MAINTENA thành quảng nan nhanh vào wan, pag may, in area, we hope of LA TT Kapit sukeštinske mas Placa pH BOTA MAU A 575791 ON FISTULA : ¥ Į.COMPTON BURNETT, M.D. WAJANVA ARTES LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 1837 200 TIMBERITAHI ARTISTEL VERITAS E-PLURIBUS UNUM SCIENTIA JEBUR SI-QUAERIS PENINSULAM AMOENAM CIRCUMSPICE OF THE KRAŽAVA VOJA JAJAJA 1 : - 100% ganapan a j 2 # H617.23 B 96 4 } On Fistula ¿ AND ITS Radical Cure by Medicines. 21 ON FISTULA AND ITS " RADICAL CURE BY MEDICINES. "" BY 66925- J. COMPTON BURNETT, M.D., AUTHOR OF THE MEDICINAL TREATMENT OF DISEASES OF THE VEINS, MORE ESPECIALLY OF VENOSITY, VARICOCELE, HEMORRHOIDS, AND VARICOSE VEINS,' "VALVULAR DISEASE OF THE HEART FROM A NEW STANDPOINT," << GOLD AS A REMEDY IN Disease," ETC. {"""""BES": SECOND EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. "Men will not heed! Yet were I not prepared With better refuge for them, tongue of mine Should ne'er reveal how blank their dwelling is; I would sit down in silence with the rest.” BROWNING'S "PARACELSUS." 1894. DALANDI LONDON: JAMES EPPS & CO., LIMITED, 170 PICCADILLY, and 48 THREADNEEDLE STREET. } 1 + ! 1 1 PRINTED BY OLIVER AND 1 1 ! BOYD, | D !! EDINBURGH. " 11 ? 1 1 : } 1 PREFACE. DURING the past fifteen years a consider- able number of cases of diseases of the anal and intercrural regions have been under my professional care, notably cases of hæmor- rhoids and varicocele; and, intercurrently with these, not a few cases of fistula have come under my observation. At first I did not quite believe it possible to cure fistula with medicines alone without any operation or topic applications, for I had been taught that to cure a fistula you must needs operate upon it. So you will not find anything about fistula in works on Medicine. I pulled down a dozen master works at random from my shelves,-Kafka, Grauvogl, Kissel, Guttceit, Rademacher, and the like,-and found either nothing at all, or passing reference to fistula merely. Fistula belongs to the surgeons. But I had also been taught that piles cannot M .རྞ· Preface. be cured without operation, and as I found this teaching false and untrue (having myself cured numbers of such cases with homoeo- pathic treatment alone), I set about the treatment of fistula also with medicines, and frequently succeeded in my task, mostly with the help of the experience of eminent homoeopathic physicians, whose written testi- mony any inquirer may find for himself on reference to the literature of the homoeopathic school. With the lapse of time my own experience has grown, and I have found that not only hæmorrhoids, but also fistula can be genuinely and radically cured with medicines alone, a knowledge of homoeopathy, a little patience, and diagnostic skill being given. It is unfortunate for the progress and extension of Scientific Medicine, and by Scientific Medicine I mean no more and no less than Homœopathy,—it is unfortunate, I say, that our surgeons are so clever with their hands, for they do their work for the most part so well, so neatly, so painlessly, vi : 1 .... !} Preface. vii that medical men have come to rely more and more upon the knife, to the almost total exclusion of the more gentle, more humane, and more rational treatment with medicines. The medical profession at large contemn homoeopathy, they know nothing about it. There was a time when I also contemned it,- I also then knew nothing about it; but now, having studied it and practised it, my airy contempt has given place to humble-minded thankfulness, and I maintain that homoeo- pathy-real scientific homoeopathy-is the most mighty weapon against disease known to mankind. It is in the hope that others may share in this knowledge that I send these pages to the press. J. COMPTON BURNETT. 2 FINSBURY CIRCUS, E. C., March 1894. & The Radical Cure of Fistula by Medicines. THERE are various kinds of cure in practical medical life; given a case of fistula that is treated by applying healing remedies to the same, it may thus be brought to heal up. This healing up is com- monly designated a cure. In the sense of curare this is, of course, correct; but I hardly think it is so in the true meaning of our English word to cure. But to obviate any misapprehension, I mean in this little treatise by cure a radical pro- A 2 The Radical Cure of ļ ceeding aimed at the constitutional cause or root of the complaint, and not a forcible healing up, by medi- cines applied to the suffering part. The word fistula means in Latin a pipe, such as a water-pipe or wind- pipe. In medical language it signifies a really or assumedly pipe- shaped canal in the living tissue, and may occur in various regions of the body. We are here princi- pally concerned with fistula as it is found near the anus-fistula in ano, -one case only, and that a very re- markable one, of urinary fistula being narrated.* In common medico- chirurgical practice, it is held and taught that the fistular canal cannot * In the second part, however, other cases are now added.-AUTHOR. Fistula by Medicines. 3 heal, either because the fistula being internal (complete or incom- plete)-flatus and fæcal matter con- stantly irritate it, and thus prevent the healing process, or else because of the lining of the fistula itself be- coming a secreting membrane- pyogenic or otherwise. Hence it is usual to slit open the fistula, and thus turn it into a wound, which is then cleansed and dressed with some antiseptic or vulnerary, to the end that the same may heal up. At first sight this seems the the only rational mode of treating fistula, so that the individual may not be debilitated by the discharge and local misery. It has, however, long been con- tended by able medical thinkers 14 4 The Radical Cure of that the fistular process is the local expression of a constitutional cause, and that the true philosophical and scientific way of treating fistula is to remove said constitutional cause, and then the fistula will heal of itself with little or no local aid at all. We will call these two theories respectively that of the localists and that of the constitutionalists. I take the stand of those who hold that fistula is most commonly a constitutional affection, and must therefore be treated by the physi- cian. I go further, and maintain that the local treatment of dyscratic fistula is not only wrong, but irra- tional and harmful. In many cases it is better to leave such a fistula alone than cause it to heal by Fistula by Medicines. 5 operation and antiseptic (or other) dressings. Theories to be of any service must be workable in practice. The localists-the surgeons—oper- ate upon their fistula patients, and publish their results. I treat my fistula patients with medicines, and here give some results. Let these respective results be compared. But this comparison of results should take into account the future life and health-history of the patient. On this part of the question hinges the whole thing. I do not deny that fistula can often be successfully operated upon and made to close up, but what of the future health of the individual? There's the rub. But whatever view may be held of the true nature of fistula (using 6 The Radical Cure of } the word as commonly employed), I shall in the following pages prove that fistula can be radically cured by medicines, and that is all I claim of merit for these pages. Incident- ally the remedies found useful are given, so that the competent may judge for themselves, and the in- experienced learn how to do it if they so elect. The key to the use of the remedies is the law of similars; the guide to their choice, the patient's symptoms, subjective and objective. C As before remarked, fistula in the anal region and piles are not always duly differentiated from one another by the sufferers, and hence it happens that those practitioners who see a Fistula by Medicines. 7 good deal of one complaint are pretty sure to see a good deal of the other. Myself, I have had a rather wide experience in the medi- cinal treatment of hæmorrhoids,* and inter-currently a certain number of cases of fistula have passed under my observation and professional care, and from the experience thus acquired, I can say that fistula in ano may usually be completely cured by medicines. And I think that there can hardly be any two opinions as to the superiority of the cure of fistula by remedies over its operative treatment. I say operative treatment, for in operative cure I do not indeed believe; you may slit open a fistula and cause it See my "Diseases of the Veins." 8 The Radical Cure of to heal up, but the fistular patient (though well quoad the fistula as fistula) is constitutionally precisely where he was before. That surely every thoughtful person, whether patient or physician, or even surgeon, must concede. There are, no doubt, certain cases of fistula in which we are obliged to have recourse to the knife or other surgical operation, but I am firmly convinced this need not often be the case, indeed, hardly ever, provided the right medicinal treatment be begun early enough and persevered in long enough. Even those whose only means of treating fistula is surgery have, never- theless, to admit their utter and absolute powerlessness in a very large number of cases of this most Fistula by Medicines. distressing complaint, and, unfortun- ately for the poor sufferers, the cases in which the surgeons dare not operate, on account of contingent poitrinary explosions or exacerba- tions, or because the fistula will not heal, even though they were operated upon, just these very cases are the worst and most serious. In fact, in really dyscratic cases of fistula the surgeon's knife is of no more use than the north wind. And, indeed, how should it be possible for local work to cure a constitutional ailment, which fistula undoubtedly is nine. times out of every ten? It is not possible. The diathesis must be mended and then the fistula heals, and after certain flickerings comes. no more; the patient gets a heal- IO The Radical Cure of ! ļ thier colour and takes on flesh, and with it with it come health and strength. Of course, I do I do not advocate the medicinal treatment of traumatic fistula from fish bones imbedded in passing down athwart the gut, lacerating it, and then the fæces irritate, set up inflammation, which together burrow into the tissues, form sinuses and fistulæ ; nor do I advocate leaving bags of scro- fulous pus pent up; not at all, here let surgery step in, and that promptly. But these cases are not the most common by any means. Nor would I for one moment be understood to deny that the poor person suffering from fistula, living under unhygienic conditions, ill-fed, and badly cared for, I say I would not for an instant. Fistula by Medicines. II be understood to say that such patients are not much improved, and perhaps even cured, when brought into a nice clean hospital, well fed, dosed with cod-liver oil and tonics, and their fistulæ operated upon. Common sense and actual facts forbid. I am thinking of the clean living, well-fed sufferers from fistula, who still suffer notwithstanding easy circumstances, faultless hygiene, and every attention to their physical well-being. These are the cases I am familiar with, and of these I write. I will now close in a little upon my task, and proceed to show the way in which anal fistula may be medicinally treated without any operating or local messing and pot- tering at all, and not only medicinally I 2 The Radical Cure of treated, but also medicinally radically cured. The following series of detailed cases will also prove that the right remedies will help where surgery has failed, for the very best surgical treatment fails much more frequently than surgeons, I wot of, are willing to confess. Not that I impute bad faith to them, but it takes a good deal to convince even the most honest against their will. I think I could hardly do better than begin with a case of recurrent fistula, because it seems to me that if a complaint recur over and over again at any given spot, there must needs be an internal cause for such recurrence; if not, whence does the prefistular abscess come? Fistula by Medicines. 13 RECURRENT CIRCUMANAL ABSCESS AND FISTULA. On May 22, 1882, a married London merchant, thirty - seven years of age, called to consult me in regard to recurrent fistula, and circumanal abscesses. He related to me that eighteen months previously he got an abscess at the seat, which his surgeon lanced and treated, and in the end pronounced as cured. Cured it was, in the surgeon's opinion; he was quite honest in this expressed opinion, but you might as well say that when you have plucked the apples from your apple trees in the autumn, you have cured the said apple trees of apple- bearing, for, although the surgeon 14 The Radical Cure of . : : had "cured" the abscess, he had not cured the patient of his power to produce more fistula-leaving abscesses, inasmuch as the disease had returned each subsequent spring and fall. And this is really the point I am contending for, viz. :— The abscess at the seat with its sequential fistula is not the disease in its real essence, but only its local expression in the anal region. Not being satisfied with his "cure," patient had consulted other sur- geons, in all three, for his anal trouble, and all three alike lanced and poulticed, and still it came afresh. On examination I found he was suffering from an incomplete external fistula that had also just been diagnosed by a noted specialist - Fistula by Medicines. 15 for diseases of the rectum who had lately seen it, and urged the impera- tive necessity of cutting it at once. Patient had a good deal of acne on his shoulders and neck, the erup- tion often showing white mattery heads. He had only been vaccin- ated once, and that as a baby. Has had often and many little indolent boils in the nape. B Kali carbonicum 30. June 12.-He is much better; the opening of the fistula is now about the size of a split pea. B Psoricum 30 in very infrequent dose. July 16.-He is not so comfort- able at the anus, and the fistula seems more active. 16 The Radical Cure of To have Thuja occidentalis 30 in very infrequent dose. September 19.-There is great improvement in the anal trouble, and the skin of his neck and shoulders and nape is much healthier and clearer. To have Mercurius corrosivus in the same strength as the Kali, Psoricum, and Thuja. Jan. 15, 1883.-Fistula well, but there are still blind boils in his skin. To have Aqua silicata, which finished the cure. But in the autumn of 1883 another abscess formed, when the same kind of treatment, together with Arctium lappa, Calcarea car- bonica, etc., was helpful. And Fistula by Medicines. 17 finally, in the spring of 1884, patient paid me three visits with what might be called the last faint flicker- ings of his fistula disease. Since then ten years have elapsed, and there has been no return, and no attempt at a return, and patient continues otherwise in excellent health. This I know, because he lately brought his wife to me for another matter relating to her health, when I gathered the fact just nar- rated. From the circumstance that the disease in this gentleman was some little time before it was quite extin- guished, and from the nature of the remedies which acted best, and from a certain number of other similar and dissimilar cases, I am quite satis- B i 18 The Radical Cure of fied that there is fistula and fistula,- that it must, in fact, be looked upon as a generic term for several con- stitutional complaints of a totally different nature, and that surgery of all and every kind is absolutely in- adequate to cope with these various constitutional states grouped to- gether under the conventional term fistula. I think the good results. obtained by the aid of the knife are partly due to more attention to diet and hygiene, and partly to the fact that the fistulous processes them- selves may be helped to heal up by antiseptics and cleansing washes. But we must ever bear in mind that forcibly healing a fistula does not necessarily restore the fistular patient to health. ŕ Fistula by Medicines. 