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LONDON ROBERT COCKS & C9 NEW BURLINGTON STREET, W, APY SA’a ca Z AAA’o//y7/7AA/7. \ PUBLISHERs ſo Her MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA. H. R. H. WHE PRINCE OF WALEs, Awd H/M.7HE EMPEROR WAPOL ow/// ITS HISTORY AND CONSTRUCTION: A COMPREHENSIVE TREATISE ON THE STRUCTURE & CAPABILITIES OF THE ORGAN, WITH SPECIFICATIONS AND SUGGESTIVE DETAILS FOR INSTRUMENTS OF ALL SIZES. HANDBOOK FOR THE ORGANIST AND THE AMATEUR. y EDWARD J. HOPKINS, Organist to the Honourable Societies of the Inner and Middle Temple. PRECEDED BY AN ENTIRELY NEW HISTORY OF THE ORGAN, MEMOIRS OF THE MOST EMIN ENT BUILDERS OF THE SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES, AND OTHER MATTERS OF RESEARCH IN CONNECTION WITH THE SUBJECT, BY EDWARD F. RIM BAULT, LL.D., Member of the Royal Academty of Music in Stockholm ; Musical Examiner in the Royal College of Preceptors, London, &c., &c. T H | R D E D | T | O N. LONDON : ROBERT COCKS & CO., NEW BURLINGTON STREET, Music Publishers to Her most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria, H. R. H. the Prince of Wales, and His late Imperial Majesty Wapoleon III., AEmperor of the French. SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, AND CO. WHITTAKER AND CO. MIDCCCLXXVII. Music LONDON . HENDERSON, RAIT, AND FENTON, GENERAL PRINTERs, MARYLEBONE LANE, Oxfor D STREET. PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. ºN the present (third) Edition of “THE ORGAN : ITS º HISTORY AND CONSTRUCTION,” the entire work has been subjected to a thorough revision, and the contents of the Appendix have received many important additions and Substitutions. Improvements in the mechanism of the Organ have continued to be made since the publication of the second edition of this work, which have been duly detailed as far as space would admit ; and the same may be said with reference to the improve- ment in the general features of the specifications which have been issued and executed by some of the leading organ-building firms both in England and America. - All who enjoyed the personal acquaintance of the author of the Historical portion of this volume, the late Dr. Rimbault, will have felt the loss of So genial, accomplished, and unassuming a friend; but they will be glad to know that the revision of his portion of the present edition was completed some weeks before his active and useful life was brought to a close. EDWARD J. HOPKINS. 23, ST. AUGUSTINE’s ROAD, N.W., }'une 1, 1877. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. r:tº HE arts of organ-building and organ-playing have made such rapid strides in England during the last few years that it was felt a new edition of “THE ORGAN : ITS HISTORY AND CONSTRUCTION,” was urgently needed. The practical portion of the work contains a full and minute description of the organ in every part of its manufacture. Not only has the material of the first edition undergone a complete and most careful revision, but two new chapters have been added ; i.e., those on Joy's Hydraulic Blower and the Electric Organ. The Pneumatic Draw-stop Action has been carefully described, and the chapter on the important question of Temperament has been entirely re-written. In the preparation of the additional material, my friend, Mr. Hopkins, has been assisted in his labours by some of the most eminent organ-builders, both English and foreign ; and through their co-operation correct and minute diagrams have been given, which will, it is confidently hoped, render the volume of the utmost possible practical use both to the organist and to the amateur. Special reference must here be made to the chapter and diagrams upon the most recent introduction, the Electric Action. With regard to the “History of the Organ,” I have bestowed Some pains upon its revision and correction. Much curious and minute information has been added, the result of considerable PREFACE. * vii labour and research. The Treatise of Hero of Alexandria, with its interesting notice of the ancient Greek organ, has received attention ; whilst the mediaeval organ-builders and their works form an important and an entirely new chapter. The notices of the builders after the Restoration have received considerable and valuable additions, and the lists of their works have been carefully revised and extended. For much curious and valuable information I am indebted to my friend, Mr. W. B. Gilbert, Mus. Bac, Oxon., late organist of Boston, Lincolnshire. In the preparation of the “Specifications " (forming the APPENDIX), Mr. Hopkins has spared no time and labour. The descriptions and details given are the result, not only of much careful collating of the best authorities, but, in addition, a personal inspection of many of the most celebrated Continental instruments. EDWARD F. RIMBAULT. ST, MARK's CRESCENT, REGENT'S PARK, N.W., Christmas, 1870. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. tº HE following work has been undertaken with the view º º sº of supplying what has hitherto been felt to be a great bºiliº desideratum in this country; namely, a hand-book de- Scribing the construction of the English organ with the necessary minuteness to enable those not previously conversant with the Subject to understand the formation, nature, and operation of every part of that most ingenious, complex, and noble of all musical instruments. In proceeding to carry out this design Several plans presented themselves, but the one that appeared best calculated to place the subject in the most simple shape before the reader was that of arranging the various systems of mechanism and the Several clever devices for giving speech and vitality to the organ into Separate divisions, and then of describing the numerous parts which together form those main portions in the continuous order they are usually met with in modern English instruments. This course has therefore been adopted in the arrangement of the materials forming the following chapters; and each separate subject—as, for instance, Some particular system of mechanism—is traced from its source to its termination, with a slight notice only (at the time) being taken of other portions of the intricate machine towards which it may Occasionally approach closely, yet without having therewith any actual connection. The endeavour has been made in the progress of the work to record the names of the originators of the numerous ameliorations PREFACE. - ix and improvements that have been made from time to time in the details of organ-building. This part of the design, however, has not been found by any means so easy of accomplishment as at first it might appear to be, for but few records were ever kept either of the date or the builder by whom such advantageous modifications were effected. An internal examination of numerous organs, and a comparison of their dates of construction have been made, with the view of arriving at a correct conclusion on all these points, and the result has been given ; at the same time a date or fact may here or there have escaped the research of the writer, who will therefore be glad to receive any such testimony as may come under the notice of others, and which will be gratefully accepted and carefully preserved for future use. To account for the frequent appearance of names and dates in the descriptions of some of the more recent improvements, it may be mentioned that these have in all cases been given, where positively known, in the hope of obviating future uncertainty. Among the most vexed questions of the present time regarding the English organ are those relating to the compass and the tem- perament of the instrument. To each of these subjects, therefore, a full chapter has been devoted, which, it is hoped, may have some influence in conducting them nearer towards a settlement. In these discussions, and indeed throughout the work, great pains have been taken to preserve as much simplicity of language and freedom from technicality as seemed practicable. Other matters of importance are those relating to the musical pitch, the composition of the compound stops, and the position of the organ, all of which have also been considered at some length. The Appendix will be found to present a collection of specifi- cations of British and foreign organs more varied in size and details, and more extensive in number, than has ever before been brought together in any similar work in any country. A few of X PREFACE. the English specimens are either accounts of instruments of past celebrity, or of such as were made according to a system now being fast superseded ; but most of the Continental descriptions, it is confidently hoped, will prove of the highest value to organists in exemplifying what are the general principles observed by the foreign artists, to the investigation of which the organ-builders and organists of this country, fortunately, are now almost universally turning their attention. The accounts of foreign organs have partly been prepared from notes made by the writer and other tourists at the instruments themselves, and partly from previously printed accounts, the stops, however, being in all cases re-arranged and classified according to one uniform and simple plan, SO that they may be more convenient for purposes of reference and Com- parison. The descriptions of British organs have been drawn up, in some cases, from accounts kindly furnished by their respective organists; in others, from well-known printed authorities; while the particulars of the more recently constructed instruments have been extracted chiefly from the descriptions issued by their re- spective builders. It remains for the writer to tender his thanks to those gentlemen who have kindly favoured him with their suggestions and opinions; and he feels his acknowledgments to be particularly due to Mr. Hill and Mr. Walker, Mr. Robson and Mr. Jardine, for their exposition of certain technical matters ; and to the Rev. Sir Frederick Gore- Ouseley, Bart, and to C. Harwood Clark, Esq., for placing their MS. note-books, Containing accounts of numerous foreign organs, so entirely at his disposal. EDWARD J. HOPKINS. 69, TACHBROOK STREET, PIMLICO, } une, 1855. CONTENTS. —º-— THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. –0– FIRST EPOCH.—THE ANCIENT ORGAN, ANTERIOR TO THE INVENTION OF THE i KEY-BOARD. Its invention, I. The hydraulic organ, 6. The pneumatic organ, I5. Its introduction into the Church, 17. Organ-building in the eleventh century, 23. SECOND EPOCH-THE MEDIAEyAL ORGAN, AFTER THE INVENTION OF THE : II. I2. I3. I4. I5. I6. I7. I8. I9. 2O. 2 I. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 3O. 3I. KEY-BOARD. The first key-board, 33. The bellows, 35. Supposed origin of the Mixture stops, 36. The first monastic organs, 38. The Regal, or Portative, 39. The Positive, 41. The meaning of “a pair of organs,” 43. The improved key-board, and the invention of the Pedal, 44. Monastic organs in England, 46. - THIRD EPOCH.—THE FIRST ORGAN-BUILDERS BY PROFESSION. Early German builders, 54. Early English builders, 55. Local English builders, 61. English builders in the seventeenth century, 62. Notices of English organs, 7 I. Organs in Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, 72. Improvements by German builders, 75. Italian organ-builders, 77. Notices of foreign organs, 77. The ancient position of the organ, 79. The curiosities of organ-building, 87. The destruction of organs in England during the Great Rebellion, 91. Existing old English Organs, 98. * FOURTH EPOCH.—THE FOUNDERS OF MODERN ORGAN-BUILDING, Father Smith, IO2. John and Renatus Harris, IIQ. Father Smith's Nephews, I31. Renatus Harris, jun., I33. CONTENTS, I i 2 John Harris and John Byfield, I34. Christopher Schrider, 136. Thomas Schwarbrook, I 38. The Jordans, Father and Son, 139. . Richard Bridge, 144. John Byfield, Junr., I45. Messrs. Glyn and Parker, 146. Thomas Griffin, I47. John Snetzler, I47. Messrs. Crang and Hancock, 149. Samuel Green, I 50. John Avery, I 53. The Englands, Father and Son, I 54. Paul Micheau, I 55. Organ-builders of the end of the eighteenth century, 156. Progress of organ-building in Germany, I 56. Andreas Silbermann, I56. Gottfried Silbermann, I 57. Johann Andreas Silbermann, I 58. Johann Daniel Silbermann, I 59. ! Cotemporaries and Successors of the Silbermanns, I 59. THE ORGAN : ITS STRUCTURE, &c. —º- Preliminary observations, 3. DIVISION I.--—THE EXTERIOR OF THE ORGAN. CHAPTER I.--THE ORGAN CASE. . Its nature and use, and the materials of which it is formed, 5. The general structure of the organ-case, and the means of ingress, 5. The general arrangement of the front pipes, 5. The various figures in which the front pipes are arranged, 6. The arrangement of the front pipes in regard to the Sound they produce, 7. Of the decoration of the front pipes, 8. - DIVISION II. —THE WIND-COLLECTING PORTION OF THE ORGAN. 23. 24. 29. 3O. 3I. 33. 35. 38. 42. CHAPTER II.--THE BELLOWS. Their use, 9. The different kinds of organ bellows ordinarily met with ; which the oldest; their names ; and why so called, 9. Particulars concerning the diagonal bellows, Io. Their number, 11. Arrangement, II. Method of operation, II. Their original defects, 12. How remedied, 13. The horizontal bellows, 14. CONTENTS. xiii Its structural features, I4. The working of the horizontal bellows, and the room which the compressed air makes for itself between the plates and folds of the reservoir, 17. The construction of the reservoir, 17. The construction of the feeder, 18. The blowing action, 18. The action of the inverted folds, 19. The counter balances, IQ. The waste pallet, 19. The unsteadiness of the organ wind arising from unskilful blowing, or from irregular consumption, 20. The several kinds of feeder, 20. The concussion bellows, 23. The anemometer, 23. DIVISION III.—THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. 