Me DOCTRINE OF COMPOUND INTEREST H 879 679 *** A $73 ZB Winser 1 T } 1 2 繁体 ​1 1 } I $ Į ! PARKASTERARI • ARTES LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Ch ACLAWED Da 1837 DIEGOLEMÆLILILLE 警 ​VERITAS SI-QUÆKIS·PENINSULAM AMEN MANA THEBOR CIRCUMSTICE SCIENTIA OF THE SALE/WAT EXKURSALAISED? Theid tõestas foäTHLYTTEMARIE JUHITIE ninst : } 1 ! : i $ * - **********pant -cet **** ** *** ***pas INDONEZA ******** kravardage anal kanava and was cada e mensajes egtery a sports any that of the tar many an a 1. She began my damage we hade dans } HG " V { 8790 .C79 } ރއއނމގ *****, , 10€ [ } * The publication of THE DOCTRINE OF COMPOUND INTEREST has met with unavoidable delay, in consequence of the destruc- tive Fire on MR. WILSON's premises, where it was in progress of printing. The present edition is offered to SUBSCRIBERS only, who are requested to apply to the Author, at No. 5, Hercules-Buildings, (near the Asylum,) Lambeth. Subscription - price, L.2.-There are a small number of Library Copies, Quarto, at L.4. ← } THE Doctrine of Compound Interest, ILLUSTRATED AND APPLIED TO PERPETUAL ANNUITIES, TO THOSE FOR TERMS OF YEARS CERTAIN, TO LIFE-ANNUITIES, AND GENERALLY TO PROSPECTIVE TRANSACTIONS; WITH AUTHOR OF New and Compendious Tables, SOLVING THE QUESTIONS THAT DEPEND ON COMPOUND INTEREST, ACCRUING ANNUALLY, HALF-YEARLY, OR QUARTERLY ; AND OTHER ORIGINAL TABLES, EXPRESSING, WITH REFERENCE TO COMPARATIVE SYSTEMS, THE PROBABILITIES AND THE EXPECTATIONS OF LIFE AT EACH AGE, ALSO THE CORRECT VALUES OF ANNUITIES ON SINGLE AND ON JOINT LIVES. “TEMPUS AGER MEUS.” BY · LONDON-1825. FRANCIS CORBAUX, 176 9 ? 1890 “An Inquiry into the National Debt, and into the Means and the Prospect of its Redemption, with a Plan for redeeming that Debt, upon the principle of Terminable Annuities," &c. &c. W PRINTED for SUBSCRIBERS, AND TO BE HAD AT THE AUTHOR'S, No. 5, HERCULES-BUILDINGS, (NEAR THE ASYLUM,) LAMBETH. ¿ } : } ... ? ; i I Sotheran 7754 Insurance 11-11-1922 ден : ↓ เ : ! W. WILSON, PRINTER, SKINNER-STREET, LONDON. Late Ro-clubbou 7 INDEX. PREFACE……. INTRODUCTION :- Invention of Money Progress of the Money-system..... The quantity required, of Circulating-medium, depends on the convenience afforded for the rapidity of its transfer.-Bank establishments.......... Ibid. Capital consists of the unappropriated masses of Money Merchantable character of Capital..... 17 Ibid. 18 The association of Capital, with Industry, is the foundation of Interest The principle of that association is compromised, in rating the Interest of money. Ibid. Principle of contracts for Loans at Interest 19 20 Credit generally defined: Government-security, and Public-credit Circumstances by which the rate of Interest is governed 21 The proportion between supply and demand influences the value of Capital …….. Ibid. The unlimited increase of Capital is of minor consideration, towards the permanency of National power The Rate of Interest is compounded of Remuneration for the Capital employed, • + D and of Compensation for the Risk………………… The consideration of Risk has been discarded, in the enactments restraining the rate of Interest.. 23 The original motive of Usury-laws is not applicable to the present state of Society. Ibid. Equal degrees of security may admit some difference as to the Rate of Interest. Interest of money, and Available income, are not the same thing... 24 25 Definition of Compound-Interest 26 The operation of Compound-Interest may be affected with various considerations of Probability The character of Annuities discriminated Page 9 a 15 16 2.2 410705 Ibid. Perpetual annuities, Funded Stock, and Irredeemable debts Annuities for terms of years certain, and Annuities settled on Life The ratio of Terminable Annuities is compounded of the rate of Interest, with a surplus adequate to recompose the Capital at the expiration of the term..・ 28 Definition of a Sinking-fund Definition of a Redemption-fund...... 29 30 Data required, for solving the questions that depend on Compound-Interest,... Ibid. The transactions relative to Life-interests have a different character, when between private individuals, and when assumed on an extensive scale by incorporated societies Ibid. Ibid. 27 Ibid. Moral inconvenience attending private spéculations on Life and Death Moral Expectation is to be discriminated from Mathematical Expectation; but they coincide in the multifarious transactions of incorporated societies.. Ibid. 31 Ibid. 主 ​ii INDEX. THE DOCTRINE OF COMPOUND INTEREST: Part First, (divided into 64 sections,) containing the application of that doctrine to Perpetual Annuities, and to Terminable Annuities the period of which is unconditional M Page Sect. I.-Definitions, in which five quantities, bearing an invariable relation with each other, are considered………….. II.-Progression according to which any Principal is improved by the operation of Compound-Interest III. From the general expression of the Improved Principal, four equations are derived, each of which solves a specific question…….. Ibid. IV.—Example, in the question concerning the Improved Principal V.—Example, in the question concerning the Present or discounted value 35 of forthcoming capital Ibid. ... Ibid. VI.-Example, in the question concerning the Rate of Interest... VII.--Example, in the question concerning the Period of time required for the improvement of Capital, in any given ratio... VIII. Observation respecting analogous cases IX.-Equation expressing the Present value of Terminable annuities X.-Equations establishing the constant relations between any Perpetual annuity, its Present value, and the Rate of Interest XI.-Exemplification of the three questions relative to Perpetual annuities. XII.--When the first instalment of any annuity is paid at the outset, this Ibid. operates only as a diminution of the invested Principal .......... Ibid XIII.-Equation generally expressing the Amount of any Annuity, accu- mulated and successively improved by Compound-Interest, at each stage of income……….. XIV.-Modification of the preceding equation, when each instalment of the annuity is paid by anticipation .... XV.-Deductions from the fundamental equations (Sect. IX and XIII); establishing that any three quantities being supplied as the data, out of the five stated in section I, the remaining two are ascertain- able. Tuble of the Equations that solve the questions concerning each of those two unknown quantities, in ten cases susceptible of arising in consequence of the separation of 2 objects from 3 others. 39 XVI.-Selection of three amongst the preceding ten cases; whence six questions arise, the solution of which, only, are capable of becoming the subject of Tables for habitual reference ·· 33 Ibid. Ibid. 36 Ibid. T 34 Ibid. 37 XVII. Those Tables, immediately solving six questions, out of 20 that may arise from the consideration of Compound-Interest, further supply an easy method of solving the other 14; with a single exception, of the question in which the unknown quantities con- sist of the Rate of Interest and the Period of time XVIII. First question exemplified; that of the Improved Principal, with its solution by the Tables XIX.-Second question exemplified, and solved by the Tables; that of the Ratio of the Annuity, or the proportion which that annuity should bear with the Principal it represents... 38 42 Ibid. 43 Ibid. INDEX. ? : Sect. XX -Third question exemplified; that of the Discounted value of forth- coming Capital, with its solution by the Tables ( XXI.-Fourth question exemplified, and solved by the Tables; that of the Redemption fund, or the proportion of periodical savings, for producing by their accumulation and improvement any Capital required at a future period ..... .. XXVIII.-Case 6th exemplified, with the solution of questions concerning the Term of the Annuity, and its represented Principal; when the data consist of the Annuity itself,-its Cumulated amount,—and the Rate of Interest ► Page XXII.—Fifth question exemplified and solved by the Tables; that of the Present Value of the Annuity XXIII.-Sixth question exemplified, and also solved by the Tables; that of the Cumulated Annuity, or of the capital ultimately created by the savings of Income, progressively improved XXIV. The Tables of Compound-Interest further described XXV.-Use of the Tables, towards mediately solving the questions that arise in cases 4th-5th-6th-8th-9th and 10th, described in section XV; the 7th case being an exception XXVI.-Case 4th exemplified with the solution of questions concerning the Annuity and its Terminating period; when the data consist of the Principal or present value,-the Improved Principal or Cumulated amount of the Annuity,-and the Rate of Interest .. Ibid. XXVII.-Case 5th exemplified, with the solution of questions concerning the Term of the Annuity and its Cumulated amount; when the data are the Annuity,—its Present value,—and the Rate of Interest XXIX.-Case 7th exemplified, the questions being the Term of the Annuity and the Rate of Interest; when the data possessed are-the Annuity,its Present value, and its Cumulated amount; with the solution of those questions... XXX.-Case 8th exemplified, with the solution of questions concerning the Annuity and the Rate of Interest; having for the data-the Principal, or original equivalent of the Annuity,—the Improved Principal or the Cumulated annuity, and the Period either of Improvement or of Accumulation XXXI.-Case 9th exemplified, with the solution of questions concerning the Rate of Interest and the Cumulated annuity; the data con- sisting of the Annuity,-its Term,-and its Present value XXXII.-Case 10th exemplified, with the solution of questions concerning the Rate of Interest and the Principal, or original equivalent for the annuity; when the data are-the Annuity,—its Term,— and its Cumulated amount XXXIII.—Instructions for using the Tables of Compound-Interest XXXIV.—Solution, by the Tables, of the question concerning the Improved Principal....... iii 3 • 44 45 46 47 Ibid. 48 50 51 52 53 54 57 58 60 I iv INDEX. Page Sect. XXXV.-Solution, by the Tables, of the question concerning the Discounted Principal XXXVI.—Solution, by the Tables, of the question concerning the Cumulated Annuity XXXVII.-Solution, by the Tables, of the question concerning the Redemption-fund or Annuity for cumulation …………. XXXVIII.-Solution, by the Tables, of the question concerning the Value of the Annuity XXXIX.-Solution, by the Tables, of the question concerning the Ratio of the Annuity, or the proportion between the Annuity and its represented Principal XL.-The excess of the Ratio of the Annuity, over the Redemption- fund, is always equal to the Ratio of Perpetual Interest .... Ibid. XLI. The product of the Ratio of the Annuity and of the Value of that annuity, multiplied into each other, is always equal to unity. XLII.-The Value of the Annuity, as expressed in the Tables, is the quotient of the Cumulated Annuity divided by the Improved Principal; and it is equal to the sum of the discounted instal- ments of such Annuity XLIII.-Differences in the Value of the Annuity, according as its instal- ments may be understood, Annually,Half-yearly, or Quarterly Ibid. XLIV. —The intervals between the instalments of an annuity are, by the Tables, always understood to correspond with the intervals at which the Interest is supposed to accrue XLV. Hypothesis, of the Interest accruing Momently... XLVI.-Acceleration of the progression of accumulation and improve- ment of the Annuity, when its instalments come nearer to each other G • wit 60 L.-Exemplified rule, for ascertaining the Comparative Values of an Annuity, in the several cases of its accruing Annually, Half-yearly, Quarterly, at any other intervals, and even Momently.... LI.-Leasehold property assimilated with Annuities for terms of years certain; whence the fines due, on the renewal of Leases, are ascertainable by the Tables of Compound-Interest LII.—Indications for solving, by the Tables, the questions that depend on Compound-Interest, when the rate is either lower or higher than the limits assigned to those Tables; and Examples of the 61 Ibid. 62 Ibid. 63 Ibid. 65 Ibid. 66 XLVII.—The manner in which accelerated instalments operate on the value of Annuities is reversed, in case of the latter accruing at the beginning-instead of the end-ofeach Year, Half-year, or Quarter.... XLVIII.—The Value of the Annuity bears, with the Cumulated Annuity, the same proportion as the original Principal does with the quantity expressing its Improvement Ibid. XLIX.-Correspondence between the Value of Funded Stock and the Rate of Perpetual Interest Ibid. 67 68 70 INDEX. V Page six questions solved, under the supposition of the Rate of Interest being inferior to that of three per cent. per annum Sect. LIII-Examples of the six questions solved by the Tables, in case of the rate of Interest being superior to that of six per cent. per annum. LIV.-Questions respecting the Value of the Annuity and its Cumulated amount, when the instalments are either more proximate, or more distant, than those available for the Improvement at any stated rate of Compound-interest .. LV.-Comparative value of Funded Stock, when the Principal is re- deemable at an assigned period, and when the market-price of that Stock should be above par. LVI.-Value of Deferred annuities LVII.—Investments in Foreign securities, at high rates of Interest: Three questions concerning the period at which the extra-risk may terminate... LVIII.-Questions concerning the Period at which the sums due, at equidis- tant instalments, may be discharged by the single payment of a stated sum; and concerning the sum required for that dis- charge at any specific period………………. LIX.—When the Improved Principal is stated, with reference to any two periods of time, the Original Principal and the Rate of Interest may be ascertained, supposing them both unknown.... LX. When any Principal is stated, and also its Improvement at the expiration of a given period, the Corresponding Improvement of the same or of any other Principal, together with the unknown Rate of Interest, may both be ascertained LXI.-When the Principal, its Improvement, and the Period of that im- provement are given, though the Rate of Interest be kept out of view, the period at which the same or any other Principal will improve to a specific amount, and at the same unknown rate, may be ascertained. LXII.-Solution of five questions, in the case of Deferred Annuities LXIII.-Solution of five questions that may arise in the case of a Debt, the Interest of which has remained unpaid; when the Principal, together with its increase, are to be converted into a Perpetual annuity LXIV.-Solution of five questions, arising in case of any sum-whether more or less than the Interest due-being paid by the Debtor at each instalment; and also in the contrary case, of the Debtor receiving an additional sum at each instalment, instead of his paying any interest 71 74 77 79 81 82 84 86 87 88 89 Ibid. 90 THE DOCTRINE OF COMPOUND-INTEREST: Part Second (divided into 42 sections), in which that doctrine is applied to Life-annui ties, and to other transactions affected with Contingency…………. Sect. I.-General considerations..... 93 Ibid. II.--Operation of Compound-Interest, viewed as subordinate to Probability. Ibid. vi INDEX. Sect. III.-Chance and Probability :-the latter assigns to the former a moral value:—Mathematical Probability is a Relative Certitude.. IV.-FIRST GENERAL PRINCIPLE, whence is derived the mathematical expression of Probability :-Illustration of that Principle ... V.-Corollary of the first Principle.-Caution against misapplying the rule...... Page XIII. Of the natural Law of Mortality, generally considered XIV. Of the information conveyed by the observations made in various countries, respecting the Law of Mortality XV. Discrepancies of the general results exhibited by different Tables of Mortality; and discrimination required in applying those 93 Tables XVI.-Conditions prescribed, for obtaining correct returns of the Mortality relative to any population XVII.-Method of inferring, from any register of Mortality, a Table of the Decrements and Probabilities of Life ... XVIII.-Mathematical expressions of the Absolute and of the Relative averages of forthcoming years of life XIX.-Method of obtaining a correct expression of the Absolute average 94 VI.-SECOND GENERAL PRINCIPLE:-The Probability, that two or more events will result from distinct hazards, is equal to the product of their several Probabilities.-Illustration of this position... VII.—THIRD GENERAL PRINCIPLE; relative to the Probability of the con- currence of two or more events, when under such mutual dependence, that the occurrence of either must influence the probabilities of the other events.-Illustration of that Principle. VIII.-FOURTH GENERAL PRINCIPLE; which relates to the Value of Expectations depending on Probability IX.-Question, the solution of which exemplifies the application, alto- gether, of the first four principles Ibid. X.-Fifth GENERAL PRINCIPLE; which relates to the Value of Expecta- tions depending on a plurality of probable events, when any advantage is to result from the occurrence of each XI.—Sixtii geneRAL PRINCIPLE; relative to the Value of Expectations depending on a plurality of probable events, when the occurrence of some is to produce a gain, and that of some others a loss XII. Of various other Principles, concerning the Doctrine of Probabi- lities:-but on the first six, already exposed, are founded all the rules of calculation relative to prospective transactions in which the uncertain duration of life is implicated 96 97 98 99 100 101 Ibid. 102 103 104 105 106 Ibid. 1 of life XX.-Method of obtaining a correct expression of the Relative average of Life XXI.-The Probable term of forthcoming years is to be discriminated from the relative average, commonly called Expectation of life. 108 XXII.-Method of ascertaining, from any Table of Decrements, the amount of a population, classed in quantities of persons existing of each age 107 Ibid. Ibid. INDEX. vii \ Page () { Sect. XXIII.-Inferences deducible from a Table of Decrements and of Morta- lity, in respect to the probabilities of Life and of Survivorship, and to the value of Expectancies depending on them ...... XXIV.—Application of the second general principle, and of the corollary (V), for calculating the Probabilities of survivorship XXV.-The transactions assumed by societies incorporated for the pur- pose of granting Life-annuities, of Assuring lives,—-of purchasing Reversionary property,-of endowing Widows, Children, or persons in old age,-and of accomplishing any other prospective objects, are founded upon applications of the six General Principles here set forth, combined with the operation of Compound-Interest; and upon a judicious. selection of appropriate Tables of Decrements XXVI.-Calculations that relate to prospective transactions, affected with contingency, are to proceed on the principle of reducing to a positive value each object of distinct consideration XXVII.-Method founded upon the 1st, the 2d, and the 4th general princi- ciples, for correctly ascertaining the Value of Life-annuities.. Ibid. XXVIII.-Discrimination of the values of Life-annuities, according to the optional intervals of their instalments - 109 110 Ibid 111 112 XXIX. Easy and expeditious method afforded, by the Tables of Compound-Interest, for calculating the Values of Annuities on single lives according to any Table of Decrements,-to any Rate of Interest,—and to any intervals of instalment: that method of approximation exemplified XXX.-The value of an Annuity, on any single life, is always inferior to that of an annuity for a term of years certain, and equal either to the probable term of that life, or to the average of forthcoming years belonging to it.... XXXI.-Rule deduced from the 4th principle, for ascertaining the value of an Annuity the term of which is limited, both by the dura- tion of life, and by any assigned period of time XXXII.-Rule for ascertaining the value of Life-annuities, when their enjoyment is deferred XXXIII.—Assurances on life may be compensated in different ways.- Rules for ascertaining the equivalent, either by a present capital, or by an annual premium... XXXIV.—Dr. Price's method of deducing, from the correct value of a Life-annuity, as ascertained according to any Rate of In- terest, the value of that annuity according to any other Rate. 117 XXXV.—Annuities depending on a plurality of lives may be settled either on their joint continuance, or during the continuance of the longest amongst those lives; and accordingly, are either worth less than if settled on the worst life, or more than if settled on the best life, taken singly XXXVI.-Principle and rule, for ascertaining the value of Annuities pay- able during joint continuance of a plurality of lives 113 115 Ibid. Ibid. 116 118 Ibid. viii INDEX. Page Sect. XXXVII.—Rules for ascertaining the value of Annuities, when settled on the life of the last survivor amongst a plurality of persons .. XXXVIII.-The value of an Annuity on the longest of two or more lives, of the same age, is always superior to that of an annuity for a term of years certain and equal either to the Expectation, or to the probable term of one of those lives; but, admitting unequal ages, the value of the life-annuity may be less than if for a term of years equal to the longest of the individual Expectations..... XXXIX —Value of Reversionary property, whether Capital, Annuities, or Estates,-and whether to be entered upon conditionally, or unconditionally; also, value of Reversionary expectations depending on survivorship, for each party concerned, when several concur to the contingent exclusion of each other—Mr. Morgan's method of solving the problem of the probabilities of Absolute survivorship between A and B.. Ibid. 123 XL —Review of the general subject of this Second Part……… XLI.-Notice concerning the 4 synoptical Tables hereafter inentioned. Ibid. XLII.—An account of various sets of Observations, towards ascertain- :: 119 ing the Law of Mortality amongst mankind………………………... TABLE (No. I),—of the Decrements and Probabilities of Life, as deduced from various sets of observations distinctly considered ... TABLE (No. II),—of the Averages of forthcoming years, or Expectations of life appertaining to each age, according to the preceding Table TABLE (No. III),-of the Correct Values of Annuities on Single lives, for each age, and according to the statements in Table No. I; ad- mitting 4 per cent. per ann, as a standard rate of Interest. Table (No. IV),—of the Values of Annuities on Joint continuance of two lives;-First, admitting an equality of the ages,—and secondly, admitting different ages of those lives..... TABLES, solving the questions that depend on Compound Interest, accruing either Annually, Half-yearly, or Quarterly 1 to 53. ERRATA. are known"; read " and p, are known." Page 53, Sect. XXX. “ and ´Page 61, (XXVII,) read (XXXVII.) Page 62, At the end of the last line, the word "it" is omitted. 120 126 132 134 136 138 PREFACE. OUR MONEY TRADE embraces the national concerns of the greater part of the civilized world, and exceeds in magnitude any other branch of British commerce. The increased compe- tition in that trade renders it impossible to be prosecuted with advantage, except through great acuteness and a judicious application of mathematical powers. Hence a work destined to remove every difficulty and chance of error in calculation, -by exhibiting at a single glance, and under the considera- tion of Compound Interest, all the possible relations be- tween Capital and Income,-can scarcely fail to be acceptable to persons engaged in transactions of that description. The operation of Compound Interest has been illustrated by expert calculators, who have published sets of Tables, establish- ing, with reference to various rates of Interest, the proportions according to which any capital may be improved from year to year, the comparative value of Capital forthcoming at the expiration of any given number of years,-the value of Annuities for terms of years certain,-and the Capitals susceptible of being formed in process of time, by the savings of Income b + X PREFACE. W progressively improved; but the practical utility of those ta- bles is limited, and inadequate to the present demands. They are even inaccurate, as they are founded on a supposition that the Interest of money invariably accrues in one single and annual payment; whereas in almost all cases, especially when Interest is derived from investments in the public funds, and though nominally expressed as an annual prorata, it accrues Half-yearly, and on many occasions is susceptible of accru- ing by Quarterly instalments: an important consideration by which the series of calculations ought to be governed. The TABLES now offered have reference to certain rates of Interest, between the inclusive limits of three and of six per centum per annum, proceeding by differences of one quarter per cent.; to specific periods, from year to year, until the hundredth inclusive, but proceeding as far as the sixteenth by successive portions of years; to distinct considerations of the Interest accruing either annually, half-yearly, or quarterly; and ac- cording to those data, they immediately solve six different questions.—First, that of the increase of Capital, supposing it improved by the operation of Compound Interest at a uniform rate; Secondly, that of the present value of forthcoming capital, as reduced by the Discount, taken in a converse ratio of the improvement at Compound Interest; Thirdly, that of the capital ultimately formed, by a periodical Income accumulated and improved as before mentioned; Fourthly, that of the Redemption-fund, or the requisite proportion of annual savings out of any income, in order to create, by means of their accu- mulation and improvement, the Capital that may be wanted at a prescribed period; Fifthly, that of the Capital represented by * F 1 PREFACE. xi any annual Income, or the present value of that income, the last instalment of which is forthcoming at the period referred to; Sixth and lastly, that of the proportion which an Annuity, terminating at a specific period, should bear with present Ca- pital, for constituting an equivalent. Besides those principal questions, arising from the data above described, the same Tables further solve, mediately and with the assistance of simple indications, not only a great variety of incidental questions naturally growing out of the general subject, but also those in which the considered rate of Interest may be either higher or lower than the limits assigned to the Tables. These again yield an approximate solution of the questions concerning the Rate of Interest itself, or con- cerning the specific time, when failing either of those par- ticular data any other may be introduced; such calculations always requiring three different data, the third of which is, in the stated answers to the six questions first propounded, im- plicitly understood to consist of unity, whether considered as a present or a future Capital, or as a corresponding Income. - The text is divided into Two Parts, preceded by an Introduc- tion, where some leading and important points are discussed. The First Part contains an exemplification of all questions to the solution of which the above-mentioned Tables are ade- quate; and reuniting every consideration relative to the operation of Compound-Interest, referable to periods of time unconditionally determined, it will constitute, in all respects, a complete theory of that branch of knowledge. • xii PREFACE. The Second Part, exclusively devoted to Life-Annuities, is nearly reduced to an abridgment of what has already been exposed on that subject by authors of great merit, and whose immediate province any attempt to invade could scarcely be justified, except upon grounds not here assumed. } Desirous, however, to extend as far as possible the practical utility of this work, a few more Tables have been superadded; stating from authentic sources, and from observations carefully collected during long periods, the distribution of a whole popu- lation into relative quantities of individuals of different ages, and the progression of mortality amongst them, according to a systematic classification of certain general circumstances of human existence. Whence deducing, as indispensable data, the Expectation of life for each respective age, together with the various probabilities attached, whether to a present life's further enduring any determinate period of years, or to the joint continuance of any two or more lives during such pe- riod, the questions susceptible of frequent recurrence concern- ing Life-Annuities are enabled to be solved; and more parti- cularly, the scale of value of those annuities-the ascertain- ment of which is generally considered to be a matter of some difficulty is here established, with sufficient accuracy, and under comparative points of view. As the claim of a production of this kind, to public favour, must chiefly rest upon the correctness of the results set forth, nothing has been spared towards securing this point in the utmost degree. The calculations have undergone a rigorous verification; and typographical errors have, by PREFACE. xiii repeated collations, been sedulously guarded against. If, not- withstanding the extreme care bestowed in these respects, any errors should have escaped detection, (amongst upwards of thirty thousand results exhibited,) they will be but few and always confined within the limits of two units, at most, of the last decimal figure; errors which could never be of real impor- tance. It may be confidently advanced that the results, as ex- pressed in the Tables, are safely to be confided in for all practi- cal purposes. The means, however, of corroborating their accuracy, are contained in the text that precedes them, and in those developments of mathematical reasoning that properly constitute The Doctrine of COMPOUND INTEREST. W A INTRODUCTION. THAT which is called MONEY, from the latin moneta, signifying "to give notice," has been invented to serve as a common standard of reference, in expressing the relative values of other commodities; and for facilitating the barter of those commo- dities, which the money should represent in a general sense. At an early period of historical record, the more precious metals-Gold and Silver-were preferably selected for per- forming that office, in consequence of their apposite properties, such as Solidity, Malleability, and Durability; and also from their comparative uselessness towards the ordinary purposes of life, though not obtainable from the bowels of the earth with- out a considerable expense of human labour. During many ages, the denominations of Money continued to be identical with those of Weight; and each article of necessity or of com- modity was assimilated, in respect to general value, with some quantity of uncoined gold, silver, or even inferior metal. When afterwards these became shaped into Coin, the integrity of which was vouched for under public authority, that metallic currency assumed a character more or less independent of the xvi INTRODUCTION. consideration of Weight, and remained liable to be arbitrarily dealt with at the hand of power. For a while, Money was issued as the invariable representative of certain things, and principally Cattle, of which the pieces of coin bore the respec- tive impressions; whence from pecus has been derived pecunia. The history of the Circulating Medium, which more exten- sively to retrace would be an unnecessary deviation from our main object, informs us respecting not only the frequent varia- tions that have taken place in the reciprocal valuation of Gold, Silver, and Copper, as established by their coinage at different periods and in different countries; but also respecting the numberless frauds, adulterations, and abuses of every kind, that have been practised from time to time upon the Money-system, by barbarous, crafty, and profligate despotism. Ultimately, and by a prodigious enlargement of that system, the represen- tative metallic currency has admitted its own and boundless representation, by means of paper tokens, and sub-tokens, under a certain conception of Public Credit that seems not yet to be precisely defined; thus generating various national as well as private abuses, never before imagined, and giving occasion to diversity of opinion respecting the future results of so bold an experiment. The fruitful principle of Generaliza- tion, though applied with the greatest success to some elevated branches of science, should perhaps not without caution be extended to Political Economy; in which the bias of human propensities, and the versatility of the passions, are to be taken into consideration as combined with other operative causes. The quantity of money that may be required, for the single INTRODUCTION. xvii purpose of a circulating medium, is confined within limits depending in some degree on the convenience afforded, by the materials, the form and divisions of that money, for the rapidity of its circulation. In large and commercial cities, existing under a liberal and protecting government, and where the transfer of money is likely to be often called for, even in con- siderable sums at each time, the establishment of Deposit- Banks, of which that of the city of Hamburgh offers a very good specimen, is calculated for promoting that object; the transfer in a general Account-book being operated with much less waste of time, than it could be by a physical delivery from hand to hand. In Great-Britain, that office is imperfectly executed by Banks of circulation and by private Banking- houses, whose transactions are referable to the fictitious currency already mentioned. The best that can be said of our money-system is, that it has hitherto worked its way, notwithstanding great and palpable inconveniences. Money, from its promiscuous and unequal modes of circula- tion, has a tendency to accumulate into masses, more or less considerable in different hands. Those masses, during the intervals in which they remain unemployed, assume the deno- mination of Capital. Increase of Capital is the constant object of Industry and Economy. When the increase of capital, in any coun- try, has attained a certain height, by the profits of an exten- sive foreign trade, such capital may in process of time form an important branch of the national wealth; but that in- crease would be unavailable, and its advantages would be • C GRO xviii INTRODUCTION. neutralized in consequence of a corresponding advance in the prices of all other commodities, if the Capital were not also to acquire a merchantable character, both at home and abroad. Capital, alone, is however a precarious and but a secondary species of wealth. The fate of countries, -as exemplified by Spain, for the last three centuries,—that relinquish creative industry merely to pursue the acquisition of silver and gold, must inevitably be to subsist in a continual and wretched state of dependance upon other countries, for those necessaries and commodities of life, which, being assuredly reproduced in pro- portion with the demand for their consumption, constitute both the principal source and the real substance of wealth. Capital, unaided, remains an inert and useless mass. To- wards becoming productive, its association with Industry is an indispensable requisite; and then it is entitled to share, with the latter, in the profits derived from their combined powers. The proper destination of Capital is to stimulate industrious pursuits, to favour useful enterprize, to promote beneficial improvements, and ultimately to participate in the various advantages thence resulting. This is the true foundation,- the equitable motive of what is termed Interest of Money. 2 The implied share of profits, appertaining to Capital, is according to established custom compounded for in a certain ratio of the capital employed; which ratio is understood as referable to an annual period, and multipliable in proportion with the quantity of years, or otherwise the mere fraction of a year, during which such employment may continue. What is commonly called Rate of Interest is only a different mode --- INTRODUCTION. xix 1 of expressing, by duplication of terms, that ratio which is a simplified mathematical term; and thus explaining that 3, 4, 5, or any other quantity of money, whatever may be its deno- mination, is to remunerate the hire or use for one year, of a quantity uniformly expressed-namely one hundred-of money similarly denominated and of equal value. The Interest of money, although specified at an annual rate, is payable at such regular periods as may be agreed upon; whether by Annual, by Half-yearly, or by Quarterly instalments, or even at shorter intervals; each payment being always proportionate with the annual rate. In almost all the money transactions that do not exactly. consist in the purchase or the sale of commodities, and more particularly in cases of Loans between individual persons, or of those made to Governments under specific contracts; and whether, according to the terms of such contracts, the reim- bursement of the capital advanced be secured or not by any real pledge, or whether the loan be made on simple Credit, with a symbolical pledge only; it is to be understood, in those various cases, that the above definition of Interest becomes a mere fiction, inasmuch as no association actually takes place between the borrower and the lender, for any purpose common to both parties. Yet all those transactions are uniformly regulated on the principle we have described, because it is obvious that no justifiable motive for borrowing can possibly exist, except upon the supposition of some profitable or truly beneficial purpose contemplated in the intended application of the money. ↓ XX INTRODUCTION. Transactions that have Interest of money for their object are founded upon what is called Credit, or the faith with which the expectation of reimbursement and remuneration is accompanied. Credit may be yielded either to substantial pledges, to individual persons, to certain societies acting collectively, or to those who are entrusted with the administration of the pub- lic finances; and in the latter case, the credit rests on what is usually denominated Government-Security. When it is yielded to real pledges, their imperishable character is a requisite no less essential than their adequate value; when to indivi- duals, the estimation of their moral integrity possesses greater weight than the merely external appearances of wealth; and when to societies collectively, their permanency is a paramount consideration. It is the exclusive privilege of these, and especially of Governments, to be susceptible of that permanent character, enabling them confidently to look forward to remote periods for the accomplishment of rational purposes, through the developement of resources almost inexhaustible, and that seldom fail to be supplied by lapse of time aided by a wholesome administration: nevertheless, a decayed state of things, resting its present claims on antecedents only, not unfrequently obtains Credit upon illusory grounds. The concerns of incorporated societies may be so interwoven with the financial system of the Government, as to preclude the separation of their respective credits; that of the former being rendered su- bordinate to that of the latter, on the faith of which only depends the existence of those societies. Public Credit is C INTRODUCTION. xxi not, however, the same thing as the credit directly possessed by the Government: it consists in the generality of mutual facilities obtained in money transactions, throughout any country, from a universal feeling of confidence and security, which a wise and a sufficiently protecting government alone can convey. When that foundation is shaken, Public Credit is at an end. From the natural tendency of things, abstracted from all interference of the civil laws in regulating the Interest of money, the rate of that interest, when freely stipulated between man and man, can be governed by no other than the following three circumstances :-the competition existing in the money-market, the degree of risk attending any par- ticular investment of capital,-and the more or less facility for reconverting at pleasure into Capital the proposed mat- ter of that investment. First:-The prices of all commodities being liable to fluc- tuate, according to the proportions between the supply of and the demand for those commodities at the time being, this circumstance possesses a similar influence upon the value of Capital, considered in its relation with the periodical income it should produce; whence Capital becomes less valuable, under this point of view, in proportion with the increase of that par- ticular description of wealth; and all Interest must cease, where no demand for Capital exists. From these premises we may infer that, in all thriving countries, the Government, as well as the great landed proprietors whose estates are susceptible of improvement, will probably be benefited in con- M xxii INTRODUCTION. sequence of their constantly employing Capital taken at Interest; the rate of which Interest is not unlikely to sustain successive reductions, whilst the nominal Capital, thereafter to be repaid, will probably have sunk a part of its original and comparative value. But in the absence of adequate demand, and of a sufficiently remunerating employment for Capital in the country where it may abound, the deficiency, in that respect, is capable of being supplied by productive employment of that capital in foreign countries; the risk attending which is to be duly appreciated. This dependance, however, proves that the unlimited increase of Capital, which is rather the symbol than the reality of wealth, could not without inconvenience and ultimate disad- vantage be aimed at, as the principal means of establishing the strength of a nation, and its permanent influence abroad. Nor does it appear, from the lessons of History, that extensive dominion, when chiefly founded upon commercial advantages and accumulation of wealth, is susceptible of maintenance beyond a limited time. FOR Secondly-The risk of a total or only of a partial loss, at which risk any capital may be invested, cannot be al- ways the same; and it is obvious, that if the proportion of profit, contemplated in the association of Capital with Industry, should be sufficient for compensating that risk and for warranting its being incurred, the share of such profit, which in the shape of an annual rate of Interest is to devolve upon the Capital, ought in that case to be more considerable than the requisite share on a supposition that the Capital were subjected INTRODUCTION. xxiii { either to a less risk, or to no risk at all. But in a mathematical sense, the risk is not in any case to be considered as absolutely nul; although it may often be disregarded on the score of presumed exility. Therefore, any stipulated rate of Interest is implicitly compounded of two parts ;-remuneration for the Capital employed, in proportion to the period of that employ- ment, and compensation for the risk: a distinction abundant- ly exemplified by the very different rates of Interest, at which the loans of British capital are granted, at home or to foreign countries. Nevertheless, and discarding all consideration of the various degrees of risk attending the application to different purposes of borrowed Capital, Laws have been enacted, at almost all times, and nearly in all countries, for restraining the rate of Interest on loans of money. Let us remark, that in the origin of what is called Usury Laws, the necessary protection of the absolute poor against tyrannical extortion, was the only view entertained. Very little reflection will then be necessary for discovering, that however well adapted those laws may have been to the state of society in former times, the case is widely altered; money having become as much a merchantable article as any other, and having an open market in every great city of Europe. In these days, such laws serve occasionally to obstruct mutual accommodation, upon terms justified on one hand by fair com- petition, and on the other hand by a due consideration of the greater or less risk that may attach to the intended appli- cation of any Capital; they are not less unjust than impolitic, xxiv INTRODUCTION. : inasmuch as they fail to operate according to the principle of reciprocity; they are in fact a direct infringement on the right of property, to free disposal, and to equal protection, of whatever description such property may be; they could not any longer be retained, except for the purpose of favouring particular classes of persons, to the disadvantage of other classes; and they should be considered as one amongst those rem- nants of barbarism, which we are always slow in eradicating. Thirdly :-The effect of competition, in the money-market, is not only to establish the lowest possible rate of Interest, in those cases where the nature of the investment affords the utmost degree of security for the reimbursement of Capital borrowed; but also to introduce, between different modes of investment equally secure, another important distinction in the mutual relation of Capital and Interest. If the investment should be of such a description, that the Capital continued available at all times, and at a short notice,-every chance being retained of its more profitable or more eligible invest- ment, there exists in that case a sufficient inducement for preferring this mode of investment, even at a rate of Interest further reduced. But if any proposed investment, however substantially secure, should require the Capital to remain absolutely locked up during a considerable time,-precluding all favourable chances until the expiration of that time,-then the rate of Interest ought to be more elevated than in the preceding supposition. In a country abounding with floating capital, there are various motives in constant operation, tending to establish a remarkable difference between the ratios of Interest depending on this third circumstance. The position ? INTRODUCTION. XXV here advanced is corroborated by the comparatively low rate of Interest yielded by investments in the British Funded-Debt, which are accompanied with the convenience of commanding the Capital at any time, by means of re-selling in the public market the Stock of that debt, though at some contingent profit or loss, in consequence of the perpetual fluctuation in its price; and by the still lower rate of Interest afforded by investments in Exchequer Bills, the integral amount of which is equally available at all times, without incurring any such contingency. When the rate of Interest is remarkably low, the difference alluded to becomes more sensible; but if uncommonly high, the lender may on the contrary consider it an advantage to secure, during a long period, the employment of his Capital at that higher rate of Interest. It follows from all this, that Interest and Income, though both relative to an investment of Capital, are not synony- mous expressions; that the truly available Income, arising from any Capital laid out at Interest, is always in a less propor- tion than the rate of Interest stipulated for; and that, mathe- matically speaking, the present value of any sum of money, receivable at a future time, is not ascertainable by merely subtracting from it what is called Discount, considered as an equivalent for the Interest of Capital employed from the present to that future time, but by the further subtraction of another quantity, equal to that first residue multiplied by the fraction expressing the probability of failure in the expected receipt *. * All mathematical probabilities are represented by fractional quantities, expressing the exact proportions of those probabilitics compared with unity, taken as the expression of certitude. d xxvi INTRODUCTION. When any number of successive instalments of the Interest, according to a stipulated rate, or one implicitly under- stood, is not regularly paid to the Creditor; but by mu- tual consent is allowed to remain in the hands of the Debtor, who agrees that each instalment falling due shall be considered as a new loan, on the same terms at which the Capital of the original loan was granted to him; there arises, from this specific mode of transacting for Loans, what is termed Compound Interest; by which is implied, as a necessary consequence, the constant increase both of the Capital and of the Interest, in a geometrical progression, and for any length of time during which the same system may continue to operate. From this last consideration is generated a series of combina- tions, the more susceptible of being complicated, as they involve in their generality many transactions of frequent recurrence, and in which the relation between Capital and Income is made to depend even upon uncertain events, such as the duration of human life, and therefore ascertainable only in the shape of their respective probabilities. Annuities are to be discriminated, as either perpetual or terminable. A Perpetual annuity is the sum of money propor- tioned with the Capital of any loan, and covenanted for annual payment by the borrower to the lender, at certain intervals- usually of 12, 6, or 3 months from each other, and in due proportion at each of those instalments, according to a stipulated rate of Interest, until the reimbursement of that Capital; but without any other limitation of time. A Terminable annuity differs from the preceding, inasmuch as its duration is limited INTRODUCTION. xxvii > either to a certain term of years, or by the occurrence of some anticipated event; when in either case the Annuity ceases, and the Capital of debt which it represented becomes cancelled. Perpetual annuities that originate in loans to the British Government, and represent the Capital of those loans, are issued to the public at large, with the conveniences of being divisible at pleasure, and transferable with ease and without attendant expense; they are thus sold in the public market, under the general denomination of Stock, the price of which, always sub- ject to fluctuation, is expressed by the sum given for one hun- dred pounds share of that Capital; but similar annuities resulting from contracts between individual persons are divested of those accompanying conveniences. Perpetual annuities issued by the Government may, by a special clause of contracts for loans, be constituted irredeemable during a certain term of years; by which is understood that the indebted party relinquishes, until the expiration of that term, (from whatever consideration it may be,) his natural right to discharge the capital of his debt; thereby assuring to the proprietors of Stock, of that description, the continuance of a rate of Interest con- sidered as being advantageous for them. It is obvious, that the higher the constituted rate of Interest, the more valuable to the debtor is the privilege of redeeming his debt at pleasure. Loans may be contracted for, and debts of other descriptions may be created, in such a shape as to supersede the obliga- tion of refunding the capital at any time. This is when annui- ties are constituted payable, either during a specific term of ભગ xxviii INTRODUCTION. years, during the natural life of any individual person, or during the longest amongst the lives of several nominated individuals. In the last two cases, the probable term of such life or lives,-which by certain rules is deducible from the respective ages of the nominees, combined perhaps with other considerations,— becomes one of the elements of calculation, instead of any period of time precisely determined; but in all cases of Terminable annuities, their ratio, or proportion with the Capital they represent, must be more elevated than the ratio of the corresponding Perpetual annuities, or simple rate of Interest, that should otherwise have been stipulated and payable until the reimbursement of the Capital. From the nature and tendency of contracts for Terminable Annuities of any kind, it is immediately perceptible that the excess of their ratio, over and above the ratio of simple Interest, ought to be neither more nor less than a just equivalent for the Capital, considered as forthcoming when the corresponding Annuity attains its period of termination. If therefore we suppose four per centum per annum the rate of Interest stipulated for a loan; and that, independently of paying such Interest, the borrower annually set apart an additional one per cent. of the Capital, improving such surplus by the process of Compound Interest at the same rate of four per cent., until the accumulation of a sufficient sum for discharging his debt, this object would be attainable at the expiration of forty-one years, as will be seen in page 20th of the TABLES here annexed. Whence follows, that an Annuity of five pounds, limited to forty years duration, may be considered as the equivalent of another of four pounds only but payable perpetually, or other- one INTRODUCTION. xxix wise until the reimbursement of one hundred pounds Capital represented by the latter Annuity. And it further follows, that the same purpose of redemption may be accomplished by the Debtor, at the expiration of forty-one years, in consequence of his paying at the rate of five per centum annually to the creditor, during that limited period, as it would have been in case that he paid him in the proportion of four per cent. only, and undertook, by the personal management of the above mentioned surplus, to create the Capital ultimately required in that case for discharg- ing his debt. If we should suppose any other rate of annual Interest than that of four per cent., or any other proportion of annual surplus than that of one per cent, and applicable in the same manner, the results would not otherwise differ from the preceding, than as the surpluses in a greater proportion, or their improvement at a higher rate of Interest, would respectively contribute to abridge the period of redemption; and as that period would on the contrary be protracted, under the suppo- sition of the rate of Interest being lower, or of the surplus being less. Proceeding upon this general principle, of applying the savings from a periodical Income to the future redemption of Debt, the Governments of some indebted nations have instituted what is called Sinking-funds; consisting of annual sums set apart from the public revenue, or sometimes appropriated from merely fictitious resources,-and through the real or the simulated improvement of which, at Compound Interest, a reduction in the Capitals of such National debts is professed to be successively obtained. We have elsewhere enlarged on this important subject. XXX INTRODUCTION. A Sinking-fund assumes the denomination of Redemption- fund, when the savings of Capital, of Income, or of both, and destined for improvement at Compound Interest, with the intention to redeem at the expiration of a stated period any specific Capital of Debt, are with sufficient exactness proportioned with that object; so as to insure its attainment according to all moral probability. Transactions between individual persons are liable also to be framed, in a variety of shapes, upon the same principle. When they relate either to the mere improvement of Capital at Com- pound Interest, to the purchase or to the grant of Annuities for specific terms of years certain, or to the accumulation of savings out of a certain income for creating any determinate capital at the end of a given time, the solution of the questions concerning those transactions depends on the possession of any three amongst the following five data: first, the period of time; secondly, the rate of Interest; thirdly, the present or the future Capital; fourthly, the quantity of the terminable Annuity; fifthly, its cumulated amount at the expiration of the period referred to. All other quantities involved in the question are then capable of being deduced, with more or less facility, and by known rules of calculation, from those three data only. But the transactions that involve the further consi- deration of uncertainty, as to the duration of lives, are to be viewed under a different aspect. They possess a peculiar character; and the solution of questions concerning Life-assu- rances and Life-annuities, reversions of Capital and reversionary annuities, survivorships, endowments, or other analogous trans- actions, requires the additional introduction of specific data. - INTRODUCTION. xxxi We have already made the remark, in a preceding publica- tion, that the collective results of a multitude of transactions relative to life interests, embraced by Governments or by incorporated societies, exhibit only inconsiderable variations from what had been previously ascertained as the result of cal- culation upon satisfactory data; but that the case is widely different, when solitary transactions of this description are ventured between one individual and another, or even when the quantity of assimilated transactions is too small for affording sufficient probability that the average results shall in a certain degree approximate the mathematical anticipations; and there- fore, that such solitary transactions not only constitute a species of gaming, but scarcely retain the character of equitable con- tracts, particularly when it is considered that an accurate ascertainment of the respective values of Expectancies, duly discriminated, is often unattainable for the contracting parties. • Besides, the speculations upon life and death, between private individuals, are attended with great moral inconve- nience. This entirely disappears in the multifarious transac- tions of societies, whose principal object is to secure, by a wholesome administration of their affairs, certain average and equitable results. Nor should the profits derived to those societies, if moderate, be considered as a disadvantage for the individuals contracting with them. In human concerns, individually considered, there is always a moral and appreciable disadvantage attending uncertainty. The real value of property, if the whole be exposed to any single risk, is by no means equal to the integral 11**** xxxii INTRODUCTION. amount of that property, minus the mathematical proportion at which the risk incurred might be accurately ascertained; and there may possibly exist a great difference between the value of the Mathematical Expectation and the value of the Moral Expectation, both deduced from the probability of the result. The relative difference will be the more considerable, and therefore the value of the latter Expectation-which is chiefly to be considered-will be less, in proportion as the risk is pre- sumed to be small; as for instance the ordinary risk of Fire. But admitting, instead of a single risk incurred by the whole undivided property, a division of that property into portions exposed to separate risks although of similar kind, the relative difference between the two values will then be reduced; and it would ultimately vanish altogether, if an infinite division of risks could be calculated upon. Whence follows, that the values of those two Expectations very nearly coincide, in respect to the societies alluded to; and that each individual assured by them, under just regulations, gains in reality, by the mere exchange of his uncertainty against a determinate and convenient object of certitude. 1 THE DOCTRINE OF COMPOUND INTEREST. Part First; CONTAINING THE APPLICATION OF THAT DOCTRINE TO PERPETUAL ANNUITIES, AND TO TERMINABLE ANNUITIES THE PERÌOD OF WHICH IS UNCONDITIONAL. THE doctrine of COMPOUND INTEREST chiefly consists in the developement of a very few mathematical principles. Added (I.) FIVE quantities are here to be considered, as bearing an invariable rela- tion with each other, under all their possible combinations; and when describing those quantities in a general point of view, we shall affix to each a conventional sign, or initial representative, for the purpose of future reference, as also for that of facilitating certain expressions in an algebraic form, and immediately poisting out the arithmetic operations required for numerically solving the various questions susceptible of arising on this subject, when the indispensable data are afforded. 1 First:-Let p signify the Principal; implying either any present capital destined for improvement at compound interest,-the present value to which is reducible any other capital more considerable, and forthcoming at a future. period, or else the equivalent for any annuity payable at certain instalments computed from the present time, and until a stated period when such annuity is to terminate. Secondly:-Let a signify that Annuity, or one of the equal sums successively forthcoming at the expiration of equidistant periods, whether consisting of one year, of six months, of three months, or of any other interval of time commencing from the present. Thirdly:-Let n signify the quantity of those forthcoming sums, each of which equal to a. e 34 THE DOCTRINE OF .. m نفر she Lake Fourthly:-Let r signify the Ratio, or the fraction expressing a standard proportion of interest, produced by every unit comprised in whatever invested capital, and for any one of those periods the'quantity of which is expressed by n. Fifth and lastly:-Let m signify either the Improved Principal, originally P and invested at compound interest in the ratio r, during the time implied by n,—any capital forthcoming at a future period, and which by discount under the consideration of compound interest would be reducible to p as the present value of that capital,—or the cumulated amount of the successive sums a, added together, with their respective improvements at compound interest according to the ratio r from each instalment to the next, and until the period of termination of the annuity by the receipt of the last of those sums. (II.) It follows from those definitions, that by the operation of Compound Interest during any period n, the improvement of every unit comprised in the principal p must, at the respective stages of such period, accord with the successive terms of this geometrical progression ÷ (1+r)¹ : (1+r)² : (1+r)³: (1+r)': &c.………...…… (1+r)"; and therefore that the present value, by discount of every unit comprised in any sum forthcoming at those different stages respectively, must also accord with the successive terms of this other progression = Questions: 1 1 1 1 (1+r)² · (1+r)² · (1+r)² (1+r); : &c. ' (III.) Having thus observed that unity, considered as the principal, will, at Compound Interest in the ratio r and at the expiration of a period n, improve into a quantity (1+r)", any ascertained principal, or present capital expressed by p, will consequently improve into p(1+r)"; whence, and expressing by m this improved principal, if any three of the four quantities, n, r, p, and m, be known, the fourth will be ascertainable by resolving into a numerical expression some one amongst the following four, which are mere transformations of the above original equation, identical with each. m (the improved principal) = p(1+r)”. p (the original principal, or present capital) = .to log.m-log.p n or log. (1+r) n (the quantity of successive instalments) = = 1 (1+r)" r (the ratio of interest, corresponding with each interval of time) m (1+r)" m = {"} == ·log. m-log. p log. (1+r) -1; COMPOUND INTEREST. 35 1, It may be expedient to illustrate these positions by appropriate examples. (IV.) Suppose the principal p to be £12500, 3 per cent. the nominal rate of annual interest at which that present capital may be improved by half-yearly instalments, the ratio r in that case 0·0175; and that a term of 25 years were prescribed for the improvement, n being consequently equal to 50 half-yearly instalments of the interest. We have the improved principal m = p(1+r)” = 12500 X (10175) 50; and reducing this to a logarithmic expression, log. m log. 12500+50 (log. 1.0175) 40969100 + 50 (0-0075344179) = 4·4736309. This last logarithm corresponds with £29760, the sum into which such principal p is improvable at the expiration of 25 years. (V.) Suppose m a sum of £40000 required at the expiration of 20 years, and to be obtained by the improvement at Compound Interest of a present capital p, invested at an interest of 4 per cent. per annum, accruing by quarterly. instal- ments; in which case r = 0·01, and n 80. That capital to be invested, or 40000 the discounted value of the future capital m, being p = (1+r)" (1·01) 80 will be ascertained by an operation analogous to the above; and we have log.plog.40000-80 (log.1.01)=4.6020600-80(0-0043213738)=4.2563501, which last quantity is the logarithm of £18045, the capital to be invested. m (VI.) Suppose a principal of £10000, intended for improvement at Compound Interest during 37 years, so as to produce at the expiration of that period a capital of £40000; and the question, in that case, what the rate of annual interest should be, under the stipulation of half-yearly instalments. The data being p10000, m = 40000, and n 75 (half-years), we have log. (1+r) log. m―log. p_log. 40000—log. 10000 n 75 =0·0080274666; this last logarithm corresponds with 1·018656 = 1+r; whence r 0·018656 is the ratio of half-yearly interest, the nominal rate of which per annum is therefore 0·037312, or a very small fraction less than 34 per centum. i 4.6020600—4 75 whence n log. m log. p log. (1+r) 0.00485853 very nearly 144 quarters, or 36 years, the requisite term. = (VII.) Suppose £25000 invested at an interest of 4 per centum per annum, payable quarterly, with a view to accumulate in process. of time, and by the operation of Compound Interest from each quarter of a year to the succeeding quarter, a capital of £125000 ultimately required; and be it asked the period n, computed from the present time, and at the expiration of which the desired improvement will be accomplished. In this case, we have p = 25000, m = 125000, and r = 0.045 4 = 0.01125; 5.0969100 4.3979400 www. =143.864, being • 36 THE DOCTRINE OF (VIII.) Questions analogous to either of the preceding four may be put in various shapes; but the similitude of cases,-as it chiefly rests upon the possession of any three data amongst the general quantities m, p, r, and n-can scarcely fail to be easily discernible. (IX.) But in order to establish, invariably, the relation between each of the five general quantities susceptible of being considered in questions of this kind, and the other four of those quantities, let us now substitute, for unity, any quantity a of periodical income terminating at the expiration of a time expressed by n; such quantity a to be compared with the Principal p, and necessarily discriminated from the ratio or standard rate of interest. It clearly follows again, that p can be no other than the addition of the respectively discounted quantities a, under- stood as the sum forthcoming at each stage of that period n. Those discounted quantities will then accord with the successive terms of the progression : & a a ÷ (1+r)i · (1+r)² · the united value of which P = a a a a + (1+r); + (1+r)² + (1+r) + a (1+2)" a a (1+r)³ (1+r)* + a (1+r)* a a (1+r)" — a r (1+r)² (by the general rule for summing the terms of any geometrical progression) is the Present value of the Terminable annuity. modified, will instead of p = Present value of the Perpetual annuity. a (1+r)" ; (X.) The quantity a, in its relation with p (the Principal), has hitherto been considered as an Annuity, or as the portion of an annuity terminating at a period n that indicates the precise quantity of forthcoming instalments of such terminable annuity. But admitting, in compliance with general custom, the fiction of Perpetuity; by which is understood that the annuity shall continue, either without end, or until the redemption of the capital it originally represented; the last term of the preceding progression, and consisting of a then a (1+r)" ↑ a + &c. .... to + (1- a (1+r)" divided by an infinite quantity, becomes null, as it is no other than the discounted value of a, a quantity infinitely remote and in fact never forthcoming at all. Hence the addition of the successive terms of the above progression, thus (1+r)™ a be p; expressing the Under this hypothesis, in which the quantity n is discarded from consideration, if p, a, and r, be successively admitted as the unknown quantities, they are readily ascertainable by resolving into numerical expressions the three algebraic COMPOUND INTEREST. 37 a NIE the last two of which are mere transformations of the first. expressions (now extremely simplified,) p = apr, and r = It is self-evident that, under this same hypothesis, the quantity m, considered as questionable so long as n could be retained as a limited quantity, must now be discarded also; because any sum, whether p or a, and however small, necessarily becomes infinite,—that is to say, greater than any assignable quantity,-- when proceeding from its uninterrupted improvement during eternity; and there- fore no question can possibly arise in the present case, as to any ascertainable quantity m. (XI.) Examples of the three questions relative to Perpetual Annuities. First:-Let £5000 be the principal p, or the value of an annuity payable by quarterly instalments, the first of which falling due in three months from the present time; and let the nominal rate of annual interest be 5 per centum, or in the ratio r = 0.0125 for one quarter. Each of those quarterly instalments will then be a pr= £5000 X 0.0125 £62. 10s.; four times which, or £250, will be the Annuity. The multiplication, at once, of £5000 by 0·05 or by the rate, per annum, yields the same result. a r ཅ |ིག Secondly:-Let the principal be £5000, and the Annuity nominally £275, a 137.5 but in reality £137. 10s. half-yearly; then the ratio r — =0.0275, p 5000 corresponding with each half-yearly instalment; and 0·055, otherwise 5½ per cent., will be the nominal rate of Interest per annum, according to which such annuity is paid. The same result is obtained by merely dividing 275 by 5000. 75 0.01125 Thirdly:-Let the annuity be nominally £300, but accruing by quarterly payments of £75 each; and suppose 44 per cent. per ann. the nominal rate of Interest by which the calculation is to be governed, which reduces the quarterly ratior to 001125; the present value of a perpetual annuity, to the above £6666.13s.4d. And if the whole amount, will then be p annual sum of £300 be divided by 0.045 or the rate of annual interest, the same quantity £6666. 13s. 4d. will exhibit the capital represented by that Annuity. (XII.) Should the first instalment of an annuity, whether terminable or perpetual, be paid at the outset of the constituting transaction, instead of being payable at the expiration only of the first year, the first half-year, the first quarter, or at the expiration of any other specific term, computed from the period of 58 THE DOCTRINE OF investment of the corresponding principal p; such anticipated payment, of any sum a, ought in that case to be considered in no other light than as a reduction of the invested principal itself. This is indeed the simplest and clearest view to be taken of the matter; whence the relations between the several quantities a, r, n, and p, need not be established by any other rules than those already set forth; requiring only to substitute p-a, for the principal, instead of p, and to prosecute the calculations accordingly. (XIII.) If any future capital m is to result from the accumulation of each por- tion a of income, improved at Compound Interest until the expiration of a period n, that quantity m can be no other than the addition of the several quantities a, respectively improved until that term of expiration. And if it be further considered, that the first portion a will be forthcoming only at the end of one of the stipulated intervals computed from the present time, and each of which produces interest in the ratio r; such portion of income consequently benefitting no more than by a quantity n-1 of successive stages of improvement, whilst the last portion a, forthcoming at the complete expiration of the period n, is not susceptible of any improvement at all; we shall have by analogy with the progression (IX) m=a+a(1+r)¹+a(1+r)²+a(1+r)³+a(1+r)*+ &c. ... to + a(1+r)*~¹, which by the rule of summation resolves into m a(1+r)”~'. (1+r) — a r - m produce = (1+r)", p a (1+r)" go G a ; and this quantity is the Cumulated annuity, or what the authors have technically termed the Amount of the annuity. It is immediately perceptible that the quantities p and m, the former of which has been analized in section IXth, stand in such mutual relation as constantly to (XIV.) But independently of m, we may admit another quantity M, similarly formed of the same quantity n of consecutive and equal portions a of income, the first of which realized at the moment of the supposed investment of the principal p, all the other portions forthcoming at equidistant intervals, and the whole respectively improved during n stages; in such manner, that the last realized of those sums a participated, during one of those stages or intervals of time, in the general process of improvement embracing a whole period equal to that already considered in forming the quantity m. It is obvious that, in such case, M will exceed the latter by a single quantity a(1+r)", resulting from the improvement at Compound Interest of one of those sums a realized at the outset; that quantity'a (1+r)" diminished however by another quantity a that will not, COMPOUND INTEREST. 39 as in the former case, be forthcoming at the close of the period indicated by n. That is to say, that M and m are so related as invariably to produce M = m+a(1+r)”—a: the two cases differing from each other, in consequence only of the first instalment of the periodical income a being, in one case, exclusively realized at the outset of the transaction, whilst an equal quantity is, in the other case, exclusively realized at the terminating period of the operation of improvement. Having thus inferred, from a simple mode of reasoning, the equation a (1+r)” —a+ar (1+r)"—ar, there a(1+r)”—a M = + a(1+r)”—ɑ = j r now remains to establish this position by direct calculation analogous to those that have produced the equations p and m (IX and XIII.) From the definition, this quantity M is equal to the successive terms of the following progression added together:- } a(r)': a(1+r)²: a(1+r)³: a(1+r)': &c. .... to a (1+r)" inclusive ; the summation of which, by the general rule, produces M a (1+r)*+¹ — a(1+r), go identical with the preceding equation. jo Should this identity not appear at a first glance, it will be sufficient to observe, a that dividing by each of those assimilated results, they become (1+r), (1+r)" +r(1+r)" (1+r) = (1+r)*+¹ whence (1+r)" + r(1+r)” = (1+r)*+¹; and again dividing them by (1+r)", the identical results (1+r) are obtained. C (XV.) Being now possessed of two fundamental equations, establishing the respective values of any present capital p, and of any future capital m, in their relation together and with the other quantities a, r, and n; we are enabled, through the transformations of which those equations are susceptible, and provided that any three of those five quantities are supplied as the data, to ascertain the remaining two. : Any five objects afford ten combinations, by which two of those objects may be separated from the three others; hence there are also ten different modes, according to which the questions may possibly be framed; the unknown quantities being either p and a, p and r, p and n, p and m, a and r, a and n, a and m, r and n, r and m, or n and m. 40 THE DOCTRINE OF Waiving, as unnecessary towards practical purposes, the mathematical demonstrations that would point out the path leading to our conclusions, it may immediately be proceeded to exhibit the various theorems solving, in each of those ten cases, the respective questions of the two unknown quantities. CASES. DATA. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. n, p, r. IX. m, n, r. a, n, r. m, p, r.. a, p, r. a, m, r. a, m, p. VIII. | m, n, p. a, n, p. X. a, m, n. a = α a m SOLUTION OF THE FIRST UNKNOWN QUANTITY. pr (1+r)" (1+r)” — 1 n = P m = you log. m-log. p log. (1+r) ap a-pr am a + mr a m m p g r = {() = -1. p b = d = C - e mr (1+r)" — 1) * a [(1+r)^-1] p. 6 n— 1 (뜸​) - 1). ƒ = b-2(d-1), f n+1 ? r = b−√ (bf) = 6 n+1 (mm) an g=2(e-1)+cj == $ r = √(eg)—c= a m : (~~—1). ·1) m\p m — c = 1/2(-1). mp SOLUTION OF THE SECOND UNKNOWN QUANTITY. mp (1+r)". P = p a n 11 n = ཆ་ H a = m (1+r)" p = a [(1+r)" -1] ~· (1+1')" mr =) Ky miqda 1) mr (1+r)” — 1) * log. a-log. (a—pr) log. (1+r) mr log: (a+mr) — log. a log. (1+r) log.m-log.p log. (1+r) (1+r)" —I' m = p (b +1 - √bƒ)" = m [√(cg)+1−c]" ap (a—pr) m (1+r)*° + COMPOUND INTEREST. 41 In the first six cases of the preceding cathegory, and in which the quantity r or ratio of interest is one of the data supplied, the equations that point out the respective solutions of the unknown quantities are obtained through very simple transformations of the equations already established (IX and XIII); and each of the two questions concerning those unknown quantities may be solved inde- pendently of the other. But the last four cases, where r is one of the unknown quantities, involve these peculiarities; that in the 7th and 8th, r must be solved before the other unknown quantity can be ascertained,—and that in the 9th and 10th cases, the unknown quantities are not strictly commensurable, each admitting only an approximate solution in consequence of the elevated degree n of the indicative equations. It may not be easily perceived, in those last two cases, how the conclusions are arrived at; which, in the ninth case, is as follows. From p = whence an t an P =1+ 1+ Binominal theorem, we have − (n − 1) r²+n 2 1 + nr + n a(1+r)”—a r(1+r)² n+1 2 n+1 2 nr (1+r)" (1+r)" — ī 1 (n−1) 2 r+ is immediately deduced r + % + ; and developing the series, according to the (n−1). (n−2) 2X3 (n+1). (n-1) 2X2X3 (n−1). (n−2) 2X3 therefore, if we further admit P n+1 n+1 (n+1). (n−1) p² + (1+r)²=1+ r + 2 2×2×2 an 2+1 there will be (1+r+%) 2 = 1 + p2 But it is observable, by means of a similar developement, that r² + n+1 2 (n−1). (n−2). (n−3) 2X3X4 (n+1). (n-1) 2X3X4 the first two terms of which are identical with those of the preceding series 19 and = (1+r+z)™+', 1 r(1+r)" p a(1+r)*—a r³ + &c. 2 - ~ + 2 + 11 n+1 2 which compared with the above first series produces (n+1). (n−1), __ (n + 1) . (n−1) 2×2×2 2×2×3 f (n+1). (n−1). (n−3)µ³+&c., 2×2×2×2×3 -M + •r$+&c. 3+&c. (n+1). (n−1) 2X2X2 r²; whence z r²+&c.; n—1 -p2. 12 42 THE DOCTRINE OF Consequently, (1+r — (2—1) r²) 12 1+r n— i 12 r² = an\nFi () and as the first four terms in the developement of (1+ identical with those arising from the developement of the first series above, is 6 6 1° - √(27) × [ 1 - 2 (d—1)] = b— √(bƒ). 1) 6 X 22-1 N _n— ultimately deduced r = 2+1 2 an p or otherwise =d, or again r² 12r 12 = (1-d); from which, n— 1 n—1 n-1 12 p2 n+1 are An analogous process leads to the conclusions in the tenth case. (XVI.) The practical questions most frequently recurring are those in which r, or the ratio of interest, and n or the quantity of instalments forthcoming of such interest, or of any annuity until its terminating period, are known quantities; those unknown and questionable, under that supposition, being limited to p, m, and a. Admitting then the third datum to be p, there may be two questions, the one concerning m, and the other concerning a ; admitting the third datum m, the questions may in the same manner concern either a or p; and admitting a as the third datum, jointly with r and n, the questions susceptible of arising may be concerning p or concerning m. All those questions apply to the first three only, of the ten cases exhibited in the preceding section, where their respective solutions are given. Those six questions are selected as the proper subject of general TABles, applicable to daily use; and in order to facilitate their construction, in such manner as to avoid either confusion or obscurity, it has been necessary to substitute unity for the third quantity supposed to be known. The solution of each question, thus referable to every unit contained in that known quantity- whether p, m, or a,-is susceptible of being expressed by a numerical quantity referable also to every joint indication of those represented by r and by n. (XVII.) From this description of the Tables, their insufficiency towards the solution of questions in many other cases should not however be inferred. Whenever one at least, of the two quantities r and n, forms part of the data supplied, those tables will afford an easy method of solving, with sufficient approximation towards all practical purposes, the question relative to the other quantity, whether r or n, and supposed to be the unknown. The various positions here implied shall, in due progress, be illustrated by appropriate examples. Amongst the ten cases aforementioned, the seventh, in which r and n are both COMPOUND INTEREST. 43 unknown quantities, exhibits in that respect a solitary instance, in which the method of direct calculation must inevitably be resorted to, according to the equations pointed out in page 40th, for numerically solving the two questions then susceptible of arising. The six questions comprised in the first, the second, and the third cases, and of which the solution in numerical quantities is obtained by the Tables, are as follows: (XVIII.) FIRST QUESTION.-Being given the ratio r, either of annual, of half- yearly, or of quarterly interest; as also the quantity n of those instalments, intervening until a final period when such interest is to cease; and substituting unity for the principal p, or for any present capital supposed to be invested; m = p (1+r)” is then reducible to the more simple expression m = (1+r)*, indicating the Improved principal, or the quantity to which every unit comprised in the original principal will amount, by its improvement at compound interest, at the expiration of the stated period. EXAMPLE.-Suppose 31 per cent. per ann. the nominal * rate of interest, at which a present capital of £16500 may be improved half-yearly and during a period of 36 years; whence r = 0·0175 is the half-yearly ratio, and n = 72 is the quantity of successive instalments for the accretion of interest. We have m = (1+r)” = (1·0175)7² = 3·4872098; which, as appears in page 12th of the tables, is the improvement of every unit contained in the principal £16500; and therefore, multiplying the latter into the preceding quantity, we find £57538.96, or very nearly £57539, to be the improvement of that principal at the expiration of 36 years. ? (XIX.) SECOND QUESTION.-Being given the ratio r of interest at which any principal may be invested, and also the quantity n of instalments of a terminable annuity proposed as the equivalent for that principal, or present capital; if unity be substituted for such principal, the equation a pr (1+r)" (1+r) 1 indicating the Ratio of the annuity, or a fraction comparable with unity, and expressing the proportion which the annuity, intended to terminate with the will in that case become simplified into a = r (1+r) n (1+r)" -1' * This rate is here called nominal, in contradistinction with that of 1 per cent., the propor- tionate and true rate of interest accruing every half-year, and added to the principal at each stage of its improvement. † The reader is always supposed to possess a clear notion of decimal arithmetic, without which we could not possibly make ourselves understood. 44 THE DOCTRINE OF period n, should bear with that capital, or with the price for which the said annuity is to be purchased. EXAMPLE.-Suppose 34 per cent. per ann. to be the rate at which money might be laid out at interest, with the condition of its accruing by half-yearly instalments; and that a capital of £25000 were proposed for the purchase of an annuity limited to 13 years' duration, and payable also by half-yearly instalments, the last of which falling due at the expiration of that term. In the } present case we have r = 0·01875, and n = 27; whence a = (1.01875)27 X 0.01875 (1.6512993)27 × 0.01875 (1.01875)27-1 0.6512993 = .I is the half-yearly ratio, and therefore 0.0950772 the whole ratio according to which the annuity should be paid as an equivalent. By referring to the table (page 15th), this result of calculation will immediately be found; and as it expresses the annuity corresponding with one pound supposed principal, it follows that 0.0950772 × 25000 2376·93, or say £2377, should be the annual sum paid during thirteen years and one half. r(1+r)* (1+r)" -1 =0·0475386, which In all questions of this description, it is invariably to be understood (without which the conclusion must be false) that the instalments of the proposed annuity must, in due proportion, take place at the same intervals as would otherwise be stipulated for the corresponding rate of perpetual interest. Various cases, in which a deviation from uniform principles is admissible, are generally-and in order to avoid confusion-reserved for consideration hereafter. (XX.) THIRD QUESTION.-Any capital m is forthcoming at a future period, the interval to which, computed from the present time, being divided into n equidistant instalments, whether annual, half-yearly, quarterly, or any other, each of them is productive of interest in the ratio r; query the present value P of such future capital, reduced by the adequate discount in which the operation of Compound interest is considered. The solution of this question has already been given under the general expression p = be substituted for m, that expression becomes p = m (1+r)” ; but if unity 1 indicating the (1+r)" Discounted Value of every unit comprised in the capital forthcoming at the stated period. EXAMPLE.-A sum of £6425: 10s. is forthcoming at the expiration of 7 years; the rate of annual interest at which the investment of capital might now COMPOUND INTEREST. 45 be made is 4 per cent., accruing however by quarterly instalments of one per cent. each; and it is inquired the present value of that future sum, discounted in regard to the lapse of 30 quarters of years. The value of every unit contained in such future capital is p= be seen in the Table (page 19th); therefore the total present value is. 6425.5 X 0.7419229 4767-225, or £4767. 4s. 6d. $ 1 1 1 (1+r)" (1.01)30 1.3478489 = ****** (XXI.) FOURTH QUESTION.