Provings and Clinical Observations With High Potencies By Malcolm. Macfarlan, M. D. OUPL A 576208 ARTES LIBRARY 1837 VERITAS SCIENTIA OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PLURIBUS UNUMM SH-QUAERIS PENINSULAM AMOE NAMES CIRCUMSPICE HAKUUMAIUTAMIN . ', ! } 1 | 1 L #615,0 M143 H615.53 M143 • + Provings and Clinical Observations WITH High Potencies 119219 BY MALCOLM MACFARLAN, M. D. PHILADELPHIA, PA. REPRINTed from THE HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN For 1892, 1893, and 1894. PHILADELPHIA : THE HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, 1231 LOCUST Street, 1894. H615.53 M143 PROVINGS AND CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS WITH HIGH POTENCIES. MALCOLM MACFARLAN, M. D., PHILADELPHIA. When a medical officer in the United States service, stationed in Southern Alabama in the summer of 1865, I was frequently baffled in my efforts, as were others, to cure dysentery, so com- mon and fatal among the troops. I wrote North to a young friend, not then a physician, who sent me Hahnemann's Organon, Hull's Jahr, and, later on, Fincke's book, and some of his and other potentized medicines. I read the books and made suc- cessful use of the remedies, particularly Corrosive Sublimate and Opium. Next year I began systematic provings with the medicines sent, and others of my own preparation. My plan was then, and has been ever since, to work with one remedy for several weeks, giving it to an individual in water every hour or so until symptoms developed, as many persons taking it at the same time as I could conveniently obtain. While with some I could get no satisfactory results, yet out of a sufficient number of others who were sensitive I observed symptoms common to all those affected to enable me to understand the remedy, and, most important of all, to convince me beyond a doubt of the truths of Hahnemann's Organon. Just as there are some who will not be affected by causes which produce disease in others, so a potentized medicine will not always bring out its characteristic symptoms on some provers, although my observation teaches me it is much more likely to act, or is more to be depended on than infection or similar cause of disease. Idiosyncrasies are called out in proving, peculiar to an individual, of which I have taken no notice. They may be produced often by other medicines, and so are misleading. My object has been to collate a few reliable symptoms, not as many as possible. What is written is, to the best of my knowledge, true, and was worked out originally for my own guidance and information. It is now given for what it may be worth to the profession. There is nothing herein copied nor obtained from any one else. The symptoms are responses 1 2 : ! of nature as far as I could understand her. From time to time I have given these records, in a fragmentary way, to others, but for the first time do they appear in this completed form. The work was apparently so small and imperfect, so slow and diffi- cult to compile that I have long hesitated to publish these re- sults of my observations for a period of twenty-five years. It is given as an encouragement to those traveling the same road; perhaps as a help, and especially to those investigating for them- selves without accepting the dictum of anybody. I have also ooked upon it as a contribution and an acknowledgment for the benefit received from the teachings of others. The provings, as far as possible, are in the language of those on whom they were made. Just now, when a strong tide is setting against anything like Hahnemannian Homœopathy, and its practice dwindling and al- most obsolete, it may induce others to investigate or prove highly potentized remedies, because it is believed by those who use them that they are curative in cases where other remedies fail. It is not possible to have any belief in them otherwise. He who ridicules without having made a patient investigation is not com- petent to pass an opinion on their merits. I am sure the result will be surprising, and make a convert of any candid investi- gator. In this way can the losing cause be placed on a sure basis. The methods and brilliant cures of the former generation of homoeopaths, by whom the system was established, are almost unknown, and to-day there is practically no difference between the allopath, who uses parvules and triturates, and the homoeo- path usually met with. The remarks are mostly made concerning Fincke's high po- tencies, but are equally true of those made by Jenichen and others, as I have frequently verified. The medicines were given in water as a rule. Patients never knew that they were making provings of medicines. The pellets were put in one-half a tumbler of water and a teaspoonful at least every two hours, often every hour. Symptoms generally oc- curred on the third day. The provers in many cases had local ailments, fractures, injuries, etc., which did not interfere much with their general health or complicate medicinal symptoms. 3 ACONITE-NAP.5 50M Caused such free sweating, to make use of patient's language, you could have wrung out his shirt. It checked or modi- fied night-sweats for awhile in a number of consumptives, and moved the bowels three times a day, liquid stools. Almost the first effect of highly potentized Aconite is to cause perspiration quickly. Profuse sweat during sleep. Great inconsolable anxiety. Anxious feeling. Rash like measles, lasting only a day or so. Free sweat, with pain in joints and muscles. 5C ACTE-RACEMOSA 50. Given to a man every hour during the day for two weeks caused slightly bloody urine; urination frequent. Sick feeling in epigastrium, costive. It was noticed that it suppressed menstruation in a certain number of females, in addition to urinary symptoms. ADEPS-SUIS.IM (F.). Constipation.-Hard, dry stool, cramps in stomach. Bowels that were constipated now move daily, weakness after the stool, cramps about the navel, severe pains between the last lumbar vertebra and sacrum. Such great weakness behind her knees in popliteal space that the prover could hardly get up. Hips and elbows painful on motion. Hard, dry, insufficient stool not easily expelled. Caused bowels that were constipated to move daily. I have frequently verified this in curing constipation when there was loss of ex- pulsive power in rectum. Stools dark, hard, and dry. ESCULUS 50M Headache, drowsy, walking difficult, so weak; legs ache; all provers complained of extremities being much affected, bowels loose. Hands and face swell up enormously and increased so after washing. Pimples appeared on face and body. This was no- 4 ( • ticed in only one case where medicine had been given for several weeks. Many pimples on the face, few on the body, in most provers. AGARICUS-MUSC.“ 47M Completely relieved a severe bearing-down sensation in the uterus, which I had been treating unsuccessfully off and on for a year and a half. After some weeks it returned slightly, when she had not been taking the remedy, but was cured by a second exhibition of it. Soreness in ovaries. Given to a number of females, produced general stiffness. Arms and back of neck stiff. Little hard, red pimples scattered all over the body, like flea bites. Never has been so sleepy as during this last week. (Second week of the proving.) Beating on top of head toward forehead, cured bearing-down pain, very thirsty, never has been so thirsty, twisting pain in umbilicus, pain in both hip-joints, gets up stiff like an old rheu- matic, stiff joints in general. Soreness deep in two spots four inches on either side of middle of sternum, hurts or weakens her to breathe deeply or speak continuously, little hard pimples break out on side of her nose and about her lips. Given every hour for a week caused cramps and chills as if she were going to have the ague, couldn't remain up, had to lie down, had to pass water all the time, severe bearing-down pain when she attempted to walk. Talking in a loud voice and deep breathing hurt her in the right ovarian region, bowels now move twice a day instead of once. These symptoms were most violent on the third day. AGARIC-MUS. 2M Sick at stomach, threw up a good deal, abdomen very sore, below the navel sore to touch. AILANTHUS .45M September 20th, 1872.-Mary W., widow, aged forty, medi- cine every two hours during the day, symptoms after a week: Had a slight trouble with her knee as if sprained; had always been in good health. "If she touches or presses her lip it will 5 puff up and appear to be sore, there is now a ragged, deep little sore near the angle of the mouth; the lower lip has a crop of angry blisters about it. Violent itching sensation about the ears, back of the neck and less in degree about the face. The skin has divided off into red raised blotches; intense desire to scratch the blotches. A water blister came on the end of her thumb; small blisters appeared at tips of fingers; her chin one day was bright scarlet; another day her ear had the appearance of erysipelas, from slight rubbing. Skin of face very itchy and be- comes very red on the least rubbing.” Curative in a case of chronic acne in a young girl. ALCOHOL-SULPH.50M Pains nearly every day, mostly after dinner, in head, through temples, very sharp; numb all through top of her head, in scalp. ALETRIS-FARINOSA 45M Severe pains in the rectum or anus, frequent desire to have a stool; diarrhoea on second, third, and fourth day; the pain when she had a movement was violent, felt as if she was forcing a pas- sage through an obstruction; feeling of exhaustion; when she stoops down head gets dizzy, eyes feel sore and dim; spits a good deal and raises mucus; feels as if she wanted to cough and cannot. ALUMINA 91M Can pass urine only during stool. Frequent stools. Stools with traces of blood. AMMON-CARB.50. Given for ten days every two hours, produced a red rash like erythema with a great deal of heat; burning and fever; burn- ing feeling in eruption; skin raised in welts in some places. Dry cough at three A. M., or toward morning, occurred in a great number of provers. ANTIMONIUM-CRUD. COM Eyelids inflamed, water a great deal, can hardly keep them open; feels sleepy; eyes feel as if too heavy to keep open, very sore; worse in morning; left eye most inflamed. 7 6 APIS-MELL.85M Loose bowels; watery, green, slimy stools; no vomiting, etc. Repeated verifications of this. Cured with this remedy many cases of cholera infantum. Frequent green stools with disposi- tion to congestion of brain; starting, jerking, eyes rolling; later on disposition to constipation. Caused great tearfulness or disposition thereto, verified many times. Quickly checked shrill screaming in a severe case of conges- tion of brain, young child teething. Cured a very bad case, over a year's standing of chronic diar- rhoea with many small passages of blood and mucus in a woman at critical period. Curative in difficulty of urination common to children. Often relieved very red enlarged tonsils. Scalp sensitive in many provers. APIUMM Dull aching in forehead; severe pains in bowels; sharp pains in ear when chewing or moving jaws; eyes feel as if sand in them. Some provers vomited while taking the remedy. APOCYNUM-CANN.60M Feels as if she was hungry; and when she tries to eat, food appears to settle in epigastrium, becomes sour; continued dis- tress in epigastrium, feels as if she could do nothing but cry; does not want to speak, very low-spirited, weeping; tongue greatly coated, brownish white; dizzy, headache, drowsy in afternoon, restless and wakeful at night. Urine pale and greatly increased in quantity. APOCYNUM-CANN. 69M Patient becomes very drowsy and vomits very often; pulse is very slow. Cured a most inveterate case of wetting the bed at night in a girl aged twenty, affected all her life, and treated by many without success. Cured general stiffness of legs and body, painful on motion. Cured frontal headache, sick at stomach, restless at night. Stiff knees often verified this symptom-stiffness not similar to rheumatic trouble. 7 ARANEA-DIADEMAM Male prover. Produced a boil on left side of penis, near pubes ; constant desire to pass water, but with difficulty. Severe pain along the urethra, extending from the glans. Woman, misty sensation before her eyes; felt so tired that it appears as if she would drop; bowels now move daily, which were four or five days constipated. Vivid dreams, screams out, and cannot sleep again. After taking the remedy two weeks, had to stop it, as it par- tially suppressed his urine. He passed only four or five ounces during the day; no burning. Urine appeared darker than nat- ural; had to stand and wait a long while before it would come. Sensitive to pressure on either side of his bladder; no energy. Urinary symptoms verified in other provers, showing dimin- ished secretion. ARGENTUM-NIT.45M. In a woman produced severe symptoms, similar to angina pectoris, difficulty of breathing, choking, and sensation of pain about the heart; her friends thought she would die ; sent for me in a great hurry. Attacks lasted fifteen or twenty minutes. In others produced distressed spasmodic breathing. ARGENT-NIT.45M Swollen left side of the face, with a great deal of heat and burning; lips greatly swollen, inside of the mouth much swollen; earache, marked soreness in flesh and limbs. Female provers. ARNICA-MONTANA 20. Every hour during the day, for two weeks, produced a rash like scarlatina at first, then papular eruption; which changed in a few days to a crop of small boils, half the size of a pea, all over the body. One prover. ARSENICUM-ALBUM 103. Sick at stomach; did not vomit; great weakness, dizzy head- ache on top of head, no appetite, no particular thirst, slight fever and sweat every afternoon, some difficulty in breathing, like asthma. She was compelled to lie down, she was so weak; her 8 left ear discharges slight moisture; face swollen up, sighing for breath, panting on exertion; bowels have been regular; watery discharge from nose, fainted several times during the week. ARSENICUM-ALBUM M Appears to be most useful in ophthalmia when photophobia is present. I have often verified this symptom. Fainted several times while walking out. fainted before. Had been taking the medicine this occurred. Cannot sleep after three A. M. fright from vivid dreams. Very low-spirited. She had never four days when She gets up in a Night-sweats, chilly and feverish, mostly toward sundown. Throat quite sore and painful, back aches, buttocks sore to touch, appears as if a lump came like a hurt in her throat. It seems as if she was swollen throughout her whole body, pain extending from her head to her right shoulder and down her right side. Could not sleep because of anxiety. Fear that some evil will overtake her. ARSENIC-ALBUM.6M Prover wakes in a horrid fright at three A. M. Cannot be con- vinced but that something dreadful will happen him. Fainting in a woman when out walking verified often, never happened before taking the remedy. Cured a case of ascites following chronic diarrhoea. Made comfortable many suffering from Bright's disease—with general dropsy. Eyes misty at times, fainty feeling, could not see well at times, eyes not inflamed, did not water, feels as if she had a load in upper part of both lungs, feels as if she would smother. Highly curative in some cases of scrofulous ophthalmia and ophthalmia tarsi where the disease is communicated, as in children. Cured cases of scald head, belching, frequent and small stools, inability to sleep well because of mental anxiety. In giving Arsenic to those with ophthalmia it produces great intolerance of bright sunlight, not candle or gas light, cannot endure the rays of sun or bright daylight. Caused feeling of weakness as if he would faint. 9 ARUM-TRIPH.16M Burning of pharynx and glottis. Very nervous, raw feeling in chest, picking his nose all the time, light-headed, sleepy. Smarting at end of penis. Feels sick, qualmish, giddy, slept unusually sound, eyes dim. Pain under his left short rib. Helped a minister's sore throat of years standing-in fact, cured him. Woman could hardly stand on her feet they hurt her so, even the stockings when drawn on gave her pain. Feet feel so bruised; end of her tongue felt sore, round sore spots, as if scalded on the tongue. Sores on throat and tongue, sensation as of an abscess forming high up inside the nasal bone on the right side, discharge of a large crust. Little round, hard pimples all over the skin of the body, legs, arms, and face, about size of a pin- head, feet hurt her so that it made her sick at stomach to walk. Menses, which were absent two months, return. Soreness and pain, as if bruised in the left mamma. Nightmare. Just as she gets to dozing feels as if she would smother, starts up fright- ened. Nervous at night, could not sleep. Distressing hacking cough; mouth very dry; feels as if mucous surface would crack; wants to wet it, not to drink, has to get up in the night to moisten mouth. ASCLEPIAS-TUB. 45M Produced free perspirations and urinations, without any other effects. ÀSTERIAS-RUB.5C. Pimples on side of nose and chin. Provers were women. Cured many cases where there is a disposition to pimples about the chin, mouth, and face, generally occurring at the menstrual period and with young girls. Neuralgia opposite left molar teeth of lower jaw, sharp, piercing pain like a needle, lacks confirmation. One prover. £ 10 ATROPINE, 6TH DECIMAL. Given in water every two hours, cured long-standing photo- phobia and watering of eyes. ATROPINE-SULPHATE30. Wonderful effect in relieving pain attending ulceration of the cornea with violent conjunctivitis, sudden and marked cure of photophobia. Atropine-sulphate 6th x given in water every hour, produced, on the third day, great dimness of vision. Can't see glassware, such as tumblers and bottles; pupils not dilated, pain in and through the eyeball, cannot see to read well. The accommodation is paralyzed. Cannot see to read even when holding the paper far off. Type looks blurred. Previously had acute normal vision. Never wore glasses. These symptoms lasted over a week. Mouth became so parched she could not speak without first moistening it. Patient took the medicine every hour for two weeks. Atropine-sulphate in water every two hours, cured long- standing photophobia and lachrymation. AURUM-MUR.5M. Legs appear slightly swollen and very tender along the inner side of the tibia, backache very severe. IODIDE OF POTASSIUMCM After being given three weeks for its curative effects, pro- duced choking sensation in the larynx, slight loss of voice, con- siderable increase in weight, improved appetite. IODINE¹7 The long internal administration of Iodine high produced in a girl symptoms of asthenopia; spotted and rough skin; husky voice. IPECAC25M Violent spasmodic cough, aversion to food. Ipecac, and blanket wrung out of hot water to envelop the 11 child, apparently cured a severe case of membraneous croup. Previously the child appeared hopeless. JASPER C Leucorrhoea, aching in sacrum, no appetite, sensitiveness and sensation of weakness in bowels, dull frontal headache. KALI-BICHR.CM Redness in throat, irritation, swollen tonsils. A very relia- ble remedy in diphtheritic sore throat, loss of appetite, with hoarseness. KALI-CARB 24M Stiffness back of neck, shooting pains through his chest; shooting pains in muscles of extremities and chest. KALI-HYD.CM Larynx feels sore, gums and mouth sensitive; can hardly eat for soreness. Has cured many cases of rupia and syphiloderms. Fluttering sensation at the heart, giddiness; arose from bed, thinking he would be smothered. After curing skin symptoms produced profuse watery discharges from the nose. Later on, discharge thicker, aching pains through both lungs, feels tired and weak, fluttering at heart and nervous. The high preparations have frequently cured syphilitic ulcer- ations, especially on the legs, where the low did nothing. Sharp pains through the right lung, from the nipple back- ward, hoarse cough, pains through the breast, sighing respi- ration. Iod. Potash, highly potentized and in various potencies, have relieved and cured the most persistent or chronic cases of megrim, sick headache; often the cranial bones were sensitive, after the attacks passed off; more or less nausea and weak vision attending the cases. Follows well after Belladonna. KAOLIN 45M Sore throat, soreness of both lungs, constipation. Has fre- quently cured cases of constipation, with large, hard, dry, light- 12 • colored stools; great internal sareness of the chest often relieved; painful respiration—not walls of chest, but lungs, apparently. KREOSOTECM I know of no remedy which can compare with this in cases. of cholera infantum, green stools, nausea, exhaustion, complete loss of appetite, dry skin, more or less fever, types one often sees in midsummer in the large cities. Indigestion, loss of appetite. Caused sick stomach, disposi- tion to vomit. LITHIA-CARB.5C. Cured a chronic syphilitic bluish deep old ulcer, larger than a silver dollar, on the calf of the leg in a young man. Had to get up at night to pass water. Frequent urination, with slight pain or straining; pain over the bladder; appeared to dilate pupils. The latter lacks confirmation. LACHESIS16M Has cured for me a great number of cases of chronic sore throat,. dryness in throat, often raw or sore, with much swelling. After producing throat symptoms in a young man, it caused severe pains all over his head, back and front. Giddy, couldn't stand, had to be carried from school, couldn't see the letters in his book, fell against the wall, etc. These occurred on the fourth day; never been so affected before. CM quickly curative in cases of delirium tremens, where there is much trembling and confusion of ideas. Given every one-quarter hour for three days produced frightful constrictive sensation at the larynx, almost suffocated at night. In an attack woke the whole family; they poured a quantity of brandy down her throat with but little effect. All thought she was dying. from inability to breathe or expand the lungs. Sat up in bed struggling for breath like an asthmatic. CM, in a woman at forty-five, produced rolling from side to side in the bed constantly, from hour to hour. Could not stop her; extreme restlessness and nervousness. Lachesis every quarter-hour apparently cured a case of mem- 13 braneous croup in last stages. Coughed up pieces like a cast of the bronchus and was relieved in two hours. 6th produced in several young persons very sore throat. CM has cured repeatedly diphtheritic sore throat and has been of great service in malignant scarlet fever with very offen- sive breath; glands of neck swollen; soreness of neck to touch; suffocative attacks as soon as anything touches the larynx. Even the front part of the throat is sensitive, has to loosen everything around the neck to breathe better. CM caused suffocative sensation; distress on either side of sternum at its middle. CM cured hoarseness with complete loss of voice very many times. LACTUCA-VIROSC Right eye smarted a good deal; pains catch him in his lungs, back and front; pains across the top of his sacrum. LAMIUM¹M Severe sick headaches in the mornings, giddy, worse on left side; muscles generally sore, as if the prover had taken cold; muscular and mental exhaustion with no inclination for food. LAUROCERASUSCM. CM helped cough and greatly lessened the chronic expectora- tions in persons of consumptive tendency; produces a short, dry hack or clearing of the throat in others not previously so affected. LITHIA-CARB.5C Have found it highly curative in barber's itch; circular moist furfuraceous patches on the skin; porrigo. 