፣ ber.com 1 B 1,410,182 -4 FINE ARTS Z. 5931 C28 - A Catalogue of THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS presented to the .." CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY by the family of WILLARD WHITCOMB MORSE Northfield, Minnesota Printed by The Colwell Press, Inc. for Carleton College .. 1962 ་། PROPERTY OF nivesity of Michigan Libraries 1817 ARTES SCIENTIA VERITAS ! || A Catalogue of THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS presented to the CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY by the family of WILLARD WHITCOMB MORSE Northfield, Minnesota Printed by The Colwell Press, Inc. for Carleton College 1962 Fine Arts 2 5931 028 The Boliou Art Library of Carleton College is aug- mented annually by books purchased with the Shedd Memorial Fund. This fund is presented by the family of Willard Whitcomb Morse in the memory of the Rev- erend Charles Shedd and Eliza Rowell Shedd, his wife, and grandmother of Mrs. Willard W. Morse. When Carleton College was founded in 1867, Charles and Eliza Shedd had served as pioneer missionaries of the Congregational Church in Minnesota for eleven years. They assisted in the establishment of the college and as friends of its first president James W. Strong, helped to support it with timely gifts through its first twenty years. The Morse family has chosen to honor the spiritual and intellectual example of Mr. and Mrs. Shedd by perpetuating this generous tradition. In doing so they honor themselves as well. ii Fine Art Spr AN APPRECIATION Of all of the devices man has created to perpetuate his culture and his civilization, books are the most important. Indeed, they may be more important than all other devices put together. It is no accident that the collection of books in our Library of Congress exceeds in value that of all of the government buildings in Washington combined. Here, indeed, is our greatest national treasure. Books achieve their maximum importance as a part of the educa- tional process. I know of no kind of gift that comes as near being perpetual as a book; and among the most enlightened methods of supporting independent liberal arts colleges, giving books and libraries surely takes first place. Indeed, the tradition of private philanthropy is responsible for the Carleton College Library and its collection of books. When the Willard Whitcomb Morse family decided to memorialize the Reverend Charles Shedd and Eliza Rowell Shedd, who were pio- neers in the establishment of Carleton College, they were wise indeed to make the memorial in the form of a continuing collection of books. No other kind of gift could be as fundamental and self-renewing. The Shedd Memorial Fund, which provides a continuing new source of vitality to our art collection, is one of the most stimulating and enriching influences - not only to students in art but to the Col- lege and its faculty as a whole. Laurence McKinley Gould iii ! ELIZA ROWELL SHEDD PIONEER MISSIONARY Feb. 27, 1804 - Sept. 29, 1900 Eliza Rowell, eldest daughter of the Reverend Joseph and Mrs. Hannah Chase Rowell of Cornish, New Hampshire, married Charles Shedd on August 25, 1825, shortly after her graduation from the New Ipswich Female Academy. She immediately began to assist her hus- band in his educational work, first at Kimball Union Academy and later at New Ipswich Academy. While preceptress of the latter, she also taught French, Latin and Mathematics. She was, in addition, especially interested in natural science studies, and later in her life presented to Carleton College a collection of geological specimens and Indian relics she had collected in the Mississippi Valley. The history of Carleton College says of her: "Reared among the granite mountains of New Hampshire, and trained in the rigid theology of Jonathan Edwards, strong in body and mind, indomita- ble in will, and invincible in her faith in God, Mrs. Shedd seemed to possess something of the strength of clear vision and far horizons of the everlasting hills." In addition to her home and her work with her husband, Mrs. Shedd found time for sewing, knitting, quilt making, and the weav- ing of linens and rag carpeting. The sale of much of this work made possible her many gifts to missionary work as well as to Carleton College. She became blind in the 1880's, and spent the last years of her life in the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Willard W. Morse. President Strong was a friend of the Morses, and one time told of the invaluable donations Carleton had received in its early years, donations which had always come when the college most needed money to continue. They would be signed simply "E.R.S." And once when dining at the Shedd home, Dr. Strong noticed those initials on some silver and realized immediately who the anonymous benefactor to the college had been. Such gifts were typical of Mrs. Shedd's un- selfishness and goodwill. 虞 ​iv THE REVEREND CHARLES SHEDD PIONEER MISSIONARY Oct. 21, 1802 - May 7, 1885 Charles Shedd was born in Ringe, New Hampshire, the son of Captain Abel Shedd and Rebecca Locke Adams. He attended New Ipswich and Hanover Schools prior to entering Dartmouth College in 1822. On August 25, 1825 he married Eliza Rowell and the follow- ing year graduated with honors. Dartmouth later made him Phi Beta Kappa. He taught for eight years at Kimball Union Academy in Meriden, New Hampshire and in 1804 moved with his family to be- come principal of Appleton Academy in New Ipswich. He did much to maintain Appleton as one of the leading preparatory schools of its day. In 1841 Mr. Shedd resigned to study the ministry, and a year later was ordained a minister of the Congregational Church. In the next fifteen years he became one of the leaders of the church in New Hampshire. In 1856 the Reverend Charles Shedd resigned his pastorate of the Congregational Church of Campton, New Hampshire, to come to the territory of Minnesota as home missionary. The trip was made by covered wagon to St. Louis and by boat from there to the territory of Minnesota. He settled in Mantorville and spent the following two years organizing churches in Zumbrota, Claremont, Wasioja, Waseca and other communities. A teacher before he turned to the ministry, he was anxious to found a college in the territory and was soon able to give assistance in the creation of Carleton College. From the age of 71 to 78 he preached in Waseca and then in 1880 retired to Zum- brota near the home of his son, Henry Shedd. He died May 7, 1885. The Shedd Memorial Fund for the purchase of books for the Boliou Art Library of Carleton College was presented in memory of Reverend and Mrs. Charles Shedd by the family of Willard Whitcomb Morse. INTRODUCTION This catalogue is a classified list of the books which form the Shedd Memorial Collection of art history at Carleton College. Its compila- tion is designed to serve a number of worthwhile purposes not the least of which is to provide the acknowledgment of its worth set forth by President Gould on the preceding page. In addition it will prove a useful guide for the faculty and students of art at Carleton, both in research and the further development of the college's collec- tions. It may prove useful by reminding readers of new or forgotten books of art history, and the classified arrangement itself may serve as a teaching device. Finally it is hoped that thru distribution in appropriate places it may offer to other librarians and art historians a means of locating desired research material which may be requested via interlibrary loan. The classification system was devised by Mrs. Eileen Michels, and adapted by her for this collection. As is necessary in any linear clas- sification such as this, allowing only one entry for each book, abstract logic must often be sacrificed to obtain a workable arrangement which recognizes the intrinsic peculiarities of the subject matter. Thus sub- ject matter rather than form has determined the placement of each book in the list; there are no separate sections for encyclopedias, dictionaries, directories, etc. In some cases placement of titles has been determined arbitrarily, where with equal validity a book belongs in either of two sections of the scheme. Such situations are acknowl- edged by see also references. Library cataloging practice is also in evidence in other ways, for example the alphabetizing of names beginning with Mc as though they are Mac in the index. In general, however, standard practice of art historians, where different, has taken precedence over that of librarians. The table of contents is somewhat more detailed than perhaps is necessary. In this form, however, it presents the classification plan fol- lowed with one exception, as will be noted below. Since one generally approaches art books either in simplest terms, by period, medium or place, these approaches have been accommodated in that order in the classification. As this is at the present time a relatively small collec- tion of books, to carry out detailed subclassifications for very small groups of books such as those on Etruscan, Chinese or Aboriginal art would be unnecessary. On the other hand it is expedient to do a more detailed subclassification for Medieval, Renaissance or Modern art. Although the standard media divisions of architecture, sculpture, painting and various minor arts are logical for art from the Renais- sance on, they are not particularly relevant to Ancient or Medieval art. In the latter, because "painting" as it survives consists of illumi- nated manuscripts, mosaics, drawing and fresco painting, it seems best to include them all in one group. Similarly, the division between Medieval architecture and sculpture is in most cases an arbitrary one. Why not then put them both under one group? In most cases all of the works by and about a particular artist have been put in one place. Thus, for although there are separate sections for both painting and drawing in the nineteenth century, books about the drawings of Cézanne will be found in one place - along with those about his paintings. However, there is an appropriate cross reference in the sec- J vii tion on nineteenth century drawings. The body of an artist's work generally has been considered more important than the medium in which it was rendered. One further comment in this connection is needed because the table of contents does not make clear the treatment of monographic material on the work of individual artists. In each section of the arrangement where such works might properly be found, they are entered in alpha- betical order by name of the artist, irrespective of the author's name, and separated from the general works by a line of asterisks. Thus, under Renaissance and Baroque art; 15th and 16th Centuries; Paint- ing, the last general book treating this area is Zervos' Paysages français du XV siècle, after which appears a line of asterisks. Following these will be found books dealing with individual 15th and 16th century painters, such as Bassano, Bellini, Bruegel, Dürer, etc., in that order regardless of the authors of the books. Each book in this catalogue is identified for exact reference by an entry number in the margin. The author and series index at the rear gives locations by entry number rather than by page. Each entry includes with the author and title the publisher, place and date of publication if evident in the book. Publishers' names are usually short- ened to the minimum necessary for accurate identification. Where the author and publisher are the same, the place of publication is given but the name is not repeated. The editor, or the writer of the intro- duction, is often given as the author of a book consisting largely of reproductions of one or more artists. Since 1951 all library books selected by the Art Department of Carleton College have become part of the Shedd Memorial book col- lection. It will be noted that some of the works included here are incomplete. This is due in part to the chance that led to the acquisition of early volumes of a set or serial publication prior to 1951, and hence excluded them from the Shedd collection catalogued here. Or it may result from the fact that final volumes have not yet been published, or that certain volumes of sets are no longer available. And of course since the selection of art books has been intended to meet the needs of a particular curriculum in an undergraduate program some omis- sions have been deliberate. All part of a continuing process under the direction of Alfred Hyslop, Chairman of the Art Department of Carleton College, the collection is expected to grow further, repairing omissions and extending its scope as needs or opportunities occur. A supplementary catalogue will be prepared when this development warrants it. Appreciation is expressed for the gracious assistance of Professors Dale Haworth, Donald S. Schier and Ralph L. Henry, as well as to the persons named above. Technical advice was theirs; any faults or omissions are attributable to the editor. James H. Richards, Jr. LIBRARIAN OF CARLETON COLLEGE viii TABLE OF CONTENTS HISTORICAL WORKS WESTERN TRADITION BACKGROUND: Philosophy, aesthetics and visual perception. GENERAL HISTORIES: Surveys, bibliographies and miscellanies. Architecture City and Town Planning. Sculpture Painting Prints and Drawings.. Minor Arts Greek Art Roman Art · • LIMITED HISTORIES: Ancient Art Surveys Egyptian Art Mesopotamian Art Aegean Art Etruscan Art • • Medieval Art Early Christian and Byzantine Art... (includes East Christian) Romanesque and Gothic Art • (includes Pre-Romanesque in the West) Renaissance and Baroque Art 15th and 16th Centuries Surveys Architecture Sculpture Painting Prints and Drawings.. 1 3 7 8 9 9 Surveys 23 25 Architecture and Sculpture.... Illuminated Manuscripts, Mosaics, Drawings and Paintings 28 Minor Arts 30 11 12 .. 13 14 16 16 16 . 17 19 .. 20 31 31 32 33 . 43 ix 17th and 18th Centuries Surveys Architecture Sculpture Painting Prints and Drawings. Modern Art 19th Century Surveys Architecture Sculpture Painting Prints and Drawings.. • 20th Century Surveys Architecture Sculpture Painting Prints and Drawings. Minor Arts • • • • FAR EASTERN TRADITION BACKGROUND LIMITED HISTORIES Chinese Art Indian Art (includes Islamic Art in India; Cambodian Art) Japanese Art ABORIGINAL ART GENERAL HISTORIES LIMITED HISTORIES: African Art American Art European Art Pacific Art • NON-HISTORICAL WORKS ART EDUCATION AND CHILD ART COLOR, PERSPECTIVE AND DESIGN, ADVERTISING AND INDUSTRIAL ART TECHNIQUES OF THE FINE ARTS TECHNIQUES OF THE MINOR Art; Crafts AND HOBBIES • • 4 • 43 44 45 46 49 . 62 62 . 67 70 81 81 • 50 51 52 52 61 .. 83 83 84 . 85 . 86 . 87 87 88 88 . 88 . 89 91 . 92 X HISTORICAL WORKS WESTERN TRADITION BACKGROUND; philosophy, aesthetics, and visual perception 1. Abell, Walter. The collective dream in art; a psycho-historical theory of culture based on relations between the arts, psychology, and the social sciences. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1957. 2. Arnheim, Rudolf. Art and visual perception; a psychology of the creative eye. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1954. 3. Berenson, Bernhard. The passionate sightseer; from the diaries, 1947 to 1956. London, Thames and Hudson, 1960. 4. Chang, I-t'iao. The existence of intangible content in architectonic form. Prince- ton, Princeton University Press, 1956. 5. Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. Christian and Oriental philosophy of art. N. Y., Dover, 1956. 6. Focillon, Henri. The life of forms in art. 2nd English ed., enl. N. Y., Wittenborn, 1948. 7. Gilbert, Katharine E. Aesthetic studies; architecture & poetry. Durham, Duke Univer- sity Press, 1952. 8. Gilson, Etienne H. Painting and reality. N. Y., Pantheon, 1957. 9. Gombrich, Ernst H. J. Art and illusion; a study in the psychology of pictorial repre- sentation. N. Y., Pantheon, 1960. 10. Kepes, Gyorgy, ed. The visual arts today. Middletown, Conn., Wesleyan University Press, 1960. 11. Kuh, Katharine. Art has many faces; the nature of art presented visually. N. Y., Harper, 1951. 12. Langer, Susanne K., ed. Reflections on art; a source book of writings by artists, critics, and philosophers. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins, 1959. 1 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY F 13. MacCallum, Reid. Imitation and design. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1953. 14. Maritain, Jacques. The responsibility of the artist. N. Y., Scribner, 1960. 15. Mumford, Lewis. The conduct of life. N. Y., Harcourt, Brace, 1951. 16. Newton, Eric. The meaning of beauty. N. Y., Whittlesey House, 1950. 17. Pepper, Stephen C. Principles of art appreciation. N. Y., Harcourt, Brace, 1949. 18. Picard, Max. The atomization of modern art. London, Vision Press, 1958. 19. Rodman, Selden. The insiders; rejection and rediscovery of man in the arts of our time. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press, 1960. 20. Saarinen, Eliel. Search for form. N. Y., Reinhold, 1948. 21. Seiberling, Frank. Looking into art. N. Y., Holt, 1959. 22. Sitwell, George R. On the making of gardens. N. Y., Scribner, 1951. 23. Stein, Leo. Appreciation; painting, poetry, and prose. N. Y., Crown, 1947. 24. Weitz, Morris, ed. Problems in aesthetics; an introductory book of readings. N. Y., Macmillan, 1959. 25. Weyl, Hermann. Symmetry. Princeton University Press, 1952. 26. Whyte, Lancelot L, ed. Aspects of form; a symposium on form in nature and art. Lon- don, Lund, Humphries, 1951. 27. Zola, Emile. Salons, recueillis, annotés et presentés par F.W.J. Hemmings et Robert J. Niess, et précedés d'une étude sur Emile Zola critique d'art, de F.W.J. Hemmings. Geneve, E. Droz, 1959. 2 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS ་ GENERAL HISTORIES Surveys, Bibliographies and Miscellanies 28. Art News Annual. v. 18-29. N. Y., Art Foundation, 1948-59. 29. Bédarida, Henri, ed. A travers l'art italien du xve au xxe siècle. Paris, Boivin, 1949. 30. The Bible in art. N. Y., Phaidon, 1956. 31. Bréhier, Louis. L'art chrétien, son développement iconographie des origines à nos jours. 2 éd. rev. et complétée. Paris, H. Laurens, 1928. 32. Brion, Marcel. L'art en Sicile. Paris, Editions des Deux Mondes, 1955. 33. Cahiers d'art. 31-32° année; 1956-7. Paris, Editions "Cahiers d'art", 1957. 34. Cayet, J., et al. Anvers, photographies. Bruxelles, C. Dessart, 1953. 35. Cayet, J., et al. Bruges, photographies. Bruxelles, C. Dessart, 1954. 36. Cayet, J., et al. Bruxelles, photographies. Bruxelles, C. Dessart, 1949. 37. Cayet, J., et al. Gand, photographies. Bruxelles, C. Dessart, 1949. 38. Chamberlain, Mary W. Guide to art reference books. Chicago, American Library Asso- ciation, 1959. 39. Chapman, William M., ed. Films on art. N. Y., American Federation of Arts, 1952. 40. Cincinnati. Art Museum. Guide to the collections of the Cincinnati Art Museum. Cin- cinnati, 1956? 41. Clark, Kenneth M. The nude; a study in ideal form. N. Y., Pantheon, 1956. 42. Cocagnac, A. M. Le Judgement dernier dans l'art. Paris, Editions du Cerf, 1955. 3 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 43. Courtauld institute of art, London. Bibliography of the history of British art, v. 5, 1938-45. Cam- bridge, University Press, 1951. 44. Diderot, Denis. Salons. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1957-. 45. Duncan, David D. The Kremlin. Greenwich, Connecticut, N. Y. Graphic Society, 1960. 46. Encyclopedia of world art. v. 1- N. Y., McGraw-Hill, 1959- 47. Fleming, William. Arts and ideas. N. Y., Holt, 1955. 48. Formes et couleurs, no. 3-4, 1945. Lausanne, Imprimerie Held, 1945. 49. Fry, Roger E. French, Flemish and British art. N. Y., Coward-McCann, 1951. 50. Gardner, Helen. Art through the ages. 4th ed. N. Y., Harcourt, Brace, 1959. 51. Goldwater, Robert J., ed. and tr. Artists on art, from the XIV to the XX century. N. Y., Pantheon, 1945. 52. Gombrich, E. H. The story of art. London, Phaidon, 1950. 53. Grimschitz, Bruno. Ars Austriae. Wien, Kunstverlag Wolfrum, 1960. 54. Hamilton, George H. The art and architecture of Russia. Baltimore, Penguin, 1954. (Pelican history of art. v. 6.) 55. Hatzfeld, Helmut. Literature through art; a new approach to French literature. N. Y., Oxford University Press, 1952. 56. Hauser, Arnold. The philosophy of art history. N. Y., Knopf, 1959. 57. Hauser, Arnold. The social history of art. 2 v. N. Y., Knopf, 1951. 4 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 58. Janson, Horst W., ed. Key monuments of the history of art; a visual survey. Engle- wood Cliffs, N. J., Prentice-Hall, 1959. 59. Lavalleye, Jacques. Introduction aux études d'archeologie et d'histoire de l'art. Lou- vain, E. Nauwelaerts, 1958. 60. Lucas, E. Louise. The Harvard list of books on art. Cambridge, Harvard Univer- sity Press, 1952. 61. Matton, Raymond. La Crète au cours des siècles. Institut Français d'Athènes, Athènes, 1957. 62. Mendelowitz, Daniel M. A history of American art. N. Y., Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1960. 63. Murray, Peter. An index of attributions made in Tuscan sources before Vasari. Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 1959. 64. Museum of Modern Art, New York. Teaching portfolio no. 3; modern art old and new. N. Y., n.d. 65. Myers, Bernard S. Understanding the arts. N. Y., Holt, 1958. 66. New York Historical Society. Dictionary of artists in America, 1564-1860. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1957. 67. Panofsky, Erwin. Meaning in the visual arts. N. Y., Doubleday, 1955. 68. Pevsner, Nikolaus. The Englishness of English art, an expanded and annotated ver- sion of the Reith lectures broadcast in October and November 1955. London, Architectural Press, 1956. 69. Pierson, William H., ed. Arts of the United States, a pictorial survey. N. Y., McGraw- Hill, 1960. 70. Pilon, Edmond. The country round Paris. Boston, Hale, Cushman and Flint, 1929. 10 5 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 71. Portfolio. no. 1- 1959- N. Y., Art Foundation Press, 1959- 72. The Praeger picture encyclopedia of art. N. Y., Praeger, 1958. 73. Read, Herbert E. The grass roots of art; lectures on the social aspects of art in an industrial age. N. Y., Wittenborn, 1955. 