-Having ascertained the ratio r, of interest accruing either by annual, by half-yearly, or by quarterly instalments, and according to which ratio it is admitted that money may be uninterruptedly improved at com- pound interest during a period of certain extent or a quantity n of such instalments; and supposing that any capital m, required at the expiration of that period, were then to result from the accumulation of that same quantity n of equal sums ɑ, successively forthcoming or periodically saved, and in both cases improved during a = mr the specified period, from each instalment to the next; the equation a (1+r)"-1 will, in case of substituting unity for m or the future capital required, be simpli- =0.7419229, as will για fied into a = (1+), indicating the proportion which such periodical Redemption-fund should bear with that future capital; or in other words, r is the fractional expression of the annuity, or of the portion of (1+r)-1 annuity corresponding with each interval between the successive instalments, and required to be laid out for accumulation, so as ultimately to produce unity at the time when the capital m will be wanted. ¿ EXAMPLE. A sum of £125000 will, at the end of 41 years from the present time, be required for redeeming a debt to that amount, and then only demandable; and it is inquired the adequate annuity accruing by quarterly instalments,-the first of which becoming due in three months from the present time, or otherwise the adequate savings to be made at similar periods out of any income, for the purpose of accumulation and improvement at Compound Interest, towards the intended redemption, and admitted to be practicable throughout that period of 41 years; or 164 quarters, at the nominal rate of 4 per cent. per annum, but really in the quarterly and proportionate ratio 0.010625. We have in that case = 0·002280364, the 0.010625 (1.010625)16-1 r 0.010625 4.6593442 (1+r)” — 1 quarterly prorata, and therefore 0·0091215 the prorata of annual savings required, 46 THE DOCTRINE OF as will also be seen in the Table (page 25th); and which quantity multiplied into £125000 produces 1140-182, or very nearly £1140. 2s. as the annual redemption-fund to be appropriated. This fourth question is stated in terms that perhaps may appear unneces- sarily minute; but it is sometimes assumed on insufficient grounds, that a certain rate of Interest, available for the time being, will thus continue during a very protracted period; in consequence of which miscalculation, important errors are not unlikely to result. When under peculiar and transitory circumstances, the rate of interest happens to be unusually high, or else unusually low, it is indis- pensably necessary, for calculating any anticipated improvement of Capital at Compound Interest for a great length of time, to adopt such moderated rates of Interest as may safely be relied on; and this calls for the exercise of great sagacity, as the error may lie on either side of the argument. (XXII.) Fifth QUESTION.—Any quantity n, of equal sums a, is forthcoming at equidistant intervals of time computed from the present; the ratio r of Interest is ascertained with reference to one of those intervals, whether consisting of years, half-years, quarters of years, or any other; and it is inquired the present equivalent p of those forthcoming sums, considered in the aggregate and relatively to the operation of Compound Interest. This question, of the Value of an annuity, is the counterpart of the 2d, in the same manner as the third question is the counterpart of the first. If unity be then substituted for a, or for one of those equal sums, the equation p = a[(1+r)"—1] r(1+r)" We have p = (1+r)*-1 r(1+r)” becomes p = - expressing the equivalent, in present capital, that should be given for every unit. contained in the quantity a of periodical income; or otherwise indicating what is usually called the number of years' purchase of an annuity, when a being any other than one whole year's income, a due proportion relative to the latter is substituted instead of it. (1+r)"-1 r(1+r)" EXAMPLE.—Suppose an annuity of £750, forthcoming in one single payment at the expiration of the year now commencing and of every succeeding year to the 35th inclusive; and the rate of interest, at 4 per centum per annum, assumed to be available during the whole of that period; it is required the number of years' purchase that should be paid as the equivalent for that annuity. (1.045)35 1 (1·045)35 X 0·045 S ; PAR thus 3.6673478 4.6673478 X 0·045 = 17-461, or very nearly 17 years' purchase; and this value of the annuity is accordingly found in the Table (page 28th.) COMPOUND INTEREST. 47 p = OTHER EXAMPLE.-Suppose an annuity of £1200, payable by quarterly instalments during 45 years, the first quarter now commencing to run; and the rate of interest, admitted to govern the calculation, being 42 per cent. per annum, but subject also to quarterly payments; query the present value of that annuity? In this case we have the quarterly ratior 0011875, and the quantity of forthcoming instalments 2 180; whence (1.011875)180-1 (1.011875)180 X 0·011875 here m = As the latter quantity multiplied into the true and quarterly income would constitute the required equivalent, it follows that 18.53802 is the quantity of times the nominal and annual income, or in other words the number of years' purchase; and the same result is exhibited in page 32d of the Tables. Tag (XXIII.) SIXTH QUESTION.-The quantities r and n are given, as in the 4th question of which this is the counterpart; and a is a sum applied, at each of the successive and equidistant instalments (in quantity n), to create a capital at the expiration of the whole term :-Query, what will be the amount of that capital? Substituting unity for a, or for the sum thus appropriated at each instalment, the equation m = ; indicating the future capital which every unit contained in the quantity a of periodical savings will create, or in other words the Cumulated annuity. a[(1+r)]”—1] r 7.3721287 8-3721287 × 0.011875 (1+r)^-1 yo ====== will become m EXAMPLE. The rate of Interest, subject to half-yearly payments, is 5 per cent. per annum, and it is assumed that it will thus continue available during an indefinite period; a sum of £350 is each year, and in the proportion of £175 at the expiration of every half year computed from the present time, to be applied as a Redemption-fund, towards the ultimate discharge of debt, after the accumulation of that fund at compound interest until the 60th year expired; the question being, what capital of debt may then and by that means be redeemed. We have (1+r)". 7" (1·025) 120 — 1 0.025 : 74.15209. J 18.35815 0.025 = 734·326, the quantity of times the half-yearly savings, and consequently 367.163 times their annual proportion; being the same result announced by the Table, (page 36th). The capital of debt which, in that case, may be paid off at the expiration of the 60th year, from this time, will be £350 × 367·163, or £128507. (XXIV.) The general intent, the limits, and the practical use of the Tables that conclude this book, have already been set forth in a short prefatory discourse. Those Tables are thirteen in number; each embracing an extent of four pages, 48 THE DOCTRINE OF and referable to a certain standard rate of interest per annum. They exhibit under the several heads of Improved principal, of Discounted principal, of Cumulated annuity, of Annuity for cumulation (or Redemption-fund), of Value of the annuity, and of Ratio of the annuity, specific and numerical solutions of the six questions expounded in the preceding sections (XVIII to XXIII). All other details concerning the construction of those Tables would be superfluous. But it is necessary now to explain the further use to which they are applicable, for easily-though mediately-solving the questions that may arise in the 4th, the 5th, the 6th, the 8th, the 9th, and the 10th cases specified in page 40th; the 7th case being an exception, as already mentioned (XVII). (XXV.) The clearest mode of proceeding, to that effect, will be to exemplify the questions susceptible of arising in each case, together with their respective solutions by means of the Tables. It should however be borne in mind, that in a great number of instances it will be found more expeditious to solve the questions by direct calculation, and according to the algebraic formulæ exhibited in page 40th; with the further advantage of rigid accuracy, which cannot otherwise be obtained in the results. (XXVI.) CASE FOURTH, in which m, p, and r, are known quantities: Query? A principal of £25000 has improved by compound interest, at the rate of 3 per cent. in single payments annually, to a sum of £51500; and it is inquired in what period of time. Reducing to unity the first of those sums, the proportion of Improved principal is 2.06; the Table (page 2d) indicates 2.0327941 as the improvement during 24 years, and 2.0937779 as that improvement extended to a 25th year: difference 0.0609838 for the last year. Now, 2:06 exceeds 2·0327941 by 0·0272059 only, which in proportion with the preceding difference is 0-446, or of the 25th 163 365 year; whence the whole period of improvement has been 24 years and 163 days. The direct calculation is log. m―log. p log. (1+r) The same data, m, p, and r, being given: Query a? n N = - 4-7118072-4.3979400 0.0128372 =24-4498. An annuity stated to have been purchased for a capital of £13333. 6s. 8d., at a time not mentioned, is now at its terminating period by the accretion of the COMPOUND INTEREST. 49 [ last and half-yearly instalment of that annuity; and in consequence of the whole having been accumulated and improved at 3 per centum annual interest, but accruing also half-yearly from the time of purchase to the present, has created a capital of £66000. It is inquired, either the annuity or its half-yearly proportion, which by such accumulation and improvement has produced this result. The principal £133333 having ultimately produced £66000, the proportion of improvement is from unity to 4·95, which at 3 per cent. per ann., or in the half-yearly ratio 0.01625, must have embraced a period between 49 and 50 years, according to the Table (page 8th). If 49 years, the improvement would have been 4.8534966; and if 50 years, 5·0125169; whence the difference, 0·1590203, is the improvement during the 50th year. But as the actual improvement has exceeded, by 0.0965034 only, that which corresponds with 49 years, this excess compared with the preceding difference represents an additional 0·6069, making the whole term 49.6069 years. We find in another column of the same Table, (page 9th,) that an annuity for the term of 49 years should be in the proportion 0·0084339, for every unit of the future capital it is intended to create by accumulation; and that the proportion of a 50 years' annuity should be only 0·0080997: difference for the last year, 0·0003342. The additional fraction 0.6069 of one year, being multiplied into this difference, produces 0·0002029 for the difference in the ratio, corresponding with that fraction of a year; and the latter quantity is to be subtracted from 0·0084339, as a longer term of the annuity must diminish its ratio or proportion with the capital. Hence 0.008231 will be the proportion of annuity, corresponding with every unit contained in £66000; and in that proportion, the latter capital is found to result from the accumulation and half-yearly improvement of an annual sum of £543.246, or very nearly £543. 5s. But if it be otherwise considered, that the fraction 0.3931 is wanting towards the completion of a term of 50 years; then by taking a similar proportion of the difference 0.0003342 already found, we have 0·0001314, which added to 0·0080997 (the ratio for 50 years), yields the same result 0·008231 as above. It is observable that we have sought the precise Annuity, or Redemption-fund, corresponding with £66000 capital ultimately created; whereas the result of calculation would have been the same, if we had sought the Ratio of annuity corresponding with the original sum invested, say £13333. 6s. 8d., and proceeded in the same manner; and again if we had sought the Value of the annuity, or the quantity of years' pnrchase, according to the Table (page 8th, column 6th). The direct calculation, however, is a = mr [カ​]-1 مد 66000 X 0·01625 4·95 — 1 1072.5 3.95 = £271-519; this being accurately the half-yearly proportion of f the annuity, the whole of which therefore £543·038. 50 THE DOCTRINE OF 1 (XXVII.) CASE FIFTH, in which a, p, and r, are known quantities: Query n? A present capital of £1250 is given as the equivalent of an annuity of £132. 10s., by quarterly instalments, and the term of which now commencing to run; the rate of interest, admitted to govern the calculation, is 31 per cent. per annum, but understood as also accruing quarterly; and it is inquired the term of that annuity, or the quantity of its quarterly instalments that should be forthcoming. Dividing 1250 by 132.5, we find 9.433962 years' purchase, the price of that annuity; and by the Table (page 10th, column 9th), an annuity at 9.433772 years' purchase (which differs from the above price but in a very insignificant fraction) should be of 11½ years' duration, or 46 quarters. If on the contrary 132.5 be divided by 1250, there will be found 0.106 the exact ratio of the annuity compared with the principal; and in the same Table (last column of the 11th page), that an annuity constituted in the ratio 0·1060021 should continue during 114 years: same result as above. 1.5201559—1.3461084 0.0037835 log. a-log. (a-pr) log. 33 125 — log. 22·1875 log. (1+r) log. 1.00875 = 46·0017 quarterly instalments forthcoming. By direct calculation n = The same data, a, p, and r, being given: Query m? A capital of £50000 is to be invested, at 25 years' purchase, in an annuity payable by half-yearly instalments, and the term of which is agreed to be regulated by calculation, founded upon 32 per cent. rate of interest per annum, also accruing half-yearly; and it is inquired the sum to which that annuity, accumulated and improved at the said rate of compound interest, 'will amount at the period of its termination. It is obvious that the ultimate sum, inquired after, should be the same as the improvement of the represented principal £50000, laid out at compound interest until the expiry of the annuity; and this period may be ascertained as in the preceding question. The Table (page 16th) indicates the present value of a 74 years' annuity to be 24-96074, and that of a 75 years' annuity to be 25·02295 years' purchase ; the difference in value for the last year of this term being consequently 0·06221. But the deficiency of the former value is only 0.03926, corresponding in due proportion with 0.631 additional fraction of a year; whence the term of the annuity should be 74-631 years. The Table further indicates, that any principal COMPOUND INTEREST. 51 laid out at the above rate of interest should improve in 74 years to 15-631765 times its amount, and to 16.223452 times in 75 years, the difference being 0.591687; and if a part of the latter quantity, say 0·373354, in proportion with the fraction 0·631 of the 75th year, be added to 15.631765, we shall find 16-005119 for the ratio of improvement at the expiration of 74·631 years, or 74 years and 230 days. Hence, and by multiplying £ 50000 into that ratio, we find £800256, the future capital to result from the accumulation and improvement of a £2000 annuity accruing by half-yearly instalments of £1000 each. The direct calculation, in algebraic form, does not require the term of the annuity to be previously ascertained: it gives at once, and with perfect exactness, = £800000. M ap a-pr 1000 1000 X 50000 50000 X 0.01875 F Some inaccuracy is observable in the result obtained by the indirect method. It proceeds from having successively admitted certain proportional parts of value, to correspond with fractions of time in similar proportions, which is not strictly correct; whence the smallest deviation from rigid accuracy, in any one instance, may generate errors more considerable. Such, however, cannot acquire real importance in a practical point of view; but the direct method is always preferable. (XXVIII.) CASE SIXTII, in which a, r, and m are known: Query n? An annuity of £365, accruing by yearly instalments, accumulated and improved by compound interest at the rate of 4 per cent., has ultimately produced a capital of £10660: it is inquired in what time? 10660 365 it is found that the annuity has accumulated in the pro- Dividing portion of 29-205479 for every unit; and by the Table (page 18th, column 2d), that the accumulation during 19 years should be in the proportion of 27·671229, whilst that during 20 years in the proportion of 29.778079; difference 2.10685. But the first proportion is short of a quantity only 0.5726, to correspond with a 20 years' accumulation; and :: 2-10685: 1 :: 0·5726: 0.27178, which last is the fraction wanting to the accomplishment of the 20th year; whence 19-72822 years is the required period of improvement. If on the contrary we divide 365 10660 the annual redemption fund, or the proportion between the annuity and its cumulated amount; comparing this quantity with 0.0361386 and with 0.0335818, by the same Table (p. 19th, 2d col.), and calculating the differences in the same manner as above, the result will be 19-74249 years. the quotient 0.0342402 then expressing > 52 THE DOCTRINE OF J 1 But from the cause already assigned in the preceding section, neither of those results are strictly accurate, and it is best to proceed with the direct calculation as follows:- N 1 = de Gang log. (a+mr) log. a log. (1+r) 10446.25 1.8880266' G log. (791.4) log. 365 Jog. (1.04) and 267 days, the exact term of the accumulation and improvement. The same data, a, r, and m, being given: Query p? An annuity of £500, purchased at a time not specified, and the last half- yearly instalment of which is presently paid, has been accumulated and constantly improved at an interest nominally 41 per cent. per annum, but really of 21 per cent. half-yearly, so as now to have become a capital of £10446. 5s.; and it is inquired the principal, or the original cost of that annuity, according to the above mentioned rate of interest. < p = log. (365 +10660 × 004) log. (1.04) am a+mr = £5533. 3s. 2d. 0.3361031 0.0170333 It is clear, from the principal and the annuity being originally equivalent, that the former must be such as should have produced £10446. 5s., by its improvement at compound interest during the implied term; which term, ascertained as in the preceding question, is 15 years and 40 or 41 days, say 15 years. The improved principal, according to the Table (page 22d), is 1-8791528 at the expiration of 15 years, and 1-9190848 at the expiration of 15 years; the difference for the last half-year being 0.0399320. If to 1.8791528 is added 0·0088738,-being the proportion of that difference cor- responding with of a year,—the result 1·8880266 will be the improvement of every unit contained in the principal; which therefore is found to have been or £5532. 188. log. 365 By the direct method, this question will be more accurately solved, even without previously ascertaining the term " of the annuity. We then have 19-732 years, or 19 years 250 X 10446·25 250 + 10446.25 × 0·02125 ? 2611562.5 471.9828125 (XXIX.) CASE SEVENTH, in which a, m, and p, are known quantities; whilst r and n are both unknown. COMPOUND INTEREST. 53 晶 ​In this case, as already observed, neither of the questions arising can be solved by means of the Tables, which are expressly founded on the possession of the two data r and n; and in exemplifying those questions, their solution will be easily obtained by the direct method, as pointed out in page 40th. It is further observable, first, that the ratio r must be ascertained previously to the period of timen; and secondly, that the stipulation of instalments, whether annual, half- yearly, or quarterly, become a matter of indifferent consideration, provided that they be the same for the annuity a and for the ratio r of interest. EXAMPLE.-An annual fund of £4000 is supplied for accumulation and improvement at compound interest until it shall have created a capital of One million; that capital is, then only, to be applied for the discharge of present debts amounting to £86000, but admitted in the meantime to increase at compound interest also; and it is inquired, first, the rate of that interest at which the annual fund should be improved, in order that the debts may have accumu- lated to an equal amount of One million at the period of payment; and secondy, how far that period is removed from the present time. a m r = — (7572 — 1) = m ԴՈՆ՝P n= 4000 1000000 log. m log.p log. (1+r) SOLUTION. 1000000 86000 7211 2400 which is the ratio of interest, exceeding by a very trifling fraction the rate of 41 per cent. per annum : log. 1000000 __1) waddin B 10.627907 250 log. 86000 log. 1.042511628 =0·042511628, 1.06550155 0.01808091 = 58.93, or very nearly 59 years, the period of reimbursement of the debts, as accrued by compound interest, and without gain or loss on either side. (XXX.) Case EighTH, in which m, n, and, are known: Query r? A principal of £2400 has, by improvement at compound interest, quarterly instalments, produced £7211 at the expiration of 24 years: and it is inquired the nominal rate of that interest per annum. The division quotes 3.0045833, the improvement of every unit contained in the principal; and by the Table (page 26th), 2-9269771 is the improved principal when the rate of interest is 41, and (page 30th) 3·1058405 when it is 42 per cent.; the difference of improvement 0.1788634, corresponding with per cent. difference in the annual rate of interest. But the proportion of actual improvement has exceeded, by 0·0776062 only, the quantity relative to 4 per 54 THE DOCTRINE OF cent. ; and, as 0·1788634: 0·0025 :: 0·0776062: 0·0010847, the latter quantity added to 0.045 gives 0.0460847, the annual ratio of improvement, more accurately specified 0.0115212 the ratio per quarter. By the direct method, r = E 0.0115257, is a = the quarterly ratio, and therefore 0.0461028 the annual ratio; which last two results are correct, the above being only an approximation. The same data, m, n, and p, being given: Query a? A 24 years annuity, subject to quarterly instalments, has been purchased for £2400; which annuity cumulated and improved at compound interest, also quarterly, until the expiration of its term, has produced a capital of £7211; and it is inquired the ratio of that annuity, or its proportion with the principal, when understood that the purchase and the improvement were governed by the same rate of interest. That rate of interest is 0-0460847, ascertained as in the preceding question. The ratio of an annuity for 24 years should be 0.0683526, when the interest is at 4, and 0.0700563 when at 44 per cent., according to the Table (p. 27th and 31st); difference 0.0017037, corresponding with per cent. difference in the annual rate of interest. The proportion :: 0·0025: 0·0017037 :: 0·0010847 : 0.0007537 indicates that the latter quantity should be added to 0.0683526, whence 0.0691063 must have been the ratio of the purchase; and multiplying this ratio into £2400, we find £165. 17s., the annuity purchased and improved as above. [] I 12 ]*- The direct calculation, after having ascertained the quantity r to be correctly 7211X0.0115257 2.0045833 £41·4609, the quarterly mr The division 1 = (3·0045833) — 1 — 0·0115257, (7) instalment of the annuity; the whole of which therefore is £165. 16s. 10d. 1 (XXXI.) CASE NINTH, in which a, n, and p, are known: Query r? An annuity of £1750, the whole of which sum forthcoming at the expiration of the year now commencing and of every succeeding year to the 35th inclusive, is purchased for £28208. 8s. 6d., as its just equivalent; and it is inquired the rate of annual interest with which that purchase corresponds. 28208-4271 1750 quotes 16.11910, the quantity of years' purchase of COMPOUND INTEREST. 55 that annuity; and 1750 28208-4271 quotes 0·0620382, its ratio or proportion with every unit contained in the principal. The departure may be taken from either of those results, but it is better to proceed upon the former. It is then perceived by the Table (page 36th), that an annuity such as the above is valuable at 16.37419 years' purchase, taking the annual rate of interest at 5 per cent. in a single payment, and (page 40th) that the same annuity is worth 15-87025 years' purchase when the interest is at 5 per cent.: difference 0.50394, corresponding with that of per cent. in the ratios of interest. If it be further considered that the purchase has been rated at 16:11910, differing by 0-25509 only from the valuation at 5 per cent., the proportion :: 0·50394: 0·0025 :: 25509 : 0·0012655 indicates that the ratio of interest, according to which the purchase was governed, must have exceeded by the latter quantity the ratio 0.05, or the rate of 5 per cent.; therefore 0·0512655, or 5.12655 per cent. per annum, (exceeding 5 by a very trifling fraction) is the rate inquired after. The direct mode of calculation is somewhat more intricate in this than in the preceding cases, and requires first to ascertain three quantities, b, d, and ƒ. According to the demonstration in section XVth, we have 6 2017 n- 2 (—), ƒ = b − 2 (d − 1), and consequently f — r = b—√(bf), which will afford an approximate solution of the question. b = > d = We find b= 6 n~1 2 an = (=)== P d = 6 34. 61250 :(: 28208,4271)'s and ƒ — b−2 (d—1) = 0·17647059-0·08803152 = whencer = b = √(bf) = 0·17647059 =0.051543. =0·17647059, I IS (2·1713399) — 1·04401576, (0.17647059 0·08843907 ; 0.08843907) It is worthy of observation that the true ratio of interest should be exactly 0·05125, or 5 per cent., as proved by admitting this datum and stating the converse questions. This 9th case, as well as the 10th hereafter exemplified, are two cases of exception, in which the questions they involve may be solved with a nearer approach to rigid accuracy by means of the Tables, than by the direct method; as instanced in the discrepancies of the two results above. The first, 0·0512655, exceeds the exact quantity by a very trifling fraction only; and by explaining 56 THE DOCTRINE OF the cause of this difference, however small, it will account for all analagous deviations from exactitude in the results indirectly given by the Tables, in the seven cases from the 4th to the 10th inclusive. The value of a 35 years annuity, interest at 5 per cent., is 15.87025, and at 5 per cent. it is 16-37419, the difference being 0-50394. But we also find, by the Table (p. 32d), that the value increases to 16.90390 when interest is at 4 per cent. only; the difference from the value at 5 per cent. being then 0·52971, which is more considerable than the former difference. Now, if, for two equal differences of interest the corresponding differences in value of the annuity are generally unequal, it is evident that the proportion set forth in the preceding page, and producing for its fourth term the quantity 0·0012655, cannot be strictly correct; and it is evident also that this quantity must be rather too considerable, because one half of the difference 0.50394, or 0.25197, is a reduction too small from the value 16.37419 of an annuity calculated at 5 per cent. for corresponding with an increase of per cent. in that rate of interest, considering that we have perceived the differences in value to increase in a progressive ratio, with reference to corresponding but equal reductions in the rate of interest. The same data, a, n and p, being given: Query m? An annuity of £1750, during 35 years, is purchased for £28208. 8s. 61, as above mentioned; and be it inquired the amount of which it is susceptible, by accumulation and improvement at compound interest until the expiration of that term; the rate of such interest not specified, but understood to be the same that established an equivalent in the purchase. The amount, by accumulation of an annuity purchased for £28208. 8s. 6d., will at the end of its term be the same as this represented principal improved at compound interest during that term. But, towards solving the question by means of the Tables, a reference is required to the ratio of interest 0.0512655 already found, although we are aware of some inaccuracy in this result. According to the Table (p. 36th), the improvement of every unit in the principal is 5·5160154 at 5 per cent., and (p. 40th) is 5·9947856 at 5 per cent.; difference 0.4787702. Taking therefore a due proportion of that difference :: 0·0025: 0·4787702 :: 0·0012655 : 0·2423535; and adding the latter quantity to 5.5160154, we obtain for the assumed improvement (at the ratio of interest 0.0512655) a quantity 5-7583689, which multiplied into £28208. 8s. 6d. produces £ 162435, the Cumulated annuity. By the direct method of calculation, we have m = p [b + 1 — ✓✓ (bƒ)]* =28208-4271 (1·051543)35 = 163804·3, or £163804. 6s. COMPOUND INTEREST. 57 t The rate of interest being exactly 5 per cent., as already observed, we should have obtained (exactly also) 162214.3108, or £162214. 6s. 24d., for the Cumulated annuity, if the formula had admitted a rigorous solution. (XXXII.) CASE TENTH and last; in which a, m and n, are known: Query r? An annuity of £450, during 45 years, and the 90th or last half-yearly instalment of which is now received, has by uninterrupted improvement at compound interest, from the commencement of that period, accumulated to a capital of £ 82706. 10s.; and it is inquired the rate of interest productive of this result. The division quotes 183.79222, as the proportion according to which every unit contained in the annuity has increased by accumulation and improvement. The Table also indicates (p. 40th) that the proportion should be 177-11941 when interest is at 5 per cent., and (p. 44th) 190-74879 when it is at 5 per cent., accruing half-yearly in both cases; the difference 13.62938 corresponding with that of per cent. in the rate of interest. But the excess, of 183.79222 over the proportion relative to 5 per cent., is only 6·67281; whence :: 13.62938: 0·0025 :: 6·67281: 0·001224, and the latter quantity added to 0·0525 establishes at 0·053724 the ratio of annual interest productive of the improvement announced. n The following is the direct calculation, in which 90 the quantity of half-yearly instalments, and a = 225 the portion of annuity accruing at each. C = с We have first to ascertain three quantities; c, e and g, as already observed in Section XVth:- e = 6 n+1 82706.5 450 m an 6 91 n-1 - = 0·06593407, 82706.5 2 89 225X90) = (4·084271605) ~ = (4·084271605)~ — 1·03212646, and g = 2(e-1) + c = 0·06425292 + 0·06593407 = 0·13018699; whence is ultimately obtained r = √✅/ (cg) — c=√/0·06593407 0·13018699—c―0·09264857—0·06593407 =0·0267145, the half-yearly, and therefore 0·053429 the annual ratio of interest { 58 THE DOCTRINE OF The same data, a, m and n, being given; Query p? } Let the case be the same as in the preceding question, and be it inquired the sum for which the annuity of £450 should have been originally purchased; calculating on the same ratio of interest. whence resulted £82706. 10s., the Cumulated annuity, though that ratio is kept out of view. The use of the tables requiring a reference to the ratio of interest, it must first be ascertained; and having as before mentioned found that ratio 0.053724, exceeding by a quantity 0·001224 the ratio 0.0525, we proceed as follows:- I ¿ By the Table (p. 40th), an annuity for 45 years, when the rate of interest at 5 per cent. per ann. is accruing by half-yearly instalments, has the value of 17.19812 years' purchase, and (p. 44th) it has the value of 16-59958 when the interest is 51 per cent. ; the difference corresponding with 4 per cent., or with 0·0025 in the ratio, being 0-59854. The proportion :: 00025: 0-59854 :: 0·001224 : 0.29305 indicates that the latter quantity should be subtracted from 17.19812, as the value of an annuity decreases when the rate of interest increases; whence the annuity of £450 was originally valuable at 16-90507 years' purchase, therefore represented a principal of £7607. 5s. 74d. By the direct method (pointed out in Section XVth, page 40th) we have m [√(cg)+1—c]" 82706.5 (1·0267145)90 P = 82706:5 10.726856 82706.5 0.06593407)⁹0 (1.09264857 = 7710-2275, or £7710. 4s. 6d. But it has been observed in the foregoing part, that even this direct method of calculation affords only an approximate solution; the present and the preceding cases being, in that respect, two exceptions amongst the series of ten cases. The rate of interest should have been exactly 53 per centum per annum, or 0·026875 for the half-yearly ratio; and the principal should have been (also exactly) £7602. 10s. 4d., corresponding with an annuity of £450, so as to produce by accumulation a capital of £82706. 10s. at the expiration of 45 years; all which may easily be proved by the converse calculation. (XXXIII.) Before proceeding to elucidate various other questions, some of which assume a complicated character, and that may occasionally arise from the consideration of compound interest in its multifarious modes of operating, it is proper to revert to the six questions comprised under the first three general cases set forth in Section XVth, and the solution of which only could be COMPOUND INTEREST. 59 1 exhibited in the shape of tables destined for habitual reference. As the purpose of those tables, that form the concluding part of this work, is exclusively practical, their construction and use require to be clearly explained; which will render their application easy for the most simple understandings. On opening the book at any part of those tables, eighteen columns, each containing a series of results of calculation, obviously following a progression whether of increasing or of decreasing quantities, offer themselves in a synoptical view, with reference to a specific rate of annual interest, there indicated, and which is always one of the three data required towards solving any question. Independently of those eighteen columns, each page begins with a smaller column of quantities regularly increasing, and indicating certain periods of time, for the purpose also of reference as a second datum; and it should be distinctly under- stood that this second reference governs, for the whole horizontal line at the head of which it is placed, the nine results of calculation there contained. From this construction and disposition of the tables, as also towards their intelligence and convenient application, it became necessary that the third indis- pensable datum should be, altogether, uniform and such as the mind could retain without effort: unity has therefore been adopted for invariably representing that third datum, of whatever description it might be; and with the greater reason, as variable data could not in this instance have found any place for insertion. If then it be borne in mind, that whatever the third and variable datum,-as supplied by the statement of the question itself, it must always carry the same proportion with the quantity inquired after, as the proportion existing between unity and the quantity expressed by the table in the appropriate column, and in the line indicated by the period of years referred to, no difficulty can remain in obtaining at a first inspection into the proper table the answer to any of the six questions it is intended to solve. ! } - By successively exemplifying the solution of those questions, this matter will De placed in the clearest light possible. But it is necessary first to observe, that each page of the tables being divided into three parts, similar in their general indications, yet diversified in the results they exhibit with reference to the same periods of time, and according as the specified rate of interest per annum may be understood to accrue-by annual-by half-yearly-or by quarterly instal- ments, there is always one of those three divisions which must exclusively be referred to for the required answer; avoiding, in all instances, to confound that proper division with either of the two others. 60 THE DOCTRINE OF (XXXIV.) FIRST QUESTION:-The Improved Principal. If it were inquired the sum to which a present capital of £3600 is susceptible of being improved at the expiration of 123 years, by compound interest accruing quarterly, and at the nominal rate of 3 per cent. per annum; it would be found by the table (page 2d, column 7th), that every unit of that capital should then be improved into 1.4638541; from which is to be inferred, in the same proportion, that the whole £3600 ought to improve into a sum of £5269. 178. 6d. But supposing the question to be concerning that improvement at the expiration of 120 years, a period exceeding the limits of the tables; it is then evident, that whatever the sum to which every unit contained in the original principal will have improved at the end of half that period, or at the expiration of 60 years only, every unit contained in that improved principal will again have improved in the same proportion at the end of a second and similar period. Therefore, and as we find (page 4th) that the improvement for the first 60 years should be in the proportion of 6.0091516 for every unit of the original principal, it must be inferred that this quantity multiplied into itself, the product of which is 36-109903, expresses the proportion of improvement corresponding with 120 years; and consequently, the original principal £3600 will then have improved to the sum of £129995. 13s., admitting the same rate of interest to have been constantly available. The same result would be obtained, if the proportion of improvement corresponding with 100 years were multiplied into, the proportion corresponding with the 20 years remaining, or generally by multiplying the respective proportions of improvement corresponding with any two periods forming together that of 120 years. + (XXXV.) SECOND QUESTION :--The Discounted Principal. This question is exactly the converse of the preceding. Be it inquired the present value of £10000, forthcoming at the expiration of 30 years; the interest supposed at 34 per Cent. per ann., and accruing half-yearly. It will be found (page 9th, column 4th), that every unit comprised in that forthcoming capital is, with reference to the specified period, reducible to she proportionate fraction 0-3801601; whence £3801-601, or £3801. 12s. 04d., is the present value of the £10000 above stated. But if the proposed discount should relate to any period exceeding the limits assigned to the tables, then multiply into each other the proportionate decimal COMPOUND INTEREST. 61 fractions, as there expressed with reference to any two periods into which the given period is susceptible of being divided; and the further reduced fraction, thence resulting, will express the discounted value of every unit contained in the capital forthcoming at the remote period supposed. (XXXVI.) THIRD QUESTION :-The Cumulated Annuity. A sum of £500 is to be annually received in a single payment, the first of which at the expiration of the year now commencing; that annuity is to be accumulated and improved at 3 per cent. compound interest during 25 years, being the period at which its last instalment will be forthcoming; and it is inquired the Cumulated amount of such annuity, or the capital it will have created when its term is expired. Assuming that the improvement at compound interest is also to take place from one year to another, and not half-yearly, nor quarterly, (which otherwise would complicate the question,) it will be found in the Table (page 10th, column 2d,) that on the accomplishment of the 25th year, every unit of the annual income must have created 38.949857 capital; whence £500 of such income will, in due proportion, have created a capital of £19474. 18s. 6d. XXXVII.) FOURTH QUESTION:-The Annuity for Cumulation, or the Redemption-fund. The question here exemplified is converse of the preceding. A capital of £125000 is required at the expiration of 45 years from the pre- sent time; and it is questioned the annual provision that should be made, by half-yearly instalments, the first commencing six months hence, so as to create the above mentioned capital by means of those savings improved at compound interest, also half-yearly, and at the annual rate of 34 per cent. We find in the Table (page 17th, column 5th), that every unit of capital to be provided at the stated time requires an annual saving of 0.0086763; whence and from multiplying £125000 into that fraction, it follows that £1084 5375, or £1084. 10s. 9d., is the Redemption-fund required to be annually appropriated to the above effect, by half-yearly instalments of £542. 5s. 4 d. each. 62 THE DOCTRINE OF (XXXVIII.) FIFTH QUESTION :-Value of the Annuity. Supposing the rate of interest 4 per cent. per annum, but available by quarterly instalments; it is inquired the capital which should be given as the equivalent for an annuity of £ 480, also accruing quarterly, and to terminate at the expira- tion of 14 years from the present time, its last instalment then forthcoming. It will be found, in the last column of the table (page 18th), that every unit of the annuity of that description has the value of 10.96216, which is commonly called the quantity of years' purchase; whence the annuity of £480 is valuable according to the product of those two quantities multiplied into each other, which is £5261. 16s. 9d., the present equivalent. (XXXIX.) SIXTH QUESTION :-Ratio of the Annuity. This is the converse of the preceding question, it being here required the proportion which a terminable annuity should bear with the price at which it is purchased. Suppose £13333. 6s. 8d., the principal proposed for investment in an annuity payable by half-yearly instalments, the first of which in six months from this time, and the last at the expiration of 36 years; suppose also the given rate of interest, for ascertaining the value of the annuity, to be 41 per cent. per annum, but accruing half-yearly; and it is inquired the annuity itself, or the income limited to 36 years, corresponding with the above mentioned capital. By the table (page 25th, column 6th), it is found that every unit of the prin- cipal should produce 0·0544896, as the corresponding annuity; which proportion multiplied into £13333. 6s. 8d., the stated principal, indicates £726. 10s. 6d. as the equivalent and annual income that it should yield. (XL.) It is obvious that the ratio of a terminable annuity, however extended the duration of the latter, should always be superior to the ratio of perpetual interest which, under the admission of an equal security, a certain capital might command at the time being; although in case of very long annuities the difference of the ratios may be only inconsiderable. If it be further considered, according to the principles from which we took our departure, that an annuity limited to a certain term of years is not any thing else than the adjunction, with the simple interest, of a periodical surplus adequate to produce, by accumulation and improvement at compound interest until the expiry of that annuity, another capital equal to the one sunk in the original investment;it COMPOUND INTEREST. . 63 necessarily follows that, in all the Tables applicable to the solution of the fore- going questions, each of the quantities expressed in the column indicating the Annuity for cumulation (meaning the Redemption-fund) should differ from the corresponding quantity as stated in the column expressing the Ratio of Aunuity, by a quantity never more nor less than the precise rate of simple and annual interest of money; and this coincidence will always be observable throughout the Tables, although the calculations have been executed for both columns independently of each other. (XLI.) On the other hand, the Ratio of the annuity, and its counterpart the Value of the annuity, are reciprocal quantities, such as invariably to produce unity by multiplying them into each other; and therefore such, also, as that the division of unity by either should yield for its quotient the other quantity. Thus, in the same manner as the column entitled Ratio of the annuity exhibits a series of decreasing quantities, whilst the corresponding periods of reference increase, so the other column entitled Value of the annuity, exhibits a series of quantities increasing simultaneously with the enlargement of the periods of time. to which they refer. ! (XLII.) The Value of the annuity is a quantity having further an imme- diate dependence upon other quantities expressed by the Tables. First, it is the quotient of the Cumulated annuity, divided by the Improved principal; and secondly, it is the sum total of the discounted values of the successive portions of annuity forthcoming to its last instalment inclusive. This last position has been demonstrated (Section IXth), and is exemplified by summing up the quan- tities expressed in the column entitled Discounted principal, for any period of time where the instalments are supposed annual; but the same verification is impracticable with reference to half-yearly and to quarterly instalments, as the intermediate quantities corresponding with portions of years, and which should also be taken into the account, are omitted in the tables beyond the 16th year. It should be observed, that what is there termed the Discounted principal is precisely the same as the discounted instalments of the annuity; both referable to unity, considered as the forthcoming sum. (XLIII.) It is obvious again that the value of an annuity, accruing by full yearly payments, 'must be more or less inferior to the value of a similar annuity accruing by half-yearly instalments; and that the latter value must also be less. than the value of an annuity to the same amount but accruing in due proportion, at the expiration of each quarter of a year. That such differences whatever should exist, in the value of similar annuities, is immediately accounted for in consequence of the earlier accretion, during each succeeding year, of certain portions of the annuity, in one case than in another. • 64 THE DOCTRINE OF Respecting the law of those differences, Dr. Price has inadvertently made the erroneous remark, that they continually decrease as n (the period of time) increases, till at last it vanishes, when n becomes infinite or the annuity is a perpetuity. Dr. Hutton has come nearer to the truth, when observing that for any given rate of interest, those differences of value first increase as the term n increases, unto some certain finite term when the difference is a maximum; and that afterwards, ´as n increases more, that difference will continually decrease to nothing again. Mr. Baily merely observes on this subject, but without elucidating the facts, that he has no where seen them set in their proper point of view; and the writer of a late pamphlet, of no very moderate pretensions*, though exulting in the detection of those and of other discrepancies, whether real or only apparent, equally fails to clear up the points of contention. The reality of this case is, however, that the difference or excess of value of any annuity for terms of years, when the instalments approximate each other, over the value of a similar annuity the instalments of which are more distant, continually increases until a period ʼn of years equal to the quantity of years' purchase of a perpetual aunuity according to the given rate of annual interest, or 1 (mathematically expressed) until a period n = be this annual ratio r what r it may; the progression of which increase, or the second order of differences, proceeds by a series of decreasing quantities. After that period, the difference of * INVESTIGATION of the errors of all writers on Annuities, in their valuation of Half-yearly and Quarterly payments; including those of Sir Isaac Newton, Demoivre, Dr. Price, Mr. Morgan, Dr. Hutton, &c. &c.; by WM. ROUSE, London, 1816. This writer has taken great pains merely to prove truisms. According to his hypothesis, 4 per cent. annual interest does not imply that any division of this ratio should mathematically correspond with a similar division of the year, so as in the present instance (for example) to justify the expression of one per cent. interest quarterly; and he insists, that such quarterly or other partial payments of the interest should be such as to improve unity (the principal) exactly to 1'04 at the expiration of the four quarters of the year, whence the quarterly ratio ought in that case to be expressed by 0'0098533, and not by 0·01. Nothing can be more concordant than this mathematical position; and it is very certain that unity, improved in the ratio 1.0098533 at the end of a first quarter, will in the same ratio become 1.0198039 at the end of the second, 1'0298524 at the end of the third, and exactly 1.04 at the expiration of a whole year. Even the most humble of Sir Isaac Newton's successors could not be unaware of this. But the respectable authors animadverted upon with uncalled for severity, in that pamphlet, could not have made themselves understood had they not admitted, according to the expressions generally received, the quarterly ratio of 1 per cent., as also the half-yearly ratio of 2 per cent., equally to correspond with a nominal ratio of 4 per cent. per annum, although these are three different things. Their calculations, in this respect, neither involve nor lead to any error on the part of those who rightly understand the positions: a different view of the case inducing different results, however, in figures. COMPOUND INTEREST. 65 which we are speaking commences to decrease, thus proceeding during another period of similar extent, whilst the second order of differences forms a series of increasing quantities; and after that second period accomplished, the differences of value continue to decrease until the remotest term imaginable, or until the annuity becomes perpetual, but the progression of decrease, or the second column of differences, then proceeds by a series of quantities decreasing also. It is thus, and in consequence of a somewhat more considerable acceleration in those pro- gressions, (particularly the latter,)-when the differences considered are those between the half-yearly and the quarterly, than when considered between the annual and the half-yearly,-that all such disproportions ultimately disappear, and that a perpetual annuity becomes valuable in the same proportion, exactly, whether the instalments be paid annually, half-yearly, quarterly, or momently; provided always, that the ratio of interest, which governs the calculation, be admitted to accrue by instalments similar with those of the annuity with which that ratio is brought into comparison. But if otherwise, and supposing (for example) the value of an annuity by half-yearly or by any shorter instalments, to be calculated from a rate of annual interest accruing in one single payment, it is very certain that instead of assimilating at the period of perpetuity, with the value of an equal annuity accruing in one single and yearly payment- such value calculated according to the same stipulation of interest,-the respective values of the similar annuities, but subject to different intervals of instalment, would then diverge ad infinitum. even K (XLIV.) In the same manner as any half-yearly or quarterly ratio of interest is admitted, by common consent and without any alteration in those proportions, to correspond as aliquot parts of a certain ratio of interest per annum,-though the latter ratio should then be understood as nominal only,—so the ratio of annuity, as expressed by the Tables, should only be considered as nominal when subject to the condition of being paid either by half-yearly or quarterly propor- tions. We cannot too much impress our readers with the necessity of keeping these and other analogous distinctions constantly in view; by which may some- times be avoided very gross mistakes. 1 (XLV.) The simplest reasoning, no less than the inspection of the Tables, shews that quarterly rates of interest improve a capital faster than it could be improved by half-yearly rates; and still faster than by undivided annual rates. Should we suppose such interest to accrue daily, still maintaining a corresponding proportion, the progression of improvement would then be further accelerated; and following up the same principle, even to the fiction of interest accruing momently in a proportionate ratio, this would have the effect of carrying to its utmost limit the rapidity of that progression. To indulge in contemplations such as the latter may be divested of practical utility, but those researches of analogical truth, though otherwise useless, have a general tendency to rectify i # 66 THE DOCTRINE OF · and to invigorate the powers of ratiocination; hence shall presently be considered. some of the results attending the momently accretion of interest. (XLVI.) In like manner with the proportion of increase of the Improved Principal, by lapse of time, the proportion of corresponding increase of the Cumulated Annuity (which the authors have technically called the Amount) is remarkably greater when the instalments are brought nearer to each other. For example: One million annually appropriated, as a fund for the redemption of the national debt, and improved at the rate of 4 per cent. compound interest, would, in case of that sum being undivided, and of the progression of accumulation and improvement taking place from year to year,-be adequate to discharge at the expiration of the 90th year 828 millions capital of debt; if invested and improved half-yearly, a capital of 858 millions; and if quarterly, £873,741,030 of such national debt. Šp (XLVII.) We have already noticed the corresponding effect of accelerated instalments upon the value, in present capital, of annuities constituted for terms of years. But it may be worthy of remark, that all those effects are reversed when the comparison is made between annual, half-yearly, quarterly, and even momently instalments, with the condition of advancing each instalment of the interest or annuity; that is to say, that the income should accrue at the beginning instead of the end of the year, half-year, &c., respectively. It is obvious then, and in consequence of such early accretion of income being greater as the instalments are farther removed from each other, that the Improved principal, as also the Value of the annuity, must be more considerable when the instalments are annual than when half-yearly, more so in the latter case than when the instalments are quarterly, and still more so than when momently. In this last supposed case, there would be no acceleration whatever of income; the two modes coinciding. • It is observable, however, that the consideration of advanced instalments of the annnity may be wholly discarded in treating the questions of compound interest; as such advance of 12, 6, or 3 months income, operates not otherwise than as a reduction from the represented principal, or from the price at which the annual income may have been purchased. (XLVIII.) Notice has been taken (XL, XLI and XLII,) of certain invaria- ble relations between each of the quantities expressed in the Tables, under the heads either Ratio of the Annuity or Value of the Annuity, and other quantities expressed with reference to the same period of time and rate of interest. It is further observable, that each of the quantities there expressed under the head Cumulated Annuity, is so related with others expressed in the same horizontal line, as constantly to maintain, between the Value of the Annuity and the Cumulated Annuity, a proportion identical with that subsisting between the COMPOUND INTEREST. 67 I eriginal Principal and the quantity of its Improvement at compound interest. This identity of. proportion, p: m :: 1: (1+r)", follows indeed from the definition of those general quantities; whence is to be remarked, that the sum into which, any principal may be improved-whatever the time allotted for such improvement and whatever the rate of interest-is equal, in all cases, to the capital susceptible of being created at the expiration of the stated period, by the accumulation and improvement of the annuity which might have been purchased with the same original principal. In consequence of this, if the Cumulated amount of a quantity whatsoever of successive instalments of the annnuity should be reconverted into another annuity, to endure a similar period, commencing when the last of those instalments became due, the two annuities would bear with each other the same proportion as the original principal bears. with its improvement at Compound interest at the expiration of the term of such accumulation; provided that the rate of interest and the intervals of the instal- ments were to continue as before. Any of the Tables selected at pleasure, with reference to whatever period of time, will corroborate this position. Suppose the rate of Interest 34 per cent. per annum, and the instalments half-yearly; an aunuity of One pound will by accumulation and improvement. during 25 years, create a capital of £4084049, which converted into another annuity limited to a similar term, and valuable at 16-1328 years' purchase, establishes the quantum of the latter annuity at = £2.53152, being also the improvement at Compound interest of One pound Principal, at the expiration of 25 years (Table, page 14th). 40.84049 16.1328 (XLIX.) At the head of each table of Compound Interest, and with refer- ence to the annual rate according to which that table has been calculated, is specified the corresponding value of public securities, or of any Stock supposed to be funded at the several rates of 3, 32, 4, and 5 per centum, perpetual interest per annum; but it should be understood that those assimilations of respective value essentially rest on various admissions, without which the comparisons become illusory. First, it must be admitted that the instalments of periodical income, whether annual, half-yearly, or quarterly, are the same in both instances compared ; as otherwise we should fall within the series of anomalous cases, requiring distinct and complicated calculations for solving the question. Secondly, the compared price of Stock must be exclusive of any acquired claim, arising from the time elapsed since the last dividend became due. As each quoted price of Stock is compounded of two parts,—the portion of interest accrued since the last dividend took place, and the price of the bare Stock, 68 THE DOCTRINE OF • considered as an investment of capital producing interest from the date at which it is made; it follows that at any intermediate period between two dividends, a proportionate subtraction should be made from the quotation, in order to establish the real price exclusive of any portion of future dividend then acquired, and the whole of which dividend it is customary to transfer with the Stock itself. Thirdly, the compared values necessarily rest on the admission that the holders of the Stock are indefinitely secured against any disadvantage depending on the possibility of its early redemption at par. Without this last consideration, and supposing (for example) a Stock funded at 4 per cent., being presently valuable above par; if such Stock were redeemable at pleasure by the Government,-or if not being actually so, it were to become redeemable at the expiration of a limited period of forthcoming years, the proportion of its corresponding value, as stated in the Tables, would then be only imaginary, and could not be received as a just comparison. (L.) The differences in the present value of annuities, according to the specific distribution of their instalments, have already been considered (XLIII. S and XLVII.) But reverting to the equation p = p (XV. and XXII.) as a general expression of the value of annuities, a decomposition of that general expression will exhibit at a single glance the comparative values, in the several cases where the annuities may be accruing annually, half-yearly, quarterly, or otherwise, and even momently; the latter, though merely a fiction, shewing the utmost value of which an annuity is susceptible, according to the specific rate of interest admitted to govern the calculation. 1 a [(1+r)" − 1] r (1+r)" If we take a = 1; so that the value, as expressed by p, may be exactly the quantity of years' purchase of the annuity; the above-mentioned equation will r (1+r)” — 1) r(1+r) 1 T then be simplified into p = 1 5 and will always express the present value of the r (1+r)* Perpetual Annuity, or its relative quantity of years' purchase. Considering r as the ratio of interest to correspond with a whole year; further admitting any sub- divisions of that ratio (thus become merely nominal) proportionately to correspond with similar subdivisions of the year, whether into half-years, quarters, &c. even into indivisible moments; and again if we admit, instead of the general expres- sion p of value, the more particularized expressions Pa Ph, Pq, Pz, and Pm it is evident that we shall comparatively obtain— set forth which is identical with COMPOUND INTEREST. 69 1 1 Pa 717) the value when the Annuity and the Rate of interest 9 r(1+r)” are both considered in one single and yearly payment; Ph = 1 r(1+÷)²™¹ interest are both considered by half-yearly instalments; T Px = 1 VIF { 1 1 P, = — — 7(1+-ju, the value when the Annuity and the annual rate of interest are both considered by quarterly instalments; 1 1 ጥ r(1+1)™n the value when the Annuity, as well as the annual rate of interest, are both considered to accrue by instalments dividing each year into a quantity whatever x of equal parts; and Pm = ? 1 rn 1 + + 1 1 the value when the Annuity, as also the rate r(1+1)=n, of yearly interest, are equally considered as accruing in similar proportion at each indivisible moment*. 2 the value when the Annuity and the annual Rate of The equation Pm, expressing the utmost relative value which any annuity can possess, in consequence of admitting it to accrue even by momently instalments, is reducible to a more simple expression through the developement of the series involved in the binominal quantity (1+2). That developement produces r² n² доз n3 pt no + 1X2 1X2X3 1X2X3X4 + + p5 ns 1×2×3×4×5 + &c.... ad infinitum; the summation of which series yields precisely the quantity that has rn for its Hyperbolic logarithm, or in Neper's system, and equally has for its ordinary and tabular logarithm rn X0·43429 44819 03251 82765... &c., accord- ing to Briggs's system of Logarithms, having the latter and infinitèsimal fraction for its modulus. Therefore, admitting N to represent such implied quantity, * We must be permitted here to remark, on Dr. Price's theorems analogous to the above, that from his omitting to state the indispensable requisite (with which it should be supposed he was acquainted), of assimilating the instalments of the valued annuity, with those of the governing rate of interest, many of his readers are not unlikely to be betrayed into false conclusions. 70 THE DOCTRINE OF we obtain P M Pm = 1 0.04 11 Pm = 2 duration, subject to momently instalments, and the rate of interest at 4 per cent. accruing in the same manner, we find . 1 0.035 1 ; and supposing, for example, an annuity of 25 years' rN 1 0.04N = 15·80301 years' purchase*. Thus the value of a 50 years' annuity will also be found 21·61662; and that of an annuity for 100 years, 24.54211 years' purchase, at the same rate of interest and under the similar condition. 1 0.035 N = 25 For a last example, let us suppose an annuity for 48 years, and the rate of interest 3 per cent. per ann.; the value of that annuity being 23.09125, if in a single yearly payment, 23.16852 if by half-yearly instalments, and 23-20740 if quarterly, (all which results are stated in page 12th of the Tables); its value, in the hypothesis of momently instalments, will be 25 2-71828 18284 59.. ** 200 7 1 200 7X5.365556 quence of 5.365556 being the hyp, log, of 7X48 200 =23-24646, in conse- -1·68 - rn. Those, and analogous calculations, prove that only an inconsiderable increase, as to the real value of annuities, is obtainable by reducing the intervals of their instalments to a less time than 3 months. (LI.) Leaseholds and various other descriptions of property, when their annual income is susceptible of ascertainment, or of being reduced to a valuation founded upon satisfactory probability, may be assimilated in all respects to annuities for terms of years and which have been hitherto the subject of our consideration. A question not unfrequently recurring is that of the fines due, at an equitable valuation, for the renewal of unexpired leases; and the rule for solving such questions is of the greatest simplicity. The renewed lease is valuable as an annuity for the whole term of that lease, and its value may be immediately ascertained by the Tables of Compound-Interest, after having determined the standard rate of interest by which the calculation is to be governed. On the other hand, the unexpired part of the old lease is valuable on the same principle; and the value of the latter being subtracted from that of the former, * Dr. Price has erroneously stated the result as 15·8010; and has also stated 15·7694, instead of 15.75722, as the value of a 25 years' annuity, at 4 per cent, interest, quarterly instalments. An 71 COMPOUND INTEREST. exhibits a remainder which is the value of the renewal, or the pecuniary consi- deration justly due. FIRST EXAMPLE.-A leasehold or equivalent property, producing a clear annual income of £350 and accruing by half-yearly instalments, has 7 years unexpired; the renewal is proposed for 21 years, computed from the present time; and it is inquired the fine that should be paid on that transaction, the interest of money being considered at 5 per cent. per ann., also by half-yearly instalments. The Table (page 34th) shews the new lease to be worth exactly 12·91030, and that the relinquished portion of the old lease is worth 6-190689; whence the difference, 6.719611 years' purchase, multiplied into £350, exhibits the sum of £2351. 17s. 3d. as the fine to be paid. SECOND EXAMPLE.-The lease of a property rendering £1750 annually, in a single payment, has 12 years unexpired; the renewal is proposed for a term of 99 years, and the rate of interest is agreed to be taken at 4 per cent. as a standard. The Table (pages 26th and 28th) exhibits in this case the two values 9·118581 and 21.93760 years' purchase; and the difference 12.819019, multiplied into £1750, produces £22433. 5s. 8d., being the value of the renewal. (LII.) It is now requisite to point out the use of the Tables, in cases where the rate of annual interest (constituting a principal datum towards solving the questions. that depend on Compound-Interest) may be either lower than three per centum, or higher than six per centum; being the two limits within which those Tables are circumscribed. The introduction of an example, appropriate to each general case of that description, will be the clearest method of proceeding. EXAMPLES of application of the Tables, when the Annual Rate of Interest is less than Three per centum. FIRST Supposing the rate of 24 per cent., in one single and annual payment; be it required the Improved principal. The progress of that improvement will then be, for every succeeding year, the same as for every succeeding half-year when the rate is 5 per cent. per ann., and accruing by half-yearly instalments. We therefore find in the Table (page 42d), that each unit of the original principal will improve, at 22 per cent., to 1·7204284 at the expiration of 20 years, and to 3.8823218 at the expiration of 50 years; being respectively the improvements for similar quantities of half-years, when the interest is 5 per cent. And if the interest at 24 per cent. per annum were to accrue by half-yearly instalments, the progress of improvement would then • 72 THE DOCTRINE OF correspond with the quarterly instalments at 5 per cent.; whence would be found, 1.7267708 and 3.9182011, instead of the above results. SECONDLY: Supposing the rate of interest 2 per cent. annually, in a single payment; be it required the present value of a future capital. If we refer to the Table relative to 5 per cent. interest; and assimilate each half-year, in the progress of discounted principal at that rate, with each full year at the rate of 2 per cent.; we find (p. 35) that each unit of capital forthcoming at the expiration of 25 years, and according to the latter rate, is reducible to 0.5393906, and (p. 37) to 0.1387046 at the expiration of 80 years; those reductions respectively corresponding with the discounts for 12 and for 40 years, at 5 per cent. And if we had to consider the annual rate of 21 per cent. as accruing half-yearly, we then should find the results 0.5373390 and 0·1370234 ; in consequence of the decreasing progression being the same, for every succeeding half-year at 24 per cent. annually, as for every succeeding quarter at the rate of 5 per cent. } THIRDLY: Supposing the rate of interest 24 per cent. per ann. in one single payment; be it required the Cumulated annuity. The results, by the Table corresponding with the annual rate of 4 per cent., exhibit for every succeeding half-year the progress of accumulation and improve- ment at Compound-Interest of a portion of annuity equal to 0.5, and therefore referable to each half-yearly instalment; the whole of that annuity being repre- sented by unity. But if the annual rate of interest should be admitted at 24 per cent. only, those results would exhibit the similar progress of an annuity no more than 0.5, received and improved during as many full years as the quantity of half-years considered with reference to the double rate of interest; those results, as expressed by the Table, differing however from exactitude inasmuch as they require to be doubled, in order to correspond with the integral unity of annual income, instead of corresponding as they do with 05 only. Hence if it be inquired, (for example,) what amount of capital will be created at the expiration of 30 years, by means of any annual income accumulated and improved from year to year at 24 per cent., we find (page 26th of the Tables) that amount to be in the proportion of 21.097632 times the half unity of periodical income during 30 successive half-years, or 15 years as there expressed; from which we con- clude 42.195264, or double the preceding quantity, to be the proportion of accumulation when unity is taken for the whole yearly income. And if the latter were specifically £1000, it follows that its accumulation and improvement at 2 per cent. annual interest, in one single payment and during 30 years, would produce a capital of £42195-264, or £42195. 5s, 3d. COMPOUND INTEREST. 73. Further supposing the same rate of annual interest, 24 per cent., but to accrue half-yearly; if it were inquired the cumulated amount, at the expiry of a 54 year's annuity of £600, we should find (page 28th) the proportion 52-166864 corresponding with 27 years, by quarterly instalments at 4 per cent. per annum, and corresponding in the same manner with 54 years by half-yearly instalments at 24 per cent. only; whence the cumulated amount would be £600 multiplied into the double of that proportion, producing therefore £62600. 4s. 9d. FOURTHLY: Supposing the interest at 21 per cent., in a single yearly payment; be it inquired the Redemption-fund that should annually be supplied, as adequate to the purpose of discharging, at a specific period, the capital of a certain debt. The considerations are here precisely the reverse of what they were in the preceding case. We must, in the same manner, resort to the Table (pages 23d and 25th) cor- responding with a double rate of interest, or that of 41 per cent. per annum; and there look for the series of results relative to half-yearly instalments, in the column entitled Annuity for Cumulation. If the period assigned for the redemp- tion should be 21 years, we find 0·0765553 the required proportion referable to 21 half-yearly instalments, or to a period of 10 years; and if the assignment should be 72 years, we also find the proportion 0·0119896 relative to a period of 36 years, by half yearly instalments. But as those proportions refer alike, not to unity, but to the quantity 2 as the future capital (because of the case converse from the above), we must reduce them to one-half; whence 0.03827765 will be the proportion of the annual redemption-fund for producing any required capital at the expiration of 21 years, and 0.0059948 will be the proportion of that annual fund for creating any capital at the expiration of 72 years. Let that capital be supposed £100,000; the annual redemption-fund will then be, either £3827. 15s. 3d. during 21 years, or £599. 9s. 7d. during 72 years. Supposing again that the annual rate of 2 per cent. were understood by half-yearly instalments, we should refer in that case to the column of results corresponding with quarterly instalments at 44 per cent. per annum; and pro- ceeding as above, the specific results would respectively be found £3803. Os. 1d. and £593. 8s. FIFTHLY: Supposing the interest at 2 per cent. per annum, in a single pay- ment; be it required the value of an annuity for any specific term, and also to accrue by instalments of successively undivided years. Referring to the Tables (pages 18th and 20th), where the value of the annuity is stated with reference to interest at 4 per cent., it is necessary only to observe that k 74 THE DOCTRINE OF * half years are there to be taken as full years, subject to interest at 2 per cent. only; that quarters, at the former rate, are likewise to be assimilated to half-years at the latter rate; and that the Value, as expressed by the Tables, is consequently to be doubled. For exemplification, let two cases of annuities be specified, the one for 20 years and accruing annually, the other for 45 years and accruing by half- yearly instalments, both at 2 per cent. per annum. The value of the first will be, according to the Table (page 18th), twice 13.67774 or 27.35548 years' pur- chase; and the value of the other (page 20th) twice 20 8304, or 41·6608 years' purchase. SIXTHLY: Supposing the annual rate of interest 17 per cent. in a single pay- ment; be it required the Ratio of the annuity, or the proportion which that annuity should bear with its represented principal. This question being exactly converse of the preceding; refer to the Table corresponding with the double rate of interest, or 3 per cent.; substitute years for half-years, as also half-years for quarters; and reduce the Ratio to one half of the fractional quantity expressed in that Table. Thus it will be found (page 15th) that a 25 years' annuity in a single payment, when interest is at 1 per cent., should be in the proportion 0.03099275, being one-half of 0.0619855, for every unit of the represented principal; and (page 17th) that a 50 years' annuity, half-yearly instalments, and calculated at the same rate of annual interest, should be constituted in the proportion of 0.0221815, being one half of 0.044363. If the capital to be invested were £10000, the Annuities would therefore be, respectively, £309. 18s. 6d. and £221. 16s. 3d. (LIII.) EXAMPLES of application of the Tables, when the Annual Rate of Interest exceeds six per centum. FIRST: Supposing the annual rate 6 per cent., to accrue by half-yearly instalments; be it required the Improved principal. The progress of improvement will be, for every succeeding half-year, the same as for every succeeding year at the rate of 34 per cent.; consequently, we find in the Table (page 6th) that each unit of principal improves at the latter rate, and at the expiration of 25 years, into 2.2245978, answering also to 12 years by half-yearly instalments, when that rate is doubled or 64 per centum. And if the interest at this annual rate were to accrue quarterly, the corresponding improve- ment for the same term of 12 years would be 2-2388651, the same as 25 years' improvement at 34 per cent. interest accruing at each half-year. I COMPOUND INTEREST. 75 SECONDLY: Supposing the annual rate of interest, at 7 per cent., to accrue half-yearly; be it inquired the present value of future capital. The considerations in this case being converse of the above, and reverting to the Table that corresponds with 3 per cent. annual interest, we find (page 13th) that every unit of capital forthcoming at the expiration of 30 years is reducible to 0.3562784, by discount at the latter rate in a single payment; which same result is produced by the discount of 30 half-yearly instalments comprised in a term of 15 years only, when the interest is doubled or rated at 7 per cent. per annum. Quarterly instalments, at this last rate, will equally answer to half-yearly instalments at 3 per cent. annual interest. THIRDLY: Supposing 7 per cent. interest per annum, and subject to half-yearly instalments; be it inquired the Cumulated annuity. This being converse of the 3d case exposed in page 72d, every consideration there set forth accordingly applies in the present; and it may be sufficient, in addition, to state a specific instance of that application. If an annuity of £500 and paid by half-yearly instalments, when the interest is at 71 per cent. per annum and accruing half-yearly also, be accumulated and improved during 20 years at that rate of Compound Interest; it will create, at the expiration of such period, a similar capital to that which would be produced by the accumulation and improvement at an interest of 32 per cent. only, in undivided yearly payments, of an annuity equal to no more than half of the first, or to £250, but extended to 40 years' duration. Therefore, as we find in the Table (page 16th, column 2d) that every unit of the annuity will at the expiration of this last period have created 89.6101 capital, the conclusion is, that the capital created at the expiration of the prescribed term of 20 years will be £250 multi- plied into 44.80505, being one half of the former quantity indicated by the Table; producing in either way £22402. 10s. If again a £500 annuity were to accrue by quarterly instalments, during the period of 20 years, that annuity would assimilate with another of £250 only and paid half-yearly during 40 years; when by the same Table (page 16th column 5th) we find that every unit of sach income would create capital in the proportion of 91-1966; therefore the whole annuity a capital of £22799. 3s. or £500 multiplied into half that proportion. FOURTHLY: Supposing 8 per cent. annual interest, by half-yearly instalments; be it inquired the periodical Redemption-fund. This is the counterpart of the 4th example of the preceding series (page 73d), tl: reasoning on which occasion equally applies here. f 76 THE DOCTRINE OF * If the question should be of the savings required out of any income, at the expiration of each succeeding half-year, and until the 25th year accomplished, with a view then to redeem £100,000 of debt, by means of the accumulation and improvement of those savings at the above-mentioned rate of compound interest; it is evident that they must be the same as would be required at the expiration of each succeeding year until the 50th accomplished, upon a supposi- tion of the improvement taking place at only one-half that rate of annual interest, or at 4 per centum. Hence the table (page 21st, column 2d,) informs us that the proportion of savings, either annually in the latter supposition, or half-yearly in the supposition of 8 per cent. interest,—and for every unit of the required capital, is 0.0065502; consequently £655-02 will be the half-yearly, or £1310-04 (say £1310.0s. 5d.) the annual redemption-fund. And if required by quarterly instalments, it would be in the proportion of 0.0064055 for every unit, corresponding with half-yearly instalments at 4 per cent. per annum; therefore £320. 5s. 6d. the quarterly, £640. 11s. the half-yearly, and £1281. 2s. the annual redemption-fund, during 25 years. M FIFTHLY: Supposing the annual interest 8 per cent., with the condition of its accruing half-yearly; be it inquired the Value of the annuity. If we further suppose that annuity to be of 17 years' duration, and also paid by half-yearly instalments, its value will be the same as that of another annuity of half the sum, but payable at the expiration of each succeeding year during double that time, or until the 35th year accomplished, on the supposition of 44 per cent. interest only. The table (page 24th, column 3d) indicates the latter annuity to be valuable at 18.04729 years' purchase; whence the former, being for 35 half-years, or 17 years only, will be valuable at exactly one-half, or at 9-023645; and if by quarterly instalments, the rate of interest understood to accrue in the same manner, the value will be 9.064875 years' purchase, or one-half of 18·12975, corresponding with half-yearly instalments of the interest rated also at 44 per cent. per ann., as indicated in the same table (column 6th). SIXTHLY: Supposing the annual rate of interest 9 per cent., to accrue half- yearly; be it inquired the Ratio of the annuity, or the proportion that any annuity should bear with the invested capital. The present question being converse of the preceding, if we further suppose the implied annuity to endure for a term of 25 years, and to accrue by 50 half- yearly instalments, it will correspond with another annuity equal to one-half only of the first, but extended to 50 full years' duration, and accruing by undivided annual payments, upon the supposition of an annual rate of interest no more than 4 per cent. and accruing in the same manner. We then find, according to the Table (page 29th, column 3d), that the latter annuity should be constituted COMPOUND INTEREST. 77 in the ratio of 0·0506021 for every unit of the invested capital, whence the former in the ratio of 0·1012042; and therefore, admitting £10,000 capital, the annuity of 25 years' duration should be £1012. Os. 11d., calculating from 9 per cent. rate of interest. Quarterly instalments would, according to the same table (page 29th, column 6th), reduce the ratio to 0.109038, being the double of 0-0504519, ratio corresponding with 4 per cent. interest per annum, by half- yearly instalments. (LIV.) When the anuuity, or income whatever, set apart for creating by its accumulation any capital at a future period, accrues at shorter intervals of instalment than those at which the improvement by compound interest at any given rate is obtainable; or when, on the contrary, the income or annuity accrues by instalments more distant than those available for the improvement; the question concerning the progression of such accumulation and improvement, as also the question concerning the value of the annuity, become complicated. In both cases, and for solving each of those questions, it is necessary to revert to the primary equations stated in Sections IXth and XIIIth, where is generally established m= a(1+r)*. go a 2 as also p = r a (1+2). (1+r)²; whence m = a(1+r)" — a r (1+r)" by analogy, as follows. The question being of the Cumulated annuity, and supposing the instalments of such annuity to be shorter than those that apply to the rate of interest; if we then signify by 4a the whole annuity, by a each of its quarterly instalments, by n the forthcoming quantity of those instalments, and by r the half-yearly ratio of interest, we obviously find the cumulated amount m composed of these two series of progressive quantities:- ; n-2 m = a+a(1+r)+á(1+r)² + a(1+r)³ +a(1+r)*+ &c....... to a(1+r) + 2 + a(1+2)+a(1+2). (1+r)+a(1+).(1+r)²+a(1+).(1+r)²+&c. to [a+e(1+4)] × [(a+r)²=1] and then to proceed n 28 a (1+r); — a + (1+2). (1+r); — a(1+5) r In order to exemplify this solution, if we suppose the annuity £100, by quarterly instalments of £25 each, the term 16 years or 64 quarters, and the 78 THE DOCTRINE OF 1 half-yearly rate of interest 2 per cent., or ratio 0·02; the latter equation, reduced to numerical quantities, will then be m= 50-25(0.8845406) 0.02 or £2222. 8s. the Cumulated amount. Each unit of the annuity having therefore created 22.224082 capital at the expiration of 16 years, we find by the table. (page 18th), that if the instalments of that annuity had been half-yearly, the capital produced would have been only 22-113515, and that it would have been. 22-261547 on the different supposition, of quarterly instalments applied both to the annuity and to the rate of interest. Further supposing (as another example) an annuity of £1, its term extended to 100 years or 400 quarterly instalments, and the same ratio of interest as above to govern the calculation, we obtain m = 50.25 [(1.02)2001] 0.02 = £1293·5581; being the Cumulated amount, comparable with 1287·1225, if the instalments of that annuity were half-yearly, and with 1313-1029 if the instalments of interest were quarterly, as appears by the same table (p. 20th). Under the same supposition of shorter instalments of the annuity, and fol- lowing by analogy we have, in consequence, of p p = 50.25 × 51·484899 0.02 of such annuity generally expressed by p = p = 22.224082 1.8845406 =2222-4082, 1293.5581 52.484899 m ท グ ​2 [a+a(1+ " ")] × [(1+r) −1 ] r (1+r) = whence, by admitting the above two cases of annuities as examples of applica- tion, and further admitting 4a 1, in order that the results may refer to unity of the annual income, we obtain in case of the annuity limited to 16 years, 71 (1+r)* the value = 11.79284, and in case of that annuity extended to 100 years =24.64630; being the respective values, comparable the former with 11.73417 and 11·77572, and the latter with 24·52367 and 24·53292, results found in the same table and according as the instalments may be taken, either half-yearly or quarterly. And be it observed that this excess of value, in both cases, does not proceed from any error; but is the natural consequence of COMPOUND INTEREST. 79 any present capital, improvable by half-yearly instalments, being relatively less valuable than the same capital susceptible of quarterly improvement. Should on the contrary the annuity, or any other income, accrue by instal- ments more distant than those available for the improvement at compound interest, we have then, and by similar analogy with the primary equations,— m = a + a(1+r)² + a(1+r)*+a(1+r)° + &c. to a(1+r)" — a(1+r)" — a M (1+r)²-1' and p = m= To exemplify in a particularized case, let it be supposed £1 annuity, re- ceivable at the expiration of the year now commencing and of every succeeding year, to the 25th inclusive; the rate of interest, considered in the improvement, being nominally 4 per cent. per annum, but accruing by half-yearly instalments; whence r = 0·02, and n = 50; we shall then have = 41 87099, or £41. 