19 When I speak of health I do not necessarily mean that every patient with fistula feels ill, for such is not the case, inasmuch as we meet with quite a number of patients with fistula who can hardly be said to be subjectively ill at all, and yet we could hardly maintain that a man or woman with acne, blind boils, and fistula is in good health. The reason why they do not feel ill lies probably in the fact that these external ex- pressions of ill-health carry out from the blood and internal parts the materies morbi, and their being suc- cessfully landed on to the outer surface, the internal feeling of well- being is not disturbed. Still, you will generally notice that persons with fistula have a more or less un- 20 The Radical Cure of A healthy skin, which is cheesy, greasy, spotty, pimply, or dirty looking, and they are also commonly anæmic. Thus the gentleman whose case I have just narrated, when he came to me felt fairly well, but he looked pasty and pale, and his flesh was flabby; now he not only feels well, but looks it, and I have no doubt. whatever that his future life is now much more safe, and I think it would be only fair if his life insurance company were to pay the fees he incurred. SIMPLE FISTULA. The most simple form, however, in which fistula comes before one is where the subjects are seemingly in good health, and in whom the 1 Fistula by Medicines. 2 I whole thing can be cured by medicines in two or three months. Thus a gentleman of some forty-six years of age, hale and hearty to all appearance, consulted me for fistula in ano that had plagued him for a number of months. An operation had been decided upon, and assented to by the gentleman, but as he was not exactly ill, and was, moreover, over head and ears in big affairs, he constantly put it off. It never occurred to him even that medicines were any good in such cases; his own surgeon said they were not, and that was enough. The fouling dis- charge was the only thing that really inconvenienced him, with a certain amount of local irritation, and a little blood once in a way. But it 22 The Radical Cure of did not heal, and one day he met with a gentleman, an old friend of his own, and whom I had cured of severe fistula several years pre- viously; the result was that he came to me. Under Hydrastis cana- densis 0 he got quite well in a little less than two months. No local application of any kind was used. He was the more pleased at his rapid cure as he was about to marry at the time, and a fistula is not desir- able under such circumstances. I am in a little doubt as to the origin of the primary morbid element in this case. It was certainly not constitutional to him, and I am inclined to think it was a local affair acquired in der wilden Ehe, and in this particular case, no doubt, an I T • Fistula by Medicines. 23 operation with antiseptic dressings would have cured him quite as well as my treatment, though not so pleasantly. Surgeons seem to think there is a kind of Spartan virtue in having one's fistula operated upon. I cannot quite see it in that light myself. HEPATIC FISTULA. I may not, perhaps, be justified in designating the kind of fistula I here refer to as hepatic, but at any rate one meets with certain people with fistula that have enlarged livers as concomitants, and our common hepa- tics readily cure them. Chelidonium majus, Carduus Marie, Myrica cerifera, and Berberis vulgaris (as the case may be), cure the liver and : 24 The Radical Cure of at the same time the fistula. They are simple and, probably, either not constitutional at all, or only in a very slight degree, and they do not readily recur. I do not regard them as par- ticularly important, and therefore will not dwell upon them. I have some- times thought they may be due to high living and want of exercise. There may also be a slight strumous taint at the bottom of them. CIRCUMANAL ABSCESS. This is the common origin of fistula, and its treatment is highly important. I so rarely use local applications at all in any complaints that I will pause here, and, under the heading of circumanal abscess, I will say that the very best plan 1 Fistula by Medicines. 25 (where the pain and distress are very great) is to keep the gathering constantly moistened with rags dipped in Liquor calcis, P.B., changing the rags very frequently. I shall not easily forget a gentleman I once attended for perineal abscess, in which the pains were extremely severe. Troubles about the anus are, in my experience, for the most part distressing ones, even if only slight. Well, this gentleman, in my judg- ment, was ridding his organism of a tuberculous tendency by means of this perineal abscess, i.e., the organ- ism was brimming over at that part to save the lungs, so I was particu- larly anxious not to have the abscess interfered with, for I have noticed that cutting open immature ab- 26 The Radical Cure of scesses is no gain; they simply go on "sweating" for double the time it would have taken to heal had the abscesses been allowed to mature in their own way. But he really could not bear the pain; when I applied lime-water rags, with the result that the pain became a mere nothing, and patient forthwith had a beautiful sleep. He made a capital recovery, and fistula was prevented. The principal remedies used were Aconite, Silicea, Hepar, Sulphur, Calc. Calc. sulphurica, and China; with one or two subse- quently given constitutional reme- dies, foremost being Kali carb. 30, and Lappa major 0. For the relief of the pain of acute gatherings I have very great con- Fistula by Medicines. 27 i fidence in lime-water rags. I have often felt very thankful to this excel- lent practical tip that I first learned of Dr George Wyld, of London, and if my reading memory does not deceive me, it was a favourite little clinical knack of no less a man than Theophrastus von Hohenheim, com- monly called Paracelsus, and a splendid friend in need it is. I once had a case of gastritis near Hyde Park that resisted all my remedies, and began to look very ugly indeed, when I applied ab- dominal compresses, saturated with Liquor calcis, P.B., and frequently changed. Patient had a good sleep within two hours, and returned home to her friends in the country within a week. 28 The Radical Cure of In advocating the medicinal treat- ment of fistula (which I should certainly prefer to call the Fistular Disease), I am stepping out of the serried ranks of the profession to some extent, and am therefore by means medically catholic or orthodox. Still, there are others who have done, and do the same thing. I mention this lest I be understood to give out that I have myself originated the cure of anal fistula by medicines. This is not so. no PHYSICIANS WHO TREAT FISTULA MEDICINALLY. Before proceeding any further, I will quote the doings and sayings of a number of physicians more : Fistula by Medicines. 29 or less like-minded with myself. Thus :- Dr Kidd ("Laws of Thera- peutics," p. 174) shows that whether we profess homœopathy or not, we require its teachings to cure Our patients. He says:-"FISTULA IN ANO CURED BY DILUTE Nitric acid. Mr B., of a dark sallow complexion (note the unhealthy skin), aged 42, applied to me for a fistula in ano, which had existed for nearly a year, and which two of the best London surgeons agreed must be operated upon, saying it could could not be cured without operation. He com- plained of soreness and burning pain in the lower bowel; a thin greenish discharge flowed freely from the fistula. I (Dr Kidd) pre- 30 The Radical Cure of ¿ 1: scribed eight drops of dilute Nitric acid in a wineglass of water three times a day, without any local treat- ment. This perfectly and per- manently cured the fistula in two months." This use of nitric acid in fistula is ancient history with the homoeopaths. Hughes, "Manual of Pharmaco- dynamics," third edition, well sums it up by pointing out that nitric acid manifests great power over the muco-cutaneous outlets, "those parts where mucous membrane is exposed to the external air, and where skin is so shielded and moist- ened that it approximates to mucous membrane." Hughes, writing still of nitric acid, continues, "It exhibits a singular power over the rectum Fistula by Medicines. 31 17 i and anus it has cured prolapsus fistula, and even fissure." Then Dr Kidd gives (p. 175) the following:-" FISTULA IN ANO CURED BY Hydrastis canadensis.-Mr L., aged 46, a Greek merchant, came to me suffering from fistula in ano, which had existed for three months. A well-known specialist and the family medical attendant assured him that he could not be cured without operation. Unwilling to sub- mit to this he came to me. I pre- scribed ten drops of the tincture of Hydrastis canadensis in water, night and morning, also a compress over the fistula of four drachms of tincture of Hydrastis to four ounces of water, applied on cotton wool, night and day. To his great delight 32 The Radical Cure of this perfectly cured him in a month.” As our author gives no data or dates we cannot judge of the cases for ourselves, but they serve my pur- poses for quoting them, viz., to show that homoeopathy enables her followers to cure fistula medicinally. And Hydrastis (as well as Hydrastin) is well known in the United States as possessing power over fistula in ano, and it is thence that we have both the remedy and our knowledge of it. Hughes, in his "Manual of Therapeutics," writes of the medi- cinal cure of fistula as follows:- FISTULA IN ANO you would hardly expect to be reached by internal remedies, and I am not confident that it would be so cured without (6 : Fistula by Medicines. 33 local applications also. But with the Calendula and Hydrastis of our Materia Medica thus applied we have several cases to report. There is one by Dr Eadon in the 'Monthly Homœopathic Review' for June 1865, in which Calcarea phosphorica, with injections of Calendula lotion and the steam douche, proved cura- tive; another by Mr Clifton in the same journal for July 1860, Causticum with Calendula being the remedies; and a third from America, in the 'British Journal' for October 1868, where Nux and Sulphur were given with injections of Hydrastin." But I am myself more than suspicious of the genuineness and the far-reaching- ness of the cures by local applica- tions. I do not mean that the cures с 34 The Radical Cure of 1. reported are not genuine, but that the constitutional crasis underlying the fistular state can hardly be really cured by local remedies, for I do not believe that fistula is very often local in its nature, though it may be expressed in the anal region and nowhere else. The following from my own practice comes nearer my idea of a real cure :— CASE OF FISTULA CURED BY MEDICINES. A stout, middle-aged merchant came to me on April 20, 1887, for fistula in ano. His local medical man had got the fistula to heal by local and topic measures, but the uneasiness of the anal region was even greater than before. Patient Fistula by Medicines. 35 had for long been subject to boils, but had had no complaints, except measles and scarlatina in his child- hood. From the fact that he had a good deal of pustular acne on certain parts of the body, and also taking into account the fact that he had been twice vaccinated, I thought it likely that vaccinosis lay at the root of the disease expressed at the anus. The first remedy, given was Thuja occidentalis 30, which was followed by a small lump at the part where the fistula had healed up really cured it evidently was not. And there was another ab- scess just beginning. I then gave him Bellis perennis 1, five drops in water night and morning, and he 36 The Radical Cure of thereafter had Hepar sulphuris `3*, Silicea 6th trituration, and Kali carbonic. 30, and was then dis- charged perfectly cured. All the sclerosed circumanal tissue had become quite healthy, and his old eczema had also disappeared. And I would remark that the consentaneous disappearance of the eczema stamps the cure as like the disease, i.e., general and constitu- tional. And this is essentially im- portant, for I much doubt whether the forcible healing up of fistula even by Calendula and Hydrastis or Hydrastin, or douches, is an unmixed advantage, unless the general state be simultaneously righted. For will any one, on reflection, seriously tell me that fistula is even con- } Fistula by Medicines. 37 ceivable in a truly healthy individual? Big, stout men do, indeed, get fistula, but are they truly healthy? I think not. In "L'Hahnemannisme for October 1872, Dr Léon Simon reports as follows:- >> FISTULA IN ANO. Sylphium as injection, and charpie impregnated impregnated therewith, locally applied; internally, Sulphur 30, Graphites 30, Silicea 30 and 200, each remedy given successively for eight consecutive days, resulted in a cure in a few months. To this I would say: Why the Syl- phium? It probably did no radical good, and yet serves to vitiate one's therapeutic conclusions. However, 38 The Radical Cure of it is pleasing to note that our Gallic colleagues cure fistula with medi- cines, and do not hack the poor sufferers about. .... The more one's mind dwells upon the subject of fistula the less justifiable, nay, how utterly unsound does its surgical treatment appear. I used to have some valued friends among the surgeons, but I have long since offended them all with my outspokenness in regard to the comparatively humble hand-worker's sphere to which I would relegate what they are pleased to call the science of surgery." I lost all my allopathic friends when I threw in my lot with the peculiar thera- peutic people called homoeopaths, and have learned to do without them << Fistula by Medicines. 39 in my strong consciousness of right. Now I am beginning to learn to do without my chirurgical friends just because I can do without them, and so they cease to love me as of yore. Well, well, the pretty elastic liga- ture of my friends for fistula in ano is no more a cure for the fistular disease than is a catheter for the sclerosed state of the urethra, which we commonly call stricture. Berberis vulgaris, a remedy very like Hydrastis canadensis, has also cured fistula. Dr Schüssler, of Oldenburg, before he hatched his new duodecimal therapeusis, once wrote: "Ich habe Mastdarmfistel mehrere Mal durch Berberis ge- heilt," but I suppose the tissue 40 The Radical Cure of I remedies have rendered Berberis obsolete, if not inoperative, at least at Oldenburg. I find a note on a fly-leaf of a book in my own handwriting, to the effect that Dr Adams cured fistula with Berberis 30. Even old school surgeons are compelled to admit the amenability of fistula to medicinal and general treatment, though they make the admission rather shamefacedly, and as if yielding to vulgar prejudice. Thus the Messrs Allingham, in Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases of the Rectum" (a sound practical work from the merely mechanical standpoint), mention the subject of "Cases cured by Treat- (6 Fistula by Medicines. 4I ment" with a contempt that I hardly think they can really feel. To speak of those who object to having their flesh cut about for fistula as "wonderfully cowardly" is arrant nonsense. People with fistula are not well, else they would not have fistula, and my own idea is that having one's self cut for fistula is not a sign of courage, and still less of intelligence. And I say this notwithstanding the dicta of all the great surgeons, special and general, including my very distinguished friend Prof. Tod Helmuth, of New York. I tell them all that surgery is not needed as a rule for fistula, and even where it is unavoidable it is no cure. Of course, here and there a complete 42 The Radical Cure of fistula with an opening which allows of the passage of feculent matter at frequent intervals; in such a case, naturally, the operation becomes unavoidable, but how often is that the case? Not at all often. Allingham says (p. 19):-"When the fistula is complete wind may pass through it, and also fæces if the bowels are relaxed; as a rule, how- ever, this symptom does not occur, in consequence of the smallness of the internal aperture, its situation, or its valvular form. It follows that, though the passage of wind is a certain indication of a complete fistula, the absence of this symptom should not induce the belief that there is no internal opening." Myself I think the reason why Fistula by Medicines. 