74. Réau, Louis. Iconographie de l'art chrétien. 3 v. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1955-1959. 75. Rice, Tamara T. Russian art. West Drayton, Middlesex, Penguin, 1949. 76. Rowland, Benjamin. Art in East and West; an introduction through comparisons. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1954. 77. Ruhemann, Helmut. Artist and craftsman; contrast, similarity, influence. N. Y., Chanticleer Press, 1948. 78. Saxl, Fritz, and Wittkower, R. British art and the Mediterranean. N. Y., Oxford University Press, 1948. 79. Saxl, Fritz. Lectures. 2 v. London, Warburg Institute, 1957. 80. Schwarz, Heinrich. Salzburg und das Salzkammergut; die kunstlerische Entdeckung der Stadt und der Landschaft im 19 Jahrhundert. Wien, A Schrool, 1958. 81. Shapley, Fern R. Comparisons in art; a companion to the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C. N. Y., Phaidon, 1957. 82. Thieme, Ulrich, and Becker, Felix. Allgemeines lexikon der bildenden kunstler von der antike bis zur gegenwart. 37 v. Leipzig, W. Englemann, 1907-23. 83. Tietze-Conrat, Erika. Dwarfs and jesters in art. N. Y., Phaidon, 1957. 84. Upjohn, Everard M. et al. History of world art. N. Y., Oxford University Press, 1949. 6 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 85. White, John. The birth and rebirth of pictorial space. London, Faber and Faber, 1957. 86. Willemsen, Carl A, and Odenthal, D. Apulia, imperial splendour in southern Italy. London, Thames and Hudson, 1959. Architecture 87. Alnaes, Eyvind. comp. Norwegian architecture throughout the ages. Oslo, Aschehoug, 1950. 88. Andrews, Wayne. Architecture in America; a photographic history from the colonial period to the present. N. Y., Atheneum, 1960. 89. Bertram, Anthony. The house; a summary of the art and science of domestic archi- tecture. 2 ed. London, A. & C. Black, 1945. 90. Braun, Hugh. The story of English architecture. London, Faber and Faber, 1950. 91. Fletcher, Banister F. A history of architecture on the comparative method. N. Y., Scribner, 1950. 92. Freedley, George. Theatrical designs from the baroque through neoclassicism. N. Y., H. Bittner, 1940. 93. Giedion, Sigfried. Space, time and architecture; the growth of a new tradition. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1941. 94. Gloag, John, and Bridgwater, Derek. A history of cast iron in architecture. London, Allen and Unwin, 1948. 95. Hautecoeur, Louis. Mystique et architecture; symbolisme du cercle et de la coupole. Paris, A. & J. Piccard, 1954. 96. Lancaster, Clay. Architectural follies in America; or Hammer, sawtooth and nail. Rutland, Vt., C. E. Tuttle Co., 1960. 7 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 97. Masson, Georgina. Italian villas and palaces. N. Y., H. N. Abrams, 1959. 98. Morrison, Hugh S. Early American architecture from the first colonial settlements to the national period. N. Y., Oxford University Press, 1952. 99. Neuenschwander, Eduard. Finnish architecture and Alvar Aalto. N. Y., Praeger, 1954. 100. Paulsson, Thomas. Scandinavian architecture. London, L. Hill, 1958. 101. Pevsner, Nikolaus. An outline of European architecture. 6th ed., Baltimore, Pen- guin, 1960. 102. Richardson, Albert E. The art of architecture. 3rd ed. N. Y., Philosophical Library, 1956. 103. Saylor, Henry H. Dictionary of architecture. N. Y., Wiley, 1952. 104. Scholfield, P. H. The theory of proportion in architecture. Cambridge, Univer- sity Press, 1958. 105. Smith, G. E. Kidder. Italy builds; its modern architecture and native inheritance. N. Y., Reinhold, 1955. 106. Summerson, John N. Heavenly mansions, and other essays on architecture. N. Y., Scribner, 1950. 107. Viollet-Le-Duc, Eugène E. Discourses on architecture. 2 v. N. Y., Grove Press, 1959. 108. Zevi, Bruno. Architecture as space; how to look at architecture. N. Y., Hori- zon Press, 1957. City and Town Planning 109. Garvan, Anthony N. B. Architecture and town planning in colonial Connecticut. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1951. 8 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 110. Hilberseimer, Ludwig. The nature of cities. Chicago, P. Theobald, 1955. 111. Korn, Arthur. History builds the town. London, Lund, Humphries, 1953. 112. Lavedan, Pierre. Histoire de l'urbanisme. v. 3. Paris, H. Laurens, 1952. 113. Sitte, Camillo. The art of building cities. N. Y., Reinhold, 1945. 114. Tunnard, Christopher. The city of man. N. Y., Scribner, 1953. 115. Zucker, Paul. Town and square from the agora to the village green. N. Y., Columbia University Press, 1959. Sculpture 116. Agard, Walter R. Classical myths in sculpture. Madison, University of Wiscon- sin Press, 1951. 117. Malraux, André. Le musée imaginaire de la sculpture mondiale. Paris, Gallimard, 1952. 118. Miller, Alec. Tradition in sculpture. N. Y., Studio Publications, 1949. 119. Seymour, Charles, Jr. Masterpieces of sculpture from the National Gallery of Art. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 1949. Painting 120. Bazin, Germain, ed. History of classic painting. N. Y., Hyperion Press, 1951. 121. Berenson, Bernard. Seeing and knowing. N. Y., Macmillan, 1953. 122. Berkman, Aaron. The functional line in painting. N. Y., Yoseloff, 1957. 9 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 123. Born, Wolfgang. Still-life painting in America. N. Y., Oxford University Press, 1947. 124. Brunetti, Mario. Venice. N. Y., Skira, 1956. 125. Courthion, Pierre. Paris in the past; from Fouquet to Daumier. Lausanne, Skira, 1957. 126. Dewald, Ernest T. Italian painting, 1200-1600. N. Y., Holt, Rinehart and Win- ston, 1961. 127. Eliot, Alexander. Three hundred years of American painting. N. Y., Time, Inc., 1957. 128. Fratelli Alinari. A thousand paintings of twenty centuries. Firenze, Fratelli Alinari, 1949. 129. Friedländer, Max J. Landscape, portrait, still-life; their origin and development. N. Y., Philosophical Library, 1950? 130. Grosser, Maurice R. The painter's eye. N. Y., Rinehart, 1951. 131. Janson, Horst W, and Janson, Dora J. The picture history of painting, from cave painting to modern times. N. Y., Abrams, 1957. 132. Lassaigne, Jacques. Flemish painting. 2 v. N. Y., Skira, 1957. 133. Lassaigne, Jacques. Spanish painting. 2 v. N. Y., Skira, 1952. 134. Maiuri, Amedeo. Painting in Italy. N. Y., Skira, 1959. 135. Marle, Raimond van. The development of the Italian schools of painting. 19 v. The Hague, M. Nijhoff, 1923-38. 136. Myers, Bernard S. Encyclopedia of painting. N. Y., Crown, 1955. 10 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 137. Offner, Richard. ...Italian primitives at Yale University, comments and revi- sions. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1927. 138. Richardson, Edgar P. Painting in America; the story of 450 years. N. Y., Crowell, 1956. 139. Robb, David M. The Harper history of painting; the occidental tradition. N. Y., Harper, 1951. 140. Sterling, Charles. Great French painting in the Hermitage. 2nd ed. N. Y., Abrams, 1958. 141. Venturi, Lionello. Four steps toward modern art; Giorgione, Caravaggio, Manet, Cézanne. N. Y., Columbia University Press, 1956. . 142. Venturi, Lionello. ...Painting and painters; how to look at a picture, from Giotto to Chagall. N. Y., Scribner, 1945. 143. Wilenski, Reginald H. Outline of English painting. N. Y., Philosophical Library, 1948. 144. Wilenski, Reginald H. Flemish painters, 1430-1830. 2 v. N. Y., Viking Press, 1960. 145. Wilenski, Reginald H. French painting. Rev. ed. Boston, C. T. Branford, 1949. Prints and Drawings 146. Gómez Sicre, José. Spanish drawings, XV-XIX centuries. N. Y., Hyperion Press, 1950? 147. Holme, Bryan, ed. Master drawings in line. N. Y., Studio Publications, 1948. 148. Laran, Jean. L'estampe. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1959. 149. Mongan, Agnes, ed. One hundred master drawings. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1949. 11 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 150. Parker, K. T. Catalogue of the collection of drawings in the Ashmolean Mu- seum. v. 1. Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1938. 151. Pataky, Dénes. Master drawings from the collection of the Budapest Museum of Fine Arts, 19th and 20th centuries. N. Y., Abrams, 1959. 152. Slatkin, Charles E., and Shoolman, Regina. Treasury of American drawings. N. Y., Oxford University Press, 1947. 153. Vayer, Lajos. Master drawings from the collection of the Budapest Museum of Fine Arts, 14th-18th centuries. N. Y., Abrams, 1957. 154. Watrous, James. The craft of old-master drawings. Madison, University of Wis- consin Press, 1957. 155. Achdjian, Albert. Minor Arts Le tapis, un art fondamental. Paris, SELF, 1949. 156. Barret, Richard C. Bennington pottery and porcelain; a guide to identification. N. Y., Crown, 1958. 157. Bland, David, ed. A history of book illustration, the illuminated manuscript and the printed book. Cleveland, World Publishing Co., 1958. 158. Leach, Bernard. A potter's portfolio. N. Y., Pitman, 1951. 159. Lejard, Andre, ed. The art of the French book from early manuscripts to the pres- ent time. Paris, Editions du Chêne, 1947. 160. Morison, Stanley. Four centuries of fine printing. 2nd rev. ed. N. Y., Farrar, Straus, 1949. 161. Pollack, Peter. The picture history of photography, from the earliest begin- nings to the present day. N. Y., Abrams, 1958. 12 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 162. Scarfe, Laurence. Alphabets; an introductory treatise on written and printed let- ter forms for the use of students. London, Batsford, 1954. 163. Weitzmann, Kurt. Ancient book illumination. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1959. LIMITED HISTORIES ANCIENT ART Surveys 164. Arbman, Holger. The Vikings. N. Y., Praeger, 1961. 165. Babelon, Jean. ... Le portrait dans l'antiquité d'après les monnaies. Paris, Payot, 1950. 166. Bosi, Roberto. The Lapps. N. Y., Praeger, 1960. 167. Bushnell, Geoffrey H. S. Peru. N. Y., Praeger, 1957. 168. Marek, Kurt W. Gods, graves, and scholars; the story of archaeology. N. Y., Knopf, 1951. 169. Clarke, Roy R. East Anglia. N. Y., Praeger, 1960. 170. Evans, John D. Malta. N. Y., Praeger, 1959. 171. Hawkes, Jacquetta H. History in earth and stone; prehistoric and Roman monuments in England and Wales. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1952. 172. Hinks, Roger P. .. Myth and allegory in ancient art. London, The Warburg Institute, 1936. 173. Huyghe, René, ed. L'art et l'homme. Paris, Larousse, 1957. 174. Kantor, Helene J. The Aegean and the Orient in the second millennium B. C. Bloomington, Indiana, Principia Press, 1947. 13 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 175. Klindt-Jensen, Ole. Denmark before the Vikings. N. Y., Praeger, 1957. 176. Laet, Siegfried J. de. The Low Countries. N. Y., Praeger, 1958. 177. Piggott, Stuart, and Daniel, Glyn E. A picture book of ancient British art. Cambridge, University Press, 1951. 178. Reifenberg, Adolf. Ancient Hebrew arts. N. Y., Schocken Books, 1950. 179. Steingraber, Erich. Antique jewelry. N. Y., Praeger, 1957. 180. Stone, J. F. S. Wessex before the Celts. N. Y., Praeger, 1958. 181. Wheeler, Sir Robert E. M. Archaeology from the earth. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1954. 182. Wilson, David M. The Anglo-Saxons. N. Y., Praeger, 1960. 183. Woolley, Sir Charles L. History unearthed; a survey of 18 archaeological sites through- out the world. London, Benn, 1958. Egyptian Art 184. Aldred, Cyril. The Egyptians. N. Y., Praeger, 1961. 185. Aldred, Cyril. Old Kingdom art in ancient Egypt. London, A. Tiranti, 1949. 186. Aldred, Cyril. Middle Kingdom art in ancient Egypt, 2300-1590 B.C. London, A. Tiranti, 1950. 187. Carlier, Achille. Thèbes; 70 photographies inédites. Paris, Vincent Fréal, 1948. 188. Carter, Howard, and Mace, A. C. The tomb of Tut. ankh. Amen. 2 v. N. Y., Cassell & Co., 1923. 189. Champdor, Albert. L'Egypte des pharaons. Paris, Albert Guillot, 1955. 14 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 190. DeWit, C. La statuaire de Tell el Amarna. Bruxelles, Aux éditions "Erasme” S. A., 1950. 191. Fox, Penelope. Tutankhamun's treasure. N. Y., Oxford University Press, 1951. 192. Gayet-Tancrède, Paul. The glory of Egypt. N. Y., Vanguard, 1955. 193. Iverson, Erik. Canon and proportions in Egyptian art. London, Sidgwick and Jackson, 1955. 194. Kielland, Else C. Geometry in Egyptian art. London, A. Tiranti, 1955. 195. Lange, Kurt, and Hirmer, M. Egypt: architecture, sculpture, painting in three thousand years. N. Y., Phaidon, 1956. 196. Lhote, André. Les chefs-d'oeuvre de la peinture égyptienne. Paris, Hachette, 1954. 197. Mekhitarian, Arpag. Egyptian painting. N. Y., Skira, 1954. 198. Murray, Margaret A. The splendour that was Egypt. N. Y., Philosophical Library, 1949. 199. Piankoff, Alexandre. The Tomb of Ramesses VI. 2 v. N. Y., Pantheon, 1954. 200. Smith, W. Stevenson. The art and architecture of ancient Egypt. Baltimore, Penguin, 1958. (Pelican history of art v. 14) 201. Steindorff, George. Catalogue of the Egyptian sculpture in the Walters Art Gal- lery. Baltimore, The Trustees, 1946. 202. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Egypt; paintings from tombs and temples. Greenwich, Conn., N. Y. Graphic Society, 1954. 203. Winlock, Herbert E. Models of daily life in ancient Egypt. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1955. 15 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY Mesopotamian Art (see also 298) 204. Champdor, Albert. Babylone et Mésopotamie. 3rd éd. Paris, A. Guillot, 1953. 205. Frankfort, Henri. The art and architecture of the Ancient Orient. Baltimore, Pen- guin, 1955. (Pelican history of art v. 7.) 206. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. The great king, king of Assyria. N. Y., 1945. 207. Rice, Tamara T. The Scythians. N. Y., Praeger, 1957. 208. Vieyra, Maurice. Hittite art, 2300-750 B.C. London, A. Tiranti, 1955. 209. Zervos, Christian. L'art de la Mésopotamie de la fin du quatrième millénaire au xv siècle avant notre ère. Paris, Editions "Cahiers d'art", 1935. Aegean Art 210. Marinatos, Spyridon. Crete and Mycenae. N. Y., Abrams, 1960. 211. Wace, Alan J. B. Mycenae, an archaeological history and guide. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1949. 212. Zervos, Christian. L'art de la Crète néolithique et minoenne. Paris, Editions "Cahiers d'art", 1956. 213. Beazley, John D. Etruscan Art Etruscan vase-painting. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1947. 214. Cles-Reden, Sibylle. The buried people; a study of the Etruscan world. N. Y., Scribner, 1955. 215. Pallottino, Massimo. Art of the Etruscans. N. Y., Vanguard, 1955. 216. Pallottino, Massimo. ...Etruscan painting. Geneva, Skira, 1952. 16 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 217. Richter, Gisela M. A. Handbook of the Etruscan collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. N. Y., The Marchbanks Press, 1940. 218. Riis, Poul J. An introduction to Etruscan art. N. Y., Philosophical Library, 1954. Greek Art (see also 261) 219. Beazley, John D. Attic black figure vase-painters. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1956. 220. Beazley, John D. The development of the Attic black-figure. Berkeley, Univer- sity of California Press, 1951. 221. Bieber, Margarete. The sculpture of the Helenistic age. N. Y., Columbia Univer- sity Press, 1955. 222. Blumel, Carl. Greek sculptors at work. London, Phaidon, 1955. 223. Carpenter, Rhys. Greek sculpture, a critical review. Chicago, University of Chi- cago Press, 1960. 224. Charbonneaux, Jean. Aspects de la Grèce. Paris, Braun, 1953. 225. Charbonneaux, Jean. La sculpture grecque archaïque. Paris, Editions de Cluny, 1938. 226. Charbonneaux, Jean. La sculpture grecque classique. 2 v. Paris, Editions de Cluny, 1944. 227. Chittenden, Jacqueline, and Seltman, Charles. Greek art; a commemorative catalogue of an exhibition held in 1946 at the Royal Academy, Burlington House, London. Lon- don, Faber and Faber, 1947. 228. Cook, R. M. Greek painted pottery. Chicago, Quadrangle Books, 1960. 229. Daux, Georges. ...Les merveilles de l'art antique (Grèce-Rome). Paris, F. Nathan, 1946. 17 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 230. Deonna, Waldemar. ... Du miracle grec au miracle chrétien; classiques et primiti- vistes dans l'art...3 v. Bâle, Les Editions Birkhaeuser, 1945-48. 231. Desborough, Vincent R. Protogeometric pottery. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1952. 232. Dinsmoor, William B. The architecture of ancient Greece; an account of its historic development. 3rd. ed., rev. and enl. N. Y., Batsford, 1950. 233. Frotier de la Coste-Messelière, Pierre. Le trésors de Delphes. Paris, Editions du Chêne, 1950. 234. Gialoures, Nikolaos. Classical Greece; the Elgin marbles of the Parthenon. Green- wich, Conn., N. Y. Graphic Society, 1960. 235. Hambridge, Jay. The Parthenon and other Greek temples. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1924. 236. Lane, Arthur. Greek pottery. London, Faber and Faber, 1948. 237. Lawrence, Arnold W. Greek architecture. Baltimore, Penguin, 1957. (Pelican history of art v. 11.) 238. Lullies, Reinhard. Greek sculpture. Rev. ed. London, Thames and Hudson, 1957. 239. Martienssen, Rex D. The idea of space in Greek architecture, with special reference to the Doric temple and its setting. Johannesburg, Witwaters- rand University Press, 1956. 240. Martin, Roland. L'urbanisme dans le Grèce antique. Paris, A. & J. Picard, 1956. 241. Payne, Humfry, and Mackworth-Young, Gerard. Archaic marble sculpture from the Acropolis. 2nd ed. N. Y., Morrow, 1951. 242. Pfuhl, Ernest. Masterpieces of Greek drawing and painting. N. Y., Macmillan, 1926. 243. Richter, Gisela M. A. The archaic gravestones of Attica. N. Y., Phaidon, 1961. 18 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 244. Richter, Gisela M. A. Attic red-figured vases. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1946. 245. Richter, Gisela M. A. Kouroi, archaic Greek youths. 2nd ed. London, Phaidon, 1960. 246. Richter, Gisela M. A. The sculpture and sculptors of the Greeks. New rev. ed. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1950. 247. Richter, Gisela M. A. Three critical periods in Greek sculpture. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1951. 248. Robertson, Martin. Greek painting. Geneva, Skira, 1959. 249. Rodenwaldt, Gerhart. Griechische Tempel. 2 aufl. München, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 1951. 250. Zervos, Christian. L'art des Cyclades, du début à la fin de l'âge du bronze, 2500- 1100 avant notre ère. Paris, Editions "Cahiers d'art", 1957. 251. Zervos, Christian. L'art en Grèce, du troisième millénaire au IV siècle avant notre ère. Paris, Editions "Cahiers d'art", 1946. Roman Art (see also 229, 286, 297) 252. Bloch, Raymond. The origins of Rome. N. Y., Praeger, 1960. 253. Brion, Marcel. Pompeii and Herculaneum, the glory and the grief. N. Y., Crown Publishers, 1960. 254. Brown, Frank E. Roman architecture. N. Y., Braziller, 1961. 255. Champdor, Albert. Les ruines de Palmyre. 6th ed. Paris, A. Guillot, 1953. 256. Corti, Egon C. The destruction and resurrection of Pompeii and Herculaneum. London, Routledge, 1951. 19 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 257. Cumont, Franz V. M. Recherches sur le symbolisme funéraire des Romains ... Paris, P. Geuthner, 1942. • 258. Duran, Frédérique. Dans les pas des Césars. Paris, Hachette, 1955. 259. Gusman, Pierre. L'art decoratif de Rome de la fin de la répvbliqve av IV siècle. Paris, Librairie centrale d'art et d'architectvre, 1908. 260. Hamberg, Per G. Studies in Roman imperial art, with special reference to the state reliefs of the second century. Copenhagen, Ejnar Munks- gaard, 1945. 261. Hekler, Antal. Greek and Roman portraits. London, W. Heinemann, 1912. 262. Maiuri, Amedeo. Pompei. Novara (Italy), Fernand Nathan, 1952. 263. Maiuri, Amedeo. Roman painting. Geneva, Skira, 1953. 264. Riegl, Alois. • Spätrömische Kunstindustrie. Wien, Österr. Staatsdruckerei, 1927. 265. Smith, Earl B. Architectural symbolism of imperial Rome and the Middle Ages. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1956. MEDIEVAL ART Early Christian and Byzantine Art (includes East Christian) (see also 224, 230, 264, 265, 311) 266. Bovini, Giuseppe. Ravenna mosaics. Greenwich, Conn., N. Y. Graphic Society, 1956. 267. Bovini, Giuseppe. I sarcofagi paleocristiani. Istituto di archeologiz cristiana, Roma, 1949. 268. Bréhier, Louis. La sculpture et les arts mineurs byzantin... Paris, Les Edi- tions d'art et d'histoire, 1936. 20 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 269. Brooklyn Museum. Coptic Egypt; papers read at a symposium... in connection with the exhibition, Paganism and Christianity in Egypt. Brook- lyn, Brooklyn Museum, 1944. 270. Demus, Otto. Byzantine mosaic decoration. London, Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1948. 271. Der Nersessian, Sirarpie. Armenia and the Byzantine empire. Cambridge, Harvard Uni- versity Press, 1945. 272. Diehl, Charles. Manuel d'art byzantin. 2nd ed., rev. et augm. 2 v., Paris, A. Picard, 1925. 273. Dumbarton Oaks papers, no. 6. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1951. 274. Duthuit, Georges. La sculpture copte; statues - bas-reliefs - masques. Paris, Van Oest, 1931. 275. Dvornik, Francis. The idea of apostolicity in Byzantium and the legend of th apostle Andrew. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1958. (Dumbarton Oaks Studies 4.) 276. Ebersolt, Jean. Les arts somptuaires de Byzance; étude sur l'art impérial de Constantinople. Paris, Leroux, 1923. 277. Ebersolt, Jean. ...La miniature byzantine. Paris et Bruxelles, G. Vanoest, 1926. 278. Ebersolt, Jean. Sanctuaires de Byzance; recherches sur les anciens trésors des églises de Constantinople. Paris, Leroux, 1921. 279. Grabar, André. Byzantine painting; historical and critical study. Geneva, Skira, 1953. 280. Grabar, André. Martyrium; recherches sur le culte des reliques et l'art chrétien antique. 3 v. Paris, Collège de France, 1946. 21 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 281. Hanfmann, George M. A. The Season sarcophagus in Dumbarton Oaks. Cambridge, Har- vard University Press, 1951. (Dumbarton Oaks Studies, 2.) 