99. IO3. I IO. II.7. II9. I23. I26. I29. I 58. I66. I68. I7 I. 177. I8o. I82. I84. I85. I89. I92. I99. 2OO. 2O5. 2I4. 222. 224. CHAPTER III.--THE WIND-TRUNKS, 25. CHAPTER IV.--THE WIND-CHEST. The wind-chest ; its use, 27. Its attendant parts, 28. CHAPTER V.—THE SOUND-BOARD. The formation of a sound-board, 30. - How the sound-board pallets are brought under control, 31. The Sound-board bars, 31. The sound-board grooves, 3.I. The Sound-board pallets, 32. The pallet holes, 32. CHAPTER VI.--THE TABLE, 35. CHAPTER VII.--THE UPPER BOARDS, 38. CHAPTER VIII.--THE SLIDERS, BEARERS, AND PIPE-RACKS. The action of a slider, 40. - The bearers, 4I. The pipe-racks, 4I. CHAPTER IX. —THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE GROOVES AND STOPS. The situation of the large and small grooves in the sound-board, 43. First plan of groove arrangement, 44. Second plan, 45. Third plan, 45. Fourth plan, 46. The arrangement of the stops on the sound-board, 46. The mechanism of the organ, 46. DIVISION IV.--THE MECHANISM OF THE ORGAN. CHAPTER X. —THE CLAVIERS AND KIEY MOVEMENTS. The Manuals, 47. The Pedals, 49. The situation of the claviers, 49. The key movement, 50. The action of the key movement, 51. The roller-board movement, 52. Square and tracker-work, 53. xiv CONTENTS. CHAPTER XI.--THE COUPLERS AND SFORZANDO PEDAL. 23I. Manual couplers, 54. 236. The Sforzando coupler, 56. 238. Pedal couplers, 56. CHAPTER XII.--THE PNEUMATIC ACTION, 59. CHAPTER XIII.—THE DRAW-STOP ACTION. 252. The wooden trundle draw-stop action, 63. 253. A description of the several parts, 64. 258. How the draw-stop action operates, 65. 260. The iron trundle draw-stop action, 65. 263. The pneumatic draw-stop action, 66. CHAPTER XIV.-Joy's PATENT HYDRAULIC ENGINE, 67, CHAPTER XV.--THE ELECTRIC ACTION, 69. CHAPTER XVI.—THE SHIFTING MOVEMENT AND THE COMPOSITION PEDALS. 3O8. The shifting movement, 88. - 309. The Composition Pedals, 88. 3II. The single-action Composition Pedal, 88. 313. The double-action Composition Pedal, 89. 318. The Composition Pedal action, 89. 319. The way in which the action operates, 89. CHAPTER XVII.--THE ECHO AND SWELL, 329. The Echo, 91. 330. The nag's head Swell, 91. 33I. The Venetian Swell, 91. CHAPTER XVIII.--THE TREMULANT, 94. DIVISION V.—THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. CHAPTER XIX. —THE MATERIALS USED FOR ORGAN PIPES. 353. Tin, 96. 363. Metal, 98. 364. Spotted metal, 98. 365. Lead, 98. 366. Antimony metal, 99. 367. Zinc, 99. 368. The casting of the metal, 99. 369. Wood, IOO. 37I. The seasoning of the wood, IOO. CHAPTER xix.--THE PLAN, OUTLINE, AND STRUCTURE OF ORGAN PIPES. 373. The plan and outline of the pipes, IOI. 378. Cylindrical pipes, IOI. 379. Open cylindrical pipes, IOI. 380. Stopped cylindrical pipes, IoI. 382. Half-stopped cylindrical pipes, IO2. 384. Perforated cylindrical pipes, IO2. 387. Conical pipes, IO3. 389. Conical pipes surmounted by a bell or outspreading top, IO3. 390. Inverted cone, IO3. 391. Inverted cone surmounted by a bell, IO4. 392. Wooden pipes, IO4. 393. Open four-sided pipes, IO4. CONTENTS. XV 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 4OO. 4O2. 4O3. 4O4. 4O6. 4 II. 416. 42O. 429. 435. 436. 448. 454. 459. 467. 468. 472. 473. 474. 476. 482. 485. 495. 524. 53O, 539. 542. 544. 55O. 56O. 621. 638. Stopped four-sided pipes, IO4. Half-stopped four-sided pipes, IO5. Three-sided pipes, IO5. Wooden cylindrical pipes, IO5. Pyramidal pipes, IO5. Pyramidal and inverted, IO5. The classification of the pipes into ſue and reed pipes, Ioff. Flue pipes, IO6. Reed pipes, IO6. The separate parts of a metal flue pipe, IO6. The way in which the several parts of metal pipes are united together, Io'7. Wood flue pipes; open, stopped, and half-stopped, IO8. How the Several parts are worked together, IO8. Origin and continuance of the tone in flue pipes, Io9. The mouth of a flue pipe, and the influence of its proportions on the tone of the pipe, IIO. The voicing of metal and wooden flue pipes, III. The influence of the material, form, and scale on the tone of a pipe, I 13. Influence of the strength and quantity of the wind on the character and Strength of the tone, II4. Formation of a reed pipe, II 5. The formation of the tubes, II6. The different kinds of mouthpieces or reeds. The open, closed, and free reeds, I 17. - The influence of the tube—its shape, scale, and material——on the strength and character of the tone of a reed pipe, II7. The influence of the reed and tongue on the tone of the pipe, I 18. How a Sound is produced from a reed pipe, I 18. How the pitch of the sound of an organ pipe is determined, I 18. CHAPTER XX. —THE STANDARD LENGTH OF ORGAN PIPES. The names of the sounds produced from organ pipes, I2O. The classification of those sounds into octaves, and the different methods by which the several octaves are distinguished from one another, I2 I. The size of the pipes mostly used for stop measurement, I23. CHAPTER XXI,-THE SIZE OF TONE OF ORGAN PIPES. The scale of organ pipes, and the influence which an alteration in the proportion exercises on the length, 127. CHAPTER XXII.-ORGAN STOPS. Definition of a stop, and an explanation of the various kinds, I28. The size of the stops : how ascertained, 130. The classification of the stops, in regard to their tone-producing part, into reed stops and flue stops, 130. Classification of the flue stops, in regard to their structure, into Diapason- work, Covered-work, and Flute-work, I 30. Classification of organ stops, in regard to the Sound they produce, into Foundation, Mutation, and Compound stops, I31. CHAPTER XXIII.--THE NAMES OF ORGAN STOPS, The name and description of stops found in English organs, together with their length or size of tone on the Manual and Pedal, I34. Compound stops, I42. Reed stops, I44, xvi CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXIV.--THE ORIGIN AND NECESSITY OF FOUNDATION, MUTATION, AND COMPOUND STOPS. 657. The introduction of stops of various sizes, founded on a phenomenon in nature, I47. -- - 666. How the sizes of the Harmonic-corroborating stops are deduced and fixed, I48. 672. Reasons for marking the length of the stops on the knobs, I49. 673. Theoretical exceptions sometimes taken to certain organ stops, I49. CHAPTER XXV. —PARTICULARS CONCERNING THE SCALE AND THE BALANCING OF ORGAN STOPS. 676. The comparative scale of the Foundation and Mutation stops, and ranks of pipes, I 5 I. 706. The increase of scale in a stop as the pipes become shorter, and why necessary, I 57. 7 II. A variation is made in the scale of the stops of the same name on the different claviers, and also in the duplicates on the same clavier. The reason and necessity thereof, I 58. DIVISION VI.--THE TUNING, TEMPERAMENT, AND PITCH OF THE ORGAN. CHAPTER XXVI.--THE TEMPERAMENT OF THE ORGAN. 727. The union of perfect attunement with the power of transposition im- possible, 16I. 728. The susceptibility of certain intervals being tempered discovered, 161. 729. Unequal temperament, and the practicable scales it introduced, 16I. 730. The introduction of unequal temperament strongly opposed, but nevertheless established, 162. 733. The musical art progressing required other scales beyond those provided by unequal temperament, 163. 735. The defects of the unequal tuning known in the sixteenth century, 172. 737. Enharmonic organs, 173. 738. Perfect attunement, 173. 740. A simple practicable Manual scale required, 174. 74I. Equal temperament, 174. 745. The part Bach took in the establishment of equal temperament, 175. 746. Equal temperament opposed, as unequal tuning had been before it, 176. 750. Equal temperament recommended, on the same grounds, 177. 752. Temperament, as the only source of distinction of key, questioned, 178. 753. Pitch Supposed to exercise an influence in establishing the character of key, I78. 754. The internal resources of the musical art capable of giving any character to any key, 179. - 755. Characteristics of equal temperament, 179. CHAPTER XXVII.--THE TUNING OF THE ORGAN. 760. Laying the bearings, and extending their influence to the stops generally, 183. 764. How the pitch of the several kinds of organ pipe is altered, 184. 773. The pitch of the organ altered by the heat and cold in different seasons. The extent of this alteration, 185. CONTENTS. xvii CHAPTER XXVIII.--THE PITCH TO WIFICH AN ORGAN SHOULD BE TUNED. 781. 782. 783. 786. 787. 788. 789. 790. 79I. 792. 793. 797. 798. 799. 8oo. 8or. 8o3. 807. 814. 824. 838. The question a most interesting one, 187. The presumed lower pitch of two centuries since, 187. The difficulties inseparable from that theory, i87. The compass of the human voice Supposed to have changed, I87. The old composers supposed not to have consulted the convenience of the voices they wrote for, 188. The early English composers supposed to have written without regard to any definite pitch, 188. Everything questioned except the presumed lowness of the old pitch, 188. Strong grounds for believing in the former existence of a high ecclesiastical pitch, 189. The sixteenth and seventeenth century organs in Germany a whole tone Sharp, I89. A high ecclesiastical pitch believed to have existed formerly in England as well as in Germany, I89. The very low notation of ancient church music favourable to this view, 189. Father Smith's pitch flatter than the ecclesiastical pitch of preceding times, IQO. The flattened pitch accompanied by a raised notation, 191. The pitch lower again, at the commencement of the eighteenth century, in England, 191. A similar alteration of pitch, at the same period, in France and Germany, I91. The lower pitch in the last century accompanied by a further ascent in the notation, I92. To which of the three church pitches formerly in use should a church organ be tuned 2 192. DIVISION VII. CHAPTER XXIX. —ON THE CORRECT USE OF THE STOPS. General rules for the use of the stops, IQ3. - The character of tone of some of the leading Stops; and the purposes to which they may be applied, I94. On the combination of the stops for the production of any required strength of tone, IQ6. On the adaptation of the organ tone to the true purposes of choral accom- paniment, I08. DIVISION VIII. THE CAUSE OF MANY FAULTS IN AN ORGAN, 842. 844. 845. 846. 848. WITH THEIR REMEDIES. CHAPTER XXX.--THE CAUSES OF CIPHERING. The umbidden Sounding of a Piffe from causes in the Region of the Pal/eſs. Ciphering caused by dirt on the pallet, 20I. Ciphering from a pallet-spring being too weak, 202. Ciphering caused by the pallet catching on a direction pin, 202. Ciphering from damp loosening the leather, or heat warping the pallet, 202. Ciphering caused by a pull-down being rusty, 203. & xviii CONTENTS, 849, 850. 85 I. 852. 853. 855. 856. 857. 858, 859. 86O. 86 I. 862. 864. 865. 866. 868. 869. 870. 871. 872. 873. 874. 875. 876. 877. 878. 879. 88O. 88I. 883. 884. 885. 886. 887. The unbidden Sounding of a Piffe from Faults in the Key-Movements. Ciphering from some adhesive substance falling between the keys, 203. Ciphering caused by a key warping, 203. . Ciphering from a Sticker binding, 203. Ciphering caused by a backfall getting off the sticker, 203. Ciphering from grit in the centre-holes, or by a swelling of the movement, 2O4. The umbidden Sounding of a Piffe from Defects in the Sound-board. A running caused by an upper-board being too loose, 204. A running caused by a Sound-board bar separating from the table, or by an unsound bar, 204. A humming caused by one slider touching and partly drawing a second, 205. A humming caused by pipes Standing in too close proximity, 205. Pefects ºn the Åey-Movementſ. A springing in the key-movement, 205. A dead resistance opposed to the finger by the key-movement, 205. A thumping of the keys, 206. A rattling in the key-movement, from the noisy nature of the materials, 206. A rattling sometimes caused by trackers flapping together, 206. A key down without producing any Sound, 206. The touch of the manuals too shallow at certain seasons, and too deep at others, 2O7. An unevenness in the level of the keys of the manual, 207. A key screwed up too high sometimes causes the speech of the pipes to tremble, 2O7. A ciphering caused by the breaking of a pedal spring, 208. Pisarrangements connected with the Draw-stoff Acţion and S/iders. A draw-stop rod will Sometimes come out too far, or go too far in, 208. A draw-stop sometimes very stiff, 208. Defects in the Bellows and the Winding of the Organ. A creaking from friction at the centres, 208. A clacking caused by hard valves, 209. A gasping from the valves being too few and Small, 209. Bellows work quicker in hot weather, 209. Bellows produce a cracking Sound after damp weather, 209. Tremulousness from the length and elasticity of the column of wind, 209. Tremulousness from shortness of Supply, 2IO. Unequal intonation caused by small grooves and pallet-holes. A robbing, 2 IO, - A hissing arising from an escape of wind, 2 II. Faults connected with the Speech of the Piffes. Small pipes are frequently dumb, tremulous, or weak in their Speech, 2II. Flue pipes become unequal in their strength and quality of tone from various causes, 2II. - A pipe sometimes Sounds its octave, from the effects of dirt or over-blowing, 2 I 2. - The tone of wood pipes influenced by change of temperature, 212. Stopped wood pipes Sometimes deranged by heat and drought, 212, CONTENTS, xix DIVISION IX. —SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND ERECTION OF AN ORGAN. CHAPTER XXXI.--THE COMPASS OF THE CLAVIERS, AND OF THE SEPARATE 891. 893. 894. 897. 903, 905. 906. 909, 924. 935, 937. 