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It is desirable that the members of the profession, promptly point out important omissions and errors, and also furnish additional verifications. T. M. S., ALLEGHENY, PA,, September, 1882. INTRODUCTORY. The therapeutic question which we are about to examine does not deserve, possibly, to be placed in the first rank of clinical importance. None of the disciples of Hahnemann, however, will, we think, deny the practical difficulties which are often pre- sented in the treatment of constipation. It is not always easy for the conscientious, but busy practitioner, to discriminate in the selection of the true homoeopathic remedy; and it is only too easy for the patient, on the contrary, to procure a pur- gative at the nearest pharmacy. The majority of persons, who are suffering from constipation, do not possess the patience to await the dynamic effects, which are sometimes a little slow, of our remedies. A slave to a prejudice which we will be able only to eradicate by time, the public attaches to constipation an exaggerated importance and desires to effect its removal at any price. We know that there is more of error than truth in the im- portance which is assigned to constipation; but if we with truth may say, that the success of the humoral doctrines is a remnant of the antiquated traditions traceable to Galen, and also that the treatment, resembling the sweeping by a broom, or the exten- V K 10 sive cleaning of the Augean stables, is more popular than scientific, nevertheless let us be just. Let us acknowledge that everything is not false, in the entreaties of our patients who, invoking the cele- brated precept of Boerhaave, demand an "open belly;" for constipation of itself can become, an abstraction born of the causes which give rise to it, a source of physical and mental troubles. We are reminded of a patient who we had the happiness to cure successively of a variola and a typhoid fever. He was an intelligent, highly edu- cated ecclesiastic, full of activity, but of a weak and timorous disposition. After convalescing from typhoid fever, he was profuse in acknowledgements. of the services which we had rendered him, and was never tired sounding the praise of homeopathic treatment, to which he owed, a second time, the preservation of his life. Unfortunately a consti- pation, habitual, but generally transitory, in con- valescents, assumed in him a very obstinate form. So that after the failure of several homoeopathic remedies which I had prescribed, our patient consulted a practitioner of the old-school. Farewell all the transports of gratitude, all the panegyrics upon homœopathy, all the enthusiasm of propa- gandism. "I confess that Homoeopathy is a good thing," said our former patient to us at a later encounter, "but it is wanting in purgatives." We INTRODUCTORY, INTRODUCTORY. 11 * have no doubt that all our colleagues have experienced analogous facts and circumstances. It is undoubtedly more noble to correct the infirm- ities of the human intelligence than to pass them by; but amid the difficulties of a daily clientele, how many necessary concessions have to be made to that enquiry for the cause, to that mania for explanations, which derives its source from a curiosity perfectly legitimate in the main! For have not the patients who consult a physician a right to interfere in a process which concerns their health? We would not proscribe absolutely the administra- tion of laxatives, but at the same time we would draw the line between those of hygienic, and those of a pharmaceutical order; we do not wish, at least, to condemn or excommunicate those of our colleagues who think it is their duty to use them, either in cases of emergency, or when the indication for the homoeopathic remedy is but illy-defined. But we think that we do better when we strive, at the price of frequent and conscientious investigation, to facil- itate this enquiry for an appropriate remedy for each particular case. The aim which we have in view in this work is to enable those who desire to read it, to renounce the palliatives more or less crude of the old-school, and to rest upon the genuine traditions. of our admirable law: similia similibus curantur. It seems to us, that examined from this point of 12 view, the question of the homoeopathic treatment of constipation merits a place among those conditions which claim the serious attention of physicians and the intelligent public. Constipation, writes M. Jousset, is a morbid. affection characterized by the infrequency and the hardness of the stools. INTRODUCTORY. Grisolle agrees with Chomel in defining constipa- tion as a condition in which the alvine evacuations of an individual are rare, and the material voided, hard and discharged with difficulty. Thus the word constipation carries with it the idea of a reten- tion of fæcal matter; we should not then apply the term to the absence of stools due to an empty bowel, such as we find after a profuse diarrhoea, a prolonged fasting, or in pyloric contractions. Constipation in a great many persons constitutes a physiological con- dition; so that we have instances where the person may enjoy the best of health, and yet the stool only occur every four, five, eight or ten days. But we need not occupy our mind with these particular cases. Constipation, according to M. Jousset, is symptom- atic of a great number of diseases and lesions. Independent of mechanical obstructions, such as tumors in the pelvis, displacements of the uterus and narrowing of the intestine, constipation may also arise in consequence of paralysis due to lesions of the spinal cord, dyspepsia, hæmorrhoids and lead INTRODUCTORY. 13 poisoning. It has not been demonstrated that con- stipation arises outside of these conditions to consti- tute, even in the aged, an essential malady. We believe that the latter assertion of M. Jousset will meet with decided contradictions, since clinical observation, in our country at least, brings to notice numerous cases of constipation which do not depend upon any of the conditions above mentioned and which fully justify the acceptation into the patho- logical schema of idiopathic constipation. According to M. Jousset the conditions which, in the morbid conditions previously enumerated, favor the development of constipation are: The female sex, old age, sedentary occupation, too much or insufficient animal food, drinks taken in too small quantity, and the habit of delay in attending to the desire for stool. The affection, he adds, does not need a long description: The stools occur every three, four, eight and even fifteen days; they are dry, dark, often separated into little balls, like sheep dung; they are expelled with difficulty. The first portion is often of an enormous size, and necessitates almost the pain of a true accouchement; on the other hand, the last part may be of a liquid or semi-liquid character. An alternation of diarrhoea and consti- pation is often observed. Ruddock briefly summarizes the symptoms which accompany the constipated habit: Cephalalgia, J 14 febrile malaise; pressure or feeling of distention of the stomach and intestines; frequent, forced, but useless efforts to discharge the contents of the bowel, or, on the other hand, there may be a complete torpor without any desire for stool; abdominal pulsations or pains, hæmorrhoids and varicosis; sighing respi- ration; restless sleep; depression of spirits. According to M. Jousset, constipation is due to the diminution of the intestinal secretions, to a spasm of the sphincter, and in a certain measure, in aged persons, to a diminution of the contractility of the intestinal fibres. INTRODUCTORY. [Raue writes*: Retarded action of the bowels is frequently accompanied with dizziness, headache, palpitation of the heart, hypochondriacal symptoms, hæmorrhoids and flatulency. If long continued it may lead to dilatation and hypertrophy of the intes- tines and in some rare cases, where actual impaction of hardened and dried fæces ensues, to inflamma- tion, ulceration, and even perforation of the gut. Constipation may be brought about by a diet con- taining too large an amount of indigested matter (beans, corn, and the like coarse food), which forms dry fæces difficult to evacuate; by diseased conditions of the mucosa in consequence of chronic catarrh, which diminishes the peristaltic action of the bowels; by muscular weakness of the intestines in conse- *Special Pathology and Therapeutic Hints, second edition. INTRODUCTORY. 