TRANSPORTATION LIBRARY HD 5503 .A33 Index 1923 B 733,707 INDEX-DIGEST ६. OF # J DECISIONS OF THE UNITED STATES RAILROAD LABOR BOARD (CUMULATIVE) 繡 ​- INCLUDING # AN INDEX-DIGEST OF ALL REGULATIONS OF THE RAILROAD LABOR · BOARD, AND COURT AND ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS OF THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COM- MISSION IN RESPECT TO TITLE III OF THÈ TRANSPORTATION ACT, 1920 7 www. * : h 1 TO JULY 1, 1923. (DECISIONS NOS. 1 TO 1870) TRAE SPORTATION LIDAIRY 5 UNIVERSITY OF MICHI WASHINGTON 1 GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1923 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN قدر جنب I * เ ' # INDEX-DIGEST OF DECISIONS OF THE UNITED STATES RAILROAD LABOR BOARD (CUMULATIVE) INCLUDING AN INDEX-DIGEST OF ALL REGULATIONS OF THE RAILROAD LABOR BOARD, AND COURT AND ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS OF THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COM- MISSION IN RESPECT TO TITLE III OF THE TRANSPORTATION ACT, 1920 TO JULY 1, 1923 (DECISIONS NOS. 1 TO 1870) TRANSPORTATION LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1923 UNITED STATES RAILROAD LABOR BOARD, CHICAGO, ILL. MEMBERS, 1923. BEN W. HOOPER, Chairman. G. W. W. HANGER, Vice Chairman. HORACE BAKER. R. M. BARTON. J. H. ELLIOTT. E. F. GRABLE.¹ SAMUEL HIGGINS. W. L. McMENIMEN. A. O. WHARTON. L. M. PARKER, Secretary. ¹Appointed May 12, 1923, to succeed Albert Phillips, term expired. II Transport. nsportatio Library 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Preface. PART I. CUMULATIVE INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS: Explanatory Introduction to index___. Index classified by subjects- A. Decisions B. Addenda C. Interpretations D. Railroad Labor Board regulations. E. Court decisions- F. Interstate Commerce Commission Regulations_ PART II. CUMULATIVE DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS: Digest classified by subject- A. Decisions_. B. Addenda C. Interpretations D. Railroad Labor Board regulations.. E. Court decisions___ F. Interstate Commerce Commission Regulations__. PART III. CUMULATIVE LIST OF PARTIES TO DISPUTES: Decisions applicable to each party- A. Carriers. B. Organizations_ PART IV. CUMULATIVE LIST OF DOCKETS AND CASES DISPOSED OF: Table 1.-Table showing dockets disposed of— A. Dockets showing decision numbers assigned_- B. Dockets showing addendum numbers assigned_ C. Dockets showing interpretation numbers assigned_. Table 2.-Table showing cases disposed of- A. Cases showing decision numbers assigned--- B. Cases showing addendum numbers assigned_. C. Cases showing interpretation numbers assigned --- Table 3.-Table of decisions having addenda and interpretations- A. Decisions having addenda rendered thereon_. B. Decisions having interpretations rendered thereon_ Table 4.-Table of addenda having interpretations_____ HD 5503 A33 Index 1923 Page. V 3 76 PERCCE 5 71 73 76 77 81 324 333 340 841 345 349 381 391 400 401 401 401 401 402 402 403 III PREFACE. In devising a plan for the compilation of an index-digest of the Railroad Labor Board decisions, two different methods were considered; one is the so- called law digesting method, in which the analyses of statutes or of reported cases are grouped in alphabetical order of subjects with analytic subdivisions, so as to avoid the necessity of an accompanying index, which appeals to the practiced researcher; the other is the plan used herein of making a brief synop- sis of the principal points decided and listing the cases numerically in the order of their appearance, the location of each case being dependent upon a specially classified index properly preceding the digest, thus being especially adapted to the use of the layman. The index to this book is intended to supply the reader with a key to the questions or principles in which he is interested, and the digest is expected to provide a synopsis sufficient to determine the applicability of the decision to the subject under consideration. With this object in view, a comprehensive index has been prepared to direct the reader to all preceding cases of a similar char- acter, while the summary in each case brings out only the principal points in- volved, being made as brief as permissible and citing the complete decision at the conclusion of each digest. It is expected that those who desire to use a particular case as a guide or a precedent will avail themselves of the original text of the published decisions, as in most of the digests principles can not be stated in the exact language used in the original decisions and therefore can not have the same force and effect when used for citation purposes. The basal arrangement of this publication follows the simplest and most natural construction with a view to segregating the contents into special parts and thus obtaining the greatest amount of practical utility. Four principal sub- divisions have been adopted, as follows: Part 1. Cumulative index classified by subjects. Part 2. Cumulative digest of decisions and regulations. Part 3. Cumulative list of parties to disputes. Part 4. Cumulative list of dockets and cases disposed of. The first part comprises, a cumulative index and an explanatory preface thereto which it is believed will be helpful to the researcher; it also contains a table of main classifications the study of which is essential to the location of any given subject. The second part consists of cumulative digests, each of which has been assigned a reference number. This reference number is used in the scheme of indexing instead of the usual page reference, and inasmuch as the number corresponds to the original decision number of the case digested it serves as a key for locating the original decision in the annual publications of the Board. The third part gives a cumulative list of carriers and organiza- tions listed separately in alphabetical order and followed by the number of the particular decision in which a carrier or organization is named as a party. The fourth part presents a cumulative list of dockets and cases disposed of-the docket and case numbers are those used in the filing department of the Railroad Labor Board-listed in numerical order so they may be readily located by those who know the file number of the case but have no knowledge of the decision number assigned. This publication covers the period from April 16, 1920, the date of the or- ganization of the Board, to July 1, 1923, and includes an index-digest of De- cisions Nos. 1 to 1870, inclusive, regulations of the Railroad Labor Board, and court and administrative decisions and regulations of the Interstate Commerce Commission in respect to Title III of the Transportation Act, 1920. PART I CUMULATIVE INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS (TO JULY 1, 1923) 1 EXPLANATORY INTRODUCTION TO INDEX. : As stated in the preface to this volume, the cumulative index to decisions and regulations is intended to supply the researcher with the initial key to the cases in which he is interested, and an explanation of its construction is there- fore deemed advisable. The scheme of indexing used has been constructed with a view to employing main classifications and principal parts thereof most consistent with practical utility and necessary separation, which method allows most subjects to be placed under a single and natural classification. 66 Rules It is quite obvious, of course, that such all-inclusive classifications as and working conditions" must necessarily be divided into principal parts And, in turn, division must be made of such principal parts of main classifica- tions as "Application of rules governing working conditions," since it would be too extensive unless some of its principal components-namely, "Discipline," Representation of employees," Seniority rights," etc.-were assigned pri- mary places in the main classification. Where necessary separations have been made, the components designated as main classifications are noted under the dominant classification for reference. 66 With but few exceptions, the main classifications and their principal parts have been uniformly subdivided into secondary parts, indicated by colon lines, which consist of standardized groups of employees, and they are listed here for convenient reference and preliminary study. Clerical and station forces. Dining-car and restaurant employees. Dispatching-service employees. Engine-service employees. Express employees. Maintenance-of-way and unskilled forces. Pullman-car employees. Shop employees. Signal-department employees. Stationary-engine and boiler-room employees. Steamboat employees. Supervisory forces. Telegraph-service employees. Train-service employees. Yard-service employees. The main classifications not having the above subdivisions, as will be noted by examing the index, are those relating to Railroad Labor Board decisions, Railroad Administration orders, and similar subjects, which are subdivided by their respective decision or order numbers and not by groups of employees, for the reason that such numbers are the most natural subdivisions and the gen- erally recognized references. The secondary parts, or so-called colon lines, wherever permissible have been further divided into groups of appropriate subjects, and such subjects or the minuter details thereof direct the inquirer to the object of his search. The following table shows the main classifications used in this index: TABLE OF MAIN CLASSIFICATIONS. A. DECISIONS. Boards of Adjustment, Decisions of Federal Contract Work__. Decisions of Railroad Labor Board: Classification of Positions and Rates. 1. Application of Decisions___ 2. Rehearing of Decisions Reques.ed. 3. Violation of Decisions. Page. 5 5 10 11 17 18 3 4 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Discipline. Disputes, Method of Handling- Dissenting Opinions. Hours of Service: 1. Basic Day 2. Overtime. 3. Sunday and Holiday Work.. Page. 19 25 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 39 40 44 33882 2245 42 Jurisdiction of Railroad Labor Board. Leaves of Absence__- National Agreement Rules, Application of_ Operating Rules Prescribed by Carrier, Infractions of Orders of United States Railroad Administration.. Piecework___ Rates of Pay: 1. Application of Decreases in Pay. 2. Application of Increases in Pay. 3. Establishment of Rates of Pay__ Reduction in Forces. Representation of Employees. Rules and Working Conditions: 1. Application of Schedule Rules Affecting Pay. 2. Application of Rules Governing Working Conditions. 3. Establishment of Rules and Working Conditions. Seniority Rights Short-Line Railroads_ Strikes_ Supporting Opinions_ 47 47 48 53 56 60 63 64 65 65 66 67 68 Terminals, Changes of. Time lost Transportation Act, 1920_--- Transportation Privileges Union Labor Membership. Vacancies, Filling of Withdrawals of Applications for Decisions___ B. ADDENDA. Carriers Added as Parties to Decisions_ Carriers Excluded from Decisions. Carriers Renamed to Include Additional Employees. Employees Added to Decisions_. Employees Excluded from Decisions_. Modifications of Decisions__ Organizations Added as Parties to Decisions. Rules Added to Decisions Rendered___ C. INTERPRETATIONS. Railroad Labor Board Decisions, Interpretations of… Rates of Pay: 1. Application of Decreases in Pay 2. Application of Increases in Pay- Rules and Working Conditions: 1. Application of Schedule Rules Affecting Pay---- 2. Application of Rules Governing Working Conditions_ 68 68 69 8888 71 7 71 72 72 72 72 73 73 22** 73 74 74 22 75 75 D. RAILROAD LABOR BOARD REGULATIONS. 76 E. COURT DECISIONS. Courts Issuing Decisions. 76 Reported Court Cases Cited. 76 Subjects Covered by Court Decisions_ 77 F. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION REGULATIONS. Rules and Regulations of Commission_ 78 Rules and Regulations of Board CLASSIFIED INDEX. A. DECISIONS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. NOTE. The numbers following the detail lines in the following index refer to the cor- responding paragraph numbers of the "Digest of decisions"; e. g., 1462a following the detail line reading "Case No. 173," refers to paragraph 1462a appearing on page 270 " The Digest of decisions" begins on page 81. of this volume. BOARDS OF ADJUSTMENT, DECISIONS OF FEDERAL. Railway Board of Adjustment No. 1: Case No. 173, 1462a. Case No. 1278, 1463a. Case No. 1505, 1453a. Docket No. 1964, 1301a. Railway Board of Adjustment No. 3: Decision No. C-362, 1802a. Decision No. C-1001, 1712a. Docket No. 577, 1276a. Docket No. 653, 1276a, 1712a. Docket No. 830, 1276a. Docket No. M-1091, 1581a, 1651a. CLASSIFICATION OF POSITIONS AND RATES. Clerical and Station Forces: Accountants- Car, 241a. Shop, 200a. Agents- Baggage, 86a. Express, 86a. Traveling, 986a. Apron tenders, 513a. Baggage and mail handlers, 854a, 1471a. Baggagemaster and switchman, 765a. Baggagemasters, 1632a. Baggagemen, 1803a. Callers- Chief, 1632a. Train and engine crew, 782a. Train crew, 1196a. Car cleaners, 368a. Car distributor- Chief, 1151a. Unspecified, 1151a. Cashier, 856a. Checkers- Baggage, 1196a. Balance-sheet, 127a. Yard, 621a. Clerical work of more than four hours a day, 368a, 565a. 5 6 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Clerical and Station Forces-Continued. Clerks- Baggageman-clerk, 466a. Check, 465a. Chief- Agent, to, 87a, 730a, 835a. Assistant, 183a, 1151a, 1716a. Car-record, 241a. Claim, 1042a. Freight agent, 1720a. Night, 1151a. Regional accounting department, 933a. Transit department, 183a. Counter, 621a. File, 1201a. Freight-house, 1499a. General, 1373a. Head, 575a. Less than one year's experience, 783a. Less than six months' experience, 297a. New positions, 1748a. On-hand, 904a. Pay-roll, 856a. Shop, 1089a. Stenographic, 626a, 1371a. Ticket, 935a. Transfer, 846a. Trucker, 565a. Unspecified, 368a, 512a, 570a, 622a, 761a, 783a, 839a, 852a, 853a, 1414a. Collector- Toll bridge, 471a. Unspecified, 856a. Dispatchers- Engine, 741a. Engine-crew, 1721a. Excepted positions, 1716a. Foremen- Assistant, 621a. Baggageroom, 1477a. Depot, 201a. Freight-house, 1713a. General, 1275a. Mail, 984a Unspecified, 621a. Warehouse, 1202a. Freight handlers, 1499a. Freight station employees, 1131a. Gatemen, 1196a, 1491a. Guards, 932a. Helpers- Station, 953a, 1478a. Store, 384a. Investigators, claim, 1155a, 1424a. Janitor, red caps, 246a, 912a. Laborers- Common, 125a, 384a, 391a, 1249a, 1412a. Station, 956a. Lumber handlers, 125a. Mail and baggage handlers, 854a. Mail distributors, railroad, 952a. Mail porters, 1472a. Messengers- Express, 240a. Helpers, 281a. Unspecified, 281a, 559a, 863a, 1197a. Milk handlers, 382a, 385a. Office and station employees, 632a, 633a. + INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 7 Clerical and Station Forces-Continued. Passenger directors, 1491a. Personal office forces, 39a, 370a, 762a. Porters, 1472a, 1506a. Rail handlers, 125a. Railroad mail distributors, 952a. Reclassification, effect on seniority, 505a. Red caps, 246a, 912a. Scrap handlers, 125a. Seniority, effect of reclassification on, 505a. Shop watchmen, 113a, 838a. Station and office employees, 632a,` 633a. Station attendants, 286a. Stations, definition of larger, 730a. Stockmen, 379a, 384a. Storekeeper- Assistant supply-train, 988a. Unspecified, 696a. Switchman and baggagemaster, 765a. Telephone switchboard operators, 284a. Toll-bridge collector, 471a. Train announcers, 1196a, 1491a. Warehouse employees, 1373a. Watchmen- Clock pullers, 1033a. Gatemen, 1033a. General, 1033a. Shop, 113a, 838a. Yard checkers, 621a. Dining-car and Restaurant Employees: Steward, 1141a. Dispatching-service Employees: Operators, 1029a. Engine-service Employees: Helper crews, 104a. Hostlers- Helpers, inside, 40a, 143a, 1581a. Inside, 891a. Outside, 483a. Local-freight service, 310a. Messengers on dead engines, 1095a. Way-freight service, 310a. Express Employees: Agents, baggage and express, 86a. Baggage and express agents, 86a. Balance-sheet checkers, 127a. Checkers, balance-sheet, 127a. Clerks- In-freight, assistant, 704a. Less than six months' experience, 297a. Depot foremen, 698a. Drivers, 697a, 703a. Express and baggage agents, 86a. Foremen, depot, 698a. Inspectors, 666a. Messengers- Attendants as express messengers, 728a. Express, 240a. Helpers, 281a. Unspecified, 701a. Part-time employees, 905a. Personal office forces, 370a. Platform men, 652a, 665a. Superintendent, assistant, 294a. Waybill writer, 688a. 8 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Ash-pit men, 300a, 1645a. Bridge and building department employees, 1358a. Bridge tenders, 1582a, 1769a. Carpenters, bridge and building, 894a, 1585a. Chauffeurs, 711a. Coal-chute operators, 991a. Crossing flagmen, 1788a. Drawbridge operators, 420a, 1354a. Elevator men, 788a. Employees performing mechanics' work, 1798a. Engine supplymen, 331a. Engineers- Hoisting, 397a. Stationary, 352a, 415a, 416a, 417a, 717a, 1354a. Foremen- Assistant, 601a, 710a. Bridge and building, 798a, 1434a, 1642a. Bridge and building, assistant, 798a, 1434a. Coal-chute, 777a, 995a. Composite working, 1642a. Fuel, 1149a. Labor, 1787a. Maintenance-of-way and supplies, 1764a. Monthly-rated, 898a. Roundhouse, 778a, 1481a. Section, supervising coal chutes, 250a. Unspecified, 710a. Water service, 798a. Grease-cup fillers, 1581a, 1587a. Helpers- Boilerwasher, 779a. Hostler, inside, 40a, 143a, 1581a. Machinists, 1587a, 1590a. Inspector, scale, 1150a. Labor gangs, traveling, 794a. Laborers- Coal-chute, 777a, 1066a. Common, 128a, 303a, 1439a, 1645a. Handling coal, 41a, 301a, 777a. Roundhouse, 891a. Section, 260a. Section, assigned to store houses, 1651a. Section, assigned to transferring freight, 1672a. Shop, 779a. Lubricator fillers, 144a, 1590a. Machinists, 778a, 1585a. Mechanics, 711a. Oilhouse man, 88a. Painters, 92a, 1527a. Pumpers, 255a. 769a, 898a, 1129a. Stockmen, 1167a. Storekeeper, road department, 1100a. Supervisory positions, 1436a. Track employees, 1006a. Watchmen- Bridge, 1586a. Crossing, 406a, 808a. Engine, 714a, 897a. 898a. Engine watchmen at isolated points, 524a, 806a. Track, 589a. Tunnel, 589a. Shop Employees: Arbitrary changes prohibited, 1177a. Boiler washers, 974a. Carmen, 1099a, 1567a. Car inspectors, 1567a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 9 Shop Employees-Continued. Car repairers, 341a, Coal passers, 1347a. Division linemen, 712a, 997a. Electric crane operators, 580a, 1179a, 1180a. Electricians, 212a, 712a, 1091a. 1092a. Firemen and oilers, 999a. Helpers- Carmen helpers doing machinists' work, 972a. Machinist, 770a, 1581a, 1669a. Sheet-metal worker, 770a. Laborers, 1347a. Layers-out, 1177a. Linemen, 212a, 712a, 1178a, 1677a. Lubricator fillers, 1072a. Machinists, 1669a. Mechanics- Foremen, temporarily assigned as, 996a. Sheet-metal workers, 768a, 946a, 947a, 994a. Supervisors of, 970a. Supervisory employees, 405a. Water-service department, 994a. Motor attendants, 1722a, 1723a, 1765a, 1766a. Oxyacetylene welders, 1786a. Sheet-metal workers, 1762a. Stationary engineers, 1722a, 1723a, 1765a, 1766a. Water-service department employees, 1762a. Signal-department Employees: Composite mechanics, 795a. Helpers, 226a, 356a, 709a, 1573a. Maintainers- Leading, 800a. Signal, 252a, 795a, 800a, 903a, 1091a, 1092a. Signal, assistant, 226a, 356a, 709a, 1184a, 1573a Mechanics, composite, 795a. Signalmen- Assistant, 226a. Unspecified, 903a. Stationary-engine and Boiler-room Employees: Firemen and oilers, 999a. Stationary engineers, 1722a, 1723a, 1765a, 1766a. Supervisory Forces: Supervisors of mechanics, 970a, 1352a. Supervisory employees, 405a. Telegraph-service Employees: Agencies- Supervisory, 873a. Telegraph, 983a. Agents, nontelegraphers, 530a. Agents- Supervisory, 983a. Ticket, 837a. Unspecified, 1274a. Drawbridge tenders, 1729a. Helpers- Drawbridge tenders, 1729a. Levermen, 1253a, 1729a. Operator-levermen, 381a. Subordinate officials- Agents, claim, 1424a. Train-service Employees: Clamshell used on main track, 84a. Conductors on mine and switching runs, 481a. 10 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Train-service Employees-Continued. Electrical equipment, handling of, 1325a. Mine-run service, 60a. Mixed runs- Brakemen to be used on, kind of, 78a. Rates applicable, 347a. Shifter service, 60a. Trainmen performing work of baggagemen, 772a. Train porters, 1309a. Turnaround service, 1301a. Yard-service Employees: Yardmasters, footboard, 484a. Yardmen, 71a. CONTRACT WORK. Clerical and Station Forces: Baggage and mail, handling of, 1209a, 1220a. Calling train and engine crews, 1210a. Clerical and station service, 1077a, 1262a. Express agents, employees of, 701a. Freight handling, 1209a, 1210a, 1232a, 1279a. Freight-house operations, 1119a. Individual employees, contract with, 1784a. Janitor work, 1210a. Jurisdiction of Board not affected by contract, 1077a, 1119a, 1209a. 1210a, 1220a, 1232a, 1262a, 1279a. Passenger cars, cleaning of, 1220a. Yard office work, 1210a. Engine-service Employees: Hostling service, 1224a. Jurisdiction of Board not affected by contract,1224a. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Carrier furnishing labor to contractor, 257a. Coal chutes, operation of, 1256a. Coal, handling of, 1215a, 1254a. Coal passers, 1223a, 1230a. Engine watching, 1254a. Flagmen, 1219a. Individual employees, contract with. 120a, 1230a, 1687a. Jurisdiction of Board not affected by contract, 1075a, 1079a, 1212a, 1215a, 1218a, 1319a, 1222a, 1226a, 1230a, 1231a, 1254a, 1256a. Laborers, 1222a. Maintenance-of-way work, 1212a, 1218a, 1219a, 1221a, 1226a, 1231a. Pumping of water, 1215a, 1230a, 1254a, 1256a. Station by contractor, building of, 328a. Track work, 1075a, 1079a. Watchmen, 1219a. Shop Employees: Car cleaning work, 1258a. Car repair work, 1264a. Electrical work, 1238a. Jurisdiction of Board not affected by contract, 982a, 1076a, 1078a, 1080a. 1214a, 1216a, 1217a, 1225a, 1235a, 1241a, 1255a, 1257a, 1259a. 1260a, 1263a, 1361a. Locomotive repair work, 1264a. Passenger cars, cleaning of, 1214a. Power plant, operation of, 1260a. Repair work- Car, 1264a. Locomotive, 1264a. Roundhouse work, contracting of, 145a, 982a. Shop work, 1076a, 1078a, 1080a, 1214a, 1216a, 1217a, 1225a, 1241a, 1255a, 1257a, 1259a, 1263a, 1361a. Western Union Telegraph Co. employees of, 1238a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 11 Stationary-engine and Boiler-room Employees: Jurisdiction of Board not affected by contract- Firemen and oilers, 1213a. Laborers, 1213a. Telegraph-service Employees: Individual employees, contract with, 1253a. DECISIONS OF RAILROAD LABOR BOARD. Decision No. 2: Article II— 1. APPLICATION OF DECISIONS. Section 1, 200a, 277a, 384a. Section 2, 135a, 142a, 245a, 268a, 384a, 535a, 567a, 783a, 841a, 935a, 953a, 1201a, 1478a, 1499a. Section 3, 245a, 268a, 567a, 783a, 840a, 935a, 1499a, 1750a. Section 4, 135a, 513a, 863a, 953a, 1472a, 1477a. Section 5, 139a, 191a, 203a, 268a, 788a, 952a, 1033a, 1197a, 1201a. Section 6, 191a, 863a, 956a, 1197a, 1478a. Section 7, 125a, 136a, 185a, 186a, 286a, 384a, 391a, 649a, 863a, 954a, 956a, 984a, 1086a, 1249a, 1412a, 1472a. Section 8, 391a, 788a. Section 9, 125a, 185a, 186a, 391a, 513a, 1249a, 1412a. Section 12, 956a. Section unspecified, 182a, 245a, 465a, 1426a, 1427a, 1428a, 1429a, 1430a, 1831a. Article III— Section 2, 1066a, 1674a. Section 3, 49a, 535a. Section 4, 711a. Section 5, 975a. Section 6, 41a, 48a, 128a, 301a, 331a, 999a. Section 7, 117a, 118a, 898a, 1129a, 1354a. Section 8, 41a, 48a, 128a, 301a, 331a, 711a, 806a, 999a, 1066a. Section unspecified, 188a. Article IV, section 3, 129a, 994a. Article V- Section 1, 131a, 135a, 179a. Section 2, 131a, 179a. Section unspecified, 194a. Article VI— Nevada Northern Railway, application to. 1302a. Section 1, 96a. Section 2, 1328a. Section 4, 40a, 143a. Article VII— Nevada Northern Railway, application to, 1302a. Section 1, 324a, 487a, 1294a. Section 2, 324a. Section 3, 188a, 324a, 1365a. Section 4, 484a, 1321a. Article VIII- Section 1, 352a. Section 2, 349a. Section unspecified, 1354a. Article IX- Section 9, 649a. Section unspecified, 129a. Article XI, section 1, 152a, 247a. Article XII, 484a. Article XIII— Section 1, 322a, 940a. Section 3, 47a. 113a, 114a, 115a, 116a, 247a, 349a, 400a. 50960°—24——— 2 12 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Decision No. 2-Continued. Article XIII—Continued. Section 6, 53a, 1844a. Section 7, 114a. Section unspecified, 47a. Back pay for engine-service employees, 1393a. Basic rates of pay, 518a, 798a, 882a, 1732a, 1733a, 1734a, 1831a. Carriers, inclusion of—– Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railway Co., 121a. Green Bay & Western Railroad, 1123a. Nevada Northern Railway, 1302a. Confined to lines in United States, 977a. Drawbridge operators, 1253a. Employees laid off after May 1, 1920, 202a. Engineers- Hoisting, 397a. Stationary, 716a, 1073a, 1354a. Fire-train service, 1293a. Gang leaders of laborers, 515a. Increase, proper application of, 693a. Interpretation No. 1, 202a, 716a. Interpretation No. 2, 1734a. Interpretation No. 3, 1352a. Interpretation No. 19, 110a, 202a, 351a, 421a, 940a, 1133a, 1700a. Interpretation No. 20, 1688a. Laborers, gang leaders of, 515a. Leaving the service prior to July 20. 1920, 110a, 202a, 351a, 421a, 533a, 940a, 1133a, 1700a. Monthly guaranty, runs with, 98a. Multigraph operators, 847a. Patrolmen, 1027a. Porters, train, 1309a, 1388a. Rates of pay- Basic, 518a, 798a, 854a, 882a. Establishment of, 899a. Runs with monthly guaranty, 98a. Seamstresses, 428a. Storekeepers, 1100a. Transferring from one department to another, 351a. Watchmen, position of, 913a. Decision No. 3: Article II- Assistants to express agents, 184a. Back pay, 614a. Clerk, on-hand, 904a. Messenger, express service, 701a. Part-time employees— Classification unspecified, 298a, 905a. Express employees, 187a. Section 4, 932a. Section unspecified, 361a, 363a, 670a, 673a, 681a, 857a, 1034a. Decision No. 5: Signal-department employees, 207a. Decision No. 11: Principles outlined in, referred to, 1457a. Decision No. 91: Principles outlined in, referred to, 1286a. Reimbursements account arbitrary reduction in pay, 1329a, 1566a. Decision No. 108: Negotiation of wages and working conditions, 1123a, 1443a. Refusal of carrier to meet committee, 1690a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS, 13 Decision No. 119: Addendum No. 2, 504a, 520a, 541a, 542a, 543a, 544a, 545a, 593a, 595a, 602a, 644a, 645a, 648a, 816a, 971a, 1097a, 1162a, 1188a, 1330a, 1362a, 1416a, 1647a, 1708a. Agreements— Clerks, effect on, 1208a. Maintenance-of-way employees' right to make, 466a, 1002a. March 1, 1920, made subsequent to, 1120a. Negotiation of, 978a, 1002a, 1122a, 1145a, 1146a, 1147a. Painters, right to make, 1064a. Disputes, method of handling, 1160a, 1208a. Hours of service to be made part of submission, 607a. Interpretation No. 1, 541a, 542a, 543a, 544a, 545a, 1359a, 1647a. Interpretation No. 2, 644a, 645a, 651a, 805a, 1311a, 1350a. Interpretation No. 3, 1104a. Interpretation No. 4, 553a. Interpretation No. 5, 1081a, 1860a. Principle No. 2, 467a, 1364a. Principle No. 6, 467a. Principle No. 7, 1177a, 1359a, 1362a, 1491a, 1567a, 1722a, 1723a, 1724a, 1761a. Principle No. 12, 731a, 1364a, 1759a. Principle No. 15, 618a, 1121a, 1416a, 1424a, 1446a, 1728a, 1786a, 1827a, 1832a, 1860a. Principle No. 15, exhibit B, 998a. Decision No. 147: Addendum No. 1, 621a, 1268a, 1412a, 1487a, 1488a, 1730a, 1798a. Addendum No. 4, 720a. Article II— Section 1, 1477a, 1632a. Section 2, 1413a, 1499a. Section 3, 1413a, 1632a, 1711a. Section 4, 1471a, 1472a, 1477a, 1632a. Section 5, 952a. Section 7, 984a, 1412a, 1471a, 1472a. Section 9, 1412a. Section 49, 984a. Section unspecified, 1135a, 1770a, 1771a, 1772a. Article III— Section 7, 1129a, 1354a. Section 8, 711a. Article V- Article VIII- Section 1, 1268a. Article X, 903a. Stationary engineers, 1354a. Article XI, 720a. Article XII, section 9 (d), 711a. * Article unspecified, 1100a, 1414a, 1486a. Carriers, inclusion of- Green Bay & Western Railroad, 1123a. Pere Marquette Railway Co., 1730a. Toledo, St. Louis & Western Railroad, 1761a. Clerks with 2 years' experience, 1859a. Foreman, water-service, 591a. Interpretation No. 1, 1413a, 1414a, 1711a, 1859a. Interpretation No. 2, 1770a, 1771a, 1772a. Monthly-rated employees, 1352a. Multigraph operators, 847a. Decision No. 217: Rates of pay, decreases in, 822a. Decision No. 218: Principles outlined in, referred to, 425a, 583a, 775a, 825a, 826a, 998a, 1082a, 1415a, 1416a, 1500a, 1501a, 1502a, 1534a, 1577a, 1612a, 1636a, 1681a, 1785a, 1829a, 1832a, 1838a. 14 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Decision No. 220: Disputes, method of handling, 1160a. Principles outlined in, referred to, 583a, 829a, 1160a, 1416a. Decision No. 221: Alleged failure of carrier to apply decision, 1432a. Decision No. 222: Addendum No. 2- Rule 141, 1766a. Addendum No. 3- Rule 55, 796a. Addendum No. 6- Omitted rules, disposition of, 1181a. Rule 6, 890a, 1072a, 1107a, 1228a. Rule 35, 1104a. Rule 36, 1104a. Rule 37a, 1104a, 1568a. Rule 42, 976a. Rule 48, 1061a. Rule 64, 1581a, 1587a, 1590a, 1669a. Rule 81, 974a. Rule 126, 1762a. Rule 140, 997a, 1178a, 1677a. Rule 141, 997a, 1179a, 1180a, 1765a. Rule 142, 1179a, 1180a. Rule 157, 1099a. Rule unspecified, 1060a, 1362a. Carriers, inclusion of- Charleston & Western Carolina Railway Co., 1060a. Lehigh & New England Railroad Co., 1545a. Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Co., 1546a. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Lines, 1542a. Staten Island Rapid Transit Railway Co., 1544a, 1561a. Toledo & Ohio Central Railway Co., 892a. Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway, 893a. Zanesville & Western Railway, 892a. Employees performing mechanics' work, 1798a. Interpretation No. 1, 1107a, 1109a, 1650a, 1691a, 1692a, 1693a, 1695a, 1854a. Interpretation No. 3, 1851a, 1852a. Monthly-rated employees, 1352a. Overtime, 585a. Rule 6, 1359a, 1650a, 1693a, 1694a, 1854a. Rule 10, 1851a, 1852a. Rule unspecified, 580a. Decision No. 226: Signal department employees, assignment of, 1184a. Decision No. 227: Principles outlined in, referred to, 1064a. Decision No. 231: Principles outlined in, referred to, 1643a. Principles outlined in, referred to, 1643a. Decision No. 234: Decision No. 256: Principle outlined in, referred to, 1073a. Decision No. 332: Effective date of, 902a. Restoration of 3-cent differential, 902a. Decision No. 426: Back pay, 1712a. Pay for Sunday and holiday service, 1714a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 15 Decision No. 476: Classification of employees, 1152a. Decision No. 501: Article V- Section a-1, 1364a, 1639a, 1641a. Section a-2, 1345a. Section a-5, 1182a. Section a-6, 1182a. Section a-9, 1182a. Section a-10, 1182a. Section c-1, 1364a, 1641a. Section e, 593a. Section h, 593a, 1165a, 1364a. Article VI- Section n, 1644a. Bridge and building department employees, 1358a. Carriers, inclusion of- Missouri Pacific Railroad Co., 1543a. Pennsylvania System, 1827a. St. Louis & Hannibal Railway Co., 1584a. Staten Island Rapid Transit Railway Co., 1561. Seniority rules, 1098a. Supervisors of mechanics, applicable to, 1349a. Decision No. 524: Isolated point, determination of, 806a. Pay on monthly basis, 897a. Decision No. 559: Discipline of W. B. Montague, 1473a. Decision No. 583: Representatives, selection of, 829a. Decision No. 593: Overtime, supervisory employees, 1166a. Principles outlined in, referred to, 1185a. Decision No. 630: Carriers, inclusion of- Kansas City Southern Railway Co., 1081a. Northern Pacific Railway, 1208a. Effective, pending negotiations, 1416a. Illness, pay for time lost account, 875a, 876a, 877a, 878a, 879a. Interpretation No. 1, 1175a, 1708a. Interpretation No. 2, 1731a. Leaves of absence, pay for time lost account, 1207a. Overtime provisions applied to Atlantic Coast Lines, 1330a. Rule 49, 1774a. Rule 57, 1492a, 1493a, 1708a. Rule 76, 1860a. Rule 90, 1697a. Rules remanded to interested parties, 1156a. Saturday half holidays, 1087a. Decision No. 707: Article II, section 17, 1853a. Carriers, inclusion of- New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Co., 1120a. Interpretation No. 1, 1101a, 1105a. Overtime, 1097a. Decision No. 721: Failure of carrier to apply, 1369a. Section 1 of general instructions, 810a, 811a, 812a, 813a, 814a, 815a, 848a, 849a, 850a, 866a, 987a. 16 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Decision No. 725: Rule 5, 1166a. Rule 6, 1166a. Decision No. 726: Carriers, inclusion of- Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana, 1681a. Decision No. 757: Applied to telegraphers on Philadelphia & Reading Railway, 832a. Classification of employees referred to, 826a. Rule 3, 1174a, 1234a, 1530a. Rule 16, 1531a. Rule 20, 1367a, 1634a. Decision No. 771: Principles outlined in, referred to, 1643a. Decision No. 778: Compensation for foremen, 1481a. Decision No. 825: Agreements, negotiation of, 1146a, 1147a. Rules, method of handling disputed, 1145a, 1160a. Decision No. 830: Rule 5, 1142a. Rule 6, 1142a. Decision No. 896: Principles outlined in, referred to, 1643a. Decision No. 982: Principles outlined in, referred to, 1075a, 1076a, 1077a, 1078a, 1079a, 1080a, 1119a, 1209a, 1210a, 1212a, 1214a, 1215a, 1216a, 1217a, 1218a, 1219a, 1220a, 1222a, 1224a, 1225a, 1226a, 1230a, 1231a, 1232a, 1235a, 1241a, 1254a, 1255a, 1256a, 1257a, 1259a, 1260a, 1262a, 1263a, 1279a, 1344a, 1361a. Decision No. 1001: Failure to agree on remanded dispute, 1148a. Decision No. 1074: Article I- Section 2-a, 1499a. Section 3-b, 1499a. Decision No. 1093: Over-payments account error in figuring time, 1431a. Decision No. 1100: Classification of employees, 1764a. Decision No. 1104: Principles outlined in, referred to, 1161a. Decision No. 1214: Principles outlined in, referred to, 1241a. Decision No. 1253: Principles outlined in, referred to, 1729a. Decision No. 1266: Yardmasters, 1411a. Decision No. 1364: Overtime for foremen, 1570a. Principles outlined in, referred to, 1647a. Sunday and holiday service, 1571a. Time worked in excess of 8 hours, 1572a. Decision No. 1446: Principles outlined in, referred to, 1483a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 17 Decision No. 1450: Article V- Section c-1, 1652a. Section h, 1570a, 1571a, 1572a. Decision No. 1538: Differentials, elimination of, 1732a, 1733a. Decision No. 1582: Classification of positions and rates, 1769a. 2. REHEARING OF DECISIONS REQUESTED. Decision No. 2: Carrier's request denied, 15a. Decision No. 120: Carrier's request denied, 149a. Carrier's request denied, 1117a. Decision No. 214: Decision No. 227: Organization's request denied, 414a. Decision No. 251: Organization's request denied, 1176a. Decision No. 403: Carrier's request denied, 925a. Decision No. 476: Carrier's request denied, 950a. Decision No. 552: Organization's request denied, 831a. Decision No. 598: Carrier's request denied, 1418a. Decision No. 778: Carrier's request denied, 1689a. Decision No. 781: Organization's request denied, 1505a. Decision No. 821: Organization's request denied, 948a. Decision No. 822: Carrier's request denied, 949a. Decision No. 825: Carrier's request denied, 885a. Decision No. 851: Organization's request denied, 1503a. Decision No. 852: Organization's request denied, 1504a Decision No. 1018: Carrier's request denied, 1124a. Decision No. 1019: Carrier's request denied, 1125a. Decision No. 1020: Carrier's request denied, 1126a. Decision No. 1021: Carrier's request denied, 1127a. 18 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Decision No. 1022: Carrier's request denied, 1128a. Decision No. 1082: Carrier's request granted, 1482a. Decision No. 1152: Carrier's request denied, 1211a. Decision No. 1342: Carrier's request denied, 1528a. Decision No. 1448: Organization's request granted, 1679a. Decision No. 1481: Carrier's request denied, 1689a. Decision No. 1728: Organization's request denied, 1834a. Decision No. 2: 3. VIOLATION OF DECISIONS. Contracting of work by carrier, 982a, 1075a, 1076a, 1077a, 1078a, 1079a, 1080a, 1119a, 1209a, 1210a, 1212a, 1213a, 1214a, 1215a, 1216a, 1217a, 1218a, 1219a, 1220a, 1222a, 1224a, 1225a, 1226a, 1230a, 1231a, 1232a, 1235a, 1241a, 1254a, 1255a, 1256a, 1257a, 1259a, 1260a, 1262a, 1263a, 1279a, 1361a. Rates of pay, arbitrary reduction of, 90a, 91a, 120a, 121a, 854a, 1286a, 1288a, 1329a, 1331a, 1540a, 1566. Decision No. 91: Rates of pay, arbitrary reduction of, 1329a, 1566a. Decision No. 119: Contracting of work by carrier, 982a, 1076a, 1078a, 1079a, 1080a, 1119a, 1209a, 1210a, 1214a, 1215a, 1216a, 1217a, 1218a, 1219a, 1220a, 1224a, 1225a, 1226a, 1230a, 1231a, 1232a, 1235a, 1241a, 1254a, 1255a, 1257a, 1259a, 1260a, 1262a, 1263a, 1279a, 1361a. Granting conference to employees, 1446a. Rates of pay, arbitrary reduction of, 1761a. Decision No. 145: Reinstatement of employees, 1670a. Decision No. 146: Reinstatement of employees, 1670a. Decision No. 147: Contracting of work by carrier, 982a, 1076a, 1078a, 1079a, 1080a, 1119a, 1209a, 1210a, 1212a, 1214a, 1215a, 1216a, 1217a, 1218a, 1219a, 1220a, 1224a, 1225a, 1226a, 1230a, 1231a, 1232a, 1235a, 1241a, 1254a, 1255a, 1257a, 1259a, 1260a, 1262a, 1263a, 1279a, 1361a. Decision No. 218: Representatives, selection of, 1829a. Decision No. 220: Representatives, selection of, 1833a. Decision No. 501: Rules and working conditions, arbitrary changing of, 1364, 1639a, 1727a. Decision No. 528: Reinstatement of employees, 886a. Decision No. 552: Reinstatement of employees, 1640a. Decision No. 553: Rates of pay, arbitrary reduction of, 1287a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 19 } Decision No. 757: Rules and working conditions, arbitrary changing of, 1369a. Decision No. 826: Representatives, selection of, 1415a. Decision No. 1081: Incorporation of rules in agreement, 1731a. Decision No. 1212: Rules and working conditions, arbitrary changing of, 1640a. DISCIPLINE. Clerical and Station Forces: Dismissals- Alexander, W. H., 196a. Amon, Marjorie, 557a. Anderson, E. C., 641a. Barbee, J. Pearl, 533a. Bates, E. D., 359a. Bianchi, Frank, 797a. Bianchi, Louis, 797a. Bledsoe, W. A., 560a. Branch, W. V., 270a. Brown, C. R., 177a. Brown, H. J., 739a. Bryan, Kenneth, 758a. Burg, M., 457a. Bush, Myrtle, 472a. Calhoun, J. C., 1198a. Calvin, Otto M., 190a. Canty, J. J., 396a. Carolan, Mary A., 189a. Constable, J. B., 637a. Coxon, William, 756a. Cruse, Frank D., 199a. Daniels, Homer J., 858a. Daugherty, J. C., 1480a. Diverty, James E., 282a. Dunbar, G., 1783a. Donnelan, Mercedes, 472a. Elkenbrod, T., 262a. Employees unnamed, 138a. English, J. G., 177a. Furey, Maurice M., 931a. Gardner, E. E., 817a. Grace, W. H., 667a. Grant, E. M., 943a. Greenleaf, L. H.. 467a. Gregory, Hazel, 573a. Griffis, J. R., 684a. Gross, W. H., 1705a. Grubbs, A., 880a. Guillett, Myrtle A., 555a. Gussenhoven, Mrs. S. M., 1776a Guyer, Hazelle M., 965a. Hamilton, J. M., 18a. Harlan, G., 1132a. Harris, J. V., 1868a. Hill, Anna, 818a. Hoff, Mildred, 393a. Hopper, Etta, 472a. Johnson, A. L., 283a. Johnson, O. L., 134a. Kavanaugh, H. E., 581a. Kearns, George L., 736a. 20 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST, Clerical and Station Forces-Continued. Dismissals-Continued. Krinsky, Morris, 266a. Kronig, Harry E., 942a. Lannon, M., 457a. Leonard, Fred, 658a. Lifschitz, Anna, 608a. Lodge, J. P., 1159a. Logsdon, J. Lee, 366a. Lynch, J. J., 150a. Mahoney, J. F., 344a. Marshall, Mrs. C. M., 791a. Mathews, H. P., 373a. McCann, C. C., 343a. McElderry, E. E., 275a. McGrath, T., 1278a. Merkadeau, S. E., 766a. Merritt, L. E., 663a. Moll, J. R., 957a. Montague, W. B., 959a., 1473a. Morse, C. W., 695a. Morton, F. H., 636a. Murphy, M., 457a. Newcomb, J. R., 865a. Norton, E., 1203a. Nunn, P. J., 1090a. Nussbaum, Harold E., 906a. Owens, R. W., 763a. Peters, W. C., 675a. Pritchard, V., 1194a. Prouse, E. F., 178a. Raymond, E. L., 628a. Reim, Clara, 472a. Rodgers, Julia B., 1555a. Rose, M. H., 954a. Scarce, A. R., 1048a. Schell, H. A., 1625a. Shields, T., 1170a. Short, J. H., 43a. Smith, K. H., 532a. Smith, Stella, 263a. Smith, W. M., 1420a. Stem, P., 1200a. Strawn, W. B., 467a. Trammall, B. H., 296a. Unnamed employees, 138a. Van Atta, R. M., 729a. Warren, Ivan, 126a. Washman, C. C., 784a. Watson, Mrs. M. E., 968a. Weekly, T. J., 678a. Williams, Coral, 612a. Withers, R. F., 1157a. Wood, Herman S., 888a. Reinstatements- Becker, Dora, 1088a. Bozonier, S., 1186a. Flynn, E. J., 1037a. Foster, C. B., 1782a. Hanson, Ruth M., 1189a. Jackson, J. F., 1248a. Kuhn, May, 1088a. Lehner, Eva, 1088a. Murray, J. E., 1622a. Nash, W. L., 478a. Olson, E. C., 767a. Rogers, C. M., 1707a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 21 Clerical and Station Forces-Continued. Reinstatements Continued. Smith, Ruth, 576a. Tompkins, H. A., 1152a. Wikertsheim, J. W., 1041a. Wortham, Alice, 1088a. Suspensions- Kinney, L., 668a. Wilson, J. A.. 1710a. Dispatching-service Employees: Dismissals- Corbin, B. H., 1171a. Crevier, E. F., 274a. Dermody, J. J., 1417a. Griffin, O. D., 1372a. Kinner, C. L, 364a. Long, J. M., 6a. Moss, H. H., 919a. Valentine, J., 7a. Reinstatements- Blattenberg, J. F., 1703a. Meginnes, G. S., 1702a. Engine-service Employees: Dismissals- Brown, W., 1525a. Campbell, T. D., 32a. Connolly, B. A., 1564a. Cordell, J. W., 1524a. Employees unnamed, 1096a. Hale, J. M., 32a. Holcomb, J., 1522a. Hurst, R. A., 1523a. Johnson, K. D., 1319a. Pynes, H., 1565a. Triber, F. J., 1562a. Unnamed employees, 1096a. Reinstatements- Lulloff, George, 480a. Patton, P. H., 326a. Silvers, H. E., 528a, 886a, Warning, T. H., 36a. Wolfe, Fred C., 550a. Express Employees: Dismissals— Bailey, R., 14a. LeMasters, L. E., 12a. Luth, A. O., 151a. McElroy, C. H., 1865a. Seig, A. R., 13a. Slaughter, E. C., 1864a. Sperling, George, 680a. Steele, E. M., 672a. Reinstatements- Dee, D. M., 1035a. Schroeder, W. J., 1031a. Young, S. B., 1777a. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Dismissals- Bergman, R., 1419a. Brady, J. J., 1419a. Childs, C. P., 1348a. Cady, R. M., 257a. Carnyn, J., 1419a. Davis, G. F., 831a. 22 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces Continued. Dismissals-Continued. Davis, O. H., 309a. Dowell, H. C., 1419a. Employees unnamed, 588a. Foley. James, 254a. Fursman, C., 1646a. George, L. E., 1801a. Gregg, D., 1163a. Halversen, A., 1696a. Howard, E. H., 253a. Hull, John, 223a. Klieman, H., 1419a. Laffey, P., 1583a. Mallick, E. A., 261a. Moore, E. J., 204a. Peacock, H., 1709a. Pew, J., 1353a. Phillips, E. G., 1419a. Phillips, R., 551a. Rampy, W. E., 398a. Ross, Charles, 715a. Rounsavail, C. E., 1340a. Skiba, Alexander, 258a. Skok. F., 1438a. Stevenson, M. L., 1007a. Unnamed employees, 588a. Reinstatements- Athey, Lawrence, 329a. Berry, E., 1578a. Berry, W., 1578a. Berry, W. B., 1578a. Cunis, A. P.. 1355a. Davis, G. F., 552a, 1640a. Elardo, P., 1575a. Employees unnamed, 1056a. Fehrle, W., 1447a. Fields, G., 1578a. Hicks, Jessie H., 224a. Mosley, Frank, 224a. Norcutt, A. C., 1069a. l'owell, D. W., 1563a. Price, L., 1578a. Reilly, Peter J., 579a. Showen, G. D., 1678a. Stanford, R. P., 1356a. Teller, W., 1118a. Tobey, Elwin B., 1102a. Unnamed employees, 1056a. Wright, T., 1578a. Suspensions— Schroeder, H. A., 216a. Shop Employees: Dismissals- Baxter, Lillian, 451a. Bennett, W. T., 452a. Chilbenski, Bronia, 446a. Cicko, Annie, 451a Collins, C. L., 441a. Daniels, Clara, 455a. Easton, John W., 327a. Elgan, Adolph, 451a. Employees unnamed, 109a, 433a, 584a. Enijak, Eva, 446a. Gage, C. E., 1005a. Green, William, 928a. Gregory, Emma, 455a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. .23 Shop Employees-Continued. Dismissals-Continued. Griffin, Mary, 451a. Harms, Fred, 1062a. Harvey, Bertha, 446a. Herbert, A. M., 454a. Hill, Herbert, 1059a. Hora, Anna, 451a. Imhoff, Lillian, 445a. Irwin, W., 444a. Jackson, Lillian, 446a. James, Adam, 443a. James, Emily, 450a. Johanson, A. P., 597a. Johnson, L. C., 438a. Kessler, Pearl, 451a. Kirk, H. F., 516a. Lanon, John, 424a. Laster, W. G., 584a. Lynch, Edward, 327a. Martin, Margaret, 455a. McCarron, Frank, 206a. McDonald, A. T., 449a. Moore, Blanche, 434a. Moore, C. F., 1059a. Moore, F. L.. 516a. Morton, Mamie, 443a. Mulling, George, 448a. Nelson, A. C., 1106a. Nelson, Victor, 404a. Obermark, F. J., 436a. O'Neal, Warren, 430a. Osborne, J. B., 708a. Rhodes, Etta, 450a. Roulston, Christopher, 455a. Seegar, F., 454a. Shoemaker, J. E., 1070a. Skibo, A., 442a. Stengele, A. N., 1106a. Strobis, Julia, 450a. Swan, Lydia, 450a. Tilton, F. J., 1062a. Unnamed employees, 109a, 433a, 584a. Ward, Elizabeth, 455a. Warner, Sadie, 443a. Willoughby, T. J., 928a. Wittstruck, Dollie, 451a. York, Mary, 446a. Reinstatements- Bass, A. A., 1021a. Booker, T. F., 399a. Boyd, H. C., 1019a. Coon, H. C., 1019a. Drake, C. H., 598a. Employees unnamed, 145a, 1055a, 1359a, 1362a, 1688a. Gjutman, Oscar, 927a. Haley, Thomas, 926a. Hardy, B., 410a. Harmeson, George, 539a. Hoey, M. J., 1022a. Jenkins, E. C., 1021a. Jenkins, M. A., 1020a. Jordan, W. E., 1021a. Juneau, E. J., 1055a. LaBounty, Homer, 599a. Little, H. N., 403a. Mathews, C. H., 1021a. 24 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Shop Employees-Continued. Reinstatements-Continued. May, R. E., 1021a. McCusker, Max, 586a. McNamara, J. J., 1063a. McNey, P. J., 401a. McRae, J. G., 792a. Richardson, J. J., 402a. Ringe, George, 1018a. Shaw, Walter, 1058a. Smith, Roy, 590a. Smith, Thomas, 146a. Stillwell, J. L., 1021a. Tate, F. E., 1021a. Thomas, Samuel, 146a. Unnamed employees, 145a, 1055a, 1359a, 1362a, 1688a. Welch, J. M., 1021a. Wheeler, Green, 540a. Williams, H. T., 1019a. Suspensions— Crane, O. L., 234a. Sheldon, J. E., 234a. Signal-department Employees: Dismissals- Fairly, O. E., 207a. Faudres, O. G., 1068a. Moores, G. E., 207a. Thomas, R. B., 207a. Young, R. A., 207a. Supervisory Forces: Dismissals- Cameron, G. A., 1725a. Holmes, C., 1725a. Reinstatements- Sexton, L. R., 967a. Unnamed employees, 1726a. Wethe, C. J., 625a. Telegraph-service Employees: Dismissals- Bennett, O. L., 1195a. Markey, T. J., 1012a. Reinstatement— Gaillard, E., 1449a. Train-service Employees: Dismissals- Asbury, Ernest, 74a. Barlow, H. E., 527a. Bart, H. J., 1384a. Behrn, G. N., 1399a. Bepley, Walter, 490a. Boland, T. C., 495a. Bowman, C. W., 106a. Brogan, R. P., 1553a. Callahan, A. L., 496a. Campbell, T. D., 32a. Cheathan, Robert, 77a. Clark, P. N., 498a. Collins, E., 81a. Craigle, Charles, 490a. Dressel, L. T., 490a. Employees unnamed, 500a, 1096a. Hale, J. M., 32a. Kilburn, C. E., 493a. Roberts, T. A., 1406a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 25 Train-service Employees-Continued. Dismissals-Continued. Rowell, J. W., 497a. Thompson, J. M., 1455a. Unnamed employees, 500a, 1096a. Word, R. W., 1383a. Reinstatement— Arwood, S. B., 528a, 886a. Suspensions- Herbert, J. C., 1565a. Sandifer, J. W., 1565a. Yard-service Employees: Dismissals- Belton, G., 1456a. Doll, Harry, 489a. Employees unnamed, 500a. Gest, O. E., 499a. Graves, A. L., 499a. Mason, John, 80a. McGee, W. S., 499a. McManus, R., 1050a. Milhollan, A. C., 492a. Reid, F. D., 1699a. Seeds, Hall, 499a. Thomas, C., 1699a. Turkham, E. E., 499a. Unnamed employees, 500a. Reinstatements- Arwood, S. B., 528a, 886a. Ferguson, J. M., 526a. Glazebrook, O. E., 1052a. O'Neil, J., 1053a. Silvers, H. E., 528a, 886a. Zimmerschied, P. J., 1051a. DISPUTES, METHODS OF HANDLING. Clerical and Station Forces: Agreements, how to make changes in, 119a, 1081a. Classification of positions and rates- Classification for balloting on representative, 220a, 829a. Conferences- Carriers refusing to meet committee, 70a. Failure of parties to hold, 89a, 822a, 1145a, 1146a, 1147a, 1199a, 1331a 1551a. Decisions of Board- Failure to comply with, 1160a. Rule disputes held in abeyance. 2a, 290a, 607a. Discipline- Investigation, employees entitled to, 1031a, 1041a, 1152a. Disputes dismissed- Submission, failure to use proper form of, 1551a. Disputes remanded to interested parties— Ballots to be taken for choosing reresentatives, 220a, 583a, 998a, 1416a. Conferences to be held, 108a, 119a, 121a, 582a, 729a. 874a, 875a, 876a, 877a, .878a, 879a, 929a, 1087a, 1491a, 1751a, 1755a, 1775a, 1793a, 1794a, 1795a, 1796a, 1797a, 1803a, 1811a. Facts to be made clear, 632a, 633a, 664a, 782a, 913a, 929a, 933a, 958a, 1043a, 1132a, 1491a. Joint investigation to be made, 643a, 929a, 1090a, 1793a, 1794a, 1795a, 1796a, 1797a, 1803a, 1816a, 1817a, 1818a, 1819a. Proposed rules not decided by Board, 630a, 722a, 1208a, 1450a. Rates of pay- Changes in, how to make, 121a, 854a, 1288a, 1331a, 1540a, 1860a. 26 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Clerical and Station Forces-Continued. Representatives, selection of- Ballots required to determine proper representatives, 220a, 583a, 998a, 1416a, 1833a. Rules and working conditions- Changes in. how to make, 119a, 963a, 1160a, 1237a, 1731a, 1760a, 1774a, 1808a, 1860a. Contracting work of carriers, 1344a. Separations from service account contracting work, 1077a, 1119a, 1209a, 1210a, 1220a, 1232a, 1262a. Submissions must contain specific dispute, 1168a. Withdrawal of portions of disputes, 1081a. Dining-car and Restaurant Employees: Disputes remanded for conferences, 879a, 1122a. Dispatching-service Employees: Agreements, how to make changes in, 119a. Conferences, failure of parties to hold, 89a, 1332a. Decisions of Board- Conferences to properly apply, 1730a. Rules disputes held in abeyance, 2a. Disputes remanded to interested parties- Ballots to be taken for choosing representatives, 775a. Conferences to be held, 90a, 108a, 119a, 121a, 724a, 810a, 811a, 812a, 813a, 814a, 815a, 848a, 849a, 850a, 866a, 969a, 987a. Proposed rules not decided by Board, 721a. Rates of pay- Changes in, how to make. 121a, 969a, 1288a, 1332a, 1540a, 1730a. Representatives, selection of— Ballots required to determine proper representatives, 775a, 1612a. Rules and working conditions— Changes in, how to make, 119a. Withdrawal of portions of disputes, 1244a. Engine-service Employees: Agreements, how to make changes in, 119a. Conferences, failure of parties to hold, 89a, 299a. Decisions of Board- Conferences to properly apply, 724a. Rules disputes held in abeyance, 2a, 290a, 1328a. Dicipline- Investigation, employees entitled to, 85a. Disputes remanded to interested parties- Conferences to be held, 90a, 108a, 119a, 121a, 148a, 724a, 1327a, 1682a, 1685a, 1686a. Rates of pay- Changes in, how to make, 121a, 1288a, 1540a. Rules and working conditions- Changes in, how to make, 119a. Separations from service account contracting work, 1224a. Express Employees:" Decisions of Board- Rules disputes held in abeyance, 3a. Disputes remanded to interested parties- Conferences to be held, 63a. Joint investigation to be made, 669a, 904a. 959a. Proposed rules not decided by Board, 722a. Rates of pay- Changes in. how to make, 822a. Submissions used in filing disputes- Questions in dispute must be properly stated, 933a. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Agreements, how to make changes in, 119a. Classification of positions and rates- Classification for balloting on representative. 1082a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. **27 Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces--Continued. Conferences- ('arriers refusing to meet committee, 70a, 1446a, 1483a. Failure of parties to hold, 89a, 650a, 1002a, 1547a, 1548a, 1549a. Decisions of Buard- Conferences to properly apply, 724a, 1764a. Failure to comply with, 1584a. Rules disputes held in abeyance, 2a, 290a. Discipline- Arbitrary dismissals by carrier, 1056a. Notification of demotion, 1589a. Disputes dismissed- Application, failure to file, 1547a. Conference must be on question in dispute, 1439a. Failure to reply to Board's communication, 990a. Submission, failure to use proper form of, 1548a, 1549a. Disputes remanded to interested parties— Ballots to be taken for choosing representatives, 412a, 418a, 998a, 1082a. Conferences to be held, 108a, 119a, 121a, 514a, 724a, 780a, 803a, 1149a, 1357a, 1446a, 1483a, 1582a, 1648a, 1682a, 1684a, 1685a, 1687a, 1724a, 1768a. Joint investigation to be made, 778a. Proper effort must be made to adjust dispute, 650a, 1648a. Proposed rules not decided by Board, 501a, 1450a, 1861a. Rates of pay- Changes in, how to make, 91a, 120a, 121a, 332a, 1003a, 1288a, 1329a, 1540a, 1582a, 1769a. Representatives, selection of- Ballots required to determine proper representatives, 412a, 418a, 998a, 1082a, 1577a, 1832a. Carrier requires employees to choose by ballot, 412a, 1269a, 1835a. Carrier to meet representatives in conference, 1761a. Foremen on Kansas City Southern Railway Co., 1644a. Rules and working conditions— Changes in, how to make, 119a, 1002u, 1584a, 1644a, 1724a, 1761a, 1767a. Separation from service account contracting work, 1075a, 1079a, 1212a, 1215a, 1218a, 1219a, 1220a, 1222a, 1226a, 1230a, 1231a, 1256a. Submissions used in filing disputes- Form of, 1547a, 1548a, 1549a, 1551a. Questions in dispute must be properly stated, 1439a. Shop Employees: Agreements- Changes in, how to make, 119a, 292a. 1060a, 1534a. Positions not within scope of, 1179a, 1180a. Classification of positions and rates- Classification for balloting on representative, 218a. Joint investigation to determine duties, 994a, 997a. Conferences- Carriers refusing to meet committee, 70a, 174a, 259a, 432a, 978a. 1690a. Failure of parties to hold, 89a, 174a, 1001a, 1063a, 1177a. Decisions of Board- Conferences to properly apply, 724a. Failure to comply with. 1181a, 1670a, 1688a. Rules disputes held in abeyance, 2a, 290a. Discipline- Employees refusing to sign safety-first bulletin, 1638a. Investigation, employees entitled to, 206a. Disputes dismissed- Agreement on dispute closes case, 922a. Disputes remanded to interested parties— Ballots to be taken for choosing representatives, 218a, 425a, 998a, 50960°-24———3 1534a. 280 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Shop Employees-Continued. Disputes remanded to interested parties-Continued. Conference to be held, 90a, 108a, 119a, 121a, 724a, 895a, 978a, 1161a, 1684a, 1722a, 1723a, 1762a. Joint investigation to be made, 994a, 997a, 1001a, 1762a. Piecework, how established, 1718a. Rates of pay- Changes in, how to make, 121a, 174a, 1177, 1288a, 1540a, 1638a, 1690a, 1786a. Representatives, selection of- Ballots required to determine proper representatives, 218a, 425a, 998a, 1534a, 1728a, 1829a, 1838a. Majority have right to select representatives, 174a. Rules and working conditions— Changes in, how to make, 119a, 1181a, 1359a, 1534a, 1690a, 1718a. Piecework determined by ballot of employees, 1360a. Separation from service account contracting work, 982a, 1076a, 1078a, 1080a, 1214a, 1216a, 1217a, 1225a, 1235a, 1241a, 1254a, 1255a, 1257a, 1259a, 1260a, 1263a, 1361a. Signal-department Employees: Agreements- Changes in, how to make, 119a. Questions not covered by, 1067a. Conferences, failure of parties to hold, 709a. Decisions of Board- Rules disputes held in abeyance, 2a. Disputes remanded to interested parties— Conferences to be held, 119a, 293a, 924a, 1853a. Joint investigation to be made, 903a. Proposed rules not decided by Board, 707a, 1120a. Rates of pay- Changes in, how to make, 1288a, 1540a. Rules and working conditions— Changes in, how to make, 119a, 709a. Stationary-engine and Boiler-room Employees: Agreements, how to make changes in, 119a. Decisions of Board- Rules disputes held in abeyance, 2a. Disputes remanded to interested parties- Conferences to be held, 119a, 1684a. Joint investigation to be made, 1347a. Proposed rules not decided by Board, 725a. Rates of pay- Changes in, how to make, 1288a, 1540a. Representatives, selection of- Ballots required to determine proper representatives, 1636a. Rules and working conditions- Changes in, how to make, 119a. Separations from service account contracting work, 1213a. Steamboat Employees: Agreements, how to make changes in, 119a. Conferences, failure of parties to hold, 1550a, 1552a. Decisions of Board- Rules disputes held in abeyance, 2a. Disputes remanded to interested parties— Additional request subsequently made, 1809a. Conferences to be held, 119a, 1500a, 1501a, 1502a, 1550a, 1552a. Rates of pay- Changes in, how to make, 1498a. Representatives, selection of- Ballots required to determine proper representatives, 1500a, 1501a, 1502a. Rules and working conditions— Changes in, how to make, 119a. Submissions used in filing disputes, form of, 887a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 29 Supervisory Forces: Agreements, how to make changes in, 119a. Decisions of Board- Rule disputes held in abeyance, 2a. Disputes remanded to interested parties- Ballots to be taken for choosing representatives, 419a, 629a, 631a. Conferences to be held, 119a. Proposed rules not decided by Board, 726a. Representatives, selection of- Ballots required to determine proper representatives, 419a, 629a, 631a, 1681a. Rules and working conditions— Changes in, how to make, 119a. Telegraph-service Employees: Agreements, how to make changes in, 119a, 1333a, 1334a, 1335a, 1336a. Classification of positions and rates— Changes in duties of employee, 837a. Conferences- Committee refusing to meet carrier, 832a. Failure of parties to hold, 1286a, 1333a. Decisions of Board- Conferences to properly apply, 724a. Rules disputes held in abeyance, 2a, 290a, 1233a. Disputes remanded to interested parties— Ballots to be taken for choosing representatives, 825a, 826a, 1415a. Conferences to be held, 90a, 108a, 119a, 121a, 724a, 832a, 1274a, 1378a, 1379a, 1698a. Facts to be made clear, 1274a. Joint investigation to be made, 1378a, 1379a. Proposed rules not decided by Board, 757a. Rates of pay- Changes in, how to make, 121a, 1253a, 1274a, 1286a, 1288a, 1410a, 1540a. Representatives, selection of- Ballots required to determine proper representatives, 825a, 826a, 1415a, 1785a. Carrier requires employees to choose by ballot, 832a. Rules and working conditions— Changes in, how to make, 119a, 1334a, 1335a, 1336a, 1789a. Misapplication of rules by carrier, 1234a. Status quo order, application of employees for, 1234a. Train-service Employees: Agreements, how to make changes in, 119a. Conferences, failure of parties to hold, 89a, 299a. Decisions of Board- Conferences to properly apply, 724a. Rules disputes held in abeyance, 2a, 290a. Discipline- Investigation, employees entitled to, 85a. Disputes dismissed- Failure to hold conference, 82a. Disputes remanded to interested parties- Conference to be held, 63a, 90a, 108a, 119a, 121a, 148a, 724a, 1295a, 1682a, 1683a, 1685a, 1686a. Rates of pay- Changes in, how to make. 121a, 1288a, 1540a. Rules and working conditions- Changes in, how to make, 119a. Submissions must contain specific dispute, 82a. Yard-service Employees: Agreements, how to make changes in, 119a. Conferences- Carriers refusing to meet committee, 1051a, 1052a, 1053a. Failure of parties to hold, 299a. 30 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Yard-service Employees-Continued. Decisions of Board- Rules disputes held in abeyance, 2a. Discipline- Investigation, employees entitled to, 1051a, 1052a, 1053a. Disputes remanded to interested parties— Conferences to be held, 119a, 1411a, 1701a. Proposed rules not decided by Board, 1266a. Rates of pay- Changes in, how to make, 1288a, 1540a. Rules and working conditions— Changes in, how to make, 119a. DISSENTING OPINIONS. Clerical and Station Forces: Classification of— Clerical and station employees, certain, 1196a. Messengers, 1197a. Contract work, 1279a. Leave of absence, 1229a. Rates of pay, 1074a, 1621a. Representatives, selection of employees', 1366a. Rules and working conditions, 630a, 1621a. Dining-car and Restaurant Employees: Rates of pay, 1074a. Dispatching-service Employees: Dismissal of train dispatchers, 1702a, 1703a. Leave of absence, 1188a. Engine-service Employees: Constructive mileage allowances, 1363a. Discipline, 480a. Mileage allowances, constructive, 1363a. Pile-driver service within yard limits, 1316a. Rates of pay, 290a. Express Employees: Rates of pay, 1814a. Rules and working conditions, 821a. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Agreements, with whom negotiated, 1644a. Rates of pay, 1028a, 1267a. Representatives, selection of employees', 1269a, 1835a. Rules and working conditions- Changes in, how to make, 1641a. General working conditions, governing, 1450a. Traveling and waiting time of coal passers, 1763a. Shop Employees: Agreements- Gulf Coast Lines, shopmen's on, 833a. Louisiana Southern Railway, shopmen's on, 1008a. With whom negotiated, 227a. Boilermaker, reinstatement of, 598a. Classification of- Electrical workers, 1092a. Sheet-metal workers, 946a, 947a. Signal interlocking plant repairer, 1091a. Signal repairmen, 1091a, 1092a. Contract work, 1361a. Physical examination of employees, 1362a. Piecework, 1360a, 1718a. Rates of pay, 290a, 1036a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 31 Shop Employees-Continued. Rules and working conditions— Agreements, with whom negotiated, 1836a, 1837a. General working conditions, governing, 222a. Time lost account wrongful assignment, 1130a. Signal-department Employees: Rates of pay— Signal maintainers, rates applicable to, 1732a, 1733a. Signalmen, rates applicable to, 1734a. Rules and working conditions, 1538a. Steamboat Employees: Rates of pay, 1074a, 1621a. Rules and working conditions, 1621a. Supervisory Forces: Rates of pay, 1036a. Telegraph-service Employees: Application of Decision No. 147, 1268a. Rates of pay- Changing of, 1410a. Elimination of inequalities in, 1448a. New Orleans Great Northern Railroad, 290a. Representatives, selection of employees', 1828a. Train-service Employees: Constructive mileage allowances, 1363a. Pile-driver service within yard limits, 1316a. Rates of pay, 290a. HOURS OF SERVICE. Clerical and Station Forces: 1. BASIC DAY. Hours constituting a day's work, 269a, 345a, 566a, 607a, 731a, 734a, 1038a, 1756a, 1802a. Intermittent service, 156a, 157a, 158a, 159a, 160a, 161a, 162a, 163a, 164a, 165a, 166a, 167a, 168a, 169a, 170a, 171a, 172a, 479a, 632a, 633a, 824a, 956a, 984a, 1024a, 1196a. Meal period, 1756a. Saturday afternoon work, 280a, 461a, 468a, 469a, 607a, 731a, 734a, 1087a. State laws fixing maximum hours, 269a, 345a, 1038a. Express Employees: Change in starting time, 112a, 881a, 1470a. Hours constituting a day's work, 700a. Intermittent service, 1744a. Meal period, 1744a. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Hours constituting a day's work, 593a, 647a, 1345a, 1364a, 1570a, 1572a, 1574a, 1588a, 1639a, 1641a, 1647a. Meal period, 1345a. Positions not requiring continuous labor, 255a, 406a, 589a, 714a, 769a, 806a, 808a, 897a, 898a, 899a, 1129a, 1724a. Starting and ending time of work, 208a, 249a, 1641a, 1649a, 1652a. Shop Employees: Meal period, 1820a, 1821a, 1822a, 1823a, 1824a, 1825a, 1826a. Signal-department Employees: Hours constituting a day's work, 293a. Telegraph-service Employees: Change in starting time, 1421a, 1704a. Hours constituting a day's work, 1423a. Meal period, 1423a. 32 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Train-service Employees: Hours of service law, 718a. Yard-service Employees: Meal period, 1846a. Clerical and Station Forces: 2. OVERTIME. Practice to let employees off part of day— Day before holiday, 610a. Saturday afternoons, 280a, 461a, 468a, 469a, 470a, 731a, 1087a. Time worked in excess of regular hours— Daily-rated employees, 1756a. Extra men on temporary assignment, 279a. Hours arranged by agreement, 607a, 734a. July 1, 1921, to February 1, 1922, 1175a, 1330a, 1708a. Monthly-rated positions, 1713a, 1802a. Relieving employees on succeeding shift, 839a. Temporarily assigned to higher-rated position, 278a. Unspecified employees, 1416a, 1808a. Working during meal period, 1744a, 1756a. Dispatching-service Employees: Time in excess of regular hours- Relief dispatcher failing to report, 272a. Engine-service Employees: Tie-ups en route- Eating and sleeping accommodations, absence of, 29a, 30a. Fourteen hours, before expiration of, 1454a. Snow plow service, unassigned, 22a, 23a. Time worked in excess of regular hours- Terminal work and delays, 1468a. Watching engine after completion of trip, 1842a. Working next succeeding shift, 1485a. Working during meal period, 1846a. Express Employees: Time worked in excess of regular hours- Monthly-rated employees, 700a. Short turnaround runs, 240a, 1781a. Sleeping in office after completion of service, 900a, 907a. Work not continuous with regular work period, 276a. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Monthly-rated employees— Method of computing overtime, 130a. Positions not requiring continuous manual labor, 255a, 524a, 769a, 808a. Supervisory employees, 180a, 209a, 210a, 232a, 233a, 330a, 411a, 546a, 547a, 593a, 1185a. Time in excess of regular hours- Bridge and building employees, 1649a. Extra or floating-gang laborers, 180a, 522a, 589a, 600a. July 1, 1921, to January 1, 1922, 1350a. Regular section laborers and other employees, 88a, 355a, 522a, 548a. Relieving employee on succeeding shift, 1855a. Supervisory employees, 411a, 896a, 1364a, 1570a, 1572a, 1574a, 1639a, 1641a, 1647a. Unspecified employees, 602a, 644a, 645a, 651a, 805a, 1727a. Travel time in camp cars, 647a, 794a. Work during meal period, 1345a. Work not continuous with regular work period, 1364a, 1788a. Shop Employees: Changing shifts, 353a, 920a. Emergency service on road, 338a, 423a. Saturday work not included in bulletined hours, 890a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 33 Shop Employees-Continued. Time worked in excess of regular hours, 541a, 542a, 543a, 544a, 545a, 585a, 890a, 1107a, 1692a. Travel time in emergency road work, 338a, 423a. Signal-department Employees: Time worked in excess of regular hours, 293a, 407a, 648a, 1097a, 1101a, 1105a, 1445a. Stationary-engine and Boiler-room Employees: Time worked in excess of regular hours, 202a. Steamboat Employees: Time worked in excess of regular hours, 1637a. Telegraph-Service Employees: Time worked in excess of regular hours- Absorbing overtime, 267a. Method of computing time, 553a, 1287a. Relieving employee on succeeding shift, 302a. Suspension of work during regular hours, 1421a. Work during meal period, 1423a. Work outside of established hours, 376a, 1265a, 1422a, 1704a. Train-service Employees: Time worked in excess of schedule run or hours- Terminal work and delays, 56a. Tie-ups en route, 718a. Yard-service Employees: Time worked in excess of regular hours- Change of shift after starting work, 1463a. Preparing engine for service, 1468a. Relief crew failing to report, 1462a. 3. SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY WORK. Clerical and Station Forces: Armistice Day, 574a, 764a, 1199a. California Admission Day, 960a, 1199a. Callers and crew-dispatchers, 1134a. Chief clerk to agent at larger stations, 730a. Monthly rated employees, 1271a. Paid when notified not to work, 764a. Six-day assigned employees, regular, 1714a. Superintendent's office force, 1270a. Warehousemen, rate of pay for, 387a. Express Employees: Hourly-rated employees, 1778a. Platform employees, 652a. Unspecified employees, 305a. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Armistice Day, 979a. Foremen on monthly basis, 546a, 547a, 593a, 896a. Laborers, section, 355a, 1182a. Monthly rated employees, 114a, 209a, 210a, 233a, 593a, 595a, 717a, 1571a, 1576a. Unspecified employees, 993a. Work-train gangs, 600a. Shop Employees: Bulletins notifying employees to work, 1107a, 1854a. Car repairers, 543a. Carmen, 1109a. Coal pier employees, 542a. Employees not assigned by bulletin, 1691a, 1692a. Mechanical department employees, 1561a. *CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST.¨ ་ 34 Shop Employees—Continued. Millwright gangs, 1650a. Pump repairers, 541a. Unspecified employees, 1359a. Signal-department Employees: Six-day assigned employees, regular, 1101a, 1105a, 1445a. Unspecified employees, 407a, 648a. Stationary-engine and Boiler-room Employees: Engineers, stationary, 202a, 1142a. Firemen and oilers, 595a, 1166a. Monthly-rated employees, 202a. Steam power-plant employees, 520a. Telegraph-service Employees: Dicontinuance of Sunday assignment, 393a. Monthly-rated employees, 1273a. Telegrapher working in emergency, 374a. JURISDICTION OF RAILROAD LABOR BOARD. Clerical and Station Forces: American Refrigerator Transit Co., 211a. Applicants not complying with law, 89a. Canadian Lines, employees on, 380a. Central Elevator & Warehouse Co.. 1717a. Clerical and station employees on transfer platform, 1077a. Conflict of jurisdiction, 121a. Contractor, railroad employees working for, 1077a, 1119a, 1209a, 1210a, 1220a, 1232a, 1262a, 1279a. Disputes arising prior to creation of Board, 575a, 761a, 1431a, 1625a, 1712a. Electrically operated roads, disputes on, 33a. Employees outside of United States, 380a. Inspection and weighing bureaus- Central Inspection and Weighing Bureau, 1662a. Southeastern Demurrage and Storage Bureau. 1663a, 1664a. Southern Weighing and Inspection Bureau, 1660a, 1661a. Trunk Line Freight and Inspection Bureau, 1665a, 1666a. Western Weighing and Inspection Bureau, 1656a, 1657a, 1658a, 1659a. Overtime, disputes relating to, 607a. Rules, promulgation of, 1331a. Dispatching-service Employees: Applicants not complying with law, 89a, 90a. Conflict of jurisdiction, 121a. Electrically operated roads. disputes on, 33a. Rules, promulgation of, 1332a. Engine-service Employees: Applicants not complying with law, 89a, 90a. Conflict of jurisdiction, 121a. Contractor, railroad employees working for, 1224a. Disputes arising prior to creation of Board, 32a, 1289a, 1290a, 1291a. Electrically operated roads, disputes on, 33a. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Applicants not complying with law, 89a. Canadian Lines, employees on, 977a. Conflict of jurisdiction, 121a. Contractor, railroad employees working for, 1075a, 1079a, 1212a, 1215a, 1218a, 1219a, 1222a, 1226a, 1230a, 1231a, 1254a, 1256a. Disputes arising prior to creation of Board, 894a. Electrically operated roads, disputes on, 33a. Employees outside of United States, 977a. Inspection and weighing bureaus- Trunk Line Freight and Inspection Bureau, 1654a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 185 Shop Employees: American Refrigerator Transit Co., 211a. Applicants not complying with law, 89a, 90a, 109a. Conflict of jurisdiction, 121a. Contractor, railroad employees working for, 982a, 1076a. 1078a, 1080a, 1214a, 1216a, 1217a, 1225a, 1235a, 1241a, 1255a, 1257a, 1259a, 1260a. 1263a, 1361a. Disputes arising prior to creation of Board, 1433a. Electrically operated roads, disputes on, 33a. Employees on strike, 1836a, 1837a. Organizational jurisdiction, 1358a. Signal-department Employees: Charging employees with equipment used, 1067a. Railroad Administration decisions, questions relating to, compliance with, 1184a. Stationary-engine and Boiler-room Employees: Contractor, railroad employees working for- Firemen and oilers, 1213a. Telegraph-service Employees: Applicants not complying. with law, 89a, 90a, Canadian Lines, employes on, 394a. Conflict of jurisdiction, 121a. Disputes arising prior to creation of Board, 563a, 1193a. Electrically operated roads, disputes on, 33a. Employees outside of United States. 394a. Rates of pay, disputes relating to, 1286a. Train-service Employees: Applicants not complying with law, 82a, 89a, 90a. Applicants not party to contract, 63a. Conflict of jurisdiction, 121a. Discipline cases, 1553a. Dismissal of general yardmaster, 1456a. Disputes arising prior to creation of Board, 32a, 72a, 73a, 74a, 75a, 77a, 79a. 81a, 83a, 318a, 319a, 320a, 321a, 491a, 495a, 1304a. Electrically operated roads, disputes on, 33a. Yard-service Employees: Applicants not complying with law, 1a. LEAVES OF ABSENCE. Clerical and Station Forces: Chairmen, privileges granted general, 536a, 606a. Failure to report for duty terminates service, 16a. Indefinite leaves, 506a. Military or naval leave, 1239a. Physical examination upon return to service, 965a. Rules- In effect prior to April 1, 1922, 1229a. Practices in effect to continue, 1731a. Time off account- Jury service, 1655a, 1745a. Personal business, 744a, 786a, 874a, 1749a. Sickness, 19a, 192a, 235a, 236a, 237a, 474a, 507a, 508a, 509a, 554a, 556a, 561a, 562a, 605a, 674a, 685a, 686a, 691a, 737a, 738a, 743a, 745a, 746a, 747a, 748a, 749a, 750a, 751a, 752a, 753a, 754a, 755a, 860a, 868a 869a, 875a, 876a, 877a, 878a, 879a, 911a, 1190a, 1633a. Vacations, 9a, 140a, 306a. 375a, 378a, 386a, 390a, 474a, 537a, 634a, 682a, 689a 692a 694a. 760a, 776a, 859a, 870a, 937a, 941a, 955a, 1172a, 1207a, 1628a, 1738a. 36 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Dispatching-service Employees: Failure to return before expiration of leave, 625a. Rules- Railroad Administration rules governing dispatchers, 1013a, 1014a. Time off account- Sickness, 122a, 248a, 564a, 676a, 785a, 834a. Vacations, 851a, 852a, 966a, 1013a, 1014a, 1153a, 1188a, 1503a, 1504a. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Chairmen, privileges granted general, 230a, 333a, 1342a, 1351a, 1827a. Failure to return before expiration of leave, 1484a. Notice to report for work, 603a. Shop Employees: Candidates for political office, 586a. Chairmen, privileges granted general, 1070a. NATIONAL AGREEMENT RULES, APPLICATION OF. Clerical and Station Forces: Clerks' national agreement- Ruie 1, scope, employees affected, 87a, 113a, 124a, 132a, 201a, 246a, 471a, 479a, 626a, 696a, 730a, 835a, 838a, 1030a, 1033a, 1042a, 1169a, 1202a 1275a. Rule 2, existing agreements, 1270a, 1271a, 1720a. Rule 4, definition of a clerical worker, 284a, 368a, 466a, 471a, 565a, 1024a, 1201a. Rule 5, seniority, 565a, 1009a, 1026a, 1271a. Rule 6, promotion basis, 44a, 46a, 124a, 141a, 213a, 245a, 268a, 458a, 475a, 558a, 705a, 1011a, 1038a, 1151a, 1476a. Rule 7, seniority districts, 460a, 463a, 578a. Rule 10, failure to qualify, 8a, 16a, 44a, 46a, 141a, 213a, 338a, 458a, 538a, 558a, 1011a. Rule 12, bulletins, 87a, 124a, 238a, 242a, 244a, 285a, 1046a. Rule 14, short vacancy, 1009a, 1026a, 1252a. Rule 15, indefinite vacancy, 380a, 1026a, 1252a. Rule 16, long vacancy, 1252a. Rule 17, change in rates, 87a, 124a, 1151a. Rule 21, reducing force, 462a, 936a, 1009a, 1040a, 1189a. Rule 22, rosters, 510a, 511a, 1030a, 1251a. Rule 24, filing applications, 367a, 530a. Rule 26, consolidation of offices or departments, 462a. Rule 27, positions abolished, 379a, 462a, 475a, 733a, 936a, 964a, 1370a, 1757a. Rule 29, excepted positions, 321a, 1037a, 1370a. Rule 31, exercising seniority, 475a. Rule 32, investigation, 190a, 576a, 1041a, 1152a. Rule 33, hearing, 1629a, 1759a. Rule 34, appeal, 1629a. Rule 35, further appeal, 1629a. Rule 36, grievances, 1629a. Rule 37, representation, 206a. Rule 46, leave of absence, 16a, 506a. Rule 47, extension of seniority, 506a, 606a, 1037a, 1239a. Rule 48, day's work, 1040a. Rule 49, intermittent service, 156a, 157a, 158a, 159a, 160a, 161a, 162a, 163a, 164a, 165a, 166a, 167a, 168a, 169a, 170a, 171a, 172a, 479a, 559a, 632a, 633a, 824a, 929a, 956a, 958a, 984a, 1024a, 1037a, 1169a, 1196a, 1425a, 1472a, 1491a, 1802a. Rule 50, reporting and not used, 5662, 944a, 1271a. Rule 57, overtime, 156a, 157a, 158a, 159a, 161a, 162a, 164a, 165a, 166a, 172a, 279a, 280a, 395a, 461a, 468a, 469a, 470a, 731a, 734a, 839a, 1087a, 1093a, 1431a, 1491a, 1756a. Rule 58, notified or called, continuous work, 1756a. Rule 59, notified or called after release, 1756a. Rule 64, full-day period, 156a, 157a, 158a, 159a, 161a, 162a, 164a, 165a, 166a, 172a, 574a, 764a, 960a, 1033a, 1134a, 1199a, 1270a, 1271a, 1491a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 3” Clerical and Station Forces-Continued. Clerks' national agreement-Continued. Rule 65, less than fully-day period, 1270a, 1271a, 1491a. Rule 66, determining daily rate, 156a, 157a, 158a, 159a, 161a, 162a, 164a, 165a, 166a, 169a, 170a, 172a, 197a, 198a, 426a, 459a, 466a, 529a, 559a, 572a, 574a, 764a, 824a, 872a, 908a, 960a, 1010a, 1033a, 1168a, 1199a, 1270a, 1331a, 1426a, 1427a, 1428a, 1429a, 1430a, 1472a, 1478a, 1491a, 1497a, 1712a, 1714a, 1749a, 1784a. Rule 67, day of rest, 1479a, 1491a, 1712a. Rule 68, temporary assignment, 1474a. Rule 71, rating positions, 183a, 238a, 1155a. Rule 72, preservation of rates, 278a, 839a, 1010a, 1240a. Rule 74, new positions, 1474a. Rule 75, posting notices, 133a. Rule 84, rates, 183a, 241a, 379a, 855a, 1010a, 1237a. Rule 86, preservation of rates, 197a, 198a, 465a. Express Employees: Express employees' national agreement— Rule 1, scope, employees affected, 294a, 298a, 370a. Rule 4, promotion basis, 677a, 687a. Rule 8, failure to qualify, 677a, 683a. Rule 10, bulletins, 127a, 304a, 360a, 917a, 1246a, 1807a, 1812a. Rule 19, reducing force, 1812a. Rule 21, filing applications, 1812a. Rule 24, positions abolished, 683a, 1805a, 1806a, 1813a. Rule 28, exercising seniority, 687a. Rule 29, investigation, 1031a. Rule 47, reporting and not used, 240a. Rule 53, three-shift position, 1470a. Rule 61, full-day period, 305a. Rule 62, less than full-day period, 305a. Rule 68, reporting, 240a. Rule 76, short turnaround service, 240a, 1781a. Rule 77, adjustment of assignments, 1337a, 1338a. Rule 79, rating, 297a. Rule 82, new position, 1748a. Rule 91, rates, 127a, 281a. Rule 94, preservation of rates, 297a. Rule 95, preservation of unchanged rules, 685a. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Maintenance-of-way employees' national agreement- Article I, scope, 88a. Article II— Section (a), seniority, 523a. Section (c-2), reduction of forces, 231a, 408a, 521a, 799a. Section (d-1), rights of laborers, 523a. Section (d-2), promotion of laborers, 334a. Section (e), rights of other than laborer, 334a, 521a, 804a, 1676a. Section (f), in temporary service, 231a, 289a, 804a. Section (g), roster, 804a. Section (h), scope of roster, 408a, 523a, 809a. Section (i), roster revision, 804a. Section (j), leave of absence, 230a. Article III— Section (a), basis of promotions, 251a, 340a, 809a. Section (e), failing to qualify, 251a, 289a, 339a. Article V- Section (a-1), a day's work, 88a, 180a. Section (a-5), Sunday work, full-day period, 209a, 355a, 547a, 993a. Section (a-6), Sunday work, less than full-day period, 209a, 355a, 547a. Section (a-7), overtime, regular section laborers, 180a, 522a, 548a, 600a. Section (a-8), overtime, laborers in extra gangs, 88a, 180a, 522a, 548a, 600a. 38 CUMULATIVE ·INDEX-DIGEST. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces-Continued. Maintenance-of-way employees' national agreement-Continued. Section (a-9), calls, 548a. Section (a-10), service in advance of work period, 255a, 548a. Section (a-11), service after termination of work period, 548a. Section (a-12), watchmen, etc., 255a, 406a, 524a, 548a, 589a, 714a, 769a, 806a, 808a, 897a, 898a, 899a, 1129a, 1724a. Section (b), intermittent service, 647a, 991a. Section (c-1), beginning and ending of day, 208a. Section (e), determining hourly rate, 209a, 232a, 546a, 547a, 593a. Section (f), travel time in camp cars, 650a. Section (h), supervisory employees, 209a, 210a, 233a, 411a, 547a, 593a, 896a, 979a. Section (i), assignments traveling, 208a, 249a, 647a, 794a, Section (1), reductions, 334a, 519a, 771a. Section (m), travel time, 249a, 647a, 794a, 1763a. Section (n), meals and lodging, 210a, 794a. Section (p), composite service, 250a, 1651a. Section (r), work not performed, 210a. Article VI, section (i), local saving clause, 94a, 208a. Shop Employees: ' Shop employees' national agreement- Rule 1, basic day, 437a. Rule 7, continuous service after regular working hours, 447a, 585a, 1162a. Rule 10, emergency service, 338a, 423a, 1004a. Rule 13, overtime changing shifts, 353a, 920a. Rule 15, overtime, regular assigned road work, 212a, 400a, 423a, 541a, 1798a. Rule 16, filling vacancies, 1115a, 1183a. Rule 18, bulletining of vacancies, 409a, 895a. Rule 23, faithful service, 895a. Rule 27, reduction of forces, 409a, 437a, 451a, 793a, 972a, 1108a, 1362a, 1673a. Rule 31, seniority, 895a. Rule 32, assignment of work, 146a, 405a, 409a, 425a, 921a, 923a, 1110a, 1111a. Rule 33, operation of welders, 435a. Rule 35, grievances, 146a, 1113a. Rule 36, appeal of grievances, 437a, 1113a. Rule 37, fair trial, 146a, 430a, 434a, 451a, 453a. Rule 38, penalty for unjust dismissal, 146a. Rule 39, committees, 146a, 429a. Rule 42, apprentices, 1116a. Rule 43, mechanics, 212a. Rule 45, linemen, groundmen, coal-pier operators, 712a. Rule 46, applications for employment, 793a, 1362a. Rule 47, conditions of shops, etc., 793a. Rule 49, notices, 429a. Rule 54, help to be furnished, 1115a. Rule 60, checking in and out, 971a, 1114a. Rule 81, boilermaker helpers, 779a, 974a. Rule 108, differentials for boilermakers, 1183a. Rule 119, furnace operators and heaters, 1181a. Rule 124, differentials for blacksmiths, 1181a. Rule 140, classification of electricians, 129a, 212a, 405a, 712a, 1091a, 1092a, 1178a. Rule 141, classification of linemen, etc., 129a, 405a, 580a, 1091a, 1092a. Rule 145, electrical-worker helpers, 129a. Signal-department Employees: Signalmen's national agreement- Article I- Section 3, assistant signalman, assistant signal maintainer, 226a, 293a, 1184a. Section 5, helper, 226a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 339 Signal-department Employees-Continued. Signalmen's national agreement-Continued. Article II- Section 13, notified or called, 407a. Section 17, traveling to and from home station daily, 293a. Section 18, traveling by direction of management, 293a. Section 20, traveling and sleeping car accommodations, 293a. Section 23, filling vacancies, 356a. Article IV— Section 8, promotion to position as foreman, 801a. Article V- Section 1, rates of pay, 226a. Section 2, promotion to assistant signalman, etc., 356a. Section 3, supervisors' differential rate, 800a. Stationary-engine and Boiler-room Employees: Firemen and Oilers" national agreement- Rule 5, Sunday and holiday work, 595a, 1166a. Rule 7, determining hourly rate, 595a. OPERATING RULES PRESCRIBED BY CARRIER, INFRAC- Clerical and Station Forces: TIONS OF. Abstracting papers from superintendent's record room, 18a. Allowing unauthorized persons access to baggage room, 478a. Carelessness and neglect of duty, 1622a. Employment of women, 1088a, 1189a. Engaging in other business without consent of carrier, 467a. Inability to perform duties, 965a. Incompetency, 43a, 275a, 684a, 1152a, 1625a. Insubordination, 138a, 190a, 767a, 1041a, 1248a. Qualify for positions, failure to, 576a. Tardiness and excessive absence from duty, 126a. Dispatching-service Employees: Absence from work without permission, 274a, 625a. Accident, responsibility for, 967a. Reporting irregularities to superior officer, 6a. Reporting to superintendent for duty, 7a. Train orders, improper handling of, 1417a, 1702a, 1703a. Engine-service Employees: Improper attention to train, 1565a. Incompetency, 1096a. Insubordination, 528a. Main line meet, 1319a. Protection to trains, 480a. Refusing service when called, 36a, 550a. Reporting flat spots on drivers, 326a. Voluntary suspension of work, 1562a. Express Employees: Absence from work without permission, 282a. Carelessness and neglect of duty, 12a, 13a, 14a, 1031a. Carrying registered package beyond destination, 1710a. Engaging in other business without consent of carrier, 1707a. Inability to perform duties. 817a, 1705a. Libelous reports against officials of carrier, 177a. Misrepresenting facts at investigation, 134a. Providing carrier with address, 1176a. Refusing service when called, 1473a. Shipment of freight, failure to unload, 668a. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Absence from work without permission, 1059a. Affiliation with labor unions, 224a, 1056a. Carelessness and neglect of duty, 1356a. 40. CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces-Continued. Inability to perform duties, 1583a. Incompetency, 204a, 254a, 258a, 329a, 551a, 552a, 1563a, 1575a, 1646a. Insubordination, 1102a. Overlooking seal inspection on cars, 1709a. Refusing service when called, 216a, 588a, 1118a, 1419a, 1578a. Reporting for duty in another capacity, 261a. Residing at headquarters of section, 1069a. Responsibility for accident, 398a, 1355a. Voluntary suspension of work, 223a, 257a, 1725a. Shop Employees: Absence from work without permission, 146a, 586a. Accident, responsibility for, 403a. Affiliation with labor unions, 1018a, 1019a, 1020a, 1022a. Bad order car, failure to report promptly, 206a. Engaging other business without consent of carrier, 399a. Failure to perform work assigned, 401a, 410a. Federal locomotive inspection laws, violation of, 598a. Fighting on duty, 539a, 792a. Inability to perform duties, 927a, 1063a. Incompetency, 599a, 1058a. Insubordination, 424a. Physical examination, refusal to submit to, 1362a. Refusing service when called, 402a, 1359a. Statement prepared by carrier, refusing to sign, 1688a Voluntary suspension of work, 145a. Supervisory Forces: Refusing service when called, 1726a. Voluntary suspension of work, 1725a. Telegraph-service Employees: Defect in vision, 1449a. Train-service Employees: Absence from work without permission, 492a, 496a. Accident, responsibility for, 527a. Application for employment not approved, 490a. Improper attention to train, 1565a. Incompetency, 1096a. Insubordination, 80a, 106a, 1455a, 1553a. Main line meet, 498a. Yard-service Employees: Absence from work without permission, 1052a. Application for employment not approved, 489a. Incompetency, 500a. Insubordination, 526a, 528a, 1051a, 1053a. ORDERS OF UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINIS- General Order 27: TRATION. Article III, section (a), 272a. Supplement 4— Article I- Section 5, 1732a. Section 5-a, 1732a, 1733a. Article II- Section (a), 795a. Section 1, 1734a. Section (1-a), 903a, 1733a, 1734a. Section 2, 1734a. Section (2-a), 1734a. Article III— Section 4, 350a. Section unspecified, 710a, 1434a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 41° General Order 27-Continued. Supplement 4-Continued. Article unspecified, 292a, 778a. 994a, 1184a, 1573a. Interpretation 1, 1642a. Interpretation 3, 1642a. Supplement 7— Article II— Section (a), 716a. Section 2, 353a. Article III— Section (a), 1371a. Section unspecified, 1434a. Article V- Section (a), 144a, 1066a, 1831a. Section (b), 301a. Article VIII, section (a), 622a. Article XII, section (b), 463a. Article unspecified, 460a, 505a, 578a, 788a, 824a, 863a, 953a, 955a, 1093a, 1155a, 1251a, 1270a, 1271a, 1276a, 1712a, 1714a, 1802a. Interpretation 8, 1371a. Interpretation 19, 1802a. Supplement 8— Article I- Section (b), 250a, 1066a. Section (d), 601a. Section (i), 1586a. Article V, section (g), 301a. Article XI, section (a), 713a. Article unspecified, 92a, 336a, 339a, 546a, 994a, 1184a, 1576a. Supplement 12, 1309a. Supplement 13- Article IV, 1333a, 1334a, 1335a, 1336a. Article unspecified, 383a, 873a, 1029a. Interpretation 3, 1154a, 1273a. Interpretation 8, 1448a. Interpretation 10, 1253a, 1582a, 1729a. Supplement 14— Article unspecified, 1547a. Supplement 15- Article IV, 1313a. Article X, 1328a. Article XVI, 1328a. • Article XVII, 1328a. Article XVIII, 1328a. Discontinuance of differentials by carrier, 1289a, 1291a. Interpretation 1, 1457a, 1462a, 1463a. Supplement 16- Article I- Section (a), 62a. Section unspecified, 487a. Article II, 92a. Article V- Section (c), 56a, 57a, 61a. Article VI, 1363a. Article IX, 1293a. Article unspecified, 1294a, 1321a, 1365a. Interpretation 1, 1298a, 1299a. Supplement 19— Article I- Section (b), 369a, 371a, 666a, 671a, 698a, 703a, 704a. Section (d), 697a. Section (e), 371a. Section unspecified, 86a. 679a, 685a, 686a. Interpretation 1, 1739a. Supplement 24- Article II, 93a. Article IV, 1313a. 42 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. * General Order 27—Continued. Supplement 24-Continued. Article V, 308a. Article VIII, 1845a, 1847a. Article XI, 1281a, 1283a. Article XVIII, 1307a. Article XX, 1280a, 1282a, 1284a, 1292a, 1313a, 1315a. Article unspecified, 482a. Interpretation 1, 1327a, 1846a. Supplement 25- Article VII, 1365a. Article IX, 1293a. Article XVIII, 1307a. Article XX, 1303a. Article unspecified, 56a, 57a, 59a, 1294a. Interpretation 1, 1297a, 1298a, 1299a. Supplement 27— Article VI, 1141a. Article VII, 1141a. Article unspecified, 1122a, 1140a. Supplement 28- Article unspecified, 903a, 1732a, 1733a. PIECEWORK. Clerical and Station Forces: Dispute adjusted by interested parties, 872a. Shop Employees: Dispute adjusted by interested parties, 1144a. Locomotive shops- Elkhart, Ind., 1360a. New York Central Railroad System, 1718a. Mechanical department, proposal to apply to, 1076a, 1257a. RATES OF PAY. 1. APPLICATION OF DECREASES IN PAY. Clerical and Station Forces: Baggage and mail handlers, 1471a. Foremen- Baggage-room, 1477a. Day mail, 984a. Night mail, 984a. Dispatching-service Employees: Dispatchers, train, 1730a. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Road department storekeeper, 1100a. Telegraph-service Employees: Employees in telegraph service, 1268a. 2. APPLICATION OF INCREASES IN PAY. Clerical and Station Forces: Accountant, 1429a. Baggage and parcel-room employees, 135a. Baggagemaster, 1632a. Baggagemen, 1426a, 1427a. Callers, chief, 1632a. Cashiers, 142a. Checkers, yard, 535a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 43. Clerical and Station Forces-Continued. Clerks- Check, 465a. Experience of one or more years, 245a, 535a, 567a, 935a. File, 1201a. Head, 277a. Ticket, 935a, 1428a, 1430a. Unspecified, 693a, 840a, 841a, 882a, 1331a. Elevator men, 788a. Employees resigning prior to July 20, 1920, 940a. Janitors, 139a. Janitresses, 139a. July 20, 1920- Employees in service on, 1133a. Separations from service prior to, 533a, 940a, 1133a. Laborers- Common, 125a, 136a, 185a, 186a, 286a, 384a, 391a, 1249a. Station, 956a. Mail distributors, railroad, 952a. Messengers, 1197a. Milk handlers, 382a, 385a. Monthly-rated employees, 182a. Multigraph operators, 268a. Office boys, 191a, 203a. Rates established subsequent to date of decision, 142a, 277a, 361a, 363a. Stockmen, 384a. Store helpers, 384a. Yard checkers, 535a. Dispatching-service Employees: Dispatchers, train, 152a, 247a, 1332a. Engine-service Employees: Arbitrary or special allowances, 1328a. Express Employees: Clerks, receiving, 671a. Guards, 932a. Part-time employees, 187a, 298a, 905a. Receiving clerk, 671a. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Engineers, hoisting, 397a. Flagmen on self-propelled pile drivers, 188a. Foremen- Bridge and building, 47a. Track, 49a. Hoisting engineers, 397a. Hostlers- Assistants to inside, 40a. Helpers, inside, 143a. July 20, 1920- Separations from service prior to, 351a. Laborers- Coal-bunk, 41a. Coal-chute, 1066a. Common, 48a, 301a. Gang leaders of, 515a. Shop and roundhouse, 128a. Unspecified, 649a. Lubricators, filling of, 144a. Monthly-rated employees. 47a, 49a, 114a, 115a, 117a, 118a. Overtime, 644a, 645a, 648a. Painters, 92a, 518a. Patrolmen, 1027a. Pump-house employees, 352a. 50360°-24 4 44 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces Continued. Rates established subsequent to date of decisions, 116a. Resigning voluntarily to accept other work, employees, 351a. Watchmen- Crossing, 118a, 973a. Tunnel, 975a. Shop Employees: Engineers, stationary. 256a, 716a, 1073a. Firemen and oilers, 999a. Firemen, stationary, 349a. Fort Smith & Western Railroad, 181a. Helpers- Sheet-metal-workers' helpers, 994a. Water-service department, 994a. July 20, 1920— Employees in service on, 421a. Separations from service prior to, 110a, 202a. Mechanics in water-service department, 994a. Oilers and firemen, 999a. Seamstresses, 428a. Sheet-metal workers, 994a. Sheet-metal workers' helpers, 994a. Signal-department Employees: Helpers, maintenance of signals, 130a. Signal maintainers, 252a, 1732a, 1733a. Signalmen, 1733a, 1734a. Steamboat Employees: Freight handlers, 1086a. Hoisting engineers, 1674a. Supervisory Forces: Monthly-rated employees, 1352a. Telegraph-service Employees: Agencies, supervisory, 873a. Agents- Nontelegraph, 131a. Unspecified, 179a. Telegraph and telephone linemen, 400a. Train-service Employees: Employees dismissed prior to July 20, 1920, 322a. Monthly guaranty in passenger service, 1294a. Passenger brakemen, 487a. Yard-service Employees: July 20, 1920— Separations from service prior to, 1700a. Switchmen, 1700a. Switchtenders, 1321a. Yardmasters, footboard, 484a. 3. ESTABLISHMENT OF RATES OF PAY. Clerical and Station Forces: Arbitrary reduction of— Schedule rates, 121a, 1288a, 1331a, 1540a. Basic rates of pay defined, 142a, 238a, 277a, 363a, 465a, 622a, 863a, 1426a, 1427a, 1428a, 1429a, 1430a. Changes in, how to make, 121a, 854a, 1331a. Changes not authorized for, 108a, 111a, 123a, 176a. Decreases authorized for, 147a, 215a, 228a, 1074a. 1123a, 1831a. Elimination of inequalities, 426a, 1155a, 1276a, 1448a, 1831a. Increases authorized for, 2a, 5a, 1123a, 1621a. Jurisdiction, Board without, 33a, 211a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 45 Dining-car and Restaurant Employees: Arbitrary reduction of- Schedule rates, 1140a. Changes not authorized for, 54a. Decreases authorized for, 1074a. Disputes withdrawn from Board, 828a. Dispatching-service Employees: Arbitrary reduction of- Schedule rates, 121a, 1288a, 1332a, 1540a. Basic rates of pay defined, 152a. Changes in, how to make, 121a, 969a, 1332a. Changes not authorized for, 108a. Decreases authorized for, 147a, 724a, 1074a. Elimination of inequalities, 720a. Increases authorized for, 2a, 5a. Jurisdiction, Board without, 33a. Engine-service Employees: Arbitrary reduction of Schedule rates, 121a, 1288a, 1540a. Changes in, how to make, 121a. Changes not authorized for, 108a. Consideration of, deferred, 1328a, 1554a. Decreases authorized for, 147a, 148a, 214a, 229a, 290a, 724a, 1123a. Disputes remanded to interested parties, 1682a, 1683a, 1685a, 1686a. Disputes withdrawn from Board, 1395a, 1559a. Elimination of inequalities, 1389a. Incorporation of rates in schedule, 1844a. Increases authorized for, 2a, 1123a, 1302a. Jurisdiction, Board without, 33a. Express Employees: Arbitrary reduction of- Schedule rates, 822a. Basic rates of pay defined, 670a, 673a, 681a, 857a, 904a, 1034a. Changes in, how to make, 822a. Changes not authorized for, 287a, 638a, 679a, 698a. Decreases authorized for, 217a. Elimination of inequalities, 369a, 371a, 613a, 616a, 624a, 638a, 653a, 654a, 655a, 656a, 659a, 666a, 671a, 679a, 698a, 856a. Increases authorized for, 3a, 1814a. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Arbitrary reduction of— Differential in pay for carpenters, 332a. Schedule rates, 91a, 120a, 121a, 413a, 1003a, 1027a, 1288a, 1329a, 1540a, 1566a. Basic rates of pay defined, 116a, 352a, 361a, 518a, 1768a. Changes in, how to make, 91a, 120a, .121a, 332a, 1003a, 1329a. Changes not authorized for, 108a, 111a. Decreases authorized for, 147a, 214a, 228a, 724a, 1028a, 1123a. Disputes remanded to interested parties, 1682a, 1685a. Increases, authorized for, 2a, 5a, 1123a, 1267a. Jurisdiction, Board without, 33a. Pullman-car Employees: Changes not authorized for, 107a. Shop Employees: Arbitrary reduction of- Differential rates, 1181a. Schedule rates, 121a, 174a, 1288a, 1540a, 1567a. Changes in, how to make, 121a, 174a. Changes not authorized for, 108a, 111a. Decreases authorized for, 147a, 214a, 228a, 290a, 724a, 1036a, 1123a, 1638a. Effective date of increases on- Fort Smith & Western Railroad, 181a. 46 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Shop Employees-Continued. Increases authorized for, 2a, 5a, 1123a. Jurisdiction, Board without, 33a, 211a. Signal-department Employees: Arbitrary reduction of- Schedule rates, 1288a, 1540a. Decreases authorized for, 147a, 1074a, 1123a. Increases authorized for, 2a, 1123a. Stationary-engine and Boiler-room Employees: Arbitrary reduction of— Schedule rates, 1288a, 1540a. Changes not authorized for, 111a. Decreases authorized for, 147a, 1074a, 1123a. Increases authorized for, 2a, 5a, 1123a. Steamboat Employees: Arbitrary reduction of— Schedule rates, 1498a. Changes not authorized for, 20a, 1637a. Decreases authorized for, 147a, 1074a. Increases authorized for, 2a, 4a. Supervisory Forces: Decreases authorized for, 147a, 214a, 1028a. Increases authorized for, 2a. Reduction of, protest against, 970a. Telegraph-service Employees: Arbitrary reduction of— Schedule rates, 121a, 553a, 1286a, 1287a, 1288a, 1410a, 1540a. Changes in, how to make, 121a, 1253a, 1274a, 1286a, 1410a. Changes not authorized for, 108a, 611a. Decreases authorized for, 147a, 214a, 228a, 290a, 724a, 1123a, 1448a. Disputes remanded to interested parties, 1274a, 1698a. Disputes withdrawn from Board, 1559a. Elimination of inequalities, 194a. Increases authorized for, 2a, 5a, 1123a. Jurisdiction, Board without, 33a. Train-service Employees: Arbitrary reduction of— Schedule rates, 121a, 1288a, 1540a. Basic rates of pay defined, 487a. Changes in, how to make, 121a. Changes not authorized for, 108a, 1309a. Consideration of. deferred, 1554a. Decreases authorized for, 147a, 148a, 229a, 290a, 724a, 1123a. Disputes remanded to interested parties, 1682a, 1683a, 1685a, 1686a. Disputes withdrawn from Board, 1395a, 1559a. Elimination of inequalities, 1389a. Incorporation of rates in schedule, 62a. Increases authorized for, 2a, 5a, 1123a, 1302a. Jurisdiction, Board without, 33a. Yard-service Employees: Arbitrary reduction of- Schedule rates, 1288a, 1540a. Consideration of, deferred, 1554a. Decreases authorized for, 147a. Disputes withdrawn from Board, 1559a. Increases authorized for, 2a, 1700a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. .47 REDUCTION IN FORCES. Clerical and Station Forces: Displacements, right to make, 759a, 836a. Fitness and ability, 1792a. Junior employees, retention of, 817a. Minors, rights of, 687a. Reduction of hours to avoid, 732a. Return to service, right to, 1858a. Senior employees, laying off of, 1790a, 1791a, 1792a. Seniority to govern, 1189a. Dispatching-service Employees: Displacements, right to make, 989a. Express Employees: Completion of temporary work, 1776a. Displacements, right to make, 1812a, 1813a. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Displacements, right to make, 523a. Foremen whose gangs are laid off, 231a, 1043a. Junior employees- Laying off of, 334a. Retention of, 408a, 799a, 807a. Pumpers, right to displacement, 521a. Reducing weekly assignment, 519a, 771a, 1643a, 1667a. Return to service, right to, 603a. Senior employees, laying off of, 231a, 1164a, 1583a, 1675a, 1746a, 1773a. Work transferred to another department, 780a. Work contracted to individual employees, 1687a. Shop Employees: Apprentices, effect on, 976a. Fitness and ability, 768a. Justification of demotion, 1001a. Return to service- Right to, 972a. Seniority date, effect on, 1673a. Rules, conflict of, 37a. Senior employees, laying off of, 768a. Seniority to govern, 587a. Signal-department Employees: Senior employees, laying off of, 1799a. Signalmen's rules, application of, 1799a. Telegraph-service Employees: Senior employees, laying off of, 1736a. Train-service Employees: Discrimination account color is prohibited, 307a. REPRESENTATION OF EMPLOYEES. Clerical and Station Forces: Chairman dismissed from service, general, 1366a. Employees not members of labor organizations, 502a, 503a. Representatives, selection of, 220a, 583a, 829a, 998a, 1160a, 1366a, 1416a, 1475a, 1719a, 1833a. Dispatching-service Employees: Representatives, selection of, 775a, 1612a. Engine-service Employees: Hostlers, representation of, 1327a. 48 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Carriers to meet representatives in conferences, 514a, 1357a, 1446a, 1483a, 1761a, 1827a. Conflict over jurisdiction, 1358a, 1727a. Refusal to recognize committee, 1446a, 1483a, 1767a, 1827a. Representatives, selection of, 412a, 418a, 998a, 1082a, 1121a, 1269a, 1577a, 1644a, 1832a, 1835a. Shop Employees: Conflict over jurisdiction, 37a, 70a, 1064a, 1091a, 1179a, 1180a, 1728a. Employees' representation plan, 431a. Injury cases, personal, 1061a. Pullman Company's plan, 431a. Representatives- Carriers to meet representatives in conference, 70a, 174a, 259a, 432a, 978a, 1690a, 1718a. Highest duly-authorized, 1360a. Recognition of accredited, 1718a. Selection of, 174a, 218a, 425a, 946a, 947a, 998a, 1099a, 1104a, 1161a, 1534a, 1728a, 1829a 1838a. Right of employees to select, 1690a. Signal-department Employees: Conflict over jurisdiction, 1091a. Stationary-engine and Boiler-room Employees: Representatives, selection of- Firemen and oilers, 1636a. Stationary engineers, 1636a. Steamboat Employees: Individual employees' rights to wage agreement, 1498a. Representatives, selection of, 1500a, 1501a, 1502a. Supervisory Forces: Representatives, selection of, 419a, 629a, 631a, 1681a. Telegraph-service Employees: Representatives, selection of, 825a, 826a, 832a, 1415a, 1785a. Refusal of representatives to meet carrier, 832a. Yard-service Employees: Refusal to recognize committee, 1052a, 1053a. Representatives, selection of yardmasters', 1843a. RULES AND WORKING CONDITIONS. 1. APPLICATION OF SCHEDULE RULES AFFECTING PAY. See also- Classification of positions and rates. Hours of service: 1. Basic day. 2. Overtime. 3. Sunday and holiday work. Time lost. Clerical and Station Forces: Baggage and mail handlers, 156a, 929a. Baggagemen- Station, 171a. Unspecified, 161a, 162a, 164a, 165a, 166a. Callers, crew, 158a, 169a, 170a, 1196a. Call for service, 563a. Checkers- Baggage, 1196a. Regular, 1010a. Yard, 621a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 49 Clerical and Station Forces-Continued, Clerks- Assignments to higher rated positions, 278a. Chief clerks to- Agents at larger stations, 730a. Supervisory agents, 835a. Eight hours, work in excess of, 279a. Former experience, effect of, 1750a. Head, 575a. Hourly-rated, 1168a. Information bureau, 824a. One year's experience, less than, 783a. Shifts, clerks working two successive, 839a. Six months' experience, less than, 297a. Two years' experience, 1859a. Unspecified, 238a, 459a, 512a. 570a, 622a, 1093a, 1139a, 1748a, 1784a. Yard, 1205a. Combination service, 86a, 276a. Daily-rated employees, 945a. Days not notified to work, 377a, 640a, 960n. Dispatchers, engine, 741a, 1721a. Elevator operators, 824a. Employees with two years' experience, 1711a. Foremen- Assistant, 621a, 824a. Unspecified, 621a, 824a. Warehouse, 479a. Gatemen, 157a, 160a, 168a, 824a, 1196a. Higher-rated positions, performing work of, 1706a. Intermittent service, 1491a. Investigator, overcharge-paid claim, 1155a. Janitors, 159a. Lay-off on holidays, 764a. Mail sorters, 824a. Messengers- Express, 615a. Unspecified, 172a, 559a, 845a. Office and station employees, 632a, 633a. Overpayments- Account error in figuring time, 1093a. Prior to March 1, 1920, 1431a. Piecework, 872a. Porters, 167a. Promotions, effect on rates, 1499a. Reassignment of work, 127a. Refrigerator inspectors, 1802a. Reporting for work, 566a. Saturday afternoon work, 461a, 468a, 469a, 470a, 640a, 1087a. Service outside regular assignment, 276a. Shop accountant, 742a. Station employees, 1024a. Stores, 1831a. Sunday and holiday service, 1134a, 1270a, 1271a, 1778a. Telephone switchboard operators, 824a. Temporary assignments, 1474a. Temporary assignment to higher-rated positions, 1479a. Train announcers, 824a, 1196a. Train directors, 824a. Transfermen, 1706a. Warehousemen, 163a. Yard checkers, 621a. Dispatching-service Employees: Dispatchers working additional trick, 195a. Headquarters, away from, 273a. Sickness, loss of time account of, 51a, 676a, 785a. Time worked in excess of regular assignment, 272a. Vacations, 1153a. 50 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Engine-service Employees: Annulment of assigned run, 1391a, 1753a. Deadheading, 1453a. Drag service, 1284a, 1313a. Eating and sleeping accommodations, 29a, 30a. Emergency service outside of regular assignment, 1459a. Engines- Passenger service, large engines in, 1290a. Taking into terminal for repairs, 1469a. Excess mileage, 21a. Firemen, preparatory time for, 1468a. Freight crews making short trips, 1281a. Guaranty in work-train service, 1461a. Helper service, 103a, 104a. Hostlers making main-track movements, 483a. Locomotives leased from other lines, 308a. Messengers on dead engines, 1095a. Mine-run service, 34a. Passenger equipment at terminals, handling of, 11a. Passenger service, 99a. Piloting engine, 1515a. Pooled crews in unassigned snowplow service, 22a. Rerailing car en route, 1323a. Runarounds- At terminal after being called, 774a. Coupling light engines with train at terminal, 1464a. Engineer not qualified for passenger service, 1465a. In yards after coupled on train, 486a. Running as second section instead of first, 105a. Two or more runarounds, compensation for, 1466a, 1467a. Using pooled freight crew in helper service, 1460a. Runs not less than 100 miles, 1363a. Short trips in addition to straightaway runs, 1283a. Snowplow service, 21a, 22a, 23a. Switching en route, 101a. Terminal delay and work- Final terminal delay, 55a. Firemen's duties at end of trip, 1320a. Inspection of engines 11a, 1320a, 1457a. Switching at terminal, 1841a. Switching on turnaround trip, 1848a. Terminal mileage on milk trains, 482a. Turning trains at terminal, 719a. Watching engines after completing trip, 1842a. Time lost account of washout, 1850a. Tie-ups, 22a, 23a, 29a, 30a, 1454a, 1461a. Turnaround trip, 1281a, 1283a, 1458a. Turning-point switching, 1848a. Express Employees: Attendants acting as messengers, 728a. Clerk, assistant in-freight, 704a. Drivers, 703a. Express messengers, 240a. Foremen, stable, 700a. Hostlers, 700a. Messenger- Attendants acting as messengers, 728a. Express, 240a. Runs, 1751a. Turnaround service, 240a. Platform men, 652a, 665a. Service outside regular assignments, 662a. Stable foremen, 700a. Sunday and holiday work, 305a, 652a. Turnaround service, 2410a. Way-bill writers, 688a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 51 Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Ash-pit men, 300a, 1645a. Bridge watchmen, 1686a. Carpenters- Bridge and building, 894a. Unspecified, 208a, 902a. Checking in and out of shops on employees time, 42a, 1437a. Coal-chute operators, 991a. Deadheading to point of employment, 650a. Drawbridge operators, 1354a. Drawbridge tenders, 1588a. Engine watchmen, 897a, 899a. Engineers, stationary, 717a, 1354a. Fire cleaners, 358a. Foremen- Assistant, 601a. 1635a. Bridge, 233a, 1571a. Bridge and building, 1185a, 1434a, 1576a, 1643a. Carpenter, 1571a. Coal-chute, 995a. Composite working, 1642a. Extra gang, 180a, 233a. Monthly-rated, 233a, 896a. Painter, 233a. Roundhouse, 1481a. Section, 233a, 979a, 1571a, 1574a. Unspecified, 210a, 1570a. Water-supply, assistant, 1635a. Headquarters, employees away from, 249a, 1800a. Held away from home terminal- Mechanics, bridge and building, 249a. Hostler helpers, inside, 1581a. Labor gangs, traveling, 794a. Laborers- Extra gang, 522a. Section, 1182a, 1788a. Section, assigned to storehouses, 1651a. Section, assigned to transferring freight, 1672a. Lay-off on Saturday, 771a. Lower-rated employees on higher-rated work, 1675a. Monthly-rated employees, 209a, 210a, 232a, 233a, 330a, 546a, 547a, 595a, 714a, 1185a. Pumpers, 769a, 898a, 1129a. Repair work on engine-house, 1585a. Section men working on turntable, 1485a. Stationary engineers, 717a. Sunday and holiday service, 993a, 1185a, 1228a. Supervisory forces, 1165a, 1572a. Time worked in excess of regular assignment, 808a, 1143a. Travel-time- Coal passers, traveling and waiting, 1763a. Removal of headquarters, account of, 336a. Roustabout carpenter, 647a. Watchmen- Crossing, 1724a. Engine, 897a, 899a. Track, 589a. Tunnel, 589a. Shop Employees: Boilermaker, step-rate, 1183a. Boilermaker helper, 974a. Bulletins notifying employees to work Sundays and holidays, 1107a. Car repairers, 543a. Changing shifts- Seniority, account of exercising, 353a. Working different hours, account of, 920a. 52 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST, Shop Employees-Continued. Checking in and out, 971a. Electricians, 212a, 712a. Emergency road service, 1851a, 1852a. Extra employees working on Sundays, 1693a, 1695a. Laborers, roundhouse, 891a. Linemen, 712a, 1178a, 1677a. Machinists' helpers, 1581a. Operators on coal piers, 542a. Pump repairers on monthly basis, 541a. Relieving next succeeding shift, 1855a. Service outside of established hours, 1692a. Stationary or millwright gang, 1650a. Supervisors of coal cleaners, 350. Telegraph linomen sent out for emergency service, 423a. Time traveling to home station, 338a. Wrecking crews, 1004a. Signal-department Employees: Basis for computing pay, 1853a. Helpers, signal department, 356a. Maintainers— Four years' experience, less than, 795a. Leading, 800a. Signal. 800a, 903a. Signal, assistant, 226a, 1184a. Signalmen― Assistant, 226a. Unspecified, 903a. Temporary assignment to other work, 356a. Time worked in excess of regular assignment, 1101a, 1105a, 1227a, 1445a. Traveling and waiting, 293a. Steamboat Employees: Longshoremen- Dock employees, 1637a. Telegraph-service Employees: Agents, 1379a, 1382a, 1627a. Agents, joint express, 1634a. Express commissions, 1367a. Failure to be called for work, 1016a. Leverman, 861a, 862a. New positions, rates applicable to, 381a. Service outside 1egular assigned hours, 267a, 302a, 1265a. Telegraph line work, 423a. Telegraph operators, 267a, 302a, 609a. Telegraphers, 1374a. 1378a, 1381à. Telegrapher-towermen, 1375a, 1376a, 1377a, 1380a. Telegraphers working on Sunday, 374a. Telegraphers working outside regular assigned hours, 376a. Ticket sellers, 1423a. Vacancies, temporary, 1017a. Train-service Employees: Baggage, haudling of, 772a. Branch-line service, 61a. Brakemen- Passenger, 718a. Swing, 1451a. Cars en route. setting out, 1400a. Clamshell work, 84a. Constructive mileage allowances, 1363a. Deadheading to fill vacancy caused by sickness, 1314a. Deadhead trip and road service, 1300a, 1308a. Excess mileage, 21a. Extra service outside regular assignment, 1390a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 53 Train-service Employees-Continued. Fire-train service, 1293a. Foremen, yard, 1392a. Mine-run service, 34a. Mixed runs, 1298a. Monthly guarantees, 1365a. Pooled crews in unassigned snowplow service, 22a. Runarounds- Brakeman waiting for conductor to report for work, 28a. Crews used from other service, 24a, 25a. Shifter and mine-run service, 60a. Runs not less than 100 miles, 1368a. Short runs in addition to regular service, 1306a. Snow service, 21a, 22a, 23a. Terminal delay and work— Final terminal delay, 56a. Initial terminal delay, 1295a. On runs less than 100 miles, 1304a. Turning trains at terminal, 719a. Unloading cinders in yard by freight crews, 323a. Tie-ups, 22a, 23a, 29a, 30a. Turnaround service, 57a, 346a, 481a, 1301a, 1752a. Water car on freight run, handling of, 348a. Work trains- Method of computing pay, 1299a. Within yard limits. 71a, 323a. Yard-service Employees: Change of yard conductors, effect on pay, 69a. Crews assisting trains beyond yard limits, 1303a. Crews helping trains out of yards, 1285a. Crews outside yard limits, 1280a. Fireman relieving on succeeding shift, yard, 1845a. Lunch, time allowed for, 1846a. Performing wreck-train service, 1282a. Road crew on work train within yard limits, 1316a. Road service, used in. 1404a. Runarounds- Crews used from other service, 52a. Transfer service, 1452a. Used in road service, 1292a. Work or wreck train within yard limits, rates for, 71a. Yard crews filling temporary vacancies in, 1324a. Yardmasters, 1411a. Yardmen used temporarily as yardmasters, 1305a. 2. APPLICATION OF RULES GOVERNING WORKING CONDITIONS. See also- Discipline. Leaves of absence. Reduction in forces. Representation of employees. Seniority rights. Clerical and Station Forces: Abolishment of positions- Decrease in business, 288a. Prohibited when purpose is to reduce rates, 241a. Right of carriers to abolish positions, 281a, 379a, 855a, 1237a, 1368a. Claim for pay not made by individual, 1781a. Combination service- Joint employees of railroad and express company, 86a. Station work and messenger runs, 276a. Definition of a clerk, 284a, 368a, 466a, 471a, 565a, 1024a, 1201a. 54 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Clerical and Station Forces-Continued, Demotions- Abolishment of position closes dispute, 531a. Failure to qualify for position, 16a. Inability to perform work, 1032a, 1741a. Inefficiency of employees, 985a. Discipline- Investigation, employees entitled to, 1031a, 1041a, 1152a. Notices, posting of- Lodge and committee meeting notices, 133a. Pay-roll week, termination of, 45a. Physical examination of employees, 965a. Reduction of number of work days per week, 574a, 640a, 732a, 1040a, 1331a, 1712a, 1749a, 1759a, 1760a, 1784a. Storehouses, section laborers assigned to, 1651a. Transferring freight, section laborers assigned to, 1672a. Dispatching-service Employees: Held away from home terminal- Relieving dispatcher at other point, 273a. Restoration to former positions, 271a, 781a. Engine-service Employees: Care of locomotives en route, 1840a. Discipline-- Investigation, employees entitled to, 85a. Eight-within-ten-hour rule, 1848a. Held-away-from-home terminal, 1847a. Lunch, time allowed for, 1846a. Notices, posting of- Bulletins outlining care of locomotives, 1840a. Running crews through terminals, 1312a. Shuttle-train service, 175a. Time-card rule, abolishment of, 488a. Express Employees: Abolishment of positions- Prohibited when purpose is to reduce rates, 1777a. Combination service- Joint employees of railroad and express company, 86a. Eating and sleeping accommodations, 295a. Messenger runs, rearrangement of, 1337a, 1338a, 1368a, 1758a. Pay days changing from weekly to semimonthly, 864a. Starting time of three-shift positions, 1470a. Transfer to new position, 909a. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Abolishment of positions— Prohibited when purpose is to reduce rates 120a. Right of carriers to abolish positions, 991a. Assignment of work- Bridge carpenter operating derrick, 337a. Combination service- Coal-chute foreman and pumper, 995a. Section foreman and coal-chute supervisor, 250a. Demotions— Foreman demoted to carpenter with increased pay, 342a. Inefficiency of employees, 1589a. Supervisory employees' right to other service, 289a, 339a, 592a, 594a, 804a. Discipline Investigation, employees entitled to, 1056a. Hostling service- Hostler helpers, definition of, 40a, 891a. Houses for section men, 94a. Jurisdiction of work-train conductor, 646a. Meal period, time allowed, 1345a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 5.5 Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces-Continued. Promotions— Right to promotion to section foreraan, 1346a. Section foremen, qualifications to govern, 809a. Seniority not affected by, 289a, 339a, 594a, 804a. Temporary appointments to higher positions, 58a. + Reduction of number of work days per week, 334a, 519a, 713, 771a, 1667a. Section foremen, place of residence, 1069a. Section laborers- Storehouse work, performing, 1651a. Transferring freignt, 1672a. Water license, payment of by employees, 325a. Shop Employees: Demotions— Car inspector demoted to car repairer, 587a. Discipline- Investigation, employees entitled to, 206a, 1018a, 1019a, 1020a, 1022a. Notices, posting of— Sunday and holiday service 1107a. Personal injury claims, 1061a. Physical examination of employees, 1362a. Shuttle-train service, 175a. Supervisory employees performing mechanics' work, 405a. Signal-department Employees: Abolishment of positions- Right of carriers to abolish positions, 992a. Demotions— Assistant signalmen demoted to helpers, 709a. Supervisory employees' rights to other service, 801a. Eating and sleeping accommodations, 1067a. Equipment used, charging employees with, 1067a. Promotions— Seniority not affected by, 801a. Telegraph-service Employees: Abolishment of positions- Right of carriers to abolish positions, 365a, 530a, 609a, 1085a. Commissions for joint express employees, 1634a. Demotions- Supervisory employees' right to other service, 619a, 620a. Physical examination of employees, 1449a. Promotions- Positions outside of scope of agreement, 221a. Seniority not affected by, 619a, 620a, 1084a. • 1 Reduction of number of work days per week, 383a, 789a, 1154a, 1242a, 1286a. Telephones in yard office, removal of, 1779a. Train-service Employees: Abolishment of positions- Right of carriers to abolish positions, 26a. Snow blockade not justifiable reason, 27a. Combination service- Deadhead and road trip, 1300a. Express trains and passenger trains, 347a. Demotions- Rules governing, 307a. Discipline- Investigation, employees entitled to, 85a. Dump cars, operation of, 1326a. Filling water cars en route, 1296a. Jurisdiction of work-train conductor, 646a. Lunch, time allowed for, 1846a. Running crews through terminals, 1312a. Seats on locomotives, 76a. Shuttle-train service, 175a. 56 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Yard-service Employees: Discipline- Investigation, employees entitled to, 1051a, 1052a, 1053a. Promotions— Seniority not affected by, 65a. Reporting and relieving point, 1307a. 3. ESTABLISHMENT OF RULES AND WORKING CONDITIONS. Clerical and Station Forces: Agreements- Arbitrary changing of, 963a, 1808a, 1860a. Caption of, 173a. Contract work, application to, 1077a, 1119a, 1209a, 1210a, 1220a, 1232a, 1262a, 1279a. Incorporation of rates of pay in schedules, 53a. National agreement, termination of, 119a. Negotiated, with whom, 173a, 225a, 476a, 477a, 502a, 503a, 583a, 998a, 1081a, 1145a, 1146a, 1147a, 1160a, 1416a, 1424a, 1860a. Revision of, 1136a. Right to negotiate denied, 502a. Scope of, 225a, 476a, 477a, 696a, 700a, 730a, 821a, 838a, 986a, 988a, 1081a, 1089a, 1160a, 1236a, 1275a, 1475a, 1720a. Termination not affected by Decision No. 119, 1208a. Thirty days' notice required to change, 1774a. Consideration of changes in rules deferred- National agreements unchanged, 2a, 5a. Disputes withdrawn from Board- Rules governing general working conditions, 1192a. Principles to govern making of rules, 119a. Rules authorized covering— General working conditions, 630a, 1208a, 1668a. Leaves of absence, 1229a. Overtime and calls, 1621a. Personal injuries, 1866a. Sunday and holiday work, 1621a. Termination of agreement, 1697a. Rules declined relating to- Day of rest, 1621a. Forty-five-hour-per-week assignments, 607a. Less than full-day period, 1621a. Short-line railroad employees, 108a. Rules, procedure for handling disputed, 119a, 582a, 963a, 1081a, 1156a, 1208a, 1808a. Dining-car and Restaurant Employees: Agreements, arbitrary changing of, 1140a. Disputes withdrawn from Board- Rules governing general working conditions, 827a. Rules authorized covering- Hours of service, 1541a. Overtime, 1541a. Rules declined relating to- General working conditions, 54a. Rules remanded for further conference - General working conditions, 1122a. Dispatching-service Employees: Agreements- National agreement, termination of, 119a. Negotiated, with whom, 775a, 1612a. Right to negotiate denied, 1369a. Scope of, 1173a. Working agreement, right of employees to, 1369a. Consideration of changes in rules deferred- National agreements unchanged, 2a, 5a. Negotiations of rules, 883a, 884a, 938a, 951a, 961a, 962a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 57 Dispatching-service Employees-Continued. Principles to govern making of rules, 119a. Rules authorized covering— General working conditions, 721a, 1830a. Rules declined relating to- Short-line railroad employees, 108a. Rules, procedure for handling disputed, 119a, 810a, 811a, 812a, 813a, 814a, 815a. Engine-service Employees: Agreements- Arbitrary changing of, 1396a. Caption of, 1311a. Contract work, application to, 1224a. Incorporation of rates of pay in schedules, 1311a, 1844a. National agreement, termination of, 119a. Violation of agreements by carrier, 1054a. Consideration of changes in rules deferred- General working conditions, 1554a, 1558a. National agreements unchanged, 2a. New Orleans Great Northern Railroad, 290a, Special allowances, 1328a. Disputes withdrawn from Board- Rules governing general working conditions, 1385a, 1559a, 1560a. Option as to acceptance or rejection— Eight-within-ten-hour rule, 93a. Principles to govern making of rules, 119a. Rules authorized covering- Deadhead service, 10a. Terminal delay, 55a. Rules declined relating to- Adjustments to settle similar claims, 315a. Differential rates between mountain and valley, 312a. Enginemen at passenger station, relief of, 313a. Guaranties in assigned service, 311a. Hostling service, 1318a. Local or way-freight service, 310a. Minute basis for payment of terminal delay, 314a. Short-line railroad employees, 108a. Shoveling coal forward on locomotives, 1310a. Switching at terminal, 11a. Rules, procedure for handling disputed, 119a, 148a. Rules remanded for further conference- Representation of hostler helpers, 1327a. Express Employees: Consideration of changes in rules deferred- National agreements unchanged, 3a. Rules authorized-- General working conditions, 722a, 723a. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Agreements- Arbitrary changing of, 1827a. Caption of, 1103a, 1344a. Contract work, application to, 1075a, 1079a, 1212a, 1215a, 1218a, 1219a, 1220a, 1222a, 1226a, 1230a, 1231a, 1254a, 1256a. National agreement, termination of, 119a. Negotiated with whom, 412a, 418a, 514a, 998a, 1082a, 1121a, 1577a, 1644a, 1827a. Scope of, 412a, 777a, 1358a, 1576a, 1727a. 1764a, 1767a, 1787a. Thirty days' notice required to change, 1644a. Working agreement, right of employees to, 456a, 1002a, 1357a, 1446a. Consideration of changes in rules deferred- National agreements unchanged, 2a, 5a. Negotiations of rules, 980a. Principles to govern making of rules, 119a. 58 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces Continued. Rules authorized covering— Foremen and assistant foremen, 1644a. General working conditions, 501a, 1450a, 1577a. Overtime, 1187a, 1561a. Seniority, 1098a. Sunday and holiday work, 1543a. Rules declined relating to— Checking in and out of shops on employees' time, 1339a. Short-line railroad employees, 108a. Rules, procedure for handling disputed, 119a. Rules remanded for further conference- General working conditions, 1861a. Pullman-car Employees: Rules declined relating to- General working conditions, 54a, 107a. Shop Employees: Agreements- Contract work, application to, 982a. 1076a, 1078a, 1080a, 1214a, 1216a, 1217a, 1225a, 1235a, 1241a, 1255a, 1257a, 1259a, 1260a, 1263a, 1361a. National agreement- Continued for Pullman shop employees, 427a. Termination of, 119a. Negotiated, with whom, 153a, 155a, 219a, 227a, 259a, 291a, 357a, 425a, 504a, 525a, 618a, 998a, 1064a, 1728a, 1836a, 1837a. Rules, necessity for separate set of, 1008a. Scope of, 153a, 154a, 155a, 205a, 227a, 291a, 357a, 504a, 525a, 833a, 892a, 893a, 1064a, 1179a 1180a 1728a, 1798a. Thirty days' notice required to change, 181a, 292a, 1060a, 1534a. Working agreement, right of employees to, 1057a. Consideration of changes in rules deferred- National agreements unchanged, 2a, 5a. New Orleans Great Northern Railroad, 290a. Discipline of employees, 1568a. l'iecework, establishment of, 1360a, 1718a. Principles to govern making of rules, 119a. Refusal of carrier to negotiate, 422a. Rules authorized covering— Discipline of employees, 1568a. General working conditions, 222a, 1008a, 1542a, 1544a, 1545a, 1546a. Meal period, two and three shift positions, 1820a, 1821a, 1822a, 1823a, 1824a, 1825a, 1826a. Overtime, 1561a. Rules declined relating to— Short-line railroad employees, 108a. Rules, procedure for handling disputed, 119a, 259a, 292a, 1060a. Signal-department Employees: Agreements- Caption of, 1341a, 1856a. Contracting parties, signitures of, 1341a, 1856a. National agreement, termination of, 119a. Rules, necessity for separate set of, 1856a. Consideration of changes in rules deferred- National agreements unchanged, 2a. Principles to govern making of rules, 119a, Rules authorized covering— General working conditions, 707a, 1120a, 1538a. Rules, procedure for handling disputed, 119a. Stationary-engine and Boiler-room Employees: Agreements- Contract work, application to, 1213a. National agreement, termination of, 119a. Consideration of changes in rules deferred- National agreements unchanged, 2a, 5a. A INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 59. Stationary-engine and Boiler-room Employees-Continued. Principles to govern making of rules, 119a. Rules authorized covering— General working conditions, 725a. Rules, procedure for handling disputed, 119a. Steamboat Employees: Agreements National agreement, termination of, 119a. Negotiated, with whom, 1498a, 1539a. Consideration of changes in rules deferred- National agreements unchanged, 2a. Principles to govern making of rules, 119a. Rules authorized covering- Day of rest, 1489a. General working conditions, 830a. Hours of service, 1489a. Overtime, 1489a. Steam and operating engineers, 830a. Rules declined relating to- General working conditions, 20a. Rules, procedure for handling disputed, 119a, 8S7a. Supervisory Forces: Agreements- National agreement, termination of, 119a. Negotiated, with whom, 419a, 629a, 631a. Consideration of changes in rules deferred- National agreements unchanged, 2a. Principles to govern making of rules, 119a. Rules authorized covering- Foremen and assistant foremen, 1644a. Supervisors of mechanics, 726a, 1349a. Rules declined relating to- Baggage, handling of, 631a. ་ Rules, proceduce for handling disputed, 119a. Telegraph-service Employees: Agreements- National agreement, termination of, 119a. Negotiated, with whom, 825a, 826a. Scope of, 825a, 826a, 873a, 910a, 930a, 1334a, 1335a, 1336a. Termination of, 1789a. Thirty days' notice required to change, 930a, 1333a, 1367a. Consideration of changes in rules deferred- National agreements unchanged, 2a, 5a. New Orleans Great Northern Railroad, 290a. Vacation rule. 1233a. Disputes withdrawn from Board- Rules governing general working conditions, 1559a. Negotiation of rules, 916a. Principles to govern making of rules, 119a. Rules authorized covering- General working conditions, 757a, 832a, 1233a. Rules declined relating to- Short-line railroad employees, 108a. Rules, procedure for handling disputed, 119a. Status quo order, application for, 1234a. Train-service Employees: Agreements- Arbitrary changing of, 1396a. Duration of, 64a. Incorporation of rates of pay in schedules, 62a. National agreement, termination of, 119a. Thirty days' notice required to change, 1295a. Violation of, by carrier, 1054a. 50960°-24- 5 60 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Train-service Employees-Continued. Consideration of changes in rules deferred- General working conditions. 1554a, 1558a. National agreements unchanged. 2a, 5a. New Orleans Great Northern Railroad, 290a. Disputes withdrawn from Board- Rules governing general working conditions, 1385a, 1559a, 1560a. Principles to govern making of rules, 119a. Rules authorized covering- Duration of agreement, 64a. Guarantees in local freight service, 1297a. Rules declined relating to- Handling of baggage, 63a. Rights of colored employees, 307a. Short-line railroad employees. 108a. Rules, procedure for handling disputed, 119a, 148a. Yard-service Employees: Agreements— National agreement, termination of. 119a. Negotiated, with whom, 1843a. Right to negotiate denied, 1843a. Consideration of changes in rules deferred- General working conditions. 1554a, 1558a. National agreements unchanged, 2a. Disputes withdrawn from Board- Rules governing general working conditions, 1559a, 1560a. Principles to govern making of rules, 119u. Rules authorized covering— General working conditions. 1266a. Rules declined relating to- Assisting trains beyond switching limits, 1303a. Controlling cars in gravity yards, 67a. Preference in the employment of yardmen, 66a, 68a. Promotion of yardmen, 65a, 66a. Rules, procedure for handling disputed, 119a, 148a. SENIORITY RIGHTS. See also- Leaves of absence. Reduction in forces. Vacancies, filling of. Clerical and Station Forces: Assignment to positions— Assignment to be made by bulletin. 244a. Excepted positions, 1370a. 1869a. Opportunity for qualifying, 141a, 538a, 855a. Positions for which no bid is received, 367a. Seniority, fitness and ability to govern. 8a. 44a, 46a, 124a, 213a, 458a. 558a, 577a, 705a, 733a, 735a, 836a. 1247a, 1630a, 1743a. State laws affecting assignments, 269a, 345a, 1038a, 1088a, Temporary assignments, 1490a. Basic date of seniority- Break in continuity of service, 1030a, 1251a. Change of classification, 505a. Changing from excepted to nonexcepted positions, 132a. Employees transferred from another seniority district, 243a, 1742a. Entering service on same date. 918a. New employees, date given, 642a. Temporary assignment to other service, 790a, 1804a. Transferred from one department to another, 1631a. Consolidation of offices- Right to corresponding positions, 462a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. ·61 Clerical and Station Forces-Continued. Displacements, right to make- Abolishment of positions, 463a, 475a, 578a, 964a, 1026a. Failure to provide relief, 934a, 1629a. Seniority, fitness and ability to govern, 372a, 1011a, 1371a, 1715a, 1747a, 1757a, 1790a, 1791a, 1792a. Terminal district, positions in, 1039a. Leaves of absence- Failure to report for duty terminates service, 16a. General chairman's right to, 536a, 606a. Indefinite leaves, 506a. Military or naval service, 1239a. Promotions- Excepted positions, 986a, 1037a, 1370a. Reduction of forces- Minors, rights of, 727a. Seniority, fitness and ability to govern, 577a, 1189a. Reemployment- Former employees given new date, 1015a. Reinstatement- Seniority rights restored, 478a, 576a, 767a, 1037a, 1041a, 1088a, 1152 1186a, 1189a, 1248a, 1622a, 1782a. Restoration to service after lay-off- Acceptance of temporary position, 1858a. Senior employees given preference, 1009a. Rosters of employees- Copy for representatives, 510a, 511a. Protest against names on roster, 1030a, 1251a. Seniority districts- Assignments restricted to one district, 367a. Limitation of districts, 50a, 460a, 463a. Right of carrier to create, 1039a. Rights of engine-house clerks, within, 578a. Scope of seniority rules- Excepted positions, 87a, 534a, 759a, 1089a. Nonexcepted positions, 38a, 626a, 1151a, 1371a. Terminal district, positions in, 1039a. Dispatching-service Employees: Assignment to positions- Temporary assignment, 781a. Displacement, right to make- Conditions must justify displacement, 1023a. Dispatcher displacing agent, 620a. Dispatcher displacing telegrapher, 619a, 1045a, 1084a. Rights confined to one district, 981a. Seniority, fitness, and merit to govern, 623a, 635a, 639a. Leaves of absence- Failure to return before expiration of, 625a. Limitation of seniority rights- District, confined to one, 981a. Promotions- Seniority standing, effect on, 1084a. Reduction of forces- Seniority, fitness, and merit to govern, 989a, 1025a. Reinstatement- Seniority rights restored, 625a, 967a, 1702a, 1703a. Roster of employees- Listing of dispatchers on telegraphers' roster, 1084a. Scope of seniority rules- Train dispatchers included in telegraphers' agreement, 1737a. Seniority districts- Temporary transfer to another district, 781a. Engine-service Employees: Reinstatements- Seniority rights restored, 36a, 326a, 480a, 528a, 550a. & CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 6·2 Express Employees: Assignment to positions- Opportunity allowed for qualifying, 677a. Positions in other districts, 362a. Preference of employees over nonemployees, 1626a. Residence at home terminal, 661a. Seniority, fitness, and ability to govern, 699a, 1857a. Transfer from one position to another, 939a. Basic date of seniority- Break in continuity of service, 1740a. Displacements, right to make- Abolishment of positions, 1775a. Seniority, fitness, and ability to govern, 1754a, 1805a, 1806a, 1812a, 1813a, 1863a. Reduction of forces- Names shown as furloughed on roster, 1862a. Seniority, fitness, and ability to govern, 687a, 727a. Reemployment- Former employees given new dates, 690a. Reinstatement- Seniority rights restored, 1031a, 1035a, 1707a, 1777a. Waiving of objection by other employees, 1739a. Restoration to service after lay-off— Senior employees given preference, 817a, 1812a. Roster of employees- Names of furloughed employees to be shown, 1862a. Seniority districts-- Limitation of districts, 362a, 939a. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Assignment to positions- Engine watchmen, right to positions of, 335à. Pumpers, right to positions of, 1687a. Seniority, ability, and merit to govern, 251a. Basic date of seniority- Break in continuity of service, 354a. 1484a, 1583a. Temporary assignment on another railroad, 58a. Displacements, right to make- Bridge and building supervisor displacing foreman, 592a. Foremen displacing laborers, 1343a. General foreman displacing building foreman, 339a. Roadmaster displacing foreman, 289a, 594a, 804a. Seniority, ability, and merit to govern, 340a, 521a. Shop employees displacing roundhouse employees, 1164a. Leaves of absence- Failure to return before expiration of, 1484a. General chairman's right to, 230a, 333a, 1342a, 1351a, 1827a. Rights of employees on leave, 603a. Promotions- Seniority, ability, and merit to govern, 809a. Seniority standing, effect on, 58a, 289a. 339a, 594a, 804a, 1343a. Reduction of forces- Coal-chute employees displacing shop and roundhouse employees, 780a. Employees with less than six months' seniority, 523a. Gangs laid off for short periods, 334a, 519a, 1667a. Seniority, ability, and merit to govern, 231a, 408a, 799a, 807a, 1583a, 1675a, 1773a. Reinstatements- Seniority rights restored, 224a, 329a, 552a, 579a, 1056a, 1102a, 1118a, 1355a, 1356a, 1447a, 1563a, 1575ą, 1578a, 1640a. Scope of seniority rules- Employee working jointly for two departments, 335a. Roundhouse employees, application to, 1164a. Seniority districts- Consolidation of districts, 1676a. Limitation of districts, 1164a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 63 Shop Employees: Assignments to positions— Faithful service, preference given account, 895a. Helper vacancies, 549a, 770a. Temporary vacancy, 802a. Working foremen, 409a. Basic date of seniority- Apprentices, 976a. Break in continuity of service, 792a. Restoration to service after lay-off- Sênior employees given preference, 972a, 1063a, 1673a. Reduction of forces- Ability to be determined by conference, 895a, 1001a. Seniority to govern reductions, 587a, 768a, 976a. Reinstatements- Seniority rights restored, 145a, 146a, 399a, 401a, 402a, 403a, 410a, 539a, 540a, 586a, 590a, 598a, 599a, 792a, 926a, 927a, 1018a, 1019a, 1020a, 1021a, 1022a, 1055a, 1058a, 1063a, 1359a, 1362a, 1688a. Seniority districts- Assignments restricted to one railroad, 1065a. Signal-department Employees: Displacements, right to make- Signal supervisor displacing maintainer, 801a. Promotions— Seniority standing, effect on, 801a. Telegraph-service Employees: Assignment to positions- Agent-yardmaster, 1335a, 1336a. Large and important stations, 1250a. Positions included in schedule, 1737a. Basic date of seniority- Break in continuity of service, 1243a, 1737a. Displacements, right to make- Agent-telegrapher displacing agent, 1243a. Dispatcher displacing agent, 620a. Dispatcher displacing telegrapher, 619a, 1084a. Positions included in schedule, 1333a, 1334a. Seniority, fitness, and previous record to govern, 1736a. Superintendent displacing agent, 221a. Promotions— Seniority standing, effect on, 221a, 1084a. Roster of employees- Listing of dispatchers on roster, 1084a. Scope of seniority rules- Supervisory ticket agents, 1867a. Train dispatcher, position of, 1737a. Train-service Employees: Assignment to positions- Discrimination account color, 307a. Scope of seniority rules- Employees handling baggage, 772a, 1317a. Switching and herding service, 1325a. Yard-service Employees: Reinstatement- Seniority rights restored, 526a, 528a, 1051a, 1052a, 1053a, 1054a. SHORT-LINE RAILROADS. Clerical and Station Forces: Classification of carriers, 1123a. Wages, request for increased, 108a. 64 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST, Dispatching-service Employees: Wages, request for increased, 108a. Engine-service Employees: Classification of carriers, 1123a. Wages, request for increased, 108a. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Classification of carriers, 1123a. Wages, request for increased, 108a. Shop Employees: Classification of carriers, 1123a. Wages, request for increased, 108a. Signal-department Employees: Classification of carriers, 1123a. Stationary-engine and Boiler-room Employees: Classification of carriers. 1123a. Telegraph-service Employees: Classification of carriers, 1123a. Wages, request for increased, 108a. Train-service Employees:_ Classification of carriers, 1123a. Wages, request for increased, 108a. Clerical and Station Forces: STRIKES. Pay for time laid off during strike, 197a, 198a. Dispatching-service Employees: Reduction of wages, account of, 724a. Reinstatement of striking employees, 724a. Engine-service Employees: Reduction of wages, account of, 724a. Reinstatement of striking employees, 724a. Threatened general strike, 299a. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Compensation for time lost account, 517a. Reduction of wages, account of, 724a. Refusal to work for contractor, 257a. Reinstatement of striking employees, 724a. Shop Employees: Reduction of wages, account of, 724a. Reinstatement of striking employees, 724a. Rules, account misapplication of, 1360a. Telegraph-service Employees: Reduction of wages, account of, 724a. Reinstatement of striking employees, 724. Train-service Employees: Reduction of wages, account of, 724a. Reinstatement of striking employees, 724. Threatened general strike, 299a. Yard-service Employees: Threatened general strike, 299a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 65' SUPPORTING OPINIONS. Clerical and Station Forces: Leaves of absence, 1229a. Rates of pay, 1074a, 1621a. Representatives, selection of employees, 1366a. Rules and working conditions, 630a, 1621a. Dining-car and Restaurant Employees: Rates of pay, 1074a. Dispatching-service Employees: Dismissal of train dispatchers, 1702a, 1703a. Rates of pay, 1074a. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Rates of pay, 1074a, 1267a. Representatives, selection of employees, 1269a. Rules and working conditions- Changes in, how to make, 1644a. General working conditions governing, 1450a. Shop Employees: Agreements- Shopmen's.on Louisiana Southern Railway, 1008a. With whom negotiated, 227a. Physical examination of employees, 1362a. Piecework, 1718a. Sheet-metal workers, classification of, 946a, 947a. Signal interlocking plant repairmen, classification of, 1091a. Signal-department Employees: Signal interlocking plant repairmen, classification of, 1091a. Rates of pay- Rates applicable to signal maintainers, 1074a, 1732a, 1733a, 1734a. Stationary-engine and Boiler-room Employees: Rates of pay, 1074a. Steamboat Employees: Rates of pay, 1074a. Train-service Employees: Mileage allowances, constructive, 1363a. TERMINALS, CHANGES OF. Engine-service Employees: Freight terminal, 1094a, 1839a. Freight terminal, right of carriers to abolish, 31a. Home terminal, 59a. Running crews through terminals, 1312a. Shuttle-train service to new terminal, 175a. Shop Employees: Shuttle-train service to new terminal, 175a. Train-service Employees: Freight terminal, 1094a. Freight terminal, right of carrier to abolish, 31a. Home terminal, 59a. Running crews through terminals, 1312a. Shuttle-train service to new terminal, 175a. 66 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. TIME LOST. Clerical and Station Forces: Abolishing positions, 578a, 964a. Assignments, refusal of carrier to make, 1629a. Classification, improper, 622a, 853a, 854a. Dismissals, 137a, 576a, 767a, 1037a, 1041a, 1088a, 1152a, 1186a, 1189a, 1248a. Displacements, denial of right to make, 475a, 735a, 1026a, 1370a, 1371a, 1858a. Election boards, serving on, 473a. Notified not to work, 574a, 640a, 764a, 1040a. Personal business, 786a, 874a. Rates of pay- Arbitrary reduction of, account of, 1331a. Improper application of, 1479a, 1491a. Reduction in forces, account of, 577a, 1009a, 1631a. Seniority district, establishment of, 1039a. Sickness, 19a, 192a, 235a, 236a, 237a, 474a, 507a, 508a, 509a, 554a, 556a, 561a, 562a, 605a, 860a, 868a, 869a, 875a, 876a, 877a, 878a, 879a, 1190a, 1755a. Strikes, 197a, 198a. Suspension from service, 264a, 265a, 1010a. Temporary shut-down, 1760a. Vacations, 140a, 306a, 375a, 378a, 386a, 390a, 537a, 634a, 682a, 692a, 760a, 776a, 859a, 937a 941a, 955a. Weekly assignments— Days, reduction in, 572a, 1331a. Hours, reduction in, 732a. Dispatching-service Employees: Dismissals, 967a, 1702a, 1703a. Displacements- Denial of right to make, 989a. Wrongful displacement, 981a, 1023a. Rates of pay, improper application of, 1332a. Sickness, 51a, 122a, 248a, 564a, 676a, 785a, 834a. Vacations, 851a, 852a, 1013a, 1014a. Engine-service Employees: Abolishing positions, 1753a, 1849a. Dismissals, 550a, 1051a, 1052a, 1053a. Displacements- Denial of right to make, 317a. Wrongful displacement, 1054a. Investigation, 85a. Suspension from service, 85a. Express Employees: Dismissals, 1031a, 1035a, 1782a. Displacements, denial of right to make, 934a, 1805a, 1812a, 1813a. Sickness, 685a, 686a. Suspension from service, 668a. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Abolishing positions, 120a. Contracting work, 328a. Dismissals, 706a, 1056a, 1102a, 1356a, 1447a, 1640a. Displacements, denial of right to make, 521a. Foreman whose gang was laid off, 231a. Rates of pay, improper application of, 898a, 899a. Reduction in forces, 334a, 603a, 780a, 807a. Strikes, 257a, 517a. Suspension from service, 216a. Shop Employees: Assignments, to new shift, 1130a. Changing shifts, 1161a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 67 Shop Employees-Continued. Dismissals, 590a, 598a, 599a, 792a, 926a, 927a, 1018a, 1019a, 1020a, 1021a, 1022a, 1055a, 1058a, 1063a, 1362a. Displacements, denial of right to make, 768a. Management, change of, 1671a. Physical examinations, 793a. Rates of pay, arbitrary reduction of, 1690a. Reduction in forces, 587a, 972a. Seniority rights, refusing permission to exercise, 802a. Suspension from service, 234a. Signal-department Employees: Abolishing positions, 992a. Steamboat Employees: Rates of pay, arbitrary reduction of, 1498a. Telegraph-service Employees: Express commissions, withholding of, 1367a. Notified not to work, 1154a. Rates of pay- Arbitrary reduction of, 1287a, 1288a. Improper application of, 1421a, 1422a. Weekly assignments, reduction in days in, 789a, 1286a. Train-service Employees: Dismissals, 1051a, 1052a, 1053a. Displacements, wrongful, 1054a. Investigation, 85a. Snow blockades, failure of trains to run account, 27a. Suspension from service. 85a, 1403a, 1407a. Waiting at terminal for caboose, 35a. TRANSPORTATION ACT, 1920. Carriers Cited under Section 313: Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic Railway Co., 121a. Chicago & Alton Railroad Co., 1369a. Duluth, Missabe & Northern Railway Co., 1670a. Erie Railroad Co., 91a, 1287a. Interstate Railroad Co., 886a. Kansas City Southern Railway Co., 1731a. Pennsylvania System, 1829a, 1833a. St. Louis Southwestern Railway Co., 120a. Texarkana & Fort Smith Railway Co., 1731a. Noncompliance with: Agreements, arbitrary abrogation of, 1789a. Carrier refusing to meet committee, 70a, 174a, 259a, 432a, 978a, 1052a, 1053a, 1446a, 1483a, 1690a, 1829a, 1833a. Committee refusing to meet carrier, 832a. Conferences, failure to hold, 89a, 174a, 299a, 650a, 709a, 822a, 1002a, 1063a, 1145a, 1146a, 1147a, 1177a. 1199a, 1286a, 1331a, 1332a, 1439a, 1547a, 1548a, 1549a, 1550a, 1551a, 1552a, 1567a. Contracting of work by carrier- Clerical and station forces, 1077a, 1119a, 1209a, 1210a, 1220a, 1232a, 1262a, 1279a. Engine-service employees, 1224a. Firemen and oilers, 1213a. > Maintenance-of-way and unskilled forces, 1075a, 1079a, 1212a, 1215a, 1218 a, 1219a, 1220a, 1222a, 1226a, 1230a, 1231a, 1256a. Shop employees. 982a, 1076a, 1078a, 1080a, 1214a, 1216a, 1217a, 1225a, 1235a, 1241a, 1254a, 1255a, 1257a, 1259a, 1260a, 1263a, 1361a. Rates of pay, arbitrary changing of, 90a, 91a, 120a, 121a, 174a, 332a, 822a, 1003a, 1140a, 1286a, 1288a, 1329a, 1331a, 1332a, 1410a, 1498a, 1540a, 1566a, 1761a, 1768a, 1786a. Representatives, failure to determine proper, 1160a. 68 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST, Noncompliance with-Continued. Rules and working conditions, arbitrary changing of, 963a, 1140a, 1181a, 1237a, 1287a, 1369a, 1396a, 1644a, 1690a, 1718a, 1727a, 1731a, 1761a, 1767a, 1808a, 1827a. Seniority of employee, cancellation of, 1063a. Strikes prior to holding of conference, 299a. Section 307, application of: Paragraph (d), principle 7, 798a. TRANSPORTATION PRIVILEGES. Clerical and Station Forces: General chairman representing employees, 536a. Engine-service Employees: Shuttle-train service for employees, 175a. Express Employees: Refund of fare, 909a. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: General chairman representing employees, 333a, 1342a, 1351a, 1483a, 1827a. Shop Employees: Shuttle-train service for employees, 175a. Train-service Employees: Shuttle-train service for employees, 175a. UNION LABOR MEMBERSHIP. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Dismissals account of union affiliation, 1056a. Rights of employees to membership, 224a. Shop Employees: Dismissals of labor union representatives, 1018a, 1019a, 1020a, 1022a. VACANCIES, FILLING OF. Clerical and Station Forces: Ability, right to trial to prove, 8a, 44a, 124a, 392a, 475a, 577a, 855a. Abolishment of positions closes dispute. 