17s. 5d., being the amount of that annuity accumulated and improved at compound interest until the period of its expiration, which amount is comparable with 41.645908 and with 42.289701, as indicated by the table (page 18th); and 15.55624 years' purchase, as its present value, comparable also with 15.62208 and with 1571180, the values expressed in the same table. p = a(1+r)”—a [(1+r)² —1] × (1+r)” a(1+r)”—a (1+r‍)² — 1 1.691588 0.0404 a(1+r)”—a [(1+r)²—1] × (1+r)” and p = 41.87099 2.691588 If we further suppose the same annuity extended to 100 years, the results of 51.484899 0.0404 1274-3787, the Cumulated annuity, = 24-2808 the Value of such annuity; the former of calculation will be m = 1274-3787 52.484899 which results is comparable with 1237·6237 and with 1287.1225,—the latter with 24.505 and with 24.52367, as expressed by the same table (page 20th). And again it is to be observed, that this apparent deficiency of value is the con- sequence of a capital, improvable half-yearly, being relatively worth more than the same capital improvable only by annual instalments. (LV.) When a Stock originally funded by perpetual annuity, at a higher interest than the current rate at the present time, is redeemable at the debtor's pleasure, that stock, notwithstanding its superior nominal rate of interest, can possess no greater value than another perpetual stock funded at the present rate 80 THE DOCTRINE OF of interest; except in consequence of assuming, either that the latter rate is not entitled to consideration as a permanent one, or else that the faculty of redemption will continue during more or less time without being acted upon. ? But if any stock funded on the principle of perpetuity should, from the condi- tions of the contract, be irredeemable until some assigned and future period, it will, under circumstances similar to the above in other respects, possess a market- able value superior to par; and the exact value, to which it is entitled, may then be accurately ascertained. To this effect, let it be considered that any Stock of that description is compounded of two parts, having each its proper value; first, that of a terminable annuity, to continue at its original and superior ratio until the period available for the redemption of that annuity at par, and secondly the value of a perpetual annuity constituted according to the present reduced rate of interest, but from which last value should be subtracted that of a terminable annuity, at the same reduced rate, and supposed to endure until the assigned period of redemption. A single example of the solution of this question, by means of the tables, will be sufficient. Suppose a Stock funded at 5 per cent. per annum, by half-yearly instalments, the last of which had just fallen due, such stock to continue irredeemable until the expiration of 7 years from the present time; and that another stock funded at 3 per cent., accruing also by half-yearly instalments, being at par, it were inquired the present value of the former, relatively to that of the latter stock. From the value of the perpetual stock, stated at par subtract the value of an annuity at 3 per cent., supposed to endure for 7 years only, or 14 half-yearly instalments, and which by the table (page 10th) is 6:161002 years' purchase; this last quantity multiplied into 3 is remains.... and adding the value of an annuity at 5 per cent. for the same term of 7 years, which is equal to 5 multiplied into the same quantity 6.161002 100. 21.56351 78.43649 30.80501 together.... 109-24150 or very near 1094; which is the value of every 100 of stock at 5 per cent., but irredeemable during the next seven years. The same result is to be obtained by merely adding to 100, or to the price of stock at par, the difference 1 of the two rates, multiplied into 6-161002; which last is the quantity of years' purchase at which an annuity limited to 7 years should be valued, when interest is at 33 per cent. and the instalments half-yearly. COMPOUND INTEREST. 81 I (LVI.) The preceding question leads us to consider also that of the value of deferred annuities; which of their description may be either perpetual or terminable. The value of a deferred annuity, in both cases, is that of an equal annuity commencing to run from the present time, minus the discounted value of the instalments withheld, Supposing a perpetual annuity constituted at 4 per cent., and the term of which should not commence to run until the expiration of 10 years from the present time, its first half-yearly instalment consequently falling due six months. afterwards; be it inquired the present value of that deferred annuity, admitting the same standard rate of interest, 4 per cent. per annum, also to accrue half- yearly. The table (page 18th) indicates 8-175717 years' purchase, as the value of the 20 instalments withheld and comprised in the suspensive term of 10 years, which quantity subtracted from 25, the value of perpetuity, leaves for the required value 16-824283 years' purchase; and as the ratio of that annuity is 4 per cent., the value of £100 stock of that description will be £4 multiplied into 16.824283, or £67. 6s. The capital represented by annuities that are altogether deferred and terminable will, on the same principle, be ascertained by the difference between the present values of the long and of the short term; which position does not require any specific exemplification. We may further suppose, however, the case of a perpetual and deferred annuity such as the above, but constituted at some earlier period with the condition of its continuing irredeemable during the first 20 years, or until the expiration of 30 years from this time; and that the rate of interest, at present available, were reduced to 34 per cent. per annum, also half-yearly instalments. Admitting this rate of interest as a permanent standard, and applying the rules already set forth, we proceed in the following manner to ascertain the value of each £100 stock funded as here mentioned. From the present value of a 31 per cent. stock, being at par.……. £ 100. subtract the value of the first 30 years of an annuity in that ratio, which by the Table (page 8th) is 19-07200 years' purchase, and multiplied into £ 34, is Remains the present value of a perpetuity after 30 years Add to this, the difference between the value of a 30 years' annuity and that of a 10 years' annuity, both of £4; or between 19.07200 and 8-47947, according to the Table (pages 6th and 8th), that difference being £4 multiplied into 10.59253 years' purchase, or.. 61.98400 £ 38·01600 42.37012 Together........ £ 80·38612 the value of £100 stock, or about 80% per centum. 1 Un 82 THE DOCTRINE OF From those examples it will be easily perceived how to operate in all analogous cases. (LVII.) British capital being frequently invested in the securities of foreign governments, and at very elevated rates of interest comparatively with the rates afforded by investments at home,-such surplus interest compensated however by an additional risk incurred and depending on political considerations,-it may be desirable to ascertain the period at which that additional risk is likely to terminate; considering that the capital originally put to hazard is gradually recoverable, by means of periodical savings out of the income, and of their im- provement during that period. The simple question, thus stated, is easily solved by the Tables. Supposing the annual interest at home to be 34 per cent., assumed as a per- manent rate, subject to half-yearly instalments, and that a loan were granted to a foreign government at 5 per cent. per annum, payable in the same manner; the extraordinary risk will be extinct whenever the saving of 14, annual sur- plus has, by accumulation and improvement at the rate of 31 per cent. compound interest, recomposed the original capital £100; although the ordinary income, at that rate, will have been available in the meantime. This being the period at which unity of income will, in a corresponding proportion, have produced £ 57·142857 capital, it is immediately ascertained, by the Table (page 8th), to be a period of 32 years or thereabouts. Therefore, if the probable consequence of a war with that foreign country should happen to be the confiscation of its enemy's tangible property, such a transaction could scarcely be considered as prudent, unless the balance of chances were in favour of uninterrupted peace during 32 years at least. But instead of allowing the risk of foreign contingencies to diminish from each half year to the next, in consequence of exempting from that risk the reinvestment of the savings; if such reinvestment were also made abroad and there improved at 5 per cent. per annum compound interest, assumed to be a permanent rate, the Table (page 36th, column 5th) indicates that 27 years, or thereabouts, will then be sufficient for recomposing the capital integrally exposed to extraordinary risk until the accomplishment of that period. The Cumulated annuity being 55.878498 for 27 years, and 59-719847 for 28 years, those quan- tities respectively multiplied into 14 (the annual surplus) produce 97-787372 and 104.509733, capital at the end of those terms. Let any foreign investment be further supposed at 7 per cent. annual interest, accruing half-yearly, therefore in the proportion of 34 per cent. at each instalment ; and the whole of that income to be successively reinvested at the same rate. The Table (page 14th) shews that in such case, and after 19 instalments *** COMPOUND INTEREST. 83 embracing a period of 94 years only, every unit of that half-yearly income will have grown, by accumulation and improvement, to a capital of 27·00471; whence 33 to 101.26766, or even exceeding in the proportion of 1·26766 to 100 the original capital at stake. The accurate solution, however, is indicated by the 6th case amongst those enumerated in Section XVth, where the term of log. (a-mr)-log. a log. (1+r) the annuity is generally expressed by n = = which numerically constructed, gives n = log. 2 log. (1.0375) instalments required. log. (0·0375+0-0375)-log. (0-0375); log. (1·0375) = 18.82827, the quantity of half-yearly 0.301029995664 0.01598811 And lastly, let us suppose a question of the more extensive period at which the same annuity would, in consequence of a similar accumulation and improve- ment, repay the original capital, together with its increase by compound interes rated only at 3 per cent. per annum; still admitting half-yearly instalments of both rates. It is perceived, by the table (page 16th), that unity improved during 33 years, at 33 per cent. in entire annual payments, produces 3.3698260, and 3-4961945 if thus improved during 34 years; which quantities, respectively taken in the proportion of one half, are reducible to 1·6849130, corresponding with 33 half- yearly instalments, and to 1-7480972 corresponding with 34 similar instalments, admitting the interest at 7 per cent. per annum,—difference 0·0631842 for the last half-year's improvement; and it is also perceived, that when the annual interest is rated at 3 per cent. by half-yearly instalments, unity should improve to 1-6750118 at the expiration of 16 years, and to 1.7298920 at the expiration. of 17 years; difference 0.0548802 for the whole 17th year's improvement. Now, of this difference subtracted from the preceding quantity leaves 1-716172, for 16 years' improvement; whilst subtracting one balf of the former difference from 1.7480972 there is left 17165051 for the improvement during the same term, or 33 half-years, when the annual interest is rated at 7 per centum. The coincidence of those results shews that the required period is 163 years, according to the nearest approximation attainable by this circuitous method; and it is obvious that the original capital will then be reimbursed, together with constant interest at the minor rate. › But the direct calculation yields a more accurate solution of this question, which partly falls within the 3d general case (Section XVth); the Cumulated amount of the annuity being there expressed by m = [(1+r)” — } ] × ɑ a ร 84 THE DOCTRINE OF It has already been ascertained, by the solution of the preceding question, that at a period n = 18.82827 half-years the original capital would barely be repaid; and there remains to ascertain an additional period n' sufficient for producing, by the accumulation and improvement of a half-yearly income of 0·0375 in this same ratio of compound interest, a quantity equal to the accumulation and improvement of a half-yearly income of 0·01625 only, during a period n+n'. Therefore we have, on one part, m [(1·0375)”—1] × (0-0375), and on 0.0375 the other part, m = [(1·01625)"+"'—1] × (0·01625) 0.01625 each of those equations, and as m is an identical quantity in both, is simplified into (1·0375)"' = (1·01625)"+"', or (1·0375)"' = (1·01625)+18-62827; whence is successively deduced, (n'+18·82827) × log. (1·01625) — n' × log. (1·0375), 18-82827 X 0·00700056 + n' × 0·00700056 n' X 0·01598811, × n(0.01598811 -0.00700056) 0·00700056) = 18-82827 × 0·00700056, 18-82827 X 0·00700056 0.00898755 and ultimately n = which, as ar in = 14.66575. Adding this last quantity to 18.82827, we have n+n' 33·49412, a period very near 33 half-years or 16 years, at the expiration of which the whole capital risked in the foreign loan would be repaid, together with compound interest at 31 per cent. per annum ; and beyond that period, all further income derived from the transaction would be a clear profit. (LVIII.) In case of any series of equal sums, payable at equidistant instalments, the quantity of which expressed by n, if it were required to ascertain the intervening period when the united amount of those sums might be discharged in a single payment, without injury either to the debtor or to the creditor; having ascertained the present value of those sums, respectively discounted and considered as a terminable annuity, the period at which that present value would, if improved at compound interest, amount to the same total sum as before the discount, must be the period required. EXAMPLE. A portion of the National Debt of this country consists in certain terminable annuities, to the amount of £1,338,837, the last half-yearly instalment of which will become due the 5th of January 1860; and after dis- charging the instalment due on the 5th of January 1825, it is inquired the COMPOUND INTEREST. 85 period at which the total sum of £46,859,295, being the unreduced amount of the 70 instalments then forthcoming, might equitably be discharged in one single payment; calculating on 34 per cent., as a standard rate of annual interest, but supposed also to accrue in half-yearly proportions. The table (page 8th) immediately solves this question. It is there stated that a 35 years' annuity, accruing by half-yearly instalments, is exactly worth 20.8134 years' purchase; and as the improvement of this last quantity at compound interest, into the original quantity 35, is in the proportion of unity to 1·681609, the same table (page 6th) further indicates that such improvement should take place between the 16th and the 17th year. At the expiration of 16 years it will be 1.6750118, and at that of 17 years 1.7298920,-difference 0.0548802 for the 17th year; and as the required improvement exceeds that for 16 years by a quantity only 0.0065972, we find by taking the proportion of those differences that the latter corresponds with 44 days; whence follows, that the payment of the whole sum £46,859,295 might equitably be effected at the expiration of 16 years and 44 days after the 5th of January 1825, or on the 18th February of the year 1841. Under the supposition of deferred annuities as already described (LVI.), the present value of the withheld instalments should first be subtracted from that of the complete annuity; proceeding afterwards as above directed, to ascertain the period (computed from the present time) at which such discounted value is improvable into the original and total sum. But it might be proposed to discharge such a debt as the Long-annuities by the payment of any other specific sum, whether more or less than the unreduced amount of their forthcoming instalments. Let it then be inquired the respective periods. at which either the sum of 40 millions, or that of 50 millions, should be paid for the discharge of those annuities. Having ascertained their present value at 20-8134 years' purchase, if the latter quantity be multiplied into £1,338,837, that value will be £27,865,750; the required improvement of which sum into that of £40,000,000 is in the proportion of 1-4354539 for every unit, and into £50,000,000 is in the proportion of 1.7943174 for every unit also contained in the expression of the present value. The table (page 6th) then indicates that the sum of 40 millions should be paid at the expiration of about 11 years, or else that of 50 millions at the expiration of a little more than 18 years, as a fair equivalent. The method of proceeding, by direct calculation, to obtain results strictly accurate, have already been sufficiently explained. If we further suppose a specific period assigned for the discharge, by any sum once paid, of an annuity whatsoever; it is easily perceivable that such sum must, in all cases, be that into which the value of the annuity is susceptible of being 86 THE DOCTRINE OF improved at compound interest, from the present time to the assigned period; and the Tables will readily answer all questions of this description. (LIX.) When the sum to which any original and unknown capital has improved by compound interest, in a ratio also unknown, may be stated with reference to any two periods of that improvement, those data are sufficient for ascertaining both the original principal and the rate of interest. According to the first case of the series set forth in Section XVth, the statement of this question supplies two similar equations, mp (1+r)", and M = p (1+r); admitting m as the improvement of the principal p during the period n, and M as its improvement during the period N. From those log. m log.P equations is deduced, log. (1+r) = whence log. p = N log. m N G Ginangan M log. M - N n log. M n in consequence of substituting for p its value in the preceding equation determine also the quantity r, or the ratio of interest. EXAMPLE. A principal laid out at compound interest has, at the expiration of 24 instalments, improved to a sum of £2484. 12s. 6d., and at the expiration of 50 instalments it has further improved to a sum of £ 4292. 6s. 11d.: query that principal, and the ratio of its improvements. We have next, log. (1+r) = Reducing shillings and pence to decimal fractions of one pound, we have 4 N log, m log. p= N n log. M 50 × log. 2484-625— 24 × log. 4292·346 50 24 n log. P ; and this last, being resolved, will 50 (3·3952609) — 24 (3·6326947) 169-763045 87.184673 26 log.m Sugg N T n 26 which last quantity is the logarithm corresponding with £1500, the original principal inquired after. M log. p = 3.1760912, 3.3952609 — 3·1760912 24 = 0·00913207, being the logarithm of 1·02125; whence the ratio is 0·02125, or 2 per cent., rate of interest corresponding with each instalment, which, if understood half-yearly, would establish the annual rate at 44 per cent. It might COMPOUND INTEREST. 87 indifferently have been proceeded with log. (1+r) the same result. (LX.) Any principal sum being specified, with its increase by compound. interest at the expiration of a given period, the corresponding increase either of the same or of any other principal, at the expiration of a period different from the first,—and also the rate of interest supposed to be unknown,-may both be deduced from those data; admitting uniformity in that unknown rate of interest. EXAMPLE, in which the principal is considered different in the two clauses of the statement. A capital of £ 2000 p has increased to £ 10641. 18s. 9d. = m, by improvement at compound interest until the accomplishment of 168 = n instalments; it is then inquired, first the corresponding improvement of £3550 =P at the expiration of 100 N similar instalments, the ratio of interest being the same in both cases; and secondly, what is that ratio r of interest appertaining to each instalment. M = P(1+r)²; whence, log. M = 100 (log. 10641.9375 SOLUTION.-Admitting M as the improved principal required, we have (in common with the preceding question) these two equations, m =p (1+r)”, and K 100 X 0·7259907 + 168 X 3.5502284 168 log. (1+r) = Bangging The same equations being further transformable into log. (1+r)= log. M log. P N N (log. m log. 2000) + 168 (log. 3550) 168 log. M-log.P, yielding N 2 the logarithm of 9602-1 or of £9602. 2s., the sum proceeding from the improve- ment of £3550 original capital, at the expiration of the 100th instalment. we may indifferently take log. (1+r) = 168 4.0270207 3.3010300 S " log. p) + n log. P N and into log. (1+r) = 3.9823667, which quantity is ; therefore M = log. m - n 3.9823667 3.5502284 100 log. P. 2 or either of which yields the result 88 THE DOCTRINE OF ; 0.00432137, logarithm corresponding with 1011+r, whence the ratio r001; and if the instalments were understood as quarterly, the annual ratio would be 0·04, or the rate of interest 4 per cent. The solution would be obtainable by the same method, if the two original capitals differed not from each other; in which case, we should have log. M = N (log. m−log. p) + n log. P¸ n (LXI.) When it is stated that a certain principal has improved at compound interest to a certain sum at the expiration of a certain period, although the ratio of such improvement be unknown, those data are sufficient for ascertaining the period at which the same or any other principal would improve to any specific amount, provided that the same unknown ratio of interest be understood in both instances. In the present question there are two results, either N = when the two principals are alike, or N ≈ n (log. M — log. m SOLUTION. N= n (log. M- log.m 63 (log. 64641·1104- log. 10000) log. 4950-4312 log. 2750 log. P) log. P from each other, those results immediately deduced from the equations above stated; and in the following exemplification, the latter supposition is proceeded upon. question; having log. (1+r) = EXAMPLE. A capital of £2750 has produced another of £4950. 8s. 7 d., by improvement at compound interest until the expiration of a 63d instalment; and it is inquired the period at which an original capital of £10,000 would be improvable to £64,641. 2s. 24d., at the same rate of interest, which is kept out of view. when they differ log, p) log. p 63(4.8105088-4) 3.6946430 200, the period of instalments required. And the ratio of interest, corres- ponding with each of those instalments, will be found as in the preceding log. 64641 1104-log. 10000 200 3.4393327 0.8105088 200 = 0·004052544, which is the logarithm of 1.009375, therefore r = 0·009375; and if the instalments were understood quarterly, the annual ratio would be 4 × 0·009375 = 0·0375, or 32 per cent. the rate of interest. COMPOUND INTEREST. 89 (LXII.) Embracing in a general view the series of questions that depend on the consideration of deferred annuities, we find their solution in the transforma- tions of which one single fundamental equation is susceptible. Thus, let p, a, and r, retain the significations respectively assigned to them in the foregoing pages; let t signify the period during which the annuity is to remain suspended, and n the subsequent period of its actual payment; the present value of that annuity will then be expressed by P a a ɑ (1+r)'+1 + (1+r)²+s + (1+r)²+3 + &c. to +2 p = a in consequence of which, any four of the five quantities p, a, t, n, and r, being given, the remaining one may be deduced from those data, and the following five equations respectively solve the different questions. n a[(1+r)" - 1] r(1+r)”.(1+r)* pr(1+r)”.(1+r)" (1+r)" — 1 ; log. [ 1 - [ 1 = t = log. (1+r)*+ log. a - log. [(1+r)”—1] — log. (pr) log. (1+r) ; ¸´ pr(1+r)* a -log. (1—r) "] ] 21+n+1 2 > C = с a (1+r) + " 12 b n² - 1 = in a(1+r)". r(1+r)+” Lastly, after admitting b= we find r = n ✓ (ec), by analogy with the 9th case of Section XVth, and demonstrable in the same manner. 2 an d= (™™)³, e=c—2(d−1), (LXIII.) If we suppose any principal p originally due, and subject to interest in the ratio r; which debt, in consequence of the interest remaining unpaid until the expiration of a period n, had increased by compound interest to a total m, then proposed to be converted into a perpetual annuity a; those five quantities, p, r, n, m, and a, will in all cases answering to the above description be invariably related according to the following general expressions, obtained by mutual transformation: 90 THE DOCTRINE OF a = rp(1+r)" = rm; a m = p(1+r)" = =/; n = be z = P = r = a log. m-log. p log. (1+r) ·(1+r)" a m = = log. ȧ-log. p-log. r log. (1+r) ; (1+r)" ; a P(1+r)n; or log. (1+r) = The first four of those questions are solvable without any difficulty; but as regards the latter, it is to be observed that the quantity r cannot become the subject of the question, except in the case of m being also unknown, thus rendering that question very complicated. It then admits an approximate solution by the following method, for which we are indebted to Sir Isaac Newton:- Take r', and r=r'+z; substitute these in the equation r(1+r)” = log. m-log. p n there will ultimately be obtained r = p which produces (r'+z).[1+(r'+x)”] = r'; and discarding, in the development of the binominal quantity, all the terms affected with z², z³, &c., there will r'—r′(1+r') (1+r')”-¹ × (1+r'+nr')' Let the latter quantity be expressed by r" and again substituted in rr"+%, which gives r = and r'+z = dia p r'+nr' × r'(1+r)^−1 (1+r')~~¹×(1+r'+nr')' r'+nr" × r" (1+r')"−1 (1+r"')"−¹ × (1+r"'+nr"); and signifying this last by 7", r'+nr'' × r'''(1+r''')~~! (1+~")~~¹× (1+r""'+nr") By further continuing the same process, the value of r may be obtained by approximation in any required degree. (LXIV.) Suppose p the principal of a debt, with r the ratio of its interest; and that instead of pr, or the amount of such interest corresponding with each instalment, being regularly paid, the debtor should pay each time, and during a period n of instalments, any other sum a, whether greater or less than pr. If by m be signified the balance remaining due at the expiration of that period, under the consideration of compound interest; by m' the sum to which the debt would have increased, in case that the debtor had not paid any thing; and by m" COMPOUND INTEREST. 91 the amount of the periodical sums a, accumulated and improved at compound interest in the same ratio r; we shall then have m m' —m", m' = p(1+r)", a(1+r)"—a = and m" = p (1+r)" — [a(1 + r r 7-a7. p Consequently, any four of the five quantities m, p, a, n and r, being given, the remaining one may also be ascertained as follows: m = p(1+r)”—a Ɑ***** a 13 ; whence m =p(1+r)” r = -a[(1+r)" — 1], ↑ mr+a(1+r)”—a) r(1+r)* r[p(1+r)”—m] (1+r)*-1 log. (mr—a)—log. (pr—a) log. (1+r) a(1+r)"—a p(1+r)”—m + "]. But this last can only be solved by approximation, and in the manner pointed out in the preceding section. 1 If the sum a, paid by the debtor at each instalment, were such as ultimately to produce mo; by which is meant, that the original debt should be exactly cancelled at the expiration of the term n; the case would then fall within the series of positions stated in Section XVth, END OF THE FIRST PART. Again, let us suppose that instead of the debtor paying any sum a at each instalment, he received that sum additionally from his creditor, the five questions. then susceptible of arising would be solvable according to the equations above stated; with this difference only, that a should be made a negative instead of a positive quantity; substituting + for, and for, in all those terms which are affected with it. 1 THE DOCTRINE OF COMPOUND INTEREST. IN WHICH THAT DOCTRINE N Part Second; IS APPLIED TO LIFE-ANNUITIES, TRANSACTIONS AFFECTED WITH CONTINGENCY. AND TO OTHER (I.) ANNUITIES on single or on joint lives; Life assurances; Reversionary payments, by annuity or otherwise; Expectations depending on survivorship; Endowments for children, for widows, or for persons in old age; with other prospective transactions, equally founded upon the operation of Compound- interest combined with the chances affecting the duration of human life, collec- tively form a copious subject, already enlarged upon by able writers of this and of other countries. The intention, here, is therefore to treat that subject with great brevity; merely stating the general principles on which it rests, with so much of their application as will be sufficient for establishing the basis of calcula- tions relative to the transactions above described; and superadding a few Tables, which, occasionally consulted, may so far guide the unpretending reader as at least to prevent his being betrayed into gross errors, upon a matter beset with difficulties and involving considerations of a delicate and complicated nature. (II.) In the first part of this work, the various modes according to which the power of Compound Interest is susceptible of operating have been traced with reference to specific and absolute periods of time: we have now to view a similar operation connected with the constant uncertainty that attends the continuance of life; whence all calculations, in this instance, are subordinate to the consideration of Probability. (III.) When, in any stated order or system of events, the general laws that govern them in the aggregate are directly known, or at least may be inferred from an adequate series of correct observations; whilst the secondary laws, to which those events are individually and variously liable, not only remain concealed from our view, but also escape all power of observation, there results from this 94 THE DOCTRINE OF . state of things what is called Possibility, or Chance; whence is derived the idea of Probability, which implicitly or explicitly assigns to the former a moral value. Probability, in its vulgar acceptation, implies only a certain undefined notion of likelihood, or preferable chance, concerning the realization of any future and admissible event; but Mathematical probability is not confined to that vague meaning, as it numerically specifies the degree, or value, of each probability compared with Absolute certitude, the latter being the maximum of probabilities. Whence mathematical probability may be considered in the light of Relative certitude. (IV.) FIRST GENERAL PRINCIPLE. Towards establishing any mathematical probability, it is requisite comprehensively to embrace all the possible events that depend on a stated order of things; to discriminate and classify those events, resolving them into a certain quantity of cases, whether individual or collective, to which an equal possibility attaches; and to ascertain the quantity of those cases that militate in favour of the realization of the specific event which is the matter of consideration. Then, the fraction of which the latter quantity is the numerator, and of which the former quantity (or the whole of the possible cases) is the denominator, will express the probability of that event; at the same time as another fraction, consisting of the difference between the preceding one and unity (taking this as the expression of Certitude,) will also express the contrary proba- bility, that such an event will not take place. Further, the addition of all the individual probabilities, existing under any order or system of possible events, will amount to neither more nor less than unity; as it is evidently certain of any event in expectation, that it will be realized, or that it will not; and it is no less certain, that if any series of numbers are mixed together in a wheel, from which one of them is to be extracted at hazard, such eventual number will be oneof those that the wheel contained. To exemplify the foregoing positions, let us suppose a quantity of events, A, B, C, D, &c., all of which ascertained to be possible in an equal degree; and that the realization of any one amongst them, to the exclusion of the rest, is consigned to the decision of chance; then the expression of the probability, indiscriminately attached to each of those events, will be unity divided by their whole quantity. If two events only, A and B, the probability of each will be; if three, A, B and C, it will be; if four, A, B, C and D, it will be ; and so on, for any other quantity of equal chances; whilst the sum of all the probabilities will amount to unity, in each of those instances. But let us, on the contrary, suppose some ascertained and specific inequalities of chance attached to the pending events, A, B, C, &c. If the quantity of events is limited to A and B, and if the chances between them are so distributed that the former COMPOUND INTEREST. 95 1 has only a single case favourable to its realization, whilst the latter has two favour- able cases, the three individual cases being possible in an equal degree; then the probability of A will be 3, and the probability of B will be . If three events, A having one, B having two, and C having three cases, respectively favourable to them, with an equal chance or possibility attached to each of those six cases; the probability of A will be, that of B will be 2, and that of C will be 3; altogether amounting to g, or to unity, as before. And if we further suppose A, signifying one Black ball, B signifying two White balls, C signifying three Red balls, and D signifying four Blue balls; all mixed together, and one only of which to be extracted at hazard; it is clear that the probability of extracting any specific ball, amongst the whole ten, will be exactly; at the same time as the probability of a Black ball will also be, that of a White ball, that of a Red ball, and that of a Blue ball (indiscriminately considered). 6 When under those or any analogous supposition, the probability attached to a specific event is exclusively considered, then the sum of probabilities militating in favour of all the other events belonging to the same system of things, and collectively taken, constitutes a probability directly opposed to the former. Thus, in the last stated supposition, the probability of a black ball not being extracted must be understood to be; that of a white ball not being extracted,; that of a red ball not being extracted,; and the probability that not one of the blue balls will be extracted, only. उठ What has been hitherto said, towards illustrating our first general principle, no less applies to regularly constituted hazards of all other descriptions imaginable. From the casting of two dice, in which each face of the one is susceptible of com- bination with the six faces of the other, there results 36 chances, that may be taken as distinct events in one system; whence the probability of each event will be. But in another system, deduced from especially considering the sum of the two points that may eventually be turned up, there are only the points. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12; limiting the quantity of events to 11, which then possess different probabilities, according to the unequal distribution of the 36 particular cases that have each an equal possibility, and are severally favour- able to some one of the events considered. In the same manner, the casting of three dice affords 216 positions or individual cases equally probable, with not more than 16 events amongst which those 216 positions are capable of being distributed; namely, the points comprised between 3 and 18 inclusive; and in either of those systems, or in any other analogous system, the mathematical proba- bility of each event is always equal to the sum of the cases which, being possible each in the same degree, may be favourable to the realization of that event, the said sum divided by the totality of cases. Extending the same principle, with its self evident inferences, to the considera- 96 THE DOCTRINE OF tion of those chances by which the duration of human life is affected; further supposing it a fact ascertained from an adequate course of observations, that, amidst any given population, the quantity of coexisting individuals aged 21 years is generally reduced to one half of that quantity remaining alive after a lapse of 35 years more; and that out of a similar original quantity, the survivors after the expiration of 44 years are only one third part thereof; if all other probabilities which that particular order of things may involve are discarded, it will necessarily follow that each person at the age of 21 has a probability equal to of attaining the age of 56, and a probability equal to of attaining that of 65 years revolved. A consequence of which is, that in case of any sum of money staked upon each of those respective events, and admitting the same to be ulti- mately realized, those sums should produce, as a just equivalent for the unfavour- able chances incurred,—in the former instance an increase equal to twice the staked sum multiplied into the proportion of its improvement at Compound interest during 35 years,—and in the latter instance, an increase equal to thrice the staked sum, together with 44 years improvement also at Compound interest. However important the consideration, that the probabilities attending the continu- ance of life may be very different, for individuals of similar age, yet existing under various conditions of health and various other circumstances capable of especial influence upon the probabilities of life, this consideration may be dismissed in the present application of a fundamental principle of the Doctrine of Probabilities ; our view being here confined to generalities. The cases requiring discrimina- tion will be duly noticed hereafter. (V.) It is to be stated only as a corollary of our first principle, that the probability attached to the realization, indifferently, of either amongst two or more possible events depending on any single trial of chance, is equal to the sum of their separate probabilities, then considered as merely relative to different cases favour- able to an identical event. Thus in a preceding supposition of ten balls, of four different colours-A, B, C and D, the probability of indifferently extracting A or B is; that of indifferently extracting A or C is; that of C or D is; that of B, C, or D, indifferently, is ; &c. &c. But care must be had not to misapply this rule, by extending it to any plurality of cases that might depend on trials of chance independent of each other. For example: if on an average of all persons aged 21 years, 3 out of 5 live to accomplish their 50th year, thus establishing the probability that any one amongst such persons will attain the latter age; it is not thence to be inferred that the probability of attaining the age of 50, for either of two persons aged 21 and considered indiscriminately, should be, a fraction even exceeding unity or the expression of absolute certitude. Such an inference must always be absurd, as more or less probability evidently attaches to the contrary event; and it might so happen, that not only two, but many more lives of persons taken at the age of 21 years each, were wholly extinct before the accomplishment of a period of 29 years. The false COMPOUND INTEREST. 97 inference would then arise from mistaking the events that depend on distinct trials of chance, for those that are dependent on a single trial. (VI.) Second General PrincipLE. When any two or greater quantity of possible events are independent of each other, so that their coincident occurrence must be the result of distinct hazards assigned for producing those events; or in the similar case of successive repetitions of any particular description of hazard, in which each event, exclusive of any other, is made to depend on a specific trial; then the probability attached to the coincidence of those different events, in whatever quantity, is exactly equal to the product of their respective probabilities multiplied into each other. To exemplify this position, suppose two equal chances A and B, the probabi- lity of each being, and suppose any quantity n of successive trials of those chances; the probability that either A or B will be consecutively realized 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c... to n times, as the result of trials especially assigued, will be respec- 1 1 1 1 1 tively and similar probabilities will attach 2'4' 8' 16' 32 to the corresponding realization of both chances A and B, the same quantity of times between them, either alternately or in any other predetermined order. By analogy, if the probabilities were for A and for B, the probability of repeatedly realizing either A or B any stated quantity of times, or of realizing both those chances the same quantity of times in any successive order whatsoever, would be easily determinable by the same rule; and also in case of any other expressions of individual probability. 1 &c... to ; 2n If we suppose a perfect cube, such a die, the probability favourable to each of its six faces will be ; and consequently, that of repeatedly producing any one of those faces a given number of consecutive times, or otherwise an equal number of times various faces of the die in any pre-assigned order of succession, 1 1 1 1 36 216 1296 6 will be according to the progression But the probabilities would be very different from those, under the supposition of casting more than one die at each time or trial of chance; unless a specific face were assigned to be eventually turned up by each of the dice in particular, which then would be equivalent to casting any single die successively. : &c. ... to n 1 6" It may be sufficient lastly to exemplify our second general principle in a ques- tion concerning the uncertain duration of human life. Suppose that amongst any given number of coexisting persons, each of whom aged 15 accomplished years, one third part were the ascertained proportion of those whose life should extend to the accomplishment of their 64th year; and that the proportion of survivors, after a similar lapse of 49 years, were likewise ascertained to be one fifth part of 98 THE DOCTRINE OF any quantity of persons taken amongst those aged 23 years; the probability that two persons, the one aged 15 and the other 23 years, will both continue alive until the former attained 64 and the latter 72 years of age, must be expressed by multiplied into, or by the fraction, the true expression of such probability. (VII.) THIRD GENERAL PRINCIPLE. When two successive events are under mutual dependance, so that the occurrence of either, in the first instance, should influence the probability relative to the second event; then the initial probability of the double event is represented by the product of the probability relative to the event first expected, and multiplied into the remaining probability of the second event, the latter probability calculated on the admission of the first event having occurred. And if any more than two events under similar dependancy; the probability, that any stated combination of those events will be realized, is equal to the product of the initial probability of the event first expected, that proba- bility multiplied into the remaining probabilities, each of which calculated from successively assuming the actual realization of all the events that are to precede, and whose respective probabilities have been pre-established. Suppose A, B and C, to contain each one ball; two of them are white balls, a third is a black ball; and it is inquired the probability that the two white balls. are contained in A and B. The probability that A contains a white ball is evidently; and assuming the fact, there remains the probability of B's containing a white ball also, as the uncertainty will be equally divided between B and C ; whence the probability of the double event is × =}. If we 423 further suppose A, B, C and D, to contain three white balls and one black ball ; the probability that all the white balls are contained in A, B and C, will be X 34/35/35 X 3/1/20 1. Indeed it is clear, that in the event required by the first supposed case, C only could contain the single black ball, the probability of which was }; and that in the event required by the latter case, D only could contain that black ball, the equally evident probability of which was 1. J (VIII.) FOURTH GENERAL PRINCIPLE. When the object of expectation is a Sum of money, depending upon any event, however doubtful, but the probability of which is susceptible of ascertainment; or when it depends upon the coincidence of a plurality of events independent of each other, or again upon the successive occurrence of events under any mutual dependance, and even when the occurrence of any one amongst them should necessarily exclude the possibility of one or more others; the value of such expectation is, in all cases, equal to that sum of money multiplied into the fraction expressing either the initial probability of the single event, or the ultimate probability resulting from a combination of the individual probabilities relative to the various events together to be considered. This value is referable to the period or periods of time at which the events are susceptible of accomplishment; otherwise it is reducible to a present value, by COMPOUND INTEREST. 99 discount according to the consideration of Compound-interest at a certain rate; and this last value is the sum for which the expectation might justly be compro- mised, in case that the expectant preferred a composition, rather than to abide by his uncertainty. (IX.) The following question involves an application, altogether, of the four general principles hitherto exposed. By admitting certain Tables of Mortality, and by applying the first general principle (IV) to the consideration of the proportion of survivors after a stated period, out of any quantity of co-existing persons respectively of certain ages at the commencement of that period, it is inferred these successive probabilities; 0.8725, that a person aged 20 will attain 30 years accomplished, 0·8430 that he will afterwards attain 40 years, 0·8042 that he will thence attain 50 years, 0·7189 that he will subsequently attain 60 years, 0-5509 that he will further attain 70 years, 0.2950 that he will from this last age attain that of 80 years, and 0·11036 that he will ultimately attain the accomplishment of his 90th year. Having pre- mised those data, it is further supposed A aged 60, B aged 40, also C aged 20 years; and that a certain advantage is to accrue in the event, altogether,--of A, B and C's co-existing during a period of ten years,-of B and C's co-existing during ten years more, and of C's life continuing ten years longer than this last period, or until he attains 50 years of age. Then, and by applying the second general principle (VI), we haye 0-5509 × 0.8042 X 0·8725 0.3865, expressing the probability of A, B and C's lives jointly continuing until the expiration of a first period of ten years; next, and by combining the application of the 2d and 3d principles, we have 0·3865 × 0·7.189 × 0·8430=0·2343, expressing the pro- bability that the lives of B and C will jointly continue ten years after they had co-existed with A during a first similar period; and further we have 0·2343 × 0·8042 0:1884, expressing the probability that C,will live ten years after having co-existed with B during the ten preceding years, as also with A and with B during ten years before that time. Whence, and supposing a sum of £ 10,000 forthcoming in case of those events being accomplished, that expectation might fairly be compromised at the outset, for a certainty of receiving, at the expiration of 30 years, a sum of £1884, resulting from £10,000 multiplied into the probability 0.1884; or else for immediately receiving the discounted value of £1884 forthcoming after 30 years, which reduces the latter sum to that of £574, admitting compound interest at the rate of 4 per cent. per annum and half yearly instalments, as may be seen in page 21st of the Tables. But reversing the order of the conditions specified in the above question, and supposing the advantage of £10,000 to depend on the event of A, at first aged 60, attaining 90 years of age, after having co-existed to the age of 80 jointly with B who is twenty years younger than him, and to the age of 70 jointly * Un 100 THE DOCTRINE OF YO. with B and with C, the latter being twenty years younger than the preceding and forty years younger than A; the probabilities, in that case, would be 0.3865 (as above) of A, B and C's co-existing the first ten years, 0.3865 X 0·7189 X 0·2950 = 0·08198 that B and A co-existed during the next ten years, and 0·08198 × 0·11036 0·009047 that A continued alive ten years beyond the accomplishment of those first two periods under the conditions attached to them. Whence, and under the supposition we departed from, the value of such expecta- tion would be either £ 90-47 receivable as a certainty at the end of 30 years, or else immediately its discounted value, which is 90-47 × 0·30478 = £27.11s. 6d. according to the Table of Compound-interest already referred to. (X.) Fifth geneRAL PRINCIPLE. The present value, reduced to certainty, of any advantage collectively expected as depending on a plurality of events, when the occurrence of each is to produce some partial and distinct advantage, will be equal to the sum of the several products of the probabilities of those events, respec- tively multiplied into the specific advantages attached to their accomplishment; and this rule applies in either case, of those events excluding each other or not. Suppose two equal chances Y and Z; that the event Z, if realized at a first trial, should produce an advantage of £20; and that if realized at a second trial of chance, the event Y being realized at the first, it should produce an advantage of £50; the whole expectation will be worth £20 multiplied into, or into the probability attached to the first condition, plus £50 multiplied into or the probability of the second condition; together £10 + £12. 10s. = £22.10s., for the certainty of which the aggregate of those expectations may be compro- mised. But supposing, that independently of £20 advantage attached to the realization of Z at a first trial of chance, an additional expectation of £20 were to depend on the event of Z being unconditionally realized at a second trial; then the value of those expectations, considered in the aggregate, would be £20 x = £10, plus £50 x = £25, together £35. X Supposing again, as in the preceding section, A, B and C, respectively aged 60, 40, and 20 years; that an expectation of £1000 depended on the joint conti- nuance of their lives during ten years; and that £2000 further depended on the joint lives of A and of B only, but to continue ten years longer; the value of the first expectation would be £1000 × 0·3865 = £ 386. 10s.; that of the second expectation, depending on the probability 0.1628 of A (aged 60) living 20 years, combined with the probability 0.5781 of B (aged 40) living the same time, which makes the probability of their joint lives during that period 0-09394, -would be £2000 × 0·09394 £187. 17s. 6d.; and the united amount of those expectations therefore £574.7s. 6d., reducible to a discounted value under the consideration of Compound-interest at a certain rate, in case of exchanging the two expectancies against a sum of money payable at the outset. a COMPOUND INTEREST. 101 . But we may, on the contrary, suppose a case in which £1000 depended on the event of either life, A or B, dropping before the expiration of ten years; and in which £2000 depended on the event of A, B and C, jointly co-existing for twenty years those two expectations being mutually exclusive. Calculating from the same general principle, we find (the probability being 1-0-3865 that either of the lives will drop) £1000 × 0·6135 £613. 10s., value of the first expectation; and £2000 × 0·07918 (the probability of the three lives co-existing for 20 years) £158. 7s. 8d., value of the second expectation; the united value of both, independently of the consideration of discount relative to the periods of 10 and of 20 years, being £ 771. 17s. 8d. Observe, however, that in those various cases no positive loss is admitted to be incurred by the expectant, in failure of either object of his expectation; which otherwise would bring those cases under the application of the next general principle set forth. (XI.) Sixth GENERAL PRINCIPLE. When considering in the aggregate any series of probable events, from the accomplishment of some amongst which is to result a gain, and from that of some others a loss, the value of the whole expectation may be either positive or negative; as it is equal to the sum of products of the probabilities relative to those events which are favourable to the expectant, respectively multiplied into the specific advantage attached to the accomplishment of each,-minus the sum of products of the probabilities relative to such of those events as are unfavourable to him, and in like manner multiplied into the loss or disadvantage which is to result from each. ; This principle is obviously no more than a corollary of the preceding, and scarcely requires any illustration. If amongst three events jointly considered, the accomplishment of X is to produce a gain of £ 50, that of Y is to produce a gain of £75, and that of the event Z is on the contrary to produce a loss of £100,-those events being equally possible, and their mathematical probabilities therefore being uniformly }; the whole expectation, taken together, will be worth exactly £8. 6s. 8d., equal to the excess of 50+75 over 100. But if the probabilities, instead of being on a 3 3 2 3 6 par with each other, were for X, for Y, and for Z; then the whole expectation would be valuable only as 50 75 100 + £16. 13s. 4d., which negative quantity indicates a disadvantage in the aggregate. All ana- logous cases are to be treated in the same manner. 2 Cabin (XII.) The Doctrine of Probabilities further rests on other principles, the development of which is the bess called for on this occasion, as their application, 5+ 102 THE DOCTRINE OF sometimes involving mathematical operations of a transcendant description, chiefly relates to philosophical questions, and therefore would be foreign to the purpose of this book. On the foregoing six general principles, and on their necessary inferences, are founded the rules exposed at great length by Dr. Price and by other authors, for executing the calculations concerning Life-annuities, Reversionary payments, Survivorships, Endowments, and generally all transactions referable at the same time to the operation of Compound-interest and to the uncertain duration of human life. We refer our readers to those rules, admitting. them without discussion; and now proceed to explain what must be understood by the Laws of Mortality,-in what consists the information obtainable by consulting the various Tables of mortality that have been published, the useful application of which they are susceptible,—and the caution necessary against being led into error through their indiscriminate consideration. (XIII.) Amongst any stated and considerable number of persons born, the proportions according to which their lives successively drop at several stages of existence, or from year to year, until the whole number becomes extinct, are not alike in different climates, nor even in different countries under similar degrees of latitude; neither are they, in the same countries, exactly the same with reference to each sex; and they are especially dissimilar, in respect to different circum- stances of human existence that may be discriminated in classifying any entire population. The differences in those proportions are great, between a cold climate and a temperate one; but respecting the influence of remarkably elevated temperatures upon the annual decrements of life, and upon the average of its duration, no sufficient data is possessed for establishing any calculation. Without going farther than Europe, the average term of human life is some- times very different between countries subject to nearly the same temperature, though such difference may not be ascribed to any known cause; as (for exam- ple) between the Duchy of Milan and France, the average of life is ascertained to be 3 years less in the former than in the latter. Even in any one country, the observable proportions, in the annual decrements of life, differ not inconsi- derably with regard to the inhabitants of mountainous parts or those of val- leys, to the residents on a dry soil or those on marshy land, and to those who dwell near the sea or otherwise in tracts remote from it. Amidst various other causes, eminently favourable to the protraction of human life, are however to be considered, independently of a primary healthy constitution, the habitual breathing of salubrious air, the adequate supply of wholesome food, the exemp- tion from extreme vicissitudes and incessant cares,-from intolerable labour of body or mind, from the exercise of dangerous professions,-from excesses,- from vice and its consequences. Whence obviously follows, that in large cities COMPOUND INTEREST. 103 and in many manufacturing towns life is comparatively short; of which fact London (that immense receptacle of all human miseries) affords, by its Bills of Mortality, a most remarkable illustration. On the other hand, so great is sometimes the difference between the probable Expectations of forthcoming years of life, for persons even of the same age, that the ultimate result of a selection in considerable number amongst the best lives at 5 accomplished years, when that Expectation is a maximum, would exhibit one half of that number attaining their 60th year, one quarter their 75th, and one eighth part fully accomplishing 80 years of age; whilst similar proportions do not respectively outlive their 41st, 59th and 70th years, upon an average of all London lives, originally taken at the same age of five years accomplished. If to those considerations be added that, from obvious causes, the lives of females, particularly at an advanced stage, are generally better assured than those. of the males; and that an extension of three years, to the average of life such as it has been heretofore calculated, would probably result from the total extirpation, by means of vaccination, of a destructive disease,-admitting no other to be intro- duced instead; it will justly be inferred that, concerning the human race, there is no law of Mortality admissible as universal under all circumstances, or susceptible of being indiscriminately applied, towards calculating with a suffi- cient degree of accuracy either the value of Life-annuities or that of expectations. depending on survivorship, nor towards guiding with a near approach to perfect correctness any operations relative to the investment of capital, in whatever mode or shape in which the uncertain duration of life is implicated; and that all private transactions of that description, between one individual and another, require to be proceeded upon with greater caution than is usually practised. (XIV.) Notwithstanding that the natural law by which, at each stage of human existence, the average period of its further endurance, together with the proportion of individuals destined to attain any other specific stage, may seem to elude all means of detection, the deficiency of accurate knowledge, in that respect, is capable of being in a great measure supplied by experience, during a long course of well-directed observations. We are thus informed that, in the same countries or districts, the general results of those observations have continued very nearly the same for many successive generations; proving at least the con- stancy of nature's laws of mortality, upon which in a multitude of instances we are called upon to place an implicit reliance. We are informed, secondly, that in each country, or particular district, the series of observations have also yielded similar results at various times, regarding any selection of individuals in consider- able number, and collectively considered as living under certain general circum- stances susceptible of assimilation. In very extensive countries, those observations could seldom, and for any length of time, embrace the whole population. In t i 104 THE DOCTRINE OF ..... Sweden and in France, however, the means of accurate observation have been generally afforded throughout their extent; whilst the defective character of the birth registers, in England, has hitherto deprived us of the like benefit. In this as well as in some other countries, the observations alludeď to, and however attentively they may have been proceeded upon, were therefore confined to certain towns or districts of very limited population; otherwise to select classes, such as Government-annuitants, and sometimes to persons in monastic retirement. But although the laws of mortality, as concluded from experience under that variety of aspects, exhibit corresponding differences equally remarkable; in the whole, a sufficiency of statistical observations is possessed for enabling, by a comparison of them, to establish the proportions according to which the decrements of life are operated from one year to another, under the consideration of general circum- stances duly discriminated, and also to establish with tolerable accuracy the actual state of a given population in its manifold subdivisions. (XV.) It was not long before the close of the seventeenth century, that the Doctrine of Chances and of Probabilities began to attract the special attention of scientific men, who then applied that doctrine to the consideration of human life, and to various questions of statistics and of political arithmetic. With a view to those objects, Dr. Halley published the first Table of Mortality that is on record, and which he deduced from a series of experimental observations made at Breslaw in Silesia: other observations have since been collected in different parts of Europe, the compared results of which, reduced to Tables, exhibit very great discrepancies. Various considerations may prescribe the preferable application of either of those tables. For example: when the Government or any incorporated society proceed to grant Life-annuities, it is always probable that they will have chiefly to deal with a selection of the best assured lives, whence it becomes expedient to establish the calculations upon such Tables as exhibit the slowest decrements of life that may be admissible; and on the contrary, in case of receiving certain sums, either in a single payment, or else in the shape of an annual premium or any other periodical payments depending on the continuance of life, as the supposed equivalent either for capital to be paid at the period of death, or for annuities whatever and then to commence, it is requisite, from reversing the above consideration, to adopt some table of mortality generally exhibiting rapid decre- ments of human life; without which distinction no society incorporated for those purposes could subsist for any length of time, and no government could assume transactions of a similar description without a notable disadvantage, which has sometimes occurred. Many such tables, with results of calculation thence deduced concerning the value of Life-annuities and other prospective transactions, are introduced into Dr. Price's and other works. Before it is proceeded to place in a comparative point of view those and other valuable tables, not generally known in England COMPOUND INTEREST. 105 at the period of the earlier publications just now alluded to; with comparative statements, also, of their various results and deductions susceptible of practical application; it may be proper to explain the method of constructing any Table of Mortality, and that of inferring from it, altogether, the average of forthcoming years of life belonging to persons of any stated age, the probabilities attached to any expectation of life's continuing during any assigned period,—and a classi- fication of the proportionate quantities of persons co-existing at each age respec- tively, with reference either to an entire population or to any selection from it. (XVI.) Correct Tables of Mortality, relative to any country or district, should originate in the legal obligation, strictly enforced, to inscribe within the shortest delay, and in registers of unquestionable authenticity, all the births and all the deceases that occur; with the precaution, amongst others, of referring each decease to the identical person whose birth at a precise period has been previously ascertained. Nothing short of legislative interference could in a sufficient degree secure the regularity of those proceedings; and it is only after their uninterrupted continuance, during a very long period, that the conclusions deduced from them may be such as to warrant any reliance. In England, amidst the enormous neglects tolerated by established custom in respect to the records of life and death, -the registers of baptism being tainted with more or less uncertainty as to the time of each birth, whilst a great part of the population have scarcely a distinct. notion of their age,—any attempt at constructing a general table of mortality applicable to the whole country, or even such a table of that description as with satisfactory approach towards exactitude might refer to any considerable portion of its inhabitants, would be absurd: it is an object in all probability unattainable for a century to come. At Northampton, at Chester, and in a few other towns and parishes, registers of the births and of the deceases have been kept with all practicable accuracy during many years, for which we are exclusively indebted to the laudable attention of some gentlemen possessed of local influence; but the circle of their observations has been too limited for answering general purposes. The Northampton tables, however, are usually considered as a specimen of regular decrements, applicable to a quality of lives rather inferior to their general standard in England; whence those tables are chiefly used, as the safest, for regulating the premiums of Life-assurances. On the contrary, the tables deduced from the registers kept for the town of Chester, and for the parish of Holy-cross (near Shrewsbury), afford an eligible specimen of the decrements amongst the best lives in this country. It were desirable that the British government adopted effectual means of ob- taining, in process of time, accurate returns concerning the population divided into certain classes, and concerning the law of mortality to which each of those classes is subjected: the results would be fully worth the incurred expense. O 3 106 THE DOCTRINE OF When any regular and complete system of registring births and deceases is acted upon, it becomes easy to construct a table of life-decrements from each stage of human existence to the next, and to deduct from that table all other data requisite towards the objects under our present consideration. The greater the inscribed number of births and of corresponding deaths, the more accurate will be the general results inferred from them, and the greater safety also in applying those results to the calculations concerning Life-annuities, reversions, and other prospective transactions; but the number of inscriptions should always be con- siderable, without which the results could not be entitled to credit. The mode of proceeding is as follows:- (XVII.) After having ascertained the quantity of individuals who respectively died before the accomplishment of their first, their second, their third, or other more advanced years of life; the successive subtraction of those quantities, be- ginning with the first, from the total quantity of births, will leave a series of quantities representing those of the individuals who remained alive at the com- mencement of each year. Let that total of births be noted, as corresponding with the year O of existence; let the results of the above-mentioned subtractions be also noted to correspond with a first, a second, a third, &c., accomplished year; and considering the rapid waste of life during the first two years, it will be proper to discriminate the half-yearly results of observation referable to that early stage. This process continued, until the whole quantity of lives originally inscribed be disposed of, will exhibit a Table of Mortality, or of the decrements of human life, admissible as average results, with reference to any country at large, to any town or district, or to any particular class of persons selected from the general population as the subject of that table. (XVIII.) The aggregate amount of years, during which all the individuals inscribed in the Table of Mortality, from the period of their birth or at the age 0, have continued to live,-being divided by the number of those individuals, yield a certain quantity of years which is the absolute average of life. Considering, in the same manner, the aggregate amount of years, during which any number of persons thus inscribed, as having attained any specific age, have continued to live beyond that age; and dividing such aggregate amount by that number of persons, the quotient will express, in a certain quantity of years also, the relative average of life, referable to individuals having already attained the specific age first considered. From this mode of framing any Table of Mortality, it is obvious that the cal- culations pointed at are executed by unavoidably substituting, for absolute quan- tities, certain mediate quantities viewed as sufficiently approximative. COMPOUND INTEREST. 107 (XIX.) Therefore, the quantity of individuals who, taken at the age O, have not lived until the accomplishment of their first year, may be considered as having averaged one half of a year's existence; the quantity of those who accomplished their first, but not their second year, may be averaged at 14 years; the quantity of those who accomplished their second, but not their third year, may likewise be averaged at 2 year's each; and so on, for every succeeding age. By multiplying those quantities into their respective averages, 1, 1, 2, 3 years, &c., until the whole number of original lives be disposed of; and by summing up those various products, the aggregate alluded to, in the first clause of the preceding Section, will be obtained. In case of half-yearly returns of mortality for the first two years, as already recommended, there will be, instead of and 1, the several averages, 4, 14 and 12 years of life; into which last quantities, certain corres- ponding numbers of individuals should then be respectively multiplied. A shorter process, however, will lead to the same result of expressing the absolute average of life; it is that of summing up the quantities of living persons of all ages, as inscribed in the Table, dividing the whole by the quantity of births, and lastly subtracting one half of a year from the quotient; but the latter mode of proceeding excludes the inscription of half-yearly returns of mortality, which would induce a considerable error in the result. The Absolute average of life is of little import in a practical point of view. It has scarcely any other utility than as it further expresses, under the consideration of a stationary population (or one in progress neither of increase nor of decrease), the proportion subsisting between the whole quantity of people and that of the annual births amongst them, supposed equal to that of the annual deaths. (XX.) The Relative average of life is one of the requisite data for establish- ing the value of Life-annuities, according to Mr. Simpson's abridged method of approximation; and it is calculable according to the foregoing principle. Taking the departure from any quantity of individuals inscribed in the Table as coexisting of the same age; admitting one half of a year as the average. life of those who do not attain one full year beyond that age, 1½ years as the average of those who accomplish a first but not a second year beyond the first age, and subsequently admitting 2, 3 years, &c., as the respective averages of lives extending between 2 and 3 years, between 3 and 4 years, &c., beyond that stated age; multiplying those averages into the quantities of individuals with which they respectively correspond; and lastly, dividing the aggregate of those products by the quantity of individuals originally considered, the result will be the average of forthcoming years of life, belonging in common to all those individual persons. The aforementioned shorter process may equally be applied in the present case: add to the number of the living at any specific age, that of the living at all 108 THE DOCTRINE OF ages more advanced, divide the whole by the first number, subtract one half of a year from the quotient, and the remainder will be the average of forthcoming years of life appertaining to those individuals of the age specified. (XXI.) That average of forthcoming years, computed either from the birth or from any other stage of human existence, is what most of the British authors have called the Expectation of life. But this denomination is inconsistent and improper, inasmuch as the period of rational expectation cannot be any other than that which admits an equal probability, for the expectant, of attaining it or not. That term of well-founded expectation, applicable to any given age, is the same at which a stated number of persons of that age should, by the annual decrements (according to the adopted Table of mortality), be reduced to exactly one half of the same number. It may, as depending on the specific age, be either more or less than the average quantity of forthcoming years of life, to which all those of that age are entitled. For new-born infants, that term of probable life or of just Expec tion is about twenty years, whilst the average quantity of years' existence indiscri- minately falling to their lot is between 28 and 29, at least in England and in France. For individuals having accomplished their first year, and for all those under 40 years of age, such term of probable life is more or less superior to that of the relative average; from 40 to 45, those two terms are nearly alike; and above the latter age, to the most advanced age of man, the average of forth- coming years of life is greater than the term of probability, and the difference increases with the respective ages. (XXII.) The amount of population (supposed to be stationary), classed into certain quantities of individuals of each different age, is easily deducible from a table accurately exhibiting the annual decrements of life. To this effect, admit, as the quantity of existing persons between the ages of 0 and of 1 accomplished. year only, one half of the united quantities of deceases that occurred at both those ages; admit in the same manner, as the actual quantities of the living between the ages of 1 and of 2 accomplished years, one half of the united quantities of deceases that also took place at both those ages; and continue, by a similar process, to establish the quantities of the living at the respective ages between 2 and 3, between 3 and 4 accomplished years, &c. to the most advanced term of life; then the total of those quantities of living persons, thus ascertained, will constitute a fair estimate of the whole population under its various divisions relative to age. Inscribe that total quantity in another column of the Table, and in the horizontal line corresponding with the age 0; inscribe in the next horizontal line, to correspond with the age of 1 accomplished year, that same total diminished by the quantity of the living between the ages 0 and 1, which will exhibit the whole quantity of individuals actually existing of the ages of 1 full year or more; and by proceeding to the end, with analogous and successive subtractions of the quantities ascertained as above, of the living at each age,-as COMPOUND INTEREST. 109 also by inscribing each remainder in its proper order,-there will result from this a series of quantities corresponding with each accomplished year of life, and generally expressing the respective quantities of those persons who have either attained or surpassed any stated age. But, if any constant excess of the annual births, over the annual deceases, should denote a progressive increase in the whole population; then,-and although the proportions in the relative quantities of the living at each age, together with their respective probabilities of life's continuance, will not be disturbed,-the total of those quantities, which otherwise would represent the true state of the population, will no longer do so. For obtaining this true representation, it will be necessary further to add, to that total, the annual excess duly portioned out amongst the living at each age; and the contrary operation must be performed, towards the same object, if the population appeared to be constantly declining. the (XXIII.) With the assistance of a Table thus constructed, and exhibiting, relatively to each age of life, altogether the quantities of the living, respective quantities of those who have attained that age only,—and the respective quantities of individuals who died within the last year, which would otherwise have accomplished that precise age,-all the probabilities concerning any forth- coming period either of individual life or of coexisting lives, and those concern- ing the various casualties of survivorship, are susceptible of being with sufficient accuracy calculated; as also the value of any expectancy, whether single or periodical, and depending on those events; by applying to the data thence possessed, as the case may require, one or more of the six general principles exposed in Sections IVth to XIth, with reference to the Doctrine of Probability. C In a table of the foregoing description, the series that expresses the annual decrements of the living at each age constitutes of itself, and in all respects, a table of the probabilities attending the expectation that may be entertained, at a stated age, of the further continuance of life during any assigned period; and when any question involves the consideration of a plurality of lives, those pro- babilities admit every requisite combination, upon the general principles already set forth. The first of those principles (IV) establishes that the probability of any single event, in expectation, is represented by a fraction of which the denomi- nator is the whole number of events assumed to be possible in an equal degree, and the numerator is that number only-amongst those events-which is under- stood will in fact be realized; therefore the probability that any person, actually of the age x, will live until he attains the further age X, is equal to the fraction resulting from the quantity of the living at the latter, divided by the quantity of the living at the former of those ages. 13 110 THE DOCTRINE OF The second general principle (VI), applied in the same manner, shews that the probability of two or more persons continuing to coexist during any stated period,-whether they be of the same age or of different ages,-is equal, in all cases, to the product of their individual probabilities of living throughout that period, multiplied into each other. And upon this principle, it is always easy to ascertain the probability that any marriage, or other life-association, will endure a certain length of time. The remaining four general principles, set forth in Sections VIIth, VIIIth, Xth, and XIth, are equally applicable to a variety of other questions that depend either on the continuance of single or of joint lives, or on the eventuality of sur- vivorship; but the greater or less facility of that application, exemplified in section IXth, depends much on the clear understanding and discrimination with which those questions may be stated. (XXIV.) That second general principle is especially applicable in calculating the probabilities of survivorship, between any two or greater number of persons. Thus, the probability that Paul, aged x years, will continue in existence during a period y computed from the present time, and then have survived Thomas who now is aged X years, is equal to the probability of Paul's living from the age x to the age x+y, multiplied into the probability that Thomas will not continue to live from the age X to the age X+y. By the corollary (V), the probability that at the assigned period either Paul or Thomas will be alive, but not both, is equal to the sum of the last mentioned probability added to that of Thomas (on the contrary) surviving Paul; calculating the latter on the same principle as the former probability. And supposing two persons of the same age x, the probability of survivorship will be, for each, one half of those united probabilities; which assimilates with the probability that any one person of the age x will continue to live until the age +y, multiplied into the complement of that probability, or its difference from unity, which difference expresses the probability that a person of that age will not continue to live throughout the period y. (XXV.) It has been established by the fourth general principle (VIII), that when the object of expectation is a sum of money, its real value is equal to the product of that sum, multiplied into the fraction expressing the probability of the event upon the occurrence of which its payment is to depend. But this considera- tion must be combined with that of the operation of Compound-interest; whence such real value, referable only to a future period, is further reducible to a present and discounted value, upon the principle set forth in the First part of this book and exemplified by a series of Tables, according to different rates of Interest. COMPOUND INTEREST. 111 C Upon an application of the general principles before mentioned, to the probabi- lities of life and of survivorship, as deduced from Tables of Mortality assumed to be sufficiently correct, are founded all the transactions undertaken by societies incorporated for the various purposes of granting Life-annuities,—of Assuring lives, (by which is meant to incur the obligation of paying certain sums at the decease of individuals, in consideration of receiving on the contrary, and under the denomination of premium, certain annuities terminating with the lives of those individuals respectively),—of purchasing reversionary property, whether con- sisting of capital or of income,—of endowing either widows, children, or persons in old age, and generally with any other prospective views; all of which, under such conditions and regulations as may be deemed expedient. But it should not be inferred, from the uniformity of the general principles to be proceeded upon in other respects, that any specific Table, exhibiting the decrements of life as deduced from select observations, could indiscriminately be adapted to such a variety of transactions, frequently having an opposite tendency. The laws of Mortality appear under a very different aspect, when relative to that class of persons who usually stipulate for Assurances on their lives, and when relative to the opposite class, or to the generality of persons that stipulate for receiving annuities during life. And here again it is proper to remark, respecting stipulations for Life-annuities between individual persons, that the one who receives an annuity of this description, whether on his own or on any other life, constitutes himself the assurer of such life; with this difference only, that he yields for the annuity a present equivalent, instead of a capital payable at the uncertain period when the assured life may happen to drop; whilst the engagement to pay any Life-annuity, as a solitary transaction of its kind, is at best an inconsiderate one, especially if the calculation be not established upon an appropriate Table of Decrements. A variety of those tables, that either are or may be used, as occa- sions require, will hereafter be adverted to. (XXVI.) The transactions engaged into, by the societies mentioned in the preceding Section, depend sometimes on the solution of complicated questions, to be proceeded upon with attentive discrimination; for example, in the exchange of reversionary property depending on contingencies, against capital or income made also to depend upon uncertain events, or on the uncertain time of their The most proper and simple mode, of executing the calculations relative to such transactions, consists in reducing each object of distinct considera- tion to a value either in present capital, or in capital referable to any other common period; whence the calculations may be completed by mere additions and sub- tractions. It is, doubtless, the method practised by those societies. occurrence. : (XXVII.) The present value of any Life-annuity is calculable, according to the fourth general principle, from a Table of the Decrements of life. It is evident that such value can be no other than the discounted values, under the consideration 1 112 THE DOCTRINE OF of Compound-interest, and added together, of an equal sum accruing at the expi- ration of each successive year, and multiplied into the probability of its eventually becoming payable for that year; and it is also evident, that the probabilities attached to those respective payments will be expressed by a series of fractions, having for their numerators the quantities of persons living at the expiration of the first, of the second, of the third, of the fourth year, &c., computed from the present age of the life in expectation, and until the last accomplished year of that life; all those fractions having for their common denominator the quantity of persons living at the present time, or at the commencement of the first year; which comparative quantities of living persons, at each age, may be taken from any Table of Decrements thought proper to be adopted. In case of annuities on joint continuance of life, the 2d general principle will further apply. Tables of the assumed value of Life-annuities, calculated from various Tables of Decrements selected as eligible, and according to various rates of the annual interest of money, have been constructed upon the above-mentioned principle; they are to be found in many works, but more particularly in that of Dr. Price ; which, valuable as it is, would be still more so and easier to consult, if the abundant matter it contains were methodically classed. In all those Tables, the value is stated as corresponding with every unit con- tained in the supposed annuity or sum forthcoming, in a single payment, at the expiration of each successive year during the continuance of life. That mode of expressing the value of Life-annuities indicates certain quantities of years' purchase, in like manner as the Tables of Compound-Interest hereto subjoined indicate, in the appropriate column, the value of annuities for terms of years certain; such value comparable, in either case, with the value of a perpetual annuity. What is commonly called the Value of a Life is identical with that mode of expression. When the value of a Life-annuity is calculated on the foregoing principle, it is with an invariable understanding that the annuity is not otherwise payable, than at the expiration of every successive year, computed from the period when it was constituted; and that it ceases to be payable after the last full year is com- pleted. But when, by express stipulation, it is additionally payable, in due proportion, for the portion of time intervening between the last accomplished year and the precise period of extinction of the life,-in which case it is usually called an Annuity secured on land,—its value is increased by the amount of half a years' income, discounted from the probable period of termination. (XXVIII.) Dr. Price has entered at some length into the consideration of the value of Life-annuities, discriminated according to their optional stipulation, either by annual, by half-yearly, by quarterly, or by any other instalments; but it may be unnecessary here to touch upon that subject. Whenever the value of COMPOUND INTEREST. 