282. Mâle, Emile. The early churches of Rome. Chicago, Quadrangle Books, 1960. 283. Meyer, Peter. Byzantine mosaics. London, Batsford, 1952. 284. Micheles, P. A. An aesthetic approach to Byzantine art. London, Batsford, 1955. 285. Morey, Charles R. The mosaics of Antioch. N. Y., Longmans, Green, 1938. 286. Morey, Charles R. Roman and Christian sculpture... pt. 1. Princeton, The American society for the excavation of Sardis, 1924. 287. Rice, David T. The art of Byzantium. London, Thames and Hudson, 1959. 288. Rice, David T. The beginnings of Christian art. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1957. 289. Simson, Otto G. von. Sacred fortress; Byzantine art and statecraft in Ravenna. Chi- cago, University of Chicago Press, 1948. 290. Stewart, Cecil. Byzantine legacy. London, Allen & Unwin, 1947. 291. Strzygowski, Josef. Origin of Christian church art. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1923. 292. Toesca, Pietro, and Forlati, Ferdinando. Mosaics of St. Mark's. Greenwich, Conn., N. Y. Graphic So- ciety, 1958. 293. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Greece: Byzantine mosaics. Greenwich, Conn., N. Y. Graphic Society, 1960. 294. Vercors. L'art médiéval Yougoslave. Paris, Art et Style, 1950. 22 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 295. Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore. Early Christian and Byzantine art. Baltimore, The Trustees, 1947. 296. Weitzmann, Kurt. Greek mythology in Byzantine art. Princeton, Princeton Uni- versity Press, 1951. 297. Whittemore, Thomas. Mosaics of St. Sophia at Istanbul; preliminary report on the work. v. 2-4. Boston, Byzantine Institute of America. 1936-1952. 298. Yale University. The excavations at Dura-Europos... Final report, v. 8 part 1. The synagogue by Carl H. Kraeling. New Haven, Yale Univer- sity, 1956. Romanesque and Gothic Art (includes Pre-Romanesque in the West) (see also 265) Surveys 299. Aymard, Odilon et al. Touraine romane. Paris, Zodiaque, 1957. 300. Baltrusaitis, Jurgis. ... Art sumérien, art roman. Paris, Leroux, 1934. 301. Baudry, Jean et al. Bourgogne romane. 3rd ed. Paris, Zodiaque, 1958. 302. Bruyne, Edgar de. Etudes d'esthétique médiévale. 3 v. Brugge, De Tempel, 1946. 303. Burmeister, André, et al. Suisse romane. Paris, Zodiaque, 1958. 304. Craplet, Bernard. Auvergne romane. 2nd ed. Paris, Zodiaque, 1958. 305. Defarges, Dom B. Val de Loire roman. Paris, Zodiaque, 1956. 306. Durliat, Marcel. Roussillon roman. La Pierre-qui-Vire (Yonne), Zodiaque, 1958. 307. Evans, Joan. Life in medieval France. London, Phaidon, 1957. 23 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 308. Frankl, Paul. The Gothic literary sources and interpretations through eight centuries. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1959. 309. Gischia, Léon. Les arts primitifs français, art mérovingien, art carolingien, art roman. Paris, Arts et métiers graphiques, 1953. 310. Herbécourt, Pierre d', and Porcher, Jean. Anjou roman. Paris, Zodiaque, 1959. 311. Hubert, Jean. L'art pré-roman. Paris, Les Editions d'art et d'histoire, 1938. 312. Junyent, Edouard. Catalogne romane. Paris, Zodiaque, 1960. 313. Labande, Yvonne. Poitou roman. Paris, Zodiaque, 1957. 314. Lethaby, William R. Medieval art from the peace of the church to the eve of the Renaissance, 312-1350. N. Y., Philosophical Library, 1950. 315. Mâle, Emile. L'art religieux du XIIe siècle en France; étude sur les origines de l'icongraphie du moyen âge. 5th ed. rev. et corr. Paris, A. Colin, 1947. 316. Mâle, Emile. L'art religieux de la fin du moyen âge en France; étude sur l'iconographie du moyen âge et sur ses sources d'inspiration. 5th ed. rev. et corr. Paris, A. Colin, 1947. 317. Maury, Jean, et al. Limousin roman. Paris, Zodiaque, 1960. 318. Maury, Jean, et al. Quercy roman. Paris, Zodiaque, 1959. 319. Oakeshott, Walter F. Classical inspiration in medieval art. London, Chapman and Hall, 1959. 320. Seroux d'Agincourt, Jean B. L. G. History of art by its monuments, from its decline in the fourth century to its restoration in the sixteenth. London, Longman, Brown, Green & Longman's, 1847. 24 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 321. Swarzenski, Hanns. Monuments of Romanesque art; the art of church treasures in north-western Europe. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1954. 322. Varagnac, André. L'art gaulois. Paris, Zodiaque, 1956. Architecture and Sculpture 323. Adhémar, Jean. .. Influences antiques dans l'art du moyen âge français, re- cherches sur les sources et les thèmes d'inspiration. London, The Warburg Institute, 1939. 324. Anderson, Mary D. The imagery of British churches. London, Murray, 1955. 325. Aubert, Marcel. L'architecture cistercienne en France... 2 v. Paris, Les Editions d'art et d'histoire, 1943. 326. Aubert, Marcel. La cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris. Paris, D. A. Longuet, 1909. 327. Aubert, Marcel. La sculpture française au moyen-âge. Paris, Flammarion, 1947. 328. Baum, Julius. German cathedrals. London, Thames and Hudson, 1956. 329. Bridaham, Lester B. Gargoyles, chimères, and the grotesque in French Gothic sculp- ture. N. Y., Architectural Book, 1930. 330. Busch, Harald, ed. Romanesque Europe. London, Batsford, 1960. 331. Carli, Enzo. Le sculture del Duomo di Orvieto. Bergamo, Istituto italiano d'arti grafiche, 1947. 332. Christ, Yvan. Pierres flamandes. Paris, Editions Mondes, 1953. 333. Conant, Kenneth J. Carolingian and romanesque architecture, 800 to 1200. Balti- more, Penguin, 1959. (Pelican history of art v. 13.) 25 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 334. Cook, George H. Portrait of S. Albans Cathedral. London, Phoenix House, 1951. 335. Cook, George H. The story of Durham Cathedral. London, Phoenix House, 1951. 336. Cranage, David H. S. Cathedrals and how they were built. Cambridge, University Press, 1948. 337. Crichton, George H., and Crichton, E. R. Nicola Pisano and the revival of sculpture in Italy. Cambridge, University Press, 1938. 338. Daniel-Rops, Henry, and Christ, Yvan. Cathédrales de France. Nouvelle éd. rev. et aug. Paris, Editions Mondes, 1952. 339. DuColumbier, Pierre. Les chantiers des cathédrales. Paris, A. et J. Picard, 1953. 340. Evans, Joan. Cluniac art of the Romanesque period. Cambridge University Press, 1950. 341. Gardner, Arthur. English medieval sculpture. The original handbook rev. & enl. Cambridge, University Press, 1951. 342. Gieure, Maurice. Les églises romanes en France. Paris, Editions du Louvre, 1953. 343. Haseloff, Arthur E. G. Pre-Romanesque sculpture in Italy. N. Y., Harcourt, Brace, 1931? 344. Hildburgh, Walter L. English alabaster carvings as records of the medieval religious drama. Oxford, Printed by Charles Batey for the Society of Antiquaries of London, 1949. 345. Hürlimann, Martin. English cathedrals. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1950. 346. Hutton, Edward. The Cosmati; the Roman marble workers of the XIIth and XIIIth centuries. London, Routledge, 1950. 347. Jullian, René. L'eveil de la sculpture italienne; la sculpture romane dans l'Italie du nord. 2 v. Paris, Van Oest, 1955. 26 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 348. Katzenellenbogen, Adolf E. M. The sculptural programs of Chartres Cathedral: Christ, Mary, Ecclesia. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1959. 349. Leisinger, Hermann. Romanesque bronzes; church portals in mediaeval Europe. N. Y., Praeger, 1957. 350. Marriage, Margaret S., and Marriage, Ernest. The sculptures of Chartres cathedral. Cambridge, University Press, 1909. 351. Panofsky, Erwin. Gothic architecture and scholasticism. Latrobe, Pa., Archabbey Press, 1951. 352. Pillement, Georges. Cloîtres et abbayes de France. Paris, Editions des Deux Mondes, 1950. 353. Pita Andrade, José M. Cathédrales d'Espagne. Paris, Editions des Deux Mondes, 1951. 354. Saxl, Fritz. English sculptures of the twelfth century. London, Faber and Faber, 1954. 355. Schnitzler, Hermann. Der Dom zu Aachen. Düsseldorf, L. Schwann, 1950. 356. Simson, Otto G. von. The Gothic cathedral; origins of Gothic architecture and the medieval concept of order. N. Y., Pantheon, 1956. 357. Stoddard, Whitney S. The west portals of Saint-Denis and Chartres; sculpture in the Ile de France from 1140 to 1190, theory of origins. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1952. 358. Stone, Lawrence. Sculpture in Britain; the Middle Ages. Baltimore, Penguin, 1955. (Pelican history of art v. 9.) 359. Thibout, Marc. Eglises gothiques en France. Paris, Editions Aimery Somogy, n.d. 360. Uhler, Fred. France romane. Neuchâtel et Paris, Editions Ides et Calendes, 1952. 27 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 361. Valentiner, Wilhelm R. The Bamberg rider; studies of mediaeval German sculpture. Los Angeles, Zeitlin and Ver Brugge, 1956. 362. Vigneau, André. La cathédrale de Chartres, vues extérieures. Paris, Editions "Tel", 1949. 363. Webb, Geoffrey. Architecture in Britain; the Middle Ages. Baltimore, Penguin, 1956. (Pelican history of art v. 12.) 364. Zarnecki, Jerzy. English Romanesque lead sculpture; lead fonts of the twelfth century. N. Y., Philosophical Library, 1957. 365. Zarnecki, Jerzy. English Romanesque sculpture, 1066-1140. London, A. Tiranti, 1951. Illuminated Manuscripts, Mosaics, Drawings and Paintings 366. Baltrusaitis, Jurgis. Le moyen âge fantastique; antiquités et exotismes dans l'art gothique. Paris, A. Colin, 1955. 367. Berenson, Bernard. Studies in medieval painting. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1930. 368. Bible, N. T. Evangeliorum quattuor Codex Lindisfarnesis. (facsimile) 2 v. Lausanne, Urs Graf, 1956. 369. Boeckler, Albert. Deutsche Buchmalerei vorgotischer Zeit. Konigstein im Taunus & Leipzig, K. R. Langewiesche, 1942. 370. Bognetti, Gian P. Santa Maria di Castelseprio. Milano, Fondazione Treccani degli Alfieri per la storia di Milano, 1948. 371. Buchthal, Hugo. ...A hand list of illuminated oriental Christian manuscripts. London, The Warburg institute, 1942. 372. DeWald, E. T. The illustrations of the Utrecht psalter. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1932. 28 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 373. Duft, Johannes, and Meyer, Peter. The Irish miniatures in the Abbey Library of St. Gall. N. Y., Duschnes, 1954. 374. Dupont, Jacques. Gothic painting. Geneva, Skira, 1954. 375. Goldschmidt, Adolph. ... Die deutsche Buchmalerei . . . 2 v. München, K. Wolff, 1928. 376. Grabar, André, and Nordenfalk, Carl. Early medieval painting from the fourth to the eleventh cen- tury. N. Y., Skira, 1957. 377. Grabar, André, and Nordenfalk, Carl. Romanesque painting from the eleventh to the thirteenth cen- tury. N. Y., Skira, 1958. 378. Harrsen, Meta. Central European manuscripts in the Pierpont Morgan Library. N. Y., 1958. 379. Metz, Peter. The Golden Gospels of Echternach, Codex Aureus Epterna- censis. N. Y., Praeger, 1957. 380. Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore. Illuminated books of the Middle Ages and Renaissance; an ex- hibition held at the Baltimore Museum of Art. Baltimore, The Trustees, 1949. 381. Moe, Emile A. van. The decorated letter from the VIIIth to the XIIth century. Paris, Editions du Chêne, 1950. 382. Oakeshott, Walter F. The sequence of English medieval art, illustrated chiefly from illuminated mss., 650-1450. London, Faber and Faber, 1950. 383. Paccagnini, Giovanni. Simone Martini. Milano, A. Martello, 1955. 384. Porcher, Jean. Le Bréviaire de Martin d'Aragon. Paris, Editions Nomis, 1953. 385. Porcher, Jean. Medieval French miniatures. N. Y., Abrams, 1960? 386. Réau, Louis. Histoire de la peinture au moyen-âge. Melun, Librairie d'Ar- gences, 1946. 29 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 387. Rickert, Margaret J. Painting in Britain; the Middle Ages. Baltimore, Penguin, 1954. (Pelican history of art v. 5.) 388. Salmi, Mario. Italian miniatures. 2nd ed., rev. & enl. N. Y., Abrams, 1956. 389. Saunders, O. Elfrida. English illumination. 2 v. Florence, Pantheon, Casa Editrice, 1928. 390. Sullivan, Edward. The book of Kells. 5th ed. N. Y., Studio Publications, 1952. 391. Swarzenski, Hanns. Early medieval illumination. N. Y., Oxford University Press, 1952? 392. Toesca, Pietro. Il trecento. Torino, Unione Tipografico-editrice Torinese, 1951. 393. Venturi, Lionello. Italian painting; origins to the 13th century. Geneva, Skira, 1950. 394. Volbach, Wolfgang F. Mosaïques chrétiennes primitives du IVe au VIIe siècle; Rome- Naples-Milan-Ravenne. Paris, Librairie Plon, 1943. 395. Weitzmann, Kurt. The fresco cycle of S. Maria di Castelseprio. Princeton, Prince- ton University Press, 1951. 396. Wormald, Francis. English drawings of the tenth and eleventh centuries. London, Faber and Faber, 1952. Minor Arts 397. Gauthier, Marie M. S. Emaux limousins champlevés des XII, XIIIe, & XIVe siècles. Paris, G. LePrat, 1950. 398. Grodecki, Louis. The stained glass of French churches. London, L. Drummond, 1948. 399. Jessup, Ronald F. Anglo-Saxon jewellery. London, Faber and Faber, 1950. 30 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 400. Lejard André. The Bayeux tapestry. Paris, Vendôme, 1947. 401. Stenton, Frank, ed. The Bayeux tapestry. N. Y., Phaidon, 1957. RENAISSANCE AND BAROQUE ART 15th and 16th centuries Surveys 402. Blunt, Anthony. Art and architecture in France, 1500 to 1700. Baltimore, Pen- guin, 1954. (Pelican history of art v. 4.) 403. Blunt, Anthony. Artistic theory in Italy, 1450-1600. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1940. 404. Detroit. Institute of Arts. Flanders in the fifteenth century, art and civilization. Detroit, 1960. 405. Panofsky, Erwin. Renaissance and renascences in Western art. Stockholm, Alm- qvist and Wiksell, 1960. 406. Seznec, Jean. The survival of the pagan gods. N. Y., Pantheon, 1953. 407. Simpson, Lucie. The Greek spirit in Renaissance art. N. Y., Philosophical Li- brary, 1953. 408. Wind, Edgar. Pagan mysteries in the Renaissance. New Haven, Yale Univer- sity Press, 1958. 409. Wölfflin, Heinrich. Classic art; an introduction to the Italian Renaissance. N. Y., Phaidon, 1952. 410. Wölfflin, Heinrich. The sense of form in art; a comparative psychological study. N. Y., Chelsea, 1958. Architecture (see also 570, 572, 584) 411. Alberti, Leone B. Ten books on architecture. London, A. Tiranti, 1955. 31 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 412. Baroni, Constantino. ... Bramante. Bergamo, Istituto italiano d'arti grafiche, 1944. 413. Coffin, David R. The Villa d'Este at Tivoli. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1960. 414. Harvey, John D. M. An introduction to Tudor architecture. London, Art and Tech- nics, 1949. 415. Kent, William W. The life and works of Baldassare Peruzzi of Siena. N. Y., Archi- tectural Book, 1925. 416. Kubler, George. Mexican architecture of the sixteenth century. 2 v. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1948. 417. Mathey, François. Châteaux de France. Paris, Editions des Deux Mondes, 1954. 418. Ricci, Corrado. Architecture and decorative sculpture of the high and late. renaissance in Italy. N. Y., Brentano, 1923? 419. Zorzi, Giangiorgio. I desegni delle antichita di Andrea Palladio. Venezia, N. Pozza, 1959. 420. Pope-Hennessy, John. An introduction to Italian sculpture, pts. 1-2. London, Phaidon, 1955-1958. 421. Valentiner, Wilhelm R. Studies of Italian Renaissance sculpture. London, Phaidon, 1950. Sculpture 422. Wiles, Bertha H. The fountains of Florentine sculptors and their followers, from Donatello to Bernini. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1933. 423. Planiscig, Leo. * * * * * ... Luca della Robbia. Wien, A. Schroll, 1940. 32 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 424. Janson, Horst W. The sculpture of Donatello. 2 v. Princeton, Princeton Univer- sity Press, 1957. 425. Goldscheider, Ludwig. Ghiberti. N. Y., Oxford University Press, 1949. 426. Krautheimer, Richard. Lorenzo Ghiberti. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1956. 427. De Tolnay, Charles. The Medici Chapel. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1948. 428. De Tolnay, Charles. The Tomb of Julius II. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1954. 429. Hempel, Eberhard. Das Werk Michael Pachers. 3 erweiterte Aufl. Wien, A. Schroll, 1940. 430. Toesca, Ilaria. Andrea e Nino Pisani. Firenze, Sansoni, 1950. 431. Keller, Harald. ...Giovanni Pisano. Wien, A. Schroll, 1942. 432. Freeden, Max H. von. Tilman Riemenschneider. München, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 1954. 433. Poensgen, Georg. Der Windsheimer Zwölfbotenaltar von Tilman Riemenschnei- der. München, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 1955. 434. David, Henri. Claus Sluter. Paris, P. Tisné, 1951. 435. Lutze, Eberhard. ... Veit Stoss, 2. aufl. Berlin, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 1940. 436. Dutkiewicz, Josef E., et al. Der Krakauer altar, Wit Stwosz. Warszawa, Panstwowy Insty- tut Wydawniczy, 1953. Painting (see also 388, 599) 437. Alazard, Jean. Le portrait florentin de Botticelli à Bronzino, 2nd ed. Paris, H. Laurens, 1938. 33 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 438. Antal, Frederick. Florentine painting and its social background; the bourgeois republic before Cosimo de' Medici's advent to power. Lon- don, K. Paul, 1948. 439. Aru, C. La Galerie Sabauda de Turin. (Les primitifs flamands; corpus de la peinture des anciens pays-bas méridionaux au quinzième siècle, fasc. 5) Anvers, De Sikkel, 1952. 440. Becherucci, Luisa. Manieristi toscani. 2nd ed. Bergamo, Istituto italiano d'arti grafiche, 1949. 441. Benesch, Otto. The art of the renaissance in northern Europe; its relation to the contemporary spiritual and intellectual movements. Cam- bridge, Harvard University Press, 1945. 442. Berenson, Bernard. The Italian painters of the Renaissance. N. Y., Phaidon, 1952. 443. Berenson, Bernard. Italian pictures of the Renaissance. Venetian School. 2 v. Lon- don, Phaidon, 1957. 444. Borsook, Eve. The mural painters of Tuscany, from Cimabue to Andrea del Sart. London, Phaidon, 1960. 445. Castelli, Enrico. Christianesimo e ragion di stato. L'umanesimo e il demoniaco nell'arte. Roma, Fratelli Bocca Editori, 1952. 446. Clark, Kenneth M. Florentine paintings, fifteenth century. N. Y., Pitman, 1948. 447. Davies, Martin. The National Gallery, London. (Les primitifs flamands; corpus de la peinture des anciens pays-bas méridionaux au quinzième siècle, fasc. 6-13) 2 v. Antwerp, DeSikkel, 1953-4. 448. Edgell, George H. A history of Sienese painting. N. Y., L. MacVeagh, Dial Press, 1932. 449. Friedländer, Max J. Early Netherlandish painting, from Van Eyck to Bruegel. N. Y., Phaidon, 1956. 34 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 450. Friedlaender, Walter F. Mannerism and anti-mannerism in Italian painting. N. Y., Columbia University Press, 1957. 451. Gould, Cecil. An introduction to Italian renaissance painting. N. Y., Phaidon, 1957. 452. Janssens de Bisthoven, Alin, and Parmentier, R. A. Le Musée Communal de Bruges. (Les primitifs flamands; cor- pus de la peinture des anciens pays-bas méridionaux au quin- zième siècle, fasc. 1-4) Anvers, DeSikkel, 1951. 453. Jenkins, Marianna D. The state portrait. N. Y., College Art Assn. with the Art Bul- letin, 1947. 454. John Herron Art Institute, Indianapolis. Pontormo to Greco, the age of mannerism; a loan exhibition of paintings and drawings of the century 1520-1620. Indianapolis, 1954. 455. Lassaigne, Jacques. The fifteenth century from Van Eyck to Botticelli. N. Y., Skira, 1955. 456. Lassaigne, Jacques. Flemish painting; the century of Van Eyck. N. Y., Skira, 1957. 457. Lavalleye, J. Collections d'Espagne. (Les primitifs flamands; répertoire des peintures flamands des quinzième et seizième siècles) 2 v. An- vers, DeSikkel, 1953. 458. Leymarie, Jean. Dutch painting. N. Y., Skira, 1956. 459. Mahon, Denis. Studies in seicento art and theory. London, Warburg Institute, 1947. 460. Meiss, Millard. Painting in Florence and Siena after the Black Death. Prince- ton, Princeton University Press, 1951. 461. Panofsky, Erwin. Early Netherlandish painting, its origins and character. 2 v. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1953. 35 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY י 462. Pope-Hennessy, John. Sienese quattrocento painting. N. Y., Oxford University Press, 1947. 463. Porcher, Jean. Chefs-d'oeuvre de l'enluminure française du 15° siècle. Paris, Editions Nomis, 195-? 464. René I, Duke of Anjou. Traité de la forme et devis d'un tournoe. Paris, Editions de la Revue Verve, 1946. 465. Salmi, Mario. Paolo Uccello, Andrea del Castagno, Domenico Veneziano. Milano, Hoepli, 1938. 466. Venturi, Lionello. Italian painting; the creators of the renaissance. Geneva, Skira, 1950. 467. Venturi, Lionello. Italian painting; from Caravaggio to Modigliani. Geneva, Skira, 1952. 468. Venturi, Lionello. The sixteenth century, from Leonardo to El Greco. N. Y., Skira, 1956. 469. Zervos, Christian. Paysages français du XV siècle. Paris, Editions "Cahiers d'art", 1927. 470. Alberti, Leone B. * * 472. Lauts, Jan. * On painting. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1956. 473. Fischer, Otto. * 471. Bottari, Stefano. Antonello da Messina. Greenwich, Conn., N. Y. Graphic So- ciety, 1955. * Antonello da Messina. Wien, A. Schroll, 1940. Hans Baldung Grien. München, F. Bruckmann, 1939. 474. Magagnato, Licisco. Mostra di dipinti dei Bassano. Venezia, Neri Pozza Editore, 1952. 36 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 475. Zampetti, Pietro. Jacopo Bassano. Rome, Istituto poligrafico dello Stato, Libreria dello Stato, 1958. 476. Hendy, Philip, and Goldscheider, Ludwig. Giovanni Bellini. N. Y., Oxford University Press, 1945. 477. Walker, John. Bellini and Titian at Ferrara; a study of styles and taste. Lon- don, Phaidon, 1956. 478. Baldass, Ludwig von. Hieronymus Bosch. N. Y., Abrams, 1960. 479. Fränger, Wilhelm. The millennium of Hieronymus Bosch; outlines of new inter- pretation. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1951. 480. Linfert, Carl. Hieronymus Bosch, the paintings. Complete ed. London, Phai- don, 1959. 