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Whether we have been successful or not, time alone can tell; but it is our hope that the work will prove a modest yet valuable contribution to the in- dustrial literature of America. Many of the illustrations, which will be found in these pages, have been furnished by the house of John Matthews, New York, and we are indebted to this well-known firm for much impor- tant information bearing on the subject. T. C. HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. Four miles west of Naples, in the base of a volcanic hill, on the bank of Lake Agnano, is a small, cellar-like cave, renowned for ages as the Grotta del Cane, or Dog's Cavern. The fame of this little den rests solely on the constant exhal- ation from its bottom and sides of an aqueous vapor, mingled with a heavier gas which settles on the concave floor and speedily stifles any un- fortunate dog whose head may be held therein. From this fact the grotto derives its name. Among the early visitors to this grotto was Joseph Addison, who traveled in Southern Italy in 1702. His curiosity was so much aroused by it that he experimented diligently upon the “poisonous steams” which marked the walls of the cave green as high as they rose. A dog with his nose in the vapor apparently expires, accord- ing to Addison, in a very little time, but, unless quite gone, immediately recovers if exposed to the fresh air. Chemical science was not then far enough advanced to enable the English essayist to identify these extraordinary exhalations; but when, in the earlier part of the present century, Dr. Charles Danberry of Oxford, visited the place he readily recognized in the “poisonous steams ” of Addison “volumes of carbonic acid gas.” Prof. Silliman, of Yale College in 1851 found the same gas, and relates that “a coarse man’’ opened “a small door in the side of the hill'' and swung in a little dog by a string around its neck. After gasping awhile on the floor of the cave, the dog was lifted out on the grass, and soon recovered, ready to be asphyxiated again for the benefit of the next inquisitive tourist. This somewhat cruel spectacle rarely inspires the ordinary traveler with an ardent wish to breathe the gas himself. Dr. Danberry, how- ever, was adventurous enough to make the ex- periment, and writes that the sensation he ex- perienced, on placing his head for a moment near the bottom, “resembles that of which we are sometimes sensible in drinking a large glass of “soda' water in a state of brisk effervescence; the cause in both instances is plainly the same.” - This is indeed the case, for the mysterious gas which has given world-wide fame to the Grotta del Cane is the same potent subtile spirit that gathers in the galleries of mines, escapes in great volumes from burning charcoal, forms wherever fermentation is in progress, appears as an invari- able result of respiration, lurks imprisoned in im- mense quantities in calcareous minerals, animates all cool effervescing waters whether natural or artificial, and in fact pervades every realm of nature with a presence almost ubiquitous. Known for two thousand years by its sudden and fatal effects, it was first discerned as a gas entirely distinct from common air, by Jean Bap- tiste Van Helmont, in the early part of the seven- teenth century. The great Belgian chemist was indeed the first to employ the word gas, which he coined to designate the newly discovered fluid, “this spirit, hitherto unknown, I call by the new name Gas.” Distinguished from all other gases under the name of “fixed air,” by Dr. Jos. Black in 1756, and identified by Lavoisier, who called it carbonic acid, as a compound of carbon and oxygen, it has been the theme of more re- search and argument than perhaps any other sub- stance mentioned in the history of chemistry, and - its use in the carbonation of beverages gives it a popular interest shared by no other of the subtile fluids of the chemist’s laboratory. The virtues of medicinal springs naturally charged with this gas have been known for thou- sands of years, but scarcely two centuries have elapsed since their nature began to be under- stood. To determine with absolute certainty, by whom, and when, the first artificial mineral waters were made is a hopeless task. The presence in natural mineral waters of some element other than their peculiar saline and earthly ingredients was early suspected. Van Helmont discovered in “Spaw Water” the “wild spirit” of more ancient writers, the es- cape of which destroyed its virtue. The man who is on the whole best entitled to the credit of first producing a carbonated mineral water is Prof. 4 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. Venel, of Montpellier, France. Seltzer water was the special object of his researches, the re- sults of which were laid before the French Acade- my of Sciences in 1750. By mixing two drams of soda and “marine” acid in a pint of water, con- tained in an ordinary glass bottle, he produced a solution which imitated the Seltzer water to a certain degree. The artificial water yielded six inches of air to the pound, and, upon being deprived of this superabundant air, lost the brisk and piquant taste it had at first, and re- tained only the flat insipid taste of shaken Seltzer. Hoffman before this had proposed to imitate the spiritous mineral waters, by mixing vitriolic acid and alkali in a vessel with a narrow mouth ; but Venel asserts that this was a proposition only, and that Hoffman had not actually witnessed the operation. To Venel we owe the name of “aerated '' water, a name much used both in England and America, but which is being replaced in this country by the more appropriate term “carbonated" water. It is doubtless just to give Venel the credit of being the first to manufacture an artificial car- bonated water possessing the gaseous properties of genuine mineral water. Venel's method of making his so-called “Seltzer water, however, was equally simple and tedious. The result was practically useless, inasmuch as there was left in the product the neutral salts, formed by the union of the alkali and acid, used in evolving the carbonic acid gas. These salts must have rendered the water unpalatable and unwhole- some, and it is likely that for this reason Venel's method was never practised to any note- worthy extent. The discoveries and experiments of Black, Cavendish and Brownrigg threw upon “fixed air,” and its relation to mineral waters much light that Venel had not possessed. When, therefore, in the summer of 1767, Dr. Joseph Priestley taking up his residence near a brewery in Leeds, began his experiments on “fixed air,” we are not surprised to find him pouring water briskly back and forth between two small ves- sels held in the layer of carbon dioxide on the top of the fermenting mass and thus producing a sparkling beverage closely resembling the best Seltzer or Pyrmont. This process was as sim- ple as and much more expeditious than Venel's, and we know from Priestley’s own account that he strongly urged its general adoption on a large scale, though without any recorded success. About 1770 the pangs of a severe colic turned the attention of the great Swedish chemist, Prof. Torbern Bergman, to the production of artificial mineral waters. He found that he was much relieved by the use of natural mineral waters obtained from Germany, and “the impossibility of getting these in the early spring, led him first to analyze and then to compound them, which he did with remarkable success. His process, consisted in generating carbonic (or as he called it, aerial”) acid, impregnating water therewith, and then adding various mineral ingredients, according to the particular spring he desired to imitate. He devised simple and efficient appar- atus for generating carbonic acid from chalk and vitriolic acid, and the use of them became so popular, even in the most distant Swedish provinces, that women, as well as men, practised aeration with wonderful dexterity.” “Bergman’s methods were transplanted to Geneva, and thence to Paris, and practised there on a large scale, and with various improvements before the end of the century. Somewhat later the business began to spread in Great Britain, the first patent for impregnating water with gas having been granted in 1807, to Henry Thomp- son, merchant of Tottenham, Middlesex. About the same time the subject commenced to attract attention in the United States, and in 1810 a patent was taken out by Simmons & Rundell, of Charleston, S. C., for saturating water with “fixed air.” Since then an enormous amount of capital has been embarked in the business, and the talents of inventors have been ceaselessly exerted to perfect in every detail the apparatus requisite for making and dispensing carbonated beverages, the chief of which is still popularly known by the accidental and inappropriate name of “soda water,” fastened upon it by an obscure manufacturer, who either derived his gas from bicarbonate of soda, or thought to improve the acidulated liquid by adding a little soda to it.” A New York manufacturer of “soda '' water apparatus recognizing the inappropriateness of the term, has recently hit upon a name that is at once “short, sharp and decisive,” namely, car- bonade. The term is used in some parts of this work, and it will probably be universally adopted in a few years. It is somewhat singular that, although these beverages were first introduced in a practical form at about the same time in Europe and America, the systems of dispensing them should be so different. In France the siphon, large enough to contain several drinks prevails; in England corked or stoppered bottles, each con- taining a single drink, are most in use; and in America, although the sales of carbonated bever- ages in siphons and bottles is large, a still greater industry is the dispensing of these bever- ages from the counters of druggists, confec- tioners and street stands from the marble counter apparatus, which is hardly known in Europe. The literature of carbonated beverages is quite voluminous. For practical information a series of articles which appeared in the June, July *See the June, 1877, issue of New Remedies, New York, one of the leading druggist trade journals in the United States. CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 5 and August, 1877, issues of New Remedies, and the August, 1877, issue of The Druggist Circular, will be found invaluable. These articles were collected and reprinted in a con- venient form in the October, 1877, issue of Carbonated Drinks" the only paper published in this country entirely in the interest of the Car- largely from these sources in the compilation of this work. We may now conclude with the statement that under the name of Carbonated Beverages are to be classed all drinks that are naturally or artifi- cially impregnated with carbonic acid gas, or according to the new chemical nomenclature, carbon dioxide (CO2). bonated Beverage business. We have drawn PART I. THE MANUFACTURE OF CARBONATED BE VERAGES. CHAPTER I. MATERIALs FROM WIIICH THE CARBONIC ACID GAS IS EVOLVED-ACIDS AND CARBONATES-MANUFAC- TURE AND characteristics OF PURE SULPHURIC ACID—HOW TO DETECT DILUTIONS AND OTHER ADULTERATIONS – CONCERNING CARBONATES- WHITING: BICARBONATE OF SODA AND PULVERIZED MARBLE-GRADES AND QUALITIES of MARBLE DUST-THE EXTENT OF ITS USE. The ingredients used in generating carbonic fumes of burning sulphur through a long, lead- acid gas for “soda" water are few and simple lined chamber, where they unite with nitrous and have long been standard articles in the mar-fumes and the vapor of water. This process kets of the world. The two necessary materials adds to the sulphur (S) two parts of oxygen are, (1) a carbonate of some kind, and (2) an (O2) from the air, two parts of hydrogen (H2) acid, by the union of which with the carbonate and one of oxygen (O) from the water, and a the gas is chemically evolved. Experimentally, fourth part of oxygen (O) from the nitrous fumes, a great variety of acids and carbonates have making altogether H2 SO4, which is the chemical been employed; for practical purposes, sulphuric formula for sulphuric acid. The dilute acid thus acid is confessedly superior to any other; but as formed has a specific gravity of about 1.60. It for the carbonate, pulverized marble, whiting is drawn off into large lead pans, and evaporated and bicarbonate of soda are still competitors for to about 1.70 by exposure to heat, and is then favor, and every manufacturer of “soda” water distilled in glass or platinum retorts to a specific should have a thorough knowledge of their rela- gravity of 1.84. Pure commercial sulphuric acid tive merits. Concerning sulphuric acid it is also is perfectly odorless, does not fume, and stands well to know two or three facts which the unin- at 66 degrees Beaumé. formed sometimes learn through expensive ex- The most common adulteration is dilution with perience. water, the presence of which, even in small Sulphuric acid is manufactured by passing the quantity, greatly impairs the strength and value of the acid. To determine its quality in this * 449 1st. ave. New York. respect every one using it should have Beaumé's 6 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. gauge (Figs. 1 and 2), which costs only a few shillings and is simply a small closed glass tube, marked on the side from 0 to 68 degrees, and weighted at the bottom with shot. This tube, when dropped into the pure acid floats upright, with the red line, drawn at 66 degrees. just at the surface of the liquid. If the acid is diluted with water the gauge sinks, marking at the surface 65, 64, 60 or 50 degrees, more or less, according to the extent of the dilution. This is a matter of much practical importance, each degree of dilution, as marked on the gauge, reducing the value of the - acid materially for carbon- ating. Thus, “weak” acid at 60 degrees Beau- mé, which is useful for process of making it. If the sulphuric acid has a nitrous odor or fumes at all it should be re- jected, as the “soda" water made from it will be rendered offensive by the volatile nitric acid escaping through the gas-washer into the foun- tain. The sulphuric acid may also contain sul- phate of lead, taken up in the manufacture, but this does not hurt it for carbonating purposes. Where sulphuric acid is bought of a general dealer in acids it runs a great risk of con- tamination through carelessness, for in that case there is no certainty that a carboy, after con- taining nitric or muriatic acid, may not be filled with sulphuric acid, with- out being cleaned. In a recent case of this kind, the accidental mixture of many other purposes, is so inferior, for “soda '’ water, to pure acid at 66 degrees, that it is never used, though much cheaper. Even a reduction of two or three degrees from the standard, not only materi- ally lessens the strength of the acid, but is liable to cause another serious diffi- culty. The freezing point of pure acid is 29 degrees Fahrenheit below zero, an extreme of cold rarely reached in this country; but acid of 63 or 64 de- grees Beaumé (specific gravity 1.78) is liable, at 47 degrees Fahrenheit– fifteen degrees above the freezing point of water— Fig. 1. TESTING SULPHURIC ACID. acid.” to congeal, or, strictly speaking, to crystallize in acid. carboy by sight and smell, as well as by Beaumé's “splendid rhombic prisms,” very interesting to the student of chemistry, but highly vexatious to the bottler or druggist whose acid is “frozen,” for it takes months to “thaw out,” even if the carboys are not broken in the process. Of course every carboy should be carefully tested when opened, and, if it stands below 63 degrees, you should return it, or else claim a reduction of one-fourth of a cent per pound in price, and then see to it that the acid is used up before the temperature falls to 47 degrees Fah- renheit. As sulphuric acid absorbs water rapidly from the air, it should always be tested when the carboy is first opened, as otherwise, if it should stand uncovered or carelessly closed for a time, you might do the manufacturer an injustice. Sulphuric acid is not only weakened by dilu- tion with water, but it may also be rendered worthless for “soda '' water manufacturers' use by the presence of nitric acid, resulting from its taking up too much of the nitrous fumes in the Fig. 1.---Beaumé's gauge marking 86 degrees in pure acid. Fig. 2.-- The same gauge marking only 60 degrees in “weak a small residuum of muri- atic acid in a sulphuric acid carboy ruined sever- al hundred gallons of wine, changing the color com- pletely, to the great dis- may and disgust of the bewildered bottler, and a like infusion of nitric acid has sent as many as a hundred retailers of ‘‘ soda '' water with bitter complaints to the aston- ished manufacturer. The surest way to avoid this is to buy of some large dealer of good reputation, who makes a specialty of sup- plying carbonating materi- als, and whose carboys are used only for sulphuric In any event you should always test every Fig. 2. gauge, and if the acid fumes at all, or has the slightest muriatic or nitric odor, beware of using it for carbonating purposes. With relation to the carbonate there is a field for choice as to the article to be employed. Forty years ago whiting—chalk ground and dis- solved in water to separate the coarser, flinty portions—was almost universally used in this country. About that time (the year 1838) ground marble was introduced, and has since then slowly but steadily grown in favor, till now the use of whiting for making “soda” water, is almost to- tally abandoned in America. A barrel of good marble dust, weighing from 360 to 400 pounds, costs from $1.15 to $1.25. An equal quantity of whiting costs from $3.00 to $3.50, and produces no more gas. A like weight of bicarbonate of soda produces a double amount of gas, but costs from $6 to $7. In view of its superior cheap- |ness the wonder is, not that marble dust is ex- CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 7 clusively used and is even imported to England, the land of chalk par eaccellence, but rather that whiting should have held its ground as long as it did. This apparently senseless persistence in the use of whiting is due partly to the natural prejudices of those accustomed to it, and partly to the fact that the agitators of old-fashioned generators were made with fans of sheet copper, strong enough to stir a mass of whiting and water, but liable to be rolled up and made use- less by a heavy mixture of water and marble dust. Such machines could be used to advantage only with whiting, and more than one manufac- turer persisted for some time in making them thus, and openly opposed the use of marble. In numerous cases a compound, half whiting and half marble, was adopted, but even this is now generally abandoned, and neither whiting nor bicarbonate of soda is employed in this country for making “ soda" water, except in very rare instances. As both these substances are ob- tained, directly or indirectly, from abroad, and ground marble, which is quite as good and much cheaper, is a native product, there seems to be no good reason why “the American carbonate" should not universally enjoy its deserved pre- eminence over its foreign competitors. There is no commercial standard of purity and strength for ground marble, and no gauge for determining its quality; it is a product, however, in which there are very material and recogniz- able differences, concerning which it is advan- tageous to be informed. It is ordinarily of three grades—coarse, medium, and fine; the first resembles coarse sand, the second common hour- glass sand, and the third pulverized sugar. It is a curious fact that the finer it is ground the greater its bulk becomes; consequently, a barrel of the coarse marble dust weighs more than a barrel of the medium, and considerably more than a barrel of the fine marble. It is another curious fact that the finer the stone is ground the whiter the dust is, even black marble becoming almost white if ground exceedingly fine. By reason of this the finest grade of marble dust is also the whitest and handsomest, and is there- fore often preferred by those who do not under- stand the matter fully. It weighs the least, however, and of course yields the least gas, and is open to the further objection that its minute particles are apt to be acted upon too quickly by the acid, thus causing a troublesome boiling and foaming in the generator unless great care is ex- ercised. The numerous globules of air lodged in it are also objectionable, and the fineness of the grinding renders it doubly difficult to detect adulteration. The coarse marble dust is de- cidedly to be preferred where much carbonating is done, as it yields the most gas to the barrel and produces it in an even, steady volume. The generation is slow, however, and where there are only one or two fountains to be charged at once, and the operator cannot afford to spend much time over the work, the medium grade is the best. The flint or silica that sometimes occurs in chalk is removed by the process of manufactur- ing the whiting, but any silica that may be found in the marble is ground up with it and forms not infrequently as much as fifteen per cent of the mass. It is not actively harmful, but only inert and useless. Those who object to it may gene- rally detect its presence by examining the dust under a strong microscope; the silica has a sharp, flinty fracture, very distinct from the obtuse an- gles of the particles of genuine carbonate. It is quite unaffected by the acid, and may be even more readily detected in the refuse from the generator. Iron is also sometimes present in the marble and yields hydrogen in the generator, not at all to the advantage of the “soda" water. This mineral may be suspected if the dust is of a brown color, and, other things being equal, the whiter the ground marble the more likely it is to be a pure carbonate. Marble is also liable to intentional adulteration with the odds and ends of mineral around the mill where it is ground, marble dust being the easiest medium through which to work them off. These additions, like the silica, are generally merely inert. The easiest way to avoid this petty swindle is to buy of some one who makes a specialty of supplies for carbonating, and grinds no mineral but marble. The marble from the quarries near this city produces a dust which has long been recognized in the “soda" water trade as of excellent quality. It is very widely used, having been sent in large quantities as far as Chicago, New Orleans, and even San Francisco. Of late, English manufac- turers also are beginning to import it, having discovered that the organic remains in the chalk often give the water carbonated from whiting a dull and even “fishy" quality, entirely avoided by the use of pure marble dust. It is a proper subject for congratulation, on the part of Ameri- can “soda ' water manufacturers, that we have thus an inexhaustible supply of the best carbonate in the world within our own borders. 8 CARBONATED BEVERAGES, - CHAPTER II. CARBONATING APPARATUS IN GENERAL–THE CONTINUOUS, SEMI-CONTINUOUS AND INTERMITTENT SYSTEMs—RELATIVE MERITS OF COPPER, IRoN AND STEEL GENERATORS AND FOUNTAINS- CARBONATE-FEEDING V.S. ACID-FEEDING GENERATORS-PORTABLE AND STATIONARY FOUNTAINS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR ERECTING. THE apparatus used in the manufacture of car-duced with this style of apparatus, especially bonated beverages is collectively known as car-when they are to be dispensed from the coun- bo nating apparatus. Three different styles of carbonating appa- ratus are in use : the continuous, the semi- continuous and the in- termittent, all of which present advan- tages under varying conditions. The continuous car- bonating apparatus, much used in European manufacturing and bottlingestablishments is economical and advantageous only where a large and uniform production is required, the steam or other motive power necessary in its working, making it more expensive in a small business than either of the other styles of appa- ratus. The semi-continuous carbonating apparatus is as economical as the continuous, if the usual cost of the power re- quired by the latter is considered. It is best suited to a business that fluctuates consid- erably — where the sales are very large in the summer and com- paratively small in the winter. Importantim- provements which have been recently made in the apparatus, renderit as well adapt- ed to the manufacture of beverages to be Fig. 3-verrical cAREoNATE-FEEDING GENERAtor dispensed from the counter or to be bottled. The beverages pro-acid and carbonate were ter, are superior to those produced by either of the other methods. The intermittent car- bonating apparatus is not so economical as the semi-continuous, although the first cost is less. For the manu- facture of sparkling wines it is unsurpass- ed, and it is more used in this country than any other style. GENERATORS. The most important part of any carbona- ting a pºp a ratus, whether continuous, semi-continuous, or in- termittent, is the gen- erator, in which is evolved the carbonic acid gas. It is made of either copper, iron or steel, and, for pro- tection against corro- sion by the acid, is lined throughout with lead. In the continuous carbonating apparat- us, the gas is conduct- ed directly from the generator to a gasom- eter as fast as it is evolved, and it is not necessary, although very desirable, that the generator should be able to withstand a large internal pres- sure. Formerly such generators were gener- ally made in the sim- plest manner, being only lead or lead-lined vessels in which the placed together. CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 9 It has, however, been the custom for many years to place the carbonate, mixed with the water, in the body of the generator and then to add the acid to it gradually. This acid is con- tained in a chamber separate from the generator body and communicating with it by a valve. G enerators working on this plan are called horizontal and acid-feeding in contra-distin c- tion to those working on an entirely opposite plan, which are called vertical º and carbonate- - | -- feeding. In the carbonate-feed- ing generator the acid chamber is abolished, and the acid mixed with the water is placed in the lower part of the generator ; a bronze dia- phragm across the generator di- vides it into two chambers, the upper and small- erone containing the carbonate. The carbonate is fed down into the acid solution by means of a valve in the diaphragm. Although the carbonate-feed- ing generator has been in the market on 1 y about eight or nine years, large numbers are now : in use in America and it is probably destined to be more widely used than any other. Copper was the material first generally em- ployed in making generators, because, while possessing considerable strength, it could be made into the desired form at a moderate cost for labor and material. The objections to it, however, are very serious. It cannot be expect- I. T- Fig. 4. HORIZONTAL ACID-FEEDING GENERATOR. ed to sustain a pressure of more than three hun- dred pounds to the square inch, and the heat evolved in the process of generation is slow but sure destruction to it, this metal being weakest when it is warm. At the best a copper gener- rator will not last more than ten years, and it is always increas- ingly liable to a disastrous ex- plosion. The in- troduction of the cast-iron gener- ator was a great step in advance. A single genera- tor of iron would cost far more than a copper one ; but when the growth of the business war- ranted manufac- turing them by wholesale, it be- came possible to sell, for one-fifth less than the cop- per article, an iron generator able to resist a pressure of five hundred pounds, and to do good service for twenty years, the heat evolved in its use being rather strength- ening than other- wise. Even iron, however, does not secure ab- solute safety, which can only be attained by using a metal strong enough to resist the press- ure of the entire volume of gas . that can be generated from a single charge by adding all the acid at once to the carbonate. Such a metal is found in steel, generators of which are gradually coming into use among intelligent purchasers, just as steel rails are being introduced on the best man- aged railroads. Steel generators will resist a pressure of one thousand pounds to the square 10 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. inch, and will last a hundred years. They cost about one-fourth more than copper, and a little over one-half more than iron generators. They are really by far the cheapest in the long run, especially as they can be sold, after years of use, for nearly as much as they cost, where an iron generator would bring no more than half of the original price, and a copper one would be worth almost nothing, except as old metal. As to safety, you must keep both eyes wide open in using a copper generator; with an iron one you may shut one eye if you choose; and with a steel one you may sleep as soundly as you like. FouxTAINs. - The next question of import- ance in carbonating apparatus re- lates to the receptacles, or foun- tains as they are technically styled, in which the water is actually to be carbonated and afterwards contained until it is dispensed to the consumer or taken to the bottling machine. It is no ex- || ||||||||||||||||||||| aggeration to say that in the choice || | | of fountains lies the great secret - of the growth and success, or de- crease and failure, of the manu- facturer of “soda’’ water. The stoutest of steel generators will be of no permanent avail if the fountains are not what they should be. With reference to generators, the main points to be considered, aside from expense, are the safety and convenience of the manufac- = turer and his assistants; but, as regards fountains, the overwhelm- of the “ soda" water trade. The “tin-wash ’’ is really a kind of alloy, for it is put on by pour- ing the melted tin over the copper, with which it unites, thus bringing to the surface coppery par- ticles which begin to be worn off and to corrupt the water the very first day the fountain is used. After a few weeks this preliminary stage of slow copper poisoning is passed, and then for some months, perhaps a year, but never for more than two years, the fountain is comparatively harm- less, as far as the copper is concerned. Sooner or later, however, the film of tin wears through, ||||||||| | i. and if, by carelessness in charging, any sulphuric acid gets into the fountain, the mischief is very quickly done. With this film once worn away, the copperpoisoning commences and steadily proceeds, growing worse and worse according to the amount of copper surface uncovered and the length of time the water stands in the fountain before being used. This state of things is surely bad enough, but it is very generally aggravated by the practice of strengthening the brazed seams of such fountains with common solder instead of with pure tin, thus set- ting up a mild lead poisoning from the outset. This may not be noticed, but, when the copper be- gins to work, the customers are A very apt to discover that some- how “soda” water does not agree H with them any more; old drink- ers gradually discontinue the prac- tice, and new ones find a single | * | | - - - - trial all they care for, and secret- ing consideration, quite irrespect-Fig. 5. PortABLE STEEL Fount-ly wonder how it is that so many ive of cost, should be the safety and benefit of the “soda” water drinking pub- lic. The phrase' irrespective of cost,” is used advisedly, for the man who cannot afford to buy good fountains, has no right to ruin the business by using those which are dangerous, even when new, and which soon begin to produce nausea, disgust, and even worse results, to those who drink the water contained in them. The fountains in general use at the present time are of four kinds as regards the external shell, namely, copper, cast-iron, wrought iron and steel; and of five kinds as regards the interior, namely, tin-washed, tin-lined, enameled, glass- lined and silver-lined. The enamel-lined fountains are being super- seded by sheet tin-lined fountains, as the latter are now made as cheaply and are superior to the enamel-lined. The glass-lined fountains are used chiefly for mineral waters and the silver- lined for carbonated wines. The tin-washed copper fountain is the curse AIN. - people pretend to like “soda water. This avoidance may save the public from any serious injury, but it is ruin to the business. Excluding copper, as common sense requires us to do, the choice is limited to iron and steel. The cast-iron enameled fountain costs no more than the tin-washed copper one, and in its essen- tial qualities is much superior. There is a chance for trickery here, also, for the enamel is a kind of porcelain glazing, and there is a temptation to mix lead with it to facilitate putting it on. This, of course, can only be guarded against by buying of a trustworthy manufacturer. The cast-iron fountain, tin-lined, which is really a com- plete tin fountain, encased in an iron jacket, may be expected to last ten years before requiring to be renewed, while the enamel will probably begin to scale off, making re-glazing necessary in half that time. The great objection to these foun- tains is their weight. Enamel, it should be ob- served, can only be used on the heavy cast-iron ones. The perfection of portable fountains is CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 11 found in those made of steel, which combine strength and great lightness with such a complete and flexible union between the tin lining and the outer shell, that the former is calculated to wear as much as fifteen years before needing renewal. The steel fountain will not stand such rough Zºr Fig 6. STATIONARY DESCRIPTION. Figure 6 is a cross-section of a complete stationary fountain with its gas-washer and all connections and the corrugated agitator. Figure 7 is a sectional eleva- tion of the same. The heavy black lines represent the block tin lining or covering. A. Fountain body. B. Frame on which fountain rests. C. Gas-washer filled with chips of marble. D. D. Ends of the corrugated agitator. E. Stuffing box. F. Back bearing of agitator. G. Corrugated beaters of the agitator. H. Inlet pipe for gas from the generator. I. Pipe connecting the gas-washer to the upper part of the acid chamber in the generator for equalizing the pressure above and below the valve in the latter. K. Pressure gauge. dealer the choice may well fall on the tin-lined cast-iron fountain. It is reasonable in price, will endure neglect and hard usage with equal fortitude, will last ten years before it needs re- usage as the cast-iron ones, and it must be kept constantly painted, or rust may speedily and seriously injure it. The iron ones ought, also, to be kept painted, but the risk from rust is far less. For the wholesale “ soda '’ water dealer the steel is much the best, but for the average Fig. 7. Fount AIN.S. L. Tube in gas-washer for the passage of the gas from the generator. M. Pipe for conveying the gas from the gas-washer to the bottom of the fountain. M”. Pipe for drawing off the carbonated beverage. O. Handle of agitator. - P. Valve for controlling the supply of gas to the fountain. P*. Valve for controlling the supply of the carbonated beverage. R. Bung through which the fountain is charged with the beverage to be carbonated. S. Valve for the discharge of waste water in cleansing the fountain V. Diaphragm for holding the marble chips in the gas- washer. Y. Valve for the discharge of water from the gas- washer. lining, and for keeping “soda" water perfectly pure, is all that need be desired. - Aside from the purity of the fountain, the question whether it shall be portable or station- 12 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. ary, depends entirely upon the business of the purchaser. If his trade is not large and he sells carbonated beverages only from a counter ap- paratus, the portable fountain is best suited to his purpose, as the latter, being simple in its construction, is considerably cheaper than the stationary one. On the other hand, it will be found by those whose custom is large, that the difference in the price of the two is more than balanced by several advantages peculiar to the stationary fountains. For the bottler, be his business large or small, portable fountains will not answer well, for the reason that in their use a constant and uniform pressure of gas on the beverage, so necessary in bottling carbonated drinks, cannot be maintained. With ordinary portable fountains, the beverage must first be charged to a high pressure; the gas cannot be admitted while the beverage is being dispensed. Thus the pressure, although sufficient at first, gradually becomes insufficient as the beverage is drawn from the fountains. Besides, the gas re- maining in the fountains after the beverage is discharged therefrom, is wasted every time they are recharged. By the use of stationary fountains these dif- ficulties are overcome. A continuous supply of carbonated beverage, very pungent in quality, is obtained at a constant, uniform and comparative- ly low pressure of the gas. In selecting a stationary fountain, look well to its internal arrangements, particularly to the agitator. The ordinary agitator is made of brass or copper, and consists of a central rod with two or more wings or beaters, working in a brass bearing at the back, and projecting through a brass stuffing box at the front of the fountain. For turning the agitator a crank or wheel is fixed to the end that projects through the stuffing box. This agitator is defective in many respects. Being made of copper or brass, and only washed with tin, it is soon liable to contaminate the beverage with poisonous metallic salts, especially at the rear bearing and at the stuffing box where the turning of the agitator soon wears away the tin, leaving the plain brass or copper to come in direct contact with the beverage. Besides being open to the serious objection of contaminating the beverage, the ordinary agi- tator is not at all adapted to the thorough mixing of the gas and liquid in the least possible time; for the beaters being made of a flat or rib- shaped form, cut through the liquid dis- turbing it but very little; and, in consequence, to thoroughly impregnate the liquid with the gas is a long and tedious operation. The block tin covered, corrugated agitator shown in our illustrations, Figs. 6 and 7, is prac- tically perfect. It is entirely covered with sheet block tin, and the beaters being corrugated, the gas is submerged in the liquid and the liquid carried up into the gas space at every revolution of the agitator, thus accomplishing the mixing of the gas and liquid in about one-fourth the time taken with the ordinary agitator. In brief, then, in selecting your fountains, eschew copper; for ordinary purposes take iron for stationary, steel for portable use; to secure the best value for your money get the pure sheet- tin lining, and always insist that it be soldered with pure tin and not with common lead solder. The two most important parts of all carbonating apparatus—the generator and the fountain—hav- ing been briefly described, we enter upon a more particular description of and more complete directions for the working of the different carbon- ating apparatus. EReCTING CARBONATING APPARATUS. The following general directions are to be ob- served: The apparatus should be placed in a position easy of access and where there is light enough to see clearly the indications of the pressure gauge. The floor or pavement on which the apparatus is to stand should be firm and level. It is a good plan to place the whole apparatus in a water tight sink, having a large waste pipe for the refuse materials and water. The different parts should be connected as shown in the illustrations, first seeing that there is a leather washer in each coupling ; also that the washers are put in true and do not obstruct the passages. Care should be taken in using the wrench. Couplings, nuts and caps that require to be tightly screwed down should be turned with the hand until down and then tightened gently with the wrench. Before attempting to operate the different car- bonating apparatus, not only should the partic- ular directions for working the apparatus be carefully studied, but also the general directions given in Chapter XIII. CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 13 CHAPTER III. THE INTERMITTENT CARBONATING APPARATUS, FIRST FORM-THE VERTICAL CARBONATE-FEEDING GENERATOR AND PORTABLE FOUNTAINS. THIS style is one of the simplest forms of ap- paratus for the manufacture of carbonated THE GAS-WASHERS. The gas-washers shown at the right of the beverages. It consists of a carbonate-feeding generator body are for purifying and cooling the generator, (Figs. 8 and 9), one or more portable gas. To secure thorough carbonation with fountains, and a frame or rocker for agitating |pure gas, it is advisable to keep each of the the fountains. It is used chiefly by druggists and confectioners, who dispense the carbonated waters from the counter. The larger sizes are -->E - É** º E.à - Fig. 8. VERTICAL CARBONATE-FEEDING GENERATOR AND PORTABLE FOUNTAIN. for wholesale dealers who supply stores with beverages in fountains. THE FOUNTAINS are the first to require attention. The stopcock G is first to be removed and the fountain thor- oughly cleansed, with hot water, if necessary, and rinsed out with cool water. Afterwards charge the fountain to about two-thirds its total capacity with pure cool water, or whatever liquid it is desired to carbonate, screw in the stopcock, place the fountain on the frame, connect it with the generator by means of the charging pipe F, and open the valve D on the generator, so that the gas may enter the fountain as fast as it is evolved. gas-washers filled with small fragments of marble. Close the discharge valves J J at the bottom of the gas-washers, and charge each | º/ º ºg \ | T | | | º N - º - | WN A. É N º gas-washer through the bungs C with the re- quired quantity of pure cool water. Then close the bungs C tightly by screwing on the caps. THE GENERATOR. Close the discharge valve K at the bottom of the generator, and pour into the generator through the bung A, the cap of which is marked “Acid and Water,” water and acid in their re- quired proportions. A lead funnel should be used in this operation. The water should always be poured in first. Now turn the agitator handle E so that its arms come as nearly as may be between the caps closing the openings on top of the generator. When in that position the revolving valve in the bronze diaphragm, by which the carbonate is fed into the acid and 14 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. water, is closed. Pour through the largest bung B, marked “marble" on its cap, the re- quired quantity of carbonate, working it in with | a small rod if necessary. - The ground marble should be sifted before it is poured into the generator, as it sometimes con- tains nails or other hard substances which are liable to injure the generator. After the marble is poured in, wipe off the screw-thread, carefully, grease it, and screw on the safety cap tightly. The generator is now charged and ready for operation. It is advisable, when bi-carbonate of soda or whiting is used as the carbonate, to mix it with water, so as to form a pasty mass, before pouring it into the upper chamber of the gene- rator. Ground marble, however, is decidedly the best carbonate for the vertical generator. TO EVOLVE THE GAS IN THE GENERATOR AND CARBONATE THE LIQUID. Allow a small quantity of carbonate to enter the acid and water, by opening the valve in the bronze diaphragm, separating the upper cham- ber, containing the carbonate, from the lower chamber containing the acid and water. This is done by slowly turning the handles E two or three times. Then bring the handles to rest be- tween the openings on top of the generator. In a short time let down more of the carbonate in the same manner. When the required pressure” is obtained, close the valve in the diaphragm by bringing the handles E to rest in a position between the openings on top of the generator. The valves D and G are now to be closed, and the liquid and gas in the fountain well agi- tated. This is done by rocking the fountain on the frame for about ten minutes. The agita- tion causes the liquid to absorb the gas rapidly, and the pressure is decreased. Open the valves G and D, again evolve the gas as before, and again agitate the beverage in the fountain. The pressure on the generator should be maintained at as nearly the required pressure as possible during the entire operation. When the liquid in the fountain ceases to ab- sorb the gas, which may be known by the pres- | sure gauge remaining stationary at the required pressure, after a thorough agitation for at least fifteen minutes, the operation of carbonating the | liquid is completed. The valves D and G may | be closed, and the fountain detached from the generator. A number of fountains may thus be charged until the materials are exhausted and the pressure cannot be maintained at the re- quired height. With the larger sizes of generators several * 40 to 60 lbs, for ordinary bottling purposes, and 120 to 150 lbs. for dispensing from the counter, or charg- fountains may be charged at one operation by using the rocker shown in Fig. 27. The spent materials in the generator should now immediately be discharged through the valve K, which may be slightly opened while the pressure is on the generator, to clear any ob- structions in the valve ; it is best first to reduce the pressure somewhat by starting the cap. The last and a most important operation is the wash- ing out with water of both the upper or carbon- ate chamber and the lower or mixing chamber of the generator. This cannot be too thorough- ly done. Pour the water through both the acid bung A and the carbonate bung B, and keep turning the agitator. It may sometimes be found advisable to fill the generator with water, and to allow it to stand thus for awhile. The water in the gas-washers should be drawn off after every operation. If the spent materials are at any time left in the generator until they form a hard deposit and refuse to be discharged, turn the agitator so as to press the materials in one direction only, until the agitator works freely. A pint of acid and a pint of water mixed together and poured into the carbonate chamber will aid to remedy the evil. In no case should extreme force be used to turn the agitator. There are at the present time thirteen standard sizes of the carbonate-feeding generators, each size being known by a number, which represents approximately the maximum number of gallons of liquid it will carbonate at a pressure of 150 lbs. on the square inch under the most favorable circumstances, with sulphuric acid of 66 degrees Beaumé and snowflake marble dust. QUANTITIES OF MATERIALS FOR CHARGING CARBON- ATE-FEEDING GENERATORS. sº. Yºº Yºº'." 5 || 1 pint. 1+quarts. 1 quart. 1 quart. 10 1 “ 3 “ 1} “ 2} “ 20 14 “ 14 gals. 3 “ 1 gal. 30 1 quart. 2. “ 1 gal. 1+ “ 50 1 “ 2+ “ 1: “ 2. “ 80 1+ “ 3 “ 2: “ 4 “ 100 2+ “ 6 “ 3: “ 5 “ 150 1 gal. 9 “ 5 “ 7+ “ 200 1 “ 12 “ 7 “ 10 “ 300 2. “ 16 “ 10 “ 15 “ 400 2+ “ 20 “ 13 “ 20 “ 600 5 “ 30 “ 20 “ 30 “ 1000 || 5 “ 50 “ 30 “ 50 “ NoTE.--The quantity of water for each gas-washer is sufficient only when the gas-washers contain marble If they do not contain marble chips, the rule is to charge each gas-washer with water to two-thirds its chips. total capacity. ing siphons, CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 15 CHAPTER IV. THE INTERMITTENT CARBoxATING APPARATUS, SEcoRD FORM-THE HORIZONTAL ACID-FEEDING GENERATOR AND PORTABLE FOUNTAINS. This form of intermittent carbonating appa-tion, which is desirable with the larger sizes of ratus differs from that last described only in the the apparatus, the fountain rocker shown in style of generator used. In operating the appa- ratus THE FOUNTAINS are the first to require attention. The stop- cocks TT (Fig. 11) are first to be removed and the fountains thoroughly cleansed. Then charge Fig. 10. HORIZONTAL, ACID-FEEDING GENERATOR. the fountains to two-thirds their total capacity with pure cool water, or whatever liquid it is desired to carbonate, screw in the stopcocks, place the fountains on the rocker, connect them together, as shown in Fig. 11, and connect the charging pipe e of the generator to the branch w by the coupling P. Open the fountain stop- cocks TT, and the valve F on generator, so that the gas may enter the fountains as fast as it is evolved. When only one fountain at a time is to be charged the coupling P is attached directly to the fountain stopcock. When sev- eral fountains are to be charged at one opera- Fig. 27 is used. THE GAs-wASHER, c. The gas-washer shown at C, in the illustration, is for purifying and cooling the gas. To secure thorough carbonation with pure gas, the gas- Fig. 11. Foun'-Ann Rock ER WITH TWO FOUNTAINS. washer should be kept full of small fragments of marble. Close the discharge valves L on the gas-washer and pour in the required quantity of cool water through the charging bung N. Then close the bung tightly by screwing on its cap. THE ACID-CHAMBER. Close the valve S on the acid chamber A by pressing down the lever d and locking it with the cam X; then pour in the required quantity of acid through the charging bung M, using a ing on its cap. lead funnel, and close the bung tightly by screw- CARBONATED BEVERAGES. THE GENERATOR-BODY, G. Close the discharge valve R, and pour into the generator body through the bung D, first, the required quantity of water, and, second, the re- quired quantity of the carbonate, working it in with a small rod if necessary. Slowly turn the agitator handle O, while pouring in the carbon- ate, to evenly distribute it in the generator body. After this has been done, carefully wipe off any carbonate or grit that may be on the screw-thread of the charging bung, grease the screw-thread, and then tightly screw on the cap. The car- bonate should be sifted before it is poured into the generator body, to free it from nails or other hard substances. The generator is now charged and ready for operation. If the spent materials should at any time set- tle hard in the generator, turn the agitator so as to press the carbonate in one direction only until the agitator works freely. In no case should ex- treme force be used to turn the agitator. TO EVOLVE THE GAS AND CARBONATE THE LIQUID. Raise the valve S of the acid-chamber by means of the lever d, turn the agitator handle O slowly and watch the pressure gauge. When it indicates ten lbs. on the square inch, close the valve and lock it with the cam X, and again turn the agitator handle slowly; this will increase the pressure, but if it does not rise to the required height* in a few minutes, a little more acid should be let down, and the agitator slowly turn- ed as before, until the required pressure is ob- tained. The liquid in the fountains is now to be agitated by means of the rocker. The agitation causes the liquid to absorb the gas, rapidly. The pressure, however, must be maintained at as nearly as possible the standard height during the entire operation. When the liquid in the fountains ceases to ab- sorb the gas, which may be known by the pres: sure gauge remaining stationary at the required pressure after a thorough rocking of the foun- tains for at least fifteen minutes, the operation of carbonating the liquid is completed, the valve F on the generator, and the valves TT on the fountains, may be closed and the fountains dis: connected from the generator. A number of fountains may thus be charged until the materials are exhausted and the standard pressure cannot be maintained. The gas remaining in the genera- tor should now be permitted to escape very slow- * 40 to 60 lbs. to the square inch for bottling, and 120 to 150 lbs. for dispensing at the counter and filling siphons. ly, by slightly opening the valve F on the gas- washer. The spent materials should then be discharged through the valve R, which may be slightly opened, when the pressure is on the generator, to remove any obstruction. The last and a most important operation is the washing out of the generator. The valve S on the acid-chamber should be opened, the water remaining in the gas-washer discharged, and the acid-chamber and generator body thoroughly cleansed with plenty of water, which should be poured through the bungs M and D while the agitator handle O is kept turning. It may sometimes be found advisable to fill the gene- rator with water, and to allow it to stand thus for awhile. The gas-washer should be charged with water at every operation. - At the present time the horizontal acid-feed- ing generator, like the vertical carbonate-feed- ing generator, is made in thirteen standard sizes; each size being known by a number which rep- resents approximately the maximum number of gallons of liquid it will carbonate at a pressure of 150 lbs. on the square inch, under the most favorable circumstances, using sulphuric acid of 66 degrees Beaumé and the best snowflake ground marble. To avoid confusion, however, numbers divis- ible by five are selected to represent the sizes of the vertical, and odd numbers to represent the sizes of the horizontal generators. QUANTITIES of MATERIALS FOR CHARGING THE ACID-FEEDING GENERATORS. Water | Sulphuric Acid Water in | Carbonate in Size. in each Gas- in the the Genera- the Genera- Washer. Acid Chamber. tor Body. tor Body. 11 || 1 pint. 14 quarts. 1 gal. 24 quarts. 21 || 1 quart. 3 -- 1+ “ 1 gal. 31 13 “ | 1 gal. 2 “ 1+ “ 41 2 “ 13. “ 3 “ 2 “ 61 2+ “ 2 “ 4 “ 2+ “ 81 1 gal. | 2: “ 6 “ 4 “ 101 14 “ 3: “ 8 * 5 “ 151 2 “ 5 “ 12 “ 7; ' 201 || 2: “ 7 “ 18 “ 10 “ 301 || 4 “ 10 “ 24 “ 15 “ 401 5 * | 13 “ 30 “ 20 “ 601 || 7 “ | 20 “ 40 “ 30 “ 1001 10 ” 30 “ 60 " 50 " NotE.—The quantity of water for each gas-washer is sufficient only when the gas-washers, contain marble chips. If they do not contain marble chips, the rule is to charge each gas-washer with water to two-thirds its total capacity. CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 17 CHAPTER V. THE INTERMITTENT CARBONATING APPARATUS, THIRD FORM-THE VERTICAL CARBONATE-FEEDING GENERATOR AND TWO STATIONARY FOUNTAINS. This apparatus is used mostly for bottling allowed to discharge through the bungsa and y. purposes, but, with recent important improve- The contents of the fountains should never, be ments, is meeting with much favor from druggists discharged, except under a pressure of gas, with- and others who dispense waters at the counter. out first removing the caps 17 and 18. Then - Fig. 12. VEret. CAL CARBONATE-FEE-lon NG GENERATOR AND Two STATION Are Y FOUNTA INS. CHARGING THE APPARATUS. tightly close the discharge bungs by screwing The Fountains F. F".-Each fountain should on their caps; close the four valves on the top first be thoroughly cleansed with water poured of the fountains except valve t on the first foun- through the bungs 17 and 18 (Fig. 12) and tain, F. This valve should be left open to 18 CARBON ATED BEVERAGES. allow the gas to enter the first fountain as fast as it is evolved. The Gas-washers.-Close the discharge valves jj, on the generator, G, unscrew the caps from the charging bungs M and L, and pour into each gas-washer the required quantity of water (see table on page 19). Then tightly close the charg- ing bungs by screwing on their caps. To secure thorough carbonation with pure gas it is advisable to keep each gas-washer full of small fragments of marble. The Generator, G.-Close the discharge valve K at the bottom of the generator and pour into the generator through the bung B, the cap of which is marked “acid and water,” water and acid in their required proportions. It is best to use a lead funnel in this operation. The water should always be poured in first. Now turn the agitator handle e, so that its arms come as nearly as may be between the caps closing the open- ings on top of the generator. When in that position the revolving valve in the bronze dia- phragm, by which the carbonate is fed down into the acid and water, is closed. Pour through the largest bung A, marked mar- ble on its cap, the required quantity of ground marble, working it in with a small rod if neces- sary. The ground marble should be sifted before it is poured into the generator, as it sometimes contains nails or other hard substances which are liable to injure the generator. After the marble is in, wipe off the screw- thread carefully, grease it, and tightly screw on the safety cap. The generator is now charged and ready for operation. It is advisable when bi-carbonate of soda or whiting is used to mix it with water, so as to form a pasty mass, before pouring it into the generator. Dry ground marble, however, is the best carbonate. TO EVOLVE THE GAS IN THE GENERATOR AND CAR- BONATE THE LIQUID IN THE FOUNTAINS. Allow a small quantity of carbonate to enter the acid and water, by opening the valve in the bronze diaphragm, separating the upper chamber, containing the carbonate, from the lower cham- ber, containing the acid and water. This is done by slowly turning the handles e two or three times. Then bring the handles to rest between the openings on top of the generator. In a short time let down more of the carbonate in the same manner. When the required pressure” is ob- tained, close the valve in the diaphragm by bringing the handles e to rest in a position be- tween the openings on top of the generator. During this operation the valve t on the * 40 to 60 lbs. for ordinary bottling purposes, and 120 to 150 lbs. for beverages to be dispensed from the coun- ter, or for charging siphons. fountain next to the generator being open, the gas will enter as fast as it is evolved. The liquid in this fountain should be briskly agitated for about ten minutes by turning its agitator; this will diminish the pressure of the carbonic acid in the apparatus, but it must be maintained as near- ly as possible at the standard height by evolving more gas in the generator. The liquid in the middle fountain should again be thoroughly agitated for about fifteen minutes, and when it ceases to absorb the gas, which is known by the pressure gauge remaining station- ary at the required pressure, after a thorough agitation, the operation of carbonating the liquid in the first fountain is completed. The valve w should now be opened to allow the beverage to pass to the bottling machine, siphon filler or dispensing apparatus through the conducting tube m. While the beverage is being drawn off from the fountain, maintain the pressure by occasionally evolving more gas in the generator, but never turn the fountain agitator after bottling opera- tions have been commenced. After the beverage in the middle fountain has all been drawn off, the gas valve t should be closed, and the beverage valve s, on the end fountain F* opened, so that the gas remaining in the recently emptied fountain may be economized by passing over into the end fountain and partially carbonating the liquid therein. Turn the agitator of the end fountain briskly for about ten min- utes, so that the liquid will absorb as much gas as possible from the middle fountain. The valves t and u should now be closed, the gas valve r on the end fountain opened, and the carbonating of the liquid completed with gas from the generator, in the same manner as directed to carbonate the liquid in the middle fountain. After the liquid in the end fountain has been thoroughly agitated, and the pressure is main- tained at the standard height, it is ready for use, and by opening the valves the carbonade will pass through the conducting tube m. Maintain the pressure on the fountain, while the beverage is being used, by evolving more gas in the gen- erator, allowing it to enter through the gas valve r. The middle fountain, F, is now ready to be again charged with liquid to be carbonated. This may be done by unscrewing the cap 17 a little to allow the gas to escape, first being sure that the gas valve tis closed. When the gas in the foun- tain has escaped, the cap 17 may be removed, the fountain charged with the required quantity of liquid, and the cap tightly screwed on again. After the beverage has been withdrawn from the end fountain, its gas valve r should be closed, the beverage valve s opened, and the beverage valve u on the middle fountain also opened ; the gas in the end fountain can thus be econo- CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 19 mized by partially carbonating with it the liquid in the middle fountain. Agitate the liquid in the middle fountain for about ten minutes. Then close the beverage valves u and s and open the gas valve t on the middle fountain and complete the carbonating of the liquid therein with the gas from the generator, as before directed. . The end fountain may be re-charged. with the liquid to be carbonated, and operations con- tinued in the manner described, until the mate- rials in the generator are exhausted, and the pressure cannot be maintained. Before discharging the exhausted materials from the generator, charge the two fountains, as at first, with the beverage to be carbonated, and allow the remaining gas from the generator to enter the fountains by opening the valves r and t. Agitate the beverage for about 15 minutes, then close all the valves on the fountains. The remaining gas in the generator may then be blown off by loosening the safety cap A, and the exhausted materials discharged through the discharge valve K below the generator. While the contents of the generator are being discharged, keep turning its agitator and pour water into the generator through its charging bung A. Both the carbonate and mixing chambers should now be thoroughly washed out. Pour the water through the acid-charging bung B, and the car- bonate-charging bung A, and keep turning the handles e. It may sometimes be found advisable to fill the generator with water, and to allow it to stand thus for awhile. If the spent materials should at any time be left in the generator, until they form a hard de- posit and refuse to be discharged, turn the agi- tator handles e so as to press the materials in one direction only, until the agitator works freely. A pint of water and a pint of sulphuric acid mixed together and poured into the carbonate chamber will aid to remedy the evil. In no case should extreme force be used to turn the agitator. There are eight standard sizes of this apparatus, each size being known by a number which represents approximately the maximum number of gallons of carbonade it will produce at a pressure of 150 lbs on the square inch, under the most favorable circumstances, with sulphuric acid of 66 degrees Beaumé and snowflake marble dust. QUANTITIES OF MATERIALS FOR CHARGING THE APPARATUS. - - . . Ground * | ***...*|† 80 10 gall is an 8 gºl. 2, gall Agal. 100 | 12 “ 2+ “ 6 “ 3: “ 5 “ 150 18 “ 1 gal. 9 “ 5 “ 7# “ 200 25 “ 1 “ 12 “ 7 “ 10 “ 300 35 “ 2; “ 16 “ 10 “ 15 “ 400 50 “ 24 “ 20 “ 13 “ 20 “ 600 70 " || 5 “ 30 “ 20 “ 30 " 1000 100 “ 5 “ 50 “ 30 “50 “ NotE.—The quantity of water for each gas-washer is sufficient only when the gas-washers contain marble chips. If they do not contain marble chips, the rule is to charge each gas-washer with water to two-thirds its total capacity. CHAPTER VI. THE INTERMITTENT CARBONATING APPARATUs, FourTH ForM-THE HORIZONTAL ACID-FEEDING GENERATOR - AND TWO STATIONARY FOUNTAINS. CHARGING THE APPARATUS. The Fountains.—Each fountain should first be thoroughly cleansed with water poured through the bungs 17, 17” (Fig. 18) and allowed to dis- charge through the bungs R and e. The con- tents of the fountains should never be dis- charged, except under pressure of gas, without first removing the caps 17° and 17°. Then tightly close the discharge bungs R and e by screwing on their caps. Pour into each fountain the required quantity of the liquid to be car- bonated (see table on page 22), after which the charging bungs 17° and 17° should be tightly closed by screwing on their caps. Then close the four valves on the top of the fountain, except valve 14, which should be left open to allow the gas to enter the middle fountain as fast as it is evolved. The Gas- Washers.-Close the discharge valves 2 and 2' on the gas-washers, unscrew the caps from the charging bungs 4 and 4, and pour in the required quantity of water. Then tightly close the charging bungs by screwing on their caps. To secure thorough carbonation with pure gas, 20 CARBONATED BEVER:AGES. the gas-washers should be kept filled with small locking it with the eam ºf then pour in the re- fragments of marble. |quired quantity of acid through the bung 9, sº Nº. º - ºf Nº. |º º º º - | Nº º | WºW | - \ º | --- Dº Nº. º º *A º/WºRº; | &\|\ººlſ º -> º TNº/W) @^2/ - Zº | - º - jº º - W / - - ſ Fig. 13. HIORIZONTAL ACID-FEEDING GENERATOR AND Two s'a"ATIONARY Fount AINs. The Acid Chamber—Close the valve 8 on the using a lead funnel, and tightly close the bung acid chamber by pressing down the lever d, and by screwing on its cap. - CARBON ATED BEVERAGES. 21 The Generator Body.— Close the discharge valve 1, and pour into the generator through the bung 17, first, the required quantity of water, and second, the required quantity of the carbonate, working it in with a small rod if necessary. Slowly turn the agitator handle o, while pouring in the carbonate, to evenly dis- tribute it in the generator. After the carbon- ate is in, carefully wipe off any grit that may be on the screw-thread of the charging bung, grease the screw-thread, and then tightly screw on the cap. The carbonate should be sifted be- fore it is poured into the generator body to free it from nails or hard substances. The generator is now charged and ready for operation. TO EVOLVE GAS AND CARBONATE THE LIQUID. IN THE FOUNTAINS. Raise the valve 8 of the acid chamber by means of the lever d, turn the agitator handle o slowly, and watch the pressure gauge. When it indicates ten lbs. on the square inch, close the valve and lock it with the cam ac, and again turn the agitator handle o slowly. This will increase the pressure, but if it does not rise to the re- quired height* in a few minutes, a little more acid should be let down and the agitator of the generator slowly turned as before until the re- quired pressure is obtained. During this opera- tion the valve 14 on the middle fountain next to the generator being open, the gas will enter as fast as it is evolved. The liquid in it should be briskly agitated for about ten minutes by turn- ing its agitator. This will diminish the pressure of the carbonic acid in the apparatus, but it must be maintained as nearly as possible at the standard height by evolving more gas in the generator. The liquid in the middle fountain should now be thoroughly agitated for at least fifteen minutes, and when it ceases to absorb the gas, which may be known by the pressure gauge re- maining stationary at the required pressure after a thorough agitation of the liquid, the operation of carbonating the liquid in the middle fountain is completed. - The valve 15 should now be opened to allow the carbonade to pass to the bottling machine, siphon filler or dispensing apparatus through the conducting tube m. While the beverage is being drawn off from the fountain, maintain the pressure by occasion- ally evolving more gas in the generator, allowing it to enter through the gas valve, but never turn the fountain agitator after bottling operations have been commenced. After the beverage in the middle fountain has * 40 to 60 lbs. to the square inch for bottling, and 120 to 150 lbs. for dispensing at the counter and filling siphons. | all been drawn off, the gas valve 14 should be closed, and the beverage valve 12 on the end fountain opened, so that the gas remaining in the recently emptied fountain may be economized by passing over into the end fountain and par- tially carbonating the liquid therein. Turn the agitator O of the end fountain briskly for about ten minutes, so that the liquid will absorb as much gas as possible from the middle fountain. The valves 12 and 15 should now be closed, the gas valve 13 on the end fountain opened, and the carbonating of the liquid completed with gas from the generator, in the same manner as directed to carbonate the liquid in the middle fountain. After the liquid in the end fountain has been thoroughly agitated and the pressure is main- tained at the standard height, it is ready for use, and by opening the valve 12 the beverage will pass through the conducting tube m. Maintain the pressure on the fountains while the beverage is being used, by evolving more gas in the generator, allowing it to enter through the gas valve 13. The middle fountain is now ready to be again charged with liquid to be carbonated. This may be done by unscrewing the cap 17" a little to allow the gas to escape, first being sure that the gas valve 14 is closed. When the gas in the fountain has escaped, the cap 17" may be removed, the fountain charged with the required quantity of liquid, and the cap tightly screwed on again. After the beverage has all been drawn from the end fountain, its gas valve 13 should be closed, its beverage valve 12 opened, and the beverage valve 15 on the middle fountain also opened ; the gas in the end fountain can thus be economized by partially carbonating with it the liquid in the middle fountain. Agitate the liquid in the middle fountain for about ten minutes. Then close the beverage valves 12 and 15 and open the gas valve 14 on the middle fountain and complete the carbonating of the liquid therein with gas from the generator, as before directed. The end fountain may be re-charged with the liquid to be carbonated, and operations con- tinued in the manner described, until the materials in the generator are exhausted, and the pressure cannot be maintained. Before discharging the exhausted materials from the generator, charge the two fountains, as at first, with the beverage to be carbonated, and allow the remaining gas from the generator to enter the fountains by opening the valves 13 and 14. Agitate the beverage for about ten minutes, then close all the valves on the fountains. The valve 8 on the acid chamber should be left open to allow the acid to pass into the generator during this operation. - he gas remaining in the generator should now -22 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. be permitted to escape slowly, by slightly un- screwing the safety cap 17, and the exhausted materials discharged by opening the discharge valve 1, which may be slightly opened, while the pressure still lasts, to remove any obstruction in the valve. While the contents of the generator are being discharged keep turning the agitator and pour in water, through the charging bung. It may sometimes be found advisable to fill the genera- tor with water, and to allow it to stand thus for awhile. The water in the gas-washers will sometimes be discharged with the contents of the genera- tor, but if not, it should be discharged through the valves 2 and 2*. The acid chamber and generator body should now be thoroughly cleansed with plenty of water, which should be poured through the bungs 9 and 17, while the agitator is kept turning. After this operation the generator is ready to be again charged. There are eight standard sizes of this appa- ratus, each size being known by a number, which represents approximately the maximum number of gallons of carbonade it will produce with one charge of the generator, at a pressure of 150 lbs. on the square inch, under the most favorable circumstances, with sulphuric acid of 66 degrees Beaumé, and snowflake marble dust. QUANTITIES OF MATERIALS FOR CHARGING THE APPARATUS. ... Liquid waterin Aeginnel "... " 'º. “...º.º.º.º. 81 | 10 gal. 1 gal. 24 gal. 6 gal. 4 gal. 101 || 12 “ 1+ “ | 3: “ 8 “ 5 “ 151 18 “ 2 “ 5 “ 12 “ 7+ “ 201 || 25 “ 2+ “ 7 “ 18 “ 10 “ 301 || 35 “ 4 “ 10 “ 24 “ 15 “ 401 || 50 “ 5 “ 13 “ 30 “ 20 “ 601 || 70 “ 7 “ 20 “ 40 “ 30 “ 1001 |100 “ 10 “ 30 “ 60 “ 50 “ NotE.—The quantity of water for each gas-washer is sufficient only when the gas-washers contain marble chips. If they do not contain marble chips, the rule is to charge each gas-washer with water to two-thirds its total capacity. CHAPTER VII. THE INTERMITTENT CARBONATING APPARATUS, FIFTH ForM-THE VERTICAL CARBONATE-FEEDING GENERATOR AND THREE THIs form of the intermittent apparatus is almost continuous in its operation, and a supply of carbonated water can be maintained with but little interruption to bottling operations. For this reason it is superior to the apparatus pre- viously described that has only two fountains. With the latter, either the bottling operations have to be entirely suspended during the charg- ing of the fountains, or a large quantity of gas is wasted. With three fountains the bottler can always have on hand at least one fountain charged with carbonade. CHARGING THE APPARATUS. The Fountains (F", F, F,)—Each fountain should first be thoroughly cleansed with water, poured through the bungs 17, 18 and 19 (Fig. 14), and allowed to discharge through the discharge bungs r, y, z. The contents of the fountains should never be discharged except under pres- sure of gas, without first removing the caps 17, 18 and 19. Then tightly close the discharge bungs by screwing on their caps, and close the STATIONARY FOUNTAINS. six valves on top of the fountains, excepting valve W on the first fountain F". This valve should be left open to allow the gas to enter the first fountain as fast as it is evolved in the generator. The Gas-washers M and L.-Close the dis- charge valves j, unscrew the caps from the charging bungs, and pour into each gas-washer the required quantity of water (see table on page 25), then tightly close the charging bungs by screwing on their caps. To secure thorough carbonation with pure gas, it is advisable to keep each gas-washer full of small fragments of marble. The Generator G.