113 1 a Life-annuity is established, relatively to annual instalments and to any given. rate of Interest, the differences may safely be taken, for shorter instalments, in similar proportions with those observed in the Table of Compound-interest at the same rate, and for an equal or a nearly equal value of the annuity for terms of years certain. (XXIX.) The principle to be proceeded upon, for correctly ascertaining the value of any Life-annuity, according to a stated rate of interest, has been ex- plained in section XXVIIth; and the Synoptical Tables that terminate this Second Part and exhibit the values of annuities of that description, with reference to various sets of observations on the decrements of life, have been calculated from a direct application of that same principle. But, the Tables of Compound-Interest having already supplied the correct values of annuities for terms of years certain, —at whatever rates of interest, accruing either annually, half-yearly, or quarterly,- an easy and expeditious method is afforded, through that medium, for calculating the values of annuities on single lives and according to any rate of Interest; at the same time as the results will refer to optional instalments of those annuities. This method has indeed been pointed out by other writers; but without the assistance of the last-mentioned Tables, it could avail only in a small degree, towards diminishing the labour of calculation. It is founded upon an hypothesis, originating with Mr. Demoivre (a contemporary of Sir Isaac Newton),-that of Decrements numerically equal for each year of life; and therefore it cannot, with the utmost correctness, yield results expressive of the value of Life-annuities. Yet as that hypothesis comes near the truth, with regard to ordinary lives, between 20 and 70 years of age, those results will make a sufficient approach to exactitude for answering usual purposes, when the method is applied within those limits and particularly to middle ages. It must however be considered inapplicable, without great inaccuracy, to persons either in the earlier or in the later stages of life; as the decrements, in both cases, are very unequal from one year to another. This method is very simple. Take the Relative average of forthcoming years (commonly called Expectation of life) belonging to the given age, according to any adopted Table of Decrements, and admit double that quantity of years as the Complement of life*; seek in the Tables of Compound-Interest the value of an annuity for a term of years certain and equal to that Complement, such value corresponding with the instalments of the supposed Life-annuity, whether annual, half-yearly, or quarterly; multiply that value into unity increased by its interest for one year, for half a year, or for a quarter of a year (as it may be); divide the product by that of the Complement multiplied into the fraction expressing the ratio of interest for a whole year,—and subtract the quotient from the value * The Complement of life is an imaginary quantity, frequently used for abridging the calculations. P 4 114 THE DOCTRINE OF of a perpetual annuity according to the stated rate of Interest: the remainder will be the present value of that Life-annuity. FIRST EXAMPLE. Suppose the age 45 accomplished years, the rate of Interest 31 per cent. per ann., the instalments yearly, and the adopted decrements of life to be those deduced from the observations on the Male population of Sweden. The Table hereafter (No. II.) shews the Expectation, for a life of that age and of that class, to be 20-712 years; whence the Complement is 41.424 years. The Table of Compound-interest (page 12th) indicates, as the value of an annuity for this last term of years certain, 21.69907 years' purchase, when payable by full yearly instalments (taking the due proportion between 21.59910, the value for 41 years, and 21.83488 the value for 42 years). Multiplying 21.69907 into 1.035 (unity increased by its Interest for one instalment), the product is 22.45854. Dividing the latter by 1.44984 (the Complement 41.424 multiplied into 0·035 the annual ratio of Interest), the quotient is 15.49036; which subtracted from 28.57143, the value of Perpetuity (indicated by the last line of the same page 12th), leaves 13.08107 years' purchase, which is the value of an Annuity payable by full yearly instalments, and on a life described as above. SECOND EXAMPLE. Suppose the age 60, the rate of Interest 4 per centum per annum, but accruing half-yearly, and the Decrements of life to accord with the Northampton observations. The Expectation will be found 13.216, and therefore the Complement 26-432 years. The value of an Annuity for this last term of years certain, and admitting half-yearly instalments, is 16-22266 (by Table page 20th, and consequently to having added to the value of a 26 years' annuity the proportion 0·432 of the difference between that value and the value for 27 years). The quantity 16-22266 multiplied into 1.02 (unity increased by one half year's interest) is 16 54711, which divided by 1·05728 (or the Complement multiplied into the Ratio of interest for one full year) yields the quotient 15-65064. Subtracting the latter from 25, which is the value of perpetuity at 4 per cent., leaves 9.34936 years' purchase, as the present value of an annuity payable by half-yearly instalments, and settled on a life aged 60 accomplished years. THIRD EXAMPLE. Suppose the age 30, the Interest at 5 per centum per annum, accruing quarterly,-and the Decrements to accord with the observations on the general population of France. The Expectation then is 28-5177 and the Complement 57·0354. The value of an annuity for the latter term of years certain (by Table page 36th) is 18.84271 (in consequence of 18.82250, the value for 57 years, and of 18.87858 the value for 58 years). That value 18·84271, multiplied into 1.0125, yields the product 19.07824, which divided by 2-85177, (the Complement 57·0354 multiplied into 0.05 the annual ratio of Interest,) quotes 6'68996; and this quotient subtracted from 20, the value of COMPOUND INTEREST. 115 Perpetuity, leaves 13.31004 years' purchase, as the present value of an Annuity to be settled on the described life, and to accrue by quarterly instalments. It is only of minor importance, in such calculations, to discriminate the values of Life-annuities according to the specific intervals of their instalments; in con- sequence of what has been remarked on that subject, in Sect. XXVIIIth; and further because results strictly accurate, in respect to those values, may always be considered unattainable, as a series of data merely probable are inevitably proceeded upon. (XXX.) It is immediately perceptible, that the value of an annuity on any single life, as expressed by a quantity of years' purchase,-must, in all cases, be inferior to the value of an annuity for a term of years certain and equal either to the probable term of the annuitant's life, or to the average of forthcoming years that may appertain to his age; because the proportions according to which. the lives successively drop in, as observable from any table of decrements, are not the same for every year of life, but are less considerable for the years preceding that term of probability than for those that follow,—and because those proportions of annual decrement increase with every year of life's protracted duration beyond that same term. Samsun In other respects, and in like manner with what has been observed (Part I. Sect. XL.) concerning annuities for terms of years certain, the Ratio according to which any Life-annuity is paid, ought to differ from the ratio of a perpetual annuity, by neither more nor less than the fractional quantity which accumulated and improved at compound interest, during the probable period of its payment, would at the expiration of such period create the same capital as was originally invested. (XXXI.) The equivalent, in present capital, for an annuity limited to a certain term of years supposed n, and at the same time depending on the continuance of life during that term, is (by the same 4th principle) equal to the sum of the different products of each annual payment in expectation,- and reduced to its present value by discount under the consideration of compound interest,—such discounted values respectively multiplied into the corresponding probabilities that the life of the annuitant will endure a first, a second, a third, &c. to the quantity n of accomplished years. If unity be admitted to represent the annuity, the calculation will be much simplified by taking the successively discounted values of unity from the Tables of Compound-interest; and then the equivalent, inquired after, will be expressed by a quantity of years' purchase, called the Value of the life for n years. ; (XXXII) The grant of an Annuity, payable during life, may be subjected 116 THE DOCTRINE OF to the condition that its term shall not commence to run until the expiration of a certain period of years, expressible by n. The equivalent, in present capital, is then equal to the equivalent referable to the expiration of the suspensive term n, and calculated according to the preceding directions (XXVII and XXIX); this last equivalent reduced to its discounted value corresponding with that term, and multiplied into the fraction expressing the probability that the life in expec- tation will endure until the term of the annuity commences to run. The same result will be obtained by subtracting from the value of a Life- annuity, the term of which should commence to run from the present time, the present value also of an annuity depending on the same life, but limited to a term of n years; which last value is calculable as above (XXXI.) (XXXIII.) The Assurance of a life, by which is meant the undertaking to pay a certain capital at the demise of the life assured,-or rather at the expiration of the last year accomplished after that event and computed from the period of the assurance,—may be compensated in two ways; either by an inferior capital once and presently paid, or by an annual premium, the payment of which by the assured party is exactly the reverse of a Life-annuity enjoyed by himself. It is evident that such present capital should be precisely the value of the latter annuity, the transaction amounting to this; that the assured party borrows a capital, against an annuity upon his own life, which capital is re-invested until required with the amount of its improvement at Compound-interest. following is an easy rule of calculation. The Ma Let the excess of the value of perpetuity, over the value of the assured life, be multiplied into the interest which the capital in expectation should produce for one year; let the product be divided by unity increased in the ratio of one year's interest; and the quotient will exhibit the present capital to be paid as an equi- valent for the assurance. The division by 1+r, as last mentioned, arises from the consideration that the eventual payment is only to take place at the expiration of the year fulfilling the whole term, whilst the equivalent is paid at the outset. It follows again, that dividing such present equivalent by the value of the life, expressed in a quantity of years purchase (which value the Tables may shew), the quotient will exhibit the annual premium otherwise exigible. Various motives may induce the Assurance of a life for a limited term only. In that case, ascertain (as in Sect. XXXI) the value of the given life, for that term, and also its value for one year less than that term; add unity to the latter value; divide this sum by unity increased by its interest for one year; from the quotient, subtract the value of the life for the full term of the assurance ; and the remainder will be the equivalent, payable at the outset, for every unit con- } COMPOUND INTEREST. 117 tained in the capital intended to be assured. This rule, with the preceding and many others, applicable to individual cases into which the present general question branches out, have already been stated and exemplified in Dr. Price's work, edited by Mr. Morgan (who directs the transactions of that excellent institution,-the Society for Equitable Assurances on Lives and Survivorships): it is a sufficient reason for here abstaining from any enlargement upon this particular subject. The prospective views of persons who, under appropriate circumstances, stipulate for the Assurance of Capital, or of any equivalent for Capital, to accrue after their demise and in behalf of their successors, are attended with this moral effect;-that the fruits of industry and of economy, during a period equal to the probable term of any such person's life, may thereby be secured, as certain and at all events. (XXXIV.) Dr. Price has further supplied a method, founded upon analogy, of deducing with sufficient approximation, from the correct values of any single life or joint lives,-as calculated at any rate of interest, and from any table of observed decrements,-the correct values also at other rates. We must state this method, which may occasionally ease the process of comparative calculations. He proposes a preliminary problem relative to each case, of a single life and of two joint lives,-assuming, for greater simplicity, the decrements of life to be equal for each succeeding year*; the following solutions of which problem, merely intended for this single purpose, should not however be mistaken for correct ones, nor be otherwise applied. FIRST. The Expectation of a single life being given, as also the rate of interest, the value of that life is thus to be calculated by approximation. Multiply the value of an annuity for a term of years certain, and equal to twice the Expectation, into the value of perpetuity increased by unity; divide the product by that term of years; subtract the quotient from the value of a perpetual annuity at the given rate of interest, and the remainder may be taken as the value of the single life. SECONDLY. The Expectations of any two lives being given, with the rate of interest, the value of the joint lives (meaning that of an annuity during joint continuance of those lives) is then to be calculated as follows. Ascertain the difference between twice the Expectation of the youngest life, and twice the Expectation of the oldest life increased by unity and by twice the perpetuity; multiply that difference into the value of an annuity certain for a term of years equal to twice the expectation of the oldest life, and let the product be divided by * An hypothesis introduced by an early author, already mentioned in Sect. XXIXth. 118 THE DOCTRINE OF that same term of years,-reserving the quotient. Then, from twice the perpetuity, subtract the reserved quotient; multiply the remainder into the perpetuity increased by unity; and dividing this last product by twice the expectation of the youngest life, the quotient subtracted from the value of perpetuity will leave the required value of the joint lives. It has been here assumed, that twice the expectation of the youngest life would be found less than that of the oldest life also doubled and increased by unity and by double the perpetuity; but if it should happen to be greater, the reserved quotient-instead of being subtracted from twice the perpetuity-must be added to that quantity; and the sum, instead of the difference, must be multiplied into the perpetuity increased by unity. Either of those preparatory solutions being obtained, with reference to any two different rates of interest; and admitting a correct value* of the life-annuity to have been previously ascertained, with reference to either of those rates, the value according to the other rate of interest will be obtained, either by adding to the preceding value, or by subtracting from it (as analogy will point out), a quantity equal to the difference between the results of the aforementioned calculations. Caution is to be observed, against an error which the argument from induction only might lead to. Although the value of a Life-annuity, according to any specific rate of Interest, will coincide with that of an annuity referable to the same rate and for a term whatever of years certain; it should not thence be inferred an equality of the respective differences between each of those values and the corresponding value calculated according to any other rate. Those differences may vary, even to the extent of one half a year's purchase, though the Rates of Interest differed no more than one per cent. (XXXV.) Annuities that depend on a plurality of lives are susceptible of two different descriptions; they may be payable either during the joint continuance of any two or more lives, or during the longest of those lives. In the former case, the annuity is of less value than if it were constituted on either of the lives in particular, because the probability of each is affected with a contingency respecting the other life or lives; and in the latter case, it is of greater value than that of an annuity on the best life amongst the whole, because the probability attached even to that best life is then augmented by the probability—however small it may be of the worst life eventually surviving. (XXXVI.) The value of annuities of the first description, or on joint lives, is seldom of any practical consideration, except for the purpose of subsequently calculating either the value of an Anuuity on the life of the last survivor, or else the value of expectations depending on survivorship. The value of two * This expression refers to the direct method of calculation stated in Section XXVIIth, and (however tedious) indispensable when great accuracy is aimed at. COMPOUND INTEREST. 119. or more joint lives is ascertainable on the same principles as those already set forth as applicable to any single life. The fundamental principle is, always, that the present value of any sum in expectation, as eventually payable at a certain period, is equal to the discounted amount of that sum multiplied into the probability of the event upon which its payment is made to depend; therefore, by multiplying into each other the respective probabilities attached to the several lives, of their further enduring one full year, two full years, three full years, &c. until the last year when the annuity may possibly be payable, the product will express the probability of the joint continuance of those lives until the accom- plishment of each of those periods distinctly considered; and the sum of the different products of those probabilities, respectively multiplied into the annuity discounted at compound interest for one year, for two years, for three years, &c. until the remotest possible term, will yield the present value required. (XXXVII.) The value of annuities on the longest of two or more lives, or payable until the extinction of all those lives, is calculable on the afore-mentioned general principles; first ascertaining the different probabilities, that the whole of the considered lives will not be extinct at the expiration of a first, of a second, of a third year, &c. respectively; and the rest of the calculation then to be proceeded upon as directed in the preceding Section. For greater clearness, let us first suppose the annuity to be settled on the longest of two lives only, A and B. Subtracting, from unity, the probability that A (according to his age) will live one full year, there remains a fraction expressing the probability of his not outliving that first year; and calculating, in the same manner, the probability that B will not outlive the same period, the product of those probabilities multiplied into each other will be the probability that neither A nor B will then be alive. The difference between unity and the latter quantity will express the probability that either A or B, indifferently considered, will continue alive at the expiration of a first year; and the latter probability multiplied into the discounted value of the sum then forthcoming, but depending on that event, will yield the present value of that first instalment of the annuity. Let similar calculations be executed, with reference to the expectation of the annuity becoming payable at the expiration of a second, a third year, &c. to the last year of possible expectation; and the united amount of those partial values will be the present value of the annuity, constituted on the longest of the two lives A and B. In case of three or any greater number of lives, the probabilities of their severally not continuing until the expiration of a first, a second year, &c., are pre- viously to be ascertained; those probabilities must be multiplied into each other as above mentioned, with reference to the expectation of each successive year 120 THE DOCTRINE OF distinctly considered,-which will yield the probability that the whole number of lives will then be extinct; and the latter probability subtracted from unity will leave a remainder, expressing on the contrary the probability that one at least (indifferently) of those lives will continue to endure. The rest of the calculation may be proceeded with as in the preceding instance of two lives only. This method of calculating the value of the longest life amongst two, three, or any other quantity, is immediately deduced from the fundamental principles; but it ultimately resolves into an abridged method, producing similar results. It requires that there should be previously ascertained, the value of each life taken singly, the value of the joint continuance of all the lives,—and lastly, the value of as many collections of joint lives as can be formed by successively excluding from consideration each of the lives in particular. If two lives only, A and B; subtract the value of their joint lives from the united values of their single lives, and the remainder will be the value of the longest life. Suppose three lives, A, B and C. From the sum of their distinct values, subtract that of the values of A and B, of A and C, and of B and C, each of which jointly considered; then add to the remaining quantity the value of joint continuance of all the three lives; and the result will express the value of the life of the last eventual survivor. Further supposing four lives, A, B, C and D; add the respective values of those single lives; subtract, from the whole, the sum of the four values of joint continuance, ABC, ABD, ACD and BCD; add to the remainder the value of joint continuance of all the four lives, and the result will be the value of the longest life amongst them. Those abridged rules have been first promulgated by Mr. Simpson. (XXXVIII.) The value of an Annuity, settled on the longest of two or more lives of similar age, is always superior to the value of an annuity for a term of years certain, and equal either to the Expectation or to the probable term of any one of those lives; which probable term extends to about two years beyond that of the Expectation, at the age when the latter is greatest. But if the ages are very unequal, the value of such an annuity may be less than that of an annuity for a term of years equal to the longest of the individual Expectations or Probabilities of life. (XXXIX.) The value of Reversionary property, or of any expectation in the event of survivorship, depends on the conditions attached to such reversions, COMPOUND INTEREST. 121 or to the expectations entertained. The one and the other may consist either of Capital, of Annuities, or of Estates. The present value of Reversionary Capital, unconditionally forthcoming upon the failure of any given life, is the same as the equivalent actually payable for an Assurance on that life, as ascertained in section XXXIII. But in case of the reversion being subject to the condition of survivorship, the present value will be equal to the product of the Interest which the expected capital should produce for one year, multiplied into the excess of the value of perpetuity, over the difference between the values of the life in expectation and of the joint lives. The present value of a reversionary Life-annuity, to a survivor, is equal to that of an annuity on the life in expectation, diminished by the value of the same annuity during continuance of the joint lives. The present value of the reversion of an Estate, to be certainly entered upon after the failure of two lives, is equal to the product of the clear annual income of that estate, multiplied into the excess of the value of a perpetual annuity, over the value of an annuity on the longest of the two lives. But, if the Estate is to be enjoyed upon the failure of either of two lives, the present value of such a re- version will be the product of the income multiplied into the excess of the value of perpetuity, over the value of the joint lives. The latter question branches in two others, arising from the consideration that either of the two lives may happen to be the longest. Thus, that question may concern the value of the reversion in respect either to A's expectation, or to B's; and supposing them of the same age, or assuming an equal value of their lives, the object of certainty will then divide into equal probabilities in favour of them respectively. But supposing their ages different, or assuming their lives to be of unequal value; the value ascertained as above, of the reversionary Estate, being multiplied into the fraction expressing the probability of A surviving B, will yield the value of the former's expectation in particular; and if multiplied into the fraction expressing the contrary probability, or that of B surviving A, the product will in the same manner shew the exact value of B's share in the common expectation. Either of those probabilities, which, added together, will amount to unity, or to the expression of Certitude, is ascertainable; and Mr. Morgan having supplied, in his seventh edition of Dr. Price's Work (vol. i. page 406 &c.) very valuable tables of the probabilities of survivorship between two persons of all ages, we need only refer the reader to them. The method of ascertaining the respective probabilities of survivorship between A and B, without reference to any specific period of time, has been so clearly stated and demonstrated by the same Mr. Morgan, that it will be quite q 122 THE DOCTRINE OF sufficient to give, in a note, the extract from a paper of his upon that subject, and which has been read at the Royal Society, in May 1788*. Supposing any sum of money, depending on a contingent reversion of the last description, to be assigned to some third person, in consideration of another sum presently advanced to the expectant, whether A or B; it follows from the preceding solution, that those two sums should bear, with each other, the same proportion as that which the present value of the absolute reversion, multiplied into the probability of the unfavourable contingency, bears with the integral object of expectation; independently of the further and indispensable consideration of the reduced value of the future sum, according to the operation of compound-interest. * Let a represent the number of living persons (according to the Table of Decrements) at the age of A, supposed the younger of the two lives. Let a', a", a""', a""", &c. represent the decrements of life at the end of the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, &c. years from the age of A. Let b represent the number of persons living at the age of B the older of the two lives, and c, d, e, f, &c. the number of persons living at the end of the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, &c. years from the age of B. Supposing now it were required to determine the probability of B's surviving A in the first year. It is manifest that this event may take place either by A's dying before the end of the year and B's surviving that period, or by the extinction of both the lives, restrained however to the contingency of B's having died last. The probability that A dies in the first The probability that both the • year, and that B survives it, is expressed by the fraction ac a b a.(b −c) ab lives die in this year is expressed by the fraction ; and as it is very nearly an equal chance that A dies first, this fraction should be reduced one-half, and then it will become a² Hence the whole probability of B's surviving A in the first year will be • a'c a b (b - c) 2ab + a.(b-c) a' .(b+c) 2ab 2ab In the same manner the probability of B's surviving A in the · (e+ƒ), &c. re- 2ab a" (c+d) 2ab spectively; therefore, the whole probability of B surviving a will be = 1 / (0 += a + c + du "+d+e eta all tate all teta", &c.) b+c ab 2 2 2 2d, 3d, 4th, &c, years may be found = • a" .(d+e) 2ab · Q""" Having thus found the probability of B, the elder life's, surviving A the younger; the probability of A's surviving B is the difference between the foregoing series and unity. The sum of this series might easily be determined from tables of the expectations of single and joint lives; but no such table as the latter having ever been computed, it will not be a laborious undertaking to compute a table of the probabilities of survivorship between two persons of all ages immediately from this series, without having recourse to the expectations of life. For if the probability of survivorship between any two persons be found, the proba- bility between two persons one year younger is obtained with little difficulty; and by pro- ceeding in this manner a whole table may be speedily constructed. 26 The above series, expressing the probability of survivorship, may be easily found to be B. (K—AK)—c. (C—AC) ; K denoting the expectation of a life one year younger than B; C the expectation of a life one year older than B; AK and AC the expectations of the joint lives of A and K, and of A and C, respectively; and 6, the number of persons living in the table of observations at the age of K. COMPOUND INTEREST. 123 The questions.concerning survivorships and reversionary interests may occur in many other shapes, but they will always exhibit sufficient analogy, with some one of those above described, for inferring with more or less facility the method of solving them, from such solutions as are already pointed out. (XL.) It has here been avoided, as far as possible, to reproduce details upon which various authors have enlarged on the present subject; endeavouring, at the same time, clearly to expose the fundamental principles not always reverted to by them, respecting the laws of Probability, and upon which only could rest the illustrations from which we have abstained. The analogies of the cases to which those principles however have been applied, with other cases omitted to be noticed though susceptible of frequent recurrence, will be easily discernible when the questions are stated with proper discrimination. The inadequacy of the means hitherto employed, especially in this country, towards obtaining satisfactory returns of the population according to its eligible subdivisions, hast left the Doctrine of Life-annuities and of Reversions in a very imperfect and perplexing state; and it may be superfluous to add, that absolute accuracy in the results of calculation, regarding these matters, could but unsuccessfully be aimed at, in consequence of the substitution of merely tolerable approximations, for the more correct data that fail to be supplied. Therefore, in the practical application of the rules laid down for calculating the values of life and of rever- sionary interests, or for obtaining sufficiently accurate results concerning any other prospective transactions, it is always of paramount importance to class the lives according to their comparative qualities; a consideration that cannot too much be impressed on the reader's mind, and without which those transactions themselves must often be at variance with equity, if not even with common sense. To the effect of facilitating the necessary classification of lives,-as they may greatly differ in value, though of similar ages,—there now remains to be exposed a series of deductions from actual experience and observations collected in various parts of Europe, concerning the laws of mortality and the decrements of human life at its successive stages. When about to constitute any Life-annuity, the great importance of discriminating the quality of the life or lives, during the con- tinuance of which such annuity is to be paid, will be clearly evinced, from the considerable discrepancies observable in the results of calculation founded upon different sources of information. (XLI.) By offering those results in the shape of Synoptical Tables, the chief purpose of facilitating habitual references will better be answered. This second part of our book will therefore terminate with four of those Tables; and these aresusceptible of a few explanations. The FIRST Table exhibits, as deduced from each set of local observations, 124 THE DOCTRINE OF the assumed proportions amongst the quantities of living persons at each different age; exposing the natural law by which the waste of human life appears to be constantly regulated. The results there brought into comparison, relatively to each age, have been calculated upon the principle and according to the rules. set forth in Sections XVII and XXII, If it be considered, that the difference between the quantity of living persons at each age in particular, and the quan- tity of those living at that age increased by one year, exactly represents (at least under the supposition of a stationary population) the quantity of the deceases during such last year, it will become obvious that those proportionate quantities of the living, at different ages, also constitute a Table of the probabilities that are attached, for any given age, to the continuance of life during successive periods of forthcoming years. In order to render more effective the means of comparison which it is intended by that first table to afford, it were desirable that the various decrements there exposed could have originated with equal numbers of births; but from the many causes productive of irregularity, and of uncertainty, in the statements relative to the earliest stages of life, it was apprehended that such accommoda- tion of the calculations to each other would cause the whole to participate more of illusion than of reality, under a general aspect; and it has been con- sidered preferable to adapt a common Radix to the age of five accomplished years, at which the Expectation of forthcoming years of life is almost always at its maximum. It may be sufficient further to remark, concerning local observations upon the law of mortality in any metropolis, or in any great commercial city, that the inferences from them are liable to be more or less vitiated, consequently to the population of such places not being equally permanent with that of the country at large. Their population is partially and variously recruited, whether from the surrounding country or from the accession of strangers, whilst a considerable proportion of the individuals born in those cities are subsequently removed; all which circumstances, occurring without constant regularity, may render very inaccurate the generalized deductions from any actual distribution of population, or from any register of Mortality, as regards the Expectation of forthcoming years of life, especially at its early stages. The SECOND Table is a deduction from the first; and it exposes, in the same manner, a comparative statement of the Expectations or Relative averages of forthcoming years of life, belonging to each age and referable to the different Decrements of life already brought under consideration. This Table has been calculated according to the principle and rule set forth in Section XX; and one of its purposes is to facilitate the application of an easy method, described and exemplified in Section XXIX, of calculating the value of life-annuities, conformably with any given rate of the Interest of money, and in either case of the instalments of the annuity accruing yearly, half-yearly, or quarterly. COMPOUND INTEREST. 125 The THIRD Table gives the values of Annuities on single lives, as deduced from the data supplied by the first Table. Those values are calculated upon the principle set forth in Section XXVII, and according to a uniform rate of Interest, that of four per centum, understood in a single payment at the expi- ration of each year. The excessive labour of such calculations has required that the statement of those values, strictly correct, should be confined to a cor- respondency with the most important systems, only, amongst those previously exposed of the Decrements and Expectations of Life; but even with this limitation, the intelligent reader will find the Table amply sufficient for all practical purposes; and the more so, as other means of comparing the values are abundantly afforded. - The Northampton Table being often consulted, although far from offering a fair specimen of the annual decrements of life, we have thought it worth while to re-calculate, with the utmost care, the values of annuities according to that Table of Decrements; extending the results to five places of decimals, instead of three only, to which those results were limited in all previous calculations*. The correct values of lives are further stated in correspondency with Mr. Duvillard's Law of Mortality accurately observed, respecting the general popu- lation of France; and these values, together with the preceding, are brought into a comparative point of view with others supplied from respectable authorities. From a prevailing ignorance on these matters, innumerable contracts for Life- annuities are entered upon, at variance with equitable principles; and the value of those annuities, commonly, is much underrated, whilst they possess a specific character of convenience that should render them the more valuable for the annuitants themselves. The FOURTH Table gives the values of Annuities supposed to be payable during the joint continuance of two lives, whether of the same or of different ages; and from various motives, that statement of values has been circum- scribed within comparatively narrow limits. When the value of three joint lives is required, it may correctly be found by an ingenious method described by Mr. Morgan, and adverted to by Dr. Price, (vol. ii. page 211). But a more abridged and easier method of obtaining that value, with tolerable approximation, has been pointed out by Mr. Simpson: it is * The unimportant differences, observable between Mr. Morgan's results and those we have obtained, are satisfactorily accounted for, without impeaching the character of accuracy of either calculations; if (as we apprehend) he has employed logarithms limited to sir places of decimals, and has further abandoned the decimal parts of his results, when even amounting to a full half unity belonging to the last figure retained. ! 126 THE DOCTRINE OF } as follows." Let A be the youngest, and C the oldest of the three proposed "lives; take the value of the two joint lives B and C, and find the age of a single life D of the same value; then find the value of the joint lives A and D, "which will be the answer." Either of those methods may be applied, in correspondency with any Table of the Decrements of Life. 66 The value of Annuities during Joint continuance of Life is but seldom re- quired for direct purposes: it constitutes, however, an indispensable datum for establishing the value of Annuities payable during the longest of any two or more lives, according to the rules stated in Section XXXVII; and also for calculating the value of Reversions, on the principle exposed in Section XXXIX. References to the last two Tables, and for practical purposes, will not be attended with much inconvenience arising from the uniform rate of Interest applied to all the calculations of which those tables exhibit the results; an easy method of concluding from the value of a Life-annuity, as ascertained according to any one rate, its corresponding value at any other rate of Interest either superior or inferior to the first, having already been supplied in Section XXXIV. The computation of Correct Tables of the Values of Joint lives, both of similar and of dissimilar ages, according to comparative systems of Decrements, and to various rates of the Interest of money, would consume the whole life of an expeditious calculator. It has been hitherto executed only partially and piecemeal. There will be no inducement to attempt any thing complete of that description, until governments are mindful of the expediency of providing satis- factory data, upon which those laborious calculations may be proceeded. (XLII.) We may now dismiss the subject of COMPOUND-INTEREST applied to Transactions affected with Contingency, after further giving a brief account of those local observations which, at different times and different places, have been made for the purpose of discovering the natural law that governs the gradual waste of human life; and according to which observations the four Tables last mentioned have been constructed. FIRST.-The series of regular observations, earliest recorded, consists in a Register of Mortality for the city of Breslaw, in Silesia. That register had been carefully proceeded upon during a whole century, commencing with the year 1633, when Dr. Halley constructed from that source the first known Table of Decrements; but as it is not exempt from error, chiefly produced by a cause already adverted to in the preceding Section (p. 124), that, table is seldom referred to at present. It has induced, however, the admission by Mr. Demoivre of a convenient hypothesis respecting the decrements of life. His hypothesis assumes that, out of 86 living persons aged less than one accomplished year, a COMPOUND INTEREST. 127 single life annually fails; that of the last survivor being consequently extinct after the accomplishment of the 85th, and before that of the 86th year of his age; thus producing equal decrements for every year throughout that period. From that assumed equality, the Average of forthcoming years in Expectation is made exactly to coincide with the true Probability, thence inferred, of life at each age; which Expectation, therefore, is always considered as one half of the differ- ence between the number of accomplished years of any person's life and the supposed term, 86 years, of the longest life; the whole of that difference being taken as the Complement of life, which (however suppositious) is one of the requisite data towards calculating by an abridged method the value of Life- annuities, the labour of which calculations may thus be considerably diminished. Although the proportions of annual decrement, as also the averages or expec- tations of forthcoming years of life, are very defective under Mr. Demoivre's hypothesis, as regards both the earlier and the later stages of life; yet they are acknowledged to correspond with the Decrements and Expectations resulting from the Breslaw observations, relative to the ages comprised between 20 and 70 years or thereabouts, in a sufficient degree for warranting their admission within those limits. A similar correspondency has since been noticed, between the results of admitting that hypothesis and those deduced from the Northampton Observations further mentioned hereafter. But, from the preceding remark, it is obvious that the hypothesis of which we are speaking must be utterly inapplicable towards calculating the values of Reversionary property, depending on survivor- ship; an exception that has not escaped the sagacity of Dr. Price. • SECOND.—The observations supplied by the Bills of Mortality of London, during the ten years ending with 1737, have been the foundation of Mr. Simpson's deductions and calculations, consigned in the works of that celebrated writer. Analogous deductions were afterwards made from the same source of information, during the ten years ending with 1768, and again during a similar period ending with the year 1780. The general results, inferred from those three series of observations, are so nearly alike as not to indicate any material alteration in the degree of healthiness of this metropolis, between the first and the last of those periods; in consequence of which, we have preferred, in the construction of the first and second Tables hereafter, to proceed upon an average of the results of observation, as supplied at those different periods, relatively to each successive year of life. It has already been remarked by Dr. Price, that the Expectations (Average) of Life, as deduced from the London observations, come out generally too high for the first 35 or 40 years; that they are not at all to be depended upon for the first 20 years, and also that the Bills of Mortality, for London, exhibit an instance of constant waste of human life the most rapid at all its stages. The first two circumstances are doubtless ascribable to the great mutability in the population of this metropolis, especially in early life. 128 THE DOCTRINE OF THIRD. From a Register of Mortality instituted for the town of Northamp ton, and correctly kept during a period of 46 years ending with 1780, has been deduced a Table of Decrements considered as one of those most to be relied on for regularity. In its general aspect, it very nearly agrees with the Breslaw observations, and like the latter it affords a specimen of lives rather inferior in quality to the common standard of those in England; whence the Northampton Table is principally adopted in this, and even in other countries, as a safe guide for calculating Life-assurances and Survivorships. It follows that the Expecta- tions of Life, as resulting from that table, are lower than they should appear in consequence of a table of true decrements deduced from observations supposed to embrace a more extended selection out of the population of the kingdom at large; and that the values of Life-annuities, stated in the corresponding column of the third Table hereafter, could not be indiscriminately admitted in the practice, without probably yielding an undue advantage to Annuitants placed under circumstances more favourable to the protracted duration of life. Nume- rous tables of various descriptions, and elaborately calculated from the North- ampton observations, have been supplied by Mr. Morgan, and inserted in the 2d Volume of Dr. Price's Observations on Reversionary payments, &c. &c. FOURTH.-A specimen, on the contrary, of the best lives susceptible of being brought under observation in England, as averaged from any mass of population not absolutely inconsiderable, has been supplied by two other Registers kept in this country. The one through the care of the Rev. Mr. Gorsuch, for the parish of Holy-cross (near Shrewsbury), and embracing a period of 20 years, ending with 1770: the other through the care of Dr. Haygarth, for the town of Chester, and during the ten years terminating with 1781. The former exhibits rather the best quality of lives; but considering the limited number of the population to which those sets of observations are referable, it has been pre- ferred, in the comparative Tables hereafter, to admit the corresponding deduc- tions at an average of the results produced by each set, relatively to every age of life. It will be sufficient further to remark, that the values of Life-annuities, as deduced from the observations at Chester and Holy-cross, come out generally too high for their indiscriminate application, in the practice, to the common standard of lives: they might, however, be a safe guide for dealing with State- annuitants, until the Government has taken proper measures for being supplied with more correct data, respecting the Law of Mortality amongst that specific class of persons. FIFTH-A more eligible medium, perhaps, is instanced by the Bills of Mor- tality of Norwich, from the year 1740 to the year 1769, and by the results of Dr. Aikin's observations on the mortality at Warrington (in Lancashire) and its vicinity, from the year 1773 to the year 1781. The average results of those two sets of, observations, admitted as a single experiment, are also brought into com- parative view in the following Tables. COMPOUND INTEREST. 129 SIXTH-An industrious observer and well-informed German writer, Mr. Sussmilch, has supplied, about the middle of the last century, very valuable docu- ments concerning the Mortality and the Decrements of life, in a considerable part of the Prussian dominions. From those data, tables have been constructed, which, as they are extensively used in that country, will also form a branch of the compa- rative system hereafter exposed. Mr. Sussmilch's Decrements, for Brandenburgh, &c., may be considered as applicable to lives of the middling quality. SEVENTH.-A specimen of the Decrements of life, under general circum- stances rather favourable than otherwise to its protracted duration, and deduced from a series of correct observations upon an extensive scale, is afforded by the Re- gisters of Births and of Mortality in Sueden. Their results for a period of 45 years, ending with 1776, embrace with very few exceptions the whole population of that kingdom. Mr. Wargentin's scientific reports upon that subject, and in which the circumstances have been attentively discriminated as relating to the Male and to the Female lives in that country, supply more authentic and satisfactory information concerning human mortality, and concerning the classification of an entire popula tion, than had been obtained from any other quarter until that period. In consequence of distinct returns for the city of Stockholm in particular, Dr. Price has made the remark, that "The Tables for Sweden at large, compared with "those for Stockholm the capital, confirm in a very striking manner all that has "been said of the difference between the duration of life in great towns and in "the country." The proportions of the decrements, resulting from the Swedish observations, might admit some modification, in order to render them quite applicable to countries under a more southern latitude; considering that the progression of mortality, through the different stages of life, is in more or less degree influenced by the climate, even under the supposition of an equality in the absolute average of forthcoming years. The Swedish decrements are, however, and with the con- fidence to which they are justly entitled, frequently resorted to for calculating the values of annuities on good lives; and in our comparative representation of them, the distinction between male and female lives will not be omitted; where it may further be remarked, that the progression of mortality is sensibly less rapid with respect to the latter sex, whose Expectation of life is therefore greater at all ages, as appears indeed to constitute one of Nature's general laws. EIGHTH.—Whatever general law may govern the gradual waste of human life, in a community of which the members are considered without any distinction of classes or conditions of health, it is evident that such law must be subject to a considerable modification with regard to any particular selection, either of the best, or of the worst lives amongst the whole. Annuitants in general, and especially State-annuitants, may properly be viewed, in all countries, as a select r 130 THE DOCTRINE OF body of the former description; and experience has abundantly proved that the Decrements of life, amongst any collection of annuitants, proceed according to a progression remarkably slow. The progression of those decrements might be ascertained in a very satisfactory degree, as regards this country, if the Govern- ment, together with certain incorporated societies to whom much valuable experience has doubtless been imparted, would publish the data they possess. But such information being withheld, the experience of other countries must be consulted, towards supplying the deficiency; and in the first place, there is to notice the Table of Decrements given by Mr. Kersseboom, and deduced from a Register of Mortality kept during 135 consecutive years, with reference to the State-annuitants of both sexes in Holland. Although no distinction is there made, between male and female lives, Mr. Kersseboom has remarked that the female annuitants have, amidst all accidents of age, lived about three or four years longer than the males. NINTH.—Of the same description with the preceding are the Tables of the Decrements and Probabilities of life amongst the State-annuitants of France, as published by Mr. Deparcieux, somewhat less than a century ago. Those tables, and the several deductions from them, may usefully be brought into comparison with the corresponding results inferred from the Dutch-annuitant register. TENTH and last. Subsequently to the works of other authors of any note, concerning this general subject, Mr. Duvillard of Geneva published, in the year 1806, some amongst the results of his laborious and scientific researches on the population of France at large. Having been supplied, under government- authority, with adequate means of information, embracing a very extensive portion of the French territory, the statistical data he has been able to collect, together with his deductions from them, are at present, and indisputably, admitted as more correct and exempt from objections than any other documents existing of the same kind. In bringing into view the results of Mr. Duvillard's researches, comparatively with those noticed in the foregoing paragraphs, there are sufficient grounds for assuming that they exhibit a very fair specimen of the law of Mortality indiscriminately applicable to the kingdom of France, such as it existed previously to the year 1790; and it is probable that, were our institutions in England such as to afford local information equally authentic and extensive on the same subject, very little difference would be found to exist between the two progressions, expressive of the Decrements of human life for the one country and for the other. The correctness of Mr. Duvillard's Decrements of Life may the more be relied on, as he has applied to them a very ingenious method of rectifying the inaccu- racies with whichan assumed Law of Mortality, derived from any course of ob- servations, will probably be tainted, consequently to the casual character of the COMPOUND INTEREST. 131 events observed in limited number. His method reduces the general expression of a correct Law of Mortality to that of a Parabolic curve; in the equation of which the Ordinates represent the quantities of the living, at the respective ages represented by the Abscissa. Without such previous rectification of any Table deduced from actual Observations, even a tolerable approach to accuracy in the ultimate results, referable to very advanced years, and expressing the Expectations of life, together with the values of Life-annuities, could only in vain be expected. In fact, Mr. Duvillard's Table of Decrements, is the only one in existence that may, in any degree, be depended upon for that purpose. END OF THE SECOND PART. I + 132 BUCKSKILA AME PRAKAS TABLE (No. I.), exhibiting the Decrements of Life from year to year, and the Quantities of living persons of each age, in proportion with certain assumed totals of population ; according to observations collected in different parts of Europe, relatively to various circumstances of human existence, and the results of those observations accommodated- for the purpose of comparison-to a uniform radix, of 10,000 individuals supposed to exist each of five accomplished years of age, when the Expectation of life is generally at its maximum; this TABLE also exhibiting, with reference to each age, the Probability of life's enduring until any other specific age; such probability expressed by a fraction, of which the numerator is the quantity of the living at the latter age, and of which the denominator age departed from. is the quantity of the living the years of age. Accomplished 0 1234 5678 DEC 149 4998 72** PONO OOM! 3220 5800 Ho 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 AAAAAA 45 46 47 48 of France. State-Annuitants of Sweden. Female population 10000 9810 10000 9820 9652 $662 9515 of Sweden. General population 9389 9429 9283 9193 9117 at 9534 9522 of Sweden. Male population 15461 15022 15235 15449 16031 14523 11518 11882 11891 11896 12969 11670 10959 11104 11115 11123 11722 11151 10540 10578 10591 10602 10912 10685 10232 10203 10218 10232 10377 10301 7823 7738 7655 10000 10000 0814 9807 9654 9645 9506 9410 .9390 9359 9316 9289 9261 9234 9204 9192 9165 9135 9051 9132 8990 9101 9065 9079 9043 9004 8933 9027 8987 8942 8875 8974 8931 2882 8513 8662 8608 8548 8431 8597 8536 8471 8532 8463 8393 8262 8466 8390 8308 8347 8176 8399 8314 8088 8331 8237 8256 8158 8223 8138 8053 7998 7910 8178 8076 7968 and Holy-Cross. Chester 8811 8821 8800 8914 8870 8743 8854 8809 8761 8725 8670 8791 8745 8693 8646 8593 8726 8679 8625 8569 10000 9718 9504 9349 7169 7365 7262 7092 7281 7150 7057 7174 7016 7197 7086 6964 6942 7110 6994 6872 of Holland. State-Annuitants 9253 9378 9182 9284 9126 9079 10000 9824 9647 9471 9025 9031 8980 8952 8927 8880 8871 8807 7699 7596 7489 7735 7633 7520 7409 7637 7537 7428 7328 7539 7441 7335 7248 7449 7351 7242 7048 9191 9168 · 8486 8382 8403 8299 8318 8216 8223 8122 8126 8008 8019 7884 7912 7749 7805 7624 8734 8662 8568 8475 8095 7992 7881 8013 7908 7800 7500 7376 7922 7818 7706 7509 7571 7832 7727 7613 7424 7127 7251 6866 7012 6895 6771 6537 6183 6790 6900 6784 6660 6429 6089 6713 6785 6665 6536 6322 5996 6634 6671 6545 6413 6207 5902 of France. General population 6554 5809 6559 6427 6289 6090 6472 6450 6312 6166 5972 5705 6388 6350 6199 6042 5855 6303 €252 6089 5918 5738 412269 | 418098 414951 411539 408401 5602 5198 Warrington. Norwich and 17148.02 20395 13161.68 15172 11520.76 12313 10711.95 11110 10266.83 10440 Brandenburgh. 8897.57 8805 65 8710.42 8612.11 9525.60 9139 9154 9450.75 9020 9071 9378.16 8923 9005 9305.14 8833 8939 10000.00 10000 10000 10000 10000 9826.36 9666 9685 9706 9699 9482 9454 9305 9290 9703.11 9507.20 9453 9453 9262 9287 8667 9230.03 8748 9152.18 9070.88 8587 8740 8986.01 8506 8673 15887 18643 17201 22561 12587 13842 13661 15362 11426 11655 11680 12574 10796 10851 10902 11363 10365 10315 10383 10549 Northampton. 8872 8806 ➡ Breslaw. 5728.74 5343 5604.78 5230 5479 52 5124 5352.79 5023 397770 406264.19 | 394587 | 8838 8743 8758 8661 8678 8579 8598 8497 8418 8607 8513 8322 8415 8421 8333 8541 8474 8222 8320 8251 8126 8408 8213 8169 8510.95 8025 8325 8097 8087 8407.21 7928 8242 7977 8005 8301.15 7827 8159 7857 7910 8193.02 7727 8076 7737 7828 8083.09 7626 7993 7617 7971.58 7518 7894 7858.72 7401 7794 7744.73 7280 7695 9061 9177 9153 9081 9030 8998 8921 8825 8918 8825 8708 8942 Bills of Mortality. London 7629.78 7159 7595 7137 7514.06 7047 7496 7017 7397.70 6943 7396 6897 7280.84 6834 7297 6777 7163.57 6730 7197 6657 6926 7337 7242 6160 6013 7045.96 6621 7098 6537 6817 6882 5719 7002 6898 7147 6795 6928.08 6513 6998 6417 6694 5866 6691 €809.95 6401 6297. 6571 6949 6587 6691.56 6285 6766 6177 6448 6848 6483 6572.91 6165 6650 6057 .6325 6747 6380 6453.96 6045 6534 5937 6202 5270 6642 6276 6334.62 5921 6418 5817 6079 5571 5424 5107 10000 9664 7363 7251 7145 7036 6214.83 5805 6302 5695 5956 6094.47 5689 6186 5572 5973.44 5576 6070 5447 5851.57 5459 5954 5322 5833 5697 5560 9404 9219 8596 8490 8388 8287 8180 8074 7966 7858 7746 7261 7497 7650 7134 7377 7555 7008 7.257 7459 6878 7749 7632 7514 7388 6736 6594 6419 6305 4950 4785 4620 4463 4305 5837 5198 5423 5721 5073 5287 4150 5605 4948 5150 3995 5189 4823 5014 3840 400445 389530 | 392867 | 376960 133 years of Age. Accomplished 2858 8529 5808 58** 2868 8222 49 50 51 53 54 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 63 64 6.5 66 67 69 70 71 72 73 74 3456 75 76 F008 77 78 79 81 82 *** *95* 8852 3338 528 2020 202 100 101 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 of France. State-Annuitants 5840 5689 5731 5561 5614 5489 412269 418098 414951 411539 6217 6154 5978 5795 6129 6049 5859 6037 5937 5730 5942 5816 5664 5597 of Sweden. Female population 5357 5178 4906 5221 5043 4761 5092 4908 4616 4934 4757 4464 5433 5306 1447 1255 4126 3874 3586 3956 3694 3406 3785 3514 3227 3612 3333 3042 1078 912 761 625 3437 3153 2853 3261 2973 2665 3081 2778 2471 2897 2567 2268 506 404 318 246 2704 2342 2102 2063 1849 2500 2287 1876 1651 2067 1666 1107 181 124 1852 1471 1292 1645 1290 1132 1125 975 **** 4011 4780 4592 4623 4415 4450 4235 4299 4126 3841 3946 3663 4295 4054 3766 3485 of Sweden. General population 832 697 569 449 5460 5323 336 254 5184 5046 194 149 114 87 65 47 32 20 11 5 ર 987 850 713 585 471 372 288 219 166 125 .. .. 94 72 50 32 TABLE (No. I.)—continued. of Sweden. Male population 17 8 3 2 5517 5370 5223 5076 4930 4783 4636 4482 4327 4173 3308 3130 2952 2767 2574 2381 2188 1994 1137 998 867 743 627 519 419 326 249 187 141 107 8000 DOR 59 40 26 15 6 and Holy-Cross. Chester 2 408401 1809 2224 2106 1624 2040 1961 1454 1868 1815 1292 1718 1660 5616 5373 5497 5259 5378 5135 5260 5000 5143 4876 4895 5018 4751 4627 4776 4502 4657 4367 4232 4530 4399 4098 4263 3963 4112 3828 3944 3693 3776 3558 3607 3413 3452 3268 3312 3122 3175 2977 3042 2832 2907 2687 2760 2541 2596 2396 2410 2251 1032 904 779 656 of Holland. State-Annnitants 541 441 1577 1504 1439 1349 1302 1193 1167 1037 358 280 231 188 149 119 397770 | 406264.19 89 61 32 16 4 ! 902 778 664 571 467 373 290 218 156 104 73 52 31 21 10 6 5 4 2 Totals 547244543821 532038 520536 526144 507871 of France. General population 394587 400445 5224.41 4917 5373 5094.21 4812 5257 4962.03 4699 5124 4827.69 4586 4992 4410.40 4266.17 3504.76 3344.83 4119.25 3026 4229 3969.61 3789 4063 3817.28 3648 3881 3662.29 3508 3698 3182.72 3018.69 4691.06 4465 4859 4180 4276 4552.00 4336 4710 4049 4126 4200 4561 3917 4063 4395 3786 2183.78 2017.58 1353.21 1691.44 951.92 824.08 1534 1533.12 1379.11 1390 1230.30 1249 1087.61 1108 704.91 595.13 495.35 406.07 327.64 260.23 203.81 158.18 122.87 97.23 80.35 65.68 53.05 42.29 and Warrington. Norwich 33.24 25.71 19.55 14.58 2853.08 2756 2786 2686.28 2595 2604 2518.76 2439 2421 2351.06 2282 2239 2129 2056 2100 2076 1976 1874 1972 1940 1823 1708 1679 1843 1790 1715 1639 1542 10.64 7.59 5.27 3.55 2.31 1.45 0.87 0.49 0.27 0.13 0.06 0.03 0.01 3363 3516 3219 3333 3066 3151 2913 2968 Brandenburgh. 1376 1211 1061 929 976 813 713 852 614 531 736 632 542 475 407 339 288 237 186 153 119 85 51 17 17 448 381 315 265 216 182 149 116 :::: 88888 99 83 66 29 22 18 14 9 Northampton. 4 2 -1 1 389530 392867 376960 4698 4877 4572 4727 3698 3558 3418 4442 4576 4311 4426 3278 3130 3169 2999 3033 2869 2896 2740 2760 3655 3716 2638 3524 3579 2523 3393 3443 2408 3261 3306 2623 2612 2484 2486 2356 2350 2228 2213 1587 1489 1459 1339 1331 1202 1203 1066 Breslaw. 929 1080 963 792 855 669 751 560 ..298 232 178 133 650 464 383 554 462 374 :: : 3989 3852 99 74 *** CON 54 38 26 14 6 314 260 Bills of Mortality. London 205 150 109 68 41 14 3143 3014 2887 2763 2289 2169 2058 1946 1834 1722 16.13 1504 1395 1296 1196 1103 1011 919 840 764 688 614 540 482 384 335 287 244 202 175 138 109 82 65 49 40 31 23 17 12 7 3 1 501811.46 487169 495453 478789 480789 | 438475 CAREERAZTI 10/30 134 Fo TABLE (No. II.), exhibiting with reference to each age the Average of forthcoming years, commonly called Expectation of Life, as deduced from each set of observations respecting the annual Decrements of the Living; with the addition of those Expectations according to Mr. Demoivre's hypothesis of equal decrements. N. B.—The true Expectation, or Probable term of life, is the quantity of years after which the living, at any specific age, will be reduced precisely to one half their number, according to the progression of Decrements that may be adopted, as a natural law, amongst the different progressions set forth in the preceding Table; the probabilities being equal, either for or against the event of any person of that age continuing alive beyond such term. But these Averages are important data, towards calculating the value of life-annuities, by an abridged method of approximation. years of age. Accomplished 44 0 34.896 35.702 34.423 | 1 45.669 44.003 2 46.975 46.052 3 47.780 4 48.245 7 8 DOEL **** ***& 10 11 of France. State-a nnuitants 12 9 47.379 46.801 45.619 44.472 | 46.917 46.259 45.076 43.947 46.370 45.634 44.473 45.751 44.973 43.802 18 of Sweden. Female population **** HONG DANA 320 1829 ****. **** 5 45 904 46.222 44.454 43.4002 44.243 43.1583 48.352 48.003 46.798 45.625 6 48.280 47.875 46.675 45.512 48.061 47.648 46.446 46.446 45.269 47.748 47.280 46.080 | 41.924 | 46.007 | 43.853 42.1215 | 41.368 41.273 41.684 41.609 46.249 44.043 | 42.7001 of Sweden. General population 20 40.288 39.153 38.027 21 22 23 38.430 24 37.820 of Sweden. Male population 42.963 | 41.960 44.925 43.839 47.316 46.125 44.967 48.039 | 46.790 | 45.579 45 46 47 48 39.66338.442 39.044 37.727 33.194 32.314 and Holy-Cross. Chester 39.145 37.5 38.492 37. 41.008 42.755 40.360 38.5 40.540 42.142 39.782 38. 39.978 | 41.448 39.377 40.752 43.107 41.998 42.556 | 40.901 38.7419 | 28.756 | 40.053 14 44.383 43.520 42.379 41.282 41.793 40.229 38.0674 38.113 39.351 42.770 | 41.642 40.564 41.036 39.553 | 37.4041 37.466 38.646 42.018 40.902 39.836 | 40.295 | 38.875 | 36.7507 36.81737.938 36.817 13 45.084 44.266 15 16 43.664 42.949 22.615 21.913 17 42.255 41.298 41.298 40.179 | 39.105 | 39.61638.194 | 36.1130 | 36.198 | 37.226 41.580 40.574 39.454 38.370 19 40.924 39.862 | 38.739 38.952 37.510 35.4839 35.610 | 36.512 38.303 36.914 34.867235.037 | 35.794 37.643 | 36.315 37.643 36.315 34.2596 34.445 34.445 35.072 37.666 36.959 36.959 37.340 36.289 36.649 | 35.603 37.009 35.961 | 34.938 36.294 35.270 34.290 of Holland. State-annuitants 45.483 | 43.289 | 41.4780 44.829 42.715 | 40.8025 43.348 44.103 42.144 40.1155 42.674 | 43.326 | 41.524 39.4254 34.470 28.7632 23.386 32.743 30.686 25.182 38.82741.774 | 36.3499 | 30.266 37.600 41.904 42.694 | 40.4253 36.177 40.369 37.794 43.977 | 43.538 42 4409 39.039 39.555 41.697 45.216 44.141 43.2591 40.512 40.585 42.410 30.272 29.301 28.402 29.861 31.613 29.653 28.671 27.750 29.244 35 30.952 29.030 28.034 27.095 27.095 28.623 36 30.289 30.289 | 28.375| 27.371 26.435 28.022 33 32.266 34 25 37.215 26 36.615 27. 36.020 28 35.415 29 34.802 32.838 31.898 31.004 32.358 31.400 30 34.179 32.170 31.231 30.330 31.791 30 935 33.547 31.531 30.584 29.695 31.153 30.444 32.911 30.888 29.953 | 29.050 30.504 29.967 31 32 37 29.617 27.694 26.698 25.771 27.414 38 28.934 27.008 26.021 25.130 26.811 39 28.241 26.318 25.339 24.431 40 27.538 25.634 | 24.663 | 23.753 41 26.836 24.984 24.010 23.098 42 26.130 24.384 23.396 22.476 43 25.425 23.786 22.804 24.722 23.184 22.212 44 France. Population of and Warrington. Norwich Brandenburgh. 35.582 34.589 | 33.640 34.552 | 33.279 31.3354 31.538 31.761 34.866 33.904 | 32.986 34.008 32.797 30.7668 | 30.985 | 31.155 34.179 33.228 32.328 33.462 32.359 30.2014 30.466 30.547 32.915 31.879 33.501 32.562 31.668 | 27.222 27.222 26.681 26.205 26.075 | 25.612 25.498 29.491 | 26 8395 28.927 28 361 27.793 | 25.1552 24.01922.574 | 21.615 20.712 22.703 22.346 23.31621.944 | 20.998 20.117 22.139 21.743 21.573 21.136 21,003 | 20.526 21.284 20.370 | 19.687 20.609 19.72818.916 Northampton. 37.006 35.714 | 33.6562 | 33.873 | 34.416 | 32.904 32.5 36.366 35.066 33.0700 33.279 | 33.758 32.391 32. 35.732 34.415 35.139 | 33.805 32.4861 31.9082 32.700 33.099 32.120 32.430 hypothesis. Demoivre's 29.0776 29.0776 | 29.460 | 29.321 28.5177 28.921 28.704 27.9584 | 28.349 27.3991 27.790 đ đà 42.939 40.849 41.073 43.320 40.5 40. 43.372 41.031 39.5 41.523 36.335 40.798 43.133 39. 41.247 36.055 27.214 26.832 26.651 26.201 26.2791 26.651 25.7177 £6.086 25.566 25.1552 | 25.535 | 24.989 43. 27.452 18.935 42.5 33.435 26.574 42. 38.020 31.355 41.5 39.701 33.646 41. 40.661 35.202 37.836 | $6.5 37.177 30. 36.515 35.850 35.5 35. 30.851 30.5 30.337 30. 29 823 29.5 29.6386 29.963 29.935 29.308 | | | 29. Breslaw. Bills of Mortality. London 41.197 36.107 41.458 36.346 35.202 34.5 36.114 31.098 34.585 34. 35.464 30.502 33.998 33.5 34.811 29.908 34.156 29.312 33.435 33. 20.0478 20.707 19.656 19.4802 20.143 19.045 18.9140 | 19.547 18.429 19.514 18.3500 18.942 | 17.808 | 19.006 40.855 35.663 40.405 35.143 39.894 34.602 39.320 34.059 33.497 28.717 32.834 28.150 31.878 31.5 32.225 27.585 31.365 31. 31.558 27.045 38.684 33.496 38.046 32.910 37.404 32.303 36 760 31.691 28.792 28.5 28.387 24.416 28.276 28. 27.807 23.932 28.083 27.759 27.5 27.225 23.458 27.459 | 27.242 27. 26.640 22.984 30.886 30.266 26.509 25.971 29.643 25.433 29.016 24.902 24.647 24.124 24.5 24. 23.833 20.679 23.286 20.227 24.0263 24.5914 24.5914 24.997 24.409 24.473 23.827 23.4599 23.949 | 23.241 23.602 23.5 22.738 19.805 22.8924 | 22.8924 | 23.443 22.652 23.079 23. 22.188 19.418 22.512 26.724 26.5 26.052 26.206 26. 25.462 22.051 25.687 25.5 24.920 21.591 25.167 25. 24.377 21.134 22.5 25.017 24.875 22.3240 22.900 | 22.061 22.561 21.635 19.020 24.426 | 24.249 21.7550 22.357 21.465 22.049 22. 21.088 18.658 21.891 23.832 | 23.619 21.1857 21.797 20.866 21.542 21.5 20.374 18.307 21.303 23.265 | 22.985 20.6165 | 21.253 21. 20.068 17.935 20.263 21.036 20.5 19.560 17.573 20.529 20.022 20. 19.053 17.210 19.5 18.545 16.858 19. 16.518 18.037 ·135 years of age. Accomplished 1 Cena 5008 5883 8368 8072 REDO POR: 7*** ***: 2878 8338 53 18.448 17.787 55 17.149 56 16.529 54 49 21.211 19.928 19.086 50 20.509 19.265 18.463 51 19.828 18.621 17.869 17.180 52 19.123 17.979 17.280 16.635 66 76 78 81 82 83 84 85 86 89 13.593 12.542 12.098 11.722 13.040 12.025 11.587 11.219 12.526 11.516 11.092 | 10.739 64 11.961 11.005 10.597 10.261 96 97 98 99 100 of France. State-annuitants 101 102 103 104 105 106 of Sweden. Female population 107 108 109 17.389 16.776 16 159 15.536 of Sweden. General population 87 2.722 3.229 88 of Sweden. Male population 16.702 16.119 15.537 14.950 14.432 9.318 8.437 8.179 8.795 7.918 7.724 8.278 7.439 7.289 7.772 7.008 6.896 18.309 17.721 15.922 14.906 14.363 13.873 15.833 15.661 15.324 14.293 13.784 13.334 15.263 15.144 14.700 13.673 13.201 12.792 14.703 14.626 14.156 13.081 12.634 12.247 14.154 14.167 7.291 6.634 6.533 6.534 6.846 6.336 6.229 6.223 6.438 6.036 5.916 5.892 6.068 5.735 5.597 5.570 5.714 5.431 5.288 5.258 5.371 5.119 4.964 4.921 5.037 4.799 4.619 4.591 4.730 4.460 4.283 4.271 11.429 10.494 10.104 9.785 11.892 11.566 10.899 9.982 9.610 9.312 11.371 11.080 10.370 9.468 9.118 8.842 10.840 10.596 9.813 8.953 8.640 8.401 10.325 10.114 aud Holy-Cross. Chester :: :::: of Holland. State-annuitants 2.054 2.829 2.435 2.346 1.773 2.552 2.053 2.026 1.536 2.268 1.712 1.731 1.350 1.952 1.405 1.383 20.446 19.990 19.879 | 19.413 19.309 | 18.871 18.729 18.367 16.089 16.089 18.144 17.823 15.5814 15.974 15.540 17.581 17.277 15.0421 15.435 14.987 17.014 16.728 14.5090 14.922 16.426 16.177 13.9827 14.407 13.4635 13.892 12.680 12.9522 13.376 12.178 12.4491 12.872 11.727 11.9548 12.368 11.280 7.994 9.781 9.634 7.602 9.276 9.156 7.229 8.834 8.681 6.880 8.473 8.208 13.657 13.586 13.218 13.064 12.784 12.540 12.357 12.052 3.328 3.402 3.235 3.165 4.141 3.043 3.346 3.090 3.015 3.973 3.103 2.922 2.885 3.771 2.846 2.379 3.056 2.719 2.645 3.685 2.629 ·· France. Population of 17.7886 17.2305 16.6762 16.1263 3.315 2.480 3.008 2.470 2.650 2.314 2.196 2.040 1.698 1.000 0.500 9.6294 9.1962 8.7746 8.3648 ·· 7.9673 7.5824 7.2106 6.8524 1.200 1.643 1.227 1.000 1.134 1.346 1.101 0.749 1.775*2.067 3.2831 1.369 1.849 3.0975 0.858 1.071 0.998 0.500 1.127 2.200 2.9164 0.526 0.833 0.500 0.754 2.334 2.7401 0.500 0.500 and Warrington. Norwich 11.4697 11.878 10.840 10.9942 11.389 10.406 10.5287 10.932 9.979 10.0737 10.480 9.561 3.382 *4.1572 3.500 4.2123 4.2790 4.2756 17.131 15.966 16.541 15.377 2.5683 2.4024 2.2398 2.0837 Brandenburgh. 18.327 17.182 18.498 18.5 17.717 16.550 17.996 18. 17.506 | 17.5 17.5 17.024 17. 1.9331 1.7883 1.6505 1.5174 4.428 4.139 4.011 3.968 5.202 4.738 4.4228 4.875 4.908 4.416 2.5 4.140 3.845 3.779 3.690 4.864 4.416 4.2853 4.500 4.671 4.095 3.865 3.595 3.574 3.456 4.565 4.089 4.1914 4.167 4.553 3.805 1.5 3.599 3.423 3.393 3.296 4.328 3.676 4.1476 3.900 4.313 3.581 1. 1.3902 1.2692 1.1667 1.1000 1.0000 8.423 8 037 7.669 7.286 10.046 9.638 9.155 8.761 9.226 8.384 8.825 8.026 4.0688 1.929 3.8661 1.500 3.6675 1.167 3.4053 *1.500 0 500 14.783 14.236 13.685 13.183 8.141 7.740 6.5084 6.926 6.524 7.329 7.841 7.276 6.1791 6.595 6.319 6.925 7.506 6.818 5.8663 6.280 6.172 6.543 5.5 7.117 6.411 5.5703 6.013 5.982 6.186 5. 6.710 6.022 5.2931 5.760 5.765 5.835 4.5 6.302 5.659 5.0366 5.529 5.500 5.482 5.914 5.332 4.8035 5.322 5.311 5.116 5.541 5.057 4.5974 5.114 5.063 4.756 Northampton. 16.542 | 16.5 16.5 16.062 | 16. 15.584 15.5 15.106 15. hypothesis. Demoivre's 14.631 14.5 14.157 14. 13.685 | 13.5 13.216 13. 12.749 12.5 12.285 12. 11.817 11.5 11.353 11. 4.193 3.376 0.5 3.143 3.864 3.190 2.864 3.612 3.013 2.389 3.500 2.861 3.001 2.661 2.501 2.413 2.001 2.088 1.501 1.750 1.501 1.375 0.999 1.056 0.999 0.500 • 3.5 0.750 0.500 Breslaw. 10.885 10.5 9.859 10.420 10. 9.374 9.959 9.5 8.890 9.178 9.503 9. 8.407 8.858 7.691 9.052 8.5 7.923 8.498 7.391 8.607 8. 7.063 8.170 7.5 6.769 7.743 7. 7.451 8.161 7.034 7.808 6.633 7.476 6.5 17.528 17.069 15.752 16.613 15.376 16.161 15.010 Bills of Mortality. London 15.715 14.631 15.265 14.239 14.771 13.843 14.277 13.443 ! 13.783 13.053 13.290 12.628 12.798 12.204 12.306 11.815 16.134 11.815 11.438 11.324 11.032 10.835 10.637 10.347 10.255 6.252 5.898 5.511 5.154 4.838 4.586 4.337 4.085 0.833 0.500 9.888 9.523 7.170 6.796 6.425 6.083 5.755 5.471 5.077 *5.242 4.936 3.824 3.536 4.675 3.196 4.419 2.763 4.231 2.367 2.045 3.796 3.677 1.625 3.523 1.300 3.520 3.334 3.226 2.827 2.526 2.200 1.818 1.434 1.056 0.752 0.500 * The decreasing progression of the Expectations appears sometimes interrupted, with regard to the later stages of life. In the London lives, it arises from a limitation to the 79th year, of the observations on the Bills of Mortality from 1728 to 1737; whence the Decrements in the preceding Table, for the ages of 80 and upwards, are stated on an average of two subsequent periods only, and also of 10 years each. The probable cause of this irregu- larity in two other instances, those of the Norwich lives and of the Dutch Annuitants, is the very small number of lives exceeding 92 and 93 years, to which the observations were necessarily confined; but a similar irregularity as to the Population of France, for the ages of 85, 86, 87 and 88, must be otherwise accounted for, the correctness of Mr. Duvillard's calculations being fully ascertained. It is not unlikely that the comparatively few whose lives extend to 85 years, or thereabouts, may be indebted for this distinction to specific causes subsequently continuing in operation, so as to afford those persons a better security of life, at least during a small number of years, than is possessed by the generality of individuals existing at even less advanced ages. 136 TABLE (No. III.)-Of the VALUES of ANNUITIES on SINGLE LIVES, at each age, according to various systems of the Decrements and Probabilities of Life as stated in TABLE NO. I.; those values expressed by quantities of Years' Purchase, and ascertained upon the principles referred to in Section XXVII.; admitting as a Standard Rate of Perpetual Interest that of four per centum, to accrue by full yearly instalments,—and the Annuity to be payable at the expiration of each successive year, until the last accomplished previously to the demise of the annuitant. years of Age. Accomplished 0 1234 167∞ 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22** **** 2272 m 2020 10** 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 34 35 36 37 38 40 42 43 44 France. of State-Annuitants ... ... ··· 18.24246 18.55893 18.74921 18.87658 18.95347 18.99571 19.02190 19.00758 18.94924 18.84375 18.73423 18.62049 18.50233 18.37954 18.27496 18.16664 18.05439 17.93804 17.84073 17.74037 17 63682 17.52994 17.41957 17.30556 17.18773 17:06591 16.93990 16.80952 16.67454 16.53474 16.38989 16.23973 16.08401 15.92245 15.75474 15.55586 15.34864 15.13266 14.90746 14.67254 14.42739 14.17147 Sweden. population of Female 16.820 17.719 18.344 18.780 18.927 19.045 19.131 19.162 19.151 19.109 19.041 18.952 18.840 18 707 18.568 18.424 18.290 18.151 18.013 17.872 17.725 17.573 17.414 17.252 17.087 16.915 16.751 16.588 16.427 16.261 16.104 15.941 15.787 15.629 15.465 15.278 15.070 14 854 14.629 14.401 14.185 13.994 13.798 13.596 Sweden. population of Male 16.503 17.355 17.935 18.328 18.503 18.622 18.693 18.725 18.715 18.674 18.600 18.491 18.378 18 246 18.105 17.958 17.803 17.643 17.492 17.335 17.192 17.042 16.887 16.742 16.592 16.436 16.274 16.105 15.930 15.751 15.575 15.395 15.208 15.014 14 812 14.601 14.382 14.154 13.916 13.668 13 426 13.196 12.984 12.763 France. population of General 11.61829 14.74285 16.51642 17.47403 17.96071 18.17773 18.23890 18.20941 18.12684 18.01340 17.88230 17.74155 17.59600 17.44876 17.30112 17.15438 17.00904 16.86524 16.72295 16.58201 16.44214 ... :: 15.74696 ... •1• 15.02106 .. ... ... 14.21380 : ... 13.28559 ... ::: Register. the Northampton According to 10.32794 13.46627 15.63361 16 46262 17.01059 17.24906 17 48276 17.61222 17.66320 17.62599 17.52522 17.39440 17.25244 17.10497 16.95169 16.79229 16.62651 16.46382 16.31112 16.16912 16.03543 15.91414 15.79966 15.68269 15.56300 15.44054 15.31518 15.18697 15 05549 14.92119 14.78350 14.64234 14.49771 14.34946 14.19742 14.04148 13.88147 13.71724 13.54860 13.37541 13.19743 13,01842 12.83904 12.65804 12.47260 hypothesis. Mr. Demoivre's According to ... ... ... 16.791 16.882 16.882 16.791 16.698 16.604 16.508 16.410 16.341 16.209 、 16.105 15.999 15.891 15.781 15 669 15 554 15 437 15.318 15197 150 73 14.946 14.816 14.684 14.549 14.411 14.270 14.126 13.979 13.829 13.676 13.519 13.359 13.196 13 028 12.858 12.683 12.504 1728 to 1737. LondonRegister, According to the :::: 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.4 16.4 16.4 16.3 16.2 16. 15.8 15.6 15.4 15.2 15. 14.8 14.7 14.5 14.3 14.1 14. 13.8 13.6 13.4 13.2 13.1 12.9 12.7 12.6 12.4 12.3 12 1 11.9 11.8 11.6 11.5 11.4 11.2 11.1 11. 137 1 years of Age. Accomplished 1 45 46 47 48 aeroe toCA 49 50 52 53 54 56 57 58 NENO 8023 2282 28 59 60 61 62 63 64 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 ***K DO** **** *** FAIN KIN 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 France. of State-Annuitants 13.90419 13 62495 13.35670 13.07649 12.80700 12.52560 12.25477 11.99530 11.72507 11.44340 11.17264 10.89082 10.59721 10.31409 10.01961 9.71298 9.39332 9.05966 8.73389 8.39417 8.03935 7.69096 7.35019 7.01869 6.69280 6.39375 6 08366 5.79394 5.50583 5.22183 4.94546 4.65225 4.36972 4.10520 3.83448 3.59617 3.36953 3.16395 2.93934 2.67866 2.42422 2.18465 1.97716 1 71050 1.44602 1.18743 0 94061 0.71191 0.48077 ... 13.383 13.151 12.894 12.620 12.333 12.049 11.769 11.492 11.220 10.937 10 642 10.334 10.012 9.692 9.358 9.039 B 8 739 8.453 8.166 7.870 7.566 7.252 6.930 6.596 6.253 5.897 5.564 5.261 4.998 4.792 4.582 4.367 4.145 3.913 3.668 3.102 3.145 2.905 2.699 2.559 2.552 2.518 2.431 2.294 2.108 1.873 1.628 1.349 1.071 0.799 0.544 0.320 12.535 12.297 12.051 11 795 11.528 11.267 11.030 10.785 10 531 10.269 9 998 9.717 9.425 9.140 8.845 8540 8.241 7.950 7.669 7.382 7.090 6.792 6.489 6.201 5.933 5.670 5.418 5.180 4.9.10 4 724 4.487 4.253 4.021 3.768 3.512 3.260 3.017 2792 2.600 2.473 2.371 2.281 2.154 1.955 1.698 1.117 1 154 0.835 0.477 0.240 12.21762 U. ... ... 11.02642 10.76184 10.50375 10.24205 9.97514 9.70936 9.43912 9.16682 8.89286 8.61766 8.34165 8.06525 7.78882 7.51307 7.23816 6.96465 6.69298 6.42364 6.15723 5.89566 5.63459 5.37974 5.13002 4.88619 4.64912 4.41988 4 19975 3.99034 3.79371 3.61249 3.45006 3 31080 3.20026 3.12498 3.09187 *3.10564 *3.16162 *3.23293 *3.24895 3.08870 2.92992 2.77258 2.61678 2.46296 2.31109 2.16129 2.01390 12.28355 12 08921 11.88995 11.68556 11.47585 11.26490 11.05734 10 84966 10.63788 10.42197 10.20191 9.97771 9.74937 9.51692 9.28043 9.03998 8.79572 8.54781 8.29132 8.03096 7.76161 7.48817 7.21094 6.93037 6.64708 6.36185 6.07580 5.79038 5.50764 5.23040 4.96265 4.71022 4.45743 4.19787 3.92173 3.64386 3.37766 3.12192 2.88716 2.70810 2.54364 2.39339 2 25156 2 13157 hypothesis. Mr. Demoivre's According to 1.96769 1.75819 1.47388 1.17152 98 99 100 ... 12.322 12.135 11.944 11.748 0.82703 0.53008 101 0.24038 102 103 104 11.548 11.344 11.135 10.921 10.702 10.478 10.248 10.014 9.773 9.527 9.275 9.017 8.753 8.482 8.205 7.921 7.631 7.333 7.027 6.714 6 394 6.065 5 728 5.383 5.029 4.666 4.293 3.912 3.520 3.111 2.707 2.284 Age 1.850 1.406 0.950 0.481 3.0 • London Register, 1728 to 1737. According to the { 108 10.7 10.5 10.4 102 10 1 99 9.8 9.6 9.4 9.3 9.1 8.9 87 86 84 8.2 8.1 7.9 7.7 7.5 7.3 1.86887 1.72697 1.58733 1.45149 1.31928 1.19073 1.06720 0.91615 976 TH 7 1 69 ... 6.7 6.5 ... 6.3 6.1 5.9 56 54 ... ... ... pad → ::: ... Continued, for the populat. of France * This interruption of the decreasing values is accounted for in a note to the preceding page. (N. B.) — When the rate of Interest is other than 4 per Cent. the difference in value is ascer- tainable by the rule `given in Section XXXIV. 138 TABLE (No. IV.), of the VALUES OF ANNUITIES during the Joint continuance of two lives, according to various systems of the Decrements and Probabilities of Life as stated in Table No. I. those values expressed by quantities of Years' purchase; admitting as a Standard Rate of Perpetual Interest that of four per centum, to accrue by full yearly instalments,—and the Annuity to be payable at the expiration of each successive year, until the last accomplished previously to the failure of either of the lives. N. B.-The Values expressed in the column of French-Annuitants are deduced (by Dr. Price's method described in Section XXXIV.) from Mr. Maseres's values at 4 per cent. The values expressed in the next three columns are correctly ascertained according to first principles, as set forth in Section XXVII. The values by the Hypothesis have been computed by Mr. Simpson's rule, and the London values are taken from Mr. Simpson himself. It will be remarked, relatively to the general population of France, that the values of lives increase instead of decreasing from the 85th to 88th year, which is accounted for by the notes to the preceding TABLes. FIRST PART:-Referable to Lives of similar ages. Common ages. 1 * C10 land 12.252 13.583 12.27756 3 14.560 14.558 13.76966 15.070 2 4 157∞ 8 15.396 6 15.630 15.820 DOES 290 7298 22** FONO DO 2700 5828 #*** 2079 2AAS 12 15 9 15.983 16.152 14.95325 14.396 10 16.010 16.141 11.79867 14.277 11 15.965 16.087 1.4.62981 14.133 15.846 15.982 14.45473 13.966 13 15.721 15.855 14 15.590 15.701 15.453 15.535 16 15.310 15.361 21 23 14.747 14.525 14.653 14 360 14.557 14.194 24 14.459 11.020 25 14.357 28 of France. Annuitants 17 15.198 15.196 13.60044 13.019 18 19 20 14.838 15.082 14.962 15.023 13.44131 12.841 14.854 13.28623 12.679 11 682 13.13501 29 30 of Sweden. Population 26 14.254 13.671 27 14.147 13.495 14.037 13.323 11.107 12.325 15.267 14.58898 13.185 15.577 14.99316 13.591 15.14883 14.005 15.790 16.003 15.15756 14.224 15.899 16.109 15.08019 14.399 37 39 31 13.685 12.795 32 13.559 12.624 40 33 13.429 12.456 34 13.295 12.286 42 12.860 11.683 38 12.665 11.452 35 13.149 12.109 10.95761 36 13.011 11.904 46 13.849 12.41793 13.923 13.148 13.806 48 41 12.019 10.732 49 50 of France. Population 43 11.534 10.264 52 44 11.272 10.154 9.781928.252 11.445 11.313 12.965 11.71479 11.783 10.531 12.460 11.209 12.245 10.964 10.09527 45 10.996 9.954 9.10691 47 10.435 9.497 10.150 9.236 register. Northampton 14.27858 13.789 14.10441 13.604 13 93166 13.411 13.76390 13.212 10.705 9.736 51 9.345 8.469 7.77629 12.409 12.293 12.179 12.062 11.944 11.822 11.699 11.573 12.535 12.341 11.179 11.042 10.307 10.149 9.986 9.820 9.654 9.491 9 326 9.160 hypothesis. Mr. Demoivre's 9 885 8.966 8.266 9.605 8.707 8.00648 8.081 10.902 10.759 10.612 10.530 10.462 7.900 9.107 8.230 7.54368 7.723 .. 13.342 13.0 12.860 12.3 11.182 8.990 9.063 8.815 8.637 8.453 1728 to 1737. London register :: 11.786 10.5 8.235 : 11.3 ::: .. 9.6 9.826 8.1 ·· 8.8 *::: :8 7.4 6.8 Common ages. 5828 5883 6868 80** **** **** **** **** *858 3433 522 2020 99 100 53 8.857 54 55 56 101 111 103 104 of France. Annuitants 7.994 8.591 7.748 8.353 7.495 8.100 7.229 7.834 7.589 7.331 7.062 of Sweden. Population 5.567 5.256 6.777 5.844 5.600 6.475 6.192 5.889 6.954 6.678 6.388 6.101 1.284 1.135 1.030 0.855 6.36023 6.805 6 12512 6.614 5.88600 6.421 5.65051 6.226 5.41669 6.030 5.18494 5.831 5.367 4.95563 5.626 5.128 4.72917 5.417 4.957 4.362 4.07024 4.671 4.130 3.85848 of France. Population 7.30907 7.07298 6.83583 6 59808 0.703 0 548 0.407 0.298 0.326 3.448 2.935 2.87182 3.421 3.232 2.797 2.69107 3.211 3.029 2.648 2.51657 3.015 2.803 2.490 2.34904 2.833 0.949 1.61796 0.718 0.516 0.240 0.236 register. Northampton 4.881 4.50590 5.201 5.277 5.0 4.626 4.28615 4.402 4.312 3.851 3.593 4.153 3 65115 3.44853 4.087 4.104 3.898 3.345 3.25091 3.862 3.671 3.128 3.05856 3.639 2.588 2.340 2.395 2.170 2.192 1.967 2.028 1.758 1.880 1.600 1.65279 1.869 1.761 1.472 1.55780 1.681 1.364 1.48862 1.510 1.452 1.276 1.45409 1.387 1.626 1.212 *1.46535 1.339 1.172*1.53006 1.195 1.127 *1.63718 1.124 1.071*1.71914 1.030 ·· 7.544 7.362 7.179 6.993 • 4.982 4.760 4.537 2.18912 2.656 2.03780 2.470 1 89647 2.271 1.76714 2.068 1.23084 0.365 0.190 1.13891 0.201 0.060 1.04907 0.96159 0.87629 0.79397 0.71358 0.63658 1.015 1.51856 0.922 1.42082 0.756 1.32477 0.583 0.56278 0.49213 0.42622 0.36289 hypothesis. Mr. Demoivre's 7.332 :::: 6.351 5.6 • 1728 to 1737. London register · 6.2 • 4.4 3.7 : 139 SECOND PART:---Referable to Lives of different ages. VALUES when the youngest life is aged from 1 to 83 accomplished years, and the oldest exceeds the preceding by 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, and 42 years respectively; those values deduced from the probabilities of life for the general population of Sweden. Rate of Interest 4 per cent. per annum. life. youngest Age of the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7000=2 8 9 10 11 12 13 22000 222*** ****** 70**29 MODE=2* **29** 2378** 495988 588888 588RER 34 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 49 50 51 53 60 - 64 Excess of the oldest life, 6 years. 13.989 14.780 15.323 15.65 15.817 15.887 15.914 15.888 15.824 15.729 15.617 15.477 15.327 15.164 15.001 14.832 14.665 14.491 14.320 14.144 13.976 13.807 13.635 13.455 13.284 13.108 12.935 12.763 12.586 12.390 12.192 11.988 11.779 11.568 11.361 11.156 10.953 10.741 10.519 10.286 10.049 9.813 9.581 9 351 9.129 8.897 8.658 8.402 8.139 7.874 7.613 7.351 7.083 6.814 6.555 6.299 6.045 5.788 5.519 5.249 4.984 4.729 4.482 4.231 3.982 3.750 3.527 3.340 3.147 2.916 2.752 2.558 Excess of the oldest life, 12 years. 13.894 14.557 14.988 15.259 15.326 15.354 15.351 15.310 15.244 15.149 15.033 14.889 14.736 14.566 14.392 14.216 14.042 13.860 13.687 13.512 13.345 13.173 12.997 12.801 12.599 12.387 12.170 11.953 11.742 11.543 11.359 11.170 10.978 10.775 10.557 10.314 10.059 9.805 9.558 9.308 9.066 8.830 8.597 8.354 8.101 7.841 7.563 7.281 7.008 6.749 6.505 6.256 6.001 5.743 5.474 5.204 4.936 4.664 4.395 4.149 3.927 3.747 3.563 3.370 3.180 2.974 2.743 2.514 2.324 2.155 2.004 1.875 Excess of the oldest life, 18 years. 13.389 14.008 14.417 14.671 14.725 14.740 14.727 14.673 14.590 14.484 14.357 14.202 14.045 13.874 13.700 13 520 13.340 13.141 12.934 12.720 12.505 12.286 12.073 11.873 11.683 11.485 11.284 11.072 10.847 10.606 10.365 10.128 9.905 9.679 9.452 9.207 8.951 8.683 8.404 8.124 7.839 7.559 7.318 7.075 6.836 6.586 6.323 6.048 5.764 5.487 5.221 4.953 4.694 4.455 4.231 4.043 3.844 3.637 3.430 3.210 2.974 2.744 2.557 2.396 2.252 2.123 2.010 1.910 1.798 1.661 1.464 1.189 Excess of the oldest life, 24 years. 