942. DIVISIONS OF THE ORGAN. Precedents for nearly every variety of clavier range, 213. The compass of the Manuals ; the confused state in which the question is involved in England ; and the importance of a correct view of the subject, 2I4. How the true Manual compass is to be ascertained, 215. Arguments against the CC Manual compass, and in favour of a longer range, 216. Much room and a great expenditure of funds required to extend the compass of a Manual organ below CC, 217. The true method of increasing the resources of a Manual organ, 218. How it may be ascertained whether certain keys are essential or not as Manual ones, 218. The ameliorations that might be effected on a given specification, by regulating the outlay otherwise than in the construction of unessential Manual notes, 219. Other views in favour of GG Manuals, and against CC, considered, 222. How the CC Manual compass was first exceeded, 224. The confusion in the size of the stops caused by their elongation, 225. The upward range of the Manuals, 226. CHAPTER XXXII.-OF THE PEDALS AND PEDAL ORGAN : THEIR INTRODUCTION 95O. 95 I. 952. 954. 969. 973. 974. 978. 979. 980. 98.I. 982. 985. 986. 987. 996. 997. 998. 999. INTO ENGLAND ; AND CORRECT COMPASS. The insufficiency and incorrectness of GG Pedals for practical purposes, 228. The wrong pitch in which GG Pedals execute on the Manual stops such passages as do come within their range, 229. The impossibility of satisfactorily uniting CCC pipes to GG Pedals; and the false pitch in which the pipes sound when they are so united, 229. The false readings which the CCC Pedal pipes create, 229. The introduction of “Double Pedal pipes” as the first Pedal stop, not in accordance with the laws of organ-building, 232. - The premature introduction of double Pedal pipes often a hindrance to the introduction of more important Pedal stops, 233. The arrangements of a CC organ contrast favourably with those of GG compaSS, 234. - CHAPTER XXXIII.--THE SITUATION FOR THE ORGAN. Acoustical facts to be consulted, 235. How sound is produced and propagated, 235. How brief sounds disperse, 235. How sustained sounds more completely occupy space, 235. The distribution of a sound that cannot travel backwards, 236, Sound weakened by divergence, 237. Echo, 237. ReSOnan Ce, 237. Impediments to the equal distribution of Sound, 238. Absorbents of Sound, 238. Church arrangements that are favourable to Sound, 239. Absorbents sometimes introduced to subdue excessive echo, 239. b 2 XX CONTENTS. IOOO. IOO3. IOO5. IOO7. IOO8. IOIO. IO2O. IO2.I. IO27. IO28. IO29. IO3O. IO34. IO43. IO49, IO5O. IO5 I. IO56. IO57. IO58. IO59. IO60. IO61. IO62. IO64. Ioé6. IO67. IO69. Velocity of sound, 239. The apparent strength of a sound dependent on the position of the auditor &c., 240. Penetration of sound, 240. The west end of a church as the situation for the organ, 240. Old examples of west end organs in Continental churches, 240. The merits of the west end as the situation for the organ considered, 24.I. An architectural objection to the organ occupying the west end, 242. Examples of divided west end organs in Continental churches, 242. Smith and Harris's parish church organs usually placed at the west end, 243. Their cathedral organs usually placed on the choir Screen, 243. Harris's proposal for a grand west end organ in St. Paul’s Cathedral, 244. The erection of Father Smith's organ on the choir screen of St. Paul's opposed, 244. The comparative merits of the several side situations considered, 245. The east end of an aisle, or a chancel chapel, as the situation for the organ considered, 247. The chancel an eligible position for a divided organ, 248. The relative position of the vocal choir and organ, 249. Recent arrangements in cathedrals, 249. CHAPTER XXXIV.--THE SIZE OF THE ORGAN. The organ should be proportioned to the congregation and church, 252. Certain influencing circumstances to be taken into account, 252. An approximate calculation of the number of stops necessary for an organ to have, 252. Too Small an organ in a church most undesirable, 253. The strength of the human voice as compared with that of the organ wind, 253. The general requisites of a church organ, 253. An organ of Sufficient dimensions in a church a great acquisition, 254. The power of an organ partly due to its extent of tone, 255. How the acoustic capacity of a Manual organ is increased to adapt its tone to a large building, 256. The acoustical grounds on which double stops are introduced into an Organ, 256. The effect of a large organ not constructed on acoustic principles as well as on harmonic, 257. * CHAPTER XXXV.-VARIOUS MATTERS CONNECTED WITH THE DIVISION OF IO7I. Io/6. IO77. Io'78. Io8o, Io87. IO88. IO89. STOPS, AND THEIR SELECTION ACCORDING TO SIZE. The proportionate division of a given number of stops among the several departments, 258. The size of stop that should form the basis of the Manual and Pedal tone, 259. Stops of one size only, for Manual or Pedal, incorrect, 259. The proper size for the stops, and the order in which they should be Selected, 259. The stop from which the Harmonic corroborating stops must be measured, 259. The meaning of the German terms, 16 feet Manual, 8 feet Manual, and 4 feet Manual, 261. Stops of one class alone not sufficient to produce the best organ effect, 261. The proportion to be observed in the number of stops of different sizes, 261. CONTENTS. xxi II O2. I IO3. I IO4. I IOS. I IO6. CHAPTER XXXVI.--THE COMPOSITION OF THE MIXTURES. Why should there be breaks in a compound stop 2 265. A compound stop without a break not in accordance with the suggestions of nature, 265. The same compound not productive of the same effect in different parts of the Scale, 265. Might not a rank “die out,” instead of presenting a break 2 266. The valuable aid rendered to the treble of an organ by the return ranks, 266. I IO7. On what keys the breaks had better take place, 267. I IO8. Where the broken ranks should return to, 267. II II. Plans for compound stops, 268. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. Composition for a full Mixture of III ranks, 268. Ditto for a clear Mixture of IV ranks, 269. Ditto for a sharp Mixture of IV ranks, 269. Ditto for a Quint Mixture of IV ranks, 269. Ditto for a full Mixture of IV ranks, 270. Ditto for a sharp Mixture of V ranks, 27.I. Ditto for a full Mixture, III ranks, and a sharp Mixture, III ranks, 272. Ditto for a full Mixture, III ranks, and a sharp Mixture, IV ranks, 272. Ditto for a full Mixture, III and IV ranks, and a sharp Mixture, V ranks, 272. - Ditto for a Sesquialtera, II ranks, a full Mixture, III and IV ranks, and a sharp Mixture, V ranks, 274. - CHAPTER XXXVII.--THE EXTERIOR ARRANGEMENT OF THE ORGAN. I I43. II 50. II64. II66. II68. II69. II7O. II9.I. IIQ2. I IQ4. II99. I2O2. I2O4. I 2 I2. I2 I3. I 22 I. I 222. I224. I225. I226. I23O. I 231. I 232. I25O. I26I. The organ case, 278. The Manuals and Pedals; their width, and their proper situation in re- gard to each other, 279. The organ stool, 282. The Swell Pedal, 282. The music desk, 282. The Composition Pedals, 282. The arrangement of the draw-stops, 283. CHAPTER XXXVIII.--THE INTERIOR ARRANGEMENTS OF THE ORGAN. The building frame, 287. The platform, 287. The distribution of the sound-boards, 287. The cause of the bad proportions of many English organs, 288. Much room conducive to the orderly arrangement of the organ, 288. The advantages of large Sound-boards, 289. “Unoccupied space” in an organ not “lost room,” 29O. The Abbe Vogler's simplification System, 29O. Passage-boards advantageous in more ways than one, 292. The pipes should be so arranged that the Small ones are accessible, 292. Double grooves in the bass of large Sound-boards advisable, 293. The roller-boards, 293. The bellows, 293. The wind-trunks, 294. The Swell-box, 294. The scale for the pipe-work, 294. The materials for the pipe-work, 300. The price of the organ, 303. CHAPTER XXXIX,-PLANS FOR ORGANS OF WARIOUS SIZES, 307. xxii CONTENTS. —-#4– I. HAARLEM-the Cathedral Church of 49. St. Bevan, 331. 5O. 2. ROTTERDAM—the Cathedral Church of 5I. - St. Lawrence, 332. 52. 3. the Octagon Church, 333. 53. 4. AMSTERDAM—the Old Church, 334. 54. 5. the New Church, 335. - 55. 6. NYMENGEN–St. Stephen, 336. 56. 7. GOUDA—St. John the Baptist, 337. 8. THE HAGUE–Lutheran Church, 338. 57. 9. DELFT-the New Church, 338. IO. UTRECHT-the Principal Protestant 58. Church, 339. 59. II. TRIEBEL–the State Church, 340. 6O. I2. PARIS–the Abbey of St. Denis, 34I. 61. I2A. — St. Vincent de Paul, 342. 62. T 3. the Madelaine, 343. 63. I4. — St. Eustache, 344. 64. I5. — St. Sulpice, 345. 65. I6. AMIENS-the Cathedral, 346. 66. I7. — St. Remy, 347. 67. 18. TOURS–the Cathedral, 347. 68. 19. ROUEN–St. Ouen, 348. & 69. 20. ABBEVILLE-the Cathedral, 349. 7O. 2I. BEAUVAIS-the Cathedral, 350. 7.I. 22. ANTWERP–the Cathedral, 351. 72. 23. — St. Paul, 351. 73. 24. BRUSSELS--the Cathedral Church of 74. St. Gudule, 352. 75. 26, LIEGE—St. Martin, 353. 76. 27, COLOGNE—the Cathedral, 354. 77. 28. — the Minoret's Church, 354, 78. 29. — the Jesuit's Church, 355. 3O. — St. Maria de Capitol, 356. 79. 3I. — St. Columba, 356. 8o. 32. — St. Ursula, 357. 33. BONN–the Cathedral, 357. 8I. 34. the Protestant Church, 358. 35. COBLENTZ–the Church of Castor, 358, 82. 36. STRASBOURG–the Cathedral, 359, 83. 37. — St. Thomas, 360. 84. 38. the “Temple neuf,” 360. 39. FREIBURG IN BRESGAU—the Cathedral, 85. 36I. 40. --— the Lutheran Church, 362. 86. 4I, FRANKFORT-St. Paul, 362. 87. 42. FULDA—the Town Church, 363. 43. GOTHA—St. Augustine's, 364. 88, 44. — St. Margaret, 365. 89. 45. HAARHAUSEN–365. 46. ELTSLEBEN–366, 90. 47. WALTERSHAUSEN–366. 48. ZERBST-St. Nicholas, 367, APPENDIX. COMPRISING AN ACCOUNT OF FOREIGN AND BRITISH ORGANS. LANGENSULZA-St. Boniface, 368. MUHLHAUSEN=368. MERSEBURG–the Cathedral, 369. HALLE–St. Maurice, 370, LOIZ—the Marien Kirche, 371. KATSCHER—the Catholic Church, 371. ERDMANNSDORF–372. KRUMOLS--the New Catholic Church, 372. HALBERSTADT-the Great Church, 373. HIRSCHBERG-Christ Church, 374. NAUMBERG-St. Wenzel, 374. TREBNITZ—the Catholic Church, 375. SALZWEDEL–St. Catharine, 376. WEISSENFELS--the Lock Church, 376. CELLE–the Ludwig's Church, 377. VERDEN.—the Cathedral, 377. BREMEN-the Cathedral, 378. HAMBURG-St. Michael, 379. — St. Catherine, 380. — St. Jacobi, 381. — St. Nicholas, 383. — St. Peter, 383. IUBECK–the Marien Kirche, 384. the “little organ,” ditto, 386. — the second Church, 386. WISMAR–St. Mary, 387. PERLEBERG-388. BERLIN–St. Mary, 388. — the Garrison Church, 389. ISRONSTADT –the Cathedral Church, 389. LEIPZIG—the University Church, 390. DRESDEN–the Royal Catholic Church, 392. — the Royal Church of the Evan- gelists, 392, — St. Mary, 393, — St. Sophia, 393. — the Church of the Holy Cross, FREIBERG IN SAXONY—the Cathedral, 395. PRAGUE—St. Dominico, 395. GOERLITZ–St. Peter and St. Paul, 396. - ---- St. Mary, 397, LIEGNITZ—St. Peter and St. Paul, 397, BRESLAU-the Cathedral of St. John, 398, CONTENTS, xxiii II.O. I I I, II2. II.3. II.4. II5. II6. II.7. II8. II9. I2O. I2 iſ . I22. 123, I24. I25. I26. I27. 163. I64. I65. I66. I67. I68. I69. I 70. I7 I. I72. 173. I74. 176. I77. 178, STUTGARD–the Stiftskirche, 421. the Jews' Synagogue, 422. WEING ARTEN–the Benedictine Mo- Inastery, 423. MUNICH-the Odéon Concert-room, 424. RATISBON.—St. Emmeran, 425. BOTZEN–the Parish Church, 425. ROME–St. Peter, 426. Second Organ, 428. MILAN–the Cathedral, 428. Second Organ, 429. — St. Alessandro, 429. COMO—the Cathedral, 430. Church of the Santissimo Croci- fisso, 431. FLORENCE—St. Gaetano, 432. GENOA—Santa Mariades Vignes, 432. the Carigrana Church, 433. Cathedral of St. Pierre, 433. SIENA—the Cathedral, 434. SEVILLE-the Cathedral, 434. — the second Organ, ditto, 437. COLOGNE—the Cathedral, 438. ROME–St. Peter's (new design), 440. BOMBAY-the Cathedral, 443. — Town Hall, 443. AMERICA. BOSTON.—Tremont Temple, 445. — Music Hall, 446. NEW YORK–Trinity Church, 448. — Church of the Annunciation, 449. — Brooklyn Tabernacle, 450. — Trinity Chapel, 452. CALIFORNIA—Presbyterian Church, 453. NEWFOUNDLAND–St. John's Cathe- dral, 453. NEW ZEALAND (WELLINGTON)—St. Paul, 454. AUSTRALIA Hall,.455. (ADELAIDE)—Town Hall, 456. (MELBOURNE), Town St. Martin-in-the-Fields, 477. Christ Church, Newgate Street, 478. St. Lawrence Jewry, Guildhall, 479. Royal Sardinian Chapel, Lincoln's Inn-Fields, 480. Church of St.Peter, Eaton Square,481. Foundling Hospital, 482. Christ Church, Westminster Road, 483. St. John the Evangelist, Wilton Road, Pimlico, 484. St. Gabriel’s Church, Pimlico, 485. St. Paul’s, Wilton Place, Knights- bridge, 486. The Oratory, Brompton, 487. Parish Church, Kensington, 488. Church of St. Mary Aldermary, Queen Victoria Street, 489. St. Sepulchre's, 489. BRESLAU–Choir Organ, ditto, 399. I28. . — the Little Organ, ditto, 399. I29. — St. Mary Magdalen, 399. I3O. — St. Elizabeth, 400. Small Organ, ditto, 401, I31. — St. Bernhardin, 401. — Small Organ, ditto, 402, I32. — St. Vincent, 402. I33. — St. Ethelbert, 403. I34. — Church of the Eleven Thousand 135. Virgins, 403. I36. — St. Salvator, 404. I37. the Cemetery Church, 404. I38. — St. Mauritius, 404. I39, — St. Barbara, 405. I4O. — Music Room of the University, 4O5. I4 I. CRACOW–the Evangelist’s Church, I42. 4O5. I43. WARSAW–the Lutheran Church, 406. I44. VIENNA–the Cathedral of St, Ste- 145. phen, 406. I46. — St. Michael, 407. I47. — the Lutheran Church, 407. 148. — the Minorites' Church, 408. I49. — St. Peter, 408. I5O. FREIBURG IN SWITZERLAND — the 151. Cathedral of St. Nicholas, 409. HANOVER—the Market Church, 409. — the Chapel Royal, 4IO. — St. John, 4 II. - I52. ULM—the Cathedral, 4 II. I53. FRANCE—the Cathedral of Carcas- I54. Sallne, 414. - I55. PARIS-Notre-Dame-de-Lorette, 415, I56. — St. Genevieve, 416. I57. PLBERFELD–the New Church, 416. I58. BASLE–the Minster Church, 417. QUITTELSDORF–the Village Church, I59. 4. I7. MILBEITZ–the Village Church, 418. I6O. ANGSTADT –the Church, 418. LUCERNE–the Cathedral, 419. I6I. WINTERTHUR-42O. CONSTANCE—the Cathedral, 421. I62, BRITISH ORGANS—LONDON AND ITS ENVIRONS, St. Paul's Cathedral, 457, I79. Westminster Abbey, 458. I80, Temple Church, 459. I8I. Exeter Hall, 462. I82. Royal Albert Hall, 463. Westminster Aquarium, 465. 183. Crystal Palace, 467. I84. Alexandra Palace, 468. 