5C causing a rough rash all over the body; much loose epi- thelium; tough, dry, itchy skin, turbid urine. 5C. Skin of the whole body is rough and dry. The face, or rather both cheeks were covered with dry, bran-like scales. This was produced on several infants to whom I had given the medicine for some time. LEDUM 45M Gnawing headache in temples; headache of back of the head and ears; talking in sleep; nausea; confused vivid dreams. 14 LILIUM-TIGRINUM 45M Compelled to pass water frequently; with burning sensation ; feels bruised about genitals; bowels that were costive move more regularly; smothering sensation in the chest, feels like vomiting when she touches her epigastrium. Feels as if she must cross her legs for fear everything in pelvis would be pushed out. Her head feels confused and heavy, glands or left side of neck slightly swollen and painful. ANTIRRHINUM LINARIA 30TH DECIMAL AND LOWer. Fainting spells occurring three or four times a day; fainted dead away; never occurred before. The prover was rather a weak individual, disposed to phthisis, fainting without any other symptom, attacks of weakness and fainty feeling from probable disturbed heart action, due to the medicine. Frequently verified this. Sensation of fainting. LINARIA. Antirrhinum Linarium-Gathered the flowers and made the potencies, 3d to 30th, myself, taken in water, given every hour or two. Giddy, sick stomach, perspiration, rumbling of gas, bowels somewhat loose, vomited several times on fourth day. These symptoms were developed in several women. No urinary symptoms produced as I had expected. LOBELIA 45M The oppression is felt in the throat. Sick stomach with ptyalism. LYCOPODIUM 45M Highly curative in violent gall-stone colic. The attacks were painful while they lasted; medicine generally relieves quickly. Verified this repeatedly. 45M. I believe I am indebted to this medicine (as a means) for the cure of pneumonia in my child when two years old. It has 15 3 often acted like magic in the relief of bronchitis of young chil- dren especially. 45M acts in a wonderful way in curing acute bronchitis of children. Great rattling of mucus in the chest. Chest oppressed, breathing rapid, cough frequent and loose. 45M. Child frequently wakes at night and rubs her nose so much and long that the parents are astonished. Have fre- quently verified this symptom. 45M caused symptoms of cold in the head, verified in very many cases. 45M caused sniffles in children. Symptoms of influenza. 45M. Remarkable in relieving the short and painful breath- ing of pneumonia. 45M given to boy, aged eight years, every two hours for a week, who had scrofulous ophthalmia, caused severe pain in the left side of the chest, breathing oppressed and painful like that of pleurisy. MENTHA-PIP.5C. Pharynx inflamed. Produced very sore throat, not swollen, simply dryness and redness; griping pain in median line below the umbilicus (4M); bowels a little loose, simply griping. MEPHITIS¹M Cured frequently very severe, hoarse, hollow, deep cough, with soreness in the chest (often verified); convulsive, teasing, tick- ling cough without expectoration. The medicine causes this cough in those not afflicted with it. MERCURIUS-CORROSIVUS³C¸ Curative in constipation, with so-called bilious condition. Sensation as if the mouth was scalded. Soreness of mucus membrane; frequently curative in bloody, painful diarrhoea of a chronic kind, dysentery, colic, rectal pains. 5C. After trying many remedies, this was the only one which cured bloody, frequent, offensive stools, mixed with mucus, with 16 great pain in the abdomen. This from my army experience. and subsequently. Left testicle swollen, or sensitive in some cases, soreness at sides of the waist, general weakness, no strength to work prop- erly, left hypochondrium worse than the right. MERC-PROT-IOD2C Given to cases of hard chancre caused a number of pimples to appear, changing to pustules resembling small-pox. Veri- fied this in a great number of cases. In children produced fre- quent green stools. 2C, constant tendency to hawk and spit, frequently cured this symptom with it. 2C, pressive pain in forehead, worse at night, feels as if bruised all over, espe- cially thighs; passes water seldom, but in very large quan- tities; it soon becomes turbid on standing. Feeling as of a great ball in the epigastrium. Frequently cured the symptom of urine turbid from excess of urates, and being alkaline. MERC-VIV 10M Chilly sensation, with general muscular soreness, mostly in his back; soreness in muscles laid him up for three days. 10M given to a girl six times a day for a week. Great sore- ness of the thighs to touch; same with the arms, can hardly raise them. Complete loss of appetite. Constipation at first. Free perspiration in some provers, which does not relieve the soreness. Sore all over, general shooting pains, can't bear the least noise, back pains him, aching from head to foot, left side of throat more sore than right. Highly curative in several cases of chronic ophthalmia. Great pain in forehead, and in top and back of his head. Excellent remedy where pus is in the anterior chamber of the eye, judging from my limited experience with it in this trouble. Merc-corros. has cured repeatedly scrofulous ophthal- mia, disposition to pimples about the face and body like small boils. 10M. Limbs ached all over, mostly on the right side, espe- 17 cially in the small of the back and at the sides; right shoulder joint pained him much, limbs sore to the touch, feverish. He is pained over the eyes when they are moved suddenly. Sore- ness within, from the larynx to ensiform cartilage; does not hurt him to breathe, but swallowing is painful because of swollen tonsils. MEZEREUMOSM 103M Highly curative in severe nervous headaches through the temples. Pains shooting through the eyeball to the back of the head. One of the best remedies in violent ciliary neuralgia, either from disease or after operation; relieves the pain in glau- coma, has been given it often with wonderfully good effect. MURIATIC-ACIDSC Heat on top of the head, piles, wants to lie abed, so tired; slight neuralgia on left side of head, slightly sick at stomach, some diarrhoea and pain in the bowels. MYRICA-CERIFERAM. Mist before the eyes, appearance as if of a flame before them. Can't see well. This remedy has not been proven enough to place much dependence on the symptoms. MYRTUS-COM.5C. Rheumatic-like pain in the armpits and shoulders; severe joint pains. Promptly relieved and cured distress and bearing- down sensation in uterus, with ovarian soreness. NATRUM-MUR.CM. Caused buzzing in ears in a number of cases. CM (Fincke) has cured a great number of cases of fever and ague given in water every two hours or eight times daily. CM had a wonderful effect in restoring vision in chronic as- thenopia. Cured symptom of spots in field of vision. CM caused sores in mouth resembling aphthæ, often verified. 2 18 E NITRIC ACID³c. Eyes weak, great soreness along the tibia, periosteum sensitive, had to wrap flannels on the legs to relieve the pain; piercing pain in the temples, sores (a crop of them) all around the mouth like small fever blisters. Oppressed chest, pain across both buttocks, throat slightly sore, gums sensitive, margin of the mouth covered with sores, rash over her face and forehead, small pimples, no appetite, vomits occa- sionally, bowels move twice daily, eyes excessively painful and felt too sore to use much, head feels hot; legs (left more than right) very sore in front from ankle to knee; within the nos- trils sore. Rapidly cured cases of syphilitic ulcerated sore throat, syph- ilitic white patches in the mouth, and many cases of chronic syphilitic ulcerations in various parts of the body, where Iodide of Potassium had been given without effect. NITRUM 5C Disposition to bite the lips; a nervous affection, crackling or clicking in ears. 5C arrested most violent attacks of asthma; relieved spas- modic breathing in heart affections. 5C cured a number of cases of painful menstruation, chronic cases, when the flow is delayed and scanty; uterine colic. NUX-MOSCHATA. It seemed as if the lower limbs were light as a feather; head feit light as if he had taken ether; numbness in the seat and down the thighs; flighty at night; chilly and feverish; diar- rhoea; small stools; straining. NUX-VOMICA 94M Passes water more freely; cured the burning on voiding it; relieved a dull, severe pain in epigastrium; felt as if the stom- ach was sore. 19 Head became clearer, cured a nervous state and sensation of falling when asleep; nervousness; disposition to nightmare; produced great sneezing; slight soreness in the throat and watery discharge from the nose; burning, scalding on passing urine; sore patches on mouth and tongue; coated tongue; can't use tobacco in any way; bowels costive (previously regular); gap- ing frequently, just as if a person were sleepy; confined him to bed; made him very sick; aches from the top to back of head and neck, which feels stiff; vomits his breakfast; has to force himself to eat. Frequently relieved the ill-effects of eye strain, asthenopia, and slight intolerance of light. OLEANDER5C. Sensation of numbness in upper and lower extremities. Have frequently verified this symptom. OXALISIM Frequent nose-bleed, not accustomed to this; reading affects her head and type becomes blurred; warm flushes; chilly and nervous; dragging sensations from hip to groin; feels as if every- thing in pelvis would be pressed out; urinates freely; pain in kidney so severe as to cause the prover to be bent to find some relief. PALLADIUM 20M Wakeful until two o'clock in the morning; headache across the top of his head from one ear to the other. Pain in head, just above and behind the tip of the right ear. PETROLEUMCM. Has cured very many cases of chronic eczema; parts seem excoriated; the knees feel tired; fatigued easily; thirsty; urinates frequently, and bowels disposed to be loose; slight, dry, hacking cough. 20 PHELLANDRIUM-AQUAT.5C. Giddy when lying down; nauseated; slight sore throat. PHOSPHORUSCM. Cured scintillations of light before the eyes. Cured some cases of weakness of sight (asthenopia). The prover is nervous, excitable, tremulous, has pain in the right side of the small of the back, cramps in the stomach, vivid dreams, burning pain in the small of the back, burning pain and cramps in stomach, vertigo and feeling of emptiness in the head. Mental effort causes fatigue. The burning in the stomach extends up to the œsopha- gus, verified this often ; a feeling of constriction; dryness of the fauces, bloated stomach, and abdomen. Choking, disposition to swallow constantly. Pain comes down line of sternum to epigastrium. PHYSOSTIGMA-VEN.CM Severe cramps in stomach, disposition to vomit, nausea, bowels very loose and light in color, watery stools with cramps. Attacks of trembling. Profuse perspiration, lasting a short time. PHYTOLACCA-DECAN47M. Tight, dry cough, attended with pain from middle of sternum through to the back. Cough aggravated by lying down. Swelling on and around the left ear and side of the face, like erysipelas; scalp sore, painful to touch. Chilly every morning; sleepy; bowels costive; skin dry; pain across kidneys; urine red and muddy. Joints of lower extremities ache. Dull pains across forehead; feels wretched on getting up; ache from shoulder to hip; sharp pains shooting through the ball of the eye on reading or writing; poor rest; appetite good. Painful red points on the tongue; great pain down the sides of the hips and thighs, knee and ankle joints. Pain in lower extremities causes her to cry out. It is constant in the right elbow joint, at intervals down the muscles of the forearm. 21 PIMPINELLA-SAX." Gurgling, frequent rumbling noise in abdomen; no pain; seems like formation of an undue amount of gas as in dyspeptic cases. PIX-LIQUIDA 5C. Expectoration constant and profuse, occasionally mixed with blood; gums sore and teeth sensitive; headache and sore scalp, left side of head more affected than the right; dryness and burning at root of nose, burning and tingling about nose. Cough and irritation of skin with disposition to scratch in all provers. PLANTAGO-MAJ.5€. Profuse sweat toward evening, followed by sleepy feeling. Awoke in a fright; passes mucus from bowels, which are dis- posed to be loose; rumbling in abdomen, flatulency; general weakness; seems as if everything was a burden. PLANTAGO-MINORIC. Burning pain across the buttocks; great soreness and throb- bing on top of the head, sensitive to touch; eyes are weak, not inflamed, vision blurred; bowels constipated; piles. Stiff neck, hardly able to turn it; pain in the lower part of abdomen; soreness in wrist joint (mostly right); little finger of right hand stiff; dry tongue; short breathed; pain in the back near waist; scalding sensation in passing water; stiff wrist and ends of fingers affected as if sore or sensitive. Symptoms developed on second day. She thinks she would choke and perhaps die, be- cause of dryness and constriction in throat. Spasms of muscles of extremities; suddenly breaks out in great heats; startled as if frightened for a moment or two; teeth become set or closed and she cannot open her mouth for a time; pains through her teeth; felt as if she needed air. Choking sensation. Swallow- ing is difficult, as if there were no power to force down the bolus. Sudden sharp pain through her head just above the ears, great soreness. Urine very dark in color. 22 -% Woman, given in water for three days, every two hours. "Suffering terribly in her right lower limb from the knees to the hip joint and then around to the back, not constant pain, but it comes quick as lightning with a zig-zag course, sometimes every few seconds and then perhaps after twenty to thirty minutes. She screams out. It leaves a soreness of the muscles." A physi- cian called in temporarily during her suffering diagnosed sciatica. Woman aged forty. Eyes affected in a way she can't explain, simply does not wish to use them. Urine appears like coffee. Taking medicine every half hour during the day for a fortnight. Seized during night with severe pain, like rheumatism; couldn't bear to touch the middle of arm, it is so sensitive; pain in fore- head; heat in hands and head; twisting pain in abdomen with a desire to move the bowels, she tries but accomplishes little. Piles bad, she can scarcely endure them, not subject to this. Her eyes are dim, as if looking through smoke. Watering of eyes. Symptoms are given in the language of the provers to convey, if possible, an idea of the spirit of the provings. PLUMB-ACET.¹ (F.). Caused very free, watery movements from the bowels six to eight times a day. I have found this remedy useful in consti- pation, when the stools were hard, dry, and difficult of expulsion and light in color. POLYGONUM-HYDROP.45M. Very sick at stomach; severe aching from her knees to her feet; restless in bed from pain in extremities; wakefulness; no appe- Face broken out in tite; aching in legs, and sensitiveness. pustules; bowels, which were constipated, move regularly; menses (had amenorrhoea) returned, but were scanty, and very dark; limbs ache, and chilly, followed by fever in the after- noon. PSORIN 42M Caused eczema, with disposition to crusts behind the ears; bowels always disposed to be loose, now costive, and cured com- pletely a young child's chronic deafness of a mild type. Eyes 23 watered and inflamed. Her eyes pained so she could scarcely open them. Sensitive over the eyebrows, down the nose, and back of the head. She complained mostly of her head. A young child who was always pale, sickly, and delicate, and who every few days was disposed to very loose bowels was cured of its diarrhoea in a short time by Psorin. Since then it has gained greatly in weight. Have often verified this. It is cura- tive in the diarrhoea of scrofulous children. Appetite much better. She must eat in middle of the night. Sharp pain at the right side, opposite tenth rib. More extended provings brought out following observations: Caused the nose to discharge freely, and cured a child's puru- lent otorrhoea. The latter symptom verified often. Caused soreness below middle of sternum on pressure; a great deal of flatulency; breathing oppressed; distress in epi- gastrium; bowels, that were regular, now constipated, frequently verified. Eyes and ears, symptoms as above. Slight burning on passing water. Pain through right groin. Her eczema much better. Lids of left eye greatly inflamed; lachrymation. Bowels loose; move four or five times a day; nervous; easily startled; pains across the epigastrium, and remain in the spleen, as soreness; severe pain in the head; pain in his ear so great as to confine him to bed four days; auricle much swollen. Cured several chronic cases of otorrhoea in adults. Soreness in jaw, right side, around the ear; could not open his mouth without great pain; could scarcely crowd his fingers between his teeth; tear-sac inflamed; epiphora. PULSATILLA CM Soreness within the chest at site of both nipples; giddiness; increase of mucus from throat. Very efficacious in curing old, fistulous openings in lachrymal sac; thick and yellow discharge. Chronic cases; many verifica- tions. Pain in his right groin, sharp; would come and go; was very severe; slept none for two nights with it; tears would run down his cheeks because of it. When he eats or drinks anything, it 1. P 12 24 causes cramps in pit of stomach; thirst for liquids of all kinds; crampy pains in abdomen, low down. RANUNCULUS-ACRIS 10M Stopped up in nose, burning in hands and face. Eyes very weak, and water very much. 10M. Eyes very itchy; light affects them much; roof of her mouth sore; sensation of lump in her throat; difficult to swal- low, as if tonsils were enlarged; legs hurt her very much from knees downward as if they were rheumatic; urine increased in quantity; disposed to pass it often, with symptoms of scalding along urethra. The urinary symptoms are the most prominent and constant. RHODODENDRON CM Toothache; facial neuralgia; all the teeth get loose; snags come away; gums much swollen. Astonishing cure of neuralgia; inferior and superior dental nerves; existing seven weeks; woman in agony; sleepless; first dose relieved her; been well ever since; gums swollen ; previous to this was under old-school treatment and had three sound molars removed without relief. Stiff neck; gums and teeth sore; pains various parts of body. Frequently cured facial neuralgia with sensitive teeth. RUMEX-CRISP. 45M. Caused a constant dry cough to be loose, and although chronic or lasting many months, and the woman disposed to consump- tion, it was greatly relieved in a week. Aching pain from the shoulder-blades all the way down the back to region of the kidneys; helps the cough of consumptive persons wonderfully; repeatedly verified. RHUS-TOX.105 M Gives great relief, and often curative in ciliary neuralgia, with severe pains through the eye, and in cheek-bones down the side of the nose over the eye, with intolerance of light. 25 Abdomen sore below the navel; sensitive calves; inflamed throat; tonsillitis; mouth sore; conjunctivitis; rheumatic pains in muscles and joints; intolerable and uncontrollable itching of the feet and legs (worse at night); constantly rubbing one foot against the other, so itchy; sleeplessness because of itching skin; skin covered with a red, uniform, solid rash; slight conjunc- tivitis. Rash developed in majority of provers. Cured many cases of scald head in children. The eruption covering the scalp and extending to the surrounding skin in some cases; curative in some cases of slight discharge from ears. Cured permanently many persons who had always been subject to muscular rheumatism. Removed chilblains; often verified. Not much use in ophthalmia where there is photophobia, but vice versa. This remedy, under certain conditions, must be the similar in hives, as well as in scarlet fever. SACCH-LACT.CM In the early part of proving, feels very badly; unfit for work; weak. Caused dizziness, nausea, and occasional vomiting; after taking the medicine for a week urine became scant and dark; have frequently cured vertigo, nausea, and nervousness with this remedy; head symptoms somewhat resemble Belladonna. SAP-SODA 2C. Soda soap 2C. Dull, heavy pain across the eyes, and fore- head; roughness in the skin; dry tetter; face looks swollen; with purple spots. I think the medicine produced a boil on a prover's left shoulder after taking it for a week. Cold in her chest ; all her joints ache; bottom of both heels ache; right one worse; feeling of tightness at middle of sternum; stiff and aching all over from head to foot; abdomen and chest feel sore and bruised; coughing painful; coughs a good deal; eyes very weak; reading is difficult; cured prover of dyspepsia, and bowels now constipated that were regular. 26 1 20. Great soreness in her right kidney; severe pain extend- ing down through her right groin and prevents her walking. SALVIA-OFF.50. Giddiness; sharp pains at the apex of the right lung, going through to the back; feels nauseated in the morning; pains around her waist and stomach; five free movements from her bowels from seven to nine o'clock in morning, then no more; gnawing at pit of stomach; the sensation rises upward toward the throat, and she is forced to take a deep breath to be relieved. SAMBUCUS-NIGRA.45M. Great swelling; heat and redness in glands of the neck accom- panied by soreness; improved defective hearing; restless at night. Symptoms of a common cold; eyes inflamed; rapid pulse; dry, hot skin; complete loss of appetite; general bruised feeling; tongue sore, and very much coated. Feeling of great general soreness, as if beaten; dull, frontal headache; high fever; erysipelas-like redness over the whole left side of the head; swelling of the ear; confined to the bed; vivid, frightening dreams; great soreness in the abdomen; bowels move twice daily; feels very tired; after slight exertion legs feel very weak; thirsty; pain in his abdomen keeps him awake; eating causes nausea. SANGUINARIA. 24M Soreness down the muscles of his back, on either side of spine; feels it more on breathing deeply; pain shifts about; sores around the margins of the gums; sores in roof of mouth. Feels suddenly warm; only lasts a few minutes; sharp, frontal headache. Did not make extended provings of this remedy. SANTONINE, 10TH DECIMAL TRITURATION. Has cured very many cases of scrofulous ophthalmia and pannus in children; corneitis; great intolerance of light; con- stant watering of eyes; relieved adults almost as quickly; chil- 27 dren cured usually had sore nostrils. Cured several cases of chronic otorrhoea with fistulous opening in mastoid cells. Caused coryza; sneezing at all times, day and night; have usually followed this medicine with Sulphur. Highly curative in nasal catarrh, of children particularly. SARRACENIA-PURP.2. Sharp pain through the right lung to his shoulder-blade, com- mencing three inches below right nipple, and running directly backward to scapula. Light-headed; weak; weakness between the shoulders, and below them; soreness in umbilicus; hungry all the time, even after meals. SASSAFRAS C Toothache; pain like a coal of fire on passing water; urine looks as if it had flakes of mucus in it; pain in both tubers ischii, and intense pain in both hip-joints; abdomen appears dis- tended, and considerable eructation. SCUTELLARIA 40M Causes marked nervousness and restlessness. This for years has been a favorite remedy with me for nervous, hysterical women. It quickly calms them. They feel soothed, easy, and rested, and the most prominent symptom is better, sounder, and more refreshing sleep. SECALE-CORNUTUM95M (F.). I have found this highly curative in varicose ulcers and en- larged veins of the lower extremities in old men and women where the ulcers have been of years' standing. Very useful in dry gangrene of the aged. It produces pains through the eyes, coming from over the forehead into his eyes, feels pains worse in his eyes than anywhere else; burning sensation in them. Very thirsty continually; soreness in the back of the neck; sen- sation as if he had been struck; had chills, never shook so in his life; chill from four A. M. until ten A. M.; chill worse in back. During chill severe muscular pains in extremities. 28 Neither fever nor sweat followed the chill. Vomited during the chill a quantity of bile. Has had frontal headache for a week. Worse in the afternoon. SENEGA5C Menses come on too soon. Gnawing pain in the left side at the waist. Nausea continually. Dry scraping sensation in pharynx. Hoarseness. SEPIAM Produced marked catarrhal conjunctivitis; quickly brought on the menses on a prover with amenorrhoea for five or six months; throbbing pains in top and back of the head. Left ovarian soreness and bearing-down sensation in the uterus. Have verified frequently the symptom of left ovarian soreness. Right ovary only slightly affected. SERPENTARIA50. Quite dizzy and weak; would fall if she didn't take hold of something; symptoms of cold in chest with cough; caused an eruption like a variety of eczema in patches, dry, scurfy, indu- rated skin. SILICEA CM Frequently cured hang-nails, " run-arounds," ulceration about the nails, toe-nail ulcers, with thin, offensive discharges; causes sensation of tightness across the abdomen; throbbing at the pit of the stomach; difficulty of expelling the stool; rectum seems paralyzed. Has often relieved pain in the left ovary. This symptom dis- covered accidentally while giving the remedy for other troubles.. SPIGELIA. Caused working, twitching, or spasmodic movements of eye- lids. Nervous condition of body generally. SPONGIA-TOST.CM. Watering of eyes; latterly gummy or mucous discharge, with obscured vision; dry cough; clearing of throat constantly. I 29 have found it generally the most effective remedy in true as well as spasmodic croup. STRONTIA-CARB,50. Severe pain from the knees to the ends of the toes; abdomen much swollen; uncomfortable fullness of abdomen; slight show of menses ever since her last period. Kind of a smothering as if she couldn't get her breath; dis- tress about or around her heart, as if pressed upon; couldn't rest; moaned at night; diarrhoea of a very violent and per- sistent kind; on the vessel every few moments; griping at the lower part of her abdomen and in rectum; pain on urinating; perfectly easy after four in the morning. Bowels that only moved twice a week now move three times. daily. This continued as long as medicine was taken. STANNUM 30M Provings on consumptives; occasionally through the day they were seized with a great weakness at epigastrium, and then felt hungry, but could not eat; sensation as if they would faint ; empty feeling at epigastrium; symptoms entirely new to the provers. STILLINGIA-SYL.45M. Fever at one o'clock P. M.; gets into a heavy sleep; perspi- ration toward morning; have not made a thorough proving of this remedy. STRAMONIUMCM Pain in loins; urine turbid, brown, and thick; very scanty; no force with it; proving was not pushed to extremes. This was the first symptom noticed. SULPH-ACID5C. Soreness between the scapula; feels tired; tight, dry cough, slight hacking. Acted like magic in curing bronchitis in chil- dren with short, teasing cough. Frequently verified latter symptom. 30 L : SULPHURCH and 45M. The most effectual of all remedies I have ever used in the many forms of brain disease and in extreme cases with uncon- sciousness, stupor, mostly of children, continued low fever, cases which look like death when Bell., Zinc., Hellebore, and Hyos. were of no service, Sulphur helped promptly. SULPHURC Heariness of the legs and thighs; so tired prover can scarcely walk; has to stop several times in walking up-stairs; caused emis- sions three times daily. This took place during the third week. Frequently cured seminal emissions. Cured many cases of otorrhoea after scarlet fever. Several cases of amenorrhoea in young girls with great debility. Parents fear the child is going into decline. Produces fearful hunger and craving for food, mostly for dinner. Can't go to bed or church without taking food with her. Caused turbid, yeasty urine in many of the cases. Great weakness in the legs. Can hardly go about. Wants to lie down. Great gnawing hunger. Unless she gets something to eat, almost faints. Sulph. has apparently cured epilepsy for me several times. Caused watery vomiting in some of the cases. Incredible as it may seem to those who have no experience with proving potentized remedies, I have frequently caused the most alarming symptoms with Sulphur high-a condition resembling paraplegia of the lower extremities. (Cured a case of vomiting, due to cerebral congestion from exposure to sun.) Highly cura- tive in young persons with scrofulous ophthalmia. Cured two bad cases of amblyopia, dimness of sight; one in a girl, the other in a man. When he or she picked up a paper to read, the letters had a double instead of a single stroke or line. This is the language of the prover. Mist before the eyes, both had the symptom as if they were blinded for an instant with a dark cloud before the eyes. Caused and cured constipation as well as dis- position to piles in nearly all the provers. Symptoms of the lower extremities given above were the most prominent. 31 SYMPHYTUM-OFF.C. Pains across his epigastrium from one side to the other; worse opposite the spleen and in walking; when sitting pain is severe about the navel; griping pain; headache sometimes in the occiput, and again in top of head, occasionally in forehead ; indefinable headache all over the head. Menses stopped; great deal of head- ache. Feeling of weight in the forehead constantly. Considerable fever, which comes and goes often during the day. Often com- plains of coldness, cramp, and diarrhœa ; nasal cavity sore, pick- ing at the nose; rubs her eyes; inflamed ears, feels as if some- thing was in them, stopped up, can't hear well, slight deafness; feeling miserably; generally weak and no desire or ability to be employed. TABACUMM Cured in the prover an unhealthy, pimply, sycotic skin, ex- isting a long time; numbness in left upper extremity, side of head, and ear; all puffed up about the abdomen; left sterno- mastoid muscle very painful to touch, with drawing pains; at times crampy muscular pains in different parts of the body. In swallowing and after the food passes down an aching would occur between the clavicles, up the left side of the neck into the left ear; feels as if the oesophagus was too small for food; always coughed after eating; slight sore throat became well in one day after taking the medicine; hot hands, heat on top of head, urine high-colored; tongue coated; feels weak and fainty, only last- ing a few minutes; nervousness; sleeplessness; sighing; anx- iety in left chest mostly. Cured in the prover a grunt-like clearing of the throat, com- ing on every few minutes; had been troubled off and on for years with it; caused anxiety and great restlessness, with flut- tering sensation of the heart, and attending nausea. Verified this a great many times. TARTAR-EMET. 45M Caused inflamed lids, catarrhal conjunctivitis, soreness all over the chest. Promptly cured on the prover long-lasting dys- 32 peptic symptoms, with loss of appetite, soreness in left hypo- chondrium. All the provers developed cough, which was con- stant and distressing; disposed to be loose; much expectoration. TELLURIUMSC. Neuralgia of the side of face and head, affecting the fifth pair of nerves; verified this symptom by cures; pain intermitting and severe; general neuralgic pains flying about and in various parts of the body, along course of the nerves. TEREBINTHINAIM Highly curative in piles; causes and cures conjunctivitis; one of the most effective remedies in early stages of gonorrhea, and as a remedy in gleet. Produced painful, burning urination, disposition to urinate every ten minutes, third day of proving. Caused burning in the uterus with severe bearing-down pain; heat all over her; craves drink; complains of heat in pelvis; abdomen is fuller than usual. I have found this to be a most valuable remedy in checking the profuse bleeding occurring often in cases of very large uterine fibroids; nostrils sore; disposed to bleed; cured frequently bloody stools; disposition to bleed from mucous sur- faces. Piles, bleeding and painful; symptoms of cold in the head; hearing affected; own voice (and others) sounds unnatural; right ear has moist discharge; sounding and humming in left ear as of a seashell held to ear; can't tell who the person is who speaks unless sees him ; talking loud is very painful to ears ; irritation passed from right to left ear; ear symptoms only de- veloped in a few provers. After proving the remedy four days, caused smothering feeling; never comes on in day, only at night, or about eleven P. M.; on going to bed, smothering feeling referred to ensiform cartilage, but mostly to the larynx; obstruction apparently there, which comes on whenever he lies down; then has a tight cough for an hour or so; difficulty of expelling the urine; frequent urination; small quantity passed. 33 Have frequently cured with this remedy wetting the bed at night, involuntary stools, disposition to pick the nose, and worms; children's complaints; bronchitis in the very young. THERIDION-CURASS.50. Frequent urination at night. Constipation, sore throat, last- ing a week; chilly; bones feel sore; difficulty of swallowing from enlarged tonsils; water scanty and high-colored. TRIFOLIUM-ALBUM.¹ IM Giddy; head and face feel hot; severe dyspepsia; coated tongue; constipation; skin rough and dry. THUJA-OCCIDENT.60M Loose bowels, four movements daily. Cured, in two or three weeks, warts on hands, existing fourteen years; hands covered with warts for years, cured in a few weeks; frequently cured long-lasting gleet, after gonorrhoea; troublesome, slight, long- lasting cough. TRIFOLIUM-PRAET.10M Complete aphonia, choking sensation always comes on toward night; feels as if something was obstructing the throat and should come away. No sore throat; couldn't speak above a whisper; has a desire to clear her throat, but not sore; gums spongy and sore; hoarseness. Have made repeated trials of this remedy in potentized and crude form in several varieties of cancer and without any good effect. Relieved constipation effectually; bowels were loose for a long while after taking the medicine. Eyes weak and watery. Dull headache over both eyes; shooting neuralgic pain in the teeth; cramp in the left sterno-mastoid muscle; drew his head to one side for a good while, and only relieved by great heat and rubbing; working, gnawing sensation, with much gas in his stomach; saliva seems sour; bowels which were greatly con- 3 • 34 stipated now regular; cleaned off a continually-coated tongue. Have often cured a common set of symptoms, bad breath, con- tinually coated tongue, loss of appetite; food does not have proper taste; constipation; stools dark and hard; soreness in small intestines, with much flatulence. TRIGONOCEPHALUS-PISCIVORUS. Poison of Trigonocephalus Piscivorus, 30th decimal, pre- pared by myself from specimens I caught on coast of Gulf of Mexico. Produced profuse and long-lasting, watery, compara- tively painless diarrhoea, and at times instant giddiness. Provers would fall in a faint or swoon and remain in that condition for a few moments. Some others would feel slightly nauseated and giddy. Great pallor. Highly curative in giddiness. TRILLIUM-PENDULUM10M Shooting pains through the chest ; symptoms of cold in the chest; aching of the muscles in general, as if from exposure to cold and dampness. Violent cramp-like pain at the end of the sternum, very severe and continuous for some days; later, as it became better, a sensation of pressure and squeezing remain, with some diffi- culty of breathing because of it; cramp-like pains on various parts of the body; worse at night. Variable symptoms in other provers counted out. These appeared to be constant. TRITICUM5C. Soreness in the middle of the sternum; pain catches him every time he coughs; constant coughing; always blowing his nose; pain across the front of chest, low down; sore to touch and pressure. Nostrils clogged with mucus. Soreness all along the sternum and in the stomach; pain runs through to the back from the sternum; itchy around the lower eyelids—they burn and sting; coughs a little, without expecto- ration. General soreness in chest. Symptoms of cold in head with some cough; much sneezing, 35 which strains him across the upper part of his chest; slightly hoarse, brings up with coughing some tough phlegm. Soreness across the upper part of the chest in all the provers. TROMBIDIUM15C. Dryness in the nose; snuffles without discharge. Rheumatic- like pains in toes of left foot; sensation of general heat all over the body, with oppressed breathing. Joints of extremities feel sore generally. TUSSILAGO-FARFARA¹M. Intolerable stupidity and sleepiness; impossible to keep awake; distended feeling from epigastrium downward; bowels much constipated. UVA-URSI.10M Feels weak, nauseated, sore all over as if bruised; pain in chest, cold in head, throat tickles, feels like coughing continu- ously; nasal mucous membrane appears raw; symptoms of a severe cold; excess of mucus in throat; no appetite; cutting sensation in urethra on urination; often cured hoarseness. VALERIANA-OFFICINALIS CM noth- More than doubled the amount of urine usually passed; ing peculiar about it other than being very light in color. This was the first prominent symptom. Great restlessness. VARIOLINUM 45M Has proven wonderfully successful in small-pox. I gave it to twenty cases at least during the epidemic of 1873, in Phila- delphia, and where exhibited early it had, I believe, a markedly modifying and curative effect on the disease. VERBASCUM-THAPSUS 45M Quickly cured severe soreness in the pharynx, felt on swal- lowing. This has occurred often; guided by a similar symp- tom produced by it. Sensation of heat in epigastrium as if from dyspepsia. 36 Violent diarrhoea on the third day after taking the medicine; eighteen to twenty movements daily; griping; a great deal of pain as if pierced with a lance; pain in both cheek bones and above her eyebrows; menses come on earlier; coughed a good deal; neuralgic pain in left ankle; cramps around the navel; seems as if the pain was caused by bowels becoming twisted 1; burning on passing water, which was voided often; heels hurt her severely; great stiffness in left ankle joint; more or less sore- ness and stiffness in the joints of the lower extremities. WISTERIASC. Very sharp pain across the small of the back, both sides; worse on walking; never had it before; would come on instantly and lame him. WOORARI 90M Nausea continually; vomits bile occasionally; feels very weak, not disposed to walk about; very bitter, disagreeable taste; lips and body dusky at first, with fever, afterward prover becomes very red in the face; sensation of hammering in the head; in- stant giddiness. No perspiration visible, but general continuous fever, but not very great. ZINC-SULPH.50. Had to arise in the night two or three times to pass water; mouth felt and was sore; tongue sore; general dull and listless feeling, with no appetite. Complained of having severe dys- pepsia, like a load in epigastrium. No eructations. ZINC-OXIDE20. Persistent tight cough mostly at night; dull pain in chest ; free expectoration of tough mucus; nausea; mouth and tongue very sore; lips chapped in spots as large as the end of the finger; highly curative in certain forms of ulceration or inflam- mation of the cornea, particularly in scrofulous children with cough and dyspepsia. With disposition to ulceration of skin. Skin rough. Sore patches. 37 ZINGIBERCM Loose bowels and griping stools, movements which were previously dark and hard, are now light in color. Nausea. Constant eructations of wind-not particles of food. II. By reason of a misunderstanding the following were not placed in the usual alphabetical order. BAPTISIA-TINC.6. Cured sore throat, enlarged tonsils; caused chilly and feverish sensations followed by sweat; somewhat later symptoms like intermittent fever; aches from his finger ends to his toes; very weak, sensation of fullness in stomach; eyes sensitive to light; checked disposition to sweat in hot weather. Passes water often, with scalding sensation; bulk of urine is clear, with film on it of variegated colors after standing; deposit of uric acid is seen after few hours in the bottom of the vessel; the whole larynx externally is very sore; speech and swallowing painful; feels as if she must expectorate; eyeballs sensitive; could not bear much light; soreness in right ear, and running down the neck; neck feels so tired that she cannot hold herself easy in any position. BARYTA-CARB.CM Sore throat; inflamed and enlarged tonsils; cured chronic inflammation of cervical glands mostly on the right side; had been very obstinate and resisted other treatment. BELLADONNA 101M Given in cases of chronic conjunctivitis causes a sensation of burning in the eye, and feeling in the cheek bones as if scalded; has often helped the severe pain in cases of hip-joint disease. Relieved chronic enlargement of cervical glands of many years' duration. Woman, aged thirty, troubled since childhood; glands very large; had been treated off and on for years without benefit. 38 Produced rash-like scarlet-fever with severe tonsillitis, in sev- eral cases. Swollen lips and cheeks; pain over the eyes; thirst; sensation as of a swelling or lump in throat; vomiting, soreness in region of liver; bowels loose; sick and fainty very often; can scarcely keep anything in the stomach. Feeling of great pressure at middle of sternum. Produced symptoms of mania with disposition to violence in a case of advanced pulmonary consumption. With difficulty keeps any food in the stomach; too weak to hold his head up long; passes water freely; exceedingly cross; ill-tempered; drowsy ; but cannot get sound sleep; bowels con- stipated very much; stools dark and hard; tongue coated white; uneasy; restless; rouses up and screams; starts and screams as if frightened; boy, aged six; verified in cases of other children; sick and fainty; vomits nearly everything; becomes at times as white as a sheet. Has cured vomiting often, particularly the vomiting of preg- nancy. Relieved enuresis in two weeks occurring in a boy, aged thirteen, who had been troubled since infancy. Aching pain in all the teeth like dull toothache; mostly on left side; teeth feel sore to touch; great thirst; does not care much for food; wants to drink, which does not satisfy; burning sensation in pit of stomach; water nauseates him. BENZOIC-ACIDUM, Given and curative because of excess of phosphates in the urine. A severe, aching pain in occipital region, or cerebel- lum, was cured in a few hours, which had confined the young man to bed for three weeks. BORAX3M Pain across his forehead for three days, with giddiness; then it passed to top of his head; giddy continually; soreness both sides of his neck; extending over the front of his chest; very severe in the middle of his sternum; cramps in the calves of leg. • . 39 BROMINECM Headache all week; hammering sensation in the temples and top of the head; aching in both knee-joints; scanty urine; tur- bid, light in color; sensation of swelling in the throat; feels badly in a general way. Caused very sore throat; tonsils very red. BRYONIA-ALB.103M Severe pain in pit of stomach; general distress in epigastrium; bowels that were constipated more regular; nausea and general aching, with soreness in muscles. BUFO45M Severe sore throat; tonsils painful; swallowing at meals caused much suffering. Frequently verified. BURSA-PASTORIS⁹. Throat slightly sore; dryness of mouth; tonsillitis, tonsils swollen out even on a line with the angle of the jaw in one case ; teeth sensitive when she shuts down on them; gums spongy; neuralgic feeling in teeth; slight ranula appeared. The girl had menstruated the week before, scantily, but it came on very profusely; she previously had amenorrhoea for some months. Slight sore throat; hoarse in the morning; peculiar pain between the end of sternum and umbilicus, like pricking of needles. Slight headache; pharynx sore; pain in stomach, felt generally as if he would be sick; nauseated; lips slightly sore; his finger joints hurt him greatly, as if rheumatic, and his urine burned in passing; pain in his left shoulder, so great that he thought his neck and shoulder would break. An abscess appeared on his finger on the tenth day; he then stopped the medicine for eighteen days; on resuming it in water, the upper portion of his throat became very sore, and the gums of upper and lower jaw on the inside felt as if full of blisters; crampish pain in stomach; toes hurt him; of course he did not know he was proving, and was made very sick. Swelling of the throat and face on left side, mostly; violent * 40 : fever; throat painful; oppressed breathing during the fever; slight deafness and pain in the left ear; free discharge of blood and mucus from the left nostril; general bruised feeling. CALENDULA-OFF.45M. Urine greatly diminished in quantity; left internal ear ached severely; piercing headache; eyes pained him because of the headache, CHELIDONIUM-MAJUS5C. On sixth day, vomited his breakfast, then took a chill, which confined him to bed for a day. After that took no more medi- cine. CROTON-TIGLIUM45M. Vomiting; very sore throat, felt mostly in the effort of swal- lowing; constant nausea and burning sensation in stomach. CICHORIUM-INTYBUS5C. Cured promptly two cases of hoarseness and pharyngitis ; coughed a good deal night and morning. CALENDULA 45M Face puffy and swollen particularly under the eyes. Several provers. Urine greatly diminished; left ear ached internally very much; discharge from ear; splitting headache; eyes pained him because of headache. Feels as if he would fall from a height when dropping asleep; urine diminished greatly in all the provers, male and female; less than half the usual quantity was passed. CANCER-FLUV.50. It pains him to turn his eyes; giddy, nervous crawls all over his body. One prover, given every hour for a week. CAPSICUM-ANUUMIM. Produced a most severe attack of watery diarrhoea with cramps; neuralgic headache all over his head; coming on every little while; lasting but a short time; has to shut his eyes, aggravated by light. 41 Fre CARB-SULPH. 45M Pain seizes her, and comes so quickly as to cause a sudden jerk; pain begins at left elbow and runs down the left side to the foot. One prover. Only permanent symptom devel- oped after taking medicine a week. CAULOPHYLLUM-THAL.5M. Produces hoarseness and loss of voice; caused pain and sore- ness in the ovarian region, mostly on left side; bearing-down sensation; frequently cures leucorrhoea, pain across sacrum, uterine and ovarian distress. In two cases of barrenness exist- ing for years, when the medicine had been given for a long time, both conceived and bore children. I have found it a very reliable remedy in ovarian pain and soreness. CHAMOMILLA 94M (ANTHEMIS). One prover.-Child cries day and night; nothing pacifies it; disturbs everybody in the neighborhood; neighbors on both sides come in to see "what is up;" cries all night; had given it medicine every half-hour during the day for two days; fre- quently cured this symptom of crying in children with Chamo- milla; child cries a great deal; cross and peevish without having any other ailment; no fever; fretfulness produced in a number of children. CHELON-GLAB. (F.). Flesh was so sore it seemed as if the skin was off her elbow; other joints affected in a less degree. One prover. CALC-CARB.97M Frequently cured cases of marasmus in very young children with this remedy; they appear old, wasted, thin, especially those who had bronchitis without diarrhoea and without vomit- ing, when Sulph., Lyc., Laurocerasus, etc., did no good. CARBOLIC-ACID 45. Promptly cured dry, scaly eczema of face, upper and lower extremities, of ten years' standing, which had resisted previous treatment of both schools. 42 CADMIUM-SULPH.5. Too frequent seminal emissions often checked by it. Not pushed as a proving. CHINA-OFF.87M Exceedingly nervous and sensitive, pains generally all over; frequently verified the symptom of over-sensitiveness to pain or noises. CICHORIUM-INTYBUS.5C. Neuralgia down the side of the neck, right side mostly. CIMICIFUGA-RAC.9 95M Medicine given for three weeks every two hours caused pains all through her lower limbs, something of the character of growing pains in young persons, only a great deal worse; com- plete loss of appetite, backache, in small of back; fever every afternoon between twelve and four; menses (usually very reg- ular) delayed three weeks, coughs at night, sleeps badly, legs mostly affected; heaviness in lower extremities. CLEMATIS-VIRG.5C. Have given this often with success in orchitis. COFFEA-CRUDA 70M Quickly cured a case of violent hysterical convulsions in a young girl. The disease had been of long standing. Patient had been confined to room and bed for some weeks. No other remedy given. COLLINSONIA-CAN. 45M Distress in the epigastrium; feeling of weight and pressure, with flatulency; disposition to piles. CHLORAL-HYDRAT.CM. Caused constant urination, attended with pain and scalding sensation; nervous, irritable, and restless. 43 CONIUM-MACULATUM³. Troublesome, teasing cough, no expectoration. CAMPHOR SOM Promptly helped many times the watery diarrhoea of children, sudden nausea, with severe profuse vomiting; inferior to Creo- sote in cholera infantum. CORNUS-FLORIDA 45M Neuralgic sharp pains began on right elbow, extending to the hand and shoulder, passing down the right side and then up the left ; pain settled about the heart, causing feeling of pressure and palpitation; couldn't use the arm because of pain and lame- ness, hands and feet appeared swollen, and the pains were of a dart- ing, needle-like kind, very severe; difficulty of passing water, no force to it. Left eye very weak, waters readily, vision appears slightly obscured; elbows and wrist påin her, aching at the waist, as if she would break in two, to use her own language; sighs very often, gagged as if she would vomit; frequently in the morning chilly sensations come on, although she does not wish to be covered; pains run up the whole left side of the trunk, or body, like lightning, seems as if it would give her a twist or jerk while coming on. Sweat just rolls down from her, chilly, warm sensation, alternating with cramps from the sides of her waist running toward the pubes, sleepy but could scarcely sleep, all night. Had to get up and look out of the window at night, she was so sleepless; couldn't sleep in the day-time, continual slight perspiration. CRESOTUMCM (BEECHWOOD). Produces an isolated pimply rash on the face in many provers. I have made remarkable cures in both sexes of chronic periodi- cal headaches in frontal region, piercing pain, where welts or swellings would come on the scalp after the suffering existed some time; not useful in congestive headaches. Small red pap- ules about the lower part of the face and neck; remarkably 44 curative in ailments of teething, particularly in hot weather; vomiting and frequent green stools. CUPRUM-ACET.45M Cramp in stomach, but mostly low down toward the inguinal region, as if the parts would open, or, as if she would be torn apart. Slight headache in the temples, worse at junction of occipital with both parietal bones; aching pain in head, and scalp sore to touch; feels as if she had a load through the apex of both lungs. Inner side of knees feel sore, and ankles hurts her, tongue coated with thick fur. Very disagreeable taste, bowels rather costive, which were loose; somewhat sleepless; aching and sore- ness down the outside of the left thigh and leg from the hip to the foot, right not much affected. Sharp pains, with soreness to touch on both malar bones. Throat very sore, hurts her severely, tries to raise phlegm but gets up little, taste is like something putrid, singular feeling all over her, don't last long, can't explain it, feels as if she is moving without making any personal effort. Feels as if her back at the top of her sacrum would break, severe pain and cramp in abdo- men. She is always worse in afternoon and evening and better in forenoon. CUPRUM-MET. 3M Male prover. Backache at top of sacrum, severe griping and spasm about the region of the heart, head troubles him with a confused feeling. CACTUS-GRAND.CM Feeling about the heart as if it were compressed, anxiety, sighing, breathing, short breathing on the least exertion. COBALT-CHLORIDECM Tingling sensations in the feet as if asleep, sometimes like pricking of needles; circulation imperfect. 45 CAUSTICUM 30M Profuse ropy, clear discharge from vagina, pain in her left hip- joint, commenced in an instant, as if her hip was suddenly hurt, soreness to touch on the front of the forearms, but lower ex- tremities mostly affected; symptoms of a bad cold, coughed much, then a constant sniffling discharge from the nose, eyes water a good deal, light and heat of the fire hurt her eyes, feels sometimes as if there was excessive heat in her forehead. Coughed so much she thinks it affected her bowels, made them sore, cough strains her whole body. Cured a large syphilitic (?) ulcer on scrotum, throat became sore, appetite diminished. Complained of constant coldness, and had shivering sensations while taking the remedy. Severe pain at each parietal protuberance, with repetition of general symptoms mentioned in paragraph above. Given to a prover, relieved obstinate constipation, bowels now move more regularly and almost daily. CIMICIFUGA-RAC. 95 M Relieved pains in abdomen, uterus, and distress about the heart, also severe bearing-down sensation, occurring in a preg- nant woman who had been suffering a long time. CARB-VEG.76M and Caused watery diarrhoea, with griping on fourth day, lasted three days; acute pain from right shoulder to elbow, ex- tremity quite lame. Slight urethritis in the male. Lacks sufficient confirmation to be sure of this. CINA 12C. Violent coughing, lasting a great part of the night, as if she should strangle; lacking confirmation, but believed to be reliable because a similar cough has been often relieved by this remedy. 46 CAMPHOR80M Hemorrhage from the nose, occurring once a day or oftener; difficult to check, weakens him very much, never troubled so before; verified this often in many provers of Camphor. It is one of the most effective remedies in persistent nose-bleeding. CUPRI-ACETAS45M Cured an old case of scrofulous ophthalmia in a child when other remedies failed. This I have often verified. COCHLEARIA-ARM.10M Profuse painless diarrhoea, not sick with it, hungry feeling, unnatural craving for food. COPAIBA CM Given in water every two hours produced after several days symptoms of strangury in a male; caused burning sensation in pharynx and tickling cough without expectoration. DIGITALIS-PURPUREA CM. Produced throbbing in every part of the body when touched; free diarrhoea; choking when he tries to swallow; thirst; great weakness in chest; constant disposition to void urine; does not wish to use his voice, because of feeling of exhaustion in chest. DIGITALIS CM He coughs constantly at night, three hours at a time, as he states. Many provers say they cough a great deal day and night; raise phlegm; never did cough so before. DRACONTIUM-FOETIDUM 10M Cured severe aching pain in her left shoulder, constant belch-. ing and rumbling of wind in abdomen. The peculiar noise in 47 the abdomen was like the gurgling of water, and could be heard over the room. DOLICHOS-PRURIENS20. Head feels as if it would separate, it pains so, aching through the apices of both lungs, bruised pain in left inguinal region, soreness below the umbilicus. The prover, a child with spinal curvature, had been subject to severe intestinal colic, occurring every few weeks, and which began five years ago; cure of colic was permanent and complete. The other symptoms developed were not recorded, because not confirmed by further provings. DORYPHORA-DECEMLINEATA¹5M. Soreness in and oppression of the chest ; inflamed throat. EUPATORUM-PERFOLIATUMCM. Oppression at the middle of the sternum; feels as if some- thing was pressing against his heart; palpitation; pains her to get and take a full breath; chest oppressed; symptoms of bron- chitis; sharp pain in the eyes as if needles were being inserted ; attacks of chills in the morning, no fever, unable to get warm, so chilly; eyes not inflamed; throat dry; becomes at times hoarse and loses her voice; oppression in chest very great; sharp burn- ing pain in the feet; could not keep her shoes on sometimes while pain in feet lasted; feet seemed swollen; frequent short, dry cough; sharp pain in left ankle, hip, and shoulder, come on instantly and go away as quickly; weak and sick. Hoarseness.—Prover, aged forty-five, general muscular sore- ness, worse in left ankle, left hip, left shoulder; hoarseness very great, can hardly talk; loses his voice; the trouble has passed down into his chest ; hoarseness is greatest in the morning when he gets up; sudden violent contraction of the muscles of the right cheek; symptoms confirmed as to hoarseness and chest distress. 48 ERIGERION-CAN.45M Checked uterine hemorrhages of long duration when other remedies did no good. This I have verified many times. Tur- pentine high has about the same effect. ERECTHITES-HIERACIFOLIA' 10M Stitches in the middle of the back; cold feeling in the back and legs. ERECTHITES10M Pain and soreness across the lumbar region. Sore throat; legs feel stiff and painful, and aching across the small of her back. EUPION45M Region of stomach felt internally sore and distended; not ex- ternal soreness; pains under both short ribs. EUONYMUS-ATROP.10M Urine increased; passes a great quantity at a time. ETHER-SULPHURICC. Remarkable effect in quickly curing severe neuralgia of the head in a woman aged sixty; been confined to bed weeks with it; had raised welts or swellings on scalp like ridges, accom- panying the pain. EUPATORUM-PERF. см. Sharp pain through the right chest when he breathes deeply; feels at night as if he was going out of his mind; disturbed breathing frightens him; effect of the medicine after a week. FERRUM-MET.80M Believed to control hemorrhages in one disposed to consump- tion; had slight bleedings every week or two, but ceased entirely on exhibition of the remedy. 49 Nausea; vomited daily for three days after taking the medi- cine, never did so before; stopped the proving. Rash like measles in a woman aged thirty-seven; hands felt as if she couldn't shut them because of a swollen sensation. Controlled or stopped slight hemorrhages from the lungs and daily spitting of blood in young girl. FERRI-CARB.50M Child aged seven years, four days' proving. Face sud- denly red and purple, then pale; rest of body cold; extremities affected in a similar manner, alternating with slight fever and chilliness; changes are very rapid; stopped the medicine; have verified this in other provers. FILIX-MAS.IM. Lost his appetite; if he eats anything he is inclined to reject it soon after being swallowed; giddiness. FORMICA-RUFAM Pains down the anterior surface of both arms; worse about the elbow, as if bruised; felt as if she was going to smother; throat very sore; eyes and head very much affected; diffi- cult to think or use her eyes well; chest internally felt badly from the nipples upwards; as if she would raise a quantity of mucus; sensation as if she would have quinsy; left side of throat worse than right; cough very troublesome; cough strains her; it is so severe and constant. Lower extremities felt as if she had no power in them; sore and tired sensation across the abdomen below the navel, as if bruised; tired feeling in the back; felt slightly giddy. FLUORIC-ACID45M. Pain in eyeballs; hacking cough; sharp pain through temples. 4 50 GINSENG 46M Soreness across his abdomen; severe pain on either side of the top of the head, which caused him to shut his eyes; ringing in his ears; hiccoughing all day, off and on. Sneezing; blowing his nose; became hoarse coughing; sensa- tion of cold in chest; sharp pain in lungs, bowels loose, grip- ing pain in abdomen. GUAIACUM5C Violent fever; her face became spotted, red blotches; eyes, nose, and cheeks have swollen appearance; tight, dry cough. muscles and joints of extremities sensitive. GLANDERINE¹20. Feet feel sore and tired; pains her every step she takes, par- ticularly on the soles of her feet; right arm very sensitive; anterior surface of the elbow sore to touch; no nose or throat symptoms developed that were prominent. GUMMI-GUTTI. Left ear ringing constantly; sometimes hissing sensation, as of blowing off steam; right ear slightly affected. GELSEMIUM-SEMPER. CM Her thighs were sore and sensitive to the touch; left more sensitive than the right; pains were all relieved when in a perspiration. This remedy cured the prover in three weeks. She had wry neck and was almost paralyzed; worse on left side; head drawn to the left side; inability to move the thighs but little; unable to get her hands to her head; had been in this way for several months; the subject of regular treatment for nearly a year pre- vious to taking Gelsemium. Symptoms of another prover— eyes water, and inflamed; coughs a good deal during the night; left ear discharged a little; had not previously done so; caused very loose bowels; prover a weak, nervous woman, with glau- coma. 51 GETTYSBURG SPRING WATER 45M Bowels that were regular, now costive. Another, bowels now loose, three to four times a day, that were costive; hoarse, dry cough, as if from a scraped condition of throat. This is the language of the prover. Pains in both shoulders and left knee; seminal emissions. Urine profuse. Sleepy and drowsy during the day. A good deal of pain in upper left chest in front; pains her when she takes a deep breath. Verified over and over again its good effect in muddy urine excess of urates, in frequent urination, in hip-joint disease, and rheumatic gout. GRAPHITESCM Curative in provers with tinea tarsi. Improved dimness of sight, caused by unhealthy secretion about eyelids. HAMAMELIS-VIRG.10M Knocking, hammering sensation over left eye; throbbing sensation within the head; flushed face; inability to think well. HYPERICUM-PERFOL.45M Child nauseated; complains of great pain in stomach; sick whenever it eats; bowels loose, two to three times daily. Cured a prover having articular rheumatism (knees mostly) with great effusion around the joint, and muddy urine, which, in a few hours, looked like the settlings of beer. Caused severe pain in the last phalanges of the fingers, mostly thumb, fore, and little finger. Constant eructations night as well as day. Verified frequently its curative ac- tion in articular rheumatism and pains, affecting small joints. Sores inside the nose, itchy, continually picking it. This symptom was noticed in many provers. Cured eructations, caused severe cholera morbus on the third day, which con- tinued several days. Stye on lower left eyelid, muscles sore, bruised feeling. When she took her shoes off found her 52 feet much swollen, urine greatly diminished in amount, re- mained so for three days after stopping medicine. Fearful sharp pain in knees, could hardly touch them (symptoms after two weeks, medicine eight times a day). This was the most promi- nent symptom. Next in importance was his head trouble—dull pain; pains shoot through his fingers as if they were becoming sore. Another prover, rheumatic woman, never passed so much water in her life, had to get up five or six times in night; great quantities at a time. Gave her relief from rheumatism. HELLEBORECM. Pain within the chest under the left nipple, general muscu- lar soreness, forced her menses on before the time, had to get up at night to pass urine. Another prover-cured painful straining, constant desire to pass water with burning; don't need to get up at night to pass it as formerly, cured that symptom. Scanty urine in one prover, where the secretion has been free. HEPAR-SULPII.CM. Did no good given alone in a case of real croup, with some sore throat Spongia2 afterward quickly cured the case. Veri- fied this action of Spongia often; partial loss of voice existed in these cases. HYDROPHOBINUM¹M. Fever, no chill, pulse continuously rapid, no appetite, thirst, very sleepy, constant desire for cold drinks, which are swallowed without difficulty. HYOSCYAMUSCM Cured permanently a child which would sob and cry a great deal at night in her sleep without awaking; chronic symptom, slight ague like chill every other day at eleven o'clock, with fever and sweat. In several provers caused stupefying headache continu- ously, cannot bear the least noise or to be talked to, eyes sensi- tive to light. 53 IODINE¹7M Nose discharges clear mucus; considerable fever, no appetite; hot, dry skin all day long, creepy sensation, face fiery-red, pain in occiput and temples, teeth sticky with adhesive saliva. Promptly curative in the marasmus of a child thirteen months old, who had with it a moist eczema about the anus and inside of thighs, and aptha. Creosote was given later in case there was a disposition to diarrhoea. III-Repertory. SIDES, GENERAL SYMPTOMS BACK AND NECK. ERECTHITES 10M Pain and soreness across the small of the back. (SAPO-CAST) 10th decimal. Frequent sensations commenced like an electric shock from small of back, ran up the spine to the head and thence to epigastrium; chilly in the back with tired and sore feeling there ARSENIC 6M Dorsum painful; soreness and pain across buttocks, extending into head and right shoulder, and whole right side feels as if swollen. Fainty; great weakness; giddy; dizzy. Compelled to lie down frequently, so weak. 11C PLANTAGO-MINOR ¹¹C. Burning pain across the buttocks, often verified. MURIATIC-ACID 50. Wants to lie abed most of the day, so tired. WOORARI 90M Her lips appear to get blue, accompanied with fever, which. comes and goes. 54 SULPH-AC.5C Feels tired and exhausted; soreness between the scapulæ. SAPO-SODA 20 All her joints ache; stiff and aching from head to foot. WISTERIA 5C. Sudden and severe sharp pain across the small of the back on both sides of it; never had this before, couldn't stoop, pain would seize her so quickly. PSORINUM 42M Severe pain at the right side opposite tenth rib. SENEGA5C She has to press in at her left side over tenth rib to find relief it hurts her so; gnawing pain relieved by deep, continued pres- sure. SANGUINARIA 24M Soreness down the muscles of his back; feels it mostly on breathing; pain shifts about. TEREBINTH. 17M. Sharp pain in small of the back; lumbar region. ADEPS 1M Acute pain between last bone of lumbar vertebræ and sacrum. AGARICUS-MUSC.47M General muscular stiffness; back of neck mostly affected. APOCYNUM-CANN.6. General stiffness of the legs and body; bends his body with great difficulty. ARANEA-DIAD.45M Her back is so painful she cannot sleep well because of it, hurts her continually. Felt very tired; feels as if she would drop after very little exertion. 55 ARSENIC 6 Sensation of fainting caused in many provers; symptoms more marked when out in the air. AURUM-MUR. 5M General severe backache. BELL.101M Soreness in region of liver and above the epigastrium. BURSA-PASTORIS 9M. General bruised feeling throughout the body. CANCER-ASTAC 5C Nervous movements all over his body. CIMICIFUGA-RAC.95M Backache mostly in the small of the back, across the loins. CORNUS-FLORIDA 45M. Very severe aching pain on both sides of the waist line. Pains run up the left side of the trunk like the shock from a battery; pains cause violent contraction of the body. Cramps from the side of the waist extending toward the ovary. COCHLEARIA-ARMORA 10M. Severe contractive sensation in left iliac region. CUPRUM-ACET.45M. Sensation on the fourth day as if the top of her sacrum was injured; backache referred to upper part of the sacrum in sev- eral provers. DIGITALIS-PURP.CM. Produced throbbing in every part of the body, aggravated by pressure; frequent painless watery stools. ERECHTHITES-HIERA 10M Stitches in the middle of the back; cold feelings in back and legs. 56 EUPATORIUM-PERFOL. CM Pains all over him, somewhat similar to muscular rheuma- tism. FORMICA-RUFA 45M Tired feeling referred to his back; felt slightly giddy. HYPERICUM-PERF. 45M Flesh sore and bruised all over the body. This symptom occurred in all the provers, and was not long lasting. KALI-CARB.24M. Violent pain in the small of the back; wants the back pressed, because it brings relief; bearing-down sensation in the pelvis. LACH.CM Rolling from side to side in bed, can't stop it; complete or uncontrollable restlessness; desire to be in the open air; sensa- tion of constriction about the throat. LINARIA-VULG.20. Fainty feeling three or four times daily; fainted completely away once. This never happened before, prover was however weakly. Produced fainting in another case; man otherwise in fair health, no other severe symptom; free and frequent urina- tion. MERC.-VIV. 101M Sore, bruised sensation all over the body; pains shoot about in various parts; can't bear the least noise; loins pain him; aching from head to foot; left side of throat sore, tonsil sensi- tive. 2C JASPIS 20. Aching in region of kidneys; slight dyspeptic symptoms; eructations; distress at the epigastrium. MERC.-IOD.20. Feels as if generally bruised; dryness of throat with sore- ness; constant disposition to swallow; ptyalism. 57 ARSENIC 6M 6. As soon as he makes when lying down this anxiety. an effort to move, he feels very weak ; passes away; nausea; sleeplessness and NITRIC-ACID 50 Soreness across both buttocks. PHOSPHORUS CM. Nervous, excitable; backache; burning sensation in the throat and stomach; pains in the right side of the small of the back, mostly. PHYTOLACCA-DECAN.47M. Pain and soreness across kidneys, felt mostly on deep pres- sure, and extending to buttocks as well; dull pain across fore- head; can't stand in morning; feels wretched on getting up; aching from shoulders to hips. PLANTAGO-MIN.11C Pain in his back; severe burning pain across her buttocks; thinks she ought to raise herself out of bed to be relieved; twitching of the muscles of the extremities generally. RATANHIA. Feels very weak; confused mentally, even while doing simplest things. UVA-URSI 10M Slight symptoms of cold in the head; general muscular sore- ness as if bruised; soreness in the chest walls. MERC-CORR.5C Feeling of exhaustion; left side mostly affected; has not strength to work; soreness at the waist; left side mostly. RHUS-TOX.105M Caused rheumatic pains; produced such intolerable itching all over the body that it was nearly unbearable; constantly 58 rubbing and scratching to relieve the general itching of the skin; skin reddens on the least rubbing, and disposed to raise in welts. SAMBUCUS-NIG.45M. Soreness and aching in the muscles generally. SARRACENIA-PURP.2M. Feeling of great weakness and soreness between the shoulders. and below them. STRONTIA-CARB.50. Chilly, creepy sensations about the small of her back, which is slightly sensitive and painful. MERC-VIR. 101M Aching in the lower extremities, at the waist and small of the back. DIGIT-PURP.CM Severe aching in lumbar region; preventing natural sleep. Rash like rotheln. ers, mostly children. SKIN SYMPTOMS. ACONITE50M This has occurred in a number of prov- AMMON-CARB.50. In ten days produced a rash like scarlet fever, with a great deal of heat and fever; the skin feels hot, dry, and rough. AGARIC 2M Little hard, red points like flea bites over the body, lasting but a short time and again reappearing. 59 ARNICA-MONT.6C. Given every hour for two weeks produced in one prover a rash at first like measles, latterly more like scarlatina, followėd in a few days by a crop of small boils, half the size of a pea, over the face and in less quantity scattered over the trunk. ARUM-TRIF.16M Little round, hard, red papules the size of a pin-head all over the skin of the body; extremities mostly affected. AILANTHUS-GLAND.45M Disposition to scratch; skin raises in great welts or blotches; intolerable itching; she feels as if she would like to tear herself to pieces; ears greatly inflamed, itchy, red, scarlet, swollen; touching or scratching irritates the skin; worse at night, later in the proving a crop of sores on the lip. BELL 101M Solid, bright, red rash over the whole body; dryness of the throat; swollen tonsils; flighty, vivid, frightening dreams. KALI-HYD.CM Cured very many cases of syphilitic rupea; syphiloderms; scaly eruptions-old indolent ulcers on the shins mostly- chronic hoarseness; blinding headaches attended with soreness of scalp and bones of the head. Inflamed eye-lids. LITHIA-CARB." 5C Wonderful remedy in barber's itch; ring worm; circular and furfuraceous patches in the skin, causes symptoms similar to this and cures them; produced in children a rough rash all over the body, skin itchy but dry, rough and sensitive—the face and both cheeks are covered with dry, broad scales. 60 MERCURIUS-PROTO-IOD.20. Eruption papular, mostly like the initial stage of small-pox. Verified this a great many times. PETROL.CM. Have cured a very great many cases of the various forms of eczema with this; its action is best seen when the eruption is moist, disposed to raise in welts, and skin discharges freely. It produces a tickling cough and painless diarrhoea. RHUS-TOX. 105M Skin covered with a red measly rash all over; very itchy; wonderfully curative in cutaneous erysipelas. SAP-SODA 2C. Dryness in skin; fur-fur; purple-colored papules which degenerated into pustules. The latter symptom noticed in a few provers. SERPENTARIA-VIRG.50. Caused an eruption which looks like eczema; dry, hard, scurfy and in patches. THUJA-OCCID 60M Frequently verified the observations of others in noticing warts disappear after the use of this remedy. SYMPTOMS OF SLEEP. ACONITE-NAP. 50M Profuse sweat during sleep. ESCULUS-HIPP.20. Drowsy, unusually so during working hours. 61 APOCYNUM-CANN.6. Sleepy in afternoons; restless at night. Patient becomes very drowsy, when under usual conditions he would be wakeful. AGARIC-MUSC.2CM Very sleepy; heavy and dull during the day; sleeps well at night. ARANEA-DIAD.45M Frightful dreams, awakened in a fright, no sleep afterward. Sleeps but little during the night. AURUM-MUR.16M Just as she begins to doze feels as if she would smother, startled, nervous, frightened at night. Sleepless during the first part of the proving, later when medicine was stopped slept unusually well. ARSENICбM Wakes in a great fright toward morning, much anxiety, can't be convinced but what something dreadful will happen. This symptom has been verified a great many times. Weak and fainty during the day, slight nausea and coldness. BELL 101M Drowsy, but can't get sound sleep, easily startled, nightmare produces night terrors mostly in children. CORNUS-FLORIDA 45M Sleepy, but couldn't sleep all night; had to get up and look out of the window at night to allay nervousness and sleepless- ness; couldn't sleep in the daytime. Sleeplessness resembles that produced by taking a quantity of coffee. 62 CUPRUM-ACET.45M Does not sleep well; sleeplessness without any unpleasant at- tending symptom, except so-called nervousness. GETTYSBURG-SALT 45M Sleepy, drowsy and heavy, during the day and night; no dis- position to exert himself. HYDROPHOBINIM Stupid and sleepy; mental effort is avoided. KALI-HYD.CM Confused, senseless, unconnected dreams the whole night, causing unrefreshing sleep; cannot remember his dreams. 20M PALLADIUM 20 Wakeful until two o'clock in the morning; a very prominent symptom. PHYTOLACCA 47M. Sleepy, in a slight degree. PLANTAGO-MAJ.50. After supper broke out in a profuse sweat, and then felt so sleepy couldn't keep awake; awoke in a fright, a symptom observed in several provers. POLYGONUM-HYDROP.42M Sleepless; not a prominent symptom. RHUS-TOX.105M Cannot sleep at night for the itching of the feet; restlessness very great, because of general irritation of the skin; involuntary scratching. 63 SAMBUCUS-NIG.45M. Night-mare; vivid, frightening dreams; dreams of drowning. FEVER. ACONITE50M Has frequently arrested for a time the night-sweats of con- sumptives; usually causes profuse sweat; profuse sweat during sleep, and for some time after waking; several provers had to get up in the night to change their clothing in consequence; cured or modified great sweating in a variety of diseased condi- tions; generally causes rapid decrease in temperature in acute febrile conditions. In the judgment of the writer it is the most useful remedy for this purpose. Sweating is the first symptom or most prominent after giving potentized Aconite. ARSENICOM Chilly and feverish, mostly toward sundown; night-sweats; cannot sleep very well because of mental anxiety, which is appa- rently without cause; fever and sweat every afternoon; sweat again late in the night; it is general or over the whole body, but not profuse. AGARIC-MUSC.47 M Continued thirst, unquenched by water or liquids; very marked symptom; usually drinks nothing between meals, now takes a gread deal of water; kidneys very active, but apparently has no fever. ASCLEPIAS-TUB. 45M Free perspirations without fever; continual slight moisture of skin. BURSA-PASTORIS⁹M. Violent fever, very thirsty; fever lasts but a short time, fol- lowed by free perspiration. 64 CIMICIFUGA-RAC.95M Slight fever every afternoon between twelve and four. CORNUS-FLOR.45M Chilly sensations come on frequently, although the prover is generally warm at the time or does not wish to be covered; so- called nervous chills. EUPAT-PERF.CM Attacks of chills in the morning; could not get warm, so chilly; slight fever, followed by very free perspirations. GUAJACUM5C Violent fever; face became spotted during the fever; eyes, nose, and cheeks appeared puffy; tight, dry cough. HYDROPHOBIN¹M Much fever; no preceding chill; pulse small and rapid; great thirst; great desire to drink quantities of cold water. HYOSC-NIG.CM Ague-like chill every other day at eleven o'clock; fever and sweat, with continual stupefying headache; cannot bear the least noise and avoids the light. IODINE¹7 Considerable fever; hot, dry, burning skin all day long; creepy sensations; no sweat. OXALISIM Sudden flushes of heat, alternating with nervous, chilly sen- sations. 65 PHYTOLACCA-DEC.47M Chilly every morning, in a mild degree. PLANTAGO-MAJ.5C Free perspiration in the early part of the evening, preceded by slight fevers. PLANTAGO-MIN.50 Fever of a mild type comes on suddenly, followed by sweat; nervous, frightening dreams; all this in the fore-part of the night. NAT-MUR.CM Causes general coldness; disposition to put on more clothing; cured very many cases of chills and fever, especially coming from the prevailing practice, and after the use of Quinine. Chilliness without much if any sweat. SYMPHYTUM-OFF.15C Alternately cold and feverish all day; after a few days con- tinued coldness and a desire to have on more clothing. CHELIDONUM-MAJ.50 Chilliness with nausea, mostly in the morning. TROMBIDIUM5C. Occasionally flushes of heat would come on suddenly and disappear in a similar manner. WOORARI⁹0M Extremities appear blue during fever; after the fever passes away patient becomes very red, mostly in the face. This was a marked and singular symptom. The circulation seemed much disturbed. SAMBUCUS-NIG.45M. Much fever; continual thirst; perspiration not great. THERIDION-CURASS.50. Chilly; patients described their bones as being sore. 5 66 TEREBINTH17M Craves fluids; continual thirst and some slight fever, without chill or sweat; abdomen is fuller than usual from excess of gas. SECALE-CORN.95M Very thirsty; wants to drink continually; severe chill, last- ing from four A. M. till ten A. M., felt mostly in the small of the back, extending along the spine; when having the chill, shoot- ing pains occurred in his legs and arms; very thirsty during the chill, not much during or after the fever; slight sweat; mouth dry; violent nausea; vomited a great quantity of bile; superficial congestion; veins of extremities very full. CAUSTICUM 30M Shivered constantly night and day; could not attend to work because of it; a very prominent symptom. NATR-MUR.CM. Has proven highly curative in chilly sensations and intermit- tent fever occurring under a variety of diseased conditions. MIND.. APOCYNUM-CANN. 6M Feels as if she could do nothing but cry; does cry; very low-spirited; does not want to speak to her friends. This is not because of her sex particularly, or because of an easily affected disposition; I believe it due to the remedy. Sadness. APIS-MELL.5C. Great tearfulness. Females taking this remedy easily moved to tears. APIS-MELL. CM Believed to have cured my child, which had serious brain congestion and inflammation, attended with occasional screaming attacks; partial suppression of urine; child, before the exhibi- 67 tion of this remedy, had been in a partial stupor for three or four days, and had been sick two weeks with very alarming symptoms; the relief was sudden and remarkable. ARSENIC-ALB.6M. Fearful depression of spirits; wants to go to a hospital, be- cause of expense; thinks of nothing but impending danger. Another wants to run away, leave; dreads that something horri- ble will happen; restlessness in all the cases; sadness; appre- hension. Fright, fear, and sadness more prominent symptoms than in any other remedy known to the writer. ARUM-TRIF.16M Nervous and anxious in a slight degree. BELL 101M Given to a man nearly dead with consumption; set him crazy; he got partly out of the window, intending to kill him- self, and had to be tied down in bed; exceedingly cross, ill- tempered; disposed to be violent and pugnacious; uneasy, rest- less. In many other cases mild mania and hallucinations. CALEND-OFF.45M Feels as if he would fall from a height, when dropping to sleep. CHINA-OFF.87M Exceedingly nervous; wandering neuralgic pains throughout the body; slight, unexpected noises or appearances cause start- ing. CORNUS-FLOR.45M Cured an irritable temper and vexed state of long stand- ing, guided by the symptom of extreme melancholy produced by this remedy. EUPAT-PERF.CM. Feels as if he were going out of his mind. This symptom seems to overwhelm him at night. ! 1 68 PSORINUM 42M Nervous; easily startled; a condition very marked in chil- dren to whom the medicine was given. SCUTELLARIA-LATERIF. 40M Fearful nervousness; restlessness; it has a marked curative effect in relieving the sleeplessness of excitable people of an amiable and sensitive nature, women and children particularly; in them it has promptly induced sound, refreshing sleep. Its remarkable soothing effect was discovered accidentally. SACCHARUM-LAC.CM. Caused fullness and determination of blood to head; diz- ziness; cured the latter symptom, which had been of very long standing. WOORARI 90M Instant giddiness. This condition appeared frequently and had no bad attending or following symptoms; felt for a moment as if he was bereft of his senses. HEAD. ESCULUS-HIPP. 56M Frontal headache of a mild type. AGARIC-MUSC.47M Beating on top of head and toward the forehead. ALETRIS-FARIN. 45M Slight, dizzy headache. APIUM-VIRUS.69M Dull aching in forehead. Scalp sensitive. APIS-MELL. 85M 69 APOCYNUM-CANN.6M Frontal headache, fullness in forehead; ideas confused; in- ability to think well. ARUM-TRIF.16M Light-headed, giddy; not headache. AILANTHUS 45M. Intolerable itching, with sore spots about the head and face. ARSENIC-ALB. 6M Headache on top of head. BAPTIS-TINCT.6M. Nape of neck feels so tired she can hardly keep her head easy in any position. BELL 101M Rouses up and screams; starts and screams, as if frightened; does not wish to sit up in bed. BENZOIC-ACID.11M Guided by symptom of turbid, offensive urine; cured severe pain in occipital region, which had confined him to bed for sev- eral weeks; produced soreness in scalp and nape of neck in several provers. BORAX3M Pain across forehead, lasting several days continuously and with great giddiness, pain extended to top of head, for a short time; soreness along both sides of the neck. BROMINECM Headache all week; hammering in temples and top of head. BURSA-PASTORIS⁹. Intense frontal headache. 70 + CAUST, 30M Feels as if there was great heat in the forehead. CALENDULA-OFF.45M. Splitting headache in frontal region. CAPSICUM-ANN.IM. Severe headache all over the head, coming and going fre- quently; headache is relieved by being in the dark or closing the eyes. CICHOR-INTYB. 5C Neuralgia down the sides of the neck; more on the right side; pain suddenly attacks him in muscles of the neck, like a stitching sensation. CAUSTICUM 30M Severe pain at each parietal protuberance, internal as well as external. CUPRUM-ACET.45M Slight headache in the temples, worse at junction of occipital with both parietal bones; aching pain, with soreness of scalp to the touch. DOLICHOS-PRUR.2 20 Bones of the head feel as if they would separate; headache is so severe. This is the language of the prover. ETHER-SULPHURICCM. Remarkable effect in curing chronic neuralgia of the head, which kept her in bed for weeks; swelling of scalp after attacks of pain; complete prostration. These attacks, which came on several times a year, were cured after giving this remedy. GINSENG.46M Sharp pain at the top of head; relieved by closing the eyes or avoiding light. 2 71 HAMAMELIS-VIRG. 10M Knocking, hammering over the left eye; felt as if he was going out of his mind; flushed face; sensation of fullness in head. FLUORIC-ACID. Pain through the temples, sharp or acute. Giddiness. FELIX-MAS.IM IODINE¹7 Pain in occiput and temples. IRIS-VERS.CM Cured chronic neuralgic headache with asthenopia, and se- vere dyspeptic symptoms; distress at the epigastrium; flatu- lency. KALI-CARB.24M Stiffness in nape of the neck. KALMIA-LATIF. 12C Very violent, blinding neuralgic headache; severe pain over the left eye; giddiness; nausea. KREOSOTECM Cured very many chronic or sick headaches, with piercing pain through the temples; sensitive and slightly raised scalp. These cures were made in both sexes, and where many reme- dies had been used without avail. Pimples about the face of most of the patients. LEDUM-PAL.45M. Sensation as if something were gnawing within her temples, back of her ears and occiput. LILIUM-TIG. 45M Mentally confused and heavy; glands on left side of neck swollen and painful. + 72 LACHESISCM Violent pain all over his head, back and front; so giddy he could not stand; had to be carried from school; could not see the letters in his book; fell against the wall; this occurred on the fourth day; taking medicine every hour; he never had these symptoms before; one prover. The symptom giddiness had often before been observed in other provers, accompanied by disposition to swallow or slight choking sensations. LAMIUM-ALB.IM. Severe congestive headaches in the morning; giddy, worse on left side; general muscular soreness. MERC-VIV. 101M Great pain in the forehead; back and upper part of the head affected slightly. MERC-IOD.20 Pressive pain in forehead, aggravated toward night. MEZEREUM 103M Highly curative in severe nervous frontal headaches. One of the most beneficial remedies in ciliary pains, with glaucomatous symptoms; headache, with great intolerance of light. MISSISSQUOI-WATER45M. Neuralgia in head; sensation as if suffering from cold in head, nose, and air passages. MURIATIC-ACID5C. Sensation of heat at the top of his head; slight neuralgia on the left side. NITRIC-ACID5C. Giddy; head feels hot; continual slight aching all over the head. 73 NUX-VOM.94M Aching at the top, which extends to the back of the head and neck; given to those ailing, produced increased ability to think with less nervousness. PALLADIUM 20M Headache across the top of his head, from one ear to the other; pain most severe at the right parietal protuberance; giddy when lying down. PIX-LIQUID. 5C Dull headache with soreness of scalp, left side mostly affected. PLANTAGO-MINOR.50. Extreme soreness and throbbing on top of the head; scalp so sensitive it is painful to use a comb. PSORIN421 Aching mostly in the back of her head. PSORINUM 42M Severe, dull pain all over his head. PHYTOLACCA-DEC." 47M Dull pain across forehead. PLANTAGO-MIN.11c. Stiff neck, very painful on motion; aching severe; sharp pain through the head, just above the ears, leaves great soreness when it passes away; some pain in the forehead; feeling of heat in head. PETROLCM Back and top of her head pains her; pounding sensation through the head in front of her ears and above them. RHUS-TOX. 105M Has cured many cases of porrigo or scald head in children, the eruption filling up the scalp and extending in some cases to the shoulders, discharge from the ears in several cases. 74 SAP-SODA2C Dull pain in forehead; slight aching over whole head. SALVIA-OFF.5C. Giddiness; aggravated by looking downward. SAMBUCUS-NIG.45M. Frontal headache with symptoms of a bad cold. It is be-. lieved that in one case, when the remedy was given for a long time, it produced symptoms similar to facial erysipelas, affecting mostly the left side. SARRACENIA-PURP.2M. Light-headed or giddy. SEPIA 2M Severe pains in top and back of his head. SECALE-CORN.95M Continuous supra-orbital headache; this symptom developed after proving the remedy a week. SERPENTARIA5C. Quite dizzy and weak; feels as if she would fall at times, unless she could get hold of some object. SULPHURCM After trial of many remedies, Bell., Hyosc., Zinc, and Helle- bore, none have had the uniformly good effect of Sulphur in relieving chronic cerebral congestion. Brain fever of children; vivid, frightening dreams; starting in sleep; disposi- tion to delirium; night terrors. SYMPHYTUM-OFF 15C. General throbbing headache, all over the head; back, top, and frontal region. TEREBINTH¹7M Symptoms of a common cold in the head; ringing in ears. 75 TARAXACUM¤7M. Sensation of great heat on top of head. Sterno-mastoid musele, very painful to touch in two provers ; crampy pains in different parts of the body; cramp in the left sterno-mastoid muscles; causes him to incline his head for a day or two. TRIFOLIUM-PRAT.10M Headache over both eyes relieved by heat and friction. TELLURIUMSC. Quickly cured neuralgia of the side of face and head, affect- ing the fifth pair of nerves; often verified. TRIF-ALB.IM. Head giddy, with sense of fullness; face flushed. UVA-URSI 10M Symptoms of cold in head or general cold. WOORARI 90M Hammering sensation within the head. EYES. ALETRIS 45M Lids inflamed; eyes water. APIUM 69M Sensation as if sand were in the eyes; lids slightly red: ARSENICOM Vision blurred; eyes not much inflamed; no lachrymation ; highly curative in scrofulous ophthalmia and ophthalmia tarsi, where the disease is communicated, particularly in children, frequently verified this. Photophobia is a marked symptom when Arsenic cures. Given to those having conjunctivitis it produces great intoler- 76 I ance of sunlight when photophobia was not previously a promi- nent symptom. ARUM-TRIF 16M Eyes dim, water readily. ANTIMONY-CRUD.6. Lids inflamed; water a great deal; eyelids feel as if too heavy to keep them open; left eye mostly affected; worse in morning. No disposition to read or use the eyes; intolerance of light. ATROPINE-SULPHATE30 30th Gave immediate and permanent relief in several cases of ulceration of the cornea with photophobia. Severe conjunc- tivitis and lachrymation. Found exceedingly useful and curative in severe eye symp- toms, threatening blindness, which followed syphilis. BELL. 101M Caused a burning sensation when given to cases of scrofulous ophthalmia and inflammation of the lids, highly curative in photophobia; given to chronic cases it simplifies them and pre- pares the way for their speedy cure by other medicines. BAPTISIA-TINCT.6M. Eye-lids inflamed; photophobia without lacrymation. CAUST, 30M Profuse lachrymation; light and heat are hurtful. CINA 120. Twitching of eyelids; disposition to be cross-eyed. CALEND-OFFIC. 45M Aching in the eyes accompanying the headache. CANCER-ASTACUSC Movement of the eye causes pain. 77 CANNABIS-SAT.IM Causes symptoms like acute conjunctivitis. CORNUS-F. 45M Eyes weak; left mostly affected; lachrymation. CUPRI-ACETAS45M. Often highly curative in scrofulous ophthalmia of children when other remedies have been given without benefit. EUPAT-PERF.CM. Occasional intense sharp pain in the eyes as if they were being pierced. FLUORIC-ACID 45M. Pain in the eyeballs to a slight degree. GELSEM-NIT.CM Eyes water and slightly inflamed; heaviness of the lids. GRAPH.CM Margins of the lids inflamed; itching and soreness of the eyelids externally. HYPERICUM-PERF.5M Glands of lids inflamed; disposition to small styes. KALI-HYD.CM With occasionally Merc-cor., cured quickly a case of old scrofulous ophthalmia, starch poultices used nightly. IRIS-VERS.CM Symptoms of asthenopia, with nausea; indigestion. IODINE¹7 Dimness of vision; asthenopia; slight inflammation of lids. KALMIA-LATIFOLIA 12C. Eyes weak and water a great deal. 78 - LACTUCA-VIR.50. Pain in the eyelids with slight inflammation; smarting sen- sation externally. MERC-VIV, 101M Highly curative in many cases of chronic ophthalmia ; move- ments of the eyeball are painful. MYRICA-CERIF 45M Blurred vision at times; appearance as if of a flame before the eyes; inability to use the eyes well; over-sensitive retina. NATRUM-MUR.CM One the most generally useful remedies in weakness of vision after excesses, illness, and from other causes. NUX-VOMICA 94M Has been highly curative in scrofulous ophthalmia where indi- gestion is the most pronounced condition; photophobia. As a rule, the left eye is more quickly helped than the right after giving this remedy. NITRIC-ACID5C. Eyes weak, water readily; eyeballs excessively painful and sore to pressure. OXALISIM Blurred vision, attended with excess of tears. PLANTAGO-MIN.11c. Eyes very weak, can hardly see with them, not inflamed; sensitive to light. PLANTAGO-MAJ.5C. Misty vision; eyes sensitive to light; no disposition to read. PSORIN 42M Eyes much inflamed, left more than right; supra-orbital pain; profuse lachrymation; intolerance of light; tear sac very sensitive. 79 PHOSPHORUSCM. Cured scintillations of light; asthenopia; symptoms fre- quently verified. PIX-LIQUIDAC. Itching and burning sensation about the eyelids; fine prick- ling sensations come and go in the lids. PHYTOLACCA-DEC.47M. Sharp pains pass through the eyeball on looking at small objects, or straining the vision. PULSATILLA-PRAT.CM.. Very efficacious in curing fistula lachrymalis; thick, yellow discharge. Verified this a great many times and with a variety of potencies; a remarkable remedy in this respect. RANUNCULUS-SCLER. 2M Eyes very weak and water much; lids greatly inflamed. RANUNCULUS-ACRIS10M Eyes itchy and light affects them severely; symptoms of catarrhal ophthalmia. RHUS-TOX 105M Slight redness of the conjunctiva. Rhus is probably the most curative medicine in severe ciliary pain. A most valuable remedy to subdue inflammatory symptoms following cataract operations or iridectomy. It has often acted like magic. Useful in re- lieving the pain in glaucoma. SAP-SODA 20. Dull, heavy pain across the eyes; eyes weak, remarkably so, not inflamed, simply tired or weak. SANTONINE6 dec, Cured a great many cases of ulcer of cornea; intolerance of light. Old, obstinate cases of chronic ophthalmia in young : 80 children; constant lachrymation. The cases do better with a few preliminary doses of Sulphur. SARRACENIA-PURP.2M. Slight conjunctivitis; intolerance of light. SEPIA 45M Produced marked conjunctivitis, which quickly passed away on stopping the medicine. SECALE-CORN.95M. Pain from forehead to the eyes; burning sensation in the eyes; no inflammation; pain shoots through the eyeball back- ward. SPIGELIA 75C Frequently cured involuntary movements of the eyeballs and twitching of eyelids; disposition to squint. SULPHURCM Highly curative in scrofulous inflammation of lids; disposi- tion to facial eczema, in children; it cured two severe cases of amblyopia, one a girl, the other a man; curative in some cases of diplopia. A great deal of precious time was wasted for patients in finding out that this is one of the most valuable remedies in many forms of chronic inflammation of the lids and cornea. SULPHATE OF MORPHIA6 dec, Given every hour for two weeks, produced on third day violent pain through the eyeballs; dimness of sight; pupils not dilated, retina undersensitive; had previously good sight, but could not read; type became blurred, even when holding reading-matter at the usual proper distance vision was blurred and indistinct. Throat dry and parched; nausea; fullness in the forehead; husky voice. SPONGIA-TOST.CM. Indistinct and blurred vision because of lid symptoms. 81 SYMPHYTUM-OFF.15C. Itching of eyelids, disposition to rub them. TART-EMET.54M Severe inflammation of conjunctiva; profuse lachrymation. TRITICUM-REP.50. Itching of eyelids, with more or less burning and stinging sensation. TEREBINTH. Produced conjunctivitis in a mild form. TRIFOLIUM-PRET. 10M Eyes watery; described as weak by prover. ZINC-SULPH.5C Curative in chronic conjunctivitis with photophobia. The most remarkable remedy in curing nearly every variety of in- flammation of the cornea, whether acute or chronic. Its action is often immediate and permanent. EARS. ARSEN-ACID6м. Irritation in the meatus; itching, with slight discharge. APIUM 69M Pain in the inner ear, aggravated by using the jaws. AILANTHUS 45M Ears very hot, red, itchy, and swollen; worse at night. BURSA-PAST.9M Slight deafness and pain in left ear. CALENDULA-OFF.45M Left ear ached much, followed by discharge. 6 82 COCHLEARIA-A. 10M Pain in left ear, deep internal aching; worse when she stoops or comes near the range. GELSEM-NIT. CM Left ear discharges freely, which it never did before. GINSENG 46M Ringing in his ears when he had pain in his head. GUMMI-GUTTIC. Left ear ringing continually; sometimes hissing. Soreness in ears. MENTHA-PIP.5 5C NAT-MUR.CM Caused buzzing in ears. NITRUM C Spasmodic clicking in the ears, like opening and shutting, clicking sensation, very annoying. PSORIN. Own voice sounds unnatural; sounding and humming in left ear, as from a sea-shell. PSORIN42M A most wonderful medicine, has cured many times offensive discharge from the ears (acute and chronic) for me. Cured scabby eczema behind ears in infants, with deafness of long standing. Often cured old discharge from ears in adults. PSORINUM 42M Pain in his ear so great as to confine him to bed for five days. External ear much swollen, thought the pain in his ear would set him crazy. Soreness in jaw, right side, around the ear; . 83 could not open his mouth because of the contraction and pain; could scarcely crowd his fingers between his teeth. SILICEA CM. Caused great earache with some discharge, never had it before. SULPHURCM Cured slight offensive discharges from the ear in several young persons. PHYTOLACCA-DEC.47M. Swelling in and around the left ear and side of the face like erysipelas, then ran over the scalp, very painful to touch. SAMBUCUS-NIG. 45M Great swelling, heat, and redness in the neck, just under the right ear, with sharp pain; improved his hearing, which had been defective; restless at night. TEREBINTH.17M Own voice sounds unnatural; sounding and humming in left ear as if from a sea shell; cannot tell where the person is who speaks unless he sees him; talking loud is very painful. NOSE. ARSENIC-ALB.72. Watery discharge from the nose. AGARICUS-MUSC.2M. Pimples appear on side of her nose. ARUM-TRIF, 16M Thick discharge from high up opposite the nasal bone on right side. Continually picking his nose because of irritation within. BURSA-PAST. 9. Free discharge of blood and mucus, mostly from left nostril. 84 CAMPHOR 30M Given five times daily caused hemorrhage from the nose on fourth day; hemorrhage every day for two weeks, and still went on for some time after stopping medicine; weakened him very much; never had nose-bleed before taking this medicine. Pro- duced nose-bleed in other provers. GINSENG 46M Frequently blowing his nose. HYDRASTIS-CAN.CM. Nose discharges freely. HYPERICUM-PERF. 45M Sore within the nose; itchy; continually picking it; observed in all the provers. A valuable and reliable symptom. IODINE¹7M Constant watery discharge. KALI-HYD.CM Produced sores in and about the nostrils, with discharge. KAOLIN45 Uses six or eight handkerchiefs a day, discharge so abundant. NUX-VOM.94M Occasional watery discharge from nose. OXALISIM Her nose bled twice and has been very sore inside; has not bled for years before. One prover. PHOSPHORUSCM. Stuffiness of nose; sniffles. 85 PSORIN42M The pains extend from eyebrows over the nose, and caused the nose to discharge somewhat. RANUNCULUS-ACRISIOM. Stuffed up feeling in nose. PIX-LIQUIDA 5C Dryness and burning at nasal bones. TROMBIDIUM5C. Dryness in nose, symptoms of sniffles. TRITICUM 15C. Always blowing her nose; nose sore to touch. SANTONINE3rd Given every hour on and after the third day caused constant sneezing; discharge from nose; sore nose. SYMPHYTUM-OFFIC. 15C Nose sore inside the alae; wants to pick it. UVA-URSILOM Nose is raw and discharges. FACE. ESCULUS-HIP.56M Pimples appeared on his face and body; hands and face swell up greatly and become red after washing. ARGENT-NIT. 45M Left side of the face appears swollen, with a great deal of heat and burning; lips much swollen. ASTERIAS-RUB. 5C Pimples on the side of nose and chin (female provers). 86 AILANTHUS 45M A crop of ragged, deep ulcers on the lower lip and corner of the mouth; the least touch or pressure aggravates this; face speckled. Cured acne on a girl's face. Face swelled. ARSENIC-ALB.6M. BELL. 101M Caused a feeling in cheek-bones as if scalded when given in old cases of ophthalmia. Swollen cheeks and lips. CUPRUM-ACET." 45M Sharp pain; sore to touch in both malar bones. EUPAT-PERF.CM Sudden violent contraction of muscles of right cheek. FERRI-CARB. 50M Face suddenly livid, red, or purple, then pale, rest of body cold, then legs red and head pale and cold, or fever with redness. Flushes coming and going rapidly in various parts of body. GUAJACUMSC Her face became spotted after fever commenced; eyes, nose, and cheeks would swell. Face fiery red. IODINE¹7. KREOSOTECM Produced pimply rash over the face like flea bites. NITRUMSC While eating she would bite her lips involuntarily, this con- tinued while she took the medicine. NITRIC-ACID5C. Rash on her face and forehead, small pimples. 87 • PLANTAGO-MIN. 11M Redness of the skin (like erysipelas) in the right temple mostly. POLYGONUM-HYDROP. 45M Sore pimples on face. RANUNCULUS-ACRIS10M Burning in face. SAP-SODA 20. Face looks swollen. VERBASCUM-THAP.45M Pain in both cheek bones, and above her eyebrows. WOORARI 90M Her lips become very blue; circulation irregular. TEETH. ASTER-RUB.50 Neuralgia opposite the left molar teeth, lower jaw; sharp, piercing pain like a needle. BURSA-PAST.⁹M. Teeth are sore when she shuts down on them; gums are sore, she has not toothache, but neuralgic feeling in her teeth. DIGITALIS-PURP.CM. Severe toothache, lasting three days; pain through her whole head accompanied it. IODINE¹7C Teeth sticky with phlegm. PLANTAGO-MIN.11M. For a moment or two her jaws become closed, and she has trouble to open her mouth; pains through her teeth. 88 PIX-LIQUIDAC. Bad teeth more sensitive than usual. RHODODENDRON-CHRYS.CM. Causes toothache and swollen gums; effected an astonishing and immediate cure of neuralgia of the inferior and superior dental nerves; woman in agony, slept only at short intervals for seven weeks; had sound molars removed and narcotics given by her regular physician without curative effect; often verified its curative powers in certain toothaches; causes stiffness of neck and stumps of teeth to be loosened. RHUS 105M Teeth become loose a little. SASSAFRASSC Toothache of a mild type. TRIF-PRETENSION Shooting neuralgic pain in the teeth. MOUTH. ALETRIS451 45M Spits very much; saliva excessive. APOCYNUM¤¸ Tongue heavily coated, brownish white. AGARIC2M Eruption about her lips. ARSENIC M 6M Mucous membrane of mouth much swollen. ARUM-TRIF. 10M End of her tongue feels very sore, as if scalded; sores on tongue. 89 ARUM-TRIF 16M Mouth very dry; feels as if the skin of the mouth would crack, so dry; wants to wet it, not to drink; has to get up in the night to do this. BELL. 101M Tongue thickly coated; aching pain in all the teeth, left side mostly; front teeth felt sore to the touch. Medicine was given five times a day for three weeks. BURSA-PAST.9M. Probably caused great enlargement of Wharton's duct. Lips sore. Gums felt as if blistered, inner surface and left side mostly affected. CUPRUM-ACET.45M Tongue coated with something which seems to her like pus, offensive taste. MERC-CORR. 5C Sensation as if the mouth was scalded. MERC-VIV.101M Cured chronic tendency to hawk and spit; much previous treatment ineffectual. NATRUM-MUR.CM. Fever blisters on lips, caused sores in mouth. NITRIC-ACID5C. Sores all around the mouth like fever blisters; gums and margin of the mouth covered with sores; nostrils affected. Sore patches on his usual tobacco. tongue. NUX-VOM.94M mouth and tongue; coated tongue; dislikes Often cleared off rapidly a thickly-coated PHYTOLACCA-DEC. 47M Sores on tongue, inside the mouth and lips. 90 PIX-LIQUIDA 5C. Gums sore. PLANTAGO-MIN.11c. Dry tongue. PODOPHYL-PELT.™ Continually coated tongue became perfectly red and clean; removed a breath which was foul-smelling. RANUNCULUS-ACRIS10M Mouth sore; sensation of lump in her throat, which she can- not dislodge. Mouth sore; apthæ. RHUS-TOX 105M SAMBUCUS-NIG.45M. Tongue sore, mostly in middle, and very much coated. SANGUINARIA 24M Sores around the gums and on roof of mouth. WOORARI 90M Very offensive taste in the mouth. ZINC-SULPH.5C Mouth felt and was sore; tongue slightly sore and felt thick. ZINC-MET.20 Mouth and lips very sore; tongue affected, very sore in spots as large as the small finger-nail. 91 THROAT. ARSENICÔ. Throat very sore, just as from an injury to her throat; swell- ing of the pharynx. APIS. Sore throat; burning sensation with some swelling. ARUM-TRIF. 16M Sores on the throat; patches of ulceration, small and super- ficial. Burning of pharynx and glottis; hoarseness. BARYTA-CARB.CM. Sore throat; dark-red, very large tonsils. Cured chronic inflammation and enlargement of cervical glands; right side mostly affected; had resisted all other treat- ment; woman, æt. forty-five. BELL.101M Feeling of lump in throat; dryness; swelling; nausea at- tends the feeling; throat constriction. BUFO.45M Violent sore throat; pharynx so sore and swollen it is difficult to swallow food; verified frequently. BROMINECM Feeling of constriction in throat; an early symptom. Caused very sore throat; later in proving. 92 BURSA-PAST.⁹M. Throat slightly sore; dryness on swallowing; tonsillitis, tonsils swollen out on a line with angle of jaw. Slight sore throat; upper part of his pharynx sore. Stopped taking the medicine for eighteen days. On resuming it upper part of his throat became very sore as before. Above remarks are the summary of many provings. Swelling of the throat and face affects the left side mostly. CAPSICUM¹M. Sore throat, hoarseness; dryness; burning pain on swallow- ing. CAULOPHYLLUM³M. Hoarseness and loss of voice; symptom not a prominent one.. CUPRUM-ACET.45M Throat very sore; pains her much; tries to raise phlegm, but raises little. DIGITALISCM Choking when she tries to swallow (spasm of glottis); only an occasional symptom. ERECTHITES10M Throat slightly sore. EUPAT-PERF.CM Throat dry; becomes at times hoarse. GETTYSBURG-SALTS45M. Hoarse, dry throat, as if scraped. KALI-BICHR.2c Cured speedily what is often called diphtheria; white patches on the tonsils; diphtheritic sore throat. Cured congestion of the vessels; ulcers due to Mercury and syphilis. 93 KAOLIN 45M Sore throat in a slight degree. LACH.6 Has produced very sore throat; sense of constriction with it. KALI-HYD. CM Caused complete loss of voice; husky, croaking voice like croup. MENTHA.5C Very sore throat of a transient kind; mucous surface of the throat sensitive. MERC-VIV. 101M Left side of throat sore; mostly prominent and reliable symptom; tonsils and pharynx very much swollen and inflamed. IODINE. The inhalation of the vapors of Iodine, by placing a few drops of the tincture in a basin of boiling water, the child inhaling this under a sheet, has dislodged and expelled the membrane in two cases of apparent suffocation from diphtheria in trachea. Kali-bichr., 2C, given internally. NITRIC-ACID5C. Rapidly cured a case of syphilitic sore throat, ulcerative. Sore throat with coryza and hoarseness; ulcers with well defined edges as if punched out. PIX-LIQUIDA.5C. Throat seemed quite sore, lasting several days-not a marked symptom. PETROL.CM Throat has a burning sensation mostly on swallowing. 94 PALLADIUM 20M Slight sore throat. PHOSPHORUSCM Dryness in the fauces; burning sensation low down in pharynx; spitting and hawking. Choking, constant desire to swallow, with burning sensation at epigastrium.. PLANTAGO-MIN.11C. Choking sensation; constriction of the throat. RHUS-TOX. 105M Sore throat, tonsillitis; considerable swelling. SULPH-AC.5C Dryness in throat; soreness, nausea attending it. TARAXACUM67M Constriction felt on swallowing; feeling as if the throat was too small; a very marked symptom; muscular soreness in neck, shoulders, and chest. THERIDONC Sore throat for a week; difficulty in swallowing. CROTON-TIG.20 Causes sore throat; felt mostly near the larynx, and while swallowing. FORMICA 45M Felt as if an abscess was forming in her tonsils; left side worse than right; throat was very sore on swallowing or drinking. 95 VERBASCUM45M Cured quickly a very severe pain in pharynx on swallowing; chronic case; accompanied by dyspeptic symptoms. APPETITE. ACTÆA-RAC.³. Complete loss of appetite. ARSENIC6M No appetite; nausea. COCHLEARIA 10M Very hungry, unnatural craving for food. CUPRUM-ACET.95M Taste as of something putrid; nausea; no appetite. FILIX-MAS.¹ 1M He spits up or raises some food soon after taking it; weight at epigastrium; giddiness; sick stomach. IODINE¹7M Nausea; foul breath. KALI-HYD.CM. Eructations; loss of appetite. MERC-VIV. 101M Complete loss of appetite; coated tongue. NUX-VOM.M Vomits frequently; had to force himself to eat. POLYGONUM 42M Burning sensation at epigastrium with nausea. 96 $ PSORIN42M Appetite much better; she has to get up in the middle of the night to eat; desire for crackers or bread. см PULSATILLA CM. Giddy, weak, sick at stomach, no appetite. SAMBUCUS 45M Complete loss of appetite. Everything nauseates; giddiness a marked symptom. SULPHURCM The peculiar faint and hungry feeling which comes over one, particularly at night, when proving Sulphur high, is very re- markable and characteristic; they want food, usually bread, at once, or they think they will suffer or perish; it is a sensation of faintness with hunger and longing for food. Great gnawing hunger; thinks she will die unless she gets something to eat quickly. SEPIA 45. Cured permanently an empty hungry feeling in epigastrium ; severe dyspeptic symptom; had it for years. STOMACH. 6M ARSENIC M Not much thirst; eructation after eating. APOCYNUM6M Feels hungry, and when she tries to eat pain comes in epi- gastrium; food apparently sours. Vomits very often; sick at stomach; two last symptoms appear after several days' proving. 97 AGARIC.2M Nausea; vomits often, and a great quantity of fluid. ACTEA-RAC.5C. Nausea; uncertain feeling in epigastrium. OPIUM 69M Nausea; foul breath; coated tongue. ARANEAM Vomits frequently; every day of the proving. ARUM-TRY.16M Feels sick or qualmish; does not vomit; slight burning sen- sation at epigastrium. BELL 101M Vomiting began on second and third day. Sick and fainty very often; very pale; cannot keep much on her stomach. Cannot keep food in any quantity on his stomach; passes water freely; feels weak; unable to work or think; head is light; nausea a prominent and reliable symptom of potentized Bell. It has cured frequently the persistent vomiting of preg- nancy when nothing else would. Great thirst; does not care much for food; wants to drink, it does not satisfy; burning sensation in pit of stomach; taking fluid increases distress in epigastrium; in the provers of Bell. high, most of them complain of a pressive pain running back of the middle of the sternum. BRY 103M Pain in the epigastrium with slight nausea. BURSA-PAST.9M Pain in his stomach and feels generally as if he would be sick; feels like vomiting. 7 7 98 i ! Crampish pain in his stomach as a later symptom; coming and going, only lasting a short time. CHELIDONIUM³¢. Vomited his meals several times; chilly sensations afterward. COLCHLEARIA 10M Occasional cramps about the umbilicus. CUPRUM-ACET. 45M Cramps in the stomach and small bowels; severe cutting pains extending to inguinal region; nausea; coldness; thirst; vomits often. DRACONTIUM 10M Constant eructation of wind and rumbling of wind in abdo- men. EUPION2C Stomach felt sore and swollen ; abdomen not sore on pressure. FERRUM-ACET.20. Deathly sick at stomach with vomiting. This symptom ap- peared three days after taking the medicine; never happened so before. GELSEM.CM Vomiting occasionally; stupid feeling about head. HYPERICUM45M. Great pain in stomach; nausea, aggravated by eating. HAMAMELIS 10. Sensation of trembling in stomach; not a permanent symp- tom. HYPERICUM 45M [45M Constant eructations; great fullness about abdomen; highly curative for this symptom. 99 KREOSOTECM Constant nausea; disposition to vomit. The most reliable general remedy in cholera infantum, and many forms of per- sistent vomiting; relieves pain in ulcer and cancer of stomach. Slight nausea. LEDUM45M LILIUM-TIG. 45M Feels like vomiting when she presses her epigastrium. Otherwise slight nausea. LINARIA 3d decimal. Taken in water every hour, for three days, after, or on the fourth day, caused giddiness, sick stomach, vomited three times; bowels loose; rumbling noise in abdomen; no marked urinary or other symptoms as I had expected. MISSISSQUOI45M Nausea; feels sick and weak. MURIATIC-ACID5C. Slightly nauseated, mucous surfaces of mouth and throat sen- sitive. NUX-VOMICAM. Relieved severe pain in epigastrium; felt as if the mucous membrane of the stomach were sore. NITRIC-ACID5C. Raises a small amount of food, after eating mostly. Slight nausea. PALLADIUM 20M PETROLCM Constant thirst, with distress in region of stomach, and dis- posed to diarrhoea and cough. Dorm 100 - PHOSPHORUS CM Burning pain and cramps in stomach. The burning in the stomach extends up the oesophagus, with feeling of constrictive dryness in fauces; bloated stomach and abdomen. These are very constant and reliable symptoms, always noticed in prov- ings. PLANTAGO-MINOR¹¹C. Pain in the lower part of his abdomen. PSORINUM42M Occasional pain across the epigastrium more constant in the spleen. PSORIN42M Troubled greatly with wind, interferes with breathing. POLYGONUM42M. Very sick at stomach. A variable symptom-apt to come and go. SARACENIA2M Hungry. Very nervous with it. STANNUM 38M Great weakness at the epigastrium and then gets or feels hungry, but cannot eat; feels as if she would faint; feels en- tirely gone at epigastrium. SULPHUR CM Caused vomiting. Only an occasional symptom. SYMPHYTUM 150. Pains across his epigastrium from one side to the other, worse opposite the spleen on walking; when sitting worse about the navel, griping pain about the umblicus often occurs. 101 TRIFOLIUM-PRETENS. Sensation of gnawing, rumbling, and movement in abdomen ; fermentation, eructation. Pain in bowels. Saliva profuse and bitter. Slight nausea. UVA-URSA. WOORARI 90M Frequent nausea; vomiting of bile; no appetite;, foul breath; soreness in stomach. ABDOMEN. AGARIC.2M Soreness to touch in abdomen below navel. A good deal of twisting pain about the umbilicus. ADEPSIM Cramps in stomach; cramps about navel. APIUM 69M Very bad pains in the bowels. ARSENIC. Highly curative in abdominal dropsy; it relieves when a cure is impossible. BURSA-PAST.9M Pain between the end of sternum and umbilicus like needles or like a shock from battery. COLLINSONIA 45 M Weight in epigastrium; inveterate case of dyspepsia compli- cated with hemorrhoids, cured. 102 1 COLOCYNTH (LIPPE). Severe attacks of colic; knees drawn to the chin; pain re- lieved by drawing up knees. CUPRUM-ACET.45M. Violent cramp or pain in abdomen.. DOLICHOS2C Cured permanently frequent chronic attacks of abdominal cramps in a girl child. Bruised pain in left inguinal region; bruised pain below umbilicus. FORMICA 45M Sensation below the abdomen as if bruised (below the navel). GINSENG 46M Soreness across the abdomen at the navel. MENTHA-PIP.50. Horrid pains four inches below umbilicus, in median line of abdomen. MERC-IOD, 20 Feeling as of a great ball in the epigastrium. Bloated abdomen. PHOSPHORUSCM. PLANTAGO-MAJ.5C. Rumbling in bowels, as if they were swollen and full of gas ; as if everything were a burden to him. 1 PLANTAGO-MIN.110. Twisting pain in abdomen. 1 103 + - PULSATILLA CM. Excellent and long proving. Crampy, sharp, severe pain in right groin confined him to bed, lasting two days. Sharp pain in abdomen across crests of both ilia. PIMPINELLA 10M. In a woman caused terrible gurgling, rumbling noise in abdo- men; could hear it all over room. RHUS-TOX. 105M Abdomen sore below the navel. БС SALVIA-OFF. 5C Pains around her waist. Gnawing at the pit of the stomach; the sensation rises upward and she is forced to take a deep breath to relieve herself. SAMBUCUS45M Great soreness in the abdomen; very painful for awhile; bowels moved twice a day. Pain in his abdomen woke him up about two o'clock in the morning. Soreness in umbilicus. SARRACENIA2M. SAP-VEN. 10th dee. Soreness in abdomen and distention. SILICEA CM. Transverse tightness across the abdomen; throbbing at pit of stomach. 值 ​STRAMONIUMCM. Pain in the loins (two cases). SCIRRHUSCM. Caused a swelled-up feeling in abdomen and moved the bowels three or four times. 104 STRONTIA-CARB.5C. Abdomen much swollen; uncomfortable fullness. Cramps and diarrhoea. SYMPHYTUM15th SOAP AND SUGAR. Five times a day for a week sharp pain in the epigastrium drew her nearly double; could scarcely touch abdomen. TARAXACUMM Abdomen greatly distended with gas. TUSSILAGO¹M. Abdomen distended mostly about the epigastrium; remained so for several days. VERBASCUM 5M Cramps about the navel, seems as if the pains were of a twisting kind. ANUS. ACTEA-RAC.5C. Costive in a slight degree. ADEPSIM Produced constipation; hard, dry stool; in other provers bowels that had been very costive now move daily; feels weak after stool. Cramps about the navel, especially before and after stool. ALUMINA 91M Constipation; stools of a small size, very difficult to expel; dysentery in some provers; can pass urine only during stool. One of the most reliable remedies in the chronic constipation of females. 105 * ALETRIS45M Severe pains in rectum or anus; desire to have a stool; the pain in rectum when she had a movement was fearful; felt as if she were forcing a passage, as from an obstruction. ADEPSIM. Caused the bowels to be loose or open that were constipated; verified this a very great many times. It is my principal remedy in hard, dry, dark stools, difficult of expulsion. APISCM Cured quickly the most remarkable case of a woman, at the change of life, who, after a natural passage in the morning, would have half a dozen small, straining passages of blood, mucus, and fæces, very offensive. The disease had been of over a year's duration. Verified in several similar cases. ARANEA 45M Bowels now daily moving, usually four to five days consti- pated. Urinary symptoms, mentioned elsewhere, are most prominent. ARSENIC M 6M Frequent small stools, of a watery kind. AGARIC2M Bowels now move twice a day instead of once. BELL,101M Bowels loose, symptom appearing after several days' proving, primary symptoms. Bowels constipated very much, dark and hard. CAPSICUM¹M. Produced a most violent attack of diarrhoea, coming on sud- denly. Verified often. } 1 106 ! CAUSTICUM 30M Cured her obstinate constipation; bowels now move daily. The case was one when other curative symptoms of Causticum were indicated. CARB-VEG.IM Diarrhea, with severe griping, lasting several days. A con- stant and reliable symptom. COCHLEAR.10M Profuse painless diarrhoea, no nausea. Itching and burning at the anus; twenty movements in his bowels on fourth or fifth day, taking the remedy every hour. Straining at anus with burning and stinging in several provers. COLLINSONIA 45M. Cured a most inveterate case of piles with dyspeptic symp- toms; frequent good results from this remedy in such cases. CUPRUM-ACET.45M Bowels rather costive, with nausea. DIGITALISCM Watery diarrhoea, with much thirst; often verified. EUONYMUSIOM Bowels move more freely, loose one night four or five times, after proving the remedy for a week, taking it twelve times daily. GETTYSBURG SP. WATERM Bowels that were regular are now costive; not a prominent symptom. Bowels loose that were costive. The result of many observa- tions. GINSENG 46M Bowels loose, with griping pain. • 107 HYPERICUM45M. Bowels loose, now move two or three times every day, formerly normal. Caused symptoms like cholera morbus, lasting three days, afterward became constipated. GELSEM.CM Caused very loose watery stools, after taking remedy for two weeks. LILIUM-TIG. 45M Her bowels which were costive now move more regularly, better than they have ever been, they were always obstinately costive before the proving. MERC-CORR.SC. After much observation believed to be the most effectual remedy in frequent bloody offensive stools, with great pain in rectum mostly. MERC-VIV.101M Had made constipated bowels regular, when stools were small, dark, dry, with severe dyspeptic symptoms. Highly curative in "bloody flux" or dysentery occurring in the army; violent straining, blood, mucus, pain. Curative in constipation, with foul breath, severe dyspepsia. MERC-PROT-IOD.20 Produced movements every few minutes; slight stools, light in color; much mucus. Symptoms noticed on the third day in a child. MURIATIC-ACID5C. Slight diarrhoea and pain in small intestines. MENTHA-PIP.50. Bowels somewhat loose, griping, wind, frequent eructations. NITRIC-ACIDCM. Bowels loose twice daily. 1 ༈ 108 NUX-VOM.4M Bowels costive when before regular. PHYTOLACCA 47 M. Bowels costive, to a slight degree. PLANTAGO-MAJ.SC. Passes much mucus from his bowels, which move oftener than usual. PLANTAGO-MIN.11C. Severe pain, with a desire for movement; ineffectual calls to stool. Bowels constipated and disposition to piles, a frequent condi- tion; disposition to strain at stool. POLYGONUM 42M Bowels more regular; relief of severe dyspeptic symptoms; weight at epigastrium; sensation of heat in stomach. PSORINUM42M Bowels move four or five times a day. This symptom lasts for a long time after ceasing the remedy. The child had always been subject to loose bowels, but since taking the medicine had become costive. Operate on the woman's bowels too much, move too freely. Made a wonderful cure of cholera infantum in a scrofulous or delicate child, no vomiting; stools light in color, watery, and offensive. Bowels which were regular now somewhat constipated. PLUMBUM-ACET.¹ Caused very free movements of the bowels six and eight times daily. Found most useful in constipation, with forms of dys- pepsia, with emaciation; with bad or yellow color, exhaustion, foul breath. 109 STRONTIAC Bowels which moved only twice a week now loose. Frequent cutting pain in lower abdomen and rectum; disposition to strain or bear down; symptoms of dysentery in several provers; no nausea; all the provers had somewhat similar symptoms, after taking the medicine for a week; given hourly. Cramp and diarrhoea. SYMPHYTUM15C. TEREBINTH.17M Piles, bleeding; painful. One of the most reliable remedies, in curing hemorrhoids, especially when bleeding is a prominent symptom. THUJA GOM Caused frequent small, painful movements. TUSSILAGO¹M Bowels much constipated; distress at epigastrium; complete loss of appetite. TEREBINTH.17M Highly curative in some forms of piles, especially attended with bleeding. • useful in ascarides; highly curative in itching of the anus. TRIFOL-PRETENS. 01M Often cured chronic constipation; bowels often loose after the remedy. Verified this in hundreds of cases since the first prov- ing thirty years ago. VERBASCUM 45M Violent diarrhoea on third day; eighteen and twenty move- ments daily, after the remedy had been taken a week. + 110 : ZINGIBERCM Loose stools, with much griping; stools which were previously black are now light in color. KREOSOTECM Caused cutting pain in abdomen; green stools with mucus, nausea, and weakness. Cured (in the greatest heat of summer) when many children were dying of cholera infantum; vomiting, whining, purging, etc. Cured very many bad cases when other medicines were previously tried without any good effect. I earnestly urge all who read this to try this remedy in cholera infantum; it is magical in its curative action generally. Kreo- sote high was accidentally, in a manner, given as a forlorn hope in a desperate case of cholera infantum, in 1870, with curative effect, and since then often verified. URINE. ACTEA-RACEMOSA 50. Dark colored urine; passes it frequently and small quantities. APISCM Wonderfully curative in the difficulty of urination common to children; weakness of the sphincters. ARANEA 45M Caused symptoms of suppression of urine; he passed no more than an ounce of urine during the day; no burning; urine looked natural; had to stand and wait long before it would pass; region of bladder sensitive. Verified many times the above remarkable symptoms. Free urination. BELLADONNA 101M Wonderfully curative in many cases of enuresis ; cured a boy 111 æt. thirteen who had wet the bed every night for the past eleven years. CALENDULA 15M Urine greatly diminished in quantity. Several female provers pass less than one-half the usual quan- tity of urine. CAPSICUMIM Strangury, a prominent symptom. CORNUS-FLORID45M ! Force of urine lessened, it is passed with difficulty or slowly. COCHLEARIA 10M Strangury; urination frequent and in small quantities; be- comes turbid on standing; yellowish color, loaded with urates. EUONYMUS10M Passes more water, and a great quantity at a time. HELLEBORECM Forced to get up frequently at night to pass water. Cured severe straining. The prover, an old man, had con- stant desire to pass water at night. Has frequently relieved frequent desire to urinate at night, when occurring in old men with enlarged prostates and irritable bladders. HYPERICUM 45M Urine very much diminished for three days; has been taking the remedy for a week. Female prover; two days after taking the medicine, had to get up five or six times in night, to void large quantities of urine, an entirely new symptom for her; frequent urination during the day. 112 HYDRAT OF CHLORALCM. Caused constant urination, with symptoms of enuresis. LITHIA-CARB.5C. Very frequent urination and in large quantities; pain over his bladder. Above symptoms often verified. LILIUM-TIG. 45M Frequent urination, with strangury; bruised and sensitive feeling about the genitals. MERC-IOD. 2C. Passes water seldom but in large quantities. NUX-VOM.94M Burning; scalding on urination. Passes water now more freely and no burning; had the re- verse symptoms before taking the medicine; in another case caused great burning where there had been none. OXALISIM Urinates very freely, or in large quantities. Urinates often. PETROL.CM PHYTOLACCA 47M. Urine contains a great quantity of reddish deposits, uric acid and excess of urates. PLANTAGO-MIN.11C Strangury; urine in small quantity and dark in color. 113 PROT-IOD-MERC.20. Cured turbid urine; occurring after chill. RUMEX 45M Frequent desire to urinate. SASSAFRASSC Severe strangury, urine looks as if it had portions of mucus and blood mixed with it. STRAMONIUMCM Urine the consistence of oil; scanty; very brown color, like old ale, thick from mucus and excess of phosphates. SULPHURCM His urine soon became turbid, like yeast. Unable to pass urine. Compelled to use a catheter. STRONTIAC Great strangury. Frequent and profuse urination. TEREBINTH.17M Caused urination every ten minutes, symptom lasting several hours. Often cured gonorrhea with it. Trouble to get his urine to flow for five minutes; one prover fourth day after taking medicine. Cured a girl, aged five, who since birth had but little control over the functions of urine or bowels. THERIDION.SC. Water scanty, high-colored, constipation. After going to bed has to get up four or five times to pass water; does not secrete much in daytime. 8 : 114 UVA-URSA 10M Cutting sensation on urination-burning soreness over the whole body, as if bruised. VALERIANCM Increased his flow of urine to twice its usual quantity. ZINC-SULPH.50. Compelled to get up two or three times in the night to urinate. GENITALS. AGARIC.2M Cramps, as if she was going to have a child; violent bearing- down pain. When she trod on the floor she could cry out, it hurt her so in the right ovarian region. Eruption on genitals like little hard pimples. ARUM-TRI.16M Caused smarting at end of penis. COPAIBA CM. Given in water every two hours produced symptoms of strangury, like gonorrhoea. KALI-HYD.CM Cured scabby, itching eruption in labia of a young girl. Often verified this symptom in curing itching of genitals in women. MEN. CINNABAR. Spots on the glans penis like herpes. CARB-VEG.76M Produced watery discharge from urethra. 115 CADMIUM5C. Sulphate of Cadmium and other preparations of it remark- ably efficacious in checking the too frequent nightly seminal emissions of young men ; often verified. CLEMATISSC Has cured many cases of swelled testicle of long standing, often attending with great pain and faintness. DIGITALISCM Produced severe urethritis, phymosis, and strangury. Symptoms appeared on fourth day in a case of hydrothorax. Medicine given every half-hour. Have cured very many cases of gonorrhoea with this remedy. GETTYSBURG-SALTS" Emissions. Blood with them. 45M MERC-CORR.5C. Left testicle swollen. PHYSOSTIGMA CM Calabar bean produced swelling of testicle (lacks confirma- tion). SULPHURCM Given every two hours for a week, caused three or four seminal emissions daily. WOMEN. AGARIC.2 2M Cured completely a bearing-down sensation. I had been treating her for one and a half years without effect. The pain came on again (when without medicine), but eventually cured. Cured a chronic bearing-down pain lasting years; verified often; soreness in abdomen over the ovaries. 116 A most reliable remedy in ovarian soreness, left side being mostly affected. ARUM-TRI.16M Her menses, which had been absent two months, returned. Pain in left mammæ as if bruised. BURSA-PAST.9M The girl had menstruated the week before scantily; it came on again very profusely; she had previously had amen- orrhoea. Useful in menstrual irregularities of young women. CAUST,50 Thick yellow discharge from vagina. CIMICIFUGA-RAC.95M. Menses usually very regular, delayed three weeks. In a pregnant woman relieved pain in abdomen and uterus, with severe bearing-down sensation; sympathetic pain around the heart. Cure was rapid and complete-verified many times. BELLADONNA CM. Has acted in a miraculous manner in curing hard swelling of the glans; principally in breasts of women, existing in one case six years, in the other one. Useful in glandular enlargements of the neck. ERIGERON45M Checked uterine hemorrhages, amenorrhoea when Ferrum CM did no good. Turpentine acted as well as Erigeron in three cases. HELLEBORECM Cured several cases of amenorrhoea in young girls. JASPER15C Leucorrhoea of mild, persistent type. 117 KALI-CARB.24M Rectified insufficient labor pains with violent pain in the small of the back. MYRRH5C Cured indescribably severe uterine pains of a transient nature. NITRUMSC. Cured cramp-like pains during menstruation, had for years this peculiar pain during menses. Was completely cured. OXALISIM Dragging sensation from hip to groin in ovarian region, feels as if everything would be pressed out, urinates frequently; pain from her kidney to her hip causes her to be so bent she could scarcely straighten up. PHOSPHORUS2C. Cured a distressed sensation in left ovary, soreness to touch. Prover a consumptive-symptom not prominent. POLYGONUM 42M Menses returned, but were scanty and very dark. Case under treatment for amenorrhoea. SEPIA 45M Brought back the menses at once in a young woman who had amenorrhoea six months, another case eight months, both pale, weak, thin, sickly. Verified in many other cases. Sepia is the best and most active general remedy for prolapsus uteri, backache, ovarian pain, and leucorrhoea in elderly women. Cured a woman, æt. fifty, with pains in left groin, severe backache, bearing-down sensation, uterus often making its ap- pearance outside. Urination difficult and painful. Troubled twenty years. Complete relief. 118 1 SENEGA C Menses came on too soon. SILICEACM Helps greatly, dragging sensation in lower abdomen occurring with women. Relieved pain in left ovary. SYMPHYTUM150. Menses cease for a month when proving. STRONTIA-CARB.3M. Show of menses all the time since last period. TEREBINTH 17M Cured a woman, æt. forty, an invalid for many years, with a violent burning sensation in the uterus, bearing-down pain. Caused a feeling of great heat over the body, now craves liquids. Cured a remarkable case of hemorrhage from uterus, woman æt. fifty, bleeding for two years every day; checked in one week; causes in provers watery-like discharges from the uterus. VERBASCUM 45M Menses come on earlier than usual. CHILDREN. APISCM Helped children teething in summer, particularly with symp- toms of cerebral congestion; loose bowels; no vomiting. Re- peated verifications of this. Not so generally useful as Creosote. BELLAD. 101M Has nearly always promptly helped children with hip-joint disease, as to the acute pain and otherwise. 119 CAMPHORCM Promptly cured many times the watery diarrhoea of chil- dren, often attended with colic and vomiting. CALC-CARB.97M Cured a child aged one and a half years, wasted with bron- chitis; no diarrhoea, no vomiting; where Tar., Lyc., Sulph. did no good. CINA 12C Caused violent frontal headache, nervousness, twitching, fever, and sweat. CHAM.94M Developed symptoms of extreme fretfulness and crying-an observation made often by other provers. COFFEA 80M Cured mild hysteria in a young girl. Allays great restlessness of body with mental excitability. DOLICHOS2C Cured permanently, a violent case of cramps within the abdo- men of a girl, who had curvature of spine; attacks two or three times daily; the trouble had existed four or five years. HYOSC.CM. Cured permanently a child, who would sob and cry a great deal at night, in her sleep, without waking. IODINECM. Wonderfully curative in marasmus, wasting of children with aphthæ in mouth. Usually prescribed remedies had done no good. KREOSOTECM. A highly curative remedy in cholera infantum of children in very hot weather. Verified often. 120 LYCOPODIUM 45CM Highly curative in sniffles of children-disposition to cold in head. The great remedy for rattling sensation in the chest ; bronchitis. In pneumonia and acute bronchitis of children, and in old persons. A very reliable remehy. Child with catarrh of chest; medicine given one-quarter hour, for six hours, she commenced to rub her nose so much and so violently, and would not stop, that the parents became alarmed at its queer conduct. Cured a thick small circular scab on side of the nose, the old woman had it three years. Verified often its curative power in sniffles in children. SULPHURCM. Vomiting with partial unconsciousness and dry heat of body. Highly curative remedy in a supposed hydrocephalic condition. The child lies stupid, dull. SULPHURIC-ACID C. Acted like magic in curing a stubborn case of bronchitis in a young child; the other symptoms of the remedy present. LARYNX. ARSENIC M 6M Oppressed and irregular breathing. AMMON-CARB.5C. Dry teasing cough at first; loose cough after two days. ARNICA 6C Highly curative in hard, dry, tight cough. ARUM16M For one day and a half during the proving a distressing 121 hacking cough. This gradually improved after stopping the medicine. Hoarseness usually quickly cured. BAPTIS.6M The box of the larynx is very sensitive to touch, sore to swallow or speak; disposition to clear the throat or swallow saliva. BURSA.2M Hoarseness mostly in the morning. CAUST. 30M Symptoms of a bad cold, severe cough, constant discharge from the nose. The cough was so severe as to rack and cause soreness in chest and abdomen. CIMICIFUGA-RAC.95M. Coughs mostly at night; cough only slightly troublesome. CONIUM³M Troublesome teasing little cough, preventing sleep; annoying tickling sensation in the glottis. CINA 12C Very curative in the spasmodic coughs of children, occurring mostly when lying down and at night. DIGITALISCM Troublesome choking sensation with cough; mostly at night, and on physical exertion. EUPAT-PERF.CM. Hoarse, loses his voice often. Coughs a good deal, short and dry efforts. Hoarseness, greatest in morning when he arises, like Caust. FLUORIC-ACID45M. Hacking cough. 122 GINSENG 46M Hiccoughs trouble him much during the proving; never af- fected so before. GELSEM.CM Coughs much during the night. Slight dry cough. GUAJACUM5C. HEPAR-SULPH.CM Did little or no good in croup where Spong. helped quickly. IPECAC.25M Coughs violently, aversion to food. IODIDE OF POTASSIUMCM Surprising increase in weight after taking the remedy for several weeks; frequent choking sensation in his larynx; loss of voice to a slight extent. Larynx very sore; gums and mouth sensitive; eating makes mucous surface of mouth sensitive. LACH.CM Severe gasping at the larynx; a feeling of suffocation; thought she was dying. Cured complete loss of voice, existing for many days. The laryngeal symptoms of Lach. are the first to be devel- oped and most marked. LACTUCA-VIROS5C. Talking produces a vocal sensation in chest. LAUROCERASUSCM. Highly curative in loose cough; expectorations profuse and dotted with small points of blood. Its action is very marked in the later stages of pulmonary consumption. 123 MEPHITISIM Cured a very bad hoarse, hollow cough. NUX-VOM.94M Tickling, teasing cough, of a slight kind, but persistent. PHOSPH.CM Exhausted, hollow cough, with great soreness in larynx. PLANTAGO-MIN.11c. She is at times so overcome that she thinks she would choke and die—the language of the prover. She thinks she cannot get enough air. PETROL.CM. Cured bad, loose, chronic coughs in many cases-generally helps consumptives for a while. PHYTOLACCA47M. Tight dry cough with pain through her chest from middle of sternum. Whenever she lays her head down cough com- mences. Pains her greatly. Coughs much at night. Nausea. Muscular pains affecting the extremities attend these symptoms. RUMEX45M Caused a constant dry cough to be loose, and although chronic, almost cured it in a week. Generally helps the cough of con- sumptives. Short dry hack is the usual indication. SULPH-ACID. Tight dry cough. Not a prominent symptom. SPONGIA CM After making comparative tests of Ipecac-Tartar-emetic, Iodine, Hepar, Sulphur-through a course of years, I have found Spongia to be the best remedy in croup; Aconite should be given often in the first stages. 124 . TARAXACUM Coughing aggravated by eating. TRITICUM C Constant coughing; hoarse; raises tough phlegm; sneezing; prominent symptoms. TRIFOLIUM-PRETENSIOM In the morning when she awoke had not a particle of voice; this symptom always comes on at night; voice gone; not hoarse; has a desire to clear the throat; seems to have lost the physical power to exert herself to be heard. TOBACCOM Highly curative in that symptom often met with-scraping, noisy clearing of the throat, grunting before beginning a sen- tence as if to drive away mucus. UVA-URSA 10M Symptoms of a severe cold; throat tickles; feels like cough- ing constantly. COUGH a prominent symptom. VERBASCUM 45M Troublesome cough. ZINC-SULPH C. Spasmodic coughs, worst at night. CHEST. ALETRIS 45M Raises much mucus; she desires to cough, but is afraid because it pains. ARSENICOM Great difficulty in breathing, like asthma. AGARIC2M Soreness within the chest on either side of the sternum; hurts or weakens her to speak or breathe deeply. 125 APOCYNUMбM. 6M Pulse very slow. ARGENT-NIT. Produced severe symptoms of angina pectoris; great diffi- culty of breathing, choking, etc.; pains about the heart. Very prominent symptoms. ARSENICOM Sensation of pressure in upper part of both lungs. Feels as if she might smother from this cause. ARUM.16M Soreness within the chest. Pain under left short ribs. BORAX3M Soreness all over the muscles of his chest; worse about the middle of the sternum. Sighing respiration. BURSA.⁹. ANTIMONY6M Did no good in severe cases of infantile catarrh, Lyc. helped the cases immediately; true also of adults where Antimony had been used. Cepa has often helped children in such cases. Sighs very often. CORNUS-FLORID. 45M CUPRUM-ACET.45M Feels as if there was a load at the apex of both lungs. DOLICHOS2C Sharp pain through the upper portion of both lungs. DORYPHORA 45M Soreness and oppression of the chest with sore throat. 3 126 EUPAT.CM. Pain through the right nipple when he takes a deep breath. Oppression at the middle of the sternum; feels as if some- thing was pressing against his heart. Hurts her to take a full breath. Chest oppressed Oppression of chest very great. EUPION45 45M Pains under both short ribs. FORMICA 45M Felt as if she would smother; cough very severe; violent straining sensation in coughing, as if the mucus would choke her; free expectoration. FERRUM-MET. 80M Stopped a daily spitting of blood and disposition to hemor- rhage in a consumptive. GINSENG 46M Sneezing, cold in chest, sharp pain in his lungs, caused hoarse- ness with coughing. GETTYSBURG SPRING WATER45M. Considerable soreness of muscles in upper left chest; great soreness on breathing. HELLEBORE CM Muscular pain under left nipple, some general muscular sore- ness over the whole body. IRISCM Severe cramps or spasms from middle of sternum to pit of stomach with repeated vomitings. KALI-CARB.24M Shooting pains within his chest like pleurisy. 127 • KAOLIN 15M Muscular soreness at apex of both lungs, with some lung pain. Remarkable in relieving great soreness of lungs from cold; breathing very painful. The symptoms had lasted some days and relief was rapid. KALI-HYD.CM Had to rise from bed, thinking he would be smothered. Pains through both lungs, feels tired and weak, fluttering sen- sation at heart and very nervous. Sharp pains through the right lung from the nipple back- ward; general distressed feeling within the chest. LACTUCA-VIROS.5C Sudden sharp pains affect his lungs, walls of his chest front and back sore. Soreness in lungs, which seem sensitive, on deep breathing. LILIUM-TIG. 45M Smothering sensation in chest. No pain; a spasmodic or nervous sensation. LACH.CM Caused suffocative sensation, distress referable mostly on either side of middle of sternum. LYCOPODIUM45M. Given every two hours for a week; caused great pain in the left side of the chest; could breathe only with the greatest pain and difficulty. A most reliable and curative remedy in pneumonia, of chil- dren particularly. Wonderful in relieving the distress with shortness of breath of pneumonia, when Nitrum, Phosphorus, and other remedies did no good. NITRUMSC Arrested quickly the most severe attack of asthma. This ob- 128 servation, made twenty years ago, has been verified scores of times. NUX-VOM.. Produced great sneezing; gaping frequently, as if sleepy. PLANTAGO-MIN.11C. Short-breathed, spasmodic symptom. Choking sensation as if from grief. PULSATILLA CM Pains within the chest at both nipples; slight cough; giddi- ness; loss of appetite. PHOSPH.CM Pains down middle of sternum to epigastrium. PSORIN.42M Soreness to the touch below the middle of the sternum; troubled greatly with wind; breathing oppressed as if from wind. PIX-LIQUIDA5C. Raised stringy mucus with bright-red blood; cough constant. MERC-VIV. 101M Soreness within from the larynx to the ensiform cartilage; felt mostly on swallowing, which is very painful. No soreness on deep breathing. SERPENTARIA 5C. Symptoms of cold in chest with cough. SAPO-SODA 2C. Sensation of cold in chest, which feels sore and bruised; pains her to cough; coughs a good deal; feeling of tightness in middle of sternum. SARRACENIA2M. Sharp pain right through the right lung to his back, com- mencing three inches below right nipple, and running directly backward to the scapala. 129 TROMBIDIUM5C. Oppression of chest ; thought her breath was leaving her. TRITICUMSC Tightness and soreness in the middle of the sternum. It catches him every time he coughs; pain across the chest at the diaphragm. Soreness down the sternum and in the epigastrium; pain going through to the back from the sternum; sneezing caused distress across the upper part of his chest. TRILLIUM 10M Aching pains through the chest; sensation as of cold in the chest. TEREBINTH.17M. Smothering feeling and pressure at ensiform cartilage; feels as if something were in the back part of wind-pipe smothering him whenever he lies down; tight cough after lying down. TRILLIUM-PEND. 10M Often seized with sudden pain at the end of the sternum, like cramp; severe sneezing; thought he would have died from suffocative attacks of irregular breathing, with sneezing. ZINC.50 Dull, aching pain in chest; coughs mostly at night; raises much phlegm. ᎻᎬᎪᎡᎢ. CORNUS-FLORID.45M Violent pain settled about the heart, causing a feeling of pressure and palpitation. CACTUS-GR.CM Sensation as if the heart was compressed by a hand. 9 130 CUPRUM-ACET.45M Fearful griping and spasm about the region of the heart, last- ing only a moment. IRISCM Distress commenced with beating, throbbing in and about the heart and centre of the sternum. KALI-HYD.CM Fluttering of the heart when waking; fluttering of the heart on exertion; giddiness. SPIGELIA 750. Stitch or darting-like pain in the heart. STRONTIA 50. Sensation of smothering about her heart, with oppressed breathing; restless; heavy load at her heart; moaned continu- ally; symptoms appeared on third day, taking medicine every hour. These prominent symptoms verified several times. UPPER EXTREMITIES. ACONITE50M Pains mostly in small joints of extremities. Her elbows painful. ADEPSIM ÆSCULUS56M Her rends swell up after washing in water. AGARIC²M Arms stiff; muscles sore. 131 AILANTHUS 45M A blister appeared on the end of the thumb, small sores around the finger nail. BURSA-PAST.9M. His fingers very painful; pain in his left shoulder so severe that he thought it was injured in some way; a felon ap- peared on the tenth day after he began taking the medicine. CAUST.30M Fore arms in front very sore to touch and pressure; muscles of the extremities sore generally. CARB-SULPH. 45M Sudden, violent, spasmodic pain begins at the left elbow and extends down the whole left side to the foot. CHELON-GLAB. 45M Whole upper extremity was so sore she thought the parts were bruised and skin removed; elbow mostly affected. CICHOR-INTYB.5C Rheumatic-like pain across the fingers; more in left hand and somewhat on fore-arm. CORNUS-FLORID.45M Neuralgic sharp pains began in the right elbow extending to the hand and shoulder, passing down the right side and then up the left side; could not use the arm properly because of pain and lameness; hands and feet were swollen, and the pains were of a darting needle-like character. Elbows and wrists much affected. COCHLEAR. 10M Grasping-like pain in both shoulders. CARB-VEG.76M Severe pain from right shoulder to elbow; lameness. 1 132 DRACONTIUM 10M Cured violent aching pain in her left shoulder. The symp- tom was chronic and correspondent to the proving. EUPAT-PERF.CM. Left ankle, left hip, and left shoulder pains more than other parts of body. GLANDERINE120. Right arm pains in front and above the elbow; very sore to touch. GETTYSBURG 45M Aching mostly in both shoulders. HYPERICUM 45M In two provers caused severe pain in the last phlanges of the fingers, mostly thumb, fore, and little finger. MERC-VIV, 101M General aching; right shoulder mostly affected. MYRTUSSC Pains in the arm pits and in the shoulder, as if the latter were out of place. The suffering was severe. PLANTAGO-MINOR¹IC. Sharp pain in wrist joint; both affected; little finger of the right hand seems stiff. Wrists and fingers more or less stiff. Sharp pain suddenly appears at the middle of the left fore- arm; leaves a soreness. Seized in the night with violent pain like rheumatism at the middle of the left arm; hands appear hot and are sensitive. These were symptoms common to many provers. PHYTOLAC.47M Intense pain in and around right elbow joint, and down the fore-arm. She cries out because of it, constantly. 133 RANUNCULUS-ACRIS10M Burning sensation in the hands. RUMEX5M Aching sensation from the shoulder-blades all the way down the back to the region of the kidneys. Muscles of the back affected. SILICA CM Cures inflammation at the ends of the fingers, with offensive discharges; felon, onychia, paronychia. Often verified. Fis- tulous discharges from bone in like manner. TARAXACUM67M. In two cases caused aching in the left upper extremity, side of head and ear. Hot hands. LOWER EXTREMITIES. ACON.5 50M Pain in finger joints. ESCULUS 56M Walking difficult. Weakness and aching in the legs. ADEPSIM Great weakness in the posterior part of her knees. Rising from sitting position is painful. Her hips and elbows ache. AGARIC.2M A good deal of pain over both hip joints. She gets up from a chair like an old woman. Joints seem stiff. APOCYNUM6M General stiffness of the legs and joints of the body. Bending is painful. Stiff knees a prominent symptom in many provers. ARGENT. 45M Severe soreness in muscles, mostly of extremities. i 134 ARUM-TRI.16M Her feet are painful on standing and pressure; even the stockings when drawn on pain her; feet feel bruised, and cause her great suffering. ARANS-EXCELS.50. Aching through the hips on walking. AURUM-MUR.5 5M Legs swollen, and very tender to touch, especially along the inner side of the tibia. Backache severe. BORAX3M Cramps in the muscles of the calf of the leg; left mostly affected. BROMINECM Aching pain in both knee joints. BURSA 9M Toes are painful and sensitive. BROM.CM Wonderfully curative in certain kinds of old varicose ulcers occurring in the aged and those broken down in general health. CAUST, 30M Sudden severe pain commences in the left hip joint. Lasts a short time: Feels as if it had been injured. Legs very sore, or rather the lower extremities ache and feel tired. COBALT6M Tingling sensation in the feet. CARB-SULPH.45M Sudden severe pain begins in the left elbow and arm, and extends down the whole left side to the foot. 135 CIMICIFUGA 95M Acute pains through her lower limbs, something of the nature of growing pains, but a great deal worse; legs mostly affected; medicine given for three weeks twelve times daily. COCHLEARIA 40M. Aching pain in or at the adductors of the thighs at their upper part. In the language of the prover, it almost drags her to pieces. CUPRUM-ACET. 45M Ankles and knees are painful; aching soreness. CUPRUM-ACET45M. Sensation of sickness down the inside of the left thigh and leg from the hip to the foot; rest of the extremities less so. Right lower extremity less affected. ERECTHITES 10M Lower limbs seem stiff and painful. EUPAT-PERF. CM Sharp pain in the right heel as if it had been injured. Sharp burning pain in the feet; had to remove her shoes while the pain lasted; feet seemed swollen. Left hip and ankle are troubled with sharp pains which come on instantly and go away as quickly. EPAT-PERF.CM Left ankle, hip, and shoulder pain him very much. FORMICA 45M Legs felt as if she had no power in them; sore; tired. GELSEM.CM Thighs very sore (left mostly affected); very sensitive to touch; pains were all relieved when in perspiration. GETTYSBURG 45M Sharp pain in left knee. } V 136 GLANDERINE12. Feet felt sore and tired, walking painful; soles of her feet very sensitive. HYPERICUM 45M Rapid cure of articular rheumatism; all the joints affected; much effusion about the knee-joints. A female prover, after three days, found her feet much swol- len. Male prover. Sharp pains in the knees, could scarcely touch them, after taking the medicine for two weeks six times a day, this was the most prominent and severe symptom; his head symp- toms were next in importance; dull pains shoot through his fingers as if they were festering. In several provers appeared pains in the joints with some swelling like rheumatism of wrists, knees, and ankles. KALI-HYD.CM Cured large, old, deep, foul looking syphilitic ulcers of the leg; verified a great many times. Cured an old ulcer of the leg where the crude remedy had been given for a long time without any effect, and have had many cases the reverse of this, but do not know the phil- osophy or reason of it. LITHIA-CARB5C. Cured a deep, foul, old, ragged syphilitic ulcer on calf of leg in a short time. Curative in old deep circular offensive varicose ulcers near the ankle, often associated with syphilis. MERC-VIV 101M Much soreness in the thighs and arms, worse on pressure; motion is painful. MERC-IOD.20. Thighs feel very much bruised, with general muscular sore- ness. 137 NITRIC-ACID5C. Legs (mostly the left) very sore in front along the shin from ankle to knee; bound flannel on them to see if do any good. This symptom appeared in at least half-dozen provers, and has been often verified by cures. PETROL.CM Knees feel very tired; walking is painful. PHYTOLACCA 47M Great pain down the sides of the hips and thighs. PLANTAGO-MIN, 11C Suffering violently with pain in her right thigh from her knee to the hip-joint and then around to the back, not constant pain, but it comes quick as thought, sometimes every few seconds and then perhaps twenty to thirty minutes apart, it is so severe that she screams; afterward there remains dull pain. POLYGONUM 42M From knees to her feet ached severely; aching pain in her legs prevented sleep; sore to touch. Limbs ache and chilly sensations followed by fever mostly in the afternoon. PSORIN. 42M Pain through the right groin when walking; soreness in glands. RANUNCULUS-ACRIS10M Extremities hurt her very much from knees downward, as if sore; soreness mostly in the skin. RHUS-TOX, 105M Soreness in calves. Severe, intolerable, and uncontrollable itching of feet and legs at night. Slept very little for three days and nights because of itching in the feet. Cured chil- blains. Constantly rubbing one foot against the other to relieve itching and pain. Uor M t 138 SAP-SODA 20 Under surface of both heels ache, right worse than left. STRONTIA-CARB.50. Violent pain from her knee to the end of her toes, like sharp rheumatic twinges. SULPHURC СМ Great weakness in the legs; can hardly walk; an early symptom in the proving. Produced complete paralysis of the lower extremities. This condition appearing after taking the medicine for two weeks, twenty times a day. One prover only. SAMBUCUS 45M Feels very tired on the least exertion; legs feel very tired. SASSAFRASSC Pain in both tubers ischii and intense pain in both hip joints. SECALE 95M Highly curative in the varicose ulcers of the legs in old people. Gives great relief to those suffering from the ill-effects of milk leg or enlarged and obstructed veins. TROMBIDIUM2C. Seems as if the three smaller toes on the left foot were twisted, they hurt her so. VERBASCUM 45M Severe pain, as if the parts had been pierced with a knife through the inside of the left ankle joint. Sensation of great stiffness in ankle joints; left mostly af- fected. ZINC5C Highly curative in certain old ulcers of the leg, not varicose. Maou 139 TIME. ARSENIC M Cannot sleep after 3 A. M. Wakeful and anxious, highly characteristic. Fever and sweat occurring every afternoon, or toward night. Restless at night. Vivid, frightening dreams. APOCYN.6M Restless at night; mind active; thoughts fly rapidly from one thing to another. AILANTHUS 45M Itching always worse at night. CIMICIFUGA-RAC.95M Fever every afternoon, between twelve and four. ticed in a number of provers. CUPRUM-ACET.45M. This no- Worse in afternoon or toward evening, and better in fore- noon. SECALE95M Always worse in afternoon about four o'clock. TEREBINTH17M Gets up at night to pass water. Urinary symptoms greatly aggravated at night. DISEASES. ARSENICEM This and other high preparations have frequently cured chills. and fever where Quinine and other preparations had been given without effect-most useful in old cases where Quinine did no good. 140 : BELLAD. 101M Caused a rash like scarlet fever, with very sore throat-very frequently verified this symptom with high potencies. BARYTA CM Highly curative in chronic enlargement of the lymphatic glands of the neck. BELLAD. 101M This remedy is the most generally useful one in chronic in- flammation of the eyelids with intolerance of light and pain- Arsenic high is second in importance. DIGIT.CM Repeatedly relieved the strangury and painful erection of gonorrhoea with this remedy. GRAPHITES2X. Highly curative in ophthalmia tarsi. KREOSOTECM From repeated trials I believe it to be more curative in children's eruptive fevers than Sulph.; most useful in debility, with vomiting. I do not know of a more generally useful remedy in stomach troubles of nearly every kind. LACHESISCM Wonderfully curative in delirium tremens of drunkards. Has frequently apparently cured membranous croup. Diphtheritic sore throat and malignant scarlet fever; rapidly helps cases where breath is very offensive; glands of neck swollen. Suffocative attacks; has to loosen everything around the neck. The very first symptom noticed in proving this remedy is re- ferred to the throat and is a feeling of tightness or suffocation; can't breathe well. 1 141 LITHIUM-CARB.SC. Very curative in moist eczema with much itching; syphilitic ulcerations. LOBELIA 45M Asthma; the oppression is felt at the larynx mostly; sick stomach during pregnancy, with ptyalism. LYC.45M Gall-stone colic speedily cured and the acute pain quickly relieved. IODIDE-POTASSIUM. Rheumatic pains in all the joints; eruption at first like flea- bites; later on looks like pimples. MERC-PROT-JOD²C. Changes for the better a Hunterian chancre in a very few days. MERC-SOL.101M Jaundice with large amount of bile in urine, coming on sud- denly in two days. Was cured and urine natural in twenty-four hours after a single dose. NATRUM-MUR. CM One dose, high, cured a long existing case of chills and fever where Quinine had been given with no effect. Repeatedly veri- fied this observation. PETROLEUMCM. Useful in cases of fistula ani; those who have fistula are dis- posed to eczema. Eczema cured in all its forms is favorably affected by this remedy. PHYTOLACCA2C. Boy with anterior and lateral curvature of the spine con- plained of severe pains across buttocks; relieved in a short time; was enabled to walk across the floor for the first time in four years. 142 Psorinum42M, Kreosotec, Causticum³ CM. Causticum 30M, and Silicea have cured 2 many cases of otorrhoea lasting from months to years. RHUS 105M Cured several cases with every symptom of consumption. Has helped several very bad cases for a while, especially as to chest pains. Wonderfully curative in contagious scrofulous ophthalmia of children. Ecthyma usually cured by Rhus. Often cured tinea tonsurans in children. Good result from Rhus in curing the convulsive muscular movements of typhoid fever. Rhus-tox. is the remedy in many cases of scarlet fever. See the provings under that head, skin symptoms, vomiting, etc. SULPHUR20. Epilepsy cured several times with Sulphur. Excellent rem- edy for one who has been overcome with the sun's rays. Boy, æt. two and a half years, cured in five weeks of complete paralysis, lower extremities. Chronic granular inflamed lids, with itching, burning, and profuse lachrymation; great photophobia cured quickly. SECALE95M Many cases of varicose ulcers; veins diminish in size. SILICEA CM Cures onychia, run-arounds, inverted nails; often verified, SULPH.CM Followed by Phos.CM, curative in asthenopia, young woman, eighteen; severe case, existing one and a half years. TART-EMET.5M Highly curative in dyspepsia or sick stomach, with soreness throughout the chest. 143 TRITICUMM Cold in the head with coughing, sneezing; nose discharges freely. VARIOLINM Has proven wonderfully curative in small-pox; modifies it. Frequently verified this in the epidemic of 1873. GLAUCOMA. He was entirely blind in the left eye, which had been lost in a similar manner (glaucoma); now almost crazy with pain in the other; dimness of sight, etc.; the right eye was cured by Sulph., Bell.101, Mezereum 103. 9 Gonorrhoea, Cop., Tereb., Dig., Petros., Sulph., Sep., Canth., Thuja. ! -- • } ! UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 02012 4452 Filmed by Preservation 1991 1 .:- A : F ין i