restricted channel the posi- tion and speed of ships must conform to rigid regulations. The problem of drainage also admits of a more favorable solution. A low, level route from Ochoa to the Atlantic would be longer by about 12 miles, and wholly in excava- tion. In order to avoid the high ridges and projecting spurs, it must keep close to the banks of, and be but a little elevated above, the San Juan. The canal would therefore I5 be in constant danger of destruction, — on the South by the river floods, and on the north by the accumulated drainage of an extensive watershed, presenting at all points com- plicated engineering problems of most difficult solution. By the high-level plan, the largest portion of that water- shed is eliminated; and, of the balance yet affecting the canal, a large area is converted into extensive reservoirs, from which the surplus waters can, without difficulty, be discharged over waste weirs on the confining ridges into the low valley on the south, and through the numerous watercourses traversing the same into the San Juan. THE EASTERN DIVIDE CUT. Proceeding eastward, the route, on leaving the basin, cuts across a narrow neck of the intervening ridge, which is a spur of the main Cordillera bounding the San Juan watershed to the north. The topographical conditions here are remarkable and extremely favorable. This ridge, as a broad mass of hills, extends on the south to the banks of the river San Juan, often rising to elevations of I, 5oo feet; and on the north it merges into the main Cordillera, but at the point selected the spur is nearly divided on the west by the valley of the Chan- chos and Limpio, and on the east by that of the Dese- ado. It will be observed that the axes of these two val- leys lie on a generally direct line between Ochoa and Greytown, and that their floors are at about the same level. The ridge is thus greatly contracted; and here is also the lowest gap in the range for many miles on either flank, its highest point being about 299 feet above sea level. The cut through this pass will be 2.91 miles long, with an average depth to the canal bottom of I4I feet; but at one point projecting a spur must be severed that requires a maximum depth of cut of 328 feet. The summit, or lake, level is carried through this excavation and 3.08 miles beyond into the valley of the Deseado. I6 THE DESEADO. At this point the valley is spanned by a dam 70 feet high and I, O50 feet long, which, together with several Small embankments in the gaps of the ridge, aggregating in length 5,800 feet and having an average height of 20 feet, encloses a basin over 3 miles long, in which a depth of from 30 to 70 feet is obtained without excavation for a distance of 2.60 miles. The summit level, therefore, stretches from the upper lock on the Pacific slope to this point, a total distance of I 54 miles, or from within 2 I-2 miles of the Pacific to within I2 3–4 miles of the Atlantic. The upper lock in the eastern slope is located close to this dam. It will drop the level 45 feet into another basin formed by a second dam, 43 feet high and 82O feet long, and five embankments with total lengths of 1,763 feet by about 20 feet high, to close depressions in the confining ridges. The length of this basin is 1.95 miles, the water level 61 feet above datum, and the depth 30 feet or over. By lock No. 2, at the lower end of the second basin, the water level is again lowered 30 feet into a third basin extending for a distance of 1.25 miles to lock No. 1. By connecting this last lock with the flanking hills by ten small embankments, the lower section of the valley is partially flooded and the excavation materially reduced thereby. Lock No. I drops the canal 31 feet to sea level. From this point to the harbor of Greytown (San Juan del Norte), a distance of 9.30 miles, the canal traverses an alluvial Sandy and swampy plain, but little elevated above the sea, with no features deserving special mention. THE PORT OF GREYTOWN. The harbor of Greytown some thirty years ago was yet a good and safe port, with an inner bay of about 500 acres area, with from twenty to thirty feet of water enclosed 17 from the sea by a narrow sand spit extending from the main shore on the east to within a few hundred feet of the main land to the west. The westerly advance of the Spit by the shifting sand, under the influence of the north-east winds and waves, had been gradually contracting the entrance for a long period, so that at the time referred to, the channel was already quite narrow, with but 25 feet depth of water opposite the extremity of the spit, or “hook.” Nothing being done to check its progress, the spit continued to encroach upon the inlet; and about 1860 the harbor became a lagoon, separated by a narrow sand bank from the sea. After long-continued observations and investigations and due consideration of experience gained elsewhere in analogous conditions, the following plan has been adopted for the restoration of the harbor: — To build a jetty, perpendicularly to the shore line, pro- jecting seawards about 3, OOO feet to the 6 fathom curve, and dredging under the lee of this breakwater an entrance into the lagoon, which will also be deepened over an area of 200 acres to the uniform depth of 30 feet. The shifting sands, arrested by the jetty, will gather in the east angle formed by it and the coast, will cause a gradual advance seawards of the new shore line, and in the course of time shoaling at the end of the pier, with tendency to move around and form a new bank across the entrance. This can be avoided by short extensions of the jetty from time to time as may be required, until the new coast line on the east becomes, in its general direction, perpendicular to the prevailing north-east winds. No farther change on the coast need then be apprehended, and the permanent resto- ration of the harbor will be accomplished. The breakwater is to be built of “pierre perdue,” the stone to be brought by rail from the Divide Cut. But in order to start the work, pending the construction of the railroad as far as the Divide and the beginning of active operations there, it was decided to build the shore end of the pier of a creosoted timber frame filled with fascines I8 and rock, or concrete blocks, leaving it to the shifting sands to fill the voids and form a compact structure. It was expected by this means to afford enough protection to permit the opening of a sufficient entrance channel, which was imperatively demanded for the safe and economical landing of the stores and plant necessary for commencing the main work on the canal. The wisdom of this plan is shown by the results obtained, surpassing the most san- guine expectations. By the time the pier had been extended 6oo feet into the sea, and without any assistance by dredg- ing, a channel with 8 feet of water was obtained; and a short time later vessels drawing I 2 to I 5 feet of water had no difficulty in entering the inner bay. The first 1,000 feet of the jetty have already been thus built; and it is expected that the wood-work will soon be protected by stone from the excavation, and the work thus made perma- nent. It is proposed to dredge the entrance channel to a depth of 30 feet, with a bottom width of 500 feet, increas- ing gradually to the 34-feet curve opposite the head of the breakwater. RAIN FALL. The total annual rainfall in Greytown in 1890 was 296.94 inches, in 189 I 2 I4.27 inches, and in I 892 29I. I 5 inches. The maximum rainfall recorded is about 6 inches in 24 hours. The amount of precipitation decreases rapidly from the Atlantic coast to Lake Nicaragua. Records kept in 1890 at Greytown and at the foot of the Eastern Divide, about IO miles inland, show a decrease of 34 per cent. Records kept at Rivas, west of Lake Nicaragua and five miles from the canal line, from 1880 to 1889, show a maximum annual rainfall of 87.2 I inches in 1886 and a " minimum of 34.54 inches in 1885. Practically, no rain falls from November to May on the west side, while on the Atlantic slope more or less rain falls every month; but from February to May it is comparatively dry. Ample I9 provision has been made for the disposal of the surplus water in designing the works. DRAIN AGE. The problem of disposing of the surplus waters in that portion of the route from the basin of the San Juan to the lower Deseado will now be considered. The flow of the San Juan at Ochoa at high flood in both the San Carlos and San Juan has been found by careful gauging to be 42, ooo cubic feet per second. The river is known to have risen somewhat higher; but, as no gauging was made at the time, the above figures will be increased by 50 per cent., making the possible maximum flow 63, OOO cubic feet per second, of which not less than two-thirds would probably come from the San Carlos, the upper San Juan not being subject to great alternatives of flow. The com- bined basins of the San Francisco region have a watershed of about 65, OOO square miles; and, assuming a maximum rainfall of I2 inches in 24 hours, about twice the greatest rainfall, there will result a possible discharge of 2 I, OOO cubic feet per second from the San Francisco basins. The watershed of the upper Deseado basin is about 12 square miles, which on the above basis will yield a dis- charge of, say, 4, OOO cubic feet per second, making a total of 88,000 cubic feet per second, for the discharge of which provision must be made. No deduction will be made on account of consumption in lockage, which may reach 1,500 cubic feet per second, nor for leakage, which may take up a much larger amount. Considerable allowance should, however, be made for the new conditions established by the introduction of large reservoirs, which will hold the waters back and regulate their gradual discharge in lieu of rapidly inclined streams fed by precipitous watersheds, which collect and discharge the rain water almost as fast as it is precipitated. Yet all these considerations will be for the present kept in reserve as a large margin of safety. 2O Provisions will first be made for the discharge of 63, Ooo cubic feet per second from the basin of the San Juan. In doing so, care will be taken to prevent any large discharge at any one point, which is likely to cause serious accidents by undermining and scouring or undue sudden changes in the level of the water. A large overflow in the vicinity of a dam will be avoided; and in the San Juan basin the cur- rent should be directed for its outlet towards the southern end of the San Carlos basin, or, at any rate, the water of that river must be excluded from the navigable channel of the canal as much as possible. This can be done by plac- ing three or four weirs, with an aggregate length of crest of I, 2OO feet, as far south on the eastern confining ridge as practicable. Their discharge will be led off into the Swamps and lagoons immediately to the east of the ridge, and thence by Curena Creek into the San Juan about 5 miles below Ochoa dam. In this manner the sediment- laden waters of the San Carlos will be discharged directly, before reaching the San Juan, and the heavy deposits of silt so excluded from the valley. The crest of the weirs will be placed 18 inches below the crest of the Ochoa dam; and in ordinary conditions the surplus waters will escape through these weirs, which will be the lowest outlets. It is proposed to place the crests of the Ochoa dam (I, 250 feet long) at IO5 feet above datum, or one foot below the water level of the canal at that point. The dis- charge under varying conditions of level will then be approximately as follows: — Cubic feet per second. At normal level, IO6', . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,900 At IIo feet level, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,000 At III feet level, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,500 The crests of the weirs on the ridge will be placed at IO3.5 above datum, and their discharge for the total length of I, 2OO feet may be estimated as follows: — 2 I Cubic feet per second. At normal level, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II,300 At IIo feet level, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47,700 At III feet level, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65,300 The combined discharge over the dam and weirs at nor- mal, I Io and I I I feet, levels will therefore be, respec- tively, I4, 200, 79,900, and IO7,800 cubic feet per second; that is, to say, the maximum floods will be discharged before the level of the basin rises 4 feet above normal. In fact, it is unlikely that the level will ever rise nearly to that height as assumed, as a rise in the San Carlos basin will have the effect of checking the flow of the San Juan, and possibly reverse the current temporarily towards the lake. For the drainage of the San Francisco basin, three weirs, with a total length of overflow of 600 feet, will be built on the bordering ridge, so placed as to carry off the surplus water without producing injurious currents in the basins. By placing the crests at the uniform level of Ioa feet the discharge will be: — - Cubic feet t per second. At normal level, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, IOO At IIo feet level, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,200 At III feet level, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,700 In the upper Deseado basin 3OO feet of overflow at IoA feet level will give the following discharges in round numbers: — Cubic feet per second. At normal level, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,OOO At IIo feet level, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Io,600 At III feet level, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,300 These provisions are more than ample to meet the maxi- mum requirements in each of the basins, without causing undue current in the short cuts connecting them. 22 The possible accumulated discharge from the summit level at a given time may therefore be put down as follows: — Cubic feet per second. At normal level, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,300 At IIo feet level, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III,700 At III feet level, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I47,800 It may be confidently asserted that the second figures will never be reached, and that the crest of the Ochoa dam may be raised above the water level in the San Juan, and yet the highest floods will not reach the I ſo feet contour, the weirs being ample to so limit it. Other provisions, however, have been made with the view to aid in construction, to facilitate repairs, and, as additional precautions, to meet possible contingencies, specially in the series of embankments in the San Fran- cisco ridge, which, it is frankly admitted, is the weakest feature in the whole route. These safeguards consist of a guard-gate to be placed in the cut connecting the valley of the Machado with Florida Lagoon, by which the flow of water from the San Juan towards the San Francisco basin can be shut off, and two anti-friction gate sluices, one in the San Francisco ridge and the other in that of the upper Deseado, by which the water in these basins can be drained off to 30 feet below normal level, thus relieving the embankments of that pressure during construction, and enabling repairs in the cuts and embankments afterwards. These sluices have openings of 25 feet by 20 feet, with the lower sill 30 feet below the normal level. Their capacity of discharge will vary with the head, being I 2,500 cubic feet per second for each when the water stands at the IO6 contour. By these means 25,000 cubic feet per second additional can be drawn from the summit level, regardless of the lock culverts, through which 4, 500 cubic feet per second more can be spilled. 23 The middle Deseado basin will be drained by weirs, with 4oo feet length of crest, which will be two feet below ordinary level, and capable of discharging from 2,700 cubic feet per second to 14, IOO cubic feet per second at 61 and 65 feet levels respectively. In the lower basin 500 feet lengths of weir are provided for, the estimated discharge being from 3,400 cubic feet per second to 17,000 cubic feet per second, respectively, at normal and 35 feet level. Beyond the lower basin the sur- plus waters are diverted by a short cut into the San Jua- nillo, and through the latter into the San Juan to the sea. From lock No. 1 to the harbor no special provision need be made to drain the adjacent country. The canal tra- ve ses a swamp with numerous natural drains; and, being flanked on both sides by high embankments made by the earth spoil, it needs no additional protection. OTHER CANALS. It will be interesting to compare the sections first pro- posed for the Nicaragua Canal with those of other ship canals existing and proposed : — DEPTH - AREA LENGTH CANALs. IN §: Fº OF IN FEET. * * | PRISM. MILEs. Suez, original dimensions, earth, 26.20 328.o 72.2 ...} Existing. IOO, O. Suez, enlarged dimensions, earth, 27.90 328.o II2.9 5,412 Enlarging. Nicaragua, rock section, 3O.OO 184.o 8o.o 2,400 7.8 Nicaragua, earth section, . 3o.oo 184.o 8o.o 3,960 9.7 Proposed. Nicaragua, earth section, . 28.oo 288.o I2O, O. 5,212 9.3 Manchester, earth section, 26.oo 172.o I2O. O 3,796 35-O Nearly com- Manchester, rock section, . 26, oo I30.o I2O. O. 3,250 pleted. Amsterdam, earth section, 23. OO 186.o 88.5 3,156 I5.5 Existing. Corinth, rock section, . . . . 28.oo 77.4 72.2 I,945 4-O Nº. COIIl- º pleted. Panama, earth section, . 27.8o 16o.o 72.2 3,227 47.o Proposed. Panama, rock section, . 29.5o 91.8 78.7 2,513 North Sea and Baltic, earth, . 28.oo 197.o 85.o 3,93O 6o.o Constructing. Bruges, . . . . . . . . 26.26 223.o 65.6 3,789 6.5 Proposed. N. B.-The dimensions given are taken at mean low water. 24. The Suez Canal cost $100,000,000, and in 1883 passed 3,307 vessels, with net tonnage of 5,775,861 tons before its enlargement was undertaken. This was accomplished, notwithstanding the fact that the channel was so narrow that sidings had to be constructed into which one vessel had to be placed while another was passing. In the Nica- ragua Canal the narrow rock sections are divided into two and the east sections into many short lengths, separated by broad and deep basins, through which the largest vessels can steam and meet others without slacking speed. It was originally planned that some sections of the canal in earth would be 80 feet in bottom width, with side slopes of I J–2 to I and in the rock cuts with vertical sides. This would accommodate the traffic for several years; and then the areas in cross section could be increased out of the earnings, as at Suez, but at a greater ultimate cost. It has been decided to make provision in the designs for the ulti- mate requirements; and the following table shows the length of the different sections of the canal in excavation in the lake, the river San Juan, and through the basins, and also the dimensions of prism for the same as now pro- posed: — # Canal in excavation, east side, Canal in excavation, west side, Six locks, both sides, . . . Basins of the Deseado, . . . Basin of the San Francisco, . Basin of Tola, . . . º tº River San Juan, . . . . Lake Nicaragua, . & * from the Alamic to the Pacific, LENGTH, MILEs. 14.870 1 1. 16o o,759 26,789 Total canal in excavation. e 4,848 & 11.267 * 5. SO4 21.619 Total length of basins. ſº 64,540 tº 56.5oo 121.04o g 169.448 Total length of route. The dimensions of the canal in excavation in the several sections are as follows: — WIDTH IN FRET. LENGTH, DEPTH, AREA of PRISM, Mrles. FEET. SLoPE. SQuare FEET. Top. Bottom. From Greytown to Lock No. 1, . . . . . . . 9.297 288 I2O 28 3 to 1 5,712 From lock No. 1 to Eastern Divide Cut, . . I.423 2) IO I2O 3o 1% “ I 4,950 Eastern Divide Cut, . . . . . . . . . . 2.917 IOO IOO 3O O 3,Ooo In Eastern San Francisco basin, . . . . . I, 233 2 IO I2O 3o 1% “ I 4,950 From Lake to Western Divide Cut, . . . 1.565 2 IO I2O 3o 1% “ . 4,950 Western Divide Cut, . . . . . . . . . 4,924 YOO IOO 3o O 3,000 Western Divide Cut to Tola basin, . . e 2.519 2 IO Y2O 3o I W4 “ I 4,950 Lock No. 5 to lock No. 6, tº e is tº 1.582 2 IO 2O 3o 1% “ 1 4,950 Lock No. 6 to Brito harbor, * a tº § o. 570 Variable. Variable. 3o 2 ** 1 Variable. River San Juan where dredged, gº tº tº 27.5oo Variable. I25 Mean 28 Undetermined. | Undetermined. Lake where dredged, . . . & e º I4.25o Variable. 15o 3o Undetermined. | Undetermined. 