43 there is not usually any fæcal dis- charge through a complete fistula, lies in the fact that the defecatory act twists and bends the fistular canal, and so occludes it more or less com- pletely for the time being. Prof. Tod Helmuth("System of Surgery, P. 779) thus treats of fistula from the standpoint of the physician :— }} (( MEDICAL TREATMENT. "When the inflammation is ery- sipelatous and spreads rapidly, Bell. or Rhus may be prescribed. Silic. is a very important medicine, not only in the commencement of the affection, but also when the fistula is fully established. In the former case, if the abscess has not dis- charged, and the cellular membrane 44 The Radical Cure of is found in a sloughy state, a free incision should be made to permit the escape of the purulent secretion. If healthy action does not display itself, Ars. and China must be pre- scribed. "Merc., Sulph., Silic., Hepar, or Calc. carb. must be exhibited if incarnation proceed imperfectly. If the constitution of the patient is impaired before operation is thought of, appropriate medicines must be administered to eradicate any dis- ease that may be present. In cases where the fistula has not been sub- jected to homoeopathic treatment from the commencement, Merc. or Silic. may be given. Hepar may be required after Merc. when the fistula is extensive, and Phosph. 1 Fistula by Medicines. 45 : after Silic. where there is complica- tion with disease of the lungs. When the digestive apparatus is impaired, Calc., Nux., Merc., and Silic. will prove valuable medicines. "Caust. is very important in cases of long standing, and in alternation with Silic. I have known a fistula in ano to be healed for a time." S "Dr Eggert, of Indianapolis, and Dr Grasmuck, of Kansas, both report cases of fistula cured by in- ternal medication, the latter gentle- man using Æsculus cerate in con- nexion with Nux vomica and Sulphur. My friend, Dr Scriven, of Dublin, also related to me a successfully treated case." Then Dr Helmuth decides against the adequacy of remedies, and says 46 The Radical Cure of surgical means must be resorted to as a general rule. On this point I very much question his power to speak with authority, for the very reason that he is such a splendid surgeon. I well remember, some nine or ten years ago, Prof. Helmuth honouring me with a visit here, and showing me the then little-known elastic ligature of Dittel, and so infectious was his enthusiasm for the thing that I really thought for a time that medicines were nowhere. But some experience and mature reflection. teach me that fistula cannot be really cured by any mechanical means whatsoever. Still, certain cases do need surgical aid, and then I cordially join Prof. Helmuth in his praise of the elastic ligature of Dittel. I say I Fistula by Medicines. 47 medicines first, and afterwards surgery if, unhappily, need be. There is a good practical work by Prof. J. S. Gilchrist ("Surgical Diseases and their Homœopathic Therapeutics," Chicago, 1880, third edition), from which I cull the following practical cases, placed. under the heads of the remedies used: "Aloes. A case is reported cured by Dr Boyd (Med. Invest.,' vol. vi. p. 122), complicated with piles, in which the fistula was found cured when the piles had disappeared. "Berberis vulgaris.-This remedy I have already referred to as curative of a certain kind of fistula. Dr Adams (N. Y. State Socy. Trans.,' 1868, p. 378) gives a case cured 48 The Radical Cure of with the following symptoms:- Great soreness and pain throughout the entire back, from the sacrum to the shoulders, greatly increased from exercise. The fistula would close up, and inflammation and suppura- tion follow. Acrid leucorrhoeal dis- charge very prostrating. 'Lachesis.—A case was cured in which, with other symptoms of the remedy, there was a full feeling of the rectum, and a sensation of 'little hammers beating' (Eggert, 'Med. Invest.,' vol. vi. p. 143). Thuja.-Eggert also reports a case cured (with Thuja occidentalis), in which the condylomatous con- dition was present. (( "Arsenic.-Dr Mera (N. Y. Trans.,' 1871, p. 617) cured with Ar- migh Fistula by Medicines. 49 : senicum a case of fistula of ten years' standing, in which the symp- toms were great despondency, chills running up and down the back, relief from heat, large purple swelling in the right gluteal region." Causticum.-Gilchrist himself re- ports one case of fistula of one year's standing in an old man, very corpulent, the discharge being acrid, and accompanied with intense pruri- tus ani. The cure was speedy and radical. Eggert's Thuja case is rather better reported by Hoyle (“Clinical Therapeutics," vol. ii.), or rather Hoyle mentions two cases of fistula of the anus as having been cured by Eggert. Thus :— D 50 The Radical Cure of + CASE 406. Two cases of blind external fistula with the symptoms -at the verge of the anus cauli- flower excrescence of the size of a quarter of a dollar, and offensive perspiration around the parts affected. Thuja 200, two doses, cured in ten weeks. Thus put, we understand the case better. Eggert's Lachesis case also re- quires a little more elucidation than Gilchrist vouchsafes, viz., that the case was one of a lady at the climac- teric. Put into the ordinary lan- guage of every-day clinical work, the Thuja case was prescribed for on Hahnemann's recommendation as an anti-sycotic; the Lachesis, because of the climacteric symp- toms. Both successful cases, and : ¡ Fistula by Medicines. both treated according to the doc- trines of Hahnemann in the Cothen phase of homœopathy. The Aloes case was cured. The known effects of Aloes in hæmor- rhoids lead to its being prescribed. That is quite intelligible. The indication in the Berberis case was evidently the yellow leu- corrhoeal discharge. In fact, prim- arily, from the time-old signatura rerum naturalium. And the like may be said of Thuja in sycosis. Schüssler's use of Berberis in fistula I have already mentioned. 4 51 In Rückert's "Klinische Erfahr- ungen" I find Silicea* takes a very high rank. * Silicea was a favourite remedy with Hahnemann himself for fistula. 52 The Radical Cure of 1. A boy, two years and a half old, was to have been operated on for fistula, but two doses of Silicea cured it within three weeks.-Alt- müller. ! 2. A tender-skinned, fair-haired young man, in whom scabies had been twice got rid of with oint- ments, and who had been twice rid of gonorrhoea by injections, got an abscess in the perinæum, near the anus, that had been opened surgi- cally, but this would not heal up. The consequence was a fistula of the anus, accompanied with de- bility, emaciation, cough, and fever. Large doses of China were given him in vain. His general condition was much ameliorated by Sulphur, and in about a week there was a 1 1 Fistula by Medicines. 53 tickling sensation at the aperture of the fistula, with an increased dis- charge of pure pus. Sulphur was re- peated every sixth day. Afterwards three doses of Silicea, whereupon the fistula was completely cured. within three weeks from the time of its being first administered. Here again we have the causal treatment in the first place—the prime antipsoric for psora. Rückert then mentions, at second hand, six cases of fistula in ano cured by Yeldham, and reported in the "British Journal of Homœo- pathy," but the remedies are not given. In the "Transactions of the Homœopathic Medical Society of 54 The Radical Cure of the State of New York," vol. ix., 1871, Dr Alfred K. Hills makes (inter alia) the following remarks, to which I partially subscribe :- "Hamamelis in Fistula.-A cer- tain physician, in prescribing for a patient, remarked that it was strange he could not hit the case, for rarely a patient came to him the third time without some relief. After racking his brain for a moment, he says, 'This case must be one of disease of the intestinal canal, so I will give nitrate of silver.' It is evident that the prescription was made upon a supposed pathological condition alone, and not upon the totality of the symptoms. of our journals is reported a case of fistula in ano. It is stated that the In one Fistula by Medicines. 55 case was treated by a physician pre- judiced in favour of high potencies, who failed to ascertain the patho- logical condition, and there was no improvement under his treatment. The writer says that when the case came into his hands, an examina- tion revealed what he expected, viz., fistula. Hamamelis I was pre- scribed, and shortly the case was cured. Now, what do we gain by the statement that Hamamelis is good for fistula in ano? And shall we prescribe it for every such patho- logical condition? I cannot see that we add in the slightest degree to our knowledge of therapeutics by such generalizations, and if we ex- pect Hamamelis to cure every case of fistula in ano we shall be sadly 56 The Radical Cure of li: disappointed. A patient presents himself to us suffering from head- ache, and states that it is made much worse from motion; now, when we hear this key-note, we must not feel satisfied that Bryonia is the remedy from this characteristic symptom, for whoever prescribes upon one subjective symptom will find himself as much mistaken, many times, as the man who pre- scribes upon one objective symptom, or the morbid anatomy and patho- logical show alone, regardless of the others, instead of the totality of the symptoms. (C Bryonia will not cure every case of disease aggravated by motion, for other remedies have the same. symptoms (Belladonna, Nux vomica, Fistula by Medicines. 57 Sanguinaria), neither will Hama- melis cure every case of fistula in ano, for there are a number of remedies possessing marked symp- toms in this direction." What Dr Hills here says is what I am trying to say throughout this little treatise, viz., that there is fistula and fistula, and what will cure one will not cure another. The real reason, however, why (for instance) Hamamelis will not cure every case of fistula in ano, is not "because there are a number of remedies possessing marked symp- toms in this direction," but because the fistular state or disease is not qualitatively (ætiologically and pathologically) the same in all per- sons having fistula. Hamamelis 58 The Radical Cure of 11 will cure the Hamamelis-like fistular complaint, because like cures like, and when the fistular state of an individual is Silicea-like, of course Hamamelis is no good, but Silicea is the remedy, and also conversely. But Hamamelis would also not cure. all cases of fistula, even though we had no other remedy whatever "possessing marked symptoms in this direction." Homœopathicity to the case to be cured is the pharmacological desideratum here as elsewhere. Moreover, there is another point to which I would direct attention. Dr Hills says, "The writer says that when the case came into his hands, an an examination revealed what he expected, viz., fistula. Fistula by Medicines. 59 " Hamamelis 1 was prescribed, and shortly the case was cured. Now, what do we gain by the statement that Hamamelis is good for fistula in ano? And shall we prescribe it for every such pathological condi- tion? I cannot see that we add in the slightest degree to our know- ledge of therapeutics by such generalizations, and if we expect Hamamelis to cure every case of fistula in ano, we shall be sadly disappointed." Now, I think we gain a great deal when we know that, for in- stance, Hamamelis can cure fistula in ano. In the first place, we gain the positive knowledge that, at least sometimes, fistula in ano can be cured by medicines. We gain 60 The Radical Cure of thus a direct proof of the truth of the general proposition as to the medi- cinal curability of fistula. Is that nothing? Let those who suffer from fistula decide. And further- more, we gain the very important information that Hamamelis must stand in the list of our medicines for fistula. This must necessarily be always our first point de départ in all drug therapeutics. What Dr Hills should say is this: We want to know not only that Hamamelis will cure fistula, but we also must know what constitutes the special indications for its use, so that we may know when to use it. I enter into the point because this kind of seemingly sapient, yet really shallow criticism is often levelled against Fistula by Medicines. 61 : published cases of cure. We must, of course, aim at the bull's-eye of fine pharmic differentiations, but if we do not begin to shoot till we can certainly hit the bull's-eye, we shall never hit the therapeutic bull's- eye at all. Your superfine critic is commonly very sterile himself. I fancy I once read in a copy-book, Pour BIEN parler, il faut commencer par MAL parler. Solanum nigrum is recommended as a local application "in most fistulas." This quality it no doubt has in common with so many of the other solanaceous plants. Aurum in Fistulas.-Just ten years ago I published a small volume on the general use of this 62 The Radical Cure cf 1. great remedy, entitled "Gold as a Remedy in Disease, etc." (pp. 106, 107). Pliny already speaks of it (qy. in ano?). Case of Fistula in Ano.-Young man, twenty-one years of age, bilioso-sanguine temperament. For five months fistula in ano, excres- cences on scrotum (eight months after primary symptoms). Cured with five grains of the perchloride of Gold; all the symptoms had disappeared with the third grain (Clinique of M. Lallemand, in Legrand, p. 188). Another.-Young man of bilious temperament, twenty-six years old, of strong constitution, had chancres, fistula in ano, for five months. He was cured with five grains of the Fistula by Medicines. 63 perchloride of Gold. In that kind of anal fistula for which Kali carb. is such a classic remedy, Aurum does not suggest itself to my mind, but rather in that dependent upon a specific taint, and notably after Mercurius. Prof. E. M. Hale ("Homœo- pathic Materia Medica of the New Remedies," 1867) mentions Collin- sonia, Hydrastis, and Sanguinaria as probable remedies in fistula of the anus. Of Phytolacca decandra Hale says: "Dr Paine (eclectic), after asserting that the Phytolacca will cause 'burning in the stomach, tenderness of the bowels, heat in the rectum, tenesmus, and bloody discharges, dysentery and hæmor- + K 64 The Radical Cure of ! rhoids,' gives his experience in its use. 'I have treated a large number of cases of ulceration of the rectum with remarkable success. A physician of note who had treated himself, and had been treated by others with all the ordinary remedies for what was called a cancerous affection of the rectum, applied to me some two years since, and I placed him upon one-half grain doses of Phytolaccin every two or three hours, together with a nutri- tious diet . . . . . and an enema of warm water every day. This treat- ment was continued for two or three months, and resulted in a complete cure.' رود Fissure, prolapsus recti, and piles have also been cured by Phyto. dec. Fistula by Medicines. 65 Prof. Hale compares it to Nitric acid and Mercurius, and probably few men know more of drug action than does Hale. CASE OF FISTULA IN ANO. On May 17, 1889, an unmarried city gentleman, thirty years of age, came under my observation for fistula in ano. Four or five years previously he had an abscess on the edge of the anus. It burst and healed. Fourteen months ago another one in the same spot. It burst with the aid of poulticings, and healed up (?), but some mois- ture and blood ooze therefrom ever since. Patient is dusky and deli- cate looking. On examination, I found a small opening to an incom- E 66 The Radical Cure of J plete fistula. He also complained of "liverishness" and indiges- tion. R Tc. Pyrogenium 5, five drops in water night and morning. May 31.