15 quence of anæmia, chlorosis, long continued diarrhoea, the use of purgative medicines; by abnormal losses of fluids in diabetes, profuse lactation or sweats; or by the pressure of foreign bodies within the intestines, such as biliary-stones, fruit-stones, etc.] Without stopping to consider here the genesis and etiology of constipation, let us consider directly the principal question which forms the object of this work: the treatment of constipation. We will divide the subject into three parts: I. The hygienic and accessory preventive treat- ment; II. The homoeopathic treatment properly so- called; III. Finally, we shall say a few words upon the palliative or surgical treatment. : PART I. な ​THE HYGIENIC AND ACCESSORY PREVENTIVE TREATMENT. According to M. Jousset the regimen should be especially directed to combatting the special eti- ological circumstances. Besides the use of cold injections or the introduction of a roll of charpie into the rectum, the diet should consist of bran bread and a soup made of maize, lentils or beans. The use of unground flaxseed or mustard grains have also a favorable action. Certain natural sul- phur waters, principally those which contain chloride of soda (St. Gervais and Uriage), the waters con- taining free sodic chlorides (Niederbrunn, Friedrich- shall) give the happiest results in the treatment of constipation. We are surprised that M. Jousset does not mention the Sedlitz, Pullna, and Hunyadi-Janos waters, whose favorable action experience has daily demon- strated. The Pullna water especially, constitutes according to Constantine James, "one of the most pleasant and sure medications which therapeutics possesses.' >> PREVENTIVE TREATMENT. 17 Ruddock insists upon regularity in the time of eating (three times a day), the predominance of a vegetable (greens and fruits) over an animal diet, oatmeal gruel with molasses at breakfast, brown bread in preference to the white, the careful masti- cation of those articles of food which contain starch, curdled milk and whey, the internal and external use of water (one or two glasses of water drank while dressing in the morning are sometimes useful adjuvants), and the avoidance of spirituous liquors, spices, and late suppers. He also recommends a morning walk, but it should not be carried to the point of fatigue. Dry frictions or wet compresses over the abdomen may prove efficient. The organ- ism should be accustomed to a regular and fixed period for stool, just as for any other physiological act; by fixing the attention upon this point for some moments each day it can be finally attained and with great advantage to the health. These directions seem to us to be wise, imprinted as they are with that eminently practical spirit which we often admire in the English, our powerful neigh- bors and best friends. Another English physician, Dr. Tuthill Massy, recommends salt-water injections and frictions with olive-oil over the abdomen. Other practitioners recommend olive-oil taken internally, a spoonful at a dose, night and morning. 18 PREVENTIVE TREATMENT. Besides the means already mentioned, let us cite rapidly, the juice of prunes, preserved fruits, honey, brown sugar, syrup, manna, the use of chicory in place of the morning coffee, a cigarette while fast- ing. We have been told by one of our eminent colleagues, and have since verified it for ourselves, of the efficacy of the pastilles of tamarinds, taken from time to time, lengthening the intervals between each one. Has this substance only the tamarin as an active principle? We are inclined to believe this, notwithstanding the contrary opinion of many physicians who think that senna enters into the composition. ; le PART II. THE HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT PROPER. Two different methods may be admissible for the exposition of this treatment. The one consisting in the multiple forms of constipation and the designa- tion of the medicines adapted to each of these forms according to their symptomatic shadings; this method may, perhaps, be more scientific in the practical and ordinary sense of the word, but we do not propose to adopt it here. We prefer the method of the individual study of the principal medicines adapted to the cure of con- stipation. With each of these remedies we shall, nevertheless, endeavor to determine as accurately as possible their characteristic sphere of action by references to clinical observations in support of their efficacy. We shall by this means lessen the diffi- culties which may be attributed to our method, which conforms with the spirit of the homoeopathic doctrine, and especially to the teachings of our illus- trious founder. We shall endeavor, however, to 20 HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT. satisfy, by a practical résumé, the objections more or less well founded of the partisaus of the first method. ESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. Stools: Large, dry, hard, difficult, dark; In the form of balls; First part hard, black, the last of about natural consistency, but white as milk; Hard, knotty, dry, and white. (See Nux v.) Before Stool: Constant desire; Sensation as if a foreign body was in the rectum, or as if the rectum was full of small sticks, with fruitless efforts at evacu- ation, and violent pains through the hips and sacrum; Heat and contraction of the rectum, with a sensa- tion as if it was prolapsed; dryness and itching of the anus, with tension of the mucous membranes and the neighboring integuments; Pain, constric- tion, weight, prickings and itching, with tenesmus of the rectum and anus, the pains irradiate to the posterior surface of the body. During Stool: Continuation of many of the symptoms enumerated above. Sensation as if the intestine was obstructed by folds of mucous mem- brane, which were threatening to rupture under the efforts at defecation; Hæmorrhoids with a slight bloody discharge but with intense pain; Inability to GRE HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT. 21 expel the stool from weakness of the rectum; Shiv- ering while at stool. After Stool: Colic at the umbilicus, with severe pains and tearing at the anus; Reddish, painful, and burning hæmorrhoidal tumors; Bleeding piles; Pro- lapsus recti et ani; Burning and contraction in the rectum, itching at the anus and a sensation of excoriation; Backache. Concomitants: Depression of spirits. Vertigo. Nausea, vomiting or violent retching. Throbbing in the abdominal and pelvic cavities; passing fetid flatus. Urine dark, muddy, passed with much pain. Pain and a sensation of paralysis in the kidneys extending to the hips, with aggravation from rising. This pain is not intense, but rather a sensation of painful weakness which is aggravated by exercise and relieved by repose; when the patient attempts to walk or to attend to his usual occupations, the pain at the lower portion of the back appears and he is compelled to rest. Generalities: Chronic constipation associated with hæmorrhoids. Dr. Hughes says: When the hæmor- rhoids are only secondary, that is to say, dependent upon a congestion of the portal system or of some other intra-abdominal part, Esculus is probably inferior to Nux vom. and Sulphur. When they are associated with varicosis elsewhere and bleed freely, Hamamelis is a better remedy. But when the only 22 HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT. concomitant symptom and the only appreciable cause of their development is constipation, and when there are severe pains and but little loss of blood, Esculus will in all probability effect a cure. I have also cured with this medicine a case of intense pain at the anus after stool, resembling that caused by fis- sures. [Hempel and Arndt* write: Chronic constipa- tion begets hæmorrhoids, and usually a radical cure of piles is out of the question unless you correct this predisposing cause. The curative effect of Esculus upon cases of chronic constipation furnishes us the rationale of brilliant cures of piles performed with it, often in a comparatively short time, after other efforts of skilled prescribers had utterly failed.] Meyhoffer has employed this drug with great ad- vantage in a case in which pharyngo-laryngitis coexisted with hæmorrhoids and constipation. We have confirmed the recommendation of Esculus in chronic constipation connected with a hæmorrhoidal diathesis, in the case of a man thirty- five years of age, who had suffered from chronic and hereditary hæmorrhoids, and who, independent of an inveterate constipation, carried upon his face a mask of acne rosacea; the relief was marked and permanent. *Materia Medica and Therapeutics. > į HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT. 23 Case 1.