185. Bow and Bromley Institute, 470. I86. “The Hall,” Regent's Park, 470. Royal Normal College and Academy | 187. of Music for the Blind, Upper Nor- | 188. Wood, 472. Chapel Royal, Whitehall, 473. I89. St. Margaret’s, Westminster, 474. I90. St. James's, Piccadilly, 475. I9I. Chapel Royal, St. James's, 476. St. Katherine's, Regent's Park, 476, I92. XX1V CONTENTS. & I93. I94. I95. I96. I97. I98. I99. 2OO. 2OI. 2O2. 2O3. 2O4. 2O5. 2O6. 2O7. St. Andrew’s, Holborn, 491. St. Peter's, Cornhill, 49.I. St. Michael’s, Cornhill, 492. St. Stephen’s, Wallbrook, 493. St. Mary-at-Hill, 494. St. Michael’s, Chester Square, 495. St. Saviour's Southwark, 496. St. Olave's, Southwark, 497. St. James's, Bermondsey, 497. Quebec Chapel, 498. St. Pancras Church, 499. All Saints’, Kensington Park, 500. City Temple, 500. St. Giles's, Camberwell, 50.I. Holy Trinity, Paddington, 502. COUNTRY WINDSOR-St. George's Chapel, 512. St. George's Hall, 513. ToRQUAy—St. John’s Church, 513. GLOUCESTER—Cathedral, 515. TEWKESBURY-Abbey Church, 515. HEREFORD–Cathedral, 516, WORCESTER—Cathedral, 517. Transept, 518. STRATFORD-ON-AVON.—519. BIRMINGHAM—Town Hall, 52O. LICHFIELD–Cathedral, 52.I. SHREWSBURY—St. Mary's, 523. — St. Chad's, 523. CHESTER—Cathedral, 524. LIVERPOOL– Great George Chapel, 525. — St. George's Hall, 525. Collegiate Institution, 527. — St. Margaret's Church, 528. ––– Wesley Chapel, Stanhope Street, 529. HUDDERSFIELD — Buxton Road Chapel, 53O. ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE–53I. STOCKPORT-Sunday School, 532. OLDHAM—Parish Church, 533. SALISBURY-Cathedral, 534. HALIFAX—Parish Church, 535. All Souls’ Church, 535. BRADFORD–Eastbrook Chapel, 536. LEEDS—Town Hall, 537. YORK MINSTER—539. The Nave Organ, 54I. York–New Street Wesleyan Chapel, 542. Tankersley, 543. MACCLESFIELD–Christ Church, 543. BEVERLEY—-St. Mary’s Church, 544. HULL–Holy Trinity Church, 545. — Wycliffe Congregational Church, 546. DONCASTER—St. George's, 547. SHEFFIELD–St. Marie's Catholic Church, 548. CARLISLE–Cathedral, 549. SCARBOROUGH — St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, 550. Bar Congregational Church, 550, West London Synagogue, 503. 22O. 22 I. 222. 223. 224, 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 23O. 23.I. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 24O. 24.I. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 25O. 25 I. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 26O. Street 208. 209. South Hackney Church, 503. 2Io. St. Mary’s, Stoke Newington, 504. 2II. St. Matthew’s, Upper Clapton, 505. 212. St. Anne's, Limehouse, 505. 213. Christ Church, Spitalfields, 506. 214. St. Luke's Church, Old Street Road, 507. 215. St. Mary's Catholic Chapel, Moor- fields, 508. 216. Royal Hospital, Greenwich, 509. 217. Lee Church, Kent, 509. 218. St. Mary's, Clapham, 51O. 219. Hampton Court Palace, 5 II. ORGANS. 261. CHORLEY—Parish Church, 551. 262. PETERSFIELD–Parish Church, 551. 263. DURHAM—Cathedral, 552. 264. LINCOLN–Cathedral, 553. 265. LINCOLNSHIRE – Centenary Chapel, Boston, 553. 266. Parish Church, Boston, 554. 267. SOUTHWELL–Collegiate Church, 555. 268. NoTTINGHAM – St. Mary's Church, 555. 269. — Mechanics’ Hall, 557. 27O. — Derby Road Chapel, 557. 27I. — Unitarian Chapel, 558. 272, NORTHAMPTON.—All Saints' Church, 9. 273. Exchange Room, 560. 274. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE –St. Mary's Cathedral, 56O. 275. — Town Hall, 562. 276. LUDLOW-Church, 563. 277. SHERBORNE–Abbey, 563. 278. LYNN REGIS-St. Margaret's, 564. 279. No RWICH-Cathedral, 565. 28O. — St. Peter Mancroft, 566. 28I. GT, YARMOUTH-St. Nicholas Church, 567. 282. ELY-Cathedral, 568. 283. CAMBRIDGE–Trinity College, 568. 284. — St. John’s College, 569. 285. BEDFORD–St. Paul's Wesleyan Chapel, 57O. 286. ROCHESTER—Cathedral, 57.I. 287. TONBRIDGE WELLS—Trinity Church, 57I. 288. CANTERBURY-Cathedral, 572. 289. CRAN BROOK.—Parish Church, 573. 29O. CHICHESTER—Cathedral, 573. 291. WINCHESTER—Cathedral, 574. 292. RIPON.—Cathedral, 575. 293. WELLS—Cathedral, 576. 294, BRISTOL–Victoria Rooms, 577. 295. — St. James's Church 578. 296. Colston Hall, 579. 297. — Cathedral, 580. 298. LLANDAFF–Cathedral, 581. 299. EXETER—Cathedral, 58.I. 3OO, SOUTHSEA—St. Jude's, 582. 3OI. MARGATE–St. John's Church, 583. CONTENTS. XXV 3O2. 3O3. 3O4. 3O5. 306. 3O7. 3O8. 3O9. 3IO. 3II. 3I2. 3I3. 326. 327. 328. 329. 33O. 33I. 332. 333. 3. BRIGHTON.—Great Concert Hall, 584. — Dome Pavilion, Concert Room, 585. — St. Margaret's Church, 586. OxFORD–Magdalen College, 587. Keble College, 588. Christ Church Cathedral, 588. RADLEY-St. Peter's College, 589. HENLEY-ON-THAMES-590. SURREY—Beddington Church, 590, ST. ASAPH's—Cathedral, 591. ST, DAVID’S-Cathedral, 592. LANCASTER—St. Thomas Church, 593. 3I4. 3I5. 316. 3I7. 3.18. 3I9. 32O. 32 I. 322. 323. 324. 325, PRESTON.—Parish Church, 594. WARRINGTON.—Parish Church, 594. DUNHAM MASSEY — St. Margaret's Church, 595. WEDNESBURY—Town Hall, 596. BOLTON.—Town Hall, 597. — St. Matthew’s, 598. — All Saints', 599. MANCHESTER—St. Luke's, 600. — Holy Trinity, 600. Free Trade Hall, 6oi. — St. Peter's, 602. — Cathedral, 603. ORGANS IN SCOTLAND, IRELAND, &C, GLASGOW–the City Hall, 604. 334. Public Hall, 605. 335. EDINBURGH-the University, 607. 336. — the Music Hall, 608. 337. DUNDEE–Kinnaird Hall, 608. PAISLEY—Abbey, 6 IO. 338. KILMARNOCK–Corn Exchange Hall, 339. 6IO. 34O. INVERNESS—St. Andrew's Cathedral, 34I. 6II. 342. NOTES, 619. DUBLIN–St. Patrick’s Cathedral, 612. DUBLIN--ChristChurch Cathedral,613. Trinity College Chapel, 613. DUBLIN–St. Nicholas Rom. Catholic Church, 614. — St. Francis Xavier, 615. BELFAST-St. Malachy, 615. CASHEL–Rom. Cath. Cathedral, 616. KILKENNY–St. Canice, 617. CoRK—St. Peter and Paul's, 617. A TABLE OF FOREIGN AND ENGLISH EquivaLENT TERMs, 621. LIST OF WOODCUTS, DIAGRAMS, &c. —->†<<- Ancient instrument of the organ kind, from a Cilician Sculpture, 3. Ancient organ from Kircher's Musur- &ld, 4. The “Macraphe d’Aruchin,” a He- brew instrument from the same, 6. Figure of an organ, from the Pneu- matics of Hero of Alexandria, Io. An altar organ, from the Pneumatics of Hero of Alexandria, II. Ancient organ from the sculptures on the obelisk at Constantinople, 16. Ancient organ from the MS. Psalter of Eadwine, in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge, 22. Ancient organ and various musical in- struments of the time of Charle- magne, from Gori's Zhesaurus Mºtychorum, 3I. IO. II. I2. I3. I4. I5. I6. Ancient key-board, from Praetorius’ Theatrum Instrumentorum, 33. An organist performing upon an in- strument with broad keys, from Gaffurius’ Zheorica Musica, 34. Curious mode of blowing, from Praeto- rius’ Theatrum. /nstrumentorum, 35. The bellows, “a la lanterne,” from Mersennus' Harmonie Oniverselle, 36. The Regals, from Lucinius' Musur- &ld, 4 I. The positive organ, from Wilphlingse- der's Aroſemata Musices A*ractica, 42. The old organ of Lincoln Cathedral, from Dugdale’s Monasticon, 81. Autograph of Bernard Smith, II2. xxvi CONTENTS. THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ORGAN. Arrangement of pipes in a semicircle, 6. in an angle, 6 — in “niches,” 6. — in “breasted” form, 6. — in the “ogee" form, 6. — in flats, 7. -* — 8. — 8, The diagonal bellows, IO. The horizontal ditto, Io. Section of diagonal ditto, I2. I2. The top-board, 14. I5. The middle-board, I 5. The bottom-board, I 5. Section of horizontal bellows, I5. Inverted ribs, 15. Direct parallel ribs, 16. Triangular ribs, 16. Valves in the middle boards, I6. — I6. The middle frame, I'7. Folds of the reservoir, 18. Folds of a single feeder, 18. Cuckoo feeder, 21. Folds of ditto, 21. Cuckoo feeder with reversed lining, 2 I, The double feeder, 2I. The vertical feeder, 22. The concussion bellows, 23. The anemometer, 24. Front view of a wind-chest, 27. Side view of a wind-chest, 28. The sound-board, 29. The box-pallet, 33. — 33. The jointed pallet, 33. The valve pallet, 34. The relief pallet, 34. The table, 35. The upper-boards, 39. The sliders and bearers, 40. The pipe-racks, 42. Groove arrangements, 44. — 45. and bottom- Side view of Manual keys, 48. Side view of Pedal keys, 49. The ſan-frame movement, 50. The stickers, 50. The backfalls, 51. The trackers, 51. The rollers, 52. . . The squares, 53. The Manual coupler, 54. The sliding coupler, 55. The Sforzando coupler, 56. No. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 69a IoS, IO9. I IO, I, II, II 2. II.3. II.4. II 5. II6. II.7. I 18. II9. I2O, The Pedal roller movement, 57. The Pedal coupler, 57. The pneumatic action, closed, 60. — open, 60. Hill's pneumatic action, 61. 690. Bishop and Son's pneumatic action, 62. The wooden-trundle draw-stop action, 64. The iron-trundle ditto, 65. The pneumatic draw-stop action, 66. Joy's hydraulic engine, 67. Willis's pallet, 70. Compensatory pallet, 70. Pneumatic power bellows, 71. — 7 I. - Section of divided sound-board, 75. Bryceson's palleted sound-board, 77. 77. — 78. Section of electro-pneumatic arrange- ment, 80. — 80. — 8I. 83. The composition Pedal action, 89. The Tremulant, 94. Open cylindrical pipe, IO2. Stopped cylindrical pipe, IO2. Half-stopped cylindrical pipe, IO2. Cylindrical pipe (the Clarionet), IO3. (the Vox Humana), IO3. Conical pipe, with a bell, IO3. (the Spitzflote), IO3. Conical pipe (the Gemshorn), Iog. Inverted cone-shaped pipe, IO4. (the Dolcan), IO4. — surmounted by a bell, IoA. Four-sided pipe, IO4. Stopped four-sided pipe, IoS, Pyramidal pipe, IO5. Inverted pyramidal pipe, IOS. — IO 5. Portion of body of a metal flue pipe, IO6. Foot of ditto, IO6. . Languid of ditto, IO7. Wooden flue pipe, 108. The Hohl flute, IoS, Mouth of a block pipe, Io9. A wood languid pipe, IO9. Section of a German wood pipe, I 12. Section of an AEnglish metal pipe, II3. Section of a German metal pipe, I 13. The block of a reed pipe, I I5. The reed, II 5. The tongue, II6, The tuning wire, II6. The tuning horn, 184. 184. Mop used in tuning, 184, AN HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF THE ORGAN. 13Y. EDWARD F. RIMBAULT, LL.D., &c., &c. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. fººHEN I undertook to prefix to my friend Mr. Hopkins's valuable treatise on the construction of the organ an historical account of that noble instrument, my inten- tion was to give a résumé of what had already been written, with the addition of such new particulars as the course of years had accumulated in my note-books; but, upon collating the various writers, their statements often appeared so vague and unsatisfactory that it became necessary to consider the subject more attentively, and in all cases, where it could be done, to consult original authorities. The result of this examination has been the clearing up of many doubtful points, and the discovery of Some important particulars hitherto unknown. All modern writers have been perplexed with the notices of the organ handed down to us by the ancient Greeks, and have endeavoured to reconcile them with our present ideas of the instru- ment. The key-board has been a constant source of difficulty, and the epigram, or rather enigma, of the Emperor Julian has been often cited to prove that it was known to the ancients. The discovery of a treatise on organ-building by a monk of the eleventh century (printed in the following pages) settles for ever this important question. Another source of difficulty is the common expression, in mediaeval times, of “a pair of organs.” Some of our ablest anti- quaries have exercised their erudition in endeavouring to explain XXX PREFACE, this term, but with what degree of success the reader who peruses the following pages will have an opportunity of judging. At a later period in the History of the Organ the biographies of Smith and Harris have been involved in much obscurity. Father Smith has fathered all our old organs, of whatever kind or descrip- tion ; and so little attention has been paid to dates that we are told “Harris's most celebrated organs are those of St. Sepulchre's, London, 1667; and Doncaster, Yorkshire, 1738 l’ I have been enabled to arrange the various members of these two celebrated families under their respective periods, and by so doing have cleared away many anachronisms, and reconciled a few seeming impossibilities. The Jordans and the Byfields, and their foreign cotemporaries, the Silbermanns, have also received the same attention ; and, if the information regarding them is somewhat scant, it is all my research has been able to bring together. The section on the “Ancient Position of the Organ” is inte- resting at the present time, when architects are anxiously looking for precedents. I have carefully noted all the authorities upon the point, especially in this country, which, added to Mr. Hopkins's able chapter on the “Situation of the Organ,” will, it is hoped, be found of some practical utility. The rescue of this noble instrument from the “holes and corners” to which modern ecclesiologists have ofttimes assigned it is part of the musician's creed. It will be observed that my historical account deals more with facts than with opinions. For the latter I am content to refer to the body of the book, trusting with full confidence to Mr. Hopkins's superior judgment and intimate acquaintance with his subject. The History of the Organ, from the period at which I leave it, chiefly consists in a series of inventions, all of which receive their full share of attention from Mr. Hopkins in the course of the volume, PREFACE, xxxi I ought not to pass unnoticed the aid I have received from several authors who have written upon the same subject. Amongst them I may especially name the Rev. Sir William Cope's paper on Farly Organ-builders in England, inserted in the Parish Choir; Mr. Sutton's Short Account of Organs built in England from the reign of King Charles the Second to the present time; Herr Seidel's Treatise on the Organ, printed at Breslau ; and M. Hamel's valuable reprint of “Dom Bedos,” forming one of the publications of the Fncyclopédie-Roreſ. If I have not named other modern works purporting to treat of the organ historically, it is because I have found them unworthy of credit. It only remains to tender my obligations to those gentlemen who have kindly assisted me in the course of the following essay. I must especially thank my friend, F. W. Fairholt, Esq., F.S.A., for the valuable extracts from Mr. Rolfe's MSS., and for other information; William Chappell, Esq., F.S.A., for two or three curious notices; Mr. Hill, the eminent organ-builder, for the loan of G. P. England's Account Book; Alfred Price, Esq., of Gloucester, for his MS. translation of Herr Seidel's Treatise on the Organ, before mentioned ; and lastly, Robert Hendrie, Esq., for his kind- ness in giving me permission to use his excellent translation of Theophilus's Chapters on the Organ. EDWARD F. RIMBAULT. 