-Close the discharge valve K at the bottom of the generator, and pour into the generator through the bung A, the cap of which is marked “acid and water,” water and acid in their required proportions, using the lead funnel. The water should always be poured in first. Now turn the agitator handle e so that its arms come as nearly as may be between the caps closing the openings on top of the generator. When in that position the revolving valve in the CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 23 bronze diaphragm, by which the carbonate is fed It is advisable, when bi-carbonate of soda or down into the acid and water, is closed. Pour whiting is used, to mix it with water, so as to through the largest bung B, marked marble on form a pasty mass, before pouring it into the its cap, the required quantity of ground marble, generator. Dry ground marble, however, is the working it in with a small rod if necessary. The best carbonate. Fig. 14. VERTICAL CARBONATE-FEEDING GENERATOR: WITH THREE STATIONARY Fount AINs. ground marble should be sifted before it is To Evolve the GAs IN THE GENERATOR. poured into the generator, as it sometimes con- . Allow a small quantity of carbonate to enter tains nails or other hard substances, which are the acid and water by opening the valve in the liable to injure the generator. bronze diaphragm, separating the upper chamber After the marble is poured in, wipe off the containing the carbonate from the lower cham- screw-thread carefully, and tightly screw on the ber containing the acid and water. This is done safety cap. The generator is now charged and by slowly turning the handles e two or three ready for operation. times. Then bring the handles to rest between 24 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. - the openings on top of the generator. In a short time let down more of the carbonate in the same manner. When the required pres- sure * is obtained, close the valve in the dia- phragm by bringing the handle e to rest in a position between the openings on top of the generator. CARBONATING THE LIQUID IN THE FIRST FOUNTAIN F (FIRST TIME). While the gas is being evolved in the genera- tor the gas valve v on the first fountain being open, the gas will enter as fast as it is evolved in the generator. When the required pressure is obtained, the liquid should be briskly agitated for about ten minutes by turning the fountain agitator. This will diminish the pressure of the carbonic acid gas in the apparatus, but it must be maintained as nearly as possible at the standard height by evolving more gas in the generator. Repeat these operations until the liquid ceases to absorb the gas; this is known when the pres- sure gauge remains stationary at the required pressure after the thorough agitation of the liquid. Then close the gas valve v and pro- ceed TO CARBONATE THE LIQUID IN THE SECOND For NTAIN F (FIRst TIME). Open the gas valve t to allow the gas to pass into the second fountain, and proceed with the operation of carbonating the liquid in the same manner directed to carbonate the liquid in the first fountain. After the liquid is well agitated, and the standard pressure maintained, close the gas valve t on the second fountain, and open the gas valve v on the first fountain. Again briskly agitate the liquid in the first fountain. The beverage valve wo may now be opened to allow the carbonade in the first fountain to pass to the bottling machine, dispensing apparatus, or siphon filler, through the conducting tube m. From time to time, as may be required, open the gas-valve v, to allow the gas to enter the first fountain, and maintain the standard pres- sure, but never agitate the liquid while bottling operations are in progress. When the carbon- ade is all drawn from the first fountain, proceed TO CARBONATE THE LIQUID IN THE THIRD FOUN- TAIN F (FIRst TIME). The valve on the bottling machine, or dispens- ing apparatus, controlling the supply of carbon- ade, being closed, open the beverage valves to and s on top of the first and third fountain. This will allow the gas in the first fountain to * 40 to 60 lbs. for ordinary bottling purposes, and 120 to 150 lbs. for beverages to be dispensed from the counter, or for charging siphons. pass to the third fountain and partially carbon- ate its contents. Agitate the liquid in the third fountain by briskly turning its agitator for about ten minutes, so that the liquid will absorb as much as possible of the gas from the first foun- tain. The beverage valves w and s should then be closed. Then open the gas valve r on the third fountain, to allow the gas from the gener- ator to enter. Proceed with the carbonating in the same manner as directed for carbonating the liquid in the first fountain. During this opera- tion the carbonade in the second fountain may be drawn off as desired. To chARGE THE FIRST FountAIN F AND to cAR- BONATE THE LIQUID (sEcond TIME). Unscrew the cap 17 a little, to allow the gas remaining in the fountain to escape, first being sure that the gas valve v and the beverage valve to are closed. When the gas has escaped the cap 17 may be moved, the fountain charged with the required quantity of liquid to be car- bonated, and the cap tightly screwed on again. After the carbonade has all been drawn from the second fountain, its gas valve t should be closed, its beverage valve u opened, and the bev- erage valve won the first fountain also opened. The gas in the second fountain can thus be econ- omized by partially carbonating with it the liquid in the first fountain. Agitate the liquid in the first fountain for a few minutes, then close the beverage valves w and w, open the gas valve v on the first fountain and complete the carbonating of the liquid therein with gas from the generator. During the charging of the first fountain the carbonade in the third fountain may be used. The second and third fountains may be re- charged with the liquid to be carbonated, and operations continued in the manner described, always economizing as much as possible of the gas from the recently emptied fountain. When the materials in the generator are ex- hausted, and the pressure cannot be maintained, charge the fountains, that may be empty, with the liquid to be carbonated, and by opening the gas valves allow as much as possible of the re- maining gas from the generator to enter these fountains. Then agitate the liquid a few min- utes and afterwards close all the gas valves v, t, r. The remaining gas in the generator may then be blown off by loosening the safety cap B and the exhausted materials discharged through the discharge valve k below the generator, While the contents of the generator are being discharged, keep turning its agitator and pour in water through the charging bung B. Both the carbonate and the mixing chamber should now be thoroughly washed out. Pour water through the acid-charging bung A, and keep turning the -------- CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 25 handles e. It may sometimes be found advis- able to fill the generator with water, and to allow it to stand thus for awhile. If the spent materials should at any time be left in the generator and form a hard deposit there, turn the agitator handles e sº as tº press the materials in one direction only. until the agitator works freely. - - A pint of water and a pint of sulphuric acid, mixed together and poured into the carbonate chamber, will aid to remedy the evil. In no case should extreme force be used to turn the agi- tator. - There are eight standard sizes of this appº ratus, each size being known by a number which represents approximately the maximum number of gallons of carbonade it will produce at a pres- sure of 150 lbs on the square inch, under the most favorable circumstances, with sulphuric acid of 66 degrees Beaumé and snowflake marble dust. QUANTITIES OF MATERIALS USED FOR CHARGING THE A PPARATUS. ... ******** Fountain. Washer. erator. º Generator. 80 10 al 1; arts. 3 gal 2% gal. 4 gal. 100 12 " || 2: " || 6 || 3: " || 5 “ 150 18 “ 1 gal. 9 º' 5 “ 7: “ 200 25 “ 1 “ 12 “ 7 “ 10 “ 300 35 2: “ 16 10 ” 15 “ 400 50 " 2: " 20 13 20 " 600 70 ° 5 30 20 " 30 * 5 * 50 30 50 “ 1000 100 " | | NotE. –The quantity of water for each gas-washer is sufficient only when the gas washers contain marble chips. If they do not contain marble chips, the rule is to charge each gas-washer with water to two-thirds its total capacity. CHAPTER VIII. THE INTERMITTENT CARBONATING APPARATUS, SIXTH FORM –THE HORIZONTAL ACID-FEEDING GENERATOR AND THREE STATIONARY FOUNTAINS. The only difference between this form of car. bonating apparatus and that last described, is in the generator, the previous ºne being vertical and carbonate-feeding, while this is horizontal and acid-feeding. CHARGING THE APPARATUS. The Fountains F, F, F.—Each fountain should first be thoroughly cleansed with water poured through the bungs 17 (Fig. 15), and al- iowed to discharge through the discharge bungs ... " The contents of the fountains should never be discharged, except under Press". of gas, without first removing the caps 17. Then tight. ly close the discharge bungs by screwing on their caps, and close the six valves on top o the fountains, excepting the gas Vºlvº, "" the first fountain F.' This valve should be left open to allow the gas to enter the first fountain as fast as it is evolved in the generato". - 7%. Gascºshers B, C, and D-Close the dis- charge valves 2, unscrew the caps from the bungs 4, and pour into each gas-washer the required quantity of water (see table on page 28), then tightly close the charging bungs by screwing on their caps. To secure thorough carbonation with pure gºs, it is advisable to keep each gas-washer full of small * of marble. The Acid Chamber A.—Close the valve 8 on the acid chamber by pressing down the lever d, and locking it with the cam a ; then pour in the required quantity of acid through the bung 9, using a lead funnel, and tightly close the bung - - by screwing on its cap. The Generator G.-Close the discharge valve 1 and pour into the generator through the bung 10, first, the required quantity of water, and, second, the required quantity of the carbonate, working it in with a small rod if necessary. Slowly turn the agitator handle while pour- ing in the carbonate, to evenly distribute it in the generator. After the carbonate is in, care- fully wipe off any grit that may be on the f screw-thread of the charging bung, and then tightly screw on its cap. The carbonate should be sifted before it is poured into the generator, to free it from nails or other hard substances. The generator is now charged and ready for operation. TO Evolv E THE GAS IN THE GENERATOR. Raise the valve 8 on the acid chamber by means of the lever d, turn the agitator handle slowly, and watch the pressure gauge. When it indicates ten lbs. on the square inch, close the valve and lock it with the cam ar, and again turn the agitator handle slowly. This will in- 26 - CARBONATED BEVERAGES. open, the gas will enter as fast as it is evolved required height* in a few minutes, a little more in the generator. When the required pressure acid should be let down, and the agitator of the is obtained, the liquid should be briskly agitated generator slowly turned, as before, until the re-for about ten minutes by turning the fountain quired pressure is obtained. agitator. This will diminish the pressure of the ar crease the pressure, but if it does not rise to the Fig. 15. HoR1zoNTAL ACID-FEEDING GENERATOR AND THREE STATIONARY FOUNTAINS. cARBONATING THE LIQUID IN THE FIRST Fount AIN carbonic acid gas in the apparatus, but it must - F' (FIRST TIME). be maintained as nearly as possible at the stand- While the gas is being evolved in the genera-lard height by evolving more gas in the genera: tor, the gas valve 14 on the first fountain being tor. Repeat these operations until the liquid * 40 to 60 lbs. on the square inch for bottling, and 120 ceases to absorb the gas ; this is known when to 150 ibs for dispensing at the counter, and filling the pressure gauge remains stationary at the re. siphons. quired pressure after the thorough agitation of CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 27 the liquid. Then close the gas valve and pro- ceed TO CARBONATE THE LIQUID IN THE SECOND FOUN- TAIN F (FIRst TIME). Open the gas valve 13 to allow the gas to pass into the second fountain, and proceed with the operation of carbonating the liquid in the same manner directed to carbonate the liquid in the first fountain. After the liquid is well agita- ted, and the standard pressure maintained, close the gas valve 13 on the second fountain and open the gas valve 14 on the first fountain. Again briskly agitate the beverage in the first fountain. The beverage valve 15 may now be opened to allow the carbonade in the first fountain to pass to the bottling machine, dispensing apparatus, or siphon filler through the conducting tube m. From time to time, as may be required, open the gas valve 14 to allow the gas to enter the first fountain, and maintain the standard pressure, but never agitate the liquid while bottling operations are in progress. When the carbo- made is all drawn from the first fountain, proceed TO CARBONATE THE LIQUID IN THE THIRD FOUN- TAIN Fº (FIRST TIME). . The valve on the bottling machine or dispens- ing apparatus controlling the supply of carbon- ade being closed, open the beverage valves 15 and 23 on top of the first and third fountains. This will allow the gas in the first fountain to pass to the third fountain and partially carbonate its contents. Now agitate the beverage in the third fountain by briskly turning its agitator for about ten minutes, so that the liquid will absorb as much as possible of the gas from the first fountain. The beverage valves should then be closed. Then open the gas valve on the third fountain, to allow the gas from the genera- tor to enter. Proceed with the carbonating in the same manner as directed for carbonating the liquid in the first fountain. During this operation the carbonade in the second fountain may be drawn off as desired. To chARGE THE FIRST FountAIN F AND To CAR- Bon ATE THE LIQUID (SEcond TIME). Unscrew the cap 17 a little to allow the gas to escape, first being sure that the gas valve 14 and the beverage valve 15 are closed. When the gas in the fountain has escaped, the cap 17 may be removed, the fountain charged with the required quantity of liquid to be carbonated, and the cap tightly screwed on again. After the carbonade has all been drawn from the second fountain, its gas valve 13 should be closed, its beverage valve 12 opened, and the beverage valve 15 on the first fountain also opened. The gas in the second fountain can - thus be economized by partially carbonating with it the liquid in the first fountain. Agitate the liquid in the first fountain for a few minutes, then close the beverage valves 12 and 15, open the gas valve 14, and complete the carbonating of the liquid therein with gas from the generator. During the charging of the first fountain the carbonade in the third fountain may be used. The second and third fountains may be re- charged with the liquid to be carbonated, and operations continued in the manner described, always economizing as much as possible of the gas from the recently emptied fountain. When the materials in the generator are ex- hausted and the pressure cannot be maintained, charge the fountains that may be empty with the liquid to be carbonated, and, by opening the gas valves, allow as much as possible of the remain- ing gas from the generator to enter the fountains. Then agitate the liquid a few minutes and afterwards close all the gas valves 13, 14, and 22. The remaining gas in the generator may then be blown off by loosening the safety-cap 10, and the exhausted materials discharged through the discharge valve 1 below the generator. While the contents of the generator are being discharged, keep turning its agitator and pour water through its charging bung 10. The acid chamber and generator body should now be thoroughly cleansed with plenty of water, which should be poured through the bungs 9 and 10, while the generator agitator is kept turning. It may sometimes be found advisable to fill the generator with water and to allow it to stand thus for awhile. The water in the gas-washers will sometimes be discharged with the contents of the generator, but if not, it should be dis- charged through the valves 2. After this operation the generator is ready to be again charged. CHARGING PORTABLE FOUNTAINS. To carbonate beverages in portable fountains, charge a portable fountain to two-thirds its total capacity with the beverage to be carbonated, and connect it to the valve f by means of the elastic pipe. Allow the gas to enter the fountain and agitate the beverage by shaking or revolving the fountain on a frame. When the beverage ceases to absorb the gas at the standard pressure, the operation is completed, and another fountain may be attached. There are eight standard sizes of this appa- ratus, each size being known by a number which represents approximately the maximum number of gallons ...”carbonade it will produce with one charge of the generator at a pressure of 150 lbs. on the square inch, under the most favorable circumstances, with sulphuric acid of 66 degrees Beaumé, and the best snowflake marble dust. CARBONATED BEVERAGES. QUANTITIES OF MATERIALS FOR CHARGING THE APPARATUS. ... º.º.º.º. º. ºººººº..."; Fountain. Washer. Chamber. Body. º Fountain. Washer. Chamber. º º -- - - - - - - 81 10 gal. 1 gal. 2 gal. 6 gal. 4 gal. 301 || 35 gal. 4 gal. 10 gal. 24 gal. 15 gal. 101|12 || 1 || 3: " | 8 || 5 || 401 |50 " || 5 || 13 30 " 20 " 151 18 " || 2 || 5 || 12 " .. 7: " || 601 || 70 " || 7 “ 20 " | 40 " 30 " 25 2, 7 18 10 - || 1001 100 * 10 ” 30 60 " 50 201 NotE.-The quantity of water for each gas-washer is sufficient only when the gas-washers contain marble chips. total capacity. If they do not contain marble chips, the rule is to charge each gas-washer with water to two-thirds its CHAPTER IX. THE SEMI-CONTINUO US CARBONATING A PPARATUS. - This apparatus consists of a generator for the first fountain as fast as it is evolved in the evolving the carbonic acid gas, two or more stationary fountains, and a force pump for in- jecting the fountains with liquid when they are charged with carbonic acid gas. Its operation is practically continuous; a constant supply of carbonade can easily be kept up. It is designed more especially for bottlers' use, but it is also an excellent apparatus for druggists and others who dispense large quantities of carbonades from the counter. The generator of this apparatus may be either vertical and carbonate-feeding or horizontal and acid-feeding. The first named is more rapid in its operation, costs less, and possesses other ad- vantages which make it a more satisfactory ap- paratus to many than its older rival—the acid- feeder. We illustrate and describe both these styles of apparatus. FIRST FORM. —THE verticAL CARBONATE-FEEDING GENERATOR WITH THREE STATIONARY FOUNTAINS AND PUMP TO IN.JECT THE FOUNTAINS WITH LIQUID. The Fountains /", Fº, F".-Each fountain should first be cleansed with water poured through the charging bungs 17, 18 and 19 (Fig. 16), and allowed to discharge through the valves at the bottom of the fountain. Then tightly close these valves and connect them to the pipe from the pump, as shown in the illustration. The contents of the fountains should never be discharged, except under a pressure of gas, without first removing the caps 17, 18 and 19. Pour into each fountain the required quan- tity of the liquid to be carbonated (see table on page 31), after which the charging bungs 17, 18 and 19 should be tightly closed by screw- ing on their caps. Then close the six valves on top of the fountains except valve v, which should be left open to allow the gas to enter t generator. The Generator G.-Close the discharge valve jj, on the gas-washers M and L, unscrew the caps from the charging bungs and pour into each gas-washer the required quantity of water. Then tightly close the charging bungs by screwing on their caps. To secure thorough carbonation with pure gas, it is advisable to keep each of the gas-washers filled with small fragments of marble. CHARGING THE GENERATOR. Close the discharge valve K at the bottom of the generator, and pour into the generator through the bung A, the cap of which is marked “acid and water,” water and acid in their re- quired proportions. It is best to use a lead fun- nel in this operation. The water should always be poured in first. Now turn the agitator handle e, so that its arms come as nearly as may be be- tween the caps closing the openings on top of the generator. When in that position the re- volving valve in the bronze diaphragm, by which the carbonate is fed down into the acid and water, is closed. Pour through the largest bung B, marked marble on its cap, the required quantity of ground marble, working it in with a small rod if necessary. The ground marble should be sifted before it is poured into the generator, as it sometimes contains nails or other hard substances, which are liable to injure it. After the marble is poured in, wipe off the screw-thread carefully and screw on the safety cap tightly. The generator is now charged and ready for operation. It is advisable when bi-carbonate of soda or whiting is used, to mix it with water, so as to form a pasty mass before pouring it into the CAIRBONATED IBEVEIRAGES. 29 generator. Dry, ground marble, however, is decidedly the best carbonate. TO EVOLVE THE GAS IN THE GENERATOR. Allow a small quantity of carbonate to enter the acid and water, by opening the valve in the bronze diaphragm separating the upper chamber, containing the carbonate, from the lower cham- ber containing the acid and water. This is done by slowly turning the handles e two or three - Then bring the handles to rest between times. Fiº. obtained, the liquid in the fountain should be briskly agitated for about ten minutes by turn- ing the handle e. This will diminish the pres- sure of the carbonic acid gas, but it must be maintained as nearly as possible at the standard height by evolving more gas in the generator. Repeat these operations until the water ceases to absorb the gas; this is known when the pres- sure gauge remains stationary at the required pressure after the thorough agitation of the liquid. Close the gas valve v, and proceed 16. VERTICAL CARBONATE-FEEDING GENERATOR witH ºr in it ºf st ATIONAIt Y Fou NTAINs AND PUMIP. the openings on top of the generator. In a short time let down more of the carbonate in the same manner. When the required pressure” is obtained, close the valve in the diaphragm by bringing the handlese to rest in a position be- tween the openings on top of the generator. cARBonATING THE LIQUID IN THE FIRST FoustAIN F (FIRst TIME). While the gas is being evolved in the generator the gas valve tº on the first fountain should be kept open to allow the gas to enter as fast as it is evolved. When the required pressure is * 40 to 60 lbs. for ordinary bottling purposes, and 120 to 150 lbs. for beverages to be dispensed from the coun- ter, or for charging siphons. TO CARBONATE THE LIQUID IN THE TAIN F. (First TIME). Open the gas valve t to allow the gas to pass into the second fountain, and proceed with the operation of carbonating the liquid in the same manner directed to carbonate the liquid in the first fountain. After the liquid is well agitated, and the standard pressure maintained, close the gas valve t on the second fountain and open the gas valve v on the first fountain. Again briskly agitate the liquid in the first fountain. The beverage valve w may now be opened to allow the carbonade in the first fountain to pass to the bottling machine, dispensing apparatus, or siphon filler through the conducting tube m. From time to time, as may be required, open the SECOND FOUN- 30 - CARBONATED IBEVERAGES. gas valve v to allow the gas to enter the first fountain, and maintain the standard pressure, but never agitate the liquid while bottling opera- tions are in progress. When the carbonade is all drawn from the first fountain, proceed TO CARBONATE THE LIQUID IN THE THIRD FOUN- TAIN F (FIRST TIME). Open the valves as and 3 below the fountains. This will allow the gas in the first fountain to pass to the third fountain and partially carbon- ate its contents. Agitate the liquid in the third fountain by briskly turning its agitator for about ten minutes, so that the liquid will absorb as much as possible of the gas from the first foun- tain. The valve 3 should then be closed. Open the gas valve r on the third fountain, to allow the gas from the generator to enter. Proceed with the carbonating in the same manner as directed for carbonating the liquid in the first fountain. During this operation the carbonade in the second fountain may be drawn off as de- sired. to chARGE the FIRST FountAIN F AND to CAR- Bon ATE THE LIQUID (second TIME). Connect the pipeg of the pump to the liquid to be carbonated. Open the valve 3 beneath the fountain, and by means of the pump charge the first fountain to two-thirds its total capacity. The height of the liquid in the fountain may be known at all times by inspecting the water gauges. The valves on these gauges should always be open when the pump is operated, but the valves on top of the fountain should be closed. By this time the beverage in the second fountain should all be drawn off. The valves 3 and y should then be opened. Agitate the liquid in the first fountain j, to absorb as much gas as possible from the second fountain. Close the valve 3, and open the valve v, and complete the charging of the liquid with gas from the generator. Again agitate the liquid in the fountain, and when the standard pressure is main- tained, close the gas valve v, and the first foun- tain is again charged with carbonated beverage, ready for use. Maintain the standard pressure by occasionally opening the gas valve on the foun- tain, but never agitate the liquid during bottling operations. During the charging of the first fountain the carbonade in the third fountain may be used. to chARGE THE SEcond Fount AIN Fº AND to CARBONATE THE LIQUID (sEcond TIME). Close the gas and beverage valves t and u, and see that the valves on the glass gauges and the valve y beneath the fountain are open, and operate the pump to charge the second fountain to two thirds its total capacity with the liquid to be carbonated. Agitate the liquid from time to time, so that it will absorb as much as possible of the compressed gas in the foun- tain. If the beverage in the third fountain is now all drawn off, the valves a. and y should be opened. Agitate the liquid in the second fountain briskly, to absorb as much gas as pos. sible from the third fountain. Close the valve y, open the valve t and com- plete the charging of the liquid with gas from the generator. Again agitate the liquid in the fountain, and when the standard pressure is maintained, close the gas valve t, and the second fountain is again charged with carbonade ready for use. Maintain the standard pressure by oc- casionally opening the gas valve t. During the charging of the second fountain the beverage in the first fountain may be used. to chARGE THE THIRD Fount AIN F AND carbon- ATE THE LIQUID (second timE). Close the gas and the beverage valves r and s, see that the valves on the glass gauge and the valve a beneath the fountain are open, and oper- ate the pump to charge the third fountain with the liquid to two-thirds its total capacity. Agi- tate the liquid so that it will absorb as much of the compressed gas in the fountain as possible. If the liquid in the first fountain F", next to the generator, is now all drawn off, open the valves 3 and ar, and agitate the liquid in the fountain briskly, to absorb as much gas as possible from the first fountain. Close the valve a and open the gas valve r to complete the charging of the liquid with the gas from the generator. Again agitate the liquid in the fountain, and when the standard pressure is maintained, close the gas valve r, and the third fountain is again charged with carbonade, ready for use. Maintain the standard pressure by occasionally opening the gas valve r and allow the gas from the genera- tor to enter. When the materials in the generator are ex- hausted, and the standard pressure cannot be maintained, as much as possible of the com- pressed gas remaining in the generator should be absorbed by pumping the gas into those fountains that are not fully charged and briskly turning their agitators. The remaining gas in the generator may then be blown off by loosen- ing the safety cap B on the generator and the exhausted materials discharged through the dis- charge valve K below the generator. While the contents of the generator are being discharged, keep turning its agitator and pour in water through the charging bung B. Both the carbonate and mixing chamber should now be thoroughly washed out. Pour the water through both the acid-charging bung A and the carbonate-charging bung B, and keep turning the handles, e. It may sometimes be CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 31 found advisable to fill the generator with water, and to allow it to stand thus for awhile. If the spent materials should at any time be left in the generator and form a hard deposit, turn the agitator handles e, so as to press the material in one direction only, until the agitator works freely. A pint of water and a pint of sulphuric acid mixed together, and poured into the carbonate chamber, will aid to remedy the evil. In no case should extreme force be used to turn the agitator. There are eight standard sizes of this appa- ratus, each size being known by a number which represents approximately the maximum number of gallons of carbonade it will produce with one “harge of the generator, at a pressure of 150 lbs. on the square inch, under the most favorable °irºumstances, without employing the pump, and with sulphuric acid of 66 degrees Beaumé, and the best snow-flake marble dust. The use of the pump increases the product from ten to twenty per cent. QUANTITIES OF MATERIALS USED FOR CHARGING THE APPARATUS. Liquid in Water in water in - Gr’nd Mar- size. Teach "| each Gas the Gen. Acid in the ble in the Fountain. washer. "erator. Generator. Generator. 80 10 gal. 1; qrts. 3 gal. 2; gal. 4 gal. 100 12 “ 24 “ 6 “ | 3: “ 5 “ 150 18 “ 1 gal. 9 “ 5 - “ 7# “ 200 25 “ 1 “ 12 “ 7 “ 10 “ 300 35 " || 2: " | 16 10 ” 15 “ 400 50 “ 2+ “ 20 “ 13 20 600 70 5 " || 30 " 20 " 30 " 1000 100 " || 5 " 50 " |30 ° 50 NoTE.—The quantity of water for each gas-washer is sufficient only when the gas washers contain marble chips. If they do not contain marble chips, the rule is to charge each gas-washer with water to two-thirds its total capacity. CHAPTER X. SEMI-CONTINUous CARBONATING APPARATUS, second ForM-THE HoRIzoNTAL AcID-FEEDING GENERATOR WITH THREE STATIONARY FOUNTAINS AND PUMP TO INJECT THE FOUNTAINS WITH LIQUID. . The Fountains F.—Each fountain should first be cleansed with water poured through the charging bungs 17, (Fig. 17), and allowed to discharge through the valves at the bottom of the fountain. Then tightly close these valves, and connect them to the pipe from the pump as shown in the illustration. The contents of the fountains should never be discharged, except under pressure of gas, without first removing the caps 17. Pour into each fountain the required quantity of the liquid to be carbonated (see table on page 84). After which, the charging bungs it, should be tightly closed by screwing on their caps. Then close the six valves on the top of the fountain, except valve 14 which should be left open to allow the gas to enter the first foun- tain, as fast as it is evolved in the generator. The Gas- Washers B, C, D.—Close the dis- charge valves 2, on the gas-washers; unscrew the caps from the charging bungs 4, and pour in the required quantity of water. Then tightly close the charging bungs by screwing on their caps. The 4cid Chamber A.—Close the valve 8, on the acid chamber, by pressing down the lever 7 and locking it with the cam ºf then pour in the required, quantity of acid through the bung 9 using a lead funnel, and tightly close the bung by screwing on its cap. s To secure thorough carbonation with pure gas, the gas-washers should be kept filled with small fragments of marble. The Generator, G.-Close the discharge valve 1, and pour into the generator, through the bung 10, first, the required quantity of water and, second, the required quantity of the carbonate, working it in with a small rod if necessary. Slowly turn the agitator handle e while pour- ing in the carbonate to evenly distribute it in the generator. After the carbonate is in, care- fully wipe off any grit that may be on the screw- thread of the charging bung, grease the screw- thread of the cap, and then tightly screw on the cap. The carbonate should be sifted before it is poured into the generator, to free it from nails or other hard substances. The generator is now charged and ready for operation. TO EVOLVE GAS IN THE GENERATOR. Raise the valve on the acid chamber by means of the lever d, turn the agitator handle e slowly, and watch the pressure gauge. When it indi- cates ten lbs. on the square inch, close the valve and lock it with the cam ar, and again turn the agitator handle e slowly. This will the pressure, but if it does not rise to the re- quired height in a few minutes, a little more acid should be let down and the agitator of increase 32 - CARBONATED 13EVERAGES. CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 33 the generator slowly turned as before, until the required pressure is obtained.* TO CARBONATE THE BEveRAGE IN THE FIRST Foun- TAIN NEXT To THE GENERATOR (FIRST TIME). While the gas is being evolved in the gen- erator, the gas valve 14 on the first fountain should be kept open to allow the gas to enter as fast as it is evolved. When the required pres- sure of gas is obtained, the liquid in the foun- ºn should be briskly agitated for about ten minutes by turning the agitator handle o. This will diminish the pressure of the carbonic acid gºš, but it must be maintained as nearly as pos- sible at the standard height by evolving more gºs.in the generator. Repeat these operations until the liquid ceases to absorb the gas; this is known when the pressure gauge remains station- *Y. at the required pressure after the thorough agitation of the liquid. Close the gas valve 14 and proceed - TO CARBONATE THE LIQUID IN THE SEcond Foun- TAIN (FIRST TIME). Open the gas valve 13, to allow the gas to pass into the second fountain, and proceed with the °Peration of carbonating the liquid in the same ºanner directed to carbonate the liquid in the first fountain. After the beverage is well agi- tated, and the standard pressure maintained, close the gas valve 13 on the second fountain and 9Pen the gas valve 14 on the first fountain. Again briskly agitate the beverage in the first fountain. The beverage valve 15 may now be opened to allow the beverage in the first fountain to pass tº the bottling machine, dispensing apparatus, or iPhon filler, through the conducting pipe (m. ºn time to time, as may be required, open the §as Valve 14 to allow the gas to enter the first fountain, and maintain the standard pressure, but never agitate the liquid while bottling opera- ºons are in progress. When the beverage is all drawn from the first fountain, proceed "9 CARBONATE THE LIQUID IN THE THIRD Foux- TAIN (FIRST TIME). 9pen, the valves t and r below the fountains. This will allow the gas in the first fountain to Pass to the third fountain and partially carbonate ºs contents. , Agitate the beverage in the third fountain by briskly turning the agitator handle o, for about ten minutes, so that the liquid will ºbsorb as much as possible of the gas from the first fountain. The valve t should then be closed. Open the gas valve 22 on the third fountain, to allow the gas from the generator to enter. Pro- “ed with the carbonating in the same manner as directed for carbonating the liquid in the first * 40 to 60 lbs. to the square inch for bottling, and 120 to 150 lbs. for dispensi - siphons. pensing at the counter and filling fountain. During this operation the carbonade in the second fountain may be drawn off as desired. TO CHARGE THE FIRST FOUNTAIN AND CARBONATE THE LIQUID (SEcond TIME). Connect the pipe g of the pump to the liquid to be carbonated. Open the valve r beneath the fountain, and by means of the pump charge the first fountain to two-thirds its total capacity. The height of the liquid in the fountain may be known at all times by inspecting the water gauges. The valves on these gauges should always be open when the pump is operated, but the valves on top of the fountain should be closed. By this time the beverage in the second fountain should all be drawn off. The valves r and 8 should then be opened. Agitate the liquid in the first fountain briskly, to absorb as much gas as possible from the second fountain. Close the valve r and open the valve 14, and complete the charging of the beverage with gas from the gen- erator. Again agitate the beverage in the foun- tain, and when the standard pressure is main- tained, close the gas valve 14, and the first fountain is again charged with carbonade, ready for use. Maintain the standard pressure by opening the gas valve 14, on the fountain, from time to time. During the charging of the first fountain the carbonade in the third fountain may be used. TO CHARGE THE SECOND FOUNTAIN AND CARBON- ATE THE LIQUID (SEcond TIME). Close the gas and beverage valves 13 and 12; see that the valves on the glass gauges and the valve s beneath the fountain are open, and ope- rate the pump to charge the second fountain to two-thirds its total capacity with the liquid to be carbonated. Agitate the liquid from time to time, so that it will absorb as much as possible of the compressed gas in the fountain... If the beverage in the third fountain is now all drawn off, the valves s and t should be opened. Agi- tate the liquid in the second fountain briskly, to absorb as much gas as possible from the third fountain. Close the valves, open the valve 13 and com- plete the charging of the liquid with gas from the generator. Again agitate the liquid in the fountain, and when the standard pressure is maintained, close the gas valve, and the second fountain is again charged with the carbonade, ready for use. Maintain the standard pressure by opening the gas valve 13. During the charg- ing of the second fountain the beverage in the first fountain may be used. TO CHARGE THE THIRD FOUNTAIN AND CARBONATE THE LIQUID (second TIME). Close the gas and beverage valves 22 and 23 on the top of the fountain; see that the valves - 34 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. - on the glass gauges and the valve tº beneath the fountain are open, and operate the pump to charge the third fountain to two-thirds its total capacity, with the liquid to be carbonated. Agi- tate the liquid, so that it will absorb as much of the compressed gas in the fountain as possible. If the liquid in the first fountain next to the generator is now all drawn off, open the valves. r and t, and agitate the liquid in the fountain briskly, to absorb as much gas as possible from the first fountain. Close the valve t and open the gas valve 22 to complete the charging of the liquid with the gas from the generator. Again agitate the liquid in the fountain, and when the standard pressure is maintained, close the gas valve 22, and the third fountain is again charged with carbonade ready for use. Maintain the standard pressure by occasionally opening the gas valve 22. When the materials in the generator are ex- hausted, and the standard pressure cannot be maintained, as much as possible of the com- pressed gas remaining in the generator should be absorbed by pumping the liquid into those foun- tains that are not fully charged and briskly turn- ing their agitators. The remaining gas in the generators may then be blown off by loosening the safety cap 10 on the generator and the ex- hausted materials discharged through the dis- charge valve 1 below the generator. While the contents of the generator are being discharged keep turning its agitator and pour in water through its charging bung 10. The acid chamber and generator body should now be thoroughly cleansed with plenty of water, which should be poured through the bungs 9 and 10 while the agitator of the generator is kept turning. It may sometimes be found advisable to fill the generator with water, and to allow it to stand thus for awhile. After this operation the generator is ready to be again charged. CHARGING PORTABLE FOUNTAINS. To carbonate beverages in portable fountains, charge a portable fountain to two-thirds its total capacity with the beverage to be carbonated, and connect it to the valve f by means of the elastic pipe h. Allow the gas to enter the foun- tain and agitate the beverage by shaking or revolving the fountain on a frame. When the beverage ceases to absorb the gas at the stand- ard pressure, the operation is completed, and another fountain may be attached. There are eight standard sizes of this appa- ratus each size being known by a number which represents approximately, the maximum number of gallons of carbonade it will produce with one charge of the generator at a pressure of 150 lbs. on the square inch under the most favorable circumstances without employing the pump, and with sulphuric acid of 66 degrees Beaume and snowflake marble dust. The use of the pump increases the product from 10 to 20 per cent. QUANTITIES OF MATERIALS FOR CHARGING THE APPARATUS. - Liquid ||Water in Acid in the wº: in º º * Hºº::cº. ºr ºr 81 10 gal. 1 gal. 2; gal. 6 gal. 4 gal. 101 | 12 “ 1+ “ | 3: “ 8 “ 5 “ 151 18 “ 2 “ 5 “ 12 “ 7; “ 201 25 “ 24 “ 7 “ 18 “ 10 “ 301 || 35 “ 4 “ 10 “ 24 “ 15 “ 401 50 “ 5 “ 13 “ 30 “ 20 “ 601 || 70 “ 7 “ 20 “ 40 “ 30 “ 1001 |100 “ 10 “ 30 “ 60 “ 50 “ NotE.-The quantity of water for each gas-washer is sufficient only when the gas-washers contain marble chips. If they do not contain marble chips, the rule is to charge each gas-washer with water to two-thirds its total capacity. CHAPTER XI. CONTINUOUS CARBONATING APPARATUS. THE continuous apparatus (Fig. 18) consists of a generator, which is generally vertical and carbonate-feeding, for evolving the gas; a gaso- meter in which the gas is received and stored, and a beverage carbonating compressor by means of which the liquid and gas are pumped and agitated together until the requisite pressure and pungency are attained. There are four standard sizes of this apparatus, namely, 500, 1000, 2000, and 3000, these numbers representing approxi- mately the number of gallons of carbonade, at dispensing pressure, that can be produced in a day of ten hours, using steam power. In the smallest of these sizes the compressor can be operated by the labor of one strong man, but it is recommended for all sizes that steam or some other suitable motive power be used. In the illustration the generator is shown at the right, the compressor at the left, and the gasometer in the middle. Fig. 20 on page 36 is a sectional elevation of the compressor. The apparatus should be erected and disposed CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 35 in about the same manner as shown in the Fill the well of the gasometer to within about illustration. six inches from the top allowing the air confined THE GASOMETER. in the dome to escape by unscrewing the cap on Observe before placing the dome of the gas- top of the dome. When the water is all poured ometer into its well that the inlet and outlet in screw down the cap tightly. | | | * - Fig. 18. CONTINU0 US CARBONATING APPARATUs. pipes for the gas are open and are central in THE GENERATOR. position. The curved pipe is the inlet and To operate the generator the directions given should be nearest and connected to the genera- in Chapter III. are to be observed. The gas, tor, and the straight pipe connected to the valve however, should enter the gasometer as fast as marked “gas” on the compressor. it is evolved in the generator, care being taken 36 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. not to allow more gas to enter than can be ac- commodated in the dome. The quantities of materials for charging the generator are as follows: - - - - Urro r- s. ºf lºº": Washer. Chamber. Chamber. Chamber. 500 24 quarts. 6 gal. 3# gal. 5 gal. 1000 || 1 gal. 12 “ 7 “ 10 “ 2000 |2|+ “ 20 “ 13 “ 20 “ 3000 || 5 “ 30 “ 30 " 20 " THE BEveRAGE CARBONATING compressor. The driving wheels are generally shipped de- tached from the compressor. The large bal- ance wheel should first be placed on the shaft, then the fixed pulley, and then the loose pulley. PLAN ^oN HELL Rººſ-Fºſſiliili ºs Fig. 19. BEVERAGE CARBONATING COMPRESSOR. Connect the valve marked “gas,” at the bot- tom of the compressor, to the gasometer, and the valve marked “water” to the liquid to be carbonated. On some compressors the flow of gas and liquid is regulated by one valve handle as shown in Fig. 18. Turning the handle in one direction, according to the index plate in- creases the supply of liquid and decreases the supply of gas, and vice versa, when the valve handle is turned in the opposite direction. Bringing the handle to a certain position, shuts off both the supply of liquid and gas. To operate the compressor, the valve marked “gas,” near the bottom of the machine, should be opened by turning its handle to the right, and also the valve marked “water” by turning its handle to the left. Both these valves have a graduated index to enable the operator to know how far the valves are opened. Then start the compressor at a slow speed which may be gradually increased from eighty to eighty-five revolutions a minute. This will force the gas and water up and into the condenser. The air and water in the condenser should be blown off º eºzº -- - - - º- § S R § º sº- S A ſ N sEcTIoMAL ELEMATION Fig. 20. BEVERAGE CARBONATING COMIPRESSOR OF THE CONTINU0 US APPARATUS. DESCRIPTION. A, frame; B, stationary piston; C, jam nut securing stationary 3. in frame; D, reciprocating cylinder : E, receiver or con enser: F, agitator: G, pressure gauge; H, I, J, stufting box for agitator rod; K, stuffing box of reciprocating cylinder; L, dis charge valve; M, caps securing valve L. N. guide for reciprocating cylinder: o, connecting rod; P, crank shaft; Q, driving wheel. w \- at the small valve at the lower end of the glass pressure gauge, until the compressor works regularly without pounding or thumping. Then set the safety valves to blow off at a few.lbs. above the required working pressure, by adjust- ing the valve weight on the screw lever. The CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 37 gas thus escaping may be conducted back to the gasometer if desired. Should the compressor pound or thump, the quantity of liquid entering should be reduced by partially closing the “water" valve, and the pounding will cease when the quantity of liquid ºnd gas entering the condenser is about equal. Qbserve in feeding the liquid to the compressor that the pipe conducting the same is sufficiently submerged in the liquid to prevent pumping air. When the condenser is about two-thirds full, which can be seen by the glass water-gauge, and the required pressure is maintained, open the delivery valve. This being connected to the bottling machine or siphon filler, the opera- tion of filling may be commenced. The full capacity of this apparatus is attained when the gas valve is fully opened, the water valve sufficiently opened to keep the apparatus charged to 150 lbs. to the square inch, and the water level at two-thirds the capacity of the condenser. Sufficient of the carbonade should be drawn off to maintain these conditions con- stantly. A water cooler and a gas cooler at- tached to the suctions of the compressor im- proves the quality of the carbonade, and increases the production of the apparatus. Keep all the bearings of the apparatus well oiled; also occasionally oil the piston of the compressor, with fine olive oil. It is advisable to frequently change the water in the gasometer. If it should become foul, it is liable to give out foreign vapors which will seriously affect the purity of the carbonade. CHAPTER XII. SAFEGUARDS AGAINST EXPLOSION AND COLLAPSE—THE SAFETY CAP—THE ATMOSPHERIC CAP. ExCEPT to the fortunate few who are using Steel generators, the question of what is the best safeguard against explosion is of practical im- Portance to every one engaged in making “soda” Water. Particularly is this true of country druggists and other operators on a small scale, ecause in such cases the work is generally en- trusted to inexperienced hands, whose ignorance and carelessness naturally lead to accidents which are easily avoided by experienced work- men constantly employed in operating gener- ators. In any case no prudent man will begrudge the few shillings or dollars necessary to insure his apparatus against the risk of an explosion, with all its expensive, and perhaps fatal consequen- §es. The only point to be determined upon is: What is the surest safeguard 2 Is there anything that can be confidently relied on to prevent explosion, no matter how careless the operator, or how much worn the apparatus? One thing is certain, both from ex- perience and theory, and that is, that no safety- valve can be thus relied on. To be really trust- worthy, something must be contrived so as to immediately and infallibly give way when a dangerous pressure is reached. The inevitable risk of corrosion and sticking, renders it impos- sible for anything made on the valve principle to meet this requirement. The protection afforded by the safety cap (see Fig. 21) is as nearly absolute as anything of the kind can be. The New American Cyclopædia, revised edi- tion, vol. xi, p. 596, article, “Mineral Waters,” refers to this invention as follows, the italics be- ing ours:–“The apparatus of Mr. John Mat- thews, of New York, which is now widely in- troduced in Europe, is a combination of the Bramah and the self generator systems, the mechanical devices of the former being greatly simplified, and the liability to explosion of the latter being obviated by a safety cap. This cap consists of a duplex disk, a, a nut, b, screwed firmly against it; a lead washer, c, to close joint on the generator bung; and an aperture, d, through which the gas escapes when the disk is ruptured by undue pressure.” The safety cap never leaks, is always set at the right pressure, and cannot fail to operate when necessary. It is not advisable to be careless, however, even when the safety cap is in use, for the burst- ing of a disk involves not only the trifling cost and trouble of replacing it with a new one, but the more considerable loss of the charge in the generator, and perhaps consequent inconvenience and delay to customers. But after all, these are trifles about which a man rarely frets when he finds a fractured disk and reflects that it has doubtless prevented an accident of a sort al- ways destructive to property, and sometimes to life. In case of a rupture of the duplex disk a new one can readily be inserted in the following manner: Place the cap in a wrench with its mouth e upwards. Then unscrew the nut b, from the cap by means of a key-wrench made to fit 38 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. - the square hole of the nut, remove the old disk and wash and clean the cap and nut thoroughly. Place the cap in the wrench as before, lay a sil- vered disk on its seat with the hollow side up, or toward the mouth e of the cap, then place the lead disk on the silvered disk, and screw the inner nut b into the cap with the key wrench, until it beds firmly on the disks. Generally the lead disk will be found adherent to the silvered disk, and will not require a separate adjustment. Grease all parts of the nut b with clean tallow before screwing it into the cap, and also keep Fig. 21. Fig. 22. SAFETY CAP. ATMOSPHERIC CAP. the lead washer c well greased with tallow. Examine the nut b occasionally to see that it is tightly screwed down to its place on the duplex disk. THE COLLAPSING OF GENERATOR AND FOUNTAIN LININGS. Novices and even veterans in the carbonade business are sometimes put to serious loss and expense by the seemingly unaccountable collaps- ing of the lining of their generator or fountains. This collapsing can occur only when a vacuum is produced in the vessel, and a vacuum cannot be formed except through neglect of the follow- ing precautions: 1. Generators and fountains having soft metal linings should never be closed so as to prevent free access of the atmosphere to their interior, except, of course, at such times as they are required to contain gas or liquid under pressure. 2. Just before and during the discharging of the contents of a generator, fountain, or any vessel having a soft sheet-metal lining, the air should be allowed to enter its interior by open- ing the bungs on top of the vessel. If these rules are disregarded, a partial vacuum will occur in the vessel and the lining is liable to be collapsed by the pressure of the air which enters through the openings in the external shell of the vessel. A simple and ingenious device called the “Atmospheric Cap,” shown in section at Fig. 22, does away with all possibility of a vacuum in the fountain on which it is used, provided it be prop- erly cared for. It differs from the safety cap in the fact that it is designed for relief of an external instead of an internal pressure on the apparatus. This cap takes the place of the ordinary cap on one of the upper bungs of the fountain or generator. Every fountain and every generator should be provided with one. It operates as follows: the valve a is held in position by the light spring e, and when the vessel is in use, the pressure of the gas in the fountain makes a tight joint at the washer c. Should the pressure inside of the vessel become less than the ex- ternal pressure of the atmosphere the valve a opens, the air enters the fountain through the openings d, and the equilibrium of internal and external pressure is restored. The top part of the cap b should occasionally be unscrewed, and the leather washer c and the working parts of the valve lubricated with tallow. The pressure of the spring e can be adjusted by the nuts.f. CHAPTER XIII. NOTES ON THE USE AND MANAGEMENT OF CARBONATING APPARATUS–GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO OPERATORS. 1. THERE is great economy of labor and ma- terials in using an apparatus with a large num- ber of fountains. Less pressure is required and the product is much superior in quality. 2. A hand and power pump, as shown on page 32, for maintaining the supply of beverage in the fountain, utilizes the gas that is otherwise wasted every time the fountain is charged. 3. This same pump can be used as a displace- ment pump for filling the generator with water, and thus forcing into the fountain all the gas from the generator, which would otherwise be wasted every time the latter is charged. 4. Care should be taken to protect the appara- tus from the cold, as it is liable to be injured by frost, especially if containing any water. Every winter a large number of generators and foun- tains are ruined by the freezing of their con- CARBON ATED BEVERAGES. 39 tents. . They have even come to the manufac- trace of sulphuric acid is taken up by the mar- turer from New Orleans for repairs, the heavy iron castings being broken by the frost; so it will be seen that, even in mild climates, care must be taken to prevent the freezing of water in fountains and generators. ... 5. When the generator is not in constant use it is well to wash it out, and keep it filled with Water–acid chamber and all. This will prevent corrosion and keep the joints tight. 6. Warm but not hot water may be used in the generator to advantage. 7. The valve on the acid chamber should al- Ways be closed gently by pressing down its lever-handle only with the hand. If extreme force is used the valve seat is liable to be in- jured and necessitate the taking apart of the acid chamber for repairs. 8. Acid should be carefully examined before it is poured into the acid chamber, as it sometimes contains small pieces of glass from the carboy or other hard substances which will ruin the acid Valve or seat if allowed to jam between them. So also, ground marble, whiting, or any of the carbonates that may be used, should always be sifted before they are introduced into the generator, as they sometimes contain barrel nails 9r other hard substances which are liable to injure the generator lining. 9. Evolve the gas in the generator very slow- ly ; if it is evolved too quickly, violent ebulli- tion of the materials occurs, which may choke up the pipes, 10. Do not allow the gas to rush quickly into the fountain. Maintain a constant standard pressure during the whole operation. Violent fluctuations of pressure are to be avoided. 11. Thoroughly agitate the liquid in the foun- tain after charging it with gas. 12. All the movable parts of the machinery should be kept well lubricated, care being taken not to allow the oil to become gummed. 13. If the generator or fountain stuffing-boxes should require packing, it should be done with Some hemp, well greased by soaking it in melted tallow, or what is still better, paraffine, which re- sists the action of acid. After unscrewing and raising up the cap and gland, the packing should be wound tightly round the rod or shaft until the stuffing-box is quite full; and the whole screwed down with the cap and gland until tight. 14. The gas-washers should be kept filled with chips of marble. Water, of course, will detain more or less of the sulphuric acid, that may escape in a fine spray from the generator, and it will cool the gas to some extent, but it cannot be relied upon to do either thoroughly. The true plan is to pack the washer with small fragments of broken marble, and when it is full, pour in only water enough to fill the interstices two- thirds of the way up. When this is done every ble, and, by the union of the two, more gas is produced. Moreover, instead of bubbling up through water which hardly checks the rapidity of its course, the carbonic acid is compelled to find its way slowly between the fragments and is thus thoroughly divided and cooled as well as purified. Some gas, of course, is absorbed, but the quantity is very small compared with that wasted when the washer contains no marble. Fresh pieces of marble should be added as may be necessary from time to time to keep the washer filled. 15. Change the water in the gas-washer every time the generator is charged. 16. The liquid to be carbonated should be as Fig. 23.-DETACHED GAS WASHER. cold as possible when put into the fountains. The colder the beverage, the more gas will it absorb. 17. Before carbonating wines, mineral waters, or other expensive beverages, the whole appa- ratus should be tested by carbonating pure water in the fountains. By this precaution the appa- ratus is thoroughly cleansed, the joints may be tightened if necessary, and the operator is made familiar with his work at a trifling cost. 18. If the fountain should stand charged for a few days, a considerable portion of the gas may be absorbed by the beverage, and it is well to turn a little more gas into the fountain before commencing to use the beverage. 19. Stationary fountains should be occasion- ally washed out with pure water, which may be 40 - CARBONATED BEVERAGES. discharged through the bungs at the bottom of the fountain, care being taken to first remove the caps from the bungs on top of the foun- tains. The water may also be discharged, under pressure of gas, through the beverage valves on top of the fountains, thus avoiding all danger of collapsing the fountain linings. 20. Occasionally disconnect and examine the pipes of apparatus. If obstructed, they should be cleaned out. 21. Manufacturers and bottlers should have at least two generators and should use them alter- nately in the busy season. The operation of order to operate it, all that is necessary is to place the vessel into which it is desired to draw the fluid upon the case of a carboy beneath the outlet, and to execute a few strokes with the pump piston. 24. The operator has it in his power to stop the flow at any moment, and he can with equal facility discharge an ounce or a gallon, or return to the carboy what he has discharged. To ad- just the acid dispenser to the carboy, drop the ring, numbered 1, over the neck of the carboy, spring the soft rubber packing, 2, over the neck of the carboy, with its upper surface under and * - - | -- º Fig. 24.—ACID DISPENSER. evolving the gas need not then be so hastily performed, more gas will be produced, and the generators will not become extremely hot as they do when worked too quickly. Moreover, should one generator happen to give out, the manufac. turer will not be forced to suspend operations while it is being repaired. 22. An extra gas-washer is very useful and en- sures the absolute purity of the gas. For this purpose a detached gas-washer similar to that shown in Fig. 23 may be used. 23. To facilitate the drawing of the sulphuric acid from the carboy, it is well to use an acid dispenser. This device is shown in Fig. 24. In - against the lip of the same; place upon the rub- ber packing the porcelain cup 3 ; pass through the centre perforation of the cup, to the neces: sary depth, the glass tube 4, passing the attached rubber ring or packing 5 down the same until it rests snugly in its seat in the cup ; put the iron strap 6 over the tube and down upon the cup so that the bolts in ring 1 shall pass through the bolt holes in the lugs of the strap; adjust the thumb-screws to the bolt, and lastly screw them down until the whole instrument is firmly drawn together; attach the pump to the top of the box of the carboy by means of the gimlet- pointed screw fastened to the bottom of the CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 41 pump, which may be done without the use of tools; then connect the pump with the stone cup by means of the flexible rubber tube, slipping one end upon the nozzle of the pump into the side perforation of the cup. Wetting the inside edge of the rubber packing facilitates springing it upon the neck of the carboy. The moving parts of the pump should be kept well oiled. The last portion of the contents of the carboy should be drawn into a vessel tall enough to re- ceive the mouth of the glass tube into its neck— such as a six-pound wide-mouthed bottle—in order to protect the operator against the mo- mentary slight sputter which takes place when the carboy is empty. This sputter is caused by the compressed air inside, establishing a current through the glass tube, and carrying with it particles of acid therefrom. The current may be checked at once, however, by pulling the flexible rubber tube from the perforation in the porcelain cup, which vent permits the air to es- cape without any moisture. PORTABLE FOUNTAINS-AN TESTS FOR APPARATUS. dispensers of carbonated drinks who cannot, or do not care to undertake the manufacture of their own beverages, a very profitable trade may be established by charging portable foun- tains and delivering them for use at the dispens- ing counter. The wholesale dealer will find it very useful in such cases to employ a wagon especially adapted for holding fountains. These may be obtained of the large manufacturers of “soda” water apparatus, and will prove much CHAPTER XIV. CHARGING PORTABLE FOUNTAINS-SPECIAL WAGONS FOR PORTABLE FOUNTAINS-THE IMPortANce of CLEANLINESS—THE FOUNTAIN RINSER—THE MEASURING CISTERN-FOUNTAIN ROCKER FOR AGITATING IMPROVED CLAMP COUPLING—THE MULTIPLE BRANCH VALWE-HYDRAULIC - IN large cities where there are many small more convenient for transporting fountains than an ordinary wagon, as they hold a greater num- ber, and prevent them from being jolted togeth- er or otherwise injured. The selection of portable fountains has already º |||||| $|| i. - - - . - Fig. 25.-FOUNTAIN RINSER. been treated of in Chapter II. We shall now proceed to describe the precautions to be taken in charging the fountains. In the first place the interior lining should be carefully examined to ascertain whether it is in good condition. If any flaw be detected, the 42 - CARBONATED BEVERAGES. fountain should be set aside until it can be re- paired. Cleanliness is the next consideration. The fountains should be kept perfectly clean. Out- ward neatness is of course of great importance, as it is pleasing to the eye of the customer, but it is a matter of far greater concern that the interior of the fountains be kept scrupulously free from dirt. If the consumer finds dirt in | | l - - | - T | | | H | | | - | ſ his glass, he will not consider it a mitigating circumstance that the metal work on the appa- ratus, from which it is drawn, is kept polished and bright, or that the exterior of the fountain is freshly painted. It is therefore of the utmost importance that absolute cleanliness be insisted | I |T|T|T|T|| H | Tl | - Tºll º t Wººllllllllll - Before filling a fountain, it should always be thoroughly washed out. This is best accom- plished by means of a special machine known aS a FOUNTAIN RINSER. This is a simple and effective device (see Fig. 25) consisting of a number of tubes connected with the hydrant by a main. In each tube there is a valve which admits and shuts off the water. The fountains are inverted, and are so placed that one of these tubes passes into the interior through the bung. In this position the fountain rests on a collar which has provision for drainage, and is so connected with the valve that the upon from the beginning of the process of manu- weight of the fountain upon it causes the flow facture until the beverage reaches the lips the consumer. of of the water against the whole interior of the fountain. The water flows out as fast as it runs CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 43 in, carrying with it any deposit from the lining of the fountain. As the machine is automatic, the only labor required in its operation is that of placing the fountains on it and of removing them. It is, therefore, a great saver of time and insures the thorough washing of the fountains, which no longer depends on the carefulness and conscien- tiousness of the operator. When the fountains are cleansed by the ordi- nary methods, care should be taken in emptying them, not to cause the collapse of the interior lining. This may be occasioned by the forma- tion of a partial vacuum, when the contents are emptied faster than air is admitted into the fountain. . Once the fountain is thoroughly washed, it is time to think of charging it with the liquid to y – sº - E- Eji mRi required amount of liquid has been admitted, the supply is automatically cut off by a float and valve. A graduated glass tube indicates the amount of water in each compartment. By means of the valves shown in the figure the con- tents of the tanks may be discharged into the fountains, thus charging these with the proper amount. The only work the operator is required to do is to place the empty fountains in position, to open and close the discharge cock, and to remove the fountains when filled. The process of charging portable fountains with carbonic acid gas differs in no material re- spect from the method of charging stationary fountains. The principal difference is in the agitation of the beverage. In stationary fountains this operation is accomplished by means of a Fig. 27.-ROCKER Fort AGITATING Pore'ſ ABLE Fount AINs. be carbonated. This may seem a very simple matter, and so it is if the proper means are em- ployed, but if the fountains are charged by the ordinary methods a great deal of time and care are required to put in just the proper amount. Where many fountains have to be filled and when regularity, accuracy and despatch are nec- essary, we should advise the use of a MEASURING CISTERN. This apparatus (see Fig. 26) enables a single operator to do the work of several men, with greater accuracy. The measuring cistern is simply a tin-lined wooden tank divided into water-tight compart- ments. These compartments are filled with water admitted through the horizontal tube which is seen in front of the cistern. When the block-tin covered metal agitator, while in porta- ble fountains it is effected by rocking or agita- ting the fountain itself on an apparatus known as a fountain rocker. There are various forms of these rockers. For small dispensers the cast iron frame shown in Figs. 8 and 9, page 18, or the wooden rocker illustrated in Fig. 11, page 15, will answer very well; but for large dealers it is well to be able to agitate a number of fountains at a time. For this purpose the fountain rocker shown in Fig. 27 is used. It can be worked either by hand or steam power. - The charging pipe of the generator is con- nected to the rocker at V. The fountains charged with the liquid to be carbonated are laid on the rocker and the elastic pipes are coupled to them as shown in the engraving. The fountain stop- cocks are then opened and the gas from the 44 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. - generator is allowed to enter by opening and sorb the gas. During this operation the fountains closing each valve on the rocker, in succession, two or three times, until the liquid ceases to ab- Fig. 28.—StopCock witH CLAMP Colu PLING ATTACHIELD. are agitated by turning the crank shown in the figure. It will be noticed that, on the rocker, there are two valves to each fountain. One is for controlling the supply of gas from the genera- tor, and the other from a pump which is some- times used to economize the compressed gas in the generator, which would otherwise be wasted. This chapter would be incomplete if we neglected to describe two of the latest improve- ments which have been made in fountain connec- tions. The first is a new form of cLAMP coupling, shown in Figs. 28 and 29. The block-tin pipe is carried through one arm of the coupling to the outlet of the fountain cock, so that the liquid comes in contact with no other metal. In the other arm of the coupling is a clamping screw the end of which fits in a recess in the Fig. 29.—DETACHED COUPLING. fountain cock. By screwing this up, the joint between the cock and the coupling may be made more or less tight. There are no detached parts in this coupling as there are in the ordinary clamp coupling, the whole clamping device being permanently at- tached to the connecting pipe. With this device no projecting screw or offset is necessary on the fountain cock for connecting it with the coupling. The upper part of the block-tin tube attached to the end of the stop- cock, that enters the fountain, is conical and serves to guide the stopcock to its place, thus preventing injury of the screw-thread. This cone has another advantage; it strengthens the tube at the point which is subjected to the greatest strain. The end of the tube that enters the fountain is bulb-shaped in order to prevent it from injuring the lining of the fountain in case it should strike againstit. THE MULTIPLE BRANCH WALWE is the second of the improvements we referred to above. It is designed for use principally in large stores which dispense beverages from the counter. CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 45 It is often important in such places, as soon as one fountain has been emptied, to have the means at hand for making immediate connection with another fountain. By referring to Fig. 30 the working of the multiple branch valve will be readily under- stood. Each of the four vertical branches is connected with a portable fountain, while the leader to the dispensing apparatus is coupled to one end of the horizontal pipe, the other end being closed with a cap. Each vertical branch is closed by means of a valve fitted to a hollow sleeve attached to a spindle on the end of the word about the danger of neglecting to test fountains at least once every season. Many seem to think that if, at the outset, they provide themselves with the best apparatus the market can offer, they have done their duty, and need not give the matter a second thought. Of course with superior apparatus this may be well enough for awhile, but, however long-lived it may be, no fountain is immortal and the time must in- evitably come, sooner or later, when it will re- quire repairs, and ultimately when it will have to be abandoned altogether. It is only by keeping his apparatus in thorough repair that the manu- #| || ||||||||||}| || || || lºlºlºlº |Hºll|| || ||||||||}|||||||||||}}.}}| | | -- º | ||| º | | | | º º | | 4 sºlº, | ºf sºlº ſº * | J. - 5. | 1. º º ºº | º Es...