242a. Agents, traveling, 986a. Assignments- Fitness and ability necessary for, 46a, 213a, 345a, 458a, 538a, 558a, 705a, 836a, 1011a, 1247a. 1630a, 1743a. Seniority district, assignment to position in another, 367a, 1269a. State laws, effect on, 269a, 345a, 1038a. Bulletining of- Head clerk's position, 1490a. New positions, 1151a. 1716a. Nonclerical positions, 239a. Positions on other districts. 1629a. Positions transferred from another office, 1476a. Positions with duties materially changed, 740a. Temporary positions, 1252a. Vacancies at established rate, 238a. Vacancies to be bulletined promptly, 1046a. Vacant positions, 244a, 285a, 389a, 1089a. Clerks- Assistant chief, 1716a. Chief clerks at larger stations, 87a. Seniority district, clerks within same, 1011a. Shop accountant, stenographic clerk to, 626a. Excepted positions, 1869a. Physical disability of employees, account of, 1490a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 69 Dispatching-service Employees: Dispatchers, positions of train, 635a, 639a, 1023a. Engine-service Employees: Brakemen used as firemen in emergency, 773a. Bulletining of, irregular road service, 1322a. Express Employees: Ability, right to trial to prove, 151a, 677a, 702a. Abolishment of positions closes dispute, 702a. Assignments Fitness and ability necessary for, 733a, 735a, 1857a. Seniority district, assignment to position in another, 362a, 1626a. Time, assignment to be made within limited, 304a. Bulletining of— Positions on other districts. 1626a. Vacant positions, 1246a. Bulletins- Duration of, 304a. Service, to indicate kind of, 917a, 1807a. Discrimination between male and female employees, 1807a. Express service, drivers in, 939a. Messengers, express, 661a, 699a. Positions increased in pay, 360a. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Assignments, fitness and ability necessary for, 251a, 257a. Bulletining of— Labor foremen's positions, 1787a. New positions, 339a. Temporary vacancies, 809a. Shop Employees: Assignments- Sunday and holiday work, 1854a. Time lost account wrongful assignment, 1130a. Laborers, right to positions of helpers, 549a, 770a. Shopmen at outlying points, 409a. Temporary vacancies, 802a. Telegraph-service Employees: Ability, right to trial to prove, 1250a. Assignments, bidder required to accept position, 1780a. Bulletining of vacant positions, 1250a, 1737a. Disputes arising prior to creation of Board, 1193a. Train-service Employees: Baggagemen on electric trains, 1317a. Brakemen used as firemen in emergency, 773a. Bulletining of, irregular road service. 1322a. Compensation on runs, effect of increased, 324a. Positions increased in pay, 324a. Temporary vacancies, 35a, 307a. Trainmen's positions, 1402a. WITHDRAWALS OF APPLICATIONS FOR DECISIONS. Clerical and Station Forces: Adjusted by interested parties, 569a 571a, 743a, 744a, 745a, 746a, 747a, 748a, 749a, 750a. 751a, 752a, 753a, 754a, 755a, 756a, 758a, 845a, 872a, 1131a, 1138a, 1156a, 1158a, 1169a, 1172a, 1192a, 1198a, 1204a, 1236a, 1278a, 1373a, 1492a, 1493a. Agreement to hold conference, 512a, 643a. Docket closed, 1495a, 1735a, 1810a, 1815a, 1870a. Ex-parte request for withdrawal, 570a, 820a, 1081a, 1425a. 70 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DÍGÉST. Clerical and Station Forces-Continued. Joint request for withdrawal, 388a, 389a, 390a, 392a, 393a, 395a, 457a, 464a, 472a, 509a, 568a, 608a, 613a, 614a, 615a, 616a, 617a, 624a, 627a, 628a, 657a, 658a, 660a, 674a, 675a, 692a, 693a, 694a, 695a, 737a, 738a, 739a, 741a, 742a, 766a, 787a, 791a, 818a, 819a, 823a, 840a, 841a, 842a, 843a, 844a, 846a, 847a, 865a, 870a, 871a, 901a, 908a, 911a, 912a, 914a, 915a, 931a, 936a, 944a, 1044a, 1047a, 1048a, 1049a, 1083a, 1135a, 1136a, 1137a, 1139a, 1157a, 1159a, 1191a, 1194a, 1203a, 1205a, 1240a, 1245a, 1277a, 1486a, 1487a, 1488a, 1494a, 1496a, 1497a, 1506a, 1507a, 1508a, 1510a, 1511a, 1533a, 1555a, 1556a, 1557a, 1604a, 1613a, 1614a, 1624a. Partial withdrawal of disputes, 1081a. Dining-car and Restaurant Employees: Adjusted by interested parties, 1599a, 1606a. Agreement to hold conference, 827a, 828a. Dispatching-service Employees: Adjusted by interested parties, 1171a, 1173a, 1174a, 1272a. Docket closed, 1815a, 1870a. Ex-parte request for withdrawal, 966a. Joint request for withdrawal, 883a, 938a, 951a, 961a, 962a, 1244a, 1623a. Partial withdrawal of disputes, 1244a. Engine-service Employees: Adjusted by interested parties, 95a, 96a, 97a, 98a, 100a, 102a, 103a, 310a, 311a, 312a, 313a, 314a, 315a, 316a, 317a, 485a, 494a, 1393a, 1396a, 1512a, 1536a, 1600a, 1607a. Docket closed, 1680a, 1810a, 1870a. Joint request for withdrawal, 1383a, 1384a, 1385a, 1386a, 1387a, 1389a, 1391a, 1394a, 1397a, 1398a, 1455a, 1513a, 1514a, 1515a, 1516a, 1517a, 1518a, 1519a, 1520a, 1521a, 1522a, 1523a, 1524a, 1525a, 1537a, 1559a, 1560a, 1593a, 1594a, 1595a, 1596a, 1597a, 1598a, 1601a, 1605a, 1608a, 1616a, 1617a, 1618a, 1619a, 1620a. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Adjusted by interested parties, 1221a, 1435a, 1436a, 1440a, 1527a, 1591a. Docket closed, 1735a, 1810a, 1815a, 1870a. Ex-parte request for withdrawal, 456a, 596a, 604a, 706a, 710a, 715a, 803a, 1442a. Joint request for withdrawal, 973a, 975a, 980a, 1006a, 1143a, 1149a, 1150a, 1223a, 1535a, 1579a, 1653a. Pullman-car Employees: Adjusted by interested parties, 1388a. Shop Employees: Adjusted by interested parties, 427a, 428a, 429a, 430a, 431a, 432a, 433a, 434a, 435a, 436a, 437a, 438a, 439a, 440a, 441a, 442a, 443a, 444a, 445a, 446a, 447a, 448a, 449a, 450a, 451a, 452a, 453a, 454a, 455a, 921a, 922a, 923a, 924a, 928a, 1005a, 1115a, 1116a, 1144a, 1162a, 1228a, 1258a, 1264a, 1526a. Agreement to hold conference, 422a, 1001a. Docket closed, 1443a, 1444a, 1810a, 1815a, 1870a. Ex-parte request for withdrawal, 516a, 591a, 708a, 793a, 796a, 889a, 1057a, 1061a, 1062a, 1071a, 1110a, 1111a, 1112a, 1113a, 1114a, 1261a. Joint request for withdrawal, 1004a, 1070a, 1072a, 1106a, 1108a, 1148a. Signal-department Employees: Adjusted by interested parties, 1227a, 1441a. Joint request for withdrawal, 1068a, 1569a. Supervisory Forces: Joint request for withdrawal, 1000a. Telegraph-service Employees: Adjusted by interested parties, 861a, 862a, 884a, 1206a, 1432a, 1509a. Docket closed, 1735a, 1810a, 1815a. Ex-parte request for withdrawal, 1380a. Joint request for withdrawal, 867a, 910a, 916a, 1016a, 1017a, 1374a, 1375a, 1376a, 1377a, 1381a, 1382a, 1529a, 1530a, 1531a, 1532a, 1559a, 1580a, 1615a. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 71 Train-service Employees: 1602 Adjusted by interested parties, 346a, 348a, 494a, 1396a, 1536a, 1602a, 1603a. Docket closed, 1680a, 1735a, 1810a, 1870a. Ex-parte request for withdrawal, 1609a. Joint request for withdrawal, 493a, 1383a, 1384a, 1385a, 1386a, 1387a, 1390a, 1392a, 1399a, 1400a, 1401a, 1402a, 1403a, 1404a, 1405a, 1407a,, 1455a, 1537a, 1559a, 1560a, 1610a, 1611a. Yard-service Employees: Joint request for withdrawal, 1408a, 1409a, 1559a, 1560a. B. ADDENDA INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. NOTE. The numbers following the detail lines in the following index refer to the cor- responding paragraph numbers of the "Digest of addenda "; e. g., "lb" following the detail line reading "Addendum No. 1," refers to paragraph 1b appearing on page 324 of this volume. The The "Digest of addenda " begins on page 324. CARRIERS ADDED AS PARTIES TO DECISIONS. Decision No. 2: Decision No. 721: Addendum No. 1, 36b. Addendum No. 1, 1b. Addendum No. 2, 2b. Decision No. 725: Addendum No. 3, 3b. Addendum No. 4, 4b. Addendum No. 5, 5b. Decision No. 726: Addendum No. 6, 6b. Decision No. 147: Addendum No. 1, 9b. Addendum No. 2, 10b. Addendum No. 3, 11b. Decision No. 222: Addendum No. 1, 15b. Addendum No. 2, 16b. Addendum No. 1, 37b. Addendum No. 1, 38b. Decision No. 757: Addendum No. 1, 39b. Addendum No. 2, 40b. Addendum No. 3, 41b. Decision No. 1028: Addendum No. 4, 18b. Addendum No. 1, 42b. Addendum No. 2, 43b. Addendum No. 3, 44b. Addendum No. 5, 19b. Addendum No. 7, 21b. Decision No. 1036: Addendum No. 8, 22b. Addendum No. 1, 46b. Addendum No. 2, 47b. Addendum No. 3, 48b. Decision No. 501: Addendum No. 1 29b. Addendum No. 2, 30b. Addendum No. 3, 31b. Addendum No. 4, 32b. Decision No. 630: J Addendum No. 1, 33b. Addendum No. 2, 34b. Addendum No. 3, 35b. CARRIERS EXCLUDED FROM DECISIONS. Addendum No. 9, 23b. Addendum No. 10, 24b. Addendum No. 11, 25b. Addendum No. 12, 26b. Addendum No. 13, 27b. Addendum No. 14, 28h. Decision No. 1074: Addendum No. 2, 50b. Decision No. 1267: Addendum No. 3, 56b. Addendum No. 5, 58b. Addendum No. 1, 59b. Decision No. 1448: Decision No. 1538: Addendum No. 1, 60b. Decision No. 1698: Addendum No. 1, 61b. Decision No. 1266: Addendum No. 1, 51b. Addendum No. 2, 52b. Addendum No. 3, 53b. +7+2 CUMULATIVE INDEX÷DIGEST. CARRIERS RENAMED TO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL EM- PLOYEES. Decision No. 147: Decision No. 1036: Addendum No. 1, 9b. Addendum No. 1, 46b. Addendum No. 2, 10b. Addendum No. 2, 47b. Addendum No. 3, 11b. Decision No. 1074: Addendum No. 4, 12b. Decision No. 1028: Addendum No. 1, 42b. Addendum No. 4, 45b. Addendum No. 1, 49b. Addendum No. 2, 50b. EMPLOYEES ADDED TO DECISIONS. Decision No. 147: Addendum No. 1, 9b. Decision No. 215: Addendum No. 13b. Decision No. 1028: Addendum No. 4, 45b. Decision No. 1074: Addendum No. 1, 49b. Decision No. 1267: Addendum No. 1, 54b. Addendum No. 3, 56b. Addendum No. 4, 57b. Addendum No. 5, 58b. EMPLOYEES EXCLUDED FROM DECISIONS. Decision No. 1267: Addendum No. 2, 55b. MODIFICATIONS OF DECISIONS. Decision No. 119: Decision No. 501: Addendum No. 2, 8b. Addendum No. 1, 29b. Decision No. 147: Decision No. 215: Decision No. 218: Decision No. 222: Addendum No. 1, 15b. Addendum No. 2, 16b. Decision No. 757: Addendum No. 3, 11b. Addendum No. 1, 39b. Addendum No. 3, 41b. Addendum No. 1, 13b. Decision No. 1820: Addendum No. 1, 62b. Addendum No. 1, 14b. Decision No. 1821: Addendum No. 1, 63b. • Decision No. 1822: Addendum No. 1, 64b. Addendum No. 3, 17b. Decision No. 1823: Addendum No. 4, 18b. Addendum No. 5, 19b. Addendum No. 1, 65b. Addendum No. 6, 20b. Decision No. 1824: Addendum No. 7, 21b. Addendum No. 8, 22b. Addendum No. 9, 23b. Decision No. 1825: Addendum No. 10, 24b. Addendum No. 11, 25b. Addendum No. 12, 26b. Decision No. 1826: Addendum No. 13, 27b. Addendum No. 1, 66b. Addendum No. 1, 67b. Addendum No. 1, 68b. Addendum No. 14, 28b. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 73 ORGANIZATIONS ADDED AS PARTIES TO DECISIONS. Decision No. 119: Addendum No. 1, 7b. Decision No. 147: Addendum No. 1, 9b. Decision No. 1028: Addendum No. 1, 42b. Addendum No. 2, 10b. RULES ADDED TO DECISIONS RENDERED. Decision No. 222: Addendum No. 3, 17b. Addendum No. 6, 20b. C. INTERPRETATIONS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. NOTE.-The numbers following the detail lines in the following index refer to the cor- responding paragraph numbers of the "Digest of interpretations"; e. g.. "2c" fol- lowing the detail line reading "Section 4," refers to paragraph 2c appearing on page 334 of this volume. The "Digest of interpretations" begins on page 333. RAILROAD LABOR BOARD DECISIONS, INTERPRETA- Decision No. 2: Article II— Section 4, 2c. TIONS OF. Section 6, 15c. Article III— Section 1, 21c. Section 2, 21c. Section 3, 21c. Section 7, 1c. Article IV— Section unspecified, 3c. Article VI— Section 1, 16c, 23c. Section 2, 16c, 18c. Section unspecified, 4c, 5c, 6c, 7c, 10c, 11c, 13c, 14c, 20c, 22c. Article VII— Section 3, 8c. Section 4, 8c. Article XII- Miscellaneous employees, 21c. Article XIII— Section 1, 19c. Article XIV- Section 2, 17e. Article unspecified— Court service, 9c, 12c. Decision No. 119: Hostling service, 29c. Negotiation of agreements, 24c, 25c, 26c, 27c, 28c. Overtime, 30c, 31c. Decision No. 147: Article II- Section 2, 32c, 33c. Section 3, 32c, 33c. Decision No. 222: Addendum No. 6- Rule 6, 34c. Rule 10, 35c, 36c. Rule 60, 36c. 74 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Decision No. 501: Instructions- Overtime, 37c. Rules, application of, 38e. Section 3, 38c. Decision No. 630: Rule 57, 39c. Sickness, time absent account, 40c. Vacations with pay, 40c. Decision No. 707: Overtime, 41c. Sunday and holiday service, 41c. Worked called for outside of regular hours, 41c. Decision No. 721: Sickness, time absent account, 42c. Vacations with pay, 42c. Decision No. 1413: Sunday and holiday service, 43c. Decision No. 1830: Leaves of absence, 44c. RATES OF PAY. 1. APPLICATION OF DECREASES IN PAY. Clerical and Station Forces: Positions not recognized as clerical, 33c. 2. APPLICATION OF INCREASES IN PAY. Engine-service Employees: Arbitrary allowances, 9c. Combination of engine and train service, 9c. Court service, 9c, 12c. Deadheading combined with other service, 9c. Deadhead service, 16c. Engineers in passenger service, 4c, 5c, 10c, 11c, 13c, 14c, 22c, 23c. Firemen in passenger service, 10c, 13c, 14c, 22c, 23c. Freight service, 7c. Guarantees in passenger service, 22c, 23c. Handling engines at terminal, 9c. Hostling service, 29c. Local freight differentials, 17c. Mine-run service, 6c. Minimum rates, 7c. Nevada Northern Railway employees, 20c. Overtime, 5c, 14c. Sante Fe type locomotives, 18c. Shifter brakeman, Sc. Terminal delays, 9c. Turnaround service, 13c. Clerical and Station Forces: Baggage and parcel room employees, 2c. Chore boys, 15c. Employees leaving service prior to July, 1920, 19c. Employees under 18 years of age, 15c. Messengers, 15c. Office boys, 15c. Station attendants, 15c. INDEX. TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 75 Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Employees leaving service prior to July, 1920, 19c. Labor foremen, 21c. Monthly-rated employees, 1c. Supervisory forces, 21c. Shop Employees: Employees leaving service prior to July, 1920, 19c. Monthly-rated employees, 3c. Signal-department Employees: Employees leaving the service prior to July, 1920, 19c. RULES AND WORKING CONDITIONS. 1. APPLICATION OF SCHEDULE RULES AFFECTING PAY. Clerical and Station Forces: Overtime, 39c. Sickness, time absent account, 40c. Vacations with pay, 40c. Dispatching-service Employees: Sickness, time absent account, 42c. Vacations with pay, 42c, 44c. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Overtime, 31c, 37c. Sunday and holiday service, 43c. Shop Employees: 1 Bulletins covering Sunday and holiday work, 34c. Checking in and out, 36c. Clerks, experience of, 32c. Overtime, 30c, 36c, 38c. Relief periods, shop employees on road, 35c. Sunday and holiday service, 34c. Work called for outside of regular hours, 34c. Signal-department Employees: Overtime, 41c. Sunday and holiday service, 41c. Work called for outside of regular hours, 41c. 2. APPLICATION OF RULES GOVERNING WORKING CONDITIONS. Clerical and Station Forces: Procedure for handling disputed rules, 24c. Selection of representatives, 28c. Engine-service Employees: Agreements not terminated by Decision No. 119, 25c. Maintenance-of-way and Unskilled Forces: Procedure for handling disputed rules, 24c, 38c. Shop Employees: Selection of representatives, 26c. Procedure for handling disputed rules, 24c. Telegraph-service Employees: Agreements not terminated by Decision No. 119, 27c. Train-service Employees: Agreements not terminated by Decision No. 119, 25c. Yard-service Employees: Agreements not terminated by Decision No. 119, 25c. 50960°-246 76 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. D. RAILROAD LABOR BOARD REGULATIONS IN- DEXED BY SUBJECTS. NOTE. The numbers following the detail lines in the following index refer to the corresponding paragraph numbers of the "Digest of Railroad Labor Board regulations"; e. g.. "2d" following the detail line reading Application to be considered in regular order," refers to paragraph 2d appearing on page 341 of this volume. The "Digest of Railroad Labor Board regulations begins on page 340. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF BOARD. Application for Decision: Applications to be considered in regular order, 2d. Applications to be made in prescribing form, 3d, 5d. Facts to be set out in application, 2d. Joint submissions urged, 4d. Number of copies furnished Labor Board, 4d. · Time limit for filing defense, 4d. Duties of Carriers and Employees: Applications to be made in prescribed form, 3d, 5d. Conference to be held on disputes, 1d. Method of handling disputes, 5d. Parties must comply with the law, 1d. Undecided disputes to be referred to Labor Board, 1d. Procedure for Handling Disputes: Disputes, how submitted, 5d. Form prescribed for filing submissions, 3d, 5d. Public hearings, 5d. E. COURT DECISIONS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. NOTE. The numbers following the detail lines in the following index refer to the cor- responding paragraph numbers of the "Digest of court of decisions"; e. g., "9e" fol- lowing the detail line reading "Circuit Court of Appeals," refers to paragraph 9e ap- pearing on page 343 of this volume. The "Digest of court decisions begins on page 341. "" COURTS ISSUING DECISIONS. District of Columbia Courts: Supreme Court of District, 3e. Federal Courts: Circuit Courts of Appeals, 9e. District Courts, 4e, 5e, 6e, 7e, 11e, 12e. Supreme Court, Se, 14e. State Courts: Kentucky Court of Appeals, 2e. Mississippi State Supreme Court, 10e. Texas Court of Civil Appeals, 13e. Kansas Court of Industrial Relations, le. REPORTED COURT CASES CITED. Federal Reporter: Birmingham Trust & Savings Co. v. Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Ry. (271 F. 731), 5e. Birmingham Trust & Savings Co. v. Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Ry. (271 F. 743), 6e. Great Northern Railway Co. v. Local Great Falls Lodge of International Association of Machinists, No. 287, et al. (283 F. 557), 11e. Pennsylvania Railroad Co. v. United States Railroad Labor Board, et al. (282 F. 693), 7e. Portland Terminal Co. v. Foss, et al. (283 F. 204), 12e. INDEX TO DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 77 Federal Reporter-Continued. St. Louis Union Trust Co. v. Missouri & North Arkansas Railroad, (270 F. 796), 4e. United States Railroad Labor Board v. Pennsylvania Railroad Co. (282 F. 701), 9e. Southern Reporter: Rhodes v. New Orleans Great Northern Railroad Co. (91 So. 281), 10e. Southwestern Reporter: Gregg v. Starks, et al, (224 SW.-459), 2e. Panhandle & Santa Fe Railway Co..v. Curtis, (245 SW. 781), 13e. Supreme Court Reporter: Pennsylvania Railroad Co. v. United States Railroad Labor Board, et al. (43 Sup. Ct. 278), 14e. State of Texas v. Interstate Commerce Commission, et al. (42 Sup. Ct. 261), 8e. SUBJECTS COVERED BY COURT DECISIONS. Discipline: Right of carrier to discharge employees, 3e. Disputes, Method of Handling: Submission, by whom made, 9e. Railroad Administration Adjustment Boards, Jurisdiction of: Disputes arising subsequent to Federal control, 2e. Railroad Labor Board, Jurisdiction of: Carriers in hand of receiver, 5e. Individual employees are without provision for relief, 2e. Interurban or suburban electric railways, 3e. Kansas Industrial Court act, not in conflict with, le. Rates of Pay: Receivers right to change wages fixed by Railroad Labor Board, 4e, 5e, 6e. Rights of Railroad Labor Board to fix wages, 10e. Striking employees forfeit right to hearing on, 6e. Wages fixed by Kansas Court of Industrial Relations, le. Representation of Employees: Selection of representatives, 7e, 9e, 14e. Seniority Rights: Assignments to run, 2e. Strikes: Railroad Labor decisions are advisory only, 11e. Right of employees on strike to hearing, 6e. Right to strike waived by contract, 12e. Transportation Act, 1920: Act does not prohibit resort to courts, 13e. Constitutionality of act, 8e, 10e. Penalty under section 312, application of, 4e, 14e. Publication of Railroad Labor Board decisions, 14e. F. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION REGU- LATIONS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. CC NOTE. The number following the detail lines in the following index refer to the cor- responding paragraph numbers of the "Digest of Interstate Commerce Commission reg- ulations" e. g., “if” following the detail line reading Group No. 1, organizations of employees," refers to paragraph 1f appearing on page 345 of this volume. The "Digest of Interstate Commerce Commission regulations" begins on page 345, 78 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF COMMISSION. Employee Groups Authorized to Offer Nominations: Group No. 1, organizations of employees, 1f, 4f, 7f. Group No. 2, organizations of employees, 1f, 4f, 7f. Group No. 3, organizations of employees, lf, 4f, 7f. Group No. 4, organizations of subordinate officials, 3f, 4f, 7f. Management Groups Authorized to Offer Nominations: Association of Railway Executives, 1f, 4f, 7f. Nomination of members to Railroad Labor Board: Labor-group representatives, nomination of, 1f, 3f, 4f, 7f. Management-group representatives, nomination of, lf, 4f, 7f. Subordinate Officials: Classes of employees included in "subordinate officials," 2f, 5f, 6f. Definition of term subordinate officials," 2f. PART II CUMULATIVE DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS (TO JULY 1, 1923) 79 CUMULATIVE DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. A. DIGEST OF DECISIONS. [Each paragraph is numbered consecutively, for the purpose of making an index reference; numbers so used also serve as a key for locating the original decisions in the annual publications of the board. The reference "(I, R. L. B., 13)" following the subcaption la. McHugh et al. v. Carriers," indicates Vol. I, Railroad Labor Board Decisions, p. No. 13.] 46 1a. McHugh et al. v. Carriers. (I, R. L. B., 13.) Application for hearing made after employees had left the service of the carriers. Decided: That applicants were not adopting every available means to avoid interruption to the operation of the carriers, and that no showing was made that applicants were employees of any carrier. Ap- plication dismissed. (Decision No. 1.) 2a. International Association of Machinists et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway et al. (I, R. L. B., 13.) Request for increased wages and changes in rules and working con- ditions. Decided: That certain increases in wages shall be added to the rates established by or under the authority of the United States Railroad Administration, and that no changes shall be made in the rules, regula- tions, and working conditions now in effect. (Decision No. 2.) 3a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees et al. v. American Railway Express Co. (I, R. L. B., 29.) Request for wage increase and changes in rules and working conditions. Decided: That certain increases in wages should be added to the rates of pay in effect 12.01 a. m., March 1, 1920, and that consideration of request for changes in rules, regulations, and working conditions be deferred. (Decision No. 3.) 4a. Lighter Captains' Union, Local 996, Brooklyn, N. Y., v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad System et al. (I, R. L. B., 33.) Request for wage increase for lighter captains of nonself-propelled rail- road-operated lighters and covered barges in the port of New York. Decided: That certain increases in wages shall be added to the rates in effect 12.01 a. m., March 1, 1920. By mutual consent of the parties to the dispute, no consideration was given to changes in rules and working con- ditions. (Decision No. 4.) 5a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers et al. v. Bangor & Aroostook Railroad. (I, R. L. B., 35.) Request for wage increase and changes in rules and working conditions. Decided: That certain increases in wages shall be added to the rates established by or under the authority of the United States Railroad Administration, and that no changes shall be made in the rules, regula- tions, and working conditions now in effect. (Decision No. 5.) 6a. American Train Dispatchers Association v. International & Great North- ern Railway. (I, R. L. B., 40.) Application for reinstatement of train dispatcher with pay for time lost. Decided: That train dispatcher failed to observe current operating rules. Request of employees denied. (Decision No. 6.) 81 1 82 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 7a. American Train Dispatchers Association v. International & Great North- ern Railway. (I, R. L. B., 40.) Request for reinstatement of train dispatcher with pay for time lost. Decided: That train dispatcher was relieved from duty with instructions to report to superintendent, and, failing to do so and accepting service with another carrier, he automatically terminated his service with the International & Great Northern Railway. Request for reinstatement to service denied. (Decision No. 7.) 8a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees v. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad. (I, R. L. B., 40.) Dispute in connection with bulletined position which had not been awarded to employee holding seniority. Decided: That on the evidence submitted, the employee involved had sufficient fitness and ability to justify an opportunity to qualify for the position in accordance with rule 10 of the national agreement. (Decision No. 8.) 9a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees v. Lehigh Valley Railroad. (I, R. L. B., 41.) Request of freight office employees for annual vacation with pay. Decided: That Supplement No. 7 to General Order No. 27 and interpreta- tions thereto, and the national agreement between the Director General of Railroads and the Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees do not change past practice in regard to vacations. Request of employees denied. (Decision No. 9.) 10a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. New York Central Rail- road Co. (West of Buffalo). (I, R. L. B., 41.) Request for rule to cover deadhead service. Decided: That one-half pay shall be allowed, except for freight trains, on which full pay shall be allowed. If not used out of terminal within six hours after arrival, one day's pay shall be allowed. Time, for deadheading on freight trains to commence when required to report for duty. (Decision No. 10.) 11a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. New York Central Rail- road Co. (West of Buffalo). (I, R. L. B., 42.) (1) Request for new method of computing compensation covering switch- ing at final terminal. (2) Request for additional compensation for han- dling passenger equipment trains. (3) Request for additional compen- sation for time after engine is placed on designated track at terminal. Decided: That no change shall be made at this time. (Decision No. 11.) 12a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (I, R. L. B., 42.) Request for reinstatement of chief clerk with pay for time lost. Decided: That employee in question did not exercise proper supervision over the affairs of the office, and was generally neglectful and careless in the performance of the duties of the position. Request of employee denied. (Decision No. 12.) 13a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (I, R. L. B., 43.) Request for reinstatement with pay for time lost. Decided: That em- ployee in question was careless, neglectful, and indifferent in the per- formance of his duties. Request for reinstatement denied. (Decision No. 13.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND 83 • REGULATIONS. 14a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (I, R. L. B., 43.) Request for reinstatement with pay for time lost account alleged irreg- ularity in handling checks and accounts. Decided: That the employee in question was generally careless and neglectful in the performance of his duties. Request for reinstatement denied. (Decision No. 14.) 15a. Petition of the Abilene & Southern Railway for Rehearing on Decision No. 2. (I, R. L. B., 43.) Application for rehearing on Decision No. 2. Decided: That the records of the Labor Board show the petitioner to have been properly certified for hearing, and that no protest had been made by the Abilene & Southern Railway or by anyone in its behalf prior to the publicaton of Decision No. 2. Petition for rehearing denied. (Decision No. 15.) 16a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (I, R. L. B., 44.) Demotion of clerk, account of alleged failure to qualify for the position of junior division clerk in accordance with rule 10 of the clerks' national agreement. Decided: That employee failed to report for duty at the ex- piration of absence, and thereby automatically separated himself from the service of the carrier. Request of employee denied. (Decision No. 16.) 17a. Petition of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers for Rehearing on Decision No. 2. (I, R. L. B., 44.) Application for rehearing on Decision No. 2. Decided: That the Labor Board is not inclined to reopen a decision after it has held a public hear- ing on the dispute involved and published a decision thereon. Application denied. (Decision No. 17.) 18a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. (I, R. L. B., 45.) Request for reinstatement of employee with pay for time lost. Decided: That employee in question abstracted from the superintendent's record room certain papers which were a part of the records of the carrier. Re- quest for reinstatement of employee denied. (Decision No. 18.) 19a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Lines (Texas Lines). (I, R. L. B., 45.) Request for pay for time lost due to sickness. Decided: That in the absence of a rule in the existing agreement relative to allowance of pay for time lost by a clerical employee of the Houston general shops due to sickness the carrier is the judge as to whether such allowance should be made. Request denied. (Decision No. 19.) 20a. National Organization Masters. Mates and Pilots of America et al. v. Northwestern Pacific Railroad Co. et al. (I, R. L. B., 46.) Request for wage increase for employees on railroad operated floating equipment in the port of San Francisco. Decided: That the wages in effect are just and reasonable. Request denied. (Decision No. 20.) 21a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al v. Denver & Salt Lake Rail- road Co. (I, R. L. B., 46.) Claim of engineer and fireman for refund of money deducted from their pay to cover alleged overpayments allowed for excess mileage for service performed in operating rotary snowplow. Decided: That payment for oper- ating rotary snowplow shall be made in the same manner as the engine crew which was used to push the plow. Claim of employees is sustained. (Decision No. 21.) 84 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 22a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Denver & Salt Lake Rail- road Co. (I, R. L. B., 47.) Claim of engineer, fireman, conductor, and brakeman for refund of money deducted from their pay to cover alleged overpayments allowed for time tied up in the previous month. Decided: That inasmuch as un- assigned snowplow service has heretofore been paid under freight rules, the precedent thus established shall not be changed. Claim of employees is sustained. (Decision No. 22.) 23a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Denver & Salt Lake Rail- road Co. (I, R. L. B., 47.) Claim of conductor and brakemen for refund of money deducted from their pay account ruling of the carrier which placed unassigned snowplow service in same category as. work-train service. Decided: That inasmuch as unassigned snowplow service has heretofore been paid under freight rules, the precedent thus established shall not be changed. Claim of em- ployees is sustained. (Decision No. 23.) 24a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Denver & Salt Lake Rail- road Co. (I, R. L. B., 48.) Claim of conductors and brakemen for runaround account regular freight crew assigned to another district being used in temporary or unassigned snowplow service on the district to which the men mentioned were assigned. Decided: That inasmuch as unassigned snowplow service has heretofore been paid under rules applicable to through-freight service, claim of the employees is sustained. (Decision No. 24.) 25a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Denver & Salt Lake Rail- road Co. (I, R. L. B., 49.) Claim of conductors and brakemen for runaround account yard crew being sent out on main line to bring section men to terminal. Decided: That yard crew was used in case of emergency within meaning of rule governing case. Claim denied. (Decision No. 25.) 26a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Denver & Salt Lake Rail- road Co. (I, R. L. B., 49.) Claim of conductors and brakemen, regularly assigned to passenger service, for pay for time lost due to termination of their assignment by the carrier. Decided: That service was discontinued by proper notification. Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 26.) 27a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Denver & Salt Lake Rail- road Co. (I, R. L. B., 50.) Claim of conductor and brakemen. regularly assigned to passenger ser- vice, for pay from April 15 to 25, 1920, covering a period of time when no trains were run account snow blockade. Decided: That inasmuch as the assignments of these employees had not been canceled until April 26, 1920, claim of the employees is sustained. (Decision No. 27.) 28a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Denver & Salt Lake Rail- road Co. (I, R. L. B., 51.) Claim for time lost by brakemen assigned to regular crew while waiting for the conductor to report for work. Decided: That inasmuch as these employees were not called in their regular turn, they are entitled to such runarounds as occurred after they reported for service. (Decision No. 28.) 29a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Denver & Salt Lake Rail- road Co. (I, R. L. B., 51.) Claim of engineer and fireman for continuous time while tied up at a station where on this occasion eating and sleeping accommodations could not be secured. Decided: That inasmuch as eating and sleeping accom- modations could ordinarily be secured at this station, the claim of the employees for continuous time is denied. (Decision No. 29.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 85 30a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Denver & Salt Lake Rail- road Co. (1, R.L. B.,.51.) Claim for time under the provisions of a rule which provide for pay- ment to crews for time tied up at a station where it was alleged that eating and sleeping accommodations could not be secured. Decided: That inasmuch as eating and sleeping accommodations can ordinarily be secured at the station in question claim for time held is denied. (Decision No. 30.) 31a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al v. Denver & Salt Lake Rail- road Co. (I, R. L. B,, 52.) } Controversy with regard to abolishing a freight terminal, Decided: That the carrier was within its rights in abolishing Denver and establishing Tolland, as a freight terminal. Contention of employees denied. (Decision No. 31.) 32a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Interstate Railroad Co. (I, R. L. B., 52.) Request for reinstatement with pay for time lost for employees dis- missed account being absent without permission. Decided: That the Labor Board did not have jurisdiction of the dispute, due to the fact that it occurred before the passage of the Transportation Act, 1920. (Decision No. 32.) ་ 33a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Spokane & Eastern Rail- way & Power Co. (Inland Empire R. R.) et al. (I, R. L. B., 53.) Question of jurisdiction of the Labor Board over interurban electric rail- ways not operating as a part of a general steam railroad system of trans- portation. Decided: That the Labor Board has no jurisdiction over any of the carriers named in this decision. Application for further hearing dismissed. (Decision No. 33.) ↓ 34a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Denver & Salt Lake Rail- road Co. (I, R. L. B., 58.) Controversy over proper application of rules which the employees claim provide a guarantee in mine-run service at all stations where such service is maintained. Decided: That the rules in question clearly provide a guar- antee of 100 miles, or one day's pay, for each calendar day no service is begun by assigned crew in mine-run service, and makes no exception or reference to any particular station. Rule applies to all stations and claim of employees is sustained. (Decision No. 34.) 35a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers-et al. v. Denver & Salt Lake Rail- road. Co. (I, R. L. B., 58.) 个 ​Claim for pay at passenger rates for time lost by conductor while wait- ing for his caboose after he had filled a temporary vacancy in regular pas- senger service. Decided: That conductor is entitled to pay for regular pas- senger service while awaiting arrival of his caboose at terminal when he was permitted to resume duty. This decision shall not be applied to any date prior to date of this specific claim. (Decision No. 35.) 36a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad -Co. (I, 'R. `L. 'B., 59.) Request for reinstatement and pay for time lost by fireman who had been dismissed by the carrier for refusing service when requested to make an extra helper trip. Decided: That employee acted within his rights by giv- ing timely notice of a desire for rest. Request for reinstatement with pay for time lost is sustained. (Decision No. 36.) 37a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. New York Central Railroad Co. (West of Buffalo), and Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L., v. New York Central Railroad Co. (West of Buffalo). (I, R. L. B., 60.) Question of jurisdictional dispute between the American Federation of Railroad Workers and the Railway Employees' Department. A. F. of L., based on conflicting agreements governing car-department employees. Both 86 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST organizations claim their respective agreements should govern. Decided: That both agreements shall be considered in effect as covering the em- ployees represented respectively by these two organizations. (Decision No. 37.) 38a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (I, R. L. B., 61.) Question of seniority rights of matrons under the provisions of the Clerks' National Agreement. Decided: That the position in question is not within the exceptions shown in rule 1, Article I, of the Clerks' National Agreement. Employees shall be allowed to exercise rights within the seniority district in which the position is included. (Decision No. 38.) 39a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Co. (I, R. L. B., 62.) Application of Clerks' National Agreement to certain positions in the general office which the carrier considered personal office force. Decided: That certain positions listed in the decision shall be classified as personal office force, and that others also listed in the decision shall not be so designated. (Decision No. 39.) 40a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis. (I, R. L. B., 64.) Application of hostler helpers' rate as specified in Decision No. 2 to employees engaged in assisting inside hostlers. Decided: That there is nothing in the evidence which would indicate that the employees in ques- tion are hostler helpers. Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 40.) 41a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Hocking Valley Railway Co. (I, R. L. B., 65.) Claim for 10 cents per hour increase made under the provisions of De- cision No. 2 for certain coal-bunk laborers engaged in assisting bunk men in dumping coal from cars to pit, rewinding the drop bottoms of cars, cleaning out cars, and keeping premises clean. Decided: That application by the carrier of an 8-cent increase per hour was proper under the provi- sions of Decision No. 2. Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 41.) 42a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Boston & Maine Railroad. (I, R. L. B., 65.) Claim by the United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers for compensation, under the rules of the na- tional agreement which provide for the payment of services performed outside of the regular work period, for employees who are required to punch time clocks on their own time. Decided: That time consumed in punching clock is not covered by rules in the national agreement. Claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 42.) 43a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 31.) Controversy regarding reinstatement and 30-day trial of division clerk. Decided: That employee should have accepted work when reporting, in accordance with agreement referred to. Request for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 43.) 44a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Western Maryland Railway. (II, R. L. B., 32.) Dispute in connection with bulletined position not awarded to employee holding seniority. Decided: That employee in question has sufficient fit- ness and ability; therefore, he should be allowed an opportunity to qualify for position in accordance with rule 10 of the clerks' agreement. (De- cision No. 44.) DIGEST OF. DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 87 45a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Boston & Maine Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 32.) Dispute regarding change in date of termination of pay roll week. De- cided: That carrier is within its rights in making change; however, not applicable when conflicting with State laws. (Decision No. 45.) 46a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. The New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Co. (II, R. L. B., 32.) Bulletined position not awarded to employee holding seniority. Decided: That, basing its decision on evidence submitted and investigation made, the Board sustains the position of the company. (Decision No. 46.) 47a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Rutland Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 33.) Application of wage increases under Decision No. 2 to bridge and build- ing foremen paid a fixed monthly salary, with no additional compensation for Sunday and holiday work or overtime. Decided: That Interpretation No. 1 to Decision No. 2, providing that monthly increases should be based on 204 hours per months, covers question in dispute. (Decision No. 47.) 48a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Rutland Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 34.) Question as to proper date to be used as a basis in adding increases in wages under Decision No. 2 to positions increased subsequent to March 1, 1920. Decided: That Interpretation No. 2 to Decision No. 2, providing that increases shall be added to rates in effect at 12.01 a. m., March 1, 1920, applies. (Decision No. 48.) 49a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Rutland Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 35.) Controversy regarding application section 3, Article III, Decision No. 2, maintenance of certain differentials in rates of section foremen. Decided: That provisions of Decision No. 2 have been complied with, therefore Board can take no action. Transportation Act does not prohibit carriers from making adjustments as herein referred to, when agreed upon by railroad and employees affected. (Decision No. 49.) 50a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Colorado & Southern Railway. (ÍI, R. L. B., 36.) Controversy as to what shall constitute seniority district in general office. Decided: That each of the classified departments, i. e., operating, account- ing, and mechanical, in general office, shall constitute seniority district. (Decision No. 50.) 51a. American Train Dispatchers Association v. International & Great North- ern Railway. (II, R. L. B., 36.) Controversy as to dispatcher's compensation while absent account sick- ness. Decided: That claim is denied, inasmuch as employee's absence necessitated employing and paying some one, in accordance with practice governing division officers. (Decision No. 51.) 52a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Denver & Salt Lake Rail- road. (II, R. L. B., 37.) * Claim of yard crew for compensation account employees other than assigned yardmen being used to perform switching service. Decided: That claim is denied. Board decides management used assigned crew when con- sidered necessary and that work performed by other than assigned yard crew was in emergency. (Decision No. 52.) 88 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 53a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 37.) Do the provisions of Decision No. 2 require the carrier to furnish a list of the rates of pay as increased by that decision and that such list be in- corporated in the clerks' agreement? Decided: That the rates of pay as increased should become a part of the agreement, but it was not the intent that a list of the rates should be compiled and incorporated therein. (De- cision No. 53.) 54a. Brotherhood of Dining and Sleeping Car Employees Union v. Great Northern Railway. (II, R. L. B., 37.) Request for increase in wages and change in working conditions. De- cided: The Board has given careful consideration to the evidence submitted and decides that the present rates of pay and working conditions are just and reasonable. (Decision No. 54.) 55a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Texas & Pacific Railway. (II, R. L. B., 38.) Request for new rule covering terminal delay. Decided: That Board promulgate new rule which it decides to be just and reasonable. (Decision No. 55.) 56a. Order of Railway Conductors et al. v. Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad Co. (II, R. L. B., 39.) Question as to proper compensation for terminal delay and switching at terminals prior to the commencement of overtime. Decided: Board decides that present practice of management is just and reasonable and should be continued. (Decision No. 56.) 57a. Order of Railway Conductors et al. v. Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad Co. (II, R. L. B., 40.) Question as to proper method of computing compensation on turnaronnd passenger service. Decided: That present practice of this carrier in paying for service in question is just and reasonable. (Decision No. 57.) 58a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Union Pacific Railroad Co. (II, R. L. B., 41.) Question regarding the return of extra gang foreman to position of yard section foreman, from which position he was displaced by a former yard section foreman who was temporarily appointed as roadmaster on another territory. Decided: That in view of the fact that operation of the Salina Northern was only a temporary arrangement, the displacement was proper and should be allowed to stand. (Decision No. 58.) 59a. Order of Railway Conductors and Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 41.) Was the railway within its right and did it comply with the provisions of Supplement No. 25 to General Order No. 27 in changing a home terminal? Decided: Yes. (Decision No. 59.) 60a. Order of Railway Conductors et al. v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 42.) Request for reclassification of service which, if granted, would have the effect of increasing the present rates of pay for shifter and mine run service. Decided: That present rule and practice is just and reasonable. (Decision No. 60.) 61a. Order of Railway Conductors et al. v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 42.) Controversy as to rate of pay in branch line service. Decided: Board de- cides that the railway has properly applied the provisions of Supplement No. 16 to General Order No. 27 to the runs in branch line service. (De- cision No. 61.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 8.9 62a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 42.) Request that rate for " baggagemen handling express,” section (a), Ar- ticle I of Supplement No. 16, be incorporated into trainmen's schedule. Decided: That claim of employees is sustained. (Decision No. 62.) 63a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 42.) Request for new rule covering handling of baggage and joint baggage and express. Decided: That inasmuch as rule proposed affects obligations of carrier and express company under existing contract between parties, and in view of the fact that express company and employees were not parties to the dispute, the four parties concerned should confer with a view to settling this controversy. (Decision No. 63.) 64a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 43.) Controversy over rule pertaining to "duration of agreement." Decided: The Board decides that the rule agreed to by the conductors, as regulating relation of time within its scope, is just and reasonable and shall be adopted by the trainmen, (Decision No. 64.) 65a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 43.) Request for new rule protecting yard foreman who forfeits seniority and giving him right to displace any junior helper in yard service. Decided: That request is denied. Board decides that the existing rule is just and reasonable as regulating matter within its scope. (Decision No. 65.) • 66a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 44.) Request for new rule governing vacancies in ranks of yardmen being filled with promotable men. Decided: That request is denied. Board de- cides the present practice is just and reasonable as regulating the matter within its scope. (Decision No. 66.) 67a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 44.) Request for new rule governing yardmen riding cars on hump or gravity yards. Decided: Board decides present practice reasonable as regulating matter within its scope. (Decision No. 67.) 68a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 44.) Request for new rule giving preference to partially disabled former yard and train service employees in filling switch-tending positions. Decided: That to make such rule obligatory would occasionally shut out other em- ployees. Request for new rule denied. (Decision No. 68.) 69a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 44.) Claim of yard brakeman for eight hours' pay on overtime basis while working under two different yard conductors. Decided: That claim is de- nied. Payment as made is just and reasonable. (Decision No. 69.) 70a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. Boston & Maine Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 45.) Question as to representation rights of certain employees, members of American Federation of Railroad Workers, and who are subject to an agreement made between the Director General of Railroads and the Fed- erated Shop Crafts. Decided: That the Transportation Act makes it the duty of the officers of the carrier to confer with a committee of an or- ganization on the subject matter of grievances presented by members of said organization, even though the subject matter relates to conditions regulated by another organization. (Decision No. 70.) 90 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST.' 71a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 46.) Request that yardmen handling work on wreck trains in yard limits be paid yard rates instead of road rates. Decided: That work-train rates of pay shall be paid for work-train service regardless of where service is performed, provided this rule is not in conflict with any schedule, rule, or established practice. (Decision No. 71.) 72a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 46.) Controversy as to seniority rights. Decided: That the matter com- plained of in this dispute having occurred prior to the passage of the Transportation Act, Board has no jurisdiction of this dispute. (Decision No. 72.) 73a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 46.) Claim for one day's pay at time and one-half rate, account yard brake- man being transferred to another crew after completion of eight-hour as- signment. Decided: Due to matter complained of having occurred prior to passage of Transportation Act, it is decided that the Board has no jurisdiction. (Decision No. 73.) 74a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 47.) Claim of passenger brakeman for reinstatement with pay for time lost. Was dismissed on January 8, 1920. Decided: This matter having occurred before passage of the Transportation Act, the Board decides it has no jurisdiction of the dispute. (Decision No. 74.) 75a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Norfolk & Western. Railway. (II, R. L. B., 47.) Controversy as to claim of passenger brakeman for compensation at local freight rate. Decided: That matter complained of having occurred prior to passage of Transportation Act, Board decides it has no jurisdic- tion. (Decision No. 75.) 76a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 47.) Request that Mallett and Class M-2 engines be equipped with seats. Decided: Management states that out of 274 engines about one-half have been equipped to date and estimates remainder will be completed on or before June 1, 1921. Board decides this properly disposes of matter. (Decision No. 76.) • 77a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 47.) Request for removal of brakeman for failure to flag train. Decided: That Board has no jurisdiction because of matter in dispute having oc- curred prior to passage of Transportation Act. (Decision No. 77.) 78a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 48.) Request for assignment of freight brakemen to certain trains instead of passenger brakemen. Decided: Since 1904 trains 37 and 38 have been manned by one conductor and one flagman-both qualified passenger men. Board decides that a change from that arrangement is not now warranted. (De- cision No. 78.) 79a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 48.) Claim of yard conductor for pay at work-train conductor's rate. Decided: That matter complained of having occurred before passage of the Transpor- tation Act, the Board has no jurisdiction. (Decision No. 79.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 91 80a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 48.) Decided: Request for removal of switchman, account insubordination. That request is declined. This man has been employed as yard brakeman since October 10, 1903. After investigation of offense complained of, he was permitted to return to work after some time lost. (Decision No. 80.) 81a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 49.) Request that passenger brakeman be reinstated and paid for time lost. Decided: That this Board has no jurisdiction, due to dispute having oc- curred prior to passage of Transportation Act. (Decision No. 81.) 82a. Order of Railway Conductors v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 49.) "" Controversy over meaning of term outlying point as used in deadhead rules. Decided: Hearing developed this was request to interpret meaning of rule over which no dispute existed. Requirements of Transportation Act not having been complied with, case is dismissed. (Decision No. 82.) 83a. Order of Railway Conductors v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 49.) Claim of conductors for terminal overtime, lay-over time and where re- lieved under 14 hours. Decided: That matters complained of having oc- curred prior to passage of Transportation Act, Board has no jurisdiction. (Decision No. 83.) 84a. Order of Railway Conductors v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 50.) Request that a self-propelled clamshell used on main track by masonry forces be classed as a work train. Decided: That claim is denied. (De- cision No. 84.) 85a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Denver & Salt Lake Rail- road. (II, R. L. B., 50.) Claim of various train-service employees for time held out of service and no reasons given. Decided: That claim of engineers and firemen involved for time lost is sustained. Conductor and brakeman having been restored to service within few days and no time claims presented within time limit of rule, should observe agreement reached when duty was resumed. (De- cision No. 85.) 86a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 52.) Are baggage and express agents employees of the express company or are they joint employees of the express company and railroad company? Decided: That the employees in question are in fact employees of the American Railway Express Co. (Decision No. 86.) 87a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. The Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway. (II, R. L. B., 52.) Controversy as to position of chief clerk to agent coming within scope of national agreement. Decided: That Chattanooga, Tenn., comes within the class of "larger stations" ("Exceptions," rule 1, article 1 of agreement), therefore, above-mentioned position does not come within scope of agree- ment and employees' request that it be bulletined for bid is denied. sion No. 87.) (Deci- 38a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Michigan Central Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 54.) Does position of night oil house man come within scope of maintenance of way agreement? Decided: That Article I, above agreement, does not cover position in question, therefore overtime provisions established in Arti- cle V do not apply to overtime worked by occupant. (Decision No. 88.) 50960°--24-7 92 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 89a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railway. (II, R. L. B., 55.) Controversy as to arbitrary reduction of wages. Decided: Board decides that conferences held are not in compliance with section 301 of the Trans- portation Act; that it is without jurisdiction to decide dispute until above section complied with, and further decides that consideration shall be de- ferred until parties have conferred and disagreed on wage question. (De- cision No. 89.) 90a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Missouri & North Arkansas Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 58.) Controversy as to arbitrary reduction in wages. Decided: That Board is without jurisdiction until section 301 of Transportation Act has been com- plied with, by conferences of interested parties; if no agreement reached, further hearing to be held March 5, 1921; if conference refused by man- agement, Board will proceed under section 313 of Transportation Act. (Decision No. 90.) 91a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees et al. v. Erie Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 60.) Was wage reduction for track laborers, made without consent of em- ployees, in violation of Decision No. 2? Decided: That the management of this carrier acted in conflict with section 301 of the Transportation Act and Order No. 1 of the Railroad Labor Board by arbitrarily reducing wages and making deductions from earnings of the employees. (Decision No. 91.) 92a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 70.) Proper rate of pay for painters in maintenance of way department. De- cided: Employees in question not covered by provisions of shop crafts' agreement, therefore not proper to classify pay in accordance therewith. Decision No. 2 provides that rates specified therein be added to those au- thorized by United States Railroad Administration, therefore 15 cents per hour increase covering this class shall be added to rates in effect March 1, 1920. (Decision No. 92.) 93a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Texas & Pacific Railway. (II, R. L. B., 71.) Is adoption of Article II, Supplement No. 24 to General Order No. 27, mandatory, or are committees privileged to retain their present basic day rule? Decided: That employees have option of accepting or refusing in its entirety the eight-within-ten hour rule; where retained it shall be written into schedules without change. (Decision No. 93.) 94a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway. (II, R. L. B., 72.) Controversy as to right of company to make monthly charge for com- pany-owned section houses. Decided: Board finds there has never been any definite practice justifying the assumption that to furnish such houses was a general arrangement. Employees' claim therefore denied. (Decision No. 94.) 95a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Oregon-Washington Rail- road & Navigation Co. (II, R. L. B., 73.) Controversy regarding application of Decision No. 2 to short turnaround passenger service. Decided: That interested parties having agreed upon settlement, case withdrawn from consideration by Board. (Decision No. 95.) 96a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Oregon-Washington Rail- road & Navigation Co. (II, R. L. B., 74.) Controversy as to application of Decision No. 2 to passenger overtime. Decided: That interested parties having agreed upon a settlement, case withdrawn from consideration by the Board. (Decision No. 96.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 93 97a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Oregon-Washington Rail- road & Navigation Co. (II, R. L. B., 74.) Controversy as to application of Decision No. 2 to deadheading on com- pany business on passenger trains. Decided: That parties at interest hav- ing agreed upon a settlement, case is withdrawn from consideration by Board. (Decision No. 97.) 98a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Oregon-Washington Rail- road & Navigation Co. (II, R. L. B., 75.) Does Decision No. 2 increase monthly guarantees on schedule runs? Decided: That parties at interest having agreed upon a settlement, case is withdrawn. (Decision No. 98.) 992. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Oregon-Washington Rail- road & Navigation Co. (II, R. L. B., 75.) Claim of engineers and firemen for 100-mile minimum. Decided: That payment for time was properly made in accordance with Article III of engineers and firemen's agreement. (Decision No. 99.) 100a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. (II, R. L. B., 76.) Claim of engineer for runaround or time lost account another crew being used for freight work. Decided: That parties at interest having agreed upon a settlement the case is withdrawn. (Decision No. 100.) 101a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. (II, R. L. B., 76.) Claim of engineer and fireman for additional compensation account switch- ing en route, and not in connection with making up or disposing of their own train. Decided: That claim for additional compensation is denied. (Decision No. 101.) 102a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. (II, R. L. B., 76.) Claim of fireman for runaround while in pool freight service. Decided: That parties at interest having agreed upon settlement, case is withdrawn. (Decision No. 102.) 103a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. (II, R. L. B., 77.) Decided: That Claim of engineer and fireman for continuous time. parties at interest having agreed upon settlement, case is withdrawn from consideration by Board. (Decision No. 103.) 104a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 77.) Controversy over rate of pay for crews assigned to helper service. Decided: That rate of pay for helper service shall be the same as for freight service. (Decision No. 104.) 105a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 78.) Claim of engineer for runaround account being called for first section of train and run as second section instead. Decided: Claim denied. Engi- neer used on the train for which he was called. (Decision No. 105.) 106a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Kansas City Southern Railway. (II, R. L. B., 78.) Request for reinstatement of switchmen with pay for time lost-dis- missed account alleged insubordination. Decided: That claim is denied. Decision No. 106.) 94 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 107a. Order of Sleeping Car Conductors v. The. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 78.) Request for increase in wages and change of working conditions. De- cided: That rates and working conditions are just and reasonable. cision No. 107.) (De- 108a. American Train Dispatchers Association v. Akron, Canton & Youngs- town Railway. (II, R. L. B., 79.) Request of employees on short-line railroads for increase in wages. Decided: That request is denied. (Decision No. 108.) 109a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L., v. Butler County Rail- road. (II, R. L. B., 81.) Request that the Labor Board use its good offices toward the reinstate- ment of five men discharged by the carrier. Decided: That request is denied. Application for decision as not filed in the manner prescribed by the Transportation Act. (Decision No. 109.) 110a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Chicago & North Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 81.) Dispute as to carrier's failure to apply provisions of Decision No. 2 to employees voluntarily leaving service. Decided: That Interpretation No. 19 to Decision No. 2, regarding payment of back time, shall govern in this dispute. (Decision No. 110.) 111a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. New York Central Rail- road. (II, R. L. B., 82.) Request of carrier for provisional order authorizing lower rates for un-, skilled labor. Decided: That application is denied. (Decision No. 111.) 112a. Railway Express Drivers, Chauffeurs, and Conductors (Local No. 720 of Chicago) v. American Railway Express Co. (II, R. L. B., 82.) Controversy as to starting time of vehicle department employees. Decided: That change in time governing these employees was made in accordance with rules governing this service. Request of employees that previous hours be reestablished is therefore denied. (Decision No. 112.) 113a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & Alton Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 83.) Do positions of shop watchmen come within scope of paragraph 2, rule 1, Article I of clerks' agreement? Decided: That positions in question do not come within scope of agreement mentioned. (Decision No. 113.) 114a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 84.) Proper application section 3, Article XIII of Decision No. 2 to monthly- rated employees. Decided: That Interpretation No. 1 to Decision No. 2, authorizing increase in monthly salary in sum represented by multiplying 84 cents by 204, i. e., $17.34, shall govern in this dispute. (Decision No. 114.) 115a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 84.) Question as to proper application section 3, Article XIII, Decision No. 2, to monthly-rated employees. Decided: That Interpretation No. 1 to Decision No. 2, authorizing increase in monthly salary in sum represented by multiplying 83 cents by 204, i. e., $17.34, shall govern in this dispute. (Decision No. 115.) 116a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 85.) Application of section 3, Article XIII, Decision No. 2. Decided: That Interpretation No. 2 to Decision No. 2 increases rates in effect subsequent to March 1, 1920, and should govern in this dispute. (Decision No. 116.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 95 117a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 86.) Proper application of the hourly increases provided in Decision No. 2 for employees paid by the month who are assigned to work more than 204 hours per month. Decided: That Interpretation No. 1 to Decision No. 2, authorizing increases in monthly salaries in sum represented by multiply- ing 84 cents by 204, i. e., $17.34, shall govern in this dispute. (Decision No. 117.) 118a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Railway. (II, R. L. B., 86.) How should increases granted by Decision No. 2 be applied to monthly paid street-crossing watchmen? Decided: That Interpretation No. 1 to Decision No. 2, authorizing increases in monthly salaries in sum repre- sented by multiplying 83 cents by 204, i. e., $17.34, shall govern in this dispute. (Decision No. 118.) 119a. International Association of Machinists et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway et al. (II, R. L. B., 87.) Method of arriving at rules and regulations governing working conditions presented in dockets 1, 2, and 3 and undecided by Decision No. 2. Decided: That the rules, working conditions, and agreements in force under the au- thority of the United States Railroad Administration shall cease and terminate July 1, 1921. Officers of the organizations of employees and of carriers shall confer and decide disputes in accordance with certain pre- scribed principles and refer undecided questions to the Labor Board for decision. (Decision No. 119.) 120a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees v. St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company. (II, R. L. B., 96.) Controversy as to arbitrary reduction in wages. Decided: That carrier has violated Decision No. 2 as to wages and in other respects as to section foreman and track laborers. That carrier shall restore employees to their former positions and pay them at the rate provided in Decision No. 2 from the date removed or reduced in pay to the date of restoration. (De- cision No. 120.) 121a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railway. (II, R. L. B., 103.) Controversy as to arbitrary reductions in wages. Decided: That inas- much as the United States District Court of Georgia, Northern Division, exercises jurisdiction regarding employees' services, no further action will be taken until the court shall approve or deny the board's request that the court direct the receiver to confer with petitioners regarding what con- stitutes just and reasonable wages. (Decision No. 121.) 122a. American Train Dispatchers Association v. Southern Railway System. (II, R. L. B., 111.) Shall dispatchers be paid for time lost during February, March, and July, 1920, account sickness? Decided: That claim is denied. Dispatchers involved have been accorded same treatment as received by division officers for loss of time account sickness. (Decision No. 122.) 123a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis. (II, R. L. B., 112.) Request for increase in pay of baggage and mail porters in order to equalize rates paid same class of employees at certain other larger termi- nals. Decided: That request of employees is denied. (Decision No. 123.) 96 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 124a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway. (II, R. L. B., 112.) Controversy regarding bulletined position not awarded to senior em- ployees. Decided: That employee has sufficient fitness and ability to war- rant 30-day trial; however, inasmuch as present position held by employee is equally important it would not be conducive to satisfactory operation to make change at present. (Decision No. 124.) 125a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. El Paso & Southwestern System. (II, R. L. B., 113.) Proper increase for store department employees classified as laborers. Decided: That employees in question do not come within intent of section 7, Article II of Decision No. 2. Position of carrier is therefore sustained. (Decision No. 125.) 126a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Midland Valley Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 114.) Dismissal of abstract clerk account alleged tardiness and excessive ab- sence from duty. Decided: That the tardiness and absence from duty by employee in question was excessive. Request for reinstatement denied. (Decision No. 126.) 127a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (II, R. L. B., 114.) Reassignment of work and readjustment of rates of pay of balance sheet checkers. Decided: That the reassignment of work and readjustment of rates of positions in question are not in conflict with rule 91 of the clerks' national agreement. (Decision No. 127.) 128a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 116.) Question as to what particular classes of employees are covered by sec- tion 8, Article III, of Decision No. 2. Decided: That (a) section 8 shall apply to laborers employed in and around shops and roundhouses who were classified and paid in accordance with paragraph (a), Article V, Supplement 7, to General Order No. 27. (b) Section 6 shall apply to same employees, classified and paid in accordance with paragraph (b), Article V, Supplement 7, to General Order No. 27. (Decision No. 128.) 129a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. v. Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 116.) Proper increase applicable to helpers assigned to assist in maintenance of signals. Decided: That employees in question shall receive 13-cent in- crease provided in Decision No. 2. (Decision No. 129.) 130a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 117.) Method of arriving at hourly overtime rates for monthly-rated employees in maintenance of way department. Decided: That the pro rata hourly and overtime rate for monthly-rated employees shall be arrived at by divid- ing the yearly salary (12 times the monthly rate) by 8 times the number of working days during the calendar year on which days overtime is not allowed for work performed as a part of the employees' regular assignment. (Decision No. 130.) 131a. Order_of_Railroad Telegraphers v. St. Louis-San Francisco Railway. (II, R. L. B., 118.) Controversy as to proper increase of pay under Decision No. 2 for non- telegraph positions. Decided: That the positions in question are non- telegraph stations and shall be increased 5 cents per hour under section 2, Article V, of Decision No. 2. (Decision No. 131.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 97 132a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 120.) Question as to proper seniority date of clerk employed in superin- tendent's office. Carrier contends that the employee is entitled to seniority dating from the time he entered the service on his present seniority dis- triet. Decided: That rule 29 of the clerks' agreement is not retroactive in its aspect. Contention of the carrier is therefore sustained. (Decision No. 132.) 133a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Lehigh Valley Railroad. (II, Ŕ. L. B., 120.) Dispute regarding posting of notices to employees as provided in rule 75 of clerks' agreement. Decided: That intent of rule 75 is that suitable provision be made for posting of notices of lodge and committee meetings, etc., and verbatim copies of decisions and interpretations issued by Board. (Decision No. 133.) 134a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (II, R. L. B., 121.) Request of employees for reinstatement of money clerk dismissed on account of alleged misrepresentation of facts at investigation. Decided: That request of employees for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 134.) 135a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Texas Midland Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 122.) What rate of increase does Decision No. 2 provide for baggage and parcel room employees designated as baggage agent and assistant bag- gage agent and ticket office employees designated as assistant ticket agent? Decided: That the employees in question shall be increased 13 cents per hour under sections 2 and 4, Article II, of Decision 2. (Decision No. 135.) 136a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Rail- road. (II, R. L. B., 122.) Are employees engaged in handling material under supervision of a foreman or subforeman in yards adjacent to storehouses entitled to in- crease of 12 cents per hour under section 7, Article II, of Decision No. 2? Decided: That the employees in question are not storeroom or stock- room freight handlers or truckers or others similarly engaged and there- fore not entitled to the increase of 12 cents per hour, as claimed. (De- cision No. 136.) 137a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Rail- read. (II, R. L. B., 123.) Claim for time lost by checker, account being dismissed from service. Decided: That this employee shall not be paid for time out of service. (Decision No. 137.) 138a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Rail- road. (II, R. L. B., 123.) Controversy regarding dismissal of 11 checkers account insubordination. Decided: That after review of evidence submitted request for reinstate- ment is denied. (Decision No. 138.) 98 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 139a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Rail- road. (II, R. L. B., 124.) Controversy regarding application Decison No. 2 to salary of 21 em- ployees designated as janitors and janitresses. Decided: That employees in question are not janitors, therefore not entitled to 10 cents per hour increase provided in section 5, Article II, of Decision No. 2. (Decision No. 139.) 140a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Western Maryland Railway. (II, R. L. B., 125.) Controversy as to length of vacation period with pay for telephone op- erators. Decided: That employees involved be compensated for curtail- ment of 4 days, inasmuch as existing practice granted employees in serv- ice one year or more 10 days' vacation with pay. (Decision No. 140.) 141a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Western Maryland Railway. (II, R. L. B., 125.) Controversy regarding bulletining of position not awarded employee holding seniority. Decided: That employee in question possesses suffi- cient ability; therefore he shall be allowed to qualify for position in ac- cordance with rule 10 of clerks' agreement. (Decision No. 141.) 142a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Western Maryland Railway. (II, R. L. B., 126.) Question as to proper date to be used as a basis in adding increases in wages under Decison No. 2 to positions increased subsequent to March 1. 1920. Decided: That Interpretation No. 2 to Decision No. 2, providing that increases shall be added to rates in effect at 12.01 a. m., applies. (De- cision No. 142.) 143a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway. ((II, R. L. B., 126.) Controversy as to proper rate of pay for inside hostlers' helpers. Decided: That employees referred to perform service similar to that in- volved in dispute covered by Decision No. 40, which decision states that there is nothing to indicate that the employees in question are hostlers' helpers. (Decision No. 143.) 144a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Colorado & Southern Railway. (II, R. L. B., 127.) (a) Are employees engaged exclusively in filling lubricators entitled to classification of machinist helpers? (b) Is the carrier warranted in mak- ing deductions from an employee's earnings as a result of conflicting de- cisions rendered by two agencies? Decided: (a) That employees engaged exclusively in filling lubricators are not entitled to classification and rating of machinist helper. (b) Carrier advises no deductions will be made, which obviates the necessity of decision on this point. (Decision No. 144.) 145a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Duluth, Missabe & Northern Railway. (II, R. L. B., 128.) Question as to reinstatement of machinists and machinist helpers with restoration of seniority rights and pay for time lost. Decided: That on receipt of this decision the employees mentioned shall be reinstated with continuity of seniority unimpaired. Request for pay for time lost denied. (Decision No. 145.) 146a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Duluth, Missabe & Northern Railway. (II, R. L. B., 132.) Controversy regarding reinstatement of coach painter with full seniority rights and pay for time lost. Decided: That employee shall be reinstated with full seniority rights and paid for all time lost. less amount earned at other employment s'nce dismissal. (Decision No. 146.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 99 147a. New York Central Railroad et al. v. Brotherhood of Railway and Steam- ship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees et al. (II, R. L. B., 133.) Dispute regarding reduction in wages of employees in various branches of service of a large number of carriers. Decided: That the rates of wages heretofore established by the authority of the Labor Board shall be de- creased in the amounts specified in this decision, effective July 1, 1921. (Decision No. 147.) 148a. Denver & Salt Lake Railroad v. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. (II, R. L. B., 154.) Dispute regarding reduction in-wages of employees in train and engine service and revision of schedule rules. Decided: That the carrier in ques- tion was a party to hearing of April 18, 1921, involving wage reduction, therefore the decreases authorized by Decision No. 147 will apply. Sched- ule rules remanded for further consideration. (Decision No. 148.) 149a. Petition of St. Louis Southwestern Railway et al. for Rehearing on Decision No. 120. (II, R. L. B., 156.) Application for rehearing on Decision No. 120. Decided: Board after due consideration overrules motion made by this road for rehearing and de- clines to reopen case. (Decision No. 149.) 150a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal. (II, R. L. B., 156.) Request for reinstatement of foreman. Decided: That request is denied. (Decision No. 150.) 151a. Railway Express Drivers, Chauffeurs and Conductors (Local No. 720) v. American Railway Express Co. (II, R. L. B., 156.) Request for reinstatement of wagon conductor. Decided: That rein- statement is denied. (Decision No. 151.) 152a. American Train Dispatchers Association v. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 156.) Question as to proper date to be used as a basis in adding increases in wages under Decision No. 2 to positions increased subsequent to March 1, 1920. Decided: That Interpretation No. 2 to Decision No. 2, providing that increases shall be added to rates in effect at 12.01 a. m., March 1, 1920, applies. (Decision No. 152.) 153a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Texas & Pacific Railway. (II, R. L. B., 157.) Controversy as to scope of agreement covering shop craft employees. Decided: That because of similarity of work performed, six crafts may negotiate joint agreement with Federated Shop Crafts, provided system federation represents majority of each craft or class. (Decision No. 153.) 154a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railway Co. (II, R. L. B., 157.) Question as to whether scope of agreement shall cover employees repre- sented by the Federated Shop Crafts whom they represent in the mainte- nance of equipment, maintenance of way and structures, and maintenance of signals and telegraph departments. Decided: That if federation so elects agreement may be made covering all employees mentioned, provided this decision does not interfere with such special rules as are necessary to prop- erly operate said departments. (Decision No. 154.) 155a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 158.) Controversy as to scope of agreement covering shop craft employees, re- gardless of department in which employees are working. Decided: That if federation so elects, agreement may be made covering all employees men- tioned, provided this decision does not interfere with such special rules as are necessary to properly operate said departments. (Decision No. 155.) 100 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1 156a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, Ṛ. L. B., 159.) Does rule 49, clerks' agreement, prescribing a monthly rate basis to cover all services rendered, apply to positions of baggage and mail handlers? Decided: That inasmuch as service performed does not require continuous application, Board decides these employees are properly paid on basis estab- lished in rule 49 of agreement mentioned. (Decision No. 156.) 157a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- prèss and Station Employees v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 160.) Does rule 49, clerks' agreement, prescribing a monthly rate basis to cover all services rendered, apply to positions of gatemen? Decided: That service performed does not require continuous application. Board decides these employees are properly paid on basis established in rule 49 of agreement mentioned. (Decision No. 157.) 158a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 160.) Does rule 49, clerks' agreement, prescribing a monthly rate basis to cover all services rendered, apply to position of train-crew caller? Decided: That service performed does not require continuous application. Board there- fore decides employee in question is properly paid on basis established in rule 49. (Decision No. 158.) 159a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 161.) Does rule 49, clerks' agreement, prescribing a monthly rate basis to cover all services rendered, apply to position of janitor in superintendent's office? Decided: That inasmuch as service performed does not require continuous application, Board decides this employee is being properly paid on basis established by rule 49. (Decision No. 159.) 160a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Jacksonville Terminal Co. (II, R. L. B., 162.) Does rule 49, clerks' agreement, prescribing a monthly rate basis to cover all services rendered, apply to position of chief gateman and gateman? Decided: That service performed does not require continuous application, therefore positions in question are properly compensated on basis estab- lished in rule 49. (Decision No. 160.) 161a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 163.) Does rule 49, clerks' agreement, prescribing a monthly rate basis to cover all services rendered, apply to positions of baggagemen? Decided: Evi- dence shows that service performed does not require continuous applica- tion, therefore positions in question are properly compensated under rule 49. (Decision No. 161.) 162a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 163.) Does rule 49, clerks' agreement, prescribing a monthly rate basis to cover all service rendered, apply to positions of baggagemen? Decided: Evidence shows that service performed does not require continuous application. Board therefore decides employees in question are properly paid on the basis established by rule 49. (Decision No. 162.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 101 163a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 164.) Does rule 49, clerks' agreement, prescribing a monthly rate basis to cover all services rendered, apply to position of warehouseman? Decided: Serv- ice performed does not require continuous application. Board decides that the employee mentioned is being properly paid on basis established in rule 49. (Decision No. 163.) 164a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 165.) Does rule 49, clerks' agreement, prescribing a monthly rate basis to cover all services rendered, apply to position of baggageman? Decided: Evidence shows service performed by employee in question does not require continu- ous application. Decided, therefore, that he is being properly paid on basis established in rule 49. (Decision No. 164.) 165a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 166.) Does rule 49, clerks' agreement, prescribing a monthly rate basis to cover all services rendered, apply to positions of baggagemen? Decided: That position does not require continuous application. Board decides, therefore, that employees mentioned are being properly compensated. (Decision No. 165.) 166a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 166.) Does rule 49, clerks' agreement, prescribing a monthly rate basis to cover all services rendered, apply to positions of baggagemen? Decided: That position mentioned does not require continuous application; therefore, em- ployees mentioned are properly paid on basis established in rule men- tioned. (Decision No. 166.) 167a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 167.) Does rule 49, clerks' agreement, prescribing a monthly rate basis to cover all services rendered, apply to position of day porter? Decided: That this employee is properly paid on basis established in rule 49, as service per- formed does not require continuous application. (Decision No. 167.) 168a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Northern Pacific Railway. (II, R. L. B., 168.) Does rule 49, clerks' agreement, prescribing a monthly rate basis to cover all services rendered, apply to positions of gatemen? Decided: That serv- ice performed does not require continuous application; therefore, these employees are properly compensated as provided in rule 49. (Decision No. 168.) 169a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Northern Pacific Railway. (II, R. L. B., 169.) Does rule 49, clerks' agreement, prescribing a monthly rate basis to cover all services rendered, apply to positions of engine-crew callers? Decided: That the service performed by these employees does not require continuous application; therefore, they are properly compensated as provided in rule 49. (Decision No. 169.) 102 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 170a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Loius-San Francisco Railway. (II, R. L. B., 169.) Does rule 49, clerks' agreement, prescribing a monthly rate basis to cover all services rendered, apply to positions of train and engine crew callers? Decided: That the service performed by these employees does not require continuous application; therefore, they are properly compensated as provided in rule 49. (Decision No. 170.) 171a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Hannibal Union Depot Co. (II, R. L. B., 170.) Does rule 49, clerks' agreement, prescribing a monthly rate basis to cover all services rendered, apply to positions of station baggagemen? Decided: Inasmuch as service performed does not require continuous ap- plication, Board decides employees in question are properly compensated as provided in rule 49. (Decision No. 171.) 172a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 171.) Does rule 49, clerks' agreement, prescribing a monthly rate basis to cover all services rendered, apply to messengers? Decided: That positions in question do not require continuous application; therefore, Board decides compensation provided in rule 49 is proper. (Decision No. 172.) 173a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway et al. (II, R. L. B., 171.) Question as to agreement being made directly with employees or organ- ization representing employees. Decided: That in accordance with Decision No. 119 organization has right to make agreement covering rules and working conditions for entire class of employees, and Board so directs. (Decision No. 173.) 171a. The Pullman Co. v. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts). (II, R. L. B., 173.) Dispute regarding arbitrary reduction of wages by carrier. Decided: That carrier shall meet or endeavor to meet employees in conference and in case of disagreement shall refer dispute to Labor Board. Majority of employees have right to select representatives. (Decision No. 174.) 175a. Order of Railway Conductors et al. v. Michigan Central Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 174.) Request for restoration of shuttle-train service discontinued account re- moval of terminal. Decided: Restoration of service declined, with the pro- vision that three callers will be retained at new terminal until August 10, 1921, at which time continuation of these callers should be given con- sideration. (Decision No. 175.) 176a. Terminal Baggage Mail Handlers and Station Employees (A. F. of L.) v. Washington Terminal Co. (II, R. L. B., 175.) rea Request for increased wages for parcel porters, generally known as caps." Decided: That employees' request is denied. (Decision No. 176.) 177a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (II, R. L. B., 175.) Controversy regarding reinstatement of accounting department employees dismissed account presenting resolution of local union containing charges against local auditor. Decided: That action of employees was unwar- ranted. Request for reinstatement and pay for time lost denied. (De- cision No. 177.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 103 178a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (II, R. L. B., 176.) Controversy_regarding reinstatement of messenger. Decided: That re- quest is denied. (Decision No. 178.) 179a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. International & Great Northern Railway. (II, R. L. B., 176.) Shall rate of compensation for position of agent at specified station be increased 10 cents per hour or 5 cents per hour under provisions of Decision No. 2? Decided: That rate shall be increased 5 cents per hour, as provided in section 2, Article V, Decision No. 2 of this Board. (De- cision No. 179.) 180a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. New Orleans, Texas & Mexico Railway. (II, R. L. B., 180.) Shall overtime be paid to extra gang foremen when engaged in work not customarily done by regular section gangs, and whose employment is seasonal and temporary in character? Decided: That the gang foremen in question properly come under and shall be paid overtime in accordance with the provisions of section (a-7) of Article V, maintenance of way employees' national agreement. (Decision No. 180.) 181a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Fort Smith & Western Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 178.) Question as to effective date of increased rates granted by the carrier at the expiration of 30 days following notice of changes desired. Decided: That carrier complied with understanding as to 30 days' notice when in- creasing rates; therefore, employees' request denied. (Decision No. 181.) 182a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 179.) Controversy as to method of applying increases provided in Decision No. 2 for employees who are assigned to work the calendar days of the month and receive a monthly rate to cover all services performed. De- cided: That Interpretation No. 1 to Decision No. 2, providing that monthly increase should be based on 204 hours per month, covers question in dis- pute. (Decision No. 182.) 183a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & North Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 180.) Is the rearrangement of work and readjustment of rates of pay of posi- tion of chief clerk and assistant chief clerk, transit department, auditor of freight accounts, in conflict with rules of national agreement? Carrier claims that the changed duties necessitated the new classification and therefore not in conflict with schedule rules. Decided: That position of carrier is sustained. (Decision No. 183.) 184a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (II, R. L. B., 180.) Is transfer clerk employed by agent, who was allowed a flat sum to handle the transfer business and pay the salaries of such employees as he deemed necessary to assist him, entitled to the increase authorized by Decision No. 3 of the Labor Board? Carrier states that the transfer clerk is an employee of the agent and not of the express company and therefore not under Decision No. 3. Decided: That the position of the carrier is sustained. (Decision No. 184.) 104 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 185a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railroad. (II R. L. B., 182.) Are employees engaged in the handling of lumber and other company material in lumber yard adjacent to storehouses entitled to increase of 12 cents per hour or 8 cents per hour under Decision No. 2? Decided: That the employees in question are not station, platform, or storeroom freight handlers or truckers or others similarly engaged, and therefore not within the section which provides an increase of 12 cents per hour. (Decision No. 185.) 186a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway. (II, R. L. B., 182.) Are employees engaged under supervision of foreman in the rearrange- ment of contents of cars, transferring loads and performing other similar work, entitled to increase of 12 cents per hour or 83 cents per hour under Decision No. 2? Decided: That the employees in question are not station, platform, or storeroom freight handlers or truckers or others similarly engaged, and therefore not within the section which provides an increase of 12 cents per hour. (Decision No. 186.) 187a. J. R. Harron et al. v. American Railway Express Co. (II, R. L. B., 183.) Controversy regarding application of Decision No. 3 to part-time express employees for periods varying from one to four hours per day after 6 p. m. Request of petitioners is that increase authorized by Decision No. 3 be applied to their rates of pay as of May 1, 1920, the effective date of said decision. Decided: That claim is denied. (Decision No. 187.) 188a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Southern Pacific Lines (Texas Lines). (II, R. L. B., 183.) Controversy as to classification of employees of the maintenance of way department assigned to self-propelled pile driver. Employees claim that men who are used to flag should be paid increase provided in section 3, Article VII of Decision No. 2. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 188.) 189a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (II, R, L. B., 184.) Request for reinstatement of switchboard operator. Decided: That re- quest for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 189.) 190a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Erie Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 184.) Controversy as to reinstatement of store department clerk. Decided: Board denies request for reinstatement. (Decision No. 190.) 191a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Loius-San Francisco Railway. (II, R. L. B., 185.) Should the position of boy in office of superintendent at point specified be increased 10 cents per hour under Decision No. 2? Decided: That posi- tion in question should not be increased 10 cents per hour under section 5, Article III of Decision No. 2. (Decision No. 191.) 192a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis-San Francisco Railway. (II, R. L. B., 186.) Compensation claim of employee in car accountant's office, account sick- ness. Decided: That under past practice employee in question is not en- titled to pay for time lost. Request of employees is therefore denied. (Decision No. 192.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 105 193a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Indianapolis Union Railway. (II, R. L. B., 186.) Request of employees for elimination of inequalities in pay governing telephone operators. Decided: That differentials which have existed for many years have not substantially changed, and increases specified in Decision No. 2 have been added to rates established under authority of United States Railroad Administration; therefore, request of employees is denied. (Decision No. 193.) 194a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Wabash Railway. (II, R. L. B., 187.) Request of employees that inequalities in rates of pay for positions in station and telegraph service be eliminated. Evidence indicates that in- creases specified in Decision No. 2 have been properly added to rates estab- lished by or under the authority of the United States Railroad Administra- tion. Decided: That request of employees is denied. (Decision No. 194.) 195a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Chicago & North Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 188.) Claim of dispatcher for additional compensation account working in addition to his own the territory of a dispatcher off sick. Decided: That request for payment for the rate of both positions is denied. (Decision No. 195.) 196a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Central of Georgia Railway. (II, R. L. B., 188.) Request for reinstatement of assistant chief clerk. Decided: That re- quest is denied. (Decision No. 196.) 197a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Erie Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 189.) Claim for time lost by clerical employees during the period of an unau- thorized strike of train and engine service employees. Carrier states that the employees in question were laid off and that a carrier has the right to reduce forces when conditions justify. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 197.) 198a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Rail- road. (II, R. L. B., 189.) Claim for time lost by clerical employees during the period of an unau- thorized strike of train and engine service employees. Carrier states that the employees in question were laid off and that a carrier has the right to reduce forces when conditions justify. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 198.) 199a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (II, R. L. B., 190.) Question as to reinstatement of yard office clerk. Decided: That re- quest is denied. (Decision No. 199.) 200a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway. (II, R. L. B., 190.) Controversy regarding application of Decision No. 2 to shop account- ant, whom the carrier claims to be employed in supervisory capacity and authorized to employ and discipline other employees. That the position in question is not included in Decision No. 2. No. 200.) Decided: (Decision 106 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 201a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago' & St. Louis Railway. (II, R. L. B., 191.) Does position of depot foreman come within provisions of Article I, clerks' national agreement? Decided: That position in question is that of a foreman supervising subforeman, that it does not come within the scope of the agreement, and employees' request that it be bulletined for bid is denied. (Decision No. 201.) 202a. International Union of Steam and Operating Engineers v. Terminal Railroad Associations of St. Louis. (II, R. L. B., 192.) (a) Shall certain stationary engineers required to work in excess of 204 hours per month receive extra payment account of service performed on Sundays and holidays? (b) Shall employees laid off account reduc- tion in force subsequent to May 1, 1920, be allowed back pay? Decided: (a) That Interpretation No. 1 to Decision No. 2 covers similar question as to extra payment for service in excess of 204 hours per month, and should govern in this dispute. (b) In accordance with item 2, Interpre- tation No. 19 to Decision No. 2, employees in question should be allowed back pay. (Decision No. 202.) 203a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis-San Francisco Railway. (II, R. L. B., 192.) Should the position of office boy in treasury department be increased 10 cents per hour under Decision No. 2? Decided: That the position in question should be increased 10 cents under section 5, Article II of De- cision No. 2. (Decision No. 203.) 204a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway. (II, R. L. B., 193.) Question in regard to reinstatement of section foreman. Decided: That the management was justified in dismissing this employee; therefore claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 204.) 205a. Railway Employees' Department (Federated Shop Crafts) v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway et al. (II, R. L. B., 194.) Should separate agreement be made covering six shop crafts or with Federated Shop Crafts representing said six crafts? Decided: That the work of the six crafts and conditions under which it is performed are so similar that joint agreement may be negotiated through the Federated Shop Crafts, if so elected, provided system federation represents a majority of each craft or class. (Decision No. 205.) 206a. Railway Employees' Department (Federated Shop Crafts) v. Chicago Great Western Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 196.) Controversy as to reinstatement of former car inspector. Decided: That reinstatement with pay for time lost is not warranted. Employee's claim denied. Board insists that carrier should not violate rule 37, modified by Principle 8 of Decision No. 119. (Decision No. 206.) 207a. Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen of America v. Bangor & Aroostook Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 197.) Question as to application of Article IX, Decision No. 5, and claim for reinstatement of signal employees. Decided: That claim is denied. Em- ployees not party to or included in proceedings which resulted in issuance of Decision No. 5 and Decision No. 2 of this Board. (Decision No. 207.) 208a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Michigan Central Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 197.) Request for pay for road service performed by certain building depart- ment employees. Employees contend that in view of the fact that outfit cars were at headquarters, and that they were sent out to work without their cars, they are entitled to continuous time until they return to such assembling point. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 208.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 107 209a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 198.) Controversy as to payment of overtime to monthly-rated section men for service performed on Sundays and holidays. Employees claim that fore- men should be paid for services rendered on Sundays and holidays in addi- tion to their regular monthly salary. Carrier claims rules do not provide for payment for holidays. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 209.) 210a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway. (II, R. L. B., 200.) Controversy as to pay for foreman, engineering department, while held subject to call on Sundays and holidays. Employees contend that foreman in question should receive pay for all Sundays since the effective date of the maintennace of way national agreement. Decided: That the foremen are paid a monthly rate based on eight hours per day, exclusive of Sundays and holidays, and shall be paid additional compensation for work per- formed where held for duty on Sundays and holidays specified in the na- tional agreement. The liberty granted these employees while off duty is just and reasonable and no pay shall accrue to them simply because they are required to notify the carrier where they may be reached in case of emergency. (Decision No. 210.) 211a. Railway Employees' Department (Federated Shop Crafts), A. F. of L. et al. v. American Refrigerator Co. (II, R. L. B., 201.) Question as to jurisdiction of the Labor Board over the American Refrigerator Transit Co. Decided: That the company in question is not a common carrier and that it does not come within the provisions of the Transportation Act, 1920, which leaves the Labor Board without jurisdic- tion in the dispute presented. (Decision No. 211.) 212a. Railway Employees' Department v. Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. (II, R. L. B., 201.) Shall certain employees be classified and paid as linemen or shall they be classified and paid as electricians? Decided: The Labor Board decides upon the evidence submitted that the employees in question are perform- ing the classes of work as specified in rule 140 of the national agreement, and shall be classified and paid as electricians in accordance with rule 43 of said agreement and subsequent adjustments that have been made in accordance with the decisions of this Board. Employees regularly as- signed to road service shall be paid a monthly salary in accordance with rule 15 of the national agreement. (Decision 212.) 213a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad Co. (II, R. L. B., 203.) Dispute in connection with awarding bulletined position to senior em- ployee. The carrier awarded the position to an employee who had 15 years' experience in the line of work to be handled, denying the assign- ment to another employee not having had necessary experience. Decided: That action of the carrier is sustained. (Decision No. 213.) 214a. Detroit & Mackinac Railway Co. v. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi- neers et al. (II, R. L. B., 204.) Controversy as to what shall constitute just and reasonable wages for the particular positions enumerated in this decision. Decided: That the carrier shall deduct from the rates of wages for each of the positions named in the decision 60 per cent of the increase granted since February 29, 1920. (Decision No. 214.) 50960°-24——8 108 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 215a. Fort Smith & Western Railroad v. Certain Clerical and Station Em- ployees. (II, R. L. B., 204.) Controversy as to what shall constitute just and reasonable wages for the particular positions enumerated in this decision. Decided: That the carrier shall deduct from rate of wages for certain positions enumerated in the decision 60 per cent of the increase granted since February 29, 1920. No change shall be made in the wage applicable to warehouse foremen. (Decision No. 215.) 216a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. New York Central Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 205.) Question as to pay due painter for two days' suspension account failure to report for work on Sunday. Decided: That inasmuch as evidence and statements submitted do not make out a case of unjust or wrongful disci- pline, management is sustained and claim of employee for two days' pay is denied. (Decision No. 216.) 217a. American Railway Express Co. v. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen et al. (II, R. L. B., 206.) Question as to what shall constitute reasonable wages for employees and subordinate officials of the American Railway Express Co. Decided: That the rates heretofore established by authority of this Board shall be decreased as specified in articles 1 and 2 of this decision. (Decision No. 217.) 218a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pennsylvania System. (II, R. L. B., 207.) Question as to the right of majority of employees in any craft to deter- mine what organization shall represent them, and has the carrier complied with the law in the method pursued by it to ascertain who are the repre- sentatives of the shop employees with whom it shall negotiate rules. Decided: That the rules negotiated by the alleged representatives will be void and of no effect, and that a new election shall be held for the pur- pose of determining the choice of a majority of each of the respective crafts coming under the provisions of this decision. (Decision No. 218.) 219a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), Long Island Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 214.) √7. Shall the carrier negotiate rules and working conditions affecting shop employees with the officers of the Federated Shop Crafts? Decided: That carrier shall enter into negotiations regarding rules and working condi- tions with the officers in question. (Decision No. 219.) 220a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pennsylvania System. (II, R. L. B., 216.) Was the procedure adopted by the carrier to ascertain who should rep- resent the employees in the clerical and station service, in the negotiation of rules, legal and binding on the employees? If not, what steps should be taken to name the representatives of said class of employees in the conference on rules and working conditions? Decided: That the election held by carrier was illegal and void, and that the rules negotiated will have no effect. Board orders another election held to determine choice of majority of each of three classes mentioned as to their representatives. (Decision No. 220.) 221a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Chicago Great Western Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 223.) Dispute regarding displacement of agent by demoted official. Employees state that there is no rule in their schedule which permits of the retention of seniority in the station and telegraph service by employees promoted or appointed to positions outside of the scope of the agreement. Decided: That position of employees is sustained. (Decision No. 221.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 109 222a. Chicago & North Western Railway et al. v. Railway Employees' De- partment, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts). (II, R. L. B., 224.) Series of controversies relating to rules and working conditions of fed- erated shop employees. Decided: That the seven rules approved by the Board corresponding to seven rules of national agreement are just and reasonable and shall apply to the carriers who are "parties to the dispute," except where carrier may have agreed with employees upon any one or more of said rules, in which case the rule or rules agreed upon shall apply on said road. (Decision No. 222.) 223a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago Great Western Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 250.) Dispute regarding reinstatement of section laborer. Decided: That claim be denied. Because of employee's action in suspending work, carrier was justified in refusing to allow him to return to work. (Decision No. 223.) 224a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Butler County Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 251.) Dispute concerning discharge of section foremen account affiliation with labor unions to which the men under them belonged. Decided: That em- ployees shall be reinstated with full seniority rights, if any, and that reim- bursement should be made for time lost, provided there existed on this road a rule guaranteeing pay for time lost as a result of unjust dismissal or suspension. (Decision No. 224.) 225a. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad v. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees. (II, R. L. B., 257.) Shall general office clerks be included in the same agreement on rules and working conditions as the clerks outside the general offices, or shall the general office clerks be permitted to negotiate a separate agreement for themselves? Decided: That employees in question should be covered by same agreement as other clerks. Groups of employees covered by Decision No. 220 constitute class of employees covered by clerks' agreement. (De- cision No. 225.) 226a. Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen of America v. Cleveland, Cincin- nati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry. (II, R. L. B., 259.) Question as to classification of signal department employees. Decided: That the management should confer with employees with a view to estab- lishing certain positions of assistant signal maintainers, in accordance with section 3, Article I of the signalmen's national agreement. (Decision No. 226.) 227a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Texas & Pacific Railway. (II, R. L. B., 262.) Under Decision No. 119, have the carmen, represented by the Brother- hood of Railway Carmen of America, the right to represent the painters who have concluded an agreement with the management, dated June 3, 1921, negotiated through representatives selected by the painters employed and who desire to retain the aforesaid agreement? Decided: That the system organization is entitled to negotiate agreement on rules and work- ing conditions, including rules for the painters. Further ordered that parties proceed to negotiate such agreement. (Decision No. 227.) 228a. San Diego & Arizona Railway v. Certain Specified Classes of Em- ployees. (II, R. L. B., 265.) What shall constitute reasonable wages for various positions? Decided: That effective October 1, 1921, rates shall be established covering classes named in the various sections by deducting from increase granted subse- quent to February 29, 1920, 60 per cent of such increase. (Decision No. 228.) 110 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 229a. Electric Short Line. Railway v. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. (II, R. L. B., 267.) Question regarding proposed reduced rates covering train and engine service employees. Decided: That present rates applicable to engineers, motormen, firemen, conductors, and brakemen shall be reduced 20 per cent, effective October 16, 1921. (Decision No. 229.) 230a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Kansas City, Mexico & Orient Railroad Co. (II, R. L. B., 269.) Dispute regarding seniority when authorized leave of absence overstayed by general chairman representing employees. Decided: That inasmuch as it has always been recognized practice to grant leave of absence to gen- eral chairman, Board decides the carrier was unjustified and that this em- ployee should be restored to seniority roster with standing prior to ex- piration of last leave granted. (Decision No. 230.) 231a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 270.) Claim of foreman for compensation during period when extra gang over which he had charge was laid off. Decided: That while rules quoted in the employees' position provide for retention of senior men in reduction of force or temporary assignment, inasmuch as employee mentioned made no effort to take advantage of these provisions, claim for compensation is denied. (Decision No. 231.) 232a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 271.) Controversy as to what shall constitute basic year for employees covered by maintenance-of-way national agreement. Employees claim that the hourly rate for all monthly-rated employees covered by the provisions of the national agreement should be computed by multiplying 306 by 8 and dividing the annual salary by the total hours. Decided: That employees' contention is denied. (Decision No. 232.) 233a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Virginian Railway. (II, R. L. B., 272.) Shall the work performed on holidays by monthly-rated foremen be paid for in addition to the established monthly rate? Decided: That Decision No. 209 of the Labor Board covers the question in dispute and shall gov- ern in this case. (Decision No. 233.) 234a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad Co. (II, R. L. B., 272.) Claim of employees that car repairers be compensated for suspension of five days. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 234.) 233a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & North Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 272.) Controversy as to claim of freight department employees for pay cover- ing time lost account sickness. Employees claim that past practice dis- closes employees absent from duty account sundry reasons for periods varying from 1 to 31 days and have in every instance been paid for time lost. Decided: That claim of employees is sustained. Decision is arrived at on basis of national agreement rules and does not necessarily reflect attitude of Labor Board on similar questions submitted in compliance with Decision No. 119. (Decision No. 235.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. . 111 236a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & North Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 273.) Claim of clerk in freight claim department for pay while off duty account death in his family. Decided: That claim of employees is sustained. Decision is arrived at on basis of national agreement rules and does not necessarily reflect attitude of Labor Board on similar questions submitted in compliance with Decision No. 119. (Decision 236.) 237a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & North Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 274.) Claim of clerk in auditor of passenger accounts department for pay while off duty account sickness. Decided: That claim of employee is sustained. Decision is arrived at on basis of national agreement rules and does not necessarily reflect attitude of Labor Board on similar ques- tions submitted in compliance with Decison No. 119. (Decision No. 237.) 238a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. El Paso & Southwestern System. (II, R. L. B., 275.) Question as to rate at which vacancies should be bulletined for certain positions in accounting department. Decided: That the vacancy in ques- tion should have been bulletined at $95 per month and that increase pro- vided in Decision No. 2 should be added to this rate if it was estab- lished by authority of the United States Railroad Administration. (De- cision No. 238.) 239a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship_Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (II, R. L. B., 275.) Question as to bulletining of nonclerical positions. Decided: That inas- much as this question was considered in accordance with Decision No. 119, interpretation of the rule of the national agreement involved at this time is not necessary. This does not, however, prohibit employees from presenting compensation claims as provided in agreement. (Decision No. 239.) 240a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (ÍI, R. L. B., 276.) Classification of express messenger runs. Carrier states that the only question at issue is whether or not these runs are to be considered turn- around runs, and contends that turnaround service as contemplated by rule 76 of clerks' agreement refers only to service where the messenger is re- turned to home terminal each day or when one or more round trips are made every day, and that the service consisting of short trips and long trips can not be classed as short turnaround service simply because one or more round trips are made during a given month. Decided: That position of carrier is sustained. (Decision No. 240.) 241a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad Co. (II, R. L. B., 277.) Was the action of the carrier in abolishing the position of chief car record clerk and creating the position of car accountant in Potomac Yards in conflict with national agreement rules, and does the position of car accountant come within the scope of said rules? Decided: That carrier's action in abolishing position of chief car record clerk and creating posi- tion of car accountant is not a violation of rule 84 of clerks' agreement. Position of car accountant in Potomac Yards is not within the scope of clerks' agreement. (Decision No. 241.) 112 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 242a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. El Paso & Southwestern System. (II, R. L. B., 278.) Bulletining of position of valuation accountant. Decided: That inas- much as employee in question left carrier's service August 28, 1920, and position in question was abolished October 1, 1920, case is dismissed. (Decision No. 242.) 243a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (II, R. L. B., 278.) Controversy with regard to employee's claim for position. Decided: Em- ployee not connected with carrier prior to being employed by the terminal association; that he entered the association soon after its organization; therefore, when association passed out of existence carrier was not obligated to furnish employment. (Decision No. 243.) 244a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Cincinnati, Indianapolis & Western Rail- road Co. (II, R. L. B., 279.) Controversy as to position of price clerk not having been bulletined and not awarded to senior employee. Employees contend that senior quali- fied employee should have been assigned, and request reimbursement for the difference in the salary of the position he held and that of price clerk. Decided: That employees' position is sustained. (Decision No. 244.) 245a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. El Paso & Southwestern System. (II, R. L. B., 280.) Controversy relative to compensation due clerk who had approximately 30 months' experience in clerical work similar to railroad service. Decided: That this employee possessed sufficient experience to entitle him to the increase of 13 cents per hour in accordance with section 2, Article II of Decision No. 2. (Decision No. 245.) 246a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (II, R. L. B., 281.) Classification and rate of pay for red cap who works as janitor part of the time. Decided: That the position is properly classified as red cap and therefore does not come within the scope of the clerks' national agree- ment. (Decision No. 246.) 247a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. New York Central Rail- road. (II, R. L. B., 281.) Application of wage increase under Decision No. 2 to monthly-rated train dispatchers. Decided: That Interpretation No. 1 to Decision No. 2, pro- viding that monthly increase should be based on 204 hours per month, covers question in dispute. (Decision No. 247.) 248a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Wabash Railway. R. L. B., 282.) (II, Question as to compensation due dispatcher for time lost account sick- ness. Decided: That while general practice precludes payment to division officers for time lost account sickness, where necessary to employ some one to fill vacancy, after giving consideration to circumstances, if so warranted, employee is paid for the period of absence. Inasmuch as dispatcher in- volved has been accorded customary treatment, claim is denied. (Decision No. 248.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 113 249a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway. (II, R. L. B., 283.) Controversy relative to compensation for employees in bridge and build- ing department who are required to work, wait, or travel, as regulated by train service. Decided: That employees in question are properly compen- sated according to section (i) of maintenance of way employees' national agreement. (Decision No. 249.) 250a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 284.) Shall the rate of coal-wharf foreman be applied to section foreman who supervises coal-chute operations on his section? Decided: That the larger portion of the work of the foreman in question is that of section foreman and he should therefore be classified and paid as such. (Decision No. 250.) 251a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. New York Central Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 285.) Dispute in connection with bulletined position not awarded to employee holding seniority. Decided: That seniority is first consideration in filling positions, but there must be coupled with seniority sufficient fitness and ability; therefore, employee assigned by carrier shall not be displaced. (Decision No. 251.) 252a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. Missouri Pacific Rail- road. (II, R. L. B., 286.) Rate of pay applicable to automatic signal maintainers in normal traffic zones handling wire and apparatus carrying less than 240 volts, classified under Federal control as signalmen, and paid as electrical work- ers, first class. Decided: That the increase provided in Decision No. 2 shall be applied to the rates established by the Railroad Administration. (Decision No. 252.) 253a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (II, R. L. B., 288.) Dispute regarding reinstatement of former section foreman for alleged insubordination account leaving his gang to visit with neighboring fore- man. Decided: That claim for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 253.) 254a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 288.) Dispute regarding reinstatement of former section foreman dismissed account general unsatisfactory service. Decided: That claim for reinstate- ment is denied. (Decision No. 254.) 255a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 288.) Proper classification of and compensation for pumper who, the em- ployees claim performed, in addition to his duties as pumper, special work requiring continuous alertness and application. Carrier contends that duties are similar to majority of other pumpers. Decided: That claim for reclassification and rate denied. (Decision No. 255.) 256a. International Union of Steam and Operating Engineers v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 290.) Application of wage increase under Decision No. 2 to stationary engineers in roundhouses, paid on a monthly basis. Decided: That Interpretation No. 1 to Decision No. 2, providing that monthly increases should be based on 204 hours per month, covers question in dispute. (Decision No. 256.) 114 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 257a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway. (II, R. L. B., 290.) Request for reinstatement of former bridge and building foreman and claim for time lost. Decided: That employee left service voluntarily ; therefore, reinstatement and pay for time lost is denied. (Decision No. 257.) 258a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Detroit & Mackinac Railway Co. (II, R. L. B., 293.) Request for reinstatement of former section foreman dismissed for gen- eral unsatisfactory service. Decided: That request for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 258.) 259a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Illinois Terminal Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 293.) Shall the carrier meet in conference and negotiate agreement with representatives of system federation? Decided: That carrier should select representatives and hold conferences not later than 15 days after receipt of this decision. (Decision No. 259.) 260a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 294.) Shall the rate of water service helpers be applied to section laborers for work performed incident to laying water and sewer pipes? Decided: That carrier was within its rights in assigning employees to assist in the performance of work in connection with laying pipes without changing the classification and rate. (Decision No. 260.) 261a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (II, R. L. B., 295.) Request for reinstatement of bridge and building gang foreman dis- missed-reduced to another position which he failed to accept. Decided: That reinstatement shall not be granted. (Decision No. 261.) 262a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pennsylvania System (Eastern Region.) (II, R. L. B., 295.) Request for reinstatement of assistant foreman dismissed from service. Decided: That request for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 262.) 263a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pennsylvania System. (II, R. L. B., 295.) Request for reinstatement of clerk in stores department. Decided: That request for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 263.) 264a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pennsylvania System (Eastern Region.) (II, R. L. B., 296.) Claim of outside yard clerk for pay for time lost while suspended from duty. Decided: That claim is denied. (Decision No. 264.) 265a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pennsylvania System (Eastern Region.) (II, R. L. B., 296.) Claim of yard clerk for pay for time lost while under suspension. De- cided: That claim is denied. (Decision No. 265.) 266a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pennsylvania System (Eastern Region.) (II, R. L. B., 296.) Request for reinstatement of yard clerk dismisssed from service. De- cided: That employees' request is denied. (Decision No. 266.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 115 267a. Order_of_Railroad Telegraphers v. Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 296.) Claim for pay under overtime-and-call rule, in addition to compensation for regular assignment, for operator required to perform service outside of regular assigned hours. Decided: That claim of the employees is denied. (Decision No. 267.) 268a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (II, R. L. B., 297.) Are employees who operate multigraph machines entitled to an increase of 13 cents per hour or 10 cents per hour under Decision No. 2? De- cided: That employees involved should be increased according to their experience, in accordance with sections 2 or 3, Article II of Decision No. 2. (Decision No. 268.) 269a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (II, R. L. B., 298.) Dispute concerning bulletined position not awarded senior applicant account California State law prohibiting employment of women for more than eight hours per day. Decided: That employee in question had suffi- cient fitness and ability, but in view of regulations of State welfare com- mission of State of California, Board sustains carrier's refusal to make assignment to a woman. (Decision No. 269.) 270a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (II, R. L. B., 299.) Application for reinstatement of clerk. Decided: That employees' re- quest be denied. (Decision No. 270.) 271a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Wabash Railway. (II, R. L. B., 299.) Request of assistant chief dispatcher for promotion to former position. Decided: That request is denied. (Decision No. 271.) 272a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Chicago & North Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 299.) • Claim of dispatchers for time worked in excess of regular assignment. As time worked was due to one day's sickness of dispatcher, which required each of two other dispatchers to work four hours overtime, the carrier allowed the two dispatchers in question one day each at their regular rate for this service and the third dispatcher one day's compensation for time off account sickness. Decided: That claim for overtime is denied, (Decision No. 272.) 273a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Chicago & North Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 300.) Claim of train dispatcher for actual necessary expenses when required to leave established headquarters. Decided: That inasmuch as dispatcher in question was not required to leave his established headquarters for purpose of relieving dispatcher at another point, employees' claim is denied. (Decision No. 273.) 274a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. (II, R. L. B., 301.) Shall train dispatcher be reinstated with full seniority rights and paid for all time lost, after having failed to accept the position to which he was demoted? Decided: That request for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 274.) 116 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. l 275a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad. R. L. B., 301.) (II, Dismissed Decided: That employees' request is Request of clerk for reinstatement with pay for time lost. account unsatisfactory service. denied. (Decision No. 275.) 276a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (II, R. L. B., 302.) Claim for pay under call rule. Carrier claims that employee was paid for extra service in accordance with rules of agreement, in addition to compensation for regular assignment, account working on messenger run after expiration of eight hours on assigned business. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 276.) 277a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Railway System. (II, R. L. B., 303.) Question as to proper date to be used as a basis in adding increases in wages under Decision No. 2 to positions increased on or after March 1, 1920. Decided: That Interpretation No. 2 to Decision No. 2, providing that increases shall be added to rates in effect at 12.01 a. m., March 1, 1920, applies. (Decision No. 277.) 278a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 303.) Controversy regarding proper compensation for clerk temporarily as- signed to higher rated position. Employees claim that clerk is entitled to the overtime rate of the temporary position. Decided: That claim of the employees is denied. (Decision No. 278.) 279a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 304.) Claim for compensation for extra clerk at overtime rate for performing work in excess of 8 hours within a 24-hour period. Carrier claims that extra clerk was not assigned to any particular kind of work but merely filling vacant positions in various departments. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 279.) 280a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway. (II, R. L. B., 304.) Claim of clerical employees for additional compensation for work per- formed on Sunday afternoons during the summer months of the year 1920. Carrier claims it was not the established practice to give employees Satur- day afternoons off. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (De- cision No. 280.) 281a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (II, R. L. B., 305.) Claim of the employees that the abolition of positions of second mes- senger and the creation of positions of helpers on express runs is in viola- tion of rule 91 of clerks' national agreement which, in train service, elimi- nated necessity for these employees returning as messengers on westbound trains-resulting in their being classified as helpers and paid rate applic- able to adjacent territory. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 281.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 117 282a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (II, R. L. B., 306.) Request for reinstatement of express employees dismissed account ab- senting himself without permission. Decided: That employees' request is denied, (Decision No. 282.) 283a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (II, R. L. B., 307.) Request for reinstatement of express employee. Decided: That request is denied. (Decision No. 283.) 284a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 307.) Claim of employees that position of telephone switchboard operator should be a clerical position and be included in the clerical seniority roster. Carrier claims that only clerical work performed by this employee is to keep a tally of the number of calls made. Decided: That claim of em- ployees is denied. (Decision No. 284.) 285a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 308.) Bulletining of position of voucher clerk, which employees claim was never actually vacated. Carrier states that the position was bulletined and assigned to senior qualified employee and the evidence indicates that all rules were strictly adhered to. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 285.) 286a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad Co. (II, R. L. B., 309.) Are employees performing necessary duties in and around stations en- titled to 12-cent increase under Decision No. 2? Decided: That employees in question are not station or platform freight handlers or truckers, there- fore, are not entitled to increase of 12 cents specified in Decision No. 2. (Decision No. 286.) 287a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (II, R. L. B., 309.) Request for increased rate of pay for express messengers on one carrier to equalize with rates paid by another carrier operating between the same points. Carrier states that these differentials in rates have always existed. Decided: That request of employees is denied. (Decision No. 287.) 288a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 310.) Request that position of ticket clerk be restored to the employee pre- viously holding same, and that he be reimbursed for difference between the rate of said position and the position he has since held. The carrier states that a decrease in business necessitated the abolition of the posi- tion. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 288.) 289a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (II, R. L. B., 310.) Seniority rights of employees accepting supervisory positions. Decided: That appointment to postition of roadmaster did not constitute temporary appointment, and continuity of service was not disturbed by said appoint- ment. (Decision No. 289.) 118 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 290a. New Orleans Great Northern Railroad v. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. (II, R. L. B., 312.) Request of carrier for decrease in rates of pay for its train and engine service employees, maintenance of equipment employees, and agents and operators. Decided: That the decreased rates prescribed in this decision shall apply to the carrier in question. Decision contains dissenting opin- ion. (Decision No. 290.) v. 291a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway. (II, R. L. B., 321.) Has the Federated Shop Crafts the right to negotiate an agreement covering employees performing mechanics' work in the maintenance and repair of water service equipment, coal-chute machinery, etc., coming under the jurisdiction of the bridge and building department? Decided: That if federation so elects, agreement may be made to cover all employees men- tioned, provided this decision does not interfere with special rules neces- sary to properly operate said department. (Decision No. 291.) 292a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. Philadelphia & Reading Railway. (II, R. L. B., 322.) Has the carrier complied with provisions of agreement which require 30 days' notice in writing before changing same? Employees claim they did not receive copy of revised rules proposed by the carrier. Decided: That the carrier has complied with the provisions of the agreement herein referred to. (Decision No. 292.) 293a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (II, R. L. B., 323.) Dispute in regard to proper compensation for hourly-rated employees sent out from home station to perform work. Decided: That sections 18 and 20 of signalmen's national agreement are properly applicable to the service in question. (Decision No. 293.) 294a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (II, R. L. B., 324.) Question as to assistant superintendent's position, vehicle service, com- ing within scope of agreement effective February 15, 1920. Decided: That the position in question does not come within the scope of agreement mentioned, and employees' request that it be bulletined for bid is denied. (Decision No. 294.) 295a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (ÍI, R. L. B., 325.) Request that free sleeping quarters be established for train-service mes- sengers. Decided: That inasmuch as this is not a requirement by order or agreement and such quarters are established voluntarily by carrier, claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 295.) 296a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (II, R. L. B., 326.) Request for reinstatement of express employees dismissed from service. Decided: That request for reinstatement is denied. (Decision N. 296.) 297a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (II, R. L. B., 326.) Question as to proper method of rating inexperienced clerks. Employees contend that positions and not employees should be rated. The carrier contends that the agreement specifically preserves the right to rate em- ployees for the first 12 months of service and thereafter pay the rate of the position to which assigned. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 297.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 119 · • 3 & 298a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (II, R. L. B., 327.) Claim for the application of Decision No. 2 to part-time express employees who attend school and are employed on an hourly basis for short periods. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 298.) 299a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Ann Arbor Railroad et al. (II, R. L. B., 328.) Inquiry and proceedings instituted and conducted by the Labor Board regarding threatened general strike. Decided: That when any changes in wages, contracts, or rules are contemplated or proposed by either party, conferences must be had as directed by the Transportation Act, and where agreements are not reached, disputes must be brought before the Labor Board for adjustment, pending which no action shall be taken or changes made by either party. (Decision No. 299.) 300a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway. (II, R. L. B., 329.) Request that rate of pay and overtime provisions of ash-pit men be ap- plied to employees engaged in similar service, and that such overtime provisions be made retroactive to effective date of maintenance of way em- ployees' national agreement. Decided: That at points where there is suffi- cient amount of work to occupy the time of one or more men, such man or men shall be paid the rate and receive the overtime conditions established by ash-pit men. This decision shall be effective as of November 1, 1921. (Decision No. 300.) 301a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 330.) What increase, under the provisions of Decision No. 2, should have been applied to rates of pay for laborers employed at coal wharves on line of road and at terminals? Decided: That rates established by or under the authority of the Railroad Administration shall be the basis for applying increases under Decision No. 2 for the employees in question. (Decision No. 301.) 302a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Denver Union Terminal Railway Co. (II, R. L. B., 331.) Claim of telegraph operator for pay under overtime-and-call rule for working the entire period of another assignment in addition to compensa- tion for regular assignment. Carrier made payment at the straight-time rate of the position filled. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 302.) 