SVATIEN HSHA UBA CIB ASCLLD NOSANDID WEA VAN A 575757 G933 1819H 1 ↓ I } } } f 1 50 1837 ARTES LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VERITAS E PLURIBUS UNUM PARA TATARSAY TUBOU) i SCIENTIA OF THE SQUAERIS PENINSULAM AMOENAME CIRCUMSPICE WAANGUKORONOA . HELF G 9 33 THESE FEW PAGES ARE RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, In the Memory OF SAMUEL HAHNEMANN, ΤΟ ALL OF HIS TRUE AND FAITHFUL FOLLOWERS, BY THE AUTHOR. INTRODUCTION. 106346 IN presenting this little work to the profession, the author would request his confrerès to accept its nov- elty as a plea in defense for its many deficiencies. The arrangement being somewhat off from the usual order, it cannot claim that completeness which is de- sirable. However, as none but the best authorities have been consulted, it is reasonable to trust that these notes will be found reliable. The Materia Medica has been thoroughly gleaned, and only well au- thenticated provings accepted. Hahnemann's Works; Bönninghausen's Therapeutic Pocket book; Jahr's New Manual and Repertory; Lippe's Materia Me- dica; Hering's Materia Medica and Analytical Thera- peutics; Raue's Pathology; Guernsey's Obstetrics, and Allen's Encyclopedia, are among the works scanned for this purpose. - my hand THE ARRANGEMENT. The double column at the left of the names of medicines refers to first menstruation, or the estab- iishment of the monthly flux at puberty, and has been thus separated to prevent its being confounded with the other. The variations in menstruation require a reference to the time of its appearance, the quantity of the flow, and the term of its duration. The heading early re- fers to those medicines, which, in provings, upon the healthy produce a return of the flux oftener than the usual twenty-eight days; hence, according to our law of "similars" should be all powerful in correct- ing that symptom. Late, where the discharge does not return every calendar month. And irregular, when its appearance is habitually changeable, never coming at the proper time. The flow may be too profuse or scanty. Its term may be protracted far be- yond the normal period, or decidedly short in dura- tion. Medicines acting favorably in suppressed men- struation have been marked under that head. Instead of the term dysmenorrhea the simpler word pain has been used for obvious reasons. Of this five divisions have been made. Sufferings before the commencement, at the beginning, and during the flow. Also after it has ceased. The fifth column containing a reference to those remedies which will be found curable to patients who have an absence, during that period, of symptoms which they are troubled with in the intermissions. 