B 446261 1 C : Mostephenson 1837 ARTES SCIENTIA VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LE PLURIBUS UMUNT TUEBOR •QUÆRIS-PENINSULAM AMŒNAM CIRCUMSPICE f $ 1814 QA 35 W683Z THEORY O F INTEREST, SIMPLE AND COMPOUND, DERIVED FROM FIRST PRINCIPLES, AND APPLIED TO ANNUITIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, THEORY O F INTEREST, SIMPLE AND COMPOUND, DERIVED FROM FIRST PRINCIPLES, 1 AND APPLIED TO ANNUITIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS • J .• CONTAINING, Arithmetical and Geometrical Progref- || Annuities on Lives, with Tables. fions. Simple and Compound Intereft, with Tables. M. De Moivre's Hypothefis of Equal De- crements, with 22 Problems, fhewing the Value of Life in all its Varieties. Annuities at Simple and Compound In- || Infurance on Lives. tereft, with Tables. Of the Expectation of Life. Of a Sinking Fund to extinguish the Of the Britiſh State Lottery. National Debt., The Value of a Perpetuity. Of Tontines, and Infurance from Fire, &c. WITH AN ILLUSTRATION OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME IN THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. By the Reverend MR DAVID WILKIE, MINISTER OF CULTS. EDINBURGH: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR. AND SOLD BY PETER HILL, Edinburgh; AND G. G. & J. ROBINSON, Londens 1794. DEDICATION. TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE, FRANCIS Lord NAPIER. MY LORD, IT may be unuſual, that a perfon who hath not had the honour of your Lordship's acquaint- ance, fhould, in this public manner, crave your protection, in his attempt to promote the know- ledge of that ſcience, whereby human life, which is liable to fo many accidents, is yet, in fome meafure, reduced to rule. It flows, my Lord, from the reſpect which I entertain for the memo- ry of your illuſtrious progenitor, John Napier, Baron of Merchifton, in Scotland, whom I place upon vi DEDICATION. upon an equal footing with the moſt diſtinguiſh- ed characters of the feventeenth century, for his valuable invention of Logarithms, that I prefume to aſk your patronage in the publication of the following Treatife, and to profeſs myſelf, with all reſpect, My LORD, Your Lordship's moſt obedient, And humble fervant, DAVID WILKIE. PRE- ! THE PREFACE. SIMILAR to the fatisfaction which the mind receives in the inveſtigation of geometrical pro- pofitions, is the pleaſure which we derive from the refolution of queſtions in algebra, both on account of their ingenuity, certainty, and extenfive uſefulneſs. In the following Treatife, wherein ſo many algebraic theorems occur, it is propoſed to inveſtigate, from first principles, the rules adapted to one particular branch of ſcience, that of Intereft, both fimple and compound, with their application to Annuities of all defcriptions; hoping thereby, not only to afford pleafure to the ftudious, in the inveſtigation of the theorems, but advantage alfo to men of bufinefs, in the applica- tion of theſe to the affairs of property. a ↑ The theorems, ſuch as being the value of a perpetuity, are as beautiful as any which are to be met with in the other branches of ſcience; and to render them the more intelligible, a demon- ſtration is fubjoined where it is thought necef- fary. The tables are accurate, and feveral of them new, fuch as Table IV. VIII. and XI. of annui- ties on lives; the firft expreffing the amount of L. I annuity upon a fingle life; in the conftruc- tion viii PREFACE. tion of which, the reafon is difcovered, why the value of a fingle life is lefs, and its amount greater, than that correfponding to its expectation; and the two laſt ſhewing the probabilities of life ad- apted to Scotland. The conftruction of the tables is clearly pointed out; and, by three equations annexed to each, all their ufes are diſcovered at firſt fight. Several branches of education, con- nected with this fcience, are treated of, fuch as Arithmetical and Geometrical Progreffions, the Extraction of the Square Root, Logarithms, the Arithmetic of Infinities, Fluxions, and the rule of Double Pofition. PR— np. 72 r In this Treatife there are many things new. The application of geometry, for amufement, to matters of intereft, moſt of the remarks annexed to each fubject, the bearer's lofs in difcounting bills, feveral of the theorems, fuch as P- expreffing the value of a fingle life, a Tontine, and Infurance from Fire, are all new. But what I chiefly value in this refpect, are Prob. III. and XVIII. of Annuities on Lives; the former difco- vering the value, and the latter the expectation of the joint continuance, or of the longeſt liver of number of lives, by methods which are both accurate, and fave many pages of algebraic inve- ftigation. As the queſtions in Annuities on Lives are various as the complections of men, I have, any in PREFACE. ix n the courſe of twenty-two problems, delineated a great number of thoſe which are marked with the ſtrongeſt features. Particular attention hath been paid to the Widows Scheme in the Church of Scotland, wherein fo many are intereſted; and the account given of its conftruction and opera- tion may enable Contributors to judge for them- felves, fhould the affairs of the Fund ever come before them in a judicial capacity. In the conftruction of the theorems of Intereſt and Annuities certain, I acknowledge myſelf much indebted to the labours of that able alge- braiſt Mr Nicolas Vilant, St Andrew's. Where- in I differ from others, as in the conftruction of a widows fcheme, in Prob. VIII, let the learned judge for themſelves; and wherein I am defective, I crave their indulgence. But I hope it will not be reckoned a defect, that I have not expreffed the theorems in fo many words, being perfuaded that an algebraic expreffion is much more intelligible at firſt fight, than it can be made by any lan- guage. The ſcience of Annuities on Lives is yet in its infancy. Dr Halley was the firſt who conftruc- ted a table of the Probabilities of Life: Moivre, Dodfon, Webfter, and Price, thefe fathers of the fcience, dropped only a few years ago. Thofe theo- b rems * PREFACE. rems of Mr De Moivre, which are built upon the principle, "that the decrements of life are in a "conſtant ratio," though beautiful in theory and eafy in practice, are now exploded, becauſe they give the value of life too fmall. In Scotland, we have no writer who treats methodically of Annui- ties; and Engliſh authors on theſe ſubjects are in very few hands: therefore, till a better appears, it is hoped that this Treatife, which has for its object a more perfect Syftem of Intereft and An- nuities than has hitherto appeared, will not be deemed an unneceffary performance. CULTS, OAЯober 18. 1 } CON- CONTENT S. CHAPTER I. Pag. I Arithmetical Progreffion, with a Table and Ex- amples, CHAPTER II. Simple Intereft, with Examples, Rebate or Difcount, Four Tables adapted to Simple Intereft, Remarks on Simple Intereft, Supplement to CHAP. II. 1. Of Intereft due upon Cafh-accounts, 2. Of the Equation of Payment, 3. Of the Premium of Commiffion, } CHAPTER III. Annuities computed at Simple Intercft, 1. The amount of an Annuity in Arrears, D 7 18 ය 21 27 སྔོན་མ་ 30 33 34 35 35 2. The *ii CONTENT S. Pags 2. The prefent worth of an Annuity, 38 3. in Reverfion, 40 4. of the Reverfion of an Annuity, ib. Two Tables of Annuities at Simple Intereft, Remarks upon Annuities at Simple Intereft, 41 45 CHAPTER IV. Geometrical Progreffion, with a Table and Ex- amples, Of a Geometrical Series continued indefinitely, 48 54 CHAPTER V. Compound Intereft, with Examples, The method of Calculation by Logarithms, Three Tables, adapted to Compound Intereft, Remarks upon Compound Intereſt, ! 55 57 59 65 CHAPTER VÍ. Annuities computed at Compound Intereft, 67 t. The amount of an Annuity in Arrears, The Rule of Double Pofition, 2. The Prefent worth of an Annuity, 3. of an Annuity in Reverfion, The Renewing of Leafes, with a Table, ib. 69 73 77 81 82 84 94 96 Supplement 4. The prefent Worth of the Reverfion of an Annuity, Three Tables of Annuities at Compound Intereſt, Annuities computed at Compound Intereft when the Pay- ments are made per advance, Remarks upon Annuities at Compound Intereſt, CONTENT S xiii Pag. Supplement to CHAP. VI. Of a Sinking Fund to extinguish the National Debt, CHAPTER VII. The Value of a Perpetuity or Freehold E- ſtate, Of a Reverſion in Perpetuity, Remarks upon the Purchale of a Perpetuity, Three Additional Tables of Compound Intereft, CHAPTER VIII. Annuities on Lives, Dr Halley's Table of the Probabilities of Life, Six Articles derived from it, Mr De Moivre's Hypothefis of equal Decrements, Twenty-two Problems derived moftly from it. PROB. I. To find the Value of a fingle Life, PROB. II. PROB. III. 97 ΙΟΙ 103 105 108 IIO II [ I 12 116 117 of two joint Lives, 119 of the joint continuance, or of the Longest Liver of any number of Lives, Ten Tables adapted to Annuities on Lives, 122 127 PROB. IV. of the longeſt Liver of two Lives, 144 PROB. V. of the longeſt of three Lives, 146 PROB. VI. for a given term of Years, on the Contingency of an affigned Life, with a Table, Supplement to PROB. I. II. III. IV. V. and VI. To find, by a Geometrical Figure, the Value of Life, in four Articles, 147 150 Art. xiv CONTENT S. Art. 1. To find the Value or amount of a Single Life, 2. 3. 4. 3w or of the joint continuance of Pag. ib. 152 of the longeft Liver of ditto, 154 for a given term of Years, on 158 any number of Lives, or or the Contingency of an Affigned Life, Of REVERSIONS. PROB. VII. To find the value of a Reverſion in Perpetui- ty, after one or more affigned lives, PROB. VIII. To find the Value of the Reverſion of an Annuity during a given Life, after the Deceaſe of the prefent Poffeffor, 162 165 Of a Widows Scheme, 167 Of a Marriage-Tax, 170 PROB. IX. during two joint Lives, af- ter the Deceafe of the prefent Poffeffor, 172 PROB. X. during one Life, after two joint ones, 173 PROB. XI. during a Life of a given Age, after the longest of two Lives, 174 PROB. XII, during the longeſt of two Lives after one, 175 PROB. XIII. where a given Term of Years is concerned, 176 PROB. XIV. depending on Survivor- fhip, and the Expectation of Life, 180 PROB. XV. Of Infurance on Lives, 184 PROB. XVI. To find the Value of fucceffive Lives, PROB. XVII. Of a Copyhold, and renewing of Leafes, PROB. XVIII. Of the Expectation of Life, The Arithmetic of Infinities, The Expectation of Life difcovered by Fluxions, Supplement to PROB. XVII. PROE. XIX. Of the Probability of Survivorship, FROB. XX. Of Half-yearly and Quarterly Payments of an Annuity, 187 189 192 194 199 200 206 212 PROB. CONTENT S. XV PROB. XXI. Of the Britiſh State-Lottery, PROB. XXII. Of a Tontine, Supplement to CHAP. VIII. Of Infurance from Fire, CHAP. IX. Of the Widows Scheme in the Church of Scotland, contained in Twelve Articles, Supplement to CHAP. IX. A Differtation, refpecting the Difpofal of the Surplus in the Fund of the Widows Scheme, when the Capital is raiſed to L. 100,000; addreſſed to the Truſtees for managing faid Fund, Pag. 214 220 223 225 254 The ( xvi) The Signs which occur, without being ex- plained in the body of the Work, are fuch as theſe : = The Sign of Equality. + 1 × a , 16 or a÷b Addition. Subtraction. Multiplication. Diviſion; a divided by b. +b, The Sum of the two Quantities a and b. aub, The Difference of the two Quantities a and b. abcd, Ratio; a is to b as c is to d. a, The Square Root of a. "a, The n Root of a. 2 a+b, The Square of a+b. R", The n Power of R. I R", 1 divided by the n power of R, L. The Logarithm of a Quantity. ARITH- CHAPTER I. Of ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. 1. WHEN a feries of quantities, exceeding two in number, increaſes or decreafes by the addi- tion or fubtraction of one common difference, the terms of the feries are faid to be in continued arithmetical progreffion. Thus, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, I. an increaſing feries. a decreaſing ſeries. a, atd, at2d, a†3d, a+4d...a+x=1Xd=v. v, v-d, v-2d, v—zd, v—4d... v-n-X d=a. v—2d, atv, atv, atv, atv, atv a+v= Sum of both. 2. If four quantities are thus proportional, the fum of the extremes will be equal to the fum of the means; Thus, Sum of the extremes. a, a+d, a+2d, a+3d; then 2 a+3d={Sum of the means. 3. If three quantities are thus proportional, the fum A 2 THEORY OF INTEREST, fum of the extremes is double of the mean; Thus, = Sum of the extremes. a, a+d, a+2d; then 2 a+2d Double of the mean. 4. Whatever be the number of terms in an arithmetical progreffion, the fum of the two ex- tremes will be equal to the fum of any two terms equidiftant from theſe extremes. Thus, 1+10 =5+6=3+8. 5. In a ferics of terms in arithmetical progref- fion, let a the firſt term. v=the laft term. n the number of terms. d the common difference. S= the fum of the feries; then as d is found in all the terms except the firft, its co-efficient in the laft term will be n-1, hence a+-1xd=v, து . - 1x d as and Hasv. P = p x 1 − 1 6. In any number of terms in arithmetical progreflion, the first and laft terms, multiplied by the number of terms, are equal to double the fum of the whole feries; Thus in the two feries above (1) which are perfectly equivalent, it is manifeft that the two taken together, that is the double of any one of them, will be equal to the fum of a ſeries of equals a+v, a+v &c. taken to n terms a tv x n = 25. 7. Therefore, in a continued arithmetical pro- greffion, if any three of the five quantitics, a, v, d, a, and s, are fuppofed to be given, the remain- ing two may be found, as in the following table: Given. AND ANNUITIES. CA) Given. a, d, n, I บ a, d, v, + a S 2 a, n, v, s=nXa+dx"= 1, v-a 2 X +I, • s=a+ux 2 Equation I. 2. 3. d, n, v, s =nX v — dXn—1, 4. • 2 a, d, n, a, d, s, 2 5 a, n, s, พ a, ท S d, n, s, V = ཡ = 72 d, v, n, S d, n, s, a v=a+ni Xd,……. v = √ axa―d + d x 2s +1 — 1d,.. + ½ d× n−1,... dx a = v—ñ—1Xd, -1dxn−1,.. Xn कं 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12 II. n, v, s, a }} d, v, s, v Xv+d — d X 2s+d, • 12. 25 n a = &d ± √ v Xv + d - Soughts in Equation 1ft. Sec. 6. 2s=nXatu Sought v in Equation 6. ato X n=25 a Sec. 5. 12 = +1 d 2 s = n xato Sec. 5. va+dxn−1 td X-I s=nX² a + d x = 2 Hence s=nXa+dX. +v+a=25 v² — a²+dv+da =2ds v²+dv=aXa-d+2ds 2 v²+dv+{d²=a Xa¬d+d'X 2044 v+3d = √ @ Xa-dded A 2 25- 1 THEORY OF INTEREST, Given. v-a a, d, v, n = + 1, a, d, s, ď S a n = √ ² s = a + q 2 + − +b…. Equation 13. a, v, s, d, v, s, 25 n = n = vja 14. 15. ย 7 + 2 + 1 - 2/2 + 1/1, . . . 25 16. ¿+ax v — a a, v, s, d: d= 17. 25 vta 25-zan a, n, s, d = X 18. n- n a, n, v, d d = 19. 2 V 25 n n, v, s, d= 20. 22 — [ Sought in Equation 14th. Sec. 5. and 6.2 a+d n-d× n = 25 2 and n²-d n = 2.$ 2 a 122 af d 25 ď ! I + * d 25- a d Sought a in 16th, Sec. 5. and 6.2 v n—d n—d n² = 2 s 20 n+ +r- d 2 I 2 V d 25 } V d + 2 + + a? d2 + 4 Sec. 6. Sought din 17th. -a X +1=25 d v+axv-a d +v+a=25 vta × v—a = 2ds—dx vte Sought din 18th. 2a+n-1xdx n = 2s 2an+n-1xdn = 28 2s-2 an 22Ixd n Sought din 20th. I } 2 v-n-IXdx n = 2s I 2 2 v n―n—Ix d n = 2 s I &cq 2 I n In AND ANNUITIES. 5 In the above table, the expreffions belong to an increafing progreffion, and may be applied alfo to a decreaſing one, by making the quantities a and v change places every where. EXAMPLES. iſt, Sought, the fum of the firſt hundred num- bers in their natural order. Here, a=1, n=100, v=100; by equation 3d, a+v× 3 = 101 × 50— 5050=fum fought. n 2d, Suppofe a baſket and 500 apples were pla- ced in a ſtraight line, a yard diſtant from each other, it is required how far one muſt go before he brings them, one by one, into the baſket? Here, as the diſtance muſt be gone over twice in bringing each apple, a=2, d=2, n=500; by e- quation Ift, n xa+dx n=1=500 x 501250500 yards 142 miles. I 3d, A man had 12 children; the youngeſt was three years old, and the common difference of their ages was four years; What was the age of the eldeft? Here a=3, d=4, N=12. By equa- tion 5th, a + ñ—1 x d = 3+44 = 47 years. 8. When a number of terms in arithmetical progreffion begins with a cypher, (0), which is the moſt regular feries, in this cafe, the fum of the feries is cqual to the laft term multiplied by half the number of terms. For ao, and, èqua- tion 6 THEORY OF INTEREST, tion 3d, s= n V X Thus 0, 1, 2, 3,...... 31 = 31 × 16496. 9. When a=2, and d=2 alfo, in this cafe, in equation ift, s = n² + n = a pronic number, which is produced by the addition of even num- bers in an arithmetical progreffion, beginning at 2; and the pronic root n = √ 45+1−1. I. 2 10. When a 1 and d=2, then sn². So that all ſquare numbers may be confidered as arifing from the addition of odd numbers in an arith- metical progreffion. Thus. Arithmetical Progreffion, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, &c. Square Numbers, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, &c. Hence may be determined how many odd numbers muſt be added to produce a given power of that number. Let the given number be n, the exponent of its power m, and the firft term of the feries a; then fince d=2, and the number of hence s=n" =n x a + 12-1 s=n™ and a=n"- n And thus it appears, how powers of all dimenfions may be obtained by fumming up of odd numbers. Thus, fuppofing m=3, and n= 3, 4, 5, 6, &c. terms n, ·72- 33 3456 M 772 7+9+1 I 13 + 15 +17 + 19. 5 3 = 21+23+ 25 +27 + 29. 6³ = 31 +33 + 35 + 37 + 39 +41. 772 - I 1 CHAP. AND ANNUITIES. 7 CHAP. II. Of SIMPLE INTEREST. 11. WHEN a fum of money is lent upon in- tereſt, and that intereft is either kept in the bor- rower's hands, or is paid regularly, without be- coming a part of the principal, it is then faid to bear fimple intereſt. The intereſt of money was formerly very high; but by an act of parliament, made in 12th Queen Anne, it is now reduced to, or it muſt not ex- ceed, 5 per cent. per annum. As the intereſt of L. I for one year is fo neceffary in computations both of fimple and compound intereft, it may be found, for any rate of intereft per cent, by the following proportions: 3 I .03 3 33.8 I 3.5 .C35 در) 28.57 e .04 25 As 100: 4.5, fo is 1: .045 5 .05 11 6 .06 00 8 I 22.7 4 11 Intereft of L. 1 for one year at I 20 -18 I I(). .08 I 12.5 ΤΟ .I -19 10 T 4 z per cent, LA 5 S 10 12. THEORY OF INTEREST, 12. In fimple intereft, let p, repreſent any principal lent out upon inte reſt. r, *, d,- i, 5, tereft. || the intereſt of L. 1 for one year. the time. any number of days. the intereft, and the amount of principal and in- Then, r, 2r, 3 r, 4r,...tr, will be the in- tereſt of L. 1 for 1, 2, 3, 4,...t times; but 1 : tr::p: trp=i, the intereſt of p for t times at the rate r; and drp = intereft of p for d days at 365 the rate r Hence the following TABLE. Given. t, r, p, i = trp = tor tp + P &c. &c. ... Equation 1. 20 25 i, t, r, 1=... 2. tr i, r, p, t = 3. i p, rp ist, psr = //... drp d₂ r₁₁ i = 108.... d, r, pr 365 4. 5: EX- AND ANNUITIES. 9 EXAMPLES. ift, Sought, the intereſt of L. 356 lent for 12 years, at the rate of 4 per cent. per annum. Here trp = 356 ×.54 = 192.24 = L. 192, 4 S. 9 d. intereſt. 2d, Sought, the principal whofe intereft will a- mount to L. 145 in the ſpace of 9 years, at the rate of 5 per cent. ½ 5 d. principal. 3d, Sought, the i Here tr 145 .45 L. 322, 4s. time in which L.567, 10 s. 9s. of intereft, at the rate 306.45 will produce L. 306, of 6 per cent. Here 9, the years гр 34.05 required. 14s. for 4th, Sought, the intereft of I..378, the ſpace of 127 days, at 5 per cent. Here 2404·7 — L. 6:11: 9 365 intereft required. dr p 305 13. Again, the intereſt of any principal p, be- ing manifeftly in the compound ratio of P the principal, t the time, and r the rate; it will be, as above, trp; to which adding p, we fhall have s, the amount of principal and intereft = p+ trpi+ir.xp. Hence the following table. B Given. 19 THEORY OF INTEREST, Given. p, t, r, s=p+trp=1+tr xp.... Equation 1. s, t, r, R = i +tr.. -P s, r, p, rp s, p, t, T ↑ = s-p. #p EXAMPLES. 2. 3. 4. ! 1, Sought, the amount of L. 156, lent for 12 years, at the rate of 4 per cent. Here+trx p 240.24 = L. 240 : 4 : 9½ d. — $• 1.54 × 156 2d, Sought, the principal which will amount to L. 873, 19s. in 9 years, at 6 per cent. S 873.95 1+tr 1.54 fought. Here L. 567, 10s. the principal 3d, Sought, the time in which L. 600, 143. will amount to L. 871.015, at the rate of 4 per Here Sp cent. rp 270.315 27.0315 = 10 years. 14. If the principal or intereft confifts of pounds, fhillings, and pence, theſe parts of a pound may be thrown into a decimal fraction, a and AND ANNUITIES. IF and the intereft or amount will be found as a- bove. There is an eafy method of converting the decimals of a pound into fhillings and pence, viz. double the firft decimal on the left hand, calling it fo many fhillings, to which add 1, if the 20 decimal exceeds 5; prefix the remainder above 5, in the 2d place of decimals, to the decimal in the 3d place, calling them fo many farthings, and fubtract at or above 25, and 2 at or above 47, and vice verfa. Thus, L. .7856 = = 15 s. 8 d. 81 and 11s, 6 d. L. .578. 15. If the time t confifts of years, months, and days, or of days only, their number may be collected from the following table, fhewing the number of days from the 1ft, 10th, 20th, &c. of one month, to the 1ft, 10th, 20th, &c. of any other month; where the months on the left hand column are the former dates, and thoſe at the top are the latter. Thus, from ift of July to ift of April following, are 274 days; and fron 20th of March to 10th of Auguft, are 153-10= 143 days. B 2 TABLE. 12 THEORY OF INTEREST, From Ift, &c. of. 1 TABLE. To ift, &c. of. M. Jan. Feb. |Mar April May June July Aug. Sept. | Oct. Nov. Dec. Fan. 365 31 59 90 120 151 181 212 243 273|304|334 Feb. 334 365 28 59 March. 306 337 365 31 89 120 150 181 212 242 273 303 61 92 122 152 184 214 245 275 April. 275 306 334 365 30 61 91 May. 245 276 304 335 365 31 276|304|335| | 122 153 183 214 244 61 92 123 153 184 214 June. 214 245 275 304 334 365 30 61 92 122 153 183 July. 184 215 243 274 304 335 365 31 Auguft. 153 184 212 243 273 304 334 365 31 Sept. 122 153 181 212 242 273 303 334 365 OЯ. 92 123 151 182 212 243 273 304 335 365 Νου. 61 92 Dec. 31 62 Days. 31 28 90 121 151 182 212 243 274 304 335 365 3I 30 31 30 31 31 30 3 I 30 31 62 92 123 153 30 སྦྱ「ཚུ 61 92122 61 | 91 31 61 120 151 181 212 242 273 304 334 365 30 16. Theſe days may be thrown into the deci- mals of a year by the following Table. Days. Decimals Days. Decimals. Days. Decimals. I .0027397 +423 + .0054794 8 .0219178 60 9.0246575 70 • 1643835 1917808 .0082192 ΙΟ 0273972 80 .2191730 4 .0109589 20 .0547945 90 .2 4 6 57 53 .0136986 30.0821918 100 .2739726 .0164383 -5479452 40.1095890 200 7 .0191780 50.1369863 300 .8219178 Thus it is required to exprefs 143 days in the de- cimal fraction of a year, 100 AND ANNUITIES. 13 } 100.2739726 40=.1095890 3.0082192 143.3917808 of a year. Ex. Required the intereft of L. 356, 12 s. for 3 years and 143 days, at five per cent. per an- Here num. trp=3.41178x.05×356.6=L. 60: 16: 7 Intereft. 60:16: 17. The intereſt of any fum of money, for any number of years, at a given rate, may be collect- ed from the following table, calculated for the nine digits, at feveral rates of fimple intereft. ερ TABLE. trp for years. 3 pr cent 3 pr cent 4 pr cent 44 pr cents pr cent (5 pr cent I .03 2 3 .05 .07 .035 .04 .08 .045 .05 .06 .09 .10 .12 .09 .105 . I 2 .135 .15 .18 4 .12 .14 .16 .18 .20 .24 5 .15 .175 .20 .225 .25 •30 6 .18 .2[ .24 .27 :30 .36 7 .2[ .245 .28 • 315 35 .42 • 2.4 .28 • 32 •36 •47 ·48 9 .27 ·31536 •405 •45 •54 In this table, the decimals, for inftance, cor- refponding to 9 exprefs the intereft of L. 9 for 1. year, or of L. 1 for 9 years, or of p for t years, whatever 14 THEORY OF INTEREST, whatever theſe be, provided their product tp=9, at a given rate. Of confequence the intereft-co- lums are equal to trp, while the marginal one correfponds to tp. And it is evident that the tabular numbers will not only anfwer for units, but alfo for tens, hundreds, or thoufands, by re- moving the decimal point one, two, or three pla- ces to the right hand. Hence, in ufing this ta- ble, multiply the principal by the number of years in queſtion, and take out the decimals cor- refponding to their product; thefe being properly pointed and added together will exprefs the inte- reft required. Ex. Required the intereft of L. 348, 12s. for 12 years, at four per cent. per annum. Here 3+8.6x12=4183.2. By the Table. 4000 160.0 100 4.0 80 3.2. 3 .12 .008 Intereſt. L. 167:6:64 = 167.328 If the given rate be not in the table, the inte- reſt may be found by reduction. 18. The intereſt of any fum of money, for any number of days or months, at a given rate, may be collected from the following table, calculated for the 9 digits, at feveral rates of fimple inte- reft. TABLE AND ANNUITIES. 17 TABLE. drp for Days. 365 dp 4 per cent. 4 per cent. 5 per cent. I mip for Months. 12 4 pr cent 4 p. cent 5 pr cent. .00010959 .00012328.000136986.0033.00375.00416 2.00021918.00024657.co0273972.0060.00750.00833 3.00032876.00036986.000410958 .0100.01125.01250 4.00043835.00049315.00054794 0133.01500.0166€ .00054794.00061643.00068493 .0166.01875.c2083 6.00065753.00073972.000821918 .0200.022501.02500 7.00076712.00086301.00095890 023302625.02916 8.00087671.00098629 .0010959 .0256.03000.03333 .00098630.00110958.00123287 I .03001.03375.03750 In this table alfo, the decimals, for inftance, correfponding to 6, exprefs the intereſt of L. 6 for 1 day, at a given rate, or of L. 1 for 6 days, or of p for d days, whatever thefe be, provided their product dp-6. Of confequence the intereft-co- lumns are equal to dip, while the marginal one 365' correfponds to dp. The fame of months. In computing intereft by days, which is more ufual than by months, the year is always fuppofed to confift of 365 days; the 29th of February, in leap years, not being taken into the account. Alfo the day computed from is not reckoned, but the day computed to is: and in difcharging bills, three days of grace are allowed the acceptor to make payment. In ufing the above table, multiply the princi- pal by the number of days or months in queftion, and take out the decimals correfponding to their product; 16 THEORY OF INTEREST, product; theſe being properly pointed and added together will exprefs the intereſt required. Ex. Required the intereft of L. 564 for 238 days, at 41 per cent. per annum. Here 564×238= 4½ 134232. By the Table. : 100000 12.3287 30000 3.6986 4000 .49315 200 .02465 30 .00369 2 .00024 Intereſt fought. L. 16, 11 S.- 16.54903 If the given rate be not in the table, the inte- reft be found by reduction; or by the fol- lowing table. may 19. The intereft of any fum of money, for any number of days, and at any given rate, may be collected from the following table. TABLE. drpd for Days. 365 I 23 .002739726 .005479452 .008219178 4 .010958904 5 .013698630 6 .016438356 7 .019178082 .021917808 9.024657534 In this table, the digits in the firſt column are the products drp; and the decimals are the quotients of thefe products di- vided by 365, and, of conſe- quence, are the intereft of p for d days, and at the rate r, what- ever thefe factors be. There- fore to find the intereft of any fum of money by the table, multiply AND ANNUITIES. 17 ; multiply the principal, the number of days, and the rate of L. I per annum, into one fum, and from the table take out the intereft correſponding to their product. Ex. Required the intereft of L. 342, 15 s. for 260 days, at 5 per cent. Here 342.75 × 260 ×.05 =4455.75• By the Table. 4000 10.9589 400 1.09589 50 .13698 5 .01369 .7 .00192 .05 .000137 L. 12:4:2 = 12.207517 Intereſt. = 20. Or the intereft of any fum of money, for any number of days, at five per cent. may be dif- covered by the following proportion: 100x365:5:: pxd: px equations, pxd 7300° Hence the following ift, -Intereft of p for d days, 7300 2d, Intereſt of p for 100 days, 73 3d, d 73 Intereft of L. 100 for d days, d P at 5 per cent. 4th, When 1, 2, 3, &c. then intereſt 73 of p for 73×1, 2, 3, &c. days. 100 Ex. ft. Suppofe p-L. 564, and d=238 days; then p× tereft. 7300 134232 7300 18.388 C L. 18: 7:9, the in- Ex. 2d, 18 THEORY OF INTEREST, 1 Ex. 2d, Suppofe p=L. 342.75, and d=260 days; then, 2=342.75 -4.6952 73 1 73 2 9.3904 Int. for 200 days. = T = 2.81712 12.20752=Intereſt required. Ex. 3d, Suppofe p-L. 448, and d236 days; then, d =235=3.23287=Intereſt of L. 100. 73 A 5 4 12.93148 = 1.29314 = .25863 14.48325 = Intereſt of L. 448. Of Rebate or Diſcount. 21. To find p, the prefent value of any fum وک due at any time t, and at any rate of intereſt r. Here (13, Eq. 2.) s-p-diſcount. S p the prefent value of s, and Ex. What ready money will pay a bill of L. 682, 18 s. due 3 years and 9 months hence, diſcounting intereft at the rate of 5 per cent. Here S 682.0 1.1875 1+tr 682.9- =575.07 = p, and 575.07= L. 107: 16:7 107:16:74 the diſcount. If the time : AND ANNUITIES. I time be days, they may be thrown into the deci- mals of a year by a former table (16.) and then you may proceed as above. Ex. What is the prefent value of a bill of L. 285, 10s. due 95 days hence, diſcounting intereſt at 5 per cent. 95 = .26= 95.26=t .05=r 285.5 281.841 p. 1.013+ 1.013=1+tr, 285.5—281.841—3.66=diſcount. d 73 Or thus, feeing intereft of L 100 for d days at 5 per cent. (20); hence, in the laſt example, 9 7 21.3 Intereft of L. 100 for 95 days; then 101.3: 1.3:: 285.5: 3.66-diſcount. 3.66 281.84-prefent value. But as the difcounting bills in this manner is no better than lending money upon intereft, bankers, and others who keep money for the pur- pofe of diſcounting bills, confider the fum to be paid in the bill as a principal, find the intereſt thereof for the time to run, adding thereto three days of grace, and deducting the intereft fo found from the content of the bill, they pay the balance to him for whom the diſcount is made : fome, likewife, for their trouble, charge or per cent. commiffion, which, before deduction, is added to the intereft. 2 Ex. A bill is prefented the 5th of May for dif count, of L. 350, 16 s. payable 27th of July; how much money does the bearer receive, after deduction C 2 י 20 THEORY OF INTEREST, 1 deduction of intereft and per cent. commiffion? Here p 350.8, d=83+3; hence 3 50.8×86=4.133=Intereſt. 7300 .877 Commiffion. 5.010 Sum to be deducted. Hence L. 345.790 paid the bearer of the bill. But the true diſcount being preciſely equal to the intereft of the prefent value of the bill for the time to run, as calculated in a former example, it is evident that the bearer is a confiderable lofer by this tranfaction; and it will be found, that, call- ing the intereft of the bill its difcount, the bearer thereof lofes exactly, befides commiffion, the in- tereſt of its true difcount for the time to run, For calling d the true diſcount found by 13. Equa- tion 2. then ſeeing s=d+ p. I-(intereft of s) intereft of d+p, for the time of diſcount; but dintereft of p for the faid time hence i-d, (the bearer's lofs when i is the difcount) Intereft of d for the time of difcount. Ex. A bill of L. 210 payable a twelvemonth hence is prefented to be diſcounted; required the bearer's lofs in this tranfaction : L. 10 10 the intereſt of the bill. 10 oo the true diſcount. of true diſcount 10 s. the bearers lofs-intereſt per cent. per annum, upon the prefent worth of the bill, for the time of difcount. When the rate of intereft is not mentioned, 5 per cent. the legal intereft, is always underſtood. 22. The AND ANNUITIES. 21 22. The feveral particulars refpecting fimple in- tereſt will more readily be found by the help of the four following tables, wherein are calculated the amount and prefent value of L. 1 for days or years, at ſeveral rates of intereſt. TABLE I. Shewing the Amount of L. 1 for I Days. 1 D 4 per cent. 4 per cent.[5 per cent. D. 14 pr cent. 41 pr cent.5 pr cent. 11 00010958 1.00012328 1.00013698|| 27| 1.002959 1.003328 1.003698 21.00021917 1.00024657 1.0002739 28 1.003068 1.003452 1.003835 31.00032876 1.00036986 1.0004109 29 1.003178 1 003575 I 003972 41.00043834 1.00049314 1.0005479 30 1.003287 1.003698 1.004109 51.00054794 1.00061643 1.0006849 31 1.003397 1.003822 1.004246) 61.000657521 c0073972 1.0008219 7 1.00076710 1.00086300 1.0009589 81.00087668 1.00098628 1.001958 91.00098628 1.0011095 1.0012328 101.co10958 1.00123281.0013698 11 1.0012059 1.0013561 1.0015068 12 1.0013501.0014794 1.0016438 131 0014246 1.0016027 1.0017808 14 1.0015342 100172601.0019178 15 1.0016438 1.0018493 1.0020548 32 1.003507.1.003945 1.004383 321 003616 1.004068 1.0045 20 34 1.003726 1.0041917 1.004657 35 1.003835 1.0043151.004794 36 1.003945 1.004438 1.004931 + 40 1.004383 1.004931 1.005479 50 1.005479 1.006164 1.006849 60 1.006575, 1007397 1.008219 701 007611 1.008630 1.009589 80 1.008767 1.0098621.010959 窄 ​16 1.0017534 1.001972 1.0021917 90 1.009863 1.011095 1.012328 17 1.0018629 1.0020958 1.0023287 100 01058 1.012328 1013698 18 1.0019726 1.002219 1.0024657 OC 1.021917|1.02465 1.027397 19 1.0020821 1.002242 1.0026027 300 1.03287 1.03697 20 1.00219178 1.002465 1.0027397 310 1.033971 03822 21 1.0023013 1.002589 22 1.002410у 1.002712 23 1.0025205 1.002835 1.0028767 320 103506|1.03945 1.0030137 330 1.03616 1804068 24 1.0026301 1.002958 1 25 1.0027397 1.003082 26 1.0028493 1.003205 1.041095 1.042465 1.043835 1.045205 і 1.04315 104438 1.047945 1.049315 1.045 1.05 1.0031506 340 1.03726 1.041917 1.046575 1.0032876 350 1.03835 1.0034246 360 1 03945 1.0035616 1:65|1.04 TABLE 22 N THEORY OF INTEREST, A 4 I TABLE II. Shewing the Amount of L. 1 for Years. Yrs 4pr cent. 41p.cen. 5 pr cent. 6pr cent. Yrs 4pr cent. 4p.cen.15 pr cent.6pr cert. I 1.04 1.045 1.05 1.06 31 2.24 2 1.08 1.09 I.IO I.12 32 2.28 2.395 2.55 2.86 2.44 2.60 2.92 31 1.12 1.135 1.15 1.18 33 2.32 2.485 2.65 2.98 4 1.16 1.18 1.20 1.24 34 2.36 2.53 2.70 3.04 5 1.20 1.225 1.25 1.30 35 2.40 2.575 2.75 3.10 6 1.24 1.27 1.30 1.36 36 2.44 2.62 2.80 3.16 7 1.28 1.315 1.35 1.42 37 2.48 2.665 2.85 3.22 8 1.32 1.36 1.40 1.48 38 2.52 2.71 2.90 3.28 9 1.36 1.405 I.45 1.54 39 2.56 2.755 2.95 3.34 IO 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.60 40 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.40 II 1.44 1.495 1.55 1.66 43 2.64 2.845 3.05 3.46 12 1.48 1.54 1.60 1.72 42 2.68 2.89 3.10 3.52 13 1.52 1.585 1.65 1.78 43 2.72 2935 3.15 3.58. 14 1.56 1.63 1.70 1.84 44 2.76 2.98 3.20 3.64 15 1.60 1.675 1.75 1.90 45 2.80 3.025 325 3.70 16 1.64' 1.72 1.80 1.96 46 2.84 3.07 3.30 3.76 17 1.68 1.765 1.85 2.02 47 2.88 3.115 3.35 3.82 18 1.72 1.31 1.90 2.08 48 2.92 3.16 3.40 3.88 19 1.76 1.855 1.95 2.14 49 2.96 3.205 3.45 3.94 20 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.20 50 3.00 3.25 3.50 4.00 21 1.84 1.945 2.05 2.26 51 3.04 3.295 3.55 4.06 22 1.88 1.99 2.10 2.32 52 3.08 3.34 3.60 4.12 23 1.92 24 1.96 2.035 2.15 2.38 53 3.12 3.385 3.65 4.18 2.08 2.20 25 2.00 2.125 2.25 2.44 2.50 54 3.16 3.43 3.70 4.24 55 3.20 3.475 3.75 4.30 26 2.04 27 2.08 2.17 28 2.12 2.30 2.215 2.35 2.62 2.26 2.56 56 3.24 352 3.80 4.36 57 3.28 3.565 3.85 4.42 3.6x 3.90 4.48 3.655 3.95 4.54 2.40 2.68 58 3.32 29 2.16 2.305 2.45 2.74 59 3.36 30 2.20 2.35 2.50 2.80 60 3.40 3.70 4.00 4.60 Tables I. and II. fhew the amount of L. 1 for days or years, and are conftructed by Equation 1. 13. whereby n the tabular number=1+ir. Or thus, Table I. is conſtructed by taking 364 mean arithme- tical proportionals between o and the rate of L. I for one year, or by dividing this rate by 365, the quotient gives the intereft of L. I for one day; and this intereft added to itfelf continually gives the intereft for any number of days, to which prefixing 1, you have the amount of L. 1 for thefe I days. AND ANNUITIES. 23 days. If a given number of days are not in the table, divide them into fuch numbers as are to be found there, and to the fum of the decimals correfponding to theſe numbers prefix 1, the whole will exprefs the amount of L 1. for the given number of days at a given rate. Or remove the decimal point, where it can be done, one figure to the right hand, and you have the amount for 10 times the tabular number; thus 240=1.032876. at five In like manner Table II. is con- per cent. ſtructed by adding the intereſt of L. I continual- ly to itſelf for any number of years, to which adding 1, you have the amount of L. 1 for thefe years. If the given time confifts of years and days, to the tabular number correſponding to the years in Table II. add the decimals or intereſt an- fwering to the days in Table I. their fum will be the amount of L. 1 for the given time. From the nature of theſe two tables, I: n::p:np=s the a- mount of p, for the time and at the rate corre- fponding to n. Hence the following table: TABLE. Given. p, t, r, s, t, r, s, r, p, l |s, t, p, s=np. P p 12. The rate r being given, t the time is found oppofite ton; and t being given, r is found above n in the ta- bles. Ex. ift, Sought, the amount, L. 356, 10 s. for 160 days, at 4 per cent. By Table I. np=1.017533 ×356.5--L. 362.75; and intereft=L. 6.25 2d, Sought, the amount of L. 300 for 7 years and 165 days, at five per cent. By Table II. and I. 22+n-1xp= 1.3726 × 300- L. 411.78. amount fought. 3d, 24 THEORY OF INTEREST, 3d, Sought, the time in which L. 300 will a- mount to L. 400 at 5 per cent. Here= 1.33333-6 years +200+40+3 days. P TABLE III. Shewing the prefent Value of L. i for Days, at five per cent. Dys I 2 3 4 นา 5 6 7 8 9 0.99 9863 97209589 9452 9315 9179 9042 8905 8768 ΙΟ 8632 8495 8359 8277 8086 7950 7815 7678 7541 7403 20 7266 7128 6991 6857 6723 6587 6451 6365 63656179 | 6043 30 5907 5771 5635 5549 5463 5377 5291 5106 4921 4735 40 4550 4414 4279 4144 4009 3873 3738 3603 3468 | 3332 50 3197 3062 2927 2388 60 1848 1713 1578 70 0502 0367 0233 80.989163 9028 | 8893 8893 90 7823 7689 7556 7021 2792 2657 2522 1443 1309 1174 00999965 9965 | 9831 8758 8623 8489 8758 8623 7422 7288 7154 1010 0905 0771 0636 96979563 | 9430 | 9296 8356 | 8223 | 8090 7956 6887 6754 6621 2253 2118 1983 100 6488 6356 6225 6225 IIO 5156 5023 4891 120 3829 3696 3504 3299 130 2504 2372 2240 2107 1975 140 1184 1052 6093 5962 5827 5692 5692 | 5557 5422 5289 4758 4625 4410 4360 4227 4094 3961 3434 3166 3934 2901 2769 2686 1843 1711 1579 1447 1315 0920 0788 0657 0525 0394 0262 0131 9999 150.979868 9736 9605 9605 9473 9342 9210 9079 8947 8816 8684 1160 8553 8422 8291 8160 8029 7898 7767 7636 7605 7374 170 7243 7112 180 5936 5806 190 4633 4503 69826851 6720 5075 5545 5445 4373 4243 4113 6589 | 6449 6318 6187 6057 5284 5154 3983 5024 4893 4763 3853 3723 3593 3463 210 200 3333 2038 3203 2815 2685 1909 1521 2944 25562426 3074 1779 1650 2297 2167 1391 1262 1133 1003 0874 220 0745 0616 0487 0358 0229 ΟΙ Ι 9972 9843 9714 9585 230.969457 9328 9200 9071 8942 8814 8685 8557 84288309 240 8171 8043 7934 7786 7658 7529 7401 7273 7144 7016 2501 6388 67606632 6504 6376 | 6248 | 6121 5993 5865 5737 260 56095481 5354 5226 5098 4971 4843 4716 4588 4460 270 4333 4205 4078 3951 3824 3697 3570 280 3061 2934 2807 2680 2553 2426 2300 290 1792 1665 1539 | 1412 1286 1159 1033 3442 3315 3188 2173 2046 1919 0906 0770 07700653 1300 340 350 13601 5498 5373 5248 4249 4124 3999 3002: 2878. 2753 0527 0401 0274 0148 0022 310.959265 9139 9013 8387 1320 8006 7880 7755 7629 7378 7252 7127 7001 6875 330 6750 6625 6499 6374 6249 6124 5999 5123 4998 4873 3875 3750 3625 2629 2381 9896 9769 9643 9643 9517 9391 8761 8635 8509 86358509 | 8384 8384 8258 8132 7503 5873 5748 | 5623 4748 4624 4499 4374 3501 2505 3376 3251 TABLE 3127 AND ANNUITIES. 25 TABLE IV. Shewing the prefent Value of L. I for Years. I I I+tr Ys4 pr cent.15 pr cent. 6 pr cent. Ys4 pr cent.5 pr cent.6 pr cent. 1.961538952381 943396 26.490196.434781.390625 2.925926.909091 .892857 27.480769.425532.381679 3.892857.869565 847457 28.471698.416666.373134 4.862069.833333.806451 29.462963.408163.364963 5833333.8 .769230 30.4545454 -357143 6.806451.769230.735294 31.446428.393157.349650 7.781250.740740 .704225 32.438596.384615.342466 8.757576.714286.675675 33.431034-377358 .335570 9.735294689655 .649350 34.422728.370370-328947 10.714286.666666 .625 35.416666.363636.322581 11.694444.645161.602409 36.409836.357143.316456 12.675675 625 .581395 37.403226350877.310559 13.657895.606060.561797 38 396825.344827 304878 14.641025.588235-543478 39-390625.338983.29940г 15.625 -57142852631540384615-333333.294117 16.609756.55555551020441-378788.327870.289017 17.595238540540.49504942.373134.322581.284091 18 581395.526315.480769 43.367647.317460.279330 19.568182 .512820.467289 44.362319.3125 20.555555 |·5 -454545 .274725 45.357143.307692.270270 21.543478.487804.44247746.352113.303030.265957 22.581915.476190.43103447-347222.298509.262383 23.520833.465116.420168 48.342466.294117.25 77 32 24.510204.454545409836 49.337838.289855.253807 1.285714.25 25.5 .444444 .4 150-33333 ! Tables III. and IV. fhew the prefent value of L. 1 for days or years, and are conftructed by E- quàtion 2d, 13. whereby n, the tabular number, For they are the reciprocals of Table I. and II. whereby of Table I. and II.=" of Table III. and IV. From the nature of theſe two Tables, 1:n::s:ns=p, Insns=p, the principal or prefent worth S, for the time and at the rate correfponding of to 11. 2 D When 26 THEORY OF INTEREST, When the time of diſcount confifts of years and days, in this caſe, nxns=p, the prefent worth. Hence the following TABLE. Given. s, t, r, p=ns. p, t, r, s=² s, r, p, n=? (s, t, p, Ex. 1ft, What ready money will take up a bill of L. 685, 12s. due 255 days hence, intereſt be- ing reckoned at 5 per cent? By Table III ns= •966248 × 685.6=L. 662.4596=p, and diſcount = L. 23.14. 2d, Required the prefent worth of L. 250, dif- counting for 10 years, at the rate of 5 per cent. By Table IV, ns=.6666 × 250 = L. 166.666=p, and diſcount — ·L. 83.33. 3d, What ready money will pay a debt of L. 150 due 5 years and 95 days hence, intereſt be- ing reckoned at 5 per cent.? By Table IV. and III. nns=.8×.987154×150= L. 118.45848=p, and L. 31.541-difcount. 4th, Havings, p, and r, in the laft example, fought, t the time. 18.45848.7897232=nn, and 7897232 85 yrs £ 2 — -.987154=95 days. Theſe examples may with equal facility be de- termined by the equations annexed to Table I. and II. Re- AND ANNUITIES: 27 Remarks upon Simple Intereft. 23. 