-C. E., a young man of active habits, complained of a hæmorrhage from the anus after stool. The bowels were con- stipated, and were only moved every two or three days, and accompanied by great effort and pain. The blood was dark colored. Seminal emissions with erections, towards morning, followed by a desire to urinate. Esculus, four pills every two hours, removed the trouble within a week.-T. M. S. ALOES. Jahr gives: Whitish-gray excrements. Consti- pation from atony. Collection of fæcal material on account of the constipation. lusufficient bilious. secretions. Stool firm, insufficient, soon after a meal, aggravated from standing. Hunger during stool. Espanet: This medicine is suitable for melan- cholic venous temperaments, with a constitution used up from table excesses. It corresponds principally to the female sex, or to men in middle life or old age. [Lilienthal: Constipation of aged people, with abdominal plethora; suitable to hypochondriasis, and to persons leading a sedentary life, with a pituitous state of the stomach and bowels; heat, soreness and heaviness of the rectum; urgency as with diarrhoea; only hot flatus passes with sensation as if a plug was wedged between the symphysis pubis and coccyx,] AB 24 HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT. ALUMINA (ARGILLA). Stools: Dry, hard, light colored or pale; Broken masses or in balls; Scanty, hard and difficult; Hard, covered with mucus or mixed with a glairy. matter; Difficult. Before Stool: Frequent and ineffectual desire for stool. No desire for, and no ability to pass stool, until there is a large accumulation. During Stool: Pressure and cutting pains at the anus and a hæmorrhagic discharge; Great straining even with a soft stool; Pain or itching at the anus; Voiding of urine while straining at stool; Discharge of prostatic fluid. After Stool: Long-lasting pains in rectum after each stool; Pain in the stomach. Concomitants: Dry mouth and irritated-looking tongue. Pain, malaise, and weight in the abdomen. Frequent nausea, and acid eructations. Slight burnings, smartings, and shootings in the anus, with itching and tingling. Dryness of the rectum. Atonic. hæmorrhoidal tumors. Generalities: Constipation due to a diminution of the peristaltic movement and to the inactivity of the rectum. Dr. Chargé, relative to Alumina in dyspepsia says: In a materia medica happily sim- plified and reduced to the form of the Greek roots of our boyhood days, dryness would express in a HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT. 25 single word the whole of this medicine. We meet with stomachs which give rise to trouble on account of the want of gastric juice, those, for instance, which have made the fortune of pepsine; Alumina is especially adapted to these conditions. For the constipation of pregnant and lying-in women; from carriage riding, and lead poison; in nursing infants and children raised artificially. Kafka says: For children nourished on a thick oatmeal gruel and milk or upon a concentrated prep- aration of vermicelli, which develops oftentimes an intestinal catarrh with a constipation so obstinate, that the dry balls remain in some manuer arrested at the anus, and can only be evacuated by manual aid. Espanet notes the inertia of the intestines which ordinarily occasions the constipation, although the excreted material may not be always formed and scanty. In this regard Alumina is the direct op- posite of Nux vomica, and it is by a contrary action. in this latter medicine that the stools are difficult, the intestine feeble, and the rectum inert; the defecation is accomplished through the efforts of the abdominal muscles. The opinions of Ruckert is confirmed by Kafka: Alumina is suitable for the chronic form of intes- tinal catarrh which is characterized by excessive -i Է 26 HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT. flatulency, with pricking and drawing pains in the bowels, pressure in the stomach and abdomen, fre- quent and ineffectual desire for stool, scanty evac- uation of hard broken materials, with pressive and cutting pains at the anus and a hæmorrhagic discharge. Alumina is to Sepia, says M. Teste, what Silicea is to Pulsatilla; we might, perhaps, call it the Sepia of chronic diseases. The remedy is not suitable for active persons of sanguineous temperaments. Case 2.--On the 20th of Sept., 1878, a constipation, which had been habitual since birth, in a lymphatic and weakened infant, seven weeks old and nourished on the bottle, became extremely obstinate, and was accompanied with such severe pains that the child cried or rather howled day and night. Besides the bloat- ing of the abdomen and its sensitiveness to pressure, there was a dilatation of the pupils, and at times a slight spasmodic move- ment of the muscles of the face; paleness of the skin; pulse small and frequent. Injections, several times repeated, brought with difficulty a few small, grayish, dry,balls to the anal opening from which they had to be extracted by the finger. Belladonna and Chamomilla (alternately) gave some slight relief; Nux vom. and Coffea alternated gave very little result by the 21st. On the 22d I alternated Nux vom. and Alumina, in the 12th dilution, and the result was prompt and decisive.-Dr. H. Bernard. Case 3.-D. B., aged 12 years, mild disposition. Bowels moved once or twice a week; has shooting stitches through the temples from right to left, in the afternoon, especially on going down stairs; has no desire for stool or ability to pass stool, until there is a large accumulation of fæces. Takes a carriage ride every day; with this exception gets out of doors but very little; perfectly healthy looking in every respect. Alumina, one dose. In three days the stools took place daily and he has had no return of the constipation since.-Dr. B. F. Betts in Raue's Record. 1871, p. 120.. Case 4-A nursing child of four months had been constipated HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT. 27 from birth. A number of remedies were used without avail. Alumina200, one dose, cured it.-Dr. W. B. Chamberlain in Trans. N. Y. State Hom. Med. Society, vol. viii., p. 172. BELLADONNA. Espanet refers Belladonna to the inflammatory constipation. Teste writes that it is serviceable in hernia and lead colic, affections in which constipation is one of the chief symptoms. Although these forms of constipation do not come properly within the plan which we have laid out, yet we will give a few extracts, from a monograph by Dr. Davasse, bearing on our subject: Delayed alvine evacuations (Purkinge). Frequent desire for stool without result (Hermann). Constipation (sev- eral). Absence of stools and urine (Kock). Teste writes: In nervous children with large heads, dilated pupils, subject to convulsive move- ments, startings in sleep and disturbing dreams, Belladonna" is the only medicine with which I have been able to overcome the accompanying constipa- tion. I generally give it in globules upon the tongue, once or twice a day, ordinarily for several days in succession. Jahr describes the symptom, suppressed stool and constipation, sometimes with bloating of the bowels, heat of the head and profuse sweat. + 17 28 HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT. Noack recommends Belladonna for chronic hæmorrhoidal constipation when there are at the same time violent pains in the kidneys and a sensa- tion of constriction in the breast. Bruckner and Schadler note the following con- comitant phenomena: Congestion to the head, face and eyes red, heat in the head, pulsation of the arteries of the neck, sensitiveness to light and noise. Dr. Guernsey claims to have cured with Belladonna high, a constipation which resisted the most violent. purgatives. Tuthill Massey differs from Dr. Guernsey, at least in regard to the suitable dose of the medicine: "The extract of Belladonna, in the dose of a quarter of a grain in the evening on lying down, merits, in some cases, the highest consideration." We give here a note from two celebrated phy- sicians of the old-school. MM. Trousseau and Pidoux recall the fact that Bretonneau recommends Belladonna in gastralgia and enteralgia with consti- pation. Bretonneau also prescribes Belladonna in the constipation of hypochrondriacs and nervous women. "It is remarkable," add our authors, "that certain persons who resist the most powerful purga- tives, are enabled to go to stool each day by the most. minute dose of Belladonna. One, two or four pills containing