} Dº rºl * @ tº Nº. ºff: ºjº º cºº º § º º 2. iſ ºil)}º lººk º | | | || ... º |- º | | | ºlº | Nº. | ºlº º - | || | - | | --- uniºn. - -- | º | | | | || || | | ºf Millſ ||| liºl|| | | valve screw. Now, suppose the first valve to be open, the contents of the first fountain will pass to the dispensing apparatus. When the first fountain is empty the first valve is shut and the second one open, and so on for the other fountains. Should the operator neglect to close the valve leading to the empty fountain before opening another one, the former will be automatically closed by the pressure from the full fountain. This device, as illustrated, enables the operator to dispense the contents of four fountains in rapid succession, and may be made with more or less branches as desired. It is lined through- out with block-tin in order to prevent contami- nation of the beverage. Before closing this chapter we wish to say a ſ | | |- || || |m|| ! º |} º in VE. facturer or bottler can obtain most service from them. The exterior of iron and steel fountains should be kept well painted as a precaution against rust, and all apparatus intended to resist a pressure of carbonic acid gas should be tested at least once every season with hydraulic pressure of not less than 250 lbs. to the square inch. This is the minimum pressure; as a rule we should advise the following tests for old work : Cast Iron Apparatus s. per sq. inch. -- -- -- 350 lb Cast Steel -- - 800 “ Pressed Steel Fountains - 350 “ “ “ “ Wrought Iron -- - 250 “ “ “ “ Copper Apparatus - 300 “ “ “ “ 46 - CARBONATED BEVERAGES. PART II. THE BOTTLING OF CARBONATED BE VERAGES. CHAPTER XV. A PROFITABLE BUSINESS — PURITY, CLEANLINESS, ECONOMY – CORKS AND GRAVITATING STOP- PERS — CLEANSING BOTTLES — THE BOTTLE RINSER — THE BEST BOTTLING PRESSURE – NEW BOTTLES–BOTTLE BOXES– SPECIAL WAGONS. IN few business undertakings are the chances of success so great, for a man with a moderate capital, as they are in the bottling of carbon- ated beverages. With good management, bot- tling is sure to pay, and such is the margin for profit, that, notwithstanding blunders and thriftlessness, many a man who would have failed in any other business venture, is mak- ing his living as a bottler. In order to give an idea of the profits which the bottler may reasonably expect to make, let us take the case of plain “soda '’ water. If put up in bottles closed by corks and fasteners, it costs about eight cents per dozen bottles to make, and if in bottles closed by gravitating stop- pers it costs about three cents per dozen bot- tles. The retail price per dozen being sixty cents, there remains a profit of fifty-two cents in the one case, and of fifty-seven cents in the other. As this proportion is about the same in the case of the other beverages it is evident that in the hands of an enterprising man the busi- ness is an excellent one. The business principles which should govern the bottler may be summed up in three words: purity, cleanliness, economy. Purity has been treated of in previous chapters, where we con- sidered the choice of generators and fountains. We refer the reader to them for instructions concerning the selection of his outfit. We take it for granted that he has provided himself, if not with the best apparatus, at least with ap- paratus which can be implicitly relied upon not to contaminate the beverage. A man has the right not to adopt modern labor-saving appliances, if he choose, although this is bad policy and false economy, but he has no busi- ness to endanger the health of the public by the use of inferior apparatus, or the safety of human life by the use of unsafe machinery. Fortunately he can not do this with impunity for any length of time. Sooner or later the man who manufactures or sells unwholesome beverages, and is generally careless in business, must suffer for it by the loss of his trade. The importance of cleanliness has repeatedly been insisted upon throughout this work. Our readers may possibly imagine that we harp too much on one string, but we shall not be con- tent until we have succeeded in impressing upon their minds what we consider as of para- mount importance in the trades for which we are writing. We have already seen how the generators and fountains are to be cared for ; we shall describe further on the best methods of cleaning siphons and bottles. As for the third point, economy, we use the word in its true sense. True economy does not necessarily imply the use of low-priced ma- chinery or of the cheapest materials. The bottler must of course be careful to reduce the cost of production as low as he possibly can, without sacrificing the quality of the products, but it is not economical to buy a low-priced machine, for instance, when for a slightly greater amount a machine may be had which will considerably increase the production or diminish the run- ning expenses. The aim of the true business man must not be solely to reduce the cost price of his goods. It will pay him in the end to produce only first-class beverages, even though these may cost him somewhat more. It is never economical to work with inferior tools : a poor bottling machine, however low-priced it may be, is more expensive in the end than a good one. The difference in cost is soon coun- - CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 47 terbalanced by the leakage and waste incurred by the use of the former. A mistake which many bottlers make is to overwork their machines. This is unwise. A machine for filling cork-stoppered bottles, should not be called upon to fill more than three hundred dozen pint bottles per day of ten hours. It is far better to run two machines than to strain one by running at too high a speed. Machinery is now made by which, with proper manipulation, the escape of gas is almost obviated. There is no longer any need to open the fountains to fill them, as the pump attachment provides for that. Again, if in filling bottles, the air valve with which the improved tables are provided be adjusted correctly to the pressure, no gas need be lost in the operation of filling. One of the first questions which the bottler will be called upon to decide when he starts in business is whether he will use corks or stop- pers for closing his bottles. It is a curious fact that so simple and appar- ently insignificant a thing as a cork should be, as it were, the pivot on which the business of bottling largely turns. Such, however, is sub- stantially the fact. If the bottler decides in favor of corks, that decision determines the choice of apparatus and of bottles, requires the use of string or wire fasteners, and involves a perpetual outlay for fresh materials and extra labor to close and secure the endless suc- cession of bottle-mouths. On the other hand, if a bottler concludes to use the internal grav- itating glass and rubber stopper, he must buy bottles of a peculiar kind, and a filling appa- ratus entirely different from those used with corks, while even his bottle boxes should be of a particular pattern. Furthermore, he must lay out at once a considerable sum in the purchase of stoppers. Really good corks are pretty expensive to use with so cheap a beverage as carbonated water, and are, indeed, none too plentiful in this mar- ket, the best ones being taken by the European wine bottlers, while the refuse of the cork crop is regularly disposed of in this country. Those that find their way into ordinary bottling estab- lishments are seldom the strong, compact, light- colored ones which it is a pleasure to use, but are too often dark, “crumbly,” easily broken, and generally vexatious. More or less of them are generally so flimsy as to be rejected unused ; others, a trifle better, have undetected flaws through which the carbonic acid gradually es- capes, spoiling the quality of the beverage, and those sound enough to confine the gas sometimes crumble a little in opening the bottle, and leave ugly-looking fragments to be poured in the drinker’s glass. Even the flying around of the wet corks in places where many bottles are opened often amounts to a positive nuisance. String fasteners are troublesome and compara- tively ineffective, and wire ones are a consider- able item of expense, and apt to become rusty and offensive. The internal gravitating stopper does away with all these disadvantages. After being once introduced it does not again require to be touched by the bottler, the force of gravity placing it in position in the inverted bottle, where the carbonic acid, which was before con- stantly struggling to ooze or break out, becomes its own jailor and confines the stopper securely in its place. No more escaping gas, no more flying corks, no more rusty wires afflict the user of carbonated water, put up with this stopper. A light tap serves to force it down into the bottle and permit the liquid to escape, the open- ing being convenient and expeditious in the ex- treme, as compared with the opening of the common “soda '’ water bottles. The work of bottling can be done with these stoppers at a lower pressure and twice as fast as when corks are used. In other words, where, with corks, two hundred dozen bottles are filled at a pres- sure of 60 pounds, four hundred dozen bottles can be filled in the same time when stoppers are used, at only 40 pounds pressure and at the same cost for labor. These are very material advantages, and where a bottler's capital will permit, they are worth thinking about. The actual cost of the stoppers would be ordinarily paid out for corks in a single season, so that in the long run, be sides their other merits, they are really cheaper, that is, provided none of them are lost. The risk of losing them is, perhaps, the most seri- ous objection to the adoption of the internal stoppers. The loss of bottles is a leak through which the profits of the business too often run away, and, if a stopper disappears with every bottle that miscarries, the amount of this loss is nearly doubled. On the other hand, however, the presence of these stoppers in the bottles makes it so easy to identify the latter that the temptation to steal them is much reduced, es- pecially as they cannot well be used for ordi- nary purposes. Every bottler who takes the subject under advisement, must judge for him- self whether his customers and neighbors are sufficiently careless or unscrupulous to make the probable loss of stoppers a serious item. It would be judicious, also, for a bottler med- itating the adoption of these stoppers, to find out whether any of his customers would demur to them on the ground that the rubber of which they are partly formed might injure the bever- age. Experience shows that carbonated water and pure Para rubber have no effect upon each other ; but if you have an opinionative set of patrons, it may cost you some trouble to over- 48 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. come their possible prejudices. As there is no real foundation for it, a little tact should serve for its removal. In the case of sweetened drinks, however, serious cause of complaint may arise, unless special pains is taken to clean the bottles, and no bottler indifferent to cleanli- ness should venture to adopt these stoppers. It is absolutely necessary, where they have been used with sweetened beverages, to soak the bot- tles thoroughly, before refilling, and to clean them with extra care. If this is done there will be no trouble, but if it is neglected it will be- come necessary to remove the rubbers and boil them in water mixed with potash, whereby they will be made perfectly fresh and sweet again. The necessity for extraordinary cleanliness, | --- - ~\wº _ NT - º º QºS mºs º- - | - ºs = : - CLEANSING BOTTLES. In order to thoroughly cleanse his bottles the bottler should have good tanks, each about four feet long, two feet deep, and three feet wide at the top, and two at the bottom. These tanks should be made of sound two- inch plank, put together with white lead and made tight at the joints by rods extending across the ends. One tank should contain a “pickle '' consisting of a mixture of water and bi-carbonate of soda or potash; the other should contain warm rinsing water at a temper- ature not exceeding 112°, as too great a heat would cause many bottles to break. A bottle- rinsing machine on a shelf in the rear part of the rinsing tank, and draining boxes, in which ºf =s* (*) (7. - | \s – - Fig. 31. LeoTTLE RINSER. the possibility of having to combat more or less prejudice, the risk of losing too many of the stoppers, and the necessity for the investment at the outset of considerable capital in special bottles and apparatus, as well as in the stoppers —these are the principal considerations to be weighed against the manifest advantages of the internal gravitating substitute for corks. So far as our knowledge extends, those who have been able to give these stoppers a thorough trial have found nothing to regret, save that they cannot well be used except for small bottles containing a single drink. For our own part we are satis- fied that the best plan, whenever sufficient cap- ital is invested in the business, is to use the internal stopper for all carbonated drinks where the bottles are to be returned, except, of course, in cases where siphons can be advantageously employed. the bottles stand inverted until required for filling, complete the entire outfit. As fast as the empty bottles come in they should be put in the “pickle" and allowed to remain there for awhile. The bi-carbonate of soda or potash will act as a solvent and will greatly facilitate the removal of dirt or impuri- ties. The bottles are then to be placed in the rinsing tank and finally to be taken to THE BOTTLE RINSER. This is shown in Fig. 31. It consists of a frame through which passes a rubber, hose. Pivoted to the frame is a lever arm at the ex- tremity of which is a collar to receive the bottle. An iron collar surrounds the hose and the lever arm, and, when the apparatus is not in use, is kept tightly pressed against the former by the spring shown in the figure, thus shutting off CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 49 the supply of water. When the bottle is insert- ed in the collar made to receive it, its weight causes the lever to descend, thus relieving the pressure on the hose and admitting into the bottle a jet of water which is discharged from the bottle into the rinsing tank as fast as it is received. The adjusting screw shown serves to regulate the tension on the hose so that the application of the empty bottle will suffice to OOOOOO Fig. 32.-COMINION BOTTLE BOX. relieve it. Gravitating stoppers should be soak- ed in warm potash water, and then thoroughly rinsed every time they are used. If they have been neglected until they have become extra- ordinarily dirty, soak them in a mixture of eighteen quarts of water and two quarts of sul- phuric acid ; then wash them in potash water, and give them a final rinsing in clear pure water. For bottling, it is best to charge the fountains Fig. 33.-FLUTED BOTTLE BOX. with pure water and to add the desired sirup or flavoring to each bottle at the bottling ma- chine. If the flavoring for making root beer, ginger ale or similar beverages is added to the carbonade in the fountain, there is a great waste of time and material in bottling, on account of the excessive foaming of the beverage when it enters the bottle. It is, moreover, almost im- possible to cleanse a fountain which has been once used for these beverages, so that plain car- bonades can be made in it without acquiring a taste of the flavoring. THE BEST BOTTLING PRESSURE. Although it is quite true that the better charged a beverage is the more pungent and agreeable it will be to the taste, it by no means follows that the bottling pressure should be as high as it can be made. The beverage on ex- posure loses a large portion of its carbonic acid gas, and the proportion of the loss greatly in- creases with the pressure, so that the actual amount of gas in the drink when it reaches the consumer’s lips is no greater when it has been bottled under a very high pressure than when it has been bottled under a comparatively low pressure. It is therefore advisable to bottle under as low a pressure as possible, so long as this pressure is in excess of that required to impregnate the beverage with the maximum amount of gas it will retain on being poured into the tumbler. For charging portable fountains and for fill- ing siphons, the best pressure has been found to be 120 to 150 pounds, according to temperature, Fig. 34.—BOTTOMILESS Box. and the usual pressure for filling cork-stoppered bottles is 60 to 70 pounds. In the former case the pressure must be sufficient to discharge the beverage from the fountain or siphon, and in the latter it must be great enough to readily expel the cork. If gravitating bottles and stoppers be used, still less pressure will be necessary : for in this case all that is required of it is that it shall hold the stopper in position, and 30 to 50 pounds is found to answer that purpose. Bottling with gravitating bottles and stoppers, is therefore considerably more economical than either of the other methods. NEW BOTTLES. We should advise bottlers always to keep a good supply of bottles on hand. Glass when fresh from the factory is apt to be very brittle, but if allowed to stand some months before be- ing used it becomes much tougher, and is better able to bear the pressure to which it is subjected. Although a certain extra outlay is involved in thus carrying idle stock, the differ- ence in the breakage at the bottling machine is such as to more than counterbalance it. CARBONATED BEVERAGES. * º ~ == º ºf =ºs 2 - º ^2. - % 2 - Fig. 35. %| - / CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 51 - BOTTLE BOXES. Any light, strong box of convenient size divided into separate stalls, slightly larger than the bottles, will answer more or less satisfacto- rily for containing and transporting bottles of “ soda '' water and other carbonated beverages. It has required a great deal of ingenuity, how- ever, to perfect the bottle box by º its size and weight without diminishing its solidity, or impairing its capacity, and by making it as difficult as possible to convert it to any other use than that for which it is intended, thereby diminishing the risk of its being stolen. To use a light yet tough wood, to bind the exposed edges with straps of galvanized iron, and to make “lifting holes” of suitable shape instead of projecting handles—all these steps in the path of improvement were readily taken as soon as the growth of the bottling industry had rendered the manufacture of bottle boxes a business of some consequence, and finally the “fluted '' partition brought the bottle box to its present state of perfection. Despite the advantages of this “fluted '' box, it is quite possible for an unscrupulous barkeeper to smash out the partitions and use it for a cin- der box or some other base purpose. To dimin- ish this risk, the bottom of the “fluted '' box may be entirely done away with, and the longer sides made of two strips with an opening be- tween them. Cross-pieces are then attached to the lower of these strips, as shown in Fig. 34, which represents the sides of a bottomless bot- tle box. The bottles are placed in these boxes bottom upwards, their shoulders resting on the cross-pieces. This arrangement is particularly intended for bottles closed by internal gravitat- ing stoppers, but it is also the best for corked bottles, as it keeps the corks moist and pre- vents the escape of the gas, past a dried and shriveled stopper. English “ soda” water bot. tles are always made with round bottoms to insure a position that will keep the corks wet, but American manufacturers are strangely in- different to this important advantage, so hap- pily secured by the bottomless box. DESCRIPTION. FIG. 35. BOTTLING MACHINE FOR FILLING BOTTLES WITH CARBONATED BEVERAGES AND CLOSING THEM WITH GRAVITATING STOPPERS. a, upper crosshead forming a pendant safety screen. b, lower part of the screen attached to cylinder. c, cylinder. d, air valve. f, handle. g, counterweight. h, lever yoke. i, set-screw pin for adjusting the height of the central tube. j, lever-arm detachable from the lever-yoke. k, treadle. Our illustrations show clearly the nature and advantage of this last improvement. Fig. 32 is a horizontal section of a box for twenty-four bottles with common partitions, and Fig. 33 is a similar view of a box with “fluted '' partitions for the same bottles. The sides and partitions are made originally, in each case, of wood of the same thickness. The square stalls in Fig. 33 are half an inch smaller than those in Fig. 32, but after the box is put together, excepting the bottom, each stall is cut out with a tubular saw of a diameter very slightly larger than the diam- eter of the bottles to be carried. This pro- duces a “flute ’’ on each side of the stalls in Fig. 33, making in effect a nearly round cavity, which holds the bottle more exactly and firmly than it could be held in the common square stall. This “ fluting ” leaves the joints of the partitions untouched, takes away only wood that can be spared, and while reducing the weight and permitting a marked reduction of the size, does not at all impair the strength or durability of the box. l, three leaf foot spring. m, suspension rods for spring. m, clamped foot rods. o, guide rods. p, set-screw gauge to operate the air valve. r, sirup cock attached to the sirup gauge. s, connection for leader from the fountain. t, cap to sirup valve of sirup gauge. u, cap to water valve of sirup gauge. a', lever handle of sirup gauge. The diminution in size and weight which may be secured by taking the full advantage of the “fluted '' partition and the omission of the bot- tom is of more importance than is generally sup- posed. An ordinary box twenty inches long, fourteen inches broad and eight inches in height, may be cut down thereby two inches in width, three inches in length, and two-thirds of an inch in height. This reduces the total size over one-fourth, and the weight fully as much. The reduction in size permits either a corre- sponding reduction in the size and cost of wag- ons, or else, on the other hand, the wagon may be made slightly larger and a materially in- creased number of boxes may be carried on each trip. As to weight, it is reckoned that the transportation of “ soda '' water receptacles, such as boxes and fountains, costs two dollars a ton. If a common box weighs eight pounds and is transported two hundred and fifty times (once a week for five years), the transportation would cost two dollars. If the weight is re- duced to six pounds, the transportation will cost 52 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. only one dollar and a half, the saving (fifty cents) being nearly the first price of the box. As a matter of fact, the box-makers are obliged to carry out the orders of their custom- ers, who seldom realize the advantage of hav- ing boxes as small and light as consistent with strength and durability. Some want the holes big enough to take in any bottle that may come along ; others think the more lumber they get the better. If you are beginning any particu- lar branch of the bottling business, and would secure the best results, choose a bottle long and slim in shape rather than “short and chunky”; send one to the boxmaker and order the required number of snug-fitting, bottomless, “fluted '' partition boxes, “warranted to be as strong and durable and yet as light and small as it is possible to make them.” SPECIAL WAGONS. It is also well to have a special wagon for the transportation of bottle boxes. This should be strong and light and of the dimensions best suited for the transportation of boxes of the size you are using. CHAPTER XVI. MACHINE FOR BOTTLING WITH GRAVITATING STOPPERS–THE GRAVITATING BOTTLE AND STOPPER—STOPPER EXTRACTOR. As the bottling machine is taken apart for shipping we shall begin by describing the method of putting it together, so as to enable the bottler to have it done by his own men. In SETTING UP THE MACHINE, put the bed plate in the woodwork with the sir- up gauge to the front, as shown in Fig. 35 ; place the guide rods o in position ; place the movable crosshead and the lever yoke with the air valve d in front. Attach the lever j to the yoke, and the yoke to the crosshead links; also the lever j to the bracket of the table so that it shall be in the position shown in the figure. Attach the foot lever and the suspension rods as shown ; place the spring l in the foot lever k, and at- tach it to the suspension rods m ; attach the clamped foot rods n to the guide rods 0, and connect them to the foot lever ; attach the air valve d to the movable crosshead ; place the central tube in the cylinder c, and screw it fast to the air valve, removing the gland of the stuffing-box and packing the rod with cotton wick, saturated with paraffine or tallow ; screw down the gland to perfect the joint around the tube. Place the lever arm j in position, and adjust the set screw i on the lever arm j, so that, when the bottle is in the screen b, and the operator’s foot presses the upper screen a upon it, bringing it into close contact with the cylinder packing, the end of the central tube shall remain about half an inch from the bottom of the bottle. The central tube should never strike the bottom of the bottle, as otherwise it would get battered, thus closing up the vent or air passage. The set screw gauge p should be so adjusted that, when the #. lever is at its highest point, the air in the bottle may pass out, and allow the bottle to be charged with the beverage. TO OPERATE THE MACHINE. Place the bottle in an inverted position, as shown in cut, with its mouth resting on the packing in the cylinder c, connect the valve r with the sirup can and the valve s with the fountain. Press on the foot lever k with one foot, thus bringing the upper screen a down on the bottle, and holding the latter tightly against the cylinder packing in order to pre- vent the beverage from escaping at the mouth of the bottle. Bring the lever of the sirup gauge forward by means of the handle a, allow- ing the sirup and water to pass into the bottle. When the bottle ceases to fill, raise the hand lever f until the central tube rises above the water in the bottle, and with an upward stroke of the hand lever f. open the air valve d, when the water will again begin to flow into the bottle until the desired quantity is admit- ted. Now push back the handle a of the sirup gauge ; press down the hand lever funtil the central tube is clear of the bottle, allowing the stopper to drop into its place. Remove your foot from the foot lever k, and the spiral springs will raise the bottle off the cylinder-packing, thus completing the operation. Always see that }. hand lever f is well down, and that the central tube is out of the bottle before taking the foot from the treadle k. THE GRAVITATING BOTTLE AND STOPPER. These are shown in Figs. 36 and 37. The stopper consists of only two pieces, a close fitting glass plug, leaving the least possible space be- tween itself and the neck of the bottle, and a solid Paragum cap, covering the entire end of the plug, and making the escape of gas impos- sible. When empty the bottle may be readily cleaned, the stopper being out of the way. The bottle has the advantage that it cannot well be CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 53 used for other purposes than those for which it . To clean the gravitating bottles and stoppers is intended, for the consumer cannot easily re- follow the instructions given in Chapter XV move the stopper, although the bottler can do for ordinary bottles. To facilitate the removal so without the slightest difficulty. of these stoppers from the bottles, it is necessary To put the stoppers in the bottles, place the to use a stopper extractor. This instrument bottles on a convenient table or floor, and test (see Fig. 38) is made of malleable iron in the the size of the opening by inserting the glass shape shown. It is introduced into the bottle, end of the stopper. If it will pass through the mouth of the bottle by its own weight, so that Fig. 37. GRAVITATING STOPPER. and the rubber cap is removed from the stopper by pressing upon it with the end of the tool. The glass stopper will now pass through the neck of the bottle by virtue of its own weight if the bottle be inverted. In order to remove the rubber cap, the bottle must be kept invert- ed and the cap must be caught and pressed GRAVITATING Bo'n'TLE AND STOPPER. Fig. 38. STOPPER EXTRACTOR. the cap or rubber rests on the mouth of the bottle, it proves that the stopper can be intro- against the bottle by the teeth of the extractor, duced into the bottle. when by withdrawing the instrument the cap Place the stoppers in a bucket of water con- will be forced out. This operation may seem taining a handful of bi-carbonate of soda. As a trifle complicated at first sight but it is in soon as the stoppers are well soaked, place them reality quite simple, and an experienced work- in the mouths of the bottles with the rubber cap man can remove about a gross of gravitating down, and with a block of wood, strike them a stoppers an hour with the aid of the stopper light blow, forcing them into the bottles. extractor. CHAPTER XVII. THE SELECTION OF CORKS-BOTTLING WITH CORKS–DIRECTIONS FOR OPERATING THE BOTTLING MACHINE–Cork FASTENING—w IRING GINGER ALE CAPS–THE DETACHED SIRUP GAUGE- THE REGULAR SIRUP GAUGE—THE SOLID PLUNGER GAUGE. THE SELECTION OF CORKS. employ only corks of good quality. The use of THE selection of corks is a question of para-inferior corks on the ground , of economy is mount importance, as the quality of the bottled policy of the penny-wise and pound-foolish beverage depends in a great measure on the stamp. A saving might perhaps be effected if cork used. "We should advise the bottler to bottlers would brand their corks, and allow a 54 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. Fig. 39. MIACHINE Fort Bo'n'Ti,ING WITH CORKS. CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 55 small percentage for their return ; “soda” and place the cork evenly in the cylinder g; water bottle corks being rarely perforated by a then with the hand lever k, force the plunger on cork-screw, can be used repeatedly without suf- fering any deterioration. In bottling with corks the bottling machine shown in Fig. 39 must be used. SETTING UP THE MACHINE. First place the bed-plate in the table as shown in the cut ; place the cylinder rods e in position and connect them to the treadle rods; place the plunger crosshead rods in position and connect the circular crosshead, at the bottom of the machine, the lever links and the lever yoke; then attach the lever k, the suspension rods 0 and p, the three-leaf spring and the foot lever m, all as shown ; attach the screen h, the walk- ing-beam l of screen, and the screen rods. Set the screen h by means of the screws on the screen rods, so that it will close just as desired. Also set the gauge screws, a and b, so as to drive all the corks uniformly and to the proper depth, into the mouth of the bottle. Attach the cylinder g, the cork gauge attachment f d, the cork till it closes the mouth of the cylinder, push the handle a of the sirup gauge away from you, thus injecting the required amount of sirup into the bottle and allowing it to be filled with the beverage; then pull the handle a back to its first position and with the hand lever k force the cork into the mouth of the bottle, then push back the handle d of the cork gauging attach- ment, allowing the bottling cylinder g to rise sufficiently to allow the cork to be readily se- cured with the cork fastener, when the foot may be taken from the treadle and the bottle removed from the machine. The escape valve c should be set so as to per- mit the escape of the compressed air at the re- quired bottling pressure, without wasting the beverage. The next operation is that of SECURING THE CORES TO THE BOTTLES. The pressure of the gas in a bottle of carbon- ated beverage necessitates the employment of some means of holding the cork in its place. DESCRIPTION, FIG. 39. a and b, gauge screws to cork gauge. c, an air valve or escape valve. e, cylinder rods. f, and d, cork gauge. g, bottling cylinder with rubber packing inside. h, automatic screen. i, quart pot. j, pint pot. k, hand lever. l, walking-beam of the automatic screen. and the sirup gauge as shown, and connect the sirup can with the sirup cock r, and the leader from the carbonating apparatus to the connec- tion s. When everything is in readiness, place the perforated plate for half-pint bottles in the table and the machine is now ready for bottling operations. The best bottling machines are provided with a recessed plate adapted to filling bottles of various sizes. For filling the ordinary half- pint bottles a plate flush with the table is used, on which the bottle is placed. For pint bottles this plate is removed and the pint pot j in- serted, and for quart bottles the quart pot i is used. The plate and pots are perforated so as to drain into a waste pipe any liquid that may escape during the filling process. BOTTLING OPERATIONS. The corks having been placed in a bucket of hot water containing a small quantity of olive oil, and soaked until soft, press down the foot lever m, until the cylinder g is tightly held on the mouth of the bottle ; raise the hand lever k - __ BOTTLING MACHINE, FOR FILLING BOTTLES WITH CARBONATED BEVERAGES AND CLOSING THEM WITH CORKS. m, foot lever. n, balance weight of the automatic screen. o, and p, suspension rods of spring. ºr, sirup cock of sirup gauge. s, connection for leader from the fountain for supply of carbonade. t, cap of sirup valve of sirup gauge. w, cap of water valve of sirup gauge. a', lever of sirup gauge. gy, balance weight of hand lever. This may be done in several ways. The oldest method is merely to tie the cork fast to the bottle mouth with twine. With champagne, both twine and wire are employed; for “soda.” water, the cork fastener shown in Fig. 43 is in almost universal use, and for ginger ale, bottled in the best style, metallic caps (Fig. 44) and tinned and annealed wires (Fig. 45) are used. The cap prevents the wire from cutting into the cork and the wires are shaped so that they can be applied easily and quickly to the bottle. With the cork fastener all that is necessary is to push it over the cork before removing the bot- tling machine plunger, but with strings or wires the bottle must be removed from the bottling machine to the tyer and during this transfer the corks must be held in place by means of the bottling tongs shown in Fig. 42. WIRING GINGER ALE CAPS. The bottle having been passed to the mag- netic tyer (Fig. 41), place a metallic cap on the magnet of the tyer, which will hold it in posi- tion. Raise the hottle by means of the treadle, L- - 56 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. so that the cork is pressed firmly against the cap. Now take the wire (Fig. }} by the loop and bend the free ends around the neck of the bottle, giving them a half turn, and bring them over the cork, one on each side of the magnet. Finally take both ends between the thumb and forefinger of one hand, and the loop between the thumb and fore- finger of the other, and cross and twist them two or three times, be- ing careful to bring the wire as close as possible to the cap. Beside the bottling machines proper, the bottler will find it in- dispensable to have a number of contrivances calculated to facilitate the process of bottling carbonated beverages. One of the most impor- tant of these is the sirup gauge. This is a device for enabling the sirup to be rapidly and accurately measured and delivered into the bottle. It may either be attached to the bottling machine or entirely separate from it. There are various forms of sirup gauges, but we shall describe only the three principal ones. Fig. 40. GINGER ALE BOT- TLE, CORKED, CAP- PED, AND WIRED. --- == == - mill. º - ===Tſº § -- ==ramſ - - - § - - ------ N =mull º § −. ºr tº N - N N - - rºll Iº “. . º º | § == º | * lºss Tº Fig. 41.--THE MAGNETIC TYER. THE DETACHED SIRUP GAUGE, shown in Fig. 46, is used separate from the bottling machine. The gauge proper is attach- ed to the stand in either of the three rests, ac- cording to the size of the bottle, and connected to the sirup can. The bottle is placed upon the plate and brought to the filling-head of the gauge by means of a treadle. A stroke of the piston measures the sirup into the bottle, the quantity being gauged by a pin in the guide on top. Those gauges which are attached to the bottling machine are of course the most con- venient, for they enable the sirup to be measur- ed into the lº, at the same time that the bot- tle is charged with carbonade. THE REGULAR SIRUP GAUGE It consists of a piston working In the head of the piston is a is one of these. in a cylinder. Fig. 42. Fig. 43. BOTTLING TONGS. WIRE Cork R. FAST- ENER. poppet valve so arranged as to open on the re- turn stroke of the piston. One end of the cylinder is connected with the sirup can by an inlet pipe, and the other to the bottling ma- chine by an outlet pipe. The beverage is ad- mitted º a third pipe and passes to the bottle through the same outlet as the sirup. The first stroke of the piston causes the cylin- der to fill with sirup drawn from the sirup can ; on the return stroke, the sirup passes through the valve on the piston head, and the second stroke forces it out through the outlet pipe to the bottle, at the same time that it draws a Fig. 45. GINGER ALE WIRE. Fig. 44. GINGER A LE CAP. fresh supply of sirup from the sirup can. When the piston reaches the end of its stroke, the beverage inlet valve is put into communica- tion with the bottling machine, by a sliding valve which allows the beverage to flow into the bottle. The amount of sirup to be delivered at each stroke can be regulated by lengthening or shortening the stroke by means of a movable crank pin. The gauge just described answers for ordinary purposes, but it is inferior to THE SOLID PLUNGER GAUGE, inasmuch as the former requires packing about the piston head, and is much more liable to CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 57 leak. The solid plunger gauge is shown in Fig. 47. The piston fills the entire cylinder E, and therefore is single acting, that is to say it admits and discharges the sirup from the same end of the piston. The sirup can is connected with the gauge by means of the inlet C : B is the inlet for the plain carbonade, and A is the outlet for both the sirup and the beverage. F is the handle for operating the solid plunger ; Aſ is the connecting rod ; I is a guide for the crank which operates the solid plunger, and H is a movable pin for regulating the stroke of the ºr . T |T ºts. -ºº: T T]T | → - | | int i | -- - L | | s Fig. 46.--THE DETACHED SIRUP GAUGE. plunger, and thus gauging the quantity of sirup to be delivered to the bottle. In attaching the gauge to the cylinder of the bottling table, pack the joint with cotton wick. The inlet B should be attached to the conducting tube of the foun- tain containing the beverage in such a way as not to interfere with the action of the lever of the gauge. Care should be taken to keep the plunger oiled with a few drops of sweet oil that it may not work hard. Should the gauge leak at the stuffing box of the plunger, tighten the nut ; but do not tighten it any more than just enough to stop the leak, as otherwise the plunger would work hard. If the sirup or water valve leaks, take it out and clean off the face, removing whatever obstruction prevents it from closing, and then replace the parts as they were. All connections being made TO OPERATE THE GAUGE ; first, regulate the supply of sirup by placing the pin in the proper hole, pull the handle F to the right, this will cause the solid plunger to move in the opposite direction and a vacuum will be produced in front of the plunger, caus- ing a poppet valve to open and admit the sirup from the inlet C. On the return stroke, the inlet sirup valve is closed by the pressure of the sirup in the cylinder, and the outlet sirup valve opened, admitting the sirup to the bottle through the outlet A. When the plunger reaches the end of its return stroke it presses upon the spindle of another poppet valve thereby opening it and admitting the beverage to the bottle from the inlet B through the outlet A. When plain carbonades are to be bottled, close the cock on the sirup inlet C and work the handle so as to allow the carbonade to enter the bottle as desired. The solid plunger gauge can be relied upon to deliver the desired portion of sirup into the bottle ; it is at once durable, simple and cleanly in its operation, and obviates the disadvantage attending the use of an unreliable gauge, such as poorly siruped and insipid beverages, great waste of materials and the general sloppy con- dition of all the machinery in the vicinity of the gauge, together with the vexatious loss of time and money spent in numerous repairs. 58 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. CELAPTER XVIII. SIPHONS — ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES – THE COMMON AND THE IMPROVED SIPHON HEAD — THE SIPHON FILLER – INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING SIPHONS — CLEANING AND RE- PAIRING SIPHON HEADS—SIPHON BOXES—GENERAL ADVICE—THE BOTTLE QUESTION. THE ideal carbonated drink would be that obtained directly from the bottle. It is only thus that the beverage can be swallowed before it has parted with any of its pungency, for, in the act of filling the tumbler, more or less gas is lost, even though the liquid be not allowed to stand for any i. of time. As drinking from the bottle is hardly practicable, in polite society, we are obliged to accept the inevitable loss of gas occasioned by the decanting of the beverage into the tumbler. Even with this loss the most sparkling and pungent beverage ob- tainable is that contained in bottles. Bottles, however, have one great disadvantage; they must be made small enough to hold not more than one, or at most two drinks. If they con- tain any more than that, the beverage left stand- ing in the bottle will soon become flat and insipid. It was the desire to remedy this evil that led Savaresse, in the year 1837, to invent and introduce into France the first siphon for carbonated beverages. The introduction of the siphon into the United States is of much more recent date, but of late years it has met with growing favor, and many houses have specially devoted themselves to the sale of beverages in siphons, with the most prosperous results. The advantages of the siphon over the ordi- nary bottle are too obvious to require much ex- planation. Large or small portions can be dis- pensed from it with little loss of gas, while the residue will retain for a considerable time al- most all of its original pungency. No other form of vessel is as well adapted in every way for sending into the household. The objections to the siphon have been first, the fact that the beverage in being discharged was subjected to so much friction in its cir- cuitous route, as to cause it to lose a large por- tion of its gas ; and second, that the parts com- posing the siphon head were so complicated as to easily get out of order, causing leakage. These objections have been remedied to a great extent in some of the later forms of º which are illustrated and described below. In making and filling siphons, there can be siphon bottles are often tested to a pressure of no ultimate profit gained by employing indiffer- ent or bad materials. be taken in choosing the kind of siphon head and the quality of siphon bottle to be used. Cheapness is desirable, but should be subordi- nate to other considerations. Frequent repairs, constant waste from leakage and deterioration Very great care should of the liquids inclosed, both from injurious contact and from the admixture of air, are some of the evils which are sure to accompany the use of an inferior siphon. The loss which would result from them would very soon more than equal the original cost of a perfect siphon. The siphon bottles should be uniform in size and as nearly symmetrical as possible. The globular-shaped siphons, although they are theo- . the best, as affording the greatest strength with the least material, are not nearly as desirable as the cylindrical ones, which, with- in the same circumference, will hold a much larger quantity of fluid. Consequently, those with the sides as nearly straight as possible may be packed to far better advantage; a fact which will have much weight when the relative expense of providing large or small, and few or many delivery boxes and wagons is calculated. New siphon bottles should be strong enough to resist twice the pressure to which they are subjected in ordinary use. As soon as received from the manufacturers they should be filled with plain “soda '’ water, and allowed to re- main closed for at least one day. If there be any imperfection in the “packing ” or metal, it will thus be discovered, and may be early remedied. When, however, the siphons have been obtained directly from a trustworthy firm who make it a rule to try all those that they manufacture by the pressure of “soda” water, this precaution is not strictly necessary. The French glass siphon bottles are the only kind that are used by the best manufacturers of siphons. It is greatly to be regretted that, not- withstanding the hopeful improvement of the American glass siphon bottle, it still remains inferior in quality to the French, and can never be relied on to safely resist a given pressure. The percentage of breakage, both at the first test and during subsequent usage, is much greater in the former than in the latter. In- stances are known in which the American siphon bottles have been tried by a pressure of 800 pounds to the square inch and afterwards exploded at 200. On the other hand, French 1000 pounds to the square inch with no injuri- ous effect, while the American siphon bottle generally will not withstand a test of pressure of 400 pounds to the square inch before burst- 1119. #he term siphon head is applied to the whole CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 59 of the metal apparatus attached to the bottle, of pieces and their awkward, relation to each with the exception of the perpendicular tube, other, while the continuity of the exterior sur- which reaches nearly to the bottom. All the faces is broken at several points by joints and working parts should be composed of pure tin crevices and sharp mouldings or ledges. These with little or no “hardening” metal. The permit the accumulation of fine particles of main feature of the siphon head is the valve. dust which find their way into the working To devise one which would resist the pressure sockets and obstruct them, besides adulterating of the gas, and yet would close perfectly tight the contents of the siphon as they pass out. The was a difficult task and the improvements lever C, entering the main body A just below made on the º siphon of Savaresse the cap B, has its fulcrum in the opposite wall, have been slow to develop. There are at pres- where is shown a small pin F, terminating on º … N * L % º N ſº º #! | º | Fig. 48.--THE Comº M10N SIPHON HEAD. ent but two different kinds of siphon heads, one of these may be designated as the “com- mon,” and the other as the “improved ’’ siphon head. We include under the former term many varieties which are different in form, but are essentially the same in principle. The follow- ing illustrations show sections of the “com- mon '' and “improved ’’ siphon heads, from which the reader may derive a clear idea of their different construction. The common siphon is represented in Fig. 48. At the first glance it will be seen that its interior plan is complicated by the number the outside with beveled ends even with the beveled edges of the bearings. After the lever has been removed for the purpose of repairing the valve gear, it is very diffi- cult to readjust it in such a manner that the joint shall present no unsightly inequality at the exterior surface. Then, in order to give sufficient scope of movement, the opening, as represented in the right hand wall of the main body, is made much larger than the lever itself, leaving—below it, when it is at rest, and above it when it is pressed down—a considerable va- cant space. . 60 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. The upper chamber of the common siphon head can be reached only by taking off the cap B. This is fitted into the main body instead of upon it, and the joint presents a permeable crack, communicating almost directly with the chamber underneath. In an examination of the common siphon head we first remove the cap and then the lever. Below this is the plunger D, which has at the top a hat, on which the lever C rests. Around the brass shank of the plunger is a spiral spring E, which presses upward against the brim of Fig. 49.--THE IMPROVED SIPHON the hat. The spring is supported upon two shoulders situated just above the spout, but sep- arated from them by the brass washers G Q, and the leather washer H, which forms a “'stuffing- box'' around the brass rod passing through their centres. This rod extends below the de- pending lip or valve seat L, and ends in a screw to which is attached the rubber disk or neck- washer I and the nut J. Together these form a piston which may be properly designated as the valve stopper. In order to examine the lower chamber of the cylinder where the valve is situated, it is necessary to separate the siphon head from the bottle at the point 0. Very often in so doing the bottle is broken, and always a good deal of time is consumed. The closing of the valve is effected by the close contact of the rubber disk I with the valve seat L, and is dependent upon two forces, the recoil of the spring and the expansion of the gas within the siphon-bottle. After some months of use the dust and gritty substances, which enter through the apertures in the main body, sift down through the valve gear, and ac- cumulating on the brass rod D and the washers IIEAD. G, Q, H, so contribute to the wearing away of the metal and packing that the orifice becomes too large, and, whenever the contents are being drawn, a leakage takes place into the up- per chamber of the cylinder. From this begin- ning the foreign particles penetrate into the valve itself. By the additional friction which they cause, they soon render it pervious to the carbonic acid gas, and the higher the pressure the greater the waste. At the same time the spring is weakened by the corrosion caused by its dampness, as well as by undue attrition. Therefore, when the pressure within the siphon CARBONATED BEVE RAGES. 61 bottle is reduced by the lessening of its con- tents, the valve becomes lax. The non-closing of the valve frequently results also from the clogging of the rod with verdigris and a gum- my matter, formed from the contact of grease and moisture with the leather and brass. When the spring is pressed down the rod sticks fast, and so the valve remains open. In all these different ways does the common siphon valve prove defective. But even should it work perfectly, as is rarely the case, the liquid drawn through it loses, by friction through de- vious passages and consequent agitation, much of its piquancy of taste and its sparkle and wim. From the tube it must pass around the stopper J 1 into the space surrounding the brass - Fig. 50. fectly rounded, and its surface will receive a high polish. Two holes (near the letter B) which do not reach to the interior, are used for the insertion of a forked wrench in unscrewing the cap. The joint formed by the entrance of the lever C into the wall of the main body, un- like that in the common siphon head, is nearly tight, the fulcrum being so placed that only a very slight scope is required at this point. The lever can be removed and readjusted with per- fect ease. The cap B covers the whole upper end of the cylinder, screwing into it so tightly that it is only by the sharpest scrutiny that the joint can be detected. In order to reach the valve gear it is only necessary to remove the cap. The SIPHONS. rod D, and thence the outflow continues through the spout. The taste of the liquid is also palpably affected by its contact with brass, verdigris, leather, and rubber, and especially after the worn-out washers have been renewed —a frequent necessity. The inventor of the improved siphon head sought"to remedy the many imperfections which we have pointed out in the old. The manu- facturers have so far succeeded in making it durable that they subjected it to the test of being worked one million times consecutively without the discovery of any defect. In exter- nal form it is much superior to the common siphon head, presenting, as it does, regular and smooth surfaces, with no mouldings or sharp edges nor any visible crevices. The top is per- valve proper, as drawn in Fig. 49, is just op- posite the entrance to the spout. A circular lip or flange L projects from the main body and forms the valve seat. The plunger D is sup- ported upon this, with a diaphragm of moulded rubber J intervening and firmly fastened to the lower end. In the side of the plunger is a large notch or recess in which the shorter arm of the lever plays. The plunger D has a square shoulder upon which the spiral spring E is bas- ed. A slight downward pressure upon the lever C lifts the plunger D, and consequently the diaphragm J ; the liquid mounts to the edge of the flange L and pours over into the spout. When the lever returns to its normal position, the diaphragm comes in contact with the valve seat again. All that is relied upon for the 62 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. complete closing of the valve is the recoil of the spring. Perhaps, theoretically, this feature may be deemed objectionable, on the ground that the stronger the pressure within the bottle the less in comparison would be the resisting force ; but practically, with a spring tested at the highest pressure, there can be no possibility of the valve leaking from this cause. Not the least recommendation is the simplic- ity of the improved siphon head. It contains only thirteen pieces, while the number in the common one is seventeen. The liquid has the shortest and most direct outflow. There is the least disturbance of the current, and it is never Fig. 54.—SIPHON FILLING MACHINE. tinctured by injurious and disagreeable sub- stances in its passage through the valve. The valve seldom gets out of order, except by the wearing out of the diaphragm, which can easily be replaced. Dust and grit do not penetrate the head as they do in the common kind, and in the absence of undue friction the valve gear lasts a great deal longer. In Figs. 50 and 51 we illustrate two forms of the old, and in Figs. 52 and 53 two forms of the new style of siphons. The internal con- struction of the heads of these siphons is sub- stantially the same as that of those shown in Figs. 48 and 49, but externally they differ somewhat, especially in the shape of the noz- zle. The “steady stream” siphon represented in Fig. 53 is the latest improvement in siphons; it delivers a smooth, steady stream, and is, we think, the only siphon from which carbonated beverages can be drawn as sparkling and as pungent as from jug or bottle. The operation of filling siphons necessarily differs from that of filling bottles, and the machine employed for that purpose is therefore constructed differ- ently from the bottling machines. We illus- trate a - SIPHON FILLING MACHINE in Fig. 54. To operate it, first adjust the fill- ing head to fit the siphon, and fasten it tightly in the frame by means of the set screw. Place the siphon in the machine and close the screen, then by pressing on the foot lever, raise it un- til the spout of the siphon enters the filling head, and packs tightly on the packing within. The siphon is then in position to be filled. Draw the lever of the filling head toward you, thus admitting the beverage into the siphon. When the liquid ceases to enter, on account of the compressed air in the siphon, give the lever a quick push from you, and open the air escape ; then draw the lever back, thus opening the water way again, and allow the siphon to fill until the required amount of beverage has been admitted. - In filling siphons the following rules are to be observed : 1. Never commence to fill a siphon until it has been carefully covered with the screen. To disregard this rule is to recklessly expose yourself, and possibly others, to an unneces- sary danger. 2. Do not admit too much liquid into the siphon. It is best to leave six or eight cubic inches of space for the accumulation of gas above the beverage. Less space than this is insufficient to make the siphon discharge satis- factorily. 3. In removing the siphon from the filler, it should be held against the filling head until the siphon valve is released and allowed to close ; this will prevent the escape of gas. 4. Do not use siphons for holding siruped beverages. Sirup would cause the rubber pack- ing to adhere to the valve seats, and leakage would soon ensue. 5. The best pressure for filling siphons is 120 to 150 pounds. CLEANING SIPHON HEADS. Siphon heads should be frequently cleaned. This may be done by the application, with the aid of a brush, of some good strong soap and water. In order to reach the interior of the common siphon head for cleaning purposes, the head must be dismounted, which is best accom- CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 63 plished with the aid of the siphon tongs shown in Fig. 55. The improved siphon head, however, does not require to be dismounted ; all that is neces- sary is to unscrew its cap with a small forked wrench, when the interior becomes readily ac- cessible. After they have been washed, the siphon heads should be rubbed up with a little | pure whiting on a woolen cloth. During the winter months, when business is not brisk, the bottler generally repairs his own siphons, particularly if the manufacturer is not near. It is therefore advisable to keep on hand an assortment of washers, screws, valves, springs and other accessories. It is a good plan for the bottler to have his name and address engraved on his siphon heads, and his trade-mark etched on his siphon bottles. SIPHON BOXES. - Siphons should never be carried otherwise || than in boxes, for if they are dropped with suffi- | cient force they will break with explosive vio- | lence, endangering bystanders. | A Brooklyn bottler was recently sued for $5000 damages for injuries received by the explosion of a siphon containing Seltzer water. The plaintiff was crossing the street at the time a driver of one of the defendant's wagons was de- livering seltzer water to a customer, and one of the siphons the driver was carrying on his lit- tle finger fell to the pavement, exploding and permanently injuring the hand of the plaintiff. The jury gave the plaintiff a verdict of $1800. Ample precaution against accidents costs but a fraction of what is lost through them. More- over, the use of boxes is more convenient and business-like. GENERAL ADVICE. To make a successful bottler a man must have something more than a knowledge of bot- tling operations. Sound business principles are as necessary in the business of bottling as they are in any other, and unless they are adopted, the bottler will certainly fail to derive all the profit he should from his trade. We have already dwelt upon the importance of producing superior articles at reasonable prices and of putting them up in an attractive form, but these things of themselves are not sufficient to insure success. The profits of any business consist to a very great extent in what is economized. By econo- my we understand the suppression of useless expenditure. Any expense which brings, a return in the way of improved quality of the products or reduced cost of production is a say- ing, but there are many ways in a carelessly managed bottling establishment in which money can be spent without the slightest neces- sity or the least profit. In a small establishment systematic manage- ment is very desirable ; in a large one it is in- dispensable. The selection and management of men is a question of great importance, especially in a large concern where direct supervision is not always possible, for the bottler's reputation is in the hands of his employés. Have nothing to do with a man who is an hab- itual drunkard, however skilful a workman he may be. Desirable as it may be to have ex- pert bottlers, it is better to train sober men to do the work, than to place yourself at the mercy of an unreliable hand who may leave you in the lurch at any moment. Whenever it is possible, we think it advisable for small bottlers to drive their own delivery wagons. But in a large business it is necessary to adopt some plan by which to keep track of fountains, bottles, or siphons delivered. One of the best plans is that adopted by a promi- nent firm of this city in their “soda” water department. Every fountain is numbered, and the foreman of the department has a book in which he enters the number of every fountain taken out by each driver. The driver signs the page on which his load is recorded, and when Fig. 55.-SIPHON TONGS. he returns the fountains he is credited with them. Each driver is furnished daily with a sheet, in one column of which he inscribes the customer’s name ; another column is for the numbers of the fountains delivered, another for the numbers of the fountains returned, and another for the cash receipts, and still another for the customer's signature. Some bottlers provide each of their drivers with a receipt book ; this is a bad plan, for if a man loses his book he loses all his receipts. The advantage of the system we have described is that the loss of a sheet involves only the loss of one day's receipts. THE BOTTLE QUESTION. The bottling trade is hampered by a perni- cious custom which involves constant incon- venience and vexation, besides steady and seri- ous pecuniary loss. We refer to the unfortu- nate and unbusinesslike habit of furnishing at the bottler's cost and risk, the bottles in which the beverages sold are contained. While the original cost of the bottles must necessarily be borne by the bottler, and while it is not reason- able to expect the consumer to pay nearly or quite as much for a mere package as for the article it contains, still it ought to be the rule, 64 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. on sound business principles, that whoever enjoys the use of bottles or other packages, capable of repeated service, should, for the time being, bear the cost of them. In other words the true method is to make the gross price of every bottle of any carbonated beverage the price of the liquid plus the cost of the bottle. Let the retailer pay this cost to the manufac- turer, and the home consumer in turn pay it to the retailer. Then, after the beverage is con- sumed, if the bottle is returned in usable con- dition, let this cost be successively refunded by the retailer to the consumer and by the manu- facturer to the retailer. The same rule should apply to the boxes containing the bottles, al- though the necessity for this is much less than in the case of the bottles themselves. The proposed reform, once fairly inaugurated, would involve very little alteration in the rou- tine of business with regular customers, the returned bottles being reckoned as an equiva- lent for a new supply, and no more money changing hands than under the present system; and yet we fancy we can see the experienced reader smiling and saying to himself, as an in- telligent and by no means despondent bottler did say to us: “Well, when you see that change made, you’ll see white blackbirds, too !” “But it ought to be made l’’ “Of course it ought to, but who is going to do it? The bottler shouldered all the risk in the first place in order to get business; if he should try to put the risk where it belongs, he might as well shut up shop at once.” “But don’t the foreign bottlers—the manu- facturers of Belfast ginger ale, for instance—sell bottle and all and make money at it 7” “Oh, yes! But they started right; we started wrong, and that makes all the difference in the world. And, though I don’t see how it can be brought about, the bottling business with us will certainly never be in a really sound, healthy, flourishing condition until we sell the package with the goods, as they do in other business, redeeming it, of course, if it is return- ed uninjured.” These remarks, we presume, embody pretty fairly the general opinion of intelligent bot- tlers, both as to the desirability and also as to the hopelessness of such a change. Its desir- ability is apparent from a glance at the evils of the present system, which are only too well known to the unfortunate victims. “As it is,” remarked the bottler cited above, “your bottles are your own while they are in the place; the moment they get outside they are any- body’s.” Besides the small percentage of loss which would inevitably occur even under a proper adjustment of risks, but which would then be borne by both parties at fault, the bot- tler suffers now not only from the careless hand- ling of rude hirelings with no particular mo- tive to avoid breakage, and the forgetfulness of indifferent dealers or consumers with no ade- quate motive to send back the uninjured bot- tles, but also from the pilferings of unscrupu- lous thieves, who are actually encouraged by the present loose system. How can a man, doing business of any size, tell whether his missing bottles are broken, mislaid, or filched and sold to the junk dealer? The extent to which this stealing of bottles is carried, with the tacit en- couragement, we are ashamed to say, of bottlers from whom better things might be expected, is one of the crying evils of the business, and has confused the idea of what is “fair in trade,” even among bottlers of the better class, to a most lamentable extent. A palliative, if not a cure of the evil, would be to obtain the co-operation of junkmen by offer- ing them an inducement to collect the missing bottles and return them to their rightful owners. Little can be done in this vexed question, how- ever, until some concerted action is taken in the matter. If the respectable bottlers would unite in carrying out a reform, something might be done, but individual efforts will avail little in a question of such vast importance. CARBONATED BEVEl{AGES. (55 PART III. THE DISPENSING OF CARBONATED BE VERAGES. CHAPTER XIX. BLOCK-TIN PIPE THE COUPLINGS-THE DISPENSING A PPARATUS—THE COOLERS–THE STEADY STREAM ATTACHMENT—DRAUGHT ARMS — SIRUP TANKS —THE EXTERNAL MARBLE CASE— “THE HIMALAYA’’—THE CONTINUOUS SIPHON-CARE OF DISPENSING APPARATUS—PURITY, PUNGENCY, FRIGIDITY, AND FLAVOR—TUMBLERS–TUMBLER HOLDERS AND TUMBLER WASH- ERS–GENERAL ADVICE TO DISPENSERS OF CARBONADES. SoME years ago an intelligent gentleman had occasion to call, early in the morning, at a prom- inent Broadway pharmacy. Standing near the large and showy “ soda '' water apparatus, which formed one of the principal features of the store, he chanced to observe some drops of a green liquid on the marble counter, under one of the sirup faucets. Somewhat surprised, he innocently inquired, “What green sirup is this? Something new * “Oh, no,” replied the clerk, “that’s lemon. It’s always green in the morning, after standing all night.” The clerk did not think it necessary to further explain that this beautiful green tint was due to poison- ous contamination with the copper tank and brass faucets in which the sirup was contained. Such was the fact, however, and cases as bad as this are still unfortunately too common. The danger of metallic poisoning from the appa- ratus for dispensing “ soda '' water lurks in precisely those parts which it is the most diffi- cult for the purchaser to examine and judge of, and even a careful and intelligent druggist cannot reasonably be expected to detect all the objectionable features of an apparatus “made to sell,” unless he has had some such thorough and impartial exposition of the subject as we are about to give. Even in conveying the carbonated water from the fountain to the cooler there is ample oppor- tunity to contaminate the beverage. In the West and South, incredible as it may appear, lead pipe is not infrequently used. This, o course, is highly objectionable and should not be tolerated for a day. Tin pipe, lead-encased, serves a much better purpose, but block-tin pipe is really the only kind that should be employed. Lead and lead-encased tin resemble each other so much that a tricky manufacturer or repairer may easily palm off the inferior article for the better one. Furthermore, the difference in cost is so slight that the use of the cheaper pipe involves no saving to the purchaser, and the manufacturer who adopts or recommends the tin-lined pipe is thereby convicted of a parsi- moniousness that augurs ill for his apparatus. Insist, therefore, upon pure, solid block-tin pipe, which speaks for itself, and cannot be tampered with by any tricky plumber. Besides, it is more durable than the other kind, and, most important of all, it is impossible for it to impair the purity of the “soda” water under any circumstances. THE COUPLINGS. The use of block-tin pipe, however, is not the only point to be insisted on. Particular attention should be paid to the “couplings” which connect the fountains to the coolers of the dispensing apparatus. These are made of brass, and are usually soldered to the pipe, and the inner surface of the coupling, even when tin-washed, soon begins to taint the water standing in it with a pernicious mix- ture of copper and zinc. This is best guarded against by running the pipe a, Fig. 56, clear through the coupling b, and melting the tin f down to fill a beveled hollow c in the end of the coupling. Fig. 56 shows how this is done, and Fig. 57 illustrates the common and objectionable method of merely soldering the 66 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. pipe and the coupling together. The absence of solder at this point of junction, and the appearance of the tin at the opposite end, are signs by which the most inexperienced pur- chaser may know that the couplings can be relied on not to injure the beverage. It will not do to neglect this point, however trifling it may seem, for all the water used passes through these couplings, generally with considerable rapidity, and the wear is much greater, and, if the poisonous surfaces are tin-covered, much more deleterious than the wear upon a corre- sponding area of poisonous surface in the foun- tain. THE DISPENSING APPARATUS. We have now brought the water safely to the dispensing counter, and introduced it into that more or less ornamental external marble shell, which is the only part of the apparatus that the public is at all familiar with, and too often the only part that the druggist is solicitous about or willing to pay liberally for. Beginning our in- spection of this at the base, we find a wooden bottom designed to support the weight of the cooler and the ice. This should be of chestnut or some other durable wood, and should not be merely screwed to the marble, but supported by metal brackets in the corners of the marble case, or, better still, by double brackets sufficient to hold the bottom securely in place, even with- out any screws in it. The use of pine or other soft wood in an apparatus of any pretensions is a sure sign of questionable work. On this bottom rests the metal ice-receiver, separated from the marble by a refrigerating air- space. The quality most essential to this re- ceiver is strength sufficient to resist the pres- sure of the ice, even when rudely and hastily thrown in ; iron and steel cannot be used, as they would rust, and copper is therefore gener- ally employed. As this metal is rather expen- sive, there is a temptation to make the receiver thin, and brace it with strips of wood between the receiver and the marble. This is a poor makeshift, however, a much better and yet not expensive plan being to make a stout zinc re- ceiver and strengthen the lower part, where the strain is greatest, by placing it in a snug- fitting copper tray, some inches in depth. THE COOLERS. This receiver is not only an ice-chamber, but contains, besides, two of the most important parts of the apparatus—the coolers and the sirup tanks. The two great requisites in “soda” water coolers are perfect protection from me- tallic poisoning, and such a form and position as shall secure the maximum of refrigeration with the minimum amount of ice. As to form, they may be either coils or cylinders, or a com- bination of the two. The simplest is a single cylinder. All cylindrical coolers are made of copper, as iron or steel would rust, and the other metals are too weak or too expensive. These coolers are often tin-washed, although all the objections, heretofore rehearsed, to tin-washed copper fountains apply with equal force to the tin-washed copper cooler. The only safe cylin- drical cooler has a lining of pure sheet-tin, en- tirely distinct from the copper which encloses it. In the best of these the copper jacket is made in two halves, put over the tin, and soldered around the middle, leaving a loose joint in the copper where the pipe enters or leaves the tin cooler. This loose joint could not be left in a tin-washed cooler, and is therefore proof posi- tive that the cylinder is properly lined. If it is soldered, you will have to rely on the state- ments of the manufacturer or his agent as to the “true inwardness '' of the cooler. A single large cylinder, though simple and easily made, is not the most effective or econo- mical cooler. If of large diameter, the inner portion of its contents is but little affected ; if of greater length, more ice must be used to keep it covered. This is supposing it to be in an upright position ; placing it horizontally is an improvement, and the employment of several small cylinders instead of one large one is still better. The extension of this principle natur- ally leads to the pipe-coil, which is merely a cylinder of great length and small diam: eter. Block-tin pipe is, of course, to be used for this purpose, for reasons already speci- fied. For a long time even the best manufac- turers made these coils with closely-laid pipes, and, thus made, it was an open question whether CARBONATED BEV Eik AGES. 67 coils or cylinders yielded the best results. The- oretically, the ice, as long as any of it remained unmelted, rested directly upon the coil and kept it constantly covered. Practically, however, the refuse in the ice settled in the furrows be- tween the pipes and formed a non-conducting layer; this checked the melting along these lines so that the more rapid melting over the inter- mediate, uncovered spaces, tended to hollow out channels and produce the effect illustrated in Fig. 58, where it will be seen that the ice a rests on the deposits of refuse b, b, b, and is actually nowhere in direct contact with the pipes c, c, c. This very undesirable state of things can be pre- vented only by taking special pains to wash out the receiver as often as twice or thrice a week, and clean the refuse off the pipes thoroughly with a brush or whisk-broom. All this trouble can be avoided, however, and much better re- sults attained by using the “interspaced * coil, shown in Fig. 59. ere it will be seen that the refuse drops between the pipes c,c,c, and the ice in melting adapts itself to the shape of the coil and closely embraces nearly or quite half of its surface. Experience goes to prove that this coil produces the best refrigerating effects with the most economical use of ice—points of prime importance to the drinker’s palate and the i. penser's pocket. however, provided always that they are tin-lined and not tin-washed, is merely one of economy, as excellent results may be attained with them by the lavish use of ice. In the so-called heli- cal cylinders the water is so introduced as to flow through them in a spiral current, thus producing a more thorough and uniform cool- Ing. The most efficient cooler we know of is the Bigelow “Wonder’ cooler shown in Fig. 60. The lower cylinders are composed of two block- tin lined and covered copper shells, one inside the other, so arranged as to leave a small space between them for the circulation of the bever- age. They are connected with the upper cylin- ders, which consist of a single block-tin lined copper shell closed at the ends. Within this shell are block-tin cups, so dis- posed as to cause the beverage to spread in a thin sheet against the cooling surface ; the liquid first enters one of the lower or cooling cylinders, and passes through both in a broad sheet not more than one-sixteenth of an inch thick ; as it is separated from the ice, and ice water, both inside and outside of the cylinder, only by two thin sheets of metal, its tempera- ture rapidly falls. The beverage then passes into the upper cylinders, which are reservoirs in which it is retained until required for use. By means of the “Wonder ’’ cooler, “ soda '' The objection to §. water can be drawn continuously within two or three degrees of freezing, that is to say about five or ten degrees colder than from the ordi- nary coolers. he adoption of coils in preference to cylin- ders was materially hindered for some time by the fact that the gas has a tendency to separate from the water, collect in the upper part of the cylinder or coil, and then rush out when the draught arm is turned, causing a great waste of gas with consequent deterioration of the bev- erage, and a jerky sputtering and highly un- pleasant flow of the water. There seemed to be no remedy for this when coils were used ; but it was found possible to prevent it to some ex- tent with coolers of the other form by running a curved pipe from the draught arm to the water in the bottom of the cylinder, and then providing a vent valve to draw off the excess of gas in the upper part thereof. This way of meeting the difficulty was awkward, expensive, The sputtering was only partly and ineffective. --> -ºs Fig. 60.