MUSTANSIR MIR of the The University of Michigan Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies 1989  VERBAL IDIOMS of THE QUR'AN  VERBAL IDIOMS OF THE QUR'AN Mustansir Mir Michigan Series on the Middle East Number 1 Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 1989 Copyright 1989 by Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies The University of Michigan All rights reserved Verbal idioms of the Qur'in (Michigan Series on the Middle East; no. 1) ISSN: 1045-6309 ISBN: 0-932098-21-5 (pbk.) Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 89-85764 Printed in the United States of America Dedicated to the memory of my Arabic teacher Dr. Zia-uI-Haq Sufi  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank the Center for. Near Eastern and North African Studies for undertaking to publish this work. Professor E. N. McCarus, Director of the Center, has taken personal interest in the project. Professor John Kolars, chairman of the publications com- mittee of the Center, has exerted gentle pressure, patiently listening to excuses of delay in handing over the manuscript. Professor Charles Krahmalkov suggested methods of organizing the material which have saved me a lot of labor. Professor James A. Bellamy has, as always, been generous with his time and has given valuable comments. I am especially grateful to him for writing the Foreword. Last but by no means least, the support I have received from the members of my family during the several years that I have worked on the project has been crucial. For their patience and understanding, they have my deepest gratitude. vii  CONTENTS Acknowledgments vii Abbreviations xi Note on Transliteration xiii Foreword by Professor James A. Bellamy xv Key to Authors and Works xvii Introduction 1 Verbal Idioms of the Qur' n 25 Glossary 375 ix  ABBREVIATIONS act pt active participle(s) fig figurative(ly) lit literal(ly) mas masdar n(n). (see) note(s) obj object pass passive pass pt passive participle(s) phr phrase prep preposition(al) pres present pron pronoun, pronominal Q. Qur'in S(s). Surah(s) sb somebody sth something und understood vb verb vs(s). verse(s) xi  NOTE ON TRANSLITERATION One of the standard systems of transliteration is used to represent the Arabic characters. The following points should be noted. The diphthongs are represented by aw and ay. The apostrophe is not used to indicate the hamzat al-wasl (thus: mina I- babi). It is used, however, to distinguish or avoid confusion between certain letters or syllables (e.g. adh'haba, ascaqat'hum). The long vowels are regularly marked with a macron, whether or not they are followed by a hamzat al-wasl, and irrespective of whether they occur in prose or poetry; the only exception made is in deference to the Qur'anic orthography, a few long vowels having been represented as short (e.g. Ciqabi [= ciqab7] in 38:14 and tanadi [= tanidiJ in 40:32). xiii  FOREWORD Although medieval Arabic is well represented by dictionaries composed by Muslim scholars in the Middle Ages, the language still presents many lexical difficulties for the student and the mature scholar alike. The source of most such difficulties lies in the extraor- dinarily large number of idioms, in particular idioms involving verbs, in which the language abounds. Professor Mir, in addressing himself to this problem, has taken as his corpus the Qur'an, the sacred scripture of Islam and the most im- portant single book in Arabic literature, and has produced a contextual dictionary of verbal idioms that will be of great value to everyone interested in the Islamic religion, the Arabic language, and its extensive literature. The work is no mere repetition and re-arrangement of traditional data, but possesses a high degree of originality. With many years' study of the Qur'5n behind him, the author freely offers his own interpretation of difficult idioms, which adds to the interest and utility of the work. Indeed, one may hope that future lexicographers will take their cue from Professor Mir's work and produce similar dic- tionaries of other features of the Arabic language. James A. Bellamy Professor of Arabic Literature University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 25 April 1989 XV  KEY TO AUTHORS AND WORKS