each a centigramme of the extract and as much of the powder are ordinarily sufficient." ! HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT. 29 BRYONIA. Stools: Hard, dry, large, burnt-looking. Before Stool: No desire or urging. During Stool: Passed only after much straining; Painful. Concomitants: Inclined to be irritable; easily angered. Headache with heat of forehead and face; congestions and pains in head; pulsative headache; pressive weight in the head, with flashes of heat in the face. Faintness or nausea on rising from a recumbent position. Feeling of fullness or pressure in the stomach and epigastric region after eating, which lasts for several hours; appetite is wanting or there may be canine hunger followed by nausea; acidity of the stomach. With the gastric symptoms there are oftentimes congestions to the head and chest, with short respiration, and chilliness. Pain in the region of the liver. Generalities: Suitable for acute attacks of consti- pation occurring during the summer or in hot weather, or in those who are suffering from, or liable to attacks of, rheumatism. For constipation arising from disordered stomach. Obstinate constipation. often accompanied with other affections of the abdo- men. For the constipation of pregnancy, but of more importance when it occurs in the lying-in woman (frequently depending on an inflammatory 30 HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT. irritation of the abdominal organs). Also serv- iceable in the constipation of infants, where the fæcal masses are so large and hard as to give rise to pain- ful evacuations. Where the condition is the result of sedentary habits, and associated with bilious derangements and intestinal torpor. When Nux vom. and Opium have failed to act; or it may be advantageous to alternate it with Nux vomica, es- pecially in the constipation due to irritation or congestion of the intestine. The intestinal torpor must be distinguished from the ineffectual efforts of Nux vomica [and from the paralytic condition of Opium, Plumbum, etc.] Rueckert quotes from Vehsem in relation to a case of constipation aggravated by purgatives in which Bryonia³ succeeded after Nux vom. had failed. 3 We give below two clinical cases which will show at the same time the analogies and differences between this drug and Nux vomica. Case 5.-Mme. A., age 60 years, had suffered for several years with a chronic constipation. She had a stool only every eight days, and the excrement was as hard as stone. A torpor seemed to have seized the intestinal canal, for motion was rarely felt in the lower part of the abdomen. As she was addicted to the excessive use of coffee, and led a partly sedentary life, I placed her for eight days under a preparatory regimen, and prescribed chocolate instead of coffee. I finally administered a dose of Nux vom., tinct. This remedy produced a stool, almost soft, every three days. The organs of the lower abdomen seemed to be reanimated and rendered active. There was an increased flat- ulency, a more tranquil state of mind, and a gayer disposition. The patient neglected to attempt a movement of the bowels : 97 f HOMOEOPATHIC TREATMENT. 31 every day, as I had recommended, the effects of the Nux ceased, and the constipation returned. Two doses of Bryonia¹0 at long intervals, again removed the condition. She now has a stool every other day, soft in consistency and without pain.-Dr. Schuler. Case 6.-A woman of delicate constitution, who was also a subject of somnambulism and for the latter trouble had been bled every five or six weeks for the last two years, had, at the most, a stool only every two weeks, except under the influence of a laxative or an injection. She was given ten drops of Nux vomica. For six days she had not had a stool, and at the end of four days more she had a hard stool, which was accompanied with such severe pains that she was completely prostrated. Two days later she had three stools without any pain. For five months from this time the stools were regular. But pregnancy occurring she was taken with frequent vomiting to which was again added a constipation, and which was cured by means of a single globule of Bryonia".-Dr. Wiedman. CANNABIS SATIVA, In Hahnemann's Materia Medica we find: "For the first five days stool as usual, but on the two fol- lowing, complete constipation (Gross). We find also this striking symptom: Sensation at the anus as if something cold was falling drop by drop upon the skin (Franz). Jahr who places Cannabis sat. in the second rank in the treatment of constipation in general, recom- mends it among others as serviceable for accidental constipation. Case 7.-In a case of obstinate retention of urine, I gave Cannabis which not only restored the normal urinary secretion, but cured at the same time an obstinate constipation which had lasted for a long time.--Dr. Fleischmann. 32 HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT. CALCAREA CARBONICA. Stools: Hard, then mushy, and finally fluid; Hard, large, partially digested stools; Involuntary, fermented, sour-smelling diarrhoea, alternating with constipation; Stools looking like lumps of chalk in children, during dentition; Offensive, like rotten eggs. Hard, small, tardy, difficult; hard, dry and gummy; Very hard, enveloped in mucus, and alter- nating with a fetid diarrhoea; Clay-like, gray, fæcal. Before Stool: Ineffectual desire, sometimes with. pain; Feeling of heaviness in lower part of rectum. During Stool: Severe urgings, without voiding anything but fetid flatulency; Oozing of fluid from the rectum, smelling like herring brine; bloody dis- charge; pain through the protruding hæmorrhoids. After Stool: Feeling of faintness; Burning and smarting in the rectum and anus. Concomitants: [Distention of the abdomen, with pain and pressure, nausea, and sour eructations ; restless sleep; also symptoms referable to a consti- tutional dyscrasia.] Generalities: For habitual constipation, especially after the preceding use of Sulphur or Nux vom., or when occurring in enfeebled subjects. For chronic hæmorrhoidal constipation, given in alternation with. Sulphur. Also for the obstinate constipation in the new-born. HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT. 33 Willmar Schwabe recommends Calcarea in chronic catarrh of the intestines with constipation and increase of the peristaltic movements. He also places in the same category with Calcarea the fol- lowing remedies: Carbo veg., Magnesia mur., Colo- cynth. Phosphoric acid and Sulphur. P CARBO VEGETABILIS. Stools: Insufficient; [Hard stool, enveloped in mucus and blood at the extremity of the fæcal mass]; Difficult, although they may not be hard; [In fragments, which are tough and scanty.] Before Stool: [Sensation as if the bowels would be moved, but flatus only passes]; Emission of great quantities of gas. During Stool: Violent tenesmus; Burning at the anus and pains in the abdomen like labor-pains; [Urging to stool, with discharge of soft fæces and relief from the pains]; Itching at the anus. After Stool: [Sensation of complete emptiness in the abdomen, remaining a long time.] Concomitants: Tongue coated in the centre and red on the edges. Ventral colic, sensitiveness and swelling of the epigastrium. Respiration impeded after a meal. Excessive flatulency which is nearly always fetid. Acrid moisture about the anus with 34 HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT. tormenting sensations, crawling, itching, etc., in the rectum. Generalities: Chronic hæmorrhoidal constipation. Noack says: Carbo veg. is indicated in the cases complicated with constipation from irritation or congestion of the intestines, especially in hypochon- driacs. Willmar Schwabe indicates Carbo veg. in the chronic intestinal catarrh with constipation allied to an exaggeration of the peristaltic movement. It is suitable for very nearly the same condition as Cal- carea carb., only the stool is sometimes bloody, or it may happen that during stool a marked hæmor- rhoidal hæmorrhage may occur. In relation to the flatulency of Carbo veg. we would remark that if Hahnemann says expressly that the expelled gas is inodorous or nearly so, the greater number of homœopathic physicians consider the fetidity of the excreta a positive indication for Carbo veg. I think it most appropriate in the cases in which the gas distends the stomach rather than the intestines, and in which there is a greater tendency to diarrhoea than to constipation. The majority of authors consider Carbo veg. to be more suitable for diarrhoea than in constipation. Case 8.