303a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (II, R. L. B., 332.) Question as to proper classification and compensation for certain em- Decided: That inasmuch as evidence ployees at wood-preserving plant. submitted is not sufficiently clear, Board is not justified in rendering deci- sion and, therefore, directs that representatives of all parties directly in- terested arrange to jointly conduct further investigation and if unable to agree, to resubmit the case to the Labor Board. (Decision No. 303.) 304a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (II. R. L. B., 333.) Claim of messenger for rate of pay applicable to position awarded by bulletin, account not having been assigned to new position within 10 days. Decided: That employee involved is entitled to the rate of position of ex- press messenger between points mentioned on expiration of 10-day period allowed carrier for assignment. (Decision No. 304.) 120 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 305a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (II, R. L. B., 334.) Claim for additional compensation covering holiday service. Employees claim that they were required to take a day off in lieu of the holidays which they worked, but the carrier contends that the employees accepted the day off without protest, and when objection was made that the practice was discontinued. Decided: That claim of employees is sustained. (De- cision No. 305.) 306a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 335.) Claim of clerical employees for 14 days' pay for 2 weeks' vacation. De- cided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 306.) 307a. Association of Colored Railway Trainmen v. Illinois Central Railroad et al. (II, R. L. B., 336.) Request for the discontinuance of rule covering reduction in force of train-service employees which provides that displacement will be made in the order of seniority regardless of color, but restricts the employment of negroes in certain kinds of service. Decided: That Board can not approve of any discrimination favoring either white or colored employees in appli- cation of rule mentioned. Complaint dismissed and request denied. (De- cision No. 307.) 308a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 337.) • Question as to rate of pay applicable to new type of locomotive leased temporarily from other lines. Decided: That the rate covering locomotive temporarily borrowed shall be the same as the rates paid by the borrowing carrier for its locomotives which come within the corresponding "weight on drivers" classification. (Decision No. 308.) 309a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Litchfield & Madison Railway. (II, R. L. B., 337.) Dispute regarding reinstatement of former section foreman. Decided: That request for reinstatement of employee is denied. (Decision No. 309.) 310a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen et al. v. Oregon- Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. (II, R. L. B., 337.) Request for amendment of schedule rule, which defines local or way freight service. Decided: That parties at interest having agreed upon settle- ment, same is withdrawn from consideration by the Board. (Decision No. 310.) 311a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. (II, R. L. B., 338.) Request for rule guaranteeing men in assigned service same mileage per day for each day of assignment. Decided: That parties at interest having agreed upon settlement, case withdrawn from consideration by the Board. (Decision No. 311.) 312a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. (II, R. L. B., 338.) Request for new rule allowing engineers and firemen 80-cent differential per 100 miles above valley rates on certain districts. Decided: Parties at interest agreed upon settlement in this case and withdrew same from con- sideration by the Board. (Decision No. 312.) 313a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen et al. v. Oregon- Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. (II, R. L. B., 338.) Request for new rule allowing engineers and firemen to report for and be relieved from duty at passenger station. Decided: Parties at interest agreed upon settlement and withdrew case from consideration by the Board. (Decision No. 313.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 121 314a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen et al. v. Oregon- Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. (II, R. L. B., 339.) Request for rules providing for payment of initial and terminal switch- ing and delays on the minute basis. Decided: Parties at interest have agreed on settlement and case is withdrawn from consideration by this Board. (Decision No. 314.) 315a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen et al. v. Oregon- Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. (II, R. L. B., 339.) Request for new rule providing that the adjustment of claims will es- tablish the basis for adjustment of similar claims. Decided: Parties at interest having agreed on settlement, case is withdrawn from consideration by this Board. (Decision No. 315.) 316a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen et al. v. Oregon- Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. (II, R. L. B., 339.) Request for rules governing hostler service. Decided: Parties at interest agreed upon settlement of this case and withdrew same. (Decision No. 316.) 317a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Oregon-Wash- ington Railroad & Navigation Co. (II, R. L. B., 339.) Time claim of fireman account being refused permission to displace engi- neer on hostling position. Decided: Parties at interest having agreed upon settlement, case is withdrawn from consideration by Board. (Decision No. 317.) 318a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen et al. v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pa- cific System). (II, R. L. B., 340.) Claim of brakemen in suburban passenger service for minimum passenger day for extra service performed before beginning regular assignment during October, 1919. Decided: That because of matters in dispute having oc- curred before passage of Transportation Act, Board is without jurisdic- tion. Application is therefore dismissed. (Decision No. 318.) 319a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen et al. v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pa- cific System). (II, R. L. B., 340.) Claim of conductors and other trainmen, assigned to through and irregu- lar freight service, for local rates of pay. Decided: That matter com- plained of having occurred prior to passage of Transportation Act, Board is without jurisdiction. (Decision No. 319.) 320a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen et al. v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pa- cific System). (II, R. L. B., 341.) Claim for time consumed by through and irregular freight crews setting out and putting in cars and trains en route. Decided: That matter com- plained of having occurred before passage of Transportation Act, Board decides it is without jurisdiction. (Decision No. 320.) 321a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen et al. v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pa- cific System). (II, R. L. B., 341.) Claim of passenger brakeman for deadhead one way to terminal and return in service. Decided: That matters complained of having occurred prior to passage of Transportation Act, Board is without jurisdiction. (Decision No. 321.) 322a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 341.) Claim for back pay under provision of Decision No. 2 for employee dis- missed from service during the retroactive period of said said decision. Decided: That employees dismissed from the service for any reason are en- titled to back pay for services performed during the retroactive period, ex- cept such employees who voluntarily suspend work and come within the scope of Order No. 1 and Decision No. 1, issued by the Labor Board. (Decision No. 322.) 122 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 323a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen et al. v. Louisville & Nashville Rail- Road. (II, R. L. B., 342.) Claim of conductor for work-train rate of pay while on duty in yard service. Decided: That employee's claim can not be sustained. (Decision No. 323.) 324a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen et al. v. Louisville & Nashville Rail- road. (II, R. L. B., 343.) Claim of conductors that all runs on system be considered as new runs and advertised as such, account general wage increase. Decided: That rules similar to this are of gencral nature and usually apply to individual or small groups of runs, but are not intended to apply when general in- crease is made applicable to all runs on system. Refusal of carrier to rebulletin runs is sustained. (Decision No. 324.) 325a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 344.) Request for relief from payment of water license for water furnished employees residing in company-owned houses. Decided: Request denied, provided there is no change made by the carrier in regard to the present arrangement as to rental. (Decision No. 325.) 326a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen et al. v. Chicago, Terre Haute & Southeastern Railway. (II, R. L. B., 344.) ६ Request for reinstatement of engineer dismissed account sliding the drivers on engine. Decided: That in view of this employee's personal rec- ord in service he shall be reinstated without impairment to seniority. (Decision No. 326.) 327a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. Chicago, Terre Haute & Southeastern Railway. (II, R. L. B., 345.) Controversy regarding dismissal of carmen. by carrier is sustained. (Decision No. 327.) Decided: That dismissal 328a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Mobile & Ohio Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 345.) The question in dispute is in regard to the right of carrier to lay off carpenter gangs and to contract for the building of a new depot by con- struction company. Decided: That carrier did not violate the provisions of the agreement. (Decision No. 328.) 329a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Denver & Rio Grande Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 346.) Controversy regarding discharge of bridge and building carpenter. De- cided: That the employee in question shall be reinstated to former position with seniority rights unimpaired. Request for compensation covering time lost denied. (Decision No. 329.) 330a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Union Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 346.) Dispute regarding payment of overtime to monthly-rated employees in the maintenance of way department. Employees claim that the hourly rate of monthly-rated employces should be based on 306 eight-hour days per year. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 330.) 331a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railway Co. (II, R. L. B., 347.) men. Classification and rate of pay for employees assigned as engine supply Decided: That employees in question come under provisions of sec- tion 8. Article 1II, Decision No. 2, and shall be paid accordingly. (De- cision No. 331.) DIGEST. OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 123 332a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chesapeake & Ohio Railway. (II, R. L. B., 348.) Was the carrier justified in discontinuing a 3-cent differential to car- penter foremen and carpenters, which differential was specified in agree- ment entered into prior to Government control? Decided: That inasmuch as the discontinuance of this differential (which was in effect a reduction in pay) should have been properly handled in accordance with provisions of Transportation Act, said differential shall be restored. (Decision No. 332.) 333a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway. (II, R. L. B., 348.) Request for leave of absence and transportation for general chairmen. Decided: That request of this employee is justified. Recognized and time- honored practice to grant leave of absence and transportation to general chairmen representing large groups of employees. (Decision No. 333.) 334a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Cincinnati, Indianapolis & Western Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 349.) Dispute concerning carrier's method of reducing expenses. Decided: That the carrier did not violate provisions of agreement in making reduc- tions outlined. Employees' claim for pay for time lost is denied. (Deci- sion No. 334.) 335a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway. (II, R. L. B., 351.) Claim of employees that derrick engineers and firemen in the mainte- nance of way department have the right to positions of engine watchmen. Carrier claims that there is no rule in agreement preventing discontinu- ance of an unnecessary position nor preventing an employee in one depart- ment working jointly in two departments. Decided: That claim is denied. (Decision No. 335.) 336a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway. (II, R. L. B., 351.) Claim of employees for travel time account removal of headquarters of carpenter gang. Carrier claims that Railroad Admnistration decision gave employees (members of gangs) the privilege of riding to and from head- quarters Monday mornings and Saturday nights but did not extend this allowance to employees subsequently entering such gangs of their own accord. Decided: That employees' claim is denied. (Decision No. 336.) 337a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway. (II, R. L. B., 352.) Question as to right of carrier in assigning bridge carpenter to operate derrick in conjunction with other duties. Decided: That carrier has not violated any of the provisions of agreement in so assigning the work. (Decision No. 337.) 338a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Ann Arbor Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 353.) Is it the intention of the rules governing the Federated Shop Crafts that employees be paid for time traveling to their home station when such employees are permitted to go to bed for five hours or more on the cars on which they are traveling? Decided: That under provisions of rule in effect, employees in question shall be paid for travel time regardless of whether relieved and allowed to rest five or more hours on cars in which traveling. (Decision No. 338.) 50960°-24- -9 124 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 339a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Trinity & Brazos Valley Railway. (II, R. L. B., 353.) Question as to seniority rights of general foreman assigned as bridge and building foreman. Decided: That the appointment to roadmaster's position did not constitute temporary appointment; that continuity of service was not disturbed by said appointment, and that as a result of being demoted employee is not entitled to position of bridge and building fore- man. (Decision No. 339.) 340a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (II, R. L. B., 354.) Claim of employees that former night derrick engineer, whose position was abolished, is entitled to displace junior day derrick engineer. Rules provide that promotion shall be based on ability, merit, and seniority, and that the management shall be the judge. Decided: That claim of em- ployees is denied. (Decision No. 340.) 341a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (II, R. L. B., 355.) Question as to proper classification of car repairer alleged to be per- forming blacksmith's work. Decided: That if employee performs work specified in joint statement, classification is proper, but if work in addi- tion to that mentioned is performed, he should be reclassified and paid as blacksmith. (Decision No. 341.) 342a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. St. Louis & Hannibal Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 355.) Request that former section foreman be returned to position with pay for time lost. Decided: That employees' claim is denied. This employee is now acting as bridge and building carpenter, receiving a higher rate of compensation than section foreman, and appears to be satisfied. (Decision No. 342.) 343a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway. (II, R. L. B., 356.) Request for reinstatement of employee dismissed from service. Decided: That request for reinstatement of employee in question is denied. (De- cision No. 343.) 344a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Boston & Maine Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 356.) Request of employee for return to his former position as pier foreman. Decided: That request of employees is denied. (Decision No. 344.) 345a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Union Pacific System. (II, R. L. B., 356.) Dispute concerning bulletined position not awarded senior applicant, account Nebraska State law prohibiting employment of women for more than 54 hours in one week. Decided: That in view of the laws of the State of Nebraska with respect to the hours of employment for women, the Board sustains the carrier's refusal to make assignment. (Decision No. 345.) 346a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen et al. v. Northwestern Pacific Rail- road. (II, R. L. B., 357.) Claim for additional pay for extra brakeman performing short turn- around passenger service. Decided: Parties at interest having agreed upon settlement, case is withdrawn from consideration by Board. (Decision No. 346.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 125 347a. Northwestern Pacific Railroad v. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen et al. (II, R. L. B., 358.) Claim regarding application of through freight rates to service now paying passenger rates where crew is required to perform miscellaneous service en route. Decided: That under rules in effect, claim for through freight rates is not justified. (Decision No. 347.) 348a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen et al. v. Northwestern Pacific Rail- road. (II, R. L. B., 359.) Claim of conductor and crew for one day's pay account handling water car en route. Decided: Parties at interest agreed upon settlement and withdrew same from consideration by this Board. (Decision No. 348.) 349a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. Toledo & Ohio Central Railway. (II, R. L. B., 360.) Question as to application of increases under Decision No. 2 for sta- tionary firemen. Decided: That Interpretation No. 1 to Decision No. 2, providing that monthly increases should be based on 204 hours per month, covers question in dispute. (Decision No. 349.) 350a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (II, R. L. B., 360.) Shall the employees who exercise direct supervision over and are held responsible for the work of coach cleaners receive 5 cents per hour above maximum paid coach cleaners at points employed? Decided: Yes. (De- cision No. 350.) 351a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 361.) Claim for back pay for employee who resigned from one department and accepted service in another department of the same carrier. Decided: That claim of employee is denied. (Decision No. 351.) 352a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 361.) Proper classification and rating for certain pump-house employees. De- cided: That the increases specified in Decision No. 2 should be added to the rate established by the Railroad Administration, inasmuch as em- ployees in question are considered engineers within meaning of Supp.e- ment No. 7 to General Order No. 27. (Decision No. 352.) 353a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway. (II, R. L. B., 362.) Was employee entitled to overtime for first shift worked in car depart- ment after making change, by exercising seniority rights? Decided: That the overtime rate should have been allowed this employee for the first shift of change referred to, inasmuch as the national agreement rule makes no distinction as to whether or not employee is transferred at instance of carrier or of his own accord. (Decision No. 353.) 354a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 363.) Claim of employee for back pay for time lost account having been denied the privilege of displacing the junior employee in the subdepartment in which he was working. The carrier originally claimed that seniority be- gan anew upon each promotion, but agreed to cumulative seniority and the right of displacement provided the railroad company would not be thereby penalized. Decided: That employees' contention is denied. cision No. 354.) (De- { ~126 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 355a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 364.) Claim of employees for punitive overtime rate for Sunday wrecking service. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 355.) 356a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. New York Central Rail- Road. (II, R. L. B., 364.) * What rate of pay is applicable to signal department helper assigned temporarily as assistant signal maintainer? Decided: That temporary em- ployee should have received same rate of pay allowed the employee per- manently assigned to the position. (Decision No. 356.) 357a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad Co. (II, R. L. B., 366.) Shall system federation representing Federated Shop Crafts negotiate an agreement covering mechanics in bridge and building department? Decided: That agreement between system federation shall, if federation elects, cover all employees comprised in craft or class, provided such pro- cedure does not operate to prevent negotiation of necessary special rules. (Decision No. 357.) 358a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 367.) Shall differential for fire cleaners on Missouri Pacific Railroad be elimi- nated? Decided: No. Decision No. 358.) 359a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. El Paso & Southwestern System. (II, R. L. B., 367.) Request for reinstatement of warehouse clerk dismissed from service. Decided: That employees' request is denied. (Decision No. 359.) 360a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (II, R. L. B., 367.) Request that position be bulletined, the rates of which were changed by the carrier in the general wage increase granted to express employees. Decided: That request of employees is denied. (Decision No. 360.) 361a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (II, R. L. B., 368.) Question as to application of Decision No. 3 increase to certain positions increased subsequent to March 1, 1921. Decided: That increases granted in Decision No. 3, covering employees in express service, shall be added to the rates in effect March 1, 1920. Employees' request therefore denied. (Decision No. 361.) 362a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (II, R. L. B., 369.) Request of employees that senior applicant be assigned to position in another seniority district. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 362.) 363a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (II, R. L. B., 370.) Question as to application of Decision No. 3 increases to certain positions increased subsequent to March 1, 1920. Decided: That increase granted in Decision No. 3, covering employees in express service, shall be added to the rates in effect March 1, 1920. Employees' request therefore denied. (Decision No. 363.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 127 364a. American Train Dispatchers Association v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. (II, R. L. B., 371.) Request for reinstatement of dispatcher dismissed from service. Decided: That as a result of evidence presented, including hearing before the Board, request of employees for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 364.) 365a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 371.) Request of employees that certain positions of telegraph operators, which were abolished by the carriers account reduced work in offices located at former division terminal, be restored. Decided: That request of employees is denied. (Decision No. 365.) 366a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Western Maryland Railway. (II, R. L. B., 372.) Reinstatement of receiving clerk dismissed from service. Decided: That as a result of evidence produced and proceedings of hearing before Board, request of employee in question is denied. (Decision No. 366.) 367a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Western Maryland Railway. (II, R. L. B., 373.) Request of employees that senior applicant be assigned to position in another seniority district. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 367.) 368a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship_Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 374.) Claim of employees that certain clerical positions averaging five or more hours' clerical work per day regularly be classified in accordance with pro- visions of rule 4, Article II, of clerks' agreement. Decided; That claim of employees is sustained. (Decision No. 368.) 369a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (II, R. L. B., 374.) Request for equalization of rates of pay of two positions in the same department. Decided: That request of employees is denied. (Decision No. 369.) 370a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (II, R. L. B., 375.) Request of employees that position of stenographer and clerk in super- intendent's office be classified as coming within the scope of the clerks' national agreement. Decided: That position in question does not come within the scope of the agreement. Claim of employee is therefore denied. (Decision No. 370.) 371a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (II, R. L. B., 376.) Request for equalization of rate of position of assistant paymaster with rate of position of bookkeeper performing practically the same work. Decided: That the employees' request is denied. (Decision No. 371.) 372a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (II, R. L. B., 378.) Claim of employee, temporarily assigned to position of apron tender, for right to make displacement of a junior apron tender when position was abol- ished. Decided: That claim of employees is sustained. (Decision No. 372.) 128 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 373a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway. (II, R. L. B., 378.) Request for reinstatement of clerk. Decided: Based on evidence before it, Board decides that request for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 373.) 374a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 379.) Claim of telegrapher not assigned to regular Sunday service for compen- sation under overtime and call rules of agreement between carrier and employees. The carrier claims that an emergency existed, no extra em- ployees were available, and that employee was compensated at rate of position he filled. Decided: That position of carrier is sustained. (Decision No. 374.) 375a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (II, R. L. B., 380.) Claim of transfer foreman for compensation covering vacation period. Decided: That past practice shall govern in this dispute and employees' claim is therefore denied. (Decision No. 375.) 376a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (II, R. L. B., 381.) Claim of telegrapher for compensation at time and one-half rate for serv- ice performed after completion of day's work. Carrier claims that the op- erator was required to lay off his regular assignment and to report for the other position, and was compensated under section (a) of Article VII of agreement. Decided: That position of carrier is sustained. (Decision No. 376.) 377a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Western Maryland Railway. (II, R. L. R., 382.) Shall freight-house truckers receive pay for service performed after hav- ing received advance notice that they would be required to work? Decided: That dispute in question covers difference of opinion between carrier and employees as to application of certain national agreement rules, and in- asmuch as no specific claims have been presented, case is removed from docket and file closed. (Decision No. 377.) 378a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (II, R. L. B., 382.) Controversy regarding claim of stenographer for vacation with pay. Decided: That in accordance with past practice the employee involved in this dispute is not entitled to vacation with pay. (Decision No. 378.) 379a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (II, R. L. B., 383.) Question as to abolition and creation of certain positions conflicting with rule 84 of agreement. Decided: That there was no violation of rule 84 of agreement in the reorganization of department in question, there- fore carrier's position is sustained. (Decision No. 379.) 380a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway. (II, R. L. B., 384.) Claim of clerk in office of assistant to division superintendent for work performed in claim department. Decided: That inasmuch as authority vested in the Board by the Transportation Act does not extend beyond ter- ritorial limits of United States, Board decides it has no jurisdiction in this case. (Decision No. 380.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 129 381a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway (Nashville Terminals). (II, R. L. B., 384.) Request that rate of pay of operator-leverman be increased to rate for- merly paid operator doing similar kind of work at another point in same yard. Decided: That request of employees is denied. (Decision No 381.) 382a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway. (II, R. L. B., 385.) Request for increased rates of pay of milk handlers. Decided: That re- quest of employees is denied. (Decision No. 382.) 383a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad.. (II, R. L. B., 386.) Claim of copy operator, assigned to duty seven days a week, for com- pensation for Sundays on which the regular duties of his position were handled by train dispatcher. The carrier states that decreased Sunday work enabled train dispatcher to handle copy operator's work. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 383.) 384a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Mobile & Ohio Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 387.) How shall the increases specified in Decision No. 2 be applied to laborers, store helpers, and stockmen employed in the store department? The em- ployees claim that the laborers in question perform more than four hours' clerical work per day and should be paid as clerks. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 384.) 385a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste, Marie Railway. (II, R. L. B., 388.) Request for increased rates of pay for milk handlers. Decided: Request of employees is denied. (Decision No. 385.) 386a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship_Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 389.) Claim of clerk in mechanical superintendent's office for vacation with pay. Decided: That, in accordance with past practice, employee in ques- tion is not entitled to compensation requested. (Decision No. 386 ) 387a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. (II, R. L. B., 389.) Question as to warehouse employees being paid double time for work performed on Sundays and holidays. Decided: That this controversy does not involve specific compensation claims, therefore will be considered ad- denda to rule's submission presented in accordance with Decision No. 119. Docket is therefore closed. (Decision No. 387.) 388a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway. (II, R. L. B., 390.) Question as to restoration of employee to position of seal clerk and pay- ment of difference in salary. Decided: That as a request has been made for withdrawal of the dispute, case is removed from the docket and file closed. (Decision No. 388.) 389a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway. (II, R. L. B., 390.) Dispute concerning bulletining of new position and vacancies. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, case is removed from the docket and file closed. (Decision No. 389.) 130 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 390a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway. (II, R. L. B., 390.) Dispute concerning vacation period for certain clerical employees. Dc- cided: Withdrawal having been requested, case is removed from docket and file closed. (Decision No. 390.) 391a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees v. New York Central Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 390.) Are employees engaged in loading and unloading cars and performing work of a similar nature entitled to increase of 12 cents per hour or 83 cents per hour? Carrier contends that 83 cents per hour is proper com- pensation. Decided: That the employees in question are not storeroom freight handlers or truckers within the intent of section 7, Article II of Decision No. 2, and that the carrier's claim is sustained. (Decision No. 391.) 392a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. New York Central Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 391.) Claim of senior clearing-house employee for bulletined positions in the correspondence rate department. Decided: Agreed in hearing November 3, 1921, that this dispute should receive further investigation. This case is therefore removed from the docket and file closed. (Decision No. 392.) 393a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. New York Central Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 393.) Request for reinstatement of clerk dropped from service without reduc- tion in force. Decided: Employees having requested withdrawal and car- rier having concurred therein, case is removed from the docket and file closed. (Decision No. 393. ) 394a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway. (II, R. L. B., 392.) Claim of clerk for additional compensation account performing additional work in maintenance of way department. Decided: Board believes au- thority vested in it by Transportation Act does not extend beyond the ter- ritorial limits of the United States, therefore case is removed from docket and file closed. (Decision No. 394.) 395a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway. (II, R. L. B., 392.) Claim of clerical employees for Saturday afternoon off, with pay, in ac- cordance with rule 57, clerks' national agreement. Decided: Withdrawal of this dispute having been requested, case is removed from docket and file closed. (Decision No. 395.) 396a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. (II, R. L. B., 392.) Request for reinstatement of clerk, office of comptroller. Decided: That request of employee is denied. (Decision No. 396.) 397a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Central Railroad of New Jersey. (II, R. L. B., 393.) Claim of employees that hoisting engineers when required to do me- chanics' work should be paid mechanics' rate. Decided: That Decision No. 2 has been properly applied and therefore claim of employees is de- nied. (Decision No. 397.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 131 398a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Texas & Pacific Railway. (II, R. L. B., 394.) Question as to reinstatement of former section foreman with pay for time lost. Decided: That claim for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 398.) 399a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts) v. Gulf Coast Lines. (II, R. L. B., 394.) Question as to reinstatement and pay of former car inspector. Decided: That the dismissal of this employee was not justified; that he shall be reinstated and paid for time lost less any amount he may have earned at other employment since date of dismissal. (Decision No. 399.) 400a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway. (II, R. L. B., 394.) Application Decision No. 2 to telegraph and telephone linemen coming within scope of rule 15 of national agreement covering Federated Shop Crafts. Decided: That Interpretation No. 3 to Decision No. 2 shall gov- ern in applying increases to telegraph and telephone linemen in question. (Decision No. 400.) 401a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts) v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway. (II, R. L. B., 395.) Question as to reinstatement of machinist and payment for time lost. Decided: That this employee's dismissal was not justified and that he shall be reinstated with seniority rights unimpaired. (Decision No. 401.) 402a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts) v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 396.) Question as to reinstating former boilermaker with full seniority rights. Decided: That in view of evidence before it, this employee shall be rein- stated with full seniority rights and be paid for time lost, less any amount earned at other employment since dismissal. (Decision No. 402.) 403a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts) v. Gulf Coast Lines. (II, R. L. B., 397.) Question as to reinstatement of former car inspector and payment for time lost. Decided: Based upon evidence submitted, employee in ques- tion was unjustly dismissed and shall be reinstated to former position with seniority rights unimpaired and paid for time lost less any amount earned since date of his dismissal. (Decision No. 403.) 404a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts) v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway. (II, R. L. B., 397.) Shall former blacksmith be reinstated with full seniority rights and be paid for time lost? Decided: As a result of evidence submitted that claim for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 404.) 405a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts) V. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 397.) Question as to telephone and telegraph supervisors being permitted to perform mechanics' work in violation of rule 32 of national agreement. Decided: That Board does not construe language of rule 32 to prohibit supervisory employees from instructing other employees in the perform- auce of their work-necessitating performing certain mechanics' work. However, employees in question have been performing service other than properly assigned to mechanics, which is contrary to the intent of the above rule and should be discontinued. (Decision No. 405.) 132 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 406a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 399.) Question as to certain specified positions of crossing watchmen being ex- cepted from provisions of section (a-12), Article V, maintenance of way agreement. Decided: That further conference should be held in compliance with section (a-12), Article V. Carrier should consider case on basis of present conditions. Rates established by carrier in 1917 should have no bearing on the question at issue. (Decision No. 406.) 407a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. New York Central Railroad (West of Buffalo). (II, R. L. B., 401.) Question (1) as to application Addendum No. 2 to Decision No. 119 to overtime rates on regular and special assignments. (2) Does Addendum No. 2 affect payment under the call rule as embodied in the national agree- ment? Decided: (1) Under provisions of Addendum No. 2 to Decision No. 119, pro rata rate shall be paid for regular and special assignments of signal department employees, etc. (2) Inasmuch as call rule referred to specifies allowance of two hours at overtime rate," Board decides that the overtime provisions of Addendum No. 2 shall apply in connection with the applica- tion of this rule. (Decision No. 407.) 408a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (II, R. L. B., 402.) Question as to right of carrier to lay off certain section laborers whose services had proven unsatisfactory and retain employees junior in the serv- ice when reductions in force were made. Decided: After considering evi- dence before it, Board decides that the carrier was within its rights in reducing force in the manner outlined. (Decision No. 408.) 409a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 403.) Dispute regarding assignment of working foremen at small outlying points. Decided: That in this case the carrier was not justified in displac- ing this employee; that he shall be reinstated to his former position with seniority rights unimpaired, but having declined position offered shall be reimbursed only to the extent that he suffered a wage loss. (Decision No. 409.) 410a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Great Northern Railway. (II, R. L. B., 405.) Question as to reinstatement of machinist dismissed from service and allowing payment for time lost. Decided: After carefully considering both written and oral evidence, Board decides that this employee shall be rein- stated to his former position without impairment of seniority rights, but paid for time lost. (Decision No. 410.) 411a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Pennsylvania System. (II, R. L. B., 405.) Question concerning supervisory employees receiving payment under pro- visions of agreement between United States Railroad Administration and the United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers for overtime performed after eight hours. Decided: That in accordance with the rules of the agreement mentioned, employees in question are not entitled to overtime for service performed. (Decision No. 411.) 412a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway. (II, R. L. B., 406.) Shall foremen in the maintenance of way department be permitted to have an agreement separate from other employees in that department who had previously taken a ballot to establish their claim to the right of repre- sentation? Decided: That under the circumstances the carrier was justi- DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 133 fied in taking the ballot mentioned and that inasmuch as this action was conducted with the approval of interested parties, it shall be considered bona fide and the result considered final. (Decision No. 412.) 413a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Sioux City Terminal Railway. (II, R. L. B., 407.) Has carrier the right to arbitrarily reduce wages of maintenance of way employees without authorization of the Board or consent of employees to such reduction? Decided: No. (Decision No. 413.) 414a. Petition of Brotherhood of Painters. Decorators, and Paperhangers of America for Rehearing on Docket No. 735, Decision No. 227. (II, R. L. B., 408.) Application of organization for rehearing on Docket No. 735, Decision No. 227. Decided: After carefully considering motion for rehearing, Board declines to reopen case. (Decision No. 414.) 415a. International Union of Steam and Operating Engineers v. New York Central Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 408.) Are stationary engineers in the employ of carrier mentioned properly classified and paid? Decided: That in the absence of agreement between the complainant organization and carrier, investigation shall be made to determine the character of the work being performed by the employees in question. If unable to reach agreement, matter may again be submitted to the Board in accordance with section 301 of the Transportation Act. (Decision No. 415.) 416a. International Union of Steam and Operating Engineers v. New York Central Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 409.) Question as to proper classification and pay of stationary engineers. Decided: That joint investigation shall be held for benefit of interested parties; if no agreement reached, matter may again be referred to the Board as provided in Transportation Act. (Decision No. 416.) 417a. International Union of Steam and Operating Engineers v. New York Central Railroad. (II, R. L. B. 409.) Proper classification and pay of stationary engineers. Decided: That agreement not having been reached, joint investigation should be held, giving interested parties an opportunity to participate; if agreement can not be reached, matter may again be submitted, as provided in Trans- portation Act. (Decision No. 417.) 418a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Long Island Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 410.) Question as to polling watchmen in order to ascertain what organization shall negotiate working agreement and form of ballot. Decided: That a pool shall be taken, in which all interested parties will be privileged to participate, for the purpose of ascertaining the representatives of the employees who are to conduct negotiations with the carrier. (Decision No. 418.) 419a. International Association of Railroad Supervisors of Mechanics v. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway. (II, R. L. B., 413.) Dispute regarding right of organization in question to negotiate rules and working conditions affecting supervisory positions in the mechanical department. Decided: That a poll shall be taken, in which all interested parties will be privileged to participate, for the purpose of ascertaining the representatives of the employees who are to conduct negotiation with the carrier. (Decision No. 419.) 420a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. New York Central Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 416.) Request that three employees now classified and paid as drawbridge opera- tors be reclassified and paid as levermen. Decided: That claim for reclassifi- tion and rate of levermen is denied. (Decision No. 420.) 11 134 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 421a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Grand Trunk Railway System (Western Lines). (II, R. L. B., 417.) Are employees who were in the service of the carrier May 1, 1920, and who remained therein up to and including 12.01 a. m., July 20, 1920, and employees who entered the service subsequent to May 1, 1920, and remained therein up to and including 12.01 a. m., July 20, 1920, entitled to the increases established by Decision No. 2 for the time so served? Decided: Yes. See Interpretation No. 19 to Decision No. 2. (Decision No. 421.) 422a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Detroit & Toledo Shore Line Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 417.) Alleged refusal of carrier to negotiate rules and working conditions. Decided: That case be considered closed. However, should further evidence be submitted, such evidence will be given due consideration. (Decision No. 422.) 423a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (II, R. L. B., 418.) Question regarding proper compensation for three employees temporarily assigned to perform emergency telegraph line work. Decided: That the service in question should be compensated in accordance with rule 10; therefore, the employees in question should be reimbursed the difference between the amount they would have earned according to rule 10 and that allowed by rule 15. (Decision No. 423.) 424a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. New York Central Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 419.) Request for reinstatement of former machinist dismissed from the service account alleged insubordination. Decided: That claim for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 424.) 425a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. Toledo & Ohio Central Railway. (II, R. L. B., 419.) Dispute growing out of difference of opinion as to the right of organiza- - tion to represent certain employees in the mechanical crafts. Decided: That conference be arranged between interested parties for the purpose of conducting further ballot (previous vote to be considered void) in accord- ance with procedure outlined in Decision No. 218 of this Board. (Decision No. 425.) 426a. Boston & Maine Railroad et al. v. Brotherhood of Railway and Steam- ship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees et al. (II, R. L. B., 421.) Carriers' request for elimination of rate inequalities. Decided: That effective December 16, 1921, the present differential between daily-rated employees and those working on a six- and seven-day-per-week basis shall be abolished by reducing daily rate of seven-day-per-week employees to the daily rate paid six-day-per-week employees. (Decision No. 426.) 427a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 423.) Request for continuation of national agreement in accordance with rule extending Decision No. 2 to include this carrier. Decided: That this case be considered closed, in view of agreement subsequently negotiated between parties named. (Decision No. 427.) 428a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 423.) Question concerning application of Decision No. 2 to seamstresses in up- holstery department. Decided: That agreement having been negotiated subsequent to filing this dispute, case is considered closed without preju- dicing right of interested parties in making further submission if necessary. (Decision No. 428.), DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 135 429a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 424.) Alleged violation rules 39 and 49 of national agreement. Decided: Sub- sequent to filing this dispute agreement had been negotiated and consum- mated. Case is therefore considered closed. (Decision No. 429.) 430a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 424.) } Dismissal of car cleaner in alleged violation of rule 37 of national agree- ment. Decided: Subsequent agreement having been negotiated and con- summated between above-named parties, case is considered closed. (De- cision No. 430.) 431a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 424.) Dispute regarding protest against carrier's plan of employee represen- tation. Decided: In view of the fact that subsequent to filing this dispute agreement has been negotiated between above-named parties, case is con- sidered closed. (Decision No. 431.) 432a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 425.) Alleged violation of national agreement in closing certain shops and refusing to recognize committee. Decided: Agreement having been sub- sequently negotiated and consummated, case will be considered closed without prejudicing right of either party in submitting further submis- sion. (Decision No. 432.) 433a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 425.) Question regarding dismissal of seven women, car cleaners. Decided: Agreement having been subsequently negotiated and consummated between the above-named parties, case will be considered closed. (Decisión No. 433.) 434a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 425.) Dispute in regard to alleged violation of rule 37 of national agreement in dismissal of car cleaner. Decided: That this case will be considered closed, as Board understands that subsequent to filing this dispute agree- ment has been consummated between above-named parties, (Decision No. 434.) 435a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 426.) Alleged violation rules 32 and 33 of national agreement. Decided: Board understands that subsequent to filing this dispute agreement has been negotiated and consummated between above-named parties. Case closed without prejudicing right of parties in making further submission if desired. (Decision No. 435.) 436a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 426.) Dispute in regard to dismissal of general chairman of sheet-metal workers. Decided: Board understands that subsequent to filing this dis- pute agreement had been negotiated and consummated between interested parties. Case is therefore considered closed. (Decision No. 436.) 437a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 427.) Alleged violation of national agreement rules 1, 27, and 36 in closing certain repair shops. Decided: Because of agreement having been nego- tiated and consummated subsequent to filing of this dispute, case will be considered closed. (Decision No. 437.) 136 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Į 438a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 427.) Alleged violation of national agreement in dismissing car cleaner. Decided: Because of agreement having been negotiated and consummated subsequent to filing of this dispute, case will be considered closed. (De- cision No. 438.) 439a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 427.) Question concerning increasing basic day to 9 hours, making total of 50 hours per week. Decided: Because of agreement having been negotiated and consummated subsequent to filing of this dispute, case will be con- sidered closed. (Decision No. 439.) 440a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 428.) Correct computation of overtime worked by certain employees in the truck department. Decided: Case will be considered closed, in view of the fact that Board understands an agreement has been negotiated and consummated subsequent to filing of this dispute. (Decision No. 440.) 441a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 428.) Question regarding alleged dismissal of carman. Decided: Because of agreement having been negotiated and consummated sebsequent to the filing of this dispute, case will be considered closed. (Decision No. 441.) 442a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 428.) Controversy regarding reinstatement of employee to position of painter mechanic. Decided: Agreement having been negotiated and consummated subsequent to the filing of this dispute, case will be considered closed. (Decision No. 442.) 443a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 429.) Controversy regarding dismissal of car cleaners. Decided: Because of agreement having been negotiated and consummated subsequent to the filing of this dispute, case will be considered closed. (Decision No. 443.) 444a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 429.) Dispute concerning alleged discharge of car cleaner. Decided: Agree- ment having been negotiated and consummated subsequent to filing of this dispute, case will be considered closed. (Decision No. 444.) 445a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 430.) Dispute concerning dismissal of car cleaner. Decided: Subsequent to filing of this dispute with Board for decision, agreement has been nego- tiated and consummated; therefore, case is considered closed. (Decision No. 445.) 446a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 430.) Dispute concerning discharge of six car cleaners. Decided: Subsequent to filing of this dispute with the Board for decision, agreement has been negotiated and consummated; therefore, case is considered closed. (De- cision No. 446.) 447a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 430.) Question regarding correct overtime rate affecting certain employees in the trimming department. Decided: Because of agreement having been negotiated and consummated subsequent to the filing of this dispute, case will be considered closed. (Decision No. 447.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 137 448a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 431.) Controversy regarding dismissal of blacksmith helper. Decided: Be- cause of agreement having been negotiated and consummated subsequent to the filing of this dispute, case will be considered closed. (Decision No. 448.) 449a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 431.) Question regarding discharge of electrical worker. Decided: Because of agreement having been negotiated and consummated subsequent to the filing of this dispute, case will be considered closed. (Decision No. 449.) 450a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 431.) Controversy regarding dismissal of four car cleaners. Decided: Because of agreement having been negotiated and consummated subsequent to the filing of this dispute, case will be considered closed. (Decision No. 450.) 451a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 432.) Controversy regarding unjust dismissal of seven car cleaners. Decided: Subsequent to filing of this dispute with Board for decision, agreement has been negotiated; therefore, same is considered closed. (Decision No. 451.) 452a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 432.) Dispute regarding dismissal of machinist. Decided: Because of agree- ment having been negotiated and consummated subsequent to the filing of this dispute, case will be considered closed. (Decision No. 452.) 453a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 433.) Question regarding violation of rule 37 of the national agreement. De- cided: Because of agreement having been negotiated and consummated sub- sequent to the filing of this dispute, case will be considered closed. (Deci- sion No. 453.) 454a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 433.) Question regarding dismissal of vacuum operators. Decided: Because of agreement having been negotiated and consummated subsequent to the filing of this dispute, case will be considered closed. (Decision No. 454.) 455a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pullman Co. (II, R. L. B., 433.) Dispute regarding dismissal of five car cleaners. Decided: Subsequent to filing of this dispute agreement has been consummated; therefore, case is considered closed. (Decision No. 455.) 456a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Arizona Eastern Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 434.) Question as to employees represented by above organization being en- titled to rules and working agreement provided in Decision No. 119. De- cided: Request for withdrawal having been received, case is considered closed. (Decision No. 456.) 457a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Illinois Central Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 434.) Request for reinstatement of three clerks. Decided: Interested parties having agreed to the withdrawal of this dispute, case is removed from the docket and file closed. (Decision No. 457.) 138 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 458a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Illinois Central Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 434.) Dispute in connection with bulletined position not awarded to senior employee, carrier claiming that the employee who was denied assignment was not qualified by experience or training to perform the duties of the position, which required other than clerical ability. Decided: Based on evidence before it, including proceedings of hearing, Board sustains action of the carrier. (Decision No. 458.) 459a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (II, R. L. B., 435.) Dispute regarding payment of certain clerical employees on monthly basis instead of daily basis. Decided: That this case shall be removed from the docket and the files closed, inasmuch as rule in dispute has been considered in previous conferences in accordance with Decision No. 119. (Decision No. 459.) 460a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Gulf & Ship Island Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 436.) Shall clerk in the freight station-be permitted to exercise seniority rights in the office of superintendent of transportation? Decided: That the officers in question are not within the same seniority district as contemplated in article quoted; therefore, employees' claim is denied. (Decision No. 460.) 461a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Illinois Central Railroad. (II, Ŕ. L. B., 437.) Claim of certain clerical employees in the general offices for additional compensation covering Saturday afternoon service. Decided: That the language in rule 57, clerks' agreement, provides for allowing employees to be off a part of the day on Saturdays (where such practice is in effect), but in cases of emergency it does not provide for compensation on such days. (Decision No. 461.) 462a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis Southwestern Railway. (II, R. L. B., 438.) Request of employees that engine-crew caller be permitted to exercise his seniority to displace crew caller in another department at the same point after his position had been abolished and the duties thereof trans- ferred to other callers. Decided: Inasmuch as national agreement rules mentioned have not been violated, claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 462.) 463a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Gulf & Ship Island Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 439.) Question regarding the right of clerk in chief dispatcher's office to ex- ercise seniority rights in the local freight office, the carrier claiming that the two positions were not in the same seniority district. Decided: That under the provisions of the rules in effect employee mentioned should be permitted to exercise his seniority rights to the position in the local freight office. (Decision No. 463.) 464a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Gulf & Ship Island Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 440.) Question regarding right of clerk to exercise seniority rights in connec- tion with abolishment of position. Decided: Both parties to this dispute having requested withdrawal, case is removed from the docket and file closed. (Decision No. 464.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 139 465a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis-San Francisco Railway. (II, R. L. B., 440.) Question as to continuation of rate established by Railroad Adminis- tration governing check clerks after expiration of Federal control. Decided: That the rate established ($91 per month) will, in accordance with clerks' agreement, Decision No. 2 of this Board and the Transportation Act, remain in effect until changed by agreement or decision of this Board. (Decision No. 465.) 466a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (II, R. L. B., 441.) Dispute regarding classification and compensation of baggageman-clerk, a change in which the employees claim established a new position and required the payment of rate for similar kind and class of work in the seniority district where the change was made. Decided: Based on evidence submitted, with respect to the duties of this position, Board sustains carrier's position. (Decision No. 466.) 467a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway. (II, R. L. B., 442.) Request for reinstatement of two clerks dismissed from the service for alleged violation of carrier's rules. Decided: That request for reinstate- ment is denied. (Decision No. 467.) 468a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. (II, R. L. B., 444.) Claim for compensation covering work performed Saturday afternoons. Decided: That the language in rule 57 of clerks' agreement provides for allowing employees to be off a part of the day on Saturdays (where such practice is in effect), but in case of emergency it does not provide for com- pensation on such days. (Decision No. 468.) 469a.. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. (II, R. L. B., 445.) Compensation claim covering work performed Saturday afternoons. Decided: That the language in rule 57, clerks' agreement, provides for allowing employees to be off a part of the day on Saturdays (where such practice is in effect), but in cases of emergency it does not provide for compensation on such days. (Decision No. 469.) 470a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. (II, R. L. B., 446.) Claim for additional compensation covering Saturday afternoon service. Decided: That the language in rule 57, clerks' agreement, provides for allowing employees to be off a part of the day on Saturdays (where such practice is in effect), but in cases of emergency it does not provide for compensation on such days. (Decision No. 470.) 471a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis-San Francisco Railway. (II, R. L. B., 447.) Question as to inclusion of toll-bridge collector's position within scope of rule 1, Article I, national agreement. Decided: That the position in ques- tion does not come within the scope of agreement; therefore, employees' claim is denied. (Decision No. 471.) 50960°-24-10 + 140 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 472a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Erie Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 447.) Controversy as to reinstatement and compensation for time lost. Parties at interest having requested withdrawal, case is removed from docket and file closed. (Decision No. 472.) Decided: 473a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis-San Francisco Railway. (II, R. L. B., 448.) Time claim of various clerks account election service. Decided: That claim is denied. (Decision No. 473.) 474a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis-San Francisco Railway. (II, R. L. B., 448.) Dispute regarding alleged abolishment of past practice whereby em- ployees receive compensation for time lost. Decided: Evidence indicates no specific dispute involved, and inasmuch as question of pay for time lost was disposed of in Decision No. 119, the case is removed from the docket and file closed. (Decision No. 474.) 475a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. (II, R. L. B., 448.) Compensation claim of yard clerk account not being permitted to exer- cise seniority rights. Decided: That employee in question possessed re- quirements necessary to perform duties of position in question and under rules quoted is entitled to rate applicable to the position; therefore em- ployees' position is sustained. (Decision No. 475.) 476a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (II, R. L. B., 449.) Shall general office clerks be included in the same agreement on rules and working conditions as the clerks outside the general offices, or shall the general office clerks be permitted to negotiate a separate agreement for themselves? Decided: That employees in question should be covered by same agreement as other clerks. Groups of employees covered by Decision No. 220 constitute class of employees covered by clerks' agreement. (De- cision No. 476.) 477a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Illinois Central Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 450.) Shall general office clerks be included in the same agreement on rules and working conditions as the clerks outside the general offices, or shall the general office clerks be permitted to negotiate a separate agreement for themselves? Decided: That employees in question should be covered by same agreement as other clerks. Groups of employees covered by Decision No. 220 constitute class of employees covered by clerks' agreement. (De- cision No. 477.) 478a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis Southwestern Railway. (II, R. L. B., 451.) Dispute regarding request of clerk for reinstatement with pay for all time lost. Decided: That the purpose of discipline having been fulfilled by suspension served, employee shall be reinstated to former position, but without compensation for time lost. (Decision No. 478.) 479a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis Southwestern Railway. (II, R. L. B., 452.) Does rule 49, clerks' agreement, prescribing a monthly-rate basis to cover all services rendered apply to positions of warehouse foremen? Decided: That the positions of warehouse foremen are not analogous to those defined DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 141 as other office and station employees" in rule 1, clerks' agreement; there- fore, rule 49 is not applicable to these positions. Position of employees is sustained. (Decision No. 479.) 480a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Northern Pacific Rail- way. (II, R. L. B., 453.) Request that engineer be reinstated and paid for time lost. Decided: That employee in question shall be reinstated without pay for time lost, provided he gives assurance to proper officials of willingness to abide by rules. (Decision No. 480.) 481a. Order of Railway Conductors et al. v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 455.) Controversy regarding claim of conductors for mine and switching run rate. Decided: That under provisions of schedule and instructions issued when the straightaway runs were inaugurated, in addition to actual station switching, employees' position is sustained. (Decision No. 481.) 482. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. New York, Ontario & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 456.) Controversy over payment of terminal mileage on milk trains operated as first class. Decided: As provided in Article V, engineers' schedule, engi- neers and firemen on milk trains receive freight service rates; therefore, claim is denied. Article IV (on which employees' claim is based) refers to passenger service only. (Decision No. 482.) 483a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Philadelphia & Reading Railway. (II, R. L. B., 457.) Request for outside hostler rate for hostlers making main-track move- ments. Decided: That outside hostler rates shall apply when required to handle engines between passenger stations and enginehouse or yards or on main tracks. (Decision No. 483.) 484a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Colorado & Southern Railway. (II, R. L. B., 459.) Controversy as to proper rate of pay for footboard yardmasters under Decision No. 2 Decided: That if employee in question is required to per- form duties of engine foreman in addition to yardmaster duties, 40 cents per day in excess of foreman's rate is just and reasonable and should be applied. (Decision No. 484.) 485a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. El Paso & Southwestern System. (II, R. L. B., 460.) Claim for mileage under Article XXVII of engineers and firemen's joint schedule. Decided: Parties at interest having agreed upon settlement, case is withdrawn from consideration by the Board. (Decision No. 485.) 486a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. El Paso & Southwestern System. (II, R. L. B., 461.) Claim of engineers and firemen account being run around in yard. Car- rier denied claim. Decided: After considering evidence submitted, car- rier's position sustained. (Decision No. 486.) 487a. Order of Railway Conductors et al. v. Los Angeles & Salt Lake Rail- road. (II, R. L. B., 462.) Question regarding proper compensation for brakemen in local passen- ger service. Decided: That the $30 per month specified in section 1, Arti- cle VII, Decision No. 2, should be added to the monthly rate established by General Order No. 27. Same method of procuring daily and hourly basis of pay shall be maintained. (Decision No. 487.) 142 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 488a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Virginian Railway. (II, R. L. B., 463.) Request for abolishment of rule 3, special instructions in current time card, governing train operation. Carrier contends that the promulgation of operating rules is solely a managerial question and that it must have the right to make the rules which it feels will result in safe operation. Decided: That position of carrier is sustained. (Decision No. 488.) 489a. United Association of Railway Employees of North America v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. (II, R. L. B., 464.) Controversy regarding dismissal of various yardmen and carrier's re- fusal to hear committee. Decided: Not being able to determine wherein rules have been violated by carrier, case is dismissed. (Decision No. 489.) 490a. United Association of Railway Employees of North America v. Chicago, Terre Haute & Southeastern Railway. (II, R. L. B., 465.) Submission involving dismissal of four brakemen. Decided: Employees in question having been dismissed account employment applications not having been approved, Board unable to determine wherein any rules vio- lated by carrier. Case therefore dismissed. (Decision No. 490.) 491a. Order of Railway Conductors et al. v. Northwestern Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 465.) Time claim of conductor and crew for switching at terminal. Decided: Matter complained of in this application having occurred prior to the pas- sage of the Transportation Act, Board decides it has no jurisdiction, and application is therefore dismissed. (Decision No. 491.) 492a. United Association of Railway Employees of North America v. Pitts- burgh & Lake Erie Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 465.) Request for reinstatement of yard brakemen dismissed account taking lunch period without permission of conductor in charge, thereby delaying not be overlooked; therefore, employees' request for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 492.) 493a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen et al. v. Chicago, St. Paul, Minne- apolis & Omaha Railway. (II, R. L. B., 466.) Reinstatement request of conductor with pay for time lost. Decided: Case is withdrawn from consideration by Board, agreement having been reached between interested parties. (Decision No. 493.) 494a. Order of Railway Conductors et al. v. Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railway Co. (II, R. L. B., 466.) Question regarding carrier's privilege to rearrange short turnaround passenger runs, thus avoiding excessive mileage or overtime. Decided: Question withdrawn from consideration by Board, inasmuch as parties at interest have agreed upon settlement. (Decision No. 494.) 495a. Order of Railway Conductors et al. v. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway. (II, R. L. B., 466.) Claim for reinstatement of conductor dismissed from service. Decided: That matter complained of having occurred before passage of Transporta- tion Act, Board decides it has no jurisdiction. (Decision No. 495.) 496a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. International & Great Northern Railway. (II, R. L. B., 466.) Controversy as to reinstatement of yard foreman with pay for time lost since dismissal. Decided: That the employees' contention can not be sus- tained and claim is therefore denied. (Decision No. 496.) 497a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen et al. v. Houston & Texas Central Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 467.) Request of brakeman for reinstatement and pay for time lost. Decided: That claim shall be denied. (Decision No. 497.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 143 498a. Order of Railway Conductors et al. v. Bangor & Aroostook Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 467.) Dispute regarding request for reinstatement of conductor with pay for time lost. Decided: That the violation of important operating rules can not be overlooked, therefore, employees' request for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 498.) 499a. Railroad Yardmasters of America v. Toledo & Ohio Central Railway. (II, R. L. B., 468.) Request for reinstatement of yardmasters dismissed from service. De- cided: After carefully considering all circumstances in connection with this case, claim is denied. (Decision No. 499.) 500a. United Association of Railway Employees of North America v. Belt Railway of Chicago. (II, R. L. B., 468.) Request for reinstatement and pay for time lost by yard brakeman and yard conductors, dismissed account inefficient service. Decided: That claim is denied. Existing conditions could not, apparently, be otherwise corrected. (Decision No. 500.) 501a. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway et al. v. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers. (II, R. L. B., 469.) Series of controversies relating to rules and working conditions of main- tenance of way employees. Decided: That the rules approved and promul- gated by the Labor Board are just and reasonable and shall apply to the employees affected and to the carriers who are "parties to the dispute,' except where carriers may have agreed with their employees upon any one or more of said rules, in which case the rule or rules agreed upon shall apply on said road. (Decision No. 501.) 502a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway. (II, R. L. B., 478.) Question as to carrier and clerks' organization negotiating agreement containing rules and working conditions governing certain clerical em- ployees. Decided: That request of organization for right to make agree- ment is denied. Nothing in this decision, however, shall infringe upon right of employees not members of the organization representing the majority, to present grievances. (Decision No. 502.) 503a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Florida East Coast Railway. (II, R. L. B., 478.) Question as to organization with which carrier shall negotiate agree- ment covering rules and working conditions for management of clerical and station service. Decided: That organization representing the ma- jority of clerical employees had the right to negotiate agreement apply- ing to classes included within scope of said agreement. (Decision No. 503.) 504a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 480.) (1) Shall carrier negotiate agreement with federated committee repre- senting employees composing various crafts? (2) Proper application Ad- dendum No. 2 to Decision No. 119 and effect of Decision No. 222 upon em- ployees involved in this dispute. Decided: (1) Because of similarity in work of six shop crafts, considered practicable to treat them as constituting class of employees mentioned in Transportation Act and Decision No. 119 of the Board; that said crafts may enter into joint agreement if so elected, provided system federation represents a majority of each craft. (2) Provisions Addendum No. 2 to Decision No. 119 shall be applied in ac- cordance with method prescribed therein, together with Interpretation No. 1 thereto. (Decision No. 504.) 144 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 505a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 481.) Claim of employees that proper seniority date of clerk in superintend- ent's office should be the date on which the position was classified as clerk. The carrier contends that seniority should date from the time employee entered the service. Decided: That rules of clerks' agreement are not retroactive in their aspect; therefore, position of carrier is sustained. (Decision No. 505.) 506a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 482.) Dispute with reference to indefinite leave of absence, stenographer, master mechanic's office. Carrier claims that rule 46, clerks' agreement, does not provide for indefinite leave of absence except for physical dis- ability, or as provided in rule 47. Decided: That in accordance with rules 46 and 47, clerks' agreement, Board sustains carrier's position. (De- cision No. 506.) 507a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press Station Employees v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 483.) Claim of clerk, chief dispatcher's office, for compensation covering time lost account sickness. Decided: Based on evidence before it, Board de- cides that past practice shall govern in this dispute; therefore, employee's claim is denied. (Decision No. 507.) 508a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Colorado & Southern Railway. (II, R. L. B., 483.) Claim for time lost account sickness; clerk, local freight office. De- cided: That in conformity with past practice and the necessity of em- ploying some one to perform work of absentee's position, Board denies claim of employees. (Decision No. 508.) 509a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway. (II, R. L. B., 484.) Dispute involving abolishment of past practice in claiming pay for time absent account sickness. Decided: File in this case is closed, inasmuch as parties at interest have requested its withdrawal. (Decision No. 509.) 510a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (II, R. L. B., 484.) Dispute as to furnishing clerical employees' representative with copy of seniority roster. Decided: That position of employees is sustained, inasmuch as rule 22 of national agreement provides that duly accredited representative shall receive copy of seniority roster. (Decision No. 510.) 511a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (II, R. L. B., 485.) Dispute as to furnishing duly accredited representative of employees with copy of seniority roster. Decided: In accordance with rule 22 of national agreement (quoted) copy of seniority roster shall, upon request, be fur- nished duly accredited representative: (Decision No. 511.) 512a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (II, R. L. B., 486.) Proper rate of pay applicable to clerk in office of auditor passenger ac- counts. Decided: That inasmuch as evidence submitted is not sufficiently clear and interested parties are agreeable to conducting further conferences, case is returned and file closed. (Decision No. 512.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 145 513a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (II, R. L. B., 486.) Question as to increasing positions of apron tenders at various stations in accordance with Decision No. 2. Decided: That the employees in ques- tion do not belong to the class of employees properly entitled to the 13-cent increase mentioned. (Decision No. 513.) 514a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. St. Louis & Hannibal Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 487.) Dispute as to agreement negotiations affecting maintenance of way em- ployees. Decided: To consider case closed. If no agreement reached after further conference, dispute will be given due consideration upon being so advised. (Decision No. 514.) 515a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Pennsylvania System. (II, R. L. B., 488.) Question concerning increase applicable to gang leaders or laborers under Decision No. 2 provisions. Decided: That the employees in question are entitled to increase of not less than 13 cents per hour, the minimum hourly increase accruing to any positions of supervisory nature specifically referred to in Division No. 2. (Decision No. 515.) 516a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Missouri Pacific Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 488.) Dispute pertaining to dismissal of two boilermakers. Decided: That organization in question having requested withdrawal of this case, docket is therefore considered closed. (Decision No. 516.) 517a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Pennsylvania System. (II, R. L. B., 488.) Request for pay for time lost by carpenters account illlegal strike of train and engine service employees. Decided: That, based on facts contained in statement, claim of employees for time lost is denied. (Decision No. 517.) 518a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 489.) Shall painters covered by paragraph (b), Decision No. 92 of this Board, receive the 15-cent increase specified in Decision No. 2, in addition to rates in effect March 1, 1920? Decided: Yes. (Decision No. 518.) 519a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Central Railroad of New Jersey. (II, R. L. B., 489.) Claim for compensation account carrier reducing working days to five days per week after extensive reduction in force had been made. Decided: That claim for payment account reduction in days per week shall be denied, inasmuch as carrier did not violate rule refered to. (Decision No. 519.) 520a. International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (II, R. L. B., 490.) Dispute pertaining to payment covering Sunday and holiday service. Decided: That this case is considered closed and if further submission is made, evidence previously submitted will be considered in connection with resubmission if desired. (Decision No. 520.) 521a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 490.) Dispute pertaining to the exercise of seniority rights to first-shift posi- tion when second shift abolished. Decided: That agreement having been reached between representatives of interested parties as to the application of section (e), Article II of the national agreement to pumpers, employees' claim is denied. (Decision No. 521.) 146 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 522a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 491.) Request for compensation at rate of time and one-half for ninth and tenth hours of continuous service for extra gang laborers removing snow from right of way. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 522.) 523a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway. (II, R. L. B., 492.) Dispute involving rights of track laborers in service less than six months. Decided: That seniority principle should be adhered to as closely as possible in reducing forces; however, agreement is not construed as imperative that carrier regard seniority until employees in question have served six months. Employees' claim denied. (Decision No. 523.) 524a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 493.) What constitutes an isolated point as applied to engine watchmen referred to in section (a-12), Article V of national agreement, except engine watchmen whose duties connected with taking care of engines consume more than 50 per cent of their time on duty. Decided: That engine watch- men at isolated points are those located at other than division terminals where there is no supervision and maintenance work is not performed on locomotives. (Decision No. 524.) 525a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway. (II, R. L. B., 494.) (1) Has system federation right to negotiate agreement covering water- service employees under jurisdiction maintenance of way department? (2) Have Federated Shop Crafts right to include water-service employees in their agreement? Decided: (1) Yes. (2) Yes. (Decision No. 525.) 526a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Virginian Railway. (II, R. L. B., 494.) Request for reinstatement of yard conductor dismissed from service. Decided: That this employee shall be reinstated without pay for time lost. (Decision No. 526.) 527a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Kansas City Southern Railway. (II, R. L. B., 495.) Dispute as to reinstatement of brakeman dismissed from service. Decided: That the claim of this employee can not be sustained, in view of past record and responsibility for this accident. (Decision No. 527.) 528a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen et al. v. Interstate Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 496.) Controversy as to request for reinstatement and pay of switchman dis- missed from service. Decided: After considering facts in case, employees in question shall be reinstated and paid for time lost since date of dis- missal. (Decision No. 528.) 529a. Brotherhood of Railroad Station Employees v. Boston Terminal Co. (II, R. L. B., 498.) Question involving application rule 66, national agreement, to daily- rated clerical and station employees. Decided: As previously decided in Decision No. 426 of this Board, rule 66 referred to does not apply to clerical and station employees, therefore, claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 529.) 530a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Wabash Railway. (II, R. L. B., 498.) Dispute relating to alleged violation of provisions of agreement in the abolishment and establishment of certain positions. Decided: As a result of evidence submitted, that carrier's action is in violation of rule 24 of agreement quoted. (Decision No. 530.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 147 531a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 499.) Question involving reinstatement of former ticket sorters with pay for time lost. Decided: That positions for which employees in question make claim having been abolished, Board orders dispute removed from the docket and file closed. (Decision No. 531.) 532a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis Southwestern Railway. R. L. B., 499.) (II, Request for reinstatement of clerk dismissed account overstaying leave of absence. Decided: That employees' request is denied. (Decision No. 532.) 533a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway. (II, R. L. B., 500.) Request for reinstatement of clerk in local freight office. Decided: That request for reinstatement is denied; however, back pay shall be paid under Decision No. 2 and in accordance with section 5, Interpretation No. 19 to Decision No. 2, prior to date of dismissal. (Decision No. 533.) 534a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 500.) Claim of telephone operator for right to exercise seniority to position on clerical seniority roster. Carrier states, and it is not denied by the employees, that the position was not included on the roster. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 534.) 535a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (II, R. L. B., 501.) Claim of employees that yard checker is entitled to rate paid clerk with more than one year's experience. Decided: Because of this employee's previous experience he is entitled to rate applying to clerk with more than one year's experience; therefore, position of employees is sustained. (Decision No. 535.) 536a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway. (II, R. L. B., 501.) Dispute involving carrier's refusal to grant transportation to general chairman. Decided: That employee should be furnished free transporta- tion inasmuch as he is still an employee on leave of absence. (Decision No. 536.) 537a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis-San Francisco Railway. (II, R. L. B., 502.) Controversy as to compensation due employees not granted annual va- cation for year 1921. Decided: That carrier's practice did not allow com- pensation for annual vacations not granted; therefore claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 537.) 538a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. (II, R. L. B., 503.) Controversy relating to senior applicant not being awarded bulletined position. Decided: That employee in question shall be given the oppor- tunity to qualify for this position, inasmuch as he possesses sufficient fitness and ability; however, he shall not be compensated for time out of carrier's service. (Decision No. 538.) 148 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 539a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Chicago & North Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 504.) Question involving reinstatement of blacksmith discharged account fighting on duty. Decided: That carrier was not justified in dismissing employee; that he shall be reinstated without impairment to seniority rights, but without pay for time lost. (Decision No. 539.) 540a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway. (II, R. L. B., 504.) Quesion regarding reinstatement of machinist and payment for time lost. Decided: That this employee shall be reinstated with seniority rights unimpaired, but without pay for time lost. (Decision No. 540.) 541a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 504.) Dispute involving application Addendum No. 2 to Decision No. 119 to pump repairers compensated on monthly basis. Decided: That Interpreta- tion No. 1 to Addendum No. 2 to Interpretation No. 119 covers question in dispute. (Decision No. 541.) 542a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (II, R. L. B., 505.) Application Addendum No. 2 to Decision No. 119 to certain employees performing work in connection with coal pier operation. Decided: That Interpretation No. 1 to Addendum No. 2 to Decision No. 119 covers question in dispute. (Decision No. 542.) 543a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Hocking Valley Railway. (II, R. L. B., 506.) Dispute relative to the intent of item 1, Addendum No. 2 to Decision No. 119, which provides that all overtime in excess of established hours of service shall be paid for at pro rata rate. Decided: That Interpreta- tion No. 1 to Addendum No. 2 to Decision No. 119 covers the question in dispute. (Decision No. 543.) 544a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Boston & Maine Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 507.) Controversy involving question of overtime rate for Sunday and holi- day work, submitted to the Board prior to the issuance of Decision No. 222. Decided: That Interpretation No. 1 to Addendum No. 2 to Decision No. 119 covers the question in dispute. (Decision No. 544.) 545a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway. (II, R. L. B., 508.) Question as to (1) overtime provisions of agreement entered into prior to Government control remaining in effect until final action of Board. (2) What constitutes classes of employees referred to in section 1, Ad- dendum No. 2 to Decision No. 119? Decided: That Interpretation No. 1 to Addendum No. 2 to Decision No. 119 covers question in dispute. (De- cision No. 545.) 546a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (II, R. L. B., 508.) Claim of employees that section foremen who are paid a monthly rate on a 313-day basis be allowed extra compensation for work performed on holidays. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 546.) 547a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Illinois Central Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 510.) Request of employees that overtime be paid to certain monthly-rated foremen for services performed on the seven designated holidays. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 517.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 149 548a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Illinois Central Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 510.) Shall pumpers and similar classes of employees paid under provisions of section (a−12), Article V of agreement, be paid overtime under sections (a-7), (a-8), (a−9), and (a-10) of said agreement? Decided: No. This does not include positions excepted in the last paragraph of section (a-12), Article V. (Decision No. 548.) 549a. Knights of Labor v. Boston & Maine Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 511.) Dispute concerning promoting senior laborer to position of helper. De- cided: The Board does not understand that the management was obliged to make the promotion in question under the provisions of agreement existing at the time this dispute arose. (Decision No. 519.) 550a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. (II, R. L. B., 512.) Request for compensation for time lost by employee unjustly dismissed from the service and later reinstated. Decided: That in view of the evi- dence shown in decision, this employee shall be paid $600 partial compen- sation for actual loss due to his dismissal. (Decision No. 550.) 551a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Texas & Pacific Railway. (II, R. L. B., 513.) Question as to reinstatement of former section foreman and payment for time lost. Decided: Based on written and oral evidence presented in this case, Board decides carrier's action was justified and denies claim for reinstatement. (Decison No. 551.) 552a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. San Antonio, Uvalde & Gulf Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 513.) Question concerning reinstatement of former section foreman with pay for time lost. Decided: That this dismissal was unjustified. That em- ployee shall be reinstated with seniority rights unimpaired and paid for all time lost less amount earned in other employment since date of dis- missal. (Decision No. 552.) 553a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Erie Railroad Co. et al. (II, R. L. B., 515.) Controversy relating to the payment of overtime work at pro rata rates instead of time and one-half time. Decided: That under the circumstances cited and in view of Interpretation No. 4 to Decision No. 119, carrier shall not be permitted to change the payment for overtime from a punitive to a pro rata basis. (Decision No. 553.) 554a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (II, R. L. B., 515.) Controversy involving claim of accounting department clerk for compen- sation covering time absent account sickness. Decided: After carefully reviewing evidence presented, and in accordance with past practice, that employee is not entitled to pay for time lost. (Decision No. 554.) 555a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway. (II, R. L. B., 516.) Request for reinstatement of clerk dismissed from service. Decided: That request for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 555.) 556a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway. (II, R. L. B., 516.) De- Question as to the request of checker for time lost account sickness. cided: In accordance with past practice, employee in question is not en- titled to payment covering time lost account sickness. (Decision No. 556.), 150 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 557a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway. (II, R. L. B., 517.) Controversy as to reinstatement of clerk. Decided: That request for re- instatement is denied. (Decision No. 557.) 558a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis Southwestern Railway. (II, R. L. B., 517.) Dispute regarding bulletined position not awarded senior applicant. Car- rier claims that employee in question did not have necessary qualifications and that where fitness and ability are not sufficient, seniority does not pre- vail. Decided: Based on evidence before it, Board decides that the position of carrier is sustained. (Decision No. 558.) 559a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Denver & Rio Grande Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 518.) Dispute regarding rate of pay and basis of compensation for messenger in local freight office. Decided: That further investigation should be held as to application provisions of rule 49. If no agreement reached, matter should be referred to the Board, giving full information as to the extent to which service requires continuous application. (Decision No. 559.) 560a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Mobile & Ohio Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 518.) Request for reinstatement of clerk dismissed from service. Decided: That request of employees is denied. (Decision No. 560.) 561a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (II, R. L. B., 519.) Controversy involving claim of clerk, office auditor of disbursements, for pay covering absence account sickness. Decided: That according to past practice employee involved is not entitled to pay for time lost account sick- ness. (Decision No. 561.) 562a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (II, R. L. B., 519.) Claim of clerk, office auditor miscellaneous accounts, for pay covering absence account sickness. Decided: That in accordance with past practice, employee involved is not entitled to pay for time lost account sickness. (Decision No. 562.) 563a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. (II, R. L. B., 520.) Claim of agent for pay under call rule. Decided: Matter complained of having occurred before passage of Transportation Act, Board decides that it has no jurisdiction. Case is therefore removed from docket and file closed. (Decision No. 563.) 564a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Denver & Rio Grande Rail- road. (II, R. L. B., 520.) Request for payment due train dispatcher for time lost account sickness, rules in effect providing that dispatches will be extended the same treat- ment as other division officials. Decided: After giving careful considera- tion to the statements made in this case, employees' position should be sus- tained. (Decision No. 564.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 151 565a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press- and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway. (II, R. L. B., 521.) Controversy as to warehouse employee being defined as clerk, in accord- ance with rule 4. Article II, of agreement. Decided: That the employee in question does not devote more than four hours a day to clerical work, therefore claim for classification as clerk is denied. (Decision No. 565.) 566a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway. (II, R. L. B., 521.) Claim of employees for three hours' pay account reporting for work at their regular starting time, not having been otherwise notified. Derided: That position of employees is sustained. (Decision No. 566.) 567a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway. (II, R. L. B., 522.) Question as to clerk's prior experience entitling her to increase of 6½ cents under provisions of Decision No. 2. Decided: That request for rein- statement with pay for time held out of service is denied; however, if employee desires to return to service, seniority rights shall be retained unimpaired. (Decision No. 567.) 568a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad: (II, R. L. B., 523.) Dispute pertaining to change in practice of letting employees in certain offices off for part of day on Saturday. Decided: Request for withdrawal having been received, case is removed from docket and file closed. (Decision No. 568.) 569a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Lehigh Valley Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 523.) Dispute concerning proper seniority of clerk. Decided: In hearing con- ducted by this Board, parties to this dispute agreed upon settlement. Case is therefore removed from docket and file closed. (Decision No. 569.) 570a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pennsylvania System. (II, R. L. B., 523.) Dispute as to the proper rate of pay applicable to clerk in office of super- intendent of car service. Decided: Board having been advised that dispute in question has been satisfactorily adjusted, case removed from docket and file closed. (Decision No. 570.) 571a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pennsylvania System. (II, R. L. B., 524.) Dispute in reference to seniority of clerk. Decided: Having been advised that satisfactory settlement has been reached, case is removed from docket and file closed. (Decision No. 571.) 572a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Gulf & Ship Island Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 524.) Dispute regarding claim of purchase department employee for time lost incident to reduction in days constituting weekly assignment. Decided: That inasmuch as rule 66, clerks' agreement, has been violated, employee shall be reimbursed for difference between amount received and what he would have received if permitted to work full assignment. (Decision No. 572.) 152 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 573a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. (II, R. L. B., 525.) Request for reinstatement of clerk, general yardmaster's office. Decided: That reinstatement request is denied. (Decision No. 573.) 574a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway. (II, R. L. B, 525.) Claim of daily-rated station employees for compensation covering holiday after being notified not to work. Decided: That in absence of any mutual agreement regarding holidays not mentioned in rule 64, employees men- tioned are entitled to pay covering Armistice Day, in accordance with rule 66 of agreement. (Decision No. 574.) 575a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Colorado & Southern Railway. (II, R. L. B., 526.) Dispute as to proper rate of compensation due head clerk, overcharge claim department. Decided: That this controversy having arisen during the period of Federal control, and having been decided by Director General of Railroads, Board has no jurisdiction. (Decision No. 575.) (II, 576a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis-San Francisco Railway. R. L. B., 526.) Request of file clerk for reinstatement with seniority unimpaired and pay for time held out of service. Decided: That pay for time lost is denied. If desired, return to service shall be permitted with seniority unimpaired; assignment to be made to first bulletined position to which seniority rights entitle her. (Decision No. 576.) 577a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway. (II, R. L. B., 527.) Claim of bill clerk for reimbursement covering time lost account having been refused opportunity to make displacement when reduction in force was made. Decided: That this employee shall be reinstated with seniority rights unimpaired and paid for time lost less amount earned in other em- ployment since date of dismissal. (Decision No. 577.) 578a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Co. (II, R. L. B., 528.) Question involving dispute as to the right of engine-house clerk to exer- cise seniority rights. Decided: That this employee shall be permitted to exercise seniority to any position within scope of agreement and be reim- bursed for time lost less amount earned since date laid off. (Decis.on No. 578.) 579a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Central Railroad Co. of New Jersey. (II, R. L. B., 529.) Question as to reinstating former section foreman with pay for time lost. Decided: That this employee shall be reinstated with seniority rights unim- paired, but without pay for time lost. (Decision No. 579.) 580a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (II, R. L. B., 529.) Shall exclusive operation of electric crane entitle employee to classifica- tion and rate provided in rule 141 of Federated Shop Crafts' agreement? Decided: Yes; to the effective date of reclassification established by Ad- dendum No. 6 to Decision No. 222. (Decision No. 580.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 153 581a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad. (II, R. L. B., 530.) Shall former car inspector be reinstated and paid for time lost? De- cided: That evidence submitted indicates management's action was justified. Reinstatement therefore denied. (Decision No. 581.) 582a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Joplin Union Depot Co. (III, R. L. B., 1.) Negotiation of rules to govern working conditions. Decided: That both parties have agreed to arrange a conference at the earliest possible date for the purpose of negotiating rules to govern working conditions. The file is therefore closed. (Decision No. 582.) 583a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Joplin Union Depot Co. (III, R. L. B., 1.) Question as to whether the carrier shall negotiate an agreement cover- ing rules for the government of working conditions of clerical employees with the Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees or with the Michigan Central Railroad Clerks' Association. Decided: That the duly authorized representatives of the interested parties shall hold a conference and take a vote of the em- ployees involved, as provided in the Board's Decision No. 218 and Adden- dum No. 1 thereto and Decision No. 220. When vote has been taken and legally counted the majority will govern. (Decision No. 583.) 584a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Fort Smith & Western Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 2.) Request for reinstatement of boilermaker and boilermaker helpers. De- cided: That request for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 584.) 585a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Norfolk & Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 2.) Does Addendum 2 to Decision No. 119 provide for continuation of over- time provisions of rule 7 of the national agreement covering shop employees of the Norfolk & Western Railway Co.? Decided: That Addendum 2 to Decision No. 119 was not intended to cover rule 7 of the so-called national agreement, and the provisions of this rule should therefore have remained in force and effect until August 16, 1921, the date of Decision No. 222. (Decision No. 585.) 586a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Great Northern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 3.) Request for reinstatement of machinist, with pay for time lost. Decided: That said employee be restored to his position with seniority rights unim- pared and paid for all time lost, less any amount earned while engaged in other employment. (Decision No. 586.) 587a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. Ann Arbor Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 3.) Request (1) that car inspector demoted to position of car repairer be restored to position of car inspector; (2) that car repairer, demoted from position of car inspector and laid off on account of reduction in force, be reinstated to position of car repairer and paid for time lost. Decided: That claim for reinstatement as car inspector is denied; that seniority us car inspector should have been taken into consideration when force was reduced and that employee be reinstated to position of car repairer with seniority rights unimpaired and paid for time lost as car repairer since removal from the service, less any amount earned in other employment. (Decision No. 587.) 588a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 4.) Request for reintsatement of 23 laborers in extra work-train gang, who were dismissed from service for alleged refusal to continue work until ar- rival of work train, which was late, and for which service they were 1 154 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. promised pro rata rate of pay. Decided: That action of carrier is sus- tained, but if employees seek reemployment they shall not be discriminated against and, if accepted, shall enter the service as new employees. (De- cision No. 588.) 589a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Central Railroad Co. of New Jersey. (III, R. L. B., 5.) Dispute in regard to basis of payment for track watchmen, the carrier taking the position that employees in question should be paid on a monthly basis in accordance with section a-12, Article V, of the maintenance of way national agreement. Decided: That on the evidence submitted the position of the carrier is sustained. (Decision No. 589.) 590a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Fort Worth & Denver City Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 5.) Request for reinstatement of blacksmith dismissed from service, with pay for time lost. Decided: That blacksmith shall be reemployed with same accumulated seniority with which he was credited on date of dis- missal, but shall not be paid for time lost. Time lost shall be deducted from his accumulated seniority. (Decision No. 590.) 591a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 6.) How should water-service foremen be reduced under Decision No. 147 of the Railroad Labor Board? Decided: That upon request of employees that case be withdrawn pending further effort to adjust disputes in con- ference with carrier, file is closed. (Decision No. 591.) 592a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Fort Worth & Denver City Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 6.) Dispute in regard to seniority of bridge and building foreman demoted from position of bridge and building supervisor and allowed to displace foreman his junior in service. Decided: Based upon facts as presented, and applicable only to this case, the position of the carrier is sustained. (Decision No. 592.) 593a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Texas & Pacific Railway. (III, R. L. B., 6.) Should employees in supervisory capacity in maintenance of way service receive extra compensation when required to supervise their gangs on Sun- days and holidays? Proper application of sections (e) and (h) of Article V of the maintenance of way national agreement. Decided: That the posi- tion of the carrier is sustained in regard to the manner in which section (h) of Article V has been applied up to July 1, 1921, effective date of Addendum 2 to Decision No. 119; that in the event no agreement has been reached effective December 16, 1921, section (h) of Article V of Decision No. 501 shall apply; that for all service considered as overtime for which extra compensation is provided the hourly rate of pay for such service shall be predicated upon 204 hours per month in accordance with section (e) of Article V of Decision No. 501, regardless of the hours or days that may be considered as the regular assignment of monthly-rated supervisory forces. (Decision No. 593.) 594a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Michigan Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 8.) Dispute in regard to the right of an assistant roadmaster whose position was abolished to disp! ce section foreman. Decided: That the appointment to the position of assistant roadmaster was not a temporary appointment and that the continuity of employee's service was not disturbed thereby; that as a result of being demoted he is entitled to position of section fore- man, displacing foreman junior in service; that displaced section foreman is entitled to retain his position provided he is not the junior section fore- man on the seniority district. (Decision No. 594.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 155 595a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Denver & Rio Grande Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 9.) Dispute in regard to interpretation of rules 5 and 7 of the national agreement of the International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers. Decided: That up to July 1, 1921, the effective date of Addendum 2 to Decision No. 119, the monthly rate shall be predicated upon 306 days per year and additional pay allowed for time worked on Sundays and holi- days; that subsequent to July 1, 1921, the provisions of Addendum 2 shall apply unless an agreement on this question has been reached pursuant to the provisions of Decision No. 119, in which event the rule agreed upon shall apply. (Decision No. 595.) 596a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 11.) Request of organization that practice of contracting work of track forces be discontinued. Decided: That upon receipt of advice from em- ployees that dispute had been satisfactorily adjusted the docket is closed. Decision No. 596.) 597a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 11.) Request for reinstatement with pay for time lost of carpenter dis- missed from service. Decided: That based upon evidence presented claim for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 597.) 598a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Fort Smith & Western Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 12.) Request for reinstatement of boilermaker dismissed from service for alleged violation of the Federal locomotive inspection laws. Decided: That employee be reinstated with seniority rights unimpaired and paid for time lost, less any amount he may have earned in other employment. (Dissenting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 598.) 599a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway System. (III, R. L. B., 13.) Request for reinstatement of employee dismissed from service account alleged improper drilling of locomotive frame. Decided: That carrier was justified in discipline administered, but in view of employee's past record his previous seniority shall be restored, and if such seniority entitles him to employment at this time he shall be restored to the service. Decision does not involve payment for time lost. (Decision No. 599.) 600a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Lehigh & New England Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 13.) Dispute in regard to proper classification and rating of certain work- train gangs emplowed by the carrier. Decided: That the provisions of Decision No. 501 of the Railroad Labor Board shall apply to the dispute in question. (Decision No. 600.) 601a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. New York Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 15.) Question of proper classification and rate of pay of assistant foreman. Employee worked as assistant foreman in extra track gang and when not so employed worked as a laborer at regular laborer's rates. Question is as to proper rate of pay while acting as assistant foreman. Decided: That the rate established by or under the authority of the United States Railroad Administration for assistant track foremen was 5 cents per hour in excess of rate paid laborers whom they supervise, which was the rate paid by the carrier, and position of carrier is therefore sustained. (Decision No. 601.) 50960°-24-11 156 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 602a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Kansas City, Mexico & Orient Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 16.) Does Addendum 2 to Decision No. 119 cancel overtime of employees in the maintenance of w: y department authorized by the United States Rail- road Administration where an agreement was not rea. hed in conference on rules establishing an assignment of hours to constitute a day's work? Decided: That Addendum 2 to Decision No. 119 was intended t› supersede the overtime conditions established by or under the authority of the United States Railroad Administration and the provisions thereof shall be applied in the manner prescribed therein in lieu of such rulings. (Decision No. 602.) 603a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway. (III, R. L. B., 16.) Claim for back pay of two bridge and building mechanics laid off in re- duction in force who failed to report for duty when notified, which notice they allege they did not receive. Decided: That claim for back pay is donied. (Decision No. 603.) 604a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Illinois Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 17.) Are labor foremen in shops and shop yards, who supervise laborers, covered by the agreement entered into by the Director General of Railroads and the maintenance of way organization? That upon request of rep- resentatives of employees to withdraw the case in order to again handle same with the carrier, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 604.) 605a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 17.) Claim of three employees in office of auditor of freight accounts for pay for time off account of sickness. Decided: That request of employees is de- nied. (Decision No. 605.) 606a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Gulf & Ship Island Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 18.) Dispute with reference to leave of absence for general chairman. De- cided: Inasmuch as it appears that after dispute was submitted to the Labor Board employee was relieved from service of the carrier (with appeal for reinstatement) there is nothing for the Board to decide. How- ever, if he should be reinstated, the Board would find that a leave of absence was proper and should be allowed so long as he remained the regularly chosen representative of the organization above named. (Dé- cision No. 606.) 607a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Railway. (III, R. L. B., 19.) Claim of clerks in the local freight office at Chicago, Ill., for payment for overtime worked in excess of eight hours per day in connection with the establishment of a 45-hour week. Decided: That inasmuch as employees' request for a 48-hour week was granted and hours arranged to suit their convenience, claim for overtime for work performed in excess of eight hours the first five days of the week is denied, as is also request for estab- lishment of 45-hour week. (Decision No. 607.) 608a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 21.) Request for reinstatement of employee. Decided: That employees hav- ing requested withdrawal of dispute and carrier having concurred therein, case is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 608.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 157 609a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. El Paso & Southwestern System. (III, R. L. B., 21.) Claim of telegraph operator at Octavia Street yard office, El Paso, Tex., to rate of pay of operator in the general telegraph office at that point from date the latter position was abolished. Decided: Claim of employee is denied. (Decision No. 609.) 610a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 22.) Request for restoration of past practice alleged to have existed in certain general offices allowing clerical employees time off without deduction in pay the afternoon of the day before Christmas and claim for pay for employees who were denied this privilege December 24, 1920. Decided: Request of employees denied. (Decision No. 610.) 611a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis. (III, R. L. B., 22.) Request for increase in rates of pay of train directors and levermen to restore differentials previously existing between these positions and posi- tions of dispatchers and signal maintainers, respectively. Decided: Evi- dence indicates that all orders of the Railroad Administration and decisions of the Railroad Labor Board affecting classes of employees involved have been properly applied. Request of employees is denied. (Decision No. 611.) 612a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- way Co. (III, R. L. B., 22.) Request for reinstatement of employee to position of assistant bill clerk and expense clerk at Tacoma, Wash. Decided: Based upon evidence sub- mitted, request for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 612.) 613a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 23.) Request for equalization of wages of express messengers on trains oper- ated between St. Louis and Kansas City, Mo. Decided: That employees having requested withdrawal of dispute and carrier having concurred therein, case is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 613.) 614a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 23.) Claim for back pay under Decision No. 3 of the Railroad Labor Board. Decided: That employees having requested the withdrawal of the dispute and the carrier having concurred therein, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 614.) 615a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 23.) Dispute with reference to proper compensation of express messengers on trains operated between Iometa and Eden, Tex. Decided: Interested parties have requested the withdrawal of this dispute and the docket is therefore closed. (Decision No. 615.) 616a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 23.) Request for equalization of pay of express messengers on trains operated between Kansas City, Mo., and Memphis, Tenn. Decided: Interested parties have requested withdrawal of this dispute and the case is therefore removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 616.) 158 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 617a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 24.) Claim of express messenger for free transportation from San Francisco to Los Angeles, Calif. Decided: Interested parties have requested with- drawal and the case is therefore removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 617.) 618a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 24.) Controversy regarding the right of the American Federation of Railroad Workers to negotiate an agreement covering car department employees on the eastern division of the carrier. Decided: That principle 15 of Decision No. 119 provides that a majority of any class of employees shall determine what organization shall represent the members of such class; that in view of the fact that the above-named organization does not represent a ma- jority of the carmen on the entire system, the position of the carrier in refusing to enter into negotiations with such organization is sustained. (Decision No. 618.) 619a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. New York Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 24.) Dispute with reference to train dispatchers whose positions were abol- ished, displacing employees in telegraph service, the carrier taking the position that its action was proper and in accordance with the agreement and with past practice. Decided: That, based upon evidence submitted and the Board's construction of the agreement involved, position of the carrier is sustained. (Decision No. 619.) 620a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Wabash Railway Co. B., 25.) (III, R. L. Dispute regarding displacement of agent, Iles, Ill., by train dispatcher. Decided: That based upon evidence submitted and the Board's construc- tion of the agreement involved, position of the carrier is sustained. (De- cision No. 620.) 621a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis. (III, R. L. B., 26.) Under what section of Addendum 1 to Decision No. 147 shall pay for foremen, assistant foremen, yard checkers, and counter clerks in the bag- gage department of the Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis be reduced? Employees contend that said addendum should be applied liter- ally, that the carrier should segregate the employees into various classes and apply decreases authorized for each class; carrier contends that inas- much as employees were treated as one class when increases were applied that decreases should be applied in the same manner. Decided: That position of the carrier is sustained. (Decision No. 621.) 622a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 26.) Dispute with reference to preservation of rates of pay established under authority of the United States Railroad Administration for cer- tain clerical employees in auditor's office, employees requesting that rates established under General Order No. 27, in effect March 1, 1920, be re- stored and that they be reimbursed for monetary loss sustained by reason of reduction in wages since that date. Decided: Position of employees sustained. (Decision No. 622.) 623a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 28.) Request that train dispatcher be permitted to displace night chief dis- patcher, Deer Lodge, Mont., account having greater seniority in that particular office. Decided: Request of employees denied. (Decision No. 623.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 159 624a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 28.) Request for equalization of rates of pay of messengers on trains oper- ated between Eau Claire, Wis., and Duluth, Minn. Decided: That employees and the carrier have requested withdrawal of the dispute and the docket is therefore closed. (Decision No. 624.) 625a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 29.) Request for reinstatement of train dispatcher, employee having been considered out of service because of having overstayed his leave of absence. Decided: Based upon evidence submitted, that request for reinstatement is denied. However, inasmuch as evidence shows that employee reported by letter two days before expiration of his leave of absence and instructions were not forthcoming, he shall be permitted to return to the service if he still desires to do so and be entitled to same consideration carrier in- tended to extend him had he reported in person. (Decision No. 625.) 626a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 29.) Question of whether position of personal stenographer to shop account- ant, Miles City, Mont., was included in the scope of the clerks' national agreement. Decided: That the position in question was included in the scope of the clerks' national agreement and employee making application for same should have been assigned to position; that employee be re- imbursed for monetary loss sustained by reason of not being assigned to position, less any amount earned in other service. (Decision No. 626.) 627a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 30.) Dispute regarding right of express messengers on trains operated over the Southern Railway between Norfolk and Danville, Va., to exercise their seniority over certain junior employees. Decided: That employees having requested withdrawal of the dispute and the carrier concurring therein, the case is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 627.) 628a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 30.) Request of employee, Hartford, Conn., for reinstatement. Decided: In- terested parties having requested withdrawal, the case is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 628.) 629a. International Association of Railroad Supervisors of Mechanics v. Chicago & Alton Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 31.) Dispute in regard to the right of the International Association of Railroad Supervisors of Mechanics to negotiate rules and working conditions affect- ing mechanical supervisory forces of the carrier. Decided: That a ballot shall be taken in the manner provided in this decision to ascertain the choice of a majority of the employees affected in regard to representation; that when ballots have been canvassed the result shall be reported to the Board, and the representatives of the carrier proceed with the negotiation of rules. (Decision No. 629.) 630a. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway et al. v. Brotherhood of Rail- way and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees; Brotherhood of Railroad Station Employees. (III, R. L. B., 34.) Series of controversies between the carriers and organizations named in this decision in regard to what shall constitute just and reasonable rules and working conditions for clerical and station forces. Decided: That rules set out in Articles I to XII, inclusive, of the decision, ap- 7 160 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. proved and promulgated by the Board, are just and reasonable and shall apply to employees and carriers parties to this dispute, except in such in- stance as any particular carrier may have agreed with its employees upon any one or more of such rules, in which case agreed rule or rules shall apply. (Dissenting opinion and answer thereto filed, and statement by one member of the Board.) (Decision No. 630.) 631a. International Association of Railroad Supervisors of Mechanics v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 50.) Dispute in regard to the right of the International Association of Rail- road Supervisors of Mechanics to negotiate rules and working conditions affecting mechanical supervisory forces of the carrier. Decided: That a ballot shall be taken in the manner provided in this decision to as- certain the choice of the majority of the employees affected in regard to representation; that when ballots have been canvassed the result shall be reported to the Railroad Labor Board, and the representatives of the employees thus chosen and the representatives of the carrier pro- ceed with the negotiation of rules. (Decision No. 631.) 632a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. New York Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 54.) Dispute in regard to application of rule 49 of the clerks' national agree- ment to "other office and station employees" enumerated in paragraph 2 of rule 1 of the agreement of the above-named organization. Decided: That dispute shall be remanded to interested parties to determine the stations at which rule 49 should be applied and that where agreement can not be reached joint submission shall be made to the Board; that at stations where carrier concedes rule 49 does not apply such employees shall be restored to the daily basis of pay and be reimbursed for monetary loss sustained since July 1, 1921; also that readjustment shall be retro- active to July 1, 1921, if Board finds certain positions were improperly placed under rule 49 and readjustment is ordered. (Decision No. 632.) 633a. Brotherhood of Railroad Station Employees v. New York Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 56.) Controversy as to application of rule 49 of the clerks' national agree- ment to certain employees enumerated in paragraph 2 of rule 1 thereof employed at Albany and Troy, N. Y. Decided: That dispute shall be remanded to interested parties for conference and agreement, and where agreement can not be reached joint submission of contention shall be referred to the Board; that at stations where carrier concedes rule 49 does not apply such employees shall be restored to the daily basis of pay and reimbursed for monetary loss sustained; that readjustment shall be retroactive to July 1, 1921, if the Board finds certain positions were im- properly placed under rule 49 and readjustment is ordered. (Decision No. 633.) 634a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway. (III, R. L. B., 57.) Dispute in regard to alleged abrogation of past practice by the carrier with respect to vacations and request that certain clerical employees who were not granted annual vacation with pay in 1921 be compensated therefor. Decided: That the evidence shows that it was not the past practice of the carrier to compensate employees for annual vacations which were not granted, and claim for pay of employees who were not granted vaca- tion is therefore denied. (Decision No. 634.) 635a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 58.)- Request that train dispatcher, Deer Lodge, Mont., who was laid off account of reduction in force, be permitted to exercise his seniority to position in dispatcher's office at that point and reimbursed for monetary loss sustained. Decided: That inasmuch as it appears that employees' DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 161 contentions are based upon a contingency which has not occurred, there is nothing for the Board to decide, and the case is therefore removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 635.) 636a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 59.) Request for reinstatement of platform man dismissed from service. Decided: Based upon evidence submitted, request for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 636.) 637a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 59.) Request for reinstatement of driver dismissed from service. Decided: That upon written and oral evidence submitted request is denied. (Deci- sion No. 637.) 638a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 59.) Request for equalization of rates of pay of express messengers on trains operated by the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co. between Cincinnati, Ohio, and Chicago, Ill., with rates of pay of messengers on trains operated by the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Co. between the same points. It is agreed by both parties to the dispute that all orders and decisions of the Labor Board affecting positions in dispute have been properly applied. Decided: That request of employees is denied. (Deci- sion No. 638.) 639a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 60.) Request of train dispatcher, Deer Lodge, Mont., laid off account reduction in force, to be permitted to exercise his seniority to position in dispatchers' office at that point and reimbursed for monetary loss sustained since date laid off. Decided: That inasmuch as it appears that employees' conten- tions are based on a contingency which has not occurred, there is nothing for the Board to decide aud the case is therefore removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 639.) 640a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 61.) Claim of certain daily rated employees in warehouse, Grand Rapids, Mich., for pay for Saturdays during the period January 22 to March 5, 1921, on which days they were notified in advance not to work. Decided: That inasmuch as employees accepted arrangement without complaint and no protest was made by employees' representative until five days after the six-day week had been restored, claim is denied. (Decision No. 640.) 641a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 61.) Request for reinstatement of interline clerk, office of auditor of freight traffic, dismissed from service. Since dispute was submitted to the Board employee has been given opportunity to return to service, which offer he has refused on the ground that he should be reimbursed for monetary loss sustained. Decided: Request for reinstatement denied. (Decision No. 641.) 642a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 62.) Dispute in regard to seniority date of clerk. superintendent's office, Jersey City, N. J. Decided: That seniority of employee in question shall date from April 22, 1902. (Decision No. 642.) 162 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 643a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. (III,. R. L. B., 62.) Dispute in regard to proper seniority date of clerk. Decided: Parties at interest have agreed to make an investigation to determine whether or not employee was a clerk prior to June 16, 1918, and case is there- fore removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 643.) 644a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Colorado & Southern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 63.) How shall overtime under Addendum 2 to Decision No. 119 apply to em- ployees of the maintenance of way department on the Colorado & Southern Railway? Decided: That Interpretation 2 to Addendum 2 to Decision No. 119 covers the question in dispute. (Decision No. 644.) 645a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Norfolk & Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 63.) Question of application of overtime provisions of Addendum 2 to Decision No. 119 to maintenance of way employees of the carrier. De- cided: That interpretation 2 to Addendum 2 to Decision No. 119 covers the question in dispute. (Decision No. 645.) 646a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Central Railroad Co. of New Jersey. (III, R. L. B., 63.) Dispute in regard to the right of maintenance of way work-train con- ductor to have general charge of both the train operation and the main- tenance of way work. Decided: Based upon evidence submitted, the practice followed by the carrier is not in violation of any rules or agree- ments affecting maintenance of way employees. (Decision No. 646.) 647a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 64.) Should roustabout carpenter, Knoxville division, be paid for travel time under section (m), Article V, of the maintenance of way employees' national agreement or under section (i), Article V, of said agreement? Decided: That section (i) of Article V of the agreement is properly ap- plicable to the employee in question. (Decision No. 647.) 648a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. Kansas City Terminal Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 65.) Question of proper application of Addendum 2 to Decision No. 119 to maintenance of way employees in the signal department of the carrier who are regularly assigned to work seven days per week. Decided: That in view of the acceptance of Decision No. 119 as applicable to the carrier and employees in question, it is the decision of the Board that Addendum 2 shall also be applicable and that the carrier has complied with the mean- ing and intent of same in reestablishing overtime conditions in effect prior to the issuance of any supplement to General Order No. 27 of the United States Railroad Administration. (Decision No. 648.) 649a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Railway. (III, R. L. B., 66.) Dispute in regard to proper application of increases granted by Decision No. 2 to laborers working around storerooms, scrap docks, and material yards, carrier having applied increase under section 9, Article IX, of said decision. Decided: That the evidence indicates that increases were prop- erly applied by carrier. (Decision No. 649.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 163 650a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 67.) Claim of employees in bridge department for deadheading from their home to point of employment. Decided: That case is remanded and parties interested are directed to give proper consideration to the spirit and intent of the labor provisions of the Transportation Act, 1920. Upon evidence that direction has been complied with and no agreement reached the Board will render its decision. (Decision No. 650.) 651a. Knights of Labor v. Boston & Maine Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 68.) Question as to whether punitive rates should be paid after eight hours' service or the same number of hours after which it was paid prior to Fed- eral control, pending further consideration of the Labor Board. Decided: That Interpretation 2 to Addendum 2 to Decision No. 119 covers the ques- tion in dispute. (Decision No. 651.) 652a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 68.) Claim of certain employees in express service at Nashville, Tenn., for additional compensation alleged to be due under the rules governing their conditions of employment. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 652.) 653a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 69.) Request that express messengers on trains operated over the Lehigh Valley and Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroads between Buffalo, N. Y., and Jersey City, N. J., be increased to equalize with express messen- gers on trains operated over the New York Central Railroad between Buffalo and New York City. Decided: Request of employees denied. (De- cision No. 653.) 654a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 69.) Request that express messengers on trains Nos. 15 and 16 of the Cleve- laud, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Co. between Cincinnati, Ohio, and Chicago, Ill., be increased to equalize their rates of pay with express messengers on trains Nos. 43 and 34 of the same carrier operated between the same stations. Decided: Request of employees denied. (De- cision No. 654.) 655a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 70.) Request that train agents on trains operated over the Pennsylvania Railroad between Pittsburgh, Pa., and Chicago, Ill., be increased to equalize their wages with those of train agents of the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis operating between the same stations. Decided: That request of employees is denied. (Decision No. 655.) 656a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 70.) Request for increase in pay of express messengers on trains operated by the Norfolk & Western Railway Co. between Bristol and Lynchburg, Va., to equalize with rates of pay of express messengers on other trains op- erated by the carrier between stations named. Decided: Request of em- ployees denied. (Decision No. 656.) 164 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 657a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Michigan Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 71.) Claim of employees that clerk, laid off account of reduction in force, had sufficient seniority to entitle her to position of night clerk, Michigan City, Ind. Decided: Interested parties having requested withdrawal, the case is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 657.) 658a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Michigan Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 71.) Claim of freight handler, laid off account of reduction in force, for reinstatement to his former position with pay for time lost. Decided: Withdrawal requested by interested parties and the docket closed. (De- cision No. 658.) 659a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 71.) Request for increase in wages of express messengers on trains operated between Pittsburgh, Pa., Fort Wayne, Ind., and Chicago, Ill., to equalize with the highest rate paid express messengers on trains running between the stations named. Decided: Request of employees is denied. (Decision No. 659.) 660a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 72.) Claim of employee to the right to exercise her seniority in connection with reduction in force, car record office, Wilmington, N. C. Decided: Withdrawal requested and docket closed. (Decision No. 660.) 661a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 72.) Claim of employee to right to exercise his seniority to position of ex- press messenger on trains operated between Cairo, Ill., and New Orleans, La. Employee's request was denied on the ground that management re- quires messenger on the run above mentioned_to_reside at the home ter- minal thereof. Decided: Request of employees denied. (Decision No. 661.) 662a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 73.) Dispute with reference to proper compensation for employee required to perform extra service on train on which there was no regular express messenger assignment, employees contending that the employee in ques- tion should have been compensated at the express messenger rate instead of the express messenger helper's rate of pay. Decided: Claim of em- ployees is denied. (Decision No. 662.) 663a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Joseph Union Depot Co. (III, R. L. B., 74.) Request for reinstatement of employee dismissed from service. Decided: Based upon oral and written evidence submitted, request for reinstate- ment is denied. (Decision No. 663.) 