-"I am much better." How do you know? "Because the sweating at my seat that I had had so many years has gone." Complains that in warm weather he is apt to get dry eczema of the hands. Since taking the Pyrogenium his skin has assumed a cleaner aspect. Thuja 30 in infrequent dose. June 29.-Discharged thick mat- ter and blood soon after begin- ning with the powders. The fistula still discharges, and there is a good deal of sclerosed tissue at its bottom Fistula by Medicines. 67 * and around it. Patient is dusky and drowsy. R Nux vomica 1, five drops in water night and morning. August 7.-Perfectly well of the fistula, and of the circumjacent telar sclerosis. Just before the fistula began to heal up definitely, a small calculus-hard and sharp, size of a pea-was passed from it with much pain, or rather it pained very much, and on feeling the part he discovered the calculous forma- tion and removed it, and brought it to me. CASE OF POITRINARY FISTULA. This designation of fistula in con- nexion with chest symptoms seems 68 The Radical Cure of to me convenient, and I accordingly coin it. A city gentleman, single, thirty- five years of age, came to me on March 4, 1889, for fistula in ano and a weak chest. He informed me that he had had much expectoration. of phlegm all his life, but for the past two years the same had become bloody. For a number of years, under homœopathic treatment with benefit, he had maintained his ground, and even gained a little in strength and bulk. Present weight ten stone. I found his throat studded with tubercles, his lungs very flat, vocal resonance much increased at both apices, and all down the left side of the thorax; he is very short-winded, coughs and * Fistula by Medicines. 69 expectorates almost incessantly; his skin is dingy, dusky, and greasy; the glands of his neck hard, though small; the phlegm is thick, yellow-green. For the past two years has been suffering from fistula. Under my treatment the old fistula dried up, but then (Ap. 9) a new one formed on the other side. Previously he had been twice cut for fistula. This needless torture I was able to spare him. April 29.-" Perineal abscess reopened, burst, discharged very freely, and has now all healed." May 13.-Fistula quite well. August 9.- Fistula continues well. Patient himself much better and stronger, and remains under treatment for his throat and chest. 70 The Radical Cure of Patient received some nosodes- Thuja 30, Hydrastis can. 0, Nux vomica 1, and Dulcamara 0. X ' ! I have myself not met with many cases of fistula in the very young, but here is one— ¦ FISTULA IN AN INFANT. On June 23, 1879, a country gentleman brought his little six- year old son to me for fistula in ano. At its birth the nurse dis- covered a lump at the seat. A little time afterwards this gathered and burst like a boil, and had con- tinued ever since to gather and burst at intervals. The right eye had no lashes; he had severe Al Fistula by Medicines. 71 ophthalmia tarsi of the same eye- also ever since he was born. An examination of the anal region showed a fistula external and incomplete, and numerous scars where others had healed. The right nostril was also chronic- ally inflamed. If he gets a thorn or splinter in his flesh it festers, as does equally the tiniest scratch or prick. A connexion between eye and fistula is noticed, for when the eye is very bad the anus gets better, and conversely. B Tc. Phos. 30, three drops in water night and morning. July 24.-The eyelashes are beginning to grow. R Tc. Kali carb. 30. October 20.-Fistula cured. His 72 The Radical Cure of nose bothers him a good deal, becoming very much inflamed. There is considerable mattery dis- charge from the eye. B Aurum foliatum, 3 trituration, four grains dry on the tongue twice a day. January 15, 1880.--Fistula con- tinues well; nose well; eye better, lashes perceptibly growing. Repeat the Aurum foliatum, but in the fourth centesimal trituration, four grains at bedtime only. July 25, 1881.-Fistula and nose continue well; there is now quite a show of eyelashes; still some oph- thalmia tarsi, however. Around the meatus of the left ear there is some eczema. R Psorin. 30 in infrequent dose, Fistula by Medicines. 73 and thereafter Thuja occidentalis 30 in like manner. Discharged quite cured. Four years later he was again brought, but this time for enlarged tonsils, which our ordinary remedies slowly (not rapidly) cured, and then he was reported well, and I again ascertained that he was well in all respects in February 1894. It is not often that one meets with fistula in the very young. The eye, nose, and anal troubles all yielded to remedies administered internally, and the permanency thereof proved by nearly fifteen years' subsequent observation. I suppose the "proper" treat- ment of this case would have been 74 The Radical Cure of [ Ist, An operation for the fistula by a specialist for the anal affection. 2ndly, The eye must have been treated by an oculist, who would have used his greases and his washes, and the the never lacking Nitras argenti. 3rdly, The eczema must have been treated by a skin-doctor also, without any doubt, with an oint- ment. 4thly, The nose must have speci- ally needed the services of a rhino- logist. 5thly, The enlarged tonsils would have afforded an opportunity for the exercise of the special skill of a throat specialist, who would have whipped off the tonsils by an opera- tion never before invented. : 1 Fistula by Medicines. 75 And, finally, as the good lad was nervous, and twitched once or twice a moon, no doubt his prepuce would have been ablated or slit open. Quite lately a noble peer told me gleefully that he had just had his son circumcised, and also had had his tonsils removed, and I fear his Lordship thought me rude when I replied that the Creator must have bungled a good deal, else why these needless tonsils and superfluous prepuces? It is satisfactory to note that some of the greater physicians are beginning to see the true effects of specialism. Thus, I lately read an account of the Eighth Medical Congress at Wiesbaden, and in it the following 76 The Radical Cure of report summarized from the “Ber- liner klin. Wochenschrift," Nos. 18 and 19, 1889:- "Herr Petersen (Copenhagen) read an important paper 'On the Hippocratic Method of Treatment,' or, in other words, 'On Hippo- cratism.' Although this mode of treatment seemed overdrawn in many respects, many of its prin- ciples were still deserving of recog- nition. Hippocrates' designation of fever as instrumentum felicissimum was now seen to be worthy of praise. With Hippocrates the whole man was ill, not one particular organ only; hence specialism was excluded. An extremely individual treatment was adopted, each case being treated on its own (de)merits. The first Fistula by Medicines. 77 aim of treatment was not scientific, but sanative, and the chief means were dietetic. The physician was a 'healing artist,' who became such only by unwearied diligence and powerful talent, especially the gift of observation. The whole cultiva- tion was mainly clinical. The French had become more anatomi- cal, while the English remained true Hippocratism.' In Germany, medicine, as directed by Traube, Rokitansky, and Virchow, had departed from Hippocratism; but since then, under the influence of Frerichs and Leyden, seemed in- clined to return to it. Modern medicine must return to the ancient path, or it would be destroyed by specialism." to < 78 The Radical Cure of PILES, PERINEAL ABSCESSES, AND FISTULA. { One certainly meets with a goodly number of cases of fistula in portly men about forty years of age. Such a one, a dark gentleman, forty- one years of age, came under my observation on November 26, 1887, complaining of his liver and perineal abscess, and also hæmorrhoids. Patient suffered also from pains in the stomach, coming on in the early morning about six or seven o'clock. Both liver and spleen were swelled; tongue and fingers gouty; slight eczema of anal region; and there was much depression of spirits, attributed to business worries. : # ! Fistula by Medicines. 79 B Nux vomica 1, five drops in water night and morning. February 4, 1888.-Much better in almost all respects; only had the stomachic pains once lately. Com- plains of anal irritation on getting warm in bed at night. Sleeps badly; has much business worry, and is in consequence depressed; weight on the top of the head. B Sulphur 30. J May 5-Not very materially improved; has indigestion, anal irritation, insomnia, depression of spirits, some uncomfortable feelings about the heart, and he has grown very stout of late. B Tc. Vanad. ammon. 12. Feb. 16, 1889.-Has had another perineal abscess, and there is now 80 The Radical Cure of an incomplete external fistula with much mattery discharge. Two months of Phytolaccin 3*, six grains at bedtime, cured him of the fistula, and he was otherwise so far well that he did not want any further treatment. SYMPATHETIC RELATIONS BETWEEN THE ANUS AND THE HEAD. One very frequently observes an intimate sympathy between the anal region and the head. Let me relate a case in point. A gentle- man of sixty was under my care for hæmorrhoids and nocturnal pruritus ani that at times was maddening, and which had worried him for many years, and for the cure of which an almost endless array of Fistula by Medicines. 81 local applications had been used in vain. He used to have attacks of giddiness and faintings, and he also had a small lipoma in the poll. What distressed him most was the pruritus ani, due, he thought, to thread worms. My treatment cured his giddiness, but the anal itchings grew rather worse than better. I will here interpolate the remark that whisky often causes itchings at the seat at night, and then the cure consists in leaving off the whisky. But this gentleman did not take whisky, being a teetotaller for many years. The only time in his life he had ever obtained a respite from his pruritus was from the cure at Kis- singen, so to Kissingen he would F 82 The Radical Cure of go, though I tried to dissuade him from it. The Kissingen cure was effectual, for he returned without the pruritus ani. However, not very long after his return from Kissingen, cured of the pruritus, he had a "fit," con- sisting in a long fainting attack, evidently cephalic, and he became very giddy and habitually unsteady in his gait, so that he was afraid to go about. Moreover, he then got partial ptosis, notably of the left side. In this state he returned under my care. Zincum aceticum put his head quite right, and he feels now perfectly well and sure of gait, and free from faintings, and the ptosis is better, but the nightly itchings at the anus have returned. For these Fistula by Medicines. 83 and for the lump in the neck (which, however, is decreased) he remains under my treatment. I should say that patient carries on an enormous business, and often sits up half the night intensely occupied with intricate calculations, while on Sunday he takes a complete rest in the form of preaching and Sunday- school teaching. He is a grand man, but whether the Master's work. at this time of day, needs such a sacrifice may be questioned. My own opinion is that a labourer is worthy of his rest. But my point here is the sym- pathy between the anal region and the head. By the way, for a fagged brain Zincum aceticum 1, five drops in 84 The Radical Cure of water night and morning, is indeed mighty for good (see Rademacher's experiment in Erfahrungsheil- lehre"). (6 PROLAPSUS AND THREATENED FISTULA. A gentleman consulted me last summer in a very agitated frame of mind for fistula. An examination of the parts disclosed slight rectal prolapse, and a certain amount of inflammation of the projecting folds of the mucous membrane lining the rectum, in which the hæmorrhoidal vessels were very prominent. He had been operated on for fistula, and also for piles and prolapse; but notwithstanding all this beauti- ful rectal surgery, the unfortunate Fistula by Medicines. 85 patient is never comfortable at the seat, nor do I think he ever will be, as the anal region is puckered with the crookedly healed tissue, and a blind funnel has been produced more than half an inch deep; this funnel is lined with common integu- ment, and would otherwise be an incomplete fistula. There was blood at the anus almost every day. His nerves had received a grave shock from the operations, for notwith- standing the ten years that had elapsed since they were per- formed he still suffers from the effects. I have often been struck with the grave head symptoms that occur at the same time as rectal troubles, and these former are made much worse by all surgical inter- 86 The Radical Cure of ference. Thus this gentleman lives in a constant state of daze and fright lest a further operation should be needful for piles, prolapse, or fistula; his so-called nervous head- aches are at times so bad that he thinks he will go out of his mind. The very mention of the words "fistula" or prolapse quite horrifies him. A close examination showed so little to account for his state, that I was led to conclude that his very numerous vaccinations might have caused his trouble: he had been vaccinated five times. Remedies greatly improved his condition, and so far that there was no further fear of fistula: Thuja was the principal remedy; infre- Fistula by Medicines. 87 quent doses of the thirtieth dilution administered during two months. He is not comfortable at the seat, nor do I think he ever will be,-a fact due, I think, to the bungling way in which he had been operated on. I see evidences of bungling after operations in this region so very seldom that I am constrained to admit this much in common fairness to the surgeons. That they believe in the operations I do not doubt; that they do their work well I can testify; but that their views are erroneous and their prac- tice bad I am certain. TUBERCULOUS FISTULA BY INFECTION. A certain number of cases of anal fistula in middle-aged, highly-nour- 88 The Radical Cure of ished men have come under my observation, and I have been struck with the fact that their wives had either died of, or were suffering from, consumption. Four such cases in one year have I observed, and I have been constrained to ask myself the question, whether these cases do not represent a class by themselves? The frequent coin- cidence deserves at least some attention. I would not be too hasty in generalizing, but any one who sees much of fistula may, I think, readily verify the fact for themselves. I imagine that the fistula represents, in such cases, an infection from a consumptive wife communicated to the husband in the intimate rela- tions of married life. I commend Fistula by Medicines. 89 the subject to the consideration of my colleagues. I imagine, further, that the infected husbands, had they been prone to phthisis of the tuberculous variety, would in all probability have developed genuine consumption, but not being so prone, they simply maintain a tuber- culous sore-the fistula in ano- much as one observes obstinate tuberculous sores on parts exposed to mechanical infection from cuts and the like, as, for instance, on the hands, whereof numerous numerous cases are on record in general medical literature. I take it that the infection is truly tuberculous in the bacillary sense, but the soil is not fit: the constitutional power is too great to allow of the development of general tuberculosis. 90 The Radical Cure of That this kind of locally limited tuberculous infection does actually exist, I am satisfied. One sees this also exemplified at rare inter- vals in syphilis. In certain very obstinate cases of Hunterian chancres that become very unusually penetrating, with a distinct resist- ance to specific treatment that is otherwise usually successful, and that promptly, I have of late been led to assume the existence of a tuberculous mother soil, and have treated the two pathological states. simultaneously, and-at any rate they begin forthwith to mend! I will relate a very instructive case in point. ! Fistula by Medicines. 