-A physician, whose earlier life had been spent in the country where he was accustomed to riding on horseback and an active life, removed to the city about twenty years ago, and HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT. 35 soon afterwards began to complain of derangement of the digestive organs; nausea, vertigo, weight and pain in the head, anorexia, distention of the stomach after eating, with acid eructa- tions, coated tongue, pain in the liver, general wasting, cardiac palpitations so severe that when lying in bed the clothing was often raised. This condition continued for many years, and was followed by an obstinate constipation which constantly demanded purgatives, tonics, alkalies and alteratives. The patient could not remain a week without medicine, rarely a day without a soda or a purgative. All these means were laid aside and under the use of Calcarea carb. and then Carbo veg., the symptoms of dyspepsia vanished and the constipation was con- quered. Three years later there had not been any return of the trouble. CAUSTICUM. Stools: Light or white colored; Olive-shaped, mixed with mucus and blood, difficult. [Tough and shining as if greased; at first hard and in pieces, the last soft; knotty, like sheep's dung; hard and firm]. Before Stool: Frequent but ineffectual desire, with great pain, anxiety and redness of the face. During Stool: Vertigo; Cutting pains in the rectum; Desire for stool rendered useless by spas- modic painful contractions of the anus; Protruding hæmorrhoids and bleeding; [Stool passes better while standing; Burning in the anus with prostra- tion.] After Stool: Palpitations; heat of the face; and sweats (also Aconite). Concomitants: [Bitter, greasy, foul taste in the 36 HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT. mouth fitful appetite, thirst; diminished taste; aversion to sweet things; white coating on the tongue. Pressure in the rectum the whole day; a pressing pain frequently and suddenly darts through the rectum; a feeling as if fæces were lodged in it, which should come away; spasms in the rectum which make walking impossible; stitches in the lower part of the rectum; excessive itching of the rectum, anus and pudendum; soreness of and oozing of humor from the rectum. Fissures and fistules of the anus. Generalities: [Constipation of children with enuresis nocturna; pains in the rectum so severe that the children try to keep back the evacuations]. Chargé recommends this remedy for the dyspepsia occurring in gouty, rheumatic and hæmorrhoidal constitutions. Espanet writes: Causticum is indicated like Ignatia and Nux vom. in the affections of the ab- domen with nervous accidents, having their origin in the solar plexus; only there is more of asthenia and paleness of the tissue in cases calling for Caus- ticum. Obstinate constipation from nervous and nutritive atony, with pale face, pains and anxiety, belong to it in the same degree as in chronic diarrhoea. Both are accompanied by pruritus ani, palpitations, and anguish; furthermore, the constipation changes HOMOEOPATHIC TREATMENT. МЕОРА 37 into diarrhoea and the latter is aggravated by the application of cold to the abdomen. CHAMOMILLA. The following clinical fact we think contains in a characteristic manner the circumstances in which we would be apt to think of this medicine in the treatment of the constipation of infants. Case 9.-An infant eight months old, a strong vigorous boy of wealthy parents, nourished by a healthy wet-nurse, has been constipated since birth; he goes to stool only every five to six days, and sometimes longer intervals. The stools are yellow, large, formed, and without any pathological mark unless it be the size; injections have to be freely used. When there is a repletion of the rectum, there is a slight bloating of the abdomen with flatulency, and some restlessness at night, but this malaise disappears after an evacuation. I sent four medicines, to be taken in order, beginning with a vial of Chamomilla. This remedy seemed less indicated than the others (Nux vom., Lyco- podium, Hydrastis), but thinking that there might be a latent cause, due to dentition, and that Chamomilla acts upon the ganglionic nervous system, and has among its symptoms: Constipation as from inertia of the rectum, flatulent colic with bloated abdomen and collection of gas in the hypochondria," I ordered this remedy to be taken first; two globules in the evening and two next morning. On the same day towards evening, there was an enormous stool but not so thick; on the next day a normal stool for an infant, that is to say very soft; since then the stools occur daily, and are natural; sometimes there are several stools a day. [In a letter from Dr. Casal upon this subject he states that a midwife who was a witness to this cure, often employs Chamomilla in the treatment of accidental constipation in infants. This medicine has never failed her.]- Dr. Casal, of Menton. 38 HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT. CINCHONINE AND SULPHATE OF CINCHONINE. The Cinchonine, as we know, is an alkaloid which is found in many species of Cinchona, especially the gray. The use of this substance in the treatment of con- stipation is mentioned by Dr. R. Noack, of Lyon. In his Homœopathic Guide he divides habitual con- stipation into five classes: 1. Constipation from inertia of the intestine; 2. Constipation from alteration of the intestinal mucus ; 3. Constipation from contraction of the muscu- lar fibres; 4. Constipation from irritation or congestion of the intestine; 5. Hæmorrhoidal constipation. The most frequent of all, according to him, con- sists in a sort of inertia or inactivity of the muscu- lar fibres of the intestines, which become distended and necessitate painful efforts in order to produce the expulsion of the fæcal matters. These some- times present an enormous mass, indicative of dila- tation of the large intestine; hence, the application of a special remedy, the Cinchonine, five centi- grammes of the 3d dec. trit., to be taken every other day. Dr. A. Noack, physician to the Homoeopathic REPERTORY. black (see Dark). burnt (see Dark). greenish: Arsen. Merc. Pod. Stan. light: Aes. h. Aloe. Alum. Calc. c. Caus. Collin. Hepar s. Hydras. Ign. Kali bi. Lach. Merc. Pod. Sil. dark: Acon. Aes. h. Arsen. Bry. Carbon bi- sulph. Kreos. Mag. m. Merc. Mez. Nux. Op. Plat. Plumb. Sulph. Ver. alb. grayish (see Light). ! ! ! ! ! ! white (see Light). -, yellow: Cham. Crumbling Mag. m. Plat. Prun. s. Sulph. ac. Diarrhoea, alternating or succeeded by: Agar. mus. Ammon. m. Calc. c. Carlsbad waters. Lach. Na- trum m. Nitric ac. Nux. Op. Pod. Puls. Stan. Staph. Sulph. fermented: Calc. c. involuntary: Calc. c. liquid yellow: Hepar s. painful: Op. sour-smelling: Calc. c. thin or watery: Iris vers. Difficult: Aes. h. Agar. m. Alum. Ammon. m. Apis. Calc. c. Carbo v. Carbon bisulph. Caus. Cocc. Euphras. Grat. Hepar s. Kali c. Lach. Nat. m. Nitric ac. Phos. Plat. Pod. Zinc. but soft: China. Ign. Puls. Silic. 'n RERERTORY. 161 Fluid Calc. c. Frequent: Lach. Granulous: Zinc. Dry: Aes. h. Agar. Alum. Bry. Calc. c. Carlsbad. Euphras. Hepar s. Kali bi. Kali c. Kreos. Nitric ac. Phos. Pod. Silic. Stan. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. • Greasy appearance: Caus. Plumb. Gummy: Calc. c. Hard: Acon. Aes. g. Aes. h. Agar. m. Alum. Ammon. m. Apis. Aurum. m. Bry. Calc. c. Carbo v. Car- bon bisulph. Carlsbad. Caus. Cinch. Cocc. Con. Euphras. Graph. Grat. Hepar s. Hydras. Iris v. Kreos. Kali bi. Lach. Mag. m. Merc. Mez. Nat. m. Nat. s. Nux. Op. Plat. Pod. Prun. s. Puls. Ratanhia. Ruta. Sel. Sep. Sil. Stan. Sulph. Sulph. ac. Tabac. Teplitz waters. Thuja. Zinc. and then soft: Caus. Hepar s. Lycopod. as stone Bry. Kali bi. Lyc. Plumb. Indigested: Calc. c. Insufficient: Aloe. Alum. Calc. c. Carbo v. Carbon bisulph. Cinch. Con. Euphras. Grat. Hepar s. Lach. Lyc. Mag. c. Mag. m. Merc. Nat. c. Nux. Plat. Plumb. Ruta. Sep. Stan. Staph. Sulph. Thuja. Zinc. Irregular: Nitric ac. Knotty Aes. g. Aes. h. Aur. m. Caus. Graph. Hydras. Kali bi. Mag. m. Merc. Mez. Nat. s. Nitric ac. Nux. Op. Sep. Stan. Sulph. Thuja. Large: Aes. h. Apis. Bry. Calc. c. Cham. Euphras Graph. Ign. Kali bi. Kali. c. Mag. m. Nat. m. Nux. Op. Puls. Sabad. Sil. Thuja. Ver. alb. Zinc. 162 REPERTORY. Large, first stool, afterwards small: Ver. alb. requiring manual aid: Plumb. Selen. Sepia. Long: Phos. 2 and slender: Graph. Merc. Lumpy: Mag. m. Plat. Prun. s. Sulph. ac. and of a chalk color: Calc. c. Masses, broken: Alum. Carlsbad. Collin. Lyc. Merc. lumpy with mucous threads: Graph. -, tough and scanty: Carbo veg. Mucus, covered with: Alum. Ammon. m. Calc. c. Carbo v. Hydras. Merc. Plumb. Puls. mixed with blood: Caus. Graph. Mag. m. Merc. Pod. > thick, transparent: Pod. tough, glairy: Ammon. m. " white: Ammon. m. Graph. Kali c. -, yellow: Pod. Mushy Calc. c. Carbon bisulph. Ign. Odor, fetid: Calc. c. Lach. Stan. of drug: Carbon bisulph. Olive-shaped Caus. Scanty (see Insufficient). Tenacious Grat. Merc. Plat. Tough: Caus. AGGRAVATIONS. Anus, pains at, on motion: Thuja. Carriage-riding: Alum. Ign. J REPERTORY. 