12.832 13.409 13.778 14.003 14.037 14.033 14.006 13.944 13.855 13.741 13.604 13.428 13.234 13.023 12.798 12.570 12.351 12.146 11.951 11.751 11.550 11.335 11.107 10.862 10.612 10.364 10.130 9.894 9.659 9.413 9.167 8.912 8.651 8.389 8.114 7.833 ¿ 7.561 7.296 7.033 6.763 6.492 6.225 5.957 5.689 5.426 5.153 4.884 4.633 4.398 4.205 4.008 3.803 3.605 3.389 3.150 2.909 2.710 2.539 2.385 2.248 2.135 2.037 1.926 1.790 1.585 1.290 1.017 0.764 0.617 0.514 0.441 Excess of the oldest life, 30 years. 12.196 12.730 13.066 13.264 13.277 13.242 13.170 13.059 12.913 12.743 12 563 12.379 12.196 11.997 11.787 11.562 11.328 11.076 10.819 10.567 10.332 10.092 9.852 9.602 9.347 9.080 8.807 8.534 8.250 7.967 7.702 7.446 7.196 6.942 6.679 6.402 6.115 5.828 5.543 5.254 4.977 4.730 4.507 4.322 4.128 3.921 3.715 3.489 3.238 2.990 2.792 2.623 2.475 2.344 2.232 2.130 2.010 1.864 1.644 1.333 1.050 0.789 0.639 0.533 0.456 Excess of the oldest life, 36 years. 11.465 11.913 12.164 12.284 12.242 12.185 12.112 12.004 11.865 11.694 11.493 11.259 11.011 10.759 10.514 10.264 10.018 9.761 9.500 9.228 8.953 8.675 8.385 8.097 7.823 7.557 7.297 7.032 6.761 6.481 6.197 5.917 5.642 5.364 5.093 4.840 4.603 4.405 4.195 3.975 3.762 3.539 3.295 3.052 2.854 2.684 2.533 2.396 2.277 2.171 2.050 1.901 1.681 1.366 1.078 0.810 0.655 0.546 0.464 life. est Young. 73 2.355 74 2.172 Excess of the oldest life, 42 years. B 10.546 10.946 11.168 11.260 11.183 11.064 10.915 10.743 10.560 10.357 10.140 9.898 9.644 9.371 9.087 8.799 8.503 8.208 7.928 7.658 7.396 7.127 6.851 6.566 6.275 5.986 5.702 5.415 5.136 4.881 4.646 4.453 4.251 4.040 3.833 3.605 3.352 3.098 2.889 2.710 2.553 2.418 2.305 2.203 2.083 1.933 .1.708 1.385 1.090 0.818 0.662 Excess of the oldest, 6 12 18 yrs. 0.551 0.468 1.768 | 0.937 1.692 0.708 75 2.017 1.605 0.575 761.877 1.497 0.481 77 ||1.756 1.339 0.421 781.639 1.097 79 1.524 0.863 80 1.416 0.638 81 1.320 0.511 82 1.225 0.427 83 1.094 0.379 140 By By Ages. Northampton Mr. Demoivre's register. hypothesis. 5-10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 158622 55 60 70 75 10-15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 15 PLJAJ 70 75 80 15-20 25 30 35 40 45 50 AIZIABA 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 20-25 30 35 40 45 50 55 38322838 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 25-30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 GUASNJAgugtêŭ GEASNJA8: 70 75 80 85 90 95 30-35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 SECOND PART continued:---Lives of different ages, According to various systems of the Decrements and Probabilities of life. Rate of interest, four per cent. per annum. 13.933 13.479 12.993 12.633 12.220 11.732 11.150 10.500 9.742 8.931 8.011 6.963 5.768 4.557 13.841 13.355 12.998 12.586 12.098 11.513 10.851 10.085 9.256 8.314 7.236 6.008 4.725 3.517 12.961 12.630 12.246 11.787 11.234 10.607 9.872 9.077 8.170 7.127 5.933 4.695 3.492 2.462 12.229 11.873 11.445 10.924 10.330 9.630 8.869 7.995 6.986 5.826 4.619 3.443 2.431 1.704 11.618 11.217 10.725 10.160 9.488 8.754 7.906 6.920 5.780 4.589 3.425 2.421 1.699 0.236 10.948 10.490 9.959 9.321 8.619 7.802 6.844 5.729 4.557 3.406 2.411 1.694 1.236 13.093 12.808 12.480 12.102 11.665 11.156 10.564 9.871 9.059 8.105 6.980 5.652 12 593 12.281 11.921 11.501 11.013 10.440 9.767 8.975 8.041 6.934 5.623 12.051 11.711 11.314 10.847 10.297 9.648 8.879 7.967 6.882 5.590 11.468 11.093 10.655 10.131 9.509 8.766 7.880 6.826 5.551 • 10.838 10.428 9.936 9.345 8.634 7.779 6.748 5.505 By London register, 1728 to 1737. • · 12.7 12.2 11.6 10.9 10.2 9.6 9.0 8.4 7.8 7.2 6.5 5.8 5.1 11.8 11.8 10.6 10.0 9.4 8.8 8.2 7.6 7.0 6.4 5.7 5.0 10.8 10.3 9.8 9.2 8.6 8.0 7.5 6.9 6.3 5.7 5.0 10.1 9.6 9.1 8.5 7.9 7.4 6.8 6.2 5.6 4.9 1820 • • 9.2 8.8 8.3 7.8 7.3 6.7 6.1 5.5 4.9 • By By Ages. Northampton Mr. Demoivre's register. hypothesis. 35-40 45 50 55 383228333 78388223383 3883228383 883228383 8urroB83 3P2O2A3 23536 40-45 80 45—50 55 65 90 95 50-55 60 75 80 85 90 55-60 60-65 70 85 65-70 85 70-75 18383 2685 383 80 85 90 95 75-80 90 95 80-85 90 95 85-90 95 90-95 10.196 9.706 9.110 8.448 7.669 6.747 5.663 4.516 3.383 2.398 1.683 0.235 9.381 8.834 8.221 7.490 6.614 5.571 4.457 3.349 2.379 1.679 0.235 8.503 7.948 7.274 6.453 5.460 4.386 3.308 2.356 1.668 0.234 7.593 6.989 6.236 5.306 4.285 3.247 2.322 1.651 0.233 6.659 5.986 5.132 4.171 3.180 2.284 1.633 0.232 5.658 4 900 4.021 3.092 2.234 1.608 0.230 4.573 3.806 2.965 2.163 1.575 0.228 3.471 2.757 2.042 1.515 0.224 2.148 1.856 1.413 0.217 1.608 1.278 0.208 1.054 0.187 0.177 10.157 9.702 9.149 8.476 7.658 6.662 5.450 ·· · 9.418 8.911 8.283 7.510 6.556 5.383 8 619 8 044 7.332 6.425 5.300 7.738 7.091 6.258 5.193 6.781 6.036 6.053 5.730 4.858 4.571 ·· • .. ·· ** By London register, 1728 to 1737. 8.5 8.1 7.6 7.1 6.5 6.0 5.4 4.8 7.8 7.4 6.9 6.4 5.9 5.4 4.8 7.1 6.7 6.3 5.8 5.3 4.7 • : 6.5 6.1 5.7 5.2 4.6 ·· .. 5.5 5.9 6.1 4.5 5.3 4.9 4.4 4.6 4.2 4.0 ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· .. .. ་ • Tables, SOLVING THE QUESTIONS THAT DEPEND ON Compound Interest, ACCRUING EITHER ANNUALLY, HALF-YEARLY, or QUARTERLY. > RATE OF INTEREST: 3 per -CORRESPONDING VALUE OF Cent. per Ann.- DESK COMME Years. མ་བསར2e2ele ={*={*}< 2 -«HEN- ♡ ={{}< ** ནི ནྟི བྷིསཾ པཉྩནྟི 10 - PICKYLAN 7 ∞ HHN:0 T ܢܚܙܣܢܚܐ 10 P[05]=${ 11 BAKAL BAGA 12 13 EL PICADILL 14 OM SA GARA 15 16 17 18 19 20 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.03. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 1.0300 000 1.0609 000 1.0927 270 .... 1.1255 088 1.1592 741 1.2667 701 1.0000 000 2.0300 000 1.1940 523 6.4684 099 .... 3.0909 000 4.1836 270 1.2298 739 7.6624 622 5.3091 358 .... 1.3047 732 10.159 106 1.3439 164 11.463 879 8.8923 360 21 1.8602 946 22 1.9161 031 23 24 25 1.9735 865 2.0327 941 2.0937 779 1.3842 339 12.807 796 .... 1.4257 609 14.192 030 .... 1.4685 337 15.617 790 .... 1.5125 897 | 17.086 324 1.5579 674 18.598 914 1.6047 064 20.156 881 1.6528 476 1.7024 331 1.7535 061 1.8061 112 21.761 588 23.414 435 25.116 868 26.870 374 28.676 486 30.536 780 32.452 884 34.426 470 36.459 264 0.9708 74 .. 1.9134 70 .... 2.828 612 .... 3.717 098 4.579 707 ··· 5.417 191 6.230 283 7.019 692 cc.. 7.786 109 ………. 8.530 203 9.252 624 9.954 005 10.634 96 11.296 07 11.937 93 12.561 10 13.166 12 13.753 52 14.323 80 14.877 47 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.015. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 1.0150 000 1.0302 250 ... 1.0456 781 …….. 1.0613 636 ... 1.0772 840 2.5761 335 1.0934 433 3.1147 755 1.1779 489 1.1956 182 0.5000 000 1.0075 000 1.1098 449 3.6614 971 1.1261 926 4.2164 196 ... 1.5226 125 2.0454 517 1.1433 900 4.7796 658 1.1605 409 5.3513 627 .... 1.2135 524 7.1184 148 1.2317 557 7.7251 910 5.9316 312 6.5206 057 1.2502 321 8.3410 689 1.2689 855 8.9661 849 1.4083 772 1.4295 028 1.2880 203 9.6006 777 1.3073 406 10.244 688 .... 1.3269 507 10.898 358 1.3168 550 11.561 832 ... 1.3670 578 12.235 261 1.3875 637 | 12.918 790 13.612 572 14.316 760 1.4509 454 15.031 512 1.4727 095 15.756 984 1.4948 002 16.493 339 1.5172 222 17.240 739 1.5399 805 17.999 350 1.5630 802 18.769 341 1.5865 264 | 19.550 881 1.6103 243 20.344 144 1.6589 964 | 21.966 546 1.7091 395 | 23.637 985 1.7607 983 1.8140 184 25.359 943 27.133 947 15.415 02 1.8688 471 | 28.961 571 15.936 92 1.9253 330 16.443 61 1.9835 262 30.844 434 32.784 207 34.782 610 16.935 51 2.0434 783 17.413 15 2.1052 424 36.841 414 0.1926 11 0.9779 42 1.4561 00 1.9271 92 .. 2.3913 23 2.8485 94 3.2991 07 3.7429 63 4.1802 59 4.6110 93 5.0355 59 5.4537 53 5.8057 66 6.2716 91 6.6716 17 ………… 7.0656 32 7.4538 25 7.8362 80 .... 8.2130 84 8.5843 20 8.9500 69 ... 9.3104 12 9.6654 31 10.015 20 10.359 81 10.699 32 11.033 81 11.363 36 11.688 04 .. 12.007 92 12.323 07 12.633 57 13.240 86 13.830 34 14.402 53 14.957 92 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.0075. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 1.0075 000 1.0150 563 1.0226 692 1.0303 392 1.0380 667 1.0458 522 1.0536 961 1.0615 988 1.0695 608 1.0775 825 1.0856 644 1.0938 069 1.1354 446 1.1439 604 1.1525 401 1.1611 841 1.2053 866 1.2144 270 1.2235 352 1.2327 117 1.1020 104 1.1102 755 3.4003 483 3.6758 509 1.1186 026 | 3.9534 198 1.1269 922 4.2330 721 1.2419 571 1.2512 718 1.2606 563 1.2701 112 1.3584 612 1.3686 497 1.3789 146 1.3892 564 1.1698 930 5.6631 008 1.1786 672 5.9555 740 1.1875 072 6.2502 408 1.1964 135 | 6.5471 176 1.3996 758 1.4101 734 1.4207 497 1.4314 053 1.4421 409 1.4529 570 1.4638 541 1.4748 330 1.4858 943 1.4970 385 1.5082 663 1.5195 783 0.2500 000 0.5018 750 0.7556 391 1.0113 064 1.5309 751 1.5424 574 1.5540 258 1.5656 810 1.2688 912 1.5284 078 1.7898 709 2.0532 949 1.5774 236 1.5892 543 1.6011 737 1.6131 825 2.3186 946 2.5860 848 1.2796 371 9.3212 353 1.2892 343 9.6411 446 1.2989 036 | 9.9634 532 1.3086 454 10.288 179 1.3184 602 | 10.615 340 1.3283 486 | 10.944 955 1.3383 113 1.3483 486 11.277 043 11.611 620 1.6621 252 1.7125 527 1.7645 102 1.8180 440 2.8554 805 3.1268 966 4.5148 185 4.7986 796 5.0846 697 5.3728 047 6.8462 210 7.1475 677 7.4511 744 7.7570 583 8.0652 362 8.3757 255 8.6885 434 9.0037 075 11.948 708 12.288 323 12.530 485 12.975 214 13.322 528 13.672 447 14.024 990 14.380 178 14.738 029 15.098 564 15.461 804 15.827 767 16.196 475 16.567 949 16.942 209 17.319 275 17.699 170 18.081 947 18.467 528 18.856 034 19.247 455 19.641 811 20.039 125 20.439 418 22.070 840 23.751 757 25.483 673 27.268 133 15.497 03 16.020 31 29.106 732 31.001 113 1.8732 020 1.9300 334 16.528 24 1.9885 891 17.021 28 32.952 969 34.964 041 2.0489 212 17.499 85 2.1110 839 37.036 128 1 0.2481 39 0.4944 31 0.7388 89 0.9815 28 1.2223 60 1.4613 99 1.6986 59 1.9341 53 2.1678 94 2.3998 95 2.6301 69 2.8587 28 3.0855 86 3.3107 56 3.5342 49 3.7560 78 3.9762 56 4.1947 95 4.4117 07 4.6270 05 4.8407 00 5.0528 04 5.2633 29 5.4722 86 5.6796 89 5.8855 47 6.0898 73 6.2926 78 6.4939 73 6.6937 70 6.8920 79 7.0889 13 7.2842 80 7.4781 94 7.6706 64 7.8617 01 8.0513 16 8.2395 20 8.4263 22 8.6117 35 8.7957 66 8.9784 28 9.1597 30 9.3396 83 9.5182 95 9.6955 78 9.8715 42 10.046 20 10.219 55 10.391 61 10.562 39 10.731 90 10.900 15 11.067 15 11.232 90 11.397 42 11.560 72 11.722 80 11.883 67 12.043 34 12.201 83 12.359 14 12.515 27 12.670 24 13.278 69 13.869 21 14.442 35 14.998 61 15.538 49 16.062 48 16.571 03 17.064 61 17.543 66 Page 2. PERPETUAL STOCK. 3 p. C. 100; 3; p. C. 116,6667; 4 p. C. 133,3333; 5p. C. 166,6667. Years, Q2 Co →* ** -] OD CHANG +++-454:34+*++ Halo tud APKAL ANAL ===22}+ ❤ -~-~~ AK:N CACCAL SA:DAY BARCHA 12 *====***** * * **02 20** 3 14 21 22 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.03. 23 21 Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 25 0.9708 737 1.0000 000 0.9425 9600.4926 108 10 0.7440 939 0.9151 417 0.8884 871 0.8626 088 0.8374 843 0.7891 093 0.7224 213 0.7013 798 0.6809 513 0.6611 178 ·· 0.8130 915 0.1305 063 0.1305 063 0.1605 063 0.6418 620 0.7664 167 0.0984 339 0.5375 493 0.5218 925 0.5066 918 0.4919 338 0.3235 303 0.3535 303 ………. 0.2390 270 | 0.2690 270 0.1883 546 0.2183 546 0.1545 975 0.1845 975 ·· 0.1124 564 1.0300 000 0.5226 108 0.0780 774 0.0704 621 0.0872 305 | 0.1172 305 0.0585 263 0.1424 564 0.0459 525 0.0427 087 0.0398 139 0.0372 157 0.1284 339 0.0640 295 0.0940 295 0.4776 056 0.0274 279 0.1080 774 10 0.6231 669 0.0496 108 0.0796 108 17 0.6050 164 18 0.5873 946 19 0.5702 860 0.5536 758 0.0759 525 0.0727 087 0.0698 139 0.0672 157 0.1004 621 .. 0.0537 666 0.0837 666 0.0885 263 0.0348 718 0.0648 718 0.0327 474 0.0327 474 | 0.0627 474 0.0308 139 0.0608 139 0.0290 474 | 0.0590 474 0.0274 279 0.0574 279 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.015. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9852 217 2.0000.000 0.9706 618 | 0.9925 558 0.9563 170 | 0.6567 659 0.6567 659 0.9421 841 0.4888 895 0.9282 603 0.9145 421 .... ………… 0.8489 332 0.8363 874 0.9010 267 0.2731 123 0.8877 111 0.2371 681 ·· 0.7998 515 0.7880 310 .... 0.8745 922 0.2092 196 0.8616 672 | 0.1868.683 0.3881 786 0.4181 786 0.3210 504 0.3510 504 .... 0.6892 058 0.6790 205 0.1685 877 0.1533 600 0.2092 196 0.2392 196 0.2168 683 0.1198 886 0.1115 302 0.7536 074 0.0917 569 | 0.7424 701 | 0.0864 915 0.0864 915 0.7314 979 0.0817 310 0.7206 876 | 0.0774 066 | 0.8240 270 0.1401 807 0.1704 807 0.8118 493 0.1294 466 0.1294 466 0.1594 466 0.7100 371 0.0734 615 0.6995 439 0.0698 482 0.0665 269 0.0634 639 .... 0.7763 853 0.1041 593 0.1341 593 0.7649 116 0.0976 116 0.1276 116 0.6689 857 0.0606 305 0.6590 993 0.0580 022 2.0300 000 1.0225 558 0.6493 589 0.0555 576 0.6397 624 0.0532 784 0.6867 659 0.5188 895 0.0511 486 0.6303 078 0.6209 929 0.0491 542 0.6027 741 0.5850 897 0.5579 242 0.5512 623 0.0455 238 0.0423 048 0.0394 323 0.0368 542 ••• ... 0.5350 893 0.0345 285 0.5193 907 0.0324 208 0.5041 527 0.0305 025 0.4893 617 0.0287 500 0.4750 047 0.0271 434 0.3031 123 0.2671 681 0.1985 877 0.1833 600 .... 0.1498 886 0.1415 302 0.1217 569 0.1164 915 0.1117 3 310 0.1074 066 .... 0.1034 615 0.0998 482 0.0965 269 0.0931 639 0.0906 305 0.0880 022 0.0855 576 0.0332 784 0.0811 486 0.0791 542 0.0755 238 0.0723 048 0.0694 323 0.0668 542 0.0645 285 0.0624 208 0.0605 025 0.0587 500 0.0571 434 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.0075. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9925 558 0.9851 671 0.9778 333 0.9705 542 0.9633 292 | 0.7880 896 0.9561 580 0.6542 756 0.5586 995 0.4870 221 0.9490 402 0.9119 754 0.9349 632 0.9280 031 0.9210 949 0.9142 381 0.9074 324 0.9006 773 0.8939 726 0.8873 176 | 0.8807 123 0.2214 928 0.8741 561 0.2083 907 0.8676 487 | 0.1966 696 0.8611 899 0.1861 225 0.8051 808 0.7991 869 0.7932 376 0.7873 326 0.8547 790 0.1765 817 0.8481 159 | 0.1679 099 0.8421 001 0.8358 313 0.1599 938 0.1527 390 4.0000 000 1.9925 745 1.3233 831 0.9888 200 0.8296 093 | 0.1460 660 0.8234 336 | 0.1399 077 0.8173 038 0.8112 197 0.1342 071 0.1289 148 0.7584 605 0.7528 144 0.7472 103 0.7416 480 0.4312 771 0.3866 819 0.3502 038 0.3198 059 0.7144 511 0.7091 326 0.7038 537 0.6986 141 0.2940 875 0.2720 459 0.2529 456 0.2362 352 0.7814 715 | 0.1072 819 0.1037 221 0.7756 542 0.7698 801 0.7641 490 0.1003 668 0.0971 989 0.6934 135 0.6882 516 0.6831 282 0.6780 429 0.6531 785 0.6483 161 0.6434 899 0.6386 997 0.7361 270 | 0.0836 911 0.7306 472 0.7252 081 0.7198 095 0.0813 781 0.0791 735 0.0770 700 0.6339 451 0.6292 259 0.6245 418 0.6198 927 0.1239 889 0.1193 926 0.1150 941 0.1110 653 0.0942 033 0.0913 663 0.0886 758 0.0861 206 0.0750 608 0.0731 398 0.0713 013 0.0695 402 0.6729 954 | 0.0617 418 0.6679 855 0.6630 129 0.0603 575 0.0590 242 0.6580 773 | 0.0577 391 0.0678 517 0.0662 315 0.0645 755 0.0631 801 0.0564 998 0.0553 039 0.0541 491 0.0530 334 0.0519 549 0.0509 118 0.0499 024 0.0189 251 0.6016 39+ 0.5839 236 0.0453 087 0.0421 021 0.5667 295 0.0392 408 0.5500 417 0.0366 728 0.5338 452 0.0343 563 0.5181 257 0.0322 569 0.5028 691 0.0303 463 0.4880 617 0.0280 008 0.4736 903 0.0270 007 4.0300 000 2.0225 745 1.3533 831 1.0188 200 0.8180 896 0.6842 756 0.5886 995 0.5170 221 0.4612 771 0.4166 849 0.3802 038 0.3498 059 0.3240 875 0.3020 459 0.2829 456 0.2662 352 0.2514 928 0.2383 907 0.2266 696 0.2161 225 0.2065 817 0.1979 099 0.1899 938 0.1827 390 0.1760 660 0.1699 077 0.1642 071 0.1589 148 0.1539 889 0.1493 926 0.1450 941 0.1410 653 0.1372 819 0.1337 221 0.1303 668 0.1271 989 0.1242 033 0.1213 663 0.1186 758 0.1161 206 0.1136 911 0.1113 781 0.1091 735 0.1070 700 0.1050 608 0.1031 398 0.1013 013 0.0995 402 0.0978 517 0.0962 315 0.0946 755 0.0931 801 0.0917 418 0.0903 575 0.0890 242 0.0877 391 0.086+ 998 0.0853 039 0.0841 491 0.0830 334 0.0819 519 0.0809 118 0.0799 024 0.0789 251 0.0753 087 0.0721 021 0.0692 408 0.0666 728 0.0643 563 0.0622 569 0.0603 463 0.0586 008 0.0570 007 Page 3. 莘 ​RATE OF INTEREST: 3 per CORRESPONDING VALUE OF Cent. per Ann.- } • Years. 26 2582* H**** 85829 79333 94928 F8AAR 85888 78878 CE882 78M40 27208 ***** 26398 48335 35888 29 30 47 52 54 57 59 60 61 62 4.5154 232 4.6508 859 53 4.7904 124 4.9341 248 55 5.0821 486 63 3.3598 989 78.663 297 3.4606 959 | 82.023 196 85.483 892 89.048 408 92.719 861 3.5645 168 3.6714 523 45 3.7815 958 6+ 65 66 61 56 5.2340 130 5.3916 514 5.5534 010 5.7200 030 5.8916 031 68 69 70 71 72 75 77 79 81 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.03. 83 1100 Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 2.1565 913 2.2212 890 2.2879 277 2.3565 655 2.4272 625 2.5000 803 2.5750 827 2.6523 352 2.7319 053 2.8138 624 2.8982 783 2.9852 267 3.0747 835 3.1670 270 3.2620 378 3.8950 437 4.0118 950 4.1322 519 4.2562 194 4.3839 060 6.0683 512 6.2504 017 6.4379 138 6.6310 512 6.8299 827 7.0348 822 7.2459 286 7.4633 065 7.6872 057 7.9178 219 9.4542 934 9.7379 222 10.030 060 10.330 962 10.640 891 ( 10.960 117 11.288 921 11.627 588 11.976 416 12.335 708 12.705 780 13.086 953 13.479 562 13.883 949 14.300 467 38.553 042 40.709 633 42.930 922 45.218 850 47.575 415 14.729 481 15.171 365 15.626 506 16.095 302 16.578 161 50.002 678 52.502 758 55.077 841 57.730 176 60.462 081 63.275 944 66.174 222 69.159 449 72.234 232 75.401 259 96.501 457 100.39 650 104.40 840 108.54 065 112.79 687 8.1553 565 238.51 188 8.4000 172 | 246.65 724 8.6520 177 8.9115 783 9.1789 256 255.06 726 263.71 928 272.63 085 117.18 077 121.69 620 120.34 708 131.13 749 136.07 162 141.15 377 146.38 838 151.78 003 157.33 343 163.05 344 168.94 504 175.01 339 181.26 379 187.70 171 194.33 276 201.16 274 208.19 762 215.44 355 222.90 686 230.59 406 281.80 978 291.26 407 301.00 200 311.03 206 321.36 302 332.00 391 342.96 402 354.25 295 365.88 053 377.85 695 390.19 266 402.89 844 415.98 539 429.46 495 443.34 890 457.64 937 472.37 885 487.55 021 503.17 672 519.27 202 17.075 506 535.85 018 17.587 771 552.92 569 18.115 404 570.51 346 18.658 866 588.62 886 19.218 632 607.28 773 Value of Perpetual Ann. 17.876 84 18.327 03 18.764 11 19.188 45 19.600 44 20.000 43 20.388 76 20.765 79 21.131 84 21.487 22 21.832 25 22.167 24 22.492 46 22.808 22 23.114 77 23.412 40 23.701 36 23.981 90 24.254 27 24.518 71 24.775 45 25.024 71 25.266 71 25.501 66 25.729 76 25.951 22 26.166 24 26.374 99 26.577 66 26.774 43 26.965 46 27.150 94 27.331 01 27.505 83 27.675 56 27.840 36 28.000 34 28.155 67 28.306 48 28.452 89 28.595 04 28.733 05 28.867 04 28.997 12 29.123 42 29.246 04 29.365 09 29.480 67 29.592 88 29.701 83 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.015. Improved Cumulated Principal. Annuity. 30.932 48 31.002 41 2.1688 734 2.2344 275 2.3019 631 2.3715 400 2.4432 198 2.5170 661 50.568 870 2.5931 444 53.104 814 2.6715 922 55.717 407 2.7522 690 58.408 966 2.8354 563 | 61.181 876 2.9211 580 64.038 599 3.0094 500 | 66.981 665 3.1004 106 70.013 686 3.1941 205 | 73.137 350 3.2906 628 76.355 426 3.3901 231 79.670 769 3.4925 895 | 83.086 318 3.5981 531 3.7069 072 3.8189 485 86.605 102 90.230 241 93.961 950 3.9343 762 | 97.812 541 4.0532 927 4.1758 034 4.3020 171 4.4320 456 4.5660 041 4.7040 116 4.8461 904 4.9926 665 5.1435 698 5.2990 342 5.4591 975 5.6242 018 5.7941 933 5.9693 228 6.1497 455 6.3356 216 6.5271 158 6.7243 978 6.9276 428 7.1370 308 7.3527 475 7.5749 843 7.8039 382 8.0398 122 29.807 60 29.910 29 30.009 99 10.202 406 30.106 79 30.200 77 38.962 446 41.147 586 43.398 771 45.717 999 48.107 326 10.510 773 10.828 461 30.292 01 11.155 752 30.380 58 11.492 934 30.466 59 11.840 308 30.550 09 12.198 181 12.566 871 30.631 15 101.77 642 105.86 011 110.06 724 114.40 152 8.2828 156 8.5331 637 242.76 052 251.10 546 8.7910 785 | 259.70 262 9.0567 889 9.3305 303 268.55 963 277.68 434 31.070 30 15.025 180 31.136 21 15.479 316 118.86 680 123.46 705 128.20 635 133.08 888 138.11 899 143.30 114 148.63 992 154.14 006 159.80 611 165.64 409 9.6125 456 287.08 485 9.9030 848 | 296.76 949 306.74 685 317.02 578 327.61 538 31.381 22 17.437 335 31.438 08 17.964 378 31.493 28 18.507 351 $1.546 87 19.066 736 | 31.598 91 19.643 028 33.333 33 171.65 818 177.85 405 184.23 719 190.81 326 197.58 809 204.56 769 211.75 825 219.16 614 226.79 794 234.66 041 30.709 85 398.22 351 12.946 705 30.786 27 13.338 019 | 411.26 731 30.860 46 13.741 161 14.156 488 14.584 367 424.70 537 438.54 959 452.81 225 338.52 505 349.76 447 361.34 361 373.27 272 385.56 238 467.50 600 482.64 387 31.200 21 15.947 178 | 498.23 928 31.262 33 16.429 182 514.30 606 31.322 65 16.925 751 530.85 846 547.91 116 565.47 927 583.57 838 600.22 245 621.43 428 Value of Annuity. 17.964 37 18.415 27 18.852 94 19.277 77 19.690 13 20.090 40 20.478 93 20.856 05 21.222 12 21.577 44 21.922 33 22.257 11 22.582 07 22.897 49 23.203 66 23.500 85 23.789 32 24.069 32 24.341 11 24.604 93 24.861 00 25.109 57 25.350 84 25.585 03 25.812 35 26.033 00 26.247 18 26.455 08 26.656 87 26.852 75 27.042 88 27.227 43 27.406 57 27.580 44 27.749 23 27.913 05 28.072 07 28.226 43 28.376 26 28.521 69 28.662 86 28.799 88 28.932 88 29.061 99 29.187 30 29.308 94 29.427 01 29.511 61 29.652 85 29.760 83 29.865 64 29.967 38 30.066 13 30.161 98 30.255 02 30.345 34 30.433 00 30.518 09 30.600 69 30.680 85 30.758 68 30.834 21 30.907 53 30.978 70 31.047 78 31.114 84 31.179 92 31.243 10 31.304 42 31.363 95 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.0075. Improved Cumulated Principal. Annuity. 2.1751 324 2.2411 242 2.3091 181 2.3791 749 2.4513 571 2.5257 293 2.6023 579 2.6813 113 2.7626 601 2.8464 770 2.9328 368 3.0218 167 3.1134 962 3.2079 571 3.3052 839 3.4055 636 3.5088 856 3.6153 424 3.7250 289 3.8380 433 3.9544 864 4.0744 623 4.1980 782 4.3254 445 4.4566 750 4.5918 869 4.7312 010 4.8747 419 5.0226 376 5.1750 203 5.3320 263 5.4937 956 5.6604 729 5.8322 071 6.0091 516 6.1914 643 6.3793 084 6.5728 514 6.7722 664 6.9777 315 7.1894 302 7.4075 517 7.6322 908 7.8638 484 8.1024 312 8.3482 524 8.6015 316 8.8624 951 9.1313 760 9.4084 146 9.6938 583 9.9879 621 10.290 989 10.603 209 10.924 902 11.256 354 11.597 863 11.949 733 12.312 278 12.685 823 13.070 700 13.467 255 13.875 840 14.296 822 14.730 576 15.177 490 15.637 963 16.112 406 16.601 243 17.104 912 31.421 73 17.623 861 31.477 81 18.158 554 31.532 25 18.709 470 31.585 09 19.277 100 31.636 38 19.861 952 33.333 33 39.171 081 41.370 806 43.637 26y 45.972 495 48.378 570 50.857 643 53.411 929 56.043 710 58.755 337 61.549 233 64.427 893 67.393 889 70.449 872 73.598 570 76.842 798 80.185 452 83.629 520 87.178 079 90.834 297 94.601 443 98.482 880 102.48 208 106.60 261 110.84 815 115.22 250 119.72 956 124.37 337 129.15 806 134.08 792 139.16 734 144.40 876 149.79 319 155.34 910 161.07 357 166.97 172 173.04 881 179.31 028 185.76 171 192.40 888 199.25 772 206.31 434 213.58 506 221.07 636 228.79 495 236.74 771 244.94 175 253.38 439 262.08 317 271.04 537 280.28 049 289.79 528 299.59 874 309.69 963 320.10 697 330.83 006 341.87 848 353.26 211 364.99 110 377.07 594 389.52 742 402.35 668 415.57 516 429.19 468 443.22 741 457.68 587 472 58 300 487.93 209 503.74 686 520.04 144 536.83 039 554.12 869 571.95 185 590.31 567 609.23 668 628.73 173 Value of Annuity. 18.008 60 18.459 85 18.897 81 19.322 87 19.735 42 20.135 82 20.524 44 20.901 61 21.267 67 21.622 95 21.967 77 22.302 44 22.627 25 22.942 51 23.248 47 23.545 43 23.833 64 24.113 37 24.384 86 24.648 35 24.904 09 25.152 30 25.393 19 25.627 00 25.853 92 26.074 15 26.287 91 26.495 36 26.696 72 26.892 14 27.081 80 27.265 88 27.444 54 27.617 94 27.786 24 27.949 58 28.108 11 28.261 97 28.411 30 28.556 23 28.596 90 28.833 42 28.965 93 29.094 52 29.219 34 29.340 48 29.458 05 29.572 17 29.682 93 29.790 41 29.894 73 29.995 98 30.094 26 30.189 63 30.282 20 30.372 04 30.459 24 30.543 87 30.626 00 30.705 73 30.783 10 30.858 20 30.931 08 31.001 81 31.070 47 31.137 10 31.201 77 31.264 53 31.325 45 31.384 58 31.441 96 31.497 65 31.551 70 31.604 16 31.655 08 33.333 33 Page 4. PERPETUAL STOCK: 3p. C. 100; 3½ p. C. 116,6667; 4p. C. 133,3333; 5 p. C. 166,6667. Years. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3-4 *3 85823 79333 95333 88888 85988 58838 BECOR FERER CEP28 J**** 85888 18846 85228 | 51 94 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.03. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.4636 947 0.4501 891 0.4370 768 0.4243 464 0.4119 866 0 3999 871 0.3883 370 0.3770 262 0.3660 449 0 3553 834 0.3450 324 0.3349 829 0.3252 262 0.3157 535 0.3065 568 0.2976 280 0.2889 592 0.2805 429 0.2723 718 0.2644 386 0.2567 365 0.2492 588 0.2419 988 0.2319 503 0.2281 071 0.2214 632 0.2150 128 0.2087 503 0.2026 702 0.1967 672 0.1647 894 0.1599 897 0.1553 298 0.1508 057 0.1464 132 0.1421 488 0.1380 085 0.1339 889 0.1300 863 0.1262 973 0.1226 188 0.1190 474 0.1155 800 0.1122 135 0.1089 452 0.1057 720 0.1026 913 0.0997 003 0.0967 964 0.0939 771 0.1910 361 | 0.0070 845 0.1854 719 0.0068 311 0.0065 885 0.0063 559 0.0061 330 0.1800 698 0.1748 251 0.1697 331 0.0912 399 0.0885 824 0.0860 024 0.0834 974 0.0810 655 0.0787 043 0.0764 120 0.0741 864 0.0720 256 0.0699 278 0.0259 333 0.0245 642 0.0232 932 0.0221 147 0.0210 193 0.0678 911 0.0659 136 0.0639 938 0.0621 299 0.0603 203 0.0199 989 0.0199 466 0.0181 561 0.0173 219 0.0165 393 0.0158 038 0.0151 116 0.0144 593 0.0138 438 0.0132 624 0.0127 124 0.0121 917 0.0116 981 0.0112 298 0.0107 852 0.0559 383 0.0545 642 0.0532 932 0.0521 147 0.0510 193 0.0499 980 0.0490 466 0.0481 561 0.0473 219 0.0465 393 0.0103 625 0.0403 625 0.0099 605 | 0.0399 605 0.0095 778 0.0092 131 0.0088 655 0 0049 711 0.0018 031 0.0016 416 0.0044 862 0.0043 366 0.0458 038 0.0451 116 0.0444 593 0.0438 438 0.0432 624 0.0427 124 0.0421 917 0.0416 981 0.0412 298 0.0107 852 0.0085 338 0.0385 338 0.0082 172 0.0382 172 0.0079 147 0.0379 147 0.0076 256 | 0.0376 256 0.0073 491 0.0373 491 0.0035 485 0.0034 333 0.0033 222 0.0032 151 0.0031 117 0.0395 778 0.0392 131 0.0388 655 0.0059 191 | 0.0359 191 0.0057 138 0.0055 168 0.0053 276 0.0051 458 0.0357 138 0.0355 168 0.0353 276 0.0351 458 0.0370 845 0.0368 311 0.0365 885 0.0363 559 0.0361 330 0.0349 711 0.0348 031 0.0346 416 0.0314 862 0.0343 366 0.0041 927 0.0311 927 0.0040 540 0.0340 540 0.0039 205 0.0339 205 0.0037 919 0.0337 919 0.0036 680 | 0.0336 680 0.0030 120 0.0330 120 0.0029 158 0.0329 158 0.0028 228 0.0328 228 0.0027 331 0.0327 331 0.0026 465 | 0.0326 465 0.0025 628 | 0.0325 628 0.0024 820 0.0324 820 0.0024 039 0.0324 039 0.0023 285 0.0323 285 0.0022 556 0.0322 556 0.0021 851 0.0321 851 0.0021 169 0.0321 169 0 0020 511 0.0320 511 0.0019 874 | 0.0319 874 0.0019 258 0.0319 258 0.0585 634 0.0018 662 0.0018 086 0.0568 577 0.0552 016 0.0318 662 0.0318 086 0.0017 528 | 0.0317 598 0.0535 938 0.0016 989 0.0316 989 100 0.0520 328 0.0016 467 0.0316 457 Ratio of Perpetual Ann. 0.0300 000 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.015. • Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.0256 657 0.0256 657 | 0.0556 657 0.4610 689 0.4475 419 0.4344 118 0.4216 669 0.0243 028 0.0230 421 0.0218 732 0.0543 028 0.0530 421 0.0518 732 0.4092 960 | 0.0207 869 | 0.0507 869 0.3972 879 | 0.0197 750 0.3856 322 0.3743 185 0.3633 366 0.3526 769 | 0.0188 307 0.0179 477 0.0171 207 0.0163 417 0.3423 300 0.3322 866 0.3225 380 0.3130 752 0.3038 902 0.2949 746 | 0.0125 517 0.2863 205 0.2779 204 0.2697 666 0.2618 522 0.0120 357 0.0115 467 0.0110 828 0.0106 423 0.1040 307 0.0335 485 0.0334 333 0.1009 786 0.0333 222 0.0980 161 0.0332 151 0.0951 405 0.0331 117 0.0923 492 0.2541 699 | 0.0102 236 0.2457 130 0.0098 255 0.2394 748 0.0094 464 0.2324 491 0.0090 854 0.2256 295 0.0087 411 0.1887 136 0.1831 771 0.1778 030 | 0.1725 866 0.1675 232 0.1626 084 0.1578 377 0.1532 070 0.1487 122 0 1443 492 0.1401 143 0.1360 036 0.1320 135 0.1281 40-4 0.1243 810 0 2190 099 0.0084 128 | 0.0384 128 0.2125 845 0.0080 993 0.0380 993 0.2063 476 0.0077 999 0.0377 999 0.2002 938 0.0075 138 0.0375 138 0.194k 175 | 0.0072 401 0.0372 401 0.0156 156 | 0.0456 156 0.0419 295 0.0442 829 0.0136 729 0.0430 966 0.0149 295 0.0112 829 0.0136 729 0.0130 966 0.0896 399 0.0870 100 0.0844 573 0.0819 794 0.0795 743 0.0772 397 0.0749 736 0.0727 741 0.0706 390 0.0685 666 0.0665 549 0.0646 023 0.0627 070 0.0608 673 0.0590 816 0.1207 319 0.0041 193 0 1171 898 0.0039 824 0.1137 517 0.0038 506 0.1104 144 0.0037 236 0.1071 750 | 0.0036 012 0.0497 750 0.0488 307 0.0479 477 0.0471 207 0.0163 417 0.0048 884 0.0047 224 0.0015 627 0.0044 092 0.0042 615 0.0069 783 | 0.0369 783 0.0067 277 | 0.0367 277 0.0064 876 0.0361 876 0.0062 576 | 0.0362 576 0.0060 370 | 0.0360 370 0.0425 517 0.0420 357 0.0415 467 0.0410 828 0.0406 423 0.0058 255 0.0359 255 0.0056 226 0.0356 226 0.0054 278 0.0354 278 0.0052 407 0.0352 407 0.0050 610 | 0.0350 610 0.0402 236 0.0398 255 0.0394 464 0.0390 854 0.0387 411 0.0034 833 0.0033 696 0.0032 600 0.0343 881 0.0347 224 0.0345 627 0 0344 092 0.0342 615 0.0334 833 0.0333 696 0.0332 600 0.0031 543 0.0331 543 0.0030 524 0.0330 524 0.0341 193 0.0339 824 0.0338 506 0.0337 235 0.0336 012 C 0.0029 540 0.0028 591 0.0027 674 0.0026 790 0.0326 790 0.0329 540 0.0328 591 0.0327 674 0.0025 936 0.0325 936 0.0025 112 0.0325 112 0.0024 315 0.0324 315 0.0023 546 0.0323 546 0.0022 802 0.0322 802 0.0022 081 0.0322 084 0.0021 390 0.0321 390 0.0020 719 0.0320 719 0.0020 071 0.0320 071 0.0019 444 0.0319 444 0 0018 837 0.0318 837 0.0573 482 0.0018 251 0.0318 251 0.0556 657 0.0017 684 0.0317 684 0.0540 326 | 0.0017 136 0.0317 136 0.0524 474 0.0016 605 0.0316 605 0.0509 086 | 0.0016 092 | 0.0316 092 0.0300 000 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.0075. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.4597 421 0.4462 042 0.4330 658 0.4203 138 0.4079 373 0.3959 253 0.3842 669 0.3729 518 0.3619 700 | 0.3513 115 0.3409 668 0.3309 268 0.3211 824 0.3117 248 0.3025 459 0.2528 773 0.2454 312 0.2382 042 0.2311 901 0.2243 825 0.2177 754 0.2113 628 0.2051 391 0.1990 986 0.1932 360 0.2936 372 0.0124 711 0.2849 908 | 0.0119 575 0.2765 990 0.2684 543 0.0114 708 0.0110 091 0.2605 494 | 0.0105 706 0.0105 706 0.0255 290 0.0241 715 0.0229 162 0.0217 521 0.0206 703 0.1197 856 0.1162 584 0.1128 350 0.1095125 0.1002 878 0.0196 627 0.0187 224 0.0178 432 0.0170 197 0.0162 472 0.1031 581 0.1001 205 0.0971 724 0.0943 111 0.0915 340 0.0155 212 0.0148 381 0.0141 945 0.0135 872 0.0130 136 0.1875 459 0.0069 252 0.1820 235 0.0066 759 0.1766 637 0.0064 371 0.1714 617 | 0.0062 083 0.1661 129 0.0059 890 | 0.0888 387 0.0862 228 0.0836 839 0.0812 197 0.0788 282 0.1615 127 | 0.0057 787 0.1567 568 0.0055 769 0.1521 410 0.0053 832 0.1476 610 | 0.0051 973 0.1433 130 0.0050 186 0.0765 070 0.0742 542 0.0720 677 0.0699 456 0.0678 860 0.0101 540 0.0097 578 0.0093 806 0.0090 213 0.0086 789 0.1390 931 0.1349 974 0.1310 223 0.1271 642 0.1234 198 | 0.0042 239 0.0048 470 0.0046 820 0.0045 233 0.0043 707 0.0083 522 0.0080 403 0.0077 425 0.0074 578 9.0071 856 0.0040 826 0.0039 466 0.0038 156 0.0036 894 0.0035 679 0.0034 507 0.0033 378 0.0032 289 0.0031 240 0.0030 227 0.0029 250 0.0028 308 0.0027 398 0.0026 520 0.0025 672 0.0024 854 0.0024 063 0.0023 299 0.0022 562 0.0021 849 0.0658 870 0.0021 160 0.0039 4690.0020 495 0 0620 640 0.0602 365 0.0584 627 0.0019 851 0.0019 229 0.0018 628 0.0567 413 0.0018 016 0.0550 705 0.0017 484 0.0531 489 | 0.0016 940 0.0518 750 0.0016 414 0.0503 475 0.0015 905 0.0555 290 0.0541 716 0.0529 162 0.0517 521 0.0506 703 0.0496 627 0.0487 224 0.0478 432 0.0470 197 0.0462 472 0.0455 212 0.0448 381 0.0441 945 0.0435 872 0.0430 136 0.0424 711 0.0419 575 0.0414 708 0.0410 091 0.0405 706 0.0401 540 0.0397 578 0.0393 806 0.0390 213 0.0386 789 0.0383 522 0.0380 403 0.0377 425 0.0374 578 0.0371 856 0.0369 252 0.0366 759 0.0364 371 0.0362 083 0.0359 890 0.0357 787 0.0355 769 0.0353 832 0.0351 973 0.0350 186 0.0348 470 0.0346 820 0.0345 233 0.0343 707 0.0342 239 0.0340 826 0.0339 466 0.0338 156 0.0336 894 0.0335 679 0.0334 507 0.0333 378 0.0332 289 0.0331 240 0.0330 227 0.0329 250 0.0328 308 0.0327 398 0.0326 520 0.0325 672 0.0324 854 0.0324 063 0.0323 299 0.0322 562 0.0321 819 0 0321 160 0.0320 495 0.0319 851 0.0319 229 0.0318 628 0.0318 046 0.0317 484 0 0316 940 0.0316 414 0.0315 905 0.0300 000 Page 5. RATE OF INTEREST: 34 per Cent. per Ann.--CORRESPONDING VALUE of Years. ** Jak PKNP 2 w *}}}=}= A/c:1 # 10 t P1006/ ===== ~{<={\{0}** HGHAMT 8 HARDW ස AKONIAL DA Face CAKEHAN 11 12 GARLAL FAKDAL 14 15 & DOOR D2565 SAAN 16 18 19 20 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.0325. 21 92 Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 25 1.0325 000 10 1.3768 943 11.596 748 1.0660 563 2.0325 000 1.0000 000 000 1.1007 031 3.0985 563 1.1364 759 4.1992 593 1.1734 114 5.3357 353 1.2115 473 6.5091 467 1.2509 226 | 7.7206 939 1.2915 775 8.9716 165 1.3335 538 | 10.263 194 1.4216 434 CAG. 1.5155 518 12.973 642 1.4678 468 14.395 285 1.6681 725 20.559 155 17 1.7223 881 22.227 327 1.7783 658 | 23.949 715 1.8361 626 | 25.728 081 1.8958 379 27.564 244 15.863 132 1.5648 072 17.378 684 1.6156 635 | 18.943 491 1.9574 527 29.460 082 2.0210 699 31.417 534 23 2.0867 546 33.438 604 2.1545 742 35.525 359 2.C245 978 37.679 933 24 0.9685 23 1.9065 60 2.8150 70 3.6949 83 4.5471 99 5.3725 90 6.1720 00 6.9462 47 7.6961 23 8.4223 95 9.1258 07 9.8070 77 10.466 90 11.105 96 11.724 90 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.01625. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 1.0162 500 1.0327 641 1.0495 465 1.0666 016 .... 1.0839 339 1.1015 478 ... 1.1194 480 .. 1.1376 390 1.3152 536 1.3366 265 .. 1.3583 466 1.3804 198 1.1561 256 4.8038 654 1.1749 127 5.3819 282 0.5000 000 1.0081 250 1.1940 050 5.9693 845 1.2134 076 6.5663 869 .... 1.5245 070 2.0492 803 1.2331 254 7.1730 907 1.2531 637 7.7896 531 1.4488 147 1.4723 579 2.5825 811 1.2735 276 8.4162 353 1.2942 225 9.0529 991 1.4962 838 1.5205 984 .... 3.1245 480 3.6753 219 4.2350 459 ··· 12.324 36 12.904 95 1.7298 920 13.467 26 1.7865 703 14.011 88 1.8451 056 14.539 35 1.9055 587 15.050 21 1.9679 926 15.545 00 2.0324 720 16.024 22 2.0990 641 16.428 34 2.1678 379 16.937 86 2.2388 651 1.4028 516 12.395 434 1.4256 479 13.096 859 9.7001 103 10.357 737 11.026 050 11.705 224 13.809 683 14.534 091 1.5453 081 16.778 711 1.5704 194 17.551 365 15.270 270 16.018 412 1.5959 387 18.336 575 1.6218 727 19.134 544 1.6482 281 19.945 480 1.6750 118 20.769 594 22.458 215 24.202 163 26.003 249 27.863 346 .... 29.784 387 31.768 370 33.817 355 35.933 474 38.118 926 0.4920 05 0.9761 43 1.4525 39 1.9213 18 2.3826 00 2.8365 07 .... 3.2831 56 3.7226 63 ... 4.1551 42 ... 4.5807 05 4.9994 66 5.4115 29 5.8170 03 6.2159 93 ... 6.6086 04 6.9949 36 7.3750 91 7.7491 67 8.1172 61 .... 8.4794 70 8.8358 87 9.1866 05 9.5317 14 .... 9.8713 06 10.205 47 10.534 28 10.857 84 11.176 23 11.489 53 11.797 81 ... 12.101 17 .. 12.399 67 12.982 44 13.546 72 14.093 09 14.622 14 15.134 40 15.630 41 16.110 68 16.575 72 17.026 00 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.008125. Improved Cumulated Principal. Annuity. 1.0081 950 1.0163 160 1.0245 736 1.0328 982 1.0412 905 1.0497 510 1.0582 803 1.0668 788 1.0755 472 1.0842 860 1.0930 958 1.1019 772 1.1109 308 1.1199 571 1.1290 567 1.1382 303 1.1474 785 1.1568 017 1.1662 007 1.1756 762 1.1852 285 1.1918 585 1.2045 667 1.2143 538 1.2242 204 1.2341 672 1.2441 948 1.2543 039 1.2644 951 1.2747 691 1.2851 266 1.2955 683 1.2060 948 1.3167 068 1.3274 051 1.3381 902 1.3710 743 1.3822 143 1.3934 448 1.4047 666 1.4161 803 1.4276 867 1.4392 867 1.4509 809 1.4627 701 1.4746 551 1.4866 367 1.4987 156 1.5108 927 1.5231 687 1.5355 444 1.5480 207 1.5605 984 1.5732 783 1.6382 398 1.6515 505 1.6649 693 1.6784 972 0.2500 000 0.5020 313 0.7561 103 1.0122 536 1.2704 782 1.5308 008 1.7932 386 2.0578 087 1.3490 630 10.740 400 1.3600 241 11.077 666 11.417 672 11.760 441 1.7907 530 1.8496 657 1.9105 161 2.3245 284 2.5934 152 2.8644 867 3.1377 606 1.9733 691 2.0382 895 2.1053 456 2.1746 078 2.2461 485 3.4132 549 3.6909 876 3.9709 769 4.2532 411 4.5377 987 4.8246 683 5.1138 687 5.4054 189 5.6993 379 5.9956 450 6.2943 596 6.5955 013 6.8990 898 7.2051 449 7.5136 867 7.8247 354 8.1383 114 8.4544 351 8.7731 274 9.0911 091 9.4183 012 9.7448 248 10.074 002 10.405 853 12.105 994 12.454 356 12.805 547 13.159 592 13.516 514 13.876 336 14.239 081 14.604 773 1.5850 612 1.5989 479 18.032 651 18.429 166 1.6119 394 18.828 903 1.6250 364 | 19.231 888 14.973 437 15.345 096 15.719 775 16.097 498 16.478 291 16.862 177 17.249 182 17.639 331 1.7337 168 | 22.575 901 24.330 862 26.143 560 28.015 890 19.638 147 20.047 707 20.160 595 20.876 837 29.949 818 31.947 368 34.010 634 36.141 778 38.343 032 Value of Annuity. 0.2479 85 0.4939 72 0.7379 76 0.9800 13 1.2201 00 1.4582 51 1.6944 84 1.9288 12 2.1612 52 2.3918 18 2.6205 27 2.8473 92 3.0724 28 3.2956 51 3.5170 75 3.7367 14 3.9545 83 4.1706 96 4.3850 67 4.5977 11 4.8086 41 5.0178 71 5.2254 14 5.4312 85 5.6354 96 5.8380 62 6.0389 95 6.2383 09 6.4360 16 6.6321 30 6.8266 64 7.0196 29 7.2110 39 7.4009 07 7.5892 45 7.7760 64 7.9613 78 8.1451 98 8.3275 37 8.5084 06 8.6878 18 8.8657 83 9.0423 14 9.2174 23 9.3911 20 9.5634 17 9.7343 26 9.9038 57 10.072 02 10.238 83 10.404 30 10.568 43 10.731 24 10.892 73 11.052 93 11.211 83 11.369 46 11.525 81 11.680 90 11.834 74 11.987 35 12.138 72 12.288 87 12.437 81 13.021 68 13.586 94 14.134 21 14.664 04 15.177 00 15.673 62 16.154 42 16.619 91 17.070 57 Page 6. |ė PERPET. STOCK: 3 p. C. 92,3077; 3½ p. C. 107,6923; 4 p. C. 123,0769; 5 p. C. 153,8462. Years. *** 1 -THRE 20 HTA: ~~:04 ~*~~:04 10 === PRU-AL 7 ∞ 6:0 FR-PL ❤ 14~2:940 32]e#e [22l#S? 6 0.8253 908 0.1536 300 ܢܚܘܐܝܩܕܝܚ ܘܗܘܘܐܝܗ ܩܝܝ PPONHAL 14 GARN-AL RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.0325. SA1:A Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 16 ... 0.9685 230 1.0000 000 2002 20 17 18 19 0.9380 368 0.4920 049 0.5245 049 0.9085 102 0.8522 161 0.3227 310 0.8799 130 0.2381 373 0.2706 373 0.7742 470 0.1874 156 0.7994 100 0.1295 220 0.1114 627 0.7262 722 | 0.0862 311 1.0325 000 12 0.6812 700 0.0694 672 0.1019 672 | 15 0.6189 408 0.0527 886 0.3552 310 13 0.6598 257 | 0.0630 393 0.0630 393 | 0.0955 393 0.6390 564 0.0575 418 0.2199 156 0.7498 760 0.0974 356 0.1299 356 21 22 0.5108 680 0.4947 874 23 0.4792 130 24 0.4641 288 25 0.1861 300 0.1620 220 0.1439 627 0.7034 113 0.0770 794 0.1095 794 0.1187 311 0.0900 418 0.0852 886 0.5994 584 0.0486 401 0.0811 401 0.5805 892 0.0149 897 0.0774 897 0.5623 140 0.0417 542 0.0742 542 0.5446 141 0.0388 680 0.0713 680 0.5274 712 | 0.0362 789 0.0687 789 0.0339 442 0.0318 294 0.0299 056 0.0281 489 0.0664 442 0.0643 294 0.0624 056 0.0606 489 0.4495 194 0.0265 393 0.0590 393 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.01625. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9840 102 0.9682 753 | 0.9919 405 0.9225 656 0.9078 135 0.8649 579 0.8511 271 2.0000.000 0.9527 925 0.6559 497 0.6884 497 0.9375 572 | 0.4879 762 | 0.5204 762 0.7852 205 0.7726 647 .... 0.8932 975 0.2720 850 0.8790 134 0.2361 250 ··· .... 0.3200 463 0.7128 337 0.7014 355 ; 0.3872 095 0.4197 095 0.3525 463 .. .... 2.0325 000 1.0244 405 0.2000 213 0.8375 174 0.1675 213 0.8241 254 0.1522 906 | 0.1847 906 .... 0.2081 657 0.2406 657 0.1858 070 0.2183 070 0.8109 475 0.1394 099 0.1719 099 0.7979 803 0.1283 753 0.1608 753 ... ... 0.3045 850 0.2686 250 0.1030 915 0.1355 915 0.7603 097 0.7481 522 0.0965 461 | 0.1290 461 0.1188 179 0.1513 179 0.1104 606 | 0.1429 606 0.6265 905 0.0545 358 0.6165 712 | 0.0522 615 .... ... 0.7361 891 0.0906 942 0.1231 942 0.7244 173 0.0854 319 0.1179 319 0.0384 567 0.0358 894 .... 0.0806 748 | 0.1131 748 0.0763 541 0.1088 541 0.5081 320 0.4920 117 0.4764 028 0.4612 891 0.4466 549 0.0262 337 ... 0.6902 194 0.0724 129 0.1049 129 0.6791 826 | 0.0688 037 0.1013 037 0.6683 224 0.0654 867 0.0979 867 0.6576 359 0.0624 281 0.0949 281 • 0.6471 202 0.0595 993 | 0.0920 993 0.6367 726 0.0569 756 0.0894 756 0.6067 121 0.0501 367 0.0826 367 0.5970 107 0.0481 473 0.0806 473 0.5780 708 0.0445 271 0.5597 317 0.0413 186 0.5419 744 0.5247 805 0.0770 271 0.0738 186 0.0709 567 0.0683 894 0.0870 358 0.0847 615 0.0335 746 0.0660 746 0.0314 779 | 0.0639 779 0.0295 706 0.0620 706 0.0278 292 | 0.0603 292 0.0587 337 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.008125. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9919 405 0.9839 459 0.9760 158 0.9681 496 0.9603 468 0.9526 069 0.9449 294 0.9373 136 0.9297 593 0.9222 659 0.9148 329 0.9074 598 0.9001 461 0.8928 913 0.8856 951 0.8785 568 0.8714 760 0.8644 523 0.8574 853 0.8505 741 0.8437 192 0.8369 192 0.8301 741 0.8231 833 0.8168 464 0.8102 630 0.8037 327 0.7972 550 0.7908 295 0.7844 558 0.7781 334 0.7718 620 0.7656 412 0.7594 705 0.7533 495 0.7472 779 0.7412 552 0.7352 810 0.7293 551 0.7234 769 0.7176 459 0.7118 620 0.7061 248 0.7004 339 0.6726 593 0.6672 380 0.6618 604 0.6565 261 0.6512 349 0.6459 863 0.6407 799 0.6356 155 0.6304 927 0.6254 i12 0.6203 707 0.6153 708 4.0000 000 1.9919 078 1.3225 585 0.9878 947 0.7871 053 0.6532 528 0.5576 503 0.4859 538 0.5767 954 0.5584 243 0.5406 382 0.5234 187 0.4301 948 0.3855 919 0.4626 948 0.4180 919 0.3491 027 0.3816 027 0.3186 986 | 0.3511 986 0.2929 755 0.2709 302 0.2518 272 0.2351 148 0.1449 467 0.1387 898 0.1330 905 0.1277 999 0.2203 712 0.2528 712 0.2072 682 0.2397 682 0.1955 467 0.2280 467 0.1849 996 | 0.2174 996 0.1754 590 | 0.2079 590 0.1667 878 0.1588 724 0.1516 186 0.1992 878 0.1913 724 0.1841 186 0.1061 763 0.1026 186 0.0992 654 0.0960 998 0.6947 887 0.0739 836 0.6891 890 0.0720 652 0.6836 345 0.6781 246 0.0826 037 0.0802 932 0.0780 913 0.0759 902 4.0325 000 2.0244 078 1.3550 585 1.0203 917 0.1228 756 | 0.1553 756 0.1182 812 0.1507 812 0.1139 844 0.1464 844 0.1099 577 0.1424 577 0.8196 053 0.6857 528 0.5901 503 0.5184 538 0.3254 755 0.3034 302 0.2843 272 0.2676 148 0.0931 061 0.0902 718 0.0875 835 0.0850 309 0.0850 309 | 0.1175 309 0.1256 064 0.1227 718 0.1200 835 0.0554 550 0.0542 618 0.0531 098 0.0519 970 0.6104 112 0.6054 916 0.0509 213 0.0498 810 0.6006 116 0.0488 744 0.5957 710 0.0479 000 0.1774 467 0.1712 898 0.1655 905 0.1602 999 0.1064 836 0.1045 652 0.0702 293 0.1027 293 0.0684 708 | 0.1009 708 0.0442 950 0.0411 001 0.0382 503 0.0356 940 0.5067 476 0.0333 892 0.4906 075 0.0313 015 0.4749 814 0.0294 026 Ò.4598 530 0.0276 688 0.4452 065 0.0260 804 0.1386 763 0.1351 186 0.1317 654 0.1285 998 0.0667 849 0.0992 849 0.0651 674 | 0.0976 674 0.0636 141 0.0961 141 0.0621 215 | 0.0946 215 0.0606 859 0.0931 859 0.0593 043 0.0918 043 0.0579 738 | 0.0904 738 0.0566 915 0.0891 915 0.1151 037 0.1127 932 0.1105 913 0.1084 902 0.0879 550 0.0867 618 0.0856 098 0.0844 970 0.0834 213 0.0823 810 0.0813 744 0.0804 000 0.0767 950 0.0736 001 0.0707 503 0.0681 940 0.0658 892 0.0638 015 0.0619 026 0.0601 688 0.0585 804 Page 7. RATE OF INTEREST: 34 per Cent, per Ann.- CORRESPONDING VALUE OF NIKE SOME A Years. 8582 100** C**** ***33 85988 58846 85898 58876 86882 KRK** O*20% 26 27 2.2968 973 2.3715 464 2.4486 217 29 2.5282 019 30 2.6103 684 31 32 34 36 40 44 48 41 3.7110 130 42 3.8316 209 49 50 43 3.9561 486 4.0847 234 45 4.2174 769 51 52 53 46 4.3545 449 47 4.4960 676 55 56 57 60 61 63 64 66 67 71 72 73 74 75 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.0325. 76 77 Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 78 2.6952 054 2.7827 996 2.8732 406 2.9666 209 3.0630 361 3.1625 847 3.2653 687 3.3714 932 3.4810 668 3.5942 014 85838 683** 85882 100 4.6421 898 4.7930 610 4.9488 355 69 70 9.3821 900 5.1096 726 5.2757 370 5.4471 984 5.6242 324 5.8070 200 5.9957 481 6.1906 099 6.3918 047 6.5995 384 6.8140 234 7.0354 791 7.2641 322 7.7439 736 7.9956 527 8.2555 114 8.5238 155 8.8008 395 9.0868 668 79 80 12.918 284 39.904 531 42.201 428 44.572 975 47.021 596 49.549 798 185.70 705 192.74 253 7.5002 165 200.00 666 52.160 167 54.855 372 57.638 172 60.511 412 63.478 033 15.651 112 16.159 773 16.684 965 17.227 227 17.787 112 66.541 069 69.703 654 72.969 023 76.340 516 79.821 583 18.365 193 18.962 061 19.578 328 20.214 624 20.871 599 96 21.549 926 97 22.250 299 83.415 784 87.126 797 90.958 418 94.914 566 98.999 290 103.21 677 107.57 131 112.06 738 116.70 957 121.50 263 126.45 147 131.56 114 136.83 688 142.28 407 147.90 831 153.71 533 159.71 107 165.90 168 172.29 349 178.89 303 9.6871 112 10.001 942 267.29 573 276.98 284 10.327 005 286.98 478 10.662 633 11.009 169 297.31 179 307.97 442 .11.366 967 318.98 359 11.736 393 330.35 056 12.117 826 342.08 695 12.511 655 354.20 477 366.71 643 81 13.338 128 379.63 471 82 13.771 617 392.97 284 83 14.219 195 406.74 446 84 14.681 319 420.96 365 85 15.158 462 435.64 497 207.50 688 215.25 085 223.24 650 231.50 202 240.02 583 248.82 667 257.91 354 450.80 343 466.45 455 482.61 432 499.29 928 516.52 651 632.30 543 653.85 535 17.373 23 17.794 90 18.203 29 18.598 83 18.981 92 98 22.973 434 676.10 565 19.352 95 19.712 30 20.060 34 20.397 42 20.723 89 21.010 09 21.346 33 21.642 94 21.930 21 22.208 43 22.477 90 22.738 89 22.991 66 23.236 47 23.473 58 23.703 23 23.925 64 24.141 06 24.349 69 24.551 76 24.747 47 24.937 02 25.120 60 25.298 40 25.470 60 25.637 39 25.798 92 25.955 37 26.106 90 26.253 66 26.395 79 26.533 46 26.666 78 26.795 92 26.920 99 27.042 12 27.159 43 27.273 06 - - 27.383 11 27.489 70 27.592 92 27.692 90 27.789 74 27.883 52 27.974 36 28.062 33 28.147 54 28.230 06 28.309 99 28.387 39 28.462 37 28.534 98 28.605 31 28.673 42 28.739 39 534.31 362 29.093 82 552.67 881 29.146 56 571.64 088 29.197 63 591.21 920 29.247 10 611.43 383 29.295 02 28.803 29 28.865 17 28.925 10 28.983 15 29.039 37 29.341 42 29.386 36 29.429 89 23.720 070 699.07 909 29.472 05 24.490 973 722.79 916 29.512 88 Value of Perpetual Ann. 30.769 23 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.01625. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 2.3122 194 40.375 981 2.3879 771 42.706 988 2.4662 169 45.114 367 2.5470 202 47.600 622 2.630 710 | 50.168 337 2.7166 559 2.8056 646 2.8975 895 2.9925 263 3.0905 737 3.1918 334 3.2964 108 3.4044 146 3.5159 571 3.6311 541 3.7501 255 84.619 246 3.8729 948 88.399 841 3.9998 899 | 92.304 304 4.1309 425.96.336 693 4.2662 889 100.50 120 5.1767 473 5.3463 586 5.5215 270 5.7024 346 5.8892 696 | 4.4060 699 104.80 215 4.5504 306 109.24 402 4.6995 212 113.83 142 4.8534 966 | 118.56 913 5.0125 169 | 123.46 206 6.0822 261 6.2815 045 6.4873 121 6.6998 628 6.9193 775 7.1460 844 7.3802 192 7.6220 252 7.8717 537 8.1296 613 8.3960 251 8.6711 130 8.9552 139 9.2486 231 9.5516 456 9.8645 963 10.137 801 11.590 039 11.969 776 | 12.361 954 12.766 982 13.185 280 52.820 181 55.558 909 58.387 370 61.308 502 64.325 343 13.617 284 14.063 441 14.524 217 15.000 089 15.491 553 67.441 028 70.658 795 73.981 989 77.414 064 80.958 589 15.999 119 16.523 315 17.064 686 17.623 795 18.201 222 128.51 530 133.73 411 139.12 391 144.69 030 150.43 906 22.035 501 22.809 111 23.556 430 156.37 619 162.50 783 168.84 037 175.38 039 182.13 469 10.521 594 | 292.97 213 10.866 324 11.222 319 303.57 921 314.53 383 189.11 029 196.31 444 203.75 462 211.43 857 219.37 429 227.57 000 236.03 425 244.77 581 253.80 379 263.12 756 272.75 681 282.70 155 325.84 736 337.53 157 349.59 860 362.06 099 374.93 171 17.462 00 17.884 17 18.292 94 18.688 75 19.072 00 19.443 09 19.802 41 20.150 32 20.487 20 20.813 40 21.129 24 21.435 07 21.731 19 22.017 92 22.295 55 - 22.564 38 22.824 67 23.076 71 23.320 75 23.557 05 23.785 85 24.007 40 24.221 92 24.429 63 24.630 75 24.825 49 25.014 06 25.196 63 25.373 42 25.544 60 25.710 36 25.870 85 26.026 24 26.176 71 26.322 41 26.463 48 26.600 08 26.732 35 26.860 42 26.984 42 27.104 49 27.220 74 27.333 35 27.442 33 27.547 88 27.650 07 27.749 03 27.844 84 27.937 62 28.027 45 || 28.114 43 28.198 65 28.280 20 28.359 17 28.435 63 388.22 412 28.509 66 401.95 204 28.581 34 416.12 975 28.650 75 430.77 197 28.717 96 445.89 394 28.783 03 461.51 136 28.846 05 477.64 047 28.907 06 494.29 804 28.966 13 511.50 138 29.023 34 529.26 836 29.078 73 18.797 568 19.413 452 20.049 516 547.61 747 29.132 36 566.56 777 29.184 29 586.13 896 29.234 57 20.706 420 606.35 137 29.283 26 21.384 846 | 627.22 603 29.330 40 648.78 463 29.376 04 671.04 958 29.420 24 694.04 401 29.463 04 24.328 235 717.79 184 29.504 48 25.125 327 742.31 774 29.544 60 30.769 23 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.008125. Improved Cumulated Principal. Annuity. 2.3200 429 2.3963 682 2.4752 045 40.616 704 42.965 176 45.390 909 2.5566 344 | 47.896 443 2.6107 432 50.484 406 53.157 508 2.7276 190 2.8173 529 2.9100 388 55.918 550 58.770 426 3.0057 740 | 61.716 123 3.1046 587 64.758 729 3.2057 965 67.901 431 3.3122 945 | 71.147 522 74.500 405 3.4212 632 3.5338 167 3.6500 731 77.963 591 81.540 710 3.7701 541 3.8941 855 4.0222 974 4.1546 239 4.2913 037 4.4324 801 4.5783 009 4.7289 189 4.8844 921 5.0451 833 5.2111 610 5.3825 990 5.5596 771 5.7425 807 5.9315 015 6.1266 375 6.3281 931 6.5363 795 6.7514 150 6.9735 246 7.2029 414 7.4399 055 7.6846 653 7.9374 773 8.1986 064 11.705 042 12.090 117 12.487 861 12.898 689 13.323 033 85.235 509 89.051 862 92.993 765 97.065 350 101.27 088 105.61 477 110.10 157 114.73 597 119.52 283 124.46 718 16.178 876 16.711 133 17.260 900 17.828 753 18.415 288 129.57 418 134.84 920 140.29 776 145.92 556 151.73 851 8.4683 261 8.7469 192 9.0346 774 9.3319 025 229.79 465 238.36 674 247.22 084 256.36 623 9.6389 057 | 265.81 248 19.021 118 19.646 880 20.293 225 20.960 837 21.650 412 157.74 269 163.94 440 170.35 014 176.96 661 183.80 076 9.9560 087 10.283 544 10.621 854 10.971 295 275.56 950 285.64 751 296.05 706 306.80 907 11.332 231 | 317.91 480 190.85 973 198.15 091 205.68 201 213.46 084 221.49 558 13.761 338 14.214 062 392.65 655 406.58 652 14.681 679 | 420.97 475 15.164 681 435.83 634 15.663 572 | 451.18 684 329.38 590 341.23 437 353.47 263 366.11 352 379.17 026 467.04 235 483.41 948 500.33 538 554.49 595 573.75 015 593.63 770 614.17 960 635.39 728 Value of Annuity. 22.362 672 | 657.31 299 23.098 305 679.94 968 23.858 260 | 703.25 416 24.643 155 727.48 170 752.42 683 25.453 872 17.506 88 17.929 29 18.338 24 18.734 18 19.117 50 19.488 61 19.847 83 20.195 75 20.532 52 20.858 56 21.174 22 21.479 83 21.775 70 22.062 15 22.339 47 22.607 96 22.867 90 23.119 56 23.363 21 23.599 09 23.827 46 24.048 56 24.262 62 24.469 86 24.670 50 24.864 74 25.052 80 25.234 87 25.411 14 25.581 80 25.747 02 25.906 98 26.061 85 26.211 78 26.356 93 26.497 47 26.633 53 26.765 25 26.892 78 27.016 24 27.135 78 27.251 50 27.363 55 27.472 02 27.577 03 27.678 71 27.777 14 27.872 44 27.964 70 28.054 03 28.140 51 28.224 23 28.305 29 28.383 77 28.459 75 28.867 41 28.927 98 28.986 62 517.80 779 29.043 40 535.85 501 29.098 37 28.533 31 28.604 52 28.673 47 28.740 23 28.804 84 29.151 59 29.203 11 29.252.99 29.301 28 29.348 04 29.393 30 29.437 13 29.479 55 29.520 63 29.500 40 30.769 23 Page 8. PERPET. STOCK: 3p. C. 92,3077; 34 p. C. 107,6923; 4p. C. 123,0769; 5 p. C. 153,8462. Years. ***RA 788*8 85889 29339 95998 88858 85888 58858 86888 PPPPP PER2: 58833 85888 58833 85883 62 63 64 65 66 67 69 70 72 73 74 75 78 79 82 86 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.0325. 100 Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.4353 699 0.4216 658 0.4083 930 0.3955 380 0.3830 877 0.3710 293 0.3593 504 0.3480 391 0.3370 838 0.3264 735 0.3161 971 0.3062 441 0.2966 045 0.2872 683 0.2782 259 0.2694 682 0.2609 862 0.2527 711 0.2448 146 0.2371 086 0.2296 451 0.2224 166 0.2154 156 0.2086 349 0.2020 677 0.1957 073 0.1895 470 0.1835 806 0.1778 020 0.1722 054 76 0.0879 742 0.0852 051 0.0825 231 0.0799 255 0.0774 097 0.1667 849 0.1615 350 0.1564 503 0.1515 257 0.1467 562 0.1421 367 0.1376 627 0.1333 295 0.1291 327 0.1250 680 0.1211 312 0.1173 184 0.1136 255 0.1100 489 0.1055 849 0.1032 300 0.0999 806 0.0968 335 0.0937 855 0.0908 334 0.0749 730 0.0726 131 0.0703 275 0.0681 138 0.0659 698 0.0638 932 0.0618 821 0.0599 342 0.0580 476 0.0562 205 0.0250 598 0.0575 598 0.0236 959 | 0.0561 959 0.0549 351 0.0224 351 0.0537 668 0.0212 668 0.0526 817 0.0201 817 0.0191 717 | 0.0516 717 0.0182 298 0.0507 298 0.0173 496 0.0498 496 0.0165 258 0.0490 258 0.0157 535 | 0.0482 535 0.0150 283 0.0475 283 0.0143 465 | 0.0468 465 0.0462 044 0.0137 044 0.0130 992 0.0455 992 0.0125 279 | 0.0450 279 0.0119 881 0.0114 775 0.0109 940 0.0105 358 0.0101 011 0.0096 884 0.0421 884 0.0092 962 | 0.0417 962 0.0089 231 0.0085 683 0.0082 303 0.0414 231 0.0410 683 0.0407 303 0.0079 082 0.0076 009 0.0073 080 0.0070 282 0.0067 609 0.0065 055 0.0062 613 0.0060 277 0.0058 041 0.0055 899 0.0053 819 0.0051 883 0.0049 998 0.0048 191 0.0046 457 0.0044 794 0.0043 196 0.0041 662 0.0040 189 0.0038 773 0.0037 412 0.0036 103 0.0034 845 0.0033 635 0.0032 470 0.0031 350 0.0030 271 0.0029 232 0.0028 232 0.0027 269 0.0026 341 0.0025 447 0.0024 585 0.0023 755 0.0022 954 0.0022 183 0.0021 438 0.0020 721 0.0020 028 0.0019 360 0.0444 881 0.0439 775 0.0134 940 0.0430 358 0.0426 011 0.0018 716 0.0018 094 0.0017 493 0.0016 914 0.0016 355 0.0404 082 0.0401 009 0.0398 080 0.0395 282 0.0392 609 0.0390 055 0.0387 613 0.0385 277 0.0383 041 0.0380 899 0.0378 849 0.0376 883 0.0374 998 0.0373 191 0.0371 457 0.0369 794 0.0368 196 0.0366 662 0.0365 189 0.0363 773 0.0362 412 0.0361 103 0.0359 845 0.0358 635 0.0357 470 0.0356 350 0.0355 271 0.0354 232 0.0353 232 0.0352 269 0.0351 341 0.0350 447 0.0349 585 0.0348 755 0.0347 954 0.0347 183 0.0346 438 0.0345 721 0.0345 028 0.0344 360 0.0343 716 0.0343 094 0.0342 493 0.0341 914 0.0341 355 0.0544 508 0.0527 369 0.0510 769 0.0494 691 0.0479 120 0.0464 039 0.0449 432 0.0435 285 0.0421 584 0.0408 314 0.0015 815 0.0015 294 0.0014 791 0.0014 304 0.0013 835 0.0340 815 0,0340 294 0.0339 791 0.0339 304 0.0338 835 Ratio of Perpetual Ann. 0.0325 000 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.01625. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.4324 849 | 0.0247 672 | 0.0572 672 0.0234 154 | 0.0559 151 0.4187 644 0.0221 659 | 0.0546 659 0.0535 081 0.0210 081 0.0524 329 0.0199 329 0.4051 793 0.3926 156 0.3801 601 0.3680 996 0.0189 322 0.0179 991 0.3564 218 0.0171 270 0.3451 145 0.3341 658 | 0.0163 110 0.3235 645 | 0.0155 460 0.3132 996 | 0.0148 278 | 0.0473 278 0.0466 525 0.3033 603 0.0141 525 0.0135 168 0.0460 168 0.2037 362 0.0454 176 0.2844 176 0.0129 176 0.0148 520 0.2753 945 | 0.0123 520 0.2666 577 0.0118 176 0.0113 122 0.2581 981 0.2500 069 | 0.0108 337 0.0103 803 0.2420 755 0.2343 957 | 0.0099 501 0.2269 596 | 0.2197 594 0.2127 876 0.2060 370 0.1995 006 0.1931 715 0.1870 432 0.0077 812 0.0074 775 | 0.1811 093 | 0.0071 878 0.1753 637 0.1698 003 0.0069 113 0.0066 472 0.1644 135 0.1591 975 0.1541 470 0.1492 568 0.1445 217 0.1399 368 0.1354 973 0.1311 987 0.1270 365 0.1230 063 0.1191 040 0.1153 255 0.1116 668 0.1081 242 0.1046 940 0.0095 418 0.0420 418 0.0091 538 | 0.0416 538 0.0087 849 0.0084 339 0.0080 997 0.0412 849 0.0409 339 0.0405 997 0.0625 034 0.0605 205 0.0586 005 0.0567 415 0.0549 414 0.0052 879 | 0.0050 939 0.0049 079 0.0047 295 0.0015 584 0.0043 943 0.0042 367 | 0.0040 854 0.0039 401 0.0038 004 0.0862 810 0.0030 689 0.0835 437 0.0029 627 0.0028 604 | 0.0808 931 0.0783 270 | 0.0027 620 0.0758 421 0.0026 672 0.0152 786 0.0138 421 0.0424 513 0.0411 045 0.0398 005 0.0388 948 0.0063 948 0.0386 535 0.0061 535 0.0384 228 0.0059 228 0.0382 019 0.0057 019 0.0054 904 | 0.0379 904 0.0734 361 0.0025 758 | 0.0024 879 0.0711 064 0.0688 505 0.0024 031 0.0666 663 0.0023 214 0.0645 513 0.0022 427 0.0514 322 0.0504 991 0.0496 270 0.0488 110 0.0480 460 0.1013 726 | 0.0036 663 | 0.0361 663 0.0981 566 0.0035 373 0.0360 373 0.0359 133 0.0950 426 0.0034 133 0.0357 940 0.0032 940 0.0920 274 0.0891 079 | 0.0031 793 | 0.0356 793 0.0531 984 0.0018 261 0.0515 107 0.0017 650 0.0498 765 | 0.0017 061 0.0482 912 0.0467 621 0.0016 492 0.0015 943 0.0143 176 0.0438 122 0.0433 337 0.0428 803 0.0424 501 0.0015 413 0.0014 902 0.0014 408 0.0013 932 0.0013 471 0.0402 812 0.0399 775 0.0396 878 0.0394 113 0.0391 472 D 0.0377 879 0.0375 939 0.0374 079 0.0372 295 0.0370 584 0.0368 943 0.0367 367 0.0365 854 0.0364 401 0.0363 004 0.0021 668 | 0.0346 668 0.0020 936 0.0345 936 0.0345 231 0.0020 231 0.0344 550 0.0019 550 0.0018 894 0.0343 894 0.0355 689 0.0354 627 0.0353 604 0.0352 620 0.0351 672 0.0350 758 0.0349 879 0.0349 031 0.0348 214 0.0347 427 0.0313 261 0.0342 650 0.0342 061 0.0341 492 0.0340 943 0.0340 413 0.0339 902 0.0339 408 0.0338 932 0.0338 471 - 0.0325 000 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.008125. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Cumulation Annuity. 0.4310 265 0.4172 981 0.4040 070 0.3911 392 0.3786 812 0.3666 201 0.3549 431 0.3436 380 0.3326 930 0.3220 966 0.3118 377 0.3019 055 0.2922 897 0.2829 801 0.2739 671 0.2652 411 0.2567 931 0.2486 141 0.2406 957 0.2330 291 0.2256 073 0.2184 216 0.2114 648 0.2047 296 0.1982 088 0.1632 216 0.1580 230 0.1529 899 0.1481 171 0.1433 995 0.1388 322 | 0.1344 103 0.1301 293 0.1259 846 0.1219 719 0.1180 871 0.1143 259 0.1106 846 0.1071 593 0.1037 462 0.0854 333 0.0827 122 0.0800 778 0.0775 272 0.0750 580 0.1918 958 0.0077 176 0.0074 157 0.1857 838 0.1798 665 | 0.0071 277 0.1741 377 0.0068 528 0.1685 914 | 0.0065 903 0.0726 673 0.0703 529 0.0681 121 0.0659 427 0.0638 424 0.0618 090 0.0598 403 0.0579 3+ 0.0560 892 0.0543 027 0.0246 204 0.0232 747 0.0220 308 0.0208 784 0.0198 081 0.0525 731 0.0508 987 0.0492 775 0.0477 080 0.0461 885 0.0188 120 0.0178 832 0.0170 154 0.0162 032 0.0154 419 0.0147 272 0.0140 553 0.0134 227 0.0128 265 0.0122 638 0.0419 142 0.0405 792 0.0392 867 0.0117 322 0.0112 294 0.0107 534 0.0094 684 0.0090 825 0.0087 157 0.0083 666 0.0080 342 0.0036 289 0.0035 008 0.1004 418 0.0972 427 0.0941 455 | 0.0033 777 0.0911 469 0.0882 439 0.0032 594 0.0031 455 0.0063 394 0.0060 996 0.0058 703 0.0056 508 0.0054 407 0.0103 023 | 0.0428 023 0.0423 745 0.0098 745 0.0052 395 0.0052 395 0.0050 467 0.0048 619 0.0046 847 0.0045 148 0.0043 517 0.0041 952 0.0040 450 0.0039 007 0.0037 621 0.0030 360 0.0029 305 0.0028 291 0.0027 314 0.0026 373 0.0025 468 0.0024 595 0.0023 754 0.0022 944 0.0022 164 0.0021 411 0.0020 686 0.0019 987 0.0019 312 0.0018 662 0.0018 034 0.0017 429 0.0016 845 0.0016 282 0.0015 738 0.0015 214 0.0447 174 0.0432 931 0.0014 707 0.0014 218 0.0013 746 0.0013 290 0.0571 204 0.0557 747 0.0545 308 0.0533 784 0.0523 081 0.0513 120 0.0503 832 0.0495 154 0.0487 032 0.0479 419 0.0472 272 0.0465 553 0.0459 227 0.0453 265 0.0447 638 0.0442 322 0.0437 294 0.0432 534 0.0419 684 0.0415 825 0.0412 157 0.0408 666 0.0405 342 0.0402 176 0.0399 157 0.0396 277 0.0393 528 0.0390 903 0.0388 394 0.0385 996 0.0383 703 0.0381 508 0.0379 407 0.0377 395 0.0375 467 0.0373 619 0.0371 847 0.0370 148 0.0368 517 0.0366 952 0.0365 450 0.0364 007 0.0362 621 0.0361 289 0.0360 008 0.0358 777 0.0357 594 0.0356 455 0.0355 360 0.0354 305 0.0353 291 0.0352 314 0.0351 373 0.0350 468 0.0319 595 0.0348 754 0.0317 944 0.0317 164 0.0346 411 0.0345 686 0.0344 987 0.0344 312 0.0343 662 0.0343 034 0.0342 429 0.0341 845 0.0341 282 0.0340 738 0.0340 214 0.0339 707 0.0339 218 0.0338 746 0.0338 290 0.0325 000 Page 9. RATE OF INTEREST: 3½ per Cent. per Ann.——CORRESPONDING VALUE OF Years. AKNAR Jak - PANLAL 2. 10 مستندات 110025- ** 2014 -~-~~- ======f22}= PRICHAL ❤ −4-20 ❤ 10 Brace Fe 11 ======]< ¢2 13 PPHQ-A 14 ***** +000 15 16 17 19 20 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.035. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 25 1.0350 000 1.0712 250 1.0000 000 1.1475 230 2.0350 000 1.1087 179 3.1062 250 12 1.5110 687 14.601 962 4.2149 429 1.1876 863 5.3624 659 1.2292 553 | 6.5501 522 .. 1.2722 793 7.7794 075 1.3168 090 | 9.0516 868 1.3628 974 10.368 496 1.4105 988 11.731 393 1.4599 697 13.141 992 1.5639 561 16.113 030 1.7946 756 22.705 016 18 1.8574 892 24.499 691 1.9225 013 | 26.357 181 1.9897 889 28.279 682 1.6186 945 17.676 986 1.6753 488 19.295 681 1.7339 860 20.971 030 21 2.0594 315 30.269 471 22 2.1315 116 32.328 902 2.2061 145 34.460 414 2.2833 285 | 36.666 528 93 24 2.3632 450 38.949 857 0.9661 84 1.8996 94 2.801 636 3.673 080 4.515 052 5.328 553 6.114 544 6.873 956 7.607 686 8.316 605 9.001 552 9.663 333 10.30 274 10.92 052 11.51 741 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.0175. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 1.0175 000 1.0353 063 1.0534 241 ... 1.0718 590 1.1291 221 1.1488 818 1.2529 895 1.2749 168 1.0906 166 2.5890 447 1.1097 024 1.3430 281 ... 1.3665 311 1.3904 454 1.4147 782 1.4395 368 ... 1.1689 872 4.8282 061 1.1894 445 5.4126 997 1.4647 287 1.2102 598 6.0074 220 1.2314 393 6.6125 519 1.4903 615 0.5000 000 1.0087 500 ... 1.5164 428 .. 1.5429 805 1.5699 827 1.5264 031 1.2972 279 | 8.4922 247 1.3199 294 9.1408 386 ··· 2.0531 152 12.09 411 12.65 132 1.8037 245 13.18 968 1.8674 073 13.70 984 1.9333 384 14.21 240 2.0015 973 .... 14.69 797 2.0722 662 15.16 712 2.1454 302 15.62 041 2.2211 773 16.05 837 2.2995 987 16.48 151 2.3807 889 3.1343 530 3.6892 042 4.2537 652 .... 7.2282 715 7.8547 663 9.8008 033 .. 10.472 317 11.155 583 11.850 806 12.558 195 13.277 963 14.010 327 14.755 508 1.5974 574 17.070 211 1.6254 129 17.868 940 15.513 730 16.285 220 1.6538 576 18.681 646 1.6828 001 19.508 575 1.7122 491 20.349 975 1.7422 135 21.206 100 22.963 558 24.783 065 26.666 812 28.617 067 ... 30.636 178 32.726 577 34.890 780 37.131 392 39.451 112 0.491 400 0.974 349 1.448 992 # 1.915 471 2.373 928 ·· 2.824 499 .... 3.267 321 3.702 526 4.130 247 4.550 611 .... 4.963 746 5.369 775 5.768 821 6.161 002 6.546 440 6.925 249 7.297 541 ... 7.663 431 8.023 028 8.376 441 8.723 775 9.065 135 9.400 623 9.730 342 10.05 439 10.37 287 10.68 586 10.99 348 11.29 580 11.59 292 11.88 494 12.17 193 12.73 119 13.27 138 13.79 314 14.29 712 1 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.00875. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. Annuity. 1.0087 500 1.0175 766 1.0264 804 1.0354 621 1.0445 224 1.0536 619 1.0628 815 1.0721 817 1.0815 633 1.0910 269 1.1005 734 1.1102 034 1.1199 178 1.1297 171 1.1396 021 1.1495 737 1.1596 324 1.1697 792 1.1800 148 1.1903 399 1.2007 554 1.2112 620 1.2218 605 1.2325 518 1.2433 366 1.2542 158 1.2651 902 1.2762 606 1.3330 828 1.3447 472 1.3565 138 1.3683 833 1.3803 566 1.3924 347 1.4046 186 1.4169 090 1.4293 069 1.4418 134 1.4544 292 1.4671 555 1.4799 931 1.4929 430 1.5060 063 1.5191 838 1.5324 767 1.5458 858 1.5594 123 1.5730 572 1.5868 215 1.6007 062 1.6147 123 1.6288 411 1.2874 279 1.2986 929 1.3100 565 8.2122 234 8.5340 804 8.8587 536 1.3215 1959.1862 677 1.7013 609 1.7162 478 1.7312 650 1.7464 136 0.2500 000 0.5021 875 0.7565 816 1.0132 017 1.8083 450 1.8724 726 1.9388 744 2.0076 308 1.2720 672 1.5331 978 1.7966 133 2.0623 337 14.78 390 2.0788 258 15.25 409 2.1525 452 15.70 824 2.2288 789 16.14 690 2.3079 195 16.57 060 2.3897 631 2.3303 791 2.6007 699 2.8735 267 3.1486 700 3.4262 209 3.7062 003 3.9886 296 4.2735 301 4.5609 236 4.8508 317 5.1432 765 5.4382 802 5.7358 651 6.0360 540 6.3388 695 6.6443 346 6.9524 726 7.2633 067 7.5768 607 7.8931 582 9.5166 176 9.8499 183 10.186 105 10.525 234 10.867 329 11.212 419 11.560 527 11.911 682 12.265 909 12.623 236 12.983 689 13.347 296 13.714 085 14.084 084 14.457 319 14.833 821 1.6430 934 18.374 095 1.6574 705 18.784 868 1.6719 734 19.199 236 1.6866 031 19.617 229 15.213 617 15.596 736 15.983 207 16.373 061 16.766 325 17.163-030 17.563 207 17.966 885 20.038 880 20.464 220 20.893 282 21.326 099 23.095 568 24.927 786 26.824 979 28.789 449 30.823 585 32.929 854 35.110 817. 37.369 121 39.707 509 0.217 831 0.493 513 0.737 064 0.978 502 1.217 846 1.455 114 1.690 323 1.923 493 2.154 640 2.383 782 2.610 936 2.836 120 3.059 350 3.280 645 3.500 020 3.717 492 3.933 077 4.146 793 4.358 655 4.568 679 4.776 881 4.983 277 5.187 883 5.390 715 5.591 786 5.791 114 5.988 713 6.184 598 6.378 783 6.571 285 6.762 116 6.951 292 7.138 828 7.321 736 7.509 032 7.691 729 7.872 842 8.052 384 8.230 368 8.406 808 8.581 719 8.755 111 8.927 000 9.097 398 9.266 317 9.433 772 9.599 771 9.761 336 9.927 471 10.08 919 10.24 951 10.40 843 10.56 598 10.72 216 10.87 699 11.03 047 11.18 262 11.33 346 11.48 298 11.63 121 11.77 815 11.92 381 12.06 822 12.21 137 12.77 166 13.31 277 13.83 534 14.34 002 14.82 740 15.29 810 15.75 268 16.19 170 16.61 567 Page 10. PERPETUAL STOCK: 3 p. C. 85,7143; 34 p. C. 100; 4 p. C. 114,2857; 5 p. C. 142,8571. Years. 1**** ARCHAŁ Q2 09 Kako do ka ~~2.04 PSULAL ໂດ t мала роди | ==| | |/ AKKAH *UN-AL ~*~* 10 ~~~:9}={ -NTO ~~~~~~ 13 ~~<~~~\}{0}~*~*~ 14 ****TO TODO 934 3 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.035. 25 Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9661 836 0.9335 107 0.4914 005 0.9019 427 | 0.3219 342 0.3219 342 0.3569 342 0.8714 422 0.2372 511 1.0000 000 0.8419 731 0.1861 814 0.8135 006 0.1526 682 0.7594 116 0.7859 910 | 0.1285 445 ·· 0.7089 188 0.7337 310 | 0.0964 460 0.6617 833 0.1104 766 0.6849 457 0.0760 920 0.5572 038 0.5383 611 0.0852 414 0.5201 557 0.5025 659 0.0684 839 0.5968 905 0.0518 251 0.5767 059 0.0476 848 0.4855 709 0.0330 366 92 0.4691 506 | 0.0309 321 0.4532 856 0.0290 188 0.4379 572 | 0.0272 728 0.0964 460 0.1314 460 1.0350 000 0.5264 005 0.0440 431 0.0408 168 0.0379 403 0.0353 611 0.2722 511 0.4231 470 | 0.0256 740 0.2214 814 0.1876 682 0.6394 042 | 0.0620 616 0.0970 616 0.1635 445 0.6177 818 0.0565 707 0.0915 707 0.1454 766 0.1202 414 0.1110 920 0.1034 839 0.0868 251 0.0826 848 0.0790 431 0.0758 168 0.0729 403 0.0703 611 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.0175. 0.0256 740 0.0606 740 Discounted Annuity for] Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9828 010 2.0000 000 0.9658 978 0.9913 259 0.9492 853 0.9329 585 0.9169 125 | 0.3862 428 0.9011 425 0.3190 451 0.8856 438 0.8704 116 0.8554 412 0.2071 162 0.8407 286 | 0.1847 507 .... 0.6551 349 0.6901 349 0.4870 648 0.5220 648 0.7980 913 0.1383 458 0.7813 619 0.1273 112 0.2710 612 0.2350 858 .... 0.8262 689 | 0.1661± 607 0.2014 607 0.8120 579 0.1512 276 0.1512 276 0.1862 276 ... 0.7708 746 | 0.1177 548 0.6480 963 0.6369 497 .... 0.7576 163 | 0.1093 991 ... 0.7445 850 0.1020 325 0.7317 799 0.0954 899 0.6259 945 0.6152 283 ... ... .... 0.5840 271 0.5739 824 0.5544 084 0.5355 018 0.5172 400 0.4996 010 0.0680 366 0.4825 635 0.0659 321 0.4661 070 0.0640 188 0.4502 117 0.0622 728 0.4348 585 0.4200 288 *** 2.0350 000 1.0263 259 0.7191 940 0.0896 412 0.1246 412 0.7068 246 0.0843 824 0.1193 824 0.4212 428 0.3540 451 0.6946 679 0.0796 293 0.1146 293 0.6827 203 0.0753 128 0.1103 128 0.3060 612 0.2700 858 0.6709 782 0.0713 759 0.1063 759 | 0.6594 380 0.0677 713 0.1027 713 0.0585 816 0.0559 630 0.2121 162 0.2197 507 .... ·· 0.1733 458 0.1623 112 0.1527 548 0.1443 991 0.0374 998 0.0349 442 0.1370 325 0.1304 899 0.0644 590 0.0994 590 0.0614 054 | 0.0964 054 0.0964 054 .. 0.6046 469 0.0535 285 0.0885 285 0.5942 476 0.0512 595 0.0862 595 | 0.0935 816 0.0909 630 0.0491 401 0.0841 401 0.0471 562 0.0821 562 0.0435 473 0.0785 473 0.0403 501 0.0753 501 0.0724 998 0.0699 412 0.0326 411 0.0305 562 0.0286 609 0.0269 314 0.0676 411 0.0655 562 0.0636 609 0.0619 314 0.0253 478 0.0603 478 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.00875. Ratio of Discounted Annuity for Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9913 259 0.9827 271 0.9742 028 0.9657 525 0.9573 754 | 0.7861 220 0.9490 710 0.6522 316 0.5566 028 0.4848 876 0.9408 387 0.9326 777 0.9245 876 | 0.4291 148 0.9165 677 0.9086 172 0.9007 358 0.3845 015 0.3480 04t 0.3175 944 0.8929 227 0.8851 771 0.877+ 993 0.8698 878 0.8623 423 0.8548 622 0.8474 471 0.8400 962 0.8328 092 0.8255 853 0.8184 241 0.8113 250 0.8042 874 0.7973 110 0.7903 951 0.7835 391 0.7767 425 0.7700 050 0.7633 260 0.7507 018 4.0000 000 1.9912 881 1.3217 344 0.9869 702 0.2918 667 0.2698 181 0.2507 127 | 0.2339 986 0.2339 986 0.2192 539 0.2061 502 0.1944 286 0.1838 817 0.6301 907 0.6247 243 0.6193 054 0.6139 335 0.1743 416 0.1656 712 0.1577 568 0.1505 042 0.1438 337 0.1376 783 0.1319 808 0.1266 920 0.7501 410 0.7436 342 0.1050 790 0.1015 237 0.7371 839 | 0.0981 730 0.7307 895 0.0950 098 0.5877 618 0.5826 665 0.5776 121 0.5726 021 0.1217 697 0.1171 772 0.1128 827 0.1088 582 0.7244 505 0.0920 189 0.7181 666 | 0.0891 868 0.7119 371 0.0865 012 0.7057 617 | 0.0839 512 0.6996 399 0.0815 268 0.6935 711 0.0792 190 0.6875 550 0.0770 197 0.6815 911 | 0.0749 215 0.6756 789 | 0.0729 177 0.6698 180 0.0710 021 0.6640 079 0.0691 691 0.6582 482 | 0.0674 135 0.6525 386 0.0657 306 | 0.6468 784 0.0641 160 0.6412 673 | 0.0625 657 0.6357 049 | 0.0610 759 0.0596 434 0.0596 434 0.0582 648 0.0569 372 0.0556 579 0.6086 082 0.0544 245 0.6033 291 0.0532 343 0.5980 957 0.0520 854 0.5929 077 | 0.0509 756 0.0509 756 4.0350 000 2.0262 881 1.3567 3++ 1.0219 702 0.5529 919 | 0.0432 983 0.5340 533 0.5157 632 0.1980 996 | 0.0401 159 0.0372 787 0.0317 349 0.0317 349 0.8211 220 0.6872 316 0.5916 028 0.5198 876 0.4641 1.18 0.4195 015 0.3830 041 0.3525 9++ 0.3268 667 0.3048 181 0.2857 127 0.2689 986 0.2542 539 0.2411 502 0.2294 286 0.2188 817 0.2093 416 0.2006 712 0.1927 568 0.1855 042 0.1788 337 0.1726 783 0.1669 808 0.1616 920 0.1567 697 0.1521 772 0.1478 827 0.1438 582 0.1400 790 0.1365 237 0.1331 730 0.1300 098 0.1270 189 0.1241 868 0.1215 012 0.1189 512 0.1165 268 0.1142 190 0.1120 197 0.1099 215 0.1079 177 0.1060 021 0.1041 691 0.1024 135 0.1007 306 0.0991 160 0.0975 657 0.0960 759 0.0946 434 0.0932 643 0.0919 372 0.0906 579 0.0894 245 0.0882 343 0.0870 854 0.0859 756 0.0499 030 0.0849 030 0.0488 658 0.0838 658 0.0478 623 0.0828 623 0.0468 909 0.0818 909 0.0782 983 0.0751 159 0.0722 787 0.0697 349 0.0674 427 0.0653 676 0.0634 812 0.0617 601 0.4810 409 0.0324 427 0.4615 664 0.0303 676 0.4486 561 0.0284 812 0.4332 907 | 0.0267 601 0.4184 516 0.0251 842 | 0.0601 842 Page 11. RATE OF INTEREST: 3½ per -CORRESPONDING VALUE OF Cent. per Ann.- Years. 36 37 38 39 40 26 2.4459 586 41.313 102 27 2.5315 671 | 43.759 050 2.6201 720 46.290 627 29 2.7118 780 48.910 799 2.8067 937 51.622 677 28 30 41 31 2.9050 315 32 3.0067 076 33 3.1119 424 34 35 **** 95998 58848 85888 580J6 85882 NOR** ***28 58*** ***** *88*3 86882 94 95 96 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.035. 100 Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 54.429 471 57.331 503 60.341 210 3.2208 603 63.453 152 3.3335 905 | 66.674 013 3.6960 113 3.4502 661 | 70.007 603 3.5710 254 73.457 859 77.028 895 80.724 906 84.550 278 3.8253 717 3.9592 597 4.0978 338 88.509 538 4.2412 580 92.607 371 4.3897 020 96.848 629 4.5433 416 101.23 833 4.7023 586 | 105.78 167 4.8669 411 5.0372 840 5.2135 890 5.3960 616 5.5849 269 5.7803 993 136.58 284 5.9827 133 142.36 324 6.1921 083 148.34 595 6.4088 320 154.53 806 6.6331 412 | 160.94 689 6.8653 011 7.1055 866 7.3542 822 7.6116 820 7.8780 909 852 9.6841 10.023 132 10.373 941 10.737 029 11.112 825 241 8.1538 8.4392 079 8.7345 802 9.0402 905 | 229.72 259 9.3567 007 | 238.76 288 204.39 497 212.54 880 220.98 801 11.501 774 11.904 336 12.320 988 12.752 223 13.198 550 110.48 403 115.35 097 120.38 826 125.60 185 130.99 791 13.660 500 14.138 617 14.633 459 15.145 640 15.675 738 16.224 388 16.792 242 167.58 003 174.44 533 181.55 092 188.90 520 196.51 688 248.11 958 257.80 376 267.82 689 278.20 084 288.93 787 300.05 069 311.55 246 323.45 680 335.77 779 348.53 001 361.72 856 375.38 906 389.52 768 404.16 115 419.30 679 434.98 252 451.20 691 17.379 970 | 467.99 916 17.988 269 485.37 913 18.617 859 | 503.36 740 19.269 484 521.98 525 19.943 916 | 541.25 474 20.641 953 21.364 421 561.19 861 581.84 061 22.112 175 | 603.20 503 22.886 102 625.31 720 23.687 116 | 648.20 331 24.516 165 | 671.89 042 25.374 231 | 696.40 659 26.262 329 721.78 082 16.89 035 17.28 537 17.66 702 18.03 577 18.39 204 18.73 628 19.06 887 19.39 021 19.70 068 20.00 066 20.29 050 20.57 053 20.84 109 21.10 250 21.35 507 21.59 910 21.83 488 22.06 269 22.28 279 22.49 545 22.70 092 22.89 912 23.09 125 23.27 657 23.45 561 23.62 862 23.79 577 23.95 726 24.11 330 24.26 405 24.40 971 24.55 044 24.68 643 24.81 779 24.94 474 25.06 737 25.18 587 25.30 036 25.41 097 25.51 785 25.62 111 25.72 088 25.81 728 25.91 041 26.00 040 26.08 734 26.17 135 26.25 250 26.33 092 26.40 669 26.47 989 26.55 062 26.61 896 26.68 498 26.74 877 26.81 041 26.86 996 26.92 750 26.98 309 27.03 680 27.32 301 27.36 522 27.40 602 27.44 543 27..48 351 27.181 510| 748.04 315 28.132 853775.22 466 29.117 513 803.35 752 30.136 626 | 832.47 503 31.191 408 862.61 166 27.52 029 27.55 584 27.59 018 27.62 337 27.65 543 Value of Perpetual Ann. 28.57 143 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.0175. Improved Cumulated Principal. Annuity. 2.4648 457 2.5518 700 2.6419 670 2.7352 450 2.8318 164 2.9317 972 3.0353 079 3.1424 732 3.2534 221 3.3682 882 3.4872 098 3.6103 302 3.7377 974 3.8697 652 4.0063 921 4.1478 428 4.2942 874 4.4459 026 4.6028 708 4.7653 808 4.9336 291 5.1078 165 5.2881 543 5.4748 594 5.6681 561 5.8682 775 6.0754 639 6.2899 661 6.5120 411 6.7419 571 6.9799 907 7.2264 275 7.4815 653 7.7457 111 8.0191 839 8.3023 109 8.5954 349 8.8989 071 9.2130 938 9.5383 738 9.8751 382 10.223 792 10.584 756 10.958 463 11.345 366 11.745 929 12.160 633 12.589 981 13.034 485 13.494 684 13.971 130 14.464 399 14.975 083 15.503 795 16.051 177 27.08 870 27.13 884 27.18 728 19.766 050 20.463 917 21.186 418 27.23 409 21.934 434 27.27 932 22.708 856 16.617 883 17.204 599 17.812 029 18.440 904 19.091 984 23.510 621 24.340 691 25.200 071 26.089 790 27.010 922 41.852 742 44.339 142 46.913 348 49.578 427 52.337 617 55.194 206 58.151 653 61.213 518 64.383 502 67.665 381 71.063 139 74.580 868 78.222 787 81.993 292 85.896 921 89.938 361 94.122 500 98.454 368 102.93 917 107.58 231 112.38 940 117.36 376 122.51 869 127.85 312 133.37 589 139.09 365 145.01 324 151.14 190 157.48 690 164.05 592 170.85 688 177.89 793 185.18 757 192.73 461 200.54 192 208.63 745 217.01 245 225.68 305 234.65 982 243.95 354 253.57 545 263.53 694 273.85 019 284.52 751 295.58 190 307.02 654 318.87 477 331.14 229 343.84 239 356.99 098 370.60 374 384.69 711 399.28 812 414.39 410 430.03 361 446.22 521 462.98 850 480.31 365 498.31 159 516.91 390 536.17 289 556.11 194 576.75 481 599.12 669 620.25 306 64.316 062 666.87 692 691.43 060 716.85 121 743.16 917 27.964 577 770.41 650 28.951 900 798.62 576 29.974 085 31.032 357 32.127 993 827.83 100 858.06 733 889.37 122 Value of Annuity. 16.97 986 17.37 516 17.75 698 18.12 577 18.48 199 18.82 606 19.15 841 19.47 941 19.78 947 20.08 895 20.37 822 20.65 763 20.92 751 21.18 818 21.43 997 21.68 317 21.91 807 22.14 497 22.36 412 22.57 580 22.78 027 22.97 776 23.16 852 23.35 277 23.53 074 23.70 264 23.86 867 24.02 905 24.18 395 24.33 357 24.47 810 24.61 769 24.75 252 24.88 275 25.00 855 25.13 005 25.24 741 25.36 076 25.47 025 25.57 601 25.67 816 25.77 683 25.87 213 25.96 418 26.05 309 26.13 898 26.22 193 26.52 610 26.59 614 26.66 350 26.72 856 26.79 141 26.85 211 26.91 074 26.96 738 27.02 208 27.07 492 27.12 595 27.17 524 27.22 285 27.26 885 27.31 327 27.35 617 27.39 761 27.43 764 27.47 631 27.51 365 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.00875. 27.54 973 27.58 457 97.61 823 27.65 073 27.68 213 28.57 143 Improved Cumulated Principal. Annuity. 2.4745 085 42.128 813 2.5522 598 44.635 991 2.6531 227 47.232 078 2.7472 079 | 49.920 225 2.8445 296 | 52.703 704 2.9455 060 55.585 887 58.570 296 61.650 505 64.860 318 68.173 589 3.0499 598 3.1581 177 3.2701 110 3.3860 758 3.5061 530 71.604 373 3.6304 886 | 75.156 818 78.835 227 82.644 088 86.588 022 3.7592 331 3.8925 431 4.0305 803 4.1735 136 90.671 817 4.3215 148 | 94.900 430 4.4747 649 4.6334 491 4.7977 610 99.279 000 103.81 285 108.50 746 11.872 100 12.293 109 26.30 205 12.729 048 26.37 944 26.45 420 13.180 446 13.647 852 4.9678 994 5.1440 712 5.3264 905 5.5153 790 5.7109 654 | 5.9134 881 6.1231 928 6.3403 333 6.5651 747 6.7979 894 7.0390 604 7.2886 798 7.5471 515 7.8147 890 8.0919 177 8.3788 735 8.6760 072 8.9836 750 9.3022 544 9.6321 311 113.36 858 118.40 204 123.61 403 129.01 093 134.59 900 140.38 538 146.37 695 152.58 096 159.00 501 165.65 683 266.49 701 276.96 070 287.79 552 11.465 509 | 299.01 455 9.9737 067 | 256.39 162 10.327 395 10.693 625 11.072 843 172.54 457 179.67 653 187.06 147 194.70 825 202.62 622 23.834 791 24.680 022 25.555 226 26,461 468 27.399 845 210.82 496 219.31 451 228.10 501 237.20 727 246.63 233 28.371 502 29.377 613 30.419 403 31.498 138 32.615 128 14.131 833 375.19 521 14.632 977 | 389.51 359 15.151 892 15.689 209 16.245 582 404.33 976 419.69 166 435.58 802 310.63 141 322.66 026 335.11 570 348.01 273 361.36 723 16.821 683 17.418 214 18.035 900 18.675 .490 452.04 806 469.09 186 486.74 000 505.01 394 19.337 762 | 523.93 605 20.023 520 543.52 916 20.733 596 | 563.81 698 21.468 851 22.230 179 23.018 508 584.82 432 606.57 659 629.10 025 652.42 258 676.57 208 701.57 789 727.47 052 754.28 128 782.04 288 810.78 900 849.55 437 871.37 540 903.28 940 Value of Annuity. 17.02 512 17.42 056 17.80 245 18.17 126 18.52 744 18.87 142 19.20 363 19.52 445 19.83 429 20.13 351 20.42 249 20.70 157 20.97 110 21.23 139 21.48 276 21.72 554 21.96 000 22.18 642 22.40 509 22.61 627 22.82 022 23.01 718 23.20 740 23.39 111 23.56 852 23.73 986 23.90 533 24.06 513 24.21 946 24.36 851 24.51 245 21.65 146 24.78 571 24.91 536 25.04 057 25.16 149 25.27 828 25.39 106 25.49 998 25.60 517 25.70 675 25.80 486 25.89 961 25.99 111 26.07 918 26.16 483 26.24 725 26.32 684 26.40 371 26.47 796 26.54 965 26.61 889 26.68 576 26.75 034 26.81 271 26.87 294 26.93 111 26.98 729 27.04 154 27.09 393 27.14 454 27.19 340 27.24 050 27.28 617 27.33 019 27.37 270 27.41 375 27.45 340 27.49 169 27.52 867 27.56 438 27.59 887 27.63 218 £7.66 434 27.69 541 28.57 143 Page 12. PERPETUAL STOCK: 3 p. C. 85,7143; 34 p. C. 100; 4p. C. 114,2857; 5 p. C. 142,8571. Years. O7828 78*** 85882 79333 95998 588*3 85888 78838 86882 *22*2 LE*** ***** 85888 53313 85333 77 100 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.035. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.4088 377 0.3950 122 0.3816 543 0.3687 482 0.3562 784 0.3442 304 0.0183 724 0.3325 897 0.0174 415 0.3213 427 0.0165 724 0.3104 761 0.0157 597 0.2999 769 | 0.0149 983 0.0242 054 | 0.0592 054 0.0228 524 0.0216 026 0.0204 454 0.0193 713 0.0578 524 0.0566 026 0.0554 454 0.0543 713 0.2898 327 0.2800 316 | 0.0136 132 0.2705 620 | 0.0129 821 0.0123 878 0.0118 273 | 0.2614 125 0.2525 725 0.2440 314 0.2357 791 0.2278 059 0.2201 023 0.2126 592 0.0142 842 | 0.0492 842 0.0486 132 0.0479 821 0.0473 878 0.0468 273 0.0112 982 0.0107 983 0.0103 254 0.0098 777 0.0094 534 0.2054 679 0.0090 511 0.0440 511 0.1985 196 | 0.0086 692 | 0.0436 692 0.1918 065 0.1853 202 0.1790 534 | 0.0076 337 | 0.0426 337 0.0083 065 0.0079 617 0.0433 065 0.0429 617 0.1729 984 0.0073 216 | 0.0423 216 0.1671 482 0.1614 959 0.1560 347 0.1507 581 0.0420 243 0.0417 410 0.0414 709 0.0412 132 0.0059 673 0.0057 325 0.1456 600 0.1407 343 0.1359 752 | 0.0055 081 0.1313 770 0.0052 937 0.1269 343 | 0.0050 886 0.0732 038 0.0707 283 0.0683 365 0.0660 256 0.0637 929 0.0616 356 0.0595 513 0.0575 375 0.0555 918 0.0537 119 0.0070 243 0.0067 410 0.0064 709 0.0062 132 0.1226 418 0.1184 945 0.0048 925 0.0047 048 0.0045 251 0.1144 875 0.1106 159 | 0.0043 531 0.1068 753 0.0041 883 0.0533 724 0.0524 415 0.0515 724 0.0507 597 0.0499 983 | 0.0462 982 0.0457 983 0.0453 254 0.0448 777 0.0444 534 0.1032 611 0.0997 692 0.0963 954 0.0931 356 0.0040 303 0.0390 303 0.0388 789 0.0038 789 0.0387 338 0.0037 338 0.0035 945 0.0385 945 0.0899 861 | 0.0034 610 | 0.0384 610 0.0409 673 0.0407 325 0.0405 081 0.0402 937 0.0400 886 0.0869 431 0.0033 328 0.0840 030 0.0032 097 0.0030 916 0.0383 328 0.0382 097 0.0380 916 0.0811 623 0.0784 177 | 0.0029 782 0.0379 782 0.0757 659 0.0028 692 0.0378 692 | 0.0398 925 0.0397 018 0.0395 251 0.0393 531 0.0391 883 0.0518 955 0.0501 406 0.0184 450 0.0019 158 0.0018 476 0.0017 819 0.0468 068 | 0.0017 187 0.0452 240 0.0027 645 | 0.0377 645 0.0026 639 0.0376 639 0.0025 672 | 0.0375 672 0.0024 743 0.0374 743 0.0023 849 | 0.0373 849 0.0022 989 | 0.0372 989 0.0372 163 0.0022 163 0.0021 368 0.0371 368 0.0020 602 0.0370 602 0.0019 866 | 0.0369 866 0.0369 158 0.0368 476 0.0367 819 0.0367 187 0.0016 578 | 0.0366 578 0.0365 992 0.0365 427 0.0364 883 0.0364 359 0.0363 855 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.0175. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.4057 049 0.3918 695 0.3785 058 0.3655 980 0.3531 303 0.3410 877 0.3294 559 0.3182 207 0.3073 687 0.2968 867 0.2867 622 0.2769 830 0.2675 372 0.2584 136 0.2496 011 0.2410 892 0.2328 675 0.2249 262 0.2172 557 0.2098 468 0.2026 906 0.1957 781 0.1891 019 0.1826 531 0.1764 242 0.1704 078 0.1645 965 0.1589 834 0.1535 617 0.1483 249 0.1432 667 0.1383 810 0.1336 619 0.1291 037 0.1247 010 0.1204 484 0.1163 408 0.1123 733 0.1085 412 0.1048 397 0.1012 644 0.0978 111 0.0944 755 0.0912 537 0.0881 417 0.0851 359 0.0822 326 0.0794 282 0.0767 196 0.0741 033 0.0715 762 0.0691 353 0.0667 776 0.0645 003 0.0623 007 0.0238 933 0.0588 933 0.0225 534 0.0575 534 0.0213 159 | 0.0563 159 0.0201 701 0.0551 701 0.0191 067 0.0541 067 0.0136 946 | 0.0015 992 0.0422 170 | 0.0015 427 0.0407 894 | 0.0014 883 0.0394 101 0.0014 359 0.0380 774 | 0.0013 855 0.0013 368 0.0363 368 0.0357 595 0.0355 456 | 0.0012 899 0.0362 899 0.0345 400 0.0012 418 0.0362 448 0.0333 622 0.0362 012 0.0012 012 0.0322 244 0.0320 601 0.0011 593 | 0.0361 593 0.0311 255 0 0367 897 0.0343 436 0.0331 822 Ratio of Perpetual Ann. 0.0350 000 0.0181 178 0.0171 964 0.0163 363 0.0155 319 0.0147 786 0.0425 340 0.0410 835 0.0396 824 0.0383 292 0.0370 221 0.0140 720 0.0490 720 0.0134 083 0.0484 083 0.0127 840 0.0477 840 0.0121 961 | 0.0471 961 0.0116 419 | 0.0466 419 0.0111 187 0.0106 245 0.0101 570 0.0097 145 0.0092 952 0.0088 976 0.0088 976 0.0438 976 0.0085 203 0.0435 203 0.0081 620 | 0.0431 620 0.0078 215 0.0428 215 0.0074 976 | 0.0421 976 0.0058 528 0.0056 212 0.0053 999 0.0051 885 0.0049 863 0.0071 891 0.0421 894 0.0068 959 | 0.0418 959 0.0066 163 0.0416 163 0.0063 497 | 0.0413 497 0.0060 955 | 0.0410 955 0.0032 570 0.0031 360 0.0030 198 0.0029 083 0.0028 012 0.0601 761 0.0022 410 0.0581 240 0.0021 599 0.0561 418 0.0020 818 0.0542 273 0.0020 068 0.0523 780 0.0019 346 0.0531 178 0.0521 964 0.0513 363 0.0505 319 0.0497 786 0.0047 930 0.0046 080 0.0044 310 0.0042 615 0.0397 930 0.0396 080 0.0394 310 0.0392 615 0.0040 991 | 0.0390 991 0.0026 983 0.0025 994 0.0025 045 0 0024 132 0.0023 254 0.0505 918 0.0018 651 0.0488 665 0.0017 982 0.0472 000 0.0017 338 0.0155 901 0.0016 719 0.0440 357 0.0016 122 0.0039 436 0.0039 436 | 0.0389 436 0.0037 945 0.0036 516 0.0035 146 0.0033 832 0.0387 945 0.0386 516 0.0385 146 0.0383 832 0.0-161 187 0.0456 245 0.0451 570 0.0447 145 0.0142 952 0.0012 980 0.0012 522 0.0012 090 0.0011 654 0.0011 244 0.0408 528 0.0406 212 0.0403 999 0.0401 885 0.0399 863 E 0.0382 570 0.0381 360 0.0380 198 0.0379 083 0.0378 012 0.0376 983 0.0375 994 0.0375 045 0.0374 132 0.0373 254 0.0372 410 0.0371 599 0.0370 818 0.0370 068 0.0369 346 0.0015 548 | 0.0365 548 0.0014 995 0.0364 995 1 0.0014 463 0.0364 463 0.0013 950 0.0363 950 0.0013 456 | 0.0363 456 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.00875. 0.0362 980 0.0362 522 0.0362 080 0.0361 654 0.0361 244 - 0.0350 000 Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.4041 207 | 0.0237 367 0.3902 805 0.0224 034 0.3769 143 0.0211 721 0.3610 059 0.0200 320 0.3515 396 0.0189 740 0.3395 002 | 0.0179 902 0.0179 902 0.5278 732 | 0.0170 735 0.0162 178 0.3166 443 0.3058 000 0.0154 177 0.2953 271 0.0146 684 0.2852 129 0.2751 450 0.2660 117 | 0.0126 847 0.2569 015 0.0121 001 0.2481 032 0.0115 489 0.2396 063 0.2314 003 0.2234 754 0.0110 288 0.0105 374 0.0100 726 0.2158 219 | 0.0096 327 0.2084 306 0.0092 160 0.2012 923 0.1943 985 0.1877 409 0.1813 112 0.1751 018 0.1691 049 0.1633 135 0.1577 204 0.1523 189 0.1471 023 0.1002 636 | 0.0968 299 0.0935 137 0.0903 110 0.0872 181 0.1420 644 0.1371 991 0.1325 003 0.1279 625 0.0057 956 0.0057 956 0.0055 656 0.0053 458 0.0051 359 0.1235 801 | 0.0049 352 0.0139 656 0.0133 055 0.1193 478 | 0.0017 433 0.1152 604 0.0045 597 0.1113 130 0.0043 839 0.0042 157 0.1075 008 0.1038 192 0.0040 546 0.0707 622 0.0683 388 0.0659 983 0.0637 381 0.0615 552 0.0594 471 0.0574 112 0.0554 450 0.0535 461 0.0517 123 0.0088 208 0.0084 458 0.0080 897 0.0077 513 0.0074 295 0.0842 311 0.0813 464 0.0032 192 0.0030 992 0.0785 605 | 0.0029 840 0.0758 700 0.0732 716 0.0028 735 | 0.0027 673 0.0071 232 0.0068 317 0.0065 539 0.0062 891 0.0060 366 | 0.0391 309 0.0377 908 0.0361 966 0.0352 466 0.0340 395 0.0328 738 0.0317 479 0.0306 606 0.0039 003 0.0037 524 0.0036 106 0.0034 747 0.0033 443 0.0499 413 0.0368 651 0.0367 982 0.0018 398 0.0482 309 | 0.0017 736 0.0367 338 || 0 0165 791 0.0017 099 0.0366 719 0.0016 486 0.0366 122 0.0015 896 0.0149 839 0.0134 433 0.0026 653 0.0026 653 0.0025 673 0.0024 732 0.0023 827 0.0022 957 0.0022 122 0.0021 318 0.0020 545 0.0019 801 0.0019 086 0.0419 555 | 0.0015 327 0.0405 186 | 0.0014 780 0.0014 254 0.0013 746 0.0013 258 0.0012 787 0.0012 33-4 0,0011 897 0.0011 476 0.0011 071 · 0.0587 367 0.0574 034 0.0561 721 0.0550 320 0.0539 740 0.0529 902 0.0520 735 0.0512 178 0.0504 177 0.0496 684 0.0489 656 0.0483 055 0.0476 847 0.0471 001 0.0465 489 0.0460 288 0.0455 374 0.0450 726 0.0446 327 0.0442 160 0.0438 208 0.0434 458 0.0430 897 0.0427 513 0.0424 295 0.0421 232 0.0418 317 0.0415 539 0.0412 891 0.0410 366 0.0407 956 0.0405 656 0.0403 458 0.0401 359 0.0399 352 0.0397 433 0.0395 597 0.0393 839 0.0392 157 0.0390 546 0.0389 003 0.0387 524 0.0386 106 0.0384 747 0.0383 443 0.0382 192 0.0380 992 0.0379 840 0.0378 735 0.0377 673 0.0376 653 0.0375 673 0.0374 732 0.0373 827 0.0372 957 0.0372 122 0.0371 318 0.0370 545 0.0369 801 0.0369 086 0.0368 398 0.0367 736 0 0367 099 0.0366 486 0.0365 896 0.0365 327 0.0361 780 0.0364 251 0.0363 746 0.0363 258 0.0362 787 0.0362 334 0.0361 897 0.0361 476 0.0361 071 0.0350 000 Page 13. RATE OF INTEREST: 33 per Cent. per Ann.--CORRESPONDING VALUE OF Years. mihis?:// 20 Co स #KKHP}= =={}~~0{x# ex *BA 14124 OO 4124 PICS=AL HAHORR Fax-A SAKOKAL 10 HTHA:OTH CPAL BAC A POUKAH & DAUN 2565 5 Gala 17 18 20 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.0375. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 23 .... 25 1.0375 000 1.0000 000 1.0764 063 | 2.0375 000 .... 1.1167 715 3.1139 063 1.1586 504 | 4.2306 777 1.2020 998 | 5.3893 281 1.2471 785 6.5914 280 1.2939 4777.8386 065 12 1.5554 543 14.812 116 1.3424 708 9.1325 542 13 1.6137 839 16.367 570 & Z 1.3928 134 | 10.475 025 ……… 1.4450 439 11.867 838 1.4992 331 13.312 882 15 1.7370 870 | 19.655 654 1.6743 008 17.981 354 22 21 2.1664 577 | 31.105 539 2.2476 999 | 33.271 996 2.3319 886 35.519 696 37.851 685 2.5101 671 40.271 123 24 2.4194 382 1.8022 278 | 21.392 742 1.8698 113 23.194 969 1.9399 293 25.064 781 27.004 710 29.017 387 2.0126 766 2.0881 520 0.9638 55 1.8928 73 2.7883 11 3.6513 84 4.4832 62 5.2850 72 6.0579 00 6.8027 96 .... 7.5207 67 8.2127 87 8.8797 95 9.5226 94 10.142 36 .. 10.739 62 11.315 30 11.870 17 12.404 98 12.920 46 13.417 31 13.896 20 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.01875. 14.357 79 14.802 69 15.231 51 15.644 82 Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 1.0187 500 0.5000 000 1.0378 516 1.0093 750 1.0573 113 1.5283 008 1.0771 359 2.0569 564 ... 1.0973 322 2.5955 244 1.1179 071 3.1441 904 1.1388 679 3.7031 440 1.1602 217 4.2725 780 1.1819 758 4.8526 888 1.2041 379 5.4436 767 1.2267 155 6.0457 456 1.2497 164 | 6.6591 034 1.2731 486 7.2839 616 1.2970 201 7.9205 358 1.3213 392 8.5690 459 1.3461 143 9.2297 155 1.3713 540 1.3970 669 1.4232 619 11.286 983 1.4499 480 11.998 614 ... 9.9027 727 10.588 450 1.4771 346 12.723 588 1.5048 308 13.462 155 1.5330 464 14.214 571 1.5617 910 | 14.981 094 1.5910 746 15.761 989 1.6209 073 | 16.557 527 1.6512 993 | 17.367 980 1.6822 611 | 18.193 630 1.7138 035 19.034 761 1.7459 373 19.891 662 2.1819 265 2.2545 158 2.3502 313 2.4391 912 16.043 20 2.5315 184 1.7786 737 20.764 631 1.8120 238 21.653 968 1.8806 117 | 23.482 979 1.9517 958 2.0256 743 2.1023 493 25.381 222 27.351 316 29.395 981 31.518 040 33.720 422 36.006 167 38.378 432 40.840 491 0.4907 98 0.9725 62 1.4454 60 1.9096 54 2.3653 04 2.8125 69 3.2516 01, 3.6825 53 4.1055 74 4.5208 09 4.9284 01 5.3284 92 5.7212 19 6.1067 18 6.4851 22 6.8565 61 7.2211 65 7.5790 57 7.9303 63 8.2752 03 8.6136 96 8.9459 59 9.2721 07 ... 9.5922 53 9.9065 06 10.214 97 10.517 77 ... 10.814 99 11.106 73 11.393 11 11.674 22 11.950 16 12.486 88 13.004 03 13.502 32 13.982 41 14.445 05 14.890 79 15.320 26 15.734 08 16.132 80 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.009375. Improved Cumulated Principal. Annuity. 