91 URINARY FISTULA A REMARKABLE CASE. Some seven years since, a London professional man came under my observation for an ordinary gonor- rhoea. He is otherwise a good, conscientious fellow, but harvested the wages of sin at the very start, and was in a great state of mental perturbation. I was, after careful examination, enabled to assure him that he had a gonorrhoeal urethritis, and nothing else; there was abso- lutely no sign or suspicion of any- thing beyond that. Aconite, Hepar, Hydrastis, and Cynosbati Cynosbati were administered, and in some six or seven weeks I thought we were out of the wood, there being only a little 92 The Radical Cure of F But one urethral suintement left. day, without any concern whatever, he told me he thought he had caught a cold, and was getting a boil in the fork, that he also had some lumps in the groin, and nettle rash on the body. The experienced may judge of my utter amazement when I discovered a typical roseola syphilitica all over his body, not- ably on the chest and abdomen, and all the superficial glands of the body enlarged and indurated! Moreover, on the under surface of the member, some two inches or more from its extremity, and just in front of the prostate, there was in the very deed a "boil" of the size of a gooseberry, and very hard. I set to work vigorously with anti- # i 14 Fistula by Medicines. 93 syphilitic treatment, and in a few weeks the roseola and other promi- nent symptoms had much abated, but his hair came out, and the nuchal glands were very promi- nently enlarged. During all this time the urethral discharge, which had returned, persisted. Just as I thought I was mastering both the gonorrhoea and the syphilis, he called one day and informed me that he had a "leak" in the region of the "boil," as said boil had burst. Horrible dictu, I found a fully established urethral fistula, with a thick hard wall surrounding and lining it. Several further months of persistent treatment finally re- sulted in a cure of the gonorrhœa, and of most of the manifestations 94 The Radical Cure of # ! of syphilis, but the terrible fistula persisted, notwithstanding Merc., Aurum, Acid. nit., Stillingia, Iodium, and Silicea, and some other seemingly likely remedies. I do not easily despair of a case, but when distinct consumptive symp- toms began to show themselves, I certainly felt very anxious indeed, and I deemed it my duty to tell my poor patient that I feared he would have to undergo an operation for the urinary fistula, as it seemed to be wearing him out. However, I thought the matter over a few days, and finally came to the conclusion that the fistula was not only syphilitic, but also tuberculous, though how the infec- tion could have been communicated ! ti ► Fistula by Medicines. 95 I within the urethra some three inches from the orifice I cannot even now understand. I then alternated Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni 3* with very infrequent doses of Bacillinum c. (six grains of the former, and as many globules of the latter to the dose). At the same time I put him on very full diet with a generous wine. Result.-In a few months the patient was quite well in every respect; the indurated glands all returned to the normal, the hair grew again, the night sweats ceased, the fistula completely healed up, the sclerosis around it disappeared, and patient put on flesh and reassumed his old healthy appearance. I will finish this long story by 96 The Radical Cure of : remarking that the amelioration that set in as soon as he was put on the last-mentioned double pre- scription was truly remarkable, and for weeks and weeks, whenever it was discontinued for other remedies, the amelioration at once ceased, so that I had to recur to it over and over again. The Bacillinum was, however, never given more than one dose in four days. The Merc. sol. three times a day. To look at this gentleman now no one would suspect what he has gone through. Aux grands maux les grands remèdes, they say over in France. This case forcibly reminds one of Hunter's famous experiment on himself. We have here a case of urinary fistula, a very bad one too, and its having been Fistula by Medicines. 97 perfectly and permanently cured with medicines, should encourage us all to treat urinary fistules also with medicines only-a thing I believe never even attempted. Perhaps I had better add, to pre- vent mistakes or misapprehension, that absolutely no local applications were used, not even a bit of lint or charpie. I do not think it would serve any useful end were I to detail any more cases of fistula, as I think I have proved my point: fistula can be cured medicinally. GENERAL REFLECTIONS ON FISTULA. Fistula is practically just a con- venient term for a certain morbid state ound at a given part, and it G S 98 The Radical Cure of cannot be regarded as a disease sui generis, though it is itself a generic term which potentially includes quite a number of diseases of a more or less formidable nature. Fistula is a condition that is sequential to another condition, viz., to a gathering or abscess of some kind, and when we speak of a fistula-say a fistula in ano-we mean that at the indicated part there is a variously shaped, often a pipe-shaped, mattering portion of eroded or otherwise denuded tissue. Now, it is commonly taught that this discharging pipe-like abscess is in itself the disease, and that its cure consists in cutting it open, cleansing it, and making it heal, and there the thing is supposed to end. Fistula by Medicines. 99 But is it so ? in vain. I know a lady who in 1868 was abroad, and suffering from fistula, and the local family doctor ordered her home to London to be operated on for her fistula, he having previ- ously tried divers local applications She came home to Lon- don, was operated on, and cured- that is to say, the fistula with a good deal of trouble was got to heal up. After that the os uteri became gravely ulcerated, and patient spent nearly two years for the most part lying on her back, and underwent an almost endless number of local manipulations and operations. At length the ulcera- tions in the region of the os were made to heal. Then came leucor- 100 The Radical Cure of rhoea without ulceration, and of a most distressing kind; a very dap- per gynecologist occupied several years in stemming this discharging tide, and when the unfortunate lady had been fairly rid of the leucor- rhoea by the injections so long and so strong, she found herself cured surgically and completely of-1st, fistula in ano; 2ndly, of ulceration of the os uteri; and, 3rdly, and lastly, of this severe leucorrhœa. And then? health? Not at all, but a hard tumour in the region of bowel and womb, which has ren- dered her state simply awful; for, apart from the ultimate significance of the tumour per se, the exit of the bowel being almost obliterated, the going to stool can be only Fistula by Medicines. IOI ! characterized as awful, so distress- ing, so tedious, and so painful is it. Now, what is the meaning of this all? Just this: the lady was ill in herself, and her organism tried to rid itself of some of (at least) the product of her ill-being; to this end it constructed a fistula in an out- of-the-way district of the economy, through which it might drain off matter inimical to itself: the sur- geons, in forcibly healing the fistula practically stopped the outlet pipe. Then the same process was repeated in regard to the said ulceration, and again with the surface outlet, which we call leucorrhoea; and, finally, finding all direct outlets effectually blocked by the doctors, Nature was fairly compelled to deposit 102 The Radical Cure of within the organism the before- mentioned inimical matter in the form of a tumour, and that at the next nearest available point to the seat of the fistula, ulcers, and leucor- rhoea respectively. Controvert this, ye men of the knife, if ye can. FISTULA AND LEUCORRHOEA. was We have just seen that when the fistula closed forcibly, leucorrhoea took its place. Now one comes across notable examples of cases supposedly of leucorrhoea which turn out to be chronic fistula, the diapers and linen being taken as evidence of the said leucorrhoea. I myself treated a case of very severe fistula for a considerable time, mistaking it for leucorrhoea, • Fistula by Medicines. 103 no examination having been made. It is not always easy to tell when and whether it is our duty to make a proper examination of the anal and crural regions in ladies. For- tunately it is quite possible to treat the one, and yet cure the other. This may sound very oddly to the uninitiated, but it is really a high compliment to the method of treat- ment, inasmuch as it shows that, in all probability, the patient was being treated, and not the name merely of her disease, for she was also cured. I went by the symp- toms and state of the patient, and principally by the tongue, by the tint of the skin, and by the nature of the discharge, and, though I was needlessly long about it, still 104 The Radical Cure of the lady made a perfect recovery, and remains well to this day. The amount of the discharge was at one time very great. The princi- pal remedies used were Thuja occi- dentalis, Sepia, Hydrastis, Cheli- donium, Hepar, Silicea, Psorinum, Sabina, and Aqua silicata. A brother of this lady is being wrecked by fistula, for notwith- standing several operations and the very best hygiene, the surgeons say "the fistula will not heal; the poor conceited ignoramus himself thinks homœopathy "very well for women and children" (in which he is right), but no use in fistula ! Here I would like to ask the fistula cutters how it is that (the fistula being, as they contend, of >> Fistula by Medicines. 105 ! local origin and nature), I ask, how is it that when they fail to force the healing-up process, they then say that the fistula will not heal! Leucorrhoea is a constitu- tional disorder; so is fistula; and they are not infrequently of abso- lutely identical nature and signifi- cance, though, of course, they just as often differ so much that they have nothing in common but their ill fate of constituting the happy hunting ground of specialists "of the world worldly, of the earth earthy." THE PRE-FISTULAR ABSCESS. When a certain limited portion of tissue stagnates in its circulatory life, it dies, and must be got rid of. 106 The Radical Cure of Nature cuts off its blood supply, and it dies; and when the circum- scribed mortification of the tissue is sufficiently advanced, the abscess bursts and discharges, and if there be no morbid vis a tergo, the abscess begins to heal, and Nature is not very long in mending the lesion in the continuity of her tissues. One sees the whole philosophy of the thing, Nature's simple and yet adequate way of working, when a foreign body is in the living tissue, and Nature sets about turning the intruder out. I have often watched the process, as no doubt most people have. It is simply this: Take the case of a thorn driven into the tissue of the hand and breaking off; Fistula by Medicines. 107 there is first the lesion, then the foreign body-the broken off thorn. Next we have heat, pain, redness, and swelling-the classic Calor, dolor, rubor, tumor; then the outermost portion dies, becomes purulent, rotten, the foreign body is then expelled slowly at the mat- tering dead spot or point. If there be an obstacle to its exit the whole just described process keeps on repeating itself, there is a burrowing process which is continued until a point of exit is reached, or failing the possibility of this, Nature will at times encapsule it. But, assuming the possibility of an easy exit, the process is not a long one, and as soon as the foreign body is got rid of, Nature needs no further help (the 108 The Radical Cure of individual being normally or even only fairly healthy), but forthwith mends the gap in the tissues by carnification, and there is an end of it, only the young newly carnified tissue being very vascular will re- main for a time red, until, in fact, the new vascular loops (being no longer needed) atrophy. Thus the foreign body being ejected, and the gap made by its passage mended by carnification (healed up), there is nothing more to be said, the affair is at an end. But it is not thus with the pre- fistular abscess, and therefore neces- sarily not thus with the fistula itself; here we have to do not only with the morbid matter (stuff) that caused the abscess, but with an internal Fistula by Medicines. 109 abscess and fistula causing disease that is more or less constantly at work, and the product of this disease requires an outlet which the pre- fistular abscess was meant to prepare, and which is represented by the fis- tula. Had Nature got rid of all the morbid product the exit would no longer be needed, and the fistula would very soon heal up "of itself," as the saying goes. Everybody knows that if he gets a thorn into his flesh, and he forth- with pulls it out entire and entirely, he is spared the relatively long and roundabout process that Nature adopts if it is left in, and which we have just attempted to describe. A good surgeon, therefore, in all cases seeks to get at the intruded I IO The Radical Cure of But foreign body and extract it. the surgeon seeks in other seeks in other processes to come to Nature's aid, and instead of waiting for an abscess to maturate and burst, he makes a free incision and lets out the pus or what not. Now, where there is an obstacle to its exit (such as a fascia) this is no doubt not only good practice, but is imperative to prevent needless tis- sue destruction, burrowing, and the formation of sinuses, with the con- comitant fever, pain, and exhaustion. But where there is no great ob- stacle in the way of a spontaneous bursting, I feel very sure that it is best not to incise, but to let the boil ripen and burst, and in the meantime 'go for" the cause of the said boil by treating the patient with the (C Fistula by Medicines. III When this is suc- proper remedies. cessfully done, and the boil bursts of itself, the discharge is more free, and the consequent organismic de- puration more complete. On this effort of Nature to rid herself of noxious substances a system of treatment by manipula- tion has been furnished, and which has been named Kellgrenism, in honour of its discoverer Kellgren. This system has an organ of its own called The Tocsin, edited by Dr Frederick A. Floyer, a man of very great ability and learning. From its issue of September 1st, 1889, I take their own account of the system, because it fits into my subject at this point. 112 The Radical Cure of "" 'TREATMENT BY MANIPULATION.* "In a previous issue we have endeavoured to give some idea of the nature and object of medical exercises, and we are now anxious to show the nature and object of treatment by manipulation for the cure of disease. "In the first place, it must be remembered that all alteration in the normal condition of the body, that is to say, all forms of disease, cause the formation of morbid sub- stances of some kind or another. The nature of these morbid pro- ducts, together with the conditions. *This article may be taken as illustrating the Kellgren philosophy and treatment of disease. Fistula by Medicines. 