481. Argan, Giulio C. Botticelli; biographical and critical study. N. Y., Skira, 1957. 482. Bertini, Aldo C. Botticelli. Milano, A. Martello, 1953. 483. Chastel, André. Botticelli. Greenwich, Conn., N. Y. Graphic Society, 1958. 484. Mâle, Emile. Les Heures d'Anne de Bretagne. Bibliothèque Nationale. (Manuscrit Latin 9474) Paris, Editions Verve, 1946. 485. Delevoy, Robert L. Bruegel: historical and critical study. Geneva, Skira, 1959. 486. DeTolnay, Charles. Pierre Bruegel l'ancien. 2 v. Bruxelles, Nouvelle société d'éditions, 1935. 487. DeTolnay, Charles. The drawings of Peter Bruegel the Elder; with a critical cata- log. N. Y., Twin editions, n. d. 488. Genaille, Robert. Bruegel l'ancien. Paris, P. Tisné, 1953. 37 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 489. Grossmann, F. Bruegel, the paintings. Complete ed. London, Phaidon, 1955. 490. Friedlaender, Walter F. Caravaggio studies. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1955. 491. Hinks, Roger P. Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio; his life, his legend, his works. London, Faber and Faber, 1953. 492. Palazzo Reale, Milan. Mostra del Caravaggio e dei Caravaggeschi. 2d ed. Milano, San- soni Editore, 1951. 493. Venturi. Lionello. Il Caravaggio; con prefazione di Benedetto Croce. Sotto gli auspici del Comitato della città di Caravaggio. Novara, Istituto geografico de Agostini, 1951. 494. Pignatti, Terisio. Carpaccio: biographical and critical study. N. Y., Skira, 1958. 495. Wittkower, Rudolf. The drawings of the Carracci in the collection of Her Majesty the Queen at Windsor Castle. London, Phaidon, 1952. 496. Jolly, Alphonse. Les crayons de Jean Clouet. Paris, Librairie Marceau, 1952. 497. Popham, Arthur E. Correggio's drawings. London, Oxford University Press, 1957. 498. Cetto, Anna M. Watercolours by Albrecht Dürer. N. Y., Macmillan, 1954. 499. Conway, Martin, ed. and tr. The writings of Albrecht Dürer. N. Y., Philosophical Library, 1958. 500. Panofsky, Erwin. The life and art of Albrecht Dürer. 4th ed. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1955. 501. Waetzoldt, Wilhelm. Dürer and his times. London, Phaidon, 1950. 502. Weyer, P. W. v. d. The revelation of Saint John Apocalypse. Utrecht, n. d. 38 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 503. Baldass, Ludwig von. Jan van Eyck. N. Y., Phaidon, 1952. 504. Coremans, Paul B. L'agneau mystique au laboratoire; examen et traitement. (Les primitifs flamands; contributions à l'étude des primitifs flam- ands). Anvers, De Sikkel, 1953. 505. Argan, Giulio C. Fra Angelico; biographical and critical study. Geneva? Skira, 1955. 506. Pope-Hennessy, John. Fra Angelico. N. Y., Phaidon, 1952. 507. Fiocco, Giuseppe. Giorgione. 2nd ed. Bergamo, Istituto italiano d'arti grapfiche, 1948. 508. Johns Hopkins University. Giorgione and his circle. Baltimore, printed by J. H. Furst, 1942. 509. Pergola, Paola della. Giorgione. Milano, A. Martello, 1955. 510. Venturi, Lionello. Giorgione. Rome, L. Polveroni e A. Quinti, 1954. 511. Battisti, Eugenio. Giotto, biographical and critical study. Lausanne, Skira, 1960. 512. Santos, Reynaldo dos. Nuno Gonçalves, the great Portuguese painter of the fifteenth century and his altar-piece for the Convent of St. Vincent. London, Phaidon, 1955. 513. Guinard, Paul. El Greco; biographical and critical study. Lausanne? Skira, 1956. 514. Huysmans, J. K. Grünewald, le Retable d'Issenheim. Paris, Braun, 1951. 515. Huysmans, J. K., and Ruhmer, E. Grünewald, the paintings. London, Phaidon, 1958. 516. Pevsner, Nikolaus, and Meier, Michael. Grünewald. N. Y., Abrams, 1958. 39 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 517. Clark, James M. The Dance of Death by Hans Holbein. London, Phaidon, 1947. 518. Ganz, Paul. The paintings of Hans Holbein. N. Y., Oxford University Press, 1950. 519. Leonardo da Vinci. (Based on the Leonardo Exposition held in Milan in 1938.) N. Y., Reynal, 1956. 520. Goldscheider, Ludwig, ed. Landscapes and plants of Leonardo. London, Phaidon, 1952. 521. Heydenreich, Ludwig H. Leonardo da Vinci. N. Y., Macmillan, 1954. . 522. Leonardo da Vinci. The art of painting. N. Y., Philosophical Library, 1957. 523. Leonardo da Vinci. The notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci arranged, rendered into English and introduced by Edward MacCurdy. 2 v. N. Y., Rey- nal & Hitchcock, 1938. 524. Leonardo da Vinci. Treatise on painting. (Codex urbinas latinus 1270.) Translated and annotated by Philip McMahon. 2 v. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1956. 525. Popham, A. E. The drawings of Leonardo da Vinci. N. Y., Reynal & Hitch- cock, 1945. 526. Pedretti, Carlo. Leonardo da Vinci; fragments at Windsor Castle from the Codex Atlanticus. London, Phaidon, 1957. 527. Malo, Henri. Les Très Riches Heures du duc de Berry. Paris, Editions de la Revue Verve, 1940. 528. Porcher, Jean. Les Très Riches Heures du duc de Berry, Musée Condé à Chan- tilly. Paris, Editions Nomis, 1950. 529. Salmi, Mario. Filippo Lippi: gli affreschi nel dumo di Prato. Bergamo, Istituto italiano d'arti grafiche, 1944. 40 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 530. Rowley, George. Ambrogio Lorenzetti. 2 v. Princeton, N. J., Princeton Univer- sity Press, 1958. 531. Berenson, Bernard. Lorenzo Lotto; complete ed. N. Y., Phaidon, 1956. 532. Fiocco, Giuseppe. Mantegna, la Cappella Ovetari nella Chiesa degli Eremitani. Milano, A. Pizzi, 1947? 533. Tietze-Conrat, Erika. Mantegna; paintings, drawings, engravings. Complete ed. Lon- don, Phaidon, 1955. 534. Pacht, Otto. The Master of Mary of Burgundy. London, Faber and Faber, 1948. 535. Salmi, Mario. Masaccio, Brancacci Chapel, Church of Santa Maria del Car- mine, Florence. Milan, Amilcare, n.d. 536. Condivi, Ascanio. La vie de Michel Ange. Paris, Dorbon Aîné, n.d. 537. DeTolnay, Charles. Michel-ange. Paris, Tisné, 1951. 538. DeTolnay, Charles. The final period: Last Judgment, frescoes of the Pauline Chapel, last Pietàs. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1960. 539. Goldscheider, Ludwig. Michelangelo drawings. London, Phaidon, 1951. 540. Redig de Campos, D. Michelangelo, the frescoes of the Pauline Chapel in the Vati- can. N. Y., Transbook, 1951. . 541. Freedberg, Sydney J. Parmigianino; his works in painting. Cambridge, Harvard Uni- versity Press, 1950. 542. Popham, A. E. The drawings of Parmigianino. N. Y., Beechhurst Press, 1953. 543. Longhi, Roberto. Piero della Francesa; frescoes. N. Y., Oxford University Press, 1949. 41 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 544. Venturi, Lionello. Piero della Francesca, biographical and critical studies. Geneva, Skira, 1954. 545. Becherucci, Luisa. Disegni del Pontormo. Bergamo, Istituto italiano d'arti grafiche, 1943. 546. Clapp, Frederick M. Jacopo Carucci da Pontormo, his life and work. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1916. 547. Dimier, Louis. ... Le Primatice. Paris, A. Michel, 1928. 548. Fischel, Oskar. Raphael. 2 v. London, K. Paul, 1948. 549. Middledorf, Ulrich. .. Raphael's drawings. N. Y., Bittner, 1945. 550. Pittaluga, Mary. Raphael; panel paintings. N. Y., Abrams, 1955. 551. Hartt, Frederick. Giulio Romano. 2 v. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1958. 552. Kusenberg, Kurt. ... Le Rosso. Paris, A. Michel, 1931. 553. Pope-Hennessy, John. Sassetta. London, Chatto and Windus, 1939. 554. Salmi, Mario. Luca Signorelli. Novara, Istituto geografico de Agostini, 1953. 555. Delogu, Giuseppe. Tintoretto. Milano, A. Martello, 1953. ¡ 556. Newton, Eric. Tintoretto. N. Y., Longmans, Green, 1952. 557. Tietze, Hans. Tintoretto; the paintings and drawings. N. Y., Oxford Univer- sity Press, 1948. 558. Hourticq, Louis. La jeunesse de Titien... Paris, Hachette, 1919. 42 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 559. Tietze, Hans. Titian, the paintings and drawings. 2nd. rev. ed. London, Phaidon, 1950. (Titian, see also 477) 560. Ruhmer, Eberhard. Tura; paintings and drawings. N. Y., Phaidon, 1958. 561. Pope-Hennessy, John. The complete work of Paolo Uccello. N. Y., Phaidon, 1950. 562. Delogu, Giuseppe. Veronese; the Supper in the House of Levi. N. Y., Transbook, 1950. 563. Pallucchini, Rodolfo. Mostra di Paolo Veronese. 2nd. ed. Venezia, Libreria Serenis- sima, tipi di Carlo Ferrari, 1939. 564. Michel, Edouard. Roger van der Weyden, sept reproductions en couleurs d'aprés les tableaux de l'Escurial et du Musée du Prado. Paris, Librairie Plon, 1951. Prints and Drawings (see also 488, 496, 497, 503, 517, 525, 539, 542, 545, 549) 565. Adhémar, Jean. French drawing of the XVI century. N. Y., Vanguard, 1955. 566. Major, Emil, and Gradmann, Erwin. Urs Graf. London, Home & Van Thal, 1947. 567. Phillips, John G. Early Florentine designers and engravers: Maso Finiguerra, Baccio Baldini, Antonio Pollaiuola, Sandro Botticelli, Fran- cesco Rosselli. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1955. 17th and 18th Centuries Surveys (see also 402) 568. Baltrusaitis, Jurgis. Anamorphoses ou perspectives curieuses. Paris, Olivier Perrin, 1955. 569. Faniel, Stéphane, ed. French art of the eighteenth century. N. Y., Simon and Schus- ter, 1957. 43 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 570. Kubler, George, and Soria, Martin. Art and architecture in Spain and Portugal and their American dominions; 1500 to 1800. Baltimore, Penguin, 1959. (Pelican history of art, v. 17.) 571. Lees-Milne, James. Baroque in Italy. N. Y., Macmillan, 1960. 572. Mâle, Emile. L'art religieux de la fin du XVIe siècle, du XVIIe siècle et du XVIIIe siècle; étude sur l'iconographie après le Concile de Trente, Italie-France-Espagne-Flandres. 2. éd., rev. et corr. Paris, A. Colin, 1951. 573. Mantoux, Paul J. The industrial revolution in the eighteenth century; an outline of the beginnings of the modern factory system in England. Rev. ed. London, J. Cape, 1928. 574. Schönberger, Arno. The rococo age; art and civilization of the 18th century. N. Y., McGraw-Hill, 1960. 575. Tapié, Victor L. The age of grandeur; Baroque art and architecture. N. Y., Grove, 1960. 576. Victoria and Albert Museum, London. Rococo art in Bavaria. London, Lund, Humphries, 1956. 577. Wittkower, Rudolf. Art and architecture in Italy; 1600 to 1750. Baltimore, Pen- guin, 1958. (Pelican history of art, v. 16.) Architecture 578. Kaufmann, Emil. Architecture in the age of reason; baroque and post-baroque in England, Italy, and France. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1955. 579. Millon, Henry A. Baroque & rococo architecture. N. Y., Braziller, 1961. 580. Powell, Nicolas. From baroque to rococo; an introduction to Austrian and Ger- man architecture from 1580 to 1790. London, Faber and Faber, 1959. 44 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 581. Reilly, Paul. An introduction to regency architecture. London, Art and Tech- nics, 1948. 582. Ricci, Corrado. Baukunst und decorative Skulptur der Barokzeit in Italien. 2nd. ed. Stuttgart, Julius Hoffmann, 1922. 583. Richardson, Albert E. Georgian architecture. N. Y., Pellegrini & Cudahy, 1950. 584. Summerson, John. Architecture in Britain; 1530 to 1830. Baltimore, Penguin, 1954. (Pelican history of art, v. 3.) 585. Mayor, A. Hyatt. The Bibiena family. N. Y., Bittner, 1945. 587. Muriel, John S. C. * 586. Freeden, Max H. von. ... Balthasar Neumann als Stadtbaumeister. Berlin, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 1937. Wren; his work and times. N. Y., Rich & Cowan, 1951. * Sculpture 588. Chantelou, Paul F. de. ...Journal du voyage en France du cavalier Bernin. Paris, Stock, 1930. 591. Bassi, Elena. 589. Grassi, Luigi. Disegni del Bernini. Bergamo, Istituto italiano d'arti grafiche, 1944. 590. Wittkower, Rudolf. Gian Lorenzo Bernini, the sculptor of the Roman baroque. Lon- don, Phaidon, 1955. 592. Réau, Louis. Canova. Bergamo, Istituto italiano d'arti grafiche, 1943. J.-B. Pigalle. Paris, P. Tisné, 1950. 45 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 593. Belknap, Waldron P. American colonial painting: materials for a history. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1959. Painting 594. Bergström, Ingvar. Dutch still-life painting in the seventeenth century. N. Y., Yoseloff, 1956. 595. Dupont, Jacques, and Mathey, Francois. The seventeenth century; the new developments in art from Caravaggio to Vermeer. Geneva, Skira, 1951. 596. Levey, Michael. Painting in XVIII century Venice. London, Phaidon, 1959. 597. Thiery, Yvonne. Le paysage flamand au XVII siècle. Paris, Elsevier, 1953. 598. Traz, Georges de. The eighteenth century; Watteau to Tiepolo. Geneva, Skira, 1953. 599. Waterhouse, Ellis K. Painting in Britain; 1530-1790. Baltimore, Penguin, 1953. (The Pelican history of art, v. 1.) * 600. Constable, William G. X Canaletto. 2 v. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1962. * 601. Parker, Karl T. The drawings of Antonio Canaletto in the collection of His Majesty the King at Windsor Castle. London, Phaidon, 1948. 602. Pope-Hennessy, John. The drawings of Domenichino in the collection of His Majesty the King at Windsor Castle. London, Phaidon, 1948. 605. Waterhouse, Ellis K. 603. Sedlmayr, Hans. Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach. Wien, Herold, 1956. 604. Wildenstein, Georges. The paintings of Fragonard. Complete ed. London, Phaidon, 1960. Gainsborough. London, E. Hulton, 1958. 46 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 606. Moschini, Vittorio. Francesco Guardi. Milano, A. Martello, 1952. 607. Baard, H. P. Frans Hals; the Civic Guard Portrait Groups. N. Y., Macmil- lan, 1950. 608. Beckett, R. B. Hogarth. London, T. Brun, 1949. 609. Gaunt, William. Hogarth. N. Y., Pitman, 1950. . 610. Moore, Robert E. Hogarth's literary relationships. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1948. 611. Oppé, A. P. The drawings of William Hogarth. London, Phaidon, 1948. 612. Quennell, Peter. Hogarth's progress. N. Y., Viking, 1955. 613. Puyvelde, Leo van. Jordaens. N. Y., Elsevier, 1953. 614. Arland, Marcel. Georges de la Tour. Paris, Editions du Dimanche, 1953. 615. Furness, S. M. M. Georges de La Tour of Lorraine, 1593-1652. London, Routledge, 1949. 616. Fiocca, Guiseppe. Disegni e dipinti di Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini, 1675-1741. Venezia, N. Pozza, 1959. 617. Friedlaender, Walter F. The drawings of Nicolas Poussin, pt. 2 & 3. London, The War- burg Institute, 1949, 1953. 618. Benesch, Otto. Rembrandt; biographical and critical study. N. Y., Skira, 1957. 619. Benesch, Otto. The drawings of Rembrandt. 6 v. London, Phaidon, 1954-57. 620. Münz, Ludwig. Rembrandt. N. Y., Abrams, 1954. 47 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 621. Münz, Ludwig. Rembrandt's etchings. 2 v. London, Phaidon, 1952. 622. Rosenberg, Jakob. Rembrandt. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1948. 623. Saxl, Fritz. Rembrandt's Sacrifice of Manoah. London, The Warburg Institute, 1939. 624. Slive, Seymour. Rembrandt and his critics, 1630-1730. The Hague, M. Nijhoff, 1953. 625. Valentiner, Wilhelm R. Rembrandt and Spinoza; a study of the spiritual conflicts in seventeenth-century Holland. London, Phaidon, 1957. 626. Trapier, Elizabeth Du Gué. Ribera. N. Y., Hispanic Society of America, 1952. 627. Oldenbourg, Rudolf. P. P. Rubens, des Meisters Gemälde in 538 Abbildungen. 4th aufl. Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, n.d. 628. Puyvelde, Leo van. Rubens. N. Y., Elsevier, 1952. 629. Nicolson, Benedict. Hendrick Terbrugghen. London, L. Humphries, 1958. 630. Morassi, Antonio. G. B. Tiepolo, his life and work. London, Phaidon, 1955. 631. Sizer, Theodore. The works of Colonel John Trumbull, artist of the American Revolution. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1950. 632. Puyvelde, Leo van. Van Dyck. Bruxelles, Elsevier, 1950. 633. Farque, Léon-Paul. Velásquez. Paris, Divan, 1946. 634. Herzer, Alfred E., et al. Velázquez. N. Y., Random House, 1953. 635. Hoesch, Roberto. Diego Velazquez and B. E. Murillo. Milano, The author, n.d. 48 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 636. Lafuente Ferrari, Enrique. Velazquez; biographical and critical study. Lausanne, Skira, 1960. 637. Trapier, Elizabeth Du Gué. Velázquez. N. Y., Hispanic Society of America, 1948. 638. Goldscheider, Ludwig. Jan Vermeer, the paintings. London, Phaidon, 1958. 639. Gowing, Lawrence. Vermeer. N. Y., Beechhurst Press, 1953. 640. Thienen, Frithjof W. S. van. Jan Vermeer of Delft. N. Y., Harper, 1949. 641. Vries, Ary B. de. Jan Vermeer de Delft; suivi de la poétique de Vermeer. Paris, Tisné, 1948. 642. Adhémar, Hélène. Watteau, sa vie, son oeuvre. Paris, P. Tisné, 1950. 643. Soria, Martin S. The paintings of Zurbarán. London, Phaidon, 1953. Prints and Drawings (see also 589, 601, 602, 611, 617, 619, 621) 644. Benesch, Otto. Venetian drawings of the eighteenth century in America. N. Y., Bittner, 1947. 645. Bernt, Walther. Die niederlandischen Zeichner des 17 Jahrhunderts. 2 v. Mün- chen, F. Bruckmann, 1957. 646. Blunt, Anthony, and Croft-Murray, Edward. Venetian drawings of the XVII & XVIII centuries in the col- lection of Her Majesty the Queen at Windsor Castle. London, Phaidon, 1957. 647. Boucher, François, and Jacottet, Philippe. Le dessin français au XVIIIe siècle. Lausanne, Mermod, 1952. 648. Hofer, Philip. Baroque book illustration. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1951. 49 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 649. Talleyrand-Périgord, Héli, duc de. Dessins vénitiens du dix-huitième siècle de la collection du Duc de Talleyrand. Milano, D. Guarnati, 1958. 650. Vallery-Radot, Jean, and Jacottet, Philippe. Le dessin français au XVIIe siècle. Lausanne, Mermod, 1953. 651. Bechtel, Edwin De T. Jacques Callot. N. Y., Braziller, 1955. ༔ 652. Daniel, Howard. The world of Jacques Callot. N. Y., Lear, 1948. 653. Pallucchini, Rodolfo, and Guarnati, G. F. Les eaux-fortes de Canaletto. Venezia, D. Guaranati, 1946. 654. Thomas, Hylton. The drawings of Giovanni Battista Piranesi. N. Y., Beechhurst Press, 1954. 655. Benesch, Otto. Rembrandt as a draughtsman; an essay. London, Phaidon, 1960. 656. Held, Julius S. Rubens; selected drawings. 2 v. Garden City, N. Y., Phaidon, 1959. 657. Dacier, Emile. Gabriel de Saint-Aubin, peintre, dessinateur et graveur, 1724- 1780. 2 v. Paris, Van Oest, 1929-31. MODERN ART 19th Century Surveys 658. Boase, T. S. R. English art, 1800-1870. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1959. (v. 10 Oxford History of English Art.) 659. Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. Museum. Victoriana, an exhibition of the arts of the Victorian era in America, April 7 - June 5, 1960. Brooklyn, 1960. 660. Dans les rues de Paris au temps des fiacres. Paris, Editions du Chêne, 1950. 661. Gayley, Charles M. The classic myths in English literature and in art based origi- nally on Bulfinch's "Age of Fable." New ed., rev. & enl. N. Y., Ginn, 1911. 50 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 662. Lenning, Henry F. The art nouveau. The Hague, M. Nijhoff, 1951. 663. Madsen, Stephan T. Sources of art nouveau. N. Y., Wittenborn, 1956. 664. Selz, Peter, ed. Art nouveau; art and design at the turn of the century. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1960. 665. Topffer, Rodolphe E. Reflexions et menus-propos d'un peintre genevois; ou, essai sur le beau dans les arts. 2 v. Paris, J. J. Dubochet, Lechevalier, 1848. Architecture 666. Bøe, Alf. From Gothic revival to functional form; a study in Victorian theories of design. N. Y., Humanities, 1957. 667. Condit, Carl W. The rise of the skyscraper. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1952. 668. Greenough, Horatio. Form and function; remarks on art. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1947. 669. Hitchcock, Henry-Russell. Architecture; nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Baltimore, Penguin, 1958. (Pelican history of art, v. 15.) 670. Hitchcock, Henry-Russell. Early Victorian architecture in Britain. 2 v. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1954. 671. Maass, John. Gingerbread age: a view of Victorian America. Rinehart, 1957. 672. McClure, Harlan E., ed. Twin cities architecture; Minneapolis and St. Paul, 1820-1955. N. Y., Reinhold, 1955. 673. Mumford, Lewis, ed. Roots of contemporary American architecture; a series of 37 essays dating from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. N. Y., Reinhold, 1952. 674. Torbert, Donald R. A century of art and architecture in Minnesota. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1958. 51 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 675. Turnor, Reginald. Nineteenth century architecture in Britain. N. Y., Batsford, 1950. 676. Keim, Jean A. La tour Eiffel. Paris, Editions "Tel", 1950. 677. Latrobe, Benjamin H. Impressions respecting New Orleans; diary & sketches, 1818- 1820. N. Y., Columbia University Press, 1951. 678. Hamlin, Talbot F. * * * Benjamin Henry Latrobe. N. Y., Oxford, 1955. Sculpture 680. Gobin, Maurice. 679. Ramsden, E. H. Sculpture; theme and variations, towards a contemporary aes- thetic. London, Lund, Humphries, 1953. Daumier sculpteur, 1808-1879. Genève, P. Cailler, 1952. 681. Rewald, John, ed. 682. Haesaerts, Paul. * * * ** Degas; works in sculpture. N. Y., Pantheon, 1944. 683. Rodin, Auguste. * Renoir, sculptor. N. Y., Reynal & Hitchcock, 1947. On art and artists. N. Y., Philosophical Library, 1957. 684. Elsen, Albert E. Rodin's "Gates of Hell". Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1960. 685. Storey, Sommerville. Rodin. London, Phaidon, 1956. 686. Rilke, Rainer Maria. 687. Alazard, Jean. Rodin. London, The Grey Walls Press, 1946. Painting (see also 806) Ingres et l'ingrisme. Paris, Michel, 1950. 52 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 688. Baudelaire, Charles P. The mirror of art; critical studies. N. Y., Phaidon, 1955. 689. Bazin, Germain. L'époque impressionniste, avec notes biographiques et biblio- graphiques. 2nd. ed. Paris, P. Tisné, n.d. 690. Bazin, Germain, ed. History of modern painting. N. Y., Hyperion Press, 1951. 691. Bell, Clive. The French impressionists in full colour; London, Phaidon, 1952. 692. Boucher, François. Au temps de Baudelaire, Guys et Nadar. Paris?, Editions du Chêne, 1945. 693. Cheney, Sheldon. The story of modern art. N. Y., Viking, 1950. 