0.2500 000 0.5023 438 1.0093 750 1.0188 379 1.0283 895 | 0.7570 532 1.0380 306 1.0141 506 1.0477 622 1.0575 850 1.0674 998 1.0775 076 1.0876 093 1.0978 056 1.1080 975 1.1184 859 1.1289 717 1.1395 559 1.1502 392 1.1610 227 1.1719 073 1.1828 939 1.1939 835 1.2051 771 1.2164 757 1.2278 801 1.2393 915 1.2510 108 1.3107 618 1.3230 502 1.3606 109 1.3733 666 1.3862 420 1.3992 380 1.4123 558 1.4255 967 1.4389 616 1.4524 519 1.2627 390 1.2745 772 1.2865 264 | 7.6407 029 1.2985 875 7.9623 345 1.4798 130 1.4936 863 1.5076 896 8.2869 814 8.6146 718 1.3354 538| 8.9454 344 1.3479 737 9.2792 978 1.5797 001 1.5945 098 1.6094 584 1.6245 470 | 1.2736 583 1.5355 988 1.6397 772 1.6551 501 1.6706 671 1.6863 296 1.7999 950 2.0668 700 1.7021 389 1.7180 965 1.7342 037 1.7501 618 2.3362 469 2.6081 492 2.8826 006 3.1596 250 1.7668 724 1.7834 368 1.8001 565 1.8170 330 3.4392 465 3.7214 894 4.0063 784 4.2939 382 4.5841 938 4.8771 707 5.1728 941 5.4713 900 2.1898 466 2.2731 279 2.3595 764 2.4493 126 2.5424 616 5.7726 843 6.0768 032 6.3837 733 6.6936 211 1.4660 686 | 12.428 497 12.795 014 13.164 968 13.538 389 7.0063 738 7.3220 586 1.5218 242 | 13.915 311 1.5360 913 1.5504 921 1.5650 280 14.295 768 14.679 790 15.067 413 9.6162 912 9.9564 439 10.299 786 10.646 346 10.996 156 11.349 245 11.705 644 12.065 384 15.458 670 15.853 595 16.252 223 16.654 587 17.060 724 17.470 669 17.884 456 18.302 123 18.723 705 19.149 240 19.578 764 20.012 315 20.449 930 20.891 649 21.337 508 21.787 547 1.8861 359 | 23.630 292 1.9578 669 25.543 118 2.0323 259 | 27.528 690 2.1096 165 29.589 774 31.729 243 33.950 077 36.255 371 38.648 337 41.132 309 Value of Annuity. 0.2476 78 0.4930 56 0.7361 54 0.9769 95 1.2155 99 1.4519 86 1.6361 78 1.9181 95 2.1480 57 2.3757 84 2.6013 96 2.8249 13 3.0463 53 3.2657 37 3.4830 83 3.6984 10 3.9117 38 4.1230 84 4.3324 67 4.5399 05 4.7454 17 4.9490 20 5.1507 32 5.3505 70 5.5485 53 5.74-16 96 5.9390 18 6.1315 35 6.3222 63 6.5112 21 6.6984 23 6.8838 87 7.0676 28 7.2496 62 7.4300 06 7.6086 74 7.7856 84 7.9610 49 8.1347 85 8.3069 08 8.4774 32 8.6463 72 8.8137 43 8.9795 60 9.1438 37 9.3065 87 9.4678 26 9.6275 68 9.7858 26 9.9426 14 10.097 95 10.251 83 10.404 29 10.555 34 10.704 98 10.853 23 11.000 10 11.145 61 11.289 77 11.432 59 11.574 08 11.714 26 11.853 14 11.990 73 12.528 41 13.046 40 13.545 41 14.026 14 14.489 25 14.935 40 15.365 20 15.779 26 16.178 14 Page 14. PERPETUAL STOCK: 3 p. C. 80; 34 p. C.93,3333; 4 p. C. 106,6667; 5 p. C. 133,3333. Years. ཡཛྲ་ཡན1212]མས + PIKOHAL HTHARL 3 سته است HS N 20 HONHAL 14234 24~24 ∞ HAHAHA ❤ TAKCHAL QANLAH BERKHAL CARE-AL CANAL 14 Zapiral Sur 17 18 19 20 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.0375. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 25 0.9638 554 0.9290 173 0.4907 976 0.5282 976 0.8954 384 0.8630 731 0.8318 777 0.8018 098 1.0000 000 1.0375 000 0.3211 400 0.6920 205 0.2363 687 | 0.2738 687 0.1855 519 0.2230 519 0.1517 122 0.7728 287 0.1275 737 | 0.1650 737 0.3586 400 0.7448 952 0.1094 984 0.1469 984 0.7179 713 0.0954 652 0.0954 652 0.1329 652 21 0.4615 829 22 0.4448 993 23 0.4288 186 24 0.4133 191 0.1892 122 .. 0.6670 077 0.0751 152 0.0842 614 0.1217 614 0.6428 990 0.0675 123 13 0.6196 616 0.0610 964 0.0985 964 .... 0.0751 152 | 0.1126 152 0.1050 123 0.5972 642 | 0.0556 132 0.0931 132 0.5756 764 0.0508 759 0.0883 759 0.5548 688 | 0.0167 448 0.0842 448 0.5348 133 0.0431 128 0.0806 128 0.5154 827 0.0398 966 | 0.0773 966 0.0370 306 0.0745 306 0.0341 621 | 0.0719 621 0.4968 508 0.1788 923 0.0321 486 0.0696 486 0.0300 553 0.0675 553 0.0281 534 0.0656 534 0.0264 189 0.0639 189 0.3983 799 0.0248 317 0.0623 317 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.01875. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9815 951 2.0000 000 0.9635 291 0.9907 121 0.9457 953 | 0.6543 215 | 0.6918 215 0.9283 880 0.4861 547 0.5236 547 0.9113 011 0.8945 286 0.8780 650 0.8619 013 0.7854 543 0.7709 981 0.3852 786 0.4227 786 0.3180 4690.3555 469 0.2700 408 0.2340 508 0.8160 410 0.2060 713 0.2435 713 0.8304 697 0.1836 994 | 0.2211 994 0.7026 114 0.6896 799 0.8151 850 0.1654 056 | 0.2029 056 0.8001 816 0.1501 704 0.1876 704 0.1372 879 0.1262 541 0.7568 079 0.1166 991 0.7428 789 0.1083 457 ··· 2.0375 000 1.0282 121 0.5834 974 0.5727 582 0.6522 960 | 0.0703 503 0.6402 905 0.0667 508 0.3075 408 0.2715 508 0.7292 063 | 0.1009 818 0.1384 818 0.7157 853 | 0.0944 425 0.1319 425 ... ………. .... .... 0.0885 976 | 0.1260 976 0.0833 430 0.1208 430 0.6769 864 0.0785 942 0.1160 942 | 0.6645 265 0.0742 823 0.1117 823 0.1747 879 0.1637 541 0.1541 991 0.1458 457 ... ... 0.6285 060 | 0.0634 438 | 0.1009 438 0.6169 385 0.0603 955 | 0.0978 955 0.1078 503 0.1042 508 .... 0.6055 837 0.0575 772 0.0950 772 0.5944 381 0.0549 643 0.0549 643 | 0.0924 643 0.0525 355 | 0.0900 355 0.0502 723 0.0877 723 0.5622 167 | 0.0481 588 0.0856 588 0.5518 691 0.0461 809 | 0.0336 809 0.5317 419 0.0425 840 0.0800 840 0.5123 487 0.0393 992 | 0.0768 992 0.4936 628 | 0.0365 613 | 0.0740 613 0.4756 584 0.0340 183 0.0715 183 0.4583 106 0.0317 279 | 0.0692 279 0.4415 955 | 0.0296 556 | 0.0671 556 0.4254 900 0.0277 730 | 0.0652 730 0.4099 720 | 0.0260 563 | 0.0635 563 0.3950 198 | 0.0244 855 0.0619 855 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.009375. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9907 121 4.0000 000 0.9815 104 1.9906 687 0.9723 942 1.3209 111 0.9633 627 | 0.9860 469 0.9544 151 0.9455 505 0.9367 683 0.9280 677 0.8533 099 0.8453 844 0.8375 325 0.8297 535 0.8857 617 | 0.2907 614 0.8775 319 0.8693 844 0.8613 097 0.2687 096 0.2496 020 0.2328 865 0.8220 469 | 0.8144 118 0.8068 475 0.7993 536 0.919 479 0.9109 081 0.9024 477 | 0.3169 090 0.4280 369 0.3834 137 0.4655 369. 0.4209 137 0.3844 090 0.8940 658 | 0.3164 932 | 0.3539 932 0.7919 293 0.7845 739 0.7772 868 0.7700 675 0.7629 151 0.7558 292 0.7488 092 0.7418 542 0.6820 963 0.6757 610 0.6694 846 0.6632 665 0.7851 598 0.6512 118 0.6571 061 0.6510 030 0.6449 565 0.6389 662 0.5555 571 0.4838 234 0.6330 315 0.6271 520 0.6213 271 0.6155 562 0.7349 640 | 0.1039 902 0.7281 376 0.1004 375 0.7213 748 0.0970 894 0.7146 747 | 0.0939 289 0.5301 845 0.5107 599 0.4920 471 0.4740 198 0.1427 272 0.1365 736 0.1308 780 0.1255 913 0.4566 529 0.4399 225 0.4238 049 0.4082 778 0.2181 409 0.2556 409 0.2050 369 | 0.2425 369 0.1933 154 0.2308 154 0.1827 689 0.2202 689 0.1206 712 0.1160 810 0.1117 889 0.1077 668 0.1732 296 | 0.2107 296 0.1645 602 0.2020 602 0.1566 472 | 0.1941 472 0.1493 960 0.1493 960 | 0.1868 960 4.0375 000 2.0281 687 1.3584 111 1.0235 469 0.7080 369 0.0909 409 0.7014 607 0.0881 116 0.6949 455 0.0854 289 | 0.1229 289 0.6884 910 | 0.0828 817 0.1203 817 0.0804 603 0.0781 554 0.0759 592 0.0738 640 0.8226 598 0.6887 118 0.5930 571 0.5213 234 0.6098 390 0.0586 141 0.6041 748 0.0572 388 0.5985 633 | 0.0559 145 0.5930 039 0.0546 385 0.0646 886 0.0630 772 0.0615 300 0.0600 435 0.3282 614 0.3062 096 0.2871 020 0.2703 865 0.5659 718 0.5607 151 0.0488 999 0.0478 660 0.5555 072 0.0468 658 0.5503 477 0.0458 978 0.1802 272 0.1740 736 0.1683 780 0.1630 913 0.1581 712 0.1535 810 0.1492 889 0.1452 668 0.1414 902 0.1379 375 0.1345 894 0.1314 289 0.0718 633 0.0699 508 0.0681 209 0.1093 633 0.1074 508 0.1056 209 0.0663 684 | 0.1038 684 0.1284 409 0.1256 116 0.1179 603 0.1156 554 0.1134 592 0.1113 610 0.0534 082 0.5874 961 0.0909 082 0.5820 395 0.0522 214 0.0897 214 0.5766 335 0.0510 757 0.0885 757 0.5712 778 | 0.0499 692 | 0.0874 692 0.1021 886 0.1005 772 0.0990 300 0.0975 435 0.0961 141 0.0947 388 0.0934 145 0.0921 385 0.0863 999 0.0853 660 0.0843 658 0.0833 978 0.0423 186 | 0.0798 186 0.0391 495 | 0.0766 495 0.0363 257 0.0738 257 0.0337 955 | 0.0712 955 0.0315 167 0.0690 167 0.0294 550 | 0.0669 550 0.0275 821 0.0650 821 0.0258 743 0.0633 743 0.3933 196 0.0243 118 | 0.0618 118 Page 15. RATE OF INTEREST: 33 per Cent. CORRESPONDING VALUE OF per Ann. Years. 26 27 28 29 30 ZZZZZ 18838 **200 gyugur erercneer CARRA ZA*** *☺☺☺o co co co co co 33 34 31 3.1306 266 32 3.2480 251 3.3698 260 3.4961 945 36 37 40 42 43 44 46 48 49 50 41 4.5238 930 4.6935 389 4 8695 467 5.0521 547 45 5.2416 105 55 56 62 63 70 71 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 13 85338 38836 85888 96 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.0375. 99 100 Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 2.6042 984 | 42.781 290 2.7019 596 45.385 588 2.8032 830 48.087 548 50.890 831 3.0174 714 | 53.799 237 2.9084 062 3.6273 018 | 70.061 381 3.7633 256 73.688 682 3.9044 503 4.0508 672 4.2027 747 4.3603 788 5.4381 709 5.6421 023 5.8536 811 6.0731 941 6.3009 389 6.5372 241 6.7823 700 7.0367 089 7.3005 855 7.5743 574 7.8583 958 8.1530 857 8.4588 264 8.7760 324 9.1051 336 56.816 709 59.947 335 63.195 360 66.565 186 13.650 718 14.162 620 14.693 718 15.244 732 15.816 410 16.409 525 17.024 882 17.663 315 18.325 690 19.012 903 77.452 008 81.356 458 85 407 326 89.610 100 19.725 887 20.465 608 21.233 068 22.029 308 22.855 407 93.970 479 98 494 372 103.18 791 108.05 746 113.10 961 118.35 122 123.78 939 129.43 150 135.28 518 141.35 837 9.4465 761 225.24 203 9.8008 227 234.68 861 10.168 354 244.48 943 10.549 667 254.65 778 10.945 279 265.20 745 147.65 931 154.19 653 160.97 890 168.01 561 175.31 620 11.355 727 276.15 273 11.781 567 12.223 376 12.681 752 13.157 318 287.50 846 299.29 002 311.51 340 324.19 515 182.89 056 190.74 895 198.90 204 207.36 086 216.13 690 337.35 247 351.00 319 365.16 581 379.85 952 395.10 426 410.92 067 427.33 019 444.35 507 462.01 839 480.34 408 499.35 698 519.08 287 539.54 848 560.78 154 582.81 085 23.712 485 605.66 626 24.601 703 629.37 874 25.524 267 653.98 045 26.481 427 679.50 471 27.474 480 705.98 614 28.504 773 733.46 062 29.573 702 761.96 539 30.682 716 | 791.53 909 31.833 318 33.027 067 16.427 18 16.797 29 17.154 01 17.497 84 17.829 24 34.265 582 35.550 542 36.883 687 38.266 825 993.78 201 39.701 831 1032.0 488 18.148 67 18.456 55 18.753 30 19.039 33 19.315 01 19.580 73 19.836 85 20.083 71 20.321 65 20.550 99 20.772 04 20.985 10 21.190 46 21.388 39 21.579 17 21.763 06 21.940 30 22.111 13 22.275 79 22.434 49 22.587 46 22.734 90 22.877 02 23.013 99 23.146 02 23.273 27 23.395 92 23.514 14 23.628 09 23.737 92 23.843 77 23.945 81 24.044 15 24.138 94 24.230 30 24.318 37 24.403 24 24.485 05 24.563 91 24.639 91 24.713 17 24.783 78 24.851 83 24.917 43 24.980 65 25.041 59 25.100 33 25.156 95 25.211 51 25.264 11 25.314 81 25.363 67 25.410 76 25.456 16 25.499 91 25.542 08 25.582 73 25.621 91 25.659 67 25.696 07 25.731 15 25.764 96 25.797 56 822.22 181 25.828 97 854.05 513 25.859 25 25.888 43 25.916 56 956.89 832 25.943 67 887.08 220 921.34 778 25.969 81 25.994 99 Value of Perpetual Ann. 26.666 67 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.01875. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 2.6273 403 43.395 742 2.7267 893-46.047 714 2.8300 025 48.800 066 2.9371 225 | 51.656 600 3.0482 972 54.621 258 3.5367 005 3.6705 701 57.698 133 60.891 473 3.4077 132 | 64.205 685 3.1636 800 3.2834 302 67.645 346 71.215 203 4.5871 716 4.7608 032 4 9410 070 5.1280 318 5.3221 359 3 8095 069 74.920 184 3.9537 027 78.765 405 4.1033 565 82.756 174 4.2586 750 86.898 000 4.4198 725 | 91.196 600 6.6511 604 6.9029 172 7.1642 034 7.4353 797 7.7168 204 8.0089 141 8.3120 640 8.6266 886 8.9532 223 9.2921 157 5.5235 870 | 120.62 899 5.7326 634 5.9496 537 6.1748 574 6.4085 854 126.20 436 131.99 077 137.99 620 144.22 894 9.6438 368 10.008 871 10.387 723 10.780 914 11.188 988 11.612 509 12.052 061 12.508 250 12.981 707 13.473 085 13.983 062 | 14.512 343 16.837 535 17.474 862 18.136 313 18.822 800 19.535 273 24.413 550 25.337 641 26.296 711 27.292 082 28.325 131 29.397 281 30.510 014 31.664 865 32.863 430 34.107 362 95.657 908 100.28 808 105.09 352 110 08 085 115.25 696 346.21 499 360.32 914 15.061 658 | 374.97 754 15.631 765 390.18 040 16.223 452 | 405.95 871 39.572 101 41.069 967 150.69 761 157.41 112 164.37 876 171.61 012 179.11 521 186.90 438 194.98 837 203.37 836 212.08 593 221.12 309 230.50 232 240.23 656 250.33 927 260.82 437 271.70 636 283.00 025 294.72 162 306.88 667 319.51 219 332.61 560 20.274 713 | 513.99 236 21.042 143 21.838 621 22.665 247 23.523 162 422.33 426 439.32 965 456.96 834 475.27 468 494.27 394 534.45 715 555.69 656 577.73 992 600.61 765 624.36 134 649.00 377 674.57 895 701.12 219 728.67 014 757.26 082 786.93 370 817.72 974 849.69 147 882.86 299 35.398 379 917.29 011 36.738 263 | 953.02 035 38.128 864 990.10 303 1028.5 894 1068.5 324 16.516 98 16.867 16 17.243 82 17.587 49 17.918 61 18.237 66 18.545 08 18.841 28 19.126 68 19.401 67 19.666 64 19.921 94 20.167 92 20.404 94 20.633 31 20.853 35 21.065 37 21.269 66 21.466 49 21.656 15 21.838 89 22.014 96 22.184 61 22.348 08 22.505 58 22.657 34 22.803 56 22.944 46 23.080 21 23.211 01 23 337 04 23.458 48 23.575 48 23.688 22 23.796 85 23.901 52 24.002 36 24.099 53 24.193 16 24.283 37 24.370 29 24.454 04 24.534 74 24.612 49 24.687 41 24.759 60 24.829 15 24.896 17 24.960 74 25.022 95 25.082 90 25.140 67 25.196 32 25.249 94 25.301 62 25.351 40 25.399 37 25.445 59 25.490 12 25.533 04 25.574 38 25.614 21 25.652 60 25.689 58 25.725 22 25.759 55 25.792 64 25.824 52 25.855 23 25.884 82 25.913 34 25.940 81 25.967 28 25.992 26.017 37 79 26.666 67 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.009375. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 2.6391 531 | 43.710 748 2.7395 218 46.387 247 2.8437 075 | 49.165 534 2.9518 556 52.049 482 3.0611 166 55.043 108 3.1806 469 3.3016 090 3.4271 713 3.5575 088 3.6928 032 3.8332 429 | 75.553 143 3.9790 236 4.1303 484 4.2874 283 79.440 629 83.475 958 87.664 753 4.4504 819 | 92.012 851 4.6197 366 4.7954 282 4.9778 015 5.1671 105 5.3636 190 5.5676 009 5.7793 401 5.9991 324 6.2272 833 6.4641 110 6.7099 453 6.9651 288 7.2300 172 7.5049 794 7.7903 987 8.0866 726 8.3942 140 8.7134 513 9.0448 295 9.3888 103 58.150 584 61.376 239 64.724 567 68.200 235 71.808 085 17.059 778 17.708 573 18.382 041 19.081 122 19.806 789 96.526 310 101.21 142 106.07 471 111.12 295 116.36 317 20.560 054 21.341 967 22.153 615 22.996 132 23.870 690 121.80 269 127.44 908 133.31 020 139.39 422 145.70 963 152.26 521 159.07 010 166.13 379 173.46 612 181.07 730 9.7458 728 10.116 515 10.501 252 10.900 622 11.315 179275.07 145 29.862 490 30.998 180 32:177 061 33.400 775 34.671 028 188.97 794 197.17 904 205.69 204 214.52 879 223.70 161 11.745 503 286.54 675 12.192 192 298.45 845 12.655 869 310.82 317 13.137 180 323.65 813 13.636 795336.98 121 233.22 327 243.10 706 253.36 673 264.01 658 14.155 412 14.693 751 350.81 097 365.16 669 15.252 564380.06 837 15.832 629 395.53 677 16.434 754 | 411.59 344 428.26 075 415.56 194 463.52 109 482.16 325 501.51 438 521.60 145 542.45 244 564.09 641 586.56 351 609.88 505 24.778 507 634.09 353 25.720 850 | 659 22 267 685.30 748 26.699 031 27.714 412 28.768 409 712.38 432 740.49 091 769.66 640 799.95 147 831.38 829 864.02 068 897.89 409 35.989 590933.05 574 37.358 297 969.55 460 38.779 058 1007.4 415 40.253 850 1016.7 693 41.784 730 | 1087.5 928 - 16.562 41 16.932 61 17.289 24 17.632 80 17.963 78 18.282 63 18.589 80 18.885 71 19.170 78 19.445 41 19.709 98 19.964 86 20.210 39 20.446 93 20.674 81 20.894 33 21.105 82 21.309 55 21.505 82 21.694 90 21.877 05 22.052 51 22.221 58 22.384 44 22.541 33 22.692 46 22.838 07 22.978 34 23.113 47 23.243 65 23.369 06 23.489 88 23.606 27 23.718 39 23.826 41 23.930 47 24.030 71 24.127 29 24.220 32 24.309 95 24.396 30 24.479 47 24.559 61 24.636 80 24.711 17 24.782 82 24.851 84 24.918 33 24 982 38 25.044.09 25.103 54 25.160 80 25.215 98 25.269 12 25.320 33 25.369 65 25.417 17 25.462 95 25.507 05 25.549 54 25.590 47 25.629 89 25.667 88 25.704 47 25.739 73 25.773 68 25.806 40 25.837 92 25.868 28 25.897 53 25.925 71 25.952 86 25.979 01 26.004 20 26 028 48 26.666-67 Page 16. PERPETUAL STOCK: 3p. C. 80; 3 p. C. 93,3333; 4p. C. 106,6667; 5 p. C. 133,3333. Years. O7:28 M**** 85889 #3333 95998 E88ËR AKA88 58888 85882 F2P2P 2E028 ***** ***** 48833 85838 46 50 56 60 64 66 68 69 70 72 73 58 0.1182 197 0.1139 467 0.1098 282 7.4 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.0375. 83 Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 100 0.0233 747 0.3839 806 0.0608 747 0.3701 017 | D.0220 334 0.0595 334 0.0207 954 0.0582 954 0.0196 499 0.0571 499 0.0185 876 | 0.0560 876 0.3567 246 0.3438 309 0.3314 033 0.3194 249 0.3078 794 0.2967 512 0.2860 253 0.2756 870 0.2657 224 0.2561 182 0.2468 607 0.2379 380 0.2293 379 0.2210 486 0.2130 589 0.2053 579 0.1979 354 0.1907 811 0.1838 854 0.1772 389 0.1708 327 0.1646 580 0.1587 065 0.1529 701 0.1474 411 0.1421 119 0.1369 753 0.1320 244 0.1272 524 0.1226 529 0.1058 581 0.1020 322 0.0983 443 0.0947 897 0.0913 636 0.0820 613 0.0848 784 0.0818 105 0.0788 535 0.0760 033 75 0.0632 255 0.0176 005 0.0166 813 0.0158 239 0.0150 229 0.0142 732 0.0609 402 0.0587 376 0.0566 145 0.0545 682 0.0525 959 0.0135 706 0.0510 706 0.0129 112 0.0504 112 0.0122 916 0.0497 916 0.0117 086 0.0492 086 0.0111 595 | 0.0486 595 0.0106 416 0.0101 529 0.0096 911 0.0092 543 0.0088 410 0.0084 494 0.0080 782 0.0077 261 0.0073 918 0.0070 742 0.0067 723 0.0064 852 0.0050 276 0.0048 225 0.0046 267 0.0551 005 0.0541 813 0.0533 239 0.0525 229 0.0517 732 0.0442 723 0.0139 852 0.0062 120 | 0.0437 120 0.0059 518 0.0057 040 0.0434 518 0.0432 040 0.0014 397 0.0042 610 0.0040 902 0.0039 268 0.0037 706 0.0054 678 | 0.0429 678 0.0052 425 0.0427 425 0.0425 276 0.0423 225 0.0421 267 0.0036 212 0.0034 782 0.0033 412 0.0032 101 0.0030 846 0.0481 416 0.0476 529 0.0471 911 0.0467 543 0.0463 410 0.0459 494 0.0455 782 0.0452 261 0.0448 918 0.0445 742 0.0732 562 0.0706 084 0.0680 563 0.0029 643 0 0028 490 0.0027 385 0.0655 964 | 0.0026 326 0.0401 326 0.0404 643 0.0403 490 0.0402 385 0.0025 310 0.0400 310 0.0419 397 0.0417 610 0.0415 902 0.0414 268 0.0412 706 0.0421 719 0.0406 476 0.0391 784 0.0377 623 0.0363 974 | 0.0014 165 0.0411 212 0.0409 782 0.0408 412 0.0407 101 0.0405 846 0.0024 336 0.0399 336 0.0023 401 0.0398 401 0.0022 505 0.0397 505 0.0021 644 0.0396 644 0.0020 818 0.0395 818 0.0395 026 0.0506 948 0.0020 026 0.0488 625 | 0.0019 265 0.0394 265 0.0470 964 0.0018 534 0.0453 941 | 0.0017 832 0.0437 533 0.0393 534 0.0392 832 0.0017 158 0.0392 158 0.0016 511 0.0391 511 0.0015 889 0.0390 889 0.0015 291 0.0390 291 0.0014 717 0.0389 717 0.0389 165 0.0350 819 0.0338 138 0.0013 634 0.0013 124 0.0388 634 0.0388 124 0.0325 916 | 0.0012 634 0.0387 634 0.0314 136 0.0302 782 0.0012 162 0.0387 162 0.0011 709 0.0386 709 0.0291 838 | 0.0011 273 0.0281 290 0.0271 123 0.0010 854 0.0010 450 0.0386 273 0.0385 854 0.0385 450 0.0385 063 0.0384 689 0.0261 323 0.0010 063 0.0251 878 | 0.0009 689 Ratio of Perpetual Ann. 0.0375 000 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.01875. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.3806 130 0.3667 317 0.3533 566 0.3404 693 0.3280 520 0.3160 876 0.0173 316 0.3045 595 | 0.0164 227 0.2934 519 0.0155 749 0.2827 494 0.0147 830 0.2724 372 0.0140 419 0.2625 011 0.2529 275 0.2437 029 0.2348 148 0.2262 509 0.1810 418 0.1744 390 0.1680 770 0.1619 471 0.1560 407 0.2179 993 0.0104 539 0.2100 486 0.0099 713 0.2023 879 0.0095 153 0.1950 066 | 0.0090 842 0.1878 945 0.0086 763 0.1248 609 0.1203 071 0.1503 497 0.0066 358 0.1448 663 0.0063 5£8 0.1395 829 | 0.0060 835 0.1344 921 0.1295 871 0.0058 272 0.0055 830 0.0230 438 0.0217 166 0.0204 918 0.0193 586 0.0183 079 0.0053 503 0.0051 285 0.1159 193 | 0.0049 169 0.1116 916 0.1076 181 0.0047 151 0.0015 22-4 0.0861 140 0.0829 734 0.0799 472 0.0770 315 0.0742 220 0.0715 151 0.0689 069 0.0663 938 0.0639 723 0.0616 392 0.0133 475 0.0126 959 0.0120 837 0.0115 077 0.0109 653 0.1036 932 0.0043 384 0.0999 114 0.0041 626 0.0962 675 | 0.0039 946 0.0927 565 0.0038 340 0.0893 736 | 0.0036 804 0.0593 911 0.0572 251 0.0551 380 0.0531 271 0.0511 895 0.0493 225 0.0475 237 0.0457 904 0.0441 204 0.0425 113 0.0082 899 0.0079 237 0.0075 763 0.0072 466 0.0069 334 0.0409 609 0.0394 670 0.0380 276 0 0366 407 0.0353 043 0.0035 336 0.0033 930 0.0032 585 0.0031 298 0.0030 065 0.0028 884 0.0027 752 0.0026 668 0.0025 629 0.0024 633 0.0023 678 0.0022 762 0.0021 883 0.0021 040 0.0020 232 0.0019 456 0.0019 456 0.0018 711 0.0017 995 0.0017 309 0.0016 650 0.0016 016 0.0015 408 0.0014 824 0.0014 263 0.0013 724 0.0340 168 0.0013 205 0.0327 761 | 0.0012 708 0.0315 807 0.0012 229 0.0304 290 | 0.0011 769 0.0293 192 0.0011 327 0.0282 499 0 0010 902 0.0272 196 0.0010 493 0.0262 268 0.0010 100 0.0252 703 0.0009 722 0.0243 487 0.0009 359 0.0605 438 0.0592 166 0.0579 918 0.0568 586 0.0558 079 0.0548 316 0.0539 227 0.0530 749 0.0522 830 0.0515 419 0.0508 475 0.0501 959 0.0495 837 0.0490 077 0.0184 653 0.0479 539 0.0474 713 0.0470 153 0.0465 842 0.0461 763 0.0457 899 0.0454 237 0.0450 763 0.0447 466 0.0144 334 0.0441 358 0.0438 528 0.0435 835 0.0433 272 0.0430 830 0.0428 503 0.0426 285 0.0424 169 0.0422 151 0.0420 224 0.0418 384 0.0416 626 0.0414 946 0.0413 340 0.0411 804 0.0410 336 0.0408 930 0.0407 585 0.0406 298 0 0405 065 0.0403 884 0.0402 752 0.0401 668 0.0400 629 0.0399 633 0.0398 678 0.0397 762 0.0396 883 0.0396 040 0.0395 232 0.0394 456 0.0393 711 0.0392 995 0.0392 309 0.0391 650 0.0391 016 0.0390 408 0.0389 824 0.0389 263 0.0388 724 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.009375. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.3789 094 0.3650 272 0.3516 536 0.3387 700 0.3263 584 0.3144 015 0.3028 826 0.2917 858 0.2810 956 0.2707 970 0.2608 757 0.2513 179 0.2421 103 0.2332 401 0.2246 948 0.2164 625 0.2085 320 0.2008 919 0.1935 318 0.1864 413 0.1490 325 0.1435 724 0.1383 123 0.1332 449 0.1283 631 0.1236 603 0.1191 297 0.1147 651 0.1105 604 0.1065 098 0.1026 075 0.0988 483 0.0952 267 0.0917 379 0 0883 769 0.1796 106 0.1730 301 0.0082 100 0.0078 463 0.1666 908 | 0.0075 013 0.1605 837 0.1547 003 0.0851 390 0.0820 197 0.0790 147 0.0761 198 0.0733 310 0.0706 444 0.0680 561 0.0655 628 0.0631 607 0.0608 467 0.0586 174 0.0564 698 0.0544 000 0.0524 078 0.0504 877 0.0486 380 0.0468 560 0.0451 394 0.0434 856 0.0418 924 0.0388 205 0.0334 868 | 0.0387 708 0.0322 600 0.0387 229 0.0310 780 0.0380 769 0.0386 327 0.0228 777 0.0215 577 0.0203 395 0.0192 125 0.0181 676 0.0299 394 0.0283 425 0.0171 967 0.0162 929 0.0154 501 0.0146 627 0.0139 259 0.0385 902 0.0277 858 0.0385 493 0.0267 678 0.0385 100 0.0257 871 0.0384 722 0.0248 42 3 0.0384 359 0.0239 322 · 0.0375 000 0.0132 357 0.0125 880 0.0119 795 0.0114 071 0.0108 680 0.0103 599 0.0098 803 0.0094 273 0.0089 990 0.0085 938 0.0071 739 0.0068 630 0.0065 675 0.0062 865 0.0060 192 0.0057 648 0.0055 225 0.0042 877 0.0041 134 0.0039 468 0.0037 876 0.0036 354 0.0103 576 | 0.0015 771 0.0388 790 0.0015 169 0.0374 515 0.0360 823. 0.0347 603 0.0603 777 0.0590 577 0.0578 395 0.0567 125 0.0556 676 0.0546 967 0.0537 929 0.0529 501 0.0521 627 0.0514 259 0.0019 172 0.0018 435 0.0017 727 0.0017 048 0.0016 397.| 0.0507 357 0.0500 880 0.0494 795 0.0489 071 0.0183 680 0.0052 916 0.0427 916 0.0050 715 | 0.0425 715 0.0048 616 0.0046 614 0.0044 702 0.0423 616 0.0421 614 0.0419 702 0.0478 599 0.0473 803 0.0469 273 0.0464 990 0.0460 938 0.0457 100 0.01453 463 0.0450 013 0.0146 739 0.0443 630 0.0012 993 0.0012 501 0.0012 028 0.0011 574 0.0011 137 0.0410 675 0.0437 865 0.0435 192 0.0432 648 0.0430 225 0.0034 898 0.0033 506 0.0032 173 0.0030 897 0.0409 898 0.0408 506 0.0407 173 0.0405 897 0.0029 675 | 0.0404 675 0.0028 505 0.0027 385 0.0026 311 0.0025 282 0.0403 505 0.0402 385 0.0401 311 0.0400 282 0.0024 296 | 0.0399 296 0.0417 877 0.0116 134 0.0414 468 0.0412 876 0.0411 354 0.0023 350 0.0398 350 0.0022 444 0.0397 444 0.0021 574 | 0.0396 574 0.0020 740 0.0395 740 0.0019 940 | 0.0394 940 0.0390 771 0.0390 169 0.0014 592 | 0.0389 592 0.0014 037 | 0.0389 037 0.0013 505 0.0388 505 0.0394 172 0.0393 435 0.0392 727 0.0392 018 0.0391 397 0.0387 993 0.0387 501 0.0387 028 0.0380 574 0.0386 137 0.0010 717 0.0010 314 0.0385 717 0.0385 314 .0.0009 925 | 0.0384 926 0.0009 553 0.0009 195 0.0384 553 0.0384 195 0.0375 000 Page 17. RATE OF INTEREST: 4 per Cent. per Ann. CORRESPONDING VALUE OF Years. 03 p CO FINAN*** 20 ** 10 مراه سنتان PUN-AL ∞ ANDT ཝ-ve}༢ཏི PWCHAP مستتر =<>:{** PONHALL 14541710714211 用​T区 ​的​SAS 18 12 13 CPIN-A- 15 * 2 **** 225 19 हूँ 20 21 22 23 24 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.04. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. ... 1.0400 000 1.0816 000 1.1248 640 3.1216 000 1.1698 586 4.2464 610 1.2166 529 5.4163 226 1.2653 190 6.6329 755 1.3685 691 1.0000 000 1.3159 318 7.8982 945 1.4233 118 2.0400 000 1.4802 443 1.5394 541 1.6010 322 1.8009 435 9.2142 263 14 1.7316 764 18.291 911 ……… 10.582 795 12.006 107 13.486 351 15.025 805 1.6650 735 16.626 838 1.8729 812 21.824 531 18 17 1.9479 005 23.697 512 2.0258 165 25.645 413 2.1068 492 27.671 229 2.1911 231 29.778 079 20.023 588 2.2787 68131.969 202 2.3699 188 34.247 970 2.4647 155 36.617 889 2.5633 042 39.082 604 2.6658 363 41.645 908 0.9615 38 1.8860 95 2.7750 91 3.6298 95 ... 4.4518 22 5.2421 37 6.0020 55 .... ... 6.7327 45 7.4353 32 8.1108 96 8.7604 77 9.3850 74 9.9856 48 10.563 12 11.118 39 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.02. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 1.0200 000 0.5000 000 1.0404 000 1.0100 000 1.5302 000 1.0612 080 1.0824 322 | 2.0608 040 .. 1.1040 808 1.1261 624 ………… 1.1486 857 3.7171°417 1.1716 594 4.2914 845 1.1950 926 4.8773 142 1.2189 944 5.4748 605 1.2433 743 1.2682 418 ... 1.2936 066 7.3401 658 1.3194 788 7.9869 691 1.3458 683 .... 1.3727 857 1.4002 414 ... 1.4282 462 1.4568 112 1.4859 474 1.5156 663 1.5459 797 ... 2.6020 201 3.1540 605 1.5768 993 1.6084 372 6.0843 577 6.7060 449 8.6167 085 9.3196 426 12.165 67 1.9606 760 12.659 30 2.0398 873 13.133 94 2.1222 988 13.590 33 2.2080 397 ... 14.029 16 2.2972 445 14.451 12 2.3000 531 14.856 84 2.4866 113 15.246 96 15.622 08 10.006 035 10.706 156 • 11.420 279 12.148 685 12.891 659 13.649 492 14.422 482 1.6406 062 | 16.015 150 1.6734 181 16.835 453 ·· .. 15.210 931 1.7068 865 17.672 162 1.7410 242 18.525 605 1.7758 447 19.396 117 1.8113 616 | 20.284 040 ... 1.8475 888| 21.189 720 11.652 30 1.8845 406 22.113 515 24.016 901 25.997 184 28.057 470 30.200 992 32.431 112 34.751 327 37.165 282 2.5870 704 | 39.676 760 2.6915 880 42.289 701 0.4901 96 0.9707 80 1.4419 42 1.9038 64 2.3567 30 2.8007 15 3.2359 95 3.6627 41 4.0811 18 4.4912 92 4.8934 24 5.2876 71 5.6741 87 6.0531 24 6.4246 32 6.7888 55 7.1459 36 7.4960 16 7.8392 31 ·· 8.1757 17 8.5056 05 8.8290 24 9.1461 02 9.4569 63 9.7617 28 10.060 52 10.353 45 10.640 64 .... 10.922 19 .... 11.198 23 11.468 85 11.734 17 12.249 30 12.744 42 13.220 32 13.677 74 14.117 39 14.539 98 14.946 16 15.336 56 15.711 80 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.01. Improved Cumulated, Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 1.0100 000 1.0201 000 1.0303 010 1.0406 040 1.0510 101 1.0615 202 1.0721 354 1.0828 567 1.0936 853 1.1046 221 1.1380 933 1.1494 742 1.1609 690 1.1725 786 1.1843 044 1.1961 475 1.2081 090 1.2201 900 1.1156 683 | 2.8917 087 1.1268 250 3.1706 258 1.4450 765 1.4595 272 1.4741 225 1.4888 637 0.2500 000 0.5025 000 0.7575 250 1.0151 003 1.2323 919 | 5.8097 985 1.2147 159 1.2571 630 1.2697 346 6.1178 964 6.4290 755 6.7433 662 1.5037 524 1.5187 899 1.5339 778 1.5493 176 1.2752 513 1.5380 038 1.8033 838 2.0714 176 1.2821 320 | 7.0607 998 1.2952 563 7.3814 079 1.3082 089 1.3212 910 1.5648 107 1.5804 589 1.5962 631 1.6122 261 2.3421 318 2.6155 531 1.6283 483 1.6446 318 1.6610 781 1.6776 889 1.3345 039 1.3478 489 8.3625 969 8.6962 229 1.3613 274 | 9.0331 851 1.3749 407 9.3735 170 1.6944 658 1.7114 105 1.7285 246 1.7458 098 3.4523 320 3.7368 553 4.0242 239 4.3144 661 1.3886 901 | 9.7172 521 1.4025 770 10.064 425 1.4166 028 10.415 069 1.4307 688 | 10.769 220 4.6076 108 4.9036 869 5.2027 238 5.5047 510 1.9672 222 2.0470 993 2.1302 198 2.2167 152 7.7052 219 8.0322 742 11.126 912 11.488 181 11.853 063 12.221 593 12.593 809 12.969 747 13.349 445 13.732 939 14.120 269 14.511 471 14.906 586 15.305 652 15.708 708 16.115 796 16.526 953 16.942 223 17.361 645 17.785 262 18.213 114 18.615 245 1.7632 679 | 19.081 698 1.7809 006 19.522 515 1.7987 09619.967 740 1.8166 967 | 20.417 417 1.8348 637 | 20.871 592 1.8532 123 21.330 308 1.8717 444 | 21.793 611 1.8904 619 22.261 547 24.180 555 26.177 483 28.255 494 30.417 880 2.3067 227 2.4003 849 32.668 069 35,009 623 2.4978 502 37.446 255 2.5992 729 | 39.981 823 2.7048 138 42.620 346 0.2475 25 0.4925 99 0.7352 46 0.9751 91 1.2133 58 1.4488 69 1.6820 49 1.9129 19 2.1415 04 2.3678 26 2.5919 07 2.8137 69 3.0334 35 3.2509 26 3.4662 63 /3.6794 68 3.8905 63 4.0995 67 4.3065 02 4.5113 88 4.7142 46 4.9150 95 5.1139 55 5.3108 47 5.5057 89 5.6988 01 5.8899 02 6.0791 11 6.2664 46 6.4519 27 6.6355 71 6.8173 97 6.9974 23 7.1756 66 7.3521 45 7.5268 76 7.6998 77 7.8711 66 8.0107 58 8.2086 71 8.3749 22 8.5395 27 8.7025 02 8.8638 63 9.0236 27 9.1818 09 9.3384 25 9.4934 90 9.6470 20 9.7990 29 9.9495 34 10.098 55 10.246 09 10.392 17 10.536 80 10.680 00 10.821 78 10.962 16 11.101 15 11.238 76 11.375 01 11.509 91 11.643 48 11.775 72 12.291 72 12.787 60 13.264 12 13.722 05 14.162 11 14.585 00 14.991 39 15.381 93 15.757 22 Page 18. PERPETUAL STOCK: 3 p. C.75; 3 p. C.87,5; 4 p. C. 100; 5 p. C. 125. Years. 명예심​을 ​기 ​1 PKEUP 20 ♡ 241254 ** 2 AKC-PY L PICISTALL --- *** 7 K CC *N** H42:04 O HAT **** COPROLPH HENN GARE-PL 15 T** 700 28** 3 17 18 19 20 RATIO of INTEREST : ANNUALLY, 0.04. 21 22 23 24 Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 25 ·· 0.9615 384 1.0000 000 0.9245 562 0.4901 961 0.8889 963 0.8518 042 0.8219 271 0.4901 961 0.5301 961 12 0.6245 971 | 0.0665 522 0.3203 485 13 0.6005 741 0.0601 437 0.1846 271 0.7903 145 | 0.1507 619 0.2354 900 0.2754 900 0.7306 902 | 0.1085 278 0.7025 867 | 0.0944 930 0.1507 619 0.1907 619 0.7599 178 0.1266 096 0.1666 096 0.6755 642 | 0.0832 909 0.6495 810 0.0741 490 0.5339 082 0.5133 733 0.4936 281 0.4746 424 0.4563 870 0.4388 336 0.4219 554 0.4057 254 0.3901 215 0.3751 168 1.0400 000 0.5552 645 | 0.0499 411 0.3603 485 14 0.5774 751 0.0546 690 0.0946 690 0.2246 271 0.0312 801 0.0291 988 0.0273 090 0.0255 868 0.0240 120 0.1485 278 0.1344 930 0.1232 909 0.1141 490 0.1065 522 0.1001 437 0.0899 411 0.0458 200 0.0858 200 0.0421 985 0.0821 985 0.0389 933 0.0789 933 0.0361 386 0.0761 386 0.0335 818 0.0735 818 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.02. 0.0712 801 0.0691 988 0.0673 090 0.0655 868 Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9803 921 2.0000 000 0.9611 688 | 0.9900 990 0.9423 223 0.6535 094 0.6935 094 0.9238 453 0.4852 475 0.5252 475 ... 0.9057 308 0.3843 168 0.4243 168 0.8879 714 0.3170 516 0.3570‍516 0.8367 553 0.8203 483 0.8705 602 | 0.2690 239 | 0.3090 239 0.8534 904 0.2330 196 | 0.2730 196 0.8042 630 0.1643 559 0.7884 932 0.1491 192 0.7430 147 0.7284 458 ... 0.2050 309 0.1826 531 0.7730 326 | 0.1362 367 | 0.1762 367 0.7578 751 0.1252 040 0.1652 040 0.7141 626 | 0.0999 397 0.7001 594 0.0934 042 .... 0.0875 635 0.6864 307 0.6729 713 0.0823 134 .... D 2.0400 000 1.0300 990 30 ... ... .... 0.4353 041 0.4184 007 0.4021 537 0.3865 376 0.0640 120 0.3715 279 0.1156 509 0.1556 509 0.1073 003 0.1473 003 .... 0.2450 309 0.2226 531 .. 0.2043 559 0.1891 192 .... ·· 0.1399 397 0.1334 042 • 0.6597 758 0.0775 695 0.1175 695 0.6468 390 0.0732 628 0.1132 628 0.1275 635 0.6341 559 0.0693 362 0.1093 362 0.1057 422 .. 0.6217 215 0.0657 422 ... 0.1223 134 0.6095 309 | 0.0624 409 0.1024 409 0.5975 793 0.0593 985 0.0993 985 .... 0.5858 621 0.0565 862 | 0.0965 862 0.5743 745 0.0539 793 | 0.0939 793 0.5631 123 0.0515 567 0.0915 567 0.5520 709 0.0492 998 | 0.0892 998 0.5412 460 0.0471 927 0.0871 927 0.5306 333 0.0452 212 0.0852 212 0.5100 282 0.4902 232 0.0416 373 0.0384 657 0.4711 872 | 0.0356 411 0.4528 904 0.0816 373 0.0784 657 0.0756 411 0.0731 115 0.0331 115 0.0308 346 0.0708 346 0.0287 759 | 0.0687 759 0.0269 068 | 0.0669 068 0.0252 037 | 0.0652 037 0.0236 464 | 0.0636 461 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.01. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9900 990 0.9802 960 0.9705 901 0.9609 804 0.9514 657 0.9420 453 0.9327 181 0.9234 832 0.9143 398 0.9052 870 0.8963 237 0.8871 492 0.8786 625 0.8699 629 0.8613 491 0.8528 212 0.8443 775 0.8360 173 0.8277 399 0.8195 444 0.8114 301 0.8033 962 0.7954 418 0.7875 662 0.7797 684 0.7720 480 0.7641 039 0.7568 356 0.7493 422 0.7419 229 0.7345 771 0.7273 041 0.7201 031 0.7129 733 0.7059 143 0.6989 249 0.6920 049 0.6851 533 0.6783 697 0.6716 531 0.6650 031 0.6584 189 0.6518 999 0.6154 454 0.6390 550 0.6327 277 0.626+ 630 0.6202 604 0.6141 192 0.6080 388 0.6020 187 0.5960 581 0.5901 565 0.5843 134 0.5785 271 0.5728 001 0.5671 288 0.5615 136 0.5559 541 0.5504 496 0.5449 996 0.5396 036 0.5342 692 0.5289 713 0.5083 310 0.4884 961 0.4694 351 0.4511 179 0.4335 155 0.4165 998 0.4003 412 0.3847 229 0,3697 112 4.0000 000 1.9900 497 1.3200 885 0.9851 244 0.7841 592 0.8241 592 0.6501 935 | 0.6901 935 0.5945 131 0.5227 611 0.5545 131 0.4827 611 0.4269 614 | 0.1659 614 0.4223 283 0.3823 283 0.3458 163 0.3153 951 0.3858 163 0.3553 951 0.2896 593 0.2676 047 0.2484 951 0.2317 784 | 0.2717 784 0.1721 230 0.1634 549 0.1555 43.4 0.1482 939 0.2170 322 0.2570 322 0.2039 282 | 0.2439 282 0.1922 070 0.2322 070 0.1816 613 | 0.2216 613 0.1416 270 0.1354 755 0.1297 821 0.1244 977 0.1029 098 0.0993 599 0.0960 147 0.0928 572 4.0400 000 2.0300 497 1.3600 885 1.0251 244 0.0794 041 0.0771 025 0.1195 801 0.1595 801 0.1149 925 | 0.1549 925 0.1107 029 0.1066 835 0.1507 029 0.1466 835 0.3296 593 0.3076 047 0.2884 951 0.0708 202 0.0689 110 0.0670 799 0.0653 353 0.0898 722 | 0.1298 722 0.0898 722 0.0870 460 0.0843 664 0.0818 224 0.1270 460 0.1243 664 0.1218 224 0.0575 982 0.0562 263 0.0519 055 0.0536 330 0.2121 230 0.2034 549 0.1955 434 0.1882 939 0.1816 270 0.1754 755 0.1697 821 0.1641 977 0.1194 041 0.1171 025 0.0749 095 | 0.1149 095 0.0728 176 0.1128 176 0.0479 120 0.0468 817 0.0158 850 0.0149 205 0.0413 555 0.0382 008 0.0353 913 0.0328 754 0.1429 098 0.1393 599 0.1360 147 0.1328 572 0.0636 590 | 0.1036 590 0.0620 509 0.0605 072 0.0590 241 0.1020 509 0.1005 072 0.0990 241 0.1108 202 0.1089 110 0.1070 799 0.1053 353 0.0524 062 | 0.0924 062 0.0512 229 0.0912 229 0.0500 808 0-0900 808 0.0189 778 | 0.0889 778 0.0975 982 0.0962 263 0.0949 055 0.0936 330 0.0879 120 0.0868 817 0.0858 850 0.0849 205 0.0813 555 0.0782 008 0.0753 913 0.0728 754 0.0306 109 0.0706 109 0.0285 636 | 0.0685 636 0.0267 049 0.0667 049 0.0250 114 0.0650 114 0.0234 630 0.0634 630 Page 19. RATE OF INTEREST. 4 Ann.-CORRESPONDING VALUE OF per Cent. per Years. 2018 2029 203 26 27 2.7724 698 2.8833 686 2.9987 033 3.1186 515 30 3.2433 975 29 34 35 31 3.3731 334 32 3.5080 587 33 3.6483 811 3.7943 163 3.9460 890 Oma 3333 95838 583 37 38 36 4.1039 326 4.2620 899 4.4388 135 4.6163 660 4.8010 206 39 40 41 45 4.9930 615 42 5.1927 839 43 5.4004 953 44 5.6165 151 5.8411 757 47 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.01. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 46 6.0748 227 6.3178 156 49 48 6.5705 232 6.8333 404 50 7.1066 833 85888 58858 85888 F2CJR DER28 78*** ***** **346 85888 51 7.3909 507 52 7.6865 887 7.9940 523 5+ 8.3138 143 8.6463 669 55 91 92 100 8.9922 216 9.3519 105 9.7259 869 10.115 026 10.519 627 10.940 413 11.378 029 11.833 150 12.306 476 12.798 735 13.310 685 13.843 112 14.396 836 14.972 710 15.571 618 16.194 483 16.842 262 17.515 953 18.216 591 18.945 255 19.703 065 20.491 187 21.310 835 22.163 268 23.049 799 23.971 791 24.930 653 25.927 889 26.965 005 28.043 605 35.484 107 36.903 471 38.379 610 93 94 39.914 794 41.511 386 29.165 349 30.331 963 31.545 242 32.807 051 34.119 333 96 43.171 841 44.898 715 46.694 664 48.562 450 44.311 745 47.084 214 49.967 583 52.966 £86 56.084 938 59.323 335 62.701 469 66.209 527 69.857 909 73.652 225 77.598 314 81.702 246 85.970 336 90.409 150 95.025 516 99.820 536 104.81 960 110.01 238 115.41 289 121.02 939 126.87 057 132.94 539 139.26 321 145.83 373 152.66 708 159.77 377 167.16 472 174.85 131 182.84 536 191.15 917 199.80 554 208.79 776 218.14 967 227.87 566 237.99 069 248.51 031 259.45 073 270.82 875 282.66 190 294.96 838 307.76 712 321.07 780 334.92 091 349.31 775 364.29 046 379.86 208 396.05 656 412.89 882 430.41 478 448.63 137 467.57 662 487.27 969 507.77 087 529.08 171 551.24 498 574.29 478 598.26 657 623.19 723 649.12 512 676.09 012 704.13 373 733.29 908 763.63 104 795.17 628 827.98 333 15.982 77 16.329 59 16.663 06 16.983 71 17.292 03 17.588 49 17.873 55 18.147 65 18.411 20 18.661 61 18.908 28 19.142 58 19.367 86 19.584 48 19.792 77 19.993 05 20.185 63 20.370 79 20.548 8+ 20.720 04 20.384 65 21.042 94 21.195 13 21.341 47 21.482 18 21.617 49 21.747 58 21.872 67 21.992 96 22.108 61 22.219 82 22.326 75 22.429 57 22.528 43 22.623 49 29.714 89 22.802 78 22.887 29 22.968 55 23.046 68 23.121 81 23.194 05 23.263 51 23.330 30 23.391 51 23.456 26 23.515 64 23.572 73 23.627 62 23.680 41 23.731 16 23.779 96 23.826 89 23.872 01 23.915 39 23.957 11 23.997 £2 24.035 79 24.072 87 24.108 53 24.142 82 24.175 79 24.207 49 24.237 97 24.267 28 862.10 267 24.295 46 897.58 677 24.322 56 934.49 024 24.348 61 972.86 985 24.373 67 1012.7 846 24.397 76 1054.2 960 1097.4 679 1142.3 666 1189.0 613 50.504 948 1237.6 237 24.420 92 24.443 19 24.454 61 24.485 20 24.505 00 Value of Perpetual Ann. 25.000 00 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.02. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 2.8003 282 2.9134 614 3.0311 653 3.1536 244 3.2810 308 3.4135 844 3.5514 932 3.6949 736 | 3.8442 505 3.9995 582 5.0724 069 5.2773 321 5.4905 364 5.7123 540 5.9431 331 6.1832 357 6.4330 384 6.6929 332 6.9633 277 7.2446 461 4.1611 404 79.028 509 4.3292 504 83.231 261 4.5041 522 87.603 804 4.6861 199 92.152 998 4.8754 392 | 96.885 979 7.5373 298 7.8418 379 8.1586 484 8.4882 578 8.8311 834 9.1879 632 9.5591 569 9.9453 469 10.347 139 10.765 163 11.200 076 11.652 559 12.123 322 12.613 105 13.122 674 13.652 830 14.204 404 14.778 262 15.375 304 15.996 466 16.642 724 17.315 090 18.014 619 18.742 410 19.499 603 20.287 387 21.106 998 21.959 720 22.846 893 23.769 908 24.730 212 25.729 312 26.768 777 27.850 235 28.975 385 30.145 990 31.363 888 32.630 989 33.949 281 35.320 832 45.008 205 47.836 536 50.779 132 53.840 609 57.025 770 44.795 356 46.605 088 48.487 934 50.446 846 52.484 899 60.339 611 63.787 331 67.374 339 71.105 263 74.988 956 101.81 017 106.93 330 112.26 341 117.80 885 123.57 833 129.58 089 135.82 596 142.32 333 149.08 319 156.11 615 163.43 325 171.04 595 178.96 621 187.20 644 195.77 959 204.69 908 213.97 892 223.63 367 233.67 847 244.12 908 255.00 190 266.31 397 278.08 306 290.32 762 303.06 685 316.32 075 330.11 011 344.45 656 359.38 260 374.91 166 391.06 809 407.87 724 425.36 548 443.56 025 462.49 008 482.18 468 502.67 494 523.99 301 546.17 233 569.24 769 593.25 530 618.23 281 644.21 941 671.25 588 699.38 462 728.64 976 759.09 721 790.77 473 823.73 203 858.02 081 36.747 794 38.232 405 893.69 485 930.81 012 39.776 994 969.42 485 41.383 984 1009.5 996 43.055 897 1051.3 974 1094.8 839 1140.1 272 1187.1 983 1236.1 712 1287.1 225 16.072 47 16.419 14 16.752 35 17.072 61 17.380 44 17.676 32 17.960 71 18.234 05 18.496 78 18.749 31 18.992 03 19.225 33 19.449 57 19.665 10 19.872 26 20.071 37 20.262 76 20.446 71 20.623 52 20.793 46 20.956 81 21.113 81 21.264 72 21.409 77 21.549 18 21.683 18 21.811 97 21.935 77 22.054 75 22.169 12 22.279 05 22.384 71 22.486 26 22.583 87 22.677 70 22.767 87 22.854 55 22.937 86 23.017 94 23.094 90 23.168 88 23.239 98 23.308 32 23.374 02 23.437 15 £3.497 84 23.556 17 23.612 24 23.666 13 23.717 92 23.767 71 23.815 56 23.861 56 23.905 76 23.948 25 23.989 09 24.028 35 24.066 08 24.102 34 24.137 20 24.170 70 24.202 91 24.233 86 24.263 61 21.292 20 24.319 68 24.346 10 24.371 50 24.395 90 24.419 36 24.441 91 24.463 58 24.484 41 24.504 43 24.523 67 25.000 00 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.01. Improved Cumulated Principal. Annuity. 2.8146 401 2.9289 258 3.0478 519 3.1716 069 3.3003 869 4.1906 156 4.3607 714 4.5378 362 4.7220 905 4.9138 264 3.4343 958 3.5738 461 3.7189 586 3.8699 632 67.973 964 71.749 080 4.0270 992 | 75.677 480 5.1133 474 5.3209 698 5.5370 225 5.7618 478 5.9958 020 6.2392 556 6.4925 944 6.7562 197 7.0305 491 7.3160 178 7.6130 775 7.9221 990 8.2438 720 8.5786 063 8.9269 321 9.2894 014 9.6665 883 10.059 091 10.467 530 10.892 554 13.830 653 14.392 233 14.976 615 15.584 726 16.217 528 16.876 025 17.561 259 18.274 317 19.016 327 19.788 466 20.591 957 21.428 073 22.298 139 23.203 533 24.145 689 45.366 003 48.223 145 51.196 298 54.290 173 57.509 672 30.658 618 31.903 481 33.198 891 34.546 899 35.949 641 60.859 896 64.346 152 37.409 341 38.928 310 40.508 956 42.153 782 43.865 394 79.765 390 84.019 285 11.334 835 258.37 088 11.795 075 | 269.87 687 12.274 002 281.85 005 12.772 376 294.30 939 13.290 985 | 307.27 464 45.645 505 47.499 936 | 49.428 624 51.435 625 53.524 117 88.445 905 93.052 264 97.845 659 102.83 369 108.02 425 113.42 556 119.04 520 124.89 505 130.98 139 137.31 486 143.90 549 150.76 373 157.90 045 165.32 694 173.05 497 181.09 680 189.46 516 198.17 330 207.23 503 216.66 471 226.47 726 236.68 825 247.31 384 320.76 632 334.80 582 349.41 538 364.61 814 380.43 820 25.126 101 26.146 322 603.15 253 628.65 804 27.207 967 | 655.19 918 28.312 720 29.462 330 682.81 799 711.55 824 396.90 062 414.03 148 431.85 791 450.40 818 469.71 166 489.79 893 510.70 183 532.45 348 555.08 832 578.64 224 741.46 546 772.58 703 | 804.97 227 838.67 247 873.74 103 910.23 352 948.20 775 987.72 389 1028.8 415 1071.6 349 1116.1 626 1162.4 984 1210.7 156 1260.8 906 1313.1 029 Value of Annuity. 16.117 87 15.464 45 16.797 50 17.117 56 17.425 13 17.720 70 18.004 74 18.277 69 18.539 99 18.792 06 19.034 29 19.267 07 19.490 77 19.705 73 19.912 31 20.110 83 20.301 61 20.484 94 20.661 12 20.830 40 20.993 11 21.149 46 21.299 70 21.444 09 21.582 84 21.716 18 21.844 31 21.967 44 22.085 77 22.199 49 22.308 77 22.413 77 22.514 69 22.611 66 22.704 85 22.794 41 22.880 47 22.963 17 23.042 65 23.119 03 23.192 42 23.262 95 23.330 73 23.395 87 23.458 46 23.518 61 23.576 41 23.631 96 23.685 34 23.736 64 23.785 93 23.833 31 23.878 83 23.922 58 23.964 62 24.005 02 24.043 81 24.081 15 24.117 00 24.151 46 24.184 57 24.216 39 24.246 90 24.276 35 24.304 58 24.331 72 24.357 79 24.382 85 24.406 93 24.430 08 24.452 31 24.473 68 24.494 22 24.513 95 24.532 92 25.000 00 Page 20. PERPETUAL STOCK: 3 p. C. 75; 34 p. C. 87,5; 4p. C. 100; 5 p. C. 125. Years. *7*2* H**** 85883 29949.95996 588ZR AKAAO J8838 86882 E8PER DE223 ***** ****8 58833 85838 60 62 64 100 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.04. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.3606 892 0.0225 674 0.3468 166 0.0212 385 0.3334 775 0.0200 130 0.3206 514 0.0188 799 0.3083 187 | 0.0178 301 0.2964 602 0.0168 554 0.0568 554 0.2850 579 | 0.0159 486 0.0559 486 0.2740 942 0.0151 036 0.0551 036 0.2635 521 0.0143 148 0.0543 148 0.2534 154 0.0135 773 | 0.0535 773 0.0128 869 0.0528 869 0.0122 396 | 0.0522 396 0.0116 319 0.0516 319 0.0110 608 0.0510 608 0.0105 235 | 0.0505 235 0.2436 687 0.2342 968 0.2252 851 0.2166 206 0.2082 890 0.2002 779 0.1925 749 0.0100 174 | 0.0500 174 0.0095 402 0.0495 402 0.0090 899 | 0.0490 899 0.1851 682 0.1780 464 | 0.0086 645 | 0.0486 645 0.0082 625 | 0.0482 625 0.1711 984 0.0078 820 0.1646 139 0.1582 826 | 0.0075 219 | 0.0071 806 0.1463 411 0.0068 571 0.1407 126 | 0.0065 502 0.1521 948 0.0914 042 0.0878 887 63 0.0845 084 0.0812 580 0.0781 327 0.1112 072 0.1069 300 0.1028 173 0.0988 628 0.0950 604 0.1353 006 0.0062 588 | 0.0462 588 0.1300 967 | 0.0059 821 0.1250 930 | 0.0057 191 0.1202 817 0.0054 691 0.1156 555 0.0052 312 0.0625 674 0.0612 385 0.0600 130 0.0588 799 0.0578 301 0.0050 019 0.0047 893 0.0045 841 0.0013 884 0.0042 018 0.0751 276 0.0032 492 0.0722 381 0.0031 145 0.0694 597 0.0029 858 0.0667 882 0.0028 627 0.0642 194 | 0.0027 451 0.0507 535 0.0488 015 0.0469 245 0.0451 197 0.0433 843 0.0478 820 0.0475 219 0.0471 806 0.0468 571 0.0465 502 816 0.0281 0.0270 977 0.0260 555 0.0250 534 0.0240 0.0021 387 0.0020 522 0.0019 694 0.0018 901 0.0018 142 0.0459 821 0.0457 191 0.0454 691 0.0452 312 0.0040 240 0.0440 240 0.0038 543 0.0438 543 0.0036 924 | 0.0436 924 0.0035 378 0.0033 902 0.0435 378 0.0433 902 0.0450 049 0.0447 893 0.0445 841 0.0443 884 0.0442 018 0.0617 494 0.0026 325 | 0.0426 325 0.0593 744 0.0025 249 0.0425 249 0.0024 219 0.0424 219 0.0023 233 0.0423 233 0.0022 290 0.0422 290 0.0570 908 0.0548 950 0.0527 837 0.0432 492 0.0431 145 0.0429 858 0.0428 627 0.0427 451 0.0421 387 0.0420 522 0.0419 694 0.0418 901 0.0418 142 0.0417 157 0.0401 112 0.0017 413 | 0.0417 413 0.0016 715 0.0416 715 0.0385 685 | 0.0016 046 | 0.0416 046 0.0015 405 0.0014 791 0.0415 405 0.0414 791 0.0370 851 0.0356 588 0.0342 873 0.0329 685 0.0317 005 0.0304 813 0.0293 089 0.0014 202 | 0.0414 202 -0.0013 637 0.0013 637 0.0413 637 0.0013 095 0.0413 095 0.0012 576 | 0.0412 576 0.0012 078 | 0.0412 078 0.0011 600 | 0.0411 600 0.0011 141 0.0411 141 0.0010 701 0.0410 701 0.0010 279 0.0410 279 898 0.0009 874 | 0.0409 874 0.0231 0.0222 723 0.0214 157 0.0205 920 0.0198 000 Ratio of Perpetual Ann. 0.0400 000 632 | 0.0009 485 | 0.0409 485 0.0009 112 0.0409 112 0.0008 754 | 0.0408 754 0.0008 410 0.0408 410 0.0408 080 0.0008 080 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.02. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.3571 010 0.3432 343 0.3299 061 0.3170 955 0.3047 823 0.2929 472 0.2815 717 0.2706 379 0.2601 287 0.2500 276 0.2403 187 0.2309 869 0.2220 174 0.2133 962 0.2051 097 0.1617 276 0.1554 476 0.1494 113 0.1436 094 0.1380 330 0.1971 450 | 0.0098 222 0.1894 897 0.0093 516 0.1821 316 0.0089 076 0.1750 592 0.0084 883 0.1682 614 0.0080 920 0.1088 381 0.1046 117 0.1005 495 0.0966 451 0.0928 922 0.0222 182 0.0209 045 0.0196 931 0.0185 733 0.0175 359 0.0892 851 0.0858 181 0.0824 856 0.0792 826 0.0762 040 0.0165 729 0.0156 771 0.0148 424 0.0140 635 0.0133 353 0.0126 537 0.0120 147 0.0114 150 0.0108 515 0.0103 214 0.1326 730 | 0.0061 187 0.1275 211 0.0058 464 0.1225 693 0.0055 876 0.1178 098 0.0053 417 0.1132 351 0.0051 078 0.0077 172 0.0073 624 0.0070 263 0.0067 077 0.0064 055 0.0048 852 0.0046 734 0.0044 716 0.0042 794 0.0040 962 0.0306 457 0.0294 557 0.0283 119 0.0039 215 0.0037 550 0.0035 960 0.0034 444 0.0032 996 0.0732 449 0.0031 613 0.0704 007 0.0030 293 0.0676 670 | 0.0029 031 0.0650 394 | 0.0027 825 0.0625 138 0.0026 673 0.0600 863 | 0.0025 571 0.0577 531 0.0024 517 0.0555 105 0.0023 509 0.0533 549 0.0022 545 0.0512 831 0.0021 622 0.0492 917 0.0473 777 0.0455 379 0.0020 739 0.0019 894 0.0019 084 0.0437 696 | 0.0018 309 0.0420 700 | 0.0017 567 0.0017 567 0.0404 364 0.0388 662 0.0016 856 0.0016 175 0.0373 570 | 0.0015 523 0.0359 063 0.0345 121 0.0014 897 0.0014 298 0.0331 719 0.0013 724 0.0318 838 0.0013 174 0.0012 646 0.0012 140 0.0011 655 0.0272 125 0.0011 190 0.0261 558 0.0010 743 0.0251 402 0.0010 315 0.0241 639 | 0.0009 905 0.0232 256 | 0.0009 511 0.0223 237 0.0009 133 0.0214 569 0.0008 771 0.0206 237 0.0008 423 0.0198 228 0.0008 089 0.0190 531 0.0007 769 G · 0.0622 182 0.0609 045 0.0596 931 0.0585 733 0.0575 359 0.0565 729 0.0556 771 0.0548 424 0.0540 635 0.0533 353 0.0526 537 0.0520 147 0.0514 150 0.0508 515 0.0503 214 0.0498 222 0.0493 516 0.0489 076 0.0484 883 0.0180 920 0.0477 172 0.0473 624 0.0470 263 0.0467 077 0.0464 055 0.0461 187 0.0458 464 0.0455 876 0.0453 417 0.0451 078 0.0448 852 0.0446 734 0.0444 716 0.0442 794 0.0440 962 0.0439 215 0.0437 550 0.0435 960 0,0434 444 0.0432 996 0.0431 613 0.0430 293 0.0429 031 0.0427 825 0.0426 673 0.0425 571 0.0424 517 0.0423 509 0.0422 545 0.0121 622 0.0420 739 0.0419 894 0.0419 084 0.0118 309 0.0417 567 0.0416 856 0.0416 175 0.0415 523 0.0114 897 0.0414 298 0.0413 724 0.0113 174 0.0412 646 0.0412 140 0.0411 655 0.0411 190 0.0410 743 0.0410 315 0.0109 905 0.0409 511 0.0409 133 0.0108 771 0.0408 423 0.0408 089 0.0407 769 0.0400 000 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.01. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.3552 852 0.3414 221 0.0620 429 0.0607 369 0.0220 429 0.0207 369 0.3280 999 | 0.0195 326 | 0.0595 326 0.0584 195 0.0573 884 0.3152 976 0.3029 918 0.0184 195 0.0173 884 0.2911 720 0.2798 106 0.2688 925 0.2584 004 0.2483 177 0.2386 28+ 0.0125 368 0.2293 172 | 0.0119 020 0.2203 693 0.0113 063 0.2117 706 | 0.0107 466 0.2035 074 0.0102 202 0.1602 755 0.1540 216 0.1480 118 0.1422 364 0.1366 864 0.1313 529. 0.1262 276 0.1213 022 0.1165 690 0.1120 206 0.1076 496 0.1034 491 0.0994 126 0.0955 335 0.0918 058 0.1955 666 | 0.0097 244 0.0497 214 0.1879 357 | 0.0092 572 | 0.0492 572 0.1806 025 0.0088 164 0.1735 555 0.0084 001 0.1667 834 | 0.0080 067 0.0488 164 0.0484 001 0.0480 067 0.0882 236 0.0847 812 0.0814 730 0.0782 940 0.0752.390 0.0723 032 0.0694 819 0.0667 708 0.0641 654 0.0616 617 0.0592 557 0.0569 435 0.0547 216 0.0525 864 0.0505 345 0.0485 626 0.0466 678 0.0448 468 0.0430 969 0.0114 153 0.0397 992 0.0382 463 0.0367 539 0.0353 198 0.0339 416 0.0326 173 0.0313 445 0.0301 215 0.0289 462 0.0278 167 0.0164 312 0.0155 409 0.0147 115 0.0267 313 0.0256 882 0.0246 859 0.0237 227 0.0227 970 0.0139 375 0.0132 140 0.0219 075 0.0210 527 0.0202 312 0.0191 418 0.0186 832 0.0076 347 0.0476 347 0.0072 825 0.0472 825 0.0069 490 0.0469 490 0.0066 329 | 0.0466 329 0.0063 331 0.0463 331 0.0048 254 0.0046 154 0.0044 155 0.0042 250 0.0040 434 0.0050 486 | 0.0460 486 0.0057 785 0.0457 785 0.0055 219 0.0455 219 0.0052 780 0.0452 780 0.0050 461 0.0450 461 0.0038 704 0.0037 051 0.0035 480 0.0033 978 0.0032 544 0.0031 175 0.0029 868 0.0028 619 0.0027 426 0.0026 285 0.0025 195 0.0024 153 0.0023 156 0.0022 202 0.0021 290 0.0020 417 0.0019 581 0.0018 781 0.0018 015 0.0017 282 0.0564 312 0.0555 409 0.0547 115 0.0539 375 0.0532 140 0.0016 580 0.0015 907 0.0015 263 0.0014 645 0.0014 054 0.0525 368 0.0519 020 0.0513 063 0.0507 466 0.0502 202 0.0013 487 0.0012 914 0.0012 423 0.0009 720 0.0009 332 0.0448 25+ 0.0446 154 0.0444 155 0.0442 250 0.0440 434 0.0438 704 0.0437 054 0.0435 480 0.0433 978 0.0432 544 0.0431 175 0.0129 868 0.0128 619 0.0427 426 0.0426 285 0.0125 195 0.0424 153 0.0423 156 0.0122 202 0.0121 290 0.0120 417 0.0419 581 0.0118 781 0.0118 015 0.0117 282 0.0416 580 0.0415 907 0.0415 263 0.0414 645 0.0414 054 0.0113 487 0.0412 944 0.0412 423 0.0011 924 0.0411 924 0.0011 445 0.0111 445 0.0010 986 0.0410 986 0.0010 546 0.0110 546 0.0010 124 0.0410 124 0.0409 720 0.0409 332 0.0408 602 0.0008 959 | 0.0108 959 0.0008 602 0.0008 260 0.0007 931 0.0408 260 0.0407 931 0.0007 616 | 0.0407 616 0.0100 000 Page 21. RATE OF INTEREST: 44 per CORRESPONDING VALUE OF Cent. per Ann.- Years. TH Hay Co -H ~{C}{0}< ໄດ້ هم ===||26|< t- ∞ Ma سراها انهار PPNA ܗ ==2< +++{Q}#{*** ܢܚ ܛܠܪܢ ܐܘܘܘܐܝ 10 ܝܚܘܓܞܝܝܐܟܬܘܟܐܝܒܝ ܝܚ 11 ܢܚܙܛܠܪܢܚ ܦ02ܐܙ ܓ {* ¥832 v¢¥c{#! «#* 13 2 2000 200 2 15 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.0425. Improved Cumulated Principal. Annuity. 1.0425 000 1.0868 063 1.1811 478 1.1329 955 3.1293 063 ... 1.2313 466 1.3382 352 1.4544 024 16 1.9463 324 17 2.0290 516 2.1152 862 1.2836 788 6.6747 962 1.5162 145 1.5806 536 1.0000 000 1.6478 314 2.0425 000 1.3951 102 9.2967 102 4.2623 018 5.4434 496 2.2051 859 2.2989 063 7.9584 750 10.691 820 12.146 223 13.662 437 1.7178 642 16.890 922 15.243 091 1.7908 734 18.608 786 1.8669 855 20.399 660 22.266 645 24.212 978 26.242 029 28.357 316 30.562 501 2.3966 098 32.861 408 2.4984 657 35.258 018 2.6046 505 37.756 483 2.7153 482 40.361 134 2.8307 505 43.076 482 Value of Annuity. 0.9592 33 1.8793 60 2.7619 76 3.6086 10 4.4207 29 5.1997 40 5.9469 93 6.6637 82 7.3513 50 8.0108 87 8.6435 37 9.2503 95 9.8325 13 10.390 90 10.926 52 11.440 31 11.933 15 12.405 90 12.859 38 13.294 37 13.711 62 14.111 87 14.495 80 14.864 08 15.217 34 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.02125. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 1.0212 500 0.5000 000 1.0429 516 1.0106 250 1.0651 143 1.0877 480 1.1108 626 2.6085 319 1.1344 684 3.1639 632 1.2083 385 1.2340 157 1.1585 759 3.7311 374 1.1831 956 4.3104 854 1.5321 008 2.0646 579 1.2602 386 6.1232 603 1.2870 186 | 6.7533 796 1.4297 009 1.4600 820 1.3143 6787.3968 889 1.3422 981 8.0540 728 1.4911 088 1.5227 948 1.3708 219 | 8.7252 219 1.3999 519 9.4106 328 1.5551 542 1.5882 012 4.9020 832 5.5062 525 1.8400 517 1.8791 528 10.110 609 10.825 459 …….. 11.555 500 12.301 055 13.062 452 13.840 029 1.6219 505 14.634 130 1.6564 170 | 15.445 105. ... 1.6916 158 16.273 313 1.7275 627 | 17.119 121 ·· 1.7642 734 17.982 903 1.8017 642 18.865 039 19.765 921 20.685 947 1.9190 848 21.625 524 1.9598 653 | 22.585 066 2.1318 395 2.2234 053 2.3189 041 2.0440 446 | 24.565 755 26.631 517 28.786 008 31.033 037 2.4185 046 | 33.376 579 2.5223 832 35.820 780 2.6307 235 38.369 964 2.7437 172 41.028 639 2.8615 641 43.801 508 0.4895 96 0.9690 05 ... 1.4384 38 1.8981 03 2.3482 04 2.7889 39 3.2205 03 3.6430 88 4.0568 79 4.4620 60 4.8588 10 5.2473 05 5.6277 16 6.0002 12 6.3649 56 6.7221 12 .. 7.0718 35 7.4142 82 7.7496 03 8.0779 46 8.3994 58 8.7142 79 9.0225 50 9.3244 06 9.6199 82 9.9094 07 10.192 81 10.470 32 10.742 05 11.008 12 11.268 67 11.523 78 12.018 21 12.492 27 12.946 81 13.382 63 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.010625. . 14.585 33 14.953 67 15.306 84 Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 1.0106 250 0.2500 000 1.0213 629 | 0.5026 563 1.0322 149 | 0.7579 970 1.0431 822 1.0160 507 1.5404 127 1.0542 660 | 1.2768 462 1.0654 675 1.0767 881 1.8067 796 1.0882 290 | 2.0759 766 1.0997 914 2.3480 339 1.1114 767 | 2.6229 818 1.1232 862 | 2.9008 509 1.1352 211 3.1816 725 1.1472 828 1.1594 727 1.1717 921 1.1842 424 1.1968 249 | 4.6311 752 1.2095 412 4.9303 815 1.2223 926 | 5.2327 668 1.2353 805 5.5383 649 1.2485 064 | 5.8472 100 1.2617 718 | 6.1593 366 1.2751 781 6.4747 796 1.2887 269 6.7935 741 1.3024 196 1.3162 578 1.3302 431 1.3443 769 | 8.1029 860 7.1157 559 7.4413 608 7.7704 252 1.3586 609 8.4390 802 1.3730 967 | 8.7787 454 1.3876 858 1.4024 300 9.1220 196 9.4089 411 3.4654 777 3.7522 984 4.0421 666 4.3351 146 1.4173 308 9.8195 486 1.4323 900 | 10.173 881 1.4476 091 1.4629 899 10.531 979 10.893 881 1.4785 342 11.259 629 1.4942 436 | 11.629 262 1.5101 200 1.5261 650 12.002 823 12.380 353 1.5423 805 1.5587 683 1.5753 302 1.5920 681 1.6089 838 1.6260 793 1.6433 564 1.6608 170 1.6784 632 1.6962 969 1.7143 200 1.7325 347 12.761 894 13.147 489 13.537 181 13.931 014 2.0517 410 2.1403 396 2.2327 641 14.329 031 14.731 277 15.137 797 15.548 636 1.7509 429 17.669 244 1.7695 466 18.106 980 1.7883 481 18.549 366 1.8073 493 | 18.996 453 13.800 50 2.4297 586 14.201 17 2.5346 808 2.6441 338 2.7583 132 2.8774 231 15.963 840 16.383 456 16.807 530 17.236 110 1.8265 523 19.448 291 1.8459 595 | 19.904 929 1.8655 728 20.366 418 1.8853 945 20.832 812 1.9054 26821.304 160 1.9256 720 21.780 517 1.9461 322 22.261 935 1.9668 099 22.748 468 24.746 847 26.831 519 29.006 213 2.3291 796 | 31.274 814 33.641 379 36.110 137 38.685 501 41.372 075 44.174 661 0.2473 72 0.4921 43 0.7343 40 0.9739 92 1.2111 23 1.4457 62 1.6779 34 1.9076 65 2.1349 81 2.3599 07 2.5824 68 2.8026 90 3.0205 96 3.2362 11 3.4495 60 3.6006 65 3.8695 51 4.0762 41 4.2807 58 4.4831 25 4.6833 64 4.8814 98 5.0775 49 5.2715 39 5.4634 90 5.6531 22 5.8413 58 6.0273 17 6.2113 22 6.3933 92 6.5735 48 6.7518 10 6.9281 98 7.1027 32 7.2754 30 7.4463 13 7.6154 00 7.7827 08 7.9482 58 8.1120 67 8.2741 54 8.4345 37 8.5932 34 8.7502 63 8.9056 40 9.0593 84 9.2115 12 9.3620 40 9.5109 86 9.6583 66 9.8041 97 9.9184 91 10.091 27 10.232 55 10.372 35 10.510 67 10.647 54 10.782 97 10.916 98 11.049 58 11.180 78 11.310 61 11.439 07 11.566 18 12.061 39 12.536 10 12.991 17 13.427 40 13.845 56 14.246 42 14.630 69 14.999 05 15.352 16 Page 22. PERPETUAL STOCK: 3p. C. 70,5882; 34 p. C.82,3529; 4 p. C. 94,1176; 5 p.C. 117,6471. Years. PREH ACOOLAK 20 [NC]$ Со They h In *****NS[* ## H*2** ~~*~*~*~* AIKKAL ∞ ***** A CLAY 10 COLDAL (OPBKLA 12 -*-*-* 14 10 10 10 10 CHE SARA G 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.0425. 25 Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9592 326 1.0000 000 1.0425 000 0.9201 272 0.4895 961 0.5320 961 | 0.8826 161 0.3195 597 0.3620 597 0.8166 341 0.8121 190 0.7790 111 0.7472 528 0.6595 373 0.7167 893 0.1075 649 0.1500 619 0.6068 582 20 0.4349 894 0.2316 150 0.2771 150 0.1837 070 | 0.2262 070 0.6875 676 0.0935 291 0.1498 173 | 0.1923 173 0.5356 228 0.1256 522 0.1681 522 0.0935 291 0.1360 294 0.6326 497 0.0731 934 0.1156 934 | 0.4172 561 0.4002 456 0.3839 287 0.3682 769 0.3532.632 0.0823 301 0.5821 182 0.0592 034 0.5583 868 0.0537 381 0.0656 035 0.5137 869 0.0149 104 0.4928 411 0.4727 493 0.4534 765 0.0413 002 0.0381 068 0.0352 643 0.0327 198 0.1248 301 0.1081 035 0.1017 034 0.0962 381 0.0490 204 | 0.0915 204 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.02125. 0.0304 308 0.0729 308 0.0283 623 0.0708 623 0.0264 855 0.0689 855 0.0247 763 0.0672 763 | 0.0232 145 0.0657 145 Discounted Aunuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9791 921 2.0000 000 2.0425 000 0.9588 173 0.989± 867 0.9894 867 1.0319 867 0.9388 661 0.6526 985 0.6951 985 0.9193 306 0.4813 417 0.5268 417 0.9002 013 0.8814 701 0.8631 286 0.2680 105 0.8451 688 | 0.2319 924 +4 0.8275 827 | 0.2039 949 0.8103 624 0.1816 117 0.7608 221 0.7449 910 0.3833 574 0.3160 593 0.7294 894 | 0.1146 103 0.7143 104 0.1062 628 .... 0.2058 117 0.7935 005 | 0.1633 117 0.7769 895 0.1480 740 0.1905 740 0.6991 470 0.0989 060 0.6848 930 | 0.0923 748 0.6430 231 0.6296 431 0.6706 419 | 0.0865 389 0.6566 873 0.0812 938 0.5434 630 0.5321 547 0.1351 920 0.1776 920 0.1241 608 0.1666 608 .... 0.0765 553 0.0722 542 0.6165 416 | 0.0683 334 0.6037 127 | 0.0647 455 ... 0.5911 508 0.0014 503 0.5788 502 0.0584 142 0.5668 056 0.0555 084 0.5550 116 0.0530 081 0.0865 389 0.1290 389 0.1237 938 0.0505 921 0.0483 420 0.0874 104 0.5210 817 | 0.0462 417 0.5102 392 0.0442 770 0.0838 002 0.4892 261 0.0806 068 0.4690 785 0.0777 643 0.4497 606 0.0752 198 0.4312 382 0.4258 574 0.3585 593 ………. 0.0407 071 0.0375 495 0.0347 391 0.0322 237 0.3105 105 0.2714 924 0.4134 786 | 0.0299 611 0.3964 505 0.0279 168 0.3801 236 | 0.0260 621 0.3644 691 0.3494 592 0.2464 949 0.2241 117 0.1571 103 0.1487 628 0.1414 060 0.1348 748 0.1190 553 0.1147 542 0.1108 334 0.1072 455 0.1039 503 0.1009 142 0.0981 084 0.0955 081 0.0930 921 0.0908 120 0.0887 417 0.0867 770 0.0332 071 0.0800 195 0.0772 391 0.0747 237 0.0724 611 0.0704 168 0.0685 621 0.0243 732 | 0.0668 732 0.0228 303 | 0.0653 303 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.010625. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9891 867 0.9790 840 0.9687 906 0.9586 053 0.9485 273 0.9385 551 0.9286 878 0.9189 242 0.8716 217 0.8624 610 0.8533 938 0.8111 217 0.9092 637 | 0.4258 883 0.8997 040 0.3812 455 0.8902 451 | 0.3447 264 0.8808 857 0.3143 001 4.0000 000 1.9891 933 1.3192 665 0.9842 028 0.7360 188 0.7282 808 0.7206 242 0.7130 481 0.8355 +41 0.8267 597 0.8180 678 0.1911 035 0.8094 672 | 0.1805 587 0.7831 797 0.8256 797 0.6491 767 | 0.6916 767 0.5534 710 0.5959 710 0.5242 010 0.4817 010 0.6763 456 0.6692 349 0.6621 991 0.6552 372 0.2885 605 0.2665 043 0.2473 921 0.2306 744 0.2159 279 0.2028 240 0.7678 017 | 0.1405 332 0.7597 296 0.1343 840 0.1286 931 0.1234 113 0.7517 423 0.7.138 390 0.5957 831 0.5895 195 | 0.5833 230 0.5771 890 0.1710 217 0.1623 552 0.1514 454 0.8009 570 0.7925 363 0.7842 042 0.7759 596 | 0.1471 983 | 0.1896 983 0.2135 217 0.2048 552 0.1969 454 0.1018 377 0.0982 909 0.7055 515 0.6981 339 0.6907 942 0.0949 489 0.6835 317 | 0.0917 947 0.5711 208 0.5651 165 0.1184 963 0.1139 115 0.1096 248 0.1056 081 0.6483 485 0.0783 583 0.6415 322 0.0760 601 0.6347 876 0.0738 706 0.6281 139 | 0.0717 823 0.0888 129 0.0859 900 0.0833 137 0.0807 732 0.6215 103 0.0697 881 0.6149 762 | 0.0678 828 0.6085 108 0.0660 598 0.6021 133 0.0643 143 4.0425 000 2.0319 933 1.3617 665 1.0267 028 0.4683 883 0.4237 455 0.3872 264 0.3568 001 0.3310 605 0.3090 043 0.2898 921 0.2731 744 0.2584 279 0.2453 240 0.2336 035 0.2230 587 0.1830 332 0.1768 840 0.1711 931 0.1659 113 0.1609 963 0.1564 115 0.1521 248 0.1481 084 0.1443 377 0.1407 909 0.1374 489 0.1342 947 0.1313 129 0.1284 900 0.1258 137 0.1232 732 0.1208 583 0.1185 601 0.1163 706 0.1142 823 0.1122 884 0.1103 828 0.1085 598 0.1068 143 0.0626 416 0.0610 372 0.0594 971 0.0580 177 | 0.1005 177 0.1051 416 0.1035 372 0.1019 971 0.0565 955 | 0.0990 955 0.0552 273 | 0.0977 273 0.5591 753 | 0.0539 102 0.0964 102 0.5532 965 0.0526 414 | 0.0951 414 0.5474 795 | 0.0514 184 | 0.0939 184 0.5417 237 0.0502 388 | 0.0927 388 0.5360 281 | 0.0491 004 0.0916 004 0.5303 930 0.0180 012 | 0.0905 012 0.5248 168 | 0.0469 392 | 0.0891 392 0.5192 992 | 0.0459 126 0.0884 126 0.5138 397 0.0449 197 0.0874 197 0.5084 375 | 0.0439 590 | 0.0861 590 0.4873 910 | 0.0404 092 | 0.0829 092 0.4672 156 | 0.0372 696 | 0.0797 696 0.0344 754 0.0769 754 0.4478 753 0.4293 357 | 0.0319 746 | 0.0744 746 0.4115 635 0.0297 253 0.3945 270 | 0.0276 931 0.3781 957 0.0258 495 0.3625 404 0.0241 709 0.0722 253 0.0701 931 0.0683 495 0.0666 709 0.3475 332 0.0226 374 | 0.0651 374 Page 23. RATE OF INTEREST: 44 per Cent. -CORRESPONDING VALUE OF per Ann. Years. ***9* H**** 85800 73333 95938 58888 95978 588** 86882 NARZR 2F228 588*83 85888 58833 8582g 41 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.0425. 96 Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 99 100 2.9510 574 | 45.907 233 3.0764 773 48.858 290 3.2072 276 51.934 767 3.3435 348 55.141 995 3.4856 350 58.485 530 3.6337 745 | 61.971 105 3.7882 099 3.9492 088 4.1170 502 4.2920 248 65.604 939 69.393 149 73.342 358 77.459 408 4.4744 359 4.6645 994 4.8628 449 5.0695 158 5.2849 702 8.3537 071 8.7087 397 53 9.0788 611 9.4047 127 9.8669 630 5.5095 815 5.7437 387 106.10 780 111.61 738 5.9878 476 | 117.36 112 6.2423 311 123.34 897 6.5076 302 | 129.59 130 6.7842 045 7.0725 331 7.3731 158 7.6864 732 8.0131 483 10.286 309 10.723 477 11.179 225 11.654 342 12.149 12.666 012 13.204 317 13.765 501 14.350 531 14.960 432 81.751 433 86.225 869 90.890 468 95.753 313 100.82 283 218.50 139 228.78 770 239.51 117 250.69 040 651 | 262.34 474 136.09 893 142.88 313 149.95 567 157.32 878 165.01 525 173.02 840 181.38 211 190.09 085 199.16 971 208.63 442 15.596 250 343.44 119 16.259 091 359.03 744 16.950 102 375.29 653 17.670 482 392.24 663 18.421 477 | 409.91 711 47.981 511 50.020 725 95 52.146 606 274.49 439 287.16 040 300.36 472 314.13 022 328.48 075 19.204 390 428.33 859 20.020 577 | 447.54 298 20.871 451 467.56 356 21.758 488 488.43 501 22.683 224 510.19 350 44.149 094 46.025 430 23.647 261 532.87 672 24.652 269 556.52 398 25.699 991 581.17 625 26.792 240 606.87 624 27.930 910 | 633.66 848 29.117 974 661.59 939 30.355 488 690.71 736 31.645 596| 721.07 285 32.990 534 752.71 845 34.392 632 785.70 898 35.854 319 820.10 161 855.95 593 37.378 127 38.966 698 893.33 406 932.30 076 972.92 354 40.622 782 42.349 250 1015.2 728 1059.4 219 1105.4 473 1153.4 288 1203.4 496 54.362 837 1255.5 962 56.673 257 | 1309.9 590 98 59.081 871 1366.6 323 61.592 850 1425.7 141 64.210 546 | 1487.3 070 15.556 20 15.881 25 16.193 04 16.492 13 16.779 02 17.054 21 17.318 19 17.571 41 17.814 30 18.047 29 18.270 78 18.485 16 18.590 80 18.888 06 19.077 28 19.258 78 19.432 88 19.599 88 19.760 08 19.913 75 20.061 15 20.202 54 20.338 17 20.468 27 20.593 06 20.712 77 20.827 60 20.937 74 21.043 40 21.144 74 21.241 96 21.335 22 21.424 67 21.510 47 21.592 78 21.071 73 21.747 46 21.820 10 21.889 79 21.956 64 22.020 75 22.082 25 22.141 25 22.197 85 22.252 13 22.304 20 22.354 15 22.402 06 22.448 02 22.492 11 £2.534 40 22.574 96 22.613 87 22.651 19 22.687 00 22.721 34 22.754 28 22.785 88 22.816 20 22.845 27 22.873 16 22.899 92 22.925 58 22.950 20 22.973 81 23.096 59 23.114 24 23.131 16 23.147 40 23.162 97 Value of Perpetual Ann. 23.529 41 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.02125. 2.9841 727 3.1126 605 3.2463 541 3.3857 901 3.5312 151 Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 3.6828 863 3.8410 720 4.0050 521 4.1781 183 4.3575 750 4.5447 396 4.7399 433 4.9435 313 5.1558 637 5.3773 161 5.6082 802 5.8491 646 6.1003 953 6.3624 168 6.6356 926 6.9207 060 7.2179 611 7.5279 838 7.8513 225 8.1885 490 8.5402 600 8.9070 775 9.2896 504 9.6886 554 10.104 798 10.538 815 10.991 474 11.463 575 11.955 953 12.469 480 13.005 064 13.563 652 14.146 232 14.753 834 15.387 535 16.048 453 16.737 759 17.456 672 18.206 464 18.988 460 24.438 501 25.488 173 26.582 930 27.724 708 28.915 528 22.996 46 23.018 19 45.923 677 47.896 171 23,039 03 49.953 386 23.059 02 23.078 20 46.693 476 49.709 659 52.855 391 56.136 238 59.558 002 63.126 737 66.848 753 70.730 637 74.779 253 79.001 764 52.098 962 54.336 694 83.405 638 87.998 666 92.788 971 97.785 027 102.99 567 108.43 012 114.09 799 120.00 930 126.17 451 132.60 453 139.31 073 146.30 497 153.59 962 161.20 759 169.14 233 177.41 788 186.04 888 195.05 060 204.43 895 214.23 055 224.44 271 235.09 350 246 20 176 257.78 713 269.87 012 19.804 044 | 442.44 809 20.651 658 21.541 808 22.467 062 23.432 058 462.40 255 483.33 666 505.10 735 527.81 313 282.17 209 295.61 533 309.32 310 323.61 963 338.53 022 354.08 125 370.30 022 387.21 582 404.85 797 423.25 787 30.157 495 686.05 871 31.452 807 | 716.53 663 32.803 754 34.212 726 35.682 216 748.32 362 781.47 591 816.05 215 551.49 415 576.19 231 601.95 130 628.81 667 656.83 595 37.214 823 852.11 349 38.813 258 889.72 372 40.480 348 928.94 937 42.219 042 44.082 416 969.85 982 1012.5 274 1057.0 277 1103.4 393 1151.8 444 1202.3 285 1254.9 810 56.670 540 1309.8 951 59.104 628 | 1367.1 677 61.643 264 64.290 939 67.052 335 1426.9 003 1489.1 986 1554.1 726 15.645 47 15.970 16 16.281 46 16.579 95 16.866 15 17.140 56 17.403 67 17.655 94 17.897 82 18.129 75 18.352 13 18.565 35 18.769 78 18.965 79 19.153 73 19.333 93 19.506 72 19.672 38 19.831 22 19.983 53 20.129 56 20.269 57 20.403 82 20.532 54 20.655 95 20.774 30 20.887 76 20.996 55 21.100 86 21.200 87 21.296 77 21.388 71 21.476 87 21.561 40 21.642 45 21.720 16|| 21.794 67 21.866 11 21.934 61 22.000 29 22.063 26 22.123 64 22.181 54 22.237 05 22.290 27 22.311 30 22.390 23 22.437 15 22.482 13 22.525 26 22.566 61 22.606 26 22.644 28 22.680 73 22.715 68 22.749 19 22.781 32 22.812 13 22.841 67 29.869 99 22.897 15 22.923 19 22.948 15 22.972 09 22.995 01 23.017 05 23.038 15 23.058 38 23.077 78 23.096 38 23.114 21 23.131 31 23.147 70 23.163 43 23.178 50 23.529 41 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.010625. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Aunuity. Annuity. 3.0016 764 3.1312 953 3.2665 114 3.4075 664 3.5547 124 3.7082 125 3.8683 412 4.0353 845 4.2096 411 4.3914 224 4.5810 535 4.7788 733 4.9852 353 5.2005 085 5.4250 777 5.6593 442 5.9037 269 6.1586 625 6.4246 068 6.7020 352 6.9914 435 7.2933 491 7.6082 916 7.9368 341 8.2795 637 8.6370 931 9.0100 613 9.3991 352 9.8050 101 10.228 412 13.181 629 13.750 840 14.344 631 14.964 063 15.610 214 47.098 269 50.148 124 53.329 679 56.648 620 60.110 880 24.852 571 25.925 759 27.045 289 28.213 163 29.431 468 63.722 648 67.490 380 71.420 811 75.520 966 79.798 175 84.260 082 88.914 665 93.770 242 98.835 494 104.11.947 10.670 096 11.130 854 11.611 508 227.53 168 238.37 304 249.68 255 12.112 918 261.48 043 12.635 980 | 273.78 777 109.63 163 115.38 181 121.38 029 127.63 781 134.16 553 46.856 901 48.880 283 50.991 039 53.192 941 55.489 927 140.97 514 148.07 880 155.48-922 163.21 963 171.28 385 57.886 102 60.385 748 62.993 335 65.713 523 68.551 174 179.69 631 188.47 203 197.62 671 207.17 671 217.13 910 16.284 328 16.987 520 17.721 078 18.486 312 411.44 323 19.284 591 | 430.22 567 286.62 657 300.01 977 313.99 132 328.56 619 343.77 044 359.63 124 376.17 694 393.43 712 20.117 341 20.986 051 21.892 274 | 491.58 292 22.837 630 23.823 808 513.82 658 537.03 077 449.81 979 470.26 003 30.702 382 32.028 177 33.411 223 34.853 991 698.87 957 730.07 475 762.61 700 796.56 450 36.359 062 | 831.97 792 561.23 697 586.48 811 612.83 032 640.30 971 668.99 570 37.929 124 868.92 057 39.566 985 907.45 848 41.275 573 | 947.66 054 43.057 941 44.917 276 989.59 862 1033.3 477 1078.9 859 1126.5 949 1176.2 597 1228.0 692 1282.1 159 1338.4 965 1397.3 117 1458.6 667 1522.6 711 1589.4 394 15.690 65 16.015 14 16.326 19 16.624 37 16.910 20 17.184 19 17.446 85 17.698 61 17.940 00 18.171 38 18.393 17 18.605 78 18.809 59 19.004 97 19.192 26 19.371 79 19.543 89 19.708 87 19.867 02 20.018 63 20.163 95 20.303 27 20.436 81 20.564 83 20.687 55 20.805 18 20.917 95 21.026 05 21.129 68 21.229 01 21.324 24 21.415 52 21.503 02 21.586 91 21.667 32 21.744 40 21.818 29 21.889 12 21.957 02 22.022 11 22.081 50 22.144 31 22.201 65 22.256 61 22.309 30 22.359 80 22.408 22 22.454 63 22.499 12 22.541 77 22.582 65 22.621 84 22.659 41 22.695 33 22.729 94 22.763 04 22.794 77 22.825 18 22.854 33 22.882 27 22.909 06 22.934 74 22.959 35 22.982 95 23.005 57 23.027 26 23.048 04 23.067 97 23.087 07 23.105 38 23.122 93 23.139 76 23.155 89 23.171 35 23.186 17 23.529 41 Page 24. PERPETUAL STOCK: 3 p. C. 70,5882; 31 p. C. 82,3529; 4p. C. 94,1176; 5 p. C. 117,6471. Years. 9**** H***8 AKA83 #9933 95998 ESKAK AK8A8 58888 86882 PRRZR RFR28 58833 85838 63832 85338 56 7.4 76 78 87 89 92 95 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.0425. 96 Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.3388 616 0.3250 471 0.3117 958 0.2990 847 0.2868 918 0.2751 959 0.2639 769 0.2532 153 0.2428 923 0.2329 903 0.2234 919 0.2143 807 0.2056 409 0.1972 575 0.1892 158 0.1815 020 0.1741 026 0.1670 049 0.1601 966 0.1536 658 0.1474 012 0.1413 921 0.1356 279 0.1300 987 0.1247 949 0.0972 166 0.0932 533 0.0894 517 0.0858 049 0.0823 069 0.0520 714 0.0199 486 0.0479 123 0.0459 591 0.0440 855 0.0217 831 0.0642 831 0.0204 674 0.0629 674 0.0192 549 0.0617 549 0.0181 350 0.0606 350 0.0170 982 0.0595 982 0.1197 073 0.0057 794 0.1148 272 0.0055 132 0.1101 460 | 0.0052 606 0.1056 556 0.0050 208 0.0047 931 0.1013 483 0.0161 365 | 0.0586 365 0.0152 428 0.0577 428 0.0144 106 0.0569 106 0.0136 347 0.0561 317 0.0129 100 0.0554 100 0.0122 322 0.0115 974 0.0110 023 0.0104 435 0.0099 184 0.0789 515 | 0.0036 431 0.0757 328 0.0034 824 0.0033 293 0.0031 834 0.0030 443 0 0726 454 0.0696 838 0.0668 430 0.0226 505 0.0217 271 0.0208 414 0.0199 917 0.0191 767 0.0094 244 0.0519 244 0.0089 592 0.0514 592 0.0085 207 0.0510 207 0.0081 071 0.0506 071 0.0077 166 | 0.0502 166 0.0073 476 0.0069 987 0.0066 686 0.0063 561 0.0060 600 0.0029 117 0.0027 852 0.0641 180 0.0615 041 0.0589 967 | 0.0026 646 0.0565 916 0.0025 494 0.0024 395 0.0542 845 0.0045 766 0.0043 709 0.0041 732 0.0039 890 | 0.0038 118 0.0183 949 0.0176 450 98 0.0169 257 0.0162 357 0.0343 430 0.0329 430 0.0015 115 0.0014 478 0.0316 000 0.0013 868 0.0303 117 0.0013 285 0.0290 760 0.0012 727 0.0023 346 0.0022 344 0.0021 387 0.0020 474 0.0019 600 0.0547 322 0.0540 974 0.0535 023 0.0529 435 0 0524 184 0.0007 964 0.0007 634 0.0007 317 0.0007 014 100 0.0155 738 0.0006 724 0.0498 476 0.0494 987 0.0491 686 0.0488 561 0.0185 600 0.0482 794 0.0480 132 0.0477 606 0.0475 208 0.0472 931 0.0422 882 0.0018766 0.0443 766 0.0405 642 0.0017 969 | 0.0442 969 0.0389 105 0.0017 206 0.0142 206 0.0373 242 0.0441 478 0.0358 026 0.0440 781 0.0016 478 0.0015 781 0.0470 766 0.0468 709 0.0466 752 0.0464 890 0.0463 118 0.0461 431 0.0459 824 0 0458 293 0.0456 834 0.0455 443 0.0454 117 0.0452 852 0.0451 646 0.0150 494 0.0449 395 0.0278 906 0.0012 194 0.0267 536 | 0.0011 683 0.0437 194 0.0136 683 0.0436 194 0.0010 726 | 0.0435 726 0.0010 278 0.0256 629 0.0246 167 0.0236 132 0.0011 194 0.0435 278 0.0448 346 0.0147 344 0.0446 387 0.0443 474 0.0444 600 0.0440 115 0.0439 478 0.0438 868 0.0438 285 0.0437 727 0.0432 964 0.0432 634 6.0432 317 0.0432 014 0.0431 724 Ratio of Perpetual Ann. 0.0425 000 0.0009 850 0.0009 439 0.0009 046 0.0434 850 0.0434 439 0.0434 046 0.0008 670 | 0.0433 670 0.0008 309 0.0433 309 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.02125. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 76 0.3350 676 | 0.0214 163 | 0.0639 163 0.3212 686 0.0201 168 0.0626 168 0.3080 379 | 0.0189 195 0.0614 195 0.2953 520] 0.0178 138 0.0603 138 0.2831 887 0.0167 903 0.0592 903 0.2715 262 0.2603 440 0.2496 223 0.2393 422 0.2294 854 0.2200 346 0.0119 896 0.2109 730| 0.0113 638 0.2022 846 0.0107 771 0.1939 539 0.0102 264 0.1859 664 0.0097 091 0.1783 078 0.0092 225 0.1709 646 0.0087 614 0.1639 238 0.0083 327 0.1571 730 | 0.0079 255 0.1507 002 0.0075 412 0.1170 925 0.1122 703 0.1076 467 0.1032 135 0.0989 629 | 0.0768 931 0.0737 264 0.0706 902 0.0677 790 0.0649 877 0.0158 411 0.0149 591 0.0141 381 0.0133 727 0.0126 579 0.1444 939 | 0.0071 782 | 0.0496 782 0.1385 433 0.0493 350 0.1328 377 0.0490 104 0.1273 671 0.0487 032 0.1221 218 0.0484 122 0.0068 350 0.0065 104 0.0062 032 0.0059 122 0.0948 873 0.0044 555 0.0909 796 0.0042 536 0.0042 536 | 0.0872 328 0.0040 617 0.0836 403 0.0038 792 0.0801 958 | 0.0037 055 0.0623 113 0.0597 452 0.0572 847 0.0549 255 0.0526 636 0.0504 947 0.0484 152 0.0464 214 0.0445 096 0.0426 766 0.0331 593 0.0317 937 0.0304 843 0.0292 289 0.0280 252 0.0268 710 0.0257 644 0.0247 033 0.0236 860 0.0227 105 0.0035 402 0.0033 828 0.0032 329 0.0030 900 0.0029 539 0.0056 364 0.0481 364 0.0053 749 0.0478 749 0.0051 269 | 0.0476 269 0.0048 914 0.0473 914 0.0046 679 | 0.0471 679 0.0028 242 0.0027 005 0.0025 825 0.0024 700 0.0023 626 0.0409 190 0.0392 339 0.0376 181 0.0018 133 0.0017 355 0.0016 612 0.0360 689 | 0.0015 903 0.0345 835 0.0015 224 0.0022 602 0.0021 623 0.0020 689 0.0019 798 | 0.0018 916 0.0018 946 0.0014 576 0.0013 956 0.0013 363 0.0012 796 0.0012 254 0.0011 736 0.0011 239 0.0010 765 0.0010 311 0.0009 876 0.0217 753 0.0009 460 0.0208 785 0.0009 062 0.0200 187 0.0008 682 0.0191 942 0.0184 038 0.0008 317 0.0007 968 0.0583 411 0.0574 591 0.0566 381 0.0558 727 0.0551 579 0.0544 896 0.0538 638 0.0532 771 0.0527 264 0.0522 091 ** 0.0517 225 0.0512 644 0.0508 327 0.0504 255 0.0500 412 H 0.0469 555 0.0467 536 0.0465 617 0 0463 792 0.0462 055 0.0460 402 0.0458 828 0.0457 329 0.0455 900 0.0454 539 0.0453 242 0.0452 005 0.0450 825 0.0449 700 0.0448 626 0.0447 602 0.0446 623 0.0445 689 0.0444 798 0.0443 946 0.0443 133 0.0442 355 0.0441 612 0.0440 903 0.0440 224 0.0439 576 0.0438 956 0.0438 363 0.0437 795 0.0437 254 0.0436 736 0.0436 239 0.0435 765 0.0435 311 0.0434 876 0.0176 459 0.0007 634 0.0432 634 0.0169 192 0.0007 314 | 0.0432 314 0.0162 224 0.0007 008 | 0.0432 008 0.0155 543 0.0006 715 0.0431 715 0.0119 137 0.0431 434 0.0006 434 - 0.0425 000 0.0434 460 0.0434 062 0.0433 682 0.0433 317 0.0432 968 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.010625. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.3331 472 0.3193 567 0.3061 370 0.2934 646 0.2813 167 0.2696 717 0.2585 088 0.2478 079 0.2375 499 0.2277 166 0.2182 904 0.2092 543 0.2005 923 0.1922 889 0.1843 292 0.1766 989 0.1693 845 0.1623 729 0.1556 516 0.1492 084 0.1430 320 0.1371 112 0.1314 355 0.1259 948 0.1207 793 0.1157 797 0.1109 870 0.1063 928 0.1019 887 0.0977 669 0.0937 199 0.0898 404 0.0861 215 0.0825 565 0.0791 391 0.0758 632 0.0727 228 0.0697 125 0.0668 268 0.0640 605 0.0614 087 0.0588 667 0.0564 300 0.0540 941 0.0518 549 0.0497 084 0.0476 507 0.0456 782 0.0437 874 0.0419 748 0.0402 373 0.0395 717 0.0369 750 0.0354 444 0.0339 772 0.0325 708 0.0312 225 0.0299 301 0.0286 911 0.0275 035 0.0263 650 0.0252 736 0.0242 274 0.0232 245 0.0222 631 0.0213 416 0.0204 531 0.0196 113 0.0187 995 0.0180 213 0.0172 753 0.0165 602 0,0158 747 0.0152 176 0.0145 876 0.0212 322 0.0199 409 0.0187 513 0.0176 527 0.0166 359 0.0156 930 0.0148 169 0.0140 015 0.0132 414 0.0125 316 0.0118 680 0.0112 467 0.0106 644 0.0101 178 0.0096 044 0.0078 347 0.0074 535 0.0070 934 0.0067 532 0.0064 313 0.0061 267 0.0058 383 0,0055 649 0.0053 058 0.0050 600 0.0048 268 0.0046 058 0.0516 215 0.0511 669 0.0091 215 0.0086 669 0.0082 386 | 0.0507 386 0.0503 347 0.0499 535 0.0043 950 0.0041 951 0.0040 051 0.0038 241 0.0036 525 0.0034 889 0.0033 331 0.0031 818 0.0030 435 0.0029 089 0.0027 806 0.0026 583 0.0025 417 0.0024 305 0.0023 244 0.0022 231 0.0021 265 0 0020 342 0.0019 462 0.0018 621 0.0017 818 0.0017 051 0.0016 318 0.0015 618 0.0014 918 0.0014 309 0.0013 697 0.0013 113 0.0012 554 0.0012 020 0.0637 322 0.0624 409 0.0612 513 0.0601 527 0.0591 359 0.0581 930 0.0573 169 0.0565 015 0.0557 414 0.0550 316 0.0007 471 0.0007 157 0.0006 856 0.0006 567 0.0006 292 0.0543 680 0.0537 467 0.0531 644 0.0526 178 0.0521 044 0.0495 934 0.0492 532 0.0489 313 0.0186 267 0.0483 383 0.0480 649 0 0178 058 0.0475 600 0.0473 268 0.0471 053 0.0468 950 0.0466 951 0.0465 051 0.0463 244 0.0461 525 0.0459 889 0.0458 331 0.0456 848 0.0455 435 0.0454 089 0.0452 806 0.0451 583 0.0450 417 0.0449 305 0.0448 244 0.0447 231 0.0446 265 0.0445 312 0.0444 462 0.0443 621 0.0442 818 0.0442 051 0.0441 318 0.0440 618 0.0439 948 0.0439 309 0.0438 697 0.0438 113 0.0437 554 0.0437 020 0.0011 509 0.0011 020 0.0436 509 0.0436 020 0.0010 552 | 0.0435 552 0.0010 105 0.0009 677 0.0435 105 0.0434 677 0.0009 268 0.0434 268 0.0008 876 | 0.0433 876 0.0008 502 0.0133 502 0.0008 143 0.0007 800 0.0433 143 0.0432 800 0.0432 471 0.0432 157 0.0431 855 0.0431 567 0.0431 292 0.0425 000 Page 25. RATE OF INTEREST: 44 per CentAnn.--CORRESPONDING VALUE OF Cent. . per Ann.- Years. d ={*}}}< P101SL1 Q2 w #{2}-A- + OCASA S Halako -triazol t- ∞ FECHAL #={0080}£} CASCHI SA 10 11 CANAL BAKAL 12 GARNA FARLAN 15 ~*~2:KO 7998 72728 17 18 19 20 21 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.045. 23 24 25 Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Anuuity. 1.0450 000 1.0920 250 2.0450 000 1.1411 661 1.1925 186 13 1.7721 961 14 1.8519 449 1.2461 819 | 5.4707 097 1.3022 601 6.7168 917 1.4860 951 1.3608 618 8.0191 518 1.5529 694 1.4221 006 | 9.3800 136 1.6228 530 1.6958 814 1.0000 000 3.1370 250 4.2781 911 ·· 2.1133 768 2.2084 788 2.3078 603 2.4117 140 2.5202 412 2.6336 520 2.7521 663 2.8760 138 3.0054 345 ·· 2903 10.802 114 12.288 209 13.841 179 15.464 032 17.1599 13 18.932 109 2.0223 702 22.719 337 24.741 707 26.855 084 29.063 562 31.371 423 0.9569 38 33.783 137 36.303 278 38.937 030 41.689 196 44.565 210 1.8726 68 2.7489 64 .... 3.5875 26 4.3899 77 5.1578 72 5.8927 01 6.5958 86 ... 7.2687 90 1.9352 824 20.784 054 10.739 55 7.9127 18 8.5289 17 9.1185 81 9.6828 52 10.222 83 13 404 72 13.784 42 14.147 77 14.495 48 14.828 21 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.0225. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Aunuity. Annuity. 1.0225 000 1.0455 063 .... 1.0690 301 1.0930 833 .... 1.1176 777 .... .... 2.6150 599 1.1428 254 3.1738 987 1.1685 390 1.1948 311 1.2773 105 1.3060 500 .... 1.3354 361 .... 1.3654 834 1.2217 148 4.9269 965 1.2492 034 | 5.5378 539 1.3962 068 1.4276 215 1.4597 429 1.4925 872 .... 0.5000 000 1.0112 500 1.5340 031 2.0685 182 1.7441 463 1.7833 896 .... .... ... 3.7453 114 4.3295 809 .. 6.1624 556 6.8011 109 7.4541 359 8.1218 539 1.5261 704 | 11.692 675 1.5605 092 12.455 760 8.8045 957 9.5026 991 1.5956 207 13.236 015 1.6315 221 10.216 510 10.946 381 1.6682 314 14.849 586 1.7057 666 15.683 702 .... 14.033 825 16.536 585 17.408 658 1.8235 159 18.300 353 1.8645 450 | 19.212 111 .... 1.9064 973 | 20.144 383 1.9493 934 21.097 632 .... 1.9932 548 2.0381 030 23.068 956 22.072 329 11.234 01 11.707 19 2.1308 495 25.129 988 12.159 99 2.2278 164 27.284 809 12.593 29 2.3291 960 29.537 689 13.007 94 2.4351 890 | 31.893 088 2.5460 053 34.355 673 2.6618 614 | 36.930 321 2.7829 959 39.622 131 2.9096 396 42.436 436 3.0420 464 45.378 809 0.4889 98 ... 0.9672 35 1.4349 48 1.8923 70 2.3397 26 2.7772 38 3.2051 23 3.6235 92 4.0328 53 4.4331 08 4.8245 56 .... 5.2073 89 5.5817 99 5.9479 70 .... 6.3060 83 6.6563 16 6.9988 42 7.3338 31 7.6614 48 7.9818 56 8.2952 14 8.6016 76 8.9013 95 9.1945 18 9.4811 91 9.7615 56 10.035 75 10.303 91 10.566 17. 10.822 66 11.073 51 11.318 84 11.793 41 12.247 33 12.681 50 13.096 76 13.493 95 13.873 85 14.237 22 14.584 77 14.917 20 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.01125. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 1.0112 500 1.0226 266 1.0341 311 1.0457 651 1.0575 299 1.0694 272 1.0814 582 1.0936 246 1.1309 512 1.1436 744 1.1059 279 | 2.3539 532 1.1183 696 2.6304 351 1.1565 408 3.1786 840 1.1695 519 | 3.7678 192 4.0602 071 1.1827 093 1.1960 148 4.3558 844 1.2091 700 4.6548 881 1.2230 765 | 4.9572 556 1.2368 361 1.2507 505 5.2630 248 5.5722 338 1.3832 399 1.3988 013 1.4145 379 1.4304 514 1.2648 215 1.2790 507 1.2931 400 1.3079 912 | 6.8442 495 5.8849 214 6.2011 268 6.5208 895 1.4465 440 1.4628 176 1.4792 743 1.4959 161 1.3227 061 7.1712 473 1.3375 866 | 7.5019 238 1.3526 344 1.3678 516 7.8363 205 8.1744 791 1.5127 452 1.5297 636 1.5469 734 1.5043 769 0.2500 000 0.5028 125 0.7584 691 1.0170 019 1.5819 761 1.5997 733 1.6177 708 1.6359 707 1.2784 432 1.5428 257 1.8101 825 2.0805 470 1.6543 754 1.6729 871 1.6918 082 1.7108 410 1.7300 880 1.7495 515 1.7692 340 1.7891 378 2.9100 275 3.1927 653 1.9786 574 | 2.0009 173 2.0234 277 2.0461 912 2.1398 353 2.2377 651 2.3401 766| 2.4472 750 8.5164 420 8.8622 519 9.2119 523 9.5655 867 9.9231 996 10.284 836 10.650 540 11.020 359 11.394 338 11.772 524 12.154 965 12.541 708 12.932 802 13.328 296 13.728 240 14.132 682 14.541 675 14.955 269 15.373 516 15.796 468 1.8092 656 | 17.983 681 1.8296 199 1.8502 031 1.8710 179 18.435 997 18.893 402 19.355 953 16.224 178 16.656 700 17.094 088 17.536 396 1.8920 668 19.823 707 1.9133 526 | 20.296 724 1.9348 778 1.9566 452 20.775 062 21.258 782 21.747 943 22.242 607 22.742 837 23.248 694 25.329 674 27.505 891 29.781 702 32.161 666 2.5592 747 2.6764 002 2.7988 858 2.9269 771 34.650 550 37.253 337 39.975 241 42.821 713 3.0609 305 45.798 454 0.2472 19 0.4916 87 0.7334 36 0.9724 96 1.2088 96 1.4425 66 1.6738 35 1.9024 32 2.1281 87 2.3520 27 2.5730 80 2.7916 73 3.0078 35 3.2215 92 3.4329 71 3.6419 99 3.8487 01 4.0531 03 4.2552 32 4.4551 12 4.6527 68 4.8482 26 5.0415 09 5.2326 42 5.4216 48 5.6085 52 5.7933 76 5.9761 45 6.1568 80 6.3356 04 6.5123 41 6.6871 11 6.8599 36 7.0308 39 7.1998 41 7.3669 63 7.5322 25 7.6956 49 7.8572 55 8.0170 63 8.1750 93 8.3313 66 8.4858 99 8.6387 14 8.7898 28 8.9392 64 9.0870 32 9.2321 59 9.3776 61 9.5205 54 9.6618 58 9.8015 90 9.9397 68 10.076 41 10.211 53 10.345 15 10.477 28 10.607 94 10.737 14 10.864 91 10.991 26 11.116 21 11.239 76 11.361 94 11.837 21 12.291 68 12.726 £6 13.141 83 13.539 21 13.919 20 14.282 56 14.630 01 14.962 27 Page 26. PERPETUAL STOCK: 3 p. C. 66,6667; 3½ p. C.77,7778; 4 p.C. 88,8889; 5 p.C. 111,1111. 1 Years. ཨྠ་པཝཾqtce= HEANNA 20 ++~~~ یں +24 -H ~4~*~4~:~]* 5 PINHAL C HEANDE 7 ~~:~ ∞ 10-6:00 → 0:CM平​老 ​HANPH IHHH CANAL GAA AAA BAA 13 14 19 20 2*7* 2 21 22 23 24 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.045. 25 Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9569 378 1.0000 000 0.9157 300 0.4889 976 0.5339 976 | 0.8762 966 0.3187 734 0.3637 734 | 0.8385 614 0.8024 510 ... 0.7678 957 0.7348 281 0.7031 851 0.6729 044 0.6439 277 0.4944 693 17 0.4731 764 18 0.4528 004 0.4333 018 0.4146 429 0.5642 716 0.5399 728 0.5167 204 1.0450 000 0.2337 437 0.2787 437 0.3967 874 0.3797 009 0.3633 501 0.3477 035 0.3327 306 0.1827 919 | 0.2277 919 0.6161 988 0.0722 482 0.1488 784 0.1938 784 0.1247 015 0.1697 015 0.1066 097 0.1516 097 0.0925 745 0.1375 745 0.0813 788 0.5896 639 0.0646 662 0.1096 662 0.1263 788 0.0722 482 0.1172 482 0.0582 754 0.1082 754 0.0528 203 0.0978 203 0.0481 138 0.0931 138 0.0440 154 0.0890 154 0.0404 176 0.0404 176 | 0.0854 176 0.0372 369 0.0822 369 0.0344 073 0.0794 073 0.0318 761 0.0768 761 0.0296 006 0.0746 006 0.0275 456 0.0725 456 0.0256 825 0.0706 825 0.0239 870 0.0689 870 0.0224 390 | 0.0674 390 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.0225. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9779 950 2.0000 000 0.9564 744 | 0.9888 752 0.9354 273 0.9148 434 0.8947 123 0.8750 243 0.7488 191 0.7323 413 ………. 0.8185 216 | 0.2029 647 0.8005 101 0.1805 754 ... 0.6518 891 0.4834 379 .... 0.3120 005 0.8557 694 0.2670 005 0.8369 384 0.2309 692 0.2759 692 0.7828 950 0.1622 730 0.7656 675 | 0.1470 348 .. .... 0.6552 348 0.6408 165 .... 0.3823 996 0.4273 996 0.3150 699 0.3600 699 .... 0.7162 263 0.1135 771 0.7004 659 | 0.1052 333 ... 0.1341 537 0.1231 246 0.6850 521 0.0978 808 0.6699 776 0.0913 544 .... ………… .. 0.6267 153 0.0755 514 0.6129 246 0.0712 564 0.0855 236 0.0802 841 0.5994 372 0.0673 419 0.5862 467 | 0.0637 605 0.5733 464 | 0.0604 720 0.5607 300 0.0574 427 2.0450 000 1.0338 752 0.6968 891 0.5281 379 0.5016 920 | 0.0453 056 0.4906 523 0.0433 483 0.4692 964 0.0397 931 0.4488 700 | 0.0366 504 0.4293 327 0.4106 458 0.0338 551 0.0313 548 .... 0.3927 721 0.0291 073 0.3756 765 | 0.0270 780 0.3593 250 0.0252 384 0.3436 852 0.0235 647 0.2479 647 0.2255 754 0.2072 730 .... 0.1920 348 0.1791 537 0.1681 246 0.1585 771 0.1502 333 0.1128 808 0.1363 544 0.1305 236 0.1252 841 .... 0.1205 514 0.1162 56+ 0.1123 419 0.1087 605 0.5483 912 0.0546 438 0.0546 438 0.0996 438 0.5363 239 0.0520 505 0.0970 505 0.1054 720 ·· 0.1024 427 0.5245 221 0.0496 416 0.0496 416 0.0946 416 0.5129 801 0.0473 987 0.0923 987 0.0903 056 0.0883 483 0.0847 931 0.0816 504 0.0788 551 0.0763 548 0.0741 073 0.0720 780 0.0702 384 0.0685 647 0.3287 261 | 0.0220 367 0.0220 367 0.0670 367 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.01125. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9888 752 4.0000 000 0.9778 741 1.9888 130 0.9669 953 1.3184 452 0.9562 377 | 0.9832 823 0.9455 997 0.9350 800 0.9246 774 0.7822 013 0.6481 614 0.5524 305 0.9143 905 | 0.4806 428 0.9042 181 0.8941 588 0.8842 114 0.8743 747 0.8646 474 | 0.2874 650 0.8550 283 0.8455 163 0.8361 101 0.2054 055 0.2462 929 0.2295 745 0.8268 084 0.8176 104 0.8085 145 0.7995 200 0.7906 254 0.7818 298 0.7731 321 0.7645 311 0.7392 980 0.7310 736 0.7229 404 0.7148 978 0.7069 448 0 6990 800 0.7560 259 | 0.1394 457 0.7476 152 0.6610 499 0.6536 958 0.6464 235 0.6392 322 0.6321 208 0.6250 885 0.6181 345 0.6112 579 0.4248 173 0.3801 653 0.3436 394 0.3132 078 0.5780 053 0.5715 751 0.5652 164 0.5589 284 0.6913 029 | 0.1007 740 0.6836 122 0.0972 304 0.6760 072 | 0.0938 920 0.6684 867 0.0907 412 0.5527 104 0.5465 616 0.5404 812 0.5344 684 0.5285 226 0.5226 428 0.5168 285 0.5110 789 0.1699 258 0.1612 610 0 1533 533 0.1461 081 0.4673 257 | 0.4468 744 0.4273 182 0.4086 178 0.1332 991 0.1276 109 0.1223 319 0.2148 279 | 0.2598 279 0.2467 215 0.2017 245 0.1900 048 0.1794 612 0.1174 199 0.1128 382 0.1085 546 0.1045 414 0.6044 577 0.0687 679 0.5977 332 0.0668 661 0.5910 835 0.0650 469 0.5845 078 | 0.0633 053 0.0877 629 0.0849 436 0.0822 709 0.0797 338 0.0773 228 0.0750 283 0.0728 425 0.0707 580 0.0616 361 0.0600 355 0.0584 998 0.0570 243 4.0450 000 2.0338 130 1.3634 452 1.0282 823 0.8272 013 0.6931 614 0.5974 305 0.5256 428 0.4698 173 0.4251 653 0.3886 394 0.3582 078 0.3324 650 0.3104 055 0.2912 929 0.2745 745 0.0394 794 0.0363 559 0.0335 777 0.0310 929 0.2350 048 0.2244 612 0.2149 258 0.2002 610 0.1983 533 0.1911 081 0.1844 457 0.1782 991 0.1726 109 0.1673 319 0.1624 199 0.1578 382 0.1535 546 0.1495 414 0.1457 740 0.1422 304 0.1388 920 0.1357 412 0.1327 629 0.1299 436 0.1272 709 0.1247 338 0.1223 228 0.1200 283 0.1178 425 0.1157 580 0.1137 679 0.1118 661 0.1100 469 0.1083 053 0.1066 36+ 0.1050 355 0.1034 998 0.1020 243 0.0556 060 0.0542 417 0.1006 060 0.0992 417 0.0529 285 0.0979 285 0.0516 637 | 0.0966 637 0.0504 446 | 0.0954 446 0.0192 690 0.0481 344 0.0470 394 0.0942 690 0.0931 314 0.0920 394 | 0.5053 932 | 0.0459 814 0.0909 814 0.4997 708 0.0449 588 0.0899 588 0.4942 109 | 0.0439 699 | 0.0889 699 0.4887 129 0.0430 132 0.0880 132 0.0844 794 0.0813 559 0.0785 777 0.0760 929 0.0288 596 0.3907 357 0.0738 596 0.3736 362 | 0.0268 432 0.0718 432 0.3572 850 0.0250 155 0 0700 155 0.3416 494 0.0233 526 | 0.0683 526 0.3266 981 0.0218 348 0.0668 348 Page 27. RATE OF INTEREST: 4½ per Cent. -CORRESPONDING VALUE OF per Ann'. Years. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 A ☺ ☺o co co ess 36 37 38 39 35 4.6673 478 40 41 **2*3 94938 KONAR OHOOO EXMZN 25982 H2MEN OFC0% 43 46 6.0781 009 42 6.3516 155 6.6374 382 44 6.9361 229 45 7.2482 484 50 51 52 53 7.5744 196 47 7.9152 685 54 55 56 61 65 66 67 68 11.762 842 57 12.292 170| 12.845 318 59 13.423 357 58 60 14.027 408 69 70 14.658 641 63 62 15.318 280 16.007 603 64 16.727 945 17.480 702 71 73 74 75 76 77 78 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.045. 