26 THE EXCAVATIONS. The character of the material to be removed, both wet and dry, has been accurately determined on the whole route by numerous borings penetrating to the bottom of the canal and on the site of the dams, embankments, and locks, to the depth required to ascertain in each case the nature of the foundations. In the harbor of Greytown and its approaches clean, sharp sand is the only material met with. From the harbor to lock No. 1 and through Benard Lagoon the materials are sand and sandy clay, underlying a thin, loamy stratum and decomposed organic matter, and from the lagoon to the lower lock, stiff clay. The harbor and this sea-level portion of the canal will be made with the floating dredge. Slopes of three horizontal to one ver- tical have been allowed in the estimates; but past experi- ence gained in dredging by the company in the first mile of canal shows that the material stands perfectly for sev- eral months at a much less inclination, and in the excava- tion for the railroad through the stiff tenacious clay pre- dominating in this region, the material stands nearly ver- tical. However, slopes of I I-2 to I have been estimated for. From the lower lock to the Divide Cut this hard clay, with occasional boulders, is the only material found by the boring tool on the axis of the canal throughout, and also at the site of the three locks and the embankment. This clay is impervious to water, and has a large sustain- ing power, so that no apprehension is felt as to the char- acter of the foundations. In the deep cut the geological formation is clay, overlying solid volcanic rock. (See geological profile.) Diamond drill borings have been taken along the whole length of the cut to the bottom of the canal at intervals of about I, OOO feet; and the cores brought up settle beyond doubt the character of the material to be removed, and dispel all apprehension that this cut might be a repetition of the disastrous experience 27 in the great Culebra cut at Panama. The slope allowed in clay is I I-2 to I and in rock I-5 to I to the level of the water, and below that point vertical. In fact, there is no good reason why the whole rock excavation should not be made with vertical sides. In the Corinth Canal, where the excavation is longer and deeper and the rock less homo- geneous and softer, a slope of I-Io to I has been carried down to the water level, and the sides do not crumble or slide. From the Divide to Ochoa homogeneous clay has been found at all points; and, as shown in the preceding table, the standard section in soft material has been adopted throughout. At the site of the Ochoa dam gravel clay and rock in the order named are shown by the borings. * EMBANK MENTS AND DAMS. The embankments in the valleys and on the crest of the confining ridges are proposed to be made water-tight of the clay, which is of excellent quality for this purpose, pre- vailing everywhere in those hills and valleys, but taken principally from the excavations. The embankments rise 8 feet above the water surface, with top widths of 12 feet if not over 8 feet high, I 5 feet if not over 15 feet in height, and 20 feet for heights above I 5 feet. Water slope, 3 to I. Dry slope, 2 I-2 to I. Top and water slopes to be paved with 2 feet of well-laid stones. Of these embankments, two in the valley of the Deseado and six in the San Francisco basin will be of considerable height, especially the latter, as the surface earth will be removed to form depths so as to insure a solid and secure foundation. The maximum water pressure against the Deseado dams will be 45 feet, and in the San Francisco but little more than 60 feet, as water always lies on the surface or but little below it in the valleys. These embankments, intended to impound so large a volume of water, are 28 important works; and in their construction sound judg- ment and great care must be exercised, but they present no more serious difficulties than have already been success- fully met at many other localities. In a paper like this, details of construction which belong entirely to the speci- fications for the works cannot be treated at length; but it may be proper to remark that with good bottom to build upon and excellent material of construction, and with proper execution, no apprehension need be felt for the safety of works. The small embankments are numerous, it is true; but they deserve no special mention. They constitute a number of such ordinary jobs as the practical engineer is constantly called upon to handle. The Ochoa and Tola dams are the keys controlling this great problem at the east and west ends of the summit level, and should not be passed without special notice, par- ticularly, so the former, in which a novel method of con- struction is contemplated. This work has been for years the subject of long study and careful consideration. The diversion of the river San Juan is well-nigh impossible; and construction by the usual methods, with either cut stone or concrete, of so important a work in opposition to the mighty power of the stream is a problem involving the most serious difficulties. It was at first proposed to build a stone dam upon a series of arches supported by tiers starting from the foundation, through which the river waters could flow freely during the construction of the main part of the structure, these openings to be closed by gates in the upper side when the upper part of the dam, its approaches and aprons, were completed; and then to be filled with masonry from the lower side, while the water was rising in the basin. This was, perhaps, as a practical solution, probably the best under the circumstances for that style of dam; but its execution would be tedious, difficult, and expensive, and there was to be always pres- ent an element of doubt not easy to eliminate as to the final success. The building of the foundations and pilaster 29 for the support of the arches in constant contention with the whole river would be a most difficult undertaking, in which the items of time and cost would remain unknown quantities to its completion. Another idea has since been suggested, which seems to embody simplicity, economy, and safety. It consists in dumping from an aerial suspen- sion conveyor large and small material properly assorted, across the river from bank to bank until a barrier is created sufficiently high and strong to arrest the flow and hold the waters at the required level: the body of the dam to be made up of large blocks of stone, weighing from I to IO tons and smaller material to fill the voids. Its base will be quite broad as compared with the height, probably from 4oo to 500 feet between the foot of the up-stream slope and the end of the apron. The top is estimated 30 feet wide, the rock up-stream slope I to I, and the apron, or down-stream slope, 4 to I, with the lower portion flat- tening down to 5 or 6 to I. On the up-stream side small material, such as stone, fragments of gravel, clay, etc., Selected as circumstances may require, will be deposited as the work advances, in sufficient quantity, as tight as wanted. It is not expected or even desirable to have a water-tight structure, the object sought being simply to oppose such an obstruction to the river as may be necessary to hold the waters at the required level. The minimum flow of the river is about ten times the water needed for working the canal. Consequently, 9-IO of it can be wasted with advantage. That the dam will eventually become tight there can be no doubt, as the small drifts and detri- tus forced in by the current will gradually fill the voids and consolidate the structure. The method of construction will be quite simple. After protecting the abutments against possible erosion, large pieces of rock will be dumped in the bed of the stream from three or four cableways spanning the valley. The material should be distributed uniformly over the area under the main portion of the dam, commencing up-stream, 3O and keeping up, as nearly as possible, an even level. Scouring will soon cause settling of the blocks into firmer soil, the upper level in the mean time being constantly raised by depositing more stone, while the small material is being forced by the current into the voids, and the over- flow dislodging and rearranging the unstable blocks until they reach a final resting-place. This process to be con- tinued until the resistance at the bottom becomes so great as to check scouring due to maximum pressure, when the dam will be carried up to the desired level. The river, in the mean time running over the mound, will readjust the material in, and adapt the apron to the necessary conditions of stability to withstand the effect of the fall, and carry off the water safely. If the dam is then raised so as to shut off a whole or the largest part of the river flow, which can by that time be discharged over the waste weirs, the structure will be permanent. If the river is not able to prevent the completion of this work, having, on the con- trary, greatly contributed to its construction by a better distribution and consolidation of the material, now that the waters are diverted to another outlet, no fear need be entertained as to injury from that source. There may be some settlement and final readjustment of the component parts for some time after completion, but that can be easily remedied by depositing more material where needed. It is believed that this dam will be safer, as it is by far more economical, than a stone dam. An earthquake might cause serious damage to a masonry dam, but it can do no harm to this. On the contrary, it may add to its consoli- dation by bringing the parts in closer contact. There are no cemented joints to be opened, and a seismic disturbance would have a tendency to compact rather than to disinte- grate the large mass. The rock for the dam will be brought by rail from the Divide, and delivered immediately under the wire cables, each one of which will be capable of hand- ling and depositing about one thousand tons in ten hours. Consequently, the work can be completed in from four to five years, and, if it need be, in less time. 3I DEEPENING THE RIVER BED. Another work of some magnitude is rock-blasting under water at Castillo and Toro rapids, amounting to about 400,000 cubic yards, the quantity to be determined by the side slopes found necessary. This work can be more eco- nomically done before the water is raised to the assumed summit level, but not before the lower section of the river has been raised by the Ochoa dam to the level of the upper rapids. Otherwise, the excavation in the upper rock ledge might cause an undue fall in the lake level, which would greatly interfere with navigation and the progress of the works in river and lake. This work presents no un- usual difficulties, and the estimated cost of $5 per cubic yard will more than cover the cost. Above Toro rapids dredging will be needed in the bed of the river for about 24 miles. The average depth is 4 I-2 feet. The material is mud, clay, silt, and some loose boulders. LAKE DREDGING AND PIERS. At the east side of the lake dredging will be needed for about 14 miles from the outlet. The material is soft mud. The bottom width of the navigable channel here proposed is I 50 feet, and the slopes 3 to I. That side of the lake being sheltered from the prevailing north-east winds, no provisions are needed to protect the channel. On the west side rock excavation in the lake amounting to 176 OOO cubic yards is estimated for, also at $5 per cubic yard. This shore of the lake is exposed to the pre- vailing winds and waves, and the canal entrance must be protected by two piers projecting to deep water in the lake. They are proposed of crib, for which the native hard wood is admirably suited, and ought to be filled with stone from the excavations. 32 THE WESTERN DIVIDE. From the lake shore to the Tola basin the excavation is in rock and clay, rock predominating through the Divide and clay in the valley of the Grande. Borings have been made from the bottom of the canal all the way to the sea, and the amount and character of the material to be removed accurately ascertained. From the basin to lock No. 6 clay is the material met with, and in the harbor area prin- cipally sand, with some mud and clay in the upper section. THE LA FLOR DAM. Numerous deep borings have been lately made at the site of La Flor dam, the results showing the solid rock ledge to lie much deeper than the first earth augur borings indicated, and that the original plans for that work must be materially modified to adapt them to existing conditions. It was contemplated to build this dam of rock-fill, on the same principle adopted at Ochoa; but the great depths of soft earth overlying the rock ledge, reaching in places to 96 feet below the valley, renders that plan inapplicable to this case, especially as here, unlike the San Juan, there is no large flow of water to assist in scouring the soft soil and in consolidating the fill. A dam with solid masonry core and earth slope is now proposed, spanning the valley with a length of about 2,000 feet, an extreme depth for 1, Ooo feet length, of 17O feet from crest to foundation of core, of which 70 feet will be above ground, and in addi- tion, to core walls aggregating about 500 feet in length, penetrating the abutment hills to the rock ledge. Locks Nos. 4 and 5 will also rest in this bed of rock, forming part of the dam abutment, and connecting with the core wall at its western end. A waste weir, about 300 feet long, will be cut on the east side for the discharge of surplus water into the lower bed of the Grande. All this comprises a very important piece of work; but with good 33 rock foundations and suitable material at hand, although its cost will be proportional to the magnitude of the enter- prise, there is nothing to intimate serious engineering obstacles. Concrete will be used for the core walls and locks, the rock to be obtained from the Divide Cut. The earth for the puddle fillings and embankments can be had from the canal excavation or from the valley in the vicin- ity of the works. THE LOCKS. The locks are to be 650 feet long by 80 feet wide in the chamber. The lifts, as now proposed, will vary from 30 feet to 45 feet; and a change is under consideration by which the lift of locks No. 3 may be reduced to 40 feet and that of No. 2 increased from 30 to 35 feet. These high lift locks must not be regarded as necessary features of the project imposed by existing conditions. The grad- ual descent of the Pacific and Atlantic slopes to sea level after leaving the Divide Cuts, combined with the highly favorable topography of the country traversed by the canal, present many admirable sites for locks, the number of which could be so increased as to greatly diminish all the lifts. Such a plan, however, is not regarded as the best with a view to economy in original construction and future maintenance or in facility to the traffic through the canal. Of course, the matter of safety is of first con- sideration; but, with the exercise of proper care and engi- neering skill, the plans proposed can be successfully carried out. In the proposed plan for a lock canal at Panama lifts of 36 feet, with a possible maximum of 46 feet at high water, were adopted by the commission; but we cannot recall any ship-canal lock in actual operation with lifts approaching these figures. Yet, in working out the problem, the mechanical details, although necessarily of large proportions, have not so far developed any insur- mountable difficulties either in construction or manipula- tion afterwards. The body of the lock is to be of concrete 34 with cut stones in the mitre sills, the hollow quoins, and such angles as need protection from shocks. The gates will be of steel, to be manipulated by hydraulic machinery, of which we have an admirable example at the St. Mary’s Falls Canal, where a lock 519 feet long by 80 feet wide and a lift of 18 feet is filled in II minutes and emptied in 8 minutes, the time consumed in opening or closing the gates more than 40 feet high being but I I–2 minutes. Another lock 8oo feet long and IOO feet wide, with 2 I feet minimum depth of water over the mitre sill, is here under construction and the time of filling and emptying the chamber by enlarging the size of the culverts. TIME OF LOCKAGE. The traffic passing through the canal will be limited by the time required for a vessel to pass a lock. In the St. Mary’s Fall Canal vessels of over 3,000 tons’ capacity are put through the lock inside of 20 minutes; and the writer has seen the whole operation of opening the lower gates, entrance of the steamer, filling the chamber, opening the upper gates, and exit of the vessel from the lock, inside of 19 minutes. In the Nicaragua Canal the operation of filling the lock and handling the gates will consume no more time, yet 45 minutes have been estimated as the average required for lockage. On that basis, and allow- ing but one vessel in each operation, the number that can pass the canal in one day is 32, or in one year I I,680. At the average tonnage of vessels using the Suez Canal, these would supply an aggregate of 20,440, OOO tons. The traffic through the St. Mary’s Canal lock in seven months in 1891 was nearly 9, OOO,OOO tons, and in the same time in 1892 it exceeded II, OOO,OOO tons, or at the rate of 19,- Ooo,000 tons annually; and the maximum capacity of the lock has not yet been reached. The vessels taking the Nicaragua route will be much larger than those upon the Great Lakes, and the tonnage per lockage will, conse- 35 quently, be proportionately greater. For this reason a single system of locks has been proposed at the start; and, when the business requires it, parallel locks can be built, and the capacity of the canal doubled. Attention is called to the important feature of having all the locks connected with large basins, which will greatly facilitate the move- ment and allow the withdrawal of a large volume of water in a short time without injurious current or marked fluctua- tions of level in the basins. The question of water supply needs but a passing reference, the maximum amount re- quired for the thirty-two lockages, on the improbable basis of one lock full for each operation, — namely, I27,400, OOO cubic feet, - being but I-IO of the minimum daily discharge of the lake. TIME OF TRANSIT. In estimating the time of transit from ocean to ocean, the speed in the excavated sections of the canal has been limited to five miles an hour, although in the Suez Canal steamers of 6, OOO tons are allowed to move at six miles an hour and smaller vessels proceed at the rate of seven or eight miles an hour. In the lake and in the greater part of the river San Juan, vessels can travel with unrestricted speed hence: — ESTIMATED TIME OF THROUGH TRANSIT BY STEAMERS. h. IIl. 26,030 miles of canal at 5 miles an hour, 5 I2 21,619 miles in basins at 7 miles an hour, 3 O5 64,540 miles river San Juan 8 miles an hour, . 8 O4 56,500 miles in lake at Io miles an hour, . 5 39 Six lockages at 45 m. each, 4 3O Allow for detentions, I 30 Total time of transit, 28 OO 36 TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES. Railroad lines have been projected from Greytown to the river San Juan at Ochoa, a distance of 37 miles, and from the lake to Brito, I8 miles. Of the former distance 12 miles are already finished, from Greytown towards the Divide, and are now in excellent condition and in opera- tion in connection with the canal works. As soon as the rock is reached, the road will be extended across the Grey- town Lagoon to the breakwater at the harbor entrance, upon which the rock from the excavation will be brought and dumped directly, as at Galveston, Texas. PERIOD FOR CONSTRUCTION. The time in which the canal can be finished will be con- trolled by the time needed to complete those important works without which the traffic cannot be established. It has been pointed out that the Ochoa dam can be finished in four or five years. The Tola dam, the locks, and the harbors can also be done in that time. The Western Divide Cut contains about I I, OOO,OOO cubic yards of rock and earth; but the excavation is about nine miles long, and the greatest depth but 72 feet, consequently this work is of lesser magnitude than the Eastern Divide, in which a probable total of I2, OOO, OOO yards will have to be extracted and removed from a trench less than 3 miles long at an average depth of I4I feet. It is therefore to this latter work that we will have to look for a limitation in estimating the time in which the whole route can be opened to the world’s traffic. On the basis of 12,000,000 cubic yards, of which two-thirds will be rock, assuming six years’ continuous work, at the rate of ten hours a day, there will be an output of 6,700 cubic yards per day. This amount of material can be lifted and landed on the cars by 22 overhead wire cables at the moderate rate of 300 37 cubic yards each per day, and can be hauled to the dump or place of destination by I 12 train loads of but 120 tons each, or, say, I I train loads an hour. About one-eighth of this will go as far as Ochoa, for the construction of the dam, and about the same amount for the breakwaters and the locks Nos. I, 2, and 3. Of the balance, one-half will probaby be needed for the embankments in the valleys of the Deseado and San Francisco; and the rest can be deposited in the vicinity of the excavation, but a few hun- dred yards away. Allowing for repairs, accidents, and other unavoidable delays, it may be estimated that a plant comprising 3O cableways, with attachment and machinery, 50 locomotives, and 1,000 cars will be ample for this work. The above would be a rather heavy traffic to handle, if sent out over the main line; but, distributed as suggested above, with a large portion of it sent off on spur tracks from both sides of the three miles of excavations, to be deposited in the numerous ravines and valleys in the vicinity of the work, it does not look unmanageable. But, if need be, work can be carried on without interrup- tion by the aid of electric lights. Therefore, as regards the disposition of material, six years seem to be ample; and, as to the work of digging and blasting, it will be admitted that the mind capable of organizing and carrying out the former will have no difficulty in mastering the latter. Consequently, the previous estimate that the canal can be completed in six years after the works are fairly started is adhered to. On one section. 2 1–2 miles one way of the Manchester Canal, now under construction, the contractor has taken out for two or three months continuously at the rate of 20,000 tons per day in one shift of nine hours. This in- cludes ballasting, loading in wagons, hauling, and deposit- ing. The plant employed consists of 59 locomotives and 1,400 wagons. The contractor has been much restricted and embarrassed in his operations by limited dumping grounds, which would not be the case in Nicaragua. 38 ESTIMATES. In estimating the cost of the canal, the following prices per cubic yard have been adopted:— Dredging, 20 cents and 30 cents. Excavation in earth, 40 cents. Excavation in rock, $1.50 and $1.25. Excava- tion under water, $5. Embankments, 40 cents to 70 cents. Concrete, $6 to $10. Rock fill, 50 cents. Break- water, pierre perdue, $1.50. Grubbing and clearing, $100 per acre. Railroads, $60,000 and $25,000 per mile. Telegraph, $600 per mile. The total cost of the canal is estimated at $65, OOO, OOO, inclusive of 25 per cent. for con- tingencies, but exclusive of interest, commissions, and other charges not coming under the cognizance of the engineer, and on the basis that the work will be prose- cuted with vigor along the whole line and without intermission. L , ! •••• º .:,:-), ± •º º· ¿??¿? - † (***$';&šķ; < + * * . · · ·$, a .*..* -**... ;;;%.* - -- : ~; ~ ~)$. (...); 77° ſ√≠√∞',… , …:.,,,,,.,,, ] ’, √° √ √°{· * …º..ºººººººººº (5%;&,&#šºšº, ſºlſ||||||||||| llºj III, § !N§ • • … §§ ```` §§©® ſºN : º Ø 2. Zºº % sº Ør % | ¿A `` | № ||||||ſá\| Q_ſº ŅŇ@ ₪ S \SQSS\!\!