113 which give rise to them, are too technically scientific to be dealt with in this article,-suffice it to say, that these products are, roughly speaking, either what is commonly known as matter and gas. The formation of these naturally cause obstruction in the parts affected, to the detriment more or less of the whole system. It is equally obvious, therefore, that these obstructions. must be got rid of before health can be restored. "Where matter has formed, as in the case of wounds, abscesses, etc., it may be removed by working it to the surface and giving it an outlet there, and by dispersion. "Most people can see the value of gently pushing matter towards H I 14 The Radical Cure of the wound or boil, but many are apt to regard dispersion with dis- favour. If matter has formed, they say, it is far better to encourage it to tend towards the one centre, where it can discharge, than to spread the evil all over the body by 'backening' it. It must be re- membered, however, that matter is not a foreign body which has been somehow introduced into the system; on the contrary, it is a collection of legitimate products (in the first instance) which have become dis- organized. As dirt has been defined as 'matter out of place, so the morbid products of the body are legitimate constituents of the organ- ism unlawfully congregated together. The white corpuscles of the blood, Fistula by Medicines. 115 for instance, form bad matter, although they are healthy and neces- sary constituents of the blood when they move in a legitimate manner. To disperse these, and to force them back to their proper spheres, is not to spread matter over the body, there- fore, but to dissolve it into its original elements. Where morbid products have been formed for some time, however, processes of putrefac- tion ensue which render it impossible to disperse it, because the elements themselves become diseased, and it is then necessary to cause their discharge from the body. The task of deciding which method of treatment to apply is not so difficult as may be supposed, since Nature to a great extent decides the question 116 The Radical Cure of herself. Where a wound or abscess is already formed, and shows itself plainly, it is probable that putrefac- tion has taken place, and, therefore, the great aim should be to promote its discharge; but if this stage has not been reached, it is sufficient simply to manipulate the place affected, thus causing movement in the obstructed tissues. If the elements of which the matter is composed are still healthy, the manipulation will loosen them from their position and drive them to their proper places; but if putrefac- tion has already begun, it will drive. it to the surface, where it has the best chance of getting free. It must be borne in mind that Nature is always trying to rid herself of Fistula by Medicines. I 17 unhealthy products, and manipula- tion, by encouraging movement in congested parts, assists the blood to throw off the poison which infects it, and drives it for refuge to the surface, which it will then try to burst through. "In most diseases it is gas and not matter which forms the obstruc- tion. This gas, which, like matter, is also a natural product of the body, increases too much in volume, and is altered in its nature by any deviation from the normal state of health, and forms a swelling, often imperceptible, in that part of the body where the disease has origi- nated. This swelling can easily be detected by trained fingers, and is very sensitive to the touch. This 118 The Radical Cure of power of detecting where a disease lies with the fingers is of the utmost value, because pain is often reflex, and gives no clue to the real seat of the malady. It also stands to sense that if a cure by manipulation is to be effected, the manipulator must be allowed to use his or her own discretion as to the places which are to be worked upon. It is nonsense for a patient to say, 'Work on my head for headache, or on my limbs for rheumatism ; there is no occasion to touch any other part of my body, as I am quite well otherwise.' A person's digestion may seem sound, for in- stance, because the form of indiges- tion from which they suffer shows itself indirectly by some reflex pain Fistula by Medicines. 119 in the head or the limbs. To work at these only may give temporary relief, but no cure can reasonably be expected from such a partial method of treatment. "The actual nature of manual treatment is either that of making frictions with the fingers or by vibra- tions. In no case are the fingers moved about over the skin, as in rubbing; the frictions and vibrations. are made through the skin on the nerves and vessels, etc., beneath. It is, moreover, quite unnecessary to work upon the bare skin, a cer- tain amount of loose clothing being no obstacle whatever to the efficacy of the work." I give the article entire, so that I may be quite fair. That the Kell- I 20 The Radical Cure of gren treatment by manipulation is a close imitation of Nature is clear, and it must therefore command our respectful consideration, particularly when defended by such an able advocate as Dr Floyer, whose writ- ings in The Tocsin are a delight to read. But I have thus far seen no published results, and have con- sequently nothing to judge it by as a practical system of curative medi- cine. Awaiting these Awaiting these I suspend judgment. What is matter? By the word matter is here meant, not matter in a general scientific sense, but, say, the contents of an abscess. In the foregoing article I have * Fistula by Medicines. 121 italicised the following: "It must be remembered, however, that matter is not a foreign body which has been somehow introduced into the system; on the contrary, it is a collection of legitimate products (in the first instance) which have be- come disorganized. As dirt has been defined as 'matter out of place,' so the morbid products of the body are legitimate constituents of the organism unlawfully congregated together. The white corpuscles of the blood, for instance, form bad matter, although they are healthy and necessary constituents of the blood when they move in a legiti- mate manner. To disperse these, and to force them back to their proper spheres, is not to spread I22 The Radical Cure of matter over the body, therefore, but to dissolve it into its original elements." Now, let us examine these state- ments. We may grant that matter is made up of the white blood corpuscles which have wandered out of the circulation, but why have they wandered out? Why did they not stay at home and live happily to- gether in the blood? The reason is that they have become charged with a function, their mission has become a new one, and they wander out of the blood that is within the vessels in order to carry away a given poison, or virus, or other hurtful thing: they are poisoned, and hurry out of the circulation en I Fistula by Medicines. 123 masse, and hasten to a common ren- dezvous at the surface, to be cast out as matter. These blood corpuscles are no longer mere blood corpuscles, but poisoned members of their com- munity, and they hasten out of the body to save it, they offer them- selves a sacrifice on the altar of the organism. They are not unlawfully congregated together; they are not runaway sinners unlawfully congre- gated together-run wild, as it were, in a herd. Not at all; on the contrary, they are so law-abiding that they sacrifice themselves to duty, and they are in numbers propor- tionate to the quantity of poison that has to be got rid of; the more the poison the greater the number of corpuscles. It follows, therefore, I24 The Radical Cure of ܕܕ that to force these poison-carrying, out-wandered blood corpuscles back whence they came (if it were pos- sible) must be bad practice indeed; and to do so would be backening the matter and spreading the poison, of which they are the dying or dead carriers, all over the body. Dr Floyer says,—“The morbid products of the body are legiti- mate constituents of the organism unlawfully congregated together." This is impossible; he should say were: a morbid product of the body is no longer a constituent of the organism at all. On the contrary, the erstwhile blood corpuscles having become morbid, are cast out, or wander out, and so cease to be constituents. The act of con- : "" Fistula by Medicines. 125 ! gregating together is merely their collective mode of exit from the economy. The putrefactive process is a secondary affair. If the morbid products are dispersed, and sent back before the process of putre- faction sets in, then they carry back merely the poison they had brought out; while if they are sent back subsequent to putrefaction, then they may carry back with them not only the poison they were carrying away, but also pro- ducts of the putrefaction. I am, therefore, with those who regard dispersion with disfavour, particularly if the boil constituents are poison carriers, as I believe they usually are, and that notwith- 126 The Radical Cure of standing the fact that the boil-con- stituents were previously body constituents. Finally, it seems seems to me that Kellgrenism is in itself contra- dictory, for while it is contended for it that it aids Nature to expel the peccant matter or gas, it is also maintained that it aids Nature by dispersing what Nature has gathered together. Both can only be tenable if it be held that the disorder consequent upon the ob- structions to the circulation are synonymous with the disorders themselves. It seems to me that if it be good to help Nature to bring the matter to the periphery and let it out, it cannot be good to disperse what C Fistula by Medicines. 127 Nature unaided had already brought together in a boil for ejectment. That is in general principle. Of course, if it can be shown that the disorder is prim- arily stagnation, and nothing else. -say capillary stasis-then dis- persion (early enough) and cure would be identical terms. THE LOCALIST'S POSITION CONTRA- DICTORY. The localistic surgeons, who claim that operation is a cure of fistula, tell us that the pre-fistular abscess must be opened to let the matter out, while the fistula must be operated upon to make it close! So, according to this, the essence. of the disease in the case of the 128 The Radical Cure of 1 abscess lies in the fact that Nature cannot, unaided, get rid of the matter; while in the fistula, where she does get freely rid of the matter, the essence of the disease lies in the fact that Nature is helping herself! The Kellgrenists seem to con- sider that the stasis is the real factor in boils; for me, the stasis is merely a concomitant-just the first necessary stage in effecting an organic lesion of the peripheral continuity to gain an outlet for inimical stuff, be this stuff leuco- maine, ptomaine, cadaverine, urea, or even bacilli or microbes. Abscess is not a disease sui generis; it is a patho-biological pro- cess, and we have, in each case of 2 "I Fistula by Medicines. 129 abscess, to consider this patho- biological process by itself, i.e., Nature's method of turning out an unwelcome guest at a peripheral lesion of her own making. If the guest be one simple innocuous thing or substance, then as soon as that is detruded the matter is ended the abscess heals. If the surgeon lances, in such a case this aid to Nature would under circumstances be rational and sen- sible. If the stasis itself be the whole affair, then Kellgrenism would be right to disperse, for then an outlet would not be needed, since there would be nothing to let out. In this stasis-abscess, gentle pressive coaxing aid would be the most rational, the "free incision' I }} 130 The Radical Cure of -} merely a woodhacker's mode of doing the same thing, i.e., getting rid of the stagnation. But the pre-fistular abscess differs widely from the two kinds of abscess just mentioned. It is not a stasis- abscess, for its stasis is a means to an end, the means being to mortify a bit of tissue to form an outlet; and the end being the detrusion of not a simple innocuous thing or sub- stance, but some organismic morbid product that is being daily and hourly produced, and therefore needs daily and hourly discharge, in fact a constantly open issue, which a fistula in my opinion often is. If I am correct in this view, it must follow that a fistula should not be made to heal up by any and Fistula by Medicines. 131 every local means, but the fistula patient should be cured by internal constitutional treatment. I find myself quite unable to be- lieve that causing the fistula to heal up is in any sense a real cure; on the contrary, I believe this pro- ceeding to be bad practice, and very harmful in its consequences for the future health and well-being of the patients. Neither am I able to conceive how any kind of treatment by manipulation could possibly alter the state of one's constitution: a syphilitic, a strumous, a sycotic, a psoric individual would, so far as I can see, be just as syphilitic, as strumous, as sycotic, as psoric after being manipulated as before. I 132 1 The Radical Cure of CONCLUSION. Having now, as I submit, practi- cally demonstrated the feasibility of a radical cure of fistula by medicines, I claim for this method of cure in the aggregate superiority over all others, superior in the following particulars :- 1. It is radical, in that the reme- dies can be chosen so that the internal causes of the fistular pro- cess are attacked and overcome. 2. It is painless. 3. It does not interfere with the mode of life or occupation of the sufferers. 4. There are no ill after-effects to the nervous system from shock, such Fistula by Medicines. 133 as may, and often do follow opera- tions. 5. It is safe in that the chest and other affections are ameliorated pari passu with the general cure of the constitutional crasis. 6. It is effective in those cases in which surgery fails "because the fistula will not heal." 7. It is philosophic, being con- sonant with the true wisdom of self-preservation. 8. It is scientific, the remedies being chosen in accordance with the data of pharmacology derived from positive experiments on the healthy. — "Now! I can go no further; well or ill, it is done." affit AZ 1 SECOND EDITION. PART II. SINCE the First Edition of this small work on the medicinal cure of fistula went to press, a consider- able number of cases of fistula of various kinds have passed under my professional care, so that I can now raise my voice with a little greater authority, and maintain more strongly than ever that the treat- ment of the fistular disease by operation and locally healing measures is irrational and harmful. True it is that some cases of fistula Cure of Fistula by Medicines. 135 are very difficult to cure, particularly where the number of fistulæ in one individual is very great-I once counted eighteen in one person-and these cases that have existed for many years and in which the lining of the fistula has become dense and hard, and constantly accustomed to secrete almost like the lining mem- brane of a cyst. Still even here a cure a perfect cure can be effected if the physician will take the trouble and the sufferers will have the patience. It frequently happens that the fistula is only one of the ailments of a given patient, and not always the most important either. This must be well considered. It might not unreasonably be asked of me, g 136 The Radical Cure of What, then, is the fistular disease if the fistula proper be not the malady? Well, I find that a considerable number of constitutional taints run out through fistulas, and I hope, with time, to give direct information on this important subject, but at present I must be content to narrate a few cases of cure, from which my readers will be able to draw certain conclusions themselves. Perhaps by the time a third edi- tion comes round I may be able to give a classification of fistulas ac- cording to their pathologic qualities, deduced partly from their genealo- gies and partly from the known actions of the remedies that have proved curative of them. Certainly there are liver fistulas, i.e., fistulas of Fistula by Medicines. 137 hepatic origin, and here the liver must be cured or the fistulas cannot be. Certainly there are lung fistulas, i.e., fistulas of pulmonary origin. Here the lungs must be first cured, or the sequel brings constitutional retribution; here we must be specially ware of operations, for if this kind of fistula be forcibly closed, phthisis comes anon. Certainly there are spleen fistulas, or fistulas of splenic origin. I will give presently a striking example of a splenic fistula. But this part of my subject is new, and needs much thinking about before going further, so I will simply proceed to the narration of a few instruc- tive cases of cure of fistula by medicines. 