--THE WOND IR COOLIER. avoided ; the waste of gas was not at all check- ed; the vent was liable to leak, and could only be used at random, as there was no means of telling how much gas the cooler contained. Not only was the pungent quality of the bever- age greatly impaired by the actual loss of gas, but the refrigerating process was also materially interfered with by the interposition of a volume of gas between the ice and the decreased volume of water in the cooler. This, in turn, aggra- wated the primary evil, as carbonated water gives up its gas the more freely the warmer it is. This vexatious state of things appeared for a long time to be incurable, but the whole trouble was at last done away with by one of the simplest and most effective devices in the whole range of mechanical apparatus. THE STEADY STREAM ATTACHMENT. This contrivance, invented a few years ago by Mr. Thomas Warker, of New York, consists 68 - CARBONATED BEVERAGES. merely in a number of small holes punched in the upper portion of the bent pipe running from the bottom of the cylinder to the draught arm. Fig. 61 shows a cylinder a, under the old system, more than half filled with gas b, which escaped through a pipe c, in connection, but not in combination, with the water, there- by causing the sputtering, or else was drawn off through the vent valve d. In Fig. 62 the same cylinder is shown with the small holes e e, serving as a vent. Through these the gas escapes in minute portions whenever the water is drawn, mixing evenly with it, and thus not only causing it to flow smoothly and regularly, but greatly increasing its pungency. In the best apparatus now made, a small cylinder, con- taining a bent pipe pierced as in Fig. 62, is placed between the interspaced coil and the draught arm. This “steady stream” attach- ment, as it is called, cures the sputtering, and thus economizes the gas and improves the qual- ity of the water ; it prevents all interference with the refrigerating process, and thereby im- proves the water still more ; and it also ob- viates completely the necessity for the vent valve. The cylinder containing the “steady stream ” pipe serves a good purpose as an auxil- iary reservoir of cooled water, the coil sometimes not containing enough to supply a rapid succes- sion of customers. The making of the cylinder manufacturer #º rubbed well with tall The unctuous green particles likely to appear slight air-space between, improves it for main- taining the degree of cold obtained in passing through the coil, although this construction is somewhat disadvantageous in cylinders used di- rectly for cooling purposes. Where several bew- erages are dispensed, the “soda ' water cooler should be placed in immediate contact with the ice, as a high degree of cold is more desirable with this beverage than with ordinary minera Waters. - DRAUGHT ARMS. We come now to the draught arm or faucet, through which the beverage is discharged from the cooler into the tumbler. As to material, the thing to avoid is tin-washed brass thinly plated with silver. Solid tin is the only per- missible metal for the interior, while bronze, heavily silver-plated, is decidedly the best for the outside. In construction, the compres- sion faucet (Fig. 63) is at once the simplest, most durable, and most efficacious. The com- mon plug-faucet (Fig. 64) has found favor in some quarters, especially with inventors who have sought to draw both water and sirup from the same arm, thus avoiding the necessity of moving the tumbler. Such devices, however, are too complicated for advantageous practi. cal use, and the rubbing together of the two large surfaces of brass involves a constant wear- ing off of metallic particles, not only defiling the water, but soon causing leakage. One directs that the plug be ow, to reduce this wear. in the tumbler now and then, under this sys- tem, would hardly be relished by the drinker, however much “green fat '' may be prized by turtle-loving epicures. In some cases an extra shell is inserted between the plug and the outer shell, thus giving four wearing surfaces of poi- sonous metal. As to shape and size, the draught arm should be as short and as straight as possi- ble. “Goose-necks '' are more graceful, but they necessarily contain a certain portion of water which loses its coldness if it stands for any length of time, and a picturesque draught arm is no adequate equivalent for half-cooled “soda '' water. Not only is the water in the arm heated, but more or less heat is absorbed and conducted to the cooler, and consequently the smaller the arm the better it is in this re- spect. ^ All well made draught arms have some mechanical contrivance for obviating a difficulty that always arises in drawing a carbonated liquid, namely, the dissipation and waste of gas caused by the naturally rapid and violent dis- charge of the liquid under pressure. The ag:- tation of the water in the partly filled tumbler, in two separate shells of copper and tin, with a as the stream dashes swiftly into it, involves a - CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 69 ruinous loss of gas; and yet, where sirup is used, some degree of force is necessary to mix it with the water. One way of meeting the difficulty is to use the contrivance shown in Fig. 65, raising the edge of the partly filled tumbler against the end of a little lever a, pro- jecting from the side of the draught arm, brings the other end of the lever just below the inside vent of the faucet b, thus breaking up the swift stream and compelling it to flow from the noz- zle of the arm in a larger and slower current. A still simpler device, Fig. 66, consists simply of a bridge placed across the inside of the arm, with a small funnel-shaped hole a directly beneath the faucet-vent b. A part of the flow rushes at full speed through this hole, while the rest strikes on the bridge, and is thus dif- fused and checked in its escape. has a deleterious chemical action upon tin, and it is certain from experience that the more acid sirups, when in contact with this metal, receiv- ed an injurious taint. When sirups were first introduced as ingredients in “soda '’ water they were kept in bottles and dispensed by hand. To facilitate this process, faucet SIRUP TANKS of metal were soon introduced, but the increas- ed convenience of these was generally attended by a great sacrifice of purity. Zinc tanks are doubtless the worst, being even more intolerable than lead pipe. Fortunately these are rare, but copper tanks, more or less tin-washed, are only a little better, and are, unluckily, in very extensive use. Sirup from such tanks has re- peatedly caused drinkers to vomit almost before Fig. 67.--THE Dou BLE STREAMI. DRAUGHT ARM. The double stream draught arm (Fig. 67), an invention of Mr. Wm. Gee, of New York, is undoubtedly the best of these devices. It con- sists of a draught arm with two separate faucets inside, one discharging a small swift stream to mix the sirup, and the other a larger and slower stream to fill the glass. These streams may be used either together, or independently as desired. The reader who has attentively followed us thus far will be prepared to accept the conclu- sion that, from the time it enters the fountain to the time it leaves the nozzle of the draught arm, the “soda '’ water must come in contact with no other metal than pure tin in pipes or sheets. But while this rule applies to the carbonated liquid, it does not at all apply to the sirups. Sugar in solution, according to Pereira and others, reaching the street. Tanks of tin are better than copper ones, but still are seriously objec- tionable. Gray earthenware tanks serve a very good purpose, and do not injure the sirup ; but the white and yellow ware is suspicious, as it is liable to be glazed with a mixture containing lead. The very best material for sirup tanks is glass. Besides perfect purity and moderate cost, its transparency is a very desirable feature in an article which it is so important to keep perfectly clean. It is still a common custom to make sirup tanks immovable, and to draw out their con- tents by means of metal faucets, opening through the marble front of the apparatus. Long experience proves that sirup faucets are an expensive nuisance. Plug faucets are poi- sonous, and soon become leaky ; compression 70 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. faucets are better, but are open to the grand objection to all sirup faucets, that they prevent the ready removal of the tank from the appa- ratus for the purpose of cleaning and filling. Besides purity, transparency, and reasonable durability and cheapness, which are secured by using strong glass, the desiderata in a sirup tank are portability, simplicity in construction, and cleanliness in operation, coupled with the smallest chance for leakage, and furthermore, some device for measuring the amount of sirup discharged. Portability is most readily gain- ed by making a chamber in the apparatus un- der the tanks and discharging the sirup at the base, as shown in Fig. 68, thus avoiding faucets altogether. This is done most effectively by means of a valve a of hard rubber, worked by a handle b of the same material, extending up through the sirup to the top of the apparatus. A chamber c at the base of the tank contains a measured quantity of sirup, which is all dis- 68. Fig. 69. Port TABLE TANK. STATIONARY TANK. Fig. charged when the valve a is rapidly drawn up, another valve d closing the opening above e, and the air escaping through the hollow handle b. When drawn quickly up, less sirup is discharged, and when drawn up slowly, more escapes. In Fig. 69, the space between the pistons a and b is a measuring chamber. It should be observed that there is a chance for leakage under the nut c, or past the washer d into the ice cham- ber, whereby much sirup is sometimes wasted before the druggist suspects anything wrong. Note also, that wear of the edges of the pistons is sure to cause a leakage from the nozzle sooner or later. A particularly objectionable feature of this and many other faucet tanks, is the fact that the sirup below the level of the faucet can be removed only by diluting it with water and “swabbing” it out—a tedious and ineffective process. In the improved tank, Fig. 68, leakage cannot possibly occur, except at a single point, and, as the valve a antomatically compensates for its own wear by settling down further, such leakage can hardly occur. Figs. 70 and 71 illustrate the glass sirup tank and rod in detail. A is the sirup chamber and B the measuring chamber. The ebonite rod C is furnished with a heade and two rubber valves D and F for closing the admission and emission ports of the meas- º chamber, respectively. The rod is pro- vided with a vent G to the measuring chamber. The simple construction of this tank is self-evi- dent. Its cleanly operation appears from the fact that the impetus of the falling handle drives off the drops which stick in the nozzle THE PORTABLE GLASS SIRUP TANK AND IROLD. of an ordinary faucet, attracting flies and catch- ing the dust. As it is customary to keep tum- blers in the chamber under the tanks, which chamber is generally closed by a door, the sirup vents are fully protected from the flies and dust, and any sirup that might escape is caught in a tumbler, thus absolutely preventing waste. Inasmuch as the public has a right to demand perfect purity in any beverage sold at a repu- table store, it follows that no dispenser should rest satisfied unless his tanks are of glass. If any other sort, he should test the sirups at regular intervals, and as soon as he finds any serious trace of metallic contamination, he should get new tanks without delay. Fortunately the port- CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 71 able glass tanks, which insure the highest degree of purity, are also the most convenient and any apparatus, and their adoption is the only radical remedy for the numerous evils of metal tanks and faucets. The portable glass sirup tank itself is made economical, and can be readily introduced into lated by simply raising the valve rod by means of the button C. In the “sub-lift” tank shown on the left of the illustration, the sirups are dispensed by raising the button Y with the hand or tumbler. The dotted lines indicate the method of removing the portable glass tanks from the apparatus. In the case of the sub- º *#2 - - ;2 \lº arrºt. % ºi…ºf * N \ |} **V % 7 ºf X, /, \ \ . lº 3% ºf % \\ *"...,' W. |||}| % ". l; a %\ #Vº % cº-º-º-º Mill'ſ Nºrs cy AND TOP-LIFT A, draught arm for drawing the plain carbonated beverage. B, balance handle of door enclosing tumbler cooling chamber. C, knob for operating sirup valve in the top-lift sirup tanks. D, door of tumbler cooling chamber. E, E, glass sirup tanks. F, stuffing box of draught arm. G, conducting tube connecting cooler to steady stream attachment. H, hinge operating double cover of marble case. I, air space between marble case and ice chamber. J, solid bottom of apparatus upon which the interior case is supported. K, guide for lifting bar of sirup tank. L, outlet for melted ice. M, marble case resting on counter. N, double marble cover of case. O, glass nozzle of draught arm. with three distinct devices for operating the valve rod, viz., the “top-lift,” the “sub-lift,” and the “rear automatic sub-lift.” The “top- lift” and the “sub-lift” are shown in Fig 72, which also illustrates the general arrangement of the interior of a first class dispensing appa- ratus. The “top-lift” tank is shown on the right of the illustration. The valves are oper- N w -- - º ſº ºf †º ; ºr sº ſº “Tº Aa aº is \ _-_ L-º-c- \\º WA. Š N *—º - º –4, 7 - - -- §§ º 32. % * o Wºº- wº r º S º $3 º, º º<^ †: ſ 4. | ſ Sºs º }. / P.X s/º3% Z - - C - O - C - C NW N Fig. 72.-section AL v1Ew of A DisPRNsiNG APPARATUs, showING THE sub-LIFT SIR UP TANIRS. P, P, coil of block tin pipe for cooling beverages. Q, orifice through which the sirup tank is filled. R, R, tumbler cooling chamber, showing the guides by which the tumblers are brought to their place under the sirup tanks. S. measuring chamber of the sirup tank. U, opening in rod for venting the measuring chamber. V, lifting bar for operating the valve in the sub-lift tank. W, ice in ice chamber. X, button for raising valve. Y, rod for operating valve in the measuring chambers. Z, cap surmounting sirup valve rod in sub-lift tank, operated by lifting bar V. 2, coupling connecting draught arm to steady stream attachment. 3, steady stream attachment whereby all jumping and sputtering of the beverage when drawn are avoided. 4, coupling connecting steady stream attachment to main supply pipe. lift tank it is necessary to release the valve rod from the lifting bar V, before the tank can be removed. This is accomplished by raising the guide K, and then turning the lifting bar V until it is free from the button Z. The “rear automatic sub-lift º' is shown on page 74, Fig. 73. The lifting bar J is pro- vided at its upper extremity with a horizontal 72 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. sleeve in which slides a bolt arrangement which serves to connect the lifting bar with the valve rod. One end of the double lever F, having its fulcrum below the sirup tank is connected with the lower head W of the lifting bar in such a way that, when the tumbler is pressed against the ebonite roller of the lever, the lift- ing bar, and consequently the valve rod, is rais- ed. When it is required to remove the tank from the apparatus, the valve rod is disconnect- ed from the lifting bar by releasing the head of the bolt attachment from its groove and sliding the bolt back into the sleeve until the valve rod is released. The rear automatic sub-lift is an invention of very recent date and only a few ap- paratus are provided with it as yet. Its advan- tages over the “top-lift” or even the “sub-lift” are so great, however, that they cannot fail to strike anybody. In apparatus provided with the rear automatic “sub-lift '' the sirup and beverage can be dispensed without raising the tumbler from the counter. At first sight it may not be readily under- stood how the valve rod is introduced into the sirup tank. The operation is a comparatively simple one, however. The head E (Figs. 70 and 71) must first be unscrewed, and the washer D removed. The head E is then dropped into the measuring chamber and the washer D is pushed after it. The head is then held steady with a small rod thrust into its vent hole from below, and with another small rod the washer D is forced into its place on the head. Finally, the upper part of the rod C is screwed to its head in the measuring chamber, and the operation is complete. It is well occasionally to wipe off the discharge port of the tank and to see that the vent in the rod is unobstructed with crys- tallized sugar. As to THE EXTERNAL MARBLE CASE, beyond a certain moderate limit, the money paid for a “ soda” water dispensing apparatus is paid solely for style—for that which has no value except as it strikes the public eye agree- ably and gratifies the subtle sense which enables us to take pleasure in beautiful colors, graceful forms, fit proportions, and highly finished work- manship. When a man is in constant danger of being persuaded to pay several hundred dol- lars extra, merely for the sake of getting a “really fine” apparatus, as he is conſidently assured by some glib-tongued agent, it behooves him to have enough information on the subject to be enabled to judge how “fine” it really is. The fixing of canons of taste is not an easy matter, but we shall lay down one or two prop- ositions which we think will be regarded as reasonable, and which may be of some practical help to the perplexed purchaser. In the first place, it will be admitted that showy ornaments on a cheap fabric are in bad taste, and not to be compared with a fine fabric, even though it be without ornament. Choice lace on flimsy silk is an absurdity, and heavy slabs of rich marble, overlying and nearly con- cealing inferior stuff used for the walls of an apparatus, must be equally condemned. It is a leading principle of ornamental construction that the essential parts should be of good ma- terial and fine finish. In judging of an appar- atus, always discriminate the essential from the ornamental portions, and see that the former are of high quality. If the joints are imperfect, if the hinges are rude and primitive in shape, if the screw-heads are coarse and ugly, if the mar- ble is inferior and only half polished and the metal work but thinly plated, the “style '' is bad, no matter how imposing the apparatus may appear at the first glance, or how loaded it may be with decoration. If, on the contrary, all these details have received careful attention, if the joints are uniformly tight, if the hinges are strong and yet graceful in outline, if the screw- heads are bright and trim, if the marble is sound and strong and lustrous with polish, and the metal heavily plated, the “style '' is, so far, good, even though there should be nothing in the way of ornament. . The best material and the soundest construction are not only in- dispensable to all work which is really in good taste, but they are equally essential to durabil- ity, without which beauty of design is of but little value. The second principle we shall lay down is that the best ornament, as a rule, is that which is constructive rather than applied. A woman is clearly dressed in better taste when her jewelry takes the form of a gold watch and chain, dia- mond cuff-buttons and scarf-pin, and a pearl comb, than when these articles are cheap and plain and she is tricked out with a profusion of useless bracelets, necklaces and finger rings. And so a “ soda '’ water apparatus, when the hinges and screw-heads, the knobs and handles and name-plate, are made as graceful and at- tractive as possible, is clearly in better style than when these are slighted and chains and pendants and images are lavished upon it. Such things, forming no constructive or integral part of that to which they are joined, have no real use, and, therefore, no fitness, and can never be in good taste. Besides, they are always pe- culiarly liable to be broken off or otherwise sep- arated from the apparatus, often leaving un- sightly marks at the points where they are attached, or, rather, “applied.” This sort of ornament, it will be observed, tends to weaken instead of strengthening an apparatus, whereas the tendency of true constructive ornament is never toward weakness, but generally toward greater strength. Thus the applying of heavy CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 73 ornamental (?) slabs to the marble sides of an they are also generally harder and more dura- apparatus, really tends to weaken it by throw- ing increased weight on the screws that hold the sides, while the addition of a cornice or base moulding is purely constructive, makes the ap- ble, as well as more beautiful, than those that are white or light-colored. Avoid much metal work, unless you are sure it is heavily plated, as it has a very shabby look when the base metal paratus stronger, and affords an even finer op- begins to show. Crystal domes, fountain at- portunity for the effective contrast of marbles. tachments, gas-burners, fancy signs, and the Only small tablets or rosettes of very fine mar-like, are well enough in their way, but it is ble can be applied with good taste at central arrant folly to spend money on these unless the points where they serve no constructive use. interior of your apparatus is as pure and fresh For purely ornamental purposes, the marble may be inlaid with agate, carnelian, or other tinted stones, or with faience tiles, so as to pro- duce an effect that is highly agreeable. The advantage of these is that they are intrinsically beautiful in color or design, very durable, and can be made to blend so closely with that which they ornament as to seem naturally to form a part of it. In some designs which have been shown to us, heavy plate glass has been intro- duced in the construction with striking effect. We should have imagined that this could not be done without really, or at least apparently, weakening the apparatus, but it has been man- aged with such art, and the glass so surrounded and fortified by the marble, that the impression produced is of the most agreeable kind. Of the minuter forms of decoration, etching on metal or glass, and incised, gilt tracery on marble, are most to be approved. Observe that in the best work there is little or no tracery on parti-colored marbles, the variety of tint being quite sufficient ornamentation, and that where there is such tracery, pains is taken to bring in even the screw-heads as part of the design, thus blending everything into one harmonious whole. It should be noted, by the way, that the con- cealment of screw-heads is a fault, for it inevit- ably produces weakness. As to the choice of marbles and contrast of colors but little can be said, except that the black, green or dark-red marbles (as Belgian, Genoa, Tennessee and Gyrotte), should ordinarily be used for the lower parts of an apparatus which are most liable to wear and discoloration, and the white, gray or yellow marbles (Italian, Bardiglio and Sienna) for the upper and less exposed portions. In all the larger apparatus there is great danger of an oppressively monotonous and heavy style, about as gloomy and inartistic as that of a Fifth Avenue brown-stone mansion. Those which have recesses and pillars and a distinct division into base and superstructure are always to be preferred. Buy nothing, in which the slabs of marble are merely screwed to each other, as such a con- stuction is inevitably weak, and remember that inside brackets to which the marble is screwed are decidedly better, as a means of strength. ening, than outside clamps. The variegated dark-colored marbles are more expensive, but as tin and glass can make it, and unless you are provided with all the improvements for main- taining and improving the quality of the bev- erage, and for securing economy, safety, and convenience in making and dispensing it. It is not our purpose to enter into a discus- sion of the relative merits of the scores of mar- ble dispensing apparatus on the market. We have said enough to enable the intelligent reader to distinguish for himself, between a good and a bad apparatus. Having already given a general description which applies to almost every form of first class marble dispensing apparatus, we will now call attention to a new apparatus which has barely made its appearance on the market; and which nevertheless presents such a combination of de- sirable qualities that it deserves a detailed de- scription. The apparatus we refer to is known as “THE HIMALAYA,” and is shown partly in section in Fig. 73. “The Himalaya” is of a cylindrical or vase form, and consists of two casings having an air space between them which forms a good non- conductor. The interior casing C is made of cast iron, and the exterior casing B of silver plate, and the apparatus is surmounted by a movable cover D which gives access to the ice chamber and the sirup tanks. The beverage draughts of this apparatus are so arranged that the ball wheels alone project beyond the face of the apparatus; the valves are thus protected from the heat, and great coldness of the bever- age is secured. In order to draw the sirup the tumbler is pushed against the lever F which raises the lifting bar J and consequently opens the outlet valve of the measuring chamber and allows the required amount of sirup to be dis- charged into the tumbler. The tumbler is then allowed to recede, and is moved around to the “soda ' draught arm, when it is placed in the guides and the beverage dispensed. In the ice chamber there is an overflow pipe u so arranged as to allow the lower portion of the apparatus to be constantly filled with ice-water. “The Himalaya' is also provided with an inlet for the circulation of cold water in winter, when this would be sufficient for cooling the bever- ages. 74 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. - - Till 3 | à Tºº-º-Ží | | Fig. 73.-‘‘THE HIMALAYA.” CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 75 THE CONTINUOUS SIPHON. Many small dispensers do not care or cannot afford to buy complete dispensing apparatus, but prefer to keep their sirups in bottles and to dispense their “soda” water from a simple draught column. Many styles of columns have been devised for this purpose, which it is un- necessary for us to describe. So long as the column is lined throughout with pure block-tin and presents as little surface as possible to ab: sorb the heat of the atmosphere, it matters very little what the design of it is, as far as the qual- ity of the beverage is concerned. Perhaps the simplest form of single beverage dispensing apparatus is the continuous siphon illustrated in Fig. 74. It consists of a siphon, covered with a wire netting and provided with a metallic bottom, and a pipe passing down through the counter to a fountain below. This pipe is connected to a coil cooler in a metal-lined ice-filled cooling chamber secured to the under side of the counter and the water nel. Furniture polish also improves the appear- ance and restores the brilliancy of colored marbles. Keep the metal work well polished, wash it off every day with a little plain water and a clean chamois skin. - A cooling chamber where a number of glasses may stand under cover, close to the ice cham- ber and ready for instant use, is a feature that all apparatus should possess. It becomes a useless luxury, however, if the operator neglects to keep the door of it closed. The tumbler cooling chamber is designed to keep the tum- blers cold and free from dust and insects. If the door is left open the temperature cannot be kept low, the tumblers make convenient re- ceptacles for dust and dirt, and the flies have free access to the sirup outlets. PURITY, PUNGENCY, FRIGIDITY AND FLAVOR. Next to perfect purity, which is the first and great essential, the qualities most important in DESCRIPTION. FIG. 73. A, metal drain plate. B, silver-plated exterior casing. C, interior casing of cast-iron. D, movable cover. E, tumbler guide. F, lever of automatic sub-lift against which the tumbler is pressed in order to dispense the sirup. G, portable glass sirup tank. H, measuring chamber of sirup tank. I, valve rod of sirup tank. J, lifting bar. K, hollow sleeve on top of lifting bar. L, head of valve rod. is thereby cooled in its passage from the foun- tain to the siphon. CARE OF DISPENSING APPARATUS. The care of the dispensing apparatus is simple enough, but still it is apt to be neglected. See that the ice-receiver is kept well supplied, and have it thoroughly washed out once a week, or oftener, if a coil cooler without spaces is used. Use small pieces of ice in the ice chamber, and place the coarser lumps on top. It will pay to empty and clean the sirup tanks every day, and this can be easily done if they are portable. They should always be removed from the apparatus, when they are to be cleaned. It is well to wash them with a mixture of three ounces of soda or potash to a gallon of tepid water. A similar mixture may be used to wash the marble. Never use oil on white marble. Most colored marbles are improved by being rubbed with a drop of olive oil on a clean piece of cotton flan- “THE HIMALAYA.” M, cover of sirup tank. N, vertical cooler for beverage. P, ball wheel for operating broad stream of double stream “soda" valve. Q, ball wheel for operating thin stream of double stream “soda" valve. R, ball wheel of mineral water valve. U, overflow pipe for carrying off excess of ice water from interior of apparatus. V, coupling connecting cooler to draught arm. W, lower head of lifting bar. X, perforated wall of ice chamber. good “ soda '’ water are : pungency, depending on the presence of an abundant supply of gas; coolness, which is the result of a judicious mix- ture of ice and brains; and fine flavor, which can be secured only by means of fine sirups. The importance of these qualities may be illus- trated by reference to Delatour’s “ soda ' water stand in Wall Street, which maintained for many years an extraordinary popularity, though the beverage was dispensed in a way so rude as to be almost picturesque. The fountains were placed in an ice-house and thoroughly refriger- ated before charging—the cold water, of course, imbibing the largest amount of gas. Then they were snugly packed with ice in large tubs, as ice cream freezers are packed, and conveyed to the Wall Street store. Reaching there, a “goose-neck ’’ was attached to the fountain, and, without removing it from the ice, its contents were drawn for the customers, scores of whom often stood in a long line awaiting their turns. The sirups used were extraordi- marily thick and rich, and were kept in bottles 76 * CARBONATED BEVERAGES. on ice till they were called for. The trade was limited to the four or five hours of greatest activity in Wall Street, but the business done has, perhaps, never been surpassed, or even equaled, at any other “ soda '’ water stand in the world. The moral of this is evident enough. The man who would succeed in the “ soda '' water business must add to purity, pungency, and to pungency, frigidity, and to frigidity, flavor. MIT #| || Then may he fairly expect to see the public flocking to drink the icy beverage that “Dances in its crystal bounds, With fragrant sirups mixed.” TUMBLERS, TUMBLER HOLDERS AND TUMBLER WASHERS. It is by no means true that one tumbler is as good to drink out of as another. The same beverage drunk from different tumblers has an entirely different taste. We do not speak merely of the aesthetic satisfaction there is in drinking from a handsome tumbler, but it is a fact which any one can test for himself, that a thin tumbler enables us to taste the full flavor of the bev- erage as we never can from a coarse, thick glass. We should therefore advise dispensers to have thin handsome tumblers, even though they may cost a trifle more. Tumbler holders are not mere ornaments. The “soda ' water frequently overflows from the tumbler and would soil the hand or glove of the customer if he were obliged to touch the glass. The choice of tumbler holders, is gener- ally considered a matter of individual taste; and so it is within certain limits, but there are general principles which must be observed in their selection if the customer is to be pleased. The rules which we have already laid down as governing good taste in the choice of an appa- ratus, apply equally well to the selection of tum- bler holders. It is advisable to avoid soft metal and to purchase only the best German silver ware. Be sure that the attendant keeps the tumblers well washed, rinsed, and cooled, as a dirty, dusty, or heated tumbler will go far to spoil an other- wise delicious drink. The Fisher brush tumbler- CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 77 Fig. 75.-THE FISHER BRUSH TUMBLER WASH1 ER. washer see Fig. 75, which cleanses both the inside and the outside of the tumbler simulta- neously, is an excellent thing to have. GENERAL ADVICE TO DISPENSERS. The sirups should be of the finest quality, and true to name, and as great a variety of them, as possible, should be kept, as the trade will be thereby increased. The cream sirup should be prepared from pure cream, if it can be had uniformly sweet and fresh ; but as this is seldom practicable, condensed milk may be substituted. If the latter is good, it is preferable to cream as usual- ly obtained. - Fig. 76.-CHANGE STAND. A change stand surmounted by a snowy nap- kin should be on every counter having any pre- tensions to style. The change given out to cus- tomers should be new and quite clean, as busi- ness is thereby facilitated, and mistakes and disputes are avoided. An earnest effort should be made to please every customer, even though some may be un- reasonable. Not only should every thing in the vicinity of your apparatus be neat and orderly and free from unpleasant odor of pungent drugs or chem- icals, but the counter and the marble of the ap- paratus should be kept scrupulously clean and the metal work brightly polished. The attend- ant should carefully avoid all spattering or spill- ing, and immediately remove with a moist linen cloth any drops of sirup, or rings or little pools of water. These are not only unpleasant in themselves, but, if neglected, soon attract flies, which are an especial nuisance. If your place is exposed to dust from the street, see that this is not allowed to settle, in any noticeable quan- tity, upon the apparatus. It is important to have the dispensing appa- ratus as near the front of the store as possible, and customers should not be kept waiting, even for an instant. No one likes to be kept waiting under any circumstances, and when a thirst person is eager for a cooling and delicious . delay is particularly vexatious. Patience soon ceases to be a virtue when you are knocking your heels at a “ soda '.' counter, and watching an overgrown lad loitering towards you from the rear of the store, or a nonchalant clerk finish- ing the prescription he is compounding before waiting on you. Prompt and polite service is always appreciated in the “soda" water trade, and in the race for business success, other things being equal, we would certainly back a small store and modest apparatus, coupled with neat- ness, alertness and civility, against a large store and showy apparatus without these invaluable adjuncts. t is best to keep carbonated beverages on draught at all times of the year, as, although the trade may be small in winter, it is found that the summer trade is largely increased if the beverages are kept constantly on draught. Some of the points we have brought up and dwelt upon may seem trifling and insignificant. But attention to these little things is what con- stitutes the difference between the successful business man, and the man who is content to travel in the beaten path, satisfied if he can succeed in making both ends meet. 78 * CARBONATED BEVERAGES. PART IV. W. A. T E R S A W D S I R U P S. CHAPTER XX. SELECTION OF WATER FOR CARBONATING — FILTERS — NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL MINERAL WATERS–MINERAL WATER ANALYSES-ROPINESS IN CARBONATED BEVERAGES-HOT ‘‘ SODA’’ WATER. THE first care of the manufacturer of car- bonated beverages should be the SELECTION OF WATER FOR CARBONATING. This is a matter of capital importance, for the nature of the water used will exert a powerful in- fluence on the quality of the beverages produced. Whatever be the source of the water, the man- ufacturer should make himself familiar with its composition, in order that he may correct its defects and give it the qualities it may lack. This is almost always possible, though not always easy. Absolutely pure water is not found in nature. It is obtained in laboratories by distillation, but this process renders it unfit for drinking urposes, distilled water being indigestible, insipid, and unrefreshing. In order to become potable, water must hold in solution a certain amount of carbonic acid gas, which renders it light and palatable, some air, and a small quan- tity of salts of various kinds. The presence of the last, however, must be in infinitesimal pro- portions. Just what these salts should be, and in what amounts they should be present in the best drinking water, are questions which have often been discussed, but which can hardly be said to have been satisfactorily settled as yet. When they are present in large quantities we have what are known as mineral waters. A point on which there can be no dispute is the fact that the presence of organic impurities in water, in any proportion whatever, is highly injurious to the quality of the beverage. Man- ufacturers doing business in cities and depend- ing upon river water supplied by the city are often much annoyed because the water contains decomposed organic matter which imparts to it an offensive odor and taste. A few grains of permanganate of potash stirred into a barrel of the water before filtering will greatly assist in removing the trouble. , Great care is necessary to use just enough of the permanganate; if the proper quantity is employed, the purple color of the salt is destroyed by the organic matter in the water ; if too much is used the water re- mains purple. About one quarter of a grain to the gallon would generally be sufficient, unless the water should be very much contaminated. Many samples of water from wells have been unjustly condemned as unfit for use owing to the want of care in furnishing the sample for examination. These samples are generally sent to the chemist in old beer bottles or medicine vials, whereas the most scrupulous care should be exercised in collecting the sample for exam- ination in a perfectly clean bottle, which should also be rinsed with filtered or distilled water before it is filled with the sample. The pres- ence of the smallest quantity of organic matter in the bottle will neutralize the reliability of the tests applied and render the examination worthless. Common air which is not objectionable in ordinary drinking water, is to be avoided for carbonating purposes. It may be so mixed with the water that flows through pipes as to prevent charging the latter with a proper amount of gas. On the other hand the pres- ence of lime, making the water “hard ” is no disadvantage for carbonating purposes. Water freshly drawn from a deep, cool, spark- ling well is the best that can be obtained. The sparkling appearance often noticed in deep well water is due to natural carbonic acid, and this, CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 79 of course, is a point in its favor. Its coolness, also, materially increases the facility with which it can be impregnated. Next to the water from a good well, cool spring water is to be preferred, while that from an ordinary lake, river or cis- term is to be avoided, if possible. When used, it should always be filtered with the utmost care. It is advisable also to filter spring water, and even that from wells, lest accidental impurities should have fallen into it. Spring or river water which sometimes becomes temporarily discolored during a freshet can be purified by stirring into a barrel of the water ten pounds of phosphate of lime, and then allowing it to settle. This cases, to secure this purity, some kind of a filter must be used. Among the many filters which have been in- vented and placed upon the market within the last ten or fifteen years, we will describe three of the best as illustrating the different kinds. The Bigelow-Curtis Filter (Fig. 77).-This is made in several forms, but we illustrate only that best adapted for the use of manufacturers of carbonated beverages. This filter is con- nected with the main at A, and with the distrib- uting pipe at B. The case D is filled with a layer of sand and a layer of charcoal which are held in place by a wire sieve on top and bottom of Fig. 77.--THE BIGELOW-CURTIS FILTER. requires but a few minutes and it will be found that most of the impurities are carried down to the bottom. The water can then be drawn off and filtered, if necessary, through a charcoal and gravel filter, or through cotton which has been first moistened with alcohol, and then washed with water. FILTERS. A good filter should always form part of the “ soda '’ water manufacturer’s outfit. No man- ufacturer of carbonated beverages can hope to be permanently successful on a large scale un- less he is scrupulous about the purity of the water he employs; and in the vast majority of D. This case is inserted into the body of the filter directly over the distributing pipe. The diameter of this case is smaller than that of the body of the filter ; an annular space is therefore left between the two in which the impurities may settle. In the top of the filter is a semi- globular chamber containing a quantity of sponges. The object of these sponges is to ar- rest coarse matter such as gravel, sticks and straws, so that the water reaches the sand and charcoal layers in a comparatively clean state. In order to clean the filter, turn off the supply cock A, unscrew the thumb-screws which hold the cover fast, take off the cover, remove the sponges and wash them out thoroughly, then 80 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. reverse the sand and charcoal cup, replace the sponge and cover, shut off the cock B, open the waste cock C, and open the cock A. When the water discharged through C runs pure and clear, close the cock C and open the cock B. The Tank Filter.—This filter is illustrated in Fig. 78. It consists of an external metal case, inside of which is a perforated metal pan resting on a circular flange at a sufficient height above the bottom of the filter to leave reservoir space for the filtered water. On this pan, which is shaped like an inverted cone—is a layer of gravel reaching about four inches above the edge of -: º | t º - - - | 9|| | |Cºcº. | ul |º | CHARC04. |cºwa |Chaºſ”, - % * % º º | Fig. 78. – Tº E 'H' ANIK Fr. LTE re. the pan. Then come alternate layers of char- coal and gravel, about six inches deep, to within about ten inches of the top of the filter, with a thin layer of sand over the last layer. A float valve attached to the inlet pipe regulates the supply of water. This filter should be cleaned, and the charcoal renewed, whenever it fails to do its work thoroughly, and at least three times a year. The Billich Filter.—This is one of the best filters for use in establishments where a large amount of pure water is required. It is ex- tremely simple in construction and will be readily understood from Fig. 79, which repre- sents a large double Billich filter capable of filtering from ten to twenty thousand gallons of water per day. These filters consist of four large wooden tanks, two of which are placed above the others. The upper tanks A and B contain a layer of gravel and a layer of sand sep- arated by a piece of coarse table cloth e and f. folded in four thicknesses. The lower tanks C and D, are almost entirely filled with charcoal. The water is first admitted into the reservoir E from the main through the supply pipe X, the flow being regulated by the float t. The cocks F' and G being open, the water from the tank E. flows into the conical perforated vessels Y from which it passes into the tanks A and B in the form of spray. The object of delivering the water into these tanks in the form of spray is to avoid making holes in the layer of sand by the flow of a con- tinuous stream of water. The water having filtered through the sand and gravel, which arrest any solid impurities, collects in the cham- bers formed by the perforated metal plates c and d, whence it flows through the pipes a and b to a receiving tank O. The º in this tank is automatically regulated by the floats u and v. From the tank O the water passes to the char- coal tanks C and D, through the pipes Q and P. The charcoal absorbs what impurities there may be in the water, and the water is then dis- charged through the discharge pipe i, from the chambers formed by the perforated metal plates g and h. One of the greatest advantages of the Billich filter is the facility with which it can be cleans- ed. In order to cleanse it, shut off the supply of water by closing the cocks G and F and also shut off the discharge by closing the cocks a and b. Then open the cocks K, L, H, and I. A stream of water will now enter the lower chambers c and d of the filter and will force its way up through the gravel and charcoal, carry- ing all impurities to the surface. These are afterward discharged through the pipes H and I into the sink J. - This cleansing operation is therefore very sim- ple, and should be applied every day; but at least twice every season, the gravel, sand and charcoal should be entirely renewed. We know of no better filter than the Billich filter for a large establishment, and none that can be so easily and so readily cleansed. MINERAL WATERS. As we have already said, mineral waters are those in which an unusually large amount of salts is held in solution. The most famous of the mineral springs both in the United States and abroad are so well- known that the names at least are familiar to CARBONATED BEVERAGES. Sl everybody. The Seltzer, Kissingen, Vichy, Pyrmont and Carlsbad waters of Europe, and our own Geyser, Congress, Champion, Deep Rock, and other waters are renowned for their medicinal properties the world over, and patients from all quarters of the globe seek their beneficent effects. It is not everybody, however, who can leave home and business for several weeks or several months to follow a course of medical treatment at some famous spring. It has long been cus- tomary, therefore, for the owners of these min- eral springs to set up a bottling establishment on the spot, and to export the bottled waters to for- eign and domestic markets. The water in such cases, although it may and does retain its medicinal properties, is never so palatable as when it is drunk fresh from the spring. tation it loses a considerable portion of its car- bonic acid gas, and becomes more or less flat. This fact has caused “ soda '’ water manufac- turers to turn their attention to the production of artificial mineral waters, the aim being in some cases to exactly imitate the original and in others to slightly modify it. “Artificial mineral waters, says the New American Cyclopedia” (article Mineral Waters), ‘‘ are imitations of mineral spring waters, made by dissolving the salts which constitute the basis of the natural mineral waters, in ordinary water impregnated with gases, especially carbonic acid gas. Experiments in their manufacture were made as early as the sixteenth century, but they have been produced in perfection only within the past fifty years, since chemical analysis has become an operation of minute exactness. The merit of the discovery of their principles be- longs to Berzelius and the German physician Struve; but the latter, who proved the practi- cal value of the invention, and founded, as Berzelius did in Stockholm, the first manufac- tories or Spas in Dresden (1818–20), Leipsic, Hamburg, Berlin, St. Petersburg, and Brigh- ton, is deservedly called the father of artificial mineral waters. By powdering the clinkstone of Bilin and subjecting it to the action of car- bonic acid water, under a slight hydrostatic pressure, he produced a mineral water identi- cal with that of the natural spring of Bilin. Faraday and Liebig pronounced his artificial Jarlsbad and Friedrichshall bitter waters to be identical in chemical composition and physio- logical action with the natural waters which they represented. The supply of the latter exported from the springs of continental Eu- rope is inadequate for the demand, and most natural waters lose materially by bottling. The springs too are subject to many changes, and frequently vary in the quantity or the rela- tive proportion of their mineral ingredients. The reason of this is that in transpor- Artificial waters, on the contrary, are prepared according to analyses which represent the nat- ural mineral waters, when in their best condi- tion. They are always the same in composition, in consequence of the technical perfection of their manufacture, and they produce the same general effect as the natural waters. They are more highly charged with carbonic acid gas than the latter, which insures their keeping in any climate, and renders them more pleasant to the taste. The manufacture of mineral waters also embraces composition waters, de- vised for special medical purposes, and the bev- erages ‘soda water,’ ‘Seltzer water,” etc.” To produce mineral waters that will yield, by analysis, the same component parts com- bined in the same proportions and manner as in the natural springs, is an operation that re- quires considerable chemical skill, and should not be attempted by inexperienced persons. It is rarely possible to reproduce a natural water by the addition of the exact ingredients found in it by analysis. It is usually necessary to juse chemicals which, upon combining, produce those ingredients. For instance, carbonate of magnesia and carbonate of lime, unless freshly precipitated, will not make a clear solution. Therefore, in order to produce these, it is cus: tomary to employ other substances which will dissolve at once. Chloride of calcium is the agent which produces this chemical change, and it is indispensable in the production of all artificial waters. Solutions are sometimes used instead of salts for the production of artificial waters, and they may be had of several reliable houses. They produce as good a beverage as the salts, and may be employed just as well if the purchaser lives near the wholesale dealer. But when he is at a distance from him, he will find it prefer- able to buy the salts, as they occupy a much smaller space, and can, therefore, be more economically shipped. The salts used for making mineral waters come in several packages which are usually numbered. The following are the directions for using them for producing the principal waters: Seltzer.—Dissolve powder No. 1, in a quart of warm water, and add it to ten gallons of pure cold water in a fountain ; dissolve powder No. 2 in a pint of warm water, and add it to the above ; charge the fountain with gas to 150 lbs. pressure. Kissingen, Vichy, Pyrmont, Carlsbad, Con- gress.-Dissolve powder No. 1 in a quart of warm water, and add it to ten gallons of pure cold water in a fountain ; dissolve powder No. 2 in a pint of warm water, and powder No. 3 in another pint ; mix the two, and add the solu- tion to the above ; charge the fountain with gas to 150 lbs. pressure. CARBONATED BEVERAGES. Nsº º º | º º |\\ |A|| || ºf Wººl | | | - Ulſ | | tº |\ = }|| : : º l | |\º \ l º \ |\ || \ - -AW | III | º III. |, --------- - - sº y— *— - - Nº Exty-Up - - -- - - . - - - -- - - - - TTTTT | - - -Cl º – - | - - º --Tº =-ºº: lſ ºn | s=\ºº-ºº: 2ſº | | | i | . . . | L. →d * * > -- º º - | | | \\ º - sy- —: - - – //Lºs -AN "/ H–ºm amº - - -Y-T -- - - - Nº. - Fig. 79.--THE BILLICH FILTER. CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 83 N.B.-Dissolve each powder thoroughly, using only glass or porcelain vessels. Filter each solution before adding it to the fountain. Shake the fountain well after each solution is added. Charge to 175 lbs. pressure, if for siphon filling. Druggists and others dispensing mineral waters can largely increase the trade by put- ting them up in siphons for delivery to cus- tomers. Where there is only a limited demand for Oxide of iron, with alumina. . . . . . . . . . . 0.20 Silicic acid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.08 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.52 Free and semi-combined carbonic acid, 27.76. CARLSBAD* (Berzelius): CARLSBAD, GERMANY. (Grains in one pound.) mineral waters soluble crystals of Seltzer, Kis- Sulphate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.869 singen, Vichy, Pyrmont, Carlsbad and Congress Chloride of sodium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.975 may be used to great advantage, as a perfect|Carbonate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.695 glass of mineral water can be made at a mo- Carbonate of magnesia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.369 ment's notice by simply dissolving a single crys- Carbonate of lime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.370 tal in a glass of plain “soda 'water. These | Carbonate of strontia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.007 crystals may be obtained in boxes containing | Carbonate of manganese. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.006 twenty-four. They are put up in an attractive | Carbonate of iron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.027 DESCRIPTION. FIG. 79. THE BILLICH FILTER. A and B, upper tanks containing a layer of sand and a layer of gravel. C and D, lower tanks containing charcoal. E, tank for the reception of water from main. F and G, cocks in pipes leading from tank E, to upper tanks A and B. H and I, cocks for removal of impurities from sand and gravel in upper tanks A and B. J, sink into which these impurities are discharged. K and L, cocks in pipes leading from main to lower part of tanks A and B, for reversing the current and cleansing the sand and gravel. M and N, cocks in pipes connecting tanks A and B with tank O. O, tank in which water is discharged after passing through tanks A and B. P and Q, cocks in pipes connecting tank O with tanks C and D. R and S, cocks leading from lower portion of tanks form, and, where plain “soda” is sold in si- phons, large quantities of the crystals may also be sold, at a handsome profit, for family use. MINERAL WATER ANALYSES. We give below the analyses of some of the principal native and European mineral waters: APOLLINARIS (G. Bischoff). AHRWEILER, GERMANY. (Parts in ten thousand.) Carbonate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.57 Chloride of sodium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.66 Sulphate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 Carbonate of magnesia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.42 Carbonate of lime. . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.59 Phosphate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . trace Salts of potash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C and D to discharge pipe from which the water is taken to be used. T and U, platforms supporting tanks A and B. V and W, platforms supporting tanks C and D. X, inlet from main to tank E. Y, Y, perforated vessel for sprinkling water. a and b, pipes leading from lower portion of tanks A and B to tank O. c and d, perforated metal plates forming chambers for the accumulation of the water which has passed through the sand and gravel. e and f, coarse table cloth separating sand from gravel. g and h, perforated metal plates forming chambers for the accumulation of the filtered water. i, discharge pipe for filtered water. j and k, platforms around tanks A and B. ! and m, platforms around tanks C and D. t, float to regulate supply of water from main. w and v, floats to regulate supply of water to char- coal tanks C and D. Phosphate of lime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.001 Phosphate of alumina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.002 Fluoride of sodium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.024 Silicic acid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.57% Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.922 Carbonic acid gas, 11.85 cubic inches. Temperature, 73° C. CHAMPION (C. F. Chandler). SARATOGA, N. Y. (Grains in one U. S. gallom.t) Chloride of sodium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 702.239 Chloride of potassium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40.446 * For most of the analyses of the European mineral waters we are indebted to Dr. H. Hager's “Adjumenta Varia Chemica et Pharmaceutica Atque Aquas Mine- rales,” 3d ed., Leipsic, 1876. f 231 cubic inches. 84 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. Bromide of sodium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.579 Iodide of sodium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.234 Fluoride of calcium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . trace Bicarbonate of lithia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.247 Bicarbonate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.624 Bicarbonate of magnesia. . . . . . . . . . . . 193.912 Bicarbonate of lime... . . . . . . . . . . . . * 227.070 Bicarbonate of strontia. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.082 Bicarbonate of baryta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.083 Bicarbonate of iron... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.647 Sulphate of potash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.252 Phosphate of soda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.010 Biborate of soda......... . . . . . . . . . . . trace Alumina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.458 Silica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.699 Organic matter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . trace Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,195.582 Carbonic acid gas, 465.448 cubic inches. Temperature, 49° F. CONGRESS (C. F. Chandler). SARATOGA, N. Y. (Grains in one U. S. gallon.) Chloride of sodium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400.444 Chloride of potassium ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.049 Bicarbonate of magnesia. . . . . . . . . . . . . 121.757 Bicarbonate of lime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143.399 Bicarbonate of lithia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.761 Bicarbonate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.775 Bicarbonate of baryta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.928 Bicarbonate of iron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.340 Bicarbonate of strontia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . trace Bromide of sodium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.559 Iodide of sodium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.138 Sulphate of potash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.889 Phosphate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.016 Silica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.840 Fluoride of calcium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . trace Biborate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . trace Alumina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . trace Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700.895 Carbonic acid gas, 302.289 cubic inches. DEEP ROCK (Silas H. Douglas). oswego, N. Y. (Grains in one U. S. gallon.) Chloride of sodium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308.183 Chloride of potassium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149.084 Chloride of magnesium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.244 Carbonate of lime... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.191 Silica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71.698 Sulphuric acid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . trace Protoxide of iron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . trace Free carbonic acid. . . . . . . . . . . not determined Loss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.780 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550.180 EMPIRE (C. F. Chandler). SARATOGA, N. Y. (Grains in one U. S. gallon.) Chloride of sodium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506.630 Chloride of potassium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.292 Bicarbonate of magnesia. . . . . . . . . . . 42.953 Bicarbonate of lime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109.656 Bicarbonate of lithia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.080 Bicarbonate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.022 Bicarbonate of baryta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.070 Bicarbonate of iron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.793 Bicarbonate of strontia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . trace Bromide of sodium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.266 Iodide of sodium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.006 Sulphate of potash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.769 Phosphate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.023 Silica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.458 Alumina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.418 Fluoride of calcium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . trace Biborate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . trace Organic matter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . trace Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 680.436 Carbonic acid gas, 344.669 cubic inches. FRIEDRICHSHALL (Liebig). SAXE-MEININGEN, GERMANY. (Grains in one pound.) Sulphate of potash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.523 Sulphate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46.510 Sulphate of magnesia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39.533 Sulphate of lime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.341 Chloride of sodium. . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - 61.102 Chloride of magnesium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.252 Carbonate of magnesia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.992 Carbonate of lime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.113 Bromide of magnesium . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.876 Silicic acid, iron, alumina, organic matter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . traces Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194.242 Carbonic acid, 5.322 cubic inches. GEYSER (C. F. Chandler). SARATOGA, N. Y. (Grains in one U. S. gallon.) Chloride of sodium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562.080 Chloride of potassium..... . . . . . . . . . . 24.634 Bromide of sodium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.212, Iodide of sodium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.248 Fluoride of calcium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . trace Bicarbonate of lithia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.004 Bicarbonate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71.232 Bicarbonate of magnesia. . . . . . . . . . . . . 149.343 Bicarbonate of lime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168.392 Bicarbonate of strontia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.425 Bicarbonate of baryta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.014 Bicarbonate of iron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.979 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 85 Sulphate of potash......... . . . . . . . . . 0.318 Phosphate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . trace Biborate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . trace Alumina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . trace Silica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.665 Organic matter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . trace Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 991.546 Carbonic acid gas, 454.082 cubic inches. Density, 1.011. Temperature, 46°F. HATHORN. SARATOGA, N. Y. (Grains in one U. S. gallon.) Chloride of sodium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509.968 Chloride of potassium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.597 Bromide of sodium...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.534 Iodide of sodium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.198 Bicarbonate of lithia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.447 Bicarbonate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.288 Bicarbonate of magnesia. . . . . . . . . . . . . 176.463 Bicarbonate of lime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170. 646 Bicarbonate of baryta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.737 Bicarbonate of iron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.128 Phosphate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.006 Alumina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.131 Silica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.260 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888.403 º HUNYADI-JANOS (C. Knapp, 1870). OFEN, HUNGARY. (Parts in ten thousand.) Sulphate of magnesia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160.158 Sulphate of potash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.849 Sulphate of soda...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159.148 Chloride of sodium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.050 Carbonate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.960 Carbonate of lime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.330 Silicic acid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.011 Alumina and protoxide of iron. . . . . . . 0.042 Carbonic acid gas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.260 Total... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402.808 Specific gravity, 1,033.23. Temperature, 21°C. KISSINGEN (Liebig). BAWARIA. (Grains in one pound.) Carbonate of iron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.242 Carbonate of magnesia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.131 Carbonate of lime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.148 Phosphate of lime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.043 Silicic acid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.099 Sulphate of lime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.990 Chloride of sodium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44.713 Sulphate of magnesia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.509 Chloride of potassium................ 2.203 Chloride of magnesium............... 2.333 Bromide of sodium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.064 Nitrate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.071 Chlorate of lithium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.153 Ammonia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.007 Iodide of sodium, borate of soda, sul. phate of strontia, fluoride of cal- cium, phosphate of alumina, carbon- ate of manganese, arsenic and organic matter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . traces Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65.706 Carbonic acid gas, 41.77 grains. Specific gravity, 1.00734. Temperature, 10.7° C. LAKE AUBURN (S. Dana Hayes). NEAR LEWISTON, ME. (Grains in one U. S. gallon.) Sulphate of potash.................... 0.183 Chloride of sodium.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.257 Bicarbonate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.200 Bicarbonate of lime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.437 Bicarbonate of magnesia..... . . . . . . . . . . 0.296 Oxide of iron and alumina. . . . . . . . . . . . . traces Silicic acid in solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.411 Total solid matter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.784 It is naturally aerated or charged with car- bonic acid, oxygen, and nitrogen gases. PYRMONT (Fresenius, 1864). WALDECK, GERMANY. (Parts in ten thousand.) Sulphate of potash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sulphate of soda........... . . . . . . . . . Sulphate of baryta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sulphate of strontia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sulphate of lime........... . . . . . . . . . Sulphate of magnesia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nitrate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carbonate of lime...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carbonate of magnesia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carbonate of manganese. . . . . . . . . . . . . Carbonate of iron..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phosphate of lime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phosphate of alumina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chloride of sodium ... . . . . . . . - - - - - - - Chloride of lithium.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chloride of ammonium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bromide of sodium ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iodide of sodium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Silicic acid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carbonic acid gas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hydrosulphuric acid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total solid matter. . . . . . . . . . . . . Temperature, 12° C. Specific gravity, 1.00292 (19° C.). 86 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. RED SPRING. SELTERS (Kastner). SARATOGA, N. Y. PROVINCE OF NASSAU, GERMANY. (Grains in one U. S. gallon.) - (Grains in one pound.) Bicarbonate of lithia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.242 É. ; soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . º: Bicarbonate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.327 #. . ºn. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.109 Bicarbonate of magnesia. . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.413 §. * of manganese. . . . . - - - - - - 0.003 Bicarbonate of lime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101.256 § ...” f calcium................. 0.250 Chloride of sodium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83.339||... ................. 0.289 Chloride of potassium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.857 i. e . . i. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - trace §ºmina and sesquioxide of iron. . . . . 2.100 #. . ºnti,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; Silica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2% i. of soda.................... 0.261 - uoride of calcium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.001 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *|Riºſe of jnesia............. 2.558 Bicarbonate of lithia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0004 SARATOGA STAR. º of soda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.277 hloride of sodium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.228 SARATOGA, N. Y. Phosphorus, lithia, lime, alumina. . . . traces (Grains in one U. S. gallon.) Carbonic acid gas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.239 Chloride of sodium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378.962 - Chloride of potassium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.229 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58.6654 Bromide of sodium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.565 Iodide of sodium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.000 VICHY (Bouquet). Sulphate of potash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.400 VICHY, FRANCE. Bicarbonate of lime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124.459 - Bicarbonate of magnesia. . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.912 Bicarbonat #. in ten thousand.) 49.1 Bicarbonate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.662 É. O f SO hi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5. º Bicarbonate of iron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.213 #. . *i. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ; --- 9 - ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Silica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.283 #. of strontia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.05 = | Bicarbonate of lime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.10 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 620.685 Bicarbonate of iron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.28 Sulphate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.14 SARATOGA VICHY (C. F. Chandler). Phosphate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.81 Arseniate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.03 SARATOGA, N. Y. Chloride of sodium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.34 (Grains in one U. S. gallon.) Silicic acid... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.65 Chloride of sodium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128.689| Carbonic acid gas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.50 Chloride of potassium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.113 Bromide of sodium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.990 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91.65 Iodide of sodium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . trace | T t 24.20 C. Fluoride of calcium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . trace emperature, Bicarbonate of lithia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.760 WASHINGTON ; R. Chi Bicarbonate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82.873 S (James R. Chilton). Bicarbonate of magnesia. . . . . . . . . . . . 