163 Chill, after a Ign. Merc. Coffee, use of: Nux. Constipation, from the: Hydras. Diarrhoea, after acute: Merc. Nux. long-lasting: Op. Disease, weakening, after: Op. Eating, excess in: Aloe. Nux. Puls. Stan. Eruptions, suppressed, from: Lyc. Heat, excess of: Bry. Lead-poisoning, from: Alum. Op. Plat. Sulph. Liquors, use of: Agar. m. Cale. Lach. Nux. Op. Puls. Sulph. Menses, during the: Aur. m. Puls. Night, at Merc. Onanism, from: Lyc. Nux. Sedentary life: Aloe. Bry. Hydras. Iris. Lach. Lyc. Nux. Op. Plat. Pod. Raphan. s. Sulph. Stool, from hardness of: Arn. Mag. m. Ver. alb. Verbasc. Summer, in: Bry. Teething, from: Guaræa. Mag. m. Tobacco, from: Hep. s. Nux v. Traveling: Alum. Ign. Op. Plat. Winter, in: Stan. Women, in: Aloe. Plat. Puls. "" good humored, corpulent: Op. nervous: Bell. Mag. m. " Youths, in: Cod-liver oil. ing 164 ACCOMPANIMENTS OF THE EVACUATIONS. a. BEFORE STOOL. Abdomen, colic pains: Nitric ac. Plumb. -with flatulency: Lyc. Air, sensibility to cold: Mez. Anus (see Rectum). Anxiety: Caus. Kali c. Back, pains in: Nux. Chills: Mez. Desire (see Urging). Face, redness of: Caus. Fæces, large, accumulation of: Alum. remain in rectum without expulsive power: Sil Gas, emission of: Carbo v. Phyt. Ruta. Sabad. Sep. fetid: Asaf. Mez. rumbling of Grat. 2 REPERTORY. Hæmorrhoids: Merc. Ver. alb. 2 painful as if ulcerated: Merc. Hips, violent pains through the: Aes. h. Hypogastrium, cutting pains in: Collin. Languor: Mez. Rectum, dryness of: Aes. h. د. " 2 like croaking of frogs: Sabadilla. 9 inactive: Hydras. Kali c. Puls. Sil. Stan. pain in Aes. h. Lycopod. shooting: Carlsbad. Mag. carb. Plat. prolapse of Ruta. Sulph. REPERTORY. 165 Rectum, sensation as if closed: Anacard. Op. prolapsed: Aes. h. Sarsap. of burning and smarting in: Hydras. Nat. m. Nat. s. Sil. ! ! ! ! ! ! foreign body in: Aes. h. Carlsbad. Lach. heat: Aes. h. Hydras. itching: Aes. h. pricking: Aes. h. small sticks: Aes. h. tenseness: Aes. h. weight: Aes. h. Asaf. Calc. c. Nux. Lach. Lycopod. Plat. Plumb. Pod. Sarsap. Ver. alb. Sacrum, violent pains in: Aes. h. IJ Tenesmus: Aes. h. Cocc. Grat. Mag. m. Nux. Lach. Lycopod. Plat. Plumb. Pod. Sarsap. Ver. alb. Urging, absence of: Alum. Bry. Hydras. Lycopod. Nat. m. Op. Plumb. Puls. Ver. alb. frequent (see Ineffectual). ineffectual: Aes. h. Alum. Anacard. Asaf. Bell. Calc. c. Caus. Cocc. Con. Ferr. acet. Graph. Grat. Ign. Kali c. Lach. Lippspringe waters. Lycopod. Mag. c. Mag. m. Nat. m. Nitric ac. Nux. Plat. Plumb. Ruta. Sabad. Sarsap. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Tabac. Teplitz waters. Thuja. agg. during the menses: Puls. with erections: Thuja. sudden: Aloe. to urinate: Sarsap. 166 b. DURING STOOL. Abdomen, diarrhoeic-like pains in: Carbo v. Plumb. Lippspringe waters. -, sensation as if something would break on pressure: Apis. soreness of muscles from straining: Sil. Stinging pains in: Apis. turning and twisting in: Anacard. و۔ 2 " Anus (see Rectum). Backache: Puls. REPERTORY. Blood, slight discharge of: Zinc. Desire, absence of: Collin. Ears, ringing in: Lycopod. Evacuation, delayed: Calc. c. Gels. Mag. m. Nat. m. Merc. Sabad. Sep. Thuja. easier when standing; Caus. painful: Agar. Bry. Carlsbad. Kreos. Lach. Lyc. Mag. m. Mez. Op. Plumb. Psor. Puls. Sulph. Thuja. (dry, sandy stools: Zinc). (soft stools): Graph. Hepar s. Mez. Nat. s. Nitric ac. prevented on account of severe pains: Caus. Kreos. Op. Sulph. Fæces, discharge of soft, with relief: Carbo v. remain at anus: Lach. 2 slip back when partially expelled: Silic. Flatus, fetid: Asaf. Calc. c. Nat. s. excessive: Sabad. REPERTORY. 167 Flatus, hot: Aloe. Fluid, oozing of, with herring-brine odor: Calc. c. Hæmorrhage: Alum. Anacard. Calc. c. Nat. m. Sepia. Sulph. Zinc. Hæmorrhoids: Aes. h. Caus. Plat. Sil. Thuja. bleeding: Aes. h. Caus. Ign. incarcerated: Silic. > pains severe Aes. h. Calc. c. pricking and burning in: Kali c. > " Mucus, occasional discharge of: slimy: Asaf. vermiform shreds of: Stan. Pains aggravated by efforts at stool: Lach. Thuja. Plug, sensation of, between pubes and coccyx: Aloe. Rectum, loss of expulsive force of: Aes. h. Kali c. Lippspringe. Mag. m. Pod. with large but soft stool: Sil. > pains in (including cutting, etc.): Alum. Caus. Graph. Lyc Nat. m. Nitric ac. Phos. Plat. Prun. s. Ratanhia. Sepia. Sarsap. Zinc. prolapsus of: Ign. Mez. Pod. Ruta. sensation as if obstructed: Aes. h. Kreos. of burning: Carbo. v. Caus. Grat. Nat. s. Nitric ac. Plat. Ver. alb. with prostration: Caus. itching: Alum. Carbo v. goneness (bloody stools): Ver. alb. stitches in, extending to left groin: 168 Semen, discharge of: Alum. Hep. s. Zinc. Shivering: Aes. h. Conium. Straining (see Urging). Tenesmus: Agar. Carlsbad. Caus. Kali b. Mez.. Nat. c. Nat. m. Thuja. REPERTORY. Urging, severe Acon. Alum. Bry. Calc. c. Carbo v. Carlsbad. Collin. Graph. Grat. Hydras. Ign. Kali b. Kreos. Lach. Merc. Nitric ac. Phos. Plumb. Pod. Puls. Ratanhia. Sepia. Silic. Sulph. Ver. alb. Zinc. 2 painless: Mez. with soft stool: Stan. Zinc. 2 Urine, voiding of: Alum. Carlsbal. Vertigo: Caus. C. AFTER STOOL. Abdomen, colic pains and diarrhoeic discharges: Plumb. heat and faintings: Hydras. prostration: Nitric ac. sensation of bearing down, relieved by passing flatus: Zincum. 2 emptiness: Carbo v. Plat. fullness: Gels. Anus, fissure of: Mez. Nat. m. " itching: Aes. h. Kali c. Sulph. pains (sharp, etc.): Aes. h. Graph. Kali c. Nat. m. Plat. Sulph. dull: Collin. REPERTORY. 169 Anus, prolapsus: Aes. h. Graph. Kali b. Lach. Merc. Nat. m. Nitric ac. Pod. Sulph. smarting, burning: Aes. h. Calc. c. Graph. Grat. Hydras. Ign. Kali bi. Nat. m. Nitric ac. Staph. Sulph. -, throbbing, beating: Lach. Sulph. Back, pains in: Aes. h. Kali c. Coccyx, wrenching pain: Grat. Exhaustion: Pod. Eyes, burning in: Natrum c. Face, heat of: Caus. Faintness Calc. c. Hydras. Lycopod. Flatus, painful accumulation of: Lycopod. Hæmorrhage: Aes. h. Hæmorrhoids: Hydras. Graph. Pod. Sepia. bleeding: Aes. h. Merc. Nitric ac. burning Aes. h. painful: Aes. h. Lach. Nat. m. Nitric ac. reddish: Aes. h. Palpitations: Caus. Con. Perineum, contractive pain in: Lycopod. Prostration: Ver. alb. Rectum, burning: Aes. h. Calc. c. Hydras. Mag. m. Nitric ac. Sep. Sulph. pains lasting a long time: Alum. Graph. Hydras. Nitric ac. Phos. Sulph. tearing, cutting: Sarsap. sensation as if fæces still remained: Gels. Lycopod. Nitric ac. 170 REPERTORY. Relief Calc. acet. Nux. Sexual excitement: Natrum c. Shivering: Grat. Mag. m. Mez. Plat. Stomach, burning: Sabad. - pains: Alum. " Sweating: Acon. Caus. Syncope: Calc. c. Hydras. Lycopod. Tenesmus: Aes. h. Grat. Ign. Lach. Merc. Mez.. Nat. m. Nitric ac. Plat. Stan. Thuja. Zinc. Thighs, spasmodic contraction of: Plat. Umbilicus, colic at: Aes. h. Urethra, burning in: Natrum c. GENERAL ACCOMPANIMENTS. I. MIND AND MOOD. Anxiety: Caus. Lach. Nux v. Plumb. Aversion to talking: Puls. thinking: Nux. Sulph. work: Nux. ordinary occupations: Graph. Changeable Lycopod. Complaining: Nux. Depressed Aes. h. Graph. Hydras. Merc. Nat. m. Nux. Plumb. Hypochondriacal: Arsen. Lycopod. Nux. Sulph. Zinc. Ill-humor: Nux. Puls. Stan. REPERTORY. 171 Irresolute: Nux. Irritable: Bry. Lycopod. Op. Lassitude: Arsen. Ign. Lach. Nux. Mania: Lach. Nitric ac. Melancholic: Nux. Morose: Graph. Lycopod. Puls. Nervous: Op. Zinc. Sadness: Lyc. Nat. m. Nux. Stan. II. HEAD. Forehead, heat in: Bry. " | ] ] ] > ameliorated in open air: Stan. pains: Iris: aggravated in the morning: Nux. hammering: Nux. pulsative: Bry. Nux. weight: Graph. Head, burning on vertex: Sulph. 2 congestion: Bell. Bry. China. Colliu. Ferr. acet. Nux. Op. Pod. Sulph. agg. mornings: Hydras. Nux v. heat in Bell. Bry. Nux. Stan. Ver. alb. > pains (not defined): Bry. Carbo v. China. Hydras. Kali bi. Lach. Merc. Nux. Op. Pod. Sep. Ver. alb. dull: Arsen. Collin. Op. Pod. pulsative Collin. sharp, shooting, agg. afternoon and evening: Kali bi. 172 Head, ringing: Graph, , weight: Bry. Carbo v. Nux v. REPERTORY. Migraine: Iris. Merc. Noise, sensitive to Bell. : Perspiration, copious: Sil. Syncope: Lyc. Vertigo Aes. h. Carbo v. China. Nux v. Op. when turning in bed: Conium. ]]] Eyes, burning in: Lach. , congested: Bell. heavy: Graph. , painful: Bell. Lach. > III. EYES. and weak: Kali bi. sensitive to light: Bell. Iris v. spots or veil before: Iris v. yellow: Merc. Pupils dilated: Bell. " IV. NOSE. Catarrhal obstruction: Plat. Coryza Lach. Merc. Snuffles: Plat. V. FACE. Face, acne on: Aes. h. Nat. m. , copper color: Lyc. -, earthy: Mag. m. Sil. -, erythema: Alum. REPERTORY. 173 Face, flushed: Bell. Bry. China. Graph. Mez. Nux. Op. Zinc. [ [ [ [ [ [ heat in Bry. Mez. Nux. Op. Lycopod. grayish: , pale: Caus. agg. during digestion: China. Zinc. pustules on: Nat. m. sallow: Arsen. Hydras. Nat. m. sombre: Nux. Lips bluish (with palpitations): Nux. VI. MOUTH. > sweating of: Kali bi. yellowish: Hydras. Nux. Aphtha: Zinc. Gums, pain in: Merc. Staph. Mouth, dryness of: Alum. Nat. m. Nux. Op. Zinc. soreness of: Nat. m. ! ! ! ! Mucus, excess of: Puls. Salivation: Merc. Taste, acid: Nux v. bad Caus. Hydras. Merc. Staph. agg. drinking water: Ferr. acet. bitter: Caus. Nux. Puls. flat: Ign. foul: Kali bi. , greasy: Caus. sweet: Plumb. Zinc. Teeth, pain in carious: Mez. 174 Tongue and lips black: Lach. coated: Hydras. Kali bi. Zinc. in centre, red edges: Carbo v. light: Collin. Nux. with mucus: Nux. white: Caus. Collin. Nux. reddish Kali bi. Zinc. irritated: Alum. , papillæ prominent: Zinc. -, superficial ulceration: Nat. m. | | | | | | VII. APPETITE. Appetite, canine: Bry. Sil. Sulph. Ver. alb. followed by nausea: Bry. REPERTORY. capricious: Alum. Caus. Ign. Merc. Staph. " diminished or lost: Asc. s. Bry. Caus. Carbo v. Collin. Kali bi. Lycop. Nat. m. Nux. Op. Plat. Plumb. Pod. Sil. Sulph. good: Lach. " Stan. " at noon but wanting in the evening: irregular: Staph. soon appeased: Nux. Raphan. s. Ver. alb. Desire for liquors: Sulph. -, sweets: Sulph. beer: Merc. Disgust for fatty foods: Nitric ac. meats: Sulph. sweets: Caus. REPERTORY. 175 Thirst: Caus. Nux. Op. Plumb. > VIII. ERUCTATIONS. Eructations: Cinch. Kali bi. Sil. Sulph. -, acid: Bry. Calc. c. Carbo v. Hydras. Lyc. Nat. m. Puls. Ver. alb. Zinc. 2 " burning: Nat. m. ineffectual efforts at: Lach. Plat. Hiccough: Sil. Pyrosis: Carbo v. Gallic ac. Lyc. Mag. m. Sep. Sil. IX. NAUSEA AND VOMITING. Nausea: Aes. h. Calc. c. Carbo v. Cinch. Collin. Ferr. acet. Nitric ac. Nux. Plumb. Puls. Sil. Sulph. Teplitz waters. > aggravated after eating: Nux. Plat. bitter: Iris. Nux. Sep. Ver. alb. !!! , paroxysms of: Sepia. Vomiting and retching: Aes. h. Plumb. aggravated from eating: Bry. Plumb. in the morning: Mag. m. when sitting up: Bry. frequent: Alum. Iris. Puls. bitter Iris. glairy: Sil. of food: Plumb. Ptelea. Ver. alb. chronic: Zinc. mucus and bile: Zinc. X. STOMACH. Cardialgia: Carbo v. Ign. Lyc. Plumb. Sil. Zinc. 176 Digestion slow and labored: Sil. Epigastrium, anxious feeling in: Op. -, burning distress in Iris v. Flatulent distention: Carbo v. Nitric ac. Gastralgia (see Cardialgia). Pyrosis: Carbo v. Gallic ac. Lyc. Mag. m. Sep. Sil. Stomach, acidity of: Bry. Lyc. Nat. m. Zinc. coldness in Sepia. constriction of: Sil. fullness: Bry. Cinch. Nux. Ver. alb. agg. after eating: Bry. Nux. Ver. alb. goneness in: Hydras. Nux. not relieved by eating: Ign. " • 2 2 REPERTORY. ]] " heat in Arsen. Ptelea. Zinc. agg. by eating: Graph. irritation of: Arsen. : pains in Carbo v. Cinch. Lach. Nux. Sep. Sil. , pressure or weight in: Bry. Hydras. Lach. Nux. Op. Phos. Sil. swollen: Carbo v. Graph. Nitric ac. and sensitive: Arsen. Carbo v. XI. ABDOMEN. Abdomen, bloated: Alum. Arsen. Calc. acet. Calc. c. Carbo v. Cinch. Collin. Graph. Lach. Lyc. Mag. m. Merc. Nat. m. Nux. Plumb. Puls. Sil. Stan. Sulph. Ver. alb. coldness: Plat. -, colic pains: Calc. c. Cham. Collin. Hydras. Lyc. Merc. Sil. Ver. alb. · REPERTORY. 177 Puls. Abdomen, cramps (hysterical): Mag. m. -, cutting: Alum. Cinch. Hydras. Iris v. Kali. bi. Mag. m. Nat. m. Nux. Plumb. Ver. alb. engorgement of organs of: Ver. alb. hard Kali c. Lach. Merc. Plumb. Sil. heat in Arsen. Hydras. inflammatory irritation: Arsen. Bry. numbness of: Arn. oppression of: Nux. pains (undefined): Alum. Asaf. Stan. Sulph. from above downwards: Nat. m. Plat. 2 pinchings in: Mag. m. Puls. retracted: Plumb. !!! sensitive to cold: Nitric ac. touch: Arsen. Calc. acet. Carbo v. Sulph. soreness of: Arsen. tympanitic: Calc. c. Cham. Lyc. Nitric ac. " Nux. Sulph. weakness of: Plat. -, weight in: Alum. Lyc. Nux. Op. Bladder, dull pains over: Lach. Flatus: Carbo v. Collin. Con. Ign. Phos. Plat. Puls. Sil. Zinc. acid Carbon bisulph. colic with: Cham. Collin. Lach. Lyc. Zinc. emission of Alum. Graph. Lyc. Nux. Pod. with relief: Calc. acet. 178 Flatus, emission of, without relief: Lycop. " REPERTORY. fetid: Aes. h. Carbo v. Hydras. Pod. Zinc. gurgling of: Carbo v. Caus. Lyc. Nat. m. hot: Zinc. Hip, pain over left: Lach. Hypochondrium, constriction in: Hydras. Mag. m. Nux. , gas in: Cham. Kali bi. left: Lyc. hardness in right: Graph. left: Nat. m. pains in right: Bry. Carbo v. Kali bi. Merc. Pod. Ver. alb. " incarcerated: Lach. Lyc. Sulph. Intestines, large, pains in: Hydras. Pelvis, dragging weight in: Collin. > pressure across, and bladder, agg. when walk- ing: Nat. m. without stool: Op. Umbilicus, colic pains: Cinch. Plat. XII. ANUS AND RECTUM. Anus, congestion of: Bry. Sep. , Carlsbad. crawling: Carbo v. Carlsbad. Cocc. Crocus. electric-like shots in, extending to penis: -, agg. at night: Phyt. eruptions: Lyc. Nat. m. fissures: Caus. Graph. Ign. Nat. m. Phyt. Rat. REPERTORY. 179 Anus, fistule: Caus. heat: Sil. [ [ T irritable: Bry. Nux. itching, smarting: Aes. h. Alum. Calc. c. Carbo v. Carlsbad. Caus. Cocc. Collin. Kali c. Lippspringe waters. Lyc. Sep. Thuja. moisture: Nat. m. Sep. acrid: Carbo v. Caus. offensive: Thuja. mucous membrane excoriated: Lyc. injected: Lyc. pains, cutting: Alum. Lyc. Nux. Plumb. prolapsus (see Rectum). sensation as if contracted or closed: Aes. h. Nat. m. Nux. Op. Plumb. of cold drops falling: Cann. sat. sand in Collin. small sticks: Aes. h. > ! ! ! sensitive to touch: Lyc. swelling: Hep. s. > tenesmus: Ign. Lach. Lyc. Nat. m. Nux. Plat. Plumb. Tabac. Ver. alb. tingling: Alum. Cocc. Lyc. Sep. Ilæmorrhoids: Alum. Aur. m. Bell. Calc. c. Carbo v. Carlsbad. Caus. Collin. Graph. Hydras. Lach. Lyc. Nat. m. Nitric ac. Phyt. Plat. Pod. Sep. Sulph. Thuja. atonic: Alum. bleeding: Aes. h. Collin. Lyc. Nux. Phyt. -" 180 Hæmorrhoids, burning and red: Aes. h. dark purple: Aes. g. painful: Aes. h. Asaf. Lyc. Nux. " Rectum, catarrhal secretion from: Aur. m. " contractions of (see Anus, Tenesmus): Aes. h. Caus. Cocc. Plumb. 2 "2 REPERTORY. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ] ] ] dryness: Aes. h. Alum. Ver. alb. foreign body in: Aes. h. Kali bi. heat and fullness: Aes. h. Phyt. inaction: Alum. Ver. alb. insensibility: Lach. pains: Alum. Carlsbad. Caus. Hydras. Nux. Sepia. dull: Ign. severe: Caus. Kreos. Op. Plat. Sulph. as of ulceration: Phyt. paralysis; Tabac. prolapsus: Aes. h. Phyt. Plumb. Pod. Sulph. agg. when squatting: Ruta. · M rigidity: Aes. h. spasms in, preventing walking: Caus. swelling: Aes. h. throbbing: Nat. m. torpor: Op. " weight, pressure: Aes. h. Alum. Caus. Colli. Lach. Nux. Plat. Sepia. Ver. alb. XIII. URINE. Urination, burning during: Lach. Lyc. : . Urination, cutting pains: Lyc. difficult: Aes. h. Lyc. Plumb. frequent: Pod. intermittent: Conium. F I T > , retention: Bell. Cann. sat. Op. at night (children): Caus. Urine, dark: Aes. h. dribbling Plumb. fetid: Arsen. Plumb. high-colored: Arsen. Plumb. increased: Ver. alb. muddy: Aes. h. reddish sediment: Lycop. , scanty: Arsen. ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Dysmenorrhoea: Collin. Leucorrhoea: Graph. Sepia. 2 REPERTORY. 2 Menses, copious: Collin. Lach. Mag. m. Mez. Op. delayed: Collin. Graph. early: Mez. 2 !!! XIV. GENERATIVE ORGANS. > 181 irregularities of: Plat. Puls. numbness in lower limbs during: Puls. regular but debilitating: Graph. , scanty: Lach. weight in pelvis and across sacrum: Puls. Organs, atony of: Phos. sexual functions of, weak: Plumb. 182 Ovary, irritation of left: Cinch. Seminal emissions: Lycop. Plat. Uterus, displacement: Plat. Varicocele: Collin. Vulva, pains around: Sulph. -, pruritus: Collin. 2 XV. CHEST. Chest, compression: Bell. , congestion: Bry. Nux. constriction: Bell. REPERTORY. induration: Plat. irritation: Cinch. prolapsus: Collin. " oppression tension: Kali c. Cough, chronic laryngeal: Nitric ac. dry: Nux. > Heart, congestion: Collin. > Nux. 2 Nux vom. hyperæsthesia: Collin. palpitation: Carbo v. Caus. China. Kali c. pulsations of, intermittent: Phyt. lessened: Phyt. > Respiration, difficult: Nux. Sulph. -, impeded: Carbo v. Cans. > painful: Zinc. short: Bry. XVI. BACK. Back, dorsal pains: Hydras. Kali bi. Merc. Plat. Pod. lumbar pains: Aes. h. Bell. Bry. Kali bi. Lach. Lyc. Nux. Stan. Teplitz waters. Zinc. -, agg. before urination: Lyc. sacral pains: Aes. g. Aes. h. Pod. Shoulder, pains: Hydras. Merc. right: Merc. XVII. EXTREMITIES. Extremities, coldness: Ferr. acet. Kali bi. Sil. 2 REPERTORY. 