\,N`ºv, №w \\MS →- àglla Canal º 22%/', 1 S93 (ClOrlo's Columb Epposition iall Cbicago PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE NICARAGUA CANAL N R10 SAN CARLOS OCHOA DAM EASTERN LOCKS SAN JUAN DEL NORTE - FORT CASTILLO DIVIDE OR GREY TOWN Atlantic Ocean --- BRITO TOLA BASIN LAJAs Inactive Volcanoes - SOLENTINAME IS, FORT SAN CARLOS RIO FRIO RIO SAN JUA Pacific Ocean WESTERN OMETEPE and MADERA Lake Nicaragua DIVIDE SAN FRANCISCO BASIN DESEADO. BASINS WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION CHICAGO 1893 THE NICARAGUA CANAL WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE NICARAGUA CANAL CONSTRUCTION CoMPANY 44 WAll Street NEW YORK CITY THE REPUBLIC PRESS, 536 AND 538 PEARL St., N. Y. THE NICARAGUA CANAL. The Maritime Canal of Nicaragua is the solution of the problem pro- posed by Columbus to himself and to the world four hundred years ago— the discovery of an ocean route westward to the Indies. General Explorations and Surveys for an Inter-Oceanic Canal. —During the four centuries which have elapsed since the first attempt of the great adventurer, the best energies of voyagers, explorers and scien- tists of Europe, and more lately of the United States, have been, from time to time, directed to the search for such a passage. Spain, France, and England have one after another sent out expedi- tions or individual explorers and have expended a considerable amount of treasure in the investigations. It was, however, reserved to the Govern- ment of the United States to make the first systematic and thorough ex- amination of all that portion of the American Isthmus which the partial explorations of earlier years had indicated as the region where, if any- where, transit by a waterway from ocean to ocean could be achieved. Surveys by the United States Government.—In 1854 Lieutenant Strain, with the permission of the United States Government, investigated the route between Caledonia Bay and the Gulf of San Miguel, and deter- mined its impracticability. In 1857 Lieutenants Michler and Craven were detailed to make explorations and verify surveys, previously made by Lane and Kennish for Frederick M. Kelly, of a route for a canal utilizing the waters of the Atrato and Truando Rivers. Their investigations were made independently and resulted in contradictory reports. The out- break of the civil war in the United States prevented for a time any further exploration by the Government. A. In 1869 an appropriation was made by Congress for a thorough explora- tion of the entire Isthmian territory, and the work was committed to Capt. R. W. Shufeldt and Commanders T. O. Selfridge and E. P. Lull, all of the United States Navy. Capt. Shufeldt was charged with the examina- tion of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.; Commander Selfridge with the San Blas and Chepo Regions and all contiguous territory south and east, and Commander Lull with the survey, first of the route by way of Lake Nicaragua and afterwards of the Isthmus of Panama. In 1872, by virtue of a resolution passed by Congress, Gen. Grant, then President of the United States, appointed a commission, constituted of the Chief of En- gineers, U. S. A., the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, and the Chief of the Naval Bureau of Navigation, to consider the subject of communi- cation by canal between the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans 4. THE NICARAGUA CANAL. across the American Isthmus. The officers who filled the positions named and served upon the Commission, were Gen. A. A. Humphreys, Superintendent C. P. Patterson and Commodore Daniel Ammen. The Commission was instructed to examine into and to make reports and sug- gestions upon the subject of inter-Oceanic ship canal communication. After the first of these surveys was completed, Major Walter McFarland, Capt. Wm. H. Heuer and Prof. Henry Mitchell of the U. S. Coast Survey were, at the instance of the Commission, appointed to make a further ex- amination of the route at Darien and at Nicaragua, and to report thereon. Commander Lull made a further survey of the Isthmus of Panama, and Lieut. Collins of what was known as the Atrato-Napipi route. These various surveys were completed and reports submitted to the Commission. The last report, that of Lieut. Collins, was dated December 20th, 1875. On the 7th of February, 1876, the Commission reported to the Presi- dent as follows: - “The route known as the ‘Nicaragua Route,’ beginning on the At- lantic side at or near Greytown; running by canal to the San Juan River; thence following its left bank to the mouth of the San Carlos River, at which point navigation of the San Juan River begins, and by the aid of three short canals, of an aggregate length of 3.5 miles reaches Lake Nicaragua; from thence across the lake and through the valleys of the Rio del Medio and the Rio Grande to what is known as the port of Brito, on the Pacific Coast, possesses, both for the construction and maintenance of a canal, greater advantages, and offers fewer difficulties from engineering, commercial, and economic points of view than any one of the other routes . shown to be practicable by surveys sufficiently in detail to enable a judg- ment to be formed of their relative merits, as will be briefly presented in the appended memorandum.” Historical Review of Explorations Made by Others than the U. S. Government.—A brief summary of the numerous explorations which have been made will show how general and wide-spread was the interest in the subject. 1771. Survey of Tehuantepec route by Antonio Cramer, and Miguel del Corral, under orders from Spain 1780. British expedition to take possession of the Nicaragua canal route. After the capture of Castillo Viejo the enterprise was aban- doned. -- 1781. Exploration of the San Juan River, Nicaragua, by Manuel Galisteo under orders from Spain. This was followed by an order of the Spanish Cortes, in 1814, for construction of the Canal. 1804. Baron Von Humboldt's investigations. 1824. Exploration of Tehuantepec by Gen. Orbegozo, for the Mexican Government. 1826. Surveys of the Nicaragua Route for Governor DeWitt Clinton of New York and associates. THE NICARAGUA CANAL. 5 1827. Survey at Isthmus of Panama by Engineers Lloyd and Falcmar, by order of Gen. Bolivar. Mr. Lloyd recommended the adoption of a line substantially that finally chosen for the Panama Railroad. 1838. Survey of the San Juan River and Lake Nicaragua route by Lieut. John Bailey for the Government of Central America. 1842. Survey of Isthmus of Tehuantepec by Don José de Garay under concession from the Mexican Government' 1843. Survey of route between Porto Bello and Panama by Napoleon Garella for the French Government. 1848. Surveys of the Nicaraguan route by Dr. Andreas Oersted of Copenhagen, who published a map. 1849. Explorations of Isthmus of Darien by Dr. Cullen. 1849. Survey by Col. Geo. W. Hughes of route for the Panama Railroad. This survey and the line of railroad constructed, was the basis upon which construction of a canal at Panama was commenced by M. de Lesseps. 1851. Survey by Col. O. W. Childs of Philadelphia, of the San Juan River, Lake Nicaragua and Brito route made for Cornelius Van- derbilt and associates. This was the first survey that fully con- formed to the requirements of engineering science. 1851. Survey of the Atrato-San Juan route, Darien, by J. C. Trautwine for Frederick M. Kelly of New York and his associates. 1853–4. Re-survey of the same and of the Atrato-Truando route by Por- ter and Lane, completed by Capt. Kennish, at personal expense of Frederick M. Kelly of New York. 1861. Survey of route between Caledonia Bay and the mouth of the Lara River by M. Bourdiol for the Société d’Etudes of France. 1864. Survey of the San Blas Route by McDougall, Sweet, Forman and Rude for Frederick M. Kelly and his associates. 1861–1865. Explorations made by De Puydt, Gogorza, de Lacharme and Flachat of the line between the Gulf of San Miguel and the Gulf of Uraba or Darien, under French auspices. Many of these surveys or explorations were made in connection with con- cessions granted for the construction of a canal. Thorough Investigations Warrant Conclusions of Commission.— From this and the preceding statement of explorations made directly under the control of the United States Government, it will be seen how thor- ough the investigation of the whole Isthmian territory has been, and what data were at the command of the United States Commission which re- ported the ‘‘Nicaraguan Route Sk $ Sk sk pos- sesses both for the construction and maintenance of a canal, greater ad- vantages and offers fewer difficulties than any of the other routes” etc., etc. (See page 4.) Recent Surveys for an Inter-oceanic Canal.—Following the report of the commission and between October, 1876, and May, 1879, partial 6 THE NICARAGUA CANAL. surveys of the Darien and Panama territory were made by Lieutenants Wyse and Reclus of the French Navy, and a number of French and two Columbian Engineers on behalf of the Société Internationale de Canal In- ter-Océanique, and in the following year the construction of the Panama Canal was recommended by the canal Congress at Paris, organized under the auspices of the owners of the Wyse concessions, this notwithstanding the opposition of many engineers present who denied absolutely the feasi- bility of the enterprise. Time has corroborated their predictions of failure. But the movement of Lieut. Wyse and his associates at Panama did not prevent further explorations, nor the suggestion of other projects. Surveys and examinations were continued as follows: 1876–77. Of the lower San Juan by A. G. Menocal, in connection with work for the Nicaraguan Government. - 1880. Of the line between Lake Nicaragua and the Pacific Ocean, by A. G. Menocal for the United States Government. I885. Re-survey of the Nicaraguan Route by Menocal, Peary and Cham- bers, for the United States Government. I889 to date. Detailed surveys and location in connection with construc- tion, for the Maritime Canal Company of Nicaragua. The decision of the Paris Conference of 1879, and the following attempt by M. de Lesseps to construct a canal at Panama, in no way dis- turbed the opinion of American engineers either as to the impracticability of constructing such a work at that locality, or the advantages of the lake and river route at Nicaragua. In 1880–81, the novel project of Capt. Eads for the transportation of Ocean-going steamers across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec by railway, was earnestly pressed upon the attention of the United States Congress and private capitalists, but the world looked upon the scheme as a colossal experiment, and upon the death of Mr. Eads the project was abandoned. Organization of the Present Canal Company.—In April, 1887, The Nicaragua Canal Association, consisting of private citizens of the United States, interested in the problem of inter-oceanic communication, obtained concessions for the construction of a ship canal, and applied to the United States Congress for incorporation. Early in 1889, a charter was granted and became a law by the signature of President Cleveland, February 20th of that year. - Preliminary Work-In the month of May following, work prelim- inary to the construction of the Maritime Canal of Nicaragua was com- menced and from that time on has been diligently prosecuted. In the spring of 1890 Hon. Warner Miller, President of the Construction Com- pany, accompanied by a party of engineers, United States officers in official capacity, and others, inspected the work there accomplished and in pro- gress. The whole party expressed themselves as gratified with the thor- oughness with which the route had been surveyed and the intelligence with which the work had been initiated and prosecuted. THE NICARAGUA CANAL. 7 In November, 1890, a commission, appointed by the Government of Nicaragua, inspected the work and declared that the requirements of the concession had been fully complied with. This report confirmed the rights of the grantees under their concession. Thus, while the project of a canal at Panama has been proven futile by experience, and the scheme of a ship railway at Tehuantepec aban- doned, the construction of a maritime canal at Nicaragua has been Com- menced and is demonstrated to be not only entirely feasible, but the only practical method for accomplishing the end proposed, viz., the transit of sea-going vessels between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans across the American Asthmus. Geographical and Physical Features.—The Maritime Canal of Nicaragua is located in the territory of the republic from which it takes its name. Nicaragua is one of the five States of Central America and lies between Honduras and Salvador on the north and Costa Rica on the south. It extends from Cape Gracias à Dios to the mouth of the San Juan River on the Caribbean Sea, and from the Gulf of Fonseca to the Bay of Salinas on the Pacific Ocean, occupying the width of the Isthmus from latitude Io degrees 90 minutes North, to 15 degrees North, and from longitude 83 degrees 20 minutes West from Greenwich to 87 degrees 4o minutes West. It has an area of about 49, ooo square miles and in point of size is first among the Central American republics. Excepting the Department of Segovia, which borders on and resem- bles the central portion of Honduras, Nicaragua has a topography and climate differing widely from its neighbors. Its mountain system can scarcely be considered as resolved into ranges, although it is frequently so spoken of. The Cordillera, which traverses both continents, has nowhere in Central America the character of a single, clearly defined chain. The crest of the system is generally parallel to the Pacific shore. Although it occasionally diverges, it is never more than about 75 miles ‘distant from the western coast, while in some portions of Nicaragua and Costa Rica it approaches within six or seven miles of the ocean. In Southern Honduras and Northern Nicaragua, instead of any characteristic chain or range, there is found a wide extent of country of generally high elevation, from which occasional peaks rise still higher, attaining at times altitudes of 4, ooo or 5, ooo feet above the sea, but appearing less lofty than they really are because of the high platform from which they spring. This mountain mass extends from Honduras into Nicaragua in the depart- ment of Segovia, and thence southeasterly, subsiding gradually into low hills, until it is completely interrupted by the San Juan on its course to the 'sea from its source in Lake Nicaragua; the mountain declivities, towards the shores of the lakes, are often abrupt, but not precipitous; on the east they fall off in gentle undulations and wooded plains towards the Mosquito shore, and farther south the hills gradually rise into the lofty mountain masses of Costa Rica. This is the true Cordillera of the continent; the fact that its continuity is interrupted by the valley of the San Juan, and 8 THE NICARAG UA CANAL. that there is but an insignificant barrier west of the lake, is a fortunate provision of nature, so far as an inter-oceanic canal is concerned. West- ward, along the whole Pacific coast, there is found a hilly region com- monly known as the coast range, but the highest elevations are not of suf- ficient magnitude and continuity to entitle them to be considered as a mountain chain. Across this ridge, which parts the waters flowing to the Atlantic and Pacific, there are several low and easy passes, of which that between the mouth of the Rio Lajas in Lake Nicaragua and Brito on the Pacific Ocean is the lowest that exists anywhere across the continental divide from the Arctic Ocean to the Straits of Magellan. It has an eleva- tion of only 153 feet above the sea. k The Lake Valley.—Between the Cordillera and the Coast range is found the great geographical feature of Nicaragua, a remarkable depres- sion about 70 miles wide and nearly 200 miles long, its major axis parallel to the Pacific coast. Here are found the broad and beautiful lakes of Nicaragua and Managua, and the fertile plains of Leon and Conejo, ele- vated but a few feet above the lakes. In this depression, the bottom of which is below the sea level, are gathered the waters which flow from the mountains and plains on either hand. The surplus is discharged by a single outlet, the San Juan River, which, traversing a valley between low and wooded hills, flows through the break in the Cordillera and then through the lowlands of the coast into the Atlantic Ocean. The valley of this river, the inland waters of the great central plateau, and the low pass. across the coast range, are nature's route for inter-oceanic communication. The Trade Winds” Beneficent Influence.—The San Juan River valley, extending from the great lake to the Atlantic, between the moun- tains to the northward, and the still loftier peaks of Costa Rica to the southward, together with the low altitude of the coast range, afford a natural pathway through which the northeast trades, blowing from the Caribbean Sea, sweep continually over the coast and valley region, chang- ing, cooling and purifying its air, and modifying its temperature to such a degree that early writers, carried away with the delights of its climate, spoke of it as the Paradise of Mahomet. Lake Nicaragua.-The lake makes the construction of a ship canal. practicable at this locality. It is a beautiful sheet of water IIo miles. long and 40 miles wide, with depth sufficient for navigation by the largest ships. Together with its outlet, the San Juan River, it drains a water- shed of 8, ooo square miles. It is an enormous natural reservoir, which, by distributing over its broad surface the rainfall of the territory which it drains and discharging gradually and without any excessive flow, renders. practicable the use of the river for purposes of canalization. But for this. provision of nature a canal might be as impracticable here as elsewhere, for in the absence of the great storage basin of the lake, the river would, be as uncontrollable a torrent in time of flood as the Chagres at Panama. Climate.—It has been stated that the climate of Nicaragua is modi- THE NICARAG LA CANAL. 9. fied by its topography; it might be added that its salubrity, which is no- table, is largely due to the fact that the country lies entirely within the zone of the trade winds, the southern limit of which is approximately Io degrees north. The “Trades" blow almost continuously up the river valley, and although the temperature may rise to 95 degrees at mid-day, it is still comfortable in the shade, and the heights are cool and pleasant. The effect of these winds is more marked on the lake, and in the country between the lake and the Pacific, than in the river valley and the Atlantic region; they dissipate all miasma and exhalations, such as have proved so. pernicious in that part of the isthmus which lies a few degrees farther south. They not only lower the temperature of the whole country, but give to it an exceptional uniformity. At Rivas the maximum temperature recorded during a term of years was 95 degrees Fahr., and the minimum 65 degrees, while the greatest variation in any one year was 26.5 degrees, and the least 16.2 degrees. At Granada, as determined by observations recorded at the National Institute in that city, the variations are about 2. degrees less. The temperature records of the Canal Company cover the period from January, 1889, to February, 1893. At San Juan del Norte from the 1st of June to the 1st of November, 1890, the maximum was 89.5 degrees, the minimum 71 degrees, showing an extreme range during that time of only 18 degrees. In general terms it may be said that the temperature in the shade rarely rises above 90 degrees and rarely falls below 70 degrees; the ordinary variation is thus about 20 degrees only, while the extreme variation does not exceed 26 degrees or 27 degrees during the entire year. j Immunity of Employes From Disease.—No better proof of the healthfulness of the country can be asked than the practical experience of the men who have been employed in surveys of the route and on actual work of construction. The surveys were made through dense forests and jungle where every foot of advance was gained by the use of the axe or machete, and through swamps and streams where the men were often com- pelled to work up to their waists in water. The report of the surveying party of 1885, under Mr. A. G. Menocal, published by the United States Government, says: ‘‘During the four months we remained in the coun- try, of which more than three months were of constant arduous work, ex- posure and privation, no officer of the party was ever affected by sickness due to climatic causes; and as for the natives attached to the party, their only ailments were due to bruises caused by want of protection for their feet or limbs. It is proper to add that our work was confined to the un- inhabited, and what is generally considered the most unhealthful, portion of the country.” Medical Statistics.-The experience of the Company by which all the later surveys and the work of construction up to the present time have been carried on, has been equally satisfactory. The Chief Surgeon in an annual report says: “It has been generally supposed that this country teems with fatal maladies, and that the employés are exposed to severe ...[O THE NICARAG UA CANAL. and dangerous types of fever. After a professional experience of ten years, most of which have been spent in the tropics, and being familiar with nearly every climate of the globe, I can state that Nicaragua is exception- ally exempt from any fatal endemic disease.” His report as to cases treated and their result is as follows: “During these fourteen months there have been admitted into headquarters hospital I, 669 patients, of which 1,347 were medical and 322 surgical. Of the whole number there have been discharged cured or improved 1,646. The total number of deaths has been 23, or 1 38–Ioo per cent. of those admitted. These deaths were subdivided as follows: º Due to accidents, - •º - 5 or o. 30 per cent of patients treated Due to chronic diseases contracted before entering the Company's employ, - wº tº-º †º 6 or o. 36 & C Due to climatic diseases contracted while in the employ, - - I 2 Or o. 72 . . . Total, sº $º 23 or I. 38 { % This fact I wish to emphasize, viz.: That out of over 1,600 patients, only 12 have died from diseases that may be termed climatic.” A better sanitary record cannot be shown in any city of the temper- ate ZOneS. Final Location and Physical Features.