1ft, If the time be fought in which a fum of money will double itſelf at a given rate of in- tereft. In this cafe, the intereft being equal to the principal, trp=p, which gives tr=1, t=‡ and r=; ſo that t and are reciprocal of and diſcover one another, when a ſum of money doubles it- felf at ſimple intereſt. Or thus, feeing (12) inte- reft=, or, &c. according to the feveral rates of intereft; hence if t=20, 25, &c. when the rates are 5, 4, &c. per cent. the intereft will e- qual the principal So that 25 33.33 28.57 25 3/12/2 334 પત Intereſt➡p, when t― 22.24 years at 4 per cent. per ann. 20 16.68 12.5 10 6 8 10, &c. 2d, The fimple intereft of any fum of money is, ceteris paribus, in the direct proportion of p, t, or r; fo that doubling p, while and remain the fame, the intereft will be doubled alfo, &c. For as intereſt=trp, if you increaſe or diminiſh any one of theſe three factors, the intereft will be increaſed or diminiſhed in the fame proportion. D 2 3d, The , 28 A 1 : THEORY OF INTEREST, 3d, The intereſt of any fum of money, for a given time, and at a given rate, may be diſcover- ed by means of a right-angled tri- D trp E I angle. Thus. In conftructing the right-angled triangle ABC, make AB, and B I P BC=p; in AB C take the point D, above or below BC, making AD=t, and join AC; then DE drawn parallel to BC will reprefent the intereft fought, For AB, or being equal to the time in which p will double itſelf at the rate r, BC-intereſt of p at the end of that time; but AB: BC:: AD : DE, therefore, by the laſt remark, DE=intereſt of p for the time t, and at the rate r. Ex. Suppofe p=L. 460, t=12 years, and the rate 5 per cent.; then AB-20, BC=460, AD=12, and DÊ-L. 276=intereſt. 4th, The different amounts are, ceteris paribus, in the direct proportion of their principals or pre- fent worths; ſo that doubling p, while t and r re- main the fame, the amounts will be doubled al- fo, &c. For as the amount s=p+trp, ſo 2s= 2p+trx2p. But the different amounts of the fame princi- pal, or the different prefent worths of the fame bill, are not in the direct proportion of t or r; for 2s is greater than p+2trp; and though, yet AND ANNUITIES. 29 yet is greater than ip. Hence the different I+2tr diſcounts of the fame bill are not in the direct proportion of the times or rates. 5th, The amount of any fum of money, for a given time, and at a given rate, may be diſcover- ed by a geometrical figure, two of whofe oppoſite fides are parallel, and two of its angles right. Thus, in conſtructing the annexed figure, make E A G F H I Þ Þ C B D AB=1, CD, bifected in B, = 20; in AB take AF =t; and having completed the parallelogram AC and triangle ABD, GH drawn through F paral- lel to CD will repreſent the amount fought. For as GF=p, and FH, by remark 3d, is equal to trp, hence GH=s the amount. Ex. Suppoſe p=L. 300, t=9 years, and the rate 5 per cent.; then AB=20, AF-9, CD=600, GF =300, and GH-L. 435, the amount. 6th, As in fimple intereft, ftrictly speaking, the intereft is fuppofed not to be uplifted while the 30 THEORY OF INTEREST, the principal remains in the borrower's hands; it muft alter the cafe greatly when that intereft is paid yearly, and make it partake of the nature of compound intereft, feeing one hath the uſe, and can diſpoſe of that interelt. Supplement to Chapter II. ift, Of intereſt due upon caſh-accounts and par- tial payments. 24. In calculating intereft on cash-accounts, or where ſeveral partial payments are made at dif- ferent periods on the fame fum, multiply. the principal and the ſeveral balances into the num- ber of days they are at intereft; the fum of theſe products divided by 7300 (20) will give the total intereſt at 5 per cent. Ex. 1. Lent A B, the 11th of November 1788, L. 800, which I received in the following partial payments; what intereſt is due at 5 per cent? 1738 Nov. 1. Principal lent, 1789. L. d 800 65 52000 Jan. 15. Received in part, 250 Balance, 550 92 50600 April 17. Received in part, 150 Balance, 400 62 2480o June 18. Received in part, 100 Balance, 300 62 18600 Aug. 19. Received in part, 125 Balance, 175 37 6475 Sept. 25. Received in full of principal, 175 } 1524.75=20.887 Int. O 73 Bankers AND ANNUITIES. 31 Bankers fometimes receive at 4 and lend at 5 per cent. In this cafe it may be proper to confi- der the money lent by the banker as debtor, and the money received by him as creditor, and to make two columns for products, where the intereſt arifing from the debtor products is to be compu- ted at five, aad the other at 4 per cent.; the dif- ference of theſe two is the balance of intereft due to or by the banker. Ex. 2. A B runs a cafh-account with a bank- er to the extent of L. 500, at 5 per cent. for the balances due by him, and has allowed him 4 per cent. for fuch balances as may be due to him. What intereft will be due, and by whom, in confequence of the following tranſactions? 1789. L. d. Dr Jan. 8. Dr 200 March 10. Cr: 350 May 15. Dr 310 Cr 6I 12200 Cr 150 66 9900 Dr 160 66 10560 July 20. Cr 240 Cr 80 52 4160 Sept. 10. Dr 410 Dr 330 52 17160 Nov. 1.Cr 420 Cr 90 | 49 4410 Dec. 20.Dr 250 1790. Jan. 8.Dr 160 19 3040 42960 | 18470 મ 32 THEORY OF INTEREST, 1 429.60—4) 184.7-L. 3.86 Int. 73 5 73 } due to the banker. 160.00 Prin. Š When partial payments are made on bills or bonds at any interval greater than a year, the le- gal and ufual method is to add the intereſt at the times of payment to the principal, and from that amount to deduct the payment. Ex. 3d. Borrowed on bond, June 1. 1781, the fum of L. 1000, at 5 per cent. and made partial payments as follows; required, the ſtate of the af- fair on the 14th of Auguſt 1785. 1781. June 1. Principal borrowed, Interest for 1 year and 129 L. 1000 67.671 days, 1782. Amount, Oct. 8. Paid in part, Balance, 1067.671 250 817.671 Intereft for 1 year and 85 days, 50.4 1784. Amount, 868.071 Jan. 1. Paid in part, 408.071 Balance, 460. Intereſt for 1 year and 225 days, 37.178 1785. Amount, 497.178 Aug. 14. Paid in full, 497.178 2. Of 1 AND ANNUITIES: 33 2d. Of the equation of payment. 25. When two or more debts are payable at different times; the finding a mean time at which all the debts may be paid at once, without loſs to debtor or creditor, is called equating the terms of payment, and may be performed by the fol- lowing RULE. Multiply the feveral debts into their reſpective times, and divide the fum of the products by the to- tal debts; the quotient is accounted the mean time. Ex. A owes B L. 800, whereof L. 200 are to be paid at the end of 2 months, L. 300 at the end of 6 months, and L. 300 at the end of 10 months; required the equated time for paying the whole. 200 x 2 2 = 400 6 1800 300 × 6 = 300 × 10 = 3000 800 )5200(6.5 months, anſwer. The above method is eaſy, but not accurate : for a perfon, by keeping money unpaid after it be- comes due, gains the intereſt thereof for that time ; but by paying money before it is due, he does not loſe the intereft, as the Rule fuppofes, but only the diſcount thereof for that time, which is always leſs than the intereft, by the intereſt of the diſcount for the time; therefore take the fol- lowing RULE. Find, by Equation 2d, 13. the of each debt, and by Equation 3d, time the fum of the prefent worths to the fum of the debts. E prefent worth find in what will amount EN. A 15 34 THEORY OF INTEREST, Ex. A owes B L. 250, whereof L. 50 is pay- able 1 year hence, L. 100 3 years hence, and L. 100 5 years hence; what is the equated time for paying all theſe debts at once, intereſt reckon- ed at 5 per cent.? Here, 50 1.05 100 1.15 100 1.25 гр 47.619 then 35.428-3.302-3 years and 110 days. 86.956 80.000 =p• 214.575 3d. Of the premium of commiſſion. It is ufual with bankers, in granting a draught upon their correfpondents either at home or a- broad, payable to the bearer or order, for value received, to charge fo much per cent. upon the tranfaction, in name of commiffion; which com- miffion varies from to 2 per cent. according to the nature of the cafe; hence the following ठ्ठ 2 TABLE. 1 15 Per cent. Com. on L. I. Per cent. Com. on L. I. L. S. d. 02 6 L. S. .005 0 15 I I O .0075 .01 0 3 3 4 4 5 .00125 .0015 .00168 .002 .0025 6 8 .0038 Ο 1Ο 141237 1 2 2 2 2 3 3) 5 .0125 I 10 .015 .0175 2 O 22 5 2 IO 23 2 15 .02 .0225 .025 .0275 3 Q .03 3/12/13 10 .035 Ex. Sought, the commiffion upon L. 542 at 1- Here 542×.015=L. 8.13, the commif- per cent. fion. CHAP. CHA P. III. Of ANNUITIES computed at SIMPLE INTEREST. 26. AN annuity, rent, or penfion, is a fum of money payable yearly, every half year, or quar- terly, to continue for a certain number of years, for life, or for ever. When an annuity conti- nues unpaid after it falls due, it is then faid to be in arrears. When the purchaſer does not imme- diately enter upon poffeffion, the annuity not commencing till fome time after, it is faid to be in reverfion; and the reverfion of an annuity is the preſent value of a perpetuity which is to com- mence after the expiration of the annuity, being the fame with a reverſion in fee-fimple. Ift. Of the amount of an annuity in arrears. 27. In computing annuities at fimple intereft, let, a repreſent the annuity, rent, or penfion. P t S its prefent value. the time of its continuance. the number of years before it com- mences. the intereſt of L. I for one year. the amount of an annuity and its in- tereſt. E 2 Then, 36 THEORY OF INTEREST, * Then, fince L. 1:r.:a: ar, and as the firſt year's annuity bears no intereft, being due only at the end of the year, we fhall have, from an yearly annuity, a, axito a × 1+r a × 1+ 2r axitzr amount of the 1ſt year. = amount of the 2d year. = amount of the 3d year. = amount of the 4th year, @ × 1+1=1×r = amount of the t year. a Here the number of terms of this feries being †, the fum s=tax1+r (8). ing Hence the follow- TABLE, Given. a, t, r,s=taxı = taxi+=r=ta+xtra-ra. Equation 1. s, t, r, a txi+=r. 25 =7 20 s, t, a, -IX a s, r, a, t = √ 121/4 + 1. ar Sought r, in Equation 3d. Equ. 1. sta+12-14. 2 25 — 2ta=12a-taxr. 25 2a 24t- I xar. 2 } Sought t, in Equation 4th. 25 = 2att²a — to xr. Equ. I. 25 2a1 +12a-te. 21 23 ar 23 ar 2. 3, ள் 4. Ex. ift. AND ANNUITIES. 37 Ex. 1ft, Required the amount of an annuity of L. 20 per annum, being in arrears for 12 years, at 5 per cent. fimple intereft. Here a=20, t=12, r=.05, and tax ir=240x1.275=306=s. 2 2d, Sought, the annuity, which being in arrears for 9 years will amount to L. 250, at 5 per cent. Here s 250, t = 9, r = .05• 250 —L. 23.148 S t-I tx1+10.8 X I 2 annuity. 3d, Sought, the rate of intereft at which an annuity of L. 20 per annum, being in arrears for 12 years, will amount to L. 306. 7.5 20 t =.055 per cent. -Ixa 220 4th, In what time will an yearly annuity of L. 85.5 amount to L. 2522.25, at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum? years. √1180+380.25-19.5=20 28. When an annuity is paid every half year, quarterly, or monthly; then for half years pay- ments, take half the yearly annuity, half of the ratio, and twice the number of years; and for quarterly payments, take the fourth part of the yearly annuity and of the ratio, and four times the number of years, &c. and work as directed above. To Extract the Square Root of any Quantity. Let the given quantity =g, and its fquare root r+e, then rr+are+ee=g are+ce=8—is d d Example. Let g 1560.25(39.5=rth 9 ۲۲ 621 2r+c=69)660=d ar+c=785)3925 = d 3925 Ex. What 38 THEORY OF INTEREST, Ex. What will an yearly annuity of L. 70, pay- able every quarter of a year, amount to in 5 years, at 5 per cent. Here a=17.5, t=20, r= .0125, and 350x1.11875=391.56=s. 2d, Of the preſent worth of an annuity. 29. When an annuity is to continue for a cer- tain number of years, its prefent value p, at a gi- ven rate of fimple intereft, may be found thus: Since 1+tr, the amount of L. i for any time, hath the fame ratio to L. 1, as tax 1+r, the amount of any annuity a, hath to p its prefent value; therefore 1+trxp=tax1+r, from which all the varieties in this cafe will be refolved, as in the fol- lowing TABLE. t-I I+ 2 I+tr Equ. 1. Given. a, r, t,p = tax p, r, t, a = = 2x- I+tr t-I T. a t p, t, a, t-I a—p. 2 гр I + P I ar 2 2. 3. p, r, a, Sought r in Equation 3d. Equ. 1.p+trp=ta+ a12. -at r. 2 1+rp=a+¹==¹ar. t 24 t-I I a 2 4. Sought in Equation 4. Equ. 1.2p+2rpt=2at+t²—Ixar. 12+221-21-10-1 ་ 12 + नाक है। a I 21 t= ar Ex. ift. AND ANNUITIES. 39 Ex. 1. Required the preſent value of a yearly annuity of L. 20, to continue 12 years, allowing diſcount at 5 per cent. fimple intereſt. Here, L. ta x t-I 1+r 2 I+tr = 240x275=L. 191.2488. 2. A perfon is willing to lay out the fum of 300 in the purchaſe of an yearly annuity, to continue 15 years, being allowed diſcount at 6 cent; fought the annuity. Here x itir 1.338=L. 26.76 = annuity. per C20X 3. There is an annuity of L. 50 a-year, to con- tinue 20 years, to be fold for L. 737.5, ready mo- ney; fought, the rate of fimple intereft at which the diſcount is given. t t t-I 2 a 1312505=5 per cent. -262.5 4. There is an yearly annuity of L. 30, to con- tinue a certain number of years, which can be fold for L. 405, diſcounting at 5 per cent; fought, the time of its continuance. ✔540+36—6=18 years. 30. When an annuity is paid every half year, quarterly, or monthly, and its prefent value be fought. See 28. Ex. What will be the prefent value of an year- ly annuity of L. 70, payable every quarter of a year, and to continue 5 years, difcounting inte- reft at 5 per cent. Here a=17.5, t=20, r=.0125, and 350x.895=313.25=p. In like manner a, t, or r may be found. 3d, Of 40 THEORY OF INTEREST, 3d. Of the prefent worth of an annuity in re- verfion. 31. When an annuity is to commence after a certain number of years (n), and then to continue for a certain time (t), its prefent value may be found thus: Find its amount at the end of the time t, (Equation 1. 27.) and divide this amount by 1+t+r, the quotient will give p, the preſent value. Thus ta x t-I 1+ I 2 ↑ ititur = p. Ex. Required the prefent value of an yearly annuity of L. 30, which is to commence 6 years hence and to continue 15 years, difcounting in- tereſt at 5 per cent. Here a=30, t=15, n=6, r=.05, and 450x1:35=L. 296.3=p. 4th. Of the preſent worth of the reverſion of an annuity. 32. The prefent value of the reverfion of an annui- ty, being the fame with that of a perpetuity which is to commence after a certain number of years (n), may be found thus: From the value of the perpe- tuity (fee Remark 3d), fubtract that of the annui- ty, the remainder gives the prefent value of the reverfion: Or thus, divide the value of the per- petuity, viz. by 1+nr, the quotient gives the preſent value of the reverfion, thus rx = p. Ex. Sought, the reverfion of an yearly annuity of L. 20, which is to continue 12 years, allowing diſcount at 5 per cent. Here a 2x14-115 20 .08 a L. 250 the reverſion. 33. The AND ANNUITIES. 41 * 33. The feveral particulars refpecting annui- ties at fimple intereft may be difcovered by means of the two following Tables, wherein are calcula- ted the amount and prefent value of L. 1 an- nuity for years, at ſeveral rates of intereſt. TABLE V. Shews the Amount of L. I Annuity for Years. Yrs -$4 pr cent.5 pr cent. 6 pr cent. Yrs 4 pr cent. 5 pr nt.s cent. 6 pr cent. 1 2 I 1.00 1.00 1.00 26 39.00 42.25 45.50 2.04 2.05 2.06 27 41.04 44.55 48.06 3 3.12 3.15 3.18 28 43.12 46.90 50.68 4 4.24 4.30 4.36 29| 45.24 49.30 53.36 5 5.40 5.50 5.60 30 47.40 51.75 56.10 6 6.60 6.75 6.90 31 49.60 54.25 58.90 7 7.84 8.05 8.26 32 51.84 56.80 61.76 8 9.12 9.40 9.68 33 54.12 59.40 64.68 9| 10.44 10.80 11.16 34 56.44 62.05 67.66 IO 11.80 12.25 12.70 35 58.80 64.75 70.70 II 13.20 12 14.64 13.75 14.30 36 61.20 67.50 73.80 15.30 13 16.12 16.90 17.68 38 66.12 15.96 37 63.64 70.30 76.96 73.15 80.18 14 17.64 18.55 19.46 39 68.64 76.05 83.46 15 19.20 20.25 21.30 40 71.20 79.00 86.80 16 20.80 22.00 23.20 41 73.80 17 22.44 23.80 25.16 42 76.44 18 24.12 25.65 27.18 82.00 90.20 85.05 93.66 20 27.60 19 25.84 27.55 29.26 44 81.84 43 79.12 88.15 97.18 91.30 100.76 29.50 31.40 45 84.60 94.50 104.40 2 2 46 87.40 97.75 108.10 47 90.24 101.05 III.86 48 93.12 J04.40 115.68 107.80 119.56 III.25 123.50 21 29.40 31.50 33.60 22 31.24 33.55 35.86 23 33.12 35.65 38.18 24 35.04 37.80 40.56 49 96.04 25 37.00 40.00 43.00 50 99.00 Table V. fhews the amount of L, 1 annuity, and is conſtructed by equation 1. 27. whereby n the tabular number=tr; Or thus, feeing a the amount for 1 year, I a+i+r = b b + 1 + 2r — c c+ I + 3r d F for 2 years, for 3 years, for 4 years, &c. P 42 THEORY OF INTEREST, Hence, to L 1, the first year of this Table, add the firſt year of Table II. their fum is the ſecond year of this Table; to which add the fecond year of Table II. their fum is the third year of this Table, &c. From the nature of the Table, 1:n::a: nas the amount of any annuity a, for the time and at the rate correfponding to n: hence the following TABLE. Given. a, t, r, s = na. s, t, r, a = Л s, t, a, n = a s, r, a, Ex. 1. what will an yearly annuity of L. 35 a- mount to in 16 years, at the rate of 5 per cent. fimple intereft? na = 22 × 35 =L. 770, the a- mount. 2. What yearly annuity will amount to L. 471 in the ſpace of 20 years, at 6 per cent. fimple in- tereſt? 471 31.4 =L. 15, the annuity. TABLE AND ANNUITIES. 43 TABLE VI. Shews the preſent Value of L. 1 Annuity for Years. Ys4 per cent.5 per cent.16 per cent. Ys 4 per cent. | 5 per cent. | 6 per cent. 10.96154 0.95238 0.9433926 19.11764 18.36956 17.77343 2 1.88888 3 2.78571 2.73913 1.86363 1.83928 27 19.71154 18.95744 18.34351 2.69491 28 20.33962 19.54166 18.91044 4 3.65517 3.58333 3.5161329 20.92592 20.12245 19.47262 5 4.5 4.4 4.3076930 21.54545 20.7 20.03571 6 5.32258 6.125 8 6.90909 9 7.67647 5.19231 5.0735331 22.14285 21.27451 20.59440 5.96296 5.81690 32 22.73688 21.84615 21.15067 6.71428 6.54054 33 23.32758 22.41509 21.70469 7.44827 10 8.42857 8.16666 7.24675 34 23.91525 7.9375 35 24.5 22.98148 22-35526 23.54545 22.80645 II 9.16666 8.87096 8.6144536 25.08197 24.10714 23.35443 12 9.8189 9.5625 13 10.60526 | 10.24242 9.2790737 25.66129 9.93258 38 26.23809 24.66666 23.90062 25.22414 24.44512 25-77965 24.98802 14 11.30769 10.91176 10.85326 39 26.8125 11.5714311.21052 40 27-38461 I5 12. 16|12,68392|12.22222 16 12.68392 12.22222 11.83673 ||41| 27.95454 17 13.35714 12.86486 12.45544 42 28.52238 18 14.02325 13.5 13.0670643 29.08823 19 14.6818214.1282013.67289 44 29.65217 2015-33333 14.75 14.2727245 30.21428 21 15.97826 15.36585 14.8650446 30.77465 22 16.61702 15.97619 | 15.45689 ||47| 31.33333 23 17.24948 16.58139 16.04201 48 31.89041 24 17.87755 17.18182 16.6024649 32.44594 2518.5 17.77777 17.2 50 33. 26.33333 25.52941 26.88524 26.00936 27.43548 26.60795 27.98412 27-14525 28.53125 27.68132 29.07692 28.21621 29.62121 28.75 30.16418 29.28272 30.70588 31.24638 29.81444 30.34518 31.78571 30.87.5 Table VI. fhews the prefent value of L. 1 an- nuity, and is conftructed by Equation 1ſt, 29. whereby n the tabular number = tx thus, ʼn Table VI. = T n ", T. V. n, T. II.• t. I 2 + r Itiri Or This Table is conftructed upon the fuppofition, that the preſent value of an annuity is equal to that of the amount of the feveral annual pay- ments, with their intereft at the expiration of the annuity. From the nature of the Table, F 2 I 2 44 THEORY OF INTEREST, 1:n::a: na=p, the preſent worth of any annui- ty a, for the time and at the rate correfponding to n. Hence the following TABLE. Given. a, r, t, Р na. p, r, t, a n p, t, a, p, r, a, S. 12 Ex. ft. What is the prefent worth of an year- ly annuity of L. 50, to continue 15 years, dif- counting intereft at 5 per cent? na=11.57143 × 50 =L. 578.5715=p. 2d. A perfon is willing to lay out the fum of L. 300 in the purchaſe of an annuity to continue 18 years, being allowed diſcount at 5 per cent.; fought the annuity. 300 n 13.5 L. 22.222 = annuity. 3d. A gentleman hath L. 160, which he would lay out in the purchaſe of an annuity of L. 20 per annum; fought, how many years the faid annui- ty muſt continue, difcounting intereft at 6 per cent. 1 = 160 a 20 1 8n. the next lefs to which below 6 per cent. is 7.9375, correfponding to 10 years, and for the odd days fay 8.61445 7.93750 8.0000 7.9375 as .67695:1:: .0625:.09233, correfponding to 34 days, (16). 4th. A AND ANNUITIES. 45 P 4th. A hath an annuity of L. 20 per annum, to continue 7 years; B hath one of L. 5, 10 s. to continue 21 years; fought, which of thefe is moſt valuable, diſcounting intereft at 6 per cent. A's annuity 5.8169 × 20 = 5.8169 × 20=116.3380 B's annuity =14.865 × 5.5= 81.7575 A—B=L. 34.5805 5th. A lends to B L. 360, upon a mortgage of land, whofe rent is L. 75 per annum; B keeps the money 5 years, during which time A receives the faid rent; fought, the ſtate of their affairs, dif- counting intereft at 6 per cent. By Table II. Table V. 360 × 1.3 = L. 468 75 × 5.6 = 420 Balance due by B to A = L. 48 Remarks upon Annuities at Simple Intereſt. 34. Ift, The amount of an annuity for a given time, and at a given rate of fimple intereft, may be expreſſed by the area of a rectangle and triangle. Thus, 45 THEORY OF INTEREST, A a C Barxt-1 D Thus, in conftructing the annexed figure, make AB=t, BC, raiſed at right angles to AB, a, and BD = intereſt of a for the time t-1; laftly, join AD, and complete the rectangle AC; then will AC + ABD exprefs the amount of the annuity a, for the time t, at a given rate of intereft; for AC + ABD = = at + × tru—ra amount of the annuity. = t 2 Ex. Suppofe a L. 20, t 12 years, and the rate 5 per cent. ; fought the amount. Here AB 12, BC 20, BD =!!. II. Hence, AC+ABD = 240+66= L. 306 amount. 2d. The amount of an annuity is, cæteris pari- bus, always lefs, and its prefent value greater, up- on the principles of fimple than of compound in- tereft, as is manifeft from infpecting the Tables ; and AND ANNUITIES. 47 and as the tabular numbers expreffing the preſent worth of an annuity may be confidered as the years purchaſe of ſaid annuity for the correſpond- ing years, theſe at fimple intereft are unlimited. Thus an annuity to continue 99 years, at five per cent. is valued, Equation 1ft, 29. at 57.4 years purchaſe; whereas the years purchaſe at com- pound intereſt are always leſs than . For theſe reafons the purchaſe of annuities upon the prin- ciples of fimple intereft is very unequitable, and compound intereft, that both parties may employ their money to the greateſt advantage, is uſually admitted in thefe tranfactions. I 3d. The value of a perpetuity cannot be ob- tained upon the principles of fimple intereft, be- cauſe the number of years purchaſe is indefinite. For, as a finite quantity can make no alteration upon an indefinite one, by any operation of arith- metic, the fractional part of the annuity, (Equa- -I +r 2 tion 1ſt, 29.) viz. I+tr =1, when t is indefi- nite; and of confequence, the number of years purchaſe of a perpetuity, viz. tx1, is alfo indefi- nite. Or thus, feeing the value of an annuity at fimple intereſt is fuppofed to be equal to the pre- fent value of the amount of the feveral annual payments, with their intereft, collected into one fum; but as this, when t is indefinite, cannot be done, therefore the value of a perpetuity up- on the principles of fimple intereft muſt remain impracticable, and its only value that can be ob- tained, muſt be derived from the principles of compound intereft, viz. . (56.) a СНАР- i CHA P. IV. Of GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. 35. WHEN a feries of quantities, exceeding two in number, increaſes by the fame common multiplier, or decreaſes by the fame common di- vifor, the terms of the feries form a continued Geometrical Progreffion; and the common mul- tiplier or divifor is called the common ratio of the feries. Thus, a, ar, ar², ar³, art... arn-I—z. an increaſing ſeries. Z Z Z Z Z Z, a. a decreaſing feries. r3, 74, rn-I 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64: 2 the common { Dultiplier. I 36. In a geometrical feries, the product of the extremes is equal to the product of any two · terms AND ANNUITIES. 49 terms equally diſtant from the extremes; thus Z azar X ; and the ſquare of any one term is r equal to the rectangle under any two other terms equally diſtant from it; thus, ar2 x ar² = dr × ar³. 37. In a geometrical feries, let a repreſent the 1ſt term. the laft term. the number of terms. n r the common ratio $ 2 x quot. of the greater by the leffer contig. term. the fum of the feries, and L, the Logarithm of any quantity. Then, as r is always increaſing from the 2d. term, its exponent in the laſt term will be n and ar"-1= %. 38. In a geometrical feries, the ſum of all the terms wanting the leaft is equal to the fum of all the terms wanting the greateſt multiplied by the common ratio. that is, s―as-xxr, in an increaſing feries. and s—a=s—≈x, in a decreafing feries. for ar, ar², ar³... Aprox any rxa, ar, ar² Hence, -2 39. In a continued geometrical progreffion, if three of the five quantities, a, x, n, r, and s be given, the other two may be determined, as in the following table: G TABLE. 50 THEORY OF INTEREST, Given. TABLE. g" I a, r, n, s = ax Equation 1. a, r, z, s= rz- † - 1 a z-a r-I + z,... ભેં 2. z-a a, n, z, + 2,... 3. S == I z r, z, n, X 4. a, r, n, z = ar”—1,.. 5. a, r, s, 2= rs—sta=s—sta... 6. r r, n, s, z=r - sx rn-I Soughts in Equation 1. 385-9=5-2 X 1. 38. 37 z = ar rs 1. -or Soughts in Equation 3. $7 ar — Z, Sought z in Equation 7. -I zr" n-I -I = Subftit. this in Equ. 4- Given. AND ANNUITIES. 51 Given. Z r, z, n, a T, Z, S, a = rz-sx r—I, • r, n, s, • • • • 1 = 1/4 x 5 = 0 a, r, z, 12 = L.Z L. Equation 8. 9. IO. a L.r L.z-L. a L.r +1,. II. L.FIXsta a, r, s, 12= a L. r L.r—1xs+a—L. a L.r 12. L.z- L. a a, z, s, 12 +1,. 13 L.s- L.5-% L. Z L.rz T, Z, S, n = +1, 14. L.r Sought in Equation 11. AI 37. 38. L. a L.r. Sought n in Equation 12. -ar". ar"=rsasta. Sought, in Equation 13. Equ. 15. Subftit. this in Equ. 11. Soug ht n in Equation 14. Equ. 9. art-$xr-I. Subſtit. this in Equ. II. G 2 Given. 52 1 THEORY OF INTEREST, Given. a a, z, s, ↑ = Equation 15. S a, n, s, I,. 16. a a n-I z a, n, z, T= S Z 12, Z, S, r S-Z S Z 17. 18. In the above table, the expreffions belong to an increafing progreffion, and may be applied alfo to a decreaſing one, by making the quantities a and ≈ change places every where. EXAMPLES. ift, In the geometrical feries, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, &c. containing fixteen terms, fought, the laſt term and the fum of the feries. n=16. Sought, ≈ and s. Here a=1, r=2, n T I Equation I. ax ==IX × 65526-I L.r=0.3010300 =65525=s. 16 r-I I 4.8164800= 65526=r 7-I Equation 5. ar I×32768=z. r Sought in Equation 16. r. Sought in Equation 18. 38. ·ar". સ 38. n- = -I $s-ar n a. *** n I. } 7-.I FLI + ง r 2d, 1 AND ANNUITIES. 53 2d, A gentleman, who had a daughter mar- ried, gave the huſband towards her portion 4 s. promifing to triple that fum the firſt day of every month, for nine months after the marriage. The fum paid on the firſt day of the ninth month was 26244 fhillings. What was the lady's portion? Here are given a, r, z; fought s. Equ. 2. rz—a__78728 2 39364 fh. L. 1968, 4 s. S. 3d, A gentleman buys a fine houſe, in which were 20 thresholds, and, in name of price, was to lay a farthing on the first threſhold, a half- peny on the ſecond, a penny on the third; doub- ling the fum on every following threfhold; what would the houſe coft him? Here are given, a, r, n; fought s. I Equ. 1. ax =1048575 Far. L. 1092, 5 s. 4 d. Price. r-I 4th, A Gentleman fold his eftate for L. 21844, which was diſcharged by ſeveral payments in geo- metrical progreffion; the firft was L. 4, the laſt L. 16384; what was the ratio, and how many payments were there? Here are given a, z, 5; fought r, n. Equation 15. —4=2 a 2184 546 =4= Ratio. L.z-L.a +1=3.61226 +1=7=n. Equation 13..+1= Of 54 THEORY OF INTEREST, Of a Geometrical Series continued indefinitely. I 40. As in a geometrical feries s-as-zxr, (38), hence I r::s'—z:s—a, and rir—1:: s-%%-a. but as the quantities a, z, change places every where, when applied from an increa fing to a decreafing feries, we fhall have 1: r—1 ::s—a:a−z; therefore fuppofing z to vaniſh, or the decreafing feries to have no laft term, then I 1 : r— 1 — s—a: a; which gives s = the following r ra ; hence Given. TABLE. I a, r, S = r² =ra x 1, ... Equation 1. ƒ— I I a, s, SX. 2. sa a r, s, a = sxr-I ↑ SXI ள் 3. EXAMPLES. , Required the fum of the feries, 1, 4, 4, 4, 이 ​T'o, 3'2, &c. Here a = 1, r=2, and s= 2XI 2, the fum. I 2d, Required the ſum of the ſeries .333 = + 3 120+ T200, &c. 3ΧΙΟ r=10, ands= IOX 10-I 3 Here a = 3, =, the fum. I I 3d, A+ + R2 &c. RS RX/ R-I I R—I CHAP. CHAP. V. Of COMPOUND INTEREST. 41. WHEN the intereſt of money at the end of each year is added to the principal fum, and both bear intereft the following year, money is ſaid to be at compound intereſt: In which let p repreſent any principal fum lent out. t R S : the time. the intereſt the amount } of L. 1 for one year. the amount of principal and inte- reft; and L the logarithm of a quantity. Then L. 1, at the end of the year, will become 1+r=R, hence the geometrical feries 1: R: R² : R3 R4..... R. So Rt will be the amount of L. I, for the time t, and at the rate r. But I p :: R': pR's, the amount of p, at the end of t years, at the rate r; hence the following table. TABLE, THEORY OF INTEREST, TABLE. در Given. p, P, R, t, spR. or L.p+L.Rxt=L.s... Equa. 1. S s, R, t, p=. R. s, R, p, t = or L.-L.Rxt = L.p, .... L.s~ L.p L.R s, p, t, R='√!. • or L. R=L.s—L.p, t 2. 3. 4. Ex. 1. Required, the amount of L. 25 foreborn 12 years, at 5 per cent. compound intereft. Here, p=25, t = 12, R= 1.05. L. p = 1.3979400 +L. Rxt= .2542716 Sum = 1.6522116L. 44.896 L. R 0.0211893 t = - 12 .2542716 2d. Sought, the principal which, in the ſpace of 12 years, will amount to L. 300, reckoning intereſt at 4 per cent. L. s = 2.4771213 L. Rxt Diff. .2044002 Here, L. 1.04 0.0170333 t= 12 .2044002 2.2727211 = L. 187.379 3d. Sought, the time in which L. 15.875 will amount to L. 31.9436 at the rate of 6 per cent. L.s- L. p L. R .3036708 = 12 years. .0253059 I 4th. At what rate of intereft per cent. will L. 480 amount to L. 643.246, in the fpace of 6 years. L. s — L. p = .1271358 = .0211893 cent. = L. 1.05. = 5 per 0211893 = L. = 5th. AND ANNUITIES. $7 5th. Required the amount of one farthing lent out at 5 per cent. compound intereſt for the ſpace of 1000 years? Here, L. 1.05 x 1000 = 21.1893 +L..001041683.0177287 L. PRt- places of figures. 18.2070287 L. 1610752, &c. to 19 If p the principal confifts of pounds, fhillings, and pence, or t the time, of years, months, and days, thefe parts of an integer may be thrown in- to OF LOGARITHM S. Logarithms are a moſt valuable invention for folving queſtions in trigonometry, or where the higher powers of numbers, as here, are concerned; and for which the learned world are indebted to John Napier, Baron of Merchiefton, in Scotland, about the year 1614. ift. The index of the logarithm of any number is always one lefs than the number of integers it contains; of confequence the index of the logarithm of any one of the 9 digits is o; and the index of the logarithm of a decimal fraction is negative, though ftill equal to the diftance of its firft fignificant figure from the units place, being —I, −2, —3, &c. or the complement thereof to 10, viz. 9, 8, 7, &c. zd. The logarithm of any number to 7 places of figures may be found by Sherwin's Tables, namely of 5 figures by the Tables, and of two by the column pts, nearly exact, and vice verfa. Thus, L. 6484.300 3.8118631 L. L. .080 = .006 = 53 4 L. 6484.386 3.8118688 3d. The multiplication or divifion of natural numbers is performed by the addition or fubtraction of their logarithms, or, in place of fubtrac tion, the addition of the complement of a logarithm may be uſed, providing you caft 10 out of the index of the fum. Thus, L. 20 1.3010300 L. 21 1.3222193 Co. L. 220 = 7.6575773 20 X 21 L. 220 = 0.2808266 = 1.pog H 4th. A 58 THEORY OF INTEREST, 1 to a decimal fraction, and the anſwer found as a- bove. Ex. Sought the amount of L. 310: 12:6, for 5 years and 91 days, at 4 per cent. compound in- tereſt. Here, pr² = L. 1.04 × 5.25 + L. 310.625 L. 381, 12 s. 11 d. Amount. 42. The feveral particulars refpecting com- pound intereſt may more readily be found by the help of the three following Tables, wherein are calculated the amount and prefent worth of L. I for any given time, and at feveral rates of com- pound intereft. 4th. A given power of any number may be found by multiplying the logarithm of the number by the index of the power, the produc will be the logarithm of the power fought. Thus, 3 L. 32′ = 1.50515 × 3 = 4.51 54500 32768, the cube of 32. In a decimal fraction, the firft fignificant figure of the power muft be put fo many places below the place of units, as the index of its logarithm wants of 10 x index of the power. Thus, L..25*9.39794×4 =40. 37.5917600.00390625, feeing index x 10 5th. The root of any power may be extracted by dividing the lo garithm of the number by the index of the power, the quotient gives the logarithm of the root fought. Thus, L. √√2304 3.36248251.681241248, the root fought. In a decimal fraction, prefix to the index of its logarithm a figure lefs by one than the index of the power, and divide as above. Thus, 29.8750613 L. 3√.75 = =9·9583533.90856, the root fought. 3 6th. Any number of mean proportionals, numbers, may be found thus: Let a number of proportions; then a L.-L. times, gives the proportionals. 1 I between any two given ift, z= laſt number, n = L.r, which added to L. a, TABLE AND ANNUITIES. 59 TABLE I. Shewing the Amount of L. 1 for Days. Dys 3 per cent. 13 per cent. 4 per cent. 4 per cent. 5 per cent. | per cent. 11.0000809 1.0000942 1.0001074 1.0001206 1.0001336 1.0001596 2 1.0001619 1.0001880 1.0002149 1.0002412 1.0002673 1.00031931 31.0002429 1.0002827 1.0003224 1.0003618 1.0004011 1.0004790- 4 1.0003240 1.0003770 1.0004299 1.000482 1.0005348 1.0006387 5 1.0004050 1.0004713 1.0005374 1.000603 1.0006685 1.0007985 6 1.000486 1.000565 1.000645 71 1.000357 1.000660 1.000752 8 1.000648 1.000754 1.000860 1.000729 1.000848 1.000967 10 1.000810 1.000943 1.001075 1.000724 1.000802 1.000958 1.000844 1.000936 1.001118 1.000965 1.001070 1.001278 1.001086 1.001203 1.001437 1.001206 1.001337 1.001597 20 1.001621 1.001886 1.002151 30 1.002432 1.002831 1.002415 1.002677 1.003198 1.003228 1.003624 1.004018 1.004801 1.004307 1.004835 1.005361 1.006806 1.005387 1.006048 1.006705 1.008014 1.006468 1.007262 1.008052 1.009624 1.007550 1.003777 40 1.003244 50 1.004057 1.004723 60 1.004871 1.005671 70 1.005685 1,006619 80 1.006499 1.007568 1.008633 90 1.007315 1.008518 1.009717 100 1.008131 1.009469 1.010803 120 1.009765 1.011374 1.012978 1.008477 1.009401 1.011237 1.009694 1.010751 1.012853 1.014471 1.010912 1.012103 1.012132 1.013457 1.016092 1.014576 1.016169 1.019341 1.018890 1.022601 1.021617 1.025871 1.024352 1.029152 1.024412 1.027095 1.032443 1.026885 1.029844 1.035745 1.039057 1.042380 1.045713 1.049057 1.052412 1.055778 1.059154 1.06 140 1.011402 1.013282 1.015157 1.017026 160 1.013041 1.015194 1.017341 1.019482 180 1.014683 1.017109 1.019530 1.021944 200 1.016328 1.019028 1.021723 220 1.017976 1.020951 1.023921 240 1.019626 1.022877 1.026124 260 1.021278 1,024807 280 1.022934 1,026741 300 1.024592 1,028638 1.032761 320 1.026253 1.030619 1.034983 340 1.027916 1.032564 1.037210 360 1.029583 1.034512 1365 1.03 1.035 1.029365 1.032601 1.028332 1.031851 1.035365 1.030544 1.034343 1.038137 1.036840 1.040916 1.039344 1.043703 1.041854 1.046497 1.049298 1.039441 1.04 1.044370 1.045 1.05 H 2 TABLE бо THEORY OF INTEREST, TABLE II. Shewing the Amount of L. 1 for Years. Yrs. 3 per cent. 13 per cent.14 per cent. 14½ per cent. 5 per cent. 6 per cent. 1 1234 I 1.03 2 1.0609 1.035 1.071225 1.04 1.0816 1.045 1.092025 1.05 1.06 1.1025 1.1236 1.092727 1.108718 1.124864 1.141166 1.157625 1.191016 1.125509 1.147523 1.169858 1.192518 1.215506 1.262476 5 1.159274 1.187686 1.216653 1.246182 1.276281 1.338225 6 7∞ a I.194052 1.22925 1.26532 1.30226 1.34009 1.41852 1.229874 1.27228 8 1.266770 1.31681 9 £.304773 1.36289 1.31592 1.36086 1.40710 1.50363 1.36857 1.42210 1.47745 1.59385 1.42321 1.48609 1.55133 1.68948 IO 1.343916 1.41059 1.48024 1.55296 1.62889 1.79084 ннннн ΙΙ 1.38423 I.45997 1,53945 1.62285 1.71034 1.89830 12 1.42576 1.51107 1.60103 1.69588 1:79585 2.01220 13 J.46853 1.56395 1.66507 1.77219 1.88565 2.13293 14 1.51259 1.61869 1.73167 1.85194 I.97993 2.26090 15 1.55796 1.67535 1.80094 1.93528 2.07893 2.39656 16 17 18 19 6 7∞ a 1.60471 1.73398 1.87298 2.02237 2.18287 2.54025 1.65284 1.79467 1.70243 1.85749 1.94790 2.11337 2.29202 2.69277 2.02581 2.20848 2.40662 2.85434 1.75350 1.92250 2.10685 2.30786 2.52695 3.02560 20 1.80611 1.98978 2.19112 2.41171 2.65329 3.20713 21 1.86029 2.05943 2.27877 2.52024 2.78596 3.39956 22 1.91610 2.13151 2.36992 2.63365 2.92526 3.60353 23 1.97358 2.20611 2.46471 2.75216 3,07152 3.81975 24 2.03279 2.28333 2.56330 2.87601 3.22510 4.04893 25 2.09378 2.36324 2.66583 3.00543 3.38635 4.29187 222 67∞ 26 2.15659 2.44595 2.77247 3.14068 3:55567 4.54938 27 28 2.22129 2.531567 2.88337 3.28201 3:73345 4.82234 2.28792 2.62017 2.99870 3.42969 3.92013 5.11168 29 2.35656 2.711878 3.11865 3.58403 4.11613 5.41838 30 2.42726 2.80679 3.24339 3.74531 4.32194 5.74349 31 2.50008 2.905031 3.37313 3.91385 4.53804 6.08810 32 2.57508 33 3.00671 2.65233 3.11194 3.64838 34 2.73190 3.22086 3.7943I 35 2.81386 3-33359 3.50806 4.08998 4.76494 6.45338 4.27403 5,00319 6.84059 4.46636 5.25335 7.25102 3.94609 4.66734 5.51601 7.68608 362.89828 3.45026 4.10393 4.87738 5.79181 8.14725 37 2.98522 3.57102 4.26809 5.09686 6.08141 8.63608 38 3.07478 3.69601 4.43881 5.32622 6.38547 9.15425 39 3.16703 3.82537 4.61636 5.56589 6.70475 9.70351 40 3.26204 3.95926 4.80102 5.81636 7.03998 10.28571 41 3.35989 4.09783 4.99306 6.07810 7.39198 10.90286 42 43 3.56451 4.38970 5.40050 3.46069 4.24126 5.19278 6.35161 7.76158 11.55703 6.63744 8.14966 12.25045 44 3.67145 4.54334 5.61651 6.93612 8.55715 12.98548 45 3.78559 4.70236 5.84117 7.24825 8.98500 13.76461 46 3.89504 4.86694 6.07482 7.57442 9.43426 14.59048 47 4.01189 5.03728 6.31781 7.91527 9.90597 15.46591 48 4.13225 5.21356 6.57053 8.27145 10.40127 16.39387 49 4.25622 5.39606 6.33335 8.64367 10.92133 17.37750 50 4.38390 5.58494 7.10668 9.03263 II.46740 18.42015 ! AND ANNUITIES. 61 Table I. and II. fhew the amount of L. 1 for days or years, and are conſtructed by Equation 1ſt, 41. whereby the tabular number n = R. Or thus, Table I. is calculated by taking 364 mean geometrical proportionals, betwixt one, and the amount of L. 1 for one year, according to the feveral rates of intereft, or, which is the fame thing, by dividing the logarithm of R by 365, the natural number anfwering to the quotient will be the amount of L. 1 for one day; and this amount multiplied into itſelf continually will give the amount for any number of days. If a given number of days be not in the Table, divide it into two fuch numbers as are to be found there, multiply their tabular numbers into one another, and their product will be the amount of L. 1 for the given time. In like manner, Table II. is conſtructed by multiplying the amount of L. I for one year, at a given rate, by itſelf continually, the products of which fhew the amount of L. 1 for their cor- refponding times. And if the time confifts of years and days, their tabular numbers muſt be multiplied into one another to form the amount of their fum. From the nature of the Tables, 1: np: np = s, the amount of any principal p₂ for the time and at the rate correfponding to n. Hence the following I Given. p, t, r, s, t, r, TABLE. t, r,p, 1 s, t, p₁ S p, np. Þ n = r being given, t is found oppofite ton; and t being given, r is found above n in the tables. Ex. Ift, 62 THEORY OF INTEREST, { Ex. ift. What will L. 500 amount to in 15 years, at five per cent. compound intereft? Here, — np=2.07893 × 500 L. 1039.465. Ex. 2d. What will be the amount of L. 419.2965 in the ſpace of 20 years and 9 months, at 41 per cent. Here, n×n = 2.49265 = 0.3966608 p=419.2965 = 2.6224885 L. nnp 3.0191493 = L. 1045.08. Ex. 3d. What principal will amount to L. 1039.464 in 15 years, at 5 per cent? Here, 44 1039.464 = L. 500. 2.07893 Ex. 4th. At what rate of intereft will L. 25 a- mount to L. 44.896 in the ſpace 12 years? Here, 44.896 = 1.79585, found under 5 per cent. 25 Ex. 5th. In what time will L. 300 amount to L. 500, at the rate of 5 per cent? Here, P 500 300 1.66666 1.66666, correfponding to 10 years. and =1.0232, correfponding to 172 days. 1.62889 TABLE AND ANNUITIES. 63 ند TABLE HI. Shewing the prefent Worth of L. 1 for Years. Yrs. 13 per cent.13 pr cent.4 per cent. 4 pr cent.[5 per cent.6 per cent. I 2 3 4 5 .970874.966183 | .961538 | .956938 | .952381 | .943396 .942596.933510 .942596 .933510 | 924556 .955729 .907029.889996 .915141 .901942.888996 .876296 .863837.839619 .888487 .871442 .854804.838561.822702792093 .862608 .841973.821927.802451.783526.747258 6.837484.813500 7 | 790314 .767895 .746215 704960 .813091.785991.759918.734828.710681.665057 8.789409 .759411 -730690 .703185 | .676839 | .627412 9.766416.733731 .702586 .672904 .644609.591898 .702586.672904 | IO .744093 708918.675564 | .643927.613913.558394 IL 12 14 .722421.684945 | .649581.616198|| .584679 | .526787 .701379 .661783 624597 589663556837 .496969 13.680950 .639404 .600574 564271 | •530321 .4688 39 .661117 617781 -577475 -539973 •505068 .442301 15 .641860.596190 555264 516720.481017.417265 16 .623167 .576706533908 494469 .458111.393646 17.605016 .557203 513373 473176.436296.371364 18.587394.538361 | .493628.452800 .415520 .350344 | 19 570286 -520155474642 .433302 .395734 -330513 20 .553675 .502566 | .456387.413643.376889 21 | 22.521892 .469150 .421955 23.506691.453285.405726.363350 .311804 -537549.485571.438833.396787.358942.294155 .37970I .341849 277505 .325571 .261797 24 .491933 .437957 .390121 .347703 .310068 .246978 25.477605 .423147 .375117 .332730 .295303 .232998 26.463694.408837.360689.318402.281240 .219810 27 .450189 .395012 .346816.304691.267848.207368 28 .437076.381654.333477 .291571 255093.195630 29.424346.368748.320651 •279015.242946 | ·184556 30 .411986 .356278 .308318.267000 .231377 174110 | | 31.399987 .344230 .344230 | .296460 | .255502 .220359.164255 32.388337 332589 .285058 .332589.285058 | .244500 | .209866 .209866.154957 33 377026 .321342 .274094 2339?I .199872.146186 34.366045.310476 .263552 .223896.190355 .137911 35 -355383 .299977 .25.3415 .214254.181290 36 37 .130105 .II5793 .345032 | .289833 .289833 .243668.205028.172657.122741 .334983 .280031.234297 .234297.196199 | .164435 38 .325226 | .270562 | .225285 .187750.156605 | 109238 39 .315753 .261412.216620.179665.149148.103055 40.306556.252572.208289.171928 .142045 .097222 41.297628 .244031 .200278 .164525 .13528x .091720 42.288959 .288959.235779 .192575 .157440 .128840 .086527 43 .280543.227806 .185168.150660 .122704.081629 44 .272372 .220102 .178046 .144173 .116861 .077009 45 264438.212660.171198 .137964 .111296 .072650 | 46.256736.205468 | .164614 .132023.105996 | .068538 47 .249258.198520 .198520 .158282 .126338 .100949.064658 | | 48.241998.191806.152195 .120897.096142.060998 .234950.185320.146341.115691 091564 || 057545 | 50.228107 .179053 .140713 110709 1.087204.054288 49 64 THEORY OF INTEREST, I Rt Table III fhews the prefent value of L. 1 for years, and is conſtructed by Equation 2d, 41. whereby the tabular number n = Or it is the reciprocal of Table II. whereby n of Table III. = I of Table II. From the nature of the Table In::s: ns = p, the principal or prefent worth of S, for the time and at the rate correſponding Hence the following to n. TABLE. Given. s, t, r, p, t, r, s, r, p, l s, t, p, S р = ns. 