29, ST, MARK's CRESCENT, REGENT's PARK, }une, 1855, THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. first (Epoch. THE ANCIENT ORGAN, ANTERIOR TO THE INVENTION OF THE REY-BOARD, *-ºs-- I. Its Invention, ;HE early history of ancient musical instruments is surrounded tº º by mystery and fable; their invention being usually attri- buted to the heathen deities. Patient investigation is required to sift the historical from the fabulous matter, and it then remains a matter of doubt whether the result does not excite, rather than Satisfy, our curiosity. The word organ, used in the Psalms and other parts of the Old Testament, must not be confounded with the noble instrument now bearing that name. The term was taken from the Greek translation ; but the ancient Greeks had no particular musical instrument called an organ, for Špyavov, with them, was a general name for an instrument, a work, or an implement of any kind; hence, 6pyavukós, instrumental; ôpyavototós, an instrument maker; and Öpyavotrotta, the fabrication of an instrument. And, in all the Greek musical theorists, organic is a general term applied to instrumental music.” It is of much importance to the history of an art that the origin, etymology, and primitive acceptance of its terms should be minutely traced. In the present instance, the extended application of the word organum, throughout the middle ages, has given rise to much con- fusion and misunderstanding. It is however perfectly clear, to those * See note in Burney's History of Music, vol. i., p. 252; also Liddell and Scott's Greek and Anglish Zexicon, - B 2 • THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. who have investigated the subject, that the Greeks understood by the word āpyavov, and the Romans by their organum, not an organ, in our sense of the term, but an instrument of any kind ; applying the expression, however, more particularly to musical instruments.” The organ (ougab) mentioned in Genesis (chap. iv., v. 21) certainly little resembled the modern instrument of that name, although it may be regarded as furnishing the first hint. It was probably a series of reeds, of unequal length and thickness, joined together; being nearly identical with the pipe of Pan among the Greeks, or that simple instrument called a mouth-organ, which is still in Common use.: The classical ancients ascribe its invention to Pan, the great Sylvan god ; and, accordingly, he was usually figured with the instrument in his hands. The fable states that he formed it of reeds that grew by the river, and caused it to produce all kinds of agreeable sounds, while * ORGANUM. A general name given to any instrument, machine, or contrivance, by which human labour is assisted, in agriculture, architecture, warfare, &c.; differing, however, from machina in this particular, that it required a certain amount of skill from the person using it, whereas that only wanted brute force or numbers to work it. (Vitruvius, X., I, 3. Columel, iii., 13, 12. Plin. H. W. xix., 20.) Hence the word is especially given to musical instru- ments (Quint. ix., 4, Io; xi., 3, 20), and, amongst these, more particularly to the one from which our organ is descended (Suet. Nero, 41. Lamprid. Alex. Ser. 27. Id. Heliog, 32); but which also had a special name of its own, in allusion to the water originally employed, instead of weights, for working it.—Rich's Companion to the Zatin Zictionary and Greek Zexicon, p. 458. + “And here we must not think that the organs in the Old Testament were any such things as those which we call so now. We read it in Job, chap. 30, verse 31, and my organ into the voice of them that weep. The Syriack rendreth it, my psaltery, clean another instru- ment of a triangular form, as you may see by the description of Mersennus (70e Znstrum. Aſarm, lib, Io, prop. 44). The Hebrew word in Job is ougal, which the Chaldee still turneth abuba: now abuſ signifieth properly an ear of corn with the stalk or straw : by trans- lation it signifieth a pipe made of such a reed or stalk, fistula ex novarum frugumi calamo conſecta " " ". David's organ was but a kind of pipe, what kind soever it was.”—Gregorie's Discourse declaring what time the AVicene Creed began to be sung in the Church. 4to. I683. # It is indeed remarkable that the lyre (Kinnor) and syrinx (ougal) were the two first instruments of music the invention of which is recorded in Scripture, and the only ones that are mentioned before the Deluge; and that Subsequently the ozºgab is almost always men- tioned in connection with the Kinnor. The principle of the instrument is so simple, that it has been one of the most diffused of musical instruments. A syrinx, or fistula Panis, made of reeds tied together, exactly resembling that of the ancients, has been found to be in common use in the island of New Amsterdam, in the South Seas, as flutes and drums have been in Otaheite and New Zealand; which indisputably proves them to be instruments natural to every people in a state of barbarism. They were first used by the Egyptians and Greeks, during the infancy of the musical,art among them; and they seem to have been invented and practised at all times by nations remote from each other, and between whom it is hardly possible that there ever could have been the least intercourse or communication. The com- bination of pipes in question is still used in different parts of Asia. The number of tubes which these instruments exhibit on ancient monuments varies from seven to eleven. See Burney's History of Music, vol. i., p. 267; and the Pictorial Bible, vol. ii., p. 665, note, THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 3 his goats were skipping around him, and feeding on the banks. This shows that it was regarded as properly a sylvan and pastoral instru- ment; and So it seems to be mentioned by Job (ch. xxi., v. II, 12). Pan himself thought it superior to the lyre of Apollo, whom he chal- lenged to a trial of skill; and, the challenge being accepted, the umpire, being no other than Midas, decided in favour of Pan's pipes. -- The Greek and Latin shepherds made this primitive instrument of Strong reeds, or some other suitable material. It originally consisted of Seven or eight reeds of progressive lengths, fastened together with wax. The number was afterwards extended to ten or twelve.” The Syrinx, or pipe of Pan, by its form and arrangement, may be regarded as the first kind of organ building ; for it consisted of a number of pipes placed together in ranks, according to their succession of tones, and Sounded by wind. - - To obviate the fatiguing motion of the head or hands, by inflating the pipes in some other manner, seems to have been the object of desired attainment for centuries. At length this was accomplished. Among the Cilician antiquities discovered in Syria, and recently brought to this country by Mr. W. B. Barker, is the portion of a figure playing upon a musical instrument of Singular Curiosity and interest. This instrument, of which we give a drawing, forms a connecting link between the pipes of Pan and the Organ. * This instrument is described by Virgil, and the use of it by Lucretius, lib. v. It is frequently depicted upon ancient medals. + Zares and Penates : or, Cilicia and its Governors. By William Burckhardt Barker, M.R.A.S., 8vo, 1853. This interesting volume contains, in addition to the monument men- tioned in the text, the representation of a youth playing the syrinx or Pandean organ. The pipes are more numerous, and those in the bass part of the instrument much larger than is usually represented, - B 2 4 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. Let us examine it. It consists of a vertical row of pipes, the length unknown, as the lower portion is wanting; they are inserted into a small air-chest, which appears inflated in the middle part. The right hand is operating upon it with a kind of cushion or compress, by which the performer forces the air into the pipes, and which he seems to apply to different parts of the instrument at will. There appears to have been a prolongation of the central part of the instru- ment across the left arm : the loss of this is much to be lamented, as that would have shown us more of its construction, and also how the left hand was employed in playing it. This curious relic may be looked upon as the earliest attempt to combine the pneumatic chest with the Pandean organ, which still retains its place on the breast of the player, though he no longer operates upon it with his mouth. We need hardly say that this monument is of the highest im- portance in the history of the organ. It has never been pointed out by any musical writer, and the author may fairly take to himself the credit of giving it a place in our musical history. Another step was the invention of a wooden box, the top of which was bored with just so many holes as there were pipes to stand on it. In these they now placed the pipes in the same order as they occupied in the Pan-pipes. From the chest (the modern wind-chest) proceeded a small reed (now the wind-trunk), into which they blew with the mouth. But as, by this means, all the pipes spoke simultaneously, they were obliged to stop with the fingers the tops of those pipes intended to be silent—a process which was soon found to be very troublesome, and, as the number of pipes increased, impossible. Now, in order to prevent the simultaneous intonation of all the pipes, a slider (now called the valve) was placed under the aperture of each pipe, which either opened or stopped the entrance of the wind into the pipes. Father Kircher, in his Musurgia, fol. 1650 (lib. ii., p. 53), has given us a drawing of this instrument, which is here copied. uº NNNNNN’s o: i |. § sº. irº, §. "...i. º º - ji THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 5 The slides stood in an inclined position, and, in order to open them, levers were added, which were connected with the slides by cords or strings (the origin of the pull-downs). A further increase of the number of pipes at length caused an enlargement of the pipe- chest (the modern wind-chest); consequently human breath was no longer sufficient to supply the instrument, and then a more suitable contrivance for the production of wind was devised. Thus we have a new class of instrument, called by the Greeks àpyavov Twevuatików, and by the Romans tibia utricularis. Virgil has an elegant passage, in which he describes the shepherd Tonius playing upon the tibia attricularis — “Et cum multifori Tonius cui tibia buxo Tandem post epulas, et pocula, multicolorem Ventriculum sumpsit, buccasque inflare rubentes Incipiens, Oculos aperit, ciliisque levatis, Multotiesque alto flatum e pulmonibus haustum Utrem implet; cubito vocem dat tibia presso, Nunc huc nuncilluc digito saliente . . .” When SOberly considered, this instrument appears to be nothing more than the origin of the bagpipe. It consists of pipes pierced with lateral holes, and an inflating pipe, which the performer applied to his mouth to fill the leathern bag with wind. The application of the inflated tube, it is evident, related only to the smaller instru- ments, such as that described by Virgil; the larger ones were supplied with wind by the compression of the leathern bag or bellows.” This contrivance proved of so much advantage to the improving instrument, that, in order to obtain a more powerful tone, a Second row of pipes of the same pitch was added to the former. The pipes having been thus increased and enlarged, and the box widened, the next improvement was the enlargement of the wind- tube (trunk). It now became evident that the leathern bag was insufficient to supply the proper quantity of wind required. The want of wind thus occasioned by the enlargement of the instrument was remedied by the invention of bellows, yielding a continuous supply * M. Fétis has written a long paper to prove that the £neumatic-organ of the ancients was nothing more than a bagpipe / This learned writer has, however, been led into an error by considering only a portion of the ancient authorities, i.e., those relating to the tibia utricularis, See a translation of M. Fétis' paper in the Harmonicon for 1829, p. 4. M. Fétis is, no doubt, correct in saying, “The figure given by Bianchini, of a bagpipe joined to the pipes of an organ (fig. 13, tab. 2) in his Dissertation De tribus generibus instrumentorum veterum, is purely imaginary.” The passage from Virgil is cited by M, Fétis, but it cannot be traced in the works of that author, 6 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. to the leathern bag, which, from this time, served the office of our modern wind-chest. Father Kircher's representation of the Hebrew instrument, called Macro/le d'Aruc/lin, affords an illustration of an organ of this kind. º º § &% º § º º: º ºf |F .26:= } º: --- *wº Wºº m º º ſº wº º _- - 53 º tº: ºv E; sº--º *E ſ ſ TºſſIIIſ ºf ; º | |}}} |* ſº ** * * º From the progressive inventions here recorded, it will be observed that many portions of the modern organ were already to be met with in the instruments of the ancients, in a more or less complete state. We may, therefore, justly assign the invention of the organ to this period, though no precise date can be given; thus much only can be stated with certainty, that all these inventions date from a period before the birth of Christ. 