—The route of the canal as finally located is as follows: Its termini are San Juan del Norte (more commonly known as Greytown) on the Atlantic coast, latitude II degrees North, longitude 83 degrees 40 minutes West from Greenwich, and Brito on the Pacific, latitude II degrees 15 minutes North, longitude 85 degrees 55 minutes West from Greenwich. - Both points are north of the region of tropical calms and within that of the trade winds. The distance from port to port is 169 miles, of which 27 miles will be excavated channel and 142 miles in lake, river and basins. The summit level, Lake Nicaragua, is 11o feet above the sea. This level will extend from the last of the eastern series of locks, which is within about 13 miles of the Atlantic, to the first of the western series, within two and one-half miles of the Pacific terminus, a distance of 154 miles. The Atlantic Terminus.-The restoration of the harbor of San Juan del Norte, the eastern terminus of the canal, is in progress. More than thirty years ago this harbor, previously one of the best on the Caribbean Sea, was entirely closed by the formation of a sand spit across its entrance. To effect the restoration, the construction of a breakwater, projecting seaward at right angles to the shore line, and the excavation of a channel to leeward of it, was proposed. The breakwater was com- menced, as the first requisite to successful prosecution of the work, and about one thousand feet of it have been constructed. When it had been extended about six hundred feet, the protection afforded against the mov- ing sands permitted the natural reopening of a channel across the sand THE NICARAG U A CANAL. II 'barrier, which had attained a height of three or four feet above sea level. The channel thus formed was subsequently deepened by dredging and the old harbor was made accessible to vessels drawing twelve to fourteen feet. Dredging.—For nearly ten miles westward from the harbor the canal traverses low lands raised but little above the sea level; here Con- struction will be entirely by dredging. Two miles of the route has already been excavated and the material is found to be entirely of sand and clay easily worked and maintaining well the slopes given the banks. The LockS.–The first of the eastern series will be nine miles from the harbor, and will have a lift of 31 feet; the second, about a mile beyond, a lift of 30 feet, and three miles still beyond will be the third, with a lift of 45 feet. These locks raise the canal to the level of 1 Io feet, at which it will be maintained by dams hereinafter mentioned. The western locks are located closer to each other; the first and second of this series are within two and one-half miles of Brito and adjoining. They will have lifts of 42 I-2 feet each. The last of the western series will be about two miles farther on, with a variable lift of from 21 to 29 feet, according to the movement of the ocean tides. The locks are alike in their dimen- sions, 650 long, 8o feet wide and 30 feet deep, with variable lifts as above stated. Their foundations will be in stiff, tenacious red clay or on rock, and they will be built of masonry and iron. The Basins.—The small streams which flow across the line of the canal, and the gaps between the foot hills, will be dammed or closed with substantial embankments, and the valleys flooded thereby will be con- verted into basins requiring but slight excavation in two or three locations to make them available for canal uses. The Eastern Divide.—To the westward of the third and last of the -eastern locks, a rock cutting is required, nearly three miles long and averaging one hundred and forty feet in depth. The rock from this cut will be used in building the breakwater at San Juan del Norte, for embank- ments, for dams, for locks and for other works of construction; if not obtained in this way the material would have to be quarried elsewhere and transported greater distances to points where needed for construction. After passing the divide, the canal route continues twelve miles in a direct line to the River San Juan, near its junction with the Costa Rican river, San Carlos, at a point called Ochoa. Slack Water Navigation.—At Ochoa a large dam will raise the Waters of the rivers, fifty-six feet, to the lake level. This will submerge several rapids above in the channel of the San Juan, and will flood its Valley, thus securing deep slackwater navigation all the way to the lake. Nearly a mile, in lineal extent, of weirs and sluices are provided to in- sure immunity of the works from injury by surplus or flood discharges. From Ochoa, the route follows the broad and deep waterway occupying the San Juan River valley for 64 miles to the lake, which it traverses by I 2 THE NICARAGUA CANAL. a sailing line of 56 miles, to the mouth of the Rio Lajas, where excava- tion is again required. Some dredging to secure the requisite depth of channel near the east shore of the lake and some excavation at the western shore will be necessary, but across the lake, of which the bed is below the level of the ocean, there is already free navigation. The Western Divide.—From the mouth of the Lajas for nine miles westward the canal is in excavation; it traverses a low pass across the western dividing ridge, which, as before stated, is the lowest in the moun- tain chain between the Arctic Ocean and the Straits of Magellan, rising only 43 feet above the level of the lake. Nine miles to the westward the canal enters the Tola Basin, to be created by a dam and locks as are the basins of the eastern division. The average width of the sailing line in this basin is one mile, and the depth of water from 30 to 70 feet. Its length will be five and a-half miles leading to the western locks, within two and a-half miles of the Pacific terminus at Brito. Pacific Harbor.—Brito, the western terminus, is not now, strictly speaking, a harbor, but may readily be converted into one, both safe and commodious. It is at the mouth of the Rio Grande. The course of the river for nearly a mile and a quarter from the beach, is through a low val- ley, which evidently once formed a large bay. To the north of its mouth, a rocky headland projects into the ocean, which will be farther extended by a breakwater 9oo feet long. To the south, another breakwater will be constructed, the two enclosing a considerable area for harbor uses, which may be increased, as there is need, by dredging out the adjoining lowlands, now submerged at high water; but for harborage purposes it is probable that the capacious Tola Basin will be used more than the port at Brito. Magnitude of the Work.-In this project there are no unsolved problems. Engineers, who have examined and carefully studied the de- tailed plans, and practical builders and contractors all say that it is a simple undertaking of considerable magnitude, involving the removal of a certain number of yards of rock and of earth, the construction of locks and embankments and dams, and the making of harbors, presenting no physical or engineering difficulties that have not been readily overcome elsewhere, and the whole being costly merely on account of its propor- tions. Estimates Of the Cost Of the Work.-A careful and detailed es- timate, at unit values established before the recent improvements in methods of dredging and excavation, placed the actual cost of Con- struction at sixty-five million dollars. A board of eminent, disin- terested engineers, after reviewing these estimates and adding a liberal allowance for unforeseen contingencies, advanced the estimate to eighty- eight million dollars. If to this be added interest upon capital during construction, and until the canal is opened for transit, the total cost may be placed at one hundred million dollars. But rock excavation, which five years ago cost over a dollar and : i -- a: ------------------------- ------- ----- - - - - -- - - - - - 3. A-E a "ºrg /* - st-san MiGuru-To -------- --- M.A. D. E. R. A. º rºº ---- - - Sonar E 15. so-tratinama E is. Excavat-o- -- nºw--- NICARAGUA CANAL º GENERAL PLAN showin LOCATION or sºme CANAL from the ATLANTIC to rue PACIFIC 1893 A.G.MENOCAL, Chief Engineen scale or M-LEs -- - -a-a-in-Excavat-o- FRE--aw-aa-r-o- ------a-d --- = § Ea-R-D-vio- cross sect-o- --------- i i sea--------oss --c-d- i : - - ºrgº s cº-oss G-c-o- - -a--- g P R D F : L E D F : A N.A. L. ------ s s - º: s s n s - sºs santº º s s º : & Rock s s s - : º ear-o ; § 2 yº - - - 5. Laº ºr w/ CA ºr A. G. L. A 5-5.5 M / L. E. s. E L E v. A 7", a w / / o a 7" - - F 1 0 s a w cy s - saw rºadwc.º sco easy aw º - - - - º º - Fº - - % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - º'--— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — *E**—-ºf-ºf–ººlº-Eºis — — — — — — — —” — — — . . . * willimºv. º - wº- Lu ºº: a lºº. Lº --~~ --Tº-Hoº-ºº: º FrºTºrf7 ...” --- --- --- --- º so sc Al-E OF MILFS st ºn TT T. T. T.T.T. - - - - - - ... --- º º º - º -º-º-º-º: º - - - -º º o -- - - - - 26.8 miles Total Distance from Ocean to Ocean, - - - 1 69.4 miles Number of Locks, - - - - - 6 - - - - 21.6 miles Free Navigation in Lake, River and Basins. - 1 4-2.6 miles Greatest Lift of Lock, - - - - 4-5 feet #...º.º.º. t o - - - 1 OO feet Area of Watershed - - - - - - 64-.5 miles Elevation Summit Level of Canal above Sea, - 1 1 O feet Dimensions of Locks, - - 650 ft. long, 8 O ft. wide Length of Lake N." ſo *...a - T. 23 hours Estimated cost of Canal. . - - - - - 56.5 miles Length of Summit Level, - - - - - 1 54.2 miles Depth of Canal, - - - - - - 3O feet Surface Area of Lake es, X.º. ...'. 4-O . Estimated Time for construction - - - - Scuare niles - - ---a ----- ----- --- - ºr. - ----- º Canal In Excavation, Length of Basins, River San Juan, - Lake Nicaragua, Estimated Traffic at Opening, 8,OOO scuare miles $ 1 OO,OOO,OOO 6 years 5,000,000 tons THE NICARAGUA CANAL. I 3 a-quarter per cubic yard, and for which allowance is made in the canal estimates at one dollar and a-half per yard, can now be done, and is actually being done, at a cost of only sixty cents per yard. The dredg- ing and earth excavation and pier work already accomplished by the Construction Company have also been done at a cost materially below estimates. From these facts it will readily be seen that the computed cost of the work is liberal in the extreme, and not at all likely to be exceeded. Commercial Importance of the Canal.—The argument in favor of a ship canal across the American Isthmus is very simple. It is the raison a’étre of all such works. The extension of trade in the products of any territory is limited by the cost of transportation which the value of such products in the market of the consumer will permit, so that, after pay- ment thereof, there may still remain to the producer a compensative margin of profit. Other things being equal, the shortening of the routes of transportation not only reduces the cost of carriage of goods, but serves also to extend and develop commerce. Such is the argument, briefly stated, in favor of a maritime canal. The commercial importance and financial success of the Suez Canal are indisputable demonstration of the accuracy of the proposition. Necessity for a Canal.—The opening of the Nicaragua Canal will provide a gateway and a direct route between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans for the commerce of the world, but especially for the commerce of the United States. By it the States east of the Rocky Mountains will be brought into closer business, relations with the 500, ooo, ooo people inhabiting the countries bordering on, and the islands of, the Pacific. The ports of the American continents on that Ocean will also be brought nearer to Europe, the saving of distance varying from one to ten thousand miles. The countries and islands of the Pacific have to-day an aggregate com- merce of over twelve hundred million dollars. To what extent the addi- tional facilities offered by the Nicaragua Canal will increase this com- merce is more forcibly demonstrated by a presentation of the results of similar facilities elsewhere than by any argument that can be offered. Influence of the Suez Canal Upon Trade Routes.—Until the con- struction of the Suez Canal, the commerce of Europe and of the United States with Asia and Australia necessarily took either the route via Cape Good Hope or that via Cape Horn. Prevailing winds and currents made whichever route was most advantageous as to the port of destination, about equally convenient for both continents. The opening of the Suez Canal changed these conditions materially and gave to the commercial nations of Europe an advantage in distance over the United States of the width of the Atlantic in the competition for trade, except for that of the western coast of the American continents and of some of the islands of the Pacific. As most of the commerce of the United States with Asia is car- ried in British bottoms it is not possible to ascertain from existing sta- I4. THE NICARAGUA CAN AL. tistics the effect of the canal upon it, but the influence of the route upon the commerce of the world is apparent from the fact that, whereas. in 1870, the first full year of its operation, there passed through the canal 486 vessels, registering 436,600 tons, the number of vessels passing in 1891 was 4,207, registering 8,700, ooo tons. The most significant fact in this enormous increase is that the average size of the vessels using the Canal in 1870 was but a little over 1,300 tons register, while in 1891 it had increased to over 2, ogo tons, and in 1892 to 2, 200 tons. Suez Traffic Statistics.—The Suez Canal was opened to traffic in 1869. The growth and present magnitude of its business is shown in the following table: Year. Number of Ships. Net Suez Tonnage. 1870. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436,609. 1875 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I, 494 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, oog, 984 1889. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,926 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, O57, 42 I 1885. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,624. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,335,752. 1899. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,389. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,890, og4. 1891 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 207 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,698,777 St. Mary’s Falls Canal Statistics.-The Sault Ste. Marie Canal, which connects Lake Superior with Lake Huron was constructed in 1855. Its advantage to internal commerce became so apparent that in 1881 the United States Government became the owner of it and increased its depth and the lift of its lock to 18 feet. Its depth as originally constructed was but twelve feet, which was increased to sixteen before the purchase by the Government. The growth of traffic has been such as to demand still fur- ther facilities, and the Government is now engaged in further deepening the canal and in constructing there the largest lock in the world. It is to be 8oo feet long, Ioo feet wide and to have a depth of 21 feet over the mitre sills. Until 1881 the growth of traffic appears to have been re- stricted by the limited facilities offered, but since the increase of the capa- city of the canal, the increase of business has been phenomenal, as will appear from the following table, the freight stated in 2, ooo lb. tons: Season of Actual Freight Season of Actual Freight I88.I . . . . . . . . . I, 4 IO, 347 I887. . . . . . . . . 5,494,649 I882 . . . . . . . . . 2, O29, 52 I 1888. . . . . . . . . 6,4II,423 I883. . . . . . . . . 2, 267, ro5 1889. . . . . . . . . 7,486, oz 2 I884. . . . . . . . . 2,874,557 1890. . . . . . . . . 9, O4 I, 2 I 3 I 885 . . . . . . . . . 3,256,628 1891 . . . . . . . . . 8,888,759 I886. . . . . . . . . 4,527, 759 I892. . . . . . . . . II, 2 I 4, 333 Influence of Cheap Transportation upon Commercial Devel- opment.—The foregoing tables are forcible demonstrations of the effect upon commerce of increased facilities for its transaction. But in the case of the Sault Ste. Marie Canal, another most important principle is also demonstrated conclusively. The aggregate value of the II, 214,333 N. B.-In any comparison of the two foregoing tables it must be borne in mind that the Sault Ste. Marie returns are in net tons of 2,000 pounds each freight, while the Suez tables are in net Suez tonnage of the vessels passed. For instance, in the Suez table the tonnage of I891, 8,698,777 represents I2,217,986 of gross tonnage. THE NICARAGUA CANAL. * I5. tons of freight carried in 1892 was $135, 117,267, an average of $12. per ton. Its principal constitutents were coal, flour, grain and ore, the last commodity constituting about 55 per cent. of the whole, and the coal about 35 per cent; both are articles of low valuation, which could only be carried the distance requisite because of the low cost of deep water trans- portation. The opening of the canal has thus created this vast traffic by making it possible to transport to a market of consumption products of low value which could not afford the more expensive carriage by rail; and this it is done in a locality where the thermometer frequently registers. 65 degrees of frost and where traffic is suspended because of ice for nearly five months in the year. (The open season of 1892 lasted 233 days.) Cheap Transportation Diverts Traffic.—There cannot fail to be an enormous and immediate diversion, to the new route, of maritime. commerce already existing, to which the advantage of distance offered by the canal will be very much greater than that which has secured to Suez. its traffic; and the diversion will be immediate, for all experimental ques- tions, which might otherwise delay the change, have been already answered by practical experience at Suez. Cheap Transportation Encourages Settlement of Unoccupied. Territory.—The effect of the new route on emigration and colonization, in view of the favorable conditions of climate and fertility of the terri- tory made available to settlement, cannot be estimated. All precedents, and especially what has been accomplished by the Sault Ste. Marie under physical conditions the reverse of favorable, give assurance of an enor- mous developement. Summary of Deductions.—With the completion of the Nicaragua Canal we shall have another demonstration of the principles heretofore stated, that new routes cheapening transportation and bringing closer to each other producer and consumer, First, Promote the development of existing commerce. Second, Open new and previously unproductive commercial fields; and, Third, Permit and aid in the settlement of unoccupied territory. Distances Saved by the Canal.—The Nicaragua Canal, in connec- tion with Suez, will provide a maritime highway for the circumnavigation of the world by a route as nearly direct as is possible for all points in the northern hemisphere. The actual circumference of the earth on a great circle is 21,600 nautical miles (about 25, ooo statute miles). Before the opening of Suez the practical route for circumnavigation, starting from New York, then around Cape Good Hope to Hong Kong and home around Cape Horn, was 30,796 nautical miles; when Suez was pierced the distance was reduced to 28,363 nautical miles; the Nicaragua Canal will shorten it to 22,309 miles; a gain of two and one-half times what was deemed sufficient to warrant the construction of the canal at Suez, § This diagram-drawn to the scale of 4, ooo miles to the inch Actual circumference of globe, - º tº sº Circumnavigation before opening of Suez Canal, gº Circumnavigation via Suez, º ſº º tº Circumnavigation via Suez and Nicaragua, ſº tº is a graphic illustration of the comparative distances. - 21,600 Nautical Miles. - 30,796 Nautical Miles. - 28,363 Nautical Miles. - 22,309 Nautical Miles. 160 Tº Tºº gº *—"—" 100 *" . . . " 40 60 80 - - - - T - - - -T H -- - – -y N O La Reen and - - -> r - A- BY THE - St.Petersburg Cronstadt cº - º 4 º'" q \ M A R IT IM E C A N A L Wººd ". Abert - - N - or & --Lºs pº º º igsbe º º NICA RAC U A Belfas §. Aſ ºf *** O. * º & º C. N - º ºpº. Arcona Danzig *s AQ - Dººlin Hamburg º & º º, S. 2% ºterdam - erp se ºw- º Q S **** ---, -º-º: Calais º & Port Townseñº, Seattle º M. le sº ------- º /. Havre º *Olympia Kin *. Jºº. St.Johns º ** ſ ºcº º Astoria *stoº ſº º …” º - *- 3. * 2° sº - * * 22* º// - º S. ººri essiºn ºsus º, - lif gºeºs º º - pe. ** ======Exº-º: - * **-tº- fºss - - :- --- ºf 3- =s** **EAVºw º 2 - wº- ***E=== º ºf - *a*- .. **** sº Sº, Chicago.” Nºw York º sºs Bay - ******* *:::s & - Philadelphiaº ==* s **E=- ae" sº - Baltimore eZºº, Lisbon ** *śs $º san FRAN cis-- Washington R ººz---- - Cadiz º ºs & º, Nºrfolk º A. - ohama *sº Charleston Strø º * *3s, º Los Angeles - * º Tangier - *& San Diego ºunchau º * & I *sº I - & - *oz d - Swatow R. Q Hong Kong º 7 - Nº. Eunoas nºw mona and new cº-º-Auro cºin 20+ C2 - -T-TTT-TTT- * W. ºransean rº \ * NIETFº --tº a St. Vindent -20 - war. º - - ºutrº. **cAPE f º werDE is. - -> MARSHAL- - A 2 º: ISLANDS P islands - ". C I F I Sierra Leone º - *13- - - W --- Rºsarº º º EW- S T > * - ºats - w canoline islands,” cassaua-ºº: * - Nº settaneº- wº-li-º- | Tº N Gulf of Guinea - 2^ o | 0 || *:: *** º: '..cº. o - * ST, THomas e § º <2* - 0 GILBERT. ISLANDS - º º \x } \, º | I NT D& I A. N \ t * - *_º - Parahiba Nº. - - Zanzibarº o zºº. avº: ". Pernambuco º \\ º *x º St.Paul de Loanda º' cº- 8AMOA OR ºn **, * *J - 23° o. -- navigator ISLANDS e § \ ºv ** 2 Mayotta - - º \, . Sº * Flu Islandsº - tº 1 \! Sºsrºelenºs Mozambique *.*. ". . society Islands 31 \! - - 20 + FRIENDLY ISLANDS P º *~ *~ I º Y- \ *s * O C i º - * # * | *~ *~ - * -> I - t *~~ Nº. * - t - * r o - * - wº austaat- 1. I *~~ * Port Natal zº- ===-aº ---- So i-2, *~ *~ -* Laº -- º *~~ N Cape Town Z--" - - - - Aucklandº º º-º-º: S&s! c.of good Hoººº-º-º-º-º: - NEW -- sº t Sºve *onsº AND e IIow: º RS Liverº - 40+ - º e Wellingtº Rws Sol. To ol--To-GHina-Arno-JAPAN * ZEALAND - || 40 tºº. \ } *3. Table of Distances, in Nautical Miles, between Commercial Ports of the World, and Distances Saved by the Nicaragua Canal. evees: Hobart Town S&. - Compiled from data furnished by the United States Hydrographic Office. Length of Sailing Routes approximate only. +o - - - - - Live aPoet Nºe r = + i = - 5 § - § 3 t is # = | 3–3 - - - + . *Ss. - 5s; Fä is # # ài jí 3. #, # # º BETWEEN EP. 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A * tº go ſº hº =– —-T ! ~ - . # 3 or nou AD- ===s=" --- m PU AVſ ſº o R ºn Fig 3 A ~~ &rs ~~~ – Sºrº - - - - - sº Skr-—t-recº- Sºº-º-º: wº E-J EEZ- cº-º-º: H-ZL- º º The World's Columbian Water Commerce Congress CHICAGO, 1893 v. MISSISSIPPI RIVER IMPROVEMENT BELOW CAIRO BY C. B. COMSTOCK COLONEL OF ENGINEERS, BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL B O S T ON D A M R E L L & U P H A M @Ibe 49ſt. Torner ºochátore 283 Washington Street º: ºw.” |×MAP O ^ PLUM PONT REACH » : * rºom www.y „* BY C,șiyarev, • •••• • ►r aereº. _°awą, 4,4-4, º ſuae tae quaec flow of Nș. W. ROESSLER Corſès ofEngraus, xz-z-z-z^*^-}awº Yo acco •»v a^ºua: *zºoS • ^ „” ſuo, „up, 20 ſe ſºº rp+s ) , foyžá,w Caeſae . Lº× zv. ſé-~~~~ cºeae----• →,^ SN!