664a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 74.) Dispute concerning right of certain rate clerks whose positions were abolished to exercise their seniority to positions of waybill clerks held by junior employees. Decided: That at hearing of this case the evidence sub- DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 165 mitted was not sufficiently clear for the Board to render a decision. The case is therefore returned to the parties at interest and the file closed. (Decision No. 664.) 665a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 74.) Claim of employees that platform man, Chicago, Ill., should be classified and rated as an assorter, provided his seniority is sufficient, and that he should be paid the difference between the rate of that position and the rate of the position he has held in the service since September, 1920. Decided: Claim of the employees is denied. (Decision No. 665.) 666a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 75.) Request of two inspectors for increase in compensation to equalize the rate of their position with rate paid employees classified as street inspec- tors, employees claiming they were doing the same work as those classified as inspectors and should have received the same rate. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 666.) 667a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 76.) Request for reinstatement of employee who was engaged as driver, Pittsburgh, Pa. Decided: Based upon oral and written evidence, request for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 667.) 668a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 76.) Request that 10-day suspension given employee be canceled and that he be reimbursed for the monetary loss sustained by reason of serving said suspension. Decided: On evidence submitted, claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 668.) 669a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 77.) Dispute regarding proper rate of pay of stenographer in district auditor's office, Chattanooga, Tenn. Decided: That inasmuch as interested parties are endeavoring to arrive at an agreement on question in dispute, file is closed. (Decision No. 669.) 670a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 77.) Shall the increase granted to employees in express service at Taunton, Mass., under Article II of Decision No. 3 be added to the rates in effect 12.01 a. m., March 1, 1920. or shall the increase be added to the rates which included increases granted by carrier since that date? Decided: That increases granted under Article II of Decision No. 3 shall be added to rates in effect 12.01 a. m., March 1, 1920. (Decision No. 670.) 671a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 78.) Request for increase in rates of pay of receiving clerks at Union Depot, Portland, Oreg., to equalize with rates paid counter clerks in the city office at that point. Decided: That request of employees is denied. (Decision No. 671.) $ 166 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 672a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 79.) Request for reinstatement of messenger, San Angelo, Tex. Decided: Based upon oral and written evidence submitted, request for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 672.) 673a. Order of Railway Expressmen v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 79.) Shall the increases granted express messengers on certain trains termi- nating at Portland, Me., under Article II of Decision No. 3, be added to rates of pay which include increases granted by the carrier after March 1, 1920? Decided: That increases granted under Article II of Decision No. 3 shall be added to the rates of pay in effect 12.01 a. m., March 1, 1920. (Decision No. 673.) 674a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway. (III, R. L. B., 80.) Claim of clerk, general superintendent's office, Parsons, Kans., for pay for time absent from duty account of sickness. Decided: Withdrawal re- quested and docket closed. (Decision No. 674.) 675a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway. (III, R. L. B., 80.) Request for reinstatement of clerk dismissed from service. Decided: Withdrawal requested and docket closed. (Decision No. 675.) 676a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 80.) Claim of train dispatcher for pay for time off account having eye treated. Decided: That under practice in effect employee in question is not entitled to pay for time absent and claim of employees is therefore denied. cision No. 676.) (De- 677a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 81.) Claim of telephone switchboard operator for right to 30-day trial on position of Wahl operator. Evidence indicates that employee was not awarded position of Wahl operator but was given an opportunity to dem- onstrate her fitness and ability to fill same and after a 15-day trial it was decided she was not qualified for the position. Decided: That claim of em- ployee is denied. (Decision No. 677.) 678a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees y. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 82.) Request for reinstatement of employee dismissed from service. Decided: Request for reinstatement denied. (Decision No. 678.) 679a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 82.) Request for increase in wages of certain part-time employees of the car- rier, San Francisco, Calif., to equalize with wages paid regular employees at that point. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 679.) 680a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 83.) Request for reinstatement of employee dismissed from service. Decided: Based on oral and written evidence submitted, request for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 680.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 167 681a. Order of Railway Expressmen v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 83.) Shall increases granted by Article II, Decision No. 3, of the Railroad Labor Board be added to the rate of pay in effect as of 12.01 a. m., March 1, 1920, or to the rate of pay which includes increases since that date? Decided: That increases granted by the carrier subsequent to March 1, 1920, were not for the purpose of adjusting inequalities within the intent of Article II of Decision No. 3; the increases provided for in said article of said decision shall therefore be added to the rates in effect as of 12.01 a. m., March 1, 1920. (Decision No. 681.) 682a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 84.) Claim of certain clerks employed in the freight station, Cambridge, Ohio, for 15 days' pay in lieu of vacation not granted in the year 1920. Decided: That based on evidence before the Board and under past prac- tice, employees involved in this dispute are not entitled to compensation in lieu of vacations which were not granted; claim of employees is there- fore denied. (Decision No. 682.) 683a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 84.) Claim of truck driver whose position was abolished to exercise his sen- iority to position of bill clerk. Decided: It appearing that the employee in question was given an opportunity to demonstrate his fitness and ability to fill the position in question and it being found that he did not have the qualifications necessary to justify awarding same to him, the claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 683.) 684a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 85.) Request of clerk in storekeeper's department for reinstatement to po- sition from which he was relieved because of alleged inability to perform the duties of the position satisfactorily. Decided: Request of employees is denied. (Decision No. 684.) 685a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 86.) Claim of four employees, South Bend, Ind., for time lost account sick- ness. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 685.) 686a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 87.) Claim of employee for time lost account of sickness. Decided: On evi- dence submitted, claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 686.) 687a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 87.) Dispute in regard to employee relieved from service in reduction of force when employee with less seniority was retained. Decided: On evi- dence submitted, position of carrier sustained. (Decision No. 687.) 688a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 88.) Dispute with reference to classification and rate of pay of employee in freight office, it being contended that he was performing the work and should have been classified and paid as waybill clerk. Decided: That based 168 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. on written and oral evidence submitted the employee in question was not entitled to the rate of waybill clerk, and claim of employees is therefore denied. (Decision No. 688.) 689a, Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 89.) Claim of employee for seven days' vacation for the year 1920, or seven days' pay in lieu thereof. Decided: That employees do not claim that pay- ment of the compensation sought in lieu of vacation is required in any order or rule governing their conditions of employment, nor have they pro- duced any evidence to show that it had been the practice of the carrier to pay employees for vacations not granted; therefore the claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 689.) 690a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 89.) Dispute in regard to seniority date of employee at Moberly, Mo., it being the contention of the employees that because of having left the service of the carrier to enter the United States Navy his seniority should date from July 1, 1917, when he entered the service of the carrier. Decided: For the reason that the evidence shows that the employee in question was dis- missed from the carrier's service prior to the date he entered the United States Navy in 1918, his seniority shall date from September 1, 1919. (De- cision No. 690.) 691a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 90.) Claim of employees for vacation with pay or compensation in lieu thereof. Decided: Employees do not claim that there is any rule or agreement re- quiring the granting of vacations and at the oral hearing admitted that it was the practice of the carrier to exercise its discretion in the matter. Claim of employees is therefore denied. (Decision No. 691.) 692a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (III, R. L. B., 91.) laim of clerk for pay for vacation during year 1920. Decided: With- drawal requested and the file closed. (Decision No. 692.) 693a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (III, R. L. B., 91.) Dispute regarding proper application of increase granted by Decision No. 2 to position held by clerk, Lafayette, Ind. Decided: Withdrawal re- quested and docket closed. (Decision No. 693.) 694a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (III, R. L. B., 91.) ('laim of certain clerical employees in the general shops, Houston, Tex., for vacations with pay. Decided: Withdrawal requested and the docket closed. (Decision No. 694.) 695a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (III, R. L. B., 92.) Request for reinstatement of clerk in yard office, Galveston, Tex Decided: Withdrawal requested and docket closed. (Decision No. 695.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 169 696a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. (II, R. L. B., 92.) Question as to whether the position of storekeeper in the roundhouse Lehighton, Pa., comes within the scope of the clerks' national agreement as defined in Article I thereof, same having been filled by assignment and not bulletined in accordance with the rules of the agreement. Decided: That based on the evidence presented the position in controversy does not come within the scope of the clerks' national agreement. (Decision No. 696.) 697a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 93.) Dispute in regard to proper rate of pay of driver, Houston, Tex.. em- ployes contending that the practice of working employees on a graduated scale of wages, as was done in this case. is not in accordance with the spirit or intent of Supplement 19 to General Order No. 27 and that em- ployee in question should have been paid the full rate of the position to which he was assigned from the date of his entry into the service. Decided: Claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 697.) 698a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 94.) Request for increase in rate of pay of depot foreman in the Western Maryland Railroad depot at Cumberland, Md., to equalize with rate of pay of express foreman in the depot of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad at the same point. Decided: Request of employees denied. (Decision No. 698.) 699a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 94.) Claim of employee to position of messenger on trains between Willard and Cleveland, Ohio, it being alleged that employee in question was the senior applicant for same and should have been assigned to the position. Decided: The evidence presented in this case does not indicate that any order, rule, or agreement governing employees' conditions of service was violated in the action taken by the carrier; claim of employees is there- fore denied. (Decision No. 699.) 700a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 95.) nd Request for application of the agreement between the employees the carrier, effective February 15, 1920, to position of stable foreman EI Paso, Tex., and proper compensation under said agreement for two em- ployees engaged as hostlers at that point. Decided: Upon evidence. sub- mitted, request of employees is denied. (Decision No. 700.) 701a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 96.) Dispute with refence to application of Decision No. 3 to employees in express messenger service between East Radford and Walton, Va., the carrier taking the position that the employees in question are not em- ployees of the Express Company and therefore are not subject to the provisions of Decision No. 3. Decided: On evidence submitted, the posi- tion of the carrier is sustained. (Decision No. 701.) 702a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 97.) Dispute with reference to bulletined position now awarded to employee holding seniority. Decided: The position referred to in this dispute was abolished within a few months after it was assigned to the successful 170 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. ་ applicant; therefore there is nothing for the Board to decide in this dispute and the case is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 702.) 703a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 98.) Dispute with reference to proper classification and rate of pay of em- ployees, Pittsburgh, Pa., employees contending he should be classified as driver and paid the rate of that position. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 703.) 704a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 98.) Claim of employee in freight office, Jackson, Miss., for classification and rating of in-freight clerk for period of her employment. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 704.) 705a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 99.) Dispute with reference to bulletined position not awarded to employee holding seniority, carrier contending employee in question did not have sufficient fitness and ability to justify assignment to the position in dispute. Decided: That on the basis of the evidence presented in this case the position of the carrier is sustained. (Decision No. 705.) 706a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Texas & Pacific Railway. (III, R. L. B., 100.) Dispute in regard to payment of back time to extra gang foreman who was dismissed from service and later reemployed by the carrier. Decided: That upon receipt of advice that the dispute in question had been amicably adjusted, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 706.) 707a. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. et al. v. Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen of America. (III, R. L. B., 100.) Dispute as to what shall constitute just and reasonable rules and work- ing conditions for signalmen. Decided: The Labor Board promulgated a number of rules to govern working conditions of this class of employees and made them effective on each carrier party to this dispute, except in such instances as any particular carrier may have agreed with its employees upon one or more of such rules. Because a large majority of the carriers and their employees have agreed upon the major portion of Article III, which comprises the seniority rules, same has been omitted from this decision in its entirety. (Decision No. 707.) 708a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Joint Car Association of El Paso & Juarez Railways. (III, R. L. B., 111.) Dispute in regard to dismissal of inspector. Decided: At the request of employees, file in this case is closed. (Decision No. 708.) 709a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 111.) Dispute in regard to the right of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. to make changes in its signal organization resulting in the demotion of certain assistant signalmen to helpers. Decided: That the carrier has not violated the provisions of the signalmen's agreement provided the employees in question are not assigned to or required to perform the work of main- tainers or assistant maintainers; that demoted employees shall be credited with the full time served as assistaut signal maintainers and rated on that basis when again assigned as assistant maintainers. (Decision No. 709.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 171 710a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 112.) Claim of employee in bridge and building department for classification as foreman. Decided: Withdrawal requested and file closed. (Decision No. 710.) 711a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis. (III, R. L. B., 112.) Dispute as to whether chauffeur in the maintenance of way department shall be classified as a mechanic. Decided: That claim for classification and rating of mechanic is denied. (Decision No. 711.) 712a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Union Pacific System. (III, R. L. B., 113.) Dispute in regard to classification and rate of pay of certain em- ployees of the carrier known as division linemen. Decided: That em- ployees classified as and performing the work of linemen as outlined in rule 141 of the agreement shall be compensated on the basis of rule 45, with the authorized subsequent adjustments; employees classified as line- men and required to perform work as per rules 140 and 141 are com- posite workmen and shall be paid the rate applicable to employees per- forming the work specified in rule 140; that if a difference of opinion exists as to the actual work being performed by these employees it is decided that proper investigation shall be made by interested parties and rate of pay established in accordance with method outlined above. (De- cision No. 712.) 713a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 114.) Dispute in regard to whether it is permissible to assign coal-chute fore- man to work a less number of hours or days than laborers supervised. Decided: That the Board can not find that the carrier has violated any rule or agreement in handling this question. (Decision No. 713.) 714a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & Alton Railroad Co. (ÎII, R. L. B., 115.) Dispute in regard to proper rate of pay of engine watchman. Decided: That it was the intention of section a-12, Article V, of the maintenance of way national agreement that the monthly rate provided therein for hourly rated employees be predicated upon the hours constituting the em- ployee's assignment for which payment was allowed when rated upon the hourly basis. (Decision No. 714.) 715a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Texas & Pacific Railway. (III, R. L. B., 116.) Dispute in regard to reinstatement of engine watchman. Decided: On request of employees the case is withdrawn and the file closed. (Decision No. 715.) 716a. International Union of Steam and Operating Engineers v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 117.) Dispute in regard to classification and rating of stationary engineers and increase which they should receive under the provisions of Decision No. 2 of the Railroad Labor Board. Decided: That Interpretation 1 to Decision No. 2 covers the question in dispute. (Decision No. 716.) 717a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Colorado & Southern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 117.) Dispute as to proper method of compensating certain stationary engi- neers who were formerly paid on a daily basis and are now being paid on a monthly basis covering a 365-day assignment, employees contending that the monthly assignment should have been upon a 306-day basis in- 50960°-24—12 172 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. stead of 365 when the national agreement of the maintenance of way em- ployees went into effect. Decided: Claim of employees denied. No. 717.) (Decision 718a. Order of Railway Conductors; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Great Northern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 118.) Claim of two passenger brakemen for pay on a continuous time basis for time delayed on account of washout. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 718.) 719a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway. (III, R. L. B., 119.) Claim of crews in passenger service for one hour's additional compen- sation for turning of trains at Oklahoma City, Okla. Decided: That the turning of trains by crews in passenger train service on the wye at Okla- homa City before the day's work is completed is not in violation of the rules of the agreements between the carrier and the employees affected. (Decision No. 719.) 720a. Hocking Valley Railway Co. v. American Train Dispatchers' Asso- ciation. (III, R. L. B., 120.) Dispute regarding application of reduction in rates of pay of train dis- patchers of the carrier, the employees seeking to have the decreases under Decision No. 147 applied in such a manner as to eliminate the differentials between the train dispatchers on the various tricks, the carrier declining to agree to such application. Decided: That immediately upon receipt of this decision the parties at interest shall confer and arrange for the dis- tribution of the amount of the decrease for this class of employees in a manner which will comply with the request of the employees for the elimi- nation of the differentials between dispatchers operating the same division, provided that nothing in this decision shall be construed to result in in- ereased cost of operation to the carrier; also that application of these de- creases shall be made concurrently with the application of Addendum 4 to Decision No. 147. (Decision No. 720.) • 721a. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al. v. American Train Dis- patchers' Association. (III, R. L. B., 121.) Dispute as to what shall constitute just and reasonable rules and work- ing conditions for train dispatchers. Decided: The Board promulgated a number of rules to govern the working conditions of this class of em- ployees and made them effective on each carrier party to this dispute, except in such instance as any particular carrier may have agreed with its employees upon any one or more of such rules. The seniority and dis- `cipline rules have been remanded in their entirety. The questions of sick leave and vacation with pay have been referred to interested parties for the adoption of such rules as may be agreed upon. (Decision No. 721.) 722a. American Railway Express Co. v. Brotherhood of Railway and Steam- ship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees. (III, R. L. B., 126.) Dispute as to what shall constitute just and reasonable rules and work- ing conditions for employees of the American Railway Express Co. De- cided: The Board promulgated a number of rules to govern working con- ditions of employees of this company; that rules eliminated by the Board shall cease and terminate except in such instances as the carrier may have agreed or may hereafter agree with its employees upon any one or more of such rules, in which case the agreed rule shall apply. (Decision No. 722.) 723a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southeastern Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 132.) Dispute as to what shall constitute just and reasonable rules and work- ing conditions for employees of the Southeastern Express Co. Decided: That the Board promulgated a number of rules to govern working condi- tions of the employees of this company, effective March 1, 1922. (Decision No. 723.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 173 724a. Missouri & North Arkansas Railroad v. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. (III, R. L. B., 134.) Petition of receiver of the Missouri & North Arkansas Railroad for au- thority to reduce wages of certain of its employees. Decided: That the proposition made by representatives of the carrier in regard to wage reduc- tions, dated October 10, 1921, shall be accepted by the employees, based upon a continuation of the agreements as to working conditions which were in effect as of January 1, 1921, or, in lieu thereof, decisions of the Railroad Labor Board rendered in connection with rules which super- seded said agreements; that conferences shall be held between representa- tives of the employees and the carrier at the earliest possible date to properly and fairly apply this decision; that while not a matter in issue at this time, the Board recommends that all former employees parties to this dispute be reinstated with the continuity of the seniority unimpaired. (Decision No. 724.) 725a. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. v. International Brother- hood of Firemen and Oilers. (III, R. L. B., 137.) Dispute as to what shall constitute just and reasonable rules and work- ing conditions for firemen and oilers. Decided: The Labor Board promul- gated a number of rules to govern the working conditions of this class of employees and made them effective on each carrier party to this dis- pute, except in such instances as any particular carrier may have agreed with its employees upon any one or more of such rules. Rules covering discipline and grievances are remanded in their entirety because a large majority of the carriers and their employees have agreed upon the major part of these rules. (Decision No. 725.) 726a. Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Co. et al. v. International Association of Railroad Supervisors of Mechanics. (III, R. L. B., 141.) Dispute as to what shall constitute just and reasonable rules and work- ing conditions for supervisors of mechanics. Decided: The Labor Board promulgated a number of rules to govern working conditions of this class of employees and made them effective on each carrier party to this dis- pute, except in such instance as any particular carrier may have agreed with its employees upon any one or more of such rules. (Decision No. 726.) 727a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 144.) Dispute with reference to employees holding seniority being laid off in connection with reduction in force and other employees with less seniority being retained in service, the carrier stating that employee whose position is in dispute is a minor and that there was no position at point of employ- ment in which a minor could be used. Decided: Claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 727.) 728a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 145.) Proper compensation of employees engaged as attendants on trains on which there was no express messenger, employees contending that while they were performing this service they were in full charge of the shipment and were not under the authority of an express messenger, and that they were therefore express messengers and should have been paid at that rate. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 728.) 729a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Denver & Rio Grande Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 145.) Request for reinstatement with pay for all time lost of ice-house foreman, Denver, Colo. Decided: That dispute is remanded to interested parties for settlement in accordance with understanding had at the hearing conducted by the Board. (Decision No. 729.) 174 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 730a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 146.) Question of whether the position of chief clerk to the agent of the Pere Marquette Railway Co. at Suspension Bridge, N. Y., comes within the scope of the clerks' national agreement. Decided: Basing its decision on the evidence submitted, the Labor Board decides that Suspension Bridge, N. Y., is one of the larger stations as referred to in paragraph (b), rule 1, Article I, of the clerks' national agreement, under the title "Exceptions." Claim of employees is therefore denied. (Decision No. 730.) 731a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. New York Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 147.) Dispute with reference to changing the hours of service in certain gen- eral offices of the carrier, from seven hours and fifteen minutes daily (except Saturday) to eight hours per day, the employees basing their claim upon rule 57 of the clerks' national agreement which provides that where it has been the practice to lay employees off for a part of the day on cer- tain days of the week such practice shall not be rescinded. Decided: Claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 731.) 732a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 148.) Dispute with reference to reduction in the number of days in the regular week-day assignment of clerical employees in the general offices. From February 26 to March 29, 1921, the employees were required to lay off one day each week without compensation, which change employees contend is in violation of rule 66 of the agreement. The carrier states that the five days per week assignment was placed in effect by mutual agreement between the interested parties. Decided: Claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 732.) 733a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 148.) Claim of employees to right to exercise his seniority to position in office of general superintendent, Hazelton, Pa., the carrier refusing to permit the employee in question to exercise his seniority rights on the ground that he did not have the requisite fitness and ability to qualify on the position of the clerk he sought to displace. Decided: That claim of employee is denied. (Decision No. 733.) 734a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 149.) Dispute with reference to change in hours of service of clerical employees in the general offices and claim for compensation for additional time worked. Decided: The claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 734.) 735a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship_Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. L. B., 149.) (III, R. Claim of employee to right to exercise his seniority to position of call boy. Decided: That employee did possess the requisite ability to justify his assignment to the position of call boy, and that he shall therefore be assigned to said position and reimbursed for all monetary loss sustained since date he made application therefor, less any amount earned in other employment. (Decision No. 735.) 736a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 150.) Request for reinstatement of employee, Cincinnati, Ohio. Decided: That, based on evidence submitted, request for reinstatement is denied. (Deci- sion No. 736.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONs. 175 737a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 150.) Claim of clerk for pay for time absent account of sickness. Decided: Withdrawal requested and docket closed. (Decision No. 737.) 738a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 151.) Claim of clerk for pay for time absent account of sickness. Decided: Withdrawal requested and file closed. (Decision No. 738.) 739a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 151.) Request for reinstatement of timekeeper, Portland division. Withdrawal requested and docket closed. (Decision No. 739.) Decided: 740a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 151.) Claim of employees that certain positions in the office of the auditor of merchandise receipts-the duties of which have been materially changed- should be bulletined and employees holding same be permitted to exer- cise their seniority rights under the rules of the clerks' national agree- ment, the contention of the employees being that the employees involved in this dispute held positions of rate revision clerks and that the change in the character of the work coustituted an abolishment of these posi- tions and the establishment of new positions of correspondence clerks. Decided: That the positions held by employees in this dispute were not abolished and the action taken by the carrier was not in violation of any rule of the clerks' national agreement. Claim of employees is therefore denied. (Decision No. 740.) 741a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway. (III, R. L. B., 152.) • Dispute regarding proper classification and rate of pay of two engine dispatchers. Decided: The carrier and employees having agreed to a withdrawal of this dispute, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 741.) 742a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway. (III, R. L. B., 152.). Dispute regarding proper rate of pay of employee in shop accountant's office, Parsons, Kans. Decided: Withdrawal requested and docket closed. (Decision No. 742.) 743a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 153.) Claim of clerk, information bureau, Chicago passenger terminal, for pay for time off duty account of illness. Decided: That the employees and the carrier having agreed upon a settlement of this case, same is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 743.) 744a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 153.) Claim of night watchman for pay for time off duty during the month of December, 1920. Decided: That carrier and the employees having agreed upon a settlement of this case, the same is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 744.) 176 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. -745a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 153.) 甲 ​Claim of clerks, freight claim agent's office, for pay for time off duty account of illness. Decided: Carrier and employees having agreed upon a settlement of this case, same is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 745.) 746a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 153.) Claim of clerk, freight claim agent's office, for time off duty account of illness. Decided: That carrier and employees having agreed upon a settlement of this dispute, the same is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 746.) 747a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 154.) Claim of clerk, auditing department, for time off duty account of sick- ness. Decided: That carrier and employees having decided upon a settle- ment of the dispute in question, same is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 747.) 748a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 154.) Claim of clerk in freight claim agent's office for time off duty account of illness. Decided: That carriers and employees having agreed upon a settlement of this case, same is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 748.) 749a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 154.) Claim of clerk in freight claim agent's office for pay for time off duty account of illness. Decided: That carrier and employees having agreed upon a settlement of this dispute, same is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 749.) 750a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 154.) Claim of clerk, freight claim agent's office, for pay for time off duty account of illness. Decided: That carrier and employees having agreed upon a settlement of this case, same is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 750.) 751a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 155.) Claim of clerk, freight claim agent's office, for pay for time off duty account of sickness. Decided: Carrier and employees having reached an agreement on question in dispute, same is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 751.) 752a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 155.) Claim of clerk, freight claim agent's office, for pay for time lost account of illness. Decided: Carrier and employees having agreed upon a settle- ment of this case, same is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 752.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 177 753a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 155.) Claim of clerk, freight claim agent's office, for pay for time lost account of illness. Decided: Carrier and employees having agreed upon a settle- ment of this case, same is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 753.) 754a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 155.) Claim of clerk, freight claim agent's office, for time off duty account of illness. Decided: Carrier and employees having agreed upon a settlement of this dispute, same is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 754.) 755a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 156.) Claim of clerk, auditing department, for pay for time off duty on account of illness. Decided: Employees and the carrier having agreed upon a settlement of this case, same is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 755.) 756a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System.) (III, R. L. B., 156.) Request for reinstatement of clerk. Decided: Parties at interest hav- ing agreed upon a settlement of this case, same is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 756.) 757a. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al. v. Order of Railroad Teleg- raphers. (III, R. L. B., 156.) Dispute as to what shall constitute just and reasonable rules and work- ing conditions for telegraphers. Decided: The Board promulgated a num- ber of rules to govern the working conditions of this class of employees and made them effective on each of the carriers parties to the dispute, except in such instances as any particular carriers may have agreed with its employees upon any one or more of such rules. The questions of vacations and sick leave with pay have been left to interested parties for the adoption of such rules as may be mutually agreed upon. This decision also disposes of the question of pay for Sunday and holiday work and applies to carriers named in Decision No. 2 and addenda thereto as well as the carriers named in this decision. (Decision No. 757.) 758a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad. (IH, R. L. B., 163.) Claim for reinstatement of delivery boy in stores department, Oak- lawn, Ill. Decided: That carrier and employees having agreed upon a settlement of this case, same is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 758.) 759a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Norfolk & Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 163.) Claim of clerk in the office of storekeeper, Roanoke, Va., for right to exercise her seniority to position of extra clerk in the storekeeping de- partment. Decided: The evidence before the Board shows that the extra or floating force referred to in the submission was carried on the pay roll of the general storekeeper and that they were not within the seniority district in which the employees in the Roanoke storehouse could exercise seniority. Claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 759.) 178 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 760a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Baltimore & Ohio Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 164.) Claim of four clerical employees in the freight agent's office for 10 days' pay in lieu of vacation not granted in the year 1920. Decided: That based upon past practice the employees involved in this dispute are not entitled to pay in lieu of vacations not granted. (Decision No. 760.) 761a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 164.) Dispute as to proper rate of pay of clerk in the office of the auditor of passenger receipts, Wilmington, N. C. Decided: That the Labor Board has no jurisdiction in this dispute, the same having occurred prior to the passage of the Transportation Act, 1920, it being the opinion of the Board that said act was intended to have neither a retroactive nor retrospective effect. (Decision No. 761.) 762a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 165.) Claim of timekeepers for back pay account of reclassification of position from a monthly to a daily basis. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 762.) 763a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway System. (III, R. L. B., 165.) Request for reinstatement with pay for time lost by seal clerk. Emporia, Kans. Decided: That, based upon evidence submitted, request for rein- statement is denied. (Decision No. 763.) 764a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Michigan Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 165.) Claim of clerical employees at various freight stations for pay for Armistice Day, on which day they were notified not to work. Decided: That since Armistice Day is not one of the holidays named in rule 64 of the clerks' national agreement and no agreement having been entered into between interested parties that employees could be laid off on that date, the employees are entitled to pay for Armistice Day under rule 66 of the agreement. (Decision No. 764.) 765a. Brotherhood of Railroad Station Employees v. Boston & Maine Rail- road. (III, R. L. B., 166.) Dispute with reference to proper classification of two employees of the carrier at Newburyport, Mass., employees contending that they should be classified as baggage-masters and the carrier taking the position that they are properly classified as switchman and baggage-master" and have been so carried on the pay roll since the effective date of Memorandum 16–27 of Railway Board of Adjustment No. 1 of the United States Railroad Administration, August 30, 1920. Decided: Position of the carrier is sus- tained. (Decision No. 765.) 766a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway. (III, R. L. B., 167.) Request for reinstatement of claim investigator. Decided: Parties at interest have reached a settlement of question in dispute and docket is closed. (Decision No. 766.) 767a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 167.) Request for reinstatement of assistant division accountant dismissed from service for alleged insubordination in refusing to work overtime to catch up the work which had accumulated on his desk during his vacation. DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 179 Decided: That based on the evidence submitted the discipline in this case is not well sustained and the Board directs that said employee be rein- stated with seniority unimpaired but without pay for time lost, it being shown that he failed to carry out his obligations under rules governing the granting of vacations with pay. (Decision No. 767.) 768a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. New York Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 168.) Dispute in regard to the right of the carrier to lay off a sheet-metal worker, who held seniority over men retained in the service, in reduction of its forces at Kingston, N. Y. Decided: That since it is agreed that em- ployee is classified and rated in accordance with the shop craft's agreement, that but one seniority roster of this class of work was kept at Kingston and that employee in question held seniority over certain men who were retained, and inasmuch as no distinction was made in the agreement be- tween the different classes of service of sheet-metal workers, employee was entitled to a trial in one of the positions in which men younger in the service were retained and shall be paid for the period out of service. (De- cision No. 768.) 769a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 169.) Should pumper, Yucca, Ariz., paid a monthly rate under section a-12. Ar- ticle V, of the maintenance of way national agreement, based on a 10-hour assignment per day, be paid overtime at the rate of time and one-half for intermittent service performed in excess of his regular assignment? The carrier claims that employee has been properly compensated according to section a-12, Article V, of the agreement. Decided: That position of the carrier is sustained, the evidence indicating that the duties of the position in question are not such as to place employee on an hourly basis in ac- cordance with the exception contained in the last paragraph of said section. (Decision No. 769.) 770a. Order of Knights of Labor v. Boston & Maine Railroad. B., 170.) (III, R. L. Dispute in regard to assignment of men classified as machinists' helpers to the position of sheet-metal workers' helpers instead of assigning laborers older in the service. Decided: The claim of the employees is denied for the reason that the Board can not find where the carrier has violated any pro- vision of any rules or agreement in handling this matter. (Decision No. 770.) 771a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Railway. (III, R. L. B., 171.) Controversy in regard to the right of the carrier to lay off entire force of laborers and their gang leaders in the stores and supply departments on Saturday of each week in order to curtail expenses. Decided: That the carrier did not violate the meaning or intent of section 1, Article V, of the maintenance of way national agreement, and claim for payment account of reduction in the days per week as mentioned is denied. (Decision No. 771.) 772a. Order of Railway Conductors et al. v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Rail- way. (III, R. L. B., 172.) Claim that work of handling baggage on certain trains between St. Louis, Mo., and San Antonio, Tex., should be handled by trainmen shown on the seniority roster and paid at the rate shown for baggagemen in paragraph (a), Article I, of the conductors' and trainmen's agreements. Decided: That the work of handling baggage on the trains in question should be paid at the rate shown for baggagemen in paragraph (a), Article I, of the conductors' and trainmen's agreements. The former practice of having work performed by trainmen so classified is approved. (Decision No. 772.) -180 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 773a. Order of Railway Conductors et al. v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Rail- way. (III, R. L. B., 173.) Claim of firemen for one day's pay account not being used for service as firemen in lieu of brakeman. Decided: That claim of employees is not supported by any rule in the firemen's agreement and is therefore denied. (Decision No. 773.) 774a. Order of Railway Conductors et al. v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Rail- way. (III, R. L. B., 174.) Claim of engineer and fireman for runaround at Denison, Tex. Decided: That the evidence in this dispute indicates that the engineer and fireman were run around after being called, and under the rule of the agreement governing this service they should be paid 100 miles. (Decision No. 774.) 775a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 175.) Dispute as to the right of the American Train Dispatchers' Association to negotiate an agreement covering rules and working conditions for the government of train dispatchers, it being the contention of the carrier that the organization in question does not represent a majority of the dispatchers in its employ. Decided: That a ballot be taken to determine the choice of a majority of the train dispatchers in the carrier's service as to representation in the negotiation of rules and working conditions; that when ballots have been canvassed the result shall be reported to the Railroad Labor Board and the chosen representatives of the interested parties will proceed with the negotiation of rules. (Decision No. 775.) 776a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri Pacific Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 176.) Claim of clerks, supply agent's office, St. Louis, Mo., for vacation with pay for the year 1921, in accordance with past practice. Decided: That under past practice employee is not entitled to vacation with pay. (De- cision No. 776.) · 777a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Illinois Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 177.) Question as to whether foremen and laborers at coal chutes shall be covered by the maintenance of way agreement. Decided: That while the maintenance of way agreement did not specifically mention foremen and laborers at coal chutes, information in the possession of the Labor Board indicates that practically all carriers recognized and applied that agree- ment to this class of employees. Therefore foreman (refers only to fore- man in charge of laborers) and laborers at coal chutes should have been considered as coming under the provisions of the maintenance of way agreement. (Decision No. 777.) 778a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 177.) Claim of roundhouse employee for classification and rate of pay of roundhouse foreman or machinist. Decided: That parties to this dis- pute shall conduct a joint investigation and if unable to reach an agree- ment they shall submit the results of their investigation and the Labor Board will render its decision thereon. (Decision No. 778.) 779a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 178.) Shall employee regularly employed as shop laborer receive a regular boiler washer helper's rate of pay while doing relief work as such? Decided: That a laborer assigned to perform the work of a helper coming under the provisions of the shop crafts' agreement shall be paid as pro- vided by that agreement. (Decision No. 779.), DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 181 • 780a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Delaware & Hudson Co. (III, R. L. B., 179.) Dispute as to right of certain coal-chute employees to exercise their seniority to positions in and around shops and roundhouses, they having been laid off for the purpose of reducing expenses while younger employees in the mechanical department, to whom their work was assigned, were retained in service. Decided: That conference shall be held between the interested parties and where it is found that an employee senior in point of service is reasonably capable of performing the work such senior employee shall displace a junior employee. Employees' request for pay for time lost is denied, but this decision shall not be construed to apply to any dispute as to pay for time lost that may arise from failure to fairly apply this decision. (Decision No. 780.) 781a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 180.) Dispute as to right of train dispatcher to return to position on division on which he was temporarily out of service, employees contending that the action of the carrier in permitting such dispatcher to return to his former position with seniority unimpaired was a violation of the rules in effect governing seniority of train dispatchers. Decided: Basing its decision upon the evidence before it, the Board decides that claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 781.) 782a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. International & Great Northern Railway. (III, R. L. B., 181.) Dispute as to proper classification and rate of pay of employees classified as train and engine crew callers. Decided: That owing to lack of sufficient evidence to enable the Board to render a decision in this dispute, same is remanded to interested parties to endeavor to reach a settlement in accordance with the understanding at the hearing. (Decision No. 782.) 783a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 181.) Dispute regarding proper classification and rate of pay of clerk in car accountant's office, employees claiming said clerk should have been in- creased 13 cents per hour under section 2 of Article II of Decision No. 2. Decided: That the evidence shows that said clerk had more than one year's experience in clerical work in outside industry and was therefore entitled to the rate of a clerk with more than one year's experience when she entered the service of the carrier. Position of the employees is sus- tained. (Decison No. 783.) 784a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 182.) Request for reinstatement of employee, Dallas, Tex. Decided: That based upon evidence submitted, the request for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 784.) 785a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 182.) Claim of relief train dispatcher for time off account of sickness. De- cided: That under practice in effect on this carrier, dispatcher in question is not entitled to pay for time absent from duty account of sickness; claim of employees is therefore denied. (Decision No. 785.) 786a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Norfolk & Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 183.) Claim of three employees for pay for time absent from duty on account of personal business. Decided: That under past practice the employees in question are not entitled to pay for time off duty account of personal busi- ness. (Decision No. 786.) 182 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 787a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 183.) Claim of employees in office of lighterage manager for additional com- pensation for time worked in excess of regular weekly assignment. De- cided: Withdrawal requested and docket closed. (Decision No. 787.) 788a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Michigan Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 183.) What is the proper increase per hour under Decision No. 2 for employees classified as elevator men in the freight house at South Water Street, Chi- cago, Ill.? Decided: That the evidence submitted indicates that the provi- sions of Decision No. 2 have been properly applied; claim of employees is therefore denied. (Decision No. 788.) 789a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 184.) Dispute as to right of the carrier to close telegraph office on certain days of the week account of fluctuation in business, employees claiming that under article X of the telegraphers' agreement they should not be required to suspend work during regular hours. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 789.) 790a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 185.) Dispute in regard to seniority date of employee who entered the service of the carrier as clerk August 1, 1912, but whose seniority in clerical serv- ice is alleged by the employees to have been broken when he began work as assistant relief agent September, 1919, after which date, it is claimed by employees, he accumulated seniority on the telegraphers' seniority roster. Decided: That the seniority of employee in question shall date from August 1, 1912; claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 790.) 791a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Union Terminal Co. (Dallas, Tex.). (III, R. L. B., 186.) Request for reinstatement of employee. Decided: Withdrawal requested and docket closed. (Decision No. 791.) 792a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Louisville & Nashville Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 186.) Dispute in regard to seniority rights of two pattern makers, J. G. McRea and Andrew Smith, in the shops of the carrier at Albany, Ala., and re- quest for reinstatement of said McRea with pay for time lost in case he is found to be senior in point of service. Decided: That J. G. McRea holds seniority on the position in question, and that he shall be reinstated with seniority rights unimpaired and paid for all time lost, less amount earned in other employment. (Decision No. 792.) 793a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 187.) Question of the right of the carrier, under rules 46 and 27 of the national - agreement, to require an employee who was laid off in a reduction in forces to take a physical examination and to hold him out of service on account of alleged failure to pass same. Decided: Board is advised that this dispute has been disposed of and withdrawal of same requested. The case is therefore removed from the docket and the file closed. (De- cision No. 793.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 183 794a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (III, R. L. B., 187.) Controversy as to proper compensation of a traveling labor gang in the water-service department of the carrier under the rules of the maintenance of way national agreement. Decided: That the service in question comes within the meaning and intent of section (i), Article V, of the main- tenance of way agreement; position of the carrier sustained. (Decision No. 794.) 795a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. Chicago & Alton Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 189.) Dispute in regard to the proper application of the minimum rate of com- posite mechanics to certain signal maintainers with less than four years' experience who were considered composite mechanics under the rules of the United States Railroad Administration. Decided: That the evidence indicates that the employees in question were classified as composite mechanics in accordance with Interpretation 1 to Supplement 4 to General Order No. 27; that employees who were receiving, prior to July 25, 1918, an amount equal to or in excess of minimum or hiring rate paid any craft represented in the crafts of which they are a composite shall be paid the minimum or hiring rate of the highest rated craft represented in such composite service; employees who, prior to July 25, 1918, were receiving a lower rate than that paid any of the crafts of which they were a composite shall receive the step rate in accordance with their years of experience as outlined in section 5-a, Supplement 4 to General Order No. 27, with subsequent adjustments. If this dispute increases the rates of any em- ployees, such increased rates shall be made effective July 1, 1921. (De- cision No. 795.) A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), (III, R. L. B.,, 190.) 796a. Railway Employees' Department, v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. Does rule 55 of Addendum 3 to Decision No. 222 permit others than mechanics who are members of the crew assigned to scrapping of equip- ment referred to in this rule to use acetylene cutting torch in connection with their work? Decided: That employees having requested that this case be closed, same is removed from the docket. (Decision No. 796.) 797a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Western Pacific Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 191.) Claim for reinstatement of two employees dismissed from servicę. Decided: That upon the evidence submitted the carrier was justified in the action taken in this case, and claim for reinstatement is therefore denied. (Decision No. 797.) 798a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 191.) Should bridge and building foremen, water-service foremen, and assist- ant bridge and building foremen on the Portland division receive the same monthly rate of pay as these classes of employees on all other divisions of the Southern Pacific System, the carrier having so adjusted rates on the Portland division after the return of the roads to corporate control but applying the increases granted by Decision No. 2 to the rates in effect 12.01 a. m., March 1, 1920? Decided: That the provisions of Deci- sion No. 2 have been complied with in applying the increases in the manner as outlined. (Decision No. 798.) aš 799a. United Brotherhood on Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 192.) Dispute in regard to seniority rights of carpenter laid off in reduction in force when younger men in the service were retained, the carrier stat- ing that employee in question was unable safely and efficiently to per- · 184 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. form the work required. Decided: That upon evidence submitted the carrier did not violate the meaning and intent in handling question in dispute, but recommends that when forces are increased employee be reemployed in some line of work that he may be capable of performing. (Decision No. 799.) 800a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Co. (HI, R. L. B., 193.) Claim that employee classified and rated as signal maintainer should be reclassified and rated as leading maintainer. Decided: That employee in question is not a leading maintainer within the meaning and intent of the agreement between the carrier and its signal department em- ployees, and claim of employees is therefore denied. (Decision No. 800.) 801a. Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen of America v. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Co. (HI, R. L. B., 194.) Controversey as to seniority rights of employee accepting supervisory position. Decided: That appointment to the position of signal super- visor did not constitute a temporary appointment and that continuity of service with the carrier was not disturbed thereby; that as a result of being demoted he is entitled to the position of signal maintainer by displacing signal maintainer having the least seniority rights on the senority district. (Decision 801.) 802a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. Boston & Maine Rail- road. (III, R. L. B., 196.) Dispute in regard to seniority rights of employee who bid for and accept temporary position of car inspector but who refuse to bid on position when adversited as permanent, the carrier taking the position that the East Fitchburg shops and Fitchburg station are two separate points and that under rule 31 of the national agreement covering shop- men employee lost his seniority at the shops when he took the position at the station. Decided: That inasmuch as the position of car in- spector at Fitchburg station was advertised as temporary" it is reason- able to assume that employee accepted the position with that undertsand- ing, and should therefore not have been denied seniority at Fitchburg shops; that he shall be restored to his seniority rating at said shops and compensated to the extent of any wage loss suffered, less amount earned in other employment. (Decision No. 802.) 803a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. Pennsylvania System. (III, R. L. B., 197.) Claim of carpenter who was laid off in reduction of force to rein- statement in accordance with his alleged seniority. Decided: At oral hearing of this dispute employees stated they would again handle the matter with the carrier in an effort to reach a satisfactory agreement. This docket will therefore be closed without prejudice to the right of either party to again bring the matter to the attention of the Board. (Decision No. 803.) 804a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Michigan Central Railroad Co. (HII, R. L. B., 197.) Dispute regarding right of assistant roadmaster, whose position was dis- continued, to displace section foreman at Frederick, Mich. Decided: That the employee's appointment to the position of assistant roadmaster did not constitute a temporary appointment and the continuity of his service was not disturbed thereby; that as a result of being demoted he is entitled to the position of section foreman by displacing the junior foreman in the service at the time of such demotion. (Decision No. 804.) 805a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Central Railroad Co. of New Jersey. (III, R. L. B., 200.) Shall employees who were paid time and one-half after 10 hours prior to Government control, which time constituted a day's work, be paid time and one-half after eight hours under Addendum 2 to Decision No. 119? DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 185 Decided: That Interpretation 1 to Addendum 2 to Decision No. 119 clearly covers the question in dispute and shall therefore apply to this case. (Decision No. 805.) 806a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 200.) Claim of engine watchman, Montford, Wis., or adjustment in rates of pay in accordance with section 8, Article III, of Decision No. 2, on an hourly basis, the carrier contending such employee should be paid on a monthly basis, as per section a-12 of Article V of the maintenance of way agree- ment, which article provides that engine watchmen at isolated points whose service is not continuous shall be paid a monthly rate to cover all service rendered. Decided: That Decision No. 524 of the Labor Board shall be followed in determining whether or not Montford is an isolated point; that if, in accordance with Decision No. 524 it is proper to consider Montford an isolated point, the carrier was justified in establishing a monthly rate for the position in question which should have been predicated upon the rate of pay and assignment in effect at the time such change was made; that if section a-12, Article V, of the agreement does not apply, the hourly rate shall be reestablished upon the basis of what the hourly rate would have been had the monthly rate not been established. (Decision No. 806.) 807a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 201.) Claim of four carpenters for reinstatement, with seniority and pay for time lost while being held out of service and men younger in the service retained. Decided: Claim for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 807.) 808a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 202). Should crossing watchman, paid a monthly rate under section a-12, Article V, of the maintenance of way agreement, be paid overtime at pro rata rate for ninth and tenth hours and time and one-half thereafter for all time worked in excess of his regular monthly assignment? De- cided: That section a-12 of Article V provided for the establishment of a monthly rate to cover all service rendered. The Board does not construe the language of this rule to prohibit the temporary assignment of em- ployees covered thereby to longer hours in case of emergency, though this decision should not be construed to permit the assignment of employees to longer hours for any considerable period of time without the payment of overtime therefor, and in no case unless an emergency exists. (Decision No. 808.) 809a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 203.) De- Claim of track laborers to position of temporary track foreman. cided: That in view of the fact that employee in question was credited with less than six months' service record at the time the promotion com- plained of took place, the Board is of the opinion that the question of seniority had no bearing upon the case; that the Board can not find that the carrier has violated the rules of the agreement in this particular case and the claim of the employees is therefore denied. (Decision No. 809.) 810a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 205.) Question of application of rules governing working conditions of train dispatchers to chief train dispatchers. Decided: That dispute is remanded to interested parties for conference and further consideration in accordance with section 1 of general instructions, Decision No. 721. (Decision No. 810.) 186 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 811a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Western Maryland Rail- way Co. (III, R. L. B., 205.) Application of rules governing working conditions of train dispatchers to chief train dispatchers. Decided: That dispute is remanded to interested parties for conference and further consideration in accordance with sec- tion 1 of "General instructions," Decision No. 721. (Decision No. 811.) 812a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Michigan Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 205.) Application of rules governing working conditions of train dispatchers to chief train dispatchers. Decided: That dispute is remanded to inter- ested parties for conference and further consideration in accordance with section 1, "General instructions," Decision No. 721. (Decision No. 812.) 813a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Long Island Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 205.) Application of rules governing working conditions of train dispatchers to chief train dispatchers. Decided: That dispute is remanded to inter- ested parties for conference and further consideration in accordance with section 1 of "General instructions," Decision No. 721. (Decision No. 813.) 814a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Denver & Rio Grande Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 205.) Application of rules governing working conditions of train dispatchers to chief train dispatchers. Decided: That dispute is remanded to inter- ested parties for conference and further consideration in accordance with section 1, "General instructions," Decision No. 721. (Decision No. 814.) 815a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 206.) Application of rules governing working conditions of train dispatchers to chief train dispatchers. Decided: That dispute is remanded to inter- ested parties for conference and further consideration in accordance with section 1, "General instructions," Decision No. 721. (Decision No. 815.) 816a. International Longshoremen's Association v. Baltimore & Ohio Rail- road Co. et al. (III, R. L. B., 206.) Question as to the application of Addendum 2 to Decision No. 119 to employees engaged in the loading and unloading of coal and ore at Toledo, Ohio. Decided: That the organization named in this dispute was not a party to Decision No. 119, and therefore Addendum No. 2 to said decision has no application to this dispute and the case is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 816.) 817a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 206.) Request for reinstatement of transfer man, Dallas, Tex. Decided: That the employee in question did not have sufficient fitness and ability to handle the work to which he was assigned when it became necessary to rearrange the work in connection with reduction in force, and the request for re- instatement by employees is therefore denied. However, when the force in the seniority district in which this employee worked is increased he shall be permitted to return to any position in the service to which his seniority, fitness, and ability may entitle him. (Decision No. 817.) 818a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Kansas City, Mexico & Orient Rail- road Co. (III, R. L. B., 207.) Request for reinstatement of clerk in auditor's office. Decided: With-* drawal requested and docket closed. (Decision No. 818.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 187 819a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 207.) Dispute regarding posting of seniority rosters in the mechanical depart- ment offices, Topeka, Kans. Decided: Withdrawal requested and the docket closed. (Decision No. 819.) 820a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 208.) Dispute in regard to right of employee to exercise his seniority to posi- tion of train earnings clerk, conductors' bureau. Decided: That Labor Board is advised that employee in question has left the service of the car- rier, and the employees having requested withdrawal of the dispute, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 820.) 821a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southeastern Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 208.) Were the rules, regulations, and conditions of employment that were in effect on the American Railway Express Co. binding upon the Southeastern Express Co. when that company commenced operation on the lines of the carriers over which the American Railway Express Co. operated prior to May 1, 1921? Decided: That the Southeastern Express Co. was not bound by any rules, regulations, and conditions of employment previously in effect for employees of the American Railway Express Co. (Dissenting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 821.) 822a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southeastern Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 213.) Dispute with reference to application of decreases in rates of pay author- ized in Decision No. 217 to employees of the Southeastern Express Co., employees taking the position that no action should have been taken by the carrier without proper conference and agreement with the employees. Decided: That the carrier in reducing wages without seeking conference with the representatives of the employees interested acted in conflict with section 301 of the Transportation Act, 1920, and Order No. 1 of the Rail- road Labor Board, and that it shall restore to all employees affected the difference between the rates of pay they have received since August 1, 1921, and the wages they would have received had the wages in effect prior to that date remained in effect. (Decision No. 822.) 823a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 214.) Dispute with reference to seniority of clerk. Decided: Withdrawal re- quested and docket closed. (Decision No. 823.) 824a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Paul Union Depot Co. (III, R. L. B., 214.) Dispute in regard to classification and rating of certain clerical and station forces employed at the Union Depot, St. Paul, Minn. Decided: That the service performed by employees classified as train directors, gate- men, elevator operators, train announcers, and railroad mail assorters does not require continuous application and they are properly paid in accordance with rule 49 of the clerks' national agreement; that informa- tion bureau clerks and telephone information clerks and foremen should be paid a daily rate as provided in rule 66 of the agreement; that em- ployees classified as assistant foremen and paid a monthly rate are not so in fact but are employees who have heretofore been paid an hourly rate of 2 cents above the rate of truckers and should be restored to this basis. This decision based on the particular facts of this case. (Decision No. 824.) 50960°-24-13 188 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 825a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Cincinnati, Indianapolis & Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 215.) Dispute as to representation in the negotiation of agreements on rules and working conditions. Decided: That a ballot shall be taken to ascertain the wishes of employees involved as to representation, the result certified to the Labor Board, and the representatives so selected proceed with the negotiation of rules. (Decision No. 825.) 826a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad Corporation. (III, R. L. B., 217.) Question of the right of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers to repre- sent certain agents, agent-telegraphers, and telegraphers employed by the carrier. Decided: That an election shall be held to determine the wishes of employees involved in regard to representation, the result certified to the Board, and the representatives thus chosen proceed with the negotia- tion of rules. (Decision No. 826.) 827a. Brotherhood of Dining Car Conductors v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 218.) Dispute with reference to rules governing working conditions of dining- car stewards. Decided: That employees and the carrier having agreed to withdraw this dispute, the same is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 827.) 828a. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System) v. Brotherhood of Dining Car Conductors. (III, R. L. B., 218.) Dispute as to what shall constitute just and reasonable wages for dining-car stewards. Decided: That employees and the carrier having agreed to withdraw this dispute, the same is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 828.) 829a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees; Michigan Central Railroad Clerks' Asso- ciation v. Michigan Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 219.) Controversy as to proper allocation of certain clerical employees growing out of decision of the Board ordering an election to ascertain the choice of employees as to representation. Decided: That employees shall be grouped as provided in sections 1 to 6, inclusive, of this decision. (Deci- sion No. 829.) 830a. Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Terminal Railway Co. et al. v. International Union of Steam and Operating Engineers. (III, R. L. B., 220.) Dispute as to what shall constitute just and reasonable rules and work- ing conditions for steam and operating engineers. Decided: That the Board promulgated a number of rules to govern the working conditions of this class of employees and made them effective on each of the carriers party to this dispute, except in such case as any particular carrier may have agreed with its employees upon any one or more of such rules. (Decision No. 830.) 831a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. San Antonio, Uvalde & Gulf Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 223.) Request for rehearing in connection with dispute between the above- mentioned carrier and organization regarding the dismissal of section fore- man at North Pleasanton, Tex., which dispute was decided by Decision No. 552. Decided: That motion for rehearing is denied. (Decision No. 831.) 832a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 223.) Dispute with reference to negotiation of rules governing working condi- tions of employees in telegraph service. Decided: In view of refusal of employees' representatives to negotiate with the carrier, Decision No. 757, rules covering employees in telegraph service, shall apply, effective April 1, 1922. (Decision No. 832.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 189 833a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Gulf Coast Lines. (III, R. L. B., 224.) Should shop employees of the Louisiana Southern Railway Co. be in- cluded in agreement governing rules and working conditions for the Gulf Coast Lines? Decided: That the Louisiana Southern Railway Co. is not a part of the Gulf Coast Lines and the carrier is within its rights in insist- ing that its shop employees be governed by a separate agreement. (Dis- senting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 833.) 834a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 227.) Claim of dispatcher for time absent from duty account of sickness. Decided: That under practice in effect on this carrier employee is not en- titled to pay for time absent from duty account of sickness, and claim of employees is therefore denied. (Decision No. 834.) 835a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 227.) Claim of chief clerks to agents at River Junction, Arcadia, St. Peters- burg, Palatka, and Tampa, Fla., for back pay for period March 1, 1920, to April 1, 1921, in connection with application of clerks' national agree- ment to such positions. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 835.) 836a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway. (III, R. L. B., 229.) Claim of clerk to right to exercise her seniority to position of time- keeper in the office of the shop accountant, Waco, Tex., when her position of comptometer operator was abolished, her application being denied by the carrier on the ground that she did not have sufficient fitness and ability to qualify for the position. Decided: On the basis of the evidence before it the Board decides that position of the carrier is sustained. (Decision No. 836.) 837a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway. (III, R. L. B., 229.) Dispute regarding reclassification of position of ticket agent as ticket clerk at a reduced rate of pay, employees contending that under the pro- visions of the telegraphers' agreement the carrier can not properly change the classification or rate of pay of a position without consulting the teleg- raphers' committee. Decided: Claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 837.) 838a. Brotherhood of Railroad Station Employees v. Portland Terminal Co. (III, R. L. B., 230.) Does the position of shop watchman at the repair shops of the carrier come within the scope of paragraph 2, rule 1, Article I, of the clerks' national agreement? Decided: That the Board has already decided, in Decision No. 113, that shop watchmen do not come within the scope of the clerks' national agreement. (Decision No. 838.) 839a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Gulf, Colorado & Sante Fe Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 230.) Dispute in regard to compensation of clerical employee in a continuously operated office required to relieve the regularly assigned employee on the assignment succeeding his own, employee claiming that he should be paid at the rate of time and one-half in accordance with rule 57 of the clerks' national agreement. Decided: Position of employees is sustained. (De cision No. 839.) 190 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 840a.. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri Pacific Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 231.) Claim of clerk, Helena, Ark., for back pay. Decided: The Board is ad- vised that parties to dispute have reached a satisfactory settlement and case is therefore removed from the docket and file closed. (Decision No. 840.) 841a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri Pacific Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 232.) Dispute regarding proper application of section 2, Article II, of De- cision No. 2 to position of clerk, Helena, Ark. Decided: Board advised that a satisfactory settlement has been reached, withdrawal requested, and the docket closed. (Decision No. 841.) 842a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 232.) Claim of employee, Pittsburgh, Pa., for the right to exercise his seniority to a position held by junior employee. Decided: Withdrawal requested and the docket closed. (Decision No. 842.) 843a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 232.) Request for equalization of wages of money clerks, Huntington, W. Va. Decided: Withdrawal requested and docket closed. (Decision No. 843.) 844a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Gulf & Ship Island Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 232.) Claim of employee for right to exercise his seniority in the general office of the carrier, Gulfport, Miss. Decided: Withdrawal requested and docket closed. (Decision No. 844.) 845a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 233.) Claim of messenger for pay for extra trip. Decided: That in accordance with understanding reached by interested parties at the hearing before the Board, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 845.) 846a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 233.) Dispute with reference to classification and rate of pay of transfer clerks, Charleston, S. C. Decided: Withdrawal requested and docket closed. (Decision No. 846.) 847a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway. (III, R. L. B., 233.) Dispute with reference to proper application of Decisions Nos. 2 and 147 to positions of multigraph operators. Decided: That case is removed from the docket and the file closed, the parties at interest having agreed to withdraw the dispute for further negotiation and effort to reach a settlement. (Decision No. 847.) 848a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Denver & Rio Grande Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 233.) Question of application of rules governing working conditions of train dispatchers to chief dispatchers. Decided: That this dispute is remanded to interested parties for conference and further consideration in accord- ance with section 1, "General instructions," Decision No. 721. (Decision No. 848.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. -191 849a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. International & Great Northern Railway. (III, R. L. B., 234.) Application of rules governing working conditions of train dispatchers to chief train dispatchers. Decided: That this dispute is remanded to in- terested parties for conference and further consideration in accordance with section 1 of "General instructions," Decision No. 721. (Decision No. 849.) 850a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 234.) Application of rules governing working conditions of train dispatchers to chief train dispatchers. Decided: That this dispute is remanded to inter- ested parties for conference and further consideration in accordance with section 1, "General instructions," Decision No. 721. (Decision No. 850.) 851a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. El Paso & Southwestern System. (III, R. L. B., 234.) Claim of train dispatchers for vacation for the year 1921. Decided: That under the rules in effect governing vacations of train dispatchers those who had been in the service of the carrier for a period of one year or more were entitled to a vacation for the year 1921; but since 1921 has passed and the rule does not provide for a double vacation period in the following year nor for pay in lieu of vacation not granted, the Board can not afford employees any relief in this dispute. (Decision No. 851.) 852a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway. (III, R. L. B., 235.) Decided: Claim of train dispatchers for vacation for the year 1921. That under the rules in effect on this carrier train dispatchers who had been in service one year or more were entitled to vacation for the year 1921, but since the year 1921 has passed and the rule does not provide for double vacation period in the following year or for pay in lieu of vaca- tion not granted, the Board can not afford the employees any relief in this case. (Decision No. 852.) 353a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 236.) Controversy in regard to proper seniority dating of employee in freight department and claim for back pay for period he was not paid as a clerk while holding position subsequent to March 1, 1920. Decided: That em- ployee in question shall be classified as a clerk and shown on the clerical seniority roster from August 10, 1917, and paid the difference between the compensation he received from March 1, 1920, to October 1, 1920, and the compensation he would have received if he had been classified and paid as clerk effective March 1, 1920. (Decision No. 853.) 854a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Kansas City Terminal Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 237.) Dispute in regard to alleged unauthorized reduction in wages of certain employees engaged in handling baggage and mail in Union Station, Kansas City, Mo. Decided: That inasmuch as the rates established by agree- ment between the carrier and its clerical employees was the basis of applying increases provided in Decision No. 2, the Board decides that reductions made by the carrier without conference or agreement with its employees or the approval of the Board was improper and that employees affected shall be reimbursed the difference between the wages they have received since June 1, 1921, and the wages they would have received if the unauthorizd reductions had not been made. (Decision No. 854. ) 192 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 855a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Gulf and Ship Island Railroad. R. L. B., 238.) (III, Dispute in regard to abolishing position of claim clerk and creation of the position of utility clerk in freight office and the assignment of the position of utility clerk to employee holding less seniority than three other employees in the office making application for same. Decided: The evidence shows that the position was bulletined in accordance with the provisions of the clerks' national agreement, that the three applicants represented here could not fill the stenographic requirements of the position, and therefore did not have the requisite fitness and ability to qualify thereon. Claim of em- ployees that they be granted a trial on the position is therefore denied. (Decision No. 855.) 856a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 239.) Claim for increase in rates of pay of three positions at Camden, N. J., to equalize with the rates of pay of certain positions at Philadelphia, Pa. De- cided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 856.) 857a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 240.) Shall increases granted under Article II of Decision No. 3 to certain em- ployees in express service at Dallas, Tex., be added to the rates in effect at 12.01 a. m., March 1, 1920, or shall the increase be added to the rates which include increases granted by the carrier since that date? Decided: That the increases granted under Article II of Decision No. 3 shall be added to the rates in effect at 12.01 a. m., March 1, 1920. (Decision No. 857.) 858a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 241.) Request for reinstatement of express messenger on trains operated be- tween Fort Worth and Sweetwater, Tex. Decided: Request for reinstate- ment is denied. (Decision No. 858.) 859a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. El Paso & Southwestern System. (III, R. L. B., 241.) Claim of material accountant, resident engineer's office, Douglas, Ariz., for vacation with pay. Decided: That under past practice of the carrier employee in question was not entitled to vacation with pay in the year 1920. (Decision No. 859.) 860a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. El Paso & Southwestern System. (III, R. L. B., 242.) Claim of clerk in accounting department for pay for time absent from duty account of sickness. Decided: That inasmuch as the carrier has not denied that it was the practice to pay employees in this class of service for time absent from duty account of sickness, employee is entitled to pay for the period he was absent and shall be compensated therefor. (Decision No. 860.) 861a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rail- road Co. (III, R. L. B., 243.) Dispute regarding allowance of extra compensation to levermen at Har- lem Avenue tower for operating street-crossing gates in connection with interlocker. Decided: That interested parties have requested withdrawal of this dispute, due to satisfactory settlement having been reached, and the docket is therefore closed. (Decision No. 861.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 193 862a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rail- road Co. (III, R. L. B., 244.) Dispute regarding allowance of extra compensation to levermen at Peru tower for caring for semaphore lights in connection with interlocker. De- cided: Withdrawal requested and the docket closed. (Decision No. 862.) 863a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 244.) Dispute as to proper classification of employee in clerical service and claim for back pay. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 863.) 864a. Railway Express Drivers, Chauffeurs, Conductors and Helpers, Local No. 720 of Chicago Teamsters' Union v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 245.) Dispute regarding change of pay days from a weekly to a semimonthly basis for vehicle employees. Decided: That the payment of salaries to employees involved in this dispute on a semimonthly basis is not in viola- tion of any rule, order, or agreement affecting the wages and working con- ditions of employees in the carrier's service. (Decision No. 864.) 865a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Illinois Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 246.) Request for reinstatement of clerk, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Decided: That employees having requested the withdrawal of this dispute and the carrier having concurred therein, the case is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 865.) 866a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 246.) Dispute regarding application of rules pertaining to seniority of train dispatchers to position of assistant chief dispatcher. Decided: That dis- pute is remanded to interested parties for conference and further consid- eration in accordance with section 1 of "General instructions," Decision No. 721. (Decision No. 866.) 867a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rail- way System. (III, R. L. B., 246.) Question as to whether regular dispatchers promoted from the ranks of telegraphers shall be permitted to displace regularly assigned telegraphers at “NR " office, Emporia, Kans. Decided: Board advised that satisfactory settlement has been reached, withdrawal requested, and docket closed. (Decision No. 867.) 868a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 247.) Claim of clerical employees in mechanical department, St. Joseph, Mo., for pay for time lost account of sickness and other reasons during year 1920. Decided: That under past practice employees in question are not entitled to pay for time lost account of sickness. (Decision No. 868.) 869a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 247.) Claim of clerk in mechanical department for pay for time lost account of sickness. Decided: That under past practice employee in question is not entitled to pay for time lost account sickness. (Decision No. 869.) 194 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 870a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 248.) Claim of two yard clerks for reimbursement for money deducted in March, 1921, to cover vacation allowed in the year 1919. Decided: With- drawal requested and the docket closed. (Decision No. 870.) 871a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 248.) Dispute with reference to right of employee to exercise his seniority to position in office of auditor of disbursements. Decided: Withdrawal requested and docket closed. (Decision No. 871.) 872a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 248.) Dispute in regard to application of rule 66 of the clerks' national agree- ment to positions paid on piecework basis Decided: Withdrawal re- quested and docket closed. (Decision No. 872.) 873a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 249.) Shall the supervisory agency at Las Animas, Colo., be included within the scope of the agreement between the carrier and the Order of Railroad Telegraphers and be subject to the provisions thereof? Decided: That the position in question shall not be included within the scope of the agree ment between the carrier and its employees in telegraph service nor sub- ject to the provisions thereof. (Decision No. 873.) 874a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Sys- tem. (III, R. L. B., 250.) Claim of clerk for pay for time absent from duty account death of his brother Decided: That dispute is remanded to interested parties for consideration on basis of past practice. In event of failure to agree thereon it may be resubmitted for decision. This decision of the Board is based on the rules of the national agreement and should not be con- strued as indicating the attitude of the Board on the question of pay for time absent account personal reasons. (Decision No. 874.) 875a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 251.) Claim of clerk, freight station, for pay for time lost account illness. Decided: That the dispute be remanded to interested parties for considera- tion on the basis of past practice. In the event of failure to agree thereon it may be resubmitted for decision. This decision is based on the rules of the national agreement and shall not be construed as indicating the attitude of the Board on the question of pay for time lost account sick- ness. (Decision No. 875.) 876a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Sys- tem. (III, R. L. B., 252.) Claim of clerk, freight station, for pay for time off duty account of sick- case is remanded to interested parties for consideration on the basis of - past practice, and in the event of failure to agree thereon it may be resub- mitted to the Board for decision. This decision is based on the rules of the national agreement and shall not be construed as indicating the attitude of the Board on the question of pay for time lost account of sickness. (De cision No. 876.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 195 877a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Sys- tem. (III, R. L. B., 253.) Claim of clerk, office of general storekeeper, for pay for time absent from duty account of sickness. Decided: That dispute is remanded to interested parties for consideration on the basis of past practice. In the event of failure to agree thereon it may be resubmitted to the Board for decision. (Decision No. 877.) 878a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Sys- tem. (III, R. L. B., 255.) Claim of clerk, freight station, for pay for time off account sickness. De- cided: That dispute is remanded to parties at interest for consideration ou the basis of past practice, and in the event of failure to agree thereon it may be resubmitted for decision. (Decision No. 878.) 879a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Sys- tem. (III, R. L. B., 256.) Claim of clerk, freight station, for pay for time off duty account of sick- ness. Decided: That dispute is remanded to interested parties for consid- eration on the basis of past practice. In the event of failure to agree thereon it may be resubmitted for decision. (Decision No. 879.) 889a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 257.) Request for reinstatement of transferman, Dallas, Tex. Decided: That request for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 880.) 881a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 257.) Dispute regarding the right of the carrier to change the starting time of assignment of two employees from 12 midnight to 1.30 a. m., employees contending that the change in starting time of employees in question is in violation of rule 53 of the clerks' agreement, which states that where three consecutive shifts are worked covering a 24-hour period no shift will have a starting time after 12 o'clock midnight and before 5 a. m. Decided: That the evidence shows that platform men at the station named are not assigned to three-shift positions as referred to in rule 53, but that the service performed by said employees is continuous throughout the 24-hour period, there being from one to three platform men on duty at all times. Position of employees is sustained. (Decision No. 881.) 882a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Denver & Rio Grande Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 258.) Dispute as to proper application of Decision No. 2 to positions held by three clerical employees in the office of the superintendent of telegraph at Denver, Colo., who were paid jointly by the carrier and the Western Union Telegraph Co. but carried on the pay rolls of the carrier. Decided: That the full amount of the increase provided in Decision No. 2 for the classes of employees named herein shall be added to the rates in effect at 12.01 a. m., March 1, 1920. (Decision No. 882.) 883a. American Train Dispatchers Association v. New York & Long Branch Railroad. (III, K. L. B., 260.) Dispute regarding the negotiation of rules for the government of train dispatchers. Decided: Withdrawal requested and the docket closed. (De- cision No. 883.) 196 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 884a. American Train Dispatchers Association v. Atlantic Coast Line Rail- road Co. (III, R. L. B., 260.) Dispute regarding negotiation of rules governing working conditions of train dispatchers. Decided: That upon receipt of advice that the parties to this dispute have reached a satisfactory settlement, and request having been made for withdrawal of the case, same is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 884.) 885a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Cincinnati, Indianapolis & Western Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 260.) Application of the above-named carrier for a rehearing on Docket 1263, Decision No. 825. Decided: That after due consideration of the motion of the carrier for a rehearing the Board overrules said motion and declines to reopen the case. (Decision No. 885.) 886a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Interstate Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 260.) Proceedings under section 313 of the Transportation Act, 1920, to ascer- tain and determine whether or not the above-named carrier has violated Decision No. 528 of the Railroad Labor Board. Decided: That the Inter- state Railroad Co. and its responsible officials have violated Decision No. 528 of the Railroad Labor Board as set out in this decision, (Decision No. 886.) 887à. Masters, Mates, and Pilots of America (Local No. 40 of San Fran- cisco) et al. v. Northwestern Pacific Railroad Co. et al. (III, R. L. B., 262.) This dispute relates to the undecided portion of Docket 17, controversy between the organizations of employees and the carriers named as parties, and is applicable only to the question of rules governing working condi- tions for employees on railroad-operated floating equipment in the port of San Francisco, Calif. Decision No. 20 disposed of dispute regarding wages, but the Board did not undertake therein to consider rules and working conditions. Decided: That due to the lapse of time since the question was heard and the possibility that conditions to-day may be changed, together with the fact that since this question was submitted there have been many decisions on working conditions covering large groups of employees, the Board deems it advisable to remand this question to interested parties with the request that they again confer on the subject matter of this- pute and endeavor to reach an agreement as to rules governing condiлns of service. In the event of failure to agree, disputed questions may be resubmitted to the Board. (Decision No. 887.) 888a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Illinois Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 263.) Request for reinstatement of yard clerk. Decided: That, based upon evidence presented, request for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 888.) 889a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Norfolk & Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 263.) Dispute as to seniority of machinist who formerly occupied a supervisory position. Decided: Withdrawal requested and docket closed. (Decision No. 889.) 890a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Hocking Valley Railway Co. (ÍII, R. L. B., 263.) Shall time and one-half be allowed an employee who is required to work on Saturday when the positions are bulletined to work Monday to Friday, inclusive? Decided: Yes. This is time outside bulletined hours, and should therefore be compensated on the basis of time and ove-half. (Deci- sion No. 890.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 197 1 891a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Midland Valley Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 263.) • Claim of certain roundhouse employees to classification and pay of in- side hostlers. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 891.) 892a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. Toledo & Ohio Central Railway Co.; Zanesville & Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 264.) Dispute in regard to rules governing working conditions of carmen and blacksmiths of the Toledo & Ohio Central Railway Co. and all the shop crafts of the Zanesville & Western Railway Co. Decided: That rules agreed upon in conference pursuant to the issuance of Decision No. 119 shall be incorporated in the agreement covering the classes of employees named herein; that the rules of Decision No. 222 and addenda thereto, corresponding to rules in dispute, shall be incorporated in the agreements in so far as said rules pertain to these crafts. (Decision No. 892.) 893a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 265.) Shall the provisions of Decision No. 222 and addenda thereto be applied to car-department employees of the carrier in the manner provided therein and from the effective date therein specified? Decided: That the pro- visions of Decision No. 222 and its addenda shall apply to the car workers on the Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway in the same manner and from the same effective date as if they had been included in the original decision and addenda thereto. (Decision No. 893.) 894a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Rail- way Shop Laborers v. Texas & Pacific Railway. (III, R. L. B., 266.) Claim of employee in the bridge and building department classified as assistant foreman to classification and rating as foreman. Decided: That the service performed by the employee in question is not comparable with the service usually performed by bridge and building foremen, and claim of employees is therefore denied. (Decision No. 894.) 895a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Hocking Valley Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 267.) Dispute regarding right of foreman of car inspectors, whose position was abolished, to displace junior car inspector on first trick. Decided: Case remanded for conference and agreement. (Decision No. 895.) 896a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 268.) 4 Shall deduction be made in the pay of a monthly-rated foreman when the gang he supervises is laid off one day per week? Decided: That if the foreman is compensated on a monthly basis for all service rendered he should receive not less than the monthly rate, provided he was ready and available to perform the service required; that if paid on a monthly basis and overtime for work performed after eight hours and on Sundays and holidays, no valid claim can be made for time lost under the provisions of section (h), Article V, of the agreement then in effect. (Decision No. 896.) 897a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 269.) Claim of three engine watchmen, Sleepy Eye, Minn., for an hourly in- stead of a monthly basis of payment and back pay from March 1, 1921. Decided: The Board, in Decision No. 524, gave its interpretation of sec- tion a-12, Article V, of the maintenance of way national agreement which shall govern in determining whether or not the positions in dispute here should be rated on a monthly basis; that if rated on an hourly basis under such interpretation proper adjustment shall be made for the period subse- quent to March 1, 1921, account having been paid on a monthly basis. (Decision No. 897.) 198 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. * 898a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 270.) Claim of pumper for adjustment in rates of pay. Decided: That the carrier was justified in establishing a monthly rate for the employee in question in accordance with section a-12, Article V, of the maintenance of way national agreement, but that such monthly rate should have been predicated upon the hourly rate and assignment in effect at the time change was made, and that employee shall be reimbursed to the extent he has suffered a wage loss account of improper application for period July 1, 1921, until proper adjustment is made. (Decision No. 898.) 899a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 271.) Dispute regarding the establishment of a monthly rate of pay for engine watchmen in accordance with section a-12, Article V, of the maintenance of way national agreement subsequent to the issuance of Decision No. 2. Decided: That the carrier was justified in establishing a monthly rate for employees in question, but that such monthly rate should have been predi- cated upon the hourly rate and assignment in effect at the time such change was made; that employees shall be reimbursed to the extent that they have suffered a wage loss account of improper application for period July 1, 1921, until proper adjustment is made. (Decision No. 899.) 900a. Order of Railway Expressmen v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 272.) Claim of two employees for overtime on account sleeping in office after completion of their regular assignment. Decided: Based on evidence before the Board, claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 900.) 901a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Delaware & Hudson Co. (III, R. L. B., 273.) Dispute in regard to right of clerk to exercise his seniority in connection with reduction of forces. Decided: Withdrawal requested and docket closed. (Decision No. 901.) 902a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 273.) Shall Decision No. 332, which provides for the restoration of a differen- tial of 3 cents per hour for certain carpenter foremen and carpenters when performing certain classes of work, be made retroactive to August 2, 1920, the date on which the payment of the differential was discontinued by the carrier? Decided: Yes. (Decision No. 902.) 903a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of Amercia v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 274.) Dispute in regard to proper rate of pay of low-voltage signalmen and low-voltage signal maintainers. Decided: Case remanded for investigation as to the work performed by employees in question and conference by interested parties with permission to resubmit same in case of failure to reach an agreement. (Decision No. 903.) 904a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 276.) Dispute in regard to application of increases provided in Decision No. 3 to the position of on-hand clerk, Fort Worth, Tex. Decided: Case remanded to interested parties for conference and agreement. (Decision No. 904.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 199 905a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. · `(III, R. L. B., 277.) Claim of extra employee, Philadelphia, Pa., for additional compensation accruing under the application of Decision No. 3. Decided: That employee is entitled to the increases set forth in Decision No. 3 from the effective date of said decision, and that he shall be paid the additional compensation which would have accrued to him under the application of the increases in Decision No. 3 during the period May 1 to August 15, 1920. (Decision No. 905.) 906a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (HI, R. L. B., 278.) Request for reinstatement of employee, Hazleton, Pa. Decided: That based upon evidence and proceedings at hearing conducted by the Board request for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 906.) 907a. Order of Railway Expressmen v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 278.) Claim of two employees for overtime account sleeping in the office of the company after completing their regular assignment. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 907.) 908a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & Alton Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 279.) Dispute in regard to alleged violation of rule 66, clerks' national agree- ment, mechanical department, Bloomington, Ill. Decided: Dispute having been withdrawn, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 908.) 909a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 279.) Claim of employee for refund of cash fare paid because of failure to receive passes in time. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 909.) 910a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Trinity & Brazos Valley Railway. (III, R. L. B., 281.) Dispute in regard to inclusion of the telegraph office, Houston, Tex., in the agreement between the carrier and the employees in telegraph service. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 910.) 911a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Fort Worth & Denver City Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 281.) Claim of clerk in office of auditor of revenue for pay for time absent from duty on account illness of his father. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 911.) 912a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway System. (III, R. L. B., 281.) Dispute as to proper classification and rate of pay of janitor red caps, Barstow, Calif. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 912.) 200 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 913a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway System. (III, R. L. B., 281.) Dispute regarding application of Decision No. 2 to position of watchman. Decided: That dispute is remanded to interested parties for joint check in accordance with understanding reached at hearing conducted by the Board. (Decision No. 913.) 914a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway System. (III, R. L. B., 282.) Claim of four employees, San Francisco, Calif., for daily rate of pay. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Deci- sion No. 914.) 915a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway System. (III, R. L. B., 282.) Dispute as to proper rate of pay of clerk. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the file is closed. (Decision No. 915.) 916a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Pennsylvania System. (III, R. L. B., 282.) Dispute regarding negotiation of rules for government of employees in telegraph service. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 916.) 917a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 282.) Dispute in regard to bulletining positions of drivers, Portland Oreg. Decided: That in bulletining new positions or vacancies in vehicle service the bulletin shall indicate whether the position is day or night service, but in making assignments to such positions in accordance with the agreement the carrier shall not be required to assign thereto employees in the same class of service at the same rate of pay, except that employees working nights may be assigned in accordance with their seniority rights to day positions, which may be bulletined. (Decision No. 917.) 918a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 284.) Dispute regarding the exercise of seniority rights of two employees who entered the service at the same time. Decided: That since employees in question entered the service on the same date and at the same time and no understanding was had between the carrier and the employees, the carrier was within its rights in designating which of the employees should be considered the senior when it became necessary to do so. (Decision No. 918.) 919a. American Train Dispatchers Association v. Missouri Pacific Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 285.) Request for reinstatement of train dispatcher, Little Rock, Ark. cided: That based on evidence before the Board, request is denied. cision No. 919.) De- (De- 920a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Western Maryland Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 285.) Dispute as to proper application of rule 13 of the shopmen's national agreement where, in changing shifts, a lapse of service of 24 hours or over intervenes, employees contending that the rule provides for overtime rate for the first shift of each change providing employee has worked two or more shifts where préviously employed. Decided: That the shifts to which employees were transferred were not maintained on Sundays and that therefore the time intervening between the changing of shifts should not deprive employees of overtime rate provided for in rule 13, and that they should be reimbursed accordingly. (Decision No. 920.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 201 921a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Georgia Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 286.) Has the management of the Georgia Railroad the right, under rule 32 of the national agreement, to require foremen of the water-service de- partment to perform work of regular mechanics in making repairs to pumps at outlying points where no mechanics are employed? Decided: Board advised that the matter has been satisfactorily adjusted and the docket is closed. (Decision No. 921.) 922a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. St. Joseph Belt Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 286.) Seniority claim of boiler maker, St. Joseph, Mo. Decided: Board ad- vised that parties at interest agreed to refer the case to local committee and to consider its decision final. Docket is therefore closed. (Decision No. 922.) 923a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 287.) Dispute in regard to the application of rule 32 of the shopmen's national agreement and claim of employees for differential in rate of pay for mechanics at Albany, Ala. Decided: That upon receipt of advice that the case has been amicably settled the docket is closed. (Decision No. 923.) 924a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 287.) * Shall signal maintainers who have requested permission to leave their home stations or sections and whose request has been refused for any reason be paid for time retroactive to March 1, 1920? Decided: At hearing before the Board it was agreed by interested parties that a further effort would be made to adjust the dispute. The case is therefore closed without prejudice to the right of either party to again submit the matter to the Board if adjustment can not be reached. (Decision No. 924.) 925a. Petition of Gulf Coast Lines for Rehearing on Docket 478, Decision No. 403. (III, R. L. B., 287.) Request for rehearing in connection with discharge of car inspector, De Quincy, La., which case was decided by the Board in its decision No. 403. Decided: That request for rehearing is denied. (Decision No. 925.) 926a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Duluth, Missabe & Northern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 287.) Request of painter discharged from service for reinstatement with pay for time lost. Decided: That employee in question shall be reinstated to his former position and paid for all time lost, less any amount he may have earned in other employment. (Decision No. 926.) 927a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Duluth, Missabe & Northern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 288.) Claim of machinist for reinstatement to position held prior to being in- jured, and for pay for time lost since the date he applied for reinstatement. Decided: That employee shall be restored to his former position with seniority unimpaired and paid for all time lost from date he applied for reemployment to date he is restored to the service, less any amount earned in other employment. (Decision No. 927.) 928a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 289.) Dispute regarding dismissal of two carmen. Decided: The Board is ad- vised that the dispute has been amicably settled and the docket is closed. (Decision No. 928.) 202 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. ༣ 929a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- -press and Station Employees v. St. Joseph Union Depot Co. (III, R. L. B., 289.) Dispute regarding proper application of the rules of the clerks' national agreement to employees engaged in handling baggage and mail, St. Joseph, Mo. Decided: That dispute is remanded to interested parties for a confer- ence upon request of employees and a joint check to determine the extent to which the service performed by employees involved requires continuous application or is intermittent in character. (Decision No. 929.) 930a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Gulf Coast Lines. (III, R. L. B., 289.) Dispute in regard to the elimination of agents at certain stations on the lines of the carrier from the agreement between the carrier and its em- ployees in telegraph service without giving the 30-day notice required by the agreement or holding conference with the employees. Decided: That under the rules of the agreement the agents named should not have been excluded from the provisions thereof until 30 days' notice had been served upon the representatives of the employees requesting that change be made, or until conference had been held with employees' committee, or until handled in the manner provided in the Transportation Act, 1920. (Decision No. 930.) 931a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Delaware & Hudson Co. (III, R. L. B., 291.) Request for reinstatement of storeroom employee. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 931.) 932a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 291.) Dispute as to proper application of the increase provided for in Decision No. 3 to employees classified as guards, Ogden, Utah. Decided: That De- cision No. 3 shall apply to employees in question from the effective date thereof. (Decision No. 932.) 933a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 292.) Shall the position classified as chief clerk, regional accounting depart- ment, Chattanooga, Tenn., be included within the scope of the agreement between the employees and the carrier effective February 15, 1920, and bulletined in accordance with the provisions thereof? The carrier con- tended at the hearing before the Board that the position in question was abolished in August, 1921, but the employees claim that it has not been abolished. Decided: The Labor Board can not render a decision on this case until the employees and the carrier jointly determine whether or not the position was abolished. (Decision No. 933.) 934a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 292.) Claim of employee for time lost in the exercise of his seniority rights in connection with the abolition of his position, he having made a special trip to superintendent's office for the purpose of having an understanding and being allowed to exercise his seniority over employees younger in the serv- ice, thus losing one trip. Decided: That the employee in question was avail- able for service on the trip for which claim is presented and that his loss in compensation was sustained through no fault of his own. He shall therefore be reimbursed for the trip lost in the exercise of seniority on the date in question. (Decision No. 934.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 203 1 935a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (IH, R. L. B., 293.) Dispute in regard to proper compensation of ticket clerk, San Francisco, Calif., under the provisions of Decision No. 2. Decided: That the evidence shows that employee in question had more than one year's experience in clerical work of a similar nature in an outside industry and is therefore entitled to the increase for clerks with experience of one or more years in accordance with section 2, Article II, of Decision No. 2. (Decision No. 935.) 936a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 294.) Dispute regarding application of rules 21 and 27 of the clerk's national agreement in connection with the abolishment of position of car-service clerk, Geneva, N. Y. Decided: Withdrawal requested and the docket closed. Decision No. 936.) 937a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 294.) Claim of train and engine crew caller for pay in lieu of vacation for the year 1920. Decided: That under past practice employee in question is not entitled to pay in lieu of vacation not granted. (Decision No. 937.) 938a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway. (III, R. L. B., 295.) Dispute regarding negotiation of rules for the government of train dis- patchers. Decided: Withdrawal requested and the docket closed. (De- cision No. 938.) 939a. Railway Express Drivers, Chauffeurs, Conductors, and Helpers, Local No. 720 of Chicago Teamsters' Union v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 295.) Dispute regarding transfer of certain drivers in vehicle service from one stable to another within the same seniority district. Decided: That the action of the carrier in transferring employees named was not in conflict with rules governing working conditions of employees in vehicle service. (Decision No. 939.) 940a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 296.) Claim of clerk, office of chief freight-claim agent, for back pay under the provisions of Decision No. 2. Decided: That section 3, Interpretation 19 to Decision No. 2 covers the question in dispute and shall govern in this case. (Decision No. 940.) 941a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 297.) Claim of crew dispatcher for pay for two weeks' vacation taken in the year 1920. Decided: That under past practice employee in question is not entitled to pay for the two weeks' vacation taken in the year 1920. (De- cision No. 941.) 942a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 298.) Request of clerk for reinstatement. statement is denied. (Decision No. 942.) 50960°-24--14 Decided: That request for rein- 204 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 943a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 298.) Request for reinstatement of clerk, car department. Decided: Request denied. (Decision No. 943.) 944a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 298.) Claim for pay for time worked on July 20, 1921, in accordance with rule 50 of the clerks' national agreement. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 944.) 945a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 299.) Claim of certain daily-rated employees for pay for Saturdays not worked during a stated period. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 945.) 946a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Northern Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 299.) Dispute in regard to proper classification and representation of em- ployee in bridge and building department in connection with the main- tenance of water service and other equipment. Decided: That the evi- dence submitted clearly indicates that the employee in question is perform- ing work classified as that of sheet-metal workers, and he shall there- fore be classified and rated accordingly; that the right of the Federated Shop Crafts to represent craftsmen, irrespective of the department or place employed, is clearly establishel under the provisions of Title III of the Transportation Act. 1920. (Dissenting and supporting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 946.) 947a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Northern Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 304.) Dispute as to proper classification, rating, and representation of em- ployee in the bridge and building department. Decided: That evidence submitted indicates that employee in question is performing work classified as that of sheet-metal worker and shall therefore be classified and rated accordingly, effective July 1, 1921. (Dissenting and supporting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 947.) 948a. Petition of Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees for Rehearing on Docket 1152, Decision No. 821. (III, R. L. B., 309.) Petition for rehearing. Decided: That the Board overrules motion for a rehearing and declines to reopen the case. (Decision No. 948.) 949a. Petition of the Southeastern Express Co. for a Rehearing on Docket 1153, Decision No. 882. (III, R, L. B., 310.) Request for rehearing. Decided: Request denied. (Decision No. 949.) 950a. Petition of Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana for Rehear- ing on Docket 687, Decision No. 476. (III, R. L. B., 310.) Request for rehearing. Decided: Request denied. (Decision No. 950.) 951a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 310.) Request of carrier to reduce rates of pay of train dispatchers. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested the docket is closed. (Decision No. 951.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 205 952a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. New York Central Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 310.) Dispute as to proper application of Decisions Nos. 2 and 147 to em- ployees in mail room, Cleveland, Ohio. Decided: That the rates of pay of employees in question shall be adjusted analogically under Article XII of Decision No. 2 in accordance with section 4, Article II, of Decisions Nos. 2 and 147. (Decision No. 952.) 953a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. New York Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 311.) Dispute regarding proper application of Article II, Decision No. 2, to employees classified as station helpers. Decided: That the increases applied by the carrier under section 9 of Article II of Decision No. 2 are just and reasonable for the work performed. (Decision No. 953.) 954a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 312.) Request for reinstatement of car clerk. Decided: Request denied. (Decision No. 954.) 955a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 313.) Claim of yard clerks on Cincinnati terminal division for pay in lieu of annual vacations for year 1920. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 955.) 956a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 314.) Dispute in regard to application of rule 49 of the clerks' national agree- ment to position of station helper at Sevier, Mo., and claim of employees that rate of pay of the position in question should have been increased under section 7, Article II, of Decision No. 2. Decided: That position in question did not require continuous application and therefore was properly paid in accordance with rule 49 of the clerks' national agreement. Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 956.) 957a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Co. (III. R. L. B., 315.) Request for reinstatement of clerks, superintendent's office, Springfield, Mo. Decided: Request for reinstatement denied. (Decision No. 957.) 958a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. New York Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 315.) Dispute as to application of rule 49 of the clerks' national agreement to positions of train announcers, gatemen, and certain other employees, Union Station, Cleveland, Ohio. Decided: That in accordance with under- standing reached at hearing before the Board dispute is remanded to in- terested parties to be handled on the basis provided in Decision No. 632. (Decision No. 958.) • 959a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 315.) Request for reinstatement of employee, Lewiston, Mont. Decided: Case is remanded to interested parties for joint investigation in accordance with understanding reached at hearing before the Board and docket closed. (Decision No. 959.) 206 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 960a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 316.) Claim of certain clerical employees in freight service for pay for Cali- fornia Admission Day. September 9, 1921, on which day they were notified not to work. Decided: That under the language of rule 66 of the clerks' national agreement the holidays designated in rule 64 are the only ones of which either the employees or the carrier may take advantage unless other holidays are mutually agreed upon. The daily-rated employees involved in this dispute are entitled to pay for Admission Day, Septem- ber 9, 1921. (Decision No. 960.) 961a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Louisville, Henderson & St. Louis Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 316.) Dispute regarding negotiation of rules for the government of train dis- patchers. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 961.) 962a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Wheeling & Lake Erie Ry. Co.; Lorain & West Virginia Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 317.) Dispute in regard to negotiation of rules governing working conditions of train dispatchers. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 962.) 963a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago Great Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 317.) Dispute regarding right of the carrier to put into effect, over the protest of the employees and without decision of the Labor Board, a set of rules governing working conditions of clerical and station employees in lieu of rules contained in an agreement between said parties of March 30, 1920. Decided: That the agreement of March 30, 1920, is in full force and effect until changed by agreement with the employees or in the man- ner provided in the Transportation Act, 1920. (Decision No. 963.) 964a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 319.) Dispute in regard to right of clerk in superintendent's office, Los Angeles, Calif., whose position was abolished, to exercise his seniority to position held by junior employee in that office. Decided: That under the provi- sions of rule 27 of the clerks' national agreement employee should be per- mitted to exercise his seniority rights to position to which such rights entitled him when his position was abolished, and he shall therefore be reimbursed for any wage loss sustained. (Decision No. 964.) 965a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Denver & Rio Grande Railroad. R. L. B., 321.) (III, Request for reinstatement of employee, relieved from service after re- turn from leave of absence on account sickness, because of failure to pass physical examination. Decided: Claim for reinstatement denied. How- ever, if employee desires to return to the service and has improved suf- ficiently to enable her to pass the required examination, she shall be per- mitted to return with seniority rights unimpaired. (Decision No. 965.) 966a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Wheeling & Lake Erie Ry. Co.; Lorain & West Virginia Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 322.) Claim of train dispatchers for vacation with pay for the year 1921. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (De- cision No. 966.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 207 - 967a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. St. Louis Southwestern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 323.) Request for reinstatement of train dispatcher, with pay for time lost, dismissed from service for alleged responsibility for accident to train en route. Decided: That in the absence of evidence to prove conclusively the responsibility of employee in question, he shall be reinstated with seniority unimpaired and reimbursed for wage loss sustained, less any amount earned in other employment. (Decision No. 967.) 968a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Great Northern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 324.) Request for reinstatement of matron, King Street station, Seattle, Wash. Decided: Request for reinstatement denied. (Decision No. 968.) 969a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 324.) Dispute in regard to changing pay of chief train dispatcher and assistant chief train dispatcher to monthly basis, without extra compen- sation for work performed on rest days. Decided: That dispute is re- manded to interested parties for conference and further consideration in accordance with section 1, General Instructions," Decision No. 721. (Decision No. 969.) 66 970a. International Association of Railroad Supervisors of Mechanics v. Kansas City, Clinton & Springfield Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 324.) Protest of organization against position held by employee being re- classified from roundhouse foreman to master mechanic and against wage reduction effective July 1, 1921. Decided: That claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 970.) 971a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts) v. Denver & Salt Lake Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 325.) Shall the Denver & Salt Lake Railroad Co. pay to its employees covered by the shop crafts' national agreement one hour at the close of each week for checking in and out in accordance with rule 60 of said agreement? Decided: That the carrier has not complied with the meaning and intent of Decision No. 119 and Addendum 2 thereto in discontinuing the allow- ance of one hour per week for checking in and out and shall therefore restore this practice until the matter has been handled in accordance with said decision and addendum, and that employees shall be reimbursed to the extent they have suffered a wage loss account of change. (De- cision No. 971.) 972a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts) v. Denver & Salt Lake Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 325.) Protest of employees against alleged violation of rule 27 of the shop crafts' national agreement by the carrier by employing new men in pref- erence to those who had been laid off in reduction in force and who held seniority, and request for reinstatement of employees so discriminated against with pay for time lost. Decided: That the action of the carrier in employing new men in preference to those who had been laid off was in violation of rule 27 of the shop crafts' agreement and that the 11 men holding seniority shall be restored to their former positions with full seniority rights and paid for all time lost, less any amount earned in other employment. (Decision No. 972.) 973a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Pere Marquette Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 326.) Shall rates of pay for crossing watchmen as established by the Railroad Administration and the increases granted by the Railroad Labor Board in Decision No. 2 apply to the Pere Marquette Railway Co.? Decided: That parties at interest having agreed to withdraw the case, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 973.) - 208 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 974a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts) v. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 327.) Dispute as to proper classification and rate of pay of boiler washers, Denver, Colo., and Casper, Wyo. Decided: That inasmuch as boiler washers were considered boiler-maker helpers under rule 81 of the shop crafts' national agreement and under rule 81 of Addendum 6 to Decision No. 222, these men are entitled to minimum rate applicable to boiler- maker helpers at the points employed, effective May 1, 1922. (Decision No. 974.) 975a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 328.) Claim of tunnel watchman for adjustment in rates of pay under the provisions of Decision No. 2 from date on which rate was changed to a monthly basis. Decided: Withdrawal requested and docket closed. cision No. 975.) (De- 976a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts) v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 328.) Shall apprentices who complete their period of apprenticeship at a time when a reduction in force is in effect and while mechanics who have been laid off account of such reduction are still available for employment, be retained in the service as mechanics? Decided: That rule 42 of Addendum 6 to Decision No. 222 specifically provides that seniority of a mechanic will date from time of completion of apprenticeship; therefore the seniority of a mechanic shall be the determining factor in deciding who shall be retained in the service under force reduction; that employees holding seniority as mechanics who have been held out of the service on this account shall be returned to the service, but without pay for time lost. (Decision No. 976.) 977a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Great Northern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 329.) Is Decision No. 2 applicable to section and extra gang laborers em- ployed on the line operated by the carrier wholly within the Dominion of Canada? Decided: That the Railroad Labor Board has no authority to establish rates of pay or working conditions for employees engaged in work outside the territorial limits of the United States of America. (Decision No. 977.) 978a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts) v. Toledo, St. Louis & Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 329.) Protest of the Federated Shop Crafts against refusal of the carrier to meet them for the purpose of discussing rules and working conditions. Decided: That the carrier shall confer with representatives of the shop crafts and if said representatives can produce authorization that they represent the majority of the shop crafts on the property of the carrier a conference shall be held for the purpose of negotiating rules and work- ing conditions affecting such employees in conformity with Decision No. 119. (Decision No. 978.) 979a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance and Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Railway. (III, R. L. B., 330.) Has the carrier the right to deduct from the monthly rate of section foremen time lost on Armistice Day. November 11, 1921, on which date his gang was not working? Decided: That if foreman in question is compensated on a monthly basis for all service rendered he should re- ceive not less than the monthly rate so established, provided he was ready and available to perform the service required; that if compensated on a monthly basis and paid overtime for work performed after eight hours and all work performed on Sundays and holidays, no valid claim can be made for time lost under section (h), Article V, of the agreement then in effect. (Decision No. 979.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 209 980a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Union Pacific System. (III, R. L. B., 330.) Question regarding the adoption of two rules-section 3 of Article V, covering split trick, and section 31 of Article V, covering special service. Decided: Board advised that questions have been settled in conference and the docket is closed. (Decision No. 980.) 981a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. New York Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 330.) · Dispute in regard to right of trainmaster to displace dispatcher in Water- town, N. Y., office and claim of displaced dispatcher for reinstatement with pay. Decided: That trainmaster held no seniority on division on which this office is located; employee reinstated with pay for time lost. No. 981.) (Decision 982a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts) v. Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 332.) Dispute in regard to the right of the carrier to contract its shop work. Decided: That such contracts are in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and of decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that carrier shall take up with any employee making proper application for same the question of reinstatement. (Decision No. 982.) 983a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (II, R. L. B., 340.) Request that nontelegraph agency at Ellinger, Tex., be classified as a telegraph agency and that employee holding position be reimbursed the difference between the rate of pay he has received and the rate of pay under the classification requested by employees, retroactive to March 1, 1920. Decided: Request denied. (Decision No. 983.) 984a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 341.) Dispute in regard to classification and rate of pay of certain baggage and parcel room employees of the carrier at Lincoln, Nebr., involving the proper application of rule 49 of the clerks' national agreement. Decided: That positions classified as day mail foreman and night mail foreman shall be paid under rule 66 of the clerks' national agreement and that the positions of sorter and mail and baggage truckman are properly classified and paid in accordance with rule 49 of said agreement; that employees named herein are not freight handlers or employees similarly engaged as referred to in section 7 of Article II, Decision No. 2. (Decision No. 984.) 985a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Northern Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 343.) Dispute regarding demotion of clerk from position of ticket clerk. De- cided: On the basis of the evidence submitted the position of the carrier is sustained. (Decision No. 985.) 986a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Northern Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 343.) Dispute in regard to position of traveling agent, Pasco, Wash., em- ployees requesting that same he bulletined in accordance with rule 6 of the clerks' national agreement. Decided: Request of employees denied. (De- cision No. 986.) 987a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Western Pacific Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 344.) Dispute with reference to discontinuance of weekly rest day for chief train dispatchers. Decided: That dispute is remanded to interested parties for conference on the question of jurisdiction in accordance with section 1 of general instructions, Decision No. 721. (Decision No. 987.) 210 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 988a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Northern Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 344.) Shall the position of assistant supply-train storekeeper be included in the scope of the agreement between the carrier and its employees in clerical and station service and be subject to the rules thereof? Decided: That the position in question is within the scope of said agreement and shall be subject to the rules thereof. (Decision No. 988.) 989a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 346.) Dispute with reference to exercise of seniority rights by train dispatcher in connection with abolishing dispatching office at Vancouver, Wash. Decided: That employee in question should have been permitted to exercise his seniority to position held by train dispatcher with less seniority when his position was abolished, and shall be reimbursed for wage loss sus- tained. (Decision No. 989.) 990a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Michigan Central Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 347.) Dispute as to rate of pay for carpenters of bridge and building depart- ment temporarily assigned to work in the locomotive department. De- cided: File is closed. (Decision No. 990.) 991a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad Co. (ȚII, R. L. B., 348.) Dispute with reference to abolishment of position of coal-chute operator. Decided: That the evidence does not indicate that the service performed by the employee subsequent to February 4, 1921, was such as to warrant the classification and rating of coal-chute operator, and claim of employees is therefore denied. (Decision No. 991.) 992a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. Union Pacific System. (III, R. L. B., 349.) Claim of certain signal department employees for pay for time out of service when positions were abolished in making reductions in force. Em- ployees state that it was agreed by them that if they were restored to their positions immediately there would be no claim for back pay, and the evidence shows that on March 24 the positions were ordered restored. Decided: That in view of the fact that the positions were ordered restored five days following the last conference the claim for back pay is denied. (Decision No. 992.) 993a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 350.) Question of application of section (a−5), Article V, of the maintenance- of-way national agreement, employees claiming overtime thereunder for Sunday and holiday service. Decided: That claim of employees is denied, there being nothing in the evidence to indicate that it was the practice of the carrier to pay time and one-half for Sunday and holiday service except to a limited number of employees under special circumstances. (Decision No. 993.) 994a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Central Vermont Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 350.) Dispute as to proper application of Decision No. 2 to mechanics and helpers in the water service department of the carrier. Decided: That if employees in question are performing work specified in rule 126 of Addendum 6 to Decision No. 222 they shall be classified and rated as sheet- metal workers and sheet-metal workers' helpers, and if they were perform- ing such work when the increase of 9 cents per hour was applied they shall be compensated for the difference between 9 cents and 13 cents per hour for the period that the 9-cent per hour increase has been applied. (Decision No. 994.) . DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 211 995a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway- Shop Laborers v.. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co.; Chicago, Rock Island & Gulf Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 351.) · (a) Shall employee classified as coal-chute foreman be permitted to per- form work in connection with the coal chute and also the pumping station at that point? (b) If so, should he receive extra compensation for per- forming the two different classes of service. Decided: (a) Yes. (b) No. (Decision No. 995.) 996a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Washington Terminal Co. (III, R. L. B., 352.) Dispute as to rate of pay of mechanic temporarily assigned to fill posi- tion of monthly-rated foreman. Decided: That under the rule governing, the mechanic will receive not less than the rate of the foreman, but if the hours of the assignment multiplied by the mechanic's hourly rate for total hours on duty produce a greater sum than the foreman's daily rate, the mechanic should be paid the greater amount thus produced. (Decision No. 996.) 997a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 352.) Question of proper classification and rate of pay of employees in tele- graph and telephone department now classified as division lineman. De- cided: That employees classified as and performing the work of linemen as per rule 141 shall be compensated as linemen; employees classified as line- men and required to perform work as per rules 140 and 141 of Addendum 6 to Decision No. 222 are composite workmen and shall be paid the rate applicable to employees performing work specified in rule 140. (Decision No. 997.) 998a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), et al., v. Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Co.; Lake Erie & Eastern Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 353.) Controversy as to representation in agreement negotiations. Decided: That an election shall be held to determine the wishes of a majority of each of the classes involved as to representation, certain classes having reached an agreement during the pendency of this case. (Decision No. 998.) 999a. International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers v. Louisville & Nash- ville Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 356.) Questions of application of Decision No. 2 to roundhouse laborers at various points. Decided: That section 8, Article III, Decision No. 2, shall be applied to laborers employed in and around shops and roundhouses who are classified and paid in accordance with paragraph (a), Article V, of Supplement 7 to General Order No. 27, issued by the United States Railroad Administration; that section 6, Article III, of Decision No. 2, shall be ap- plied to laborers employed in and around shops and roundhouses who were classified and paid in accordance with paragraph (b), Article V, of Supple- ment 7 of General Order No. 27. (Decision No. 999.) 1000a. International Association of Railroad Supervisors of Mechanics v. Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 356.) Does assistant foreman whose position of supervisor was discontinued hold seniority rights as a mechanic? Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1000.) 1001a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. Philadelphia & Reading Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 356.) Question of demotion of employee to position of boilermaker helper in a reduction of forces. Decided: Parties at interest having agreed to con- duct a further test for the purpose of determining whether or not the de- motion of employee in question was justified, the case is removed from the docket without prejudice to the right of either party to again submit same to the Board in case of a disagreement. (Decision No. 1001.) 212 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1002a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Kentucky & Indiana Terminal Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 357.) Are employees represented by the United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers entitled to an agreement governing working conditions in accordance with Decision No. 119? Decided: The evidence does not indicate that employees interested in this dispute have handled the matter with the carrier in accordance with the procedure outlined in the Transportation Act, 1920, or Decision No. 119: that unless and until employees handle the matter in accordance with the Transportation Act, 1920, and Decision No. 119 the Board can not assume jurisdiction. (Decision No. 1002.) 1003a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Illinois Terminal Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 357.) Was the carrier within its rights when it arbitrarily reduced the wages of trackmen and ordered them to work 10 hours per day for straight time? Decided: No. (Decision No. 1003.) 1004a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 357.) Dispute regarding proper allowance of time for wrecking crews after the first 24 hours from time called under the provisions of rule 10 of the shop crafts' national agreement. Decided: That parties at interest having agreed to withdraw this case, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1004.) 1005a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 358.) Request of division lineman for reinstatement with full seniority rights and pay for all time lost. Decided: That parties at interest have reached an understanding relative to disposal of this case and the docket is there- fore closed. (Decision No. 1005.) 1006a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 358.) Question of proper classification and rate of pay of track employees in the terminal yards at Omaha and Lincoln, Nebr. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1006.) 1007a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. New York Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 358.) Claim of employee for reinstatement to position of crossing flagman. Decided: That claim is denied. (Decision No. 1007.) 1008a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Louisiana Southern Railway. (III, R. L. B., 359.) Dispute regarding rules and working conditions applicable to certain shop employees of the Louisiana Southern Railway. Decided: That rules governing shop employees on the Gulf Coast Lines shall be made applicable on the Louisiana Southern Railway. (Dissenting and supporting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1008.) 1009a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. El Paso & Southwestern Railroad Sys- tem. (III, R. L. B., 364.) Dispute regarding seniority rights and claim for back pay of employee in accounting department. Decided: That employee in question shall be reinstated with seniority rights unimpaired and shall be reimbursed for wage loss sustained, less any amount earned in other employment. (De- cision No. 1009.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 213 1010a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Lehigh Valley Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 366.) Claim of checker for additional compensation alleged to be due him under rules of the clerks' national agreement. Decided: That under the rules of the clerks' national agreement employee in question is entitled to the same compensation as regular checkers and shall be reimbursed for the time lost and for the difference between the rate of checkers and truckers for the two days worked on latter position. (Decision No. 1010.) - 1011a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Cincinnati, Indianapolis & Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 368.) Claim of clerk to right to exercise his seniority to position in the office of superintendent of motive power. Decided: Claim of employees denied, (Decision No. 1011.) 1012a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Chicago Junction Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 369.) Request for reinstatement of operator, Chicago, Ill. Decided: Request denied. (Decision No. 1012.) 1013a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 369.) Claim of dispatcher for vacation with pay for year 1921. Decided: That under rule in effect governing vacations for train dispatchers em- ployee in question was entitled to vacation for the year 1921. However, since the year 1921 has passed and the rule does not provide for a double vacation in the following year nor for pay in lieu of vacation not granted, the Board can not afford the employee any relief. (Decision No. 1013.) 1014a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 370.) ('laim of train dispatcher for compensation in lieu of vacation not granted in the year 1920. Decided: That under the rule in effect govern- ing vacations for train dispatchers employee in question was entitled to vacation for the year 1920; however, since that year has passed and the rule does not provide for double vacation period in the following year or for pay in lieu of vacation not granted, the Board can not afford the employee any relief. (Decision No. 1014.) 1015a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 371.) Dispute as to proper seniority date of chief clerk, Tifft Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Decided: Seniority of employee in question shall date from April 4, 1917. (Decision No. 1015.) 1016a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (III, R. L. B., 372.) Claim of telegrapher for one day's pay account not being called to work. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Deci- sion No. 1016.) 1017a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (III, R. L. B., 372.) Claim of telegrapher for difference between the pay of position he held in the carrier's service and the pay of a temporary vacancy which occurred in the "HN" office. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1017.) 214 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1018a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. New Orleans Great Northern Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 373.) Request of blacksmith, discharged from service, for reinstatement with pay for time lost. Decided: That employee shall be reinstated with sen- iority rights unimpaired and pay for all time lost, less any amount he may have earned in other employment. (Decision No. 1018.) 1019a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. New Orleans Great Northern Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 373.) Request for reinstatement of three employees dismissed from service, employees alleging they were discharged without investigation in violation of rule 37 of the shop crafts' national agreement. Decided: That em- ployees in question shall be reinstated to their former positions with sen- iority rights unimpaired and paid for all time lost, less any amount earned in other employment. (Decision No. 1019.) 1020a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. New Orleans Great Northern Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 374.) Request for reinstatement of machinist dismissed from service. De- cided: That employee shall be reinstated to his former position with sen- iority unimpaired and paid for all time lost, less any amount earned in other employment. (Decision No. 1020.) 1021a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. New Orleans Great Northern Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 375.) Request for reinstatement of eight employees dismissed from service. Decided: That employees in question shall be reinstated to their former positions with seniority unimpaired and pay for all time lost, less any amount earned in other employment. (Decision No. 1021.) De- 1022a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. New Orleans Great Northern Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 376.) Request for reinstatement of electrician dismissed from service. cided: That employee shall be reinstated to his former position with seniority rights unimpaired and pay for time lost, less amount earned in other employment. (Decision No. 1022.) 1023a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 376.) Dispute regarding dismissal of employee from position of regular relief dispatcher. Decided: That dispatcher in question was improperly dis- placed from the position of nonthly-rated regular relief dispatcher, and he shall therefore be reimbursed for the wage loss sustained as a result of said displacement. (Decision No. 1023.) 1024a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Union Depot Co. of Columbus, Ohio. (III, R. L. B., 378.) Dispute regarding application of rule 49 of the clerks' national agree- ment to certain baggage and parcel room employees. Decided: That the evidence shows that the service performed by employees in question does not require continuous application, and they are therefore properly classi- fied and paid in accordance with rule 49 of the clerks' national agree- ment. (Decision No. 1024.) 1025a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 379.) Dispute regarding seniority rights of train dispatcher, whose position was abolished. Decided; That action taken by the carrier was not in con- flict with rule governing seniority and request of employee for reinstate- ment is therefore denied. (Decision No. 1025.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 2157 1026a: Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- · press and Station Employees v. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 380.) : Dispute regarding seniority rights of clerk, auditing department, whose position was abolished. Decided: That the employee is entitled, under the rules in effect governing seniority, to exercise his seniority to any posi- tion held by employee junior in service, and that therefore he shall be reinstated to the carrier's service with seniority rights unimpaired and reimbursed for wage loss sustained, less any amount earned in other em- ployment. (Decision No. 1026.) 1027a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Delaware & Hudson Co. (III, R. L. B., 382.) Dispute in regard to proper rate of pay of fire patrolmen. Decided: That unless and until the parties to the agreement affecting this class of employees shall agree otherwise, the Board decides that the rate of pay and overtime conditions for the service in question shall be in conformity with rates of pay and overtime provisions established for these positions. (Decision No. 1027.) 1028a. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al. v. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers et al. (III, R. L. B., 383.) Dispute regarding what shall constitute just and reasonable wages, car- riers parties to the dispute submitting requests for reduction in wages of employees involved, and, in a number of cases, employees requesting in- creases. Decided: That the rates established by Article III, Decision No. 147, shall be decreased in the amounts specified in this decision, effective July 1, 1922. (Dissenting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1028.) 1029a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 417.) Question of proper classification and rate of pay of certain employees at Broadway tower, Kansas City, Mo., it being the contention of the carrier that employees in question do not perform dispatcher's work and that their present classification and rate of pay is in accordance with existing orders and decisions governing employees in their class of service. Decided: Upon evidence submitted, the position of the carrier is sustained. (De- cision No. 1029.) 1030a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 418.) Protest of employees against action of the carrier in allowing yard- master whose position was abolished to displace yard clerk alleged to be senior in point of service. Decided: Based on evidence submitted, position of the employees is sustained. (Decision No. 1030.) 1031a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 419.) Request for reinstatement of employee with seniority and pay for time lost pending an investigation and hearing in connection with his dismissal from service. Decided: That evidence shows employee in question was dismissed without investigation being granted in accordance with rule 29 of the clerks' agreement, and the Board therefore decides that he shall be reinstated with seniority unimpaired and pay for time lost, less any amount earned in other employment, and that he shall be given an in- vestigation in accordance with rule 29 of the agreement above referred to. (Decision No. 1031.) 216 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1032a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Western Maryland Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 420.) Request for reinstatement of employee to position of claim investigator and rate clerk on which he was given 30 days' trial and is alleged to have failed to qualify. Decided: That on evidence submitted, request for re- instatement is denied. (Decision No. 1032.) 1033a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 421.) Dispute as to whether certain watchmen shall be included within the scope of the clerks' national agreement, employees contending that they are watchmen within the meaning of rule 1 of said agreement and should be subject to its rules and paid in accordance with rules 64 and 66 thereof. Decided: That positions do not come within the scope of the clerks' national agreement and claim of the employees is therefore denied. (Decision No. 1033.) 1034a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 422.) Dispute as to proper application of increases granted by Decision No. 3 to position of clerk, Fort Worth, Tex. Decided: That evidence shows employee in question was paid at the rate of $125 per month, effective February 20, 1920; that he was paid this rate prior to 12.01 a. m., March 1, 1920, and therefore the increase set forth in Article II, Decision No. 3, should be added to this rate. (Decision No. 1034.) 1035a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 423.) Request for reinstatement of driver in express service. Decided: Em- ployee reinstated with seniority rights unimpaired and paid for time lost. (Decision No. 1035.) ▼ 1036a. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al. v. Railway Employees' De- partment, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), et al. (III, R. L. B., 423.) Dispute as to what shall constitute just and reasonable wages for shop craft employees. Decided: That for supervisory forces no decreases shall be made; that for other employees involved rates of wages heretofore es- tablished by authority of the Board shall be decreased in the amounts specified in this decision, effective July 1, 1922. (Dissenting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1036.) 1037a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. New York Central Railroad Co. (Lines west of Buffalo). (III, R. L. B., 456.) Request for reinstatement of chief clerk in freight station. Decided: That employee in question shall be reinstated with seniority rights un- impaired and paid for all time lost, less amount earned in other employ- ment. (Decision No. 1037.) 1038a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 457.) Controversy in regard to bulletined position not being awarded to senior employee. Decided: That on evidence submitted and the fact that the laws of the State of Texas limit the working hours of women to nine per day, the action of the carrier in the assignment of position in question is sustained. (Decision No. 1038.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 217 1039a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Mobile & Ohio Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 458.) Controversy as to right of the carrier to establish Mobile terminal as a separate seniority district and claim of employees for wage loss sustained by reason thereof. Decided: Position of employees sustained. (Decision No. 1039.) ! 1040a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 459.) Claim of certain freight-house forces for pay for time required to lay off, under rules 48 and 21 of the clerks' national agreement. Decided: That rule 48 does not guarantee employment to freight handlers six days per week, regardless of fluctuation in business; that under rule 21 em- ployees should have been laid off according to seniority, and therefore two senior employees laid off while men younger in service were retained shall be reimbursed for time lost. This decision not applicable to claims arising prior to March 18, 1921. (Decision No. 1040.) 1041a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Mobile & Ohio Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 461.) Request for reinstatement with pay for time lost account no charges made at time of dismissal and no investigation held. Decided: Employee reinstated with seniority unimpaired and pay for time lost, less amount earned in other employment and less seven days held out of service pend- ing investigation as provided in rule 32, clerks' national agreement. (De- cision No. 1041.) 1042a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 461.) Claim of employees that position of chief claim clerk, Pier 22, North River, N. Y., comes within the scope of the clerks' national agreement as defined in rule 1, Article I, thereof, and should have been bulletined. De- cided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1042) 1043a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway R. L. B., 463.) Dispute in regard to proper rate of pay of clerk in superintendent's office. Decided: Case remanded to parties to develop the facts in connec- tion with the position in dispute without prejudice to their right to resub- mit in case of failure to settle controversy. (Decision No. 1043.) · 1044a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 463.) Protest against change of seniority roster after 60 days. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1044.) 1045a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Lake Erie & Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 463.) T Controversy as to right of train dispatcher to exercise seniority to dis- place employee holding regular assigned position, employees claiming that there is no rule in the agreement in effect between the carrier and its em- ployees in telegraph service which permits train dispatchers to displace employees holding assigned positions in telegraph service, and that teleg- rapher displaced should be restored to his position with pay for all time lost. · Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1045.) 218 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1046a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 464.) Controversy relating to failure of carrier to bulletin position of motive- power account clerk, employees contending such position comes within the provisions of rule 12 of the clerks' national agreement. Decided: Position of employees sustained. (Decision No. 1046.) 1047a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Norfolk & Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 465.) Question of application of clerks' national agreement to the position of ticket agent. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1047.) 1048a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southeastern Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 466.) Request for reinstatement of express messenger. Decided; Parties re- questing that case be remanded for further investigation, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1048.) 1049a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 466.) Claim of clerk to right to exercise seniority to position in freight office. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (De- cision No. 1049.) 1050a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen; Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire- men and Enginemen v. Illinois Terminal Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 466.) Request for reinstatement of switchman with pay for time lost. Decided: Request of employees denied. (Decision No. 1050.) 1051a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen; Brotherhood of Locomotive_Fire- men and Enginemen v. Illinois Terminal Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 467.) Request for reinstatement of switchman, with pay for time lost. Decided: On evidence submitted, employee shall be reinstated with pay for time lost, less any amount earned in other employment. (Decision No. 1051.) 1052a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen; Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire- men and Enginemen v. Illinois Terminal Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 469.) Claim for reinstatement of switchman, with pay for time lost. Decided: Employee reinstated with pay for time lost, less any amount earned in other employment. (Decision No. 1052.) 1053a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen; Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire- men and Enginemen v. Illinois Terminal Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 470.) Request for reinstatement of switchman, with pay for time lost. De- cided: Employee reinstated with pay for time lost. less amount earned in other employment. (Decision No. 1053.) 1054a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen; Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire- men and Enginemen v. Illinois Terminal Co. (III, R. L. B., 471.) Request that certain switchmen, displaced by junior employees, be re- stored to their positions with seniority and pay for time lost. Decided: That employees shall be reinstated to their former positions with pay for time lost, less amount earned in other employment. (Decision No. 1054.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 219 1055a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Illinois Terminal Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 472.) Request for reinstatement of 16 employees in the mechanical depart- ment. Decided: On evidence submitted, employees shall be reinstated with pay for time lost, less any amount earned in other employment. (Decision No. 1055.) 1056a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Illinois Terminal Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 473.) Request for reinstatement of certain maintenance of way employees. Decided: Employees reinstated, with pay for time lost, less any amount earned in other employment. (Decision No. 1056.) 1057a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Detroit & Toledo Shore Line Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 474.) Request for ruling as to right of Grand Trunk System Federation No. 92 to negotiate an agreement on the above property. Decided: Submission having been filed in ex-parte form and request having been received that the case be withdrawn, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1057.) 1058a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 474.) Request for reinstatement of machinist dismissed for alleged slow and dilatory service. Decided: That in view of employee's service record and the facts surrounding the case he shall be reinstated, but not paid for time lost. (Decision No. 1058.) 1059a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 475.) Request for reinstatement of two track laborers, dismissed for failure to report for work at regular starting time. Decided: On written and oral evidence submitted, carrier's position is sustained. (Decision No. 1059.) 1060a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Charleston & Western Carolina Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 476.) Request of carrier for application of Addendum 6 to Decision No. 222 in lieu of rules under which employees are now working. Decided: Re- quest of carrier denied. (Decision No. 1060.) 1061a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of .L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Norfolk & Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 478.) Question involving interpretation of rule 48 of Decision No. 222 and the right of the carrier to discharge employee bringing suit to settle personal injury claim. Decided: Request for withdrawal having been made, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1061.) 1062a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. New Orleans Great Northern Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 478.) Controversy regarding dismissal of two machinists. Decided: With- drawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1062.) 1063a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. Pennsylvania System. (III, R. L. B., 478.) Request for reinstatement of car inspector with seniority rights and pay for time lost. Decided: That employee shall be reinstated with pay for time lost and seniority unimpaired. (Decision No. 1063.) 50960°-24-15 220 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1064a. Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators, and Paperhangers of America v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 479.) Under Decision No. 119 has the Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators, and Paperhangers of America the right to represent certain painters employed in the locomotive and car department of the carrier? Decided: That the Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of America is entitled to negotiate agreements on rules and working conditions for employees in question and it is ordered that the parties proceed to negotiate such agreement. (Decision No. 1064.) 1065a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Jacksonville Terminal Co. (III, R. L. B., 480.) Controversy as to right of certain employees to hold seniority on more than one carrier at the same time. Decided: Claim for seniority with the Jacksonville Terminal not justified and claim denied. (Decision No. 1065.) 1066a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & Alton Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 482.) Dispute as to proper increase to be applied to coal-chute men under the provisions of Decision No. 2. Decided: Employees classified and paid under section (b), Article I of Supplement 8 to General Order No. 27. shall receive increase specified in section 2, Article III of Decision No. 2; employees classified and paid under section (a), Article V of Supple- ment 7 to General Order No. 27, shall receive increase specified in section 8. Article III of Decision No. 2. (Decision No. 1066.) 1067a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Lines. (III, R. L. B., 482.) Controversy as to right of signal-gang foreman demoted to signalman to be paid for equipment purchased by him for use in company outfit. Decided: That upon evidence submitted and facts developed, case is dis- missed and docket closed. (Decision No. 1067.) 1068a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Lines. (III, R. L. B., 483.) Request for reinstatement of signalman dismissed from service. De- cided: Interested parties having requested withdrawal, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1068.) 1069a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. New York Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 484.) Claim of section foreman for reinstatement, dismissal having been based on his refusal to reside at headquarters of section assigned him. Decided: That on the evidence submitted carrier is justified in requiring residence of foreman at headquarters of this section, but that said foreman shall be given another opportunity to bid same in, with the provision that he reside at headquarters. (Decision No. 1069.) 1070a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Norfolk & Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 485.) Claim for reinstatement of general chairman of carmen whose leave of absence was withdrawn by the carrier. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1070.) 1071a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 485.) Claim of employee for compensation account of injury. Decided: With- drawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1071.) 1072a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Ann Arbor Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 485.) Controversy as to proper classification and rate of pay of lubricator filler. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1072.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 221 1073a. International Union of Steam and Operating Engineers v. Cincinnati, Indianapolis & Western Railroad Co. (IHI, R. L. B., 486.) Claim of employees that under Interpretation 1 to Decision No. 2 they are entitled to an increase of 83 cents per hour in addition to increase granted by Decision No. 2. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Deci- sion No. 1073.) 1074a. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al. v. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees. (III, R. L. B., 486.) Dispute as to what shall constitute just and reasonable wages, carriers parties to the dispute requesting reduction in wages of employees involved, and, on a number of roads, certain employees requesting increases. De- cided: That each carrier party to this dispute make deductions from the rates previously established by the Railroad Labor Board for the specific classes of employees named or referred to in Article II in the amounts specified in Article I, effective July 1, 1922; that dining-car stewards, culinary workers on ferry boats in San Francisco Harbor, signal foremen, assistant signal foremen, and signal inspectors shall be given no decrease. (Dissenting and supporting opinions filed.) (Decision No. 1074.) 1075a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago Great Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 539.) Dispute in regard to the right of the carrier to contract certain of its maintenance-of-way work. Decided: That in entering into contracts in dispute said carrier violated the Transportation Act, 1920, and decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that it shall take up with any employee the question of reinstatement upon proper application for same. (Decision No. 1075.) 1076a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Chicago, Great Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 540.) Controversey as to the right of the carrier to lease its repair shops to an independent contractor. Decided: That the contract entered into by the carrier was in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and of the deci- sions of the Railroad Labor Board, and the carrier is directed to take up with any employee making proper application for same the matter of re- instatement. (Decision No. 1076.) 1077a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago Great Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 542.) Controversy as to the right of the carrier to contract the work of cer- tain of its clerical and station employees. Decided: That the contract en- tered into by the carrier is in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that the carrier shall take up the matter of reinstatement with any employee making proper applica- tion for same. (Decision No. 1077.) 1078a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. St. Louis, Brownsville & Mexico Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 544-) Dispute in regard to the right of the carrier to contract the work of cleaning its passenger cars. Decided: That the contracting of this work by the carrier is in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and of decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that the carrier shall take up the mat- ter of reinstatement with any employee making proper application for same. (Decision No. 1078.) 1079a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Indiana Harbor Belt Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 545.) Controversy in regard to the right of the carrier to contract its main- tenance-of-way work. Decided: That the contract entered into by the car- rier with an independent contractor is in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and of decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that the carrier shall take up with any employee making application for same the matter of reinstatement. (Decision No. 1079.) 222 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1080a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway; Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway of Texas. (III, R. L. B., 548.) Dispute in regard to contracting the work of certain of its repair shops by the carrier to an independent contractor. Decided: That in entering into such contracts the carrier violated the Transportation Act, 1920, and de- cisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that it shall take up with any employee making proper request for same the matter of reinstatement.· (Decision No. 1080.) 1081a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Kansas City Southern Railway Co.; Texarkana & Fort Smith Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 551.) Dispute arising out of schedule negotiations involving three questions: (a) Shall general office clerks and other general office employees have a separate agreement; (b) shall rules of Decision No. 630 be established in lieu of disagreed rules jointly submitted to the Railroad Labor Board; and (c) joint request of carrier and committee representing general office clerks for withdrawal of their submission and request of carrier for withdrawal of submission made jointly with the clerks' organization. Decided: (a) No. Question decided by Interpretations 5 to Decision No. 630. (b) Yes. (c) Both parties to dispute joining in request for withdrawal of dispute covering general office clerks, same is granted; carrier's request for withdrawal of dispute made jointly with clerks' organization denied, said organization requesting decision. (Decision No. 1081.) 1082a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Philadelphia & Reading Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 553.) Question of representation in agreement negotiations. Decided: That a ballot shall be taken to ascertain the wishes of a majority of the employees as to representation in accordance with method outlined in decision. (De- cision No. 1082.) 1083a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis Southwestern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 554.) Dispute regarding seniority rights of certain clerical employees. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1083.) 1084a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Erie Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 555.) Submission contesting right of train dispatchers to be listed on tele- graphers' seniority roster and to displace employees included in agreement between the carrier and its employees in telegraph service. Decided: That request of employees is not consistent with the principle of seniority and the practice of the carreir to protect employees of many years' service who had accumulated seniority rights prior to date changes in seniority rules were agreed upon, and claim of employees is therefore denied. (Decision No. 1084.) 1085a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Georgia Railroad. (III, R. L B., 557.) Dispute as to the right of the carrier to abolish the position of clerk- telegrapher at given points, employees contending action was taken to evade application of the telegraphers' agreement. Decided: That the action of the carrier in abolishing such position was not in conflict with the agreement between the carrier and its employees in telegraph service. (Decision No. 1085.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 223 1086a. International Longshoremen's Association v. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 557.) Claim of certain freight handlers to an increase in pay under the pro- visions of Decision No. 2 Decided: Organization representing employees was not a party to dispute under which Decision No. 2 was rendered; claim dismissed and docket closed. (Decision No. 1086.) 1087a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 558.) Dispute in regard to the right of the carrier to require certain clerical forces to perform service on Saturday afternoons and claim for additional compensation for service performed. Decided: Request for compensation denied; question of continuation of practice of granting Saturday after- noons off with pay remanded to parties for conference. (Decision No. 1087.) 1088a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 559.) Request for reinstatement of certain female station guards. Decided: Employees reinstated with seniority rights unimpaired and pay for time lost, less any amount earned in other employment since relieved from service. (Decision No. 1088.) 1089a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 560.) Does the position of shop clerk, Kayser, W. Va., come within the scope of rule 1, Article I, of the clerks' national agreement? Decidcd: No. (Decision No. 1089.) 1090a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 562.) Request for reinstatement with pay for time lost. Decided: Remanded for joint investigation in accordance with understanding reached at hear- ing. (Decision No. 1090.) 1091a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. New York Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 562.) Dispute as to proper classification and assignment of employees working at Calumet River drawbridge, involving the following questions: (a) Is 50 per cent of employee's time consumed in the performance of work covered by rules 140 and 141 of the shopmen's agreement; (b) has the general chairman of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers authority to handle employee's grievance; and (c) is employee entitled to first-trick position for which he made application? Decided: Based upon the service shown to be performed by employee in this particular dispute, the Board decides: (a) No. (b) Selection of representatives is a matter of employee's own choice, but grievances, etc., affecting said position shall be handled in accordance with signalmen's rules and regulations. (c) No. (Dissenting and supporting opinions filed.) (Decision No. 1091.) 1092a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 572.) Controversy as to classification and rate of pay of certain signal main- tainers, employees taking the position that the men in question prop- erly come under the shopmen's national agreement and should be classi- fied as electrical workers as per rules 140 and 141 thereof. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1092.) 224 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1093a. Brotherhood of Railroad Station Agents v. Maine Central Railroad Co.; Portland Terminal Co. (III, R. L. B., 579.) Claim of employees for return of amounts deducted from their wages because of alleged overpayments, carriers claiming to have made same because of wrong application of Supplement 7 to General Order No. 27, incorrect payment of overtime under rule 57 of the national agreement and error in figuring overtime. Decided: That under memorandum of agreement entered into by the parties April 12, 1921, deductions due to alleged misapplication of rule 57 are improperly made and shall be re- stored to employees. The merits of other deductions shall be taken up in conference and in case of failure to reach an agreement may be resubmitted to the Board, this decision to have no effect on deductions for overpayments prior to March 1, 1920. (Decision No. 1093.) 1094a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway. (III, R. L. B., 581.) Controversy between the carrier and employees in train and engine service in regard to change in location of freight terminal. Decided: That the carrier is within its rights in changing terminal in question. (Decision No. 1094.) 1095a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway. (III, R. L. B., 581.) Claim of fireman for pay on continuous-time basis for accompanying dead engine. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1095.) 1096a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 582.) Request for reinstatement with pay for time lost of 26 train and engine service employees dismissed for various causes during a period of ap- proximately six months. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1096.) 1097a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. Washington Ter- minal Co. (III, R. L. B., 583.) Question of overtime rates of employees in the signal department. De- cided: Effective February 16, 1922, overtime provisions of Decision No. 707 shall apply, and for the period July 1, 1921, to February 16, 1922, over- time worked shall not be paid for at a less favorable rate or condition than the overtime provisions of said decision. (Decision No. 1097.) 1098a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 583.) Resubmission of seniority rules remanded by Decision No. 501. De- cided: That rules set out in Article II, section (e), and Article III, section (h), of this decision are just and reasonable and shall be incorporated in the agreement between the carrier and its maintenance-of-way em- ployees. Rules applicable only to this carrier. (Decision No. 1098.) 1099a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Mobile & Ohio Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 584.) Shall wrecking-derrick engineer, when performing work classified as carmen's work, come under the jurisdiction of the carmen's committee? Decided: That the question of what organization shall represent employees is a matter of their own choosing; that when wrecking-derrick engineers in question are assigned to perform carmen's work they shall be governed by the rates of pay and rules and working conditions of that craft while so engaged. (Decision No. 1099.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 225 1100a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 585.) Question of proper classification and rating of employee in the main- tenance-of-way department. Decided: That employee is not a storekeeper within the meaning of Decisions Nos. 2 and 147; that appropriate designa- tion shall be assigned him indicating that he is a maintenance-of-way employee; that the increase and decrease applied by the carrier were in conformity with the provisions of the decisions referred to. (Decision No. 1100.) 1101a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. Quincy Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 586.) What is proper compensation for time worked beyond 10 hours on Sundays and holidays by regular six-day assigned employees, when notified or called to work outside of and not continuous with regularly assigned hours, July 1, 1921, to February 16, 1922? Decided: Interpretation 1 to Decision No. 707 covers question at issue. (Decision No. 1101.) 1102a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 586.) Request for reinstatement of assistant bridge and building foreman dis- missed from service. Decided: Reinstated with seniority unimpaired and pay for time lost. (Decision No. 1102.) 1103a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 587.) Controversy as to wording of caption or title-page of agreement affecting maintenance of way employees and the carrier. Decided: That caption shall be as set out in final paragraph of this decision. (Decision No. 1103.) 1104a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Virginian Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 588.) Does Interpretation 3 to Decision No. 119 permit employees of one car- rier to select employees of another carrier to represent them in handling grievances? Decided: Yes. (Decision No. 1104.) 1105a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. New York Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 588.) Request for determination of what is proper compensation for time worked beyond 10 hours on Sundays and designated holidays, and work outside of and not continuous with regular assigned hours, from July 1, 1921, to February 16, 1922. Decided: Interpretation 1 of Decision No. 707 covers question at issue. (Decision No. 1105.) ' 1106a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 589.) Claim for reinstatement of two carmen. Decided: Board advised that satisfactory adjustment has been made by parties to the dispute and docket is closed. (Decision No. 1106.) 1107a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Delaware, Lakawanna & Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 589.) Controversy as to proper application of rule 6 of Decision No. 222. Decided: Interpretation 1 to Decision No. 222 is applicable to question at issue. (Decision No. 1107.) 226 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1108a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Boston & Maine Railroad. (III, R. L.' B., 589.) Claim of employees for time lost account of alleged violation of shop- men's agreement in closing shops of the carrier. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1108.) 1109a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 590.) Question of proper method of compensating carmen assigned to Sunday and holiday service. Decided: Interpretation 1 to Decision No. 222 ap- plies to question in dispute. (Decision No. 1109.) 1110a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Toledo, St. Louis & Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 590.) Dispute involving proper application of rule 32 of the shopmen's na- tional agreement. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1110.) 1111a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Toledo, St. Louis & Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 591.) Controversy in regard to alleged violation of rule 32 of the shopmen's national agreement. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1111.) 1112a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Toledo, St. Louis & Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 591.) Question of seniority rights of certain shop employees. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1112.) 1113a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Toledo, St. Louis & Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 591.) Question of proper method of negotiating agreements. agreements. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1113.) 1114a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Toledo, St. Louis & Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 592.) Request for interpretation of rule 60, shopmen's national agreement. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (De- cision No. 1114.) 1115a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Toledo, St. Louis & Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 592.) Question of alleged violation by the carrier of rules 16 and 54 of the shopmen's national agreement. Decided: The Board advised that dispute has been amicably adjusted and the file closed. (Decision No. 1115.) 1116a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Toledo, St. Louis & Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 592.) Question of proper assignment of machinist apprentices. Decided: Board advised that dispute has been amicably adjusted and the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1116.) 1117a. Detroit & Mackinac Railway Co. v. Brotherhood of Locomotive En- gineers et al. (III, R. L. B., 593.) Application for rehearing in case disposed of by Decision No. 214. Decided: That new evidence offered does not warrant any change in original decision. (Decision No. 1117.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 227 1118a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 593.) Controversy in regard to dismissal of bridge and building employees for refusal to work overtime. Decided: That on the evidence submitted the carrier was justified in the action taken, and the request for reinstatement is denied, except as to two employees who did not refuse to work who shall be reinstated with seniority unimpaired and pay for time lost. (De- cision No. 1118.) 1119a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 594.) Was the carrier within its legal rights in contracting the work of its Indianapolis freight house to an independent contractor? Decided: That such contract was in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and of decisions of the Railroad Labor Board; that such employees are under the jurisdic- tion of the board and subject to the application of said act, and the car- rier is directed to take up the matter of reinstatement with any employee making proper application for same. (Decision No. 1119.) 1120a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 597.) Dispute with reference to inclusion of the carrier in Decision No. 707. Decided: That the provisions of the agreement entered into subsequent to March 1, 1920, be considered in full force and effect up to the effective date of Decision No. 707, when rules of that decision shall be applied to corresponding disagreed rules; disagreed rules not passed upon by said decision remanded for further negotiations. (Decision No. 1120.) 1121a. Order of Knights of Labor v. Boston & Maine Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 598.) Question of representation in agreement negotiations of certain laboring forces. Decided: That agreement was properly negotiated with United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers, which, however, does not prevent employees selecting representatives to handle matters affecting their wages and working conditions. (Decision No. 1121.) 1122a. Brotherhood of Dining Car Conductors v. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 599.) Dispute with reference to application of Supplement 27 to General Order No. 27 of the United States Railroad Administration and as to what shall constitute just and reasonable rules for dining car stewards. Decided: Dispute is remanded to interested parties for conference and effort to agree upon rules governing working conditions of employees involved. (Der cision No. 1122.) 1123a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Green Bay & Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 601.) Request for application of the provisions of Decision No. 2 to employees of the Green Bay & Western Railroad Co. Decided: That the Green Bay & Western Railroad Co. is a class 1 carrier as defined by the Interstate Commerce Commission; that the character of service performed by its employees is such as to warrant the application of the same rates of pay as upon other class 1 carriers; that employees involved in this dispute set out in groups 1, 2, and 3 shall be compensated on the basis of the in- crease awarded in Decision No. 2 and the decrease specified in Decision No. 147, this decision effective as of May 1, 1922. (Decision No. 1123.) 1124a. Petition of New Orleans Great Northern Railroad Co. for Rehear- ing on Docket 1679, Decision No. 1018. (III, R. L. B., 603.) Request for rehearing and that Decision No. 1018 be vacated. Decided: Request denied. (Decision No. 1124.) 228 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1125a. Petition of the New Orleans Great Northern Railroad Co. for Re- hearing on Docket 1680, Decision No. 1019. (III, R. L. B., 603.) Petition to reopen Docket 1680 and vacate Decision No. 1019 directing reinstatement of certain carmen. Decided: Request denied. (Decision No. 1125.) 1126a. Petition of the New Orleans Great Northern Railroad Co. for Re- hearing on Docket 1682, Decision No. 1020. (III, R. L. B., 604.) Request to reopen Docket 1682 and vacate Decision No. 1020, which directed reinstatement of certain machinists. Decided: Request of the carrier denied. (Decision No. 1126.) 1127a. Petition of the New Orleans Great Northern Railroad Co. for Re- hearing on Docket 1683, Decision No. 1021. (III, R. L. B., 604.) Petition to reopen Docket 1683 and vacate Decision No. 1021, directing reinstatement of certain carmen. Decided: Request denied. (Decision No. 1127.) 1128a. Petition of the New Orleans Great Northern Railroad Co. for Rehear- ing on Docket 1684, Decision No. 1022. (III, R. L. B., 605.) Petition to reopen Docket 1684 and vacate Decision No. 1022, directing reinstatement of an electrician. Decided: Request for reopening this case denied. (Decision No. 1128.) 1129a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 605.) Dispute in regard to classification and rate of pay of pumper. Decided: That on the evidence submitted the employee in question is properly compensated. (Decision No. 1129.) 1130a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. International & Great Northern Railway. (III, R. L. B., 607.) Claim for compensation by car inspector for time laid off his regular assignment prior to being assigned to new shift. Decided: Claim of em- ployee sustained. (Dissenting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1130.) 1131a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Northern Pacific Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 609.) Dispute regarding classification of certain freight station employees. Decided: Dispute having been withdrawn, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1131.) 1132a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Gulf, Mobile & Northern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 609.) Request for reinstatement of night watchman. Decided: Because of the conflicting character of the evidence with respect to essential facts, the case is remanded for joint investigation; that stenographic record of the investigation shall be made, and if after completion of investigation con- troversy can not be adjusted, dispute may be resubmitted. (Decision No. 1132.) 1133a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Mobile & Ohio Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 610.) + Claim of chief clerk for back pay under Decision No. 2. Decided: Claim of employee denied. (Decision No. 1133.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 229 1134a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). III, R. L. B., 610.) Question of proper compensation for certain roundhouse clerks, crew dispatchers and crew callers for service performed on Sundays and holi- days during period April 1, 1921, to February 1, 1922. Decided: That such employees shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half for Sunday and holiday service during the period stated. (Decision No. 1134.) 1135a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Central Union Depot and Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 612.) Dispute regarding application of Article II, Decision No. 147, to certain mail handlers. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the file is closed. (Decision No. 1135.) 1136a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Wabash Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 612.) Dispute regarding revision of certain rules of the agreement between the clerks' organization and the carrier. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the file is closed. (Decision No. 1136.) 1137a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Erie Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 612.) Dispute in regard to vacations with pay of certain clerical employees. Decided: Parties to dispute having requested its withdrawal, the file is closed. (Decision No. 1137.) 1138a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 612.) Dispute regarding bulletining of notices of interest to employees. De- cided: Board is advised that satisfactory adjustment of dispute has been made and the docket is therefore closed. (Decision No. 1138.) 1139a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 613.) Dispute as to proper compensation for clerk in freight claim agent's de- partment. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, docket is closed. (Decision No. 1139.) 1140a. Brotherhood of Dining Car Conductors v. Erie Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 613.) Dispute regarding abrogation of certain rules governing hours of service and working conditions of employees in dining car service. Decided: That rules in effect December 31, 1920, shall continue until changed by mutual agreement or in the manner provided by the Transportation Act, 1920. (Decision No. 1140.) 1141a. Brotherhood of Dining Car Conductors v. Erie Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 614.) Claim for back pay of dining car steward because of alleged wrongful application of Supplement 27 to General Order No. 27. (Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1141.) 1142a. International Union of Steam and Operating Engineers v. New York Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 616.) Question of proper rate of pay for stationary engineers for Sunday and holiday service. Decided: Effective April 21, 1922. employees in question shall be compensated in accordance with Decision No. 830. (Decision No. } 1142.) 230 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1143a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway System. (III, R. L. B., 616.) Shall extra-gang foreman be paid at time and one-half for service in ex- cess of his regular eight-hour assignment? Decided: Dispute having been withdrawn, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1143.) 1144a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Boston & Maine Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 616.) Dispute in regard to the establishment of piecework. drawal having been requested, the docket is closed. Decided: With- (Decision No. 1144.) 1145a. Order of Railroad Station Agents v. The Cincinnati Northern Rail- road Co. (III, R. L. B., 617.) Dispute with reference to negotiation of agreement covering working con- ditions. Decided: That dispute has not been handled in accordance with the provisions of the Transportation Act, 1920, and principles laid down in decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and it is therefore dis- missed. (Decision No. 1145.) 1146a. Order of Railroad Station Agents v. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 617.) Controversy as to negotiation of agrement covering working conditions. Decided: That subject was not handled in accordance with the provisions of the Transportation Act, 1920, and decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and the case is therefore dismissed. (Decision No. 1146.) 1147a. Order of Railroad Station Agents v. Northern Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 617.) Dispute regarding negotiation of rules covering working conditions. Decided: That submission was not handled in accordance with the provi- sions of the Transportation Act, 1920, and decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and the case is therefore dismissed. (Decision No. 1147.) 1148a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. Philadelphia & Reading Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 618.) Dispute in regard to demotion of emplyee to position of boilermaker helper in reduction of forces. Decided: Withdrawal requested and the docket closed. (Decision No. 1148.) 1149a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 618.) Question of proper rate of pay of fuel foreman. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the file is closed. (Decision No. 1149.) 1150a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & Great Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 618.) Question of proper classification and rate of pay of scale inspector. Decided: In accordance with the understanding reached at the oral hear- ing, the docket is closed without prejudice to the right of either party to again submit dispute in case of failure to agree in conference. (Decision No. 1150.) 1151a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 619.) Are the positions of assistant chief clerk and chief car distributer, and night chief clerk and car distributer, in the terminal superintendent's office. Pittsburgh, new positions within the intent of rule 17 of the clerks' national agreement and shall they be bulletined in accordance with rule 6 thereof? Decided: Yes. (Decision No. 1151.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 231 1152a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (III, R. L. B., 620.) Request for reinstatement of clerk in accounting department. Decided: That employee shall be reinstated with seniority unimpaired and paid for all time lost, less any amount earned in other employment. (Decision No. 1152.) 1153a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 622.) Claim of train dispatcher for compensation to cover alleged shortage in pay for vacation period, it being the contention of employees that he should have been compensated at the daily rate of each train dispatcher relieved and was entitled to receive while on his vacation the same total compensation that he would have received had he performed the actual service. Decided: Claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 1153.) 1154a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Pennsylvania System. (III, R. L. B., 623.) Claim of operator for pay for the period he was compelled to suspend work during his regular week-day assignment. Decided: Claim of em- ployees denied. (Decision No. 1154.) 1155a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 624.) Request for increased compensation for employees in freight claim agent's office. Decided: Request of employees denied. (Decision No.1155.) 1156a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 626.) Dispute as to the adoption of certain rules governing working condi- tions of employees in clerical service. Decided: Board advised that agree- ment has been reached by parties at interest and the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1156.) 1157a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 626.) Request for reinstatement of employee in express service. Fort Worth, Tex. Decided: At the request of parties at interest, case is withdrawn and the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1157.) 1158a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship_Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 627.) Claim of employees for overtime at rate of time and one-half for time worked in excess of nine hours per day. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1158.) 1159a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 627.) Request for reinstatement of certain employees dismissed from service. Decided: Understanding having been reached at hearing conducted by the board, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1159.) 1160a. Order of Railroad Station Agents v. Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 627.) Dispute in regard to representation in negotiation of agreement cover- ing rules and working conditions. Decided: That the submission was not handled in accordance with the Transportion Act, 1920, and principles laid down in decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and the case is there- fore dismissed. (Decision No. 1160.) 232 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1161a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Virginian Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 628.) Claim of three machinists for pay for time lost, in which is involved question of employees' right of choice of representatives. Decided: At- tention is directed to Decision No. 1104, covering dispute between parties herein named, upholding the right of employees to choose their own rep- resentatives, and the Board directs that in conjunction with the applica- tion of that decision a conference shall be held between the duly author- ized representatives of said parties in a further effort to reach an agree- ment, failing in which the parties are privileged to again submit the dis- pute to the Board. (Decision No. 1161.) 1162a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Virginian Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 629.) Request for interpretation of Addendum 2 to Decision No. 119. Decided: Board advised that dispute has been amicably adjusted and the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1162.) 1163a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Kansas City Southern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 629.) Shall section laborer discharged from service be reinstated with senior- ity rights unimpaired and pay for time lost? Decided: No. (Decision No. 1163.) 1164a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Railway. (III, R. L. B., 629.) Claim for pay for time lost account alleged violation of seniority rights in reduction of force. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1164.) 1165a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Missouri Pacific Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 630.) How shall employees coming under the provisions of rule 48 of the agreement between the maintenance of way organization and the Missouri Pacific Railroad Co. be paid? Decided: Attention of the parties is directed to Decision No. 593, wherein the position of the Board with respect to the application of rule 48 is clearly outlined, and the Board decides that the provisions thereof shall be made applicable to this dispute. Decision No. 1165.) 1166a. International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers v. Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 631.) Question of application of rule 5 of the national agreement covering firemen and oilers. Decided: Effective March 1, 1922, payment shall be made for service performed on Sundays and holidays in addition to em- ployees' monthly salary, in conformity with rules 5 and 6, Decision No. 725, this decision not applicable where duly authorized representatives of the carrier and its employees involved have reached an agreement provid- ing a fixed monthly rate to cover all service rendered. (Decision No. 1166.) 1167a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 632.) Shall employee working on supply car be paid the rate of stockman for time actually so engaged? Decided: Claim for stockman's rate while actually engaged on supply car is sustained. (Decision No. 1167.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 233 1168a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway System. (III, R. L. B., 633.) Dispute regarding application of rule 66 of the clerks' national agree- ment to certain hourly-rated clerical employees. Decided: The evidence indicates that the alleged dispute covers a difference of opinion between the employees and the carrier as to the proper method of computing the rate of pay of the employees, and it appearing that no specific claim for payment in accordance with employees' understanding of the rule is pend- ing for adjustment, the case is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 1168.) 1169a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. New York Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 633.) Question of application of rule 49 of the clerks' national agreement to certain employees enumerated in paragraph 2 of rule 1 of said agreement. Decided: The board having been advised of satisfactory adjustment of the dispute between the parties, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1169.) 1170a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 633.) Request for reinstatement of gateman dismissed from service. Decided: On evidence submitted, the request for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 1170.) 1171a. American Train Dispatchers Association v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 634.) Request for reinstatement of train dispatcher. Decided: The Board is advised of satisfactory adjustment of the dispute and the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1171.) 1172a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Wabash Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 634.) Dispute regarding alleged arbitrary elimination of annual vacations in violation of the agreement between the carrier and its clerical employees. Decided: The Board is advised that parties have reached a satisfactory settlement and the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1172.) 1173a. American Train Dispatchers Association v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 634.) Controversy regarding inclusion of chief and assistant chief dispatcher in agreement covering rules and working conditions between employees and the carrier. Decided: The Board is advised that parties at interest have reached a satisfactory adjustment of dispute and the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1173.) 1174a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Illinois Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 634.) Dispute regarding application of rule 3, Decision No. 757, covering inter- mittent service to employees at certain stations. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1174.) 1175a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 635.) Dispute regarding basis of pay, for overtime of employees covered by De- cision No. 630 during period July 1. 1921, to February 1, 1922: Decided: Interpretation 1 to Decision No. 630 covers the question in controversy and shall govern in this dispute. (Decision No. 1175.) 234 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1176a. Petition of United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers for Rehearing on Docket 349, Decision No. 251. (III, R. L. B., 635.) Request of employees for rehearing in connection with dispute covered. by Docket 349, disposed of by Decision No. 251. Decided: Request of em- ployees denied. (Decision No. 1176.) 1177a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. International & Great Northern Railway. (III, R. L. B., 635.) Claim that a differential rate of 5 cents per hour should be paid em- ployees assigned to laying out work for freight-car department and protest against unauthorized reduction made by the carrier in the rate of pay of such employees. Decided: That classification and rate in effect prior to the date on which the change was made by the carrier be restored and con- tinued in effect until changed in conformity with section 301 of the Transportation Act, 1920. (Decision No. 1177.) 1178a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (III, R. L. B., 636.) Question of proper classification and rate of pay of telegraph and tele- phone linemen from March 1, 1920, to January 1, 1922. Decided: That on the evidence submitted the claim of employees for classification of first- the representatives of the shop employees and the carriers is confined that effective December 1, 1921, the classification and rating of electrical workers shall be applied to the linemen in question. (Decision No. 1178.) 1179a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Boston & Maine Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 639.) Dispute as to proper rate of pay of electric crane operator in freight yards, in which is involved the question of this position coming within the scope of the agreement between this carrier and its shop craft employees. Decided: That in view of the fact that the scope of the agreement between the representatives of the shop employees and the carrier being confined to the locomotive and car departments, the question is not now a proper one for consideration by the Board and is therefore dismissed. (Decision No. 1179.) 1180a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Boston & Albany Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 640.) Question of proper rate of pay of electric-crane operator in freight yards and of the inclusion of this position within the scope of the agreement entered into between the carrier and the representatives of its shop em- ployees. Decided: That in view of the scope of the agreement between representatives of the shop employees and the carrier being confined to the locomotive and car departments, the question is not a proper one for consideration of the Board and is therefore dismissed. (Decision No. 1180.) 4 + 1181a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. New York, Ontario & Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 640.) Protest of employees against discontinuance of differential rates of heavy fire blacksmiths, heaters, hammer operators, and hammersmiths, and hammersmith and heavy fire helpers. Decided: That the differentials specified in rules 119 and 124 of the shopmen's national agreement shall be restored and shall remain in effect until changed in conformity with section 301 of the Transportation Act, 1920; that upon failure to agree in conference parties are privileged to submit the matter to the Railroad Labor Board for determination. (Decision No. 1181.) 1182a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 642.) Question of proper method of compensating section laborers under De- cision No. 501 whose regular assignment is from 7 a. m. to 3.30 p. m., six days per week, who are called to work at 1.30 a. m. Sunday and continue DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 235 to work until 3.30 p. m. Décided: Employees shall be paid in accordance with sections (a-9) and (a-10) for service performed between 1.30 and 7 a. m.; from 7 a. m. to 3.30 p. m., hours constituting their regular assign- ment, they shall be paid the pro rata rate under the provisions of sections (a-5) and (a-6). (Decision No. 1182.) 1183a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (IÌI, R. L. B., 642.) Should step-rate boilermaker, temporarily assigned to position of flanger, have received the rate of pay of that position for the time so employed? Decided: Yes. (Decision No. 1183.) 1184a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 643.) Question of classification and ratings of certain signal department em- ployees. Decided: Parties are referred to Decision No. 226, which is to be construed in conjunction with this case, and directed to confer in a further effort to reach an agreement with respect to question at issue. (Decision No. 1184.) 1185a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Co, (III, R. L. B., 646.) Controversy as to payment of overtime to monthly-rated foremen, bridge and building department. Decided: Interested parties are referred to De- cisions Nos. 209, 210, 233, 411, 546, 547, and 593, and the position of the Board as reflecting these decisions is made applicable to this case. (De- cision No. 1185.) 1186a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (III, R. L. B., 647.) Request for reinstatement. of employee in auditor's office. Decided: Based on evidence submitted, employee reinstated with seniority unim- paired but without compensation for time lost. (Decision No. 1186.) 1187a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Fort Worth & Denver City Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 647.) Controversy as to the incorporation of a certain rule with reference to compensation for work performed outside regular work period in the agree- ment between the carrier and its maintenance of way employees. Decided: That the following rule shall be incorporated in the agreement: Where special work, not within the scope of this agreement, is done outside of regular work period and extra compensation agreed upon, overtime will not apply. (Decision No. 1187.) 1188a. American Train Dispatchers Association v. Erie Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 648.) 1 Dispute in regard to vacations of train dispatchers. Decided: That under the rule of the United States Railroad Administration, continued in effect by Addendum 2 to Decision No. 119 of this Board, train dis- patchers in service continuously one year were entitled to two weeks' vaca- tion with pay, but that since time for which vacation was requested is past and the rule does not provide for a double vacation period the following year nor for pay in lieu of vacation not granted, the Board can afford employees no relief. (Dissenting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1188.) 50960°-24- -16 236 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1189a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 651.) Request for reinstatement of woman clerk relieved from service in reduc- tion of force while clerks with less seniority were retained because of carrier's adoption of the policy of relieving from service married women whose husbands were employed. Decided: That employee in question be reinstated with seniority rights unimpaired and pay for time lost. (De- cision No. 1189.) 1190a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 652.) Claim of clerk for pay for time absent account of sickness. Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1190.) Decided: 1191a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 653.) Dispute regarding right of employee to exercise his seniority to position in carrier's service at Philadelphia, Pa. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1191.) 1192a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Boston & Maine Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 654.) Dispute regarding rules governing working conditions of clerical em- ployees. Decided: The Board having been advised that parties have agreed upon all disputed points, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1192.) 1193a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 654.) Controversy regarding bulletined position not being awarded to employee holding seniority. Decided: That the matter in controversy having occurred prior to the passage of the Transportation Act, 1920, and the Board being of the opinion that said act was not intended to have a retroactive effect, it therefore has no jurisdiction in dispute and the case is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 1193.) 1194a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 654.) Request for reinstatement of yard clerk. Decided: Withdrawal requested and the docket closed. (Decision No. 1194.) 1195a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (III, R. L. B., 654.) Request for reinstatement of telegrapher dismissed from service. De- cided: On evidence submitted, request for reinstatement is denied. (De- cision No. 1195.) 1196a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Birmingham Terminal Co. (III, R. L. B., 655.) Are positions of baggage checkers, train announcers, gatemen, and train- crew callers properly classified and paid in accordance with rule 49 of the clerks' national agreement? Decided: That service performed by em- ployees named does not require continuous application and that they are properly paid on the basis established by rule 49 of said agreement. (Dis- senting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1196.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 237 1197a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 656.) Dispute regarding proper classification of employee and rate applica- ble under Decision No. 2. Decided: That the position in question is that of messenger and was properly increased 5 cents per hour in accordance with section 6 of Article II of Decision No. 2. (Dissenting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1197.) 1198a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 658.) Request for reinstatement of car loader. Decided: The Board is advised that satisfactory settlement has been reached and the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1198.) 1199a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Western Pacific Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 658.) Was carrier within its rights in laying off certain clerks on California Admission Day and Armistice Day without allowing pay therfor? De- cided: That under rule 66 of the clerks' national agreement the holidays designated in rule 64 thereof are the only ones of which either the em- ployees or the carrier may take advantage unless others are mutually agreed upon; that in the absence of such agreement the daily-rated em- ployees involved in this dispute are entitled to pay for time lost. (Decision No. 1199.) 1200a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 659.) Request for reinstatement of janitor. Decided: That time extension granted employees in which to gather and present evidence has long since passed, and the case is therefore removed from the docket. (Decision No. 1200.) 1201a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway. (III, R. L. B., 659.) Question of proper classification and rating of certain clerks. Decided: That employees are properly classified as clerks and entitled to the in- creases specified in section 2, Article II of Decision No. 2. (Decision No. 1201.) 1202a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 660.) Dispute regarding application of provisions of the clerks' national agree- ment to the position of day warehouse foreman, Chanute, Kans. Decided: That the position of foreman at the station in question is subject to the provisions of the clerks' national agreement. (Decision No. 1202.) 1203a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 661.) Request for reinstatement of clerk with pay for time lost. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1203.) 1204a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Northern Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 661.) Dispute regarding right of employee to exercise his seniority to position in store department. Decided: The Board is advised that satisfactory adjustment has been made and the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1204.) 238 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. น 1205a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship_Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Union Pacific Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 662.) Dispute regarding discontinuance of allowance to yard clerks for weigh- ing cars. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1205.) 1206a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad Co.; Rio Grande Southern Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 662.) . Was the arbitrary reduction in express commission rates paid to joint railroad and express agents authorized or permitted by the Transportation Act, 1920? Decided: The Board is advised that a settlement has been reached between interested parties and the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1206.) 1207a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 662.) Dispute regarding discontinuance of annual vacations with pay for certain employees in station and clerical service. Decided: Interpretation 2 to Decision No. 630 covers the question in dispute and should govern in this case. (Decision No. 1207.) 1208a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Northern Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 662.) Dispute arising out of schedule negotiations between the clerks' or- ganization and the carrier. Decided: That Decision No. 119 was not ap- plicable to agreement in effect between the clerks' organization and the carrier at the time of its issuance; that letter of carrier's representative of May 3, 1921, terminated said agreement, but that rules of this agree- ment not replaced by agreed-upon rules shall remain in effect until changed by mutual agreement or decisions of this Board; that effective August 15, 1922, the rules of Decision No. 630 shall be applied in lieu of correspond- ing rules in dispute, and rules not disposed of shall be remanded to the parties for conference. (Decision No. 1208.) 1209a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. New York Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 665.) Controversy in regard to the right of the carrier to contract work formerly performed by certain of its clerical and station employees. Decided: That the contracts entered into between the carrier and an in- dependent contractor were in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and the decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that the carrier shall take up with any employee the matter of reinstatement upon proper ap- plication made. (Decision No. 1209.) 1210a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Erie Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 667.) Dispute regarding contracting of work of clerical and station em- ployees. Decided: That the contracts entered into were in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and of decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and the carrier shall take up the question of reinstatement with any employee making proper application for same. (Decision No. 1210.) 1211a. Petition of Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana for Re- hearing on Decision No. 1152, Docket 1253. (III, R. L. B., 668.) Request that Decision No. 1152 be vacated and annulled and a rehearing granted. Decided: Request denied. (Decision No. 1211.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 239 1212a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. San Antonio, Uvalde & Gulf Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 670.) Dispute in regard to contracting work of maintenance of way employees. Decided: That the contract entered into is in violation of the Transporta- tion Act, 1920, and of decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that the carrier shall take up the matter of reinstatement with any employee making proper application for same. (Decision No. 1212.) 1213a. International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers v. Great Northern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 673.) Dispute regarding contracting of work formerly performed by employees involved in this dispute. Decided: That the contract entered into by the carrier was in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and of decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that the question of reinstatement shall be taken up with any employee making proper application for same. (Decision No. 1213.) 1214a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Erie Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 675.) Dispute regarding letting of shop work of the carrier to an independent contractor. Decided: That the several contracts entered into by the carrier are in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and of decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that the carrier shall take up with any em- ployee the matter of reinstatement upon application properly made. cision No. 1214.) (De- 1215a. United Brotherhood of Mainteance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 678.) Dispute in regard to contracting work of certain maintenance-of-way employees. Decided: That the contract entered into by the carrier was in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and of decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that the carrier shall take up the matter of reinstatement with any employee making proper application for same. (Decision No. 1215.) 1216a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. New York Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 679.) Dispute in regard to contracting the work of the shop employees of the carrier. Decided: That the contract entered into by the carrier is in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and of decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that upon application of any employee properly made the carrier shall take up with him the question of reinstatement. (Decision No. 1216.) 1217a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. New York Central Rail- road Co. (III, R. L. B., 682.) Controversy as to the right of the carrier to let the work of certain car repair shops to an independent contractor. Decided: That the contract entered into by the carrier is in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and the decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that the carrier shall take up the matter of reinstatement with any employee making proper application for same. (Decision No. 1217.) 1218a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Erie Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 683.) Dispute in regard to contracting work of maintenance-of-way employees. Decided: That the contract entered into by the carrier was in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and of decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that the carrier shall take up the question of reinstatement with any employee making proper application for same. (Decision No. 1218.) 240 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. * 1219a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. Erie Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 686.) Dispute regarding the contracting of work of certain maintenance-of-way employees to an independent contractor. Decided: That in entering into such contract the carrier violated the Transportation Act, 1920, and deci- sions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that upon application properly made the carrier shall take up with any employee the question of reinstate- ment. (Decision No. 1219.) 1220a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. New York Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 687.) Controversy in regard to contracting work of certain shop and mainte- nance-of-way employees. Decided: That the contracts entered into are in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and of decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that the carrier shall take up the question of reinstate- ment with any employee making proper application for same. (Decision No. 1220.) 1221a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 689.) Dispute regarding the right of the carrier to contract certain of its maintenance of way work. Decided: The Board is advised that a satis- factory agreement has been reached between the parties at interest and the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1221.) 1222a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 689.) Controversy involving the right of the carrier to contract the work of unskilled laborers. Decided: That the contracts entered into were in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and of decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that the question of reinstatement shall be taken up by the carrier with any employee making proper application for same. (Decision No. 1222.) 1223a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. (III. R. L. B., 690.) Dispute in regard to the right of the carrier to contract certain of its maintenance of way work. Decided: At the hearing the case was with- drawn by mutual consent and the docket is therefore closed. (Decision No. 1223.) 1224a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Cincinnati, Indianapolis & Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 690.) Dispute regarding contracting work of hostlers and hostler helpers. Decided: That the contract entered into by the carrier was in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and of decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that the carrier shall take up the question of reinstatement with any employee making proper application for same. (Decision No. 1224.) 1225a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts). v. Chicago Great Western Railroad Co. (HII, R. L. B., 692.) Controversy in regard to contracting work of certain shop employees. Decided: That the contract entered into by the carrier with an independent contractor is in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and of decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that the carrier shall take up the ques- tion of reinstatement with any employee making proper application for same. (Decision No. 1225.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 241 1226a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago Great Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 696.) Dispute as to the right of the carrier to contract certain of its main- tenance of way work. Decided: That the contracts entered into by the carrier are in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and of decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that upon application of any employee properly made the carrier shall take up with him the question of rein- statement. (Decision No. 1226.) 1227a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. Pennsylvania Sys- tem. (III, R. L. B., 697.) Question of proper compensation for time worked after eight hours and for Sunday and holiday service. Decided: The Board is advised that dispute has been amicably adjusted and the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1227.) 1228a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. Michigan Central Rail- road Co. (III, R. L. B., 697.) Request for interpretation of rule 6, Addendum 6 to Decision No 222. Decided: The Board is advised that the question in dispute has been adjusted and the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1228.) 1229a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Co.; Lake Erie & Eastern Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 698.) Shall rules and practices pertaining to pay for time absent account of sickness and vacation with pay in effect prior to April 1, 1922, covering employees in clerical and station service, remain in effect until rules in lieu thereof are agreed upon or decided by the Railroad Labor Board? Decided: Yes. (Dissenting and supporting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1229.) 1230a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 700.) Dispute in regard to contracting the work of certain maintenance of way employees. Decided: That the contracts entered into by the carrier were in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and of decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that the carrier shall take up the question of reinstatement with any employee making proper application therefor. (Decision No. 1230.) 1231a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 702.) Dispute with reference to contracting certain track work formerly per- formed by maintenance-of-way employees of the carrier. Decided: That such contract was in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and decisions of the United States Railroad Labor Board, and that the carrier shall take up the question of reinstatement with such employees as make application therefor. (Decision No. 1231.) 1232a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. New York Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 705.) Dispute regarding contracting work of freight handlers to an independent contractor. Decided: That the action of the carrier in contracting such work was in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and of decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that it shall take up the question of re- instatement with any employee making proper application for same. (De- cision No. 1232.) 242 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1233a. Pennsylvania System v. Employees in Telegraph Service. (III, R. L. B., 707.) Dispute regarding certain schedule rules covering employees in tele- graph service. Decided: That it having been agreed at the hearing be- fore the Board that rules promulgated in Decision No. 757 should apply as to certain disputed rules submitted covering similar questions, these rules are eliminated from further consideration; that effective October 1, 1922, rules set out in articles 1-B-1 and 1-D-1 shall apply to employees involved herein; and that question submitted relating to relief days and annual vacations shall be included in the general hearing on vacations now before the Board. (Decision No. 1233.) 1234a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Wabash Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 708.) Request for issuances of a status quo order restoring conditions in effect prior to the application of Decision No. 757. Decided: Application for the issuance of an order restoring the status quo is denied, but the evidence submitted by the parties will be considered in conjunction with that pre- sented with other cases in the hearing to be conducted by the Board on the application of the rules of Decision No. 757. (Decision No. 1234.) 1235a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 709.) Dispute in regard to the right of the carrier to let its shopwork to an independent contractor. Decided: That the contract entered into by the carrier is in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and of de- cisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that the matter of reinstate- ment shall be taken up by the carrier with any employee making proper application therefor. (Decision No. 1235.) 1236a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. New York Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 710.) Dispute regarding the exception of certain employees from the agree- ment between the carrier and the employees in clerical and station serv- ice. Decided: The Board is advised that satisfactory settlement has been reached and the case is therefore removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 1236.) 1237a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. El Paso & Southwestern System. (III, R. L. B., 711.) Dispute regarding alleged violation of rule 84 of the clerks' national agreement in connection with rearrangement of forces and changes in hours of service, and request for restoration of abolished positions and payment for overtime worked by employees filling newly created posi- tions from date of change. Decided: Position of employees sustained. (Decision No. 1237.) 1238a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. New York Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 712.) Dispute in regard to contracting work of certain electrical employees:- Decided: That contract in question was not and is not illegal, and that the application of the employees is denied. (Decision No. 1238.) 1239a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 724.) Dispute__regarding proper seniority date of delivery clerk in freight station. Decided: That seniority of said employee shall date from May 11, 1917. (Decision No. 1239.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 243 1240a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Gulf & Ship Island Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 726.) Dispute regarding alleged violation of the clerks' national agreement in the consolidation of certain positions. Decided: Withdrawal requested and the docket closed. (Decision No. 1240.) 1241a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Erie Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 727.) Dispute regarding the letting of work of certain shops of the carrier to an independent contractor. Decided: That the contract entered into by the carrier is in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that the carrier shall take up with any em- ployee making application for same the question of reinstatement. (Deci- sion No. 1241.) 1242a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 727.) Protest against change of assignment of second-trick operator at Engle- wood, Kans., in alleged violation of telegraphers' agreement. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1242.) 1243a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 728.) Question of seniority dating, involving right of displacement of agent. Decided: That upon the evidence submitted to the Board in this case, the claim of W. J. Farrell for right to displace G. D. Langham as agent at Lockland, Ohio, is denied. (Decision No. 1243.) 1244a. American Train Dispatchers Association v. Chicago, St. Paul, Min- neapolis & Omaha Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 730.) Joint request for elimination from the ex parte submissions filed by the carrier and the employees of that part of the controversy relating to vaca- tions with pay and pay for time lost account of sickness. Decided: Re- quest of the parties granted and the matter referred to removed from the further consideration of the Board. (Decision No. 1244.) 1245a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis Southwestern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 730.) Claim of clerk for pay for overtime worked. Decided: Withdrawal re quested and the docket closed. (Decision No. 1245.) 1246a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 730.) Dispute in regard to bulletining express driver's position on a designated route. Decided: That the bulletining of position involved in this dispute is not required. (Decision No. 1246.) 1247a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Northern Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 731.) Dispute in regard to bulletined position not being awarded to employee holding seniority. Decided: That employee holding seniority had sufficient fitness and ability to fill position in question should have been assigned same when it was bulletined and shall be reimbursed for any monetary loss sustained by reason of failure to assign him to the position. (Decision No. 1247.) 244 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1248a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Northern Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 732.) Request for reinstatement of employee in clerical service. Decided: That on the evidence submitted, employee shall be reinstated with seniority rights unimpaired, but without pay for time lost. (Decision No. 1248.) 1249a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Great Northern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 733.) Question of proper classification and rate of pay of certain clerical em- ployees who claim increases under section 7, Article II, of Decision No. 2. Decided: That employees in question do not come within the intent of section 7, Article II, of Decision No. 2 and claim of employees is therefore denied. (Decision No. 1249.) 1250a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. New Orleans Great Western Rail- road Co. (III, R. L. B., 734.) Dispute regarding refusal of carrier to bulletin vacancies and assign certain positions in accordance with the agreement between the carrier and its employees in telegraph service. Decided: Position of employees sustained, inasmuch as the agreement entered into between the parties provides that the several stations in dispute (except Columbus. Miss., which agency was created subsequent to the negotiation of the agreement) shall be subject to the rules contained in the agreement. (Decision No. 1250.) 1251a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 735.) Claim of car distributor to seniority over employee displacing him and for pay for time displaced. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Deci- sion No. 1251.) 1252a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 737.) De- Dispute regarding proper application of rule 14 of the agreement be- tween the carrier and its employees in clerical and station service. cided: That under the language of rule 14 positions or vacancies of 90 days or less may be filled without bulletining. (Decision No. 1252.) 1253a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Pere Marquette Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 739.) Question of proper classification and rate of pay of employees operating drawbridges, and request for reinstatement, with pay for time lost, of two former drawbridge operators. Decided: The position of drawbridge tender at points in dispute having been classified and paid as levermen by de- cisions of the United States Railroad Administration and under the pro- visions of the agreement between the employees and the carrier, no change should have been made except in accordance with the rules of said agree- ment or as provided by the Transportation Act, 1920. Claim for re- instatement denied. (Decision No. 1253.) 1254a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & Alton Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 741.) Controversy in regard to contracting work of certain maintenance-of-way employees. Decided: That the contract entered into was in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and of decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that the carrier shall take up with any employee the question of re- instatement upon proper application for same. (Decision No. 1254.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 245 1255a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Michigan Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 745.) Dispute regarding the right of the carrier to contract certain of its' shop work. Decided: That such contract is in violation of the Transporta- tion Act, 1920, and decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that the carrier shall take up the question of reinstatement with any employee mak- ing proper application for same. (Decision No. 1255.) 1256a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 747.) Dispute in regard to contracting certain maintenance-of-way work by the carrier. Decided: That the contracts entered into by the carrier are in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and of decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and the carrier is directed to take up with any employee the matter of reinstatement upon proper application. (Decision No. 1256.) 1257a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Bangor & Aroostook Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 750.) Controversy regarding contracting certain of its shop work by the carrier. Decided: That the contracting of such work by the carrier was in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920 and of decisions of the Railroad Labor Board and that the carrier shall take up the question of reinstate- ment with any employee making proper application for same. (Decision No. 1257.) 1258a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Boston & Albany Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 752.) Dispute in regard to contracting certain car-cleaning work of the car- rier. Decided: The Board is advised that a satisfactory adjustment has been made between interested parties and the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1258.) 1259a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 752.) Dispute in regard to contracting certain shop work of the carrier. De- cided: That the contract complained of is in violation of the Transporta- tion Act, 1920, and of decisions of the Railroad Labor Board; that ques- tion of reinstatement shall be taken up with any employee making proper application for same. (Decision No. 1259.) 1260a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pere Marquette Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 754.) Controversy in regard to leasing a certain power plant of the carrier to an independent contractor. Decided: That the contract entered into by the carrier is in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and of de- cisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that the carrier shall take up the matter of reinstatement with any employee making proper application therefor. (Decision No. 1260.) 1261a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (III, R. L. B., 756.) Dispute regarding the contracting of certain shop work of the carrier. Decided: The Board advised at the hearing that the contracting of such work has been discontinued and the docket is therefore closed. (Deci- sion No. 1261.) 1262a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Cincinnati, Indianapolis & Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 757.) Dispute in regard to contracting work of certain clerical and station employees. Decided: That such contracts are in violation of the Trans- portation Act, 1920, and of decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that the carrier shall take up the question of reinstatement with any em- ployee making application therefor. (Decision No. 1262.) A CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST, 246 TMC 1263a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Cincinnati, Indianapolis & Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 758.) Controversy as to the leasing of certain shopwork of the carrier to an independent contractor. Decided: That the contract entered into by the carrier was in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and of decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that the carrier shall take up the ques- tion of reinstatement with any employee making proper application there- for. (Decision No. 1263.) 1264a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Ann Arbor Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 762.) Dispute in regard to contracting certain shopwork of the carrier to an independent contractor. Decided: The Board is advised that the question in dispute has been amicably adjusted and the docket is therefore closed. (Decision No. 1264.) 1265a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Great Northern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 763.) Claim of station agent for additional compensation for work performed outside of established hours. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Deci- sion No. 1265.) 1266a. Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Co. et al. v. Railroad Yardmasters of America. (III, R. L. B., 765.) Dispute in regard to what shall constitute just and reasonable rules and working conditions. Decided: That, effective October 16, 1922, rules as set out in Articles I to V of this decision shall be applicable to employees and the carriers parties hereto, except in such instances as the employees and a particular carrier may have reached an agreement, when the agreed rules shall apply; that such disputed rules as are not decided herein are remanded for further conference for the purpose of adjustment. (Deci- sion No. 1266.) 1267a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers et al. v. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al. (IIÏ, R. L. B., 767.) ہے Dispute as to what shall constitute just and reasonable wages. Decided: That the rates of pay as provided in Articles I, II, and III of this decision are just and reasonable and shall be made applicable to employees and carriers specified. (Decision No. 1267.) 1268a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Savannah Union Station Co. (III, R. L. B., 791.) Dispute regarding alleged improper application of decrease provided in Decision No. 147 to employees in telegraph service. Decided: That Ad- dendum 1 to Decision No. 147 is properly applicable in this case. (Dis- senting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1268.) 1269a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 793.) Protest of maintenance of way organization against the method adopted by the carrier to establish authority for representation of section fore- men. Decided: Action of carrier sustained. (Dissenting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1269.) 1270a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Northern Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 803.) Claim of certain monthly-rated employees for additional compensation for Sunday service. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1270.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 247 .1271a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Great Northern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 805.) Claim of certain hourly-rated employees for eight hours' pay for eight hours' work or less, with overtime after eight hours, for Sunday and holi- day service. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1271.) 1272a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 807.) Dispute in regard to right of train dispatcher to exercise his seniority in the dispatching office, Bakersfield, Calif. Decided: The Board is ad- vised that the dispute has been amicably adjusted, and the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1272.) 1273a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 808.) Claim for additional compensation to monthly-rated employees for time worked on Sundays and holidays. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1273.) 1274a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. International & Great Northern Railway. (III, R. L. B., 809.) Request for additional compensation for agent at Millet, Tex., because of establishment of terminal at that point. Decided: That the evidence sub- mitted to the Board is insufficient for determination of the measure of ad- justment that should be made, and the case is therefore remanded to the parties for conference and an effort to reach an agreement. (Decision No. 1274.). 1275a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Boston & Maine Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 810.) Dispute regarding application of the clerks' national agreement to gen- eral foremen. Decided: That the general foremen in question are not sub- ject to the provisions of the clerks' national agreement. (Decision No. 1275.) 1276a. Boston & Maine Railroad v. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees. (III, R. L. B., 811.) Request by the carrier for elimination of inequalities in the rates of pay of certain clerical and station forces paid on an hourly basis. Decided: That effective November 1, 1922, the inequalities existing in the rates of pay of the positions involved in this controversy shall be eliminated by re- ducing the daily rate of such positions sufficiently to restore the uniformity existing prior to the application of the decisions of the United States Rail- road Administration by which they were created. (Decision No. 1276.) 1277a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 813.) Dispute in regard to the right of an employee to exercise his seniority to the position of roundhouse clerk. Decided: Withdrawal requested and docket closed. (Decision No. 1277.) 1278a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis Southwestern Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 813.) Request for reinstatement of station accountant. Decided: The Board is advised that a settlement has been reached as to question in dispute and the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1278.) 248 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1279a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Rail- road Co. (III, R. L. B., 813.) Dispute in regard to contracting the work of certain freight handlers. Decided: That employees at Hoboken and Jersey City, N. J., are specifically excepted from the provisions of the clerks' national agreement and are not included in Decisions Nos. 2 and 147, and claim presented on their behalf is therefore dismissed; that contract entered into covering employees at Scranton, Pa., and Buffalo, N. Y., freight terminals is in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and of Decisions Nos. 2, 119, and 147 of the Rail- road Labor Board. (Dissenting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1279.) 1280a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Min- neapolis & St. Louis Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 824.) Dispute in regard to proper method of compensating switching crews for work performed beyond yard limits. Decided: That work performed beyond switching limits is governed by paragraph (b), Article XX, of Supplement 24 to General Order No. 27 of the United States Railroad Ad- ministration. (Decision No. 1280.) 1281a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Firemen and Enginemen v. Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 826.) Claim of certain pool-freight crews for additional compensation. De- cided: That payment as now made is just and reasonable. (Decision No. 1281.) 1282a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 827.) Dispute as to proper method of compensating yard crews performing wreck-train service. Decided: That rule 57 of the engineers' agreement and 62 of the firemen's agreement shall govern work performed in switching limits; for work performed beyond switching limits paragraph (b), Article XX of Supplement 24 to General Order No. 27 of the United States Rail- road Administration shall govern. (Decision No. 1282.) 1283a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Co. (III. R. L. B., 828.) Dispute as to the proper method of compensating train and engine service employees for trips on branch lines after arrival at final terminal. De- cided: That payment as now made is just and reasonable. (Decision No. 1283.) 1284a, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 830.) Dispute as to schedule rules applicable to drag service.” Decided: That through freight rates apply to all drag runs; that paragraph (b), Article XX of Supplement 24 to General Order No. 27 applies only when drag service is performed beyond switching limits. (Decision No. 1284.) 1285a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen; Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 832.) Dispute in regard to the application of paragraph (b), Article XX of Supplement 24 to General Order No. 27 to yard crews helping trains out of yards. Decided: That rule cited applies only when yard engineers assist trains beyond the switching limits. (Decisions No. 1285.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 249 1286a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Erie Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 833.) Request of employees in telegraph service for reimbursement of amounts deducted from their wages. Decided: Claim of employees sustained. (De- cision No. 1286.) 1287a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Erie Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 836.) Dispute regarding failure of the carrier to apply Decision No. 553 issued by the Railroad Labor Board. Decided: Decision No. 553 provides that it be effective July 1, 1921, and the carrier in failing to restore the basis of pay for overtime provided by the agreement with its employees in tele- graph service and reimbursing the employees the difference between the compensation they have received and what they should have received under proper application of Decision No. 553 from July 1, 1921, is acting in violation of said decision. (Decision No. 1287.) 1288a. American Train Dispatchers' Association et al. v. Peoria Railway Terminal Co. (III, R. L. B., 837.) Protest against arbitrary reduction in wages and request for restoration of wages in effect prior to such reduction. Decided: That the action of the carrier in reducing wages of the employees parties to this dispute was in violation of Decision No. 2, and that the employees shall be reim- bursed for the wage loss sustained. (Decision No. 1288.) 1289a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 838.) Controversy concerning perpetuation of certain differentials in freight and passenger service. Decided: The matter complained of having oc- curred prior to the passage of the Transportation Act, 1920, the Railroad Labor Board decides it is without jurisdiction. (Decision No. 1289.) 1290a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 838.) Claim of firemen for freight rates of pay when used on locomotives of 3,500 and 3,600 class in passenger service. Decided: That the matter com- plained of having occurred prior to the passage of the Transportation Act, 1920, by which the Board was created, the Board has no jurisdiction of the dispute and the case is therefore dismissed. (Decision No. 1290.) 1291a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 838.) Controversy in regard to perpetuation of certain differentials in pooled passenger and freight service. Decided: That the matter complained of having occurred before the passage of the Transportation Act, 1920, by which the Board was created, the Board is without jurisdiction and the case is therefore dismissed. (Decision No. 1291.) 1292a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. (III, R. L. B., 839.) Controversy regarding allowance to yard crews helping trains out of East Portland. Decided: That paragraph (b), Article XX, of Supplement 24 to General Order No. 27 of the United States Railroad Administration applies only when yard engines assist trains beyond the switching limits. (Decision No. 1292.) 250 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1293a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen; Order of Railway Conductors v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 842.) Controversy regarding proper compensation for train and enginemen in fire-train service. Decided: That the present rates of pay are just and reasonable. (Decision No. 1293.) 1294a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 844.) Dispute in regard to proper application of monthly guaranty to pas- senger brakemen. Decided: That in territory where passenger service did not heretofore exist the monthly guaranty of flagmen and brakemen shall be $120 a month; that in territory where passenger service did exist the monthly guaranty of flagmen and brakemen on new runs shall be $125.80 a month, prior to the application of Decisions Nos. 2 and 147. (Decision No. 1294.) 1295a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen; Order of Railway Conductors v. Western Pacific Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 845.) Claim for terminal switching and terminal delay time for certain pas- senger crews. Decided: The case is remanded for further conference be- tween the parties to determine a just and reasonable basis of pay for the service in question. (Decision No. 1295.) 1296a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen; Order of Railway Conductors v. Western Pacific Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 848.) Controversy as to assignment of work of filling water cars and respon- sibility for water in auxiliary water cars used to supply engines hauling trains. Decided: That on the evidence submitted, no change is justified at this time. (Decision No. 1296.) 1297a. Order of Railway Conductors; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (III, R. L. B., 850.) Controversy as to schedule rule applicable to brakemen in three-crewed local service. Decided: That section 3, Article IV, of the agreement in effect between the carrier and its trainmen, as amended in this decision, shall apply. (Decision No. 1297.) 1298a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen; Order of Railway Conductors v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (III, R. L. B., 850) Claim for local rates of pay on mixed runs on Port Lavaca and Beeville branch lines. Decided: Supplement 16 to General Order No. 27 converted the monthly rate to a mileage basis and established a specified mileage rate. It is therefore decided that the present rate shall be the basic mileage rate plus the increase provided by Decision No. 2 and minus the de- crease of Decision No. 147. (Decision No. 1298.) 1299a. Order of Railway Conductors; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (III, R. L. B., 851.) Claim for through-freight rates of pay in work-train service. Decided: That the present agreed-upon work train rate is in excess of the through freight rate and that further increase is not justified. (Decision No. 1299.) 1300a. Order of Railway Conductors; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 852.) Claim of conductor for compensation for time which elapsed between end of deadhead trip and beginning of service trip at intermediate poinɩ Decided: Claim of employees deniel. (Decision No. 1300.) 1301a. Order of Railway Conductors; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 853.) Claim for switching-run rate of pay for crews on trains Nos. 27 and 28 between Chipley and River Junction, Fla. Decided: Claim denied. (Deci- sion No. 1301.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 251 * 1302a. Order of Railway Conductors et al. v. Nevada Northern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 854.) Request of employees in train and engine service that increases granted by Decision No. 2 of the Railroad Labor Board be added to the wage scale in effect on the Nevada Northern Railway as of May 1, 1920. Decided: That the increases specified in Articles VI and VII of Decision No. 2 shall be added to the rates in effect at 12.01 a. m., March 1, 1920, for the em- ployees involved in this dispute. (Decision No. 1302.) 1303a. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway v. Order of Railway Conductors; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. (III, R. L. B., 854.) Request of the carrier for amendment of schedule rule 47 to include pusher service at Osage, Okla. Decided: That when yard engineers assist trains beyond the switching limits paragraph (b), Article XX, of Supple- ment 25 to General Order No. 27 applies, but does not apply within the switching limits. (Decision No. 1303.) 1304a. Order of Railway Conductors; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v, Western Pacific Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 855.) Claim for initial switching time and final terminal delay and switching for local freight crew. Decided: The matter complained of having occurred prior to the passage of the Transportation Act, 1920, by which the Board was created, the Board decides that it has no jurisdiction of this dispute. (Decision No. 1304.) 1305a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Southern Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 857.) Dispute as to proper compensation of engine foreman temporarily used as yardmaster. Decided: That the payment as made by the carrier is just and reasonable. (Decision No. 1305.) 1306a. Order of Railway Conductors et al. v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Lines. (III, R. L. B., 858.) Claim of conductor for minimum day on account of extra trip in pas- senger service. Decided: Claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 1306.) 1307a. Order of Railway Conductors et al. v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Lines. (III, R. L. B., 859.) Protest of certain yard crews against being required to report for duty and being relieved from duty at different points within the same terminal. Decided: Position of carrier sustained. (Decision No. 1307.). 1308a. Order of Railway Conductors; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Kansas City Southern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 860.) Claim of conductor and crew for continuous time for combined service and deadhead trip. Decided: That crew was properly compensated and claim is denied. (Decision No. 1308.) 1309a. Protective Order of Railroad Trainmen in America v. International & Great Northern Railway. (III, R. L. B., 861.) Request of employees for application of increases provided for in De- cision No. 2. Decided: That the provisions of Decision No. 2 do not apply to train porters. (Decision No. 1309.) 1310a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Denver & Rio Grande Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 862.) Request for coal passers at Grays, Shawano, and Crookton, on the third division of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad. Decided: Based on evi- dence submitted, the request is not justified. (Decision No. 1310.) 50960°—24———17 252 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1311a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. New York, Ontario & Western Railway Co. (III, R. I.. B., 865.) Request that rates and rules as set forth in Decision No. 2 be incor- porated in the schedule covering engineers and firemen. Decided: That inasmuch as the carrier put into effect increases in rates of pay in accordance with Decision No. 2, its position is sustained, and attention is directed to Interpretation 2 to Decision No. 119 in regard to method of making change in schedule agreements. (Decision No. 1311.) 1312a.. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Houston & Texas Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 866.) Protest against running trains through Ennis, Tex., in new passenger service established between San Antonio and Dallas. Decided: That as- signment as made is just and reasonable and is not in violation of any schedule rule. (Decision No. 1312.) 1313a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Lake Erie Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 867.) Controversy as to proper classification and compensation of crews en- gaged in "drag service." Decided: That through-freight rates shall apply in all drag service; that paragraph (b), Article XX of Supplement 24 to General Order No. 27, applies when movements are made beyond switching limits. (Decision No. 1313.) 1314a. Order of Railway Conductors; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Kansas City Southern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 869.) Claim of extra brakeman for deadhead time account relieving another brakeman who laid off sick. Decided: Claim of employees sustained. (Decision No. 1314.) 1315a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Virginian Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 871.) Claim that engineers and firemen assigned to switching service at Sewalls Point yard are entitled to compensation under section (b), Article XX, of Supplement 24 to General Order No. 27. Decided: That the evidence shows that the work in question was performed within switching limits and that the rule relied on is not applicable. (Decision No. 1315.) 1316a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Northern Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 872.) Claim of yardmen at Butte, Mont., for additional compensation for certain specified days because of assignment of work-train crew to per- form pile-driver service exclusively within yard limits. Decided: Claim of employees sustained. (Dissenting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1316). 1317a. Order of Railway Conductors; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Northwestern Pacific Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 874.) Controversy in regard to method of filling vacancies in positions of baggagemen on electric trains. Decided: That future vacancies in these positions shall be filled from the ranks of trainmen but that present oc- cupants shall not be disturbed. (Decision No. 1317.) 1318a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Virginian Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 875.) Request for changes in schedule rules applicable to hostlers and hostler helpers. Decided: That suggested changes are not justified at this time. (Decision No. 1318.) 1319a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Virginian Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 876.) Request for reinstatement of engineer dismissed from service. Decided: Request for reinstatement denied. (Decision No. 1319.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 253 1320a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. El Paso & Southwestern Railroad System. (III, R. L. B., 876.) Dispute regarding the allowance of 15 minutes arbitrary terminal over- time for service performed by engine crew at end of trip. Decided: That if firemen are required to perform the "usual duties" as referred to in section 6 of Article XXVI of the schedule of wages effective November, 1919, after the expiration of the time for which they receive compensa- tion, they shall be allowed pay in accordance with the rule, but not otherwise. (Decision No. 1320.) 1321a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Colorado & Southern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 877.) Dispute as to the proper rate of pay for switch tenders in Denver yards under Decision No. 2. Decided: Decision No. 2 of the Railroad Labor Board established a specific rate of $5.04 per day for switch tenders, effective May 1, 1920. (Decision No. 1321.) 1322a. Order of Railway Conductors et al. v. Northwestern Pacific Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 878.) Controversy in regard to refusal of the carrier to bulletin certain freight service. Decided: Position of the carrier sustained. (Decision No. 1322.) 1323a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Kansas City, Mexico & Orient Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 878.) Claim of through-freight crew to local pay for placing car on incline coal chute. Decided: Claim denied. (Decision No. 1323.) 1324a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Kansas City, Mexico & Orient Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 879.) Claim of engineer for runaround. No. 1324.) Decided: Claim denied. (Decision 1325a. Order of Railway Conductors; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Northwestern Pacific Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 881.) Claim that switching and herding service for interurban electric trains at Sausalito pier should be assigned to trainmen or yardmen. On evidence submitted, the request of the employees is denied. No. 1325.) Decided: (Decision 1326a. Order of Railway Conductors; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Northwestern Pacific Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 881.) Controversy in regard to the operation of dump cars by trainmen.. Decided: That the service required of trainmen in the operation of valves on air dump cars is not unduly burdensome; position of carrier is sus- tained. (Decision No. 1326.) 1327a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. El Paso & Southwestern Railroad System. (III, R. L. B., 882.) Question of representation of hostler helpers. Decided: Case remanded for further conference and an effort to reach an agreement. (Decision No. 1327.) 1328a. El Pase & Southewestern System v. Brotherhood of Locomotive En- gineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen. (III, R. L. B., 882.) Question of application of Decision No. 2 to certain daily compensation provided for in the firemen's and enginemen's joint schedule. Decided: This dispute relates to the increasing of arbitrary rates or special allow- 254 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. ances specific mention of which is not made in Decision No. 2; and, as these allowances are closely interwoven with rules, the decision in this dispute will be held in abeyance pending a disposition of rules and work- ing conditions. (Decision No. 1328.) 1329a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Erie Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 883.) Claim of employees for reimbursement for wage loss sustained by reason of unauthorized reductions made by the carrier. Decided: That the action of the carrier in reducing rates of pay of the employees involved in this dispute was in violation of Decision No. 2 and of the Transportation Act, 1920, and employees shall be reimbursed to the extent of the wage loss suffered by reason of such reduction. (Decision No. 1329.) 1330a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 885.) Dispute regarding proper basis of pay for overtime and calls for em- ployees in clerical and station service during the period July 1, 1921, to March 1, 1922. Decided: That if the overtime provisions of Decision No. 630 are more favorable than those applied during the period named, the more favorable conditions shall apply and the employees be compen- sated accordingly; that pay for calls during the period named shall be made in accordance with section 2 of Addendum 2 to Decision No. 119. (Decision No. 1330.) 1331a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Erie Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 885.) Request of employees in clerical and station service for reimbursement of amount deducted from their wages for days on which they were re- quired to work and for compensation for certain days when their assign- ment was reduced below six days per week. Decided: That the action of the carrier in deducting from the wages of the employees in question pay for time actually worked and reducing the number of days of the weekly assignment below six per week was in violation of the orders and decisions of the Railroad Labor Board and rule 66 of the clerks' national agreement, and the employees shall therefore be reimbursed for the wage loss sus- tained as a result of the carrier's order. (Decision No. 1331.) 1332a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Erie Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 888.) Application for reimbursement for rest days dispatchers were required to work and for refund of amounts deducted from their earnings. Decided: Claim of employees sustained. (Decision No. 1332.) 1333a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 890.) Dispute in regard to the inclusion of the agency at Othello, Wash., in the agreement between the carrier and its employees in telegraph service, in which is involved the right to displace employee junior in service. De- cided: That the position is subject to the provisions of the agreement unless or until changed in the manner provided in said agreement or by the Trans- portation Act, 1920. (Decision No. 1333.) 1334a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 891.) Question of application of the seniority rule of the telegraphers' agree- ment to the position of agent at Melstone, Mont. Decided: That said provi- sion is and shall be subject to the provisions of the telegraphers' agreement unless or until it is removed therefrom in accordance with the provisions of the Transportation Act, 1920. (Decision No. 1334.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 255 1335a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 892.) Dispute regarding the inclusion of the agency at Malden, Wash., in the agreement between the carrier and its employees in telegraph service, in- volving the application of the seniority rule therein. Decided: That the position shall be subject to the provisions of the agreement unless or until taken out in the manner provided in the Transportation Act, 1920. (De- cision No. 1335.) 1336a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 893.) Dispute in regard to the inclusion of the agency at Cle Elum, Wash., in the agreement between the carrier and its employees in telegraph service, in which is involved the right to displace a junior employee. Decided: That the provision is and shall be subject to the provisions of said agreement unless or until changed as provided in said agreement or in accordance with the Transportation Act, 1920. (Decision No. 1336.) 1337a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 894.) Controversy regarding alleged violation of rule 77 of the agreement between the carrier and its employees in clerical service in connection with the rearrangement of certain messenger runs and claim for reim- bursement for extra service required as a result thereof. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1337.) 1338a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 895.) Dispute in regard to the right of the carrier to make reduction in number of messengers assigned to runs between Clarksdale and Yazoo City, Miss. Decided: That the evidence does not indicate that the change made was in violation of the clerks' agreement, and the claim of the employees is therefore denied. (Decision No. 1338.) 1339a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Central Railroad Co. of New Jersey. (III, R. L. B., 896.) Request of employees that rule for checking in and out shop and round- house laborers be incorporated in the agreement between the carrier and its maintenance of way employees. Decided: Request of employees de- nied. (Decision No. 1339.) 1340a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Kansas, Oklahoma & Gulf Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 897.) Request for reinstatement of section foreman dismissed from service. Decided: Request denied. (Decision No. 1340.) 1341a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 898.) Dispute in regard to the caption or title page of the agreement between the carrier and its employees in the signal department and as to whether such agreement shall bear the signatures of the authorized representatives of the carrier and the organization. Decided: That the caption as proposed by the organization shall be incorporated in and become a part of the agreement and that the completed rules shall bear the signatures of the authorized representatives of the carrier and the organization. (De- cision No. 1341.) 256 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1342a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Railway. (III, R. L. B., 899.) Controversy regarding refusal of the carrier to grant leave of absence and free transportation to the general chairman of the maintenance of way organization on its lines. Decided: That the carrier was not justified in refusing further leave and free transportation, and that the seniority of said general chairman will be restored. (Decision No. 1342.) 1343a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 901.) Dispute in regard to displacement of laborer at coal tipple in alleged violation of his seniority rights. Decided: Action of carrier sustained. (Decision No. 1343.) 1344a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Western Maryland Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 902.) Dispute in regard to the caption or title page of the agreement entered into between the carrier and the maintenance of way organization. De- cided: That the caption as proposed by the carrier shall be incorporated in and become a part of the agreement in question. (Decision No. 1344.) 1345a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Gulf Coast Lines. (III, R. L. B., 903.) Controversy regarding hours of service and meal period for engine watchmen. Decided: That employees in question shall be granted a meal period not to exceed 20 minutes without deduction of pay therefor, effective as of the date of this decision. (Decision No. 1345.) 1346a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 905.) Claim of employee for promotion to the position of section foreman. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1346.) 1347a. International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers v. Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 905.) Question of proper classification and rating of certain employees in the power plant, Packerton, Pa., car shops. Decided: That joint investiga- tion shall be made to determine the work performed and the positions rated according to the facts developed. (Decision No. 1347.) 1348a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. Atlantic Coast Line Rail- road Co. (III, R. L. B., 906.) Request for reinstatement of car inspector discharged from the service of the carrier. Decided: Request denied. Decision No. 1348.) 1349a. International Association of Railroad Supervisors of Mechanics v. Boston & Maine Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 906.) Dispute in regard to rules and working conditions. Decided: That rules of Decision No. 501 which correspond to rules in dispute shall be included in and considered a part of the agreement between the parties hereto; other rules remanded for further negotiations. (Decision No. 1349.) 1350a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 907.) Dispute as to the proper application of overtime rates for the period July 1, 1921, to January 1, 1922. Decided: That the application made by the carrier is in conformity with the meaning and intent of Addendum 2 to Decision No. 119 and Interpretation 2 thereof. (Decision No. 1350.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 257 1351a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Kansas City Southern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B. 907.) Dispute regarding the allowance of leave of absence and free transporta- tion to general chairman of the maintenance-of-way organization. Decided: That the employee named is entitled to leave of absence and free trans- portation while acting as general chairman of the maintenance-of-way organization on the Kansas City Southern Railroad. (Decision No. 1351.) 1352a. International Association of Railroad Supervisors of Mechanics v. Missouri Pacific Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 909.) Claim of supervisors of electricians in the office of the superintendent of telegraph for additional compensation because of alleged improper applica- tion of decisions of the Railroad Labor Board. Decided: Claim of em- ployees denied. (Decision No. 1352.) 1353a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 910.) Request for reinstatement of car repairer discharged from service. Decided: Request for reinstatement denied. (Decision No. 1353.) 1354a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. New York Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 910.) Claim of employees operating steam power plant at drawbridge for classification and rate of stationary engineers. Decided: Claim of em- ployees sustained. (Decision No. 1354.) 1355a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 911.) Dispute in regard to dismissal of section foreman for alleged nonpro- tertion of motor car which was abolished. Decided: That in view of the extenuating circumstances in the case said foreman shall be disciplined to the extent of the time lost since date of dismissal but shall be restored to his former position with seniority unimpaired. (Decision No. 1355.) 1356a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway System. (III, R. L. B., 913.) Request for reinstatement of coal-chute foreman dismissed from service Decided: Employee reinstated with seniority unimpaired and pay for time lost. (Decision No. 1356.) 1357a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Wabash, Chester & Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 914.) Request of the United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers for an agreement covering rules and working conditions affecting maintenance of way employees and shop and round- house laborers of the carrier. Decided: That upon presentation of bona fide evidence to the carrier that its maintenance of way employees have designated the United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers to represent them in rules negotiations said carrier shall arrange to hold conferences with the designated representatives of such organization in an effort to agree upon rules and working conditions, and in case of failure to reach an agreement dispute shall be submitted to the Board in accordance with section 301 of the Transportation Act, 1920, (Decision No. 1357.) 1358a. United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America v. Pere Marquette Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 915.) Dispute in regard to rules and working conditions applicable to bridge and building department employees, involving question of representation rights of such employees. Decided: That the carrier was justified in the application of Decision No. 501 to the employees in the bridge and build- 258 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. ing department, they being included within the scope of said decision, but that this shall not preclude said employees from choosing their own rep- resentatives to handle grievances, etc., which shall be handled in con- formity with rules embodied in Decision No. 501. (Decision No. 1358.) 1359a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Erie Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 917.) Request for reinstatement, with pay for time lost, of employees dismissed for refusal to perform service on Sundays and holidays and during ninth and tenth hours on week days at pro rata rate. Decided: That upon application employees involved in this dispute shall be reinstated with seniority unimpaired but without pay for time lost. (Decision No. 1359.) 1360a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. New York Central Railroad Co. (Lines west of Buffalo.) (III, R. L. B., 921.) Controversy in regard to establishment of piecework at the locomotive shops of the carrier, Elkhart, Ind. Decided: That the installation of the piecework system of payment at Elkhart, Ind., was in accordance with the expressed wishes of a majority of the employees at that point and in ac- cordance with the agreement between the duly authorized system represen- tatives of the respective parties previously entered into, and that the carrier is therefore justified in maintaining the piecework system of pay- ment at that point. (Dissenting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1360.) 1361a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Western Maryland Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 934.) Dispute in regard to the contracting of its shop work by the carrier. Decided: That the contracts entered into by the carrier are in violation of the Transportation Act, 1920, and of the decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that the matter of reinstatement of any employee shall be taken up by the carrier upon application properly made. (Dissenting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1361.) 1362a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Erie Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 942.) Dispute in regard to requirement of physical examination of shop em- ployees. Decided: That the action of the carrier in requiring physical ex- amination was not just and reasonable and that employees discharged from the service for refusal to comply with such requirement shall be rein- stated with full seniority rights and paid for time lost. (Dissenting and supporting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1362.) 1363a. Union Pacific Railroad Co. v. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen; Order of Railway Conductors. (III, R. L. B., 949.) Controversy as to the proper method of compensation of train and engine- men on the Cheyenne-Laramie and Junction City-Salina runs. Decided: That when conductors and trainmen are relieved from duty on single trips on runs designated they shall be paid 100 miles in each direction, with over- time after eight hours; that the carrier may establish turnaround service between said points and pay conductors and trainmen mileage for the round trip, with a minimum of 100 miles and overtime computed on a basis of 12½ miles per hour. (Two dissenting and one supporting opinion filed.) (Deci- sion No. 1363.) 1364a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (III, R. L. B., 953.) Controversy as to proper compensation and hours of service under Deci- sion No. 501. Decided: (a) That employees' time will start and end at designated assembling points; (b) that supervisory forces shall be com- pensated on the same overtime basis as the men supervised when the general force is required to work in excess of eight hours per day; (c) that the carrier violated the meaning and intent of Decision No. 501 in establishing the ten-hour day. (Decision No. 1364.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 259 1365a. Order of Railway Conductors; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 959.) Question of proper compensation for conductors and trainmen in mixed, local-freight, through-freight, and work-train service. Decided: That money monthly guaranties applying in through or irregular freight service and mixed-train service are preserved and shall be increased under Deci- sion No. 2; that monthly guaranties for regularly assigned way-freight and work-train service shall be governed by Article VII of Supplement 25 to General Order No. 27 of the United States Railroad Administration. (Decision No. 1365.) 1366a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway System. (III, R. L. B., 959.) Protest against the action of the carrier in refusing to recognize as sys- tem chairman of the clerks' organization a former employee of the carrier dismissed for cause, in which action the carrier was sustained by a decision of the Railroad Labor Board. Decided: Action of the carrier sustained. (Dissenting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1366.) 4 1367a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Toledo, St. Louis & Western Rail- road. (III, R. L. B., 961.) Request of employees for restoration of payment of express commissions arbitrarily discontinued by the carrier. Decided: That the action of the carrier in discontinuing the payment of express commissions to the agents included in the agreement between the carrier and its employees in tele- graph service was in violation of said agreement, orders and decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and the Transportation Act, 1920, and that employees shall be reimbursed for the loss sustained. Case remanded to the parties for conference for the purpose of adjusting compensation ac- cruing to employees. (Decision No. 1367.) 1368a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 963.) Dispute in regard to alleged violation of the agreement between the car- rier and its employees in express service in the rearrangement of certain express runs, involving claim for additional compensation. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1368.) 1369a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Chicago & Alton Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 964.) Proceedings under section 313 of the Transportation Act, 1920, to deter- mine whether or not the carrier has violated the provisions of Decision No. 721 issued by the Railroad Labor Board. Decided: That the carrier has violated Decision No. 721 in failing to comply with the provisions there- of as set out in this decision. (Decision No. 1369.) 1370a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 967.) Dispute in regard to the right of assistant cashier in auditor's office, whose position has been abolished, to exercise his seniority to a position in the freight office in seniority district from which promoted. Decided: That said employee shall be reinstated to the service of the carrier with seniority unimpaired, permitted to exercise his seniority to any position in the agent's office to which he may be entitled and reimbursed for wage loss sustained. (Decision No. 1370.) 1371a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Louisville & Nashville Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 970.) Dispute in regard to the inclusion of the position of stenographer and general clerk in the local freight office at Memphis, Tenn., within the scope of the clerks' national agreement and the right of a clerk in said 260 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. • office whose position was abolished to exercise her seniority to said posi- tion. Decided: That position in dispute did come within the scope of the clerks' national agreement, and that said clerk be permitted to exercise her seniority thereto and reimbursed for monetary loss sustained. (De- cision No. 1371.) 1372a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 973.) Request for reinstatement of train dispatcher dismissed from service. Decided: Based on evidence submitted, request for reinstatement is de- nied. (Decision No. 1372.) 1373a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 973.) Shall decisions of the Railroad Labor Board apply to employees of the Camden Warehouse, Baltimore, Md.? Decided: The Board is advised that an agreement has been reached between the parties and the docket is therefore closed. (Decision No. 1373.) 1374a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 974.) Dispute in regard to rate or pay of certain employees in telegraph serv- ice. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1374.) 1375a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 974.) Dispute regarding proper rate of pay of telegrapher-towerman. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1375.) 1376a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 974.) Dispute regarding proper rate of pay of second and third trick teleg- rapher-towerman. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1376.) 1377a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 974.) Dispute in regard to proper compensation for telegrapher-towerman. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (De- cision No. 1377.) 1378a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 975.) Claim of telegrapher for one day's pay. Decided: Case remanded for further investigation and an effort to reach an agreement. (Decision No. 1378.) 1379a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 975.) Claim of agent, Orlando station, Sacramento division, for overtime. Decided: Case remanded for further investigation and an effort to reach an agreement. (Decision No. 1379.) 1380a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 975.) Claim of telegrapher-towerman for increased rate account handling switches. Decided: Withdrawal granted and docket closed. (Decision No. 1380.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 261 1381a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 975.) Claim for one hour's overtime each day for a period of three days. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Deci- sion No. 1381.) 1382a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 976.) Dispute regarding proper rate of pay for agent, Capitola, Calif. De- cided: Withdrawal granted and docket closed. (Decision No. 1382.) 1383a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Wichita Falls, Ranger & Fort Worth Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 976.) Request for reinstatement of conductor dismissed from service, with pay for time lost. Decided: Parties at interest having agreed to withdraw the case, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1383.) 1384a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Wichita Falls, Ranger & Fort Worth Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 976.) Request for reinstatement of conductor demoted to position of brake- man. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1384.) 1385a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Wichita Falls, Ranger & Fort Worth Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 976.) Request for changes in rates of pay and rules and working conditions. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. cision No. 1385.) (De- 1386a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Wichita Falls, Ranger & Fort Worth Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 977.) Claim of conductor and brakemen for pay for time lost when displaced from passenger runs by a Frisco crew. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1386.) 1387a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Wichita Falls, Ranger & Fort Worth Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 977.) Request of three conductors, demoted to positions of brakemen, to be reinstated with pay for time lost. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1387.) 1388a. Train Porters' Union 17454 v. Southern Railway System. (III, R. L. B., 977.) Request for an increase in pay of $30 per month under Decision No. 2. Decided: The parties at interest in this case having agreed upon a settlement, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1388.) 1389a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 977.) De- Question of equalization of firemen's pay with that of brakemen. cided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1389.) 1390a. Order of Railway Conductors; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 977.) Claim for compensation for extra service. Decided: Withdrawal granted and docket closed. (Decision No. 1390.) t } 262 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1391a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 978.) Claim of engineer for 100 miles account of assigned run on which he was filling a vacancy being annulled. Decided: At request of interested parties the case is withdrawn and the docket closed. (Decision No. 1391.) 1392a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Texas & Pacific Railway. (III, R. L. B., 978.) Dispute as to proper compensation of yard foreman temporarily used as night yardmaster. Decided: Parties having reached an agreement upon the question in dispute, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1392.) 1393a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Tennessee Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 978.) Claim for back pay alleged to be due employees under Decision No. 2 of the Railroad Labor Board. Decided: Board is advised that settlement has been reached by parties at interest and the docket is therefore closed. (Decision No. 1393.) 1394a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Chicago Great Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 978.) Time claim of engineer and fireman, Oelwein terminal. Decided: Case having been withdrawn, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1394.) 1395a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Butte, Anaconda & Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 979.) Claim for increase in wages and for back pay. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the file is closed. (Decision No. 1395.) 1396a. Order of Railway Conductors et al. v. Buffalo & Susquehanna Rail- road Corporation. (III, R. L. B., 979.) Protest of employees against notice issued by the carrier changing over- time provisions of their schedules. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1396.) 1397a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Texas & Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 979.) Should firemen on oil-burning locomotives be required to take on or assist in taking on fuel oil en route? Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1397.) 1398a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Texas & Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 979.) Shall firemen be placed on self-propelled unloading hoist in Marshall yard? Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1398.) 1399a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (III, R. L. B., 980.) De- Claim for reinstatement of brakeman, with pay for time lost. cided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Deci- sion No. 1399.) 1400a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (III, R. L. B., 980.) Claim of conductor for local rates of pay account setting out two com- mercial cars and tying up the engine and caboose of work train at Noonan. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (De- cision No. 1400.) G DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 263 1401a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Galveston, Harrisburg & San Antonio Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 980.) Claim of engine foreman for position of yardmaster. Decided: With- drawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1401.) 1402a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Houston & Texas Central Rail- road Co. (III, R. L. B., 980.) Request that carrier bulletin the Hearne-Stone City local run in accord- ance with rule 8 of the trainmen's agreement. Decided: Withdrawal hav- ing been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1402.) 1403a. Order of Railway Conductors; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Texas & Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 981.) Claim of conductor and brakeman for time lost covering five days' sus- pension. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1403.) 1404a. Order of Railway Conductors; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Texas & Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 981.) Dispute as to whether yard foreman and crew shall be paid 100 miles road rates account being used to make trip to North Fort Worth. De- cided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1404.) 1405a. Order of Railway Conductors; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Texas & Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 981.) Is Bulletin No. 25, issued by the trainmaster at Big Spring in violation of Article II of the yardmen's agreement? Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1405.) 1406a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Texas & Pacific Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 981.) Dispute regarding dismissal of switchman. Decided: Withdrawal hav- ing been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1406.) 1407a. Order of Railway Conductors; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Texas & Pacific Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 982.) Claim of conductor for time lost covering five days' suspension. De- cided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (De- cision No. 1407.) 1408a. Railroad Yardmasters of America v. Illinois Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 982.) Dispute in regard to rules covering working conditions of yardmasters. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (De- cision No. 1408.) 1409a. Railroad Yardmasters of America v. Michigan Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 982.) Controversy in regard to rules covering working conditions of yard- masters. Decided: Withdrawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1409.) 1410a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Mississippi & Bonne Terre Rail- way. (III, R. L. B., 982.) Dispute in regard to alleged arbitrary reduction in wages of employees in telegraph service. Decided: That wages in effect prior to July 1, 1921, shall be restored and continued in effect until changed by agreement be- tween the carrier and the employees as provided in the Transportation Act, 1920. (Decision No. 1410.) 264 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1411a. Railroad Yardmasters of America v. Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Ter- minal Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 984.) Dispute as to the proper rate of pay of yardmasters under Railroad La- bor Board Decision No. 1266, and in regard to working conditions. Decided: Case remanded for further conference between the parties. (Decision No. 1411.) 1412a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 985.) Dispute regarding proper application of provisions of Decision No. 147 to employees in the stores department. Decided: That the employees re- ferred to in this dispute shall be decreased 83 cents an hour in accordance with section 9, Article III, of Decision No. 147. (Decision No. 1412.) 1413a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Maine Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 986.) Dispute regarding proper application of certain provisions of Decision No. 147 to clerical employees, Decided: That Interpretation 1 to Decision No. 147 covers question in this case and shall govern in this dispute. (De- cision No. 1413.) 1414a. Association of New York Central General Office Clerks; Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees v. New York Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 986.) Dispute regarding proper application of Decision No. 147 to the rate of pay of clerk in the office of the auditor of disbursements. Decided: Inter- pretation 1 to Decision No. 147 covers the question in this case and shall govern in this dispute. (Decision No. 1414.) 1415a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad Corporation. (III, R. L. B., 986.) Controversy with reference to alleged failure of the carrier to comply with Decision No. 826, which provided the method of ascertaining the choice of its employees in telegraph service in regard to representation. Decided: That the election held by the carrier was illegal and void and rules negotiated with representatives selected thereby shall be void and of no effect; that pending outcome of ballot and decision as to repre- sentation, rules of the agreement with the Order of Railroad Telegraphers shall govern; that a secret ballot shall be taken to ascertain the choice of the majority of the employees as to representation, the result reported to the Board, and the authorized representatives of the carrier and the chosen representatives of the employees shall proceed with the negotiation of rules. (Decision No. 1415.) 1416a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Cincinnati, Indianapolis & Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 991.) Controversy as to representation rights of clerical employees of the car- rier. Decided: That a ballot shall be taken to determine the choice of a majority of the employees in regard to representation in the negotiation of rules and working conditions; that the result of such ballot shall be reported to the Railroad Labor Board and the designated representatives of the carrier and the chosen representatives of the employees shall pro- ceed with the negotiation of rules. (Decision No. 1416.) 1417a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (III, R. L. B., 993.) Request for reinstatement of train dispatcher dismissed from service, with pay for time lost. Decided: Request for reinstatement denied. (De- cision No. 1417.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 265 1418a. Petition of Fort Smith & Western Railroad for Rehearing on Docket 968, Decision No. 598. (III, R. L. B., 994.) Request for reconsideration of dispute in regard to reinstatement of boilermaker dismissed from service, passed upon by the Railroad Labor Board in Decision No. 598, which provided that such employee be rein- stated with seniority unimpaired and pay for all time lost. Decided: Request for reconsideration denied. (Decision No. 1418.) 1419a. Brotherhood of Railway Police v. Long Island Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 995.) Request for reinstatement of certain patrolmen alleged to have been dis- missed from service, with pay for time lost. Decided: Request denied. (Decision No. 1419.) 1420a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Gulf & Ship Island Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 997.) Request for reinstatement of clerk dismissed from service. Decided: Request for reinstatement denied. (Decision No. 1420.) 1421a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Great Northern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 997.) Claim of ticket agent for one hour's overtime each day from July 28, 1920, to March 1, 1921. Decided: Claim of employees sustained. (Deci- sion No. 1421.) 1422a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Great Northern Railway Co. (II, R. L. B., 998.) Claim of ticket seller for overtime. Decided: Position of employeca sustained. (Decision No. 1422.) 1423a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Great Northern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 1000.) Claim for overtime of certain ticket sellers in Minneapolis passenger station. Decided: Position of employees sustained. (Decision No. 1423.) 1424a. Order of Railroad Claim Investigators of North America v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 1002.) Shall the carrier negotiate a separate schedule of rates, rules, and work- ing conditions with the Order of Railroad Claim Investigators of North America to cover employees in its service represented by that order? Decided: That the class of employees in whose behalf this application is made are now included in the agreement between the carrier and the clerks' organization, and the request for a separate agreement to cover employees in the claim department is therefore denied; that this shall not infringe upon the rights of employees not members of the organization representing the majority to present grievances, either in person or by representatives of their own choice. (Decision No. 1424.) 1425a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis Southwestern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 1005.) Dispute regarding application of rule 49 of the clerks' national agree- ment to the position of night porter. Decided: Withdrawal requested and the docket closed. (Decision No. 1425.) 1426a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. International & Great Northern Railway. (III, R. L. B., 1006.) Dispute as to proper compensation of day baggageman at San Antonio, Tex. Decided: That rule 66 of the clerks' national agreement, in effect March 1, 1920, shall apply, and the increase set forth in Article II of Decision No. 2 for said position shall apply to the daily rate thus estab- lished. (Decision No. 1426.) 266´ CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1427a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. International & Great Northern Railway. (III, R. L. B., 1007.) Controversy in regard to proper compensation of night baggageman at San Antonio, Tex. Decided: That rule 66 of the clerks' national agree- ment shall apply to the rate of pay of the position referred to, in effect March 1, 1920, and the increase set forth in Article II of Decision No. 2 shall apply to the daily rate thus established. (Decision No. 1427.) 1428a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. International & Great Northern Railway. (III, R. L. B., 1008.) Claim of employees that rule 66 of the clerks' national agreement is ap- plicable to the position of day ticket clerk, passenger station, San Antonio, Tex., effective March 1, 1920, and that the increase provided in Decision No. 2 for such position should be added to the daily rate thus established. Decided: Position of employees sustained. (Decision No. 1428.) 1429a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. International & Great Northern Railway. (III, R. L. B., 1009.) 呦 ​Claim of employees that rule 66 of the clerks' national agreement is ap- plicable to the position of accountant, passenger station, San Antonio, Tex., effective March 1, 1920, and that the increase provided in Decision No. 2 for such position should be added to the daily rate thus established. Decided: Position of employees sustained. (Decision No. 1429.) 1430a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. International & Great Northern Railway. (III, R. L. B., 1010.) Claim of employees that rule 66 of the clerks' national agreement is ap- plicable to the position of night ticket clerk, passenger station, San Antonio, Tex., as in effect March 1, 1920, and that the increase provided in Deci- sion No. 2 for such position shall be added to the daily rate thus estab- lished. Decided: Position of employees sustained. (Decision No. 1430.) 1431a. Brotherhood of Railroad Station Employees v. Maine Central Railroad Co.; Portland Terminal Co. (III, R. L. B., 1011.) Dispute in regard to refunding to certain employees deductions made from their wages during the period January 1, 1920, to March 1, 1920. Decided: That in the opinion of the Board the Transportation Act, 1920, was not intended to have a retroactive effect, and that therefore the Board has no jurisdiction over claims arising prior to the passage of said act; that for this reason Decision No. 1093 passed only upon the impropriety of deductions made subsequent to the passage of said act. (Decision No. 1431.) 1432a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Chicago Great Western Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 1011.) Dispute regarding alleged failure of the carrier to apply Decision No. 221. Decided: The Board is advised that the parties have reached a satisfactory settlement of the dispute and the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1432.) 1433a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 1012.) Claim of wrecking crew for time lost account of use of bridge and building department employees to remove wreckage. Decided: That the matter complained of having occurred prior to the passage of the Trans- portation Act, 1920, the handling of this dispute is not within the jurisdic- tion of the Board and the docket is therefore closed. (Decision No. 1433.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 267 1434a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 1012.) Claim of employees for classification and rating of first-class bridge-and- building foremen, retroactive to March 1, 1920. Decided: Position of em- ployees is sustained. (Decision No. 1434.) 1435a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 1013.) Claim of roundhouse employees for compensation for time lost. Decided: Dispute amicably adjusted and docket closed. (Decision No. 1435.) 1436a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 1014.) Dispute in regard to returning roundhouse employee to former position and proper compensation therefor. Decided: The Board is advised that satisfactory settlement has been reached and the docket is closed. (Deci- sion No. 1436.) 1437a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 1014.) Shall employees be paid ten minutes per day for each day worked for time required to check in and out? Decided: No (see Decision No. 1339). Decision No. 1437.) 1438a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 1014.) Request for reinstatement of coal-chute employees dismissed from serv- ice. Decided: Request for reinstatement denied. (Decision No. 1438.) 1439a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 1014.) Are laborers employed at the car yard at Oaklawn shop entitled to the same hourly rate of pay as that now paid to other employees at other points on the system for identically the same class of service? Decided: The representative of the employees having advised the Board at the hearing that the question was improperly stated in the submission and the representatives of the carrier objecting to the intervention of a question which had not been properly submitted, the docket is closed without prejudice to the right of either party to again submit the matter to the Board in the event of a disagreement upon the question at issue. (Decision No. 1439.) 1440a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Pennsylvania System. (III, R. L. B., 1015.) Request for reinstatement of section foreman. Decided: The Board is advised that the case has been satisfactorily settled and the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1440.) 1441a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (III, R. L. B., 1015.) Request of signal department employees for a new seniority rule to govern temporary assignments. Decided: The Board is advised that rule has been agreed upon between parties at interest and the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1441.) 50960°-24 18 268 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1442a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 1016.) Request of certain employees for free transportation. Decided: With- drawal having been requested, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1142.) 1443a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Minnesota, Dakota & Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 1016.) Dispute with reference to the negotiation of ance with the provisions of Decision No. 108 and previously in effect. Decided: Docket is closed. an agreement in accord- rule 1 of the agreement (Decision No. 1443.) 1444a. Railway Employees' Deuartment, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. St. Louis, Troy & Eastern Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 1016.) Controversy in regard to rules and working conditions. Decided: The docket is closed. (Decision No. 1444.) 1445a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. Lehigh Valley Rail- road Co. (III, R. L. B., 1016.) Dispute as to proper overtime compensation for period July 1, 1921, to February 16, 1922. Decided: Parties are referred to Interpretation 1 to Decision 707, which covers the question in dispute. (Decision No. 1445.) 1446a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Toledo, St. Louis & Western Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 1017.) Ex-parte submission in regard to refusal of the carrier to meet repre- sentatives of the United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers for the purpose of negotiating rules covering working conditions. Decided: That the carrier was not justified in re- fusing to meet representatives of the maintenance of way organization and shall, upon presentation of proof that they are duly authorized to represent the maintenance of way employees of the carrier, meet and confer with them in an effort to reach an agreement regarding rules and working conditions. (Decision No. 1446.) 1447a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Denver & Salt Lake Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 1018.) Request for reinstatement of pumper. Decided: That said employee shall be reinstated with seniority unimpaired and pay for all time lost. (Decision No. 1447.) 1448a. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. et al. v. Order of Railroad Telegraphers. (III, R. L. B., 1019.) Request for elimination of inequalities resulting from application of Interpretation 8 to Supplement 13 to General Order No. 27 of the United States Railroad Administration. Decided: That effective January 1, 1923, -inequalities in the existing rates of pay of employees in station and telegraph service of the carriers parties hereto shall be eliminated by reducing the hourly rate of such employees an amount equivalent to the increase resulting from the application of Interpretation 8 to Supple- ment 13 to General Order No. 27. (Dissenting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1448.) 1449a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Chicago & Western Indiana Rail- road Co. (III, R. L. B., 1028.) * Request for reinstatement of blockman relieved from service because of alleged defective vision. Decided: That a test of employee's vision shall be made, at which representatives of both the employees and the carrier shall be present, and if employee's physical condition and vision do not warrant return to the service as blockman he shall be assigned to the position of crossing flagman in accordance with the carrier's offer previously made. (Decision No. 1449.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 269 1450a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 1029.) Controversy between various carriers and the maintenance-of-way or- ganization in regard to changes in rules and working conditions pro- mulgated in Decision No. 501 and certain additional rules not covered thereby. Decided: That the rules set out in Articles I to VI, inclusive, of this decision are just and reasonable and shall apply to the organization and carriers parties to this dispute. (Dissenting and supporting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1450.) 1451a. Order of Railway Conductors; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 1041.) Claim for continuous time for swing brakeman on trains 82 and 83, between Worthington, Minn., and Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Decided: Claim denied. (Decision No. 1451.) 1452a. Order of Railway Conductors; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 1042.) Protest of yardmen against the use of Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha yard crews in transfer service between Minneapolis yard and Min- neapolis Transfer. Decided: Request of employees denied. (Decision No. 1452.) 1453a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisi- ana. (III, R. L. B., 1042.) Claim of engineer and fireman for continuous time. Decided: Under rules in effect engineer and fireman were properly compensated, and the claim is denied. (Decision No. 1453.) 1454a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Maine Central Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 1043.) Claim that overtime should be paid engineers and firemen tied up be- tween terminals for all time over eight hours. Decided: Claim of em- ployees sustained. (Decision No. 1454.) 1455a. Order of Railway Conductors et al. v. Wichita Falls, Ranger & Fort Worth Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 1044.) Decided: Request for reinstatement of conductor with pay for time lost. Parties at interest having agreed to withdraw the case, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1455.) 1456a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Great Northern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 1045.) Request for reinstatement of general yardmaster, with pay for time lost. Decided: That a general yardmaster is an officer of the carrier and not under the jurisdiction of the Railroad Labor Board. The case is there- fore dismissed. (Decision No. 1456.) 1457a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 1045.) Claim of engineer for time after engine is placed on designated track. Decided: That no change shall be made at this time in existing rules or working conditions. (Decision No. 1457.) 270 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1458a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 1047.) Claim of engineer and fireman for 100 miles for turnaround trip made prior to regular call. Decided: That the compensation received by crew was just and reasonable, and claim of employees is therefore denied. (Decision No. 1458.) 1459a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 1049.) Claim of fireman for continuous time when used in emergency service outside his regular assignment. Decided: The evidence in this case shows that said employee was properly compensated, and the claim is there- fore denied. (Decision No. 1459.) 1460a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 1052.) Claim for runaround for crew assigned to helper service exclusively when an engine with a pooled freight crew was coupled into train at helper station and made movement with that train over territory where helper crews usually operate. Decided: Under rules in effect the claim is not justified, and is therefore denied. (Decision No. 1460.) 1461a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 1056.) Claim of fireman for 100 miles for one day not used. Decided: That said fireman in asking for 10 hours' rest so extended his rest period that he could not be available for work-train service until after departure of work train on which he would have been employed. Claim is therefore denied. (Decision No. 1461.) 1462a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 1058.) Claim of fireman for eight hours at time and one-half for work per- formed at completion of his regularly assigned run. Decided: Claim de- nied. (Decision No. 1462.) 1463a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 1061.) Claim of engineer for one day on regular assignment and one day at time and one-half, same date, for work performed in excess of regular assign- ment. Decided: That compensation received by said engineer is just and reasonable and claim is therefore denied. (Decision No. 1463.) 1464a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 1063.) Claim of fireman for runaround. Decided: Claim denied. (Decision No. 1464.) 1465a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 1065.) Claim of engineer for five runarc-inds, June 19, 1920. Decided: Claim denied. (Decision No. 1465.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 271 1466a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 1068.) Claim of engineer for three runarounds. Decided: That said engineer was compensated for one runaround under the provisions of the rules in effect, but that claim for two additional runarounds is not justified and is denied. (Decision No. 1466.) 1467a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 1070.) Protest against a ruling of the carrier that section 5, Article XXX, of the engineers' agreement permits of but one runaround within a period of 8 hours. Decided: That the rules in effect do not justify the payment to an engineer of more than 50 miles, or one runaround, if he is called and reports for service within a period of 8 hours. (Decision No. 1467.) 1468a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Norfolk & Portsmouth Belt Line Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 1072.) Controversy in regard to discontinuance of preparatory time allowed firemen. Decided: That if firemen are required to report for duty 30 min- utes before the time designated to begin work, and to perform work of oiling and getting engines ready, they shall be paid therefor; that if not required to report in advance of leaving time no allowance for preparatory time shall be made. (Decision No. 1468.) 1469a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Chicago & Northwestern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 1072.) Protest against method of compensating engineer and fireman on the Tyler-Astoria passenger run, and against running them away from their home terminal on Saturday night, after completion of their assignment, to deliver engine at Tracy shops, this requiring engine crew to report at Tracy Monday morning to return engine to Tyler prior to beginning work on their regular assignment. Decided: Position of employees sus- tained. (Decision No. 1469.) 1470a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 1074.) Dispute regarding application of rule 53 of the agreement between the carrier and its employees in express service, relative to starting time where three consecutive shifts are employed, to position held by R. J. Buskirk, Nevada, Mo. Decided: The evidence submitted shows that the employee named is not assigned to a three-shift position; claim of em- ployees is denied. (Decision No. 1470.) 1471a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Union Terminal Railroad Co. of Dallas, Tex. (III, R. L. B., 1075.) Controversy in regard to proper application of decrease under De- cision No. 147, the carrier contending that employees affected are bag- gage and parcel room attendants, properly decreased 10 cents an hour under section 4, Article II of Decision No. 147. Decided: Position of carrier sustained. (Decision No. 1471.) 1472a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. New York Central Rail- road Co. (III, R. L. B., 1076.) Dispute as to proper compensation of men employed as mail porters at station, employees claiming they should have been increased under section 7, Article II, of Decision No. 2 and decreased under same article and section of Decision No. 147. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1472.) 272 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1 1473a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 1077.) Request for reinstatement of driver. Decided: That since the position held by the employee named was a special or part-time position, it was not subject to the provisions of the agreement between the carrier and its employees and claim for reinstatement is therefore denied. (Decision No. 1473.) (III, R. 1474a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Mobile & Ohio Railroad Co. L. B., 1078.) Claim of clerk in master mechanic's office for additional compensation for period November 22, 1920, to January 18, 1921, for special work per- formed in the preparation of certain statistical data. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1474.) 1475a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Great Northern Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 1079.) Dispute in regard to representation of certain laborers, employees of the carrier, involving the application of rules 49 and 51 of the clerks' national agreement. Decided: The Board is advised that by agreement dated August 2, 1922, the right of the clerks' organization to represent the em- ployees in question was definitely settled. It is decided, however, that the employees on whose behalf this agreement was negotiated were not subject to the rules of the clerks' organization prior to the date of said agreement. (Decision No. 1475.) 1476a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & Alton Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 1080.) Controversy in regard to bulletining positions of cashier and clerk- stenographer, the carrier having made transfer of employees from a joint agency to its individual service without bulletining said positions. De- cided: That the positions referred to should have been bulletined in ac- cordance with rule 6 of the agreement between the carrier and its em- ployees in clerical and station service. (Decision No. 1476.) 1477a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (III, R. L. B., 1081.) Controversy as to proper application of decreases provided for in De- cision No. 147 to certain baggage room foremen. Dicided: That on the evidence submitted in this case the foremen involved should be decreased 6 cents an hour in accordance with section 1, Article II, of Decision No. 147. (Decision No. 1477.) 1478a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 1082.) Controversy as to proper classification and rating of station employee at Pendleton, Tex., employee claiming compensation under section 2, Article II of Decision No. 2. Decided: Claim of employee denied. (Deci- sion No. 1478.) 1479a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. New York, New Haven & Hartford Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 1084.) Claim of employees engaged in relief service at passenger station for the rate of pay of employees whom they are required to relieve. Decided: Position of employees sustained. (Decision No. 1479.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 273 1480a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (III, R. L. B., 1085.) Request for reinstatement of joint messenger and baggageman. De- cided: Request denied. (Decision No. 1480.) 1481a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 1085.) Claim of roundhouse employee to the classification and rating of fore- man and to a differential of 5 cents above the rate paid watchmen at the point of employment. Decided: Position of employees sustained. (Deci- sion No. 1481.) 1482a. Petition of Philadelphia & Reading Railway Co. for Rehearing on Docket 1687, Decision No. 1082. (III, R. L. B., 1086.) Request for rehearing in connection with dispute passed upon in Deci- sion No. 1082. Decided: That Decision No. 1082 shall be applied, subject only to change with respect to class of employees affected which may be agreed upon in conference between the parties hereto. (Decision No. 1482.) 1483a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Toledo, St. Louis & Western Railroad. (III, R. L. B., 1086.) Request for leave of absence and free transportation for general chair- man of maintenance-of-way organization. Decided: Decision No. 1446, covering the same parties here at interest, has reference to the recognition of the maintenance-of-way organization by the carrier, and the question in controversy here, being interwoven with the question there presented, is remanded to the parties to be handled in the conference therein directed. (Decision No. 1483.) 1484a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Mobile & Ohio Railroad Co. (III, R. L. B., 1087.) Dispute in regard to seniority of Frank Helton and H. Clutts, employed as pumpers at Tamms, Ill. Decided: That in view of the language of the rule in effect at the time this dispute arose and the circumstances surrounding this particular dispute, Frank Helton is entitled to the position in question. (Decision No. 1484.) 1485a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (III, R. L. B., 1089.) Claim of section foreman and section men for bridge and building employees' rate of pay. Decided: Claim denied. (Decision No. 1485.) 1486a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Mobile & Ohio Railroad Co.. (IV, R. L. B., 1.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1486.) 1487a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Mobile & Ohio Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 1.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1487.) 1488a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Mobile & Ohio Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 1.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1488.) 274 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1489a. Lighter Captains' Union, Local No. 996, v. Baltimore & Ohio Rail- road Co. (IV, R. L. B., 2.) Dispute in regard to hours of service and overtime rules. Decided: That the rules set out in this decision shall be incorporated in the agree- ment between the employees and the carrier, effective January 16, 1923. (Decision No. 1489.) 1490a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 2.) Claim of employee for assignment to position of head clerk, ticket- checking bureau, office of the auditor of passenger receipts, and rate of said position from March 1, 1920. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1490.) 1491a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System).) (IV, R. L. B., 4.) Dispute with reference to proper classification and rate of pay of certain employees at Arcade passenger station, Los Angeles, Calif. Decided: That the action of the carrier in changing the basis of pay and conditions of employment of employees in question without conference with their representatives was improper and employees shall be reimbursed for the wage loss sustained thereby; that a joint investigation shall be held to determine the character of the work performed by the employees, and if agreement can not be reached the dispute may again be presented to the board for decision. (Decision No. 1491.) 1492a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 6.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1492.) 1493a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 6.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1493.) 1494a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 6.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. No. 1494.) (Decision 1495a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Maine Central Railroad Company. (IV, R. L. B., 7.) Dispute regarding classification of callers and messengers. Decided: In accordance with understanding reached at hearing conducted by the Board, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1495.) 1496a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Michigan Central Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 7.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1496.) 1497a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 7.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted No. 1497.) (Decision DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 275 1498a. Lighter Captains' Union, Local No. 996, v. Erie Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 7.) Dispute regarding alleged arbitrary reduction in wages of lighter cap- tains employed by the carrier in New York Harbor. Decided: That the action of the carrier is reducing rates of pay of employees in question was contrary to the letter and spirit of the transportation act, 1920, and that they shall be reimbursed for the wage loss sustained. (Decision No. 1498.) 1499a. Brotherhood of Railroad Station Employees v. Boston & Maine Rail- road. (IV, R. L. B., 9.) Dispute with reference to the proper rate of pay under Decision 1074 of a freight handler promoted to freight-house clerk. Decided: That as the carrier has agreed to a rule establishing the avenue of promotion for freight truckers, this employee is entitled to be rated under section 2 (a) of group 1, Article I of Decision No. 1074, having had more than two years' experience in the service from which promoted. (Decision No. 1499.) 1500a. Lighter Captains' Union, Local No. 996, v. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 11.) Controversy in regard to rules and working conditions and as to whether the Lighter Captains' Union, Local No. 996, represents a majority of the lighter captains employed by the carrier in New York Harbor. Decided: That a poll shall be taken to ascertain the wishes of a majority of the employees involved as to representation in the negotiation of rules covering working conditions, the result reported to the Board, and the representa- tives of the carrier and the representatives of the employees thus chosen proceed with the negotiation of rules. (Decision No. 1500.) 1501a. Lighter Captains' Union, Local No. 996, v. Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 12.) Dispute in regard to right of Lighter Captains' Union, Local No. 996, to represent the lighter captains employed by the carrier in New York Harbor in the negotiation of rules covering working conditions. Decided: That a poll shall be taken to ascertain the choire of a majority of the employees involved as to representation, the result reported to the Board, and the representatives of the carrier and the chosen representatives of the employees proceed with the negotiation of rules. (Decision No. 1501.) 1502a. Lighter Captains' Union, No. 996, v. Erie Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 13.) Dispute regarding representation of lighter captains employed by the carrier in New York Harbor in the negotiation of rules covering working conditions. Decided: That a ballot shall be taken to ascertain the choice of a majority of the employees involved in regard to representation, the result reported to the Board, and the representatives of the carrier and the chosen representatives of the employees proceed with the negotiation of rules. (Decision No. 1502.) 1503a. Petition of American Train Dispatchers Association for Rehearing on Docket 1070, Decision No. 851. (IV, R. L. B., 14.) Application of the American Train Dispatchers Association for recon- sideration of Decision No. 851. Decided: Application denied; but in view of the Board's ruling in said decision that employees were entitled to a vacation during the year 1921, the Board will penalize any violation of the existing vacation rule during any succeeding year. (Decision No. 1503.) 1504a. Petition of American Train Dispatchers Association for Rehearing on Docket 1305, Decision No. 852. (IV, R. L. B., 15.) Petition for rehearing on Docket 1305, Decision No. 852. Decided: Ap- plication denied; but in view of the Board's ruling in said decision that employees were entitled to vacation during the year 1921, the Board will penalize violation of the existing vacation rule during any succeeding year. (Decision No. 1504.) 276 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. : 1505a. Petition of American Train Dispatchers Association for Rehearing on Docket 732, Decision No. 781. (IV, R. L. B., 15.) Application for reconsideration of Docket 732, Decision No. 781. De- cided: Request denied. (Decision No. 1505.) 1506a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Mobile & Ohio Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 15.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1506.) 1507a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 15.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1507.) 1508a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1508.) 1509a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Mobile & Ohio Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 16.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1509.) 1510a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. New York, New Haven & Hartford Rail- road Co. (IV, R. L. B., 16.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1510.) 1511a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Meridian Terminal Co. (IV, R. L. B., 16.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1511.) (IV, 1512a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System.) R. L. B., 17.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1512.) 1513a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisi- ana. (IV, R. L. B., 17.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1513.) 1514a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Texas & Pacific Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 17.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request denied. (Decision No. 1514.) 1515a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Texas & Pacific Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 17.) + Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1515.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 277 1516a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Texas & Pacific Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 18.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1516.) 1517a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Texas & Pacific Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 18.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1517.) 1518a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Texas & Pacific Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 18.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1518.) 1519a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Texas & Pacific Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 18.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1519.) 1520a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Texas & Pacific Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 19.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1520.) 1521a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisi- ana. (IV, R. L. B., 19.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1521.) 1522a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisi- ana. (IV, R. L. B., 19.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1522.) 1523a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisi- ana. (IV, R. L. B., 19.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1523.) 1524a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System.) (IV, R. L. B., 20.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1524.) 1525a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisi- ana. (IV, R. L. B., 20.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1525.) 1626a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L., (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Erie Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 20.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1526.) 278 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1527a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Railway. (IV, R. L. B., 20.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1527.) 1528a. Petition of Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Railway for Rehear- ing on Docket 2255, Decision No. 1342. (IV, R. L. B., 21.) Request of carrier for rehearing on dispute covered by Docket 2255, Decision No. 1342. Decided: That inasmuch as the Board does not find any features introduced not considered at the previous hearing the re- quest for rehearing is denied. (Decision No. 1528.) 1529a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 21.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1529.) 1530a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 21.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1530.) 1531a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 21.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1531.) 1532a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 22.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1532.) 1533a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. New Orleans Great Northern Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 22.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1533.) 1534a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Grand Trunk Railway System (Lines in U. S.) (IV, R. L. B., 22.) Dispute in regard to the right of the carrier to abrogate its agreement with System Federation No. 92, Federated Shop Crafts, and as to what organization the majority of the shop employees desire to represent them. Decided: That a ballot shall be taken to ascertain the wishes of a majority of the shop employees with respect to representation; that the carrier can not abrogate the agreement in effect unless and until its provisions are fully complied with, and that pending the result of the ballot herein provided no change shall be made in said agreement. (De- cision No. 1534.) 1535a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 25.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1535.) 1536a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Union Stock Yards Co. of Omaha (Ltd.) (IV, R. L. B., 25.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1536.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 279 1537a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen; Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire- men and Enginemen v. Hannibal Connecting Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 26.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1537.) 1538a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. et al. (IV, R. L. B., 26.) Dispute as to what shall constitute just and reasonable rates of pay and rules and working conditions. Decided: That the rules and rates of pay set out in Articles II and V of this decision are just and reason- able and shall apply to the carriers and organizations parties to this dispute. (Dissenting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1538.) 1539a. International Longshoremen's Association v. Pere Marquette Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 33.) Dispute regarding representation of freight handlers and other em- ployees of the carrier at Ludington, Mich., in the negotiation of rules governing working conditions. Decided: That the International Long- shoremen's Association shall have the right to negotiate rules governing working conditions of the employees involved in this dispute. (Decision No. 1539.) 1540a. American Train Dispatchers Association et al. v. Mississippi Central Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 35.) Protest of employees against arbitrary reduction in wages. Decided: That in reducing the wages of its employees the carrier violated the transportation act, 1920, and Decision No. 2 of this Board; that the wages in effect prior to the reduction referred to shall be restored and applied up to the date of the application of Decision No. 147, when the provisions of that decision shall apply and remain in effect until changed in accordance with the provisions of the transportation act. (Decision No. 1540.) 1541a. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. v. Railway Men's International Benevolent Industrial Association. (IV, R. L. B., 38.) Dispute in regard to what shall constitute just and reasonable rules and working conditions. Decided: It appearing that the parties have agreed in conference on all the rules governing working conditions except with reference to hours of service and overtime, the Board decides that the provisions of rule 2 as set out in this decision are just and reasonable and shall apply in this dispute. (Decision No. 1541.) 1542a. International Molders Union of North America v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Lines. (IV, R. L. B., 39.) Dispute with reference to rules and working conditions. Decided: That effective February 16, 1923, the provisions of Decision No. 222 and addenda thereto shall apply to the class of employees involved herein where rules are in dispute corresponding to rules in said decision; that in regard to special rule in dispute with reference to the operation of molding machines, there shall be no change in the assignment of this work; that this decision shall not affect rules already agreed upon in conference. (Decision No. 1542.) 1543a. International Brotherhood of Steam Shovel and Dredgemen v. Missouri Pacific Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 39.) Dispute in regard to rules governing overtime and Sunday and holiday work. Decided: That the rules of Decision No. 501 having reference to the matters in dispute in this case shall be incorporated in and become a part of the agreement between the organization and the carrier parties hereto, but that rules agreed upon in conference are not affected by this decision, nor is it to be understood that existing agreements with other organizations are hereby annulled unless and until a majority of the em- ployees concerned express a desire for a change. (Decision No. 1543.) 280 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1544a. Brotherhood Railway Carmen of America v. Staten Island Rapid Tran- sit Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 40.) De- Controversy in regard to rules and working conditions of carmen. cided: That rules as incorporated in Decision No. 222 and addenda thereto shall apply to the carmen employed by the carrier with the same force and effect as if originally included therein. (Decision No. 1544.) 1545a. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers v. Lehigh & New England Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 40.) Dispute as to rules and working conditions governing maintenance of way electrical workers. Decided: That rules incorporated in Decision No. 222 and addenda thereto shall be made applicable to the employees in- volved in this dispute in so far as the disagreed rules are concerned. The rules already agreed upon in conference shall not be affected by this decision. (Decision No. 1545.) 1546a. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers v. Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 41.) Dispute in regard to rules affecting maintenance employees of the tele- graph department. Decided: That the rules incorporated in Decision No. 222 and addenda thereto shall be made applicable to the employees involved in this dispute in so far as the disagreed rules are concerned; rules already agreed upon in conference shall not be affected by this decision. (De- cision No. 1546.) 1547a. Brotherhood of Railway Police v. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 41.) Application for the continuance in effect on the carrier named of the provisions of Supplement 14 to General Order No. 27 issued by the United States Railroad Administration. Decided: That the case not having been presented in accordance with the provisions of the transportation act, 1920, it is therefore removed from the docket and the file closed. (De- cision No. 1547.) 1548a. Brotherhood of Railway Police v. Pennsylvania System. (IV, R. L. B., 42.) Dispute regarding negotiation of rules governing employees in police department. Decided: Case not having been presented in accordance with the provisions of the transportation act, 1920, is therefore dismissed and the docket closed. (Decision No. 1548.) 1549a. Brotherhood of Railway Police v. Long Island Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 42.) Dispute regarding negotiation of rules governing employees in police department. Decided: That the dispute not having been properly sub- mitted, is returned to the employees for handling in accordance with the provisions of Title III of the transportation act, 1920, and Order No. 1 of the Railroad Labor Board. (Decision No. 1549.) 1550a. National Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots of America v. Seaboard Air Line Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 42.) Dispute with reference to the negotiation of rules governing working conditions of masters, mates, and pilots on floating equipment of the car- rier named, Norfolk, Va. Decided: Case remanded to parties for confer- ence with the understanding that if an agreement can not be reached the rules not agreed upon may be resubmitted with the proposals of the re- spective parties as to each rule in dispute. (Decision No. 1550.) 1551a. Order of Railroad Claim Investigators of North America v. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 43.) Dispute with reference to the negotiation of rules for the government of certain employees in the claim department. Decided: The evidence in- dicating that the matter in dispute has not been the subject of conference DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 281 between interested parties, and the presentation of the employees not hav- ing been made in accordance with the provisions of the Transportation Act, 1920, the case is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 1551.) 1552a. National Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots of America v. Southern Railway System. (IV, R. L. B., 43.) Dispute with reference to negotiation of rules governing working con- ditions of masters, mates, and pilots on floating equipment of the carrier named, Norfolk, Va. Decided: Dispute remanded to interested parties for conference with the understanding that if agreement can not be reached the rules not agreed upon may be resubmitted to the board. (Decision No. 1552.) 1553a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Arizona Eastern Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 44.) Claim for reinstatement of brakeman dismissed from service. Decided: On evidence submitted, claim for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 1553.) 1554a. Bangor & Aroostook Railroad Co. et al. v. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. (IV, R. L. B., 44.) Request of carriers parties hereto for reduction in rates of pay and for revision of rules governing working conditions of employees in engine, train, and yard service. Decided: That the disputes between the carriers and organizations named herein shall be held on the docket of the Railroad Labor Board until some date subsequent to October 1, 1922, when they will be taken up for further consideration and decision, unless in the meantime agreements have been reached. (Decision No. 1554.) 1555a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Northern Pacific Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 46.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1555.) 1556a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Northern Pacific Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 46.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (De- cision No. 1556.) 1557a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Louis Southwestern Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 47.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1557.) 1558a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Abilene & Southern Railway et al. (IV, R. L. B., 47.) Dispute with reference to rules governing working conditions of train, engine, and yard service employees of the carriers parties to this dispute. Decided: That dispute shall be held on the docket of the Railroad Labor Board until some date subsequent to October 1, 1923, when it shall be taken up for further consideration and decision, unless in the meantime agree- ments have been reached. (Decision No. 1558.) 1559a. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al., v. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. (IV, R. L. B., 54.) + Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1559.) 1 282 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1560a. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al. v. Brotherhood of Locomo- tive Engineers et al. (IV, R. L. B., 62.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1560.) 1561a. Staten Island Rapid Transit Railway Co. v. American Federation of Railroad Workers. (IV, R. L. B., 68.) Dispute with reference to what rules governing overtime and Sunday and holiday work shall be incorporated in the agreement between the carrier and certain of its employees in the mechanical department. Decided: That the overtime provisions incorporated in Decision No. 501, Decision No. 222 and addenda thereto, and Interpretation 1 to Addendum 2 to De- cision No. 119 shall apply to the class or classes of employees involved in this dispute which correspond to class or classes mentioned in said de- cisions; this decision, however, not to affect rules agreed upon in con- ference pursuant to the issuance of Decision No. 119 or since the date of this submission. (Decision No. 1561.) 1562a. Order of Railway Conductors et al. v. San Diego & Arizona Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 69.) Claim of fireman, dismissed from service, for reinstatement. Claim denied. (Decision No. 1562.) Decided: 1563a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Texas & Pacific Railway. (IV, R. L. B., 70.) Claim of section foreman for reinstatement with pay for time lost. Decided: Based upon evidence submitted, that employee shall be reinstated with seniority unimpaired, but without pay for time lost. (Decision No. 1563.) 1564a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Chicago, West Pullman & Southern Rail- road Co. (IV, R. L., B., 70.) Request for reinstatement of engineer taken out of service in reduction in forces. Decided: Based upon evidence submitted, claim is denied. (De- cision No. 1564.) 1565a. Order of Railway Conductors et al., v. Kansas City Southern Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 70.) Request that record of train and engine crew be cleared and claim for compensation for time lost on account of ten days' suspension from service for alleged failure to properly look after their train and for disregard of rules. Decided: That evidence clearly indicates that train crew failed to observe the rule requiring testing of air brakes which places responsibility upon them for failure to know that the air hose was properly coupled and air-brake appliances in proper working order. Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1565.) 1566a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. Erie Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 72.) Claim of employees for reimbursement of amount of wage reduction in January and February, 1921. Decided: Parties to this dispute referred to Decision No. 1329, the provisions of which decision shall apply with equal force and effect to the question covered herein. (Decision No. 1566.) 1567a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federate Shop Crafts), v. International & Great Northern Railway. (IV, R. L. B., 72.) Claim that coach builder's rate should be paid to certain car inspectors and carmen assigned to making running repairs to freight and passenger equipment. Decided: That the carrier was not justified in changing the rate of pay of employees in question under the rules in effect; therefore the rates in effect prior to the reduction complained of shall be restored and continued until changed in accordance with the provisions of the Transportation Act, 1920. (Decision No. 1567.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 283 1568a. Montour Railroad Co. v. American Federation of Railroad Workers. (IV, R. L. B., 74.) Request of the carrier for the elimination from its agreement with the American Federation of Railroad Workers of that part of rule 14 reading: "An employee who has been in the service of the railroad thirty (30) days shall not be dismissed for incompetency." Decided: Request of the carrier granted. Parties to this dispute are referred to rule 37 of Addendum 6 to Decision No. 222, which it is suggested should be adopted in lieu of rule 14 of the present agreement. (Decision No. 1568.) 1569a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. Long Island Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 76.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1569.) 1570a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Gulf Coast Lines. (IV, R. L. B., 76.) Are foremen paid under section (h), Article V of Decision No. 501 entitled to overtime for supervising their gangs in excess of eight hours per day? Decided: Parties to this dispute are referred to Decision No. 1364 and section (h), Article V of Decision No. 1450, which cover the question submitted. (Decision No. 1570.) 1571a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Louisville, Henderson & St. Louis Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 77.) Should bridge foremen, carpenter foremen, section foremen, etc., who are paid a monthly rate, receive extra time for the seven specified holidays for work performed during the regular week-day assignment? Decided: Parties to this dispute are referred to Decision No. 1364 and section (h), Article V of Decision No. 1450, which cover the question submitted. (De- cision No. 1571.) 1572a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway et al. (IV, R. L. B., 77.) Dispute regarding method of compensating certain monthly-rated super- visory employees for the ninth and tenth hours of continuous service when the gangs under their supervision are assigned to ten hours' service as a day's work. Decided: Parties to this dispute are referred to Decision No. 1364 and section (h), Article V of Decision No. 1450, which cover the question submitted. (Decision No. 1572.) 1573a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. New York, New Haven & Hartford Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 77.) Dispute with reference to proper classification of employee in the signal department. Decided: Effective February 16, 1922, employee shall be classified as assistant signal maintainer and his service record as such shall date from that time. (Decision No. 1573.) 1574a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Ann Arbor Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 79.) Dispute with reference to hours of service and compensation of main- tenance of way employees and monthly-rated foremen. Decided: That inasmuch as the carrier discontinued the ten-hour day August 1, 1922, in accordance with agreement reached with its employees in the main- tenance of way department, that question is eliminated from the dis- pute; that if the rule providing that a ballot be taken in March each year is continued in effect, the result of the first ballot shall determine whether eight or ten hours shall be worked; that foremen are not en- titled to overtime payment for the ninth and tenth hours of service when their gangs are working ten hours per day. (Decision No. 1574.) 50960°-24—19 284 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1575a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad System. (IV, R. L. B., 81.) Request for reinstatement of section laborer discharged from service, with pay for time lost. Decided: That employee in question shall be returned to position of laborer without pay for time lost. (Decision No. 1575.) 1576a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co.; Chicago, Rock Island & Gulf Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 82.) Dispute with reference to application of rule 37 of the agreement between the carrier and its maintenance of way employees to foremen in the bridge and building department. Decided: That bridge and build- ing foremen do come within the scope of said agreement and that the provisions thereof shall be made equally applicable to said foremen as to other classes therein named. (Decision No. 1576.) 1577a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Pittsburgh & West Virginia Railway Co.; West Side Belt Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 82.) Dispute in regard to representation in the negotiation of agreement between the carrier and its maintenance of way employees. Decided: That pending determination of the representation desired by the em- ployees the rules incorporated in Decisions Nos. 501 and 1450 shall be applied, which rules shall remain in effect until the ballot hereinafter provided has been taken, the result of which shall determine the duly authorized representatives of the maintenance of way employees; that a ballot shall be taken in conformity with the procedure outlined in Decision No. 218 and its addendum to ascertain the choice of a majority of the employees involved. (Decision No. 1577.) 1578a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 88.) Request for reinstatement of certain section laborers dismissed from service, with pay for time lost. Decided: That the carrier's offer of rein- statement with full seniority rights, but without pay for time lost, was a just and reasonable settlement of this dispute, and that such action should be considered as automatically disposing of same. (Decision No. 1578.) 1579a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 90.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (De- cision No. 1579.) 1580a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 90.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. cision No. 1580.) Decided: Request granted. De- 1581a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis and Affili- ated Lines. (IV, R. L. B., 90.) Was the Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis within its rights in reducing the wages of certain inside hostler helpers and a supplyman at Brooklyn, Ill., shops? Decided: Rule 64 of Addendum 6 to Decision No. 222 outlines the work which shall be paid for at the machinist helper's rate, which rule omits reference to grease cup filling, and the carrier is therefore justified in taking the position that the work per- DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 285 formed by these employees does not come within the scope of the work of machinist helpers. In the application of rule 64, employees perform- ing the work of grease cup filling and who were previously classified and rated as machinist helper shall be privileged to exercise their seniority as machinist helpers, this decision predicated entirely upon the par- ticular question in dispute and shall not be considered as interpreting or affecting rules agreed upon between any carrier and its employees. (Decision No. 1581.) 1582a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 91.) Dispute with reference to proper classification and rating of certain employees of the carrier operating drawbridge at Oshkosh, Wis. Decided: Inasmuch as positions in question were classified and rated as levermen in accordance with Interpretation 10 to Supplement 13 to General Order No. 27 of the United States Railroad Administration, on which basis these men were paid until February 15, 1922, no change should have been made in the rates of pay for such positions except in the manner provided in principle 7, Exhibit B, Decision No. 119, and in the transportation act, 1920; that it is the recommendation of the board that a conference be held between the interested parties to definitely determine the duties of these positions and an effort made to agree upon a classification and rating therefor. (Decision No. 1582.) 1583a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Pittsburgh & West Virginia Railway Co.; West Side Belt Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 93.) Request for reinstatement of laborer laid off in force reduction while younger men in service were retained. Decided: That the carrier did not violate the meaning and intent of the agreement then in effect in relieving employee in question from the position occupied, account of his age and physical condition, but it is recommended that when the forces are in- creased he be reemployed in some line of work that he may be capable of performing. (Decision No. 1583 ) 1584a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. St. Louis & Hannibal Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 94.) Protest of the employees against failure of the carrier to comply with Addendum 4 to Decision No. 501. Decided: That the carrier shall apply the provisions of Addendum 4 to Decision No. 501, and that if changes in the rules are desired the provisions of said rules shall be followed be- fore such changes are made. (Decision No. 1584.) 1585a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. New York Central Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 96.) Claim for machinists' rate of pay for certain work performed by bridge and building carpenters. Decided: Based upon evidence submitted in this particular case, the claim of employees is denied, but the decision shoull not be construed as permitting the assignment of carpenters to work classi- fied as that of machinists or sheet-metal workers at a lower rate of pay than established for those crafts. (Decision No. 1585.) 1586a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Great Northern Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 98.) Dispute with reference to proper compensation of bridge watchmen on the Cascade division, the carrier having applied the rate of track watch- men and the employees claiming they should have been paid the same rate as tunnel and snowshed watchmen. Decided: That the carrier has not violated any rules or decisions in the establishment of the rate in effect. (Decision No. 1586.) • 286 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1587a. National Association of Railway Mechanics, Helpers, Laborers and Freight Handlers v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 100.) Dispute as to classification and rating of employee of the carrier now classified and paid as grease cup filler. Decided: That rule 64 of Adden- dum 6 to Decision No. 222 outlines the work which shall be paid for at machinist helper's rate, which rule omits reference to grease cup filling, and the carrier is therefore justified in taking the position that the work outlined as being performed by this employee does not come within the scope of the work of machinist helper. (Decision No. 1587.) 1588a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 101.) Claim for overtime payment for three drawbridge tenders for time held subject to call. Decided: Based upon the evidence submitted in this par- ticular case, the board decides that the drawbridge tenders in question are being properly compensated. (Decision No. 1588.) 1589a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Michigan Central Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 102.) Was the carrier justified in demoting Thomas Morissey, yard foreman at Jackson, Mich.? Decided: The evidence introduced relative to the services of the employee in question indicates that the carrier was justified in demoting him to the position of assistant foreman, which position he now occupies. (Decision No. 1589.) 1590a. National Association of Railway Mechanics, Helpers, Laborers and Freight Handlers v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 104.) Dispute with reference to classification and rating of certain employees of the carrier now classified and paid as grease cup fillers. Decided: That rule 64 of Addendum 6 to Decision No. 222 makes no reference to lubricator filling, and the carrier is therefore justified in taking the position that the work outlined as being performed by these employees does not come within the scope of the work of machinist helpers. (Decision No. 1590.) 1591a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 106.) Decided: Request granted. (De- Withdrawal of dispute requested. cision No. 1591.) 1592a. Order of Sleeping Car Conductors v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 106.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1592.) 1593a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Texas & Pacific Railway. (IV, R. L. B., 107.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1593.) 1594a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Texas & Pacific Railway. (IV, R. L. B., 107.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1594.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 287 1595a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Texas & Pacific Railway. (IV, R. L. B., 107.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1595.) 1596a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Texas & Pacific Railway. (IV, R. L. B., 107.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1596.) 1597a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Texas & Pacific Railway. (IV, R. L. B., 108.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1597.) 1598a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisi- ana. (IV, R. L. B., 108.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1598.) 1599a. Brotherhood of Dining Car Conductors v. Great Northern Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 108.) Request of dining car employees for the adoption of a schedule agree- ment to govern wages and working conditions. Decided: Interested par- ties advise that they have mutually agreed upon a settlement of this case and the docket is therefore closed. (Decision No. 1599.) 1600a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis. (IV, R. L. B., 108.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. No. 1600.) (Decision 1601a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad Sys- tem. (IV, R. L. B., 109.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decidcd: Request granted. (Decision No. 1601.) 1602a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 109.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1602.) 1603a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 109.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1603.) 1604a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 109.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1604.) 1605a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers v. Gulf Coast Lines. L. B., 110.) (IV, R. Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1605.) 288 · CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1606a. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System) v. Marine Culinary Workers Association of California. (IV, R. L. B., 110.) Dispute with reference to revision of rules governing working conditions. Decided: At hearing conducted by the Board the parties at interest agreed upon the questions in. dispute and withdrew the case from further con- sideration, and it is therefore removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 1606.) 1607a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Texas & Pacific Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 110.) Claim of extra engineer, Rio Grande division, for one day's pay as hostler. Decided: Interested parties advising that this case has been settled by payment of claim, the docket is closed. (Decision No. 1607.) 1608a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Texas & Pacific Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 110.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1608.) 1609a. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Ann Arbor Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 111.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1609.) 1610a. Order of Railway Conductors; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 111.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1610.) 1611a. Order of Railway Conductors; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 111.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1611.) 1612a. American Train Dispatchers Association v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (IV, R. L. B., 111.) Question of proper representation in agreement negotiations affecting train dispatchers. Decided: That a ballot shall be taken, the procedure to be in conformity to that outlined in Decision No. 218 and its addendum, to ascertain the choice of a majority of the train dispatchers in the employ of the carrier in regard to representation. (Decision No. 1612.) 1613a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Great Northern Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 114.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1613.) 1614a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 114.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1614.) 1615a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Texas & Pacific Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 115.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1615.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND' REGULATIONS. 289 1616a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Pittsburgh & West Virginia Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 115.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1616.) 1617a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Pittsburgh & West Virginia Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 115.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1617.) 1618a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Pittsburgh & West Virginia Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 115.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1618.) 1619a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Pittsburgh & West Virginia Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 116.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1619.) 1620a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Pittsburgh & West Virginia Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 116.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1620.) 1621a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rail- way Co. et al. (IV, R. L. B., 116.) Dispute with reference to what shall constitute just and reasonable rates of pay and rules and working conditions. Decided: That in so far as any particular question of wages or of rules is shown by the respective submis- sions to be in dispute, Articles I and II of this decision, covering wages and rules corresponding to Articles VII and VIII of Decision No. 630, are just and reasonable and shall apply to the carriers and employees parties hereto. (Two dissenting opinions filed.) (Decision No. 1621.) 1622a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (IV, R. L. B., 130.) Request for reinstatement of clerk in office of auditor of freight accounts, with seniority and pension rights unimpaired and pay for time lost since dismissal. Decided: That employee in question shall be reinstated with seniority and pension rights unimpaired but without pay for time lost. (Decision No. 1622.) 1623a. American Train Dispatchers Association v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 131.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Decision No. 1623.) 16248. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway. (IV, R. L. B., 131.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request denied. (Decision No. 1624.) 290 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1625a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Rail- way. (IV, R. L. B., 131.) Request of employees for reinstatement of clerk, Nashville Terminals, with seniority rights and pay for time lost. Decided: That the Board has no jurisdiction in this dispute, and the case is therefore removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 1625.) 1626a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 132.) Claim of clerk, laid off in reduction in force, that he should have been given the position in the district accounting bureau in preference to non- employee. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1626.) 1627a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. New York Central Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 133.) Dispute in regard to amount of compensation that should be allowed agent at Forbes Avenue Station, Rensselaer, the carrier contending that for the small amount of business handled at that station $75 per month would be a proper rate. Decided: That the reduction in the rate of pay for this position requested by the carrier is denied. (Decision No. 1627.) 1628a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 134.) Claim of clerk for eight days' pay in lieu of vacation not granted. Decided: Claim denied. (Decision No. 1628.) 1629a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Northern Pacific Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 134.) Claim of clerk, Seattle, Wash., for monetary loss sustained because of not being assigned to position in the traffic department in accordance with his seniority rights. Decided: That said clerk should have been permitted to return to the position of car and salmon clerk at Pier No. 1, Seattle, when he reported for duty and found that the position in the traffic de- partment had been filled, and further that this employee shall be paid the wage loss sustained by him from the date that he reported for duty after his illness until the date he was assigned to a regular position. This decision shall not be construed to establish a precedent for other cases that may arise. (Decision No. 1629.) 1630a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Union Pacific System. (IV, R. L. B., 135.) Seniority claim of clerk for assignment to position of chief clerk to general yardmaster, assigned to junior employee. Decided: Based on evi- dence submitted, employee in question did not have sufficient fitness and ability to successfully perform the duties of chief clerk to the general yardmaster, and request of employees is therefore denied. (Decision No. 1630.) 1631a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Erie Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 136.) Dispute with reference to seniority date of Grace E. McKnight, clerk, Port Jervis, N. Y., and claim for wage loss due to being laid off in re- duction in force. Decided: That seniority of employee in question shall date from June 1, 1917; that she be restored to the service of the carrier in any position to which she may be entitled by her seniority and paid for all time lost, less any amount earned in other employment. (Decision No. 1631.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 291 1632a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Erie Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 137.) Question of proper application of Decision No. 147 to positions of chief callers and baggage-masters. Decided: That chief callers who have su- pervision over train and engine crew callers, and baggage-masters who have supervision over regularly assigned baggage-room employees shall have their rate of pay reduced 6 cents per hour, under section 1, Article II, of Decision No. 147, effective July 1, 1921, and that retroactive adjustment shall be made. (Decision No. 1632.) 1633a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Fort Worth & Denver City Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 138.) Claim of clerk for pay for time off account of sickness of his wife, Decided: Request of employees denied. (Decision No. 1633.) 1634a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific Sys- tem). (IV, R. L. B., 139.) Dispute with reference to the right of the carrier to discontinue pay- ment of express commissions to joint railway express agents when such employees are required to handle express business, and as to proper ap- plication of rule 20 of Decision No. 757. Decided: That while employees are required to handle the express business commissions shall not be dis- continued except by mutual agreement or in accordance with the provi- sions of the transportation act, 1920; that express commissions and rates of pay allowed immediately prior to May 1, 1922, be restored and become effective from that date; that under rule 20 of Decision No. 757 the car- rier is not required to continue the practice established by the previous rule of making up the difference where the rate of the express commissions had been reduced, but that this should not be understood as placing ap- proval upon the practice of reducing the rate of express commissions sub- sequent to the date of this decision without first reaching an agreement with the employees or by decision of the Board. (Decision No. 1634.) 1635a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway. (IV, R. L. B., 141.) Claim of certain monthly-rated foremen and assistant foremen, water supply, for overtime for Sunday and holiday service. Decided: Based on the language of the rule negotiated by the parties to this dispute, the claim of the employees is denied. (Decision No. 1635.) 1636a. International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers v. Seaboard Air Line Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 142.) Dispute with reference to the right of the International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers to represent stationary engineers in and around shops, engine houses, and power plants in the negotiation of rules gov- erning working conditions. Decided: That a ballot shall be taken, as out- lined in this decision, to ascertain the choice of a majority of the em- ployees involved in regard to representation. (Decision No. 1636.) 1637a. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. et al. v. International Longshoremen's Association. (IV, R. L. B., 143.) Request of the carriers parties hereto for the establishment of pro rata rate for the ninth and tenth hours of service for employees on coal and ore docks. Decided: Request of the carriers denied. (Decision No. 1637.) 1638a. Railway Men's International_Benevolent Industrial Association v. Jacksonville Terminal Co. (IV, R. L. B., 144.) Protest of coach cleaners at Jacksonville, Fla., against reduction in wages and the discharge of certain car cleaners for refusal to sign safety- first bulletin. Decided: That action taken by the carrier relative to re- duction of wages is sustained; that compliance with request of employees for reinstatement of those dismissed from service is optional with the carrier. (Decision No. 1638.) - 292 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1 1639a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Delaware, Lakawanna & Western Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 146.) Dispute with reference to hours of service of maintenance-of-way em- ployees. Decided: The position of the Railroad Labor Board with respect to the assignment of maintenance employees to work ten hours per day is clearly covered in Decision No. 1364, to which parties to this dispute are referred. (Decision No. 1639.) 1640a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. San Antonio, Uvalde & Gulf Railroad. (IV, R. L. B., 147.) Request of section foreman, dismissed from service, for reinstatement to his former position with pay for time lost. Decided: That employee in question shall be reinstated to his former position with pay for time lost, less any amount earned in other employment. (Decision No. 1640.) 1641a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad System. (IV, R. L. B., 147.) Dispute as to hours of service and overtime compensation of certain bridge and building gangs at Pueblo, Colo. Decided: Parties to this dis- pute are referred to Decision No. 1364 wherein the Board's position relative to this question is clearly outlined, and the principle enunciated in that decision shall likewise be made applicable in this case. (Decision No. 1641.) 1642a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Fort Worth & Denver City Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B. 149.) Claim of employee for back pay from March 1, 1920, to June 1, 1920, in accordance with adjustment made in his rate of pay, effective June 1, 1920. Decided: On the evidence submitted and in view of the fact that the em- ployee in question was on June 16, 1920, rated on an hourly basis, the back-time adjustment for the period March 1, 1920, to June 15, 1920, shall be calculated on the same basis. (Decision No. 1642.) 1643a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 150.) Claim for pay for bridge and building foremen alleged to have been held on duty while the gangs under their supervision were laid off. Decided: Based on evidence before the Board, claim of employees is denied (Decision No. 1643.) 1644a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Kansas City Southern Railway et al. (IV, R. L. B., 152.) Claim of the United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers to represent foremen and assistant foremen in the maintenance-of-way department of the carriers parties hereto. Dem cided: That the procedure followed by the carriers and a committee assum- ing to represent supervisory forces in the maintenance-of-way department was not in conformity with the spirit and intent of the transportation act, 1920, and decisions of the Board; that the provisions of the rules agreed upon, together with the rules incorporated in Decision No. 501, shall be immediately placed in effect to govern supervisory forces covered by negotiations conducted subsequent to the issuance of Decision No. 119 with the United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers, and shall remain in effect unless and until changed in conformity with section (m), Article VI, of Decision No. 501, or in con- formity with the provisions of the transportation act, 1920. (Dissenting and supporting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1644.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 293 1645a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 160.) Dispute in regard to application of the rate of pay of ash pit men to employees in the maintenance-of-way department at certain specified points engaged in performing similar service. Decided: Based on the particular facts in this case, the Board decides that at points where the work is sufficient to occupy one or more men, the rate of pay and overtime conditions of ash pit men shall be applicable to them, effective as of March 1, 1923; but that this decision shall not be construed to mean that section laborers or other laborers employed in and around shops or yards, who are required among their other duties to remove cinders from tracks, shall be subject to like provisions. (Decision No. 1645.) 1646a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Great Northern Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 161.) Request for reinstatement of section laborer dismissed for incompetency. Decided: Request denied. (Decision No. 1646.) 1647a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Belt Railway Co. of Chicago. (IV, R. L. B., 161.) Dispute with reference to change in assignment of maintenance-of-way employees from eight to ten hours per day. Decided: The Board has clearly outlined its position relative to the assignment of maintenance-of- way employees to work ten hours per day in Decision No. 1364, and decides that the portion of said decision relating to the subject here in dispute shall be made applicable to this case. (Decision No. 1647.) 1648a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 162.) Dispute relative to rate of pay applicable to bridge and building fore- man. Decided: Case remanded for further negotiations. (Decision No. 1648.) (IV, R. 1649a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis. L. B., 162.) Dispute involving two questions: (a) Was carrier within its rights in changing established starting time of work of certain bridge and building crews without proper notification to representatives of the employees; and (b) shall employees affected by such changes in starting time be compen- sated at the rate of time and one-half for service performed before their regular starting time? Decided: Based upon the evidence submitted the respective questions are answered as follows: (a) No. (b) Yes. (Deci- sion No. 1649.) 1650a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. Philadelphia & Reading Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 164.) Dispute with reference to method of compensating stationary or mill- wright gang at Reading car shops for work performed on Sundays and - holidays. Decided: Interpretation 1 to Decision No. 222 and addenda clearly sets forth the intention of the Railroad Labor Board in the promul- gation of rule 6 of said decision, which interpretation shall apply with equal force and effect in the dispute here involved. (Decision No. 1650.) 1651a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 165.) Question of proper compensation for trackmen when required to load or unload track material. Decided: That when section men are assigned to load and unload material at storehouses or platforms maintained by the stores department they shall receive the rate of storehouse laborer while 294 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. so engaged; but this decision shall not be construed as applying to time consumed in loading and unloading miscellaneous material on motor cars, etc., for use by the specific section gang engaged in such loading or unload- ing. (Decision No. 1651.) 1652a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (IV, R. L. B., 165.) Shall employees' time start and end at designated point except where local conditions temporarily necessitate the designation of other points, and shall the carrier reimburse employees for wage loss suffered by them through the carrier arbitrarily putting an unauthorized rule into effect? Decided: Attention of the parties is directed to section (c-1), Article V of Decision No. 1450, which section shall be made applicable to the South- ern Pacific Co. (Pacific System), effective January 16, 1923. (Decision No. 1652.) 1653a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Great Northern Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 166.) Withdrawal of dispute requested. Decided: Request granted. (Deci- sion No. 1653.) 1654a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Trunk Line Freight Inspection Bureau. (IV, R. L. B., 166.) Controversy between the clerks' organization and the Trunk Line Freight Inspection Bureau with reference to the dismissal of certain em- ployees. the fundamental question involved being whether the Railroad Labor Board has jurisdiction over this bureau. Decided: That the bureau in question is not a common carrier, that it does not come within the pro- visions of the transportation act, 1920, and that the Board has no juris- diction of the dispute presented. (Decision No. 1654.) 1655a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 167.) Claim of employee for pay while absent account of jury service. De- cided: Claim denied. (Decision No. 1655.) 1656a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Western Weighing and Inspection Bureau. (IV, R. L. B., 167.) Dispute in regard to bulletining of position of transit clerk in the office of the district superintendent, Milwaukee, Wis., in accordance with rules of the clerks' national agreement, the question of the Board's jurisdiction of such dispute being also involved. Decided: That the Board has no jurisdiction over bureau in question and the dispute is therefore dismissed. (Decision No. 1656.) 1657a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Western Weighing and Inspection Bu- reau. (IV, R. L. B., 172.) Dispute regarding proper application of certain rules of the clerks' na- tional agreement, the question of the Board's jurisdiction of such dispute being also involved. Decided: That the Board has no jurisdiction of the case presented and same is therefore dismissed. (Decision No. 1657.) 1658a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station_Employees v. Western Weighing and Inspection Bu- reau. (IV, R. L. B., 173.) Dispute with reference to proper application of rule 5 of the clerks' national agreement, the question of the Board's jurisdiction of such dis- pute being also involved. Decided: That the Board has no jurisdiction over this bureau, and the dispute is therefore dismissed. (Decision No. 1658.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 295 1659a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight_Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Western Weighing and Inspection Bu- reau. (IV, R. L. B., 173.) Controversy regarding application of certain provisions of the clerks' national agreement, the principal question involved, however, being that of the Board's jurisdiction of this dispute. Decided: That the Board has no jurisdiction over this bureau and the case is therefore dismissed. (Deci- sion No. 1659.) 1660a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Weighing and Inspection Bu- reau. (IV, R. L. B., 173.) Dispute with reference to dismissal of weighmaster, Cincinnati, Ohio, the question of the Board's jurisdiction of such dispute being also in- volved. Decided: That the Board has no jurisdiction of the dispute presented and same is therefore dismissed. (Decision No. 1660.) 1661a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Weighing and Inspection Bu- reau. (IV, R. L. B., 174.) Dispute with reference to dismissal of weighmaster, Mobile. Ala., the question of the Board's jurisdiction of such dispute being also in- volved. Decided: That the Board has no jurisdiction over the Southern Weighing and Inspection Bureau and the dispute is therefore dismissed and the docket closed. (Decision No. 1661.) 1662a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Central Inspection and Weighing Bu- reau. (IV, R. L. B., 174.) Dispute regarding hours of service and rates of pay of certain employees of the Central Inspection and Weighing Bureau, the question of the Board's jurisdiction of such dispute being also involved. Decided: That the bureau named is not a common carrier coming within the provisions of the transportation act, 1920, and the Board therefore has no jurisdic- tion in the dispute presented. (Decision No. 1662.) 1663a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southeastern Demurrage and Storage Bureau. (IV, R. L. B., 175.) Dispute with reference to dismissal of clerical employee, Albany, Ga., the question of the Board's jurisdiction of the dispute being also involved. Decided: That the Board has no jurisdiction in the dispute presented and the case is therefore dismissed. (Decision No. 1663.) 1664a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southeastern Demurrage and Storage Bureau. (IV, R. L. B., 175.) Dispute with reference to dismissal of check clerk, Charleston, S. C., question of the Board's jurisdiction of the dispute being also involved. Decided: That the Board has no jurisdiction in the dispute presented and the case is therefore dismissed. (Decision No. 1664.) 1665a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Trunk Line Freight Inspection Bureau. (IV, R. L. B., 176.) Dispute regarding proper application of rule 66 of the clerks' national agreement, the question of the Board's jurisdiction of the dispute being also involved. Decided: That the Board has no jurisdiction in the dis- pute presented and the case is therefore dismissed. (Decision No. 1565.) 296 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1666a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Trunk Line Freight Inspection Bureau. (IV, R. L. B., 176.) Dispute regarding dismissal of certain employees, the primary question involved, however, being that of the Board's jurisdiction of the dispute. Decided: That the Board has no jurisdiction in the dispute presented and the case is therefore dismissed. (Decision No. 1666.) 1667a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 176.) Claim of employees that the carrier violated rule 4 (g) of the agreement in effect by ass gning certain building maintenance forces to five days per week. Decided: That the carrier did not violate the meaning and intent of rule 4 (g) in reducing the number of days per week as outlined, and the position of the carrier is therefore sustained. (Decision No. 1667.) 1668a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. New York, New Haven & Hartford Rail- road Co.; Central New England Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 177.) Dispute with reference to what shall constitute just and reasonable working conditions. Decided: That rules set out in the decision, corre- sponding in number to the rules shown in the employees' ex-parte sub- mission, are just and reasonable and shall apply to the carriers and em- ployees parties hereto, effective March 16, 1923. (Decision No. 1668.) 1669a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (IV, R. L. B., 179.) Dispute with reference to proper application of rule 64 of Addendum 6 to Decision No. 222. Decided: That skilled drilling and reaming, regard- less of the machine on which performed, shall be considered the work of machinists. It was the intention of the Board in the promulgation of rule 64 that helpers would be assigned only to the work of plain drilling and not drilling and reaming such as that outlined in the employees' sub- mission, which does not come within the definition or meaning of the term plain drilling. (Decision No. 1669.) 1670a. Railway Employees' Department, A, F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Duluth, Missabe & Northern Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 180.) Proceeding under section 313 of the transportation act, 1920, to ascer- tain and determine whether the above-named carrier has violated Deci- sions Nos. 145 and 146 of the Railroad Labor Board. Decided: That upon the evidence submitted the Board decides that the carrier and its respon- sible officials have violated Decisions Nos. 145 and 146 of the Board on account of its refusal, to comply with the provisions thereof as stated in this decision; that employees referred to in Decision No. 145 shall be reinstated to their former positions and that due to the failure of the carrier to apply said decision they shall be compensated for all time lost subsequent to June 16, 1921, less any amount earned in other employment. (Decision No. 1670.) ་ 1671a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 183.) Claim for pay for time lost by two employees who were relieved from the service of the Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co. to return to that of the Peoria Terminal Railway Co., where they had been employed prior to the joint operation of the two carriers under Federal control. Decided: That in view of the facts developed, the Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co. shall reimburse employees in question for all time lost, less any amount earned in other employment. (Decision No. 1671.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 297 1672a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. New York, Ontario & Western Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 185.) Dispute with reference to proper rate of pay of section foreman and laborers assigned to transferring freight. Decided: That when section laborers are assigned to the work of transferring freight, which is usually handled on the platform or in the freight house, they shall be paid the rate applicable to the freight house for the time consumed in the performance of such service. (Decision No. 1672.) 1673a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Southern Pacific Company (Pacific System). (IV, R. L. B., 186.) Claim of certain shop employees laid off in reduction in forces in accord- ance with rule 27 of the shopmen's national agreement that they should be given the same seniority date when restored to service as they held prior to such reduction, the carrier taking the position that the rule does not require the reestablishment of the previous date and that the carrier fulfilled its obligation to the employees when it reemployed them in the reverse order of seniority from that followed in the reduction of forces. Decided: Position of employees sustained. (Decision No. 1673.) 1674a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. Pennsylvania System. (IV, R. L. B., 187.) Claim of hoisting engineers in the marine department for compensation under section 2, Article III, of Decision No. 2, the carrier contending that these employees were not included in the provisions of Decision No. 2 but were accorded increases, effective May 1, 1920, consistent with increases accorded other marine employees in New York Harbor, and that the claim as presented should be denied. Decided: Position of the carrier sustained. (Decision No. 1674.) 1675a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Pittsburgh & West Virginia Railway Co.; West Side Belt Railroad Co. (IV, E. L. B., 188.) Request for reinstatement of carpenter who was laid off in force reduc- tion while employee alleged to be junior in service was retained. Decided: Position of the carriers with reference to the application of seniority in this case is sustained. (Decision No. 1675.) 1676a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Great Northern Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 191.) Question of application of seniority of supervisory forces under the con- solidation of the Marcus and Spokane divisions. Decided: That upon the basis of the rule in effect the seniority rights of foremen shall extend over the entire territory under the supervision of one superintendent, which in this instance shall embrace the so-called Marcus-Spokane division; and that the older foremen on this territory shall be previleged to exercise such seniority in displacing younger men, as contemplated in the rules. (Deci- sion No. 1676.) 1677a. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System) v. Shop Crafts Protective League (Local 17). (IV, R. L. B., 193.) Question submitted by the carrier as to the proper classification and rating of certain telegraph and telephone linemen in its employ, employees claiming back pay for period March 1, 1920, to November 30, 1921, because of alleged improper classification and rating. Decided: Claim of en- ployees denied. (Decison No. 1677.) 1678a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 194.) Request for reinstatement of section foreman discharged from service. Decided: Request for reinstatement denied. (Decision No. 1678.) 298 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1679a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rail- road et al. (IV, R. L. B., 194.) Request of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers for rebearing on dispute filed by the carriers requesting elimination of inequalities produced by the application of Interpretation 8 to Supplement 13 to General Order No. 27, issued by the United States Railroad Administration, on which dispute Decision No. 1448 was issued. Decided: After giving consideration to oral and written testimony presented, the Board reaffirms Decision No. 1448 promulgated by it under date of December 5, 1922.. (Decision No. 1679.) 1680a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. International & Great Northern Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 195.) Disposition of applications for decision involving certain cases, set out by docket numbers in the decision. which have been filed with and docketed by the Railroad Labor Board but which, through intervention of the Board or by agreement between interested parties, have been amicably adjusted and requests made for withdrawal of same. Decided: Requests for withdrawal granted and the dockets closed. (Decision No. 1680.) 1681a. International Association of Railroad Supervisors of Mechanics v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (IV, R. L. B., 196.) Dispute involving two questions: (a) Shall the Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana be made a party to Decision No. 726? and (b) what procedure shall be followed to determine the wishes of the super- visory forces in the mechanical department with respect to representation? Decided: (a) See Addendum 1 to Decision No. 726. (b) That a ballot shall be taken to ascertain the wishes of a majority of the supervisory forces in the mechanical department in regard to representation, the pro- cedure to be in conformity with that set out in Decision No. 218 and addendum thereto. (Decision No. 1681.) 1682a. Tampa & Gulf Coast Railroad Co. v. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi- neers et al. (IV, R. L. B., 198.) Dispute between the carrier and organizations parties hereto as to what shall constitute just and reasonable wages. Decided: Dispute re- manded to the parties with instructions to enter into further negotiations relative to matter in dispute. (Decision No. 1682.) 1683a. Tampa Northern Railroad Co. v. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi- neers et al. (IV, R. L. B., 199.) Dispute in regard to what shall constitute just and reasonable wages. Decided: Dispute remanded with instructions to enter into further negotia- tions of disputed questions. (Decision No. 1683.) 1684a. Macon, Dublin & Savannah Railroad Co. v. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. (IV, R. L. B., 199.) Dispute in regard to what shall constitute just and reasonable wages. Decided: Dispute remanded to interested parties with instructions to enter into further negotiations looking toward settlement of matters in con- troversy. (Decision No. 1684.) 1685a. Raleigh & Charleston Railroad Co. v. Brotherhood of Locomotive En- gineers et al. (IV, R. L. B., 200.) Dispute in regard to what shall constitute just and reasonable wages. Decided: Dispute remanded to interested parties for further negotiations. (Decision No. 1685.) 1686a. East & West Coast Railway v. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. (IV, R. L. B., 200.) Dispute with reference to what shall constitute just and reasonable wages. Decided: Dispute remanded to interested parties for further negoti- ations. (Decision No. 1686.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 299 1687a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Colorado & Southern Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 201.) Dispute as to whether the carrier has violated the national agreement in effect by discontinuing the positions of certain pumpers and entering into contracts with certain foremen, section laborers, and station agents to perform such service in addition to their regular duties. Decided: That there was no violation of the agreement in effect between the parties in the discontinuance of the position in question, provided the seniority pro- visions of the agreement were complied with; that the carrier was not acting within its rights, under the terms of the agreement, with respect to negotiating individual contracts; that under the circumstances of this particular case conference should be held between the representatives of the carrier and the organization parties to this dispute with a view of reaching an adjustment based upon agreement in effect. (Decision No. 1687.) 1688a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Nevada Northern Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 203.) Controversy in regard to failure of the carrier to apply the provisions of Interpretation 20 to Decision No. 2, relating to wage increases. Decided: That the carrier violated the provisions of Interpretation 20 to Decision No. 2 and that the employees involved in this dispute shall be reinstated and paid for all time lost, less any amount earned in other employment. (Decision No. 1688.) 1689a. Petition of Chicago & North Western Railway Co. for Rehearing on Docket 1146, Decisions Nos. 778 and 1481. (IV, R. L. B., 206.) Request of the carrier for a rehearing in connection with Decisions Nos. 778 and 1481. Decided: Request denied. (Decision No. 1689.) 1690a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Copper Range Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 206.) Disputes involving the following questions: (a) Right of employees to select a representative other than an employee of the carrier; (b) al- leged violation of the provisions of Decision No. 108 by the carrier; (c) continuation in effect of the national agreement of the Federated Shop Crafts until a new agreement is negotiated in accordance with Decision No. 108; (d) claim of employees for back pay. Decided: That Title III of the transportation act, 1920, and various decisions of the Board clearly establish and recognize the right of employees to choose their own representatives; that the action of the carrier in refusing to recognize representatives selected by the employees was a violation of Decision No. 108; that the rules of the national agreement should have been continued in effect until changed by negotiation with representatives selected by the employees and shall be restored and remain in effect until changed as provided in the transportation act, 1920; that employees shall be reim- bursed to the extent that they have suffered a wage loss by reason of change in rules by the carrier without proper conference, time lost sub- sequent to June 30, 1922, due to the strike, not to be considered in con- nection with this decision. (Decision No. 1690.) 1691a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), Missouri, Kansas & Texas Lines. (IV, R. L. B., 210.) Are employees regularly assigned to six days of work who are required to fill place of employees assigned by bulletin to work on Sundays and holidays entitled to time and one-half? Decided: Parties are referred to Interpretation 1 to Decision No. 222 and its addenda, which covers the question submitted. (Decision No. 1691.) 50960°-24-20 300 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1692a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Lines. (IV, R. L. B., 210.) Are employees entitled to time and one-half for service performed out- side of their regular bulletined hours, regardless of the fact that they may be working in the place of an employee who is regularly assigned on a seven-day basis? Decided: Parties are referred to Decision No. 222 and its addenda, which covers question submitted. (Decision No. 1692.) 1693a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. The Trinity & Brazos Valley Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 210.) Claim of boilermaker for time and one-half for work performed on Sunday as an extra employee. Decided: Parties referred to Interpretation 1 to Decision No. 222 and its addenda, which covers question submitted. (Decision No. 1693.) 1694a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 210.) Question of application of rule 6, Decision No. 222, in payment for service performed on Sundays and holidays. Decided: Parties referred to Interpretation 1 to Decision No. 222 and its addenda, which covers the question submitted. (Decision No. 1691.) 1695a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Norfolk & Western Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 211.) Question of proper compensation for work performed on Sundays and holidays, application of rule 6, Decision No. 222. Decided: Parties to this dispute are referred to Interpretation 1 to Decision No. 222 and its ad- denda, which covers question submitted. (Decision No. 1695.) 1696a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Great Northern Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 211.) Request for reinstatement of section foreman dismissed from ser j‹ →. Decided: Based upon evidence submitted, request for reinstatement is denied. (Decision No. 1696.) 1697a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Illinois Central Railroad Co. et al. (IV, R. L. B., 211.) Request of employees for revision of rule 65 of their agreement with the carriers which provides that "The rules of this schedule shall supe, : ele all previous rules, practices, and working conditions and shall remain in effect until revised or abrogated, of which intention 30 days' written notice shall be given,' Decided: That rule contained in Decision No. 630, cor- responding to rule in dispute, is just and reasonable; that this decision is without prejudice to, neither shall it be construed to decide any dis- pute arising out of the misunderstanding as to the intent of the rule agreed to effective June 23, 1922. (Decision No. 1697.) 1698a. Alabama & Vicksburg Railroad Co. et al. v. Order of Railroad Teleg- raphers. (IV, R. L. B., 213.) Dispute with reference to rates of pay, carriers parties hereto making request for authority to make certain discreases in rates of pay of em- ployees in telegraph and station service and the Order of Railroad Teleg raphers requesting increases for said class of employees. Decided: Casos remanded to the carriers and organization parties hereto for further con- ference and negotiation, without prejudice to the right of either party to resubmit the questions involved in a new dispute in the event an agree- ment is not reached. (Decision No. 1698.) 1699a. United Association of Railway Employees of North America v. Balti- more & Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 217.) Request for reinstatement of two yardmen who were dismissed from service, with pay for time lost. Decided: Request denied. (Decision No. 1699.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 301 1700a. Switchmen's Union of North America v. Colorado & Southern Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 217.) Claim of switchman for back pay, May 1 to July 22, 1920. Decided: Position of employees sustained. (Decision No. 1700.) 1701a. Railroad Yardmasters of America v. Fort Worth & Denver City Rail- way Co. (IV, R. L. B., 217.) Dispute with reference to rate of pay for yardmasters under Decision No. 1266 of the Railroad Labor Board and in regard to working conditions. Decided: Dispute remanded for further conference. (Decision No. 1701.) 1702a. American Train Dispatchers Association v. Union Pacific Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 218.) Request for reinstatement of train dispatcher with pay for time lost from date of his dismissal. Decided: That employee in question shall be reinstated with seniority right unimpaired and paid for all time lost since date of his dismissal, less any amount earned in other employ- ment. (Dissenting and supporting opinion.) (Decision No. 1702.) 1703a. American Train Dispatchers Association v. Union Pacific Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 221.) Request for reinstatement of train dispatcher dismissed from service. Decided: That employee shall be reinstated and shall be reimbursed for time lost, less amount earned in other employment. (Dissenting and sup- porting opinion filed) (Decision No. 1703.) 1704a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Denver & Salt Lake Railroad Co. IV, R. L. B., 224.) Claim of operator for overtime, under Supplement 1 of the telegraphers' agreement, for service performed at a one-shift office on an irregular assign- ment of hours of duty. Decided: Inasmuch as the carrier through its accredited representative admits a violation of schedule agreement and admits further that no effort was made through negotiation with the accredited representative of the employees to provide temporary relief, claim of employees is sustained. (Decision No. 1704.) 1705a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 225.) Request for reinstatement of employee let out of service, as stated by the carrier, because of physical disability to perform the duties of his position. Decided: Request denied. (Decision No. 1705.) 1706a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 226.) Dispute with reference to proper rate of pay of two transfermen who per- form work of higher-rated position part of their time, employees con- tending they should receive the higher rate for the time so employed. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1706.) 1707a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 227.) Claim of employee for reinstatement. Decided: That employee shall be reinstated to his position with seniority rights unimpaired, but shall not be paid for time lost. (Decision No. 1707.) 1708a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Erie Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 228.) Dispute with reference to compensation of clerks for overtime work. Decided: That overtime rule 57 of Decision No. 630 of the Railroad Labor Board shall apply to employees involved in this dispute from July 1, 1921, as provided in Interpretation 1 to said decision. (Decision No. 1708.) 302 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1709a. Brotherhood of Railway Police v. Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 229.) Request for reinstatement of patrolman with seniority rights and pay for time lost. Decided: Request denied. (Decision No. 1709.) 1710a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. L. B., 229.) (IV, R. Claim of employees that express messenger was unjustly disciplined when suspended 15 days by the carrier and should be paid for time lost. Decided: That employee in question was guilty of the offense charged against him and claim of employees is therefore denied. (Decision No. 1710.) 1711a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. Toledo & Ohio Central Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 230.) Dispute in regard to proper rate of pay of clerk. Decided: That this dispute is disposed of by Interpretation 1 to Decision No. 147. (Decision No. 1711.) 1712a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. New York, New Haven & Hartford Rail- road Co. (IV, R. L. B., 230.) Claim of certain baggagemen for back pay account of reduction in earn- ings caused by weekly assignment being changed from seven to six days and request that their daily rates be determined in accordance with Deci- sion No. C-1001 of Railroad Board of Adjustment No. 3 of the United States Railroad Administration, effective January 1, 1920. Decided: That the Board has no jurisdiction over that part of this claim antedat- ing March 1, 1920; that claim for pay under Docket C-1001 to the effective date of Decision No. 426 is denied. (Decision No. 1712.) 1713a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Boston & Maine Railroad. (IV, R. L. B., 231.) Dispute with reference to proper classification and rate of pay of freight-house foreman and claim for overtime for work performed in ex- cess of eight hours. Decided: A statement having been submitted to the Board showing that employee in question is now being paid the general foreman's rate, which statement is verified by the general chairman rep- resenting the employees, claim of the employees is denied. (Decision No. 1713.) 1714a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Boston & Maine Railroad. (IV, R. Ĺ. B., 232.) Claim of employees that rates of pay under Decision No. 426 of the Rail- road Labor Board should not be reduced below the rates established by the Railroad Administration, and that rates should be computed on a 306- day basis as provided by rule 66 of the clerks' national agreement as far as pay for the seven specified holidays is concerned. Decided: Decided: It was the intent of the Board in Decision No. 426 to eliminate the inequalities existing between the rates of pay of the seven-day positions and the six- day positions which were caused by the application of rule 66 of the clerks' national agreement in the manner as prescribed by Railway Board of Adjustment No. 3 of the United States Railroad Administration, and the Board therefore denies the claim of the employees. (Decision No. 1714.) 1715a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Boston & Maine Railroad. (IV, R. L. B., 233.) Claim of clerk displaced in a reduction of force resulting from consolida- tion of certain freight stations to the right to displace head accountant at Warren Bridge, the consolidated station. Decided: It appearing from evi- dence submitted that employee in question did not possess experience, fit- DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 303 ness, and ability necessary to successfully perform the duties of the posi- tion of head accountant at Warren Bridge, claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 1715.) 1716a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 234.) Claim of employees that new position of assistant chief clerk to the general storekeeper at Packerton, Pa., is not an excepted position and should be bulletined in accordance with rule 10 of agreed rules, effective July 1, 1921. Decided: That the position of assistant chief clerk to the general storekeeper shall be included in the list of excepted positions, and the claim of the employees is therefore denied. (Decision No. 1716.) 1717a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Central Elevator & Warehouse Co. (IV, R. L. B., 235.) Request of employees for an agreement on rules to govern working con- ditions. Decided: That the Central Elevator & Warehouse Co. of New Orleans is not a carrier and is not subject to the jurisdiction of the Board, and the request of the employees is therefore denied. (Decision No. 1717.) 1718a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. New York Central Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 236.) Dispute with reference to the establishment of piecework at various shops on the New York Central Railroad System. Decided: That the establish- ment of piecework by the carrier in the shops involved in this dispute was not in conformity with the provisions of the transportation act, 1920; that the shops where the piecework system has been installed shall be immedi- ately placed on an hourly basis and so continued until changed in ac- cordance with the transportation act, 1920, as herein construed; this re- quirement to be suspended 60 days, with the proviso that if within that time the carrier files a dispute with the Board petitioning for a piecework system of payment it shall be further suspended until final disposition of said dispute; that for the period employees have been paid on a piecework basis until the question is finally disposed of each employee shall be compensated at a rate of pay the average of which shall not be less than the hourly rates established by the Board. (Dissenting and supporting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1718.) 1719a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees; Committee of Clerks Claiming to Represent a Majority v. Kansas City Southern Railway Co.; Texarkana & Fort Smith Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 250.) Dispute with regard to representation of clerical employees of the car- riers in the negotiation of rules governing working conditions in which is involved the question of which classes of said employees are eligible to vote and as to whether ballots to be issued shall be numbered. Decided: That clerical employees filling excepted positions whom the carriers are willing to include within the scope of the agreement to be negotiated with the organization representing a majority of the clerical employees shall participate in the vote, but those filling excepted positions who are not to be included within the scope of said agreement shall not vote; that em- ployees filling positions in offices of general and commercial agents located off the lines of the carriers and who have not been covered by the agree- ment shall not vote; that employees designated in section (c) of this decision are eligible to vote; that ballots shall not be numbered. (Deci- sion No. 1719.) 1720a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Boston & Maine Railroad. (IV, R. L. B., 257.) Dispute with reference to whether positions of chief clerk to freight agents at certain designated points on the line of the carrier were subject to the provisions of the national agreement. Decided: That positions in 304 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. question at the stations involved in this dispute were included in the agreement in effect prior to the promulgation of the national agreement and were therefore included in and subject to the provisions of the na- tional agreement; that this decision shall not have any bearing upon the question of whether these positions should be included in the agreement negotiated following the issuance of Decision No. 119. (Decision No. 1720.) 1721a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Boston & Maine Railroad. (IV, R. L. B., 258.) Claim of employee at Worcester, Mass., engine house for classification and rate of pay of engine dispatcher. Decided: That employee in ques- tion shall be allowed the difference between what he was paid and the pay of engine-crew dispatcher from March 1, 1920, to June 26, 1921, during which time he had the responsibility of the engine-crew dispatcher. (Deci- sion No. 1721.) 1722a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (IV, R. L. B., 259.) Dispute with reference to alleged arbitrary action of the carrier in changing classification and rating of certain employees. Decided: The Board, in its Decision No. 119, Exhibit B, principle 7 thereof, definitely recognizes the justness and reasonableness of the principle that employees or their representatives should be consulted prior to any changes in wages or working conditions adversely affecting them; and therefore decides that such conference shall be held and if same does not result in an agreement being reached, the matter shall be handled in conformity with the provisions of section 301 of the transportation act, 1920; that classifica- tion and rating of employees in question in effect prior to January 22, 1921, shall be restored and continued in effect unless and until changed in accordance with the transportation act, 1920. (Decision No. 1722.) 1723a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Southern Pacific Co, (Pacific System). (IV, R. L. B., 260.) Was the Southern Pacific Co. justified in changing the classification and rating of certain shop employees from motor attendants to stationary engineers? Decided: That classification and rating of employees in ques- tion in effect prior to November 17, 1921, shall be restored and continued in effect until changed in accordance with the provisions of the transporta- tion act, 1920. (Decision No. 1723.) 1724a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Pere Marquette Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 261.) + Shall crossing watchmen receive compensation for service performed on days previously assigned as relief days? That the change made by the carrier in assigning these employees to longer hours per week was not in conformity with the rule then in effect and no change should have been made unless and until said rule had been complied with and, in case of failure to agree, the matter submitted to the Board in accordance with the provisions of the transportation act. 1920; that question of the justness and reasonableness of the rates of pay referred to should be the subject of conference between the parties and, in the event of failure to agree, the matter referred to the Board. (Decision No. 1724.) 1725a. International Association of Railroad Supervisors of Mechanics v. Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis. (IV, R. L. B., 263.) Request for reinstatement of a roundhouse foreman and an electrical foreman who voluntarily left service of the carrier. Decided: That reem- ployment of employees in question is optional with the carrier. (Decision No. 1725.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 305 1726a. International Association of Railroad Supervisors of Mechanics v. Den- ver & Rio Grande Western Railroad System. (IV, R. L. B., 264.) Request for reinstatement of certain former supervisors of mechanics who were considered out of service because of their refusal to exercise seniority as mechanics after having been relieved from the service as supervisors. Decided: That employees in question shall be reinstated to their former positions with seniority unimpaired. (Decison No. 1726.) 1727a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. Erie Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 265.) Protest of the American Federation of Railroad Workers against alleged failure of the carrier to put into effect overtime rules of Decision No. 501, the carrier taking the position that said organization is not authorized to represent employees in its maintenance of way department, was not a party to Decision No. 501, and represents less than 100 employees on the Erie Railroad. Decided: That the provisions of Decision No. 501 in regard to the payment of overtime are specific and employees covered by that deci- sion, regardless of representation, shall be compensated in the manner provided therein. (Decision No. 1727.) 1728a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. New York Central Rail- road Co. (West of Buffalo.) (IV, R. L. B., 266.) Dispute regarding rules covering working conditions of car department employees of the New York Central Railroad Co. (West of Buffalo). Decided: That under Principle 15, Exhibit B of Decision No. 119, the organization having the majority representation on the entire system has the right to negotiate rules governing working conditions of the classes of employees so represented; that if a dispute exists as to the proper representation of carmen on the entire system a ballot shall be taken to ascertain the choice of the majority; that if no dispute as to representa- tion exists the rules of Decision No. 222 and addenda thereto shall apply. (Decision No. 1728.) 1729a. Pere Marquette Railway Co. v. Order of Railroad Telegraphers. (IV, R. L. B., 267.) Request by the carrier for change in classification and rating of certain specified employees from that of drawbridge tenders and helpers to draw- bridge operators and laborers. Decided: That employees in question, who are now classified and rated as levermen, shall be classified and paid as drawbridge operators. (Decision No. 1729.) 1730a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Pere Marquette Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 270.) Dispute regarding alleged improper application of decrease provided for dispatchers employed by the carrier in Decision No. 147. Decided: Addendum 1 to Decision No. 147 as it applies to dispatchers is properly applicable to the Pere Marquette Railway Co. (Decision No. 1730.) 1731a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Kansas City Southern Railway Co.: Tex- arkana & Fort Smith Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 271.) A proceeding under section 313 of the transportation act, 1920, to determine whether in the opinion of the Railroad Labor Board the carriers have violated its decisions with reference to vacations with pay and pay for time absent on account of sickness. Decided: That it was the past practice in certain offices and in certain departments to grant employees vacations with pay and pay for time absent account of sickness and other reasons, and under the provisions of Decision No. 630 and Interpre- tation 2 thereto this practice should not be rescinded or changed unless agreed to by the employees or in the manner provided in the transporta- tion act, 1920. (Decision No. 1731.) 306 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1732a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. St. Louis-San Fran- cisco Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 274.) Dispute with reference to proper application of increases authorized by Decision No. 2 and continuation of the 4-cents-an-hour differential in the rates of pay of signal maintainers. Decided: That increases specified in Decision No. 2 shall be added to the rates established by the United States Railroad Administration prior to its issuance; that employees in question were properly compensated during the period March 1, 1920, to February 1, 1923, date on which Decision No. 1538 was issued eliminating the differ- ential previously existing in the signal department. (Dissenting and supporting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1732.) 1733a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. Union Pacific Rail- road Co. (IV, R. L. B., 282.) Dispute with reference to proper rate of pay for signalmen and signal maintainers of the Union Pacific Railroad Co. subsequent to the period of Federal control. Decided: That the increases specified in Decision No. 2 shall be added to the rates that had been established by the United States Railroad Administration prior to its issuance; that employees in question were properly compensated during the period March 1, 1920, to February 1, 1923, date of issuance of Decision No. 1538 which eliminated the differential in the rates of pay of signalmen and signal maintainers previously in effect. (Dissenting and supporting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1733.) 1734a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. Missouri Pacific Rail- road Co. (IV, R. L. B., 288.) Dispute in regard to proper rate of pay of signalmen having less than four years' experience. Decided: That Decision No. 2 and subsequent decisions of the Railroad Labor Board have been properly applied to the employees in question. (Dissenting and supporting opinion filed.) (De- cision No. 1734.) 1735a. Maintenance of Way Foreman's Association v. Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway Co. et al. (IV, R. L. B., 293.) Withdrawal of disputes requested. sion No. 1735.) Decided: Requests granted. (Deci- 1736a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Great Northern Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 293.) Claim of clerk to compensation because not assigned to position to which his seniority entitled him when laid off in reduction in forces. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1736.) 1737a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Chicago & Illinois Midland Rail- way Co. (IV, R. L. B., 295.) Dispute with reference to bulletining position of first-trick dispatcher, Taylorville, Ill., and seniority status of C. O. Lakin, dispatcher, assigned to said position by the carrier. Decided: That said position shall be bul- letined, C .O. Lakin having no seniority rights under the telegraphers' agreement. (Decision No. 1737.) 1738a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 295.) C Claim of yard clerk for compensation in lieu of vacation not granted. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1738.) 1739a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 296.) Claim of employees for restoration of seniority of clerk, less time out of service in the year 1918. Decided: In view of the fact that the carrier does not object to this employee being allowed his full seniority but is DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 307 seeking only to protect the employees who will be affected, the Board decides that he shall be allowed his full seniority provided the representa- tives of the employees shall furnish to the carrier a personaly signed statement from each and every one of the employees who will be affected waiving objection thereto. (Decision No. 1739.) 1740a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 297.) Dispute regarding seniority status of claim adjuster, employee in ques- tion having entered the service of the carrier in 1917. Decided: That the continuity of employee's service was not broken by his acceptance of outside employment for the period mentioned, he having been considered a furloughed employee. (Decision No. 1740.) 1741a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Seaboard Air Line Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 298.) Claim of assistant statistician for reinstatement, with pay for time lost. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1741.) 1742a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Seaboard Air Line Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 299.) Claim of clerk formerly employed in the office of the auditor of dis- bursements to right to exercise seniority in that office and for reimburse- ment for wage loss sustained by reason of this right having been denied her. Decided: In view of the fact that these positions were transferred and that it was mutually agreed between the employees and the carrier that it was mandatory for employees to move with the transferred posi- tions or forfeit their seniority in the district from which transferred, the claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 1742.) 1743a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Seaboard Air Line Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 300.) Claim of clerk in office of auditor of freight accounts to right to exercise her seniority to position of statistical clerk. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1743.) 1744a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 301.) Claim of trucker for overtime. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1744.) 1745a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 301.) Claim of of clerk for pay for time off duty while serving as juror. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1745.) 1746a. Brotherhood of Railway Police v. Erie Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 302.) Claim of patrolman for compensation for time laid off. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1746.) 1747a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Seaboard Air Line Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 303.) Claim of transfer clerk displaced from his position in reduction in forces to right to exercise his seniority to position of loading and discharge clerk, the carrier contending he did not possess sufficient fitness and ability to perform the duties of such position. Decided: Claim denied. (Decision No. 1747.) .308 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1748a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 304.) Claim of clerk for wage loss sustained by reason of improper rate paid him by the carrier. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1748.) 1749a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (IV, R. L. B., 305.) Claim of five clerks for pay for time off attending employees' annual picnic. Decided: That inasmuch as the carrier closed its shop at the request of the employees' committee in order to permit all employees en- gaged in the shops to attend the annual picnic, the claim of the employees is denied. (Decision No. 1749.) 1750a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (IV, R. L. B., 306.) Dispute with reference to proper classification and rating of clerk under Decisions Nos. 2 and 147, involving the question of crediting him with ex- perience gained in certain outside industries. Decided: That the experi- ence gained by employee in question while engaged as timekeeper and clerk by the Whiter Construction Co. shall be credited to him in fixing his rate of pay under Decisions Nos. 2 and 147. (Decision No. 1750.) 1751a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southeastern Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 308.) De- Dispute with reference to proper rate of pay of express messenger. cided: Dispute remanded to the parties to negotiate a just and reasonable rate under the present agreement. (Decision No. 1751.) 1752a. Order of Railway Conductors; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Northwestern Pacific Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 309.) Claim for extra compensation for trainmen assigned to short turnaround passenger service when used during release period shown by assignment. Decided: Claim of employees denied, there being no extra service performed by this assigned crew on the assigned run. (Decision No. 1752.) 1753a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Texas & Pacific Railway. (IV, R. L. B., 310.) Claim of fireman for 100 miles because of alleged failure of the carrier to notify him of annulment of his assignment. Decided: Claim denied. (Decision No. 1753.) 1754a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 311.) Claim of employee whose position was abolished to right to displace junior employee, it being the contention of the carrier that he did not possess sufficient fitness and ability to fill position in question. Decided: Claim of employees sustained. (Decision No. 1754.) 1755a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 312.) Claim of certain clerical employees for pay for time lost account of sickness. Decided: Case remanded to be disposed of in accordance with understanding reached August 26, 1920. (Decision No. 1755.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 309 1756a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (IV, R. L. B., 313.) Dispute with reference to payment of overtime, involving interpretation of rules 57, 58, and 59 of the clerks agreement. Decided: That time paid employees under rule 58 of the clerks' national agreement, relating to calls, shall not be included in the 48-hour-per-week provision of rule 57 of the agreement, and that where employees are required to take time off for meals under rule 59 of the agreement, such time shall be paid for or em- ployees be paid under the call rule for time worked after return from meals. (Decision No. 1756.) 1757a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Fort Worth & Denver City Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 314.) Claim of certain employees for restoration to positions from which they were displaced, with pay for time lost, because of alleged wrongful as- signment of employee junior in service to position of rate clerk. Decided: Position of employees sustained. (Decision No. 1757.) 1758a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 315.) Claim of employees that the pooling of runs of messengers between Roa- noke and Norfolk, Va., is a violation of rule 77 of the clerk's national agree- ment. Decided: Action of carrier sustained. (Decision No. 1758.) 1759a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. New York Central Railroad Co. (Buffalo and East.) (IV, R. L. B., 316.) Claim of certain clerical employees, under rule 33 of the clerks' agree- ment, for reimbursement for time lost due to shops working only five days per week during a designated period. Decided: Claim of employees sus- tained. (Decision No. 1759.) 1760a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana. (IV, R. L. B., 317.) Claims of certain clerical employees, under rule 66 of their agreement with the carrier, for four days held out of service when shops were closed. Decided: Claim of employees sustained. (Decision No. 1760.) 1761a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Toledo, St. Louis & Western Railroad. (IV, R. L. B., 318.) Request of employees that wage scale in effect prior to the issuance of Decision No. 147, July 1, 1921, be restored, for the reason that the carrier was not a party to that decision and no conference with reference to such reductions had been held with the employees. Decided: That the rates of pay in effect prior to July 1, 1921, be restored and continued in effect unless and until changed in conformity with the transportation act, 1920, or decision of this Board. (Decision No. 1761.) 1762a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (IV, R. L. B., 320.) Dispute with reference to proper classification and rating of certain water-service department employees. Decided: Case remanded for an analysis of the duties of the respective positions and an endeavor to agree upon the proper classification and rating of same. (Decision No. 1762.) 310 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1763a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 321.) Dispute with reference to proper method of compensating coal passers when sent from home point for the purpose of pulling coal on locomotives. Decided: Based upon the character of the road work performed, em- ployees shall be paid pro rata for all traveling and waiting time. (Dis- senting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1763.) 1764a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 323.) Shall foremen of maintenance of way supplies be included within the purview of the agreement between the Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. and its maintenance of way employees? Decided: That the fore- men in question shall be considered as coming within the scope of such agreement and governed by the rules and working conditions incorporated therein. (Decision No. 1764.) 1765a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Southern Pacific Company (Pacific System). (IV, R. L. B., 325.) Dispute with reference to proper classification and rating of W. P. Sheetz, employed at the general shops of the carrier, Sacramento, Calif. Decided: That upon the evidence submitted employee in question shall be classified and rated as a motor attendant in conformity with rule 141 of Addendum 6 to Decision No. 222. (Decision No. 1765.) 1766a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific Sytem). (IV, R. L. B., 327.) Dispute regarding classification and rating of power-plant employee. Decided: That employee in question shall be classified and rated as a motor attendant in conformity with rule 141 of Addendum 6 to Decision No. 222. (Decision No. 1766.) 1767a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Quincy, Omaha & Kansas City Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 328.) Dispute regarding right of the carrier to negotiate a separate agreement with supervisory employees in the maintenance of way and structures department heretofore represented by the United Brotherhood of Main- tenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers. Decided: That the agreement in effect between the United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers and the carrier immediately prior to July 1, 1922, shall be restored and remain in full force and effect unless and until changed in conformity with the provisions of the trans- portation act, 1920. (Decision No. 1767.) 1768a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 331.) Dispute with reference to the proper classification and rating of cer- tain bridge and signal operators employed by the carrier. Decided: Case remanded for conference between the parties to determine the proper classification and rating of employees in question. (Decision No. 1768.) 1769a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 332.) Question of proper classification and rating of certain employees now classified as bridge tenders. Decided: That employees in question are - bridge tenders and shall be so classified; that the question of the rate of pay for such position shall be the subject of negotiation and the rate agreed upon placed in effect as of the date the change of classification is properly made. (Decision No. 1769.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 311 1770a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Western Pacific Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 332.) Dispute relative to the application of Article II, Decision No. 147, to employees promoted from a minor to a clerical position. Decided: Inter- pretation 2 to Decision No. 147 covers the question in controversy and shall govern in this dispute. (Decision No. 1770.) 1771a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 333.) Dispute with reference to application of Article II, Decision No. 147, to employee promoted from a minor to a clerical position. Decided: Interpretation 2 to Decision No. 147 is applicable to question in dispute and shall govern. (Decision No. 1771.) 1772a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Great Northern Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 333.) Controversy relative to application of Article II of Decision No. 147 to employees promoted from minor to clerical positions. Decided: Inter- pretation 2 to Decision No. 147 covers questions in dispute and shall govern. (Decision No. 1772.) 1773a. Brotherhood Railway Police v. Erie Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 333.) Claim of patrolman for pay for time lost account being laid off without regard to seniority rights. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1773.) 1774a. Denver Union Terminal Railway Co. v. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees. (IV, R. L. B., 334.) Request of the carrier to incorporate rule 49 of Decision No. 630 in the agreement with the employees represented by the clerks' organization. Decided: That the carrier shall comply with rule 77 of the clerks' agree- ment by giving representatives of the employees 30 days' notice of desire to change said agreement by incorporating rule 49 of Decision No. 630 therein, and in case of failure to reach an agreement the matter may be again presented to the Board for decision. (Decision No. 1774.) 1775a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southeastern Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 335.) Claim of depot agent whose position was abolished to right to exercise his seniority to position of transfer clerk. Decided: Case remanded to the parties for joint investigation and conference, with the understanding it may be resubmitted in case a settlement can not be reached. (Decision No. 1775.) 1776a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southeastern Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 336.) Claim of clerk relieved from service for reinstatement with full seniority and pay for time lost. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1776.) 1777a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southeastern Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 337.) Claim of wagon helper for reinstatement with seniority rights unimpaired and pay for time lost. Decided: That position of employee in question was not abolished; that the action of the carrier was in violation of rule 88 of the clerks' agreement; that he shall be compensated at the rate of 312 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. + wagon helper. for a period that shall be mutually agreed upon between the parties but which shall not include the time he was on leave of absence. (Decision No. 1777.) + 1778a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Southeastern Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 337.) Claim of certain hourly rated employees for additional compensation for time worked Sundays and holidays. Decided: That on the evidence presented claim of employees is denied. (Decision No. 1778.) 1779a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Wabash Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 338.) Request of employees that dispatcher's telephone be removed from the yard office at Landon, Ill.. or that telegrapher's position, which has been abolished, be restored. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1779.) 1780a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Wabash Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 339.) Request of employees that C. Gorsuch be assigned to the position of agent at Shenandoah, Iowa, to which position his seniority entitles him. Employee bid on and was notified that he would be assigned to said position, his agency at Pattonsburg being advertised, but he later advised the superintendent in charge that he would remain on his old position. Decided: That the rule of the telegraphers' agreement relied on required employee in question to take the position at Shenandoah when it was assigned to him and therefore he shall be placed on that position. (Deci- sion No. 1780.) 1781a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 340.) Claim of express messenger employed on the Lenora and Stockton route for overtime in accordance with rule 76 of the clerks' national agreement. Decided: Claim of employees sustained. (Decision No. 1781.) 1782a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Empjloyees v. Southeastern Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 341.) Request for reinstatement of employee, with pay for time lost, who was dismissed from service for alleged insubordination. Decided: That on the evidence presented the employee in question was not insubordinate, and that he shall therefore be reinstated to his position with pay for time lost, less any amount earned in other employment. (Decision No. 1782.) 1783a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. St. Joseph Union Depot Co. (IV, R. L. B., 341.) Request for reinstatement of employee, with full seniority rights and pay for time lost. Decided: On the evidence submitted claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1783.) 1784a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Erie Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 341.) Claim of clerk for reimbursement for wage loss sustained because of change in assignment in alleged violation of rule 66 of the clerks' national agreement. Decided: Claim of employees sustained. (Decision No. 1784.) 1785a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Chicago Junction Railroad. (IV, R. L. B., 343.) * Dispute in regard to representation in the negotiation of rules govern- ing working conditions of employees in telegraph service. Decided: That a ballot shall be taken to ascertain the choice of the majority of employees in question as to representation and the result reported to the Railroad Labor Board. (Decision No. 1785.) 1 DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 313 1786a. American Federation of Railroad Workers v. New York Central Rail-- road (Buffalo and East, and West of Buffalo). (IV, R. L. B., 344.) Dispute with reference to classification and rating of certain supervisory forces, involving the question of rules applicable to car department em- ployees on the New York Central Railroad lines west of Buffalo. Decided: That the agreement negotiated by New York Central Federation No. 103, Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L., and the carrier, supplemented by Decision No. 222 and addenda thereto issued by the Railroad Labor Board, constitutes the agreement in effect until changed in accordance with the provisions of the transportation act, 1920, for which reason this dispute is dismissed and the docket closed. (Decision No. 1786.) 1787a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad System. (IV, R. L. B., 345.) Dispute with reference to including the position of labor foreman at Burnham, Colo., shops within the scope of the agreement entered into be- tween the carrier and its maintenance-of-way employees. Decided: That the position of labor foreman is within the scope of the agreement referred to and seniority and other provisions of such agreement shall apply to such foreman in the same manner as applied to other employees therein named. (Decision No. 1787.) 1788a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 346.) Claim of section laborer for overtime for service performed not con- tinuous with regularly assigned work period. Decided: Claim of employees sustained. (Decision No. 1788.) 1789a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Toledo, St. Louis & Western Rail- road. (IV, R. L. B., 347.) Claim of employees that their agreement has been abrogated and violated by the carrier. Decided: That the action of the carrier in abrogating its agreement with the Order of Railroad Telegraphers is in violation of the letter and spirit of the transportation act, 1920, that the carrier shall re- store rules and working conditions of the schedule that became effective October 1, 1920, and shall continue same in effect until changed in the man- ner provided in the transportation act, 1920. (Decision No. 1789.) 1790a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Northern Pacific Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 347.) Claim of clerk for compensation covering wage loss sustained account not being permitted to exercise his seniority to position of ledger clerk when laid off in reduction in forces. Decided: On evidence submitted, claim of employees sustained. (Decision No. 1790.) 1791a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Northern Pacific Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 348.) Claim of clerk, laid off in reduction in forces, for compensation for wage loss sustained account not being assigned to position to which his seniority entitled him. Decided: Based on the evidence submitted, the Board decides that employee in question did not have sufficient fitness and ability to perform the duties of the position sought, and the request for compensation is therefore denied. (Decision No. 1791.) 1792a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Northern Pacific Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 349.) Claim of clerk for wage loss sustained account not being allowed to exer- cise his seniority to position in storekeeper's office. Decided: On the evi- dence submitted, claim of the employees denied. (Decision No. 1792.) 314 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1793a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Michigan Central Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 350.) Dispute with reference to proper classification and rating of employee at Lansing, Mich., passenger station. Decided: Parties at interest having agreed at the hearing that a joint check would be made to determine the duties of employee in question and that if an agreement could not be reached the case would be resubmitted to the Board, the case is removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 1793.) 1794a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Michigan Central Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 350.) 2 Joint submission relative to proper rating of baggageman employed at Lansing, Mich., passenger station. Decided: Case remanded for joint in- vestigation to determine the duties of employee in question, with the understanding that if an agreement can not be reached same may be re- submitted to the Board. (Decision No. 1794.) 1795a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Michigan Central Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 350.) Dispute with reference to proper classification and rating of employee at Bay City, Mich., passenger station. Decided: Case is remanded for joint investigation to determine the duties of employee in question, with the understanding that if an agreement can not be reached same may be resubmitted to the Board. (Decision No. 1795.) 1796a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Michigan Central Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 351.) Dispute relative to the proper rating of baggageman employed at Bay City, Mich., passenger station. Decided: Case remanded for joint check to determine the duties of employee in question, with the understanding that case may be resubmitted to the Board in case of failure to reach an agreement. (Decision No. 1796.) 1797a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Michigan Central Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 351.) Dispute regarding proper rating of mail foreman employed at Jackson, Mich., passenger station. Decided: Settlement reached at hearing before the Board, dispute removed from the docket and the file closed. (Decision No. 1797.) 1798a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Great Northern Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 351.) Dispute with reference to agreement covering rules and rates of pay of certain shop employees in the maintenance of way and bridge and building departments of the carrier prior to July 1, 1922. Decided: The Railroad Labor Board has held in numerous decisions that the work of mechanics, regardless of the department in which performed, shall be paid for at the recognized mechanics' rate and governed by rules and working condi- tions affecting that specific craft. If there is a dispute as to the actual work performed, a joint investigation shall be held in an effort to reach an agreement, the rules of the agreement in effect prior to July 1, 1922, to be the determining factor in deciding whether the water-service foremen in question did actually perform mechanics' work. (Decision No. 1798.) 1799a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 353.) Claim of signalman laid off in reduction in forces while employee junior in service was retained for reimbursement for time laid off at rate of pay of signal maintainer to which his seniority entitled him. Decided: Claim of employees sustained. (Decision No. 1799.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 315 1800a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 355.) Dispute with reference to proper method of compensating certain car- penters. Decided: That employees in question were temporarily assigned to duties out of reach of their regular boarding and lodging places or outfit cars and therefore come under the provisions of section 26 of Article V of the maintenance of way agreement. (Decision No. 1800.) 1801a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 357.) Claim of former storehouse labor foreman for reinstatement. Decided: Claim denied. (Decision No. 1801.) 1802a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Fort Worth and Denver City Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 358.) Claim of refrigerator inspector for overtime for all time worked in excess of eight hours per day. Decided: Claim of employees sustained. (Decision No. 1802.) 1803a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station_Employees v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway System (Eastern Lines). (IV, R. L. B., 359.) Dispute with reference to proper classification and rating of certain employees now classified as baggagemen. Decided: Case remanded to the parties for joint check of the duties of the employee in question, with permission to resubmit same in case an agreement can not be reached. (Decision No. 1803.) 1804a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Chattanooga Station Co. (IV, R. L. B., 360.) Decided: That Dispute in regard to seniority dating of two clerks. J. T. Rawlings is entitled to seniority from August 23, 1911, and A. G. Thomas from June 11, 1918, including that earned while assigned to the temporary station at Chattanooga. (Decision No. 1804.) 1805a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 362.) Claim of platform man, whose position was abolished, for compensation because of the refusal of the carrier to allow him to exercise his seniority to position held by a junior employee. Decided: That employee in ques- tion shall be permitted to exercise his seniority rights over junior employee and shall be compensated for wage loss sustained, less amount earned in other employment. (Decision No. 1805.) 1806a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 363.) Claim of clerk to the right to exercise his seniority to the position of rate clerk held by junior employee, and for compensation for time lost. Decided: On the evidence presented the employee did not possess sufficient fitness and ability to perform the duties of the position in question, and claim of the employees is therefore denied. (Decision No. 1806.) 1807a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 364.) Request of employees that position No. 12 in the general cashier's de- partment at Philadelphia, Pa., be rebulletined, for the reason that as posted it discriminated against female employees, which is not authorized 50960*—24—21 316 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. by the rules of the clerk's agreement. Decided That the carrier was: not within its rights in bulletining this position exclusively for male em- ployees. but that it would have been proper to have described. the: duties of the position and to have stated that it did not consider the position suitable for women. (Decision No. 1807.) 1808a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. El Paso & Southwestern System. (IV, R. L. B., 365.) Dispute with reference to inclusion by the carrier of rule 49 of Decision No. 630 in its agreement with employees in clerical service in lieu of rule 79 proposed by the carrier in its agreement negotiations under Decision No. 119 and submitted to the Railroad Labor Board as a dis- agreed rule for decision. Decided: That practices in effect prior to appli- cation of rule 49 of Decision No. 630 shall be restored and employees affected shall be compensated for all time worked in excess of recognized number of hours constituting a day's work, this decision without prejudice to further conferences or submission to the Board in case no agreement is reached. (Decision No. 1808.) 1809a. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. et al. v. International Longshoremen's Association. (IV, R. L. B., 366.) Request by carriers for reduction and request of employees for increase in rates of pay of employees on coal and ore docks at Toledo, Ohio. De- cided: The Railroad Labor Board is in receipt of information that other requests have been filed with the carriers and therefore remands this dispute for further procedure. (Decision No. 1809.) 1810a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway System et al. (IV, R. L. B., 366.) Withdrawal of disputes requested. Decided: Requests granted. (Deci- sion No. 1810.) 1811a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad System. (IV, R. L. B., 367.) Dispute with reference to the proper rate of pay for the position of assistant switch clerk, local. freight office,. Denver, Colo. Decided: Case remanded for further conference. (Decision No. 1811.) 1812a. Brotherhood of Bailway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (IV, R. L. B, 367.), . Claim of employees that clerk relieved from service in reduction in forces should have been given employment in accounting bureau Fort Worth, Tex., and that she be paid for time lost. Decided: That employee in question shall be permitted to displace any junior employee holding position for which she has sufficient fitness and ability, but shall not be compensated for wage loss sustained. (Decision No. 1812.) 1813a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (IV, R. L.. B., 369.) Claim of clerk whose position was discontinued to right to displace junior employee and for time lost account not being assigned to said posi- tion. Decided: Claim of employees sustained. (Decision No. 1813.) 1814a. Railway Express Drivers, Chauffeurs and Conductors, Local No. 720, v. American Railway Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 370.) Request of employees for increase in rates of pay. rates of employees in question shall be increased 4 tive May 16, 1923. (Two dissenting opinions filed.) Decided: That the cents per hour, effec- (Decision No. 1814.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 317 1815a. Brotherhood of Railway Station Employees et al. v. Boston Terminal Co. et al. (IV, R. La B., 373.) Withdrawal of disputes requested. Decided: Requests granted (De- cision No. 1815.) 1816a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 374) 'Dispute regarding proper classification and rating of baggageman-clerk. Decided: At the hearing parties agreed that a joint check would be made to determine the duties of employee in question and if agreement can not be reached thereafter the case will be resubmitted to the Board. (Decision No. 1816.) 1817a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B, 375.) Question of proper classification and rating of employees under Decision No. 147. Decided: Parties agreed at hearing that a joint check would be made to determine duties of employee in question and if agreement can not be reached thereafter case will be resubmitted to the Board. (Decision No. 1817.) 1818a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 375.) Question of proper classification and rating of baggageman-clerk. De- cided: At the hearing parties agreed that a joint check would be made to determine the duties of employee in question and if agreement can not be reached thereafter case will be resubmitted to the Board. (Decision No. 1818.) 1819a. Brotherhood of Bailway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pere Marquette Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 375.) Dispute with reference to proper classification and rating of baggage- man-clerk. Decided: At the hearing parties agreed that joint check would be made to determine duties of employee in question and if agreement can not be reached thereafter case will be resubmitted to the Board. (Decision No. 1819.) * 1820a. Railway Employees Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Missouri Pacific Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 376.) Question of compensation for meal period where two or more shifts are worked. Decided: That where two shifts are worked the spread of the second shift shall consist of 8 consecutive hours, including an allowance of 20 minutes for lunch within the limits of fifth hour; that where three shifts are worked the spread of each shift shall consist of 8 consecutive hours, including an allowance of 20 minutes for lunch within the fifth hour; this decision effective June 1, 1923. (Decision No. 1820.) 1821a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 376.) Question of compensation for meal period where two or more shifts are worked. Decided: That where two shifts are worked the spread of the second shift shall consist of & consecutive hours, including an allowance of 20 minutes for lunch within the limits of the fifth hour; that where three shifts are worked the spread of each shift shall consist of 8 consecu- tive hours, including, an allowance of 20 minutes for lunch within the fifth hour; this decision effective June 1, 1923. (Decision No. 1821.) 318 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1 1822a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Missouri-Kansas-Texas Lines. (IV, R. L. B., 376.) Question of compensation for meal period where two or more shifts are worked. Decided: That where two shifts are worked the spread of the second shift shall consist of 8 consecutive hours, including an allowance of 20 minutes for lunch within the limits of the fifth hour; that where three shifts are worked the spread of each shift shall consist of 8 conse- cutive hours, including an allowance of 20 minutes for lunch within the fifth hour; this decision effective June 1, 1923. (Decision No. 1822.) 1823a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 377.) Question of compensation for meal period where two or more shifts are worked. Decided: That where two shifts are worked the spread of the second shift shall consist of 8 consecutive hours, including an allowance of 20 minutes for lunch within the limits of the fifth hour; that where three shifts are worked the spread of each shift shall consist of 8 consecu- tive hours, including an allowance of 20 minutes for lunch within the fifth hour; this decision effective June 1, 1923. (Decision No. 1823.) 1824a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 377.) Question of compensation for meal period where two or more shifts are worked. Decided: That where two shifts are worked, the spread of the second shift shall consist of 8 consecutive hours, including an allowance of 20 minutes for lunch within the limits of the fifth hour; that where three shifts are worked, the spread of each shift shall consist of 8 consecu- tive hours, including an allowance of 20 minutes for lunch within the limits of the fifth hour; this decision effective June 1, 1923. (Decision No. 1824.) 1825a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 377.) Question of compensation for meal period where two or more shifts are worked. Decided: That where two shifts are worked, the spread of the second shift shall consist of 8 consecutive hours, including aǹ allow- ance of 20 minutes for lunch within the limits of the fifth hour; that where three shifts are worked, the spread of each shift shall consist of 8 con- secutive hours, including an allowance of 20 minutes for lunch within the fifth hour; this decision effective June 1, 1923. (Decision No. 1825.) 1826a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Kansas City Terminal Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 378.) Question of compensation for meal period where two or more shifts are worked. Decided: That where two shifts are worked, the spread of the second shift shall consist of 8 consecutive hours, including an allowance of 20 minutes for lunch within the limits of the fifth hour; that where three shifts are worked, the spread of each shift shall consist of 8 consecutive hours, including an allowance of 20 minutes for lunch within the fifth hour; this decision effective June 1, 1923. (Decision No. 1826.) 1827a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Pennsylvania System. (IV, R. L. B., 378.) Dispute with reference to agreement covering maintenance-of-way em- ployees of the Pennsylvania System, involving the right of Joseph Greek to represent such employees as general chairman and to leave of absence and free transportation in the transaction of business as such representa- tive. Decided: That the agreement entered into August 15, 1921, shall govern until changed in conformity with the terminating clause thereof; that rules of Decision No. 501, where corresponding with rules in dispute which were omitted from the agreement of August 15, shall be incorporated in and considered a part of this agreement; that Joseph Greek is the duly authorized chairman of the United Brotherhood of Maintenance of DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 319 r Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers and shall be recognized as such by the carrier, and shall be granted leave of absence and free transportation for the handling of matters affecting employees represented by him. (Decision No. 1827.) 1828a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Philadelphia & Reading Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 382.) Protest against method employed in the election of a local chairman. Deelded: That the election of the local chairman in question was held in the same manner as the election of the other committeemen serving with the representative involved in this case and therefore it was proper. (Dissenting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1828.) 1829a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pennsylvania System. (IV, R. L. B., 387.) Proceeding under section 313 of the transportation act, 1920, to ascer- tain and declare whether the Pennsylvania System has violated Decision No. 218 of the Railroad Labor Board. Decided: That the Pennsylvania System has violated Decision No. 218 of the Board after the Supreme Court of the United States upheld the Board's right to render such deci- sion,and has thereby denied its shop employees essential rights to laboring men to which Congress has declared them entitled. (Decision No. 1829.) 1830a. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al. (IV, R. L. B., 390.) Dispute regarding rules and working conditions. Decided: That rules promulgated by the Railroad Labor Board in this decision are just and reasonable and shall apply to each of the carriers party to this dispute so far as any particular rule or question is shown by the respective sub- missions to be in dispute. (Decision No. 1830.) 1831a. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. (Coast Lines)_v. Brother- hood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees. (IV, R. L. B., 394.) Request by the carrier for adjustment in the rates of pay of stowers at Fresno, Calif., account alleged improper application of wage orders of the United States Railroad Administration. Decided: That rates of em- ployees in question shall be reduced 5. cents an hour, effective July 1, 1923. (Decision No. 1831.) 1832a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Co.; Cen- tral New England Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 395.) Dispute regarding representation rights in the negotiation of rules governing working conditions. Decided: That a ballot shall be taken in conformity with Decision No. 218 and its addenda, and rules laid down in this decision. (Decision No. 1832.) 1833a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Pennsylvania System. (IV, R. L. B., 398.) Proceeding under section 313 of the transportation act, 1920, for the purpose of ascertaining and declaring whether the Pennsylvania System has violated Decision No. 221 of the United States Railroad Labor Board. Decided: That the Pennsylvania System has violated Decision No. 220 of the Board, and after invoking the judgment of the Federal courts as to the Board's right to render such decision, has persisted in such violation in contempt of the unanimous opinion of the United States Supreme Court sustaining the jurisdiction of the Board. (Decision No. 1833.) 1834a. Petition of the American Federation of Railroad Workers for Vaca- tion of Decision No. 1728 (Docket No. 475). – (IV, R. L. B., 402.) Request for vacation of Decision No. 1728, relating to dispute between the above-named organization and the New York Central Railroad Co. Decided: Request denied. (Decision No. 1834.) 320 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1835a. United, Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Union Pacific System. (IV, R. L. B., 403.) Protest against taking of separate ballot for bridge and building and maintenance of way foremen and bridge and building mechanics and helpers to determine representation in agreement negotiations. Decided: That the course pursued by the carrier was in substantial compliance with the law, that the result of the election held shall not be disturbed, and that the contention of the United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers is therefore denied. (Dissent- ing opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1835.) 1836a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 413.) Dispute with regard to representation in the negotiation of agreement governing rules and working conditions of the shop employees of the car- rier. Decided: That the Federated Shop Crafts, by arbitrarily suspend- ing work on July 1, 1922, abrogated its agreement with the carrier, and therefore the agreement which has been negotiated between the carrier and the Soo Line Shop Employees' Association shall be considered and continued in full force and effect until changed in conformity with the provisions thereof or of the transportation act, 1920. (Dissenting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1836.) 1837a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Hocking Valley Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 423.) Dispute with regard to representation in the negotiation of rules govern- ing working conditions. Decided: That the Federated Shop Crafts in volun- tarily suspending work July 1, 1922, abrogated all previous agreements relative to rules and working conditions, and that the agreement entered into between the carrier and the Hocking Valley Employees' Association shall be considered in full force and effect and shall so continue until changed in conformity with the provisions thereof or of the transportation act, 1920. (Dissenting opinion filed.) (Decision No. 1837.) 1838a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Gulf Coast Lines; Houston Belt & Terminal Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 434.) Dispute with reference to representation in the negotiation of agreement governing rules and working conditions. Decided: That an election shall be held to determine the choice of a majority of the shop employees of the carriers with respect to representation. (Decision No. 1838.) 1839a. Brotherhood of Locomotive_Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. El Paso & Southwestern System. (IV, R. L. B., 436.) Claim of engineers and firemen for terminal time at Deming and 100 miles between Deming and Hachita. Decided: Deming having been dis- continued as the terminal after the line was extended through to Tyrone, which the carrier had the right to do, claim of employees is denied. (De- cision No. 1839.) 1840a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, and Enginemen v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 437.) Protest against Bulletin No. 64 issued by the carrier requiring engineers to make certain repairs to their engines while en route. Decided: Position of the carrier sustained. (Decision No. 1840.) 1841a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 438.) Claim of engineer and fireman for final terminal delay time. Decided: That the final terminal delay rule does not apply to the switching service performed by this crew and claim of employees is therefore denied. (De- cision No. 1841.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 321 1842a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 439.) Claim of engineer and fireman for allowance for time required to watch engine after completing their assignment and placing engine on designated track. Decided: That the carrier's action in requiring engineer and fire- man to watch engine is not in violation of the rules in effect, and claim of employees is therefore denied. (Decision No. 1842.) 1843a. Railroad Yardmasters of America v. Chicago Junction Railway Co.; Chicago River & Indiana Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 439.) Protest against refusal of the carrier to negotiate an agreement govern- ing wages and working conditions with the Railroad Yardmasters of America. Decided: As the sealed ballots opened at the hearing indicated that 18 out of 20 yardmasters preferred to deal directly with the repre- sentatives of the carrier, the position of the carrier is sustained. (De- cision No. 1843.) 1844a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (IV, R. L. B., 440.) Controversy with respect to the incorporation of Decision No. 2 of the Railroad Labor Board in the engineers' and firemen's agreement, the carrier taking the position that the rates under Decision No. 2 were properly increased and tabulated, and that due to their being several questions of schedule rules now unsettled it would not be justified in signing agreements. Decided: Position of the carrier sustained. (Decision No. 1844.) 1845a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisi- ana. (IV, R. L. B., 440.) 46 Claim of fireman for time and one-half for service performed after completion of his regular assignment. Decided: Claim of employees' sus- tained. (Decision No. 1845.) 1846a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Mobile & Ohio Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 441.) Request for retention of rule in agreement between the parties provid- ing penalty when lunch period is not observed. Decided: That the rules in effect do not justify the claim of employees and the same is denied. (Decision No. 1846.) 1847a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Southern Pacific, Lines in Texas and Lou- isiana. (IV, R. L, B., 442.) Claim of train crew for pay under held-away-from-home-terminal rule. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1847.) 1848a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, and Enginemen v. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System). (IV, R. L. B., 444.) 课 ​Controversy as to whether enginemen in suburban electric service are entitled to switching at turning points. Decided: That the rule provides for switching at initial, turning, and tie-up points; that in suburban serv- ice setting out or picking up cars from a single track at turning point shall not be considered switching service unless car to set out or picked up is between other cars which it is necessary to handle in doing the work. (Decision No. 1848.) 322 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1849a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 445.) Claim of engineer for compensation under rule 17 of the engineers' agreement account bulletined position assigned to him being pulled off. Decided: That the case is remanded for the purpose of ascertaining the facts in connection therewith and that the Board shall be advised of its final disposition. (Decision No. 1849.) 1850a. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen v. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 446.) Claim of engineer and fireman for delayed time under the provisions of rule 5 of the engineers' and firemen's agreements. Decided: That the employees in question shall be paid the difference between the amounts they would have earned on their regular assignments on May 13 and 15, 1920, and the amounts they were paid for those days. (Decision No. 1850.) 1851a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Hocking Valley Railway Co.). (IV, R. L. B., 447.) Question of the proper application of rule 10, Decision No. 222. Decided: Parties are referred to Interpretation 3 to Decision No. 222 and addenda, this decision, however, being applicable only if the provisions of rule 10 are considered in effect on this carrier and a different application has not been agreed to. (Decision No. 1851.) 1852a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Missouri Pacific Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 447.) Dispute regarding proper application of rule 10, Addendum 6 to De- cision No. 222. Decided: Parties referred to Interpretation 3 to Decision No. 222, which fully answers the question involved in this dispute, this decision, however, applicable only if the provisions of the rule referred to are considered in force and effect on this carrier and a different appli- cation of same has not been agreed to. (Decision No. 1852.) 1853a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. Boston & Albany Rail- road. (IV, R. L. B., 447.) Dispute with reference to changes in certain rules of the signalmen's agreement. Decided: Case remanded for further negotiations. (Decision No. 1853.) 1854a. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis. (IV, R. L. B., 449.) Dispute with reference to proper application of Interpretation 1 to rule 6 of Decision No. 222. Decided: That the position of the employees is not in conformity with the meaning or intent of interpretation in question. (Decision No. 1854.) 1855a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 449.) Claim of lubricator filler for compensation at the rate of time and one- half for service performed in excess of 10 hours. Decided: That section 10, Article V, of the agreement in effect between the parties was properly applicable to the service in question, and the claim of employees is there- fore sustained. (Decision No. 1855.) 1856a. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 450.) Shall rules agreed upon after the issuance of decision No. 119 and rules promulgated by the Board in Decision No. 707 be incorporated in one agreement and shall said agreement bear the signatures of the representa- tives of the carrier and the organization? Decided: Yes. (Decision No. 1856.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 323 1857a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 453.) Request of clerk for reinstatement, with pay for time lost. Decided: That on the evidence presented employee in question did not have the fitness and ability to perform the duties of the position he sought, and position of the carrier is therefore sustained. (Decision No. 1857.) 1858a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 453.) Request of employees for recognition of seniority rights of clerk and for payment for time lost July 16 to November 15, 1921. Decided: That employee shall be compensated for the time lost during specified period less any amount earned in other employment. (Decision No. 1858.) 1859a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Northern Pacific Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 455.) Dispute with regard to proper application of Decision No. 147 to clerks who have completed two years' service. Decided: That Interpretation 1 to decision No. 147 covers the question in controversy and shall govern in this dispute. (Decision No. 1859.) 1860a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. New York Central Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 456.) Protest of the Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees against the carrier's putting into effect certain changes in rules governing the working conditions and rates of pay of employees in the offices of the accounting department. Decided: That the action of the carrier was not in harmony with the exist- ing rules; position of employees sustained. (Decision No. 1860.) 1861a. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Boston & Albany Railroad Co. et al. (IV, R. L. B., 460.) Dispute regarding rules governing wages and working conditions. De- cided: Disputes remanded for further conferences. (Decision No. 1861.) 1862a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 463.) Dispute with reference to the bulletining of employees who have been laid off in reduction in force. Decided: That employees held out of serv- ice due to reduction in force, who have complied with the provisions of rule 19, shall be shown on the seniority roster as furloughed employees pending their return to service. (Decision No. 1862.) 1863a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 464.) Claim of clerk whose position was abolished to the right to exercise his seniority to the position of platform man held by a junior employee. Decided: On the evidence submitted, claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1863.) 1864a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 464.) Request of employee for reinstatement, with pay for all time lost. De- cided: Request denied. (Decision No. 1864.) 324 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 1865a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 464.) Request for reinstatement of employee with seniority rights unimpaired and pay for time lost. Decided: Request denied. (Decision No. 1865.) 1866a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. New York Central Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 465.) Request of employees for the inclusion in the agreement governing work- ing conditions of proposed rule 42, relating to personal injuries. Decided: That the rule requested is just and reasonable and shall be included in and become a part of the agreement between the organization and the carrier parties hereto. (Decision No. 1866.) 1867a. Order of Railroad Telegraphers v. Erie Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., 466.) Dispute with reference to action of carrier in abolishing position of operator-ticket clerk and transferring the duties to the position of super- visory ticket agent during depression of business. Employees protested this action, claiming that position was not in fact abolished and that assignment of work is in violation of senority rules. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1867.) 1868a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. American Railway Express Co. (IV, R. L. B., 466.) Request for reinstatement of transferman. Decided: Request of em- ployees denied. (Decision No. 1868.) 1869a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Colorado & Southern Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., 467) Claim of employees that C. H. Shissler should have been assigned to the position of freight service inspector and that he be paid the difference between the salary of the position held by him and that of the new posi- tion from the date of its creation. Decided: Claim of employees denied. (Decision No. 1869.) 1870a. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees v. Boston & Albany Railroad et al. (IV, R. L. B., 468.) Withdrawal of disputes requested. Decided: Request granted. (De- cision No. 1870.) B. DIGEST OF ADDENDA. [NOTE.-Each paragraph is numbered consecutively for the purpose of making an index reference; numbers so used have no relation to any other numbers used in connection with the addenda. The reference "(I, R. L. B., 71)" following the subcaption "1b, Al- ton & Southern Railroad and Its Employees," indicates Vol. I, Railroad Labor Board Decisions, p. No. 71.] 1b. Alton & Southern Railroad and Its Employees. (I, R. L. B., 71.) Alton & Southern Railroad and its employees are made parties to De- cision No. 2 (wage increases effective May 1, 1920), and all provisions of the decision apply to this carrier and its employees with the same force and effect as to the parties originally named therein. (Addendum No. 1 to Decision No. 2.) 2b. Chicago, Milwaukee & Gary Railway Co. and Its Employees. (I, R. L. B., 71.) Chicago, Milwaukee & Gary Railway Co. and its employees are made a party to Decision No. 2 (wage increases effective May 1, 1920), and all provisions of the decision apply to this carrier and its employees with the same force and effect as to the parties originally named therein. (Adden- dum No. 2 to Decision Nỏ. 2.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 325 3b. Galveston Wharf Co. and Its Employees. (I, R. L. B., 72.) Galveston Wharf Co. and its employees are made a party to Decision No. 2 (wage increases effective May 1, 1920), and all provisions of the de- cision apply to this carrier and its employees with the same force and effect as to the parties originally named therein. (Addendum No. 3 to Decision No. 2.) 4b. Mississippi Central Railroad Co. and Its Employees. (I, R. L. B., 72.) Mississippi Central Railroad Co. and its employees are made a party to Decision No. 2 (wage increases effective" May 1, 1920), and all provisions of the decision apply to this carrier and its employees with the same force and effect as to the parties originally named therein. (Addendum No. 4 to Decision No. 2.) 5b. The Pullman Co. and Its Shop Employees. (I, R. L. B., 72.) The Pullman Co. and its shop employees are made a party to Decision No. 2 (wage increases effective May 1, 1920), and all provisions of the decision applicable to the Federated Shop Employees, represented by the Railway Employees' Department of the American Federation of Labor, apply to this carrier and its shop employees with the same force and effect as to the parties originally named therein. (Addendum No. 5 to Decision No. 2.) 6b. The Pullman Co. and Its Clerical and Station Employees. (I, R. L. B., 73.) The Pullman Co. and its clerical and station employees are made a party to Decision No. 2 (wage increases effective May 1, 1920), and all provisions of the decision applicable to the clerical and station forces, represented by the Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees, apply to this carrier and its clerical and station employees with the same force and effect as to the parties origi- nally named therein. (Addendum No. 6 to Decision No. 2.) 7b. Railroad Yardmasters et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway et al. (II, R. L. B., 535.) The Railroad Yardmasters of America and 10 other organizations repre- senting railroad employees added as parties to Decision No. 119, and the decision is applicable to them under the provisions set forth therein as fully and effectually as if they had been named in the original decision. (Addendum No. 1 to Decision No. 119.) 8b. International Association of Machinists et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway et al. (II, R. L. B., 535.) The directions contained in Decision No. 119 are modified with respect to rules governing compensation for overtime, and certain other rules cover- ing questions not agreed to in conference between the carriers and their· employees are continued in effect until such time as disputes are decided by the Labor Board. Rules agreed upon by carriers and employees are made effective as of July 1, 1921. (Addendum No. 2 to Decision No. 119.) 9b. New York Central Railroad Co. et al. v. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees et al. (II, R. L. B., 537.) The Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. and 91 other carriers added as parties to the dispute covered by Decision No. 147, also the Brotherhood of Dining Car Conductors is added to the list of organizations named as parties to the dispute. Nine new sections are added to the article covering floating equipment, employees, and 10 new sections preceded by special introductory clause are made part of the article relating to miscellaneous employees. (Addendum No. 1 to Decision No. 147.) 10b. New York Central Railroad Co. et al. v. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees et al. (II, R. L. B., 561.) The Atlanta Terminal Co. and 18 other carriers added as parties to the dispute covered by Decision No. 147, also the International Association of Bridge, Structural and Ornamental In Workers is added to the list of 326 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST, organizations named as parties to the dispute. The Boston & Maine Rail- road and the Grand Trunk Railway System (Western Lines) are relisted for the purpose of naming their subsidiaries. (Addendum No. 2 to Decision No. 147.) 11b. New York Central Railroad Co. et al. v. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees et al. (II, R. L. B., 564.) The Manistique & Lake Superior Railroad Co. and the Norfolk & Ports- mouth Belt Line Railroad added as parties to the dispute covered by Deci- sion No. 147. (Addendum No. 3 to Decision No. 147.) 12b. New York Central Railroad Co. et al. v. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees et al. (III, R. L. B., 1095.) The Central Railroad Company of New Jersey and three other carriers renamed as parties to Decision No. 147, for the purpose of including within its provisions certain classes of their employees not named or referred to therein, effective February 16, 1922. (Addendum No. 4 to Decision No. 147.) 13b. Fort Smith & Western Railroad v. Certain Clerical and Station Em- ployees. (II, R. L. B., 565.) Certain specified employees and a subordinate official are included in Decision No. 215 with the same force and effect as if named originally in said decision, except that the effective date shall be October 16, 1921. (Addendum No. 1 to Decision No. 215.) 14b. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Pennsylvania System. (II, R. L. B., 566.) The directions issued by the Labor Board in Decision No. 218 relative to the holding of elections for the selection of representatives of the em- ployees modified to the extent that the election of representatives shall be by secret ballot. (Addendum No. 1 to Decision No. 218.) 15b. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. et al. v. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts). (II, R. L. B., 566.) The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. and 11 other carriers added as parties to Decisoin No. 222, and all the provisions of this decision apply to these carriers and their employees in the shop crafts with the same force and effect as if the carriers had been named originally in said decision except that the effective date shall be September 16, 1921. (Ad- dendum No. 1 to Decision No. 222.) 16b. New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Co. v. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts). (II, R. L. B., 567.) The New York, New Haven & Hartford Railway Co. is made a party to Decision No. 222, and all the provisions of this decision apply to the car- rier and its employees in the shop crafts with the same force and effect as if the said carrier had been named originally in said decision, except that the effective date shall be October 1, 1921. (Addendum No. 2 to Decision No. 222.) 17b. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. et al. v. Railway Employees' De- partment, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts). (II, R. L. B., 567.) Certain specified rules determined to be just and reasonable by the Labor Board made applicable to the carriers and the organizations named in Decision No. 222, and made effective October 16, 1921. (Addendum No. 3 to Decision No. 222.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. '327 18b. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al. v. Railway Employees' Depart- ment, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts). (II, R. L. B., 570.) The Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. and 18 other carriers added as parties to Decision No. 222, and all the provisions of this decision apply to these carriers and their employees in the shop crafts with the same force and effect as if the said carriers had been named originally in said deci- sion, except that the effective date shall be October 16, 1921. (Addendum No. 4 to Decision No. 222.) 19b. El Paso & Southwestern System v. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts). (II, R. L. B., 571.) The El Paso & Southwestern System is made a party to Decision No. 222, and all the provisions of this decision apply to the carrier and its employees in the shop crafts with the same force and effect as if the said carrier had been named originally in said decision, except that the effective date shall be November 16, 1921. (Addendum No. 5 to Decision No. 222.) 20b. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. et al. v. Railway Employees' De- partment, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts). (II, R. L. B., 571.) Certain specified rules determined to be just and reasonable by the Labor Board made applicable to the carriers and organizations named in Decision No. 222 and those added by addenda, and made effective December 1, 1921. For purpose of ready reference the rules previously adopted are reproduced and designated by the use of asterisks. Certain rules governing the ap- plication of Decision No. 222 are shown under the caption "General in- structions." (Addendum No. 6 to Decision No. 222.) 21b. Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Co. et al. v. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts). (II, R. L. B., 596.) The Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Co. and three other carriers made parties to Decision No. 222, and all the provisions of this decision apply to these carriers and their employees in the shop crafts with the same force and effect as if the carriers had been named originally in said decision, except that the effective date shall be December 1, 1921. (Addendum No. 7 to Decision No. 222.) 22b. Central Vermont Railway v. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts). (II, R. L. B., 597.) The Central Vermont Railway is made a party to Decision No. 222, and all the provisions of this decision apply to this carrier and its employees in the shop crafts with the same force and effect as if the said carrier had been named originally in said decision, except that the effective date shall be December 6, 1921. (Addendum No. 8 to Decision No. 222.) 23b. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. et al. v. Railway Employees' De- partment, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts). (II, R. L. B., 597.) The Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. and the Pittsburg & Shawmut Railroad Co. are made parties to Decision No. 222, and all the provisions of this decision apply to these carriers and their employees in the shop crafts with the same force and effect as if the said carriers had been named originally in said decision, except that the effective date shall be January 1, 1922. (Addendum No. 9 to Decision No. 222.) 24b. Chicago & Northwestern Railway Co. et al. v. Railway Employees' De- partment, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts). (III, R. L. B., 1096.) The Detroit & Mackinac Railway Co. made a party to Decision No. 222, and all the provisions of said decision shall apply to said carrier and its shop employees with the same force and effect as if originally named therein, except that the effective date shall be February 16, 1922. (Ad dendum No. 10 to Decision No. 222.) 328 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST: 25b. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. et al. v. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts). (III, R. L.. B., 1096.) The Pittsburgh & West Virginia Railway Co. and the West Side Belt Railroad Co. made parties to Decision No. 222, and all the provisions of said decision shall apply to the carriers named and their employees in the shop crafts with the same force and effect as if originally named therein, except that the effective date shall be February 16; 1922. (Ad- dendum No. 11 to Decision No. 222.) 26b. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. et al. v. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts). (III, R. L. B., 1096.) The Galveston Wharf Co. is made a party to Decision No. 222, and the provisions of said decision shall apply to the carrier and its shop craft employees with the same force and effect as if originally named therein, except that the effective date shall be February 16, 1922, (Addendum No. 12 to Decision No. 222. 27b. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. et al. v. Railway Employees' De- partment, A.. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts). (III, R. L. B., 1097.) The Duluth, Missabe & Northern Railway Co. and the Duluth & Iron Range Railroad. Co.. are made parties to Decision No. 222, and the provi- sions of said decision shall apply to these carriers. and their employees in the shop crafts with the same force. and effect as if originally named therein, except that the effective date shall be February 16, 1922. dendum No. 13 to Decision No. 222.) (Ad- 28b. Chicago & North Western: Raflway Ca. et al. v. Railway Employees' De- partment, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts). (III, R. L. B., 1097.) The Virginian Railway is made a party to Decision No. 222, and the provisions of said decision shall apply with the same force and effect to the carrier and its employees. in the shop crafts as if originally named therein, except that the effective date shall be June 1, 1922. (Addendum No. 14 to Decision No. 222;). 29b.. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. et al. v. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees. and Railway Shop Laborers. (II, R. L. B., 598.) The Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. and 21 other carriers are made parties to Decision No. 501, and all the provisions of this decision apply to these carriers and certain specified employees with the same force as if the said carriers had been named originally in said decision, except that the effective date shall be January 1, 1922. (Addendum No. 1 to Decision No. 501.) 30b. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. et al. v. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers. (III, R. L. B., 1098.) The Denver & Salt Lake Railroad Co. and the St. Louis, Troy & Eastern Railroad Co. are added as parties to Decision No. 501, and the provisions of said decision shall apply to the carriers named and their employees as defined in Article I of said decision with the same force and effect as if originally named therein, except that the effective date shall be May 1, 1922. (Addendum No. 2 to Decision No. 501.) 31b. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. et al. v. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers. (III, R. L. B., 1098.) The Duluth, Missabe & Northern Railway Co. and the Duluth & Iron Range Railroad Co. are added as parties to Decision No. 501, and said decision shall apply to the carriers named and the employees specified in the scope thereof with the same force and effect as if originally named therein, except that the effective date shall be May 16, 1922. (Addendum No. 3 to Decision No. 501.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 329 32b. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. et al. v. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers. (H, R. L. B., 1099.). The St. Louis & Hannibal Railroad made a party to Decision No. 501, and the provisions of said decision: shall apply to the carrier named and its employees as defined in Article I thereof with the same force and effect as if originally named; therein, except that the: effective date shall be June 1, 1922. (Addendum No. 4 to Decision No. 501.) 33b. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. et. al. v. Brotherhood of Rail- way and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees. (III, R. L. B., 1099.) 10 The Chicago Junction Railway Co. and the Chicago River & Indiana Railway Co. are made parties to Decision No. 630, and the provisions of said decision shall apply to the carriers named and their clerical and station employees as defined in Article I thereof, with the same force and effect as if originally named therein, effective February 1, 1922. (Addendum No. 1 to Decision No. 630.) 34b. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. et al. v. Brotherhood of Rail- way and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Em- ployees. (III, R. L. B., 1100.) • The New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad Co. is made a party to Decision No. 630, and the provisions of said decision shall apply to the carrier named and its employees in clerical and station service, as defined in scope thereof, with the same force and effect as if originally named therein, except that the effective date shall be February 16, 1922. (Ad- dendum No. 2 to Decision No. 630.): 35b. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. et al. v. Brotherhood of Rail- way and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Em- ployees. (IIL, R. L. B., 1100) The Chesapeake & Ohio Lines added as party to Decision No. 630 and the provisions of said decision shall apply to the carrier named and its clerical and station forces as defined in Article F thereof with the same force and effect as if originally named therein, except that the effective date shall be February 16, 1922. (Addendum No. 3 to. Decision No. 630.) 36b. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al. v. American Train Dispatchers' · Association. (III, R. L. B., 1101.). The Zanesville & Western Railway' Co. is made a party to Decision No. 721, and the provisions of said decision shall apply to the carrier named and its train dispatchers as defined in Article I thereof with the same force and effect as if originally named therein, except that the effective date shall be March 16, 1922. (Addendum No. 1 to Decision No. 721.) 37b. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway et al. v. International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers. (III, R. L. B., 1101.) The New York. Central Railroad Co. made a party to Decision No. 725, and the provisions of same shall apply to the said carrier and its em- ployees as specified in, rule 1 thereof with the same force and effect as if originally named therein, except that the effective date shall be April 1, 1922. (Addendum No. 1 to Decision No. 725.) 38b. Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Co. et al. v. International Association of Railroad. Supervisors of Mechanics. (IV, R. L. B., — .) The Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Louisiana made a party to Decision No. 726, and the provisions of same shall apply to said carrier and its employees in the mechanical department acting. in. a supervisory capacity, as defined in Article I thereof, with the same force and effect as if originally named in said decision, except that the effective date shall be March 1, 1923. (Addendum No. 1 to Decision No. 726.) 330 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 39b. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al. v. Order of Railroad Telegra- phers. (III, R. L. B., 1101.) The Delaware & Hudson Co. and four other carriers added as parties to Decision No. 757, and the provisions of rule 4 of said decision, relating to overtime, are made applicable to said carriers and their employees in telegraph service, as defined in the scope of said decision, with the same force and effect as if originally named therein. (Addendum No. 1 to Decision No. 757.) 40b. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Company et al. v. Order of Railroad Telegraphers. (III, R. L. B., 1102.) The Central Vermont Railway Co. aided as a party to Decision No. 757, and the same made applicable to this carrier and its employees in telegraph service, as defined in rule 1 of said decision, with the same force and effect as if originally named therein. (Addendum No. 2 to Decision No. 757.) 41b. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Company et al. v. Order of Railroad Telegraphers. (III, R. L. B., 1103.) The Cincinnati Northern Railroad and two other carriers added as parties to Decision No. 757, and the provisions of rule 4 of said decision, relating to overtime, are made applicable to said carriers and their em- ployees in telegraph service, as defined in the scope of said decision, with the same force and effect as if originally named therein. (Addendum No. 3 to Decision No. 757.) 42b. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Company et al. v. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers. (III, R. L. B., 1104.) The Houston Belt & Terminal Co. made a party to Decision No. 1028, the Brotherhood of Railroad Station Employees added to the list of organizations affected, and a number of carriers relisted for the purpose of applying to certain specified employees the wage reductions authorized by said decision. (Addendum No. 1 to Decision No. 1028.) 43b. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Company et al. v. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway. Shop Laborers et al. (III, R. L. B., 1105.) The Chicago & Alton Railroad Co. and five other carriers added as parties to Decision No. 1028, and the wage reductions therein authorized applied to said carriers and the classes of employees specified in Article I thereof, with the same force and effect as if originally named as parties. (Addendum No. 2 to Decision No. 1028.) 44b. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al. v. United Brotherhood of Main- tenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers et al. (III, R. L. B., 1107.) The Georgia, Florida & Alabama Railway Co. and certain specified classes of employees added as parties to Decision No. 1028, and the wage reductions therein authorized shall apply to them with the same force and effect as if originally named therein, effective November 1, 1922. (Adden- dum No. 3 to Decision No. 1028.) 45b. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al. v. United Brotherhood of Main- tenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers et al. (III, R. L. B., 1107.) The provisions of Decision No. 1028 are made applicable to certain specified employees of the Bangor & Aroostook Railway Co. with the same force and effect as if originally named in said decision, except that the effective date shall be January 1, 1923. (Addendum No. 4 to Decision No. 1028.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 331 46b. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al. v. Railway Employees' De- partment, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts). (III, R. L. B., 1108.) The Houston Belt & Terminal Railway Co. added and the Pere Mar- quette Railway Co. relisted as parties to Decision No. 1036, and the wage reductions therein authorized made applicable to said carriers and certain specified employees with the same force and effect as if originally named as parties. (Addendum No. 1 to Decision No. 1036.) 47b. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al. v. Railway Employees' Depart- ment, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts). (III, R. L. B., 1109.) The Galveston Wharf Co. and nine other carriers made parties to De- cision No. 1036, and two carriers relisted, and the wage reductions therein authorized made applicable to said carriers and certain specified em- ployees with the same force and effect as if originally named as parties, effective July 16, 1922. (Addendum No. 2 to Decision No. 1036.) 48b. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al. v. Railway Employees' Depart- ment, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts). (III, R. L. B., 1111.) The Green Bay & Western Railroad added as a party to Decision No. 1036, and the wage reductions therein authorized made applicable to cer- tain specified employees with the same force and effect as if originally named, effective August 16, 1922. (Addendum No. 3 to Decision No. 1036.) 49b. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al. v. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees. (III, R. L. B., 1112.) The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. and six other carriers relisted as parties to Decision No. 1074, and the wage reductions therein authorized made applicable to certain specified employees of each of the carriers with the same force and effect as if originally named in said decision. (Addendum No. 1 to Decision No. 1074.) 50b. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al. v. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees. (III, R. L. B., 1113.) The Gulf, Mobile & Northern Railroad Co. and six other carriers added and seven carriers relisted as parties to Decision No. 1074, and the wage reductions therein authorized made applicable to certain specified em- ployees with the same force and effect as if originally named in said decision, effective July 16, 1922. (Addendum No. 2 to Decision No. 1074.) 51b. Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Co. et al. v. Railroad Yard- masters of America. (III, R. L. B., 1115.) The Seaboard Air Line Railway Co. excluded from the provisions of Decision No. 1266 (rules and working conditions governing yardmasters), information having been filed with the board to the effect that an agree- ment had been reached between the parties disposing of all questions contained in the submission prior to the issuance of said decision. (Adden- dum No. 1 to Decision No. 1266.) 52b. Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Co. et al. v. Railroad Yard- masters of America. (III, R. L. B., 1115.) The Union Railway Co. (Memphis, Tenn.) excluded from the provisions of Decision No. 1266, information having been filed with the board to the effect that an agreement had been reached between the parties dis- posing of all questions in dispute prior to the issuance of said decision. (Addendum No. 2 to Decision No. 1266.) 53b. Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Co. et al. v. Railroad Yard- masters of America. (IV, R. L. B., -.) The Michigan Central Railroad Co. excluded from the provisions of Decision No. 1266, information having been filed with the board to the effect that an agreement had been reached between the parties disposing of all questions in dispute prior to the issuance of said decision. (Ad- dendum No. 3 to Decision No. 1266.) 50960°—24— -22 332 CUMULATIVE, INDEX-DIGEST. 54b.. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees, and Railway Shop Laborers et al. v. Alabama, & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al. (III, R. L. B., 1116.) Certain specified employees of the Maine Central Railroad Co. and the Portland Terminal Co. added as parties to Decision No. 1267 and the wage increases therein authorized made applicable to certain specified employees with the same force and effect as if originally named in said decision. (Addendum No. 1 to Decision No. 1267.) 55b. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers et al. v. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al. (III, R. E. B., 1117.) Certain specified employees of the St. Louis-San Francisco Railway System excluded from the provisions of Decision No. 1267, it having been brought to the attention of the board by the parties that said decision, as applied to this particular carrier, should not have included the employees here involved. (Addendum No. 2 to Decision No. 1267.) 56b. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers et alt v. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al. (IV, R. E.. B., ———————6) The New York, New Haven & Hartford Railway Co. and the Central New England Railway Co. made parties to Decision No. 1267, and the wage increases therein authorized made applicable to certain specified em- ployees of these carriers with the same force and effect as if originally named in said decision, (Addendum No. 3 to Decision No. 1267.): 57b. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers et al. v. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al. (IV, R. L. B., > The Lehigh. & New England Railroad made a party to Deesion No. 1267, and the wage increases therein authorized made applicable to certain specified employees of the carrier with the same force and effect as if originally named in said decision. (Addendum No. 4 to Decision No. 1267.) 58b. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees. and Railway Shop Laborers et al. v. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al. (IV, R. L. B.,.- -) The Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis Railroad Co. and three other carriers made parties to Decision No: 1267; and the wage increases therein authorized made applicable to certain specified' employees of the carriers with the same force and effect as if originally named in said' decision. (Addendum No. 5 to Decision No. 1267.) 59b. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. et al. v. Order of Railroad Teleg- raphers. (IV, R.. L. B.,. The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. and three other carriers made parties to Decision: No.. 1448, and the provisions of same made applicable to them and their employees in station and telegraph service with the same force and effect: as if originally named therein. (Addendum No. 1 to Decision No. 1448.) 60b. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. et al. (IV, K. L. B., -) The Atlantic Coast Line. Railroad Co. made a party to Decision No. 1538, and the provisions thereof made applicable to its employees in the signal department with the same force and effect as if originally named therein. (Addendum No. 1 to Decision No. 1538..) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 333 61b. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al.. v. Order of Railroad Teleg raphers. (TV, R. £. B.,. The Western Pacific Railroad Co. made a party to Decision No. 1698, and the provisions thereof made applicable to it and to the organization named in said: decision with the same force and effect as if originally named therein. (Addendum No. 1 to Decision No. 1698.) 62b. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Missouri Pacific Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., Making the application of Decision No. 1620 contingent upon certain specified conditions. (Addendum No. 1 to Decision No. 1820.) 63b. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., Making the application of Decision No. 1821 contingent upon certain specified conditions. (Addendum No. 1 to Decision No. 1821.) 64b. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Lines. (IV, R. L. B., .) Making the application of Decision No. 1822 contingent upon certain specified conditions. (Addendum No. 1 to Decision No. 1822,) 65b. Railway Employees' Department, A. F.. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., ———.). Making the application of Decision No. 1823 contingent upon certain. specified conditions. (Addendum No. 1 to Decision No. 1823.) 66b. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated. Shop Crafts), v. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., Making the application of Decision No. 1824 contingent upon certain specified conditions. (Addendum No. 1 to Decision No. 1824.). 67b. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., Making application of Decision No. 1825 contingent upon certain specified conditions. (Addendum No.. 1 to Decision No. 1825.) 68b. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Kansas City Terminal Railway Co. (IV, R. L. B., ————————.) · -)· Making the application of Decision No. 1826 contingent upon certain specified conditions. (Addendum No. 1 to Decision No. 1826.) C. DIGEST OF INTERPRETATIONS. [NOTE-Each paragraph is numbered consecutively for the purpose of making an index reference; numbers so used have no relation to any other numbers used in connection with the interpretations. The reference "(I, R. L. B., 79)" following the subcaption "1c. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Norfolk & Western Railway" indicates Vol. I, Railroad Labor Board Decisions, p. No. 79.1 1c. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers v. Norfolk & Western Railway. (I, R. L.. B., 79.) Question as to how section: 7, Article III, of Decision No. 2 should be applied to monthly-rated employees required to work in excess of 204 hours per month. Decided: That the employees specified in the afore- mentioned section who are paid on a monthly basis and do not receive compensation in addition thereto for service rendered on Sundays or holi- days shall receive an increase in their monthly salary in the sum repre- sented by multiplying 84 cents by 204, i. e., $17.34. (Interpretation No. 1 to Decision No. 2.) 334 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 2c. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees v. Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis. (I, R. L. B., 79.) Shall the increase of 13 cents per hour for baggage and parcel room employees be added to the rates in effect March 1, 1920, or to the rates which include increases granted subsequent thereto? Decided: That 13 cents per hour shall be added to the rates in effect 12.01 a. m., March 1, 1920. (Interpretation No. 2 to Decision No. 2.) 3c. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts), v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway. (I, R. L. B., 80.) Application of increases specified in Article IV, Decision No. 2, to monthly-rated mechanics assigned regularly to road service. Decided: That employees regularly assigned under the provisions of rule 15 of the national agreement covering Federal Shop Trades shall receive an increase of 13 cents per hour on the basis of 3,156 hours per calendar year. (In- terpretation No. 3 to Decision No. 2.) 4c. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Louisville & Nashville Rail- road Co. (I, R. L. B., 81.) Will overtime rates for passenger engineers be increased in the same proportion as the daily rate under Decision No. 2? Decided: That over- time rate shall be not less than one-eighth of the increased daily rate as provided for in Decision No. 2 preserving former higher flat overtime rates. (Interpretation No. 4 to Decision No. 2.) 5c. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. (I, R. L. B., 81.) Shall the passenger daily minimum rate of $6.05 for engineers be in- creased by Decision No. 2? Decided: That the rate should be increased 80 cents, thereby making the minimum daily rate for engineers in pas- senger service $6.85. (Interpretation No. 5 to Decision No. 2.) 6c. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Louisville & Nashville Rail- road Co. (I, R. L. B., 82.) Shall the minimum rate for mine-run service of $6.35 per day or per 100 miles or less, for engineers, be increased by Decision No. 2? Decided: That the rate be increased $1.04, thus making the minimum daily rate for engineers in mine-run service $7.39. (Interpretation No. 6 to Decision No. 2.) 7c. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Louisville & Nashville Rail- road Co. (I, R. L. B., 82.) · Shall the rates of pay for engineers and firemen, as covered by article 28 (k), pages 40 to 43, inclusive, of the existing agreement between the Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. and its engineers and firemen, be increased by Decision No. 2? Decided: That $1.04 should be added to the several daily rates for freight service; and also that $1.04 multiplied by the number of days constituting a month should be added for regular assigned local service except three-crewed monthly-salaried locals. (In- terpretation No. 7 to Decision No. 2.) 8c. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co. (I, R. L. B., 83.) How shall Decision No. 2 be applied to shifter brakemen? Decided: That an increase of $1.04 per day should be applied to the service in question which is analogous to mine-run service. (Interpretation No. 8 to Decision No. 2.) 9c. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Louisville & Nashville Rail- road Co. (I, R. L. B., 83.) Shall the increases provided for in Decision No. 2 be applied to arbitrary rates or special allowances covering such service as deadheading, attending court, handling engines between specified passenger stations, and combina- tion service of engineer and conductor? Decided: That rules governing DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 335 compensation, involving arbitrary rates or special allowances, are so closely interwoven with certain other rules that the Labor Board will not give these rules consideration until the question of rules is taken up for decision. (Interpretation No. 9 to Decision No. 2.) 10c. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Seaboard Air Line Rail- way Co. (I, R. L. B., 83.) Shall the daily guarantees of $6 and $4 per day in passenger service for engineers and firemen, respectively, be increased 80 cents per day? De- cided: That engineers' and firemen's rates shall be increased 80 cents per day under the provisions of Article VI of Decision No. 2, thus making the new minimum $6.80 for engineers and $5.05 for firemen. (Interpretation No. 10 to Decision No. 2.) 11c. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Seaboard Air Line Rail- way Co. (I, R. L. B., 84.) Shall the daily minimum rates for engineers in passenger service which were preserved by the saving clause" in Supplement No. 24 to General Order No. 27 be increased by Decision No. 2? Decided: That said mini- mum rates were established by the United States Railroad Administra- tion and 80 cents shall therefore be added to the rates in question. (In- terpretation No. 11 to Decision No. 2.) 12c. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Seaboard Air Line Rail- way Co. (I, R. L. B., 84.) Shall Decision No. 2 be applied to engineers attending court or being held out of service to attend court? Decided: That rules governing com- pensation, involving court service, are so closely interwoven with certain other rules that the Labor Board will not give these rules consideration until the question of rules is taken up for decision. (Interpretation No. 12 to Decision No. 2.) 13c. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. v. Northern Pacific Railway Co. (I, R. L. B., 84.) How shall Decision No. 2 be applied to guaranteed minimum daily rate for engineers and firemen in short turnaround passenger service? De- cided: That Article VI of Decision No. 2 should be applied, thus adding 80 cents to the rates in question. (Interpretation No. 13 to Decision No. 2.) 14c. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers v. Illinois Central Railroad Co. (I, R. L. B., 85.) (1) Shall the overtime rate for passenger engineers, greater than one- Eighth of the daily rate, be increased by the application of Decision No. 2? (2) Shall the daily guarantee in passenger service for enginers and firemen be increased 80 cents per day? Decided: (1) That overtime rates for passenger engineers shall be not less than one-eighth of the increased daily rate, preserving former higher flat overtime rates. (2) That 80 cents shall be added to the daily guarantee in passenger service. (In- terpretation No. 14 to Decision No. 2.) 15c. International Association of Machinists et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway et al. (II, R. L. B., 603.) Does section 6, Article II of Decision No. 2, provide for an increase of 5 cents per hour for the classes of employees named therein regardless of age, or does it apply only to employees of the classes named therein who are less than 18 years of age? Decided: That this section was intended to provide an increase of 5 cents per hour for the classes of employees men- tioned therein regardless of age. (Interpretation No. 15 to Decision No. 2.) 16c. International Association of Machinists et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway et al. (II, R. L. B., 603.) Shall any of the increases granted in Article VI of Decision No. 2 be applied to rates of pay covering work, such as deadheading on mileage basis? Decided: That the rates specified in sections 1 and 2, Article VI of Decision No. 2, should be applied to rates for deadheading. pretation No. 16 to Decision No. 2.) (Inter- 336 CUMULATIVE. INDEX-DIGEST 17c. International Association of Machinists et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway et al. (H, R. L. B., 604.) Shall the 52 cents per 100 miles för engineers and 40 cents per 100 miles for firemen in local freight service, as specified in section (b) of Article IV, Supplement No. 15 to General Order No. 27, be proportionately in- creased under Decision No. 2 of the Labor Board? Decided: No. (In- terpretation No. 17 to Decision No. 2.) 18c. International Association of Machinists et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway et al. (II, R. L. B., 604.) Shall the increase of 1.04 cents per mile specified in section 2, Article VI of Decision No. 2, be applied to the rate of 5.37 cents per mile established by General Order No. 27 of the Railroad Administration for firemen in freight service on Santa Fe type locomotives weighing from 250,000 to 300,000 pounds on drivers. Decided: Yes. (Interpretation No. 18 to De- cision No. 2.) 19c. International Association of Machinists et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway et al. (II, R. L. B., 605.) Question as to back pay for employees who were in the service of the carriers on May 1, 1920, the effective date of Decision No. 2, or who en- tered the service subsequent to May 1, 1920, but who left the service for various causes prior to July 20, 1920. Decided: That employees in the service of the carrier 12.01 a. m., July 20, 1920, are entitled to back pay for service performed during the retroactive period with certain exceptions as noted. The principles outlined in this interpretation shall also govern in the adjudication of similar questions which may arise in the application of Decisions Nos. 3 and 5 (Interpretation No. 19 to Decision No. 2.) 20c. International Association of Machinists et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway et al. (II, R. L. B., 606.) Are the increases specified in Article IV of Decision. No. 2 applicable to the employees of the Nevada Northern Railway Co. and, if so, to what rates shall such increases be added? Decided: That the increases pro- vided in this decision are applicable to employees on that railroad and, in view of the fact that this road was not under Federal control,. the increases should be added to the rates in effect on the Nevada Northern Railway at 12.01 a. m., March 1, 1920. (Interpretation. No. 20 to Decision No. 2.) 21c. International Association of Machinists et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad et al. (II, R. L. B., 608.) Shall the increase of 15 cents per hour specified in sections 1, 2, and 3, Article III of Decision No. 2, be applied to labor foremen in shops and enginehouses whose duties consist of supervising engine wipers, laborers, and like positions, which were increased under the provisions of sections 6 and 8, Article III of Decision No. 2? Decided: That analogous service as applied to supervisory forces entitled the supervisors in question to a monthly increase of not less than 204 times 13 cents, or $26.52 per month. (Interpretation No. 21 to Decision No. 2:) 22c. International Association of Machinists et af v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway et al. (II, K. L. B., 608.) Shall the daily guarantee for passenger service established by Supple- ment No. 15 to General Order No. 27 for engineers and firemen be in- creased 20 cents by Article VI of Decision No. 2? Decided: Yes. pretation No. 22 to Decision No. 2.) (Inter- 23c. International Association of Machinists et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. et al (III, R. L. B., 1123.) Is the increase of 80 cents for passenger service, specified in Decision No. 2, applicable to the rate of pay of engine crew on passenger train No. 97, running between Tamaquah and Newberry Junction, on the Shamokin Division of the Philadelphia & Reading Railway? Decided: The rate of DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 337 $7.68 for passenger engineers and $5.28 for passenger firemen are rates established by or under the authority of the United States Railroad Ad- ministration and as such they should each be increased 80 cents. (Inter- pretation No. 23 to Decision No. 2.) 24c. International Association of Machinists et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway et al. (II, R. L. B., 609.) How shall carriers and their employees conduct their negotiations on the matters referred back by Decision No. 119? Decided: That Decision No. 119 does not direct how negotiations shall be conducted. However, it does not limit or restrict an individual carrier and its employees from acting jointly or concertedly. (Interpretation No. 1 to Decision No. 119.) 25c. International Association of Machinists et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway et al. (IL, R. L. B., 609.) Does Decision No. 119 terminate July 1, 1921, the agreements of the engineers and firemen, the conductors and the trainmen with the carriers named in this interpretation? Or does it in any wise affect the agreements, supplemental orders, etc., of the Railroad Administration as applied to these classes of employees? Decided: That the Labor Board did not include in Decision No. 119 any matter which was not properly before it as a dispute, and did not, therefore, terminate the existing schedules or agree- ments of employees in train, engine, and yard service of the carriers in- volved. (Interpretation No. 2 to Decision 119.) 26c. International Association of Machinists et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway et al. (II, R. L. B., 610.) Are the employees comprising Mutual System Federation No. 40 of the Railway Employees Department within their rights in selecting and duly authorizing some one other than an employee of the Virginia Railway Co. as their agent or counsel in negotiating an agreement? Decided: Yes. Title III of the Transportation Act, 1920, and various decisions of the Labor Board established and recognized this right. (Interpretation No. 3 to Decision No. 119.) 27c. International Association of Machinists et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway et al. (II, R. L. B., 610.) Does Decision No. 119 terminate July 1, 1921, the agreement of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers with the carriers included in that decision? De- cided: That the Labor Board did not include in Decision No. 119 any matter which was not properly before it as a dispute, and did not, therefore, terminate the existing schedules or agreements negotiated by the Order of Railroad Telegraphers. (Interpretation No. 4 to Decision No. 119.) 28c. International Association of Machinists et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway et al. (II, R. L. B., 610.) Shall the employees in the general office now covered by the existing agreements of the clerks be granted the right to negotiate an agreement with the carrier distinct from that negotiated by the said organization? Decided: That employees in general offices now covered by existing agree- ments of the clerks do not constitute a craft or class separate and different from other employees in the clerical and station service, and should, there- fore, be included within the agreement with other clerical and station service employees. This not to prevent the exclusion of personal office forces and confidential positions from application of agreement. (Interpre- tation No. 5 to Decision No. 119.) 29c. International Association of Machinists et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway et al. (III, R. L. B., 1123.) Request for ruling with regard to application of Decision No. 119 to positions of inside and outside hostler and inside hostler helper. Decided: That the Board intended that all employees covered by existing schedules or agreements of the train, engine and yard employees should suffer no change in the method of compensation or overtime payment as in effect 338 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. prior to Decision No. 119; therefore no change shall be made in the method of computing overtime payment to employees in question. (Interpretation No. 6 to Decision No. 119.) 30c. International Association of Machinists et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway et al. (II, R. L. B., 612.) Question as to proper compensation for overtime between July 1 and August 15, 1921, inclusive, for regular day workers, for hourly-paid em- ployees, and for monthly-paid employees. Decided: That overtime rates specified in Decision No. 222 shall apply, except on railroads and for classes of employees having a more favorable method of payment prior to the issuance of General Order No. 27, or who had reached an agreement under Decision 119, providing a more favorable method of payment. In either event the more favorable method of payment shall apply. Employees suffering a wage loss account of improper application shall be reimbursed. (Interpretation No. 1 to Addendum No. 2 to Decision No. 119.) 31c. International Association of Machinists et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway et al. (III, R. L. B., 1124.) Under the provisions of Addendum No. 2 to Decision 119, how shall over- time apply to maintenance-of-way employees from July 1, 1921, to Decem- ber 16, 1921, effective date of Decision No. 501? Decided: That the pro rata overtime rate specified in that portion of Addendum No. 2 of Decision No. 119 quoted in this decision shall be applied for the period July 1, 1921, to Decemebr 16, 1921, except on carriers and for classes of employees having a more favorable method of payment prior to the effective date of any supplement to General Order No. 27, or that have reached an agree- ment providing a more favorable method of payment; in either event the more favorable method of payment shall apply. (Interpretation No. 2 to Addendum No. 2 to Decision No. 119.) 32c. New York Central Railroad Co. et al. v. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees et al. (IV, R. L. B., Question of proper application of sections 2 and 3, Article II, of Decision No. 147. Decided: (a) That rates of employees decreased under paragraph (b) of section 2 and (a) of section 3, Decision No. 147, shall be increased 7 cents per hour when they have acquired an experience of two years in railroad clerical work or clerical work of a similar nature in other in- dustries; (b) that clerks employed under paragraph (b) of section 3 shall, upon the completion of the first year of experience, go to the rate of the position upon which employed, less decreases authorized by paragraphs (a) and (b) of section 2, and thereafter shall be governed by section (a) of this decision. (Interpretation No. 1 to Decision No. 147.) 33c. New York Central Railroad Co. et al. v. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees `et al.(IV, R. L. B., Question of proper application of Decision No. 147 to the rate of pay of employees holding positions that are not recognized as clerical and who are promoted or transferred to clerical positions. Decided: That such em- ployees should be rated under sections 2 (a) and (b), Article II of De- cision No. 147, in accordance with the term of experience in the service from which promoted. (Interpretation No. 2 to Decision No. 147.) 34c. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. et al. v. Railway Employees' De- partment, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts). (III, R. L. B., 1125.) (a) Does rule 6 of Decision No. 222 and addenda thereto require the posting of a special bulletin naming and regularly assigning certain em- ployees to Sunday and holiday work essential to the continuous operation of the railroad; (b) how shall an employee, filling the position of an em- ployee covered by question (a) who may be absent from duty, be paid; (c) how shall an employee be paid who is not regularly assigned, but who is required to perform work on Sundays and holidays absolutely essential to DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 339 the continuous operation of the railroad; and (d) how shall an employee, who is regularly assigned by bulletin to a designated shift on Sundays and holidays be paid, if required to work on a Sunday or holiday other than his regular shift? Decided: (a) Yes. (b) At the established over- time rate provided in rule 6, with the minimum guarantee and double- time provisions of rule 7. rule 8 applying as to completing the balance of the day. (c) At the established overtime rate provided in rule 6, with the minimum guarantee and double-time provision of rule 7. (d) Preced ng decision (c) to apply except when such employee takes the place of a regu- larly-assigned seven-day employee, in which case preceding section (b) will apply. (Dissenting and supporting op'nion filed.) (Interpretation No. 1 to Decision No. 222.) 35c. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. et al. v. Railway Employees' De- partment, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts). (IV, R. L. B. .) Shall the five-hour relief provision of rule 10, Addendum No. 6 to Decision No. 222, apply when a job is completed and employee is required to wait in excess of five hours for train to return to home station? Decided: The five-hour clause embodied in rule 10 shall be interpreted to cover only bona fide rest periods afforded while on a designated assignment, and not time that may be consumed in waiting after the requirements of the particular assignment have been fulfilled. (Interpretation No. 2 to De- cision No. 222.) 36c. Chicago & North Western Railway Co. et al v. Railway Employees' De- partment, A. F. of L. (Federated Shop Crafts). (IV, R. L. B., ———.) Under rule 10 of Decision No. 222 should time consumed in waiting or traveling be considered as service for the purpose of computing the double- time rate, and are employees, under rule 60 of said decision entitled to the one-minute allowance at the end of each week for time consumed in waiting and traveling, as provided in rule 10? Decided: Yes. (Interpretation No. 3 to Decision No. 222.) 37c. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. et al. v. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers. (III, R. L. B., 1127.) Shall the overtime provisions of Decision No. 501 be made retroactive to July 1, 1921? Decided: That if the overtime provisions established by Decision No. 501 are more favorable to the employees than the overtime provisions applied during the period July 1, 1921, to December 16, 1921, the more favorable conditions shall apply for that period and employees be compensated accordingly. (Dissenting and supporting opinion.) (Inter- pretation No. 1 to Decision No. 501.) 38c. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. et al. v. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers. (III, R. L. B., 1129.) (a) Does section 3 of general instructions, Decision No. 501, remand the rules contained in joint submission filed pursuant to the provisions of Decision No. 119 and not referred to in Decision No. 501, the subject matter of which was not regulated by the rules of the national agreement; and (b) are the rules of Decision No. 501 to be substituted for similar rules contained in the joint submission, even though they do not cover all of the principles involved in such disputed rules? Decided: (a) That the provisions of Decision No. 501 are only applicable to the rules and condi- tions specifically mentioned therein; that it was the intention of the Board that disputed rules not specifically referred to therein be remanded for further negotiations, and, in case of failure to agree, be resubmitted to the Board: (b) that the principle enunciated in paragraph (a) is likewise applicable here; that there is nothing to prevent either party from creat- ing a dispute with reference to application of the various rules, or por- tions thereof, when handled in conformity with the transportation act, 1920. (Interpretation No. 2 to Decision No. 501.) 340 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. 39c. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. et al. v. Brotherhood of Rail- way and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Em- ployees, et al. (IIÏ, R. L. B., 1130.) Are the overtime provisions of rule 57, Decision No. 630, retroactive to July 1, 1921? Decided: If the overtime provisions established by Decision No. 630 are more favorable to the employees than the overtime provisions applied during the period July 1, 1921, to February 1, 1922, the more favorable conditions shall be applied for that period and the employees compensated accordingly. (Interpretation No. 1 to Decision No. 630.) 40c. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. et al. v. Brotherhood of Rail- way and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Em- ployees, et al. (III, R. L. B., 1130.) Shall rules relating to vacations with pay and pay for time off account of sickness, in effect prior to the issuance of Decision No. 630, remain in effect until such time as rules in lieu thereof are agreed upon between the parties or decided by the Board? Decided: Yes. (Interpretation No. 2 to Decision No. 630.) 41c. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. et al. v. Brotherhood Railroad Signalmen of America. (III, R. L. B. 1130.) Question of proper application of Decision No. 707 with reference to compensation for time worked beyond 10 hours; for time worked Sundays and designated holidays by regular six-day assigned employees; for em- ployees released from duty notified or called to perform work outside of and not continuous with regular work hours, from July 1, 1921, to Feb- ruary 16, 1922, inclusive. Decided: That if the overtime provisions of Decision No. 707 are more favorable to the employees than the overtime provisions applied during the period designated, the more favorable condi- tions shall apply and employees be compensated accordingly. (Interpreta- tion No. 1 to Decision No. 707.) 42c. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al. v. American Train Dispatchers' Association. (III, R. L. B., 1131.) Shall the rules pertaining to vacations with pay and pay for time lost account of sickness in effect prior to the issuance of Decision No. 721 remain in effect until rules in lieu thereof are agreed upon or deciled by the Board? Decided: Yes. (Interpretation No. 1 to Decision No. 721.) 43c. United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers et al. v. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co. et al. (IV, R. L. B., .) Does section (b), Article V, of Decision No. 1450 direct that monthly paid supervisory employees be paid extra time, in addition to their monthly compensation, for supervising their gangs on holidays when not working in excess of eight hours? Decided: Yes. (Interpretation No. 1 to Decision No. 1450.) 44c. American Train Dispatchers' Association v. Alabama & Vicksburg Rail- way Co. et al. (IV, R. L. B., .) (a) Does Decision No. 1830 deny to train dispatchers the vacations they had earned up to July 1, 1923; and (b) shall they be allowed during the year 1923, under ruling of the United States Railroad Administration, which was continued in effect by Interpretation No. 1 to Decision No. 721 and discontinued by Decision No. 1830? Decided: (a) No. (b) Yes. (In- terpretation No. 1 to Decision No. 1830.) DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 341 D. DIGEST OF LABOR BOARD REGULATIONS. · [NOTE. Each paragraph is numbered consecutively for the purpose of making an in- dex reference; numbers so used have no relation to any other numbers used in connec- tion with the regulations. The reference "(I, E. L. B., 89)" following the subcaption "1d. Order requiring conference on disputes," indicates Vol. I, Railroad Labor Board Decisions, p. 80.1 1d. Order Requiring Conference on Disputes. (I, R. L. B., 89.) Carriers and their employees shall hold conferences to consider and, if possible, to decide disputes, and if unable to reach an agreement they shall refer such dispute to the Labor Board for adjustment. Disputes will not be entertained unless parties are complying with the law and exerting every reasonable effort to avoid interruption to operation of the carriers. (Labor Board Regulations, Order No. 1.) 2d. Order Requiring Formal Application for Decision. (I, R. L. B., 89.) Parties desiring a hearing must file application with secretary to the Labor Board showing: (1) That dispute is one which the Board is au- thorized to hear; (2) that the applicants are authorized by law to make · application; and (3) that the applicants are complying with the law. All applications will be considered and decided, in the order of filing, unless the public interests require a change of precedence. (Labor Board Regula- tions, Order No. 1.) 3d. Form to be Used in Making Application for Decision. (I, R. L. B., 90.) Parties desiring a hearing and decision of dispute under the provisions of the transportation act are required to make application on a form which has been prescribed by the Labor Board, commonly referred to as Form RLB-101, Application for Decision.” (Labor Board Regulations, Form RLB-101.) 4d. Order Relating to the Filing of Submissions. (II, R. L. B., 641.) Carriers and organizations shall furnish 14 copies of all joint submis- sions. When ex-parte submissions are filed, the party submitting same shall furnish 14 copies and in addition thereto 1 copy for each carrier or organization directly interested. The Labor Board urges that all submis- sions be made jointly and an agreed-upon statement of facts furnished. A time limit of 20 days is fixed in which the adverse party will be allowed to file answer or make presentation of defense. (Labor Board Regulations, In re: Filing Submissions.) 5d. Rules of Procedure of Railroad Labor Board. (IV,· R. L. B., — Relating to the organization of the Railroad Labor Board, the functions and duties of its various officers and department heads, and rules of procedure covering method of handling disputes, formal and informal complaints, inquiries and general correspondence and public hearing of disputes, and containing approved form for making application for de- cision. (Labor Board Regulations, General Rules of Procedure.) E. DIGEST OF COURT DECISIONS. [NOTE.-Each paragraph is numbered consecutively for the purpose of making an index reference; numbers so used have no relation to any other numbers used in con- nection with the court decisions. The reference "(I, R. L. B., 95)" following the sub- caption "le. Wendele v. Union Pacific Railroad Co. et al.," indicates Vol. I, Itailroad Labor Board Decisions, p. 95.] 1e. Wendele v. Union Pacific Railroad Co. et al. (I, R. L. B., 95.) Employees of common carriers in the State of Kansas failed to reach an adjustment of a wage dispute with the carrier, and thereupon referred the disagreement to the Kansas Court of Industrial Relations. The carriers demurred, claiming that the court had no jurisdiction; that such disputes must be adjusted under the transportation act, 1920; and that they were willing to submit the dispute to the Railroad Labor Board created by said aet. The court held that the Kansas law does not conflict with the Federal law, but may be supplementary to it, and proceeded to issue an order fixing minimum wages for various classes of labor, effective July 1 1920, but applicable only to residents of the State of Kansas. (Kansas Court of Industrial Relations. Docket No. 3293.) 342 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. - 2e. Gregg v. Stark. (I, R. L. B., 104.) Two conductors employed by a common carrier in the State of Kentucky claimed the right to a certain run and the dispute was submitted to and decided by the Railway Board of Adjustment No. 1, created by the Rail- road Administration. The adversely affected conductor applied to the Kentucky Court of Appeals for an injunction and questioned the validity of the Adjustment Board's decision. The court decided that the Adjust- ment Board had no jurisdiction because the dispute arose subsequent to Federal control; that the case did not involve interstate commerce, but was essentially a private dispute; and that the transportation act, 1920, had no provision for a single individual to obtain relief from the Labor Board created thereunder. The State court, therefore, took jurisdiction and decided the dispute contrary to the Adjustment Board. Court of Appeals. 224 S. W. 459.) (Kentucky 3e. Mahoney et al. v. Washington & Old Dominion Railway. (I, R. L. B., 109.) A number of employees were discharged by the Washington & Old Dominion Railway because of their membership in the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, and the employees brought proceedings in equity to restrain the carrier from discharging further employees pending a decision by the Labor Board. Answer filed by the carrier denied the jurisdiction of the Labor Board, claiming to be an interurban or suburban electric railway not operating as a part of a general steam railroad system of transportation, but substantially admitted the dismissl of employees be- cause of their membership in the labor union. The court held that the carrier comes within the purview of Title III of the transportation act, 1920, but denied the request for an order restraining the carrier from dis- charging its employees pending a hearing and decision of their claims by the Labor Board. This denial was based on the ground that the carrier had a right to dismiss its employees for becoming members of the labor union. (Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. Equity No. 38189.) 4e. St. Louis Union Trust Co. v. Missouri & North Arkansas Railroad Co. (II, R. L. B., 623.) K The receiver appointed by the court to operate the Missouri & North Arkansas Railroad Co. filed a petition asking for advice relative to con- tinuing the scale of wages fixed by direction of the United States Rail- road Labor Board in its Decision No. 2, effective May 1, 1920. A statement was filed showing that the carrier has been operating at a loss both be- fore and since the receivership, and that money could no longer be borrowed on receiver's certificates. The court held that, under these circumstances, the wages of employees may be reduced below the scale fixed by the Labor Board without subjecting the carrier to the penalty provided by section 312 of the transportation act, 1920. (Ünited States District Court, Eastern Division of Arkansas. 270 F. 796.) 5e. Birmingham Trust & Savings Co. v. Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Rail- way Co. (II, R. L. B., 625.) The Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railway, operated by a receiver appointed by the court, claimed that the operating revenues were insuf- ficient to pay operating expenses and meet future pay rolls, and that only by reducing the wages and salaries could the receiver escape suspension of operation. The court authorized the receiver to reduce wages and salaries, and the question arose as to the jurisdiction of the United States Railroad Labor Board with respect to wages. The court held that while the Labor Board has jurisdiction over wages of receiver's employees, the court has jurisdiction to determine whether receiver can pay current wages, and that the carrier can not be compelled to operate at a continuous loss. (United States District Court, Northern Division of Georgia. 271 F. 731.) 6e. Birmingham Trust & Savings Co. v. Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Rail- way Co. (II, R. L. B., 634.) A strike vote was taken on the Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Rail- way prior to the time the railroad went into the hands of a receiver, and involved only a demand for decision by the United States Railroad Labor DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 343 1 When a re- Board, which it had held itself without authority to make. duction in wages was made effective a strike was called. The court held that the refusal to work further, when summoned by the receiver, no matter what the reason or justification, terminated the employ and forfeited the standing of the employees with respect to their right to be heard at the hearing to fix wages. Upon the question of the wages to be paid in the future, the standard set by the Labor Board is to be taken as pre- sumptively correct, and to be disturbed only so far as the condition of the railroad demands. (United States District Court, Northern Division of Georgia. 271 F. 743.) 7e. Pennsylvania Railroad Co. v. United States Railroad Labor Board et al. (IV, R. L. B., ———.) " Suit brought by the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. to enjoin the Railroad Labor Board from functioning as a board and from exercising the asserted right to control the method of selection of employees' representatives, the carrier contending the transportation act, 1920, gives the board no right, on ex-parte submission or on its own motion, to proceed under the pro- visions of said act. The court held that the act providing for a Federal Labor Board is valid, but that such Board is only authorized to hear dis- putes on failure of conferees to agree and joint reference by the parties; that the Board is without power to intervene in a proceeding prior to such reference; that no authority is given the Board to direct or control the method of selecting employees' representatives; that decisions of the Board on matters not jointly submitted are advisory only. (United States District Court, Northern District of Illinois. 282 F. 693.) 8e. State of Texas v. Interstate Commerce Commission et al. (IV, R. L. B., -.) Bill filed by the State of Texas attacking the constitutionality of Titles III and IV of the transportation act, 1920, as infringing upon the rights of the States, seeking an annulment of all action taken thereunder affect- ing railroad carriers in Texas, and enjoining defendants from further action respecting such carriers. The court held that the claim that Titles III and IV of the transportation act infringe upon State rights is un- tenable, since it is only where rights in themselves appropriate subjects of judicial cognizance are affected prejudicially by a statute that its validity may be called in question; that the carriers and employees are necessary parties to a bill to vacate decisions of the Railroad Labor Board, and that the fact that necessary parties can not be joined because of their citizen- ship does not justify proceeding without them. (United States Supreme Court. 258 U. S. 158, 42 Sup. Ct. 261:) 9e. United States Railroad Labor Board v. Pennsylvania Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., Appeal by the Railroad Labor Board from a deeree of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois enjoining the Board from proceeding under the provisions of the transportation act, 1920, to the determination of a dispute concerning rules and working conditions unless there has been a joint submission of dispute and from making publi- cation of any decision as to matters submitted contrary to injunctive order issued by the lower court. The court held that after conference and failure to agree disputes may be submitted to the Labor Board by either party; that when jurisdiction of the board is denied by the carrier on the ground of settlement of dispute between the parties, the employees denying the representation of those purporting to act in such capacity, such matter is for determination by the Board; that the Board may prescribe rules for electing representatives of employees to settle dispute. (U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit. 282 F. 701.) 10e. Rhodes v. New Orleans Great Northern Railroad Co. (IV, R. L. B., .) Appeal from decision of the lower court in which appellant was denied the right to recover wages claimed to be due under decisions of the United States Railroad Labor Board, the carrier taking the position, among others, that the transportation act, 1920, is unconstitutional, that is does not im- 344 CUMULATIVE. INDEX-DIGEST.. pose any penalty upon or authorize any suit. against a carrier for fail-- ure to obey any order of said. Board, and confers no jurisdiction, power or authority on any court to render judgment enforcing an order of the Board. The court held that the provisions of the tranportation act, 1920, giving power to the Railroad Labor Board, under conditions provided, to fix wages of employees of carriers, are valid, that findings of the Board have the effect of an arbitration or award and are enforcible in the State courts as any other money obligation or contractual right. (Supreme Court of the State of Mississippi, 91 Se: 281.) 11e. Great Northern Railway Co. v. Local Great Falls Lodge of International Association of Machinists, No. 187, et al. (IV, R. L. B., -) A hearing upon plaintiff's application to restrain, pending suit, alleged activities of labor union defendants. it being charged that the defendants in their refusal to abide by the Railroad Labor Board's wage scale" strike against the United States." The court held that functions and orders of the Board, under the transportation. aet, 1920, are advisory only. (Dis- trict Court of Montana,. 283 F. 557.) 12e. Portland Terminal Co. v. Foss et al. (IV, R. L. Ba, Motion for injunction continuing in force restraining order previously granted, which involves consideration of the rights and duties of the parties under the transportation act, 1920. Complainant and its employees in station service entered into a contract to be effective until "changed under the provisions of the transportation act, 1920." A dispute having arisen which was not settled in conference was submitted by the parties to the United States Railroad Labor Board, but pending decision by the board, defendants who were officers of employees' organization, proceeded to take a strike vote, which resulted in favor of a strike. The court held that the right to resort to a strike to settle the dispute was waived by the contract accepting the provisions of the transportation act, and that on a showing that a strike would interrupt operation of the carrier and cause irreparable injury complainant is entitled to an injunction restraining defendants from ordering strike. (District Court of Maine, Southern District, 283 F. 204.) 13e. Panhandle & Santa Fe Railway Co. v. Curtis. (IV, R. L. B., Appeal by carrier from decision of the lower court sustaining action for damages against it. because of alleged breach of contract to employ ap- pellee as a machinist in its railway shops, the carrier contending,, among other things, that the employee had failed to seek his remedy before the United States Railroad Labor Board, which was a condition precendent to the right to sue in the courts. The court held that the transportation act, 1920, does not take away the right of an individual employee to, first re- sort to the courts to adjudicate his rights. (Court of Civil Appeals of Texas, 245 S. W. 781.) 14e. Pennsylvania Railroad Co. v. United States Railroad Labor Board. (IV, R. L. B., • Suit brought up on appeal by the Pennsylvania Railroad Co: against the United States Railroad Labor Board praying an injunction against alleged unlawful proceedings under the transportation act, 1920, in as- suming jurisdiction of dispute between the carrier and its employees with reference to method of selecting employees' representatives and against threatened official. publication that the carrier has violated the board's decisions under the act. The court held that. one of the specific powers conferred upon the board by the transportation act is to make regulations necessary for the efficient execution of the functions vested in. it by the act, which must include authority to determine who are proper representatives of the employees and to make reasonable rules for ascertaining the will of the employees in the matter; that the board is within its rights in publish- ing its decision. (United States Supreme Court, 261 U. S. 72,, 43 Sup. Ct. 278.), DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND REGULATIONS. 345 F. DIGEST OF INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION REG- ULATIONS. [NOTE.-Each paragraph is numbered consecutively for the purpose of making an index reference; numbers so used have no relation to any other numbers used in con- nection with the commission's regulations. The reference "(I, R. L. B., 116)" follow- ing the subcaption "If. Regulations governing nomination's to Labor Board," indi- cates Vol. I, Railroad Labor Board Decisions, p. 116; } 1f. Regulations Governing Nominations to Labor Board. (1, R. L. B., 116.) The Interstate Commerce Commission is required by the transportation act, 1920, to prescribe regulations for offering nominations to the Presi- dent for appointment of members to the Labor Board. Regulations were therefore issued authorizing Groups 1, 2, and 3, composed of certain speci- fied labor organizations, to offer nominations for the labor group members representing the employees; and also authorizing one group, composed of the Association of Railway Executives, to offer nominations for the man- agement group members representing the carriers. (I. C. C. Regulations dated March 8, 1920.) 2f. Regulations Defining "Subordinate Officials." (I, R. L. B., 118.) The Interstate Commerce Commission, under authority vested in it by the transportation act, 1920, held public hearings for the purpose of deter- mining what groups of employees of carriers shall be included within the term. "subordinate officials" as that term is used in the above-mentioned act. Regulations were therefore issued defining the following groups of employees to be included within the term "subordinate officials"; Claim agents, engineers of mechanics, foremen, supervisors of signals, yard- masters, train dispatchers, and storekeepers; each group includes certain specified classes of employees. (I. C. C. Regulations dated March 23, 1920.) 3f. Supplement to Regulations Governing Nominations. to Labor Board. (I, R. L. B., 119.) Under date of March 8, 1920, the Interstate Commerce Commission pre- scribed, under authority vested in it by the transportation act, 1920, three groups of organizations of employees who were authorized to offer nomina- tions for appointment of members of the labor group to the Labor Board. Those regulations are now supplemented by adding a fourth group, com- posed of certain additional specified labor organizations. (I. C. C. Regula- tions dated March 23, 1920.) 4f. Regulations Governing Nominations to Labor Board. (I, R. L. B., 122.) The Interstate Commerce Commission, under authority vested in it by the transportation act, 1920, heretofore issued certain regulations govern- ing the offering of nominations for appointment of members of the Labor Board. The commission ordered that all previous regulations be super- seded, and issued new regulations governing the making of nominations. Groups 1, 2, and 3, composed of specified labor organizations, grouped with respect to the more or less analogous character of the services performed, and Group 4, composed of specified labor organizations representing "sub- ordinate officials" and such employees who may not be members of the organizations named in Groups 1, 2, and 3, are authorized to offer nomi- nations for the labor group members representing the employees. The Association of Railway Executives is authorized to offer nominations for the management group members representing the carriers. (I. C. C. Regu- lations dated November 1, 1920.) 5f. Regulations Defining “Subordinate Officials." (I, R. L. B., 125.) The Interstate Commerce Commission, under authority vested in it by the transportation act, 1920, heretofore issued certain regulations desig- nating the groups of employees that are to be included within the term "subordinate officials," as that term is used under Title III of the trans- 346 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. portation act, 1920. The commission ordered that the regulations of March 23. 1920, be superseded, and issued new regulations defining the groups of employees to be included within the term "subordinate offi- cials as follows: Auditors, claim agents, foremen, supervisors and road- masters, train dispatchers, technical engineers, yardmasters, and store- keepers. Each group includes certain specified classes of employees. (I. C. C. Regulations dated November 1, 1920.) 6f. Regulations Defining "Subordinate Officials." (I, R. L. B., 126.) The Interstate Commerce Commission issued certain regulations under date of March '23, 1920, and November 1, 1920, designating the groups of employees of carriers to be included within the term "subordinate' offi- cials as that term is used in the transportation act, 1920. In order to correct typographical error, further notifications were found necessary and it was therefore ordered that the regulations of March 23, 1920, and No- vember 1, 1920, be set aside and that the following groups of employees be included within the term "subordinate officials": Auditors, claim agents; foremen, supervisors and roadmasters, train dispatchers, technical engi- neers, yardmasters, and storekeepers; each group includes certain specified classes of employees. (I. C. C. Regulations dated November 24, 1920.) 7f. Regulations Governing Nominations to Labor Board. (II, R. L. B., 637.) The Interstate Commerce Commission, under authority vested in it by the transportation act, 1920, heretofore issued certain regulations govern- ing the offering of nominations for appointment of members of the Labor Board. The commission ordered that all previous regulations be super- seded, and issued new regulations governing the making of nominations. The only modification of previous regulations relates to Group 4. One organization is added to this group and the following proviso eliminated: "Provided they agree among themselves upon nominees jointly repre- sentative of any of the organizations in this group." (I. C. C. Regula- tions dated April 16, 1921.) PART III CUMULATIVE LIST OF PARTIES TO DISPUTES (TO JULY 1, 1923) 50960°-2423 矿 ​347 CUMULATIVE LIST OF PARTIES TO DISPUTES. A. CARRIERS. [NOTE-Addenda to decisions are listed only in connection with the carrier or carriers affected. Decisions and addenda which have interpretations rendered thereon are indi- cated by the use of an asterisk.] A. Abilene & Southern Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119, Decisions Nos. *2, 15, *119, 1558. Ahnapee & Western Railway: Addenda Nos. 3-222, 6-222. Decisions Nos. *222, 1621. Akron, Canton & Youngstown Railway Co.: Decision No. 108. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 4-222, 6-222, 1-501, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *721, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1267, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1698, *1830. Alabama Great Southern Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 2-1074. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, *721, 1036, 1074, 1538, 1558, *1830. Alton & Southern Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-2, 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *119, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1559. American Railway Express Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, 3, 12, 13, 14, 112, *119, 127, 134, 151, 177, 178, 184, 187, 189, 217, 240, 270, 276, 281, 282, 283, 287, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 304, 305, 360, 361, 362, 363, 369, 370, 371, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 624, 627, 628, 636, 637, 638, 652, 653, 654, 655, 656, 659, 661, 662, 664, 665, 666, 667, 668, 669, 670, 671, 672, 673, 677, 678, 679, 680, 681, 683, 685, 686, 687, 688, 689, 690, 691, 697, 698, 699, 700, 701, 702, 703, 704, 722, 727, 728, 736, 784, 817, 842, 843, 845, 846, 856, 857, 858, 864, 880, 881, 900, 904, 905, 906, 907, 909, 917, 932, 933, 934, 939, 959, 1031, 1034, 1035, 1044, 1090, 1157 1159, 1191, 1198, 1246, 1337, 1338, 1368, 1470, 1473, 1480, 1626, 1705, 1706, 1707, 1710, 1739, 1740, 1744, 1748, 1754, 1758, 1781, 1805, 1806, 1807, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1857, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1868. American Refrigerator Transit Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 211. Ann Arbor Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6–222. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, 299, 338, 587, 1036, 1072, 1074, 1264, *1450, 1558, 1559 1560, 1574, 1609. 349 350 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Apalachicola Northern Railroad Co.: Decision No. 108. Arizona & New Mexico Railway Co.: Decision No. 108. Arizona Eastern Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 456, 1553, 1558. Arkansas & Memphis Railway Bridge & Terminal Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 1–1028. Decision No. 1028. Arkansas Western Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *147, 1028, 1036,.1074, *1450, 1559, 1560, 1698, *1830, 1861. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway System: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1-222, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028, 1-1074. Decisions Nos. *2, 20, *119, *147, 373, 404, *501, 540, 599, *630, *707, *721, 725, 757, 763, 769, 808, 818, 867, 873, 887, 912, 913, 914, 915, 1005, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1092, 1143, 1149, 1168, 1193, 1202, 1221, 1242, 1267, 1356, 1366, *1450, 1494, 1507, 1508, 1538, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1621, 1698, 1768, 1788, 1800, 1803, 1810, *1830, 1831, 1855. Atlanta & St. Andrews Bay Railway: Decision No. 108. Atlanta & West Point Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6–222. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, 1036, 1558, 1559, 1560. Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, 89, *119, 121, 1558. Atlanta Joint Terminals: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, 1036, 1074, 1558. Atlanta Terminal: Addenda Nos. 1–147, 2-147. Atlantic & St. Lawrence Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Atlantic & Yadkin Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028, 2–1074. Decisions Nos. *222, *721, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1538, *1830. Atlantic City Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1–119, *2–119, 1–147, 2–147, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1698. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147 3–222, 6–222, 1–1538. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, 225, 660, 684, *707, 761, 762, 835, 863, 884, 1036, 1074, 1086, 1184, 1330, 1348, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1621, 1698. Atlantic Land & Improvement Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. B. Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Terminal Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3–222, 6–222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, *501, *630, *707, 726, 830, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1266, 1411, 1538, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1698, 1699. PARTIES TO DISPUTES. 351 N Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-501, 1-1028, 1-1448, 1–1823, 1–1825. Decisions Nos. *2, 4, *119, *147, *222, *630, 682, 705, *707, 709, *721, 725, 740, 760, 789, 790, 796, 816, 870, 872, 937, 955, 1028, 1036, 1040, 1041, 1042, 1046, 1074, 1087, 1088, 1089, 1151, 1251, 1267, 1343, 1373, 1424, *1450, 1489, 1490, 1538, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1637, 1698, 1755, 1809, 1823, 1825, *1830. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co.-New York Terminals: Decision No. *630. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co.-Toledo Division: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2–147. Baltimore & Sparrows Point Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119. *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2 *119, 1558. Baltimore, Chesapeake & Atlantic Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *721, 1558. Bangor & Aroostook Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028, 4-1028. Decisions Nos. 5, *119, *147, 207, *222, 498, *501, *630, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1257, 1267, *1450, 1554. Barnegat Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Barre & Chelsea Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558. Bath & Hammondsport Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Beaumont, Sour Lake & Western Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *721, 726, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1698. Beaumont Wharf & Terminal Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1-222, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1698. Bellingham & Northern Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Belt Railway Company of Chicago: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 2-1074. Decisions Nos. *147, *222, 500, *501, *707, 1036, 1074, 1560, 1647, 1698. Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, 234, *721, 1000, 1554, 1558. Big Fork & International Falls Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6–222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, *501, *721, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1698. Birmingham Belt Railroad Co.: Addendum No. 1-147. Birmingham Terminal Co.: Decision No. 1196, 1538. 352 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Blue Ridge Railway Co.: Decision No. 108. Boston & Albany Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3–222, 6–222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, *757, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1179, 1180, 1238, 1258, 1538, 1558, 1559, 1621, 1698, 1853, 1861, 1870. Boston & Maine Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147, 3-222, 6-222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, 42, 45, 70, *119, *147, *222, 344, 426, *501, 544, 549, *630, 651, 726, 757, 765, 770, 802, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1108, 1121, 1144, 1192, 1267, 1275, 1276, 1349, *1450, 1499, 1558, 1560, 1621, 1698, 1713, 1714, 1715, 1720, 1721, 1861. Boston Terminal Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 529, 1558, 1698, 1815, 1861. Boyne City, Gaylord & Alpena Railroad Co.: Decision No. 108. Brandon, Saskatchewan & Hudson Bay Railway: Addendum No. 1-147. Brooklyn Eastern. District Terminal: Decisions Nos. 108, 150. Brownwood North & South Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *501, *630, 1558. Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad Corporation: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119, 1–147, 2-147, 3–222, 6–222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, 826, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1396, 1415, 1558, 1559, 1698. Buffalo Creek Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-501, 1-1028, 1-1074. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 210, *222, 335, 336, 337, 412, 523 *707, *721, 757, 809, 896, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1160, 1267, 1350, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1645, 1698, 1735. Butte, Anaconda & Pacific Railway Co.: Decisions Nos. 108, 1395. Butler County Railroad Co.: Decisions Nos. 109, 224. Camas Prairie Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Canadian Pacific Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Cape Charles Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. C. PARTIES TO DISPUTES. 353 Carolina, Clinchfield & Ohio Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, 757, 1036, 1558, 1559, 1698. Carolina, Clinchfield & Ohio Railway of South Carolina: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, 757, 1036, 1558, 1559, 1698. Carolina & North Western Railway: Decision No. 108. Catasauqua & Fogelsville Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1698. Central Elevator & Warehouse Co.: Decision No. 1717. Central Indiana Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *222, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1554. Central Inspection & Weighing Bureau: Decision No. 1662. Central New England Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 4-222, 6-222, 1-1028, 3-1267. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 426, *630, *707, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1538, 1558, 1559, 1621, 1668, 1698, 1832. Central New York Southern Railroad Corporation: Decision No. 108. Central of Georgia Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3-222, 4-222, 6-222. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 196, *222, 1036, 1074, 1538, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1698. Central Railroad Company of New Jersey: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 4-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028, 2-1074. Decisions Nos. *2, 4, *119, *147, *222, 397, 519, 579, 589, 646, *707, 805, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1339, *1450, 1538, 1558, 1698. Central Union Depot & Railway Company of Cincinnati: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *147, *630, 757, 1135, 1698. Central Vermont Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 8-222, 2-757, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 994, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1698. Central Vermont Transit Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Champlain & St. Lawrence Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Charleston & Western Carolina Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, *721, 757, 1036, 1060, 1074, 1558, 1559, 1698 Charleston Union Station Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. 1036, 1074. Charlotte Harbor & Northern Railway: Decision No. 108. 354 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Charlotte, Monroe & Columbia Railroad: Decision No. 108. Chattanooga Station Co.: Decisions Nos. 1538, 1804. Chesapeake & Ohio Northern Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Decision No. *147. Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 3–630, 1–1028, 1-1074. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, 332, *501, *707, 757, 902, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1346, *1450, 1538, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1698, 1801, 1815, 1870. Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co. of Indiana: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028, 1-1074. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, *501, *630, *707, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1698. Chester & Delaware River Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1698. Chesterfield & Lancaster Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Chicago & Alton Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1–119, *2–119, 1–147, 2–147, 3–222, 6–222, 1–1028, 2–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, 113, *119, *147, *222, *501, 629, *630, 714, *721, 795, 830, 908, 1066, 1254, 1369, *1450, 1476, 1554, 1558. Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-501, 1-1028, 1-1448. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 129, *147, 154, *222, 331, 494, *630, *721, 757, 758, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1277 1412 1437, 1439, 1442, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1621, 1698, 1815. Chicago & Erie Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6–222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, *501, *707, 1028, 1074, -1558, 1559, 1560, 1698. Chicago & Illinois Midland Railway Co.: Decisions Nos. 108, 1737. Chicago & North Western Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, 110, 115, 116, 119, 128, *147, 183, 195, *222, 232, 235, 236, 237, 250, 272, 273, *501, 522, 524, 539, *630, 631, 650, 676, *707, 710, 713, 716, *721, 725, 743, 744, 745, 746, 747, 748, 749, 750, 751, 752, 753, 754 755, 757, 778, 806, 898, 899, 951, 975, 1013, 1014, 1028, 1034, 1036, 1058, 1074 1098, 1102, 1139, 1150, 1153, 1171, 1173, 1197, 1203, 1215, 1355, 1434, 1435, 1438, *1450, 1469, 1481, 1485, 1538, 1541, 1558, 1559, 1579, 1582, 1621, 1628, 1648, 1651, 1655, 1689, 1738, 1745, 1763, 1769, 1815, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1849, 1850, 1870. Chicago & Western Indiana Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6–222. Decisions Nos. *147, *222, *630, 1036, 1449, 1538, 1560, 1621, 1698. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3–222, 6–222, 1-501, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 152, 155, *222, *630, *707, 725, 757, 793, 801, 861, 862, 868, 869, 956, 974, 984, 1006, 1028, 1029, 1036, 1074, 1101, *1450, 1538, 1558, 1602, 1603, 1679, 1698, 1735, 1815. PARTIES TO DISPUTES. 355 Chicago, Detroit & Canada Grand Trunk Junction Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2–147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Chicago Great Western Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, 2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 206, 221, 222, 223, *501, *707, *721, 725, 963. 1028, 1036, 1074, 1075, 1076, 1077, 1225, 1226, 1394, 1432, *1450, 1538, 1558, 1559, 1621, 1698, *1830, 1861. Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3–222, 6–222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, 118, 119, *147, *222, *501, 607, *630, 649, *707, *721, 757, 771, 979, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1164, 1182, 1342, *1450, 1527, 1528, 1538, 1554, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1621, 1698, *1830, 1856, 1861. Chicago Junction Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-630, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *147, *222, *501, 1012, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1559, 1560, 1698, 1785, 1843. Chicago, Kalamazoo & Saginaw Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 3-222, 4-222, 6-222, 1-501, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *630, 757, 1028, 1074, 1558. Chicago, Lake Shore & South Bend Railway: Decision No. 33. Chicago, Memphis & Gulf Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3–222, 6–222, 1–501. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, 477, *707, 757, 1558, 1870. Chicago, Milwaukee & Gary Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 2-2, 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1-501. Decisions Nos. *119, 630, *721, 757. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-501, 1-1028, 2-1074. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, 274, 364, 387, 396, 468, 469, 470, 475, 489, 538, 563, 573, 612, 623, 625, 626, *630, 635, 639, *707, 725, 757, 767, 775, 850, 1023, 1025, 1028, 1036, 1043, 1064, 1074, 1222, 1223, 1333, 1334, 1335, 1336, *1450, 1538, 1558, 1592, 1621, 1623, 1667, 1678, 1679, 1698, 1735, 1815, 1870. Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028, 2-1267. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, *501, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1554, 1558, 1698, 1815. Chicago River & Indiana Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3–222, 6-222, 1–630, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *147, *222, *501, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1559, 1560, 1843. Chicago, Rock Island & Gulf Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6–222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, *501, 545, *630, *721, 757, 995, 1028, 1036, 1038, 1074, *1450, 1538, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1576, 1698, 1815, *1830. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147, 3–222, 6–222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, 343, 374, 405, 419, *501, 545, 591, *630, 641, *721, 757, 781, 871, 995, 1026, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1122, 1158, 1194, 1256, *1450, 1538, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1576, 1610, 1611, 1679, 1694, 1698, 1815, *1830, 1870. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028, 1–1824. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, 493, 495, *501, 525, *630, *721, 725, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1185, 1244, *1450, 1451, 1452, 1551, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1621, 1824, *1830, 1861. 356 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Chicago, Terre Haute & Southeastern Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 326, 327, 490, 1558. Chicago, West Pullman & Southern Railroad Co.: Decision No. 1564. Cincinnati, Burnside & Cumberland River Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1–119, *2–119, 1–147, 2–147, 2–1074. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1074, 1538,-1558. Cincinnati, Indianapolis & Western Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119. *147, 244, 334, 825, 885, 1011, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1224, 1262, 1263, 1416, 1554, 1558, 1698, 1861. Cincinnati, Lebanon & Northern Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119. *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 2-1074. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, *721, 1036, 1074. 1538, 1558, *1830. Cincinnati Northern Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3–222, 6–222, 3–757, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119,. *147, *222, *501, *630, *721, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1145, 1238, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1621, 1698. Cincinnati, Saginaw & Mackinaw Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 124, 143, *147, 201, *222, 226, 249, 257, 353, *501, 605, *630, *707, *721, 725, 757, 1004, 1028, 1036, 1049, 1074, 1119, 1146, 1156, 1167, 1238, 1243, 1259, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1614, 1621, 1698, 1735. Coal & Cokė Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1–119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 1558. Coal Belt Electric Railway: Decision No. 1559. Coast Lines: Decision No. 757. Colorado & Southern Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, 50, *119, 144, *222, 484, *501, 508, 575, *630, 644, 717, *721, 726, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1321, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1621, 1687, 1698, 1700, 1735, 1869. Colorado & Wyoming Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Columbus & Greenville Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222. Decisions Nos. *222, *501. Connecting Terminal Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Copper Range Railroad Co.: Decisions Nos. 108, 1690. PARTIES TO DISPUTES. 357 Cornwall Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Crow's Nest Southern Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Cumberland & Pennsylvania Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-501, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, *721, 757, 1028, 1036, 1558, 1559, 1698. Cumberland Valley Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119. Cumberland Valley & Martinsburg Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Decision No. 1558. Cupples Station, (St. Louis, Mo.): Decision No. *630. D. Danville & Western Railroad: Decision No. 108. Davenport, Rock Island & Northwestern Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1–119, *2–119, 1–147, 2–147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Dayton, Toledo & Chicago Railway: Decision No. 108. Dayton Union Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Delaware & Hudson Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-501, 1-757, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, *707, 780, 901, 931, 1027, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1538, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1698. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2,-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028, 1–1821. Decisions Nos. *2, 4, 8, 92, 117, *119, 136, 137, 138, 139, *147, 198, *222, 254, 351, 352, 406 *501, 518, 588, *630, *707, 725, 757, 807, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1107, 1109, 1129 1269, 1279, *1450, 1500, 1547, 1558, 1559, 1591, 1639, 1821, 1861. Delaware River Ferry Company of New Jersey: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Decision No. *147. Dennison & Pacific Suburban Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2,-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Denver & Interurban Railroad: Decision No. 33. Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad System: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028, 2–1074. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, 329, *501, 559, 564, 595, *630, *721, 729, 814, 848, 882, 965, 991, 1028, 1036, 1059, 1074, 1206, 1310, 1389, *1450, 1558, 1575, 1601, 1621, 1641, 1698, 1726, 1787, 1811, *1830, 1858, 1861. 358 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Denver & Salt Lake Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 2–501. Decisions Nos. *2, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 52, 85, *119, *147, 148, *721, 971, 972, 1447, 1558, 1704. Denver Union Terminal Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 2-147, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. 302, *501, *630, *707, 1028, 1074, *1450, 1621, 1698, 1774. Detroit & Mackinac Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 10–222. Decisions Nos. 214, 258, 1117. Detroit & Toledo Shore Line Railroad Co.: Decisions Nos. 422, 1057. Detroit, Bay City & Western Railroad Co.: Decisions Nos. 108, *721. Detroit, Grand Haven & Milwaukee Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Detroit Terminal Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Decision No. *147. Detroit, Toledo & Ironton Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Direct Navigation Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *147, 1074. Duluth & Iron Range Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 13-222, 3-501. Duluth & Northern Minnesota Railway: Decision No. 108. Duluth & Superior Bridge Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2–147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Duluth, Missable & Northern Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 13–222, 3–501. Decisions Nos. 145, 146, *721, 926, 927, 1670. Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2–147, 3–222, 6–222, 1–1028, 2–1074. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147. *222, *501, *630, *721, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1621, 1698, *1830, 1870. Duluth Terminal Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Dunleith & Dubuque Bridge Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *707, 1558. East & West Coast Railway: Decisions Nos. 108, 1686. East Broad Top Railroad & Coal Co.: Decision No. 108. E. PARTIES TO DISPUTES. 359 East St. Louis Connecting Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. 1028, 1036, 1074. East Tennessee & Western North Carolina Railroad: Decision No. 108. Eastern Texas Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 757, 1558. Electric Short Line Railway: Decision No. 229. Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-501. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, *707, 757, 1558. El Paso & Juarez Railway, Joint Car Association of: Decision No. 708. El Paso & Northeastern Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147 2-147. Decision No. *147. El Paso & Southwestern System: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 5-222, 6-222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 125, *147, 238, 242, 245, 359, 485, 486, *501, 609, *630, *721, 726, 851, 859, 860, 1009, 1028, 1074, 1237, 1320, 1327, 1328, *1450, 1538, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1698, 1808, 1839. El Paso & Southwestern Railroad Company of Texas: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *147, 1559, 1560. El Paso Union Passenger Depot: Decision No. *630. Erie & Michigan Railway & Navigation Co.: Decision No. 108. Erie Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, 4, 91, *119, *147, 190, 197, *222, 472, *501, 553, *630, *707, *721, 1028, 1074, 1084, 1137, 1140, 1141, 1188, 1210, 1214, 1218, 1219, 1241, 1286, 1287, 1329, 1331, 1332, 1359, 1362, *1450, 1498, 1502, 1526, 1538, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1566, 1631, 1632, 1698, 1708, 1727, 1746, 1773, 1784, 1867. Evansville, Indianapolis & Terre Haute Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3-757, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *147, *501, *721, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1559, 1698. F. Farmers Grain & Shipping Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, 2-119, 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Florida Central & Gulf Railway: Decision No. 108. Florida East Coast Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-501, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, 503, 757, 1028, 1036, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1698. Fort Dodge, Des Moines & Southern Railroad Co.: Decision No. 33. 360 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Fort Smith & Western Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3–222, 6-222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. 108, 181, 215, *222, 584, 598, *#721, 1028, 1036, 1416, 1418, *1450, 1560, 1698, 1861. Fort Smith, Subiaco & Rock Island Railroad Co.: Decision No. 108. Fort Street Union Depot Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028, 1-1036. Decisions Nos. *501, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1260. Fort Wayne, Cincinnati & Louisville Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *147, *222, *501, *630, *707, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1621, 1698. Fort Worth & Denver City Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1-222, 3-222, 6-222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *501, 590, 592, *630, *721, 757, 911, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1187, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1621, 1633, 1642, 1698, 1701, 1757, 1802, *1830. Fort Worth & Rio Grande Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *501, *630, 1558, Fort Worth Belt Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1–119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *501, 1558. G. Gainesville Midland Railway: Decision No. 108. Gallatin Valley Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Galveston, Harrisburg & San Antonio Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147, 3–222, 4-222, 6-222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *707, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1401, 1554, 1558, 1698. Galveston Wharf Co.: Addenda Nos. 3-2, 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 12-222, 2-1028, 2-1036, 2–1074. Decisions Nos. *119, *630. Georgia & Florida Railway: Decision No. 108. Georgia, Florida & Alabama Railway Co.: ༣ Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028, 3-1028, 5-1267. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, *1450, 1558. Georgia Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1-222, 3–222, 6–222. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, 921, 1036, 1085, 1558, 1560, 1698. Georgia, Southern & Florida Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147, 3-222, 6–222, 2–1074. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, *721, 1036, 1074, 1538, 1558, *1830. Gettysburg & Harrisburg Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1698. PARTIES TO DISPUTES. 361 Gilmore & Pittsburgh Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Grand Canyon Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147, 1–1028, 1–1074. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *501, *630, *707, *721, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1267, *1450, 1538, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1621, 1698, *1830. Grand Rapids & Indiana Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2–147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Grand Trunk Railway System (Lines in United States): Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-501, 1-1028, 1-1448. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, 421, *630, *721, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1534, 1558, 1559 1698, 1815. Grand Trunk Western Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Great Falls & Peton County Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Great Northern Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147, 3-222, 6-222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, 54, *119, *147, *222, 410, *501, 586, 718, *721, 725, 968, 977, 1028, 1036 1074, 1213, 1249, 1265, 1421, 1422, 1423, *1450, 1456, 1475, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1586, 1599, 1613, 1621, 1646, 1653, 1676, 1679, 1696, 1698, 1736, 1772, 1798, *1830. Great Northern Terminal Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Green Bay & Western Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 3-222, 6-222, 3–1036. Decisions Nos. 108, *222, 1123, 1621, 1861, 1870. Greenwich & Johnsonville Railway Co.: Decision No. 108. Gulf & Ship Island Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 460, 463, 464, 572, 606, 844, 855, 1028, 1036, 1040, 1420, 1554, 1558, 1698, 1870. Gulf Coast Lines: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 3-147, 3-222, 4-222, 6-222, 1-1028, 1-1036. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 399, 403, *501, *721, 725, 726, 757, 833, 925, 930, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1345, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1570, 1605, 1698, 1815, *1830, 1838 Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 1–222, 3–222, 6-222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 280, *501, *630, *707, *721, 757, 839, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1267, 1372, *1450, 1478, 1497, 1538, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1621, 1698, 1771, *1830. Gulf, Florida & Alabama Railway: Decision No. 108. Gulf, Mobile & Northern Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 3–222, 6-222, 2-1036, 2–1074. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, *630, 757, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1698. Gulf Terminal Co.: Addendum No. 2-1074. Decision No. 1074. 362 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST: H. Hannibal Connecting Railroad Co.: Decision No. 1537. Hannibal Union Depot Co.: Decision No. 171. Harriman & Northeastern Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3–222, 6–222, 2–1074. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, *721, 1036, 1074, 1538, 1558, *1830. Hawkinsville & Florida Southern Railway: Decision No. 108. High Point, Randleman, Asheboro & Southern Railroad: Decision No. 108. Hocking Valley Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1–119, *2–119, 1–147, 2-147, 4–147, 3–222, 6–222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, 41, *119, *147, *222, *501, 543, *630, 720, *721, 757, 816, 890, 895, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1558, 1637, 1698, 1809, *1830, 1837, 1851. Houston & Brazos Valley Railway: Decision No. 108. Houston & Shreveport Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3–222, 4–222, 6–222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *707, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1554, 1558, 1698. Houston & Texas Central Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 4-222, 6–222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 497, *707, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1312, 1402, 1554, 1558, 1698, 1847. Houston Belt & Terminal Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 3-222, 4-222, 6-222, 1-1028, 1-1036. Decisions Nos. *147, *501, *707, 725, 726, 757, 1074, *1450, 1559, 1560, 1698, 1815, 1838. Houston, East & West Texas Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 4-222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *707, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1554, 1558, 1698, 1847. Hudson & Manhattan Railroad: Decision No. 33. Huntingdon & Broad Top Mountain Railroad & Coal Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. I. Iberia & Vermillion Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 4-222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *707, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1554, 1558, 1698.. Illinois Central Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147; 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-501. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, 307, 457, 461, 477, 547, 548, 604, *630, *707, *721, 725, 757, 777, 865, 888, 1036, 1074, 1174, 1408, *1450, 1538, 1558 1621, 1679 1697, 1698, 1810, 1815, 1870. Illinois Terminal Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 259, 1003, 1028, 1050, 1051, 1052, 1053, 1054, 1055, 1056, 1558. PARTIES TO DISPUTES. -363 Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 568, 581, 608, 982, 1028, 1074, 1079, 1235, 1238, 1370, 1558, 1559 1698. Indianapolis Union Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *147, 193, *222, *501, *630, *707, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1559, 1698, 1810. Indian Creek Valley Railway: Decision No. 108. International-Great Northern Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2–147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, 6, 7, 51, *119, *147, 179, *222, 496, *501, *721, 757, 782, 849, 1028 1036, 1074, 1130, 1177, 1274, 1309, 1426, 1427, 1428, 1429, 1430, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1567, 1621, 1680, 1698, *1830. Interstate Railroad Co.: Decisions Nos. 32, 108, 528, 886. Interurban Railway: Decision No. 33. J. Jacksonville Terminal: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147, 3–222, 6–222, 1–501. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 160, *222, *630, *707, 1065, 1538,-1558, 1560, 1638. Joplin Union Depot Co.: Decision No. 582. K. Kanawha & Michigan Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3–222, 6–222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, *721, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1238, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1698, *1830. Kanawha & West Virginia Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *721, 830, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1698, *1830. Kankakee & Seneca Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Kansas City, Clinton & Springfield Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 970, 1558. Kansas City, Mexico & Orient Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3–222, 6–222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, 230, *501, 602, *630, *721, 725, 757, 818, 1028. 1036, 1074, 1323, 1324, *1450, 1558, 1698. Kansas City, Mexico & Orient Railway Co. of Texas: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, *501, *630, *721, 725, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1558, 1698. Kansas City Southern Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3–222, 6–222, 1–501, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, 106, *119, *147, *222, 527, *721, 725, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1081, 1163, 1308, 1314, 1351, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1565, 1621, 1644, 1698, 1719, 1731, *1830, 1861. 50960°-24——————24 364 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Kansas City Terminal Railway Co.: 3 Addenda Nos. 1–147, 2–147, 1–222, 3–222, 6-222, 1-1028, 5–1267. Decisions Nos. *147, *501, 648, 725, 757, 854, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1538, 1559, 1560, 1621, 1698, 1826, 1861. Kansas, Oklahoma & Gulf Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3–222, 6–222, 1-1028, 2–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, *721, 1036, 1340, 1558, *1830, 1870. Kansas, Oklahoma & Gulf Railway Co. of Texas: Addenda Nos. 3-222, 6-222. Decisions Nos. *222, *721. Kansas Southwestern Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Kentucky & Indiana Terminal Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 2-1036. Decisions Nos. *222, *630, 1002, 1559. Keokuk Union Depot Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. 1074, 1698. Kewaunee, Green Bay & Western Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 3–222, 6–222. Decisions Nos. *222, 1621; L. Lackawanna & Montrose Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Lackawanna & Wyoming Valley Railroad: Decision No. 33. Lake Charles & Northern Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 1074, 1554, 1558, 1698. Lake Erie & Eastern Railroad Go.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *147, 998, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1229, 1559, 1698. Lake Erie & Fort Wayne Railroad Co.: Decision No. 1870. Lake Erie & Western Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, *501, *630, *707, 725, 998, 1028, 1036, 1045, 1074, 1238, *1450, 1538, 1558, 1559, 4621, 1698. Lake Erie, Franklin & Clarion Railroad: Decision No. 108. Lake Superior & Ishpeming Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Lehigh & Hudson River Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *501, *707. Lehigh & New England Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147, 3–222, 6-222, 1–1028, 4–1267. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, *501, 600, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1545, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1693. PARTIES TO DISPUTES. 36.5 Lehigh Valley Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1–119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3–222, 6–222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, 4, 9, *119, 133, *147, *222, *501, 569, *630, 642, -643, 696, *707, 732, 733, 734, 735, 757, 787, 799, 823, 853, 918, 936, 1010, 1015, 1028, 1030, 1036, 1074, 1166, 1175, 1273, 1347, 1445, *1450, 1501, 1538, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1621, 1698, 1709, 1716. Lewiston & Auburn Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1–119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Litchfield & Madison Railway Co.: Decisions Nos. 309, *721. Live Oak, Perry & Gulf Railroad: Decision No. 108. Long Island Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, 4, *119, *147, 219, 418, *501, *721, 757, 813, 1028, 1074, 1419, 1549, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1569, 1698. Lorain & West Virginia Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 13–222, 4-222, 6–222. Decisions Nos. *501, *630, 757, 962, 966, 1036, 1074, 1559, 1560, 1698. Lorain, Ashland & Southern Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558, 1810, 1815. Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3–222, '6–222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, 36, 43, 86, 104, 105, *119, *147, *222, 267, 275, 308, 487, *501, *630, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1289, 1290, 1291, *1450, 1558, 1559, *1830, 1835. Louisiana & Arkansas Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *721, 757, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1698, *1830, 1870. Louisiana & Pacific Railway Co.: Decision No. 108. Louisiana Railway & Navigation Co.: Decisions Nos. 108, 1870. Louisiana Southern Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 1–1028, 2–1028, 2–1036, 2–1074. Decisions Nos. 1008, 1554. Louisiana Western Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 4-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *707, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1554, 1558, 1698. Louisville & Jeffersonville Bridge & Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3-757, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *147, *501, *630, 725, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1559, 1621, 1698. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 9-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, 18, *119, 130, *147, 323, 324, 354, 365, 383, 481, *501, 504, *630, 647, *707, *721, 725, 757, 779, 785, 792, 834, 923, 928, 993, 999, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1100, 1300, 1301, 1371, *1450, 1538, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1578, 1580, 1587, 1588, 1590, 1643, 1764, *1830, 1861. Louisville Bridge & Terminal Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. 366 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Louisville, Henderson & St. Louis Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3–222, 6–222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, *501, 757, 961, 1028, 1036, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1571, 1861. Macon & Birmingham Railway: Decision No. 108. M. Macon, Dublin & Savannah Railroad Co.: Decisions Nos. 108, 1684. Maine Central Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147,-3-222, 6-222, 1–1028, 1–1267. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, 426, *501, *630, *721, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1093, 1413, 1431, *1450, 1454, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1621, 1698, 1735, 1815, *1830, 1861. Manistee & North Eastern Railroad Co.: Decision No. 108. Manistique & Lake Superior Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1559. Manitoba Great Northern Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Manufacturers' Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. -Maryland, Delaware & Virginia Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *721, 1558. Memphis, Dallas & Gulf Railroad: Decision No. 108. Memphis Union Station Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028, 2-1028, 2-1036, 2–1074. Decisions Nos. 1538, 1554, 1559, 1698. Meridian Terminal Co.: Decisions Nos. 1074, 1511. Michigan Air Line Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147; 2–147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Michigan Central Railroad Co.: Addena Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-757, 1-1028, 3-1266. Decisions Nos. *2, 88, *119, *147, 175, 208, *222, *501, 583, 594, 657, 658, *707, 764, 788, 804, 812, 829, 990, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1228, 1238, 1255, 1409, *1450, 1495, 1496 1538, 1558, 1559, 1589, 1621, 1698, 1793, 1794, 1795, 1796, 1797, 1810. Middletown & Hummelstown Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147,1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1698. Middletown & Unionville Railroad: 'Decision No. 108. Midland Railway Company of Manitoba: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Midland Terminal Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-222, 3-222, 6-222. Decision No. 108. PARTIES TO DISPUTES. 367 Midland Valley Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1-222, 3-222, 6-222, 1–1028, 2-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 126, *501, *721, 757, 891, 1036, *1450, 1558, 1861. Milwaukee Terminal Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Mineral Range Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, *501, *630, *721, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1621, 1698, *1830, 1870. Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, 357, *501, 597, 618, *630, *721, 725, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1280, 1285, *1450, 1529, 1530, 1531, 1532, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1870. Minneapolis Belt Line Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 185, 186, *222, 291, 382, 385, *501, *630, *707, *721, 725, 810, 1028, 1036, 1071, 1074, *1450, 1546, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1621, 1679, 1698, 1799, *1830, 1836, 1870. Minneapolis Western Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Minnesota & International Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, *501, *721, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1698, 1870. Minnesota, Dakota & Western Railway: Decisions Nos. 108, 1443. Minnesota Transfer Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *630, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1559, 1560. Mississippi Central Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 4-2, 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *119, 1540, 1559. Mississippi River & Bonne Terre Railway: Decisions Nos. 108, 1410. Missouri & North Arkansas Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, 90, *119, 724, 1558. Missouri-Kansas-Texas Lines: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028, 1-1822. Decisions Nos. *2, 94, *119, *147, 173, 200, 205, *222, 401, 467, *501, *630, 634, 674, 675, *707, 719, *721, 725, 741, 742, 757, 766, 772, 773, 774, 836, 837, 847, 852, 1028, 1036, 1067, 1068, 1074, 1080, 1094, 1095, 1201, 1303, 1306, 1307, *1450, 1538, 1542, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1572, 1624, 1691, 1692, 1698, 1822, *1830, 1861. Missouri Pacific Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028, 1-1820. Decisions Nos. *2, 53, 114, *119, 132, *147, 156, 157, 158, 159, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 172, 182, 209, *222, 252, 255, 256, 260, 325, 355, 358, 368, 386, 402, 409, *501, 506. 516, *630, *707, *721, 776, 840, 841, 919, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1165, 1352, *1450, *1538, 1543, 1558, 1599, 1560, 1621, 1734, 1820, *1830, 1852, 1870. 368 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Missouri Valley & Blair Railway & Bridge Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119,, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Mobile & Ohio Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1–119, *2–119, 1–147, 2–147, 3–222, 6-222, 2–1074. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, 328, 384, *501, 560, *721, 1036, 1039, 1074, 1099, 1132, 1133, 1474, 1484, 1486, 1487, 1488, 1506, 1509, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1846. Monogahela Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3–222, 6–222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, *501, *630, *721, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1558, 1559. Montana & Eastern Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Montour Railroad Co.: Decision No. 1568. Montpelier & Wells River Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558. Morenci Southern Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Morgan's Louisiana & Texas Railroad & Steamship Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119, 1–147, 2-147, 3–222, 4–222, 6-222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *707, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1554, 1558, 1698. Mount Washington Railway: Addendum No. 1-1928. Decisions Nos. 1028, 1036, 1074. Muncie Belt Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558. Munising, Marquette & Southeastern Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Narragansett Pier Railroad: Decision No. 108. N. Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, 87, *119, *147, 204, *222, 300, 381, *501, 502, 603, *707, 757, 938, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1538, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1625, 1635, 1698, 1861. Nashville Terminals: Decisions Nos. *630, 1074, 1538. Natchez & Louisiana Railway Transfer Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028. Decision No. 1028. Natchez & Southern Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. 1028, 1036, 1074. Nelson & Fort Sheppard Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Nevada Northern Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1302, 1558, 1688. PARTIES TO DISPUTES. 369 New Iberia & Northern Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *147, 725, 726, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1698. New Jersey & New York Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3–222, 6-222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, *501, *707, 1028, 1074, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1698. New Orleans & Northeastern Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 2-1074. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, *721, 1036, 1074, 1538, 1558, *1830. New Orleans Great Northern Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 3-222, 6–222. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, 290, 757, 1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1062, 1124, 1125, 1126, 1127, 1128, 1250, 1533, 1558. New Orleans Terminal: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 2-1074. Decisions Nos. *222, 1036, 1074, 1538. New Orleans, Texas & Mexico Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 180, 725, 726, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1698. New River, Holston & Western Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, 2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. New Westminster & Southern Railway: Addendum No. 1-147. New York Central Lines: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222. Decisions Nos. *2, 4, *119, *147, *222, 299. New York Central Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-725, 1-757, 1-1028, 2-1036, 1-1074. Decisions Nos. 10, 11, 37, 111, 216, *222, 247, 251, 299, 356, 391, 392, 393, 407, 415, 416, 417, 420, 424, *501, 601, 619, *630, 632, 633, *707, *721, 731, 768, 830, 952, 953, 958, 981, 1007, 1028, 1036, 1037, 1069, 1074, 1091, 1105, 1142, 1169, 1176, 1209, 1216, 1217, 1220, 1232, 1236, 1238, 1354, 1360, 1414, *1450, 1472, 1538, 1558, 1559, 1585, 1621, 1627, 1698, 1718, 1728, 1759, 1786, *1830, 1860, 1866. New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 2-630. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, 1036, 1074, 1353, 1558, 1560, 1604, 1698. New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 2-222, 3-222, 6-222, 1-501, 1-1028, 3-1267. Decisions Nos. *2, 4, 46, *119, *147, 426, 531, 578, *630, *707, 757, 800, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1120, 1190, 1436, 1479, 1510, 1535, 1538, 1558, 1559, 1573, 1621, 1668, 1698, 1712, 1832. New York, Ontario & Western Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2–147, 3-222, 6–222, 2-1036. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, 482, 1036, 1074, 1181, 1311, 1358, 1559, 1560, 1672. New York, Philadelphia & Norfolk Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2–147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. New York, Susquehanna & Western Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, *501, 553, *707, 1028, 1074, 1558, 1559. 1560, 1698. 370 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. New York, Westchester & Boston Railway: Decision No. 23. New York & Long Branch Railroad: Decision No. 883. Norfolk & Portsmouth Belt Line Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147, 3–147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1468, 1554, 1558. Norfolk & Western Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, *119, *147, *222, 231, 278, 279, 284, 285, 288, 301, 306, *501, 505, 507, 521, 534, 541, 542, 585, 586, *630, 645, 725, 759, 786, 889, 1028, 1036, 1047, 1061, 1070, 1074, *1450, 1554, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1695. Norfolk Southern Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558; 1559, 1560, 1698. Northeast Oklahoma Railroad: Decision No. 108. Northeast Pennsylvania Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1698. Northern Alabama Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028, 2-1074. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, *721, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1538, 1558, *1830. Northern Pacific Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1–119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3–222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 168, 169, *222, 480, *501, *707, *721, 946, 947, 985, 986, 988, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1131, 1147, 1204, 1208, 1247, 1248, 1270, 1271, 1305, 1316, *1450, 1555, 1556, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1621, 1629, 1679, 1698, 1790, 1791, 1792, *1830, 1859, 1870. Northern Pacific Terminal Company of Oregon: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Northwestern Pacific Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147, 3–222, 6–222, 1–1028, 2–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, 20, *119, *147, *222, 346, 347, 348, 491, *501, *721, 757, 887, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1317, 1322, 1325, 1326, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1752. Ogden Union Railway & Depot Co.: 0. Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3–222, 6–222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, *501, *630, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1835. Ohio River & Western Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Orange & Northwestern Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1–119, *2–119, 1–147, 2-147, 3-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 725, 726, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1698. Oregon Electric Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, #2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 7-222, 1–1028. 5 Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *501, *630, *721, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1698. - PARTIES TO DISPUTES. 371 · • Oregon Short Line Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, *501, *630, *721, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450. 1558, 1559, 1560, *1830, 1835. Oregon Trunk Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 7-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 501, *630, *721, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1698. Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, *119, *147, 212, *222, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, *501, 550, *630, *721, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1292 *1450 1558, 1559, *1830, 1835. Pacific Coast Railroad: Decision No. 108. Pacific Electric Railway Co.: Decision No. 33. Pacific Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decision No. *119. Panhandle & Santa Fe Railway Co.: P. Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1-222, 3–222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2. *119, *147, *501, *630, *707, *721, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1267, *1450, 1538, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1621, 1698, *1830. Paris & Great Northern Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Pennsylvania Railroad System: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1-501. Decisions Nos. *2, 4, *119, *147, 218, 220, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 411, 515, 517, 570, 571, *707, *721, 725, 803, 916, 1063, 1154, 1227, 1233, 1440, 1548, 1558, 1559, 1674, 1698, 1735, 1827, 1829, 1833. Pennsylvania Terminal Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 1558. Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 1-222, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. 1028, 1036, 1074, 1106, 1554, 1559, 1671, 1698. Peoria Railway Terminal Co.: Decisions Nos. *721, 1288, 1554, 1560. Pere Marquette Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1-222, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028, 1-1036, 1-1448. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 380, 388, 389, 390, 394, 395, *501, 509, 533, 536, 555, 556, 557, 565, 566, 567, 574, 577, *630, 640, *707, *721, 725, 730, 944, 945, 973, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1253, 1260, 1358, *1450, 1492, 1493, 1539, 1558, 1559, 1621, 1698, 1724, 1729, 1730, 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819, 1870. Perkiomen Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 299, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1698. Philadelphia & Beach Haven Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. 372 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Philadelphia & Camden Ferry Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Philadelphia & Chester Valley Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 299, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1698. Philadelphia & Reading Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 292, 483, 832, 1001, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1082, 1148, 1482, 1538, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1650, 1698, 1828, 1861. Philadelphia, Bethlehem & New England Railroad: Decision No. 108. Philadelphia, Newtown & New York Railroad Co.: Addenda No. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 299, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1698. Pickering Valley Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1698. Piedmont & Northern Railway: Decision No. 33. Pierre & Ft. Pierre Bridge Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Pierre, Rapids City & Northwestern Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Pine Bluff & Arkansas River Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 757, 1558. Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1-757, 1-1028, Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 492, 596, 998, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1096, 1229, 1238, 1281, 1282, 1283, 1284, 1313, 1558, 1559, 1698. Pittsburgh & Shawmut Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 9-222, 5–1267. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 299, *1450, 1558, 1870. Pittsburgh & West Virginia Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 11-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 299, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1577, 1583, 1616, 1617, 1618, 1619, 1620, 1675, 1698. Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad: F Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Pittsburgh, Shawmut & Northern Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. 299, *721. Pontiac, Oxford & Northern Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Port Arthur Canal & Dock Co.: Decisions Nos. *1450, 1644, 1861. Portland Terminal: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028, 1-1267. Decisions Nos. *147, *222, 299, 426, *501, *630, 757, 838, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1093, 1431, *1450, 1559, 1560, 1621, 1698, 1861. PARTIES TO DISPUTES. 373 Port Reading Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1698. Poteau Valley Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028. K Decisions Nos. *147, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1559, 1560, 1698, *1830, 1861. Puget Sound & Willapa Harbor Railroad: Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Pullman Co.: Addenda Nos. 5-2, 6-2, 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 2-1036. Decisions Nos. 107, *119, 174, 299, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455. Q. Quanah, Acme & Pacific Railway Co.: Decision No. 1810. Quincy, Omaha & Kansas City Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558, 1767. R. Railway Transfer Company of the City of Minneapolis: Addenda Nos. 1–147, 2-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *147, 1028, 1074, *1450, 1559, 1560, 1870. Raleigh & Charleston Railroad: Decisions Nos. 108, 1685. Reading & Columbia Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1698. Red Mountain Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, 56, 57, *119, 213, *222, 241, 286, *501, *707, 725, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1698. Richmond Terminal: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. 1074, 1698. Rio Grande, El Paso & Santa Fe Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 1-222, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *501, *630, *707, *721, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1267, *1450, 1538, 1558, 1621, 1698, *1830. Rio Grande Southern Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028, 2-1074. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1206, *1450, 1558, 1621, 1698, *1830, 1861. Rosslyn Connecting Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Rupert & Bloomsburg Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1–119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1698. 374 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Rutland Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3–222, 6–222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, 47, 48, 49, *119, *147, *222, *501, *630, *721, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1621, 1698. St. Clair Terminal: S. Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. St. Johnsbury & Lake Champlain Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558. St. Johns River Terminal: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3–222, 6-222, 1–1074, 2–1074. Decisions Nos. *222, 1036, 1538. St. Joseph & Grand Island Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147; 2-147, 3–222, 6–222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, *501, *630, *721, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1835. St. Joseph Belt Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2–147, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 922, 1028, 1036, 1558, 1559, 1560. St. Joseph Terminal Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *501, *630. St. Joseph Union Depot Co.: Decisions Nos. 663, 929, 1698, 1783. St. Louis & Hannibal Railroad Co.: Addendum No. 4-501. Decisions Nos. 108, 342, 514, 1584. St. Louis & O'Fallon Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. St. Louis, Brownsville & Mexico Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 725, 726, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1078. 1554, 1558, 1698. St. Louis Merchants Bridge Terminal Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. 1028, 1036, 1074. St. Louis Refrigerator Car Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119. St. Louis, San Francisco & Texas Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 4-147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *501, *630, 1558. St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 4-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028, 2-1267. Decisions Nos. *2, 39, 119, 131, *147, 170, 191, 192, 203, *222, 299, 465, 471, 473, 474, *501, 537, 576, 610, *630, *721, 783, 874, 875, 876, 877, 878, 879, 957, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1230, 1231, 1252, 1558, 1559, 1732, *1830. St. Louis Southwestern Railway Lines: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 2-1036, 2-1074. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 120, 149, *222, 299, 462, 478, 479, 532, 558, *630, *721, 726, 757, 967, 1083, 1245, 1278, 1425, 1557, 1558, 1560, 1621, 1698, 1815, 1870. • PARTIES TO DISPUTES. 375 St. Louis Transfer Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. 1028, 1036, 1074. ་ St. Louis, Troy & Eastern Railroad Co.: Addendum No. 2-501. Decision No. 1444. St. Paul Bridge & Terminal Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. 1028, 1036, 1559, 1560. St. Paul Union Depot Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *630, 824, 1028, 1074, 1559, 1621. Salt Lake City Union Depot & Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Decision No. *147. San Antonio & Aransas Pass Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1870. San Antonio, Uvalde & Gulf Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119,. *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, *501, 552, 831, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1212, *1450, 1558, 1640, 1861. San Diego & Arizona Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119 *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3-222, 6–222. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, 228, *721, 1558, 1562. Sandy River & Rangeley Lakes Railroad: Decision No. 108. Sandy Valley & Elkhorn Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, #2–119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Savannah Union Station Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2–147. Decisions Nos. 1036, 1074, 1268, 1559, 1698. Seaboard Air Line Railway Co.: ? Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028, 1-1266. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, *501, *721, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1086, 1550, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1636, 1698, 1741, 1742, 1743, 1747. Seattle, Port Angeles & Western Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Sharpsville Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Sioux City Terminal Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. 413, 1028, 1036, 1559, 1560. South Buffalo Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Southeastern Demurrage & Storage Bureau: Decisions Nos. 1663, 1664. Southeastern Express Co.: Decisions Nos. 723, 821, 822, 949, 1048, 1751, 1775, 1776, 1777, 1778, 1782. 376 CUMULATIME INDEX-DIGEST. Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific System): 1 Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 4-222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, 16, 20, 38, *119, *147, 199, 239, 246, 268, 269, 293, 318, 319, 320, 321, 341, 350, 372, 375, 378, 379, 400, 423, 458, 459, 466 *501, 510, 511, 512, 513, 520, 535, 561, 562, 580, 622, *630, *707, *721, 725, 726, 737, 738, 739, 756, 757, 798, 815, 820, 827, 828, 866, 887, 903, 924, 935, 940, 941, 942, 954, 960, 964, 969, 976, 997, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1103, 1118, 1134, 1138, 1155, 1170, 1183, 1200, 1207, 1239, 1272, 1293, 1294, 1341, 1374, 1375, 1376, 1377, 1378, 1379, 1380, 1381, 1382, 1390, 1391, *1450, 1457, 1458, 1459, 1460, 1461, 1462, 1463, 1464, 1465, 1466, 1467, 1477, 1491, 1512, 1538, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1606, 1621, 1622, 1634, 1652, 1669, 1673, 1677, 1679, 1698, 1722, 1723, 1756, 1762, 1765, 1766, 1810, *1830, 1844, 1848, 1861. Southern Pacific Lines in Texas & Louisiana: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3–222, 4–222, 6–222, 1–501, 1-726, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. 19, *147, 188, 243, 253, 261, 289, 303, 340, 376, 408, 476, 546, 554, 692, 693, 694, 695, *707, *721, 757, 794, 943, 950, 983, 1016, 1017, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1103, 1152, 1178, 1186, 1195, 1211, 1261, 1297, 1298, 1299, 1364, 1399, 1400, 1417, 1441, *1450, 1453, 1513, 1521, 1522, 1523, 1524, 1525, 1538, 1554, 1558, 1598, 1612, 1621, 1681, 1698, 1749, 1750, 1760, 1845, 1847, 1861, 1870. Southern Pacific Terminal: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3–222, 4–222, 6–222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *147, *707, 1028, 1036, 1074. Southern Railway System: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6–222, 1-1028, 1–1074, 2-1074. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 122, *222, 277, *721, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1086, 1365, 1388, *1450, 1538, 1552, 1558, 1559, 1560, *1830. Southern Weighing & Inspection Bureau: Decisions Nos. 1660, 1661. Spokane & Eastern Railway & Power Co. (Inland Empire Railroad): Decisions No. 33. Spokane International Railway Co.: Decision No. 108. . Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1–119, *2–119, 1–147, 2–147, 7-222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 322, *501, *630, *721, 989, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1189, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1698. Staten Island Rapid Transit Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *707, 725, 757, 1028, 1074, 1538, 1544, 1558, 1561. Stony Creek Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1698. Sullivan County Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558. Sumpter Valley Railway: Decision No. 108. Sunset Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-1028, 1-1074. Decisions Nos. 1028, 1074, 1267, *1450, 1538, 1559, 1560, 1621, 1698. Susquehanna & New York Railroad: Decision No. 108. PARTIES TO DISPUTES. 377 Sussex Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Sylvania Central Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Tacoma Eastern Railroad: T. Addenda Nos. 1–119, *2–119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Tamaqua, Hazelton & Northern Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1698. Tampa & Gulf Coast Railroad Co.: Decisions Nos. 108, 1682, 1683. Tampa Northern Railroad: Decision No. 108. Tennessee, Alabama & Georgia Railway: Decision No. 108. Tennessee Central Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 7-222, 2–1036. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *501, 1393, *1450, 1558. Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3–222, 6-222, 1-1028, 1–1074. Decisions Nos. 40, 123, 202, *222, *501, 611, 621, *630, *707, 711, 725, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1538, 1559, 1560, 1581, 1600, 1649, .1698, 1725, 1854, 1861. Texarkana & Fort Smith Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3-222, 6–222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, *721, 725, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1081, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1621, 1644, 1698, 1719, 1731, *1830, 1861. Texas & New Orleans Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 4-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *707, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1554, 1558, 1698. Texas & Pacific Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1–119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147, 1–222, 3–222, 6-222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, 55, 93, *119, 153, 227, 398, *501, 551, 593, *630, 706, 715, *721, 725, 757, 894, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1392, 1397, 1398, 1403, 1404, 1405, 1406, 1407, *1450, 1514, 1515, 1516, 1517, 1518, 1519, 1520, 1538, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1563, 1593, 1594, 1595 1596 1597, 1607, 1608, 1615, 1621, 1698, 1753, *1830, 1861. Texas City Terminal Co.: Decision No. 108. Texas Midland Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 135, *147, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1560, 1861. Toledo & Ohio Central Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, $2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3–222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, 349, 425, 499, *501, *630, *707, *721, 757, 816, 892, 1028, 1036. 1074, 1238, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1637, 1698, 1711, 1809, *1830. Toledo Division of the Baltimore & Ohio: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. 378 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Toledo, Peoria & Western Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119, 1–147, 2-147, 3–222, 6–222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, *501, *630, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1698, 1861. Toledo, Saginaw & Muskegon Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Toledo, St. Louis & Western Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 978, 1110, 1111, 1112, 1113, 1114, 1115, 1116, 1367, 1446, 1483, 1558, 1761, 1789. Toledo Terminal Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6–222. Decisions Nos. *222, *630. Trans-Mississippi Terminal Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2–147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *630, 1074, 1558, 1621, 1861. Trinity & Brazos Valley Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3-222, 6–222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119,- *222, 339, *501, *630, *721, 910, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1693, 1698, 1861. Trunk Line Freight Inspection Bureau: Decisions Nos. 1654, 1665, 1666. Tug River & Kentucky Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Tullulah Falls Railway: Decision No. 108. U. Ulster & Delaware Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 299, 1558. Union Depot Company (Columbus, Ohio): Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Decision No. 1024. Union Pacifie Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2–147, 3–222, 6–222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, 58, *119, *147, *222, 330, 345, *501, *630, *721, 757, 992, 1028, 1036, 1205, 1363, *1450, 1702, 1703, 1733. Union Pacific System: Addenda Nos. 1-1028. Decisions Nos. 345, 712, 980, 992, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1630, 1835. Union Railroad Company of Baltimore: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Union Railway Company (Memphis, Tenn.); Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028, 2-1266. Decisions Nos. 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1698. Union Stock Yards of Omaha (Ltd.): Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1536, 1558, 1559. Union Terminal Company of Dallas, Tex.: Decisions Nos. 791, 1471. PARTIES TO DISPUTES. 379 United States & Canada Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2–147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. V. Vancouver, Victoria & Eastern Railway & Navigation Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147. Vermont Valley Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558. Vicksburg, Shreveport & Pacific Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3-222, 4–222, 6–222, 1-501, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *721, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1267, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1698, *1830. Virginia & Carolina Southern Railroad Co.: Decision No. 1558. Virginia & Truckee Railway: Decision No. 108. Virginia-Carolina Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119. Virginian Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6–222, 14–222. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 233, 488, *501, 526, 757, 1036, 1104, 1161, 1162, 1315, 1318, 1319, *1450, 1554, 1558, 1698. W. Wabash, Chester & Western Railroad: Decisions Nos. 108, 1357. Wabash Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 194, *222, 248, 271, *501, 530, 620, *707, *721, 725, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1136, 1172, 1234, *1450, 1538, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1621, 1779, 1780, *1830. Wadley Southern Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Washington & Old Dominion Railway: Decision No. 33. Washington & Vandemere Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Washington Southern Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Washington Terminal Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 2-1036, 2-1074. Decisions Nos. 176, 996, 1097, 1538. Watertown & Sioux Falls Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2–147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Waynesburg & Washington Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2–147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558, 1698. 50960*—24——25 380 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Weatherford, Mineral Wells & Northwestern Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Western Maryland Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 4–147, 3–222, 6–222, Decisions Nos. *2, 44, *119, 140, 141, 142, *147, *222, 366, 367, 377, *501, *707, *721, 725, 757, 811, 920, 1032, 1074, 1344, 1361, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1870. Western Pacific Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-1028, 1–1074, 1-1698. Decisions Nos. *2, 20, *119, *147, *222, *501, *630, *707, *721, 757, 797, 887, 987, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1199, 1295, 1296, 1304, *1450, 1538, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1621, 1770, 1861. Western Railway of Alabama: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3–222, 6-222. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *222, 1036, 1558, 1559, 1560. Western Weighing and Inspection Bureau: Decisions Nos. 1656, 1657, 1658, 1659. West Jersey & Seashore Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, 2-119, 1-147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. West Side Belt Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147, 3-222, 6–222, 11–222. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, #147, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1577, 1583, 1675, 1698. Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147, 3-222, 4-222, 6–222. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 333, *501, *630, 757, 893, 962, 966, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1698. Wheeling Terminal Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Wichita Falls & Northwestern Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147, 3-222, 6–222. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 173, 205, *222, *501, *630, *707, *721, 725, 757, 1558, 1572, 1698. Wichita Falls, Ranger & Fort Worth Railroad Co.: Decisions Nos. *721, 1383, 1384, 1385, 1386, 1387, 1455. Wichita Terminal Association: Decisions Nos. 1810, *1830. Wichita Valley Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2–147, 1-222, 3–222, 6-222, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *501, *630, *721, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1621, 1698. Wiggins Ferry Co.: Addendum No. 1-1028. Decisions Nos. 1028, 1036, 1074. Wilkes-Barre & Eastern Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, *501, 553, *707, 1028, 1074, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1698. Williamson & Pond Creek Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. PARTIES TO DISPUTES. 381 Williams Valley Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558, 1698. Winston-Salem Southbound Railway Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Wood River Branch Railroad: Decision No. 108. Wyoming & Northwestern Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1558. Yadkin Railroad: Decision No. 108. Y. Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-222, 6-222, 1-501. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *222, 307, 477, *630, *707, *721, 725, 757, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1538, 1558, 1621, 1697, 1698, 1815, 1870. York Harbor & Beach Railroad Co.: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147, 1-1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, 1028, 1036, 1074, 1558. Zanesville & Western Railway Co.: Z. Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147, 1–721, 1–1028. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, *501, *630, 757, 892, 1028, 1036, 1074, *1450, 1558, 1559, 1698, *1830. B. ORGANIZATIONS. [NOTE.-Addenda to decisions are listed only in connection with the organization or organizations affected. Decisions and addenda which have interpretations rendered thereon are indicated by the use of an asterisk.] B. Baggage, Mail Handlers and Station Employees, Local No. 17306, Terminal: Decision No. 176. Benevolent Industrial Association, Railway Men's International: Decisions Nos. 1541, 1638. Blacksmiths, Drop Forgers and Helpers, International Brotherhood of: (See Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L.) Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders and Helpers of America, International Brotherhood of: (See Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L.) C. Carmen of America, Brotherhood Railway: (See Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L.) Carpenters and Joiners of America, United Brotherhood of: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 4–147. Decisions Nos. *147, 1358. Claim Investigators of North America, Order of Railroad: Decisions Nos. 1424, 1551. 382 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Clerical and Station Employees, Certain: Addendum No. 1-215. Decisions Nos. 215, 1424. Clerks' Association, Michigan Central Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-1074, 2-1074. Decision No. 1074. Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees, Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship: Addenda Nos. 1-2, 2-2, 3-2, 4–2, 6–2, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 4–147, 1-630, 2-630, 3-630, 1-1028, 2-1028, 3-1028, 4-1028, 1-1074, 2-1074. Decisions Nos. *2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 33, 38, 39, 43, 44, 45, 46, 50, 53, 86, 87, 89, 108, 111, 113, *119, 121, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, *147, 150. 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 177, 178, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 189, 190, 191, 192, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 203, 211, 213, 217, 220, 225, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 268, 269, 270, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 304, 305, 306, 343, 344, 345, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 366, 367, 368. 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 375, 377, 378, 379, 380, 382, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 426, 457, 458, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 502, 503, 505, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, 538, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 565, 566, 567, 568, 569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578, 582, 583, 605, 606, 607, 608, 610, 612, 613, 614, 616, 617, 621, 622, 624, 626, 627, 628, *630, 632, 634, 636, 637, 638, 640, 641, 642, 643, 652, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659, 660, 661, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 667, 668, 669, 670, 671, 672, 674, 675, 677, 078, 679, 680, 682, 683, 681, 685, 686, €87, 688, 689, 690, 691, 692, 693, 694, 695, 696, 697, 698, 699, 700, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 722, 723, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731, 732, 733, 734, 735, 736, 737, 738, 739, 740, 741, 742, 743, 744, 745, 746, 747, 748, 749, 750, 751, 752, 753, 754, 755, 756, 758, 759, 760, 761, 762, 763, 764, 766, 767, 776, 782, 783, 784, 786, 787, 788, 790, 791, 817, 818, 819, 820, 821, 822, 823, 824, 829, 835, 836, 839, 840, 841, 842, 843, 844, 845, 846, 847, 853, 854, 855, 856, 857, 858, 859, 860, 863, 865, 868, 869, 870, 871, 872, 874, 875, 876, 877, 878, 879, 880, 881, 882, 888, 901, 904, 905, 906, 908, 909, 911, 912, 913, 914, 915, 917, 918, 929, 931, 932, 933, 934, 935, 936, 937, 940, 941, 942, 943, 944, 945, 948, 952, 953, 954, 955, 956, 957, 958. 959, 960, 963, 964, 965, 968, 984, 985, 986, 988, 998, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1015, 1024, 1026, 1028, 1030, 1031, 1032, 1033, 1034, 1035, 1037, 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041, 1042, 1043, 1044, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049, 1074, 1077, 1081, 1083, 1087, 1088, 1089, 1090, 1119, 1123, 1131, 1132, 1133, 1134, 1135, 1136, 1138, 1139, 1151, 1152, 1155, 1156, 1157, 1158, 1159, 1168, 1170, 1172, 1175, 1186, 1189, 1190, 1191, 1192, 1194, 1196, 1197, 1198, 1199, 1200, 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1205, 1207, 1208, 1209, 1210, 1229, 1232, 1236, 1237, 1239, 1240, 1245, 1246, 1247, 1248, 1249, 1250, 1251, 1252, 1262, 1270, 1271, 1275, 1276, 1277, 1278, 1279, 1330, 1331, 1337, 1338, 1366, 1368, 1370, 1371, 1373, 1412, 1413, 1414, 1416, 1620, 1425, 1426, 1427, 1428, 1429, 1430, 1470, 1471, 1473, 1474, 1475, 1476, 1477, 1478, 1479, 1480, 1486, 1487, 1488, 1490, 1491, 1492, 1493, 1494, 1495, 1496, 1497, 1506, 1507, 1508, 1510, 1511, 1533, 1540, 1555, 1556, 1557, 1604, 1613, 1614, 1621, 1622, 1624, 1625, 1626, 1628, 1629, 1630, 1631, 1632, 1633, 1654, 1655, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1659, 1660, 1661, 1662, 1663, 1664, 1665, 1666, 1668, 1697, 1705, 1706, 1707, 1708, 1710, 1712, 1713, 1714, 1715, 1716, 1717, 1719, 1720, 1721, 1731, 1738, 1739, 1740, 1741, 1742, 1743, 1744, 1745, 1747, 1748, 1749, 1750, 1751, 1754, 1755, 1756, 1757, 1758, 1759, 1760, 1770, 1771, 1772, 1774, 1775, 1776, 1777, 1778, 1781, 1782, 1783, 1784, 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, 1795, 1796, 1797, 1802, 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808, 1810, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1815, 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819, 1831, 1833, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1868, 1869, 1870. Coach and Car Cleaners, Railway: Decision No. 111. Conductors, Brotherhood of Dining Car: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 4-147, 1-1074, 2–1074. Decisions Nos. 827, 828, 1074, 1122, 1140, 1141, 1599. PARTIES TO DISPUTES. 383 Conductors, Order of Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-2, 2-2, 3-2, 4-2, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 4-147. Decisions Nos. *2, 5, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 52, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 82, 83, 84, 85, 89, 90, 108, *119, 121, *147, 148, 175, 214, 229, 290, 299, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 346, 347, 348, 481, 487, 491, 493, 494, 495, 497, 498, 718, 719, 724, 772, 773, 774, 1094, 1095, 1117, 1123, 1293, 1295, 1296, 1297, 1298, 1299, 1300, 1301, 1302, 1303, 1304, 1306, 1307, 1308, 1312, 1314, 1317, 1322, 1325, 1326, 1363, 1365, 1383, 1384, 1385, 1386, 1387, 1390, 1395, 1396, 1403, 1404, 1405, 1407, 1451, 1452, 1455, 1540, 1554, 1558, 1562, 1565, 1610, 1611, 1680, 1682, 1683, 1684, 1685, 1686, 1752, 1846, 1870. Conductors, Order of Sleeping Car: Decisions Nos. 107, 1592. Culinary Workers' Association of California, Marine: Addenda Nos. 1-1074, 2-1074. Decision No. 1074, D. Dining Car Employees, Local 328: Addenda Nos. 1-1074, 2-1074. Decision No. 1074. Dining Car Employees, National Brotherhood: Addenda Nos. 1-1074, 2–1074. Decision No. 1074. Dining and Sleeping Car Employees Union, Brotherhood of: Addenda Nos. 1-1074, 2-1074. Decisions Nos. 54, 1074. Dispatchers' Association, American Train: Addenda Nos. 1-2, 2-2, 3-2, 4-2, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 4-147, 1-721, 1-1074, 2-1074. Decisions Nos. *2, 5, 6, 7, 33, 51, 89, 90, 91, 108, *119, 121, 122, *147, 152, 195, 247, 248, 271, 272, 273, 274, 364, 564, 623, 625, 635, 639, 676, 720, *721, 724, 775, 781, 785, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814, 815, 834, 848, 849, 850, 851, 852, 866, 883, 884, 919, 938, 951, 961, 962, 966, 967, 969, 981, 987, 989, 1013, 1014, 1023, 1025, 1029, 1074, 1153, 1171, 1173, 1188, 1244, 1272, 1332, 1369, 1372, 1417, 1503, 1504, 1505, 1540, 1612, 1623, 1702, 1703, 1730, 1815, *1830, 1870. E. Electrical Workers, International Brotherhood of: (See Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L.) Employees of North America, United Association of Railway: Decision No. 1699. Engineers, American Association of: Addenda Nos. 1-1074, 2-1074. Decision No. 1074. Engineers' Beneficial Association, Marine: Decisions Nos. 20, 887. Engineers, Brotherhood of Locomotive: Addenda Nos. 1-2, 2-2, 3-2, 4-2, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3-147, 4-147. Decisions Nos. *2, 10, 11, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 52, 55, 85, 89. 90, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 108, *119, 121, 147, 148, 175, 214, 229, 290, 299, 308, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 326, 480, 482, 483, 485, 486, 488, 494, 550, 719, 724, 772, 773, 774, 1094, 1095, 1117, 1123, 1224, 1280, 1281, 1282, 1283, 1284, 1285, 1289, 1290, 1291, 1292, 1302, 1306, 1307, 1310, 1311, 1312, 1313, 1315, 1318, 1319, 1320, 1322, 1323, 1324, 1327, 1328, 1383, 1384, 1385, 1386, 1387, 1389, 1391, 1393, 1394, 1395, 1396, 1397, 1398, 1453, 1454, 1455, 1457, 1458, 1459, 1460, 1461, 1462, 1463, 1464, 1465, 1466, 384 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Engineers, Brotherhood of Locomotive-Continued. 1467, 1468, 1469, 1512, 1513, 1514, 1515, 1516, 1517, 1518, 1519, 1520, 1521, 1522, 1523, 1524, 1525, 1536, 1540, 1554, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1562, 1564, 1565, 1593, 1594, 1595, 1596, 1597, 1598, 1600, 1601, 1605, 1607, 1608, 1616, 1617, 1618, 1619, 1620, 1680, 1682, 1683, 1684, 1685, 1686, 1753, 1810, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1870. Engineers, International Union of Steam and Operating: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 4-147, 1-1074, 2-1074. Decisions Nos. *147, 202, 256, 415, 416, 417, 716, 830, 1073, 1074, 1142. Express Drivers, Chauffeurs and Conductors, Railway, Local No. 720: Decisions Nos. 3, 112, 151, 217, 722, 864, 939, 1814. Expressmen, Order of Railway: Decisions Nos. 3, 217, 673, 681, 722, 900, 907. F. Federal Labor Union, American Federation of Labor: Decision No. 111. Ferry Boatmen's Union of California: Decisions Nos. 20, 887. Firemen and Enginemen, Brotherhood of Locomotive: Addenda Nos. 1-2, 2-2, 3-2, 4-2, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 4-147. Decisions Nos. *2, 10, 11, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 52, 55, 85, 89, 90, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 108, *119, 121, *147, 148, 175, 214, 229, 290, 299, 308, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 326, 480, 482, 483, 485, 486, 488, 494, 528, 550, 719, 724, 772, 773, 774, 880, 1050, 1051, 1052, 1053, 1054, 1094, 1095, 1117, 1123, 1224, 1280, 1281, 1282, 1283, 1284, 1285, 1289, 1290, 1291, 1292, 1302, 1306, 1307, 1310, 1311, 1312, 1313, 1316, 1318, 1319, 1320, 1322, 1323, 1324, 1327, 1328, 1383, 1384, 1385, 1386, 1387, 1389, 1391, 1393, 1394, 1395, 1396, 1397, 1398, 1453, 1454, 1455, 1457, 1458, 1459, 1460, 1461, 1462, 1463, 1464, 1465, 1466, 1467, 1468, 1469, 1512, 1513, 1514, 1515, 1516, 1517, 1518, 1519, 1520, 1521, 1522, 1523, 1524, 1525, 1536, 1537, 1540, 1554, 1558, 1562, 1564, 1565, 1593, 1594, 1595, 1596, 1597, 1598, 1600, 1601, 1607, 1608, 1616, 1617, 1618, 1619, 1620, 1680, 1682, 1683, 1684, 1685, 1686, 1753, 1810, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1870. Firemen and Oilers, International Brotherhood of: Addenda Nos. 1-2, 2-2, 3-2, 4-2, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 4-147, 1-725, 1-1028, 2-1028, 3-1028, 4-1028, 1-1074, 2-1074. Decisions Nos. *2, 5, 111, *119, *147, 520, 725, 999, 1028, 1074, 1123, 1166, 1213, 1347, 1540, 1636, 1684. Firemen, National Order of Locomotive: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119. Foremen's Association, Maintenance of Way: Addenda Nos. 1-1028, 2-1028, 3-1028, 4–1028. Decision No. 1028. I. Iron Workers, International Association of Bridge, Structural, and Orna- mental: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 4-147. K. Knights of Labor: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3–147, 4–147. Decisions Nos. *147, 549, 651, 770, 1121. PARTIES TO DISPUTES. 385 L. Lighter Captains' Union, Local No. 996: Decisions Nos. 4, 1489, 1498, 1500, 1501, 1502. Longshoremen's Association, International: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 4-147, 1-1074, 2-1074. Decisions Nos. *147, 816, 1074, 1086, 1539, 1621, 1637, 1809. M. Machinists, International Association of: (See Railway Empoyees' Department, A. F. of L.) Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers, United Broth- erhood of: Addenda Nos. 1-2, 2-2, 3-2, 4-2, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 4-147, 1-501, 2-501, 3-501, 4-501, 1-1028, 2-1028, 3-1028, 4-1028, 1-1074, 2-1074, 1-1267, 2-1267, 3–1267, 4–1267, 5–1267. Decisions Nos. *2, 5, 33, 40, 41, 42, 47, 48, 49, 58, 88, 89, 91, 92, 94, 108, 111, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 128, 130, 143, 144, *147, 180, 188, 204, 208, 209, 210, 214, 216, 223, 224, 230, 231, 232, 233, 249, 250, 251, 253, 254, 255, 257, 258, 260, 261, 289, 300, 301, 303, 309, 325, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 339, 340, 342, 351, 352, 354, 355, 358, 397, 398, 406, 408, 411, 412, 413, 418, 420, 456, *501, 514, 515, 517, 518, 519, 521, 522, 523, 524, 546, 547, 548, 551, 552, 579, 588, 589, 592, 593, 594, 595, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 644, 645, 646, 647, 649, 650, 706, 710, 711, 713, 714, 715, 717, 724, 769, 771, 777, 778, 779, 780, 794, 798, 799, 804, 805, 806, 807, 808, 809, 831, 891, 894, 896, 897, 898, 899, 902, 973, 975, 977, 979, 980, 990, 991, 993, 995, 998, 1002, 1003, 1006, 1007, 1027, 1028, 1056, 1059, 1066, 1069, 1074, 1075, 1079, 1082, 1098, 1100, 1102, 1103, 1117, 1118, 1123, 1129, 1143, 1149, 1150, 1163, 1164, 1165, 1167, 1176, 1182, 1185, 1187, 1212, 1215, 1218, 1221, 1222, 1223, 1226, 1230, 1231, 1254, 1256, 1267, 1269, 1329, 1339, 1340, 1342, 1343, 1344, 1345, 1346, 1350, 1351, 1354, 1355, 1356, 1357, 1364, 1434, 1435, 1436, 1437, 1438, 1439, 1440, 1442, 1446, 1447, *1450, 1481, 1483, 1484, 1485, 1527, 1535, 1540, 1563, 1570, 1571, 1572, 1574, 1575, 1576, 1577, 1578, 1579, 1581, 1582, 1583, 1584, 1585, 1586, 1588, 1589, 1591, 1635, 1639, 1640, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1644, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1648, 1649, 1651, 1652, 1653, 1667, 1672, 1675, 1676, 1678, 1682, 1684, 1685, 1687, 1696, 1724, 1735, 1761, 1763, 1764, 1767, 1768, 1769, 1787, 1788, 1800, 1801, 1810, 1815, 1827, 1832, 1835, 1855, 1861, 1870. Marine Culinary Workers' Association of California: Decision No. 1606. Masters, Mates, and Pilots of America, National Organization: Addenda Nos. 1-2, 2-2, 3-2, 4-2, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 4-147, 1-1074 2-1074. Decisions Nos. *2, 20, *119, *147, 887, 1074, 1550, 1552. Mechanics, Helpers, Laborers, and Freight Handlers, National Association of Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119. Decisions Nos. 1587, 1590. Metal Workers, International Alliance of Amalgamated Sheet: (See Railway Employes' Department. A. F. of L.) Molders' Union of North America, International: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 4-147. Decisions Nos. *147, 1542. P. Painters, Decorators, and Paperhangers of America, Brotherhood of: Decisions Nos. 414, 1064. Police, Brotherhood Railway: Decisions Nos. 1419, 1547, 1548, 1549, 1746, 1773. 386 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. R. Railroad Workers, American Federation of: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 4-147, 1–1028, 2–1028, 3-1028, 4-1028, 1-1036, 2-1036, 3-1036, 1-1074, 2–1074. Decisions Nos. 37, 70, 111, *147, 292, 327, 349, 425, 587, 596, 597, 618, 802, 803, 892, 893, 998, 1001, 1028, 1036, 1063, 1074, 1096, 1148, 1217, 1219, 1220, 1228, 1348, 1353, 1472, 1561, 1566, 1568, 1650, 1674, 1711, 1727, 1728, 1786, 1834. Railway Employees' Department, A. F. of L.: Addenda Nos. 1-2, 2-2, 3-2, 4-2, 5-2, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 4-147, 1-218, 1–222, 2-222, 3–222, 4-222, 5–222, 6–222, 7-222, 8-222, 9–222, 10-222, 11-222, 12-222, 13-222, 14-222, 1-1028, 2-1028, 3-1028, 4-1028, 1-1036, 2-1036, 3-1036, 1-1074, 2-1074, 1-1820, 1-1821, 1-1822, 1-1823, 1-1824, 1–1825, 1–1826. Decisions Nos. *2, 5, 33, 37, 89, 90, 108, 109, 110, 111, 119, 121, 129, 145, 146, *147, 153, 154, 155, 174, 175, 181, 205, 206, 211, 212, 214, 218, 219, *222, 227, 234, 259, 290, 291, 338, 341, 350, 353, 357, 399, 400; 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 409, 410, 421, 422, 423, 424, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 504, 516, 525, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 580, 581, 584, 585, 586, 590, 591, 598, 599, 708, 712, 724, 768, 792, 793, 796, 797, 833, 889, 890, 895, 920, 921, 922, 923, 926, 927, 928, 946, 947, 971, 972, 974, 976, 978, 982, 994, 996, 997, 998, 1004, 1005, 1008, 1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1036, 1055, 1057, 1060, 1061, 1062, 1065, 1070, 1071, 1072, 1074, 1076, 1078, 1080, 1091, 1092, 1099, 1104, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109, 1110, 1111, 1112, 1113, 1114, 1115, 1116, 1117, 1123, 1124, 1125, 1126, 1127, 1128, 1130, 1144, 1161, 1162, 1177, 1178, 1179, 1180, 1181, 1183, 1214, 1216, 1225, 1235, 1241, 1255, 1257, 1258, 1259, 1260, 1261, 1263, 1264, 1359, 1360, 1361, 1362, 1443, 1444, 1526, 1534, 1540, 1567, 1669, 1670, 1671, 1673, 1684, 1688, 1690, 1691, 1692, 1693, 1694, 1695, 1718, 1722, 1723, 1762, 1765, 1766, 1798, 1810, 1815, 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1829, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1851, 1852, 1854, 1870. Railway Employees of North America, Limited Association of: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 4-147. Decisions Nos. *147, 489, 490, 500. Railway Men's International Benevolent Industrial Association: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. S. Shop Crafts' Protective League (Local 17): Decision No. 1677. Signalmen of America, Brotherhood Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-2, 2-2, 3-2, 4-2, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3-147, 4-147, 1–1074, 2-1074, 1-1538. Decisions Nos. *2, 33, 111, *119, *147, 207, 226, 252, 293, 356, 407, 648, *707, 709, 795, 800, 801, 903, 924, 992, 1067, 1068, 1074, 1097, 1101, 1105, 1120, 1123, 1184, 1227, 1341, 1441, 1445, 1538, 1540, 1569, 1573, 1732, 1733, 1734, 1799, 1853, 1856. Specified Classes of Employees, Certain: Decision No. 228. Station Agents, Order of Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3-147, 4-147. Decisions Nos. *147, 1145, 1146, 1147, 1160. Station Employees, Brotherhood of Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1–147, 2–147, 3-147, 4-147, 1-630, 2-630, 3–630, 1-1028, 1-1074, 2-1074, 1-1267, 2-1267, 3-1267, 4-1267, 5-1267. Decisions Nos. 111, *147, 426, 529, *630, 633, 765, 838, 1074, 1093, 1169, 1431, *1450, 1499, 1621, 1735, 1815, 1861. PARTIES TO DISPUTES. · 387 Steam Shovel and Dredgemen, International Brotherhood of: Decision No. 1543. Supervisors of Mechanics, International Association of Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-2, 2-2, 3-2, 4-2, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 4-147, 1-726, 1-1036, 2-1036, 3–1036. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 214, 419, 629, 631, 726, 970, 1000, 1036, 1117, 1349, 1352, 1681, 1725, 1726. Supervisory Foremen, International Association of Railroad: Decisions Nos. 214, 1117. Switchmen's Union of North America: Addenda Nos. 1-2, 2-2, 3-2, 4-2, *2-119, 1–147, 2-147, 3-147, 4-147. Decisions Nos. *2, *119, *147, 299, 1540, 1554, 1558, 1700. T. Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Stablemen, and Helpers of America, International Brotherhood of: Decisions Nos. 3, 217, 722. Telegraphers, Dispatchers, Agents, and Signalmen, Order of Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119. Telegraphers, Order of Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-2, 2-2, 3-2, 4-2, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 4-147, 1-757, 2-757, 3-757, 1–1074, 2-1074, 1–1448, 1–1698. Decisions Nos. *2, 5, 17, 33, 89, 90, 108, *119, 121, 131, *147, 179, 193, 194, 214, 221, 267, 290, 302, 365, 374, 376, 381, 383, 530, 553, 563, 609, 611, 619, 620, 724, 757, 789, 825, 826, 832, 837, 861, 862, 867, 873, 885, 910, 916, 930, 983, 1012, 1016, 1017, 1045, 1074, 1084, 1091, 1117, 1123, 1154, 1174, 1193, 1195, 1206, 1234, 1242, 1243, 1250, 1253, 1265, 1268, 1273, 1274, 1286, 1287, 1333, 1334, 1335, 1336, 1367, 1374, 1375, 1376, 1377, 1378, 1379, 1380, 1381, 1382, 1410, 1415, 1421, 1422, 1423, 1432, 1448, 1449, 1509, 1529, 1530, 1531, 1532, 1540, 1580, 1615, 1627, 1634, 1679, 1698, 1704, 1729, 1735, 1736, 1737, 1779, 1780, 1785, 1789, 1810, 1815, 1828, 1867. Ticket Agents, American Association of Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 4-147. Decision No. *147. Trainmen, Association of Colored Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2–119. Decision No. 307. Trainmen, Brotherhood of Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-2, 2-2, 3-2, 4-2, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 4–147. Decisions Nos. *2, 5, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 52, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 85, 89, 90, 106, 108, *119, 121, *147, 148, 175, 214, 217, 229, 290, 299, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 346, 347, 348, 481, 484, 487, 491, 493, 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, 526, 527, 528, 718, 719, 724, 772, 773, 774, 886, 1050, 1051, 1052, 1053, 1054, 1094, 1095, 1117, 1123, 1280, 1285, 1293, 1294, 1295, 1296, 1297, 1298, 1299, 1300, 1301, 1302, 1303, 1304, 1305, 1306, 1307, 1308, 1312, 1314, 1316, 1317, 1321, 1322, 1325, 1326, 1363, 1365, 1383, 1384, 1385, 1386, 1387, 1390, 1392, 1395, 1396, 1399, 1400, 1401, 1402, 1403, 1404, 1405, 1406, 1407, 1451, 1452, 1455, 1456, 1536, 1537, 1540, 1553, 1554, 1558, 1562, 1565, 1602, 1603, 1609, 1610, 1611, 1680, 1682, 1683, 1684, 1685, 1686, 1735, 1752, 1810, 1846, 1870. Trainmen, Protective Order of Railroad: Decision No. 1309. Trainmen, National Federation of Railway: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119. Train Porters Union No. 17454: Decision No. 1388. 388 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. Unorganized Employees: Addendum No. 1-215. U. Decisions Nos. 1, 187, 215, 228, 1719. X. Yardmasters of America, Railroad: Addenda Nos. 1-119, *2-119, 1-147, 2-147, 3-147, 4-147, 1-1266, 2-1266, 3-1266. Decisions Nos. *147, 499, 1266, 1408, 1409, 1411, 1701, 1735, 1843. PART IV CUMULATIVE LIST OF DOCKETS AND CASES DISPOSED OF (TO JULY 1, 1923) 389 CUMULATIVE LIST OF DOCKETS AND CASES DISPOSED OF. Table 1.-TABLE SHOWING DOCKETS DIS- POSED OF. A. DOCKETS SHOWING DECISION NUMBERS ASSIGNED. [NOTE. The asterisk is used to indicate dockets and decisions upon which addenda or interpretation have been rendered.] Dock:ct No. De- cision De- De- Docket No. cision Docket No. cision No. No. No. *2 54.... 43 118-0... 68 *119 55.. 21 118-P 72 *1. *757 56.. 22 118-Q... 73 1558 57... 23 118-R... 74 11. 17 58... 52 118-S. 75 *2 59.. 31 118-T 69 *2. *119 60. 85 118-U 76 *757 61. 35 118-V 77 #2 62. 24 118-W 78 *3.... #119 63. 25 118-X... 79 *757 64. 26 118-Y. 80 4.. 3 65.. 27 118-2. 81 D 5. 3 66. 28 119-1.. 145 6. 3 67 29 119-2.. 146 8. 916 68. 30 120... 41 9. 4 69.. 93 121. 42 10.. 6 78. 44 122. 300 12... 18 81.... 150 123-B.. 82 13.... 14... 13 83.. 9 123-C.. 83 15. 16.. 17.... 19... ** ཛྫི8ཙྩཾཝ 109 91. 31 123-D.. 84 92. 36 124. 201 32 94.. 39 125. 1553 20 96.. 86 126.. 1280 887 97.. 122 127.. 1281 54 98... 45 128. 1282 20.. 10 99... 46 129. 1283 21.. 22. 23. • 25.. 25.1 25.2. 25.3 25.4. 11 100... 87 130. 1284 11 101... 40 131. 1285 11 102-1... 56 132. 51 # 427 102-2. 57 133. 50 428 105.... 37 134. 160 429 108.... 156 136. 92 430 109... 157 137. 260 • 431 110. 53 138. 307 25.5. 432 111-1. 47 140. 88 - 25.6 433 111-2... 48 141. 439 25.7 434 111-3... 49 89 142. 25.9 435 112... 58 121 25.10 436 113... 94 147... 123 • 25.11... 437 115... 158 148. 124 25.12. 438 116. 26... 108 117... 159 149. 107 125 150.. 95 26-A 33 118-A. 59 151. 96 27. 5 118-B... 60 152. 97 30... 12 118-C.. 61 153. 98 34... 19 118-D. 62 154. 1289 36. 14 118-G. 63 155. 1290 38.. 70 118-I. 64 157. 104 43... 55 118-J.. 71 158. 105 45... 16 118-K.. 46... 38 118-L.. 65 159.. 66 160.. 308 1291 48... 8 118-N... 67 161. 176 391 392 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. A. DOCKETS SHOWING DECISION NUMBERS ASSIGNED-Continued. Docket No. De- cision De- De- Docket No. No. cision No. Docket No. cision No. 162... 106 259. 929 348.. 243 163... 151 260. 139 251 349. 164.. 126 261.. 141 1176 165.. 127 262.. 184 350.. 201 166.. 110 263.. 185 352. 226 168... 129 169... 309 264... {{ 221 *353.. *147 1432 174 170... 143 267.. 186 353-58-D. 720 171... 130 269.. 187 353-84-F. 1730 172... 90 271. 188 *353-96-G... *215 173.. 112 272... 209 353-214-A. 217 175... 1292 273... 142 353-273-A. 1268 176... 99 274.. 212 353-277-A.. 228 177... 100 275... 322 353-290-A 290 178... 101 276... 210 354.. 213 179... 102 277... 323 355... 457 180... 103 278.... 1300 356... 252 181... 310 279... 481 357... 253 182... 311 280... 1301 358.. 1091 183... 312 281... 324 359... 202 184... 313 282.. 1302 360... 148 185.... 311 283. 1303 361... 269 186... 315 284.. 1304 362.. 254 187... 316 285.. 496 363... 203 188... 317 286.. 497 364... 302 189.... 550 287. 498 365.... 244 190.... 128 288.. 1625 366... 245 191.... 91 289. 239 367... 246 192... 152 292.... 189 214 195.... 235 368.... 293... 170 1117 196... 161 294.. 190 369... 325 197... 162 295... 171 370... 255 198... 132 296... 1540 372... 270 199.... 163 297. 718 373.... 289 200... 164 298... 117 201. 165 374.. 1310 299... 144 375... 326 203.... 133 300. 118 376. 482 204... 177 301... 526 377.. 1311 205.... 166 302... 1305 379.... 154 206.... 136 303.. 1316 380.. 153 207... 137 305... 172 208... 178 381... 155 306... 191 209... 134 382... 1312 307... 240 210.... 113 383. 1313 309.. 192 384. 810 211... 236 310... 193 213.. 135 385.. 554 313.... 1363 216... 179 387.. 261 314... 223 217... 267 389... 175 315.... 216 218.... 318 390... 256 316... 249 219... 319 391. 303 317. 301 220... 320 392.. 173 318.... 1094 221... 321 393... 483 319.... 222.. 1293 719 394.. 1314 320... 772 223.. 1365 395... 1122 321... 1306 224. 1294 397... 1562 322. 773 225.. 167 398... 205 323.. 774 228... 206 400... 271 324... 1095 229... 207 402... 374 325.. 231. 114 1307 403. 219 326... 250 232.. 180 *218 327.. 499 *401.. 233.. 115 1829 328.. 1308 234. 116 220 329. 235... 208 527 405... 1833 236... 190 330... 237... 168 { 120 149 406... 484 238... 169 331. 1288 407... 1140 239... 131 333. 111 408.... 240... 181 334. 1309 K 528 886 243. 480 335.. 1270 409... 1315 244. 1295 336.. 1271 410... 1318 245... 1296 337.. 194 411... 1319 246... 1297 338... 241 412.... 1327 247... 1298 339. 195 413.... 1320 248.. 1299 340.. 242 414... 485 250.. 182 341.. 190 415... 486 251.. 237 343... 197 416.... 487 252.. 183 344.. 198 417.... 1839 254. 238 345.. 268 418. 1328 257... 138 346. 199 419... 1321 258... 140 347. 200 420.. 327 DOCKETS AND CASES DISPOSED OF. 393 A. DOCKETS SHOWING DECISION NUMBERS ASSIGNED-Continued. Docket No. De- cision No. De- De- Docket No. cision Docket No. cision No. No. 421 1096 475-50-90.. 1543 578. 346 422. 257 475-124-12F 1544 579. 347 423. 258 475-125-77.. 1545 580. 1326 424. 579 475-125-86. 1546 581. 341 425. 230 476... 893 582. 1758 426. 224 477... 1288 583. 492 427 397 403 584 1682 478.. 428. 328 925 585. 1683 429. 329 479. 1238 586. 1684 430. 330 480. 404 587. 1685 431. 551 482. 340 588. 1686 432. 331 485 341 591. 1451 433. 398 486. 1212 592. 449 434. 706 488.. 342 593. 450 435.. 231 490... 811 594. 492 436. 232 491.. 812 595. 1452 437. 233 492. 272 596. 493 332 493. 247 597. 541 438. 902 494.. 248 598. 542 440. 399 496... 813 599.. 543 441. 440 497 273 600. 544 442. 441 498.. 364 601. 1075 443. 234 499... 274 602. 605 444. 400 500.... 275 604. 382 445. 333 501... 359 605. 854 446.. 442 502... 375 607. 889 447. 443 503. 276 608. 529 448.. 444 504. 262 609... 383 449. 259 508... 277 611... 494 *450. 514 509... 343 612. 1453 451.. 445 511.. 376 613.. 349 452... 446 512.. 365 614. 824 453.. 447 513... 278 615. 451 454.. 924 514... 279 616. 452 455... 448 515... 1237 617. 453 456.. 1208 516... 280 618... 454 457. 502 517... 263 619. 455 460.. 334 520.. 458 620. 1670 461... 335 523. 459 621. 350 462... 336 526. 306 622. 351 463.. 337 528. 294 623. 1845 465.. 401 529. 281 625. 384 466. 338 530.. 264 626. 405 467 229 531... 265 627. 406 468.. 1322 532... 266 628. 352 469... 488 534.. 344 629. 407 470. 489 535. 304 630. 385 471.. 500 536.. 295 631. 606 472... 1055 537.. 360 632. 408 473... 474.. 402 538.. 296 634. 866 339 539. 297 635. 287 *222 541. 908 636. 460 *501 542.. 282 637. 386 *630 543.. 298 638. 373 *707 541... 361 639. 1454 *721 545.. 362 640. 1735 *725 546. 283 641. 368 *175. *726 547.. 305 642. 225 830 548.. 363 552 643... 1081 550. 366 831 1120 551... 284 644. 814 *1266 552. 285 645. 560 1834 553.. 377 646. 461 475-10-11. 884 554. 286 648. 288 475-10-82. 961 555. 378 650. 558 475-10-91. 938 556. 345 651. 478 475-10-141. 962 560... 379 652- 479 475-10-176.. 883 563... 380 653. 462 475-18-94-C. 1145 564. 367 654. 409 475-18-94-D. 1146 566. 530 655. 353 475-18-101.. 1147 567... 619 656. 515 475-19-12F. 1561 570.. 381 657.. 354 475-19-94... 1728 571 1141 658. 620 1719 572.. 1846 659. 867 475-20-74.. 1731 573.. 1323 661. 291 475-24-68... 1408 574. 1324 662.. 410 475-24-94-L. 1409 575. 490 663. 411 475-42-32. 1541 576... 1317 664. 355 475-49-88. 1542 577.. 1325 665. 1455 394 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. A. DOCKETS SHOWING DECISION NUMBERS ASSIGNED-Continued. Docket No. De- cision Docket No. No. De- cision No. De- Docket No. cision No. 666... 1383 752... 730 853... 1687 667... 1384 753. 468 854. 1079 668. 1385 751.. 388 f 1688 856. 669... 1386 755.. 555 1810 1 670.... 1847 756.. 565 857 608 673. 1387 757. 574 858. 1370 674. 369 758.. 389 859. 918 675. 370 759... 390 860. 568 676... 371 760... 5€6 861. 623 677.. 572 761. 567 862.. 577 678.. 463 762 372 863.. 394 679. 464 763. 418 864. 639 680.. 855 764... 469 865.. 1272 681. 387 765.. 1843 869.. 1564 682. 465 766. 1844 870. 632 531 770... 419 871 1426 683.. 583 771.. 357 872. 1427 829 772... 420 873.. 782 685... 563 778... 580 874. 1428 686. 1563 779... 358 875. 624 476 780.. 1444 876. 1429 687. 950 781. 917 877. 1430 689. 644 782... 636 878. 756 • 691.. 564 783... 731 879. 609 692.. 466 784. 391 425 880. 693.. 412 785.. 559 892 694.. 1456 786... 1656 881. 395 695... 1457 787... 1657 882. 625 696. 1458 788... 1658 883. 470 697. 1459 789... 1659 884 857 698. 1848 790... 392 885. 858 699.. 1460 791... 393 886. 783 • 701.. 1461 792... 1660 887 471 702.. 1512 793... 1661 888. 472 703.. 1462 794... 1662 889. 536 704.. 1463 795... 1663 890. €40 705. 1464 796... 1664 891. 875 706.. 1465 797... 16 5 892.. 876 707... 1466 798... 16€6 893... 473 708... 1467 799... 1654 894.. 537 709.. 815 800. 856 895... 877 710... 1168 801... 506 896... 878 711... 573 802... 873 898... 553 713.. 477 805... 584 899.. 1331 714. 516 807.. 507 900. 626 715. 1443 808... 575 901. 879 716... 413 809... 637 902... 474 717... 621 810... 576 903... 610 718. 930 812. 585 904. 696 719.. 505 813... 508 633 905.. 720... 293 814... 534 1169 721. 1468 815.. 539 906 1329 722. 467 816. 421 908.. · 611 723. 634 422 909. 396 817.... 725. 1469 1057 910... 931 726. 1849 819 292 911... 475 727. 1850 821... 423 912.. 538 728... 1840 822. 424 913... 612 729... 1841 827. 1753 914.. €41 730. 1842 831. 607 915. 1333 781 832.. 540 916. 1334 732. 1505 833.. 509 917... 1335 733. 622 834.. 874 918... 503 734.. 767 835. 1388 919... 595 227 837... 510 920... 517 735... 414 838. 511 922.. 426 736. 645 839. 512 923. 518 738.. 1699 841. 561 924. 519 739.. 356 842. 562 925... 593 740. 532 843. 535 926... 520 741. 1425 844. 513 927... 775 742. 1083 845. 299 928. 1286 744.. 415 846. 456 929... 587 745. 416 847.. 652 930. 521 746. 417 848. 638 931. 1336 747. 635 819.. 586 932. 546 749. 557 850... 982 933.. 733 750... 556 851.. 581 934. 734 751.... 533 852. 1078 935. 642 DOCKETS AND CASES DISPOSED OF. 395 A. DOCKETS SHOWING DECISION NUMBERS ASSIGNED-Continued. Docket No. De- cision De- Docket No. cision No. No. De- Docket No. cision No. 936.... 823 1024. 671 1109. 984 937... 569 1025. 656 1110.. 868 938. 735 1026. €14 1111. 956 939. 578 1027. €97 1112. 869 940.. 588 1028. 1198 1113. 1029 941... 1230 1029. 615 1114. 861 $42... 793 1030. 909 1115. 862 944.. 522 1031.. €89 1116. 1273 945.. 523 1032. 698 1117. 853 946.. 1433 1033. 784 1118. 643 947. 426 1034. 616 1119. 787 948. 426 1035. 699 1120. 936 949. 426 1036.. 700 1121. 1010 950. 629 1037.. 678 1122. 761 951. 631 1038. 906 1123. 863 952. 570 1039.. 679 1124. 660 953. 1565 1010... 680 1125. 762 956. 426 1041.. 690 1126. 835 957.. 589 1042.. 701 1127. 684 958. 524 1043.. 702 1128. 763 959. 594 1044.. 880 1129. 839 960.. 547 1045. 703 1131. 661 961... 715 1046. 691 1132. 662 963. 590 1047... 728 1133. 736 964.. 711 1048.. 659 1135. 818 965. 591 1049... 881 1137. 788 966.. 712 1050... 1470 1138. 657 967.. 597 1052.. 704 1139... 658 598 1053... 683 1140... 764 968.. 1418 1054. 617 1141. 768 969 525 1055. 655 1142. 713 970... 599 1056. 672 1143... 714 971... 946 1057.. 939 1144. 794 972... 708 1058.. 673 710 1145... 976.. 816 1059.. 681 1434 977... 676 1060... 907 778 979... 618 1061.. 900 1146... 1481 981. 1359 1062.. 776 1689 982. 1359 1063. 919 1147... 649 983. 600 1064... 729 1148... 650 984. 646 1065.. 882 1149. 779 985. 1222 1067. 859 1150... 651 986... 1223 1068. 1009 1151.. 795 987.. 601 1069. 860 821 1152.... 988.. 1651 851 948 1070... $89.. 647 1503 822 1153. 990... 602 1074. 758 949 991... 603 1075. 785 1154.. 970 992.. 548 1076.. 834 1155. 1213 993. 777 1077.. 1371 1156. 796 $94. 604 1078.. 1702 1157.. 1605 995. 592 1079.. 1703 1161.. 789 997.. 792 1080.. 759 1162. 985 998.. 947 1081.. 786 1163. 988 999. 1362 1082. 952 1164. 986 1000. 1001. 1002.. 1362 1083.. 953 1165.. 1131 709 1084.. 981 1166.. 1332 648 1085. 940 1167.. 1084 1003... 596 1086. 737 1168. 674 1004. 549 1087... 738 1169. 675 1005.. 686 1088.. 954 1170. 741 1006. 932 1089. 941 1171. 836 1007.. 653 1090. 942 1172. 742 1008. 933 1091. 739 1173. 837 1009.. 654 1092.. 935 1174. 1023 1010. 627 1093. 964 1175... 965 1011.. 934 1094. 943 1176.. 966 1012.. 727 1095. 692 1178. 989 1013.. 687 1096.. 693 1179.. 987 1014. 677 1097.. 694 1180.. 967 1015.. 613 1098.. 695 1181. 663 1016... 1017. 667 1099.. 983 1182. 901 1018... 1019... 905 904 1100.. 688 1101. 1102... 1490 1183. 957 740 1184.. 968 937 1186. 1011 1020... 817 1103. 705 1187. 1024 1021. 668 1104. 760 1188.. 765 1022. 669 1105... 682 1189.. 1045 1023. 670 1108. 955 1190. 1012 50960°-24-26 396 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. A. DOCKETS SHOWING DECISION NUMBERS ASSIGNED-Continued. Docket No. De- cision No. Docket No. De- cision De- Docket No. cision No. No. 1191.. 1085 1295.. 1474 1417... 1135 1192... 1253 1296. 1186 1418.. 1419 1193.. 1025 1297. 1195 1419. 1.231 1194. 1013 1298.. 1417 1420. 1136 1195. 1014 (*1028 *1421. 1681 1196. 1132 *1036 1453. 992 1197. 1015 *1074 1454. 894 1198. 1030 *1448 1455. 898 1199. 1037 *1300.. 1554 1456... 806 1.200.. 1016 1559 J 1093 1460.. 1204.. 1214 1679 1431 1205. 1214 *1698 1461... 1472 1206 1214 1809 1164... 1420 1208. 1031 1300-4-A... 724 1466.. 1199 1209. 628 1300-10-H.. 828 1467... 840 1210. 723 1300-107-A.. 951 1468. 960 .1211. 722 1303. 1123 1469. 841 1.212. 722 1301.. 1188 1470.. 1770 1213. 722 852 1471.. 1491 1305.. 1214. 571 1504 1472... 842 1215. 515 1306... 1050 1473... 1413 1216. 716 1307... 1051 1475... 1043 1217. 790 1308.. 1052 1476.. 1480 1218. *732 1309.... 1053 1480.. 1735 1219. 1076 1310... 1054 1484. 1200 1220. 780 1311... 893 1485.. 807 1221. 769 1312... *1821 1487.. 1026 1222. 1032 1313... 798 1488.... 871 1223. 958 1314.. 799 1491... 971 833 1315... 771 1492. 926 1224. 1008 1316.. 800 1493. 972 1225. 1086 1317... 801 1494. 1058 1227. 743 1318... 1170 1495... 1.692 1228. 1033 1319... 1367 1496.. *1824 1229 1038 1321.. 802 1497... 1693 1230.... 664 1323.. 1691 1499.... 891 1231. 665 1324. 895 1500... 973 1232. 1034 1325. 890 1501.. 1027 1233. 1160 1326.... 1171 1502... 808 1234. 664 1328... 1153 1503... 699 1235. 1039 1329... 1414 1504. 1734 1236. 495 1330... 1154 1505.. 1097 1237.. 1761 1331.. 1155 1510.... 843 1241.. 1087 1332.. 1134 1511... 1337 1242. 1088 1333... 1196 1512. 844 1243. 1040 1334. 1246 1514. 1626 1244. 870 1335.. 1189 1515.. 1754 1245. 1151 1336... 1252 1516. 845 1249. 1041 1337... 1197 1517... 846 1250 1042 1338. 791 1518. 1627 1251.. 1251 1339. 1247 1519... 1421 1252.. 1089 1340.. 1248 1520... 1422 1152 1341.. 803 1521... 1580 1253.. 1211 1343 864 1522. *745 1254.. 797 1357... 1390 1523. 746 1256.. 1372 1377... 1391 1524.. 747 1258.. 504 1384. 804 1.525.. 748 1259. 1362 1385.. 991 1526... 1628 1260.. 1077 1386.. 819 1527... 749 1261.. 14121393. 1733 1528.. 750 1262. 1090 1394. 805 1529. 865 825 1395. 717 1530.. *751 1263. 885 1396... 897 1531... 752 1264.. 770 1398... 1435 1532.. 1655 959 1399.. 920 1534.. 753 1266.. 1473 1400.. *1822 1535.... 1424 1267. 685 1402... *1823 1536.. *755 1268... 1700 1403... 1249 1537.. 753 1270... 1121 1404... 1475 1539. 1736 1271... 1215 1406.. 1250 1554. 921 1272... 1389 1407.. 1190 1555... 993 1279... 903 1408. 766 1556.. 994 1280... 1566 1410... 1476 1558. 974 1281.. 1410 1411... 744 1559. 896 1288.. 838 1412. 1477 1560.. 809 1289.. 582 1413... 1478 1562. 927 1.290.. 1732 1414.. 888 1563.. 995 1292. *1820 1415.. 1471 1564. 1035 1294.. 1133 1416. 1479 1565. 1755 DOCKETS AND CASES DISPOSED OF. 397 A. DOCKETS SHOWING DECISION NUMBERS ASSIGNED-Continued. De- Docket No. De- cision De- Docket No. No. cision No. Docket No. cision No. 1569.. 1737 1021 1683. 1895.. 1220 1572. 1392 1127 1896... 1067 1582. 1393 1022 1684.. 1897... 1068 1592. 1704 1128 1554 1593. 1239 1685. 1551 1900... 1560 1594. 1201 1686. 1606 1914. 1243 1595. 996 1687. 1596. 922 کا 1082 1915... *1825 1482 1916... 1179 1597. 928 1690.. 1709 1917... 1568 1598. 975 1692. 911 1918... 1756 1599.. 1591 1693. 1710 1921. 1100 1600.. 1539 1694. 1802 1922.. 1101 1601. 847 1695. 1063 1923.. 1757 1602. 1118 1696. 1225 1924. 1500 1603. 997 1698. 1552 1925.. 1739 1604. 923 1699. 1059 1926... 1740 1605. 1216 1700.. 1219 1930... 1758 *1606. *757 1701. 1065 1931.. 1781 1607.. 1424 1702.. 1092 1934. 1048 1608. 1187 1703. 1099 1935. 1815 1609.. 1489 1705. 1567 1936... 1180 1610. 820 1708.. 1002 1937.. 1233 1611. 998 1709.. 1066 1938.. 1713 1613.. 963 1710. 1254 1939.. 1741 1620. 832 1730. 1394 1940. 1742 1621. 848 1734. 1513 1941.. 1743 1622. 849 1752. 1395 1942.. 1744 850 1753. 1396 1944. 1355 1623. 1623 1758. 1397 1945. 1102 826 1762. 1593 1946... 1652 1624.. 1415 1773. 1398 1917... 1103 1627. 978 1779. 1607 1948... 1006 1629. 1274 1785. 1594 1949... 1007 1630.. 910 1790... 1514 1950. 1069 1631. 1240 1797.. 1595 1951. *1826 1633.. 1622 1799. 1596 1952. 1851 1635.. 872 1802. 1597 1953. 1070 1636. 1629 1810... 1516 1955.. 1104 1637. 1209 1813. 1517 1956... 1852 1638. 1630 1815. 1515 1957.. 1142 1639.. 1487 1821. 1518 1960. 1759 1640. 1137 1822. 1519 1964.. 1416 1641. 1631 1823. 1520 1967... 1044 1642.. 1632 1828. 1608 1969... 1745 1643. 1633 1831. 1711 1970... 1181 1644. 1705 1832. 1712 1971... 1071 1646. 1706 1833. 1202 1972... 1671 1647. 1707 1835. 1275 1973... 1832 1648. 1217 1836. 1738 1975... 1224 1649. 999 1839. 1265 1981... 1373 1650.. 1694 1840. 1016 1982.. 1119 1651. 1235 1841.. 1017 1984. 1255 1652. 1547 1842. 1003 1985... 1166 1653. 1548 1843. 912 1986.. 1509 1654. 1549 1814. 913 1987.. 1501 1655.. 1550 1845. 914 1995.. 1399 1659. 1716 1846. 915 1999... 1400 1660. 1708 1847... 1810 2006... 1815 1661. 827 1848. 944 2007... 1746 1662. 1000 1850. 945 2008. 1760 1001 1851.. 1276 2009... 1747 1663. 1148 1852. 1762 2010... 1748 1666.. 1218 1853. 1130 2011... 1232 1669. 1098 1851. 1177 2012.. 1080 1670. 979 1871... 1536 2014... 1161 1671. 1060 1874... 1004 2015... 1162 1672. 1765 1875.. 1005 2016... 1163 1673.. 1722 1876. 1178 2017... 1164 1674.. 1766 1878... 1056 2019... 1105 1675. 976 1879... 977 2020.. 1172 1676.. 1723 1880... 980 2022.. 1870 1677... 1061 1881. 1129 2029.. 1401 1018 1883... 1354 2030. 1402 1679... 1124 1885... 1064 2038. 1749 1019 1888. *1830 2039.. 1750 1680.. 1123 1899. 1330 2041. 1072 1681. 1062 1891. 1242 2043. 1279 1020 1892. 1047 2053... 1672 1682. 1126 1893.. 969 2054. 1673 398 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. A. DOCKETS SHOWING DECISION NUMBERS ASSIGNED-Continued. Docket No. De- cision De- De- Docket No. No. cision No. Docket No. cision No. 2055.. 1669 2185. 1810 2287.. 2056.. 1143 2186.. 1340 2288. 2057.. 1165 2189.. 1049 2289 2058.. 1635 2191. 1524 2290.. 2059 *1830 2192... 1525 2291. 2061. 1751 2193.. 1523 2292. 2062.. 1782 2194. 1522 2293. (*1450 2195. 1598 2294. 2064. 1735 2196.. 1521 2295. -2065.. 1690 2198... 1110 2296. 2068... 1773 2199. 1111 2297. 2070. 1210 2200... 1112 2298. 2073. 1783 2201. 1113 2299. 2074.. 1138 2202. 1114 2300.. 2076.. 1774 2203. 1115 2301. 2077……. 1815 2204.. 1116 2302.. 2078... 1784 2205. 1599 2303. 2080.. 1073 2207. 1798 2304... 2084.. 1810 2208.. *1830 2305... 2085.. 1167 2209... 1804 2306... 2086.. 1581 2210. 1156 2307. 2088 1226 2212... 1139 2308.. 2089.. 1182 2213.... 1805 2309. 2093. 1695 2214. 1806 2310. 2095. 1537 2215... 1807 2311.. 2096.. 1815 2217... 1812 2312.. 1680 2097. 1775 2218.. 1813 2313... 2098.. - 1776 2219. 1191 2314... 2099. - 1810 2220. 1157 2315.. 2103... 1498 2222. 1862 2316. 2104.. 1173 2223. 1863 2317... 2105.. 1777 2224. 1864 2318.. 2106.. 1778 2225.. 1857 2319... 2108. 1779 2226.. 1865 2320... 2109. 1780 2228.. 1184 2321. 2113. 1526 2230... 1815 2322.. 2118... 1183 2231. 1720 2323... 2119. 1106 1360 2324.. 2233. 2122. 1718 2325. 2123. 2234. 1256 2326. 2124. 2235.. 1221 2327. 2125.. 2236... 1257 2328. 2126.. 2237. 1258 2329.. 2127. 2238. 1259 2330. 2128. 2239. 1259 2331. 2129. 2240. 1260 2332.. 1680 2130.. 2241. 1261 2333. 2131. 2242. 1361 2334. 2132. 2243.. 1229 2335... 2133... 2244. *1830 2336.. 2134.. 2246. 1356 2337... 1358 2135. 2248. 1357 2339. 1256 2136. 2249.. 1341 2340. 1256 2137. 2253. *1830 2345. 1609 2138. 1785 1342 2346. 1158 2255. 2140... 1870 1528 2347. 1159 2141... 1107 2260. 1866 2348. 1368 2143... 1108 2261. 1858 2349. 1277 2145.. 1144 2203. 1203 2353.. 1810 2146... 1109 2264.. 1204 2354.. 2150.. 1789 2265. 1859 2355... 2151.. 1870 2208. 1227 2356. 1680 2158.. 1634 2270. 2357... 2159. *1830 2271. 2358.. 2161.. 1149 2272. 2359. 1262 2162.. 1150 2273. 2360... 1263 2164... 1569 2274. 2362... 1264 2165.. 1814 2275. 2364... *1830 2166.. 1668 2270. 2366.. 1867 2169. 1815 2277.. 2367... 1870 2170. 1555 2278.. 1680 2368. 2171.. 1790 2279.. 2369... 1205 2172. 1803 2280. 2370... 1860 2175.. 1815 2281. 2371. 1870 2179. 1339 2282. 2373... 1343 2180... 1791 2283. 2374.. 1344 2181.. 1792 2284. 2375.. 1241 2182. 1808 2285. 2376. 1436 2184. 1735 2286. 2377. 1345 DOCKETS AND CASES DISPOSED OF. · 399 A. DOCKETS SHOWING DECISION NUMBERS ASSIGNED-Continued. De- De- De- Docket No. cision Docket No. cision Docket No. cision No. No. No. 2378.. 1346 2585. 1810 2761.. 2379. 1347 2589. 1207 2764... *1830 2385. 1174 2590. 1714 2765. 2388. 1445 2592. *1830 2768.. 1675 *2391. 1192 2593. 1486 2771. 1499 2392.. 1483 2594. 1406 2774. 1721 2393. 1244 2595. 2775. 1585 1690 2393. *1830 2596. 2776... 1485 2394. 1636 2600.. 1269 2777. 1763 2395. 1185 2601. 1364 2781. 1374 2399. 1815 2603. 1771 2783.. 1375 2400. *1830 2607. 1437 2784. 1376 2408.. 1868 2613. 1641 2785.. 1377 2410... 1488 2615. *1830 2786... 1378 2411. 1637 2617... 1570 2791. 1379 2412. 2618. 1352 2794. 1380 2413. 1348 2620... 2797.. 1381 *1830 2414. 1484 2622. 2800... 1810 2416. *1830 2623. 1642 2801. 1382 2418. 1245 2625.. 1438 2815.. 1735 2419.. 1869 2631. 1827 2816.. 1441 2420.. 1338 2639. *1830 2818.. 1586 2425. 1449 2641. 1571 2821. 1828 2431. 1638 2642. 1572 2825. 1646 2434. 1236 2644. 2826.. 1696 2436. 2645. 2827... 1815 2447. *1830 2646. 2833.. 1587 2448. 2647. 2834.. 1442 2449. 2618.. 1680 2835. 1588 2450.. 1639 2649.. 2836. 1573 2451. 1637 2650. 2839. 1680 2452.. 2651. 2840. 2455. 1193 2€52. 2841.. 1492 2456. 1287 2653. 1582 2842. 1493 2457. *2654.. *1538 2847. 1772 2458... 2655. 1621 2850.. 1494 2459... 2655-46B 1697 2852. 1507 2460.. 2656. 1369 2856. 1613 2461. *1830 2660. 1234 2858. 1591 2462. 2668. 1674 2859. 1647 2463. 26€9. 1643 2869. 1411 2464. 2671.. 1616 2871. 1529 2465. 2672. 1617 2873.. 1589 2466. 1194 2673.. 1618 2878. 1502 2468. 1366 2674. 1619 2880. 1495 2471.. 1278 2675. 1620 2881. 1496 2472. *1830 2676.. 2886. 1574 2474. 1349 2677.. 2897. 1575 2475.. 1228 2€78.. 2888.. 1810 2476. 1350 2679.. 2897... 1497 2477. 1640 2680. 2901.. 1576 1680 • 2481. · 1600 2681. 2905. 1577 2482. 1610 2682. 2908. 1590 2485. 1611 2683.. 2910. 1530 2486. 2684. 2911.. 1531 2487. 2685.. 2912. 1532 2488. 2687. 2918. 1557 *1830 2489. 2688.. 2921.. 1648 2490. 2703.. 2922. 1676 1680 1815 2491. 2704. 2923. 1653 2492.. 2705. 1439 2924. 1602 2493. 2706.. 1644 2925. 1603 2494. 2495.. 2719... 2720.. 1353 2927. 1735 1831 2934. 1677 2498 1827 2722. 1556 2936. 1579 2499. 1446 2723. 1510 2949. 1604 *2500. (*1267 2725.. 1506 2951. 1533 *1450 2727. 1447 2952. 1527 2500-66B 2728.. 1583 2953. 1707 1621 2500-95A. 2729. 1584 2961. 1535 2502.. 1175 2730... 1440 2962. 1680 2506. 1351 2731. 1601 2963.. 1534 2510. 1407 2738. 2964.. 1815 *1830 2513.. 2519. 2521.. 1403 2751.. 1404 2753.. 1405 2756.. 2966. 1508 1645 2996. 1701 2999.. 1614 2577.. 1206 2757. *1830 3000.. 1649 2581. *1830 2758... 3004. 1511 2582. 2759. 1715 3007. 1650 400 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. A. DOCKETS SHOWING DECISION NUMBERS ASSIGNED- Continued. De- De- De- Docket No. cision Docket No. cision Docket No, cision No. No. No. 3020. 1615 3148.. 1786 3232-9. 3026. 1579 3149.. 1787 3232-20. 3027. 1612 3150.. 3232-21.. 1800 3232-24. 1870 3033. 1815 3151. 1838 3232-26. 3034. 1768 3157.. 1793 3232-28. 3035.. 1724 3158.. 1794 3232-42. 3041. 1624 3232-45. 1815 3159.. 1795 3042. 1678 3232-46.. 3043. 1667 3160. 1796 1870 3232-62. 3056. 1725 3161.. 1797 3232-67. 1815 3081. 1729 3177. 1788 3232-107... 3084. 1726 3186. 1801 3232-125. 3086. 1727 3188. 1811 3232-129. 1870 3124. 1735 3207... 1853 3232-144. 3129. *1830 3211. 1836 3233... 3132. 1764 3221. 1837 3235. 3134.. 1815 3224. 1816 3245.. 1854 3135. 1769 3225. 1817 3285. 1861 3139. 1799 3226.. 1818 3286. 1855 3140, 1717 3227.. 1819 3295-66. 1870 3141. 1835 3228. 1870 3299 1856 3143. 3232. 1861 3323.. 3144. 1870 3145. 3232-1. 3232-5... 1870 3324.. 1870 1815 3351... B. DOCKETS SHOWING ADDENDUM NUMBERS ASSIGNED. [Note.-The asterisk is used to indicate addenda upon which interpretations have been rendered.] Docket No. Addendum No. Docket No. Addendum No. * 2-Dn. 119 1292.... 1-Dn. 1820 1-Dn. 757 1-Dn. 1028 1.... 2-Dn. 757 2-Dn. 1028 3-Dn. 757 3-Dn. 1028 1-Dn. 757 4-Dn. 1028 2.. 2-Dn. 757 1300.. 1-Dn. 1036 3-Dn. 757 2-Dn. 1036 1-Dn. 757 1-Dn. 1074 3...... 2-Dn. 757 2-Dn. 1074 3-Dn. 757 1-Dn. 1448 85... 6-Dn. 2 1-Dn. 1698 86.. 5-Dn. 2 1300-160A.. 3-Dn. 1036 1-Dn. 147 1312. 1-Dn. 1821 2-Dn. 147 1400... 1-Dn. 1822 353.. 3-Dn. 147 1402. 1-Dn. 1823 4-Dn. 147 1421. 1-Dn. 726 353-96G. 1-Dn. 215 1489. 2-Dn. 501 404.. 1-Dn. 218 1490... 2-Dn. 501 450. 4-Dn. 501 1496... 1-Dn. 1825 1-Dn. 222 2-Dn. 222 3-Dn. 222 1-Dn. 757 1606.. 2-Dn. 757 3-Dn. 757 4-Dn. 222 1915.. 1-Dn. 1825 5-Dn. 222 1951. 1-Dn. 1826 6-Dn. 222 1-Dn. 1267 7-Dn. 222 8-Dn. 222 3-Dn. 1267 2500.. 4-Dn. 1267 9-Dn. 222 5-Dn. 1267 10-Dn. 222 2500–43A.. 2-Dn. 1267 11-Dn. 222 2654.. 1-Dn. 1538 12-Da. 222 475.. 13-Dn. 222 14-Dn. 222 1-Dn. 501 3-Du. 501 1-Dit. 630 2-Di. 630 3-Dn. 630 1-Dn. 721 1-Dn. 725 1-Dn. 1266 2-Dn. 1266 3-Dn. 1266 DOCKETS AND CASES DISPOSED OF. 401 C. DOCKETS SHOWING INTERPRETATION NUMBERS ASSIGNED. Docket No. Interpreta- tion No. Docket No. Interpreta- tion No. 2-Dn. 119 107.... 1.... 20-Dn. 2. 20-Dn. 3... 20-Dn. 40... 1-Dn. 2222 144... 19-Dn. 16-Dn. 2 2 2 156.. 230... 17-Dn. 2 18-Dn. 2 2 242. 22-Dn. 2 50... 2-Dn. 2 312... 21-Da. 2 70.... 4-Dn. 2 353. 2-Dn. 147 71.... 5-Dn. 2 399.. 3-Dn. 119 72... 73... 74. .. 75. 76... 77... 6-Dn. 2 475.. 1-Dn. 707 9-Dn. 2 671.. 23-Dn. 2 9-Dn. 2 1269. 1-Dn. 222 9-Dn. 2 .. 1291.. 3-Dn. 222 7-Dn. 2 1329.. 1-Dn. 117 • 7-Dn. 2 1342. 6-Dn. 119 84. 3-Dn. 2 1668... 1-Dn. 501 88. 10-Da. 2 1888.. 1-Dn. 1830 89.. 11-Dn. 2 2114.. 2-Dn. 501 90. 12-Dn. 2 2157. 1-Dn. 721 93... 15-Dn. 2 2384. 2-Dn. 222 95.. 8-Dn. 2 2391. 2-Dn. 630 103... 13-Dn. 2 2751. 1-Dn. 1830 104.. 14-Dn. 2 3197... 1-Dn. 1450 Table 2.-TABLE SHOWING CASES DISPOSED OF. A. CASES SHOWING DECISION NUMBERS ASSIGNED. 65.1... 99.1... 70.2.. 72.2... 83.1. Miscellaneous case No. Decision No. B. CASES SHOWING ADDENDUM NUMBERS ASSIGNED. Miscellaneous case No. Addendum No. 4-Dn. 2 84.1. 3-Dn. 2 101.1 2-Dn. 2 15 211 Miscellaneous case No. Addendum No. 1-Dn. 1 1-Dn. 119 C. CASES SHOWING INTERPRETATION NUMBERS ASSIGNED. 101.1... Miscellaneous case No. Interpre- tation No. 1-Dn. 119 4-Dn. 119 5-Du. 119 1 402 CUMULATIVE INDEX-DIGEST. J Table 3.-TABLE OF DECISIONS HAVING AD- DENDA AND INTERPRETATIONS. A. DECISIONS HAVING ADDENDA RENDERED THEREON. Decision No. Addenda No. Decision No. Addenda No. 2... 119.... 147.... 215. 1 CA W 2 pad 721. 725. 3 726.. 4 5 757.. 6 1 2 1028... 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 3 4 1036... 1 2 1 3 1 218... 1074... 1 2 2 1 3 1266... 2 4 3 5 1 6 2 7 1267... 3 222.. 8 4 9 5 10 1448... 1 11 1538... 1 12 1698.. 1 13 1820... 1 14 1821 1 1 1822. 1 2 1823. 1 501.... 3 1824... 1 4 1825... 1 1 1826.. 1 630.... 2 3 B. DECISIONS HAVING INTERPRETATIONS RENDERED THEREON. Decision No. Interpreta- tion No. Interpreta- Decision No. tion No. 1234 119... 6 7 147.. 8 9 10 222.. 11 3 2...... 12 501... 13 14 630... 15 16 707.. 17 721. 19 20 21 22222 18 1450.... 1830... 1234 KO CO 1 N 1 2 0 1~H~=d, pont panel pant 5 6 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 23 DOCKETS AND CASES DISPOSED OF. 403 Table 4.-CUMULATIVE TABLE OF ADDENDA HAVING INTERPRETATIONS. 2-Dn. 119.. Addendum to decision. о Interpreta- tion No. 2 12 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 02022 4542