2. The Hydraulic-Organ. Vitruvius, in his celebrated work on Architecture (but treating of other matters very little allied to that art), has left us a curious chapter on the hydraulic or water organ, which, from its complicated character, has much puzzled the learned. The bellows of the first organs, as we have seen, were very small, and so imperfectly con- structed, that they could not supply a steady wind ; the organ in consequence did not produce a uniform tone. Thus, the improve- ment of the wind apparatus was now seriously thought of, and the result was the invention of the water-organ, the water being used in such a manner as to counterbalance the hitherto variable pressure. Vitruvius' description, extracted from his work De Architectura (lib. x, cap. xi.), translated by Newton, is as follows:— “OF THE HYDRAULIC-ORGANS.* “I must not omit to discourse briefly, and as explicitly as I am able, on the * The original Latin text is as follows:– “De hydraulicis autem quas habeant ratiocinationes, quam brevissime proximeque attingere THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 7 Construction of the hydraulic-organs. Upon a compact base of timber an arca (cistern), made of brass, is disposed; and to the right and left, upon the base, timbers united in the manner of ladders are erected; between these are included brass buckets, with moveable pistons, very carefully turned, and having bent and jointed irons fixed to their middle, with levers adjoined, and being covered with unshorn sheep skins: in the upper surface (of the buckets) are holes of about three digits; near to which holes are brass dolphins fixed on turning joints, and having cymbals hanging by chains from their mouths below the holes of the buckets. - “Within the arca which contains the water is a kind of inverted funnel, under which wedges, of about three digits high, are laid, to level the space between the under lip of the pnigeus and the bottom of the arca. Upon the neck of this (pnigeus) is fixed the little cistern which supports the head of the machine, called by the Greeks canon musicus. In the length of this (canon) are channels, in number four if tetrachordic, six if hexachordic, and eight if octachordic. In the Several channels are epistomia (stoppers), having iron handles; which handles, when turned, open orifices from the arca (arcula) into the channels. The canon has also holes ranged transversely, communicating with the channels, and cor- responding to orifices in the upper table, which in Greek is called finaw. Between the table and canon are disposed rulers, which, being perforated in the same potero et Scriptura consequi, non praetermittam, De materia compacta basi, arca in ea ex are fabricata collocatur. Supra basim eriguntur regulae dextra ac sinistra scalari forma com. pactae, quibus includuntur aerei modioli fundulis ambulatilibus ex torno subtiliter subactis, habentibus fixos in medio ferreos ancones, et verticulis cum vectibus conjunctos pellibusque lanatis involutos. Item in summa planitie foramina circiter digitorum ternum, quibus foraminibus proxime in verticulis collocati aerei Delphini, pendentia habentes catenis cymbala ex ore infra foramina modiolorum chalata. Intra arcam, quo loci aqua sustinetur, inest in id genus uti infundibulum inversum, quod super taxilli alti circiter digitorum ternum suppositi librant Spatium imum, ima inter labra pnigeos et arcae fundum, Supra autem cerviculum ejus coagmentata arcula Sustinet caput machinae, quae Graece Kavčºv povglkôs appellatur: in cujus longitudine canales sitetrachordos est fitint quatuor, si hexachordos sex, si octachordos octo. Singulis autem canalibus singula epistomia sunt inclusa, manubriis ferreis collocata : quae manu- briacum torquentur, exarcapatefaciuntmaresin canales. Excanalibusautem canon habetordinata in transverso foramina respondentia in maribus, quae Sunt in tabula summa, quae tabula Graece Tivaš dicitur. Inter tabulam et canona regulae sunt interpositae ad eundem modum foratae et Oleo subactae, ut faciliter impellantur et rursus introrsus reducantur, quae obturant ea foramina, pleuritidesque” appellantur, quarum itus et reditus, alias obturat, alias aperit terebrationes. He regulae habent ferrea choragia fixa et juncta cum pinnis, quarum pinnarum tactus motiones efficit regularum. Continentur supra tabulam foramina, quae ex canalibus habent egressum Spiritus. Regulis Sunt annuli agglutinati, quibus lingulae omnium includuntur organorum. E modiolis autem, fistulae sunt continenter conjunctae ligneis cervicibus, pertingentesque ad mares, quae Sunt in arcula, in quibus axes sunt ex torno subactietibi collocati, qui, cum recipit arcula animam, spiritum non patientur obturantes foramina rursus redire. Ita cum vectes extolluntur, ancones deducunt fundos modiolorum adimum, Delphinique, quisunt in verticulis inclusi chalantes in Os, cymbala replent spatia modiolorum, atque ancomes extollentes fundos intra modiolos vehementi pulsus crebritate, et obturantes foramina cymbalis superiora, aera, qui est ibi clausus, pressionibus coactum, in fistulas cogunt, per quas in lignea concurrit, et per ejus cervices in arcam : motione vero vectium vehementiore, spiritus frequens compressus epistomiorum aperturis influit, et replet anima canales, Itaque cum pinnae manibus tactae propellunt et reducunt continenter regulas, alternis obturando foramina, alternis aperiundo, ex musicis artibus multiplicibus modulorum varietatibus sonantes excitant voces. Quantum potui,” &c.—M, Vitruvii Pollionis Architectura, Utini, 1825-1830, tom, iv., pp. 169 et seq. * Melius forsan plinthides a Graec, TXtv9ts. 8 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. manner, and anointed with oil that they may be easily moved to and fro, stop these holes, and are called fleuritides ; the passing and re-passing of which alternately stops and opens the holes. “These rulers have iron choragia affixed to them, and are united to pinnae, the touching of which pinnae causes the motion of the rulers. Upon the table are the holes, through which the air from the channel passes. To the rulers are fixed rings, in which the tongues of all the organic pipes are inclosed. From the buckets proceed tubes, united to the neck of the pnigeus, and communicating with the orifices that are in the arcula ; in these tubes are fixed well-turned valves, which, when the arcula has received the air, stop their apertures, and prevent its return. “Thus, when the handles of the levers are raised, the pistons of the buckets are drawn to the bottom ; and the dolphins that are fixed on axes lowering the cymbals that hang from their mouths, the cavities of the buckets become filled (with air). Then the pistons being raised into the buckets again, with frequent and strong pulsations, and thereby causing the cymbals to stop the upper holes, the air, which is there confined, is by the pressure forced into the tubes, from whence it passes into the pnigeus, and through its neck into the arca (arcula); and the frequent motion of the levers still violently compressing the air, it rushes through the apertures of the epistomia, and fills the channel with wind ; when, therefore, the pinnae are touched by the hand, they thrust forward and draw back the rulers, alternately stopping and opening the holes; and thus, by the art of music, Sounds in an infinite variety of modulations may be produced. “I have thus endeavoured to explain, as well as I could by writing, this complex rmachine; but the construction thereof cannot be easily understood, except by those who are practised in things of this sort : those, however, who understand a little from the description, will, when they see the machine itself, more easily comprehend it, and will find the whole curiously and ingeniously contrived.” From this description, it seems that the water which forced the air into the pipes was pumped by men. Indeed, it has been much dis- puted whether the instrument was played with fingers, by means of levers, or keys. The latter was impossible, as they were not invented until perhaps a thousand years afterwards ! Yet, it has been re- marked, the description of the hydraulicon by Claudian seems such a one as would suit a modern organ, only blown by the aid of water — “Vel qui magna levi detrudens murmura tactu, Innumeras voces segetis moderatus aénae; Intonat erranti digito, penitusque trabali Vecte laborantes in carmina concitat undas.” Thus Englished by Dr. Busby — “With flying fingers, as they lightsome bound, From brazen tubes he draws the pealing sound. Unnumber'd notes the captive ear surprise, And Swell and thunder as his art he plies : The beamy bar he heaves the waters wake And liquid lapses liquid music make.” * General Hist, of Mus, 1819, vol. i., p. 22O, THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. - 9 Kircher, in his Musurgia (lib. ix., p. 332), has given a lengthy description of the Vitruvian hydraulicon, and has accompanied his account by an engraving of the instrument, such as he conceived it to have been from the description handed down to us. Isaac Vos- sius, in his treatise De Poematum Cantu et Virióus Rhythmi, p. IOO, gives another fancied representation of the instrument; and a third may be seen in Perrault's* notes upon Vitruvius ; but, as all three differ considerably from each other, they cannot be received as authorities. Dr. Burney says, “Neither the description of the hydraulic-organ in Vitruvius, nor the conjectures of his innumerable commentators, have put it in the power of the moderns either to imitate, or perfectly to conceive, the manner of its Construction ; and it still remains a doubt whether it was ever worthy of the praises which poets have bestowed upon it, or superior to the wretched remains of the invention still to be seen in the grottos of the vineyards, near the city of Rome.”f Athenaeus, who flourished in the third century, has left us an account of the hydraulic-organ, which is probably the most ancient and authentic extant.: He tells us that it was invented, in the time of the second Ptolemy Euergetes, by Ctesibius, a native of Alexandria (B.C. 200), and by profession a barber; or rather that it was improved by him, for Plato furnished the first idea of the hydraulic-organ, by inventing a night-clock, which was a cle/sydra, or water-clock, that played upon flutes the hours of the night at a time when they could not be seen on the index. A very interesting treatise on pneumatics by one Hero of Alex- andria, supposed to have been a pupil of Ctesibius, has lately been translated from the original Greek, and published by Mr. Bennet Woodcroft.S Hitherto we have been content to rely on Vitruvius for our knowledge of the ancient organ, but now we have an independent authority; for the work of Hero was unknown to Vitruvius, and both * This author mentions, in his commentary on Vitruvius, a method of swelling an diminishing the force of each note in an organ : it is to communicate wind to one pipe, or to two, three, or more pipes, in proportion to the pressure of the key. This method has lately been introduced into the Harmonium. + Reflections on the construction of Musical Instruments, Hist, of Mus, i., 491, # Lib. iv., p. 174. § 7%e Pneumatics of Hero of Alexandria, from the original Greek, 4to, 1851. It con- tains two separate descriptions of the organ : “An Altar Organ blown by the agency of a Wind-mill” (noticed in the text), and “An Altar Organ blown by Manual Labour.” - ; IO THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. describe, with considerable differences, the construction of the hydraulic and of the pneumatic Organ. - - . The following is Hero's description of AN ALTAR ORGAN BLOWN By MANUAL LABOUR. The construction of an hydraulic-organ, Let A B C D be a small altar of bronze containing water. In the water invert a hollow hemisphere, called a £7tigeus, E F G H, which will allow of the passage of the water at the bottom. From the top of this let the tubes ascend above the altar ; one of them, G K L M, bent without the altar, and communicating with a box, N X O P, inverted, and having its inner surface made perfectly level to fit a piston. Into this box let the piston, R S, be accurately fitted, that no air may enter by its side ; and to the piston attach a rod, T U, of great strength. Again, attach to the piston-rod another rod, U Q, moving about a pin at U, and also working like the beam of a lever on the upright rod, W Y, which must be well secured. On the inverted bottom of the box, N X O P, let another smaller box, Z, rest, communicating with N X O' P, and closed by a lid above; in the lid is a hole through which the air will enter the box. Place a thin plate under the hole in the lid to close it, upheld by means of four pins passing through holes in the plate, and furnished with heads, so that the plate cannot fall off; such a plate is called a valve. Again, let another tube, F I, ascend from FG, communicating with a transverse tube, A'B', on which rest the pipes, A A A, Com- municating with the tube, and having at the lower extremities small boxes, like those used for money; these boxes communicate with the pipes, and their orifices, B B B, must be open. Across these orifices let perforated lids slide, so that, when the lids are pushed home, the holes in them coincide with the holes in the pipes, but, when the lids are drawn outwards, the connection is broken, and the pipes are closed. Now, if the transverse beam, U Q, be depressed at Q, the piston, R S, will rise and force out the air in the box, N X O P; the air will close the aperture in the Small box, Z, by means of the valve described above, and pass along the tube, M L K G, into the hemisphere : again, it will pass out of the hemisphere THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. | | along the