• � -• _^º._^ _°Z^AZ-ſºngstfel, ſae. S � ſa s. � * MISSISSIPPI RIVER IMPROVEMENT, BELOW CAIRO. I. In giving a brief account of the works of improvement undertaken on the Mississippi River below its junction with the Ohio River, by the United States, a description of this part of the river is desirable. 2. The length of the lower Mississippi, from Cairo, Ill., where the Ohio River enters it, to its mouth, is 1,070 miles. The average width which exceeds 5,000 feet for the upper three hundred (300) miles, if all the channels are, included, gradually diminishes in descending the stream, and at New Orleans is but about 2,200 feet. The navigable depths at low water sometimes become as small as 5 or 6 feet on shoals between Cairo and a point 550 miles below. Below Red River, which is 765 miles below Cairo, there is always a navigable depth of Io feet or more. When the minimum navigable depths become as small as 5 or 6 feet, commerce suffers very serious delays and interruptions, and urgently claims relief. The amount of this commerce is about three millions of tons per annum. The maximum oscillation, or the height of great floods above the lowest stages between Cairo and Red River, a distance of 765 miles, varies between 53 and 36 feet. Below the mouth of the Red River (where the oscillation is 48 feet) the influence of the Gulf of Mex- ico is felt, and at New Orleans the oscillation is reduced to 17 feet. ** For a bank full stage the average water cross section of the river, from Cairo to Red River, does not vary widely from 200,000 square feet; and the river flow at this stage 4 does not vary widely from 1,000,000 cubic feet a second, But in great floods the river is higher than its natural banks, sometimes by several feet for hundreds of miles; and the flow in the river proper may be much larger than at a merely bank full stage. Thus in the great flood of 1882 a discharge was observed at Columbus, 21 miles below Cairo, of 1,600,000 cubic feet a second, as the maximum flow in the river proper; and about 3OO,OOO cubic feet a second more was flowing parallel to the river in the low swamps to its west. In this same flood the maximum discharge in the river proper was also measured at Hay's Landing, 55.3 miles below Cairo, as 1,019,000 cubic feet a second. Here the flow through the swamps, of water which had escaped from the river above and which was independent of the river flow, must have been about 1,000,000 cubic feet second. Several important tributaries enter the Mississippi River below Cairo. In great floods the flow across the latitude of Cairo may be taken as 1,900,000 cubic feet a second, this amount increasing at the latitude of Red River Landing, 765 miles below measured along the river, to 2,2OO,OOO cubic feet a second. In a right line this distance is about 430 miles. At very low stages of the river the discharge at New Orleans may sink to I2O,OOO cubic feet a second, and at Cairo to IOO,OOO. For 400 miles below Cairo the high water slopes vary be- tween about O'.3 and O'.5 per mile: in the next 365 miles they diminish to about O'.2 per mile at Red River Landing, and to about o'. I 5 at New Orleans. Below Cairo the river flows in an alluvial soil of its own formation, the width of the valley lying below its floods varying from 20 to 75 miles; and the overflow area is about 30,000 square miles. From Cairo down, the bed of the river is sand, with sometimes a little gravel. Below Red River the sand is fine, and the banks have more clay in them. At a number of places on one side or the other of its overflow valley the river comes - in contact with bluffs of an older formation. As usual, the great depths are found near concave banks. These depths in the upper part of the river, at low stage, often reach 5o and 60 feet. Near New Orleans these depths are sometimes 5 175 feet; and here for a hundred miles the average thalweg depth at low stage is about 90 feet, which may be compared with the 35 feet existing between 65 and 161 miles below Cairo. - The banks of the river above Red River are very unstable. Concave banks often recede by erosion 300 or 400 feet in a year, and sometimes as much as 800 feet. In great floods the river may be higher than its banks for 80 days at Cairo, increasing to I2O days at Vicksburg, 600 miles below. 3. In 1879 a commission called the Mississippi River Commission was organized by the United States Govern- ment, and since that date has had charge of the expenditures by the United States on the Mississippi River below Cairo. Up to March 31, 1893, the Commission had expended about 19 millions of dollars, of which about 6% millions was directly for the improvement of navigation, about 6 millions for levees, and the balance for local works at various places. Since in straight parts of the natural river, in which the width does not exceed about 3,500 feet, there is habitually the depth of water desired for navigation,-- namely, Io feet or more at the lowest stages, some such width as 3,500 feet is considered the limit of necessary contraction in those parts of the river where navigation now sometimes becomes diffi- cult. In carrying on the improvement of the river, where at places of bad navigation there are islands, the channels be- hind them — which are sometimes 2,OOO feet wide — are closed by closing dykes, or dams. If this does not give sufficient contraction, spurs are built from one bank of the river of sufficient length to produce the desired result. These spurs in some cases are 4,000 feet in length. As the concave banks are usually caving banks, such banks in the vicinity of, or opposite to spurs must be protected from erosion. This is effected by covering the portion of the bank below water by a woven mattress of brush loaded with stone, and the part of the bank above water, after it has been suitably sloped, by a covering about Io inches thick of stone. These mattresses are constructed on a barge, or on two 6 barges placed end to end, so that the combined length of the barges may exceed the width proposed for the mattress, this width sometimes reaching 3OO feet. The mattress barges are at right angles to the shore: the mattress is afloat at its upper end, and held by cables. As the mattress is woven on the mattress barges, they are allowed to be carried down stream by the current, dropping a part of the continuous mattress upon the water service above them. In this way mattresses 300 feet wide and 1,000 feet long have been woven continuously, and still greater lengths of narrower mattress have been made. When a sufficient length has been woven, it is loaded with stone, and sunk to the bottom, its upper end being sunk first. Usually the inner edge of the mattress, when sunk, is near the low-water line, and the outer edge in the deepest water of the river, the usual under water slope of the bank ordinarily not exceeding #, the depth of the water often being from 60 to IOO feet. A common size of mattress is 800 by 250 feet. The mat- tresses are constructed on the mattress barges by laying parallel to the shore, and 8 or IO feet apart, a series of poles, whose aggregate width equals nearly that of the pro- posed mattress. These poles are small trees from 3 to 6 inches in diameter at the butt, and 25 or 30 feet long. Smaller poles are then placed at right angles to the larger series, so as to pass alternately beneath and above the successive larger poles, as in basket-work. These smaller poles, when forced into close contact with each other and with the other series, form a tolerably compact web, or mattress. When so many of the small poles have been added that they approach the ends of the larger series, whose poles are parallel to the shore, these larger poles are each continued by having an- other large pole spliced to it, and so on for the length of the mattress. The brush in the mattress is fastened together frequently with iron wire and cross poles. The whole mat- tress is strengthened by wire cables about 20 feet apart, and by § to # inches wire ropes running longitudinally the whole length (1,000 feet) of the mattress. Transverse cables of wire, about 16 feet apart, also strengthen the mattress; and transverse wire ropes in addition are sometimes used. 7 For the protection of the bank above water a brush protec- tion has been extensively used. But it soon decays; and, as the cost of stone has fallen, the latter is now used almost ex- clusively. The strength of the mattresses has been in- creased from time to time, as experience has shown its necessity; and for banks which are severely attacked by the current, a still further increase is needed. 4. In Europe, spurs intended to contract river widths are usually solid dykes of brush, stone, and gravel, in various combinations, depending on the cost of the materials. On the upper Mississippi River (that is, on the part above the mouth of the Missouri) the river carries little sediment; and its oscillations are small in comparison with those on the lower Mississippi, while stone is abundant. These facts have led to the use of essentially the same methods of river im- provement there, as are used in Europe. Below Cairo, on the other hand, the river is frequently charged with sedi- ment, its average weight being about rºot, part of the weight of the water, this ratio rising at times to gº or gāo part. Below Cairo and as far as Red River the oscillations in height vary between 35 and 52 feet : stone has to be brought from great distances, and costs from $1.60 to $3 per cubic yard. Long spurs of stone, or under-water stone revetments, in deep water would therefore be costly. These facts have led, in works of contraction, to a wide deviation from the methods usually followed in Europe. The deviation consists in constructing spurs of from one to four parallel rows of piling, the piles in each row having in- tervals of 8 or Io feet, while the rows have intervals of about 20 feet. The piles are strongly braced and tied to each Other. Their greatest enemy is the large amount of drifting trees, derived from the wooded caving banks, which comes down the river during floods. These are stopped by the piling, and sometimes accumulate (especially when side channels are closed), so as to cover areas of several acres, and in solid masses sometimes reaching I 2 feet in thickness. These enormous masses of drift-wood act injuriously in several ways. First, they threaten to break off one or more rows of 8 piles by their direct pressure. Second, they tend to produce scour of the bottom of the river between the piles, so as to undermine them in spite of a wide mattress placed on the bottom to prevent such scour. Third, when the river rises above the tops of the piles, it drops heavy masses of drift- wood on top of the piles and on their bracing, and breaks down the bracing, especially when weakened by age. Cot- tonwood (one of the willow family) timber is the timber most easily obtained, and hence most largely used. When ex- posed to the weather, it becomes very weak after three years. Where spurs are used on European rivers, they usually pro- duce a slow filling up of the river-bed lying between them, in consequence of a diminished velocity of the water over a part of this area. A spur of several rows of piling by itself, and especially when aided by drift, diminishes the velocity of the water flowing between it and the next spur below, and thus also tends to produce deposits. If the spur has brush woven along one of its rows of piles, the effect in checking the ve- locity of the water is still greater; and such a hurdle (as it is called) is frequently, though not always, used to diminish the velocity of the water, to cause deposits, and thus to build up. a new bank. By the use of such spurs, fills of an average depth of 8 or IO feet have been obtained over many acres in a single flood. When a shoal has thus been built up to about mid stage, cottonwood brush begins to grow upon it, and strongly aids. the building up process. At Baleshed, 540 miles below Cairo, in a few years an area of about 700 acres was built up by about 20 feet. The most satisfactory results as to build- ing new banks have been obtained between Cairo and St. Louis. A large proportion of the sediment in the Missis- sippi comes from the Missouri River, and before it is diluted by the Ohio River water is readily deposited. Below the mouth of the Ohio the process of building up new banks where the river is too wide is much slower. In closing side channels, pile dykes have also been used frequently and suc- cessfully. But as the process of closure is a slow one, and a piled dyke is often seriously injured by drift and decay, it is 9 not improbable that a solid closing dam may under certain conditions be better. 5. The methods of contraction and bank protection for the purpose of improving navigation, which have been briefly described, have been applied chiefly to two places; namely, to a portion of the river 18 miles long, near Plum Point, 165 miles below Cairo, and to a portion 19 miles long, near Lake Providence, 542 miles below Cairo. At the latter place, in consequence of suspension of work under legislative action, and from lack of funds,- at times even to make repairs to preserve the works,— this part of the work does not yet ap- proach completion. The work at Plum Point is far toward completion. Before the work was begun here in 1881, depths as small as 4% feet were reported; and it was one of the worst parts of the river, so far as navigation was concerned. There were numerous islands and side channels, and at one point the width of the main river exceeded I3 miles. Several of the side channels have been completely closed ; those remaining are partially closed; a large portion of the caving banks have been pro- tected, and a considerable amount of spur dyke work has been built to give contraction. For several years prior to the fall of 1891 the low-water navigable depths had ordinarily been IO feet or more, occa- sionally going down to 8 feet for short periods. In Novem- ber, 1891, the river was excessively low, its discharge becom- ing as small as IO9,OOO cubic feet a second at Cairo. In the portion of the Plum Point Reach controlled in part by the works, the least navigable depth was 6% feet. There had been spent up to March 31, 1893, on Plum Point Reach $3,613,OOO and $3, IQ5,000 on the Lake Provi- dence Reach. 6. As the Mississippi River Commission has spent about $6,000,000 since 1880 on levees along the Mississippi River, the local authorities having spent about $12,000,000 more, a brief account of the levee system may be of interest. Right Bank.- From Cairo to Helena, along the St. Fran- cis bottom lands, the levees were never in a very perfect state; and little has been done to them for many years. The IO distance from Cairo to Helena is 306 miles; and the aggre- gate length of levees, there being many gaps, is II.5 miles. If I 5 miles of levees above Cairo, which also cover the St. Francis bottom, be added, it gives I3O miles of existing levees. From Helena to Cypress Creek, or from 306 to 436 miles below Cairo, there are, with many gaps, 53 miles of levees. From Cypress Creek to Bougéres, 738 miles below Cairo, the levees are continuous. From Red River, 764 miles below Cairo, to Fort Jackson, I,039 miles below Cairo, the levees are continuous, with the exception of a narrow outlet, the Lafourche. Ileft Bank.--Neglecting short pieces of levee covering small areas and built by individuals, the levees are continu- ous along the Yazoo bottom, from 245 to 575 miles below Cairo, and from Baton Rouge, 833 miles below Cairo, to Fort St. Philip, 1,039 miles below Cairo. The aggregate length of main front levees on the Mississippi is 1,294 miles. The cross section of the better recent levees has a top width of 8 feet, about 3 feet above the highest known water, side slopes of #, and where the levee is high it has a banquette on the land side. The interval between the levees is very irregular, varying from 3,OOO feet to several miles. The aggregate volume of the existing Mississippi River levees is about 80,000,000 cubic yards, and for hundreds of miles the average height is 8 feet or more. At bank full stage above the mouth of the Red River the flow of the Mississippi is from I, OOO,OOO to 1,2OO,OOO cubic feet a second. As has been previously stated, the flow down the valley is about 1,900,000 cubic feet a second, in great floods at Cairo, this flow being increased to about 2,OOO,OOO cubic feet a sec- ond above the mouth of Red River. As, with levees badly broken in the great flood of 1882, the flow in the river proper varied between I, OOO,OOO cubic feet per second and I,6OO,Ooo cubic feet, it is evident that the confinement of the total flood flow by levees must largely increase the flood heights. At Lake Providence, for instance, the flood - flow has been increased by confinement by levees from about I,057,OOO cubic feet a second in 1882 to about 1,433,000 cubic feet a second in 1892. The increase is 376,000 cubic I I feet a second; and the corresponding increase in gauge read- ing is from 38.3 to 41.6, or 3.3 feet. As these levees will ultimately have to confine not less than 2,OOO,OOO cubic feet per second in great floods, it will be seen that they have yet to be raised much higher to give security against such floods. NEw York CITY, June 15, 1893. PLUM Point REACH — As Port BEND, Mississippi River. PLATE. I. FASCINE MAT UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Longitudinal poles over the mat not laid when the view was taken. Diameter of fascines, 12 inches. 1,119 x 300 feet. PLATE II. Mississippi River IMPROVEMENT. FASCINE MAT AT GREEN VILLE, MISSISSIPPI. The World's Columbian Water Commerce Congress CHICAGO, 1893 THE PORT OF HAVRE *. BY BARON QUINETTE DE ROCHEMONT Inspecteur Général des Ponts et Chaussées PARIS, FRANCE B O S T O N D A M R E L L & U P H A M (Ibe ®ſù Corner %5noſiſitote 283 Washington Street ~3 § :* ºx tº • * * * *. Irs ºt biaſin, Libou |P ſ §2 Lº 6-IX-T), ( Vºf 10-22, THE PORT OF HAVRE. GEOGRAPHICAL AND HYDROGRAPHICAL INFORMATION. Havre is situated on the northern bank of the mouth of the Seine. The city occupies the western extremity of a plain, slightly elevated above the level of high tide. Within a few years it has extended to Ingouville Heights, which limit the valley of the Seine. Very favorably situated for commerce, Havre is the nearest seaport to Paris, its distance being only 228 kilo- metres by rail. It communicates with this city and with the network of navigable waterways of France by the Seine and the Tancarville Canal. Havre is the first large port which incoming ocean steamers make. Nearer to the north and the east of France and Switzerland and a part of Southern Germany than Hamburg and Bremen are, it has especially to fear the competition of Antwerp and Dunkirk. In coming from the west, after passing the Cape of Bar- fleur, the first land seen contains the mouth of the Seine. Toward the left the chalk cliffs of Caux extend indefinitely, assuming a dazzling whiteness when lighted by the rays of the sun. On the right are seen the hills bordering on the left bank of the Seine from Honfleur to Dives. Their rounded contours, and especially their sombre tints, suffice to distinguish them from those on the north bank of the river. The Cape de Hève forms the south-west point of the cliffs of Caux. It is distinguishable at night by an elec- 4 tric flashing light, emitting flashes of white light every five seconds, preceded and followed by total eclipses. Accom- panying this light is a fixed light of the fifth order on a neighboring tower. The great roadstead is an anchorage at sea, exposed to the violence of winds and waves from the north north-east to the south-west, passing by the west. The small road- stead is in the space enclosed between the banks called the Roadstead Heights and the coast of Havre to the Cape de Hève. The land shelters it perfectly against the winds from the north north-east to the east south-east, passing by the east; but it is open to all the other winds. At different times the propriety of establishing a longi- tudinal dyke has been discussed, but it has not been under- taken on account of the silting up of the roadstead. The shoals which are between the great and little roadsteads are indicated by nine buoys, two of which are illuminated. A tenth buoy, with a flashing light, indicates the depth of o.40 metre, the eastern limit of the port channel. Be- yond, an automatic whistling buoy (Courtenay System), anchored in November, I877, indicates the entrance to Havre in case of fog. The large ships double the heights and enter the port at the south-west. The draught of the ships entering Havre is limited by the depth of water at high tide on the shoals at the entrance of the port, extending seaward for about a mile. The bottom of the pass is not absolutely fixed: it is subject to more or less variation. From one survey to another, the depth of each point changes from O. 50 to O.80. On this shoal there are points often marked 2 metres below the zero of the chart. We cannot, then, reckon at high tide on a greater depth than 2 metres above the zero of the charts. * The entrance to the port is marked by beacons estab- lished on each of the piers, and by a range light placed on the grand quay, as well as by a fog-horn which sounds during a fog. CURRENTS AND TIDES. The flood-tide begins to be noticeable at the meridian of Hève and Trouville about four hours and a half before the hour of high tide at Havre. It preserves its velocity so that the water continues its movement toward the east. But, on account of the convergence of all the currents toward the bay, the Seine is filled before the hour of high tide. A part of this water then fills the Seine dykes, while the rest flows toward the north and the north-west by crossing the bay. The water which flows to the north of the mouth of the Seine takes an inverse movement to that which it had formerly. The reverse current has received the name of Verhaule : it begins below. The Verhaule gains quite sud- denly a great velocity, which it maintains for a long time. At the extremity of the piers of Havre its intensity is greatest about twenty minutes before the hour of high tide, and it continues twenty minutes after. This current is the last act of the flood-tide: it is this which fills the port. But, by its perpendicular direction at the piers and the coincidence of its maximum intensity with the moment of high tide, it renders the entry of the port difficult, par- ticularly when the winds shift from the south-east to the south-west by the south. After high tide the current diminishes little by little, and it has almost entirely ceased when the ebb-tide begins. The entering ships are then subjected to the action of a normal current at the piers, which forces them to make the port by the south-west; but, when they are once in the channel and partly screened by the south jetée, the current then only acts abaft, while the bow is acted upon by the reflected current from the southern jetée. The ships are then subjected to a rotating couple, which turns them and throws them upon the works. The cap- tains and pilots must take account of these circumstances to steer properly in the channel between the jetées. 