79 Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 22.764 422 72 23.788 821 80 3.1406 790 3.2820 096 3.4297 000 3.5840 365 3.7453 181 81 82 83 84 3.9138 575 4.0899 810 4.2740 302 4.4663 615 * 85888 18848 26888 100 86.163 966 91.041 344 5.3262 192 | 96.138 205 4.8773 785 5.0968 605 5.5658 991 5.8163 645 101.46 442 107.03 032 8.2714 556 8.6436 711 9.0326 363 9.4391 049 9.8638 646 10.307 739 10.771 587 11.256 308 24.859 318 25.977 987 27.146 996 47.570 645 50.711 324 53.993 333 57.423 033 61.007 070 64.752 388 68.666 245 72.756 226 77.030 256 81.496 618 44.055 586 46.038 087 112.84 669 118.92 479 125.27 640 131.91 384 138.84 997 146.09 821 153.67 263 161.58 790 169.85 936 178.50 303 18.267 334 383.71 853 19.089 364 | 401.98 587 19.948 385 421.07 523 20.846 063 | 441.02 362 21.784 136 | 461.86 968 187.53 566 196.97 477 206.83 863 217.14 637 227.91 795 68.416 977 71.495 741 74.713 050 239.17 427 250.93 711 263.22 928 276.07 460 289.49 795 303.52 536 318.18 400 333.50 228 349.50 989 366.23 783 28.368 611 29.645 199 608.19 136 636.55 997 30.979 233 666.20 517 32.373 298 697.18 440 33.830 096 729.55 770 483.65 382 506.41 824 530.20 706 555 06 638 581.04 436 35.352 451 763.38 779 36.943 311 798.74 025 38 605 760 | 835.68 356 40.343 019 42.158 455 874.28 932 914.63 234 956.79 079 1000 8 464 1046.8 845 50 274 742 | 1094.9 943 52.537 105 1145.2 690 48.109 801 54.901 275 57.371 832 1197.8 061 1252.7 074 59.953 565 1310.0 792 62.651 475 | 1370.0 328 65.470 792 1432.6 843 15.146 61 15.451 30 15.742 87 16.021 89 16.288 89 16.544 39 16.788 89 17.022 86 17.246 76 17.461 01 17.666 04 17.862 24 18.049 99 18.229 66 18.401 58 18.566 11 18.723 55 18.874 21 19.018 38 19.156 35 19.288 37 19.414 71 19.535 61 19.651 30 19.762 01 19.867 95 19.969 33 20.066 34 20.159 18 20.248 02 20.333 03 20.414 39 20.492 24 20.566 73 20.638 02 20.706 24 20.771 52 20.833 99 20.893 77 20.950 98 21.005 72 21.058 11 21.108 24 21.156 21 21.202 11 21.246 04 21.288 08 21.328 31 21.366 80 21.403 63 21.438 88 21.472 62 21.504 90 21.535 79 21.565 35 21.717 81 21.739 53 21.760 32 21.780 21 21.799 24 21.817 46 21.834 89 21.851 57 21.867 53 21.882 80 1498.1 551 1566.5 720 21.897 42 21.911 41 1638.0 678 21.924 79 78.075 137 1712.7 808 21.937 60 81.588 518 1790.8 560 21.949 85 Value of Perpetual Ann. 22.222 22 3.1804 785 3.3252 102 3.4765 280 3.6347 318 3.8001 348 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.0225. Improved Cumulated Principal. Annuity. 3.9730 647 4.1538 639 4.3428 907 4 5405 194 4.7471 414 6.2000 040 6.4821 429 6.7771 209 7.0855 223 7.4079 578 7.7450 662 8.0975 151 8.4660 027 8.8512 587 9.2540 463 9.6751 632 10.115 444 10.575 760 11.057 023 11.560 186 4.9631 660 88.070 355 5.1890 211 | 93.089 357 5.4251 540 5.6720 324 5.9301 453 98.336 755 103.82 294 109.55 878 12.086 247 12.636 247 13.211 275 13.812 471 14.441 024 15.098 181 15.785 243 16.503 570 17.254 586 18.039 777 18.860 700 19.718 979 20.616 316 21.554 488 22.535 351 21.593 63 36.766 924 21.620 70 38.440 049 21.646 61 40.189 312 21.671 39 42.018 177 21.695 11 48.930 266 23.560 851 24.633 017 25.753 973 26.925 940 28.151 238 29.432 296 30.771 649 32.171 951 33 635 976 35.166 623 45.929 368 48.019 441 50.204 626 48.455 078 51.671 337 55.033 956 58.549 595 62.225 217 71.673 201 74.934 780 78.344 781 81.909 958 85.637 373 66.068 104 70.085 865 74.286 460 78.678 209 83.269 809 115.55 564 121.82 540 128.38 015 135 23 383 142.39 906 149.89 036 157.72 256 165.91 117 174.47 242 183.42 325 192.78 141 202.56 541 212.79 466 223.48 939 234.67 081 246.36 105 258.58 326 271.36 167 284.72 157 298.68 944 313.29 292 328.56 095 344.52 378 361.21 301 378.66 171 396.90 444 415.97 732 435.91 814 456.76 639 478.56 337 501.35 224 525.17 815 550 08 829 576.13 199 603.36 085 631.82 879 661.59 220 692.71 003 725.24 391 759.25 829 794.82 054 832.00 109 870.87 359 911.51 504 954.00 592 998.43 040 1044.8 765 1093.4 361 52.489 250 -1144.2 056 54.877 839 1197.2 853 57.575 124 1252.7 805 59.986 051 1310.8 011 62.715 791 1371.4 620 65.569 751 1434.8 834 68.553 585 1501.1 908 1570.5 136 1642.9 951 1718.7 729 1797-9 991 1880.8 305 Value of Annuity. 15.235 15 15.539 27 15.830 15 16.108 37 10.374 48 16.629 00 16.872 49 17.105 30 17.328 02 17.541 04 17.744 79 17.939 68 18.126 08 18.304 36 18.474 89 18.637 99 18.794 00 18.943 22 19.085 94 19.222 44 19.353 01 19.477 90 19.597 34 19.711 59 19.820 87 19.925 39 20.025 36 20.120 98 20.212 44 20.299 92 20.383 59 20.463 61 20.540 16 20.613 37 20.683, 40 20.750 37 20.814 44 20.875 71 20.934 32 20.990 38 21.043 99 21.095 27 21.144 33 21.191 24 21.236 12 21.279 04 21.320 09 21.359 36 21.396 91 21.432 83 21.467 19 21.500 05 21.531 48 21.561 55 21.590 31 21.617 82 21.644 12 21.669 29 21.693 35 21.716 37 21.738 39 21.759 45 21.779 59 21.798 85 21.817 28 21.834 91 21.851 77 21.867 89 21.883 31 21.898 06 21.912 17 21.925 67 21.938 58 21.950 93 21.962 73 22.222 22 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.01125. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 3.2010 142 | 48.911 427 3.3475 089 52.166 864 3.5007 079 3.6609 181 3.8284 604 4.0036 702 4.1868 985 4.3785 123 4.5788 952 4.7884 488 6.2632 490 6.5498 871 6.8496 433 7.1631 178 7.4909 385 5.0075 926 89.057 612 5.2367 655 | 94.150 344 5.4764 265 | 99.476 144 105.04 568 5.7270 556 5.9891 548 110.87 011 7.8337 619 8.1922 747 8.5671 949 8.9592 733 151.86 138 159.82 833 168.15 989 176.87 274 9.3692 052 | 185.98 434 15.327 893 16.029 375 16.762 961 17.530 119 18.332 386 9.7980 813195.51 293 10.246 492 10.715 423 11.205 816 11.718 651 205.47 760 215.89 830 226.79 591 238.19 224 19.171 370 20.048 749 20 966 282 21.925 805 22.929 242 55.571 287 59.131 514 62.854 675 12.254 956 | 250.11 013 12.815 805 13.402 322 14.015 680 14.657 109 262.57 345 275.60 714 289.23 733 303.49 130 66.748 226 70.819 966 75.078 050 79.531 006 84.187 751 29.991 247 31.363 799 32.799 166 34.300 223 35.869 975 116.96 109 123.33 083 129.99 207 136.95 817 144.21 308 42.901 021 44.864 390 46.917 613 49.064 802 51.310 257 53.658 475 56.114 160 23.978 601 510.63 557 25.075 983 535.02 185 560 52 417 26.223 588 27.423 713 587.19 361 28.678 761 | 615.08 358 58.682 229 61.367 826 64.175 330 67.113 365 70.184 814 318.39 761 333.98 611 350.28 801 367 33 598 385.16 414 403.80 821 423.30 553 443.69 515 465.01 790 487.51 648 37.511 568 39.228 288 811.36 818 849.51 751 41.023 574 | 889.41 276 931.13 381 974.76 423 644.24 993 674 75 109 706 64 813 740.00 495 774.88 834 1020.3 914 1068.1 067 1118.0 057 1170.1 883 1224.7 591 1281.8 273 1341.5 073 1403.9 184 1469.1 859 1537.4 403 73.396 828 76.755 841 80.268 577 83.942 076 1608.8 184 1683.4 631 1761.5 239 1843.1 572 87.783 692 | 1928.5 265 15.279 98 15.533 79 15.874 30 16.152 10 16.417 74 16.671 76 16.914 66 17.146 93 17.369 04 17.581 42 17.784 51 17.978 72 18.164 43 18.342 00 18.511 81 18.674 19 18.829 47 18.977 94 19.119 91 19.255 67 19.385 50 19.509 61 19.628 35 19.741 86 19.850 41 19.954 20 20.053 46 20.148 37 20.239 12 20.325 91 20.408 90 20.488 25 20.564 14 20.636 70 20.706 08 20.772 43 20.835 88 20.896 55 20.954 56 21.010 04 21.063 09 21.113 81 21.162 32 21,208 70 21.253 06 21.295 47 21.336 03 21.374 81 21.411 89 21.447 35 21.481 27 21.513 69 21 544 70 21.574 35 21.602 70 21.629 82 21.655 74 21.680 53 21.704 23 21.726 90 21.748 58 21.769 31 21.789 13 21.808 08 21.826 20 21.843 54 21.860 11 21.875 95 21.891 11 21.905 60 21.919 46 21.932 70 21.945 37 21.957 49 21.969 07 22.222 22 Page 28. PERPETUAL STOCK: 3 p. C. 66,6667; 3 p. C. 77,7778; 4p. C. 88,8889; 5 p. C. 111,1111. Years. Onda. H**** Okage 2333 95398 488*3 85838 58838 85832 ENC** DE22: ***** 8*898 CXKER 85338 ¿ 100 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.045. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.3184 025 0.3046 914 0.2915 707 0.2790 150 0.2670 000 0.2555 024 0.2444 999 0.2339 712 0.2238 959 0.2142 544 0.2050 282 0.0116 058 0.1961 992 0.0109 840 0.1877 504 0.0104 017 0.1796 655 | 0.0098 557 0.1719 287 0.0093.431 0.1645 251 0.1574 403 0.1506 605 0.0088 616 0.0084 087 0.0079 823 0.0075 807 0.1441 728 0.1379 644 | 0.0072 020 0.1059 422 0.1013 801 0.0970 145 0.0928 368 0.0888 391 0.1320 233 0.0068 445 0.1253 381 0.0065 073 0.1208 977 0.0061 886 0.1156 916 | 0.0058 872 0.1107 096 0.0056 021 0.0850 135 0.0813 526 0.0778 494 0.0744 970 0.0712 890 0.0210 214 0.0660 214 0.0197 195 | 0.0647 195 0.0185 208 0.0635 208 0.0174 145 0.0624 145 0.0163 915 | 0.0613 915 0.0682 192 0.0652 815 0.0154 434 0.0604 434 0.0145 632 | 0.0595 632 0.0137 445 0.0587 445 0.0129 819 0.0579 819 0.0122 704 0.0572 704 || 0.0547 425 0.0523 852 0.0501 294 0.0479 707 0.0459 050 0.0053 323 0.0050 768 0.0048 347 0.0046 052 0.0043 876 0.0041 811 0.0039 851 0.0037 990 0.0036 222 0.0034 543 0.0624 703 0.0597 802 0.0028 611 0.0572 059 | 0.0027 305 0.0226 986 0.0217 211 0.0207 858 0.0198 907 0.0190 342 0.0439 282 0.0420 365 0.0402 264 0.0384 941 75 0.0368 365 | 0.0017 210 0.0020 676 0.0019 747 0.0018 861 0.0018 016 0.0352 502 0.0016 442 0.0337 323 0.0015 709 0.0322 797 0.0015 010 0.0308 897 0.0014 343 0.0295 595 | 0.0013 707 0.0032 946 | 0.0482 946 0.0031 428 0.0481 428 0.0029 985 | 0.0479 985 0.0478 611 0.0177 305 0.0282 866 0.0270 685 | 0.0012 520 0.0259 029 0.0247 874 0.0237 200 0.0011 966 0.0011 438 0.0010 933 0.0566 058 0.0559 840 0.0554 017 0.0548 557 0.0543 431 0.0538 616 0.0534 087 0.0529 823 0.0525 807 0.0522 020 0.0026 061 0.0176 061 0.0024 877 0.0474 877 0.0023 749 | 0.0473 749 0.0022 675 | 0.0472 675 0.0021 651 0.0471 651 0.0518 445 0.0515 073 0.0511 886 0.0508 872 0.0506 021 0.0010 452 0.0009 992 0.0009 552 0.0009 133 0.0008 732 0.0503 323 0.0500 768 0.0498 347 0.0496 052 0.0493 876 0.0491 811 0.0489 851 0.0487 990 0.0486 222 0.0184 543 0.0013 100 | 0.0463 100 0.0462 520 0.0461 966 0.0461 438 0.0460 933 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.0225. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. [Cumulation Annuity. 0.3144 181 0.3007 329 0.2876 433 0.2751 235 0.2631 486 0.0182 145 0.0174 302 0.0159 613 0.0008 349 0.0458 349 0.0007 983 0.0457 983 0.0166 796 | 0.0007 633 0.0457 633 0.0007 299 0.0457 299 0.0152 740 | 0.0006 980 0.0456 980 0.0146 163 0.0006 675 0.0456 675 0.0139 868 0.0006 383 0.0456 383 0.0006 105 0.0133 845 0.0456 105 0.0128 082 0.0005 838 0.0455 838 0.0122 566 0.0005 584 0.0455 584 Ratio of Perpetual Ann. 0.0450 000 0.2516 949 0.2407 397 0.2302 614 0.2202 391 0.2106 531 0.2014 843 0.1927 146 0.1843 266 0.1763 037 0.1686 299 0.1612 902 0.1542 700 0.1475 553 0.1411 329 0.1349 900 0.1291 145 0.1234 947 0.1181 195 0.1129 783 0.1080 608 0.1033 574 0.0988 587 0.0945 559 0.0904 403 0.0865 038 0.0827 387 0.0791 374 0.0756 929 0.0723 983 0.0692 472 0.0662 331 0.0533 503 0.0605 929 0.0579 555 0.0554 331 0.0170 676 0.0424 433 0.0469 747 0.0405 959 0.0468 861 0.0388 290 0.0468 016 0.0371 389 0.0467 210 0.0355 224 0.0530 203 0.0507 126 0.0485 053 0.0463 911 0.0443 747 0.0466 442 0.0339 763 0.0165 709 0.0324 974 0.0465 010 0.0310 830 0.0464 343 0.0297 301 0.0463 707 0.0284 361 0.0271 984 0.0260 145 0.0248 822 0.0237 992 0.0227 633 0.0460 452 0.0459 992 0.0217 726 0.0208 249 0.0459 552 0.0199 185 0.0459 133 0.0190 515 0.0458 732 0.0182 223 0.0206 377 | 0.0656 377 0.0193 531 0.0643 531 0.0181 7060.0631 705 0.0170 795 0.0620 795 0.0160 707 0.0610 707 0.0151 359 | 0.0601 359 0.0142 682 0.0592 682 0.0134 614 0.0584 614 0.0127 100 0.0577 100 0.0120 092 | 0.0570 092 0.0113 546 | 0.0563 545 0.0107 424 0.0557 424 0.0101 691 0.0551 691 0.0096 318 0.0546 318 0.0091 275 0.0541 275 0.0086 538 0.0082 084 0.0077 893 0.0073 946 0.0070 225 0.0066 715 0.0063 402 0.0060 273 0.0057 316 0.0051 519 0.0051 872 0.0049 367 0.0046 994 0.0044 745 0.0042 613 0.0040 591 0.0038 672 0 0036 851 0.0035 122 0.0033 480 0.0031 919 0.0030 436 0.0029 026 0.0027 684 0.0026 409 0.0019 946 0.0019 041 0.0018 179 0.0017 357 | 0.0016 574 0.0015 827 0.0015 115 0.0014 436| 0.0013 788 0.0013 171 0.0012 581 0.0012 019 0.0011 483 0.0010 971 0.0010 482 0.0536 538 0.0532 084 0.0527 893 0.0523 946 0.0520 225 0.0025 195 0.0024 040 0.0022 940 0.0021 893 0.0475 195 0.0474 040 0.0472 940 0.0471 893 0.0020 896 | 0.0470 895 0.0516 715 0.0513 402 0.0510 273 0.0507 316 0.0504 519 0.0501 872 0.0499 367 0.0496 994 0.0494 745 0.0492 613 I 0.0490 591 0.0488 672 0.0486 851 0.0485 122 0.0483 480 - 0.0481 919 0.0480 436 0.0479 026 0.0477 684 0.0476 409 0.0469 946 0.0469 041 0.0468 179 0.0467 357 0.0466 574 0.0.165 827 0.0465 115 0.0464 436 0.0463 788 0.0463 171 0.0010 016 0.0010 016 | 0.0460 016 0.0009 571 0.0009 145 0.0008 740 0.0008 352 0.0459 571 0.0459 145 0.0458 740 0.0458 352 0.0462 581 0.0462 019 0.0461 483 0.0460 971 0.0460 482 0.0174 292 0.0007 982 | 0.0457 982 0.0166 705 0.0007 629 | 0.0457 629 0.0159 449 0.0007 291 0.0457 291 0.0152 509 0.0006 969 | 0.0456 969 0.0006 661 | 0.0456 661 0.0145 871 0.0006 367 | 0.0456 367 0.0139 522 0.0133 449 0.0006 086 0.0456 086 0.0127 641 0.0005 818 0.0455 818 0.0122 085 0.0005 562 | 0.0455 562 0.0116 771 0.0005 317 | 0.0455 317 0.0450 000 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.01125. Discounted Annuity for for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.3124 010 0.0204 451 0.0654 451 0.2987 296 0.0191 693 | 0.0641 693 0.2856 565 | 0.0179 949 | 0.0629 949 0.2731 555 | 0.0169 114 | 0.0619 114 0.2612 016 0.0159 097 0.0609 097 | 0.2388 403 0.2283 881 0.2183 933 0.2088 359 0.2497 708 | 0.0149 817 0.0141 203 0.0133 195 0.0125 737 0.0118 782 0.0112 287 0.1996 968 0.1909 576 | 0.0106 213 0.1826 008 0.1746 098 0.1669 685 0.1596 616 0.1526 744 0.1459 930 0.1396 040 0.1334 946 0.1020 608 0.0975 944 0.0933 234 0.0892 394 0.0853 341 0.0815 997 0.0780 287 0.0746 139 0.0713 487 0.0682 263 0.0652 405 0.0623 855 0.0596 553 0.0570 447 0.0545 483 0.0417 039 0.0398 788 0.0381 336 0.0364 648 0.0348 690 0.0515 850 0.1276 526 0.0065 850 0.1220 662 | 0.0062 567 | 0.0512 567 0.1167 243 | 0.0059 467 | 0.0509 467 0.1116 162 0.0056 538 0.0506 538 0.1067 316 | 0.0053 768 | 0.0503 768 0.0333 431 0.0318 839 0.0304 885 0.0291 543 0.0278 785 0.0266 584 0.0254 918 0.0243 762 0.0233 095 0.0222 894 0.0213 140 0.0203 812 0.0194 893 0.0186 364 0.0178 208 0.0100 526 0.0095 197 0.0090 196 0.0170 409 0.0162 952 0.0155 821 0.0149 002 0.0142 481 0.0085 499 0.0081 083 0.0521 611 | 0.0024 761 0.0498 784 0.0023 624 0.0476 956 | 0.0022 538 0.0456 084 0.0436 124 0.0021 505 0.0020 521 0.0136 246 0.0130 283 0.0124 582 0.0119 130 0.0113 916 0.0076 928 0.0073 015 0.0069 327 0.0051 148 0.0048 667 0.0046 318 0.0044 093 0.0041 983 0.0031 407 0.0029 941 0.0028 548 0.0027 223 0.0025 963 0.0019 583 0.0018 691 0.0017 840 0.0017 030 0.0016 258 0:0039 982 | 0.0489 982 0.0038 085 0.0036 284 0.0034 574 0.0032 950 0.0488 085 0.0486 284 0.0484 574 0.0482 950 0.0015 522 0.0014 820 0.0014 151 0.0013 513 0.0012 905 0.0012 325 0.0011 771 0.0011 243 0.0010 740 0.0010 259 | 0.0599 817 0.0591 203 0.0583 195 0.0575 737 0.0568 782 0.0562 287 0.0556 213 0.0550 526 0.0545 197 0.0540 196 0.0007 801 0.0007 45+ 0.0007 123 0.0006 806. 0.0006 504 0.0535 499 0.0531 083 0.0526 928 0.0523 015 0.0519 327 0.0006 216 0.0005 940 0.0005 677 0.0005 425 0.0005 185 0.0501 148 0.0498 667 0.0496 318 0.0494 093 0.0491 983 0.0481 407 0.0479 941 0.0478 548 0.0477 223 0.0475 963 0.0474 764 0.0473 624 0.0472 538 0.0471 505 0.0470 521 0.0469 583 0.0468 691 0.0467 840 0.0467 030 0.0466 258 0.0465 522 0.0464 820 0.0464 151 0.0163 513 0.0162 905 0.0009 800 0.0459 800 0.0009 362 | 0.0459 362 0.0008 944 0.0008 546 0.0008 165 0.0462 325 0.0461 771 0.0461 243 0.0460 740 0.0460 259 0.0458 944 0.0458 546 0.0458 165 0.0457 801 0.0457 454 0.0157 123 0.0156 806 0.0456 504 0.0456 216 0.0455 940 0.0455 677 0.0455 425 0.0455 185 0.0450 000 Page 29. RATE OF INTEREST: 43 per Cent. per Ann.--CORRESPONDING VALUE OF 15 A 7 Years, cr CO AKHAL --- -T-2:- 9 POKLAH POOPAL P1006}~~ ات انتحار FICHA ~+~2:40 +-~~T = 10 11 ~~ 12 Hedamlaco HNŽ 13 14 JARNYAL rer {{c{© 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.0475. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. .... 1.0475 000 1.0972 563 2.0475 000 1.1493 759 3.1447 563 1.2039 713 4.2941 322 1.2611 599 5.4981 035 1.3210 650 6.7592 634 1.3838 156 .... 1.0000 000 1.4495 468 9.4641 440 1.5184 003 1.5905 243 1.6660 742 1.7452 128 • 1.8281 104 8.0803 284 10.913 691 ……. 12.432 091 14.022 615 15.688 690 ... 15 2.0059 05521.176 958 17.433 902 1.9149 456 19.262 013 .... .... 2.1011 860 23.182 864 2.2009 924 | 25.284 050 2.3055 395 | 27.485 042 2.4150 526 | 29.790 582 2.5297 676 | 32.205 635 2.6499 316 34.735 402 2.7758 034 37.385 334 2.9076 540 40.161 137 3.0457 676 43.068 791 3.1914 415 46.114 559 0.9546 54 •• 1.8660 18 2.7360 55 3.5666 40 4.3595 61 .. 5.1165 26 5.8391 65 6.5290 36 7.1876 21 .... 7.8163 48 8.4165 61 8.9895 57 9.5365 70 10.058 78 .... 10.557 31 11.033 23 11.487 57 11.921 31 12.335 38 12.730 67 13.108 04 13.468 29 13.812 21 14.140 54 14.453 97 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.02375. Improved Cumulated Principal. Annuity. ... 1.0237 500 1.0480 641 1.0729 556 1.5359 070 1.0984 383 2.0723 848 1.1245 262 1.1512 337 .... 1.2352 226 1.2645 591 .... 1.1785 755 3.7591 839 1.2065 667 ... ... ... 1.2945 924 6.2019 458 1.3253 390 6.8492 421 1.3890 402 .... 1.4220 299 1.4558 031 1.3568 1587.5119 116 8.1903 195 ... 1.4903 784 1.5257 749 .... 1.5620 121 1.5991 098 1.6370 887 1.6759 696 0.5000 000 1.0118 750 1.7157 738 ... 1.7982 409 1.8409 491 2.6216 040 3.1838 671 ·· 4.3487 716 2.0701 955 2.1193 626 2.2212 278 2.3279 890 2.4398 817 2.5571 523 4.9520 550 5.5636 663 2.6800 594 2.8088 739 8.8848 395 9.5958 545 10.323 756 11.068 945 15.068 923 ... 1.7565 235 15.926 810 ·· 11.831 833 12.612 839 .. ... 13.412 394 14.230 938 16.805 071 17.704 192 1.8846 717 18.624 666 1.9294 326 19.567 002 ... 1.9752 566 20.531 719 2.0221 690 21.519 347 22.530 431 23.565 529 25.710 059 27.957 664 30.313 298 32.782 153 35 369 672 38.081 557 2.9438 798 40.923 786 3.0853 747 43.902 624 3.2336 703 47.024 638 Value of Annuity. 0.4884 00 0.9654 71 .... 1.4314 73 ………… 1.8866 65 .... 2.3312 96 2.7656 13 3.1898 54 3.6042 53 4.0090 38 4.4044 33 4.7906 55 5.1679 17 .. 5.5364 27 5.8963 88 6.2479 98 6.5914 51 6.9269 36 7.2546 38 7.5747 38 7.8874 12 8.1928 32 8.4911 67 8.7825 81 9.0672 34 9.3452 84 9.6168 83 9.8821 81 10.141 32 10.394 46 10.641 72 10.883 24 11.119 16 11.574 71 12.009 36 12.424 09 12.819 79 13.197 35 13.557 59 13.901 31 14.229 27 14.542 19 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.011875. Improved Cumulated Principal. Annuity. 1.0118 750 1.0238 910 1.0360 497 1.0483 528 1.0608 020 1.2800 421 1.0733 990 | 1.5452 426 1.0861 456 1.8135 924 1.0990 436 | 2.0851 288 1.1120 948 1.1253 009 1.1386 638 1.1521 855 1.1658 677 1.1797 123 1.1937 214 1.2078 969 1.2222 407 1.2367 548 1.2514 412 1.2663 021 1.2813 394 1.2965 553 1.3119 519 1.3275 314 1.3432 958 1.3592 474 1.3753 885 1.3917 212 1.4082 479 1.4249 709 1.4418 924 1.4590 149 1.4763 407 1.4938 722 1.5116 119 1.5295 623 1.5477 259 1.5661 051 1.5847 026 1.6035 210 1.6225 628 1.6418 307 1.6613 275 1.6810 557 1.7010 183 1.7212 178 1.7416 573 1.7623 395 1.7832 673 1.8044 436 1.8258 713 1.8475 536 1.8694 933 1.8916 935 1.9141 574 1.9368 880 1.9598 885 1.9831 622 2.0067 122 2.0305 419 2.0546 546 2.0790 537 2.1037 424 2.1287 241 0.2500 000 0.5029 688 0.7589 415 1.0179 539 2.2316 542 2.3395 609 2.4526 853 2.5712 795 2.3598 897 26379 134 2.9192 386 3.2039 046 3.4919 509 3.7831 179 4.0783 460 4.3767 763 4.6787 505 4.9813 107 5.2931 994 5.6063 597 5.9229 352 6.2432 701 6.5674 089 6.8953 969 7.2272 797 7.5631 037 7.9029 155 8.2467 626 8.5946 929 8.9167 549 9.3029 976 9.6634 707 10.028 224 10.397 310 10.770 778 11.148 681 11.531 071 11.918 003 12.309 529 12.705 705 13.106 585 13.512 226 13.922 683 14.338 015 14.758 279 15.183 534 15.613 838 16.049 .252 16.489 837 16.935 654 17.386 765 17.843 233 18.305 121 18.772 495 19.245 418 19.723 957 20.208 179 20.698 151 21.193 942 £1.695 620 22.203 255 22.716 919 23.236 683 23,762 618 25.929 561 28.201 283 30.582 848 33.079 568 2.6956 021 2.8259 483 2.9625 909 3.1058 405 35.697 013 38.441 017 41.317 703 44.333 484 3.2560 166 47.495 086 Value of Annuity. 0.2470 66 0.4912 33 0.7325 34 0.9710 03 1.2066 74 1.4395 79 1.6097 51 1.8972 21 2.1220 22 2.3441 85 2.5637 41 2.7807 20 2.9951 52 3.2070 68 3.4164 97 3.6234 69 3.8280 11 4.0301 53 4.2299 23 4.4273 48 4.6224 56 4.8152 75 5.0058 31 5.1911 50 5.3802 59 5.5641 85 5.7459 52 5.9255 85 6.1031 11 6.2785 53 6.4519 36 6.6232 85 6.7926 22 6.9599 73 7.1253 59 7.2888 04 7.4503 32 7.6099 63 7.7677 22 7.9236 29 8.0777 06 8.2299 75 8.3804 57 8.5291 73 8.6761 44 8.8213 90 8.9649 31 9.1067 88 9.2469 80 9.3855 27 9.5224 48 9.6577 62 9.7914 88 9.9236 45 10.054 25 10.183 32 10.310 88 10.436 94 10.561 53 10.684 65 10.806 32 10.926 57 11.045 40 11.162 84 11.618 99 12.054 09 12.469 13 12.865 02 13.242 66 13.602 88 13.946 48 14.274 23 14.586 87 Page 30. PERPETUAL STOCK: 3 p. C. 63,1579; 3½ p. C.73,6842; 4 p. C. 84,2105; 5 p.C. 105,2632. Years. yo B ~}< PORTAT 20 *{0.25)-4- M PRO:NHAIL 子 ​FRANK Wi LO ** PLAK PKK-AN Co PROKAH *~*~*~* = -*-*-∞ 12 ܤܚܘܠܕܝܝcdchܪܐܠ 13 ཨ¢ $ ¢2v72] ཨཱ ཨ 42790298 14 16 2002 22** 2 17 18 19 21 23 24 2.5 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.0475. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9546 540 0.9113 641 0.8700 374 0.8305 846 0.7929 207 0.7569 650 0.6898 708 0.6287 235 0.6002 133 …….. 0.5470 128 0.5222 081 0.4985 280 1.0000 000 1.0475 000 ·· 0.7226 396 | 0.1237 574 0.4759 217 0.4543 405 014337 380 0.4140 696 0.3952 932 ··· ·· 0.3439 199 0.3283 245 0.3134 362 0.4884 005 0.5359 005 ... 0.6585 879 0.0916 280 0.3179 897 0.3654 897 0.1818 809 0.2328 759 | 0.2803 759 0.5729 960 0.0637 402 I 0.1479 451 0.1954 451 0.1056 620 .. 0.1237 574 0.1712 574 **** 0.2293 809 0.1531 620 0.0801 370 | 0.1279 370 0.1391 280 ... 0.3773 682 0.0287 891 0.3602 561 | 0.0267 485 0.0248 997 0.0232 187 0.0216 851 0.0713 134 0.1188 134 0.1112 402 .. 0.0573 595 | 0.1048 595 0.0519 157 | 0.0994 157 0.0472211 0.0947 211 0.0131 353 0.0906 353 0.0395 506 0.0870 506 0.0363 834 0.0838 834 0.0810 677 0.0335 677 0.0310 505 0.0785 505 0.0762 891 0.0742 485 0.0723 997 0.0707 187 0.0691 851 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.02375. Ratio of Discounted Annuity for Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9768 009 0.9541 401 .. 0.6510 811 0.9320 050 0.9103 834 | 0.4825 359 ... 0.8892 634 0.8686 334 ... ... 0.8484 819 0.2659 940 0.8287 980 | 0.2299 500 2.0000 000 0.9882 641 0.8095 707 | 0.2019 368 0.7724 438 .... .. 0.3814 459 0.3140 835 0.7907 894 0.1795 440 0.7370 197 0.1612 397 0.7545 239 0.1460 016 0.7032 201 0.6869 061 ... 3. ... ... .... .... 0.1125 513 0.1331 219 0.1806 219 ... 0.7199 216 | 0.1220 954 0.1220 954 0.1695 954 .... 0.1042 117 0.6709 705 0.0968 640 0.6551 047 0.0903 428 ... 0.6401 999 | 0.0845 178 0.6253 478 | 0.0792 843 .……… 0.5828 274 0.0663 617 ... 0.5693 064 | 0.0627 872 0.5560 990 | 0.0595 058 0.5431 981 0.0564 838 ... 2.0475 000 1.0357 644 0.5985 811 0.5300 359 0.5062 633 0.0487 051 0.4945 185 0.0461 698 0.0461 698 0.4289 459 0.3615 835 0.4830 461 0.0443 844 0.4718 399 0.0424 319 0.0424 319 0.4502 015 0.0388 953 0.4295 553 | 0.0357 681 0.4098 560 | 0.0329 888 0.3910 600 0.0305 044 0.3134 940 0.2774 500 0.2494 368 0.2270 440 0.2087 397 0.1935 016 0.6108 404 0.0745 579 0.1220 579 0.5966 696 0.0702 694 0.1177 694 0.1600 513 0.1517 117 0.1443 640 ………… 0.1378 428 0.1320 178 0.1267 843 ... 0.1138 617 0.1102 872 0.1070 058 .... .. 0.5305 964 0.0536 922 0.1011 922 0.5182 871 | 0.0511 065 0.0511 065 0.0986 065 0.1039 838 0.0962 051 0.0939 698 0.0918 844 0.0899 319 0.0363 953 0.0832 684 0.0804 888 0.0780 041 0.3731 261 0.3560 145 0.3396 878 0.3241 098 0.0282 598 0.0262 594 0.0214 357 0.0227 777 0.0757 598 0.0737 594 0.0719 357 0.0702 777 0.5092 461 0.0212 651 0.0687 654 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.011875. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9282 641 0.9766 655 0.9652 047 0.9538 774 | 0.9426 830 0.9316 200 0.9206 869 0.9098 820 | 0.4795 867 0.7812 243 0.6471 476 0.5513 918 0.8577 303 0.8476 643 0.8377 163 0.8278 853 0.8992 039 | 0.4237 486 0.3790 875 0.3425 551 0.3121 191 0.8886 512 0.8782 223 0.8679 158 0.8181 694 0.8085 677 0.7990 787 0.7897 011 0.7804 333 0.7712 744 0.7622 231 0.7532 779 0.7444 377 0.7357 012 0.7270 673 0.7185 347 0.7101 023 0.7017 687 0.6935 330 0.6853 9.10 L 4.0000 000 1.9881 951 1.3176 247 0.9823 627 | 1.0298 627 0.9823 627 4.0475 000 2.0356 951 1.3651 247 0.2863 729 0.2643 113 0.2451 974 0.2284 787 0.5349 043 0.5286 269 0.5224 230 0.5162 921 0.2137 323 0.2006 295 0.1889 110 0.1783 689 0.1688 352 0.1601 725 0.1522 671 0.1450 243 0.6773 505 0.0997 185 0.6694 013 0.0961 787 0.6615 454 0.0928 431 0.6537 818 | 0.0896 967 0.1383 646 0.1322 209 0.1265 356 0.1212 597 0.6461 092 0.0867 222 0.6385 267 0.0839 067 0.6310 332 0.0812 379 0.6236 276 | 0.0787 048 0.4480 981 0.4274 306 0.4077 164 0.3889 115 0.1163 509 0.1117 724 0.1074 922 0.1034 825 0.6163 090 | 0.0762 975 0.6090 762 0.0740 071 0.6019 283 0.0718 252 0.5948 642 | 0.0697 447 0.3709 738 0.3538 635 0.3375 424 0.3219 741 0.3071 237 0.5878 832 0.5809 840 0.5741 658 0.5674 276 | 0.0623 082 0.0677 586 0.0658 608 0.0640 458 0.5607 684 | 0.0606 434 0.5541 875 0.0590 470 0.5476 837 0.0575 150 0.5412 563 | 0.0560 438 0.5102 331 0.0494 849 0.5042 452 0.0483 135 0.4983 276 | 0.0471 833 0.4924 793 0.0460 923 0.8287 243 0.69-16 476 0.5988 918 0.5270 867 0.0450 384 0.0440 201 0.0430 354 0.4712 486 0.4265 875 0.3900 551 0.3596 191 0.3338 729 0.3.118 113 0.2926 974 0.2759 787 0.2612 323 0.2481 295 0.2364 110 0.2258 689 0.2163 352 0.2076 725 0.1997 671 0.1925 243 0.1858 646 0.1797 209 0.1740 356 0.1687 597 0.1638 509 0.1592 724 0.1549 922 0.1509 825 0.1472 185 0.1436 787 0.1403 434 0.1371 967 0.1342 222 0.1314 067 0.1287 379 0.1262 048 0.1237 975 0.1215 071 0.1193 252 0.1172 447 0.1152 586 0.1133 608 0.1115 458 0.1098 082 0.0546 295 0.1021 295 0.0532 694 0.1007 694 0.0519 604 | 0.0994 604 0.0506 998 | 0.0981 998 0.1081 434 0.1065 470 0.1050 150 0.1035 438 0.0925 384 0.0915 201 0.0905 354 0.1697 619 | 0.0420 829 | 0.0895 829 0.4866 999 0.4809 881 0.4753 433 0.0969 849 0.0958 135 0.0946 833 0.0935 923 0.0385 660 | 0.0860 660 0.0354 591 0.0326 981 0.0302 301 0.0829 594 0.0801 981 0.0777 301 0.0280 135 0.0755 135 0.0260 139 | 0.0735 139 0.0242 027 0.0717 027 0.0225 563 | 0.0700 563 0.0210 548 0.0685 548 Page 31, RATE OF INTEREST. 43 per CORRESPONDING VALUE OF Cent. per Ann. Years. 26 OSIEN EINE 18298 A***2 36848 600OG CABAA ***** ** to co co co co co co co co 10 20 20 10 33 34 43 46 48 49 50 51 76 77 81 82 44 7.7050 843 8.0710 758 45 *** 8*8*8 58818 85888 96 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.0475. 100 Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 3.3419 875 49.305 000 3.5007 319 | 52.646 988 3.6670 167 56.147 720 59.814 736 63.655 936 3.8412 000 4.0236 570 4.2147 807 4.4149 828 67.679 593 71.894 374 4.6246 944 | 76.309 357 4.8443 674 5.0744 749 80.934 051 85.778 419 5.3155 124 5.5679 993 5.8324 792 6.1095 220 6.3997 243 6.7037 112 | 120.07 813 7.0221 375 | 126.78 184 7.3556 890 133.80 398 141.15 967 148.86 475 13.447 011 57 14.085 744 14.754 817 15.455 671 16.189 815 8.4544 519 8.8560 383 9.2767 001 156.93 583 165.39 028 174.24 632 9-7173 434 183.52 302 10.178 917193.24 036 10.662 416 11.168 881 11.699 402 12.255 124 12.837 242 90.852 894 96.168 406 101.73 641 107.56 888 113.67 841 203.41 928 214.08 170 225.25 058 236.94 998 249.20 510 262.04 234 275.48 936 289.57 510 304.32 992 319.78 559 16.958 832 335.97 540 17.764 376 | 352.93 424 18.608 184 370.69 861 19.492 073 389.30 680 20.417 946 408.79 887 21.387 799 429.21 681 22.403 719 450.60 461 23.467 895 473.00 833 24.582 621 496.47 623 25.750 295 | 521.05 885 26.973 434 546.80 914 28.254 673 | 573.78 258 29.596 769 31.002 616 32.475 240 602.03 725 631.63 402 662.63 664 34.017 814 695.11 188 35.633 660 | 729.12 969 37.326 259 | 764.76 335 39.099 257 40.956 471 802.08 961 841.18 887 68.236 521 71.477 756 74.872 950 78.429 415 82.154 812 42.901 904 882.14 534 44.939 744 925.04 724 47.074 382 969.98 699 49.310 415 1017.0 614 51.652 660 1066.3 718 54.106 161 1118.0 244 56.676 204 1172.1 306 59.368 323 1228.8 068 62.188 319 1288.1 751 65.142 264 1350.3 635 86.057 165 90.144 881 94.426 763 98.912 034 103.61 036 2160.2 180 14.753 20 15.038 85 15.311 55 15.571 89 15.820 42 1790.6 772 1876.7 343 1966.8 792 2061.3 060 16.057 68 16.284 18 16.500 41 16.700 84 16.903 90 17.092 03 17.271 62 17.443 08 17.606 76 17.763 02 17.912 19 18.054 59 18.190 54 18.320 33 18.444 23 18.562 51 18.675 42 18.783 22 18.886 13 18.984 37 19.078 16 19.167 69 19.253 17 19.334 77 19.412 67 19.487 04 19.558 03 19.625 80 19.690 50 19.752 27 19.811 23 19.867 53 19.921 27 19.972 57 20.021 55 20.068 30 20.112 94 20.155 55 20.196 23 20.235 06 20.272 14 20.307 53 20.341 32 20.373 57 20.404 36 20.433 76 20.461 82 20 488 61 20.514 18 20.538 60 20.561 91 20.584 16 20.605 40 20.625 68 20.645 04 1415.5 057 1483.7 422 1555.2 200 20.744 10 20.758 09 20.771 45 1630.0 929 20.784 20 1708.5 224 20.796 37 20.663 53 20.681 17 20.698 01 20.714 10 20.729 44 Value of Perpetual Ann. 21.052 63 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.02375. Improved Cumulated Principal. Annuity. 3.3890 936 3.5519 872 3.7227 102 3.9016 388 4.0891 674 4.2857 094 69.172 829 4.4916 980 73.509 431 4.7075 872 78.054 468 4.9338 530 82.817 996 5.1709 940 | 87.810 400 5.4195 330 5.6800 177 5.9530 225 6.2391 489 6.5390 278 6.8533 200 7.1827 184 7.5279 490 7.8897 728 8.2689 874 8.6664 285 9.0829 723 9.5195 368 9.9770 844 10.456 624 10.959 211 11.485 956 12.038 017 12.616 613 13.223 019 15.954 454 16.721 290 17.524 983 18.367 305 19.250 112 20.175 351 21.145 060 28.024 373 29.371 538 30.783 044 32.262 602 33.813 273 50.296 708 53.726 047 57.320 214 61.087 132 65.035 102 35.438 477 37.141 794 38.926 979 40.797 968 13.858 571 14.524 670 15.222 785 | 299.42 705 314.83 061 330.97 452 93.042 800 98.526 689 104.27 416 110.29 787 116.61 111 44.814 050 46.967 995 | 49.225 468 51.591 444 51.071 138 123.22 779 130.16 249 137.43 051 145.04 785 153.03 131 161.39 819 170.16 784 179.35 867 188.99 125 199.08 681 20.807 99 90.621 582 20.819 08 94.977 223 20.829 68 99.542 214 20.839 78 104.32 662 209.66 761 220.75 696 232.37 931 244.56 028 257.32 672 22.161 377 | 445.50 268 23.226 543 467.92 723 24.342 905 491.42 958 25 512 924 516.06 156 26.739 179 | 541.87 745 270.70 676 284.72 990 347.89 438 365.62 747 384.21 288 403.69 159 424.10 652 725.02 056 760.87 987 798.46 272 837.85 196 42.758 884 | 879.13 440 568.93 416 597.29 132 627.01 144 658.16 003 690.80 575 922.40 105 967.74 727 1015.2 730 1065.0 830 1117.2 871, 56.670 017 1172.0 004 59.393 808 1229.3 433 62 248 516 1289.4 424 65.240 432 1352.4 301 63.376 152 1418.4 453 71.662 588 1487.6 $34 75.106 983 1560.1 470 78.716 930 1636.1 459 82.500 385 1715.7 976 86.465 689 1799.2 777 1886.7 701 1978.4 678 2074.5 729 2175.2 972 20.849 43 109.34 098 | 2280.8 627 - Value of Annuity. 14.840 75 15.125 63 15.397 45 15.656 79 15.904 24 16.140 35 16.365 62 16.580 57 16.785 66 16.981 34 17.168 05 17.346 19 17.516 17 17.678 35 17.833 10 17.980 74 18.121 62 18.256 03 18.384 29 18.506 66 18.623 41 18.734 82 18.841 11 18.942 53 19.039 30 19.131 63 19.219 73 19.303 79 19.383 99 19 460 51 19.533 53 19.603 19 19.669 66 19.733 09 19.793 60 19.851 34 19.906 43 19.959 00 20.009 15 20.057 00 20.102 66 20.146 23 20.187 80 20.227 46 20.265 30 20.301 41 20.335 86 20.368 72 20.400 09 20.430 02 20.458 57 20.485 81 20.511 81 20.536 61 20.560 28 20.582 85 20.604 40 20.624 95 20.644 57 20.663 28 20.681 14 20.698 17 20.714 43 20.729 94 20.744 73 20.758 86 20.772 33 20.785 19 20.797 45 20.809 15 20.820 32 20.830 97 20.841 14 20.850 84 20.860 09 21.052 63 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.011875. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 3.4134 542 3.5785 043 3.7515 350 3.9329 323 4.1231 006 4.3224 641 4.5314 674 4.7505 766 4.9802 803 5.2210 909 5.4735 453 5.7382 066 6.0156 650 6.3065 394 6.6114 783 6.9311 618 7.2663 030 7.6176.492 7.9859 840 8.3721 287 8.7769 447 9.2013 347 9.6462 451 10.112 668 10.601 644 11.114 263 11.651 669 12.215 060 12.805 693 13.424 884 14.074 015 14.754 533 15.467 956 15.215 875 16.999 959 17.821 954 18.683 696 19.587 105 20.534 197 21.527 083 22.567 978 23.659 203 24.803 192 26.002 496 27.259 790 28.577 878 29.959 698 31.408 334 32.927 015 34.519 129 36.188 226 37.938 028 39.772 439 41.695 548 43.711 645 45.825 226 43.041 005 50.363 922 52.799 159 55.352 147 50.809 561 54.284 300 57.927 053 61.745 943 65.749 486 69.946 613 74.346 682 93.050 044 97.549 275 102.26 606 107.21 091 112.39 486 78.959 507 83.795 375 88.865 071 94.179 901 99.751 718 105.59 295 111.71 662 118.13 638 124.86 657 131.92 217 139.31 893 147.07 335 155.20 271 163.72 515 172.65 968 182.02 621 191 84 564 202.13 988 212.93 186 224.24 567 236.10 653 248.54 090 261.57 651 275.24 242 289.56 912 304.58 855 320.33 422 336.84 123 354.14 641 372.28 834 391.30 748 411.24 625 432.14 912 454.05 269 477.03 986 501.11 984 526.36 834 552.83 769 580.58 689 609 67 786 640.17 545 672.14 769 705.66 587 740.80 476 777.64 270 816.26 187 856.74 838 899.19 253 943.68 897 990.33 694 1039.2 405 1090.5 086 1144.2 557 58.028 579 60.834 424 63.775 940 1200.6 017 1259.6 721 1321.5 987 66.859 6861386.5 197 70.092 540 1454,5 798 73.481 711 77.034 758 80.759 605 1525.9 308 1600.7 318 1679.1 496 84.661 559 | 1761.3 591 88.758 329 1847.5 438 1937.8 957 2032.6 163 2131.9 170 2236.0 191 2345.1 549 14.885 09 15.169 55 15.440 89 15.699 72 15.946 61 16.182 12 16.405 76 16.621 04 16.825 43 17.020 40 17.206 38 17.383 78 17.553 00 17.714 41 17.868 38 18.015 24 18.155 33 18.288 96 18.416 43 18.538.02 18.654 00 18.764 63 18.870 16 18.970 82 19.066 84 19.158 43 19.245 80 19.329 13 19.408 62 19.484 45 19.556 78 19.625 77 19.591 58 19.754 36 19.814 24 19.871 35 19.925 84 19.977 81 20.027 38 20.074 67 20.119 78 20.162 80 20.203 84 20.242 99 20.280 33 20.315 95 20.349 93 20.382 34 20.413 26 20.442 75 20.470 87 20.497 70 20.523 30 20.547 71 20.571 01 20.593 22 20.614 40 20.634 62 20.653 90 20.672 29 20.689 83 20.706 56 20.722 52 20.737 75 20.752 26 20.766 13 20.779 34 20.791 95 20.803 97 20.815 44 20.826 38 20.836 81 20.846 76 20.856 26 20.865 32 21.052 63 Page 32. PERPETUAL STOCK: 3 p. C. 63,1579; 3½ p. C. 73,6842; 4p. C. 84,2105; 5 p. C. 105,2632. Years. ***2* H***8 85822 79333 959A8 5888K AKA88 88836 86882 *°*** C*228 ***** 85898 XXX*3 85888 26 27 64 70 72. 75 77 82. 85 86 96 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.0475. 100 Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.2992 231 0.2856 546 0.2727 012 0.2603 352 0.2485 301 0.2372 603 0.2265 014 0.0147 755 0.0139 093 0.2162 305 0.0131 046 0.2054 253 0.0123 557 0.1970 647 | 0.0116 579 0.1182 809 0.1129 173 0.1077 970 0.1029 088 0.0982 423 0.0937 874 0.0895 345 0.0854 745 0.0815 986 0.0778 984 0.1881 286 0.0110 068 0.0585 068 0.1795 977 | 0.0103 984 | 0.0578 984 0.0573 293 0.0567 964 0.0562 967 0.1714 537 0.0098 293 0.1636 789 | 0.0092 964 0.0087 967 | 0.1562 567 0.1491 711 0.1424 068 0.0083 279 0.0078 876 0.1359 492 0.0074 736 | 0.1297 844 0.0070 842 0.1238 992 | 0.0067 175 78. 0.0267 908 0.0255 759 0.0244 162 0.0467 556 0.0446 354 0.0426 114 0.0406 791 0.0388 345 0.0202 819 0.0189 944 0.0189 944 0.0178 101 0.0167 183 0.0157 095 \? 0.0743 660 0.0038 162 0.0709 938 | 0.0036 299 0.0677 745 0.0647 012 0.0617 672 0.0034 533 0.0032 859 0.0031 271 0.0293 964 0.0280 634 0.0589 663 0.0029 764 0.0562 924 0.0028 334 0.0537 398 0.0026 977 0.0513 029 0.0025 687 0.0489 765 0.0024 462 | 0.0233 090 0.0222 520 0.0212 430 0.0202 797 0.0193 601 0.0049 160 0.0046 711 0.0184 822 0.0176 441 0.0168 440 0.0160 802 0.0153 510 0.0063 720 0.0538 720 0.0060 463 0.0535 463 0.0057 390 0.0532 390 0.0054 489 0.0529 489 0.0051 749 | 0.0526 749 0.0370 735 0.0018 288 0.0353 924 | 0.0017 428 0.0337 875 0.0016 610 0.0322 553 0.0015 832 0.0307 927 0.0015 091 3 0.0044 395 | 0.0519 395 0.0042 203 0.0517 203 0.0040 128 0.0515 128 0.0677 819 0.0664 944 0.0653 101 0.0642 183 0.0632 095 0.0622 755 0.0614 093 0.0606 016 0.0598 557 0.0591 579 0.0014 386 0.0013 715 0.0013 076 0.0012 467 0.0011 888 0.0558 279 0.0553 876 0.0549 736 0.0545 842 0.0542 175 0.0146 549 0.0139 904 0.0133 560 | 0.0006 430 0.0127 503 0.0121 721 0.0006 135 0.0005 853 0.0023 298 0.0498 298 0.0022 192 | 0.0497 192 0.0021 141 0.0496 141 0.0020 142 0.0495 142 0.0019 192 | 0.0494 192 0.0007 065 0.0006 740 0.0513 162 0.0511 299 0.0509 533 0.0507 859 0.0506 271 0.0504 764 0.0503 334 0.0501 977 0.0500 687 0.0499 462 0.0493 288 0.0492 428 0.0491 610 0.0490 832 0.0490 091 0.0010 810 0.0010 309 0.0009 832 0.0009 378 0.0011 336 | 0.0486 336 0.0485 810 0.0485 309 0.0484 832 0.0484 378 0.0489 386 0.0488 715 0.0488 076 0.0487 467 0.0486 888 0.0008 944 0.0483 944 0.0008 531 0.0483 531 0.0008 138 0.0483 138 0.0007 763 | 0.0482 763 0.0007 405 0.0482 405 0.0524 160 0.0912 474 0.0521 711 || 0.0870 628 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.02375. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.0116 202 0.0005 584 0.0110 933 0.0005 328 0.0105 902 | 0.0005 084 0.0101 100 0.0004 851 0.0096 515 | 0.0004 629 | 0.0479 629 0.0480 584 0.0480 328 0.0480 084 0.0479 851 Ratio of Perpetual Ann. 0.0475 000 0.2950 641 | 0.0198 820 0.0673 820 0.2815 325 0.0186 129 || 0.0661 129 0.2686 215 0.0174 458 | 0.0649 458 0.2563 025 0.0163 701 0.0638 701 0.2445 486 0.0153 763 0.0628 763 0.2333 336 0.0144 565 | 0.0619 565 0.2226 329 0.0136 037 0.0611 037 0.2124 230 0.0128 116 | 0.0603 116 0.2026 814 0.0120 747 0.0595 747 0.1933 861 | 0.0113 882 0.0588 882 0.1845 177 | 0.0107 477 0.1760 558 0.0101 495 0.1679 819 | 0.0095 901 0.1602 783 | 0.0090 664 0.1529 279 0.0085 755 | 0.1459 147 0.1392 231 0.1328 383 0.1267 464 0.1209 338 0.1153 878 0.1100 961 0.1050 471 0.1002 297 0.0956 332 0.0830 702 0.0792 606 0.0756 257 0.0570 614 0.0544 446 0.0519 478 0.0495 654 0.0472 924 0.0451 235 0.0130 542 0.0410 797 0.0391 958 0.0373 983 0.0356 832 0.0340 468 0.0324 854 0.0309 956 0.0295 742 0.0035 121 0.0721 575 | 0.0036 940 | 0.0511 940 0.0688 484 0.0656 910 0.0626 784 0.0598 040 0.0081 150 0.0556 150 0.0076 827 0.0551 827 0.0072 764 | 0.0547 764 0.0068 943 0.0543 943 0.0065 346 | 0.0540 346 0.0061 958 0.0536 958 0.0058 766 0.0533 766 0.0055 754 0.0530 754 0.0052 912 | 0.0527 912 0.0050 229 | 0.0525 229 0.0047 695 0.0522 695 0.0045 299 0.0520 299 0.0043 033 0.0518 033 0.0040 890 | 0.0515 890 0.0038 861 0.0513 861 0.0482 065 0.0139 543 0.0481 740 0.0133 143 0.0127 037 0.0481 430 0.0481 135 0.0180 853 0.0582 477 0.0576 495 0.0570 901 0.0565 664 0.0560 755 0.0510 121 0.0033 397 0.0508 397 0.0031 763 | 0.0506 763 0.0030 214 0.0505 214 0.0028 744 | 0.0503 744 0.0027 350 | 0.0502 350 0.0026 027 | 0.0501 027 0.0024 771 0.0023 579 0.0499 771 0.0498 579 0.0022 447 0.0021 371 0.0497 447 0.0496 371 0.0020 349 | 0.0495 349 0.0494 378 0.0493 454 0.0019 378 0.0018 454 0.0017 577 | 0.0492 577 0.0016 742 | 0.0491 742 0.0015 949 0.0015 194 0.0014 476 0.0282 179 0.0269 238 0.0256 891 0.0013 793 0.0013 143 0.0012 524 0.0245 110 0.0011 935 0.0233 870 0.0011 375 | 0.0486 375 0.0488 793 0.0488 143 0.0487 524 0.0486 935 0.0176 460 | 0.0008 532 0.0168 368 | 0.0008 134 0.0160 646 | 0.0007 755 0.0153 279 | 0.0007 394 0.0146 250 0.0007 050 0.0223 144 0.0010 841 | 0.0485-841 0.0212 911 0.0010 333 0.0485 333 0.0203 147 0.0009 850 0.0484 850 0.0193 831 0.0009 389 0.0484 389 0.0184 942 0.0008 950 0.0483 950 0.0006 722 0.0006 410 0.0006 112 0.0121 212 | 0.0005 828 0.0115 653 0.0005 558 0.0490 949 0.0490 194 0.0489 476 K 0.0483 532 0.0483 134 0.0482 755 0.0482 394 0.0432 050 0.0481 722 0.0481 410 0.0481 112 0.0480 828 0.0180 558 0.0110 349 0.0005 300 0.0480 300 0.0105 288 0.0005 054 0.0480 054 0.0100 460 | 0.0004 820 0.0479 820 0.0095 853 0.0004 597 0.0479 597 0.0091 457 | 0.0004 384 | 0.0179 384 0.0475 000 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.011875. Ratio of Discounted Annuity for Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.2929 584 0.2794 464 0.2665 576 0.2542 632 0.2425 359 0.2313 495 0.2206 791 0.2105 008 0.2007 919 0.1915 309 0.1826 969 0.1742 705 0.1662 327 0.1585 656 0.1512 521 0.1442 760 0.1376 216 0.1312 741 0.1252 194 0.1194 439 0.1139 348 0.1085 799 0.1036 673 0.0988 859 0.0943 250 0.0899 745 0.0858 246 0.0818 661 0.0780 903 0.0744 885 0.0710 529 0.0677 758 0.0646 498 0.0616 680 0.0588 237 0.0561 106 0.0535 226 0.0510 540 0.0486 992 0.0464 531 0.0443 106 0.0422 669 0.0403 174 0.0384 578 0.0366 841 0.0349 921 0.0333 782 0.0318 387 0.0303 702 0.0289 691 0.0276 333 0.0263 588 0.0251 430 0.0239 834 0.0228 772 0.0218 220 0.0208 155 0.0198 555 0.0189 397 0.0180 661 0.0172 329 0.0164 381 0.0156 799 0.0149 567 0.0142 669 0.0136 088 0.0129 812 0.0123 824 0.0118 113 0.0112 665 0.0107 469 0.0102 512 0.0097 784 0.0093 274 0.0088 972 0.0196 813 0.0184 215 0.0172 631 0.0161 954 0.0152 092 | 0.0627 092 0.0671 813 0.0659 215 0.0647 631 0.0636 954 0.0142 966 0.0134 505 0.0126 647 0.0119 338 0.0594 338 0.0112 530 | 0.0587 530 0.0106 180 0.0100 249 0.0094 703 0.0089 512 0.0084 648 0.0080 085 0.0075 802 0.0071 778 0.0067 993 0.0064 432 0.0061 078 0.0057 917 0.0051 937 0.0052 125 0.0049 471 0.0046 963 0.0044 594 0.0042 354 0.0040 235 0.0038 230 0.0036 332 0.0034 534 0.0032 831 0.0031 217 0.0029 688 0.0028 237 0.0026 861 0.0025 555 0.0024 316 0.0023 140 0.0022 023 0.0020 963 0.0019 955 0.0018 998 0.0018 088 0.0017 224 0.0016 402 0.0015 621 0.0014 878 0.0014 171 | 0.0013 499 0.0012 859 0.0012 251 0.0011 672 0.0011 121 0.0617 966 0.0609 505 0.0601 647 0.0581 180 0.0575 249 0.0569 703 0.0564 512 0.0559 648 0.0555 085 0.0550 802 0.0546 778 0.0542 993 0.0539 432 0.0536 078 0.0532 917 0.0529 937 0.0527 125 0.0524 471 0.0521 963 0.0519 594 0.0517 354 0.0515 235 0.0513 230 0.0511 332 0.0509 534 0.0507 831 0.0506 217 0.0504 688 0.0503 237 0.0501 861 0.0500 555 0.0499 316 0.0498 140 0.0497 023 0.0495 963 0.0494 955 0.0493 998 0.0493 088 0.0492 224 0.0491 402 0.0490 621 0.0489 878 0.0489 171 0.0488 499 0.0487 859 0.0487 251 0.0486 672 0.0486 121 0.0485 597 0.0485 098 0.0010 597 0.0010 098 0.0009 622 | 0.0484 622 0.0009 170 0.0484 170 0.0008 739 | 0.0183 739 0.0008 329 0.0483 329 0.0007 939 0.0482 939 0.0007 567 | 0.0482 567 0.0007 212 0.0482 212 0.0006 875 0.0181 875 0.0181 553 0.0481 247 0.0480 955 0.0005 677 | 0.0480 677 0.0005 413 0.0006 553 0.0006 247 0.0005 955 0.0480 413 0.0005 160 0.0480 160 0.0004 920 0.0479 920 0.0001 691 | 0.0479 691 0.0004 472 0.0479 472 0.0004 264 | 0.0479 264 0.0475 000 Page 33. RATE OF INTEREST: 5 5 per CORRESPONDING VALUE of Cent. per Ann.- Years. Food ~<~~~~}< ૭ co P10:21P- + 5 [3.85/bplat CO ه دار ~}{*}< PICAL عطورات انتر HAN سه سرانه دار OPINHAL ܚܩܝܚܝܘܗܢܫܓ step:ܘܩܝܺ toesn-eh 12 13 & 2222 222 O CANAL BHV-P 14 16 19 20 21 23 24 25 Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.05. 1.0500 000 .... 1.1025 000 1.1576 250 1.2155 063 1.2762 816 1.4071 004 .... ... ·· .... 1.0000 000 10 1.6288 946| 12.577 693 2.0500 000 1.3400 956 6.8019 128 3.1525 000 .... 4.3101 250 • ·· 5.5256 313 1.4774 554 9.5491 089 8.1420 085 ... 1.5513 282 11.026 564 .. 2.7859 626 2.9252 607 3.0715 238 3.2250 999 3.3863 549 1.7103 394 14.206 787 1.7958 563 15.917 127 1.8856 491 17.712 983 1.9799 316 19.598 632 17 2.2920 183 25.840 366 18 2.4066 19228.132 385 ... 2.1828 746 23.657 492 2.5269 502 30.539 004 2.6532 977 33.065 954 0.9523 81 35.719 252 38.505 214 41.430 475 44.501 999 47.727 099 1.8594 10 2.7232 48 3.5459 51 4.3294 77 5.0756 92 5.7863 73 6.4632 13 DAO .... 2.0789 282 21.578 564 10.379 66 7.1078 22 7.7217 35 8.3064 14 8.8632 52 9.3935 73 9.8986 41 10.837 77 11.274 07 11.689 59 12.085 32 12.462 21 13.488 57 13.798 64 14.093 94 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.025. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity, 1.0250 000 1.0506 250 .... .... 1.0768 906 1.1038 129 2.0762 578 0.5000 000 .... .... 1.0125 000 1.1314 082 2.6281 643 1.1596 934 3.1938 684 .... 1.1886 858 3.7737 151 1 2184 029 4.3680 580 1.5378 125 1.2488 630 4.9772 594 1.2800 845 5.6016 909 ·· 1.3120 867 6.2417 332 1.3448 888 6.8977 765 1.6795 819 1.7215 714 1.3785 1107.5702 209 1.4129 738 8.2594 764 1.7646 107 1.8087 259 1.4482 982 8.9659 633 1.4845 056 9.6901 124 1.5216 183 10.432 365 .. 1 5596 587| 11.193 174 1.5986 502 11.973 004 1.6386 164 12.772 329 12.821 15 2.8209 952 13.163 00 2.9638 081 13.591 637 14.431 428 15.292 214 16.174 519 1.8539 441 17.078 882 1.9002 927 | 18.005 854 1.9478 000 18.956 000 1.9964 950 19.929 900 2.0464 074 20.928 148 2.0975 676 21.951 352 .... 2.1500 068 | 23.000 135 2.2037 569 | 24.075 139 2.3153 221 2.4325 353 2.5556 824 26.306 443 28.650 706 31.113 648 2.6850 638 | 33.701 277 36.419 904 39.276 162 42.277 017 45.429 791 3.1138 509 3.2714 896 3.4371 087 48.742 174 0.4878 05 .... 0.9637 12 1.4280 12 1.8809 87 2.3229 14 2.7540 63 3.1746 95 ... 3.5850 69 3.9854 33 4.3760 32 4.7571'04 5.1288 82 ... 5.4915 92 5.8454 56 6.1906 89 6.5275 01 6.8560 99 7.1766 82 7.4894 46 7.7945 81 8.0922 74 8.3827 07 8.6660 55 8.9424 93 .. 9.2121 88 .... 9.4753 06 9.7320 05 .... 9.9824 44 10.226 77 10.465 15 ... 10.697 70 10.924 59 11.361 89 11.778 13 12.174 30 12.551 39 12.910 30 13.251 92 13.577 08 13.886 58 14.181 16 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.0125. Improved Cumulated Principal. Annuity. 1.0125 000 1.0251 563 1.0379 707 1.0509 453 1.0640 822 1.0773 832 1.0908 505 1.1044 861 1.1182 922 1.1322 708 1.1464 242 1.1607 545 1.1752 639 1.1899 547 1.2048 292 1.2198 895 1.2351 382 1.2505 774 1.2662 096 1.2820 372 1.2980 627 1.3142 885 1.3307 171 1.3473 511 1.3641 929 1.3812 454 1.3985 109 1.4159 923 1.4336 922 1.4516 134 1.4697 585 1.4881 305 1.5067 321 1.5255 663 1.5446 359 1.5639 438 1.5834 931 1.6032 868 1.6233 279 1.6436 195 1.6641 647 1.6849 668 1.7060 289 1.7273 542 1.7489 461 1.7708 080 1.7929 431 1.8153 549 1.8380 468 1.8610 224 1.8842 852 1.9078 387 1.9316 867 1.9558 328 1.9802 807 2.0050 342 2.0300 971 2.0554 733 2.0811 668 2.1071 813 2.3273 525 2.4459 203 2.5705 285 2.7014 849 0.2500 000 0.5031 250 0.7594 141 1.0189 067 2.8391 130 2.9837 526 3.1357 608 3.2955 132 3.4634 043 1.2816 431 1.5476 636 1.8170 094 2.0897 220 2.3658 435 2.6454 166 2.9284 843 3.2150 904 3.5052 790 3.7990 950 4.0965 837 4.3977 910 4.7027 633 5.0115 479 5.3241 922 5.6407 446 5.9612 539 6.2857 696 6.6143 417 6.9470 210 7.2838 588 7.6249 070 7.9702 183 8.3198 461 8.6738 441 9.0322 672 9.3951 705 9.7626 102 10.134 643 10.511 326 10.892 717 11.278 876 11.669 862 12.065 736 12.466 557 12.872 389 13.283 294 13.699 335 14.120 577 14.547 084 14.978 923 15.416 159 15.858 861 16.307 097 16.760 936 17.220 447 17.685 703 18.156 774 18.633 734 19.116 656 19.605 614 20.100 684 2.1335 211 22.670 422 2.1601 901 23.203 803 2.1871 925 2.2145 324 20.601 943 21.109 467 21.623 335 22.143 627 23.743 850 24.290 648 26.547 050 28.918 405 31.410 570 34.029 699 36.782 260 39.675 051 42.715 217 45.910 265 49.268 085 Value of Annuity. 0.2469 14 0.4907 79 0.7316 33 0.9695 14 1.2014 59 1.4365 02 1.6656 81 1.8920 31 2.1155 86 2.3363 81 2 5544 51 2.7698 28 2.9825 46 3.1926 38 3.4001 36 3.6050 73 3.8074 80 4.0073 87 4.2048 27 4.3998 27 4.5924 22 4.7826 39 4.9705 08 5.1560 57 5.3393 15 5.5203 11 5.6990 73 5.8756 28 6.0500 03 6.2222 25 6.3923 21 6.5603 17 6.7262 39 6.8901 12 7.0519 63 7.2118 15 7.3696 94 7.5256 24 7.6796 28 7.8317 32 7.9819 57 8.1303 28 8.2768 67 8.4215 97 8.5645 40 8.7057 19 8.8451 54 8.9828 68 9.1188 82 9.2532 17 9.3858 93 9.5169 32 9.6463 52 9.7741 75 9.9004 20 10.025 11 10.148 25 10.269 88 10.390 00 10.508 65 10.625 82 10.741 55 10.855 85 10.968 74 11.406 54 11.823 12 12.219 50 12.596 67 12.955 55 13.297 03 13.621 96 13.931 14 14.225 33 Page 34. PERPETUAL STOCK: 3 p. Cent. 60; 3½ p. Cent. 70; 4 p. Cent. 80; 5 p. Cent. 100. Years. funk *) سانات 3 1 10.0 C =====|5\22/1 5:9/1 - patched pa nhân tố khác nhau nên thanh 14-244 AN- 2.0 -*-**-9 Beste Pap-A- ཨབྷཱ[ཨqཨཊིཀྑ¥ 2{ཡ# བ ཞི4eཨནཎ[ཀྑཎ:c]ཨནྟཱཿཝཾ པཱཨདྡྷིཝཾ 13 ནི}ff2 16 17 18 02 727* * RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.05. 22 Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 25 0.9523 810 .... 0.9070 295 0.4878 049 0.4878 049 0.5378 049 0.8638 376 0.3172 085 0.8227 025 12 0.5568 375 0.7462 154 0.7835 262 0.1809 748 0.7106 813 0.6139 132 11 0.5846 793 0.0703 889 15 0.4810 171 1.0000 000 0.6768 394 | 0.1047 218 0.5303 214 0.2320 118 0.6446 089 0.0906 901 0.4581 115 0.4362 967 0.4155 207 0.3957 340 0.3768 895 0.1228 198 0.3589 423 0.3418 499 0 3255 713 0.3100 680 0.2953 028 .... .. 0.1470 175 0.1970 175 .. 0.0795 050 1.0500 000 .... 0.3672 085 0.2820 118 .. 0.2309 748 ·· 0.0279 961 0.0259 705 6.0241 368 0.0224 709 0.0209 525 0.1728 198 0.1547 218 0.1406 901 0.0628 254 0.1128 254 0.5050 679 0.0510 240 0.1010 240 0.1295 050 0.0564 558 0.1064 558 0.1203 889 0.0463 423 0.0963 423 0.0422 699 0.0922 699 0.0386 991 0.0355 462 0.0327 450 0.0302 426 0.0886 991 0.0855 462 0.0827 450 0.0802 426 0.0779 961 0.0759 705 0.0741 368 0.0724 709 0.0709 525 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.025. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Aunuity. 0.9756 098 2.0000 000 2.0500 000 0.9876 543 1.0376 543 0.9518 145 .. 0.9285 994 0.9059 507 0.5502 743 | 0.7002 743 0.4816 358 0.5316 358 0.8838 543 0.3804 938 0.8622 9690.3131 000 ... 0.7254 204 0.7077 272 .... 0.8412 652 | 0.2649 908 | 0.3149 908 0.8207 466 | 0.2289 347 0.2789 347 .... 0.8007 284 0.2009 138 0.2509 138 0.7811 984 0.1785 175 | 0.2285 175 0.7621 447 | 0.1609 514 | 0.2109 514 0.7435 559 0.1449 742 | 0.1949 742 .. 0.1320 965 0.1820 965 0.1710 731 ………. 0.1210 731 0.4304 938 0.3631 000 0.6904 656 0.1115 329 | 0.1615 329 0.6736 249 0.1031 980 0.1531 980 ... 0.6571 950 0.0958 555 0.1458 555 0.6411 659 0.0893 402 0.1393 402 0.6255 277 0.0835 212 0.6102 710 0.0782 943 0.5953 863 0.0735 747 | 0.1235 747 0.5808 647 | 0.0692 932 | 0.1192 932 0.5393 906 0.0585 518 0.5262 347 0.0555 375 • 0.1335 212 0.1282 943 0.5666 973 | 0.0653 928 | 0.1153 928 0.5528 753 | 0.0618 256 0.1118 256 .... ... 0.5133 997 0.0527 537 Q.1027 537 0.5008 778 | 0.0501 759 0.0501 759 0.1001 759 0.1085 518 0.1055 375 0.4886 612 0.0477 825 0.0977 825 0.4767 427 0.0455 553 | 0.0955 553 ·· 0.02 0.0205 161 ... 0.4651 148 0.0434 780 0.0934 780 .... 0.4537 705 0.0415 366 0.0415 366 0.0915 366 0.4319 054 0.4110 937 0.0380 135 0.0349 032 0.3912 849 0.0321 402 0.0880 135 0.0849 032 0.0821 402 0.3724 306 0.0296 725 | 0.0796 725 | 0.3544 848 0.3374 038 0.3211 458 0.0274 575 | 0.0774 575 0.0254 607 0.0754 607 0.0236 535 0.0736 535 0.3056 712 0.0220 120 | 0.0720 120 0.2909 422 0.0705 161 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.0125. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9876 543 0.9754 611 0.9634 183 0.9515 243 0.9397 771 0.9281 749 0.9167 159 0.9053 984 0.8942 207 0.8831 810 0.8722 775 0.8615 084 0.8508 727 0.8403 681 0.8299 932 0.8197 464 0.8096 260 0.7996 306 0.7897 587 0.7800 014 0.7703 788 0.7608 680 0.7514 746 0.7421 970 0.7330 342 0.7239 843 0.7150 463 0.7062 185 0.6974 998 0.6288 886 0.6803 839 0.6719 841 0.6636 880 0.6554 943 0.6474 018 0.6394 092 0.5315 152 0.6237 187 0.6160 185 0.6084 134 0.6009 020 0.5934 835 0.5861 565 0.5789 200 0.5717 729 0 5647 140 0.5577 422 0.5508 565 0.5140 558 0.5373 390 0.5307 052 0.5241 533 0.5176 823 0.5112 912 0.5049 789 0.1987 416 0.4687 087 0.46.9 222 0.4572 028 0.4515 626 0.4296 728 0.4088 441 0.3890 251 0.3701 668 4.0000 000 4.0500 000 1.9875 776 | 2.0375 776 1.3168 048 1.3668 048 0.9814 441 1.0314 441 0.3522 227 0.3351 484 0.3189 019 0.3034 429 0.2887 332 0.7802 485 0.8302 485 0.6461 353 | 0.6961 353 0.5503 549 | 0.6003 549 0.4785 325 0.5285 325 0.4226 822 | 0.4726 822 0.3780 123 0.4280 123 0.3414 736 | 0.3914 736 0.3110 332 0.3610 332 0.2852 840 0.2632 206 0.2441 058 0.2273 869 0.2126 409 0.2626 409 0.2495 392 0.1995 392 0.1878 219 | 0.2378 219 0.1772 816 | 0.2272 816 0.1677 500 0.1590 895 0.1511 866 0.1439 466 0.1372 899 0.1872 899 0.1311 491 0.1811 491 0.1254 671 | 0.1754 671 0.1201 945 0.1701 945 0.3352 840 0.3132 206 0.2941 058 0.2773 869 0.1152 891 0.1107 142 0.1064 377 0.1652 891 0.1607 142 0.1564 377 0.1024 316 | 0.1524 316 0.0986 715 0.1486 715 0.0951 355 0.1451 355 0.0918 045 0.1418 045 0.0886 613 | 0.1386 613 0.2177 500 0.2090 895 0.2011 866 0.1939 466 0.0856 908 | 0.1356 908 0.0828 793 | 0.1328 793 0.0802 146 | 0.1302 146 0.0776 857 0.1276 857 | 0.4925 873 0.0485 391 0.4865 060 | 0.0473 721 0.4804 997 0.4745 076 0.0462 463 0.0151 597 0.0752 826 | 0.1252 826 0.0729 962 | 0.1229 962 0.0708 186 0.1208 186 0.0687 423 0.1187 423 0.0596 625 0.0580 705 0.0565 428 0.0550 759 0.0667 605 0.1167 605 | 0.0648 670 0.1148 670 0.0630 562 0.1130 562 0.0613 230 0.1113 230 0.0536 661 0.0523 104 0.0510 058 0.0197 495 0.0441 103 0.0430 954 0.0421 162 0.0411 681 0.1096 625 0.1080 705 0.1065 428 0.1050 759 0.1036 661 0.1023 104 0.1010 058 0.0997 495 0.0985 391 0.0973 721 0.0962 463 0.0951 597 0.0941 10.3 0.0930 964 0.0921 162 0.0911 681 0.0376 690 0.0876 690 0.0345 801 0.0845 801 0.0318 364 0.0818 364 0.0293 861 | 0.0793 861 0.0271 871 0.0771 871 0.0252 048 | 0.0752 048 0.0234 109 0.0734 109 0.0217 816 | 0.0717 816 0.0202 971 0.0702 971 Page 35, ANGELES Years. 31 128** ***** ***** 95938 58886 97888 58OJU 85882 *°*** OF22: ***** 8*888 ***** 85282 26 3.5556 727 27 3.7334 563 28 3.9201 291 29 4.1161 356 4.3219 424 30 34 35 RATE OF INTEREST: 5 per RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.05. 100 Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 4.5380 395 4.7649 415 5.0031 885 5.2533 480 5.5160 154 5.7918 161 6.0314 069 6.3854 773 6.7047 512 7.0399 887 7.3919 881 7.7615 876 8.1496 669 8.5571 503 8.9850 078 10.921 333 11.167 400 15.367 413 16.135 783 16.942 572 17.789 701 18.679 186 9.4342 582 168.68 516 178.11 942 9.9059 711 10.401 270 | 188.02 539 198.42 666 209.34 800 19.613 145 20.593 803 21.623 493 22.704 667 23.839 901 896 25.031 26.283 491 12.040 770 12.642 808 13.274 949 13.938 696 | 258.77 392 272.71 262 245.49 893 14.635 631 51.113 454 54.669 126 58.402 583 62.322 712 66.438 848 70.760 790 75.298 829 80.063 771 85.066 959 90.320 307 40.774 321 42.813 037 44.953 688 47.201 373 49.561 441 95.836 323 101.62 814 107.70 955 114.09 502 120.79 977 127.83 976 135.23 175 142.99 334 151.14 301 159.70 016 84.766 884 89.005 228 93.455 490 98.128 264 103.03 468 96 108.18 641 97 113.59 573 119.27 552 125.23 930 131.50 126 480.63 792 505.66 981 27.597 665 | 531.95 330 28.977 548 30.426 559.55 097 588.52 852 426 220.81 540 232.85 617 287.34 825 302.71 506 318.85 145 335.79 402 353.58 372 747 31.947 33.545 134 35.222 391 36.983 511 719.67 021 686 756.65 373 618.95 494 650.90 269 684.44 782 38.832 372.26 291 391.87 605 412.46 986 434.09 335 456.79 802 52.039 514 54.641 489 57.373 564 60.242 242 63.254 354 66.417 072 69.737 925 73.224 822 1308.3 414 1374.7 585 1414.4 964 76.886 063 1517.7 213 80.730 366 1594.6 073 795.48 641 836.26 073 879.07 $77 924.02 746 971.22 883 1020.7 903 1072.8 298 1127.4 713 1184.8 448 1245.0 871 : 5 per Cent. Cent. per 1675.3 377 1760.1 046 1849.1 098 1942.5 653 2040.6 935 2143.7 282 2251.9 147 2365.5 104 2484.7 859 2610.0 252 14.375 18 14.643 03 14.898 13 15.141 07 15.372 45 15.592 81 15.802 68 16.002 55 16.192 90 16.374 19 16.546 85 16.711 29 16.867 89 17.017 04 17.159 09 17.294 37 17.423 21 17.545 91 17.662 77 17.774 07 17.830 07 17.981 01 18.077 16 18.168 72 18.255 92 18.338 98 18.418 07 18.493 40 18.565 14 18.633 47 18.698 54 18.760 52 18.819 54 18.875 75 18.929 29 18.980 27 19.028 83 19.075 08 19.119 12 19.161 07 19.201 02 19.239 07 19.275 30 19.309 81 19.342 68 19.373 98 19.403 79 19.432 18 19.459 22 19.484 97 19.509 49 19.532 85 19.555 10 19.576 28 19.596 46 19.615 68 19.633 98 19.651 41 19.668 01 19.683 82 19.698 87 19.713 21 19.726 87 19.739 87 19.752 26 Value of Perpetual Ann. 20.000 00 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.025. Improved Cumulated Principal. Annuity. 3.6111 123 52.222 247 3.7939 249 55.878 498 3.9859 924 59.719 847 4.1877 832 63.755 664 4.3997 897 | 67.995 795 4.6225 291 4.8565 446 5.1024 072 5.3607 166 5.6321 029 5.9172 281 6.2167 877 6.5315 126 7.5745 522 7.9580 139 8.3608 883 8.7841 583 9.2288 563 Ann.— 6.8621 704 | 117.24 341 7.2095 678 124.19 136 15.888 135 16.692 472 17.537 528 18.425 366 19.358 150 20.338 156 21.357 775 22.449 519 23.586 026 24.780 068 9.6960 672 | 173.92 134 10.186 931 183.73 861 10.702 644 | 194.05 288 11.244 465 204.88 931 11.813 716 216.27 433 26.034 559 27.352 559 28.737 282 30.192 107 31.720 583 72.450 582 77.130 893 82.048 144 87.214 332 92.642 057 12.411 786 | 228.23 571 13.040 132 13.700 289 240.80 265 254.00 578 14.393 866 | 207.87 732 15.122 555 282.45 111 98.344 561 104.33 575 110.63 025 131.49 104 139.16 028 147.21 777 155.68 317 164.57 713 69.904 454 73.443 367 77.161 437 81.067 735 85.171 789 | 19.764 06 89.483 611 19.775 29 94.013 719 19.785 99 98.773 163 19.796 18 103.77 355 19.805 89 109.02 709 | 297.76 270 313.84 944 330.75 057 348.50 731 367.16 300 386.76 312 407.35 551 428.99 038 451.72 052 475.60 137 33.326 437 646.52 874 35.013 588 680.27 176 36.786 151 | 715.72 302 38.648 450 | 752.96 899 40.605 027 | 792.10 054 500.69 119 527.05 118 554.74 564 583.84 214 614.41 165 42.660 657 833.21 314 44.820 353 47.089 383 49.473 283 876.40 706 921.78 766 969.46 566 51.977 868 | 1019.5 574 54.609 248 1072.1 850 57.373 841 1127.4 768 60.278 392 1185.5 678 63.329 985 1246.5 997 66.536 066 | 1310.7 213 1378.0 891 1448.8 673 1523.2 287 1601.3 547 1683.4 358 1769.6 722 1860.2 744 1955.4 633 2055.4 711 2160.5 418 19.815 13 114.54 659 2270.9 317 19.823 94 120.34 £51 2386.9 102 19.832 32 126.43 800 2508.7 600 19.840 30 132.83 892 | 2636.7 785 19.847 91 139.56 389 2771.2 779 - -CORRESPONDING VALUE OF I Value of Annuity. 14.461 54 14.728 42 14.982 43 15.224 20 15.454 33 15.673 37 15.881 85 16.080 28 16.269 15 16.448 93 16.620 04 16.782 91 16.937 92 17.985 47 17.225 91 17.359 58 17.486 81 17.607 91 17.723 17 17.832 88 17.937 31 18.036 70 18.131 30 18.221 35 18.307 05 18.388 63 18.466 27 18.540 17 18.610 52 18.677 47 18.741 20 18.801 86 18.859 59 18.914 54 18.966 85 19.016 63 19.064 01 19.109 11 19.152 03 19.192 90 19.231 79 19.268 81 19.304 04 19.337 57 19.369 49 19.399 88 19.428 79 19.456 32 19.482 51 19.507 45 19.531 18 19.553 78 19.575 28 19.595 74 19.615 22 19.633 76 19.651 41 19.668 20 19.684 19 19.699 41 19.713 89 19.727 68 19.740 80 19.753 29 19.765 18 19.776 50 19.787 26 19.797 52 19.807 27 19.816 56 19.825 39 19.833 81 19.841 82 19.849 44 19.856 70 20.000 00 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.0125. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 3.6398 486 3.8252 819 4.0201 622 4.2249 707 4.4402 132 4.6664 214 4.9041 538 5.1539 976 5.4165 697 5.6925 187 5.9825 260 6.2873 078 6.6076 168 6.9442 440 7.2980 209 7.6698 210 8.0605 626 8.4712 107 8.9027 794 9.3563 345 9.8329 961 10.333 941 10.860 408 11.413 695 11.995 169 12.606 267 13.248 498 13.923 447 14.632 781 15.378 253 16.161 704 16.985 067 17.850 377 18.759 771 19.715 494 20.719 906 21.775 489 22.884 848 24.050 724 25.275 997 26.563 691 27.916 987 29.339 227 30.833 924 32.404 769 34.055 641 35.790 617 37.613 982 39.530 239 41.544 120 43.660 599 45.884 903 48.222 525 50.679 238 53.261 109 55.974 514 58.826 154 61.823 073 64.972 670 68.282 725 71.761 411 75.417 320 79.259 481 83.297 382 87.540 995 92.000 801 96.687 812 101.61 361 106.79 034 112.23 082 117.94 845 123.95 738 130.27 243 136.90 920 143.88 408 52.796 971 56.505 638 60.403 243 64.499 413 68.804 265 73.328 428 78.083 076 83.079 951 88.331 394 93.850 374 99.650 519 105.74 616 112.15 23+ 118.88 488 125.96 042 133.39 642 141.21 125 149.42 421 158.05 559 167.12 669 176.65 992 186.67 883 197.20 815 208.27 389 219.90 338 232.12 534 244.96 995 258.46 894 272.65 563 287.56 507 303.23 408 319.70 134 337.00 754 355.19 541 374.30 987 394.39 812 415.50 977 437.69 696 461.01 449 485.51 993 511.27 382 538.33 974 566.78 455 596.67 848 628.09 538 661.11 281 695.81 234 732.27 964 770.60 478 810.88 240 853.21 199. 897.69 807 944.45 050 993.58 476 1045.2 222 1099.4 903 1156.5 231 1216.4 615 1279.4 534 1345.6 545 1415.2 282 1488.3 464 1565.1 896 1645.9 476 1730.8 199 1820.0 160 1913.7 562 2012.2 721 2115.8 069 2224.6 163 2338.9 690 2459.1 475 2585.4 485 2718.1 840 2857.8 817 14.505 26 14.771 63 15.025 08 15.266 24 15.495 71 15.714 06 15.921 82 16.119 52 16.307 63 16.486 62 16.656 93 16.818 99 16.973 19 17.119 92 17.259 54 17.392 38 17.518 79 17.639 06 17.753 51 17.862 41 17.966 03 18.064 63 18.158 45 18.247 72 18.332 66 18.413 49 18.490 40 18.503 57 18.633 21 18.699 46 18.762 51 18.822 50 18.879 58 18.933 89 18.985 57 19.034 75 19.081 54 19.126 06 19.168 42 19.208 74 19.247 09 19.283 59 19.318 32 19.351 36 19.382 81 19.412 73 19.441 19 19.468 28 19.494 06 19.518 59 19.541 92 19.564 13 19.585 26 19.605 36 19.624 49 19.642 69 19.660 02 19.676 50 19.692 18 19.707 10 19.721 30 19.734 81 19.747 67 19.759 90 19.771 54 19.782 61 19.793 15 19.803 18 19.812 72 19 821 80 19.830 44 19.838 65 19.846 47 19.853 92 16.861 02 20.000 00 Page 36. PERPETUAL STOCK: 3 p. Cent. 60; 34 p. Cent. 70; 4p. Cent. 80; 5 p. Cent. 100. Years. ***** ****3 85923 32332 95993 58886 95898 78888 86882 *22*2 LE228 ****3 35838 28813 85888 54 57 66 74 76 78 92 100 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.05. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.2812 407 0.2678 483 0.2550 936 0.2429 463 0.2313 775 0.2203 595 0.2098 662 0.1998 725 0.1903 548 0.1812 903 0.1726 574 0.1644 356 0.1566 054 0.1491 480 0.1420 457 0.1352 816 0.1288 396 0.1227 044 0.1168 613 0.1112 965 0.0362 349 69 0.0345 095 0.0328 662 70 0.0195 643 0.0182 919 0.0171 225 0.0160 455 0.0150 514 0.0141 321 0.0132 804 0.0124 900 0.0117 554 0.0110 717 0.0104 345 0.0098 398 0.0092 842 0.0087 646 0.0082 782 0.1059 967 0.1009 492 0.0059 282 0.0056 142 0.0961 421 0.0053 184 0.0915 639 | 0.0050 396 0.0872 037 0.0047 767 0.0399 490 0.0380 467 0.0078 223 0.0073 947 0.0069 933 0.0066 163 0.0062 617 0.0830 512 0.0045 287 0.0790 964 | 0.0042 945 0.0040 733 0.0038 644 0.0683 264 | 0.0036 669 0.0036 669 0.0753 299 0.0717 427 0.0650 728 0.0034 801 0.0619 741 0.0033 034 0.0590 229 | 0.0031 363 0.0562 123 | 0.0029 780 0.0535 355 0.0028 282 0.0509 862 | 0.0026 863 0.0485 583 0.0025 518 0.0462 460 0.0024 244 0.0440 438 0.0023 037 0.0419 465 0.0021 892 0.0245 252 | 0.0012 571 0.0233 574 0.0222 451 0.0211 858 0.0201 770 0.0011 958 0.0011 376 0.0010 822 0.0010 296 0.0192 162 0.0183 011 0.0009 796 0.0009 321 0.0174 296 0.0008 869 0.0165 996 0.0008 440 0.0158 092 0.0008 032 0.0136 566 0.0130 063 0.0123 869 0.0150 564 0.0007 643 0.0143 394 0.0007 274 0.0006 923 0.0006 589 0.0006 271 0.0695 643 0.0682 919 0.0671 225 0.0660 455 0.0650 514 0.0005 969 0.0005 681 0.0005 408 0.0005 148 0.0004 900 0.0641 321 0.0632 804 0.0624 900 0.0617 554 0.0610 717 0.0117 971 0.0112 353 0.0107 003 0.0101 907 0.0097 055 0.0092 433 0.0088 031 0.0083 840 0.0004 665 0.0004 441 0.0001 227 0.0079 817 0.0004 024 0.0076 045 0.0003 831 0.0604 345 0.0598 398 0.0592 842 0.0587 616 0.0582 782 0.0578 223 0.0573 947 0.0569 933 0.0566 163 0.0562 617 0.0020 806 0.0520 806 0.0019 776 | 0.0519 776 0.0018 799 0.0017 871 0.0016 992 0.0518 799 0.0517 871 0.0516 992 0.0559 282 0.0556 142 0.0553 184 0.0550 396 0.0547 767 0.0283 910 0.0270 391 0.0257 515 0.0313 011 0.0016 156 0.0516 156 0.0298 106 | 0.0015 363 | 0.0515 363 0.0514 610 0.0513 895 0.0513 216 0.0014 610 0.0013 895 0.0013 216 0.0545 287 0.0542 945 0.0540 733 0.0538 644 0.0536 669 0.0534 801 0.0533 034 0.0531 363 0.0529 780 0.0528 282 0.0526 863 0.0525 518 0.0524 244 0.0523 037 0.0521 892 0.0512 571 0.0511 958 0.0511 376 0.0510 822 0.0510 296 0.0509 796 0.0509 321 0.0508 869 0.0508 440 0.0508 032 0.0505 969 0.0505 681 0.0505 408 0.0505 148 0.0504 900 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.025. 0.0504 665 0.0504 441 0.0504 227 0.0504 024 0.0503 831 Ratio of Perpetual Ann. 0.0500 000 Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.2769 230 0.2635 793 0.2508 786 0.2387 898 0.2272 836 0.2163 318 0.2059 077 0.1959 859 0.1865 422 0.1775 536 0.1689 980 0.0101 683 0.1608 548 | 0.0095 844 0.1531 039 0.0090 391 0.1457 265 0.0085 293 0.1337 046 | 0.0080 521 | 0.1031 346 | 0.0981 650 0.0934 349 0.0889 326 0.0846 474 0.0805 686 0.0766 861 0.0729 912 | 0.0694 740 0.0661 264 | 0.1320 210 0.0076 051 0.0576 051 0.1256 595 | 0.0071 860 | 0.0571 860 0.1196 045 0.0067 927 0.0567 927 0.1138 413 0.0064 233 0.0564 233 0.0060 762 | 0.0560 762 0.1083 558 0.0629 401 0.0599 072 0.0570 206 0.0542 730 0.0516 578 | 0.0491 687 0.0467 994 0.0445 444 0.0423 980 0.0403 550 0.0384 105 0.0365 597 0.0347 980 | 0.0331 212 0.0315 253 0.0300 062 0.0285 603 0.0271 841 0.0258 743 0.0246 275 0.0191 489 0.0691 489 0.0178 960 | 0.0678 960 0.0167 449 | 0.0667 449 0.0156 849 | 0.0656 849 0.0147 068 0.0647 068 0.0234 408 0.0223 113 0.0212 362 0.0202 129 0.0192 390 | 0.0138 025 0.0638 025 0.0129 650 | 0.0629 650 0.0121 880 | 0.0621 880 0.0114 660 0.0614 660 0.0107 942 | 0.0607 912 0.0183 119 | 0.0174 295 0.0165 897 0.0601 683 0.0595 844 0.0590 391 0.0585 293 0.0580 521 0.0057 497 | 0.0557 497 0.0054 425 0.0554 425 0.0051 532 0.0551 532 0.0048 807 0.0548 807 0.0046 238 0.0546 238 0.0043 814 0.0543 814 0.0041 528 0.0541 528 0.0039 369 | 0.0539 369 0.0037 331 0.0537 331 0.0035 404 | 0.0535 401 0.0033 584 0.0533 584 0.0031 862 | 0.0531 862 0.0030 234 0.0530 234 0.0028 694 | 0.0528 69+ 0.0027 236 | 0.0527 236 0.0025 856 | 0.0525 856 0.0024 549 0.0023 311 0.0022 138 0.0021 026 0.0524 549 0.0523 311 0.0522 138 0.0521 026 0.0019 972 | 0.0519 972 0.0018 973 0.0018_026 0.0017 128 0.0517 128 0.0016 276 | 0.0516 276 0.0015 467 | 0.0515 467 0.0014 700 0.0514 700 0.0013 972 0.0513 972 0.0013 281 0.0513 281 0.0012 625 | 0.0512 625 0.0012 002 0.0512 002 0.0011 410 0.0511 410 0.0010 848 0.0510 848 0.0010 315 0.0510 315 0.0009 808 | 0.0509 808 0.0009 327 | 0.0509 327 0.0008 869 0.0008 435 0.0157 903 0.0008 022 0.0150 294 0.0007 629 | 0.0507 629 0.0508 869 0.0508 435 0.0508 022 0.0507 643 0.0143 052 | 0.0007 256 | 0.0507 256 0.0507 274 0.0136 159 | 0.0006 902 | 0.0506 902 0.0506 923 0.0129 598 0.0006 565 | 0.0506 565 0.0506 589 0.0123 354 0.0006 245 0.0506 245 0.0506 271 0.0117 410 0.0005 940 | 0.0505 910 0.0087 301 0.0004 403 0.0083 094 0.0004 190 0.0079 090 0.0003 986 0.0075 279 0.0003 793 0.0071 652 | 0.0003 608 0.0111 752 | 0.0005 651 0.0505 651 0.0106 367 0.0005 376 | 0.0505 376 0.0101 242 | 0.0005 114 0.0505 114 0.0096 364 | 0.0004 865 | 0.0504 865 0.0091 720 | 0.0004 628 0.0504 628 L RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.0125. 0.0504 403 0.0504 190 0.0503 986 0.0503 793 0.0503 608 0.0500 000 Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.2747 367 0.2614 186 0.2487 462 0.2366 880 0.2252 144 0.2142 970 0.2039 088 0.1940 241 0.1846 187 0.1756 692 0.1303 811 0.1240 608 0.1180 469 0.1123 245 0.1068 795 0.0518 973 || 0.0358 205 0.0518 026 0.0340 841 0.0324 318 0.0308 597 0.1671 535 0.1590 506 0.1513 405 0.1440 042 0.1370 234 | 0.0079 391 0.1016 934 0.0967 685 0.0920 776 0.0876 140 0.0833 669 0.0618 747 0.0588 752 0.0560 212 0.0533 056 0.0507 215 0.0189 405 0.0176 973 0.0176 973 0.0165 554 0.0165 554 0.0155 040 0.0145 340 0.0136 373 0.0128 069 0.0120 366 0.0113 210 0.0106 553 0.0793 256 | 0.0043 080 0.0754 803 0.0718 213 0.0683 397 0.0650 269 0.0100 351 0.0094 566 0.0089 164 0.0084 115 0.0139 351 0.0132 596 0.0126 168 0.0120 052 0.0114 232 0.0574 965 0.0074 965 0.0074 965 0.0070 816 0.0570 816 0.0066 924 0.0566 924 0.0063 269 0.0563 269 0.0059 835 | 0.0559 835 0.0040 821 0.0038 689 0.0036 676 0.0034 775 0.0025 355 0.0024 067 0.0482 628 0.0459 232 0.0436 970 | 0.0022 817 0.0415 788 0.0021 691 0.0395 632 0.0084 783 0.0080 673 0.0076 762 0.0056 606 | 0.0556 606 0.0053 568 | 0.0553 568 0.0050 708 0.0550 708 0.0048 014 0.0045 475 0.0548 014 0.0545 475 0.0689 405 0.0676 973 0.0665 554 0.0655 040 0.0645 340 0.0636 373 0.0628 069 0.0620 366 0.0613 210 0.0606 553 0.0293 637 | 0.0015 126 0.0279 403 | 0.0014 372 0.0265 859 0.0013 656 0.0252 971 0.0012 977 0.0240 708 0.0012 332 0.0600 351 0.0594 566 0.0589 164 0.0584 115 0.0579 391 0.0032 978 | 0.0532 978 0.0031 279 0.0029 673 0.0028 154 0.0026 715 0.0531 279 0.0529 673 0.0528 154 0.0526 716 0.0376 454 | 0.0019 559 | 0.0519 559 0.0018 576 0.0017 643 0.0016 759 0.0015 921 0.0518 576 0.0517 643 0.0516 759 0.0515 921 0.0525 355 0.05:24 067 0.0522 847 0.0521 691 0.0020 596 | 0.0520 596 0.0543 080 0.0540 821 0.0538 689 0.0536 676 0.0534 775 0.0229 039 0.0011 720| 0.0511 720 0.0217 937 0.0011 140 | 0.0511 140 0.0207 372 0.0010 588 0.0510 588 0.0197 319 0.0010 065 0.0510 065 0.0187 754 | 0.0009 567 | 0.0509 567 0.0178 653 | 0.0009 095 | 0.0509 095 0.0169 992 0.0009 647 0.0008 221 0.0161 752 0,0153 911 0.0146 450 0.0508 647 0.0508 221 0.0007 816 | 0.0507 816 0.0007 431 0.0507 431 0.0001 275 0.0001 066 0.0003 868 0.0073 041 0.0003 679 0.0069 500 | 0.0003 499 0.0515 126 0.0514 372 0.0513 656 0.0512 977 0.0512 332 0.0007 066 | 0.0507 066 0.0006 719 0.0506 719 0.0006 389 0.0506 389 0.0006 076 | 0.0506 076 0.0005 778 0.0505 778 0.0108 695 0.0005 494 0.0505 491 0.0103 426 0.0005 225 0.0505 225 0.0098 412 0.0004 970 0.0504 970 0.0093 641 | 0.0004 726 | 0.0504 726 0.0089 101 0.0004 495 0.0504 495 0.0504 275 0.0504 066 0.0503 868 0.0503 679 0.0503 499 0.0500 000 Page 37. RATE OF INTEREST: 54 per Cent. per Ann.--CORRESPONDING VALUE of Years. P12:9-2 19 <+2.04 AISVAL w * APPL ແດ 10. Kog ~*~*~*~ Pla&-D AKC-A- Co . ست . سر #PJ00898—1— HAN.SE-d 11 མཛཏིཛཡཔཙྩཊསུམ -Y2]e G 13 14 - 1992 7*** 235 15 18 21 22 23 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.0525. 24 Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. ► ·· 1.0525 000 1.0000 000 1.1077 563 2.0525 000 .. 1.1659 135 1.2271 239 4.3261 697 1.2915 479 | 5.5532 936 1.3593 542 | 6.8118 415 .... 1.4307 203 .... 1.5058 331 3.1602 563 .... 1.5848 893 1.7556 711 8.2041 957 9.6349 160 • ... 11.140 749 1.6680 960 12.725 638 14.393 734 1.8478 438 16.149 405 16 2.2575 333 17 2.3865 788 2.5118 742 2.6437 476 26.411 025 28.797 603 31.309 478 20 2.7825 413 | 33.953 225 1.9448 556 17.997 249 2.0469 605 19.942 105 2.1544 259 | 21.989 065 .. 24.143 491 36.735 769 39.664 397 42.746 778 2.9286 279 3.0823 809 3.2442 059 3.4145 267 45.990 984 3.5937 893 49.405 511 0.9501 19 ... 1.8528 44 2.7105 41 3.5254 55 4.2997 19 5.0353 63 ·· 5.7343 11 ·· 6.3983 95 7.0293 54 7.6288 40 8.1984 23 8.7395 91 9.2537 71 9.7423 01 10.206 46 ... 10.647 47 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.02625 Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 1.0262 500 1.0531 891 1.0808 353 1.1092 072 1.1988 703 1.1383 239 2.6347 408 1.1682 049 3.2039 027 I 3.7880 052 1.2303 406 | 4.3874 403 1.2626 371 1.2957 813 1.3297 955 1.3647 027 0.5000 000 1.0131 250 1.5397 195 2.0801 372 1.4005 261 7.6290 689 .... .. ... 1.4372 899 | 8.3293 319 5.0026 106 5.6339 291 1.4750 1889.0479 769 6.2818 198 6.9467 175 ... 1.5137 380 9.7854 863 1.5534 737 10.542 355 1.5942 523 11.319˚092 1.6361 015 12.116 218 1.6790 491 12.934 269 1.7231 242 13.773 794 1.7683 562 | 14.635 356 ... .... 1.8147 755 15.519 534 1.8624 134 | 16.426 922 1.9113 017 | 17.358 128 1.9614 734 | 18.313 779 .... 2.0129 621 19.294 516 2.0658 023 20.300 997 11.066 48 2.4132 804 11.464 59 2.5416 405 11.842 84 2.6768 280 12.202 22 2.8192 060 ... 2.1200 296 21.333 898 2.1756 804 22.393 913 12.543 68 2.9691 569 12.868 10 3.1270 836 13.176 35 13.469 21 13.747 47 2.2327 920 | 23.481 753 2.2914 028 | 24.598 149 26.919 627 29.364 581 31.939 581 34.651 542 .... 37.507 750 40.515 877 43.684 004 47.020 640 3.2934 102 3.4685 836 3.6530 74350.534 749 .... 0.4872 11 0.9619 59 1.4245 64 1.8753 37 ·· 2.3145 79 ... 2.7425 86 .... 3.1596 46 .... 3.5660 37 ... 3.9620 34 .... 4.3479 01 4.7238 99 1. 5.0902 79 5.4472 88 5.7951 65 6.1341 43 6.4644 52 6.7863 11 7.0999 38 ·· 7.4055 42 7.7033 30 7.9935 00 8.2762 49 8.5517 65 ·· 8.8202 34 9.0818 36 9.3367 46 .. 9.5851 36 9.8271 73 .... 10.063 02 10.292 83 ... 10.516 77 10.734 97 11.154 79 11.553 40 11.931 88 12.291 24 12.632 46 12.956 44 13.264 06 13.556 15 13.833 48 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.013125. Improved Cumulated Principal. Annuity. 1.0131 250 0.2500 000 1.0264 223 0 5032 813 1.0398 941 0.7598 868 1.0535 427 | 1.0198 603 1.0673 704 1.0813 797 1.0955 728 1.1099 522 | 2.0943 267 1.8204 335 1.1245 203 1.1392 796 1.1542 326 1.1693 820. 1.1847 301 1.2002 797 1.2160 333 1.2319 938 1.3149 937 1.3322 530 1.3497 388 1.3674 541 1.3854 020 1.4035 854 1.4220 074 1.4406 713 1.2481 637 4.7269 276 1.2645 451 | 5.0389 516 1.2811 430 1.2979 580 5.3551 050 5.6753 907 1.4595 801 1.4787 371 1.4981 455 1.5178 087 1.5377 299 1.5579 126 1.5783 602 1.5990 762 1.6200 641 1.6413 274 1.6628 698 1.6846 950 1.7068 066 1.7292 085 1.7519 043 1.7748 981 1.7981 936 1.8217 947 1.8457 060 1.8699 308 1.8944 737 1.9193 387 1.9445 300 1.9700 519 1.9959 089 2.0221 052 2.0486 453 2.0755 338 2.1027 751 2.1303 741 2.1583 352 2.1866 634 1.2832 460 1.5500 886 2.2153 633 2.2444 400 2.2738 983 2.3037 432 2.4270 917 2.5570 447 2.6939 557 2.8381 973 2.3718 147 2.6529 448 2.9377 647 3.2263 229 3.5186 684 3.8148 509 4.1149 208 4.4189 291 5.9998 802 6.3286 287 6.6616 919 6.9991 266 7.3409 901 7.6873 406 8.0382 370 8.3937 388 8.7539 067 9.1188 017 9.4884 860 9.8630 223 10.242 475 10.626 907 11.016 385 11.410 975 11.810 744 12.215 760 12.626 092 13.041 810 13.462 983 13.889 685 14.321 987 14.759 963 15.203 688 15.653 236 16.108 685 16.570 111 17.037 594 17.511 212 17.991 047 18.477 180 18.969 693 19.468 670 19.974 196 20.486 357 21.005 241 21.530 935 22.063 528 22.603 112 23.149 778 23.703 619 24.264 729 24.833 203 27.182 699 29.657 994 32.265 822 35.013 281 2.9901 619 3.1502 631 3.3189 366 3.4966 414 37.907 846 40.957 393 44.170 222 47.555 074 3.6838 609 51.121 159 Value of Annuity. 0.2467 61 0.4903 26 0.7307 35 0.9680 29 1.2022 50 1.4334 36 1.6616 27 1.8868 62 2.1091 79 2.3286 16 2.5452 10 2.7589 98 2.9700 17 3.1783 02 3.3838 88 3.5868.11 3.7871 06 3.9848 05 4.1799 43 4.3725 53 4.5626 68 4.7503 21 4.9355 41 5.1183 63 5.2988 16 5.4769 31 5.6527 39 5.8262 69 5.9975 51 6.1666 15 6.3334 88 6.4981 99 6.6607 76 6.8212 47 6.9796 39 7.1359 80 7.2902 95 7.4426 10 7.5929 53 7.7413 48 7.8878 20 8.0323 95 8.1750 97 8.3159 50 8.4549 78 8.5922 05 8.7276 55 8.8613 50 8.9933 15 9.1235 68 9.2521 33 9.3790 34 9.5042 90 9.6279 23 9.7499 55 9.8704 06 9.9892 97 10.106 65 10.222 48 10.336 81 10.449 65 10.561 40 10.670 98 10.779 50 11.199 70 11.598 54 11.977 12 12.336 45 12.677 52 13.001 26 13.308 55 13.600 22 13.877 06 Page 38. PERPETUAL STOCK: 3 p. C. 57,1429; 3½ p. C. 66,6667; 4 p. C. 76,1905; 5 p. C. 95,2381. Years. porok سات سال است → རིན ཙམ ཨིཏྟ པྤཡསྶཡཙ 5 *:* ས ساهمات: ∞ POKLAH AK-AL HAN*~ → 12:00 10 20:00 - and GALELAL SAPN-AL 12 13 ~]~*~~~~# →→ JFSHAL HKO ZOO2 7847 3 17 18 19 20 22 23 £4 25 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.0525. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Cumulation Annuity. 0.9501 188 0.9027 257 0.8149 137 0.7742 644 0.7356 435 0.6989 487 0.8576 966 0.3164 300 0.3689 300 0.6309 589 ……….. 1.0000 000 0.5141 770 ………. 0.4885 292 0.4641 607 .. 0.4872 107 | 0.5397 107 0.6640 842 0.1037 892 0.4190 098 0.3981 091 0.3782 510 0.3593 833 ………. 0.3414 568 0.3244 245 0.3082 418 0.2928 664 0.2782 578 0.2311 514 | 0.2836 514 0.5994 859 0.0785 815 0.1800 733 0.2325 733 0.1460 954 | 0.1985 954 .. 1.0525 000 0.1218 889 0.1743 889 0.5695 828 0.0694 747 ... ··· 0.0897 606 0.5411 713 0.0619 218 0.1144 218 0.1562 892 ... 0.1422 606 0.0694 747 | 0.1219 747 0.1310 815 0.0555 640 0.1080 640 0.0501 452 | 0.1026 452 0.4410 079 0.0414 190 0.0939 190 0.0378 630 0.0903 630 0.0347 251 0.0872 251 0.0319 392 0.0844 392 0.0291 524 0.0819 524 0.0454 771 | 0.0979 771 0.0272 214 0.0797 214 0.0252 115 0.0777 115 0.0233 936 0.0758 936 0.0217 434 0.0742 434 0.0202 407 0.0727 407 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.02625. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9744 214 .... 0.9494 971 0.8784 816 ... 0.8560 142 .... 0.9252 104 0.6494 690 0.7019 690 0.9015 448 0.4807 375 0.5332 375 .. .... .. 0.8341 187 0.2639 912 0.3164 912 0.8127 830 0.2279 286 0.280+ 286 0.7919 932 | 0.1998 956 0.7717 352 0.1774 960 0.7140 174 0.6957 538 0.6437 187 0.6272 533 2.0000 000 2.0525 000 0.9870 450 1.0395 450 0.7519 953 0.1591 895 0.2116 895 0.7327 603 | 0.1439 529 | 0.1964 529 ... 0.5510 324 0.5369 377 0.3795 440 ... 0.3121˚193 ... ·· 0.4143 739 0.3934 467 0.3735 765 0.3547 098 0.6779 574 | 0.1105 219 0.1630 219 0.6606 163 0.1021 922 | 0.1546 922 0.3367 959 0.3197 868 0.3036 366 0.2883 021 ……… 0.6112 090 0.0825 340 0.5955 752 | 0.0773 140 | 0.1310 776 0.1835 776 0.1725 577 0.1200 577 ··· 0.4320 440 0.3646 193 0.0918 555 0.0883 463 .... 0.5232 037 | 0.0576 099 0.0576 099 0.5098 208 0.0546 037 ... 0.2523 956 0.2299 960 0.4716 915 | 0.0468 738 0.4596 263 | 0.0146 550 0.5803 412 0.0726 016 0.1251 016 0.5654 970 0.0683 277 | 0.1208 277 .... 0.1473 555 ... 0.1408 463 0.1350 340 …….. 0.1298 140 0.0644 349 0.1169 349 0.0608 757 0.1133 757 0.4967 804 0.0518 282 0.1043 282 0.4840 734 0.0492 587 | 0.1017 587 0.1101 099 0.1071 0 037 0.4478 697 0.0425 863 0.0950 863 0.4364 139 | 0.0406 535 0.0406 535 0.0931 535 .... 0.0993 738 0.0971 550 0.0266 612 | 0.0791 612 0.0246 817 0.0771 817 0.0228 917 0.0753 917 0.0212 673 0.0737 673 0.2737 420 0.0197 884 | 0.0722 884 0.0371 476 | 0.0896 476 0.0340 546 | 0.0865 546 0.0313 091 0.0838 091 0.0288 587 0.0813 587 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.013125. Ratio of Discounted Annuity for Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9870 450 0.9742 579 0.9616 364 0.9191 781 0.9368 819 0.9247 446 0.9127 646 0.9009 397 0.8892 681 0.8777 477 0.8663 765 0.8551 526 0.8440 741 0.8331 392 0.8223 459 0.8116 924 0.8011 770 0.7907 977 0.7805 530 0.7704 409 0.7604 598 0.7506 082 0.7408 841 0.7312 860 0.7218 122 0.7124 611 0.7032 312 0.6941 209 0.6851 286 0.6762 527 0.6674 919 0.6588 445 0.6503 093 0.6418 846 0.6335 689 0.6253 611 0.6172 595 0.6092 630 0.6013 700 0.5935 792 0.5858 895 0.5782 993 0.5708 074 0.5634 126 0.5561 136 0.5489 092 0.5417 981 0.5347 791 0.5278 589 0.5210 128 0.5142 631 0.5076 008 0.5010 249 0.4945 341 0.4881 274 0.4818 038 0.4755 620 0.4694 011 0.4633 201 '0.4573 122 0.4513 932 0.4455 454 0.4397 734 0 4340 761 0.4120 138 0.3910 765 0.3712 013 0.3523 363 0.3344 301 0.3174 338 0.3013 013 0.2859 887 0.2714 544 4.0000 000 1.9869 606 1.3159 855 0.9805 264 0.7792 737 0.6451 245 0.8317 737 0.6976 245 0.5493 197 0.6018 197 0.4774 804 | 0.5299 804 : 0.4216 '181 0.3769 397 0.3403 919 0.3099 504 0.2115 539 0.1984 539 0.1867 377 0.1761 993 0.1666 700 0.1580 121 0.1501 120 0.1428 750 0.2841 984 0.2621 334 0.2430 181 0.2262 992 | 0.2787 992 0.1362 214 0.1300 831 0.1244 054 0.1191 364 0.1191 364 0.1142 347 0.1096 635 0.1053 909 0.1013 888 0.0976 327 0.0941 008 0.0907 739 0.0876 349 0.0846 687 0.0846 687 0.0818 615 0.0792 011 0.0766 765 0.0742 777 0.0719 959 0.0698 227 0.0677 508 4.0525 000 2.0394 606 1.3684 855 1.0330 264 | 0.0586 937 0.0571 063 0.0555 832 0.0541 208 0.4741 181 0.4294 397 0.3928 949 0.3624 504 0.3366 934 0.3146 334 0.2955 181 0.2640 539 0.2509 539 0.2392 377 0.2286 995 0.2191 700 0.2105 121 0.2026 120 0 1953 750 0.1887 214 0.1825 831 0.1769 054 0.1716 364 0.1667 347 0.1621 635 0.1578 909 0.1538 888 0.1501 327 0.1466 008 0.1432 739 0.1401 349 0.1371 687 0.1343 615 0.1317 011 0.1291 765 0.1267 777 0.1244 959 0.1223 227 0.1202 508 0.0657 735 0.0638 846 0.0620 783 0.1145 783 0.0603 496 | 0.1128 496 0.1182 735 0.1163 846 0.1111 937 0.1096 063 0.1080 832 0.1066 208 0.0527 157 0.1052 157 0.0513 646 0.1038 646 0.0500 646 | 0.1025 646 0.0488 130 0.1013 130 0.0476 072 0.1001 072 0.0464 448 0.0989 448 0.0453 237 0.0978 237 0.0412 417 0.0967 417 0.0431 970 0.0956 970 0.0421 877 0.0946 877 0.0412 121 0.0937 121 0.0402 687 | 0.0927 687 0.0367 881 0.0892 881 0.0862 177 0.0337 177 0.0309 925 0.0834 925 0.0285 606 0.0810 606 0.0263 798 | 0.0788 798 0.0244 156 0.0769 156 0.0226 397 0.0751 397 0.0210 282 0.0735 282 0.0195 614 0.0720 614 Page 39. RATE OF INTEREST: 54 per Ann.-CORRESPONDING VALUE of Cent. per { Years. 26 27 28 29 30 31 ***3 85822 733$2 95338 58883 95888 58858 85882 K2**R OF228 ***** 85382 48343 85888 96 100 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.0525. Improved Cumulated Principal. Annuity. 3.7824 633 3.9810 426 4.1900 473 4.4100 248 4.6415 511 4.8852 325 74.004 429 5.1417 072 78.889 662 5.4116 46984.031 369 5.6957 583 89.443 016 5.9947 856 95.138 774 6.3095 119 6.6107 613 6.9894 012 7.3563 448 7.7425 529 8.1490 369 8.5768 613 136.17 213 144.32 117 9.0271 466 152.89 803 9.5010 718 161.92 518 9-9998 780 | 171.42 625 10.524 872 11.077 427 11.658 992 12.271 089 12.915 322 17.556 18.478 212 19.448 319 20.469 355 21.543 997 52.999 300 56.781 763 60.762 806 64.952 853 69.362 878 13.593 376239.87 383 253.46 720 267.77 423 14.307 028 15.058 147 15.848 700 282.83 238 16.680 757 | 298.68 108 496 315.36 184 332.91 833 351.39 655 370.84 486 391.31 422 22.675 056 23.865 497 25.118 435 26.437 153 27.825 101.13 356 107.44 307 114.08 383 121.07 323 128.42 958 412.85 822 435.53 327 459.39 877 484.51 720 104 | 510.95 436 181.42 613 191.95 100 203.02 843 214.68 742 226.95 851 29.285 922 538.77 946 568.06 538 30.823 433 32.441 663| 598.88 882 631.33 048 665.47 533 34 144 850 35.937 455 48.851 51.416 445 54.115 809 56.956 888 59.947 125 37.824 171 701.41 278 39.809 940 | 739.23 696 41.899 962 | 779.04 690 44.099 710 820.94 686 46.414 915 865.04 657 63.094 349 66.406 803 69 893 160 73.562 551 77.424 584 729 | 911.46 151 960.31 324 1011.7 297 1065.8 455 1122.8 024 105.24 743 110.77 292 116.58 850 122.70 940 129.15 164 1182.7 495 1245.8 439 1312.2 507 1382.1 438 1155.7 061 81.489 375 85.767 567 90.270 365 95.009 559 1533.1 310 1614.6 203 1700.3 879 1790.6 583 99.997 561 | 1885.6 678 1985.6 654 2090.9 128 2201.6 857 2318.2 742 2440.9 836 2570.1 353 135.93 210 143.06 854 2706.0 674 150.57 964 2849.1 359 158.48 507 2999.7 156 166.80 553 3158.2 006 Value of Annuity. 14.011 85 14.263 04 14.501 70 14.728 46 14.943 90 15.148 60 15.343 09 15.527 87 15.703 44 15.870 25 16.028 75 16.179 33 16.322 40 16.458 34 16.587 50 16.710 21 16.826 80 16.937 58 17.042 83 17.142 83 17.237 85 17.328 12 17.413 89 17.495 38 17.572 81 17.646 38 17.716 27 17.782 68 17.845 78 17.905 73 17.962 69 18.016 80 18.068 22 18.117 08 18.163 49 18.207 59 18.249 50 18.289 31 18.327 13 18.363 07 18.397 22 18.429 66 18.460 48 18.489 77 13.517 60 18.657 71 18.677 16 18.695 64 18.713 20 18.729 88 18.745 73 18.760 79 18.775 09 18.788 69 18.801 60 18.813 88 18.825 54 18.836 61 18.847 14 18.857 14 18.866 64 18.875 67 18.884 24 18.892 39 18.900 14 Value of Perpetual Ann. 19.047 62 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.02625. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 3.8473 779 4.0520 163 4.2675 393 4.4945 257 4.7335 853 4.9853 603 5.2505 269 5.5297 975 5.8239 223 6.1336 912 6.4599 365 6.8035 345 7.1654 081 7.5465 294 7.9479 223 18.211 892 19.180 565 20.200 761 21.275 221 22.406 830 8.3706 618 140.39 361 8.8158 926 | 148.87 414 9.2848 017 157.80 575 9.7786 516| 167.21 241 10.298 769 177:11 941 23.598 628 | 24.853 817 26.175 768 | 27.568 033 29.034 351 10.846 551 187.55 335 11.423 469 | 198.54 226 12.031 072 12.670 991 13.344 952 210.11 566 222.30 464 235.14 191 30.578 660 32.205 111 33.918 070 35.722 141 37.622 168 14.054 757 248.66 205 14.802 317 | 262.90 127 15.589 638 | 277.89 787 16.418 836 293.69 212 310.32 645 17.292 139 54.235 770 58.133 644 62.238 843 66.562 394 71.115 910 75.911 624 80.962 417 86.281 857 91.884 233 97.784 595 18.544 04 735.68 106 18.569 15 775.82 437 18.593 02 818.10 287 18.615 70 46.288 081 | 862.63 012 18.637 24 48.750 101909.52 573 39.623 256 41.730 780 43.950 401 66.529 393 70.068 029 73.794 882 77.719 962 | 81.853 814 103.99 879 110.54 351 117.43 634 124.69 580 132.34 138 111.70 612 117.64 766 123.90 523 130.49 563 137.43 658 160.55 408 169.09 380 178.08 774 327.84 555 346.29 647 365.72 878 386.19 468 407.74 914 430.45 006 454.35 842 479.53 844 506.05 777 533.98 763 51.343 073 | 958.91 568 54.073 963 | 1010.9 326 56.950 106 59.979 229 63.169 468 1065.7 163 1123.4 139 1184.1 803 563.40 306 594.38 306 627.01 086 661.37 411 697.56 510 86.207 542 90.792 840 95.622 026 100.70 807 1623.0 008 1710.3 398 1802.3 243 1899.2 014 106.06 464 | 2001.2 312 1248.1 789 1315.5 815 1386.5 692 1461.3 326 1540.0 727 18.907 49 144.74 670 | 2738.0 323 18.914 48 152.44 564 18.921 12 18.927 43 18.933 43 2884.6 788 3039.1 253 3201.7 867 3373.0 998 2108.6 880 2221.8 602 2341.0 520 2466.5 835 2598.7 919 - 14.096 81 14.346 84 14.584 25 14.809 66 15.023 69 15.226 91 15.419 87 15.603 08 15.777 04 15.942 21 16.099 04 16.247 95 16.389 34 16.523 60 16.651 07 16.772 10 16.887 02 16.996 14 17.099 74 17.198 12 17.291 52 17.380 21 17.46+ 42 17.544 37 17.620 29 17.692 38 17.760 82 17.825 81 17.887 51 17.946 10 18.001 73 18.054 55 18.104 70 18.152 32 18.197 54 13.240 47 18.281 23 18.319 94 18.356 69 18.391 58 18.424 71 18.456 17 18.486 04 18.514 40 18.541 33 18.566 90 18.591 18 18.614 23 18.636 12 18.656 90 18.676 63 18.695 37 18.713 16 18.730 05 18.746 09 18.761 32 18.775 78 18.789 50 18.802 5ł 18.814 91 18.826 67 18.837 82 18.848 42 18.858 48 18.868 03 18.877 10 18.885 72 18.893 89 18.901 67 18.909 03 18.916 03 18.922 67 18.928 98 18.934 97 18.940 66 19.017 62 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.013125. Improved Cumulated Principal. Annuity. 3.8811 046 4.0889 093 4.3078 404 4.5384 937 4.7814 967 5.0375 108 5.3072 326 .5.5913 960 5.8907 742 6.2061 820 6.5384 775 6.8885 651 7.2573 972 7.6459 776 8.0553 636 8.4866 693 8.9410 682 9.4197 969 9.9241 579 10.455 524 11.015 340 11.605 131 12.226 501 12.881 140 13.570 831 14.297 449 15.062 973 15.869 485 16.719 179 17.614 369 18.557 489 19.551 105 20.597 925 21.700 793 22.862 711 24.086 812 25.376 515 26.735 242 28.166 718 29.674 839 31.263 709 32.937 651 34.701 221 36.559 217 38.516 695 40.578 982 42.751 688 45.040 728 47.452 329 49.993 053 52.669 814 55.489 897 58.460 974 61.591 130 61.888 884 68.363 207 72.023 556 75.879 889 79.942 701 84.223 046 88.732 573 93.483 551 98.488 910 103.76 223 109.31 798 115.17 115 121.33 772 127.83 447 134.67 907 141.89 015 149.48 732 157.49 127 165.92 377 174.80 778 184.16 745 54.878 183 58.836 368 63.006 484 67.399 879 72.009 462 76.904 968 82.042 525 87.455 161 93.157 604 99.165 371 105.49 481 112.16 314 119.18 852 126 59 005 134.38 788 142.60 322 151.25 844 160.37 708 169.98 396 180.10 522 190.76 839 202.00 250 213.83 811 226.30 741 239.14 440 253.28 475 267.86 615 283.22 828 299.41 294 316.46 417 334.42 336 353.35 441 373.29 381 394.30 081 416.43 259 439.74 936 464.31 458 490.19 508 517.46 129 546.18 741 576.45 160 608.33 622 641.92 802 677.31 742 714.60 371 753.88 536 795.27 026 838.87 101 884.80 626 933.20 101 984.18 694 1037.9 028 1094.4 947 1154.1 168 1216.9 311 1283.1 087 1352.8 296 1426.2 836 1503.6 705 1585.2 009 1671.0 966 1761.5 915 1856.9 316 1957.3 766 2063.1 996 2174.6 886 2292.1 471 2415.8 947 2546.2 680 2683.6 218 2828.3 299 2980.7 861 3141.4 052 3310.6 243 3488.9 038 Value of Annuity. 14.139 84 14.389 26 14.626 00 14.850 72 15,064 02 15.266 46 15.458 63 15.641 03 15.814 15 15.978 48 16.134 47 16.282 51 16.423 04 16.556 42 16.683 03 16.803 20 16.917 27 17.025 54 17.128 30 17.225 84 17.318 43 17.406 31 17.489 72 17.568 89 17.644 05 17.715 39 17.783 09 17.847 35 17.908 35 17.966 25 18.021 21 18.073 37 18.122 88 18.169 88 18.214 49 18.256 83 18.297 01 18.335 16 18.371 37 18.405 74 18.438 36 18.469 33 18.498 71 18.526 60 18.553 09 18.578 22 18.602 08 18.624 72 18.646 21 18.666 61 18.685 98 18.704 36 18.721 80 18.738 36 18.754 08 18.769 00 18.783 15 18.796 58 18.809 35 18.821 46 18.832 96 18.843 86 18.854 22 18.804 05 18.873 38 18.882 25 18.890 64 18.898 62 18.906 19 18.913 33 18.920 20 18.926 68 18.932 82 18.938 65 18.944 19 19.047 62 Page 40. PERPETUAL STOCK: 3 p. C. 57,1429; 3½ p. C. 66,6667; 4p.C.76,1905; 5 p. C. 95,2381. RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.013125. Years. O***A HA*** 85822 79**2 95938 58848 85888 68888 86882 F**** O*228 ***** 8*893 28313 85833 56 57 96 100 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.0525. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.0188 682 0.0176 113 0.2643 780 0.2511 905 0.2386 608 0.0164 574 | 0.0153 958 0.0144 169 0.2267 561 0.2154 452 0.2046 986 | 0.0135 127 0.1944 879 0.0126 759 0.1847 866 0.0119 003 0.1755 693 0.0111 803 0.1668 116 0.0105 110 0.1584 909 0.1505 851 0.0098 879 0.0093 073 0.0087 655 0.1359 371 0.0082 593 0.1291 564 | 0.0077 864 0.1430 738 0.0073 436 0.0069 290 0.1227 139 0.1165 927 0.1107 770 | 0.0065 403 0.1052 513 0.0061 757 0.1000 012 | 0.0058 334 10% 0.0950 130 | 0.0055 119 0.0902 737 0.0052 097 0.0857 707 | 0.0049 254 0.0814 924 0.0046 579 0.0044 061 0.0774 274 0.0735 652 | 0.0041 689 0.0041 689 0.0698 957 | 0.0039 453 0.0664 092 0.0037 345 0.0630 957 | 0.0035 357 0.0599 493 0.0033 481 0.0569 590 0.0031 710 0.0541 178 0.0030 037 0.0514 183 0.0028 458 0.0488 535 0.0026 965 0.0464 166 | 0.0025 555 0.0441 013 0.0419 015 0.0398 114 0.0378 256 0.0359 388 0.0341 461 0.0018 560 0.0324 429 0.0017 604 0.0308 246 0.0016 698 0.0292 870 0.0015 840 0.0278 261 | 0.0015 027 0.0024 221 0.0022 960 0.0021 768 0.0020 639 0.0019 571 0.0264 381 0.0251 194 0.0238 664 0.0014 257 0.0013 527 0.0012 836 0.0226 759 | 0.0012 181 0.0215 448 0.0011 560 0.0204 701 0.0194 490 0.0184 789 | 0.0009 881 0.0175 571 | 0.0009 382 0.0166 814 0.0008 906 0.0010 971 0.0010 413 0.0008 455 0.0008 027 0.0158 493 0.0150 587 0.0143 076 | 0.0007 620 0.0135 939 | 0.0007 235 0.0129 158 0.0006 870 0.0095 014 0.0090 275 0.0085 772 0.0081 493 0.0077 428 0.0122 715 0.0006 523 0.0116 594 | 0.0006 193 0.0110 778 0.0005 881 0.0105 253 0.0100 002 0.0073 566 0.0069 897 0.0066 410 0.0713 682 0.0701 113 0.0689 574 0.0678 958 0.0669 169 0.0660 127 0.0651 759 0.0644 003 0.0636 803 0.0630 110 0.0623 879 0.0618 073 0.0612 655 0.0607 593 0.0602 864 0.0003 891 0.0003 695 0.0003 510 0.0598 436 0.0594 290 0.0590 403 0.0586 757 0.0583 334 0.0580 119 0.0577 097 0.0574 254 0.0571 579 0.0569 061 0.0566 689 0.0564 453 0.0562 345 0.0560 357 0.0558 481 0.0556 710 0.0555 037 0.0553 458 0.0551 965 0.0550 555 0.0549 221 0.0547 960 0.0546 768 0.0545 639 0.0544 571 0.0543 560 0.0542 604 0.0541 698 0.0540 840 0.0510 027 0.0539 257 0.0538 527 0.0537 836 0.0537 181 0.0536 560 0.0535 971 0.0535 413 0.0534 884 0.0534 382 0.0533 906 0.0533 455 0.0533 027 0.0532 620 0.0532 235 0.0531 870 0.0531 523 0.0531 193 0.0530 881 -0.0005 585 0.0530 585 0.0005 303 0.0530 303 0.0005 036 0.0530 036 0.0004 783 0.0529 783 0.0004 542 0.0529 542 0.0004 314 0.0529 314 0.0004 097 0.0529 097 0.0528 891 0.0528 695 0.0528 510 0.0528 334 0.0528 166 0.0063 097 0.0003 334 0.0059 950 | 0.0003 166 Ratio of Perpetual Ann. 0.0525 000 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.02625. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.2599 173 0.0184 380 0.2467 907 | 0.0172 017 0.2343 271 | 0.0160 671 0.2224 929 0.0150 235 0.2112 564 0.0140 616 0.0140 616 0.2005 873 0.0131 732 | 0.0656 732 0.1904 571 0.0123 514 0.1808 385 0.0115 899 0.1717 056 0.0108 833 0.1630 339 | 0.0102 266 | 0.0648 514 0.0640 899 0.0633 833 0.0627 266 0.1548 003 | 0.0096 155 0.0621 155 0.1469 824 | 0.0090 462 | 0.0615 462 0.1395 594 | 0.0085 153 0.0610 153 0.1325 112 0.0080 195 | 0.0605 195 0.1258 190 | 0.0075 562 | 0.0600 562 0.0071 228 | 0.0596 228 0.0067 171 0.0592 171 0.0063 369 | 0.0588 369 0.1022 636 | 0.0059 805 0.0584 805 0.0970 990 | 0.0056 459 | 0.0581 459 0.1194 648 0.1134 315 0.1077 029 0.0921 952 | 0.0053 318 0.0578 318 0.0875 391 0.0050 367 | 0.0575 367 0.0831 181 0.0047 593 0.0572 593 0.0789 204 0.0044 983 0.0569 983 0.0749 347 0.0042 528 | 0.0567 528 0.0040 215 0.0711 503 0.0675 570 | 0.0038 037 0.0565 215 0.0563 037 0.0641 452 | 0.0035 981 | 0.0560 984 0.0609 057 0.0578 297 0.0034 019 0.0032 224 0.0559 049 0.0557 224 0.0549 092 0.0521 361 0.0495 031 0.0470 030 0.0446 292 0.0423 753 0.0402 353 0.0382 033 0.0362 739 | 0.0344 420 0.0327 025 0.0310 510 0.0294 828 0.0279 938 0.0265 801 0.0252 377 0.0239 631 0.0227 529 0.0216 038 0.0205 128 0.0030 502 0.0028 877 0.0027 343 0.0025 894 0.0024 525 0.0709 380 0.0697 017 0.0685 671 0.0675 235 0.0665 616 0.0023 231 0.0022 009 0.0020 853 0.0548 231 0.0547 009 0.0545 853 0.0019 761 | 0.0544 761 0.0018 727 | 0.0543 727 0.0013 593 0.0012 890 0.0012 223 0.0011 592 0.0010 995 0.0017 749 | 0.0542 749 0.0016 824 0.0015 949 0.0015 120 0.0014 336 0.0541 824 0.0540 949 0.0540 120 0.0539 336 0.0194 768 0.0010 428 0.0184 932 | 0.0009 892 0.0175 592 | 0.0009 383 0.0166 724 0.0008 901 0.0158 304 0.0008 445 0.0150 309 0.0008 012 0.0142 718 0.0007 601 0.0135 511 | 0.0007 212 0.0128 667 | 0.0006 843 0.0122 169 | 0.0006 493 0.0115 999 0.0006 161 | 0.0110 141 0.0005 847 0.0104 578 0.0005 548 0.0099 297 0.0094 282 0.0005 265 0.0004 997 0.0089 521 0.0004 742 0.0085 000 0.0004 501 0.0080 707 0.0004 272 0.0076 631 0.0004 054 0.0072 761 | 0.0003 848 0.0555 502 0.0553 877 0.0552 343 0.0550 894 0.0549 525 M 0.0538 593 0.0537 890 0.0537 223 0.0536.592 0.0535 995 0.0535 428 0.0534 892 0.0534 383 0.0533 901 0.0533 445 0.0533 012 0.0532 601 0.0532 212 0.0531 843 0.0531 493 0.0531 161 0.0530 847 0.0530 548 0.0530 265 0.0529 997 0.0529 742 0.0529 501 0.0529 272 0.0529 054 0.0528 848 Ratio of Discounted Annuity for Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.2576 586 0.2445 640 0.2321 349 0.2203 374 0.2091 395 0.1985 107 0.1884 221 0.1788 462 0.1697 570 0.1611 297 0.1529 408 0.1451 681 0.1377 904 0.1307 877 0.1241 409 0.1178 319 0.1118 434 0.1061 594 0.1007 642 0.0956 432 0.0907 825 0.0861 688 0.0817 895 0.0776 329 0.0736 875 0.0699 425 0.0663 880 0.0630 140 0.0598 115 0.0567 718 0.0538 866 | 0.0511 480 0.0485 486 0.0460 813 0.0437 393 0.0319 860 0.0303 601 0.0288 174 0.0273 529 0.0259 628 0.0246 433 | 0.0233 909 0.0222 021 0.0210 738 0.0200 028 0.0182 222 0.0169 963 0.0158 714 0.0148 368 0.0138 834 0.0094 791 0.0089 156 0.0083 901 | 0.0078 995 0.0078 995 0.0074 411 0.0146 278 0.0138 843 0.0131 787 0.0125 090 0.0118 732 0.0130 031 0.0121 888 0.0114 344 0.0107 345 0.0100 842 0.0069 086 0.0003 652 0.0066 895 0.0065 597 0.0003 467 0.0063 496 0.0062 284 0.0003 290 0.0060 269 0.0059 139 0.0003 123 0.0528 123 0.0057 206 0.0056 152 0.0002 965 | 0.0527 965 0.0054 298 0.0528 652 0.0528 467 0.0528 290 0.0525 000 0.0070 125 0.0066 112 0.0062 353 0.0058 829 0.0055 523 0.0415 164 | 0.0022 740 | 0.0547 740 0.0021 537 | 0.0546 537 0.0394 065 0.0374 038 0.0355 029 0.0336 986 0.0545 400 0.0544 325 0.0543 309 0.0707 222 0.0694 963 0.0683 714 0.0673 368 0.0663 834 0.0052 420 | 0.0577 420 0.0049 504 | 0.0574 504 0.0045 764 | 0.0571 761 0.0044 188 0.0569 188 0.0041 763 | 0.0566 763 0.0020 400 0.0019 325 0.0018 309 0.0655 031 0.0646 888 0.0639 341 0.0632 345 0.0625 842 0.0039 481 0.0564 481 0.0037 332 0.0562 332 0.0035 307 0.0560 307 0.0033 399 | 0.0558 399 0.0031 599 | 0.0556 599 0.0189 862 | 0.0010 161 0.0180 213 0.0009 635 0.0171 054 | 0.0009 137 0.0162 361 0.0008 665 0.0154 110 0.0008 217 0.0619 791 0.0614 156 0.0608 901 0.0603 995 0.0599 411 0.0029 902 | 0.0554 902 0.0028 300 0.0553 300 0.0026 789 | 0.0551 789 0.0025 361 0.0550 361 0.0024 013 0.0549 013 0.0595 125 0.0591 112 0.0587 353 0.0583 829 0.0580 523 0.0542 348 0.0017 348 0.0016 438 0.0015 578 0.0541 438 0.0540 578 0.0014 764 | 0.0539 764 0.0013 994 0.0538 994 0.0086 827 0.0004 598 0.0082 415 0.0004 363 0.0078 226 | 0.0004 139 0.0074 251 0.0070 477 0.0003 927 0.0003 726 0.0013 265 | 0.0538 265 0.0012 574 0.0537 574 0.0011 921 0.0536 921 0.0011 302 0.0536 302 0.0010 716 0.0535 716 0.0003 536 0.0003 355 0.0003 183 0.0003 021 0.0002 866 0.0002 866 0.0007 794 | 0.0532 794 0.0007 392 0.0007 011 0.0006 650 0.0006 308 0.0532 392 0.0532 011 0.0531 650 0.0531 308 0.0112 698 0.0106 971 0.0530 677 0.0005 984 | 0.0530 984 0.0005 677 0.0101 534 0.0005 384 0.0096 374 | 0.0005 109 0.0530 384 0.0530 109 0.0091 476 | 0.0004 847 | 0.0529 847 0.0535 161 0.0534 635 0.0534 137 0.0533 665 0.0533 217 0.0529 598 0.0529 363 0.0529 139 0.0528 927 0.0528 726 0.0528 536 0.0528 355 0.0528 183 0.0528 021 0.0527 866 -0.0525 000 Page 41. RATE OF INTEREST: 5½ per 5½ per Cent. per Ann.--CORRESPONDING VALUE OF RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.0275. Years. 1 20 Cas 10 -={**** 4 مدرسه عشر HENKE CO MKN-AIL AKVAL → 2:0}+ PICKKPH R41234 *** ===}< 10 HEAN-d 12 #464:0}< O 13 ~<~~** GAKAP ***** *** **** 16 17 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.055. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. .... 25 1.0550 000 1.0000 000 1.1130 250 1.1742 414 1.2388 247 11 1.8020 924 1.3069 600 1.3788 428 ... .. 1.6190 943 1.7081 445 1.4546 792 8.2668 938 1.9012 075 2.0057 739 2.0550 000 1.5346 865 9.7215 730 3.1680 250 4.3422 664 2.3552 627 2.4848 021 2.6214 663 2.7656 469 19 20 2.9177 575 .. 5.5810 910 6.8880 510 .. 11.256 260 12.875 354 14.583 498 16.385 591 2.1160 915 20.292 572 18.286 798 2.2324 765 22.408 663 24.641 140 26.996 403 29.481 205 32.102 671 34.868 318 21 3.0782 342 22 3.2475 370 37.786 076 40.864 310 23 3.4261 516 | 44.111 847 24 3.6145 899 47.537 998 3.8133 923 51.152 588 0.9478 67 ... 1.8463 20 2.6979 33 ... 3.5051 50 ... 4.2702 84 4.9955 30 5.6829 67 6.3345 66 6.9521 95 7.5376 26 8.0925 36 8.6185 18 9.1170 78 9.5896 48 10.037 58 10.462 16 10.864 61 11.246 07 11.607 65 11.950 38 Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 1.0275 000 0.5000 000 1.0557 563 | 1.0137 500 .... 1.0847 895 1.1146 213 .... 1.1452 733 2.6413 335 1.1767 684 3.2139 702 .... 1.2091 295 1.2423 806 ... .... 1.2765 460 5.0281 094 1.3116 510 | 5.6663 824 .... 1.5416 281 2.0840 229 3.8023 544 4.4069 191 1.3477 214 6.3222 079 1.3847 838 6.9960 686 1.5859 559 1.6295 697 1.4228 653 7.6884 605 1.1619 941 8.3998 932 .... 1.7677 402 1.8163 531 1.5021 990 9.1308 903 1.5435 094 | 9.8819 897 ... 1.6743 829 12.261 507 1.7204 284 13.098 699 .. .... 10.653 744 11.446 722 13.958 913 14.842 783 1.8663 028 15.750 960 1.9176 261 16.684 111 1.9703 608 | 17.642 924 2.0245 457 | 18.628 104 2.0802 208 19.640 377 2.1374 268 20.680 488 2.1962 061 | 21.749 201 2.2566 017 | 22.847 304 2.3186 583 23.975 605 2.3824 214 25.134 934 2.5152 563 27.550 114 2.6554 975 | 30.099 955 2.8035 581 32.791 965 2.9598 740 35.634 072 12.275 24 3.1249 055 38.634 645 12.583 17 3.2991 385 41.802 518 12.875 04 3.4830 861 45.147 019 13.151 70 3.6772 899 | 48.677 998 13.413 93 3.8823 218 52.405 850 0.4866 18 ... 0.9602 12 1.4211 31 ... 1.8697 14 2.3062 91 2.7311 83 3.1447 04 3.5471 57 ... 3.9388 39 4.3200 38 .. 4.6910 35 .... 5.0521 02 5.4035 05 5.7455 04 6.0783 49 6.4022 87 6.7175 5+ 7.0243 83 .... 7.3230 01 .. 7.6136 26 7.8964 73 8.1717 50 8.4396 59 8.7003 98 8.9541 59 9.2011 28 9.4414 87 9.6754 13 9.9030 78 10.124 65 10.340 29 ... 10,550 16 10.953 20 11.334 96 11.696 55 12.039 05 12.363 46 12.670 74 12.961 79 13.237 46 13.498 58 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.01375. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 1.0137 500 1.0276 891 1.0418 198 1.0561 448 1.0706 668 1.0853 885 1.1003 126 1.1154 419 1.1620 89+ 1.1780 681 1.1307 792 | 2.3778 033 1.1163 274 2.660+ 981 1.1942 666 1.2106 877 1.2273 347 1.2442 105 1.2613 184 1.2786 616 1.2962 432 1.3140 665 1.5693 457 1.5909 212 1.6127 994 1.6349 754 1.6574 563 1.6802 463 1.7033 497 1.7267 708 1.3321 349 6.0388 167 1.3504 518 6.3718 504 1.3690 205 6.7094 633 1.3878 445 | 7.0517 185 1.7505 139 1.7745 834 1.7989 840 1.8237 200 1.4069 74 7.3986 796 1.4262 726 | 7.7504 114 1.4458 839 | 8.1069 796 1.4657 648 | 8.4684 505 0.2500 000 0.5034 375 0.7603 598 1.0208 147 1.4859 190 8.8348 917 1.5063 504 | 9.2063 715 1 5270 628 | 9.5829 591 1.5480 599 9.9647 248 1.9525 964 1.9794 446 2.0066 620 2.0342 536 1.2848 509 1.5525 176 1.8238 647 2.0989 429 2.0622 246 2.0905 802 2.1193 257 2.1484 664 2.1780 078 2.2079 554 2.2383 148 2.2690 916 2.9170 800 3.2376 023 2.3002 916 | 2.3319 206 2.3639 846 2.3961 893 3.5321 194 3.8306 860 4.1333 579 4.4401 916 2.5310 398 2.6731 445 2 8232 277 2.9817 373 4.7512 442 5.0665 739 5.3862 392 5.7103 000 1.8487 961 | 15.432 657 1.8742 171 15.894 856 1.8999 876 | 16.363 410 1.9261 124 16.838 407 10.351 740 10.744 076 11.141 807 11.545 007 11.953 751 12.368 115 12.788 177 13.214 014 13.645 707 14.083 335 14.526 981 14.976 727 17.319 935 17.808 084 18.302 946 18.804 611 19.313 174 19.828 731 20.351 376 20 881 207 21.418 324 21.962 826 22.514 815 23.074 393 23.641 666 24.216 739 24.799 719 25.390 715 27.837 087 30.420 810 33.149 595 36.031 587 39.075 388 42.290 083 3.5126 897 | 45.685 257 3.1491 464 3.3259 546 3.7099 090 49.271 072 3.9182 011 53.058 202 0.2466 09 0 4898 73 0.7298 38 0.9665 48 1.2000 47 1.4303 80 1.6575 88 1.8817 14 2.1028 01 2.3208 89 2.5360 18 2.7482 30 2.9575 64 3.1640 58 3.3677 51 3.5686 82 3.7668 87 3.9624 04 4.1552 69 4.3455 18 4.5331 87 4.7183 10 4.9009 23 5.0810 58 5.2587 50 5.4340 32 5.6069 37 5.7774 96 5.9457 42 6.1117 06 6.2754 19 6.4369 12 6.5962 14 6.7533 55 6.9083 65 7.0612 73 7.2121 06 7.3608 94 7.5076 64 7.6524 42 7.7952 58 7.9361 36 8.0751 03 8.2121 86 8.3474 09 8.4807 98 8.6123 78 8.7421 73 8.8702 07 8.9965 05 9.1210 90 9.2439 86 9.3652 14 9.4847 98 9.6027 60 9.7191 22 9.8339 06 9.9471 33 10.058 82 10.169 00 10.277 68 10.384 89 10.490 64 10.594 96 10.998 28 11.380 16 11.741 74 12.084 09 12.408 25 12.715 17 13.005 78 13.280 94 13.541 47 Page 42. PERPETUAL STOCK : 3 p. C. 54,5455; 3½ p. C. 63,6364; 4p. C. 72,7273; 5p. C.90,9091. Years. минера HK${2:0 ∞ {ve$¥p{! Co PICINDAH * 10 FONPA… 2. CO -} {0.1]-R HE-29+ ❤ A-A FAA Cold 11 12:42 12 COADS-PL 13 HABE GIAKETAX * 700 20** * 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.055. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9478 673 0.8984 524 0.4866 180 0.8072 167 1.0000 000 0.8516 136 0.3156 541 ·· 0.7651 344 0.1791 764 | 0.2341 764 0.2302 945 0.2852 945 0.7253 458 0.1451 790 0.2001 790 0.6515 989 0.1028 640 0.6874 368 0.1209 614 0.1759 644 ... 0.6176 291 | 0.0888 395 0.4985 607 0.5549 105 | 0.0685 707 0.5259 815 0.0610 292 1.0550 000 0.5416 180 0.2918 727 0.2766 565 0.2622 337 0.3706 541 0.5854 306 0.0776 678 0.1326 678 0.4725 694 0.0492 791 0.4479 330 | 0.0446 256 0.1578 640 0.1438 395 { 0.1235 707 0.0546 843 0.1096 843 **** 0.1160 292 0.0446 256 0.0996 256 0.1042 791 0.4245 811 0.0405 825 0.0955 825 0.4024 465 | 0.0370 420 0.3814 659 0.3615 791 0.3427 290 0.0339 200 0.0311 501 0.0286 793 0.0920 420 0.0889 200 0.0861 501 0.0836 793 0.3248 616 0.0264 648 0.3079 257 | 0.0244 712 0.0244 712 0.0226 696 0.0226 696 0.0210 358 0.0195 494 0.0745 494 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.0275. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. .... 0.9732 360 0.9471 883 0.8731 540 0.8497 849 0.9218 378 0.6486 649 | 0.7036 649 0.8971 658 0.4798 412 0.5348 412 0.7419 931 0.7221 344 ... 0.7028 072 0.6839 972 ... 2.0000 000 0.9864 365 ·· 0.8270 413 0.2629 950 | 0.3179 950 0.8049 064 0.2269 159 0.2819 159 ··· 0.3785 966 | 0.4335 966 0.3111 417 .311. 0.7833 639 -0.1988 819 0.7623 979 | 0.1764 794 | 0.2314 794 0.6656 908 0.1095 183 0.6478 742 0.1011 942 ... 2.0550 000 1.0414 365 0.1300 651 0.1190 491 .... .... 0.5656 940 0.0716 388 0.5505 537 | 0.0673 728 0.0814 648 0.3200 097 0.0794 712 0.3031 094 0.0776 696 0.2871 017 0.0760 358 0.2719 394 0.2575 778 DIS 0.3661 417 0.1581 726 0.2131 726 0.1429 374 0.1979 374 0.5075 212 | 0.0566 800 0.4939 380 0.0536 823 ... .... .... 0.2538 819 0.6305 345 0.0938 628 | 0.1488 628 0.6136 589 | 0.0873 613 | 0.1423 613 0.0815 560 0.1365 560 0.5972 350 0.5812 505 0.0763 435 | 0.1313 435 0.1850 651 0.1740 491 ... 0.1645 183 ... 0.1561 942 0.5358 188 | 0.0634 882 0.1184 882 0.5214 781 0.0599 373 | 0.1149 373 ·· 0.1266 388 0.1223 728 0.4807 182 0.0509 155 | 0.1059 155 0.0483 548 0.1033 548 .... 0.4678 523 0.1116 800 0.1086 823 0.4553 307 0.0459 787 | 0.1009 787 0.4431 442 0.0437 688 0.0987 688 0.0417 091 | 0.0967 091 0.4312 839 0.4197 410 0.0397 853 0.0917 853 0.3975 738 0.0362 975 | 0.0912 975 0.3765 773 0.0332 226 0.0882 226 0.3566 896 0.0304 953 | 0.0854 953 0.3378 522 | 0.0280 630 0.0830 630 0.0258 835 0.0808 835 0.0239 220 | 0.0789 220 0.0221 499 | 0.0771 499 | 0.0205 432 | 0.0755 432 0.0190 818 | 0.0740 818 RATIO of INTEREST : QUARTERLY, 0.01375. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9864 365 0.9730 570 0.9598 589 0.9468 398 0.9339 974 0.9213 291 0 9088 326 0.8965 058 0.8843 459 0.8723 511 0.8605 190 0.8488 473 0.8373 340 0.8259 768 0.8147 737 0.8037 225 0.7928 212 0.7820 678 0.7714 602 0.7609 965 0.7506 747 0.7404 929 0.7304 493 0.7205 418 0.7107 687 0.7011 282 0.6916 185 0.6822 377 0.6729 842 0.6638 561 0.6548 519 0.6459 699 0.6372 082 0.6285 655 0.6200 399 0.6116 300 0.6033 342 0.5951 509 0.5870 785 0.5791 156 0.5408 925 0.5335 561 0.5263 192 0.5191 805 0.5121 386 0.5051 922 0.4983 400 0.4915 808 0.4849 133 0.4783 361 0.4718 482 0.4654 483 0.4591 352 0.4529 077 0.4467 617 0.4107 050 0.4347 275 0.4288 312 0.4230 146 0.4172 770 0.3950 945 0.3740 913 0.3542 045 0.3353 749 4.0000 000 1.9863 440 1.3151 668 0.9796 097 0.3175 464 0.3006 656 0.2846 821 0.7783 005 0.6441 151 0.5482 863 0.4764 304 0.4205 562 0.3758 695 0.3393 189 0.3088 705 0.2831 161 0.2610 499 0.2419 340 0.2252 155 0.5712 608 0.5635 126 0.0732 831 0.0710 059 0.5558 693 | 0.0688 374 0.5483 298 0.0667 703 0.2104 712 0 1973 721 0.1856 583 0.1751 222 0.1655 954 0.1569 403 0.1490 432 0.1418 094 0 1351 593 0.1290 254 0.1233 505 0.1180 854 0.1131 876 0.1086 204 0.1043 519 0.1003 540 0.0647 977 0.0647 977 0.0629 134 0.0611 120 0.0593 880 4.0550 000 2.0413 440 1.3701 668 1.0346 097 0.8333 005 0.6991 151 0.6032 863 0.5314 304 0.0517 781 0.0504 319 0.0491 367 0.0478 900 0.4755 562 0.4308 695 0.3943 189 0.3638 705 0.0466 890 0.0455 315 0.0444 152 0.0433 381 0.3381 161 0.3160 499 0.2969 340 0.2802 155 0.2654 712 0.2523 721 0.2406 583 0.2301 222 0.0966 021 | 0.1516 021 0.0930 745 0.0807 520 0.0866 175 0.2205 954 0.2119 403 0.2040 432 0.1968 094 0.1901 593 0.1840 254 0.1783 505 0.1730 854 0.0836 557 0.0808 531 0.0781 972 0.1386 557 0.1358 531 0.1331 972 0.0756 772 | 0.1306 772 0.1681 876 0.1636 204 0.1593 319 0.1553 540 0.1480 745 0.1447 520 0.1416 175 0.1282 831 0.1260 059 0.1238 374 0.1217 703 0.0577 368 0.0561 543 0.1127 368 0.1111 543 0.0546 360 | 0.1096 360 0.1081 784 0.0531 784 0.1197 977 0.1179 134 0.1161 120 0.1143 880 0.1067 781 0.1054 319 0.1041 367 0.1028 900 0.1016 890 0.1005 315 0.0994 152 0.0983 381 0.0422 982 0.0412 937 0.0403 230 0.0393 845 0.0393 845 | 0.0943 845 0.0972 982 0.0962 937 0.0953 230 0.0359 233 0.0909 233 0.0328 722 0.0878 722 0.0301 663 | 0.0851 663 0.0277 534 | 0.0827 534 0.0255 916 | 0.0805 916 0.0236 462 0.0236 462 | 0.0786 462 0.0218 889 0.0768 889 0.2695 484 | 0.0202 959 | 0.0752 959 0.2552 192 0.0188 472 | 0.0738 472 Page 43. RATE OF INTEREST: 5½ per Cent. per -CORRESPONDING VALUE OF Ann. Years. €8898 9788** ***** ***** ****2 22332 28898 ***82 20*** **OOO CAELA ***** *** co co co co co co co CERRA 66 100 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.055. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 4.0231 289 4.2444 010 4.4778 431 4.7241 244 4.9839 513 5.2580 686 5.5472 624 5.8523 618 6.1742 417 6.5138 250 6.8720 854 7.2500 501 7.6488 028 8.0694 870 8.5133 088 8.9815 408 9.4755 255 9.9966 794 10.546 497 11.126 554 11.738 13.065 515 12.384 133 260 849 961 13.783 14.541 15.341 769 16.185 566 17.075 773 18.014 940 19.005 762 20.051 079 21.153 888 22.317 352 23.544 806 24.839 770 26.205 958 27.647 285 29.167 886 30.772 120 32.464 587 44.763 562 47.225 558 49.822 963 52.563 226 55.454 204 58.504 185 61.721 915 65.116 620 68.698 034 72.476 426 76.462 630 80.668 074 85.104 818 89.785 583 94.723 791 99.933 599 105.42 995 111.22 859 117.34 617 123.80 021 54.965 981 58.989 109 63.233 510 67.711 354 72.435 478 77.419 429 82.677 498 88.224 760 94.077 122 100.25 136 145.37 132 153.36 675 161.80 192 106.76 519 113.63 727 120.88 732 128.53 613 136.60 561 145.11 892 154.10 046 163.57 599 173.57 267 184.11 917 34.250 139 604.54 798 36.133 896638.79 812 38.121 261 674.93 201 713.05 327 40.217 930 42.429 916753.27 120 195.24 572 206.98 423 219.36 837 232.43 363 246.21 748 260.75 944 276.10 121 292.28 677 309.36 255 327.37 749 346.38 325 366.43 433 387.58 821 409.90 557 433.45 037 458.29 014 484.49 610 512.14 339 541.31 127 572.08 339 795.70 112 8+0.46 468 887.69 024 937.51 320 990.07 613 1045.5 306 1104.0 348 1165.7 567 1230.8 734 1299.5 714 1372.0 478 1448.5 104 1529.1 785 1614.2 833 1704.0 689 1798.7 927 1898.7 263 2004.1 563 2115.3 848 2232.7 310 130.60 922 | 2356.5 312 137.79 272 | 2487.1 404 2624.9 332 2770.3 045 2923.6 712 13.662 50 13.898 10 14.121 42 14.333 10 14.533 74 14.723 93 14.904 20 15.075 07 15.237 03 15.390 55 15.536 07 15.674 00 15.804 74 15.928 66 16.046 12 16.157 46 16.263 00 16.363 03 16.457 85 16.547 75 16.632 92 16.713 66 16.790 20 16.862 75 16.931 52 16.996 70 17.058 48 17.117 05 17.172 55 17.225 17 17.275 04 17.322 32 17.367 12 17.409 60 17.449 85 17.488 01 17.524 18 17.558 47 17.590 96 17.621 77 17.650 96 17.678 64 17.704 87 17.729 74 17.753 30 17.775 64 17.796 82 17.816 89 17.835 91 17.853 95 17.871 04 17.887 24 17.902 60 17.917 16 17.930 95 17.941 03 17.956 43 17.968 18 17.979 32 17.989 87 18.042 61 18.049 87 18.056 75 18.063 27 18.069 45 170.70 102 180.08 958 189.99 451 3085.4 732 3256.1 742 3436.2 638 200.44 420 3626.2 583 211.46 864 3826.7 025 Value of Perpetual Ann. 18.181 82 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.0275. Improved Cumulated Principal. Annuity. 4.0987 855 4.3273 184 4.5685 934 4.8233 211 5.0922 514 7.0516 671 7.4418 416 7.8599 380 8.2981 787 8.7608 540 5.9924 003 6.3265 141 6.6792 568 5.3761 762 | 79.566 840 5.6759 316 | 85.016 939 90.770 914 96.845 710 103.25 921 9.2493 264 9.7650 341 10.309 496 10.881 315 11.491 183 12.131 889 12.808 317 13.522 461 14.276 423 15.072 422 15.912 804 16.800 042 17.736 750 18.725 684 19.769 758 20.872 046 22.035 793 23.264 426 | 24.561 563 25.931 024 61.778 626 65.223 170 68.859 770 72.699 132 76.752 563 17.999 88 18.009 36 18.018 35 106.28 570 112.21 180 118.46 831 18.026 88 125.07 365 18.034 95 132.04 729 81.031 998 85.550 039 90.319 988 95.355 892 100.67 258 56.341 554 60.496 698 64.883 517 69.514 928 74.404 570 139.40 975 147.18 272 155.38 908 164.05 299 173.19 997 18.075 31 182.85 695 18.080 86 193.05 236 18.086 12 18.091 11 18.095 84 110.03 031 117.17 894 124.72 615 132.69 416 141.10 644 27.376 841 28.903 271 30.514 809 32.216 200 479.57 892 507.33 219 536.63 288 567.56 727 34.012 454 | 600.22 644 149.98 775 159.36 426 169.26 356 179.71 481 190.74 879 35.908 861 37.911 005 634.70 657 671.10 918 40.024 780 | 709.54 146 42.256 412 750.11 658 44.612 471 | 792.95 401 202.39 797 214.69 667 227.68 111 241.38 950 255.86 222 47.099 895 | 838.17 991 49.726 008 52.498 544 55.425 666 58.515 993 885.92 743 936.33 717 989.55 757 1045.7 453 271.14 189 287.27 350 304.30 454 322.28 517 341.26 833 361.30 993 382.46 896 404.80 775 428.39 206 453.29 134 1105.0 659 1167.6 940 1233.8 140 1303.6 206 1377.3 193 1455.1 272 1537.2 734 1623.9 998 1715.5 617 1812.2 287 1914.2 855 2022.0 327 2135.7 874 2255.8 846 2382.6 780 2516.5 410 2657.8 676 2807.0 741 2964.5 998 3130.9 085 3306.4 900 3491.8 612 203.81 624 3687.5 680 215.18 027 3894.1 867 227.17 792 | 4112.3 257 Value of Annuity. 13.745 92 13.980 18 14.202 08 14.412 25 14.611 33 14.799 89 14.978 50 15.147 67 15.307 91 15.459 69 15.603 45 15.739 62 15.868 59 15.990 76 16.106 47 16.216 07 16.319 89 16.418 22 16.511 36 16.599 58 16.683 14 16.762 29 16.837 25 16.908 26 16.975 52 17.039 23 17.099 57 17.156 72 17.210 86 17.262 14 17.310 71 17.356 71 17.400 29 17.441 56 17.480 66 17.517 69 17.552 76 17.585 98 17.617 45 17.647 25 17.675 49 17.702 23 17.727 56 17.751 54 17.774 27 17.795 79 17.816 18 17.835 49 17.853 78 17.871 10 17.887 51 17.903 05 17.917 78 17.931 72 17.944 93 17.957 44 17.969 29 17.980 52 17.991 14 18.001 21 18.010 75 18.019 79 18.028 34 18.036 45 18.044 13 18.051 40 18.058 29 18.064 81 18.070 99 18.076 84 18.082 39 18.087 64 18.092 61 18.097 32 18.101 78 18.181 82 2 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.01375. Improved Cumulated Principal. Annuity. 4.1381 878 4.3705 255 4.6159 078 4.8750 671 5.1487 768 5.4878 539 5.7431 612 6.0656 099 6.4061 624 6.7658 351 7.1457 017 7.5468 957 7.9706 147 8.4181 234 8.8907 573 9.3899 272 9.9171 228 14.536 169 15.352 300 152.54 413 162.12 951 10.473 918 | 172.25 305 182.94 498 11.061 974 11.683 046 194.23 721 57.057 959 61.282 282 65.743 779 70.455 765 75.432 305 12.338 989 206.16 343 13.031 759 | 218.75 925 13.763 425 232.06 226 80.688 253 86.239 294 92.101 997 98.293 861 104.83 337 36.791 623 38.857 282 41.038 916 43.343 038 45.776 525 111.74 003 119.03 447 126.73 845 134.87 497 143.46 831 16.214 252 276.62 276 17.124 598 | 293.17 451 18.086 055 | 310.65 555 19.101 493 | 329.11 806 20.173 943 | 348.61 714 21.306 605 369.21 100 22.502 860 | 390.96 110 23.766 279 | 413.93 235 25.100 632 | 438.19 332 26.509 903 | 463.81 641 246.11 217 260.95 091 27.998 296 | 490.87 811 29.570 255 31.230 471 32.983 900 34.835 775 519.45 918 549.64 493 581.52 546 615.19 591 109.70 295 115.86 221 189.43 186 200.06 747 211.30 022 650.75 678 688.31 421 48.346 639 860.84 799 51.061 052 | 910.20 095 53.927 865962.32 482 56.955 635 1017.3 752 60.153 398 1075.5 163 727.98 030 769.87 343 814.11 864 63.530 699 67.097 618 | 70.864 801 74.843 492 1136.9 218 1201.7 749 1270.2 691 1342.6 089 79.045 565 | 1419.0 103 83.483 564 | 1499.7 012 88.170 732 | 1584.9 224 93.121 061 98.349 325 103.87 113 1674.9 281 1769.9 877 1870.3 842 1976.4 174 2088.4 037 122.36 727 | 2206.6 776 129.23 755 136.49 357 2331.5 919 2463.5 195 144.15 698 2602.8 541 152.25 064 | 2750.0 117 160.79 873 | 2905.4 314 169.82 674 3069.5 771 179.36 163 3242.9 387 3426.0 337 3619.4 085 3823.6 404 223.16 363 | 4039.3 387 235.69 311 | 4267.1 475 Value of Annuity. 13.788 15 14.021 72 14.242 87 14.452 26 14.650 53 14.838 25 15.016 00 15.184 29 15.343 64 15.494 52 15.637 38 15.772 64 15.900 71 16.021 98 16.136 80 16.245 51 16.348 44 16.445 90 16.538 19 16.625 56 16.708 29 16.786 63 16.860 79 16.931 02 16.997 51 17.060 47 17.120 08 17.176 52 17.229 97 17.280 56 17.328 48 17.373 84 17.416 79 17.457 45 17.495 97 17.532 43 17.566 95 17.599 64 17.630 59 17.659 89 17.687 64 17.713 91 17.738 78 17.762 33 17.784 63 17.805 75 17.825 74 17.814 67 17.862 59 17.879 56 17.895 63 17.910 84 17.925 25 17.938 89 17.951 80 17.964 03 17.975 61 17.986 57 17.996 95 18.006 78 18.016 08 18.024 89 18.033 23 18.041 13 18.048 61 18.055 69 18.062 40 18.068 75 18.074 76 18.080 45 18.085 84 18.090 94 18.095 77 18.100 35 18.1041 68 18.181 82 Page 44. PERPETUAL STOCK: 3 p. C. 54,5455; 3ž p. C. 63,6364; 4 p.C.72,7273; 5 p.C. 90,9091. Years. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 85889 793‡9 95938 58833 85888 58868 86882 FRPER ORF228 ***** ***38 **836 85883 i 0.19 1 839 0.1802 691 0.1708 712 34 0.1619 632 0.1535 196 35 93 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.055. 100 Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.2485 628 0.2356 045 0.2233 218 0.2116 794 0.2006 440 0.1455 162 0.1379 301 0.1307 394 0.1239 236 0.1174 631 0.1113 395 0.1055 350 0.1000 332 0.0948 182 0.0898 751 0.0651 815 0.0617 834 0.0585 625 0.0555 095 0.0526 156 0.0498 726 0.0472 726 0.0448 082 0.0424 722 0.0402 580 0.0381 593 0.0361 699 0.0342 843 0.0324 969 0.0308 028 0.0851 897 0.0051 218 0.0807 485 0.0048 313 0.0045 585 0.0043 023 0.0040 615 0.0765 388 0.0725 487 0.0687 665 0.0291 970 0.0276 748 0.0262 321 0.0248 645 0.0235 683 0.0223 396 0.0211 750 0.0200 711 0.0190 247 0.0180 329 0.0181 931 0.0169 523 0.0158 144 0.0147 686 0.0138 054 0.0129 167 0.0120 952 0.0113 347 0.0106 296 0.0099 749 0.0170 928 0.0162 017 0.0093 663 0.0093 663 0.0087 999 0.0082 722 0.0077 799 0.0073 203 0.0068 909 0.0064 893 0.0061 134 0.0057 613 0.0054 313 0.0038 350 0.0036 219 0.0034 213 0.0032 325 0.0030 546 0.0028 870 0.0027 290 0.0025 801 0 0024 396 0.0023 071 0.0012 568 0.0011 898 0.0011 265 0.0010 667 0.0010 100 0.0731 931 0.0719 523 0.0708 144 0.0697 686 0.0688 054 0.0679 167 0.0670 952 0.0663 347 0.0656 296 0.0619 749 0.0130 783 0.0007 288 0.0123 965 | 0.0006 904 0.0117 502 0.0006 539 0.0111 376 0.0006 195 | 0.0105 570 | 0.0005 868 0.0643 663 0.0637 999 0.0632 722 0.0627 799 0.0623 203 0.0618 909 0.0614 893 0.0611 134 0.0607 613 0.0604 313 0.0076 564 | 0.0004 244 0.0072 573 | 0.0004 021 0.0068 789 0.0003 810 0.0065 203 0.0003 610 0.0061 804 0.0003 420 0.0601 218 0.0598 313 0.0595 585 0 0593 023 0.0590 615 0.0021 820 0.0020 640 0.0019 526 0.0018 474 0.0571 820 0.0570 640 0.0569 526 0.0568 474 0.0017 480 | 0.0567 480 0.0588 350 0.0586 219 0.0584 213 0.0582 325 0.0580 546 0.0016 541 0.0566 541 0.0015 654 | 0.0565 654 0.0014 816 0.0014 024 0.0013 275 0.0564 816 0.0564 024 0.0563 275 0.0578 870 0.0577 290 0.0575 801 0.0574 396 0.0573 071 0.0009 565 0.0009 058 0.0559 565 0.0559 058 0.0153 571 0.0008 578 0.0558 578 0.0145 565 0.0008 124 0.0558 124 0.0137 976 | 0.0007 695 | 0.0557 695 0.0557 288 0.0556 904 0.0556 539 0.0556 195 0.0555 868 0.0100 066 | 0.0005 559 | 0.0555 559 0.0094 850 0.0005 267 0.0089 905 0.0004 990 0.0085 218 0.0004 727 0.0080 775 | 0.0004 479 0.0555 267 0.0554 990 0.0554 727 0.0554 479 0.0554 244 0.0554 021 0.0553 810 0.0553 610 0.0553 420 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.0275. 0.0058 582 0.0055 528 0.0003 241 0.0003 071 0.0052 633 | 0.0002 910 0.0049 889 0.0002 753 0.0047 288 | 0.0002 613 0.0553 241 0.0553 071 0.0552 910 0.0552 758 0.0552 613 Ratio of Perpetual Ann. 0.0550 000 Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.2439 747 0.2310 900 0.2188 858 0.0177 489 0.0177 489 0.0727 489 0.0165 298 0.0715 298 0.0154 122 0.0704 122 0.2073 260 | 0.0143 854 | 0.0693 854 0.1963 768 0.0684 400 0.0134 400 0.1860 058 0.0125 680 0.1761 825 0.0117 623 0.1668 780 0.0110 167 0.1580 649 | 0.0103 257 0.1497 173 | 0.0096 814 0.1418 104 0.1343 212 0.1272 275 0.1205 084 0.1141 441 0.1081 160 0.1024 062 | 0.0969 980 0.0918 753 0.0870 232 0.0780 743 0.0739 510 0.0700 456 0.0663 463 | 0.0562 568 0.0561 898 0.0212 315 0.0201 102 0.0561 265 0.0190 481 0.0180 422 0.0170 893 0.0560 667 0.0560 100 0.0479 110 0.0453 807 0.0429 841 0.0407 140 0.0385 638 0.0824 274 | 0.0049 408 | 0.0599 408 0.0046 577 | 0.0596 577 0.0043 921 0.0593 921 0.0041 427 0.0591 427 0.0039 084 | 0.0589 084 0.0628 425 | 0.0036 881 0.0595 237 0.0034 810 0.0563 801 0.0032 862 0.0534 026 0.0031 028 0.0505 823 0.0029 302 0.0365 272 0.0345 982 0.0327 710 0.0310 403 0.0294 010 0.0278 483 0.0263 776 0.0249 845 0.0236 650 0.0224 153 0.0161 868 0.0153 320 0.0145 223 0.0137 553 0.0130 289 0.0123 408 0.0116 891 0.0110 717 0.0104 870 0.0099 332 0.0090 884 0.0085 340 0.0080 176 0.0075 361 0.0070 868 0.0094 086 0.0089 117 0.0084 411 0.0079 953 0.0075 730 0.0071 731 0.0067 943 0.0064 355 0.0060 956 0.0057 737 0.0066 672 0.0616 672 0.0062 749 | 0.0612 749 0.0059 079 | 0.0609 079 0.0055 644 0.0605 644 0.0052 425 0.0602 425 0.0020 852 0.0019 711 0.0018 635 0.0017 619 0.0016 660 0.0675 680 0.0667 623 0.0660 167 0.0653 257 0.0646 844 0.0015 755 0.0014 901 0.0014 094 0.0013 331 0.0012 611 0.0540 884 0.0635 340 0.0630 176 0.0625 361 0.0620 868 0.0027 677 | 0.0577 677 0.0026 146 | 0.0576 146 0.0024 703 | 0.0574 703 0.0023 343 0.0022 061 0.0573 343 0.0572 061 0.0006 872 0.0006 505 0.0006 158 0.0005 829 0.0005 518 0.0586 881 0.0584 810 0.0582 862 0.0581 028 0.0579 302 0.0570 852 0.0569 711 0.0568 635 0.0567 619 0.0566 660 0.0011 931 0.0561 931 0.0011 288 0.0561 288 0.0010 680 0.0560 680 0.0010 106 | 0.0560 106 0.0009 563 0.0559 563 0.0565 755 0.0564 901 0.0564 094 0.0563 331 0.0562 611 0.0009 049 | 0.0559 049 0.0008 564 0.0558 564 0.0008 105 0.0558 105 0.0007 671 0.0557 671 0.0007 260 | 0.0557 260 N 0.0556 872 0.0556 505 0.0556 153 0.0555 829 0.0555 518 0.0004 682 0.0004 433 0.0004 197 0.0005 224 | 0.0555 224 0.0004 946 | 0.0554 946 0.0554 682 0.0554 433 0.0554 197 0.0003 974 0.0553 974 0.0003 762 | 0.0553 762 0.0003 562 | 0.0553 562 0.0003 373 0.0553 373 0.0003 194 0.0553 194 0.0054 688 | 0.0003 024 0.0553 024 0.0051 799 0.0002 864 | 0.0552 864 0.0049 064 | 0.0002 712 | 0.0552 712 0.0046 473 0.0044 018 0.0002 568 | 0.0552 568 0.0002 432 | 0.0552 432 · 0.0550 000 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.01375. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.2416 517 0.2288 054 0 2166 421 0.2051 254 0.1942 209 0.1838 961 0.1741 201 0.1648 639 | 0.1560 997 0.1478 014 0.1399 443 0.1325 048 0.1254 608 0.1187 913 0.1124 764 | 0.1064 971 0.1008 357 0.0810 439 0.0767 356 0.0726 563 0.0687 939 0.0651 368 0.0469 338 0.0444 388 0.0420 764 0.0398 396 0.0377 218 0,0954 753 0.0058 054 0.0903 998 | 0.0054 661 0.0855 941 0.0051 483 0.0357 165 0.0338 178 0.0320 200 0.0303 178 0.0287 061 0.0271 801 0.0257 352 0.0243 671 0.0230 718 0.0218 453 0.0175 260 0.0725 260 0.0163 179 0.0713 179 0.0152 106 | 0.0702 106 0.0141 933 0.0132 569 0.0616 741 0.0036 150 0.0586 150 0.0583 955 | 0.0034 109 | 0.0584 109 0.0552 912 0.0523 519 0.0495 689 0.0032 190 0.0030 384 0.0028 685 0.0582 190 0.0580 384 0.0578 685 0.0119 784 0.0113 416 0.0107 387 0.0101 678 0.0096 273 0.0123 934 0.0673 934 0.0115 956 0.0665 956 0.0108 575 | 0.0658 575 0.0101 736 0.0651 736 0.0095 389 | 0.0645 389 0.0091 155 0.0086 309 0.0081 721 0.0077 377 0.0073 264 0.0089 493 0.0639 493 0.0084 009 | 0.0634 009 0.0078 903 | 0.0628 903 0.0074 143 0.0624 143 0.0069 702 | 0.0619 702 0.0065 555 | 0.0615 555 0.0061 679 0.0611 679 0.0608 054 0.0604 661 0.0601 483 0.0052 789 0.0049 983 0.0047 326 0.0044 810 0.0042 428 0.0048 505 | 0.0598 505 0.0045 712 | 0.0595 712 0.0043 092 | 0.0593 092 0.0040 632 | 0.0590 632 0.0038 321 0.0588 321 0.0691 933 0.0682 569 0.0027 085 0.0025 578 0.0024 159 0.0022 821 0.0577 085 0.0575 578 0.0574 159 0.0572 821 0.0021 560 | 0.0571 560 0.0020 372 0.0019 251 0.0019 251 0.0018 194 0.0017 196 0.0016 255 0.0015 367 0.0014 528 0.0013 737 0.0012 989 0.0012 283 0.0157 404 0.0008 796 0.0149 037 0.0008 321 0.0141 114 0.0007 872 0.0133 612 | 0.0007 448 0.0126 509 0.0206 840 0.0195 844 0.0185 433 0.0011 616 | 0.0561 616 0.0010 987 0.0560 987 0.0010 392 0.0560 392 0.0175 575 | 0.0009 829 | 0.0559 829 0.0166 242 0.0009 298 0.0559 298 0.0558 796 0.0558 321 0.0557 872 0.0557 448 0.0007 047 | 0.0557 047 0.0005 060 0.0004 788 0.0004 532 0.000+ 289 0.0004 059 0.0004 059 0.0069 369 0.0003 842 0.0065 681 0.0003 636 0.0052 190 0.0003 442 0.0058 884 0.0003 258 0.0055 753 0.0003 084 0.0570 372 0.0569 251 0.0568 194 0.0567 196 0.0566 255 0.0565 367 0.0564 528 0.0563 737 0.0562 989 0.0562 283 0.0006 668 | 0.0556 668 0.0006 309 0.0556 309 0.0005 970 0.0555 970 0.0005 650 0.0005 346 0.0555 650 0.0555 346 0.0002 919 0.0002 763 0.0002 615 0.0002 476 0.0002 343 0.0555 060 0.0554 788 0.0554 532 0.0554 289 0.0554 059 0.0553 842 0.0553 636 0.0553 442 0.0553 258 0.0553 084 0.0552 919 0.0552 763 0.0552 615 0.0552 476 0.0552 343 0.0550 000 Page 45. RATE OF INTEREST: 52 per Cent. per Ann.--CORRESPONDING VALUE OF Years. 0 20 ={{*<<<<][6#39}< 4 PK:ZHAN -) HAHADE ગ PIS:NLA ======{^2>0}<# 0 AKCHAL DAKLAH → >><<*~*~* POKKAL ~~~40 10 SAMo8==MauབྱུbS}L 11 12 CARILAH 13 H{*~{NA ܢܚ ܐܥܪܢܝܟܬܪܘܐܗ 16 *** **** * 17 18 19 20 21 22 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.0575. 23 Improved Cumulated Value of Principal, Annuity. Annuity. 25 1.0575 000 1.0000 000 1.1183 063 1.1826 089 3.1758 063 1.2506 089 2.0575 000 .... 1.3225 189 5.6090 240 4.3584 151 1.3985 637 6.9315 429 1.4789 811 8.3301 066 1.5640 225 | 9.8090 877 14 2.1873 852 | 20.650 177 1.6539 538 11.373 110 1.9559 805 1.7490 562 13.027 064 1.8496 269 14.776 120 ·· 2.4461 665 2.5868 211 2.7355 633 2.8928 582 3.0591 975 16.625 747 2.0684 493 18.581 728 2.3131 598 22.837 562 3.2351 014 38.871 329 3.4211 197 42.106 430 3.6178 341 45.527 550 24 3.8258 596 49.145 384 4.0458 465 52.971 243 25.150 722 27.596 888 30.183 710 32.919 273 35.812 131 0.9456 27 1.8398 36 .... 2.6854 24 3.4850 35 4.2411 68 4.9561 87 5.6323 28 …….. 6.2717 05 6.8763 17 7.4480 54 7.9887 03 8.4999 56 8.9834 10 9.4405 77 9.8728 86 .... 10.281 69 10.668 26 11.033 82 11.379 50 11.706 38 12.015 49 12.307 79 12.584 20 12 845 58 13.092 75 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.02875. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 1.0287 500 0.5000 000 1.0583 265 ... 1.0887 535 1.1200 551 .... .... 1.1522 567 2.6479 426 1.1853 841 1.2545 235 1.2905 910 1.3276 955 .. .. 1.0143 750 1.2194 639 3.8167 630 4.4264 949 1.5435 283 2.0879 150 ... ... 3.2240 709 *** 1.3658 667 6.3628 999 1.4051 354 7.0458 333 1.9192 277 1.9744 055 1.4455 331 7.7484 010 1.4870 921 8.4711 675 5.0537 566 5.6990 522 1.5298 460 | 9.2147 136 1.5738 2919.9796 366 .... 1.6190 767 10.766 551 1.6656 251 11.576 089 .. 12.408 902 1.7135 119 1.7627 753 13.265 658 .... 1.8134 551 14.147 046 1.8655 920 15.053 773 15.986 569 16.946 183 2.0311 697 17.933 386 ·· 2.0895 658 18.948 971 2.1496 408 | 19.993 754 2.2114 430 | 21.068 574 2.2750 220 22.174 295 2.3404 289 23.311 806 .. 2.4077 162 24.482 021 2.4769 380 25.685 879 2.6214 093 2.7743 071 28.198 423 30 857 515 2.9361 229 | 33.671 703 3.1073 769 36.650 033 3.2886 195 3.4804 334 3.6834 351 3.8982 772 4.1256 503 51.359 135 39.802 078 43.137 971 46.668 436 50.404 820 0.4860 27 0.9584 71 1.4177 11 ... 1.8641 18 2.2920 49 2.7198 53 3.1298 70 3.5284 27 3.9158 47 4.2924 39 4.6585 07 5.0143 45 5.3602 38 5.6964 64 6.0232 95 6.3409 91 6.6498 09 6.9499 97 7.2417 95 7.5254 39 7.8011 56 8.0691 67 8.3296 88 8.5829 29 8.8290 93 9.0683 77 9.3009 74 9.5270 71 9.7468 49 9.9604 85 10.168 15 .. 10.370 01 10.756 97 11.122 60 11.468 08 11.794 52 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.014375. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity, 1.0143 750 1.0289 566 1.0437 479 1.0587 518 1.0739 713 1 0894 097 1.1050 699 1.1209 553 1.1370 690 1.1534 144 1.1699 947 1.1868 134 1.2038 739 1.2211 795 1.2387 340 1.2565 408 1.2746 036 1.2929 260 1.3115 118 1.3303 648 1.3494 888 1.3688 877 1.3885 654 1.4085 261 1.4287 736 1.4493 123 1.4701 461 1.4912 795 1.5127 166 1.5344 619 1.5565 198 1.5788 918 1.6015 914 1.6246 143 1.6479 681 1.6716 576 1.6956 877 1.7200 632 1.7447 891 1.7698 705 1.7953 124 1.8211 200 1.8472 986 1.8738 535 1.9007 901 1.9281 140 1.9558 306 1.9839 457 2.0124 649 2.0413 941 2.0707 392 2.1005 060 2.1307 008 2.1613 296 2.1923 987 2.2239 145 2.2558 832 2.2883 116 2.3212 060 2.3545 734 2.3884 204 2.4227 539 2.4575 810 2.4929 087 2.6393 715 2.7944 393 2.9586 175 3.1324 415 12.102 97 12.394 43 12.669 81 12.930 03 3.3164 780 3.5113 270 3.7176 236 3.9360 406 13.175 90 4.1672 899 0.2500 000 0.5035 938 0.7608 329 1.0217 699 1.2864 578 1.5549 507 1.8273 031 2.1035 706 2.3838 094 2.6680 766 2.9564 302 3.2489 289 3.5456 323 3.8466 007 4.1518 956 4.4615 791 4.7757 143 5.0943 652 5.4175 967 5.7454 747 6.0780 659 6.4154 381 6.7576 600 7.1048 014 7.4569 329 7.8141 263 8.1764 544 8.5439 909 8.9168 108 9.2949 899 9.6786 054 10.067 735 10.462 459 10.862 857 11.269 010 11.681 002 12.098 917 12.522 839 12.952 855 13.389 052 13.831 520 14.280 348 14.735 628 15.197 452 15.665 916 16.141 113 16.623 142 17.112 099 17.608 086 18.111 202 18.621 551 19.139 235 24.146 441 24.743 546 25.349 235 25.963 630 0.2464 57 0.4894 22 0.7289 43 0.9650 70 28.510 809 31.207 640 34.062 913 37.085 940 1.1978 51 1.4273 33 1 6535 63 1.8765 87 40.286 574 43.675 251 47.263 020 51.061 575 55.083 303 2.0964 51 2.3131 99 2.5268 75 2.7375 23 2.9451 86 3.1499 05 3.3517 25 3.5506 84 3.7468 23 3.9401 83 4.1308 03 4.3187 21 4.5039 76 4.5866 06 4.8666 48 5.0441 39 5.2191 14 5.3916 10 5.5616 61 5.7293 02 5.8945 68 6.0574 91 6.2181 06 6.3761 45 6.5325 39 6.6864 22 6.8381 24 6.9876 76 7.1351 09 7.2804 53 7.4237 36 7.5649 90 7.7042 41 7.8415 19 7.9768 52 8.1102 67 19.664 362 9.2290 58 20.197 037 9.3447 28 20.737 369 9.4587 58 21.285 469 9.5711 72 8.2417 91 8.3714 52 8.4992 74 8.6252 86 21.841 448 9.6819 94 22.405 419 9.7912 45 22.977 496 9.8989 47 23.557 798 10.005 12 8.7495 12 8.8719 77 8.9927 07 9.1117 26 10.109 80 10.212 98 10.314 71 10.414 99 10.802 12 11.167 76 11.513 12 11.839 31 12.147 40 12.438 39 12.713 23 12.972 83 13.218 02 Page 46. PERPETUAL STOCK: 3 p. C. 52,1739; 31 p. C. 60,8696; 4p. C. 69,5652; 5p. C.86,9565. Years. Q! #{<<<={** 2 HO ~*~* HAND um HAURIA t PENAL {{N}< HENR ♡ 5 0.7561 329 0.1782 841 PENTAX SANKAY =423le# {7 4537*cY 11 ܢܚܙܐܠܫܢܚܝh 13 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.0575. 2685 CARLA GALA BALAL Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9456 265 1.0000 000 1.0575 000 17 18 0.8942 094 0.4860 268 | 0.5435 268 8 0.6393 770 0.1019 463 0.159± 463 19 20 0.8455 881 21 22 23 24 25 0.7996 106 0.2294 412 | 0.2869 412 0.3148 807 | 0.3723 807 0.7150 192 0.1442 680 0.6761 412 0.6046 118 10 0.5717 369 | 0.0767 633 0.1342 633 .... 0.2357 841 0.1200 465 | 0.1775 465 0.2017 680 ... 0.0879 267 0.1454 267 *** 12 0.5112 526 0.0601 477 0.1176 477 ·· 0.5406 496 | 0.0676 768 | 0.1251 768 14 0.4571 669 0.0484 257 0.1059 257 0.4834 539 | 0.0538 163 0.1113 163 0.4323 091 | 0.0437 875 | 0.1012 875 0.4088 029 0.0397 603 | 0.0972 603 0.3865 749 0.0362 360 0.0937 360 0.3655 554 0.0331 305 | 0.0906 305 0.3456 789 0.0303 773 0.3268 831 0.0279 235 0.0878 773 0.0854 235 0.3091 093 | 0.0257 259 0.0257 259 0.0237 493 0.0832 259 0.0812 493 0.2764 085 0.0219 647 | 0.0794 647 0.2923 019 0.2613 792 0.0203 478 | 0.0778 478 0.2471 671 0.0188 782 | 0.0763 782 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.02875. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Aunuity. .. 0.9720 535 0.9448 879 0.9184 816 0.8928 132 0.8200 325 0.7971 154 0.4351 517 0.8678 621 0.3776 517 0.8136 084 0.3101 669 0.3676 669 0.7748 388 0.7531 848 0.6917 863 0.6724 533 0.6536 605 0.6353 930 2.0000 000 2.0575 000 0.9858 287 1.0433 287 0.7321 359 0.1571 610 0.7116 751 0.1419 279 0.5478 621 0.7053 621 0.4789 467 | 0.5364 467 •• 0.2620 021 0.2259 123 0.4923 272 0.4785 683 0.4651 940 0.4521 934 0.1978 726 0.2553 726 0.1751 678 | 0.2329 678 0.4395 562 0.4272 721 0.1571 610 0.2146 610 0.6176 360 0.0928 803 0.6003 752 0.0863 850 0.1419 279 0.1994 279 0.1290 589 0.1180 475 0.1085 221 0.1002 040 0.5514 335 0.0706 861 0.5360 229 0.0664 285 0.5210 429 0.0625 525 0.5064 816 0.0590 103 0.3195 021 0.2834 123 0.5835 967 0.0805 873 0.1380 873 0.5672 873 0.0753 826 0.0753 826 | 0.1328 826 ... 0.1865 589 | 0.1755 475 ... 0.1660 221 0.1577 040 ... 0.4153 313 0.4037 243 0.3814 742 0.3604 504 0.3405 852 0.3218 149 | 0.0272 851 ... 0.1503 803 0.1438 850 0.2423 860 0.0183.962 0.1281 861 0.1239 285 0.0557 619 | 0.1132 619 0.0527 733 0.1102 733 .... 0.1200 525 0.1165 103 ... 0.0500 156 | 0.1075 156 0.0174 611 0.1049 641 0.0450 973 | 0.1025 973 0.0128 967 | 0.1003 967 0.0408 463 0.0983 463 0.0964 319 0.0389 319 0.0354 630 | 0.0929 630 0.0324 070 0.0899 070 0.0296 985 0.0296 985 | 0.0871 985 0.0817 851 0.3040 790 0.0251 243 0.0826 243 0.2873 205 | 0.0231 814 0.0806 814 0.2714 858 0.0214 278 0.0789 278 0.0198 394 | 0.0773 394 0.2565 236 0.0183.962 | 0.0758 962 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.014375. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9858 287 0.9718 583 0.9580 858 0.9445 083 0.9311 235 0.9179 282 0.9049 201 0.8920 963 0.8794 541 0.8669 911 0.8547 047 0.8425 924 0.8306 518 0.8188 804 0.8072 758 0.7958 357 0.7410 213 0.7305 201 0.7201 677 0.7099 620 0.6999 009 0.6899 824 0.6802 045 0.6705 651 0.6610 623 0.6516 942 0.6424 589 0.6333 544 0.7845 577 | 0.2093 928 0.7734 395 | 0.1962 953 0.7624 788 0.1845 847 0.7516 735 | 0.1740 500 0.6243 790 | 0.6155 307 0.6068 079 0.5982 086 0.5897 312 0.5813 740 0.5731 352 0.5650 131 0.5260 970 0.5186 415 0.5112 917 0.5040 461 0.4969 031 0.4898 613 0.4829 193 0.4760 757 4.0000 000 1.9857 276 1.3143 409 0.9786 939 0.4432 854 0.4370 034 0.4308 105 0.4247 054 0.4186 868 0.4127 534 0.4069 042 0.4011 378 0.8348 283 0.7773 283 0.6431 072 | 0.7006 072 0.5172 516 | 0.6047 546 0.4753 821 0.5328 821 0.4194 966 0.3748 018 0.3382 458 0.3077 938 0.2820 372 0.2599 698 0.2408 538 0.2241 359 0.3015 247 0.2847 926 0.2689 890 0.2540 624 0.2399 641 0.5570 061 0.0722 987 0.5491 126 0.0700 263 0.5413 310 | 0.0678 627 0.5336 596 | 0.0658 005 0.1341 034 0.1279 734 0.1223 024 0.1170 413 0.1121 477 0.1075 848 0.1033 207 0.0993 272 0.1615 260 | 0.2220 260 0.1558 740 0.2133 740 0.1479 820 0.2054 820 0.1407 499 0.1982 +99 0.0955 798 | 0.0920 568 0.0887 389 0.0856 091 0.0826 520 0.0798 541 0.0772 031 0.0747 437 0.4693 291 0.0508 534 0.4626 782 | 0.0495 122 0.4561 214 0.0482 223 0.4496 576 0.0469 804 0.0567 921 0.0552 144 0.0537 012 0.0522 487 0.0457 845 0.0446 320 0.0435 209 0.0424 488 4.0575 000 2.0432 276 1.3718 409 1.0361 939 0.0394 489 0.0385 154 0.3788 781 0.0350 744 0.3578 535 0.0320 434 0.3379 957 0.0293 574 0.3192 398 | 0.0269 611 0.4769 966 0.4323 018 0.3957 458 0.3652 938 0.3395 372 0.3174 698 0.2983 538 | 0.2816 359 0.0248 222 0.0228 963 0.0211 582 0.0195 842 0.0181 548 0.2668 928 0.2537 953 0.2420 847 0.2315 500 0.1213 328 0.0638 328 0.0619 536 0.0601 571 0.1191 536 0.1176 571 0.0584 382 | 0.1159 382 0.1915 034 0.1854 734 0.1798 024 0.1745 413 0.1696 477 0.1650 848 0.1608 207 0.1568 272 0.1530 798 0.1495 568 0.1462 389 0.1431 091 0.1401 520 0.1373 541 0.1347 031 0.1322 437 0.1297 987 0.1275 263 0.1253 627 0.1233 005 0.1142 921 0.1127 144 0.1112 012 0.1097 487 0.0414 140 0.0989 140 0.0404 146 0.0979 146 0.0969 489 0.0960 154 0.1083 534 0.1070 122 0.1057 223 0.1044 804 0.1032 845 0.1021 320 0.1010 209 0.0999 488 0.0925 744 0.0895 434 0.0868 574 0.0844 644 0.0823 222 0.0803 963 0.0786 582 0.0770 842 0.0756 543 Page 47. RATE OF INTEREST: 5 per Cent. CORRESPONDING VALUE of per Ann.- Years. ON 26 M**** 26 4.2784 827 27 4.5244 951 28 36 37 38 39 40 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.0575. #9933 95393 5883K 85888 786J5 85882 N***R OF22% ***** 86888 *88*5 85838 Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 29 5.0597 715 30 5.3507 084 95 96 57.017 090 61.295 573 4.7846 539 | 65.820 068 70.604 722 75.664 493 31 5.6583 741 32 33 5.9837 306 6.3277 951 6.6916 433 35 7.0764 128 34 7.4833 066 112.75 316 7.9135 967 120.23 646 8.3686 285 128.15 006 8.8498 247 136.51 869 9.3586 896145.36 851 9.8968 142 10.465 881 11.067 669 11.704 060 12.377 044 13.088 724 13.841 325 14.637 201 15.478 841 16.368 874 17.310 084 18.305 414 19.357 975 20.471 059 21.648 145 30.276 310 32.017 197 33.858 186 35.805 032 37.863 821 81.015 202 86.673 576 92.657 307 98.985 102 105.67 674 52.954 967 55.999 877 59.219 870 62.625 013 66.225 951 154.72 720 164.62 402 175.08 990 186.15 757 197.86 163 380.74 631 22.892 913 24.209 256 | 403.63 923 25.601 288 27.073 362 28.630 080 427.84 848 453.44 977 480.52 313 210.23 867 223.32 740 237.16 872 251.80 592 267.28 476 283.65 364 300.96 372 319.26 913 338.62 711 359.09 817 40.040 991 | 678.97 376 42.343 348 719.01 475 44.778 091761.35 810 47.352 831 806.13 619 50.075 619 853.48 902 161.99 970 171.31 469 181.16 528 191.58 228 202.59 827 509.15 321 539.42 952 571.44 672 605.30 491 641.10 994 903.56 464 956.51 961 1012.5 195 1071.7 394 1134.3 644 1200.5 903 70.033 943 74.060 895 1270.6 243 78.319 396 1344.6 852 82.822 762 1423.0 046 87.585 070 1505.8 273 92.621 212 | 1593.4 124 97.946 932 | 1686.0 336 103.57 888 1783.9 805 109.53 467 | 1887.5 594 115.83 291 | 1997.0 941 122.49 330 2112.9 270 129.53 667 2235.4 203 136.98 502 2364.9 570 144.86 166 2501.9 420 153.19 121 2616.8 036 13.326 47 13.547 49 13.756 49 13.954 13 14.141 02 214.24 767 3708.6 551 226.56 691 | 3922.9 027 4149.4 696 4389.0 641 239.59 450 253.37 119 100 267.94 003 | 4642.4 353 14.317 75 14.484 87 14.642 91 14.792 35 14.933 66 15.067 29 15.193 66 15.313 15 15.426 15 15.533 00 15.634 04 15.729 59 15.819 94 15.905 38 15.986 18 16.062 58 16.134 83 16.203 15 16.267 75 16.328 84 16.386 61 10.441 24 16.492 90 19.541 75 16.587 94 16.631 62 16.672 93 16.711 99 16.748 93 16.783 86 16.816 88 16.848 12 16.877 65 16.905 58 16.931 99 16.956 97 16.980 58 17.002 92 17.024 03 17.044 00 17.062 89 17.080 74 17.097 63 17.113 60 17.128 70 17.142 98 17.156 48 17.169 25 17.181 32 17.192 74 17.203 54 17.213 75 17.223 40 17.232 53 17.241 16 17.249 33 17.257 05 17.264 35 17.271 25 17.277 78 2799.9 948 17.283 95 2961.9 946 17.289 79 3133.3 092 17.295 31 3314.4 745 17.300 53 3506.0 568 17.305 46 17.310 13 17.314 54 17.318 72 17.322 66 17.326 40 Value of Perpetual Ann. 17.391 30 4.3662 853 4.6209 557 4.8904 801 5.1757 250 5.4776 073 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.02875. Improved Cumulated Principal. Annuity. 5.7970 973 6.1352 221 6.4930 685 6.8717 868 7.2725 945 7.6967 800 8.1457 067 8.6208 178 9.1236 404 9.6557 910 10.218 980 10.815 018 11.445 821 12.113 416 12.819 950 18.013 766 19.064 447 20.176 411 21.353 231 22.598 692 23.916 796 25.311 781 26.788 130 28.350 589 30.001 182 55.975 560 59.240 422 62.695 712 66.352 538 70.222 653 13.567 694218.56 859 14.359 051 15.196 565 16.082 928 17.020 990 232.33 132 246.89 678 262.31 180 278.62 592 74.318 499 78.653 242 83.240 815 88.095 965 93.234 300 58.544 092 62.973 142 67.660 524 72.621 305 77.871 431 83.427 779 89.308 210 95.531 626 102.11 803 109.08 860 116.46 574 124.27 316 132.53 596 141.28 070 150.53 550 160.33 009 170.69 597 181.66 645 193.27 681 205.56 435 31.754 222 33.606 337 534.85 604 567.06 673 35.566 479 601.15 616 37.640 950 39.836 417 637.23 391 675.41 595 273.74 737 289.71 411 295.89 158 314.16 430 333.50 280 353.96 924 375.62 943 42.159 938 715.82 501 44.618 982 | 758.59 100 47.221 454 49.975 719 52.890 631 803.85 138 851.75 164 902.44 576 398.55 298 422.81 358 448.48 921 475.00 242 504.42 055 956.09 670 1012.8 769 1072.9 689 1136.5 659 1203.8 722 1275.1 043 1350.4 912 1430.2 750 1514.7 124 1604.0 748 98.672 336 1698.6 493 104.42 755 | 1798.7 401 110:51 845 1904.6 688 116.96 462 | 2016.7 759 123.78 676 2135.4 219 131.00 682 2260.9 881 138.64 799 | 2393.8 782 146.73 485 2534.5 192 155.29 339 2683.3 634 164.35 112 2840.8 891 173.93 716 3007.6 028 184.08 232 3184.0 403 194.81 921 3370.7 688 206.18 234 3568.3 885 218.20 825 3777.5 347 230.93 558 3998.8 797 244.40 526 | 4233.1 350. 258.66 058 4481.0 536 4743.4 324 5021.1 149 Value of Annuity. 13.408 22 13.627 73 13.835 15 14.031 14 14.216 32 14.391 30 14.556 64 14.712 86 14.860 48 14.999 96 15.131 75 15.256 28 15.373 94 15.485 12 15.590 18 15.689 44 15.783 23 15.871 86 15.955 60 16.034 72 16.109 48 16.180 13 16.246 89 16.309 95 16.369 55 16.425 86 16.479 07 16.529 34 15.576 85 16.621 73 16.664 14 16.704 22 16.742 09 16.777 87 16.811 68 16.843 62 16.873 80 16.902 32 16.929 27 16.954 74 16.978 80 17.001 53 17.023 01 17.043 31 17.062 49 17.080 61 17.097 73 17.113 91 17.129 20 17.143 64 17.157 29 17.170 19 17.182 38 17.193 89 17.204 77 17.215 05 17.224 77 17.233 94 17.242 62 17.250 81 17.258 55 17.265 87 17.272 78 17.279 31 17.285 49 17.291 32 17.296 83 17.302 04 17 306 96 17.311 61 17.316 00 17.320 15 17.324 07 17.327 77 17.331 27 17.391 30 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.014375. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 4.4121 256 4.6713 458 4.9457 956 5.2363 698 5.5440 158 5.8697 365 6.2145 939 6.5797 123 6.9662 821 7.3755 635 7.8088 909 8.2676 770 8.7534 176 9.2676 964 9.8121 900 10.388 673 10.999 026 11.645 239 12.329 417 13.053 792 13.820 725 14.632 717 15.492 416 16.402 622 17.366 305 18.386 607 19.456 852 20.610 564 21.821 471 23.103 521 24.460 894 25.898 015 27.419 569 29.030 517 30.736 111 32.541 912 34.453 807 36.478 029 38.621 178 40.890 240 43.292 614 45.836 132 48.529 086 51.380 255 54.398 936 57.594 970 60.978 776 64.561 387 68.354 483 72.370 430 76.622 320 81 124 017 85.890 197 90.936 308 96.279 072 101.93 564 107.92 454 114.26 529 120.97 858 128.08 629 135.61 158 143.57 900 152.01 452 160.94 565 170.40 149 180.41 288 191.01 245 202.23 477 214.11 642 226.69 614 240.01 494 254.11 624 269.04 602 284.85 295 301.58 856 59.341 315 63.849 492 68.622 532 73.675 997 79.026 362 84.691 070 90 688 590 97.038 475 103.76 143 110.87 936 118.41 549 126.39 438 134.84 205 143.78 602 153.25 548 163.28 128 173.89 611 185.13 459 197.03 334 209.63 117 222.96 914 237.09 074 252.04 201 267.87 169 281.63 140 302.37 577 321.16 265 341.05 329 362.11 254 384.40 907 408.01 555 433.00 395 459.47 076 487.48 725 517.14 976 548.55 500 581.80 534 617.00 920 654.28 136 693.74 331 735.52 373 779.75 882 826.59 280 876.17 836 928.67 715 984.26 035 1043.1 092 1105.4 154 1171.3 823 1241.2 249 1315.1 708 1393.4 612 1476.3 512 1564.1 113 1657.0 273 1755.4 024 1859.5 572 1969.8 312 2086.5 840 2210.1 963 2341.0 710 2479.6 348 2626.3 395 2781.6 634 2946.1 128 3120.2 239 3304.5 644 3499.7 351 3706.3 725 3925.1 503 4156.7 815 4402.0 216 4661.6 699 4936.5 730 5227.6 272 13.449 60 13.668 33 13 874 92 14.070 05 14.254 35 14.428 43 14.592 84 14.748 13 14.894 81 15.033 34 15.164 19 15.287 78 15.404 50 15.514 75 15.618 89 15.717 24 15.810 14 15.897 88 15.980 75 16.059 02 16.132 95 16.202 78 16.268 73 16.331 02 16.389 86 16.445 44 16.497 92 16.547 50 16.594 32 16.638 55 16.680 32 16.719 77 16.757 04 16.792 23 16.825 48 16.856 88 16.886 53 16.914 54 16.941 00 16.965 99 16.989 59 17.011 88 17.032 94 17.052 82 17.071 60 17.089 34 17.106 10 17.121 93 17.136 88 17.151 00 17.164 32 17.176 92 17.188 82 17.200 06 17.210 67 17.220 69 17.230 16 17.239 10 17.247 55 17.255 53 17.263 06 17.270 18 17.276 90 17.283 25 17.289 25 17.294 91 17.300 26 17.305 31 17.310 08 17.314 59 17.318 84 17.322 87 17.326 66 17.330 25 17.333 64 17.391 30 Page 48. PERPETUAL STOCK: 3 p. C. 52,1739; 3½ p. C. 60,8696; 4 p. C. 69,5652; 5 p. C. 86,9565. Years. OMODO MOMIE OMA *** 9**98 78886 95898 688JU 85882 NOMER CE 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 46 47 48 49 50 52 56 57 62 63 64 66 69 71 73 74 75 76 77 78 81 82 ***8 85888 ****a 8588g RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.0575. 96 Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.2337 277 0.2210 191 0.2090 015 0.1976 374 0.1868 911 0.1767 292 0.1671 198 0.1580 329 0.1404 401 0.1413 145 0.1336 308 0.1263 648 0.1194 939 0.1129 966 0.1068 526 0.0577 698 0.0546 286 0.0516 583 0 0488 495 0.0461 933 0.0436 816 0.0413 065 0.0390 605 0.0369 367 0.0349 283 0.0903 533 0.1010 426 0.0064 630 0.0955 486 | 0.0060 744 0.0057 114 0.0053 718 0.0050 540 0.0854 404 0.0807 947 0.0764 016 0.0722 474 0.0683 191 0.0646 043 0.0610 916 0.0330 291 0.0312 332 0.0295 350 0.0279 290 0.0264 104 0.0249 744 0.0236 105 0.0223 323 0.0211 181 0.0199 698 0.0142 788 0.0135 024 0.0127 682 0.0120 740 0.0114 175 0.0107 967 0.0102 096 0.0096 545 0.0091 295 0.0086 331 0.0081 637 0.0077 198 0.0073 001 0.0069 031 0.0065 278 0.0175 386 0.0163 144 0.0151 929 0.0141 634 0.0132 162 0.0061 729 0.0058 372 0.0055 198 0.0052 197 0.0049 359 0.0123 434 0.0115 375 0.0107 925 0 0101 025 0.0094 628 | 0.0046 675 0.0044 137 0.0041 737 99 0.0039 468 100 0.0037 322 0.0035 254 0.0033 227 0.0031 322 0.0029 531 0.0027 848 0.0026 264 0.0024 775 0.0023 373 0.0022 053 0.0020 811 0.0047 565 | 0.0622 565 0.0044 777 0.0619 777 0.0042 164 0.0617 164 0.0039 713 0.0614 713 0.0612 413 0.0037 413 0.0088 689 0.0663 689 0.1299 245 0.0083 169 | 0.0658 169 0.1227 641 0.0078 034 0.0653 034 0.1159 983 0.0073 250 0.0648 2500.1096 054 0.0068 791 0.0643 791 0.1035 648 0.0017 499 0.0016 521 0.0015 598 0.0750 386 0.0738 144 0.0726 929 0.0716 634 0.0707 162 0.0188 840 0.0010 455 0.0178 572 0.0168 862 0.0009 876 0.0009 331 0.0159 681 0.0008 816 0.0150 998 0.0698 431 0.0690 375 0.0682 925 0.0676 025 0.0669 628 0.0019 640 0.0594 640 0.0018 538 0.0593 538 0.0592 499 0.0591 521 0.0590 598 0.0008 329 0.0007 870 0.0007 437 0.0007 027 0.0006 641 0.0639 630 0.0635 744 0.0632 114 0.0628 718 0.0625 540 0.0014 728 | 0.0589 728 0.0013 908 0.0013 134 0.0012 405 0.0011 717 0.0588 908 0.0588 134 0.0587 405 0.0586 717 0.0005 298 0.0005 007 0.0610 254 0.0608 227 0.0606 322 0.0604 531 0.0602 848 0.0004 733 0.0004 473 0.0004 228 0.0003 997 0.0003 778 0 0601 264 0.0599 775 0.0598 373 0.0597 053 0.0595 811 0.0011 067 | 0.0586 067 0.0585 455 0.0584 876 0.0584 331 0.0583 816 0.0002 696 0.0002 549 0.0006 276 | 0.0581 276 0.0005 931 0.0005 605 0.0580 931 0.0580 605 0.0580 298 0.0580 007 0.0583 329 0.0582 870 0.0582 437 0.0582 027 0.0581 641 0.0579 733 0.0579 473 0.0579 228 0.0578 997 0.0578 778 0.0003 571 0.0578 571 0.0003 376 | 0.0578 376 0.0003 192 0.0578 192 0.0003 017 0.0578 017 0.0002 852 0.0577 852 0.0577 696 0.0577 549 0.0002 410 0.0577 410 0.0002 278 | 0.0577 278 0.0002 154 | 0.0577 154 Ratio of Perpetual Ann. 0.0575 000 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.02875. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.2290 £76 0.2164 055 0.2044 789 0.1932 096 0.1825 615 0.1725 001 0.1629 933 0.1540 104 0.1455 226 0.1375 025 0.0978 571 0.0924 640 0.0873 681 0.0825 531 0.0780 034 0.0737 045 0.0696 425 0.0658 013 0.0621 777 0.0587 510 0.0314 919 0.0297 563 0.0281 164 0.0237 192 0.0224 120 0.0211 768 0.0200 097 0.0189 069 0.0170 811 0.0158 798 0.0147 797 0.0137 701 0.0128 417 0.0555 131 0.0524 537 0.0495 628 | 0.0029 985 0.0033 796 0.0031 830 0.0468 313 0.0442 503 0.0028 251 0.0026 622 0.0178 649 0.0168 804 0.0159 501 0.0150 710 0.0142 404 0.0119 864 0.0111 972 0.0104 677 0.0097 926 0.0091 669 0.0418 116 0.0025 091 0 0395 073 | 0.0023 651 0.0373 300 0.0022 297 0.0352 726 0.0021 023 0.0333 287 0.0019 825 0.0085 862 0.0080 468 0.0075 451 0.0070 781 0.0066 430 0.0018 697 0.0017 635 0.0016 635 0.0265 6680.0015 693 0.0015 693 0.0251 027 0.0014 806 | 0.0101 346 0.0095 760 0.0090 483 0.0085 496 0.0080 784 0.0062 371 0.0058 584 0.0055 046 0.0051 739 0.0048 647 0.0045 752 0.0043 043 0.0040 503 0.0038 123 0.0035 890 0.0057 492 0.0054 324 00051 330 | 0.0048 501 0.0045 828 0.0013 970 0.0013 182 0.0012 440 0.0011 741 0.0011 081 0.0134 556 | 0.0007 842 0.0127 140 0.0120 133 0.0113 513 0.0107 257 0.0007 405 0.0006 992 0.0006 602 0.0006 234 0.0010 459 0.0009 873 0.0009 320 0.0008 798 0.0008 307 0.0745 811 0.0733 798 0.0722 797 0.0712 701 0.0703 417 0 0694 86+ 0.0686 972 0.0679 677 0.0672 926 0.0666 669 0.0650 862 || 0.0655 468 0.0650 451 0.0645 781 0.0641 430 0.0637 371 0.0633 584 0.0630 046 0.0626 739 0.0623 647 0 0.0620 752 0.0618 043 0.0615 503 0.0613 123 0.0610 890 0.0608 796 0.0606 830 0.0604 985 0.0603 251 0.0601 622 0.0600 091 0.0598 651 0.0597 297 0.0596 023 0.0594 825 0.0593 697 0.0592 635 0.0591 635 0.0590 693 0.0589 806 0.0588 970 0.0588 182 0.0587 440 0.0586 741 0.0586 081 0.0585 459 0.0584 873 0.0584 320 0.0583 798 0.0583 307 0.058% 842 0.0582 405 0.0581 992 0.0581 602 0.0581 234 0.0005 887 0.0580 887 0.0005 559 0.0580 559 0.0005 250 0.0580 250 0.0004 958 0.0579 958 0.0004 683 | 0.0579 683 0.0076 332 0.0004 423 0.0579 423 0 0072 125 0.0004 177 0.0579 177 0.0068 150 0.0003 946 | 0.0578 946 0.0064 394 0.0003 727 0.0c60 845 0.0003 520 0 0578 727 0.0578 520 0.0003 325 0.0578 325 0.0003 141 0.0578 141 0.0002 967 0.0577 967 0.0002 802 0.0577 802 0.0002 647 0.0577 647 0.0002 501 0.0577 501 0.0002 362 | 0.0577 362 0.0043 302 0.0040 916 0.0038 661 | 0.0002 232 0.0577 232 0.0036 530 0.0002 108 0.0577 108 0.0034 517 0.0001 992 | 0.0576 992 -0.0575 000 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.014375. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.2266 481 0.2140 711 0.2021 919 0.1909 720 0.1803 746 0.1703 654 | 0.0118 076 0.0118 076 0.1609 116 0.0110 267 0.1519 823 0.1435 486 0.1355 828 | 0.0090 188 0.0103 052 0.0096 375 0.1280 592 0.1209 530 0.1142 411 0.1079 017 0.1019 140 0.0962 587 0.0909 171 0.0858 720 0.0811 068 0.0766 061 0.0543 874 0.0513 694 0.0485 188 0.0458 264 0.0432 834 0.0408 816 0.0386 130 0.0364 703 0.0344 465 0.0325 350 0.0307 296 0.0290 244 0.0274 138 0.0258 925 0.0244 557 0.0723 551 0.0683 400 0.0645 477 | 0.0039 676 0.0609 659 0.0575 828 0.0037 331 0.0035 133 0.0168 517 0.0156 618 0.0145 725 0.0135 729 0.0126 540 0.0130 510 0.0123 268 0.0116 428 0.0109 967 0.0103 865 0.0084 448 0.0079 117 0.0074 161 0.0069 548 0.0065 251 0.0073 740 0.0069 648 0.0065 783 0.0062 133 0.0058 685 0.0061 244 0.0057 506 0.0054 015 0.0050 753 0.0047 703 0.0055 428 0.0052 353 0.0049 447 0.0046 704 0.0044 112 0.0044 849 0.0042 178 0.0041 664 0.0039 352 0.0037 168 0.0035 106 0.0033 158 0.0230 986 0.0013 596 | 0.0218 169 0.0012 824 0.0206 062 | 0.0012 098 0.0194 627 0.0183 827 0.0011 413 0.0010 768 0.0033 071 0.0031 137 0.0029 321 0.0027 616 0.0026 014 0.0173 626 0.0163 991 0.0154 891 0.0010 160 0.0009 587 0.0009 016 0.0146 296 | 0.0008 537 0.0138 178 0.0008 057 0.0024 509 0.0023 094 0.0021 764 0.0020 513 0.0019 337 0.0018 230 0.0017 188 0 0016 207 0.0015 284 0.0014 415 0.0098 101 0.0005 697 0.0005 378 0.0092 657 0.0087 516 0.0005 077 0.0082 659 0.0004 793 0.0078 072 | 0.0004 524 0.0007 604 0.0007 176 0.0006 773 0.0006 393 0.0006 035 0.0003 205 0.0003 026 0.0002 857 0.0002 698 0.0002 548 0.0002 406 0.0002 272 0.0002 145 0.0002 026 0.0001 913 0.0743 517 0.0731 618 0.0720 725 0.0710 729 0.0701 540 - 0.0693 076 0.0685 267 0.0678 052 0.0671 375 0.0665 188 0.0659 448 0.0654 117 0.0649 161 0.0644 548 0.0640 251 0.0636 244 0.0632 506 0.0629 015 0.0625 753 0.0622 703 0.0619 849 0.0617 178 0.0614 676 0.0612 331 0.0610 133 0.0608 071 0.0606 137 0.0604 321 0.0602 616 0.0601 014 0.0599 509 0.0598 094 0.0596 76+ 0.0595 513 0.0594 337 0.0593 230 0.0592 188 0.0591 207 0.0590 284 0.0589 415 0.0588 596 0.0587 824 0.0587 098 0.0586 413 0.0585 768 0.0585 160 0.0584 587 0.0584 046 0.0583 537 0.0583 057 0.0001 272 0.0579 272 0.0004 033 0.0579 033 0.0003 808 0.0578 808 0.0003 595 0.0578 595 0.0003 394 0.0578 394 0.0582 604. 0.0582 176 0.0581 773 0.0581 393 0.0581 035 0.0580 697 0.0580 378 0.0580 077 0.0579 793 0.0579 524 0.0578 205 0.0578 026 0.0577 857 0.0577 698 0.0577 548 0.0577 406 0.0577 272 0.0577 145 0.0577 026 0.0576 913 0.0575 000 Page 49. RATE OF INTEREST: 6 per Cent. OF per -CORRESPONDING VALUE of Ann.- Years. gand ={{{6}}}]] D16:13HAH Q [C¢85%-**$== ∞ POSLAL → *V*{e* =**=***}** ∞ *f**=420]# PRAK CANAL SPANLAL HA SA 13 ~46831-**** & ANNA BEZ BASAL GAPA RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.06. 19 20 Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 21 22 1.0600 000 1.0000 000 23 24 1.1236 000 | 2.0600 000 1.1910 160 3.1836 000 1.2624 770 4.3746 160 1.3382 256 | 5.6370 930 1.4185 191 6.9753 185 1.5036 303 8.3938 376 1.5938 481 9.8974 679 12 2.0121 965 16.869 941 1.6894 790 11.491 316 1.7908 477 1.8982 986 14.971 643 2.1329 283 • 2.2609 040 13.180 795 15 2.3965 582 23.275 970 2.5403 517 25.672 528 17 2.6927 728 28.212 880 18 2.8543 392 30.905 653 3.0255 995 33.759 992 3.2071 355 36.785 591 18.882 138 25 4.2918 707 21.015 066 3.3995 636 | 39.992 727 3.6035 374 43.392 290 3.8197 497 46.995 828 4.0489 346 50.815 577 54.864 512 0.9433 96 1.8333 93 2.6730 12 3.4651 06 4.2123 64 4.9173 24 5.5823 82 6.2097 94 6.8016 91 ... 7.3600 86 7.8868 74 8.3838 43 8.8526 82 9.2949 83 9.7122 48 11.764 08 12.041 58 12.303 38 12.550 36 12.783 36 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.03. 1.0300 000 1.0609 000 Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 0.5000 000 1.0150 000 ... 1.0927 270 | 1.5454 500 1.1255 088 2.0918 135 1.1592 741 | 2.6545 679 1.1940 523 3.2342 049 1.2298 739 3.8312 311 1.2667 701 4.4161 680 1.3047 732 | 5.0795 530 1.3439 164 5.7319 397 1.3842 339 6.4038 983 1.4257 6097.0960 148 1.1685 337 7.8088 950 1.5125 897 | 8.5431 620 1.5579 674 | 9.2994 570 1.6047 064 | 10.078 441 1.7535 061 1.8061 112 .... 1.6528 476 | 10.880 794 1.7024 331 11.707 218 12.558 434 13.435 187 1.8602 946 | 14.338 243 1.9161 034 15.268 390 ·· 1.9735 865 16.226 442 2.0327 941 17.213 235 2.0937 779 | 18.229 632 2.1565 913 | 19.276 521 2.2212 890 20.354 817 2.2879 277 | 21.465 461 2.3565 655 | 22.609 425 2.4272 625 | 23.787 708 .... 2.5000 803 25.001 339 2.5750 827 26.251 379 10.105 89 10.477 26 2.7319 053 | 28.865 088 10.827 60 2.8982 783 11.158 12 3.0747 835 11.469 92 31.637 972 34.579 725 37.700 630 3.2620 378 3.4606 959 41.011 598 3.6714 523 44.524 204 3.8950 437 48.250 728 4.1322 519 | 52.204 198 4.3839 060 56.398 434 0.4854 37 0.9567 35 1.4143 06 1.8585 49 2.2898 54 2.7085 96 3.1151 42 3.5098 46 3.8930 55 4.2651 01 4.6263 12 4.9770 02 ·· 5.3174 78 5.6480 37 5.9689 68 6.2805 51 6.5830 59 6.8767 57 7.1619 00 7.4387 37 7.7075 12 7.9684 58 8.2218 04 8.4677 71 8.7065 74 8.9384 21 9.1635 16 9.3820 54 9.5942 27 9.8002 21 10.000 21 10.194 38 10.565 92 10.916 13 11.246 23 11.557 39 11.850 68 12.127 14 12.387 72 12.633 35 12.864 88 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.015. Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity, 0.2500 000 1.0150 000 1.0302 250 1.0456 784 0.5037 500 0.7613 063 1.0613 636 | 1.0227 258 1.0772 840 1.0934 433 1.1098 449 1.2880 667 1.5573 877 1.8307 484 1.1264 926 | 2.1082 098 1.1433 900 1.1605 408 1.1779 489 1.1956 182 1.2135 524 | 3.5592 074 1.2317 557 3.8625 955 1.2502 321 1.2689 855 4.1705 345 4.4830 924 1.2880 203 1.3073 406 1.3269 507 1.3468 550 1.3670 578 1.3875 637 1.4083 772 1.4295 028 1.6344 792 1.6589 964 1.6838 813 1.7091 395 2.3898 329 2.6756 804 2.9658 156 3.2603 028 1.4509 454 7.5157 560 1.4727 095 | 7.8784 920 1.4948 002 1.5172 222 8.2466 695 8.6203 695 1.7347 767 1.7607 983 1.7872 101 1.8140 184 8.9996 750 1.5399 805 1.5630 802 9.3846 705 1.5865 264 | 9.7754 405 1.6103 243 10.172 072 1.8412 287 1.8688 471 1.8968 798 1.9253 330 4.8003 388 5.1223 437 5.4491 790 5.7809 168 6.1176 305 6.4593 950 6.8062 860 7.1583 800 2.0741 305 2.1052 424 2.1368 211 2.1688 734 10.574 653 10.983 273 11.398 022 11.818 992 12.246 278 12.679 971 13.120 168 13.566 973 14 020 478 14.480 785 14.947 997 15.422 217 1.9542 130 15.903 550 1.9835 262 | 16.392 103 2.0132 791 2.0434 783 16.887 985 17.391 305 17.902 174 18.420 707 18.947 018 19.481 223 2.2014 065 20.023 441 2.2344 276 20.573 793 2.2579 440 21.132 400 2.3019 631 | £1.699 385 2.3364 926 | 22.274 877 2.3715 400 2.4071 131 2.4432 198 22.859 000 23.451 885 24.053 663 2.4798 681 24.664 468 2 5170 661 25.284 435 2.5548 221 25.913 701 5.5931 444 || 26.552 407 2.7522 690 29.204 483 2 9211 580 32.019 300 3.1004 106 35.006 843 3.2906 628 | 38.177 713 3.4925 895 41 543 159 3.7069 072 | 45.115 120 3.9343 762 4.1758 034 48.906 270 52.930 057 4.4320 45657.200 761 0.2463 05 0.4889 71 0.7280 50 0.9635 96 1.1956 61 1.4212 97 1.6495 53 1.8714 81 2.0901 29 2.3055 46 2.5177 79 2.7268 76 2.9328 83 3.1358 45 3.3358 08 3.5328 16 3.7269 12 3.9181 40 4.1065 42 4.2921 60 4.4750 34 4.6552 06 4.8327 15 5.0076 01 5.1799 03 5.3495 58 5.5169 04 5.6816 79 5.8410 19 6.0039 59 6.1615 36 6.3157 85 6.4697 38 6.6201 32 6.7688 98 6.9151 71 7.0592 82 7.2012 63 7.3411 46 7.4789 61 7.6147 40 7.7485 12 7.8803 08 8.0101 55 8.1380 84 8.2641 22 8.3882 08 8.5106 38 8.6311 71 8.7499 22 8.8669 18 8.9821 85 9.0957 49 9.2076 35 9.3178 67 9.4264 69 9.5334 67 9.6388 84 9.7427 43 9.8450 67 9.9458 79 10.045 20 10.143 06 10.239 46 10.611 06 10.961 17 11.291 03 11.601 83 11.894 66 12.170 56 12.430 50 12.675 42 12.906 18 Page 50. KAN KEHIDU PERPETUAL STOCK: 3 p. C. 50; 3ž 31 p. C. 58,3333; 4p. C. 66,6667; 5p. C. 83,3333. Years. pnja 20{d Q མ་ནས་ 03 ====&N:C{~* flag >{<==|2402}+ -2 Con 6 * fagleg =*={2}{20}< HENNE ***** $$\{} d 11 DABULAL 12 ZAKLAL CAPI TEINDELO 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 £4 25 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.06. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9433 962 0.8899 965 0.4854 369 0.5154 369 | 0.8396 193 0.7920 937 0.7472 582 0.6650 571 0.6274 124 0.7049 606 0.1433 626 0.5267 875 1.0000 000 | 1.0600 000 0.4688 390 0.3141 098 0.3741 098 0.4423 010 0.2285 915 0.2885 915 0.4172 650 0.1773 964 0.2373 964 0.5918 975 0.0870 222 0.3936 463 0.3713 644 0.3503 438 0.3305 130 0.3118 047 0.5583 948 0.0758 680 0.1191 350 0.1791 350 0.2033 626 0.1010 359 0.1610 359 0.0870 222 0.1470 222 0.4969 694 0.0592 770 0.1192 770 | 0.1358 680 0.0667 929 | 0.1267 929 0.0529 601 0.1129 601 0.0475 849 | 0.1075 849 0.0429 628 0.1029 628 0.0389 521 0.0989 521 0.0354 448 0.0954 448 0.0323 565 0.0923 565 0.0296 209 0.0896 209 0.0871 846 0.0271 846 0.2941 554 0.0250 045 0.0230 456 0.2775 051 0.0850 045 0.0830 456 0.0812 785 0.2617 973 0.0212 785 0.2469 786 0.0196 790 | 0.0796 790 0.2329 986 0.0182 267 0.0782 267 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.03. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9708 737 0.9425 960 0.9151 417 0.8884 871 0.8626 088 0.8374 843 0.8130 915 0.7891 093 0.7664 167 0.7440 939 0.7224 213 0.7013 798 0.6809 513 0.6611 178 •• 0.6418 620 0.6231 669 0.6050 164 0.5873 946 0.5702 860 0.5536 758 ·· 0.5375 493 0.5218 925 0.5066 918 0.4919 338 ... 0.4776 056 0.4636 917 0.4501 891 0.4370 768 0.4243 464 0.4119 868 2.0000 000 2.0600 000 0.9852 217 1.0452 217 0.2889 592 0.2723 718 0.2567 365 0.2419 988 0.2281 071 0.6470 607 0.7070 607 0.4780 541 0.5380 541 0.3767 092 | 0.4367 092 0.3091 950 ... 0.3691 950 0.2610 127 0.3210 127 0.2249 128 | 0.2849 128 0.1968 677 0.2568 677 0.1744 610 | 0.2344 610 0.1561 549 | 0.2161 549 0.1409 242 | 0.2009 242 0.1280 591 0.1880 591 0.1170527 | 0.1770 527 0.1075 332 | 0.1675 332 0.0992 217 | 0.1592 217 0.0919 051 0.1519 051 0.0854 174 | 0.1454 174 0.0796 278 0.1396 278 0.0744 314 0.1344 314 0.0697 435 | 0.1297 435 0.0654 948 0.1254 948 0.0616 278 0.0580 948 0.1216 278 0.1180 948 0.0548 557 0.1148 557 0.0518 766 | 0.1118 766 0.0491 284 0.1091 281 0.0165 865 | 0.1065 865 0.0412 293 0.0420 385 0.1042 293 0.1020 385 0.3999 871 0.0399 979 | 0.0999 979 0.3883 370 0.0380 932 | 0.0980 932 0.3660 449 0.0346 439 0.0946 439 0.3450 324 0.0316 076 | 0.0916 076 0.3252 262 0.0289 187 | 0.0889 187 0.3065 568 0.0265 248 0.0865 248 0.0243 833 0.0843 833 0.0224 597 | 0.0824 597 0.0207 251 | 0.0807 251 0.0191 555 | 0.0791 555 0.0177 310 | 0.0777 310 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.015. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.9852 217 0.9706 618 0.9563 170 0.9421 841 0.9282 603 0.9145 421 0.9010 267 0.8877 111 0.8745 922 0.4184 393 0.8616 672 | 0.3737 367 0.8489 332 0.3371 754 0.8363 874 | 0.3067 200 4.0000 000 1.9851 117 1.3135 318 0.9777 792 0.8240 270 | 0.2809 614 0.8118 493 0.2588 933 0.7998 515 0.2397 774 0.7880 310 0.2230 603 0.7314 979 0.7206 876 0.7100 371 0.6995 439 0.7763 573 0.6421 008 0.5462-247 0.4743 361 0.7763 853 0.2083 186 0.7649 116 | 0.1952 231 0.7536 074 0.1835 139 0.7424 704 | 0.1729 829 0.6892 058 0.1330 568 0.6790 205 0.1269 278 0.6689 857 0.1212 611 0.6590 993 | 0.1160 043 0.5764 431 0.5679 242 0.5595 313 0.5512 623 0.1634 620 0.1548 133 0.1469 230 0.1396 964 0.6493 589 0.1111 151 0.6397 624 | 0.1065 568 0.6303 078 0.1022 972 0.6209 929 | 0.0983 084 0.6118 156 0.0945 658 0.6027 741 0.0910 475 0.5938 661 0.0877 345 0.5850 897 0.0846 096 0.0846 096 0.4821 297 0.4750 047 0.4679 849 0.4610 689 0.0816 575 0.0788 645 0.0762 185 0.0737 081 0.5431 156 | 0.0713 242 0.5350 893 0.0690 0.0690 570 0.5271 815 0.0668 986 0.5193 907 | 0.0648 415 0.5117 149 0.5041 527 0.4967 021 0.0628 790 0.0610 050 0.0592 137 0.4893 617 | 0.0575 000 0.0558 591 0.0542 867 0.0527 788 0.0513 315 0.4542 550 | 0.0499 415 0.4475 419 | 0.0486 055 0.4409 280 0.0473 207 0.4344 118 0.0460 843 0.4279 919 | 0.0448 936 0.4216 669 0.0437 465 0.4154 354 0.0426 405 0.4092 960 | 0.0415 737 0.4032 473 0.0405 442 0.3972 879 | 0.0395 500 0.3914 167 0.0385 896 0.3856 322 | 0.0376 614 0.0376 614 0.3633 366 | 0.0342 413 0.3423 300 0.0312 312 0.3225 380 | 0.0285 658 0.3038 902 | 0.0261 933 0.2863 205 | 0.0240 714 0.2697 666 | 1).0221 655 0.2541 699 | 0.0204 473 0.2394 748 0.0188 929 0.2256 295 | 0.0174 823 4.0600 000 2.0451 117 1.3735 318 1.0377 792 0.8363 573 0.7021 008 0.6062 247 0.5343 361 0.4784 393 0.4337 367 0.3971 754 0.3667 200 0.3409 614 0.3188 933 0.2997 774 0.2830 603 0.2683 186 0.2552 231 0.2435 139 0.2329 829 0.2234 620 0.2148 133 0.2069 230 0.1996 964 0.1930 538 0.1869 278 0.1812 611 0.1760 043 0.1711 151 0.1665 568 0.1622 972 0.1583 081 0.1545 658 0.1510 475 0.1477 345 0.1446 096 0.1416 575 0.1388 645 0.1362 185 0.1337 081 0.1313 242 0.1290 570 0.1268 986 0.1248 415 0.1228 790 0.1210 050 0.1192 137 0.1175 000 0.1158 591 0.1142 867 0.1127 788 0.1113 315 0.1099 415 0.1086 055 0.1073 207 0.1060 843 0.1048 936 0.1037 465 0.1026 405 0.1015 737 0.1005 442 0.0995 500 0.0985 896 0.0976 614 0.0942 413 0.0912 312 0.0885 658 0.0861 933 0.0840 714 0.0821 655 0.0804 473 0.0788 929 0.0774 823 Page 51. RATE OF INTEREST: 6 per Cent. CORRESPONDİNG VALUE OF per Ann. Years. 26 27 28 29 30 36 37 38 39 40 31 6.0881 006 32 6.4533 867 33 6.8405 899 7.2510 253 7.6860 868 34 35 41 19323 95393 HOOD ON 08 78876 86882 ****R OKO 46 48 10.902 861 42 11.557 033 12.250 455 12.985 482 45 13.764 611 43 4.4 49 51 14.590 487 47 15.465 917 16.393 872 17.377 504 50 18.420 154 52 53 57 19.525 364 20.696 885 21.938 698 54 23.255 020 55 24.650 322 58 59 60 56 26.129 341 27.697 101 29.358 927 31.120 463 32.987 691 66 67 69 70 71 72 61 34.966 952 62 37.064 969 | 39.288 868 41.646 199 63 64 65 73 74 75 76 77 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.06. 78 Improved Cumulated Value of Principal. Annuity. Annuity. 79 4.5493 830 4.8223 459 5.1116 867 5.4183 879 5.7434 912 ***** ****8 58333 85888 97. 8.1472 520 8.6360 871 9.1542 523 100 119.12 087 127.26 812 135.90 421 145.05 846 10.285 718 | 154.76 197 9.7035 075 80 105.79 599 81 66.377 715 70.360 378 74.582 001 79.056 921 59.156 383 63.705 766 68.528 112 73.639 798 79.058 186 83.800 336 88.828 356 94.158 058 99.807 5+1 81.801 677 90.889 778 97.343 165 104.18 375 111.43 478 566.11 587 601.08 282 638.14 779 677.43 666 44.144 972 719.08 286 165.04 768 175.95 054 187.50 758 199.75 203 212.74 351 46.793 670 | 763.22 783 49.601 290 810.02 150 52.577 368 859.62 279 55.732 010 912.20 016 59.075 930 967.93 217 150.07 364 159.07 806 168.62 274 178.74 010 189.46 451 226.50 812 241.09 861 256.56 453 272.95 840 290.33 590 62.620 486 | 1027.0 081 1089.6 286 1156.0 063 1226.3 667 1300.9 487 200.83 238 212.88 232 225.65 526 239.19 458 253.54 625 308.75 606 328.28 142 348.97 831 370.91 701 394.17 203 418.82 235 444.95 169 472.6+ 879 502.00 772 533.12 818 112 14 375 1852.3 959 118.87 238 1964.5 396 126.00 472 2083.4 120 133.56 500 2209.4 167 141.57 890 2342.9 817 2484.5 606 2634.6 343 2793.7 123 2962.3 351 3141.0 752 13.003 17 13.210 53 13.406 16 13.590 72 13.764 83 3330.5 397 3531.3 721 3744.2 544 3969.9 097 4209.1 042 13.929 09 14.084 05 14.230 23 14.368 14 14.498 25 14.620 99 14.736 78 14.846 02 14.949 08 15.046 30 15.138 02 15.224 55 15.306 18 15.383 19 15.455 84 15.524 37 15.589 03 15.650 03 15.707 58 15.761 86 15.813 08 15.861 40 15.906 98 15.949 98 15.990 55 16.028 82 16.064 92 16.098 98 16.131 12 16.161 43 15.190 03 16.217 01 16.242 46 16.266 47 16.289 13 1380.0 056 16.467 78 1463.8 059 16.479 04 1552.6 343 16.489 66 16.499 68 16.509 13 1646.7 924 1746.5 999 16.310 50 16.330 66 16.349 68 16.367 62 16.384 55 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.03. Improved Cumulated Principal. Annuity. 4.6508 859 4.9341 248 5.2346 130 5 5534 010 5.8916 031 4462.6 505 4731.4 095 268.75 903 284.88 457 301 97 765 5016.2 941 320.09 631 5318.2 718 339.30 208 | 5638.3 681 Value of Perpetual Anu. 16.666 67 8.4000 172 8.9115 783 9.4542 934 10.030 060 10.640 891 6.2504 017 6.6310 512 7.0348 822 7.4633 065 7.9178 219 | 115.29 703 87.506 695 93.850 853 100.58 137 107.72 177 15.171 365 16.095 302 17.075 506 18.115 404 19.218 632 20.389 047 21.630 740 22.948 052 24.345 588 25.828 234 11.488 921 11.976 416 12.705 780 171.48 201 182.94 027 195.09 633 13.479 562 | 207.99 270 14.300 467 221.67 445 32.718 434 34.710 987 36.824 886 39.067 522 41.446 734 43.970 840 46.648 664 | 66.509 841 70.560 290 74.857 412 16.443 20 79.416 228 16.455 85 84.252 676 16.400 52 16.415 58 16.429 79 49.489 568 52.503 482 55.700 945 59.093 132 62.691 904 27.401 174 29.069 905 440.01 956 467.83 175 30.840 262 | 497.33 771 528.64 057 561.81 979 120.12 417 127.43 973 135.20 081 16.541 89 143.43 454 16.548 95 16.518 05 16.526 46 16.534 40 152.16 971 60.848 098 65.568 746 70.576 883 75 890 016 81.526 718 16.555 61 161.43 684 16.561 90 171.26 834 16.567 83 181.69 859 16.573 42 192.76 403 16.578 70 204.50 336 16.583 68 16.588 38 16.592 81 216.95 761 230.17 033 244.18 771 16.596 99 259.05 874 16.600 94 274.83 541 123.33 362 131.85 964 140.90 489 150.50 100 160.68 151 236.18 942 251.58 836 267.92 509 285.25 673 303.61 387 323.15 078 343.84 566 365.80 086 389.09 313 413.80 391 597.08 144 634.45 870 674.11 223 716.18 067 760.81 107 89.383 664 1473.0 611 94.827 130 1563.7 855 100.60 210 1660.0 350 106.72 877 1762.1 462 1870.4 759 113.22 855 808.15 946 858.59 137 911.68 241 968.21 887 1028.1 984 1091.8 307 1159.3 382 1230.9 569 1306.9 371 1387.5 446 1985.4 028 2107.3 289 2236.6 802 2373.9 090 2519.4 951 2673.9 473 2837.8 057 3011.6 431 3196.0 672 3391.7 227 3599.2 936 3819.5 055 4053.1 284 4300.9 790 4563.9 236 16.604 66 291.57 289 4842.8 815 16.608 17 309.32 968 5138.8 280 16.611 48 328.16 786 5452.7 976 16.614 60 348.15 328 5785.8 880 16.617 55 369.35 582 | 6139.2 636 - Value of Annuity. 13.083 12 13.288 83 13.482 73 13.665 50 13.837 78 14.000 17 14.153 24 14.297 52 14.433 52 14.561 71 14.682 54 14.796 44 14.903 80 15.004 09 15.100 38 15.190 29 15.275 04 15.354 93 15.430 23 15.501 20 15.568 11 15.631 17 15.690 61 15.746 64 15.799 45 15.849 23 15.896 16 15.940 39 15.982 08 16.021 38 16.058 42 16 093 34 16.126 25 16.157 27 16.186 51 16.214 07 16.240 05 16.264 54 16.287 63 16.309 38 16.329 90 16.349 23 16.367 45 16.384 63 16.400 82 16.416 08 16.430 46 16.444 02 16.456 80 16.468 85 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.015. 16.563 43 16.569 35 16.57+ 93 16.580 21 16.585 17 Improved Cumulated Principal. Annuity. 16.589 84 16.594 26 16.598 41 16.602 33 16.606 02 4.7040 116 4.9926 565 5.2990 342 5.6242 018 5.9693 228 6.3356 216 6.7243 978 7.1370 308 7.5749 843 8.0398 102 8.5331 637 9.0567 889 9.6125 456 10.202 406 10.828 461 11.492 934 12.198 181 12.946 705 13.741 161 14.584 367 15.479 316 16.429 182 17.437 335 18.507 351 19.643 029 20.848 395 22.127 726 23.485 562 24.926 719 26.456 311 28.079 765 29.802 839 31.631 647 33.572 677 35.632 816 37.819 372 40.140 103 42.603 242 45.217 528 47.992 236 50.937 210 54.062 898 57.380 389 60.901 454 61.638 583 16.480 20 92.401 037 16.490 91 98.071 092 16.501 00 104.08 908 16.510 51 110.47 636 16.519 47 117.25 558 68.605 036 72.814 885 77.283 065 82.025 428 87.058 800 16.527 92 16.535 89 16.543 39 140.19 290 16.550 47 148.79 564 16.557 14 167.61 718 177.90 277 188.81 951 200 40 615 212.70 378 225.75 604 239.60 923 254.31 251 269.91 802 286.48 115 61.733 527 66.544 411 71.650 570 77.070 030 82.822 017 16.609 51 304.06 065 16.612 79 322.71 889 16.615 88 342.52 207 16.618 79 363.54 044 16.621 54 385.84 857 16.666 67 88.927 026 95.406 630 102.28 385 109.58 307 117.33 020 125.55 273 134.27 981 143.54 243 153.37 343 163.80 769 174.88 223 186.63 636 199.11 175 212.35 268 226.40 612 241.32 193 257.15 303 273.95 558 291.78 919 310.71 714 330.80 658 352 12 877 374.75 937 398.77 866 424.27 186 451.32 941 480.04 731 510.52 745 542.87 795 577.21 359 613.65 619 652.33 504 693.38 736 736.95 880 783.20 393 832.28 683 884.38 163 939.67 316 998.35 757 1060.6 431 124.45 080 2057.5 133 132.08 754 | 2184.7 924 2319.8 817 2463.2 606 157.92 627.2615.4 378 1126.7 506 1196.9 147 1271.3 844 1350.4 238 1434.3 133 1523.3 506 1617.8 515 1718.1 514 1824.6 060 1937.5 930 2776.9 530 2948.3 794 3130.3 252 3323.4 358 3528.3 963 3745.9 340 3976.8 205 4221.8 751 4481.9 671 4758.0 192 5051.0 109 3361.9 816 5692.0 345 6042.3 407 6414.1 429 Value of Annuity. 13.123 59 13.328 44 13.521 44 13.703 28 13.874 61 14.036 04 14.188 13 14.331 43 14.466 44 14.593 65 14.713 50 14.826 43 14.932 82 15.033 06 15.127 51 15.216 50 15.300 34 15.379 34 15.453 77 15.523 89 15.589 96 15.652 21 15.710 86 15.766 12 15.818 19 15.867 24 15.913 46 15.957 01 15.998 04 16.036 70 16 073 12 16.107 44 16.139 77 16.170 23 16.198 93 16.225 98 16.251 45 16.275 46 10.298 08 16.319 39 16.339 47 16.358 38 16.376 21 16.393 00 16.408 82 16.423 78 16.437 78 16.451 01 16.463 48 16.475 22 16.486 29 16.496 72 16.506 55 16.515 81 16.524 53 16.532 74 16.540 49 16.547 78 16.554 65 16.561 13 16.567 23 16.572 98 16.578 40 16.583 50 16.588 31 16.592 84 16.597 11 16.601 13 16.604 92 16.608 49 16.611 85 16.615 02 16.618 01 16.620 82 16.623 47 16.666 67 Page 52. PERPETUAL STOCK: 3 p.C. 50; 34 p. C. 58,3333; 4p. C. 66,6667; 5 p. C. 83,3333. Years. Ona ma 29 29*** G**38 58833 UAAA8 588*6 85082 28 26 0.2198 100 27 0.2073 680 0.1956 301 29 0.1845 527 0.1741 181 32 31 0.1642 548 36 37 38 39 40 0.1549 574 33 0.1461 862 34 35 41 42 43 44 0.0770 091 45 0.0726 501 54 46 0.0685 378 47 0.0646 583 48 49 0.0609 984 0.0575 457 0.0542 884 50 59 60 51 0.0512 154 52 0.0483 164 0.0455 816 0.0430 015 55 0.0405 674 62 63 56 0.0382 712 57 0.0361 049 58 0.0340 612 0.0321 332 0.0303 143 64 66 67 68 69 RATIO of INTEREST: ANNUALLY, 0.06. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. -7777 10 KO 71 0.0213 704 0.0201 608 0.0190 196 0.0179 430 70 0.0169 274 72 73 0.0117 922 0.0717 922 0.0110 023 0.0710 023 0.0102 729 0.0702 729 0.1379 115 0.0095 984 | 0.0695 984 | 0.1301 052 0.0689 739 0.0089 739 75 76 77 78 79 80 0.1227 408 0.0083 948 0.1157 932 | 0.0078 574 | 0.1092 389 0.1030 555 0.0972 222 0.0917 190 | 0.0060 589 0.0865 274 | 0.0056 834 0.0316 296 | 0.0053 331 0.0050 061 0.0017 005 81 82 83 *** 8888 58838 85888 0.0285 984 0.0269 797 0.0254 524 0.0240 /18 0.0226 526 0.0159 692 | 0.0009 737 0 0150 653 0.0009 177 0.0008 650 0.0008 154 0.0007 687 0.0142 125 74 0.0134 081 0.0126 491 0.0119 331 0.0112 577 0.0106 204 0.0100 193 0.0094 522 0.0089 171 0.0084 124 0.0079 362 0.007+ 870 0.0070 632 0.0066 634 0.0062 862 0.0059 304 0.0055 947 0.0052 780 0.0049 793 0.0046 974 0.0014 315 0.0041 807 0.0039 411 0.0169 043 0.0156 972 0.0145 926 0.0135 796 0.0126 489 I p I 0.0073 581 0.0068 938 0.0064 617 0.0044 149 0.0041 477 0.0038 977 0.0036 636 0.0034 443 0.0032 388 0.0030 462 0.0028 655 0.0026 960 0.0025 370 0.0023 876 0.0022 474 0.0021 157 0.0019 920 0.0018 757 0.0017 664 0.0016 637 0.0015 670 0.0014 762 0.0013 907 0.0013 102 0.0012 345 0.0011 653 0.0010 963 0.0010 331 0.0007 246 0.0006 832 0.0006 441 0.0006 072 0.0005 75 0.0005 398 0.0005 090 0.0004 800 0.0004 526 0.0004 208 0.0004 025 0.0003 796 0.0003 579 0.0003 376 0.0003 184 0.0769 043 0.0756 972 0.0745 926 0.0735 796 0.0726 489 0.0037 208 0.0002 241 0.0035 102 0.0002 114 98 0.0033 115 0.0001 994 0.0031 241 0.0001 880 100 0.0029 472, 0.0001 774 0.0683 948 0.0678 574 0.0673 581 0.0668 938 0.0664 617 0.0660 589 0.0656 834 0.0653 331 0.0650 061 0.0647 005 0.0644 149 0.0641 477 0.0638 977 0.0636 636 0.0634 443 0.0632 388 0.0630 462 0.0628 655 0.0626 960 0.0625 370 0.0623 876 0.0622 474 0.0621 157 0.0619 920 0.0618 757 0.0613 102 0.0612 345 0.0611 633 0.0610 963 0.0610 331 0.0609 737 0.0609 177 0.0608 650 0.008 154 0.0607 687 0.0607 246 0.0006 832 0.0606 441 0.0606 072 0.0605 725 0.0605 398 0.0605 090 0.0604 800 0.0004 526 0.0604 268 0.0604 025 0.0603 796 0.0003 579 0.0603 376 0.0603 184 0.0003 003 0.0002 832 0.0002 671 0.0602 671 0.0002 519 0.0602 519 0.0002 376 | 0.0602 370 RATIO of INTEREST: HALF-YEARLY, 0.03. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. Ratio of Perpetual Ann. 0.0600 000 0.2150 128 0.2026 702 0.1910 361 0.1800 698 0.1697 331 0.0617 664 0.0271 555 0.0616 637 0.0255 967 0.0615 670 0.0241 274 0.0614 762 0.0227 423 0.0613 907 0.0214 368 0.1599 897 0.0114 277 0.0714 277 0.1508 057 0.0106 552 | 0.0706 552 0.1421 488 0.0099 422 0.1339 889 | 0.0092 832 0.1262 973 0.0086 733 0.0699 422 0.0692 832 0.0686 733 0.1190 474 0.1122 135 0.1057 720 0.0997 003 0.0939 771 0.0885 824 0.0834 974 0.0787 013 0.0741 864 0.0099 278 0.0659 136 0.0621 299 0.0585 634 0.0552 016 0.0520 328 0.0490 459 0.0462 305 0.0135 767 0.0410 752 0.0387 173 0.0364 948 0.0343 998 0 0324 251 0.0305 638 0.0288 093 0.0202 063 0.0190 464 0.0179 530 0.0169 224 0.0159 510 0.0125 919 0.0118 691 0.0164 344 0.0152 512 0.0764 344 0.0752 512 0.0141 689 | 0.0741 689 0.0131 770 0.0122 659 0.0731 770 0.0722 659 0.0099 401 0.0093 695 0.0088 317 0.0081 081 0.0681 081 0.0075 838 0.0675 838 0.0070 970 | 0.0670 970 0.0066 445 0.0666 445 0.0062 235 0.0662 235 0.0603 003 0.0046 092 0.0602 832 0.0043 446 0.0040 952 0.0038 601 0.0036 385 0.0058 315 0.0054 663 0.0051 257 0.0048 079 0.0045 111 0.0042 339 0.0642 339 0.0039 747 0.0639 747 0.0037 324 0.0637 324 0.0035 055.0.0635 056 0.0032 933 0.0632 933 0.0030 945 0.0630 945 0.0029 083 0.0629 083 0.0027 337 0.0627 337 0.0025 701 0.0625 701 0.0024 166 | 0.0624 166 0.0022 726 | 0.0021 375 0.0020 107 0.0018 916 0.0017 798 0.0009 159 0.0008 626 0.0133 587 0.0008 124 0.0150 354 0.0141 723 0.0007 651 0.0007 207 0.0016 748 0.0015 761 0.0014 834 0.0013 963 | 0.0013 144 0 0083 247 0.0078 468 0.0073 964 0.0005 037 0.0004 745 0.0004 471 | 0.0069 718 0.0004 212 0.0005 716 0.0003 969 | 0.0358 315 0.0654 663 0.0651 257 0.0648 079 0.0645 111 0.0012 374 0.0612 374 0.0011 650 0.0611 650 0.0010 969 | 0.0610 969 0.0010 328 0.0610 328 0.0009 726 | 0.0609 726 0.0061 944 0.0003 740 0.0058 388 0.0055 036 0.0051 877 0.0048 899 00003 524 0.0003 320 0.0003 129 0.0002 948 0.0111 877 0.0606 789 0.0006 789 0.0105 455 | 0.0006 395 | 0.0606 395 0.0006 024 0.0606 024 0.0005 675 | 0.0605 675 0.0005 346 0.0605 346 0.0002 778 0.0002 618 0.0002 467 0.0002 325 0.0002 191 0.0622 726 0.0621 375 0.0620 107 0.0618 916 0.0617 798 0.0616 748 0.0615 761 0.0614 834 0.0613 963 0.0613 114 THE END. 0.0609 159 0.0608 626 0.0608 124 0.0607 651 0.0607 207 0.0605 037 0.0604 745 0.0604 471 0.0604 212 0.0603 969 0.0603 740 0.0603 524 0.0603 320 0.0603 129 0.0602 918 0.0602 241 0.0031 297 0.0602 114 0.0032 328 0.0601 994 0.0030 472 0.0002 055 0.0602 065 0.0001 946 0.0601 946 0.0001 834 0.0601 834 0.0001 880 0.0028 723 0.0001 728 0.0601 728 0.0601 774 0.0027 074 0.0001 629 | 0.0601 629 - 0.0600 000 0.0602 778 0.0602 618 0.0602 467 0.0602 325 0.0602 191 RATIO of INTEREST: QUARTERLY, 0.015. Discounted Annuity for Ratio of Principal. Cumulation Annuity. 0.2125 845 0.2002 938 0.1887 136 0.1778 030 0.1675 232 0.1578 377 0.1487 122 0.1401 143 0.1320 135 0.1243 810 0.0870 100 0.0819 794 0.0772 397 0.0727 741 0.0685 666 0.1171 898 | 0.0079 648 | 0.0679 648 0.1104 144 0.0074 471 0.0674 471 0.1040 307 | 0.0069 666 | 0.0669 666 0.0980 151 | 0.0065 200 0.0665 200 0.0661 047 0.0923 492 0.0061 047 0.0573 482 0.0540 326 0.0509 086 0.0646 023 0.0041 438 0.0608 673 | 0.0038 887 0.0036 502 0.0264 415 0.0249 127 0.0234 724 0.0221 153 0.0208 367 0.0196 320 0.0184 970 0.0174 276 0.0164 200 0.0154 706 0.0161 987 | 0.0761 987 0.0150 279 0.0139 566 0.0129 752 0.0120 741 0.0750 279 0.0739 566 0.0729 752 0.0720 741 0.0112 452 0.0712 452 0.0104 814 0.0704 814 0.0097 767 0.0697 767 0.0091 255 | 0.0691 255 0.0085 230 0.0685 230 0.0108 224 0.0101 967 0.0096 072 0.0090 517 0.0085 284 0.0479 653 0.0451 922 0.0030 229 0.0028 399 0.0630 229 0.0628 399 0.0425 793 | 0.0026 684 | 0.0626 684 0.0401 176 0.0625 077 0.0377 982 0.0623 570 0.0025 077 0.0023 570 0.0057 181 0.0053 580 0.0050 223 0.0017 091 0.0044 168 0.0022 157 0.0020 831 0.0019 588 0.0622 157 0.0620 331 0.0356 128 0.0335 538 0.0316 139 0.0619 588 0.0297 861 0.0019 420 0.0618 420 0.0280 640 | 0.0017 325 0.0017 325 0.0617 325 0.0059 660 0.0056 210 0.0052 961 0.0049 899 0.0047 014 0.0044 296 0.0041 735 0.0039 322 0.0037 048 0.0031 906 0.0034 271 0.0032 184 0.0032 888 0.0030 987 0.0029 195 0.0027 507 0.0025 917 0.0657 181 0.0653 580 0.0650 223 0.0647 091 0.0644 168 0.0641 438 0.0638 887 0.0636 502 0.0634 271 0.0632 184 0.0145 762 0.0008 875 0.0608 875 0.0137 335 0.0008 355 | 0.0608 355 | 0.0129 394 0.0121 913 0.0114 865 0.0007 865 | 0.0607 865 0.0007 405 0.0607 405 0.0006 972 | 0.0606 972 0.0016 296 | 0.0616 296 0.0015 330 0.0014 422 0.0013 569 0.0615 330 0.0614 422 0.0613 569 0.0012 768 | 0.0612 768 0.0012 015 0.0612 015 0.0011 307 0 0611 307 0.0010 642 0 0610 642 0.0010 016 | 0.0610 016 0.0009 428 0.0609 428 0.0004 860 0.0004 860 0.0604 860 0.0080 353 0.0075 7670 0004 577 i 0 0604 577 0.0071 330 00004 311 0.0604 311 | 0.0067 206 0.0004 060 0.0604 060 0.0063 321 | 0.0003 823 0.0503 823 0.0006 564 0.0506 564 0.0006 181 0.0606 181 0.0005 820 0.0605 820 0 0005 481 0.0605 481 0.0005 161 0.0605 164 } 0.0003 601 0.0003 392 0.0603 601 0.0603 392 0.0003 195 | 0.0603 195 0.0003 009 0.0603 009 0.0002 834 0.0602 834 0.0002 670 0.0602 670 0.0002 515 | 0.0602 515 0.0002 369 0.0602 369 0.0002 231 0.0602 231 0.0002 102 | 0.0602 102 | 0 0001 980 0.0601 980 0.0001 865. 0.0601 865 0.0001 757 0.0601 757 0.0001 655 | 0.0001 655 0.0001 559 0.0601 559 0.0600 000 Page 53. 1 } > $ 1 : W. 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