138 The Radical Cure of ! CASE OF HEREDITARY FISTULA. The gentleman whose case is the first narrated in this book sent me a friend of his suffering from fistula, as does also this latter's father. This friend came to me on No- vember 2, 1891, telling me that he had had a perineal abscess, which broke six weeks ago, and left a fistula which at date is again gather- ing. He early seeks advice because of his father's chronic condition. Patient has, besides, a chronic winter cough, very hard; otherwise he is in excellent condition,-a trifle stout, perhaps. There are no indurated glands anywhere to be found, but he gets a little acne here and there. He suffers a good deal of pain dur- ing defecation. Fistula by Medicines. 139 In December 1892 the fistula had quite disappeared and has not since returned, though I think it very probable that he may have a few more flickerings here and there yet, though of course he may not. The chief remedies were Bacill., Thuja, Sabina, Levico, Hydrastis, Hepar, Acidum nitricum. There were numerous gatherings of pus before the cure was accomplished. CASE OF FISTULA CURED BY URTICA URENS. According to my views almost every fistula has a cause more or less remote from the fistula proper; we might almost compare the fistula to the crater of a volcano. Where a given organ seems to be ¡ 140 The Radical Cure of the starting-point of the cause of a fistula, an appropriate remedy of that organ will at times aid much in its cure. I will now relate a case which appears to have been cured by one organ-remedy alone, viz., by the notable spleen-remedy Urtica urens. The discovery that Urtica urens has a specific influence on the spleen I claim as my own. An unmarried gentleman came to consult me for fistula just before Christmas 1890. Originally there appears to have been a fall, and then an abscess. Patient was operated upon for his fistula in 1886, and again in 1887, but without avail. He was in fairly good health all the time, and though he still had his fistula when he came to me, notwith- " Fistula by Medicines. 141 standing the two operations, he did not come because he was ill, but because he was desirous of getting married. He complained only of one thing, viz., he was always very chilly. I examined him with very great care, and apart from the fistula itself I could find nothing wrong with him, except that he had a very greatly hypertrophied spleen. About two ounces of Urtica ur. 0, spread over a number of weeks, seemingly cured him, for he reported himself as cured in the early summer of 1891. In July of that year he went up the river, and reported some swelling of the old fistular region. The Urtica was repeated, and, I believe, cured him: I am not quite sure but he had previously reported 7 142 The Radical Cure of himself cured, then he reported the swelling, and a few weeks later he 'got married. I think he must be cured, because he passes my door about twice a month to see a mutual friend of us both, and this mutual friend is in the habit of referring to this cure of fistula by medicines. Still I have not examined him, and thus do not vouch for its being a complete cure. I regard it as a fistula of splenic origin, and hence the fistula would heal as soon as the spleen was cured. POST-MALARIAL FISTULA IN THE BACK. The following case of fistula is unique in my experience, and not - Fistula by Medicines. 143 far from being absolutely unique in the annals of fistulæ. In the fall of the year 1890 a gentleman brought his wife to me; they were just returned from India. In June 1890 the lady had a fall in Bombay, whereupon she mis- carried, and before she could re- cover she developed malarial fever. Then abscesses formed in the womb and also in the back, about the region corresponding to the part lying between the left-hand end of the pancreas and the lower part of the spleen. On inspection I found a freely discharging fistula, with much inflammation around it, occupying the first described region of the back. The spleen was very much. enlarged. Patient is a large woman, 144 The Radical Cure of ! 30 odd years of age, very bloodless and washed-out looking, and very ill in herself. As I find that Urtica ur. has a strong affinity for the spleen, I thought I would just bring that organ back to the normal therewith (which I have very often done before). I gave her twenty drops of the Urtica tincture daily. This was on September 12, 1890. October 6.-A very great change for the better has taken place in the patient; the spleen has gone down, the circumfistular inflammation has greatly diminished, and patient looks and feels much better. The medicine to be continued in a smaller dose. October 20.-Patient continues to improve. The fistula has closed; has Fistula by Medicines. 145 a little throat cough, seemingly from a cold. B Phosphorus 3 and Chelidonium 0. November 19.-The fistula has healed up; patient has had her second period since the miscarriage, and there was very much uterine pain at the time. There has been a slight attack of malarial fever with night sweats. B Helianthus annuus 0, six drops in water night and morning. December 10.-Menses normal; a lump-flat-of the size of a baby's open hand, has come in the left breast. Regarding this as from the uterus, I gave Bursa pastoris 1*, six drops night and morning. January 7, 1891.—Breast normal some pain in the liver; much less K 146 The Radical Cure of : pain at the last period; a bit of a cough. B Carduus Marie 0, five drops night and morning. February 6.-One bad bout of fever, and since then very well. The fistula remains perfectly healed. I heard from the husband a good while subsequently, telling me there had been no relapse. FISTULA PROCTALGIA-GRAVE DE- PRESSION OF SPIRITS. A city merchant, about 50 years of age, came to me in the month of March 1890, in very great distress of mind on account of his fistula, or, rather, on account of the fact that three different surgeons--one an eminent specialist for diseases Fistula by Medicines. 147 of the rectum-had declared an operation imperative. The idea of being operated upon had almost unhinged his mind, and he was seemingly neglecting an important business he could talk of nothing but his fistula and the impending operation. The fistula was very small, very painful, and had made his life miserable for about three months. During the past six weeks he has lost 16 pounds in weight. The proctalgia he described as "terrible, day and night." At first Hydrastis can. took the pain away, and it returned; Var. C. I thought indicated, but it did no good. Hydrastis was again resorted to, but it did not help, and patient literally ran about wildly from the 148 The Radical Cure of pain, often standing with legs apart with much bearing down. On April 23, my note runs thus : "No amelioration. The tongue is gouty; he compares the pain to that caused by nettles. His sufferings }) are awful. B Tc. Urtica ur. 1, ten drops in water every four hours. May 9.-These drops cured the burning pain in three days. R Phytolaccinum 3. June 4.-No return of the pain at all. Patient has regained much of his lost weight, and is now as hilarious as he was previously depressed. At the seat there is nothing observable save a flap of flesh at the side of the anal mouth. R Sodium silicate 0. Fistula by Medicines. 149 July 2.--Not happy at the seat; mentally apprehensive; a close in- spection shows, hidden behind the before-named flap of flesh, a small wart with a bleeding fissure athwart it. B Sambucus 0. Patient was discharged quite cured and in fine physical and mental condition just condition just fourteen months from the beginning of his treatment. During the remaining part of his treatment he received from me Chelidonium majus 0, Urtica ur. in several differing strengths, Hecla 30, Kali iod. 30, Calc. carb. C.C., and finally Silicea C. In this case I did use one local application, viz., powdered Thuja applied direct to the bleeding comb- 150 The Radical Cure of like processes behind the fleshy flap, and of this flap its shrivelled remains. are still in situ. FISTULA—VERRUCOUS GROWTH AND HÆMORRHOIDS. Early in the year 1890 a gentle- man verging on 70 years of age came from the country to con- sult me for anal trouble, charac- terized by a sticky, gummy dis- charge. An examination of the part disclosed a wart-like growth of the size of a walnut, and also a pile. I could not find any fistula. A month later I found the mouth of the fistula leading into a funnel- shaped discharging cavity. He remained under treatment the best part of a year, during which ? Fistula by Medicines. 151 time the fistula healed and patient. greatly improved in health. Bacil- linum C., Hydrastis can. 0, Phyto- laccin 3*, Sodium silicatum 0, and Sambucus 0, were the chief remedies. The growth was much smaller when patient discharged himself, and I was wishful to continue the treat- ment longer, but he was comfortable in himself, the anal region being dry since the fistula healed up. His digestion so very much improved that he "would not be bothered with any more physicking." CASE OF FISTULA IN A LADY. A married lady, 33 years of age, was brought to me by her husband in the spring of 1891 to be treated for a fistula in ano, that had been a 152 The Radical Cure of source of annoyance and trouble for a little over two years, seemingly starting from the retention of a dead fœtus at that period, which was then thought to have been three weeks dead. At a previous con- finement there had been consider- able laceration of the perineum, the sequel of which had had to be remedied by the electro-cautery, and thus a somewhat imperfect closing of the sphincter ani has come about, and loose stools being the rule, the poor lady had a sad time of it. A fistula alone is a humiliating possession, but when fæcal incontinence is added, the condition becomes fearful. The fistula was situated at the back, and was in the habit of closing for a few C Fistula by Medicines. 153 days, and then it would burst and discharge. Besides the fistula and an inadequate sphincter muscle, there were piles; that, however, did not cause very much inconvenience. Patient was put upon Thuja occidentalis 30 in infrequent doses. for one month. The case was seen from month to month, and required some pretty careful differential drug diagnosis before it was permanently cured, patient being discharged quite well in the month of July 1892. The chief remedies used were Bacill. M. and CC. given altogether during four separate months, Helianthus annuus 0, Bursa pastoris 0, Kali. iodicum. 3 trit. and 30, and Bovista 3 trit., have come into play in 154 The Radical Cure of between as indicated. In this case I was guided to the use of the remedies from the state of the cervical glands and the circum- scribed flush of the cheeks, and by the patient's various symptoms. CASE OF PREFISTULAR CELLULITIS DISPERSED. Sometimes one is fortunate enough to get cases of prefistular gathering soon enough to prevent both abscess and fistula. Thus a middle-aged merchant from the Midlands came under my care in the fall of 1891, with a "lump at the seat" that was giving rise to inconvenience and anxiety to the patient, partly because he was quite familiar with fistula in his own Fistula by Medicines. 155 family. He was well in three months; during the first half of the time he was taking Arnica montana I, twenty drops a day in water. This took away much of the swell- ing and nearly all the hardening, and then I gave him Chelidonium majus on organopathic lines. That we here prevented both abscess and fistula hardly admits of any doubt. CASE OF RECTAL ABSCESSES AND FISTULA. In the month of January 1892 a London professional man came under my care. Two months previ- ously he had had a very large abscess of the rectum, which had been freely incised but would not 156 The Radical Cure of heal, and a fistular state remained, with much discharge; or, rather, I should say that there remained a hole in the flesh fully two inches long, discharging matter profusely. And notwithstanding the profuse discharge from this gash, there was another large gathering on the other side of the anus, which the surgeon was on the point of operating on. Patient's father and one of his sisters had died of phthisis. I began the treatment with Ignatia amara 1, alternated with Hydrastis canadensis 0, because of patient's low nervous anorexial condition. This was continued for a fortnight, much to his comfort and feeling of well-being, when early in February gout broke out in his right foot. Fistula by Medicines. 157 This was met with Aconite 6 and Bryonia 0. With the outbreak of the gout the activity at the seat lessened, and the gash in the flesh began to heal from the bottom. I had applied nothing to the wound, but rather encouraged its activity. The treatment was continued— patient all the while attending to his professional duties-with some ups and downs, till May 25, 1893, when patient was discharged cured, and in capital health and spirits. Many remedies were needed and used, and of these the chief were: Bacill. CC. and C.; Bryonia alb. 0; Bellis perennis 0; Ꮎ Chelidonium majus ; Chionanthus virginicus &; Nat. mur., 6 trit.; Levico (strong); Thuja 30, and Lycopodium 6. To 158 The Radical Cure of i give the reasons for giving the various medicines would occupy more space than I can here afford, but there were three leading ideas underlying them, viz. : ! 1. The hereditary phthisic taint. 2. The enlarged unhealthy liver. 3. The gout; and then we had to meet- The debility. α. B. The anæmia. y. The anorexia. 8. The neurasthenia, the last- named being a potent factor in the sum at any rate, neurasthenia cannot be operated away. Fistula by Medicines. 159 GRAVE CASE OF RECTO-VAGINAL FISTULA. A childless lady, many years married, 42 years of age, came to consult me for recto-vaginal fistula early in the year 1890. Both of her parents died about 80 years of age,—in fact her mother lived to be 82; and all her brothers and sisters being still alive and well, and patient herself being of very fine build, I was quite astonished to hear the following narration of her health- history and present state:-Formerly had a fearful cough, remaining as a sequel of a pneumonia, the cough being so bad that some thought it from a form of asthma. Formerly very thin, then stout (large, not - 160 The Radical Cure of obese), i.e., polysarcous, and now losing flesh. It is noteworthy that when she began to get perineal abscesses her cough entirely dis- appeared. In childhood she had had measles, whooping-cough, and scarlatina in the proper way,—and since then a carbuncle on her right arm. Menses copious; she is weary and tired; tongue gouty, with no "strawberry" pips (a very important point); con- siderable leucorrhoea; she is very chilly. Notwithstanding the history of pneumonia, and notwithstanding the very bad cough that disappeared as soon as the prefistular abscesses began to appear, I still could not regard the fistula as in any sense indicative of a phthisic taint, but I Fistula by Medicines. 161 came to the conclusion that it was a case of genuine vaccinosic manifesta- tions: the chilliness, the leucorrhoea, the polysarcia, the pithy tongue, the sterility, all, in my judgment, point- ing at any rate to the hydrogenoid constitution of Grauvogl. The fistula was sequential to abscesses at the spot, and patient stated that it had gathered twelve times. Patient had been operated on by a distinguished surgeon three months previously, but without success, and a further and very much more serious operation was in pros- pect, and hence the lady's visit to me. Now it happened that this lady's house was, and is, the rendez- vous of quite a number of medical L 162 The Radical Cure of men all sincerely attached to this lady's husband. Nearly all our friends happen to be medical men,' said she, “and my husband has dis- cussed the question of the possibility of my fistula being cured with medi- cines, and they all declare it to be absolutely impossible, and my hus- band is so sure that it is impossible that he has refused to come with me." (( }} : A Still, in an aside, she gave me to understand that he privately hoped she would come, on the off-chance of a cure, and so avoid the alarmingly radical operation in contemplation. It is to be remembered that an operation for fistula depends a good deal on the kind of person to be operated upon as well as its position. Fistula by Medicines. 