694. Colin, Paul. La peinture européenne au XIX siècle, le romantisme. Paris, H. Floury, 1935. 695. Courthion, Pierre. Montmartre. Lausanne, Skira, 1956. 696. Courthion, Pierre. Paris in our time; from impressionism to the present day. Lau- sanne? Skira, 1957. 697. Dickason, David H. The daring young men; the story of the American pre-Raphael- ites. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1953. 698. Dorival, Bernard. Les étapes de la peinture française contemporaine... 3 v. Paris, Gallimard, 1943. 699. Flanagan, George A. How to understand modern art. N. Y., Studio Publications, 1951. 700. Friedlaender, Walter F. David to Delacroix. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1952. 701. Humbert, Agnès. Les Nabis et leur époque, 1888-1900. Genève, P. Cailler, 1954. 53 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 702. Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston. The sources of modern painting. Boston, Institute of Modern Art, 1939. 703. Leymarie, Jean. Impressionism; biographical and critical study. 2 v. Lausanne?, Skira, 1955. 704. Museum of Modern Art, New York. 15 paintings by French masters of the nineteenth century, lent by the Louvre and the museums of Albi and Lyon. N. Y., 1955. 705. Museum of Modern Art, New York. Masters of British painting, 1800-1950. N. Y., 1956. 706. Musée national du Louvre, Paris. Peintures; Ecole francaise, XIX siècle. 4 v. Paris, Editions des Musées Nationaux, 1958-. 707. Raynal, Maurice. The nineteenth century; new sources of emotion from Goya to Gauguin. Geneva, Skira, 1951. 708. Rewald, John. Post-impressionism. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1956. 709. Rothenstein, John. The moderns and their world. N. Y., Philosophical Library, 1958. 710. Sloane, Joseph C. French painting between the past and the present; artists, critics, and traditions, from 1848 to 1870. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1951. 711. Soby, James T. Modern art and the new past. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 1958. 712. Taylor, Basil. The Impressionists and their world. London, Phoenix House, 1953. * * * * * 713. Blunt, Sir Anthony. The Art of William Blake. N. Y., Columbia University Press, 1959. 714. Keynes, Geoffrey. Blake, N. Y., Pitman, 1949. 54 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 715. Beer, François-Joachim. Pierre Bonnard. Marseille, Editions françaises d'art, 1947. 716. Laprade, Jacques de. Bonnard. N. Y., Tudor, 1946. 717. Roger-Marx, Claude. Bonnard; lithographe. Monte Carlo, A. Sauret, 1952. 718. McCracken, Harold. George Catlin and the old frontier. N. Y., Dial, 1959. 719. Berthold, Gertrude. Cezanne und die alten Meister. Stuttgart, W. Kohlhammer, 1958. 720. Fry, Roger E. Cézanne, a study of his development. N. Y., Macmillan, n.d. 721. Guerry, Liliane. Cézanne et l'expression de l'espace. Paris, Flammarion, 1951. 722. Mack, Gerstle. ... Paul Cézanne. N. Y., Knopf, 1936. 723. Neumeyer, Alfred. Cézanne drawings. N. Y., Yoseloff, 1958. 724. Raynal, Maurice. Cézanne; biographical and critical studies. Geneva, Skira, 1954. 725. Rewald, John, ed. Paul Cézanne letters. 3rd ed. Oxford, Bruno Cassirer, 1946. 726. Schapiro, Meyer. Paul Cézanne. N. Y., Abrams, 1952. 727. Schmidt, Georg. Cézanne, water-colours. N. Y., British Book Centre, 1953. 728. Schniewind, Carl O. Paul Cézanne sketch book. 2 v. N. Y., C. Valentin, 1951. 729. Baud-Bovy, Daniel. Corot, Genève, A. Jullien, 1957. 730. Bazin, Germain. Corot. 2nd éd., rev. et augm. Paris, P. Tisné, 1951. 55 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY ¡ 731. Courthion, Pierre, and Cailler, Pierre. Corot raconté par lui-même et par ses amis, pensées et écrits du peintre. Vésenaz-Genève, P. Cailler, 1946. 732. Courthion, Pierre, and Cailler, Pierre. Courbet, raconté par lui-même et par ses amis, sa vie et ses oeuvres. Genève, P. Cailler, 1948. 733. Mack, Gerstle. Gustave Courbet. N. Y., Knopf, 1951. 734. MacOrlan, Pierre. Courbet. Paris, Editions du Dimanche, 1951. 735. Maurois, André. J. L. David. Paris, Editions du Dimanche, 1948. 736. Musée National du Louvre, Paris. J. L. David; quatorze dessins publiés par Maurice Sérullaz. (Collection de reproductions de dessins publiés sous la direction de Gabriel Rouchès.) Paris, Musées Nationaux, 1939. 737. Champigneulle, Bernhard. Degas, dessins. Paris, Editions des Deux Mondes, 1952. 738. Guérin, Marcel. Lettres de Degas. Paris, B. Grasset, 1945. 739. Cooper, Douglas. Degas, pastels. N. Y., British Book Centre, 1953. 740. Traz, Georges de. Degas; biographical and critical studies. Geneva, Skira, 1954. 741. Rich, Daniel C. Edgar Hilaire Germain Degas. N. Y., Abrams, 1951. (Degas, see also 681) 742. Delacroix, Eugene. The Journal of Eugene Delacroix. N. Y., Covici, Friede, 1937. 743. Cassou, Jean. Delacroix. Paris, Editions du Dimanche, 1947. 744. Rose, Millicent. Gustave Doré. London, Pleiades books, 1946. 745. Porter, Fairfield. Thomas Eakins. N. Y., Braziller, 1959. 56 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 746. Fierens, Paul. ... James Ensor. Paris, Editions Hyperion, 1943. 747. Haesaerts, Paul. James Ensor. N. Y., Abrams, 1959. 748. Tannenbaum, Libby. James Ensor. N. Y., Simon and Schuster, 1951. 749. Mason, Eudo C. The mind of Henry Fuseli; selections from his writings. Lon- don, Routledge, 1951. 750. Powell, Nicolas. The drawings of Henry Fuseli. London, Faber & Faber, 1951. 751. Gauguin, Paul. Intimate journals... with the 29 drawings from the [original] manuscript and 25 additional pages of drawings and paintings. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1958. 752. Estienne, Charles. Gauguin; biographical and critical studies. Geneva, Skira, 1953. 753. Goldwater, Robert. Paul Gauguin. N. Y., Abrams, 1957. 754. Hanson, Lawrence, and Hanson, Elisabeth. The noble savage; a life of Paul Gauguin. London, Chatto & Windus, 1954. 755. Rewald, John. Gauguin drawings. N. Y., Yoseloff, 1958. 756. Berger, Klaus. Géricault and his work. Lawrence, University of Kansas Press, 1955. 757. Berger, Klaus. Géricault, drawings & watercolors. N. Y., H. Bittner, 1946. 758. Berger, Klaus. Géricault und sein Werk. Wien, A. Schroll, 1952. 759. Courthion, Pierre, and Cailler, Pierre. Géricault, raconté par lui-même et par ses amis. Genève, P. Cailler, 1947. 760. Ferrari, Enrique L. The frescoes in San Antonio de la Florida in Madrid. N. Y., Skira, 1955. 57 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 761. Gassier, Pierre. Goya; biographical and critical study. N. Y., Skira, 1955. 762. López-Rey, José. A cycle of Goya's drawings; the expression of truth and liberty. London, Faber & Faber, 1956. 763. López-Rey, José. Goya's Caprichos; beauty, reason and caricature. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1953. 764. Malraux, André. Goya, drawings from the Prado. London, Horizon, 1947. 765. Malraux, André. Saturn, an essay on Goya. N. Y., Phaidon, 1957. 766. Malraux, André. Saturne, essai sur Goya. Paris, NRF, 1950. 767. d'Alain. (pseud.) Ingres. Paris, Editions du Dimanche, 1949. 768. Courthion, Pierre, and Cailler, Pierre. Ingres raconté par lui-même et par ses amis; pensées et écrits du peintre. 2 v. Vésenaz-Genève, P. Cailler, 1947-8. 769. Wildenstein, Georges. Ingres. London, Phaidon, 1954. 770. Bataille, Georges. Manet; biographical & critical study. N. Y., Skira, 1955. 771. Hamilton, George H. Manet and his critics. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1954. 772. Vaudoyer, J.-L. E. Manet. Paris, Editions du Dimanche, 1955. 773. Richardson, John. Edouard Manet; his paintings and drawings. London, Phaidon, 1958. 774. Adhémar, Hélène. Monet peintures. Paris, Editions du Chêne, 1950. 775. City Art Museum of St. Louis. Claude Monet, a loan exhibition. Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1957. 58 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 776. Rouart, Denis. Claude Monet. N. Y., Skira, 1958. 777. Seitz, William C. Claude Monet. N. Y., Abrams, 1960. 778. Rewald, John, ed. Camille Pissarro; letters to his son, Lucien. N. Y., Pantheon, 1943. 779. Roger-Marx, Claude. Redon, fusains. Paris, Braun, 1951. 780. Sandström, Sven. Le monde imaginaire d'Odilon Redon. N. Y., Wittenborn, 1955. 781. Rewald, John. Renoir drawings. N. Y., H. Bittner, 1946. 782. Rouart, Denis. Renoir, biographical & critical studies. Geneva, Skira, 1954. (Renoir, see also 682) 783. Dorra, Henri, and Rewald, John. Seurat. Paris, Les Beaux-arts, 1959. 784. Rich, Daniel C., ed. Seurat; Paintings and drawings. Chicago, University of Chi- cago Press, 1958. (Seurat, see also 819) 785. Cooper, Douglas. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. N. Y., Abrams, 1952. 786. Jourdain, Francis. T-Lautrec; essai sur Toulouse-Lautrec. Paris, P. Tisné, 1952. 787. Julien, Edouard. The posters of Toulouse-Lautrec. N. Y., Paris Book Center, 1951. 788. Landolt, Hanspeter. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec; drawings and sketches in colour. N. Y., Macmillan, 1955. 789. Lassaigne, Jacques. Lautrec, biographical and critical studies. Geneva, Skira, 1953. 790. Mack, Gerstle. ... Toulouse-Lautrec. N. Y., Knopf, 1938. 59 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 791. Museum of Modern Art, New York. Toulouse-Lautrec; paintings, drawings, posters, and lithographs. N. Y., 1956. 792. Natanson, Thadée. Un Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. Genève, P. Cailler, 1951. 793. Schniewind, Carl O. A sketch book by Toulouse-Lautrec. N. C., C. Valentin, 1951. 794. Tietze, Hans. Toulouse Lautrec. N. Y., Beechhurst Press, 1953. 795. Van Gogh, Vincent. Complete letters, with reproductions of all the drawings in the correspondence. 3 v. Greenwich, Conn., N. Y. Graphic Society, 1958. 796. Cooper, Douglas. Drawings and watercolours by Vincent Van Gogh. N. Y., Mac- millan, 1955. 797. Courthion, Pierre, and Cailler, Pierre. Van Gogh, reconté par lui-même et par ses amis; ses con- temporains, sa postérité. Vésenaz-Genève, P. Cailler, 1952. 798. Estienne, Charles. Van Gogh; critical study. Geneva, Skira, 1953. 799. Fierens, Paul. Van Gogh, Paris, Braun, 1947. 800. Hammacher, A. M. Van Gogh. Milan, A. Martello, 1953. 801. La Faille, J. B. de. Vincent van Gogh. Paris, Editions Hypérion, 1939. 802. Lord, Douglas, ed. (pseud.) Vincent van Gogh letters to Emile Bernard. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1938. 803. Nordenfalk, Carl. The life and work of Van Gogh. London, Elek, 1953. 804. Schapiro, Meyer. Vincent van Gogh. N. Y., Abrams, 1950. 805. Stone, Irving, ed. Dear Theo; the autobiography of Vincent Van Gogh. N. Y., Doubleday, 1946. 60 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 806. Ritchie, Andrew C. Edouard Vuillard. N. Y., The Museum of Modern Art in col- laboration with the Cleveland Museum of Art, 1954. 807. Roger-Marx, Claude. L'oeuvre gravé de Vuillard. Monte Carlo, A. Sauret, 1948. 808. Pennell, Elizabeth R. Whistler the friend. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1930. Prints and Drawings (see also 717, 723, 728, 736, 737, 750, 755, 757, 762, 764, 781, 784, 787, 788, 791, 793, 795, 796, 807, 1108) 809. Berger, Klaus, ed. French master drawings of the nineteenth century. N. Y., Har- per, 1950. 810. Carlisle, Anne. English drawings, XIX century. N. Y., Hyperion, 1951. 811. Heise, Carl G. Grosse Zeichner des XIX Jahrhunderts. Berlin, Gebr. Mann, 1959. 812. Huyghe, René, and Jaccottet, Philippe. French drawing of the 19th century. N. Y., Vanguard Press, 1956. 813. Adhémar, Jean. Honoré Daumier. Paris, P. Tisné, 1954. 815. Fuchs, Eduard. * 814. Courthion, Pierre, and Cailler, Pierre. Daumier raconté par lui-même et par ses amis. Vésenaz-Genève, P. Cailler, 1945. 816. Lejeune, Robert. * Der Maler Daumier. München, A. Langen, 1927. Honoré Daumier. Lausanne, La Guilde du Livre, 1953. 818. Geffroy, Gustave. 817. Dangon, Georges, et al. Louis Favre and the development of colour lithography. The Hague, Mouton, 195-? Charles Meryon. Paris, H. Floury, 1926. 61 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 819. Seligman, Germain. The drawings of Georges Seurat. N. Y., C. Valentin, 1947. Twentieth Century Surveys and Directories (see also 660, 663, 664) 820. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. A handbook to the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum collec- tion. N. Y., 1959. 821. Who's who in American art, a biographical directory of selected artists in the United States working in the media of painting, sculpture, graphic arts, illus- tration, design, and the handicrafts. Washington, D. C., Ameri- can Federation of Arts, 1956. 822. Who's who in art, being a series of alphabetically arranged biographies of the leading men and women in the world of art today. London, The Art Trade Press, 1956. Architecture (see also 99, 105, 669, 672, 673, 1045) 823. Architects' year book, v. 3-6. London, Elek, 1949-55. 824. Architectural record. Architectural engineering. N. Y., F. W. Dodge, 1955. 825. Architectural record. Industrial buildings. N. Y., F. W. Dodge, 1951. 826. Architectural record. Religious buildings for today. N. Y., F. W. Dodge, 1957. 827. Architectural record. A treasury of contemporary houses. N. Y., F. W. Dodge, 1954. 828. Bittermann, Eleanor. Art in modern architecture. N. Y., Reinhold, 1952. 829. Damaz, Paul. Art in European architecture. Synthèse des arts. N. Y., Rein- hold, 1956. 830. Encyclopédie de l'architecture. Immeubles collectifs. Paris, Editions Albert Morancé, 1956. 831. Giedion, Sigfried. Architecture, you and me. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1958. 62 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 832. Giedion, Sigfried, ed. A decade of new architecture. Zürich, Girsberger, 1951. 833. Goodman, Percival, and Goodman, Paul. Communitas, means of livelihood and ways of life. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1947. 834. Hamlin, Talbot F., ed. Forms and functions of twentieth-century architecture. 4 v. N. Y., Columbia University Press, 1952. 835. Hatje, Gerd, et al. New German architecture. N. Y., Praeger, 1956. 836. Henze, Anton, and Filthaut, Theodor. Contemporary church art. N. Y., Sheed & Ward, 1956. 837. Hitchcock, Henry-Russell, and Drexler, Arthur, eds. Built in USA; post-war architecture. N. Y., Simon & Schuster, 1952. 838. Hitchcock, Henry-Russell. Latin American architecture since 1945. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1955. 839. Hudnut, Joseph. Architecture and the spirit of man. Cambridge, Harvard Uni- versity Press, 1949. 840. Kocher, Alfred L., and Dearstyne, Howard. Colonial Williamsburg, its buildings and gardens. Williams- burg, Colonial Williamsburg, 1949. 841. Mills, Edward D. The modern church. N. Y., Praeger, 1956. 842. Mumford, Lewis, et al. The arts in renewal. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1951. 843. Mumford, Lewis. From the ground up. N. Y., Harcourt, Brace, 1956. 844. Nelson, George, ed. Living spaces. N. Y., Whitney, 1952. 845. Nelson, George. ... Tomorrow's house. N. Y., Simon & Schuster, 1946. 846. Pagani, Carlo. Architettura italiana oggi. Milano, Hoepli, 1955. 63 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 847. Peter, John. Masters of modern architecture. N. Y., Braziller, 1958. 848. Pica, Agnoldomenico. Recent Italian architecture. Milan, Edizioni del Milione, 1959. 849. Raafat, Aly A. Reinforced concrete in architecture. N. Y., Reinhold, 1958. 850. Richards, James M. An introduction to modern architecture. Rev. ed., N. Y., Pen- guin, 1947. 851. Roth, Alfred. The new school. Zürich, Girsberger, 1950. 852. Roth, Alfred. La nouvelle architecture. 5th ed. Zürich, Girsberger, 1951. 853. San Francisco Museum of Art. Domestic architecture of the San Francisco bay region. San Francisco, 1949. 854. Scully, Vincent J. Modern architecture; the architecture of democracy. N. Y., Braziller, 1961. 855. Sert, José L. ... Can our cities survive? Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1942. 856. Stein, Clarence S. Toward new towns for America. Chicago, Public Administra- tion Service, 1951. 857. Thiry, Paul, et al. Churches & temples. N. Y., Reinhold, 1953. 858. Whittick, Arnold. European architecture in the twentieth century. 2 v. London, C. Lockwood, 1953. 859. Zevi, Bruno. Towards an organic architecture. London, Faber and Faber, 1950. * 860. Gutheim, Frederick A. * * Alvar Aalto. N. Y., Braziller, 1960. * 64 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 861. Belluschi, Pietro. The Northwest architecture of Pietro Belluschi. N. Y., F. W. Dodge, 1953. 862. Collins, George R. Antonio Gaudi. N. Y., Braziller, 1960. 863. Gropius, Walter. The new architecture and the Bauhaus. London, Faber and Faber, 1955. 864. Gropius, Walter. Scope of total architecture. N. Y., Harper, 1955. 865. Papadaki, Stamo, ed. Le Corbusier, architect, painter, writer. N. Y., Macmillan, 1948. 866. Jeanneret-Gris, Charles E. The chapel at Ronchamp. N. Y., Praeger, 1957. 867. Jeanneret-Gris, Charles E. Concerning town planning. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1948. 868. Jeanneret-Gris, Charles E. The Marseilles block. London, Harvill, 1953. 869. Jeanneret-Gris, Charles E. The modulor. 2nd ed. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1954. 870. Jeanneret-Gris, Charles E., and Jeanneret, Pierre. Œuvre complète de 1910-1929. 4th éd. Erlenbach, Editions d'architecture, 1946. 871. Jeanneret-Gris, Charles E., and Jeanneret, Pierre. Euvre complète de 1929-1934. Zürich, Girsberger, 1935. 872. Jeanneret-Gris, Charles E., and Jeanneret, Pierre. Œuvre complète, 1934-1938. 2nd éd. Erlenbach, Zürich, Edi- tions d'architecture, 1947. 873. Jeanneret-Gris, Charles E., and Jeanneret, Pierre. Euvre complète, 1938-1946. Erlenbach, Zürich, Editions d'architecture, 1947. 874. Jeanneret-Gris, Charles E., and Jeanneret, Pierre. Euvre complète, 1946-1952. Zürich, Girsberger, 1953. 875. Jeanneret-Gris, Charles E., and Jeanneret, Pierre. Œuvre complète, 1952-1957. N. Y., Wittenborn, 1957. 65 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 876. Bill, Max. Robert Maillart. 2nd ed. Zürich, Girsberger, 1955. 877. Whittick, Arnold. Eric Mendelsohn. 2nd ed. London, L. Hill, 1956. 878. Drexler, Arthur. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. N. Y., Braziller, 1960. 879. Hilberseimer, Ludwig. Mies van der Rohe. Chicago, Theobald, 1956. 880. Nervi, Pier L. Structures. N. Y., F. W. Dodge, 1956. 881. Boesiger, W., ed. Richard Neutra; buildings and projects. Zurich, Girsberger, 1951. 882. Boesiger, W., ed. Richard Neutra: 1950-60, buildings and projects. N. Y., Prae- ger, 1959. 883. Museu de Arte, São Paulo. Neutra, residences. São Paulo. Brasil, Museu de Art, 1951. 884. Neutra, Richard J. Mystery and realities of the site. Scarsdale, N. Y., Morgan & Morgan, 1951. 885. Papadaki, Stamo. The work of Oscar Niemeyer. N. Y., Reinhold, 1950. 886. Szarkowski, John. The idea of Louis Sullivan. Minneapolis, University of Minne- sota Press, 1956. 887. Wright, Frank L. An American architecture. N. Y., Horizon, 1955. 888. Wright, Frank L. The future of architecture. N. Y., Horizon, 1953. 889. Wright, Frank L. The living city. N. Y., Horizon, 1958. 890. Wright, Frank L. The natural house. N. Y., Horizon, 1954. 891. Wright, Frank L. The story of the Tower. N. Y., Horizon, 1956. 66 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 892. Wright, Frank L. A testament. N. Y., Horizon, 1957. 893. Manson, Grant C. Frank Lloyd Wright. N. Y., Reinhold, 1958. Sculpture (see also 679, 680, 984, 989, 1071) 894. Berckelaers, Ferdinand L. The sculpture of this century. N. Y., Braziller, 1960. 895. Brumme, C. Ludwig. Contemporary American sculpture. N. Y., Crown, 1948. 896. Gertz, Ulrich. Plastik der Gegenwart. Berlin, Rembrandt-Verlag, 1953. 897. Giedion-Welcker, Carola. Contemporary sculpture. N. Y., Wittenborn, 1955. 898. Joray, Marcel. La sculpture moderne en Suisse. Neuchâtel, Editions du Grif- fon, 1955. 899. Museum of Modern Art, New York. Teaching portfolio no. 1, modern sculpture, N. Y., n.d. 900. Ritchie, Andrew C. Sculpture of the twentieth century. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1952. 901. Schaefer-Simmern, Henry. Sculpture in Europe today. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1955. 902. The unknown political prisoner, international sculpture competition sponsored by the Institute of Contemporary Arts. London, Tate Gallery, 1953. 903. Wilenski, Reginald H. The meaning of modern sculpture. London, Faber & Faber, 1932. * * * * * 904. Soby, James T. Arp. (Museum of Modern Art) Garden City, N. Y., Double- day, 1958. 905. Carls, Carl D. Ernst Barlach. 5. Aufl. Berlin, Konrad Lemmer, 1950. 67 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 906. Heise, Carl G. Ernst Barlach: zwischen Erde und Himmel. München, Piper, 1958. 907. Lüdecke, Henry. Ernst Barlach. Berlin, Deutsche Akademie der Kunste, 1951. 908. Lewis, David. Constantin Brancusi. N. Y., Wittenborn, 1957. 909. Hodin, J. P. Chadwick. N. Y., Universe Books, 1961. 910. Museum of Modern Art, New York. Naum Gabo and Antoine Pevsner. N. Y., 1948. 911. Read, Herbert, and Martin, Leslie. Gabo, constructions, sculpture, paintings, drawings, and en- gravings. London, Lund, Humphries, 1957. 912. Degand, Léon. Gonzalez. N. Y., Universe Books, 1959. 913. Ritchie, Andrew C. Julio Gonzalez. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1956. 914. Read, Herbert. Hepworth, carvings and drawings. London, Lund, Humphries, 1952. 915. Hammacher, A. M. Barbara Hepworth. N. Y., Universe Books, 1959. 916. Goldscheider, Cécile. Laurens. N. Y., Universe Books, 1959. 917. Le Point. Henri Laurens. v. 33, Juillet, 1946 of "Le Point”. 918. Hofmann, Werner. Wilhelm Lehmbruck. N. Y., Universe Books, 1959. 919. Goldwater, Robert. Lipchitz. N. Y., Universe Books, 1959. 920. Hope, Henry R. The sculpture of Jacques Lipchitz. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1954. 68 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 921. Apollonio, Umbro. Marino Marini, sculptor. 2nd ed., rev. Milan, Edizioni del Milione, 1953. 922. Langui, Em. Marino Marini. N. Y., Universe Books, 1959. 923. Argan, G. Martini. N. Y., Universe Books, 1959. 924. Schmeckebier, Laurence. Ivan Mestrovic: sculptor and patriot. Syracuse, Syracuse Uni- versity Press, 1959. 