tube, F I. into the transverse tube, A'B', and out of the transverse tube into the pipes, if the apertures in the pipes and in the lid coincide; that is, if the lids, either all, or some of them, have been pushed home. In order that, when we wish any of the pipes to sound, the corresponding holes may be opened and closed again when we wish the sound to cease, we may employ the following contrivance —Imagine one of the boxes at the extremities of the pipes, CID, to be isolated, D being its orifice, E the communicating pipe, R S the lid fitted to it, and G the hole in the lid not coinciding with the pipe, E. Take three jointed bars, F H, H M, MM*, of which the bar, F H, is attached to the lid, S F, while the whole moves about a pin at M”. Now, if we depress with the hand the extremity, M*, towards D, the orifice of the box, we shall push the lid inwards, and, when it is in, the aperture in it will coincide with that in the tube. That, when we withdraw the hand, the lid may be spontaneously drawn out and close the com- munication, the following means may be employed. Underneath the boxes let a rod, M4 M*, run, equal and parallel to the tube, A B, and fix to this slips of horn, elastic and curved, of which Mº, lying opposite CD, is one. A string, fastened to the extremity of the slip of horn, is carried round the extremity, H, so that when the lid is pushed out the string is tightened ; if, therefore, we depress the extremity, M*, and drive the lid inwards, the string will forcibly pull the piece of horn and straighten it; but, when the hand is withdrawn, the horn will return again to its original position and draw away the lid from the orifice, so as to destroy the corre- spondence between the holes. This contrivance having been applied to the box of each pipe, when we require any of the pipes to Sound we must depress the corre- sponding key with the fingers; and, when we require any of the Sounds to cease, remove the fingers, whereupon the lids will be drawn out, and the pipes will cease to sound. - * The water is poured into the altar that the Superabundant air (I mean, of course, that which is thrust out of the box and forces the water upwards) may be confined in the hemisphere, so that the pipes which are free to Sound may always have a supply. The piston, R S, when raised, drives the air out of the box into the hemisphere, as has been explained ; and, when depressed, opens the valve in the small box, Z. By this means the box is filled with air from without, which the piston, when forced up again, will again drive into the hemisphere. It would be better that the rod, TU, should move about a pivot at T also, by means of a single [loop| R, which may be fitted into the bottom of the piston, and through which the pivot must pass, that the piston may not be drawn aside, but rise and fall vertically. I shall briefly call attention to this ancient author's drawing of “an altar organ blown by the agency of a wind-mill.” The cylindrical vessel forcing the air into the pipes by means of a piston is here shown. - ɺlſ £iſtſ || Tº 5: º . | $º: :##########: z--- - i 2 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. In our own days, in a journal of only twenty-five years back, we read that “a novel organ has lately been erected by the Prince Brancaforte, upon a hill in his park, near Messina ; it is supplied with wind by a wind-mill, and can be distinctly heard two or three miles distant.” Probably the Italian prince thought that he had hit upon a novelty when he erected his wind-mill organ; but we now find that his device had been anticipated more than eighteen hundred years before. The mechanical operation of the water-organ, as we have said, is scarcely intelligible; this much, however, is certain, that the hydrauli- con was provided with pipes and a wind-chest, and registered like the wind-organ. We must not suppose that the water directly produced the wind, but that it served merely to give the wind, by means of counter-pressure, equality, and power. Ctesibius' object was “to employ a row of pipes of great size, and capable of emitting the most fanciful, as well as the Softest Sounds.” He is also said to have invented, or perfected, the perforated slide, by which means he was enabled to open and shut the mouths of the pipes with greater facility.” * Instruments of the hydraulic kind were made of different sizes, and in different forms. Athenaeus, in his chapter on musical instruments, before mentioned, refers to a water-organ Small enough to be trans- ported from place to place like the portable hand-organs of the Savoyards. A representation of this instrument is rudely indicated on a contorniate coin of the Emperor Nero, in the Collection of anti- quities bequeathed to the Vatican by Christiana, Queen of Sweden. It is a medal of Valentinian, showing an Organ of eight pipes placed upon a round pedestal. No performer or mode of performing appears; but two figures, one on each side, are engaged in pumping the water by which it is worked.t Kepler, the celebrated mathematician, had a mean opinion of this instrument. He says, “The water-organ, though it might have registers like the wind-organ, was not an admirable invention of the ancients, but mere bagpiping / "f - Tertullian, the patriarch, who declares Ctesibius, of Alexandria, to * Dr. Smith's Z)ictionary of Greek and Æoman Antiquities, who cites, as authorities, Athenaeus, Vitruvius, Drieberg, Brunck's Anal., ii., 403, Claud. De Mall, Zheod, Cons., 316, Tertullian's De Anima, I4, &c. - + This coin is engraved in Rich's Companion to the Zalin Dictionary and Greek Zexicon, p. 342; and in Dr. Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Koman Antiquities, p. 503, # Harmonices Mundi, bk. iii. THE HIST()RY OF THE ORGAN. I 3 be the inventor, and Archimedes the improver of the water-Organ, expresses himself in the following extravagant terms of eulogy:- “Observe the extraordinary genius of Archimedes: I mean the water- Organ ; SO many members, so many parts, so many joinings, so many roads or passages for the voices, such a compendium of Sounds, such an intercourse of modes, such troops of tibiae, and all composing one great whole ! The spirit or air which is breathed out from this engine of water is administered through the parts, solid in substance, but divided in operation.” A curious representation of an hydraulic-organ is exhibited in a poem by Publilius Optatianus, describing the instrument: it is com- posed of verses so constructed as to show both the lower part which contained the bellows, the wind-chest which lay upon it, and Over this the row of twenty-six pipes. The latter are represented by twenty-six lines, which increase in length each by one letter, until the last line is twice as long as the first.” The hydraulic-organ was occasionally used down to a compara- tively late period. Vossius tells us that, in the French annals of an anonymous writer, he is informed that, in the year 826, a Cer- tain Venetian called Georgius, or rather Gregorius, constructed an hydraulic-organ for Louis the Pious, at Aix-la-Chapelle, and that after the manner of the ancients.: Dom Bedos, an industrious Benedictine monk, who wrote, about the middle of the eighteenth century, a voluminous work, entitled L'Art du Facteur des Orgues, $ cites a very Curious passage from the Chronicle of William of Malmesbury, which is thus translated. Speak- ing of Pope Silvester II. (who died in 1003), he says:–" In the church * The original passage, cited by Vossius, De Poematum, p. IO6, is as follows:– “Specta portentosam Archimedis (Ctesibii rectius dixisset) munificentiam : organum hydraulicum dico, tot membra, tot partes, tot campagines, tot itinera vocum, tot compendia Sonorum, tot commercia modorum, tot acies tibiarum, et una moles erunt omnia. Spiritus ille, qui de tormento aquae anhelat, per partes administratur, Substantia Solidus, opera divisus.” ºf Wernsdorf’s Poetae Zat. Min., vol. ii., p. 394. : De Poematum, IO6. § This splendid work, containing 137 plates, was published at Paris in 1766-1778. The author styles himself “Dom François Bedos de Celles, Benedicton de la Congrégation de Saint Maur, dans l’Abbaye de Saint Denys en France ; de l'Academie Royale des Sciences de Bordeaux, et Correspondant de celle de Paris.” He is generally called Don Bedos de Celles. (Monks in the early ages were styled Dominus, afterwards Domnus, and finally abbreviated by the French into Dom. Celles is the name of the place where Bedos was born.) A copy of the original work is preserved in the King's Library, British Museum. It has lately been reprinted at Paris, and forms one of the numbers of the AEncyclopédie-Roret. Par M. Hamel, 1849; 3 vols., 12mo and folio. I 4 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. of Rheims are still extant (A.D. I 125), as proofs of his science, a clock Constructed on mechanical principles; and an hydraulic-organ, in which the air, escaping in a Surprising manner, by the force of heated water, fills the cavity of the instrument, and the brazen pipes emit modulated tones through the multifarious apertures.” Mason, commenting on this passage, says, “I here suspect that by the word ventus the monk meant steam ; because the sound was produced by hot water, aqua calefactº violentia, and if so, we have a new purpose, to which the ingenious steam engineers of the present time may, if they please, employ it.”f - Dr. Powell, in his curious volume, Humane /industry, or a History of most Manual Arts, 12mo, I66I (p. IO9), mentions this instrument, but adds that it was self acting —“Pope Silvester II. made, in his younger years, a pair of Organs that should play without an Organist ; he used only warm water to give them motion and sound. Such hydraulics are frequent in Italy, that are moved with cold water as well as hot.” In another chapter of his book (De Aquaticis Machinist) Dr. Powell gives some curious notices of the water-organs of the seventeenth century. He says, “There are in Sundry places of Italy and elsewhere certain Organa Hydraulica, that is, Organs that make good Musick of themselves, only by forcing the water up the pipes, and by the collision of the Ayr and Water therein : The lower part of the pipes are placed in the water (as Petrus Victorius describes them), which water being forced up with a Scrue, or such device, doth inspire the pipes, as well as the wind that is made with a bellows. Among the water-works in the Duke of Florence his garden, there was an Hydraulic-Organ that with the turning of a cock would make Sweet harmony, as Mr. Morison relates; the invention is ancient, for Ammianus Marcellinus makes mention of one, and Claudian describes one thus in his Poem /)e Consulatiº A/a//ú 7%eodori - “Et qui magna levi detrudit murmura tactu Innumeras voces Segetis moderatus Aénae Intonat erranti digito penitusq. trabali Vecte, laborantes in carmina concitat undas.’ * Bohn's edition of William of Malmesbury, by Dr. Giles, p. 175. f Æssays Historical and Critical, on AEnglish Church Music ; York, 1795, p. 35. The Original Latin is as follows:– “Aquae calefactae violentia ventus emergens implet concavitatem barbiti, et per multiforatiles transitus aeneae fistulae modulatos clamores emittunt,” f Humane Zndustry, p. 38. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. I 5 Which invention is by some ascribed to Ctesibius, an ingenious artist of Alexandria ; by others to Archimedes of Syracuse, as Tertullian writes, of which he speaks thus, Specta potentissimam Archimedis, &c.” As to the hydraulic-organs of modern Italy of which Grassineau" says there were several in the grottos of vineyards, “particularly one belonging to the family d'Este, near the Tiber, described by Baptista Porta, they were very different, and no way resembled the ancient hydraulia.” These, perhaps, as Sir J. Hawkins remarks, f will be found to be nothing more than the common organ played on by the barrel, which, by a very easy contrivance, is set in motion by a small stream of water. 3. The Pneumatic-Organ. The various contrivances to introduce the wind into the pipes by means of water were not found to be successful, in spite of their seeming superiorities. A return was therefore made to the ancient bellows filled by manual labour. The Emperor Julian, called the Apostate (who died A.D. 363), is the reputed author of the following Greek enigmatical epigram, the Solution of which is evidently the Aneumatic-organ. - 'AX\otny ôpáo dovákov pºorly firov &T' &\\ms XaAkeins Táxa uá\\ov &veóAda’tma'av &poſpns, "Ayptol, odó &véuota w śp jueTépots dovéovtat, 'AAA' To Taupens Tpoffopºv a TſAvyyos &#Tms, Nép6ev Čiſtºpfftov kaxáuov ÚTö Ét(av ôóeſet. Kai Tis &viip &yépoxos éxov 00& 64k.tvNa Xelpös, "Ia-rarat &upapéov kavóvas avuºppačuovas aúAóv. Of 6 &ta\ov aſkiptºvres, &ToëNi3ovaty &otöv. Thus literally translated — “I see a species of reeds: surely from another and a brazen soil have they quickly sprung—rude. Nor are they agitated by our winds, but a blast rushing forth from a cavern of bull's hide makes its way from below the root of reeds with many openings; and a highly- gifted man, with nimble fingers, handles the yielding rods of the pipes, while they, softly bounding, press out a sound.” * Musical Z)ictionary, 1743, p. 171. f //ist. of Mus. bk. ii., chap. I4. + Anthologia Graeca, Edit. Lips, 1794, tom. iii., p. III ; also Du Cange, Glossarium et infima latinitatis, v, organum, I6 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. This passage is highly interesting, as showing the state of the instrument at this early period. From it we learn that the organ was still unprovided with a clavier or key-board, and that the bellows were made of a bull's hide. These facts have escaped the researches of former writers, who have alluded to the enigma, from their mistrans- lation of the original Greek.” We have here a curious representation of an organ of this period, which shows a singular mode of giving weight to the bellows. It is copied from the sculptures on the obelisk at Constantinople, erected by Theodosius, who died A.D. 395.t * Burney translates the passage thus: “I see reeds of a new species, the growth of another and a brazen soil, such as are not agitated by our winds, but by a blast that rushes from a leathern cavern beneath their roots; while a robust mortal, running with Swift fingers over the concordant Keys, makes them, as they smoothly dance, emit melodious sounds.”