163 In this case the position was most awkward, and the quantity of tissue through which the incisions would have to be made very considerable. In the left groin the glands are indurated and enlarged; moreover, they become tender just before each gathering, and remain so till it has burst and discharged. Inasmuch as many medical men had declared this case absolutely unamenable to medicinal treatment, and two of them watched the pro- gress of the case, inasmuch as one operation had already failed (it was performed in a well-known hospital, it being considered too considerable to be conveniently done at home), and inasmuch as my diagnosis will be unacceptable to almost all medical 164 The Radical Cure of men, even to many of my best friends and colleagues, I am going to enter into very full details of the case, to motive my diagnosis and the line of treatment such diagnosis. compelled. If any one of my readers takes an interest in the question of the constitutional effects of the poison of vaccination, I refer such a one to my little treatise on the subject, entitled "Vaccinosis and its Cure by Thuja." In this case patient had been vaccinated four times. From this fact, and for the reasons already given (symptoms negative and posi- tive), I considered I had to do with a Fistula by Medicines. 165 genuine and severe case of vac- cinosis. I began the treatment on January 10, 1890, with the matrix tincture of Hydrastis Canadensis, giving eight drops in water three times a day. February 3.-The leucorrhoea is not so bad; the place is angry, but the swelling is less. Patient feels better. "I am picking up." Feels very cold always, and she is also cold to the touch. Sleeps lightly, and gets the fidgets in her legs. B Thuja occidentalis 30, infre- quently. February 17.-Markedly better; no trouble with the gathering what- ever; no discharge from the fistula worth while; no menses for six Jorm 166 The Radical Cure of weeks; still feels very chilly; parts no longer swelling; no tenderness of inguinal glands; much better of the tiredness and weariness. No medicine, to allow the remedial action already set up to continue undisturbedly. March 7.-No pain, and no gathering; one scanty menstrua- tion; she is always cold; the en- largement of the inguinal glands has disappeared; not so tired or weary. B Vaccininum C., very infre- quently. March 26.-No gathering; not so cold; leucorrhoea better; has a cold, with a little cough; is gaining flesh. B Ceanothus Americanus, ten Fistula by Medicines. 167 drops in water night and morn- ing. April 21.-No gathering; feels less cold; and the left hypochon- drium is less uneasy. B Hydrastis Canadensis as before, but in a smaller dose. May 22.-Menses set in three weeks ago, and still continue; left ovary is tender. B Juniperus sabina 30, very infre- quently. June 30.-Fistula quite gone, and almost well in herself. B Cupressus Lawsoniana 30, very infrequently. I heard no more of the patient till the following November, when she came, telling me she had con- tinued quite well, but the last week 168 The Radical Cure of or so she had felt slight tenderness where the fistula used to be, and it seemed as if it might gather. В Thuja 30, as before. February 9, 1891. Has been quite well, but the old fistula is again active and gathering. B Silicea 30, ten drops every three hours. This was followed by complete cure and capital health till July 13, when patient again called, telling me she felt as if it were going to gather again, but objectively there was absolutely nothing abnormal. B Thuja 30, as before. At this point I ceased keeping notes of the case, although patient called to see me on two or three Fistula by Medicines. 169 occasions for little threatenings and flickerings, but these have now long ceased. On May 19, 1893, patient told me that she had been quite well in all respects for nine months, and she was in blooming health. In this case I made the diagnosis of vaccinosis, and based the treat- ment thereon. As soon as the blood disease was much lessened the fistula healed up, and as soon as the blood disease was quite cured the flickerings in the old fistula ceased entirely. The healing process shows itself also in this case, as in so many others, as gentle, gradual, and with candle-like flickerings until the disease becomes quite extinguished. 1 170 Cure of Fistula by Medicines. Could any more conclusive proof be given of the constitutional nature of fistula? I used no local measures what- ever. Abscess, circumanal, cases of, 13, 24, 78. definition of, 128. prefistular, 105, 127, 154. "" 11 INDEX. stasis, 129. "" Abscesses, rectal, and fistula, case of, 155. Acidum nitricum in fistula, 139. Aconite in abscess, 26. fistula, 91, 157. Adams, Dr, on fistula, 47. Allingham on fistula, 42. Allopathic specialism, 73. Aloes in fistula, 47. hæmorrhage, 51. Anus and head, relations between, 80, 85. Aqua silicata in fistula, 16, 104. Arctium lappa in fistula, 16. Arnica montana in fistula, 155. 77 "" 172 Index. Arsenicum in fistula, 44, 48. Aurum in fistula, 61, 72. Bacillinum in fistula, 95, 139, 151, 153, 157. Bellis perennis in fistula, 35, 43, 157. Berberis vulgaris in fistula, 39, 47. liver disease, 23. "" Bovista in fistula, 153. "1 Boyd, Dr, on fistula, 47. Brain, fagged, Zincum aceticum in, 83. Bryonia in fistula, 157. Bursa pastoris in fistula, 145, 153. "7 Calcarea carbonica in fistula, 16, 44, 149. phosphorica in fistula, 33. Calc. sulphurica in abscess, 26. Calendula in fistula, 33. "" 99 Carduus Mariæ in liver disease, 23. in fistula, 146. Causticum in fistula, 33, 45, 49. Ceanothus Americanus in fistula, 166. Cellulitis, prefistular, case of, 154. Chelidonium majus in liver disease, 23. Index. 173 Chelidonium majus in fistula, 104, 145, 149, 155, 157. China in abscess, 26. 11 fistula, 44- • Chionanthus virginicus in fistula, 157. Clifton, Mr, on fistula, 33. Collinsonia in fistula, 63. Cupressus Lawsoniana in fistula, 167. Cure, derivation of the word, 1. Cynosbati in gonorrhoea, 91. Disease, detection of, by touch of fingers, 117. Eadon, Dr, on cure of fistula, 33. Eggert, Dr, on fistula, 45, 48, 50. "} Fingers, detection of disease by touch of, 117. Fistula and piles, differentiation of, 6. and rectal abscesses, case of, 155. }) "" 19 "" 1) case of, in a lady, 151. circumanal, case of, 13. common mode of treating, 2. common origin of, 24. constitutional origin of, 3. 7 174 "" Fistula curable by medicine, 6, 12, 28, 32, 34, 47. cured by urtica urens, 139. evil results of operation for, 99. "" 71 3 "" ۱۱ "" "" "" 11 "" "" 17 79 "" 3 "" "" "" "" "" " 21 Index. general reflections on, 97, 134. healing of, no real cure, 131. hepatic, case of, 23. hereditary, case of, 138. infantile, case of, 70. leucorrhoea following, case of, 100. mistaken for, case of, liver, 136. lung, 137. I02. meaning of the word, 2. not curable by surgery, 9. patients, personal appearance of, 20. poitrinary, case of, 67. post-malarial, in the back, case of, 142. proctalgia-grave depression of spirits, 146. recto-vaginal, grave case of, 159. sequential to abscesses, case of, 161. Index. 175 15 "1 Fistula, simple, case of, 20. spleen, 137. superiority of curing by medicine, 132. tuberculous, 87. urinary, case of, 91. "" Floyer, Dr F. A., on treatment by manipu- lation, 112. "" Gastritis, case of, 27. Gatherings, treatment of acute, 26. Gilchrist, Prof., on medicines for fistula, 47. cure of fistula by, 49. ,, >> Graphites in fistula, 37. Grasmuck, Dr, on fistula, 45. Hæmorrhoids, aloes in, 51. "" and verrucous growth, 150. Hale, Prof., on remedies in fistula, 63. Hamamelis in fistula, 54. Head and anus, relations between, So, 85. Hecla in fistula, 149. Helianthus annuus in fistula, 145, 153. Helmuth, Prof. Tod, on fistula, 43, 45- 176 Index. Hepar in abscess, 26. "" fistula, 36, 44, 91, 104, 139. Hepatic fistula, case of, 23. Hereditary fistula, case of, 138. Hills, Dr A. K., on fistula, 54. Hippocratism, 76. Hughes on medicinal cure of fistula, 32. nitric acid in fistula, 30. "" Hydrastin in fistula, 33. Hydrastis Canadensis in fistula, 31, 63, 91, 104, 139, 147, 151, 156, 165, 167. Ignatia amara in fistula, 156. Infant, case of fistula in, 70. Juniperus sabina in fistula, 167. Kali carbonicum in abscess, 26. fistula, 15, 36, 71. "? "" Kali iodicum in fistula, 149, 153. Kellgrenism, III. Kidd, Dr, on cure of fistula, 29, 31. Kissingen cure for pruritus, 81. Lachesis in fistula, 48, 50. Index. 177 Į Lappa major in abscess, 26. Leucorrhoea following fistula, case of, 100. mistaken for fistula, case of, 102. "" Levico in fistula, 139, 157. Liquor calcis in abscess, 25. Liver fistulas, 136. Lung fistulas, 137. Lycopodium in fistula, 157. "" "" Manipulation, treatment by, 112. Matter, composition of, 113. Medicine, fistula curable by, 6, 12, 28, 32, 34. its superiority, 132. Mera, Dr, cure of fistula by, 48. Mercurius corrosivus in fistula, 16, 44. >> 39 >> solubilis Hahnemanni in fistula, 95. Myrica cerifera in liver disease, 23. Nature's mode of operating, 106. Nat. mur. in fistula, 157. Nitric acid in fistula, 29. Nux vomica in fistula, 33, 45, 67, 79. M 178 Index. Paine, Dr, on phytolacca, 63. Paracelsus, treatment of gatherings by, 27. Patients, personal appearance of fistula, 20. Petersen, Herr, on Hippocratism, 76. Phosphorus in fistula, 71, 145. Phytolacca decandra in fistula, 63. Phytolaccinum in fistula, 148, 151. Piles and fistula, case of, 78. differentiation of, 6. "" "" Poitrinary fistula, case of, 67. Post-malarial fistula in the back, case of, 142. Prefistular cellulitis, case of, 154. Prolapsus, case of, 84. Pruritus ani, case of, 80. Psoricum in fistula, 15, 72. Psorinum in fistula, 104. Putrefaction, results of, 116, 125. Pyrogenium in fistula, 66. Rectal abscesses and fistula, case of, 155. Recto-vaginal fistula, grave case of, 159. Reflections, general, on fistula, 97. Rhus in fistula, 43. Rückert on fistula, 53. Index. 179 Sabina in fistula, 104, 139. Sambucus in fistula, 149, 151. Sanguinaria in fistula, 63. Schüssler, Dr, on fistula, 39. Sepia in fistula, 104. Silicea in abscess, 26. >> Simon, Dr Léon, on cure of fistula, 37. Sodium silicatum in fistula, 148, 151. Solanum nigrum in fistula, 61. Specialism, allopathic, 73. Spleen fistulas, 137. Stasis-abscess, 129. fistula, 36, 37, 43, 52, 104, 149, 168. Sulphur in abscess, 26. "" fistula, 33, 37, 44, 79. "" Surgery no cure for fistula, 9. Surgical operation for fistula, evil results of, 99. Sylphium in fistula, 37. Thuja occidentalis in fistula, 16, 35, 48, 66, 72, 104, 139, 149, 153, 157, 165, 168. prolapsus, 86. "" 180 Index, Tuberculous fistula, 87. Urinary fistula, case of, 91. Urtica urens in fistula, 139-141, 144, 148, 149. Vaccinosic manifestations in fistula, 161. Vaccinosis and its cure by Thuja, 164. diagnosis of, in fistula, 169. 77 Vaccininum C. in fistula, 166. Vanad. ammon. in fistula, 79. Var. C. in fistula, 147. Verrucous growth and hæmorrhoids, 150. Wyld, Dr Geo., on treatment of gatherings, 27. Zincum aceticum for fagged brain, 83. PRINTED BY OLIVER AND BOYD, EDINBURGH. WORKS BY DR BURNETT. Crown 8vo, pp. 213, Cloth. TUMOURS OF THE BREAST, AND THEIR 2s. 6d. TREATMENT AND CURE BY MEDICINES. "In this little work Dr Burnett makes good the title of his book. The real point in his cases is the persistent use of medicines, 'pegging away,' as he calls it; claiming all tumours are growths of perverted vitality, which are cured only by bringing back the vitality to its normal condition; this takes a long time, except in recent cases of traumatic origin."-The Hahnemannian Monthly. "In order to be able to cure a tumour by medicines, a man must also first learn how to do it; but it is the work of the patient chess player, in which there are but few masters. Still, without being a master, the art of curing tumours by medicines can-thanks to Hahnemann and others-be learned and practised by all, in direct proportion to their ability and industry. Any medical person who reads this work will have a good idea of how to set to work."—The North American Journal of Homeopathy. Crown 8vo, pp. 186, Cloth. THE GREATER 2s. 6d. DISEASES OF THE LIVER: JAUNDICE, GALL-STONES, ENLARGEMENTS, TUMOURS, AND CANCER; AND THEIR TREATMENT. "Any book that bears upon its title-page the name of Dr J. C. Burnett is certain to be interesting and instructive. But charm of manner would be worse than useless in a scientific book if it were used to cloak vacuity of matter. Dr Burnett, fortunately, is as full of good ideas as an English walnut is of good meat; and both are examples of the best use of opportunity. . . . Those who desire to know how Dr Burnett cures catarrhal inflammation of the gall- ducts, dissolves gall-stones in the gall-bladder, reduces hypertrophies of the liver, removes liver patches on the skin, stirs up lazy livers to normal activity, cures cancer of that viscus, and does many other truly wonderful things, may send to Mr Boericke for the book.”—American Homœopathic Journal of Obstetrics. Third Edition, 12mo, Cloth, 308 pp. 38. 6d. EIGHT YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN THE CURE OF CONSUMPTION BY BACILLINUM. ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS CASES. "In the three years that have elapsed since the first appearance of Dr Burnett's work, a considerable literature has sprung into existence on the treatment of consumption by Bacillinum. In the present issue Dr Burnett has collected from many sources the experiences of other physicians, and has included it with other new experiences of his own, so that the hundred odd pages of the first edition have become three hundred and eight in the third. "It is just over three years since the present writer began to use Bacillinum, and now scarcely a day passes that he does not find some use for it in practice. At Dr Burnett's request he wrote an account of his experience, which will be found, in brief, incorporated in the present work."-The Homeopathic World. Crown Svo, p. 130, Cloth. 2s. 6d. DISEASES OF THE SPLEEN AND THEIR REMEDIES CLINICALLY ILLUSTRATED. "C A most readable little book. Dr Burnett, indeed, is always readable. Here he presents his views in reference to Organopathy' and the history of that term, pointing out that as a pathological term it has long been in use, but that as applied to drug thera- peutics 'it was copied from Rademacher without a single word of acknowledgment. But the real father of organopathy in essence and substance is Hohenheim (Paracelsus), for proof of which see his works.' "Dr Burnett holds, not that organopathy is homœo- pathy, but that it is included in the wider generaliza- tion known as homoeopathy, or,' as he says elsewhere in the book, it is largely of the nature of elementary homœopathy-is, in fact, specificity of seat,' but he insists that the completed domain and sphere of homœopathy embraces also specificity of effects; 'the nosological organopathy and the therapeutic organo- pathy must be and are similar.' "And so he observes, and studies, and treats diseases of the spleen largely from the organopathic point of view. But if any one supposes that he permits this method either to narrow his observations of the symptoms, or to limit him in the selection of the remedy, an examination of the book will undeceive him. Rather does it seem his view of his case is broadened by it. "His clinical reports are well told, and in the highest degree instructive."--The Hahnemannian Monthly. 5 1 Filmed by Preservation 1994 ་ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 02011 7688 P толкова B