6 The levels of the tides with reference to the zero of the charts are as follows: — Metres. - Low tide at equinoctial spring-tide, . . . . . . . . o.30 Low tide at ordinary spring-tide, . . . . . . . . . o.65 Low tide at ordinary neap-tide, . . . . . . . . . 2.65 Mean level of the sea, . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5o High tide at ordinary neap-tide, . . . . . . . . . 6. I 5 High tide at ordinary spring-tide, . . . . . . . . 7.85 HIGH TIDE AT EQUINOCTIAL SPRING-TIDE. The tidal curve is not symmetric. The ascending branch is shorter than the descending, and the difference increases as the height of the tide. The space of time during which the height of the tide is maintained constant is about eleven minutes; but, admitting a variation in level of O.30 metre, the duration amounts to an hour. This peculiarity of the tidal curve is very advantageous for navigation: it allows the docks and basins to remain open about three hours. Within a few years, important modifications have taken place in the régime of the currents and tides. The Ver- /aule begins from twenty to thirty minutes earlier than formerly, and its maximum velocity is considerably aug- mented; that is, from I.8 metres to 2.5 metres for tides having the coefficient of IOO. These perturbations are due to the artificial dykes of the Lower Seine, which have modified the form and the relief of the estuary. They are of such a nature as to make the entry into the port of Havre a source of considerable danger. Consequently, the plan of making a new entrance in a portion more sheltered from siltings has been for some time under discussion. DESCRIPTION OF THE PORT. The port of Havre is composed of a channel enclosed between two jetées, an outer harbor of nine docks, eleven 7 navigable locks, and six graving-docks. Three sluices, or locks, connect certain basins. CHANNEL, OUTER HARBOR.— The channel is directed south-west, toward the mouth of the Orne. Its length is 452 metres, and its minimum width IOO metres. The Calvados side is 18 miles away. Two breakwaters are situated behind the northern jetée and a third is beyond the southern jetée. The outer harbor has an area of 2 I.85 hectares, and comprises the Florida annex. Its width varies from 186 to 290 metres. The distance from the southern pierhead to the lower end of the outer harbor is 760 metres. The quay walls of the outer harbor are I,985 metres long. The available area is 4 hectares. Docks. – The total area of the nine docks is 74. I 8 hec- tares; and their total length 12,265 metres, of which II,42O is available. The storage area, deduction being made for street service and tracks, is 43.49 hectares. The arrangement of the different basins is as follows: LENGTH of QUAYs. AREA OF THE STORAGE BASINs. WATER AREA on THE SURFACE. H QUAYS. ToTAL. AVAILABLE. Royal, . I h. 20 a. 4IO m. 4OO m. o h. 39 a. Barre, 5 h. Io a. I, I80 m. I, IOO m. 3 h. OO a. Citadel, 6 h. OO a. I,320 m. I, I65 m. 4 h. Io a. Eure, 2I h. 30 a. 2,050 m. I,940 m. 7 h. 33 a. Commerce, 5 h. 40 a. I,260 m. I,235 m. 2 h. 70 a. Vauban, 7 h. 77 a. I,940 m. I,830 m. 5 h. I3 a. Dock, 4 h. 40 a. I,240 m. 1,180 m. 2 h. 40 a. Bellot, . 21 h. 21 a. 2,655 m. 2,380 m. 17 h. 96 a. Florida, I h. 80 a. 2 IO IIl. I90 m. o h. 48 a. Totals, 74 h. I8 a. I2,265 m. II,420 m. 43 h. 49 a. 8 The Royal, the Barre, and the Eure basins communi- cate directly with the outer harbor. The Citadel basin communicates with it by means of a lock or half-tide basin. The five other basins — namely, the Commercial, the Vau- ban, the Dock, the Bellot, and the Florida — discharge into the first by means of locks, or intermediate sluices. The following table shows the lengths of the locks and sluices, as well as the level of the mitre-sills: — FLoor Level Lock or SLUICE. CoNNECTING THE wº H WITH THE COPING, º,” Notre Dame, Outer harbor and the Royal basin, 16.oom. I. I5 ms. De la Barre, . Outer harbor and the Barre basin, . 13.64 m. I. I5 m. Aval du Sas, . Outer harbor and the Lock basin, . 16.16 m. — 1.65 m. Amont du Sas, . Lock and the Citadel basin, . . . . 16.oo m. o.65 m. Transatlantiques, Outer harbor and the Eure basin, . 30.50 m. — 2.85 m. Lamblardie, . Royal Basin and the Commerce basin, 13.64 m. I. 55 m. Angoulême, . Commerce and Barre basins, 13.64 m. I-35 Ins Vauban, Barre and Vauban basins, . I2. OO IIla 1.60 m. L'Eure, Vauban and Eure basins, . 16.oo m. O, OO IIl. Dock, . Eure and Dock basins, . 16.oo m. —o.65 m. Citadelle, . Citadel and Eure basins, 16. oom. o.65 m. Bellot, . Eure and Bellot basins, . 30.00 m. — 2.65 m. Chevalier, . The two darses in the Bellot basin, 3o.oO m. - 2.2O IIl. St. Jean, . Eure and Florida basins, . 2 I. OO IIls o, I 5 m. The object of the lock, or half-tide basin, of the Citadel is to prolong the tide, which is limited in the other locks to about three hours: it locks the ships which wish to enter or go out at other times than that of high tide. The locks are provided with only one pair of ebb-gates, with the exception of the Transatlantic locks, which have two. The Vauban lock is the only one which has both ebb and flood gates. The gates of the Eure and Dock locks were removed when their floorings were lowered, and they have never been replaced. * 9 - All these gates have two equal leaves, except those of the Notre Dame lock: they are all of wood except the gates of the Transatlantic, and Bellot locks, which are of iron. The passage over the locks and sluiceways is effected by bridges. Two-tracked, single-spanned swing bridges have generally been substituted for the old and complicated ones. These are economically constructed and easily ma- noeuvred. The Transatlantic, Florida, Saint John, and Dock bridges are double-spanned. The Saint John and Florida bridges are the only ones which have only a driveway. The width of the quays is from 20 to 25 metres around the old basins; it is from 50 to 60 metres for those more recently constructed, and is 70 and I I 5 metres at the Bellot basin. These dimensions comprise a driveway of 8 to II metres in width. Three lumber wharves are situated at the Barre, Vauban, and the Eure basins: they are respectively 70 metres, IOO metres, and 45 metres long. The bridges, gates, and sluices of the locks debouching into the outer harbor and the Bellot lock, as well as the bridge of the sluice uniting the two divisions of the Bellot basin, are manoeuvred by hydraulic power. The hydraulic capstans serve equally for hauling ships crossing these different locks and sluices. Since June 1, 1881, the channel, the outer port, as well as the locks uniting the Royal, the Barre, the Cita- del, and the Eure basins, have been lighted by electricity for night tides. The service works very regularly, to the great benefit of navigation; and this lighting was extended to the Bellot lock in 1891. GRAVING-DOCKS.— Six graving-docks have been con- structed by the government for the inspection and repair of ships, which are operated by contract; also a gridiron, a floating dock, and three pontoons. The graving-docks are situated in the Citadel basin: the three others lead to the Eure basin. All these ways are closed by means of floating ship-gates. IO The principal dimensions of these works are given in the following table: — * CITADEL GRAviNG-Docks. EURE GRAving-pocks. DESIGNATION. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. Length on keel blocks, . . . 45.oom. 61.50 m. || 76.oom. || 130.oo m. | 1.5o.oom. 115.oo m. Maximum length of ships admitted, . . . . . . . 48.5o m, 68.oom. 83.oom. | 155.oom. 171.oom. | 130.oom. Lock. Width of coping, . . . . II. oom. || 13.oo m. | 16.oo m, 3o. 12 m. 20, oom. | 16.oo m. Width at the springing line of the flooring, . 9.25 m. 11.12 m. 14.oom. 28.12 m. 17.96 m. | 1.4.18 m. Level of the flooring, . . 2. I5 m. 1.65 m. 1.15 m. ||—o.85 m. | –o.85 m. o.oo m. Height of water upon the flooring at high tide of or- dinary neap-tide, . . . 4. OO m. 4.5o Iſl. 5.oo m. 7.00 m. 7.oo m. 6.15 m. Height of water upon the flooring at high tide of or- dinary spring-tide, . . . 5.70 m. 6.20 m. 6.70 m. 8.70 m. 8.70 m. 7.85 m. GRAVING-DoCK. Width of coping, . . . . . 15.oom. 17.00 m. | 20.oom. || 34.52 m. 27.44 m. 23.44 m. Width at the springing of the lock walls, . 9.25 m. | II. 15 m. 14.12 m. 28.12 m. | 18.oo m. | 1.4.18 m. At the graving-docks Nos. 4 and 5 a second hollow quoin for the floating gate has been placed 14.30 metres beyond the first. The Transatlantic steamers are placed, in graving-dock No. 4, with the floating gate in its usual position. The graving-docks of the Citadel, at high tide, debouch at low tide, the water running into the outer harbor. At dead low water, there remains to be pumped out a depth of water varying in height with the level of the low tide. The graving-docks of the Eure basin can be emptied only by means of pumps. This is done in less than three hours. The floating-dock placed in the Barre basin in 1884 is a great rectangular wooden structure, 65 metres long, I9.50 metres wide, and 7.40 metres high, closed at one end by a gate turning round a horizontal axle. It can raise a ship of 800 tons in four hours. II The gridiron is 47.60 metres long and I I metres wide. The tops of the keel blocks are at the reference (3.65 metres); that is, I metre above the level of the lowest neap-tides. It is therefore covered at high tide with 4.2O metres of water and 2.50 metres water at neap-tide. The pontoons accommodate vessels of 1,200 tons: they serve also for repairing old wooden ships. THE REMOVAL OF THE SILT FROM THE PORT.— Scour- ing was for a long time employed to keep the channel clear; but it had to be abandoned, as it was found inefficient. The maintenance of the depths in the outer harbor is accomplished by dredging. Silting does not take place regularly. In fine and calm weather it is slight, while it is considerable during tempests, and particularly when violent winds occur during a freshet of the Seine. Beyond the northern pier, the siltings are almost noth- ing. In the portion included between the extremities of the two piers they produce an annual deposit of 20, Ooo cubic metres, and form two points, starting from the south poulier, and tend to close the channel. In the outer harbor, the deposits are divided unequally, — almost none at the foot of the quay walls, founded at a high level, and in front of which a sloping berme is made; they attain up to I.20 metres per year in the deeper por- tions (we may estimate it on an average at O.35 per square metre, counting the whole surface of the outer harbor). The height of these annual deposits exceeds o.o.4 metres in the basins communicating directly with the Outer harbor. It is about o.o.3 for the others, and amounts to O. I7 in the lock chambers. These deposits appear to have notably increased within a few years. EQUIPMENT.— Railroads in direct communication with the western system are laid down around the basins of the Citadel, Eure, Dock, Vauban, and Bellot, upon the South-east and north-east quays of the Barre basin, and on the east quay of the outer harbor. I 2 These roads connect with the warehouses and large stores. A maritime station is situated at the east of the Bellot basin, and side tracks are laid between the Barre and Citadel basins. - -- The Chamber of Commerce has built sheds around the basins of the Eure and the Citadel and the dock west of the Bellot basin. These constructions, nineteen in num- ber, have a total length of 2, 137 metres and a surface of 63,215 Square metres: their length varies from I 5 to 55 metres. Several of these sheds are let by the year to navigation companies, the others being at the disposal of the public. The Chamber of Commerce has, besides, a complete outfit for the handling of merchandise; namely, thirty- four hydraulic cranes of from 4OO to I, 250 kilogrammes, and twelve steam-cranes of from I, OOO to I, 5oo kilogrammes. The Dock Warehouse Company has the monopoly of the warehouses: it controls the Dock basin and the South Vauban quay for a length of 460 metres. The quays north and south of the Dock basin, being each 555 metres in 1ength, and the South Vauban quay, 460 metres, are pro- vided with sheds. The Warehouse dock has a total area of 183,500 metres. It includes 37,300 metres of sheds, 37,400 metres of covered way, 39 storehouses, having an area of 59,300 metres and a capacity of I 5 O,OOO tons of merchandise, and six cellars for wines and spirits, – a total area of 8,300 metres, or 8, OOO tons’ capacity. Five other storehouses, not being on the edge of the quays, are at the disposal of the public. They are called the general and public warehouses, the Pont-Rouge docks, the Paris, the Briquet, and the public and commercial warehouses. Three masting-sheers and five fixed cranes are for public use. The masting-sheers are erected on the banks of the Commerce, Vauban, and Eure basins, and raise respectively 50, 30, and IOO tons. The power of the cranes varies from 6, OOO to I4, OOO kilogrammes. I3 Besides this apparatus, which may be used by the pub- lic and which has been the object of judicial concession, there have been erected on the quays, by prefectorial decree, a large number of sheds, tents, and cranes for the use of navigation companies or private individuals who have built them. The most important of these construc- tions are the following: — Those of the General Transatlantic Company, covering an area of 4, 17O metres. Those of the Hamburg-American Company, covering an area of 945 metres. Those of the Southampton Boats, covering an area of 34O metres. The General Transatlantic Company has a floating sheers capable of raising 30 tons. Seven weighing plat- forms have been erected by the city of Havre for the weighing of merchandise at different parts of the harbor: their use is gratuitous. WORKS IN PROGRESS OF EXECUTION OR PROJECTED. The interior of the port of Havre now is in a satisfac- tory condition. It is being further improved by the con- struction of a tenth dock for the use of the petroleum trade. This dock is near completion. It has an area of I.5o hectares and a perimeter of 575 metres. It is situated at the east of the Bellot basin, with which it communicates by a sluice 17 metres wide, of which the flooring is at the reference (–2 metres). The depth of water in this basin is 8. I 5 metres at high neap-tide. Provisions are made to allow the rapid carrying away of petroleum brought by sea or for its warehousing close to the basin. But the entrance of the harbor is not quite satisfactory. It lacks in depth. Moreover, it is in danger of silting, and large ships can enter the basins only during three hours of each flood-tide. In order to remedy this diffi- I4 culty and to prolong the Seine dykes, works demanded for the benefit of the port of Rouen, it is indispensable to make a new entrance to Havre. A project for this is under consideration, and will soon be submitted to Parliament. It consists of : — I. The construction in front of the entrance of the pres- ent harbor of a new outer harbor, accessible by two exte- rior entrances, one directed toward the west and the other toward the south-west, where the depths necessary for navigation will be realized and sustained by means of dredging. 2. The removal of the northern and southern jetées and a part of the Florida bridges, to allow an easy and direct access to the present outer harbor, or tidal port, notably increased, and the construction of a quay in this new part of the port, with foundations laid at great depth, where the incoming ships may float at all times without having to enter the docks. 3. The construction of a lock practicable for the large ships during at least half of the tide, and giving access to the basins from the outer harbor. The new outer harbor is included between two converg- ing dykes, directed seaward: the north dyke, 550 metres long, starts from the spurs; while the southern dyke, 625 metres long, is joined by a temporary coffer-dam and by the new tidal quay with the Saint John dyke, on a level with the Florida bridges on the central basin. The outer harbor is excavated to a depth of 4.5o below the datum plane. The entrance pass, through the actual shoals from 2.20 to 2.50, is to be dredged to the same depth. It will be 200 metres wide between the pierheads. The principal, or western, pass will be dredged to the reference (-4.50), without this dredging necessitating a deepening of more than O. 50 metre to I. 50 metres, except at the immediate approaches of the port. This pass, as well as the outer harbor, will have a depth of at least 9 metres during six hours of each tide, which will allow I5 ships drawing 8 metres to enter the port for the same interval of time. A draught of 7 metres sufficient for ships of 6 metres draught will be assured during slack Water. The lock facing the entrance to the new outer harbor takes the place of the Florida dock, and connects the outer harbor with the Eure basin. The chamber is 225 metres long and 30 metres broad. An intermediate gate divides it into two chambers, I2O and 75 metres long respectively. The reference of the upper flooring of the outer lock is (–4 metres), which suffices for the lockage of all ships which have gone over the pass. The reference of the upper flooring of the inner lock is (-3 metres), thus assuming a minimum draught of 8.50 metres, correspond- ing to the lowest level maintained in the basins during slack water. COMMERCIAL AND STATISTICAL INFORMATION. The following statement shows the increase for the last twenty-three years, in number and tonnage of the vessels entering the port of Havre: — 1870. Number foreign and colonial vessels, . . 2,849. Tonnage, 1,206,292 1870. Number coasting vessels, . . . . . . 2,890. Tonnage, 226,358 Total, . . . . . . . . . . 5,739. I,432,650 1892. Number foreign and colonial vessels, . . 2,374. Tonnage, 2,122,487 1892. Number coasting vessels, . . . . . . 3,638. Tonnage, 489,345 Total, . . . . . . . . . . 6,012. 2,611,832 These figures do not include the daily passenger boats between Havre, Honfleur, and Trouville, having a ton- nage of from I43 to 189. EXPORTS AND IMPORTS.— The following statement shows the increase in the total weight in tons of the imports and exports during an interval of twenty-two years: — I6 1870. Foreign and colonial imports, . . . 972,954. Exports, 335,025 1870. Coasting trade, . . . . . . . . II2,379. Exports, 300,2OI Total exports and imports, . . . . I,720,559 1891. Foreign and colonial imports, . . . 2,137,749. Exports, 621,561 1891. Coasting trade, . . . . . . . . 231,592. Exports, 392,157 Total exports and imports, . . . . . 3,383,059 The principal articles of importation are cotton, wool, coffee, woods, tobacco, skins, oil, iron, grains, etc. The exports consist especially of valuable merchandise of com- paratively slight bulk, such as tissues, trimmings, ribbons, silks, sugar, wines, pottery, glass, etc. t PASSENGERS.— The regular lines of ships carry pas- sengers. The steamers plying between Honfleur, Trou- ville, Caen, Southampton, New York, and the Antilles are arranged to accommodate travellers. The steamers of the General Transatlantic and the American-Hamburg Companies take a great number of emigrants. In 1891 there were thus transported from Havre: — Ist PASSENGERS. Departures. Arrivals. Transatlantic lines, . . . . . . . . . . 9,34I 21,876 English-French lines, . . . . . . . . . . 8,073 7,704 Coastwise, Continental lines, . . . . . . . I,813 1,896 Honfleur, Trouville, and Caen lines, . . . . 164,462 I62,263 Total, . . . . . . . . . . . I83,689 I93,739 2d EMIGRANTS. North America (United States and Canada), .. 32,932 Central America (Columbia, Antilles), . . . . I2O South America, . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,878 Total, . . . . . . . . . . . . 34,930 PARIS, April 29, 1893. } ſaei , :Aſ \, № |-№. � ~--- ſae № :' : ) ..………. № |× _. |- |×! № \!\!\!\!\!\!\!1!!1!!1_lſ_№tºſ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! \\ №ſºſ | || |- mae ….… /)/)/, - ', ----- : ~~~~'' |×Weizme The World's Columbian Water Commerce Congress CHICAGO, I893 THE COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES AS RELATED TO THAT OF OTHER COUNTRIES BY WILLIAM W. BATES EX U.S. COMMISSIONER OF NAVIGATION B O S T ON D A M R E L L & U P H A M @Ibe 49ſt. Torner ºuchâtore 283 Washington Street THE COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES AS RELATED TO THAT OF OTHER COUNTRIES. Once the commerce of the United States was carried on by American merchants with shipping built at home. Now, it is known the world over that our ships have al- most quit the sea, and our merchants are few indeed in the foreign trade. Expressing the national pride in 1825, Daniel Webster said, L “We have a commerce which leaves no sea unexplored; navies which take no law from superior force.” In 1893, nautical enterprises have been given up, and our naval weakness compels us to take our law from foreign arbitrators. Eighty-three years ago we had more tonnage in the for- eign trade than last year. When Washington became our President, American carriage in the foreign trade was double the percentage of to-day. In the grain trade of California only a single American ship, to IO9 foreign, has sailed to Europe in the past seven months. Four years ago the monthly proportion was 5 to 19, and ten years ago I4 to I7. Sixty-five years ago our percentage of carriage of our own commerce was 92.5 ; when the war for the Union began, it was 65.2 ; when it ended, 27.5; and last year 12.3. In the course of this decadency whole classes of the best of citizens have been discharged of work and ruined of fortune to give employment and business to the owners, builders, mer- chants, underwriters, and workmen of foreign countries. 