41.503 SARATOGA, N. Y. Bicarbonate of lime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95.522 (Grains in one U. S. gallon.) Bicarbonate of strontia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . trace. Chloride of sodium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182.733 Bicarbonate of baryta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.593|Bicarbonate of magnesia . . . . . . . . . . . . 65.973 Bicarbonate of iron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.053 Bicarbonate of lime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84.096 Sulphate of potash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . trace] Bicarbonate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.474 Phosphate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tracel Bicarbonate of iron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.800 Biborate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . trace. Chloride of calcium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.203 Alumina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.473 Chloride of magnesium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.680 Silica. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.758 Sul hate of magnesia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.051 Organic matter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . trace. Iodide of sodium.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.243 T. Bromide of potassium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.474 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367.336|Silicic acid......................... 1.500 - - - - Alumina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . trace Carbonic acid gas, 383.071 cubic inches. Temperature, 50° F. Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350.227 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 87 The gases which were contained and analyzed at the spring yielded for the gallon as follows: Carbonic acid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363.77 Atmospheric air. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.41 Cubic inches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370.18 Temperature, 45° F. WAUK.E.S.H.A. WAUKESHA, WIS. (Grains in one U. S. gallon.) Chloride of sodium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.279 Sulphate of soda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.957 Bicarbonate of soda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.210 Bicarbonate of lime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.866 Bicarbonate of magnesia. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.824 Silica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.054 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.190 ROPINESS IN CARBONATED BEVERAGES. This is frequently occasioned by the viscous fermentation of the saccharine matters. It is not very well understood how the change origi- nates, but it is known to be due to the formation of a certain ferment which, at the same time, reproduces itself like beer-yeast, and is able to cause only viscous fermentation. As a remedy it is advisable to scald with boiling water all the utensils used in making or bottling the bever- ages, so as to destroy all the germs of the fer- ment. An additional precaution would be to wash them with a decoction of ash-bark, or in- fusion of nut-gall, as all astringent substances ºpiº the viscous ferment, and render it 1Ile1 U. HOT “ sold A ’’ WATER. Hot “soda '’ water, so called, is not water impregnated with carbonic acid gas, but sim- ply hot water under pressure dispensed with ap- propriate sirups. In nearly every place where cold “ soda '’ water is dispensed during the summer, quite a lucrative trade may be done in the dispensing of hot beverages in the winter SeaSO11. In order to be able to dispense the hot “soda '’ from the draught arm of a counter apparatus, some pressure is required. This may be deriv- ed either from a head of water, from compress- ed air or from carbonic acid gas. Whenever there is a supply of water by which a pressure of water can be obtained, the simplest and most economical way of dispensing hot ‘‘soda '’ water is to attach a connecting pipe from the main to the inlet of the boiler, by a coupling furnished with the apparatus. stitute for ordinary water pressure is the pres- sure obtained by forcing air into fountains containing water, by means of an ordinary beer pump. If pressure cannot be otherwise obtained, fountains charged with gas and water in the usual manner, to 60 lbs. on the inch, may be used ; but the water should not be agitated, for, if carbonic acid gas is present in the water in large quantities, it will be expelled by the heat in the boiler, and cause a sputtering of the water at the draught-arm. - To dispense hot “soda '' water from dispens- ing apparatus having coolers on the interior, the coolers should be disconnected from the apparatus, and a straight connecting tube, as short as possible, should be substituted. In all the couplings and on the draught cock, rubber washers should be substituted for the leather usually employed. We recommend the use of a small draught º º º - L >{- Fig. 80.-Bon H.ER FOR MAKHNG HOT ** SODA3% WATER. column to be employed in connection with the hot “soda '' apparatus, in cases where it is not deemed expedient to make any changes in ex- isting apparatus. We illustrate in Fig. 80 an apparatus used for making hot “soda '' water. It consists of a sheet iron box or case in which is set a copper. boiler. Under the boiler are two gas burners. The boiler is connected with the water supply by means of the lower coupling shown in the figure, and to the draught arm by means of the upper coupling. f a stopcock is interposed between the boiler and source of supply, care should be taken to have the cock open whenever the burners are lighted. To heat the boiler, either one or two burners may be employed, according to the time at dis- posal and according to the demand for the The best sub- beverage. 88 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. Be particular to hold the lighted match to using it, or the hot water may break the tum- the lips of the burner before turning on the gas. The right hand gas cock leads to the front bur- ner. After that is lighted the rear one may be lighted, if required, by simply turning the left-hand cock. In dispensing hot “soda '’ water it is well to draw off a few ounces to warm the tumbler before bler. Hot “soda '’ water is usually dispensed with tea, coffee, chocolate, or similar sirups with cream. Sometimes wine sirup or punch extracts are substituted. Sirups containing acids are not generally deemed compatible with hot “soda '’ water. CHAPTER XXI. THE LABORATORY-UTENSILS REQUIRED–SIMPLE SIRUP—FLAVORED SIRUPS–OIL OF LEMON- THE ROBINSON SIRUP BLENDER—CUTTING OIL OF LEMON.—CRACKING OF WOODEN STOP- COCKS-GENERAL NOTES-RECIPES-GINGER ALE. SUCCESSFUL sirup making depends upon the jacket. freshness and purity of the ingredients, the intelligent care with which they are combined, and the cleanliness of the utensils employed. Every large bottling establishment should have a place set aside to be used as THE LABORATORY, where the sirups are to be made and where the articles used in their manufacture are to be kept. Any spacious well-lighted room will answer Fig. 82. SACCHAROMETER, SACCHAROMETER G1.Ass, AND GRADUATE GLAss. the purpose of a laboratory. It should be well provided with shelves and table room, and all the utensils and instruments experience will show to be required. Among the most impor- tant may be mentioned the following: 1. A Sirup Boiler.—For the preparation of the simple sirup. This consists of a copper ves- sel provided with a steam jacket at the bottom, and a cock extending from the bottom to facili- tate the drawing off of the sirup. The sirup Fig. 81. Fig. 83. is heated by steam passing through the steam It is not safe to use a dry heat for heating sirups, as these are very easily burned. 2. f Percolator.—This is a cylindrical vessel provided with a perforated disk upon which is placed any substance from which it is desired to make an extract. Alcohol is then poured in and percolates through the disk into the space below, whence it is drawn off through a cock provided for the purpose. In large per- colators it is advisable to use a second disk above the first and to pour the alcohol over this. This disseminates the alcohol and causes it to fall in drops upon the substance below, instead of falling in a stream, and piercing its way through. 3. A Graduate Glass.-This is shown in Fig. 81. It is merely a glass vessel graduated to in- dicate fluid measures. 4. A Minim Glass.-This resembles the grad- uate glass, but is smaller, usually having a capa- city of two fluid drams, and it is graduated to indicate drops. 5. A Saccharometer.—This is shown in Fig. 82. It consists of a closed graduated glass tube weighted at one end. When placed in any liquid it sinks more or less according to the density of the liquid. It is used for measuring the density of sirups. This little instrument is almost indispensable to the bottler. By its use, much waste of sugar may be avoided, and, with care in handling, it will last for years. It should always be kept in its case when not in actual use. 6. A Saccharometer Glass (Fig. 83).-This is merely a deep glass vessel of small diameter for containing the sirup whose density is to be tested. 7. An assortment of large-mouthed bottles for containing salts and extracts. 8. Glass funnels. 9. Iron funnel stands for supporting funnels when in use. CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 89 10. Filtering paper. 11. Earthen jars for storing sirups. SIMPLE SIRUP Is the base of all flavored sirups. It is merely a solution of sugar in water. Fourteen pounds of “A” coffee sugar to one gallon of water are good proportions to use for making simple sir- up. Only the purest sugar should be employed in making sirups, for if the sugar contains im: purities, these will favor fermentation. Filtered water should always be used, when possible, and the solution of the sugar in the water, in the process of preparing simple sirup, should be conducted in a scrupulously clean and bright copper or silver-lined kettle. Sirup should never be boiled ; it requires only to be gradually heated to the simmering point and stirred until the sugar is dissolved. Before it becomes cool it should be strained through a fine flannel or felt filtering bag. Simple sirup may also be prepared by the cold process. A perforated diaphragm made of copper silver-plated, or wood, is placed in a tank or barrel just above the cock which should be three or four inches from the bottom. Cold water is poured over sugar resting on this diaphragm, and the sirup which trickles through should be drawn off and poured over the sugar again. This process should be re- peated until the sirup indicates 32° on the sac- charometer. This is a convenient way of mak- ing sirup in the absence of a fire, but the sirup will not hold the foam in the glass as well as that made by heat. Some beverages require a sirup marking 32° on the saccharometer, while others, for bottling purposes require a sirup of 25° only. It is bet- ter to make simple sirup of 32°, and reduce it as occasion demands. FLAWORED SIRUPS. These are made by adding to the simple sir up any flavor it is desired to give it. For making fruit sirups it is best, whenever it is possible, to use pure fruit juices rather than fruit essences. Sirups of fine flavor are made from essences, but they are never equal to those prepared from the pure fruit. A great deal of sensational matter is printed in the daily press every season about the un- wholesomeness of artificial fruit essences. Those made by reputable houses are entirely harm- less. The base of nearly all of these is orris root. Some of the compound ethers possess the odor and flavor of certain fruits, and are used as flavoring materials. Butyric ether and acetic ether, for instance, are employed to a considerable extent. But neither of these is at all prejudicial to health. The best butyric ether is prepared from St. John’s bread, the fruit of the Carob tree of southern Europe. The citric acid, which is used to acidulate the sirups, is prepared from lemon juice, and is no more harmful than the lemon itself. The substance which forms the base of the fruit sirup colorings used by the best makers is cochineal. In the coloring for strawberry sirup it forms the sole ingredient, and for rasp- berry coloring it is mixed with malva flowers. Aniline is used by some manufacturers. It is however open to the objection that the inferi- or grades sometimes contain arsenic. It is true that the proportion of coloring matter employed is so small that no injurious effect can possibly result from it. Those who cry so loudly against the use of such materials, forget that in almost every article of food are found traces of substances which, if taken in any con- siderable quantity, would prove fatal. Color- ing for ginger ale, Sarsaparilla and root-beer is made from caramel or burnt sugar. An im- pure or badly made color forms a deposit after standing a few days, and the slightest agitation of the bottle makes the contents cloudy. Good color should dissolve readily and give the bever- age a brilliant tint without depositing. It should be free from disagreeable odors. That there are fifth-rate establishments which produce inferior and adulterated articles is true in the “soda '' water trade, as it is in every other trade, and we have always been among the first to condemn such practices. Many of the street stands in the populous districts of New York dispense so-called fruit sirups from a sloppy counter, in the shape of bright colored liquids of the most unsavory description. It does not follow, however, that pure beverages cannot be obtained. If the public goes to re- putable dealers for its carbonated drinks, and if these dealers in their turn apply only to well known and respectable houses for their ingredi- ents, there will be no ground for complaint about the unwholesomeness of artificial es- sences and coloring. To all artificial fruit sirups a sufficient quan- tity of acid should be added to give them the acidulous taste of the fruit. Citric, tartaric and other acids are often used for this purpose, but an acid solution for sirups, which can be had of the manufacturer ready for use, is preferable. OIL OF LEMON. “Where oil of lemon * is used, direct agita- tion may be advantageously employed, provided such precautions be observed as will prevent loss of oil by evaporation. Most aerated water manufacturers use (or rather expend) a very * Aerated Waters and How to Make Them; together with Receipts for Non-Alcoholic Cordials, and a short Essay on the Art of Flavoring. By Joseph Goold. J. Gilbert Smith. London, 1880. 90 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. much larger quantity of oil of lemon than is really utilized in the results obtained. “Dissolution of oil of lemon is much facili- tated by a careful application of heat, assisted by brisk agitation ; but the common practice of adding the oil to boiling sirup in an open vessel is most wasteful.” “A very effective and economical method of using oil of lemon is to shake up the quantity required in a portion of thick sirup, and then to dilute the sirup so treated with a quantity of boiling water sufficient to give the required density to the whole ; care being taken to use brisk agitation while the two liquids are being mixed. “In this manner an excellent lemon sirup can be made with from 20 minims to 30 minims of oil per gallon ; and it will be found that about 10 times this proportion can be dissolved (or rather suspended) in thick sirup by means of slight agitation. “By careful management and attention to par- ticulars above stated, about 1 dram (60 minims) of oil of lemon can be completely dissolved in one gallon of sirup ; but I think this is near the limit. “Where it can be avoided, sirup should never be filtered or exposed in any way after it has once been mixed with any volatile flavoring matter ; I have known manufacturers to lose seven-eighths of the oil they were using, simply from adopting this fallacious process. “If oil of lemon and some other oils are not quite fresh, no amount of agitation will com- pletely effect their solution without the use of hot water.” THE ROBINSON SIRUP BLENDER. This is a device for thoroughly mixing oils with sirups. It consists simply of revolving dashers, so arranged in the vessel containing the sirup that they are rotated, at every stroke of the bottling machine corking plunger, by means of a wheel and ratchet, thus continually carry- ing the surface oil to the bottom of the sirup vessel and thoroughly blending the sirup, oil and acid. CUTTING OIL OF LEMON. To make a superior extract of lemon two in- dispensable pre-requisites are necessary: the oil should be pure and fresh, and the alco- hol of sufficient strength to dissolve the oil com- pletely. Some bottlers have experienced !. by either using materials of inferior quality, or by endeavoring to produce from a small quantity of good oil too large a quantity of extract, by dilution with water. The extract of lemon, sold by the best manu- * Oil of lemon boils at 343° to 349°Fahrenheit, but it is volatilized in association with aqueous vapor at 212° F. facturers, is made by dissolving one ounce of pure and fresh oil in one pint of alcohol (93 per cent). This makes a concentrated extract, and * no farther manipulation. t will not deteriorate by exposure to light or heat, nor by keeping any length of time, if the bottle is kept corked. Should a weaker extract be desired, the oil can be triturated in a glass or stone mortar with an ounce of calcined magnesia (the natural car- bonate is better) and equal parts of alcohol and water, previously mixed together, added by de- rees, the trituration being continued until the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. This is then to be filtered in the ordinary way. The article usually sold as “concentrated extract of lemon, at an attractively low price, contains about 50 per cent water, and will be- come “turpentiney ’’ to the taste and smell in a short time. It is more economical in the end, to make or buy a concentrated extract. It will flavor more sirup, and will not lose its delicate aroma by standing. Oil of lemon is very sensitive to the action of light, and extremes of heat and cold. It should be purchased in small quantities and used at once, for the finest oil will deteriorate if kept too long. The best houses generally receive weekly ship- ments of oil of lemon in hermetically closed cans, which are speedily used up, either in making extract, or in filling the current week’s orders for oil. GENERAL NOTES. Never add flavoring extracts to sirups while hot. This would simply cause them to volatilize. Never use a metal spoon or spatula for stirring sirup which contains acid. Never use the white of eggs, as recommended by some, for producing a “frothy ’’ sirup. It will decompose in time and make your sirup taste and smell of sulphuretted hydrogen. If your extract of lemon should become cloudy from exposure to heat or other causes, stir in a tablespoonful of calcined or powdered carbon- ate of magnesia; let it stand for an hour or so, and filter through gray filtering paper. If it smells “ turpentiney ’’ get fresh extract at once. Always keep your bottle of fruit coloring tightly corked. If your batch of raspberry should mysteriously part with its color during the night, rest assur- ed that acid from the generator has gone over into the beverage and decomposed the coloring matter in your bottles, or that you have used tartaric instead of citric acid. our generator needs looking after or you must discontinue using tartaric acid. Always buy citric acid, tartaric acid, gum arabic and other similar articles in lump in CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 91 preference to pulverized. Any adulteration in the former is more easily detected than in the latter. Use foam-producing preparations but spar- ingly. Nothing is so vexatious to the thirsty customer as to get a glass of foam instead of ‘‘ soda '' water. CRACKING OF WOODEN STOPCOCKS. Wooden stopcocks are liable to crack and leak. To prevent this, lay them in a bath of boiling paraffine, and leave them as long as bubbles of air are given off. Then allow the paraffine to cool down to its point of congela- tion, remove the stopcock and wipe off the adhering paraffine. This will prevent cracking or shrinking as long as the stopcock is in use. ADHESION OF GLASS STOPPERS. Much difficulty is frequently experienced by druggists and bottlers in removing glass stop- pers from bottles containing solutions for mineral waters or alkaline solutions for cleans- ing bottles, etc. ... If the glass stoppers be dipped in melted paraffine no further trouble will be experienced. The words extract and essence are ordinarily employed to indicate very much the same thing. In the following recipes, however, and through- out this work, when we use the term eactract we mean a preparation made from a natural product, while by the term essence we designate an artificial imitation of a natural product. In the following recipes the ounces mention- ed are fluid ounces and when we refer to acid solutions and gum arabic we mean the solutions prepared as follows : CITRIC ACID SOLUTION. Citric acid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 pounds. 1 gallon. Stir with a wooden paddle until dissolved, and filter. Citric acid solution should be prepared in small quantities as it will become musty if kept too long. TARTARIC ACID SOLUTION. Tartaric acid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filtered water (cold) - - - - - - - - - - - - Dissolve and filter through white filtering paper. ACID SOLUTION - FOR GINGER ALE, AND LEMON, AND OTHER FRUIT SIRUPS. Tartaric acid Citric acid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Ounces. Cold filtered water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 pint. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dissolve and filter through white filter paper. This is a cheaper solution than that made from citric acid alone, and some manufacturers may like it as well. SIRUP ACID SOLUTION. In place of the above acid solutions for fruit sirups, a preparation known as sirup acid solution is sold which is fully equal to citric acid, and has the advantages of keeping fresh for any length of time, and of always being ready for immediate use without repeated filterings. SOLUTION OF GUM ARABIC. White gum arabic Boiling filtered water... . . . . . . . . # Dissolve by brisk stirring and allow to stand until cold before straining through fine sieve. One pint of simple sirup may be added to this solution if desired. This gum solution is used in the proportion of one ounce to one gallon for sirups requiring extra foam. It is not as good, however, as gum foam which most bottlers now substitute for it. SIRUP RECIPES. All of the sirups described below can be used in the dispensing apparatus. Birch beer, ginger ale, Otaki root beer, Ottawa root beer, Persian mead, spruce beer, and tonic beer, however, are generally made by adding one gallon of the prepared sirup to nine gallons of water, and charging with carbonic acid gas in a fountain. For bottling, the proportion of sirup for each half-pint bottle is generally three-quarters of an ounce, but this may be varied to suit the taste. AMIBROSIA SIRUP. Raspberry sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 pints. Vanilla sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 pints. Hock wine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Ounces. BAN AN A SIRUP. Essence of banana. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ounce. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon. Solution citric acid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Ounce. BIRCH BEER. Extract of birch beer. . . . . . . . . . 1 pound. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 gallons. Gum foam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Ounces. Tartaric acid solution. . . . . . . . . . 4 Ounces. Filtered water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Ounces. Mix the extract with the sirup, add the gum foam and lastly the acid solution. BLACK CURRANT SIRUP. Preserved black currant juice. . . . . 1 quart. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 quarts. Solution of citric acid. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ounce. 92 * CARBONATED BEVERAGES. BLACKBERRY SIRUP. Essence of blackberry. . . . . . . . . . . 1 Ounce. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 1 gallon. Solution of citric acid............ 1 ounce. Fruit coloring..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + ounce. Sarsaparilla coloring..... . . . . . . . . # ounce. CAPILLAIRE SIRUP. Loaf sugar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 lbs. Orange-flower water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 lbs. Boil till the sugar has dissolved and the sirup is clear; while hot, strain through flannel; add to the cool sirup two drams of tartaric acid, previously dissolved in 8 ounces of the strong- est orange-flower water ; lastly add 4 ounces of the best Rhenish wine. CATAWBA SIRUP. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 pint. Catawba wine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 pint. CAYENNE SIRUP. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon. Tincture capsicum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ounces. Color pink with fruit coloring. CHAMPAGNE CIDER. Extract of champagne cider...... 4 Ounces. Simple sirup. . . . . . . -- - - - - - - - - - - - 1 gallon. Gum foam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ounces. Tartaric acid solution........... 4 Ounces. Deodorized alcohol.............. # gallon. Dissolve the extract in the alcohol and mix with the sirup thoroughly. CHOCOLATE CREAM SIRUP. Chocolate sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 quart. Plain cream sirup................ 1 quart. I.-CHO.COLATE SIRUP. Roasted cocoa shells. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ounceS. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ounces. Granulated sugar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # pound. Water....... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # pint. Extract of vanilla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 drams Mix the cocoa shells, coarsely powdered, with the simple sirup ; pack in a percolator, and add gradually, while boiling hot, the sugar and water, so as to obtain one pint of sirup ; to this add when cold, the extract of vanilla. An attractive looking white foam may be given to the above sirup by adding a small quantity of white of eggs and powdered sugar well beaten together, after the glass is filled. II. —CHOCOLATE SIRUP. Prepared chocolate.............. # pound. Vanilla sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon. Cut up the chocolate into small pieces, put in a double tin or porcelain-lined vessel, (the outer one containing water) apply gentle heat, and stir until entirely melted, then add the vanilla sirup with constant stirring until thoroughly mixed. COCOANUT CREAM. Prepared or desiccated cocoanut... 1 pound. Condensed milk. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 1 quart. Water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 pints. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 quarts. Boil the cocoanut in the water; when cool strain, and add the condensed milk and simple sirup. COFFEE CREAM SIRUP. Coffee sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 quarts. Plain cream sirup COFFEE SIRUP. Extract Mocha coffee. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ounces. Plain sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon. CREAM SIRUP. Fresh cream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # pint. Fresh milk........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . # pint. IPowdered sugar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 pound Mix by shaking and keep in a cool place. A few grains of powdered borax will retard the souring of this sirup for several days. CREAM “sold A.” Extract of cream soda. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ounce. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon. Gum foam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ounce. FRAMBOISE CURRANT SIRUP. Raspberry sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 pint. Currant sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 pints. FRENICH ROSE WATER. Extract of rose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # pound. Distilled water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon. Calcined magnesia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ounces. Mix together, let stand twenty-four hours and filter through paper. I.-GINGER ALE SIRUP. Extract of ginger ale. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ounces. Solution of citric acid. . . . . . . . . . . 1 ounce. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon. Mix with a glass or wooden spatula. II.-GINGER ALE SIRUP. Ginger sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 pints. Lemon sirup...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 pint. Tinct. of Capsicum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . § ounce. I.-GINGER SIRUP. Soluble essence of Jamaica ginger. 2 ounces. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon. CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 93 II.-GINGER SIRUP. Concentrated extract of ginger... 1 ounce. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon. I. —GRAPE SIRUP. Preserved grape juice. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 quart. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 quarts. Solution of citric acid........... 1 ounce. II. —GRAPE SIRUP. Extract cognac. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + ounce. Essence of lemon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + ounce Essence of orange. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..+ ounce. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon. HOCK OR CLARET SIRUP. Hock or claret wine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 pint. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 pints. IMPERIAL SIRUP. Equal parts of raspberry and orange sirups. LEMON. SIRUP. For making lemon sirup, the plain sirup should indicate 32° on the saccharometer. The extract should not be added while the sirup is hot, but when cold, or nearly so ; it should be poured carefully over the surface and allowed to remain there a few minutes for the alcohol to evaporate somewhat before being stirred in. A wooden paddle should be used for stirring lemon sirup, and it should never be allowed to stand in tin, copper or iron vessels. The citric acid in the sirup will combine with the iron and form citrate of iron, which, though harmless, and a good tonic, does not improve the flavor of lemon sirup. The sirup should be made in such quan- tities as can be conveniently used at once. A particularly fine-flavored sirup can be made by adding a small quantity of orange-flower water after the acid and gum solution have been add- ed. We .# recommend the use of fresh fruit, the juice of which may be expressed in the customer's presence. Lemon juice in half an hour loses its freshness and fragrance. By care- fully wrapping lemons in paper and placing them in wire-net baskets you can keep them twice as long as when they are exposed to air. It is well worth consideration whether some other fresh fruits might not be similarly employed. Lemon and pineapple form a most desirable combina- tion. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon. Oil of lemon. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 drops. Citric acid solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1+ ounces. Rub the oil of lemon with the acid, add a small portion of the sirup and mix thoroughly. II. –LEMON SIRUP. Grate off the yellow rind of lemons, and beat it up with a small quantity of granulated sugar. Express the lemon juice; add to each pint of juice, 1 pint of water and 34 pounds of granu- lated sugar, including that rubbed up with the rind; warm until the sugar is dissolved, and strain. The above sirup is troublesome to prepare, but it produces a brighter sirup than is obtained by any other process. It should be prepared fresh every day. III.-LEMON SIRUP. Dissolve # of an ounce of tartaric acid crys- tals and 1 ounce of selected lump gum arabic in one gallon of simple sirup, then flavor with 14 drams (about 90 drops) of best oil of lemon, or, flavor with one ounce concentrated extract of lemon. IV.-LEMON SIRUP. EXTRA. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon. White gum arabic in coarse pow- der. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ounce. Solution of citric acid. . . . . . . . . . . 2 ounces. Orange flower water........ . . . . . . ounce. Extract of lemon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ounce. Dissolve the gum arabic in the sirup by stirring, then add the extract of lemon and the other ingredients, shaking or stirring the sirup as each is added. Use a wooden paddle or spatula. W.—LEMON SIRUP. Add to one gallon simple sirup (32° when cold), 20 drops fresh oil lemon and 3 oz. citric acid, previously dissolved in 3 ozs. water; mix by shaking well in a bottle; add 4 ozs, gum solu- tion. MAPLE SIRUP. Maple sugar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 pounds. Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 pints. Dissolve by gentle heat. MAPLE CREAM SIRUP. Fresh milk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 pint. Fresh cream or condensed milk... 1 pint. Maple sugar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 pounds. Beat the sugar with the milk and the whites of two eggs, then mix with the cream. I.-ORANGE-FLOWER SIRUP. Extract of orange-flowers. . . . . . . . 1 ounce. Simple sirup. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mix thoroughly. II.-ORANGE-FLOWER SIRUP. Orange-flower water. . . . . . . . . . . 1 pint. Granulated sugar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 ounces. Dissolve without heat. ORANGE-FLOWER WATER. Extract orange-flowers. . . . . . . . . . # pound. Distilled water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon. Calcined magnesia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ounces. 94 * CARBONATED BEVERAGES. Mix together thoroughly by stirring, allow it to stand twelve hours and filter through filter- ing paper. - I.-ORANGE SIRUP. cool. For Fountains: Two gallons of this pre- pared sirup previously reduced with filtered water to 25° by the saccharometer, are required to eight gallons of water. Charge with carbonic acid gas to a pressure of 150 pounds. For bot- Oil of orange.................. 30 drops. Tartaric acid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 drams. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon. Rub the oil with the acid and mix. II.-ORANGE SIRUP. Fruit essence of orange...... ... 1 ounce. Plain sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon. I.-ORGEAT SIRUP. Sweet almonds................ 8 ounces. Bitter almonds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 ounces. Sugar, granulated. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 pounds. Water.................. . . . . . . . 1} pints. Orange-flower water. . . . . . . . . . . + pint Blanch the almonds, rub them in a mortar to a fine paste with twelve ounces-of the sugar and two ounces of the water; mix the paste with the remainder of the water, strain with strong expression, add the remainder of the sugar and dissolve it with the aid of gentle heat. Lastly, add the orange-flower water and strain the sirup again. II. —ORGEAT SIRUP. Extract of orgeat................ 1 ounce. Simple sirup......... . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon. Fresh cream or condensed milk... 1 pint. OTAKI ROOT BEER SIRUP. Extract of Otaki beer............ 1 ounce. Simple sirup..................... I gallon. Caramel coloring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ounces. OTTAWA ROOT BEER SIRUP. Extract of Ottawa root beer......1 ounce. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon. Caramel coloring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ounces. PEAR SIRUP. Essence of pear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ounce. Simple sirup......... . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon. Citric acid solution...... . . . . . . . . 1 ounce. PERSIAN MEAD. Strained honey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 pounds. Simple ºl. to make... 10 gallons. Extract of Persian mead........ 1 pound. Extract of vanilla.............. 1 pound. Gum foam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 pounds. Mix the honey and sirup by means of a gen- tle heat, skim carefully and add the other in- gredients after the sirup has become somewhat tling: Add # of an ounce to each half pint bot- tle. PINEAPPLE CREAM SIRUP. Preserved pineapple fruit juice.... 1 quart. Plain cream sirup................ 3 quarts. PINEAPPLE SIRUP. Essence of pineapple............ . 1 ounce. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon. Citric acid solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ounce. Fruit coloring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ounce. II.-PINEAPPLE SIRUP. Preserved pineapple juice..... .... 1 quart. Simple sirup..................... 3 quarts. Citric acid solution.............. 1 ounce. Fruit coloring.................. 1 ounce. RASPBERRY SIRUP. Preserved raspberry juice......... 1 quart. Simple sirup................. ... 3 quarts. Citric acid solution.............. 1 ounce. Fruit coloring.................. l Ounce. II.-RASPBERRY SIRUP. Essence of raspberry. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ounce. Simple sirup...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon. Citric acid solution.............. 1 ounce. Fruit coloring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ounce. RED CURRANT SIRUP. Preserved red currant juice...... 1 quart. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 quarts. Citric acid solution.............. 1 ounce. ROSE SIRUP. Extract of rose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ounce. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon. Fruit coloring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 drops. I.-SARSAPARILLA SIRUP. Extract of sarsaparilla. . . . . . . . . "... 1 ounce. Simple sirup.................... 1 gallon. II.-SARSAPARILLA SIRUP. Simple sirup................... 4 pints. Comp. sirup of sarsaparilla...... 4 ounces. Caramel coloring.............. 14 ounces. Oil wintergreen................ 6 drops. Oil sassafras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 drops. Mix the oils in a mortar by thorough tritura- tion with one ounce of the simple sirup, then mix all together. CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 95 III.-SARSAPARILLA SIRUP. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1 gallon. Extract of liquorice... . . . . . . . . . . . # ounce. Powdered sulphate of iron. . . . . . . # ounce. Powdered gum arabic. . . . . . . . . . . . § ounce. Cold filtered water... . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 pint. Oil wintergreen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + ounce. Oil Sassafras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + ounce. Rub the oils with a portion of the sirup ; dis- solve the other ingredients in the water, and mix all together. IV.-SARSAPARILLA SIRUP. Oil wintergreen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 drops. Oil anise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 10 drops. Oil sassafras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 drops. Fluid extract of sarsaparilla.... 2 ounces. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 pints. Powdered extract of liquorice... } ounce. SHERBET SIRUP. Vanilla sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 pints. Pineapple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 pint Lemon sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 pint. SHERRY COBBLER SIRUP. Sherry wine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 pint. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lemon cut in thin slices; macerate 12 hours and strain. SPRUCE BEER SIRUP. Extract of spruce beer. . . . . . . . . . . 1 ounce. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon. Gum foam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ounce. 1.—STRAwBERRY CREAM SIRUP. Fresh strawberries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 quart. Press out the juice through a canvas cloth ; add to the juice what sugar it will take up cold ; add by shaking, plain cream sirup, 2 quarts. II. —STRAWBERRY CREAM SIRUP. Preserved strawberry fruit juice... 1 quart. Plain cream sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 quarts. I.-STRAWBERRY SIRUP. Preserved strawberry fruit juice... 1 quart. Plain sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 quarts. Fruit coloring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ounce. Citric acid solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ounce II. —STRAWBERRY SIRUP. Essence of strawberry..... . . . . . . 1 ounce. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon. Citric acid solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ounce. Fruit coloring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ounce TONIC BEER. Extract of tonic beer. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ounce. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon. Caramel coloring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ounces. WANILLA SIRUP. Fluid extract of vanilla.......... 1 ounce. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - 1 gallon. Gum foam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ounce. v.ANILLA cBEAM SIRUP. Fluid extract of vanilla. . . . . . . . . . 1 ounce. Simple sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 pints. Cream or condensed milk... . . . . . . This sirup may be colored with fruit coloring if desired. - WILD CHERRY SIRUP. Extract of wild cherry. . . . . . . . . . 2 ounces. Tartaric acid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + ounce. Fruit coloring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ounce. Simple sirup... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gallon. GINGER ALE. Of all the various beverages which have been made by the addition of sweetening and flavor- ing to plain carbonated water, the one known as “ginger ale” easily takes a leading rank both in popularity and in intrinsic excellence. The extract of ginger has salutary properties in addition to its agreeable flavor, and when its piquant and beneficial qualities are united to those of carbonic acid, with a dash of capsicum and lemon or cinnamon or nutmeg to heighten the aroma, the compound produced is one that possesses peculiar merits. Furthermore, ginger ale had the great advantage of being taken up by a firm of large resources, shrewd enough to establish and maintain a high degree of ex- cellence, and to push the beverage into every quarter of the globe. We refer, of course, to Cantrell & Cochrane, the celebrated Bel- fast and Dublin manufacturers, whose “aro- matic ginger ale’’ furnishes the standard by which the products of all other makers must be estimated. The extraordinary popularity of this Belfast ginger ale appears from the fact that as high as sixty thousand dozen bottles (six thousand casks) are sent to this port alone, inside of a single T. and the trade is steadily increasing. here are two agents in New York who make a specialty of importing it, while such large grocers as Park & Tilford order one or two thousand dozen at a time for their own trade. So firm is the hold which Cantrell & Cochrane’s beverage has ob- tained on public favor that Park & Tilford sell twenty dozen to one of the only American sº ale that appears on their price list. Nevertheless, so great is the demand for this beverage that the great majority of Ameri- can bottlers put it up, and several of them have acquired an extensive reputation. About the Fall of 1871, a firm of Broadway druggists, having obtained what was alleged to be the orig- inal formula of Cantrell & Cochrane, embarked 96 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. in the manufacture of ginger ale with admirable results as to quality, while their sales have run as high as ten thousand dozen bottles in a month, and the business, though without the aid of any special advertising, manifests a steady and healthful growth. It is an unfortunate fact, however, that a great deal of American ginger ale is “miserable stuff,” the thrusting of which on the market has done much to prejudice the public against the beverage, and to drive those who like it to drink the foreign, regardless of its higher cost, merely because, in ordering that, they feel sure of always getting a good article. Indeed, the im- ported ginger ale is so formidable a competitor in this market that it is for the interest of all the manufacturers in this country that every bottle made here, by whomsoever put up, should be of the best quality, in order to raise, if pos- sible, the general reputation of American ginger ale. And it is certainly for the interest of every individual bottler of this beverage, whether on a large or small scale, that his own should be as good as possible. We shall therefore pro- ceed to throw out a few facts and suggestions on this point which, we trust, will be of some value to our readers. To show what ginger ale ought to be, it may be both useful and interesting to quote here, from a recent circular, the manufacturers’ own description of the famous Belfast beverage : “Cantrell & Cochrane's aromatic ginger ale is not fermented, consequently is not alcoholic ; it is sparkling and clear as the choicest cham- pagne, has a most agreeable odor, is perfectly free from any intoxicating quality, yet is emi- nently warming and invigorating, is pleasant to taste, pleasant to look at, and has a delicious “bouquet,' closely resembling attar of roses, and is free from lead and all impurities.” This is certainly quite an ideal drink, and we do not wonder that the manufacturers fur- ther affirm : “We honestly believe that our world-re- nowned aromatic ginger ale is one of the purest and most wholesome drinks in existence.” As might be supposed, the exact composi- tion of this beverage is not generally known, but it is understood that ginger, capsicum and lemon (or citric acid) are the chief flavoring ingredients, the mixture made of these with water and sirup being carbonated like “plain soda.” Very handsome prices have been paid by enterprising bottlers for recipes for making a ginger ale extract containing all the necessary ingredients in proper proportion and ready for immediate use. Such money is very apt to be worse than wasted. And why? Because this tincture is one of the most delicate and difficult to make in the whole range of practical chemis- try, and no directions will suffice without ex- traordinary natural tact or long experience. The selection of a suitable quality of ginger, the obtaining of the alcohol of the proper proof, the regulation of the extracting process, and the addition of the proper amount of capsicum and of lemon, cinnamon, nutmeg, rose, corian- der, or other flavor—these are operations that require a chemist either by instinct or by train- ing, and, even if successfully accomplished, the extract turns milky when put into the water, unless filtered by ingenious and expensive pro- cesses. Moreover, the best results are obtain- ed by the use of cold alcohol instead of warm, a method requiring a month or more, and, as all ginger extracts improve with age, it is advisable that bottlers who make their own, should keep a year’s supply ahead, so that none need be used until at least a year old. It is tolerably clear, from all these considerations, that unless the bottler has a chemical turn of mind and first-rate facilities for obtaining the crude material, he would much better buy his ginger ale extract ready-made, especially as an article of very good and uniform quality can be readily obtained, at a reasonable price, from at least two or three manufacturers. There is an observable tendency among the best American ginger ale makers to produce an ale rather sweeter and less peppery, and rather darker in color, than Cantrell & Cochrane’s. We do not think the delicate amber tint of the genuine Belfast ale can be really improved, al- though there are no doubt parts of the country where the half-educated public, accustomed to root-beer and sarsaparilla, would reject a light ginger ale as presumably “weak.” In such cases the bottler can hardly avoid putting in some kind of coloring, as long as he is de- pendent on a local trade, though he is pretty certain to lose thereby the patronage of persons of refined taste who set the fashion in beverages and whom it is always best to gratify. As to the proper degree of sweetness and pepperiness we are not prepared to say that the American manufacturers have erred. Nevertheless, taking everything into account, we are inclined to think that the safest general rule for the aver- age American bottler is : Make an ale, if possi- ble, which shall be, aside from the label, exactly the same in every respect as Cantrell dº Coch- rane's. Observe, we say, “aside from the label,” which should be distinctively American and individual. The Belfast makers use one of a peculiar rhomboid shape, printed in four colors on white paper. Whatever design you adopt let it be as original and striking as possi- ble, so that every one who finds your ale good will know whose to ask for next time. There is still a good deal of ginger ale put up in the ordinary, flat-bottomed “ soda '' water bottles with the common fasteners. We believe CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 97 it a serious mistake for any one who desires a ood trade, whether local or general, to do this. t is true that the regular round-bottomed gin- ger ale bottles cost more ; it is true that metal- lic caps and annealed wires, which can be used only once, add about one-third of a cent to the cost of each bottle that is put up, and it is true that a magnetic tyer, which is essential to put- ting on these caps with convenience and rapid- ity, costs ten or twelve dollars. But all this is more than offset by the advantage of having our goods put up in that standard, business- ike way which nine-tenths of the ginger ale drinkers instantly recognize as practised by all the first-class manufacturers of that beverage. Remember, also, that the round bottom tends to insure a position of the bottle that keeps the cork moist, and thus, with the further aid of the cap, it is made practically certain that the contents will not be spoiled by the escape of the carbonic acid, past a dried and shrunken cork. Bear in mind, also, that while it is always mis- taken economy to use poor corks, it is particu- larly bad policy to do so with ginger ale, for, if properly made, it is too expensive a drink to risk the spoiling of a bottle or two in every dozen for the sake of saving ten cents a hun- dred on the corks that are used. The lesson of cleanliness cannot be too often repeated, and a hint of value may be drawn from the statement, made to an acquaintance of ours by a former foreman of Cantrell & Coch- rane's establishment, to the effect that it was the custom there not only to scrupulously wash the inside of every bottle, but also “to scrub the outside with a brush, especially the letters stamped in the glass,” thus removing every speck that might even seem to mar the purity of the beverage. Briefly summed up, our suggestions to the bottlers of ginger ale are : (1) that they buy their extract of some good manufacturer, un- less they can command unusual chemical talent and facilities for procuring materials; (2), that they reproduce the Belfast ale as closely as possible in quality and appearance; (3), that they adopt a striking, individual, paper label, in addition to whatever may be stamped on the glass; (4), that they use the regular ginger ale bottles with metallic caps and wire fasteners; and (5), that they follow the Belfast example in point of cleanliness. 98 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. PART V. S P A R K L I W G W I N E S. CHAPTER XXII. CHAMPAGNE–THE NATURAL PROCESS – ARTIFICIAL SPARKLING WINES — SELECTION OF THE WINES-CARBONATING WINES-BOTTLING CARBONATED WINE–CHAMPAGNE CORKS-TYING THE CORK–WIRING THE CORK-CAPSULES AND TINFOIL–LABELS-PACKING—TAXING CAR- BONATED WINES-ADVANTAGES OF THE ARTIFICIAL OVER THE NATURAL PROCESS OF MAKING SPARKLING WINES-CONCLUSION. CHAMPAGNE. THERE are no more agreeable table wines than those to which carbonic acid gas has imparted its sparkle and its pungency. Other wines may have sterling qualities as great, may possess a bouquet as fine, a mellowness as rich, a color as beautiful, but none is more pleasant to the sight, none more agreeable to the palate than the bottled sunbeams known as champagne. From the joyous pop of the cork to the merry sparkle of the beverage in the glass, everything about champagne suggests conviviality and gayety. It loosens the tongue, sharpens the wit, brightens the eye and produces a delicious sensation of comfort. For centuries France held the monopoly of the production of sparkling wines. The superiority of the grapes grown in the vineyards of Cham- pagne, was such that the name of the province, was applied to the wine, and even to this day the sparkling wines are known under the generic name of Champagne, although their production has long ceased to be limited to the province of that name, or even to France. The steadily growing demand for sparkling wines soon exceeded the production of the vine- yards of Champagne. The adjoining provinces then entered upon a manufacture which yielded a greater profit than could be realized from the production of ordinary wines; and of late years the manufacture of sparkling wines has spread to other countries than France, and especially to the United States. The commercial interests of the country are deeply interested in this question, for the United States are destined to become the greatest grape- growing country in the world. The production is already immense, and millions of dollars have been expended in the culture of the grape with a view to securing the best quality and variety. Skilled hands have been brought over from the old countries at a heavy cost to teach the art of grape culture and wine-making, and it is admitted by experts, that the wines produced in California to-day, are but little, if at all, in- ferior to the wines of the same grade imported from France or Germany. A recent report to the American Wine Growers’ Association states that in the last five years there has been an increase of twenty-five per cent in the production of American wines. The report gives the following figures as repre- senting the production of the states named for these 㺠years: North Carolina, 1,000,000 gal- lons; New York, 18,000 acres planted in wines, 20,000 tons of grapes used for wines; Ohio, 961,702 gallons, California, 70,000 acres planted in vines, 11,000,000 gallons of wine. Of the 25,000,000 bottles or upward annually produced by France, one-sixth part goes to the United States. England, Russia and the East Indies consume each about the same quantity, and the remainder is distributed among the European countries. The above figures would be much greater still, were it not that the high price of champagne has heretofore limited its sale to the wealthy classes. The chief reason for this high price has been the expensiveness of the processes employed for the manufacture of champagnes by the so-called CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 99 NATURAL PROCESS. In the old process of making champagne every bottle must be handled separately throughout the entire process which covers a period of about two years. - After the bottles have been filled for some months, the corks have to be taken out to re- move the foul matter which is deposited upon them. The bottles are recorked, and fermenta- tion goes on. Each bottle has to be shaken, turned from day to day, and raised to various angles, and the temperature has to be closely watched. As long as the fermentation proceeds slowly and regularly, the pressure in the bottles does not suddenly become excessive ; but when the breakage begins the fermentation of the spilled wine produces a rise of temperature in the cel- lars, which increases the evil. If the atmos- phere is stormy the wine passes through a sort of fever, and the pieces of the broken bottles, the vibrations of the air and the shocks imparted to the supports on which the bottles rest, cause the bursting of other bottles until the loss be- comes enormous, sometimes amounting to eighty or ninety per cent. of the stock. When the bursting of the bottles threatens to become too serious, the stock is removed to another cellar, the floor of which is inclined, with a trough running through the center of its whole length, into which the wine from the bursting bottles is received, and thus saved, though not in a very pure condition it may be imagined. It is bottled as a second-class wine. In the manufacture of champagne by the natural process, therefore, there is a vast amount of unnecessary labor in handling, and a heavy loss by the destruction of bottles, by leakage and by waste of corks. ARTIFICIAL SPARKLING WINES. The significance of the terms natural and arti- ficial sparkling wines must not be misunderstood, they are used only to designate wines produced by two different methods. In point of fact, the artificially impregnated sparkling wines are just as natural as the most genuine champagne wines. The carbonic acid which makes them pungent and sparkling, whether it proceed from alcoholic fermentation or from an artificial source, is identically the same, and it is diffi- cult even for the palate of the most experienced connoisseur to distinguish between wines manu- factured by the two processes, if the same bou- quet has been added in both cases, and if the wine has had equal chance to blend. In the so-called artificial process, the wine in- stead of being subjected to a second fermenta- tion is charged with carbonic acid gas produced in a generator such as we have already described in Part I, as being used for the carbonation of “soda" and mineral waters. SELECTION OF THE WINE for carbonation is the first point which requires our attention. Any good sound wine will an- swer for this purpose, provided it be thoroughly fined. The least cloudiness in a sparkling wine greatly impairs its value. Before being carbon- ated, therefore, white of egg should be stirred into the wine and then allowed to settle and carry the impurities to the bottom. Should the wine contain an extraordinarily large amount of impurities, it may be found necessary to use bullock’s blood, or fuller's earth for fining it. When the impurities have thoroughly settled, forming a deposit on the lower part of the cask, the wine should be drawn off either through a series of valves placed above the deposit, or by means of a siphon which is gradually lowered. into the liquid without disturbing the sediment. After the wine has been fined, it is prudent, before carbonating it, to ascertain by a simple test whether it will remain as clear in the bottle as it is when drawn from the cask. For this purpose a very transparent glass vial should be filled with the wine and allowed to stand for a few weeks. If the wine in the vial remains per- fectly clear without forming the slightest de- posit, all the liquid in the cask will do the same. If it becomes cloudy, or if a deposit is formed, the wine should be again fined in order to ob- tain that perfect limpidity which forms an essential part of the value of sparkling wine. The flavor or bouquet of wines to be used for carbonating purposes may be obtained either by mixing together different kinds of wine, which, by the blending of their individual characteris- tics, produce the required result, or by the addi- tion, to the wine selected, of fruit or other flavors in quantities and varieties to suit the taste. Each manufacturer has his own process for pro- ducing the bouquet of his wine, and he gener- ally keeps it a secret. It may be laid down as a general rule, how- ever, that it is best to try to reproduce the flavor of some well-known brand of champagne than to attempt to start one on its own merits. The amount of alcohol in the wine is a matter of great importance for two reasons. . In the first place the preservation of the wine depends upon its containing a sufficient quantity of al- cohol; and, in the second place, the capacity of a wine to retain carbonic acid varies according to the amount of alcohol present. To obtain the best results the wine should contain from 16 to 18 per cent. of alcohol. Should it naturally contain less, enough alcohol should be added to make up this amount, as with less than 15 per cent., the wine is liable not to keep. If the wine is naturally very sweet, it may not 100 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. be necessary to add any sirup to it, but as a usual thing it is best to add plain sirup (see recipe, Part IV. page 89) in quantity to suit the taste, care being taken, however, not to over- SWeeten. CARBONATING WINES. The wine, being prepared as above described, is introduced into fountains similar to those used for making ordinary “soda" water, except that in the case of wine the block tin lining must be carefully avoided, as tin is acted upon by the acids of the wine. As a substitute for the tin lining the fountains, and all the apparatus which come in contact with the wine, are heavily plated with silver. Some portable fountains con- sist of an interior glass vessel surrounded by the metal shell, and glass would indeed be the best material with which to line the fountains, if it were not so fragile. For instructions as to the management of the carbonating apparatus, we refer the reader to Fig. 84.—CORK BRAND. Part I., as the forms of apparatus used for car- bonating wines are the same as those employed for impregnating other carbonated beverages. The best pressure for carbonating wines is 60 to 65 pounds to the square inch, the temperature of the wine being 64° to 68°Fahrenheit. BOTTLING CARBONATED WINE. The bottling table used for bottling sparkling wines is the same as that illustrated in Fig. 39 page 54, with the exception that the sirup gauge is unnecessary, and that all the parts which come in contact with the wine are heavily silver- plated. The instructions given in Part II. for cork bottling are to be followed for champagne bottling. - A wire screen should be placed over the bottle before it is taken to the bottling machine, and should be kept on during the filling, corking and tying of the bottle. CHAMPAGNE CORKS should be of the best quality. They must be perfectly sound and very elastic, as they have to be greatly compressed. Spanish hand cut corks are the best for champagne bottling, as all the little eyes and knots in these are care- fully picked out with a small sharp-pointed knife thus increasing the compressibilty of the cork. It will not pay to economize on champagne corks. The slightest leak is ruin to the wine, and the beverage is too expensive a one to be spoiled or injured for the sake of effecting a slight saving on the corks. Before being used at the bottling machine the corks should be steamed until quite soft. This is usually done by means of a steamer, con- sisting of a tin vessel provided with a horizontal perforated metal plate at a certain height from the bottom. The vessel contains water which when heated passes up through the perforated plate in the form of steam, and softens the corks which are placed on the plate. In placing the corks in the cylinder of the bottling machine, care should be taken to have the grain run in the direction of the side open- ings of the cylinder in order to avoid the risk of splitting the corks. Champagne corks should be branded with the name of the bottler. This operation may be accomplished by means of the cork brand shown in Fig. 84. The lamp being lighted, the bottom Fig. 85.-CORK HOLDING TONGS. of each cork is rapidly pressed against the plate. If it is desired to brand the cork on the side in- stead of on the bottom, it must be rolled over the plate. TYING THE CORR. Before the bottle is released from the plunger of the bottling machine, the cork must be held in position by means of the tongs shown in Fig. 85. One fork of these tongs is passed over the neck of the bottle and the other presses on the cork. Thus held, the bottle is passed to the tWer. *†ie tyer consists merely of an iron arch suf- ficiently high to allow the bottle to be placed under it, and of a movable platform which can be raised by means of a pedal. The bottle is placed on the platform, and by pressing on the pedal with the foot, the operator brings the bottle up against the top of the arch, thus hold- ing in the cork, which allows him to remove the tongs. The operator is provided with a ball of well- twisted hemp twine which has been soaked in linseed oil to preserve it against moisture and the attacks of insects; it is also soaped in order to slip the better. e first makes a wide-looped knot, as shown CARBONATED BEVERAGES. 101 in Fig. 86; * then passing into the loop the end of the twine as in Fig. 87, he takes this knot in his fingers and passes the second loop formed over the neck of the bottle ; next seizing the ends d and b, he passes them over the cork as in Fig. 88, and twists them around each other four times. After tightening them as much as possible he ties the ends together. He then makes a second loop exactly similar to the first, except that the ends over the cork receive one twist less, and he crosses the second knot with the first in such a way as to form two obtuse and two acute angles. The tyer now passes the bottle to the wirer, if a special man is employed for this operation, or he lays it aside until bottling operations are over if he is the only operator besides the bottler. WIRING THE CORE. The best annealed broom wire should be used for wiring champagne corks. The pieces should Fig. 86. room appearance, which is characteristic of champagne corks. The bottle has yet to undergo a certain dress- ing before it is ready for market. CAPSULES AND TINFOIL. The first operation to which it is now subject- ed, has for its object to cover the cork and to give the bottle a presentable appearance. It consists in placing over the cork either a metal- lic capsule or tinfoil, for the purpose of keeping it clean and free from dust. If capsules are used they should have the bot- tler's name or trade-mark stamped in the top. The capsules are merely passed over the neck of the bottle. The operator has a strap, one end of which is made fast to his bench or table. He wraps it once around the neck of the bottle over the capsule, and by sliding the bottle back and forth, presses the capsule firmly against the bottle. A special machine may be had at a cost TYING CHAMPAGNE CORRS. be folded in half, and twisted beforehand six or eight times. The operator places the neck of the bottle in the angle formed by the free ends of the wire, he twists these ends together, tight- ening them well. He then twists these ends around the tying lever shown in Fig. 89, and passing the lower end of the lever through the loop of the wire, he tightens the wire over the cork in the mid- dle of the large angle formed by the two strings, in such a way as to divide the top of the cork into six approximately equal parts. He now twists the ends of the wire together carefully, cuts off what is left over, and presses back the twisted end into the cork. The pressure in the bottle and the expansion of the cork give the latter that peculiar mush- * We are indebted for these figures and for much valuable information embodied in this chapter, to a French work entitled: Des Boissons Gazeuses aua, Points de vue Alimentaire, Hygiènique et Industriel, Guide Pratique du Fabricant et du Consommateur, by Hermann Lachapelle and Ch. Glover, Paris, 1867. of about fifteen dollars for putting on the cap- sules. It does the work quicker and better than it can be done by hand. When tinfoil is used it is previously cut in sheets of the proper size. The operator places a sheet on the palm of his left hand, covers it with paste, and then taking the bottle in his right hand he places the neck on the sheet of tinfoil, and by a dexterous turn wraps the latter about the bottle and cork. Fig. 89.-TYING LEVER. LABELS. These should next be pasted on the bottles. The bottler should select some original and striking label which will be easily recognized by those who like his wine. PACEING. The bottles are now ready for packing. They should be wrapped in thin brown paper to pro- 102 CARBONATED BEVERAGES. tect the labels and should be placed in straw covers. They may then be packed by the dozen in matched end pine boxes, on which are plainly stenciled the name of the wine, together with that of the manufacturer. TAXING CARBONATED WINES. Several attempts have been made, in the past few years, by the manufacturers of so-called “natural” champagnes, to levy a special tax on carbonated wines. The only object of this tax would be to protect the “natural” champagnes, although ostensibly a second reason is advanced for taking this step, viz., the necessity of pro- tecting the public against wines which it is held are unwholesome, often containing lead, copper, and other deleterious substances. The first of these reasons is founded on fact. The artificial process of carbonating wines is less expensive than the slow and primitive method for producing fermentation, a process, which covers a period of about two years. If this is a reason for levying a special tax on so-called artificial champagnes, every labor-saving appli- ance of the present day should be taxed. The second reason is a much more serious one. Now, one of two things, either the so- called artificial champagnes are unwholesome, or they are not. If they are not, there is, of course, no reason why they should be taxed more than the “natural” champagnes. If they are, we fail to see why the Government should sanction their manufacture and sale on the pay- ment of a stamp tax. The tax should be com- pletely prohibitory, or should not exist at all. But are artificial champagnes unwholesome 2 The following letter, signed by Professor Chand- ler, whose authority in such matters is beyond question, is sufficient proof to the contrary: NEw York, April 7, 1874. To the Committee of Ways and Means, House of Representa- tives, HoN. HENRY L. DAWEs, Chairman. GENTLEMEN: Having been informed that it is pro- posed to place a tax on wines impregnated with carbonic acid artificially, on the ground that they are unwhole- some, I take the liberty of addressing you to say that this statement is not true. Carbonic acid gas produced artificially is in no way unwholesome, and the impreg- nation of wine with gas prepared with chemical agents is not objectionable. Moreover, no chemist could decide by analysis whether the gas contained in a sparkling wine had been produced naturally by fermentation, or artificially by chemical agents; the enforcement of a discriminating tax based on this distinction would therefore be practically im- possible. Very respectfully, yours, (Signed) C. F. CHANDLER, Ph.D., M.D., LL.D., President of the Health Department, New York, Professor of Chemistry in Columbia College, Professor of Chemistry in the New York College, Professor of Chemistry in the College of Physicians and Surgeons. That there are impure “artificial” cham- pagnes made is just as true as that there are impure “natural” champagnes manufactured (we use this word advisedly, for the “natural” champagnes are manufactured). Their impuri- ties may proceed either from the use of an adulterated wine in the first place, or from the use of imperfect machinery. But these causes exist in all branches of manufacture. If a tax on wine is deemed necessary for rev- enue purposes, it should be levied on all wine, and should not discriminate against that manu- factured by this or that particular process. No distinction is made in taxing the “natural” and “artificial” foreign champagnes imported, why should any be made between our native pro- ducts 2 ADVANTAGES OF THE ARTIFICIAL OWER THE NATURAL PROCESS OF MAKING SPARKLING WINES. The reader, who has followed us attentively thus far, will doubtless be prepared to admit the following propositions: 1. There is only one kind of carbonic acid, and whatever be the source from which it is de- rived, its effects are the same. Any wine, there- fore, carbonated by the so-called artificial pro- cess, will produce a champagne fully as good as the same wine impregnated by the old pro- Cess. 2. Artificial carbonation enables the manufac- turer to effect an immense saving by doing away with an enormous waste through breakage of bottles, loss of wine or corks, labor, interest on idle stock, and rent of storage room. CONCLUSION. In conclusion, we may congratulate ourselves that our domestic wines are every day growing in popular favor. - There is now some probability that this coun- try will ultimately become the great source of wine supply for the whole world. So long as Americans despised and under- valued native wines and would drink them only when branded with a forged French or German trade-mark, there was not much chance that any body else would be willing to buy what we our- selves did not regard as fit to drink. The thing was the more absurd from the fact that we were really drinking native wines in nine cases out of ten when we supposed we were having Mumm, Roederer, or Piper Heidsick. The wine merchant put foreign labels on the bottles and charged foreign prices for the contents, but it was good, honest American wine for all that. Now that we have found out that our own wines are gen- erally as good as those of Europe—and some- times better—there is some reasonable chance of their being exported. T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S. PAGE PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 P A R T I. THE MANUFACTURE OF CARBONATED BEVER- AGES. CHAPTER I.