925. Grigson, Geoffrey. Heads, figures and ideas. Greenwich, Conn., N. Y. Graphic Society, 1958. 926. Grohmann, Will. The art of Henry Moore. N. Y., Abrams, 1960. 927. Hodin, J. P. Moore. N. Y., Universe Books, 1959. 928. Read, Herbert. Henry Moore; sculpture and drawings. 3rd rev. & much enl. ed. 2 v. N. Y., C. Valentin, 1949. 929. Takiguchi, Shuzo, et al. Noguchi. Tokyo, Bijutsu Shuppan-Sha, 1953. (Antoine Pevsner, see 910) 930. Penrose, Poland. Picasso. N. Y., Universe Books, 1961. 931. Sherwood, Ruth. Carving his own destiny, the story of Albin Polásek. Chicago, R. F. Seymour, 1954. 932. Cassou, Jean. Germaine Richier. N. Y., Universe Books, 1961. 933. Schneider, Bruno F. John Rood's sculpture. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1958. 934. Arnason, H. H. Theodore Roszak. Minneapolis, Walker Art Center; New York, Whitney Museum of American Art, 1956. 69 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 935. Hammacher, A. M. Zadkine. N. Y., Universe Books, 1959. Painting (see also 693, 695, 696, 698, 699, 705, 709, 711) 936. Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo. Expressionism in American painting. Buffalo, 1952. 937. Ballo, Guido. Modern Italian painting, from futurism to the present day. N. Y., Praeger, 1958. 938. Barker, Virgil. From realism to reality in recent American painting. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 1959. 939. Barr, Alfred H., Jr., ed. Masters of modern art. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1954. 940. Battarbee, Reginald E. Modern Australian aboriginal art. Sydney, Angus and Robert- son, 1951. 941. Bauman, Hans F. S., ed. Eight European artists. London, Heinemann, 1954. 942. Baur, John I. H. Nature in abstraction. N. Y., Macmillan, 1958. 943. Baur, John I. H., ed. New art in America. N. Y., Praeger, 1957. 944. Baur, John I. H. Revolution and tradition in modern American art. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1951. 945. Bayer, Herbert, ed. Bauhaus. N. Y., The Museum of Modern Art, 1938. 946. Bernier, Georges, and Bernier, Rosamond. The selective eye III; an anthology of writings on modern art. N. Y., Reynal, 1957. 947. Bethers, Ray. How paintings happen. N. Y., Norton, 1951. 948. Blesh, Rudi. Modern art USA. N. Y., Knopf, 1956. 949. Brion, Marcel. Art abstrait. Paris, A. Michel, 1956. 70 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 950. Brown, Milton W. American painting from the Armory Show to the depression. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1955. 951. Chen, Jack. Soviet art and artists. London, Pilot Press, 1944. 952. Cheney, Sheldon, and Cheney, Martha C. Art and the machine. N. Y., Whittlesey house, 1936. 953. Dorival, Bernard. Twentieth century painters. 2 v. N. Y., Universe Books, 1958? 954. Flanner, Janet. Men and monuments. N. Y., Harper, 1957. 955. Fowlie, Wallace. Age of surrealism. N. Y., Swallow Press, 1950. 956. Giani, Giampiero. Spazialismo; origini e sviluppi di una tendenza artistica. Milano, Conchiglia, 1956. 957. Golding, John. Cubism; a history and an analysis, 1907-1914. N. Y., Witten- born, 1959. 958. Gray, Christopher. Cubist aesthetic theories. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1953. 959. Habasque, Guy. Cubism: biographical and critical study. N. Y., Skira, 1959. 960. Museum of Modern Art, New York. Les fauves. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1952. 961. Haftmann, Werner, et al. German art of the twentieth century. N. Y., Museum of Mod- ern Art, 1957. 962. Hamilton, George, and Baur, John I. H. Twentieth century painting. Newton, Mass., The University prints, n.d. 963. Hess, Thomas B. Abstract painting; background and American phase. N. Y., Viking, 1951. 71 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 964. Jean, Marcel. Histoire de la peinture surréaliste. Paris, Editions du Seuil, 1959. 965. Kepes, Gyorgy. The new landscape in art and science. Chicago, P. Theobald, 1956. 966. Kuhn, Charles L. German expressionism and abstract art; the Harvard collec- tions. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1957. 967. Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut. Art under a dictatorship. N. Y., Oxford University Press, 1954. 968. Leymarie, Jean. Fauvism: biographical and critical study. N. Y., Skira, 1959. 969. McCurdy, Charles, ed. Modern art, a pictorial anthology. N. Y., Macmillan, 1958. 970. Modern artists in America. 1st series, 1949-50. N. Y., Wittenborn, Schultz, 1950. 971. Motherwell, Robert, ed. The Dada painters and poets, an anthology. N. Y., Wittenborn, Schultz, 1951. 972. Miller, Dorothy. 12 Americans. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1956. 973. Myers, Bernard S. Problems of the younger American artist. N. Y., City College Press, 1957. 974. Pousette-Dart, Nathaniel, ed. American painting today. N. Y., Hastings House, 1956. 975. Raynal, Maurice. Modern painting. Geneva, Skira, 1953. 976. Ritchie, Andrew C., ed. The new decade; 22 European painters and sculptors. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1955. 977. Rodman, Selden. Conversations with artists. N. Y., Devin-Adair, 1957. 978. Selz, Peter. German expressionist painting. Berkeley, University of Cali- fornia Press, 1957. 72 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 979. Seuphor, Michel, and Berckelaers, Ferdinand L. L'art abstrait, ses origines, ses premiers maitres. Paris, Maeght, 1949. 980. Severini, Gino. The artist and society. N. Y., Grove Press, 1952. 981. Shattuck, Roger. The banquet years; the arts in France, 1885-1918. N. Y., Har- court, Brace, 1958. 982. Stedlijk Museum, Amsterdam. De Stijl. Amsterdam, 1951. 983. Stewart, Virginia. 45 contemporary Mexican artists; a twentieth-century renais- sance. Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1951. 984. Verkauf, Willy, ed. Dada; monography of a movement. N. Y., Wittenborn, 1957. 985. City Art Museum of St. Louis. Max Beckmann, 1948. N. Y., Marchbanks Press, 1948. 986. Buchheim, Lothar G. * * * * * Max Beckmann. Feldafing, Buchheim, 1959. 987. Levy, Julien, ed. Eugene Berman. N. Y., American Studio Books, 1947. 988. Argan, Giulio C. Umberto Boccioni. Roma, De Luca, 1953. 989. Fumet, Stanislas. Sculptures de Braque. Paris, Editions Albert Morancé, 1951. 990. Russell, John. G. Braque. London, Phaidon, 1959. 991. Baur, John I. H. Charles Burchfield. N. Y., Macmillan, 1956. 992. Apollonio, Umbro. Chagall. Venezia, Alfieri, 1949. 993. Chagall, Marc. My life. N. Y., Orion Press, 1960. 73 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 994. Christ, Yvan. Chagall dessins. Paris, Editions Mondes, 1953. 995. Kloomok, Isaac. Marc Chagall; his life and work. N. Y., Philosophical Library, 1951. 996. Lassaigne, Jacques. Chagall. Paris, Maeght, 1957. 997. Venturi, Lionello. Chagall; biographical and critical study. N. Y., Skira, 1956. 998. Chagall, Marc. Illustrations for the Bible. N. Y., Harcourt, Brace, 1956. 999. Pica, Agnoldomenico. 12 opere di Giorgio de Chirico. 4th ed. Milano, Edizioni del Milione, 1952. 1000. Soby, James T. Giorgio de Chirico. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1955. 1001. Morse, Albert R. Dali, a study of his life & work. Greenwich, Conn., N. Y. Graphic Society, 1958. 1002. Goossen, E. C. Stuart Davis. N. Y., Braziller, 1959. 1003. Hess, Thomas B. Willem de Kooning. N. Y., Braziller, 1959. 1004. Sutton, Denys. André Derain. London, Phaidon, 1959. 1005. Limbour, Georges. Tableau bon levain à vous de cuire la pâte; l'art brut de Jean Dubuffet. N. Y., P. Matisse, 1953. 1006. Duchamp, Marcel. From the green box. New Haven, Readymade Press, 1957. 1007. Lebel, Robert. Marcel Duchamp. N. Y., Grove Press, 1959. 1008. Courthion, Pierre. Raoul Dufy. Genève, P. Cailler, 1951. 1009. Lassaigne, Jacques. Dufy; biographical and critical studies. Geneva, Skira, 1954. 74 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 1010. Francastel, Pierre. Estève. Paris, Editions Galanis, 1956. 1011. Glackens, Ira. William Glackens and the Ashcan group. N. Y., Crown, 1957. 1012. Schwabacher, Ethel. Arshile Gorky. N. Y., Macmillan, 1957. 1013. Wight, Frederick S. Morris Graves. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1956. 1014. Kahnweiler, Daniel H. Juan Gris, his life and work. N. Y., C. Valentin, 1947. 1015. Soby, James T. Juan Gris. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1958. 1016. Baur, John I. H. George Grosz. N. Y., Macmillan, 1954. 1017. Hecht, Ben. 1001 afternoons in New York... with illustrations by George Grosz. N. Y., Viking, 1941. 1018. Hofmann, Hans. Search for the real and other essays. Andover, Mass., Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Academy, 1948. 1019. Weiler, Clemens. Alexej von Jawlensky. Wiesbaden, Limes Verlag, 1955. 1020. Kandinsky, Wassily. ... On the spiritual in art. N. Y., Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation for the Museum of Non-Objective Painting, 1946. 1021. Bill, Max. Wassily Kandinsky. Boston, Institute of Contemporary Art, 1951. 1022. Grohmann, Will. Wassily Kandinsky; life and work. N. Y., Abrams, 1958. 1023. Klee, Paul. The inward vision; watercolors, drawings, writings. N. Y., Abrams, 1958. 1024. Klee, Paul. On modern art. London, Faber and Faber, 1948. 75 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 1025. Klee, Paul. Pedagogical sketchbook. N. Y., Praeger, 1953. 1026. Giedion-Welcker, Carola. Paul Klee. N. Y., Viking, 1952. 1027. Grohmann, Will. Paul Klee. N. Y., Abrams, 1954? 1028. Ponente, Nello. Klee: biographical and critical study. Lausanne, Skira, 1960. 1029. Read, Herbert. Klee. N. Y., Pitman, 1949. 1030. San Lazzaro, Gualtieri di. Klee; a study of his life and work. N. Y., Praeger, 1957. 1031. Soby, James T. The prints of Paul Klee. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1947. 1032. Spiller, Jurg, ed. Paul Klee: the thinking eye, the notebooks of Paul Klee. N. Y., Wittenborn, 1961. 1033. Hoffman, Edith. . Kokoschka, life and work. Boston, Boston Book & Art Shop, n.d. 1034. Wingler, Hans M., ed. Oskar Kokoschka; the work of a painter. Salzburg, Galerie Welz, 1958. 1035. National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo. Kuniyoshi. Tokyo, Bijutsu Shuppan-sha, 1954. 1036. Cooper, Douglas. Fernand Léger et le nouvel espace. London, Lund, Humphries, 1949. 1037. Descargues, Pierre. Fernand Léger. Paris, Editions Cercle d'art, 1955. 1038. Kuh, Katharine. Léger. Chicago, Art Institute of Chicago, 1953. 1039. Jardot, Maurice. Léger, dessins. Paris, Editions Mondes, 1953. 76 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 1040. Bünemann, Hermann. Franz Marc; Zeichnungen, Aquarelle. 2nd Aufl. München, F. Bruckmann, 1952. 1041. Lankheit, Klaus. Franz Marc. Berlin, Konrad Lemmer, 1950. 1042. Bardi, P. M. Marino Marini; Graphic work and paintings. N. Y., Abrams, 1960. 1043. Ebersole, Barbara (Warren). Fletcher Martin. Gainesville, University of Florida Press, 1954. 1044. Leiris, Michel, and Limbour, Georges. André Masson and his universe. Genéve, Editions de Trois Collines, 1947. 1045. Matisse, Henri. Les chapelles du Rosaire à Vence. Paris, Editions du Cerf, 1955. 1046. Matisse, Henri. Dernières oeuvres de Matisse, 1950-1954. Paris, Verve, 1958. 1047. Matisse, Henri. Portraits. Monte Carlo, A. Sauret, 1954. 1048. Diehl, Gaston. Henri Matisse. N. Y., Universe Books, 1958. 1049. Lassaigne, Jacques. Matisse: biographical and critical study. Geneva, Skira, 1959. 1050. Lieberman, William S. Etchings by Matisse. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1955. 1051. Lieberman, William S. Matisse; 50 years of his graphic art. N. Y., Braziller, 1956. 1052. Verve. Vence, 1944-48. v. 6, no. 21-22. Paris, Editions de la Revue Verve, 1948. 1053. Rubin, William. Matta. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1957. 1054. Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York. Miró; recent paintings. N. Y., P. Matisse, 1953. 77 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 1055. Ceroni, Ambrogio. Amedeo Modigliani, peintre. Milan, Edizioni del Milione, 1958. 1056. Roy, Claude. Modigliani. N. Y?, Skira, 1958. 1057. Mondrian, Piet. ... Plastic art and pure plastic art. N. Y., Wittenborn, Schultz, 1947. 1058. Lewis, David. Mondrian, 1872-1944. N. Y., Wittenborn, 1957. 1059. Benesch, Otto. Edvard Munch. London, Phaidon, 1960. 1060. Deknatel, Frederick B. Edvard Munch. Boston, Institute of Contemporary Art, 1950. 1061. Read, Herbert. Ben Nicholson; paintings, reliefs, drawings. London, Lund, Humphries, 1948. 1062. Gosebruch, Martin. Nolde; Aquarelle und Zeichnungen. München, F. Bruckmann, 1957. 1063. Hoffmann, Rudolf. Holzschnitte von Emil Nolde. Bremen, M. Hertz, 1947. 1064. Hoffmann, Rudolf. Nolde, Radierungen. Bremen, M. Hertz, 1948. 1065. Helm, Mackinley. Man of fire; J. C. Orozco. N. Y., Harcourt, Brace, 1953. 1066. Barr, Alfred H. Picasso, fifty years of his art. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1946. 1067. Barr, Alfred H., ed. The Picasso 75th anniversary exhibition. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1957. 1068. Duncan, David D. The private world of Pablo Picasso. N. Y., Harper, 1958. 1069. Elgar, Frank. Picasso. N. Y., Praeger, 1956. 78 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 1070. Kahnweiler, Daniel H. Picasso, Keramik. Hannover, Fackelträger-Verlag, 1957. 1071. Kahnweiler, Daniel H. The sculptures of Picasso. London, R. Phillips, 1949. 1072. Larrea, Juan. Guernica, Pablo Picasso. N. Y., C. Valentin, 1947. 1073. Lieberman, William S. The sculptor's studio: etchings by Picasso. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1952. 1074. Leiris, Michel. A suite of 180 drawings... Picasso and the human comedy. N. Y., Harcourt, Brace, 1954. 1075. Penrose, Roland. Portrait of Picasso. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1957. 1076. Ramie, Georges, and Ramie, Suzanne. Céramiques de Picasso. Paris, Skira, 1948. 1077. Raynal, Maurice. Picasso; biographical and critical studies. Geneva, Skira, 1953. 1078. Sabartès, Jaime. Picasso; documents iconographiques. Genève, P. Cailler, 1954. 1079. Sabartès, Jaime. Picasso; lithographie. 3 v. Monte Carlo, A. Sauret, 1949-1956. 1080. Verve. Picasso à Vallauris, 1949-1951. v. 7, no. 25-26. Paris, Verve, 1951. 1081. Wittgens, Fernanda. Picasso. Milan, "Silvana" Editoriale d'Arte, 1954. 1082. Zervos, Christian. Pablo Picasso. 11 v. N. Y., E. Weyhe, 1932-1959. 1083. Zervos, Christian, et al. Picaso, 1930-1935. Paris, "Cahiers d'art", n.d. 1084. O'Hara, Frank. Jackson Pollock. N. Y., Braziller, 1959. 1085. Robertson, Bryan. Jackson Pollock. N. Y., Abrams, 1960. 79 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 1086. Weller, Allen S. Abraham Rattner. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1956. 1087. Museum of Modern Art, New York. Rouault; retrospective exhibition. N. Y., 1953? 1088. Wheeler, Monroe. Rouault, Miserere. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1952. 1089. Goodrich, Lloyd. Albert P. Ryder. N. Y., Braziller, 1959. 1090. Grohmann, Will. Karl Schmidt-Rottluff. Stuttgart, W. Kohlhammer, 1956. 1091. Shahn, Ben. The shape of content. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1957. 1092. Rodman, Selden. Portrait of the artist as an American. N. Y., Harper, 1951. 1093. Soby, James T. Ben Shahn; his graphic art. N. Y., Braziller, 1957. 1094. Museo Nacional de Artes Plásticas, Mexico (City). 70 obras recientes de David Alfaro Siqueiros. Departamento de Artes Plásticas, Mexico, 1947. 1095. Goodrich, Lloyd. John Sloan. N. Y., Macmillan, 1952. 1096. Juin, Hubert. Soulages. N. Y., Grove Press, 1960. 1097. Szittya, Emil. Soutine et son temps. Paris, Bibliothèque des arts, 1955. 1098. Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, Mexico. Tamayo, 20 años de su labor pictórica. Mexico, 1948. 1099. Soby, James T. Yves Tanguy. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1955. 1100. Baur, John I. H. Bradley Walker Tomlin. N. Y., Whitney Museum of Ameri- can Art, 1957. 1101. George, Waldemar. Utrillo. Greenwich, Conn., N. Y. Graphic Society, 1960. 80 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 1102. Goodrich, Lloyd. Max Weber. N. Y., Whitney Museum of American Art, 1949. Prints and Drawings (see also 994, 998, 1031, 1039, 1040, 1050, 1051, 1061, 1062, 1073, 1074, 1079, 1090) 1103. Buchheim, Lothar G. Graphik des deutschen Expressionismus. Feldafing, Buchheim, 1958. 1104. Cassou, Jean, and Jaccottet, Philippe. French drawing of the 20th century. N. Y., Vanguard, 1955. 1105. Sachs, Paul J. Modern prints and drawings. N. Y., Knopf, 1954. 1106. Trier, Eduard. Zeichner des XX Jahrhunderts. Berlin, Gebr. Mann, 1956. 1107. Wheeler, Monroe. Modern painters and sculptors as illustrators. 3rd ed., rev., N. Y., The Museum of Modern Art, 1946. 1108. Zigrosser, Carl. The expressionists, a survey of their graphic art. N. Y., Brazil- ler, 1957. 1109. Dix, Otto. 1110. Heilborn, Adolf. * * Der Krieg. Berlin, K. Nierendorf, 1924. 1111. Zigrosser, Carl. Käthe Kollwitz. 4 Aufl. Berlin, K. Lemmer, 1949. 1112. Pfannstiel, Arthur. * Kaethe Kollwitz. N. Y., Braziller, 1951. * 1113. Jardot, Maurice. Dessins de Modigliani. Lausanne, Mermod, 1958. 1114. Arrhenius, Lily. Picasso, Drawings. N. Y., Abrams, 1959. Minor Arts (see also 1070, 1076) Svensk heminredning. Stockholm, Vepe, 1957. 81 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 1115. Bill, Max. Form, eine Bilanz über die Formentwicklung um die Mitte des XX. Jahrhunderts. Basel, K. Werner, 1952. 1116. Dorner, Alexander. The way beyond "art". N. Y., Wittenborn, Schultz, 1947. 1117. Drexler, Arthur, and Daniel, Greta. Introduction to twentieth century design. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1959. 1118. Feininger, Andreas. The anatomy of nature. N. Y., Crown, 1956. 1119. Goldwater, Robert J., and Harnoncourt, René d'. Modern art in your life. 2nd ed., rev. N. Y., Museum of Mod- ern Art, 1953. 1120. Jacobson, Egbert, ed. Seven designers look at trademark design. Chicago, P. Theo- bald, 1952. 1121. Jones, Barbara M. The unsophisticated arts. London, Architectural Press, 1951. 1122. Kracauer, Siegfried. From Caligari to Hitler; a psychological history of the Ger- man film. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1947. 1123. Museum of Modern Art, New York. Teaching portfolio no. 4, useful objects today. N. Y., Simon and Schuster, n.d. 1124. Kaufman, Edgar, Jr. What is modern interior design? N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1953. 1125. Pevsner, Nikolaus. An enquiry into industrial art in England. Cambridge, Uni- versity Press, 1937. 1126. Read, Herbert E. Art and industry. London, Faber and Faber, 1944. 1127. Rosenthal, Rudolph, and Ratzka, Helena L. The story of modern applied art. N. Y., Harper, 1948. 1128. Steichen, Edward. The family of man. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1955. 82 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 1129. Strache, Wolf. Forms and patterns in nature. N. Y., Pantheon, 1956. FAR EASTERN TRADITION (see also 5, 76, 84, 91, 117) 1130. Forman, Werner, and Forman, Bedrich. Art of far lands. London, Spring Books, 1958? 1131. Rowland, Benjamin. The Harvard outline and reading lists for Oriental art. Cam- bridge, Harvard University Press, 1952. 1132. Cahill, James. BACKGROUND Chinese painting. Geneva?, Skira, 1960. 1133. Cohn, William. LIMITED HISTORIES Chinese Art 1134. Hájek, Lubor. Chinese painting. N. Y., Oxford University Press, 1948. Chinese art in Czechoslovak museums. London, Spring Books, 1955? 1135. Kwan, Kim-gaul. Art's golden thread from west to east. Rutland, Vt., C. E. Tuttle, 1958. 1136. Munsterberg, Hugo. The landscape painting of China and Japan. Rutland, Vt., C. E. Tuttle, 1955. 1137. Munsterberg, Hugo. A short history of Chinese art. N. Y., Philosophical Library, 1949. 1138. Rowley, George. Principles of Chinese painting. 2nd ed. Princeton, N. J., Princeton University Press, 1959. 1139. Sickman, Laurence, and Soper, Alexander. 1140. Wang, Kai. The art and architecture of China. Baltimore, Penguin, 1956. (Pelican history of art, v. 10.) The tao of painting; a study of the ritual disposition of Chinese painting. 2 v. N. Y., Pantheon, 1956. 83 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 1141. White, William C. Bronze culture of ancient China. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1956. Indian Art (includes Islamic Art in India; Cambodian Art) 1142. Brown, Percy. Indian architecture. 2nd ed., rev. & enl. 2 v. Bombay, D. B. Taraporevala Sons, 1956. 1143. Ebersole, Robert. Black Pagoda. Gainesville, University of Florida Press, 1957. 1144. Gray, Basil. Rajput painting. N. Y., Pitman, 1949. 1145. Kramrisch, Stella. The art of India; traditions of Indian sculpture, painting and architecture. N. Y., Phaidon, 1954. 1146. Kramrisch, Stella. The Hindu temple. 2 v. Calcutta, University of Calcutta, 1946. 1147. Marchal, Henri. Les temples d'Angkor. Paris, A. Guillot, 1955. 1148. Rowland, Benjamin. The art and architecture of India; Buddhist, Hindu, Jain. Baltimore, Penguin, 1953. (Pelican history of art, v. 2.) 1149. Silva-Vigier, Anil de. The life of the Buddha retold from ancient sources. London, Phaidon, 1955. 1150. Wheeler, Monroe. Textiles and ornaments of India. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1956. 1151. Wheeler, Sir Robert E. M. Early India and Pakistan: to Ashoka. N. Y., Praeger, 1959. 1152. Wilkinson, James V. S. Mughal painting. N. Y., Pitman, 1949. 1153. Zimmer, Heinrich R. The art of Indian Asia; its mythology and transformations. 2 v. N. Y., Pantheon, 1955. 84 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS Japanese Art (see also 1136) 1154. Akiyama, Aisaburo. Shinto and its architecture. 2nd ed. Tokyo, Tokyo News Serv- ice, 1955. 1155. Boller, Willy. Masterpieces of the Japanese color woodcut. N. Y., Crown, 1957. 1156. Bowie, Henry P. On the laws of Japanese painting; an introduction to the study of the art of Japan. N. Y., Dover, 1951. 1157. Carver, Norman F. Form and space of Japanese architecture. Tokyo, Shokokusha, 1955. 1158. Gorham, Hazel H. Japanese and oriental pottery. Yokohama, Yamagata, 1957? 1159. Grilli, Elise. Japanese picture scrolls. N. Y., Crown, 1958? 