4 A famous Englishman has left on record this conclusion : — “Whosoever commands the sea commands the trade; whosoever commands the trade of the world commands the riches of the world, and consequently the world itself.” The principle thus sharply set forth, and deemed essen- tial to British prosperity, strange to say, presents no point to the American mind, as it marvels to-day at British suc- cess, and wonders why failure has followed dulness. A different spirit illumed our way, in our fathers' time. Then the British aphorism was understood. A wise and well- timed policy caused and developed an active commerce in our own vessels. We soon attained to commercial indepen- dence, laid the foundation for naval power, and took rank among the nations. Our commerce was American in root and branch. It created the prosperity of early years. It cemented the Union of the States. It made us a name, and spread abroad a fame that yet forms part of our repute. It enriched our cities, fought our battles, won our victories, and advanced our civilization. The benefits which we then de- rived from the trade of the world were many and positive. Now all is altered, warped, or cut out. Our navigation having perished, commerce has become a burden and a drag. It has grown immense, but its former advantage has passed away. It is as passive now as it was alert before. No longer do we strike its balance or trim it to our require- ment. But alien merchants of many nations, foreign ship- ping built abroad, distant underwriters, and bankers who are strangers conduct, transport, and control our commerce with the world at the present time. Through the change that has come, foreign influence has grown strong, and may yet be gigantic. It seeks already to modify our monetary system and to reform the revenue. For many years it has opposed the restoration of our marine, and to-day it sees no need for a navy or the fortification of our ports. When we had what Mr. Jefferson called a “protuberant navigation,” and our commerce was carried on by citizens, our politics were free from foreign bias, patronage, or subser- vience. Our commercial relations had no danger for the State. The consequences of our trade and transportation 5 falling into foreign hands were known in the beginning. In 1791, Mr. Jefferson cautioned us that “the marketing of our productions will be at the mercy of any nation which has possessed itself exclusively of the means of carrying them, and our politics may be influenced by those who command our commerce.” The average citizen is the unit of government in the TJnited States. Our rivals want him to be a “farmer’’ and plough the land, and let the sea go unfurrowed. They argue it is cheaper to hire foreign vessels than to build and sail our own; that, when it pays to send our ships to sea, it will be time enough to think of voyages, and of shipping and receiving cargoes. Till that time comes, we would better give up building, cease sailing, stop merchandizing, quit underwriting and all business connected with foreign trade. They will serve us economically, humbly, and with an eye single to our pleasure and content. But the advice of history reads otherwise. Disinterested counsel and unselfish service of one people to another is not the habit of mankind. The commercial policy of a great country must have independence for its basic principle. Of foreign nations we should ask no favor; to them show no preferences; and with them share no advantages that are the birthright of our own people. For politic reasons navigation is an essential interest of a maritime nation. The question of a marine in active com- merce includes many problems of public concern. That of the almighty dollar for individual gain is worth considera- tion; but greater and graver interests make it quite as im- portant to carry our own commerce as to have a commerce of our own to carry. We have a national defence that must be made by sea. Ship-building and navigation are military arts. Ability to build and sail is in itself a pillar of indepen- dence. The use of ships provides a force, inspires a cour- age, and gives an energy peculiar to navigating nations. Communities who take and keep the sea develop largely both civil and military power. Ship-building and navigation have won from barbarism two-thirds of the globe. From the ninth century down, England has been the most impor- 6 tant maritime State. For two hundred and forty years she has led the way in nautical pursuits and national progress. In extension of language, laws, and institutions, she has sur- passed all modern nations. She now builds three-fourths and owns more than half the shipping of the world. Her commercial prominence and naval power are based firmly on her mercantile marine. Great Britain thinks so much of commercial rule, and values ascendency at sea so highly, that she has given up thousands of lives and spent millions of money to reach and to hold her present position of profit and of power. The utility and importance of navigation are not to be measured by its failure in one country and success in an- other. It has not decayed here because it has not paid our ship-owners well, but for this reason: the national interest has not been appreciated, cared for, and protected. When this was the case, our shipping kept the sea, and the country prospered. President Grant said to Congress in 1870 : — “Building ships and navigating them utilizes vast capital at home; it creates a home market for the farm and the shop ; it diminishes the balance of trade against us, precisely to the extent of freights and passage money paid to American ves- sels; and gives us a supremacy of the seas of inestimable value in case of foreign war.” So it is not personal profit and private gain, but public good and national advantage, that compensate and overbal- ance for being our own ship-builders, ship-owners, and mer- chants. The subject of proper relations for American commerce is not of recent origination. It first came up with the ques- tions of the Union and the Constitution. On the meeting of the first Congress, an active commerce in our own vessels became a leading object of legislation. Every patriot of dis- tinction then favored the building and maintenance of an ample marine. Two vital purposes ruled their action. The first was to provide ships and seamen for the national de- fence; the second, to secure safety in our foreign trade. Painful experience had taught the need of a navigation pol- 7 icy, such as they established. After the war of the Revolu- tion, British merchants, having the capital and the carriers, soon engrossed our richest commerce. In a few years we fell deeply into debt, about 30 per cent. of it for freightage, payable in coin. Coin was also demanded largely in pay- ment for imports. Our exports zwere neglected. Herein was seen the disadvantage of alien merchants and foreign ship- ping carrying on our trade. Clever rivals make unfit agents. No man can serve two masters, and no marine can serve two nations. The foreign merchant, acting for his country, ex- ported much, but imported less, and took his freightage and balance in money. This crushed our industries, and also brought us into debt. Our fathers legislated to correct these evils, by building vessels of our own, and raising up merchants of our own, and committing to their hands the trades of exporting, importing, freighting, and bringing home the balances in coin. It was better understood then, than it appears to be now, that an adverse balance that must be paid in gold, whether created for imports or freights, is equally distressing. The difference between the employ- ment of a foreign, and a home marine is, practically, that of paying the one in gold abroad and the other in bank-notes at /home. $ Furthermore, it is the function of shipping to create and discharge adverse balances of international trade. Freight- age is a product of vessels. By ships of our own to foreign countries it is an export ; from foreign countries it saves an import. With more or less of foreign carriage in our traffic, a balance of transportation, as well as a “balance of trade,” results. To illustrate this fact, and to show, also, the extent of our ill-fated dependence on foreign shipping, let us set out the figures for 1892 : — American Commerce. Per cent. Foreign carriage of exports, . . . . . . . . . . 92 Our own carriage of exports, . . . . . . . . . 8 Adverse balance of carriage, . . . . . . . . 84 Foreign carriage of imports, . . . . . . . . . 83 Our own carriage of imports, . . . . . . . . . I7 Adverse balance of carriage, . . . . . . . . 66 8 The exports by foreign and American vessels were valued at $997,056,676. Taking 15 per cent. of value for freight- age, we have $125,629, 140 balance against us on export carriage. The imports by foreign and American vessels were valued at $787,675,867. At Io per cent, of value for freightage, we have $51,986,607 as adverse import carriage; and for the total against us, $177,615,747. Thus we see that trade and transportation are complements of each other. While one may balance the other, both must be combined in balancing commerce with foreign countries. Such being the case, let us find how great a figure the freightage of foreign ships cuts in our present exports of gold. For the year ended May 31, 1893, there is reported an adverse balance of “trade” of $88,525,442. To this should be added about $168,474,558 of adverse balance of transportation, making a total debit of $257,OOO,OOO : against which we have sent abroad of gold and silver coin and bullion, in excess of im- ports, $1 I 8,808,764. Apparently, it will take $138,000,000 more of specie, produce, or securities, to discharge the bal- ance yet due. If we had carried five-eighths of this com- merce instead of one-eighth only, we would now be in debt abroad — not one cent. “An amount of money not less than $2,OOO,OOO,Ooo or an average of $2OO,OOO,OOO annually, for ten years past, has been earned by foreign ships in doing our ocean transporta- tion, and is now represented in stocks and bonds held abroad, that are liable to be returned for gold.” To be our own merchants and carriers can alone insure safety and success in foreign trade. Our early history proves that wise legislation will bring into being every ele- ment required for nautical advantage and commercial ascen- dency. We now depend too much on Europe for good times and bad, instead of being under obligations and in debt to no people under the sun. There is too much “Stock-Ex- change” and “Board-of-Trade" in our foreign commerce. For the want of a proper shipping and commercial policy, the citizens, who might otherwise be our merchants and our ship-owners, waste their lives and their fortunes in specula- tion, of no profit to the country. 9 In conclusion, we may briefly outline the story of the American ship. Under colonial government, foreign trade was British, principally. The Revolutionary War relaxed their hold of it, but after the peace of I783, and until 1789, the foreign merchant had it his own way again. American merchants and Yankee vessels had much competition, but little business. Congress speedily changed the situation. A protective policy was applied, then American ships paid, and American merchants prospered. Foreign shipping and alien merchants soon disappeared. Before the passage of our navigation laws, foreign vessels were doing 75 per cent. of our transportation. In six years thereafter they did only Io per cent. of it; and for seventeen years following, foreign merchants and their vessels did not average over Io per cent. of American trade. Then the War of 1812 was forced upon us, to check our ascendency and break down the policy of controlling our foreign traffic. Although our government gave way to this unjust demand in the act of March 3 and treaty of July 3, 1815, in five years' time we recovered, and held for ten years thereafter a share of 90 per cent. of our foreign trade and transportation. * * For twenty-six years our primal policy had full force: then, from 1815 to 1828, it exerted a diminishing power, in consequence of limiting and restricting its operation, by acts of Congress and treaties with foreign nations. It gave place, finally, to “maritime reciprocity,” a free-trade device, grandly styled “the reciprocal liberty of commerce.” It is under this fruitless, bootless, and abortive scheme of foreign traffic that we have lost its conduct and direction, wrecked our marine, ruined our mercantile interest, wasted our wealth, and disgraced our name. The year 1830 is the point in history where, as carriers of our own commerce, our rise ended and our fall began. From this point onward dependence on foreign shipping grows constantly, with now and then a lapse, to 1864; and again from 1870 to the present time. While we had a spurt of ship-building and gains of tonnage in the fifties, the prospect of regaining our place, already partially lost, as “our own merchants and carriers,” had only a seeming IO reality, which the war converted into romance. From 1830 to 1840, while our own tonnage gained but 40 per cent. in all the ports of the world, British tonnage gained 400 per cent, in American ports alone. In later periods similar gains followed. As for proportionate carriage, from 1830 to 1840 we lost 7 per cent. ; from 1840 to 1850, II per cent. ; from 1850 to 1861, 6 per cent., - making in all about 24 per cent, before the war. In 1864 our carriage had fallen to 27.5, being a loss of 38 per cent. By 1870 we had regained 8 per cent., making the net loss 30 for the decade. Of late years there is almost a foreign monopoly of our export trade. In 1892 only 8. II per cent. of value was car- ried by American vessels, and presumably shipped by Amer- ican merchants. Much the greater proportion of our ex- ports is foreign property before it is forwarded from interior points to the cities of the coast. A considerable portion of the staple crops are raised and marketed on loans of foreign capital. Our principal markets are manipulated in the for- eign interest. In this interest prices are constantly falling, and are always lowest at harvest time. In this interest, also, our gold is exported in payment of debts. The true remedy for these and other evils is a sound sentiment and a judicious policy that will restore our ships to the sea, our merchants to their counting-rooms, our producers to their rights, and all our people to their inheritance, their interest, and independence. - The World's Columbian Water Commerce CongreSS - CHICAGO, 1893 THE STATUS AND INTERESTS OF WATER TRANSPORTATION BY THOMAS J. VIVIAN An Charge of Z%ansportation Statistics, United States Census rº, *\º B O ST ON KFºstººzcº D A M R E L L & U P H A M @the @ſt Tormer ºuchâtore 283 Washington Street THE STATUS AND INTERESTS OF WATER TRANSPORTATION. Mr. Chairman,—It would simply be going behind the records to minify the fact that what is generally called our “carrying trade” is neither what it was nor what it should be. The facts and figures of the case are too clear and too overwhelming to admit of any such voluntary short- sightedness. When we see that in 1856 the values of the imports and exports coming into and leaving our ports on foreign vessels amounted to $159,336, 576, while those carried on American vessels reached the heavy figures of $482,268,274, and then that in 1866 the value of the ex- ports and imports carried on our vessels had shrunk to $325,7 II,861, while those on foreign vessels had risen to $685,226,691 ; that, when the next decade had been rounded, the value of our exports and imports carried under the stars and stripes had still further diminished to $3 II, O76, 17 I, while those brought to and taken from our ports under “the meteor flag of England ” and other for- eign bunting had grown to $813,354,987; and that finally, in 1886, the value of the export and import trade of our ports on American vessels had still further dwindled to $197,349, 503, while that of the export and import trade on foreign vessels had swelled to $1,073, 9 I I, II 3, − when we see these things, I say, it would be midsummer madness to deny that we have fallen out of the race, and that our flag now flutters feebly and seldom where once it was a brave and frequent sight. Figures, I know, are not the most exhilarating form of literature; yet in such argu- ments as mine they must claim a place. A few examples 4. of that concrete form known as percentages I shall ask you to remember,- as, for example, that in 1856, out of the total value of our exports and imports, American ves- sels carried 75 per cent. ; that in 1866, out of a similarly formed total, American vessels carried only 66 per cent. ; that in 1876 we only carried 33 per cent. ; while in 1883 we carried but I 5 per cent., which, in the language of vulgar fractions, means that in thirty years we fell from the gallant height of a little over three-quarters of the whole to the insignificance of something under one-sixth. Unfortunately, this part of the story grows worse the longer it grows; and we find that in the census year, which is the period in which I am particularly interested, the actual figures stood as follows: value of the exports and imports of the United States carried in American vessels, $202,451,086; value carried on foreign vessels, $1,371,- I 16,744, while our percentage had shrunk to I2. The complete returns would show you that in 1890 we were actually carrying freight of less than half the value of that carried in 1860 (the exact figures of the earlier year were $507,247,557), and that in 1890 we carried over $50, OOO,- Ooo worth of freight less than the foreign vessels did in 1860. Lastly, it will no doubt interest you sadly to learn that the percentage of freight carried on American vessels in 1890 was the lowest it had ever touched, up to that date; that is, I 2.29, which means that in the topsiturvi- ness of trade the foreign vessels carried 87.7 I per cent., a greater proportion by 12 per cent. than we ever carried. The figures I have just given you are of the sort which are employed by pessimists when preaching of the deca- dence of our merchant marine, and of course are incontro- vertible. But it is not all Ichabod: there is a small amount of glory left; there is quite a little commerce still done under the American flag, and the ship-building yards of the nation are not altogether deserted. During the thirty years ending in 1890 our records show that we built 1,747 ships and barks, 575 barges, 12,423 schooners, and 5 17,359 sloops and other small craft, a total of 32, IO4 sail- ing and unrigged craft, representing 5, I 59,605 tons of tonnage, together with Io,652 steamers having a total ton- nage of 2,864,066 tons,— a grand aggregate of 42,756 craft of all kinds having a tonnage of 8,023,671 tons, or an average annual addition of 1,379 vessels of 258,828 tonnage to our fleet. Not so bad for a nation with a dead “carrying trade.” UNRIGGED CRAFT A LEGITIMATE PORTION OF OUR FLEET. When, too, one quits the retrospective and comes to look at the actual condition of affairs, things are not ex- actly cheerless. Divided according to their mode of pro- pulsion, we place the United States steam and sailing fleet for the census year as follows: — Sailing vessels, . . . . . 8,917 craft of 1,791,071 tons Steam vessels, . . . . . 