上 ​S= 1. n n = 오 ​Ex. 1. Required the prefent worth of L. 250, due 10 years hence, diſcounting at the rate of 4½ per cent. compound intereſt. ns=. .643927 × 250 = L. 160.98175 preſent worth. Ex. 2. In what time will L. 350 amount to L. 571.458, at 4 per cent compound intereft? Here 350 = 571.458 years and an half. .61247 correfponding to 12 Theſe examples may, with equal facility, be. determined by the equations annexed to Table II. Re- 1 : 65 AND ANNUITIES. : Remarks upon Compound Intereft. 43. Ift. A fum of money put out at compound intereft ought, by the doctrine of fluctions, to accumulate every inftant, at the rate of the in- ſtant; ſo as to reſemble an organized body in its gradual and conſtant increaſe. Upon this fuppofi- tion let r be the fluction of the rate, or the rate of the inſtant, Then 1+r amount of L. 1 in one inſtant multiplied by 1+r produces 1+2r+rr the fluction of that amount at the end of the firſt year; whoſe fluent, viz. 1 + 2r = amount of L. I at the end of the year. Hence the intereſt of money, when the times and rates are the fame, will, when it accu- mulates every inftant, be double to what it would be when it accumulates only once in the year. But as this mode might elude the grafp of calcu- lation, and for the benefit of all concerned, the accumulation of money hath been extended to the twelvemonth, and only takes place once in the year. 2d. Although there be no particular theorem for diſcovering the compound intereft of a fum of money diftinct from the amount, yet it may eafily be found, being the difference betwixt the principal and the amount. In like manner, was it lawful to diſcount money on the principles of compound intereft, the difcount might be found by fubtracting the prefent worth from the fum of the bill. I 3. If J 1 1 66 THEORY OF INTEREST, 3d. If the time be fought in which a fum of money will double itſelf at the feveral rates of compound intereft; in this cafe, as the amount is equal to twice the principal, pR 2p, which gives R' = 2, and t. Hence, ✔ = 2p, when t= L. 2 L. R = 2 23.45- 20.149- 17.67+ = 3/1/2 334 15.8-years at 44 per cent.. 14.206+ 11.98 34.886+ 2 4th. The amount of a fum of money, ceteris paribus, is always greater, and its prefent value lefs, upon the principles of compound than of fimple intereft, in proportion of +r, to 1+tr; and of, to. And as this difference is I I I L. L. very confiderable, feeing 12 years intereſt of the one is equal to years intereft of the other, the charging compound intereft upon any bill hath been exprefsly prohibited by acts of parliament, at the rifque of forfeiting both principal and intereſt. Notwithſtanding of this, compound intereft en- ters deeply into the tranfactions of men in their affairs of property. Thus, not only the fale of an- nuities, and the purchafe of perpetuities are cal- culated upon the principles of compound intereft; but alſo where cafh-accounts are balanced, or the intereft of money and the rent of an eftate recei- ved yearly, there you have the advantage of com- pound intereft, feeing you have the ufe, and can difpofe of that intereft. CHAP. CHA P. VI. Of ANNUITIES computed at COMPOUND INTEREST. ift, Of the Amount of an Annuity in Arrears. IN computing annuities at compound inte- 44. reft, let a reprefent an annuity, penfion, or rent, &c. in arrears; then, fince the first year's annui- ty bears no intereft, the last year's annuity will be reprefented by aR-1; and deriving a feries from the quantity a, in the ratio of 1: R, we fhall have a + aR + aR² + aR³ + aR.. + a R¹ — ¹ = s +aR$−¹=s which gives s = ax R— I R— I• 3 Hence the following TABLE. Given. Rt 1 a, t, R, s = ax R* R-I s, t, R, a=rs×·· s, t, a, = R— R a R-I I a a R'— Equat. 1. 2. 3. L.rs +1 a s, R, a, t= L. R Soughts in Equation ft. 38.|s—a=s—art—IX R. s—a=Rs-art. 4. Sought R in Equation 3. 38. | Rt-IXa = R s — s RI R a a. Rs-saRta. R-IX s = aXRt~1. Sought t in Equation 4th. but R1+r, &c. Eq. 2. R-1 Xars. R'− 1 = " £ & R² = 1 + 1. rs IT I 2 Ex. Ift. 68 THEORY OF INTEREST, Ex. ft. It is required to find the amount of an annuity L. 5.25 per annum, at the end of 30 years, reckoning intereſt at 4 per cent? Here a = 5.25, t = 30, R= 1.04 and r=.04. 2.243 Rt ах =5.25× .04 L. 2 L. 297.42 the amount. L. R=.0170333 t = 30 L. Rt = .5109990 = 3.2433 I Rt - = 2.2433 Ex. 2d. Sought, the yearly annuity which in the ſpace of 15 years will amount to L. 1000, at the rate of 4 per cent. Here, by Equation 2d, L.R=.0191163 I I rs X Rt-1 =45×93528 t= 15 45 × 1.0692 =L. 48.114 ΙΟ .2867445=1.93528 1. L..935289.9709416 ·93528 = R— I I .02905841.0692 = RtI Ex. 3d. In what time will an yearly annuity of L. 48.114 amount to L. 1000 at the rate of 4 per cent. compound intereft? L.TS +1 Equation 4th, a L. 1.045 L. R L. 1.93528 .2867445 0191163 = 15 years. 45. Given, the annuity, time, and amount; fought, the rate of compound intereft. In this cafe, as R, in Equation 3d, is involved to a high power, and the Equation is of a mixed nature, the AND ANNUITIES. 69 a aR¹¹ I 2 t aRt-I Ι the value of R may be found in this man- ner. The amount of an annuity may be conceived to be near- ly equal to the area of a geometrical fi- gure, having two of its fides parallel and two of its angles right; whofe leaft breadth = a, its greateſt = aR-1, and its height=t. Hence s = at R, nearly; which gives = R', and = √ ÷ = R = i +r, nearly. t-I 2 at 1 at 2) Ex. 4th. An annuity of L. 34.4 in arrears 12.5 years, amounts to L. 614.4328; it is required to find the rate of intereſt allowed. Here S L. = √ =.0269575 = L.s=2.7884743 2 at 1.064 =R=1+r= L. at = 2.6334685 6 t-I 2 per cent. nearly. == 5.75)0.1550058(.0269575 If greater exactneſs be defired, let √ub+2ib-b=r corrected. Or thus * = b, then Affume * The Rule of DOUBLE POSITION. Let P and p, the two pofitions, and the number fought, be e- qually increafed or diminished, by any operation of arithmetic, pro- ducing thereby M, m and 2, their refpective refults; then it is ob- vious, that Mom: Psp :: { M in Q: P is i m is 2: pix. X. Let 70 THEORY OF INTEREST, Affume two pofitions, find their reſpective re- fults, and work by the following proportion. As the difference of the refults of the two pofi- tions is to the difference of the poſitions :: fo is the difference of the reſults of the firſt or of the fecond pofition, and of the number fought to the difference of the firſt or of the ſecond pofition and number fought. Ex. 5th. An annuity of L. 20 per annum, 7 years in arrears, is offered to be fold for L. 180.5; what rate of intereft is allowed to the purchaſer in this bargain? Here R is fought. Ift pofition, R1.08 2d poſition, R = 1.085. refult 178.456... error 2.044 refult 181.210... error + 0.710 By the queſtion refult 180.500, diff. of ref. = 2.754 hence Let M s 2= R, and m ✪ 2=r be the errors of the two reſults M and m, which are either + or Msm= { ; then :} when the errors are Rar R+rs Ex. Suppoſe 2x + = + 2 + 1 = 20; fought x. 2 = { ift pofition, P9... M 25... R= +5.0 2d poſition, p =6….. m = 17.5 ... fought x -2.5 2=20... Mcm=7.5 alike. unlike. hence, 7.5: 3:5:2 = P c x, which gives x = 7, when the errors + — and are equal, P+P = x. 2 When the higher powers of the unknown quantity, x, are concern- ed in the queftion, this method can only give an anfwer near the truth; feeing P2; p is in a duplicate, and P: p3, in a triplicate ratio of P : p. 2 The above proportion is alſo the foundation of a fecond well-known rule in double pofition. ་ RULE AND ANNUITIES. 71 hence 2.754:.005:: 2.044: .0037, to be added 2.044.0037, to the firit pofition, making R = 1.0837; which ſhews that the rate of intereſt is L. 8.37 per cent. 46. When an annuity is paid, which is ufual- ly the cafe, every half-year, quarterly, or month- ly, its amount may be found by the Equation, s = a × R; Here a is the half-year's, or quar- terly payment, R' is the fame as if the annuity had x Rt I RULE. Divide the difference of the products of the two pofitions, multi- plied into their alternate errors, by the difference of their reſults, that is, by the difference of the errors, when they are alike; or di- vide the fum of the products by the difference of their refults, that is, by the fum of the errors, when they are unlike; the quotient in ei- ther cafe will give the anſwer. Thus, rP Mm rP Rp Ror Rp Mcm = R + r x { x{. =x when the errrors are alike, that is both +, or both when the errors are unlike, that is one + and the other Ex. When the errors are both +, or both ſt poſition, = P, its error + R. 2d pofition, p its error x is fought. N A- D- b F- a P + R + 十八 ​C B Let the right line AB be conceived to terminate the true refult by the queſtion; then the errors will fall above, and below that line; the rectangles CD + CFP+ Rp, are the products of the two 72 THEORY OF INTEREST, had been paid yearly, feeing R' for years is equal to R4 for quarters; but the divifor muft always correfpond to the payments, and may be difcover- ed by the following TABLE. Shewing the Amount of L. 1 for the even Parts of a Year. M. W. D. 3 per cent. 13 pr cent.4 per cent. 14 pr cent. 5 per cent. 6 per cent. I 7 1.000567 2 3 4 3 4 11.00008098 1.0000942 1.0001074 1.0001206 1.0001336 1.0001596) 1.000660 1.0007524 1.0008445 1.0009361 1.001118 1.001320 1.001505 1.001690 1.001873 1.002238 1.0015051.001690 | 1.0019811.002258 1.002535 1.0028111.003360 1.002642 1.003012 1.003382 1.003750 1.004480 14 1.001134 211.001472 281.002270 1.002871 1.003274 1.003675 1.004074 1.004867 1.008637 1.0098531.011065 1.012272 1.014674 1.017350 1.0198401.022253|1.024694 | 1.029563 1.026137 1.029852 1.033564 1.037270 1.044671 1.05 1.06 I 313 6126 939 1.002466 1.007417 1.014889 1.022417 1252 365 1.03 1.035 1.04 1.045 In this Table, which is the fame in conftruction with Table I. whilft the tabular numbers fhew R the amount, the decimals point out r the intereſt of L. 1 for their correfponding days, months, or quarters, at the feveral rates of intereft. I Ex. 1ft, A fervant, who was engaged to ferve at 5 s. per week, after 7 years received his wages, with intereft upon the weekly payments, at the в a as b Ror two poſitions multipled into their alternate errors, and a cob is the difference of thefe products. But a=px Rr, which gives R p and b = P∞ pxr. Again, by the above proportion, Mum= Ror: Pop::ripx; which gives x. Hence Rear = (x =); that is, the difference of the products, when the errors are alike, divided by the difference of the errors, will quot the anſwer. In like manner it might be fhewn, when the errors are P + p S. x = x. unlike, that * P-P 2 :) rate AND ANNUITIES. 73 rate of 5 per cent. per annum ; fought, the amount of his wages, and intereſt thereon. Here a = .25, R' = 1.4071 and r = .000936. Hence, ax Rt-I = .25 .4071 .000936 × = L. 108.734. Ex. 2d. A failor, being engaged for a voyage of 6 years, at the rate of L. 1, 10 s. per month, at his return to port, received his wages, with inte- reſt upon his monthly payments, at the rate of 4 per cent: per annum : Sought, the amount of the whole. Here a 6 1.5, R=1.04 1.26532, and r=.003274. = R— I Hence a x = 1.5 × 26532 .003274 =L. 121.557 Ex. 3d. What will an annuity of L. 17.5, pay- able every quarter of a year, amount to in 5 years, at five per cent per annum? Here, 5 a = 17.5, Rt = 1.05 = 1.27628, and r = .012272. X Hence 17.5 × .27628 .012272 L. 393.977. In like mannner, mutatis mutandis, may a, t, and R be found from the other equations of 44th, when the payments are made every half quarterly, &c. year, 2d. Of the prefent Worth of an Annuity computed at Compound Intereft. I R 47. Let p reprefent the prefent worth of an an- nuity a; then, fince 1: the prefent worth of L. 1, as a, this at the end of one year will be the prefent worth of a; and deriving a feries from K the · 74 THEORY OF INTEREST, the quantity have + a R a R a R + fent worth of the I R- I Rt = ax I I in the ratio of 1:, we fhall a R3 R². I Rt a α R + Ri... +7=p the pre- R4 Rt р annuity a, which gives pax 1- Or thus, the feller, when the annuity ceaſes, has pR'; the purchaſer, at the end of the time, has a × , but by fuppofition Rt- I pRt Rt- I =ax which gives pax Rt-I =ax ах r Rt I Rt Hence the following TABLE. Given. a, t, R, pax f, t, R, a=rp x f, t, a, i+ ↑, r, a,t= I.. a I I Rt I R * × R² —— R²+ I i.. R 1 TRt Equation 1. - R² + 1 = 1/2 • Sought in Equation iſt. a x R. 38 a P - R Rt p = Rp-a. R$ Rp—p=a — • pt I x=ixp=axi- R** rh a Rp+ a+p. Rt 2. 3. 4. }px R¹+ ¹ + a=aR$ +pRª• R² + 1 + 7 = // R$ + Rˆ• Sought in Equation 4th. I • Eg. 2. rp=a-at Sought R in Equation 3d. 381 - X = Rp — a. a I Rt =a a a ---- a-rp. rpx Rt, and t=&c. Ex. ift. 4. AND ANNUITIES. 75 Ex. ft. What is the prefent worth of an year- ly annuity of L. 20 to continue 20.75 years, rec- koning intereft at 4 per cent? I I Rt ax =20 x X .598822 .045 — L. Rt = .3966632 I.CC L._1=9.6033368 I Rt L. 266.14 the prefent value. 1- I Rt 0.401178 .598822 If the years purchaſe which an annuity is worth, be fought; they are manifeftly equal to the number of times the annuity is contained in its preſent value. So that 2, the number of years purchaſe, = £ the laſt example, purchaſe. - I I Ꭱ 266.14 20 =n of Table V. Thus in -59882 .045 = 13.307 = years Ex. 2d. A gentleman is willing to fpend L. 1000 upon the purchaſe of an annuity, to continue 15 years, being allowed difcount at the rate of 4 per cent.; fought, the annuity. I rpx 45×2.096 L. Rt = .2867445 1.00 1- R L. =9.7132555 0.51672 Rt L.93.114 annuity. I Rt .483289.6841988 2.0962.3158012 1 Ex. 3d. Sought the duration of an yearly annui- of L. 80, whofe prefent value is L. 800; dif- counting intereſt at 5 per cent. : ty L. a L. Here L. R =2010300 = 14 years 75 days. .0211593 48. Given, the annuity, its preſent worth and time; fought, the rate of intereft per cent. Cafe ift, If the number of years be great, as 40 or upwards, and if the rate of intereft be high; in this cafe, will be of fmall value, and r, I Ri K 2 a P with 76 THEORY OF INTEREST, with this rate find the prefent value of the rever- a rR fion of the annuity, viz. = x; then=r, the rate fought. Ex. 4. Suppofe a = L. 70, p = L. 1321.3028, and t = 59 years; fought r, the rate of intereſt. a a 70 =/=.052978= =r; R = 11139 = L.62.844=x, the reverfion; andx=.05057=r corrected = 5 per cent. Cafe 2. If the number of years is ſmall, as 20 or under, the rate may be found thus: The preſent worth of an annuity may alfo be conceived to be nearly equal to the area of a geo- metrical figure, having two of its fides parallel, and two of its angles right; its greateſt breadth =, its leaſt, and its height=t; hence p= at a MT, which gives "V=R=1+r, nearly. 2 Ex. 5. Suppofe a=L. 20, p=L. 220, and t= 21 years. Sought, the rate of intereft allowed. L. at, 2.62 3 2 4 9 3 +co. L. p. =7.6575773 1- I 2 11) 0.2808265 (.0255297=1.0605= R=1+r=6 per cent. Hi greater accuracy be de- fired, let, then b-br corrected. Theſe two cafes may alfo be refolved by the Rule of double pofition. Ex. 6. Suppofe a=L. 20, p=L. 100, and t= 7 years; fought, R. Ift AND ANNUITIES. 77 } Ift pofition, R=1.09... refult 100.659... error +.659 2d poſition, R=1.0925... refult 99.82... error .180 refult 100. diff. of refult.839 Per queftion. Hence, .839: .0025: : .180: .000536-difference between the 2d pofition and R; but feeing, in this queſtion, the greater the intereſt is, cæteris paribus, the leſs will be the refult, this difference muſt be deducted from 1.0925, making R = 1.091964; which gives p=L. 99.9989. 49. When an annuity is paid every half year, quarterly, or monthly, &c. its prefent value may I I p=ax R¹. be found by the equation pa×¹- Rt Ex. What is the prefent worth of an annuity of L. 5 paid every quarter, to continue 20 years, reckoning intereft at 4 per cent.? Here a=5, R$ = 1.045 20.75 and r=.011065; hence hence 5X L. 270.59, the prefent worth. 598822 .011005 By comparing this with Ex. 1ſt, 47. it appears, that an annuity paid every half year or quarter- ly is more valuable than when paid yearly. See Chap. VIII. Prob. XX. In like manner may a, t, and R, be found by the other equations of 47th, when the payments are made every half year, quarterly, or monthly. 3d. Of the prefent Worth of an Annuity in reverfion. 50. When an annuity is to commence after a certain number of years, (») and then to continue for a certain time, () its prefent value is found by 78 THEORY OF INTEREST, by fubtracting the prefent worth for 2 years, 1 n I from that for ten years: thus, a× Rt + n a T I Rn X r p. Or, divide the preſent value of the annuity at its commencement by R", the quotient gives p: Thus, ax the following I I Rt Rt-I =ax ах =p. rpt+n Hence TABLE. I I I R* Ri =ax R" + _R" Equation I. Given. a, n, t, R, p, n, t, R, p, n, t, a, p= ax r R" a=r RpX a I Rt RM n 1 R J р I R L. a La L R r "p L.a- Rt L.rp p, R, n, a, t : 2. 4. 3. p, R, t, a, n = L, R in Ex. 1. There is an yearly annuity of L. 30, which, commencing after the expiration of a leafe of 10, is to continue 19 years; it is required to find the prefent value thercof, reckoning intereſt at 5 per cent. Here a=30, n=10, t=19, and R .604266 =1.05: Hence p = 30 X 0814447 L. 222.58, the prefent value. Ex. 2. An annuity, which, commencing 12 years hence, is to continue 20 years, being ex- pofed AND ANNUITIES. 79 pofed to fale, fold for L. 250. Reckoning intereſt at 4 per cent. fought the annuity. Herep=250, n=12, t=20, R=1.04, fought a L. rRp 1.2044002 Equ. 2. L.=.2647102 I R$ 1.4691104=L. 29.4517, the ann. Ex. 3. When 12 years of a leafe of 21 years were expired, a renewal for the fame term was granted for L. 500; 8 years are now expired, and for what fum muſt a correſponding renewal be made, reckoning 5 per cent. compound intereft? Here, 1ſt, Givenp=500, n=9, t=12, R=1.05, fought a Equ. 2. px=500X 139298-L. 87.5, the ann. r Rt + n -79585 2. Given a=87.5, n=13, t=8, fought p. I .47746 Equ. 1. ax=87.5X139298 =L. 299.9, r Rt n the fine. When a, p, n, and t are given, R may be found by approximation: Thus, let T=2n+t+1, then T at 2 р =R=1+r nearly. If greater exactneſs be defired, let 66b, then b-bb-2rb is exceed- ing near the value of r. Ex. 4th, An annuity of L. 40 per annum, being in poffeflion for the term of 21 years, for L. So paid down can be prolonged for 10 years more, or to 31 years; what is the rate of intereſt required? Here a=40, p=80, n=21, and t=10, fought R. L.a 80 THEORY OF INTEREST, L. at 2.6020600 co. L. p 8.0959100 T 2 T=42+11=53 26.5) 0.6989700 ( 0.0263762 =L.1+r=1.062616. b=67+6 =3.24 tt 2r= .125232. b-2rXb=3.114768 X 3.24 10.091848bb-2rb. 63.24 √ bb—2rb = 3.176767 .063233r, the rate fought. Ex. 5. Given a L. 87.5, p=L. 500, n=9 years, R=1.05, fought t, the time of the annuity's con- tinuance. .2542796 Equ. 4. 0211893 =12 years. Ex. 6. Given a = L. 20, p=L. 145.836, t=12 years, R=1.05, fought n, the number of years prior to the commencement of the annuity. .0847572 Equ. 5. 4 years. 0211893 Of AND ANNUITIES. 81 Of the Renewing of Leafes for a certain Number of Years. A TABLE, fhewing the Fine for renewing of any Number of Years elapfed in a Leaſe of 21 Years. Years L.II : 11':84 elapfed. per cent. + • 5 per cent. 6 per cent. 18 per cent. 10 per cent. I попро 23 0.1200 0.2118 0.3590 0.2942 c.1987 0.1352 0.7359 0.6060 C.4122 0.2848 0.3364 1.1317 0.9365 | 0.6489 0.4473 4 0.4754 1.5471 1.2869 | 0.8942 c.6272 5 0.6306 | 1.9834 | 1.6583 1.1544 0.8250 6 0.8035 2.4415 2.0419 14563 1.0426 78 9 ΙΟ 1.0000 1.2121 1.4525 3.9576 3.3803 1.7210 4.5148 3.8772 2.9226 2.4691 1.7726 1.2820 3-4276 2.9114 2.1120 I.5454 2.4807 1.8350 2.8779 2.1437 II 2.0205 5.0995 4.4040 3.3067 2.5042 12 2.3446 5.7134 4.9624 3.76939 2.8897 13 2.7275 6.3580 5.5543 4.2702 3.3038 14 3.1435 7.0349 6.1817 4-8104 3.7803 15 3.6077 7.7456 6.7468 5.3939 4.2935 16 4.1258 8.4917 7-5417 6.0241 4.8579 17 4.7038 92752 8.2990 6.7047 5.4759 18 5.3488 10.0980 9 0911 7.4397 6.1619 19 6.0686 10.9618 ,9.9207 8.2356 | 6.9132 20 6.8716 11.8678 10.8107 9.0309 7-7396 Total 2 I 7.7682 12.8212 11.7641 10.0168 8.6487 value. In the conſtruction of this table, let n be the number of years in eſſe, or yet to run by the leaſe, t the time elapfed fince its commencement ; then from the prefent value of L. 1 annuity for L n+t 82 THEORY OF INTEREST, 5 nt years, at a given rate, fubtract that of an annuity for n years; the remainder = N, the ta- bular number expreffing the fine for renewing the leafe; the yearly rent being L. 1. Ex. There is a leaſe of church-lands, for the ſpace of 21 years, at L. 70 per annum, whereof 14 years are expired: It is required to know what fine ought to be paid, to have the fame renewed, reckoning intereft at L. 11: 11: 8 per cent. Let a exprefs the rent, and N the tabular num- ber for 14 years; then II: 4 a N=70×3.1435=L. 220.045, the fine required. When the length of the leafe is different from 21, ſuppoſe 31 years, whereof t years are elapſed: In this cafe, from the prefent value of L. 1 an- nuity for nt (=31) years, at a given rate, Tab. V. fubtract that of an annuity for n years yet to run; the remainder will fhew the fine for re- newing the leafe, fuppofing the rent to be L. 1. When the fine for the whole leafe is a given ſum, for inſtance L. 500; fee Ex. 3d; find a, the annuity which that fum will purchaſe, at a given rate, during the currency of the leafe; then a multiplied by N, correfponding to the years elap- fed, will produce the fine. 4th, Of the prefent Worth of the Reverſion of an An- nuity. 51. The reverfion of an annuity being the fame. with a reverfion in fee-fimple, which is to com- mence after a certain time, t, the duration of the annuity, its prefent value may be found by fub- tracting ! AND ANNUITIES. 88 ļ tracting the value of the annuity from that of the perpetuity, the remainder gives the reverfion: Or rather thus, Divide the prefent value of the per- petuity, viz. (56.) by R', the quotient gives the a * reverfion; thus, the reverfion. Ex. 1ft, Sought the reverfion of an yearly an- nuity of L. 20, which is to continue 12 years, reckoning intereft at 5 per cent. a 20 = L 222.735, the reverfion. TRt .0897925 Ex. 2d, Sought, the reverfion of an yearly an- nuity of L. 40, which is to commence 21 years hence, and to continue 10 years, reckoning inte- reft at 6 per cent. Here a=40, n+t=31, and R=1.06. a 40 L. 109.5, the reverfion. rRn+t—.365286 See reverfions more fully treated of in 57. 52. The feveral particulars refpecting annuities. at compound intereft may more readily be found by the help of the three following tables, where- in are calculated the amount and prefent value of L. I annuity for years, at feveral rates of com- pound intereft. L2 TABLE 84 THEORY OF INTEREST, TABLE IV. Shewing the Amount of L. 1 Annuity for Years. Yrs. 3 per cent. 13 per cent.4 per cent. 14 per cent.'5 per cent. (6 per cent. I 1 2 3 4 5 I. 2.03 3.0909 4.18363 I. 2.035 I. I. I. I. 2.04 2.045 2.05 2.06 3.10623 3.1216 3.13703 3.1525 3.1836 4.21494 4.24646 4.27819 4.31013 4.37460 5.30913 5.36246 5.41633 5.47071 5.52563 5.63709 6.46341 6.55015 6.63297 6.71689 6.80191 6.97532 78 7.66246 7.77941 7.89829 8.01915 8.14201 8.39384 8.39233 9.05168 9.21423 9.38001 9.54911 9.89747 9 10 10.15911 10.36849 10.58279 JI 11.46388 12.80779 11.73139 12.05611 10.80211 11.02656 11.49131 12.28821 12.57789 13.18079 I 2 14.19203 13 15.61779 13.14199 13.48635 13.84118 14.60196 15.02580 16.11303 10.62684 14.20678 14.97164 15.46403 15.91712 16.86994 17.15991 17.71298 18.88214 14 17.08632 17.67698 | 18.29191 18.93211 19.59863 21.01506 15 18.59891 19.29568 | 20.02358 20.78405 21.57856 23.27597 16 20.15688 20.97103 21.82453 22.71933 23.65749 25.67253 17 21.76158 22.70501 23.69751 24.74171 25.84036 28.21288 18 23.41443 24.49969 25.64541 26.85508 28.13238 30.90565 19 20 25.11687 26.35718 27.67123 26.87037 28.27968 | 29.77810 31.37142 29.06356 30.53900 33.06595 33-75999 36.78559 2 2 2 2 N 22 23 24 25 26 38.55304 27 41.31310 44.31174 47.57064 40.70963 43.75906 | 47.08421 28 20 45.21885 48.910Ɛn | 52.96628 30 47.57541 50.62267 56.08494 33 31 34 33 21 28.67648 | 30.26947 31.96920 30.53678 32.32890 34.24797 36.30338 | 38.50521 43.39229 32.45288 34.46041 | 36.61789 38.93703 | 34-42047 | 36.66653 39.08260 41.68919 44.50199 50.81557 | 36.45926 38.94985 | 41.64591 | 44.56521 50.71132 42.93092 | 46.29063 | 49.96758 | 53.99333 58.40258 68.52811 50.00263 54.42947 59.32833 52.50276 57-33450 62.70147 55.97784 60.34121 66.20953 34 57.73017 63.45315 69.85791 35 57.42303 62.32271 73.63979 61.00707 66.43884 79.05818 64.75238 64.7523870.76079 70.76079 84.86167 68.66624 75.2988390.88977 72.75623 80.06377 97.34316 77.03025 85.06696 104.18375 60.46208 66.67401 | 75.65222 | 81.4966 2 36 63.27594 70.00760 77.59831 37 66.17422 73-45787 81.70224 38 69.15945 77.02889 39 72.23423 80.72490 86.16396 90.32031111.43478 86.16396 | 95.83632 |119.12086 9104134 101.62814 127.26812 85.97033 96.13820 107.70954 135.90420 90.40915 101.46442 114.09502 145.05845 40 75.40126 | 84.55028 95.02551 107.03032 120.79977 154.76196 Af 78.66330 | 88.50954 | 99.82654 112.84668 127.83976 165.04767 42 82.02320 92.60737 104.81959 118.92478 135.23175 175.95053 85.48390 | 96.84863 110.01238 125.27640 142.99333 187.50756 44 89.04841 101.23816 115.41287 131.91384 151.14300 199.75801 45 92.71986 105.78167 121-02939 138.84996 159.70015 212.74349 43 | 46 96.50146 110.48403 126.87056 146.09821 168.68516 226.50810 47 100.39650 115.35097 132.94539 153.67263 178.11942 241.39858 48 104.40839 120.38825 139.26320 161.58790 188.02539 256.56449 49 108.54065 125.60184 145.33373 169.85935 198.42666 272.95836 30 |112.79686-[130.99791 (152.66708 178.50303 259.34799 (290.33586 33.78313 33.78313 35.71925 39.99273 41.43047 | 46.99583 47-72709 54.8645 1 51.JI345 59.15638 54.66913 63.70576 ན་ AND ANNUITIES. 833 Table IV. Shews the amount of L. 1 annuity; and is conſtructed by Equation 1ft, 44; whereby Rt—— I N=1X r Or thus, feeing =a=amount for 1 year. I a+R = b = b + R² = c = c + R³ = d = for 2 years. for 3 years. for 4 years, &c. Hence, to L. 1, the first year of this table, adđ the first year of Tab. II. their fum is the fecond year of this table, to which add the fecond year of Tab. II. their fum will be the third year of this table, &c. From the nature of the table, 1: N:: a: Nas, the amount of any annuity a, for the time and at the rate correfponding to N. the following Hence TABLE. Given. a, t, r, s = Na. s, t, r, a= st, a, = · N= s, r, a, 40 r being given, t is found op. pofite to N, and t being given, ris found above N in the Ta- ble. Ex. ft. Given, a=L. 80, t=20 years, and the rate 4 per cent.; fought the amount. Here, Na=29.7781 × 80 L. 2382.248, the amount. Ex 86 THEORY OF INTEREST, Ex. 2d. Given, s=L. 1000, t=15 years, and the rate of intereft 5 per cent.; fought, 'the annuity. S N 1000 L. 46.3423, the annuity. 21.57856 Ex. 3d. Given, a=L. 48.114, s=L. 1000, and t=15 years; fought, the rate of intereſt. a 48000=20.7840=N for 15 years, correfpond- ing to 4 per cent. Ex. 4th, Given a L. 5.25, s = L. 419.297, = s= and the rate 4 per cent.; fought, the time of con- tinuance. == 419,297 = 79.8661=N for 4 per cent. corref a 5.25 ponding to 34 years; and for the odd days ſay, as 81.49662 77.03025 79.86610 77.03025 4.46637 1: 2.83585635232 days. : TABLE AND ANNUITIES. 87 TABLE V. Yrs. | 3 per cent. Shewing the prefent Worth of L. I Annuity for Years. 3 pr ceut. | 4 per cent. | 4 pr cent. 5 per cent. ¡6 per cent I 0.97087 0.26618 0.96154 0.95694 0.95238 C.94339 2 1.91347 1.89969 1.88609 1.87267 1.85941 1.83339 2.82861 2.80164 2.77509 2.74896 2.72325 2.67301 4 3.71710 3.67308 3.62989 3.58752 3.54595 3.46510 5 4.57971 4.51505 4.45182 4.38997 4.32947 4.21236 IO 679 a o 5.41719 8 7.01969 6.37395 7.78611 5.32855 5.24214 6.23028 6.11454 6.00205 5.15787 5.07569 4.91732 5.89270 5.78637 5.58238 6.73274 6.59588 6.46321 6.20979 7.60768 7.43533 7.26879 7.10782 6.80169 8.53020 8.31660 8.11089 7.91272 7.72173 7.36008 II 9.25262 9.00155 8.76047 8.52892 8.30641 7.38687 I 2 9.95-100 9.66333 9.38507 13 14 15 10.63495 10.30274 11.29607 10.92052 11.93793 II.51741 9.11858 9.98565 9.68285 10.56312 10.22282 11.11838 10.73954 8.86325 8.38384 9.39357 8.85268 9.89364 9.29498 10.37966 9.71225 16 a 12.56110 17 18 19 12.09412 11.65229 13.16612 12.65132 | 12.16567 13-75351 13.18968 12.65929 14.32380 13.70983 11.23401 10.83776 10.10389 11.70719 11.27406 10.47726 12.15999 11.68958 10.82760 13.13394 12.59329 12.08532 11.15812 20 14.87747 14.21240 13.59032 13.00793 12.46221 11.46992 2 2 21 22 15.93691 15.41502 14.69797 | 14.02916 | 13.40472 15.16712 | 14.451II 13.78442 12.82115 11.76407 13.16300 12.04158 23 16.44360 24 16.93554 25 17.41315 15.62041 | 14.85684 14.14777 13.48857 12.30338 16.05836 | 15.24696 | 14.49548 | 13.79864 | 12.55036 16.48151 15.6220814-82821 14-09394 12.78335 17.87684 16.89035 15.98276 | 15.14661|| 14.37518 | 13.00316 | 18.32703 17.28536 | 16.32958 | 15.45130 | 14.64303 13.21053 18.76411 17.66702 16.66306 15.74287 14.89813 13.40616 19.18845| 18.03576 | 16.98371 | 16.02189 IS.14107 13.59072 18.39204 17.29203 16.28888 29 30 CV N N 81 a 26 er ca 27 28 19.60044 15.37245 13.76483 زرع 31 20.00043 18.73627 17.58849 16.54439 15.59281 13.92910 32 | 20.38876 19.06886| 17.8735 5 16.78889 | 15.80267 14.08404 33 20.76579 19.39020 18.14764 17.02286 16.00255 14.23023 34 21.13183 19.70068 18.41119 17.24676 16.19290 | 14.368 14 35 21.48722 20.00066 18.66461 | 17.46102 16.37419 14.49824 36 37 38 39 40 21.83225 20.29049 18.90828 | 17.6660+ 22.16723 20.57052 19.14258 17.86224 22.49246 20.84108 | 19.36786 | 18.04999 22.80821 21.10250 19.58448 | 18.229 65 23.11477 21.35507 16.54685 14.62098 16.71128 14-73678 16.86789 14.84602 17.01704 14.94907 19.79277 18.40158 17.15908 15.04629 4 I 23.41240 21.59910 19.99305 18.56611 17.29436 | 15.13802 42 20.18562 18.72355 43 44 45 23.70136 21.83488 23.98190 | 22.06269 20.37079 18.87421 17.54591 15.30617 24.25427 22.28279 | 20.54884 | 19.01838 24.51871 22.49545 20.72004 19-15634 17.66277 15.38318 17.42320 15.22454 17-77406 | 15-455 8 3 46 47 24.77545 22.70092 20.88465 19.28837 17.88006 25.02471 22.89943 21.04293 48 25.26671 23.09124 21.19513 19.53560 18.07715 15.52437 19.41471 17.98101 15.58902 15.65002 49 25.5016623.27656 | 21.34147 19.65130 | 18.16872 501 25.72976 | 23.45562 | 21.48218 | 19.76201 18.25592 | 15.76186 15.70757 83 THEORY OF INTEREST, Table V. Shews the prefent value of L. 1 nuity, and is conftructed by Equation ft, 47. I whereby NIX-the number of years pur- + chafe an annuity is worth: Or thus, Seeing I Ꭱ I =a=Prefent worth for 1 year. a + /12/2₁ = b = 6 + /1/₁ = c === I گا c+ R₁ = d = for 2 years. for 3 years. for 4 years, &e. Hence the first year in this table and in table III. are the fame, the fum of the firſt year in this and of the fecond in Table III. makes the fecond in this, and the ſum of the fecond in this, and of the third in Table III. makes the third year in this table, &c. From the nature of the table, IN::a: Na=p, the prefent worth of any an- nuity a, for the time, and at the rate correfpond¬ ing to N. Hence the following TABLE. Given. a, t, r, Na p, t, r, p a N p, t, a, \p, r, a, S N=t a. Ex. 1ft, Given a L. 50,. t=15 years, and the rate 5 per cent.; fought the prefent worth. Here, Na=10.37966×50=L. 518.983=p. Ex. AND ANNUITIES. 89 Ex. 2d, Given, p=270, t=59, and the rate 3 per cent.; fought, the annuity. Here, N =25-729764=L. 10.493685, the annuity. Ex. 3d, Given, a=L. 100, p=L. 1037.966, and t=15 years; fought, the rate of intereft. £ 1037.966 = 10.37966=N for 15 years, corre- a 100 ſponding to 5 per cent. Thus, as far as the tables extend, may theſe difficult equations be refolved, where Ris fought in Equation 3d, 44. and 47. and where it is in- volved to a high power. M TABLE 90 THEORY OF INTEREST, TABLE VI. Shewing the Annuity which L. I will purchaſe. Yrs. 13 per cent per cent. 4 per cent. 4per cent. 5 per cent 5 per cent. I 1.03 1.035 1.04 1.045 1.05 1.06 2 .522510 ·353530 .356934 4 .269027 5 ·526400 .530196 .360348 .272251 .275490 .218354 .221481 22.1627 .533997 537805 .545437 363773 ·367208 .374109 .278743 .2820II .288591 .227791 .230974 .237396 879 .184597 .187668 .190762 .193878 .197016 .203362 .160506 .142456 9 .128434 · 163544 .166609 -145476 .148527 .131446 •T34493 · • 169701 .172820 .179135 .151609 .154722 .161036 137574 .140690 .147022 ΙΟ .117230 .120241 .123291 .126378 .129504 .135868 IJ .108077 .II1092 .114149 117248 .120389 .126793 I 2 100462 .103484 106552 .109666 .112825 .I19277 13 .094029 .097061 .ICO143 .103275 .106455 .112960 14 .083526 .091570 .094669 .097820 .101024 .107584 15 .083766 .086825 .089941 .093114 096342.102962 16 .079611 II .082684 .085820 .089015 .092269 098952 17 075952 18 072708 *079043 075816 .082198 .085417 .088699 .095444 .078993 .082237 .085546 .092356 19 .069813 .072940 .076138 .079407 .082745 .089620 20 .067215 .070361 073582 .076876 .080242 .087184 2 I .c64871 .063036 .071280 .074600 .077996 .085004 23 22 .062747 .060813 065932 .c69198 .064018 .067399 .072545 .075970 .083045 .070682 074136 081278 24 .059047 062273 .065586 .068987 •072471 .079679 25 .057427 .060674 .064012 .067439 .070952 .078226 26 .055938 .059205 .062567 .066021 .069564 .076904 27 .054564 .057852 .061238 .064719 .068292 075697 • 28 .053293 .056602 .060013 .063521 .067122 .074592 29 .052114 .055445 .058879 .062414 .066045 .073579 30 .051019 .054371 .057830 .061391 .065051 .072649 31 .049999 953372 .056855 060443 .064132 .071752 32 .049046 .052441 .955948 .059503 .063280 .071002 33 048156 .051572 .055104 .058744 .062490 .070273 34 0 4 7 3 2 2 .050759 0543 15 .057982 .061755 .069598 35 .046539 .049998 .053577 .057270 .061072 .068974 36 .045204 .049284 .052887 .056606 .060434 .068395 ONSUI .048613 052239 .055984 059840 057857 334 38 044459 .047982 .051632 .055402 .059284 .067358. 39 .043344 047387 .051061 054857 058764 .066894 40 .043262 .046827 .050523 054343 .058278 .066462 .042712 .046298 .050017 .053861 057822 .066059 42 .042191 .045798 .049540 .053403 .057395 .065683 43 .041698 .045325 .049090 .052982 .056993 065333 44 .041230 .044877 .048664 .052581 .056616 .065006 45 .040785 .044453 .048262 .052202 .056262 .064701 46 .040362 .044051 .047882 .051845 .055928 .064415 47 .039960 48. .043669 .047522 .051507 .055614 .064148 .039577 49 .039213 .042962 50 -038865 042634 043306 .047181 .051188 .055318 .063927 .046857 .050887 .055039 .063664 .046550 .050602 .054777 .063444 AND ANNUITIES. 91 4 Table VI. fhews the annuity which L. I will purchaſe, and is conſtructed by Equation 2d, 47. whereby N= Or thus, it being the reci- I Rt I N procal of Table V. N of Table VI. of Table V. From the nature of the table, 1: N::p: Np=a, the annuity which p will purchaſe, for the time and at the rate correfponding to N. Hence the following TABLE. p, t,R, a, t, R, p, t, a, 2 p, R, a, S a = Np. р N= Ex. Ift, Given, p=L. 1000, t= 20 years, and the rate 5 per cent.; fought, the annuity. Here, Np=.080242X 1000 L. S0.242, annuity. Ex. 2d, Given, a=L. 30, t=19 years, and the rate 4 per cent.; fought, the prefent worth. Here, a N=.070138=L. 394.021, the prefent worth. Ex. 3d, Given, a = L. 80.242, p=L. 1000, and t=20 years; fought, the rate of intereft. Here, a P 1000 === 80.0242 = .080242=Nfor 20 years, correſpond- ing to 5 per cent. the rate fought. More M 2 92 THEORY OF INTEREST, More Examples. ift, A gentleman purchaſes an eftate for L. 1000, and is allowed to retain the purchaſe-money in his own hands, upon condition of paying to the for- mer proprietor 4 per cent. per annum: He fets the eſtate at fuch a yearly rent as to have 6 cent for his money; fought, the time in which the eſtate will clear itfelf. per Here the purchafer's yearly profit-rent is 2 per cent. upon the purchaſe-money, and the time is fought in which this intereft will equal the prin- cipal. By Remark 3d, 43, s=2p when t L. 2 L. 1.02 3010334.886 years. 2d, A puts L. 1500 out at intereft, B hath an annuity of L. 75 to continue 50 years; which of them will amount to the greateſt fum at the end of the 50 years; and what is the prefent worth of the difference, at the rate of 4 per cent. per annum? Here, by Table II. and IV. The amount of L. 1500 for 50 years at 4 per cent. = L. 13548.945 of L.75 annuity for 50 years A's amount exceeds that of B by *** The prefent worth of which by Table III. L. 17.848. 13387.727 161.218 3d, A hath a term of 7 years in an eftate of L. 50 per annum; B hath a reverfion of the fame eftate of 14 years after A; and C hath a further reverfion of 21 years after A and B; fought, the prefent worths of the feveral terms, reckoning Here aX 1 intereſt at 4 per cent. prefent worths refpectively. Or thus, Rt their rR” By } AND ANNUITIES. 93 By Table V. 42 years 18.72355×50=936.1775 21 years 7 years - 13.40472 X 50=670.236 5.89270×50=294.635 fubtracting thefe from each preceding term, we have A's term L. 294.635, B's L. 375.601, C's L. 265.9415. 4th, A perſon having 7 years to run in a leaſe of an eſtate of L. 80 per annum, it is required what fum he ought to pay at prefent to have the leafe renewed by having 20 years added thereto, reckoning intereft at 6 per cent.? Here, I R ax TR =80×7.62815=L. 610.25=p. Or thus, = †, of L. 1 annuity for 27 years 13.21053 for 7 years 5.58238 7.62815× 80= L. 610.25, the fum he ought to pay. 5th, A leaſe of an eſtate, to continue 14 years, is offered for L. 250 fine, and L. 44 yearly rent; but the tenant wants to reduce the rent to L. 20 per annum; what ought the fine to be at 6 per cent? Here, 44—20=24, and Tab.V. 9.29498 × 24=223.0795 + 250. The whole fine L. 473.0795 6th, The proprietor of an eftate, having, 20 years ago, granted the leafe of a farm for 38 years, is defirous of recovering the fame: It is required to find what he ought to pay for the recovery of faid ! 94 THEORY OF INTEREST. ! faid leafe, upon the fuppofition that the farm is worth L. 40 of yearly additional rent, and reckon- ing intereft at 5 per cent. Here are given, a=L. 40, t=18, and the rate 5 per cent. fought p. By Tab. V. 11.6896 × 40=L. 467.584=p. 53. Of Annuities computed at Compound Intereft, when the first Payment is either due, or paid per Advance. ift, To find the amount of an annuity in ar- rears, the firft payment being due per advance, at a given rate of compound intereft. Here, as the firſt year's annuity (a) bears intereft, the laſt year's annuity will be reprefented by aR'; and deriving a feries from the quantity aR, in the ratio of 1: R, we ſhall have aR+aR²+a R³...+aR' = R++ ' ____ R s; hences=ax =axRxRaN× R_of Table IV. Σ r r Ex. It is required, to find the amount of an annuity of L. 5, at the end of 30 years, the firſt payment being due per advance, and reckoning intereſt at 4 per cent. Here, ах R++¹ _R r =5x 2.33313—L. 291.64, the amount. .04 If the feries expreffing the amount of an annuity, when the firft payment is due at the end of the year, (44.) be fubtracted from the above feries, their difference will be a R—a, in favour of the latter, which, of confequence, will exceed the former, by the accumulated intereft of one year's annuity for the time of its continuance. Or thus: The amount of an annuity for t years, when the first payment is due from the beginning of the year, 1 AND ANNUITIES. 95 year, will be equal to its amount for t+1 years—a, when the firſt payment is due at the end of the year. 2d, To find the prefent value of an annuity, the firſt payment being made per advance, at a given rate of compound intereſt. Here we ſhall have, a a +++, the prefent value of R R the annuity, which gives pax R- I = ax ах I I Rt -XR=aNx R of Table V. r Ex. It is required, to find the prefent value of an annuity of L. 20, to continue 19 years, the firſt payment being made per advance, and rec- koning intereſt at 4 per cent. Here, Rt-I R- I ax r =20X-5464 =L. 273.4, the value. .04 If the feries expreffing the prefent value of an annuity, when the firft payment is made at the end of the year, (47.) be fubtracted from the a- bove feries, their difference will be a- a R , in fa- vour of the latter, which, of confequence, will exceed the former by the difference betwixt the annuity and the prefent value of one payment thereof due at the end of years. Or thus: The prefent value of an annuity for t years, when the firſt payment is made per advance, will be equal to its prefent value for t-1 years-a, when the firſt payment is due at the end of the year. Remarks 96 THEORY OF INTEREST, Remarks upon Annuities at Compound Intereſt. I Rt r 54. 1ft, The expreffion in Equation Ift, 47. is always leſs than, except when t, the time, is indefinite; of confequence, the years purchaſe of an annuity for a certain number of years, at compound intereft, are always lefs than the years purchaſe of a perpetuity: Hence compound inte- reft, by which the value of a perpetuity is deter- mined, is the proper ſtandard for afcertaining the value of an annuity. 2d, The time in which the preſent value of an annuity is equal to its reverfion may be found by a the equation TR r a a , rRt rRt which gives - 23 r rRt 2 I = Rt R' = 2, and R2, t== the time in which a fum of money doubles. L. 2 L. R itſelf at a given rate of compound intereft. 3d, Befides the two methods mentioned in the conſtruction of Tables IV. and V. the amount and preſent value of an annuity may alſo be cal- culated thus: ift, To find the amount of L. I annuity for years. Let ia the amount for 1 year. Then aR+1=b= 2. bR+1=c= cR+1=d= 3. 4 years, &c. 2d, AND ANNUITIES. 97 2d, To find the prefent value of L. 1 annuity for years. Leta=the preſent value for 1 year. Then "+¹=b= R I 111 = c = R c+1 = d = R 2. 3. 4 years, &c. SUPPLEMENT to CHAPTER VI. Of a Sinking Fund to extinguish the National Debt. WHEN a debtor's funds are infufficient 55. to pay the intereft of his debt, this muſt increaſe yearly by the accumulation of the deficient inte- reft; but if he can fpare a little, after paying this intereft, that little may, with proper œconomy, become a finking fund to extinguifh his debt in time. Any part of the national debt is faid to be bought at par, when the legal intereft of the pur- chafe money, at 5 per cent. is equal to the inte- reft of the ſtock purchaſed, or when the purcha- fer hath 5 per cent for his money. Thus, pr cents. L. 