5 The headings of color and consistency refer, of course, to the character of the discharge, and hardly need comment or explanation. The figures are used to denote the respective valua- tion of each medicine in the different symptoms. being the most characteristic to a given trouble. the next in importance, and so on down to 5, which is the lowest. WM. JEFFERSON GUERNSEY, M.D. I 2 7 First Menses. Premature. : + ند ➡ 3 Delayed. | : 50 : Medicines. Aconitum, Actæa rac., Agaricus m., Aletris, Aloes, Alumina, Ambra. gr., Ammon. carb., Ammon. mur., Antherum, Antimon. crud., Antimon. tart., Apis mel., Apocynum c., Aranea d., Argent. nit., Arnica m., Arsenicum, • • Early. | ++ : 31 3 4 : .. 2 Time. Irregular. Late. | 10 :: : + 9: :'508 + 44: : : :: :: :: :::: : :: Quan- tity. Profuse. Scanty. 24 24X WA W : LO ♡ + N: 4: 55 Protracted. Suppressed Menses. At beginning. Before. Short. Term. Co : 10 .. : .. : .. :: :4 : 66 2244: : : : 50 : .. : + ·· 00: :20 T : : 10 Aw: ·· :10 +00 + : :: w .. :: ::: :: ·· Pain. During.±± + 4 Absence of. After. : : :: Pale. | Bright. | Dark. | Black. | : 2 Color. + : ++ 4 5 5 .. Thin. Thick. Mucous. Slimy. Viscid. Acrid. Pitchy. : .. : : LO ·· Consistency. .. : : 2 : Coagulated. Offensive. 4 8 Consistency. Color. Pain. Term. Quan- tity. Time. Offensive. Coagulated. Absence of. | After. During. At beginning. Before. Suppressed Menses. Short. First Menses. Pitchy. | Acrid. Viscid. Slimy. Mucous. | Thick. Thin. Black. Dark. → Medicines. Bright. Pale. Protracted. Scanty. Profuse. Irregular. Late. Early. Delayed. Premature. | I : : : : : : : 30 LO 10 10 : : : op : : 10 : :: : ::: 4 :: Arum tri., Asafoetida, Asarum eu,. Asclepias cor., Asterias rub., 10 :: + :: :10 :: A: LO : 00 : 2 : 10 : : : 10 :2 4 2 : 00 : w 2:: A: :++ : 24 4 : LO 4 ند .. نند 2 +: 4 w :: : co : 10 + : : : : :: : : :: : 00 : 4 Aurum met., Aurum mur., Aurum sul.,. Baptisia, Baryta carb., Belladonna, Berberis vul., Bismuthum, : cp op ad os : : :: 2::: : 4 24 • :: 4: w 00: : : + : NW WN: ::22M : N: 24 Borax ven., Bovista, Bromium, Bryonia, Bufo, 4 : oo : 6 Consistency. Color. Pain. Term. -uend tity. Time. Offensive. Coagulated. Pitchy. Acrid. Suppressed Menses. Menses. Short. First Menses. Viscid. Slimy. Mucous. Thick. Thin. Black. | Dark. Bright. Pale. Absence of. After. During. At beginning. Medicines. Protracted. Scanty. Profuse. | Irregular. | Late. | Early. | Delayed. | : Premature. : : : Before. + : : : 22 23 : : :: ∞ 1 :~: 4 4 1 : :: 55 13 : · 1 4 mm ++ N: 444 : : + : CO : 10 : ::: : 2 :: • : : : : : : · 24 2 : : → :10 : : + : Cactus grand., Calcarea carb., Calcarea phos., Cannabis ind., . Cannabis sat., Cantharides, Capsicum an., 4 44: N 4 ::: .. : w +:: : : : # :: : : WFF: : .. : +4 AN : r: : .. .. :: : 2 : : 00 : w: : :: : NN: 3 #w: : + :422++ 1: w 13 Carbo an., Carbo veg., Carbolic ac., Castoreum, Caulophyll., Causticum,. Chamomilla, : 434 43 : :: :32 :: 2:4 : : 00 ::: 2 ::::: :00 2 34 4 : 3 + Chelidon. m., China off., China sulph., Cicuta vir., 02 : 4 10 Consistency. Color. Pain. Term. Quan- tity. Time. Offensive. Coagulated. | First Menses. Pitchy. : Acrid. | Viscid. | Slimy. Mucous. Thick. Thin. Black. Dark. Bright. Pale. Absence of. During. At beginning. | Medicines. Scanty. Profuse. | Irregular. : : Before. : Suppressed Menses. ~ : Short. Protracted. : Early. | : Delayed. Premature. : After. : + : : : 0 : + Late❘ + FFF: N 43 •A 34 a::: 4: MN M + LO 3 ·· A: 34 2 N : :: : : :~: : 00 : 2 2 :+43 N : Co : 23 : : 2: : :: ·· : + 22 : 23 N: : ند Cimicifuga,. Cina, Cinchona off., Cinnabaris, Clematis e., 23 Cocculus., Coccus cacti, Coffea crud., Colchicum, . Colocynthis, N: : : : : 4 1 : N : : 4 2 + LO :: : : .. :: 21 : 24: :: :224 N: : 00 Conium m., Copaiva b., Creosotum, Crocus sat., Crotal. hor., Croton tig., :::: : 4 2 34 4 1 2 4 54 Cuprum in., Curare, ·· 54 霉 ​11 Consistency. Color. Pain. Term. Quan- tity. Time, Offensive. Coagulated. First Menses. Suppressed Menses. Short. Protracted. Scanty. Profuse. Pitchy. Acrid. | Viscid. Slimy. Mucous. Thick. Thin. Black. Dark. Bright. Pale. Absence of. After. During. At beginning. Before. Medicines. 1 Irregular. Late. Early. | 1 Premature. Delayed. | N : : : : : : : + 4 : + 4 : : 4 4 : : 245 24+ ·· :: Co Cyclamen, Diadema, Digitalis,. Drosera, .: : 32 4 1 : : : 3 .. ++: : : : : 2 5 : ::: : 3 : ♡ : ♡ APW: : : : : : : : : : : : + Dulcamara, Erigeron, Eupator. purp, Euphrasia, Eupion, Ferrum acet., 4 :: ::~: + :: :: 2 N: : 32 :: : 434 : r: Co ♡♡ + :: : .. : : : : N:: 20 : 3 4 1 ~. 3 :::: ·· : 20 : 10 AA: • Ferrum met., Fluoric ac., Gambogia, Gelseminum, Glonoinum, Graphites, Gratiola, Guajacum, 1 • 4 12 Consistency. Color. Pain. Term. Quan tity. Absence of. | After. During. At beginning. Before. Suppressed Menses. Short. | Time. Offensive. Coagulated. First Menses. Pitchy. Acrid. Viscid. Slimy. Mucous. Thick. | Thin. Black. Dark. Bright. Pale. Medicines. Protracted. Scanty. | Profuse. Irregular. Late. Early. LO Delayed. Premature. : .. +44 : 6 + 4 4 : Gummi g., Hamamelis, : :::: : • *snaoqºllºH +4 ::::: .. :: ++ : 3 .. 24 24 A Gw 3 3 نت 3 34 : : : £95☺ : :: من در A W WA: 33 30 : : : : → .. +3: : :10 10 ::: +: 24 QFF: 0: Co : co : : : : : ~: ++::: 55 : LO 1 10 ♡ : : 00 : : : NW: 5 3 1 : ::: :: .. : 4 2 ::10 : + : : 10 : : 4 : +2 .. :::: • Helonias,. Hepar s. c., Hyoscyamus,. Hypericum, Ignatia a., Indigo, Iodum, Ipecacuanha, Iris versic.,. Kali bichr., . Kali carb., Kali hydr., Kali nit., Kalmia lat., Kreosotum, :00 :10 10 2 13 First Menses. Premature. Delayed. | + A: 33 324 34 Medicines. Lachesis t., Lachnanthes,. Lactuca V., Laurocerasus, Ledum pal., Lilium tig., Lithium carb., Lobelia inf., Lycopodium,. Magnesia c., Magnesia mur., Magnesia sul., Mangan. acet., Mangan. met., Mercurialis, Murcur. s. C., Murcur. viv Mezereum, Early. WNW I W 33 : Time. : 00 : 2 Late. | Irregular. | :: Profuse. Scanty. .. : : 00 00 ♡ 444& : ♡ : : : Quan- tity. :: :: w w : N ::: ::42 4:::~ 213 :::: :423 w w : 2 Term. Protracted. : Suppressed Menses. Short. : : : 3+ ·· : 10 : 43 :AWA: Co 22 3 3 .. +i <+♡ 2 : Before. At beginning. | During. After. Absence of. + ::: :: -: ♡ .. : .. :23 33 44 Pain. :444 22 : 2 4 : 23 23 + 2443 :::: Pale. Bright. Dark. Black. : : : : :: Color. : : : ++ 1 CO : Thin. Thick. Mucous. Slimy. : : : : + Consistency. ++ : : Viscid. Acrid. | Pitchy. Coagulated. Offensive. 10 14 Consistency. Color. Pain. Term. Quan- tity. Time. Offensive. Coagulated. Pitchy. First Menses. During. At beginning. Before. Suppressed Menses. Short. | Acrid. | Viscid. Slimy. Mucous. Thick. Thin. Black. Dark. Bright. | Pale. Absence of. After. | Medicines. Protracted. Scanty. | Profuse. Irregular. | : Delayed. Premature. + 4: +: A: Late :: Early. | 34 :: : ~ 13 w 7: CIA CO : : : 2 :: ::: 4 1 .. :++ 2 GA::: ~:::: : → → : : co co co + : : 10 本​: 10 .. #: 44 : : : 10 .. 4 Millefolium, Morphinum, Moschus, Murex purp., •, Natr. carb., Natr. mur.,. Natr. phos., Natr. sul., Niccolum met., Nitric ac., : 3 + +45 : : ::: or: : + : + : .. PPN: : :42 Jaf cu LO : : :: : : :: : : :00 :: 00 +00 : I Nitrum, Nux jug., Nux mosch., Nux vom., شد :++ : :::: : : : N: : Oleum an. a., Opium, • 2 || Petroleum, 4 15 First Menses. Premature. + 14 1 Delayed. | 3 1 2 D. 2 4. Medicines. Phosphor. ac., Phosphorus, Phytolacca, Platina met., Plumbum met., Podophyllum, Prunus spin., Psorninum, Pulsatilla, Ratanhia, Rhododendron, Rhus tox., Ruta grav., Sabadilla, Sabina, Sanguinaria, Sarsaparilla, Secale corn., N Early. Irregular. Late. Profuse. Scanty. 423 f: +4 Time. : : : : 3 95 ::::: : : : : Quan- tity. : : : IF WA Www: : LO : + : :: ANWA 42 Term. Protracted.~ : Short. 22 N: 2 : 13 :: A: Suppressed Menses. | : 2 ++ 1 :30 + CO 24 At beginning. 1 Before. N : 2 During. L : 2 : N:: : : Pain. : 44 After. Absence of. Pale. | Bright. Dark. Black. Co 2 3 : + + :: : :::: If 4 + Color. ·· : .. ·· w : : Thin. Thick. Mucous. Slimy. Viscid. | Acrid. Pitchy. -+ 3 : : : .. Consistency. .. : ::: Coagulated. Offensive. 44 16 Consistency. Color. Pain. Term. Quan- tity Time. Offensive. Coagulated. First Menses. Pitchy. | Acrid. Viscid. Slimy. Mucous. Absence of. After. During. At beginning. Before. Suppressed Menses. Thick. Thin. | Medicines. Black. | Dark. + Bright. | Pale. : Short. Protracted. Scanty. Profuse. Irregular. Late. Early. | Delayed. Premature. Mчou : 4 : : : : :: N : ::: N : : 24 2 1 334 1 23 32 ++ :: : 3 W N : 3 : A:: : 10 CT : :: :::: : : 23 :442+ - ☺ ☺ : + 223Hi♡ ♡ +4 : : 00: : : 10 * 4 w 4 5 : :: : + ++ :34 4 I +: 31 24 ON :: 10 ++ .. : 4 ::: : :: •• .. : 44: .. 4 → ::::::: : +: + Selenium, Senecio aur., Silicea,. Senega, Sepia, Spigelia, Spongia, m. t., Stannum m., Staphisagria, Stramonium, Strontiana carb., Sulphur, Taraxacum, Sulph. ac., Tartar. emetic., Thuya occi., Tilia Eur.,. Trillium p., 4. 17 Consistency. Color. Pain. Term. -uend tity. Absence of. After. During. At beginning. | Before. Suppressed Menses. Short. Protracted. Time. Offensive. Coagulated. First Menses. Pitchy. | Acrid. | Viscid. | : Slimy. Mucous. Medicines. Black. Dark. Bright. | Pale. Thick. | Thin. : ند : Delayed. | Premature. : : 434 3 + 4 1 AWN: Scanty.+ →fal : : : ::: A: WN: شد : Profuse. Irregular. | : : : : Late. Early. + : : : : : :: 4 3 :: ·· : 10 .. 30: : + : :2 +: .. Ustilago m., Valeriana off., Veratrum alb.. Veratrum vir., Zanthoxyl., Zincum met., Zingiber, 1 + ·· : ند .. t I ! • Flimed by Preservation 1991 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 02012 3736 $ ALKIN