1160. Hamaguchi, Yogo. Hamaguchi maniere noir. Paris, Berggruen, 1958. 1161. Harada, Jiro. The lesson of Japanese architecture. Rev. ed. Boston, C. T. Branford, 1954. 1162. Hillier, Jack R. Hokusai; paintings, drawings and woodcuts. London, Phaidon, 1955. 1163. Hillier, Jack R. Japanese masters of the colour print. London, Phaidon, 1954. 1164. Kawakita, Michiaki. Modern Japanese painting; the force of tradition. Tokyo, Toto Bunka, 1956. 1165. Kidder, Jonathan E. Japan before Buddhism. N. Y., Praeger, 1959. 1166. Kitao, Harumichi. Cha-no-yu houses in detailed illustrations. Tokyo, Shoko- kusha, 1953. 1167. Mori, Osamu. Katsura villa. Tokyo, Tokyo Cultural Association, 1955. 85 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 1168. Museum of Modern Art, New York. The architecture of Japan. N. Y., 1955. 1169. Newsom, Samuel. A thousand years of Japanese gardens. Tokyo, Tokyo News Service, 1953. 1170. Okuda, Seiichi, et al. Japanese ceramics. Tokyo, Toto Bunka, n.d. 1171. Paine, Robert T., and Soper, Alexander. The art and architecture of Japan. Baltimore, Penguin, 1955. (Pelican history of art, v. 8.) 1172. Statler, Oliver. Modern Japanese prints; an art reborn. Rutland, Vt., C. E. Tuttle, 1956. 1173. Takahashi, Seiichiro. The evolution of ukiyoe. Yokohama, Yamagata, 1955. 1174. National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo. Today's focus on the history of Japanese art. Tokyo, 1955. ABORIGINAL ART GENERAL HISTORIES 1175. Adam, Leonhard. Primitive art. 3rd ed., further rev. & enl. Baltimore, Penguin, 1954. 1176. Bandi, Hans G. Art in the ice age. London, Allen and Unwin, 1953. 1177. Christensen, Erwin O. Primitive art. N. Y., Crowell, 1955. 1178. Forman, Werner, and Forman, Bedrich. Exotic art. London, Spring Books, 1956? 1179. Hooper, James T., and Burland, C. A. The art of primitive peoples. London, Fountain Press, 1953. 1180. Kutscher, Gerdt. Exotische Masken. Stuttgart, Strache, 1953. 1181. Muensterberger, Warner. Sculpture of primitive man. N. Y., Abrams, 1955. 86 1 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 1182. Elisofon, Eliot. LIMITED HISTORIES African Art The sculpture of Africa. N. Y., Praeger, 1958. 1183. Radin, Paul. African folktales and sculpture. N. Y., Pantheon, 1952. 1184. Segy, Ladislas. African sculpture speaks. N. Y., A. A. Wyn, 1952. 1185. Underwood, Leon. Bronzes of West Africa. London, A. Tiranti, 1949. 1186. Underwood, Leon. Figures in wood of West Africa. London, A. Tiranti, 1947. 1187. Underwood, Leon. Masks of West Africa. London, A. Tiranti, 1948. 1188. Willcox, A. R. Rock paintings of the Drakensberg, Natal and Griqualand East. London, M. Parrish, 1956. 1189. Wingert, Paul S. The sculpture of Negro Africa. N. Y., Columbia University Press, 1950. American Art (see also 167) 1190. Appleton, LeRoy H. Indian art of the Americas. N. Y., Scribner, 1950. 1191. Bennett, Wendell C. Ancient arts of the Andes. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1954. 1192. Boas, Franz. Primitive art. Irvington-on-Hudson, N. Y., Capitol, 1951. 1193. Covarrubias, Miguel. The eagle, the jaguar, and the serpent; Indian art of the Americas. 2 v. N. Y., Knopf, 1954. 1194. Lothrop, Samuel K. Pre-Columbian art; Robert Woods Bliss Collection. N. Y., Phaidon, 1957. 87 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY ! 1195. Museum of Modern Art, New York. 32 masterworks of Andean art. N. Y., 1955. European Art (see also 168-177, 179-183) 1196. Bataille, Georges. Lascaux. Lausanne, Skira, 1955. 1197. Breuil, Henri. Four hundred centuries of cave art. Montignac, France, Cen- tre d'études et de documentation prehistoriques, 1952. 1198. Poulík, Josef. Prehistoric art. London, Spring Books, 1956. Pacific Art 1199. Leenhardt, Maurice. Folk art of Oceania. N. Y., Tudor, 1950. 1200. Wingert, Paul S. Art of the South Pacific islands. London, Thames and Hud- son, 1953. NON-HISTORICAL WORKS ART EDUCATION AND CHILD ART 1201. D'Amico, Victor E. Creative teaching in art. Rev. ed. Scranton, International Textbook Co., 1953. 1202. De Francesco, Italo L. Art education; its means and ends. N. Y., Harper, 1958. 1203. Harrison, Elizabeth. Self-expression through art; an introduction to teaching and appreciation. Peoria, Ill., C. A. Bennett, 1951. 1204. Logan, Frederick M. Growth of art in American schools. N. Y., Harper, 1955. 1205. Lowenfeld, Viktor. Creative and mental growth. 3rd ed. N. Y., Macmillan, 1957. 1206. McCausland, Elizabeth. Careers in the arts. N. Y., John Day, 1950. 88 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 1207. Munro, Thomas. Art education, its philosophy and psychology; selected essays. N. Y., Liberal Arts, 1956. 1208. Naumburg, Margaret. Schizophrenic art; its meaning in psychotherapy. N. Y., Grune & Stratton, 1950. 1209. Read, Herbert E. Education through art. London, Pantheon, 1943. 1210. Ziegfeld, Ernest. Art in the college program of general education. N. Y., Teach- ers College, Columbia University, 1953. Color, PerspECTIVE AND DESIGN, ADVERTISING AND INDUSTRIAL ART (see also 1120) 1211. ... Art directors annual of advertising art…… v. 30, 1951. N. Y., Longmans, Green, 1951. 1212. Birren, Faber. New horizons in color. N. Y., Reinhold, 1955. 1213. Bustanoby, Jacques H. Principles of color and color mixing. N. Y., McGraw-Hill, 1947. 1214. Carlyle, Paul, and Oring, Guy. Learning to letter. N. Y., McGraw-Hill, 1939. 1215. Carlyle, Paul, and Oring, Guy. Letters and lettering. N. Y., McGraw-Hill, 1938. 1216. De Postels, Theodore A. Fundamentals of perspective. 2nd ed., enl. N. Y., Reinhold, 1951. 1217. Finsterer-Stuber, Gerda. Marken und Signete. Stuttgart, J. Hoffmann, 1957. 1218. Graphis annual. International advertising art, 1959-60. Zurich, Amstutz & Her- deg, 1960. 1219. Idea; international design annual. no. 4. N. Y., Wittenborn, Schultz, 1958. 89 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 1220. International poster annual. 1951, 1954, 1956-7. N. Y., Pitman, 1951-7. 1221. Knoblaugh, Ralph R. Modelmaking for industrial design. N. Y., McGraw-Hill, 1958. 1222. Leach, Mortimer. Lettering for advertising. N. Y., Reinhold, 1956. 1223. Lippincott, Joshua G. Design for business. Chicago, P. Theobald, 1947. 1224. Lohse, Richard P. New design in exhibitions. N. Y., Praeger, 1954. 1225. McLuhan, Herbert M. The mechanical bride; folklore of industrial man. N. Y., Van- guard, 1951. 1226. Mourlot, Fernand. Art in posters; the complete original posters of Braque, Chag- all, Dufy, Léger, Matisse, Miró, and Picasso. N. Y., Braziller, 1959. 1227. Rand, Paul. Thoughts on design. N. Y., Wittenborn, 1947. 1228. Kamekura, Yusaku, ed. Paul Rand; his work from 1946 to 1958. N. Y., Knopf, 1959. 1229. Scott, Robert G. Design fundamentals. N. Y., McGraw-Hill, 1951. 1230. Sutnar, Ladislav. Design for point of sale. N. Y., Pellegrini & Cudahy, 1952. 1231. Van Doren, Harold L. Industrial design. 2nd ed. N. Y., McGraw-Hill, 1954. . 1232. Wallance, Don. Shaping America's products. N. Y., Reinhold, 1956. 1233. Watson, Ernest W. How to use creative perspective. N. Y., Reinhold, 1955. 1234. Wolchonok, Louis. The art of three-dimensional design; how to create space fig- ures. N. Y., Harper, 1959. 90 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS Techniques OF THE FINE Arts 1235. Apps, E. A. Printing ink technology. London, L. Hill, 1958. 1236. Bacon, Cecil W. Scratchboard drawing. N. Y., Studio Publications, 1951. 1237. Dehn, Adolf A. How to draw and print lithographs. N. Y., American Artists Group, 1950. 1238. Halse, Albert O. Architectural rendering; the techniques of contemporary pre- sentation. N. Y., F. W. Dodge, 1960. 1239. Herberts, Kurt. The complete book of artists' techniques. N. Y., Praeger, 1958. 1240. Keck, Caroline K. How to take care of your pictures. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art & the Brooklyn Museum, 1954. 1241. Lamade, Erich. The craft of the artist. N. Y., 1952. 1242. Laurie, Arthur P. The technique of the great painters. London, Carroll and Nicholson, 1949. 1243. Maroger, Jacques. The secret formulas and techniques of the masters. N. Y., Studio Publications, 1948. 1244. Müller, Hans A. How I make woodcuts and wood engravings. N. Y., American Artists Group, 1945. 1245. Nordmark, Olle. Fresco painting; modern methods and techniques for painting in fresco and secco. N. Y., American Artists Group, 1947. 1246. Peterdi, Gabor. Printmaking: methods old and new. N. Y., Macmillan, 1959. 1247. Reed, Carl, and Orze, Joseph. Art from scrap. Worcester, Mass., Davis Publications, 1960. 91 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY 1248. Smith, Charles W. Experiments in relief print making. Charlottesville, Univer- sity of Virginia Press, 1954. 1249. Sternberg, Harry. Modern methods and materials of etching. N. Y., McGraw- Hill, 1949. 1250. Taubes, Frederic. Better frames for your pictures. N. Y., Crowell, 1952. Techniques of the Minor Arts; Crafts and Hobbies 1251. Atwater, Mary M., ed. The Shuttle-craft Guild recipe book. Basin, Mont., 1931. 1252. Atwater, Mary M. The summer-and-winter weave then and now. Basin, Mont., 1947. 1253. Bassett, Kendall T., and Thurman, Arthur B. How to make objects of wood. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1952. 1254. Bates, Kenneth F. Enameling. 2nd ed. Cleveland, World Publishing Co., 1951. 1255. Baxter, William T. Jewelry, gem cutting and metalcraft. 3rd ed., rev. & enl. N. Y., Whittlesey House, 1950. 1256. Bériau, Oscar. Home weaving. New ed., rev. & enl. Gardenvale, Que., Arts and crafts of Gardenvale, Inc., 1947. 1257. Birrell, Verla L. G The textile arts. N. Y., Harper, 1959. 1258. Brooks, Evelyn. Your textile printing. London, Sylvan Press, 1950. 1259. Ceramics Monthly. A CM handbook on underglaze decoration. Columbus, Ohio, Professional Publications, 1957. 1260. Crampton, Charles. Canework. 10th ed. Leicester, England, Dryad Press, 1948. 92 THE SHEDD MEMORIAL ART BOOKS 1261. D'Amico, Victor E, et al. Art for the family. N. Y., Museum of Modern Art, 1954. 1262. Davison, Marguerite P. A handweaver's pattern book. Rev. ed. Swarthmore, Pa., 1951. 1263. Dean, John W. Leathercraft techniques and designs. Bloomington, Ill., Mc- Knight & McKnight, 1950. 1264. De Koningh, Henry. The preparation of precious and other metal work for enamel- ling. London, C. Lockwood & Son, 1927. 1265. Fabbro, Mario dal. How to build modern furniture. 2nd ed. N. Y., F. W. Dodge, 1957. 1266. Grimm, Gretchen, and Skeels, Catherine. Craft adventures for children. Milwaukee, Bruce, 1952. 1267. Howard, James H. Revised lapidary handbook. Greenville, S. C., 1946. 1268. Jenkins, Louisa, and Mills, Barbara. The art of making mosaics. Princeton, Van Nostrand, 1957. 1269. Johnson, Pauline. Creating with paper. Seattle, University of Washington Press, 1958. 1270. Kafka, Francis J. The hand decoration of fabrics. Bloomington, Ill., McKnight & McKnight, 1959. 1271. Kinney, Ralph P. The complete book of furniture repair and refinishing. N. Y., Scribner, 1950. 1272. Leach, Bernard H. A potter's book. N. Y., Transatlantic Arts, 1948. 1273. Maryon, Herbert. Metalwork and enamelling. 3rd ed. N. Y., Dover, 1955. 1274. Norton, Frederick H. Ceramics for the artist potter. Cambridge, Mass., Addison- Wesley, 1956. 93 CARLETON COLLEGE LIBRARY : L 1275. Norton, Frederick H. Elements of ceramics. Cambridge, Mass., Addison-Wesley, 1952. 1276. Noyes, William. Handwork in wood. Peoria, Ill., The Mutual arts press, 1941. 1277. Pack, Greta. Jewelry & enameling. N. Y., Van Nostrand, 1941. 1278. Parmelee, Cullen W. Ceramic glazes. Chicago, Industrial Publications, 1948. 1279. Pettit, Florence H. Block printing on fabrics. N. Y., Hastings House, 1952. 1280. Rose, Augustus F., and Cirino, Antonio. Jewelry making and design. Rev. ed. Worcester, Mass., Davis Press, 1949. 1281. Roseaman, Ivy P. Leatherwork. Leicester, England, Dryad Press, 1939. 1282. Sperisen, Francis J. The art of the lapidary. Milwaukee, Bruce, 1950. 1283. Untracht, Oppi. Enameling on metal. N. Y., Greenberg, 1957. 1284. Watson, William. Textile design and colour, elementary weaves and figured fab- rics. 5th ed. N. Y., Longmans, Green, 1946. 1285. Wiener, Louis. Hand made jewelry. N. Y., Van Nostrand, 1948. 1286. Young, Joseph L. Course in making mosaics. N. Y., Reinhold, 1957. . 94 INDEX 95 ! Aalto, Alvar Abell, Walter Achdjian, Albert Adam, Leonhard Addison Gallery of American Art..1018 Adhémar, Hélène Adhémar, Jean .642, 706, 774 • • • • · Agard, Walter R. Akiyama, Aisaburo Alazard, Jean Alberti, Leone B. Albright Art Gallery Aldred, Cyril Alnaes, Eyvind Anderson, Mary D. Andrews, Wayne Fra Angelico Antal, Frederick Antonella da Messina Apollonic, Umbro Appleton, Le Roy H. Apps, E. A. • Baard, H. P. .. Babelon, Jean • • · 44, 148, 323, 565, 786, 813 116 1154 .437, 687 .411, 470 .936 184, 185, 186 87 324 .88 505, 506 .438 .471, 472 921, 992 1190 1235 · • • · · A · • • · Art directors annual of • • • • • advertising art Art Institute of Chicago Art news annual Aru, C. B Bacon, Cecil W. Baldass, Ludwig von Baldung Grien, Hans Ballo, Guido Arbman, Holger Architects' year book Architectural record ..824, 825, 826, 827 Argan, Giulio C... 455, 481, 505, 923, 988 Arland, Marcel ..614 Arnason, H. H. Arnheim, Rudolf Arp, Hans 934 .2 904 Arp, Jean .904, 971, 1021 Arrhenius, Lily 1114 Baltrusaitis, Jurgis Bandi, Hans G. Barker, Virgil Barlach, Ernst Baroni, Constantino Barr, Alfred H., Jr. • Barret, Richard C. Barrett, Lawrence Bassano, Jacopo Bassett, Kendall T. Bassi, Elena Bataille, Georges Bates, Kenneth F. • Ashmolean Museum, Oxford Atwater, Mary M. Aubert, Marcel Aymard, Odilon • • • · • • • • + • • · • • • • • • .99, 860 .1 155 1175 • · D • • • • · • • .28 .439 .150 .1251, 1252 .325, 326, 327 299 164 823 · • 1211 1067 939, 1066, 1067, 1072 156 1237 474, 475 1253 ..591 770, 1196 1254 607 165 1236 478, 503 .473 937 .300, 366, 568 1176 .938 .905, 906, 907 .412 Battarbee, Reginald E. Battisti, Eugenio Baud-Bovy, Daniel Baudelaire, Charles P. Baudry, Jean Baum, Julius Bauman, Hans F. S. Baur, John I. H. Baxter, William T. Bayer, Herbert Bazin, Germain Beazley, John D. Becherucci, Luisa · Bellini, Giovanni Belluschi, Pietro Benesch, Otto • • Bechtel, Edwin D. T. Beckmann, Max Beckett, R. B. Bédarida, Henri · 942, 943, 944, 991, 1016, 1100 1255 ..945 120, 689, 690, 730 213, 219, 220 .440, 545 ..651 .985, 986 ..608 • · • • · Blake, William Bland, David Blesh, Rudi Berger, Klaus Bergström, Ingvar Beriau, Oscar Berkman, Aaron Berman, Eugene Bernier, Georges Bernier, Rosamond Bernini, Gian L. Bernt, Walther • Beer, François-Joachim Belknap, Waldron P. Bell, Clive · · • · • • • · Berthold, Gertrude Bertini, Aldo Bertram, Anthony Bethers, Ray Bibiena family Bible Bieber, Margaret Bill, Max · 441, 618, 619, 644, 655, 1059 Bennett, Wendell C. Berckelaers, Ferdinand L. Berenson, Bernard 1191 .894 · Boeckler, Albert Boesiger, W. Bognetti, Gian P. Boller, Willy Bonnard, Pierre Born, Wolfgang • Birrell, Verla L. Birren, Faber Bittermann, Eleanor Bliss, Robert W. Bloch, Raymond Blumel, Carl Blunt, Anthony Boas, Franz Boase, T. S. R. Boccioni, Umberto Boe, Alf • • • • • + • 3, 121, 367, 442, 443, 531 .756, 757, 758, 809 .594 .1256 • · • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • • .940 511 729 688 .301 .328 .941 ..593 691 .476, 477 .861 • .29 715 ..221 .876, 1021, 1115 1257 .1212 .828 713, 714 157 .948 1194 252 222 402, 403, 646, 713 1192 • 122 ..987 .946 ..946 588, 589, 590 645 719 482 ..89 ..947 .585 .30, 368, 379 • 658 .988 666 .369 881, 882 .370 .1155 .715,716, 717 123 97 Bottari, Stefano Botticelli, Sandro Borsook, Eve • • Bosch, Hieronymus Bosi, Roberto • Boston Institute of Contemporary Art Boucher, François Bourdichon, Jehan Bovini, Giuseppe Bowie, Henry P. Bramante, Donato Brancusi, Constantin ·· • • Carli, Enzo Carlier, Achille Carlisle, Anne • 串 ​• • • • • Cahiers d'art Cahill, James Callot, Jacques Canaletto, Antonio Canova, Antonio · • • • • • Braque, Georges Braun, Hugh Bréhier, Louis Breuil, Henri Bridaham, Lester B. Brion, Marcel Brooklyn Institute of Arts & Sciences Brooklyn Museum Brooks, Evelyn Brown, Frank E. Brown, Milton W. Brown, Percy 254 .950 1142 Bruegel, Peter...485, 486, 487, 488, 489 Brumme, C. Ludwig 895 Brunetti, Mario 124 Bruyne, Edgar de .302 .986, 1103 371 • .702, 748, 1053, 1060 647, 692 .484 266, 267 1156 412 .908 989,990 .90 .31, 268 1197 329 .32, 253, 949 • Carls, Carl D. Carlyle, Paul Carpaccio, Vittorio Carpenter, Rhys Carter, Howard Carver, Norman F. Cassou, Jean • · с • • · Buchheim, Lothar G. Buchthal, Hugo Budapest Museum of Fine Arts • • · · • * · • ...471 481, 482, 483 444 . 478, 479, 480 166 • Buffalo Fine Arts Academy Bünemann, Hermann Burchfield, Charles 991 303 Burmeister, André Busch, Harald 330 Bushnell, Geoffrey H. S. .167 1213 Bustanoby, Jacques H. Byzantine Institute of America ...297 • • • Caravaggio, Michelangelo M. • • • • ► • A • · 659 269 1258 • • 151, 153 .936 .1040 33 1132 .651, 652 600, 601, 653 591 490, 491, 492, 493 331 187 810 905 1214, 1215 494 223 188 1157 • 701, 743, 747, 932, 941, 1104 Castagno, Andrea del Castelli, Enrico Catlin, George 465 445 718 + Cayet, J. . . .34, 35, 36, 37 168 1259 Ceram, C. W. (pseud.) Ceramics Monthly Ceroni, Ambrogio Cetto, Anna M. Cezanne, Paul 1055 498 ..719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728 Chadwick, Lynn 909 Chagall, Marc 992, 993, 994, 995, 996, 997, 998 Chamberlain, Mary W. .38 Champdor, Albert 189, 204, 255 Champigneulle, Bernhard 737 Chang, I-t'iao Chantelou, Paul F. Chapman, William M. Charbonneaux, Jean Chastel, André Chatzidakis, Manolis Chen, Jack • Cheney, Sheldon Chicago Art Institute Chirico, Giorgio de Chittenden, Jacqueline Christ, Yvan • Clouet, Jean Cocagnac, A. M. Coffin, David R. Cohn, William Colin, Paul • • • • • ► • Christensen, Erwin O. Cincinnati Art Museum Cirino, Antonio City Art Museum of St. Louis Clapp, Frederick M. Clark, James M. Clark, Kenneth M. Clarke, Roy R. • • → • • Cles-Reden, Sibylle Cleveland Museum of Art Collins, George R. Conant, Kenneth J. Condit, Carl W. Condivi, Ascanio · • • • • • ·· • • • • • 748, 806, 1087 .496 .42 .413 1133 694 ..862 .333 ..667 .536 .600 .499 334, 335 228 .5 Cooper, Douglas 739, 785,796, 1036 Le Corbusier (pseud.). .866, 867, 868, 869, 870, 871, 872, 873, 874, 875 Coremans, Paul B. 504 Corot, Jean B. C. 729, 730, 731 Correggio 497 256 732, 733, 734 .660 Corti, Egon C. Courbet, Gustave Coursaget, Rene Courtauld Institute of Art Courthion, Pierre .43 .125, 695, 696, 731, 732, 768, 797, 814, 1008 Covarrubias, Miguel Crampton, Charles Cranage, David H. S. Craplet, Bernard 1193 1260 336 .304 · # • • • • Constable, William G. Conway, William M. Cook, George H. Cook, R. M. Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. • ► • 4 588 .39 .224, 225, 226 483 .293 .951 ..693, 952 1038, 1067 999, 1000 .227 .332, 338, 994 1177 ..40 .1280 .985 .546 517 41, 446, 566 169 .214 • • • • • • · • • • • • • • • 98 Crichton, George H. Cumont, Franz V. M. Dacier, Emile d'Alain (pseud.) Dali, Salvador Damaz, Paul D'Amico, Victor E. Dangon, Georges Daniel, Glyn E. Daniel, Howard Daniel-Rops, Henry Dans les rues de Paris au temps Daux, Georges David, Henri · • • David, Jacques L. Davies, Martin Davis, Stuart • • D des fiacres .660 Daumier, Honoré. 680, 813, 814, 815, 816 .229 .434 .735, 736 .447 1002 1262 .1263 .305 1202 .912 • Davison, Marguerite P. Dean, John W. .. Defarges, Dom B. De Francesco, Italo L. Degand, Léon Degas, Edgar H. G. Dehn, Adolf A. Deknatel, Frederick B. De Koningh, Henry De Kooning, Willem Delacroix, Eugene Delevoy, Robert L. Delogu, Giuseppe Demus, Otto Deonna, Waldemar • • Doré, Gustave Dorival, Bernard Dorner, Alexander Dorra, Henri d'Harnoncourt, Rene Dickason, David H. Diderot, Denis • • Drexler, Arthur Dubuffet, Jean Duchamp, Marcel • • Diehl, Charles Diehl, Gaston Dimier, Louis Dinsmoor, William B. • • 681, 737, 738, 739, 740, 741 1237 • • Dix, Otto Domenichino, Zampieri. Donatello • • · • • • • • • • • • De Postels, Theodore A. Derain, André Der Nersessian, Sirarpie Desborough, Vincent R. Descargues, Pierre De Tolnay, Charles Detroit Institute of Arts Dewald, Ernest T. DeWit, C. 427, 428, 486, 487, 537, 538 404 126, 372 190 DeYoung Memorial Art Museum. 1200 .1119, 1191 .697 44 272 1048 547 .232 1109 602 424 744 698, 953 1116 783 837, 878, 1117 1005 1006, 1007 • • • · .657 767 .1001 .829 1201, 1261 817 177 · • • • • • • • 337 .257 • • • 652 .338 • 1060 1264 1003 742, 743 485 555, 562 .270 230 1216 1004 271 231 1037 Du Columbier, Pierre .339 Duft, Johannes .373 1008, 1009 Dufy, Raoul Dumbarton Oaks Duncan, David D. 273, 275, 781 .45, 1068 374, 595 Dupont, Jacques Duran, Frederique .258 Dürer, Albert ...498, 499, 500, 501, 502 Durliat, Marcel Duthuit, Georges .306 .274 Dutkiewicz, Josef E. 436 Dvornik, Francis 275 · Eakins, Thomas Ebersole, Barbara Ebersole, Robert Ebersolt, Jean • Ensor, James Estève, Maurice Estienne, Charles Evans, Joan Evans, John D. · • • • • Frankl, Paul Fratelli Alinari • · Dal Fabbro, Mario Faniel, Stéphane Fargue, Léon-Paul Favre, Louis • Edgell, George H. Elgar, Frank Eliassen, Georg Eliot, Alexander Elisofon, Eliot Elsen, Albert E. Encyclopedia of world art Encyclopédie de l'architecture • • • • • • • • • • • E Feininger, Andreas Ferrari, Enrique L. Fierens, Paul Films on Art Finsterer-Stuber, Gerda • • F Fragonard, Jean H. Francastel, Pierre • • • · Fiocco, Giuseppe Fischel, Oskar Fischer, Otto Fischer von Erlach, Johann B. Flanagan, George A. Flanner, Janet Fleming, William Fletcher, Banister F. Focillon, Henri Forlati, Ferdinando Forman, Werner Formes et couleurs · • • • · • Francesca, Piero della Franger, Wilhelm Frankfort, Henri Fosca, François (pseud.) Fowlie, Wallace Fox, Penelope · • · • • · · .745 1043 1143 276, 277, 278 .448 1069 • • • • • · • 87 127 1182 .684 .46 .830 746, 747, 748 • • • · • 1265 .569 633, 660 817 1118 .760 746, 799 .39 1217 506, 532, 616 .548 473 .603 .699 954 .47 .91 .6 .292 1130, 1178 48 598, 740 955 191 604 1010 543, 544 .479 1010 752, 798 307, 340 .170 • .205 308 128 • • 99 Freedberg, Sydney J. Freeden, Max H. Freedley, George Friedlaender, Walter F. • Friedländer, Max J. Frotier de la Coste-Messelière, Pierre Fry, Roger E. Fuchs, Eduard Fumet, Stanislas Furness, S. M. M. Fuseli, Henry • Gardner, Arthur Gardner, Helen Gabo, Naum Gainsborough, Thomas Ganz, Paul • • Garvan, Anthony N. B. Gassier, Pierre Gaudi, Antonio • • G · 4 • 910, 911 605 518 341 .50 109 761 .862 Gauguin, Paul . .751, 752, 753, 754, 755 Gaunt, William 609 397 Gauthier, Marie M. S. Gayet-Tancrède, Paul 192 Gayley, Charles M. 661 Geffroy, Gustave 818 Genaille, Robert 488 George, Waldemar Gericault, Jean L. 1101 .756, 757, 758, 759 896 425, 426 234 956 .93, 831, 832, 882 897, 1026 342 • • • Gertz, Ulrich Ghiberti, Lorenzo Gialoures, Nikolaos Giani, Giampiero Giedion, Sigfried Giedion-Welcker, Carola Gieure, Maurice Gilbert, Katharine Gilson, Etienne H. Giorgione • ▼ • · Giotto di Bondone Gischia, Léon Giulio Romano, P. Glackens, Ira Glackens, William Gloag, John Gloeckner, André Gobin, Maurice Golding, John Goldscheider, Cécile Goldscheider, Ludwig • · • • • • · • • • • 450, 490, 617, 700 129, 449 · • • • • · • • • · • • ...541 432, 586 92 • 507, 508, 509, 510 511 309 551 1011 1011 • • 233 49, 720 815 989 425, 520, 539, 638 375 Goldschmidt, Adolph Goldwater, Robert J.. .51, 753, 919, 1119 Gombrich, Ernst H. J. Gomez Sicre, José Gonçalves, Nuno Gonzalez, Julio Goodman, Percival 9, 52 146 512 .912, 913 .833 Goodrich, Lloyd.. 