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5/1/ 6, Pars, L. 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120. As a debtor hath it always in his power to dif- charge his debt, by paying the fum borrowed, when he is able, and is fo difpofed, Government, it is prefumed, is not obliged to pay above the par of 5 per cent for each L. 100 of national debt. N la 1 98 THEORY OF INTEREST, In the following particulars, units are affumed in place of millions, when the national debt is concerned; which debt may confift either of money borrowed at 3, 4, or 5 per cent. or in the value of annuities paid by Government, for a certain number of years, at 5 or 6 per cent.; and may be in all about L. 262, at 3 per cent. anno 1792; at which period there was, in the ſpace of fix years, the fum of L. 8 recovered, and the na- tional finking fund was raifed to L. 1.4, which is fuppofed to accumulate till it rifes to L. 4. ift, It is required, to find the time in which a finking fund of L. 1.4 will extinguiſh L. 25-8= L. 17 of 3 per cents, the purchaſes being made at the market-price of 90. S a Here, 100: 90 :: 17: 15.3; and, by Table IV. 1.4 15.310.928=N, at 3 per cent. correſpond- ing to 9.59 years, the time required; being that period at which Government can, if it fhall be thought proper, point all the artillery of the fink- ing fund against the 4 and 5 per cents, for the reduction of the fame. 2d, It is required, to find the time in which the national finking fund will rife to L. 4; beyond which it is fuppofed it needs not to accumulate, being then fufficient to anſwer all the purpoſes of its deftination. On or before the year 1808, to which period the long annuities of 1778 extend, it is prefumed that L. 12 of annuities, at 5 per cent. will ceafe; whofe intereft L. .60. Therefore, to the prefent finking fund 1.40 Add the intereft of L. 17 recovered in 9.59 years = 0.51 yo Their fum L. 1.91 And AND ANNUITIES. 99 And find the capital of 4 per cents, which a ſinking fund of L. 1.91 will recover in 16 —9.59=6.41 years. Na 7.152 X 1.91 L. 13.66, whofe in- tereſt, at 4 per cent. to which add 1.91+.60 = .546 = 2.510 Their fum is the finking fund, an. 1808 = 3.056 04 Again, 4—3.056=.944; and 244=L. 23.6, a capital of 4 per cents, which L. 3.056 will reco- ver in the ſpace of 7 years. Hence the national finking fund will rife to L. 4 anno 1815. 3d, It is required, to find the amount of the national debt diſcharged when the finking fund rifes to L. 4. Prior to an. 1792, there was redeemed, in 6 yrs, a fum=L. 8.co From hence, in the space of 9.59 years, a fum During 6 41 years, prior to anno 1808, In anno 1808, of annuities, During ſeven years, prior to anno 1815, = 17.00 13.66 12.00 23.60 In all, L. 74.26 That a finking fund may have its proper ef- fect, it ought to accumulate yearly, with the in- tereſt of the capital which it hath recovered. But when it is limited, for inftance, to L. 4, the na- tion may be relieved from taxes to the amount of faid intereſt. 4th, It is required, to find the time in which a finking fund of L. 4, without accumulation, will reduce the national debt to the fame ftate in which it was anno 1755, the medium rate of intereft being 3 per cent. and the purchafes made at 100. Let L. 9.45 be the intereft of the national debt, anno 1786, correfponding to a capital of L. 270, N 2 at ¿ 100 THEORY OF INTEREST, at 3 per cent. Upon this fuppofition : 2 To the amount of debt anno 1755, = L. 72.00 Add of capital recovered in 29 years prior to anno 1815, as above, a fum= And of annuities expiring, 74.26 10.00 Their fum L. 156.26 Hence 270-156.26 L. 113.74, the debt to be extinguiſhed; fought, the time. Here, 4 II3.74 =28.43 years, the time required, extending to the year 1844 at which period the national taxes, including one million of a finking fund, will be 10.45-2.52=7.93 millions lefs, yearly, than they were anno 1786. 5th, It is required, to find the effect which a finking fund of L. 1.4 will have upon a debt of L. 270, in the ſpace 25 years, reckoning intereſt at 3 per cent.; and what will be the amount of faid fund at the expiration of that period. By Table IV. Ña=38.95 × 1.4=L. 54.53, the debt diſcharged in 25 years; and 1.4+1.9=L. 3.3, the finking fund. 6th, It is required, to find the time in which a finking fund of L. 1.4 will extinguiſh a debt of L. 270, reckoning intereft at 3 per cent. Here, By Equation 4. 44. the time required, a L. = +1 .8893017 =59.52 years, L. R .0149403 : A... . 1 CHAP. 1 : CHAP. VII. Of the Value of a Perpetuity, or Freehold Eftate. 56. IN treating of a perpetuity_or_freehold- a a R3 R49 eftate; let s reprefent the value, and a the yearly rent thereof; then the progreffion indefinitely continued, viz. tått, &c. = s. (47.) which progreffion, having no laft term, gives S==== (40.) from whence all the varieties in the buying and felling of eftates in fee-fimple may be refolved, as in the following R-I Given. a, R, s, r, a S= R— 1 a =rs. TABLE. a ==/ &R=1+ /=//= r = a S 38. Soughts. S=5- 1 x R. R Rs - a. S=RS R—1×s=ɑ. Or thus: Rx a R = 40. S= R-I a R-I. Let } 102 THEORY OF INTEREST, I I Let N repreſent the number of years purchaſe a is worth, then Nas; and for a fubftituting its value, rs, from the fee-fimple equation, we fhall have Nrss; which gives Nr 1, N= & r=. Or thus: Seeing s=Na, and a, the rent, may be confidered as the intereft drawn yearly for the purchaſe-money, hences: a= Na: a=N 117, which give sNa, rsa, and Nr=1. from whence the following EQUATION S. = Na a N a ==/ r rs. N= S a a I S N 2 a 150 .035 Ex. 1ft, Sought, the value of a freehold eftate, whofe yearly rent is L. 150, diſcounting intereſt at 3 per cent. Here L. 4285.7=s, the value. Had the purchaſe been made at 28.57 years purchaſe, correfponding to 3 per cent. then 150×28.57=L. 4285.5=s, the value. Ex. 2d, A gentleman purchaſes an eftate for L. 14,000; at what yearly rent muſt he let it, to have 4 per cent. upon his purchaſe-money? Here, rs=.04X 14000=L.560=a. Ex. 3d, An eftate, which coft L. 8000, is let in tack AND ANNUITIES. 103 tack at the rent of L. 360 a-year; fought, at what number of years purchaſe it is bought, and what rate of intereſt the purchaſer hath for his money? Here 8000 360 41 per cent. 22.24=N; and 360 8000 = .045=r = Of a Reverfion in Perpetuity. 57. A reverſion in perpetuity, or in fee-fimple, being the fame with the reverfion of an annuity when the time prior to its commencement is e- qual to the duration of the annuity, its value may be found thus: Divide the value of the per- petuity, viz. by R, t being the time prior to its commencement, the quotient gives the rever- fion: Thus Rs, the reverfion in perpetuity. Hence the following r a a TABLE. Given, a, t, R,s= a rRt s, t, R, a=rs× R'. s, t, a, R+¹ —R' =÷• a—L. s, R, a, t-La-L. rs t= L. R Equ. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ex. 1ft, Sought, the prefent value of a reverfion in perpetuity, which is to commence 40 years hence, and whofe yearly rent is L. 70, difcounting intereft at 4 per cent. Here, a ƒ Rt 70 -L. 364.5, the value fought. .19204 Ex. 104 THEORY OF INTEREST, Ex. 2d, There is a reverfion in fee-fimple fold for L. 500, which is to commence 25 years hence; fought, the yearly rent thereof, difcounting intereſt at 5 per cent. rs × Rt=25×3.3863=84.6575, the rent fought. Ex. 3d, The reverfion of an annuity of L. 20 a-year is fold for L. 222.735; fought, the dura- tion of the annuity, reckoning intereft at 5 per cent. Here, L.a-L.rs .2542716 L. R .0211893 = 12 years. Ex. 4th, There is an annuity of L. 35, to con- tinue 19 years, whofe reverfion is fold for L. 256.9 ready money; fought, the rate of intereſt allowed the purchaſer. Here, α 35 256.9 =.13624=R²°—R19, found by Table II. betwixt 5 and 6 per cent.; therefore take two po- fitions, &c. 1ft Pofit. R=1.05 2d Pofit. R1 055 By the queſtion, Refult 277.652 Error+20.744 Refult 230.095 Error -26.813 Refult 2569 Diff of Refult of 1ft & 2d=47.557 Then 47.557.005 :: 20.744: .00218 to be added to the 1ft po- fition, making the rate 5.218 per cent. nearly. Ex. 5th, Which is moft advantageous, a term of 16 years in an eftate of L. 50 per annum; or the reverfion of the fame eftate for ever, after the expiration of the faid term, reckoning intereſt at 4 per cent.? Here, By Equ. 1ft, the Reverfion By Table V. the Annuity 13.3477 X 50667.385 11.11838 X 50555.919 The Reverfion is better than the Term of 16 years by L. 111.466 } Ex. AND ANNUITIES. 105 Ex. 6th, A and B purchaſe an eftate for L. 6700, which, at the term of Martinmas 1790, they agree to divide into two equal parts. A fets his part for the yearly rent of L. 180, and has, befides, tim- ber, and an old manfion-houfe, valued at L. 260. B's part is under tack for 11 years to run, at the yearly rent of L. 143, and the timber upon it is valued at L. 22. pur- Sought, firſt, At what rate of intereſt the chafe was made; fecondly, How much A's part is better than B's; thirdly, At what yearly rent muft B fet his part, 11 years hence, to make it equal to A's in its prefent value, reckoning inte- reft at 5 per cent. =.05825=L. 5: 16: 6 per cent. a 180 S 3090 a 180 A's Part= =3600 .95 a B's Part= 143 =2860 r .05 His timber and houſe 260 His timber= 22 A's value= L. 3860 So that A 57. Equ. 2d, 978.00 =L. 83.636 11.6935 B's value= L. 2882 exceeds B in value L. 978. By B's rife of part e- rent at the end of 11 years, to make his qual in prefent value to that of A. Remarks upon the Purchafe of a Perpetuity. 58. 1ft, A freehold-eftate or perpetuity, purcha- fed at the rate of intereft r, is bought at a num- ber of years purchaſe=, and the rate of intereſt r, at which the purchaſe-money of a freehold e- ſtate is valued for N years purchaſe: So that N and r are reciprocal of, and difcover one ano- ther. Thus : If Ich THEORY OF INTEREST, If N=35, then r=.02857=2.857 per cent. Or, If r=.04, then N=25 years purchaſe. 2d, N, the number of years purchaſe at which a perpetuity is bought or fold at a given rate of compound intereft, is always equal to the num- ber of years in which money doubles itſelf at the fame rate of fimple intereft, feeing either of them, (23. & 56.) Thus : 3 140 33.3 3 // When a purchaſe 28.57 4 is made at 45 per cent. then N= 25 22.7 years purchaſe. 20 16 16.6 12.5, and vice versa. 3d, The value of a perpetuity may be expreffed by the area of a right-angled parallelogram AC, A D B a a C whoſe breadth AB==, and its length BC=a the rent of the eſtate; for ABX BC===s, the value of the perpetuity; and half of the parallelogram, r viz, AND ANNUITIES. 107 viż. BD==prefent value, or the reverſion of an annuity a, whofe duration is equal to the time in which a fum of money will double itſelf at the rate r of compound intereſt: For in Equation 4th, 47. in place of p, put its value in this cafe, a a viz. 27, then t— L. a—L. _ L. 2 L. R 2 L. R —the time in which a fum of money will double itſelf at the rate r of compound intereſt. 4th, The method of buying and felling eſtates, at a certain number of years purchaſe, is very proper, being both fimple, and well adapted to calculations upon the principles of compound in- tereſt, by which alone the value of a perpetuity can be aſcertained. 5th, The purchaſer of a perpetuity, if he can afford it, may venture to give, at leaſt, 10 years purchaſe more for an eſtate than what would a- rife from the legal intereft of 5 per cent. on ac- count of the fuperior fecurity, the chance of the rife of ground in its value; and becauſe he is allowed compound intereft upon the purchaſe- money, and other advantages. Q 2 A 108 THEORY OF INTEREST, * A TABLE, Shewing the prefent Worth of L. 1 for Years. I Yrs. 13 per cent. 4 per cent. 5 per cent. Yrs. 3 per cent. 4 per cent. 15 per cent. 51.221463135301 083051 52.215013.130097.079096 53.208750.125093.075330 54.202670.120282 | .071743 56.191036.111207.065073 71|.122619|.061749 |.031301 72.119047.059374.029811 73.115580.057091.028391 74.112214.054895.027039 55.196767115656 068326 75.108945052784025752 76.105772050754 024525 57 185472106930.061974 77.102691048801.023357 58.180070.102817.059023 78.099700c46924022245 59.174825.c98963 | .056212 79|.096796 | .045120.021186 60.169733C95060053536 80.093977.043384 | .020177 61.164789.091404.050986 || 81 |.091240.041716.0192.16 62.159990.087889.048858 82.088582 040111.018301 63155330 084508.046246 83.086002038569.017430 64.150806.081258 | .044044- 84083497037085 016600 65146413078133.041946 85 081065035659 .015809 60142149.075128039949 86078704.034287015056 67.138009.072238 | .038047 87.076412 032968014339 68.133989.069460.036235 88.074186.031700.013657 69.130086.066738.034509 89 072027.030481.013006 70.126297.c64219.032866 90.c69928029309 012387 A TABLE Shewing the prefent Yrs. 13 per cent. 4 per cent. 15 per cent. 5125.9512 21.6174 18.3389 52 26.1562 21.7475 18.4180 5326.3749 | 21.8726 | 1 8.4934 54 26.5776 21.9927 18.5651 55 26.7744 22.1086 18.6334 56 26.9654 22.2198 18.6985 57 27.1509 22.3267 18.7605 58 27-3310 22.4295 18.8195 | 59 27.5058 22.5284 18.8757 60 27.6755 22.5234 18.9292 1.067891.028182 011797 Worth of L. 1 Annuity for Years. Yrs. 3 per cent. 14 per cent. 15 per cent. 7129.2460| 23.4562 | 19.3739 7224.3550 23.5156 | 19.4037 73 29.4806 23.5727 19.432 1 74 29.5938 23 6276 23 6276 | 19.4592 75 29 7018 23.6804 19.4849 76 29.8076 23.7311 19.5094 77 29.910223-7799 19-5328 78 30.c099 23.8268 19.5550 | 79 50.1067 23.8720 19.5762 8030,2007 23.9:53 | 19.5964 81 6127.8403 | 22.7:48 | 18.9802 62 28.co03 22.8027 19.0288 82 63 28.1556 22 8872 19.075083 64 28-3064 22.968; 19.191 55 28.4528 23.0456 19 1610 66 28.5950 23.1218 19.2010 | | | | 30.2920 23.9571 | 19.6156 30.3305 23.9972 19.6339 | 30.4665 24.0357 19.6514 | | 84 30.5500 24.0728 19.6680 85 30.6311 24.1085 19.6838 86 30.7098 24.1428 19.6988 | 87 30.7862 24.1757 19.7132 88 30.8604 24.2074 | 19.7268 29 30.9324 | 24.2379 19.7398 90 | 31.0024 24-2672 | 19.75 22 perpetuity 33.333325.0000 5.0000 20.0000 28.7330 23.1940 | 19.2390 28.8670 23.2635| 19.2753 69|28.9971 23.3302 19.30 9 8 70 29.1234 23.3945 19 3425 AND ANNUITIES. 10 A TABLE Shewing the Amount of L. 1 Annuity for Years. Yrs. 13 per cent. 4 per cent.15 per cent. Yrs. 13 per cent.4 per cent.5 per cent. | 71238.512379.862 51 117.181 159.774 220.815 71 238.512 379.862 52 121.696 167.165 232.856 72 246.667 396.057 53 126.347 174.851 245-499 73 255.067 412.899 54 131.138 182.845 258.774 74 263.719 430.415 55 136.072 191.159 272.713 75 272.631 448.631 56 141.154 199.806 287.348 76 281.810 467-577 57 146.388 208.798 302.716|| 77 291.264 487.280 58 151.780 218.150 318.851 78 301.002 507.771 59 157-333 227.876 335-794 79 311.032 529.082 60 163.053 237-991 353-584|| 80 321.363551.245 | 618.955 650.903 684-448 719.670 756.654 795-486 836.261 879.074 924.027 971.229 61 168.945 248.510 372.263 81 332.004 574-295 1020.790 62 175.013 359.451 391.876 82 342.964 598.267 1072.830 63 181.264 270.829 412.47 83 354-253 623-197 1127.471 64 187.702 282.662 434.093 84 365.880 649.125 1184.845 65 194.333 294.968 456.789 85 377-857 676.090 1245.087 66 201.163 307.767 480.638 || 86 390.193 704.134 1308.341 67 208.198 321.078 505.670 87402.898 | 733.299 | 1374.758 68 215.444 334-921 531.953|| 88415.985 | 763.631 | 1444-496 69 222.907 349-318 559-551|| 89 429.465 795.176 1517.731 70 230.594 364.290 588.529 90 443.349 827.983| 1594.607 | Theſe three Tables are continuations of Tab. III. IV. and V. of compound intereft, and may be necef- fary, befides other purpoſes, in the folution of queſtions in annuities on lives, when n, the com- plement of life, exceeds 50. CHAP. ! 1 CHA P. VIII. Of ANNUITIES on LIVES. ! 59. WAS human life certain of continuing to a given period, the fum of the feries++ I I Rn R3 (22) = '—_R″ (47.) would expreſs, at a given rate, ↑ the value of a perfon's life who had yet n years to live; but feeing there is much contingency in the cafe, as we find by daily experience, Tables of the Probabilities of Life, called alfo Tables of Obfervations, have been conftructed from the bills of mortality; from whence the value of life, at a given age and rate of intereft, might be compu- ted. Of thefe take the following Table, conftruc- ted by Dr Halley from the bills of mortality at Breflaw, as an example. TABLE 1 OF ANNUITIES, &c. III TABLE I. Shewing the Probabilities of Life at Breſlaw, Conftructed by Dr Halley from the Bills of Mortality in that City. 31 523 32515 33507 37 472 7 63c 10 39 454 670 ΙΙ 653 98 7 40 41436 Age. Living. Dead. Age. Living. Dead. Age. Living.Dead. Ok 2344O DO a 6 1238 239 I 1000 145 855 57 798 760 38 28 M2 2 - 7∞ ∞ 2 CO N 5 732 22 710 692 9 ΙΟ 661 18 12 34499 35 36 481 ∞ ∞ ∞ a 229 8 62 222 ΙΟ 8 63 212 ΙΟ 8 64 202 ΙΟ 65 192 10 490 9 66 182 ΙΟ 67172 IO 68 162 ΙΟ 38 463 9 69 152 IO 9 70 142 I I 445 9 71 131 I L 9 72 120 [ I 42427 10 73 109 II 12 646 6 43417 ΙΟ 7+ 98 10 13 640 6 44407 1Ο 75 88 10 14 634 6 45 | 397 IO 76 78 10 15 628 6 46387 1Ο 77 16 622 6 47 377 10 78 17 616 6 48357 IO 18 610 6 49 357 I I 80 19 604 6 50 346 11 I 81 20 598 6 51 335 I I 21 592 6 52 324 ΙΙ 8༣ 22 586 7 53 313 11 23 579 6 54 302 10 24 573 6 55 292 10 25 567 7 56 282 1Ο 26 27 28 16 700 560 7 57 272 ΙΟ 3+56 ~~~ 7∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 78 68 IO 58 96 79 49 4I 34 76 82 28 5 23 84 85 86 87 88 19 15 4 II 3 8 3 5 2 co 553 546 29 7788 58 262 - 89 3 1 I MMN N O O 539 30 531 59 252 IC 90 бо 242 10 91 61 232 10 Such a table as this of the probabilities of life, is formed on the principle, "that the number dying annually, after every particular age, is equal to the number living at that age," and, (C of 112 OF ANNUITIES of confequence, is poffeffed of the following pro- perties: ift, The ſeveral numbers in column 2. or 3. from infancy to the utmoſt extent of life, will repreſent the perfons living, or who die yearly, at their correfponding ages. 2d, The fum of all the perfons alive or dead in column 2. or 3. will exprefs the number of inhabitants, or the number of perfons who die yearly, and theſe laft, it is manifeft, will be e- qual to 1238 who are born in any one year; al- fo the fum of the perfons dying yearly, from a- ny one age and upwards, will be equal to the number living at that age. 3d, As the 1000 children, 1 year old, were not all born at the beginning of the year, but fucceffively from day to day, they, as well as the perfons living at any fucceeding age, are reprefented in the table half a year older, at a medium, than they are in fact; of confequence, in queſtions refpecting the expectation of a fingle life, (See Art. 4.) half a year ought to be deducted from the anfwers gi- ven by the Table. Hence may be derived the following Articles: Art. 1. To find the chance or probability which a perſon of a given age hath of living a propofed number of years. This is difcovered by the pro- portion which the living, at the propofed age, have to thofe who have died fince the given one. Thus, Suppofing a perfon of 30 years of age, then his chance of living is to that of dying, As 523: 8=65: 1, in 1 year. and 472:59 8: 1, in 7 years. Hence, ON LIVES. 113 Hence, to find how long a perſon of a given age hath the chance of living, take half the number of perfons living at the given age, and oppofite to it in col. Ift, you have the years required. Thus, 531-265, which is found in the table be- tween 57 and 58 years; fo that a perfon aged 30 hath an equal chance of living between 27 and 28 years longer. Art. 2. To find the probability of life's conti- nuing, or of its failing in 1, 2, 3, &c. years, in a perſon of a given age, when the certainty of the prefent moment, or of death, is expreffed by unity. Here, fuppofing a perſon of 30 years of age, out of 531 chances, he hath 523 of living one year, and eight chances of dying in that time. But by the doctrine of chances, the probability for the happening of an event is expreffed by a fraction, whofe numerator is the number of chan- ces for its happening, and denominator, the fum of the chances both of its happening and fail- ing. Hence, 523 531 8 531 Probability that fuch a perſon will live 1 year. will die in that time. But the fum of thefe fractions is equal to uni- ty; therefore, having one, we can find the other by fubtraction. Hence, 523 515 507 507 will exprefs 531′ 531 53 1 the probabilities that fuch a perfon will live 1, 2, 3 years longer; and ing in that time. 8 531' 531' 531' 16 24 thofe of his dy- P Art. 114 OF ANNUITIES Art. 3d. Out of a certain number of perfons of a given age, to find how many of them have a chance of dying yearly. As the tabular number, at the given age, is to thoſe who die out of them, fo is the number of perfons alive, to thofe who die yearly. Ex. Out of 135 perfons, whoſe age, at a me- dium, is 55 years, it is required, to find how many have a chance of dying yearly, till the laſt is extinct at the age of 91 years. 292:10:135: 4.623 who die the rft year; and 282: 10: 130.377: 4.623 2d year, &c. Or rather thus: As thefe perfons are in life from 30 years of age and upwards, nearly in the fame proportion as the tabular numbers from the fame age; hence, 15031:531::135 4.77 who die the 1ft year; and 14500: 523:: 130.23: 4.70 2d year, &c. Art. 4th. To find the expectation of life, that is, the number of years which mankind enjoy, taken one with another, either from birth or any age propofed. Divide the number of perfons alive at the gi- ven age and upwards, by the number alive at the given age, the quotient, minus .5, gives the an- fwer. Thus, 35173 (minus .5)=28, the expectation of an infant. 1238 Or thus: The expectation of life being equal to the fum of the probabilities that a perfon fhall live from the prefent inftant, 1, 2, 3, &c. years; the expectation ON LIVE S. 115 expectation of life in a perſon, for inſtance, of 30 years of age, is expreffed by the fum of the frac- tions, viz. 531 523 515 + + &c. carried on to the utmoſt ex- 531 531 531' tent of life, (minus .5)=27.87. Art. 5th. To calculate the value of L. 1 annui- ty upon a life of a given age, and at a given rate of intereft. By Art. 2d. the probabilities of the continuance of life in a perfon, for inftance, of 30 years of age, for 1, 2, 3, &c. years, are expreffed by a fe- ries of fractions, viz. 523 515 507, &c. But independent of chance, 531' 531' 531' the terms of the feries, viz. I I I R R2 R3* I R" , fhew the preſent value of L. 1 due at the end of 1, 2, 3, ・・・ 7, years. There- fore, combining theſe two feries together, 523 531R + 515 53112+ 507 531 Res &c. carried on to the ut- I moſt extent of life, will exprefs the value of L. 1 annuity, upon the life of a perfon aged 30 years, at a given rate of intereft. But as the calculation of 60 terms of this feries must prove a work of la- bour, let N=1.44 denote at 4 per cent. the value of a life aged 86, which is eafily found by the above method, and =, the probability that a life, aged 85, will furvive 1 year; then, a BR a b II X1+N=1.72, is the value of a life aged 85 years. Proceeding thus, ftep by ſtep, the values P 2 of ', 116 OF ANNUITIES of lives, by any table of obfervations, may be found. Art. 6th. To find the amount of the population in any city or county in the kingdom, from their annual births or burials. If the annual average of births and burials be equal, either of them multiplied by the expecta- tion of an infant's life taken from a table adapted to that diſtrict, will produce the amount of the population thereof. If this annual average be unequal, which is moſt likely; in this cafe, as the population is as much increaſed by the fuperior number of births, as it is diminiſhed by the com- parative defect in the number of burials; there- fore, the half of their fum, multiplied by an in- fant's expectation of life, call it 40, (fee Table VIII.) will produce the number of inhabitants. Ex. By the collector's accounts of the duty up- on baptifms, &c. within the bounds of the fy- nod of Fife, anno 1790, The annual average of baptifms=2484 of burials=1536 Half their fum=2010 Multiplied by 40 Produces 80400, the num- ber of inhabitants within the bounds of the fynod of Fife. 60. Of the Hypothefis of Equal Decrements. Mr de Moivre hath invented an hypothefis, whereby the values of annuities on lives may determined be I ON LIVES. 117 determined nearly as accurately as if they had been deduced year by year from a table of ob- fervations; namely, "That the probabilities of 66 life, after a certain age, decreaſe in arithmeti- "cal progreffion." Thus, fuppofing, for inftance, 36 perfons, each of the age of 50, if, after one year expired, there remained but 35, after two 34, after three 33, &c. it is evident that fuch lives would be extinct in 36 years; and that the probabilities of living 1, 2, 3, &c. years from the age of 50, would be expreffed by the fractions, 35 34 33 &c, which decreaſe in arith- 36° 36′ 36′ metical progreffion: And fuppofing further, that the age of 86 is the utmoſt probable extent of hu- man life; the complement of life of a given age will be the number of years which that age wants of 86. Thus, 36 will be the complement of a life aged 50 years. Admitting, then, that the decrements of life, after 10 years of age, are nearly equal; the fol- lowing Problems will more eaſily be refolved, than by a table of obſervations. PROBLEM I. 61. Suppofing the decrements of life to be equal, it is required, to find the value of L. I annuity upon a life of a given age, and at a given rate of com- pound intereſt. Let n reprefent the complement of life. R" —the value of L. 1, due at the end of n years. P=== } of L. 1 annuity for ʼn years. N= ! i 1 118 OF ANNUITIES N≈the value of L. 1 annuity upon a life of a given age. Now, fince the probabilities of life. decreaſe in arithmetical progreffion, they may be repreſented by the terms of the following feries, viz. 12- I N—2 22-3 > 12 72 N , NN2 which expreffions 12 may alſo be confidered as the values of each ment of the annuity in the parts of L. 1. I I the terms of the feries, I , K² K² K³ 3 the prefent values of L. 1, I pay- But Rū fhew due at the end of 1, 2, 3,.... n years; therefore combining theſe two feries together, 72→→ I n R + 77-2 273 (n)=N, will expreſs the va- + n R² F i K ³ 2 3 lue of an annuity upon a life, whofe complement is n, at a given rate of intereft. Which feries may be divided into two other feries, viz. ท = x + + + N R × 1/2 + 1/2 + 1/32 X R R³ 1 R3 I + + ( ) = = = = 2; (47) and- (22) X RP 321 (») = -1/2 × 12 I 12 Hence, * Sought, the value of n terms of the feries, I 2 If the terms of the feries + + 2. R R by R-1 = R ² + 2 R +ı 3 I R + 1/2 + 1/2/3, &c. ༢ &c. be multiplied The productR + o to. Hence, is the value of the feries indefinitely continued. ¡ R 2 RI R 2 ľ Now } 1 ON LIVES. 119 I I +1=N; but =+== RP 12 r r RP. Hence, I RP n Hence, mir r Or, P- RP-np nr i = N, the value fought. Ex. It is required, to find the prefent value of L. I annuity upon the life of a perfon aged 36 years, reckoning intereft at 4 per cent. Here, n=50, P=21.482, R=1.04, and r=.04; hence, 1- Rp I r •5532 13.83, the value fought, .04 PROBLEM II. Suppofing the decrements of life to be equal, it is required to find the prefent value of L. 1 an- Now the terms, which follow the n term, in the given feries, Or, are I n + 1 1 + 2 22+3 R+TR+² + + Ru+² TR#+3' X R" 77 R + 2 &c. al infinitum. " + ² + " + 3, &c. ad infinitum. R² R39 Which feries may be divided into two other ſeries, viz. I n 71 n X + + &c. = R" R R² R3, 12 X I R” I R Rp X R" × 1 + 2/2 + 3³;, &c. = R X R" (40) = "; and, r by the above. Hence, if the fum of theſe two feries be fubtracted from the former, there will remain R Rp np , or, I pXR πρ RP пр the value of I 2 the feries R R ++ + 233, (”). nuity, 1 20 OF ANNUITIES nuity, to continue during the joint lives of two perfons, whofe refpective complements of life are n and m, (m being the greater number) at a given rate of compound intereft. 62. Since the probability of the continuance of the life, whofe complement is n, for one year, is and that of the life whofe complement is m, 22-I n m- m I ; and fince thefe two events are independent of each other, it follows, that the terms of the ſeries, "-1×"=1, "=2×m2, n=3x=3, &c. will re- n m ทะ I n 172 12 -3 m-3, m ſpectively repreſent the probabilities of their con- tinuing together, 1, 2, 3, &c. years which pro- babilities may be confidered as the values of the feveral payments of the annuity, in the parts of L. 1, which will become due at the end of 1, 2, 3, &c. years; and the value of L. I annuity upon the two joint lives, will be expreffed by the fol- lowing feries. 11- nm R · 2 >< m nm R2 2 + 11-3 Xiri- ·3 m· nm R 3 3 &c. of which feries n terms only will be ufeful, n being the complement of the oldeft life. Now if the numerators of the fractions in the above feries be expanded by multiplication, they will appear in this form. 12— I × 122- I = nm―m+nXII. n—2 × m—2 = nm―m+nx2 +4. nm―m+n x3+9, &c. 1—3×m—3 = ·3 Hence, the above feries may be divided into > three other feries, viz, ON LIVES. 121 nm I nm (n)=?? viz. ×++, (")=x (47) n m m+n nm I 3 R2 R³, nm 2 x + + (n) = m+n + mm × 1/2 + 1/2 + 1/23 (12) = 1× n I R2 R3 X r I-PRX np, (By note, Prob. 1.) 1—p ×R+1×R—2nRp n²p PXR+IX R—2nRp 12p g3 ↑ The fum of which three feries, being properly ranged, may ſtand thus, n m n m +m+n 1-1. X пр m+ n r nm I nnp 1 2ND R X X r nm nm nm X Their fum= X' + pXR⋅ r2 r² + m+nXR—m—nXRp nmXr 2 the value of the annuity. I X —PXR+1XR. nm r3 + 1~pXR+1XR nmXr³ 3 Ex. * If the feries+2+ &c. be multiplied 3 R³ by R-1'= R³+3R²+3R−1 the product R²+R+0 = RIXR; therefore, R+1 X R the value of the above feries indefinitely continued. до 3 Now the terms which follow the n term in the feries are, k" + 2 • &c. Rr + 3 n2+12 74-2² Rn+s + + #+3² nn +2n+1 Or, R" + I nn +4n+4, nn+6n +9, &c. + R" + R" + 3 Which ſeries may be divided into three others, viz. nn I I I > R = × 1 + 2 + 3 &c. = R" 277 R" Ι RR X X X R R2 [ ++ 3 x ÷ + R 十​歳 ​R3 , -? &c. = 9 , R³ &c. = е R nn. I X (40.) R (laſt note) 24 X 1x+iX®, as above. R^ g. 3 In 122 OF ANNUITIES Ex. It is required to find the prefent value of L. I annuity, to continue during the joint lives of two perfons, whofe refpective ages are 54 and 43 years, reckoning intereft at 4 per cent. Here n = 32, m=43, p=.285, R=1.04 and r=.04. Hence, I +1 — pXR+iXR _ 1.5168 nmXr 3 nm Xr 2 =25.000 17.224 .088 42.224 33.947 m+nXR—m—n× Rp 74.730 2.4 The value of the annuity = 8.277 When the fingle lives are equal, m+n=2n, m—n ×Rp=0, nm=n2, and the negative quantity 2 R nr2 Ex. Sought, the value of L. I annuity to con- tinue during the joint continuance of two lives, each aged 48 years, reckoning intereſt at 4 per Here, -2 + 1 = cent. — r - 1 X R TX x² + 1 x R = 42.785. 11² X r³ R 2 nr² = 34.215. The value fought=8.570, 1 In which three feries, making på and fubtracting their fum Ru from the above found value of the whole feries, there will remain J−pXR+iXR 2np R пир the value of " terms thereof. PROB- ON LIVE S. 123 PROBLEM III. To find the prefent value of L. I annuity, either upon the joint continuance, or during the longeſt liver, of any number of lives, at a given rate of intereſt. 63. 1ft, As the value of joint lives enters an in- gredient into almoſt every queſtion reſpecting life- annuities, this value, at 4 per cent. may be dif- covered by the following concife and accurate method. Let n, m, p, and t, repreſent the com- plements of life; c, the arithmetical mean com- plement of all the lives, excepting the oldeft, whoſe value, at 4 per cent. is N; and N-4N, the va- lue of the joint lives. Then, In the caſe of 2, 3, 4, equal joint lives, with a fmall correction, 3 ,, the ratio of the value of the joint lives to that of the fingle one; hence, 2 2, with a ſmall correction,,, =1—the ratio of the value of the joint lives to that of the fingle one. Again, in the caſe of 2 of 3 or 4 Sm. equal joint lives, "= 71 C. But when the lives are unequal, or 2 will 172 C correct the irregularity arifing from the inequality of the lives. Hence the following & TABLE 124 : OF ANNUITIES 1 TABLE. · Corrections at 4 per cent. −1 + 1+ 3+ 4+ 5+3 Lives. n = 76 66 2 N. n—12 N 4772 ·7 56 51 46 35 26 16 6 -3 3 N- n + 8 3c 4N- 26 6 N+9+10+10 +10 +10 + 9 + 6 +3 N -3 0+ 1+ 2+ 3+ 2+ı Ex. Sought, the value of two joint lives, whofe reſpective ages are 46 and 30 years, at 4 per cent. Here n = 40, m= 56, and N—"+22 N = 12.135 -2.286 9.849, the value. 4772 Or, the prefent value of joint lives, at a given rate of intereft, may be found univerfally. Thus: Let a reprefent the expectation of their joint continuance, (fee fupplement to problem 18.); b, that of the oldeft; and A, the number of years, by Table V. of annuities certain, correfponding to N, the value of the oldeſt life *. Then, ſeeing A A, the value by the faid table, an- b :а: a a b A b fwering to 4 years certain †, (or in the caſe of two joint lives, the value correfponding to A- A years certain), will be that of their joint con- tinuance. n 3m Ex. Let there be five equal lives, each aged 32 * Let the age be 32, whofe value, at 4 per cent is 14.411; the next lefs, to which, by Table V. is 14.029, anfwering to 21 years; their difference is .382, and the increaſe of value for one year is .422 ; .382 hence, =.905, to be annexed to 21, making, in all, 21.905 years. 422 + Let the number of years certain be 32.96, the value of 32 years, at 4 per cent. is 17.873, and the increaſe of value for one year is .274; hence .274.86.235 to be added to 17.873, making their fum 18.108, the value fought. years; ON LIVES. 125 ! a A years; it is required to find the value of their joint continuance, at 4 per cent. Here, a=9, b=27, and A=21.9; hence, 4 = 7.3 years, whofe value, viz. 6.46, is that of the joint conti- nuance of theſe five lives. b Or, the prefent value of L. 1-annuity upon the joint continuance of any number of lives, at a given rate, may be found univerfally, thus: 2d, Let N expectation of the oldeſt life, whofe complement is n; x=expectation of the joint con- tinuance of all the lives; and A=number of years certain, correfponding to the value of the oldeſt life. Then, x Seeing N:x:: A: A, the value correſpond- X A N ing to years certain, (or in the caſe of two N A— 3772 lives, the value anſwering to A-A years), will be that of their joint continuance. Ex. Let there be three lives, whoſe reſpective ages are 46, 36, and 26 years; it is required to find the value of their joint continuance, reckon- ing intereft at 5 per cent. Here, N=20, x=12, and A=16.35; hence, 20 12× 16.35=9.81 years, whofe value, viz. 7.6, is that of the joint continuance of thefe three lives. In the caſe of m equal joint lives, 2 =1 N m 23d, To find the value of L. 1 annuity upon the longeft liver of any number of lives, at a given rate. Let "complement of the mean life, whofe ex- pectation is N; X or expectation of the longeſt liver, or of joint continuance of all the lives; and d=N—the number of years certain, correfpond- ing 126 OF ANNUITIES - 1 ing to the value of the mean life, at a given rate. Then, X Seeing n-N-N:n—X=x::d : N Xd, the N value correfponding to X- -xd years certain, will be that of the longeſt liver. Ex. Let there be four equal lives, whofe com- mon age is 36 years; fought, the value of the longeft liver, reckoning intereft at 4 per cent. Here, n=50, N=25, X=40, x=10, and d 4.46. Hence, و تم 40 — 4.45 x 10 = 38.2 years, whofe value, viz. 25 10=38.2 19.4, is that of the longeſt liver of thefe 4 2d lives. = the In the cafe of m equal lives, X- number of years certain, correfponding to the value of the longeſt liver. Theſe two methods of finding the value of the joint continuance, &c. of any number of lives, are more accurate than Mr de Moivre's Theorms for the fame purpofe; and more concife than thoſe of Mr Dodfon in his Mathematical Repofitory, vol. 2. and may be applied in finding the value of lives, by a table of obfervations, as well as by the hypothefis. Ex. It is required to find, by Table VIII. and IX. the value of the joint continuance of two lives, whoſe reſpective ages are 30 and 25 years, at 4 per cent. Here, n n=65.08, m=69.98, and A=27.244; hence, A— A = 18.8 years, whofe value, viz. 13, is that of the joint continuance of thefe two lives. 3771 TABLE ON LIVES. 127 TABLE II. Shewing the prefent Values of L. I Annuity on a fingle Life, according to Mr de Moivre's Hypothefis of equal Decrements. 14.6c7 48 Age. 3 per cent. 4 per cent. 5 per cent. Age.3 per cent. 14 per cent. 15 per cent. 9-10 19.868 16.882 8-11 19.736| 16.791 7-12 19 604 16.698 14.544 49 13.012 11.748 10.679 12.764 | 11.548 10.515 14.480 50 12.511 11.344 10.348 13 19.469|| 16.604 | 14.412 6-14 19.331 16.508 14.342 15 19.192 16.410 14.271 ཀ ཀ ༦ད 51 12.255 11.135 10.176 52 11.994 10.921 9.999 53 11729 10.702 9.817 16 19.050 16.311 14.197 54 11.457 10.478 9.630 5-17 18.905 18 18.759 16.105 16.209 14.123 55 11.183 10.248 9.437 14.047 56 10.902 10.014 9.239 19 18.610 15.999 13.970 57 10.616 9.773 9.036 4-20 18.458 15.891 21 18.305 15.781 13.810 59 22 18.148 15.669 13.891 | 58 10.325 9.527 8.826 10.029 9.275 8.611 13.727 60 9.727 9.017 8.389 23 17.990 15.554 13.642 61 9.419 8.753 8.161 3-24 17.827 15.437 13.555 62 9.107 8.482 7.926 25 17.664 15.313 13.466 | 63 8.787 8.205 7.684 26 17.497 15.197 13.375 64 8.462 7.921 7.435 27 17.327 15.073 13.282 65 8.132 7.631 7.179 28 17.154 14.946 13.186 66 7.794 7.333 6.915 29 16.979 14.816 13.088 67 7.450 7.027 6.643 30 16.800 14.684 12.988 68 7.099 6.714 6.362 2-31 16.620 14.549 12.885 32 16.436 14.411 12.780 33 16.248 14.270 12.673 7! 6.coS 69 6.743 6.394 6.073 70 6.378 6.065 5.775 5.728 5.468 34 16.057 14.126 12.562 72 5.631 5-383 5.152 35 15.867 13.979 36 15.666 13.829 12.449 73 5.246 37 15.465 13.676 38 15.260 13.519 12.091 76 39 15.053 6 73 12.333 74 12.214 75 40 14.842 '3.359 11.956 77 13.196 | 11.837 78 4.453 4.293 4.143 4.046 3.912 3.784 3.632 3.520 3.415 3.207 41 14.626 13.028 | 11.705 79 42 14.407 12.858 11.570 80 43 14.185 12.683 44 13.958 12.504 11.431 11.288 81 8: 45 13.728 12.322 46 13.493 11.142 83 47 13.254 12.135 11.944 10 992 10.837 23+ in 85 -00 co co ∞0 CC co 3.111 3.034 2.776 2.707 2.641 2.334 2.284 2.235 1.886 1.850 1.916 1.429 1.406 1.384 0.961 0.950 0.937 0.484 0.481 0.476 0.000 O.OCO 0.000 4.854 4.666 4.489 5.029 4.826 128 OF ANNUITIES } Table II. is conftructed by the theorem n which expreffes the value of a fingle life, whofe complement is n. Or thus, let the fum of the following feries, viz. I R• I R I R I R + + + R2 I R2 I R² + I R³ I + + R$ &c. I R+ Their fumn be divided by 1 J R + n R2 72-2 + n-3 R³ I Τ + R-1 =the n preſent worth of L. 1 annuity upon a ſingle life, whofe complement is n, at a given rate of intereſt, and is the fame with the ſeries of equal decrements, Problem I. wanting the laſt term, viz. ""R"-0. 12 Hence the fum of n-1 terms, in Table V. of an- nuities certain, divided by n, will give the value of a life whofe complement is n. Ex. Let the age be 70, whofe value is fought, at 4 per cent. Here, n=16, and 15 terms of Table V. 97.04 = 6.065 S the value fought. divided by 16 This affords an accurate and eafy method of finding the value of ſingle or conjoint lives, &c. at a given rate, not only by the hypothefis, but alſo by i ON LIVES. 129 by a table of obfervations, when the expectation of life is known. Ex. By Table VIII. 22.42=expectation of the joint continuance of two lives, whofe refpective ages are 30 and 25; fought, their value at 4 per cent. Here, n = 44.84 and 43.84 terms of Table V. = 582.96 the value of the joint continuance of theſe divided by 44.84 =13, Sth two lives. Again, let N denote the value of a fingle life of a 7 n n + 1 I a given age, the probability that a life will continue for one year preceding that correſ‐ ponding to N; then, a bR x+N= the value of a fingle life one year younger than that correfponding to N. ท As the difference of the terms in Table V. of an- nuities certain doth conftantly decreaſe, and feeing n-1 terms are divided by n, in finding the value of a life whofe complement is n; hence, the pre- ſent value of a ſingle life will always be leſs than that of its expectation, confidered as fo many years certain. Whereas the amount of an annuity on a given life (fee Table IV.) is greater than that during its expectation; yet fuch is the accuracy of calcula- tion, that the fum of Nx n, improven during life, will exactly balance the n number of life-an- nuities, each of whofe values is N, whether they be paid regularly as they become due, or are dif charged by fingle payments at the cloſe of each TABLE life. R } 130 OF ANNUITIES TABLE III. Shewing the Value of L. 1 Annuity on the Joint Continuance of two Lives, fup- pofing the Decrements of Life to be equal. Age Age.3 pr cent. pr cent. 5 pr cent. Age. Age. 3 pr cent.4 procent 15 procent. 30 12.434 11.182 10.133 35 12.010 10.838 9.854 40 11.502 10.428 10 15.206 13.342 11.855 15 14.878 13.093 11.661 20 14.503 12.808 II.430 9.514 25 14.074 12.480 11.182 45 10.898 9.936 9.112 30 13.585 12.102 10.884 30 50 10.183 9.345 8.620 35 13.025 11.665 10.537 55 9.338 8.634 8.018 ΙΟ 40 12.381 11.156 | 10.128 60 8.338 7.779 7.280 45 11.644 10.564 9.646 65 7.161 6.748 6.373 50 10.796 9.871 9.074 70 5.777 5.505 5.254 55 9.822 9.059 8.391 60 8.704 8.105 7.572 35 11.632 10.530 9.600 65 7.417 6.980 6.585 40 11.175 10.157 9.291 ༡༠ 5.936 5.652 5.391 45 10.622 9.702 8.913 50 9.955 9.149 8.450 15 14.574 12.860 11.478 35 55 9.156 8.476 7.879 20 14.225 25 13.822 12.593 11.266 12.281 11.022 30 13.359 11.921 60 8.202 7.658 7.172 65 7.066 6.662 6.294 10.736 70 5.718 5.450 5.203 35 12.824 11.501 10.402 15 40 12.207 11.013 10.008 40 10.777 9.826 9.014 45 II.496 I0.440 9.54I 45 10.283 9.418 8.671 50 10.675 9.76.7 8.985 50 9.677 8.911 8.244 55 9.727 8.975 40 8.318 55 8.936 8.288 7.710 60 8.632 8.041 60 7.515 8.038 7.510 7.039 65 7.377 6.934 6.544 65 6.951 6.556 6.198 70 5.932 5.623 5.364 70 5.646 5.383 5.141 20 13.904 12.341 11.067 45 9.863 9.063 8.370 25 13.531 12.051 10.840 50 9.331 8.619 7.987 30 13.098 11.711 10.565 55 8.662 8.044 7.500 35 12.594 11.314 10.278 45 60 7.831 7.332 6.875 40 12,008 10.847 9.870 65 6.807 6.425 6.080 20 45 11.325 10.297 9.420 70 5.556 5.300 5.063 50 10.536 9.648 8.880 55 9.617 8.879 8.233 60 8.549 7.967 7.448 6.495 25 65 7.308 6.882 70 5.868 5.590 5.333 25 13.192 11.786 10.621 30 12.792 11.468 10.367 35 12.333 11.095 10.067 40 11.776 10.655 9.708 45 11.130 10.131 9.278 10.374 9.509 8.761 9.488 8.766 50 55 8.134 60 8.452 7.880 7.37I 65 7.241 6.826 6.440 55 7.849 7.332 6.873 60 65 6.043 5.730 5.444 70 5.081 4.858 4.653 50 you you con 50 8.892 8.235 7.660 5'5 8.312 7.738 7.230 60 7.568 7.091 6.664 65 6.623 6.258 5.926 ༡༠ 5.442 5.193 4.964 60 7.220 6.781 6.386 65 6.379 6.036 5.724 55 ༡༠ 5.291 5.053 4.833 60 6.737 6.351 6.001 1 70 5.826 5.551 5.294 65 65 70 5.547 4.773 4.571 5:277 5.031 4.385 70 70 4.270 4.104 3.952 In ON LIVE S. 131 In the conftruction of Table III. Dr Price made v + 1 x m—n — 20 — I X ufe of the theorem V— "+ n m 2บ 2+20=NM, expreffing the value of the joint continuance of two lives, whofe complements are n and m. Here, } repreſents Sthe perpetuity= Τ at a given rate. the value of L 1. annuity for n years certain. If only one, or neither of the ages, are to be found in the table, the value of their joint conti- nuance, at a given rate, may be found by the theorem, N-"+N. n+x 4772 Ex. Let there be two lives, whofe refpective ages are 38 and 22 years; fought, the value of their joint continuance, at 4 per cent. Here N- " + :3 N = 13.5 19 — 2.55=10.969, the value fought. 4111 Or thus, ift, Let there be two lives, aged 35 and 22 years; fought, the value of their joint continuance, at 4 per cent. From the value of 20 by 35=H.314 Subtract that of 25 by 35=11.095 The remainder × = .4X.219.088; which product, fubtracted from 11.314, leaves 11.226= the value fought. 2d, Let there be two lives, aged 38 and 22 years; fought, the value of their joint continuance, at 4 per cent. R 2 From } 132 OF ANNUITIES From the value found above 11.226 Subtract that of 22 by 40=10.770 The remainder X & * =.6.456.274, which product, fubtracted from 11.226, leaves 10.952, the value fought. TABLE IV. Shewing the amount of L. 1 An- nuity foreborn, during a Life of a given Age, at 4 per cent. Ages. Amount. Ages. Amount. Ages Amount. ||Ages. Amount. 9-10 29 8-11 7-12 13 6-14 15 16 56 5-17 36 59.65 5: 12.52 33 548 108.74 34 55.37 53 IC5.11 35 53.32 101.66 128 81 66.58 3451 124.54 30 64.20 44 30.15 120.41 31 61.89 50 116.40 32 67 68 11.36 10 59 28.89 69 9.84 27.61 70 9.10 52 25.16 72 2637 71 8.38 7.67 54 24.00 73 6.98 18 9.13 37 19 94.81 51.34 49.41 38 47.53 55 22.85 74 6.31 56 21.75 75 $720.67 76 4-20 91 58 39 45.72 5 19.62 77 2 I 8844 40 43.95 59 18.61 78 22 23 3-24 85.41 4I 42.24 82.47 42 40.56 79.51 43 38.96 6% 17.62 79 6 16.66 62 5.72 25 76 85 44 37.39 6. 1480 26 74.17 45 35.87 64 27 28 7x 7156 46 3438 65 13.92 13.06 6904 17 32.02 66 1225 2 х х 60 00 00 80 56 1x ao 5.05 5.02 4.39 3.79 3.20 2.63 81 2.08 82 1.54 83 * 4 85 34 La 1.ΟΙ 0.50 0.00 In the conftruction of this table, which hath not been attempted by any author, Let the fum of the following feries, viz. ON LIVES. #33 I 1+R 1 + R + R ² I + R + R² + R³ 1 + R + R² + R³ + R Their fum= n−1 +” be divided by &c. − 2 R + n − 3 R² .... + R”−2 n = the amount of L. 1 annuity upon a ſingle life, whoſe complement is n, at a given rate of intereſt. Hence, the fum of n I terms, in Table IV. of annuities certain, divided by n, will give the amount of L. I annuity upon a fingle life whofe complement is n. Ex. Sought, the amount of L. I annuity during a life aged 80 years, at 4 per cent. Here n=6, and the five firſt terms of Table IV.=15.8244 divided by the amount fought. =2.64= 6 Or thus: Let s denote the amount of L. 1 an- nuity upon a life of a given age, at a given rate, a Ъ a the probability that a life will continue during one year preceding to that correfponding to s; then XSR+1=the amount of L. 1 annuity upon a fingle life, one year younger than that corre- fponding to s; hence the foregoing table. As the difference of the terms in Table IV. of annuities certain, doth conſtantly increaſe; and although the n-1 number of terms is divided by n, in finding the amount of L. 1 annuity upon a life whofe complement is ", yet in all ages be- low 134 OF ANNUITIES { low 68, that amount, at 4 per cent. will be great- er than that of their expectation, confidered as fo many years certain. By this table, the amount of p, a fum of mo- whoſe intereſt, at 4 per cent. remains unpaid during a ſingle life of a given age, = 1+rs xp. ney, TABLE V. Shewing the true Probabilities of Life in London, for all ages, formed by Dr Price, from the Bills of Mortality for 10 Years preceding Anno 1769. Ages. Living., Dead. (Ages. Living. Dead. Ages. Living. Dd. Ages. Liv. Dd. ΤΟ OHN3+no no ag | 1518 486 24 24 463 I 1032 200 2 832 85 747 59 688 42 N N N N 25 455 26 447 ∞ ∞ ∞ 8 8 50 48 242 49 233 224 9 9 9 72 64 6 73 585 74 53 27 439 8 51 215 28 646 23 29 422 623 20 30 413 9 54 603 14 31 404 589 IZ 32 395 9 577 569 IO 33 9 34 +34 386 57 377 9 58 16 700 431 9 52 53 190 9 55 183 183 7 79 56 169 206 1988 7 76 7 80 162 II 12 13 14 15 558 17 18 ~ 3 + LO 70 549 541 98 7 35 368 9 59 155 8 36 359 9 60 147 8 37 350 9 61 139 7 534 6 38341 62 9 132 7 528 6 39 332 IO 63 125 7 522 40 7 IO 322 64 118 7 515 7 41 ΙΟ 312 65 III 7 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞~~~~~ 75 48 76 77 78 no 7∞ a o 43 38 33 29 25 81 22 82 19 16 83 84 13 85 I I 86 34 9 87 7 88 6555unt & en en MMN~~~- mx moo ma 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 I 89 4 I 508 7 42 302 10 66 : 104 7 90 3 I 19 501 7 292 43 10 67 97 7 91 20 494 7 44 282 10 68 90 7 92 21 487 ~ N 22 479 23 471 ∞ ∞ 20 8 45 272 10 69 83 7 93 133 N HO 2 1 I 8 46 262 10 70 76 6 8 47 252 10 71 70 6 } By ON LIVE S: 35 By Table V. the number of births or burials, which are fuppofed to be equal, is to that of inhabitants as 1518: 27935-759; that is, as 1:17.90; one out of forty who are born in London arrives at 80 years of age, and the ex- pectation of life is as follows: Ages. Expectat. Ages Expectat.||Ages. | Expectat Ages. Expect↓ 0 17.90 25 26.67 535.23 30 24.12 10 34.92 35 21.77 15 32.32 40 19.51 2029.37 45 17.64 70 50 15.90 75 6.33 80 4.98 853.32 90 1.50 8.77 55 13.93 60 11.71 65 9.71 TABLE 136 OF ANNUITIES TABLE VI. Shewing the Value of L. 1 Annuity upon a fingle Life, according to the true Pro- babilities of Life in London. Ages. 13p.cent.4p.cent. 5p.cent. Ages 3p.cent.14p.cent.[5 per c. 8--9 7--10 19.13 16.39 14.27 JI II 00 10.07 9.26 19.05 16.35 14.25 52 1083 9.93 9.15 II 18.94 16.28 14.21 53 10.60 9.75 8.97 12 18.83 16.21 14.16 54 10.40 9.56 8.82 6-13 18.69 16.10 14.09 55 10.13 9.32 8.61 14 18.50 15.97 13.99 56 5 -15 18.27 15.80 13·85 57 16 18.04 15.62 13.71 58 17 17.83 59 4-18 21 17.61 19 17.39 15.14 20 17.17 14.96 16.94 14.79 13.06 15.30 13.47 60 26 7∞ a o 9.85 9.08 8.40 9.56 9.28 8.94 8.83 8.19 8.58 7.97 8.33 7.75 8.76 8.13 7.58 13.34 61 8.54 7.94 7.45 13.20 62 8.26 7.69 7.20 63 7.98 7.45 6.98 22 16.74 14.63 12.94 64 7.71 7.21 6.76 23 16.53 14.48 12.82 65 7.44 6.97 6.55 3--24 16.32 14.32 12.69 66 7.18 6.74 6.34 25 16.11 14.15 12.56 67 6.93 6.52 6.14 26 15.89 13.98 12.43 68 6.69 6.31 5.95 27 • 28 15.43 13.62 12.14 15.66 13.80 12.29 6) 6.48 6.11 5.77 70 6.29 5.94 5.62 29 15.24 13.47 12.02 7I 6.03 5.71 5.40 2.-30 15.03 13.31 11.89 72 31 32 14.83 13.16 11.77 73 14.62 12.99 11.64 33 14.41 12.83 11.50 75 5.29 5.04 4.79 5.02 4.79 4.56 34 14.20 12.66 11.37 76 4.77 4.56 4.34 74 ♡ + 5.79 5.50 5.20 5.58 *5.31 5.04 333 ♡♡ 35 13.98 I2.49 II.23 77 36 13.76 12.31 II.08 37 38 13.54 12.13 10.94 13.32 11.95 10.79 80 39 13.12 II.77 10.63 40 12.93 11.62 4.23 4.03 4.17 4.00 3.82 3.98 3.83 3.65 3.66 3.54 3.42 78 777∞∞ 4.56 4.37 4.16 78 4.41 79 81 10.51 82 3.37 3.26 3.15 4I 42 43 44 12.21 12.75 II.47 10.39 83 3.12 3.02 12.56 11.32 10.27 12.38 II.17 10.15 11.03 10.04 2.93 45 46 84 2.95 2.87 85 2.60 86 2.37 2.21 12.04 10.90 9.93 87 2.CO 1.96 1.92 11.87 10.77 9.82 88 1.89 1.85 1.82 47 11.72 10.64 9.72 89 1.43 1.41 1.38 2.79 2.53 2.46 2.16 48 11.57 10.53 9.61 0.96 0.95 0.94 49 11.37 10.37 9.50 0.48 0.48 0.48 50 11.19 IO.22 9.38 Tables VI. and IX. are conſtructed by the theo- a rem RI+N, which expreffes the value of a fingle life, one year younger than that correfpond- ing to N. TABLE ON LIVES. 137 TABLE VII. Shewing the Value of L. 1 Annuity upon two joint Lives, according to the true Probabilities of Life in London. Age. Age.3p.cent. 4p.cent. 5p.cent. Age. Age 13p.cent.4p cent. 5p.cent.; ΙΟ 14.39 12.79 II.29 15 14.09 12.54 11.10 30 10.98 9.97 9.04 35 10.54 9.58 8.75 20 13.54 12.03 10.79 40 10.04 9.13 8.40 25 12.97 11.56 10.44 45 9.57 8.74 8.10 30 12.32 ΙΙ.ΟΙ 10.02 30 50 9.11 8.36 7.80 35 11.68 10.50 9.60 55 8.44 7.76 7.32 IO 40 10.96 9.91 9.10 60 7.52 6.96 6.59 45 10.39 9.41 8.70 65 6.58 6.10 5.81 50 9.85 8.93 8.31 70 5.65 5.25 5.04 55 9.01 8.26 7.74 60 7.91 7.32 6.90 35 10.14 9.30 8.38 65 6.86 6.37 6.04 40 9.70 8.86 8.55 70 5.85 5.46 45 9.28 5.22 8.50 7.88 50 8.88 8.15 7.61 15 13.71 12.22 10.89 35 55 8.26 7.63 7.18 20 13.06 II.79 10.57 60 7.38 6.84 6.48 25 12.55 11.34 10.24 65 6.47 6.00 5.72 30 11.98 10.83 9.85 70 5.58 5.18 4.97 35 11.38 10.32 9.44 15 40 10.73 9.76 8.93 40 8.54 9.19 7.84 45 10.16 9.29 8.60 45 8.86 8.23 7.61 50 9.60 8.83 8.22 50 8.53 7.92 7.38 55 8.34 8.18 40 7.67 55 7.96 7.42 6.98 60 7.81 7.26 6.84 60 7.17 6.69 6.34 65 6.83 6.32 6.00 65 6.33 5.89 5.62 70 5.31 5.43 5.19 5.50 5.09 4.90 20 12.76 II.47 10.20 45 8.61 7.94 7.33 25 12.27 II.04 9.95 50 8.30 7.67 7.15 30 11.76 10.58 9.61 55 7.85 7.23 6.81 45 60 35 11.19 10.10 9.24 7.05 6.53 6.20 40 10.58 9.57 8.81 65 6.4+ 5.78 5.52 20 45 10.05 9.14 8.47 5.41 5.00 4.81 50 9.50 8.69 8.10 50 55 65 70 8.75 8.06 7.56 60 7.75 7.17 6.76 6.73 6.25 5.93 5.76 5.38 7.96 7.39 6.89 55 7.53 7:00 6.59 65 6.39 5.15 70 50 60 6.85 6.36 6.04 5.65 5.40 5.29 4.90 472 25 11.87 10.74 9.66 55 30 II.40 10.30 9.36 7.16 6.67 6.23 60 35 10.89 9.86 9.03 40 10.33 9.36 8.63 65 5.88 5.46 5.22 5.12 4.75 4.59 6.57 6.TI 5.30 55 45 9.82 8.94 8.29 25 50 9.34 8.53 7.95 60 6.14 5-72 5.44 55 8.62 7.94 7.46 3 60 5.56 5.18 4.97 60 7.64 7.07 6.68 4.36 4.52 65 6.66 4.39 6.18 5:88 70 5.71 5.32 5.10 65 5.22 4.81 Sr 4.64 65 4.5% 4.23 4.II 201701 4.33 3.94 رح TABLE 138 OF ANNUITIES TABLE VIII. Shewing the Probabilities of Life, according to the Bills of Mortality in Kettle, for 20 Years, preceding Anno 1790. Ages Living Dead. Age: Living. Dd. Ages Living. Dd. ||Ages. Living. Dd. O 625 20 I 605 40 2 ~ 3+56 5∞ 565 36 529 20 4 509 16 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4567∞ 24 392 6 48 295 25 26 3866 49 5 72 290 6 73 104 380 6 50 284 7 74 27 28 374 368 493 481 1 2 29 363 6 30 358 cow oo A 554 6 51 277 7 52 270 7 53 263 7 54 256 7 222 J 75 76 77 78 475 4 31 354 4 55 249 7 79 8 471 32 350 55242 7 80 9467 33 3464 57 235 10 463 34 342 58227 II 459 35 338 59 219 12 455 4 36 334 15 16 17 18 ∞v answ 13 451 14446 37 330 60 211 9 61 202 9 38 5 326 3 441 5 39 323 435 40 320 431 5 41 317 3 W W W W 62 193 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 81 9 3 63 184 3 64 175 65 166 9 ∞ ∞ ∞ 333 ~ ~ ~ 3456 N∞ 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 34 31 28 25 89 426 5 42 314 3 66 157 90 19 421 5 43 311 3 67 148 91 20 416 44 308 3 68 139 92 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ on +33 3 3 ♡ ♡ ♡ MMN N 1∞ ∞ ∞ O N 46 16 no nao 8 968 88 80 72 64 8 8 8 56 7 49 6 43 5 38 4 22 3 19 3 16 3 13 3 ΙΟ 3 7 2 5 2 21 410 45 305 3 69 130 93 22 404 6 46 302 3 70 121 94 32 I I 23 398 6 47 200 71 I 12 95 1 By Table VIII. the number of births or burials is, to that of inhabitants, as 625: 25368 -312.5; that is, as 1:40.1; 2 out of 29 arrive at the age of 80 years, and the expectation of life is as follows: 757.23 80 6.41 Ages. Expectat. Ages | Expectat. Ages. Expectat. Ages. Expect. 040.10 25 34.99 50 18.39 5 45.21 30 32.54 55 15.63 10 43.01 35 29.31 60 12.98 15 40.03 40 25.83 65 10.82 2037.29 4521.98 85 4.42 90 2.30 70 8.91 950.50 Ex ON LIVE S. 139 Ex. Let there be two lives, whofe refpective ages and 30 years; then are 40 N=25.83 M=32.54S 21 the double of which $51.66=n. 265.08=m. N— N=19.00 = { NM, expectation of their 3m joint continuance. the oldeft. N-NM- 6.83=the expectation of M—NM=13.54 furvivorship on the the youngeſt. both. And N+M—2NM≈20.37= N+M-NM part of = M + ZN =39.37, 3772 Sthe expectation of the longeft liver. TABLE IX. Shewing the Value of L. 1 Annuity upon a fingle Life, according to the Probabi- lities of Life at Kettle, computed at 4 per Cent. | Ages. Values. Ages. Values. Ages. Values. 18.40 ९० 16.41 53 10.73 18.29 31 16.26 54 Ages.(Values. 6-7 65.19 5-8 10.49 77 5.07 9 18.19 32 16.II 55 10 18.08 4-11 17.97 CA) CA 33 15.94 56 34 12 17.85 35 15.78 57 15.60 13 14 15 3-16 17 on t in o 17.73 18 70 17.65 17.56 17.47 17.38 17.29 19 17.15 f f f CA) CN CO UN 36 15.42 59 O ~~ an 10.2 I 9.93 9.63 9.37 9.10 37 38 100 15.23 бо 8.82 15.03 6 8.59 39 14.82 62 8.35 40 14.55 63 8.10 41 14.28 64 7.86 42 13.99 7.52 20 21 17.00 ff 17.05 43 13.69 13.38 65 7.38 770 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 78 ∞ a o 5.03 794.98 80 4.90 81 4.73 8 2 83 4.54 4.18 843.81 85 85 87 3.44 3.05 2.68 2.32 1.96 N N N N 22 23 24 + W N 16.94 16.88 16.82 25 16.77 444 100 700 45 13.05 68 67 7.14 до 6.91 1.65 46 12.71 69 6.68 1.46 92 1.13 47 12.35 48 12.03 6.47 93 0.95 626 94 0:48 26 15.72 49 11.72 72 6.32 95 0.00 2-27 1665 50 16.45 73 5.78 28 16.61 5 1 II.21 7+ 5-55 29 16.51 52 10.05 75 5.35 S 2 TABLE 140 OF ANNUITIES #1 TABLE X. Shewing the Value of L. 1 Annuity on the joint Continuance of two Lives, accor- ding to the Probabilities of Life at Kettle, com- puted at 4 per Cent. Values at 4 per Cent. 10 14.38 15 14.16 13.86 20 13.93 13.67 13.42 25 13.80 13.53 13.34 13.12 30 13.62 13.42 13.25 12.98 12.73 35 13.26 13.06 12.85 12.60 12.39 11.97 40 12.54 12.39 | 12.22 | 12.04 11.83 11.49 11.03 Ages 10 15 20 45 11.44 11.32 11.19 11.06 10.89 10.62 50 10.22 10.II 10.01 9.91 9.79 9.60 55 9.24 9.17 9.09 9.02 8.91 8.77 60 8.09 8.04 7.98 7.92 7.85 7.74 65 7.07 7.04 7.00 6.95 6.90 6.82 70 6.08 6.00 5.95 25 30 35 5.89 10.27 9.72 9.33 8.92 8.38 8.56 8.257.84 7.39 7.60 7.37 7.07 6.75 6.29 • 6.716.55 6.34 6.10 5.75 5.38 5.82 5.70 5.55 5.38 5.154.88 4.53 40 45 50 55 60 165 170 Tables VII. and X. are conftructed by the Theorem A-A, which expreffes the number 312 of years certain, correfponding to the value of the joint continuance of two lives, whofe com- plements are n and m. + • : TABLE ON LIVES. 141 TABLE XI. Shewing the Probabilities of Life de- rived from the Bills of Mortality in Edinburgh, Anno 1780. Ages. Living. Dd. Ages. Living. Dd. Ages. Living.|Dd. ||Ages.| Liv. Dd. о 140 753 24 345 I 613 74 25 341 IO 23+nO N∞ a o 539 40 26 337 3 499 4 471 28 27 20 70 ~ 333 329 44 44 48 میں 233 6 72 8 6 49 227 6 73 75 6 50 22 I 6 74 69 6 51 215 6 75 52 209 6 76 36 63 57 6 451 14 29 325 53 203 5 77 51 6 437 12 30 321 7 425 10 31 317 55 415 32 313 9407 401 6 I I 397 4 12 14 15 3+no noo 393 13389 4 395 ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 33 309 57 34 305 ииии av awe of 54 6 99% 198 78 45 6 193 79 39 5 188 183 58 177 35 301 59 171 36 297 60 165 37 38 293 5 288 391 4 39283 369 ao 365 361 357 16 377 4 40 17 18 19 20 21 373 4 41 2785 273 In In In In In 61 158 62 151 7 63 144 64 137 7 4 42 268 65 130 7 66 123 7 4 43 263 67 I 116 7 со оо оо со оо со со со со со аа ဝ 34 5 81 29 82 25 4 83 21 84 18 3 ! 85 15 3 86 12 3 87 9 2 88 7 2 89 5 2 90 3 I 91 2. 44 257 6 68 109 7 92 I 45 251 6 69 102 7 93 22 353 46 245 70 95 7 ΤΙ 88 7 27 349 4 4.7 239 By Table XI. the number of births or burials is to that of inhabitants as 753:21968-376.5, that is as 1 28.67; 1 out of 22 arrives at 80 years of age, and the expectation and value of life (at 4 per cent.) are as follow. Ages. Expedat. Values. Ages Expectat. Values. Ages. Expect. Value. O 28.67 11.58 35 5 41.83 17.26 40 IO 41.79 1798 45 15 | 38.85 | 17:14 20 35.87 16.46 25 32.82 16.00 60 30 29.71 15.12 26.52 || 14.46 23.50 13 43 20.74 12.43 | 70 8.38 6.19 75 6.42 4.85 8a 4.82 3.66 11.45 85 3.10 2.34 10.23 90 1.50 0.95 8.74 92 0.50 C.CO 50 18.22 55 15.54 12.71 65 10.45 7.47 It 142 OF ANNUITIES 1 po- It is required to find the amount of the pulation in the city of Edinburgh and its en- virons, anno 1792, exclufive of Leith. The an- nual number of burials = 1800; which, making allowance for adventurers, and an increaſing po- pulation, may be, to the births and fettlers, (at 15 years of age), as 2: 3; and thefe laft to one another, as 3: 1. Hence, The annual number of births 2000 of burials 1800 of fettlers 700 their fum=4500 Therefore half this fum <=2250 =31.22 multiplied by the mean expectation of life, viz. 28.67 x3+38.85. 4 will produce, with the addition of 755 in the caſtle, the number of inhabitants 71,000 Table XI. is a ſtriking evidence of the im- provements in favour of life in the city of Edin- burgh, during the period of half a century, from anno 1740, at which time Dr Price conſtructed a table of obſervations adapted to that city, where- by he found, agreeable to the London tables, that only 1 in 42 of all who died reached 80 years, and that the expectation of an infant's life did not ex- ceed 18; which difference in favour of human life may ariſe from the encouragement given to trade in all its branches fince the year 1745, whereby the bulk of the inhabitants are better fed, clothed, and lodged, have more elbow-room, and freſher air, than at any former period. The ON LIVE S. 143 The Breſlaw table, (Table I.), conſtructed by Dr Halley, as alfo the Norwich and Northampton tables, publiſhed by Dr Price, agree, nearly exact in point of expectation and value, with the hypo- thefis, and are fuppofed to be adapted to Europe in general; the London table (Table V.) corre- fponds to a large and populous capital; and Table VIII. and XI. contain probabilities of life, which will be found to be adapted, either to Scotland in general, or to Edinburgh in particular. As annuities on lives are commonly bought or fold at fo many years purchaſe, the values affign- ed in Tables II. III. &c. may alfo be fo reckoned; at the fame time, they who fell annuities have generally 1 or 2 years purchaſe of more value than ſpecified in the tables, from purchaſers whoſe age is 20 years and upwards. Ex. A perfon refiding in London, aged 30 years, wiſhes to purchaſe an annuity for life of L. 100 per annum; what muſt he pay for it, rec- koning intereſt at 4 per cent. ? Here 13.31× 100 L. 1331, the purchaſe-money. An annuity begins to run from the date of the event which intitles it: and in the cafe of a ſimple annuity paid in money, the annuity ceafes at the term prior to the annuitant's death; but in the caſe of an annuity fecured by land, the heirs of the annuitant are intitled to payment to the laſt moment of his life. In this cafe, by increaſing the numbers in Table II. by .2 of a years purchaſe, to 54 years of age, by .33, from 54 to 70, and by .44 from 70 and upwards, ve fhall obtain the prefent values nearly of an en- nuity (fecured by land) of L, 1 per annum cn a ingle 144 OF ANNUITIES fingle life, fuppofing the decrements of life to be equal. As the real law, according to which human life waftes, approaches much nearer to an arith- metical than to a geometrical progreffion,, all thofe theorems of Mr de Moivre are rejected which are built upon the principle, "That the "decrements of life are in a conftant Ratio," fee- ing they give the value of life too ſmall. PROBLEM IV. Suppoſing the decrements of life to be equal, it is required, to find the value of L. I annuity upon the longeſt of two lives, whoſe reſpective comple- ments are n and m, (m being the greater number), at a given rate of intereft. 72- 64. 1 is the probability that a life, whofe 1 I complement is ", will exift one year, and the 11 chance of its failing in that time; but the fum of theſe two fractions is equal to unity: Therefore having one of them given, we may, by fubtrac- tion, find the other. Now the probabilities of the continuance of thofe lives for one year, are reſpectively" and "; and the probabilities 71 1 212 I of their feverally failing are 1-2 and 1-"!; 22 712 confequently the probability of their both failing in that time, will be I-XI-"-", which, 72 772 fubtracted from unity, leaves the probability of there ON LIVE S. 145 there being one of them, at leaſt, exifting at the year's end. But, 22 η I I - X I 772 1 N - I 772 I I - + n in 12 772 -1Xm-1, which, taken from unity, leaves nIn 12 I + 772 T n — 1 X 1 — Į m I " the firſt payment of 772 nin 2 111 - 2 12 2 X m 2 is 7172 the annuity in the parts of L. 1. n In like manner, "="+" n 712 the fecond payment of the annuity, &c.; hence, the required annuity may be expreffed in the fol- lowing manner : 12 n R 71 nR2 I 2 + + 772 m R mR2 772 • I n — IX m nm R I 72 2 X 172 2 nm R- 72 3 n R³ + 3 21 3 X m mis nin R³ 3 > 3. &c. But the feries in the firft and fecond columns, are the values of annuities on the fingle lives, whoſe complements are n and m; and the third column is the value of an annuity upon the joint lives of the two perfons; therefore, If, from the ſum of the values of the fingle lives of two perfons, the value of their joint lives be taken, the remainder will be the value of an an- nuity on the longeſt of them. Or thus: Let x and y reprefent the refpective pro- babilities of the two lives continuing for one year; then, I—x × I—y = 1−x-y+xy, the probability of the two lives failing in that time, fubtracted from T unity 146 OF ANNUITIES unity, leaves x+y-xy, the probability of one, at leaſt, of the two lives furviving the year; and by fubftituting the values of the lives in place of the probabilities thereof, (N and M being the va- lues of the fingle lives, and NM, that of the two joint ones,) then N+M-NM will be the value of an annuity upon the longeſt of them. I Ex. It is required, to find the value of an annu- ity of L. 1 on the longeſt life of two perfons, whoſe reſpective ages are 35 and 25 years, allowing in- tereft at 4 per cent. Here, N+M=29.297 --NM=11.095 their difference-L. 18.202 is the value re- quired. If the two lives are equal, (N "being the value of the two joint ones,) then 2 N-N" will be the value of an annuity on the longeſt of them. PROBLEM V. Suppofing the decrements of life to be equal, it is required to find the value of L. 1 annuity up- on the longeſt of three lives, (the values of the ſingle ones being given), at a given rate of com- pound intereft. 65. By following a proceſs fimilar to that ob- ferved in the laſt problem, it might be fhewn, that the value of an annuity upon the longeſt of three lives is equal to + the values of the three fingle ones, the thrce values of the joint lives, taken two and two, +the value of the thrs: joint lives. Or thus: Let ON LIVF S. 147 Let x, y, and a reprefent the refpective proba- bilities of the continuance of the three lives for one year; then, I—XX I—y XII-X-y-x+xy+xz+yz I- -xyz, will reprefent the probability of the three lives failing in one year, which fubtracted from unity, leaves, x+y+z—xy—xz-yz+xyz, the probability of one, at leaſt, of the three lives outliving the year; and by ſubſtituting the values of the lives in place of the probabilities thereof, (NMF being the value of the three joint lives,) then N+M+F-NM- NF_MF+NMF=value of the annuity. Ex. Let the three fingle lives be worth 13, 14, and I 15 years purchaſe; fought, the value of an annuity upon the longeſt of them. Here, 13+14+15+8.750.7 -10.1-10.5-10.9-31.5 the value required = 19.2 PROBLEM VI. To determine the value of an annuity of L. 1, granted for a given term of years, denoted by 11, on the contingency of its ceafing upon the extinc- tion of an affigned life, whofe complement is m, at a given rate of compound intereft. 66. Since every payment of the annuity depends upon the continuance of the affigned life, whofe complement is m, it will be worth n terms of the feries, viz. 71 MR I 211-2 mR2 MR3 + + (1) which may be divided into two other feries, viz. T2 148 OF ANNUITIES in X I 172 R 1 A₂+ (n) =P. n)=P. (47) R2 R3 2 x++(n R + 1/3 (n) = = x I I 272 Hence P- R = RP - P. nh mr Fr RP_mp_ Prob. 1ſt. ↑ r RP—" is the value required. mr Ex. A, aged 40 years, engages to pay to B or his heirs, an annuity of L. 1 for 15 years, if he (A) fhall live fo long. Sought, the value of B's an- nuity, reckoning intereft at four per cent. Here, n=15,m=46,P=11.118, and p=.55526. Hence, 11.118 3.234 = 9.36, is the value of B's annuity. 1.84 TABLE XII. Shewing the Value of L. 1 Annuity for a certain Number of Years, depending up- on the contingency of a given Life. Ages, computing intereft at 4 per cent. Yrs. 5 10 ΙΟ 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 4.24 5.49 7.27 IO 15 4.28 4.27 4.25 4.22 4.20 4.17 4.14 4.09 4.03 3.95 3.83 3.64 7.56 7.52 7.47 7.42 7.36 7.29 7.20 7.09 6.94 6.76 6.50 6.11 15 10.05 9.97 9.89 9.79 9.67 9.53 9.36 9.14 8.87 8.50 8.00 20 11.95 11.83 11.70 11.54 11.36 11.14 10.87 10.54 10.12 9.56 8.78 | | | 25 12.36 13.2C 13.02 12.81 12.56 12.26 11.89 11.43 10.85 10.08 30 14.42 14.22 13.98 13.71 13.39 13.01 12.55 11.97 11.23 14.66 14.34 13.96 13.50 12.93 12.24 35 15.20 14.95 40 15.76 15.4 45 16.27 15.8 15.15 14.77 14-32 13.79 13.13 | 15.56 15.0514.54 13.92 50 16.45 16.0 15.68 15.21 14.65 11.97|11.23 Mr Simpſon, in his felect exerciſes, p. 262, is very defective in the conftruction of this table; which yet may eafily be calculated from the rela- tion which the above theorem hath to P- RP—"PN, the value of the fingle life, whoſe complement is 7, Prob. I. Thus, for 72 1 Ex. ང་ 本 ​ON LIVES. 149 Ex. A, aged 25, enjoys an annuity for the ſpace of 20 years, if he fhall live fo long; it is required, to find the preſent value of ſaid annuity, reckoning intereft at 4 per cent. Here n=20, and m=61, the complement of the life; therefore, From the value of an annuity for 20 years = 13.590 Subtract the value of a life aged 66 years = 7.333 their difference = multiplied by n 6.257 20 their product divided by m = 61) 125.140 (13.59 2.05 There remains the anſwer fought = 11.54 A Question of Infurance on Lives. A, aged 16 years, is affured of the fum of L. 500, in cafe he fhall live to be 21 years of age complete; it is required, to find what premium he ought to pay to infure his life during thefe 5 n years, upon that fum. Let b a 65 70A's chance of living 5 years. 71 b 11 5 70. dying in that time. a b But A's intereſt in L. 500X 500 =L. 464.3, their difference, viz. L. 35-7, is the premi- um of infurance; or A may lay his account 71 to loſe X 500-L. 35.7, the fame premium. b If this premium be paid per advance, at a gi- ven rate; then 35-7 L. 29.34, its prefent value at 4 per cent. Rn If A fells his intereft in this L. 500, at a gi- ven 150 OF ANNUITIES ven rate; 464.3 then =L. 382.45, the value at 4 RɅ per cent. See Prob. XV. Ex. 1ft and 2d. Supplement to Problem I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Chap. VIII. ART. I. To find, by a geometrical figure, the value or amount of L. I, or of L. I annuity, up- on a fingle life, whofe complement is n, at a gi- ven rate of intereſt. R I 20/1 P R I O 201m R I ཚུ|" I O R O R I O Pol- I О -| -| R I R2 R I V Ꮓ R I I R”- - 1 || Rn--2 R R I I Rn=-3 R I 0 RN~~ I R1--2 M R2 R I O Ι O Ist, ON LIVES. 151 ift, Seeing, that out of n perſons alive, at a given age, whofe complement is n, one is fup- pofed to fail yearly, till they are all exhaufted at the age of 86; the two triangles V and Z, which contain the value or amount of L. 1 annuity for 1+2+3...+n-1 years, will reprefent the va- lue or amount of L. I annuity upon n lives, whofe common complement is n, at a given rate; and the two bottom columns P and M, which con- tain the value or amount of L. 1 for 1+2+3 +n years, will fhow the value or amount of L. I annuity for n years, at the fame rate; hence, I let or Z = val. or am. of L. 1 annuity for 1+2+3 . . . +n—1 years, Por M— or of for n years; then, V or Z Por M == val. or am. of L. I annuity (upon a fingle life. or of L. I whofe complet. is n. I -r N is alfo value, and 1 R 2dly, But feeing that upon a fingle life, whoſe +rs=amount of L. 1 complement is n, at a given rate : n RP rn M-n Hence N = S= r n = value of L. 1 annuity up- on a life, whofe amount complement is n. Ex. It is required, to find the value or amount of L. 1, or of L. I annuity, upon a life aged 36 years, at 4 per cent. Here n=50, P=21.482, M=152.667, R=1.04, and r=.04. Hence, n-RP M—n P ·M =rn= ÷ n = S13.829-N, the va. S of L. 1 an- 251.34s, the am. [nuity. S.4296 =va. S of L. I, upon a life, 3.053 am. age 36 years. ART. 152 OF ANNUITIES I ART. 2. To find the value or amount of L. r or L. I annuity, upon the joint continuance of 2, 3, 4.... m lives, at a given rate of intereſt. Here, ift, Let n reprefent the mean complement of all the lives, X the expectation of their joint continuance, X ➖➖➖ the expectation of the longeſt Por M Qor A p or a D liver, the value or amount of L. 1 annuity for x years, the value or amount of L. I annuity upon a life whofe complement is x, and I the value or amount of L. 1 for x years; then, K Fig. 2. ., P, P, P, or M, M, M. A P C Þ, p, p, or a, a, a. B 12, In Fig. 2. put AB=n, AC or CD=x, of con- fequence CB or DK-n-x=X, and complete the rectangle BD, and triangle 2. Now, feeing that out of n lives, whofe mean complement is one will fail yearly during x years, DB+2= 2x P+value of a life whofe complement is x multiplied 22 ! ON LIVES. 153 multiplied by x, will reprefent the value of L. i annuity upon n lives for x years; and the bottom column, viz. n-xxp+P, will fhew the value of L. 1 on n lives for x years; hence, j =X XP or M+xx Qor A ÷÷÷n= Xpora+P or M Val.`or am. of L. I annuity. Val. or am. of L. I during the joint continuance of the lives. Ex. It is required, to find the value or amount of L. 1, or of L. 1 annuity, upon the joint conti- nuance of three lives, whofe refpective ages are 40, 36, and 26 years, reckoning intereſt at 4 per cent. Here, M≈ n=52, x = 12.88, X=39.12, P=9.913, M- 16.434, Q=5, A=6.9, p=.6035, and a 1.657. Hence, 387.796+64.4 642.898+88.87 23.609+ 9.913 64.822+16.434) am.S ÷ 52= 8.696 val. 2ofL.1 14.072 ann. 1.563am. du- .6446 val. 2 of L.1 ring the joint continuance of thefe three lives. 2d, In the cafe of mequal lives, whofe common com plement is n, x = n 712+ i and 2, viz.."-- x 72 + } mx Por M+2Qor A Xp or a+ I Por M 72 x 71 of L. 1 upon the joint and the co-efficients of P 77272 mn + n + ÷÷m+1= 72 mn + n Hence, val. or am. of L. 1 ann. m+1 Ivalue or amount va continuance of theſe lives. In the cafe of 4, 5,... m unequal lives, find their mean age, and confider it as the age of ſo many equal lives. U ART. 154 OF ANNUITIES ART. 3d, To find the prefent value or amount of L. 1, or of L. I annuity, during the longeſt li- ver of two or more lives, at a given rate of in- tereft. ift, Let / repreſent the mean complement of all the lives, X X the expectation of their joint continuance, and the expectation of the longeſt liver; then In Fig. 3. make AB or BD=2X, AC or CH= 2x, of confequence, CB or HK=2X-2x=twice Fig. 3. Z 2X 2X-2x H K 2 2x C 2X-2x B 2X the ON LIVES. ! 155 the expectation of furvivorſhip, and complete the triangle DAB. Here, The triangle DAB val. or am. of a life 2 Z X < 2X val. or am. of longest liver. [2x val. or am. of whofe com-joint continuance. plement is (2X-2x-value or I R amount of furvi- vorſhip, computed at the diffolution of the joint lives, which value, x1, and added to that of 2, will alſo give the value of the longeſt liver, nearly exact. And the amount of 2, XI+rs, and added to that of Z, will likewife thew the a- mount of the longeſt liver, nearly. Ex. It is required, to find the value and amount of L. 1 annuity upon the longeft liver of three lives, whofe refpective ages are 40, 36, and 26 years, at 4 per cent. Here, n=52, x=12.88, X=39.12; hence, The triangle DAB2 = 17.076 by Art. 1. $ = 138.9 am. val. S of L. 1 an- nuity upon the longeſt liver of thefe lives. 2d, To the value of 2. = 8.962 A add that of Z, X = Their fum value of the longeft liver 17.775 8.813 And to the amount of Z=s = add that of 2, xi+is= 56.43 56.78 t Their fum amount of the longest liver 113.20 U Q The 156 OF ANNUITIES The value or amount of L. I annuity upon the longeft liver, found thus, would be exact, were it not for this circumftance, that the triangle DAB ftretcheth with its vertex into the regions of im- probability, where human life cannot reach, and of confequence gives a value rather fmall, and an amount too great; to remedy this, obferve the following Method. 3d, Let п, Put P or M x, and X reprefent as above, value or amount of an annuity for n years, Qor A value or amount of a life whoſe complement is n, and p or a value or amount of L. 1 for n years; then Fig. 4. A 21_2X 1 E E n } 27-21 K/2X_n Ger A IV/201-21 E zX_n 177 Per a 71 zł ON LIVE S. 157 In Fig. 4. put AB=2n, EB or BD=2X, FB or BC=n, and complete the fquare HB, the rect- angle KB, and the triangles DEB, and CFB, and join KF. Now it is evident, that the value or a- mount of L. 1 annuity upon the longeſt liver of any number of lives, where the mean comple- ment of all the lives is n, will vibrate betwixt the triangle and fquare HB; and that the line KF, and point K, will limit thefe values; hence, 2X- =X-x} × Por M + { 2272 X } × 2 or A 1" } XP =2x Xp or a + 2 XP or M 72 fval. or am. of L.I annuity. 72 val, or am. of L.1 upon the longeft liver of thefe lives. Ex. In the example to this article, n=52, x =12.88, X=39.12, P=21.748, M=167.165, 2 =14.126, A=55.37, p.1301 and a= =7.687. Hence, 570.667+ 353.686 385.41 +1426.33 52= 3.414+ 10.774 201707+ 82.811 I 17.968 val of L. 1 annui 111.783 am. ty. .2728=val. Sof L. 1, du- 5-471 am ring the longeſt liver of three lives, whofe refpective ages are 40, 36, and 26 years, at 4 per cent. equal lives, whofe com- N > X= 112 72 4th, In the cafe of m mon complement is n; x = 71+12 P-value of L. I annuity for n years, &c, and the co-efficients of P and Q viz. 2.X 72 + 271 11 • - 2 X 72 minn 2n + Hence, mn+n nin + n m—1XP or M+2× Qor A 2 Xpora + XP or M{÷m+1= n upon the longeſt Sva value or amount of L. I annuity. value or amount of L. 1 liver of theſe equal lives. Ex. 158 OF ANNUITIES Ex. Sought, the value of the longeſt liver of 4 equal lives, whoſe common age is 30 years, at 4 Here, per cent. m=4, P=22.2198, and 2=14.684. Hence, 3×22.2198+2 × 14.684 5 = =19.205 value required. In the cafe of 4, 5...m unequal lives, find their mean age, and confider it as the age of fo many equal lives. 5th, If the value, &c. of an annuity be requi- red, which fhall continue during the longeſt liver of q out of m lives of a given age and at a given rate; here X- here X==expect. of the longeſt liver. P-value of an annuity for n years, &c. and 2 m+¹× P or M+m+1—q× Qor A Al 972 f Xp or a +m+-1—9 × P or M 2 12 value or am. of L. 1 ann. Ivalue or Imount ofL.I a- lives. during the longeft liver of q out of Ex. It is required to find the value of L. 1 an- nuity upon the longeft liver of 10, out of 15 equal lives, whofe common age is 22 years, at 4 per cent. Here, m=15,9=10, P=22.968 and 2=15.669; hence, 2 X 22.968+6X15.669 ४ = 17.494, the value required. m+¹, When q is lefs than the firft term is negative. 2 ART. 4. To find the value or amount of L. 1, or of L. i annuity, for a term of years denoted by n, but fubject to failure on the contingency I of ! ON LIVE S. 159 of an affigned life, whofe complement is m, at a given rate of intereſt. In fig. 2. fuppofe AB=m, AC or CD=n, and let the rectangle DB and triangle 2be completed; now, ſeeing that out of m lives, whoſe comple- ment is m, one is fuppofed to fail yearly during n years, let P or M value or amount of L. 1 annuity for " Qor A = - or bor a then +”× or 11-12 x P or M + n× Qor A xp or a + P or M 772 I years. of an annuity upon a life whofe comple- inent is n. of L. 1 for n years; val. or am of L. 1 annuity. {val. or of L. I for a term of years denoted by n, on the contingency of an affigned life whofe complement is m. Ex. It is required, to find the value or amount of L. 1, or of L. 1 annuity, during the term of 15 years, yet liable to be demanded, or fubject to failure, on the contingency of a life aged 36 years, at 4 per cent. Here n=15, m=50, P=11.1184, M=20.0236, 2=5.728, A= 8.38, p.5553, and a = 1.8. Hence, 389.144+ 85.92 700.825+125.70 19.435+ 1118 50: 63.000 + 20.024 9.501 value 16.53 amount } of of L. annuity. .611 1.66 value {{ Sof L1 during the amount term of 15 years, on the contingency of a life aged 36. Σ REMARKS, 160 OF ANNUITIES } REMARK S. ft, The values, &c. acquired by Art. i. and 4. are perfectly accurate, and agree exactly with the algebraic inveftigations, Prob. I. and VÍ. 2d, The value, &c. of the longest liver, found by Art. 3. is difcovered with much lefs labour, and is nearly as accurate as the refults of Prob. IV. and V. 3d, The value, &c. of 3, 4 ...m m joint lives, Art. 2. is as perfect as the nature of the ſcience. will admit. The value of 2 joint lives is nearly correct at the early periods of life; but it declines as life advances, in fuch a manner, that, at the mean age of 40, it would require 1 year's pur- chaſe to be added to 2, at 4 per cent. to make it correſpond with Prob. II. and III. 4th, The theorems contained in thefe articles, (excepting cafe 2d, Art. 1.), may with equal pro- priety be applied to life-annuities at fimple inte- reſt, by making ufe of tables of fimple, in place of thofe of compound intereft. They may alſo be uſed in finding the value of life from a table of obfervations. Ex. 1ft, To find, from the Fife Table of Obfer- vations, the value of the joint continuance of two lives, whofe refpective ages are 30 and 25 years, at 4 per cent. Here, N= 1 ON LIVE S. 161 N=32.54x=N° failing in NM years 15.84 M=34.99n-x =51.69 ann.forNMyrs=14.63 Sum=n=67.53 P-val. of ann. for NMyrs 14.63 NM=22.452=val. of a life 8.05 and 51.59 x 14.63 +15.84 × 8.05 13.08, value fought; 67.53 which agrees nearly exact with the refult of the theorm 4. Ex. 2d, To find the value of the longeſt liver of two lives, whofe refpective ages are 40 and 30 years, at 4 per cent. from the fame table. Here, N=25.83/2X M=32.54 21 N 2X =20.37 38.00 Sum=n=58.37 P= val. of ann. for n years=22.466 NM=19.00 2=val. of a life aged 35 =15.60 Diff.=X=39.37 Hence, 20.37 X 22.466 +38 × 15.6 — 18.00, value 58.37 18.00, value; which is the fame with the reſult of the theorem X-Xd, Prob. III. Cafe 2. N : X of 162 OF ANNUITIES 1 Of REVERSIONS. PROBLEM VII. 67. To find the value of the reverſion of an eſtate in fee fimple, after one or more lives of given ages, at a given rate of compound intereſt. Here, I Or, * I N =the reverfion, in per- petuity, of L. I per an- I RP RP 1 ↑ nr nr num, after a life whofe value is N, at a given rate of intereſt. Ex. Sought, the value of a reverfion, in per- petuity, of L. I per annum, after the life of a per- fon aged 43 years, allowing intereſt at 4 per cent. Here, 1 —— N==25—12.683=12.317, the reverſion. to १ nr In like manner, 1 NM Ι - NMF T a reverfion in perpetuity after (2 joint lives. L3jc 3 joint lives. If the purchaſe is difcharged in yearly pay- ments during the continuance of the life or lives in queftion; in this cafe, the reverſion, divided by the value of the life or lives, will quot the an- nual payments. Ex. ON LIVES. 163 Ex. A and B, whofe refpective ages are 35 and 25 years, fell the reverfion of an eſtate whoſe rent is L. 150 per annum, for, yearly payments during the longeſt of their lives; fought, theſe payments, reckoning intereft at 4 per cent. Here, 25-18.2026.798 multiplied by 150 And the product divided by 18.2) 1019.7(L. 56, the annual payment. per If the firſt of the annual payments be made advance, the above divifor, viz. 18.2, increáfed by unity, will quote L.52.1, the annual pay- ments. Cor. Ift, To find the preſent value of L. I, due at the deceaſe of a perſon of a given age, at a gi- ven rate of intereſt. L. I, or any other fum of money, may be con- ceived to be the prefent worth of a perpetuity, whofe rent is equal to the intereft of that fum for one year; hence, the reverfion of a fee-fimple equal to that intereft, after the given life, will be the value required. Thus, 1 * RP RP -Nxr=1-rNxr would be nr = the value required, were it not for one circum- ſtance, viz. that, from the nature of the calcula- tion, the time in which the firſt yearly payment of a reverfionary annuity becomes due, is the end of the year in which the event happens that en- titles it. This is alfo the time when a reverfionary fum becomes due. But an annuity, the firft pay- ment of which is to be made at the fame time with another X 2 164 OF ANNUITIES another payment of a fum in hand fufficient to buy an equal annuity, is worth one year's purchaſe more than the fum. Hence, I N p = R 72 the value of L. I due at the de- ceaſe of a perſon whofe complement of life is n. Or thus: I 22 the prefent probability, that a life whofe complement is n will fail in any one affign- able year of its duration; (fee Prob. XIX. cafe 1.) Hence, I n R I I + + (n) == the preſent value of n R2 n R3 72 L. 1, payable at the failure of a life whofe com- plement is n; which, multiplied by s, a fum due at the cloſe of a given life, will produce the pre- fent value thereof. Ex. Let there be a legacy of L. 100=s, due at the deceaſe of a perfon aged 60 years; fought, its preſent value, at 4 per cent. Here, sx 2 =100X.6147=L.61.47, the value required. X 72 Cor. 2d, To find what fum ought to be paid, on the deceafe of a perfon of a given age, in con- fideration of L. I now received. It is evident, that the reciprocal of the former corollary will be the anſwer in this. Thus, = n R I—rN p the fum which ought to be paid at the deceaſe of a perfon whofe complement of life is n, for L. I now received, which, multiplied by t ON LIVE S. 165 p, any prefent fum, will produce s, the amount thereof at the cloſe of a given life. Or thus: I R R³ M Seeing ++ (») ==, the amount of n 12 72 12 L. I annuity for n years certain divided by n, and expreffes the amount of L. 1, payable at the fail- ure of a life whofe complement is n; therefore, px M 77 =S. Ex. Let p L. 100, the age 60 years, and the rate of intereft 4 per cent.: Here, n=26, M= ΛΙ 44.3117, and px =100X 1.7043=L. 170.43= s, which is the fame with the refult from the 72 theorem p×1+rs of Table IV. PROBLEM VIII. 1 68. Suppofing the decrements of life to be equal, it is required, to find the value of the reverfion of an annuity, which is to continue during the life of a perfon whofe complement is m, after the de- ceafe of the prefent poffeffor, whofe complement of life is n, at a given rate of intereft. I 71 , 1-2, &c. are the probabilities I- 72 of the poffeffor's dying in the firft, fecond, &c. years; and I 7112 , , &c are the probabilities of 772 712 the expectant's living to the end of the firſt, fe- cond, &c. years. Hence 11 — ] I 9 73 tod 771 # 2 X I 7- I X 712 72 172 &c. are the probabilities that the expec- tant 166 OF ANNUITIES tant will receive the firft, fecond, &c. yearly payment, which probabilities being expanded by multiplication, and their prefent values found, will give the value of the reverſion, viz. M-I 1 m R M-2 mR2 I m n R m—2 × n—2 2 m n R ² &c. But the feries in the firft column is the value of the expectant's life, whofe complement is m; and the fecond column contains the value of the joint lives of the poffeffor and expectant. There- fore, if, from the value of the expectant's life, the value of the joint lives be taken, the remain- der will be the value of the reverfion. Or thus: Let xxy=y-xy be the probability that the expectant will outlive the poffeffor the first year; then, by fubftituting the values of the lives in place of the probabilities thereof, M- NM will be the prefent value of the expectant's life after the death of the poffeffor, or the value of the reverſion required. Ex. Let the refpective ages of the expectant and poffeffor be 25 and 30 years, and the rate of intereft 4 per cent. then M=15.318, N=14.684 and NM 11.468; hence, M-NM-3.85, the value of the reverſion. Of • ON LIVES. 157 Of a Widows Scheme. 69. THE refolution of the ſeveral queſtions reſpecting a reverfionary annuity to one life after two, is derived from the above theorem, viz. M -NM-the value of the reverfion. There are two cafes of fuch an annuity, which differ from or agree with one another in a few particulars. Cafe 1. A and B, whofe refpective ages are 30 and 25 years, agree to pay a certain fum in hand, or a certain annual rate during the continuance of their joint lives, in order to purchaſe an an- nuity to B after A's deceaſe. Sought thefe, rec- koning intereft at 4 per cent. M-NM M-NM=3.85=fum in hand, or prefent valuc. =L.0.3357 annual rate payable during their joint lives to fecure L. 1 annuity to B. NM = In this cafe, the payment of the rates ceafes at the cloſe of the joint lives, whether A be alive or not, and B is fuppofed to be the furvivor. Had this cafe been conditional, viz. "if B fhall furvive A," the fum in hand and annual rate muſt be diminiſhed by 41.57 61.00 =.681, the probability of B's furviving the diffolution of marriage. Had part of the prefent value of the annuity, fuch as L. 1.5 been paid in ready money, the remainder, divided by NM, quots the annual rate; and were the rates payable per advancé, NM+I will be the divifor. Cafe 2d, Is that of a widows fcheme, where either " OF ANNUITIES 168 either a certain fum in hand, or an annual rate during the life of A, is paid, in order to fecure a provifion for B, after A's deceafe, or, failing B, fo many years purchaſe of her annuity to their children. This cafe differs in toto from the conditional one mentioned above; and in part from Cafe 1ſt, in this, that the annual rate is paid during the life of A; but agrees with it in fuppofing that either a widow or children are left a burden upon the ſcheme. Therefore, Let the refpective ages of A and B be 30 and 25 years, and the rate of intereft 4 per cent; then, MNM L. 3.85fum in hand, or prefent va- lue. M-NM N = L.0.2622 = annual rate, exclufive of the expence of management, payable during the life of A, to fecure L. 1 annuity to B, after A's deceaſe, or, failing B, 10 years purchaſe of her annuity to their children. This, I acknowledge, is different from the u- fual method of conftructing a widows fcheme, and in particular from that recommended by Dr Price, whereby, to find the annual rate, the pre- fent value of the annuity must be divided by that of the joint lives, as in Cafe 1ft; making the full value of the annuity, in the prefent in- ftance, to be paid in 19, whereas A hath a chance of living 28 years: Beſides, L. 3.85 val. L..2622 ann. L..3357 ann. accumulated during | A's life, by Tab.IV. = val, of B's ann. at widowity, perfaidtab. L. 13.74. L. 16.83 SL. 21.55 and L. 14.20 The above rate or value, multiplied by any รับ annuity 1 ON LIVE S. 169 annuity, will, with the addition of the expence of management, fhew the rate or value correfpond- ing to that annuity. the ages being 30 and 25. Thus, Exp. Ann. Rate. Value. .25 + |10=2.872 || L. 38.5 Exp. L.25p.an. •375+ 15=4.308 57.75 •375 .5 +.2622x20=5.744 77.0 with .5 .625+ ·75 + 25=7.180 96.25 .625 30=8.616 115.5 .75 Again, let the reſpective ages of A and B be 40 and 30 years, the annuity L. 20, and the rate of intereft 4 per cent; then 4.256×20=L.85.12 value of the annuity; and, .5+.3225x20 L. 6.95 annual rate. But the number at the former ages may be to that at the latter, as 3: 1; thence 5.74+3+6.95 L. 6.05, the mean annual rate = 4 correſponding to L. 20 annuity. Had thefe rates been conftructed upon the prin- ciples of the expectation of life, as in the Church's Scheme; in this cafe, the prefent value of an annuity for 20 years, at 4 per cent. 13.590 divided by the amount thereof for 30 years 56.085 quots the annual rate = L..2423, which is lefs than the above. In fuch a fcheme, in order to afſiſt their operation, and to balance the advan- tage of the marriage-tax in the Church's Scheme, the rates might be paid per advance ;-the wi- dow's annuity may begin to run from the firſt term of Whitfunday or Martinmas after the de- ceafe of the contributor ;-where there is no wi- dow, 10 years purchaſe of her annuity might be granted to the children of a contributor, with- Y in 170 OF ANNUITIES in a twelvemonth after his deceafe;-if a contri- butor, before his death, hath not paid 10 annual rates, a deduction might be made out of the pro- vifion of the widow or children, till the balance be recovered;-and for each 500 contributors, the annual expence of management ought not to exceed L. 110. Suppofing then, that there were 500 married contributors in this fcheme, of 30 years of age. and upwards, whofe number being constantly the fame, Their expectation of life = 32.5 years The number dying yearly = 15.0 of whom, I will leave widows, 3 of them, fa- milies of children without a widow, and 1, neither a widow nor children. The annual number of marriage taxes, each at L. 9, The expectation of widowity, The maximum of annuitants, 3.0 19.5 = 214.0 of whom 203 will draw full, and 11, including heirs, half annuities; and the families of chil- dren, Deductions out of the proviſion of wi- dows or children, = The medium of annuities L. 20, and of rates, 3.0 L. 82.6 L. 6.05 L. 110 L. 41,390 The annual expence of management And the capital neceffary to fupport the fcheme, when the annuitants fhall arrive at a maximum, 7༠ Of a Marriage-Tax. A marriage-tax may be confidered as the dif- ference ON LIVE S. 171 ference in point of value, of the two Widows An- nuities, computed at the commencement of the fecond marriage: Thus, Suppofing the above contributor becomes a widower, and at the age of 40 marries a fecond wife, whofe age is 30 years; fought, his marriage- tax, at 4 per cent. From the value of two joint lives aged 40 and 30 years, Subtract that of two joint lives aged 40 and 35 years, The remainder, L. 4.256 Multiplied by 20, will produce the tax for that annuity, 3.822 •434 L. 8.68 Queſt. A and B, whofe refpective ages are 60 and 40 years, are fubjected to the burdens and enjoy the advantages of a widows fcheme, where- in B's annuity, thould fhe furvive A, is L. 25; B, defigning to fell her annuity, defires to know the prefent value thereof, reckoning intereft at 4 per cent. The expectation of the joint continuance of thefe two lives, And B's probability of furviving the diffolu- tion of marriage is of confequence, 35.45 40.00 10.55 •77 But M-NM-5.686 would be the years pur- chafe of the annuity, were it certain that B would be the fuvivor. Hence, •77X5.686×25-L. 109.455, is the value required. Or thus, A's expectation of life = 13, and B's probability of furviving A = Y 2 33 171 45 = .7173 hence, 172 OF ANNUITIES 1 hence, B's age at A's death would be 53 years, whofe value, viz. 10.702, reduced for 13 years, at 4 per cent, gives 6.43, the years purchaſe of the annuity, were it certain that fhe would furvive A; hence, 717X 6.43X 25 L. 115.25, is the value required. PROBLEM IX. It is required, to find the value of the reverfion of an annuity, which is to continue during the joint lives of two perfons, after the deceafe of the prefent poffeffor, at a given rate of compound in- tereft. 71. Let x, y, and ≈ be the reſpective probabili- ties of the continuance of the three lives for one year; then I will be the probability of the poffeffor's life failing the first year; which, mul- tiplied by xy, gives xy-xyz, the probability that the two expectants will outlive the poffeffor the firſt year. Hence, by fubftituting the values of the lives in place of the probabilities thereof, NM NAIF the value of the reverfion. Therefore, if, from the value of the two joint lives in expectation, the value of the three joint lives be fubtracted, the remainder will be the reverfion of two joint lives after one. Ex. Let the refpective ages of the two expec- tants and poffeffor be 43, 54, and 66 years, and the rate of intereft 4 per cent. then, From ON LIVES. 73 From the value of the two joint lives in expectation Subtract that of the three joint lives = 8.364 <= 5.152 The remainder = 3.212 is the value of the reverfion of two joint lives after one. / PROBLEM X. To find the value of the reverfion of an annui- ty, which is to continue during one life, after two joint ones, at a given rate of compound in- tereſt. 72. Let xy reprefent the probability of the two lives in poffeffion outliving the first year; then —xyX=-xyz will be the probability of the life in expectation outliving the two lives in poffeffion the first year; hence, i F-NMF will be the value of the reverfion; Therefore, If, from the value of the expectant's life, the value of the three joint lives be taken, the re- mainder will be the value of the reverfion of one life, after two joint lives. Ex. Let the age of the life in expectation be 43 years, and the ages of the two lives in poffeffion 54 and 66 years, allowing compound intereft at 4 per cent. Then, = From the value of the expectant's life = 12.683 Subtract the value of the three joint lives = 5.152 There remains the value of the reverfion= 7.531 • PROBLEM 174 OF ANNUITIES PROBLEM XI. To find the value of the reverfion of an annu- ity, which is to continue during the life of a gi- ven age, after the longeſt of two lives, whoſe a- ges are alfo given, at a given rate of compound intereft. 73. Let x, y, and z repreſent the reſpective pro- babilities of the three lives continuing one year. Then XI-XI—y=&−x8—12+xyz will be the probability of the life in expectation outliving the other two the first year; and F—FR NF NMF will be the value of the reverfion of the life in expectation after the other two. But if the refpective values of the longeſt of two and three lives, Prob. IV. and V. be compa- red with this, it will appear to be their difference; Therefore, If, from the value of an annuity on the long- cft of three lives, the value of an annuity on the longeſt of the two in poffeflion be taken, the re- mainder will be the value of the reverfion on the third life, after the other two. Ex. A, who is 43 years of age, is intitled to the reverfion of an eftate for his life, after the deceafe of his father and of his mother-in-law, whofe refpective ages are 66 and 54 years; fought, the value of A's intereft in the eſtate, al- lowing 4 per cent, From ON LIV E S. 173 From the value of the longeſt of the three lives = Subtract the value of the longeſt of the two poffeffors lives = 15.190 11.904 Remains the value of the reverfion, 3.286 1 PROBLEM XII. To find the value of the reverfion of an an- nuity, which is to continue during the longeſt of two lives after one, at a given rate of compound intereft. 74. Let T-XXπ-y=I—xy+xy reprefent the probability of the two lives failing in one year, which, being fubtracted from unity, leaves x+y-xy, the probability of one, at leaft, of the two lives outliving the year; and this laſt expref- fion, being multiplied by 1-2, gives x+y—x} y+xyz, the probability that the longeſt of the two lives will furvive the third the firft year. Hence N+M-NM-NF-MF+NMF will be the value of the reverfion of an annuity upon the longeft of two lives after one; but this value is the difference of the refults of Prob. I. and V. Therefore, XZ If, from the longeſt of the three lives of a pof- for and two expectants, be taken the value of the poffeffor's life, the remainder will be the rever- fion of the longeſt of two lives after one. Ex. Let the refpective ages of the two expec- tants be 43 and 54, and that of the poffeffor 66 years, and the rate 4 per cent. From 176 OF ANNUITIES From the value of the longeſt of the three lives = Take the value of the poffeffor's life = 15.190 7.333 Remains the value of the reverfion = 7.857 PROBLEM XIII. To find the value of the reverfion of an an- nuity, where a given term of years is concerned. 75. Ift, To find the value of the reverfion of an aſſigned life after a given term of years. Ex. A, aged 15 years, expects to enter upon an eftate of L. 100 per annum, after the expira- tion of 10 years, which he is to hold during life; fought, the value of his expectation, reckoning in- tereſt at 4 per cent. Here, From the value of the propofed life = Subtract the value of an annuity for the given term of years, on the contingen- cy of its ceafing upon the extinction of the propoſed life, found by Prob. VI. = The remainder multiplied by 100 = L. 887, is the value of A's expecta- tion, 16.410 7.540 8.870 2d, To find the value of the reverſion of an annuity, for the remainder of a given term of years after an affigned life. Ex. A, aged 25 years, who has the right of an annuity ON LIVE S. 177 annuity for 31 years certain, makes over the re- verfion thereof to B and his heirs, to enjoy the fame after his deceafe for the remainder of the faid term; fought, the value of B's expectation, reckoning intereft at 4 per cent. From the value of the annuity certain for 31 years, = Subtract the value of the annuity for the fame term, on the contingency of its failing on the extinction of A's life, found by Prob. VI. = Remains the value of B's expectation, 11 17.588 13.858 3.730 3d, To find the value of the reverfion of an annuity for a certain number of years, after an affigned life. Ex. Let the given age be 50, the term of years 12, and the rate of intereft 4 per cent. Then, The value of the life is 11.344, the nearest to which in Tab. V. of annuities certain is 11.118, correſponding to 15 years; But 12 + 15 = 27 == of the life and reverfion; 16.496 the value Subtract the value of the life 11.344 There remains, 5.152 the value of the reverfion of 12 years, after a life of 50. 4th, A perfon, 35 years of age, wants to buy an annuity for what may happen to remain of his life after 50 years of age; fought the value of fuch an annuity in ready money, and alfo in annual payments for 15 years, till he attains to Z i the 178 OF ANNUITIES the faid age, fubject in the mean time to failure, fhould his life fail. The prefent value of fuch an annuity is equal to the value of a life at 50, multiplied by the prefent value of L. 1 to be received at the end of 15 years, and alſo by the probability that the gi- ven life will continue fo long. That is, 346 11.344 X.5553X =4.44, the number of years 490 purchaſe that ought to be given for the annuity, reckoning intereft at 4 per cent. Now, fuppofing the annuity L. 50, its value in prefent money is L. 222, Or thus: From the value of a life of 35 years, Subtract its value for 15 years, ſubject to failure, = 13.979 9.533 Remains the years purchafe of the annuity,=4.446 And L. 222, the value of the annuity in ready money, divided by 9.53, its value for 15 years, gives L. 23.3, the annual payments till the life attains to 50 years. 5th, To find the prefent value of an annuity to be enjoyed by one life, for what may happen to remain of it beyond another life of equal age, after a given term; that is, provided both lives continue to the end of a given term of years. Here, Multiply the value of the annuity for the two joint lives, plus the given term of years, difcoun- ted for the given term, by the probability that the two given lives fhall both continue the given term; the product will be the anfwer. Ex. ON LIVE S. 179 Ex. Let the two lives be each 30, the term 7 years, the annuity L. 10, and the intereft 4 per cent. From the value of a ſingle life at 30+7= Subtract the value of two joint lives, each 37 Remains, the value of an annuity for the life of a perfon of 37 years of age, after another of the fame age, which, being diſcounted for 7 years, = 2.6. 49 49 13.67 10.25 3.42 fhall con- The probability that two lives at 30 tinue 7 years is (by Mr De Moivre's hypothefis) 12×10=.765; and 2.6 ×.765=1.989, the num- ber of years purchaſe which cught to be given for an annuity, to be enjoyed by a life now 30, after a life of the fame age, provided both continue 7 years; and the annuity being L. 10, its prefent value is L. 19.89. In like manner, fuppofing the term one year, and the ages and the rate of intereft the fame, the preſent value of the fame reverfionary annuity is L. 32.4; and if the term is 15 years, the value is L. 9.7. Hence, fuppofing the fcheme of a fociety for granting annuities to widows to be, that if a member lives 1, 7, or 15 years after admiffion, his widow, of the fame age with himſelf, fhall be intitled to an annuity of L. 20, L. 30, or L. 40; we may find what ought to be the annual pay- ment of each member of a given age, and at a given rate of compound intereft. By the above, the value of L. ro per annum, to a life of 30 after another of 30, provided the joint lives do not fail in one year, is L. 32.4, at 4 per cent, Z 2 The 180 OF ANNUITIES The value of L. 20 per annum, in the fame circumstances, is, therefore, = The value of L. 10, after 7 years, is = And of L. 10, after 15 years, is = 64.80 19.89 9.70 Their fum = 94·39 is the value of the expectation in a fingle prefent payment; which, being divided by 11.182, (the value of two joint lives at 30), gives L. 8.44, the annual payment during the joint lives. In like manner, were the ages 40 and 50, the annual payments would be L. 8.69 and L. 9.05. PROBLEM XIV. To find the value of an annuity, or the rever- fion thereof, depending on furvivorſhip, and the expectation of life, 76. 1ſt, A and B, whofe refpective ages are 25 and 40 years, enjoy an annuity equally betwixt them; which, after the deceaſe of either of them, is to belong to the furvivor for life; fought, the value of the right of each in that annuity, reckon- ing intereft at 4 per cent. کو From the value of A's life 15.318 Subtract half the value of the joint lives 5.327 Remains, the value of the right of A = 9.991 In like manner B's right = 7.869 2d, An annuity, after the deceaſe of A, aged 66, is to be divided equally between B and C, whofe refpective ages are 43 and 54 years, during their joint ON LIVES. 181 joint lives, and then is to go entirely to the laſt furvivor for life; fought, the value of B's expec- tation, reckoning intereſt at 4 per cent. From the value of the reverfion of the life B after the life A, found by Problem VIII. 6.433 Subtract half the value of the reverfion of the joint lives of B and C, after the life A, Problem IX. = Remains, the value of B's expectation 1.582 4.851 3d, A, aged 40, expects to come to the poffef- fion of an eſtate, fhould he furvive B, aged like- wife 40, and offers to give fecurity for L. 40 per annum out of the eſtate at his death, provided he ſhould get into poffeflion: What ſum ought now to be advanced to him, in confideration of fuch fecurity, reckoning intereſt at 4 per cent.? From the value of the perpetuity = Subtract the value of the longeſt of two lives, each 40 = Remains, the value of the reverfion of ditto 25.000 16.566 8.434 which, multiplied by 40, gives L. 337.36, the value of the given eftate, were it certainly to be enjoyed, after the extinction of the longeſt of two lives, both 40; but that A's life, in particular, fhould fail laft, rather than B's, is an even chance: The true value of the reverfion, therefore, is half the laft value, or L. 168.68. 4th, B, aged 40, will, if he lives till the de- ceafe of A, whofe age is 30, become poffeffed of an eftate of L. 40 a-year; fought, the worth of f his 182 OF ANNUITIES his expectation in prefent money, reckoning inte- reſt at 4 per cent. Here affume two lives, whoſe common age is equal to that of the older of the two propofed lives, A and B, and find the expec- tations of life in A and B, viz. 28 and 23. Then, From the value of the perpetuity Subtract the value of two joint lives, each 40 = Remains, the reverfion of the two joint lives = 25.000 9.826 15.174 the half of which, viz. 7.587 would be the value of B's expectation, were their lives each 40: Therefore fay, As 28: 237.587: 6.232, which, multiplied by 40, gives L. 249.28, the value of B's expecta- tion. If B's age be 30, and that of A 40 years; then, From the value of the perpetuity Subtract the value of the joint lives B and A, viz. 10.428 +6.232, found above, = 25.00 16.66 Remains, the value of B's expectation 8.34 5th, C and his heirs are intitled to an eftate of L. 200 per annum, upon the deceafe of B, aged 40, provided B furvives A, whofe age is 30 years; fought, the value of their expectation in preſent moncy, reckoning intereft at 4 per cent. Aflume two equal lives, whofe common age is that of the older of the two propofed lives, B and A; then, From J ON LIVES. 183 From the value of the perpetuity= Subtract that of the longeſt of two equal lives, each 40 = Remains, the reverfion of ditto = 25.000 16.566 8.434 the half of which, viz. 4.217, would be the years purchaſe required, if the ages of A and B were each 40 years: Therefore, 28: 23: 4.217 3.464, the number of years purchaſe required, anfwering to L. 692.8. If B's age had been 30, and A's 40 years, in this cafe, = From the value of the perpetuity Subtract that of the longeſt of the two lives. B and A, viz. 17.452+3.464, found a- bove = Remains, the value of C's expectation 25.000 20.916 4.084 Hence, in a widows fcheme, when the refpec- tive ages of hufband and wife are 30 and 25 years, and the proviſion for a family of children, where there is no widow, L. 200; we may find the pre- fent value of faid provifion, reckoning intereft at 4 per cent. By the above, the years purchaſe of the chil- dren's provifion would be 3.128; but the intereſt of L. 200, for one year, at 4 per cent. is L. S : Therefore 3.128 × 8 = L. 25.024, is the expecta- tion of a family of children, without a widow. PRO- 184 OF ANNUITIES 1 PROBLEM XV. Of Infurance on Lives. 77. 1ft, IF A, aged 30 years, is willing to advance P money in hand, or to pay a certain fum yearly du- ring life, to fecure L. 100 to his heirs; or, in other words, to infure his life upon L. 100, allowing intereft at 4 per cent. In this cafe, N=14.684, and (Problem VII. cor. 1.) =40X 100=L. 40, the fum payable in hand; which, divided by 14.684, gives L. 2.73, the annual payments du- ring life. 72 2d, A, aged 40 years, agrees to advance a cer- tain fum in hand, or to make annual payments during the ſpace of 15 years, in cafe he lives fo long, in order to fecure L. 300 to him or his heirs; fought, the prefent value of faid fum, or annual payments during thefe 15 years, reckoning intereſt at 4 per cent. Here, (Problem VI.), N=8.817, and =.6224X300=L. 186.7, the prefent value; which, divided by 8.817, gives L. 21.20, the an- nual payments during 15 years, in cafè A lives fo long. I-- rN R 3d, A, aged 40 years, wants to make provifion for B, aged 30, in cafe the latter thould happen to furvive: What ought the former to give in a fingle payment, and alfo in annual payments du- ring their joint lives, to fecure L. 500, payable at his death to the latter, reckoning intereft at 4 per cent.? In ON LIVE S. · 185 In this cafe, the value of the joint lives of A and B10.428, L. 500, at 4 per cent, is equal to an eſtate of L. 20 per annum, and (Problem XIV. 4.) the value of B's expectation of furviving A is 8.34; therefore, 8.34× 20 L. 166.8, is the fingle payment, and 166.8, divided by 10.428, gives L. 16, the annual payments during the joint lives of A and B. 4th, An eftate of L. 20 per annum will be loft to the heirs of a perfon now 40, fhould his life fail in 12 years: What ought he to give for the affurance of it for that term, reckoning intereſt at 4 per cent.? Or, What is the prefent value of the eſtate, to be entered upon at the failure of fuch a life, fhould that happen in 12 years? From the value of an annuity certain for 13 years = Subtract the value of the life fubject to fail- ure in 12 years = Remains, the value of the eftate for 12 years, upon the chance of the life's failing in that time. 9.385 8.154 1.231 Again, 25, the perpetuity, X .6246, the value of L. 1, diſcounted for 12 years X T2I 445 , the chance of the life's failing in that time, gives 4.246, the value of the eſtate after 12 years, upon the chance of the life's failing in that time; and thefe two values, added together, give 5.477, the value of infurance, correfponding to L. 109.54, which, di- vided by 8.154, the value of the life, quots L. 13.43, the annual payments. A a 5th, 186 OF ANNUITIES 5th, There is an eftate, which, if A, aged 7 years, happens to die before he attains to the age of 21, is, after his deceaſe, to go to B and his heirs for ever; fought, the value of B's expecta- tion, reckoning intereft at 4 per cent. If the reverſion of the eſtate, after A's life had belonged to B and his heirs; then, in this cafe, From the perpetuity = Subtract the value of a life 7 years old There would remain B's expectation = 25.000 16.698 8.302 But B's expectation is limited to 14 years of A's life; therefore, From the perpetuity = Subtract the value of a life 21 years old = 25.000 15.781 Remains, the reverfion of a life of that age = 9.219 and 9.219×.5775, the value of L. 1, diſcounted the chance of A's living 14 for 14 years X 592 6922 , 692 years, gives 4.554; which, being fubtracted from the former value, leaves 3.748, the value of B's expectation. 531 Again, had the reverfion of the cftate been li- mited to B, aged, for inſtance, 30 years; in this cafe, 3.748x427, the chance of B's living 14 years, gives 2.873, the value of B's expectation; which, multiplied by 4, the intereft of L. 100 for one year, produces L. 11.6, the prefent value of L. 100 to be paid by B, in cafe the furvivorſhip fhould take place. • PRO- ON LIVES. 187 78. PROBLEM XVI. To find the Value of Succeffive Lives. LET N and M reprefent the values of an annuity of L. 1, to continue n and m years, at a given rate of compound intereft; I I then N= Rn RR (47) I =1—rN, Rr r which gives I and M= Rm I =1-rM. RTL 1 Hence, = 1−rÑ× 1—rM=ı—rN—rM+ 2 Rn+m r² NM. Now, let V be the value of an annuity, which is to con- I tinuen+m years; then, I—I—rÑ× 1-rM; which gives, V Rn+m = I-rNXI-rM =N+M-rNM, the value of an annuity to continue during two fucceffive lives, whofe fingle values are N and M. Ex. 1ft, A, aged 40 years, enjoys an annuity for his life; and, at his deceafe, has the nomina- tion of a fucceffor, aged 18 years, who is alfo to enjoy the annuity during his life; fought, the prefent A a 2 188 OF ANNUITIES prefent value of the two fucceffive lives, reckon- ing intereſt at 4 per cent. Here N=13.196, and M=16.105. N+M-rNM=29.301-8.5 20.810, Hence, the value required. In like manner, if there be three fucceffive lives, whofe fingle values are N, M, and F, then, Ꮴ Ꮴ - I—I—rNX1--rMX1~ go. rF ceffive lives. the value of three fuc- Again, if the two fucceffive lives are of the fame age, which is moſt likely, then n+m2n, and T: 1 R2n and V- 2 =1—rV=1—rÑ, which gives i-r N five lives. 2 the value of two equal fucceffive lives. 1-1-N 3 the value of three equal fuccef- Ex. 2d. It is required, to find the value of four equal lives, following one another in fucceffion, whofe common age, at admiffion, is 24 years, reckoning intereft at 4 per cent. Here N 15.437 and 4 .9786 24.465, the value. .04 Univerfally, if N ftands for the value of an annuity to continue a certain number of years, then ON LIVES. 189 then I—I—N r will reprefent the value of an an- nuity to continue n times as long. If n is inde- n finite, then 1-rNo, and v, the value of the perpetuity. v= PROBLEM XVII, Of a Copy-bold, and the renewing of Leafes. SUPPOSIN 79. UPPOSING any number of equal lives of a given age, and that' upon the failing of any one, or all of them, they fhall be immediately re- placed, and I fhall then receive a fum of money S, agreed upon; fought, the value of that expec- tation, and at what intervals of time I may ex- pect to receive the faid fum. Let n denote the number of years during the intervals betwixt the payments of the fum S; and let N repreſent the value of the life or lives du- ring theſe intervals; then, N= I I Rn (47.) which gives R" T 1-rN. Now feeing a fum of money, S, is to be received, ad infinitum, at the equal intervals of time denoted by n; its preſent value may be found from the following feries, viz. S S Ri R211 S S t + + &c. = R$ 119 R-I payments. But (40.) the prefent value of all the 190 OF ANNUITIES But in place of R", ſubſtitute its value found I above, viz. 1-rN then R-1= rN I-N' and confequently S I-rN R-I XS, the value required. r N I Again, let —_——~=2, then R=2, and Log. 2 Ir N n= the intervals of time at which I may ex- Log. R pect the fum S. Ex. ft. Let there be three perfons, each 20 years of age, at the deceaſe of any one of which, I fhall receive L. 250, which life is to be imme- diately replaced, and whenever a life becomes va- cant, I or my heirs are to receive a like fum; fought, the value of that expectation, and at what equal intervals of time I may expect the faid fum, allowing intereft at 4 per cent. I-N rN Here, N=9.192 by Prob. III. and XS=1.72X250=L. 409, the value required. Again, n= *.1990631 0170333 11.68 years of interval. Ex. 2d. A purchaſes a leafe-hold eftate, upon three equal lives, aged 15 years, for the fum of L. 2000, on condition that his heirs fill up the leafe continually, whenever all the lives become vacant, paying a fine of L. 1000; fought, the fent value of the whole purchaſe allowed for the eftate, with the annualrent anfwering thereto, and at what equal intervals of time the heirs of pre- A ON LIVE S. 19t A may expect to pay the faid fine, allowing in- tereft at 4 per cent. I-N rN Here N 20.25, by Prob. III. and XS=.2346x1000 L. 234.6 the value of the fines; To which add, Their fum is, 2000.0 2234.6the value of the the purchaſe, whofe annualrent, at 4 per cent. is L. 89.384; and 2 = .7212464 .0170333 =42.3 years of interval. If only one life is concerned, which, at the de- mife of the incumbent, is to be replaced with a fucceffor, as in the cafe of a benefice, or of a copy-hold; in which, let N denote the value of the life, and s the fine, if there is any, to be paid on admiffion; then, I-N rN pa- Xs=value of the copy-hold or right of tronage, to which add the ſum s, if the purchaſe is made during the vacancy; then the value of the patronage. N = Ex. 3d, Let an intrant's age be 30 years, the fine on admiffion L. 150; fought, the value of the patronage at 4 per cent. Here N=14.684, and 150. Hence, s= IrN N Xs=.7025×150=L.105.375, the value fought. Or, if the purchaſe be made during the vacancy, then, $ rN -L. 255.375, the value of the patronage. PRO- 192 OF ANNUITIES PROBLEM XVIII. Of the Expectation of Life. 80. THE expectation of life is that period of time, during which a perfon of a given age may juſtly expect to continue in being, and is always equal to the years purchaſe of an annuity of L. I during life, upon the fuppofition that money bears no intereft. Cafe ift, It is required, to find the expectation of a fingle life of a given age, fuppofing the de- crements of life to be equal. In eſtimating the expectation of life, we muſt reckon from the prefent inftant, and fuppofing n to be the complement of life, make = I, 1 n n 72 I, the firſt term of the feries, + +2, &c. expref- 12 12 72 fing the expectation of life; which being a feries decreaſing every inftant, the laft term thereof viz. =0, and the number of terms, though in- η 72 n definite, is expreffed by n; therefore, x= (8) 12 n X 2 2 the fum of the feries is equal to the expectation of that fingle life whofe complement is n. Ex. A perfon of 24 years of age, may expect to live" 62 =31 years longer. 2 2 2d, ON LIVES. 193 2d, It is required, to find the expectation of two joint lives, of given ages. Let the complement of the elder life be n, and that of the younger m; then the fum of the feries> n n2 In m + X n 771 12 m n 772 n + X (1) will 2 772 be the expectation of the joint lives. Now, the terms of this feries are the products of the two arithmetical progreffions, which exprefs the ex- pectations of the fingle lives, carried on to a num- ber of terms equal to n; but the fum of the firft is and, fince the greateſt term of the fe- cond is 12 2 , 772 m 12 the leaft and the number of m TH terms n, the fum thereof will be 772 172 -72 n n 2m. n n + X X =n :n—= (7, Equ. 3d.) m2 m 2 772 2 2711 hence, the fum of n terms of the feries of products will be = พท 22 1212 -xn. 2 72 2772 X n + I Τ n + 1 x n Xn --I › --IX-X which being 2.2.3 77 1/2 reduced, becomes ท 7171 + 2 4172 I n 7212 , it will become 12112 2 611" ་་ I and, neglecting 12772 the expectation required. Ex. Two perfons, whofe refpective ages are 30 and 25 years, may expect to live together 28- 8.568=19.43 years. If the two ages are equal, the expectation of 72 7272 21 71 12 their joint lives will be 2 On 2 6 3 3d, It is required, to find the expectation of any number of equal joint lives, of a given age. Let there be, for inftance, two equal lives; Bb then 194 OF ANNUITIES then the first term of the feries, expreffing the expectation of their joint continuance, will be 12; and the other terms will alſo be ſquares, n n X n n n XI n fo that the whole will be a ſeries of fquares (whofe roots are in arithmetical progreffion) beginning with I, and ending in a cypher, and n the number of terms; therefore, calling m the index of the power in the feveral terms, will be m+1 3 the fum of the feries, or expectation required: See the following note *. Or let there be three e- qual lives: then the firſt term of the ſeries expref- fing the expectation of their joint continuance will be n n n xx=1³; and n n n n X I n m+I 4 their ex- pectation required; and univerfally calling any number of equal lives m, and their complement of n m+1 life n, then will expreſs the expectation of their joint continuance in being; fee the follow- ing note *. * The ARITHMETIC of INFINITIES. Ex. If there be any ferics of quantities, all of the fame power, whoſe roots are in arithmetical progreffion, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. and let m denote the index of the power; N the number of terms; L the laſt term; and S the fum of the ſeries; then, NL 1, 2, 3, 4, 02, 12, 22, 32, 42, 2 0³, 1³, 23, 33, 43, 3 m= 04, 14, 24, 34, 44, 4 NO, 12, 135 kee ,3/3 ,2 ,1 ,1 ܢ o, a 3 m+I S. Thus, NL 2 2 NL 3 3 NL + 4 NL I 4 m + I NL 5 S 2 NL mojet 3 WA 3 NL 4 Thi ON LIVES. 195 Ex. Fifty perfons, whoſe age at a medium is 30 years, may expect to continue all in being year 36 days. 56 51 = 1 : I 4th, It is required to find the expectation of three joint lives, whofe ages are given. Let the complements of the eldeft, fecond, and youngeſt, be feverally denoted by n, m, and t; then by fol- lowing a proceſs fimilar to that obſerved in cafe 2d, the expectation of their joint continuance would be found to be, n 12 1 I 223 2 6 7/2 t 12 mt See the note in cafe 9th. Ex. Three perfons, whofe refpective ages are 50, 45, and 35 years, may expect to continue all in being, 18-9.59+1.86=10.27 years. 5th, It is required, to find the expectation of the longeſt of two lives, of given ages. Here, by reafoning as in Prob. IV, and calling N and M the expectations of the fingle lives, and NM that of their joint continuance; then, N+M-NM will be the expectation of the long- eſt of theſe two lives. NL Ex. Sought, the expectation of the longeſt of This may be proven by induction, whereby it is fhewn, that the greater the number of terms is, the nearer will the expreffion approach to the fum of the feries, and is only equal to it when the number of the terms is indefinite. 1+144 B b 2 two 195 OF ANNUITIES two lives, whoſe reſpective ages are 30 and 25 years. Here, 28+30.5-19.43=39, the expectation of the long- eft liver. 6th, It is required, to find the expectation of the longeft of three lives of given ages. Let N, M, and F repreſent the expectations of the three fingle lives, and NMF that of their joint continuance; then, by reaſoning as in Prob. V. N+M+F— NM-NF-MF+NMF will be the expectation of the longeſt of theſe three lives. 7th, If the ages are equal, then the fum of the 72 772 n 772 feries 1- +1- &c. will be the expectation of the longeſt liver: but this feries is equal to a number of units whofe fum is n, minus a feries of m powers, whofe roots are in arithmetical pro- greffion, beginning with 1, and ending in o; therefore n Hence, 272 72 77272 77 112 +1 m+I is the fum of the feries. 3 4- =The expect. of the longeſt of 4.12 5 77172 971 2 equal lives 3 whofe com- plement of 4 life is n. m Ex. Let there be 100 perfons, whofe age, at a medium, is 30 years, fome of them may expect to live 5600 ΙΟΙ =55.44 years, 1 8th, ON LIVES. 197 8th, It is required, to find the expectation of widowhood in married perfons, whofe ages are given. From the expectation of the longest liver Subtract that of their joint continuance == NM-NM +NM Remains the expectation of widowhood ≈ N+ M—2NM Ex. In married perfons whofe refpective ages are 30 and 25 years, the expectation of widow- hood is 58.5-38.86=19.64. In married perfons of equal ages, the expecta- tion of widowhood is equal to that of marriage, feeing 2n ༢ 72 n 3 3 which expreffes either of them. 9th, If the expectation of life, for any number of years not exceeding n the complement thereof, be required; in this cafe calling years, the fum of the feries * the number of 72 + + 72 72 n I 12 -X will exprefs this expectation; but the fum of the 271-X firft and laft terms = and x the number of 72 217--X 272 terms; hence, х × x (7. Equ. 3.) is the expecta- tion required. When x=n, the expreffion be- 12 comes and gives the expectation of the affign- 2 , ed life for its whole poffible duration. Ex. The expectation of life for 15 years, in a perfon aged 30, is 97 1 12 X15=12.99 years. Here it may be obferved, that the above expref- fion alfo difcovers the number of perfons alive, to which one perfon added annually to a fociety, or left annually in widowhood, at a given age, will increafe 198 OF ANNUITIES 1 increaſe in x years. Thus, calling N= H 2 the expec- tation of a widow's life; and fuppofing one to come upon a fociety every year, the number of annuitants alive, deduced from hence, will, in x years, be 4N-x 4N Xx. And calling W the number of widows age, then 4N—x left annually, at the fame X Wx 4N will be the number of annuitants alive at the end of x years. The maximum, therefore, is WN, which will always happen when xn, the com- plement of the widow's life. Ex. Let there come yearly upon a fund, 19.3 widows, whofe expectation of life is 19.64, (cafe 8th ;) it is required, to find the number to which they will increaſe in 15 years; and what will be their maximum. Here, 4N~x 4N x=15, W=19.3, N=19.64, and, 63.56 xWx= × 289.5=234.2, the number of 78.56 widows at the end of 15 years. And their maxi- mum is WN=379. In like manner, the fum of ! N-1 3 the feries 12--X + + n 2 n 3712 3122 + X3 3722 3 X n not only expreffes the expectation of two e- qual joint lives, for the time x, but alfo gives the number of marriages in being together, that will, in x years, grow out of one yearly marriage be- tween perfons of equal ages, whofe complement of life is n, which expreffion, when x=n, becomes n 3 the expectation of two equal joint lives; or, calling M the number of yearly marriages, their maximum ON LIVES 199 nM maximum will be at the end of n years. If the 3 perfons are of unequal ages, let the complement of the oldeſt life be n, and that of the youngeſt m, n+mXx² the expreffion will be x- + ; and the num- 2nm 3nm ber of marriages will come to a maximum when x=n. Ex. Let there be a fociety, wherein there are 32 yearly marriages, between perfons whofe re- ſpective ages are 33 and 25 years; it is required, to find the greateft poffible number of married per- fons, as alfo the maximum of widows and widow- ers in fuch a fociety. Here, x=n=53, m=61 and M= 32; hence, 53-49.5+3.5=19; which, multiplied by 32, gives 608, the greateſt number of married perfons; which number being equal to all the widows and widowers in life at one time, and the proportion of thefe to one another being as 5 to 3; hence, 8: 5:: 608: 380, the maximum 608:380, of widows, and 228, the greateſt number of wi- dowers. The EXPECTATION of LIFE difcovered by FLUXIONS. ift, Let -X repreſent the probability that a life, whofe comple- n #X-XX ment is 7, will continue to the end of x time. Then will be 2 n the fluxion of the fum of the probabilities, whofe fluent, (to find which, feeing the fluxion of x is xx+xx=2xx, divide the whole by x, add unity to the exponent of the power of x in each term, and di- vide by the exponent fo increaſed), viz. x- x2 271 27-X Xx, is the 211 22 becomes and gives 2 fum itſelf for the time x; this, when x=1, the expectation of the affigned life for its whole poffible duration. 2d, Let 200 OF ANNUITIES Supplement to Prob. XVIII. Let N, M, P, and T repreſent the reſpective ex- pectations of 4 lives, whofe complements are n, , p, and t; and c, the arithmetical mean com- ', plement be the probability that two unequal joint n-x X 112-X 2d, Let 1212 n-xxm x ves will continue to the end of x time; ทาน Xx, will be the uxion of the fum of the probabilities; the fluent of this expreffion, iz. x n+mx² + 2nm 3nin x3 12 when xn, becomes 122 the expec- 2 6m² ition of two unequal joint lives, whofe complements are n and m. 3d, Since 72-X 72 222 72-X 122 is the probability that two equal joint lives will ontinue to the end of x time, im of the probabilities, whofe fluent, 72 Xx will be the fluxion of the x2 viz. x— +3 + 72 3722 when x ecomes the expectation of two equal joint lives. 3 he number of equal lives be m, then heir joint continuance. n m+I Univerſally let will be the expectation of n-xx m~xxt-x 4th, Let nmt be the probability that three unequal oint lives will continue to the end of x time; then this expreffion, aultiplied by x, produces mtxx + tx^x mtx ntxx + mx²x x nmxxnx²x nmt the fluxion of the fum of the proba- ilities; the fluent of which expreffion, being reduced and x puti, 71 ecomes 122 X I I ޖމ 3 3 2 6 +-+ การ 12 mt the expectation of three joint ives whofe refpective complements are, n, m, and t. 5th, Let ON LIVÉ S. 201 plement of all the lives wanting n, the comple ment of the oldeſt; then, x x 5th, Let-x= n 12 | * 1A, be the probability that two equal lives, x² n whofe complement is n, will fail in the time x, then 1 - xx Xx will be the fluxion of the fum of the probabilities that one of them at leaft will ſurvive the time x; the fluent of this expreffion, viz. x 212 3 3x² when x, becomes 7- , the expectation of the longeſt li- 3 3 ver. Univerfally let the number of equal lives bem, then is the expectation of the longest liver. 7-x 2X 6th, Let X 72 n mn m+i be the probability that there will be a furvivor of two equal joint lives at the end of x time; then 2x 2x2 X x is n 222 the fluxion of the fum of the probabilities, whofe fluent, viz. x2 2x3 n 32223 when xn, becomes n 2n n -- the expectation of fur- 3 3 vivorſhip between two equal lives, and is the fame with that of their joint continuance. x x 7th, Let I X 7 m be the probability that the oldeſt of two lives will furvive the other at the end of x time; then, 2.2 Xx xx will 772 nm be the fluxion of the fum of the probabilities, whofe fluent 2m when xn, becomes 882 6m Hence the expectation of 2 3nm furvivorſhip on the part of the oldeſt бль of the youngeſt Expectation of widowity C c 272 Add 2 2 * | N m Add 11 212 210 n =/ M n + 6m 6m 12 + 2 317% 202 OF ANNUITIES , The expectation of the joint continuance of 2 =N- N n2 n² unequal lives 2 6т n 212 of 3 + 2 6c 21 of 1* 322 2 n 3m NM. NMP. 224 of m equal lives of m unequal lives: 2 = n 6c mti - 272 + n 12mp 3223 1202 20mpt ¨n" +1 172 +1 I mix nmpt NMPT. n being the mean comple. of all the lives. Expectation of widowity, as on p. 201. Add 21 ~ " + 2 2 37N. 2 | ~ n2 1 6m of the longest liver 2 m 2 + n 6m 8th, Let there be three joint lives, whofe refpective complements. are n, m, and t; the expectation of furvivorship on the part of the oldeſt the ſecond 783 12mt 1113 the youngeſt 771 12nt t3 I 27}} *To abridge the labour of calculating the expectation either of the joint continuance, or of the longeft liver of me unequal lives, whoſe mean complement is ʼn ; In the fluent m + 1 x nmpt I which expreffes the fum of the pro- babilities that all the lives will fail in the time, x; let x=n, the mean complement of all the lives, and fubtracting that fluent from 222 I 212 > m+ we fhall have 77+1 m+I m + 1 x nmpt expectation of their n -- joint continuance; and expectation of their joint continuance — that of the longeft liver. 2d, ON LIVES. 203 2d, The expectation of the longeſt liver of 2 unequal lives N+M—NM=M+—N. 3m n+m+p of 3- of 4 NMP. 3 n+m+p+t NMPT. 4 of m equal lives of m unequal lives mn M+I n-Expectation whofe mean is n. is of their joint continuance complement of 9 lives out of m= gn m+1 Or in the cafe of 4, 5, 6... m unequal lives, find their mean age, and confider it as the age of ſo many equal lives. Ex. Sought, the expectation of the joint continu- ance and of the longeft liver of three lives, whofe reſpective complements are 40, 50, and 60. Here, 20—9.77+1.7712, Expect. of their joint contin. of the longeſt liver. 50 12 d = 38,- 3d, Ift, the time, be fought, in whichp, a part of m equal lives, will fail, whofe complement is ; here, prz =t, the time fought. mti 77 12 な ​m+I 71 xt=p; and making t=1, =p, the number which fail in one year; hence, In any number of lives, their expectation of life, and the number which die yearly, are reciprocal of, and diſcover one another. 4th, Let there be any confiderable number of lives, in their natural order, extending from a Cc 2 given 204 OF ANNUITIES given age, whofe complement is n, to the utmoſt period of human life; then, 272 t, = their mean complement of life. 3 n The given age+. the mean age; and, 3 their mean expectation of life. n 3 11 Thus in a table of equal decrements, where the complements of life form a feries of fquares, n² Xn 271 the mean complement, &c. 3 3 Ex. 1ft, In any approved table of obfervations, ſuch as that of Dr Halley, where 90 is the utmoſt extent of human life, 30 will be the mean age of all the perfons in the table, and its expectation, viz. 28, will be that of human life, or of infancy by the table. Moreover, 28x2+30=86, is with propriety put as the utmoſt extent of human life by Mr De Moivre, in his Hypothefis of equal decrements, which is adapted to Halley's table. Ex. 2d, The marriages of minifters wives, in the eſtabliſhed Church, take place from the age of 18 to 45 years; hence, +18=27, the mean age of marriage, which is alſo the mean age 45-18 3 of the youngest widows; hence, 86-27 3 +27=4633 the mean age of widowity, whofe expectation of life, viz. 193, multiplied by 19.3, the number eft yearly, will produce 379.58 the maximum of annuitants. 3d, In fuch a number of lives, the expectation Qf ON LIVES. 205 of the longeſt liver is nearly equal to the comple ment of life in the youngeſt. 4th, In fuch a number of lives, which are con- ſtantly the fame, being kept up by the addition of new lives as the old drop off, their expecta- tion of life is the fame with that of the youngeſt. 5th, To find the period of doubling the number of inhabitants in any province. When the num- ber of births, with the addition of the annual fettlers, does fo far exceed the burials, that their difference bears a confiderable proportion to the whole number of inhabitants, and is equal, fup- poſe, to a 36th part thereof; the number of inha- bitants, if this part continues conftantly the fame, will be doubled in 36 years. But, as every ad- dition to the number of inhabitants, from the births and fettlers, produces a proportionably greater number of births; if we fuppofe the excefs to increaſe annually in proportion to the number of inhabitants, fo as to preferve the ratio of theſe to one another always the fame; upon this fuppo- fition, the population of a province, till it doubles itſelf, will exactly refemble the accumulation of money at compound intereſt: therefore, calling this ratio of the excefs of the births and fettlers I above the burials, to the inhabitants, —; I in the population| r, of a province, is equivalent to R, in compound intereſt. hence, i 206 OF ANNUITIES hence, by remark 2d upon compound intereft, L. 2 L. +1 * the period of doubling. I Ex. Let 36" period of doubling. .30103 then =25.3 years, the .0119 If M, the amount of the population P, in the time t, be fought, when the ratio of the exceſs of the births above the burials to the inhabitants is I ز —; in this caſe, PX r =M, the amount. XIX. PROBLEM Of the Probability of Survivorship. Cafe 1ft, Two lives being given, to find the probability of one of them fixed upon ſurviving the other. 82. A B C D F G -|-|- S Let AS, the complement of life, be divided in- to an indefinite number of equal parts, AB, BC, CD, &c. reprefenting moments of time; then will the probabilities of living from A to B, from A to C, from A to D, &c. be repreſented by the , &c. and the probability BS CS DS AS AS AS fractions of life's failing in any interval of time AF is mea- AF AS fured by the fraction Again, when the in- terval AF is once paft, the probability of life's GS continuing from F to G, is and of its failing FS' FG in that interval, is Hence, FS The ON LIVES. 207 The probability of life's continuing from A to F, and then failing from F to G, is X=78; of FS FG FG AS FS AS conſequence, the probabilities of life's failing in any two or more equal intervals of time betwixt A and S, are exactly the fame, the eſtimation being made at A confidered as the preſent time. Theſe things being premiſed, let the comple- ments of the two A B С с H D d --- S S lives be AS=n, and BS=m; upon which take the two intervals AC, BD=x, as alfo the two mo- is the pro- ments Cc, Dd=x; then N-X n X 72 bability of the firft life's continuing to the end of x 772 the time x, or beyond it; and is that of the ſe- cond's continuing from B to in the interval Dd; hence, I D, and then failing X x X XX X is 72 772 71772 772 the probability of theſe two events happening to- gether at the end of the time x, or it is the fluxion of the fum of the probabilities, whofe fluent, viz. x m x² 2nm is the fum itſelf for the time x. Let now n be put=x, then the probability of the first life's n 210 furviving the ſecond will be, which fubtrac- ted from unity, leaves the probability that the ſe- cond life will furvive the firſt. Hence the probability of furvivorſhip on the of the oldeſt life, whofe complement is " of the youngeſt, part n 2772 is 772=1- m 2772 Ex. 208 OF ANNUITIES Ex. Let n=46 and m= 56; then, 22 2m 72 ='41 •59 2m The chance of furvivor. on the part of the oldeft. S the the youngeſt. When the lives are equal, is this probability on the part of either of them. 2 A, aged 60, whilſt in health, bequeaths to B, aged 30 years, the fum of L. 500, in cafe he (B) fhall be the furvivor; fought, the prefent value of B's ex- pectation, at 4 per cent. Here, n=26, m=56, and P-15.983. Hence, P 500X / 22 L. 307.365 72 multiplied by I .767 2m2 produces B's expectation L. 235.75 Cafe 2d, Let there be three lives, A, B, and C, whoſe reſpective complements are n, m, and t; it is required, to find the probability that any one of them fixed upon will furvive the other two. x X The fluent of the expreffion, I—-X-X being taken, viz. 72 3 2mt 6nmt, n ኣ. 192 1, and x put=n, we ſhall have the probability that the oldeſt life A 3mt will furvive B and C. Again, the probability, that the fecond life B will furvive the other two, is, 17? 2t 72 Gut ; and theſe two, fubtracted from unity, leave the probability of the youngest life C furvi- ving A and B. Hence the probability of furvivor- ſhip on the part of A, ON LIVES. 209 A, after B and C = n² 3nit m B, A and C = 2t 6mt C, A and B = m 222 I 21 6mt Ex. Let n=40, m=50, and t=60. Then, •177 = A's •32 •327 B's chance of furviving •494 = C's { B and C. A and C. A and B. 3 When the lives are equal, will be the probabi- lity that any one of them fixed upon will furvive the other two. Cafe 3d, Let there be three lives, A, B, and C. It is required, to find the probability of furvivor- fhip on the part of any two of them after the third. The fluent of the expreffion 1— x x I -XI- X n m being taken, and x put = n, will give the proba- bility that the two oldeſt will furvive the young- eſt, = n 21 2122 भूर 6mt Hence the probability of furvi- vorſhip on the part of A and B after C = n n² 21 6mt A and C B = 72 n2 2771 6mt B and C. - A A = 1- 2771 2/2 712 + 2t 3Fut Ex. Let n=40, m=50, and t=60. Then, .244 A and B's 31A and C's .444 B and C's C. chance of furviving B. A. When the lives are equal, will be the probabi- D d lity 210 OF ANNUITIES lity that any two of them fixed upon will furvive the third. Cafe 4th, It is required, to find the order of furvivorſhip betwixt the three lives, A, B, and C, whoſe reſpective complements are n, m, and t; or the probability that A fhall furvive B, and B fur- vive C, &c. ift, A, B, C, = 2d, A, C, B, = 3d, B, A, C, 6mt 12 6mt 51 n² 2t 3mt 772 n n A 4th, B, C, A, = 2t 2t 6mt n n² 5th, C, A, B, = 2 m 3mt 172 13 6th, C, B, A, = 1 I - 2t 2m + 12 6mt Here it is manifeft, that thefe fix orders, taken two and two, fuch as the 1ft and 2d, or the 1ft and 3d, are reſpectively equal to the firſt equations in the two foregoing cafes, &c. Ex. Let n=40, m=50, Order 1st, .083 2d,=.088 <= 3d, .158 and t=60. Then, ठ Order 4th, .177 5th, = .227 6th,=.277 When the lives are equal, will exprefs the pro- bability of furvivorſhip betwixt any order of the three fixed upon. A, aged 70 years, whilft in health, makes a will, whereby he bequeaths L. 300 to B, aged 45, and L. 500 to C, aged 36 years, with this condi- tion, that if either of them die before him, the whole is to go to the furvivor of the two: Sought, the values of the expectations of B and C, eftima- ted ÖN LIVE S. 211 ted from the time that the will was writ, and rec- koning intereſt at 5 per cent. Here, n=16, m=41, t=50, and P, correfponding to n, 10.838. Was it certain that A would die before either of them, P B's expectation would be 300XL. 203.21 C's n P 500×==L. 338.69 Which expectation of C, multi- plied by the probability that he and B fhall furvive A, Produces C's expectation, arifing n .6865 from the profpect of A's dying L. 216.916 before either of them, But C hath a further expectation, arifing from the profpect that he fhall furvive A, and that A fhall furvive B, in which cafe he thall obtain Which expectation, multiplied by the 5th order, 203.21 .1535 Produces his chance of B's legacy, = 31.193 To which add 216.916 Their fum is the whole of C's exp.-L. 248.11 In like manner, B's expectation, arifing from the profpect that they will both fur- vive A, To which add his chance of C's le- gacy, = L. L. 139.504 40.10 £ ex-} = L. 179.605 D d 2 PRO- Their fum is the whole of B's ex- pectation, 212 OF ANNUITIES PROBLEM XX. Of Half-yearly and Quarterly Payments of an Annuity. 83. 1ſt, IN cafe of an annuity a, paid every half-year, during ʼn years, at a given rate, let P be the value of the annuity a for n years, V, the va- lue of the half-yearly annuity for the fame num- ber of years, and d=R-1, the intereſt of L. I for half a year, (Table in 46th); then a a a- Rn P- (47.) V= a r -, hence P: V:: Rn If quarterly, d=R = a a La — Rn I d I : r zd (49.) divide both by which gives 1, and 2=V. 4d rP : V. 2d Ex. Let there be an annuity of L. 30 per annum, paid every half-year, by equal portions, for the ſpace of 20 years; fought, the value thereof, at 4 per cent. Here a=15, P=L.407.7, and d=.01984. +P Hence =L.410.96=V, the value fought. 4 2d Or thus: The annuitant, in cafe of half-yearly payments, has the advantage above the annual payments of the intereſt of a for half a year, that is, of a yearly, during the continuance of the annuity; which intereft, at 4 or 5 per cent. is e- qual to or part of the annuity; therefore to the value of the annuity paid yearly, add its 99th or 79th part, the fums will be the values of the half-years payments. I 2d, ON LIVES. 213 ? * of a 2d, If an annuity is paid for life, in this caſe, half-yearly payments are of a year's purchaſe better than yearly ones. The annuitant, by the laſt, hath the advantage of the intereſt of of the annuity during life, be- fides an equal chance of receiving one half-year's value more than if he had been paid yearly; which chance is therefore, at his death, worth 4 part of the yearly annuity. Now theſe two ad- vantages, it is manifeft, will always amount to of a year's purchaſe in preſent value. Again, half-yearly payments, which begin im- mediately, are half a year's purchaſe better than thoſe that begin at the end of half a year; that is, by the above, they are of a year's purchaſe bet- ter than yearly payments which begin at the end of the year. But yearly payments which begin immediately are a whole year's purchafe better than the fame payments to begin at the end of the year: therefore the difference of value between yearly and half-yearly payments, fuppofing both to begin immediately, is of a year's purchaſe in favour of the former. 4 3d, To find how many years poffeffion will re- imburſe an annuitant for the price paid for his annuity. Calling n the number of years required, a pur- chafer will be reimburſed for his money, when the years-purchaſe of his annuity for n years certain is equal to the value of his life; that is, when I I Rn L. I =N; hence R” - ——, and n = I-N I-rN' L. R which is always lefs than the expectation of life confidered i 214 THE BRITISH confidered as ſo many years certain. (Conſtruc- tion of Table II.) Ex. A perfon, aged 30 years, purchaſes an an- nuity for life: Sought, how long he muſt live be- fore he can be reimburſed for the purchaſe-mo- ney, at 4 per cent. Here N 14.684, and years. I L. IN •395 L. R <= 23.23 .017 When an annuity is bought at a number of 1 years purchaſe, = —, in this caſe, 22 L. 2 L. R 2r I—ÎN 2, =2, and the time in which money doubles itſelf at a given rate. When the number of years purchaſe=-, n be- comes indefinite, and the poffeffion muſt be a per- petuity. PROBLEM XXI. 1 Of the British State Lottery. 84. The State-Lottery is a fpecies of gambling permitted by the legiſlature, for the purpoſe of ſe- curing a certain yearly revenue to government. The Lottery anno 1791 contains 50,000 tickets; and the number and value of the prizes, begun drawing February 20. 1792, are reprefented in the following ſcheme. SCHEME STATE LOTTERY. 215 SCHEME of British State Lottery 1791. || || Sum. 60,000 40,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 11 || || || || Number. Prizes. 2 of 30,000 2 of 20,000 3 of 10,000 5 of 5,000 10 of 2,000 15 of 1,000 30 of 500 50 of 100 50 || 15,000 15,000 5,000 100 of 14,150 of 5,000 20 = 283,000 ift & laſt 2 of 1,000 a b 2,000 N° of L. 500,000= 500,000={ { Sum of the Prizes. 14,369= {Prizes. 11 a+b= S In this Scheme let 14,369 repreſent the number of Prizes. 35,631 50,000 =L. 500,000 Blanks. Tickets. the fum of the Prizes. From thefe data the following particulars are inferred. ift, To find the value of each Ticket, &c. S =L. 10 =v, the value of each Ticket. a+b S =L. 34.79=V, a Prize. put p=L. 16.8, the market-price of each Ticket, then pvxa+b = L. 340,000, equal Profit of government, including the expence of manage- ment, &c. 2d, To 216 THE BRITISH 2d, To find the chance or probability of draw- ing a Prize or a Blank. Here, Seeing a+ba :: 1 : ratios. Ift, 2d, 3d, a a+b 1옹 ​이용 ​a b I 3.48- I 1.4 + I 2.48- a a+b Hence the following = 3.48—the probability (a Prize. of 1 Ticket a Blank. =1:1.4 + drawing =1:2.48 —; that is, to each Prize there are 2.48 Blanks. Theſe ratios may be called the indices of the Lottery, which, being pointed to, or multiplied by any number of tickets, ſhow the probable number of prizes or blanks in theſe tickets. I 3.48 Ex. × 3.48=1:1, and ſhows that 3.48 tickets have an equal chance of drawing 1 prize and 2.48 blanks; but the market-price of the tickets being L. 58.36, there is therefore a lofs of 58.36—V=L. 23.57. I Again, × 1.4 = 1:1, and fhews that 1.4 1.4 X I, tickets have an equal chance of drawing 1 blank, and .4 of a prize: there is therefore a lofs of 23.52—13.92=L. 9.6. 3d, To find how many Blanks or Prizes there are in n Tickets. 72 12 In n tickets prizes, and n- blanks, 3.48 3.48 there are n 12 blanks, and n— prizes. 1.4 1.4 Ex. Let n=20, there will be 20 3.485.75 prizes, and STATE LOTTERY. 217 { and 20—5.75=14.25 blanks. At the fame time, the greater the number of tickets, the greater is the probability of obtaining the proportional number of prizes: Thus, 3.48 tickets have only an equal chance of drawing I prize; whereas a+b tickets are certain of drawing a prizes: therefore the chance of drawing a proportional. number of prizes varies from probability to cer- tainty in proportion to the number of tickets. 4th, To find the probability which 2 tickets have of drawing a certain number of prizes, not exceeding 1, let p=the prizes expected in ʼn tick- the probability required. ets; I n then --× P 3.48 5 I Ex. Let n=5, and p=3; then 10.44 2.09 12 the probability of 5 tickets drawing 3 prizes. 5th, To find the probability which 2 tickets have of drawing any one particular prize in the fcheme. That ticket will draw a prize 11 11 14.150 of L. 20, the pro- a+b 219 better than L. 20, babi- a+b lity= 39 of L. 1000 and upwards, That n tickets will draw a prize better than L. 20, a+b of L. 20,000, I 3.53 • I 228.3° I 1282. 1? the probability = 228.3 72 25,000 E e 6th, 218 THE BRITISH 6th, To find the probability which any 2 tickets fixed upon have of drawing 2 capital prizes, for inftance, of L. 10,000 each. Here, 3 50,000 Ι 16666.8 = probability that 1 ticket fixed upon, will draw a prize of L. 10,000. But in the prefent cafe of 2 tickets drawing equal prizes, as thefe events are independent of one another, therefore = 1:277,777,777-4= I X I 16,666.6 16,666.8 the probability required. Hence the vaſt diſad- vantage attending fhares of tickets drawing ca- pital prizes. Thus the probability that 2 half tickets will draw the half of two L. 10,000 pri- zes, is as 1 : 277, &c. as above, 7th, To find the number of prizes and blanks drawn daily, during the continuance of the lot- tery, being 38 lawful days. Each law-Prizes ful day the Blanks = 937, N° of Tickets N° No of L. 20 Prizes 378, with 5 interfperfed. 25 1315, 30 372, 14 ac- 8th, Infurance in the Lottery is not only ex- prefsly prohibited by acts of parliament, on count of the bad effects it may have upon the morals and fortunes of adventurers; but it is alfo, upon a fair calculation, fo high, that it is not to be fuppofed any perfon will riſk incurring the le- gal penalty by fuch a practice. Thus, ift, Should an adventurer infure, upon his tic- ket, the fum P, not exceeding the leaft prize, up- on condition that the office fhall make good that fum, STATE LOTTERY. 29 fum, in cafe of a blank, while he referves to him- felf the chance of drawing a prize; fought, the premium of infurance. It is evident, that here only the blanks need to be infured; therefore Pxb will be the infurance upon the whole, a+b number of tickets, and I = PX - -the infurance upon each ticket. 1.4 Ex. Let P-L. 16.8, then of infurance. PXb a+b 16.8 1.4 L. 12 premium 20 Let P-L. 20, the leaſt prize, whilſt the hold- er retains the chance of a higher one, then, 1.4 L. 14.285, the premium of infurance. Hence any fum P, not exceeding the leaft prize, multiplied by the chance of drawing a blank, in any lottery, will give the premium of infurance upon that fum. 2d, Should an adventurer infure upon his tick- et the fum of L. 50, whilſt he retains the chance of a higher prize; fought, the premium of infu rance. Here 5ob+the number of L. 20 prizes multiplied by 30=the infurance upon the whole number of tickets; therefore, 506 +14150X30 a+b =L. 44.12, the premium fought. Ee2 RE- ← 220 THE BRITISH i REMARKS. ift, In fuch a Lottery, the true value of ea ticket, exclufive of the expence of management is L. 10; and it is owing to the confidence which the credulity of the public hath in the powers of fortune, that the market-price rifes to 16 guineas or upwards. 2d, The fcheme of this Lottery is conftructed with great art: There is a valuable bait of L. 100,000 in four prizes, hung out to catch the attention of the public; and the number of L. 20 prizes being fo great, there are not 2.5 blanks to I prize; whereas the chance of obtaining a L. 20 prize being ſcarce diſtinguiſhable from that of obtaining a prize at all, the number of the former ought in all justice to be diminished, and the 2 prizes of L. 30,000 each rejected, fo as to increafe the number of the intermediate prizes. PROBLEM XXII. Of a Tontine. 85. A Tontine is a kind of lottery on lives, where the capital, divided into a number of ſhares, is formed by the voluntary fubfcriptions of thoſe who chufe to riſk their money, in fuch a ſcheme, upon the continuance of their lives. There are feveral particulars refpecting a tontine which need to be determined. int, OF A TONTINE. 221 ift, In a tontine, where 100 perfons, for in- ſtance, whoſe mean age is 20 years, fubfcribe each of them L. 100, forming a capital of L. 10,000, which is funk to the heirs of the ſubſcribers, it is required to find the number of furvivors at the end of 10, 20, 30, &c. years, and what premium will then be due to each furvivor, reckoning in- tereft at 5 per cent. Here, n=66, m=100, and t=10; hence, (fupplement to problem XVIII.) 111+1xt 1010 12 = 15.3, who fail in 10 years; but the 66 15.3, intereſt of the capital being L. 500, 500 84.7 = L. 5·9, the intereft due to each furvivor at the end of that period; hence, living 84.7, per cent 5.90, at the end of 10 years. ·69.4, 54.1, 7.20, 9.24, 20. 30, &c. 2d, In a tontine, where the fhares are in pro- portion to the value of life, with a view to make a dividend of the capital when the furvivors can receive each of them L. 1000; in this cafe, if the ſhare of a fubfcriber aged 10 or 12 years be L. 100, that of a child one year old will be L. 79, reckoning the value of life at 4 per cent; thus 16.88: 13.36:: 100:79. In like manner, from 1 to 5 the fhares are from 79 to 5 to 10 10 to 18 18 to 27 27 to 39 1 95 95 to 100 -100 to 95 95 to 90 go to 79 In fuch a tontine, let there be 100 fubfcribers whoſe mean age is 20 years, and the fhares at medium L. 90 each, forming a capital of L. 9,000 ; it is required, to find the time in which dup a they 1 222 OF A TONTINE. they will be fo far reduced, that each furvivor can receive L. 1000. Here, m=100, n=66, and p=91. Hence, пр 6006 =59.46=t, the time fought. m+I ΙΟΙ 3d, In a tontine to continue a limited time, it is required, to find the capital of each furvivor having a fingle fhare, at the expiration of that period. Ex. In the equitable and univerfal tontine, Briſtol, commencing on the 16th day of January 1792, and continuing 7 years, wherein each fhare is 6 s. 6 d. per quarter, with 5 d. per quarter for agency, it is required to find, is Ift, Out of 100 fubfcribers, whofe mean age 25 years, the number of lives failing in 7 years, 100, n=61, and t=7; hence, Here m infixt 73 707 61 =11.6, the number required. 7 Here, 2d, The amount of each fhare at the end of years, reckoning intereft at 4 per cent. a=.325, R'—1.3159, and r=.00985; hence, Rt-I ax———L. 10.425, the amount of each fhare. r But it is evident, that, as the lives fail from year to year, the 11.6 dying out of each 100 fubfcri- bers will only have contributed the half of their quota, viz. 11.6× 5.2125=L. 60.465, to be divi- ded among 88.4 furvivors; hence, 60.465 88.4 .684, to which add L. 10.425, their fum, viz. L. 11.11, is the capital of each furviyor, ha- ving a ſingle ſhare, at the end of 7 years. Theſe quarterly payments, viz. 6 s. 11d. laid out INSURANCE FROM FIRE. 223 out at 4 per cent. fimple intereft, where there is no rifk, would, at the end of 7 years, amount to L. 11.42. SUPPLEMENT TO CHAP. VIII. Of Infurance from Fire. 86. IN the city of Edinburgh and its environs there are about 50,000 inhabitants; and of con- fequence, by allowing 5 perfons to each family, there will be 10,000 families in that city and its neighbourhood: Now fuppofing that L. 100 was infured upon each of theſe at 2 s. 6 d. per annum, this, for each 1000 families, would produce an annual revenue to the inſurance-office of L. Ι 125. Again, admit that I family out of 1000, or 10 out of the whole city, were expofed to the accident of fuffering lofs by fire yearly, which is a high proportion, and, we truft, feldom verified by ex- perience; this would occafion an annual lofs to the office of L. 100 upon each 1000 families; of confequence there would be a faving of L. 25 yearly, befides intereft, to defray the expence of management, upon each 1000 polices at 2 s. 6 d. a-piece. Were the riſks in large and fmall pro- perties the fame, being in proportion to their va- lues, their polices would be equal; but from the number of hands, fires, and lights, &c. employed, and from the connection of the parts of a build- ing, the riſk attending L. 1000 capital is great- er than 10 times that attending L. 100 value. Therefore, to find this rifk when the policy is, for inftance, 4s. L. .2 per cent.; here, as - 224 INSURANCE FROM FIRE, } .125×1000 –625, the riſk is as 1 to 625. .2 And when the policy is 4 s.-L. .2 per cent. upon 625 capitals of L. 500 each; The annual revenue to the office=5X.2 X 625=L.625 The annual lofs would be And the yearly advantage * 500 = L. 125 In like manner, when The policy is 2 s. 6d≈.125] [1000 3 s. =.15 833·3 4 5. =.2 the risk is as I to 625 5 s. =.25 500 6 s. =.3 416.6 The number of polices = 3375 Policy. 2s. 6d. 3 s. Capital. M. Revenue. Lofs. Gain. L. 100, 125 100 L. 25 45 4 S. from L. 100 to L. 500, from L. 500 to L. 1000, 312.5 250 61.5 875 700 175 5 S. from L. 1000 to L. 2000, 1875 1500 375 6 s. L. 2000 and upwards. 2500 2000 500 5687.5 Add the intereft upon the mean revenue at 4 per cent. Hence 3375 polices produce of yearly gain 1136.5 237.5 L 1374 Of CHA P. IX. Of the Widows Scheme in the Church of Scotland. THE fund eſtabliſhed by law, for a pro- 87. vifion to the widows and children of the minifters of the eſtabliſhed church, and of the profeffors in the univerſities, of Scotland, is a noble monument of the knowledge, moderation, and perfeverance of the late Reverend Dr Alexander Webſter, one of the miniſters of Edinburgh, the principal contri- ver and promoter of this ſcheme; at the fame time it is a ſtriking evidence of the experience which the minifters of the church then had, of the ſtraitened circumftances of many widows and orphans of minifters, who, from a competency, were reduced, at once, to a ftate of indigence; feeing that, out of 962 minifters and profeffors, only 135 declined contributing to this fund; a fund, by which, when it is complete, above 370 widows will be fupported, and a fum not lefs than L. 1360 diftributed yearly among the or- phans of contributors. F f Previous 226 OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. Previous to the eſtabliſhment of the ſcheme, fe- veral attempts had been made, by the different fynods in Scotland, to provide for the widows and orphans of minifters; all which proving in- effectual, from their limited nature, and for want of a common rule and proper authority to enforce it, Dr Webſter and others, about the year 1742, prepared the plan of a ſcheme, which fhould com- prehend the whole minifters of the church, and be enforced by the authority of law. For this pur- pofe they had propofed a fet of queries to the dif- ferent prefbyteries; and from the lifts tranfmitted by them, anno 1742, in anſwer to thefe queries, founded upon an inquiry for 20 years back, the following facts were difcovered : 1st, That the number of benefices in the church, independent of the offices in the four univerfities, was 970. 2d, That, taking one year with another, 27 minifters died yearly. That 18 of them left wi- dows, whofe mean age was fuppofed to be 52 years; 5 of them children without a widow; and 4 of them neither widows nor children: Hence the expectation of a widow's life, by Dr Halley's table, viz. 16.66, multiplied by 18, produces 300, the greateſt number of minifters widows fuppofed to be alive at one time. 3d, That 3 families of children, under 16 years of age, were left annually by widows of mini- fters who died or married. Theſe facts being difcovered, the falaries of the general collector and clerk were eſtimated at L. 200 OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. 227 L. 200 yearly, which, together with a fum not exceeding L. 39 allotted to defray the incidental expences of the truſtees, made the annual expence of management, in all L. 239; which afterwards, upon admiffion of the profeffors in the four uni- verfities to the privilege of the fcheme, was in- creaſed to L. 250. And in order to deprefs the annual rates as much as poffible, fo as to leave room for taxes and deductions, a high rate of in- tereft was affumed in the calculation of the rates, namely 4 per cent. Upon theſe principles and data, a ſcheme was prepared and laid before the General Affembly 1743, which approved thereof; and the parliament, upon the humble application of the Affembly, were pleafed to eftablifh the fame by law, and enacted that the ſcheme fhould commence on the 25th day of March 1744, ma- king the first year thereof, which ended on the 22d day of November thereafter, to confift of 8 months wanting 3 days. From the lifts tranfmit- ted by preſbyteries at Candlemas 1745, it appear- ed that the number of benefices and offices in the church and univerfities, namely 1011; and con- fequently the annual produce for the fupport of the fund, was conſiderably leſs, and that the num- ber of widows to be provided for, viz. 364, was confiderably greater than had been fuppofed in the calculation of the rates previous to the afore- faid act of parliament; and upon inftituting a new.calculation, founded upon Dr Halley's Ta- ble of Obfervations, it further appeared, that by reafon of thefe difadvantages, the free ftock would become ſtationary against the 1771, and that L. 10,000 would then be wanting to raife the ne- ceffary capital of L. 80,000. The truſtees, for preventing this and other difagreeable confequen- Ff2 ces, 228 OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. I ces, did, purſuant to the order of the General Affembly 1748, petition the parliament to order certain fums, out of the firſt and readieft of the annual produce, to be applied from time to time towards raifing the capital; and to authorife de- ductions, in certain cafes, from the annuities of widows and the provifions of children. The par- liament were pleafed to enact accordingly. During the ſpace of 30 years, from the year 1748, the affairs of the fcheme continued, as they ſtill continue, to profper. The truſtees, how- ever, about the year 1773, with the advice of Dr Webſter, propoſed a number of alterations and improvements refpecting the ſcheme to the Gene- ral Affembly. In confequence of which, after ta- king the fenfe of the church upon theſe altera- tions, the Affembly 1778 did again petition par- liament to confirm the fame by law; the parlia- ment were pleaſed to comply with their requeſt, by a new ftatute, 19 Geo. III. cap. 20. The feveral particulars refpecting the perfons who are liable in payment to, or receive benefit from the fund, together with the terms of pay- ment, the riſe of the capital, till it amounts to L. 100,000, and the duty of the truſtees, who are appointed to fuperintend the whole, are all accu- rately expreffed in the late act of parliament, which is in force from the 29th day of September 1778, a copy of which is fuppofed to be in the poffeffion of every contributor. In the prefent ſtate of the fund, in the year 1790, it is propoſed to inveſtigate the 12 following articles : ART. I. To find the connection betwixt the fe- veral claffes of annual rates and their correſpond- ing annuities in the widows fcheme. 88. OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. 229 88. According to lifts tranfmitted by prefby- teries previous to the commencement of the ſcheme, the benefices in the church appeared to be, as above, 970; minifters were fuppofed to be admitted to their benefices at the mean age of 27 years, which, by Dr Halley's table, makes their expectation of life 30 years. The widows of mi- nifters were fuppofed to live, at a medium, about 20 years; and the expence of management was eſtimated at L. 239, which being divided by 970, quots .24641. for each contributor's annual fhare of expence. Now fuppofing an annuity of L. 5 was granted to each widow, or 10 years purchaſe of her annuity to a minifter's children where there is no widow, it is required to find the an- nual rate which each contributor ought to pay, reckoning intereft at 4 per cent. Here, The preſent value of L. 1 an- nuity for 20 years, Multiplied by the annuity, = 13.00793 5 Produces, 65.03965, which being divided by 61.00707, the amount of L. I annuity for 30 years quots, To which add the yearly expence of management, Their fum is, 1.0661 .2464 L. 1.3125= L. 163, the annual rate of each contributor, including his expence of management, and fup- pofing the annuity to be L. 5. Hence, by doubling, &c. the annual rate and annuity, when L. s. d. L. L. the rate is 2 12 6, the annuity=10, and 10 years-purchaſe=100, 3 18 9, 0, 5 5 6 11 31 15, 20, 25, 150, 200, 250. From 56 ! 230 OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. From the conſtruction of theſe four claffes of annual rates, it appears that, befides bearing the burden of its correfponding annuity and yearly expence of manageinent, the firſt claſs is taxed with 5 s. the ſecond the third, with IOS. with 15 s. and the fourth, with 20s. of annual expence nearly. Theſe four claffes of annual rates are admirable for the fimplicity of their conſtruction; and be- ing built upon the principles of the expectation of life and a high rate of intereft, are as mode- rate as poffible, and leave full room for taxes which are juft, and deductions which are not op- preffive, in order to their anſwering the purpoſes intended by the act of parliament. Thus, ift, The rates themſelves are taxed as above, and the higher the rate the greater is the tax. 2d, Contributors at their marriage, and married intrants at their admiffion, are taxed with the payment of one year's rate of the clafs to which they are fubjected. 3d, The half-years rates payable out of anns and vacant ftipends may alſo be confidered as a tax, feeing the decrement of life in the incum- bent is then fufpended; befides the advantage which the fund receives from 4 of the contribu- 30 tors who die yearly leaving neither a widow nor children, and from the expectation of a miniſter's life being 24 years greater than is fuppofed in the calculation of the rates. Again, 4th, 7 OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. 231 4th, There is a deduction of one years purchaſe out of the provifion of a widow, feeing her annu- ity begins to run from a full year after the laſt payment of her huſband, 5th, There is a deduction of two years purchaſe out of the provifion of children, which is fo much lefs than that of a widow. 6th, There is alfo a deduction out of the pro- vifions of the widows and children of thoſe con- tributors who have not paid annual rates to the amount of three years of their widows annuity, without reckoning intereft thereon, till the ba- lance is recovered; befides the advantage which the fund derives from widows, not having chil- dren under 16 years of age, who happen to marry not-contributors, and of confequence are ftruck off from the benefit of the fund: Whereas the only advantage which the fcheme affords above the calculation, is the reverſion of 10 years annu- ity to the children under 16 years of of age, of thoſe widows who happen to die before they have com- pleted the 11th year of their widowhood.-Thefe rates, taxes, and deductions, together with the provifion in the act of parliament to fecure the rife of the capital to L. 100,000, by the applica- tion of L. 200 yearly for this purpoſe, will, we truft, give a ſtability to the fcheme, and make it anfwer all the purpoſes for which it was intend- ed. I In the conftruction of thefe rates, fuppofing the number of benefices and offices in the church and univerſities to be 1013, including the third charge in Perth and the fecond in Linlithgow, and fixing the annual expence of management, a- greeable ! 232 OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. A greeable to the two first acts of parliament, at L. 250, we ſhall have 250L..2467 for each con- 1013 tributor's fhare of expence, which, for an annu- ity of L. 5, will alfo produce a rate, as above, of L. 1 6 3, nearly exact. Had thefe rates been calculated upon the ftrict principles of reverfionary annuities, the calcula- tion would have been more laborious, and the rates and marriage-taxes much higher than they are at preſent in the widows fcheme. Thus : Suppofe a contributor, aged 30, marries a wife of 25 years of age, whofe annuity is L. 20; fought, the annual rate which he ought to pay, reckoning intereft at 4 per cent. Here, 3.85 × 20+.2464×4 14.684 required. L. 6.23, the annual rate Again, If the fame contributor becomes a wi- dower, and, at the age of 40, marries a fecond wife aged 30 years, his marriage-tax would be L. 8.68. See Prob. VIII. Of a Widows Scheme. Thefe annual rates are due to the fund, either for a whole or an half year, at the fame terms that an incumbent hath a right to his ftipend or falary for the fame periods, and are payable to the collector at the firft term of Candlemas thereaf- ter; excepting in the cafe of the half-years rates payable out of anns and vacant ftipends, the for- mer of which is always half of the contributor's rate, and the latter is fixed at L. 3, 2 s. for each half-year of vacancy, thefe, though due at the fame terms with the former, are not payable to the collector till the firft term of Candlemas which fhall happen a full year after the anns and vacant ftipends fhall be due and payable. The medium of OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. 233 of annual payments by contributors being within a trifle of the third clafs of L. 5, 5 s. this third claſs is eſteemed, in all calculations refpecting the fcheme, as the medium of the annual rates of all the contributors, and L. 20 the medium of all the widows annuities. ART. 2. To find the number of benefices in the church, and offices in the univerſities, which are all fubject to the payment of one or other of the annual rates. 89. By the lifts tranfmitted to the truſtees, by prefbyteries and univerfities, it appeared that, at Martinmas 1744, there were, Of Benefices in the Church, And of Offices in the Univerſities, Of the faid Benefices and Offices, 9427 }} IOII in all. 69. (full 962) vacant 49 1011 in all. From the beſt information which I have recei- ved, it appears that, at Martinmas 1789, there were, Of Benefices in the Church, And of Offices in the Univerfities, 943 685 } IOII in all, as above. It being left optional, by the firſt act of parlia- ment, to the minifters of the church then living, to accede to, or decline the privilege of, the fcheme; there were, at Martinmas 1744, 135 de- cliners, that is, perfons who declined accepting the benefit of the fcheme, confequently there re- mained only 827 original contributors; and as not only their fucceffors, but the fucceffors alfo of the 135 not-contributors are obliged to become ſubject to the ſcheme, the greateſt number of con- tributors alive at one time will be 962, making G g in 234 OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. in all, with the addition of 49 vacancies, 1011 benefices in the church and univerfities liable to the payment of one or other of the annual rates. Hence, as the above number of benefices alfo in- cludes the anns, the greateſt ſum of annual rates paid in any one year, exclufive of marriage-taxes, will be 1011 X 5.25=L. 5307, 15s. As feveral of the not-contributors, at the com- mencement of the fcheme, were below 30 years of age, the number of contributors will not be complete till about the 60th year of the fund; and there being 7 of thofe alive at Martinmas 1789, the number of contributors may be placed in this form in the fucceeding years of the fund, at Mar- tinmas yearly. Tear. Fund. Contribut• 1790 47 955 1791 48 955 1792 49 957 1793 50 958 1794 51 959 1796 53 960 1799 56 961 1803 бо 962 ; Although there be feveral minifters of the church, who alfo hold offices in the univerfities; yet this diminution of the number of contributors, fuch not being liable to double rates, is more than counterbalanced by the number of thoſe who have refigned their benefices or offices, and are ftill fubject to the fund. From the lifts tranfmitted by prefbyteries anno 1742, it appeared, as mentioned above, that out of 897, the greateſt number of minifters in life at one OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. 