-MATERIALs FROM which THE CARBONIC AcID GAs Is Evolved—ACIDs AND CARBoxATEs— MANUFACTURE AND CHARACTERISTICs of PURE SULPHURIC ACID–How To DETECT DILUTIONS AND OTHER ADULTERATIONs—ConCERNING CARBONATEs —WHITING, BICARBONATE of SoDA AND PULVER- IzED MARBLE-GRADES AND QUALITIEs of MARBLE DUsT-THE ExtENT of ITs USE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o CHAPTER II.-CARBonATING APPARATUS IN GENERAL —THE CoNTINUous, SEMI-Continuous, AND INTER- MITTENT SystEMs—RELATIVE MERITs of CoPPER, IRoN, AND STEEL GENERATORs AND FountAINs— CARBonATE-FEEDING vs. ACID-FEEDING GENERA- Tors–PortABLE AND STATIONARY Fountains— GENERAL INSTRUCTIONs Fort ERECTING ... . . . . . . . 8 CHAPTER III.--THE INTERMITTENT CARBONATING AP- PARATUS, FIRST ForM-THE VERTICAL CARBONATE- FEEDING GENERATOR AND PortABLE FounTAINs... 13 CHAPTER IV.--THE INTERMITTENT CARBONATING AP- PARATUs, SEcond ForM-THE HorizoNTAL ACID- FEEDING GENERATOR AND PortABLE Fountains... 15 CHAPTER W.—THE INTERMITTENT CARBONATING AP- PARATUs, THIRD ForM-THE WERTICAL CARBONATE- FEEDING GENERATOR AND Two STATIONARY Foun- TAINS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 CHAPTER WI. —THE INTERMITTENT CARBONATING AP- PARATUs, FourTH ForM-THE HoRIzoNTAL ACID- FEEDING GENERATOR AND Two STATIONARY Foun- TATNS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19 CHAPTER VII.-THE INTERMITTENT CARBONATING APPARATUs, FIFTH ForM-THE VERTICAL CAR- Bonate-FEEDING GENERAToR AND THREE STATION- ARY Fountains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 CHAPTER VIII.--THE INTERMITTENT CARBONATING APPARATUs, SIXTH ForM-THE HoRIzoNTAL ACID- FEEDING GENERATOR AND THREE STATIONARY CHAPTER IX. —THE SEMI-CoNTINUous CARBonATING APPARATUs, FIRST ForM-THE WERTICAL CARBON- PAGE ATE-FEEDING GENERATOR, witH THREE STATIONARY Fountains AND PUMP To INJECT THE Fountains witH LIQUID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 CHAPTER X. —THE SEMI-CoNTINUous APPARATUS, SEcond ForM-THE HoRIzoNTAL ACID-FEEDING GENERATOR, witH THREE STATIONARY Fountains AND PUMP. To INJECT THE Fountains witH LIQUID. 31 CHAPTER XI.-ContLNUous CARBONATING APPARATUs 34 | CHAPTER XII.-SAFEGUARDs AGAINST ExPLoSION AND CoLLAPSE—THE SAFETY CAP—THE ATMOSPHERIC CAP... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 CHAPTER XIII.-NotEs on THE USE AND MANAGE- MENT of CARBonATING APPARATUs—GENERAL IN- sTRUCTIONs To OPERATORs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 CHAPTER XIV.-CHARGING PortABLE Fountains— SPECIAL WAGoNs For PortABLE Fountains—THE IMPORTANCE of CLEANLINEss—THE Fountain RIN- sER—THE MEASURING CISTERN-Fountain RocKER For AGITATING PortABLE Fountains—AN IM- PRoved CLAMP Coupling—THE MULTIPLE BRANCH WALWE—HYDRAULIc TESTs For APPARATUs....... 41 P A RT II. THE BOTTLING OF CARBONATED BEVERAGES. CHAPTER XV.-A PROFITABLE BUSINEss–PURITY, CLEANLINEss, EconoMy—CoRKS AND GRAVITATING STOPPERs – CLEANSING Bottles — THE BOTTLE RINSER—THE BEST Bottling PREssure—NEw Bottles—Bottle BoxEs—SPECIAL WAGoNs..... 46 CHAPTER XVI.-MACHINE FOR Bottling WITH GRAVI- TATING SToPPERs—THE GRAVITATING Bottle AND STOPPER—STOPPER. ExtRACTOR................. 52 CHAPTER XVII.--THE SELECTION of CoRks—Bot- TLING WITH CoRks—DIRECTIONs For OPERATING THE Bottling MACHINE–Cork FASTENING—WIR- ING GINGER ALE CAPs—THE DETACHED SIRUP GAUGE—THE REGULAR SIRUP GAUGE—THE SolID PLUNGER GAUGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 CHAPTER XVIII.-SIPHoNs—AdvantAGES AND DIs- AdvantAGEs—THE CoMºMon AND THE IMPROVED ST- PHoN HEAD–THE SIPHON FILLER—INSTRUCTIONS For FILLING SIPHoNs—CLEANING AND REPAIRING SIPHoN HEADs—SIPHoN BoxEs—GENERAL ADVICE —THE BOTTLE QUESTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 104 CONTENTS. P A RT III. THE DISPENSING OF CARBONATED BEVERAGES. PAGE CHAPTER XIX. —BLOCK TIN PIPE—THE COUPLING's —THE DISPENSING APPARATUs—THE COOLERs— THE STEADY STREAM ATTACHMENT—DRAUGHT ARMs—SIRUP TANKs—THE ExtERNAL MARBLE CASE—“THE HIMALAYA"—THE CoNTINUous SI- PHoN–CARE of DISPENSING APPARATUs–PURITY, PUNGENCY, FRIGIDITY, AND FLAvor—TUMBLERs, TUMBLER HoldeRs AND TUMBLER WASHERs—GEN- ERAL ADVICE To DISPENSERs of CARBONADEs. . . . . P A RT IV. WATERS AND SIRUPS. 65 PAGE CHAPTER XXI.--THE LABORATORY-UTENSILs RE- QUIRED–SIMPLE SIRUP–FLAvored SIRUPs—OII. of LEMON.—THE Robinson SIRUP BLENDER—CUT TING OIL of LEMON–CRACKING of WooDEN STOP, cocks—GENERAL NoTEs—RECIPEs—GINGER ALE 88 P A RT V. SPARKLING WINES. CHAPTER XXII.-CHAMPAGNE–THE NATURAL PRO- cEss—ARTIFICIAL SPARKLING WINEs—SELECTION of THE WINEs—CARBONATING WINEs–Bottling CARBONATED WINE–CHAMPAGNE CoRRs—TYING THE CoRK—WIRING THE CoRK–CAPSULES AND TIN Ford — LABELs — PACKING—TAXING CARBONATED WINEs—AdvantAGEs of THE ARTIFICIAL over THE NATURAL PRocess of MARING SPARKLING WINEs— CoNCLUSION . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CHAPTER XX. —SELECTION of WATER For CARBON- ATING—FILTERs—NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL MINER- AL WATERs—MINERAL WATER ANALYSEs–RoPI- NEss IN CARBONATED BEVERAGEs—Hot “Soda '' WATER - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - E. F. R. A. T A . PAGE COLUMN PARAGRAPH. LINE 30, 2, 3, 48, 2, 2, 85, 1, 2, 5, for “by pumping the gas,” read “by pumping the liquid.” 6, for “bi-carbonate of soda or potash,” read “carbonate of soda or potash.” 14, for “specific gravity 1,033.2.3," read specific gravity 1.03323.” PAGE . A. Accounts, Bottlers' . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Acid Chamber of Generator, How to Use (Note 7). . . . . . . . . . 39 “ Dispenser (Note 23). . . . . . . . 40 “ for Fruit Sirups. . . . . . . . . . . 89 “Inspection of (Note 8)...... 39 “Solution for Ginger Ale and Fruit Sirups............. 91 “Sulphuric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Acid-Feeding Generator (see Gen- erator, Acid-Feeding). Acidometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Advice to Dispensers, General .. 77 Agitators for Stationary Foun- Alcohol in Wine, Proportion of, 99 Atmospheric Cap, The... . . . . . . . . 38 B Beaumé's Gauge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Bergman, Torbern, Experiments of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Beverage Carbonating Compres- SOT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Beverages and Sirups, Metallic Contamination of... . . . . . . . . . 65 Bigelow-Curtis Filter, The...... 79 Billich Filter, The..... . . . . . . . . 80 Black, Dr. Joseph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Block-Tin Pipe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Bottle Boxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 “ Cleansing ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Bottlers’ Accounts. . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 “ Employés . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Bottlers, General Advice to..... 63 Bottles, Loss of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 -- New. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 -- Round - Bottomed, for Ginger Ale. . . . . . . . . 96 I N D E X . PAGE Bottling Business, Profits of the 46 - - Carbonated Wine......100 -- Establishments, The Management of...... 63 -- Machines, Capacity of... 47 -- Machines, Loss of Gas at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 -- of Carbonated Beverages 46 -- Pressure, The Best. . . . . 49 -- with Corks. . . . . . . . . . . . 55 -- with Gravitating Stop- PerS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Bouquet of Wines. . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Branding Corks................ 100 C Cantrell & Cochrane's Ginger Ale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Caps, Metallic, for Ginger Ale... 55 Capsules and Tinfoil for Cham- pagne Bottles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Carbonade, The Term. . . . . . . . . . 4 Carbonate - Feeding Generator (See Generator, Carbon- ate-Feeding). -- Filling in Gas-Washers (Note 14). . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Carbonated Beverages,The Manu- facture of... . . . . . . . -- Wine (See Wine Car- bonated). Carbonates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Carbonating Apparatus, Continu- -- Ous . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 -- Apparatus, Injury of by Frost (Note 4) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Apparatus, Instruc- tions for Erecting. 12 -- Apparatus, Intermit- tent, First Form. 13 Second Form. ... 15 Third Form. . . . . 17 Page Carbonating Apparatus, Inter- mittent, Fourth Form........... 19 -- Apparatus, Notes on the Use and Man- agement of...... 38 -- Apparatus, Relative Advantages of Continuous,Semi- Continuous, and Intermittent Sys- -- Apparatus, Semi- Continuous, First -- Wines. . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Carbonic Acid Gas, Distribution of, in Nature....... - - Acid Gas, Materials for Evolving........... Champagne (See also Wine).... 98 -- Bottles, Packing....101 - - Natural Process of Manufacturing..... 99 - - Sirup for. . . . . . . . . . . 100 -- Statistics. . . . . . . . . . . 98 Champagnes, Future of Ameri- Can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Change-Stand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Choking of Pipes on Generator, How to Prevent. Notes 9, 10, and 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39, 40 Citric Acid Solution. . . . . . . . . . . 91 Clamp Coupling, New. . . . . . . . . 44 Clarifying Discolored Water.... 79 Cleanliness at the Dispensing Counter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cloudiness in Lemon Extract.... 90 Coil Cooler, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Collapse and Explosion, Safe- guards against...... . . . . . . . . 37 Collapsing of Fountain Linings, (Note 19)....... 39 106 INDEX. PAGE Collapsing of Linings of Port- able Fountains. 43 Colorings for Sirups. . . . . . . . . ... 89 PAGE F Filter, The Bigelow-Curtis. . . . . 79 “ The Billich. . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 “ The Tank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Fining Wines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Flavor, Frigidity, Purity, and Pungency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Foam-Producing Preparations, Abuse of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Fountain Linings, Collapsing of, (Note 19). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Fountain-Rinser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Fountains, Coldness of the Liquid in (Note 16). . . . . . . . 39 -- Portable. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 -- Portable, Charging... 41 -- Portable, Cleansing. . . 42 -- Portable, Collapsing of Linings of... . . . . . . 43 -- Portable, Measuring Cistern for Filling. . 43 -- Portable, Rocker for Agitating........ . . . 43 -- Portable, Special Wag- ons for... . . . . . . . . 41 -- Relative Merits of Cop- per, Iron and Steel.. 10 -- Stationary. . . . . . . . . . . 11 -- Stationary, Cleansing of (Note 19)......... 39 Testing before Car- bonating Expensive Beverages (Note 17) 39 Fountains, Absorption of Gas by the Liquid in (Note 18)........ 39 Fruit Essences, Artificial....... 89 Gasometer...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Gas-Space in Siphons, Rule II... 62 Gas-Washers, Extra (Note:22). . 40 - - How to Use (Notes - 14 and 15). . . . . 39 Generator, Horizontal Acid- Feeding, and Three Stationary Fountains, Direc- tions for Using... 25 -- Horizontal Acid- Feeding,and Two Stationary Foun- tains, Directions for Using. . . . . . 19 -- Horizontal Acid- Feeding, with Portable Foun- tains, Directions for Using. . . . . . 15 Contamination of Sirups and Beverages, Metallic. . . . . . . . . . 65 Continuous Siphon, The . . . . . . . . 75 Coolers of Dispensing Appa- Cork Bottling Machine. . . . . . . . 55 “ Holding Tongs..... . . . . . . 100 Corks, Branding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 “ Champagne . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 “ Champagne, Steamer for Softening. . . . . . . . . . . ... 100 “ Champagne, Tying. . . . . . 100 “ Champagne, Wiring.... 101 “ Fastening, to the Bottle. 55 “ Selection of... . . . . . . . . . . 53 “ vs. Stoppers. . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Couplings of Dispensing Appa- ratus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Cream Sirup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 D Discoloration of Raspberry Car- bonade... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Dispensers, General Advice to... 77 Dispensing Apparatus, Care of... 75 -- Apparatus, Good Taste in. . . . . . . . . . 72 -- Apparatus, The ..... 65 -- Apparatus, the Cool- erS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 -- Apparatus, the Coup- lings . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 -- Apparatus, the Ex- ternal Marble Case 72 - Apparatus, the Ice- Receiver.......... 66 -- Counter, Cleanliness at the . . . . . . . . . . . . -- Counter, Prompt At- tendance at the... 77 Double Stream Draught-Arm, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Draught-Arms. . . . . . . . . . . ...... 68 E Essences, Artificial Fruit....... 89 Explosion and Collapse, Safe- guards against.............. 37 Extract and Essence, Definition of the Terms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 PAGE Horizontal Acid- Feeding, with Three Stationary Fountains and Pump, Directions for Using. . . . . . . 31 Generator, How to Prevent Choking of Pipes (Notes 9, 10 and 20). . . . . . . 39 and 40 Preservation of, against Corrosion and Leak a ge (Notes 5 and 6).. 39 -- Vertical. . . . . . . . . . 8 Vertical Carbonate- Feed in g, and Three Stationary Fountains, Direc- tions for Using... 22 -- Vertical Carbonate- Feeding, and Two Stationary Foun- tains, Directions for Using. . . . . . . 17 -- Vertical Carbonate- Fee d in g, with Portable Foun- tains, Directions for Using....... 13 -- Vertical Carbonate- Feeding, with Three Stationary Fountains and Pump, Directions for Using. . . . . . . 28 Generators, Acid-Feeding vs. Carbonate - Feed- ing.. . . . . . . . . . . . 8 -- Advantages of Us- ing Several (Note 21).............. . . . 40 -- Relative Merits of Copper, Iron and Steel............ 8 Ginger Ale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 “ Ale, Cantrell & Coch- rane's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 “ Ale Caps. . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 “ Ale, Round-Bottomed Bottles for............. 96 Glass Stoppers, Adhesion of.... 91 Good Taste in Dispensing Ap- paratus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Graduate Glass (3)........... . . . 88 Gravitating Stoppers (See Stop- pers, Gravitating). Gum Arabic Solution of........ 91 H “Himalaya,” The.............. 73 Historical Introduction......... 3 INDEX. 107 PAGE Hoffman, Experiments of... . . . . 4 Horizontal Generator (See Generator, Horizontal). Hot “Soda” Water..... . . . . . . . 87 Hydraulic Tests for Apparatus. . 45 I Ice-Receiver of Dispensing Ap- paratus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 L Labels for Champagne Bottles..101 Laboratory, The...... . . . . . . . . . 88 -- Utensils and Instru- ments required in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lavoisier. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Lemon, Cutting Oil of..... . . . . 90 -- Extract, Cloudiness in. 90 “ Oil of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 M Magnetic Tyer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Management of Bottling Estab- lishments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Marble, Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 -- Ground. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ‘ Ground, Inspection of (Note 8). . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Measuring Cistern for Filling Portable Fountains. . . . . . . . . . 43 Metal Work, Cleaning. . . . . . . . . 75 Metallic Contamination of Sirups and Beverages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Mineral Water Analyses: Apollinaris. . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Carlsbad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Champion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Congress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Deep Rock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Empire. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . 84 Friedrichshall......... . 84 Geyser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Hathorn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Hunyadi Janos. . . . . . . . . . 85 Kissingen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Lake Auburn. . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Pyrmont. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Red Spring. . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Saratoga Star . . . . . . . . . . 86 Saratoga Vichy. . . . . . . . . . 86 Selters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Vichy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Washington. . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Waukesha. . . . . . . . - - - - - - 87 Mineral Water Salts. . . . . . . . . . . 81 “ Water Solutions. . . . . . . 81 “ Waters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 PAGE Mineral Waters, Artificial. . . . . . 81 “ Waters, History of...... 3 Minim Glass (4). . . . . . . ... . . . . . . 88 Multiple Branch Valve, The.... 44 N Natural Process of Manufactur- ing Champagne. ........... . . 99 O Oil of Lemon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 “ of Lemon, Cutting. . . . . . . . . 90 Organic Impurities in Water.... 78 P Packing Champagne Bottles. ...101 - Stuffing-Boxes, Direc- tion for (Note 13)... 39 Percolator (2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Pipe, Block-Tin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Portable Fountains (See Foun- tains, Portable). Portable Glass Sirup Tank, The. 70 Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Pressure, Avoid Violent Fluctua- tions of (Note 10)... 39 -- Bottling, Best. . . . . . . . 49 -- for Charging Siphons, Best (Note 5). . . . . . . . 62 Priestley, Dr. Joseph, Experi- ments of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Prompt Attendance at the Dis- pensing Counter Pump, Charging, for Stationary Fountains (Note 2)... . . . . . . . . 38 Pump, Displacement, for Gener- ator (Note 3). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Purity, Pungency, Frigidity and Flavor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - R Raspberry Carbonade, Discolora- tion of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Rear Automatic Sub-Lift Sirup- Tank, The... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Robinson Sirup-Blender, The... 90 Rocker for Agitating Portable Fountains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Ropiness in Carbonated Bever- S Saccharometer (5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 -- Glass (6). . . . . . . . 88 Safety-Cap, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 PAGE Selection of Wine for Manufac- turing Champagne. . . . . . . . . . . 99 Siphon Boxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 “ Filling Machines, Direc- tions for Using........ 62 “ Head, The Common..... 59 “ Head, The Improved..... 60 “ Heads, Cleaning.. . . . . . . . 62 “ The Continuous. . . . . . . . . 75 “ Tongs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Siphons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 “ Best Pressure for Charg- ing (Rule 5). . . . . . . . . . 62 “ Covering, with Safety- Screen (Rule I)... . . . 62 “ Gas-Space in (Rule II).. 62 “ Not Adapted for Siruped Beverages (Rule IV). 62 “ Repairing....... . . . . . . . 63 Sirup Acid Solution. . . . . . . . . . . . 91 “ Blender, the Robinson. . . . . 90 “ Boiler (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 “ Colorings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 “ Cream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 “ for Champagne. . . . . . . . . . 100 “ Gauge, Detached . . . . . . . . 56 “ Gauge, Regular. . . . . . . . . . 56 “ Gauge, Solid Plunger.... 56 Sirup Recipes: Ambrosia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Banana . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - 91 Birch Beer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Black Currant... . . . . . . . . . 91 Blackberry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Capillaire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Catawba. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Cayenne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Champagne Cider... . . . . . 92 Chocolate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Chocolate Cream... . . . . . . 92 Claret or Hock. . . . . . . . . . . 92 Cocoanut Cream. . . . . . . . . 92 Coffee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Coffee Cream . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Cream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Cream “Soda”. . . . . . . . . . . 92 Framboise-Currant. . . . . . . 92 French Rose-Water. . . . . . 92 Ginger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Ginger Ale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Grape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Hock or Claret. . . . . . . . . . 93 Imperial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Lemon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Maple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Maple Cream. . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Orange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Orange-Flower. . . . . . . . . . . 93 Orange-Flower Water ... 93 Orgeat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Otaki Root-Beer. . . . . . . . . 94 108 INDEX. Sirup, Simple.................. -- -- PAGE Ottawa Root-Beer. . . . . . . . 94 Pear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Persian Mead. . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Pineapple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Pineapple Cream. . . . . . . . . 94 Raspberry.......... . . . . . 94 Red Currant. . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Rose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Sarsaparilla ............. 94 Sherbet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Sherry Cobbler . . . . . . . . . . 95 Spruce Beer. . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Strawberry. . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Strawberry Cream........ 95 Tonic Beer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Vanilla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Vanilla Cream. . . . . . . . . . . 95 Wild Cherry . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Tank, Inserting Valve Rod 1n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tank, The Portable Glass. 70 Tank, The Rear Automatic Sub-Lift. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Tank, The Sub-Lift. ...... 71 Tank, The Top-Lift. . . . . . 71 Tanks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Tanks, Cleaning. . . . . . . . . . 75 Sirups and Beverages, Metallic, Contamination of... . . . 65 “ Flavored . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 “ Fruit Acid for...... . . . . . 89 “ General Notes. . . . . . . . . . 90 Soda, Bicarbonate of... . . . . . . . . . 6 “ Water, Hot..... . . . . . . . . 87 Sparkling Wines (see Wines, Sparkling). Sputtering at the Draught-Arm. 67 Stationary Fountains. . . . . . . . . . . 11 -- Fountains, Cleansing of (Note 19). . . . . . . 39 PAGE Statistics of Champagne. . . . . . . . 98 Steady Stream Attachment, The 67 Steamer for Softening Champagne Corks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Stopcocks, Cracking of Wooden. 91 Stopper Extractor... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Stoppers, Adhesion of Glass. . . . . 91 -- Gravitating, Bottling with. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -- Gravitating, Inserting in Bottles . . . . . . . . . 53 -- vs. Corks. . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Stuffing-Boxes, Directions for Packing (Note 13). . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Sulphuric Acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 T Tank Filter, The.... . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Tanks, Sirup (see Sirup-Tanks). Tartaric Acid Solution. . . . . . . . . . 91 Taxing Carbonated Wines. . . . . . 102 Tests, Hydraulic, for Apparatus. 45 Tinfoil and Capsules for Cham- pagne Pottles.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Top-Lift Sirup Tank, The Tumbler Cooling Chamber, The. 75 Tumblers, Tumbler Holders and Tumbler Washers. . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Tyer, Magnetic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Tying Lever for Champagne Bottling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 U Utensils and Instruments Re- quired in Laboratory . . . . . . . . . 88 V Valve, The Multiple Branch..... 44 PAGE Van Helmont, Jean-Baptiste, Dis- coveries of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Venel, Experiments of.......... 4 Vertical Generator (see Generator, Vertical). W Wagons for Portable Fountains. 41 -- Special, for Bottlers... 52 Water, Clarifying Discolored. ... 79 “ for Carbonating, Selec- tion of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ Furnishing Sample of, for Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 “ Organic Impurities in.... 78 Whiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Wine, Carbonated (see also Cham- pagne). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 “ for Manufacturing Cham- pagne, Selection of..... 99 “ Proportion of Alcohol in... 99 “ Testing Clearness of...... 99 Wines, Bouquet of... . . . . . . . . . . 99 “ Carbonated, Prof. Chand- ler's Opinion of... . . . . . 102 “ Carbonated, Taxing..... 102 “ Carbonating. . . . . . . . . . . . 100 “ Fining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 “ Sparkling (See also Champagne). . . . . . . . . . 98 “ Sparkling, Advantages of the Artificial over the Natural Process of Making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 “ Sparkling, Artificial.... 99 Wiring Ginger Ale Caps........ 55 “Wonder” Cooler, The......... 67 Wooden Stopcocks, Cracking of. 91 A D V E R T I S E M E N T S. THE MATTEIEWS “SNOW-FLAEIE * MARBLE DUST. The best Carbonate in the market. More gas can be produced from “Snow-flake” than from any other mar- ble known. Pronounced by Prof. Josiah P. Cooke, Jr., M.D., Ph.D., of Harvard College, to be “a powdered carbonate that works wonderfully well.” Prof. Chandler, Ph.D., M.D., LL.D., of Columbia College, and President of the Board of Health, New York, also says: “This is an extremely pure and hand- some dolomitic limestone, containing 99.66 per cent of the carbonates of lime and magnesia, with a mere trace of other minerals. It is as pure as any stone of the kind I have ever seen.” Our “Snow-flake” Marble Dust is put up in strong, well-papered barrels. THE FIRM of JOHN MATTHEWS, First Ave., 26th and 27th Sts., New York. THE MATTHEWS SIRUP ACID SOLUTION. The Matthews Sirup Acid Solution, for acidulating sirups, comes in packages, ready for use. It is superior to the best citric acid solution, and has the advantage of keeping perfectly well for years, and of preserving the sirup in any climate much longer than any other acid solution. THE MATTHEWS SOLUBLE EXTRACTS OF LEMON AND GINGER. The ordinary Extracts of Lemon and Ginger make a milky or cloudy sirup and beverage; or, if the sirup is allowed to stand for a time, the extract separates from it and rises to the surface. With the Matthews Soluble Extracts of Lemon and Ginger a clear, bright, highly flavored sirup, which will not separate, is obtained by adding the extract to the simple sirup, and filtering is unnecessary. Every bottler should send for at least a sample bottle. - THE FIRM of JOHN MATTHEWS, First Ave., 26th and 27th Sts., New York. THE WAUKESHA MINERAL ROCK SPRING WATER. WAURESHA, WIs. Recommended for Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes, Dyspep- sia, Bright's Disease, etc., etc. The Mineral Rock Spring is the only primary spring in the town of Waukesha. It is purer, and has greater curative properties than any other water from that place. Circulars, Show Cards, etc., furnished dealers, and Water supplied at favorable rates. Local agents wanted in every town. THE FIRM of JOHN MATTHEWS, General Agents for Southern, Eastern, and Middle States, First Avenue, 26th and 27th Sts., New York. PURE WATER. THE LAKE AUBURN MINERAL SPRING WATER. FOR FAMILY TABLE USE. This water is remarkable for its absolute freedom from organic matter. time. It is highly diuretic, and most desirable as a table beverage, particularly in places where the water is of an impure nature. The distinguished chemist S. Dana Hayes, of Mass- achusetts, says of this water: “IT IS NATURALLY AERATED, OR CHARGED WITH CARBONIC ACID, OXYGEN, AND HYDROGEN GASES. IT IS ALKALINE, ODORLESS, TASTELESS, COLORLESS, SPARK- LING, AND FREE FROM ANY APPRECIABLE ORGANIC MATTER. THIS IS AN UNCOMMONLY PURE SPRING THE FIRM of JOHN MATTHEWS, First Ave., 26th and 27th Sts., New York. THE MATTHEWS SULPHURIC ACID. (OIL of VITRIol.) Full standard strength, extra quality. The best acid for producing carbonic acid gas for “soda" water. It is put up in carboys, containing, on an average, 165 pounds each. THE FIRM OF JOHN MATTHEWS, First Ave., 26th and 27th Sts., New York. THE MATTHEWS GUM FOAM. It is this well-known preparation that has effected such an improvement in, and imparted such an attract- ive appearance to the carbonades of the day. bottlers and druggists who dispense “soda" water. One pound of Gum Foam is sufficient for 500 half-pint bottles of “soda" water. THE FIRM of JOHN MATTHEWS, First Ave., 26th and 27th Sts., New York. THE MATTHEWS EXTRACTS AND ESSENCES. We manufacture and import a full line of Extracts, Essences, and Essential Oils, for flavoring sirups. These are all of the best quality, our Extracts, which are made from the natural products, being perfectly pure and fresh, and our Essences, which are close imitations of the natural products, being absolutely free from un- wholesome ingredients. THE FIRM of JOHN MATTHEWS, First Ave., 26th and 27th Sts., New York. | WATER.” It is added to the sirup, and should be used by all Dealers and families supplied with this water, in bulk or bottle, sparkling or still. Further particulars on application to THE FIRM of JOHN MATTHEWS, Agents for Lake Auburn Mineral Spring Co., First Ave., 26th and 27th Sts., New York. THE MONTSERRAT LIME FRUIT JUICE. The Montserrat lime-fruit juice is imported direct from the Olveston plantations, in the Island of Montser- rat, West Indies. As it is expressed only from prime selected fruit, a remarkable uniformity of quality is at- tained. We are prepared to fill orders at the lowest prices. THE FIRM of JOHN MATTHEWS, First Ave, 26th and 27th Sts., New York. It keeps perfectly for any length of . A D V E R T I S E M E N T S. The Matthews Dispensing Apparatus. All the apparatus made by us—ranging in price from $78 to $4500—are furnished with the improved portable glass sirup tank, which is provided with a measuring chamber, and opens at the bottom either, first, by means of a valve, the handle of which projects through the top of the case, or, second, in the form known as the “sub-lift,” by simply raising a button near the bottom of the tank, or else, third, by means of the rear automatic sub-lift, by simply pressing the tumbler inward without lifting it from the counter. This construction (whether “sub- lift " or “top-lift”) involves also a tumbler-cooling re- cess beneath the sirup tanks, occupying a space which is practically wasted in all common apparatus. The recess in question is provided with wire tumbler guides, and is generally closed by a balanced door of ornamental de- sign, heavily silver-plated—a feature easily recognized and found only in first-class apparatus. There are also four peculiar features of all the Matthews dispensing apparatus to which we invite special atten- tion. These are: first, the couplings, which are lined by a continuation of the solid tin connecting tube, thus preventing the contamination certain to occur with com- mon brass couplings; second, the coolers, which are either coils of interspaced block-tin tube, or the Wonder Cooler, whereby the greatest purity and coolness of the beverage and the most economical use of ice are secured ; third, the steady-stream attachment, a simple but in- genious device for insuring an even flow of the beverage, and preventing the wasteful escape of the gas; fourth, the improved double-stream draught arm, lined through- out with block-tin of substantial thickness for drawing a small and a large stream of “soda" water. Besides these, the more expensive apparatus have patent illu- minating gas tubes, which pass through the case, and are provided with ornamented burners and shades above and connecting screws below, to which common gas pipes may be readily attached. There are, then, in our dispensing apparatus no less than eleven distinct improvements, exclusively controlled by us—namely, the portable glass sirup tank, the sirup measuring chamber, the “top-lift” valve the “sub- lift” valve, the tumbler-cooling recess, the tumbler- guide, the pipe-lined coupling, the interspaced coil cooler, the Wonder Cooler, the steady-stream attachment, and illuminating tube. And we venture to say that the most experienced and competent judges will unhesitatingly testify that, by virtue of these improvements, the Mat- thews apparatus secures, to an unequalled extent, the purity, pungency, and coolness of the beverages; the freshness and purity of the sirups; the utmost economy of sirups and ice ; and the greatest convenience of the operator and satisfaction of the customer. The use of block-tin and glass in the Matthews dis- pensing apparatus makes any metallic contamination of the beverages impossible, no matter how long they may stand in it, and no matter how long the apparatus may have been in use. It is difficult to over-estimate the E. MATTHEWS. | John MATTHEWS. GEORGE MATTHEWS. importance of this to the dealer who is seeking to acquire and maintain a large, steady, and remunerative trade. Another valuable feature of this apparatus is its marked freedom from complicated parts, the simplicity of its construction making it very easy to manage, and equally easy to repair in the rare cases where it gets out of order. As to design, it is sufficient to say that neither time, pains, nor money has been spared to secure an endless variety of shapes and styles, which shall combine novelty and beauty, graceful form, brilliant coloring, and elegant ornamentation—all in strict accordance with the stand- ard principles of good taste. Of our success in this re- spect the reader is cordially invited to judge from an inspection of our apparatus in actual use or on exhibi- tion at our warerooms, or from the illustrations in our catalogue. The colored marbles are much more beautiful than the white, retain their freshness longer, are unaffected in tint by sirups or beverages, may be oiled to preserve their polish, and can be repolished after many years' use and thus restored to their full, original beauty. As a rule, the white marbles are used only in comparatively cheap work, at least three fourths of the Matthews dis- pensing apparatus being of colored marbles, either singly or in artistic combinations. The hinges and metal dec- orative work of these apparatus are always of bronze, heavily plated with silver, and the more expensive ones are also ornamented with jewels, such as amethyst, agate, topaz, chalcedony, carnelian, and lapis-lazuli, cut expressly for us in Europe. The tracery in the marble is all incised and gilded. As a sample of our Dispensing Apparatus we illustrate “The Arno’’ on the opposite page. This is a sub-lift, double-faced apparatus, designed for six beverages and twelve sirups, having a gable-roofed superstructure, and made generally of Bardiglio and Lisbon marbles. The covers form the sloping sides of the roof, the ridge of which is of green marble surmounted by a cresting holding a decorated glass sign, while at each end rises an ornamental standard with a jewelled finial. A com- posite moulding of red and black marble runs across each end at the base of the superstructure, with a fin- ished angle at each corner. Rising above the lower angles of the gables are four ornamental bronze brack- ets, with jewelled centres. The sides and ends of the body of the apparatus are decorated with artistic tracery, as are also the gables, which have the name appropri. ately engraved in wreaths surmounting the carvings. The front is made of Lisbon marble, the doors have four jewelled handles, and are decorated after the conven- tional floral pattern. Above each door are three draught arms, the middle one on each side being a double-stream arm. “ The Arno” occupies a counter space of 26 x 264 inches; its total height is 60 inches; the price of it in colored marbles is $825. Illustrated and priced cata- logues will be sent to any address on application. THE FIRM of JOHN MATTHEWS, First Avenue, Twenty-Sixth and Twenty-Seventh Streets, New York. A D V E R T I S E M E N T S. |NTOUS º §§§ |Pººftº: QNOX100 LALLCA:iſº ..., || C. § 3: \ \º Z- - Nº. - § º N º 2:- ſº * THE FIRM OF JOHN MATHEWS ESTABLISHED] [1832, MAN UF ACTURERS OF Apparatus, Materials, and Accessories for Making, Bottling, and Dispensing CARBONATED BEWERAGES INCLUDING “SODA” WATER, MINERAL WATERS, AND SPARKLING LIQUORS. (fillisingNatiºlºisigºals COMPLETE OUTFITS AND SUPPLIES. MINURM. WMERSHIH NMRM WND ARTIFICIAL PURE FRUIT SIRUPS, EXTRACTS, ESSENCES, AND ESSENTIAL OILS FOR FLAVORING SIRUPS, With the MATTHEWS SOLUBLE EXTRACTS OF LEMON and GINGER a clear, bright, highly flavored sirup, which will not separate, is obtained by adding the extract to the simple sirup, and filtering is unnecessary. Every bottler should send for at least a sample bottle. CONSIDERING THE SUPERIORITY OF OUR GOODS, OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST. Illustrated and Priced Catalogue sent to any address on application. JOHN MATTEIEWS, GEORGE MATTHEWS. E. MATTHEWS, | THE FIRM OF JOHN MATTHEVVS, First Avenue, ººth and 37th Streets, New York. HRBDNHTED.L.)||RINKS AM ILLUSTRATED QUARTERLY GAZETTE. Devoted to the INTEREsts of those ENGAGED IN MAking, Bottling, or Dispensing SPARKLING BEveRAGEs, INCLUDING MINERAL WATERs, both ARTIFICIAL AND NATURAL. 50 CENTs A YEAR. Thomas CHESTER, Editor, ! NEW YORK. }: CENts a NUMBER. 449 First Avenue. -> º &2 \ APPARATUS, MATERIALS O R AND ACC ESSORIES WAKINCŞof TLINöAND D|SPENSINC (||{{}}|C6]) [{\{{{{{S | NCLUDING SOL) #0866. R. QIXII?6.R$1L (I) $1(56. IRS & SPSillſillſ'G LIQCIORS OFFICE (5 orks (3. (ÖARE-Rooms FIRST AVE 26 and 275ts New York CopyRIGHT, 1882, by John MATTHEws. ENGRAvings by A. MAurice. P. H. Reilley, Wood-CUT AND Color PRINTER, 25 Rose Street, N. Y. 2 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus, A Word to the Public. IN presenting the large Matthews Catalogue to the business world, we celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of our establishment. We can now look back upon five complete decades of activity, and note the gradual but constant advance in the processes and apparatus employed in the industries we represent. Scarcely a year has passed which has not been marked by important improvements, many of which have originated with us, and most of which are controlled exclusively by us. We have always endeavored to be in the van of progress, and we have spared neither care nor expense to perfect in all its details the apparatus employed for making, bot- tling, and dispensing carbonated beverages. We have never sought to gain a delusive and unstable popularity by the production of low-priced but inferior goods. Our endeavor has always been to manufacture the best of everything at as low a price as compatible with superior quality. Every well-tested improvement, every safeguard, has been added to our apparatus. We have constantly borne in mind the convenience and safety both of our customers and of the public at large, and our aim has been to construct our apparatus in such a way as to secure the greatest possible economy of materials and labor in its operation. That our efforts have been crowned with success is shown by the steady growth of our business. Our fiftieth year was one of the busiest in our career, and we have en- tered upon our second half century with the most cheering prospects for the future. We are, and always will be, on the alert to make or adopt any and every improve- ment which may become desirable. Among the important novelties, presented for the first time in this catalogue, are several new styles of dispensing apparatus. We would cail special attention to the new marble dispensing apparatus, “ The Puritan '' and “ The Fire-A’ater,” which, by means of the rear automatic sub-lift, enable the sirups and waters to be dispensed without removing the tumbler from the counter. In “The Himalaya '' the same mechanism is employed in an apparatus with a silver-plated exterior in the form of a vase, occupy- ing less space on the counter than any other apparatus heretofore made having the same capacity. In “The Drinkjoy,” a silver-plated apparatus for simple carbonades and no sirups, the greatest economy of counter space is attained. Among other well-tested improvements we briefly mention : 1. Our tubular clamp coupling for portable fountains ; avoids the use of the wrench in connecting the fountain, has no detached parts nor devices which can be injured in transportation, remains attached to the conducting pipe, and the conducting pipe being continuous through the clamp forms a permanent and innocuous lining to it. 2. Our gas submerging agitator for stationary fountains; is so constructed that, instead of simply passing through the beverage, the latter is carried up into the gas space, and the gas is submerged at every revolution, thus accomplishing the carbonation of the liquid in far less time than the ordinary agitator. 3. Our solid plunger sirup gauge for apportioning the sirups in bottling ; accom- plishes its object with greater certainty than was heretofore possible with the older devices. 4. Our improved beverage-carbonating compressor for use in the continuous system of bottling ; is more durable and simpler than the old style, and ensures purity of the beverage. Our catalogue appears in a new form. It is larger and more complete than it has ever been before. The subject matter has undergone careful revision, and most of the illustrations are entirely new. We forward it to our numerous customers with our best wishes, in the hope that it may prove serviceable. The Firm of JOHN MATTHEWS. E. MATTHEws, l John MATTHEws, GEORGE MATriews.) First Avenue, 26th and 27th Streets, New York. 3 A Business that Pays. The profits which dealers in carbonated beverages may reasonably hope to make can be readily inferred from the following accurate estimate of the cost of manufacturing each beverage: Dispensing Department. One glass of plain “soda water costs one-tenth of a cent. One glass of “soda "water with sirup costs one and a half cents. One glass of mineral water costs one cent. One glass of root beer costs one cent. One glass of ginger ale costs one and a quarter cents. One glass of fine draught champagne costs four cents. Bottling Department. Plain “soda" water, best quality (put up in bottles closed by corks and fasteners), costs eight cents per dozen bottles. In bottles closed by patent stoppers the cost is three cents per dozen bottles. “Soda” water, with sirups, best quality (put up in bottles closed by corks and fasten- ers), costs fifteen cents per dozen bottles. In bottles closed by patent stoppers the cost is ten cents per dozen bottles. Ginger ale, best quality (put up in bottles closed by corks and wires), costs seven- teen cents per dozen bottles. In bottles closed by patent stoppers the cost is twelve cents per dozen bottles. Mineral water, in siphons, costs three cents per siphon. Sparkling champagne, best quality, costs three dollars per case of one dozen quart bottles. The Cost of Outfits. In view of the extraordinary margin for profit set forth above, it is not strange that there should be a steady increase in the number of druggists, confectioners, and general dealers engaged in dispensing or bottling carbonated beverages. Nevertheless, there is still room for hundreds of others; and, with a view to aid those who are unfamiliar with the business and yet inclined to go into it, we present the subjoined estimates of the cost of outfits for establishments of varying magnitude. In buying of us, where purchasers can give satisfactory security, one-third may be paid in cash, and the remainder in monthly instalments with interest added. Outfits for Making and Dispensing. A.ST/MA TE D.—For Private Aamilies, Boarding-Houses, Aublic /nstitutions, Ships, Army Ose, etc. Vertical Iron Generator, Size 10 (page 9). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100 00 Four-gallon Steel Fountain, Style S T P (page 20) with Silver-plated Dispens- ing Tube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 00 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $140 00 A.ST/MA 7'E F.—For a Store in a Town of about 500 Inhabitants. Vertical Iron Generator, Size 20 (page 9). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $120 00 Six-gallon Fountain and Frame, Style I T W (page 20). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 ()0 Dispensing Apparatus, “ The AWautilus,” 4 Sirups and 1 Beverage (page 46). . . . . 78 ()0 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $237 00 A.ST/MA 7/2 H.-For a Store in a town of 1,000 to 2,000 /n/abitants. Vertical Iron Generator, Size 30, with two 6-gallon Fountains on Frames, Style I T W (pages 9 and 20). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $213 00 Dispensing Apparatus, “The Colorado,” 6 Sirups and 1 Beverage (page 47)...... 148 00 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $361 00 FST/MA 7/7 /.-A'or a Store in a Town of 5,000 to Io,ooo /nhabitants. Vertical Iron Generator, Size 50, with four 10-gallon Fountains on Frames, Style I T W (pages 9 and 20). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $388 00 Dispensing Apparatus, “The Ohio,” 8 Sirups and 3 Beverages (page 50)........ 325 00 T= – 4 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus, A.ST/MA 7'E Z.—A or a Sfore in a large Zown or City. Vertical Iron Generator, Size 100, with eight 10-gallon Fountains and 4 Frames, Style I T W (pages 9 and 20). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $658 00 Dispensing Apparatus, “ The Miagara,” 16 Sirups and 6 Beverages (page 60)... 700 00 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,358 00 A.ST/MA 7'E AW-For a First-class Store in a large City. One Matthews Apparatus, Style IX H, Size 201, consisting of Generator with three Fountains, (page 15). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - $1,137 00 Four 10-gallon Glass Fountains, on Frames, Style I G C (page 20). . . . . . . . . . 328 00 Four 5-gallon Glass Fountains, on Frames, Style I G C (page 20). . . . . . . . . . . 248 00 Dispensing Apparatus, “The Baltic,” 24 Sirups and 12 Beverages (page 134). 3,800 00 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,513 00 An assortment of materials for the manufacture of carbonated beverages and sirups should accompany each apparatus. (See price list on page 164.) “Soda” water and mineral water tumblers can also be furnished if desired. Wrenches, funnels, illustrated instructions for the use of apparatus, and recipes for making sirups, are furnished gratis with every apparatus sold by us. Outfits for Making and Bottling. FST/MA 7'E P.-For “Soda " Water and Sparkling Ziyuors, in bottles with Corks. 1 Matthews Apparatus, Style IX H, Size 81, consisting of Generator, with three Fountains, one charge of acid and marble making 200 dozen bottles of “soda" water (page 14) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $650 00 1 Matthews Bottling Machine, new pattern, Style SG C (page 31).......... 125 00 2 Sirup Cans, with Register and Tubing, complete. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ()() 50 Gross Bottles, best quality..................................... . . . . . . . . 312 50 50 Gross Patent Wire Cork Fasteners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 50 100 Gross Corks, best quality................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 50 50 Bottle Boxes (page 34). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 00 2 Pounds each Essence of Lemon and Extracts of Sarsaparilla and Ginger Ale 8 00 5 Gallons Sarsaparilla Coloring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ()() 5 Pounds Crystallized Fruit Acid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ()0 2 Pounds Fine Gum Arabic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 10 Pounds Gum Foam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 1 Graduated Glass and 1 Saccharometer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 65 2 Barrels Ground Marble. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ()0 2 Carboys Sulphuric Acid (including Carboys). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 Total, including packing and shipping. . $1,259 15 If a machine for washing bottles is required, add $10 to this estimate. A stopcock, eight feet of elastic pipe, and connections for charging portable fountains can be fur- nished at an additional cost of $12. If for distant parts, a larger quantity of material is recommended. One barrel of ground marble and one carboy of sulphuric acid will pro- duce about 800 dozen bottles of “soda '' water. A book of instructions and recipes, giving all requisite information, accompanies each apparatus. AST/MA 7'E R.—For “Soda’ Water and Sparkling Ziguors, in Bottles with Patent Stoppers. 1 Matthews Apparatus. Style IX H, Size 151, consisting of Generator with three Fountains, one charge of acid and marble making 400 dozen bottles of “soda" water (page 14)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $910 00 Deposit on one Matthews Machine for Filling Bottles, Closed with Gravi- tating Stoppers, including one year's rental * (page 28). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 00 1 Solid Plunger Sirup Gauge................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 00 2 Sirup Cans, with Register and Tubing, complete. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 00 30 Gross Bottles, best quality, extra heavy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 50 30 Gross Matthews Patent Gravitating Stoppers (page 29). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 00 * This bottling machine is rented for $25 per year, under our special printed agreements, the value of the machine being $250. First Avenue, 26th and 27th Streets, New York. 5 \ 50 Bottle Boxes (page 34). . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $30 00 2 Pounds each Essence of Lemon and Extracts of Sarsaparilla and Ginger 00 Ale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5 Gallons Sarsaparilla Coloring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 00 5 Pounds Crystallized Fruit Acid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 2 Pounds Fine Gum Arabic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 10 Pounds Gum Foam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - 5 00 1 Graduated Glass and 1 Saccharometer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 65 2 Barrels of Ground Marble. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 2 Carboys Sulphuric Acid, including Carboys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 0 Total, including packing and shipping. $1,444 15 The thirty gross of Matthews patent bottles and stoppers in this estimate are more than equivalent in efficiency and durability to the fifty gross of bottles in Estimate P. No expense for corks or cork-fasteners would be incurred, while to cork the bottles in Estimate P for the whole season would require corks costing a large amount in addition to the sum total of that estimate. By using the Matthews patent stopper, the bottler may count on an extra profit of several hundred dollars, if a brisk business is done. For a large bottling establishment, a Style IX H apparatus, Size 301, Price $1,495 (page 14), consisting of three fountains and a generator, making 800 dozen bottles of “Soda "Water with one charge, and larger quantities of material will be required. EST/MA 7'E 7–For Sparkling Wine, Cider and Malt Liquors. 1 Matthews Horizontal Copper Generator, Style C S H, Size 151, with three Fountains, holding together 90 gallons total capacity, and 54 gallo s beverage capacity, and with Fountains, Cocks, and Pipes heavily lined with Pure Silver (pagº, 14) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,200 00 1 Matthews Bottling Machine, Style A A C (page 31). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 00 1 Matthews Silver Lined Filter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 2 Pairs Bottling Pliers for Wiring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 1 Matthews Bottle Washing Machine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 2 Barrels Ground Marble. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ()0 2 Carboys Sulphuric Acid (including Carboys). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 50 Bottle Boxes, Style B, for 2 doz. Pts. (page 34). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 50 50 Bottle Boxes, Style B, for 1 doz. Qts. (page 34). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 00 10 Drainers for 4 doz. Pts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 50 5 Drainers for 2 doz. Qts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 75 1 Wire Bottle Screen for Qt. Bottles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 1 Wire Bottle Screen for Pt. Bottles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 1 Matthews Cork Brand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - 7 50 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,485 25 For a first-class champagne establishment the exhibition apparatus, Style S S H, Size 151, and the exhibition bottling machine, Style A S C, may be employed with great advantage. FST/MA 7'E V–For Mineral Waters in Siphons. 1 Matthews Continuous Apparatus, Size 500 (page 26) complete. . . . . . . . . . $800 00 1 Matthews Siphon Filling Machine (page 37). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 00 1,000 Siphons, best quality, Style S C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 00 Purchaser's trade mark or address engraved in the glass of the Siphons 60 00 1 Pair of Siphon Tongs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 20 Packages Matthews Mineral Water Salts, assorted, sufficient for 1,000 Siphons (page 161). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17 00 100 Siphon Boxes (page 40), holding 10 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 00 1,000 Assorted Labels for Siphons, with name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 1 Polishing Brush for Cleaning Siphons. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 00 100 Fine Show Cards for Customers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 25 Show Siphon Boxes, made of Black Walnut, moulded (page 41). . . . . . . . 56 25 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,786 25 The Matthews Acid Dispenser should be used in emptying Carboys. Price $15. 6 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus, - The Matthews Carbonating Apparatus. THE apparatus used for generating carbonic acid gas and impregnating water and other liquids there with is collectively known as carbonating apparatus. This includes generators, which are either vertical and carbonate-feeding, or horizontal and acid- feeding, and fountains, which are either portable or stationary. It also includes the continuous apparatus described on page 27. In the Matthews carbonating apparatus the utmost care is taken to secure the perfect purity of the beverage, the strictest economy of materials, and the greatest convenience and safety of the operator. These advantages—purity, economy, convenience, and safety—have been attained after half a century of steady advance, and are the result of numerous important im- provements, many of which are the exclusive property of this firm. Apparatus in which these improvements are combined, although more costly at the outset, will be found far cheaper in the end than those of ordinary construction. That the best is the cheapest can be said of nothing more truly than of “ soda” water apparatus. We briefly describe the more important of these improvements : 1. THE MATTHEws SAFETY CAP.-Experience proves that safety valves on generators afford no security against disastrous explosion. The Matthews generators are pro- vided with a safety cap, having within it a duplex disk, which will sustain a known amount of pressure. If the pressure on the generator exceeds this amount, the disk is ruptured and the gas escapes. The Matthews safety cap never leaks, is always set at the right pressure, and cannot fail to operate when necessary. The “New American Cyclopedia,” revised edition, vol. xi., p. 596, article “Mineral Waters,” referring to the Matthews carbonating apparatus, speaks ex- plicitly of “the liability to explosion being obviated by a safety cap. This cap consists of a duplex disk a, a nut, b, screwed firmly against it, a lead washer, c, to close joint on the generator bung, and apertures, d, through which the gas escapes when the disk is rup- tured by undue pressure.” This important feature is peculiar to the Matthews apparatus. 2. THE EXTRA HEAvy CASTINGs For GENERATOR AND Foun TAINS.–The castings used are all extra heavy, made of the best gunmetal iron, and tested to five hundred pounds to the square inch. 3. THE SEAMLEss PRESSED-LEAD LININGS IN GENERATOR, ACID-CHAMBER AND GAS- WASHER.—Each half is made from a single sheet ; there are no soldered or burned joints. These linings are far more durable than those joined by soldered seams, as they are not affected by the acid, and are, in consequence, less liable to leak. 4. THE MATTHEws SoLID FRAME PREssure-GAUGE. –Connecting screw and frame in one piece. Simpler and safer than any other. 5. THE CAM-Lock ED AcID-VALVE.—Prevents the acid-valve from being opened by pressure or accident. It is unquestionably one of those simple safeguards which no prudent “ soda '' water maker will do without. 6. THE DIAGONAL-BRACED, OPEN CENTRE AGITATOR, of BRONZE METAL FOR THE GENERATOR.—It is made in one piece, and is much stronger than the ordinary agita- tor. It is so constructed that the acid does not drop on the metal. 7. THE STRAIGHT-PAssAGE, SwiveL-JointED CoMPREssion DiscHARGE VALVE FOR GENERATOR.—The valve being swivel-jointed, there is less wear on the packing, which is therefore very durable. As the passage is straight, obstructions are rare and easily dislodged. 8.—THE CoPPER AGITA ToR-BEARINGs.-These bearings are strong and durable, being made of copper, which is the best material for this purpose. In the fountains, the agitator bearings are covered with block tin of substantial thickness, in order to pre- vent metallic contamination. 9.—THE CAPPED FLANGEs on GENERATORs, Foun TAINs, AND OTHER MAIN VESSELS.- First Avenue, 26th and 27th Streets, New York. 7 They add greatly to the strength of the flange, support the linings and packings, and present a neat appearance. Io. THE RECEssed BUNG SEATs IN GENERATORS AND Fount AINs.-In ordinary ap- paratus the flanges of the bronze bungs or fittings project into the apparatus, thereby lessening its working capacity by preventing it from being thoroughly discharged of its contents. In the best apparatus of our make the flanges of the bungs are fitted into recesses and covered with pure tin or solder (tin in the case of fountains, and solder for generators), flush with the interior of the apparatus, so that the contents can be thoroughly discharged without lessening its capacity. The bung joint is thus made much stronger, as the solder is confined to the parts requiring the greatest thickness. 11. THE SEAMLEss CoPPER LEAD-LINED CONNECTING-PIPE FOR GENERATOR.—It cannot swell or burst, as the ordinary lead pipe will often do when warm. 12. THE ADJUSTABLE CAST AND WROUGHT IRON TUBULAR FRAME FOR APPARATUS.– * - º Patented July 12th, 1881. It is much † | * stronger than the ordinary frame ; has H. º- TNs. fewer sharp angles, packs in a smaller T. N *A 7. space, and allows more convenient access || - - to the parts beneath the apparatus, so that | the floor can be more easily kept clean. | 13. THE PERFORATED, VoluTE-DIA- | PHRAGM, LEAD-LINED GAs-WASHER, witH | CARBONATE FILLING.—This is vastly supe- Nºt rior to the ordinary washer with the com--& | - mon dip pipe. Any trace of acid which — "QN =\{ 7">3– may be carried over from the generator is * \te - (2\º __#º surely taken up and neutralized by the NºMº ºf —S: marble chips, and is thus utilized in gen- * --- erating more gas, instead of contaminating == - the beverage, or being merely wasted. 14. THE SEAMLESS PRESSED-TIN LININGs IN Foun TAINS.—They are far more durable than linings with soldered seams, which contaminate the beverages and soon leak. Common jointed tin linings are usually made very thin to economize metal. Pressed seamless linings are necessarily thicker. B = 15. THE SHEET-TIN Cover ED GAs-SUB- MERGING AGITATOR FOR THE FOUNTAINs.- This agitator is greatly superior to the ordinary tin-washed agitator, which soon contaminates the water, and requires re- _tinning every season, at considerable cost. By its use, thorough carbonation and pun- == - T gency are secured with less labor. 16. THE OBLIQUE MULTIPLE-BRANCHED VALVES FOR STATIONARY FOUN- TAINs.-These valves, used on our best apparatus, are lined throughout with tin of substantial thickness. The water passages are large, thus insuring the purity and free passage of the beverage. They are attached to the fountain by a swivel joint, so that they can be tightened and adjusted without being removed from the fountain, and without the use (e. of extra packings. By their use the number of joints where leakage may occur is greatly reduced ; and the elbows and other fittings, common in ordinary apparatus, being done away with, the structure is steadier. 17. THE SEAMLEss CoPPER, BLOCK TIN-LINED CONNECTING PIPES AND FITTINGs For THE BEveRAGES.—These are greatly superior to the tin- H washed seamed brass pipes generally used. They do not leak, and never contaminate the beverages. 18. THE Double STUFFING-Box For Fount AIN AGITA ToRs.—This prevents contamina- tion of the beverages by metallic particles, worn off the agitator bearings. 19. THE BALANCE BALL WHEELS ON GENERATOR AND Fount AIN AGITATORS.–They greatly facilitate agitation, and cleansing of apparatus. 8 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus, 20. THE ATMOSPHERIC CAP.-This device is a certain safeguard against the collapsing of the linings of fountains or generators. It effectually prevents the formation of a vacuum in the vessel, for, as soon as the pressure within falls below the atmospheric pressure, the cap admits air until the pressures are equalized, thus rendering collapse impossible. 21. THE GLASS GAUGEs for STATIONARY Fount AIN.S.—These are provided with an adjustable attachment for registering the height of the liquid in the fountains, so that they can be readily charged with the required amount. Vertical Carbonate-feeding Generator for Charging Portable Fountains. THE Carbonate-feeding Generator, illustrated on page 9, made only by this house, differs from all others in construction and operation, and offers striking and important advantages peculiar to itself. In all other generators the marble, or other carbonate, soaked with water, lies at the bottom of the generator, and a large quantity of acid must be let down from an elevated acid reservoir, and the whole mass of water rendered acid before any action occurs. In the Matthews Carbonate-feeding Generator the carbonate is let down from above and falls as a powder through the entire depth of the acid and water. Thus the gas is evolved without violent ebullition, and without the agitation neces- sary to operate other generators. All the carbonate-feeding generators now made are from entirely new and improved designs, and are provided with duplex washers with volute diaphragms, which not only wash and purify the carbonic acid in the most effective manner, but by means of the carbonate filling neutralize any acid spray which may pass over from the generator. This generator, with two or more fountains on frames, constitutes a complete car- bonating apparatus suitable for druggists' or confectioners' use. For description and prices of these fountains see pages 18 to 20 inclusive. In purchasing a generator it is best to select a size larger than is absolutely required, as it is preferable not to work it to its maximum capacity. Size 5, being designed for experimental use only, is too small for business purposes. Vertical Carbonate-Feeding Generator. Prices. IRON. 5 gals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $70 10 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 20 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 30 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 50 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 80 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 100 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 150 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 200 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 300 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 400 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585 600 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810 1000 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1170 Size. 5, charging at 150 lbs. pres., 3 to • -- -- -- 6 to 20, -- -- -- 12 to 30, -- -- -- 20 to 50, -- -- -- 30 to 80, -- -- -- 50 to 100, -- -- -- 80 to 150, -- -- -- 100 to 200, -- -- -- 150 to 300, -- -- -- 200 to 400, -- -- -- 300 to 600, -- -- -- 400 to 1000, -- -- -- 600 to COPPER. $95 140 170 190 250 315 380 440 500 630 820 II:35 1685 steel. $105 150 180 205 270 340 405 470 540 675 S75 1215. 1755 10 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus, Horizontal Acid-feeding Generator. See Aage 11. THE large sizes of this generator are used by wholesale manufacturers of “soda.” water who charge fountains for stores, while the smaller sizes are used by druggists and others who manufacture for their own use. With two or more portable fountains on frames, this generator constitutes a complete carbonating apparatus adapted for druggists' or confectioners' use. For description and prices of these fountains see pages 18 to 20. We make three different styles of this generator, all lined with lead–the /ron Generator, well known and in almost universal use ; the / X D /ron Generator, the Copper Generator, and the Steel Generator. All are of great strength and of the best propor- tions. The improvements named below in connection with the Z X /2 Generator, which our experience has shown to be most desirable, are also embodied in the copper and the steel styles. The Z X D Generator is of iron ; it has extra heavy castings ; safety cap ; solid frame pressure gauge ; cam lock on acid valve ; extra heavy seamless pressed linings; diagonal open-centre agitator ; copper agitator bearings; recessed bung seats; seamless copper lead-lined connecting pipe ; capped flanges ; straight passage, swivel-jointed, compression discharge valves ; adjustable cast and wrought iron tubular frame ; and perforated volute diaphragm gas-washer with carbonate filling. For description and advantages of these improvements see pages 6 and 7. The new steel generator is tested to One Thousand Pounds' pressure on the square inch. The latter is designed expressly for manufacturers who wish “ The Best.” First Avenue, 26th and 27th Streets, New York. 11 º | ºt | º -- [... - F- - º - § § º - = *~E== __ --~ - Horizontal Acid-feeding Generator. See Aage Io. Size. Prices. IRoN. I X D. Copper. stfei. I 11, making 6 to 10 gals. . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - $115 $150 $160 $170 || 21, -- 10 to 20 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 175 190 205 || 31, -- 20 to 30 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 50 195 210 225 || 41, “ 30 to 40 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - 160 205 225 2 io || 61, -- 40 to 60 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 260 280 300 || S1, “ 60 to s0. “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 3:25 350 375 || 101, -- 80 to 100 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 390 420 450 151, -- 100 to 150 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 455 490 525 201, “ 150 to 200 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 520 560 600 301, -- 200 to 300 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 650 700 750 || 401, “ 300 to 400 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650 845 910 975 || 601, “ 400 to 600 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900 1,170 1,260 1,350 || 1,001, “ 600 to 1,000 “ .................... 1,300 1,690 1,820 1,950 || For description and prices of fountains for containing the carbonated beverages, see pages 18 to 20. The quantities made are of water charged to 150 lbs. pressure to the square inch. 12 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus, Vertical Carbonate-feeding Generator with Stationary Fountains. THIS apparatus consists of the vertical carbonate-feeding generator, connected with three or more stationary fountains, and is used mostly by bottlers of carbonated bever- ages. It is also well adapted for dealers who dispense “soda” water at the counter; and, inasmuch as the supply can be maintained at one uniform pressure, it is superior to apparatus having portable fountains. Next to the horizontal apparatus, described on pages 14 and 15, this apparatus is the simplest, strongest, most efficient, and most economical made. It is cheaper, considering durability and capacity, than any other carbonating apparatus in the market. We earnestly recommend that apparatus with three or more fountains, as shown on page 13, be used rather than those with a less number. With less than three fountains the operation of bottling has to be frequently suspended during the carbonating of the waters, and this cannot be avoided unless a considerable quantity of gas is wasted. With three or more fountains the operation of the apparatus is economical and prac- tically continuous. This apparatus is made in six styles and eight sizes as described below. The styles which have the important improvements described on pages 6 and 7 are designed for those who desire THE BEST, and, although more costly, will be found far cheaper in the end than those of ordinary construction. They produce a superior beverage, save time, materials, and labor. Styles. Style IT W.—Generator and Fountains of IRON. Fountains lined with SHEET TIN. Adapted to all Carbonated Beverages. Style IX W.-Generator and Fountains of IRON. Fountains lined with PURE TIN in Seamless Sheets. Duplex Gas Washers with perforated volute diaphragms and carbonate filling. All parts extra heavy. Furnished with the improvements - described on pages 6 and 7. Adapted to a// Carbonated Æeverages. | Style C T W.-Generator of IRON. Fountains of CoPPER lined with PURE TIN in Seamless Sheets. Furnished with the improvements described on pages 6 and 7. Adapted to all Carbonated Beverages. Style C S W.-Generator of IRON. Fountains of CoPPER lined with PURE SILVER. Furnished with the improvements described on pages 6 and 7. Specially adapted to fine Sparkling Wines. Style S T W.—Generator and Fountains of CAST STEEL. Fountains lined with PURE TIN in Seamless Sheets. Furnished with the improvements described on pages 6 and 7. ADAPTED TO ALL CARBONATED BEVERAGES. Style S S W.-Exhibition Apparatus.-Generator of CAST STEEL. Fountains of Copper lined with PURE Silver. Agitator handles of Real Ebony. All Pipes and Connections lined with Aure Silver, and the entire exterior of the fountains heavily Silver-plated and Polished. Furnished with the improvements described on pages 6 and 7. SPECIALLY ADAPTED TO SPARKLING WINES. Sizes. APPROXIMATE CHARGING AT DIS- CHARGING AT Ibot- CAPACITY OF EACH Size. PenSING PRESSURE. TLING PRESSURE. FOUNTAIN. Beverage. Total. 80 S0 gals. 160 gals. 10 gals. 15 gals. 100 100 “ 200 “ 12 “ 18 “ 150 150 “ 300 “ 18 “ 27 “ 200 200 “ 400 “ 25 “ 37 “ 300 300 -- 600 -- 35 -- 52 -- 400 400 “ 800 “ 50 “ 70 “ 600 600 - 1,200 -- 70 -- - 100 -- 1,000 1,000 - 2,000 “ 100 “ 150 “ First Avenue, 26th and 27th Streets, New York. 13 Jº |N. G|| Vertical Carbonate-feeding Generator with three Stationary Fountains. For Description of Styles see Aage 12. Prices. Size. IT V. IX W. C T W. C S W. ST W. SS W. 80 . . . . . . . . $450 $585 $630 $7s5 $S25 $1,215 100. . . . . . . . . 495 645 720 S65 925 1,350 150. . . . . . . . . 630 S20 900 1,0so 1,145 1,800 200. . . . . . . . . 785 1,025 1,125 1,350 1,440 2,070 300. . . . . . . . . 1,035 1,345 1,4S5 1,soo 2,025 2,655 400 ........ 1,350 1,755 1,935 2.250 2,430 3,240 600......... 1,595 2,070 2,315 2,925 3,150 4,500 1,000......... 2,675 3,465 3,s70 4,725 5,175 7.200 For apparatus having only two fountains deduct twenty per cent. from list. For each additional fountain add twenty per cent. to list. 14 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus, Horizontal Acid-feeding Generator with Stationary Fountains. See Aage 15. THIS apparatus consists of the horizontal acid-feeding generator connected with two or more stationary fountains, and is used mostly by bottlers of carbonated beverages. It is also well adapted for dealers who dispense “soda” water at the counter ; and, inas- much as the supply can be maintained at one uniform pressure, it is superior to appara- tus having portable fountains. We earnestly recommend that apparatus with three or more fountains be used rather than those with a less number. With less than three fountains the operation of bot- tling has to be frequently suspended during the carbonating of the waters, and this cannot be avoided unless a considerable quantity of gas is wasted. With three or more fountains the operation of the apparatus is economical and practically continuous. This apparatus is made in six styles and eight sizes as described below. The styles which have the important improvements described on pages 6 and 7 are designed for those who desire THE BEST, and, although more costly, will be found cheaper in the end than those of ordinary construction. They produce a superior beverage, save time, materials, and labor. Styles. Style IT H.