Only works that have been cited more than once in the book are listed here.. If a work is quoted only once, full citation of it is provided at the time of quotation. Ahi. W. Ahlwardt (ed.). The DTvans of the Six Ancient Arabic Poets: Enna-bigha, CAntara, Tharafa, Zuhair, CAIqama and Imruulqais. London: Trubner & Co., 1870. cAmr. Shicr CAmr ibn Sha's, ed. Yahy5 al-Jub5irT, Najaf, Iraq: Mat- bacat al-Adab, 1976. cAnt. cAntarah ibn Shaddad al-cAbsT. Sharh D7wan CAntar, ed. IbrahTm az-Zayn. Beirut: Dar an-Najih/D-ar aI-Fikr, n.d. Aq. Sacid ibn cAbd Allah ibn MTkha'l al-Kh5rT ash-ShartinT. Aqrab al- Mawarid fT Fusahi I-cArabiyyah wa sh-Shawarid, 2 vols. and a supplement. Beirut, 1890? (In this work, the supplement is referred to as vol. 3.) Arberry Arthur J. Arberry, The Koran Interpreted. London: Oxford University Press 1964. The World's Classics, 596. As5s Ab5 l-Q~sim Mahm5d ibn cUmar az-ZamakhsharT. Asas al- Balaghah. Beirut: Dar Sadir/Dar Bayrit, 1965. XVii Key to Authors and Works ii xviii Acsh5 D'iwin aI-Acsh. aI-Kab'r-Maymun ibn Qays, ed. Muhammad Muhammad Husayn. Beirut: AI-Maktab ash-Sharqi Ii n-Nashr wa t-TawzTc, [introduction 1388/1968]. Asm. AI-AsmaCiyykt Ikhtiyar aI-Asmac7i-AbTl Sac'd CAbd al-Malik ibn Qurayb ibn CAbd al-Malik, ed. Ahmad Muhammad Sh~kir and CAbd as-SaI~m Har~n, 2nd printing. Egypt: D~r aI-Macarif, 1964. Bayd. N~sir ad-Din Ab5 I-Khayr CAbd AII5h ibn CUmar aI-Bayd~wTi. Anw~ir at-TanzTI wa Asra-r at-Ta'WTi, 2 vols., 2nd printing. Egypt: Sharikat Maktabat wa MatbaCat Mustaf5 al-BhbT al-Halab i: wa Awl~duhi6, 1388/1968. D. AI-Hudh. D'lwgn aI-Hudhaliyy~n, 3 vols. in 1. Cairo: Ad-D-ar al- Qawmiyyah Ii t-Tib~cah wa n-Nashr, 1385/1965; reprint of the D~r al-Kutub edition. D. aI-Khaw. D7wa-n aI-Khawgiij ShiCruhum, Khutabuhum, Ras5iiuhum, ed. N~yif Mahinid MaCr~if. Beirut: D~r al- Masirah, 1403/1983. Ham. Ab6 cAff Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn al-Hasan aI-Marz~qi, Sharh DTw5n aI-Hamasah, 4 vols., ed. Ahmad Amnin and cAbd as-SaI5rm H~r~n. *Cairo: MatbaCat Lajnat at-TaTf wa t-Tarjamah wa n-Nashr, 1371-73/1951-53. Hass. Sharh D'lw~n Hassain ibn Th5hit aI-Ansir7 ed. CAbd ar-Rahm~n aI-Barquqi. Beirut: D~r al-Andalus, 198*0. Hit. D'Iw5n ShiCr H5itm ibn cAbd Allah at-Ti'T wa Akhb.~ruh&j, prepared, according to the recension of Hish~m ibn Muham- mad al-KalbT, by Yahy5 ibn Mudrik at-Th', ed. cAdil Sulayman Jam~I. Cairo: Matbacat al-MadanT, [introduction 1395/1975]. Ibn Muq. Dwain Ibn Muqbil, ed. clzzah Hasan. Damascus: Wiz~rat ath-Thaq~fah wa I-Irsh~d aI-Qawmil, 1381/1 962. Matb~ic~t Mudi'riyyat Ihy5' at-Tur~th aI-Qadrim, 5. Key to Authors and Works xix Imr. DTwan Imri' al-Qays, ed. Abu 1-Fadl lbrahim. Egypt: Dar al- MaCarif, [Introduction 1377/1958]. KaCb Sharh DTwan KaCb ibn Zuhayr, according to the recension of Ab5 Sacid al-Hasan ibn al-Husayn ibn cUbayd Allah as-SukkarT. Cairo: Ad-D5r aI-Qawmiyyah li t-Tibacah wa n-Nashr, 1369/ 1950. Kash. Ab6 i-Qlsim Mahm6d ibn cUmar az-ZamakhsharT. AI-Kashshaf can HaqJ'iq at-Ta'w7i wa cUyun al-Aqaw7i, 4 vols. Cairo: Egypt: Mustaf5 al-BbT al-HalabT, 1385/1966. Khan. D7wan aI-Khansa'. Beirut: Dar Sidir/D3r Bayrit, 1383/1963. Khirn. DTwan Shicr aI-Khirniq bint Badr bint Hiffan, ed. Hussain Nas- sir. Egypt: National Library Press [Matbacat Dar al-Kutub], 1969. Ministry of Culture, U.A.R.: Center for Editing and Publishing Arabic Manuscripts, Vol. 3. Krenk. The Poems of Tufail ibn CAuf al-Ghanaw and at-Tirimmah ibn al-HakTm at-Ti'yT, ed. and tr. F. Krenkow. London: Luzac & Co., 1927. E. J. W. Gibb Memorial Series, Vol. XXV. Lab. Sharh DTwin Labid ibn RabTCah al-cAmirT, ed. Ihsn CAbbas. Kuwait, 1962. At-Turith al-cArabT, 8. Maj. Ab5 cUbaydah Macmar ibn aI-Muthanna at-TaymT, Majiz al- Qur'in, 2 vols., ed. Mulammad Fuat Sezgin. Egypt: Muliam- mad S5mT AmTn KhinjT, 1374-81/1954-62. Majmrn. Majm5Cah-yi TafisTr-i FarihT, tr. into Urdu from the Arabic by Am in Ahsan lslhT. Lahore: Anjuman-i Khuddimu'lqur'an, 1393/1973. Mir Mustansir Mir. Coherence in the Qur'in: A Study of IsliWhT's Concept of Nazm in Tadabbur-i Qur'5n. Indianapolis, Indiana: American Trust Publications, 1986. Key to Authors and Works xx Muf. Ab5 I-Qasim al-Husayn ibn Muhammad, known as ar-R5ghib al- isfahanT. Al-Mufradt FIT GharTb al-Qur'an, ed. Muhammad Sayyid KT1