6,067 “ “ 1,818,386 “ Total, . . . . . . I4,984 “ “ 3,609,457 “ 'But our contention is that these figures do not accurately represent the water transportation equipment of the United States, and that, because of certain exigencies, – local, top- ographical, and commercial,— we require a large, unrigged fleet, which is as essentially a part of that equipment as the freight cars are essentially a part of a railroad's equip- ment. These unrigged do not include canal boats, nor must it be supposed that they are small and inexpensive vessels. Their aggregate number, according to the census reports, is IO, 561, with a carrying capacity of 4, OO8,847 tons, or an average tonnage per craft of 380. In the Mis- sissippi Valley, where we show that at least 6,339 of these unrigged craft find employment, the average tonnage is 502 tons; while on the Great Lakes it is 453 tons. Both on the lake and river barges steel is being largely used as a material of construction, and the tendency in each locality is to increase both the average capacity and value of this 6 kind of craft. Putting all these classes together, we find that our entire fleet numbers 25, 545 craft, with a tonnage of 7,624, 304 tons. You will not find all these figures in the reports of the Commissioner of Navigation, because, since 1884, the registration of unrigged (except in certain. branches of trade) has been both optional and limited. It amounted in 1890, for instance, to but I, 240 craft, with an aggregate tonnage of 34 I, O42 tons, with an average tonnage of but 275 tons. $ When it comes to a question of values, the figures are no less weighty; nor do they any the less plainly show that our shipping industry is not so near the moribund gasp as many good people seem to imagine. What was asked for by our schedules and agents was “the estimated commer- cial value" of the craft; and, while this phrase was under- stood variously, it may be taken for granted that the figures which I shall give represent a conservative appraise- ment of the constructions as they float. The value of the 8,917 sailing vessels is thus figured up to be $57,275,727, an average of $6,423 per craft; that of the 6,067 steam vessels at $140,813, 570, an average of $23, 2 IO per craft; and that of the IO, 561 unrigged craft at $16,93 I, O39, an average of $1,603 per craft; an aggregate value for the entire fleet of 25,545 vessels of $2 I 5,020,336, an average of $8,417 per craft. Add to these figures $25,000, Ooo for shore property, and we have a total amount of $240,020,- 336; while the total amount invested has been estimated at $275, OOO,OOO,- an amount that must mean quite ex- tended interests. One of the most popular of “interests * in any industry is that which touches the number of people to whom it gives employment and the money it pays out in wages. The interest on investment is a very entertaining thing, no doubt; but the financial topic never has the same pop- ular interest that the industrial has. The figures collected under this head of the inquiry show that the total of per- sons employed to make up the ordinary crews of all operat- 7 ing vessels numbered Io9,861, while the men employed wholly or partially during the year numbered 240,288. The wages paid out to these people was $39,684,936. This was not the only disbursement, however; and the financial account of our floating institution is not one to be kept in a petty cash-book. In the census year the gross earnings of everything afloat and reporting amounted to $144,800,954, out of which were paid $1 I4, 53 I,690 as expenses, leaving $30,269,264 as net earnings, which, as such of you gentlemen as are lightning calculators will have figured out, is II per cent. of return on the estimated capital investment of $275, Ooo, OOO, or 17 per cent. of return on the present valuation of $240, Ooo, Ooo for the floating property and its shore attachments. Into the other details of the expense account I cannot at present go, although I promise you they contain some very interesting figures. I must not refrain, however, from making one other exception in regard to the item of fuel. The totals of this account show that in the year in question our steamers burned for fuel — fuel applied to steam-making only — no less than 4,585, O3 I tons of coal and 4 I 5,242 cords of wood, representing a total fuel expense of $15,668,459. Nor must I overlook the fact of much sig- nificance that, outside of wages and fuel, the expense account is largely made up of such items as provisions and repairs, classes of expenditure which mean the free and wide distribution of millions among millions; and this I take to be the diapason of the great economic anthem. Not all the fleet that I have been speaking of is en- gaged in traffic operations; that is, in the transportation of freight and passengers. The list includes also pilot boats, fishing vessels, and yachts, – craft whose tonnage is registered and which in themselves offer means of employ- ment, but which neither carry nor are given to carriage. These no-traffic vessels are not, however, very many, amounting in number to 966, in tonnage to 39,398, and in value to $7,281,720, which sums being deducted from the 8 original figures give the equipment statistics of those craft which are either directly or indirectly engaged in transportation at 24, 579 in number, with a tonnage of 7, 584,906, and at $207,738,616 in value. * * Coming down to the actual traffic records of the census, we find that it received reports of operation from 22, o/9 craft conducting transportation. Of these 2,282 were steamers and 6,837 were sailing vessels engaged in carry- ing freight and passengers, their united tonnage being 2,912,693; 455 were ferry steamers, with a tonnage of 146,099; 1,944 were steamboats engaged in towing freight- laden barges, with a tonnage of 145,805; while the barges so towed numbered Io, 561, with a tonnage of 4,008,847. The total tonnage of this reporting traffic fleet of 22,079 craft was 7,213,434, and its value $1.84, I26, O53, which shows that the census received reports on nearly 90 per cent. Of the entire traffic fleet. The report of operations made by these traffic craft is in some respects a remarkable one, the freight moved having been no less than 168,078, 32O tons, and the passengers carried having been I 99,079,577, in the pursuit of which business, by the by, these vessels travelled IO7,456, 164 miles. compeNSATING STATISTICS OF OUR DOMESTIC CARRYING - - TRADE. Unless I have been speaking to no purpose, you will by this time be ready to inquire how the undeniable statistics of the decline of our “carrying trade * given in the first part of this paper can be reconciled with what it is pre- sumed are the equally undeniable statistics just given to illustrate the present excellent condition of transportation by water; and I should be paying you a very poor com- pliment if I did not say that I was sure you had arrived at the true method of reconciliation. There is plenty of progress and activity in the business of our transportation 9 by water, but it is not upon the high seas that we must look for it. When the uncomprehensive statistician talks of the decline and death of our “carrying trade,” he for- gets, or does not choose to specify, that it is that branch only of the “carrying trade" which is conducted on the great ocean highway between the ports of this country and the ports of other countries; and he omits to point out the compensatory fact that our salvation is found in the statis- tics of that part of our carrying trade which is conducted from domestic port to domestic port along our seashores, and in that which is conducted upon our inland waters. Let us look at a few of the figures embraced in this com- pensatory fact: — You may perhaps remember my saying just now that our ship-building records for the years 1860 to 1890, inclusive, showed an added tonnage during that period of 8,023,671 ; and we now find that out of that aggregate I, I 72,416 tons were built on the Mississippi River and its tribu- taries, and 1,508, IOI tons on the Great Lakes, a total of 2,680, 5 I 7 tons built on these inland waters as against 5,343, I 54 tons built on the entire seaboard of the United States. Looking at these figures somewhat more in detail, we find that in I 860, out of a total of 2 I4,798 tons, 44,962 tons were built on inland waters and 169,836 tons on the seaboard; that in 1870, out of a total of 276,953 tons, 94, II 7 tons were built on inland waters and I 82,836 tons on the seaboard; that in 1880, out of a total of I 57,410 tons, 55,690 tons were built on inland waters, and IO I,720 tons on the seaboard; while in 1890, out of a total of 294, I 23 tons, 225,032 tons were built on inland waters and I69, O91 tons on the seaboard. Put in the percentage form, these figures indicate that in 1860 the ship-building yards on the inland waters turned out 2 I per cent. of all the tonnage built in the United States, that in 1870 they turned out 34 per cent., that in 1880 their percentage was 35, and that in 1890 it had risen to 43 per cent. One peculiar fact about these figures is that the tonnage IO built on the seaboard in 1890 was just the same as it was in 1860, 169, OOO tons in each year. Another peculiar fact is that ship-building on the Mississippi River and its tributaries has apparently suffered a decline. In explana- tion it should be stated that the figures of construction which I have been giving you are confined to the United States Treasury records of registered craft. It is, as I have shown, from the Mississippi Valley that the largest accession of unrigged craft is made to the United States fleet; and, as the registration of these unrigged — it will be remembered — is now optional and very limited, the figures of registered construction fail to do justice to the industry of vessel-building in the Mississippi Valley. The third peculiar fact in connection with these figures is the wonderful development of ship-building on the Great Lakes. In 1860 the tonnage built in the yards of these inland seas was but I 1,992, — indeed, in the preceding year it was only just over 6, OOO tons,— and from these fig- ures it went gallantly up year after year, 23, OOO tons, 39,000 tons, 56,000 tons, 73,000 tons, and so on, until in 1890 it reached Io8,526 tons, or within 60, OOO tons of the tonnage built round-about the United States seaboard from Machias, in Northern Maine, to Puget Sound, in Washington. Returning next to the entire floating equipment of the census year, we find that, of the total tonnage of 7,624, 3O4, 4, 319, 735 tons belonged to the Great Lakes and Missis- sippi Valley. In the matter of financial accounts we find that, out of the $144,800,954 of gross earnings, the lake fleet reported for $35,636, 163 and the Mississippi fleet for $7,65 I, 248,- a total for these two localities of $43,287,41 I ; that, out of the $1 I4, 53 I,690 which were paid for expenses, $28,033,65 I were paid by the lake fleet and $6,580,356 paid by the Mississippi fleet,_ a total for these two localities of $34,614, OO7; and that, out of the total of $30,269,264 of net earnings, the lake fleet secured $7,602, 5 I 2 and the Mississippi fleet $1,070,892, — a total for these two localities of $8,673,404. I I INTERESTING FIGURES OF LOCALIZATION, AND NOTEWORTHY FACTS OF COMPARISON. If we take up the two details of fuel and wages which were specified when considering the expense account of all the operating steamers, we find that, out of the 4,585, O3 I tons of coal burned for the steam-making, 1,541,907 tons were used by the lake steamers and 372,729 tons by those of the Mississippi Valley, and that, out of the $15,668,459 which this fuel cost, #4, II 3,278 was paid by the lake steamers and $1,335,812 by the steamers of the Mississippi Valley. The number of men, you will remember, to whom employment was given by all operating craft during the census year was 240,288, to whom was paid as wages $39,684,936. Out of this number of men 42, 150 were employed on the Great Lakes, and out of this amount there were paid $8, 140,430 as wages to the lakemen; while 32,792 persons received employment on the Mississippi Valley fleet, to whom was paid $5,338,862. The figures of localization respecting those craft distinc- tively engaged in traffic operations are equally interesting, an investigation of the records showing that, out of the 22,079 steamers, sailing vessels, and unrigged engaged in the transportation of freight and passengers, 9,708 were employed on the Great Lakes and the rivers of the Mis- sissippi Valley. The account of sailing vessels and un- rigged craft on the respective waters is nearly equally bal- anced by the offsets springing from the exigencies of locale to which I have already referred, but the steamer account presents a very plain showing of the relative importance of the inland water traffic. The figures collected by the Census Office give the Atlantic Coast, Gulf of Mexico, and Pacific Coast 2,581 traffic steamers (that is, freighters, towing and ferry boats), and to the Great Lakes and Mis- sissippi Valley 2, 100. The tonnage of the sea steamers is given at 807,702, and that of the fresh-water steamers at 756,981 ; while the value of the sea steamers is quoted I2 at $69,861, I65, and that of the steamers on inland waters at $48,205, 332. Calculations will show these figures to indicate that the inland waters owned 45 per cent. of the total number of United States freight steamers, 48 per ce.ht. of their tonnage, and 41 per cent. of their value. In view of these figures, it will not surprise you to be told that, out of the 168,078,320 tons of freight moved by the traffic fleet of the United States, 82,829,478 tons (or a trifle over 49 per cent.) were moved by the freighting craft of the inland waters, the Mississippi River boats moving 29,405, O46 tons and the lake fleet moving no less than 53,424,432 tons. The legitimate importance of the un- rigged craft in our mercantile fleet can be appropriately shown here by the fact that of the river freight the amount actually transported on steamers was IO,345, 504 tons, while that carried on the barges and towed by the steam- ers was I 9, O59, 542 tons. Although a large bulk of our inland water commerce is that of the Great Lakes and the rivers of the Mississippi Valley, the fact must not be overlooked that this country in its enormous territorial area includes other rivers and closed seas on which there is conducted bulky commerce on craft that never heel over to a sea breeze. On the Hud- son River, on the Delaware, on the Georgian streams and those of Alabama, on the Texas reaches of the Rio Grande, on the great Bay of San Francisco and its tributary rivers, far up on the Snake and Willamette, on the mighty Colum- bia, and on thes unplumbed waters of Puget Sound a big water trade is carried on that is as distinctively inland as that on the shifting Missouri or on these Brethren of the Sea that lie about us, and that amounted in the census year to the movement of nearly 12, OOO,OOO tons of freight. Nor do these figures set the limit of our domestic water commerce, for as yet we have taken no notice of that por- tion of it which is engaged in what is known as the coast- ing trade; that is, as I have said, in trading from domestic port to domestic port along our seashores. In these occu- I3 pations the traffic craft registered at the Atlantic Coast ports carried 72,705,973 tons of freight, while those simi- larly engaged on the Pacific Coast carried 8, I I I, 278 tons of freight, — a total of 80,817,251 tons. If now we gather up the various figures of our domestic commerce, the result will line out somewhat, as follows: — Freight movement of the Great Lakes, wholly do- mestic, & e º e º 'º e º 'o e ºs Freight movement on the rivers of the Mississippi Valley, wholly domestic, . . . . . . . . Domestic commerce on the Atlantic Coast and Gulf 53,424,432 tons 29,405,046 “ of Mexico, . . . . . . . . . . . . 72,705,973 “ Domestic commerce on the Pacific Coast, . . . . 8, 11 1,278 “ Making a total of . . . . . . . . . . 164,646,729 “ Add to these figures the canal traffic, . . . . . . 20,747,932 “ And we have a total freight movement on our inland waters of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185,394,661 “ When one reads or hears these figures, so close to the 2OO,OOO,OOO mark, figures which give the best indication that I can imagine of what our domestic commerce on water really is, one becomes comparatively reconciled to the fact that our foreign commerce amounted in the census year to the movement of but 4,431,591 tons of freight; that is, freight brought into and carried from United States ports on United States vessels flying the United States flag. It was not without some foreboding that I ventured upon any comparative statistics; but I was soon delighted to find that we were not going to suffer even in the odious process of comparison. I resolved to take for basis the greatest maritime country of the world, that country which is nearly all water and somebody’s else land, Great Britain; and especially Great Britain, as it is the country that does seven-tenths of our foreign carrying trade for us. The chief difficulty in instituting the comparison was to find a standard of classification; and the following, while measurably correct, cannot be regarded as strictly accurate. I4. Dealing only with those vessels engaged in traffic, we see that, while in the census year Great Britain had 5,968 vessels engaged exclusively in the foreign trade, with a tonnage of 6,595,445 tons, we only listed 686, with a ton- nage of 636,691 tons. Of vessels engaged in mixed for- eign and domestic trade, Great Britain had 760, with a tonnage of 185,026; while we had 60 I, with a tonnage of 237,694 tons. Of vessels engaged exclusively in domestic trade Great Britain's account was IO,826, with a tonnage of 860,683 tons; while ours was 12,73 I, with a tonnage of 2,701,674 tons. But so far I have dealt only with the steamers and sailing vessels of both nations; and here, again, my contention is that our unrigged craft should cer- tainly be added to our domestic mercantile fleet. With this addition, our contingent engaged in the home trade rises to 23, 292 craft, with a tonnage of 6,7 IO, 52 I ; while the totals of the two fleets stand as follows: Great Brit- ain, 17,554 craft; the United States, 24,579. Great Brit- ain’s tonnage, 7,64 I, I 54; the United States’ tonnage, 7, 584,916, - less than 40, OOO tons behind Great Britain in the tonnage account and 7,025 craft ahead. So you see the case does not look so very desperate, after all. A reduction of these figures to averages shows that, though Great Britain’s foreign fleet averaged I, IoS tons per vessel, while the average of our foreign traders was only 928 tons, yet the average tonnage of Great Britain’s domestic fleet was only 80 tons per craft; while that of our donaestic fleet was 2 I 2 tons without the unrigged, and 286 tons per vessel, including the unrigged. 15 DISTANCES onºur RIVERS AND LAKES COMPARED WITH THOSE MADE BY ENGLISH VIESSELS ON FOREIGN VOYAGES. The success which attended this branch of comparative statistics tempted me to pursue another, - this time into the question of distances travelled by our domestic trading craft as compared with many of the distances travelled by Great Britain's foreign trading craft. The proposition sounds rather presumptuous at first hearing, but a little in- vestigation will show the idea to be anything but far- fetched. Our tables of trips and mileage show the average distance of the trading trips on the Great Lakes to be 566 miles; while the figures kindly furnished me by the Hy- drographic Survey show the distance from Hull to Ham- burg to be but 387 miles, from London to Helgoland to be but 408 miles, from Plymouth to Bordeaux to be 468 miles, while even the apparently very foreign trip from Plymouth in the west of England to Coruna in Spain is but 530 miles. * The average distance of trading trips on the Mississippi River is 759 miles; while the trip from Sunderland to Copenhagen is 586 miles, and that to Drontheim in Nor- way is 695 miles; from Liverpool away down to Vigo is 735 miles, and from Plymouth to Lisbon is 75.5 miles. But the figures just given for our domestic trips are only those of average routes; and it will be found that, when one comes to consider the foreign places lying within the ratio of miles from British ports which can be covered by the extreme routes on the rivers and lakes, the list becomes a very much longer one, geographically speaking. It can be said, for example, and with truth, that, while the aver- age distance on the Great Lakes is 566 miles, the lake routes include that from Ogdensburg to Duluth, which is I, 285 miles, and that, while the average distance on the Mississippi is 759 miles, the river routes include that from St. Paul to the head of the Passes, a distance of 1,78o I6 miles. By comparing the extreme lak distance with those between British and other foreign ports, we find that from Shields away over to Riga in the Baltic is but I, O53 miles, and that from Sunderland clear up to the northern- most point of Norway — that is, the Island of Mageror — is as miles less than from our New York to our Minnesota lake ports. - By comparing the extreme river distance with those between British and other foreign ports, we find that from London to Kronstadt is but 1,383 miles, that from Sunder- land out over the Atlantic to the Azores is but I, 740 miles, and that from Glasgow in bonny Scotland to Al- giers in burning Africa falls 5 miles within the limit of extreme distances on the Father of Waters. When we come to coast distances, we cover a very much more extensive field of Great Britain’s foreign commerce. The average distance made by our coasting craft on the Atlantic Coast and Gulf of Mexico is 377 miles; but these coast routes also include that from Calais in Maine to Point Isabel in Texas, which is 2,597 miles. Looking . . at Great Britain’s ventures over foreign seas, we find that the trader from London to Genoa makes a trip of but 2,219 miles, that the ship bringing currants from Corfu to Liver- pool travels but 2,500 miles, and that the collier carrying coal from Cardiff in Wales to Patras, in Greece, makes but 2,455 miles. It would perhaps be scarcely straining a point to say that our coast routes include traffic between New York and San Francisco, which is I 3,61 o miles, or even between New Bedford on the Maine Gulf and Olym- pia on Puget Sound, which is a trifle over I 5, Ooo miles. On the other hand, it is only 2,685 miles from London to Halifax, Nova Scotia; only 3,OOO miles from London to Sierra Leone, in Africa; only 6, O65 miles from Lon- don to the Cape of Good Hope; only 8,745 miles from London to Adelaide, in Australia; only I I,755 miles from London to Nagasaki, in Japan; and only 12, I2O miles from London to the bottom of the world at Aukland, New Zealand. 17 The domestic commerce of the United States is indeed an incomparable industry: there is no country in the world which has anything or can have anything approaching it. The United States has a coast line of IO,455 miles. It contains within its borders the largest lacustrine system on the globe, the combined area of the Great Lakes being 95, O60 square miles, or more than half the world’s area of fresh water. The Mississippi and its tributaries offer 7,898 miles of navigable river, the Missouri and its tributaries add 3, IO6 miles to that length, and the Ohio and its tributaries embrace 4,406 miles of navigation, — a total for the great valley of 15,4IO miles. The rivers emptying into the Pacific Ocean give us 2,351 miles of navigable stream; those flowing into the Gulf of Mex- ico, other than the Mississippi, give us 2,870 miles; and those flowing into the Atlantic Ocean, 2,874 miles, – an enormous total of 22,705 miles of free internal highway. There is nothing retrograde in clinging to our streams and waters. It was the Hudson that gave to New York its first importance, and it is by her position looking out on the Atlantic that she maintains that importance. It was by the great central rivers that the way was opened to the Western lands and that the Mississippi States were created. It is the lake fleet that has founded the northern cities along the Superior, and that has made the granite lock of St. Mary’s Falls the busiest traffic spot in the world. It is the clearing out of the tangled streams and bayous that has given the new South its thousands of square miles of hitherto unutilized land, and that is bring- ing back the old days of the river trade. On the shining streams of Maine, between the hundred ports of Long Island Sound, along the steaming glades of the southern watercourses, across the drab waves of San Francisco Bay, in Puget’s waters, where the pines stand thick around Vancouver, and far up in Behring’s closed sea, there is a commerce carried on that grows each year in value and extent, and that is full of pay and power and promise. I8 But it is a commerce that needs fostering care. The value of that grand fluvial system which stretches across from Pennsylvania to Nebraska, and which runs from Dakota to the Gulf, must never be underestimated, the effect for wealth and civilization that lies in our Great Lakes must never be undervalued, and the heritage of our myriad har- bors must never be bartered or lost. ; sº * † ..º. r. sº º §. º: