B 478438 1 1 169 1837 பபயம் ARTES LIBRARY VERITAS SCIENTIA OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN | PLURIBUS UNEM TULBU SI-QUAERIS PENINSULAM AMOENAM CIRCUMSPICE KATURATE. HUKUMANDIAG 1616,2 ? Dr Liffe 1 علم • COUGH AND EXPECTORATION 106656 A REPERTORIAL INDEX OF THEIR SYMPTOMS EDITED BY E. JENNINGS LEE, M. D., ASSISTED BY GEORGE H. CLARK, M. D. NEW YORK: A. L. CHATTERTON PUBLISHING CO., 166 GREENWICH STREET. 1884. יך PREFACE. COUGH, with its attendant aches and pains, debility and emacia- tion, is one of the commonest complaints with which the physician has to deal. No excuse is therefore necessary for the appearance of a volume whose sole aim is to assist the busy physician in treating a complaint so frequently met with, and often in such intractable forms. The numerous cough symptoms, before scattered through many volumes, are now for the first time brought together and properly arranged, so that the physician may readily find symptoms which before would have taken hours to discover. The object, then, of this repertory is to include under one head, and so to render more available, all the valuable and reliable symptoms connected with cough and expectoration found hitherto scattered through many volumes. To this end a careful review has been made of the works of the most reliable authorities of the homeo- pathic school. A list of these is added. To properly account for the reliability of all the symptoms that have been collected, they have been numbered, so one can easily refer to the authority responsible for them. It will be noticed in large blocks of remedies that there are often many different numbers used. The superior figure (over any remedy) tells from what authority that remedy was taken; the number at the end of a block signifies that all remedies, excepting those otherwise numbered (as by a superior figure), are from the author to whom the figure refers. All unnumbered symptoms, as well as those marked 1, are from Allen's Encyclopædia. To secure ready access to the symptoms, they have been arranged alphabetically, according (1) to the anatomical part affected, (2) under the name of the cough, (3) with reference to the time in which it occurs or is aggravated, and (4) under the exciting cause. Some symptoms are so complex that it is a very difficult matter to decide as to how they should be placed; these have generally been arranged with reference to their most peculiar feature. iii iv PREFACE. A cough caused by a tickling in larynx, will be found under larynx, not under tickling; one causing soreness in stomach, or head, will be found under stomach or head, as the case may be, not under soreness. In making a prescription for any trouble of the respiratory organs, the concomitant symptoms, especially the mental, are of great importance. Yet we have been compelled to omit all con- comitants that are not found in our materia medica under chest, larynx, etc., or which do not frequently occur as a concomitant of cough. For, as any symptom of the materia medica may be a con- comitant of cough, our task would have extended into many volumes had we included all of them. This repertory is intended to be merely an index to the materia medica. Before prescribing, the drug should be studied there. After the repertory proper had been completed, it was again thor- oughly revised and compared with the originals. The result was not only the finding of some misprints, errors, etc., which are noted under the errata, but also the discovery of errors, contradictions, etc., in the original authorities themselves, together with the accu- mulation of new and important symptoms, not before met with, which were considered too valuable to be neglected, and hence have been included in a supplement. It is to be hoped all errors of omission or commission, and many such must needs be in a work of this nature, will be promptly reported, so all may be benefited. It is only by such revising and correcting that our therapeutics can be made perfect. The editors desire to thank all those who have kindly assisted them in their work, and would particularly acknowledge their indebtedness to Drs. Adolph. Lippe and E. W. Berridge for many valuable suggestions. 2109 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, January 1st, 1884. E. J. L. AUTHORITIES CONSULTED. 1. Allen's Encyclopædia of Pure Materia Medica. 2. Bönninghausen's Whooping Cough. 3. Bönninghausen's Intermittent Fever. 4. Bönninghausen's Therapeutic Pocket-Book. 5. Simmon's Cough Repertory. 6. Jahr's Symptomen Codex. 7. Hering's Condensed Materia Medica. 8. Hering's Analytical Therapeutics. 9. Gross' Comparative Materia Medica. 10. Lippe's Text-book of Materia Medica (and private communi- cations). 11. Jahr and Possart's Repertory. 12. C. Lippe's Repertory. 13. Hahnemann's Materia Medica Pura. 14. H. N. Guernsey's Lectures on Materia Medica, and Notes on Cough Characteristics, Hahnemannian Monthly, vol. viii, p. 322. 15. H. V. Miller, Hahnemannian Monthly, vol. viii, p. 309. 16. Hull's Jahr. Repertory and Symtomatology. 17. Raue's Annual Record, six volumes. 18. N. A. J. of Homoeopathy, twenty-eight volumes. 19. R. R. Gregg's Illustrated Repertory. 20. The Cypher Repertory. 21. Hart's Repertory of New Remedies. 22. Bell and Laird on Diarrhoea. 23. P. P. Wells on Typhoid Fever. 24. Bryant's Pocket Repertory. 25. Dunham's Lectures. 26. The Organon, three volumes. 27. Cowperthwaite's Materia Medica. 28. Teste's Materia Medica. V མ } * : REMEDIES. Abs. Absinthium. Acal. Acalypha Indica. Acet. ac. Aceticum acidum. Acon. 1. Aconitum lycoctonum. Acon. Aconitum napellus. Esc. h. Esculus hippocastanum. Agar. Agaricus muscarius. Agn. Agnus castus. Alco. Alcohol. All. c. Allium cepa. All. s. Allium sativum. Aloe. Aloe socotrina. Alumn. Alumen. Alum. Alumina. Ambr. Ambra grisea. Ammc. Ammoniacum. Am. bro. Ammonium bromatum. Amm. c. Ammonium carbonicum. Amm. cau. Ammonium causticum. Amm. m. Ammonium muriaticum. Aml. n. Amyl nitrite. Anac. Anacardium. Ang. Angustura. Ant. cr. Antimonium crudum. Ant. ox. Antimonium oxidum. Ant. t. Antimonium tartaricum. Aphis. Aphis chenopodii glauci. Apis. Apis mellifica. Apoc. c. Apocynum cannabinum. Aqu. petr. Aqua petra. Aral. Aralia racemosa. Aran. d. Aranea diadema. Arg. Argentum metallicum. Arg. c. Argentum cyanidum. Arg. n. Argentum nitricum. Arn. Arnica. Ars. Arsenicum album. Ars. iod. Arsenicum iodatum. Arum i. Arum italicum. Arum m. Arum maculatum. Arum tr. Arum triphyllum. Arun. Arundo mauritanica. Asaf. Asafoetida. Asar. Asarum. Asc. t. Asclepias tuberosa. Asim. Asimina triloba. Asp. Aspar. Asparagus. Atro. Atropinum. Aur. Aurum. Aur. m. Aurum muriaticum. Aur. m. n. Aurum muriaticum natronatum. Bad. Badiaga. Bals. Balsamum Peruvianum. Bapt. Baptisia. Bart. Bartfelder. Bar. Baryta carbonica. Bar. m. Baryta muriatica. Bell. Belladonna. Benz. Benzinum. Benz. ac. Benzoicum acidum. Berb. Berberis. Bism. Bismuthum. Bon. Bondonneau. Bor. Borax. Both. Bothrops lanceolatus. Bov. Bovista. Brom. Bromium. Bry. Bryonia. Buf. Bufo. Cact. Cactus grandiflorus. Cad. Cadmium sulphuricum. Cai. Cainca. vii viii REMEDIES. Caj. Cajuputum. (Oleum Cajuputi.) Calad. Caladium. Calc. ac. Calcarea acetica. Calc. Calcarea carbonica. Calc. cau. Calcarea caustica. Calc. ph. Calcarea phosphorica. Calc. s. Calcarea sulphurica. Calo. Calotropis. Camph. Camphora. Cann. i. Cannabis indica. Cann. s. Cannabis sativa. Canth. Cantharis. Caps. Capsicum. Carbo an. Carbo animalis. Carbo v. Carbo vegetabilis. Carb, ac. Carbolicum acidum. Carbn. cl. Carboneum chloratum. Carbn. h. Carboneum hydrogen- isatum. Carbn. OX. Carboneum isatum. oxygen- Carbn. s. Carboneum sulphuratum. Card. b. Carduus benedictus. Carl. Carlsbad. Casc. Cascarilla. Castor. Castoreum. Caul. Caulophyllum. Caust. Causticum. Ced. Cedron. Cent. Centaurea tagana. Cepa. Allium cepa. Cham. Chamomilla. Chel. Chelidonium majus. Chenop. See Aphis etc. Chim. Chimaphila. Chin. China. Chin. s. Chininum sulphuricum. Chlo. Chlorum. Chro. ac. Chromium acidum. Cic. v. Cicuta virosa. Cimex. Cimex lectularius. Cimic. Cimicifuga. Cina. Cina. Cinch. Cinchoninum sulphuricum. Cinnab. Cinnabaris. Cis. Cistus. Cle. Clematis erecta. Coca. Coca. Cocc. Cocculus. Coc. c. Coccus cacti. Cod. Codeinum. Coff. Coffea cruda. Colch. Colchicum. Coll. Collinsonia. Coloc. Colocynthis. Colocn. Colocynthinum. Com. Comocladia dentata. Con. Conium. Cop. Copaiba. Coral. Corallium rubrum. Croc. Crocus. Crot. Crotalus horridus. Crot. t. Croton tiglium. Cub. Cubeba. Cup. Cuprum. Cup. acet. Cuprum aceticum. Cup. n. Cuprum nitricum. Cup. s. Cuprum sulphuricum. Cyc. Cyclamen. Daph. Daphne Indica. Der. Derris pinnata. Diad. Aranea diadema. Dig. Digitalis. Dign. Digitalinum. Dios. Dioscorea. Dirc. Dirca palustris. Dor. Doryphora. Dros. Drosera. Dulc. Dulcamara. Elæ. Elæis guineensis. Elaps. Elaps. Ery. a. Eryngium aquaticum. Ery. m. Eryngium maritimum. Eth. Ether. Eugen. Eugenia jambos. Eup. per. Eupatorium perfoliatum. Euph. Euphorbium. Euphr. Euphrasia. Eupi. Eupion. Fago. Fagopyrum. Ferr. Ferrum. Ferr. acet. Ferrum aceticum. Ferr. mag. Ferr. mn. } Ferrum magneticum. REMEDIES. ix Ferr. m. Ferrum muriaticum. Feru. Ferula glauca. Fran. Franzensbad. Gad. Gadus morrhua. Gam. Gambogia. Gin. Ginseng. Gran. Granatum. Graph. Graphites. Grat. Gratiola. Guare. Guarea. Gymno. Gymnocladus. Hal. Hall. Ham. Hamamelis. Hell. Helleborus niger. Hepar. Hepar sulphuris calcareum. Hipp. Hippomanes. Hur. Hura Brasiliensis. Hydras. Hydrastis. Hcy, ac. Hydr. ac.} Hydrocyanic acid. Hyos. Hyoscyamus. Hyosn. Hyoscyaminum. Hyper. Hypericum. Ib. Iberis. Ign. Ignatia. Ind. Indigo. Inų. Inula. Iod. Iodum. Iodf. Iodoformum. Ipec. Ipecacuanha. Ir. fo. Iris foetidissima. Ir. v. Iris versicolor. Jac. Jacaranda. Jatr. Jatropha. Jug. c. Juglans cinerea. Jug. r. Juglans regia. Junc. Juncus. Kali b. Kali bichromicum. Kali br. Kali bromatum. Kali c. Kali carbonicum. Kali chlo. Kali clc. Kali iod. } Kali chloricum. Kali hydr.} Kali iodatum. Kali ma. Kali hypermanganicum. Kali n. Kali nitricum. See Nitrum. Kalm. Kalmia. Kis. Kissengen. Kobalt. Kobaltum. Kreos. Kreosotum. Lac. can. Lac caninum. Lach. Lachesis. Lachn. Lachnantes. Lac. ac. Lacticum acidum. Lact. Lactuca. Laur. Laurocerasus. Led. Ledum. Lepi. Lepidium. Lil. t. Lilium tigrinum. Lina. Linaria. Linu. Linum. Lip. Lipspringe. Lith. c. Lithium carbonicum. Lob. Lobelia inflata. Lob. s. Lobelia syphilitica. Lyc. Lycopodium. Lycper. Lycopersicum. Lycps. Lycopus. Mac. Macrotinum. Mag. c. Magnesia carbonica. Mag. m. Magnesia muriatica. Mag. s. Magnesia sulphurica. Manc. Mancinella. Mang. Manganum. Mar. Marum verum. Meli. Melilotus. Ment. pi. Mentha piperita. Meph. Mephitis. Merc. Mercurius vivus. Merc. c. Mercurius corrosivus. Merc-i-fl. Mercurius iodatus flavus. Merc-i-rub. Mercurius iodatus ruber. Merc. s. Mercurius solubilis. Merc. sul. Mercurius sulphuricus. Merl. Mercurialis. Mez. Mezereum. Mille. Millefolium. Mor. Morphium. Mosch. Moschus. Murex. Murex. Mur. ac. Muriaticum acidum. Myric. Myrica. Natr. ars. Natrum arsenicicum. X REMEDIES. Natr. bro. Natrum bromatum. Natr. c. Natrum carbonicum. Raph. Raphanus. Natr. m. Natrum muriaticum. Natr. ph. Natrum phosphoricum. Natr. slfc. Natr. s. Natrum sulphuricum. Nicc. Niccolum. Nitr. ac. Nitricum acidum. Nitr. d. s. Nitri dulcis spiritus. Nux m. Nux moschata. Nux v. Nux vomica. Ena. Enanthe. Olean. Oleander. Ol. an. Oleum animale. Ol. jec. Oleum jecoris aselli. Ol. m. See Oleum Jecoris Aselli. Op. Opium. Osm. Osmium. Ox. ac. Oxalicum acidum. Pæon. Pæonia. Pall. Palladium. Par. Paris quadrifolia. Pau. p. Paullinia pinnata. Ped. Pediculus. Petro. Petroleum. Phal. Phallus. Phell. Phellandrium. Phos. Phosphorous. Ph. ac. Phosphoricum acidum. Phys. Physostigma. Phyt. Phytolacca. Pic. ac. Picricum acidum. Pin. s. Pinus sylvestris. Plan. Plantago. Plat. Platinum metallicum. Plmbg. Plumbago littoralis. Plumb. Plumbum metallicum. Pod. Podophyllum. Polyg. Polygonum. Pru. sp. Prunus spinosa. Psor. Psorinum. Pte. Ptelea trifoliata. Puls. Pulsatilla. Puls. n. Pulsatilla nuttalliana. Pyrus. Pyrus. Ran. b. Ranunculus bulbosus. Ran. sc. Ranunculus sceleratus. Rat. Ratanhia. Rhe. Rheum. Rei. Reinerz. Rhod. Rhododendron. Rhus. Rhus toxicodendron. Rhus r. Rhus radicans. Rhus v. Rhus venenata. Rumex. Rumex crispus. Ruta. Ruta. Sabad. Sabadilla. Sabin. Sabina. Sac. alb. Saccharum album. Sal. ac. Salicylicum acidum. Samb. Sambucus. Sang. Sanguinaria. Sap. Saponinum. Sars. Sarsaparilla. Sed. Sedinha. Selen. Selenium. Senec. Senecio. Seneg. Senega. Sep. Sepia. Sil. Silicea. Sin. n. Sinapis nigra. Sol. t. æ. Solanum tuberosum ægrotans. Spig. Spigelia. Spira. Spiranthes. Spong. Spongia. Squil. Squilla. Stann. Stannum. Staph. Staphisagria. Stil. Stillingia sylvatica. Stram. Stramonium. Stront. Strontiana carbonica. Stryc. Strychninum. Sulph. Sulphur. Sul. ac. Sulphuricum acidum. Sul. iod. Sulphur iodatum. Sum. Sumbul. Tabac. Tabacum. Tarax. Taraxacum. Tarent. Tarentula. Tax. Taxus baccata. Tel. Tellurium. Tep. Teplitz. REMEDIES. xi Ter. Tereb. } Terebinthina. Teucr. Teucrium marum. rum Verum. Thea. Thea. Thuja. Thuja. Ton. Tongo. Trif. p. Trifolium pratense. Trom. Trombidium. Upa. Upas. Urt. u. Urtica urens. Ust. Ustilago. Valer. Valeriana. Verat. Veratrum album. Verat. v. Veratrum viride. See Ma- Verb. Verbascum. Vich. Vichy. Vio. od. Viola odorata. Vit. Vitex agnus castus. Vös. Vöslau. Wies. Wiesbaden. Wild. Wildbad. Wye. Wyethia. Xan. Xanthoxylum. Yuc. Yucca. Zinc. Zincum. Zn. s. Zincum sulphuricum. Zing. Zingiber. Ziz. Zizia. ન : { $ } 1 } PART FIRST. COUGH SYMPTOMS. ABDOMEN, aching in left iliac region, when walking, coughing, or raising arm; nearly takes breath away; afterward moves low down into: Eupion. bleating, cough with a bleat- ing, as if it came out of: Cupr. bruised sensation in, on cough- ing: Ars., Carbo au., Ferr.,' IIyos., Nux v., Plumb., Puls., Stann.2--10. bruised sensation in, on cough- ing and touching it: Ferr.¹ bruised sensation below ribs transversely, on coughing and on pressure, agg. by rising: Plumb. burning sensation in, with cough: Ars., Mez., Verat.-2. bursting sensation in, when coughing or breathing: Anac. comes from, cough seems to: Ant. cr., Sepia, Verat. epigastrium: Raph. concussing, short turns of congh concussing chest, abdomen, and occiput: Lact.6 concussion of chest and, while coughing Rhus,10 Sulph.6 concussive pain in, when coughing: Carbo an.,10 Kali c.6 constriction of muscles of, during coughing: Lach. contraction of, on coughing: Chelid., Squil. contraction in lower, and sen- sation as if he would vomit, on coughing, in evening: Dros. cramp in, when coughing: Plumb.,20 Tarent. ABDOMEN, cutting pain in, with hollow cough in long shocks: VERAT. A in lower: China." pain in, ou coughing and deep breathing: Valer. darting in, particularly when coughing, sneezing, or touching part: Cham.6 deep hollow cough, in three or four shocks, which seem to come from evening: VERAT. diarrhoea, sensation in abd. as from, on coughing: Ferr. drawing in of, with whooping cough, cough so frequent can scarcely breathe; wakes at 7 A. M.: Dros." dry cough, as if proceeding from stomach or abd., or from consti- pation, or as if something re- mained in stomach that would not pass off: SEPIA. Epigastric region. See Ston- ach, and Stomach Pit, · griping in, and heaving as if he would vomit, from the cough, when expectoration was incom- plete or difficult: Dros." griping in, when coughing: Tarent. Hypochondriac region, ach- ing in right, at night, during cough: Sulph. bruised feeling in, and upper abdomen, on coughing: Nux v.10 bruised feeling in, from cough: Bry., Carbo v., Lach.-2. 5 contractive pain in, with } 1 2 COUGH SYMPTOMS. } 1 } ABDOMEN-(Continued). cough, arresting the breathing; cough is prevented by the pain, unless he presses hand on the pit of stomach: Dros.6 constriction in, during cough: DROS. cramps in, with cough: Zinc.2 griping in right, when cough- ing: Lyc. oppression in, with cough: Nux v.5 pain in, from cough: Ambr.,5 Amm. c., Amm. m., Arn., Ars., BRY., DROS., Hell., Hepar, Hyos.,7 Lach., Lyc., Nitr. ac., Nux v.,5 Oena. (r.), Phos., Sepia, Sulph.— 1 and 11. pain in (as if forcibly con- stricted), when coughing: Dros." pain in, as if ulcerated, when coughing: Lach.,6 Puls.10 - Hypochondriac region, pres- sure in, with cough: Acon.,2 Ambr.,2 Conc., Spong., Valer. 5. stitches in, when coughing: Acon., Amm. m., Ars., Bry., Lyc.,2 Nitr. ac.,² Phos., Sibad., Samb., Sulph., Sul. ac 2—5. stitches in left, when cough- ing: Amm. m.. Bell., Carbo v., Con., Sulph., Zine.—2. stitches in right, when coughing: Bry., Carbo veg., Eupat. per, Kali c., Merc., Natr m., Sep.-2. 2 stitches in right, evening, when coughing: Sepia. support it, must, with hands, when coughing: Dros." tearing pain in left, when coughing: Ambr.2 tension in left, during cough: Hell. tension in left, causing hacking cough: Thuja. ABDOMEN, Hypochondriac re- gion, weariness felt in, with cough: Puls. Hypogastric region, bruised feeling in, from cough: Ars., Nux v., Puls.-5. contraction of, with cough: Dros., Squil.-5. cutting in, from cough: Verat.5 lancinations in, preceding congh, as if womb would be torn off: Bell.6 painful, when coughing: Dros., Lyc., Nux v, Phos., Ph. ac., Sil., Squil., Verat.—5. shocks in, when coughing: Natr. m., Squil.—5. stitches in, with cough: Ars., Sep., Verat.-5. irritation to cough is felt in: Ambra, Ant. cr., Kali b.,¹º Sepia,5 Thuja," Verat.-2. 10 lower, bruised sensation, on coughing: Ars. 10 10 lower, concussive pain in, on coughing: Carbo an. lower, pain in, from coughing: Sil. muscles of, bruised sensation in, on coughing: Hyos.10 muscles of, constriction in on coughing: Lach. muscles of, contraction in, on coughing: Squil. muscles of, pain in, on cough- ing: Hyos., Nux v., Squil., Sulph. oppression in, when coughing: Aur. 11 pain (undefined) in, from cough- ing: Alum., Ambra, Anac., Ars.," Asc. t., Aur., BELL.,12 Canth., Calc., Colch.,20 Coloc.,20 Con., Dros., Ferr., Ipec., Kreos.,¹¹ Lact., Lyc., Nitrum, Nux v., Phos., Ph. ac., Puls.," Rhus, Sep., 6 1 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 3 ABDOMEN—(Continued). Sil., Squil., Stann., Sulph.,12 Verat.-5. pain in, and chest, with cough- ing, in open air: Phos." Coloc.20 to chest on coughing: pain in, and intolerance to touch, with coughing: Cham.2 pain all over abdomen as if raw, on coughing, violent exercise and deep breathing: Sulph.2 20 in sides of, and in head, from nightly cough: Lyc." protrude, dry, violent cough, morning on rising, shaking, as if contents would (must support it with hands): Carb. an.6 protrude, pain in side, as if in- testines would, on coughing and walking: Squil." Iracked, and chest and occiput by short turns of dry cough: Lact.6 racking pain in, with dry throat from violent dry cough: Squil. shaking of, from cough: Kreos.² shaking of, as if everything would fall out, must hold abd. and sit, from severe, dry cough, in morning on rising, and nearly all day: Carbo an. shocks in, while coughing: Puls.6 shooting pain in, from cough- ing: Bell., Chin., Lach., Sep., Staph.-12. sides of, pain in, when cough- ing: Con., Lye., Squil. pain in, agg. when cough- ing: Bor. (r). side of, pain in, as from internal wound, when coughing, blowing nose, or putting foot down; amel. by emission of flatus: Arn. (r.) ABDOMEN, side of, stitches in, during day, from dry cough: Sulph. stitches, acute drawing, in, agg. by cough, hiccough, sneezing, or yawning: Bor. (r.) stitches in, agg. by cough: Carb. an. (r.), Stann. (r.) stitches in, on cough- ing: Arn. Ars,,¹ Bell. (1.), Sep.,¹ Sulph. (1.).—5. stitches in left, to small of back, when coughing: Sulph. soreness in, from coughing: Bell., Carb. an.,2 Con.,2 Crot. tig., Ferr., Hyos.,¹2 Nux V., Puls.10-5. soreness in, agg. by coughing: Sulph. soreness in, on coughing or laughing: Ars.6 soreness in lower, as from coughing: Carb. veg. sticking pain in epigastrium, must press it with hand: Phos.7 stitches in, extending, through abdominal ring, and along sper- matic cord, when coughing: Verat. See also Stomach, p. 107. umbilicus, colic as if, would be torn out, with continual cough; heat in face and sweat on fore- head; after walking in open air and when lying morning and evening: Ipec. umbilicus, stitches from, to genitals, when coughing: Sep. warm, on becoming, in, amel. cough: Sil.5 ABDOMINAL RING, aching pain in, on coughing: Nat. in. pain in, from coughing: Arn.,5 Cocc., Natr. mur., Nuxv, Sil., Sulph., Verat.-11. walls, soreness in, and pain in stomach on coughing: Nux v.i 1 4 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 1 \ ACID, cough from nitric: Mez.12 vomiting, on coughing: Natr. carb., Phos. ACIDS, cough agg. by: Ant. cr., Brom., Con., Lach., Natr. mur., Nux v., Sep., Sil., Sulph.-5 AFTERNOON, cough in: Agar., All. c.,12 Alum., Anim. c., Amm. m., Ant. t., Arn., Ars., Asaf, Bad., 12 Bell.,11 Bry., Caps., China, Coc. c., Gamb.,¹ Kali c., Laur., Lim.,¹ Lyc., Mag.c., Mez., Mosch, Mur. ac., Natr. c., Nux v., Phos., Stann., Staph., Sulph., Thuja,¹2 Zinc.-5. 1 to 2 P. M.: Ars.5 3 P. M.: Coc. c.³ 4 to 8 P. M. Lyc. cough in, after bath: Calc. s. agg.: Bell., Rei. Phos. Coca. from irritation in larynx: while sitting sitting quietly : during siesta, from itch- ing in upper part of larynx : Arn. touching neck: Fago. from scraping in throat, in open air: Phos. cough in, from tickling in throat : Bov., Mag. c in warm room: amel. in open air: Sulph. deep cough and evening, from tickling below tonsils: Amm. br. dry cough in: Kali b., Mez., Phell., Sulph., Thuja. agg. on entering warm room: Anth. n., Natr. c. from tickling at back of larynx: Anth. n. SANG. dryness of throat: on walking: Thuja. hacking cough in: Kali c. from dryness of throat: SANG. AFTERNOON, inclination to cough in Baptisia. agg. in: Sulph. agg. at 7.30 P. M., on speaking: Cimic. paroxysmal cough, agg. on en- tering warm room: Anth. n. tickling at back of larynx: Anth. n. short cough: Chin. s. agg. in: Anac. AGITATED, coughing from stitches in throat when: Cist. AGED, cough of the: Con., Hyos, AIR, close, or dust, agg. dry cough at night: Natr. ars. close, agg. hacking cough: Natr. ars. 7 6 6 cold, excites or agg. cough: Acon., Amm. n.,6 Ars., Aur., Carb. Bar., Bry., Bov.,10 Carb. an., veg., Caust., Cepa, Cham., Cimic., Cina, Cist., Cupr., Dulc., Hepar, Hyos., Hyper., Ipec., Kali c., Kali iod.,10 Lach., Mez., Nitr. ac.,6 Nux m., Nux v., Phos., Phos. ac., Rhus, Rumex, Sabad., Sac. alb., Samb., Sep., Sil., Spong., Squil., Stram., Sulph.-2. cold, amel. cough: Coc. c. icy cold, seems to stream through air-passages on deep in- spiration, with desire to cough: Coral. 1 6 6 cold, persistent coughing after walking in, also when lying down, excited by deep inspira- tion, accompanied by colic, as if umbilicus would be torn out, heat in face, and sweat on forehead: Ipec.6 damp cold, agg. cough: Ant. t., Calc., Carb. an., Carbo veg., Chin., Dulc, Lach., Mag. c., Mosch., Mur. ac., Nitr. ac., Sulph., Sul. ac., Verat., Zinc.-2. t COUGH SYMPTOMS. 5 AIR, draught of, agg. cough: Acon., Caps.,' Caust., China.-2. dry cold, agg. cough: Acon., Cham., Samb.,2 Brom., Phosph., Hepar, Nux m., Spong.-10. entering cold, agg. cough: Carb. veg., Phos. inspiring cold, agg. cough: Cepa, Cist., Cupr., Rumex,2 Staph.,2 Vit.-5. inspiring cold, causes hacking cough: CEPA,¹ Phosph.10 walking in cold, agg. cough: Ars., Ipec., Phosph.,¹º Verat.—1. warm room, going from, to cold air, or vice versa, causes cough- ing: Sepia, Nux v.,10 Natr. c.10 night, agg. cough: Merc. open, excites or agg. cough: 11 Acon.,12 Alum., Ang., ARS., Bar., Bry., Calc., Carbo veg., Cham., Cina, Cocc., Coff., Dig., Ferr.,12 Ipec., Kali b., Lach.,11 Lyc., Mosch., Nitr. ac., NITRUM,² Nux v., Osm., Phos., Phos. ac‚¹ Rhus, Rumex, Seneg., Sil., Spig., Staph., Stram.,12 Sulph.,12 Sul. ac.7-5. open, coughing in, with pain in abdomen and chest: Phos. 1 at night, causes cough: Calc. ph., Linu., Phos., Spig., Sulph., Sul. ac, Trif. p. amel cough: Dulc., Nux v.,5 Sulph.1 amel. dry cough: Iod.¹ causes dry cough: Spig. entering, agg. cough: Acon., Bry., Ipec., Rumex, Squil.-12. agg. hacking cough: Seneg., Sulph. tig. amel. hacking cough: Lil. amel. rough cough: Iod. short cough from: Spig. agg. tickling cough: Lach. going into warm room from, AIR-(Continued). 10 excites cough: Acon.,12 Ant. cr.,¹ Bov.,¹ Brom.,' Coc. c.,10 Natr. c., Sep.¹ Sulph.,¹ Verat.10 on entering warm room from cold, feels sensation in trachea as if full of smoke, which ex- cites cough; feels as if he could not inhale sufficient air: Bry.6 AIR PASSAGES, burning in, with cough: Ant. cr., Carb. veg., Caust., Cina, Iod., Lach., Mag. m., Spong., Sulph., Zinc.-11. catarrh of, dry cough at night in bed, as if from: Coca. crawling in, at night, causes hacking cough: Eth. crawling irritation near su- prasternal fossa, before midnight, causes cough, agg. by swallowing mucus: Apis. - dryness of, causing cough: Carb. an., Lach., Merc., Petrol., Puls.-11. dull cutting, from below upward in, which becomes a stitch and excites two or three fits of coughing: Arg. irritation in, causing cough: Ars., Colch., Kali b. irritation in, causing hack- ing cough at night: Kali b. irritation in, to cough: Chlo. irritation in, when cough- ing: All. s. irritation in, evening, causes cough: Sulph. irritation in, evening, in bed, causes cough: Agnus, Amm. c., Coff., Kali c. irritation in, low down, caus- ing coughing at night: Cham. tickling irritation in, caus- ing cough: Ars., Calc. ac.,¹ HYOS., Kali b., Nux v., Puls., Staph., Verat.-10. tickling irritation in, as if 6 COUGH SYMPTOMS. } } 1 2 AIR PASSAGES (Continued). it would provoke cough, makes breath short, and is amel. by moderate exertion: Rhus. tickling irritation in small spot: Apis, Con.-10. irritation in, upper part, causing coughing: Plan. mucus gets into, on stooping, or going up-stairs, which is ex- pelled by a single cough: Arg. pain in, agg. when cough- ing: Camph. raw, pain as if, with cough: Ambr., Anac., Ant. cr., Arg., Arn., Calc., Carb. veg., Grat., Kali c., Kreos., Laur., Mag. c., Mez., Nux mos, Petrol., Phos., Ruta, Sep., Sil.—11. rawness of, causes cough: Coc. c., Stann. rawness of, causes cough- ing, 10 A. M., while lying: Coc. c. sore, pain as if, with cough: Alum., Ambr., Amm. c., Arg., Ars., Baryt., Bell., Calc., CArb. VEG., Cuust., Chin., Cina, Hep., Lach., Lycop., Mag. m, Merc., Natr. c., Nux mos., Nux vom., PHOS., Sep., Sil., Spig., Spong.. STANN., SULPH.—11. stitches in, with cough: Kali c., Lach., Phosp.-10. stitches in, extending up- ward, causing cough: Arg. tickling in, causing cough: ACON., Amm. c., Amm. m., An- gus., Ant. t., Arg. n., Arn., Asaf., Bar., Bell., Bor., Bov., Brom., Bry., Caps., Carb. an., Carb. veg., Caust., CHAM., Chin.. Cina, Coc. c., Colch., Con., Cupr., Dig., Ferr., Graph., Hepar, Ign., IOD., IPEC., Kali b., Kali c., LACH., Lact., Laur., Led., Mag. c., Mag. 1 AIR PASSAGES—(Continued). n., Marum, Merc., Mur. ac., Natr. c., NATR. M., Nitrum, Nux VOм., Olean., Phos., Prun., Puls., Rumex,10 Sabin., Sant.,¹ Seneg., SEP., Sil., Spong., Stann., STAPH., Sulph., Verat., Zinc.—11. tickling in, at night, caus- ing cough: Rumex,¹º Sant.¹ tickling irritation in, caus- ing cough Calc. ac., Hyos. tickling low down in, caus- ing cough: Cina. wall, posterior, of, tick- ling low down in, causing cough, agg. by lying and sleeping, amel. by loosening mucus: Apis. AIR, warm, agg. coughing: Ant. cr., Cocc. c.,10 Iod.-12. with headache, cough: Lach. ANGER, coughing from: Acon., Ant. t., Arg. n., Ars., Cham., Chin., Ign., Nux v., Sep., Staph, Verat.-2. 5 before coughing: Asarum. from the cough: Acon., Ant. t., Arn., Bell., Cham.-6. with fright: Acon., Ign.-2. ANGRY, when getting, violent spell of coughing comes on: Ant. t., Arg. nit.,' Arn., Asar., Cham. -8. coughing if child gets, vomits food and mucus: Ant. t.² ANGUISH, accompanying cough- ing: Acon, Cina, Coff, Dig., He- par, Iod., Rhus.-11. ANUS, pain in, with coughing: Lach.6 spasmodic constriction of, with violent dry cough: Acon." ANXIOUS, cough: Ars., Cina. Coff., Rhus.-5. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 7 ANXIOUS, before attack whooping cough: Cupr.8 of cough before midnight, on wak- ing: Rhus. ANXIOUSNESS, obstruction of breath, pale face and whimper- ing, cough ending with: Cina. ANXIETY, with cough: Acon., Cina, Coff, Dros., Eupat. per., Hepar, Iod.,¹2 Rhus, Samb., Spong., Stram.—5. nocturnal, with cough: Acon.12 APHONIA, cough with: Amm. caust.,10 Phos.,12 Spong.10 APPETITE, cough, with loss of: Podoph. APPREHENSION, discour- agement and, following short cough, caused by severe tick- ling and irritation behind upper sternum: RHUS.¹ ARMS, becoming cold, cough from: Ars., Calc., Ferr., Hepar, 5 Kali c., Rhus, Sil.-12. moving, agg. cough: Ars., Calc., Ferr., Kali c., Led., Lyc. (r.),¹2 Natr. mur.5 putting out of bed, or becom- ing cold, causes coughing: HE- PAR, RHUS, Sil. stretching out, causes cough- ing: Lyc.5 See also under Limbs. ARTERIES, and also heart, vio- lent beating of, from dry cough, before midnight: Calc.6 ARTHRITIC pains brought on by least cold, with irritable cough; swallowing excites pains, fear of least touch: Ph. ac. ARTICULAR pains cough amel. as: Coloc. increase, ASCARIDES, spasmodic cough- ing in persons troubled by: Mag. s.14 ASCENDING, cough agg. on: 7 Arg. n., Ars., Bar., Iod., Lyc., Mag. c., Mag. m., Merc., Nitrum, Nux vom., Seneg., Sep., Spong., Squil., Stann., Staph., Zinc.-5. ASLEEP, before getting, cough- ing: Calc,10 Merc.² on falling, at night, coughing: Lach.,10 Petrol. (v. sleep.) ASTHMA. See Supplement. ASTHMATIC affections (dyspnoea, 6 10 2 6 obstructed respiration, etc.), with cough: Acon., Alum., Anim. c., Amm. in., Anac., ANT. T., Ara- lia,10 Arg. n., Arn., ARS., Aspar., Bar., Bell., Brom., Bry., Calad, Calc., Carbo an., Carbo v.,2 2 Caust., China, Cic.,CINA, Coc.c.,10 Cocc., Con., Coral.,¹º CUPR., Dig.,2 Do- lich., DROS.," Euphr., Ferr., Guai., Hepar,¹¹ Ign.,2 Iod., IPEC., Kali b., Kali c., Kali chl.,6 Krevs., Lach., Lact.,10 Laur.,2 Led., Lyc., Merc., Mez., Mur. ac., Natr. m,2 Natr. s., Nicc.. Nitr. ac., Nitrum, Nux m., Nux v., ОP., Phell., Phos., Puls., Rhus, Samb., Sang., Sep.,2 Sil.,' Spig., Spong., Squil., Stann., Sulph., Sul. ac.,2 Verat., Viola od., Zine, Zing. 10-12 and 16. See also Choking, Suffocative Coughs. 12 2 2 11 6 cough: Acon., Amm. c., Ars., Asaf., Bar.. Bell., Carbo v., Cham., Euph., Hepar, Iod., Ipec., Laur., Kali c., Lob, Lyc., Mosch., Nux v., Petro., Phos., Sabad.,2 Samb., Sepia, Spong.," Stram., Sulph., Sul. ac.²-5. ATMOSPHERE, from change of, coughing: Erio., Rumex. stormy, agg. coughing: Phos., Rhod.,10 Sil.-5. } 1 เ # 1 8 COUGH SYMPTOMS. ATTACKS. See Paroxysms. AUTUMNAL cough: Verat.12 AWAKING. See Waking, Waken- ing. 1 1 BACK, aching in, on coughing: Amm. c.,10 Merc., Narz., Nitr,' Puls.10 click down, during coughing: Apis. cramp-like stitch, to hypo- chondria, lying or coughing, agg. by standing or sitting: China. and limbs stiff, with hard, tick- ling cough; worse evenings till midnight, on lying: Rhus." lower, pressure in, to testicles, on coughing: Osm. 1 lower stitches in, on cough- ing: Caps.,10 Nitr. ac., Sep.,10 Sulph. lumbar region, aching in, dur- ing coughing: Arund., Merc. lumbar region, aching in, agg. by cough: Nitr. lumbar region, pain as if her- nia would protrude, dares not cough or inhale: Sul ac. lumbar region, stitches in, chest, hip, and uterus; pain in the sternum, with tightness of chest and rattling of mucus in chest, with cough: Bell.10 lumbo-sacral region, pain in, agg. by coughing and bending: Phos. lungs, sensation as if, touched the, when coughing: Sulph.6 lying on, agg. cough: Amm. m., lod.,10 Nux v., Phos., Plumb.,7 Rhod.,10 Rhus,10 Sil.-5. - lying on, agg. dry cough: Phos. lying on, irritation to cough : Natr. m.¹ - lying on, midnight, dry cough from: Nux v. BACK, lying on, dry cough, go- ing off when turning on side: Nux v.6 lying on, relieves cough: Mang. partially relieves dry cough, with nervous excitability: Acon.7 lying on, pain in, or right side, agg. irritable cough: Phos. midsternum through to, cough with pain from: Kali b., Ru- mex.10 pain in, from coughing: Cocc., Bry., Kreos., Nitrum.10-12. 5 pain in, and chest, cough sounds as if whole inside of chest were dry, with a Merc.“ pain in chest, compelling him to lie on, with violent cough: A con. pain from midsternum through to, with cough (and raising of tough black mucus): Kali b.¹ - painful jerks in, and in ossa ischii, on sneezing or coughing: Nux v.6 pain between, or in region of scapulæ, worse from sneezing, gaping, coughing, or any jar: Calc.7 pain in small of back, with cough: Amm. c., Kali b., Merc., Nitr. ac., Sulph.-11. pressure, violent, from mid- sternum to, with sensation as of a stone pressing downward in pleural cavities, causing painful cough: Coral.6 shootings in, with cough: Merc., Puls.,¹¹ Sep." shoulders, pain between, dur- ing coughing: Stram. small of, pain in, with cough: Amm. c., Kali b., Merc., Nitr. ac., Sulph.-11. L ་ 9 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 1 BACK, small of, stitches in, on coughing: Acon., Amm. c., Arn., Bell., Bry., Caps.,10 Nitr. ac., Sep.,10 Sulph.6-5. small of, stitching pain, over left hip extending to, when coughing Sulph. 6 stiff, from coughing: Caps.,5 Rhus. stitches in, from coughing : Acon., Bry., Caps., Chin., Kali b., Merc., Nitr. ac., Puls., Sep.-5. stitch in anterior and upper part of chest, extending through to, only on sneezing and coughing, not in breathing: MERC. S.¹ stitches in small of, from cough- ing: Acon., Amm. c., Arn., Bell., Bry., Nitr. ac.-5. tickling under sternum, ex- tending to back, causes irritation to: Angust. BARKING, cough: Acon.,12 All. 10 1 c.,¹0 BELL., Brom.,Cimex, 16 Clem., Coc. c., Coral., Cub., Dros., Hal.,¹ HEPAR, Hipp., Lact.," Nitr. ac., Phos., Rumex, SPONG., Stann., STRAM., Sulph.—5. cough day and night: Spong.16 cough, amel. drinking cold water: Coc. c. cough, in evening: Nitr.ac. cough, in morning: Thuja. BATH, after, cough, agg.: Ant. cr., Calc., Nitr. ac., Rhus.-2. after, in morning or afternoon, agg. cough: Calc. sul. BED, compelled by the cough to spring up immediately and in- voluntarily Bry. : getting warm in. See Warm, becoming. after going to, coughing: Agu., Amm. c., Natr. m., Nitrum, Sil.¹-10. before and after going to, also at night, a violent cough inducing BED, before (Continued). vomiting, or a suffocative cough: Indig.6 before going to, at night, par- oxysmal cough: Coc. c. on going to, at midnight, not dur- ing day, loose cough: Sep. on going to, cough from mucus in throat: Iodf. in, convulsive cough, morning: Ferr. in, evening, cough: Agn., Amm. c., Coff., Kali c. in, evening, cough with sensa- tion in abdomen as if he would vomit and contraction in lower abdomen: Dros. in, evening dry cough: Alumn., Bals., Calc., Caps., Coca, Ferr., Mag. s., Puls.,10—1. in, dry cough, at night: Arg. n., Sulph. in, evening, agg. dry cough: SULPH. dry cough, during which he falls asleep: Mag. s.10 in, evening, asthma with cough; each cough produced a stitch in the scrobiculus: Amm. c.7 in, evening, exhausting cough: Still. in, evening, hacking cough : Bry., Lact., Nitr. ac., Rhus, SEP., Sulph. in, evening, short cough: Lyc., Sep. in, night, short cough: Arg. n. in, evening, agg. tickling cough: Lyc. 2 in, hollow cough, morning: Phos. lying in, excites, or agg. cough: Anac., Ant. t., Aralia,¹º Ars., Bry., Cact., Cham., Coc. c., Dolich., Dros., Euphr., Ferr., Hep., Ignat., Indig., Iodf., Kreos., Lach.,10 Lachnan., Mag. c., Mag. m., Meph.,2 Natr. m., Nux v., Puls., 10 COUGH SYMPTOMS. BED, lying in, (Continued). Rhus, Samb., Sep., Staph., Squil., Verb., Vit.-5. lying in, frequent hacking cough, evening when, with bitter taste in throat till he falls asleep, and in morning a similar cough and taste, lasting till he rises from bed: Rhus.¹ lying in, evening and on getting warm in, coughing: PULS." lying in, morning, early, violent cough with mucus expectoration: Bry.6 - lying in, morning, hollow cough: PHOS. See also Lying down. midnight, on going to, a cough : Sep. - morning, in, a convulsive cough: Ferr. morning, in, a hollow cough: Phos. night in, cough: Amm. m., Arg. n., Psor. night, in, dry cough: Arg. n. Sulph. night, in, short cough: Arg. n. rises from, frequent hacking cough, evening when in bed, with bitter taste in throat till he falls asleep, and in the morning similar cough and taste, lasting till he: Rhus.¹ 1 after rising from, cough: Bar., Carb. an., Ign., Natr. s., Phos., Plumb., Sep., Sul. ac., Thuja.-5. before rising from: Nux v.5 on rising from, cough: Bry., Carb. v., Cocc., Con., Lach., Natr. s., Phos., Sep., Tarent., Thuja. -5. on rising from, in morning, coughs up blood: Ferr. sit up in, must, and hold head with both hands on account of violent cough: Nicc.¹¹ 14 BED, sit up in, great oppression of chest, so that during cough and in order to expectorate, patient must; when she experiences great pain with constrictive sensation under the sternum: PHOS.¹ sitting up in, dry cough whenever he awakes from sleep, disappearing while, and return- ing as soon as lying down : Puls.10 sitting up in, evening, after rattling in chest: Con. turning in, excites or agg. cough: Ars., Kreos.5 warm, on becoming, in, excites or agg. cough: Ant. t., Brom., CAUST., Cham., Dros.,12 Led., Merc., Natr. mur., Nux mos., Nux vom., Puls., Verat.-5. warm on becoming, in, amel. cough: Cham.2 warm, on becoming, cough from, or after recovering natural warmth from a colder state: Caust.14 warm, on becoming, in, evening, cough with profuse tough expec- toration: Nux mos.2 BEER, drinking, agg. cough: Mez., Nux v.7, Rhus, Spong.-5. excited cough, relieved by warm drinks: Nux v. (E. W. B.)¹7 backwards, BENDING cough: Cupr." forwards, agg. cough: Dig." See Stooping. agg. BITING cough, worse in evening: Verat. BLADDER, pain in, from cough: Caps.12 10) pressure on, and spirting of urine from cough (Colch., Kreos.10 pain in abdomen, cough with stitches in sides of chest, sensa- tion of internal heat, and head- ache and dyspnoea: Squil,10 1 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 11 BLADDER, pressure on, with cough, and feeling as if urine could not escape, with pain in abdomen: Ipec.6 stitches in neck of, on coughing: Caps.5 BLOOD, determination of, to chest, excites cough: Aloe. cough, rush of, to chest, excites cough 11 A. M.: Raph. taste of, on waking, with tick- ling cough: Ham.' with taste of: Bell.,6 cough with Rhus.14 See also under Expectoration. BODY, shaking or shattering of the whole, by the cough: Anac., Ant. c., Bell., Hyos., Ipec., Led., Olean.,5 Nitr. ac., Puls., Rhus, Seneg., Stann.-12. ― bending back, excites cough: Cupr.2 bending forward, excites cough: Dig.2 moving, cough from: see under Movement. rigidity of the, and unconscious- ness, preceding the cough : Cina.10 stiff, before coughing the child raises herself suddenly, looks wildly about, the whole body be- comes stiff, she loses conscious- ness, just as if she would have an epileptic spasm, then follows the cough: Cina. BRANDY, agg. cough: Ferr.6 BREAD, eating, agg, cough: Kali c.² 2 eating black, agg. cough: Phos. ac. eating, or cakes, cause parox- ysmal cough: Nitrum. BREAKFAST, cough amel. after: Kali c. cough before: Murex, Seneg. BREAST, pain under left, from severe, dry cough, worse in morn- ing: Mosch. BREATH, arrested, feels as if it would be, from sensation of ob- struction about heart; attacks frequent, occur at night during, and excite dry cough, which is relieved by expectoration : Guaj.6 See also Asthmatic Affections with cough. deficient (short), with cough : Ars., Ferr., Ipec., Op.—5. – difficult, after cough: Ars., Phos." difficult, after desire to cough: Mosch.5 every, causes desire to cough : Ipec.5 7 gasping for, before attack of cough: Ant. t., Brom.,5 Bry.,6 Coc. c. See also short before cough. gasping for, immediately before the cough, quick spasmodic in- spirations as if child could not draw a full breath: Bry. holding, excites cough: Nitrum,5 Prun. sp. 1 interrupted (short, stoppage of, etc.), with cough: Acon., Alum.,11 Amm. c., Anac.," ANT. T., Arg. 11., 11 11 Arn., ARS., Baryt., Bell., Brom., Bry., Calad.," Calc., Carb. an., Carb. v.," Caust., CINA, Clem., Coce., Con., CUPR., Dolich.,¹¹ DROS., Euphr., Hepar,11 Iod., IPEC., Kali b., Kali chl.,6 Kreos., Lach.," Led.," Lyc., Merc., Mosch., Natr. m., Natr. s.,12 Nice.,12 Nitrum, Nux m., Nux V., OP., Phell.,12 Phos., Puls., 12 Rhus,6 Sep.,¹ Sil., Spig., Squil.,6 Spong., Verat.,12 Zinc,12 Zing.10-5. interrupted, with desire to cough, blue face, then falls into deep sleep with cold sweat: Opium.5 11 12 COUGH SYMPTOMS. BREATH offensive, stinking, with cough: Ambra, Arn., CAPS., Dros., Graph., Mag. s., Mez., Plumb., Sang.,16 Sep., Stann., Sulph.6-12. short, before cough: Ant. t.,7 Ars., Caust.,¹ Coc. c., Coral., Bry., Led., Lyc.-5. short, before cough, afterwards dizziness: Led.7 short, can scarcely breathe for coughing: Euphr., Sep. short, from painful, anxious, short cough, that wakes her be- fore midnight: Rhus.¹ short, from rapid turns of cough- ing: Dros.6 short, from single coughs of ringing sound, which follow each so quickly, worse after midnight: Dros.17 short, from titillating cough, worse at night: Zinc. suffocative, arrest of, and opis- thotonus, previous to cough : Led.10 taking deep, causes puffing cough: Naja. want of, causes cough: Aur.,' Coloc., Euphr., Guaj., Hepar.- 12. want of, and jerking of limbs with dry spasmodic cough: Cina.6 want of, sensation as of, with dull, dry cough: Ferr. acet." BREATHING, arrest of, from con- tinued dry hacking cough, with vomiting with pain from left side of abdomen to hypochondrium and pit of stomach: ALUM.6 agg. or excites cough: c., Asar., Bell., Coloc., Dulc., Graph., Hepar, Ipec., Mag. m., Natr. m., Nitrum, Sulph.-5. agg. by sensation of heaviness of chest, previous to cough. Iod." Am. BREATHING, deeply, agg. or ex- cites cough: Acon., Am. c., Arn., Bell., Bism., Brom., Bry., Carb. an., Chin., Cina, Con., Cupr., Dulc., Euphr., Graph., Hepar, Ipec., Kali c., Lyc., Mag. m., Meny., Mez., Mur. ac., Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Seneg., Sep., Sil., Squil., Stram. -5. deficient, being, agg. cough : Amm. c., Cocc., Dros., Euphr., Hepar, Ign., Ipec., Nux v.,Spig.- 5. short, agg. cough: Lyc." short, cough early in morning, with difficult expectoration and : Alum, 17 BRIGHT objects, looking at, ex- cites cough: Stram." BRONCHIA, heat and soreness, cough Eupat. perf.2 BRONCHI, bifurcation of, irri- tation to cough at: Carbn. s. scraping irritation at, ex- cites cough: Bry. clawing scraping at, ex- cites cough: Kali b. Kali b. tickling, provokes cough: tightness at, with cough: Kali b.2 burning in, cough from: Zing. clawing in smallest bronchi and trachea, provoking cough: Indig. drawing in upper, in evening excites cough: Eupion, Kreos. heat in, causes cough: Eth. hot water, trickling in, sensation of, with cough: Hepar.5 irritation in, excites cough: Arg., Carbn. s., Chlor., Cocc., Nitrum (r.), Trif. p. causes hacking cough : Trif. p. pain in, excites cough: Indg. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 13 1 BRONCHI, pain in, on coughing : Camph., Chin. rawness of, morning on cough- ing: Chin. s. scraping irritation in, causes dry cough: Arg. smarting in, causing coughing; worse at night: Tarent. stitches in, provokes coughing: Eth. tickling in, dry cough: Baryt. tickling in, excites coughing : Cop., Phos., Rhus,5 Tarent. BRONCHIAL, cough: Carbn. s., Phyt. clawing pain in lowest ramifica- tions, descending from trachea, exciting cough with expectora- tion of small balls of tenacious mucus: Indigo.6 tubes, cough from a contractive, titillating sensation in throat, from larynx to the lowest: Ipec.6 BRUISED, pain as if: See Ana- tomical Parts. BURNING, cough: Coc. c., u. 21 Urt. CACHECTIC cough: Nux v., Phos., Puls., Stann.-11. cough, dry, morning on rising, and evening on lying down ; sticking in right chest and flank ; washing chest with cold water re- lieves; wine agg. pains: Borax. CAKES, eating, or bread, causes paroxysmal cough: Nitrum. CARBON, as from vapor of, cough: Arn.5 CARDIAC-REGION, tearing, sensation in, with cough and expectoration of black blood: Elaps.14 CATARRH, dry, sensation as if a, had settled in the chest, which continually excites dry cough: Bell." CATARRH, during, irritation to cough: Ant. t. provokes cough, with inability to cough: Ant. t. with cough: Bell., Puls.-12. CATARRHAL cough: Acon., Arn., Ars., Arund.,' Bry., Cact., Calc., Caps., Carb. v., Caust., CHAM., Chin., Chin., Cina, Dros., Dulc., Euphr., Hyos., Igu., Iper., Kali b.,10 Lach., Lip.,¹ Lyc.,¹º MERC., NUX v., Phos., Ph. ac., PULS., RHUS, Sep., Sil., Sin. n.,¹ Spig., Squil., Stann., Staph., Sulph., Verat., Verh.—11. cough, chest, from deep in: Amm. c., Dros., Petrol., Phos., Selen. cough, chest, feels and sounds as if something were dry in: Merc sol. in middle of upper chest: Ol.j. cough, morning. Pen. CAUSTIC, sensation in fauces, provokes convulsive coughing at night: Coll. CELLARS, air of, agg. congh: Ant. t.. Sep., Stram.—2. CERVICAL glands, pain in, with cough: Natr. m.12 CHAGRIN and trouble, agg. cough: Phos. ac. CHEEKS, drawing in the, with chilliness and desire to cough, evening: Carbo v.6 CHEST, aching in, when cough- ing: Chin., Kali c., Mang., Raph.-I. – aching pain in, from short cough, after a walk: Stront.6 aching, dull in, after coughing: Mag. m.6 aching, paroxysmal, coughing: Mag. m. when affected by cold, causing cough : Phos. affected by cough: Kali c., Sep. 14 COUGH SYMPTOMS. CHEST, affected by cough in morning: Selen. anxiety in, from cough : Arundo. anterior upper part of, stitches in, extending through to back, on sneezing and coughing, not on breathing: MERC. S. axilla, stitches in upper part of chest, near, from cough, abating under pressure of hand, with purulent sanguinolent expecto- ration Dros.6 axilla, violent dry cough, with sneezing and tearing lancinating, pinching pain from nape of neck to right: Alum.6 bar, as with across, after pres- sure, causing cough: Vich. beaten, sensation as if, cough with Arn., Ferr., Verat., Zinc.12 blood, rush of to, causing cough at 11 A. M.: Raph. determination of to, causes dry cough: Aloe, Bell. and bronchi, pain in, with raw- ness in throat, when coughing: Spong. with blood, rush of, to, cough: Bell., Sabin.¹ 12 bruised, pain as if, in, caused by cough Arn., Ferr., Verat., Zinc. -12. bruised sensation in, on cough- ing: Sil. bubbles, sensation of, bursting internally, during dry cough: Sulph. burning in, with asthma and fatiguing cough: Carbo v.6 burning in, at every cough: Ant. c., Mag. m. burning in, excites cough: Am. c., Euphr.,12 Euph.,16 Led., Phos. ac.-1 burning in, excites dry cough: Caust. CHEST, burning in, as from some- thing hot internally, a dry cough day and night; amel. by eating and drinking: SPONG. burning in, causing irritation to cough: Coc. c. burning in, with Ambra,12 Am. c., Ant. cr., Carb. v., Caust., Cina, Ferr., Iod., Led., Mag. m., Mag. s., Phos., Ph. ac., SPONG., Zinc.6-5. cough: burning in, when coughing, with glowing-hot breath: Ant. C.6 -burning in, preceding the cough: Ph. ac.6 burning and stitches in, with dry cough: Iod." burning in, upper part, after the coughing: Ferr. acet.6 burst, pain as if, would, with cough: Bry., Merc., Zinc.-12. burst, incessant spasmodic cough which threatens to, (the cough seems to be from tickling in fauces, which in turn seems to be produced by a sensation of suffocation in the throat): LACT. burst, violent racking cough, as if chest and head would; worse at night: Merc." bursting sensation with cough: Bry.,12 Lact., Merc., Zinc.-5. catarrh, dry, sensation as if a, had settled in the, which con- tinually excites a dry cough: Bell,6 2 7 clavicle, pain extending from, through, on coughing: Apis. clavicle, left, stitches beneath, at every pulsation, agg. by cough, deep inspiration and emotion: Lye. cold and hollow, inside of, cough with expectoration of tenacious mucus; after expectorating has a sensation as if: Zinc. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 15 CHEST, congestion to, excites cough: Aloe,¹ Bell,12 — constriction across, convulsive cough from, at night: Ipec. constriction across, violent cough from: Ipec. constriction of, during cough- ing: Stram. constriction of, excites cough: Mosch., Samb., Stram.-2. constriction, hot of, causing cough: Carbo veg. constriction, hot of, causing short, dry cough: Carbo veg. constriction, spasmodic, from violent desire to cough, after eat- ing, and was attacked by retch- ing: Sulph." contraction of, from cough: Sepia. contraction of, irritation to cough comes so suddenly and so violently that he cannot take breath quick enough, and it pro- duces a spasmodic: Sepia. contraction of, at night, when coughing: Canth. contraction of, with cough: Amm. c., Ars., Dros., Lach.,¹2 Nitrum, Sulph.12—5. contraction, sensation of pain- ful, in, with short asthmatic cough, excited by irritation in larynx: Arn. contractive spasms of, aud cough, when walking: Ferr. acet.6 convulsions of, when cough- ing: Sepia. See also Spasms of. cramps in, exciting paroxysmal cough: Bell. crawling in, during cough: Colch. crawling in, causing irritation to cough: Cainca, Sep. CHEST, crawling or creeping in, excites cough: Kreos., Nux m., Rhus,2 Squil.2—1. crawling or creeping sensation from, to throat, especially during pregnancy, excites cough: Nux m. 14 crawling and scraping in, ex- cites dry cough: Con. creeping from, to throat, agg. cough Nux mos. cutting in, when coughing : Natr. m., Sulph. 6 cutting in, with cough: Mag. c., Mang., Natr. m., Nitrum, Sulph.-5. distention of, from cough: Tarent. drawing in, extending to neck, with cough Caps.³ drawing pressure in, on cough- ing: Dig. drawing through left, to back, on coughing: Crot. t., Merc. dry, feels and sounds as if whole inside of, were, with catarrhal congh and dull pain in chest and back: Merc.6 dryness in, causing cough: Lach.,12 Lauro., Merc., Puls.-1. dryness in, causing violent cough: Kali chlo. dull, aching pain, from short cough: Mag. m.6 emptiness in, after cough: Illi- cium, Kali c., Sep., Stann., Zine. -2. emptiness in, with cough: Sep., Sulph., Stann. 5 6 emptiness with hoarseness, and weakness in the, on beginning to sing, so that she was constantly obliged to stop and take a deep breath; at times a few expulsive coughs removed the hoarseness for a moment: STANN. 16 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 1 CHEST, excoriated, pain as if, after the cough: Arn., Carb. v., Lach., Lyc., Phos., Sep., Spong., Stann.,16 Staph., Zinc.¹6—1. excoriated, pain as if, with the cough: Ars., Calc., Carb. v., Caust., Lach., Mag. m., Mag. s., Merc., Natr. s., Nitr. ac., Nux m., Nux v., Phos., Sep., Sil., Spig., Spong., Stann., Sulph., Zinc.-16. expand, effort to, causes cough, but no pain: Iod." exviscerated, feels as if, after coughing: Stann. fatigue of, and pain low down in, with cough: Graph.¹ fly to pieces, as if would, when coughing: Ars., Bry., Caps., Lact., Merc., Zinc.—5. fly to pieces, as if head and, would, from violent racking cough, every other evening, when on point of going to sleep; cough is followed by violent stretching : Merc.c fullness of, causing cough, morning: Sulph. fullness in, with cough: Sabin.,5 Sep., Verat.-2. grasping at, in children, with cough: Iod.5 gurgling downwards in, audible, with cough: Cina,2 Mur. ac.7 hard, sensation as of something, falling down in, with cough : Baryt.7 heat in, causing cough: Carbo veg. heaviness, extending from, to throat, causing cough: Iod. heaviness of, from dry cough: SULPH. heaviness of, with cough: Am. c., Calad., Kali b., Nitrum, Zinc. -5. CHEST, heaviness, sensation of, previous to cough, which agg. breathing: Iod." See also Oppression, Weight of. heaviness, sensation of, in, with cough: Sep., Zinc.-2. hold, dry cough with soreness in chest, had to sit up and hold it with both hands: Natr. s.7 hold, on account of painful sneezing and coughing, must: Dros. hold, rough, scraping cough, causes soreness, must hold chest with both hands: Eupat. per." hollow feeling in, with cough : Kali c., Sep., Stann., Zinc.-2. hot water, sensation of, trickling in, with cough: Hepar.5 incisive pains in, with cough: Nitrum.16 12 irritation (undefined) in, excites or agg, cough: Arn., Bell., Bov., Carb. veg., Cham., Colch., Dros.,12 Euph., Graph., Guare., Mag. C., Merc., Mez., Mur. ac., Natr. c., Nux Nitrum, m., Petro., Phos.,12 Sep., Spong., Stann., Sul. ac., Thuja, Verat., Zinc.-5. itching in, excites cough: Am- bra., Ars., Coc. c.,² Con,, Iod., Phos., Puls., Sep., Stann.-2. itching, burning in, causes dry cough: Mag. m. 2 itching in, with cough: Ambr.," Mag. m. lancinating in, on coughing: Raph. left, pain in, with cough: Apis. left, tension in, causes hacking cough: Thuja. looseness of everything in, sen- sation of, with cough: Mez., Nitrum, Rhus.6 - lower, infiltration in, causing cough: Kreos. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 17 CHEST, low down, incessant cough from place, where it pains as if sore and bloody: SPONG. pain and fatigue, with cough: Graph. pain as if sore and bloody, with incessant cough: SPONG. tickling in, causes dry cough: Ph. ac. tickling in, just above pit of stomach, causes dry cough, worse in evening after lying down : PH. AC. See also Lungs. mammæ, beneath right, stitch on coughing: Sulph. mediastinum, posterior, sensa- tion of mucus in causing cough: Nitrum. middle, crawling from, up into throat, excites cough: Kreos. crawling in, excites dry cough: Kreos. pain in, after cough: Cina. stitches in forepart of, right side, when coughing and breath- ing, is waked by the pain; un- able to lie on side, has a cough, with expectoration: Sabad." tickling in, causes dry cough: Kreos. excites dry, tormenting cough, with audible palpitation of heart: Nitrum.14 to larynx, causes cough- ing: Ph. ac. 5 mucus, excites cough: Ant. t., Arg., Ars., Arum t,10 Asar., Baryt., Calc., Caust., Cham.,5 Cina, Euphr., Graph., Guare., Ipec., Natr. m., Puls.,5 Sepia, Stann., Sulph.—1. 5 5 2 mucus, accumulates in, with cough: Ant. t., Ipec.-5. mucus, sensation of, in poste- rior mediastinum, causing cough: Nitrum. CHEST, muscles of, lancinations in, agg. by cough, and deep respi- ration: All. s. muscles of, pain in, with cough: Hyos.12 muscles of, stitches in, with cough: Dros.6 oppression of, with cough: Am. c.,¹¹ Ars.,¹ Asar., Aspar.,16 Aur.,¹ Brom., Chin., Cocc., Con., DROS.,¹ Graph., Grat., Ind., Kali b.,6 Lach., Mur. ac., Natr. m., Nicc., Phos.,¹ Rhod., Rhus, Seneg., STANN.,¹ Tarent., Verat.-12. oppression of, after cough : Ars. 1 oppression of, before coughing: Ars.6 causes difficult cough: Cocc. dry cough, with: PHOS. oppression of, during cough, must sit up in bed: Aralia, Coc. c.-10. oppression of, during cough, so great that patient must sit up in bed (also to expectorate), when she experiences great pain, with constrictive sensation under ster- num: PHOS. oppression of, head and, with vertigo and cough: Brom." oppression, morning, during cough: Tarent. oppression of, occurs only when coughing, and also causes cough: Cocc. oppression of, and roughness of throat, with dry, exhausting cough, morning and evening: Rhod." oppression and soreness of, from dry cough, with dyspnoea, for weeks, followed by raising of dark gray mucus: Kali b.6 oppression of, rough, scraping dry sensation in fauces causing hacking cough, yellow mucus, 18 COUGH SYMPTOMS. CHEST, oppression of, (Contd.) expectoration and hoarseness, so that he can only speak, with great exertion, in a deep bass voice, together with oppression of chest as if air were withheld on talking or coughing, so that breath could not be expired: DROS. pain in, during cough: ACON., Ambr., Amm. m., Ant. c., Arn., Ars., BELL., Bor., Brom., BRY., Calc., Carbo an., CARBO v., CAUST., Chin., Cina, Con., Dig., Dros., Eup. per.,5 Ferr., Ferr. m, Gad.,¹ Iod., Kali b., Kali C., Kali hyd., Kreos., Lach., Lachnan.,5 Led., Lyc., Mag. m., Mang.,5 Merc., Mur. ac.,5 Natr. c., Natr. m., Natr. nit., Nitrum, Nitr. ac., Nux m., Nux v., Oxal. ac., Petrol., PHOS., Phos. ac., PULS., Ran. bulb., Rhus, Rumex,5 Sabad., Sang., Seneg., Sep., Sil., Spig., Spong., SQUIL., STAnn., Staph., SULPH., Verat., Zinc., Zing.5-11. 5 5 5 5 5 pain in, aching, on coughing: Chin., Kali c., Mang., Raph.,19 Stront.6 · pain in, aching, particularly when eating and coughing, less when drinking, the pain being of an aching and sticking charac- ter, extending from pit of stom- ach to throat pit and often to the back: Raph.19 pain in, acute, dry cough at night with, waking patient; little cough during the day: Kali c. pain, drawing, in side of, to neck, with cough: Caps. pain in, agg. dry cough: Bry., Brom., Chel., Stront. pain in back and, from cough, which sounds as if whole inside of chest were dry: Merc." CHEST, pain in, and oppressed breathing, with flow of saliva, cough; colic and papescent stools: Brom.6 pain in, and oppression of breathing, with hoarseness, pain in both eyes, cough and bron- chitis: Kali hyd.6 pain in bronchi and, with raw- ness in throat, on coughing: SPONG. pain in, causes cough: Dig., Iod., Ran. b.5-1. pain in, causes difficult cough: Dig. pain in, causes dry cough: Iod. pain in, with circumscribed red- ness of the cheeks; coryza and then diarrhoea: Sanguin.10 pain in, drawing and stitching, extending from left side, near nipple through to left scapula, agg. by coughing, sneezing, etc.: Rhus r.19 pain from abdomen to, on cough- ing: Coloc.20 pain in left side, with cough: Apis.5 pain low down in, incessant cough from a place where it feels as if sore and bloody from coughing with SPONG. pain in middle of, after cough: Cina. - pain in side, during cough: Apis (r.), Puls., Sulph. (r.), Tarent. pain in side of, agg. by cough: Lact., Stram. - pain and soreness in, dread of cough from: Phos. pain and soreness in, agg. by cough: Lact., Stann.,10 Stram. pain as if sore: see Sore, pain as if. pain in sternum, cough with stitches in chest, lumbar region, } 1 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 19 CHEST, pain (Continued.) hip, uterus, with tightness of chest and rattling of mucus in chest: Bell.10 pain, stitching: see Stitches. See also under Sternum. pain in throat and, with even- ing cough, passing off when quiet: Psor. pain, violent, in, with morning cough and green expectoration: Lyc.6 pressure in, causing deep, dry cough: Iod. pressure in, causing deep, dry cough, evening: Iod. 1 pressure in, during cough: Am. c., Bism., Bor., Canth., Chin., Iod., Nicc., Nitrum, Ph. ac., Sil., Squil., Stront., Sulph.6-5. pressure and anxiety in, worse sitting, frequent, violent dry cough with tearing pain in head, followed by violent pulsation of heart: Cupr. acet.6 pressure in, causing hacking cough: Opium. pressure in, when desiring to cough: Sil. pressure, painful, from within outward and painful contraction of abdominal muscles, at every cough: Squil. 6 pressure, as with bar across, causing cough: Vich. pressure on, relieves pain caused by cough: Arn.,10 Bor.,5 Bry.,6 Dros., Eup. per., Kreos., Merc., Natr. m.,10 Natr. sul., Phos., Ran. b., Sep.10-5. pressure and sticking in, causes rough cough: Iod. pricking in the, from night cough: Zinc.6 pulsation in, with cough: Manc.5 CHEST, qualmish feeling in, with cough and expectoration of bright red blood: Rhus.6 racked by dry cough: Seneg. racking of abdomen and occi- put and, by short turns of cough: Lact.6 rattling in, when coughing: Angust., Ant. t., Bell., Cact., Calc., Canst., Cham., Ipec., Lycop.,10 Op.-5. 6 rattling in, after coughing, in evening in bed: Con. rattling in, before the cough, disappears after: Squil. raw, pain as if, with cough: Carb. v.6 raw, throat and, from dry, spas- modic cough: Sil.6 rawness in, catarrhal cough: Berb., Graph. rawness in, with dry cough, caused by coldness felt while dressing: Borax.6 rawness, causing hawking and hacking cough: Clem. rawness, causing hacking cough: Osm. rawness in, evening, during cough: Calc. rawness in, morning, during cough: Thuja. rawness, night, during cough: Alum., Calc., Carb. v., Nitr. ac., Nux v. rawness in, right side of, during cough: Grat. rawness and soreness of, from congh: Gels." rawness in, worse from cough: Natr. carb. ribs, scratching beneath fourth and fifth and, right side, causing dry cough: Acon. rib, in front and at left lower false rib, acute pain, with cough, 20 COUGH SYMPTOMS. > J CHEST, rib, (Continued.) difficulty of breathing and fever: Kali chl.6 roughness in, with cough: Arn., Carb. v., Kali c., Lyc., Natr. c., Natr. m., Nux m., Sep., Sulph. -5. roughness and scraping in, excite cough: Grat., Nitrum, Kreos., Ph. ac., Puls.-12. roughness in, causing irrita- tion to cough: Carb. v. roughness in, agg. cough: Kreos. roughness in, on coughing and hawking: Calc. rumbling in, extending down- ward, after coughing: Mur. ac. scraping in, with cough: An- gust., Ruta, Staph.-5. scraping and crawling in, causes dry cough: Con. scraping in, causing cough: Kreos.,² Puls., Staph., Thuja. scraping in, from midnight cough, waking, and sensation as if he would vomit: Ruta.6 scraping in, and rattling of mu- cus from dry cough: Angust.10 scraping sensation in, preced- ing the cough: Staph.6 scraping tearing in, with cough: Kali c.6 scratching beneath right fourth and fifth rib, causing dry cough: Acon. scratching in, excites cough: Kreos., Puls.-2. shaking of, during cough: Lact., Mag. s., Rhus.5—1. shattering of, during cough: Mang., Rhus, Sulph. as from shock, when cough- ing: Lyc. shivering in, starting from tick- ling in, causing cough: Spig. shocks in, agg. cough: Nux v.5 CHEST, shocks, painful in side of, on coughing: Stann. shootings in, afternoon, during cough: Sulph. shootings in, evening, during cough: Ziz. side of, drawing pain in, extend- ing to neck, with cough: Caps. 6 side of, painful shocks in when coughing: Stann. side of, pain in during cough: Puls., Sulph. (r.), Tarent. (1.) side of, pain in, agg. by cough: Lact., Stram. side of, cough proceeds from small spot in right, with green expectoration; Carb. an.6 5 side of, stitches in, on coughing: Acon.,10 Arn. (1.), Ars., Aur. (1.), Bor. (r.),5 Bry.,10 Caps., Caust. (1.), Chel. (r.), Clem.,10 Coff., Con. (1.), Kali c., Lyc. (r.), MERC. (r.), Natr. s. (1.), Nitrum, Phos. (1.),5 Pals., Rhus (r.),6 Rumex (1.), Sabad. (r.), Sepia., Squil.,10 Sulph. (1.),5—1. 6 sides of, stitches in, agg. by cough: Arn., Sabad. (1.), Seneg. (1.) sides of, stitches in, with cough; pain in abdomen; sensa- tion of internal heat; dyspnea; headache; pressure on bladder and involuntary spirting of urine: Squil.10 sides, stitches in, with barking cough and burning pain in the sternum: Clem.10 and sides, stitches in, when breathing or coughing: Acon., Bry.¹ 10 and sides, stitches in, when breathing or coughing, with dyspnoea Squil.10 side, stitches in forepart of middle, when coughing and breathing, is waked by the pain; COUGH SYMPTOMS. 21 1 CHEST, side, (Continued.) is unable to lie on that side, has a cough with expectoration: Sabad." (r.) side, stitches in, from frequent loose cough, attended by short- ness of breathing, when cough- ing while standing: Natr. s.6 side, stitches in on coughing or sneezing: MERC. (r.) smarting in, from cough: Ars., Caust., Dig.,16 Lyc., Phos.,16 Sepia. -1. smoke, sensation as if, had been inhaled causing cough: Natr. ars. something in, causes dry or acrid cough: Benz. ac. sore from rough, scraping cough; must hold chest with both hands: Eup. per." sore, pain as if, in the, where the expectoration is detached, nightly cough: Lyc.6 sore spot deep in, cough as from: Spong.6 sore, trachea and, after every cough, from irritation low in trachea: STANN. 11 soreness in, from cough: Acon.,6 Alum., Arn., Ars.,6 Baryt., Bell., Calc.,¹ Carb. s.,¹ CARB. V., 11 Caust., Cina, Cocc.,¹ Cocc.,1 Colch Colch., Dig.,11 DROS., Eugen.,' Eup. per., Ferr., Gamb.,¹ Gels., Guare.,¹ Hepar., Ipec., Kali b., Kreos., Lach., Lyc., Mag. c.,¹¹ Mag. m.,Meph.,Merc.,¹¹ Mez.,¹ Mur. ac., Natr. c., Natr. m.,¹¹ Natr. s., Nitr. ac., Nitrum,11 Nux m., Nux v.,¹ Ol. j.,¹ Phos., Ratan., Rumex, Khus," Seneg., Sep., Sil., Spig., Spong., STANN.,11 Staph., Stront.," Sulph., Thuja.¹ -5. 11 11 soreness iu, agg. by cough: Chlor., Thuja. soreness in anterior part of, from cough: Phos. CHEST, soreness in, with dry — cough and roughness in throat; had to sit up and hold chest with both hands: Natr. s.10 soreness in, with dry trouble- some cough, that woke her: PHOS. soreness in, forenoon, on cough- ing: Alumn., Hydras. soreness in lower, on coughing: SPONG. soreness in, morning, on cough- ing: Thuja. soreness and oppression of, from dry cough with dyspnoea, for weeks, followed by raising of dark gray mucus: Kali b.6 soreness and pain in, with dread of the cough: Phos. soreness and rawness in, from cough: Gels. soreness in trachea and, from scraping cough excited by irrita- tion low in trachea, greenish ex- pectoration of an offensive sweet- ish taste; worse in evening be- fore lying down, with hoarse voice: STANN. soreness in, with violent cough before rising in the morning, with expectoration of clotted blood: NUX V. spasms of, excite cough: Samb. spasms of, with cough: Amm. c., Ars., Chlor.," Cina, Cupr., Lach., Mosch., Sulph.-5. 11 11 spasms, contractive, of, and cough, when walking: Ferr. acet.6 spasm of, and dyspnoea follow- ing every desire to cough: Mosch.14 spasmodic contraction of, from short asthmatic cough, excited by irritation in larnyx: Amm.c.7 spasmodic contraction of, from violent desire to cough, after eat- 22 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 1 CHEST, spasmodic (Continued.) ing, and was attacked by retch- ing: Sulph.6 sprained sensation in, on cough- ing: Acon. spot, small, in right side, cough proceeds from a, with greenish expectoration: Carb. an.6 sternum, above, tickling, ex- cites convulsive cough, evening: Verat. v. - aching behind, on sitting bent forward, morning, causing short cough: Rhus. aching in middle of, when coughing: Nitrum. aching in upper part, with catarrh and cough: Ferr. acet.6 burning pain in the, and stitches in sides of lungs, with hacking cough: Clem.10 burning in upper part, after cough: Ferr. acet.6 constrictive sensation un- der, during cough great oppres- sion of chest, so that patient must sit up in bed, and in order to ex- pectorate, when she experiences great pain with: PHOS. excoriation, pain as from, in upper part, on coughing: Hydras. fly to pieces, feels as if it would, from violent cough, feels sore when talking, laughing or yawning: Mur. ac.6 hand presses on, during cough: Bry.17 irritation in mid-, excites dry incessant cough: Mang." irritation and tickling be- hind, after siesta, cough from : Rhus. irritation in upper part caus- ing cough: Natr. ars., Cham., Plat.,14 Rhus. irritation under, when coughing: Arg. n.7 CHEST, sternum, itching under middle of, excites cough: Nux v. pain behind, when coughing: Staph. pain behind, going into side, on coughing: Osm. pain from mid-sternum through to back with cough (raises tough black mucus) : Kali b. presses hand on, during cough: Bry.17 pressure, as if it would be pressed out; worse from pressure, or stooping or coughing: Ph. ac.6 pressure in middle of lower portion of, excites cough: Cimex. pressure from, to back, sen- sation as of a stone pressing down in pleural cavities, causing painful cough, with: Coral. 6 rawness behind, cough from : Nitrum. rawness, scraping behind, cough from: Kreos. scraping at lower part of, and stitches in right frontal emi- nence: Mez.6 scraping, rawness behind, cough from: Kreos. scratching, rough cough, the breast immediately under: Cann. ind. soreness, behind upper part of, on coughing: Chel. stifling sensation beneath upper fourth of, hysterical cough from a Plat." stitching pain from behind, short dry cough, with deep: Berb. tearing, extending from mid- dle of, to throat, on coughing: Psor. tickling behind, extending to back, with irritation to cough ; Angust. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 23 CHEST, sternum, tickling be- hind upper half of, when sitting bent forward, 11 A. M., dry cough: Rhus. tickling behind upper, causes short, 11 P. M.: Rhus. tickling and irritation be- hind upper half of, short cough from severe, followed by a feel- ing of discouragement and ap- prehension: Ríus. tickling irritation to cough under manubrium of: Cina. tickling under, causes cough: Zinc, Thuja. tickling under lower part of, causing cough: Verat. tickling under middle of, causing cough: Ang., Con., Thuja. tickling under upper part of, causing cough: Rhus, Rhus r.,14 Rumex. tickling under upper part of, causing distressing cough: Ir. v. tickling sensation sensation under upper half of, exciting short, dry cough, with dull aching in left mammary region, when sit- ting inclined forward, at 11 A. M.: Rhus. torn loose, sensation as if something had been, under mid- sternum, cough with transparent expectoration: Phos.6 torn off, soreness in upper part under, from morning cough; after expectoration this part con- tinues to feel sore and burning, as if something had been: Cina.6 sticking in, causes dry cough: Iod. sticking in right, and flank; washing chest with cold water relieves the pains, wine agg.; with dry cachectic cough morn- ing on rising and evening on lying down: Borax. CHEST, sticking and pressure in, causing rough cough: Iod. sticking in right, with evening cough, and on deep inspiration: BORAX. 11 11 6 stitches in, on coughing: ACON., Amm. c., Amm. m., Ant. cr.,6 Ant. ox.,¹ Arn., Ars., BELL., Bor., BRY., Cact., Calc., Cann., Caps., Carb. an.,¹¹ Carb. v., Chel., Coff., Con., Cupr., Dros., Dulc., Ferr., Iod., Kali b., Kali c., Kreos., Lyc.,11 Mez., Natr. m., Natr. s., Nitr. ac.,11 Nitrum, Nux m., Nux v., Phos., Petro., Psor., Puls., Rhus, Rumex, Ruta, Sabad., Seneg., Sep., Sil.,¹ SQUIL., Stront., Sulph., Verat., Zinc.-5. stitches in anterior part of, through to back, on coughing: Merc. sol. stitches in, excite cough: Acon., Bry., Nux v.-5. stitches, beneath left clavicle, at every pulsation agg. by cough- ing: Lyc. stitches beneath right mammæ on coughing: Sulph. stitches and burning in, with dry cough: Iod." stitches in, when breathing, also, with cough and headache: Ant. cr.6 stitches in, with dyspnoea, burn- ing and pressure: Iod. stitches in forepart of middle of, right side, when coughing and breathing, is waked by the pain; is unable to lie on side, has a cough with expectoration: Sa- bad. stitches in left side of, from frequent loose cough, attended by shortness of breathing, when coughing while standing: Natr.s.6 stitches in left lower, with cough: Phos.5 24 COUGH SYMPTOMS. · CHEST, stitches in left upper, with cough: Sulph.5 stitches in, in lumbar region, hip, uterus; pain in sternum, with tightness of chest and rattling of mucus in chest: Bell.10 stitches in, morning, on cough- ing: Squil. stitches in, from racking cough, at night, with frequent arrest of breathing; sore throat and fever: Nitr. ac.6 stitches in right side, cough with difficult respiration, and constantly increasing in evening with great chilliness and trem- bling of the limbs, compelling him to go to bed; pains worse on stooping, on motion and lying on side; amel. by rest: Lyc. stitches in right lower, with cough: Chel., Kali c., Lyc.-5. stitches in right upper, with cough: Borax.5 stitches shooting, to right side, after cough: Mez. stitches in Sides: see under Sides. stitches in spots, during cough: -Lyċ. straining the, morning cough, with expectoration of mucus and blood: Selen.7 stuffed sensation in, causes dry cough: Guai. support, see Chest, Hold. tearing in, during cough: Aeth., Eupion, Kali c., Pau. p. tearing sensation beneath 4th and 5th ribs, causes dry cough : Natr. ars. tension in, causes cough: Ars. tension in, causes hacking cough: Thuja. (1.) tension in,during cough: Guare. tickling in, excites cough: Bor.,¹ Bov.,12 Con., Euph., Graph.,10 CHEST, tickling in, (Continued.) 1 Ign., Iod.,12 Kali b., Lach.,¹ Merc., Mur. ac., Natr. m., Nitrum,¹ Nux v., 10 Phos., Ph. ac., Rhus, Sep., Stann.,12 Squil.,12 Sulph., Sul. ac., Verat., Verb., Zinc.-2. tickling in, causes dry cough: Mur. ac. tickling in, as from feather, causes cough: Ph. ac. tickling in, on entering room from cold air,excites cough: Bov.,¹ Bry., Coc. c., Natr. c., Verat.-10. tickling contracting in, causing irritation to cough: Alco. tickling low down in, just above pit of stomach, cough is worse evenings after lying down: PH. AC. tickling in præcordial region, causes dry cough: Bar. tightness, a feeling of, excites cough: Lact.6 tightness of, cough with stitches in chest, lumbar region, hip, uterus; pain in the sternum, with rattling of mucus in chest and: Bell.10 tightness of, relieved by cough- ing: Con.10 tingling in, excites cough: Squil.10 after cough: Acon. tremble, head and, from the cough: Rhus.¹7 torn loose, sensation as if some- thing had been, under mid-ster- num, cough with transparent expectoration: Phos.6 torn off, soreness in upper part of, under sternum, from morning cough, after expectoration this part continues to feel sore and burning as if something had been: Cina.6 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 25 CHEST, torn open, pain in, as if it would be, on coughing, with badly tasting expectoration, early in morning: Natr. m.6. torn out, feels as if something would be, from the cough: Rhus.5 ulcerated sensation in, from cough: Mag. m., Ratan., Staph.16 -1. upper part, irritation in, ex- cites catarrhal cough: Ol. j. irritation in, excites cough: Carb. v. mucus in, causes cough: Plumb. - pain in, causes cough: Cham. scraping in, causes cough: Ruta. soreness under sternumn, from morning cough; after ex- pectoration this part continues to feel sore and burn as if something had been torn off: Cina.6 stitches in, on coughing: MERC. stitches in, near axilla, abating under pressure of hand, with purulent sanguinolent ex- pectoration: Merc. suffocative feeling in, with stiffness of throat and cough: Esc. h.14 tickling in, causing cough: Merc., Polyg. titillation in, causing fatigu- ing dry cough, especially when talking, and scarcely permitting one to speak: Merc. weak feeling, with cough: Psor., Sep.,16 Stann.-5. weakness and fatigue of, from cough: Graph., Nitr. ac., Stann.-1. weakness of, seems to cause short cough, with hoarse, weak sound: STANN. CHEST, weakness, emptiness and hoarseness in the, on beginning to sing, so that she was constantly obliged to stop and take a deep breath; at times a few expulsive coughs removed the hoarseness for a moment: STANN. weakness in the, mucus in the trachea, forenoon, easily expelled by a forcible cough, with great, as if eviscerated and with weak- ness in body and limbs: STANN. weakness of, before and during menses, from dry cough: Graph. weight, feeling of, from throat to, preceding the raising of mucus, cough with: Iod.6 see also: Oppression of. CHICKEN POX, cough follow- ing the: Ant. cr. CHILL, aggr. or excited by cough: Ars., Bry., Calc., Carb. v., Con., Cupr., Hyos., Mez., Nux v., Phos., PULS., Rhus, Sabad., Sep., Sulph., Verat.—3. accompanied by cough: Acon., Ars., Bor., Bry., Calc., Cham., China, Con., Hepar, Hyos., Ipec., Kali c., Kreos., Lach., Lyc., Nux m., Nux v., PHOS., Puls., RHUS, SABAD., Sep., Spong., Sulph., Thuja.-3. accompanied by cough, with expectoration: Ars., Bry., CALC., China, Kali c., Kreos., Lyc., Phos., Ph. ac., Puls., Sep., Sil., Sulph., Thuja.—3. accompanied by cough, without expectoration: Acon., Ars., Bell., Bry., Carb. v., Cham., Cimex, China, Hepar, Hyos., Ipec., Kali c., Lach., Nux m., Nux v., Phos. Puls., Rhus, Sabad., Sep., Spong., Sulph.-3. before and continuing after, a dry teasing cough: Rhus (Dun- ham). 3 26 COUGH SYMPTOMS. } CHILL, deep dry cough before the: Samb. difficult cough during: China. during a hacking cough: Calc. ph. excites cough: Cham., Hepar, Natr. c., Nux m., Sep.-16. cough night before the: Eup. per.7 CHILLINESS and hoarseness after coughing: Cupr.6 with cough: Calc., Carb. v., Con., Natr. c., Phos., Puls., Sulph.—5. CHOANÆ, sensation as if acrid liquid flowed from, to pharynx, causing tickling cough, at night: Kali b. CHOKING cough: Ars., Cina, Dros., Hepar,5 Ipec., Kali b.,5 Lach., Merc.,5 Natr. m., Sep., Spong.-1. croupish cough, rattling and: Hepar.7 croupy cough, at night (in fat children): Ipec.7 during eructations, causing cough: Plat. cough in evening: Cina. on inspiration: CINA. larynx, from dryness in, 5 A. M.: Kali c. midnight, about: Ruta. morning, after rising: CINA. rattling cough, seems as if pa- tient would choke, watery eyes, worse toward morning or after eating: Hepar.14 CHURCH, air of, see Cellars. CHINA, cough following abuse of: Arn., Ferr. CIRCULATION, increased or agg. by cough: Acon., Apis, Arn., ARS., BELL., Bry., CALC., Carb. v., China, Ipec., Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Nux v., PHOS., Rhus, Sabad., Secale, Spong., Squil., Sulph.—3 CLEANING the teeth provokes a violent cough, followed by vom- iting of slimy fluid: Coc. c. CLEAR, barking cough, amel. by drinking cold water: Coc. c. CLOTHING, tight, agg. cough: Stann.2 COAL gas, cough from: Arn.2 COFFEE, agg. cough: Caps., Caust., Cham., Cocc., Ign., Nux v., Sul. ас. 12_5. smell of, agg. cough: Sul. ac.5 COITION, cough after: Tarent. COLD, cough after: Acon., Benz. ac., Guare., Lycopers., Ment. pi., Petro. air, excites or agg. cough: Acon., Ars., Aur., Bar., Bry., Bov.," Carb. an., Carb. veg., Caust., Cepa, Cham., Cina, Cist., Cupr., Hepar, Hyos., Ipec., Kali c., Kali hydrg.,10 Lach., Mez., Nux m., Nux v., Phos., Ph. ac., Rhus, Rumex, Samb., Sep., Sil., Spong., Stram., Sulph.-2. air, amel. cough: Coc. c. icy, air, seems to stream through air-passages on deep inspiration, with desire to cough: Coral. r. air, persistent coughing after walking in, also when lying down, excited by deep inspira- tion, accompanied by colic, as if umbilicus would be torn out, heat in face, and sweat on forehead: Ipec.6 damp air, agg. cough: Ant. t., Calc., Carb. an., Carb. v., Chin., Dulc., Lach., Mag. c., Mosch., Mur. ac., Nitr. ac., Sulph., Sul. ac., Verat., Zinc.-2. dry air, agg. cough: Acon., Cham.,2 Samb.,2 Brom., Phosph., Hepar, Nux m., Spong.-10. inspiring air, agg. cough: Cepa, Cist., Cupr., Rumex,2 Staph.,2 Vit.-5. 1 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 27 COLD, inspiring air, causes hack- ing cough CEPA,¹ Phosph.10 See also Inspiration and Expira- tion. on becoming, agg. of cough: Arn., Ars., Carb. v., Caust., He- par, Kali c., Mosch., Mur. ac., Nux v., Rhus, Sabad., Spong., Staph.,5 Sulph.,5 Sul. ac.5—2. drinks, fluids, cough from: Amm. m., Calc., Carb. v., Dig., Hepar, Kali c.,12 Lyc., Rhus, Sil., Squil., Spong., Staph., Stram.,2 Sul. ac., Verat.-5. drinks, amel. cough: Caust., Coc. c., Cupr., Op., Sulph. amel. intermittent cough, 6 A. M., awaking patient; cough at first barking, clear and dry, after- wards looser, with expectoration of some tenacious mucus, the hawking of which produced vom- iting, sore throat and frontal headache; relieved by cold water and agg. by a cup of warm milk: Coc. c. on getting the feet, cough: Bar., Sil.-2. 10 food, agg. cough: Amm. m., Carb. v., Hepar, Lyc., Mag. c., Rhus, Sil., Verat.-2. cough, as from, caused by dry glottis: Hura. single part becoming cold, cough from: Hepar, Rhus, Sil.-2. going from warm place to a, ex- cites cough: Acon., Carb. v., Natr. c.,10 Nux v.,10 Phos., Sep.--5. cough from, on rising in morning: Carb. v. cough following cold from stand- ing in water: Nux m.5 cough from taking: Bry., Cham., Chin., Dros., Hyos., Ipec., Lobel., Natr. c.,12 Nux m.,12 12 Nux m.,12 Nux v., Op.,¹2 Rhus, Sep., Sil.-2. COLD, walking in air, agg. cough: Ars., Ipec., Phos.¹º—1. warm room, going from, to cold air, or vice versa, causes coughing: Sepia, Nux v., 10 Natr. c. 10 on entering warm room from cold air, feels sensation in trachea as if full of smoke, which excites cough; feels as if he could not inhale sufficient air: Bry.6 COLIC, cough with: Con. COMPANY, cough excited by: Ambr., Bar. CONCUSSIVE cough: Anac., Ant. cr., Ars., Bell., CARB. V., Caust., Chin., Coc. c.,2 Con., Cupr., Graph., Hyos., IGN., Ipec., Kali c., Lach., Lact., Led., Lyc., MERC., Nitr. ac., Nux v., Olean., Phos., PULS., Rhus, Seneg., Sep.,' Sil., Stann., Sulph.-11. CONSCIOUSNESS, loss of, with cough: Cina.5 CONSOLING words agg. cough: Ars.5 CONSTANT cough: Arg. c., Bry., Cupr., Elaps, Euph., Hyos., Kalm., Kali chl., Kali iod, Kali hyperman., Kreos., Lact., Natr. ph., Nitrum., Ph. ac., Plan., Puls., Rhus, SPONG., Zinc.¹ evening: Acon. lying down, amel. sitting up: Hyos. after, in evening: PULS. morning: Cupr. s. night, waking: SEPIA. from tickling in throat: Inu. inclination to cough, to cough, almost preventing speaking: Cimic. (C. C. Smith.) CONSTIPATION, with cough: Bry., Natr. c.,5 Podo., Sepia.— 12. CONTINUED coughing, agg. cough: IGN., Marum, Squil. 28 COUGH SYMPTOMS. CONTINUOUS cough: Acon., Bell., Cub., Cina, Cupr., Dros., Hyos., Ipec., Merc., Mez., Rumex, Sang., Squil.-5. dry cough for years: Lyc.5 cough, while lying: Hyos.,5 Puls.6 paroxysmal cough: Cupr.5 severe cough, with circumscribed redness of cheeks: Sang.5 short, dry, suffocative cough : A con.5 tickling, harassing cough: Squil.5 violent cough: Ipec. till relieved by vomiting: Mez. CONVULSIONS (spasms, etc.,) with cough: Cham., Cina, Croc., Cupr.,5 Dros., Hyos., Led.,5 Meph.,5 Verat.-16. CONVULSIVE, cough: Agar., AMBRA, Amm. caust., Arg. c., Ars., Arum tri., Asc. t., Bell., Bov., Cact., Carb. v., Chel., Chlo., Der., Hyos., Ipec., Kali c., Lact., Meli., Merc. c., Ena., Osm., Ped., Petro., Phos., Plumb., Rumex, SEP., Sil., Stram., Stry., Tabac., Thuja. chest, from constriction across: Ipec. crawling and tickling in middle of: Kreos. evening: Calc., Carb. v., Natr. ars., Tarent. •» evening, from tickling sen- sation: Still. high in pharynx, 10.30 P. M., in bed: Carbn. s. from tickling above ster- num: Verat. v. fauces, from caustic sensa- tion in Coll. tickling in: LACT. forenoon: Agar., Lact. hands, from putting, out of bed, at night: Rhus. CONVULSIVE cough, larynx, from irritation in, night, on waking: Thuja. itching tickling in, night: Calc. f. tickling in: Bad., Vin. morning: Natr. ars., Thuja. in bed Ferr. and evening agg.: Stram. on waking: Thuja. night: Agar., Mag. c., Sulph. in bed: Tarent. from irritation in larynx, on waking: Thuja. itching tickling in larynx Calc. f. pharynx, from tickling high- in, evening, 10.30 P. M., in bed: Carbn. s. smoking, agg.: Lac. ac. amel. Tarent. summer, heat of, amel.: Ars. from swallowing liquids: Sul. ac. sternum, from tickling above, in evening: Verat. v. talking, from: Dig. throat, from a sensation of filling up of: Apis. irritation of by hot eruc- tations: Lac, ac. tickling in: Merc. c. tickling, from a, sensation, evening: Still. on waking, morning: Thuja. violent cough, accompanied by eructations and hoarseness: Ambr. CORYZA with cough: Acon.,Alum., Ambr., Ars., Bar., Bell., Calc., Canth, Carb. an., Caust., Cepa,5 Cimex, Con., Dig., Euphr., Gels.,5 Graph., Ign., Kali c., Kali chl., Lach., Lyc., Mag. c., Meph., Merc., Natr. c., Nitrum, Nitr. ac., Phos., Ph. ac., Rhus, Rumex, Sang., Sep., Spong., Sulph., Sul. ac., Thuja.-12. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 29 A CORYZA, catarrh provokes cough, but she has no power to cough: Ant. t.7 - during dry cough: Bell.,10 Graph.,10 Natr. m., Selen. in sleep: Sep. increases as cough diminishes: Mag. s.6 irritation to cough: Sep. CRAWLING, cough from sensa- tion of: Caust. - in windpipe, near suprasternal fossa, before midnight, causes paroxysmal cough: Apis. or creeping. See also under Chest, Larynx, Throat, etc. CREPITANT cough: Aloe. CROAKING cough: Acon, Ant. t., Lach.,16 Ruta, Spong.-5. cough during the day: Nitr. ac. CROSS and angry, child gets, before 1 the paroxysm of cough: Asar. CROUPY cough: Acon., Ant. t., Bell.,¹ Brom., Cham., Hepar, IOD., Kali b., Lach., Phos., Rumex,10 Spong., STRAM.¹—5. choking at night (especially in fat children): Ipec.' cough in evening: Cinnab. on expiration: Acon.10 hoarse cough: Ant. t., Bell., Brom., Hepar,10 Lach.—5. cough at night: Carb. ac.,¹Ipec.7 CROWING cough: Acon., Chin. Cina., Dros., Hepar, Ruta, SAMB., Spong.-11. inspirations with cough: Coral. CRY, sudden loud, and yawning, fol- lowing paroxysms of dry cough : Op.6 CRYING (weeping, etc.), agg. or 1 excites cough: Aut. t., Arn., Bell., Cham., Dros., Guare., Hepar, Lyc., Phos., Verat.-2. after the paroxysm of cough: Arn., Bell., Caps., Cina,2 He- par.11 2 5 7 CRYING before the paroxysm of cough: Arn., Bell.2 during the paroxysm of cough: 8 Ant. t., Arn., Ars.,2 Bell., Cham., Chin., Cina, HEPAR, Ipec., Lyc., Sep., Sil., Samb., Verat.-2. fits of, with restlessness, at night, with cough: Sulph.8 and whimpering after the parox- ysm of cough, especially when touched: Cina.2 DAMP cold air, agg. cough: Ant. t., Calc., Carb. an., Carb. veg., Chin., Dulc., Lach., Mag. c., Mosch.,Mur. ac., Nitr. ac., Sulph., Sul. ac., Verat., Zinc.-2. DAY, cough during: Alum.,AMM. C., Amm. m.,Anac.,¹ Ang., Arg.,Bar., Bell., Bism., Bov., Bry., Calc., Cham., Chin.,¹ Cic.,³ Coloc.,¹ Con., Cotyl., EUPHR., Ferr., Gam.,¹ Graph., Guai.,5 Kali c., LACH., Laur., Lyc., Manc.,¹ Mez., Mur. ac., Natr. ars., Natr. c., Nitr. ac., Nitrum, Nux v., PHOS., Rhus, Sars., Sep., Sol. t. æ., Stann., Staph., Sulph., Thuja, Zinc.- 11. 2 5 5 1 5 cough amel, in: Lach., Euph.,7 Merc.-5. 5 and night, cough during: Bell., Bism., Calc., Carb. an., Cham.,5 Chinin., Cupr.,5 Dulc., Euph., Hepar, Ign., Ind.,16 Lyc., Mez.,5 Mur. ac., Natr. c., Natr. m., Ni- trum, Nitr. ac.,12 Phos., Rhus,5 Sep., Sil., SPONG., Stann., Sulph., Zinc.-11. and night, cough which makes boy quite breathless: Natr. m.6 distressing cough, during: Lyc. dry cough during: Alum., Co- loc., Cotyl., Gam., Natr. m., Phos., Sep., Sol. t. æ., SPONG., Sulph. dry cough, and night: Bell., Euph., Ign., Lyc., Spong. 30 COUGH SYMPTOMS. DAY, every other, violent cough: Nux v. every third, cough: Anac., Lyc.-2. exhausting cough: Lyc. during the: hacking cough during Gamb., Natr. m., Sum. hour, cough at the same, every: Lyc., Sabad.-5. irritation to cough during day: Agar. from midnight to daybreak, dry cough: Nux v. only during the, cough: Arg.,¹ Euphr.,¹ Lach.10 paroxysmal congh during: Nitr. ac. periodic cough in the: Anac. rattling cough in, and in room, not at night or in air: Arg. short cough during: Arg., Co- tyl., Kali br., Natr. c., Phos. sudden cough during: Coloc. suffocative cough during: Anac. 2 and 4 A. M.: Chin. 5 A. M., from dryness in larnyx: Kali c. tickling cough during: Coloc., Lyc. tight cough during: Natr. ars. See also under Morning, Noon, Evening, Forenoon, etc. DAYBREAK, dry cough from midnight to: Nux v. DEBAUCH, cough after a: Stram.² DEBILITY, with the cough: Ars., Chin., Ferr., Lach., Op., Psor., Stann., Verat.-5. See Exhaustion, also. DEEP cough: Ail., All. sat, Am- 11 bra, Amm. br., Amm. c.,5 Ang.,5 Ant. cr.,5 Ars,5 Carb. v.,10 Dig.,5 Dios, Dros.,5 Eugen., Hepar,¹ Iod., Kali iod., Lach.,¹¹ Lycopers., Mag. m., Mang., Petro.,5 Phos., Sabad., Samb.,5 Sil., Spong.,5 STANN., Still., Verat., Verb.—1. DEEP cough, afternoon and even- ing, from tickling below tonsils : Amm. br. agg., evening: Eugen. amel., noon and lying down: Indigo, MANG., Sep., Squil.— 10. Iod. chest, from pressure on: evening: VERAT. and afternoon, tickling below tonsils: Amm. br. inspiration, on: Hepar. midnight, after: Ars. morning: Dios. early, from trachea, with expectoration of yellow mucus: Angust. tickling low in the throat, 6.30 A. M.: Dios. noon, toward: Sil. 16 DEEP-SEATED cough: Guare. DEEP-SOUNDING cough: Aloe, Mang,,10 Stann 10 DEGLUTITION, every empty, 14 Op.le excites cough: Natr. m.,' DENTITION, cough during : Calc., Cham., Cina, Hyos., Rhus.-5. ! tardy and often attended by con- vulsions and a loose rattling cough: Calc.22 DESIRE to cough: Op., Mosch., Sulph. See Irritation to cough. DIAPHRAGM and stomach affect- ed by night cough, most before sunset: LYC. 5 5 DIARRHEA, cough accompany- ing: Op., Puls., Rumex,5 Sang.,7 Sars.,5 Sul. ac.2 22 involuntary, with cough: Phos.,5 Veratr 10 cough with coryza, then: Sang.6 cough with belching of wind and : Ambr.,10 Sul. ac.,22 Veratr.10 cough worse at night, with : Puls., Sang.-7. ་ doy! COUGH SYMPTOMS. 31 DIARRHEA, with violent dry cough, excited by tickling in larnyx, often almost continuous; worse at night, when walking, when inhaling cool air, when talking, from pressing on larnyx or trachea, when lying on left side: Rumex.22 DIFFICULT cough: Ant. t., Coce., Dig., Kali br. during chill: Chin. 10 from oppression of chest: Cocc. from pain in chest: Dig. DINNER after, cough: Agar., Anac., Arg. n., Bry.,10 Carb. v.,¹ Coc. c.,5 Ferr. ac.,5 Kali b., Nux v.,10 Phos., Sulph., Tabac., Tax., Thuja, Zinc.10 dry cough: Aeth., Agar. when sitting, disturbs the nap: Agar., Lach.10 hacking cough: Agar., HE- PAR. when sleeping, cough: Puls.,10 Staph.5 cough from tobacco-smoke. Acon., Bry., Cocc., Dros., Lach., Petro.-10. violent cough: Mur. ac. DISCOURAGEMENT and ap- prehension following short cough, caused by severe tickling and irritation behind upper sternum : RHUS. DISTRESSING cough: Asp., Lyc., Meli., Sep. agg., going from cold air to warm room, or vice versa: Nux v., Phos.,10 Sepia. agg. morning and evening, on going to sleep: Agn., Brom., Lach., Lyc., Nitr. ac.-10. during day: Lyc. from tickling under top of sternum: Iris v., Squil.10 DRAUGHT of air, agg. cough: Acon., Caust., Chin.-2. DREAD of cough from pain and soreness in chest: Phos. although it relieves: Mag. m.6 DREAMS, of having a dry, con- sumptive cough: Eupion. DRINK, cough from getting into larynx: Acon. cold excite cough, warm relieve: Ars., Rhus, Sil.¹7 cold relieve cough: Caus., Coc. c., Cupr. DRINKING, cough after: Acon., Amm. caust., Ars.,12 Bry.,2 Con., Ferr., Hepar, Lach., Lyc., Manc., Meph., Nux m., Op., Phos.,¹ Sil.-10. 7 7 after, cough is dry; after eating cough is loose: Nux m., Staph. amel., dry cough: Coc. c.,¹ Iod., Spong.2 1 1 cough from: Acon., Am. caus.,¹ Amm. m.," Ant. t., Arn., Ars.,¹¹ Bry.,11 Calc.,12 Carb. v., China, Cina, Cocc., Dig., Dros., Ferr., Hepar, Hipp. m.,12 Hyos., Lach.,11 Laur., Lyc., Manc., Meph., Nat. m., Nux v., Op., Phos., Psor.," Rhus, Sil.," Squil.," Tell.,' Ve- rat.-5. acids, agg. cough: Ant. cr., Brom., Con., Lach., Natr. m., Nux v., Sep., Sil., Sulph.-5. beer, agg. or excite cough: Mez., Rhus, Spong.-5. coffee, agg. cough: Caps., Caust. Cham., Cocc., Ign., Nux v.—5. cold fluids, excite or agg. cough: Amm. m., Calc., Carb. v., Dig., Hepar, Kali e.,12 Lyc., Rhus, Sil., Squil., Spong., Staph., Stram.,2 Sul. ac., Verat.—5. cold fluids, eating and when lying down, agg. of cough : Amm. m.10 T 32 COUGH SYMPTOMS. DRINKING cold fluids, after eating, walking, talking, or bend- ing body forward, excite cough: Dig.10 cold fluids,amel, cough: Borax, Caust., Coc. c., Cupr., Op., Sulph. cold water amel. intermitting cough, 6 A. M., awaking; cough first barking, clear and dry, after- ward looser, with expectoration of some tenacious mucus, the hawking of which produced vom- iting, sore throat and frontal headache; relieved by cold water and agg. by a cup of warm milk: Coc. c. or eating anything hot agg. cough, has to cough till the food is vomited: Mez.10 hurriedly, excites cough: Sil.5 milk, after, agg. cough: Ambra, Ant. t., Brom., Kali c., Spong., Zinc.-5. Sul. ac., spirits, agg. cough: Arn., Ferr., Ign., Lach., Led., Spong., Stram., Zinc.-5. tea, agg. cough: Ferr., Spong. -5. tea, hot, after, agg. cough : Spong.5 vinegar, agg. cough: Ant. cr., Sep., Sil.-5. warm fluids, agg. cough: Am- bra, Ant. t., Coc. c.,' Lauro., Mez., Stann. 1 5 17 amel.cough: Ars.,Alum.,¹ Eupion, Lyc., Nux v., Rhus, Sil.,¹ Spong., Verat. (E. W. B.) wine, agg. cough: Acon., Bor., Lach.-5. wine, sour, agg. cough: Ant. cr.2 without thirst, excites cough: Ars. DRIVING, in open air, agg, cough: Staph., Sulph.-2. DRY cold air, agg. cough: Acon., Cham.,2 Brom., Hepar, Nux m., Phos., Phosph., Rumex, Samb.,2 Spong.-10. DRY cough: Acal., Acet. ac.,AcoN., Es. hip., Agar., Alco., Aloes, All. sat., ALUM., Ambra, Amm. c., Amm. m., Anac., Ang., Ant. cr., Ant. ox., Ant. t., Apoc. c., Aqu. p., Arg., Arg. c., Arg. n., Arn., Ars., Arum tri., Arum i., Asaf., Asar., Asc. t., Asim., Aur., Aur. m. n., Bar., Bell., Benz., Benz. ac., Berb., Bon., Bov., Brom., BRY., Bufo, Calad., Calc., Calc. ph., Calc. s., Camph., Cann. ind., Cann. s., Canth., Caps., Carb. an., Carb. v., Carbon. ox., Car- bon. s., Card. b., Casc., Caust., Cent., Cham., Chel., Chenop.," Chin., Chinin., Chro. ac., Cimic., Cimex., Cina, Cinnab.,12 Clem., Cocc., Coc. c., Coff., Colch., Coloc., Colocn., Con., Cop.,12 Croc., Cupr., Cupr. ac., Cycl., Der., Dig., Dios., Dros., Dulc., Elaps, Euph, Euphm., Euphr., Eupion, Ferr., Fluor. ac., Gels.,12 Ginseng., Gran., Graph., Grat.," Guare., Guai., Hal., Ham., Hell., Hepar, Her., Hura, Hydras., Hyos., Hyosn., Hyper., IGN., Iod., Ipec., Jacor., Kali b., Kali br., Kali c., Kali iod., Kreos., LACH, Lachn.,12 Lac. ac., Lact., Lauro., Led., Lepi., Lilium t., Linu., Lip., Lyc., Lobelia, Mag. c., Mag. m., Mag. s., Mang., Marum, Meli., Merc., Merc. c., Merc. sol., Mag., Mosch., Min. ac., Murex, Natr. ars., Natr. c., Natr. m., Natr. ph., Nicc., Nitr. ac., Nitrum, Nit. d. s., Nux m., Nux v., Olean., Ol. an., Osm., Pau. p., Ped., PETRO., Phell.,12 PHOS., Ph. ac., Phyt., Pic. ac., Plan., Plat., Plumb., 11 12 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 33 + DRY cough (Continued). 11 Podo,12 Psor., Pte., Puls., Pyrus, Ran. sc., Ratan.,12 Rheum., Rhod., Rhus, Rhus rad.,12 Ru- MEX, Ruta, Sabad., Sabin., Sac. alb., Samb., Sang., Sap., Sars., Selen., Seneg., Sep., Sil., Sol. t. æ., Spig., Spira., Spong., Squil., Stann., Staph., Stram., Stront., Stryc., Sulph., Sul. ac., Sum., Ta- bac., Tarax., Tarent., Tep.. Ter., Teucr., Thea, Thuja, Trif. p., Val., Verat., Verb., Vos., Wild., Zinc., Zing., Ziz.-1 and 4. afternoon: Amm. m.,16 Kali b., Mez., Phel., Sulph., Thuja. afternoon, 3 P. M:. Calc. ph. 4 P. M: Chel. 5 P. M.: Natr. m. 7 P. M.: Bry., Grat., Spira. air, open, in: Spig. to: Acon. amel. in: Iod. going from warm room air passages, from irritation in: Iod. air passages from tickling, at night: Coc. c. bed in, evening: Alum N., Bals., Calc., Cups., Coca, Ferr., Mag. s., SULPH. bed in, evening, agg.: SULPH. night: Arg. n., Sulph. bronchi, crawling in upper: DRY cough, chest, pain: Iod. pressure: Iod. sticking: Iod. stuffed sensation: Guai. tickling: Mur. ac. tickling in, during rest: Euph. tickling in middle: Kreos. tickling low down: PH. AC. in upper anterior, night: Polyg. chill, before the, and con- tinuing after chill comes on: Rhus. (Dunham). coryza, during: Bell., Graph., Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Selen.-10. in sleep: Sepia. day: Alum, Coloc., Cot., Gamb., Natr. m., Phos., Sep., Sol. t. æ., SPONG., Sulph. amel on lying down: Sep. day and night: Bell., Euph., Ign., Lyc., Spong.-11. dinner, after: Aeth., Agar., Kali b. 10 Nux v.10 drink, from cold: Sil. drinking, after: Ars., Phos., Nux m.-12. drinking amel.: SPONG., Coc. c., Op. drinking, after; loose after eating: Nux m.,7 Staph. dyspnoea, as from, day and night: Euph. eating, from: All. s., Sep. after, at night, agg.: Tereb. eating amel.: Spong. epiglottis, from tickling in: Eupin. scraping irritation in: Arg. Wye. Alum., Ars.,' 11 tickling in: Bar. chest, blood, determination of, to: Aloe. Kreos. burning in Caust constriction, hot: Carb. v. crawling in middle: Kreos. heaviness: Psor., Sulph. infiltration in lower part: evening: Alum., Arund., Bar., Brom., Bov., Calc.,¹¹ Caps., Carb. v., Cent., Cop., Ferr., Hal., Hepar, Kali b., Kali 12 12 C., 13 Lach., Lip., Mag. c., Mag. m., Merc., Merc i. r., Mez,11 Natr. c.,12 Natr. ars., Nitr. ac., Nitr. d. s., Nux v.,1 11 Petro., 34 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 1 DRY cough, evening (Continued). 11 Phell., Ph. ac., Rheum Phus.11 Seneg., Sep., Sol. t. æ., Stann.," Stront., SULPH., Tabac., Thuja, Zinc.-I. 3 P. M. Calc. ph. 4 P. M.: Chel. 5 P. M.: Natr. m. 7 P. M.: Bry., Grat., Spira. 10 P. M.: Natr. m. 10.30 P. M.: Sol. t. æ. evening, AGG. in: Aloe, Bor., IGN., Phos., Verat. in bed, Alumn., Bals., Calc., Caps., Coca Ferr., Mag. s., SULPH. in bed, agg.: SULPH. exertion, from violent: Ox.ac. expectoration, after every, which causes heat and sweat: Carbo v. - expectoration, amel.: Guai. ends in expectoration of black blood: Elaps." expectoration in morning only: Alum., Amm. c., Bell., Bry., Calc., Carb. veg., Euph.,12 Ferr., Hepar, Kali c., Led., Lyc, Mag. c., Mang., Mur. ac., Natr. c., Nat. m., Nitr. ac., Nux v.,12 Phos., Ph. ac., Puls., Sep., Sil., Squil., Stann.,10 Sul. ac.-11. expiration, after every, with flush of heat and sweat: Carb. v.6 fauces, from constriction of: Aesc. hip. dryness of: Mez, Phyto. irritation in: Mez. tickling in: Tilia. flatus, discharge up and down amel., must sit up also: SANG. forenoon : Agar., Alum., Grat. 1-2 A. M., scratching in larynx: Zing. 2 A. M.: Op. DRY cough, forenoon, 3 A. M., tickling and scraping in larynx: Op. 11 A. M., tickling behind upper half of sternum when sit- ting bent forward: Rhus. Sars. m. Coc. c. • throat, from roughness in: from tickling in: Amm. trachea, from irritation: worse in Camph. and frequent, with scanty ex- pectoration: PHOS. hands, laying, on pit of stomach amel.: Crocus. heat, of body, change of tem- perature, or warm room, violent and: Acon. of room, agg.: Coc. c.,' 10 Natr. ars. heart and arteries throb from, at night Calc. with hoarseness, dryness of throat, and fluent coryza with dis- charge of clear water: Sulph. inspiration: Hepar, Natr. ars. deep: Brom., Plumb. deep, agg. Natr. ars. deep, evening, agg.: Dig. irritation to: Ang., Mez., Sulph. after eating: Sulph. from constant, to cough, can mostly be suppressed, but if not several severe shocks succeed one another, painful and mostly dry: Agar. larynx from air passing through: Ment. pip. crawling in: Psor. dryness in Bell. irritation in: Bell., Kali iod., Sulph., Tabac. itching in Cact. 1 [ COUGH SYMPTOMS. 35 DRY cough, larynx, from itching tickling in: Bell. scraping in: Bell., Hyc. ac., Led., Mang, ox. scraping in, evening : BROM., Con. scraping in, night: Gamb. scraping tickling in: Mang. ox. scraping tickling in, day: Con., Op. Zing. - scratching in, 1−2 a. M. : soreness in Upa. stitches in Hyos., Mang. ox. stitches in, evening: Nit. d. s. sticking in, night: Kali C. tickling in Asaf., Aur. m., Brom., Carb. ac., Cimic., Coloc., Con., Cycl., Hey. ac., Ir. v., Kali b., Led., Mang. ox., Mez., Nit. d. s., Op., PULS. tickling at back of, af- ternoon: Anth. n. Cimic. DRY cough, lying and sitting, not at all when moving: Phos. lying down, in day amel.: Sep. after, and on continued cough, agg.: Marum. lying down, in evening amel.: Amm. m., Zine. lying down, after, evening: Mar., Natr. m.,10 Nux v. lying down, agg.: Kali br. after eating: Tereb. lying on back, agg.: Amm. m., Iod., Nux v., Phos., Rhus, Sil.-10. on back amel.: Mang. right side, agg.: Acon., Carb. an., Ipec., Merc., Phos.— 10. lying on back, midnight: Nux v. lying on side, midnight, amel.: Nux v. lying on left side aggr.; Acon., Bry., Eupat. per., Kali b., Paг., PHOS., Puls., Rumex.-10. lying on right side, night: Carbo an. meal, after a, as if dust had got into larynx: Ferr. magn.16 measles, after the: Cham, Hyos., Ign -12. menses during: Graph. in morning: Cop. tickling in, evening: tickling at side of, even- ing: Ir. fœ. tickling in, morning: Natr. slfc. tickling and scraping in, morning: Op. ZINC. tickling scraping in: Mang, ox. tickling in, when smok- ing: Coca. Nux v. of: Ipec. 1 tickling in upper part lying, while: Cinnab.,¹ Con.,10 Hyos., Ipec.,10 Lyc, Nitr. ac., Phos., Phos., Puls., Sabad., Sang., Sep.,10 Sil.,10 Sil.,10 Sulph., Tereb.10-12. and before, in morning: at night: Zinc. midnight: Grat. Nux v. after: Ars., Calc., Bell., before: Nitr. ac., Rhus. -, in sleep: Nitr. ac. till daybreak: Nux v. lying on back, from: side, amel.: Nux v. tickling in trachea : Phos. 36 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 11 12 DRY cough, morning: Agar., Alum., Amm. m., Ant. t.,¹¹ Bar., Bov., Brom., Bry., Chin.,¹¹ Coc. c., Con., Cop., Dios., Grat.," Gymn.,¹ Lyc., Mag. s.,12 Mim., Mit., Natr. c., Natr. 8.,12 Nux 12 Nux v., Rhod., Sang, Squil.,12 Stann. 11 Sulph., Sul. ac., Tabac., Tarent., Thuja., Verat.-1. morning agg. in: Bor., Brom., Mosch., Stann.12-1. early: Alum., Amm. m., Ant. cr., China, Grat., Lyc., Nux v., Rhod., Stann., Sul. ac., Verat. -11. movement agg.: Iod. amel.: Phos. nausea, during: Nux v. neck, from pricking in: Vich. : tickling in, with Vich. night: Acon.,12 Agar., Aloe, Alum., Amm. c., Amm. m., Arg. n., Ars.,¹ Aur. mur., Bell.,12 Bry.,12 Calc., Caps.,12 Cent., Carb. 11 12 12 Cham,12 Chin.,12 Coc. c., Gamb., Graph., Hyos., Kali c., Linu., Lyc., Mag. c., Mag. m., Mag. 8.,12 Mang. ox., Merc., 12 Mez., Natr. m., Nux v.,12 Ol. an.,' Petro.,12 PHOS, PULS., Rhod., Rhus,12 Subad, Sil., Sol. t. æ., Spira., SPONG., Squil., Stront., SULPH., Tarent., Verat., Verb.,12 Vich -1. night, agg. at: AMM. C., Cham.,12 Coloc., Kali br., Op.,12 Stront.,12 Tabac.—1. 3 A. M.: Amm. c., Kali c. -12. amel. at: Bar. at night, with vomiting and anxious sweat: has to get up: Sil.8 noon, at Sulph. from tickling in palate and pharynx: Arg. n., Lact.10 DRY cough, noon, at, from tickling at top of throat: Naja. palate, from tickling in: Tilia. after lying down: Carbon, a. roof of: Nux v. Brom. soft tickling in: Fran. irritation of elongated: pharynx, from dryness of: Atro. præcordial region, tickling in: Baryt. reading aloud: Mang., Meph.,10 PHOS. ribs, from teasing sensation. beneath 4th and 5th: Natr. ars. (r.) rising, after, morning: Alum., Ang., Bar., Bov., Carb. an., Dig., Natr. slfc. an., rising, on, morning: Carb. Grat. room, on entering a warm, afternoon, agg.: Anth. n., Natr. c. room, on entering a warm, evening, agg.: Natr. c. tickling in trachea, evening: Com. sitting, when: Phos. after dinner: Agar., Lach.10 amel.: Arg. n., Cinnab., Sang. sitting up at night, amel.: Hyos., Puls. sleep, in: Cham., Coff. before midnight: Nitr. ac., Rhus. Hepar. in, during coryza: Sepia. on going to, evening: smoking, from: Acon., All. 8., Atro., Coc. c. evening: Thuja. night. amel.: Tarent. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 37 DRY cough, speaking, on: Atro., Dig., Lach.,10 Mang., Ment. pip., Stann. 10 sternum, irritation behind upper half: Natr. ars. Verat. tickling under lower: top of: Ir. v. stomach, laying hand on pit of, amel.: Croc. from tickling in: Sang. stooping, agg.: Spig. temperature, from change of: Acon. throat, from burning in: Bov., Kali b. DRY cough, tickling sensa- tion, from a, evening: Still. tobacco smoke, from, even- ing: Thuja. trachea, irritation as from dust in, after dinner when wash- ing himself: Ferr. mn. Coc. c. irritation in; forenoon: scraping in, from: Bry. lower: Bry. scratching in: Agar. soreness in, from: Upa. tickling in, from: Aur. m., Carb. ac., Petro., Psor., Rhod. tickling in, from, evening: Calc. ph. Stram. crawling-tickling in: Still. tickling in, evening, on entering warm room: Com. tickling and itching in, dryness in Plan., afternoon: SANG. irritation in: Aph., Carb. ac., Tabac., Thuja. Brom. tickling rawness in: roughness in: Natr. slfc., Verat. v. scraping in: Amm. c., Bell., Bor., Bov., Carb. v., Graph., Sabad. scratching in: Acon., Bartf., Psor. stitches in Caps. tickling in Bor., Ferr., Indig., Plan., Phos., Sep. tickling in, evening: 1 from: Cham. tickling in, evening, worse on lying down: Marum. tickling in lower: ARN. in, midnight: Phos. tickling in lower, morn- ing: Arn. tickling in upper, from: Marum. en waking: Agar., Bry., Coc. c., Dign., Sang., Sol. t. æ. waking in morning, on: Caust., Ign., Mag. s., Sil. - waking at night, on: SULPH. walking, afternoon, on: Thuja, Amm. m., Arg. n., Gymno., Sulph. tickling in, morning: walking, morning, amel.: Grat. Ox. ac. tickling in, night: warm room, on entering a, afternoon, agg.: Anth. n., Natr. c. Crot. c. tickling at top of, noon : Natr. c. Naja. evening, agg. tickling in in pit of: SANG. tickling in pit of: Inu. tickling and crawling touching: LACH. trachea, evening: Com. DUST, cough from: Poth." close air or, agg.: Natr. ars. agg. hacking cough: Natr. ars. 38 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 10 DUST, inspired, cough as from having: Amm. c., Ars., Bell., Cina, Dros.-5. DYSPNEA (asthmatic affections, obstructed respiration, etc.) with cough: Acon.,12 Alum, Amm. c., Amm. m.,12 Anac., ANT. T., Ara- lia,10 Arn., ARS., Aspar., Bell., Brom, Calad., Calc., Carb. v.,2 Caust.,12 Chin.,2 Cina, Coc. c., Con., Coral.,10 CUPR., Dig.,2 Do- lich.,12 DROS., Euphr., Ferr., Guai., Hepar, Ign.,2 IPEC., Kali b., Kali c.,² Kreos., Lach., Lact.,10 Laur.,2 Led.,12 Lyc., Merc., Mez., Mur. ac., Natr. m.,2 Natr. s., Nitr. ac., Nicc.,12 Nux m., Nux v., Op., Phell., Phos., Samb.,11 Sep.,2 Sil.,2 Spig., Squil., Stann., Sulph.,2 Sul. ac.,2 Zinc., Zing.10—16. 6 2 11 2 See Choking, Suffocative Coughs; under Breath and Breathing. cough, commencing with: Bry., Led.-12. and cough with raising of black, tough mucus: Kali b. and cough with spitting of blood, with previous sweet taste: Amm. c.10 with hard, dry cough: Eupat. perf. with cough, which is worse when bending forward: Spig.7 EAR, aching, in throat or, with every coughing spell, or in dis- tant parts, as leg, bladder, etc.: Caps.14 cracking in, from cough: Nux V. numbness in front of, from cough, 8 A. M.: Dios. (r.). pain in both, with loose croupy or suffocative cough: Kali b.17 pain in, from cough: Caps., Nux v.-5. pain in, from cough, 8 A. M.: Dios. 1 1 EAR, stitches in, with cough: Nux v.2 stopped up, after cough: Chel." EATING, excites or agg. cough: Amm. m., Bry., Calc., Carbo v., Caust., Cham., Chin., Cocc., Coral.,2 Dig., Ferr., Hyos., Ipec., KALI B., Kali c., Laur., Mag. m., Mosch., Nux v., Phos., Puls., Rhus, Sep, Staph., Thuja, Verat. -5. 1 after, a cough: Agar.,¹ Amnı. m., Anac., Ant. t., Ars., Bell., Bry, Calc.,¹ Carb. v., Cham., Chin., Ferr., Hepar, Kali b., Kali c., Lach.," Laur., Nux m.," Nux V., Op., Phos., Puls., Ruta, Rhus,¹¹ Sep., Sil.," Staph., Sulph., Thuja, Zinc.-5. after, cough (with vomiting of food14), from bending body for- ward, walking, talking, drinking anything cold or: Dig.¹º 10 agg. All. s., Bry., Puls. dry cough: All. s., Sepia. dry cough agg., night: Tereb. hacking cough: Anac., Hepar, Nitr. ac. irritation to cough so violent he cannot cough soon enough, it draws his chest spasmodically together and he retches as if he would vomit: Sulph. irritation to cough felt in larynx Rumex. lying, agg. short cough: Tereb. sharp cough: Staph. short cough: Anac., Canst. spasmodic cough, with vom- iting of ingesta: Ferr.10 sufficiently, cough: Carbo v. acrid or biting food, cough agg. as from: Thuja. 6 amel. cough: Amm. c., Anac.,2 Euphr., Ferr.,10 Spong.-1. whooping cough: Tabac. + COUGH SYMPTOMS. 39 EATING, amel. spasmodic morn- EMOTION and excitement, agg. ing cough: Ferr.10 - breakfast, amel. cough; Aspar., Kali c., Lach.-5. cough before: Kali c., Sulph. bread excites cough: Kali c.³ brown, excites cough: Ph. ac.5 bread or cakes, paroxysmal cough; Spong., Nitrum. cold food agg. cough; Amm. m.,10 Carbo v., Hepar, Lyc., Mag. c., Rhus, Sil, Verat.-2. cold, anything, or drinking, when lying, cough agg.; Amm. m.10 dinner, cough after: Cocc. c., Ferr. acet., Kali b.-5. fruit, agg. cough: Mag. m.5 hastily agg. cough: Silicea.5 hot, drinking or eating anything, agg. cough; has to cough till the food is vomited: Mezer.10 irritating food, agg. cough : Stann.5 meat, agg. cough: Staph." potatoes agg. cough; Alum.5 pungent food, cough as from eating, morning on rising: Thuja. salt food, agg. cough; Con., Lach.-2. solid food, agg, cough: Cupr.2 sour things, agg. cough: Ant. cr., Brom., Con., Lach., Natr. m., Nux v., Sep., Sulph.-2. stimulating food, agg. cough : Stann.² sugar amel. cough: Sulph.5 sweetmeats, cough from: Zinc.2 vinegar agg. cough: Ant. cr., Sep., Sulph.-2. - warm food agg. cough: Bar., Kali c., Laur., Mez., Puls --2. when: See under eating. loose, rattling cough: Phos. while agg. of hacking cough: Sang. irritation to cough, in larynx: Staph. cough: Lach., Lob., Spong.-8. EMPTINESS, feeling of, after cough: Illicium an." EPIGASTRIUM, bruised pain in, from cough: Nux v.,6 STANN.¹ comes from, cough seems to: Raph. contractive pain in, causes cough to continue (even after sitting up): Ars.7 emptiness in, sensation of, with cough: Ign., Mur. ac., Stann.² irritation to cough, felt in: Bar., Bry., Cham., Hepar, Lach., Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Ph. ac.-2. oppression in, excites cough : Kali b.2 pain in, from cough: Ambr., Dros., Nux v.—5. small spot in, painful to touch, violent cough appears to come from: Kali b.6 soreness in, from cough: Nux v.5 stitches in, from cough: Phos.. Sep.5 tender spot in, seems to cause cough: Kali b.6 EPIGLOTTIS, tickling in, ex- cites dry, hacking cough: Acon., Wve. ERUCTATION, abundant, ac- companying cough: Ambra,Arn.,7 Sul. ac., Verat.-2. agg. cough: Bar., Sol. t. æ.,¹ Staph.-2. choking during, causes cough: Plat. 1 convulsive cough, at night, agg. by irritation in throat from hot: Lac. ae. of food, after cough: Sul. ac. of sour food, after cough: Raph. ERUPTIONS, suppressed, cough from: Dulc.2 i 40 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 2 11 1 EVENING cough (Continued). 1 1 1 12 EVENING cough (or agg. in): Acon., Agar., Ail., Alum., Ambr.,¹ Amm. c., Amm. m., Anac., Ant. t.,12 Apis, Arg. n.,¹ Arn., ARS., Arund., Aspar.,¹ Bad.,2 Bar., Bell., Bism., Bov., Bry., CALC, CAPS., Carb. an., Carb. v., Caust., Cepa,2 Cham., Chin., Chin. 8.1 Cina, Coce. Cocc. c.,¹ Coloc., Con.,11 Croton t., Dros., Eugen., Eupat. per., Euphr., Ferr., Fluor. ac., Graph., HEPAR, Hcy. ac., Ign., Indig., Iod., Ipec., Kali c., Kali iod.,¹ Kreos., Lach.,2 Laur.,2 Led.,² Lith. c., Lycopers.,¹ Lyc., Mag. c., Mag. m., Mag. s., Ma- rum, MERC., Mez., Mosch.,2 Mur. ac., Naja,¹ Natr. c., Natr. m., Nicc., NITR. AC., Nux m., Nux v., Olean.,¹ Ox. ac.,¹ Par., Petro., Phos., Ph. ac., Psor.,1 PULS., Ran. b., Rheum, Rhod., Rhus, Rumex,2 Ruta, Sang., Seneg., Sep., Sil., Sin. n.,¹ Spong.,² Squil., Stann., Staph., Sticta,2 Stront., Sulph., Sum.,¹ Tarent.,¹ Thuja,¹ Upas,¹ Verat., Verb., Zinc.12-5. cough, 4 P. M.: Calc. f., Kali b. 4-8 P. M.: Lyc. 5 P. M.: Sol. t. æ. 6 P. M.: Rhus, Sum. 6-7 P. M.: Sepia. 9 P. M., on going to bed: Sil. 10 P. M.: Bell." 10 11-12 P. M., in bed: Hepar. in abdomen, sensation in, as if he would vomit, and con- traction in lower abdomen in bed: Dros. air-passages, from irritation in: Sulph. bed, excited or agg. in: Agn., Amm. c., Amm. m., Amm. m., Anac., ARS., Bell., Bor., Calc., Carb. an., Carb. v., Cocc., Coff., Con., Dros., Ferr., Graph., Hepar, Ipec., Kali c., Kreos., Lach., Lyc., Ma- rum, MERC., NATR. M., Nitr. ac., Nux m., 10 Nux v., Petro., Phos., Ph. ac., Puls., Rhus, Ruta, SEP.,' Sil.,¹ Stann., Staph, Verb.-11. 1 1 in bed, before menses, cough amel. by rising up: Sulph. bed, on going to, 9 P. M.: Sil. in, sensation in abdomen as if he would vomit, and con- traction in lower abdomen: Dros. on becoming warm in, agg.: Ant. t., Dros., Natr. m., Nux m., Puls.--12. bronchi, from crawling in: Kreos. chest, after rattling in, on sitting up in bed: Con. deep inspiration, after Ars., 2 Dros., Ferr., Graph., Lach., Natr. m., Staph. lying down: Ipec. on lying down: lying down, cough imme- diately: Dros. Silicea. and morning on waking: menses, before, in bed, amel. on rising: Sulph. barking: Nitr. ac. choking: Cina. constant: Acon. convulsive: Calc., Carb. v., Natr. ars., Tarent. from tickling: Still. croupy: Cinnab. deep: VERat. distressing, agg. morning, and on going to sleep: Lyc. 12 dry: Alum., Ars.,¹¹ Arund., Bar., Brom., Bov., Calc.,11 Caps.,' Carb. v., Cent., Cop., Ferr.,12 Hepar, Kali b., Lach., Lip., Mag. c., Mag. m., Merc.,¹¹ Merc. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 41. EVENING Cough, dry (Continued) 12 i. r., Mez., Natr. ars., Natr. c., Nitr. ac., Nit. d. s., Nux v., 11 11 11 Petro, Phell., Ph. ac.,¹¹ Rheum, Rhus, Seneg., Sep., Sol. t. æ., Stann.," Stront., SULPH., Tabac., Thuja, Zinc.-1. dry cough, 3 P. M.: Calc. ph. 4 P. M.: Chel. 5 P. M.: Natr. m. - 7 P. M.: Bry., Grat., Spira. 10 P. M.: Natr. m. 10.30 P. M.: Sol. t. æ. agg. in: Aloe, Bor., IQN., Phos., Verat. agg. in bed, in: SULPH. agg. entering warm room: Natr. c. Dig. agg. on deep inspiration: agg. lying down: Natr. m.10 agg. after lying down and on continued coughing: Marum. amel. lying down: Amm. m., Zinc. in bed: Alumn., Calc., Caps., Coca, Ferr., Mag. s., SULPH. -scraping in larynx: BROM., Con. stitches in larynx: Nit. d. s. Ir. fœe. ZINC. tickling in larynx: Cimic., lying down, after: Nux v. menses, before and during : -pharynx, tickling high in, in bed Carbon s. Still. Thuja. reading aloud: Phos. on going to sleep: Hepar. spasmodic from tickling: from tobacco smoke: exhausting: Ipec., Kali c. -7 P. M.: Ipec. EVENING Cough, exhausting: in bed: Sil. tickling in throat, before retiring: Arg. n. explosive, agg. in: Sil. forcible, night and: Ruta. hacking: Amm. br., Bor., Carb. an., Dign., Eup. per., Kali b., Lil. t., Sin. n., Sum., Zinc. - 2 P. M.: Laur. - 3 P. M.: Calc. ph. 6 P. M.: Sum. 7.15 P. M., from tickling in trachea, on entering warm room: Com. m. agg. in: Phos. after lying down: Sil. amel. lying down: Amm. in bed: Bry., Lact., Nitr. ac., Rhus, SEP., Sulph. after lying down: SANG. after lying down, from provocation in larynx: IGN. from smoking: Coloc. throat, scraping in: Tereb. tickling in. Amm. m., Sang.. tickling in trachea on entering warm room, 7.15 p. M. : Com. hard: Apoc. c., PULS. tickling in throat: Gymno. hoarse: Cina. , agg., and morning: Caust. hollow: VERAT. after lying down: Lact. interrupted, from smoking: Thuja. irritable and dry from tick- ling in trachea, after lying down, agg. or continued coughing: Marum. irritation to cough: Chel., Dios. Sulph. lying down: IGN., Mez., 42 COUGH SYMPTOMS. EVENING cough, irritation to, in larynx toward evening: 1 Merc. c. in larynx and trachea, 2 P. M.: Coca. P. M.: Cimic. M.: Dios. M.: Dios. from tickling, 7 - pain in right lung, 8 P. tickling in throat, 9 P. from irritation in throat, 10 P. M.: Dios. loose: Mur. ac. - 7 P. M.: Spire. loosens phlegm, cough not ceasing till he: Sep." overpowering, before sleep, as if larynx were tickled by a feather: Lyc. painful, in bed: Bry. paroxysmal: Chel., Chlo., Hepar, Natr. m. , > 1-2 P. M.: Aqu. p. 1.30 P. M.: Phal. 2 P. M.: Ol. an. 3 P. M.: Phel. 4 P. M.: Chel., Coca. 5 P. M. Cupr. 6.15 P. M.: Ol. an. 7 P. M.: Grat. 11 P. M., after lying down: RUMEX. " in bed, with salivation: Natr. m. after lying down: Nux v. —, 11 P. M.: RUMEX. from irritation in larynx, in bed: Cocc. with salivation, in bed: Natr. m. in cool wind: Coca. walking in hot sun: Coca. racking: Ipec. 10 P. M.: Natr. m. scraping: Rhod. after lying down; Bry. EVENING cough, short: Alum., Bar., Carb.v., Kali b., Sep., Thuja. 2 P. M.; Laur. 5 P. M. Natr. m. 11 P. M., from tickling be- hind upper sternum: Rhus. agg. in: IGN. in bed: Lyc., Sep. tickling in larynx: Cimic. behind upper sternum at 11 P. M.; Rhus. - interruption of respiration in upper trachea: Ign. on undressing: Chel. sudden: Apoc. c. from tickling in throat, worse on the sides: Amm. br. suffocative: Indig., Ipec. -, 7 P. M.: Ipec. after going to sleep: Carb. an., Aralia. tickling: Alum n., Calc. ph., Coloc., Natr. m. 3 P. M. Hepar. 6 P. M.: Sulph. agg. in bed: Calc. ph. distressing cough during day, but is worse in evening on going to sleep: Lyc. tight: Calc. s. violent, after lying down: Kali c. agg. afternoon, evening and on entering warm room: Natr. c. - without expectoration, but with dyspnoea: Ars. EXCITEMENT agg. cough : Acon., Dig., Spong.-5. 8 and emotion, agg. cough: Lach., Lob., Spong.-8. mental, is followed by stitches in throat, producing cough: Cist. c.8 EXERTION agg. or excites cough: Arn., Bar., Bry., Dulc., Ferr., Iod., Ipec., Lyc., Merc., Mur. ac.,¹ Natr. ars., Natr. m., Nux v.,¹ Ox. ac., 1 Sil., Spong., Squil.,10 Verat.-5. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 43 EXERTION, any, which increases respiration, agg. cough: Natr. ars. mental agg. or excites cough : Arn., Asar., Colch., Ign., Nux v.-5. 5 mental agg. whooping cough: Arn., Cina., Ign., Nux v.-8. EXHAUSTING (fatiguing, weary- ing) cough: Ail., Alum., Aqu. p., Arg. n., Ben. ac., Carb. v., Chel.,2 Croc., Coral., Cupr., Graph., Hyos., Ipec., Kali br., Kali c., Lip., Lyc., Mag. s., Merc. c., Merc. sol., Natr. c., Nux v., Phos.,5 Plumb., Rhod., Rumex,2 Sang.,2 Sil., STANN., Sulph., Sul. ac.,Tax., Tarent., Thuja., Verat.-1. 5 day: Lyc. evening: Ipec., Kali c. - 7 P. M.: Ipec. in bed: Sil. tickling in throat on retir- ing: Arg. n. EXHAUSTION after the cough with a smothering sensation be- fore the paroxysm, worse morn- ings: Coral.17 dry cough at night, preventing sleep and causing: Puls. EXPAND, efforts to, the chest ex- cites cough: Indig. EXPECTORATION, dry cough after: Carb. v. amel. severe and long coughing spells: Lob. in.¹7 during day amel. dry cough: Guai. of mucus, 6 P. M., amel. tickling cough: Sulph. evening cough without, but with dyspnoea: Ars. EXPIRATION excites cough: Acon., Cann., Carb. v., Caust., Dros., Kreos., Lach., Nux v., Ph. ac., Staph.-5. after every, a dry cough, with a flush of heat and sweat: Carb. v.6 on, tickling in trachea: Nux v. febrile attacks, during: EXTREMITIES, cold, with suffo- Thuja. hand, laid on pit of stomach amel.: Croc. midnight, lying on back: Nux v. - lying on side, amel.: Nux v. morning: Rhod., Sulph. and evening, agg. in, on going to sleep: Lyc. after waking: Mag, s. on waking: Thuja. menses, at beginning of: Phos. night: Natr. c., Rhod. in bed Tarent. sitting up, amel.: Natr. c. noon, tickling of palate and pharynx Arg. n. smoking, from: Tarent. EXHAUSTION after cough: Ars.,' Carb. v., Coral., Dig.,2 Hyos., Plumb., Spong.,² Verat.—5. 6 1 cating, exhausting cough, even- ing: Ipec.6 EXPLOSIVE cough: Stry. d. s. agg. in evening: Sil. from tickling in larynx: Nit. with escape of fetid pungent air: Caps.7 EYE bloodshot and bleeding from nose, with cough: Arn." dark around, with dry, spas- modic cough, worse morning and evening: Stram.6 fill with tears from hard morn- ing cough, mucus is so hard to detach: Cina.6 1 5 lachrymation with cough: Acon., Agar., Brom., Calc., Carb. v., Cepa, Chel., Cina, EUPH., Hepar, Ipec., Kali c., Kreos., Merc., Natr. m., Puls., Rhus, Sabad., Squil., Staph., Sulph.-2 I 44 COUGH SYMPTOMS. EYE lid, dull shock behind right, from cough: Sul. ac.6 : pain in Kali b., Kali c., Kali hyd., Lach.11 pains in both eyes, oppression of breathing, horseness and pain in chest, with cough and bronchitis: Kali hyd. 6 shock, dull, behind right eyelid, from cough: Sul. ac.6 sparks, before eyes, when cough- ing: Bell., Kali c., Par.-5. swelling of upper eyelid with whooping cough: Kali c.² tearful and flushed face with cough Eup. per.10 2 from dry cough, with sweat, stitches in the vertex, vomiting and pain in stomach: Sabad.10 FACE black, or purple, from vio- lent spasmodic cough, commenc- ing with gasping for breath, and continuing with repeated crowing inspirations and exhaustion; agg. at night and during a meal: Coral.2 bloated: Meph.5 blood red: Stram.2 11 11 bluish: Acon.,11 Ars., Bad., Bell., Carb. v.,5 Cina, Cupr.,5 DROS., Hyos., Op.,15 IPEC., Kali c., Lach., Nux v., Op., Sil.,¹ Staph., Verat.-2. 5 11 bluish red: Bell., Con.,16 Staph. -2. bluish, with desire to cough, but breathing is arrested, after which he falls into a deep sleep, with cold sweat all over: Op.6 - bluish, from cough with profuse expectoration and involuntary micturition: Verat.6 brownish: Iod., Nitr. Samb.-2. ac., cold, in fleshy children: IOD.5 convulsions, beginning in the: Dulc.2 FACE, earthy pale: Iod., Kreos., Natr. m., Zinc.-2. - florid; Ferr., Theridion.-5. flushed, with tearful eyes, from cough: Eup. per.¹ 10 heat of: Amm. Amm. c.,¹ 12 Bell.,5 BROM.,5 Bry., Carb. v.,5 Con., Dros., Eup. per.,5 Hepar, Hyos., Ipec.,5 Sabad., Samb., Seneg., Sil., Sulph.-2. - livid and puffed: Dros.2 pale: Ars., Aeth.,¹ Bad., Brom., Carb. v., Cina, Cupr., Dig., Dulc., Ferr., Lyc., Mag. m., Merc., Mez., Puls., Rhus, Sep., Sil., Spong., Stann., Stram., Sulph., Sul. ac., Verat., Zinc.-2. after the cough: Cina. with red spots: Sulph.2 pain in bones of face: Kali b.5 perspiration on: Ant. t., Cham., Ign., Ipec., Samb., Sulph., Tarent.¹-2. 5 clammy: Cham.2 cold: Cact., Verat.-5. hot: Cham.2 of the forehead: Acon., Ant. t., Carb. v., Cina, Dros., Ipec., Kali c., Staph., Verat.—2. cold: Carb. v., Cina, Dros., Ipec., Staph., Verat.-2. puffiness of: Acon., Ars., Bell., Dros., Hyos., Ipec., Kali c., Mag. c., Meph.-2. 5 5 around the eyes: Ferr., Rhus. under the eyes: Phos. red: Acon., Bell., Bry., Caps.,6 Con.,5 Eup. per., Ferr., Hepar, Hyos., Ipec., Kali c.,12 Lyc., Mur. ac., Nitr. ac., Sabad., Samb., Sil., Squil., Staph., Stram., Sulph.-2. dark: Bar., Coral., Squil., Stram.-2. redness alternating with pale- ness: A con., Caps.5 7 of one cheek: Acon., Cham., Ipec., Mosch.-2. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 45 1 FACE, redness, circumscribed, of cheeks: Samb.2 plexion: Lyc.2 with yellow com- 2 with febrile excite- ment in afternoon, with dry or fatiguing cough: Sang.² rubbing the, children: Squil.5 shocks upon the zygoma: Hepar.2 sunken look: Chin., Cupr., Stann.-2. sweat. See Perspiration. tension of the: Verb.2 twitching in the: Ant. t., Spong,-5. in facial muscles: Cham.2 wild look: Bell.5 wrinkles in: Lyc., Stam.-5. yellow: Caust.,5 Lyc., Mag. m., Puls., Sep., Verat.-2. around eyes: Nitr. ac., Nux v.-2. around mouth: Nuxv., Sep.-2. around nose: Nux v.2 across nose and cheeks: Sep.2 FAINT HEARTEDNESS with cough: Bar., Sil.-2. FAINTING and wheezing precede the cough Kali c.² FAINTNESS during cough: Coff.,¹ Lach., Op.-5. FALLING down during cough: Ipec.2 FASTING agg. cough: Kali c., Mag. m.-2. FAT food or fruit, agg. cough: Mag. m.2 FATIGUING cough. See Exhaust- ing. day and night, agg. by mo- tion, with scanty expectoration: Sil.6 FAUCES, caustic sensation in, ex- citing convulsive cough: Coll. choking in upper part of, with cough: Cocc. FAUCES, constriction in, excites cough: Esc. hip. Esc. hip. dry, hacking cough: dryness of, excites dry cough: Mez., Phyt. hacking cough: Phyt. roughness and scraping deep in, excite hacking cough: DROS. irritation in, excites cough: Dios., Lycopers., Mag. s., Mez., Sul. ac. Mag. s. excites dry cough: Mez. -hacking cough: Dios., isthmus, of scraping in, caus- ing cough on inspiration: Nitrum. trickling in, provoking cough: Tilia. pain in, on coughing: Caps., Chin. s. rough, scraping, dry sensation in, causing hacking cough, yellow mucus expectoration, and hoarse- ness, so that he can only speak with great exertion, in a deep bass voice, together with great oppression of the chest, as if the air were withheld on talking and coughing, so that the breath could not be expired: DROs. - roughness, dry, causing cough: Gels. scraping in, on inspiration, causing cough: Kali b. soreness, on coughing and blow- ing nose: Carb. veg. tearing in, during cough: Chin. s. tickling in, causing cough: Carb. ac., Gels., Lact. causing inclination to cough: Tilia. Aloe. from irritation to cough: ulcerative, tickling sensation of, causing cough: Sars. 46 COUGH SYMPTOMS. FEARS, to cough, and seems to avoid it as long as possible— children with bronchial catarrh: Phos. FEATHER, or corn of barley, sen- sation of, in one of the bronchia, with sensation as if it were sway- ing to and fro with the respira- tion, excites cough: Rumex.2 dust, sensation as from, in throat, excites cough: Amm. c., Bell., Calc., Chin., Cina, Cycl., Ign., Marum., Meph.,¹º Puls.-11. FEATURES distorted (twitch- ing) with cough: Ant. t., Spong. FEBRILE attack, exhausting, cough during: Thuja. during, short cough, cold hands and feet, wants fire in room: Carb. v. (Hg.) during, short breathing after each cough: Phos. (Hg.) during breathing hard with cough: Nitr. ac. (Hg.) FEET, aching in, sleep is disturbed by frequent coughing and: Sepia.6 cold, agg. cough: Bar.5 FEVER (heat) agg. by coughing: 11 Ambr., Amm. c., Ant. t., Arn., Ars., Bell., Carb. v., Hepar, Hyos., Iod., Ipec., Kreos.,1 Lach.,11 Led., Lyc., Mag. m., Natr. c., Nux v., Phos., Puls., Sabad., Squil., Sulph.-3. cough with expectoration dur- ing: Alum., Arg., ARS., Bell., Bism., Bry., CALC., Carb. v., Cic., Chin., Dig., Dros., Dulc., Ferr., Iod., KALI C., Ruta, Seneg., Sep., Sil., Spong., Squil., Stann., Staph., Sulph., Thuja.-3. cough without expectoration, during: ACON., Ang., Ant. cr., Apis, Arn., Ars., Bell., Brom., Bry., Calc., Carb. v., Caust., Cham., Cina, Chin., Coff., Con., Cupr., Dros., Hepar, Hyos., Ign., FEVER, cough (Continued.) IPEC., Kali c., Lach., Lyc., NATR. M., Nitr. ac., Nux m., Nux v., Op., Petro., PHOS., Plat., Puls., Rhus, SABAD., Samb., Sep., Spig., Spong., Squil., Staph., Sulph., Sul. ac., Tarent.,¹ Verat., Verb. -3. during, agg. of cough: Lach., Nitr. ac., Seneg.-5. remittent, cough during: Po- doph.5 suppressed intermittent, hectic cough from: Eup. per.10 scarlet, cough after: Ant. cr., Con., Hyos.-5. typhoid, cough during: Ant. t., Bell., Bry., Calc., Lyc., Nitr. ac., Phos., Rhus, Sang.-5. FINGER, cough as from, thrust into back of mouth: Merc. cor. FIRE, looking into causes cough: Ant. cr. FITS of cough. See Paroxysms. FLATUS, dry cough wakes patient, must sit up; ceases only when sits up and passes flatus up and downward: Sang. FLUIDS, cough seems to be from an increased secretion of, in the larynx: Lach. cough from loss of animal: Chin., Cina, Ferr., Ph. ac., Staph.-5. FLUTTERING cough from tick- ling in larynx: Lach. FOOD. See under Eating and Drink- ing. FORCIBLE cough: Acon., Alum.,3 Bry., Con., Hepar, Phos. amel. by expectoration of tenacious mucus: Phos. evening and night: Ruta. from tickling and itching in larynx: Lyc. FOREIGN body in larynx seems to excite cough: Bell." COUGH SYMPTOMS. 47 FOREHEAD, pain in, from cough: Asc. t., Kali b.6 pressure on left side of, when coughing: Coca. pulsation in, during cough: Hipp. sensation as if something would fall out of, during cough: Hepar. stitches in, on coughing: Anac., Arn., Sulph. at midnight: Hepar. agg. by cough: Ant. t. above eyes, when coughing: Hyos. See also under Head. FORENOON, cough in the: Agar.,1 1 1 1 Alum., Amm. c., Amm. m., Bell., Bry., Canc., Chin. s.,¹ Coc. c., Hell., Kali c., Mag. c., Natr. c.,¹ Natr. m., Rhus,11 Sabad., Sars.,¹ Seneg., Sep., Sil., Stann., Staph., Sul. ac.-5. cough at 1 A. M.: Coc. c. 1 1-2 A. M., from scratching in larynx: Zing. – 1-4 A. M., prickling in la- rynx: Bufo. 2 A. M.: Phos., Cocc., Rum. 2 or 3 A. M.: Ant. t., Merc. 3 A. M.: Amm. c., Bapt., Cupr., KALI C., Mag. c., Mur. ac., Nitrum. Nux v. Rum. ph. 3-4 a. M.: Amm. c., Lyc. 4 A. M.: Anac., Nitr. ac., 5 A. M.: Arum. t., Kali c., 6-7 A. M.: Arum. t., Calc. 8 A. M.: Ham., Ol. an. 8-9 A. M.: Sil. 9 A. M.: Sep., Tarent. 10 A. M., from rawness in air passages while lying: Coc. c. 10-12 A. M.: Natr. m.5 11 A. M., from rush of blood to chest: Raph. FORENOON, cough, agg.: Natr. ars. 9-12 A. M.: Staph. 10-12 A. M.: Coc. c. air passages, rawness of, cause cough at 10 A. M., while lying: Coc. c. amel. on sitting up: Euphr. chest, from rush of blood to, at 11 A. M.: Raph. larynx, from prickling in, 1-4 A. M.: Bufo. M.: Zing. scratching in, 1-2 a. throat, from tickling as by a feather in Glon. - low down in: Dios. sweetish taste in, while lying: Mag. c. waking, on: Dios., Natr. m. after Rhus. convulsive cough: Agar., Lact. dry cough: Agar., Alum., Grat. 1–2 a. M., from scratching in larynx: Zing. 2 A. M.: Opium. 3 A. M., tickling and scrap-. ing in larynx: Op. 11 A. M., tickling behind upper half of sternum, when sit- ting bent forward: Rhus. agg. in: Camph. larynx, from scratching in, 1-2 A. M.: Zing. tickling and scrap- ing in, 3 A. M.: Op. sternum, tickling behind upper half of, when sitting bent forward, 11 A. M.: Rhus. throat, from roughness in: Sars. tickling in: Amm.m. trachea, from irritation in: Coc. c. hacking cough, from tickling in throat: Amm. m. 48. COUGH SYMPTOMS. FORENOON, paroxysmal cough: Coc. c., Grat. - 2–3.30 A. M.: Coc. c. 10 A. M.: Aqu. fr. short cough: Agar., Alum. 7 A. M., on waking: Dign. 11 A. M., aching behind upper sternum, on sitting bent forward: Rhus. after siesta, from irrita- tion and tickling behind sternum: Rhus. sternum, aching behind upper, on sitting bent forward, 11 A. M.: Khus. trachea, from irritation in: Coc. c. on waking, 7 a. M.: Dign. FRIGHT after, coughs when lying down, stitches in pit of stomach: Rhus.8 after, dry, spasmodic cough: Bell.8 suffocation, vomiting, or cough‐ ing, bluish face, whining, and trembling: Samb.8 loses breath after a little cough; after vomiting, coughing: Samb.8 whooping cough: Acon., Ign.: Stram.-8. with vexation, agg. cough: Acon.5 FRUIT or fat food, agg. cough: Mag. m.2 See under Eating. GAGGING cough, morning after rising: Cina, Sepia. belching or vomiting with cough: Cimex.7 hoarse cough, evening: Cina.7 GAPING after attack of cough: Anac.6 and coughing consecutively: Ant. t.7 6 excites cough: Arn., Asaf." GARMENTS, removing outer, cough from: Cer. b. See Undressing. GASPING for breath before cough: 7 Ant. t., Brom.,5 Bry.,6 Cocc., Coral.' See under Breathing. GASTRIC cough: Kali ars. GAYETY with cough: Verat. GLANDS, sub maxillary, swelling of with coryza and cough, pain in throat during deglutition; great chilliness: Silicea.6 GLISTENING object, agg. of cough from: Stram.7 GONORRHOEA, long continued dry cough after suppressed: Benz, ac.10 GRASPING at throat by child every time it coughs: Acon." larynx involuntarily at every cough: feels as though larynx would be torn: All. c.7 GRIEF and care agg. the cough: Phos. ac. or : sorrow, whooping cough from Phos.8 Cham.8 GRIEF or sorrow, cough from in children: Arn., Asar., Cham.8 HACKING cough: Acon.,5 Aeth., Agar., Alco., Aloe., ALUM., Am. c.,5 Am. m., Aml. n., Anac.,5 Ang., Ant. cr., Arg. n., Arn., Ars., Ars. iod., Asaf., Asar.," Asc. t., Benz., Bov., Brom., Bry., Calc., Camph., Cann. i., Cann. s., Canth., Caps., Carb. ac., Carbo v., Caust., Cham., Chin.,5 Chro. ac., Çimic., Clem., Cob., Coc. c., Coff., Colch.,5 Coloc.,5 Con., Cupr. s., Cycl., Dign., Dros.,5 Dulc., Eupat. per.,2 Euph.,5 Eupion, Fran., Gels., Grat., Guare., Hell., Hell. ox., Hcy. ac.,5 Hyos., Hyper., Ipec., Jatr., Kali b., Kali c.,5 Kali mag., Lach., Lauro., Linu., Lyc., Mag. s., 1 COUGH SYMPTOMS. HACKING cough (Continued). 5 Merc. sol., Merc. p. iod., Mur. ac., Natr. ars., Natr. c., Natr. m., Nicc., Nitr. ac., Nitrum, Ol. an., Ol. j., Op.,5 Osm., Par., PHOS., Phyt., Plumb., Pte., Ran. sc., Rhus, Rumex, SANG., Seneg., Sep.,10 Sil., Sin. n., Squil., Stann., Sticta, Stil., Stront, Sulph., Sul. ac., Sum., Thuja, Til., Trif. p., Ust., Val., Xan., Zinc.,5 Zing.-1. afternoon: Kali c. from dryness of throat: SANG. 2 air, close, agg. in: Natr. ars. open, agg. in: Seneg., Sulph. amel. in: Lil. t. — air-passages, from crawling in: Aeth. Asaf. irritation in: Kali b. smothered feeling in: tickling from pharynx to: Hcy.ac. bed, evening in: Bry., Lact., Nitr. ac., Rhus, SEP., Sulph. breathing, arrest of, from dry, hacking cough, with vomit- ing: ALUM. bronchi, from irritation in: Trif. p. chest, from pressure in: Op. rough, scraping dry sen- sation in fauces, causing hacking cough, yellow mucus expectora- tion and hoarseness, so that he can only speak, with great exer. tion, in a deep bass voice, toge- ther with oppression of chest as if air were withheld on talking or coughing, so that breath could not be expired: DROS. from rawness in: Osm. soreness of, from dry, hack- ing cough: Sil.G - from tension in left: Thuja. 49 ! HACKING cough, chest, tick- ling under middle of sternum causing hacking cough, worse from moving or talking: Calc. (C. Hg.) during day: Gamb., Natr. m., Sum. chill: Calc. ph. after dinner: Agar., HEPAR. dust, agg. from: Natr. ars. eating, while: Anac., Hepar Nitr. ac. agg.: Sang. epiglottis, from tickling in Acon., Tarax,10 Wye. evening: Alum., Amm. br., Bor., Carb. an., Coloc., Dign., Eupat. per., Kali b., Ol. an., Phos., Sep., Sil. t., Sin. n., Stront., Sum. Zinc. 2 P. M.: Laur. 3 P. M. Calc. ph. 3-4 P. M., agg.: Calc. f. 6 P. M.: Sum. 7 P. M., from tickling in trachea, on entering warm room: Com. agg. in: Phos. in bed: Bry., Lact., Nitr. ac., Rhus, SEP., Sulph. fauces, from constriction in fauces: Aesc. h. dryness in: Phyt. dryness, roughness, and irritation in: Dios., scraping deep in: DROS. Mag. s. — roughness, scraping, and dryness deep in: DROS. tickling in: Tilia. forenoon, from tickling in throat: Amm. m. hypochondrium, from ten- sion in left: Thuja. inspiration, on: Merc. i. fl. of cold air: ALL. C. deep, agg. on: Natr. ars. 1 ; COUGH SYMPTOMS. 50 + J HACKING cough, inspiration, deep, amel. on: Osm. irritation to: Ang., Cham., Mag. s., Natr. ars., Stann. larynx from crawling in: Dros., Psor. irritation in: Osm., Sac. alb., Seneg. to, felt in, evening, after lying down: IGN., Kali b.10 from itching in: Laur. itching-tickling in: Calc. f. mucus in Cocc., Seneg. provocation in, even- ing, after lying down: IGN. tenacious mucus in: Dig. tenacious mucus, which seems to be firmly adherent to the posterior part of the; Par. scratching in: Zing. tickling in: Acon.,¹0 All. c., Ang.,10 Bell.,10 Carb. an., Coc. c., Dig.,10 Ipec., Lach., Laur., Lob. s., Lyc., Rumex, Sabad.,¹ Spira., Spong." 10 10 tickling, felt only when walking in open air: Ang. sensation of thickening of mucous membrane of, with yellow, stringy expectoration: Ery. aqu. small spot, tickling in: Apis, Cimic., Con.-10. lying down, when: Par., Vesp. Sil. agg: Sulph. evening, after; SANG. evening, after, agg.: evening, amel.: Amm. m. or left side: Par. from provocation in HACKING cough, morning: All. c., Calc., Cina, Ir. v., Kali c., Kali iod., Mit., Nitr. ac., Ol. an., Sil., Sum. agg. in; Sum. rising, after: Arg., Par. from mucus: Laur. night: Graph., Kali c., Mag. s., Natr. m. from mucus, morning: Laur. in mouth: Sul. ac. palate, from dryness, rough- ness, and scraping in, soft: DROS. tickling in: Tilia. tickling in pharynx and, noon; Arg. n. pharynx, from irritation in: Trif. p. tickling in: Mag. s. to air-passages, tickling from: Hey. ac. tickling in, night: Sil. tickling in palate, etc., noon: Arg. n. respiration, from tightness of: Nux v. ribs, from teasing sensation beneath the right fourth and fifth ribs Natr. ars. rising, after: Benz. ac. evening, amel.: Rhus. in morning: Arg., Par. morning, irritation to, as from vapor of sulphur bath: Chin. from tickling low in la- rynx; Arn. sleep, when going to: Agar., Arn., Brom., Lach., Lyc., Nitr. ac.-10. smoking, from: Clem., Coc. c., Hell., Ign., Lach., Petro., Nux v.-10. in evening: Coloc. smothered feeling, night: Asaf. menses, at beginning of: speaking, from, morning: Phos. Sum. larynx: IGN. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 51 HACKING cough, sternum, from tickling at lowest part of: Verat. stomach, from crawling about pit of, extending to throat: Plat. stools, excited by frequent: Bufo. - sulphur baths, irritation to, morning, after rising, as from: Chin. supper, after: Natr. ars. HACKING cough, throat, from scraping in, evening: Tereb. Cist.-10. scratching in: Sil. stitches in: Chenop., Carb. veg.10 with hoarseness: tickling in Colocn., Mur. ac., Phos., Plan. Amm. m., Sang. tickling in, evening: tickling in, forenoon: Amm. m. on swallowing: Kali hyper- tickling low in; Dios., mang. Tarax. swallow, effort to, immedi- ately after: Cina." tickling in, morning: Sum. teasing sensation beneath right fourth and fifth ribs: Natr. tickling at top of, noon : Naja. ars. thickening of mucous mem- brane of larynx, sensation of; with stringy, yellow expectora- tion: Ery. aqu. on touching the: LACH. from putting tongue out : Lyc.10 on touching swollen tonsils: Phos. throat, from burning in: Kali trachea, from irritation in : b. Gels. crawling in Colch., Euph., Lach., Prun. sp. dryness in Plan. dryness in, afternoon: in: Sin. n. mucus in; Gels. rawness in: Laur. sensation of something tickling in: Carb. ac. SANG. dryness in, morning: Ant. t., Mang. Tromb. irritation in Thuja, irritation in, much in- creased from heat and cold air: Hydras.' itching in, morning: Ant. t., Con. mucus in Seneg. rawness in: Kali b., Kali iod., Stront. Rhus. roughness in: Ang., scraping in: Laur., Ol. an., Prun. sp., Sin. n. tickling in, evening, 7.15 P. M., on entering warm room: Com. tickling low in, morn- ing, after rising: Arn. violent, with expectoration of a mouldy taste and smell: BORAX. on waking: Phos. in morning, agg.: Sil. walking, in open air: Ang. fast, agg. Seneg. : HÆMORRHOIDS, pain in, dur- ing cough Kali c., Lach.10 stitches in, on coughing: Ign., Lach.-17. 52 COUGH SYMPTOMS. ་་ HAIR, sensation of, in trachea, ex- cites cough: Sil. HANDS cold, with heat in face and head, with coughing on go- ing to sleep: Sulph.6 must hold chest with both, when coughing: ARN.,10 Bor.,6 Bry., Cimic., Dros.,6 Eupat. per., 7 Kreos., Merc., Natr. s., Sep.,10-7. - laying on pit of stomach amel. cough: Croc.,¹ Dros.6 sweat on, during cough: Ant. t. uncovering even excites 2, 7 5 cough: HEPAR, Rhus, Sil.—2. HARD cough: Asc. t., Aur. s., Bell., Calc., Cann. i., Caps., Cupr., Eupion, Gymn.,5 Kali b., Linu., Lyc.,5 Naja, Nux v., Rhus, Sep., Ziz.-1. 5 evening: Apoc. c., Puls. larynx, from scratching in, amel. by discharge of mucus : Alumn. night: Apoc. c. - palate, from tickling in, after lying down: Carbon. s. V. 10 while smoking: All. s., Nux — spells of, not ceasing till masses of offensive sputa are raised : Carbo v., Ranc. throat, from tickling in, even- ing: Gymn. trachea, from tickling in: Psor. HARASSING. See Teasing Cough. HARSH, hard cough: Eupat. per.5 See Rough Cough. HAWKING excites cough: Amm. m. short cough: Eugen. with cough: Coc. c., Lach.-5. HEAD, aching (includes pain, etc.) in, on coughing: Acon.,5 Alum., Ambr., Anac., Ang.,12 Apis, 20 Arn., Ars., Aur., Bad.," BELL., BRY., Calc., Cact.,12 Caps., 5 5 HEAD, aching—(Continued). Carb. v., Caust., Chin., Chel., Con., Ferr., Hepar, Ign.,2 Ipec., Iris v., Kali b., Kali c., Lach., Led., Lyc., Mag. s., Mang.,12 Merc., NATR. M., Nitrum, Nitr, ac., Nux v., Ena., Ol. m.,20 Phos., Ph. ac., Puls., Rhus, Rumex,¹ Sabad., Sang.,5 Sars.,5 Sep.,Spig., Spong.,2 Squil.,SULPH., Stann., Tarent.¹—11. 1 aching in, agg. by coughing: Iris, Sulph., Tril.-1. after coughing: Stann. alternating with cough: Lach. in and stoppage of breath during cough: Squil.6 * behind eyes, worse on turning the head, with the cough: Bad.2 with dry cough, coryza and stitches in the throat: Nitr. ac.10 --- in forehead, with cough: Spong.2 in occiput, on coughing: Alum., Sulph. in occiput, soreness in chest, tearing pain in temples and ver- tex, from coughing: Alum.2 pressure from within outward, with cough: Kreos.² stupid feeling in, with noises in ears, on coughing: Ph. ac.20 in temples, from cough: Alum., Bry., Rhus, Sulph.-2. when sneezing and coughing, disappearing on compressing the head: Natr. m.6 beating pain in, after cough, and in pit of stomach: Ipec.6 beatings in, as of hammers, bursting pain in forehead, with cough: Natr. m.7 blood congestion or pressure of, to, on coughing: Acon., Ambr., Anac., Bell., Calc., Carb. v., Caust., Cham., Chin., Dulc., Hyos., Iod., Kali c., Lach., Laur., Lyc., Mag. c., Mag. m., Merc., COUGH SYMPTOMS. 53 HEAD, blood-(Continued). Mosch., Nitr. ac., Nux v., Phos., Rhus, Samb., Seneg., Sep., Sil., Spong., Stram., Sulph.-2. blood, congestion of, to, from chest, with throbbing on coughing: Sulph.-2. blows: See Shocks. brain, sensation as of looseness of the, with cough: Acon., Sep., Sul. ac.2 stitches in left side, deep in, on coughing: Bry.6 tearing at a little spot in, on coughing: Sep.6 bruised feeling in, on coughing: Mur. ac., Sulph,¹ Verat.-2. feeling in occiput, on cough- ing: Tarent. burning: See Heat. burst, violent racking cough, as if head and chest would, worse at night: Merc. 12 bursting, sensation in, in, when coughing: Bell., Cact.,12 Caps., Chin., Hydras.,20 Kali b.,5 Merc., Natr. m., Nux v., Phos., Ph. ac., Puls., Sep., Sil., Staph., Sulph.—2. sensation in, agg. by cough: Bell., Hydras., Sep.1-1. sensation in forehead, when coughing: Natr. m., Staph.2 7 sensation in, morning, 8 A. M., on coughing: Dios. morning, 11 A. M., on coughing: Lac. ac. cold feeling, on one side of head, accompanies cough: Cale.2 compressive pain, with cough: Arn., Verb.2 in forehead and temples, during cough: Verb.2 7 concussion of the brain, from cough: Apis, Led., Rhus, Sul. ac.-2. constriction of, on coughing: Iris v.," 17 Petro.¹ HEAD, creeping sensation in, with cough: Cupr.2 -cutting pain in, on coughing: Bell.20 darting pains in parietal bones, on coughing: Mang.5 digging pains in temples with the cough: Kali b.5 exertion of mind, agg. cough: Arn., Ign., Nux v.—2. fly to pieces, feels as if it would, from the cough: Bry., Calc.,6 Caps., Kali b., Merc., Natr. m., Nux v., Phos., Ph. ac., Sep., Sulph.-5. feels as if head and chest would, from violent racking cough, every other evening, when on the point of going to sleep; cough is followed by violent stretching: Merc.6 See also under Bursting. forehead, aching in, with cough: Asc. t., Brom., Chel., Spong.2-1. bursting sensation in, with cough: Staph. constriction of, when cough- ing: Iris v.17 pains in, from coughing: Acon., Arn., Hepar, Hyos., Kreos., Mosch., Natr. m., Phos., Ruta, Seneg., Spong., Staph., Sulph., Verb.-2. piercing pains in, on coughing : Hyos.2 pain in, and swimming in head, after cough, almost causing one to fall: Kali b.6 pain in, relieved by cough: Arg. mur.20 pressure of blood and throb- bing in, with cough: Spong.2 stitches in, with cough: Hyos.,2 Sulph.6 stitches through, when cough- ing, is obliged to hold it with her hands: Sulph. * \ f 54 COUGH SYMPTOMS. HEAD, fullness in occiput, with heat and fluent acrid coryza, lacrymation, and cough: Cepa.2 hammering in, from cough: Natr. m.2 heat of, during cough: Amm. c., Ant. t., Ars.,¹ Carb. v., Ipec., Sulph.¹-5. and rest of body cool: Arn.5 heat of, and rest of body cool, with cough. Arn.5 in face and head with cold hands, with cough when going to sleep: Sulph.6 heaviness and dullness in, with cough: Euphr.2 hold, splitting headache, child holds its head, whooping cough, with vomiting, worse mornings: Nux v.7 hold, stitches through the fore- head, when coughing, is obliged to hold it with hands: Sulph.6 hold, violent cough, must sit erect and hold head with both hands: Nicc.14 jerks in. See Shocks. jerking, tearing in temples, with cough: Puls.2 lightness in, with chronic, loud cough from stuffing at epigas- trium, chiefly in morning; has then a fit of coughing, and ex- pectoration of tough mucus : Kali b.6 looseness of brain, sensation as of, with cough: Acon., Carb. an., Sep., Sul. ac.-2. mixed reverberation in. motion in, on coughing: Bry." occiput, aching in, on cough- ing: Alum.,2 Sulph. bruised feeling in, on cough- ing: Tarent.¹ pains in, on coughing: Anac., Carb. an., Ferr., Mag. c., Mosch., Sep.-2. 2 6 HEAD, occiput, ulcerative pain in, when coughing: Sep., Sulph. oppression of chest and, with vertigo and cough: Brom. pains (undefined) in forehead with or from cough: Acon., He- par, Hyos., Kreos., Mosch., Natr. m., Phos., Seneg., Spong., Staph., Verat.-2. See Aching. pain in forehead and swimming in the Kali b.6 pain coming over from nape of neck, on coughing: Carb. v., Sil. -2. pain in occiput, from cough: Anac., Carb. an., Ferr., Mag. c., Merc., Mosch., Sulph., Sep. -2. 11 pain, tearing in, from violent dry cough cough followed by violent pulsation of heart; anx- iety and pressure in chest, worse sitting: Cupr. pain in temples with cough: Ambr., Caust., Cina, Kali c., Kreos., Lyc., Puls., Rhus, Verb. -2. pain in vertex on coughing: Con., Cupr., Sabad., Squil. -2. violent, in centre of, from coughing or sneezing: Sulph.® parietal bones, darting in, from cough: Mang. 7 stitches in, when cough- ing: Sulph.6 perspiration on, with cough: Ant. t., Calc., Ipec.,12 Sil., Ta- rent.¹-5. sour on, with cough: Merc., Sil.-5. pressing from within outward in the forehead, with cough: Acon., Hepar, Kreos.-2. pressing or pain in, agg. by coughing: Sep.' COUGH SYMPTOMS. 55 > HEAD, pressure of blood to. See Blood, pressure of. in forehead and throbbing, with cough: Spong.2 pressure in, when coughing: Alum., Bry., Chel., Con., Nitr. ac.,¹ Phos., Ruta, Sars.-5. pulsation in, during cough: Lyc. racking of, occiput, abdomen, and chest from short turns of - cough: Lact. roaring in, with cough: Caust., Hepar, Mag. m.—2. shaking in, during cough: Chin., Lact., Mag. s. shattering in, during cough : Calc., Lact., Rhus. shocks (or jerks) in, from cough: Ars., Calc., Ipec., Lach.,12 Lyc., Mang.,12 Natr. m., Rhus, Seneg.,2 Spig.,12 Sul. ac.-5. shooting in, when coughing : Bry., Calc., Carb. v., Con.-1. shooting pain in, on coughing; stitches extending upward are renewed when coughing or mov- ing head, only relieved when resting head on painful side: Arn.6 sensibility in vertex, with cough: Squil.2 side of, aching in left, agg. by cough: Apis, Dir. Aur. > > boring in, agg. by cough: darting pain in, from cough: Mang Aur. grinding in, agg. by cough: , pain in temple, from cough: Mang. (r.). > -, pulsation in, agg. by cough: Aur., Dir. (1.). 2 Mang. shooting in, from cough: sticking pain through to arm, agg. by cough: Cimex (r.). HEAD, side of, stitches in occipital and parietal bones, on coughing: Sulph. soreness of, when coughing: Spig.,¹ Zinc.2 spasmodic pain in, on cough- ing: Ery., Mar.20 split, pain with cough, as if would split at forehead, with stitches in throat: Hepar.6 splitting pain, child holds its head, whooping cough with vom- iting, worse mornings: Nux v.7 stitches in, when coughing: Alum., Anac., Arn., Bry., Calc., Carb. v., Caust., Chel., Cina, Con., Hyos., Kali c., Mez.,5 Nitr. ac., Phos., Ph. ac., Ruta,5 Sabad., Sulph., Sul. ac., Verb., Zinc.¹ -2. stitches over eye, with cough: Phos., Ph. ac.—2. in forehead during cough: Hyos.,2 Mez., Sulph.-6. through forehead, when cough- ing, is obliged to hold head with her hands: Sulph.6 in right frontal eminence and scraping at lower part of sternum, with cough: Mez.6 in left hemisphere of brain, on coughing: Bry.6 in temples, with cough: Caust., Cina, Kali c.—2. in vertex, during cough: Con., Sabad.-2. in vertex, from dry cough, with perspiration and water in eyes, vomiting and pain in stom- ach: Sabad.10 stretching back, excites cough: Lyc.2 stunning pain in, with cough : Aeth. stupefying pain in, cough awakens him at 3 A. M. with: Nitrum.7 56 COUGH SYMPTOMS. # 1 HEAD, stupefying pain in, with cough: Led.,2 Nitrum.7 sweat on. See Perspiration. tearing in, with cough: Alum., Calc., Cupr., Acet.,6 Sep.-5. tearing pain in, agg. by cough- ing: Arn. tearing asunder, pain as if, with cough: Mur. ac., Puls., Verat. -2. See also would fly to pieces. tearing pain in, from frequent, violent, dry cough, followed by violent pulsation of heart; anx- iety and pressure in chest: Cupr. acet. tearing pain in small spot in brain, with cough: Sep.6 tearing pain in temple, from cough: Alum., Puls.12 temple, pain in, with cough: Ambr., Caust., Cina, Kali c., Kreos., Lyc., Puls., Rhus, Verb. -2. temple, pain in, and to top of head, from cough: Alum.7 sensation as if right temple would burst, when coughing: Cina.6 stitches in, from cough: Caust., Cina, Kali c.-2. - tearing in, from cough: Alum., Puls.-2. tension in, with cough: Verb.² tension in, with cough: Mag c., Merc., Mosch., Verb.-2. -2. -2. forehead: Mosch., Verb. occiput: Mag. c., Mosch. temples: Verb.2 tensive pain in, on coughing and loud speaking: Spig.20 throbbing in, with cough: Ferr., Ipec., Kali c., Led., Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Phos., Seneg., Sep., Sil., Spong., Sulph.-2. HEAD, throbbing in forehead, with cough: Phos., Spong.-2. -in occiput, with cough: Sep.2 top of, pain in temple and, from cough: Alum.7 turning, excites cough: Spong.5 twitching in, on coughing: Puls.2 ulcerative pain in occiput, with cough: Sep.,2 Sulph.6 vibration in, during cough : Hepar.¹ awakens at 3 A. M., with cough and violent stupefying headache: Nitrum.7 weakness in, after cough: He- par.¹ HEARING impaired by coughing: Chel., Dulc., Seneg.¹-11. 7 HEART, affections of, with cough: Ars., Lach., Laur., Naja, Mosch. -5. and arteries, dry cough, after mid- night, causing violent beating of: Calc.6 burn, with, from cough: Carbn,s. constriction of, with cough: Cact. 5 sensation of obstruction in region of, suddenly, as if breath would be arrested; attacks are fre- quent, occur even at night during sleep, and excite a dry cough, which is relieved by expect. : Guaj.6 sensation of obstruction in region of, preceding the cough: Guaj.6 pain about, during cough: Tar- ent. palpitation, with cough: Arn., Calc., Kali b., Nitrum, Puls., Spong., Stam.-5. palpitation of, agg. by cough: Ib. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 57 HEART, pulsation of, frequent violent dry cough, with tearing pain in head; cough followed by violent pulsation of heart; anx- iety and pressure in chest, worse sitting Cupr. acet. shocks of, for two hours after dinner, obliging her to cough frequently and causing flushing of the face: Phos. shooting in region of, agg. by cough, hiccough, sneezing: Agar. stitches in region of, when coughing: Mez. tearing in region of, with cough: Elaps.5 thumping of, after dinner, ex- cites cough: Phos. HEAT after the cough: Bell. agg. or excited by coughing: Ambr., Ant. t., Arn., Ars., Bell., Carb. v., Hepar, Hyos., Iod., Ipec., Led., Lyc., Mag. m., Natr. c., Nitrum, Nux v., Phos., Puls., Sabad, Squil., Sulph.-3. - of body excites dry cough: Acon¸ in bronchi, excites cough: Eth. with cough, with expectoration: Alum., Anac., Arg., ARS., Bell., Brom., Bry., CALC., Carb. V., Cic., Chin., Dig., Dros., Dulc., Ferr., Iod., KALI C., Kreos., Lyc., PHOS., Ph. ac., PULS., Ruta, Seneg., Sep., Sil., Spong., Stann., Staph., Sulph., Thuja.-3. with cough, without expectora- tion: ACON., Ang., Ant. cr, Apis, Arn, Ars., Bell, Brom., Bry., Calc., Carb. v., Caust., Cham., Cina, Chin., Coff., Con., Cupr., Dros., Hepar, Hyos., Ign., IPEC., Kali c., Lach., Lyc., NATR. M., Nitr. ac., Nux m, Nux v., Op., Petro., Phos., Plat., Puls., Rhus, SABAD., Samb., Sep., Spig., Spong, Squil., Staph., Sulph., Sul. ac., Verat., Verb.-3. HEATED, cough, after being: Acon., Bry., Caust,5 Kali c., Mag. c.,5 Nux m.,5 Rhus, Zinc.-2. on becoming, agg. of cough : Acon., Ant. cr., Bry.,5 Caust.,5 Dig., Iod., Kali c., Nux m.,5 Nux v.,5 Sil., Thuja.-2. 5 See also under Warm, Warmth. HEAVINESS in chest, from dry cough: Sulph. extending into chest from throat, causes cough: Iod. of chest, with cough: Amm. c., Calad., Kali b., Nitrum, Sep.," Zinc.-5. and dullness in head, with cough: Euphr.2 HERNIA, pains as if, would set in on coughing: Cocc., Natr. m., Nux v., Sil., Squil., Sulph., Verat. -11. when walking and standing pain in lumbar region, as if hernia would protrude; dares neither cough nor inhale: Sul ac.6 See also under Abdomen, pro- trude. HICCOUGH during cough: Ang.,5 Tabac.¹. and after cough: Tabac.10 and sobbing, with cough: Amni. n. HIP, jerking or twitching in, seems to excite cough: Ars. pain in, with cough: Bell., Caust., Rous, Sulph."—5. stitches in chest, lumbar region, hip, uterus, with cough; pain in sternum, with tightness of chest and rattling of mucus in chest : Bell.10. stitching pain over left, ex- tending to small of back, when coughing: Sulph.6 HOARSE cough: AcoN., ALL. C.,¹ Aloe,¹ Ambr., Asaf.,¹ BELL., Brom., Calad., Calc., Carbo 1 1 - 58 COUGH SYMPTOMS. } HOARSE cough-(Continued). 1 an., Carbo. v., Caust., Chin., Cina, Dros., Eupat., Hal.,¹ Hepar, Kali bi., Kali iod.,¹ Lach., Laur., Merc., Naja,¹ Natr. m.,¹ Rhus,¹ Samb., Sil., Spong., STANN., Sul. ac., Verat., Verb.-5. 1 choking cough, evening; Cina. croupy cough: Ant. t., Bell., Brom., Lach.—5. hacking cough: Acon.5 dry, rough, and barking cough (also a panting cough) worse on deep insp.: Dulc. mostly morning and evening, not at night: Caust. filling-up sensation in throat : Apis. 11 16 - racking cough, day and night, with profuse purulent expectora- tion; soreness in larynx: Ars. iod. HOARSENESS, with cough: Acon., Amm. c., Ant. t.,11 Arg. n.,¹¹ Asaf., Bad.,2 Bell.,¹¹ Bry., Brom.,2 Calc., Caps.,11 Carb. an., CARB. V., Caust.,2 CHAM.,11 Chin., Cina, Cupr.,2 Dig.,2 DROS.,11 Dulc.,16 Ferr.,2 Hepar, Iod., Kali b., Kali c.,² Kali hyd., Lach., Laur., Lyc.,12 Mag m.,16 Mang., MERC.,¹¹ Mez.,2 Mur. ac.,2 Natr. c., Natr. m.,16 Nitr. ac., Nitrum," Nux v.,11 Phos., Ph. ac., Puls.,¹ Rhus, Rumex, Samb., Seneg.,16 Sep., Sil.,12 Spong., Stann., Staph., Sulph., Sul. ac.,2 Thuja,16 Verat., Verb.,2 Zinc.2 -5. 2 afternoon, during cough: Gamb. amel. by coughing: Stann. with desire to cough: Alum., Chinin., Dros., Laur., Sul. ac.- 16. with dry cough: Con., Sep., Sil. -16. HOARSENESS, with dry cough, dryness in throat and coryza of clear water: Sulph.6 dry cough, from 5 to 6 paroxysms with sore sensation in a streak down along the trachea, where it pains at every paroxysm of cough, and almost prevents breathing: CAUST. morning, with cough: Carb. an.. Dig.-2. day and night; cough, with sore- ness and dryness of throat and chest; expectoration yellow; more in morning: Calc. ph. nightly, with dry cough and blood-streaked saliva: Arg. n.º with tedious cough: Bar., Calc., Caust., Iod., Mang., Phos. -16. sudden, violent, with dry cough and pressure on chest during rough weather: Mag. m.6 with violent dry cough, after measles: Camph.7 5 HOLD, cough obliges him to hold himself inwardly: Coff. See also under Chest, Head, etc. HOLLOW cough: Acon., Ant t.,5 BELL., Carb. v., Caust., Chel., Ci- na,5 Dig., Euphr.,5 Hepar,5 Ipec., Jatro.,¹ Kali iod.,¹ Lach., Lact.,¹ Kreus., Led., Mag. c.,¹ Merc. c.,¹ Natr. c., Nux v., Op., Phos., Samb, Sil., Spig., Spong., Stann., Staph., VERAT., Verb.-2. 1 in bed, in morning: Phos. in day Spong. -, deep, toward noon, with dis- charge of pure blood: Sil. dry cough, from five to six paroxysms, with sore sensation in a streak down along the trachea, where it pains on every parox- ysm of cough and almost pre- vents breathing: CAUST. in evening: Verat. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 59 1 HOLLOW cough from tickling in chest, during rest: Euph. after lying down, evening: Lact. morning and night, agg. Caust. morning in bed: Phos. night: Phos., Spong. especially at night and in the morning, with tightly adher- ent mucus in chest, in which there is a sticking pain, very sore and ulcerated, with and without coughing, with stopped coryza and stoppage of nose: Caust. HOT toward noon: Sil. after rising in morning: Cina. stooping agg.: Spig. sitting up amel.: Natr. c. on waking in morning: IGN. room, unable to speak from ex- cessive coughing in a: Coc. c. See also under Room. HUNGER, violent, with cough and coryza: Sul. ac.6 HYPOCHONDRIUM. See un- der Abdomen. HYPOGASTRIUM. See under Abdomen. HYSTERICAL attack of cough followed by crying, night: For- mica. ILL-HUMOR before the cough: Asaf., Bell. IMPULSE. See Irritation. INABILITY to cough: Ant. t., Sulph. from pain: Natr. slfc. in side: Ox. ac. amel. by pressure of hand on pit of stomach: Dros. INCESSANT. See Constant. INCLINATION. See Irritation. INDOORS, slight cough: Coca. See also under Room. INGUINAL region, pain in on coughing: Borax.11 —, pain in, as if hernia would protrude, on coughing: Petro. See also under' Hernia, and Abdomen. stitches in, during cough: Lach., Thuja. (r tearing in, as from hernia, agg. on coughing: Tarent. INHALE, inclination to cough so sudden and violent can scarcely inhale at all: Sepia.7 1 -See Breathing. INSPIRATION (inspiring, inhal- ing) agg. or excites cough: A con., Asaf., Asar., Benz. ac.,¹ Calc.,¹ Cina, Con., Coral., Croc., Graph., Hepar, Ipec., Kali b., Mag. m.,¹ Meny., Meph.,12 Merc. p. iod., Olean., Op., Puls., Squil., Sticta, Verb.-12. • 1 agg, a dry cough, evening: Dig. short cough; also a dry night cough: Natr. ars. See also under Breathing. choking cough from: Cina. crowing, violent spasmodic cough, commencing with gasping for breath, and continuing with repeated crowing inspirations till face becomes black or purple and patient exhausted; worse at night and after a meal: Coral.2 deep, cough from: Am. m., Brom., China,16 Cina,16 Con., Co- ral., Cupr., Graph., Hepar, Lyc.,' Natr. ars., Natr. m., 16 Serp., Squil.16-1. deep, agg. hacking cough: Natr. ars. amel. cough: Verb.¹ 16 16 amel, hacking cough: Osm. on deep, it seems as though icy- cold air were streaming through the air-passages, with some pro- vocation to cough, and much dif- 60 COUGH SYMPTOMS. ? ♪ J ↑ 4 INSPIRATION—(Continued). ficult hawking of bronchial mu- cus, in the morning: Coral. deep, causes strangling cough, red face, watery eyes, and strain- ing all over: Graph.7 deep, after lying down, evening, cough: Ipec. Ipec. morning, cough: racking cough from: Con. short cough from: Con. tight cough from: Ziz. dry cough on: Hepar. evening, agg. dry cough: Dig. on forced through nose, cough: Sap. irritation to cough on: Phy- sos., Puls. INSPIRING cool air agg. cough : All c., Cist., Cupr., Phos.,10 Ru- mex,2 Staph.,2 Vitex.-5. See also under Air. deeply. See Breathing. every effort excites cough: Meny., Sticta.-2. INTERMITTENT-FEVER, dry hacking cough in spells before the attack of: Eupat. per.7 See Fever. A. INTERMITTING cough, 6 M. amel. drinking cold water: Coc. c. INTERRUPTED cough: Coff., Sulp. ac., Thuja. after dinner: Agar. from infiltration of lower chest: Kreos. from smoking, evening: Thu- ja. INVOLUNTARY cough: Aml. n. half, rough cough, from constant roughness and crawling in throat Carbo v. IRRITABILITY with cough: Cham., Cina.-5. IRRITABLE cough: Cocc., Coff., Clem.,¹ Cod.,¹ Ign., Kali c.,¹ Lach., Laur., Ozone, Mar., Par., Ph-ac.,¹ Phyto.,¹ Plan.¹-5. back, lying on or right side agg.: Phos. evening tickling in trachea, after lying down: Marum. lying on back or right side agg.: Phos. lying down, after, evening, from tickling in trachea: Ma- rum. morning, after rising: Arg. night, agg.: Cod. from scratching in throat: Phos. on swallowing: Kali hy- permang. tickling in upper trachea: Marum. IRRITATION (desire, inclina- tion, etc.) to cough: Acon., Agar., All. s., Aloe., Am. bro., Am. n., Aml. n., Ant. t., Aqu. p., Asp., Baryt., Cai., Carb. v., Carb. ac., Carbn. s., Caus., Cham., Chin. s., Chlo., Clem., Coc. c., Coll., Con., Crot. t., Dios., Hyos., Iod., Kali b., Kali iod., Lobel., Lyc., Mag. s., Merc. i. r., Mez., Mosch., Mur. ac., Natr. ars., Natr. slfc., Nux v., Osm., Ox. ac., Phos., Ph. ac., Psor., Pul. n., Raph., Sulph., Sul. ac. to cough, afternoon: Sulph. Cimic. Bapt., 7.30 P. M., speaking: back, lying on: Natr. m. during catarrh: Ant. t. during coryza: Sepia. agg. by coughing: IGN.,¹ Marum.,12 Raph. to cough, afternoon: Bapt. afternoon, 7.30 P. M,, agg. on speaking: Cimic, COUGH SYMPTOMS. 61 IRRITATION to cough, after- noon, agg. in: Sulph. back, lying on: Natr. m. in bronchi: Chlor. catarrh, during: Ant. t. chest, from burning in : from tickling contrac- Coc. c. tion in Alco. coryza, during: Sepia. coughing agg.: IGN., Marum,12 Raph. Rumex. day: Agar. smoking: Agar. after dinner: Sulph. eating Sulph. while eating felt in larynx evening: Chel., Dios. lying down: Mez., Sulph. Merc. c. IRRITATION to cough in lar- ynx toward evening: Merc. c. from pain: Iodium. from scraping: Con. from stitches: Naja. from tickling: Brom., Cimic. from tickling, 7 P. M.: Cimic. lung, from pain in right, lying on back: Natr. m. down, evening: Ign., Mez., Sulph. 8 P. M.: Dios. about midnight: Coff. before midnight: STANN. morning: Dios., Meny., Ol. an., Thuja. IGN., Cori v. toward, in larynx: 2 P. M., in larynx and trachea: Coca. A con. f. 7.30 P. M., tickling in Dig. larynx: Cimic. 8 P. M., pain in right in bed, agg.: Caust. on deep inspiration: after rising: Alumn. night: Com., Ferr. palate from burning in: up to arch of: from reading aloud: Nitr. ac. lung: Dios. 9 P. M., tickling in respiration, from deep: throat: Dios. Cina, Lyc. — irritation in throat: Dios. fauces, from tickling in: on deep, morning: Cori. r. Aloe. rising, after, in morning: Alumn. increases the more one coughs: IGN., Marum, Raph.,¹ Squil.-12. Puls. on inspiration: Physos., deep inspiration, morn- ing: Coral. - in larynx and trachea, 2 P. M.: Coca. : while eating Rumex. after eating: Staph. constriction and ir- ritation: Naja. - amel.: Ferr. smoking, agg., day: Agar. from speaking, 7 P. M.: Cimic. sternum, tickling, under extending to back: Angust. sulphur fumes, as from: Carb. v., Lyc. bac. swallowing, agg.: Eug. empty: Lyc., Natr. m. in throat: Amm. br., Ta- 62 COUGH SYMPTOMS. . IRRITATION to cough deep in throat: Ambra, Asp., Dios., Squil. Plan. Dios. throat, from draft of air: burning in: Acon. f. dryness in: Atro. irritation in, 10 P. M.: from sensation as from fumes of burning match: Aml. n. Merc. ac. Natr. c. ac. sticking griping; sticking: Phos. on stretching it: Lyc. from tickling in : Asp., in pit of throat: Ph. from tickling in throat, 9 P. M.: Dios. A con. Coca. tongue, from burning on: in trachea: Stann. and larynx, 2 P. M.: on waking, night: Thuja. ISCHIATIC pain on coughing: Ars., Bell., Caust., Kali b., Sulph.-12. JAW, pain in, when coughing, not on touch: Amm. c. KNEE, pain in, or leg, on cough- ing: Caps.12 shooting in when coughing: Nitr. ac. LABOR, dry cough following diffi- cult labor or abortion, with back- ache and sweat: Kali c. LABORED cough: Agar. LACHRYMATION, when cough- 1 ing: Acon., Agar., All. c., Brom., Calc., Calc. ph., Carbo v, Chel.,5 Cina, Eupat. per.,12 EUPHR., Hepar, Ipec., Kali c., Kreos., LACHRYMATION-(Continued). Merc., Natr. m., Op., Phell., 5 6 Puls., Rhus, Ruta, Sabad., Sil., Squil., Staph., Sulph.-2. LACTATION, cough and bloody expectoration acet.6 during: Ferr. LAMENTING, cough from, in children: Arn. see Crying. LARYNGEAL cough, compels patient to grasp the larynx: All. c.7 cough: Carbn. s. , as from foreign body: Bell. -, originating above larynx: Calad. as from sulphur fumes in upper part of larynx: Ars. LARYNX, air, inspiring in, causes dry cough: Ment. pip. laryngeal cough: Meng. open, stitches and tickling in, while walking in open air, excit- ing cough: Ox. ac. back part of, irritation of, even- ing in bed, excites paroxysmal cough: Cocc. 1 tickling at, causes dry cough: Anth. n. cough: Anth. n. paroxysmal balls of soap-like mucus accu- mulates in, causing cough: Arg. n.6 burning in, causing cough: Acon.,2 Aph., Bell., Mag. S.,12 Phos., Seneg.-1. in, with cough: Ars., Cham., Iod., Mag. m., Phos.-2. from pit of stomach to, with cough: Mag. s.5 -tickling in, exciting cough: Aph., Spong.5 1 clothes, cough from pressure of, on: LACH.5 cold sensation in, on inspira- tion: Brom.2 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 63 } LARYNX, constant desire to clear the throat and: Crot. t. constriction of, excites cough: Bell., Carbn. s., Cupr.,2 Mang., Naja, Puls., Stram.,5 Sulph.-1. in, causing spasmodic cough : Coffea. constrictive sensation in, es- pecially after eating, causing cough: Puls. tickling from upper part of, to lowest bronchi, causing cough: Ipec. contraction of, with cough: Dros., Ign., Stram., Verat.-2. when speaking: Dros.2 cramp in, a kind of, as in whoop- ing cough, during cough: Tereb. crawling (creeping) in, exciting cough: Ant. t.,2 Carbo v., Caust., CON., Dros., Kreos., Led., Psor., Rhus, Sab., Sulph. below, excites cough: Kreas.5 in, dry cough: Psor. Psor. hacking cough: Dros., paroxysmal cough: Psor. drink, getting in, excites cough: Acet. ac., Acon. drinking water agg. racking cough from tickling in: Opium. dry spot in, causes cough: CON. dryness in, excites cough: Bell., Carbo an., Con., Dros., Laur., Mang.,¹ Puls., Seneg.,6 Zig.—2. choking or suffocative cough 5 A. M., cannot speak on account of cramp in chest, red face and sweat: Kali c. 5 on coughing: Bell., Polyg. tight cough: Ziz. with cough: Dros., Laur., Mag. m., Natr. m., Phos., Rhus, Sabad., Spong., Verb.—2. roughness and constriction of, from dry cough brought on by reading and talking: Mang.10 LARYNX, dust, cough as from, in: Calc., Ph. ac., Sulph.-5. feather, tickling as from a, cough from: Dros.,5 Mez.¹ 1 evening, before sleep, an overpowering cough from: Lyc. flapping sensation above: Lach.2 flesh hanging in larynx, sensa- tion as from a piece of. Phos. fluid secretion of in, cough from: Lach. foreign body, as if from, violent dry cough: Bell." 1 cough: Tril. grasp, severe cough compels patient to grasp it; feels as if cough would tear larynx: All. c.7 irritation to cough felt in: Acon., Alum, Amm. c., Amm. m., Aph., Arn., Ars., Arum d.,¹ Bar., Bell.,¹ Bov., Bry., Calc., Canc. f.,¹ Canth., Carbo an., Carbo v., Caps., Caust., Cham, Chel.,¹ Cimic., Cina, Coc. c., Cocc., Coff., Colch., Coloc.,¹ Con., Dig.,¹ Dros., Euphr., For., Guare., Hepar, Hydr. ac., Iod., Ipec., Ign., Kali b., Kali c, Kali clc.,¹ Lach., Lachn., Laur., Mag. c., Mang., Manc., Merc. cor., Mez., Mur. ac., Naja, Natr. c., Nux v., Olean., Osm., Puls., Rumex, Sabad., Sabin., Seneg., Sep., Sil., Spong., I 1 1 Staph., Stront., Sulph., Sul. iod.,¹ Tabac, Tarax.-5. irritation, above, cough from : Calad.5 1 in, afternoon cough: Ferr. iod., Phos. 2 P. M., cough: Coca. back part, causes paroxys- mal cough, evening in bed: Cocc. as from burning acid, cough: Aph. convulsive cough, at night in bed on waking: Thuja. 丰 ​64 COUGH SYMPTOMS. } LARYNX, irritation in, dry cough: Bell., Kali iod., Sulph., Tabac. --evening, on going out: Naja. extending to chest, cough from: Mez.5 Seneg. Seneg. forenoon: Tongo. hacking cough: Osm., short cough: Amm. c., short asthmatic cough with painful sensation of contraction in chest: Amm. c.7 from tickling, cough: Brom., Cimic. and trachea, cough: Coca. upper part, during siesta, cough: Arnica. to cough, from constriction and irritation: Naja. after eating: Staph. while eating: Rumex. from pain: Iod. itching in, cough from: Ambr., Cact., Carbo v., Con.,2 Dig.,5 Laur., Nux v., Puls."-1. dry cough: Cact. gr. evening, cough: Carbo v. hacking cough: Laur. morning on waking, cough; Carbo v. tickling in, convulsive cough: Calc. f dry cough: Bell. hacking cough: Calc.f. lower part, crawling in, cough from: Kreos. Canc. f. tickling in, cough from: morning after ris- ing, causing hacking cough: Arn. mucus in, excites or agg. cough: Arg.,¹ Arg. n.,¹ Brom., Caust., Crot. t., Dulc., Euphr., Kali b., Kreos., Mang., Osm., Seneg.¹- 5. 1 5 LARYNX, mucus, balls of soap- like, accumulate, causing cough and expelled by it: Arg. n. in, hacking cough: Coce., Dig., Seneg. membrane thickened or swol- len, seems to cause short cough: Ery. a. membrane feels as if it would be torn off with every cough: Osm.¹ in, excites short cough: Seneg. hacking tenacious, causes cough: Dig. obstruction of, after the cough: Arum. m. causing cough when eating fruit Arg. pain in, causing cough: Acon., Ang., Bry., Calad., Euph., Grat.,16 Kali c., Hepar, Spong.-12. when coughing: Arg., Bell., Bry., Carbo v., Chel., Osm. causes irritation to cough: Iod. one spot, agg. by pres- sure, cough, etc.: Hepar.6 provoking coughing and hawking, agg. by pressure, on waking in morning, but toward noon giving place to a similar sensation behind upper third of sternum: Ferr. painfulness of, with danger of suffocating when touching or turning neck, or coughing or drawing a long breath: Bell.6 piercing pain in, exciting cough: Acon.2 – plug (or valve) in, causes cough: Spong.2 pressure upon, causes cough: Chin., Cina, LACH., Rumex, Ta- rax.-5. and roughness, a sensation be- tween (which gradually becomes a tickling), causes cough: Tel. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 65 1 } LARYNX, prickling in, 1-4 A. M., cough: Bufo. 2 A. M., cough: Phos. posterior part, irritation to cough felt in, evening in bed: Cocc. Par. mucus in, hacking cough: uninterrupted provocation in, to a hacking cough; it does not dis- appear on coughing, but only when suppressing the cough: IGN. rawness in, causing cough: BROM., SULPH., Ziz. agg. by cough: Naja. dry cough: SULPH. extending to sternum after cough: Osm. when coughing: BROM., Kali c., Sep., Ziz. and scraping in, dry cough: BROM. provoking dry cough in evening: BROM. in upper part, when cough- ing, not when swallowing: AR- GENT. - roughness in, cough from: Bar, Carbo an., Dig., Kreos., Mang.,] Nux v.,¹ Sabad.—2. and hoarseness, somewhat amel. by cough: Stann." and scraped feeling in, cough from: Nux V. and pressure, a sensation be- tween (which gradually passes into a tickling), causes cough : Tel. dry cough brought on loud reading and talking, with painful dryness, roughness, and constric- tion of larynx: Mang.10 scraped feeling and roughness in, cough from: Nux v. scraping in, cough from: Aur. m. n., Bell., BROM., Bov., Coc. c., LARYNX—(Continued). Hepar, Hydr. ac., Led., Mang. ox., Nitr. ac., Nux v., Osm., Puls.,5 Seneg.,6 Til.—1. in, cough evening: Bry. dry cough: Bell., Hydr. ac., Led., Mang. ox. dry cough, night: Gamb. causes irritation to cough: Con., Naja. night, dry cough: Gamb. and rawness in, evening, dry cough: BROM., Con. cough: Chel. and rawness in, provokes dry cough: BROM. OX. tickling in, dry cough: Mang. morning, dry cough: Opium. 3 A. M., dry cough: Opium. bringing tears into eyes and causing dry cough: PULS. and tickling in, dry cough, wakes him from sleep very early in morning with: Opium. scratching in, excites cough; Arg. n., Coloc., Dig.,2 Kreos.,2 Zing.—1. 1-2 A. M., dry cough: Zing. dry hacking cough: Zing. hard cough, amel. by dis- charge of mucus: Alum. shaking cough: Alumne. shocks, painful, in, from the cough: Hepar,¹ Sulph.6 side of, stitches in right, on coughing: Aloe. tickling in left, causing cough: Tilia. right, 7.15 P. M., cough: Ir. fœ. smarting, in causing cough: Zing. with cough: Ziz. soreness in, cough from: Upa. 66 COUGH SYMPTOMS. LARYNX, soreness in, dry cough from: Zing. on coughing: ARG., Chin., Fl. ac., Sepia. —, hoarse, racking cough, day and night, with profuse pur- ulent expectoration: Ars. iod. (H. V. M.) and rawness in upper part, when coughing, not when swal- lowing: ARGENT. with or from cough: Amb., Brom., Carbo an., Carbo v., Chin., Ign., Kali c., Natr. m., Nux m.,5 Phos.,5 Rumex,5 Sep., Stann.-2. spasm of, excites cough: Cupr.2 with cough: Bell., Laur.² splitting sensation on coughing: All. c. stinging in, or burning tickling, causing cough: Aph. stitches in, exciting cough: Aph., Bufo, Indigo, Kali c., Naja, Nit. d. s. - dry cough in evening: Nit. d. s. Bufo. digo. night: Kali c. during cough: Kali c. worse evening, cough from: paroxysmal cough: In- on walking in open air, exciting cough: Ox. ac. supports, patient on coughing or swallowing involuntarily sup- ports the larynx: Dros." swelling or thickening of the mucous membrane, sensation of, hacking cough: Ery. a. swollen, feeling, cough from: Arn., Ox. ac. tear, hoarse cough seems to split and: All. c.10 tearing sensation in, causes cough: Bov. LARYNX, tearing pain on cough- ing, extreme pain on talking, even in a whisper, great hoarse- ness: Phos.19 5 2 2 See Larynx, torn. thrusts in, on coughing: Sulph. tickling in, excites or agg. cough: Acon., Esc. h., All. c.,² Alumn., Alum.,2 Ambr.,2 Anac., Ang, Ant. t.,2 Ars., Bar.,2 Bell.," Bor., Bov., Brom., Bry., Calc.,2 Carl., Caus., Cham.,5 Chel., Cimic., Coc. c., Cad., Con.,² Cop., Crot. t.,2 Dros., Euphr., Eupion., Hepar, Indigo, Iod., Ipec., Iris, Kali b., Kali c., Lach.,² Lact.,2 Laur.,2 Led., Lob.,2 Mag. c.,² Mag. m.,2 Merc.,5 Mez.,5 Natr. m.,2 Natr. s., Nitr. ac.,5 Nitrum, Nux v.,5 Olean.,5 Osm., Ox. ac., Ph. ac., Psor.,5 Rat., Rhus,2 Rumex, Sabin., Sang., Seneg., Sep., Sil., Spong., Staph.,2 Sulph., Tarent., Tep., Til., Verb., Zinc., Zing.-1. tickling from abdomen to, ex- cites cough: Sepia.5 5 5 2 5 in, which quickly changes to chest or stomach, etc.: Lach. in, convulsive cough: Bad.,Vin. night: Calc..f. day cough: Con. dry cough: Asaf., Am. m., Arg. n., Brom., Carb. ac., Cimic., Coloc., Con., Cyc., Hydr. ac., Iris Kali b., Led., Mang. ox., Mez., Nit. d. s., Op., PULS., Ratan. V., -eating apples temporarily relieves tickling in larynx, which excites hoarse, dry, or spasmodic cough: All. c.2 extending to middle of chest, cough from: Ph.ac. in as from a feather exciting cough: Mez. causing an overpowering cough, in evening, before going to sleep: LYC. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 67 LARYNX, tickling in, forcible cough: Lyc. Sulph. cough after getting up: in, hacking cough: Acon., All. c., Ang., Carbo an., Coc. c., Dig., Ipec., Lach., Laur., Lob. s., Lyc., Rumex, Sabad., Spira., Spong.-10. causes inclination to cough: Cimic., Indigo. - insupportable, excites cough: Kali b.2 in, causes irritation to cough: Brom., Cimic. tickling-itching in, dry cough: Bell. excites short dry cough, LARYNX, tickling-scraping in, dry cough 3 A. M.: Op. dry cough, which wakes from sleep very early in morn- ing: Opium. tickling in, excites severe cough: Chel.2 shaking cough: Bry.,' Olean. short cough: Agar., Graph., Iris v., Kali b., Laur., Led., Mez. short cough, when walk- ing in open air: Ang. left side, cough: Phyto. right side, dry cough, evening: Ir. fœ. from smoking, dry cough: cough: Bad.2 evening after lying down, which Coca. cannot be suppressed: BELL. as from sugar dissolving, convulsive cough, night: Calc. f. sulphur fumes, hacking cough: Calc. f. tickling low in, dry cough, morning: Natr. s. hacking cough, morn- ing after rising; Arn. in, extending to lung, cough: Sticta.2 Sulph. nervous cough: Lach. night, cough from: Sant., 7.30 P. M., irritation to cough: Cimic. 11.30 P. M., cough wak- ing, with expectoration of much tenacious mucus: Coc. c. Bad., Vin. convulsive cough: violent cough: Cyc. paroxysmal cough: Calc. f., Coc. c., Cyc., Lyc. racking cough, amel. by drinking water: Opium. tickling-scraping in, excites cough: Mang. ox. dry cough, day: Con. cough: Lyc., Paris.10 itching in upper back part, evening after lying down in bed, dry cough: Bell." violent tickling in, at 11.30 p. M., cough, waking, with expec- toration of much tenacious mu- cus: Coc.c. violent tickling and scraping in, bringing tears into eyes and caus- ing dry cough: PULS. tickling in, while walking in open air; larynx feels swollen, cough from: Ox. ac.? tickling and tingling in, amel. by coughing: Iod.6 tightness of, dry cough in morning during menses with : Cap. tingling in, causes cough: Mag. m.,¹ Sep.6 titillating in, when drawing in air, causing short cough, which shakes the whole body: Olean.€ 68 COUGH SYMPTOMS. LARYNX torn loose, sensation as if something were torn loose with cough; first day, then with pro- fuse salty expectoration: Calc.7 torn, sharp cough, feels as if larynx would be: Staph. touching lightly agg. cough: China.7 1 upper back part, tickling-itching in, evening after lying down in bed, dry cough: Bell." upper part, irritation to cough : Coc. c. itching, cough, afternoon during siesta: Arn. rawness in, cough: Bell. rawness and soreness on coughing: Arg. roughness on inspiration or cough: Ziz. sensation as of sulphur fumes, cough: Ars. tickling, Ipec. dry cough: causing desire to cough: Lob. s. itching, cough, even- ing in bed: Bell. LAUGHING, cough: Arg.,¹ Ars. Bry., China, Cupr., Dros., Kali c., Lach., Mur. ac., Nitr. ac., Phos., Sin. n.,¹ Stann., Zinc.-2. aggravated, violent cough: Mur. ac. LEUCORRHOEA, cough with: Nux v., Stann. succeeded by hoarseness and cough: Con. LIMBS, jerking of, and want of breath, with dry spasmodic cough: Cina.Ⓡ LIVER, deep-seated, heavy pain in region of, worse from pressure, cough, laughing or deep inspira- tion: Psor.2 22 painless twitching in, on cough: Lyc. LIQUIDS, touching back part of mouth, cause cough: Amm. c. swallowing, night, convulsive cough: Sul. ac. LOINS, pain in, with cough, ver- tigo, dyspnoea and shortings on chest: Kali, b.10 and sides, with cough, compelling him to hold them: Kali. b.6 stitches in, from, cough, before midnight: Rhus. 5 5 6 5 5 LOOSE cough: Agar., Ant. t., Arum d., Asaf., Calc., Calc. acet., Carbo an., Carl., Cham., Chel.," Chin., Chin. s., Cina, Coc. c., Cocc., Coloc. n., Con., Cupr. n., Dig., Elaps, Eugen., Euph.," Eupion, Feru., Graph., Hepar,5 Hydras., Ign.,5 Jabor., Kali c., Lapp., Linu., Mag. s., Merc., Merc. c., Natr. ars., Natr. c., Natr. s., Phos., Podoph., Puls., Sabad.,5 Secale, Sepia, Stil., Sulph., Tarent., Tel.-1. 5 breakfast, after: Coc. c. chest, infiltration of lower: Kreos. drinking cold water amel.: Coc. c. from eating: Phos. after eating; dry after drink- ing: Nux m.7 evening in: Mur. ac. 7 P. M: Spire. agg. Eugen. loosen, difficult to: Kreos., Osm. midnight, about: Phos. midnight, about, amel., sit- ting up: Phos. 5 6 morning: Coc. c., Fran., Hal., Mur. ac., Nux v., Stram., Sulp., Sulp. ac., Wies.—1. night; Eug. agg.: Sepia. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 69 LOOSE cough, night, first part, while up: Natr. ars. sounds loose but no ex- pectoration; agg. by exercise and entering a warm room: Brom." LOUD cough: AcoN., Kali b. from dryness of the throat : Stann. -, chronic, from stuffing sensa- tion at the epigastrium, chiefly in the morning; has then a fit of coughing and expectoration of tough mucus, with lightness in head: Kali. b.6 coughing during sleep: Lyc.10 LUNGS, burning in, when cough- ing: Arum tr. irritation of, causing cough: Lach. to cough from pain in right, 8 P. M.: Dios. loose sensation, as of something loose and fluttering in, during cough: Phos. pain in, from cough: Asc. t., Tarent. (1), Zing. Tarent. lower part of, from cough : in right, causing irrita- tion to cough, 8 P. M.: Dios. with dry, hacking cough and difficult breathing: Zing.¹ rawness in left from cough, morning: Chin. s. rested against back, sensation as if, on coughing: Sulph. ruffling, wandering, contused, after coughing: Gad. soreness in left agg. by cough- ing, deep inspiration, or sneez- ing: Chel. evening, on coughing: Usti- lago. morning, on coughing, after deep inspiration and yawning: Gal. ac. (r). LUNGS, spasm of, with blue face and cough: Opium.7 stitches in, from cough: Clem. lower part, agg. by cough: Thuja. strained sensation in, after coughing Calc. s. tearing, as if torn out, when coughing: Elaps. tickling, as from a sensation of something loose and fluttering in, during cough: Phos. upper part of, pain in (worse on right side), when coughing: Elaps. torn out sensation when coughing: Elaps. weight, cough as from a: An- gust. LYING excites or agg. cough: All. 2 2 c.,² Ambr., Amm. m., Apis, Ars., Bell.. Bry., Calc., Caps., Carbo v., Cham., Cinnab.,' Cocc., Coc. c.,² Con., Dros., Euphr., Ferr., Hros., Ign., Ipec., Lach., Lact., Lith. c., Lyc., Mar., Meph., Merc., Mez., Natr. m., Nice., Nitr. ac., 11 Nux v., Par., Pe- trol., 11 1 Phos., Ph. ac., PULS., Rhus, Rumex,2 Ruta, Sabad., SANG., Sep., Sil., Staph., Stann., Sulph.," Thuja, Verb.-5. afternoon, 2 P. M., hacking cough: Laur. 3 P. M., hacking cough: Calc. ph. amel, cough: Acon., Amm. m., Euphr., Mang., Sep., Zinc. on back, agg. cough: Amm. m., Iod.,10 Kali b., Natr. m., Nux v., Phos., Plumb., Rhod.,10 Rhus,10 Sil.-5. 11 7 11 on back or right side, agg. irri- table cough: Phos. འ0 • agg. dry cough: Phos. dry cough, midnight: Nux 70 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 1 + LYING on back, dry cough going off when turning on side: Nux v.6 causes irritation to cough: Natr. m. relieves cough: Mang. partially relieves dry cough, with nervous excitability : Acon.7 in bed, agg. or excites cough: Anac., Ant. t., Aralia,¹ºArs., Bry.,6 Cact., Cham., Coc. c.," Crot. t., Dolich., Dros., Euphr., Ferr., Hepar, Ign., Indigo, Iodof., Kreos., Lach.,10 Lachn., Mag. c., Mag. m., Meph.,2 Natr. m., Nux v., PHOS., Puls., Rhus, Samb., Sang.,2 Sep., Squil., Staph., Verb., Vit.-5. bed, cough when lying in bed, must sit up, or sleep in chair from sense of suffocation: Crot. t. constant cough while, amel. on sitting up: HYos., PULS., Rhus, Sang. day, during, amel. cough: Sepia. down, cough almost only when first lying down, day or evening; was obliged to sit up and cough it out, when had rest: CONIUM. after, cough prevents sleep and wakens him about midnight, with same clicking down back, which irresistibly irritates to violent shocks in head; ceases after loosening a small lump of mucus, which which is swallowed: APIS. cough commences morning on rising, and lasting until lying down: Euphr." constant cough in evening after, disappears on sitting up, but returns on lying down: HYOS., PULS. deep cough ceases on, and better at noon: MANG.¹ LYING down, evening cough di- rectly after, has to sit up: Ars." cough most severe in, af- ter: SEPIA. short hacking cough in, after: SEPIA. dry cough from: Cinnab., Kali br., Phos. after eating, agg. short cough: Tereb. in evening, cough: Ars., Dros., Ferr., Graph., Lach., Mar., Natr. m., Staph. amel. dry cough: Amm. c., Zinc. constant cough: PULS. dry cough: Nux v. hacking cough on: SANG. agg. hacking cough: Sil. amel. hacking cough: Amm. m. hollow cough: Lact. paroxysmal cough: Nux v. paroxysmal cough, 11 P. M.: Rumex. scraping cough: Bry. violent cough: Kali c. evening while, a violent cough, must rise up: Lith. c. hacking cough: Par., Vesp. evening: SANG. agg. evening: Sil. amel. evening: Amm. m. with head low, agg. cough: Amm. m., CHIN., Hyos., Puls., Samb., Spong.—5. with head raised amel. cough: CHIN.5 irritation to cough, evening : Ign., Mez., Sulph. long in one position (or sitting) agg. cough: Con., Ph. ac.-2. midnight dry exhausting cough, lying on back, worse after: Nux V. after sleeping and just before, cough: Aralia r. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 71 LYING night agg. dry cough: Kali br. - provocation to hacking cough in larynx, evening: Ign. severe cough, especially after, and on sleeping: Apis.7 on side, agg. or excites cough : Bar., Carbo an., Kali c., Kreos., Lyc., Merc., Phos., Puls., Seneg., Sep., Stann., Sulph.-2. on side, midnight, amel. dry, exhausting cough; agg. lying on back: Nux v.¹ left side, agg. or excites cough: Acon., Bar., Bry., Ipec., Lyc., Merc., Par.,¹ Phos., Puls., Rhus, Rumex, Seneg., Sep.-5. painful side, agg. cough: Acon.2 on right side, agg. or excites cough Acon., Am. m., Carbo an., Cina, Ipec., Stann.—5. on right side, night, dry cough: Carbo an. on right side or back, agg. irri- table cough: Phos. MAMMÆ, cough with pain under left mamma through to left scapula: Comocladia.¹4 short dry cough excited by a tick- ling sensation behind upper half of sternum, with dull aching in left mammary region when sit- ting inclined forward, at 11 A: M. : Rhus. MANUAL labor, cough from: Led., Natr. m.² See Exertion. MATCH, burning sensation as from fumes of a, in throat, irritation to cough from: Aml. n. MEDITATION, cough from: Arn., Cist., Igu., Nux v.—12. MEALS, swelling of stomach and cough after: Kali b.6 violent spasmodic cough, com- mencing with gasping for breath and continuing with repeated MEALS (Continued). crowing inspirations, till the face becomes black or purple and the patient exhausted; agg. at night and after a meal: Coral.? See Eating, Drinking, etc. MEASLES, cough after: Ant. cr., Bry., Camph,7 Cham.,6 Coff," Con.,12 Dros., Dulc.,' Eupat. per., Gels.,' Hyos., Ign., Nux v.¹²—2. after, catarrhal cough: Cham.6 chronic mucous cough: Dulc.' croupy cough: Gels." hoarseness and violent dry cough: Camph. 12 during, dry cough: Coffea." MEMBRANE, tormenting cough gets nothing up; sometimes feels as if a tough membrane were moved about but would not loosen: Kali c." whizzing cough, with sensation as if the mucous membrane were too dry: Lauro.10 MENSES, at beginning of, ex- hausting cough: Phos. hacking cough: Phos. before cough, evening, in bed, amel, by sitting up: Sulph. and during, cough fatiguing chest early in morning and by day (not at night): Graph. evening, cough: Zinc. morning, cough: ZINC. during, agg. of cough: Amm. m., Graph., Rhod., Zinc.—5. bursting pain, as if coryza were coming on during menses, on coughing, sneezing, or stoop- ing: Natr. m.20 coughs up mucus as thick as lard: Thuja. dry cough in morning and tightness of larynx: Copaiva. dry cough, with profuse sweat: Graph. ན་ 72 COUGH SYMPTOMS. } J MENSES, during, hoarseness and dry morning cough: Copaiva. MENTAL emotion agg. cough: Acon., Ant. t., Asar., Bry., Cham., Cist., Lach., Nux v., Op., Rhus, Staph.-5. exertion agg. cough: Arn., Asar., Cist., Colch.,5 Ign., Nux v.-2. agg. whooping cough: Arn., Ign., Nux v.-8. agg. whooping reading, cough: Cina.Ⓡ METALLIC cough: Eupion. MILK agg. cough: Ambr., Ant. c., Ant. t., Brom., Kali c., Sul. ac., Zinc. MIDNIGHT, cough about: Amm. c., Ant. t., Ars., Bar., Bell.,' Bry., Calc. a.,1 Caust., Cham., Coff., Dig., Hepar, Kali C., Manc.,¹ Mag. c.,5 Mag. m.,5 Mez., Nitr. ac., Nitr., Nux v., Phos., Rhus r., Samb., Zing.¹-16. about, cough amel.: Hipp.5 11 bed, cough on going to: Sepia. choking cough about: Ruta. dry cough: Grat. till daybreak: Nux v. agg. lying on back, amel. lying on side: Nux v. exhausting cough, lying on back: Nux v. irritation to cough about: Coffea. loose cough about: Phos. paroxysmal cough about: Cham., Naja. something seems to rise in throat as if it would choke him: Cham. persistent cough, lying on back, amel. lying on side: Nux v. on waking, cough, amel. by expectoration: Sulph. cough after: Acon., Amm. c., Ant. t., Ars., Bar.,¹¹ Bell., Bry., 11 MIDNIGHT—(Continued). 11 Calc., Caust., Cham.,11 Chin., Cocc., Coff,¹¹ Digit, Dros., Grat.,11 Hepar, Hyos., Iod., Kali c., Lyc., Mag. c., Mang., Merc., Mez., Nitr. ac., Nux v., Phos., Ph. ac., Rhus, Rumex, Samb., Spong.-5. after, compare with Morning. cough agg.: Mezer. 5 dry cough: Ars., Calc. short cough: Acon., Ars. cough before: Alum.,5 Ant. t., Arn., Ars., Bar., Calc.,5 Carbo v., Caust., Ferr., Graph.,5 Hepar, Kali c.,5 Led., Lyc., Mag. c., Mag. m., Mezer., Mosch., Mur. ac., Natr. m.,5 Nitr. ac., Nux v., Phos.,5 Puls., Rhus, Rumex, Sabad., Sep., Spong., Squil., Stann., Staph., Sulph., Sul. ac., Verat., Zinc.-2. before, compare with evening cough. cough at 11 P. M.: Ant. t., Rumex, Verat.-5. cough agg.: Osm. anxious cough, waking: Rhus. dry cough: Nitr. ac., Rhus. especially in evening in bed, till midnight, frequently with nausea and bitter vomiting: Sepia.10 in sleep: Nitr. ac. cough worse from evening till: Phos. irritation to cough, scanty ex- pectoration: STann. paroxysmal cough, causing pain in head, from crawling in wind-pipe near supra sternal fossa: Apis. paroxysmal cough, amel. by loosening and swallowing mucus: Apis. short cough, waking: Rhus. stitches in loins with cough: Rhus.6 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 73 MOANING with the cough: Bell., | MORNING cough at 3 A. M., Cina, Podo.-5. MOIST cough: Acet. ac., Am. cau., Nux m., Piloc., Tarent. MOON, full, cough agg. Nitrum,¹ Sabad.5 1 at: new, cough agg. at: Sabad., Sil.-5. MORNING cough: Acon.,¹ Alum., Amm. c., Amm. m., Anac.,¹ Ang., Ant. t.,¹ Arn., Arg., ARS., Arum d.,¹ Aur., Bar., Bell., Bov., Bry., Calad., Calc., Canc. f., Canth., Carbo an., Carbo v., Caust., Cham., Chel., CHINA, Cina, Coca,¹ Coc. c., Cod.,¹ Colocn.,¹ Coral., Crot. t., Cupr., Dig., Dros., Erio., EUPHR.,¹ Ferr., Grat., Gymno., Hepar, Ign., Iod., Ipec., KALI B., Kali c., Kreos., Lach., Led., Lyc., Mag. c., Mag. s., Mang., Meph., Merc., Mur. ac., Naja, Natr. c., Natr. m., Natr. s., Ni- trum, Nux m., Nux v., Osm.,¹ Par., Phos., Ph. ac., PULS., Py- rus,¹ Rhod., Rhus, Sars., Selen., Seneg., Sep., Sil., Spig., Squil., Stann., Staph., Sulph., Sul. ac., Sum., Tabac., Thuja, Verat.—5. cough at 1 A. M.: Coc. c. 1-2 A. M., from scratch- ing in larynx: Zing. 1-4 A. M., pricking in lar- ynx: Bufo. 5 2 A. M.: Cocc., Opium,¹ Phos.,¹ Rumex.5 2 A. M., amel. by drinking water: Glon. 2-3.30 A. M., paroxysmal cough: Coc. c. 6 2 or 3 A. M.: Ant. t., Merc. 3 A. M.: Amm. 5 5 C. 1 Bapt., Cupr., KALI C., Mag. C. ¹ Mur. ac.,10 Nitrum.5 3 A. M., tickling and scrap- ing in larynx: Opium. 1 cough wakens at night with stupefying headache: Nitrum.” Amm. c.,10 3-4 A. M.: Cainca, Kali c., Lyc.¹ 4 A. M.: Anac.,10 Nitr. ac.,10 Nux v.5 ac.10 4 A. M., waking one: Nitr. 5 A. M.: Arum t.,¹ Kali c., Rumex.−5. 6 A. M., about: Alum. severe cough 6.30 A. M., from tickling low in trachea, a deep cough: Dios. ph. 6–7 A. M., Arum t., Calc. 8 A. M., Ham., Ol. an.' 8-9 A. M.: Sil. 9 A. M.: Sep., Tarent. 9-12 A. M.: Staph. 10 A. M.: Aqu. petr. 10 10 A. M., from rawness in air passages while lying: Coc. c. 10-12 A. M.: Natr. m.5 11 A. M., dry cough from tickling behind upper half of sternum, when sitting bent for- ward: Rhus. 11 A. M., from rush of blood to chest: Raph. cough agg. in: Alum., Bov., Chin. s., Dir., Sil., Tellur., Zing. on waking: Sil. after bath: Calc. s. in bed: Amm. c., Bry., Nitr., Rhus. before breakfast: Murex. from mucus in upper chest: Plumb. tickling in chest, on entering warm room from cold air: Bov. cold, on rising: Carbo v. till evening: Sil. from deep inspiration, on lying down: Ipec. 74 i COUGH SYMPTOMS. MORNING cough, itching in | larynx, on waking: Carbo v. pain in larynx, on waking: Ferr. an. dryness in pharynx: Phyto. throat, dryness in: Carbo Dios. Alumn. irritation in left side of; painful spot in: Chin. s. tickling in, after rising: rawness in: Ol. an., Phos. trachea, irritation in bed: Sulph. tickling in: Bov., Sep. on rising: Chin. s., FERR., Hal., Indigo, Sil. on waking: Ail., Cod., Sulph., Tarent. choking cough on rising: CINA. agg. morning and even- ing: Stram. chronic cough: Iod., Lyc.-12. constant cough in: Cupr. s. convulsive cough in: Natr. ars., Thuja. in bed: Ferr. on waking: Thuja. deep cough in: Dios. from the trachea, with ex- pectoration of yellow mucus : Ang. from tickling low in throat, 6.30 A. M.: Dios. 11 Coc. c., dry cough in: Agar., Alum., Amm. m., Ant. t., Bar., Bov., Brom., Bry., China," Con., Cop., Dios., Grat.,¹¹ Gymn.,¹2 Lyc., Mag. s.,12 Mim., Mit., Natr. c., Natr. s.,12 Nux v., Puls.," Rhod., Sang., Squil.,12 Stann.,¹¹ Sulph., Sul. ac., Tabac., Tarent., Thuja, Verat.-—1. MORNING, dry cough agg. early in: Alum., Amm. m., Ant. cr., China, Grat., Lyc., Nux V., Rhod., Stann., Sul. ac., Verat.- 11. dry cough in, and tightness of larynx, during menses: Copaiva. hoarseness, during menses: Copaiva. fatiguing dry cough in, after waking, obliging one to sit up, which relieves: Mag. s.6 severe dry cough, mostly in, with retching and desire to vomit, and sensation as if stomach were turned inside out: Puls.10 severe dry cough about 6 A. M.: Alum. dyspnoea, especially in morn- ing with cough, and expectora- tion of white mucus as tough as pitch: Kali b.6 exhausting cough: Rhodo., Sulph. agg. in, and evening on going to sleep: Lyc. after waking: Mag. s. on waking: Thuja. gagging cough in, after rising: Cina. hacking cough in: All. C., Calc., Cina, Iris v., Kali c., Kali iod., Mit., Nitr. ac., Ol. an., Sil., Sum.-1. hacking cough agg. in: Sum. on waking: Sil. from mucus: Laur. Mang. after rising: Arg., Par. on speaking: Sum. dryness in throat: Ant. t., itching in throat: Ant. t., Con. tickling in throat: Sum. dry cough agg. in: Bor., Brom., Mosch., Stann. low in trachea, after rising: Arn. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 75 MORNING, hard cough in, eyes fill with tears, mucus so hard to detach: Cina.6 hoarse cough, worse morning and evening: Caust. hollow cough, in bed: Phos. especially at night and in the morning, with tightly ad- herent mucus in chest, in which there is a sticking pain, very sore and ulcerated, with and without coughing, with stopped coryza and stoppage of the nose: Caust. hollow cough, after rising: Cina. on waking: IGnat. irritable cough, after rising: Arg. irritation to cough in: Dios., Meny., Ol. an., Thuja. Cori. rus. agg., in bed: Caust. on deep inspiration: after rising: Alumen. loose cough in: Coc. c., Fran., Hal., Mur. ac., Nux m., Stram., Sulph., Sul. ac., Wies. loud cough, chronic, from stuf- fing at the epigastrium, chiefly in the morning; has then a fit of coughing and expectoration of tough mucus, with lightness in head: Kali b.“ paroxysmal cough in: Agar., Ant. cr., Coc. c., Nux v., Ol. jec., Sang., Sul. ac. agg. in, eating warm food: amel. by rinsing mouth with cold water and by cold drinks: Coc. c. racking cough, on waking: Caust. much cough, especially in the morning, cough racking as in consumption, with much ex- pectoration coming deep from lungs; the cough could not be prevented by changing the posi- MORNING (Continued). tion, after waking, since the rat- tling in the chest increased; ex- pectoration in large quantities, difficult to loosen; during the first days the paroxysms of cough with pain behind the sternum occurred especially at night: Chelid. on rising, cough: Ars., Chin. s., FERR., Hal., Indigo, Sil. cough, and continues until lying down again can; scarcely get breath; none at night, worse from smoking, better from eating: Euphr. Grat. dry cough: Carbo an., See Rising from Bed. after rising, cough: Euph., Lach., Nitr. ac., Staph., Thuja. cough, from tickling in throat: Alumen. cough with expectoration of transparent mucus, and torn sensation in middle of sternum : Phos. choking cough: CINA. dry cough: Alum., Ang., Bar., Bov., Carbo an., Dig., Natr. slfc. gagging cough: Cina." hacking cough; Arg., Arn., Par. tickling low in trachea Arn. hollow cough: Cina. irritation to cough: Alu- men. short cough: Arn. tickling cough: Alumen. before rising, soreness in chest, with violent cough, and expecto- ration of clotted blood: Nux v. violent, sudden cough in, with stitches in side at every cough, with expectoration: SQUIL. 76 COUGH SYMPTOMS. MORNING, after waking, ex- hausting cough: Mag. s. MEX. paroxysmal cough: RU- tickling cough: Carbo. v. on waking, cough: Ail., Cod., Sulph., Tarent. agg.: Sil. convulsive cough: Thuja. dry cough: Caust., Ign., Mag. s., Sil. exhausting cough: Thuja. hacking, agg. on: Sil. hollow cough: IGN. racking cough: Caust. MORTIFICATION, cough after, with stitches in side and frothy, bloody expectoration: Puls.Ⓡ MOTION. See Movement. MOUTH, bleeding from, with cough: Dros., Ipec., Merc., Nux v.-5. dry, with cough: Cocc., Laur.5 herpetic eruptions around, with cough: Ars., Natr. m., Rhus.17 liquids, touching back part of, excite cough: Amm. c. mucus in, causes hacking cough: Sul. ac. sensation as of a finger thrust into back part of, excites cough: Merc. c. pain in, with cough: Mag. s.16 tickling in roof of, dry cough: Nux v. See Rinsing. roughness and scratching on roof of, and in trachea, hollow, deep, spasmodic cough: Digit.7 disagreeable taste in, with cough: Caps.16 sour taste in, when coughing: Cocc.6 water in, with cough: Ambr., Ars., Bry., Lach.16—6. MOUTH, water in, continued dry cough early in morning, with discharge of water, like water- brash, from mouth: Bry.6 deep dry cough with flow of water in mouth, and subsequent scraping in throat: Ambr.6 MOVEMENT, cough agg. after: Ars., Zinc.-5. excites or agg. cough: Arn., Ars., Bar., Bell., Brom., Bry., Bufo¹, Calc., Carbo v., China, Dros.," Eupat. per.,2 Ferr.,¹ Iod., Ipec., Kali c., Kreos., Lach.,11 Laur., Led., Lyc.,12 Merc., Mez., Mosch., Mur. ac., Natr. m., Ni- trum, Nux v., Phos., Sep., Sil., Spong., Stann., Squil., Staph., Sul. ac.-5. amel., violent dry cough, felt while lying or sitting: Phos. commencement of, cough: Nitr. ac., Plan.,¹ Sil.-5. of arms, excites cough: Ars., Calc., Ferr., Kali c., Led., Lyc. (r.), Natr. m., Nux v.-12. of chest, excites cough: Anac., Bar., Cocc., CHINA, Dros., Lach., Mang., Merc., Mur. ac., Natr. m., Nux v., Phos., Sil., STANN.-11. in open air, agg. hacking cough: Osm. on, 1 P. M., cough: Natr. s. on, 4 P. M., cough: Calc. f., Kali b. short cough, from: Carb. ox. violent, excites cough: Stann.5 MUCOUS cough: Kali c. morning and night, after rising: Sulph. MUCUS, discharge of, amel. hard shaking cough: Alumen. balls of soaplike, accumulate in larynx, causing slight cough: Arg. n.6 expectoration of tenacious amel. forcible cough: Phos. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 77 1 MUCUS, hacking cough from, morning: Laur. swallowing, amel. paroxysmal cough, before midnight: Apis. MUSIC excites coughing: Ambr., Calc., Cham., Kali c., Kreos., Ph. ac.-2. 搪 ​NARES, sensation as of an acrid fluid through posterior, excites cough: Kali b.12 NAUSEA, with cough: Ant. t., 1 1 Ars., Aspar., Bry., Cajup.,¹ Calc.,¹¹ Caps.,¹ Coloc.,¹ Dros., Elaps,¹ Hepar, Hydras.,¹ Ignat., Ipec., Iod., Kali b., Kali c.,11 Lach.,¹¹ Merc., Merc. sol., Natr. c., Nitr. ac.,¹ Petro., Ph. ac., Pic. ac.,¹ Puls., Ruta, Sabin., Sars., Sep., Squil., Sep., Squil., Thuja,¹ Verat."-5. 11 agg. by dry cough: Nux v. excites cough: Bry., Caps. and retching with cough: Verat. in pit of stomach, excites cough: Ign. NECK, extending or stretching neck excites cough: Lyc. pain in glands of, on coughing: Natr. m. pain in muscles of, on cough- ing: Bell., Lact. pain in nape of, with cough : Alum., Bell.-12. violent, short dry cough with sneezing and tearing, lancinating, pinching pain from nape of neck to right axilla: Alum." violent pressure in nape of neck during a fit of coughing, as though it would break: Bell." drawing pain in side of chest extending up to neck, on cough- ing: Caps.6 pricking in, with dry cough : Vich. on touching the, under right ear, in afternoon, a cough: Fago. NECK, on touching, painfulness of larynx with danger of suffoca- tion when touching or turning neck, or coughing or drawing a long breath: Bell.6 Compare with Larynx, Throat, etc. NERVOUS cough: Plumb. from tickling in larynx : Lach. when any one enters the room: Phos.7 5 NIGHT cough: AcoN., Agar., Alum.,2 Ambr., Amm. c., Amm. m., Anac., Ant. t.,2 Apis, Aqu. petr., Arg. n., Arn., ARS., Asar.,16 Aur., Aur. mur., Bar., BELL., Bism.,5 Bor., Bry., Calad., CALC., Cups., CARBO AN., Carbo v., Cast.,16 Caust., CHAM., China, Cina, Cocc., Coc. c.,5 Coff., Colch., Coloc., CON., Coral.,2 Cupr., Cycl., Dig.,12 DROS., Dulc.,2 Eugen., Ferr., Gamb., GRAPH., Grat., Guai., Hepar, Hipp.,5 Hyos., Ign., Indigo, Ipec., Kali b.,16 KALI C., Kreos., LACH., Lact.,2 Led., Lepi., Linu., Lyc., Mag. c., Mag. m., Meph.,5 MERC., Mez., Natr. m., Natr. s., Nicc.,5 Nitr. ac., Nitrum, Nux v., Ol. an., 5 12 Ol. jec., Op., Par., PETRO., Phell.,12 Phos., PULS., Rhod., Rhus, Rumex, Ruta, Sabad., Sang.,2 Seneg.,12 SEP., SIL., Sol. t. æ., Spig., Squil.,5 Stann.,6 Staph., Sticta,2 Stront.,5 SULPH.,' Thuja, Verat., Verb., Vich., Zinc. -1 and 11. 5 Compare with Midnight, before and after. cough agg. at: Anac., Ars. Caps.,12 Cham.,12 Chel., Gam., Op., Natr. s., 12 Nitr. ac., Puls., Strout., Tarent.—1. cough agg. at nightfall: Erio. 5-9 P. M.: Caps. 78 COUGH SYMPTOMS. NIGHT cough agg. at 8-11 P. M.: Natr. m. violent convulsive cough (whooping cough) caused by tickling in pharynx; agg. at night and after eating; after the attacks yawning and sleepiness: Anac.10 much cough, especially in the morning; cough racking, as in consumption, with much ex- pectoration coming deep from lungs; the cough could not be prevented by changing position, after waking, since the rattling in the chest increased; expecto- ration in large quantities, diffi- cult to loosen; during the first days the paroxysms of cough, with pain behind sternum, oc- curred especially at night: Chelid. hollow cough, especially at night and in the morning, with tightly adherent mucus in chest, in which there is a stick- ing pain, very sore and ulcerated, with and without coughing, with stopped coryza and stoppage of nose.-Caust. cough, till 4 A. M.: Sil. commencing at 10 P. M., and returning every few minutes: Bell.6 air passages, from irritation in: Cham. from tickling in: Sant. in bed: Amm. m., Arg. n., Psor. on falling asleep: Petro. bed, cough at night in bed, com- pelling one to spring up and as- sume an erect posture at once: BRY. when going to bed, coughing with heat in head and face, and cold hands: Sulph." NIGHT cough, breath, from want of: Aur., Coloc. irritation: Com. chest, with sore pain in, where expectoration is detached : Lyc.6 with pricking in; Zinc.6 larynx, from tickling in: Sant., Sulph. scraping in Cycl. -, coughs only at night: Lach.,10 Merc.,5 Phos.,10 Sulph.13 sit up, cough in evening or at night, with suffocation, oblig- ing him to sit up: Ars.6 cough at, obliging him to sit up and hold his head with both hands: Nicc.6 in sleep: Calc. stomach, from irritation in : Merc. s. throat, from constriction in, during sleep: Nitr. ac. from irritation in: Ambra. rawness in: Anac. roughness and scraping in, lying on right side: Sil. scraping in: Con. convulsive cough: Agar., Mag. c., Sulph. in bed: Tarent. from irritation in larynx, on waking: Thuja. 1 dry cough: Acon., Agar., Aloe, Alum., Amm. c., Amm. m., Arg. n., Ars., Aur. mur., Bell., Bry., Calc., Caps., Carbo v., Cent., Cham., China, Coc. c., Gamb., Graph., Grat., Hyos., Kali c., Linu., Lyc., Mag. c., Mag. m., Mag. s., Mang. ox., Merc., Mez., Natr. m., Nux v., Ol. an., Op., Petro., PHOS., PULS., Rhod., Rhus, Sabad., Sil., Sol. t. æ., Spira., SPONG., Squil., Stront., SULPH., Tarent., Verat., Verb., Vich.-1 and 12. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 79 NIGHT, dry cough, agg. at: AMM. c., Cham., Coloc., Kali br., Op., Stront., Tabac.—1 and 12. amel., by day or by night, relieved by detaching and raising a little mucus: Guai. at night: Bar. on sitting up: Hyos., PULS., Sang. by smoking: Tarent. air-passages, from tick- ling in Coc. c. in bed: Arg. n., Sulph. chest, from intense pain in: Kali c.6 from tickling in upper anterior: Polyg. titillating dry cough, with sort of spasm in chest, at night: Sepia. and day: Bell., Euph., Ign., Lyc., Spong.-11. and in evening, with sensation as if small bubbles were breaking in the chest: Sulph.6 hoarseness at night, with dry cough and blood-streaked saliva: Arg. n. hypochondrium, stitches in left, with: Amm. m.6 Gamb. Kali c. an. larynx, from scraping in: from sticking in: lying on right side: Carbo menses, during: Zinc. severe, with tearing pains in head and stitches in chest, followed by palpitation of heart for a few minutes: Cupr. acet.6 Castor.6 throat, with burning in: from tickling in: Crot. NIGHT, dry cough, with vomiting and sweat, as from anguish; has to get up: Sil.8 SULPH. waking one: Kali C., exhausting cough: Natr. c., Rhod. in bed: Tarent. hacking cough: Graph., Kali c., Mag. s., Natr. m. dry cough from tickling in larynx, or dryness in pharynx, worse at night as soon as he lies down: Phyto.' Sil. from tickling in pharynx: hard cough: Apoc. c. hoarse cough: Verat. racking cough, day and night, with profuse purulent expectora- tion; soreness in larynx: Ars. iod. hollow cough: Phos., Spong. Caust. agg. morning and night: incessant cough at, cannot sleep: SEPIA. irritable cough agg. at: Code- inum. irritation to cough: Ferr. -on waking: Thuja. laid, constant cough whenever the child is laid down, particu- larly at night: Sepia. loose cough: Eugen. agg. at: Sepia. first part of night, while up: Natr. ars. lying down at night and in sleep cough is absent: Kali b.6 a hacking dry cough from tickling in larynx, or dryness in pharynx, worse at night as soon as he lies down: Phyto.' Compare with Lying. moves, night cough worse if she raises herself or moves; wakes 80 COUGH SYMPTOMS. NIGHT—(Continued). her about 3 A. M. with headache: Nitrum. paroxysmal cough: Arg. n., Aur. mur., Aur. s., Carbo V., Hepar, Merc. c. every other night on fall- ing asleep: Merc. s. periodic cough, quartan, about 12 or 2 at night: Cocc. racking cough: Chin. s. every other night, on fall- ing asleep: Merc. s. racking cough at, with frequent arrest of breathing, stitches in chest, sore throat and fever: Nitr. ac.6 raises, night cough worse if she raises herself or moves; wakes her about 3 A. M. with headache: Nitrum. rough cough: Lyc. scraping Rhod. cough: Natr. on waking: Calc. shaking cough: Anac. short cough: Bell. agg. at: Codein., Coloc. in bed: Arg. n. m., sleep, incessant coughing pre- vents: SEPIA. cough at, prevents sleep and causes exhaustion: PULS. in bed, cough after having slept an hour or two, occurring before midnight, wakes patient: Aralia. stomach, nightly cough affect- ing stomach and diaphragm, mostly before sunset: Lyc. sudden cough: Apoc. c. suffocative cough: Ars., Bell. like whooping cough, with intense pain: China.6 tickling cough: Arg. n., Coloc., Natr. m. agg. at: Zinc. NIGHT, violent cough from tick- ling in larynx: Cycl. inducing vomiting, or a suffocative cough before and af- ter going to bed, also at night: Indigo. violent racking cough every other evening, when on the point of going to sleep, as if chest and head would fly to pieces, for a half hour; the cough is followed by violent stretching: Merc. s.6 very violent cough, succeeded by violent hoarseness, with chilli- ness from morning till evening: Cupr.6 violent cough for many nights, with irritation, as if from stomach, both while waking and during sleep: Merc. s. violent cough during sleep with gnashing of the teeth: Bell.6 waking from the cough: Caust.,12 Cocc., Hepar, Kali c.,2 Lach., Mag. m., Nitrum, Phos., Sang., SEP., Sil.,¹ Squil.,7 Stront.,12 SULPH.¹—5. at 2 A. M. from the cough: Cocc., Nitrum.—5. 3 A. M., cough wakes at, with stupefying headache; worse if she raises herself or moves: Nitrum. dry cough at, waking from sleep with intense pain in chest ; little cough during day: Kali c.6 dry cough waking from sleep: SULPH. frequent cough at, wakes him, after which he again falls to sleep; almost incessant cough while lying, disappears on sitting up: HYOS. frequent cough waking her from sleep, with rattling in scrof ulous subjects: Bell." from sneezing, with tickling in throat, causing cough: Amm. m." COUGH SYMPTOMS. 81 ; NIGHT, See Sleep, Waking, etc. whooping cough at: Ambr., Anac., Ant. t., Arn., Ars., Bar., Bry., Carbo v., Cham., China, Coc. c., Coral., Cupr., Dros., Dulc., Hepar, Hyos., Meph., Mez., Mur. ac., Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Puls., Samb., Seneg., Sep., Sil., Spong., Sulph., Sul. ac., Verat.-2. NIPPLE, cough with pain under 1 left nipple through to scapula : Comocladia. NOISE agg. cough: Arn., Ph. ac.— 5. NOISELESS cough: Calad., Dros. —5. NOISY cough: Bell. NOON, cough at: Agar., Arundo, Bell., Staph. from fullness of chest: Sulph. in sleep: Euphr. deep cough toward noon, with discharge of pure blood: Sil. amel. noon and lying down: MANG. dry cough at: Sulph. from tickling in palate and pharynx: Arg. n. at top of throat: Naja. exhausting cough at, from tick- ling in palate and pharynx: Arg. n. hacking cough at, from tickling in palate and pharynx: Arg. n. from tickling at top of throat: Naja. hollow cough toward: Sil. suffocative at: Arg. n. violent cough about, several days in succession, raising a large quantity of tenacious mucus: Bell.6 NOSE, bleeding of, with cough: Acon., Arn., Bell., Bry., Carbo an., Carbo v., Cina, Cupr.,5 DRos., Dulc., Ferr., Hyos., Indigo, Ind., 5 NOSE (Continued). Ipec., Kreos., Led., Merc., Mosch., Mur. ac., Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Nux v., Phos., Puls., Rhus, Sabad., Sep., Sil., Spong., Sulph., Sul. ac. -2. bleeding at every cough: IN- DIGO.5 at night when coughing: Natr. m.10 of, and vomiting from violent cough: Indigo.10 - blowing, excites cough: Arn.5 burning in, with cough: Cina, Mez., Sars., Sulph.-2. 5 coryza with cough: Acon, All. C., Alum., Ambr., Ars., Bar., Bell., Calc., Canth., Carbo an., Caust., Cimex, Con., Dig., Euphr., Gels., Graph., Ign., Kali c., Kali chl., Lach., Lyc., Mag. c., Meph., Merc., Natr. c., Nitr. ac., Nitrum, Phos., Ph. ac., Rhus, Rumex, Sang., Sep., Sil., Spig.,6 Spong., Staph., Sulph., Sul. ac., Thuja.— 12. 6 after cough: Coca. alternating with cough: Colch.,5 Lach.11 with cough, rawness in chest and much expectoration: Sulph. with dry cough: Bell.,10 Graph.,10 Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Se- len., Sulph. with dry cough, in sleep: Sep. in daytime, with stitches in right side of abdomen and dry coryza: Sulph.6 headache and stitches in throat: Nitr. ac. 10 hoarseness, dryness in throat, and coryza of clear mu- cus, with cough: Sulph.6 with violent hunger and cough: Sul ac.6 and cough with swelling of sub-maxillary glands, pain in 82 COUGH SYMPTOMS. NOSE—(Continued). throat during deglutition, great chilliness: Sil. coryza, fluent with cough, head- ache,- lachrymation, thirst, want of appetite, trembling of hands, feverish; worse evenings and in- doors, better in open air: All. c. toward evening with cough: Thuja. increases as cough dimin- ishes: Mag. s.6 irritation to cough: Sep. discharging when coughing: Lach. water when coughing: Sulph., Zinc. dryness of, with cough: Calc., Dros., Nux m.,5 Sticta.-2. forced inspiration through ex- cites cough: Sapon. itching of tip of, before cough- ing, and itching low in lungs, and extending up through tra- chea to nose: Iod. motion of alæ nasi: Lyc., Phos. pain, jerking and swelling at base of, on coughing or sneezing: Nitr. ac.20 rubbing of, in children: Lyc., Squil. NURSING, whilst suckling the child, cough with expectoration: Ferr. OBSTINATE cough. See Constant, Persistent. OCCIPUT, aching in, on cough- ing: Alum.,2 Sulph.' bruised feeling in, on coughing: Tarent. pain in, with cough: Anac., Carbo an., Ferr., Mag. c., Mosch., Sep.-2. ulcerative pain in, when coughing: Sep.,6 Sulph." See also under Head. ODORS, strong, excite cough: Phos. OFFENSIVE cough: Caps.16 OLD men, cough in: Con.5 ŒSOPHAGUS, aching in, from coughing: Ferr. soreness in, from coughing: Ferr. tickling in, excites cough : Arn. at bottom of, causes cough: Raph.¹ OPEN air. See Air. OPPRESSION of chest. See under Chest. OPPRESSIVE cough: Ail., Phal. OVERHEATING, cough from: Nux m., Thuja.12 OVERPOWERING cough, as if larynx were tickled by a feather, in evening before sleep: LYC. PAIN. See Chest, Abdomen, etc. inability to cough, on account of the Natr. slfc. ac.¹ from pain in side: Ox. in various parts (as knee) from the cough: Caps., Guare., Lach. PAINFUL Cough: Agar., Ail., Ant. ox., Ant. t., Caps., Coc. c., Cop., Cori. r., Kali hypermang., Lact., Merc. c., Natr. c.,12 Rhus,¹2 Tarent., Ustil.—1. chest, from irritation in lower: Kreos. evening in bed: Bry. midnight, before, waking: Rhus. night Caust. PAINLESS cough: Stram.5 PALATE, cough, as if from an acrid fluid running over the : Kali b. burning in, causing irritation to cough: Acon. f. up to arch of, cough from: Dig. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 83 PALATE, dryness, roughness and scraping in soft, causing hacking cough: Dros. irritation from elongated uvula, cough cough from: Alum.,8 Brom.¹ , worse mornings, dry cough: Brom. stitches in, causing inclination to, but no cough: Ph. ac. tickling on, excites cough: Nux v.,5 Rei.¹ dry hacking cough: Tilia. dry cough, after lying: Carbn. s. hard palate and pharynx, excites a violent, laborious whooping cough, worse after midnight and in early morning: Nux v.2 and pharynx, dry hacking or exhausting cough, noon: Arg. n. roof of, dry cough: Nux v. soft, dry cough: Fran. PALPITATION of heart with cough: Arn., Calc., Kali b., Nit- rum, Puls., Spong., Stram.-5. agg. by cough: Ib. PANTING Cough: Mur. ac., ac.6 12 Sul. with concussion in head: Rhus.6 preventing sleep: Calad." like whooping cough, worse on deep inspiration: Dulc." PAROXYSMAL cough: Acon., Agar., Alum., Ambra, Ang.,12 Aqu. petr., Arum. i., BELL., Bry., Calad., Cann. S., CARBO V., Carbn. h., Caust., Chel., China, Cimex, CINA, Coc. c., Coff., Con., Coral.,12 Croc., Cupr., Delph., Dign., DROS., Ferr., Ferr. mur., Gins., HEPAR, Hydro. ac., Hyos., Ign., Jatro., Kali cl., Kreos., Lact., Laur., Lina., Lobel.,12 11 PAROXYSMAL (Continued). Lyc., Mag. c., Mag. m., Mang., Merc., Merc. c., Merc. i. r., Morph., Natr. m., Nicco., Nitr. ac., Nitrum, Nux v., Op., Phos., Plumb., Puls., RUMEX, Sabad., Sep., Sil., STANN., Sulph., Sul. ac., Tarent., VERAT., Zinc.-1 and 11. - agg., afternoon, entering warm room: Anth. n. after chill: Phos. in doors: Chel. by eating warm food, amel. rinsing mouth with cold liquids or by cold drinks: Coc. c. amel. before midnight by swallowing mucus: Apis. hard spells of cough not ceasing till masses of offensive sputa are raised: Carbo v. on sitting up: Cinnab. laying hand pit of stomach: Croc. afternoon, tickling at back of larynx Anth. n. agg. in, entering warm room: Anth. n. attacks, first the strongest, the following one weaker and weaker: Ant. cr.² follow one another quickly: Ant. t., Cina, DROS., Hepar, Ipec., Merc., Sep., Sulph.-5. follow one another so as to scarcely permit respiration in the intervals: Dros.5 in bed: Cinnab. evening, from tickling in back of larynx: Coc. c. Naja. Coc. c. salivation: Natr. m. on getting warm in: before going to, night: morning, from tickling in throat: Coc. c. 84 COUGH SYMPTOMS. PAROXYSMAL cough, bread or cakes, from eating: Nitrum. breath, cough commences with gasping for breath: Ant. t.,7 Coral.2 after chill, agg.: Phos. PAROXYSMAL cough,evening, in bed, with salivation: Natr. m. from irritation in larynx, in bed: Cocc. after lying down: Nux v. at 11 P. M.: chest, from Bell. 1 cramps in: RUMEX. salivation, in bed: Natr. commencing with gasping 7 for breath: Ant. t., Coral." consisting of but few coughs: Bell., Calc., Laur.-2. long coughs: Ambra, Carbo v., CUPR., Lobel.—5. short coughs: Alum., Ant. t., Asaf., Bell.,5 Calc., Carbo v., Dros., Kali b., Lact., Squil.5 -2. three coughs: Stann.2 two coughs: Coce., Laur., Merc., Puls., Sulph.-5. cry, sudden loud cry and yawning, following paroxysms of dry cough: Opium.6 day in the: Nitr. ac. after dinner: Aeth., Phos. dry, tickling, paroxysmal cough, with gaping, worse at night, drowsy but cannot sleep; or with spasm of lungs and blue face: Opium.7 eating bread or cakes, from: Nitrum. evening: Chel., Chlor., He- par, Natr. m. m. in cool wind: Coca. walking in hot sun, 4 P. M.: Coca. forenoon: Coc. c., Grat. frequent paroxysms of dry, violent, hollow, or short, ex- hausting cough, excited by tick- ling in larynx which brings tears to the eyes: Chel.2 with gagging, worse after midnight: Dros. hard spells of cough, not ceasing till masses of offensive sputa are raised: Carbo v. (Raue.) indoors, agg.: Chel. isolated, cough appears in isolated paroxysms and is very violent, ends with frequent sneez- ing: Agar. midnight, about: Cham., Naja. before, from crawling in windpipe near supra-sternal fossa: Apis. larynx, from crawling in : at 1 or 2 P. M.: Aqu. petr. Psor. 1.30 P. M.: Phel. irritation in back of, even- 2 P. M.: Ol. an. ing, in bed: Cocc. 3 P. M.: Phel. stitches in Indigo. 4 P. M.: Chel. tickling in Chel.,² Coc. c., 4 P. M., walking in hot Cycl., Lyc. sun: Coca. 5 P. M.: Cupr. Anth. n. at back of, afternoon : after dinner: Calc. f. lying down, evening after: 11 P. M., after: RUMEX. 6.15 P. M.: Ol. an. 7 P. M.: Grat. 11 P. M.: after lying Nux v. down: RUMEX. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 85 PAROXYSMAL cough, morn- ing: Agar., Ant. cr., Coc. c., Nux v., Ol. jec., Sang., Sul. ac. at 2 and 3.30 A. M.: Coc. c. 10 A. M.: Aqu. petr. in bed, from tickling in throat: Coc. c. after waking: RUMEX. night: Arg. n., Aur. m., Aur. s., Carbo v., Hepar, Merc. c. before going to bed: Coc. c. every other, on falling asleep: Merc. s. Bad 12 warm in bed: Naja. occurring occasionally : in rapid succession: Ant. t., Dros., Hepar, Ipec., Sep., Sulph.-12. salivation, with, in bed, evening: Natr. m. sitting up, amel.: Cinnab. while smoking: All. sat. compare with Spasmodic Cough. stomach, laying hand on pit of amel.: Croc. sun, walking in hot: Coca. suffocation, suddenly, on swallowing: BRom. throat, from mucus in: Atro. rawness in: Coc. c. scraping in: Coc. c. tickling in: Caust. yawning and sudden loud cry, following paroxysms of dry cough: Opium.6 violent paroxysms of cough, or frequent cough excited by tickling irritation which begins in larynx and extends down into trachea, followed by dryness of mouth and larynx: Hydro. ac.² waking, morning after : RUMEX. walking in cool wind, even- ing: Coca, PAROXYSMAL cough, walking in hot sun, 4 P. M.: Coca. warm in bed, night: Naja. room, entering, afternoon, agg.: Anth. n. compare Cough. with Whooping windpipe, crawling in, near supra-sternal fossa, before mid- night: Apis. -wind, from walking in cool, evening: Coca. PARTURITION, cough after: Rhus.5 PECTORAL muscles, stitches in, on coughing: Dros. See Chest. PENIS, darting in, as from con- gestion, on coughing: Ign.6 erection of, while coughing: Cann. s.,¹ Canth.2 PEPPER, Cina.2 cough from eating: PERIODIC cough: Ars., Cocc., Coc. c., Colch.,¹ Lach., Nux v. 12. barking, painless, shrieking tone, without Stram. expectoration: day in the: Anac. every other Nux v. hour, every half, after mid- night: Acon. at same every day: Lyc., Sabad.10 quartan, about 12 or 2 at night: Cocc. speaking or smoking, from: Atro. PERSISTENT cough: Acon., Am. caus.,¹ Bell., Cub., CUPR., Dios., Hyos., Ipec., Jatro., Lyc.,' Merc., Mez., Nitrum, Rumex, Sang., Squil.-5. See Continuous. midnight, lying on back, amel. lying on side: Nux v. 86 COUGH SYMPTOMS. PERSONS, other, coming into room agg. cough: Phos.8 PERSPIRATION agg. by cough- ing: Acon., Ant. t., ARS., Bell., Bry., Calc., Caps., Carbo v., China, Dig., Dros., HEPAR, Ipec., Kali c., Lyc., Natr. c., Natr. m., Nitrum, Nux v., PHOS., Ph. ac., Rhus, Sabad., Samb., Selen., SEPIA, Spong., Sulph., Verat.-3. cough and expectoration with: Ant. t., ARS., Bell., Bry., Calc., Dig., Dros., Ferr., Merc., Natr. c., Nitrum, PHOs., Ph. ac., Puls., SEPIA, Sil., Spong., Sulph., Thuja, Verat.-3. dry cough with: Acon., Ant. t., Apis, Arg. n.,5 ARS., Bell., Bry., Carbo an.,5 Caust., CHAM., Cimex, Coff., Con., Dros., Dig.,” Eupion, Hepar, Hyos., Ign., Ipec., Led., Lyc., Merc., Mur. ac., Natr. c., Nitrum, Nitr. ac., Nux v., PHOS., Puls., RHUS, Sabad., Samb., SEPIA, Spong., Stront., SULPH., Verat.-3. 5 cough agg. after: Sil.5 on forehead with cough: Ant. t., Ipec.-5. cold: Verat.5 on head, with cough: Ant. t., Calc., Ipec.,12 Sil., Tarent.¹-5. inclination to: China, Psor.- 5. at night, with cough: China, Lyc., Natr. c., Psor.-5. paroxysms of cough end with: Ars., Brom.-2. PHARYNX, burning in, excites cough: Ars., Caust., Ph. ac.-5. and soreness in, from cough: Sulph. crawling in, excites cough : Prun. sp. 6 5 dryness in, excites cough: Caust., Cycl., Coc. c., Phyto. -1. PHARYNX, dryness, a hacking dry cough from tickling in larynx or dryness in pharynx, worse at night, as soon as he lies down: Phyto." dry cough: Atro. in morning, cough from: Phyto. on inspiration, tickling in, short cough: Olean. irritation in, agg. cough: Croc." hacking cough: Trif. p. paralytic sensation in, with cough: Meng.5 pressure in anterior wall of, cough from: Tarax. scraping at back of, painful cough from: Kali b. in, causes cough: Arg. n.,' Cyel.5 sore feeling in, from coughing: Caust.,5 Sulph." tickling in, excites cough : Anac., Ars., Cham., Coca, Mag. S., Olean., Sil. from air passages to, hacking cough: Hydro. ac. at back part of, excites cough: Coca. of, and palate causes exhaust- ing cough, noon: Arg. n. hacking cough: Mag. s. night: Sil. high up in, dry or convulsive cough, evening, in bed, 10.30 P. M. Carbn. s. on inspiration, short cough: Olean. night, hacking cough: Sil. ungovernable, spasmodic cough, which seems as if it would burst the thorax, excited by a peculiar tickling in phar- ynx, which, again, is induced by a sensation of smothering in throat Lact. v.2 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 87 PHARYNX, tickling, violent convulsive cough, agg. night and after eating; after the attack yawning and sleepiness: Anac.10 PHARYNGEAL cough: Sol. t. æ. as when thrusting finger into back of mouth: Merc. c. PIANO, cough when playing: Ambr., Calc., Cham., Kali c., Kreos., Ph. ac.-12. POSITION, cough agg. by being long in same: Coc. c.,2 Ph. ac. PRÆCORDIAL region, dry 12 cough from tickling at: Bar. PREGNANCY, cough during: Calc.,¹² Con., Ipec., Nux m., Phos.,12 Puls., Sabin., Sep.-5. PRESSURE on chest relieves pains from the cough: ARN.,10 Bor., Bry, Cimic., Dros., Eup. per., Kreos., Merc., Natr. m.,10 Natr. sul., Phos., Sep.,10 Ran. b. --5. 6 on pit of stomach amel.: Croc., Dros., Phos. PROVOCATION to cough. See Irritation. PROSTRATION with cough: ARS., Carbo v., Coral., Lach., Phos.,¹ Stram., Verat.—5. and dry cough, morning: Hyper.7 PTYALISM with cough: Ambr.," Merc., Mez., Staph.,5 Verat.-5. PYROSIS with cough: Ambr., Amm. m., Ars., Bry., Mez., Spig., Staph.-5. PUFFING cough, on taking deep breath: Naja. RACKING cough: Anac., Amm. m., Ang., Ars., Amm. t., Aur., Brom., Calc., Carbo v., Canu. i., Caust., Chel., China, Coc. c., Coee., Con., Croe., Cupr., Daph., Dulc., Graph., Gymn., Hyos., Ign., Ipec., Kali c., Lach.,5 Lact., Led., Lyc., Mag. m., MERC., Merc. c., Mez., Mur. ac., 6 RACKING—(Continued). Natr. c., NUX v., Op., Osm., Phos., PULS., Rhod., Rhus, Selen., Seneg., Sil., Spig., Squil., Staph., Stann., SULPH., Verat., Zinc.-1 and 11. chest, from irritation in lower: Kreos. dry racking cough, from tick- ling in larynx, lasting ten min- utes; both dryness and cough relieved by a drink of water; they, however, returned in fifteen minutes, with so great violence that tears came into eyes, again amel. by water: Opium. evening: Ipec. 10 P. M. Natr. m. on deep inspiration: Con. larynx, from tickling in, amel. by drinking water: Opium. morning, agg. in: Chel. on waking: Caust. much cough, especially in morning; cough racking, as in consumption, with much expect- oration coming deep from lungs; the cough could not be prevented by changing the position, after waking, since the rattling in the chest increased; expectoration in large quantities, difficult to loosen; during the first days the paroxysms of cough, with pain behind the sternum, occurred especially at night: Chelid. night at Chin. s. every other, on falling asleep: Merc. s. on waking, morning: Caust.. RASPING cough: Calc. s. from dryness of throat: Stram. RATTLING cough: Ant. t.," Ang., Arg. n.,¹ Bell., Bry., Calc., Caust., Cham.," Con.," Hepar, IPEC., Kali b., Lyc., Meph., Merc. c.,¹ 1 88 COUGH SYMPTOMS. F RATTLING—(Continued). · Natr. c., Natr. m.,¹¹ Nux v., Puls., Samb., Sul. ac., Yuc.¹—5. in day and in room, not at night or in air: Arg. when eating: Phos. RAW cough: Natr. m. READING agg. cough: Cina, Mang., Ment. pi.,¹ Meph., Nux v., Phos.-12. See Mental Exertion. aloud, agg. cough: Ambra, Mang., Meph., Nitr. ac., Par., Phos., Stann., Verb.-5. causes dry cough: Mang. in evening: Phos. irritation to cough from: Nitr. ac. RECTUM, stitches in, on coughing: Nitr. ac.5 See also Hæmorrhoids. RE ECHO, Cough seems to re-echo in stomach: Cupr. (E. W. B.) REFLECTION agg. cough: Arn., Asar., Cist., 10 Cocc., Ign., Nux v. -5. REPOSE. See Resting. RESPIRATION (breathing) agg. m., cough: Amm. c., Asar., Bell., Coloc., Dulc., Graph., Hepar, Ipec., Mag. m., Natr. Nitrum, Sulph.-5. arrested, continued dry hacking cough, with vomiting and arrest of breathing: ALUM. m. at night during cough: Natr. when coughing; Euphr., Led., Merc., Sepia. See Interrupted. deep, agg. cough: Acon., Amm. ç., Amm. m.,¹ Arn., Ars.,¹ Bell., Bism., Brom., Bry., Carbo an., China, Cina, Coc. c., Con., Cupr., Dros., Dulc., Euphr., Ferr.,2 Graph., Hepar, Ipec., Kali c., 2 Lyc., Mag. c.,² Mag. m., Meny., RESPIRATION (Continued). Mez., Mur. ac., Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Ph. ac.,² Puls., Rhus, Sabad., Samb., Seneg., Sep., Sil., Squil., Stann., Stram., Sulph., Verb., Zinc.-2 and 11. deep, irritation to cough on: Cina, Lyc. causes short cough: Naja. deficient, agg. cough: Aur.,¹ Cina," Cocc., Coloc.,¹ Dros., Euphr., Guai., Hepar, Ign., Ipec., Lyc., Nux v., Spig.-5. with cough: Ars., Ferr., Ipec., Op.-5. difficult after coughing: Ars.,5 Phos.7 desire to cough. Mosch.5 with cough and violent bron- chitis, at first without fever, with slow pulse, great prostration and emaciation: Phos. every, causes desire to cough : Ipec.5 gasping, with cough: Ant. t., Brom.-5. 7 for breath before attack of cough: Ant. t., Brom.,5 Bry.,6 Coc. c., Coral. for breath, immediately before the cough, quick spasmodic in- spirations as if child could not draw a full breath: Bry.6 holding the breath excites cough: Nitrum, Sprun. sp.¹ interrupted (short, stoppage of, etc.), with cough: Acon., Alum., Amm. c., Anac., ANT. T., Aralia, Arg. n., Arn., ARS., Bar., Bell., Brom., Bry., Calad., Calc., Carbo an., Carbo v.,11 Caust., CINA., Cocc., Clem., Con., CUPR., Dolich.,¹¹ DROS., Euphr., Ferr.,5 Guai., Hepar, Ign.,12 Iod., IPEC., Kali b., Kali chl.,6 Kreos., Lach., Led., Lyc., Merc., Mosch., Natr. m., Natr. s.,¹ 12 Nice.,12 6 6 F COUGH SYMPTOMS. 89 12 RESPIRATION—(Continued). Nitr. ac., Nitrum, Nux m., Nux V., OP., Phell.,12 Phos., Puls., 1 Rhus, Sep., Sil., Spig., Squil., Spong., Verat.,12 Zinc.,12 Zing.10 -5 and 11. 6 1 interrupted, with desire to cough, blue face, then falls into deep sleep with cold sweat: Opium.5 - almost suppressed from cough- ing: CUPR. irritation to cough is so sud- den and violent one can scarcely inhale at all: Sepia. interruption of, in upper trachea, evening, causes cough: Ign. short, after coughing: Ars.,5 PHOS.¹ 6 short, before cough: Ant. t.,7 Ars., Bry., Caust.,¹ Coc. c., Coral., Led., Lyc.-5. before cough, afterward dizzi- ness: Led." can scarcely breathe for cough- ing: Dros., Euphr., Led., Merc., Sepia. from painful, anxious, short cough, that wakes her before mid- night: Rhus. cough as though from: Euph. from rapid turns of coughing: Dros. from single coughs of ringing sound, which follow each so quickly, worse after midnight: Dros.17 from titillating cough, worse at night: Zinc.6 sighing with cough: Caps." snorting with cough: China. stertorous with cough: Bell." suffocative, arrest of, and opis- thotonus, previous to cough : Led.10 RESPIRATION, taking deep, causes puffing cough: Naja. tightness of breathing, causes suffocative cough: Hepar. want of. See Deficient. wheezing and panting, before the cough: Kali c.2 REST agg. cough: Ambra, Ars., Caps., Coc. c., Dros., Dulc., Euph., Euphr., Ferr., Hyos., Mag. c., Mag. m., Nux v., Phos., Ph. ac., Puls., Rhus r., Rhus, Sabad., Samb., Seneg., Sep., Sil., Stann., Sulph., Verb., Zinc.-5. amel. cough: Lach., Psor., Puls. -5. long in one position agg. cough : Coc. c.,² Ph ac.12 RESTLESSNESS with cough: Acon., Ars., Coff., Iod., Lach., Samb.-5. RETCHING cough: Natr. m. with cough: Bell., Brom., CARBO' v., China, DROS., HEPAR, Ipec., Kali c., KREOS., Lyc., Merc., Mez., Natr. m., Nux v., Puls., Sep., Squil., Stann., SULPH.-11. REVELING, agg. of cough after: Stram.5 RIB, pain in last short, on coughing: Meph.6 scratching beneath right fourth or fifth, excites dry cough: Acon. RIBS, bruised feeling in, on cough- ing: Arn.5 pressure below short, on cough- ing Spong. RIDING agg. cough: Sul. ac. RIGIDITY of body with cough: Bell., Cina, Cupr., IPEC., Led., Mosch.-2. before cough: Cina.10 RINGING (clear) cough: Acon. All. c., Ars., Dros., Stram.-12. croupy cough with ringing sound: A pis.7 90 COUGH SYMPTOMS. RINGING cough, from irritation of throat caused by hot eructa- tions, amel. by smoking: Lac. ac. RINSING, voice hoarse and rough, with irritation to cough, slight paroxysms of cough, and hawk- ing of mucus, relieved by rinsing mouth with tepid water or eat- ing warm food every morning: Coc. c. awoke at 6 A. M., cough inter- mitting for several minutes, at first barking, clear, and dry, afterward becoming looser, with expectoration of some tenacious mucus, the hawking of which provoked vomiting several times; with sensation of soreness in throat and pressive frontal head- ache; cough relieved on rinsing mouth with cold water and drink- ing a few swallows, which was very refreshing to the sensation of heat in throat; this latter, how- ever, returned after a half cup of warm milk, but was not so severe as before; cough worse in hot room: Coc. c. RISE, frequent hacking cough, even- ing when in bed, with bitter taste in throat till he falls asleep, and in the morning similar cough and taste, lasting till he rises: Rhus. dry cough, at night, waking, must rise up Mag. m. RISING, after, cough agg.: Acon., Alum., Bar., Carbo an., Ign., Mag. c., Natr. s., Phos., Sep., Sul. ac., Thuja, Verat.-2 and 5. up. cough amel.: Mag. c., Rhus. compare with Sitting hacking cough: Benz. ac. amel.: Rhus. morning, cough in: Euph., Lach., Nitr. ac., Staph., Thuja. RISING, after morning, cough from tickling in throat: Alumen. cough with expectoration of transparent mucus, and torn sensation in middle of sternum: Phos. - choking cough: CINA. dry cough Alum., Ang., Bar., Bov., Carbo an., Dig., Natr. slfc. gagging cough: Cina.¹¹ hacking cough: Arg., Arn., Par. Ox.ac. tickling in throat: tickling low in hollow cough: Cina. trachea: Arn. men. Sulph. irritable cough: Arg. irritation to cough: Alu- and night, mucous cough: short cough Arn. : cough when rising from stooping in: Phos. before, violent cough and ex- pectoration of clotted blood, with sore chest in morning: Nux V. on, cough: Ars., Chin. s., Ferr. on, from bed, cough: Acon., Bry., Calc. s.,¹ Carbo v., Chel.,¹ Cocc., Con., Lach., Mag. c., Natr. s., Phos., Sep., Tarent.,¹ Thuja, Verat.-5. on rising from recumbent pos- ture, cough: Lach.11 morning, cough: Ars., Chin. S., FERR., Hal., Indigo, Sil. cough, and continues until lying down again, can scarcely get breath; none at night, worse from smoking, better from eating : Euphr.7 Grat. dry cough: Carbo an., COUGH SYMPTOMS. 91 RISING, on, violent fits of coughing before retiring and on rising: Ailan." See Rising from Bed. coughs up blood: Ferr. compare with Sitting up. ROOM, cough agg. in: Arg., Bry., Croc., Laur., Mag. c., Mag. m., Natr. m., Puls., Spig.-5. damp, spasmodic cough, worse in damp room: Bry.2 entering cold room from a warm, agg. cough: Carbo v., Phos., Rumex 5. • ཤྭ nervous cough, when any one enters the room: Phos." warm, agg. cough: Ambra, Arn., Ars., Bry., Coc. c., Dig., Dros., Ipec., Laur., Lyc., Mez., Natr. c., Puls., Seneg., Spong., Verat.-5. cough in; amel. in cold room : Coc. c.10 entering a warm room from open air, agg. cough: Acon.,12 Ant. cr., Bov.,1 Coc. c., Natr. c., 1 7 Sep., Sulph.' (afternoon), Verat, -10. cold air, cough from tickling in chest: Bov. — entering warm room, tickling in trachea, evening, dry cough: Com. afternoon, agg. dry cough: Anth. n., Natr. c. afternoon and evening, agg. violent cough: Natr. c. on entering warm room from cold air, feels sensation in trachea as if full of smoke, which excites cough; feels as if he could not inhale sufficient air: Bry.6 going from warm room to open air, excites cough: Acon. — warm room, going from, to cold air, or vice versa, causes coughing: Sepia, Nux v.,10 Natr. c.10 2 ROUGH cough: Acon., Bell.,² Brom., Cann. ind., Carbo an., Car- bo v., Card. b., Cop., Eupat. per., Eupion, Hepar, Mag. m., Meli., Natr. c., Rhus v., Sep., Tarent., Ust.-1. agg. going from cold air to warm room, or vice versa: Sepia. amel. in open sir: Iod. sitting upright: Natr. c. chest, from sticking and pressure in: Iod. hoarse, hacking cough, excited by sensation of soreness and heat in bronchi, worse in evening: Eup. per.2 cough, midnight: Nitr. ac. at night: Lyc. throat, from mucus in: Kreos. roughness and crawling in: Carbo v. RUBS, child constantly rubs eyes, nose, and face with his fist dur- ing coughing spell: Squil.¹¹ child starts out of sleep rubbing its nose: Lyc.7 RUNNING, agg. cough: cough: Cina, Iod., Merc., Seneg., Sil., Stann., Sul. ac.-2. SACRAL region, pain in, with cough: Amm. c., Merc., Nitr. ac., Sulph.-5. SALIVA, flow of, agg. cough: Valer.5 - - watery during cough: Cycl., Lach. water in mouth with cough: Ambr., Ars., Bry.,16 Lach., Staph. -6. SALIVATION, evening in bed, excites paroxysmal cough: Natr. m. with cough: Verat.¹2 SALT food agg. coughing: Con., Lach.-2. 92 COUGH SYMPTOMS. SCABS are coughed up every few weeks: Ferr.7 SCALP, perspiration on, on cough- ing: Ant. t., Tarent. See Head. SCAPULA, pain between or in region of scapula, worse from riding, sneezing, gaping or cough- ing, or any jarring: Calc." cough with pain under left mam- ma through to left scapula: Como.14 soreness between, with cough: Sul, ac.7 Compare with Shoulder. SCARLATINA, cough following: Ant. c., Con., Hyos.—2. SCRAPING (rough) cough: Bell., Cham., Cimex, Coff., Dros., Eupat. per., Eupion, Grat., Hepar, Kali c., Kreos., Merc., Natr. c., Nicc., Nitr. ac., Nux v., Plan., Puls., Sabad., Samb., Sep., Spong., STANN., Zing.—1 and 5. with sore pain in whole chest, and alternating hoarseness, heat, and burning hands and soles; bruised feeling in legs, loss of appetite, nausea, heat, and per- spiration at night, without thirst, and constipation: Natr. c. dry cough: Kreos.5 chest sore; must support it with hands; flushed face; tear- ful eyes: Eup. per.7 cough, evening: Rhod. after lying down: Bry. night: Natr. m., Rhod. on waking: Calc. from sticking in throat: Lyc. SCRATCHING cough: Kali c. SCREAMING (or weeping) ex- cites cough: Ant. t., Arn., Cham., Verat.-5. and weeping with whooping cough: Stram.8 with cough: Op., Samb.5 SCREAMING. See Crying. SCREECHING shrill cough, in painless paroxysms: Stram.² SCROBICULUS cordis. See Stomach, pit of, and Epigastrium. SCROFULOUS children, chronic cough in, with swollen glands and enlarged tonsils; worse after slightest cold: Bar." SENSES, loses, from violence of the cough: Kali c.6 SERIES of cough: Phos., Sum: 10-11 A. M.: Sum. See Paroxysmal Cough. SEVERE cough: Ipec., Cupr., Lo- bel., Sang., Staph.-5. continued cough, with circum- scribed redness of cheeks: Sang.5 dry cough, mostly in the morning, with retching and de- sire to vomit, and sensation as if stomach were turned inside out: Puls.10 long coughing spells: LOBEL.5 cough, especially after lying and sleeping: Apis.7 suffocative cough: IPEC.5 uninterrupted cough, cannot speak a word, discharge of bloody mucus from nose, after sea wind: Cupr.” Compare with Spasmodic Cough. SIESTA, cough during, from irrita- tion in upper part of larynx: Arnic. short cough after, from irritation and tickling behind sternum : Rhus. SHAKE. When coughing child seems to shake all over: Puls.6 SHAKING cough: Alumen, Anac., Ant. cr., Arg. n., Arn., Ars.,¹ Bell., Bry., China, Hyos., Ign.,¹ Ipec., Lach., Led., Lyc., Merc., Nitr. ac., Nux v., Olean., Phos., Puls., Rhus, Seneg., Sil., Stann., Sulph., Sul. ac., Sum.-1 and 5. 16 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 93 SHAKING cough, amel. by dis- charge of mucus: Alumen. by sitting up: Arg. n. from scratching in larynx: Alumen. tickling in larynx: Bry. at night: Anac. (shattering) of the body by the cough: Anac., Ant. c., Bell., Hyos., Ipec., Led., Olean., Puls., Rhus, Senega, Stann.—2 and 5. SHARP cough: Arn., Calc. s., Staph. after eating: Staph. SHATTERING cough: Ant. ox., Rhus, Sil., STANN. from tickling itching in pit of throat: Sil. shattering, barking spasmodic cough, excited by a tickling in the larynx and in the epigas- trium; worse evening until mid- night, rarely only in daytime; expectoration morning and day: Nitr. ac.2 shattering spasmodic cough, ex- cited by tickling creeping in larynx, trachea, and chest; worse evening till midnight; no expec- toration in evening: Rhus.2 violent, hollow, shattering spas- modic cough, excited by tickling in larynx with suffocative arrest of breathing; worse evening till midnight; expectoration after midnight and in morning: Led." shattering spasmodic whooping cough, often in paroxysms of two coughs each, excited by itching scratching with a feeling of dry- ness and, as it were, of sulphur vapor in trachea and in chest; worse evening till midnight; ex- pectoration morning and day: Puls.2 shattering cough like whooping cough, excited by burning and SHATTERING-(Continued). tickling in larynx; worse even- ing and night; morning expec- toration: Senega.2 shattering spasmodic whooping cough, with frequent, rapidly succeeding coughs, excited by tickling as if from mucus firmly seated in trachea; expectoration in daytime, worse at night, espe- cially after midnight: Hyos.2 See also Shaking Cough. SHIVERINGS with cough: Grat., Kreos.-16. SHOCKS. See Paroxysmal Cough. SHORT cough: AcoN., Aesc. h.,¹ 1 Aeth.,2 Agar., Alum., Anac., Ang., Ant. c., Ant. t., Apoc. c., Arg., Arg. n., Arn., Ars., Asar., Aur., Aur. mur., Bell., Berb., Brom., Bry., Calc., Calc. s., Canth., Carb. ac.,¹ Carbo v., Carbn. ox.,¹ Casc., Caust., Chel., China, Cimic., Cina, Coc. c., Cod., Coff., 1 1 16 Colch., Coloc., Con., Cop., Cupr., Dig., Dign., Dros., Dulc., Eupat. per., Euph., Eupion, Graph.,16 Hepar, Hydro. ac., Hyos., Hyper., Hyper.,16 Ign., Iod., Ipec., Jatro., Kali b., Kali c., Kali iod.,12 Kali hyper- mang., Kobalt., Kreos., Lach., Lachn., Lact., Laur., Linu.,¹ Lyc.,16 Lobel., Marum, Mere. s., Mur. ac., Naja, Natr. c., Natr.m., Nitr. d. s.,¹ Nitr. ac., Nitrum, Nux v., Oena.,¹ Olean., Osm.,1 Pau. p., Petro., Phos., Pin. s.,¹ Plat., Plumb., Podo., Puls., Rhus, Rumex a.,¹ Sabad., Senega, SEP., Sin. n.,¹ Spig., Spong., Squil., STANN., Sticta, Stil., Stront., Sulph., Sul. ac., Tabac.,¹ Tellur., Teplitz,¹ Thuja, Zinc., Zing., Ziz.¹ -5 and 12. 1 1 agg. afternoon: Anac. evening IGN., Phos. 1 : 94 COUGH SYMPTOMS. SHORT Cough, agg. open air: Senega. agg. by coughing: IGN. Tereb. - - after eating: Caust. lying after eating : night: Cod., Coloc. on swallowing: Aesc. h. walking fast: Senega. afternoon: Chin. s. 2 P. M.: Laur. 5 P. M.: Natr. m. agg. in: Anac. air, open: Spig. agg. in: Senega. walking in Ang. : air passages, from tickling in: Ant. t. in bed, evening: Lyc., Sep. night: Arg. n. chest, from hot constriction in: Carbo v. during coryza: Tellur. coughing agg.: IGN. day: Arg., Cot., Kali b., Natr. c., Phos. after dinner: Agar. dry cough: CIna.5 after eating: Anac. agg.: Caust. agg. on lying: Tereb. SHORT cough, forenoon, from irritation in trachea : Coc. c. from hawking: Eugen. short hollow unceasing cough, excited by creeping tick- ling, and much mucus in throat; worse evening till midnight: Bry., Caust.2 deep inspiration: Con. larynx, from irritation in: Amm. c., Senega. mucus in: Senega. tickling in: Agar., Ang., Graph., Iris v., Kali b., Laur., Led., Mez. evening: Cimic. continued tickling in, 3 P. M., rather lessened on inspira- tion, followed by short, dry, shak- ing cough almost wholly ceasing on sitting up: Arg. n. from tickling in, only when walking in open air, with rattling in chest and expectoration of much yellow mucus: Ang. sensation of thickening of the mucus membrane: Ery. a. lying, after eating, agg.: Tereb. midnight, after: Acon., Ars. before, waking patient: evening: Alum., Bar., Carbo Rhus. morning: Agar., Kali b., v., Kali b., Sep., Thuja. agg. in: IGN., Phos. in bed: Lyc., Sep. tickling in larynx : Cimic. from smoking: Thuja. from tickling behind upper sternum, 11 P. M.: Rhus. from interruption of res- piration in upper trachea: IGN. on undressing: Chel. forenoon: Agar., Alum. 7 A. M., on waking: Dign. 11 A. M., aching behind sternum on sitting bent forward: Rhus. Lyc., Thuja. after rising: Arn. tea drinking: Ars. from sensation of mucus in throat, after rising: Am. bro. when moving: Carbn. ox. night: Bell. in bed Arg. n. in paroxysms: Alum., Ant. t., Asaf., Bell., Calc., Carbo v., Dros., Kali b., Kali c., Lact., Squil.-12. pharynx, from tickling in, on inspiration: Oleand. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 95 SHORT cough, on deep respira- tion: Naja. from interruption of res- piration in upper trachea: Ign. rising, morning after: Arn. sensation of mucus in throat, on: Am. bro. after siesta, irritation and tickling behind: Rhus. sitting up, amel.: Arg. n., Natr. c. when smoking: Coca. evening: Thuja. sternum, aching behind upper sternum, on sitting bent forward, 11 A. M.: Rhus. from irritation behind upper: Natr. ars., Rнus. irritation and tickling be- hind, after siesta: Rhus. from tickling behind up- per: RHUS. beneath Zinc. stomach, on pressure of pit of: Tax. on talking: Ant. t. after tea-drinking, morn- ing: Ars. throat, from crawling in: Lach. irritation in; Carb. ac. mucus in: Senega. sensation of mucus in, morning on rising: Am. bro. rawness in: Acon., Ol. an. roughness in: Verat. v. tickling in Colocn., Iod., Mag. c. thyroid cartilage, irritation to cough from tickling beneath : Squil. Puls. from tickling in region of: trachea, irritation in, fore- noon: Coc. c. Euph. irritation in upper: SHORT cough, trachea, from scraping in: Sabad. sensation of something in: Sin. n. tickling in upper: Mar. on undressing, evening: Chelid. on waking, 7 A. M.: Dign. patient, before midnight: Rhus. walking fast agg.: Senega. in open air: Ang. SHOULDERS, pain in, with the cough: Amm. c., Ars., China,1 Bry., Dig.,16 Lach., Phos., Puls., Thuja.-12. pain in left, with cough: Ferr. between when coughing: Calc.,5 Kali b.,12 Stram.¹ stitches in, from coughing: Hyper.,¹ Puls.,¹ Sep.,5 Merc." stitches in left: Sulph.5 right: Borax.5 SHRILL screeching cough, in pain- less paroxysms: Stram.² cough, on waking: Sol. t. æ. SHUDDERING when coughing Puls. SIBILANT and dry cough, like a saw driven through a pine board : Spong. wheezing cough: Kreos., Prun. sp., Spong.-16. SIGHT cloudy when coughing: Sulph, SIDE, cough with crampy lumbago, left side: Chin. s. lying on, agg. or excites cough: Bar., Carbo an., Kali c., Kreos., Lyc., Merc., Phos., Puls., Seneg., Sepia, Stann., Sulph.-2. amel. dry, exhausting cough, about midnight; worse lying on back: Nux v. left, agg. or excites cough: Acon., Bar., Bry., Ipec., 96 COUGH SYMPTOMS. SIDE, lying on left-(Continued). Lyc., Merc., Paris,¹ Phos., Puls., Rhus, Rumex, Senega, Sepia.-5. painful, agg. cough: Acon.2 right, agg. or excites cough: Acon., Amm. m., Carbo an., Cina, Ipec., STANN.-5. dry cough, night: Carbo an. or back agg. irritable cough: Phos. cough evenings, after lying down, sputum is loose and easier when turning from left to right side: Thuja.7 SIDES, pain in, with cough: AcoN., Ambra, Amm. m., Ars., Bell., Bor., BRY., China, Nitrum, Phos., Puls., Senega, SQUIL., Sulph., Verat., Zinc.5-11. pain in loins and sides, with cough causing him to hold them: Kali b.6 pain in left side when coughing with weakness and dyspnœa : Verat.6 pain in, causing inability to cough: Ox. ac. stiches in, with cough: Acon., Arn., Bry., Phos., Squil., Zinc.5 -12. Zinc.6 preceding the cough: with troublesome cough, during chilly stage of fever, or after midnight: China. in right, lower: Kali c.12 left side: Natr. s., Rumex. See under Chest, and Abdomen. SINGING agg. or excites cough: Dros., Meph., Phos., Spong., Stann., Stram.—5. on beginning to sing, hoarseness, weakness, and emptiness in chest, so that she was constantly obliged to stop and take a deep breath; SINGING (Continued). at times a few expulsive coughs removed the hoarseness for a mo- ment: STANN.1 SIT up, must: As soon as cough commences: Coc. c., Lach.-10. --fatiguing dry cough, in morning after waking, obliging one to sit up, which relieves : Mag. s.6 cough compels patient to sit up, it is moist and rattling, but no expectoration: Ant. t. cough compels patient to spring up immediately and in- voluntarily Bry." 7 evening cough directly after lying down, has to sit up: Ars.7 evening while lying vio- lent cough, must rise: Lith. c.7 dry cough at night, wak- ening, must rise up: Mag. m.¹ dry cough, wakening and not ceasing until he sits up in bed and passes flatus upward and downward: Sang.¹ dry cough, night, has to sit up and hold chest with both hands: Natr. s.7 cough almost only when first lying down day or evening; was obliged to sit up and cough it out, when had rest: CON.¹ must sit up in bed and hold head with both hands, on account of violent cough: Nicc.14 must sit up with cough and sweat Eupion.¹ cough at night, must sit up to raise sputa: Ferr.7 night-cough; must sit up as soon as cough commences: Árs.¹ oppression of chest during cough, must sit up in bed: Ara- lia, Coc. c.-10. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 97 i SIT up, must: oppression of chest during cough, so great that pa- tient must sit up in bed (also to expectorate), when she experi- ences great pain, with constric- tive sensation under sternum: PHOS. wheezing, panting on waking then violent cough which forces him to sit up and bend forward: Kali b.7 SITTING, cough when: Alum., Euphr., Ferr., Guai., Kali c., Mag. c., Mag. m., Natr. c., Phos., Ph. ac., Puls., Rhus,' Sabad., Sep., Zinc.-12. bent, Stann. — excites cough: Spig., forward, dry cough from tickling behind upper half of sternum, at 11 A. M., when: Rhus. dry cough, when: Agar., Phos. after dinner, dry cough, when: Agar. erect, cough when: Kali c., Natr. m.,2 Spong.-12. long in same position, excites cough: Coc. c.,2 Ph. ac.¹2 still, cough while, afternoon : Coca. agg. cough: Rhus.7 cough ceases only when: Verat.6 6 up, amel. cough: Arg. n., Cin- nab., Mag. s., Hros., Natr. c., Phos., PULS., Rhus, Sang.-12. amel. cough; coughs inces- santly lying: Cinnab. constant cough lying at night, better on sitting up: Hyos., Puls. dry cough: Arg. n., Cin- nab., Sang. at night: Puls. exhausting cough: Natr. c. hollow cough: Natr. c. • SITTING up, amel. loose cough, about midnight: Phos. nab. nab. paroxysmal cough: Cin- rough cough: Natr. c. short cough: Arg. n., Cin- SKIN troubles with cough: Bell., Con., Lach., Lact., Puls.-6. burning, biting in region of scurf (of ulcer), early in morning with a dry cough: Puls. scarlet spots and redness on face, neck, abdomen, etc., with quick pulse, asthma and violent cough: Bell.6 oedematous swelling of body, dull- ness of head with asthmatic troubles and short cough: Lact. SLEEP, cough after: Lach., Puls. 16 severe and obstinate hoarse- ness, worse evening, with tickling in larynx and cough, especially after sleeping: Arum ital. See on Waking. cough before: Merc.12 choking cough, as if would suf- focate, as soon as one falls into a sound sleep: LACH.¹ during coryza, dry cough in sleep: Sepia. by dry cough: disturbed by Alum., Sang.12 6 cough at night prevents sleep and causes exhaustion: PULS. cough which disturbs sleep, and is succeeded by a dry heat: Alum.6 incessant coughing prevents sleep: SEPIA.¹ sleep is disturbed by frequent coughing and aching in the feet: Sepia. unable to sleep, at night, from excessive tormenting cough : Rhus. 98 COUGH SYMPTOMS. SLEEP, cough during: Acon., Arn., Bell., Calc., Carbo an., Cham., Hippo.,¹ Hyos., Lach., Kreos., Merc., Samb., Sep., Stram., Verb. -12. during, barking cough: Nitr. ac. dry cough: Cham., Coff., Mag. S. ac., Rhus. before midnight: Nitr. loud cough: Lyc.10 on lying down at night and in sleep, cough is absent: Kali b.6 cough at night: Calc. cough at noon: Euphr. severe cough, especially after lying down and sleeping: Apis.7 violent cough Cyc., Sulph. after going to, evening suffoca- tive cough: Carbo an., Lach. before going to, dry cough long time, evening in bed, before fall- ing asleep, and worse than dur- ing day: SULPH. on going to, cough: Guare., Sep., Sulph. dry cough evening: evening, agg. tickling Hepar. cough: Lyc. cough on going to sleep, with heat in the head and face, and cold hands: Sulph. morning and evening, agg. exhausting cough: Lyc. prevented. See Disturbed. restless, from moderate cough, afternoon and night, with bloody expectoration: Mez.6 on starting in, coughs: Apis. starting in, cough with: Cina, Hepar.-12. SLEEPLESSNESS with cough: Benz. ac.,16 Koos, Nitrum.-12. SLEEPY immediately after cough- ing: Ant. t.,10 Ign.19 SLEEPY, violent convulsive cough (whooping cough), caused by tick- ling in pharynx, agg. at night and after eating; after the attacks yawning and sleepiness: Anac.10 SMARTING and burning causes cough: Zing. SMOKE of all kinds excites cough: Euphr.,2 Ment. pi.¹ SMOKING tobacco 1 excites cough: Acon., All. s.,¹ Brom., Bry., Carbo an., Cham.,16 Clem.,5 Cocc., Coc. c.,¹ Coloc.,16 Dros.,16 Euphr., Ferr., Hell., Hepar, Ign., Iod., Lach., Mag. c., Ment. pi.,¹ Nux v., Osm.,¹ Petro., Spig.," Spong., Staph., Sul. ac., Thuja.¹ -2. 1 amel. convulsive cough: Tarent. dry cough, at night: Tarent. exhausting cough: Tarent. after dinner, cough on: Coc. c. dry cough from: All. s., Atro., Coc. c., Hell.10—1. evening: Thuja. hacking cough: Clem., Hell. evening: Coloc. hard cough, while: All. s. interrupted cough, evening: Thuja. paroxysmal cough, while: All. S. periodic cough, smoking or speaking: Atro. short cough: Coca. evening: Thuja. tickling cough: Atro. dry cough: Coca. SMOTHERED cough: Meli. feeling, with hacking cough at night: Asaf. SNEEZING after coughing: Agar.,¹ Bad.,2 Bell.,16 Hepar.6 cough appears in isolated attacks, is violent and ends with repeated sneezing: Agar. excites cough: Senega.12 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 99 SNEEZING with cough: Ant. t., | SPASMODIC cough, afternoon Aspar.,16 Bell., Bry., Nitr. ac.,¹¹ Osm., Sep."-12. catarrh in throat that pro- vokes cough: Petro." constant sneezing; sharp pains in centre of temples; tick- ling cough; light mushy stools: Iris v. wakes at night from sneezing, with tickling in throat causing cough: Amm. m.7 SONOROUS cough: Amm. cau., STRAM. SNORING with cough: Aut. t., Arg., Bell., Caust., Ipec., Natr. c., Natr. m., Nux v., Puls., Sep.—12. SOCIETY of strangers excites cough: Ambra, Ars., Bar.-2. SORE cough, evening: Calc. s. morning: Cod. SORENESS when coughing: Spig. See under Abdomen, Chest, Throat, etc. SOUNDING, deep cough: Aloe,' Mang., Stann. 10. SOUNDLESS cough: Dros.¹2 SOUR food excites coughing; Ant. c., Brom., Lach., Natr. m., Nux v., Sep., Sulph.—2. SPASMODIC 7 cough: Acon., 2 Agar., All. c., Ambr., Bad.,² Bar., Bell., Brom., BRY., Cact., 2 2 Calc., CARBO v., Cast., Chel., China, CINA, Con., Coral., CUPR., Dig., DROS., Ferr., Ferr. acet., Hepar, Hyos., Ign., Iod., IPEC., Kali b., Kali c., Kreos., Lach., Lact., Laur., Led., Lyc., Mag. c., Mag. m., Merc., Mezer., Mosch., Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Nux v., Osm., Phos., Ph. ac., Plumb., PULS., Rhus, Samb., Sep., Sil., Squil., Staph., Stram., Sulph., Verat., Zinc.-5 and 11. compare with Convulsive and Paroxysmal Coughs. agg.: All. c., Bad., Bell.,12 Bry.,12 Mur. ac., Zinc.—2. amel. by eating, morning: Ferr.10 breath, violent, spasmodic cough, commencing with gasping for breath, and continuing with repeated crowing inspirations, till face becomes black or purple and patient exhausted; agg. at night and after a meal: Coral.2 violent, hollow, shatter- ing spasmodic cough, excited by tickling in larynx, with suffocative arrest of breathing: Led.2 chest, burst, ungovernable spasmodic cough, which seems as if it would burst the thorax, excited by a peculiar tickling in pharynx, which again, is induced by a sensation of smothering in throat: Lact. v.2 constriction, spasmodic cough, excited by a feeling like constriction of chest and trachea, as if from vapor of sulphur; worse from midday to midnight: Mosch.2 constriction, periodi- cally recurring attacks of pain- less, barking, spasmodic cough, in a shrill screeching tone, excited by constriction of chest and larynx; worse in morning: Stram.2 creeping in, violent, short paroxysms of spasmodic cough, excited by mucus in trachea and by creeping in chest ; worse after midnight and in morning Squil.2 itching - scratching, shattering, spasmodic whooping cough, often in paroxysms of two coughs each, excited by an itch- 100 COUGH SYMPTOMS. مر SPASMODIC—(Continued). ing scratching with a feeling of dryness and, as it were, of vapor of sulphur in chest and trachea; worse evening till midnight; ex- pectoration in morning and day- time: Puls.2 chest, pain, spasmodic cough, hollow and deep, with rawness, hoarseness, and pain through chest; with suffocative feeling when inhaling; cannot exhale; vomits all food some hours after eating; bloated face; convulsions; worse at night and lying: Meph.10 scratching, hollow or whistling, spasmodic cough, ex- cited roughness, scratching and tickling in chest and throat; worse morning and evening: Kreos.2 tickling itching, hol- low, hacking, spasmodic, tick- ling cough, excited particularly by a tickling itching in chest ; worse evening and night; expec- toration morning and by day: Phos.2 powerful, spasmodic, nocturnal paroxysms of whooping cough, excited by tickling and itching in chest and throat, or as if by dry spot in larynx; worse at night; difficult expectoration in day: Con.' tickling, spasmodic, shat- tering cough, excited by tickling creeping in larynx, in trachea, and in chest; worse evening until midnight; no expectoration in evening: Rhus.2 day and night: Sulph.12 evening agg.: All. c., Bad., Bell., Bry., Calc., Ign., Ipec., Lach., Laur., Merc., Natr. m., Phos: Ph.ac. Şil SPASMODIC cough evening un- til midnight, agg.: Bar., Carbo v., Ferr., Led., Mez., Nitr. ac., Puls., Rhus, Sepia, Stann., Zinc.-2. until after midnight, agg.: Mag. c., Mag. m.—2. expectorating, grayish phlegm in little lumps, morning : Natr. ars. forenoon, agg.: Sabad., Sepia.-2. larynx, constriction of, periodically recurring attacks of painless, barking spasmodic cough, in a shrill, screeching tone, excited by constriction of larynx and chest; worse in morn- ing: Stram.2 constriction of, spas- modic cough at night, occurring in paroxysms every quarter of an hour, each paroxysm consisting of but few coughs, with a rough, hollow, barking tone, excited by tickling in throat, as if from down or, as it were, by constric tion of larynx; worse evening and night: Bell.2 down in, spasmodic tickle cough, excited, as it were, by down in larynx, in supra- sternal fossa and in chest as far as epigastrium; worse morning and evening: Ph. ac.² irritation in, spasmodic, violent whooping cough, excited by irritation from larynx to chest; worse evening till mid- night; morning expectoration: Mez.? spasmodic cough, al- ways in two paroxysms which occur in rapid succession, excited by irritation in larynx and in upper chest; worse at night, or also in evening: day expectora- tion: Merc,2 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 101 SPASMODIC cough, larynx, ir- ritation spasmodic, hollow whooping cough in short hard coughs and infrequent parox- ysms, excited by feeling as if sulphur vapor were inhaled, or by a creeping irritation in larynx and throat; worse evening till midnight; morning expectora- tion: Carbo v.2 tickling in, violent, hol- low, shattering, spasmodic cough, excited by tickling in larynx, with suffocative arrest of breath- ing; worse evening until mid- night; expectoration after mid- night and in morning: Led.2 tickling creeping, spas- modic shattering cough, excited by tickling creeping in larynx, trachea, and chest; worse even- ing until midnight: Rhus.2 shattering, barking, spasmodic cough, excited by tick- ling in larynx and in epigastri- um; worse evening till midnight, rarely only in day; expectoration morning and day: Nitr. ac.2 spasmodic cough, harsh, hoarse, dry ringing, excited by constant tickling in larynx (which is temporarily relieved by eating apples); the cough produces a raw, splitting pain in larynx, so severe as to compel coughing from the pain and to try to sup- press cough; worse afternoon, evening, and in warm room: All. c.2 spasmodic whooping cough, in two paroxysms, occur- ring in quick succession, followed by a longer interval; excited by tickling in larynx, as if from down; worse afternoon to mid- night; expectoration morning and day: Sulph.2 SPASMODIC cough, tickling creeping, occasional severe par- oxysms of spasmodic cough, eject- ing viscid yellowish mucus from bronchi, often flying forcibly out of mouth, caused by tickling as from sugar dissolving in larynx, and ending with sneezing and coryza: Bad.2 spasmodic cough in fre- quent paroxysms, with violent, shattering, hollow coughs, which follow each other in quick succes- sion and do not allow one to re- cover breath, excited by tickling in upper larynx as if from vapor of sulphur; worse at night; morn- ing expectoration: Ipec.² spasmodic cough excited by intolerable tickling in larynx and in supra-sternal fossa; worse in morning and by vexation; evening expectoration: Iod." spasmodic cough, re- sembling whooping cough, the coughs follow each other in rapid succession, excited by tickling in chest from larynx to stomach; worse forenoon and evening till midnight: Sepia.2 in trachea. compare with tickling lying, dry, hacking or spas- modic cough, worse lying, better sitting up; worse at night, after eating, drinking, talking, or sing- ing: Hyos. midnight, agg. after: Dig., Kali c., Hyos., Squil.-2. afternoon until: Mosch., Sulph.-2. Sabad.--2. before: Mur. ac., Rhus, evening until: Bar., Carbo v., Ferr., Led., Mez., Nitr. ac., Puls., Rhus, Sepia, Stann., Zine.-2. 102 COUGH SYMPTOMS. } * SPASMODIC cough, midnight, agg. evening until after : Mag. c., Mag. m.-2. morning agg.: Carbo V., Dig., Iod., Ipec., Kali c., Kreos., Ph. ac., Natr. m., Puls., Squil., Sulph.-12 and 2. night agg.: Agar., Aur., Bell., Bry., Calc., Con., Coral., Hyos., Ipec., Kali c., Mag. c.,¹2 Mag. m.,12 Phos., Sil.-2. 7 and day: Sulph.12 pharynx, ungovernable spas- modic cough, which seems as if it would burst the thorax, excited by a peculiar tickling in pharynx, which, again, is induced by a sensation of smothering in throat: Lact. v.2 rough, croaking, with danger of suffocation: Acon." stomach, frequent parox- ysms of spasmodic hacking cough, excited by tickling in stomach, rarely so in larynx, worse day and in evening; expectoration morning and day: Lach." paroxysms of spasmodic cough, resembling whooping cough, the coughs follow each other in rapid succession, excited by tickling in chest, from larynx to stomach; worse forenoon and evening until midnight: Sepia.² stomach, pit of, spasmodic cough with painful contraction at pit of stomach: Ferr. acet." spasmodic cough like whooping cough, excited by roughness and tickling in throat and in epigastrium; generally worse evening till midnight; morning expectoration: Bar.² shattering, barking spasmodic cough, excited by tick- ling in larynx and in epigastrium; worse evening until midnight, SPASMODIC--(Continued). rarely only in daytime; morning and day expectoration: Nitr. ac.² spasmodic whooping cough, excited by tickling in throat and in epigastrium; worse. evening after lying down; morn- ing expectoration; Natr. m.2 spasmodic whooping cough, as if from vapor of sul- phur, or excited by tickling in throat and in epigastrium; worse evening and night; expectoration morning and day: Bry." throat, from irritation in throat of hot eructations: Lac, ac. creeping irritation, spas- modic hollow whooping cough, in short hard coughs and infre- quent paroxysms, excited by feel- ing as if sulphur vapor were in- haled, or by creeping irritation in larynx and throat; worse even- ing till midnight; morning ex- pectoration: Carbo v.2 roughness, spasmodic cough, like whooping cough, ex- cited by roughness and scraping in throat and in epigastrium; worse evening till midnight; ex- pectoration in morning: Bar.2 see Scratching. scraping, see Roughness. scratching, hollow or whistling spasmodic cough, ex- cited by roughness, scratching and tickling in chest and throat; worse morning and evening: Kreos." smothering sensation, ungovernable spasmodic cough, which seems as if it would burst the thorax, excited by a peculiar tickling in pharynx, which again is induced by a sensation of smothering in throat: Lach. v.² tickling, asthmatic, hack- ing spasmodic cough, in short COUGH SYMPTOMS. 103 SPASMODIC-(Continued). but frequently recurring parox- ysms, excited by tickling in throat and larynx; worse at night, espe- cially after midnight; expectora- tion morning early and during day: Kali c.2 spasmodic cough in old people at night, from continuous tickling in throat, as if palate were too long: Hyos.12 attacks of spasmodic cough, excited by tickling in throat; worse evening till after midnight; expectoration during day: Mag. m.2 spasmodic cough at night, occurring in paroxysms every quarter of an hour, each paroxysm consisting of but few coughs, with a rough, hollow, barking tone, excited by tickling in throat, as if from down or, as it were, by constriction of larynx; worse evening and night: Bell.2 -short, spasmodic cough, in brief, but frequently repeated paroxysms, excited by tickling as if from feathers or down in throat and trachea; worse evening and night; expectoration in morning and during day: Calc.² spasmodic whooping cough, excited by tickling in throat and epigastrium; worse evening after lying down, less in morning; morning expectora- tion: Natr. m.² -powerful spasmodic, nocturnal paroxysms of whoop- ing cough, excited by itching and tickling in chest and throat, as if by a valve in larynx; worse at night; expectoration in day: Con.2 spasmodic whooping cough, as if from vapor of sul- SPASMODIC--(Continued). phur, or excited by tickling in throat and epigastrium; worse evening and night; expectoration morning and day: Bry.2 trachea feeling as of con- striction of chest and trachea, as if from sulphur vapor, excites spasmodic cough; worse from midday till toward midnight: Mosch.2 itching, scratching in, spasmodic, shattering, whooping cough, often in paroxysms of two coughs each, excited by itching scratching with a feeling of dry- ness and, as it were, of vapor of sulphur in trachea and in chest ; worse evening till midnight; expectoration morning and day : Puls.2 mucus in, spasmodic cough in violent short paroxysms, excited by mucus in trachea and by creeping in chest; worse after midnight and in morning; diffi- cult expectoration in morning: Squil. shattering spasmodic whooping cough, with frequent, rapidly succeeding coughs, ex- cited by tickling as if from mucus firmly seated in trachea; worse at night, especially after mid- night; day expectoration: Hyos.2 roughness in, hollow, deep, spasmodic cough, excited by roughness and scratching in roof of mouth and in trachea ; worse about midnight and morn- evening expectoration: ing ; Dig.2 scratching in, hollow, deep, spasmodic cough, excited by roughness and scratching in roof of mouth and in trachea; worse about midnight and morn- 104 COUGH SYMPTOMS. SPASMODIC--( Continued). ing, cold fluids; evening expecto- ration: Dig.2 tickling in, attacks of hol- low, spasmodic cough, excited by tickling in larynx and trachea; expectoration chiefly at night : Staph.2 spasmodic cough, which stops breathing, produced by tickling deep in trachea; the cough is violent, dry, and hollow, and is agg. by stooping forward : Spig. (Dunham.) exhausting, spasmodic cough, excited by tickling in larynx and in trachea as far down as middle of chest; worse after- noon and evening till midnight; expectoration morning and dur- ing day: Zinc.2 frequently recurring, whistling, spasmodic cough, in single coughs, excited by tickling in larynx and trachea, as if they were dry; worse in day especially toward evening: Laur.2 spasmodic cough, ex- cited by tickling in larynx, in trachea, and in thyroid region; worse evening till beyond mid- night; expectoration morning and day: Magn. c.2 short, spasmodic cough, in brief, but frequent parox- ysms, excited by tickling as if from feathers or down in throat and trachea; worse evening and night; morning and day expec- toration: Calc.2 spasmodic cough, ex- cited by tickling in trachea; worse in evening till midnight; during this period sputa cannot be dis- lodged (at night must sit up to raise the sputa), but in day, SPASMODIC (Continued). during motion, they become loosened: Ferr.2 spasmodic, shattering cough, excited by tickling creep- ing in larynx and trachea and chest; worse evening till mid- night; no expectoration in even- ing: Rhus.2 violent, spasmodic cough, with frequent eructations and hoarseness: Ambra. violent, spasmodic cough at night: Agar. with vomiting: Bry., Carbo v., Ferr., Ipec., Puls.—12. women, spasmodic cough, dry, nervous, peculiar to women; periodically, every night from sunset to sunrise: Aurum.7 SPASM, whooping cough, children get stiff, before coughing the child raises herself suddenly, looks wildly about, the whole body becomes stiff, loses con- sciousness, first as if she would have an epileptic spasm, then fol- lows the cough: Cina. whooping cough, children get stiff, respiration ceases, spasmodic twitchings, then consciousness returns; they vomit and recover slowly: Cupr.7 with cough: Cham., Cina, Croc., Cupr.,5 Dros., Hyos., Led.," Meph., Verat.-16. 5 SPEAK, every attempt to, excites cough, so that one must desist : Cimic. 14 cannot, a word for uninter- rupted cough, with discharge of bloody mucus from nose, after seawind: Cupr.? cough of such a nature as not to allow the utterance of an au- dible word: Merc.' COUGH SYMPTOMS. 105 1 1 SPEAKING (talking) agg. or ex- cites cough: Acon., Ambr., Anac., Arn., Ars., Bar., Bell., Bry., Calad.,¹ Calc., Carbo v., Caust.,¹ Cham., China,11 Cimic., Cupr.," Dig., Dulc., Erio.,¹ Euphr., Hepar, Ign., Iod., Ipec., Lach.,¹¹ Mag. c., Mag. m., Mang., Meph., Merc., Mez., Mur. ac., Natr. m.," Nitr. ac., Phos., Ph. ac., Psor.,' Rhus, Rumex, Sil., Spong., Squil., Stann., Stram., Sulph., Sul. ac., Verb.-5. convulsive cough: Dig. dry cough: Atro., Dig., Mang., Ment. p. hacking cough, morning : Sum. larynx, causes tickling in and cough: Alumen. loud, causes cough: Coc. c. periodic cough from smoking or: Atro. short cough: Ant. t. tickling cough on: Alumen. violent cough, agg. by: Mur. ac. whooping cough when: Anac. SPELLS of coughing. See Parox- ysmal Cough. SPIRITS, drinking, agg. cough: Arn., Ferr., Ign., Lach., Led., Spong., Stann., Stram., Zinc.—5. SPLITTING cough, night: Aur. See Head, Chest, etc. SPOKEN to, cough on being: Ars. SPRING, cough in the: Ambra, Verat.-2. STANDING, agg. cough: Euphr., Natr. s., Sepia, Sulph., Zine.-5. breathing, frequent cough, with some sputum, stitches in left side of chest, short breathing if cough- ing while standing: Natr. s.? erect, cough while: Acon., Natr. m., Stann.-12. still (stopping) during a walk ; agg. cough: Ign. STARTING, cough on starting in sleep: Apis. in sleep, with: Cina, Hepar.-12. from sleep with cough; drinking relieves it: Brom." STAIRS, ascending, agg. cough: Arg. n., Ars.,¹ Bar., Iod., Lyc.,¹ Mag. c., Mag. m., Merc., Nitrum, Nux v., Seneg., Sep., Spong., Squil., Stann., Staph., Zinc.-5. STERNUM, aching behind, on sitting bent forward, morning, causing short cough: Rhus. Rumer aching in middle of, when coughing: Nitrum. aching in upper part, with catarrh and cough: Ferr. acet. burning pain under the, and stitches in sides of lungs, with hacking cough: Clem.10 burning in upper part, after cough: Ferr.6 constrictive sensation under, during cough great oppression of chest, so that patient must sit up in bed, and in order to expec- torate, when she experiences great pain with: PHOS. dust, cough with sensation as of dust under sternum, after waking and on rising: Chelid. excoriation, pain as from, in upper part, on coughing: Hy- dras. fly to pieces, feels as if it would, from violent cough, feels sore when talking, laughing, or yawn- ing: Mur. ac.6 hand presses on, during cough : Bry.17 irritation in mid-, excites dry incessant cough: Mang.' irritation and tickling behind, after siesta, cough from: Rhus. irritation in upper part causing cough: Natr. ars., Cham., Plat.," Rhus. 106 COUGH SYMPTOMS. STERNUM, irritation under, when coughing: Arg. n.7 itching under middle of, excites cough: Nux v. pain behind, when coughing: Chelid., Cori. m., Staph., Thuja. pain behind, going into side on coughing: Osm. pain in, with the cough: Amm. c., Bell., China, Mez., Sep., Sil. -12. pain in lower part of, from cough: Amm. c., Phos. pain in lower part of, 8 A. M., from cough: Dios. pain from mid-sternum through to back with cough (raises tough black mucus): Kali b. pain in upper part of, when coughing: Sang., Sep. pain in upper part of, on congh- ing, morning: Sil. presses hand on, during cough: Bry.17 pressure, as if it would be pressed out; worse from pressure, or stooping or coughing: Ph. ac.“ pressure beneath, after cough- ing: Euphr. pressure from middle part of, into larynx, during cough : Kali b. pressure in middle of lower portion of, excites cough: Cimex. pressure from, to back, sensation as of a stone pressing down in pleural cavities, causing painful cough with: Coral. rawness behind, cough from: Nitrum. rawness, scraping behind, cough from: Kreos. scraping at lower part of, and stitches in right frontal eminence. Mez. 6 scraping, rawness behind, cough from: Kreos. STERNUM, scratching, rough cough scratching the breast im- inediately under: Cann. ind. soreness behind, on coughing: Amm. c., Osm. soreness, behind upper part of on coughing: Chel. stifling sensation beneath upper fourth of, hysterical cough from a: Plat.7 stitches in, on coughing: Bell., BRY. when coughing, obliging him to hold chest with the hand; stitches also felt when feeling the parts: Bry." stitches in ensiform cartilage when coughing: Sulph. in middle part of, on cough- ing: Sil. stitching pain from behind, short dry cough, with deep: Berb. tearing, extending from middle of, to throat, on coughing: Psor. tickling behind, extending to back, with irritation to cough: Angust. tickling behind upper half of, when sitting bent forward, 11 A. M., dry cough: Rhus. tickling behind upper, causes short, 11 P. M.: Rhus. tickling and irritation behind upper half of, short cough from severe, followed by a feeling of discouragement and apprehen- sion: RHUS. tickling irritation to cough under manubrium of: Cina. tickling under, causes cough: Thuja, Zine. tickling under lower part of, causing cough: Verat. tickling under middle of, caus- ing cough Ang., Con., Thuja. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 107 STERNUM, tickling under upper part of, causing cough: Rhus, Rhus r.,14 Rumex. tickling under upper part of, causing distressing cough: Ir. v. tickling sensation under upper half of, exciting short, dry cough, with dull aching in left mam- mary region, when sitting in- clined forward, at 11 A. M.: Rhus. torn loose, sensation as if some- thing had been, under mid-ster- num, cough with transparent expectoration: Phos.6 torn off, soreness in upper part under, from morning cough; after expectoration this part continues to feel sore and burning, as if something had been: Cina.6 STERTOROUS cough, agg. at night: Cact. breathing with cough: Bell.5 STIFF, children get stiff, breathing ceases, spasmodic twitchings, after awhile consciousness returns, they vomit and recover, but slow- ly in whooping cough: Cupr.7 before coughing the child raises herself suddenly, looks wildly about, the whole body becomes stiff, she loses consciousness, just as if she would have an epi- leptic spasm, then follows the cough: Cina. suffocative cough, whereby child gets quite stiff and blue in the face: IPEC. STIFFNESS (rigidity) of body, with cough: Bell., Cina, Cupr., Ipec., Led., Mosch.-2. STIMULANTS. See Spirits. STITCHES. See under Chest, etc., etc. STOMACH and diaphragm affect- ed by night cough, mostly before sunset: LYC. STOMACH, cold feeling in, with dry suffocative cough: Lact.10 comes from, cough seems to come from the All. s., Ant. t., Bell., Bry., Ery. m.,¹ Merc., Puls., SEPIA.-5. 1 croaking cough, comes from stomach in paroxysms, during day: Nitr. ac. short dry cough, which seems to come from the: SEPIA. contraction in stomach and pit of, after coughing: Ars. cutting in, with cough: Verat.5 gnawing in; better from food : Grat., Natr. c.—5. gnawing feeling of coldness in stomach and in pit of, and sleep- lessness, from dry suffocative cough, in hysterical female: Lact.6 heaving and swelling at, before the cough: Kali. b.6 irritation in, excites cough: Bell., Bov.,12 Bry., Merc., Puls.,12 Sep.22-5. irritation as if from stomach, with cough, for many nights; waking or sleeping: Merc. sol. - jerks in, with cough: Ipec.12 pain in, from cough: Bell., Bry., Hell., Ipec., Lyc., Nitr. ac., Phos., Puls., Rhus, Rumex, Ruta, Sabad., Sepia.-5. 12 before an attack of cough- ing: Ant. t., Arn., Bell., Cham. -12. dry cough, with perspiration, and water in the eyes; with stitches in the vertex, vomiting and pain in stomach: Sabad.10 dry teasing cough, caused by tickling in bronchia, or even un- covering a hand, with tearing pain in chest, stitches and profuse sweat and pain in stomach: Rhus. 售 ​108 COUGH SYMPTOMS. STOMACH PIT (epigastric re- gion), beating pain in head and pit of stomach after coughing: Ipec.6 - bruised pain in, from cough- ing: NUX v., STANN.,¹ Squil.-6. coldness, gnawing feeling of, in stomach and in pit of, and sleeplessness, from dry suffocative cough, in a hysterical female: Lact.6 coming from, croaking cough coming from pit of stomach, by paroxysms, during day: Nitr. ac. contraction, painful, in, preceding the cough: Ferr. acet.6 contractive pain in, causes cough to continue (even after sitting up): Ars.7 crawling about pit of stom- ach, extending to throat, excites hacking cough: Plat. -crawling tickling in, dry cough as if coming out from stomach with: Bry. emptiness in, sensation of, with cough: Croc.,5 Ign., Mur. ac., Stann.2 irritation to cough, felt in: Bar., Bell.,5 Bry., Cham., Guai.,¹2 Hepar, Ign.,16 Lach., Merc.,5 Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Ph. ac., Puls.5-2. irritation at, causes trouble- some, usually dry cough: Ign.14 itching, cough caused by itching in trachea, extending from pit of stomach to epiglottis : Puls. laying (pressing) hand on, amel. dry, or exhausting or par- oxysmal cough: CROC. oppression in, excites cough: Kali b.2 pain, beating, in head and pit of stomach after coughing: Ipec.6 STOMACH PIT, pain, bruised, in, from coughing: Nux V., STANN., Squil.—6. 1 pain in, from coughing: Alum., Ambra,5 Amm. c., Ars., Bry., DROS., Lach., Mang., Nux v., Sepia, Silicea, Thuja.-12. painful contraction in pit of stomach (early morning in bed), followed by a kind of spas- modic cough with expectoration of transparent and tenacious mucus Ferr. acet.6 continued dry cough at- tended by vomiting and arrest of breathing, and lancinating pain, extending from left side of abdo- men to hypochondria and pit of stomach: Alum.6 dry cough in evening, with pains in pit of stomach: Arundo. pressure on, amel. cough: Croc.5 Dros. amel. pain of cough : : in, excites cough: Calad.5 with cough Phos.5 roughness and scraping in throat and in epigastrium, excites spasmodic cough, like whooping cough; worse evening till mid- night, from warm food and in company of strangers: Bar." something in, sensation as if, excites cough: Bell.' cough; it seems as if something came from the epigas- trium; so also when she laughs; there is a good deal of tickling in larynx, nevertheless it seems to start from the epigastrium : Raph. small spot in, painful to touch, violent cough appears to come from: Kali b.6 soreness in, from cough: Bry,,6 Nux v.10 1 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 109 STOMACH PIT, sticking in, with cough: Tabac.5 stitches in, with cough: Ars., Bry., Kali b., Phos., Sulph. -5. tender spot in, seems to cause cough: Kali b.6 tickling in, excites cough: Bar., Bell., Bry., Guai., Hepar, Lach., Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Ph. ac. -5. dry cough from tickling low down in chest, just above pit of stomach; cough is worse even- ings after lying down: PH. AC. shattering, barking, spas- modic cough, excited by tickling in larynx and in epigastrium; worse evening until midnight: Nitr. ac.2 spasmodic whooping cough, excited by tickling in throat and in epigastrium; worse evening after lying down: Natr. m.2 -spasmodic whooping cough, as if from vapor of sulphur, or excited by tickling in throat and in epigastrium, worse evening and night: Bry.2 STOMACH re-echo, cough seems to, in stomach: Cupr. dry cough, as if proceeding from stomach or abdomen, or from constipation, or as if something remained in stomach that would not pass off: SEPIA. sinking at: Dig., Hepar. —5. struck, feels as if struck by the cough: Bell.5 swelling and heaving at, before the cough: Kali b. tickling in, excites cough : Bry., Sang.¹ 5 with cough: Rumex. paroxysms of spasmodic cough, resembling whooping cough, the coughs following each STOMACH, tickling-(Continued) other in rapid succession, excited by tickling in chest from larynx to stomach; worse forenoon and evening till midnight: Sepia.2 frequent paroxysms of hack- ing spasmodic cough, excited by tickling in stomach, rarely, also in larynx; worse in daytime and in evening: Lach.2 turned inside out, dry severe cough, mostly in morning, with retching and desire to vomit, and sensation as if stomach were turned inside out: Puls.10 weakness of, great, from cough with expectoration: Lyc.6 STOOLS, frequent stools amel. dry cough: Bufo. 5 7 involuntary, when coughing: Phos., Verat.10 (V. Diarrhoea.) STOOPING, excites coughing: Arg., Arn., Bar., Caust., Chel., Dig., Kali c., Laur., Lyc., Phos., Senega, Sil., Spig.,' Spong.,Staph., Verat.-12. 5 agg. dry or hollow cough: Spig. after rising from; Phos. STRAINING cough: Asp., Chel., Cocc., Croc., Cupr., Ipec., Lach., Led., Nux v., Par., Phos., Rhod., Rhus, Thuja.-1 and 5. STRANGERS, child coughs at sight of: Ambra, Bar.2 STRETCHING out arm excites cough: Lyc.2 STUFFING cough with pain at chest and expectoration of yel- lowish, green, tough matter: Kali b. SUCKLING, cough while nursing the child, with expectoration of blood: Ferr. SUDDEN cough: Agar., Am. bro., Euphr., Kali c., Naja. day: Coloc. 110 COUGH SYMPTOMS. } SUDDEN cough, evening: Apoc. c. tickling in throat: Am. bro. irritation to: Kali b., Sepia. from tickling below ton- sils: Am. bro. morning: SQUIL. night: Apoc. c. tickling in throat, evening: Am. bro. cough comes so suddenly and is so violent that it cannot be suppressed; several shocks succeed one another, causing him to double up, and force tears from his eyes: Agar. SUGAR, eating, amel. cough: Sulph.5 cough from: Zinc.5 SUFFOCATION with cough: compare with Interrupted Res- piration, Difficult Breathing, etc. suffocative arrest of breathing before cough: Bry., Coral., Led.5 inclination to cough is so sudden and violent, can scarcely inhale at all: Sepia.¹ complete suffocative feeling, can- not exhale, with whooping cough: Meph.10 cough in long continued attacks causing suffocative fits; a swal- low of cold water relieves cough: Cupr.1. 10 painfulness of larynx, with dan- ger of suffocation, when touching or turning neck, coughing, or drawing a long breath: Bell.6 as soon as one falls into a sound sleep, has a choking cough as if he would suffocate: LACH.14 cough threatening suffocation, with spasmodic contraction of larynx, every effort at inspiration increases the congh: Meng.¹ on swallowing a sudden parox- ysm of cough with suffocation : BROM. 14 SUFFOCATIVE (choking) cough: 1 1 Acon., Anac., Ant. t., Aqua. petr.,¹ Ars., Bar., Brom., Bry., Carbo an., Carbo v., Cham., CHINA, CINA, Coce., Coce. C., Con., CUPR., Cycl., Delph., Der., DROS., Euphr., Eupion,' Guare.,' Hepar, Indigo, IPEC., Kreos., Lach., Lact., Led., Mang., Natr. m., Nux m., Nux v., Op., Petr., Phell.,12 Puls., SAMB., Sep., Sil., Spig, Spong., Squil., SULPII., Tabac.,12 Tep., Zinc.-5 and 11. 1 bed, a violent cough induc- ing vomiting, or a suffocative cough before and after going to bed, also at night: Indigo. G chest, suffocative cough with expectoration of much tough mucus, which accumulates in chest and throat and is difficult to raise, causing almost strangu- lation, and vomiting of food; worse night after going to bed and in morning while lying down: Coc. c. 2 suffocative, hollow, deep, whooping cough, excited by spasm of chest; worse about or just after midnight: Samb.2 -hollow, suffocating cough, resembling whooping cough, pro- voked by tickling in chest, throat, larynx, and suprasternal fossa; worse at night and from anger : Cham.2 day: Anac. Kali c. 2 and 4 A. M.: China. 5 A. M., dryness in larynx: in children: Bry., Samb., Sulph.-12. with crying and weep- after eating and drinking: ing: Samb.12 Bry.12 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 111 tra- SUFFOCATIVE cough even- ing: Carbo an., Indigo,¹ Ipec.,¹ Natr. m.-12. 7 P. M.: Ipec. after going to sleep: Carbo an.,¹ Lach.14 whereby the child becomes quite stiff and blue in the face: IPEC. larynx, from dryness in, 5 A. M.: Kali c. suffocative, hoarse cough, excited by dryness and rawness in larynx and trachea; worse evening and night, and lying on right side: Carbo an. suffocative, hollow cough, resembling whooping cough, provoked by tickling in chest, larynx, throat, and suprasternal fossa; worse at night, and from anger: Cham.2 suffocative cough as when water gets in larynx: Spig.6 night: Ars., Bell, China.10 dry suffocative cough, worse at night: Cupr.7 noon: Arg. n.7 respiration, from tightness of: Hepar. sleep, after going to, even- ing Carbo an.,¹ Lach.¹¹ stiff, suffocative cough whereby child becomes quite stiff and blue in face: Ipec. stomach, dry, suffocative cough, in a hysterical female, with gnawing feeling of coldness in stomach and in pit of stomach and sleeplessness: Lact. throat, suffocative, hollow cough, resembling whooping cough, provoked by tickling in chest, throat, and suprasternal fossa; worse at night and from anger: Cham.2 from tickling in: Hepar. SUFFOCATIVE cough chea, from dryness and scraping in, in open air: Cycl. suffocative, hoarse cough, excited by rawness and dryness in larynx and trachea; worse evening during sleep, and lying on right side: Carbo an.² dry suffocative cough, caused by scraping and dryness in trachea Cyc." fits with the cough: Acon., Ant. t., Ars., Bry., Cham., Coral., Cupr., Dros., Hepar, Ipec., Lach., Led., Meny., Meph., Mosch., Nicc., Nux v., Op., Spig., Spong. -5. 6 compare with Interrupted Respiration. SULPHUR fumes, or vapor, sen- sation of, excites cough: Amm. c., Amyl. n.,¹ ARS., Asaf.,5 Brom., Bry., Calc., Carbo v., China, Cina, IGN., Ipec., Kali chl.,5 Lach., Lyc., Mosch.,12 Par., PULS.-11. 1 5 laryngeal cough, from sensa- tion of, in upper part of larynx : Ars. tickling cough from sensation of, in larynx Lyc. sensation as from fumes of burning match in throat cause irritation to cough: Amyl. n. SUN, cough agg. by heat of; Ant., cr. 5 walking in hot, paroxysmal cough: Coca.¹ SUPPER, hacking cough after: Natr. ars. SUPPRESS, uninterrupted provo- cation, in larynx, to a hacking cough; it does not disappear on coughing, but only when sup- pressing the cough: IGN. titillating sensation in evening after lying down, as if dust had been inhaled in trachea, inducing 112 COUGH SYMPTOMS. SUPPRESS—(Continued). a disagreeable, dry, irritating cough which cannot be suppressed and becomes worse as coughing continues: Marum.6 great desire to cough, but it is partially suppressed; it does not amount to a full, free cough : Sulph.14 SUPRASTERNAL fossa. See Throat Pit. SURPRISE, happy, causes weep- ing, coughing, and trembling: Acon., Merc.8 1 SWALLOWING agg. or excites cough: Brom.,1 Eugen., Kali hypermang., Opium, Phos., Puls.-5. 1 amel. irritation to Eugen.5 cough : continued swallowing relieves soreness and cough: Apis." swallowing mucus, amel. par- oxysmal cough, before midnight: Apis. compare with Drinking. empty, irritation to cough from : Lyc., Natr. m. hacking cough from: Kali hy- permang. followed immediately by an effort to swallow something: Cina.7 short cough, agg. by : Aesc. h. cough in long continued attacks causing suffocative fits, a swallow of water relieves: Cupr.10 on swallowing, a sudden parox- ysm of congh with suffocation : BROM. SWEAT profuse, it stands out on face in beads; stitches in sides and cough: Arg. n.7 profuse on whole body with cough: Opium.7 SWEAT over whole body, which brought on a cough, with violent retching: Dros." See Perspiration. SWEETMEATS, cough from: Zinc.2 TASTE bad after the cough: Cocc.5 bloody, when coughing: Amm. c., Bell., Elaps, Kali b., Nitr. ac., Rhus.-5. offensive, with cough: Caps. sour, when with cough: Cocc. sweet with cough: Aeth., Amm. c.,10 Canc. f.-1. C. cough with spitting of blood, with previous sweet taste and great dyspnoea: Amm. c.10 sweetish taste in throat, while sitting forenoon with cough: Mag. c. TEA agg. cough: Ferr., Spong.-5. hot, cough agg. after: Spong. TEASING cough: Coloc., Linum, Meli., Phos. tickling cough and frothy mucous expectoration, when out in open air: Linum. TEETH, cleaning the teeth pro- voked a violent cough, with vom- iting of slimy fluid: Coc. c. grinding of the: Bell., Podo.5 violent cough during sleep with grinding of the teeth: Bell. 7 TEETHING, cough during denti- tion: Calc., Calc. ph., Cham., Cina, Hyos., Rhus.-5. dentition tardy and often attended by convulsions and a loose rat- tling cough: Calc.22 TEMPERATURE, a change of, excites dry cough: Acon. compare with going into open air, or entering warm room, etc. TEMPLE, aching in, agg. by cough: Tax. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 113 TEMPLE, burst, sensation as if temple would burst, when cough- ing: Cina." pain in, with cough: Ambra, Caust., Cina, Kali c., Kreos., Lyc., Puls., Rhus, Verb.-2. in right temple, from cough: Mang 1 pain in, and on top of head from coughing: Alum.7 shooting in, when coughing : Coca. stitches in, from cough: Caust., Cina, Kali c.-2. tearing in, from coughing: Alum., Puls.-2. tension in, with the cough: Verb.2 compare with head, sides of. TENACIOUS cough: Ars. TESTICLES, pain in, when cough- ing: Zinc.5 THIGH, deep pain in thigh extend- ing to knee when coughing: Caps. THINKING, cough worse when thinking of it: Bar., Ox. acid. -8. THICK cough: Aur., Aur. s. at 6 P. M.: Chelid. agg. by bad weather: Aur. s. THIRST, cough accompanied by: Acon., Ant. t., Ars., Bry., Coce. Samb.-5. C., for large quantities seldom: Bry.5 for small quantities, frequently: Ant. t., Ars.-5. THROAT, aching in, from cough: Coc. c. acrid sensation in, with cough: Nux v.5 5 burning in, after cough: Atro- pia, Coc. c., Mur. ac., Phos., Ph. ac.6-1. dryness in, with cough: Lact. tickling cough with very dry throat: SANG. THROAT, burning in, excites cough: Urt. ur. dry cough: Bov., Kali b. hacking cough: Kali b. excites irritation to cough: Acon. f. burning soreness in, with cough: Sulph.5 catarrh, sneezing with catarrh in throat that provokes cough: Petro. clear, desire to clear the throat, with rough feeling, as if mucus were adhering to it, with titalla- tion inducing cough: Lyc.6 constriction of, causing cough: Coc. c.,³ Ign.¹ in, amel. by cough: Asar. cough from constriction in throat during sleep, at night: Nitr. ac. low down in throat excites cough Lac. ac. as from sulphur fumes in pit of throat excites cough: Igu. - contraction of, from the cough: Ars., Lach.-12. choking contraction in upper part of throat, cough from: Cocc. of skin of, causing cough: Zing. cough from contractive tital- lating sensation in throat, from larynx to lowest bronchial tubes: Ipec.6 - cracking in, during cough: Lyc. crawling in, cough from : Amm. m., Bry., Carbo v., Kali e., Kreos., Stann. cough from a constant crawl- ing upward in: Bry. hacking cough from: Colch., Euph., Lach., Prun. sp. involuntary half cough from roughness and crawling in: Carbo V. 114 COUGH SYMPTOMS. THROAT, crawling sensation in throat, below larynx, causes a dry scraping cough: Kreos.1 THROAT, dryness in, hacking cough: Plan. morning: Ant. t., sensation in ulcer in throat, excites short cough: Lach. Mang. irritation to cough: and tickling in throat and pit Atropia. excites dry cough: - of, excites cough: Sang. , Calc. ph. creeping, cough excited by creeping sensation from chest to throat, particularly during preg- nancy: Nux m.14 spasmodic hollow whoop- ing cough in short hard coughs and infrequent paroxysms, exci- ted by feeling as if sulphur vapor were inhaled; or by creeping ir- ritation in larynx and throat; worse evening till midnight: Carbo v.2 short, hollow, unceasing cough excited by creeping tickling and by much mucus in throat; worse evening till midnight: Caust.² crumb, feeling as of a crumb in throat excites cough: Lach.5 cutting in, when coughing: Lyc., Sulph. draught of air into, excites irri- tation to cough: Plan. down in, see Feather, sensation as of. dry spot in, causes cough: Cimic." larynx causes cough: CON. dryness in, agg. cough: Atro., Bry., Carbo an.,12 Carbon ox., Dros., Eugen., Iodf., Lach.,12 Lachn., Lauro., 12 Mang., Petro., Phyt.,21 Puls., Rhus, Sang., Sen- ega, Stann., Sulph., Verat. v.—1 and 5. afternoon, causes dry, hacking or teasing cough: Sang. dry cough: Plan., Stann. loud cough: Stann. morning, hacking cough: Ant.t., Mang. night, cough at, causing dryness of throat: PULS. great dryness of throat causing cough with aching pains in throat: Kalmia.7 rasping cough: Stram. tickling cough: SANG. violent cough: Kali chl. with (or from) cough: 1 Eugen., Kali chl., Lachn., Merc.,12 Osm., Phos., Puls., Squil., Rhus, Sulph.-5. and burning with the cough: Phos.12 dust, dry cough as from dust in, followed by nausea: Pic. ac. dry cough as from dust in throat, agg. at night: Amm. c. as from dust in pit of throat, agg. evening and by coughing: IGN. eructations cause scratching in, and cough: Staph.7 feather dust in, cough as from: Amm. c.,5 Bell., Brom.,12 Calc., Chelid., Cina, Dros., Hepar, Ign., Ph. ac., Sulph.-12. filling up, sensation as of, causes convulsive cough; night: Apis. causes hoarse, hol- low or convulsive cough: Apis. throat feels as if filled up, as if he could not swallow; fre- quent cough, bringing up white, frothy mucus: Silicea." flesh, sensation as if cough would tear a piece of flesh from the throat: Phos.6 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 115 THROAT, foreign body, sensa- tion of, in, causes cough: Am. caus. frequent short dry cough excited by tickling in larynx, with sensation of foreign body in throat which obstructs respi- ration: Lobelia.2 fruit, when eating fruit feels as if something stuck in throat ex- citing cough: Arg. full feeling in, with cough: Cu- beba.5 grasps at throat, during cough- ing spell: Acon., All. c. grease, titillation in, as from rancid grease, with cough: He- par.6 heat in, after cough: Aur. m. heat in, frequent, paroxysms of dry, violent, hollow or short ex- hausting cough, excited by severe tickling in larynx, which brings tears to the eyes; by heat in trachea, and by sensation of dust in trachea, throat, and behind sternum, which is not relieved by coughing: Chelid.2 heaviness, cough from heavi- ness in throat extending into chest: Iod. inflamed with the cough: Acon., Bell., Cham., Ipec., Lach., Nux v., Puls.-5. irritation in, excites cough: Acon., Ambr., Amm. c., Anac., Ant. cr., Ant. t., Aphis,¹ Ars., Asaf., Asar., Bar., Bell., Bov., Brom., Bry., Calad., Carbo an., Carbo v., Caust., Cham., Chenop., China, Cocc., Coff., Coloc., Con., Croc., Dios.¹ (r.), Dros., Ferr., Graph.. Hepar, Hura,¹ Hydr. ac., Hyos., Hyper.,7 Kali c., Kali iod., Lach., Laur., Lith. c., Lyc.,' Mag. c., Mag. m., Marum, Merc., 1 5 Mez., Natr. m., Nicc., Nitr. ac., 1 1 THROAT, irritation in—(Conť'ed). Nux v., Ol. an., Par., Petro., Ph. ac., Plan.,¹ Puls., Rhod., Rhus, Sabad., Sars., Sepia, Sil., Squil., Staph., Stront., Sulph.,' Sum.,¹ Tabac., Tabac.,' Tromb.,' Thuja,¹ Verat., Verb., Zinc.-12. irritation in, exciting dry cough Aphis, Carb. ac., Lyc., Tabac., Thuja. 6 evening, violent dry cough in evening, while lying down, compelling to rise; the ir- ritation to cough is in a little spot posteriorly and inferiorly in throat: Lith. c.10 hacking cough: Sum., Thuja, Tromb. —, much increased by heat and cold air: Hydr. when hawking, exciting cough: Raph. from hot eructations, cause convulsive cough: Lac. ac. irritation in, even unto choking with spasmodic cough, sore pain on top of head and subsequent debility: Kali c.6 spasmodic hollow whoop- ing cough in short hard coughs and infrequent paroxysms, exci- ted by feeling as if sulphur va- por were inhaled, or by creeping irritation in larynx and throat; worse evening till midnight: Carbo v.2. -, causes irritation to cough: Am. bro., Dios. Dios. 10 P. M.: low down, when lying, excites cough: Lith. c. moan, sudden and invol- untary; half cough and half a moan, caused by irritation in throat: Calad." 116 COUGH SYMPTOMS. } THROAT, irritation in, morn- ing, in left side, cough: Dios. bra. night, cough from: Am- convulsive cough from irritation in throat, as from hot eructations: Lac. ac. short cough: Carb. ac. side of, morning, cough: Dios. (1.) Coce. as from smoke, cough: irritation to cough felt in: Am- bra, Am. bro.,¹ Amm. c., Anac., Bov., Bry., Calc., Carbo an., Car- bo v., Caust., Chenop., Con., Graph., Kali c., Laur., Mag. c., Mag. m., Mang., Mez., Natr. m., Nux v., Ol. an., Petr., Puls., Rhod., Sabad., Sars., Stront., Ta- bac.-12. deep in throat: Ambra, Aspar., Dios., Squil. from draft of air: THROAT, itching in, exciting cough: Calc. s.,¹ Con., Guare.,¹ Nux v., Puls.-12. hacking cough, in morn- ing: Ant. t., Con. tickling deep in pit of throat, cough: Sil. with coughing: Ambra.5 liquid in, hacking cough, com- mencing in throat pit, a cool salt- ish liquid being lodged in the lower part of the throat: Cann. S.6 loose skin hanging in, dry hack- ing cough from sensation of: Alum.7 mucus in, excites coughing: Esc. h., Am. cau., Arg. n. Atrop., Arum t., Asar., Caust., Chan., Chin. s., Cina, Coce., Coc. c.,² Euphr., Grat., Hyos, Kreos.,¹ Kali b., Laur., Phell., Plan., Raph., Seneg., Stram., Zinc.-1 and 5. Ꮾ 7 on going to bed, cough: Plan. Iodf. burning in: Acon. f. dryness in Atro. irritation in: Am. hacking, short cough: Seneg. hollow and rough cough: bro., Dios. Kreos. irritation in, 10 P. morning, on rising, cough M.: Dios. from: Amm, bro. from sensation as from fumes of burning match: Aml. n. paroxysmal cough: Atropia. sticking, griping : rising into throat, excites Mur. ac. causes difficult Phos. sticking in throat: on stretching it: Lyc. felt in a little spot, in- feriorly and posteriorly in throat Lith. c.10 Natr. c. from tickling in: Asp., in pit of throat: Ph. ac. from tickling in throat, 9 P. M.: Dios. cough: Asaf. breathing and finally cough with expectoration; Asar.7 morning on rising a sensation of mucus in throat causes short cough: Am. bro. rough and hollow from: Kreos. short cough: Senega. short, hollow unceasing cough, excited by creeping, tick- COUGH SYMPTOMS. 117 F THROAT (Continued). ling, and by much mucus in throat; worse evening till mid- night: Caust.2 mucus in, short dry cough, with feeling as if mucus were hanging in throat and could not be loos- ened; an hour later the mucus loosens easily: Lauro.¹ suffocative cough with expectoration of much tough mucus, which accumulates in chest and throat, is difficult to loosen, causing almost strangula- tion and vomiting of food; worse night after going to bed and in morning while lying: Coc. C. 2 attacks of cough like whooping cough, excited by copi- ous flat tasting, watery mucus, sometimes blood streaked, in chest and throat, which is difficult to dislodge and can be expecto- rated only in the morning: Euphr.2 pain in, excites cough: Acon., Ang., Arg., Bry., Calad., Chin. s., Euphr., Grat., Hepar, Sars., Spong., Stann.-12. 1 pain in, great dryness of, causing cough with aching pains in: Kalm.7 Arum. tr. agg, when coughing: see also Soreness, Raw- ness, etc. pain in, on coughing: Arum tr.,¹ CAPS., Carbo an., 12 China,12 Hepar, Iod., Kalm.,7 Lach., Mag. 12 Natr. m., Nur v.,12 Phos., Sil., Sulph.-5. S., pain as if something would be torn loose in the throat, with violent cough, first dry, then saltish expectoration: Calc.6 THROAT, pain, cough in evening with pains in chest and throat, passing off when quiet: Psor. painful spot in, morning cough : Chin. s. peculiar sensation in excites cough, amel. by eating: Ammo- niac. plug, cough as if from a plug in: Calc.,' Lach., Spong.-5. sensation as of a plug moving up and down in, cough: Calc. pressing upon, see Touching Throat. pressure in, with cough: Caps.5 pricking in, with cough: Nitr. ac.5 as from pin causing cough : Sil. prickling in, exciting cough: Sol. t. ac. raise, she tries to raise something from throat, but the cough does not bring it up, on the contrary creates more of it: Raph. rawness in, excites cough ; Alum., Ambra, Bar., Cast., Coc. c., Laur., Nux v.—1. Sil. amel. by cough: Nicc. after dinner, cough from: dry cough from rawness in throat, during menses: Castor. dry cough, from continued tickling rawness in; Brom. hacking cough: Caust.,' Kali b., Kali iod., Stront. in morning, cough: Ol an., Phos. C. night, cough: Anac. paroxysmal cough: Coc. and scraping in, on going to sleep, evening: Prun. sp. in, short cough: Acon., Ol. an. tickling-rawness in, from, causing dry cough: Brom. 1 1 ! 3 1 118 COUGH SYMPTOMS. THROAT, rawness in, when coughing: Arg., Carbo v., China, Kob., Natr. m., Phos.,¹ Rumex, Sep., Sil.,¹ Spong.,¹ Stront.¹-12. pain in chest and bronchia, with rawness in throat when coughing: SPONG. chest and throat raw from dry spasmodic cough: Sil. compare with Roughness in. rise in, after frequent short dry coughs, must swallow, something seems to rise up in throat; whin- ing and moaning: Cina.¹¹ 1 paroxysms of cough about midnight, something seems to rise in throat, as if it would choke her: Cham. roughness in, excites cough: Alum.,¹ Aur. m., Bar., Bry., Carbo an., Carbo v., Caust., Colocn., Con., Dig.,16 Graph., Kali. c.,¹ Kali iod., Kalm., Kreos., Laur., Mang., Natr. slfc.,¹ Nux v., 16 Ol. an., Plumb., Puls., Rhod., Rhus," Sabad., Sarsap., Senega,5 Sulph.,' Stront.-12. 5 roughness and crawling in, half involuntary cough: Carbo v. in, dry cough: Kali iod.,10 Natr. slfc., Verat. v. dry exhausting cough, morning and evening, with op- pression of chest and roughness of throat: Rhod 7 dry cough from roughness or scratching in throat, especially in children, with lachrymation: Sabad." dry cough forenoon : Sars. dry cough at night with roughness of throat and soreness of chest, has to sit up and hold chest with both hands: Natr. sul.10 Rhus. hacking cough: Ang., THROAT, roughness and scrap- ing in, lying on right side, night cough: Sil. , short asthmatic tickle- cough, excited by a feeling of roughness and scraping in throat; worse forenoon and before mid- night: Sabad.2 spasmodic cough like whooping cough, excited by roughness and scraping in throat and in epigastrium; worse even- ing till midnight, warm food and in presence of a stranger: Bar.² in, short cough: Verat. v. 6 in, when coughing: Ang., Arn., Carbo v., Caust., Dig., Gels.,12 Hepar, Kali c., Kreos.,1 Kob., Laur., Natr. sul., Nicc., Ni- trum, Phos., Rhod., Sars., Senega, Sep., Spongia.-5. scraping in, excites cough: Esc. h., Agn., Aloe, Alumen, Ambra,5 Amm. c., Arg. n., Bor., Bov., Cainca, Camph., Canc. f., Carbn. s., Chin. s., Coc. c., Croc.,5 Cycl., Graph., Hal., Hepar," Kalm., Laur., Mag. c., Pæonia, Petr., Phyt., Plat., Prun. sp., Puls., Sabad., Senega, Tereb., Thuja, Upa.-1. agg. by coughing: Natr. c. · agg. after eating, till 9 P. M.: Mezer. in open air, afternoon, cough: Phos. dry cough: Amm. c., Bell., Bov., Carbo v., Graph., Sabad. dryness in, causes tickling cough: Colch. evening, hacking cough: Tereb. hacking cough: Laur., Ol. an., Prun. sp., Sin. n. evening: Tereb. night, cough: Con. paroxysmal cough: Coc. c. } ་ ་. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 119 1 占 ​# THROAT, scraping roughness in, cough from: Kalm., Puls., Sabad.-5. and rawness in, on going to sleep, in evening: Prun. sp. and roughness in, on lying on right side, night: Sil. short asthmatic tickle- cough, excited by a feeling of roughness and scraping in throat; worse forenoon and before mid- night: Sabad.' spasmodic cough like whooping cough, excited by roughness and scraping in throat and in epigastrium; worse even- ing till midnight, warm food and in presence of strangers: Bar.2 scraping in, while coughing: Ambra, Bell., Bov., Bry., Calc. 1 1 s., Croc., Dig., Hepar, Kreos.,¹ Laur., Mag. s.¹-5. deep dry cough, with flow of water in, and subsequent scrap- ing in throat: Ambr.6 scratching in, excites cough: Amm. c., Bart., Dig., Kreos., Mag. m., Nux m.,' Petro., Phos., Psor., Puls.-1 and 12. belching causes scratching in throat, irritable larynx, and is followed by cough: Staph.7 > or crawling in upper part of wind-pipe: Nux m.7 in, dry cough: Acon., Bart., Psor. from scratching or roughness in throat, especially in children, with lachrymation: Sa- bad.' dry cough at night, com- ing deep from chest, caused by scratching in throat: Petr. extending to sternum when coughing: Alum. hacking cough: Sil. irritable cough: Phos. THROAT, scratching in, on coughing: Acon., Aloe. sensation as of a plug moving up and down in, cough from: Calc. skin, sensation as of a piece of loose skin hanging in throat, ex- cites dry, hacking cough, fre- quent sneezing: Alum.' smarting in, cough from: Ta- rent. Tarent.¹ during cough: Caps.,5 smothering sensation in, cough from: Lact.12 soreness, cough from: Kalm., Sulph. agg. by coughing: Ran. sc. while coughing : Ambra, Amm. c., Arg., Caust., China, Flour. ac., Kobalt., Lach., Lyc., Mag. s., Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Nux m., Phos., Ran. sc., Rumex, Sepia, Tarent (r).-1 and 12. throat sore, with tickling cough in evening, worse after going to bed: Cale. ph.7 spasm of, so could only utter a hoarse croaking sound, alternated with a sonorous croupy barking cough: STANN. } : with cough Bell.5 spot, dry spot in throat causes cough: Cimic.¹ larynx Cox. -, painful in, morning, cough: Chin. s. sticking in, causes irritation to cough: Phos. griping in, causes irritation to cough: Mur. ac. scraping cough: Lye. stiffness, sensation of, in, with cough and suffocation felt in up- per part of chest: Esc. h.t stinging, severe, in uvula as if it would break, when coughs: Ham. 1 120 COUGH SYMPTOMS. THROAT, stitches in, excite cough: Cham., Cist., Sol. t. æ.,¹ Stann.-5. dry cough, not relieved by the cough: Caps." coryza with dry cough, headache and stitches in throat: Nitr. ac. 10 when agitated or from mental excitement, excites cough: Cist.8 when coughing: Bry., Hepar, Kali c., Lyc., Nitr. ac., Phos., Sil.-1 and 5. stretching the, irritation to cough on: Lyc. stuck, sensation, while eating fruit, as if something stuck in throat causing cough: Arg. sulphur fumes, sensation as of, in, excites cough: Ars., Brom., Bry., Carbo v., China, Ign., Ipec., Kali chl., Lyc., Mosch., Par., Puls.-12. constriction of, as if from sul- phur fumes in pit of throat: Ign. swelling, a feeling of, in, excites cough: Ars.5 danger of suffocation with swelling of throat at night, and cough: Ars." 1 with cough: Caps., Puls. 1 -5. sweetish taste in, forenoon, while sitting, cough: Mag. c. tearing in, excites cough: Cist. tickling in, excites or agg. coughing: Acon., Esc. h.,¹ Eth., Alum., Ambra, Am. bro.,¹ Amm. c., Amm. m., Anac., Ang., Ant. t., Arg. n.,' Arn., Ars., Bapt.,¹ Bar., Bell., Bor., Bov., Brom.,2 Bry., Calc., Carbo v., Caust., Cent.,¹ Cham., Cina, Cinnab., Colch., Coloc., Con., Dros., Euphr., Ferr., Glon.,' Graph., Gymno., Hepar, Hippo.,¹Hyos., IOD., Kali b.,¹Kali 6 7 THROAT, tickling in-(Conť'ed). c., Lach., Lact., Laur., Lina.,¹Lyc., Mag. c., Mag. m., Marum, Merc., Natr. c., Natr. m., Natr. ph.,¹ Natr. s., Nicc., Nux v., Olean. Ol. an., 1 PHOS.,¹ Ph. ac., Physo.,¹ Phyt.,¹ Prun. sp., Psor.,¹ Puls., Rhod., Sang.,¹ Sars., Rhus, Rumex, Sang.,¹ 1 1 Seneg., Sep., Sil., Sol. n.,¹ Sol. t. æ.,¹ Spira., Squil., Stann., Staph., Sulph., Sum.,¹ Tabac., Thuja, Zinc., Zing.¹—5 and 16. tickling in, cough at first caused by tickling in throat, gradually seeming to come from low down in throat, finally from chest; shook abdomen: Sil. tickling and tingling in throat causes cough, which is only relieved by discharging quanti- ties of mucus from those parts: Iod.11 Mag. c. afternoon, cough: Bov., at back of, cough: Coca. in, extending to chest: Sil. constant, causes cough: PHOS. cough at night: Inu. tickling in upper left side of throat, almost uninter- rupted cough; worse talking, stooping, and toward evening and then suddenly ceasing: He- par. contractive titillating sensation in throat from larynx to lowest bronchial tubes: Ipec.6 convulsive cough, night: Merc. c. crawling in, causes dry cough: Calc. ph. in, croupy, rough, barking or whistling cough, excited by tickling in throat and, as if, by vapor of sulphur: Brom.2 in deep cough: Am. bro. } : 寥 ​COUGH SYMPTOMS. 121 t THROAT, tickling in, before dinner, cough: Arg. n. dry cough: Bor., Ferr., Indigo, Plan., Phos., Sepia. dry cough from tickling crawling in throat: Calc. ph. dry cough day or night, from: Amm. m.” 7 dry incessant, gagging cough, from; worse on falling asleep and during day: Lach." dry cough, evening: Amm. m., Arg. n., Gymno., Sulph. m. dry cough forenoon: Amm. frequent dry cough from tickling in throat, accompa- nied by constriction of chest; and dryness in throat; the cough is forcible, concussing abdomen and head: Lact.2 dry cough night: Crot. c. evening, cough from: China, Zing. - 5 P. M.: Bov. - on lying down: Nice. with cough and head- ache: Sang.10 dry cough: Amm. m., Arg. n., Gymno., Sulph. dry hollow cough, with soreness in chest, caused by tickling and mucus in throat, with expectoration, only at night, of acrid tasting mucus, which has to be swallowed: Caust." 10 hacking cough: Amm. m., Sang. hard cough: Gymno. exhausting cough be- fore retiring: Arg, n. exhausting cough, even- ing, before retiring: Arg. n. fatiguing and frequent cough from tickling in throat, evening after lying down: Sang.2 THROAT, tickling in, feather, forenoon, cough from tickling as if by a Glon. forenoon, dry or hack- ing cough: Amm. m. grease, titillation in throat with sensation as if throat were irritated by the smoke of rancid grease, causing cough: Hepar." hacking cough: Colocn., Mur. ac., Phos., Plan. m., Sang. evening: Amm. - lying down: Sang. morning: Sum. hard cough, evening: Gymno. causes irritation to cough: Aspar., Natr. c. 9 P. M.: Dios. low in, deep cough: Dios. forenoon Dios. hacking cough: Dios., Tarax. in, morning, 8-9 cough: Sil. A. M., 9 A. M. Sepia, Tarent. -, in bed: Coc. c. morning, dry cough: Amm. m.,10 Ox. ac. at 3 A. M., dry cough from tickling in throat, as of dust: Amm. c.10 hacking cough: Sum. paroxysmal cough, in bed: Coc. c. Caust. Coc. c. after rising: Alum. night, dry cough: Crot. c. paroxysmal cough: morning, in bed: racking cough, caused by titillation in throat, feels as if chest would fly to pieces: Lact.“ 1 } 122 COUGH SYMPTOMS. THROAT, tickling in, rawness causes dry cough: Brom. in short cough: Colocn., Iod., Mag. c. worse at sides of, cause sudden cough, evening: Amm. bro. while sitting, cough: Mur. ac. dry cough: Con. spasmodic cough, attacks of spasmodic cough, excited by tickling in throat; evening until after midnight: Magn. m.2 asthmatic, hacking, spasmodic cough, in short but frequently recurring paroxysms, excited by tickling in throat and larynx; worse at night, es- pecially after midnight: Kali c.2 hollow, hacking, spas- modic, tickling cough, excited particularly by a tickling itch- ing in chest or throat; worse evening or night: Phos. hollow or whistling, spasmodic cough, excited by roughness, scratching, and tick- ling in chest and throat; worse morning and evening: Kreos.² -powerful, spasmodic, nocturnal paroxysms of whoop- ing cough, excited by itching and tickling in chest and throat, or as if by a dry spot in larynx; worse at night, and when lying down: Con.2 spasmodic cough at night, occurring in paroxysms every quarter of an hour, each paroxysm consisting of but few coughs, with a rough, hollow, barking tone, excited by tickling in throat, as if from down, or as if from constriction of larynx; worse evening and night: Bell.2 THROAT, tickling in, violent spasmodic cough, short consecu- tive coughs, caused by a tickling sensation in throat, as if some mucus were lodged in it: Hyos.10 spasmodic whooping, excited by tickling in throat and epigastrium; worse evening after lying down, less in morning: Natr. m.2 sudden cough from tick- ling in throat; worse at sides, evening: Amm. bro. suffocative cough from tickling in throat: Hepar. at top of, dry cough, noon: Naja. in upper part of, cough: Hepar. -beneath thyroid cartilages, dry cough: Squil. in region of thyroid cartilage, short cough: Puls. tingling in, excites cough: Iod.5 titillation, desire to clear the throat, with rough feeling in throat, as if mucus were adhering to it, with titillation inducing cough: Lyc. titillation with cough as from fumes of sulphur in throat, with gray salt expectoration: Lyc." torn, pain on coughing, as if throat would be torn: Calc., Phos.-6. as if something would be torn loose in throat, with violent cough, first dry, then with saltish expectoration: Calc.6 touching, agg. or excites cough- ing: Bell., China, LACH., Rumex, Staph. touching excites dry or hack- ing cough; also occurring in the morning after sleep: Lach. ulcer in, cough from: Lach. 1 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 123 THROAT, ulcerative pain in, from cough: Caps.5 upper part, choking contraction in, causes cough: Cocc. tickling in upper part of throat causes cough: Hepar. tickling at top of, causes dry cough, noon: Naja. weight, feeling of oppression (weight) from throat to chest preceding the raising of mucus, cough with: Iod." wheezing, deep. rough, fa- tiguing cough, with rough voice, wheezing in throat; raising of salt-sweetish mucus: Mag. m.6 wide enough, when coughing throat does not seem: Cocc.6 worm, sensation as if crawled up from pit of stomach in throat, causing the cough; cough worse at night, with shooting in scrobiculum: Zinc.s THROAT-PIT, affected chiefly by the cough: Eug. jamb.¹ a, burning in, excites cough: Ars.2 commencing in throat-pit, a hacking cough, with a cool, salt- ish liquid being lodged in the lower part of the throat: Cann. s. constriction, as from sulphur fumes in throat, cough: Ign. crawling in, excites cough : Mag. m. crawling irritation near supra- sternal fossa, before midnight, causing cough; amel. by swallow- ing mucus: Apis. and tickling in, dry cough: Sang. paroxysmal cough, before midnight, causing pain in head, from crawling in windpipe near supra-sternal fossa: Apis. down, spasmodic tickle cough, excited, as it were, by down in larynx, supra-sternal fossa, and THROAT-PIT—(Continued). in whole chest as far as epigas- trium; worse morning and even- ing: Ph. ac.2 dust, dry cough as from dust in pit of throat, agg. evening and by coughing: Ign. hacking cough, arises from throat-pit, with a cool salty fluid deep in throat, posteriorly: Cann. s.7 irritation in, excites cough: Apis,¹ Bell., Cham., Croc., IGN., Iod., Lac. can., Ph. ac., Rhus r., Rumex, Sil.-2 and 12. -hollow, spasmodic cough, ex- cited, in evening, by an irritation in supra-sternal, as if from vapor of sulphur, or from down, and in morning by a tickling just above epigastrium: Ignat.² itching tickling in, excites deep cough: Sil. mucus, cough which sounds as if a little cupful of mucus were in throat-pit: Ant. t. sulphur fumes, constriction as from, in throat-pit, cough: Ign. tickling in, excites cough: Beil., Cann. s.,¹ Cham., Cinnab., Cocc., Coloc.,12 Crot. h., Ign., Lac. can.,12 Lach., Ph. ac., Puls.. Rhus r., Rumex, Sang., Sil., Squil., Tarax.-5. 1 tickling itching in, excites deep cough: Sil. 7 in, dry cough: Inu., Sang." and crawling in, dry cough: SANG. dry, incessant, fatiguing cough, caused by tickling in throat-pit, extending behind sternum and to stomach (worse when walking¹) (or as if from an awn of barley swaying to and fro in one bronchi): Rumex,' 7 124 COUGH SYMPTOMS. THROAT-PIT, tickling dry spas- modic cough, assimilating the early stage of whooping cough; at first dry (about two weeks later, loose); came on in paroxysms, preceded by a tickling sensa- tion in throat-pit (and attended by pains in head and chest); worst paroxysm came on a few minntes after lying down at night, usually about 11 P. M.; less less severe paroxysm occurred in morning on waking: Rumex dry cough, with tickling in throat-pit, and a crawling sensa- tion down beneath sternum (cough becoming very severe, causing pain beneath sternum): SANG.¹ shattering cough from: Sil. spasmodic cough excited by intolerable tickling in larynx and in supra-sternal fossa; worse in morning and from vexation: Iod.2 suffocating, hollow cough, re- sembling whooping cough, pro- voked by tickling in chest, larynx, throat, and supra-sternal fossa; worse at night and from anger: Cham.2 1 1 1 compare Throat and Trachea. TICKLING cough: Alum.,5 Ambra, Anac., Ang., Ant. t., Arn., Asaf.,5 Bell., Bov., Brom.,¹ Bry., Calc., Calc. ph., Canth., Carbo an.,¹ Carbo v., Caust.,1 Cham., China,5 Coca, Coc. c.,¹ Colch., Coloc., Con., Dros., Erio.,¹ Euphr., Ferr., Hyos.,¹ Ipec., Kali b., Kali c., Kali hypermang., Lach.,¹ Laur., Linu., Lyc., Mag. c., Mag. m., Marum, Merc., Naja, Natr. c., Natr. m., Natr. ph., Nitr. ac., Nitr. d. s.,¹ Nux v., Olean., Ol. an,, Ol. jec.,¹ Petro., Phos., Ph. TICKLING cough—(Continued). ac,, Rhus, Rumex, Sabad., Sa- bina, Sars., Senega, Sepia, Sil., Spong., Squil.,5 Stann., Tabac., Thuja, Zinc.¹-12. agg. in open air: Lach. evening in bed: Calc. ph. on going to sleep: Lyc. morning: Lyc., Thuja. night: Rhus, Zinc. open air, agg. in: Lach. teasing cough and frothy mucus expectoration when in open air: Linum. amel. 6 P. M. by expectora- tion of mucus: Sulph. blood, tickling cough with taste of blood, on waking: Ham." day: Coloc., Lyc. evening: Alumen, Calc. ph., China, Coloc., Natr. m. 3 P. M.: Hepar. 6 P. M., amel. by expecto- ration of mucus: Sulph. agg. in: Merc., Rhus.-12. agg. evening in bed: Calc. ph. on going to sleep: Lyc. expectoration of mucus amel., 6 P. M.: Sulph. harassing cough: Squil.5 cough, larynx, from sensation of sulphur fumes in Lyc. morning: Coloc.,6 Natr. m.¹ 3 A. M.: Cainca. 1 agg. in: Lyc., Thuja.12 after rising: Alumen. after waking: Carbo v. night: Arg. n., Coloc., Natr. m. agg. at; Rhus,¹2 Zinc.¹ night and day: Natr. m.12 dry hard tickling cough, worse evening till midnight, with stiffness in back and limbs: Rhus.7 palate, from tickling in soft palate: Fran. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 125 + TICKLING cough, pharynx, from sensation, as if acid or acrid liquid flowed from choanæ to pharynx: Kali b. from smoking: Atropia, Coloc.6 sneezing, constantly, with sharp pains in centre of temples, tickling cough, light, mushy stools: Iris v.7 sternum, from irritation behind; stitches in left lung: Rumex10 • on talking: Alumen, Atro. teasing cough and frothy mucus expectoration when in open air: Linum. cough, throat, from great dry- ness in: SANG. from sensation of scraping dryness in Colch. from sensation, as if a feather in Calc. sore throat, with tickling cough in evening; worse after going to bed: Calc. ph. trachea, from mucus in; at night after lying down ina- bility to sleep; hoarseness: Arum tr.7 Stann. from soreness low in: waking, in morning after: Carbo v. TIGHT cough: Calc. s. day: Natr. ars. evening Calc. s. on deep inspiration: Ziz. from dryness of larynx: Ziz. TOBACCO, see Smoking. TONELESS cough: Calad., Card. b. TONGUE, burning on, causes irri- · tation to cough: Acon. f. rawness and scraping on back of, excite cough: Calc. ac. sensation, as if hair on, causes cough: Sil.12 TONSILS, dryness and sticking in, cause cough: Stann. -hacking cough on touching swollen: Phos. pain when coughing: Amm. bro. sudden cough from tickling be- low: Amm. bro. tickling below, afternoon and evening: Amm. bro. TOOTHACHE when coughing: Lyc.,¹ Sepia.¹¹ TORMENTING cough: Alum., 7 Amm. c., Anac., Ang., Ars., Arum tr., Asaf., Bar., Bell., Bor., Brom., Calc., Cann. s., Carbo an., Caust., Chelid., China, Cina, Cocc., Con., Coral., Croc., Cupr., Daph., Dros., Dulc., Hepar, Hydro. ac., Ipec., Kali c., Lach., Lact., Led., Lobel., Merc., Merc. c., Mezer., Mur. ac., Natr. c., Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Nitrum, Nux v., Op., Phosp., Rhod., Selen., Sep., Spig., Squil., Stann., Sulph., Verat.-12. dry cough: Nitrum.5 cough, gets nothing up; some- times feels as if a tough mem- brane were moved about, but would not loosen: Kali c.7 TRACHEA, also compare with symptoms given under Throat. breath, sudden stoppage of, in upper part of trachea, excites violent cough: Ign. 6 on breathing irritation to cough, as from mucus in trachea (felt more while sitting bent over than when walking): STANN. burning in, excites cough: Acon., Ars.-12. burning tickling in upper part of trachea, cause cough: Euphr. coldness, cough with, in: Brom., Sulph.-12. - constriction of,causes irritation to cough: Cocc., Mosch., Stann. 6 # " 126 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 1 TRACHEA, constriction, spas- modic cough, excited by a feel- ing like constriction of chest and trachea, as if from vapor of sul- phur: Mosch.2 contractive sensation in trachea as if irritated by smoke, inducing almost constant cough: Cocc.6 crampy pain in trachea and bronchi preceding the cough: Ind.6 crawling in, cough from: Colch. upper part of, cough from : Carbo v., Prun. sp. creeping in, excites cough : Anac., Arn., Carbo v., Caust., Kreos., Rhus.-12. cutting coolness in, before the cough: Camph. short hacking cough, as if caused by a cutting coolness in trachea: Camph.6 stinging in, with mucus in chest, cause cough: Arg.10 deep cough from, morning: Angust. dryness in, cough from: Carbo an., Laur., Puls., Stann.—2. suffocative cough from dry- ness and scraping in trachea, in open air: Cycl. suffocative, hoarse cough, ex- cited by rawness and dryness in ·larynx and trachea, with gray, greenish sometimes purulent, day expectoration; worse evening and night: Carbo an." - a tickling cough, deep, hol- low, concussive, and periodically recurring, in paroxysnis consist- ing of three successive coughs, excited by mucus in chest and (in evening) by stitches and dry- ness in trachea: Stann.2 dust, sensation of, in trachea and behind sternum, not relieved by coughing: Chelid.² TRACHEA, feather or awn of bar- ley in one of the bronchia, and swaying to and fro, with perspira- tion, sensation as of a: Rumex.2 foreign body, tracheal cough as from, with cramp-like feeling in larynx: Tereb. hair, sensation of a, in trachea, excites cough: Sil. heat in, frequent paroxysms of dry, violent, hollow, or short exhausting cough, excited by severe tickling in larynx, which brings tears to the eyes; by heat in trachea, and by a sensation of dust in trachea, throat, and behind sternum, which is not relieved by coughing: Chelid.2 irritation in, excites or agg. cough: Acon., Agar., Alum., Ang., Ant. t., Arg., Arn., Ars., Asaf., Bar., Bell., Bov., Bry., Calc., Cann. s., Carbo an., Carbo v., Caust., Cham., China, Cina, Cocc., Colch., Coloc., Con., Croc., Dig., Euph., Ferr., Graph., Grat., Hepar, Hyos., Ign., Iod., Ipec., Kali b., Kali c., Kali iod.,' 12 Laur., Led., Lyc., Mag. c., Ma- rum, Merc. sol., Mur. ac., Nicc., Nitr. ac., Nitrum, Nux m., Nux v., Petro., Phos., Prun. sp., Psor., Puls., Rhod., Rhus, Sabina, Senega, Sepia, Sil., Spig., Squil., Stann., Staph., Stront., Sulph., Thuja, Verat., Zinc.-1 and 5. irritation in, as from dust, after dinner, when washing, dry cough: Ferr. mag. Coc. c. dry cough, forenoon : as from dust in, after dinner, when washing: Ferr. mag. evening, cough: Petrol. forenoon, cough: Sulph. dry cough: Coc. c. L 1 1 * } t COUGH SYMPTOMS. TRACHEA, irritation in, fore- noon on waking, cough: Dros., Natr. m. Rhus. after waking, cough: hacking cough: Trif. p. low down in trachea, cough from: Spig. irritation to cough, low in trachea, sore sensation in chest and trachea after every cough: STANN. Sulph. morning, in bed, cough: short cough: Coc. c. prickling irritation, violent paroxysm of cough, or frequent cough excited by prickling irri- tation, which begins in larynx and extends thence down into trachea, followed by dryness of mouth and larynx: Hydro. ac.² in, short cough from, morn- ing: Coc. c. short cough from, in upper trachea Euph. in, tracheal cough, as from: Croc. upper trachea, excites short cough: Euph. warm room, on entering, from open air, cough: Bry. washing, dry cough from irritation in trachea, as from dust, after dinner, when washing: Ferr. mag. whooping cough excited by irritation in trachea as if from sulphur vapor; worse evening, from 4 to 8 o'clock, and again about midnight: Lyc.2 itching in, excites cough: Cham., Con., Puls.-2. cough caused by itching in trachea and extending from pit of stomach to epiglottis: Fuls. -shattering, spasmodic 127 TRACHEA, itching in,-(Cont'd). whooping cough, often in par- oxysms of two coughs each, ex- cited by an itching scratching, with a feeling of dryness, and, as it were, of vapor of sulphur in trachea and chest ; worse even- ing till midnight: Puls.2 tickling in upper part of trachea, causing dry cough: Cham. mucus in, excites cough: Arum tr., Caust., Cham.,5 Cina, Crot. 1 7 t., Cupr., Dulc., Euphr., Gels.,1 Hyos., Nux v.,5 Squil.-12. adherent high up in, cough from: Nux v. accumulation of mucus in trachea is easily thrown off by coughing; afterward, soreness or stitches in chest: Stann.7 in, on breathing irritation to cough, as from mucus in trachea (felt more while sitting bent oveṛ than when walking): STANN. forenoon, easily ex- pelled by a forcible cough, with great weakness in chest, as if eviscerated, and with weakness of body and limbs: STANN. hacking cough from, while talking: Gels. laughing causes mucus in trachea and cough: Arg.10 mucus gets in trachea when going up-stairs or stooping, which is expelled by a single cough: Arg. rattling of mucus high up in, cough from: Cham. tickling cough from mu- cus in trachea; at night after lying down inability to sleep; hoarseness: Arum tr. violent, short paroxysms of spasmodic cough, excited by mucus in trachea, and by creeping · 1 128 COUGH SYMPTOMS. TRACHEA, mucus in,—(Cont'd). sensation in chest; worse after midnight and in morning : Squil.2 • whooping cough, ex- cited by excessive secretion of mucus in larynx and trachea : Dulc.7 noise in, after coughing: Lach.6 pain in, excites cough: Acon., Ang., Arg., Bry., Calad., Euph., Grat., Hepar, Ipec., Sars., Spong., Stann.-12. clawing pain in trachea, grad- ually descending into bronchi causing cough, with expectora- tion of small balls of tenacious mucus: Indigo.5 piercing pain in, excites cough: Acon., Stann.-2. in, from coughing: Camph., China, Ign., Laur., Nux v., Spon- gia.5. pressure of fingers on, cough from: Hydras,, Lach., Rumex. pricking in, excites cough: Hydro. ac.5 rawness in, excites hacking cough: Laur. dry cough with raw feeling in entire trachea: Grat." suffocating, hoarse cough, ex- cited by rawness and dryness in larynx and in trachea, with day expectoration of gray, greenish matter; worse evening and night: Carbo an.2 roughness in, cough from: Bar., Carbo an., Dig., Kreos., Sa- bad.-2. hollow, deep, spasmodic cough, excited by roughness and scratching in roof of mouth and in trachea Digit.2 scraping in, excites cough : Thuja. Laur.6 before and after the cough: TRACHEA, scraping in, dry cough from: Bry. and dryness in, in open air, causes suffocative cough: Cycl. in, short cough from: Sabad. scratching in, excites cough: Dig., Kreos., Puls.-2. dry cough from: Agar. m. sensation of something in tra- chea causes short or hacking cough: Sin. n. sensation as if something were adhering in trachea, which can- not be detached by coughing: Hyos.6 - smoke, sensation in trachea as if full of smoke, when entering warm room from cold, causes cough; feels as if he could not inhale sufficient air: Bry.6 contractive sensation in trachea, as if irritated by smoke, inducing almost constant cough: Coce. 6 soreness in, after coughing: Bry. causing dry cough: Upa. extending to middle of sternum, after coughing: Osm. during cough: Caust., Iris v., Nux v., Stann. and chest from scraping cough, excited by irritation low down in trachea; greenish ex- of an pectoration offensive, sweetish taste, voice hoarse; worse evening just before lying down: STANN. dry cough, in from five to six paroxysms, with sore sensa- tion in a streak down along the trachea, where it pains at every cough, almost preventing breath- ing: CAUST. a spot from which mucus is loosened by the cough, amel. on rising from bed: Nux v. + 1 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 129 : TRACHEA, soreness in, tick- ling cough from soreness low in: Stann. stinging cutting in, causes cough, with mucus in chest: Arg. 10 stitches in, causing cough: Arg., Lach. and dryness in, evening, cause cough: Stann. dull stitch in, from below up- ward, causing cough with watery expectoration: Arg. 6 violent cough and painful stitches in trachea from slightest exertion: Manc.7 sulphur, dry cough from irrita- tion in trachea as from sulphur fumes, with pain in stomach: Lyc." tickling in, compare with irri- tation in, also with irritation and tickling as given under Throat. tickling in, excites or agg. cough: Acon., Amm. m., Anac.,7 Ant. t., Arn., Ars., Arum tr., Asaf., Bar., Bell., Brom., Bry., Calc., Caust., Cham., China, Coloc., Con., Cop.,¹ Digit.,¹ Euphr., Ferr.,5 Gymno, Hyos., Kali c., Lach., Lact., Laur.,¹ Mag. c., Mag. m., Marum, Mezer., Natr. m., Nicc., Nitr. ac., Nux v., Ol. an.,¹ Ox. ac.,¹ Phos., Ph. ac., Psor., Puls.,¹ Rhus, Sang., Senega, Sepia, Sil., Stann.,¹ Staph., Verat, Verb., Zinc.-2 and 12. tickling at bifurcation of, cough from: Kali b. 5 1 burning tickling in upper part of trachea, cough from: Euphr. in, dry cough from: Aur. mur., Carb. ac., Petrol., Psor., Rhod. dry cough, evening: Still. from tickling itch- ing in upper trachea Cham, TRACHEA, tickling in, dry cough low in trachea, morning: Arn. -midnight: Phosph. morning, tickling low in trachea: Arn. severe, dry, racking cough caused by tickling in right side of trachea, below larynx: Sticta." dry scraping cough from, with sleeplessness from midnight till 4 A. M.: Nicc.10 dry cough, upper trachea, tickling in, which is agg. by the cough: Marum.7 on entering warm room, in evening: Com. eating relieves; tobacco smoke agg. Euphr." Bov. evening, cough in, from: dry cough: Still. dry cough, on entering warm room, from: Com. irritable cough, after lying down: Marum. on expiration cough from: Nux v. as from feather in tra- chea, cough: Prun. sp. hacking cough: Carb. ac.,¹ Psor." morning after ris- ing, from tickling low in: Arn. on entering warm room, evening: Com. hard cough: Psor. hoarse, ringing cough, excited by tickling in trachea, with asthmatic feeling therein; spasmodic contraction of thorax and accumulation of stringy mu- cus: Asaf. on inspiration, cough: Brom., Prun. sp. irritable cough from, after lying down, evening: Marum. 130 COUGH SYMPTOMS. TRACHEA, tickling in, low in, dry cough from tickling low in trachea: Arn., Cina,6 Verat. midnight, dry cough: Phosp. Sepia. morning, cough: Bov., after rising, cough from tickling.low in: Arn. tickling in, short cough from tickling in region of thyroid cartilage: Puls. attacks of hollow spas- modic cough, excited by tick- ling in larynx and trachea : Staph.2 spasmodic cough, which stops breathing, produced by tickling in trachea; cough is violent, dry, hollow, and is agg. by stooping forward: Spig. exhausting, spasmodic cough, excited by tickling in larynx and in trachea as far down as middle of chest; worse afternoon and evening until mid- night: Zinc.2 spasmodic cough excited by tickling in trachea; worse evening until midnight, during this period sputa cannot be dis- lodged, but in day, during mo- tion, it becomes loosened: Ferr.2 spasmodic cough, excited by tickling in larynx, trachea, and in thyroid region; yellow tenacious day expectoration ; worse evening until beyond mid- night: Mag. c.² short, spasmodic cough, in brief but frequently repeated paroxysms, excited by tickling as if from feathers or down in throat and trachea; copious yellow or grayish mucous expec- toration with sour taste; worse evening and night: Calc.2 TRACHEA, tickling in, shatter- ing spasmodic whooping cough, with frequent rapidly succeed- ing coughs, excited by tickling as if from mucus firmly seated in trachea; worse at night, espe- cially after midnight: Hyos.2 spasmodic, shattering cough, excited by tickling creep- ing in larynx, trachea, and chest ; worse evening until midnight: Rhus.2 short, wheezing, or hard cough, excited by insupportable tickling in larynx, or by tickling at bifurcation of trachea, or by oppression at epigastrium, or by accumulation of mucus in chest ; sometimes dry, generally of tough mucus, yellow, greenish or black; worse on awaking: Kali b.2 whistling, spasmodic cough, in single paroxysms, fre- quently returning, excited by tickling in larynx and trachea, as if they were dry, without sputa; worse toward evening: Lauro.2 upper part of trachea, causes short dry cough, which is worse from coughing: Marum.7 warm room, on entering, evening, tickling in trachea, dry cough from: Com. sensation of vapor in trachea on going into warm room from open air, causing cough: Bry. tightness, dry cough with painful tightness on left side of trachea and œsophagus, extend- ing obliquely through right breast, and causing a concussion in this part: Cimex.6 tingling in, evening, cough from: Stann. COUGH SYMPTOMS. 131 TRACHEA, upper part, crawling in, cough from: Carbo v., Prun. sp. burning tickling in, cough from: Euphr. itching tickling in, dry cough from: Cham. tickling in, dry cough: Marum. rum. irritable cough: Ma- short cough from irri- tation in Euph. tracheal cough: Bry. TRACHEAL cough: Carbon. s., Hyosn. as from foreign body: Tereb. irritation: Croc. tickling low down, morning after rising: Arn. in upper trachea: Bry. TREMOR, cough with: Phos.12 TROUBLESOME dry cough: Ign.5 TRUMPET-toned cough: Verb.5 TURNING from left to right side, amel. cough: Thuja.5 ULCERS, cough excites pain in: Con.6 on legs with cough: Selen.6 UMBILICUS, colic as if, would be torn out, with continual cough; heat in face and sweat on fore- head; after walking in open air and when lying, morning and evening: Ipec.6 pain at, agg. by coughing and deep inspiration: Lyc. pressure in, when coughing: Ambra. stitches from umbilicus to geni- tals, on coughing: Sepia. compare with Abdomen. UNCOVERING (undressing, etc.), 7 agg. or excites cough: Chel.,¹ Hepar, Kali b., Nux v., Rhus, Sil.-5. UNCOVERING feet or head: SIL.5 hands: Hepar,¹ Rhus.5 UNINTERMITTING cough : Cupr. UNINTERRUPTED cough, can- not speak a word, discharge of bloody mucus from nose, after sea wind: Cupr.7 see Constant Cough. URGENT cough: Con. URINE, involuntary discharge of, C., 7 when coughing: Alum., Ant. cr., Apis, Bell., Bry., Caps., Carbo an., CAUST., Colch., Dulch., Hyos., Ign., Kreos., Laur., Mag. Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Phos., Ph. ac., Puls., Rhod., Rhus, Spong., Sepia,12 SQUIL., Staph., Sulph., Tarent.,¹ Verat., Zinc.— 2 and 5. UTERUS, pain in, on coughing: Bell.5 See under Abdomen. UVULA, elongated, cough from: Alum., Bapt., Merc.-i-rub.-7. severe stinging in, as if it would break, on coughing: Ham.7 VAULTS, air of, agg. cough: Ant. t., Sepia, Stram.—5. cough from living in cool, dark places: Nux m. VERTIGO on coughing: Acon., Ant. t., Calc., Coff., Cupr., Kali b., Led., Naja,¹ Nux v.-5. oppression of head and chest, with vertigo: Brom.6 VEXATION, cough after: Acon., S $ Ars., Bry., CHAM., China, IGN., Natr. m., Nux v., Sep., STAPH., Verat.-5. with chagrin Ign.5 with fright: Acon., Ign.5 with indignation: Staph.5 after slight vexation, she cried the whole night and coughed, J 132 COUGH SYMPTOMS. : VEXATION—(Continued). with ineffectual retching: Natr. m.6 wheezing and coughing after: Natr. m.8 VINEGAR, cough after using: Ant. cr., Sepia, Sulph.-5. VIOLENT cough: Alum.,2 Ambra, Amm. m., Anac., Ang., Ant. t., Bell., Bry., Calc., Carbo an.,6 Carbo v., Chelid., China, Cina, Clem., Con., Coral., Croc., Cupr., Dros., Eupat. Eupat. per., Hepar, Hydro. ac.,2 Hyos., Ign., Indigo, Ipec., Kali b., Kali c., Kali chl., Lach., Lact.,2 Led., Lith., Lobel.,2 Merc., Mezer., Mur. ac., Natr. c., Nicc., Nitr. ac., Nux v., Olean., Par., Petr., Phosp., Plat., Puls., Rhus, Rumex, Ruta, Sabad., Senega, Sil., Spig., Spong., Squil., Stann., Staph., Stront., Verat.—5. agg. afternoon, evening, and on entering warm room: Natr. c. laughing, talking, and yawning: Mur. ac. chest, from across Ipec. chlo. constriction from dryness of: Kali continuous cough: IPEC.5 till relieved by vomiting: MEZER.5 cough, convulsive and violent, accompanied by eructations and hoarseness: AMBRA. after dinner: Mur. ac. dry cough, beginning at 3 A. M.: KALI C.5 dry cough, on entering warm room from cold air; Natr. c.10 dry racking cough, from tickling in larynx, lasting ten minutes; relieved by a glass of water; it, however, returns in fifteen min- utes with so great violence that VIOLENT cough-(Continued). tears come into eyes, again re- lieved by water: Opium. in exhausting paroxysms: HYOS.5 proceeding as if from small spot in epigastrium; painful to the touch: Kali b.6 evening, before going to bed, continued violent cough: Con.6 evening after lying down: Kali c. evening, in quick shocks, while lying, must rise: Lith. c.7 exertion, violent cough and painful stitches in trachea from slightest exertion: Manc." hypochondrium, cough with yellow purulent expectora- tion and stitches in left: Carbo V. meal, after every: China.6 morning, early, in bed, with expectoration of quantity of mucus: Bry.6 in morning he is obliged to cough so violently in order to detach the mucus that his eyes fill with tears: Cina." at night, from tickling in larynx: Cycl. nightly very violent cough, succeeded by hoarseness, with chilliness from morning till evening: Cupr.6 violent, dry, nightly cough, with tearing pains in head and stitches in chest, fol- lowed by palpitation of heart: Cupr. acet.6 noon: Bell." rattling cough, lasting some min- utes, with an effort to vomit, and expectoration of viscid mucus, which can be drawn down in strings to the feet: Kali b.10 I } } J 1 } 1 COUGH SYMPTOMS. VIOLENT cough, in sleep: Cycl., Sulph. sneezing, cough appears in isolated attacks, is very violent, and ends with repeated sneezing: Agar. sudden cough, in morning, with stitches in side at every cough: SQUIL. suffocative cough: Ipec.5 sulphur vapor, violent cough with sensation as if caused by, followed by dullness of head and headache: Brom.6 cough, from dryness of throat: Kali chlo. first dry, afterward accom- panied by frequent, saltish ex- pectoration and pain as if some- thing were torn in throat: Calc.6 from water getting into tra- chea: Spig. yawning, agg.: Mur. ac. after waking: Rhus. on waking: Calc., Carbo v.-6. entering warm room: Natr. c. VIOLIN, playing on, agg. cough: Calc., Kali c.-5. see also Music. VISION cloudy, when coughing: Coff., Kali c., Lach., Sulph.-11. see under Eyes. VOICE deep and hoarse: Iod.5 inaudible from coughing: Merc.5 loss of, remaining after cough: Phosp.5 VOMITING with or from cough- 1 12 ing: ALUM., Anac., ANT. T., Arg. n.,¹ Arn., Bell., BRY., Calc., Cann. s., Caps., Carbo v., Coc. c., Con., Cupr., Daph.,¹ Digit., DROS., Ferr., Hepar, Hyos., In- digo, Iod., Ipec., Kali b., Kali c., Lach., Merc., Merc. c.,¹ Mezer.,' Millef.,Natr. c., Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Nux v., Phosp.,¹ Ph. ac., VOMITING—(Continued). 133 Plumb.,¹ Puls., Rhus, Sabad., Sep., Sil., Sulph., Sul. ac.,¹ Tarent.,¹ Thuja,¹ Verat.-5. - continued dry hacking cough, with vomiting and arrest of breathing: ALUM. continuous cough, with sweat on forehead, shocks in head, retching and vomiting: Ipec. - dry cough, with perspiration and lachrymation, stitches in vertex, vomiting and pain in stomach: Sabad.10 cough causes vomiting; no nausea: IPEC. cough, with vomiting of food, nausea, and headache, or invol- untary urination: Ph. ac. spasmodic cough, with gag- ging and vomiting of ingesta and sour phlegm (3 A. M.): Kali c. splitting headache, child hold its head, face blue, with vomit- ing in mornings: Nux v.7 violent cough inducing vomit- ing, or a suffocative cough before and after going to bed, also at night: Indigo." - vomiting remaining after whooping cough: Carbo v.7 acid, when coughing: Natr. c., Phos., Thuja. acrid, morning, on cough- ing: Thuja. bilious (bitter): Carbo v.,7 Cham., China, Cina, Cupr., Lach., Merc., Mezer., Puls., Sabad., Sepia, Stram., Sulph.-2. dry cough, especially in even- ing in bed, till midnight, fre- quently with nausea and bitter vomiting Sepia.10 followed by vomiting of in- gesta: Bry.2 blood or mucus: Carbo v., Verat.-2. 134 COUGH SYMPTOMS. 14 VOMITING bilious at night: Merc.2 bloody: Arn., Carbo v., China, Cupr., Dros., Hyos., Ipec., Nux v., Sulph.-2. dark clotted blood: Nux. v.² cough with vomiting and yellowish frothy expectoration, mixed sometimes with streaks of blood; the cough fatigues and hinders sleep: Daph. eating, some hours after eating: Meph. cough after eating, with vom- iting of food: Anac. cough after eating or drink- ing, with vomiting of ingesta; worse on going into warm room: Bry. cough and vomiting after the other symptoms of whooping cough are gone, especially after a full meal: Carbo v. (Nash.) cough after a meal, with vomiting of food, especially after cold fluids; pains in arms and shoulders: Digit. (Nash.) spasmodic cough, ceasing im- mediately after a meal, or else commencing after a meal, with vomiting of food: Ferr. cough when eating or drink- ing anything hot; must cough until food is vomited: Mezer. evening: Carbo v., Coc. c. of food, then of blood: Nux v. then of bile: Bell., Digit., Lyc., Natr. m., Phosp., Samb. Ipec.2 then bile, next of water: then of mucus: Nux v., Puls., Sil.-2. Dros., bitter mucus: Sil.2 inclination (desire for) to: Ars.,12 Bell.,12 Brom., Bry., Caps., Cimex, Cina, Coc. c., Dros., He- par, Iod., Ipec., Kali b., Kali c.,¹ 12 VOMITING—(Continued). Lach.,12 Merc., Nux v., Petro.,12 Ph. ac., Puls., Ruta, Senega, Sepia, Squil., Verb.-2 and 5. dry severe cough, mostly in morning with retching and desire to vomit, and sensation as if stomach were turned inside out: Puls.10 of ingesta (in general): Anac., Ant. t., Arn., Ars., Bry., Calc., Carbo v., Cina, Dig., Dros.," Eugen.,12 Ferr., Hepar, Hyos., Ign., Iod., Ipec., Lach., Laur., Meph., Mezer., Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Phos., Ph. ac., Rhus, Stann., Sulph., Verat.—2 and 5. some hours after eating: Meph.2 every time one drinks: Dros., Verat.-2. evening: Carbo v.,2 Rhus.10 when lying on back: Rhus.2 about midnight: Ferr.2 of tough white ropy mucus, later of food, especially in morn- ing when trying to expectorate tough mucus: Coc. c.10 only of solid ingesta: Bry., Cupr., Verat.-2. liquid ingesta: Acon., Ant. cr., Cham., Ipec., Nux v., Sil., Spongia.-2. of cold drinks: Sil.2 after they have become warm in stomach: Phos. cough with vomiting of food and sweat on forehead: Ant. t.10 milk: Chelid,¹ Spong.2 midnight, vomiting from cough before Arg. n.,¹ Ferr.2 morning: Kali c., Nux v.,7 Silicea, Sulph.-12. 7 mucous: Carbo v., Cham., Cina, Coc.c.,10 Con., Coral., Dros.,¹Dulc., Hyos., Ipec., Mezer., Natr. c.,¹ Puls., Sil.,12 Seneg., Spong., Stram.-2. 5 I COUGH SYMPTOMS. 135 : 1 VOMITING mucus of sweetish taste: Calc.2 succeeded by vomiting of blood or bile: Verat.2 spasmodic cough with gag- ging, or vomiting of ingesta and sour phlegm: Kali c." of purulent matter, when cough- ing: Sil.6 saliva, when coughing: Cimex.¹ of water: Caust.,2 Dros.,¹ Me- zer.,2 Natr. c.¹ then of ingesta: Ipec., Nux v., Sep., Sil., Sulph., Sul. ac.-2. Sulph.2 then of solid ingesta: gesta: Sil. bitter tasting in- of worms: Cina.2 VOMITURITION (retching): Ant. t., Bell., Brom., Carbo v., China, Cupr., Dros., Hepar,12 Hyos., Iod., Ipec., Kali c., Kreos., Merc., Mezer., Natr. m., Ñux v., Puls.,12 Senega, Sepia, Squil., Stann., Sulph., Verat.-2. dry severe cough, mostly in morning, with retching and de- sire to vomit, and sensation as if stomach were turned inside out: Puls.10 cough caused by dryness and scraping in chest, with nausea and straining to vomit: Puls.10 YAWNING excites cough: Arn., Cina, Mur. ac., Nux v., Staph.— 12. - and coughing consecutively: Ant. t. with (or after) cough: Anac., Ant. t., Brom., Ign., Kreos., Lobel., Nux 7 v.. Op., Phos., Rhus, Zinc.-5. and sudden loud cry, after cough: Op.6 and screaming: Op.8 WAKENED by the cough: Apis,¹ 6 6 Bell., Caust., Cocc., Coc. c.,¹ Coff.,6 Daph., Dros., Graph., Hepar, Hyos., Kali c., Lach., Mag. m., Nitrum, Op.,'PHOS.,5 Rhus, Sang., Sepia, Sil.,¹ Squil., Sulph., Stront., Zing.¹-12. compare with Sleep disturbed by Cough. 7 at 2 A. M.: Cocc., Dros., Ni- trum.-5. 3 A. M., cough wakes at, with stupefying headache; worse if she moves or raises herself: Nitrum. anxious, painful, or short cough, waking before midnight: Rhus. -barking cough, waking suddenly at 11 P. M.; face fiery red; cry- ing: Bell." constant cough wakes patient, at night: SEPIA. cough after lying down, pre- vents sleep, and wakens him toward midnight, with some dis- tinct clicking down back, which irresistibly irritates to violent shocks in head; ceases after loosening a small lump of mu- cus, which is swallowed: Apis. dry cough at night, waking from sleep, with intense pain in chest, when coughing; little cough during day: Kali c.6 dry cough, awakening and not ceasing until he sits up in bed and passes flatus upward and downward: Sang." dry cough at night, waking, must rise up: Mag. m. dry cough, with tickling and scraping in larynx, woke him from sleep very early in morn- ing: Opium. dry troublesome cough, causing soreness in forepart of chest, that woke her: PHOS. 136 } COUGH SYMPTOMS. } + WAKENED, dry cough at night, - waking from sleep: SULPH. dry cough caused by scratching in larynx, wakens patient at night: Zing. frequent cough at night, wakes him, after which he again falls asleep; almost incessant cough while lying, disappears on sitting up: Hyos. -short, anxious, painful cough, that frequently awakens her be- fore midnight, with very short breath: Rhus. wakes at night, from sneezing, with tickling in throat causing cough; pain in back: Amm. m.7 shrill cough, waking from sleep: Sol. t. æ. tickling cough, wakes him: Lach. WAKING, cough on: Acon., Am- bra, Apis, Aralia, Bell., Calc.,6 Caust., Chel.,¹ China, Cina, Coc. c., Cot., Dig., Euphr., Ign., Kali b., Kreos., Lac. can., Lach., Lachn., Natr. ars.,¹ Nitr. ac., Nitrum, Nux v., Ph. ac., Psor.,7 Puls., Rhus, Sang., Sepia, Sol. t. æ.,¹ Spong., Squil., Stram., Sulph.,10 Sul. ac., Tarent.¹-5. anxious cough, on waking be- fore midnight: Rhus. convulsive cough, morning, on waking: Thuja. 1 from irritation in larynx, night, on waking: Thuja. dry cough, on waking: Agar., Bry., Coc. c., Dign., Sang., Sol. t. æ. Thuja. afternoon, on waking: WAKING, hacking cough, on waking: Phos. Sil. agg. morning, on waking: hollow cough, morning, on waking: IGN. irritation to cough, night, on waking: Thuja. midnight, cough on waking at: Sulph. cough, after having slept an hour or two awakes patient, occurring before: Aralia. 7 morning, cough, on waking: Ailan., Cod., Kali b., Sulph., Tarent. agg. in: Psor.,7 Sil.¹ cough at 3 A. M., most severe after waking: Rhus.13 cough worse evening and be- fore midnight, or in morning soon after waking: Rhus.' cough with tough yellow sputa, on waking in: Aurum.” chronic loud cough from stuff- ing at the epigastrium, chiefly on waking in the morning; has then a fit of coughing and ex- pectoration of tough mucus, with lightness in the head: Kali b.6 convulsive cough, on waking: Thuja. dry cough, on waking: Caust., Ign., Mag. s., Sil. must sit up on account of dry, fatiguing cough, morning, after waking: Mag. s. exhausting cough, on wak- ing: Thuja. morning, on waking: after waking: Mag. s. hacking cough, agg. on wak- Caust., Ign., Mag. s., Sil. ing: Sil. night, on waking: SULPH. exhaustive cough, morning, on waking: Thuja. after waking: Mag. s. hollow cough, on waking: IGN. paroxysmal cough, after wak- ing: RUMEX. A COUGH SYMPTOMS. WAKING, morning, racking cough, on waking: Caust. - tickling cough, after waking: Carbo v. night, dry cough, whenever he wakes from sleep, disappearing while sitting up in bed, and re- turning as soon as lying down again: Puls.10 on waking she is affected with cold, swelling of pit of stomach, violent cough, difficult expecto- ration, arrest of breathing, and sweat as from anguish: Carbo an.6 paroxysmal cough, morning after waking: RUMEX. racking cough, morning, on waking: Caust. short cough, on waking, 7 A. M.: Dign. tickling cough wakens him, when falling asleep: Lach.10 tickling cough, morning, on waking: Carbo v. with taste of blood, on waking: Ham.7 violent cough, after: Rhus. immediately on waking, vio- lent wheezing and panting, then violent cough, causing him to sit up and bend forward : Kali b.6 WALKING excites (or agg.) cough: Alum., Ars., Carbo v., Cina, Dig., Ferr., Hepar, Iod., Lach., Natr. m., Rumex, Senega, Stram., Stront., Sul. ac.—5. amel., dry cough on rising going off on walking: Grat.6 cough did not trouble him while walking; but as soon as he sat down it returned. Canc. f. afternoon, dry cough on walk- ing in the: Thuja. 137 WALKING, cough torments him most while: Hepar.6 cough after: Mezer., Natr. ars., Stront. in cold air agg. cough: Ars., Ipec., Phos.,10 Verat.7-1. dry tickling cough after walk- ing in sharp, cold air: Verat.7 cough continuing without an interruption after walking in cold air, and when lying down, morning and evening, excited by deep inspiration; accom- panied by colic as if umbilicus would be torn out, heat in face and sweat on forehead: Ipec.6 in open air, cough on: Acon., Ang.,6 Ars., Carbo v., Cina, Dig., Ferr., Ipec., Lyc., Nux v., Ox. ac., Phos., Ph. ac., Seneg., Spig., Staph., Stram., Sulph., Sul. ac. 7 dry cough after a meal, or only when walking in open air: Sulph.10 - cough from tickling in larynx when walking in open air; larynx feels swollen: Ox. ac.7 Osm. hacking cough, agg. when : tickling in lar- ynx felt only when walking in open air, causing hacking cough : Angust. short cough: Angust. fast excites cough: Merc., Natr. m., Seneg., Sil., Squil., Stann.-2. after, in open air, cough: Sepia. agg. hacking cough: Senega. in hot sun, causes paroxysmal cough: Coca. in morning, amel. dry cough: Grat.¹ WARM air agg. or excites cough: Ant. cr., Iod.-2. 1 * t 138 COUGH SYMPTOMS. WARM air agg. cough. Compare with Warm Room. amel.cough: Phosph., Rumex. cough on going from warm to cold air: Verat. v." on becoming: Caust., Nux m. bed, becoming warm in, ex- cites or agg. cough: Ant. t., Brom., CAUST., Cham., Dros.,12 Led., Merc., Natr. mur., Nux mos., Nux vom., Puls., Verat.-5. becoming, in, amel. cough: Cham.,2 Kali b." cough on becoming warm in, or after recovering natural warmth from a colder state: Caust.14 on becoming warm in, even- ing, cough with profuse tough expectoration: Nux mos.2 excites paroxysmal cough: Naja. exercise, cough with or without expectoration when becoming warm in bed, or becoming warm from work: Nux m.' 10 fluids (drinks) agg. cough; Am- bra, Ant. t., Caps., Coc. c.,¹ Ign.," Laur., Mez., Stann. amel. cough: Ars., Alum.,¹7 Eupion,¹ Lyc., Nux v., Rhus, Sil.,¹ Spong., Verat.-(E. W. B.) food, excites cough: Bar., Kali c., Laur., Mez., Puls.-12. 7 amel. cough: Spong." room, agg. cough: All. c.,2 Am- bra, Arn., Ars., Brom., Bry., Coc. c., Dig., Dros., Dulc., Ipec., Laur., Lyc., Mez., Natr. c., Puls., Seneg., Spong., Verat.-5. cough in; amel. in cold room : Coc. c. 10 entering warm (air) room from open air, agg. cough: Acon.,12 All. c.,2 Ant. cr., Bov.,1 Coc. c., Natr. c., Sep.,¹ Sulph.,¹ Verat., Verb.2—10. WARM room, entering warm room from cold air, cough from tick- ling in chest, morning: Bov. entering warm room, tickling in trachea, evening, dry cough : Com. afternoon, agg. dry cough: Anth. n., Natr. c. - afternoon and evening, agg. violent cough: Natr. c. on entering warm room from cold air, feels sensation in trachea as if full of smoke, which excites cough; feels as if he could not inhale sufficient air: Bry. going from warm room to open air, excites cough: Acon. room, going from, to cold air, or vice versa, causes coughing: All. c.,² Natr. c.,¹º Nux v.,10 Sepia. is unable to speak in hot room for incessant coughing: Coc. c. violent cough come on in afternoon; it went off instantly as soon as she went into open air, but if she returned to warm room, cough returned with in- creased violence: Sulph. WASHING agg. cough: Ant. cr.,5 Ars., Calc., Rhus, Stram., Sul. ac., Verat., Zinc.-12. chest in cold water amel. cough and chest symptoms: Borax. dry cough from irritation in trachea as from dust, when wash- ing, after dinner: Ferr. mag. WATER drinking excites cough- ing: Natr. ph., Stram. cold water, excites cough: Sul. ac., Verat.-7. cold amel. cough: Caps., Caust., Coc. c., Cupr., Glon.,¹ Opium, Sulph. cough from standing in water: Nux m.7 1 X ! COUGH SYMPTOMS. WATER-BRASH, see Pyrosis. continued dry cough, early in morning, with discharge of water, like water-brash, from mouth: Bry.6 WEAKNESS from coughing: Ars., Verat. 5 see Debility, Exhaustion. WEARYING, see Exhausting. WEATHER, changes of, excite or agg. cough: Dulc., Lach., Nitr. ac., Phos., Sil., Verat., Verb.-12. damp agg.: Carbo v.,³ Lach. hot agg, cough: Lach.6 stormy agg.: Mag. m., Phos., Sil. WEEP, disposition to: Ant. t., Arn., Bar., Bell., Calc., Carbo an., Caust., Cham., Con., Digit., He- par, Ign., Lyc., Mag. m., Mezer., Natr. m., Osm., Ph. ac., Puls., Rhus, Spong., Sul. ac.—8. WEEPING: Arn., Ars., Bell., Cina, Hepar, Lyc., Samb., Sil., Sulph., Verat.-8. (v. Crying.) mood and screaming: Osm. with whooping cough: Spong." WET, getting wet through excites cough: Calc., Dulc., Lach., Nitr. ac., Rhus, Sepia.-2. 7 WHEEZING cough: Acon., Ail- an., Ambra, Ant. t., Bell., Brom., Carbo v., China, Cina, Con., Cupr., Dros., Dulc., Gad.,' Hepar, Hyos., Ipec., Kali b., Kali c., Kreos., Lyc., Phos., Prun. sp., Puls., Samb., Sang., Spong., Sul. ac.,12 Verat.-—5. 12 short wheezing or hard cough, excited by insupportable tick- ling in larynx, or at bifurcation of trachea, or by oppression at epigastrium, or by accumulation of mucus in larynx; worse on waking: Kali b.² 2 panting, breathing, awakening, then cough, which compels him to sit up, bent forward: Kali b.7 139 WHEEZING and panting precede the cough Kali b.2 wheezy-whistling; cough begins with a wheeze and ends with a whistle; worse at night, in cold weather, and lying with head low Samb. (Bell.) WHINING with whooping cough : Ars., Cina.-2. mood: Acon. WHISPERING sound, cough has a: Card. b. WHISTLING cough: Acon., Ars., Brom., Hepar,2 Kreos., Laur., Lyc.,¹ Prun. sp., Sang.-12. hollow or whistling, spasmodic cough, excited by roughness, scratching and tickling in chest and throat; worse morning and evening, by music, by expectora- tion: Kreos.2 frequently recurring, whistling spasmodic cough, in single coughs, excited by tickling in larynx and trachea, as if they were dry; worse day and espe- cially toward evening: Lauro." WHIZZING cough, with sensation as if mucous membranes were too dry: Lauro.' WHOOPING cough: Acon., Am- bra, Anac., Ant. cr., Ant. t., Arn., Ars., Asar.,16 Bar., Bell., Bry., Carbo an., 12 Carbo v., Cham., China, Cina, Coc. c., Con., Coral., Cupr., Dros., Dulc., Euphr., Guare., Hepar, Hyos., Ign., In- digo,12 Ipec., Kali c., Kali iod.,¹ Laur., Led.,12 Lobel.,16 Lyc., Merc., Meph., Mezer., Mosch., Mur. ac., Natr. m., Natr. m., Nitr, ac., Nux v., Op., Par., Phell.,12 Phos., Po- do., Puls., Rhus, Ruta, Samb., Sang., Senega, Secale, 16 Sep., Sil., Spig., Spongia., Sulph., Sul. ac., Tabac., Verat.-5. 12 L • 140 COUGH SYMPTOMS. WHOOPING cough. Compare with Convulsive, Shattering, and Spasmodic Coughs. abdomen, whooping cough coming, as it were, from deep in abdomen, with coughs which become gradually weaker and weaker as if from closure of the fauces as if by a plug; morning expectoration of tenacious, mixed with dark blood and having a flat taste: Ant. cr.2 agg. from 6-10 P. M.: Hyper.7 afternoon: Lyc., Mur. ac.-2. to midnight: Sulph.2 amel. by eating: Tabac. anxious, before the attack of: Cupr.8 - breath, children get stiff, breathing ceases, spasmodic twitchings, after awhile con- sciousness returns, they vomit and recover but slowly: Cupr.7 with suffocating feeling: Dros., Ipec. Mephitis.2 cannot exhale: with whistling, sawing breathing between coughs: Spong. body, preceded by rigidity of body and paleness of face: Cina.“ bronchi, cough, deep, hollow, ringing, whooping, excited by tickling in lowest branches of bronchi; expectoration of vel- low, tough, tenacious mucus, of bitter, saltish, sour or putrid taste: Verat." chest, contraction of, whooping cough, barking, croup- like, with suffocating contraction of chest, violent beating of heart, rattling, anxiety, congestion, blood-spitting; convulsions: Stram.¹ WHOOPING cough, chest, deep from, whooping cough, violent, 'racking; seemingly from deep in chest, in paroxysms of long continuance; followed by expec- toration of ropy mucus, adhering to pharynx: Lobel." irritation in, paroxysms of asthmatic whooping cough, excited by irritation in chest; expectoration in morning of dark blood, or of a thin, yellowish, sometimes blood-streaked mucus, which generally tastes sour: Sul. ac.2 itching in, violent spas- modic nightly cough (whooping cough), excited by itching (and tickling) in chest and throat, or from small dry spot in larynx; day expectoration, difficult, bloody, purulent, and offensive: Con.10 mucus in, attacks of cough, like whooping cough, ex- cited by copious, flat tasting, wa- tery mucus, sometimes streaked with blood, which is in chest and throat, is difficult to dis- lodge, and can only be expec- torated in morning: Euphr.2 rumbling, after attacks of whooping cough audible rum- bling, gurgling down in chest: Mur. ac.7 spasm of, suffocating, hol- low, deep whooping cough, ex- cited by spasm of chest; day expectoration scanty, tenacious mucus, sweetish putrid or some- what saltish taste: Samb.2 tickling in, paroxysms of spasmodic cough, resembling whooping cough, the coughs fol- low each other in rapid succes- sion, excited by tickling in chest from larynx to stomach; expec- 1 } J 串 ​ร COUGH SYMPTOMS. WHOOPING cough—(Continued). toration morning, evening, and at night of yellow, green or gray, of a milk colored white tenacious mucus: Sepia.2 chest, tickling, hollow, suffocating cough resembling whooping cough, excited by tick- ling in chest, throat, larynx, and supra-sternal fossa; in day with a scanty, tenacious, mucous expec- toration of a bitter or offensive taste: Cham.2 spasmodic (whooping) cough, two paroxysms follow one another very rapidly, excited by tickling in larynx and upper part of chest; expectoration of acrid yellowish mucus, which is sometimes mixed with coagula- ted blood, tasting putrid or salty; cough is at night: Merc.10 whooping cough, ex- cited by tickling in chest; in afternoon and evening without, in morning, with slight dislodg- ment of a yellow, watery mucus of a fatty taste, and which must be swallowed; sometimes dárk blood: Mur. ac.¡ whooping cough, spas- modic violent cough, excited by tickling in larynx and chest, with expectoration (except in evening) of acrid pus or grayish green, cold mucus, of putrid smell, or of pale, clotted, at times brown blood: Rhus.10 with costiveness and loss of appetite: Podo.10 croupish, whooping cough with croupish hoarseness of the cough: Brom.” whooping cough, croupish sound, pain in larynx, choking from mucus in larynx; worse morning: Hepar." 141 WHOOPING cough, croupish, whooping cough, even of suck- lings, sounding like croup; rat- tling breathing, anxious and rest- less, chest and abdomen hot, urine pale: Asaf.7 day agg. in: Brom., Cupr., Euphr.-2. dry whistling, no sputum; impending paralysis of lungs: Lauro.7 with fear and terror: Spong.8 with hæmorrhage, from mouth, nose, with anguish, blue face, wheezing breathing and suffocation: Dros.6 with nose-bleed, bleeding from mouth, vomiting; loses breath, turns pale or blue, and becomes rigid: Ipec.' bleeding from eyes, nose and mouth, face blue, splitting headache, child holds head; worse morning: Nux v.7 deep inspiration agg. pant- ing cough, like whooping cough: Dulc.7 evening: Ambr., China, Ci- na, Dros., Ign., Lyc., Senega.-2. lying down: Coc. c., Dros., Natr. m.-2. till midnight: Arn., Bar., Carbo v., Hepar, Mezer., Puls., Sepia, Spong., Sul-ac., Sul-ac., Verat. -2. A and night: Ars., Bry.-2. forenoon: Sepia.2 larynx, burning and tick- ling in larynx excite shattering cough, like whooping; morning expectoration, much tenacious mucus, albumen-like, odor some- what offensive: Senega.2 clear ringing or whist- ling whooping cough, excited by burning sticking in larynx and trachea; generally without ex- 4 } } 142 COUGH SYMPTOMS.. WHOOPING cough—(Continued). pectoration; rarely, morning and day an expectoration of mucus and coagulated blood: Acon.² spas- larynx, irritation, modic hollow, whooping cough, in short hard coughs and infrequent paroxysms, excited by feeling as if sulphur vapor were inhaled, or by creeping irritation in larynx and trachea; morning expec- toration of yellow, greenish, or purulent, sometimes brownish, bloody, or less frequently, a tena- cious, whitish mucous or watery expectoration. The sputa have an offensive sour or saltish taste and an unpleasant odor: Carbo V.2 spasmodic, violent whooping cough, excited by an irritation from larynx down into chest; morning expectoration of yellow or albumen-like tenacious mucus, tasting like an old catarrh or somewhat saltish: Mez.2 deep, hollow, barking, whooping cough, excited by an irritation high up in larynx, as if from plug or valve; attended in morning alone by the detach ment of a scanty, tenacious, yel- low or indurated mucus of a scarcely perceptibly sour taste, and which has to be swallowed again Spong." mucus, whooping cough, excited by excessive secretion of mucus in larynx and trachea; hence each paroxysm is attended by copious, easy expectoration of tasteless mucus, and often with florid blood: Dulc.2 plug, whooping cough, deep, hollow, barking, caused by sensation as of a plug in larynx, WHOOPING cough-(Continued). with expectoration only in morn- ing of small quantities of tough, yellow, hardened mucus, which has to be swallowed again : Spong,10 larynx, spasms, whooping in long, uninterrupted paroxysms, which last until the breath is completely exhausted, excited by mucus in trachea or by spasms in larynx; evening quite dry, in morning often with a scanty expectoration of mucus with dark blood, of a putrid taste and odor: Cupr.2 tickling, attacks of deep, dull, whistling whooping cough, excited by tickling in larynx, which feels as if it were caused by down; morning expectoration of masses of mucus, which are often purulent and bloody, and generally, a sour, but sometimes a sweet taste, and, in latter case, an offensive odor: Hepar.2 whooping cough, night- ly periodical attacks of cough from tickling in larynx, ending with expectoration of a large quantity of viscid, stringy mucus: Coc. c. 10 violent, laborious whooping cough, excited by tick- ling in hard palate and larynx ; expectoration by day and in evening of yellow or gray, after cold mucus, generally of a sour or sweetish, sometimes of a bitter, putrid, or metallic taste; or, finally, of clear dark red blood : Nux v.2 shattering cough like whooping cough, excited by burning and tickling in larynx; morning with much tenacious, mucous, albumen like expectora- ? COUGH SYMPTOMS. 143 • WHOOPING cough—(Continued). | WHOOPING cough—(Continued). tion, of a somewhat offensive odor: Senega.2 larynx, tickling, spasmodic whooping cough, in which two paroxysms occur in quick succes- sion, followed by a longer inter- val; in the paroxysm the coughs follow each other rapidly; the cough is excited by tickling in larynx as if from down; morning and during day expectoration of dark blood, or of yellow, green- ish, purulent, often cold, or milk- white watery mucus, of commonly a sourish or a putrid-flat or salt- ish taste, or like an offensive dis- charge of an old catarrh : Sulph.2 spasmodic (whooping) cough, two paroxysms follow one another rapidly, excited by tick- ling in larynx and in upper part of chest; cough at night, not during day, with expectoration of acrid yellowish mucus, which is sometimes mixed with blood, tasting putrid or salty: Merc 10 whooping cough, spas- modic violent cough, caused by tickling in larynx and chest, with expectoration (except in evening) of acrid pus, or grayish- green cold mucus, of putrid smell, or of pale, clotted, at times! brown blood: Rhus.10 midnight, worse after: Acon., Amm. c., China, Dros., Hyos., Nux v., Samb.-2. wakes at 2 A. M.: Dros." worse at 3 A. M., with gagging and vomiting, swelling between upper lids and eye- brows: Kali c. 7 before midnight, agg.: Lyc., Mur. ac.-2. from evening till mid- night: Arn., Bar., Carbo v., He- | 1 par, Mezer., Puls., Sepia, Spong., Sul. ac., Verat.-2. morning: Ant. cr., Cina, Verat.-2. in nervous, thin little girls: Viola od.' night agg, at: Ambra, Anac., Ant. t., Arn., Ars., Bar., Bry., Carbo v., Cham., China, Coc. c., Coral., Cupr., Dros., Dulc., Hepar, Hyos, Meph., Merc.,10 Mezer., Mur. ac., Natr. m., Nitr. ac.,¹ Puls., Samb., Sepia, Sil., Spong., Sulph., Sul. ac., Verat.—2. with sneezing: Cina." stomach, pain, whooping cough, with crying, or pain in stomach before the attack, with expectoration of blood (pale or coagulated), congestion of blood to head, sparks before eyes, spasms in throat, involuntary stool and urine, oppressed breath- ing, stiffness of limbs, shaking of whole body, and general dry heat: Bell.10 stitches in, whooping cough, violent straining and vomiting, stitches in pit of stom- ach, inability to breathe deeply; hiccough as if he would suffocate after the cough: Tabac.' tickling in, hollow, spas- modic (whooping) cough, caused in evening by sensation of sul- phur vapor or dust in pit of throat; in morning, from a tick- ling above pit of stomach, with expectoration in evening, diffi- cult and smelling like an old catarrh Ignat.2 whooping cough, caused by tickling in throat or in pit of stomach, with expectoration (only in morning) of yellow or blood-streaked mucus, with vio- 144 COUGH SYMPTOMS. C } 1 WHOOPING cough--(Continued). | WHOOPING cough—(Continued). lent pain in head, as if forehead would burst, or with shocks; beating and hammering in head, involuntary micturition, stitches in region of liver: Natr. m. 10 throat, constricted spasmodic action across throat beneath jaws; cough worse at night, with diarrhoea Sang.7 dust, hollow, spasmodic (whooping) cough, caused by a sensation of vapor of sulphur or dust in pit of throat; in morn- ing, from a tickling above the pit of stomach, with expectora- tion in evening difficult, tasting and smelling like an old catarrh : Ign.10 mucus, true whooping cough, in violent, periodically recurring paroxysms, excited by a sensation as if down were in throat, and by a quantity of ad- herent mucus in throat; in even- ing expectoration of a whitish slimy, rarely somewhat bloody, almost tasteless substance, which is detached with difficulty: Cina.2 attacks of cough, like whooping cough, excited by co- pious, flat tasting, watery muens, sometimes streaked with blood, in chest and throat, which is difficult to dislodge, and which can be expectorated only in the morning: Eupr.7 -tickling, whooping cough in violent periodical attacks, caused by a titillating sensation as of feather in throat, and also by much tough mucus; in even- ing difficult expectoration of white, occasionally of blood streaked mucus: Cina.10 croupy, rough, bark- ing or whistling cough, excited by tickling in throat, and as if by vapor of sulphur: Brom.2 throat, tickling whooping cough, attacks, every one to three hours, with barking or dull sound- ing coughs, choking breathing, caused by tickling or dryness in throat, or from sensation of a soft feather in larynx; expecto- ration, only in morning, yellow and bitter, has to swallow it again: Dros.10 spasmodic whooping cough, as if from vapor of sul- phur, or excited by tickling in throat and in epigastrium; morn- ing and day expectoration of mucus, which is yellow or mixed with coagulated brownish blood, often cold; has generally an un- pleasant flat taste, and is at first difficult to dislodge: Bry.2 whooping cough, com- ing from deep in chest, excited by violent tickling in throat, in rather long paroxysms; in morn- ing, with expectoration consist- ing, generally, of grayish white, seldom of yellow mucus, of a salt or sour taste: Ambra.2 powerful spasmodic nocturnal paroxysms of whoop- ing cough, excited by tickling and itching in chest and throat, or as if by dry spot in larynx ; in day, with a difficult, bloody- purulent, sometimes hardened expectoration, of a putrid taste and smell: Con.2 spasmodic whooping cough, excited by tickling in throat and in epigastrium; in morning, with expectoration of a yellow mucus, often streaked with blood, generally with a flat, COUGH SYMPTOMS. 145 WHOOPING cough—(Continued). sometimes sourish, more rarely a saltish taste: Natr. m.2 throat, tickling spasmodic cough, like whooping cough, ex- cited by tickling and roughness and in throat and in epigastrium; morning expectoration of diffi cult, yellow, tenacious, starch- like, often saltish mucus: Baryt.2 violent, laborious whooping cough, excited by tick- ling in hard palate and larynx; by day and in evening with ex- pectoration of a yellow or gray, often cold mucus, generally of a sour or sweetish, sometimes of a bitter, putrid, or metallic taste, or finally, of a clear, dark red blood: Nux v. trachea, itching in, shattering, spasmodic whooping cough, often in paroxysms of two coughs each, excited by an itching scratching, with a feeling of dryness, and, as it were, of sulphur vapor in tra- chea and chest; in morning and day, with expectoration of much yellow or greenish mucus of various tastes: Puls." irritation, whooping cough excited by irritation in trachea, as if from sulphur va- por; in morning, and during day, with a purulent (lemon-yel- low, gray, greenish or whitish), or bloody mucous expectoration, of a salt (also sometimes a bitter, flat, putrid, sweetish or sour) taste and offensive odor: Lyc.2 spasmodic, hollow, whooping cough, in short hard coughs and infrequent parox- ysms, excited by a feeling as if sulphur vapor were inhaled, or by a creeping irritation in larynx and trachea; in morning, with a WHOOPING cough—(Continued). yellow, greenish, or purulent, sometimes brownish bloody, ex- pectoration, or, less frequently, a tenacious, whitish mucous or watery expectoration; sputa has an offensive sour or saltish taste and unpleasant odor: Carbo v.² mucus, whooping cough in long, uninterrupted parox- ysms, which last until the breath is completely exhausted, excited by mucus in trachea or by spasms in larynx; in morning, of a scanty expectoration of mucus with dark blood, of putrid taste and odor: Cupr.2 whooping cough ex- cited by excessive secretion of mucus in larynx and trachea ; hence each paroxysm is attended by copious, easy expectoration of tasteless mucus, and often with florid blood: Dulc.2 burning sticking, a clear, ringing, or whistling whooping cough, excited by burning stick- ing in larynx and trachea; gene- rally without expectoration; or, rarely, in morning, and during day, with expectoration of some muens mixed with coagulated blood: Acon. tickling, whooping cough which shakes the patient thor- oughly; paroxysms every three to four hours, excited by tick- ling in trachea (after the attack yawning and sleepiness"); dur- ing day, with expectoration of mucus, which generally has a sweetish flat taste, is often bloody; at other times, yellowish puru- lent and sometimes gray and acrid: Anac. clear-ringing, crowing or whistling whooping cough, ex- 1 1 1 1 : 146 COUGH SYMPTOMS. , WHOOPING cough-(Continued). cited by a burning tickling in tra- chea and in throat-pit, as if from vapor of sulphur; in day with expectoration of mucus, scanty and generally frothy, or in lumps of various taste and color; re- turning periodically, with in- creasing violence: Ars.2 ! · trachea, tickling, a hollow suffocating cough, resembling whooping cough, excited by tickling in chest, trachea, larynx and supra-sternal fossa; in day, with a scanty, tenacious, mucous expectoration of a bitter or offen- sive taste: Cham.2 hoarse whooping cough, excited by tickling in trachea, or as if from vapor of sulphur; in day and evening, with an expectoration of pus, mixed with dark coagulated blood, or of tenacious mucus, having a flat, saltish or sour taste, or, more rarely, a repulsive sweetish taste: China.2 shattering, spasmodic whooping cough, with frequent, rapidly succeeding coughs, ex- cited by tickling as if from mucus firmly seated in trachea; in day, with expectoration of a some- what saltish mucus, or of a bright red blood mixed with coagula: Hyos.2 spasmodic whooping cough, severe, dry, racking, ex- WHOOPING cough-(Continued). cited by tickling in right side of- trachea below larynx; splitting frontal headache: Sticta.7 WIND, belching of, after cough- ing: Sul-ac. see Eructation. in the, cough: Cham., Euphr., Lyc, Stram.-2. cold, cough from: Lyc. cool evening, paroxysmal cough from: Coca. dry cold: Acon., Cham., Hepar, Spong.-5. east: Acon., Cham., Cupr., He- par, Samb., Spong.-5. north: Acon., Caps., Cham., Cupr., Hepar, Sepia, Spong.-5. sea wind: Cupr.7 in sharp Caps. 7 walking in wind: Stram.7 WINE agg. or excites cough: Acon., Arn., Borax, Ferr., Ign., Led., Stann., Stram., Zinc.-12. amel., in afternoon severe cough, with little expectoration; on coming into warm room and smoking tobacco, cough becomes worse; when in open air and drinking wine in evening, it is diminished: Sulph. sour, agg. cough: Ant. cr.² WINTER cough: Acon., Cham. -12. 2 WORM symptoms, with cough: Cina, Mag. c.,³ Spig." WRITING agg. cough: Cina. } + - PART SECOND. EXPECTORATION. ACID (sour): Ambr., Ant. t., Ars., Bell., Bry., CALC., Carbo an., Carbo v., Cham., China, Con., Graph., Hepar, Ign., Ipec., Kali c., Lyc., Mag. m., Merc., Natr. c., Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Nux v., Petr., PHOS., Ph. ac., Plumb., Puls., Rhus, Sabina, Sepia, Stann., Sulph., Tarax.-4. ACRID: Alum., Amm. c., Amm. m., Anac., Ars., Carbo v., Caust., Cham., Con., Ferr., Ign., Iod., Kreos., Lach., Lyc., Mag. m., Merc., Mezer., Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Nux v., Phos., Puls., Sepia, Sil., Spig., Squil., Sulph., Sul. ac.—4. AFTERNOON: Chin. s., Coc. c., Phos. in open air: Chin. s. bloody: Alum., Lyc. streaked phlegm: Alum.6 difficult: China. gray yellow sputa: Anac.6 mucous: Amm., Bad. slimy: Chin. s. 5.30 P. M.: Hydras. tenacious: Anac., Ars. thick: Eucalyptus. viscid: Naja. - yellow: Anac. 12-3 P. M.: Calc. s. AIR, expectoration on getting into cold: Plan. amel. in cold or open air: Calc. s. AIR, expectoration on going into cold air: Plan. open agg., during day: Nux v. when in Sac. alb., Sepia. Kobalt. mucous expectoration: afternoon: Chin. s. walking in open air: Nux v., Sac. alb. bloody expectoration when walking in open air: Merc.6 AIR PASSAGES, seems to come from: Arn. 4 ALBUMINOUS: Amm. c., Amm. m., Arn., Ars., Asaf.,12 Bar., Bor., Bov., China, Cocc. c., Ferr., Kali b., Laur., Mezer., Petr., Senega, Sil., Sulph., Stann.-5. night in bed, after cough: Sulph. ALMONDS, tasting like: Caust., Digit.-2. ASH colored clots: Arundo. BALLS, in shape of: Arg. n., Coc. c., Lyc., Sil., STANN., Sulph. BATH, expectoration after a bath, in morning: Calc. s.¹ 1 of blood after a sea bath: Mag. m.5 BED, expectoration evening in: Calc. on getting into bed, before midnight: Sepia. morning in: Calc. on rising from, coughs up blood: Ferr. on sitting up in: Phos. 147 ' 148 EXPECTORATION. BILIOUS (like bile): Baryta, Digit., Puls., Samb.7-5. in taste: Puls.¹ BITTER: Acon., Ailan., Arn., Ars., Bry., Calc., Canth., CHAM., China, Cist.,¹ Coloc., Con., Dros., Ign., Kali c., Lyc., Merc., Merc. sol.,¹ Natr. c., Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Nux v., Pau. p.,¹ PULS., Sabad., Sepia, Stann., Sulph., Verat.-5. in morning: Ailan.' BLACKISH: Arn., Bell., China, Elaps, Kali b., Lyc., Nux v., Ox. ac., Puls.,¹ Rhus.-1 and 5. day and night: Lyc. with blackish grains: China.¹2 lumps (dots) in centre: Arn., Ox. acid.-5. yellow: Hydro. ac. BLOODY (spitting of blood, etc.): 11 6 ACON., Ailan.,' All. sat., Aloe, Alum., Ambr., Am. bro., Amm. c., Amm. m., Anac., Ant. cr., Ant. s., Arg. n.,¹¹ ARN., Ars., Arum m., Asar., Aur., Bad., Bell., Bism., Bond., Bor., Both., Bry., Cact. gr., Calc., Calc. caus.,6 Canth., Caps., Carbn. ox., Carbo an., Carbo v., Cham., China, Cina, Cist., Con., Cop., Croc., Crot. h., Cupr., Daph., Der., Diad., Digit., Dios., Dros., Dulc., Elaps, Erigeron, Eugen., Euphr.,2 FERR., Fluor. ac., Gam., Gels., Graph., Guai.,' Ham., Hell., He- par, Hydro. ac., Hyos., Indigo, Iod., IPEC., Jug. c., Kali b.,10 Kali c., Kali iod., Kali hyper- mang., Kobalt., Kreos., Lach., Lachn., Laur., LED., Lyc., Mag. c., Mag. m., Mang., Merc., Merc. c., Mezer., Millef., Mur. ac., Natr. c., Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Nitrum, Nux m., Nux v., Ena., Op., Penth., PHOS., Ph. ac., Plumb., Psor., PULS., Rhus, Ruta, Sabad., Sabina, Salic, ac,, Sang., Secale, BLOODY (Continued). Selen., Sepia, Sil., Sol. m., Squil., Stann., Staph., SULPH., Sul. ac., Tarax., Thuja, Zinc.-1 and 5. acrid: Amm. c., Ars., Canth., Carbo v., Hepar, KALI C., Ni- trum, Rhus, SIL., Sulph., Sul. ac., Zinc.-5. afternoon, in the: Alum., Lyc. 1 P. M.: Clem. 2 P. M.: Nux v. 5 P. M. Mag. c. black: Arn., Bism., Canth., China, Croc., Digit.,12 Dros., ELAPS, Kali b.,¹ Nitr. ac., Nux v., Ph. ac.,12 Puls., Zinc.12-5. bright red color: Acon.,12 Amm. c., Arn., Ars., BELL., Bry., Calc., Canth., Carbo an., Carbo v., China, Digit., Dros., Dulc., Ferr., Hyos., Ipec., Kobalt., Led., Merc., Millef.,12 Nitrum,12 Nux m., Nux v., Phos., Puls., Rhus, Sabad., SABINA, Secale, Sepia, Sil., Zinc.-4 and 5. bright red and foaming: Led.5 pure blood, morning and dur- ing day: Zinc.7 as from larynx: Kobalt.5 brown: BRY., Calc., CARBO V., Con., Puls., Rhus, Sil.6-5. coagulated (in clots, masses, etc.): Acon., Arn., Bell., Bry., Canth., Carbo an., Caust.,2 CHAM., China, Collins., Con., Croc., Dros., Ferr., Hyos., Ipec., Kreos., Mag. m., Merc., Nitr. ac., Nitrum, Nux v., Ph. ac., Puls., RHUS, Sabina, Secale, Sepia., Stram.,24 Stront.24—5. 7 brown: Bry.12 in lumps, enveloped in mu- cus: Collins.5 pure coagulated blood in evening: Sepia. 6 chronic expectoration of: Sul. ac,б 1 EXPECTORATION. 149 ま ​BLOODY, when clearing the throat: Amm. c. on coughing: Alcoh., Anac., Crot. h., Ferr., Ipec., Kali c., Led., Nux m., Thea. evening: Natr. c. morning: Bell., Sepia. during whooping cough: Con., Guare. dark: Acon., Amm. c., Amm. m., 24 Ant. cr., Arn., Asar., Bell., Bism., Bry., Canth., Carbo V., CHAM., China, Con., CRoc., Cupr., Digit., Dros., Elaps,¹0 Ferr., Kreos., Led., Lyc., Mag. c., Mag. m., Merc., Mur. ac.,' Ni- trum, Nitr. ac., Nux m., Nux v., Phos., Ph. ac., Puls., Se- cale, Selen., Sepia., Sulph., Sul. ac.-5. erection, after a violent: Natr. m. evening, when coughing: Natr. C. after lying down: Sepia. Compare with Evening Ex- pectoration, in general. from least exertion: Ipec.'s frothy (foaming): Arn., Dros., Ferr., Led., Opium, Phos., Silicea. -5. hæmorrhage. Compare with Bloody Expectoration. after great loss of blood: Ars., China, Ferr.-6. expectoration of blood or pus after hæmorrhage from lungs: Plumb." after coffee: Nux v. in drunkards: Ars., Hyos., Nux v., Op.-6. after severe exertion: Acon., Arn., Ferr., Puls., Rhus.-6. after suppression of ham- orrhoidal flow: Acon., Carbo v., Led., Lyc., Nux v., Phos., Sulph. -6. BLOODY, hæmorrhage in lying- in women: Acon., Arn., China, Hyos., Ipec., Puls., Sulph., Tril- lium.-6. after suppression of menses: Acon., Ars., Bell., Bry., Con., Ferr., Millef., Phos., PULS., Se- nec., Sepia, Sulph.—6. with onanists: Carbo v., China, Ferr., Nux v., Phos., Sulph.-6. in phthisical patients: Acon., Arn., Ars., Cham., China, Dros., Ferr., Lach., Millef., Phos., Puls., Sepia, Stann., Sulph., Sul. ac. -6. after wine: Acon. (Raue.) after whisky: Merc., Puls. (Raue.) hæmoptysis, tickling cough, tightness of chest, cannot lie down; mind calm: Ham.7 hæmoptysis after loss of blood; heat all over, especially with pain between scapulæ; in drunkards or from suppressed menses: Ars." - hæmoptysis, preceded by a sensation in pit of stomach as if a hard body were there; after the cough, a fetid sweat breaks out, followed by weakness in head: Hepar. hæmoptysis and cough, after typhus: Sul. ac.¹ frequent blood spitting, severe chest pains, afternoon fever and morning sweat: Kreos." periodical blood-spitting, with greenish, yellow, pus-like sputa : Kreos." raising of blood, followed by copious mucus expectoration, evening: Agnus c." - spitting of dark, coagulated blood, pain in lower part of chest; anguish, shuddering; qualmishness: Puls." 150 EXPECTORATION. ! BLOODY, hæmorrhage, slight spitting of black, thick, viscid blood, or bright red, frothy blood mixed with mucus and coagula : An." spitting blood in small quan- tities, with pus-like phlegm and pain in right chest: Illicium." cough with expectoration mixed with drops of blood, pre- ceded by a scraping sensation in chest: Staph. cough with raising of bloody mucus, early morning: Bell.6 cough with raising of black, coagulated blood from throat and nose: Nitr. ac.6 cough with raising of bloody phlegm, weight on chest, short breath especially when ascend- ing: Amm. c.6 cough, raising sanguineous mucus, preceded by stitches in side: Zinc.6 continual irritation, with cough and spitting of blood, ac- companied by torturing oppres- sion of breathing: Arg. n.º deep hollow cough with dis- charge of pure blood: Sil.6 discharge of blood either pure mixed with mucus, with stitches in chest: Nux m. 6 or expectoration of blood, fol- lowing an itching in throat: Amm. m.7 roughness and bloody taste in mouth, succeeded by cough and expectoration of bright red blood, with burning and weight in chest, heat and redness of the face, and trembling of whole body: Amm. C.6 on hawking: Cham., Ferr., Hyper., Nitrum.—1. after an itching in throat: Amm. m.7 BLOODY, while lying down, morn- ing: Merc. sol. after a meal: Sepia. during menses: Natr. m., Phos. and before, with dry cough, burning pain and sore- ness in chest, morning and even- ing: Zinc. first day of menses, with fatiguing hacking cough: Phos. moon during full: Nitrum. morning: Acon., Alum., Ferr.,' Indigo, Mezer., Nitr. ac., Selen.,7 Sepia, Sil., Sol. t. æ.-1. 6 12 compare with Morning Ex- pectoration in general. in bed: Nitr. ac. on coughing: Bell., Sepia. while lying down: Merc. sol. during menses: ZINC. before rising: Nux v. when walking: Zinc. at night: Arn., Ars., Ferr., Mezer., Puls., Rhus, Sulph.- 12. 1 6 at noon: Silicea. pale: Amm. c., Arn., Ars., Bell., Borax, Bry., Calc., Canth., Carbo an., Carbo v., China, Digit., Dros., Dulc., Ferr., Graph.,24 Hyos., Ipec., Kreos., Laur., Led., Mag. m., Merc., Natr. c., Nitrum, Nux m., Phos., Puls., Rhus, Sabad., Sa- bina, Secale, Sepia, Sil., Sulph., Zinc.-5. in points and copious: LAUR.5 mixed with pus: China.5 red, see Bright Red. respiration, from violent effort at: Secale. 7 before rising, morning: Nux v. after sea bath: Mag. m. slimy expectoration after hæ- moptysis: Ant. t." streaked: Acon., Alum., Amm. c., Anac., Ant. cr., Arn., Ars., Bism., Bor., BRY., Calc., Caust., EXPECTORATION. 151 BLOODY,streaked. (Continued). China, Cina, Cocc., Con., Crotal., Cupr., Daph.," Digit., Dros., Dulc., Eugen.," Euphr., FERR., Hepar, Iod., Ipec., Kali b., Kali c., Kreos., Lach.,24 Lachn., Laur., Lyc., Mag. m., Merc., Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Nux m., Op., Phos., Puls., Sabina, Secale, Selen., Seneg., Sepia, Sil., Spong., Squil., Sul. ac., Tereb., Zinc.-5. in afternoon: Alum.6 while suckling child: Ferr. after talking: Hura. thick: Cupr. 11 7 thin Ferr., Nux m., Sabina. throat, when clearing the: Amm. c. after itching in: Amm. m. after venesection: Amm, caus. viscid: CROC., Cupr., Mag. c., Secale.-5. while walking: Cham., Merc. sol., Sul. ac., Zinc. morning: Zinc. while working: Merc. sol. BLUISH expectoration: Arundo, Kali b., Natr. ars., Sulph. gray: Coc. c. night in bed: Sulph. BREAKFAST, after: Sepia. expectoration BRICKDUST color: Bry., Phos., Rhus. BRONCHI, seems to come from: Chin. s., Gastein, Hydrocotyle, Upa. Lyc. in morning: Ipec., BROWNISH: Arum it., Carbo v.,5 Sil.-1. dirty-brownish rusty: Caps.7 morning: Agar. sputum, not 10 A. M., while sitting: Mag. c. tubercles: Phos. yellow: Lyc. BUBBLES of air, agg. morning in open air: Kobalt. BURNED, when dry on the floor looks as if: Phos. CABBAGE, tasting like boiled: Sulph.2 CATARRH, has odor of an old: Ign. 11 tasting like old: Bell., Ign., Mezer., Puls., Sabin., Sulph., Zinc.-5. CHALK, tasting like: Ign., Nux v.-5. CHEESE, like: Bry., China, Fago, Lyc., Pimp., Puls., Salic. ac. - tasting like: China, Lyc.-2. tasting like old: Thuja.¹2 putrid: Kali c., Phos., Zinc.-5. CHEST, aching in, amel. by ex- pectoration: Asaf. expectoration from deep in lungs: Chelid. expectoration of small, trans- parent lumps, almost without cough, relieving the lungs : Agar.7 heat in, amel. by expectoration: Cham. 1 1 mucus, accumulation of (in gen- eral), in chest: Arg., Arg. n.,¹ Asar., Aur., Bar., Bell., Brom., Calc., Canth., Cham., Cupr., Dulc., Euphr., Graph., Guare., Hepar, Hipp., Iod., Ipec., Lyc., Mosch.,' Natr. m., Nux v., Sac. alb., Sene- ga, Sepia,¹ Staph., Sulph., Zine. -12. evening: Crot. t.¹2 morning: Caust., Natr. m., Nux v.¹-12. rattling of, amel. by expec- toration: Sulph. oppression of, relieved by ex- pectoration: Manc.' - pain in, amel. by expectoration: Chelid., Euonymus. 152 EXPECTORATION. 1 CHEST, pressure in sides of, dur- ing expectoration: Angust. shocks in, from hawking: Raph. soreness in, from expectoration upward: Lyc., Zinc. from hawking: Calc. tension in, amel. by expectora- tion: Calc. weak feeling in, copious expec- toration of thick yellow mucus with: Ruta.7 CHOCOLATE and milk, like: Hura. COMPACT: Clematis. CONGEALED, morning: Cereus s. CONSISTENT: Dign., Lyc. CONSTANT, almost, day and evening: Arg. m.7 COOL (cold): Bry., Calad.,¹º Cann. s., Coral.,10 Lach.,10 Merc., Nitr. ac., Nux v., Phos., Rhus, Sac. alb.,¹ Sulph.-5. 1 gray-greenish cool mucus: Rhus. 12 mucus, tasting flat: Bry.¹ COPIOUS (profuse, abundant): Agar.,12 Alum., Amm. c., Am- moniac., Ant. cr., Ant. t., ARS., Asar., Bism., Bry., Cact. gr., CALC., Carbo v., Caust., China, Cicuta, Cina, Coce. c., Cod., Co- paiba, Cupr. n., Cyc., Daph., Dios., Dros., Dulc.,12 Euph., EUPHR., Eupat. per., Ferr., Gastein, Graph., Guai., Hepar,24 Hydras., Iod., Kali b., Kali c., Kali iod., Kobalt., Kreos., Laur., Led., Lyc., Merc-i-rub., Ena., Petro., Phos., Ph. ac., PULS., Ruta, Samb., Senega, SEPIA, Sil., Squil., STANN., Sulph., Sul. ac., Thuja, Trif. p., Verat.,¹¹ Wies.-1 and 5. bright-red bloody points: LAUR.5 day: Cic.6 7 evening, on lying down: Graph. free expectoration relieves cough: Ailan." COPIOUS, morning: Alum.,” Calc., Calc. s., Coc. c., Digit., Euph., Kobalt, Zing.-1. 9 A. M.: Kobalt. mucous expectoration: Alum., Cact. gr., Caust., Coc. c., Hydras., Iod., Puls., Ruta, Senega, Sepia, Squil.-5. yellow: CACT. GR. night and morning: Carbo v.7 while vomiting: Coc. c., Eupat. per. COPPER, tasting like: Cupr., Kali c., Lach., Natr. m.-5. CORROSIVE: Iodine.5 CRUMBLY: Ox ac. DARK: Aqu. petr., Bism., Cupr., Kali b., Ena., Nux m.-1. morning: Naja. and offensive: Ars. DAY, expectoration in the, night without: Acon., Alum., Amm. c., Anac., Ang., Ant. t., Arg., Arn., ARS., Asaf., Bell., Bry., Calc., Caps., Carbo an., Caust., CHAM., China, Cocc., Colch., Con., Euphr., Graph., Guai., HE- PAR, Hyos., Kali c., Lach., Lyc.,2 Mag. c., Mag. m., Mang., MERC., Nitr. ac., Nux v., Op., Petro., Phos., PULS., Rhus, Sabad., Samb., SIL., Squil., Stann., Stront., Sulph., Verat., Zinc. -5. agg. in daytime: Cicuta. and evening, yellow or gray, often cold mucus, generally of a sour or sweetish, sometimes of a bitter, putrid, or metallic taste, or finally of a clear dark red blood: Nux v.2 a gray, greenish, sometimes pu- rulent expectoration of an offen- sive, somewhat sour taste: Carbo an. 2 and morning. See under Morn- ing. EXPECTORATION. 153 DAY and night with copious, easy expectoration: Dulc.2 pus, mixed with dark coagulated blood, or of tenacious mucus, having a flat, saltish, or sour taste; or, more rarely, a repul- sive sweetish taste: China.2 saltish mucus, or bright red blood mixed with coagula: Hyos.² scanty, tenacious, mucous ex- pectoration of a bitter or offen- sive taste: Cham.2 sputa of blood mixed with clots: Nitr. ac.7 thin acrid, yellow-purulent mu- cus, often mixed with bright red somewhat clotted blood, and of a repulsive or saltish taste and offensive odor: Merc.2 tenacious yellowish mucus, of a repulsive sweet taste; or else of bright red blood: Sabad.² yellow, tenacious mucus of a bitter or saltish, sometimes also a sour or putrid taste: Verat." watery, but tenacious, yellowish, sometimes purulent expectora- tion of mucus mixed with clots of blood, of a fatty taste and offensive odor: Mag. m.2 white, thickish, loose expectora- tion, looking like boiled starch, but not transparent, without taste or smell: Arg.6 DENSE: Kali b. DESIRE for: Coca, Lyc., Senega. afternoon: Ferr. DIFFICULT: Ailan., All. sat., 7 Alum., Ambra, Ang., Aqu. petr., Arn., Ars., Arum tr., Arundo, Asc. t., Aspar., Atropia, Aur., Bar., Bor., Bov., Bry., Camph., Cann. s., Canth., Caust., Cham., Chelid., China, Chlo., Cina, Coca, Coc. c., Con., Cop., Coral.,12 Crot. t., Cupr., Der., Digit., Dign., Dros., Euphr., Ferr., Hydrocotyle, Hyos., Ign., DIFFICULT—(Continued). Iod., Jatro., Kali b., Kali c., Kreos., Lach., Lyc., Mag. c., Mag. m., Mang.," Natr. ars., Nitr. ac., Nux m., Nux v., Ena., Osm.,12 Ox. ac., Par., Pau. p., Phos., Plan., Plumb., Puls., Ra- tan., Sap., Seneg.,11 Sepia, Squil., Stann., Staph., Stram., Sulph., Sul. ac., Tarent., Vic., Zinc.— 1 and 5. adhering to throat, causing choking: Kali b.5 teeth and lips: Kali b.5 afternoon: China. at 2 A. M.: Chin. s. expectoration is difficult to raise after being loosened; must be swallowed: Ambr., Arn., Calad., Cann. s., Caust., Coca,¹ Con., Dig., Dros., Eugen.,24 Gels.¹ Kali c., Lach., Mur. ac., Nux m., Osm., Sepia, Spong., Staph., Zinc.¹-5. sputa followed by gaping : Op.7 DREAMS of expectoration of pus and blood: Hepar. DRINKING, amel. after: Amm. cans. DRY: Sin. n. DUNG, tasting like: Calc., Carbo an., Cham., Merc.,5 Sepia, Verat. -2. DUST, as if mixed with: Phos.12 EARTHY, tasting: Ars., China, 7 7 Ferr., Hepar, Ign., Merc., Phos., Puls.-2. EASY: Acon., Ant. t., Arg., Aur., Cimic., Coc. c., Colocn., Dign., Dulc., Euphr., Hepar, Iod., Kali b., Kalm., Kreos., Lach., Lact., Lip., Mag. m., Ena., Plumb., Puls., Ruta, 12 STANN., Staph., Sulph., Tellur., Verat.¹-1 and 5. day: Ailan., Coc. c., Dig., Sil., Staph. easier after each cough: Aspar. evening: Dign. 154 EXPECTORATION. EASY, morning: Arundo,¹ Mang." on motion: Ipec. toward night: Melilotus. on waking: Melilotus. EGGS, tasting like bad: Acon., Arn., Carbo v., Con.,¹ Eupion,¹ Hepar, Merc., Mezer., Mur. ac., Phos., Ph. ac., Sepia, Stann., Sulph.-5. tasting like yelk of: Kali c., Phos., Ph. ac., Sepia, Staph., Sulph.-2. EMPYREUMATIC smell: Dros., Puls.-5. taste: Agnus, Bry., Nux v., Puls., Rhus, Squil., Sulph., Zinc.-5. EPITHELIUM, exfoliated: Chin. s. EVENING expectoration in the; morning without: Alum., Ant. cr., Arg., Arn., Ars., Aur., Bar., Bell., Bov., Bry., Calc., Cann. s., Canth., Caust., China, Cina, Coc. c.,¹ Digit., Graph., Ign., Kali c., Kalm.,¹ Kreos., Lyc., Mur. ac., Natr. c., Nitrum, Nux v., Ena.,¹ Rhod., Rhus, Ruta, Sepia, Sil., Stann., Staph., Sul. ac., Thuja, Verat.-5. in bed: Calc. before midnight on getting into bed: Sepia. bloody, when coughing: Natr. c. 1 after lying down: Sepia. raising of blood, followed by copious mucus: Agnus c.7 grayish: Lyc. lumpy: Kreos. morning and night and evening with (daytime without) expecto- ration of yellow, green or gray, or of a milky-colored white, tenacious mucus, with, generally, a saltish, often a bitter, putrid, flat, sour or repulsive sweet taste and an unpleasant odor, which is swallowed; or, finally, of dark blood: Sepia.2 EVENING, mucous: All. c., Calc., Chin. s., Crot. t., Graph.,6 Hydro. ac., Naja, Natr. m., Sulph. - 4 P. M.: Opun. 5 P. M. Caust., Hydras., Mag. c. profuse, on lying down: Graph. -heavy expectoration, evening on getting warm in bed: Nux m.10 taste, bad: Lach. scanty and difficult sputa, which taste and smell like the secre- tions of a chronic catarrh; Ign.² scanty, yellow, jelly-like mucus, expectorated with difficulty, of a sweetish taste, sometimes with a little dark blood: Digit." tenacious, yellow or bloody mucus (frequently copious): Iod.2 thick: Kreos., Sulph. white mucus, which is tenacious and has a sour taste: Crot. t.² white: Calc., Crot. t. whitish, slimy, rarely somewhat bloody, almost tasteless sub- stance, which is detached with difficulty: Cina.² FATTY tasting: Caust., Mag. m., Mur. ac., Puls., Sil.—2. FÆCES, tasting like: Merc.2 FAUCES, comes from the: All. c., Aloe, Bry., Graph., Nux v., Sepia. forenoon: Lyc. morning: Lyc., Natr. m., Rei. while sneezing: Mezer. FETID: Arn., Ars., Bell., Calc., Car- bo v., Cocc., Copaiva, Guai., Led., Lyc., Natr. c., Nitr. ac., Ph. ac., Puls., Sac. alb., Sang., Sil., Stann., Sulph.-12. See also Offensive, Putrid, etc. FIRM: Lyc., Mang., Wies. after breakfast: Ol. an. like leather: Kali c. in morning: Lyc. ¡ 155 EXPECTORATION. FISH, tasting like: Acon. FLAKES of: Ailan., Phos. discharge of purulent flocci, with erosive burning behind the ster- num: Phos.6 1 FLAT tasting: Alum., Amm. m., Anac., Ant. c., Ant. t., Arg., Arn., Ars., Aur., Bell., Bry., Calc., Caps., China, Copaiba, Euphr., Ipec., Ign., Kali c., Kreos., Lyc., Natr. c., Natr. m., Par., Petro., Phos., Ph. ac., Puls., Rhus, Sabad.,¹ Sabin., Sepia, Stann., Staph., Stront., Sulph., Thuja. -5. -, evening: Cann. s. FLESH, tasting like putrid: Ars., Bell., Bry., Carbo v., Dulc., Kali c., Lach., Nitr. ac., Phos., Puls., Rhus.-2. FLIES forcibly out of mouth: Bad., Chelid.-2. FORENOON: Bry. as from fauces, in: Lyc. mucous Calc. s., Chin. s., Coc. c., Lyc., Sulph., Zinc. 2 A. M.: Phos. 3 A. M.: Opium. 8-9 A. M.: Sil. 8.30 A. M.: Spong. 9 A. M.: Kobalt., Phyto. 10 A. M. Iris v. purulent: Ena. FREQUENT: Agar., Asar., Che- nop., Cina, Daph., Euphr., Hepar, Iod., Lact., Laur., Lyc., Puls., Ruta, Samb., Senega, Sepia, Sil., Stann., Sulph., Verat. -12. FROTHY: Acon., All. c., Ant. t., Aqu. petr., Arn., ARS., Atropia, Canth., Chlo., Cot., Cubeba, Daph.,12 Dios., Dros., Ferr., Gad., Gastein, Hepar, Hura, Kobalt., Lach., Led., Linu., Millef., Natr. m., Nux v., Ena., Op., Pau. p., Petro., Phos., Plumb., Puls., Se- FROTHY (Continued). cale, Sil., Stram., Sulph., Thuja, Uran., Urt. ur.—1 and 5. morning: Sulph., Thuja. 8 A. M.: Dios. Op.7 - 9 A. M.: Cubeba. containing blood and mucus: GARLIC, odor like: Ars.2 GELATINOUS: Arg., Arn., Bar., China, Dig., Ferr., Laur.-4. See Viscid. GLAIRY: Arn., Carbn. h., Lin., Lip. GLOBULAR: Agar., Calad., Coc. c., Selen., Sil.,6 Thuja.-5. GLUTINOUS: See Viscid. GRANULAR: Agar., Calc.,¹ China, Hyper., Kali b., Lach., Lyc.,¹ Mang., Mezer.,1 Phos., Selen., Sepia, Spong., Thuja.—5. 1 morning, 3 to 4 A. M., or 4 to 11 P. M.: Lyc. while sneezing: Mezer. GRAYISH: AMBR., Anac., Ars., 7 Arum t., Cainca, Calc., Carbo an., China, Cina, Coc. c., Copaiba, Dig., Eupion, Gastein, Ham., Iod., Kali b., Kalm., Kreos., Lac. ac.,¹ Lach., Lyc., Mag. m., Mang., Merc. c., Natr. ars., Natr. m., Nux v., Petro., Rhus, Seneg., Sepia, Sol. t. æ., Stann., Tabac., Tep., Thuja.-1 and 5. evening: Lyco. green: Copaiba, Rhus, Sepia. —5. cold mucus, of putrid smell: Rhus. pieces: Sepia.5 morning: Lyc., Natr. ars. phlegm as if mixed with dust: Phos. after rising Phos. - yellow: Anac., Lyc.-7. white mucus (seldom of yellow mucus), generally of a salty, sour taste: Ambra." 1 156 EXPECTORATION. ! L 7 GREASY taste: Alum., Asaf., CAUST., Cham., Lyc., Mag. m., Mang., Mur. ac., Petro., Phos., PULS., Rhus, Sil., Thuja.-4. GREENISH: Arn., Ars., Asaf., Aur., Ben. ac.,¹ Bor., Bov., Bry.,¹ Cainca,¹ Calc., Cann. s., Carbo an., Carbo v., Coc. c., Colch., Cop., Dig., Dros., Ferr., Ham.,¹ Hyos., Iod., Kali b., Kali C., KALI IOD., Kreos., Led., Lyc., Mag. c.,12 Mang., Merc., Merc. i. rub., Natr. c., Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Nux v., Ena.,¹ Ol. jec.,¹ Ox. ac., Par., Phos., Plumb., Psor., PULS., Raph.,¹ Rhus, Sepia, Sil., Stann., Sulph., Thuja, Zinc.-5. grayish: Cop., Ham.," Rhus, Sepia. 1 7 -pieces: Sepia. 1 morning: Ars., Crot. t., Ferr.,6 Lyc., Mang., Natr. m., Sil. on awaking: Ferr. when lying down: Psor. 7 to 10 A. M.: Silicea. of a disagreeably sweetish taste, worse in evening: Stann.6 tough expectoration, with cough and short breathing, from aching pains and palpitation: Cann. s.6 (Clinical.) yellow: Kali b., Mang., Sil., Sulph.-5. GULPS, by: Cupn. n. GUM-WATER, like: Raph. HÆMORRHAGE, hæmoptysis. See under Bloody Expectoration. HARD: Con.,² Dig., Dign., Fago., Ox. ac.-1. after hawking: Sulph. HAWKED up, mucus is: Agar., All. c., Amm. m., Ant. t., Bism., Calc., Caust., Carbo an., Chenop., Cina, Con., Croc., Crot. t., Dros., Ferr. m., Hepar, Iod., Kali b., Kali c., Lach., Lam., Laur., Lyc., Marum, Meph., Natr. m., Osm., | HAWKED—(Continued). Par., Petr., Phos., Ph. ac., Plat., Plumb., Rhod., Rhus, Selen., Senega, Sepia, Stann., Tarax., Thuja.-12. HAWKING, bloody expectoration on: Cham., Ferr., Hyper., Ni-. trum. constant gagging and hawking on account of viscid green mucus in larynx and trachea: Paris.7 mucous expectoration after: EUPHR, Ol. an., Paris. gray salty expectoration from : Phos. HEAD, from the: Dios. HEART, anxiety in region of, amel. after copious expectora- tion: Ipec. HEAVY: Kali b., Ena. HERBACEOUS taste: Calad., Nux v., Ph. ac.—12. and odor: Gels. HERRING, taste like: Anac. HOUSE, in the: Calc. s. IMPOSSIBLE: Gels. see Difficult, Swallowed, etc. INDURATED: Agar., Amm. m., Ant. cr., Bry., Calad., Con., Iod., Kali b., Kali c., Kreos., Lach., Mang., Natr. c., Phos., Sepia, Sil., Spong., Staph., Stront., Sulph., Thuja.-5. INFREQUENT: Acon., Alum., Arn., Bell., Ign.-12. INK, tasting like: Calc. INODOROUS: Arg.5 INSIPID: Alum., Amm. m., Ant. cr., Arg., Arn., Aur., Aur. s.,¹ Bell., Bry., Calc., Caps, China, Euphr., Ign., Ipec., Kali c., Lyc., Natr. c., Natr. m., Par., Petr., Phos., Ph. ac., Puls., Rhus, Sa- bina, Stann., Staph., Stront., Sulph., Thuja.-4. IRON, tasting like: Calc., Cupr., Sulph.5 EXPECTORATION. 157 JELLY like: Arg. Arn., Bar., Chin., Chin. s., Dig., Ferr., Laur.-5. -, copious and dotted with bloody points: Laur. in morning: Sulphur. LARYNX, from: Aloe, Arn., Car- bo v., Ery. a., Natr. ars., Wild.—1. LEATHER, odor like that of Rus- sian: Arn.2 LEMON colored: Kali c., Phos., Puls.-5. LIVER colored: Puls." LIQUIDS, expectoration from con- tact of liquids at back part of mouth: Amm. can. LOATHSOME: Dros., Puls.—5. LIE DOWN, profuse sputa of mu- cus, cannot lie down: Spong. LOOSE: Calc. ac., Carl., Coc. c., Lach., Merc. i. rub., ŒŒna. day: Ferr. morning, after rising: Aralia. night: Gamb. Compare with Easy. LUMPY: Acon., Agar., Ailan., 6 Aloe, Arg. n., Arn., Ars., Bry., Calad., Cale. s., Chelid., Coc. c., Colch., Collin., Dig., Hepur, Lach., Kali b., Kali e., Kalin.,7 Kreos., Lach., Lyc., Mang., Natr. m., Ox. ac., Par., Phos., Pimp., Selen., Sil., Sin. n, Sol. t. æ., Sulph., Thuja, Verat, Wies. -1 and 5. 6 6 7 copious expectoration of sweet- ish, frothy, white mucus with lumps in it: Kobalt. after coughing: Osm. evening: Kreos. morning: Carb. ac., Lye., Mang., Natr. ars. 9 A. M.: Kobalt. tenacious (difficult and scanty), round lump, of cherry red color: Acon. (Pearson.) tough, round jelly-like lump, a yellow or soft brick shade: Bry. LUNGS, from the: Aqua. petr., Aur., Chelid., Chin. s., Crot. h., Phos. deep from: Chelid.12 MASSES, in: Ars., Coc. c., Nitrum, Sin. n. MATTER: Calc. ac., Gels., Kalm., Kali b., Natr. ar., Op., Psor. morning: Ferr. (v. Purulent). MEAL, tasting like: Lach.5 MEAT, tasting like putrid: Ars., Bell., Bry., Carbo v., Dulc., Kali c., Lach., Nitr. ac., Phos., Puls., Rhus.-5. Lasting like broth of: Iod." MEMBRANEOUS: Am. cau.,¹ Brom., Hepar, Kalib., Merc. cor.,¹ SPONG.-11. MENSES, bloody expectoration during: Phos. METALLIC, taste: Agnus, Calc., Cocc., Cupr., Ipec., Kali b., Kali c., Kreos., Natr. c., Nux v., Rhus, Zinc.-5. MILKY: Amm. c., Ars., Carbo v., Ferr., Plumb., Puls., Sepia, Sil., Sulph., Zinc.-5. smell: Dros., Spong.-2. taste: Phos. MORNING, in the: without ex- pectoration in the evening: Acon., Alum., Ambr., Amm. c., Amm. m., Ang., Ant. er., Ant. t., Arn., Ars., Aur., Bar., Bell., BRY., Calc., Caps., Carbo an., CARBO VEG., Caust., Cina, Colch., Cupr., Dig., Dros., Euph., Euphr., Ferr., HEPAR, Hyos., Ign., Ipec., Kali c., Kreos., Lach., Led, Lyc., Mag. c., Mag. m., Mang, Meph.,' Mezer., Mur. ac., Natr. c., Natr. m., Nitrum, Nitr. ac., Nux v., PAR., PHOS., Ph. ac., PULS., Rhe- um, Rhod., Rhus, Seneg., SEPIA, Sil., Spong., SQUIL., Stann., Staph., Stront., Sulph., SUL. AC., Verat., Zinc., Zingiber.-1 and 4. 1 158 EXPECTORATION. 1 MORNING, bloody mucous ex- pectoration in morning; bloody taste in mouth: Bell." blood-streaked, purulent or albumen-like, slimy, sometimes frothy or greenish expectoration of a sweetish-putrid or sourish taste: Ferr.2 light-red blood mixed with mucus, of a putrid-sweetish taste: Ipec.2 dark blood, or of tenacious whitish mucus of a sourish, herby taste-more rarely of an offen- sive pus: Ph. ac.² dark blood, or of a thin, yellowish, sometimes blood- streaked mucus which generally tastes sour, but often also salt or sweetish: Sul. ac.2 at times mixed with blood, at times of blood alone; bitter, yellow, more mornings: Ailan.7 mixed mucus with blood, scanty, in morning after long coughing spell: Alum.2 mucus mixed with dark blood, scanty, of putrid' taste and odor: Cupr.2 tenacious mucus, mixed with dark blood, and having a flat taste: Ant. cr.2 cough is excited by copious, flat tasting, watery mucus, some- times blood-streaked, in chest and throat, which is difficult to dislodge, and can only be expectorated in the morning: Euphr.2 gray green, in evening without, all other times with expectora- tion of acrid pus, or a gray-green- ish cool mucus of a putrid, flat, metallic, sour or saltish taste; or else of bright-colored, lumpy, sometimes brownish blood: Rhus.2 MORNING, gray, yellow, or green pus, or of a milk-white, tenacious mucus, generally of saltish taste: Sepia.7 green mucous sputa, difficult, worse mornings when awaking and evenings on lying down : Psor.7 greenish white casts, as if from air cells: Nitr. ac.7 masses of mucus which are often purulent and bloody, and have generally a sour but sometimes a sweet taste, and, in the latter case, an offensive odor: Hepar.2 muco-purulent; free in morning, sticky and scanty during day: Ailan.7 profuse, purulent, offensive, green, tasting salty only in morn- ing (expectoration lessens as patient gets worse): Sepia." purulent expectoration of an of- fensive odor, and often of a bright- colored, frothy blood: Led.2 purulent sputum and pain about last short ribs, left side; Natr. s.7 tenacious, copious, mucous, albumen-like expectoration, of a somewhat offensive odor: Senega.2 scanty, tenacious, yellow or indurated mucus, of a scarcely perceptible sour taste, and which patient cannot eject but must swallow Spong.2 - yellow, somewhat of a yellow, generally bitter expectoration which has to be swallowed: Dros.2 yellow, greenish, or purulent, sometimes brownish bloody ex- pectoration, or, less frequently, a tenacious, whitish mucous or watery expectoration; the sputa have an offensive sour or saltish taste and unpleasant odor: Car- bo v.2 XGreen Calo-Cast a Carb v Puls Site. Lep. Ferr. K.b Lyr Lil Stann Lu Liff D72 Colch Cannab Natrc. Truj Stys. Led. Paris Phooph EXPECTORATION. 159 MORNING, yellow mucus, often blood-streaked, generally with a flat, sometimes a sourish, more rarely a saltish taste: ! Natr. m.2 yellowish, tenacious, starch- like, often saltish mucus (less frequently vice versa): Bar.2 yellow or albumen-like, tena- cious mucus, tasting like an old catarrh or somewhat saltish: Mezer.2 slight dislodgment of yellow or watery, crude mucus, of a fatty taste, which has to be swallowed; sometimes also of dark blood: Mur. ac.2 sputum of greenish or yellow lumps, easily raised in morning; or difficult, of tough mucus: Mang. very much whitish or red- dish colored mucus, of a repul- sive sweetish, sometimes empy- reumatic taste and a somewhat offensive odor: Squil.2 MORNING and day, dark blood mixed with coagula, or of a yel- low, acrid pus, of a bitter, sour- ish, or salt taste and offensive: odor: Nitr. ac.2 F dark blood, or of yellow, greenish, purulent, often cold, or milk-white watery mucus, of, commonly, a sourish, or a putrid- flat or saltish taste, or like the offensive discharge of an old | catarrh Sulph.2 : dislodges with difficulty, scanty, watery, sometimes saltish mucus, which has to be swal- lowed Lach.2 mucus mixed with coagu- lated blood: Acon.2 copious mucous or puru- lent, yellowish or grayish, some- times bloody expectoration; gen- MORNING and day-(Continued). erally of a sour taste and offen- sive odor: Calc.2 mucus, yellow or mixed with coagulated, brownish blood, often cold; has generally an unpleasant flat taste, and is at first difficult to dislodge: Bry.? purulent (lemon-yellow, gray, greenish or whitish) or bloody mucous expectoration, of a salt (also sometimes a bitter, flat, putrid, sweetish or sour) taste and offensive odor: Lyc.2 dislodges tenacious mucus. or yellow pus, of a flat, sweetish, or a sour taste, which must be swallowed: Kali c.² tenacious mucus copious, resembling the white of an egg, or else of greenish yellow pus, putrid, or sometimes a sour or salt taste, and an offensive odor: Stanu.2 tough whitish mucus, ap- pearing as if mixed with dust, or of a yellow, pus-like or rust colored, often cold mucus, of a sour, salt or sweetish taste; or else of bright red frothy blood: Phos.2 much yellow or greenish mucus of various taste (repul- sive, bitter, empyreumatic, flat, putrid, fatty, salt, sour, like the secretion of an old catarrh, or like tobacco juice); often also of dark clotted blood: Puls.2 yellow, purulent, blood- streaked, tenacious mucus, hav- ing a repulsive, sweetish putrid, or metallic taste, or of bright blood: Zinc.2 copious yellow, somewhat greenish, purulent or tough, sometimes milk-white, acrid mu- / ..' } 160 EXPECTORATION. MORNING and day—(Continued). | MUCOUS-( Continued). cus; more rarely of bright-red, frothy blood; generally of a fatty taste and offensive odor: Sil.2 yellow, thin but tenacious mucus, or of dark blood, of some- what saltish taste: Mag. c.² evening and night with (day- time without) expectoration of yellow, green or gray pus, or of a milky-colored white, tenacious mucus, with, generally, a saltish, often a bitter, putrid, flat, sour or repulsive sweet taste and an un- pleasant odor, which is swal- lowed; or, finally, of dark blood: Sepia.2 after rising: Chin. s., Mag. m., Sepia, Sulph. on rising; Calc. s. after waking: Sulph., Thuja. MOULDY, taste and smell, in even- ing: Borax. taste: Led., Ph. ac.—2. MOUTHFULS of mucus at a time, raises: Phos., Lyc. expectoration On contact of liquids with back of mouth: Amm. caus. MOVING, copious expectoration when: Ferr. MUCOUS: Acon., Eth., Esc. h., Agar., Agnus, All. c., Aloe, Alum., Ambr., Amm. c., Amm. m., Anac.,² Ang., Ant. cr., Ant. t., Arg., Arg. n, Arn., Arum tr.,7 ARS., Atrop., Asar., Aur., Bad., Bar., Bell., Ben. ac., Bism., Bor., Bov., Bry., Cact., Calad., CALC., Calc. caus., Cann. s., Canth., Caps., Carb. ac., Carbn. s., Carbo an., Carbo v., Caust., Cham., Che- lid., Chenop.,12 CHINA, Cina, Co- ca, Cocc., Coe. c.12 Con.,? Cop., Croc., Crot. t., Cubeba, Cupr., 6 Der., Dig., Dir., Dor., Dros., Dulc., Erio., Ery. a., Eugen.,¹2 Euphr., Eupion, Ferr., Fran., Gastein, Graph., Guai., Ham., Hepar, Hyos., Hyper., Iber., Ign.,2 Indigo, Iod., Ipec., Kali b., Kali c., Kis., Kobalt., Kreos., Lac. ac., Lach., Lact.,6 Laur., Linu., Lob. s., Lyc., Mag. c., Mag. m., Merc., Merc. c., Merc. sol., Mezer., Mur. ac., Naja, Natr. c., Natr. m., Natr. sul., Nicc., Nitr. ac., Nitrum, Nux m., Nux v., Ena., Olean., Ol. an., Ol. jec., Op., Osm., PAR., Petr., Phell.,12 PHOS., Ph. ac., Physo., Pimp., Plan., Plumb., Puls., Raph., Ratan., Rheum, Rei., Rhod., Rhus, Rhus r.,24 Ruta, Sabad., Sa- bina, Samb., Sang., Secale, Sed., Selen., Senega, Sepia, Sil., Sin. n., Spig., Spong., Squil., STANN., Staph., Sulph., Sul. ac., Tarax., Tep., Tereb., Trif. p., Thuja, Upa., Ust., Verat., Wies., Xan., Zinc.-1 and 5. 7 acid: Caust., Merc., Sil.-5. air, agg. in open: Kobalt. afternoon: Amm. m., Bad. 4 P. M.: Opun. 5 P. M.: Caust., Hydras., Mag. c. albuminous: Coc. c, Ferr., Mezer., Senega.-5. bed, when in: Amm. c. bitter: Ars.,2 Cham, Puls., Sepia.-5. 7 black: Kali b., Lyc., Ox. ac., Rhus.-5. bloody: Acon., Ailan., Alum., Amm. c., Anac., Ant. t., Arn., Ars., Bell.,16 Bism., Bor., Bry., Cact. gr., China, Cina, Collins., Con., Cupr., Daph.,16 Digit., Dros., Dulc., Eugen., Euphr., Ferr., Hepar, Iod., Ipec., Kali c., Kobalt., Laur., Lach.,7 Lachn., Lyc., Mag. m., Merc., Natr. m., C•) EXPECTORATION. 161 } MUCOUS, bloody-(Continued). Nux m., Op., Phos., Sabina, Se- cale, Selen., Sil., Spong., Squil., Sul. ac., Zinc.—5 and 12. Compare streaked. with Blood- bluish lumps: Kali b.12 catarrh, tasting like old: Sul- phur.5 coating lumps of coagulated blood: Collins.5 cold: Bry., Nux v., Phos., Rhus, Sulph.-5. copious: Alum., Cact. gr., Caust, Chelid., Coc. c,, Dulc.,7 Hydras., Indigo,6 Iod., Puls., Ruta, Seneg., Sepia, Squil.-5. ropy, adhering to pharynx: Coc. c., Kali b., Lobel., Sticta.-2. yellow: CACT.5 cough, during: Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Osm., Phos., Sol. t. æ., Sulph. day: Ars.,2 Calc. s., Mag. s., Spig.-1. difficult: Lach.,¹ Mang.6 dinner, after: Alumen. disagreeable taste: Sepia.5 disgusting smell: Copaiba, Sang. eating, after: Sil., Thuja. evening, in the: All. c., Calc., Chin. s., Crot. t., Hydro. ac., Naja, Natr. m., Sulph. flat tasting: Ant. t.,2 Bry. forenoon: Calc. s., Chin. s., Coc c., Lyc., Sulph., Zinc.-1. 4 P. M.: Opun. 5 P. M. Caust., Hydras., Mag. c. frothy: Ars., Ferr. Fluor. ac.,7 Kobalt., Opium.-1. globular: Coc. c., Selen. as large as a pea: Coc. c. in globules, with blood: Se- len.12 gray: Ambr., Lach., Nux v., Rhus. MUCOUS, gray green: Cop., Rhus. white: Ambra. 6 green: Carbo v., Ben. ac.,7 Ferr., KALI IOD., Kali b., Psor." -5. gray: Cop., Rhus. pale green, yellowish mucus in clots, almost without cough, early in morning: Mang.6 yellow: Mang. hardened: Ratan.,6 Spong.¹ thick, difficult to detach, in morning, from upper part of air- passages: Sul. iod. hawking, after: EUPHR., Ol. an., Par. herbaceous: Ph.ac.5 - jelly-like: Dig.5 6 2 lumpy: Amm. m., Arg. n.,6 Ars., Calad., Chelid., Indigo,6 Kali b., Kobalt., Mang., Ox. ac., Selen.6-1. with blood in centre: Col- lins.5 metallic tasting: Zinc.5 milky: Sepia, Sil., Sulph.-5. morning: Agar. m., All. S., Alum., Amm. m., Ant. cr., Ant. t., Aran. d., Aralia, Bell., Bor., Calc., Carbn. cl., Chelid., Cimex., Dig., Fluor. ac., Fran., Hipp., Ipec., Kali iod., Lyc., Mang., Ment. pi., Mur. ac., Natr. m., Ol. jec., Phos., Rei., Selen., Sil., Sulph., Tabac., Thuja, Vic. 2 A. M.: Phos. 3 A. M.: Opium. 8-9 A. M. Silicea. 8.30 A. M.: Spongia. 9 A. M.: Kobalt., Phyt. 10 A. M.: Iris v. bed, in; Ferr. cough, during: Sulph. getting up, after: Chin. s., Mag. m., Sulph. waking, after: Sulph., Thuja. 162 EXPECTORATION. MUCOUS, mouthful, raises, at a time: Phos., Lyc. 6 7 2 night: Agar., Bell., Calc., Cycl., Hepar, Sepia, Sil., Sulph. purulent: Ailan., Ars., Cop., Ferr., Hepar, Kobalt., Natr. c.,6 Nitr. ac., Plumb.,7 Staph., Zinc. -5. 7 See also Yellow. putrid: Arn., Ars.,2 Cham., Ferr., Merc., Rhus, Stann., Sep., Sulph. sweetish: Zinc. reddish: Coc. Coc. C., Kali b., Mang., Squilla. 7 ropy: Coc. c., Ipec., Kali b., Lach, Lobelia.—5. 7 salty: Alum., Ant. t., Ambr., Ars., Coloc., Hyos., Lach., Merc., Mezer., Phos., Samb.,6 Sepia, Stann., Staph., Sulph.-5. while shuddering: Hyper. sour: Ambr., Ant. t.,2 Coc. c., Crot. t., Ferr., Hepar, Nux v., Phos., Ph. ac., Sulph., Sul. ac. -5. 6 starch, like boiled: Arg., Cact., Dig.-5. stringy Arum t., Coc. c., Hy- dras., Kali b., Ruta.¹-5. 7 and tough: KALI B.6 sweetish: Calc., Ferr., Hepar, Laur., Nux v., Phos., Samb.,“ Stann.-5. 6 sweetish flat tasting mucus: Anac.7 7 disagreeable: Sepia." tasteless: Cina, Dulc.-5. thick: Ant. t., Calc., Coc. c., Dule., Kalm., Kreos., Op.,6 Ox. ac., Phos., Puls., Ruta, Sang.,7 Senega, Sepia, Sil., Squil., Stann., Sulph., Thuja, Zinc.5—5 and 12. yellow white, with central black lump of size of a pea: Ox, ac.7 7 MUCOUS, tough: Agnus, Ant. cr., Ant. t., Ars., Bell., Bry., Cann. s., Canth., Carbo v., Caust., Cham., Cistus, 12 Cocc., Coc. c., Euphr., Hepar, Iod., KALI B., Kali c., Kobalt., Mag. c., Mag. m., Mang., Mezer., Nux v., Par., Phos., Ph. ac., Puls., Ruta, Samb., Senega, Sepia, Sil., Spong., Squil., Stann.,12 Staph., Verat., Zinc.-5. 6 7 and stringy: KALI B.5 thick mucus, mixed with blood: Kobalt." transparent: Arg., Ars., China, Kreos., Laur., Phos., Sil.-5. when walking: Natr. m. watery Euphr., Lach., Mag. c., Squil., Sul. ac.—5. whitish: Alum.,7 Ambr., Apoc. 7 c., Arg., Cina, Coc. c., Crot. t., Fluor. ac., Kali b.,2 Kobalt., 7 6 Kreos., Lyc., Nicc., Par., Phos., Ph. ac., Rhus, Senega, Sepia, Sil., Spong., Sulph.-5. white mucus attended by spas- modic asthma: Cupr.6 difficult to raise: Alum.7 streaked with blood: Borax.7 yellow: Ambr., Ang., Bism., Bry., Cact. gr., Coc. c., Copaiba, Kreos., Dig., Dros., Kali b.,2 Mag. c., Merc., Mezer., Natr. m., Nux v., Ox. ac., Puls., Ruta, Spong., Staph., Sul. ac., Zinc. -5. and copious: CACT. GR. green: Mang. and stringy: Arum tr. thick yellowish phlegm, with black lump in centre of size of a pea: Ox. ac." viscid yellowish mucus, forci- bly ejected, flies out of mouth : Bad.2 MUDDY-LIKE pus, flies like batter: Phos.12 1 EXPECTORATION. 163 MUSTY taste, with pain through chest and back: Bor." MUTTON, tasting like, broth: Iod.5 NARES, seems to come from pos- terior: Arn., Mag. c. NAUSEOUS: Coc. c., Cop., Dros.,' Nux V., Tarent. morning: Dros., Ferr., Puls. See Offensive. 12 NIGHT, expectoration at, none 1 1 during day: Alum., Amm. m., Arn., Calc., Caust., Chin. s.,¹ Coc. c.,¹ Kali c.,¹ Euphr., Led., Lyc., Phos., Raph., Rhod., Sa- bad., SEPIA, Staph., Sulph.-4. bloody: Ferr., Mezer., Sulph. mucus: Agar., Calc., Cycl., Hepar, Sepia, Sil., Sulph. thick: Cycl., Lyc. transparent: Calc. s. 6 whitish: Sepia. yellow: Lyc. NOON, bloody: Sil. much tenacious mucus: Bell." OFFENSIVE, in smell: Alum., 24 Ars., Arn. Asaf., Asar., Aur., Bell., Bry., Calc., Carbo V., Caust., Cham., China, Con., Co- paiba, Cupr.,2 Digit., Dire., Dros.,24 Eupion, Fago, Ferr.,2* Graph, Guai., Hepar, Hura, Ign., Kreos., Lip., Led., Lyc., Mag. c.,12 Mag. m., Merc., Natr. C., Nitr. ac., Nux Nux V., Ph. ac., Puls., Rhus, Sabina, Sac. alb., SANG., Senega, Sepia, Sil., Squil,2 Stann., Sulph., Thuja.-1 and 5. in morning Cupr., Natr. m. 10 A. M.: Iod. even to patient: Sang. (nauseous), in taste: Ars., Asaf., Bry., Calc., Canth., China, Cina, Cocc., Dig., Dros., Iod, Ipec., Kali c., Led., Merc., Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Nux v., Phos., PULS., 6 OFFENSIVE-(Continued). Sabad., Samb., Selen., Sepia, Squil., Stann., Sulph., Zinc.-5. See also PUTRID. OLEAGINOUS, in appearance and consistency: Petrol. ONIONS, tasting like: Asaf., Mag. m., Sulph., Sul, ac.-2. OPAQUE: Aqu. petr., Chin. s. ORANGES, tasting like: Phos.2 PAINFUL: Ars., Elaps, Merc. c. as if from heart: Elaps. PALE: Kali b., Lyceps. after oppression at pit of stom- ach: Kali b. PARTICLES: Aqu. petr. PASTY: Kali b. PEACH kernels, tasting like: Laur.² PEAS, tasting like raw: Puls., Zinc. PEPPER, tasting like: Acon., Ars., Mezer., Sabad, Sulph.-2. PHOSPHORESCENT: Phos. PIECES, in: Alum.5 acrid: Nitr. ac., Rhus.-5. —, green-gray: Sepia.5 PINKISH: Carbn. h. POMEGRANATE, tasting like: Phos.5 PROFUSE. See Copious. PURULENT: Acon., Ailan., All. s., Amm. c., Anae., Ant. t.,' Arg., Arn., Ars., Asaf., Aur., Bell., Bry., CALC., Carbo an., Carbo v., Cham., CHINA, Cic., Cimex.,? Cina, Cocc., Cod., CON.,* Cop.,¹2 Cupr., Dros., Dulc., Ferr., Graph., Guai., Hepar, Hyos., Ign.. Ipec., Kali b., KALI C., Kali iod., Kreos., Lach., Led., Lyc., Mag. c., Mag. m., Merc., Natr. c., Natr. m., Ni- trum, Nitr. ac., Nux m., Nux v., Ena., PHOS., Ph. ac., Plumb., Puls., Rhus, Ruta, Sabina, Samb., Sang., Secale, SEPIA, SIL., Stann., Staph., Stront., Sulph., Verat., Vic., Zinc., Zinc. s.-1 and 5. 4 1. f 1 164 EXPECTORATION. PURULENT, mixed with bright blood: Arg. n.7 in forenoon: Ena. in morning: Mag. c., Phos.6 on waking: Ferr. smoking and brandy, agg. by: Ferr. first thin, then thick: Lyc.6 PUTRID ODOR: Calc., Cupr. m., Con., Guai., Sang. PUTRID TASTE: Acon., All. s., 6 7 7 Arn., Ars., Bell., Bov., Bry., Calc., Carbo an., Carbo v., Caust., Cham., Cocc., Con., Cupr., Dros., Ferr., Ham., Iod., Ipec., Kali c., Kalm., Kreos., Led., Lyc., Merc., Natr. c., Nux v., Phos., Ph. ac.,12 Puls., Rhus, Samb., Sepia, Sil., Stann., Staph., Sulph., Verat., Zinc.-1 and 5. morning: Cupr., Digit., Ferr.-6. sweet: Sepia, Zinc.-5. RANCID, taste; Ambr., Bar., Bry., Caust., Cham., Ipec., Lach., Merc., Mur. ac., Nux v., Phos., Puls.-2. REDDISH: Bry.,12 Coc. c., Dros., Kali b., Kali iod., Ena., Phos.," Squil., Thuja.-1 and 5. REPULSIVE TASTE: Bry., China, Merc., Puls., Sabad., Se- pia, Squil., Stann., Zinc.-2. RISING after: Coca. See Bed and Morning. ROPY : Coc. c., Kâli b., Lobelia.-5. See also Stringy. RUSTY: Acon.,' Atro.,¹ Bry., Lyc., Phos., Khus, Sang.,' Squilla.-5. SALIVA-LIKE: Cannab. f. in morning: Thuja. frothy: Ars.7 SALTY: Acon., Agar., Alum., 7 Ambra, Amm. c., Ang., Ant. t., Aralia, ARS., Bar., Bell., Bov., Calc., Cann. s., Carbo v., China, Cocc., Con., Cop., Dros., Euph., Graph., Hyos., Iod., Kali b., SALTY—(Continued). Kalm., Lach., Lep., Lyc., Mac., Mag. c., Mag. m., Merc., Merc. sol., Merc. c., Mezer., Natr. c., Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Nux m., Nux v., Phos., Plan., Puls., Raph., Rhus, Sac. alb., Samb., Sepia, Sil., Stann., Staph., Sulph., Sul. ac., Tarax., Tarent., Therid.,¹2 Verat., Wies.-1 and 5. with pain in chest while raising; preceded by oppression of chest: Ars." when coughing: Ambra. as from hawking: Phos. 6 в morning: Phos., Ph. ac., Puls. sweetish Mag. m. SCANTY: Acon., Alumen, Apis, Apoc. c., Ars., Brom., Calc. s., Cham.,12 Clem., Cot., Cupr., Di- git., Ery. a., Ferr., Kali b., Lach., Lip., Lyc., Op., Pæon., PHOS., Phyt., Puls., Samb.,12 Sang., 12 Sepia, Sil., Spongia,12 STANN., Tarent.-1 and 5. during day: Ailan. on going to sleep: Lyc. tenacious round lumps, cherry- colored: Acon.12 SEA bathing, bloody expectoration after Mag. m. weed, tasting like: Spong." SELDOM: Apis. See Infrequent. SEROUS: Sulph. SIDE, expectoration is easier when turning from left to right side: Kali c., Lyc., Phos., Sepia, Thuja. -12. evening, after lying down, spu- tum is loose and easier when he turns from left to right side: Thuja.7 SIT UP, must, at night to raise the sputa: Ferr. on sitting up in bed, expectora- tion: Phos. } J 7 EXPECTORATION. SKIN, like dead: Merc. c. SLATE colored: Kali b., Natr. ars. SLIMY: Acet. ac., Agar., Ant. t., Arn., Asaf., Calc. s., Carbo v., Coc. c., China, Cinch., Cina, Daph., Ipec., Lach., Lyc., Merc- i-rub., Nux m., Sabad., Spongia. -1. 7 afternoon: Chin. s. 5.30 P. M.: Hydras. bloody expectoration: Ant. t.7 during cough: Phos. when drinking: Amm. cans. morning: Squil., Sul. ac. slimy expectoration at times globular and gray, at others viscid and yellow, at others wa- tery; scarcely ever in the night: Lach.6 scanty difficult expectoration of transparent gray slime mixed with black dots or blood: Arn" SMOKY taste: Bry., Nux V., Puls., Rhus, Sepia.-2. SMOOTH, easy, gray expectora tion, tasting putrid and saltish : Kalm.7 SOAP-LIKE: Arg. n., Ph. ac.-1. SOAPY taste: Bar., Dulc., Iod., Merc.-2. SOFT, fetid tubercles, color of Mag. c. 12 peas: SOUR, smelling: Calc., Cham., Dulc., Merc., Nitr. ac., Nux v., Sulph., Sul. ac.-2. - taste: Ambr., Ang., Ant. t., Ars., Bell., Bry., Calc., Cann. s., Carbo an., Carbo v., Cham., China, Coc. c., Con., Crot. t., Dros., Ferr., Graph., Hepar, Hyos., Ign., Iod.,' Ipec., Kali c., Lach., Laur., Lyc., Mag. m., Mag. s., Merc., Natr. c., Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Nitrum, Nux v., Petro., Phos., Ph. ac., Plan., Plumb., Puls., Rhus, Sabin., Se- pia, Stann., Sulph., Sul. ac., Ta- rax., Verat.-1 and 5. SOUR, day: Mag. c. night: Hepar. 165 STARCH, like: Agar., Arg.,¹ Bar., Cact. gr.,¹ Dig., Laur., Natr. ars. -5. 1 like boiled: Arg., Bar., Cact. gr., Dig.-5. morning, after rising: Coca. STICKY. See Viscid. STREAKED: Pau. p. with blood. See under Bloody Expectoration. STRETCHING out between fin- gers: Chin. s. 2 STRINGY: Esc. h., Agar., Arg., Arum tr., Asaf., Coc. c., Ery. a., Ferr., Hydras., Iberis, KALI B., Lach., Lobel., Ruta, Sticta.-1. forenoon: Calc. s. yellow: Arum tr.5 SUGAR, tasting like: Calc., Lyc., Sepia.-2. SULPHUR, tasting like: Nux v., Phos., Ph. ac., Sulph.-2. SUPPRESSED: Ant, t., Con., Ipec. SWALLOW, must, what has been loosened: Arn., Calad., Cann. s.. Cuust., Coca, Con., Dig., Dros., Eugen.,10 Kali c., Lach., Mur. ac., Nux m., Osm., Sepia, Spong., Staph., Zinc.-5. 7 7 at 11 P. M.: Coca.¹ SWEETISH, taste: Acon., Alum., Amm. c., Anac.,2 Ant. s., Ant. t., Apis, Ars., Asar., Aur., Calc., Canth., China, Coc. c., Cocc., Dig., Ferr., Hepar, Iod., Ipec., Kali b., Kali c., Kreos., Kobalt.," Laur., Lyceps., Lyc., Merc., Mezer.,¹ Nux v., PHOS., Plumb., Puls., Rhus, Sabad., Samb., Selen., Sepia, Sepia, Squil., Stann.. Sulph., Sul. ac., Zinc.-5. 10 A. M. Iris v. 2 P. M. Laur. 5 P. M.: Mag, c. I 166 EXPECTORATION. + 1 1 SWEETISH, disagreeable taste: Sepia,5 evening: Calc., Cann. s. putrid taste: Sepia, Zinc.-5. TAR, tasting like: Con.² TASTE, bad: Lach., Puls. evening: Lach: 6 TASTELESS: Amm. m.,6 Apis,7 Arg., Calc., Cina, Dulc., Par.-5. whitish, thick tasteless expec- toration in morning: Amm. m.6 TEETH, smelling and looking like what collects around the teeth when brush is not used; soft like cheese: Aqu. petr. TENACIOUS: Acet. ac., Aloe, 6 6 Alum., Aqu. petr., Arum it., As- par., Carbo v., Coc. c., Crot. t., Dig., Dulc., Hyper., Indigo, Kali b., Lept., Lac. ac., Lach., Lyc., Mag. c., Mag. m., Merc. sul., Mezer., Natr. c., Natr. m., Paon., Par., Phos., Raph., Ruta, Sang., Secale, Seneg., Sepia, Sul. ac., Thuja, Uva ur., Zinc.'—1. afternoon: Anac., Ars. clear mucus, with painful con- cussion in the scapula and vomit- ing of bile: China. cough, during: Op., Wies. 6 morning: Thuja. THICK: Acon.," 16 Aloe, Ambra,7 7 6 Amm. m., Arg., Ars., Aqu. petr., Arum it., Atrop., Bry., Calc., Carb. ac., Chlo., Cot., Erio., Ery. a., Eupion, Ferr., Feru., Ham.,7 Hura, Ipec., Kali b., Kobalt,¹2 Kreos., Laur., Lep., Lyc, Merc- i-rub., Naja, Ol. jec., Ox. ac., Phos., Phyto.,7 Puls., Raph., Ru- ta, Sang., Stann., Stram.,' Sulph., Tarent., Ust., Zinc.--1 and 5. afternoon: Eucalyptus. evening: Kreos., Sulph. morning: Agar., Fran., Sulph., Thuja. after getting up: Sulph. THICK, morning, after waking:. Lyc. night: Cylc., Lyc. when cold air: Sac. alb. THIN: All. sat., Bry., Colch., Cupr., Daph., Ferr., Mag. c.,6 Nitrum. viscid, thin phlegm in morning: Ant. cr.6 after supper: Iberis. during walk in air: Sac. alb. See also Watery. THROAT, collection of mucus in: Acon., Alco., Alumen, Alum., Ambr., Amm. m., Ant. t., Arg., Arn., Ars., Arum d., Asar., Aur., Bar., Bell., Ben. ac., Borax, Bov., Bry., Bufo, Cact. gr., Calc. s., Calo., Carbo an, Carbo v., Caust., Cer. s., Chenop., Cimic., Colch., Croc., Dulc., Ery. a., Eupion, Ferr. iod., Fluor. ac., Graph., Grat., Gymno., Hepar, Hydro- pho., Hydras., Iod., Indigo, Jug. r., Kali c., Kali iod., Kalm., Kis., Kreos., Lach., Lact., Laur., Lo- bel., Lyc., Mag. c., Mag. s., Merc., Mer-i-fl., Mezer., Mur. ac., Myric., Natr. ars., Natr. c., Natr. ph., Nit. d. s., Nitr. ac., Nux jug., OI. an., Op., Ox. ac., Petr., Phell., Phos., Ph. ac., Phys., Plan., Plat., Pod., Puls., Ran-b., Raph., Rhus, Rumex, Sabad., Samb., Sars., Senega, Sepia, Sil., Sol. t. æ., Spig., Stann., Sum., Sul. ac., Ta- bac., Tarax., Thuja, Tilia, Verat., Wild., Zinc., Zing.-1 and 12. afternoon: Cer. s., Eucalyptus. evening: Alum., Ang.,12 Bry., Calc. ph., Merl.-1. 4 P. M. Natr. c. 6 P. M. Physo. 10 P. M.: Trif. p. midnight: Arum tr. morning: All. sat., Ambr., Amm. m., Bov., Caust., 1 i EXPECTORATION. 167 1 THROAT (Continued). Cimex, Eupion, Hepar, Kali c., Kreos., Lact, Lyc., Marum, Natr. m., Petr., Phos., Plat., Puls., Rhus, Tarax.-1 and 12. collection of mucus in, morn- ing, on waking: Carbo an.,Sulph. yellow mu- cus: Apoc. c. night: Alum., Natr. sul., Puls., Sepia.¹—12. on waking: Alum. expectoration from the, 8.30 A. M. Naja. > on getting anything in the: Amm. caus. TICKLING: Caust., Iod.-5. TOBACCO juice, tasting like: Puls.5 7 7 TOUGH: Æsc. h., Acon., Agnus, Ambr., Anac., Atropia, Aur., Bov., Bry., Carl., Caust., Coc. c., Iris Kali b., Kali c., Kobalt., V., 7 Merc-i-rub., Phos., Phyt., Puls. n., Sang., Senecio, Sil., Tarent., Thuja, Verat.,7 Vinca.-1. after eating: Thuja. almost causing strangulation and vomiting: Coc. c.² morning: Petro. in bed: Calc. 2 9 A. M. Phyt. purulent and white: Phos." hard to separate, round lumps, brick shade: Bry.12 TRACHEA, expectoration from the: Carl., Lyc., Marum, Par., STANN.-1. mucus in the, collection of: Eth., Agnus, Ambr., Amm. c., Ang., Arg., Arn., Ars., Arum d.,' Arum tr., Aur., Bar., Bell., Bov., Bry., Cainca,¹ Calc., Camph., Cann. s., Caps., Caust., Cham., China, Cina, Cocc., Coc. c., Croc., Crot. t., Cupr., Digit., Dros., Dulc., Ferr., TRACHEA, mucus in-(Cont'd). 1 1 Hyos., Iod., Iris v., Kali b., Kreos., Lach., Laur., Lyc., Mag. m., Merc. sul., Natr. m., Nux v., Olean., Osm., Ox. ac., Par.,6 Phell., Phos.,¹ Plumb, Rumex, Samb., Senecio, Senega, STANN., Staph., Sulph.-12. forenoon: STANN. night: Thuja. See under Throat. constant gagging and hawking on account of viscid green mucus in larynx and in trachea: Paris." TRASPARENT (clear, pellucid): Agar., Alum., Ant. t., Apis, Aqu. petr., Arn‚7 Ars.,12 Bry., Ferr.,16 Kali b., Laur., 12 Phos., Selen,6 Senec., Senega,12 Sil.16-1. morning: Selen. night: Calc. s. TUBERCLES: Hepar, Phos. brown: Phos. URINE, tasting like: Phos, Senega. -2. VIOLETS, odor of: Phos., Puls.-2. VISCID (gelatinous, gluey): Acon., 24 1 1 Agar., Agnus., Ailan., Alum., Ambr., Am. bro., Amm. m., Ant. cr., Ant. t., Arg., 10 Ars., Asar.,2 Bad., Bar., Bell., Bor., Bov., Bry., Cact. gr., Calc., Calc. s.,¹ Cann. s., Canth., Carbo v., Caust., Cham., China, Coce, Coc. c., Colch., Cupr., Dulc., Euphr., Ferr., Graph., Hell., Hepar, Hyper, Iberis, Iod., Kali b., Kali c., Kobalt., Kreos., Lyc., Mag. c., Mag. m., Mezer., Natr. ars., Natr. c., Nux v., Paris, Pe- tro., Phos., Ph. ac., Plumb., Puls., Rhus, Ruta, Sabad., Sabin., Samb., Senega, Sepia. Sil., Spig., Spong, Squil., Stann., Staph., Sulph., Tep., Ton., Ust., Verat., Wies., Zinc.-1 and 5. 1 } 1 1 } 1 168 EXPECTORATION. VISCID, afternoon, in the: Naja. -, morning: Bry. WAKING, after, in morning, thick expectoration: Lyc. mucous expectoration: Sulph., Thuja. Carbo v. - whitish expectoration : on: Ferr., Ph. ac. morning, tough yellow spu- tum: Aurum.7 WALKING, in open air, agg. Nux v. expectoration after: Ferr.6 bloody expectoration while: Cham., Merc., Sul. ac. morning: Zinc. mucous expectoration while: Natr. m. WARM: Aralia. WATER, tasting like dirty: Acon.2 WATERY; Acon. 1., Agar., Amm. 11 c., Amm. m., Ang.,¹ Aqu. petr., Arg., Ars., Bov., Carbo an., Carbo v., Cham., China, Daph.,6 Euphr., Ferr., Graph., Guai., Jac.,¹ Lach.,' Lyc.,¹ Mag. c., Mag. m., Merc., Mezer., Mur. ac., Natr. c., Natr. m., Nux v., Op., Phos., Phys.,¹ Plumb., Puls., Ran. sc.,¹¹ Sac. alb., Sepia, Squil., Stann., Sulph., Sul. ac.-5. which does not relieve the cough: Arg.6 1 1 -, morning: Thuja.' > mucus: Lach.5 1 WEATHER, on change to colder: Lyceps. WHITE, like white of egg: Amm. m., Arn., Ars., Bar., Bor., Bov., China, Coc. c., Ferr., Kali b., Laur., Mezer., Petr., Senega, Sil., Stann.-5. WHITISH: Acon., Ailan., Agar., Ambr., Amm. m., Ant. t., Arg., Arundo, Caps., Carbo an., Carbo v., China," Chin. s., Chlo., Cina, WHITISH—(Continued). 7 Coc. c., Crot. t.,2 Cupr., Erio., Ferr., Gad., Hyper., Iberis, Il- licium, Iod., Kali b.,2 Kali iod., Kobalt., Kreos., Laur., LYC., Manc., Merc-i-rub., Nicc.. Ena., Ol. jec., Par., Phos., Ph. ac., Plmbg., Puls., Puls. n., Raph., Rhus, Selen., Senecio, Senega, SEPIA, Sil., Sil., Spong., Spong., Squil., Stront., Sulph., Tarent., Tellur., Thuja.-1 and 5. when in air: Sac. alb., Sepia. as from cough: Phys. with blackish granules: China.6 like white of an egg: Amm. m., Arn., Ars., Bar., Bor., Bov., China, Coc. c., Ferr., Kali b., Laur., Mezer., Petr., Senega, Sil., Stann. -5. evening: Calc. s., Crot. t. frothy: Kobalt., Phos., Sil., Sulph.-5. gray: Ambra, Sepia. morning: Canna. during cough: Sulph. after waking: Carbo v. night: Sepia. yellow: Lyc., Ox. ac., Ph. ac.-5. yellowish white, morning: Lyc.¹ WIND, in cold: Lyceps. WINE, tasting like: Bell., Bry.-2. WOOD, tasting like: Ars., Ign., Stram., Sulph.—2. WORKING, bloody expectoration while: Merc. sol. YELLOW: Acon., Ailan., Aloe," Alum., Ambr., Amm. c., Amm. m., Anac., Ang., Ant. cr., Arg, Arg. n.,¹ Ars., Aur., Aur. mur.,¹¹ Bad., Bar., Bell., Bism., Bor., Bov., Brom., Bry., Cact. gr., CALC., Calc. ph., Calc. s., Cann. 8., Carbo an., Carbo v., Caust., Cham., Chlor.,¹¹ Cic., Coca, Coc. c., Coloc., Con., Cop., Cupr., Daphn., Digit., Dign., Dros., 11 7 EXPECTORATION. 169 YELLOW—(Continued). 7 6 Eugen., Eupion, Ferr., Feru., Gels., Graph, Ham., Hepar, Hura, Ign., fod., Ipec., Kali b., Kali c., Kreos., Lach., Linu., Lyc., Mag. c., Mag. mn., Mang., Merc., Merc-i-r., Mezer., Mur. ac., Natr. ars., Natr. c., Natr. m., Nitr. ac., Nux v., Ena., Op., Ox. ac., Par., Pau. p., Petro., PHOS., Ph. ac., Plumb., Psor., PULS., Rumex, Ruta, Sac. alb., 7 Samb., Sabad., Sabin., Selen., Senega, Sepia, SIL., Spig., Spong., STANN., Staph., Sulph., Sul. ac., Tarent., Thuja, Verat., Zinc.-1 and 5. YELLOW: afternoon: Anac. 12-3 P. M.: Calc. s. black: Hydro. ac. when in cold air: Sac. alb. forenoon: Staph. 6 green: Kali b., Mang., Sil., Sulph.-5. 7 lemon color: Kali c., Lyc., Phos., Puls.-12. morning: Ailan., Calc., Calc. ph., Fran., Lyc., Mag. c., Mang., Ph. ac., Sil. 7-10 A. M.: Silicea. 6 on waking, tough yellow spu- ta: Aurum.7 stringy: Arum, tr.5 white Lyc., Ox. ac., Phos.-5. $ SUPPLEMENT [Containing symptoms and remedies omitted from the repertory proper, also those not repeated under proper headings, and those less frequently met with.] ABDOMEN, pain in, dry, fatiguing cough from titillating in larynx; worse after midnight, in morning, and after eating, causing pain in stomach and soreness in abdomi- nal walls: Nux v.7 pain in umbilical region, very intense when coughing or stoop- ing: Sepia. AIR, open. See also Walking in Open Air, p. 137. AIR PASSAGES, cough from dull cutting, which becomes a stitch, in the air passages, from below upward, with mucus in chest: Arg. stuffed up, influenza, air pas- sages feel; dry, hard cough, stiffness in back and limbs: Rhus.7 ANGER, easily angered, and from it cough and stitches in chest: Arg. n.7 ANUS, stitches in rectum when coughing: Nitr. ac.6 APPETITE, capricious in a case of chronic cough and dyspnœa : Kali b.20 ARMS, dry cough with pain in arm and shoulders: Digit. during cough, sudden pain in lower right arm, striking from above downward: Puls. 6 stitches in chest with cough and heat on the lower chest and upper arm: Cale. ph.7 BARKING cough: Ant. t.,24 Caps.,6 Lyssin. (Hg.), Merc. ac.¹ cough, dry, from tickling in larynx and pit of stomach; worse at night, also in day when lying down: Nitr. ac.7 cough waking suddenly, 11 P. M.; face fiery red, crying with cough: Bell. 7 BATHING, excites cough: Nux m.7 See Washing. BED, changing position in, amel. cough: Ign.2 - lying in, excites cough: Agnus, Crot. t. tickling in throat and cough morning, preventing him from lying in bed: Coc. c.¹ after rising from bed in morn- ing, agg. of cough: Plumb.7 on rising from bed, cough: Ars. sitting up in. See Sit Up, p. 96. cough when lying in bed, must sit up or sleep in chair from sense of suffocation: Crot. t. (J. C. Robert.) warm in, cough amel. on becom- ing: Kali b. BELCHING. Compare with Eruc- tation, p. 39. after the cough: Sul. ac. 7 before and after coughing: Sang." causes a scratching in throat, irritable larynx, then is followed by a cough: Staph.7 171 172 SUPPLEMENT. 1 BELCHING or straining to vomit during an attack of cough: Arg. n.7 - cough with belching, gagging or vomiting: Cimex." BODY, cough in sudden paroxysms, convulses whole body: Caps.7 rigidity of, with cough: Bell., Cina, Cupr., IPEC., Led., Mosch. -2. dry, spasmodic cough, pre- ceded by rigidity of body and unconsciousness: Cina.10 trembling of, with cough: Bell., Phos.7 BREAKFAST, cough amel. after: Aspar, Lach.-5. BREAST, stitches in left, when coughing, disturbing sleep: Con.6 See Mammæ. BREATH, deficient (short) being, agg. cough: Aur., Euph.6 fetid: All. sat.28 gasping for, violent spasmodic cough, commencing with gasping for breath, and continuing with repeated crowing inspirations un- til patient grows purple or black in face and is quite exhausted : Coral.2 short before the cough: Phos. BREATHING, interrupted (dyspnoea, etc.), with cough: Ail- au., Aralia,10 Coc. c., Ferr.,5 Guai., Mur. ac.7 (See p. 11.) arrested: Guai. (See Chest, Obstruction of, Supplement.) arrest of, contractive pain in hypochondria with cough, arrest- ing the breathing; the cough is prevented by the pain, unless he presses with his hand on the pit of the stomach: Dros.6 asthmatic attacks at night, with slow difficult breathing, which promotes cough; Coloc," 7 BREATHING, asthma, cough with, evening, in bed; each cough produced a stitch in scro- biculus: Amm. c.7 asthma increased, and following a bloody night cough: Ferr. ac." evening when lying in bed; the cough is excited by deep in- spiration: Graph." asthma, worse lying down, spasmodic cough; spasm of lar- ynx; pulsations in chest; often with profuse, purulent sputa: Sil.7 asthma, worse at night, with red face; coughing spells or sensa- tion of adhesion of lungs: Thuja.7 cough which makes the boy quite breathless day and night: Natr. m.6 ceases, whooping cough, child gets stiff, breathing ceases, spas- modic twitchings, after awhile consciousness returns, they vomit and recover, but slowly: Cupr.7 constriction, sensation of, im- pedes respiration, with dry, tick- ling cough: Brom." difficult, frequent cough on account of mucus in chest; mucus rises into throat, causes difficult breathing, and finally cough with expectoration: Asar.7 dyspnoea, severe on lying down; exhaustion worse in chest after every exertion; sudden weak- ness, tottering while walking; blood seems to rush into chest as if it would burst; with frothy, white sputa and much retching; an hour after, slight coughing brings up gray, lumpy mucus; relieved by bending body for- ward: Spong.7 great dyspnoea and great anx- iety but not restless; cough in violent spells, watery, profuse expectoration: Carbo v.7 SUPPLEMENT. 173 BREATHING, dyspnoea (sensa- tion of spasmodic contraction when coughing or sneezing): Merc.7 expire, rough, scraping dry sen- sation in fauces, causing hacking cough, yellow mucus expectora- tion and hoarseness, so that he can only speak with great exer- tion, in a deep bass voice, together with oppression of chest, as if air were withheld on talking, coughing, so that breath could not be expired: DROS.¹ inhale, irritation to cough is so sudden and so violent can scarcely Sepia." oppressed, 6 P. M., with cough, right lung sore, sneezing: Bapt.' sawing, whistling, breathing between coughs: Spong." short from rapid coughing: Dros., Euphr., Merc., Sepia. short, oppressed breathing, owing to aching, rather than stitching pains, cough with green, tough expectoration and palpita- tion: Cann. s.6 (Clinical.) shortness of breathing, from frequent loose cough when coughing while standing: Natr. sul.6 dry cough with shortness of breath until expectoration sets in: Guai 10 short inspiration, long, slow expiration, epigastrium drawing fine rales, constant cough, sopor, blue face; great anguish and dread of suffocation; looks as if dying; slightly better from cold air and bending forward: Op.7 suffocated and oppressed about 3 A. M., must sit up to get air; after cough and expectoration is better: Ant. t.7 BREATHING, suffocation, titil- lating itching in region of pit of throat, threatening suffoca- tion, until a concussive cough sets in, continuing for hours, and causing a pain in abdomen and throat: Sil.6 cough, with sudden paroxysms of suffocation, on swallowing; respiration very short; obliged to catch for breath: Brom.7 suffocating cough, the child becoming quite stiff and blue in face: Ipec.6 suffocating feeling even down to epigastrium, as if tough phlegm must work up with the cough; despair even to suicidal feeling; prostrate, tearful after the attack: Rumex.7 See also Suffocation and Suffo- cative Cough, pp. 110 and 111. wheezing, anxious, worse dur- ing inhalation, with violent la- boring of abdominal muscles; whistling, sawing, between coughs: Spong." whistling breathing at begin- ning of cough: Asar.7 7 phlegm in larynx causing rattling whistling breathing, un- til removed by coughing: Arg. n. -whistling, sawing, between coughs: Spong." BRONCHI, crawling in, dry whistling cough, evening in bed, caused by crawling below larynx, or as if in upper bronchi, with dyspnea: Kreos." heat in, hoarse, rough, hacking cough, excited by a sensation of heat and soreness in bronchia, without expectoration; worse evening: Eupat. per.2 irritation, dry cough caused by irritation in bronchia, with sore pain: Arg. 174 f SUPPLEMENT. } BRONCHI, irritation, or tickling at bifurcation of, excites cough: Kali b.2 oppression at bifurcation of bronchi, better after successful cough: Caps.7 tickling, dry teasing cough from tickling in bronchia, or even uncovering a hand, with tearing pain in chest, stitches, profuse sweat, and pain in stomach; cough agg. evening, and before midnight, or in morning soon after waking: Rhus.7 tickling in, excites cough: Se- pia, Sticta.-7. BRONCHIAL cough, continual, deep, without pain, worse from exercise: Ailan.7 dry bronchial cough, with sen- sation of roughness, and slight increase of heat in trachea and bronchia: Phyt.6 tickling in the lower parts of the bronchial tubes, inducing, cough, with slight expectoration: Verat.6 CATARRH, at first dry, later loose, with rattling cough, profuse sweat, sickly look, hollow eyes, restless sleep; expectoration yellow: Arg. n.7 with cough: Spig." hoarseness, fluent coryza and sore throat: Merc.10 1 and coryza, with feeling of exhaustion, headache, tickling roughness exciting cough : Graph.6 Compare with Coryza, etc., pp. 28 and 81. CHEST. See Lungs and Bronchi. aching pain in, when coughing: Mag. m., Phyt. (r.), Samb.," Stront.-6. pain in chest and sides, with cough: Phyt.7 CHEST, aching in side of, almost like a stinging when coughing: Coff.6 blood, determination of blood to chest, excites dry cough: Aloe. burning in, causes dry cough: Caust.¹ burning in, in, with or from cough: Ailan.” fatiguing cough with asth- ma and Carbo v.6 up to throat with, until the expectoration becomes loose: Nitrum.6 discharge of blood dur- ing dry cough, with burning and soreness in chest, morning and evening: Zinc. 6 coughing excites much burning in chest, which soon passes off, until another cough- ing spell: Mag. s.14 burning soreness in right chest; loose cough but no spu- tum; coldness between scapulæ: Natr. c.7 2 burst, spasmodic cough, which seems as if it would: Lact. v.² concussion as from a shock in temples and at same time in chest, when coughing: Lyc. of whole chest from dry cough: Senega. 6 6 See Shaking, Shocks of. constriction across, causes con- vulsive cough: Ipec. dry cough, with constriction of chest, from tickling in throat: Lact.2 dry cough from hot constric- tion of chest: Carbo v. cough causing sensation of constriction of chest, has to press hand on it: Dros.10 sensation of constriction im- pedes respiration, with dry tick- ling cough: Brom.7 SUPPLEMENT. 175 7 CHEST, constriction, sensation as of, excites spasmodic cough: Mosch.,2 Stram.² constriction of upper part of chest, accompanied by soreness, when coughing: Cham. 6 contraction, sensation of pain- ful spasmodic contraction in chest, with short asthmatic cough, excited by irritation in larynx: Amm. c.7 hoarse ringing short cough, excited by tickling in trachea, with asthmatic feeling therein; spasmodic contraction of thorax and accumulation of stringy mu- cus: Asaf." of chest with suffocating con- traction of chest: Stram.7 cramp, suffocating and choking cough, 5 A. M., as from dryness. in larynx; can't speak on account of cramp in chest; red face and sweat over whole body: Kali c. crawling and tickling in mid- dle of chest, excites a dry con- vulsive cough: Kreos. creeping in, spasmodic cough from: Squil.2 1 cutting in, with cough: Mag. s.6 deep, cough deep from chest: Petr., Selen., Spong.-6. 7 dry cough at night coming deep from chest, caused by a scratching in throat, with stitches under the sternum: Petro.7 constant cough from a deep spot in chest, where he feels a pain, as if that part of the chest had become sore and bleeding from the cough: Spong. whooping cough, violent, racking; seemingly coming deep from chest, in paroxysms of long continuance; followed by expec- toration of ropy mucus, adhering to pharynx: Lobel." CHEST, empty, continual slight cough, with feeling of hollow- ness and emptiness in chest after expectorating little lumps of mucus: Calad.6 excoriated, pain as if, from coughing: Digit." fatigue, evening cough fatigu- ing the chest, caused by an irri- tation in lower part of trachea : Petro.c fly to pieces, pains as if it would: Mur. ac., Sulph." hard, oppression of chest and feeling as of a hard mass there; hard racking cough, excited by inspiration: Sticta. painful sensation, as of some- thing hard lodged in chest; has to try to cough it up; coughing does not remove the sensation, only aggravates; water-braslı often follows the cough: Abies nigra. painful sensation, as if a stone were pressing down in pleural cavities, and violent pressure from sternum to scapula: Coral.6 heat on lower part of chest and upper arm, with cough and stitches in chest: Cale. ph.7 heaviness, weakness or sore- ness in chest, with dry cough : Psor.7 hollow and empty feeling (See above under Empty): Calad. and cold sensation in, after expectoration: Zinc.® hot, whooping cough, even of sucklings, sounding like croup; rattling breathing, anxious and restless; chest and abdomen hot, urine pale: Asaf. infiltration in lower part of chest causes a dry cough: Kreos. 176 SUPPLEMENT. ! } T CHEST, irritation in, excites (or agg.) cough: Ant. ox.,¹ Ars., Grat., Ph. ac., Puls., Rhus.-12. cough from irritation in chest, with expectoration in morn- ing of dark blood, or of a thin, yellow, blood-streaked mucus, generally of sourish taste: Sul. ac, 10 paroxysms of asthmatic whooping cough from: Sul. ac.2 itching in lungs low down, and extending up through trachea to nose, and itching of tip of nose, before coughing: Iod. chest (trachea), and pit of throat, with dry cough, which does not alleviate the itching: Phos. spasmodic, shattering whooping cough: Puls.2 violent spasmodic nightly (whooping) cough from: Con.2 moving the, excites cough: Anac., Bar., Cocc., CHINA, Dros., Lach., Mang., Merc., Mur. ac., Natr. m., Nux v., Phos., Sil., STANN.-11. mucus in, cough as from mucus in chest which cannot be de- tached: Kreos. frequent cough on account of mucus in chest; mucus rises into throat, causing difficult breath- ing and finally cough with ex- pectoration: Asarum.7 cough (dry, barking, hollow, croupy; wheezing, asthmatic); caused by burning tickling in larynx like a plug or valve, or by feeling of accumulation of mucus and weight in chest: Spong.7 hollow cough, especially night and morning, with tightly ad- herent mucus in chest, and with CHEST, mucus-(Continued). sensation of soreness on the chest: Caust.7 attacks of cough like whoop- ing cough, during day, from mucus in chest: Euphr.2 obstruction, she is suddenly attacked with a sensation of ob- struction in chest, in region of heart, as if breathing would be arrested; the attacks are fre- quent, occur even at night when asleep, and excite an almost entirely dry cough, re- turning until expectoration sets in: Guai.6 narrowness of, a single cough from feeling of: Lobel." oppression of, with cough: Ailan., Apoc. c., Lac. can.,26 Mil- lef., Nitrum, Sticta.-7. 6 after coughing: Cocc. causes deep dry cough, on inspiration, with soreness of chest: Hepar.6 dry exhausting cough, morning and evening, with op- pression of chest and roughness in throat: Rhodo.10 and feeling of hard mass there; hard, racking cough, ex- cited by inspiration: Sticta." subdued cough from op- pression of the chest: Hepar.6 pain in, on coughing: Ailan.,7 Cham., Mezer., Mosch., Naja, Psor., Samb., Upa.-1. > 7 7 6 aching in, on coughing: China, Mang., Mag. m., Phyto.,7 Raph.,19 Samb.," Stront.-6. deep in Graph.6 dull pain in Zinc.7 excites cough: Iod. excites a hollow, deep, spas- modic cough: Meph.10 frequent dry cough with rack-. ing pains in middle of lower por- SUPPLEMENT. 177 F CHEST, pain—(Continued). tion of breast, extending as far as liver: Cimex.6 in left side: Sticta,' Tarent.¹ in right side: A pis,¹ Caust., Spong., Sulph.¹—7. in right side. worse from mo- tion, laughing, coughing, with sweat: Psor.7 in right side; must lie quietly on back and press with hand; short breath and slight cough: Cimic.7 dry teasing cough from tick- ling in bronchia, or uncovering even a hand, with tearing pains in chest, stitches, profuse sweat, and pain in stomach; cough is agg. evening, before midnight, or in morning soon after waking: Rhus." and soreness in, with dread of cough: Mag. m.6 pressure, hoarseness, sudden and violent, with dry cough and pressure on chest, during rough weather: Mag. m.6 in, cough from: Iod. great pressure on chest, when attempting to cough; this is pre- vented by the pain: Sil.6 painful cough, with sensation as if a stone were pressing down- ward in pleural cavities, and violent pressure from sternum to scapule: Coral.6 -2. as from a load: Asaf., Samb. pressure on (support or hold) chest, amel. pains of cough: Arn.,10 Bry., Cimic., Merc., Se- pia.10—6. on chest and groin, amel.: Borax.5 cough causing sensation of constriction of chest, has to press hand on it: Dros.10 | CHEST, pressure, cough with pain in sternum and chest, com- pelling, pressure of hand on it: Kreos.10 stitches in chest (left side), worse from motion, better from external pressure: Arn.10 rattling in, when coughing: Coc. c., 1 Cupr.,2 Hepar,2 Hydr. ac., Iod.,6 Mur. ac., Natr. c., Natr. m., Sarsap., Sulph.-7. 10 See under Respiration.-Sup- plement. rough cough, with rattling in chest, followed by cramp in stomach, short breath, with heat in face: Mur. ac.7 raw, pain as if from cough: Calc., Phos., Sepia.-6. rawness under clavicles: Ru- mex.7 and soreness, with nightly heat and sweat: Zinc.6 rumbling, after attacks of whooping cough audible rumb- ling, gurgling down chest: Mur. ac.7 scraping in, with cough: Mur. ac.6 scratching, roughness and tickling in, excite a hollow or whistling, spasmodic cough : Kreos.2 sensation as if something in chest prevented exhalation, when talking or coughing: Dros. shattering, as from shock, in chest, and also at same time in temples: Lyc.6 shootings, cough with dyspnea, vertigo, pains in loins and shoot- ings in chest: Kali b.10 side of. See under Stitches. sore pain in, when coughing; she dreads coughing, although it relieves her: Mag. m,6 178 SUPPLEMENT. ! CHEST, soreness in, from cough- | CHEST, stitches in, left side, agg. 1 7 ing: Psor., Zinc.6 cough with soreness, after- ward coryza with obstruction and itching of nose: Nitrum.6 cough produces a painful sore- ness of chest; patient supports it with his hand when coughing : Eupat. per.2 dry cough, with soreness in chest and coryza: Gels.10 scraping cough, with soreness in whole chest and alternate hoarseness, heat and burning of hands and soles, bruised feeling of limbs, want of appetite, nau- sea, heat, profuse sweat at night, no thirst, constipation: Natr. c.6 cough causing sore pain in chest; pain was so bad had to go down on hands and knees, as in that position pain was eased: Enp. per. (E. W. B.)26 cough, with soreness of upper part of chest: Apis.7 spasm of, dry titillating cough, night, with sort of: Sepia." suffocative, deep, hollow whooping excited by: Samb.2 sternal region. See Sternum, p. 105. sticking in, causes cough: Iod. sticking pain in left side of, with cough and want of breath when moving about, 1 P. M., relieved during rest: Natr. sul.¹ stitches in, on coughing: Calc. ph., Berb., Kali c. (r.), Kreos. (1.).6-7. Compare Stitches in Chest, p. 23, with Side, Stitches in, p. 20. easily angered, from it cough and stitches in chest: Arg. n.7 by cough, with oppression of breathing; worse from motion, better from external pressure: Arn. 10 left side, when breathing and coughing, pains anel. from external pressure: Sepia.10 and heat on lower part of chest and upper arm, with cough: Calc. ph.7 with cough, profuse gen- eral perspiration and pains in abdomen: Rhus.10 7 cough with drawing stitch- es in lowest rib, near the spine: Arg. stuffed sensation, cough from a: Guai. stone pressing down. See under Pressure. tension in, region of left short ribs, during cough: Hell." zer.7 over thorax with cough: Me- in, hacking congh from: Thuja. tickling in, excites cough: Car- bo an. (r.), Sarsap.-7. causes a spasmodic, shat- tering cough: Rhus.2 trum.6 on entering room: Ni- hollow, spasmodic cough. from Phos.7 PH. AC. low down, dry cough: middle of, causes dry cough: Kreos. causes dry hollow cough, during rest: Euph.6 itching in, causes a hollow, hacking, spasmodic, tickling cough: Phos.2 causes powerful, spas- modic nocturnal paroxysms of whooping cough: Con.2 SUPPLEMENT. 179 CHEST, tickling itching, upper anterior part of, dry cough: Polyg. violent racking cough; worse at night, as if head and chest would burst, sometimes with vomiturition; in two par- oxysms, from tickling in larynx and upper part of chest; only by day or only by night: Merc." in, whooping cough from: Merc., Mur. ac., Rhus.-10. tightness in the chest, cough from tickling in throat, with a feeling of: Lact. v.10 7 dry tickling cough, with tight- ness across chest: Phos.7 — dry cough, with increased tightness of chest and roughness in throat: Rhodo.6 now in left chest, now in left hypochondrium, causing hack- ing cough: Thuja. tingling in, excites cough: Se- pia, Squil.10 6 ulcerative pain in, when cough- ing, evening and night: Mag. m. sensation: Nitr. ac.6 CHILL, stitches in side; with trou- blesome cough, during chilly stage of fever, or after midnight: China.6 followed by headache and cough, agg. by heat: Apis. (Deuel.) chilly, evening, upper arms, thighs, with thirst, drinking causes cough: Psor." CHOKING cough: Lyc., Sulph. See Suffocative Cough, p. 110. as soon as he falls into a sound sleep, has a choking cough, as if he would choke: Lach.14 COLD air. See p. 4. going from warm to cold air: Verat. v.¹ drinks. See Water, p. 138. on becoming, cough: Guarea. water. See Water, p. 138. COLIC, with dry, rough cough: Hepar. COMPLAINING, with cough: Lach.8 about belly-ache before cough begins: Ph. ac.8 weak feeling in, after cough: CONCUSSIVE cough: Secale." Ruta. in chest, from talking, coughing or sitting too long; re- lieved by walking: Ph. ac.' weakness, dry cough, with weakness, heaviness, or soreness in chest: Psor." weight, cough excited by feel- ing of accumulation of mucus and weight in chest: Spong." hard cough with weight and soreness in chest and copious ex- pectoration: Kali b.6 CHILL, after the chill, thirst, drink- ing causes violent headache and dry continuous cough, from tick- ling in larynx, oppression of breathing: Cimex." in the night, the breathing being frequently arrested, as in whooping cough, accompanied by stitches in chest, sore throat and fever: Nitr. ac.6 7 See Shaking Cough, p. 92. CONSTANT cough: Ars., Phos.,¹ Squil.,14 Sticta." 1 from a deep spot in chest, where he feels a pain, as if that part of chest had become sore and bleeding from the cough: Spong.6 Ars. a deep, dry, unceasing cough: whenever child is laid down, particularly at night: Sepia, 180 SUPPLEMENT. CONSTANT cough, almost con- stant, harassing, tickling cough, day or night, dry or loose: Squil.14 CONTINUOUS uninterrupted dry cough: Euph.6 hard cough: Lyc.5 CORYZA. See under Nose, p. 81. cough, with soreness of chest and fluent: Gels., Meph.-10. cough, with violent coryza and rawness in upper part of sternum: Rumex.10 cough and coryza, with sneezing, commences every morning in bed before getting up and lasts until 9 A. M.: Sepia." CROUPY cough: Apis, Gels., Sticta.-7. croup, with sopor, stertorous breathing and wheezing, with open mouth and head thrown back; the child starts up, kicks about, is on point of suffocating, turns black and blue in face, after which cough with rattling breath- ing set in again; suffocation and paralysis of lungs appear un- avoidable: Samb.6 (Clinical.) CROWING cough: Ars.12 CRYING out: Ant. t., Arn., Bell., Cham., China, Ipec., Osm., Ph. ac., Samb., Sepia, Verat.-8. about belly-ache before cough begins: Ph. ac.8 CYANOSIS with cough: Verat.7 See Suffocating, etc. DAMP room, cough in: Bry.2 See Vaults, etc. DAY, cough during: Nicc.6 amel. of dry cough, by expec- toration: Guai.¹ 1 of dry cough on lying down: Sepia.¹ 1 cough from 6 A. M. to 6 P. M.: Calc. ph.7 DAY, cough during, with copious, greenish, salty expectoration; worse in morning: Stann.10 and night, cough with tension over the chest: Mezer 10 - lying, a dry, barking cough, from tickling in larynx and pit of stomach; worse at night, also in day when lying down: Nitr. ac.7 - dry cough during day, obliging one to lie down, and ceasing while lying; cough ceased during night while lying but he had bad coryza: Sepia. 6 only during the: Amm. c., Arg.,¹ EUPHR.,10 Lach.,10 Merc.,10 Nitr. ac.,6 6 Phos.,11 Sepia,10 Staph.,7 Thuja,10 Viola od." 11 cough on rising in morning, continuing until lying down again Euphr.7 cough only at night or only by day: Merc.7 cough only during day; or cough which wakens at night: Sepia.10 cough only during day; or in morning (after rising) and even- ing after lying down: Thuja.10 cough by day chiefly, in long lasting spells, dry, short, violent, with much dyspnoea: Viola od." while sleeping, constant wak- ing from sense of suffocation, so that he was obliged to sit upright and cough, during the midday sleep (apparently caused by mu- cus in posterior nares): Euphr.' DEBILITY. See Exhaustion. DEEP, dry unceasing cough: Ars.' dull cough with bloody expec- toration: Sabad.6 hollow cough, toward noon, with discharge of pure blood: Sil.6 cough from tickling in throat: Ambra.¹ 1 SUPPLEMENT: 181 " : DIARRHEA, circumscribed red- ness of cheeks, pain in chest, cough, coryza, then diarrhoea: Sang.10 dry cough amel. by frequent stools: Bufo.¹ DINNER, dry cough after: Kali b., Nux v.10 dry cough amel. at night and after: Bar.6 cough after, with soreness of throat Phos.6 DIZZINESS, staggering after coughing: Led." DRAUGHT, cough worse from any, warm or cold: Caps." DRINKING, cough after: Carbo v.7 amel. cough: Brom.7 dry cough day and night, with a burning in chest, as if something hot were there; cough diminishes after eating and drink- ing: Spong. cough from: Kali c.7 beer: Nux v.7 brandy: Ferr." cold fluids: Ars.,12 Thuja." milk: Ant. cr. - warm fluids, agg. cough: Caps., Ign.-7. water. See Water, p. 138. wine. See p. 146. DROWSY, with cough: Kreos.,6 Op.7 DRUNKARDS, cough of: Stram.⁹ DRY cough: Verat. v.7 or hacking cough agg. by close air or dust: Natr. ars.¹ 1 cough in bed, evening: Agnus, Bals., Carbo v.,6 Sepia, Stann. -7. especially evening in bed till midnight, frequently with nausea and vomiting: Sepia.10 blood, discharge of, during dry cough, with burning and sore pain in chest, morning and even- ing: Zinc." DRY cough, ends in raising black blood: Elaps.10 breath, dry cough with sud- den loss of: Nux m.7 dry cough with difficult breathing: Lach. (Hg.) cachectic cough: Bor." cough, chest, dry cough with heaviness, weakness or soreness in chest: Psor." dry cough, evening and night, with burning and soreness in chest: Mag. m.6 with rattling in: Natr. m." irritation to, from scraping and crawling in chest: Con.¹ coming and going very rapidly: Kali c.6 during coryza: Bell., Graph., Nitr. ac.-10. cry, dry cough with yawning and sudden loud cry, following the paroxysms of cough: Op.6 day and night, expectoration copious only in the morning: Euph.10 after dinner: Kali b., Nux v.-10. from eating: Ethusa." evening, agg. in: Sticta. with dry cough and even- ing fever, he worries his family with his bad humor: Psor.8 in bed: Agnus, Carbo v.,6 Sepia, Stann.-7. agg.: Sepia.7 till midnight: Se- pia, Stann.-10. expectoration, dry cough, hawking, later copious green sputum Kali iod." with hoarseness, soreness in chest; excited by tickling in throat-pit: Sil.7 irritation to: Asaf." larynx, dry spot in larynx, 182 SUPPLEMENT. DRY cough (Continued). where there is crawling and almost constant irritation to a dry cough: CON.¹ larynx, from irritation in, at night: Stront.10 from itching tickling in back part of top of, evening after lying down: Bell." tickling in, from: Bar., Carbo an., Colch., Hydras., Iod., Ipec., Nux v., Phyt., Ratan.,10 Senega,10 Zing.-6 and 7. morning: Iod.10 dry cough, for three days, caused by tickling in larynx and in præcordial region, which abates only at night and after dinner: Bar.6 dry shaking cough from tickling in larynx, espe- cially in open air: Senega.10 dry cough, with tick- ling in larynx and great soreness in chest: Ratan.10 dry barking from tick- ling in larynx and pit of stom- ach; worse at night, also in day when lying down: Nitr. ac.7 dry fatiguing cough from titillating in larynx; worse after midnight and in morning, and after eating, causing pain in stomach and soreness in abdomi- nal walls: Nux v.7 evening after lying down, tingling and tickling in larynx, and dry, short, hacking cough: Caps.6 lying down, evening: Bell., Carbo v.6 less when sitting: Cinnab.6 midnight, dry cough even- ing in bed till: Sepia, Stann.-10. morning: Hyper.," Iod., Puls.-10. early in: Ol. an.º DRY cough, morning, from tick- ling in larynx: Iod.10 dry cough and prostration in morning: Hyper.7 mostly in morning, with retching and desire to vomit and sensation as if stomach were turned inside out: Puls.10 after rising. See under Rising, p. 36. throat, cough dry in morn- ing, loose in afternoon, from tick- ling in throat, with stitches in chest: Amm. m.7 -7. night: Grat., Natr. sul., Op. Hell.' agg. at, with gagging: 1 pharynx, from tickling high in, evening: Carbn. s.¹ rising, morning after: Arn.,6 Plumb.7 sul.6 morning on: Borax,' Natr. dry cough on rising, dis- appears on walking: Grat." room, agg. from heat of room: Natr. ars. sitting, after dinner: Lach.10 spasmodic, nervous cough (pe- culiar to women); periodically, every night from sunset to sun- rise: Aur.7 cough, from smoking: Hell." sternum, irritation midster- num causes dry, incessant cough: Mang. 7 from tickling under: Zinc.6 amel. by frequent stools: Bufo.¹ stooping agg: Spig. throat, dry cough, with hoarseness, dryness in throat, and watery coryza: Sulph.7 hoarseness, with coryza and dry cough from titillation in throat: Sepia.7 SUPPLEMENT. 183 DRY cough, throat, from rough- ness in: Carbo v.6 m., from tickling in: Amm. Bov.-7. frequent dry cough from tickling in throat, with con- striction of chest: Lact.2 from tickling in, when sit- ting: Con.¹ dry tickling paroxysmal cough; worse at night, with gaping, drowsiness, yet cannot sleep, or with spasms of lungs and blue face: Op.7 dry titillating cough, with a sort of spasm in chest at night: Sepia.6 cough, trachea, tickling in. See p. 129. with vomiting: Sepia, Puls. -10. See p. 133. from walking in sharp, cold air: Verat.' whooping cough, dry cough remaining after: Caust." DULL cough: Acon., Calad.,16 Dig., Ferr., Mag. c.-1. DYSPEPTIC cough: Lob. s.¹ DYSPNŒA, etc., with cough: Lac. can. 26 See Asthmatic Affec- tions with Cough, pp. 7 and 172. cough as from: Euph.¹ especially in the morning, with cough and expectoration of white mucus "as as tough as pitch:" Kali b.6 pain in left side, when coughing, with weakness and dyspnea: Verat.6 worse after coughing, with sensa- tion of constriction of chest or stomach: Ars." EAR, every coughing fit is accom- panied by an aching pain in ear, as if an ulcer would open: Caps." EATING excites or agg. cough: Ethusa,' All. sat.,28 Anac., Bar., Bufo,¹ Caps., Lyc., Mag. c., Me- zer., Sang., Squil." cough caused by constrictive sen- sation in larynx, especially after eating: Puls.¹ amel., eating apples temporarily relieves tickling in larynx which excites hoarse dry cough, or a spasmodic cough: All. c. cough, with sensation of burn- ing in chest, all amel. by eating or drinking: Spong. tickling in larynx: Euphr." cold food agg.: Thuja.' fish, causes cough: Lach.6 irritating food (salt, pepper, etc.), agg. cough: Alum." on lying after eating agg. of short cough: Tereb.¹ sweetmeats, cough from: Spong. vinegar: Alum.7 warm food, amel.: Spong." EMOTION, or excitement agg. cough: Bufo,¹ Dros.6 EPIGASTRIUM. See Stomach- pit, p. 108. ERUCTATION. Supplement. See Belching. EVENING Cough: Apoc. c.7 6-7 P. M. Ipec. 7 or 8 P. M.: Sin. n. 8-9 P. M.: Sepia. 8.20 P. M.: Coca. 9 P. M.: Lyc. 11 P. M.: barking cough: Bell.' 11 P. M. Ant. t., Rumex, Rhus, Verat. 11.30 P. M., from tickling in larynx Coc. c. cough about 9 P. M. with fever, followed by burning heat of head, cramps in legs and feet, hands and arms, and rapid pulse: Lyc.¹ 184 SUPPLEMENT. EVENING .cough, chest, cough in evening, with pain in chest, caused by speaking, better from quiet: Psor." in bed, a titillating cough, violent: Lach,6 dry cough in: Ol. an. agg. in: Sticta." agg. lying down: Ars. in bed: Agnus, Bals., Car- bo v., Sepia. See under Dry Cough, p. 33, and Supplement, p 181. expectoration in morning, dry cough in evening: Ferr.10 after lying down: Bell. severe, the morning cough, even with difficult expectoration, is much more severe and causes more pain than the dry evening cough: Squil.10 expectoration, cough every evening, not ceasing until he coughs up a little phlegm : Sepia." expectoration in morning, dry cough in evening: Ferr.10 hacking: Ol. an.6 hard, dry evening cough, with pain in distant parts: Caps.7 head, dry short cough in evening, with subsequent weak- ness in head: Bar. c.6 on lying down. See under Lying. 7 till midnight: Bar., Carbo v., Caust., Ferr., Led., Mezer.,7 Nitr. ac., Phos.,¹ Puls., Rhus, Se- pia, Stann., Verat., Zinc.-2. 7 racking, violent racking cough evening, on going to sleep, as if chest and head would fly to pieces; cough is followed by violent stretching: Merc.6 rising in the evening, during a violent fit of coughing, he throws up a sweet substance: Calc.6 EVENING cough, smoking, evening cough which makes his accustomed tobacco smoke in- tolerable: Arg. n.7 vomiting, cough in evening, with vomiting of ingesta: Rhus.10 -rising in evening, during a violent fit of coughing, he throws up a sweet substance: Calc.6 EXERTION, excites cough: Ailan., Brom., Sulph.-7. cough from violent exercise: Ox. ac., Verat.-7. violent cough and painful stitches in trachea from slightest exer- tion: Manc.7 EXHAUSTING cough (fatiguing, wearying): Brom.,6 Coc. c.7 Puls. evening: Rhodo.10 fatiguing cough with asth- ma and burning in chest: Carbo 7.6 fatiguing cough from oppres- sion of chest: Cocc.6 fatiguing cough, so violent she loses her senses: Kali c.6 fatiguing cough in old people; copious sputa, thick, or white: Kreos." violent attack of exhausting dry cough, relieved by laying hand on pit of stomach: Croc." EXHAUSTION after or from cough: Alum., Ant. t., Iod., Kali c.6—2. general debility, weariness and weakness of limbs: Kali b.2 EXPECTORATION, cough amel. by: Calc., Carbo an., Guai., Iod., Kreos., Lobel., Nitrum, Sepia, Zinc.-5. cough until raises freely, then better: Ailan.7 of ropy mucus, inclining to ad- here to pharynx, amel. of cough from: Lobel." SUPPLEMENT. 185 EXPECTORATION of quanti- | GAGGING, dry cough with: Apis. ties of mucus from larynx and trachea amel. cough: Iod.5 EXPIRATION excites cough: Cann. s.5 cannot expire: Meph." EYE, hæmorrhage from, from cough- ing: Carbo v., Cham., Nux v.7—2. lachrymation with Graph., Op. luminous appearances cough: before eyes, when coughing or sneezing: Kali chl.6 sparks rush out of eyes when coughing: Kali c.® cough with stitches over one eye, headache and burning dryness in throat: Phos." FACE, perspiration on: Dros." profuse sweat; it stands out on face in beads; stitches in side, cough during the attack: Arg. n.7 red: Graph.7 FAUCES, choking constriction in upper part of, with difficult breathing and irritable cough, or disposition to cough: Cocc.6 FEET, cough, with profuse saltish expectoration, emaciation, dysp- noa, œdema of: Samb. (Clini- cal.) FEVER, cough and hæmoptysis after typhus fever: Sul. ac. tight dry cough, with burning fever and red face: Guai.7 FOREHEAD, bursting pain in fore- head and shocks or beating as of hammers: Natr. m. after the cough, pain and swim- ming in forehead, almost causing him to fall: Kali b.6 splitting frontal pain: Sticta." stitches in: Mezer. FORENOON, 10 A. M.: Aqu. petr. irritation in region of thyroid gland, with a good deal of cough- ing: Mag, c.6 coughing and gagging: Lyssin. (Hg.) persistent cough from tickling in throat, under sternum, or in stomach; worse falling asleep or during day: Lach." GAPING, heat then : Sang.7 cough, with sneezing, gaping, and flatulent eructations: Lobel." dry, tickling, paroxysmal cough; at night, with gaping, drowsiness yet cannot sleep: Op. See Yawning, p. 135. GRASPING at genitals, spasmodic worse cough: Zinc.7 HACKING cough: Verat. v.7 Compare with Dry Cough. from inhaling cold air: All. c. from irritation in larynx: Stront.6 tickling in larynx: from Phyto., Zing.-7. 7 dry hacking cough, with hawking; from tickling in larynx or dryness in pharynx; worse at night as soon as he lies down: Phyto.7 in morning: Ol. an.6 agg. on motion in open air: Osm.¹ from dryness in pharynx: Phyto." throat, arises from pit of throat, with a cool, salty fluid, deep in throat, posteriorly: Cann. s." Sum.¹ from irritation in: Hyper." as from hot air: from rawness in: Caust.7 wakening at midnight, with scraping in chest, and sensation as if stomach would turn, as if vomiting would set in: Ruta.6 HÆMORRHOIDS, suppressed: Millef." Uor M 186 SUPPLEMENT. HÆMORRHOIDS, cough came on after Euphr.7 disappearance of: HANDS cold when coughing: Ru- mex.10 putting out of bed causes con- vulsive cough: RHUS.¹ HARD cough: Secale, Spig.-7. HEAD, aching: Verat.16 blows. See Shocks. bursting pain in, on coughing: Bry., Calc., Spig. concussion as from shock in temples and at same in chest: Lyc.6 congestion to, with the cough: Anac.16 pain in head and abdomen, when coughing: Sulph.10 pain in back of head, when coughing: Ferr." nightly cough almost without intermission, with pain in head and in both sides of abdomen: Lyc.6 spasmodic cough causing sore pain in top of head and great weakness: Kali c.6 pressure on top of, on cough- ing: Anac.® sore pain on top of: Kali c.6 (See Pain.) split, pain as if it would, from cough: Phos." stitches in forehead, on cough- ing: Anac.6 throbbing in forehead and tem- ples, when coughing: Hepar." trembling of head, particularly when coughing: Ant. t." HEART, palpitation of, with cough : Agnus, Millef., Stram.5-7. cough in paroxysms, with pal- pitation and nose bleed, mostly in morning: Agn. c.7 ebullitions from coughing blood: Millef. HEAT, agg. or excited by cough- ing: Hyper.7 after cough heat, then gaping: Sang.7 HICCOUGH during and after cough, as if he would suffocate: Tabac.7 HIP, pain above left, when cough- ing, as if the part would burst: Caust.6 HOARSE cough: Eup. per., Se- cale." 5 - with vomiturition, evening: Cina.6 HOARSENESS with cough: Am- bra, Amm. m., Con.-12. nightly, hoarseness with turns of dry cough, after which she throws off blood-tinged mucus mixed with saliva: Arg. n.16 HOLLOW cough, morning after rising: Cina. 6 especially night and morn- ing, with tightly adherent mucus in chest, and with sensation of soreness in chest: Caust.7 -, racking, spasmodic cough, from tickling in larynx; before the cough he loses his breath; after the cough, dizziness, staggering; double, sobbing inspiration: Ledum.7 cough at night: Caust., Samb. -7. caused by a filling up sensa- tion in throat: Apis.¹ HUNGER, cough from: Kali c." HYSTERICAL cough: Der.¹ INSPIRATION excites cough: Camph.7 after the cough, double sobbing inspiration: Led." chest feels worse in open air, every inspiration provokes cough: Mag. m.¹ deep excites cough: Dulc., Kali b., Plumb.-7. SUPPLEMENT. 187 INSPIRATION, deep, agg. dry cough, which is excited by tick- ling in larynx or trachea, and by external pressure, with soreness in larynx or trachea; worse at night after retiring: Bell., Lach., Rumex. 25. 14 cough threatening suffocation, with spasmodic contraction of larynx; every inspiration in- creases the cough: Meng." on forced inspiration through nose, evening, cough: Sapon.¹ free inhalation and impeded ex- halation, with constantly increas- ing tickling in larynx, which compelled patient to make very energetic but unavailing efforts to cough, continue until he sinks, exhausted and covered with sweat, upon a couch, when spasm (of glottis) relaxes and he can cough and inhale freer: Chlorine (gas cured). (Dunham.) INSPIRING cold air, cough on: Agnus.7 inhaled air is very cold: Brom., Sulph.-2. IRRITATION to cough, agg. by coughing: Squil.² Asar.7 in throat, on inspiration: from sticking griping: Mur. ac.¹ KNEE, shock in, causing it to give way, with pain in patella when walking: Nitr. ac.6 cough only relieved by getting on hands and knees: Eup. per. (E. W. B.) LARYNX, burning titillation in upper part of, causing cough: Euph. G cold sensation in, on inspira- tion: Brom., Sulph.-2. constriction, sudden attacks of a dry and hacking cough, as if LARYNX, constrict'n-(Cont'd). occasioned by a spasmodic con- striction of larynx, which seemed to be lined with dry mucus: Coffea.6 contractive sensation in larynx excites cough, especially after eating, with vomiting and bleed- ing at nose: Puls.6 spasmodic contraction of lar- ynx; effort at inspiration excites cough: Meny.10 crawling (creeping) in upper part of, causing cough: Prun. sp.6 cough excited by crawling or tickling in larynx, especially during pregnancy: Sabina.¹¹ dry, whistling cough, evening in bed, caused by crawling below larynx, or as if in upper bronchi, with dyspnoea: Kreos." dryness extends into larynx, rendering voice husky, and often inducing cough: Bell.¹ - in, with cough: Mang. - dry painful cough; Copaiba.10 irritation to cough felt in: Ang., Asar., Calad., Lith. c., Men., Merc., Ph. ac., Rhus, Squil., Stann.-12. asthma, short turns of cough, from irritation in larynx, hurried breathing and asthma, or with pain in abdomen: Canth." short, asthmatic cough from irritation in larynx, with painful sensation of spasmodic contraction of chest: Amm. c.7 dry cough at night from irritation in larynx: Stront.10 evening, violent irrita- tion inducing cough, evening in bed and in morning; the irri- tation is too deep in larynx to be reached by the cough, hence its violence and inability to de- tach the phlegm: Mezer.6 188 SUPPLEMENT. LARYNX, irritation to cough felt in upper part of: Cocc., Euph. -6. violent irritation in upper part of larynx, causing short, hacking cough: Euph.6 itching in, intolerable itching titillation in larynx, obliging one to cough violently: Lyc." moisture in, cough as if caused by increase of; Lach.6 (Clinical.) mucus, laughing produces mu- cus in, and excites cough; Arg.10 phlegm in, causing rattling, whistling breathing until re- moved in small lumps by cough- ing: Arg. n.7 constant hawking and gag- ging, on account of viscid, green mucus in larynx and trachea : Paris. pain in larynx and sternum, from coughing: China. rough pain in, during cough: Lach.6 in, so severe, the patient grasps the larynx and tries to suppress the cough: All. c. from pressure of clothes on: Apis, Lach. 122. See Throat, Touching, p. prickling in larynx and trachea inducing hacking, with subse- quent dryness of mouth and throat: Laur.6 rattling in, when coughing much: Brom." raw, a scraping, sore, raw pain in, from cough: Sepia.6 roughness and soreness in, with cough: Phos.7 scraping in, which in, which excites cough, and no other symptom: All. sat.28 smoky, cough excited by smoky sensation, or as of vapor of sul- LARYNX, smoky-(Continued). phur, or by constant titillation in: Ars.7 soreness in, on Caust.,6 Kali iod.❝ coughing: dry, hollow cough, five or six turns at a time, with soreness in larynx, every turn of cough caus- ing pain, and almost arresting breathing: Caust.6 spasm of, during cough: Hyos.' cough threatening suffocation, with spasmodic contraction of larynx; every effort at inspira- tion increases the cough: Men.14 stitches in, with the cough: Aloe (r.), Dros.,6 Kali c.¹ 7 cough during night, with stitches in: Phos.28 swollen, suffocative cough from: Kali iod. 7 tickling (see irritation) in, ex- cites cough: Arn., Carbo an., Carbo v., Colch., Lyc., Phyt. (1.), Sticta.7-6. tickling burning in, with vio- lent paroxysms of cough: Bell. like a plug or valve, causes dry, barking, hollow, croupy; wheezing, asthmatic coughs: Spong." in, a cough day and night from: Arn.7 dry cough from: Bar.,6 Carbo an., Colch.," Iod.," Ipec.,7 Hydras., Phyto., Nux v., Sene- ga,¹º Zing.-7. 10 See also under Dry Cough. Supplement. evening, cough without expectoration, brought on by tickling in larynx in: Carbo an.º hacking cough from: Colch., Dros., Phyt.7-6. harsh, dry ringing cough from constant tickling in larynx; the cough causes pain in larynx SUPPLEMENT. 189 LARYNX, tickling in-(Conť d). which makes the patient crouch from it, and try to support larynx and suppress the cough: All. c.² hollow, deep, hoarse cough with, like a trumpet, from tickling in larynx and chest : Verb.10 hollow, racking, spas- modic cough from: Led." intolerable tingling and tickling in larynx, which can only be relieved by coughing and hawking, with accumulation of mucus in mouth, early morn- ing in bed: Iod.º tickling itching in, dry cough: Lyc.6 below, cough from: Prun. sp. in, after midnight, toward morning, cough from: Sepia." paroxysmal cough from: Anth. n., Chelid.,2 Kali c.' 1 racking, hollow, spas- modic cough: Led." > violent cough: Merc.7 (See Violent Cough.) severe cough: Phyt." short cough: Colch. titillation in larynx in- ducing a short and hacking cough, with sensation as if a soft body (a feather) had lodged in larynx, with fine stitches in lar- ynx extending down to right side of œsophagus: Dros. spasmodic cough: All. c., Bad., lod., Ipec., Led., Mag. 7 c., Nitr. ac., Sepia, Sulph.-2. spasmodic, shattering cough from tickling creeping in larynx, in trachea, and in chest: Rhus.2 p. 101. See Spasmodic Cough, when smoking, sudden violent cough from: Euphr. LARYNX, tickling in, subdued cough from: Digit.6 at top of, on lying down, ex- cites cough: Kali b.6 sensation in upper and ante- rior part of larynx, inclination to cough from; worse lying or from talking: Lac. can.26 in, violent racking cough; worse at night, as if head and chest would burst, sometimes with vomiturition; in two paroxysms, from tickling in larynx and upper part of chest: Merc." while walking in open air, cough from; larynx feels swollen: Ox. ac.7 wheezing asthmatic cough caused by burning tick- ling in larynx, like a plug or valve, or by a feeling of ac- cumulation of mucus in chest: Spongia.7 tingling in, causes cough: Caps. ulcerative pain in, from cough: Carbo v.6 LAUGHING, produces mucus in larynx and excites cough: Arg. met.10 LIMBS, pains in legs: Sang.7 cough about 9 P. M., with fever, followed by burning heat, cramps in legs and feet, hands and arms, and rapid pulse: Lyc.¹ stiffness in back and limbs: Rhus.7 LIVER, stitches in, when cough- ing: Bry., Carbo v., Eupat. per.,7 Kali c., Merc., Natr. m.10-2. See Hypochondria, p. 2. LOINS, cough in women, with pain in: Arundo.¹ LOOKING at bright objects, excites cough: Stram,7 LOOSE cough: Amm. m., Sil., Squil., Sticta.-7. 190 SUPPLEMENT. مان 1 LOOSE cough, afternoon, dry cough in morning (from tickling in throat), with stitches in chest or left hypochondrium, becomes loose in afternoon; Amm. m.6 chest, from tickling deep in: Graph." soreness and pressure in chest, with: Sulph.' loose rattling cough with oppression of chest: Apoc. c.7 with expectoration: Con., Phos.-12. morning: Meph., Natr. sul.,6 Sticta.-7. the loose morning cough is more fatiguing than the dry evening cough: Squil.' less free during day: Sticta.7 night: Amm. m., Eupat. per.6 } and day: Sil.7 7 with stitches in left hypo- chondrium, lying on back; worse when turning side, and from cold food: Amm. m.7 throat, from tickling in, morning; purulent sputa and pain about last ribs, left side: Natr. sul.7 LOUD barking cough, in hysteria: Verat.7 LUNGS. See Chest and Bronchi. itching low down in lungs and extending up through the trachea to nose, and itching of tip of nose before coughing: Iod. (Brigham.) pain in, from cough: Ailan. (1.)7 and dyspnoea: Zing.10 Coc. c.1 apices of, with dry cough: spasm of, commencing with de- sire to cough, increasing gradu- ally, and driving one to despair: Mosch.6 LYING excites cough: Ant. t., Dulc., Phyto.7 7 - cough agg. as soon as one lies down: Ars., Bry., Con., Hyos., Petro., Puls., Sabad. worse when lying until he gets fairly settled: Caps." amel., dry cough during day, obliging one to lie down, and ceasing while lying down; cough ceased during night while lying, but he had coryza: Sepia.6 in bed, excites cough: Petro.6 day, cough worse at night and also in day when: Nitr. ac.7 in evening, cough on: Nicc.,10 Petro., Ph. ac.,6 Psor., Puls., Thuja, Rumex. 7. 6 dry cough; worse evening and night, can neither sleep nor lie down Sticta." 10 dry cough in: Bell., Borax, Ferr., Marum, Natr. m., Nicc.,¹ Nux v. dry cachectic cough, es- pecially in morning when rising and evening when lying down, with stitching pain in right chest and flank, relieved by pressure; washing parts with cold water affords most relief: Borax.7 in evening after lying down in bed, tickling itching sensation in back part of top of larynx, causing short, dry cough, which he cannot suppress: Bell.¹ dry cough evening after lying down, with expectoration after walking: Ferr.6 dry cough from tickling in trachea, evening after lying down: Nicco.10 during the evening cough, after lying down the expectora- tion becomes loose; is easier when he turns from left to right side: Thuja.10 SUPPLEMENT. 191 LYING, evening hacking cough: Caps.6 very severe cough: Sepia. violent cough evening while lying, must rise, no expectora- tion; the irritation to cough in a little spot posteriorly and inferiorly in throat: Lith. c.7 whooping cough: Coc. c., Dros., Natr. m.—2. at night, agg.: Amm. m., Gamb., Phyto.7 10 cough on lying down at night: Dolich.7 and in sleep cough is ab- sent: Kali b.6 on left side agg.: China.' MAMMÆ, constant cough, and hawking pain in chest in mam- mary regions: Natr. ph.¹ during cough stitches in left breast, disturbing sleep: Con. stitches in right breast, near nip- ple, at every turn of the cough, in evening: Borax.6 MANIA, cough with: Verat. coughing up phlegm, with gag- ging and retching in: Bell.8 MEAL, cough after a: Ars., Bell., Bry., Calc., Carbo v., China, Ferr., Hepar, Lach., Nux v., Phos., Puls., Sang., Sil., Staph., Sulph.-6. cough after every: China. a meal or only when walk- ing in open air: Sulph.10 See after Eating, pp. 38, 183. MEASLES Cough with (or after): Squil.7 eruption develops, and day cough is amel.: Cupr.7 nocturnal loose cough after the eruptive stage of: Eupat. per. - even with typhoid symptoms; catarrh prominent; eruption tardy; earache; ophthalmia; short, dry cough, pain in chest ; MEASLES—(Continued). or, loose, rattling cough, which is remain prone to as sequel: Puls.7 MEAT, cough after eating: Staph.7 MENSES, cough during: Coff.¹2 during, roughness in throat caus- ing cough: Castor." suppressed, cough from: Mille., Puls.-7. MENTAL mood changeable before the cough, merry or melancholy: Ferr.s METALLIC cough: Rumex." MIDNIGHT, cough toward, with oppression of chest and coldness: Grat.5 - fit of coughing about, feels as if something had gotten into her throat and would choke her: Cham.6 after: Sepia.7 - dry spasmodic cough, with vomiturition: Bell.10 dry cough, with violent beat- ing of heart and arteries: Calc.6 before, night in bed, cough after having slept an hour or two; oc- curring before midnight, awakes patient; Aralia. barking cough, waking sud- denly at 11 P. M.; face fiery red, crying out with the cough: Bell.' hoarse barking cough, in attacks every night at 11 P. M., and at 2 and 5 A. M.: Rumex.7 MOAN, sudden and involuntary moan, half a cough and half a moan; caused by irritation in throat Calad." MORNING Cough; Vic.¹ agg. at 10-11 A. M.: Coc. c.¹ early: Hepar, Nux v. See after Midnight. begins to cough at 3 A. M., and repeats every half hour: Kali e. 192 SUPPLEMENT. MORNING, early cough from 6 A. M. to 6 P. M.: Calc. ph.7 - cough agg. in: Thuja,¹º Verat.7 cough, first barking, dry cough, followed by expectoration of vis- cid stringy mucus; the difficult expectoration causes retching and vomiting: Coc. c.10 in bed: Nux v.6 dry cough in, loose in afternoon (from tickling in throat), with stitches in chest or left hypo- chondrium: Amm. m.7 dry in,, evening cough loose: Bov.7 dry cough and prostration in: Hyper.7 dry spasmodic cough in, causing retching: Kreos." cough, even with difficult expec- toration is more severe and causes more pain than the dry evening cough: Squil.10 6 loose cough in: Natr. sul.6 on rising: Bor.,7 Canth., Carbo an.,7 Thuja.10 cough only during day or in, on rising and in evening after lying down: Thuja.10 violent fits of cough be- fore retiring and on rising: Ailan.7 7 after rising: Ant. cr., Carbo v.6 dry cough: Arn., Plumb. —7. cr.7 with asthma: Digit. paroxysmal cough: Ant. short cough from irrita- tion in throat: China. 6 slight cough, from tick- ling low in trachea, every morn- ing after rising: Arn." straining cough in the morn- ing, straining the chest, with ex- pectoration of mucus and blood: Selen.10 MORNING, spasmodic, dry, cough in, causing retching: Kreos.7 throat, tickling in throat and cough preventing him from lying in bed: Coc. c.¹ after waking, cough worse evening and before midnight, or in morning soon after waking: Rhus.7 1 on waking: Arn., Kali b.7 agg.: Psor.7 cough with tough, yellow phlegm on waking in the: Au- rum.7 MOUTH, bleeding from: Arn., Bell., China, Kreos., Led., Lyc. -6. closed, scratching, rawness and bleeding in throat and a disposi- tion to keep the jaws tightly closed: Kobalt.7 rinsing, causes cough: Coc. c.¹ loose cough, with soreness in mouth and throat: Mag. s. 10 MOVEMENT, cough agg. by least motion, especially at night: Bell.10 rapid motion, cough worse from: Natr. m.7 NARES, pain in posterior, as from air passing through with vio- lence, when coughing or talking: Mag. sul.10 NERVOUS: dry, spasmodic ner- vous cough, peculiar to women; periodically, every night from sunset to sunrise: Aurum.7 spasmodic cough: Caps." 7 NIGHT cough: Apoc. c., Castor. at agg. at: Manc., Phos.-7. cough particularly night, with tough slimy expecto- ration tasting bitter: Cham." much more cough at night than during day (and more in day when lying); able to sleep SUPPLEMENT. 193 NIGHT cough agg.—(Continued). only toward morning: Nitr. ac.¹ in bed, before sleeping: Car- bo v.6 See Evening in Bed. cough all night with dull pain in chest: Zinc.' chest full of phlegm, nightly cough: Bar. continuous nightly cough, almost without intermission, with pain in head and both sides of abdomen: Lyc." concussive cough cough in the, breathing being frequently ar- rested, as in whooping cough, ac- companied by stitches in chest, sore throat and fever: Nitr. ac. dry cough, agg. at: Calc., Sticta. -7. -7. Hell.7 6 agg. at, with gagging: amel. on sitting up: Rhus. in bed: Calc.10 : with catarrh Spig.7 coming deep from chest, caused by scratching in throat: Petro.¹ 10 evening, and night in bed during sleep; expectoration dur- ing day: Calc.10 pneumonia, with cerebral symptoms, delirium, sopor; dry, fatiguing night cough, or rattling in chest: Hyos.' dry hard cough, evening and night, pain in distant parts: Caps.10 leaves him no rest; feels hot and sweats: Sabad." hoarseness, cough at, with: Calc.6 - lying down at, agg. cough: 6 Gamb., Kali br.,¹ Phyt.7 on back, cough at, when: Amm. m.10 NIGHT, lying down, cough on, at: Dolich." on right side, dry cough only at night when: Carbo an." sit up, violent congh at night, compelling one to sit up and hold head: Nicc.10 nightly cough, must sit up as soon as cough commences : Ars." Crží cocté, sleep, after going to, then very severe cough: Petr.6 from sunset to sunrise, periodic cough, every: Aur. sweats. See Perspiration. violent cough at; with much scraping in larynx, pain in fauces, and thick mucus: Cycl.¹ waking from coughing: Bell.," Coc. c., Coff. at 2 A. M.: Dros.6 from sneezing, with tickling in throat, causing cough: Amm. mur.7 awakens often, all stopped up with mucus, must expectorate before he can breathe easily: Nitr. ac.7 whooping cough, agg. at: Con.6 (See p. 81.) NOISE, a gurgling noise downward after coughing: CINA.¹ NOSE, bleeding of, with cough: Agnus.7 OCCIPUT, pain in, on coughing: Lact.6 stitches in: Merc. sol. OLD people, cough of: Alum.' See Aged, p. 4. PAINFUL cough: Illicium.7 cough consisting of a few, but intensely painful turns, with ex- pectoration of small lumps of mucus (leaving an hollow, empty feeling in chest): Calad." PANTING cough, with oppression of chest: Phos, 194 SUPPLEMENT. 56 PANTING cough with audible rumbling in chest from above downward: Mur. ac.6 PAROXYSMAL, cough in sud- den paroxysms convulses whole body: Caps." dry cough in paroxysms: Chelid." cough in paroxysms, with palpi- tation and nose bleed, mostly in morning: Agnus.7 from tickling in larynx: Calc.,¹ Kali c.7 throat, larynx, or bron- chi, with dislodgment of tena- cious mucus or pus, which must be swallowed: Kali c.7 cough, morning: Agnus." agg. at night: Op.7 short cough in rapid suc- cession of paroxysms: Coff." throat, from tickling in: Kali c.7 PERIODIC cough: Lact.¹ -, painless, spasmodic cough in a shrill, screeching tone; worse in morning: Stram.7 from sunset to sunrise: Aur." PERSPIRATION, cough with profuse sweat on whole body: 7 C.r. Dig. Halit Hep Op. to know fabad, Ars Lack Phir Jamb Spong sp. Jart ι fetid sweat after coughing: Hepar.6 PHARYNX, burning in, on cough- ing: Mag. s., Sulph.-1. as far down as above pit of stomach, all day, with dry cough: Mag. s.1 dryness and scraping in, causing a suffocative cough: Cycl.10 Compare with Fauces. pain in, during dry cough: Mag. m.1 soreness in from cough: Coca.¹ tickling in, excites cough : Coc. c.¹ PREGNANCY, cough during, worse at night: Con." 1 * * Cold perspiration Ars Cr. Cuper May Suffer vedte QUIET, amel. cough (worse from talking): Psor." RACKING, severe, dry cough, caused by tickling in right side of trachea, below larynx: Sticta.? violent, racking cough, worse at night, as if head and chest would burst, sometimes with vomituri- tion; in two paroxysms, from tickling in larynx and upper part of chest: Merc." RASPING, loud, violent dry cough, caused by dryness of the throat; nothing seems to affect the cough: Stram.¹ RATTLING cough, disturbing sleep: Squil.' morning: Meph.10 in spells: Cina." dry spasmodic rattling cough, but nothing loosens: Verat.' loose, rattling cough, with some expectoration, morning: Stram.¹ RESPIRATION. See also under Breathing. Supplement. crepitating: Ant. t., Bell., Car- bo an., Carbo v., Caust., Cupr., Hepar, Hyos., Ipec., Laur., Natr. m., Puls., Samb., Sepia, Sil., Squil.-2. difficult, relieved by cough: Acon.¹ interrupted (short, etc.), with or after cough: ALUMEN,¹ Amm. m., 12 Aspar., China, Coc. c., Coral., Cupr. s.,¹ Digit., Euph.,24 Eupion,¹ Kali c.,2 Lact.,10 Laur.,2 Mur. ac., Samb.,11 Sang., Sulph., Sul. ac., Viola od." 2 7 - irregular during cough: Cupr. s.1 rattling before coughing: Squil.¹ : rattling Cham., Cina, Cupr., Hepar, Hydr. ac.-2. short before cough: Lyc.¹ (See p. 12.) SUPPLEMENT. 195 RESPIRATION, stertorous, fine rales, constant cough, sopor, bluish face, anguish, fear of suf- focation; stertorous breathing: Opium.7 wheezing, with cough and frothy expectoration: ARS." See p. 139. whistling, during cough: Lyc.¹ RIBS, painful weariness in region of last short: Puls. RISING, from bed, cough on: Canth.6 dry cough on rising, going off on walking: Grat.6 in evening, during a violent fit of coughing, he throws up a sweet substance: Calc.6 See also under Morning. ROOM, changing rooms, excites cough: Rumex. warm, agg. cough: Brom.¹ ROUGH, shaking cough: Ipec.' cough, with pain in chest, fol- lowed by cramp in stomach; short breath; with heat in face: Mur. ac. with scraping under sternum: Cann. ind." pain in throat: Carbo an." SCAPULA, cough with pain under left: Sticta.7 stitches under left: Sulph." SCRAPING cough: Rhod. with profuse, thick, yellow or white mucous expectoration: Kreos.7 SCROFULOUS persons, cough in : Con. (Clinical.) SHAKING cough. Compare with Concussive Cough, p. 27. cough: Ipec.2 SHATTERING (See p. 101, 2d col.) SHORT cough: Verat. v.7 afternoon: Anac,6 chest, with rattling rattling in: Natr. c." SHORT Cough with expectora- tion of bright, red blood, which seemingly comes from larynx: Kobalt." with expectoration of some mucus, especially after a meal : Caust.6 after a meal: Caust.6 in morning: Nitr. ac.6 - rattling cough disturbing sleep: Squil.7 throat, from irritation in: Carbo v. SHRILL cough: Ant. t.7 SIGHT dim on coughing: Coff. SIDE, aching pain in chest and side, with cough: Phyt." cough causing pain in loins and sides, causing him to hold them : Kali b.6 stitches in, on coughing: Crotal.,6 Puls.6 See also under Chest. turning from left to right side, amel. cough: Thuja.5 SINGING, excites cough: Alum., Hyos., Rumex.-7. SITTING, cough did not trouble him while walking, but as soon as he sat down it returned: Canc. f. SITTING up (rising up) cough when lying, amel. on rising: (1) Hyos., Mezer., Puls., Rhus, Sa- bad., Sulph. (2) Con., Ipec., Nitr. ac., Phos., Sepia, Sil. (Jahr's Clinical Guide.) amel. cough: Eupion, Natr. sul., Tarent.-1. SLEEP, cough worse in bed, also from sleeping: Lachn." severe cough, especially after lying and sleeping: Apis." cough after going to sleep: Coff:º See During Sleep, p. 98. disturbed by cough: Calad., Phos., Rhod., Squil., Sticta.-7 6 196 SUPPLEMENT. SLEEP, disturbed, dry cough, worse evening and night; can neither sleep nor lie down : Sticta." cough fatigues, and hinders sleep: Daphne.¹ -hollow, mostly dry cough, with pressure in pit of stomach, hindering sleep the whole night: Phos.6 panting cough, preventing sleep: Calad." short, rattling cough, disturb- ing sleep: Squil.7 during, violent cough during: Cham.6 the cough was usually most violent during sleep, was never caused by talking or walking, even against a cold wind: Cylc.¹ going to, cough after: Coff." suffocative cough even- ing after Aralia. on going to, violent racking cough evening when he was on the point of going to sleep, as if chest and head would fly to pieces: Merc.6 SLEEPLESSNESS, with cough: Ars., Lact. SLEEPY, drowsy, with cough: Kreos., Op.-7. See Cough during Sleep. SMOKING excites cough: Arg. n. 11 convulsive cough, agg. by: Lac. ac.¹ SNEEZING after coughing: Anac.,2 Lyc.6 7 with cough: All. c., Alum., Anac., Bad., Carbo an., Carbo v., China, Cina, Con., Eup. per., Hepar, Kali c., Kreos., Lobel.,7 Merc., Nux v., Sepia, Sil., Staph. -2. cough with sneezing, gaping and flatulent eructations: Lobel." SPASMODIC cough: Cact., Caps., Coloc.6-7. chest, spasmodic, tickling cough as from "down" in larynx, suprasternal fossa, and whole chest as far as epigastrium; even- ing without, morning with ex- pectoration of dark blood, or of tenacious, whitish mucus of sourish, herby taste: Ph. ac. child puts hands to genitals: Zinc.' only during day: Staph.' after eating, with vomiting of food: Ferr.7 spasmodic cough in morn- ing, amel. by eating: Ferr.10 evening, agg.: Carbo v., Stram.-6. hollow, spasmodic cough in evening from sensation of sul- phur or dust in pit of throat; in the morning, from a tickling above the pit of stomach; diffi. cult expectoration in evening, tasting and smelling like an old catarrh: Ign.10 spasmodic cough, worse morning and evening, with dark- ness around the eyes: Stram.6 larynx, spasmodic cough from tickling in larynx; morning and day expectoration of yellow, thin or tough mucus, or of dark blood tasting salty; cough worse evening till midnight: Mag. C. 10 spasmodic cough, in short but frequently returning attacks, caused by tickling in throat and larynx; during morning and day the cough is loose, but the yellow pus and tough mucus has to be swallowed (with sore pain on top of head and subsequent great weakness): Kali c.10 midnight, agg. after: Bell." SUPPLEMENT. 197 SPASMODIC cough in morning: Ferr.,10 Ign., Stram.-7. hollow spasmodic cough, in morning from tickling above pit of stomach; in evening from sensation as of sulphur fumes or dust in pit of throat: Ign." periodical, painless spas- modic cough, in a shrill, screech- ing tone, worse in morning: Stram." stomach, pit of, tickling in morning: Ign.7 throat, from scraping and roughness in: Digit.10 (See Tra- chea, roughness in, p. 103.) SPEAK, attacks of cough, resem- bling whooping cough, whenever he begins to speak: Anac.6 exhausting cough which does not permit him to speak: Brom." cough accompanied with hawk- ing and flow of saliva; the cough scarcely allowing one to speak: Lach.6 SPEAKING (talking) excites cough: Alum., Hyos.-7. cough evening with pain in chest, caused by speaking, better from quiet Psor." loud, causes cough: Ambra, Phos.-7. SPLEEN, stitches in, when cough- ing: Bell., Carbo v., Con., Sulph., Zinc.-2. See Left Hypochondria. STERNUM aching. See Pain, p. 106. burning and pressure under sternum, often with with cough: Asaf.7 crawling, dry cough with tick- ling in throat pit and a crawling sensation under sternum (cough becoming very severe, causing pain beneath sternum, no expec- toration): SANG.¹ STERNUM, cutting under, with cough: Nitrum.6 irritation behind sternum causes tickling cough: Rumex.10 irritation under, causes cough: Arg. n.7 pain behind, when coughing: Sang.¹ in, with cough: Cimex, Ni- trum.6 behind mid-sternum, on coughing: Rumex." through mid sternum with cough: Phyt." very painful cough; it seems as if a stone were lying on dia- phragm; it presses downward and causes a violent pain in chest beneath sternuin, thence the pain extended to scapula, it gradually subsided as cough was relieved: Coral.¹ roughness cough: Nitrum.6 scraping under, with rough cough: Cann. ind.7 under, causing soreness behind, on coughing: Cina, Psor., Rumex.-10. 6 violent cough, as if sternum would fly to pieces; it feels sore and bruised, especially when talking, laughing, or yawning: Mur. ac.6 stitches in on coughing: Con.,6 Petro." See p. 23. tickling under, in throat, or in stomach, causes gagging, per- sistent cough: Lach." constant tickling under mid- dle of, causing hacking cough, worse from talking or moving: Calc. (Hg.) can. 26 under middle of: Lac. tingling, in centre of, cough as if caused by: Con. 198 SUPPLEMENT. 1 STERNUM, ulcerative pain be- hind, on coughing: Staph. STERTOROUS breathing with 5 cough: Bell., Op.7 STOMACH, burning in, when coughing: Hepar." comes from, cough seems to; Lach.6 pain in, from cough: Lobel." in pit of stomach, on coughing: Arundo,' Hyos." hard and fatiguing cough, even unto vomiting, with diffi- cult expectoration; pain in pit of stomach, obliging one to press hand on it; cough exists only during the day, worse after sleep- ing or eating fish, and in damp weather, still more after walking, and particularly after talking, as if throat became dry: Lach.6 shooting, cough with shooting in scrobiculum, leaving when sputum is raised: Zinc." sticking pain in epigastrium, with cough, must press it with the hand: Phos.7 stitches in: Tabac.7 stuffing at, chronic loud cough from stuffing at epigastrium, chiefly on waking in the morn- ing; has then a fit of coughing and expectoration of tough mu- cus, with lightness in head: Kali b.6 tickling in pit of stomach and larynx causes a dry barking cough; worse at night, also in day when lying down: Nitr. ac.7 persistent, gagging cough from tickling in throat, under sternum, or in the stomach: Lach.7 rax.6 hacking cough: Ta- pit of, spasmodic cough: Bar., Bry., Ferr., Nitr. ac.-2. STOMACH, tickling in pit of. See p. 102. whooping cough: Ign., Natr. m.-2. See pp. 143-4. STOOLS, involuntary: Bell.10 STOOPING, agg, cough: Arg. n.,7 Hepar.5 STORM, cough worse before a thunder-storm: Phos.7 STRAINING cough: Selen.' STRANGERS, child coughs at sight of: Phos.8 SUFFOCATION. See Breathing, pp. 11, 12, and 172. SUFFOCATIVE (choking) cough: Kali iod." Compare with Choking Cough, p. 26. the child beconring quite stiff' and blue in the face: Ipec.6 in children with crying: Samb.7 - larynx, suffocative, choking cough, at 5 A. M., as if caused by dryness in larynx; was pre- vented from talking by spasm of chest, accompanied by red face and sweat all over: Kali c.6 iod.7 with swollen larynx: Kali at night: Bry.,16 Cham.,10 Lyc.,' Sil.,10 Thuja.6 cough loose by day, suffo- cating spells at night: Lyc." pharynx, scraping and dry- ness in pharynx causing a suffo- cative cough: Cyc.10 violent, deep-seated, suffoca- ting cough, with expectoration: Guarea.¹ SUGAR, amel. cough: Sulph.5 SWALLOW, after frequent short, dry cough, must swallow, some- thing seems to rise up in throat; whining and moaning: Cina.14 SUPPLEMENT. 199 SWALLOWING excites cough and gagging: Lyssin. (Hg.) SWEETS, cough from eating: Spong." TEASING dry cough, day and night: Kali c.7 dry teasing cough caused by tickling in bronchi, uncovering even a hand: Rhus." TEMPERATURE, a change of agg. cough: Carbo v., Lach." THORAX. See Chest. THROAT, aching in, only during a coughing fit, as if an ulcer would open: Caps.6 burning in, excites cough: Bov. —, dry fatiguing cough caused by a violent, almost burning titil- lation in throat, before retiring in evening: Arg. n.6 on coughing, night: Cas- tor.6 cracking in, during cough: Lyc.¹ dryness in, with cough: Phos." clear, constant desire to clear the: Crot. t.l coldness, sensation of in: Brom. constriction of, irritation in- ducing cough, attended by con- striction of throat and spasm of chest: Carbo an.6 -, with cough and amel. by the cough: Asar.¹ contractive sensation in, cough from, especially at night when sleeping: Nitr. ac.6 crawling in, hacking cough from: Caust.7 and tickling in, dry spasmodic cough: Kreos.6 cutting in sides of, when cough- ing: Lvc. darting sensation in, causes cough: Cistus.“ dryness in, excites cough : THROAT, dryness-(Continued). 7 Atrop., Eugen., Kalm., Verat. v.-1. itching dryness causes cough, morning: Mang dry glottis causes cough as from a cold: Hura. of, with cough: Phyt.6 fauces. See See p. 45. irritation in, excites hacking cough, much increased by heat and cold air: Hepar." Rumex. on inspiration: Asar.," on deep or rapid inspira- tion: Rumex. (Dunham.) night, cough from: Tabac.¹ itching dryness in, short and hacking cough, morning: Mang. mucus in, sensation as if tena- cious mucus were hanging down in throat, causing hacking cough: Laur.6 nares, sensation as of an acrid fluid through posterior nares, excites cough: Kali b.12 pain in posterior nares, as from air passing through with violence, when coughing or talk- ing: Mag. s.10 rawness in, excites cough: Sil.¹ and hoarseness in, disappear- ing after a few paroxysms of cough: Mag. c.¹ roughness in, exciting cough: Castor.6 when coughing: Natr. c.6 scraping in, excites cough : Mag. m.6 afternoon, in open air, cough from: Phos.6 dry sensation in throat, mak- ing it difficult for him to talk and obliging him to cough : Senega.6 in, morning, cough from: Upa.¹ 200 SUPPLEMENT. THROAT, scraping in, on cough- ing: Mag. c.,¹ Petro., Senega.-6. scratching in, when reading aloud: Nitr. ac.6 soreness in, on coughing, after dinner: Phos. stinging in, with fluent coryza: Lact.6 and dryness in, with rough cough: Merc.6 and roughness of, with dry cough: Natr. c.6 tear, sensation in throat when coughing, as if it would tear away a piece of flesh: Phos.6 tickling in, evening, cough from: Nicc.6 1.30 P. M., cough from: Lac. can.26 -, gagging, persistent cough from tickling in throat, under sternum, or in stomach; worse on falling asleep or during day, from change of temperature: Lach." morning, dry cough from tickling in throat, night or day; dry in morning, with stitches in chest or left hypochondrium, becomes loose in afternoon: Amm. m.7 Natr. sul.6 loose cough from: and scraping in, from below upward, with irritation inducing cough: Tabac.6 in region of thyroid cartilage, which provokes cough, whereby the tickling is made worse: Squil.13 sensation in upper part of, causing constant hacking cough: Lac. can.26 titillating dryness in, cough: Lach.6 in throat, exciting cough (waking him at night): Phos." THROAT, titillating, violent titil- lation in, obliging him to cough, before dinner, recurring at same hour for several days: Arg. n.º touching (pressure on) excites cough: Bell.,25 Stram.5 THROAT-PIT, irritation in, ex- cites cough: Squil.6 itching in chest (trachea), and pit of throat with dry cough, which does not alleviate the itch- ing: Phos.6 roughness in, with drawing stitches when coughing and sneezing; hawking relieves the symptom: Borax.6 tickling in, excites cough: Natr. m.6 itching in region of pit of throat, threatening suffocation, until a concussive cough sets in, continuing for hours without interruption, and causing pain in abdomen and throat: Sil." tingling in, cough from, with discharge of tough mucus tasting like grease: Mag. m.6 TONGUE, hacking cough from put- ting out: Lyc.10 TRACHEA, fullness, constant feeling of fullness in trachea, with irritation and hacking diffi- culty of speech, and frequent loose cough: Lact. humming sound in windpipe, frequent cough with: Natr. c.6 irritation, low down in trachea, especially when stooping, cough from: Spig. - evening cough, fatiguing chest, occasioned by an irritation in lower part of trachea: Petr.6 itching below larynx causing hacking cough: Laur.6 tough mucus, in morning tough mucus in lower part of trachea which cannot be dislodged by SUPPLEMENT. 201 TRACHEA—(Continued). coughing and hawking; he makes great exertion, but only loosens a little, and even this does not come into mouth, but has to be swallowed; after hawking and coughing a scraping sensation remains in trachea as if it were raw and sore; finally the mucus loosens itself, and he is obliged to hawk it up repeatedly: Cann.s.¹ pressure on, excites cough: Bell. (Dunham.) 7 prickling, hacking induced by prickling in larynx and trachea, with subsequent dryness in mouth and larynx: Laur. rawness and soreness high up in, when coughing: Arg. n.' roughness in, throat and tra- chea, also with hoarseness, or with irritation which induces hacking cough, or with difficulty of speech, or with drawing in TRACHEA—(Continued). trachea and hacking cough : Laur.6 tickling at bifurcation of, ex- citing cough: Coc. c.¹ 6 6 in trachea, extending from pit of stomach to epiglottis, cough: Puls. WAKED, hacking cough, waken- ing at midnight, with scraping in chest and sensation as if stom- ach would turn, as if vomiting would set in: Ruta. WEATHER, titillating burning or stinging, particularly in open air, during wet and cold weather, with constant irritation in, oblig- ing him to cough, or to hawk, with constant expectoration: Aphis.6 WHEEZING respiration with cough and frothy expectoration: Ars. See under Respiration. ERRATA. Page 15, 1st column, line 13 from bottom, for Arn.' read Amm. c.7 Page 29, 2d col., line 19 from bottom, omit Euph." 7 Page 32, 2d col., line 7 from bottom, for Min. ac. read Mur. ac.; line 8, for Mag. read Mez. Page 33, 1st col., line 12 from bottom, for Eupin read Eupion. Page 34, 1st col., line 19 from top, for expectoration read expiration; same at page 43, 2d col., line 9th. Page 40, 1st col., line 14 from bottom, for Sepia read, (6-7 P. M.) Ipec. Page 42, 1st col., line 25, for Phal. read Phell. Page 43, 2d col., line 4 from bottom, for EUPH. read EUPHR. Page 48, 1st col., line 4, for Aqu. fr. read Aqu. petr. Page 48, 2d col., line 4 from bottom, for Hell. ox. read Hell. or. Page 49, 2d col., line 19, for Sil. t. read Lil. t. Page 51, 1st col., line 10th from bottom, for Hydras. read Hyper.'; same at p. 115, line 20, 2d col. Page 52, 1st col., line 17 from bottom, for Ranc read (Raue). Page 56, 2d col., line 3 from bottom, for Stam. read Stram. Page 61, 2d col., line 21, for Cori v. read Coral. Page 62, 1st col., line 14, for Merc. ac. read Mur. ac. Page 63, 1st col., line 30, for agg. read amel. Page 68, 1st col., line 3, for day read dry. Page 68, 1st col., line 13, for Coc. c. read Cocc. Page 68, 2d col., line 17, for Coloc. n., read Colocn. Page 90, 1st col., line 3, for amel. read aggr. Page 91, 2d col., line 9, for sir read air. Page 98, 1st col., line 3d from bottom, omit Kreos. Page 102, 2d col., line 3 from bottom, for Lach. v.2 read Lact. v.2 Page 106, 1st col., 2d line, for when read causes. Page 119, 1st col., line 22, for Mag. s.¹ read Mag. c.¹ Page 131, 2d col., line 15, for Dulch. read Dulc. Page 150, 1st col., line 5, for An.' read Arn." Filmed by Preservation 1991 ་ 1 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Y ! 3 9015 02006 1605 1