-GENERATOR AND FOUNTAINS OF IRON. Fountains lined with SHEET TIN. Gas-Washer on each Fountain. Adapted to “Soda’ Water, Mineral Waters, Sparkling Wines, Cider, and Malt Liquors. Style IX H.-GENERATOR AND FOUNTAINS OF IRON. Fountains lined with PURE TIN in heavy seamless Sheets. Gas-Washer on each Fountain. Cast- ings extra heavy. Provided with the important improvements described on pages 6 and 7. Adapted to “Soda "Water, Mineral Waters, Sparkling Wines, Cider, and Malt Liquors. Style C T H.-GENERATOR AND FOUNTAINS OF COPPER. Fountains lined with PURE TIN in heavy seamless Sheets. Gas-Washer on each Fountain. Pro- vided with the important improvements described on pages 6 and 7. Adapted to “Soda "Water, Mineral Waters, Sparkling Wines, Cider, and Malt Liquors. Style C S H.-GENERATOR AND FOUNTAINS OF COPPER. Fountains heavily plated on the interior with PURE SILVER. Gas-Washer on each Foun- tain. Provided with the important improvements described on pages 6 and 7. Specially adapted to Fine Sparkling Wines. Style S T H.—GENERATOR AND FOUNTAINS OF CAST STEEL. Fountains lined with PURE TIN in Seamless Sheets. Provided with the important improve- ments described on pages 6 and 7. Entire Apparatus tested to ONE THOUSAND POUNDS TO THE SQUARE INCH. Gas-Washer on each Fountain. ADAPTED TO ALL CARBONATED BE VERAGES. Style S S H.-Exhibition Apparatus.-GENERATOR OF COPPER, Fountains of COPPER lined with PURE SILVER. Agitator handles of REAL EBONY. All Pipes and Connections lined with PURE SILVER, and the entire Exterior of the Apparatus heavily SILVER-PLATED and polished. Provided with the im- portant improvements described on pages 6 and 7. SPECIALLY ADAPTED TO FINE SPARKLING WINEs. Sizes. APPROXIMATE CHARGING AT DIS- CHARGING AT BOT CAPACITY OF EACH Size. PENSING PRESSURE. TLING PRESSURE. FOUNTAIN. Beverage. Total. S1 60 to S0 gals. 120 to 160 gals. 10 gals. 15 gals. 101 80 to 100 “ 160 to 200 “ 12 “ 18 “ 151 100 to 150 “ 200 to 300 “ 18 “ 27 “ 201 150 to 200 “ 300 to 400 “ 25 “ 37 “ 301 200 to 300 “ 400 to 600 “ 35 “ 52 “ 401 300 to 400 “ 600 to 800 “ 50 “ 70 “ 601 400 to 600 “ soo to 1,200 “ 70 “ 100 “ 1,001 600 to 1,000 “ 1,200 to 2,000 “ 100 “ 150 “ First Avenue, 26th and 27th Streets, New York. 15 - Horizontal Acid-feeding Generator with Three stationary Fountains. For description of styles and sizes see Aage 14. Prices. Size. IT H. IX. H. CT H. CS H. STH. SS H. 81... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500 $650 $700 $875 $920 $1,350 101. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550 715 800 960 1,025 1,500 151. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 910 1,000 1,200 1,275 2,000 201. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 875 1,137 1,250 1,500 1,600 2,300 301. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,150 1,495 1,650 2,000 2,250 2,950 401. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 1,950 2,150 2,500 2,700 3,600 601. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,775 2,300 2,575 3,250 3,500 5,000 1001. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,975 3,s}0 4,300 5,250 5,750 s,000 For prices of apparatus with more than three fountains, add twenty per cent. to list for each additional fountain. – 16 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus, Carbonating Apparatus, Attachments, and Accessories. Hand and Power Pump. DETACHED GAS WASHER. For filling gas-charged fountains with liquid. This pump can also be used for pumping water into the generator to displace the carbonic acid gas remaining therein after the carbonating materials have been exhausted, thereby economizing a large quantity of gas that would otherwise be wasted. Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150 00 GLAss PREssure FILTERs, for attaching to pipe which supplies the carbonated beverage, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stopcock, with eight feet elastic pipe attached, and connections for charging portable fountains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GLAss WATER GAUGES, to show height of water in fountain, cost for each fountain. DETAcHED GAS WASHER, with carbonate filling, for thoroughly purifying car- bonic acid gas - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 00 First Avenue, 26th and 27th Streets, New York. 17 Carbonating Wines. DURING the past few years the carbonating of wines has assumed vast proportions in this country. For a man with a moderate capital and a fair amount of enterprise, intelligence, and activity, there is no more remunerative business, and none in which he has to incur less risk. Five thousand dollars is ample capital for starting the business of carbonating wines on a profitable scale. With the aid of a Matthews silver lined apparatus, any good, sound wine, suitable for making champagne, can be converted into a fine sparkling wine, and, in a few hours, made ready for shipment. By the old process of generating the gas in the bottles, many handlings and months of time are required. The cost of the so-called natural champagne is therefore much greater than that of wines carbonated by means of the Matthews apparatus. As for the absurd idea that artificially impregnated wines must necessarily be inferior to old process champagnes, it will not bear an instant's examination. Carbonic acid gas is carbonic acid gas, however produced, and if there is any difference in champagnes manufactured from the same wine by the two processes, it is certainly in favor of the one produced with the Matthews apparatus, for this can be more highly charged with aS. g America is destined to become a great wine-producing country. Wines of excellent quality are already being made in almost every State of the Union, and there is every reason to believe that the demand for American carbonated wines can only go on increasing. A sufficient guarantee of the quality of these sparkling wines is found in the numerous premiums awarded by competent judges at different exhibitions, and in the commendations of medical experts everywhere, including those who regularly pre- scribed them at Vicksburg during the great epidemic of 1878–9. “American Extra Dry,” “Sparkling Catawba,” “Acme,” “Continental,” and many other brands of purely American wine, carbonated with the Matthews apparatus, are as well and as favorably known as the best foreign wines. The wines carbonated in these machines are clear, light, and sparkling. As they come in contact with silver only they are per- fectly pure, and will retain their lightness and purity for many years. The amount of profit in the business may be judged of from the fact that a dozen quart bottles, retailing at a dollar each, cost only three dollars, including an allowance for breakage of bottles and wear and tear of machinery. The styles of apparatus specially designed for carbonating wines are S S W and S S H, exhibition apparatus, lined and plated with silver both inside and outside, and C S W and C S H, which are silver-lined but not plated. For the sizes and prices of these see pages 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, and 15, and for estimates for complete outfits see page 5. Each apparatus is accom- panied by full instructions. Portable Fountains. See illustrations Aage 18. VERY few persons realize the extent to which success or failure in the business of making and dispensing carbonated beverages depends upon the kind of fountains used for containing and transporting such beverages. Indeed, so important is this subject, and so little is it generally understood, that we earnestly advise and urge every owner, user, or prospective purchaser of portable fountains to refer to the second number of Carbonated Drinks (Vol I., No. 2, page 12), and read with close attention “Part Second” of the article, from AVew Zemedies, on “soda” water apparatus, there reprinted. We manufacture all the principal kinds of fountains approved therein—namely, cast iron (two styles), wrought iron (two styles), copper (five styles), and steel (four styles), making in all thirteen different styles of fountains. 18 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus, -T- - º - Z/ º | W º - - |\ - | | N. | ſh- III. - |ºl - --- | | *_ - -- SEAMLEss PREssed STEEL, WRought IRON, and -- Pressed STEEL. PREssed COPPER. - Styles of Fountains. Style IT C.—CAST IRON, lined with PURE TIN in sheets. * I G C.—CAST IRON, enclosing a GLASS fountain. “ IT. W. WROUGHT IRON, seamless, lined with PURE TIN in sheets. “ I G. W.-WRought IRoN, enclosing a GLAss fountain. “ C T B.—CoPPER, seamless, belted, lined with PURE TIN in sheets. “ C T F.—CoPPER, seamless, flanged, lined with PURE TIN in sheets. “ C S B.-CoPPER, seamless, belted, lined with PURE SILVER. “ C S F.—CoPPER, seamless, flanged, lined with PURE SILVER. ** C G B.-CoPPER, enclosing a GLASS fountain. “ S T P.-STEEL, pressed, lined with PURE TIN in sheets. “ S S B.-STEEL, pressed, seamless, belted, lined with PURE TIN in sheets. “ S T C.—STEEL, cast, lined with PURE TIN in sheets. “ SG P.-STEEL, pressed, enclosing a GLASS fountain. We do not manufacture the common tin-washed copper fountain, as it is, on the whole, detrimental to the interests of all concerned. Cast-Iron Fountains. The tin lined cast-iron fountain (Style ITC) is well adapted to the wants of drug- gists and others, where lightness is no particular object. Glass Fountains. The glass fountains (Styles I GC, I GW, C G B, and S G P) are made in single pieces, enclosed in shells of cast iron, wrought iron, copper, or steel, and are par- ticularly adapted to fine mineral waters and sparkling wines. First Avenue, 26th and 27th Streets, New York. 19 Wrought Iron Fountains. Our wrought iron fountains are manufactured under letters patent, the shells being pressed from a single sheet by a powerful machine, instead of being made of parts brazed or soldered together. This important improvement produces a much stronger fountain, and reduces the chance of leakage. The tin-lined wrought iron fountain (Style IT W) is especially designed for purchasers who desire a fountain combining lightness, durability, and permanent purity of the beverage contained in it. Copper Fountains. Most of our copper fountains are made by the same Rºcess as ºur wrought iron fountains. Those lined with sheet tin (Styles C T B and CTF), are well adapted for car- bonated beverages in general; and the silver-lined copper fountains (Styles C S B and C S F), are unequalled for sparkling wines. The shells of these fountains are joined either by a metallic belt (Styles CT F and CFS) or by flanges of turned wrought iron bolted together at the centre, affording unusual facilities for examination and repairs. The Matthews Portable Steel Fountains. OUR pressed steel fountain (style S T P), is really double, consisting of an interior fountain of pure sheet tin, enclosed in an exterior shell of sheet steel of great strength and elasticity. Owing to the peculiar method of making the joint between the fountain and stopcock (see illustration on page 21), packing is unnecessary, and this fountain retains the gas better than any other. The materials used are so strong and elastic that the steel fountain will resist great pressure, although it is only one- half the weight of the ordinary copper one. Supposing a fountain to be filled once in ten days, and allowing two dollars as the cost of the cartage of one thousand pounds, the decreased weight of the steel fountains, as compared with copper ones, will effect a saving of over sixty dollars in transportation for each steel fountain every ten years it is in use. The profit is practically much more, as the great facility for supply afforded by these fountains assures more efficient service of customers and a much increased de- mand—the absolute protection of the “soda” water from contamination, however long it may stand in these fountains, creating a great demand for the beverage thus supplied. These fountains are, moreover, extraordinarily durable, the re-tinning and repairs, so often necessary on other fountains, being very seldom required on these. Our steel fountains (with wagons for transporting them when desired) are sold only under our printed forms of agreement, and only on condition that the purchaser shall not use them, nor permit them to be used, in territory the exclusive right to which has been already acquired by others. We employ these fountains and wagons exclusively in our wholesale “soda” water business, which is the largest in the world, between six and seven thousand fountains being used in New York city, or one to every 160 inhabitants. Although not offered for sale until 1873, there are already more than twenty-five thousand of these steel fountains in use in New York, Philadelphia, Boston, and other cities. We have more than quintupled our own “soda” water trade by means of them ; and there are hun- dreds of openings where energetic men may easily double and treble the business, and fill their own pockets by the use of this fountain, combining, as it does, the great essential of “soda’’ water always and absolutely pure, and the great desideratum, for the wholesale manufacturer, of extraordinary lightness and consequent cheapness of transportation. Our seamless pressed steel fountain (style S S B), offered in this catalogue for the first time, combines the advantages of the pressed steel fountain with those of the wrought iron (style IT W). The exterior shell of this fountain is of the best sheet steel, formed by the same process as our wrought iron fountains, and, like our style S T P steel fountain, encloses an interior fountain of pure sheet tin. The cast steel fountain (Style S T C) is heavier than the pressed steel, resists a pressure of 1000 pounds to the square inch, and is particularly designed, in connection with the steel generator, where lightness is no particular object, for druggists and others who desire ‘‘ Z'he Aesſ.” - All our fountains are made with pure tin stopcocks, jacketed with hard metal, and are provided with screw or clamp couplings. (See page 21.) For prices of Portable Fountains, see page 20. 20 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus, - SE*SIſ | E. | |W | | | º TE: --- | | H. iTººl º: º | #| || I İſº º º | * If | – -- --- - s - --- º - º - ºãº ºf - - MT s - º lſ. FLANGED CoPPER Fountain. CAST IRON Fount AIN. Prices of Portable Fountains. For Description see Aage 18. Z R O AV-Z//ustrated on pages 18 and 20. S TAZAZ /-///ustrated on page 18. ITC. ITW. ITC. ITW. gal. STP. SSB. STC. gals. STP. SSB, STC. 1 gal....#12 ... s.14 10 gals...s30.... s.45 || 1... $16...#1s. . . $1s io. . $50.555...#55 2 " .... I 5.... 1s 12 “ . . . 42 ... is 4 “ 22 24 14 “ - - - 55 2. . . .22. . . .25. . . .25 | 12.... 37 . . . .64. . . . 64 5. “ ... 21 . . . 28 16 “ - - - ; : * | 4. . . .33. . . .36. . . .36 14.....65. . . .70 ...70 8 “ . . . . 28. . . . 43 20 “ . . . 90 ... —– S. . . .43. . . .48. . . .48 COPPAEA'—//lustrated on pages 18 and 20. CTB. (TF. ('SB. CSF. (TB. CTF. CSB. CSF. 1 gal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15 $1s $25 $40 12 gals. . . . . . . . $68 $90 $100 $160 2 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 24 35 50 14 “ . . . . . . . . . 75 110 120 180 4 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 35 45 60 16 “ . . . . . . . . . 8: 125 140 200 6 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 45 55 75 18 “ . . . . . . . . . 125 140 160 225 8 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 60 70 110 | 20 “ . . . . . . . . . 140 150 180 250 10 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . go º sº, iáo G/L.A.S.S. IGC. IGW. CGIB. S.G.P. IGC. IGW. CGB. SGP. 1 gal. . . . . . . . . . . . $20 $22 $24 $23 || 5 gais...... . . . . . . . $55 $60 $66 $63 2 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 44 48 46 6 “ . . . . . . . ...... 60 65 72 68 4 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 55 60 57 | 10 “ . . . .......... 75 S5 90 88 ExCEPTING the pressed steel fountain (style S T P) all our portable fountains are provided with trunnions for swinging on iron agitating frames shown on page 22. The pressed steel fountains not being provided with trunnions, are generally agitated on a rocker as shown on page 22. If our customers so order, however, we furnish the pressed steel fountains with trunnions for $5 additional to the list price. The above prices include the stopcocks and screw couplings. If the improved stop- cock with tubular pipe-lined clamp coupling is desired, add $2.50 to the list. First Avenue, 26th and 27th Streets, New York. 21 The Matthews Fountain Cock with Tubular, Pipe-lined Clamp Coupling. FIG. I. F IG. G. Section showing How Joint - 3 IS MADE BETWEEN STOPCOCK DETACHED Coupling. AND Fount AIN. WE introduce to the trade for the first time our new pipe-lined tubular clamp coupling. After a thorough trial in our “soda” water department upon seven thousand fountains for two seasons we have found it to be by far the best fountain coupling ever devised. Its advantages will readily be seen on comparison with the ordinary coup- lings. The block-tin pipe is carried through the coupling to the outlet of the fountain cock, thereby insuring the purity of the beverage. No wrench is required to make a tight connection with the fountain cock. It has no de- tached parts, like the ordinary clamp coupling, which are liable to be lost; neither is there any clamping device on the fountain cock to be broken or injured. The whole clamping device is permanently attached to the connecting pipe. The fountain cock itself is a decided improvement on the old style. It has no projecting screw or offset, necessary in the old style, for connecting to the coupling. The upper part of the block-tin tube, attached to the lower end of the stopcock, being conical, it serves to guide the stopcock to its place in the fountain, thus preventing any injury to the screw-thread. The cone also greatly strengthens the tube at the part which is subject to the most strain. The bulb-shaped end of this tube prevents it from injuring the lining of the fountain. If the end of the tube should strike the lining, the effect would simply be to planish the latter, while with the ordinary tube the lining would be cut and injured. Prices. Improved fountain stopcock, adapted for the tubular pipe- lined coupling, complete with conical and bulb-end tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S12 50 FIG. 2 Tubular pipe-lined clamp coupling, with one foot of block Stopcock witH Coupling tin pipe attached. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . each $2 50 ATTACHED. The Matthews Tubular Iron Frame. - =- — For Agitating Portable Fountains. - Price, each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7 00 Wooden Rocker. For Agitating Portable Fountains that are not provided with trunnions. Made for two fountains, the price is. . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... $7 00 1\º º ſº Fountain Rocker for Agitating Portable Fountains. This rocker is intended for manufacturers doing a large business. It can be worked either by hand or steam power. Agitates several fountains at a time. Is provided with double branch cocks and elastic pipe for conducting the gas from both the generator and pump, if desired. Prices. Rocker for six fountains. . . . . . . . $250 00 || Rocker for ten fountains. . . . . . . . $325 00 --- — --- H ==- - - -" -** - - The Multiple Branch Valve. It is often desirable in large stores which dispense beverages from the counter, to have some means of rapidly connecting the dispensing apparatus with a charged foun- tain when one has been emptied. With the multiple branch valve five fountains can be connected with the dispensing apparatus at one time. When one fountain is emptied, another can be turned on by simply turning the ball wheel. Lined throughout with block tin, the price of the multiple branch valve is $20. - ~~~~------- “Soda." Water Fountain Wagon. This vehicle, manufactured only under our patent, is made of unusual lightness, strength, and durability, and is by far the most convenient wagon yet devised for transporting portable fountains. Single wagon, with racks to hold 24 fountains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $450. Double wagon—Prices on application. Packing if required, $20 extra. First Avenue, 26th and 27th Streets, New York. 25 | – ||| l |ITTTTTTT H | | inli Tºll it. ºf ºf ºf ||| || | Lºuill | º |2 | | # | E|| Measuring Cistern. For rapidly filling fountains with the required quantity of liquid to be carbonated. Almost indispensable in wholesale establishments. The illustration shows two pairs of cisterns. Price, one pair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75 - -- “ tWo We also manufacture an improved meter for filling fountains. It takes up less room than the measuring cistern and is more rapid in its operation. It requires a head of Water. Price, Io-gallon capacity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150 26 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus, The Matthews Continuous Apparatus. (See Aage 27.) This apparatus consists of a vertical carbonate-feeding generator, in which the gas is produced under a moderate pressure ; a large cylindrical iron gasometer, in which the gas is received ; and, instead of the pump generally used in the European sys- tem, a beverage carbonating compressor, which forces the carbonic acid gas and the liquid into a receiver or condenser, where they are thoroughly mixed. From the re- ceiver the carbonade is drawn to supply the bottling machine or siphon filler. This apparatus affords perfect protection to the beverage against metallic contami- nation. It is a convenient form of apparatus, and, as it can supply several siphon fillers or bottling machines at the same time, it is desirable for bottlers whose trade is large. We recommend that steam power be used to operate the compressor. In size 5oo it can be worked by hand, but the production is thereby considerably diminished. The sizes and prices are as follows, the specified production being when the compressor is operated by steam power : PRODUCTION OF CARBONATED WATER PER DAY OF TEN Hours. Size. At 150 lbs. Pressure. At 60 lbs. Pressure. Arice. 500 . . . . . . . . 500 gallons. - - - - - - - 1,000 gallons. . . . . . . . . $800 1,000 . . . . . . . . 1,000 “ ........ 2,000 “ . . . . . . . . 1,000 2 OOO . . . . . . . . 2,000 “ . . . . . . . . 4,000 “ . . . . . . . . 2,000 3,000 . . . . . . . . 3,000 “ . . . . . . . . 6,000 “ . . . ..... 3,000 We also furnish separately the Generator, Beverage Carbonating Compressor, and Gasometer at the following prices: Size. GENERATOR. COMPRESSOR. GASOMETER. 500 . . . . . . . . $270. . . . . . . . . $410 - - - - - - - - $200 1,000 . . . . . . . . 360 . . . . . . . . 500 . . . . . . . . 280 2,000 ........ 585 . . . . . . . . 1,200 ........ 365 3,000 ........ 81.0 . . . . . . . . 1,700 ........ 550 Repairs to Carbonating Apparatus. Although our facilities for repairing “soda” water apparatus are exceptionally great, the trade will find it best to have repairs made during the winter months, be- fore the beginning of our busiest season. It is a poor rule to put off to the last moment the making of any necessary repairs. Such a course has often been the ruin of a good business. Our prices for repair work are as low as consistent with the best work. In repairing carbonating apparatus we subject all parts intended to sustain a pressure of carbonic acid gas to the following tests, unless otherwise ordered : Cast Iron Apparatus or parts of same. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 lbs. per square inch. Cast Steel Apparatus or parts of same. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - 800 lbs. per square inch. Portable Fountains, Pressed Steel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 lbs. per square inch. (… 4. Wrought Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .250 lbs. per square inch. Copper Apparatus or parts of same. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 lbs. per square inch. First Avenue, 26th and 27th Streets, New York. 27 J/ | | The Matthews Continuous Apparatus. (See Aage 26.) |- John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus, º - - % % º % = º % % - % s 24 - % % % The Matthews Bottling Machine. For Filling Bottles with Carbonated Beverages and Closing them with Gravitating Stoppers. See aage 29. First Avenue, 26th and 27th Streets, New York. 29 º ... tº ir º ſ º R ||ww. \ Lºiſ º | º | | - | ... (OR% | * | º º l | | GRAVITATING Bottle AND STOPPER. Bottling with Gravitating Stoppers. THE business of putting up carbonated beverages in bottles, for saloon or family consumption, has greatly increased during the last few years, and in many localities it still offers one of the best means whereby an active, intelligent man, with moderate capital, may easily make an honest livelihood, and, in time, accumulate money. The three special requisites for this business, in addition to a carbonating appara- tus, are : A bottling machine, a supply of bottles, and a supply of stoppers. Curi- ously enough, the apparently unimportant stopper is the pivot on which the whole business turns. For a long time only corks were in use, despite the serious objections that they can be used only once, and that they must be fastened in with strings or wires, thus involving a perpetual outlay for new corks and fasteners. Indeed, the cost of corks for a bottle used the average number of times during one season largely exceeds the cost of the bottle, and, moreover, in consequence of defective corks, much leakage ensues, causing loss of labor and materials. All this loss, inconvenience, and extra outlay may be avoided by using the inter- nal gravitating stopper (illustrated on page 29), which is made of glass or hard wood with a rubber base, and can be readily pushed into the bottle. In filling, the bot- tle is inverted and the force of gravity drives the stopper into the mouth, where- upon the rubber flange folds back on the ball, preventing the escape of the stopper and closing the bottle completely. The pressure of the gas keeps the stopper in position until the liquid is ready for use, when a smart blow upon the projecting tip drives it back into the bottle, and the contents can easily be poured out. The gravi- tating stopper is the most simple and efficient substitute for corks yet devised, and is in actual and successful use in several hundred establishments which have dis- pensed with corks, wires, and strings altogether. To those working under our agreements, the regular price of the Matthews Gravi- tating Stopper is: Made of Glass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ......per gross, $400 Made of Hard Wood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per gross, 6 00 (Continued on Aage 31.) 30 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus, º!'ſ % zzº 2 - - ! % º º - zz º º - º % º % 2. º % - º - - - 2 . zºº zºº % % % % % Ø % % % º II. - The Matthews Bottling Machine. Style S G C. For Filling Bottles with Carbonated Beverages and Closing them with Corks. See Aage 31. First Avenue, 26th and 27th Streets, New York. 31 (Continued from Aage 29.) A sample stopper and bottle will be sent to any address upon application, without charge. The special machine necessary for filling bottles closed by gravitating stoppers is illustrated on page 28. Much less pressure is required in bottling with this machine than with the usual methods, as more gas is retained in the bottle. The labor of bottling is much less than if ordinary corking is performed ; and the strain upon the bottle, caused by thrust- ing the cork into the neck, being avoided, there is much less breakage of bottles. This machine can also be used with an attachment by which bottles can be filled with still liquids and closed with the same stoppers. For the better protection of our customers having exclusive rights, these machines are not sold, but are furnished under our printed forms of agreement as to use ; a deposit of $100 is required on machines without sirup gauge, and a yearly rental of $25 is charged for the use of the machine, its value being $250. On attachments for still liquids $20 extra deposit is required. A pamphlet of directions and recipes ac- companies each apparatus. Estimates for complete bottling outfits may be found on page 4. - All internal bottle stoppers, and all machines for filling bottles closed with such stoppers, are covered by our patents, and cannot be lawfully used except under our license, Machines for Bottling with Corks. (See Aage 30.) The Matthews machines for filling and corking bottles combine rapidity and facility of operation with safety, cleanliness, and durability. We make five different styles, all from new patterns, as follows: Style N A C.—Strong table, level plate. Adapted to filling the usual half-pint bottles with any carbonated beverage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $70 00 Style R P C.—Strong table, recessed plate adjustable for bottles of various sizes. Adapted to bottling birch beer and ginger ale in half-pint, pint, and quart bottles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 00 Style S G C.—Mahogany table, with hard-wood legs, recessed plate, automatic safety screen, sirup gauge, cork-gauging attachment, one tyer. Specially adapted for bottling the usual carbonated beverages, and sweetening them at the machine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 00 Style A A. C.—Hard-wood table, recessed plate, automatic safety screen, cork- gauging attachment, two tyers, one quart bottling cylinder, one pint bottling cylinder, one pair lifting tongs, one pair tying levers. Specially adapted to bottling carbonated wines............. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 150 00 Style A S C.—Exhibition Apparatus.-Same style as A A C but with wine cooler, extra fine hard-wood table, and all metal parts above the table silver-plated. SPECIALLY ADAPTED to LARGE ESTABLISHMENTS FOR CARBON- ATING WINES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - 250 00 32 John Matthews, Carbonated leverage Apparatus, - Bottling Apparatus, Attachments, and Accessories. Solid Plunger Sirup Gauge. Regular Sirup Gauge. Sirup gauges are designed for bottling “soda” water with sirups, and are attached directly to the bottling machine. We manufacture three styles, namely, the solid plunger, the improved regular, and the regular sirup gauge. The Matthews patent solid plunger sirup gauge is constructed with a solid piston, filling the entire cylinder ; all its valves are direct acting poppet valves, which can be reached without disturbing the other parts of the gauge. It is quick and accurate in its operation, and does not easily get out of order. The leaky sliding-face water valve, employed in the ordinary gauge, is discarded. Prices of Sirup Gauges. SOLID IMPROVED CAPACITY. PLUNGER. REGULAR. REGULAR. % to 174 oz. . . . . . . . . $25 00 . . . . . . . . $20 00 . . . . . . . . $15 00 1% to 3 oz. . . . . . . . . 30 00 . . . . . . . -- 25 00 . . . . . . . . 20 00 3 to 4 oz. . . . . . . - 35 00 . . . . . . . . 30 00 . . . . . . . . 25 00 Sirup Pump. For measuring sirup into bottles. Port- able and not attached to the bottling ma- chine. Graduated to deliver from one to four ounces of sirup, and adapted to all sizes of bottles. This sirup pump can also be used for charging siphons with mineral water solutions. Price, complete. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 00. New York. 33 ZUU \ \\ Pendant Safety Screen. Shaped like an inverted funnel, pierced with slits, and attached to the filling-head above the bottle. Price, each. . . . . . . $500 Automatic Safety Screen. A perforated cover in two halves, which are moved by the treadle, and close over the bottle while it is being filled and corked, shown at / in illustration on page 3o. Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 00 Cork Gauging Attachment. For driving all corks equally. . . . . . $10 00 Sirup Can. With register and tubing, neces- sary in connection with the sirup |--|--|-- gauge, one can being required Hiſ for each kind of sirup. Capaci- ty, three gallons. Tying Levers. For champagne bottling. Per pair.. Tying Tongs. For champagne bottling. Per pair. . Tyers with Treadle. Wooden Bottle Drainers. For 4 doz. pint bottles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - For 2 doz. Quart bottles. . . . . . . . . . . . . Wire Bottle Screens. For quart bottles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For pint bottles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Cooler. For wine bottling machine, each.... $30 00 Elastic Packing. * For bottling machines....75c. Wire Cork Fasteners. Per gross. . . . . . . . . . . . 75c. Six sizes. No. 3 will be sent unless otherwise ordered. Twisted, Annealed, and Tinned Wires. Per thousand... $1 25 Metallic Caps. For bottles. Perthousand, $100 - If it is required to have the name and address stamped in the caps, a die is necessary, costing from $5 to $12, according to the number of letters required. For securing corks. Magnetic Tyer. For putting on metallic caps. Each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15 00 If foot lever is required, add. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3 75 Corks. Spanish hand-cut, per gross. . .45 to 60 cts. Best machine-cut, per gross. ...52 to 62 cts. Central Tubes. For gravitating bottling machine. Each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stopper Extractor. For removing gravitating stoppers from bottles. Each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 ctS. 34 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus, Bottle Box. —Style B. The Matthews Bottle Boxes. Our bottle boxes for holding and transporting bottles occupy less space, are more durable, and afford better protection to the bottles than the ordinary bottle boxes. They are made of the best lumber, and strapped at the ends with galvanized iron. The partitions that separate the bottles are fluted, making the stalls nearly circular, and the ends and sides are mortised to receive the partitions. This fluting leaves the joints of the box untouched, takes away only wood that can be spared, and, while reducing the weight and permitting a marked reduction of the size, does not at all impair the strength or durability of the box. In our style B boxes the bottles stand upright on the bottom of the box, while in the style A they are inverted and rest by their shoulders on cross pieces. Owing to its peculiar construction our style A box cannot be converted to general uses. It is lighter than any other box, and better ventilated, which prevents rapid decay. Both style A and B boxes are sold at the following Prices. For 24 lager beer bottles....... . . . . $0 65 For 24 long ginger ale bottles..... $0 65 For 12 lager beer bottles............ 50 | For 24 stoppered “soda" water For 12 quart champagne bottles..... 60 bottles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 For 24 pint champagne bottles.. ... 65 || For 24 corked “soda” water bottles 60 For 24 quart champagne bottles.... 1 00 || For 24 egg-shaped English “soda." For 24 weiss beer bottles........... 65 water bottles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 First Avenue, 26th and 27th Streets, New York. 35 Patent Stoppers for Bottling Still Liquids. Fig. I represents the “CoMPRESSION STOPPER." To close the bottle, the head wire is drawn down by inclines on the neck of the bottle, forcing the stopper in. It is opened by reversing this action. Price $5 per gross. A peculiar mold is required to make the bottle used with this stopper. - Fig. 2 represents the “LIGHTNING STOPPER,” which is now largely used. To close the bottle, the bail wire is drawn down by the double wire lever, which is hinged to the neck wire. To open it, the lever is raised, which throws the stopper out of the bottle. Price $6 per gross. For attaching either of the above stoppers to the bottles we charge 50 cents per gross. -º-º-º-º-º-º-º: Sºº-º-º- - --- * ^ -- º ------=º. -- The Matthews Shipping Box—Style A. Our shipping boxes for transporting bottles are made on the same plan as our bottle boxes, of the best lumber strapped with galvanized iron, and provided with fluted par. titions, covers, and safety latches, arranged for sealing. Style A.—For six dozen “soda’’ water bottles........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - $2 50 “ B.—For four dozen lager beer bottles. . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 50 For six -- -- K. “ . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 00 / - - - - We also make an improved solid shipping box, with screw-fastened cover. Style C.—For two dozen pints, 85 cents; for quarts..... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $100 A sample bottle should accompany orders for special sizes. 36 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus, antaurice I Style G. B. Style C. B. Style A. B. Style B. B. Bottles. OUR facilities are unsurpassed for furnishing bottles of the best quality specially manufactured for bottlers' use. When ordered in quantities of ten gross or more, the purchaser's name or trade mark will be blown in the glass without extra charge. Glass bottles improve by standing a few months before being used. It is economy for bottlers to have their bottles made early and packed away until needed. Our arrangements are such that we can make and keep on hand bottles for our customers during the fall and winter months, and deliver them when wanted for use in the spring. The standard styles and prices per gross are as follows: ºr cross rºº Style G. B.-16 oz. weight “soda" water bottles for gravitating stoppers, $6 25 $600 -- 18 oz. weight “soda’’ water bottles for gravitating stoppers, 7 75 7 50 Style C. B.-16 oz. weight “soda ' water bottles for corks. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 25 6 00 -- 14 oz. weight “soda water" bottles for corks.............. 6 00 5 75 Style A. B.-18 oz. weight long ginger ale bottles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 75 7 50 Style B. B.-14 oz. weight lager beer bottles, half pints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 00 5 75 4. 16 oz. weight lager beer bottles, pints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 25 6 00 … ditto, ditto, with lightning stoppers put on, 11 75 11 50 Style W.B.-18 oz. weight, half-pint weiss beer bottles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 75 7 50 - « 22 to 23 oz. weight, regular weiss beer bottles. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 50 8 25 Style R. B.-28 oz. weight, 28 oz. capacity beer bottles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 9 75 Style S. B.-16 oz. weight, pint spring water bottles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 25 6 00 -- 24 oz. weight, quart spring water bottles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 50 S 25 First Avenue, 26th and 27th Streets, New York. The Matthews sº Siphon Filling Ma- Nº || chines. W | Our Style A siphon filling \º - - - in II machine is “unsurpassed,” according to the report of the judges of the American Institute, “for safety, con- venience, and economy,” while the “workmanship and materials are of the best quality.” The price of it, * with safety screen enclosing º Style B w |, §sº == - - º is rººs =º *\ - - ing siphons with solutions --" (See Aage 32). . - - - - ... $20 00 Style SB. Style SC. The Matthews Siphons. See Aage 38. 38 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus, Siphons. | Section of the SC Siphon Head. Our siphons are made of the best French glass with hard metal heads. All springs used by us in constructing siphon heads are silvered phosphor bronze. The four different styles illustrated on page 37 all cost the same, but styles S C and S S (steady stream) are decidedly the best. In the S C siphon, the valve being above the passage way, it does not interfere with the flow of the liquid, and the beverage retains its pungency when dispensed. No stuffing box is used. The working parts do not come in contact with the beverage, and it is never tinctured by injurious or disagreeable substances. The working parts seldom get out of order, and they can be easily re- paired or replaced without removing the head from the bottle. Only one-half the time usually taken to charge an ordinary siphon is required with the S C style. For a more complete description of siphons see Carbonafed Z27 in/s (Vol. II., No. 3). The working parts of the Steady Stream Siphon (style SS, introduced for the first time in this catalogue), are the same as those of style S C. With the steady stream siphon, however, the beverage is dispensed in a large steady stream, and therefore retains more gas and is more pungent than when drawn from the ordinary siphon. When special sizes of siphon bottles are required, the best American glass is used. First Avenue, 26th and 27th Streets, New York. 39 Section of the S A Siphon Head. Prices of Siphons. 1 to 50 Siphons........................................ each, 90c. 50 to 500 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 80c. 500 to 1,000 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 75c. Name and address etched in the glass, in quantities not less than 100, each, 6c. For less than 100 an additional charge of $2.50 will be made for the stencil required. Name and address engraved on the siphon heads, without charge, when 100 or more are ordered. - In orders for siphons, where the style is not named, the selection being left to us, Style S S will be sent. Prices of Siphon Fittings and Accessories. French glass, full size siphon ottles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45c. French glass, half size siphon Lottles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37c. Siphon head, with glass tube, collar screw, and rubber, complete. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53c. Metal siphon head, without tube, collar, or rubber. . . . . . . . . . . * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44c. Valves for SC and S S siphons, each................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2c. Valves for S A siphons, each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c. Spindles for SC and S S siphons, each......................................... 5c. Spindles for S A siphons, each..................................... .......... 10c. Rubber collars, each....... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2C. For dismounting siphons, each 40 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus, Plain Siphon Boxes. Style E. Our plain siphon boxes for holding and transporting siphons are bound with gal- vanized iron and provided with stalls for ten siphons. Prices. Style D.—Each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c. Style E.-Each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c. First Avenue, 26th and 27th Streets, New York. 41 | Show Siphon Boxes. =sº isºsºsºsºs SL-E- | == | - Styles G and H. We make three styles of show siphon boxes intended for the exhibition of mineral waters in siphons. Style F.—Made of black walnut, with French plate glass mirror in front, etched with purchaser's name and address in permanent lettering, price each Style G.-Made of chestnut, finished with a black walnut moulding, price each... 1 75 Style H.-Made of black walnut, finished with a moulding, price each . . . . . . ... 2 25 Purchasers may have their names and address stamped on styles G and H, and the letters gilded, at a cost for die of $25, and, for stamping and gilding, of 25c. each. | 42 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus, - The Matthews Dispensing Apparatus. As far as their internal construction is concerned, apparatus for dispensing carbonated beverages and sirups at the counter are either first or second class. We do not manufacture, nor have we manufactured for several years, second-class apparatus—that is, those made in the old and necessarily defective style, with sirup faucets opening through the front of the marble case. Of the fifty apparatus illus- trated in this catalogue—ranging in price from $78 to $4500–all are strictly first-class, or, in other words, made with the improved portable glass sirup tank, which is pro- vided with a measuring chamber, and opens at the bottom either, first, by means of a valve, the handle of which projects through the top of the case, or, second, in the form known as the “sub-lift,” by simply raising a button near the bottom of the tank, or else, third, by means of the rear automatic sub-lift, by simply pressing the tumbler inward without lifting it from the counter. This construction (whether “sub-lift " or “top- lift") involves also a tumbler-cooling recess beneath the sirup tanks, occupying a space which is practically wasted in all common apparatus. The recess in question is pro- vided with wire tumbler guides, and is generally closed by a balanced door of orna- mental design, heavily silver-plated—a feature easily recognized and found only in first class apparatus. There are also four peculiar features of all the Matthews dispensing apparatus, to which we invite special attention. These are—first, the couplings, which are lined by a continuation of the solid tin connecting-tube, thus preventing the contamination cer- tain to occur with common brass couplings; second, the coolers, which are either coils of interspaced block-tin tube or the Wonder cooler described on page 48, whereby the greatest purity and coolness of the beverage and the most economical use of ice are secured ; third, the steady-stream attachment, a simple but ingenious device for insur- ing an even flow of the beverage, and preventing the wasteful escape of the gas ; fourth, the improved double-stream draught arm, lined throughout with block tin of sub- stantial thickness, for drawing a small and a large stream of “soda” water. Besides these, the more expensive apparatus have patent illuminating gas-tubes, which pass through the case, and are provided with ornamental burners and shades above and connecting screws below, to which common gas-pipes may be readily attached. There are, then, in our dispensing apparatus no less than eleven distinct improve- ments, exclusively controlled by us—namely, the portable glass sirup-tank, the sirup- measuring chamber, the “top-lift” valve, the “sub-lift” valve, the tumbler-cooling re- cess, the tumbler guide, the pipe-lined coupling, the interspaced coil cooler, the Wonder Continued on Aage 44. First Avenue, 26th and 27th Streets, New York. 43 || A % Z" | ~~ º | % | |., ºft & M E \" ſo | º | - | º - - ANN | ---. `s – - - , º , º - 4. º \ * - º (G Sºl- ſº 3. | Y S ^{1/− ||| º 4 º' º | º º > º | º R º §: º T | muli. w | g º º º s º º º -- \\ § sº wº W. w º º º *S N N s T Yºr ; º O \\ º º Nº. \\ & - | | ºs §§§ º º sº º 66 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE ICICLE.” This is a double-faced apparatus (see page 67), designed for six beverages and six- teen sirups, having a gable-roofed superstructure, and made generally of Belgian marble. The base of the superstructure is adorned along each side with seven jeweled Sarrancolin rosettes, and decorated, like the sides and ends of the case, with profuse tracery. The covers form the sloping sides of the roof, the ridge of which is covered by a metallic cap, while at each end rises a slender ornamental standard, supporting a colored decorated glass sign. The name escutcheons are on the ends; the door is of the “dragon-and-triangle” pattern. “The ſcicle" has twenty-six jewels, one four- -- cylinder Wonder cooler for “soda” water, one one-cylinder Wonder cooler for each of the other beverages, and two double-stream draught arms; it is made with either sub- lift or top-lift sirup tanks ; occupies a counter space of 31 x 324 inches; its total height is 60 inches; the price of it in colored marbles is $900. | - ºn - T. | Sojº | | º |º] º §§ | | | | - º & \ c *= wº \\ - º - ºft ºiſ; º 68 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. -: “THE ARNO.” This is a sub-lift, double-faced apparatus (see page 69), designed for six beverages and twelve sirups, having a gable-roofed superstructure, and made generally of Bar- diglio and Lisbon marbles. The covers form the sloping sides of the roof, the ridge of which is of green marble surmounted by a cresting holding a decorated glass sign, while at each end rises an ornamental standard with a jeweled finial. A composite moulding of red and black marble runs across each end at the base of the superstructure with a finished angle at each corner. Rising above the lower angles of the gables are four ornamental bronze brackets with jeweled centres. The sides and ends of the body of the apparatus are decorated with artistic tracery, as are also the gables, which have the name appropriately engraved in wreaths surmounting the carvings. The front is made of Lisbon marble, the doors have four jeweled handles, and are decorated after the conventional floral pattern. Above the doors on each side are three draught arms, the middle ones being double-stream arms. “The Arno’’ has twenty-six jewels, one four-cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda” water, one one-cylinder Wonder cooler for each of the other beverages, and it occupies a counter space of 26 x 26% inches; its total height is 60 inches; the price of it in colored marbles is $825. s -- --- Nº. --- Nº. Nº. w w ~ s s § º N§ N § R º -\º 70 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE PACIFIC.” This is a double-faced apparatus (see page 71), designed for six beverages and six. teen sirups, and having a gable-roofed superstructure, somewhat resembling that of “The Zeicle,” but much more striking in form. The faces and ends of the body of the apparatus are of Belgian, without tracery ; the door is of the “dragon-and-triangle" style. The superstructure projects, forming a recess on each side, and is supported at each corner by a column of Egyptian black and gold marble, with a metallic capital and base. The ends of the superstructure, which overlap the case, are of Gryotte, enriched with tracery, an escutcheon, a jeweled tablet of Belgian, and four jeweled rosettes. The ice chamber covers form part of the roof, which is of Bardiglio, with a castellated ridge of Belgian. The recess within is of Tennessee, bearing the name, and adorned with tracery. Just below the roof, and above the recess, is a jeweled cornice moulding of Lisbon marble. “The Pacific " has six kinds of marble, thirty-four jewels, one four. - cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda” water, and one one-cylinder Wonder cooler for each of the other beverages, two double-stream draught arms, and is made with either sub-lift or top-lift sirup tanks. It occupies a counter space of 33 x 34 inches; its total height is 56 inches; the price of it is $2200. º - rºw. --- ºzº ºº: “THE NILE.” This is a double-faced apparatus (see page 73), designed for six beverages and twelve sirups, and having a tower superstructure. The ends of the body of the appa- ratus are of Genoa, adorned with tracery and a circular Gryotte tablet bearing a silver name-plate. The faces are of Gryotte and the covers of Belgian. The superstructure is of Tennessee with a semicircular silvered name escutcheon in the front; it is four- sided at the base, but becomes octagonal above, and is surmounted by a silvered cap and railing supporting a glass dome with a silvered bronze finial. “The AWile” has three kinds of marble, one four-cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda” water, interspaced coil coolers for the other beverages, two double-stream draught arms, either sub-lift or top- lift sirup tanks, and occupies a counter space of 264 x 30 inches; its height is 60 inches; the price of it is $750. | | | | º - - w - \ JOHN MATHºwSNEW YOR 74 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE ADRIATIC.” This is a double-faced apparatus (see page 75), designed for six beverages and six- teen sirups, and having a superstructure of the tower style. The body of the apparatus is of Belgian, adorned on all sides with profuse tracery, and having on each end an escutcheon and two small, jeweled, violet Brocatel tablets. The oblong base of the superstructure is of Gryotte, decorated with gilding and jeweled Sienna mouldings. The remainder of the superstructure consists of two Tennessee side pieces, each with three sloping faces and a crested metallic cap, and a small central tower having a square Gryotte base, which bears on each exposed face a jeweled Belgian tablet and name- plate. Above this base the tower is of Tennessee, cut off triangularly at the corners from below upward, so that the top becomes octagonal. To this is attached a metal cap, bearing eight jeweled crests, set with colored cut-glass, and supporting a crystal glass dome, topped by a small slender finial. The ice-chamber covers are in the Ten- nessee tower. “ The Adriatic” has forty-six jewels, five kinds of marble, one four- cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda” water, one one-cylinder Wonder cooler for each of the other beverages, and two double-stream draught arms. It occupies a counter space of 323 x 34 inches; its height is 70 inches; the price of it is $1200. Tºlºl. munillº. º in †† -- º º sº. º º º º º º ---------------- -uuuuuuun 3:1;2:19 lº 76 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE DAKOTA.” This is a sub-lift, double-faced apparatus (see page 77), designed for six beverages and twelve sirups, and having a tower superstructure. The faces are of Genoa, the sides of the superstructure of Gryotte and Bardiglio, and the ends of the entire appa- ratus of Bardiglio, adorned with name-plates, escutcheons, and bold tracery. The upper edges of this apparatus have an ornamental outline. The ice-chamber doors of Gryotte are in the sides of the superstructure. “The Dakoſa” has three marbles, one four-cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda” water, interspaced coil coolers for the other beverages, and two double-stream draught arms; it occupies a counter space of 27#x28% inches; its height is 53% inches; the price of it is $800. - - - - º | º in. º º | º º º º H s iº/ | | | M º Yº Y ſº | }\\ºy Yº ſº. | A \º ſº | |. | Yºkº | º gº º | |\| |T \º - | | - - - | | O - |-E* - - | ſº |sº --> -- | - º | - - | º Es º F. º E - - E- --- -º-º: =º --~~ - --- - -- == - - - - º | º M - ſº |||ſ º º | ºf ſº º º s | | - º ºf Tºjº i - . . % A - = - º - º |||}| º (3):10 ºf - - | º— initian | | | | ºs ºs s | | Ins --- iº || Tºº º º | | --nºt- º T.I.' TIII - TILL | 78 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE ARGOSY.” This is a sub-lift, double-faced apparatus (see page 79), designed for six beverages and twelve sirups, and having a tower superstructure with carved upper edges. The faces are of Genoa, the faces of the superstructure of Bardiglio and Lisbon with Belgian mouldings, and the ends of the entire apparatus are Belgian. There is also a base moulding of Tennessee, and a Gryotte moulding surrounding the apparatus just below the superstructure. The Lisbon panel in the upper part of the superstructure is deco- rated with the most profuse tracery. There are ornamental name-plates and escutcheons on the ends, which are also adorned with tracery. The ice-chamber doors of Bardiglio are in the sides of the superstructure. “The Argosy” has six different marbles, one four- cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda” water, interspaced coil coolers for the other beverages, and two double-stream draught arms; it occupies a counter space of 28} x 293 inches; its height is 51 inches; the price of it is $925. º *Sº - * -i. H LIlllllll . - ſº*::::::$3. §: s - s § §§§ N ºs. |m. T 80 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE FIRE-EATER.” This is a double-faced apparatus of a new design (see page 81), arranged with rear automatic sub-lift sirup tanks and inclosed beverage-dispensing valves. It is made for six beverages and twelve sirups. The base of the superstructure is of black Belgian, with Gryotte moulding on the four sides. Upon the Gryotte moulding rests a sirup chamber of black Belgian, and rising from this shelf, on each corner, is an onyx column with silvered base and capital supporting the pyramidal roof with a Sienna cornice mould- ing. In the recess there is an ice-chamber door of Tennessee, with sides of Bardiglio, having a polished, decorated mirror in a metal frame. This door is provided with hooks and rings for keeping it open. On the four sides of the pyramidal roof are metal brackets supporting ruby and blue glass signs. The pyramidal roof of Gryotte marble is surmounted by a metal cresting from which rises a bronze finial. The sides are richly decorated with gold tracery and two panels of Japanese floral designs and silver name- plate in the centre panel, with four onyx and jewel rosettes. The front is also decorated with conventional tracery and silver draught plates, sirup and beverage labels. Be- tween the Gryotte and Sienna mouldings is a polished and engraved bevel-edged mirror secured by four metal corner pieces. On this mirror is etched a card to the public. Near the cresting and at the lower part of the pyramidal roof is a border of tracery with inlaid gold. The back of the tumbler recess is of Genoa green. In order to dispense the sirup from “The Fire-A’ater,” the tumbler is pushed against the lever, thus causing the required amount to be measured and discharged. The tumbler is then allowed to recede, and is moved to the “soda” draught arm, where it is placed in the guides and the beverage drawn. With the inclosed beverage-dispensing valves, all that projects beyond the face of the apparatus is the ball-wheel, and a great economy of space is thus effected. “The Fire-Eater" has eight marbles, one four-cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda” water, one one-cylinder Wonder cooler for each of the other beverages, and two double-stream draught arms; it occupies a counter space of 294 x 44 inches; its height is 80% inches; the price of it is $2150. r 9. º * º | º | | | ill º | tº act ºuaurer ic | ºº: Waction | 82 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE IANT HE.” This is a sub-lift, double-faced apparatus (see page 83), designed for six beverages and twelve sirups, and having a tower superstructure with a pyramidal top. The faces of the apparatus are Genoa and the ends are Belgian, with a heavy Belgian base mould- ing and a Gryotte moulding just below the pyramid, which is of Bardiglio surmounted by a square, ornamental metal frame, set with decorated ruby glass and surmounted by a slender finial. A band of tracery runs around the whole apparatus just below the Gryotte moulding, and there are also other traceries of bold design on both the ends and the sides, together with escutcheons and name-plates on the ends. The ice-cham- ber doors are in the sides of the superstructure. “ The Zanthe' has four different - marbles, twelve jewels, one four-cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda” water, one one-cylinder Wonder cooler for each of the other beverages, and two double-stream draught arms; it occupies a counter space of 28} x 293 inches; its height is 93 inches; the price of it is $975. unº | | I Tº - ń. ! s * | -º-º: || milliºn º º º |||}|. ºn - | -------- | - Ilı. (THºll º A jº | | | º - §§º |º: & " ": . º - - | 84 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE FROST KING.” This is a double-faced illuminating apparatus (see page 85), designed for six bever- ages and sixteen sirups, and having a superstructure of the pyramid style. The four sides of the base are of Gryotte, adorned with tracery, the top being of Belgian. In both front and rear the marble of the case is pierced in the middle with a multifoil opening filled with panels of plate glass, in two thicknesses, showing the interior of the apparatus and exhibiting the circulation of the beverages in glass coolers. On each side of this glass is a jeweled violet Brocatel tablet, surrounded by four smaller jewels, and above it is a heavy projecting jeweled cap of Belgian. The base of the pyramid is of Gryotte, profusely jeweled and decorated with a Sienna moulding, which also sur- rounds the Belgian window-caps. The pyramid itself is of Bardiglio, with two end pieces running from the tops of the window-caps to the summit. This is sheathed with a four angled, crested and jeweled metal cap, which runs up into a lofty jeweled finial. The ice-chamber covers are in the sides of the pyramid, and each end-piece bears a spiral illuminating arm, with a horizontal tube, having a burner and shade at each end. All the sides of the pyramid and of the base of the apparatus are decorated with tracery. The doors serve as name-plates, and the draught arms are set on tablets of Brocatel and Sarrancolin. “The Frost King” has in all fifty-eight jewels, six kinds of marble, one four-cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda” water, one one-cylinder Wonder cooler for each of the other beverages, and two double-stream draught arms; it is made with either sub-lift or top-lift sirup tanks; it occupies a counter space of 323 x 41 inches; its height is 84 inches; the price of it is $2000. ºr º - º - º: ſº º - *. º ºff: {} {{{3|H §§ N 86 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “T H E AMAZON.” This is a double-faced apparatus (see page 87), designed for six beverages and six- teen sirups, and having a superstructure of the temple style with a pyramidal top, sur- mounted by a small, square, pyramid-topped tower. The body of the apparatus is of Belgian marble, decorated both front and rear with profuse tracery, nine jewels, and a heavy Genoa tablet bearing a square name-plate. The square central portion of the superstructure is of Genoa, adorned with eight large jewels and two circular escutcheons on heavy Brocatel tablets. Two Belgian tumbler rinsers, each with four jeweled jets, complete this portion of the superstructure. Four round metallic columns rise at the corners from the base line of the apparatus, and support a heavily jeweled Belgian entab- lature with a Sienna moulding. The four-sided roof is of Genoa, overlaid by Gryotte. The tower, also of Gryotte, has base and cornice mouldings of Belgian, sixteen oblong tablets of violet Brocatel, and a pyramidal top of Bardiglio, capped by a Belgian finial. Each of the cornice mouldings has also a heavy jeweled Brocatel rosette. “The Amazon” has doors of the “dragon-and-triangle” pattern, which are raised by a knob and kept open by a chain and jeweled weight. This apparatus has in all seventy-six jewels and seven different marbles. It is provided with one six-cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda” water, one one-cylinder Wonder cooler for each of the other bever- ages, two double-stream draught arms, and either sub-lift or top-lift sirup tanks. It occupies a counter space of 35 x 35 inches; its height is 86 inches ; the price of it is $3200. |ſº nºvae 88 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. IF - - - Eº “THE FROST QUEEN.” This is a six-faced, twelve-sided, illuminating apparatus (see page 89), designed for three beverages and twelve sirups, and having a superstructure of the tower style. The sides are alternately broad and narrow, three of the narrow ones having each a draught arm, and three of the broad ones being arranged for four sirups each. The doors are of an emblematic “Frost Queen” pattern, and are lifted by “finger catches.” A name escutcheon and a metallic sinup list also appear on two of the sides, all of which are decorated with tracery. The body of the apparatus is of Belgian, and the base of the hexagonal tower is of Genoa, with a Sienna moulding and a sloping Bar- diglio top. The summit is of Belgian, with six jeweled Sienna rosettes, and is sur- mounted by a lofty metallic finial of ornamental shape. The six upright illuminating arms, each with burner and shade, rise above the six narrow sides of the body of the apparatus, and are attached to the angles of the tower by metal brackets. “The Frost Queen" has five kinds of marble and nine jewels; it is furnished with either sub-lift or - - top-lift sirup tanks, one four-cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda” water, and one one-cylinder Wonder cooler for each of the other beverages, and one double-stream draught arm ; it occupies a counter space of 35 x 36 inches; its height is 78 inches; the price of it is $1500. º . 90 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE HELICON.” This is a single-faced, vis-à-vis apparatus (see page 91), designed for three beverages and eight sirups, the single face being at the back instead of on one side. Like the following apparatus, it is of the Neo-Grec style of architecture. The case is of white Italian marble, with a base moulding of Gryotte. In the front are two broad pilasters of Genoa, with an etched and polished six-jeweled mirror of heavy plate glass between them. There is also above the pilasters a massive pediment of white marble, decorated with bold tracery, three jeweled rosettes, and three Gryotte mouldings with thirteen jewels. In addition to these, there is, besides the name escutcheon, a row of five large jewels on each side, making in all twenty-nine jewels. It has one four-cylinder Won- der cooler for the “soda” water, interspaced coil coolers for the other beverages, one double-stream draught arm, and is furnished with either sub-lift or top-lift sirup tanks. “The Helicon" occupies a counter space of 24 x 34% inches; its height is 39 inches; the price of it is $500. Żó. … A -in- ſ \ſ ſº ſ W W T "Tº º º . - − º º . - 92 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE COLUMBIA.” This is a sub-lift, single-faced, vis-à-vis apparatus (see page 93), designed for seven beverages and ten sirups. The front and sides are of Genoa green, with base mould- ing of Belgian black. On the ends are escutcheon plates, and on the front a Belgian tablet. A black Belgian cornice moulding, decorated with gold tracery, runs around the entire apparatus. Resting on and projecting from this moulding are the sirup and ice-chamber doors of Belgian black, which form another member in the cornice mould. ing. The Genoa front and sides are also incised with gold tracery. “The Columbia” is provided with one four-cylinder Wonder cooler for the “ soda" water, one one-cylinder Wonder cooler for each of the other beverages, and one double-stream draught arm. It occupies a counter space of 27 x 464 inches; its height is 27 inches; and the price of it, as shown in the illustration, is $900. “ 7%e Columbia” can also be used as a wall apparatus. When so desired it is made with a plain back, when the price is $875. * intº - º º -- tº -im | º | - | - - L- | || - º ſº John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE THESEUM.” This is a single-faced, vis-à-vis apparatus (see page 95), designed for five beverages and twelve sirups, resembling “The Helicon,” but larger and more striking in form. The sides are of Belgian, with barred tracery and a row of four jewels, a name- escutcheon below, and above a circular Genoa tablet bearing a jeweled rosette of Sienna. The front has a base of Belgian and Sienna supporting two pilasters and two half-pilasters of Belgian. Between the pilasters is a large mirror bearing the name “Theseum,” with a smaller mirror at each side, jeweled and etched. The heavy Sienna pediment has Gryotte mouldings, with nine jewels next to the mirrors, and is divided above by a broad moulding of Belgian, with a raised centre, bearing a Genoa tablet with a jeweled Sienna rosette. The back is also of Belgian. This apparatus has, in all, twenty-two jewels, four kinds of marble, one four-cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda” water, one one-cylinder Wonder cooler for each of the other beverages, and one double-stream draught arm. It is furnished with either sub-lift or top-lift sirup tanks; it occupies a counter space of 26 x 48 inches; its total height is 45 inches; the price of it is $950. º . =. § *ś º: - * = | | n 96 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. ſº “THE NEPEN THE.” This is a single-faced, vis-à-vis apparatus (see page 97), designed for eight beverages and sixteen sirups. It resembles “The Zheseum” and “The Helicon,” but is the largest and most elaborate of the three. The base of the front is of Belgian and Tennessee; the four pilasters are of Genoa, and the pediment is of white Italian, with bold tracery, two jewels, a notched centre moulding of Gryotte, and two heavy side mouldings of Sienna. The three-jeweled mirrors are profusely etched with a leaf design, the middle one, which is the highest, bearing the name. The back of the apparatus is of white Italian, and the sides are of Belgian, there being on each, besides tracery, five jewels and a square name escutcheon. There are six kinds of marble and twenty-one jewels in “Z'he AV-penthe.” It has one four-cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda” water, one one-cylinder Wonder cooler for each of the other beverages, one double-stream draught arm, and is provided with either sub-lift or top-lift sirup tanks. It occupies a counter space of 26 x 69 inches; its total height is 50 inches; the price of it is $1150. | | º | | s S. - | | | S. |< - | | | || | | | | 98 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE AMERICA.” This is a sub-lift, single-faced, plain-topped wall apparatus (see page 99), designed for eight beverages and seventeen sirups. The ends are of Tennessee with sculptured Belgian base mouldings. The front is also of Tennessee, having a moulding of Gryotte bearing the sirup labels. From this rise six Belgian pilasters, supporting a Belgian black cornice moulding with a panel of Lisbon marble, ornamented with a conventional floral design which is carried around the front and ends. This apparatus is constructed in three compartments with two pilasters respectively for each front. This leaves a recessed panel of Tennessee, upon which are tablets of Genoa green to receive the draught arms. The pilasters are decorated with gold lines, as are also the ends of the apparatus. A single compartment may be used when more are not required, thus reducing the ice space. The two end compartments are arranged for one beverage and two sirup tanks of two-gallon capacity each. The central compartment has four draught arms and thirteen sirup tanks of five pints capacity each. -- “The America” has two four-cylinder Wonder coolers for the “soda” water, one one- cylinder Wonder cooler for each of the mineral waters, and two double-stream draught arms. It occupies a counter space of 26 x 86% inches ; its height is 32 inches ; and the price of it is $1150. 100 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE RHINE.” This is a single-faced wall apparatus (see page 1 or), designed for three beverages and eight sirups, and having raised sides and back. The front is of Gryotte and the ends and cover of Belgian. The back is of Bardiglio, semicircular above with indented edge, and has moulded bands of Sienna inclosing an oblong mirror etched with tracery and the name of the apparatus. The back is further adorned with a circular Warwick tablet bearing a silvered name-plate, while on each end there are elaborate traceries, besides a silvered name escutcheon and plate for sirup list. “The Rhine” has five marbles, one two-cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda” water, interspaced coil coolers for the other beverages, one double-stream draught arm, and it is made with either sub- lift or top-lift sirup tanks. It occupies a counter space of 21 x 33 inches; its height is 47 inches; the price of it is $500. º º Nº s - IIIº- º tººl -------- | | tº anti- - l | | ºff. º - º | m | 102 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. *_ “THE CORINTH.” This is a single-faced wall apparatus (see page 103), designed for three beverages and eight sirups, and having raised sides and back. It has a moulded base of Belgian ; the front, which projects above, the raised ends and the cover are of Tennessee; the ends have etched and silvered name-plates ; the front is moulded and carved. The raised back is of Bardiglio, semicircular in form above, with an indented edge, and a base moulding of Gryotte. This back has also a circular Genoa tablet bearing a silvered name-plate ; a bar resting on two brackets attached to the back supports an etched metal-and-ruby-glass sirup list. “The Corinth " has five marbles, one two-cylinder Wonder cooler for “soda” water, interspaced coil coolers for the other beverages, one double-stream draught arm, and occupies a counter space of 20 x 40 inches; its height is 44 inches; the price of it is $530, or, with a door to the tumbler-cooling chamber, $560. |S|Rºw BKRRY "º WRIZIſlrº ºś º PI2E.; PPRF: GIIRGER" R$SPBERRY RECºLºR. 