9 | ] ] ] ] numbness: Puls. pains on motion: Nux. pains in: Asc. syr. Zinc. stiffness: Nux. weakness: Plat. weight: Plat. Teplitz waters. lower, coldness: Graph. cramps: Nux. weakness: Aes. g. 183 2 Feet, coldness: Cod-liver oil. Graph. Kali bi. Lach. Nux. Plat. Sepia. swelling: Nux. soles, burning: Cod-liver oil. Sulph. cold: Lach. Hands, burning: Cod-liver oil. Leg, coldness of outer side of left: Lach. Toe, pains in right great (midnight): Phyt. 184 REPERTORY. Sleep, restless: Bell. Nux. , startings in: Bell. Sleepiness: Op. Sil. XVIII. SLEEP. || in morning: Nux. Kali bi. in day-time with terrible dreams: Bell. Graph. Sleeplessness: Graph. Nux. after dinner with weakness: Lyc. a. CHILL. Chill and faintness: Mag. m. and tired feeling: Puls. Chilliness: Bry. Nux. Chills, fugitive: Nux. Cold Bry. Puls. Sepia. b. HEAT. Heat, flushes: Sulph. ac. fugitive: Nux. vom. -, general: Nux. v. -, intermittent: Zinc. , XIX. FEVER. (afternoon): Ptelea. Pulse, quickened: Zinc. c. SWEAT. Sweat, absence of: Arsen. free: Kali bi. Nat. m. profuse: Bell. REPERTORY. 185 Sweat, night: Kali c. 2 Į Į Į Į] ] ] ] > on slight motion: Nat. mur. XX. SKIN. Acne rosacea of face: Aes. h. Eczema: Nat. m. Eruptions secreting a viscous or aqueous fluid: Graph. Herpetic eruptions: Graph, Sep. Skin, affections of: Nat. m. Sep. Sulph. from cold: Nat. m. dirty coloration: Nat. m. dry: Arsen. Zinc. ; and rough: Graph. and smooth: Hydras. irritability of: Nat. m. , pale: Alum. Plumb. yellow coloration: Merc. XXI. CONCOMITANTS OR GENERALITIES. Abdomen, affections of, with nervous accidents: Caus. from multiple or difficult labors: Kali c. -, symptoms of, marked: Graph. want of power in organs of: Kali c. Anæmic: Ferr. acet. Asthenia: Con. and paleness of tissues: Caus. Atony of the intestines: Aloc. Alum. Aur. m. Lyc. nervous and nutritive: Caus. दे 186 Bile, absence of Plumb. decreased: Aloe. 2 REPERTORY. Bilious derangements: Bry. Merc. Catarrh, chronic intestinal: Alum. Calc. c. Lyc. Nux. Catarrhal affections, tendency to: Merc. Nat. m. Puls. Cerebral origin: Arnica. Children, acute enteritis in Lyc. convulsive movements: Bell. " badly nourished: Sil. nervous: Bell. nursing: Alum 2 Chronic diseases of circulatory and intestinal tracts: Phos. stomach Sepia. scrofulous, suppurative diseases: Sil. Cold, sensitiveness to: Nat. m. Congestions of venous system: Collin. Croc. Merc. Zinc. Contusions, in consequence of: Arnica. Debility, general: Geran. Hydras. Merc. with chilliness: Puls. Digestion, slowness of: Conium. Dyscrasia, constitutional: Calc. c. Dyspepsia in gouty subjects: Caus. Emaciation: Carbo v. Plumb. Sepia. Engorgement of vena-portal system: Sulph. Enteritis: Arsen. REPERTORY. 187 Enteritis, chronic: Ptel. trif. Zine. Exhaustion: Pod. Fever, catarrhal or rheumatic: Acon. Fevers: Phos. Gastric conditions, marked: Aes. h. Bry. Con. Merc. Nat. m. Op. Puls. Sepia. Sulph. Gastric neurosis: Phos. Plumb. Heart, fatty degeneration: Nat. m. valvular lesions: Nat. m. , Hernia, strangulated: Op. Icterus Cinch. Pod. Inertia, over-distention of intestines: Cinchon. Inflammatory states: Bell. Merc. Inflammation of abdominal organs: Arsen. Bry. Intestines, dryness of: Ver. alb. inactive Alum. Carbo v. China. Cinchon. Hep. s. Nat. m. Phos. Puls. Sil. Thuja. Ver. alb. induration of membrane with narrowing: Ammon. m. 2 > > paralytic state: Bry. Hepar s. Ign. Nat. m. Op. Plumb. Ver. alb. spasmodic contraction: Op. Plat. Zinc. ? " want of sensibility: Op. weakness: Geran. m. Nat. m. , Languor: Kali bi. Nux. Leanness Nat. m. Sepia. Liver, diseases of: Bry. Lept. virg. Op. fatty degeneration: Lyc. 1 188 REPERTORY. Liver, torpor: Arsen. Merc. tumefaction and venous stasis: Merc. Nat. m. 2 Malaise Alum. Merc. Stan. Sulph. Menstrual irregularities: Plat. Mercury, abuse of: Hepar s. Nitric ac. Mucous membranes, chronic irritability and dryness: Nat. m. Mucus, absence of intestinal: Plumb. Muscular system, relaxed: Phyt. Plumb. Neurosis with spasms: Ign. Plat. Nutrition, weakened Lyc. Organic, reaction: Thuja. Organs internal, swelling of: Sulph. Pancreas, torpor of Merc. Paralysis, systemic Plumb. Peristalsis, increase of: Calc. c. want of Cocc. Lyc. Ver. alb. , Peritoneum, repeated affections of Lyc. Pharyngo-laryngitis: Aes. h. Prostration of vital forces: Phos. Purgatives, abuse of: Bry. Hydras. Lach. Nux. Op. Rectum, congestion: Hep. s. inactive: Aloe. Carbon bisulph. Cham. Hep. s. > Ign. Kali c. Op. Psor. Staph. Ver. alb. , pressure on, from pregnancy or tumors: Op. Rheumatism Bry. Caus. Puls. Sep. Saturnine colic: Op. Scarlatina, in: Lach. REPERTORY. 189 i Uterine complications: Collin. Uterus, displacement of: Plat. Spleen, tumefaction of: Nat. m. Tissue, wasting of Plumb. Tremulous sensation without trembling: Sulph. ac. INTRODUCTCRY.. CONCLUSIONS (Resume)……….. CONSTIPATION, causes……….. definition...... SASARANNO LADO > diminution of secretion (from) > divisions.... > > → hæmorrhoidal..... hepatic..... idiopathic infantile....... irritative or sub inflammatory... mechanical obstruction (from). > -, paralytic...………. spasmodic or constrictive. > , symptoms.......... treatment, homeopathic... } > uterine... .... - 10 Remedies AND INDICATIONS: Aconite...... Aesculus glabra…………….. Aesculus hippoc.. Agaricus mus....... Aloe socotrina Alumina... Ammonium carb. Ammonium mur. Anacardium.. Apis........ Arnica. A hygienic and accessory. surgical or palliative…………. .... Arsenicum.. Asafoetida Asclepias syr Aurum mur……. Belladonna. Bryonia. Calabar.. Calcarea acet.... Calcarea carb.... Cannabis sat.. Cantharis..... Carbo veg.... Carbon bisulph........ INDEX. 4 A • ………… * a ………… *** ··· **** .... ..... .. ... ••• • 112 118 20 119 23 24 116 116 119 114 115 116 119 118 115 27 28 119 117 32 E w Ew y ………… Kali carbonicum. Kreosotum ….. Lachesis.... Leptandra virg... Lippspringe waters. Lycopodium..... Magnesia carb.. Magnesia mur... Massage... Menyanthes trifol Mercurius....... Mezereum Mineral waters....... Natrum carb...... Natrum mur..... Natrum sulph. Nitric acid...…………. Nux vomica... Opium........ Paraffine... Phosphorus.... Phytolacca.. Platina..... Plumbum.. * ………… ****** A IRON à mà nà 9 127 12, 125, 146 12 137 38, 127 138 143 130 146 *****……… → ***** UNAA WORD • ... 131 138 134 132 13 19 16, 126 SAN .. ------ ALANA 2 .. …………. ··· 154 144 58 114 60 113 124 61 I 20 65 126 115 66 69 124 120 69 120 73 75 83 112 86 87 88 go 192 Carlsbad waters. Causticum.... Chamomilla. China ... Cinchonine.... Cocculus Cod-liver oil.. ………. Collinsonia can..... Colocynthis.. Conium mac... Crocus Digitalis.... Electricity Euphrasia Gallic acid.. ▼▼ .... ATTA Tạ ...... Gelsemium semp. Geranium mac………. Graphites. Gratiola Guaræa.. Helleborus... Hepar sulphur... Hydrastis can.. Hydrotherapy Hyoscyamus.. Ignatia..... Iris vers Jatropha Kali bichrom... ... .... • ***** Eyes..... Face.. .... • Fever...... VAA Concomitants.. Eructations.... Extremities......... ... .... Can 2004 • INDEX. 124 35 37 113 38 40 117 40 117 42 44 117 122 ♦ ... 44 119 IIS 120 45 48 119 117 49 50 126 REPERTORY. ACCOMPANIMENTS OF THE EVACUATIONS……….. ACCOMPANIMENTS, GENERAL.. Abdomen.... Anus ..... Appetite.. Back Chest.... 117 54 55 114 57 176 178 174 183 182 185 175 183 172 172 184 184 184 184 Podophyllum Potassium bromide. Prunus padus……………. Prunus spinosa. Psorinum... a. chill..... b. Heat. c. Sweat. AGGRAVATIONS........ CONSTITUTIONS OR TEMPERAMENTS. FORMS ANd ConditioNS...... STOOL, CHARACTER. Ptelea trif.. Pulsatilla.. Raphanus Ratanhia Rhus...... A …………. Ruta.... Sabadilla Sarsaparilla. ………. Secale cornutum. Selenium.. Sepia... Silicea.... Stannum. Staphisagria Stramonium. Sulphur.... Sulphuric acid. Tabacum .... Teplitz waters Thuja...... Veratrum album. Verbascum..... Zincum..... .... Generalities... Generative organs.. Head...... Mind. Mood... Mouth... Nausea... Nose Rectum Skin..... Sleep... Stomach.... 1 ► Urine,. Vomiting. ***** .... ………… - **** ………… 20 .... **** ... • • ... ·· 92 118 116 120 94 119 96 .... 117 121 117 121 121 121 114 121 ***** 97 99 ΙΟΙ 102 117 102 121 105 124 тоб 107 117 IIO 164 170 185 181 171 170 170 173 175 172 178 185 184 175 180 175 162 158 157 159 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 02012 0567 290179