1012, 1089, 1095, 1102 Goossen, E. C. 1002 1158 Gorham, Hazel H. Gorky, Arshile 1012 ..615 749, 750 • • 7 8 • • 94 810 680 957 916 Gosebruch, Martin Gould, Cecil Gowing, Lawrence Goya, Francisco J. Grabar, André Gradmann, Erwin Graphis annual Grassi, Luigi Graves, Morris Gray, Basil Gray, Christopher El Greco 760, 761, 762, 763, 764, 765, 766 279, 280, 376, 377 566 1218 589 1013 1144 958 · Gropius, Walter Grosser, Maurice R. Grossmann, F. Grosz, George ..513 .941 .668 .925 Greene, Graham Greenough, Horatio Grigson, Geoffrey Grilli, Elise Grimm, Gretchen Grimschitz, Bruno Gris, Juan 1159 1266 .53 . 1014, 1015 Groce, George C. Grodecki, Louis ...66 ..398 Grohmann, Will . .926, 1022, 1027, 1090 .863, 864, 945 130 489 1016, 1017 514, 515, 516 .606 653 738 721 513 .259 860 • • · • Habasque, Guy Haesaerts, Paul Haftmann, Werner • • • Grünewald, Matthais Guardi, Francesco Guarnati, G. F. Guerin, Marcel Guerry, Liliane Guinard, Paul Gusman, Pierre Gutheim, Frederick A. • • • • • H • • Hájek, Lubor Hals, Frans Halse, Albert O. Hamaguchi, Yogo Hamberg, Per G. Hambridge, Jay Hamilton, George H. Hamlin, Talbot F. Hammacher, A. M. Hanfmann, George M. A. Hanson, Lawrence Harada, Jiro Harrison, Elizabeth Harrsen, Meta Hartt, Frederick Harvey, John D. M. Haseloff, Arthur E. G. Hatje, Gerd Hatzfeld, Helmut Hauser, Arnold Hautecoeur, Louis Hawkes, Jacquetta Hecht, Ben. Heilborn, Adolf Heise, Carl G. • • • • . · • • · • • · • • · • • • • • • • • ..959 682, 747 .961 1134 607 1238 1160 260 .235 .54, 771, 962 .678, 834 800, 915, 935 281 754 1161 1203 .378 .551 • · • · • 1062 451 639 R · 55 56, 57 .95 .171 1017 1110 .811, 906 • .414 .343 .835 • 100 Hekler, Antal Held, Julius S. Helm, Mackinley Hemmings, F. W. J. Hempel, Eberhard Hendy, Philip Henze, Anton Hepworth, Barbara Herbécourt, Pierre d' • Herberts, Kurt Herzer, Alfred E. Hess, Thomas B. • Hodin, J. P. Hoesch, Roberto Hofer, Philip Hoffmann, Edith Hoffmann, Rudolf Hofmann, Hans Hofmann, Werner Hogarth, William • Heydenreich, Ludwig H. Hilberseimer, Ludwig Hilburgh, Walter L. Hillier, Jack R. · · · · Hinks, Roger P. Hirmer, M. Hitchcock, Henry-Russell • • · · • Hokusai, Katsushika Holbein, Hans Holme, Bryan Hooper, James T. Hope, Henry R. Hourtica, Louis Howard, James H. Hubert, Jean Hudnut, Joseph Humbert, Agnès Hürlimann, Martin Hutton, Edward Huyghe, René Huysmans, J. K. • • [] • • • • ► • • ► • •• • · • • • · • · • • • · • · • Janson, Horst W. Janssens de Bisthoven, Alin Jardot, Maurice 27 429 476 ..836 .914, 915 .310 1239 634 .963, 1003 521 110,879 344 .1162, 1163 172, 491 .195 • 608, 609, 610, 611, 612 1162 .517, 518 .147 .1179 · • 669, 670, 837, 838 .909, 927 .635 .648 • • • · • 261 656 1065 • .1033 1063, 1064 .1018 .918 I Idea; international design annual. 1219 Ingres, Jean A. ...687, 767, 768, 769 Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes. 1098 International poster annual .1220 Irvine, Rosalind ..942, 991, 1016, 1100 Iversen, Erik 193 • 傻 ​1267 .311 839 701 345 346 173, 641, 642, 812 .514, 515 • · J Jaccottet, Philippe . .647, 650, 811, 1104 1120 Jacobson, Egbert 58, 131, 424 452 1039, 1113 1019 964 Jawlensky, Alexej von Jean, Marcel Jeanneret-Gris, Charles E. ...866, 867, 868, 869, 870, 871, 872, 873, 874, 875 Jenkins, Louisa 1268 453 Jenkins, Marianna D. Jessup, Ronald F. 399 • 920 558 • John Herron Art Institute, Indianapolis Johns Hopkins University Johnson, Pauline Jolly, Alphonse Jones, Barbara M. Joray, Marcel Jordaens, Jakob Jourdain, Francis Juin, Hubert Julien, Edouard Jullian, René Junyent, Edouard • • • · ▸ · • • · • ■ • • • K Kafka, Francis J. 1270 Kahnweiler, Daniel H..1014, 1070, 1071 Kandinsky, Wassily .1020, 1021, 1022 Kantor, Helene J. Katzenellenbogen, Adolf E. M. 174 348 1124 Kaufmann, Edgar, Jr. Kaufmann, Emil 578 Kawakita, Michiaki 1164 1240 .676 431 Keck, Caroline Keim, Jean A. Keller, Harald Kent, William W. Kepes, Gyorgy Keynes, Geoffrey .415 10, 965 714 Kidder, Jonathan E. 1165 Kielland, Else C. 194 Kinney, Ralph P. 1271 Kitao, Harumichi .1166 Klee, Paul ......1023, 1024, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030, 1031, 1032 Klindt-Jensen, Ole Kloomok, Isaac .175 .995 1221 840 .1033, 1034 1110, 1111 111 Knoblaugh, Ralph R. Kocher, Alfred L. Kokoschka, Oskar Kollwitz, Käthe Korn, Arthur Kracauer, Siegfried Kraeling, Carl Kramrisch, Stella Krautheimer, Richard Kubler, George Kuh, Katharine .1122 298 1145, 1146 426 .416, 570 .11, 1038 Kuhn, Charles L. Kuniyoshi, Yasuo Kusenberg, Kurt Kutscher, Gerdt Kwan, Kim-gaul .966 1035 552 • • Lane, Arthur Lange, Kurt Langer, Susanne K. • • · • ► L • .4 • • • • O • • Labande, Yvonne Laet, Siegfried J. de La Faille, J. B. de Lafuente Ferrari, Enrique Lamade, Erich Lancaster, Clay Landolt, Hanspeter · • ► • • · • • • · • • • • • • · • • * • • • · • • · • • • .454 508 1269 496 1121 898 .613 .786 1096 787 347 312 • • • • • • • •· .1180 1135 ...313 176 .801 .636 1241 ..96 788 236 195 .12 A • • 101 Langui, Em Lankheit, Klaus Laprade, Jacques de 922 1041 716 148 1072 132, 133, 455, 456, 789, 996, 1009, 1049 Laran, Jean Larrea, Juan Lassaigne, Jacques • Laurie, Arthur P. Lauts, Jan • La Tour, Georges de Latrobe, Benjamin H. Laurens, Henri Lavalleye, Jacques Lavedan, Pierre · Lawrence, Arnold W. • Leenhardt, Maurice Lees-Milne, James Levey, Michael Levy, Julien Lewis, David • · Leymarie, Jean Lhote, André • • • Le Point, Souillac Lethaby, William R. • · Leach, Bernard H. Leach, Mortimer Lebel, Robert Le Corbusier (pseud.)...See Corbusier • • • Limbour, Georges Lindisfarne gospels Lothrop, S. K. Lotto, Lorenzo Lowenfeld, Viktor Lucas, Edna L. Lüdecke, Henry Lullies, Reinhard Lutze, Eberhard • • • • 1199 .571 Leger, Fernand ..1036, 1037, 1038, 1039 Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut Lehmbruck, Wilhelm Leiris, Michel ..967 918 1044, 1074 Leisinger, Hermann Lejard, André ..349 159, 400 Lejeune, Robert Lenning, Henry F. 816 662 .519, 520, Leonardo da Vinci 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 526 917 314 596 .987 .908, 1058 458, 703, 968 196 • • • • • • . Lippincott, Joshua G. Logan, Frederick M. Lohse, Richard P. Longhi, Roberto López-Rey, José • • · • · · • M Lindsey, John (pseud.) Linfert, Carl Lipchitz, Jacques Lippi, Filippo • • · • • • Maass, John MacCallum, Reid McCausland, Elizabeth • • • Lieberman, William S..1050, 1051, 1073 1005 .368 587 .480 919, 920 529 • * Lord, Douglas (pseud.) Lorenzetti, Ambrogio Los Angeles County Museum • • • · • * • • • • • • 614, 615 677, 678 916, 917 1242 472 59, 457 112 237 158, 1272 1222 1007 • • • . • · * • • • • · 604 .762, 763 .802 .530 1015 1194 .531 1205 1223 1204 1224 .60 .907 238 .435 · 671 13 1206 • McClure, Harlan E. McCracken, Harold McCurdy, Charles Mace, A. C. Mack, Gerstle Mackworth-Young, Gerard McLuhan, Herbert M. MacOrlan, Pierre Madsen, Stephan T. Magagnato, Licisco Mahon, Denis Maillard, Robert Maillart, Robert Maiuri, Amedeo Major, Emil Mâle, Emile Malo, Henri • E • • Malraux, André Man, Felix H. (pseud.) Manet, Edouard Manson, Grant C. Mantegna, Andrea Mantoux, Paul J. Marc, Franz Marchal, Henri Marek, Kurt W. Marinatos, Spyridon Marini, Marino Maritain, Jacques Marle, Raimond van Maroger, Jacques Marriage, Margaret S. Martienssen, Rex D. Martin, Fletcher Martin, Leslie Martin, Roland Martini, Arturo Martini, Simone Maryon, Herbert Masaccio Meryon, Charles Mestrovic, Ivan • Mason, Eudo C. Masson, André Masson, Georgina Mathey, François Matisse, Henri • ..672 718 .969 .188 722, 733, 790 .241 1225 734 663 474 459 1069 876 134, 262, 263 .566 282, 315, 316, 484, 572 527 • Metz, Peter Meyer, Peter Michel, Edouard Michelangelo • • • • • • • • • • • • 1040, 1041 1147 168 210 .921, 922, 1042 14 135 1243 .350 239 1043 911 240 ..923 .383 .1273 .535 749 1044 97 417 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049, 1050, 1051, 1052 1053 • * Mekhitarian, Arpag Mendelowitz, Daniel M. Mendelsohn, Eric • • Matta Echaurren, Roberto Matton, Raymond Maurois, André Maury, Jean Mayor, Alpheus H. Meier, Michael Meiss, Millard • 117, 764, 765, 766 941 770, 771, 772, 773 .893 .532, 533 573 + · 2 · • • 1 · Metropolitan Museum of Art • • • • • • .61 735 317, 318 .585 516 460 .197 ..62 .877 .818 .924 203, 206, 217, 246, 567 379 .283 .564 427, 428, 536, 537, 538, 539, 540 Micheles, P. A. 284 102 Middeldorf, Ulrich Miller, Alec Miller, Dorothy Millon, Henry A. Mills, Edward D. Miner, Dorothy • Minneapolis Institute of Arts 775, 960, 976, 1015, 1191 Miro, Joán 1054 .970 Modern artists in America Modigliani, Amedeo ..1055, 1056, 1112 381 Moé, Emile A. van Modriaan, Pieter C. Monet, Claude Mongan, Agnes Moore, Henry Moore, Robert E. Morassi, Antonio Morey, Charles R. Mori, Osamu Morison, Stanley Morrison, Hugh S. Morse, Albert R. Moschini, Vittorio Motherwell, Robert Mourlot, Fernand Muensterberger, Warner • · • Münz, Ludwig Muriel, John S. · • Müller, Hans A. Mumford, Lewis Munch, Edvard Munro, Thomas Munsterberg, Hugo • · • • · • • • 1226 1181 1244 .15, 673, 842, 843, 856 1059, 1060 1207 1136, 1137 620, 621 587 .635 Murillo, Bartholomé E. .198 Murray, Margaret A. Murray, Peter Musée National du Louvre ...706, 736 ..63 Museo Nacional de Artes · • • • •• • • • · • · • • N 1057, 1058 .774, 775, 776, 777 149 .925, 926, 927, 928 ..610 .630 285, 286 1167 160 ..98 1001 • • • • Naumburg, Margaret Nelson, George Nervi, Pier L. Neuenschwander, Eduard Plásticas 1094 .883 Museu de Arte, Sao Paulo Museum of Modern Art, N. Y...64, 664, 704, 705, 748, 791, 802, 806, 837, 838, 899, 900, 904, 910, 913, 920, 939, 945, 960, 961, 972, 976, 1000, 1015, 1050, 1053, 1066, 1067, 1073, 1075, 1087, 1088, 1099, 1107, 1117, 1119, 1123, 1124, 1128, 1150, 1168, 1191, 1195, 1240, 1253, 1261 Museum of non-objective painting. 1020 Myers, Bernard S. ..65, 136, 973 Natanson, Thadée National Gallery of Art National Museum of Modern Art • • • • 549 118 .972 .579 .841 . 295, 380 • • • Neumann, Balthasar Neumeyer, Alfred Neutra, Richard New York Historical Society • • 1037, 1174 .1208 .844, 845 ..880 .99 586 723 .881, 882, 883, 884 .66 606 971 • .792 . 81, 119 • • Newsom, Samuel Newton, Eric Nicolson, Benedict Niemeyer, Oscar Noguchi, Isamu Nolde, Emil Nordenfalk, Carl Nordmark, Olle Norton, Frederick H. Noyes, William • O'Hara, Frank Okuda, Seiichi O Oakeshott, Walter F. Odenthal, D. Offner, Richard • • Oldenbourg, Rudolf Oppé, A. P. Orozco, Jose C. Orze, Joseph • • • • • P Paccagnini, Giovanni . Pach, Walter Pachers, Michael Pacht, Otto Pack, Greta • • • • • · • • • il Parmigianino Pataky, Dénes Paulsson, Thomas Payne, Humfry Pedretti, Carlo Pellegrini, Giovanni A. Pennell, Elizabeth Penrose, Roland Pepper, Stephen C. Pergola, Paola della Peruzzi, Baldassare Peter, John Peterdi, Gabor Pettit, Florence H. Pevsner, Antoine Pevsner, Nikolaus • • • • Pagani, Carlo .846 Paine, Robert T. 1171 492 419 Palazzo Reale Palladio, Andrea Pallottino, Massimo Pallucchini, Rodolfo 215, 216 563, 653 Panofsky, Erwin . .67, 351, 405, 461, 500 Papadaki, Stamo 865, 885 Parker, Karl T. 150, 601 Parmelee, Cullen W. .1278 541, 542 .151 100 .241 526 .616 ..808 .930, 1075 .17 .509 .415 847 1246 1279 .910 • • · • • • • • · Pfannstiel, Arthur • Pfuhl, Ernest. Phillips, John G. Piankoff, Alexandre Pica, Agnoldomenico Picard, Max Picasso, Pablo · • • · • • .1169 16, 556 629, 1061 ..885 929 1062, 1063, 1064 376, 377, 803 • • • • • • • .1245 1274, 1275 .1276 • · 319, 382 ..86 137 1084 1170 .627 .611 .1065 1247 • · • • • • • • 68, 101, 516, 576, 1125 1112 242 567 199 848,999 .18 930, 1066, 1067, 1068, 1069, 1070, 1071, 1072, 1073, 1074, 1075, 1076, 1077, 1078, 1079, 1080, 1081, 1082, 1083, 1113 • 383 1072 429 .534 1277 · • A • 103 Pierpont Morgan Library Pierre Matisse Gallery, N. Y. Pierson, William H. Pigalle, Jean B. Piggott, Stuart Pignatti, Terisio Pillement, Georges Pilon, Edmond Piranesi, Giovanni B. Pisano, Andrea Pisano, Giovanni . Pisano, Niccolo Pisano, Nino Pissarro, Camille · Porter, Fairfield Poulík, Josef • • Pita Andrade, José M. Pittaluga, Mary Planiscig, Leo Poensgen, Georg Polásek, Albin Pollack, Peter Pollock, Jackson Ponente, Nello Pontormo, Jacopo Pope-Hennessy, John Quennell, Peter " · • Reed, Carl Reid, Kenneth • · · 瞻 ​• • Primaticcio, Francesco Puyvelde, Leo van ► Raafat, Aly A. Radin, Paul Ramie, Georges Ramsden, E. H. Rand, Paul Raphael Rattner, Abraham Ratzka, Helena L. Raynal, Maurice Read, Herbert E. • • · • Reifenberg, Adolf Reilly, Paul • 420, 462, 506, 553, 561, 602 Popham, Arthur E. .497, 525, 542 Porcher, Jean 310, 384, 385, 463, 528 Portfolio 71 745 1198 974 .617 .580, 750 · · Pousette-Dart, Nathaniel Poussin, Nicolas Powell, Nicolas Praeger Picture Encyclopedia of Art. 72 547 613, 628, 632 Q R Réau, Louis Redig de Campos, D. Redon, Odilon • • · • • • · René I, Duke of Anjou Renoir, Pierre A. • · • Rembrandt, Hermanszoon • · 849 1183 1076 679 1227, 1228 548, 549, 550 1086 1127 .707, 724, 975, 1077 73, 284, 910, 911, 914, 928, 1024, 1029, 1033, 1061, 1126, 1209 .74, 386, 592 .540 779, 780 1247 .825 178 581 .618, 619, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 655 .464 682, 781, 782 · ་ • • • • ་ 378 1054 • 69 592 177 .494 352, 660 70 ► 431 337 430 778 353 550 423 433 931 . 161 1084, 1085 1028 545, 546 • • 654 430 • • 612 Rewald, John 681, 708, 725, 755, 778, 781, 783 .626 418, 582 287, 288 75, 207 .741, 784 .850 .102, 583 138 773 ..932 Ribera, Jusèpe Ricci, Corrado J Rice, David T. Rice, Tamara T. Rich, Daniel C. Richards, James M. Richardson, Albert E. Richardson, Edgar P. Richardson, John Richier, Germaine Richter, Gisela M. A. · • Saarinen, Eliel Sabartès, Jaime Sachs, Paul J. · 217, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247 387 264 432, 433 218 .686 Ritchie, Andrew C...806, 900, 913, 976 .139 .423 1085 Robb, David M. della Robbia, Luca Robertson, Bryan Robertson, Martin Rodenwaldt, Gerhart Rodin, Auguste R. F. 248 249 • Rickert, Margaret J. Riegl, Alois Riemanschneider, Tilman Riis, Poul J. Rilke, Rainer M. * + Rodman, Selden Roger-Marx, Claude Rood, John Rose, Augustus F. Rose, Millicent • Roseaman, Ivy P. Rosenberg, Jakob Rosenthal, Rudolph il Rosso Roszak, Theodore Roth, Alfred Rothenstein, John Rouart, Denis Rouault, Georges Rowland, Benjamin Rowley, George Roy, Claude Rubens, Peter P. Rubin, William Ruhemann, Helmut Ruhmer, Eberhard Russell, John Ryder, Albert P. • • • • • · 4 • S • • • • • St.-Aubin, Gabriel de St. Louis City Art Museum 705, 748, 961, 985 Salmi, Mario .388, 465, 529, 535, 554 Samivel (pseud.) Sandström, Sven . 192 780 · 683, 684, 685, 686 19, 977, 1092 717,779, 807 .933 1280 744 1281 622 .1127 552 934 .851, 852 .709 .776, 782 1087, 1088 76, 1131, 1148 530, 1138 1056 .627, 628, 656 1053 ..77 .560 .990 .1089 • .20 1078, 1079 1105 657 • San Francisco Museum of Art 853, 960, 1015, 1038 San Lazzaro, Gualtieri di 1030 Santos, Reynaldo dos 512 104 Sassetta, Stefano Saunders, O. E. Saxl, Fritz Saylor, Henry H. Scarfe, Laurence Schaefer-Simmern, Henry .. • • Slive, Seymour Sloan, John • Schapiro, Meyer Schmeckebier, Laurence Schmidt, Georg Schmidt-Rottluff, Karl Schneider, Bruno F. Schniewind, Carl O. Schnitzler, Hermann Scholfield, P. H. Schönberger, Arno Schwabacher, Ethel Schwarz, Heinrich Scott, Robert G. Scully, Vincent J. Sedlmayr, Hans Segy, Ladislas Seiberling, Frank Seitz, William C. Seligman, Germain Selz, Peter Seroux d'Agincourt, Jean B. Sert, José L. Seuphor, Michel Seurat, Georges Severini, Gino Seymour, Charles, Jr. Seznec, Jean Shahn, Ben · • Spiller, Jurg Statler, Oliver • · · • • • • Shapley, Fern R. Shattuck, Roger Shear, John K. Sherwood, Ruth Shoolman, Regina Sickman, Laurence Signorelli, Luca Silva-Vigier, Anil de Simpson, Lucie Simson, Otto G. Siqueiros, David A. Sitte, Camillo Sitwell, George R. Sizer, Theodore Slatkin, Charles E. • • • · • • • ■ Museum, N. Y. Soria, Martin S. Soulages, Pierre Soutine, Haim Sperisen, Francis J. • Sloane, Joseph C. Sluter, Claus Smith, Charles W. Smith, Earl B. Smith, George E. K. Smith, W. Stevenson Soby, James T. • • • • . · • • • • • • · Solomon R. Guggenheim ..553 .389 78, 79, 354, 623 .103 162 ..901 726, 804, 1012 ..924 .727 1090 .933 728, 793 355 104 .574 1012 80 1229 854 .603 .1184 • • • .21 777 ..819 664, 978 .320 .855 894, 979 783, 784, 819 .980 .119 44, 406 1091, 1092, 1093 .81 981 .826 931 .152 .1139 . • • • · • • • • • • • 554 1149 ..407 289, 356 1094 113 22 631 152 .624 1095 .710 .434 .1248 • 711, 904, 1000, 1015, 1031, 1093, 1099 • • • • • • 265 105 .200 · • • · 820 643 1096 1097 1282 .1032 1172 Stedlijk Museum, Amsterdam ....982 Steichen, Edward .1128 ..856 ..23 201 179 Stein, Clarence S. Stein, Leo. Steindorff, George Steingraber, Erich Stenton, Frank Sterling, Charles Sternberg, Harry Stewart, Cecil Stewart, Virginia Stoddard, Whitney S. • Tapié, Michel • Tapié, Victor L. Tate Gallery • · · Stone, Irving Stone, J. F. S. Stone, Lawrence Storey, Sommerville Stoss, Veit Strache, Wolf Strzygowski, Josef Sullivan, Edward Sullivan, Louis Summerson, John N. Sutnar, Ladislav Sutton, Denys Swarzenski, Hanns Sweeney, James J. Szarkowski, John Szittya, Emil • Taubes, Frederic Taylor, Basil • · • • • • • · · • Takahashi, Seiichiro Takiguchi, Shuzo • • • Talleyrand-Périgord, Héli Tamayo, Rufino Tanguy, Yves Tannenbaum, Libby • • • T • · Thiery, Yvonne Thiry, Paul Thomas, Hylton Thurman, Arthur B. Tiepolo, Giovanni B. Tietze, Hans • Terbrugghen, Hendrick Thibout, Marc Thieme, Ulrich Thienen, Frithjof W. Tietze-Conrat, Erika il Tintoretto Titian Toesca, Ilaria Toesca, Pietro · • · Tomlin, Bradley W. Topffer, Rodolphe Torbert, Donald R. Toronto Art Gallery • • • • • D Tokyo, National Museum of Modern Art • · a · • .401 140, 706 .1249 .290 ..983 .357 .805 180 358 .685 435, 436 1129 . 291 .390 ..886 106, 584 1230 .1004 321, 391 1054, 1183 ..886 1097 • • • • 1035, 1164, 1174 1100 .665 .674 960 Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de...785, 786, 787, 788, 789, 790, 791, 792, 793, 794 .626, 637 Trapier, Elizabeth D. 1173 .929 .649 1098 .1099 .748 1001 .575 .902 1250 712 .629 .359 • • • .82 640 .597 .857 .654 1253 .630 557, 559, 794 83, 533 555, 556, 557 477, 558, 559 .430 292, 392 • 105 Traz, Georges de Trier, Eduard Trumbull, John Tunnard, Christopher Tura, Cosino Turnor, Reginald · D • Uccello, Paola Uhler, Fred Underwood, Leon UNESCO world art series Unknown political prisoner Untracht, Oppi Upjohn, Everard M. Utrillo, Maurice D • • • U · V > Vercors Verkauf, Willy Vermeer, Jan Veronese, Paola Verve Victoria & Albert Museum Vieyra, Maurice Vigneau, André • Wang, Kai Warburg Institute · W Viollet-Le-Duc, Eugène E. Vitry, Paul Volbach, Wolfgang F. Vries, Ary B. Vuillard, Edouard Valentiner, Wilhelm R....361, 421, 625 Vallery-Radot, Jean 148, 650 .878, 879 Van der Rohe, Ludwig M. Vandier, Jacques 202 Van Doren, Harold L. 1231 632 503 Van Dyck, Anthony Van Eyck, Jan van Gogh, Vincent ..795, 796, 797, 798, 799, 800, 801, 802, 803, 804, 805 Varagnac, André Vaudoyer, J. L. Vayer, Lajos Velasquez, Diego 322 772 153 • Waterhouse, Ellis K. Watrous, James Watson, Ernest W. • • · .465, 561 ..360 .1185, 1186, 1187 .202, 293 902 1283 84 1101 • • • 633, 634, 635, 636, 637 465 Veneziano, Domenico Venturi, Lionello ...134, 141, 142, 393, 466, 467, 468, 493, 544, 997 294 .984 638, 639, 640, 641 .562, 563 1052, 1080 ..576 208 362 107 326 394 641 ..806, 807 · Wace, Alan J. B. Waetzoldt, Wilhelm Walker Art Center, Minneapolis • • Walker, John Wallace, David H. Wallance, Don Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore ་ • • • 598 Watson, William 1106 Watteau, Jean A. Webb, Geoffrey Weber, Max Weiler, Clemens Weitz, Morris Weitzmann, Kurt Weller, Allen S. Weyden, Roger van der Weyer, P. W. v.d. Weyl, Hermann Wheeler, Monroe Wheeler, Robert E. M. Whistler, James A. M. · • • · • ▼ 934, 1053 477 .66 1232 631 114 560 675 79, 172, 371, 459, 617, 623 .599, 605 154 1233 • • 201, 295, 380 1140 211 501 · • White, John White, William C. ► • Whitney Museum of American Art Yale University Young, Joseph L. Zadkine, Ossip Zampetti, Pietro Wölfflin, Heinrich Woolley, Charles L. Wormald, Francis Wren, Christopher Wright, Frank L. Zevi, Bruno Whittemore, Thomas Whittick, Arnold Who's who in American art Who's who in art Whyte, Lancelot L. Wiener, Louis Wight, Frederick S. Wildenstein, Georges Wilenski, Reginald H. · Zarnecki, Jerzy Zervos, Christian • Wiles, Bertha H. Wilkinson, James V. S. Willcox, A. R. Willemsen, Carl A. Wilson, David M. Wind, Edgar Wingert, Paul S. Wingler, Hans M. Winlock, Herbert E. Wittgens, Fernanda Wittkower, Rudolf Wolchonok, Louis ▸ • • ·· • • Zola, Emile Zorzi, Giangiorgio Zucker, Paul Ziegfeld, Ernest Zigrosser, Carl Zimmer, Heinrich R. • • · .934, 942, 991, 1012, 1016, 1095, 1100, 1102 ..297 .858, 877 · Z • • • • • · • • Zurbarán, Francisco de • • 564 502 .25 1088, 1107, 1150 . 181, 1151 ..808 85 1141 1019 ..24 163, 296, 395 1086 887, 888, 889, 890, 891, 892, 893 Y · • • * 143, 144, 145, 903 422 • • • • • ..821 ..822 209, 212, 250, 251, 469, 1082, 1083 108,859 1210 1108, 1111 1153 .27 .419 115 .643 1284 642 .363 1102 .26 1285 1013 604, 769 · 408 1189, 1200 1034 203 1081 78, 495, 577, 590 1234 409, 410 183 396 587 • • • • · • 1152 1188 ..86 .182 • • .298 1286 935 .475 364, 365 • 106 ! : 1 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 01680 5981 DATE DUE י. F. İ י!