104 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE DELAWARE.” This is a single-faced illuminating wall apparatus (see page 105), designed for five beverages and twelve sirups, and having raised sides and back. The front is of Genoa or Alps green, and the top and sides of Belgian, the latter being adorned with tracery and bearing circular name escutcheons. The back is of Lisbon, overlaid above with white Italian, supported by four small pilasters of Egyptian black-and-gold marble, with metallic capitals and bases resting on a base of Tennessee. This construction gives three Lisbon panels, the large central arched one being decorated with a circular Sar- rancolin tablet and escutcheon, surrounded by eight Brocatel rosettes. In each of the small square side panels is another Brocatel rosette on a Genoa tablet. The white marble pediment bears three Tennessee rosettes at each side, and in the centre, above the arched panel, a Genoa tablet, from which projects a right-angled illuminating arm with burner and shade. “The Delaware” has eight marbles, twenty-four tablets, rosettes, and pilasters. It has one four-cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda” water, one one-cylinder Wonder cooler for each of the other beverages, one double-stream draught arm, and is furnished with either sub-lift or top-lift sirup tanks ; it occupies a counter space of 20 x 48 inches; its height is 65 inches; the price of it is $950. | º - º - º | N Nº. 3) Ns - – = – | 106 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE VIRGINIA.” This is a single-faced, illuminating wall apparatus (see page 107), designed for eight beverages and sixteen sirups, and having raised sides of black Belgian, sculptured and decorated with tracery and name-plate. The moulding around the base is of Gryotte ; the front is of Genoa, and the top is of black Belgian. The back is of Bardiglio, hav- ing a Gothic ridge-piece with a Belgian tablet from which projects a short illuminating arm, bearing a horizontal jeweled cross-bar provided with three burners and shades. Upon the back are four pilasters of Alps green resting upon a base of Gryotte, and supporting a Gryotte moulding of sculptured design. This construction gives three panels containing mirrors with conventional floral decorations. The large central panel is arch-topped ; the other two are square. “The Virginia” has four marbles, is fitted with one four-cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda” water, one one-cylinder Wonder cooler for each of the other beverages, two double-stream draught arms, and with either sub-lift or top-lift sirup tanks. It occu- pies a counter space of 21 x 62% inches, and its height is 61% inches. The price of “The Virginia” is $1000. º º ####### | | F. | “THE MOSELLE.” This is a sub-lift, single-faced wall apparatus (see page Io9), designed for three beverages and six or eight sirups, and having raised sides and a slant-roofed super- structure. The face is of Genoa, the sides of Belgian with tracery and a trade-mark escutcheon, and the superstructure of Bardiglio with a carved ridge-piece of Belgian adorned with tracery and an ornamental name-plate. The ice-chamber cover is in the roof; the door is of the “ owl'' pattern. “The Mosel/e” has three kinds of marble, two two-cylinder Wonder coolers for the “soda” water, interspaced coils for the other bever- ages, one double-stream draught arm, and the prices are as follows: BEVERAGES. SIRUPS. SPACE OCCUPIED ON COUNTER. HEIGHT. PRICE. Three Six 16 x 29 inches 48 inches $475 -- . . . . Eight 16 x 3.3% “ 4S “ 500 | | º | | | | | | 110 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus, H - “THE IONA.” This is a single-faced wall apparatus (see page 111), designed for three beverages and eight sirups, and having raised sides and a slant-roofed superstructure. The face is of Genoa, the sides of Belgian, adorned with profuse tracery, the top of the same marble, and the superstructure of Bardiglio, with a heavily jeweled Sienna base moulding and a white Italian ridge-piece of ornamental shape, set with a massive Genoa tablet and escutcheon, surrounded by eight Warwick rosettes. The ice-chamber cover is in the roof, and bears a jeweled name-plate. There are in all eight jewels and six kinds of | marble. “The Iona" has one two-cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda” water, inter- spaced coils for the other beverages, one double-stream draught arm, is furnished with either sub-lift or top-lift sirup tanks, and occupies a counter space of 20Å x 32% inches; its height is 54 inches; the price of it is $575. T | | º ºl ºl. T I | ..º. ..º. º º | | | * | | º s \}, | º Z_ *|| Yº-g | 'c's - Ti is , * º: ºf R. §§ ſ/2-9. º | * | | | º - - -- 112 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE APHRODITE.” This is a single-faced wall apparatus (see page 113), designed for three beverages and eight sirups, and having raised sides and a flat-roofed superstructure. The face is of Genoa green, and the sides and top of Belgian. The base of the superstructure is of Tennessee, supporting two Genoa pilasters adorned with tracery. Between these is a polished, jeweled mirror, with the name etched in the glass, and with a jeweled Gryotte moulding. The entablature is of Sienna, with a moulding also of Gryotte. The top of the superstructure, forming the ice-chamber cover, is of Belgian. The pedi- ment surmounting the apparatus is of Bardiglio, with a raised centre, bearing a heavy circular Sienna tablet, with a jeweled Brocatel rosette. The sides of the apparatus and the pediment are adorned with tracery and jewels, each side also bearing an oblong name-plate. “The Aphrodite” has seven different marbles and twelve jewels. It has one three-cylinder Wonder cooler for “soda” water, interspaced coil coolers for the other beverages, one double-stream draught arm, and is furnished with either sub-lift or top- lift sirup tanks; it occupies a counter space of 24 x 32% inches; the height is 56 inches; the price is $750. -- * Lºº. º | º, i º i. © 7 º | / \ º * |*|| | | | . | º: | º | | | I | - | | º º | | º º º : ſ - - 114 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE SABRINA.” This is a sub-lift, single-faced wall apparatus (see page 115), designed for five bever- ages and twelve sirups, and having raised and sculptured sides and a slant-roofed superstructure. The face is of Genoa and the sides of Belgian, with name-plates, traceries, and heavy Belgian base mouldings. The ice-chamber door, of Tennessee, forms the slanting front of the superstructure. Above this is a shelf of the same marble, supporting an etched and polished plate glass mirror set in Sienna mouldings. Above this is a massive sculptured ridge-piece of Bardiglio, adorned with an Italian edge-moulding, traceries, and a circular escutcheon. “ The Sabrina" has six different marbles, one four-cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda” water, one one-cylinder Wonder cooler for the other beverages, one double-stream draught arm, and occupies a counter space of 18 x 52% inches; its height is 72 inches; the price of it is $800. *: º º | ºliº - ſº |||ſºn * | * º - AU/ — E|E|E|E|E|E|E|E|| || ſ TL TTI I - T Lillilulii - Tullili 116 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE RIAL.T.O.” This is a sub-lift, single-faced wall apparatus (see page 117), designed for five bever. ages and sixteen sirups, and having raised and sculptured sides and slant-roofed super- structure. The face is of Genoa with a Gryotte moulding ; the ends are of Belgian, with base mouldings of the same, name-plates and traceries. The ice-chamber door, of Bardiglio, forms the slanting front of the superstructure ; above this is an etched and polished plate-glass mirror set in Sienna mouldings; over this is another slanting Bar- diglio roof surmounted by a Bardiglio ridge-piece with an edge moulding of Italian, the Bardiglio being adorned with elaborate traceries. “The Rialto’’ has six different marbles, one four-cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda” water, one one-cylinder Won- der cooler for each of the other beverages, one double-stream draught arm, and occu- pies a counter space of 19 x 63% inches; its height is 84 inches; the price of it is $950. --- lºſſºm º s- º ºs º - - º - º º º Z -- - - º - º: -- Effl #Eº *Tºº - º º -º- º Eſſº *imº. º º -- - º \\\\\\\\ - - ºw wº - --- º º - *(·ſ& § Kº — 9 : 9: o z o.º. o. os or 6: G, \L/IN/IM i ; º | 118 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE EROS.” This is a single-faced wall apparatus (see page 119), designed for five beverages and sixteen sirups, and having a slant-roofed superstructure. The face of the apparatus is of Genoa, and the top of Belgian. The sides are of Belgian below, and Bardiglio above, with a Gryotte moulding between. At each corner of the front is a round metal column, rising from the base line of the apparatus, and supporting the superstructure, which projects sufficiently to form a recess. Within this recess is a long polished mirror rest- ing on a base of Tennessee, the upper portion of the recess being of Lisbon marble. The roof of the superstructure is of Bardiglio, with a white Italian marble ridge-piece raised in the middle. In the centre of this is a semicircular panel of etched plate glass, and in each side of the superstructure is a similar quadrant-shaped panel. Along the front, between the recess and the roof, is a border of Faience tiles, decorated in colors. The name of this apparatus is etched on the mirror, and there is a name escutcheon on each side of the base, the sides being also decorated with tracery. “The Eros” has six kinds of marble, one four-cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda” water, one one-cylinder Wonder cooler for each of the other beverages, one double-stream draught arm, and ten jewels. It occupies a counter space of 24 x 60% inches; its height is 80% inches; the price of it is $1500. - s *My o § º alº | | º º nº 2 *~~- 120 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE PURIT AN.” This is a single-faced wall apparatus designed for seven beverages and twelve sirups. The ends and front are of Belgian marble with heavy base mouldings of the same. The ends are decorated with incised tracery, and have silver name and escutcheon plates. The two ice and sirup-chamber doors are provided with four bronze hinges, and have a central partition of black Belgian between them. Under the ice-chamber doors there is a Gryotte moulding running along the ends and front with decorations in inlaid gold, and above the doors are two Sienna mouldings, forming a black Belgian panel, which extends over the face and sides, and is decorated with a conventional design in inlaid gold. From the corners rise metal columns with a framework containing a panel of orange decorated glass and a panel of red glass with the inscription, as shown in the illustration. In the front there is a central panel, formed by two more columns, which contains a card to the public in blue glass. The whole of the glass- work can be illuminated by either gas or lamps. The columns have a finial of four jeweled rosettes, and each intersection of the frame with the columns is marked by a jewel. On the face of the apparatus there are plates of ornamental design for the dis- pensing valves, as well as sirup and beverage labels and lines of gold tracery. The back of the tumbler recess is of Genoa green. The apparatus is arranged with rear automatic sub-liſt sirup tanks, and inclosed beverage-dispensing valves; these valves are worked on the same principle as “The Fire-AEater" (see page 80). “The Puritan" is very compact; it has four marbles and thirty-eight jewels, one four-cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda” water, one one-cylinder Wonder cooler for each of the other beverages, and one double-stream draught arm. It occupies a counter space of 21 x 594 inches; its height is 72 inches; the price of it is $1800. T º | - | º!ºll º . | º | ATE --" lillº- *m. & º – : º, QMZ º, NºSºl; #º r S/ - º Kºš º SøS - -i- SºSº sºsºsºs 23 º **E=======############# * a “T H E CALYPSO.” This is a single-faced wall apparatus (see page 123), for five beverages and twelve sirups, having a tower-like superstructure and designed in the same Neo-Grec style as the two vis-à-vis apparatus. The moulding around the base is of Gryotte, and the sides of the apparatus are of Belgian, with tracery, name escutcheon, and Bardiglio tab- let, surmounted by a jeweled Sienna rosette. The face is of Genoa, the top of Belgian, and the front of the superstructure of Belgian at the base, and of Sienna above, with four Gryotte pilasters between, separating three etched mirrors, the middle one being the highest. At the tops of these mirrors are jeweled Gryotte mouldings. The raised ornamental central portion of the superstructure has a Tennessee roof with a Belgian ridge, and is decorated with a bronze cornice and a Genoa tablet with a jeweled Bar- diglio rosette. Each side portion of the superstructure has a Bardiglio moulding and a flat Belgian top, which serves as an ice-chamber cover. “The Calypso' has in all fifteen jewels and six kinds of marble. It has one four-cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda.” water, one one-cylinder Wonder cooler for each of the other beverages, one double- stream draught arm, and it is furnished with either sub-lift or top-lift sirup tanks ; it occupies a counter space of 26 x 50% inches; its height is 63% inches; the price of it is $1250. º, | | - *- | | | | | | | - | | | 124 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE EL DORADO.” - This is a single-faced illuminating wall apparatus (see page 125), designed for five beverages and fourteen sirups, and having a superstructure in the pyramidal style. The face and sides are of Belgian, with a heavy cornice moulding of Gryotte Fleuré, in which the draught arms are set. The back is of white Italian, rising by slanting sides to a summit, decorated with a tablet of Sarrancolin, from which projects a short illuminating arm, bearing a horizontal jeweled cross-bar, provided with three burners and shades. The base of the superstructure is of Tennessee, with a slightly projecting front, supported by four short round columns of Genoa, with metal bases and capitals. Within the recess thus formed are two jeweled Brocatel rosettes and a jeweled name- plate. The Tennessee base is surrounded by a Sienna cornice moulding, with a raised centre in front bearing a single jeweled Genoa rosette. The pyramidal portion is of Bardiglio with a castellated ridge of Belgian, and with the ice-chamber covers in the opposite sides. “The AE/ Dorado'' has nine different colored marbles and eight jewels. It has one four-cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda "water, one one-cylinder Wonder cooler for each of the other beverages and one double-stream draught arm. It is fur- nished with either sub-lift or top-lift sirup tanks. It occupies a counter space of 28 x 54} inches; its height is 70% inches; the price of it is $1600. - | 126 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE MOORLAND.” This is a single-faced illuminating wall apparatus (see page 127), designed for seven beverages and sixteen sirups. The ends are of Belgian with base moulding of Gryotte. The face is of Genoa green and the top is of Belgian with a Gryotte moulding, which runs around the ends and front. Two Genoa pilasters rise from the Gryotte base moulding, and these, in combination with the central Gryotte moulding, which is carried around the face and ends, form a recessed panel of black Belgian which contains a silvered name-plate. On the pilasters and the ends are lines of gold tracery. Two more pilasters of Genoa green rise from the upper side of the central Gryotte moulding, and form a longer panel, which contains a polished embossed mirror profusely decorated and bearing a card to the public. From the outer edge of the black Belgian cover, on each end, rise two columns of black and gold Egyptian marble having silvered caps and bases with central rings. These columns support a moulding of Sienna, which is continued on the front and on the ends. Above this comes another moulding of Sienna, forming a panel of black Belgian which runs along the front and the ends. This panel is decorated with a Japanesque design of flowers, birds, and butterflies of inlaid gold. The top of the black Belgian ends has a sculptured out- line with gold tracery. The top Sienna moulding on the front rises in pediment form, while the black Belgian forms an edge moulding to this. Upon the Sienna moulding there is a circular tablet of Gryotte from which projects a bronze, silvered, three-light illuminating bracket, provided with shades. In the back of the recess, which extends the entire length of the apparatus, is a polished and embossed mirror with decorations and name. Above and below the mirror there is a Tennessee moulding, and on each end a pilaster of Genoa green having lines of gold tracery. The roof of this recess is of Bardiglio, and is provided with two bronze hooks for holding up the covers, which have bronze rings to correspond. “The Moorland" has six marbles, one four-cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda” water, one one-cylinder Wonder cooler for each of the other beverages, and one double-stream draught arm. It occupies a counter space of 21 x 65% inches, and is 70 inches high ; the price of it is $1800. J º tº - - º | º º - º: º-ºº: §§§GºGº º, $f A * ' ' |ſº ºº: a ill || º |ºllº'ſ º: ſ ul . | º ~ | H - º º |º s ==Hiſſiſſil - | º 128 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE EGER.I.A.” This is a single-faced wall apparatus (see page 129), designed for nine beverages and eighteen sirups, and having a slant-roofed superstructure with a temple centre. The body of the apparatus, together with the main portion of the superstructure, is of Bel- gian. In the front of the superstructure are four small round Brocatel columns, with heavy metallic bases and capitals. Between the columns are three jeweled mirrors, and above the mirrors is a row of seventeen large jewels. A cornice moulding of Sienna surrounds the superstructure, the slant roof of which, containing the two ice- chamber doors, is of Tennessee, with a Belgian ridge. Two round metallic columns rise from the face of the apparatus, dividing it into three sections and supporting, above, the temple portion of the superstructure, which is of white Italian, with Sienna side mouldings, Tennessee gable roof, and ridge of Belgian. The temple front is enriched with two jeweled Tennessee rosettes and two ornamental Bardiglio panels ; the one be- low bearing a heavy name escutcheon, and the one above a Genoa tablet surmounted by a heavy jeweled Brocatel rosette. The temple, the main front of the superstructure, and the sides of the apparatus are decorated with tracery, and each side is also adorned with four jewels. “The Egeria” has in all seven kinds of marble and twenty-eight jew- els, including those in the two door-handles, the middle door lifting by a “finger-catch.” -- The apparatus has two six-cylinder Wonder coolers for the “soda” water, one two- cylinder Wonder cooler for each of the other beverages, and three double-stream draught arms ; it is furnished with either sub-lift or top-lift sirup tanks, and it occupies a counter space of 26} x 77 inches; its height is 91 inches; the price of it is $3000. 130 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE AVALANCHE.” This is a three-faced illuminating wall apparatus (see page 131), designed for eleven beverages and thirty-six sirups, and having a superstructure of a mixed tower and pyram- idal style. The apparatus consists of a centre and two distinct wings, the walls of the middle tower dividing it into three separate apparatus. The front face is designed for nine beverages and eighteen sirups, and each end face for one beverage and six sirups. Four heavy upright illuminating arms with jeweled spiral tops, bearing each a burner and shade, divide the front face into three sections, each with a door. The middle door is lifted by a “finger-catch,” and each of the others has a single handle. The body of the apparatus is of Belgian, and the superstructure of Bardiglio, with Bel- gian mouldings and cap-plates. The square central tower has a round metallic column at each front corner, a jeweled Sarrancolin rosette on each side, and a ring of eight sim- ilar rosettes in front, surrounding a circular escutcheon. On the top of this tower is an ornamental metallic frame with a gable front, set with plates of colored, decorated glass, and adorned with jeweled crestings and an elaborate jeweled finial. Each side portion of the superstructure has a square base with a pyramidal top, supporting a cube of decorated glass and metal, on which rests an ornamental metallic jardinière. Both the base and the superstructure are profusely adorned with tracery. The apparatus has three kinds of marble and forty-two jewels, including the one which forms the knob of the ice-chamber door in the front of the tower, there being also similar doors in the roof of each wing. It has three six-cylinder Wonder coolers for the “soda" water, two two- cylinder Wonder coolers for each of the other beverages, three double-stream draught arms, and it is furnished with either sub-lift or top-lift sirup tanks. The American Institute officially pronounced this design “ the handsomest on exhibition, and worthy of special notice.” “The Avalanche” occupies a counter space of 32 x 105 inches;"its height is 118 inches; the price of it is $4000. º º º --- Sºº . . . . . . . . . . º - tº gº 3|} \\\\\\ – ==== 132 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. - - “THE ATLANTIC.” This is a detached, four-faced, illuminating apparatus (see page 133), designed for twelve beverages and sixteen sirups, and having a superstructure of the tower style. The body of the apparatus is of Belgian. Each face forms a square projection, thus making the ground plan a cross. The base of the tower, which is of Tennessee with a Sienna moulding, supports a square, truncated Bardiglio pyramid, decorated with twenty jeweled rosettes, and capped by a square ornamental metal frame, set with jew- els and ruby cut-glass, and surmounted by a slender finial. The four illuminating arms each with burner and shade, are set in the corner angles of the body of the apparatus. There are ice-chamber covers in two sides of the Bardiglio pyramid, and name escutcheons on the other two sides. The doors are also inscribed with the name of the apparatus, and the draught arms are set on tablets of Gryotte. “The Atlantic” has thirty-two jewels in all, six different marbles, one four-cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda” water, one one-cylinder wonder cooler for each of the other beverages, and two double-stream draught arms. It occupies a counter space of 39 x 39 inches; its height is 81 inches; the price of it is $1500. \ º - |*||.T. - - - ||||||| º T | ||||| ||| || | 134 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE BALTIc.” This is a detached four-faced illuminating apparatus (see page 135), having a super- structure of the temple style with a pyramidal top. It is designed for twelve beverages and twenty-four sirups, which are equally distributed to the four faces. The body of the apparatus, which is of Belgian marble, has each corner cut off, leaving only a small triangular Belgian pedestal. On these pedestals rest four round smooth metallic col. umns, fluted near the base, and with four-pointed projecting capitals. The square cen- tral portion of the superstructure is of Bardiglio, with heavy jeweled Brocatel mould- ings; a short, round Brocatel column, with metallic base and four-pointed capital, is set on each corner, and each side bears a circular escutcheon and a name-plate. The base of the top is of jeweled Genoa, with mouldings of jeweled Brocatel, and is surmounted by an eight-sided, jeweled pyramid of Tennessee, fringed with a metallic cresting near the summit, and capped by a Belgian finial. There are also four similar corner finials of the same marble around the base of the pyramid. A right-angled arm, with burner and shade, projects from each corner, just above the outside columns. This apparatus has four double-stream draught arms, one six-cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda.” Water, one one-cylinder for each of the other beverages, and it is furnished with either sub-lift or top-lift sirup tanks. The four doors open by little knobs instead of balanc- ing handles ; the two ice-chamber covers are in opposite sides of the pyramid. “The Æaſtic" has five kinds of marble and one hundred and eight jewels. It occupies a coun- ter space of 41 x 41 inches; its height is 97 inches; the price of it is $3800. º 136 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE FLORIDA.” This is a detached, eight-sided illuminating apparatus (see page 137), designed for eight beverages and twenty-four sirups and having a superstructure of the tower style, surmounted by a crystal dome. The sides of the base are alternately broad and nar- row, a beverage being dispensed from each, and six sirups from each of the broader sides. The base of the apparatus has sides of Tennessee with a Belgian top. The tall, . square tower is of white Italian marble, adorned on each side with the boldest gilt tracery, with fifteen jewels set singly or in rows, and with a row of seven small tablets of dark Levanto marble. There are ice-chamber doors on two opposite sides, and name escutcheons on the other two. In each corner of this tower is inserted a round Bardiglio column with metal base, capital and crest, and also with an ornamental metallic bracket and screen, supporting an upright illuminating tube, with burner and shade. The glass dome is set in a crested metal frame. Each of the four doors has a humming-bird ” centre, and is opened by a “finger-catch.” “The Florida” has in all sixty-four jewels and five different marbles. It has one six-cylinder Wonder cooler for the “soda” water, one one-cylinder Wonder cooler for each of the other beverages, and four double-stream draught arms. It is furnished with either sub-lift or top-lift sirup tanks. It occupies a counter space of 39 x 39 inches; its height is 82 inches; the price of it is $2800. |T. . | © | º º, º º | l - º --- Fº . º I in |- 138 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE SNOW QUEEN.” This is a detached eight-sided illuminating apparatus (see page 139), designed for twenty-four beverages and forty-eight sirups, and having a pyramidal superstructure surmounted by a silver-plated bronze eagle. From each side of the base are dispensed three beverages and six sirups, and at each corner there is an ornamented alcove for the reception of the door handles. Both the base and the superstructure are of white Italian marble with cornices and fretwork of silver plate. At each side, just above the base, are plate-glass panels for the exhibition of the beverages in glass coolers. Sur- mounting the base, at each end of the apparatus, are eight ornamental illuminating tubes, and near the top of the superstructure are eight more The draught arms have ball- wheel handles ; the doors are of arabesque design. It is provided with Wonder cool- ers, and the ice-chamber is large, being capable of holding over a thousand pounds of ice. “The Snow Queen” has been in operation at several exhibitions in New York, Chi- cago, and other cities, where it has earned the highest commendation of the judges. The apparatus has eight double-stream draught arms, is furnished with top-lift sirup tanks ; occupies a counter space of 96 x 96 inches ; its height is 216 inches, and the price in white Italian marble, including counter, is $4500. - º ſº º - º 140 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE DRINKJOY.” This is a new form of apparatus (see page 141) for dispensing simple carbonated beverages, designed especially for those whose space is limited, or who do not wish to buy a larger and more expensive marble apparatus. “The Drinkjoy” consists of a column having a polished silver exterior, rising from a drain-base provided with tumbler guides. The draught arms are arranged to correspond with the radial guides, and the enlarged top of the column forms a receiver for the ice, and is provided with a perforated drain plate and guard. On the receiver is a glass shade of unique form, decorated with embossed design. This shade can be removed to allow the ice to be placed upon the drain plate. The ice water drops into the interior of the column, and the overflow is so arranged that the interior remains constantly full of ice water, thus insuring the coldness of the beverages. The appa- ratus is provided with a water inlet which can be used as a fountain jet in combination with the shade, or as a tumbler rinser. The body of the base passes through a hole in the counter with couplings for the beverage and waste, and is secured to the slab by four drain tubes. Where a large business is done, it may be necessary, in addition to the cooling arrangements of “The Drinkjoy,” to have coolers underneath the counter. “The Drinkjoy” occupies a counter space of 15% inches, and its height is 34 inches. The prices are as follows: For two beverages.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200 For four beverages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $230 “ three “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 “ five “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 “THE HIMALAYA.” This is a new form of apparatus (see pages 142 and 143), presented for the first time in this catalogue. It is a complete dispensing apparatus for sirups and beverages, in the most compact form, and fills a want long felt by those whose space is limited, or who do not wish to buy a more expensive style of marble apparatus. It is of a cylindrical or vase form, and consists of two casings having an air space between them which forms a good non-conductor. The interior is made of cast-iron, and the exterior is of silver plate. There is a movable cover on top, surmounted by a bronze finial, which serves for the introduction of ice and sirup into the apparatus. “The Himalaya” is provided with double-stream valves for the “soda” water; it is arranged with rear automatic sub-lift glass sirup tanks, drain-base, tumbler guides, and enclosed beverage valves. The only part of these valves which projects beyond the body of the apparatus is the ball-wheel. The valves are thus protected from the heat, and great coldness of the beverage is secured. In order to draw the sirup, the tumbler is pushed against the lever, thus causing the required amount to be measured and dis- charged. The tumbler is then allowed to recede, and is moved around to the “soda.” draught arm, where it is placed in the guides and the beverage dispensed. In the ice chamber there is an overflow pipe so arranged as to allow the lower portion of the apparatus to be constantly filled with ice water. The apparatus is also provided with an inlet for the circulation of cold water in winter, when this would be sufficient for cooling the beverages. “The Himalaya” is made in six styles, as follows: BEVERAGES. SIRUPS. DIAMETER OF BASE. HEIGHT. PRICE- Three ------ Six 20% inches - - - - 41 inches - - - - $275 Three - - - - Eight - - - - 20% “ - - - - 41 “ - - - - 300 Four - - - - Six - - - - 22 -- - - - - 42 “ - - - - 325 Four - - - - Eight 22 -- - - - - 42 “ - - - - 350 Seven - - - - Eight - - - - 26 -- - - - - 44% “ - - - - 450 ! r º 1.2 º --- º º - à -- - --~~~~ º: º º º: - º - - --~~ -> - … - º: - º: - - º : - ------ --- - : º - - 2: º º: º 2. º § º º º - 142 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. |T *IF T. “THE HIMALAYA.” Section showing the Operation of the Rear Automatic Sub-Liſt Sirup Tank, A T | mTillºtill - - E-º- ºutwili: ----- --- - gº. tº: | sitſ: unilin : | |º | ºbº's ||Nº|T . 2. º Nº. T - 144 - John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. Rear Automatic Sub-Lift Dispensing Apparatus. The operation of our rear automatic sub-lift is explained in the description of “The Fire-Eater” (see page 80), and will be readily understood from an inspection of the sec- tional view of “The Himalaya" shown on page 142. Only “The Fire-Bater,” “The Puritan’’ and “The Himalaya º are provided with the rear automatic sub-lift, but we are prepared to furnish other apparatus with it, at an extra charge of ten dollars per sirup. This applies only to our apparatus designed for one, two, or three beverages and six sirups to each face, and to our apparatus designed for three, four, five, six, or seven beverages, and twelve sirups to each face. The counter space required for apparatus of this kind, as compared with that occu- pied by our ordinary top-lift or sub-lift apparatus, is increased about one inch for each draught arm the apparatus may have, the measurement being taken along the face. “THE STREET spa.” This is an ornamental wooden structure (see page 145), provided with a single-faced apparatus, designed for three beverages and eight sirups. The lower part of this spa is an oblong counter with a plain base moulding, upright panels carved above, and a let- tered cornice. This counter has a stout paneled and carved case at one end, enclosing a dispensing apparatus of Belgian marble. Upon this case, and two square columns at the opposite corners of the spa, rests a gently sloping gable roof. There is a lamp at- tached by a bracket to each of the two columns, besides, also, a money drawer, a seat for the attendant, a tumbler-washer, and stall beneath the counter for six fountains. “The Street Spa” is strongly made of white oak and chestnut, finished in oil, and is specially designed for use in streets, parks and other out-door places, being so arranged that everything portable about it can be secured against theft. It occupies a ground space of 80 x 50 inches; its height is 100% inches; the price of it is $450. 146 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE BUFFET SPA.” This is an ornamental black walnut cabinet (see page 147), enclosing a single-faced wall apparatus, designed for three beverages and ten sirups. The lower part of this spa consists of three fountain chambers, the central one opening in front and the two others at the sides. The middle part, which opens by double doors in front, encloses the dispensing apparatus, which is of Belgian, and rests on a Tennessee base. The upper part is a flat-topped structure, forming a recess with rounded pillars at the front corners and low ebony balustrades at the sides. The cove within the recess is of heavy antique leather, embossed in crimson and gold. The cabinet is enriched externally with decorated Faience tiles, boxwood carvings, ebony mouldings, rosettes of ebony with ivory centres, and geometric paneling. The locks, hinges and escutcheon plates are of bronze. The marble apparatus is surmounted by a border of enamelled Faience tiles. This spa will hold three ten-gallon fountains, and is specially intended for the dining- room of a hotel or a private mansion. It occupies a floor space of 22 x 48 inches; its height is 98 inches; the price of it is $950. 148 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. THE MAT THEWS DRAUGHT COLUMNS. These columns (see page 149), which are all of silver-plated bronze and 12% inches in height, are useful accessories when it is desirable to increase the number of beverages dispensed at a counter, without changing the main dispensing apparatus. “The Tulip.” “The 7'ulip" has a broad circular base, a metallic mouth-piece, and a ball-wheel handle. The price is $12. “The Lily.” “The Lily" has a small circular base, a glass mouth-piece, and a ball-wheel handle. | The price is $16. “The Crocus.” | “The Crocus” has a large square base chased at the corners, a glass mouth-piece, a | small jewel set in the front of the draught arm, and ball-wheel handle. The price is $20. “The Iris.” | “The Iris” has a heavy circular base, elaborate mouldings, a ball-wheel handle, three || large jewels set in the globe at the base of the draught-arm, and a small jewel in the top of the mouth-piece. The price is $25. 150 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. ------ ------ -- - -- The Matthews Continuous Siphon. There are many dealers in mineral waters who are partial to the siphon, and would be glad to use it if it were not for the troublesome necessity of having it constantly refilled. To such the simple and effective “Continuous Dispensing Siphon” will commend itself. This is a common siphon, covered with a wire netting and provided with a metallic bot- tom, and a pipe passing down through the counter to a fountain below. This pipe is connected to a coil cooler in a metal-lined, ice-filled cooling chamber, secured to the under side of the counter, and the water is thereby cooled in its passage from the foun- tain to the siphon. Price, complete without cooler, ready to attach to counter, $20. Price of box and cooler, $15. The Matthews Tumbler Washers. “THE R/VOLZ7.”—Illustrated on page 151. This is a silver-plated rectangular basin, with a richly moulded base surmounted on three sides by an ornamental railing, which is adorned with thirty jewels and supports ten crown jets. These play on as many tumblers, resting on fluted drain stands, and washed also by internal jets. There is a brush tumbler-washer in the open central basin, besides additional space for washing by hand. “The Rivulet" occupies a counter space of 18 x 30 inches; its height is 10 inches, and the price of it is $350. 152 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. “THE WA 7'ER SPRITE.”—Illustrated on page 153. This is a silver-plated circular basin, adorned with thirty-six jewels and a band of burnished and frosted Arabesque tracery. In the centre is a cluster of four onyx col- umns, supporting a smaller burnished and frosted basin, decorated with tracery and eight jewels, and containing a fountain with double jets, covered by a crystal glass dome. The water from this fountain is dispensed from jeweled pendants upon the out- side of eight tumblers, which rest on fluted stands in the lower basin, and are also washed by internal jets. “The Water Sprite” occupies a counter space 23% inches in diameter; its height is 24% inches, and the price of it is $300. “THE CASCADAE.”—Illustrated on page 153. - This is a silver-plated circular basin, decorated with incised tracery and one hun- dred and twelve jewels in sixteen clusters. It has a burnished and frosted central column, with a terminal bouquet vase and eight branches. These end in jeweled jets, which sprinkle the outside of eight tumblers, resting on fluted drain-stands, and also provided with internal jets. “The Cascade’’ occupies a counter space 24 inches in diam- eter ; its height is 18 inches, and the price of it is $225. “THE TORRENT.”—Illustrated on page 153. This is a multifoil basin for eight tumblers, hollowed out in a circular basin of Belgian marble, which is polished and decorated with eight jewels. The tumblers are rinsed within by jets from automatic valve stands, and without by jets from a central revolving column, silver-plated, decorated with twelve jewels and surmounted by a bouquet vase. “The Torrent " occupies a counter space 234 inches in diameter; its height is 14 inches, and the price is $150. “THE SPAEA Y.”—//lustrated on page 153. This is a silver-plated circular basin, decorated with an Arabesque border and thirty- two jewels, and receiving six tumblers. It has a moulded central column, surmounted by a fluted cup, with a twenty-jeweled band. This washer requires a pressure of water to operate it, the tumbler being rinsed by pressing it into the fluted cup, where it is played upon by both internal and external jets. “The Spray” occupies a counter space 19 inches in diameter; its height is 15 inches, and the price is $50. -\WHSHERS: TUMELER Swtºwskwav º º º | Style Style 0 W. . tumblers; price, $35. -ºllº 1 l º º ". | |||ſ. - º º * - - | J Tº Style F. W. º Standard Tumbler Washers. Style S W.-Somer's patent automatic washer, silver-plated, designed for eight tumblers and resembling “The Torrent " in style; price, $100. Style F W.--Fischer's patent brush washer, silver-plated, with drainer for eight tumblers, invaluable where cream sirups are used ; price, $38. Style A W.-Automatic fountain washer and drain stand, silver-plated, designed for six tumblers, and resembling “The Spray” in style; price, $35. Fountain washer, similar to the preceding, but requiring a pressure of water ; price, $30. Style 0 W.-Oval basin for washing by hand, silver-plated, with drainer for eight - |\\\ º º --- | | | º wº . - º º | WJJ º º § - Inſ - - - - - | Tºll, º ºw |ºſ. º - m - - º!!N | MºWſ | º | º | | III./ º º -- | - º- - - * – | r" - º – ºrite ºfflº- M / | Vº N - |Nº.7 tºyſ N º - \| - - - wº - -- - - Stºsº =ºº * THE GRIFF) (; 156 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus, - - - S T and S H. 2- -- - ". - - | -- -- - º - - **** - **2 ºzº. B T and M. H. Standard Tumblers See Aage 157. and Holders. First Avenue, 26th and 27th Streets, New York. 157 The Matthews Tumbler Holders and Tumblers. AWE W STYLES OF HOLDER.S.–Illustrated on page 155. These four new styles are specially designed for dealers who desire “The Best.” They are all of hard German silver, heavily plated with pure silver, and are intended to combine beauty and durability in the highest degree. It takes twelve hours or more of skilled labor to make a single one, all the parts being wrought except the bottoms, and the bands and handles of “The Goth '' and “The Griffin,” which are either cast or rolled by expensive machinery. Purchasers ordering these holders should send a sample tum- bler, or the exact diameters of their tumblers at the bottom and middle. The prices are as follows: EACH. PER DOZEN. “The Panda!". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4 50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50 00 “The Goth ".... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00. . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 56 00 “The Hum ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 00 “The Griffin ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - S0 00 STANDARD TOM BIZA'S AAWD //OZ/2ZA'.S.—ſ/Justrated on page 156. These tumblers are made of crystal glass of fine quality, in five different shapes. It should be observed that engraving them with monogram or border adds $1.5o per dozen to the regular prices. The holders here illustrated are made in four shapes, of German silver or white metal heavily silver-plated, and have given satisfaction to thousands of purchasers. The various styles and prices are as follows: EACH. PER DOZ. Style S.T.-Tumblers for “soda" water.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 00 ** S H.—Holders, “wassail straight,” wrought German silver, plated with silver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 25 24 00 “ MT.-Tumblers for mineral waters, thin, hand-made............... 1 50 “X H.-Holders, “wassail mineral,” wrought German silver, plated with silver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 26 00 “ FT.—Tumblers of finer glass and workmanship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 “ H H.-Holders, “heavy antique,” German silver, plated with silver... 2 50 26 00 “ WT.-Tumblers for mineral waters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 “ L. H.-Holders, “light antique,” German silver, plated with silver... 2 50 26 00 ** BT.-Tumblers with border...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... 3 00 ** M H.—Holders, “white metal,” plated with silver.................. 1 25 13 00 “ CT.-Tumblers for “soda” water................... ............ 1 50 “ CH.-Holders, “wassail cupped,” wrought German silver, plated with silver... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 50 26 00 Tumblers, any of the above styles, in lots of 6 dozens or more, 25 cents per dozen less. 158 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. THE MAT THEWS SHOW-CARDS. These show-cards are all new in design, being offered by us for the first time in this catalogue. The bottler or wholesale dealer cannot find a better means of advertising than by the plentiful distribution of neat show-cards among his customers, and by see- ing to it that they are well displayed. The design is such that the name of the manu- facturer can be incorporated in the card. These show-cards are printed in two colors, and the prices are as follows: STYLE. A. Size, 27%x21% inches. IOO 2OO 5oo Mounted in Map Style and Varnished, or Mounted on Muslin stretched on Frame and Varnished. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30 $58 $185 STYLE. A. Size, Io;4x13% inches. Printed on Stiff Card Board. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 11 25 STYLES B and C. Size, Ioš%x13% inches. Printed on Stiff Card Board. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 11 25 159 SH | HPAI u Ali º STTTTTTTTTT jºº GAR Bonic º L º - *------------ wº- ºut- ---Tº ºr wº º º º: º º º º ſº ſººn n - - |||||||||| - ºumamºtºr - | N. W | º º º mill º - |Ill. 3. º |Fºl. º - |- | ºr: m º A. NPºſºft IFußMINERALWATERS Hºlº F |Wººl | | W. º!"|". |: - º º NSURES ºccuRACY |\! | | | Rºß OTBEE §§ is . ESERIEEE ºn MINERAL gº miſſil | "I | | | | I ſ º hiſ º lſº | URITY | EEſº 160 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus, Natural Mineral Waters. We are sole agents in New York for the sale of the following natural mineral waters, which are supplied to dealers in barrels, fountains, or bottles, as required : Geyser, Saratoga Vichy, Champion, Washington (iron) of Saratoga, Deep Rock of Oswego. The Geyser Spring water is one of the strongest, purest and best mineral waters known. It is a safe and pleasant cathartic and of wonderful effect as an appetizer and aid to di- gestion. The water of the Champion Spring is certain, quick, and thorough in its action as an aperient or cathartic, and is a most excellent corrective to use after drink- ing wines or eating heartily. Saratoga Vichy contains more soda and less salt than any other Saratoga water, and as a nervine and in diseases of the stomach, kidneys and bladder it has proved an invaluable remedial agent. Washington water contains large quantities of iron, and is noted for its tonic properties. It is agreeable in taste, and always produces good results where the system needs toning up. Deep Rock water is diuretic in its action and is a tried aperient. It contains more chloride of potassium than is found in any other mineral water in the world. By the free use of this water, diabetes and kidney and bladder complaints are known to be cured. It is pleasant to drink as a beverage, and is a fine substitute for imported Selters water. - In addition to the above-named waters we are agents for the “Red Spring” of Sara- toga, one of the oldest springs of that locality, and whose water possesses curative pow- ers of a peculiar character, being efficacious in the cure of scrofula, salt rheum, catarrh, ulcers, and cancerous affections. Congress Spring, Empire Spring, Columbian Spring and Hathorn Spring waters, all of Saratoga, always in stock at the lowest market rates. We also sell Geyser, Saratoga Vichy, Washington (iron) and Star Spring waters, in tin-lined barrels or fountains, at the following rates : Per gallon, in barrels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $0 25 Per gallon, in fountains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Friedrichshall and other imported waters, and carbonated sea water, a valuable rem- edy for obesity, are also sold by us, in lots to suit, at the lowest market rates. The Waukesha Mineral Rock Spring Water. This water is reputed to be a positive cure for Bright's disease of the kidneys and all diseases of the bladder and urinary organs. This spring is located in Waukesha, Wis. It is the only primary spring in the town, and feeds other springs the waters of which are sold under various names. The water is of great purity, and being free from surface water, will keep pure and sweet. Its remedial qualities are attested by thousands who have been benefited by its use, and its pleasant taste renders it a palatable beverage for those who are affected in its in- cipient stages by kidney or bladder difficulties. The water is put up in convenient form for family use in ten-gallon jacket cans; also may be had in bottles or by the barrel. Dealers are supplied with descriptive circulars, show-card, and glass sign. The Lake Auburn Mineral Spring. The eminent chemist and state assayer of Massachusetts, S. Dana Hayes, after analyzing this water, says of it : “This is an uncommonly pure spring water ; it is alkaline, odorless, tasteless, color- less, sparkling, and free from any appreciable organic matter.” The spring is situated at the head of Lake Auburn, near Lewiston, Me., and is a favorite resort for visitors from Boston, Portland, and other cities. The water is offered as a table water of matchless purity, and is a valuable aid in the cure of rheuma- tism, catarrh, lung complaints, and kidney difficulties. The water is sold plain in barrels, or in bottles, plain or highly charged with *6 First Avenue, 26th and 27th Streets, New York. 161 The Matthews Mineral Water Salts. For Producing Mineral Waters having all the Medicinal Properties Found in the Natural Spring Waters. SELTERS. KISSENGEN. VICHY. PYRMONT. CARLSBAD. CONGRESS. The Matthews Salts for producing standard mineral waters are entirely superseding the solutions formerly employed for that purpose, the latter being objectionable by reason of their weight and the risk of loss in transportation. As to the value of these Salts, Prof. Chandler officially reports : “Matthews' Salts, for preparing some of the most celebrated mineral waters, are composed of materials which, when mingled with the water, reproduce with the greatest degree of fidelity the mineral waters which they aim to represent." The prices of these Salts, in packages sufficient for ten gallons of mineral water, are as follows : Single packages... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... $1 00 In quantities of five packages, each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 In quantities of ten packages, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 In quantities of one hundred packages, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Druggists and others dispensing these mineral waters can largely increase the trade by putting them up in siphons for delivery to customers. We also put up these Salts in the form of crystals or soluble tablets. These are especially prepared for home use and travellers, and any one may prepare a glass of fine mineral water by simply dissolving a tablet in a glass of common water. The prices of these are as follows, in boxes containing two dozen tablets: Per box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 75 Per dozen boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ()0 Transparent Glass Signs and Ornamental Glass Work. We have connected with our establishment a department for the manufacture of transparent glass signs, prescription counter fronts, and other ornamental glass work, by means of the sand-blast and etching process. Decorated door panels, transom lights, etc., made to order. These signs have many, advantages, being durable, transparent, very attractive, and as easily read by night as by day. They are made to order of ruby, blue, orange or other colored glass, cut with the name and address of the customer, and drilled in the corners so that they may be hung up by wires. The prices are as follows: 4 by 8 inches, each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 70 s by 12 inches, each....:... . . . ; ; . . . . . . . . $1 25 -- -- in quantities of 25, each... 60 -- -- in quantities of 25, each... 1 00 6 by 10 inches, each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 11 by 2S inches, ruby or blue, in black wal- -- -- in quantities of 25, each... 80 nut frame, each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 Our illustrated and priced catalogue of decorated glass work will be sent to any address on application. Estimates for special work furnished. - Polishing Liquid. This is designed for cleaning fine silver-plated work, and is especially adapted for use on “soda’’ water apparatus. Per dozen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 oo In quantities of 6 to 12 dozen, per dozen....#1 50 Marble Counter Tops. Best white Italian marble, square or oblong in form (in addition to toP surface the edges are meas- ured), per foot... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...........: '...'.....' $1 50 . In curved and irregular forms, the size of the parallelogram in which the form is contained is meas- ured, and double the edge measurement in addition; per foot, thus measured. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Holes in slabs charged extra at double measurement price. 162 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus, General Supplies. Laº Tº T ºTº” sº s | | | GRMVEL CHARC0AL GºAVEl |chºcºl - | º- |FR IIll =s º º §§ |GRA/FL º 6 5. § § s | Gº/FL * 㺠| ºft||| 4. chard/MI gº 3; § | Gºal/EL §§ 2 º Charcºal. º º - -- - * | - N - - - Metallic Filter. This is an improved filter for wine, cider, and malt liquors, and also for clearing and purifying water used in the preparation of carbonated bever- ages. The prices are as follows: Size 1.—1s inches by 7 feet . . . . . . . . . . . $120 00 Size 2.-24 inches by 7 feet ........... Assorted filling of Gravel and Charcoal for Size 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Assorted filling of Gravel and Charcoal for Size 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40 to 80, “ .......... 5 00 = 100 to 150, “ 6 00 | 200 to 400, “ .......... 8 00 600. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 OO Extra Disks for Safety Caps. 5 to so, per doz. ...... $1 50 100 to 400, “ ....... 2 OO 600, “ . . . . . . :: OO Atmospheric Caps for Generators. 5 to 30, each......54 00 40 to so, “ . . . . . 5 00 100 to 150, “ . 600 200 to 400, “ ..... s 00 600 “. . . . . . 12 00 Ice Plane. Double cutter, with tongs, price..... . . . $7 50 Sirup Bottles. A and B.-White crystal flashed with ruby, emerald and other brilliant colors, and elaborately cut and gilded, with glass caps to match, each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 00 C.—Medieval pattern, engraved with name of sirup, hard metal caps, heavily plated with burnished silver... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 The same, not engraved. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 OO D.—White crystal, engraved with name of sirup, with heavy silver-plated caps ...... I 50 The same, not engraved. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Ornamental Change Stand. For the “soda” water Counter, made of bronze and heavily silver-plated..........#10 00 Saccharometer. For testing sirups.................... Acidometer. Graduated Glass. For druggists' and bottlers' use, 4 oz., 75 cts.; S First Avenue, 26th and 27th Streets, New York. 163 Metallic Pressure Pure Block Tin Pipe. Gauge. This pipe is of the best quality, and is made by - - - special machinery in our own establishment. The Six inches diameter... $10 00 . are as Kiº. : - Four inches diameter. S 00 Five-sixteenths inch bore, heavy, used for con- == necting pipe and coolers, per foot......... $0 25 Elastic Charging Pipe. One-half inch bore, heavy, per foot........... 40 For connecting generators and ſountains to All sizes, one-fourth inch and over, in coils or bottling machines, per foot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 quantities not less than fifty pounds, per lb. 35 -- The Caverly Tilting Stand for Carboys. Its use does away with a great deal of the risk and annoyance attending the emptying of carboys by the tilting process. Price, $10. Acid Dispenser. This simple device is the only one which fully supplies the need of those who are re- quired to draw acids or other corrosive liquids from carboys. In putting such fluids into smaller packages, it is a great economizer of time, labor, and consequently expense. It is only necessary to place the vessel into which it is desired to draw the fluid, upon the case of the carboy beneath the outlet, to execute a few strokes with the pump pis- ton, and without waste or annoyance of any kind the required quantity of acid will be dispensed. Price, $15. “I am well pleased with its handiness and efficiency.”—Charles Aºice, Ph.D., Chemist to Bellevue Hospital. - 164 John Matthews Carbonated Beverage Apparatus, Materials for Making Carbonated Beverages. No pains are spared in this important department of our business to secure to our customers full weight and the best quality. the sulphuric acid is made of full standard The marble is ground at our own mills ; strength, especially for the use of “soda.” water manufacturers ; the sirups are prepared, with the utmost care, from essences and extracts made in our own laboratories. We invite particular attention to our gum foam, two or three ounces of which, to each gallon of sirup, will produce a fine light foam on carbonated beverages when drawn, superior to that producd by any other preparation ; to our sirup body, which is an economical substitute for gum arabic, and communicates a fine body to the beverage, two pounds replacing three pounds of sugar in one gallon of sirup ; to our true fruit juices, which are of unequaled flavor and war- ranted strictly pure and of our own preserving ; to our ginger ale extract, which pro- duces a beverage superior in brilliancy of color and delicacy and richness of flavor to the renowned Belfast ginger ale, and is extensively used by the principal bottlers throughout the country ; and to our birch beer extract, which has acquired great popu- larity, especially where a five-cent drink is desired. The following are the prices of materials, February 1st, 1882, all orders being filled at the lowest market rates in cases where variations occur during the season : Pure Ground Marble, “Snow-Flake.” Per barrel, delivered at our Works. . . . . . . . . . $1 50 Cartage to Transportation Co. in N. Y. . . . . Five barrels, delivered at our Works, per bbl. 1 25 Cartage to Transportation Co., N.Y., per bbl. 30 Ten barrels and upward, delivered at our Works, per barrel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 Cartage to Transportation Co, N.Y., per bbl. 20 Sulphuric Acid. One carboy, per lb. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 02 Five to Io carboys, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - 1; Carboys, each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 50 Same allowed if returned, less freight and charges. Mo charge for topping or shipping. Sirups for “Soda’’ Water. Sirups from fruit extracts, one gallon, in jug, $2 00 Sirups from fruit extracts, five gallons, in kegs, per gallon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sirups from fruit extracts, barrels of about 40 gallons, per gallon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 50 True fruit sirups, five gallons, in kegs, per gal., 2 50 True fruit sirups, in cases of one dozen quart bottles, per case. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . True Fruit Juices. Per case of a dozen quart bottles. . . . . . . . . . . $10 00 GINGER ALE SIRUP, per gallon. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 PREPARED CHocoLATE for Sirups, per lb. . . Coloring for Sarsaparilla. Made from fine sugar, per gallon... . . . . . . . . . $1 25 Five to ten gallons, per gallon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 20 Half barrels, per gallon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I IO Barrels, per gallon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 OO Packages extra. Coloring for Raspberry, Strawberry, and other Fruit Sirups. Per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 50 Ten lbs. and upward, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 OO OiL LEMON. Per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $425 In lots of ten lbs. and upward, per lb...... 4 OO OIL WINTERGREEN. Per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 In lots of ten lbs. and upward, per lb....... 3 75 OIL SASSAFRAs. Per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 OIL APPLE. Per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 OO TARTARIC ACID. Per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 CITRIC ACID. Per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 CRYSTALLIZED FRUIT ACID. Per lb. . . . . . . 80 SELECTED GUM ARABIC. Per lb. . . . . . . . . . . 50 SIRUP BoDY. Per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 In original casks, S00 lbs., per lb......... 9 GUM Foam. Per lb.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Per gallon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 Five gallons and upward, per gallon... . . . . 2 25 Packages extra. First Avenue, 26th and 27th Streets, New York. 165 ºw woº Fruit Essences. | Flavoring Extracts. PER LB. per LB. Per LB. per LB. STRAwberry. . . . . $1 50 Apricot. ... .....s.l. 50 VANILLA.. . . . . . ...#2 75 ANISETTE. . . . . . . . $1 50 RASPBERRY 1 50 PEAR 1 50 JAMAICA GINGER.. I 59 |PERSIAN MEAD. .. 2 00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * ALLsPice......... I 50 CELERY 2 OO PINEAPPLE ....... 1 50 CHERRY... . . . . . . . 1 50 CINNAMos 1 50 pºiſ. . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - UNCH. . . . . . . . . . 2 Oo LEMON........... 1 50 WILD CHERRY.... 1 50 | SHERBET.. . . . . ... 1 50 - PEPPERMINT i º Mocha CofFEE... 2 00 ORANGE. . . . . . . . . 1 50 GRAPE. . . . . . . . . . . I 50 wº. 1 30 || BITTER ALMono. 2 00 Blood ORANGE... 1 50 || BANANA. . . . . . . . . . 2 OO Čioves........... i. 56 Rose............. 3 jo BLACKBERRY...... 1 50 PEACH. . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Nutmeg. ....... . 1 50 CoGNAC. . . . . . . . . . 3 50 PLUM. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 APPLE. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 CLARET. . . . . . . . . . 1 50 ORANGE. Flowers. 3. 50 Ginger Ale Extract. Birch Beer Extract. Per pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 00 Per pound................................. $1 25 Per gallon... . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 00 Per gallon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 25 Five gallons, per gallon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 Five gallons, per gallon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 62 Packages extra. Packages extra. Otaki Root Beer Extract. Ottawa Root Beer Extract. Per pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 25 | Per pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 40 Per gallon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 25 | Per gallon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Oo Five gallons, per gallon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 62 Five gallons, per gallon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 30 Packages extra. Packages extra. Tonic Beer Extract. Cream “Soda." Extract. Per pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - $1 59 | Per pound. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1 25 Per gallon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 50 | Per gallon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 25 Five gallons, per gallon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 75 Five gallons, per gallon. . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - 5 62 Packages extra. Packages extra. Sample Cases. We also put up sample cases, price $5 each, as follows: For the “ Soda Water” Counter. — Essences of Aror Aottlers' Use.—Extracts of Persian mead, Otaki strawberry, raspberry, pineapple and lemon, extracts root beer, tonic beer and birch beer, and gum foam, of vanilla, Jamaica ginger, sarsaparilla, Persian mead one quarter pound each ; essence of lemon, extracts and Otaki root beer, and gum foam, one quarter of sarsaparilla, champagne cider and ginger ale, sar- pound each ; fruit coloring, sarsaparilla coloring saparilla coloring and crystallized fruit acid, one and crystallized fruit acid, one half pound each. half pound each. Packages. When goods are put up in jugs or kegs, a charge is made for the package, at the fol- lowing rates: One gallon jugs,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . each $0 25 | Ten gallon kegs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . each $1 25 * Five gallon kegs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 1 00 || Half barrels. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - “ 1 50 The same allowed, less freight and charges, if returned in good order. 166 John Matthews, Carbonated Beverage Apparatus. Notice to Purchasers. The steel generator, steel fountain, seamless pressed fountain, portable glass sirup tank, steady stream attachment, interspaced coil cooler, Wonder cooler, gravitating stopper, and many other improvements in carbonating, dispensing and bottling appa- ratus, made by us, are protected by letters-patent ; any imitations of them are infringe- ments and, as such, cannot be lawfully made, sold or used. Particular notice is hereby given that suits for infringement are pending against the /ron-clad Manufacturing Company, A. D. Puffer & Sons, and numerous other infringers. Purchasers or users of infringing appa- ratus will be held liable for violation of our rights. Our agents and salesmen are authorized to sell only the goods offered in this cata- logue, and those only at the catalogue prices and terms. Orders for other goods or upon other terms, or for goods differing in any way from our regular manufacture, re- quire the special approval of the firm in writing. A satisfactory reference to houses in the city of New York, or an introduction from persons known to us elsewhere, is ex- pected from purchasers who do not remit cash with their orders. Credits are dispensed only when specially agreed upon previous to the delivery of the goods. Owing to the expense and vexatious delay incidental to procuring information as to the responsibility of purchasers, persons unknown to us would greatly oblige by remitting cash, or post- office orders, for small purchases, and full information and references with more impor- tant orders. For purchases exceeding one hundred dollars in amount we will take drafts, to be accepted by the purchaser, payable three months from the time of the de- livery of goods in New York, the payment of the draft to be guaranteed by an approved guarantor, if we require it. Apparatus will also be furnished, to be settled for by in- stallments, under our printed forms of agreement as to title and terms of purchase. Per- sons established in the trade, desirous of opening accounts for materials and other sup- plies, to become due and payable on the first day of each month, may make special arrangements to that end, either in person or by letter. All past due accounts are sub- ject to draft, with interest from date of purchase. The place of delivery of all goods by us, or for us, is in the city of New York, and, after their delivery to the transportation company, all goods are at the risk of the pur- chaser. The freight and other charges on all apparatus received by us in exchange must be at the expense of the sender, and should be prepaid. All apparatus sent to us for repairs or exchange should be distinctly marked with the name and address of the sender, and notice should also be sent by mail. All orders and communications should be addressed : E. MAT THEWS. JOHN MATTHEWS. GEORGE MATTHEWS. THE FIRM of JOHN MATTHEWS, FIRST Ave., 26TH & 27TH ST.s., New York. - Resident Agents. The following well-known houses have been appointed resident agents for the sale of our apparatus. Our friends may rest assured that all orders received through them will be attended to as promptly as if coming directly to us. Catalogues and any desired information will be furnished by our agents. BRooks & WILKINs, Selma, Ala. Noyes Bros. & CUTLER, St. Paul, Minn. John L. Rison, Huntsville, Ala. §. B. Colga N, San Francisco, Cal. ichols & HARRIs, New London, Conn. Z. JAMES BELT, Wilmington, Del. W. H. BARRETT, Augusta, Ga. BARCLAY BRothers, Cairo, Ill. CoLBURN, BIRKs & Co., Peoria, Ill. SoMMER, LYNDs & Co., Quincy, Ill. L. SoMMER, Springfield, Ill. C. P. SQUIREs & Co., Burlington, Iowa. Hornick, WALLs & Co., Sioux City, Iowa. C. H. WARD & Co., Des Moines, Iowa. W. J. MooRE, Fort Scott, Kas. FARRAND, WILLIAMs & Co., Detroit, Michigan. SHEPARD & HAzeltine, Grand Rapids, Mich. . L. SIMMons & Co., Friar's Point, Miss. ICHARDson & Co., St. Louis, Mo. C. F. GooDMAN, Omaha, Neb. LEIGHToN & BRow N, Lincoln, Neb. KENyon, Potter & Co., Syracuse, N. Y. C. F. PAINE & Co., Rochester, N. Y. Robertson & LUTHER, Hornellsville, N. Y. Hodge, DAvis & Co., Portland, Oregon. CALLENDER & Co., Meadville, Pa. FAHNestock, IRwin & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. D. T. BAcot & Co., Greenville, S. C. BERRY, DEMoville & Co., Nashville, Tenn. SANFORD, CHAMBERLAIN & ALBERs, Knoxville, Tenn. E. BREMER, Brownsville, Texas. A. A. PARDEE & BRo., Madison, Wis. C O N T E N T S. Page Page A WORD TO THE PUBLIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 | BOTTLING A PPARATUS—Continued. & A BUSINESS THAT PAYS...... . . . . . . . . . . . 3 SIPHONs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 THE COST OF OUTFITS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 DISPENSING A PPARATUS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 CARBONATING A PPARATUS. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 CoNSTRUCTION. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- - - - - - - - - 43 GENERATORs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 TABULAR VIEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 ATTACHMENTS AND ACCESSORIES. . . . . . . . . . . I6 DEscRIPTIONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. . . . . . . . . . 46 CARBONATING WINEs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 TUMBLER WASHERs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 PortABLE FOUNTAINs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I8 TUMBLER Hold ERS AND TUMBLERs. . . . . . . . . I55 “Soda." WATER FountAIN WAGONs. . . . . . . . . 24 SHOW CARDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 MEASURING CISTERN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 NATURAL MINERAL WATERS. . . . . . . . . . I6o CoNTINUous APPARATUS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 MINERAL WATER SALTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I61 BOTTLING APPARATUS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 GENERAL SUPPLIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I62 MACHINEs...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 UTENSILS AND ACCESSORIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 ATTACHMENTS AND ACCESSORIES... . . . . . . . . . 32 MATERIALs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36 NOTICE TO PURCHASERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I66 - IN/[IFEID-A-T-I- A VV ARDS. THE MATTHEws APPARATUS has received over a Hundred Prize Medals, First Class Awards, and Diplomas of maintained Su- periority from the Vienna, 1873; Santiago, 1875; Philadelphia, 1876; Paris, 1878; Amer- ican Institute, 1881 ; Boston, 1881, and other Expositions. Included among the prize medals is the Grand Centennial Medal of the American Institute, 1876, struck in gold. AWARDS Granted the Matthews “Soda” Water Apparatus at the Semi-Centennial Exhibition of the American Institute, 1881 : Machine, Bronze Medal The Matthews Glass Signs, Bronze Medal Superiority. For &" Water Apparatus, & S- 1881. & º JOHN MATTEEWS, Superiority. - - - - - The Matthews “Soda’’ Water Dispensing Apparatus The sº Bottling Machine for Gravitating and Fountains, Bronze Medal Superiority. t , Bronze Medal Axcellence. - - oppers ſon e º z/ Axcellence The Matthews Machine for Making “Soda” Water, The Matthews Siphon Filler, Bronze Medal Excellence. Generator and Compressor, Bronze Medal Su- -- -- Sirup Gauge, “ -- -- - periority. -- -- Siphon, -- -- -- The Matthews Acid Dispenser, Bronze Medal Ex- -- -- Bottle Boxes, Diploma. cellence. - WHAT THE BEST JUDGES SAY OF THE MATTHEWS APPARATUS, In Apparatus for making “Soda” and Mineral Waters the Annericans were first at Vienna. The display made by John Matthews was a marvel of in- genuity, and splendid both in magnitude and finish.-Keport to Aarliament by the Special Aritish Commissioner. Excellent exhibit of its class, very elegant design, and best workmanship. —Official Report of the Centennial AExposition Judges. Decidedly the first in order of merit, and produces a beverage free from any deleterious quality. . . . A marked superiority over any other known form of apparatus.-Amer. Institute judges, instructed to take into consideration all known apparatus, zohether on exhibition or not. For safety, convenience, and economy it is unsurpassed, while the design is elegant and the workmanship and materials of the best quality. . . . The water is entirely protected from objectionable metallic substances. . . . The gas in these machines is thoroughly washed, and the nºnechanical construction of them excellent. THEY ARE FIRST IN ORDER OF MERIT.-Prof. Chas. F. Chandler, Columbia College. Ingenious construction, excellent workmanship, and admirably adapted for the attainment of their airns.—AE’rof. Geo. F. Barker, Yale College. We hope the apparatus may be found of as great value in other labora- tories as in our own.—Prof. Josiah P. Cooke, ºr, Harvard College. - Verdict of Customers. WE give below a few extracts from the unsolicited testimonials we are constantly receiving from our customers: I wish to express to you my high appreciation of the apparatus that you made for me in January. After having thoroughly tested it, I can with confidence say it is the most perfect one I have ever used, and I have used many different styles, having been in the bottling business 27 years. The gas-submerging agitator, I find, is a very great labor-saver. With one fifth of the agitating that I gave the water in the old-style foun- tain, I make a much more highly charged water. I also find that the volute diaphragm carbonate-filled gas-washer supplies a very much better quality of gas than the old style. I consider you have brought the carbonating apparatus to the highest possible state of perfection.—JAS. S. HAZARD, Newport, R. I. It [a Matthews horizontal generator] has not given us one moment's trouble or ex- pense, and it has more than realized our expectations. We find its capacity even larger than your catalogue states, and we are very much pleased with it, and take pleasure in recommending your machinery above all others to all in the business.-HENNESSY & NOLAN, Albany, N. Y. I have used your manufacture of machines for years, and know what kind of goods you offer to the public. I hold them superior to all others.-WILLIAM HOLDEN, Marysville, Cal. I have the “Colorado” up on my counter. I am very much pleased with its appear- ance, etc. The cut in your catalogue does not do the apparatus justice, by any means. —C. B. FLEET, Lynchburg, Va. New generator is working splendidly.—SAMUEL C. PALMER, Georgetown, D. C. It [a Matthews horizontal generator] gives the most perfect satisfaction, working to perfection every time.—A. J. HARRIS, Essexville, Mich. The “Icicle” works like a charm, and everybody admires it. It is simply elegant and perfect in all its details, and I am more than pleased with it.—CHAS. F. FECHTER, Newport, Ky. We have the generator up, and used it yesterday and to-day, and it works to our en- tire satisfaction. We do not see how there could be any improvement on it.—HUS- TON & VAN BLARCOM, Newton, N. J. The washer [Fischer brush] gives us satisfaction.—LALOR & MANGOLD, Tren- ton, N. J. The fountain is very much admired, and the king, whom I had invited to refresh himself, declares he will have one for the palace. I find it all that it is represented to be, and it acts capitally, and is really very ingeniously constructed.—F. H. HILLS, Papeti, Tahiti, Society Islands. AM ILLUSTRATED QUARTERLY GAZETTE. DEvoted to THE INTEREsts of Those ENGAGED IN Making, Bottling, or DisPENsiNG SPARKLING Beverages, INcluding MINERAL WATERs, both Artificial AND NATURAL. Thomas Chester, Editor, 50 Cents a Year. 449 First Avenue. | NEW YORK. } 15 CENTs A NUMBER. This successful little trade journal, now in its fifth year, contains in every number information worth many times a year's subscription to every one engaged in the mak- ing or selling of carbonated beverages. ~ z - O Jº wº \\?", \"JAXJ 3 90 UNIVERSITY OF MICMGAM O1677 O722 15