235 one time, 27 died yearly, &c. According to which proportion, out of 962 minifters and profeffors, 28.956 would die yearly: of whom 19.3 would leave widows, 5.36 children without a widow, and 4.29 neither widows nor children. From the truſtees report for the 46th year of the fund, ending on the 22d day of November 1789, it appears that there have died of minifters and profeffors, fince the commencement of the fcheme, Which being divided by the number of years, 1345 quots29.455, 45.663 the number who have died yearly. Hence the number alive at one time, 962 Divided by the number quots 32.66, 29.455 who die yearly, the expectation of a miniſter's life. From the fame report it appears, that 19.3 left widows, 5.8 children without a widow, and 4.4 neither widows nor children, yearly. But feeing, by Dr Halley's table, out of 962 perfons of 27 years of age and upwards, 31.79 would die year- ly; Dr Webfter, in his calculations, fuppofes that 30 minifters and profeffors would die yearly; out of whom 20 would leave widows, 6 of them chil- dren without a widow, and 4 of them neither widows nor children. He fuppofes further, that the mean age of widows, at the death of their hufbands, was 52, and that the expectation of their life was 20 years. ART. 3. To find the annual number of thofe G g 2 contri- 236 OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. contributors who are liable to the payment of the marriage-tax. 90. As 30 are fuppofed to die annually out of the whole minifters and profeffors, of whom 26 leave widows or children; and in regard many wives predeceaſe their huſbands, and feveral of them leave no children; we cannot fuppofe fewer than 28 to marry annually, who, in confequence of their marriage, except to annuitants, are liable in a fum equal to one year's rate of the claſs to which they belong; the juftneſs of which infe- rence depends upon the fuppofition, that all in- trants are bachelors, and that there are no fecond marriages. Therefore, independent of conjecture, it is found in fact, that there are about 26 incum- bents who marry yearly in the church and uni- verſities; and that there are about 6 married per- fons admitted yearly, for the firſt time, to bene- fices and offices, making in all 32. Beſides, of thoſe who are admitted into the church and uni- verfities, there are 5 or 6 who are 40 years of age or upwards. Now, fuppofing that the half of thefe are either married, or afterwards do marry, and, in confequence of their marriage, are, by the late act, liable in a fum equal to 2 years rates of the clafs to which they belong, this will increaſe the annual number of marriage-taxes to about 35. Hence the fum of marriage-taxes paid annually by contributors will be 35X 5.25=L. 183, 15 s. Moreover, 32, the number of yearly marriages, being multiplied by 19.43, the expectation of marriage between two perfons of 30 and 25 years of age refpectively, will produce 622, the greateſt number of married perfons in the church and u- niverfities at one time; which number being equal to OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. 237 to that of all the widows and widowers in life at one time, and the proportion of theſe to one an- other being as 19.4 to 12.6, we fhall have 32: 19.4 :: 622: 377, the greateſt number of wi- dows in life at one time. See the following Article. A marriage-tax is payable to the collector, at the firſt term of Candlemas which fhall be one full year after marriage; or, in the cafe of a mar- ried intrant, after his admiffion to a benefice or office. ART. 4th, To find the greateſt number of an- nuitants which can come upon the fund. This may be done, ift, by the annual reports of preſby- teries, which, among other articles, contain lifts of all the widows alive at Martinmas each year, the medium of which lifts for a few years, could we depend upon their accuracy, would fhew the maximum of annuitants. Thus, during a fpace of 20 years from Martinmas, 1749 their mean num- ber was below 380; and the number of widows, annuitants, and others, alive at Martinmas 1789, was 376, including 4, which are added upon ac- count of the great number of families of children of the first order, being 8 more than ufual, which came upon the fund at Whitfunday 1781. 2d, By their expectation of life when they com- mence widows. Let the refpective ages of huf- band and wife be 30 and 25 years; then, to the age of the wife, viz. add the expectation of marriage, by Dr Halley's == 25 19.5 table their fum, increaſed by .5 on account of fecond marriages, gives 45, the mean age of widowhood; therefore 19.56, the expectation of a perfon's life aged 1 238 OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. " aged 45, multiplied by 19.3, the number left yearly, will produce 377.5, the maximum of an- nuitants; whereas 16.66, the expectation of a perfon's life aged 52, multiplied by 20, the num- ber of widows fuppofed to be left yearly, produces only 334, which is the number Dr Webſter brings out, in the third table of his calculations. So fenfible was the Doctor of the defect of this maximum, that, from the year 1781, he fuperadds, to the number of annuitants by calculation, no fewer than 66, making in all 400 in life at one time. 3d, By the numbers already upon the fund. Thus at Whitfunday 1779, the number of annui- tants drawing full was 289.5, including heirs, be- fides 9 drawing half annuities; at which term there were 181 benefices which had caft no widows upon the fund, but which, in the ſpace of 11 years, produced 34 additional ones, including 4 which are added for a reafon mentioned above; at Whitsunday 1790, there were 123 benefices which had produced no widows to the fund. Hence, 181:34::123: 23, the number of additional wi- 23:23, dows at Whitfunday 1801, making in all 342.5, including heirs, drawing full, and 10 drawing half annuities, when the number of contributors will be complete; at which period there will ſtill be 52 benefices unproductive of widows; hence, 962-52:342 5:52:19.5 the number of widows ftill to come upon the fund after Whitfunday 1801. Hence the maximum of annuitants will be 362, including heirs, drawing full, and 10 drawing half annuities; that, is there will be 362-5=357 drawing full and 10 drawing half annuities, OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. 239 ! annuities, together with 10 not entered upon the fund; in all 377, exclufive of heirs. It is fomething remarkable, that although, in affuming the expectation of a widow's life from 52 years and upwards, there is a defect of 2.9 years, yet Dr Webſter's calculation, Table III, a- grees nearly exact with the fact, till about the year 1781. To account for this I obferve, ift, That the Doctor, in fuppofing 20 widows to be left yearly, and that theſe are all alive at the following Martinmas, affumes .7+.3=1 more than the fact; which circumftance would increaſe the number of annuitants by 16, when that number was complete.-2d, That, from the na- ture of the calculation, he fuppofes the number of contributors to be complete in the year 1781; whereas there were 15 decliners ftill alive, and, by proportion, there were 107 original contribu- tors and others ftill in life, who would produce 37 widows, fuppofing the maximum to be 334- 3d, That the Doctor's calculation comprehends all the widows alive whether married the fecond time or not; which circumftance may increaſe the number about 10 more than the fact, when they arrive at a maximum; now the fum of thefe, viz. 16+37—10=43, added to 334, will give 377, the true maximum of annuitants upon the fund; or, fubtracted from the true maximum, will leave 334, the number of widows by the Doctor's cal- culation, Ann. 1781, fuppofing there had been 962 contributors from the beginning. The induction of theſe particulars is a further proof that the maximum found in this article is near the truth. The number of annuitants cannot be complete, not only till after the death of all the decliners, which may happen about the 60th year of the fund, but 240 OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. 1 but alſo while any of their fucceffors in office are alive, which may be till about the 120th year of the ſcheme; during the laft 60 years of which period, there are only about 20 additional widows to come upon the fund. Hence the number of annuitants, including heirs, drawing full annui- ties, at the term of Whitfunday yearly, befides 10 drawing half annuities, may be repreſented by the following table. Years. [Fund. Annu. 1790 | 47 319 I 48 22 Years. Fund. Annu. 1806 63 345 7 64 46 5 8 ♡ ♡ to eso no 2 49 24 9 66 47 3 50 26 1811 68 48 4 51 28 13 70 49 52 330 15 72 350 6 53 32 17 74 51 7 54 34 19 76 52 55 36 1821 78 53 9 56 38 24 81 54 1800 57 40 27 84 55 I 58 42 1830 87 56 2 59 43 33 90 57 4 61 1¦ 344 1863 120 362 A widow's annuity is computed to run from the 26th day of May, or the 22d day of November, which ſhall be one full half year after the huſband's death; and the first year's or half year's annuity is payable on the 26th day of May, which fhall be a full year, or a full half year, reſpectively, after the time from which the annuity is com- puted to run; and it continues payable on the 26th day of May yearly, during the widow's life, and her remaining unmarried; excepting that, by the late act of parliament, annuitants, having no children under 16 years s of age, and marrying contributors, 1 ↓ OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. 241 contributors, are entitled to one half of their an- nuities, until the capital is completed; after which they fhall enter upon their full annuities; and as there is nothing due to her heirs for the half year in which an annuitant dies, the heirs only of thoſe who die from Martinmas to Whitfunday are entitled to half years annuities at the follow- ing term of Whitfunday. 2 As a widow is fuppofed to live at a medium 20 years, did fhe come upon the fund immedi- ately at her huſband's death, her annuity, rec- koning intereft at 4 per cent. would be worth 13 years purchaſe; but as fhe hath no claim up- on the fund till three quarters of a year at a me- dium after the above term, and as fhe lofes one quarter of a year at her own death, her annuity is only worth 12 years purchaſe. ART 5. Refpecting families of children of the firft order. By theſe are underſtood thofe families of chil- dren whofe fathers at their reſpective deaths left no widows upon the fund. 89. In calculations refpecting the fcheme, it is ſuppoſed that 6 fuch families of children are left yearly, who, by act of parliament, are intitled to 10 years purchaſe of their fathers widows annui- ty, that is in all, to the fum of L. 1200. And the proviſion of each family is divided equally a- mong them where there are more children than one; which provifion of children falling due in any one year, computed from the 22d day of No- vember to the 22d day of November in the year following, is payable by the collector, on the 13th day of Auguft thereafter. Hh ART. 242 OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME ART. 6. To find the number of families of children of the fecond order which come yearly upon the fund, that is, children, who being under 16 at the death or marriage of their refpective mothers, are intitled to the reverſion of what they have not drawn of 10 years annuity. 90. According to lifts tranfmitted by prefbyte- rics, anno 1742, it appeared, as mentioned above, that 3 fuch families were left annually by widows of minifters who died or married, having chil- dren under 16 years of age. Now although the fame number die, yet it is probable that fewer marry fince, than before the commencement of the ſcheme, on account of the lofs of their annuities; we will fuppofe that there are 2.5 families of chil- dren left annually by widows who died, or marri- ed, having a child or children under 16 years of age. But it is evident that no widow who furvives her hufband 17 years, can leave a family in thefe cir- cumftances, and by the act of parliament, it is only the children under 16 years of age, of fuch widows as have not drawn 10 years annuity, or have not ſurvived the 11th year of their widow- hood, who are intitled to the reverfion; there- fore, 17: 2.5: 11: 1.6 the number of families of children of the fecond order, who are yearly in- titled to the reverfion of their reſpective mothers annuity; which reverfion is worth from o to 10, that is 5 years purchafe; Therefore, 1.6× 100= L. 160, is the yearly fum due to families of chil- dren of the fecond order. In this article I differ from Dr Webfter, who makes the number of families of children of the fecond order to be 1.5, becaufe, from the nature of OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. 243 of the calculation, the Doctor's number does not comprehend thoſe widows who may happen to marry, having children under 16 years of age; whereas I include thefe, calling them .5 yearly, feeing they are excluded from the number of wi- dows actually upon the fund. At the fame time, I avoid the fuppofition, that any woman, aged 69 years, can leave a child or children under 16 years of age. ! ART. 7. To find the yearly value of the deduc- tions from the proviſions of the widows and chil- dren of fuch contributors as happen to die before they have paid a fum equal to three years annu- ity, correfponding to the annual rate to which they were fubjected, without computing intereft thereon. 7 91. Such a deduction will take place, unlefs a contributor at his death hath paid a fum, inclu- ding his marriage-tax, amounting to 11 years rates, or L. 60. Now as contributors, who are ad- mitted into the church or univerfities at the mean age of 27, cannot be fuppofed to marry fooner, at a medium, than the third year of their incumbency, or in the 30th year of their age, we may conclude that the propofed deductions will take place only with refpect to the families of thoſe contributors who fhall happen to die in the third, and in any fubfequent year before the 12th of their incumbency, or in the 30th, and in any fubfequent year before the 39th of their age. Now, by Dr Halley's table, out of 16669, the number of perfons alive of 27 years of age and upwards, 76 die annually in the 30th to the 38th year of their age, both included; according Hh 2 to 244 OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. 1.5 to which proportion, 4.386 contributors will die annually in the 30th to the 38th year of their age, both included, out of 962 miniſters and profef- fors. But parts fewer of contributors die yearly, than according to the proportion of the above table, and _44 parts of thoſe who die, leave 29.5 29.5 neither widows nor children; which 5.9 29.5 parts of 4.386, fubtracted from the fame, leave 3.509 the number of contributors dying yearly in the 30th to the 38th year of their age, leaving widows or children; each of whom have paid, including their marriage-tax, from 3 to 11, that is 7 years rates, making in all 24.56 L. 128.94; but they ought to have paid 3.509 × 60L. 210.54; there- fore, fubtracting one from the other, there re- inain L. 81, 12 s. the yearly deductions.: However inconfiderable theſe deductions may appear, yet of fuch confequence were they in the early periods of the fund, that an act of parlia- ment was obtained, anno 1748, authorifing the fame, in order to prevent a deficiency in the ca- pital of L. 10,000, which was calculated to hap- pen about the year 1771, which defect they have prevented. At the fame time it is provided, that every widow fhall have at leaſt one half of her an- nuity for fubfiftence until the deficiency be made good, and then enter on full payment. ART. 8. Reſpecting the annual expences of ma- nagement. 92. In the first draught of the fcheme, which extended only to the minifters of the church, theſe expences were limited to L. 239. In the two acts OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. 245 acts of parliament eſtabliſhing the fund, where- in the profeffors in the four univerfities were alſo comprehended, the annual expences were fixed at L. 250; namely L. 210 for the falaries of the general collector and clerk, and L. 40 for the an- nual expences of the truſtees. By the late act of parliament anno '1778, the falaries of the collec- tor and clerk are the fame as formerly, but the incidental expences of the truſtees are augmented to L. 70, with a provifo that they do not in any one year exceed that fum. Which expences of the truſtees, in imitation of Dr Webſter, are not brought as a charge upon the fund, from the fup- pofition that the intereſt received by the collec- tor in any one year, doth fo far at leaſt overba- lance the intereſt of the capital for that year, computed at 4 per cent. ART. 9. Refpecting the capital of the fund. 93. Had there been no capital, the rates being adjuſted to the annual demands upon the fund, it is evident that during the first 14 years of the ſcheme the annual rates would have been too low, and that afterwards, till the number of annuitants arrived at a maximum, they would have rifen gra- dually to L. 8.5 at a medium, which is out of all proportion to the value of an annuity of L. 20. By the act of parliament eftablishing the fund, anno 1744, when the maximum of annuitants was fup- pofed not to exceed 321, the capital was limited to L. 63,860, including the loans of L. 30 lent to con- tributors; the intereft of which, together with the annual rates and taxes, was thought fufficient to dif charge all dentands upon the fund. By the act of parliament, anno 1748, when it was found that the number : 246 OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. ! number of annuitants would exceed 364, the ca- pital was extended to L. 80,000, including the loans of L. 30, granted to contributors at 4 per cent. And by the late act, anno 1778, when it was fuppofed that the number of widows might rife to 400, the capital is allowed to be raiſed to the fum of L. 100,000, to be lent out upon he- ritable fecurity, hitherto at 4 per cent.; and the loaus of L. 30 to contributors are prohibi- ted, which of confequence will all revert to the capital about the 95th year of the fund. And in order to fecure the rife of the capital to L. 100,000, the trustees are directed to take care that the fum of L. 200, together with the favings and furpluses of intereft, annual rates, &c. that theſe, after all demands upon the fund are diſcharged, be applied annually for that purpofe, by lending out the fame, with the advice and confent of the learned judges who prefide in our courts of law, until the capital is made up. When it is comple- ted, there will be an overplus, reckoning intereft at 41 per cent. after paying all demands upon the fund, of about L. 1400 yearly; of which L. 150 muſt be referved as a provifion for thofe 18 wi- dows who are ftill to come upon the fund: as for the remainder, the church muft confult and de- termine in what manner it ought to be difpofed of, when the capital is raiſed to L. 97,000. 94. ART. 10. To trace the progreſs of the capital from L. 87751.522, in the 45th year of the fund, till it arife to L. 100,000. Here, A Art. OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. 247 Art. 2. 3. 2. હું 4. 5. 6. The number of contributors, being r from 955 to 962. of perfons liable to the mar- riage tax, of vacancies, 35. 49. of annuitants, including heirs,draw- ing full, befides 10 drawing half annuities, being from 319 to 362. of families of children of the firſt order, being 6, = L. 1200. of families of children of the fe- cond order, being 1.6, L. 160. 7. Deductions from the provifions of widows and children, L. 81.6. 8. The falaries of the collector and clerk, L. 210. 1. The medium of annual rates, L. 5.25; and of annuities, L. 20; and the rate of intereft up- on the capital 4 per cent. The progrefs of the capital may be reprefented by the fol- lowing table. I. II III. IV. V. VI. VII. 1789 46 1790 47 1791 | 48 1792 49 1040 1793. 50 1041 1794 | 51 1042 1796 | 53 1043 5475.75 332 8228.4 Rates. their prod. Ann. their exp. 1039 5454.75 319 7968.4 1039 545475 322 8c28.4 5460. 324 8068.4 5465.25 326 5470.5 328 8148.4 1795 52 1043 5475.75 330 8188.4 87,751.522 88,747-932 89,724.2 90,704.768 810-4 91,689.809 92,579.5 93,674.03 94,668.34 1797 54 1044 5481. 334 8268.4 95,667.67 1798 55 1944 5481. 336 808.4 96,666.97 1799 56 1044 548!. 338 8348-4 97,666.25 1800 57 10455486.25 340 8388.4 98,670.75 1801 58 1045 5486.25 342 8428.4 99,675.43 1802 59 1045 586.25 343 343 8448.4 100,700.3 1803 60 1045 5486.25 | 343 343 8448 4 84484 101,762.16 1804 61 61 1046 5491.5 344 8468.4 102,855-75 In 248 OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. 1 In this Table, Column VII. fhews the amount of the free ſtock at Whitfunday for each correfpond- ing year of the fund in Col. II. the intereſt of which, computed at 4 per cent. together with the fum of the rates and taxes of the following year, Col. IV. is added to faid ftock, and their fum, di- miniſhed by the charge upon the fund, Col. VI, is the free flock of the following year. Col. III. fhews the number of rates and taxes due at Can- dlemas, for each year of the fund; and Col. V. the number of annuitants, including heirs, drawing full, befides 10 drawing half annuities at the term of Whitfunday yearly. I Ex. To ſtock at Whitfunday 1801, Add intereft to Whitfunday 1802, And 1045 rates and taxes, L.99675.43 3987.02 5486.25 Total, L. 109148.7 Deduct annuities diminiſhed by de- ductions, Art. 7. = L. 6878.4 Childrens proviſions and falaries, 11 1570.0 8448.4 Stock at Whitfunday 1802, 11 L. 100700.3 Thus, about the 61ft year of the fund, the capi- tal will be made up, the number of contributors will be complete, and there will be 18 widows ftill to come upon the fund in the courfe of 60 years. ART. 11. Refpecting Refpecting alterations upon the fcheme. 97. 1ft, It is required, to find what capital would OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. 249 would be neceffary to fupport the fund upon its prefent footing, when the annuitants are arrived at a maximum, reckoning intereſt at 4 per cent. From the widows annui- ties, = Childrens provifion and fa- laries, Their fum, == L. 7340 1570 8910 5573.I L.. 83422.5, the Deduce rates, taxes, and deductions, Divide by .04) 3336.9 $3 Capital. 2d, It is required, to find what diminution might be made upon the annual rates, fuppofing the annuities to remain the fame as at prefent, when the capital is raiſed to L. 100,000, reckon- ing intereſt at 4½ per cent. 2 To 357 annuitants drawing full, L. 7140 Add 20, including heirs, drawing half annuities, = 200 Childrens provifion, And falaries, 1360 280 • Their fum, 8980 Deduce intereſt and deduc- tions, 4581.6 L. annual furplus. Divide by rates and taxes, Here, 1046 X 5.25 — 4398.4 = L. 1093.1, is the 1046) 4398.4 (4.2, Annual 40. Rate. ? I i 3d, { 250 OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. 3d, It is required, to find what augmentation might be made upon the annuities, the annual rates remaining the fame as at prefent, when the capital is raiſed to L. 100,000, and reckoning in- tereft at 4 per cent. From intereft, rates, and de- ductions, Deduce falaries, 10073. I 280.0 L. Divide by annuitants and children, 435 :) 9793.I (22.51, the Annuity. ART. 12. Containing a general view of the fcheine. 96. Ift, It is peculiar to this fcheme, that the annual rate varies, not with the age of a contri- butor, but only in proportion to the annuity; that every intrant who is married, or afterwards marries, is liable to a marriage-tax; that its con- ſtruction is built upon the principles of the expec- tation of a minifter's life, which, being above 34 years, including the vacancy, with a high rate of intereft, depreffes the rates as much as poffible; that the widow's annuity begins to run, from a full twelvemonth after the laft payment of the huf- band; that widows who happen to marry are de- prived of the whole, or of part of their annuities; and it is owing to this fcheme that the diftinction of families of children of the fecond order was ever heard of. 2d, As to the difadvantages attending this fcheme, if there be any, they are fuch as are in common with all laudable undertakings of this kind. 1 OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. 251 kind. Thus the leading principle of fuch a ſcheme not being justice and equity, but charity, mercy, and compaffion for the indigent; the more you pay, the lefs is received, and the leſs you pay, the greater is the value of the annuity. As all intrants are obliged to contribute for the fupport of the fund, this circumítance, though an advantage to the fcheme, is often a hardship upon the individual, who is thus obliged to pro- vide for a widow, when poffibly he may have no thoughts of taking a wife. As heirs in general diftinct from widows and children have no inte- 4 reſt in the fund, the contributions of 30 parts of thoſe who die yearly are loft to them and their heirs for ever, if what is given for the fupport of the widow and fatherlefs can be called a lofs. The depriving a widow of her annuity in confequence of a ſecond marriage, may be confidered as a dif- advantage attending the fcheme, not from a prin- ciple of juftice or charity, feeing every woman who marries is fuppofed to be fupported by her huſband, but in a political view, as the increaſe of fociety is thereby fo far difcouraged. And the capital of the fund, like all other fums of money laid out at intereft, is liable to a diminution in its value, from the poffible fall of the intereft of money. But I infift, with much more pleaſure, 3d, Upon the advantages attending the ſcheme; as hereby, in common with other inftitutions of the fame kind, fo many widows and orphans re- ceive the means either of fubfiftence or of educa- tion, which muft prove a benefit to contributors themſelves, who, in confequence of the fcheme, are enabled to marry with greater advantage than they I i2 252 OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. they could have done had it not taken place. The annual rates are exceeding low, on account of the advantages which the fcheme itſelf enjoys; as, 1ſt, All entrants being ſubject to the ſcheme, they en- ter early, and of confequence have a chance of continuing long contributors to the fund. 2d, Bachelors and widowers being liable to the pay- ment of the annual rates, the heirs of a ſeventh part of thoſe who die yearly derive no advantage from the fund. 3d, Anns and vacant ftipends, where there is no wafte in the life of the incum- bent, are fubjected to the payment of half years rates. 4th, There are a number of taxes and de- ductions, fee Art. 1. which are not fuppofed in the calculation of the rates. 5th, Should a con- tributor fail in the payment of his rates, which are privileged debts, there is a vifible fund, name- ly, his ftipend or falary, out of which the ſcheme may be reimburſed for all loffes occafioned by him; and fhould this fail, the collector hath 26 chances out of 30, of recovering at 5 per cent. fimple intereft, all arrears due by a contributor, out of his widow's or childrens provifion. 6th, The rife of the capital to a certain amount, which is lent out upon heritable fecurity, and its re- covery, fhould it fuftain any material lofs, are both fecured by act of parliament. 7th, The number of contributors is fixed and determined, being limited to the number of benefices in the church and offices in the four univerfities; fo that the truſtees are enabled to forefee what demands. are likely to be made upon the fund from year to year. 8th, The ſcheme itſelf hath undergone fe- veral alterations and improvements, and may fill undergo more by favour of the Britiſh legiflature. 9th, The whole concerns of the fcheme are under the OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. 253 the direction and management of truſtees, moſt refpectable for their knowledge, experience, and perfeverance in the affairs of the fund; namely, the Reverend Minifters of the prefbytery, and learned Profeffors in the univerſity of Edinburgh, together with the minifters in the prefbytery feats, or who are admitted to offices in the univerfities, if they choſe to accept, and delegates from pref- byteries and univerfities, who, did they all con- vene, would form a general court of directors, as refpectable for their numbers and importance as the Venerable Affembly itſelf. Therefore, I cannot conclude without exprefs- ing my reſpect and gratitude to the Reverend and learned Truſtees, who are appointed to manage and direct the operations of the fund, and thanking them for their fidelity and unwearied application in conducting the concerns of a ſcheme, whereby the widow's heart is made to fing for joy. SUP- SUPPLEMENT to CHAPTER IX. A DISSERTATION RESPECTING The DISPOSAL of the SURPLUS in the Fund of the WIDOWS SCHEME, when the Capital is raifed to L. 100,000; addref fed to the Truſtees for managing faid Fund. Mr PRESES, 99. THE queſtion now under confideration, reſpecting the difpofal of the furplus in the fund of the widows fcheme, is of a fimilar nature with, but of a different tendency from that determined by the church, anno 1748, and of confequence ought to have a ſimilar though oppofite determi- nation. In the year 1748, the Reverend Dr A- lexander Webſter, the principal contriver and promoter of the widows fcheme in the Church of Scotland, diſcovered by calculation, that there would be a deficiency in the capital of the fund, of L. 10,000 about the year 1771. What was then to be done to prevent this deficiency? Muft the rates be raiſed? No; Muft the annuities be dimi- nifhed? OF THE WIDOWS SCHEM E. 255 nifhed? No; Touch not, would he fay, either of thefe pillars of the fcheme, left by fapping and undermining the foundation, you make the whole fabric tumble about your ears. What then? Why, the Doctor did the only thing which he ought to have done; he did an act of juſtice, by obliging every contributor to pay at leaſt three years pur- chafe of the annuity correfponding to the rate to which he was fubjected, before his widow or chil- dren could be entitled to their refpective provi- fions. In the prefent cafe, when the capital is raiſed to L. 100,000, the annual furplus may be about L. 1473, reckoning intereft at 44 per cent.* What must be done to prevent the farther increaſe of the capital? Shall we diminiſh the rates in general? or fhall we increaſe the annuities? Either, or both of thefe would be defirable, did we not thereby perpetuate a very great hardſhip upon aged con- tributors, by continuing the payment of the rates till the clofe of life; when we have it in our pow- er to redreſs it.-But, To find how this matter may be determined to the fatisfaction both of contributors and annuitants, by giving each party a fhare of the furplus, nearly in proportion to their numbers. There may be 435 annuitants upon the fund, when they arrive * When the capital is complete, an. 1802, there may be 338 an- nuitants drawing full, and 20, including heirs, half annuities; Hence to rates, taxes, and deductions, Add the intereft of the capital at 4 per cent. L5573 4500 Their fum 10073 To the fum of annuities paid to widows, Add chil. prov. and expence of management L. 696of 1640 8600 Their difference is the annual furplus 11 L. 1473 at 256 OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. 1 at a maximum, including both orders of children, which are equal in expence to 68 widows; and the number of contributors alive at one time. is 962. Now it is obvious that annuitants of all deſcrip- tions, whether old or young, are equally the ob- jects of charity, and of confequence, ought to be benefited only by the plan of augmentation; fup- pofe by 5 per cent, or by 1 fhilling upon the pound of their annuities; this will exhauft L. 435 of the above furplus. Again, With respect to contributors, in the relation they ſtand in to the fcheme, by the payment of the rates, &c. take the following table. Years of minr. From o to 12 12 to 28 74 Contributors. 3.6 fail who pa Amount at 4 per cent. yrs pur. 67.5 for an annuity worth 15.0 149 13:5 IC.O ;24 14.0 132 605 10.0 28 to 65 | 18.45• o to 33 15.0 33 to 55 15.0 By this table, out of thoſe who are alive, during the first 12 years of their miniftry, 3.6 fail yearly, who, allowing 5s. for expence of management, have paid at a medium, including deductions, the fum of L. 67.5, for a L. 20 annuity worth 15 years purchaſe. It would therefore be highly improper to grant a diminution of the rate during this ſtage of life, not only on account of the fmall value paid for the annuity, but alſo becauſe the more the rate was diminifhed, the greater would be the deduction out of the widows provifion. In like manner, in the cafe of thofe who are alive from the 12th to the end of the 28th year of their miniſtry*, when the full value of the annuity is S 252 * To find the time in which a rate of L. 5 per annum, allowing 5 s. for expence of management, will diſcharge the augmented annuity of L. 21, worth 12 years-purchafe, at 4 per cent. correfponding to 28.13 years. 50.4 N B 5 difcharged OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. 257 diſcharged, it would alfo be unneceflary to diminiſh the rate during this period, becauſe contributors, have not paid the full value of the annuity. But in the cafe of thoſe who are alive from the 28th year of their miniftry to the clofe of life, it is manifeft that, during this interval, there ought to be a total exemption from the payment of the rate, as far as the above furplus of 1473-435= L. 1038 will admit; feeing thefe contributors have paid, at a medium, the fum of L. 324 more than the value of the annuity. Therefore, I call upon you, Mr Prefes, I call upon the church in general, ſeeing you have it now in your power, to do an act of juſtice to our aged brethren, who have borne and ſtill will bear the burden in the heat of the day, by fufpending the payment of the rates after a certain age, or rather, by ex- empting aged contributors after a certain num- ber of annual payments, including the marriage- tax, be that number what it will; which number, could I depend upon the only table of obfervations which approaches near to the better fort of lives in Scotland, might be 30*, including the mar- riage-tax; upon the fuppofition that each contri- butor thus exempted was obliged to pay, of vaffalage, 5 per cent. or 1 s. upon the pound, in name *It is required, to find, if L. 938 of annual furplus will admit of a fufpenfion of the rates beyond 30 annual payments, including the marriage-tax. Suppofing 30 the mean age of admiffion, there are a- live, by the Fife table of obfervations, at the age of 30 years, 358-2-356, and at 60 years of age, 211-4.5=206.5, whoſe ex- pectation of life is 12.98; and there are admitted into the church and univerſities 29.455 contributors yearly. Hence, 356 206.5 29.455: 17.08, and 12.98X17.08-222, alive at 60 and upwards. Hence, 222 X 4.25 = L. 943.5, the fum remitted to theſe contributors. Kk of 258 OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. of the annuity correfponding to the rate to which he was fubjected, and that L. 100 of fur- plus was reſerved, in order to co-operate with the favings upon the rates and annuities, till the ex- emptees and annuitants arrived at a maximum, in forming an additional fund of L. 9000, to dif- charge the annuities of thofe 18 widows who are ftill to be provided for, as appears from the fol- lowing TABLE. Expect. Total alive. 29.455 × 32.66 = 962. 25.85 = X 24.29 628. 18.45 X 14.00 = 258. 17.79 X 13.50 = 240. 17.08 X 12.98 = 222. Age. Rate. Living. 30 42 12 58 28 59 29 60 30 61 31 62 32 63 33 = 16.34 X 12.53 205. 15.60 X 12.10 = 189. 14.85 × 11.66 = 173. If the capital be allowed to rife to L. 109,000, as fuggeſted above, by the accumulation of L. 150 per annum, without intereft, during the ſpace of 60 years, when the annuitants will arrive at a maximum: in this cafe, the above furplus of L. 1038, appropriated to contributors, with a tax of 1 s. per pound of the annuity, will reduce the years of exemption to 28, when a contributor hath paid the full value of the augmented an- nuity, and when the fourth part of thoſe alive at I one OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. 259 one time in the church will be exempted annu- ally. Moreover, If the annual furplus fhall happen to rife con-- fiderably above L. 1000, both plans of augmen- tation and exemption may be uſed to advantage; but ſhould it not exceed or fall below that fum, the plan of exemption ought alone to be employ- ed. Now, that fuch a plan ought to be ad- opted, in preference to all others, will appear, ift, From its being founded upon a principle of juftice. In fuch a Widows Scheme as this, we acknowledge that charity, mercy, or compaffion for the indigent, are the leading principles: there- fore, as long as it is neceffary for the exiſtence of the ſcheme, rates ought to be paid till the cloſe of life; but when this hardfhip, as in the prefent cafe, can be removed, and juftice mixed with mercy, it ought to be done. With what confi- dence can we prefume to diminiſh the rates in ge- neral, or augment the annuities, whilft we leave this burden upon aged contributors unremoved? A grievance which, remaining unredreffed, muſt blaft the reputation of every other plan, at leaſt in the opinion of every difcerning perfon. Befides, every one who is exempted after 30 annual pay- ments of the rate, will have contributed a fum, viz. L. 295, whofe intereft, at 4 per cent. is with- in a trifle of L. 12 per annum; whilft the other contributors, from 30 years and under, will have only paid, each of them, at a medium, a fum, viz. L. 124, whofe intereft, together with the an- nual rate, does not exceed L. 10.2 per annum: fo that the former benefit the fcheme as much af- ter an exemption, as the latter do with the pay- ment of the rate. K k 2 zd, 260 OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME 1 2d, From its poffeffing the beneficent proper- ties of all other plans. It prevents the accumula- tion of the capital beyond a limited fum; it aug- ments the annuities with L. 435, and diminiſhes the rates to the extent of L. 1038 per annum, and that too moft effectually where there is moſt occafion for a diminution; and as a penny faved is fo much gained, it may be faid to augment the annuity, in the cafe of exemptees, by the va- lue of the rate during the life of the contribu- tor. Moreover, was it thought adviſeable to cre- dit the truſtees with the fmall difcretionary pow- er of augmenting or diminiſhing the years of ex- emption, according as it ſhould be found in fact, that the number of annuitants or of exemptees exceeded or fell fhort of the calculation, or that the intereſt of money was below 4 per cent.; this plan might keep the affairs of the ſcheme up- on fuch an even footing, as to prevent all future applications to parliament for redrefs of grievan- ces, which cannot fail of being both expenfive and troubleſome; whilft the loffes fuftained by bad debts or otherwife are effectually guarded a- gainft by the law now in force. 2 3d, From the fimplicity of its conftruction and operation. Let any one attempt to diminiſh the rates or augment the annuities, he will find more difficulties than poilibly he expected, and will be in danger of unhinging the whole frame of the fcheme. But by this plan, the annuities are paid in guincas, in place of as many pounds Sterling, and the rates remain entire as from the com- mencement of the fund, which ftill enjoys the full benefit of deductions and of half-years rates out of 1 2 OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. 261 of anns and vacant ftipends; fo that the affairs of the ſcheme, in general, proceed in their uſual courſe, which cannot fail of being a great advantage, in point of eafe, both to the truſtees and general collectors. The only calculation necefiary will be to determine the years of exemption; for which purpoſe had we a table of obfervations adapted to the lives of minifters, this might be done with ac- curacy; if not it may be diſcovered from fact, with this caution, that the number of exemptees will not arrive at a maximum till about the 85th year of the ſcheme. But let none object to this plan, ift, That I am in danger of lofing the concur- rence of the younger members of the church, who form the greater part of the fociety. No; I will caſt myſelf upon their generofity: Dr Web- fter did fo at the commencement of the fcheme, and was not diſappointed. Had it not been for their difintereſted conduct, the fcheme would never have taken place; nor can I fuppofe that, in the courſe of half a century, this public fpirit fhould be degenerated in the younger members of the fociety. But I afk lefs than the Doctor did; I only aſk an act of juſtice towards their aged bre- thren, whilſt the youngeſt in the church have at leaft a chance of reaping the fame benefit with the oldeſt, and many may there be who fulfil the 30th year of their miniftry, before which they have no caufe to complain, not having diſcharged the full value of the annuity. Nor, 2d, That this plan comes from an obfcure cor- ner of the church, and from an inconfiderable hand. 262 OF THE WIDOWS SCHEME. [ hand. No; However inconfiderable the author of this differtation may be in point of mental a- bilities, he is yet one who hath been deeply enga- ged in the ſcience of annuities of all defcriptions, and in particular hath given fuch an illuftration of this very ſcheme, as he trufts will ſtand the teft of the moſt impartial examination. But how- ever this be, he is one who will yield to none in regard for his country, and in his good wishes for the profperity of the Church of Scotland; in evidence of which, he hath taken this method of being ſerviceable to the church, in the reſolu- tion of a queſtion which may come to be deter- mined, when poffibly this very hand is laid in the duft. CULTS, Otr 18. 1792. S 2.} DAVID WILKIE. JUL 12 1920 } ゲ ​6: of 1778 #