— Hist, of Mus., ii., 65. Busby gives a metrical translation — “Reeds I behold, of earth the rigid spoil, Reeds of a novel growth, and brazen soil That not heaven's wind, but, blasts mechanic breathe, From lungs that labour at their roots beneath; While a skill'd artist's nimble finger bounds O'er dancing Keys, and wakes celestial sounds.” —//isſ, of Mus., i., 263. Both these learned writers use the word keys, which cannot, by any forced application, be ſound in the original. The word kavóvas (canomas) means “any straight rod or pole, especially to keep a thing upright or straight—to regulate and order it.” See Liddell and Scott's Greek and Ænglish Zexicon. Burney translates dyépaxos “a tall, sturdy fellow ;” and then adds, “alluding to the force necessary to beat that kind of clumsy carillon keys of this rude instrument of new invention.” This Greek enigma on the organ is given by Mr. Wackerbarth, in his Music and the Anglo-Saxons, p. 9, who adds—“It is obvious, from the sixth line, that it was played with finger-keys, and not by large carillon- keys.” He then blames Dr. Burney for missing “the sense of the passage,” but does not attempt a new translation. It is necessary to add that Mr. Wackerbarth's copy of the eight Greek lines contains no fewer than twenty errors. f Didron's Annales Archéologiques, Paris, 1845, contains an article on Organs by M. Coussemaker, Our engraving is derived from this valuable work, THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. I7 Another curious description of the pneumatic organ is given by Cassiodorus, who flourished under King Vitigas, the Goth, A.D. 514, in his Commentary on the 150th Psalm.” “The organ,” he says, “is an instrument composed of divers pipes, formed into a kind of tower, which, by means of bellows, is made to produce a loud sound; and, in order to express agreeable melodies, there are, in the inside, move- ments made of wood, that are pressed down by the fingers of the player, which produce the most pleasing and brilliant tones.”f At the latter end of the seventh and beginning of the eighth Century the organs of the Anglo-Saxons appear to have resembled, even in their external decorations, those now in use. The following passage from Aldhelm, f who died A.D. 709, will show that our ancestors at that time were accustomed to gild the external pipes:– “Maxima millenis auscultans organa flabris, Mulceat auditum ventosis follibus iste, Quamlibet auratis fulgescant caetera capsis.” 4. Its Introduction into the Church, The organ was early used in the public service of the church. Platina tells us; that it was first employed for religious worship by Pope Vitalian I., A.D. 666; but, according to Julianus, a Spanish bishop who flourished A.D. 450, it was in common use in the churches of Spain at least 200 years before Vitalian's time. The use of instruments in churches was much earlier; for we are told that St. Ambrose joined instruments of music with the public service in the cathedral church of Milan; which example of his was so well approved of, that, by degrees, it became the general practice of other churches. Nay, the antiquity of instrumental church music is still higher, if we may credit the testimony of Justin Martyr and Eusebius, the latter of whom lived fifty, and the former two hundred, years before the time of St. Ambrose."[ * The passage is also quoted by Bede, tom. viii., 899, 900, + Organum itaque est quasi turris quaedam diversis fistulis fabricata quibus flatu follium vox copiosissima destimatur; et ut eam modulatio decora componat, linguis quibusdam ligneis ab interiori parte construitur, quas disciplinabiliter magistrorum digiti reprimentis, grandi- Sonam efficiunt et suavissimam cantilenam. In Psalm cl. † De laude Virginum. Bibliotheca Maxima Patrum, tom. xiii., p. 3. This passage was first pointed out by Mr. Sharon Turner, Anglo-Saxons, iv., 447, § Zives of the Požes ; Rycaud's translation, p. II.4. | See Lorinus, Psal. 33. "I Hawkins, bk, iv., chap. 32. I8 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. We have seen, from the Epigram of the Emperor Julian, before quoted, that an Organ capable of being used in religious ceremonies existed long before the erection of Christian churches; we cannot then refuse to credit the testimony of Julianus, as to its admission into the service of public worship at an earlier period than that Com- monly assigned.” - - It was some time before organs became common in the churches of Europe. Pepin, the father of Charlemagne, king of the Franks, an ardent worshipper of God, first introduced singing and the cere- monies of the Romish Church into France. He soon perceived the urgent need of an Organ, both as an aid to devotion, and as a proper accompaniment and support to the choir. Accordingly, as the instrument was unknown at that time both in France and Germany, this pious king applied to the Byzantine Emperor Constantine, sur- named Copronymus, Soliciting him to forward one to France. The emperor complied with the request, and in the year 757, or thereabouts,f Sent him as a present, in charge of a special embassy, a great organ with leaden pipes, which was placed in the church of St. Corneille, at Compiegne. It also appears that an Organ, Con- structed by an Arabian named Giafar, was sent to Charlemagne by the renowned “Commander of the Faithful,” the caliph Haroun Alras- chid—an incident introduced with considerable effect by Madame de Genlis, in her romance, Zes Chevaliers du Cygne. This was the instrument, in all probability, which Walafrid Strabo described as existing in the ninth century in a church at Aix-la-Chapelle. Its softness (query 2) of tone, he adds, caused the death of a female.|| It is certain that this Organ was very imperfect, and we must suppose * Bingham (Christian Antiq., bk. viii., c. 7–16) and his followers assert that the organ was first introduced into churches by Marinus Sanutus, in 1290 ! The authorities cited in the course of the present Section completely refute this motion. Cardinal Bona supposes organs to have been used in churches in the fourth century.—/0e Divin. Psal., 1653. - ºf Siegebert says 766; but Walter Odington, of Evesham (who wrote in the 13th century), is a preferable authority. His words are, “Anno Domini 757, venit Organum primo in Francium missum a potissima Rege Graecorum Pipino imperatori.”—De Speculatione Musicae. # The deputation to King Pepin was headed by Stephanus, a Roman bishop.–Aventini, Annales Bazaria. § Alex. Sardus, /)a 7-erum. /71zenſoribus, lib, i. * | Eginhard, in his Annals of Louis le Débonnaire, and Nigellus, in his poem on the life and actions of Louis the Pious, printed in the Scriſtores /talici de Aſuratori, both speak of the organ at Aix-la-Chapelle; but they allude to the hydraulicon, not to the pneumatic-organ. The former was in the palace of the king, the latter in the church, Historians have Strangely confounded the two, THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. I9 that poetical enthusiasm led Strabo a little beyond the truth. His words are these :- “Dulce melos tantum vanas deludcre mentes Coepit, ut una Suis decedens sensibus ipsam Foemina perdiderit vocum dulcedine vitam.” Be this as it may, the French artists were eager to equal these speci- mens of foreign ingenuity; and so successful were their efforts, that, in the ninth century, it is said, the best organs were made in France and Germany. Their superiority was acknowledged by John VIII., in a letter to Anno, Bishop of Friesingen, from whom he requested an Organ, and a master for the instruction of the Roman artists. The passage runs thus —“Precamur ut optimum organum cum artifice, qui hoc moderari, et facere ad omnem modulationis efficaciam possit, ad instructionem musicae disciplinae nobis aut deferas, aut mittas.”f Soon afterwards we find them in common use in England, constructed by English artists, with pipes of copper fixed in gilt frames.; St. Dunstan, in the reign of Edgar, erected or fabricated an organ, the pipes of which were made of brass.; The following notice of this instrument is preserved by William of Malmesbury —“Ideo in multis locis munificus, quae tune in Anglia magni miraculi essent, decusque et ingenium conferentis ostenderent, offerre credo, Itaque signa Sono et mole praestantia, et organo ubi per aereas fistulas musicis mensuris elaboratas, ‘dudum conceptas follis vomit anxius auras.” Ibi hoc distichon laminis aereis impressit— Organo de Sancto Praesul Dunstanus Aldhelmo ; Perdat hic aeternum qui vult hinc tollere regnum.” This worthy prelate also caused an organ to be erected in the abbey church of Glastonbury. In the same century Count Elwin presented an organ to the convent of Ramsey, on which it is said, “The earl devoted thirty pounds to make copper pipes of organs, which, resting with their openings in thick order on the spiral winding in the inside, and being * Walaf. Strabo apud Abb. S. Blasii, p. 140. + Sandini, in Vit. Pont. i., p. 294. See also Dr. Lingard's Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church, ii., p. 376. # Aldhelm in Gale, pp. 266, 42O, cited by Lingard, Anglo-Saxon Church, ii., p. 376. See also the curious passage from Aldhelm, quoted in a previous section, ante, 17. § St. Dunstan died A. D. 988. - | Gale, tom, iii., p. 366; Wackerbarth's Music and the Anglo-Saxons, p. 19. C 2 2O THE HISTORY OF TIIE ORGAN, struck on feast days with a strong blast of bellows, emit a Sweet 1.2% melody and a far resounding pea In the old monastic church of Winchester was a monster Organ, according to its description by the monk Wulston,t whose fidelity, as Lingard remarks, cannot be questioned, since he dedicated his poem to Bishop Elphege, f by whose order the organ was built about the close of the tenth century. The portion of Wulston's poem relating to the organ is as follows:– “Talia et auxistis hic organa qualia nunquam Cernuntur, gemino constabilita Solo. Bisseni supra Sociantur Ordine folles, Inferiusque jacent quatuor atque decem. Flatibus alternis spiracula maxima reddunt Quos agitant validi Septuaginta viri ; Brachia versantes, multo et sudore madentes, Certatimgue Suos quisque movet Socios, Viribus ut totis impellant flamina Sursum Rugiat et pleno capsa referta Sinu Sola quadringentas quae Sustinet ordine musas Quas manus organici temperatingenii. Has aperit clausas, iterumque has claudit apertas Exigit ut varii certa camaena Soni. Considuntdue duo concordi pectore fratres, Et regit alphabetum rector utergue suum. Suntdue quaterdenis occulta foramina linguis, Inque Suo retinet Ordine quaeque decem : Huc aliae currunt, illuc aliaeque recurrunt Servantes modulis singula puncta Suis; Et feriunt jubilum Septem discrimina vocum Permixto lyrici carmine semitoni : Inque modum tonitrus vox ferrea verberat aures, Praeter ut hunc Solum nil capiat sonitum. Concrepat in tantum Sonus hinc illincºlue resultans, Quisque manu patulas Claudat ut auriculas, Haudguaquam Sufferre valens propiando rugitum, Quem reddunt varii concrepitando Soni : Musarumque melos auditur ubique per urbem, Et peragrat totam fama volans patriam. Hoc decus Ecclesiae vovit tua cura Tonanti, Clavigeri inque sacri struxit honore Petri.”$ * The original Latin of this passage is thus given in the Acta Sanctorum —“Triginta praeterea libras ad fabricandum cupreos organorum calamos erogavit, qui in alveo Suo, super unam cochlearum denso ordine foraminibus insidentes, et diebus festis follium spiramento fortiore pulsati, prædulcem melodiam et clangorem longius resonantem ediderunt.”—Acta Sanctorum Ordinis Benedict. Sacc., v., p. 756. See also Gale, tom. iii., p. 420. t Called Wulston or Wolston the Deacon. He died A.D. 963. f Elphegus Calvus received the Bishopric of Winchester in A.D. 935, and held it till 951, § Acta Sanctorum Ordinis Benedict, Sac., v., p. 631-2, - ~ * THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 2 ſº Thus translated by Mr. Wackerbarth”:— “Such organs as you have built are seen nowhere, fabricated on a double ground. Twice six bellows above are ranged in a row, and fourteen lie below, These, by alternate blasts, supply an immense quantity of wind, and are worked by Seventy strong men, labouring with their arms, covered with perspiration, each inciting his companions to drive the wind up with all his strength, that the full- bosomed box may speak with its four hundred pipes which the hand of the Organist governs. Some when closed he opens, others when open he closes, as the individual nature of the varied sound requires. Two brethren (religious) of concordant spirit sit at the instrument, and each manages his own alphabet. There are, moreover, hidden holes in the forty tongues, and each has ten (pipes) in their due order. Some are conducted hither, others thither, each preserving the proper point (or situation) for its own note. They strike the seven differences of joyous sounds, adding the music of the lyric semitone. Like thunder the iron tones batter the ear, so that it may receive no sound but that alone. To such an amount does it reverberate, echoing in every direction, that every one stops with his hand his gaping ears, being in no wise able to draw near and bear the Sound, which so many combinations produce. The music is heard throughout the town, and the flying fame thereof is gone out over the whole country. This honourable church has your care dedicated to the Ruler of the thunder, and built up in honour of the key-bearing St. Peter.”f Although this curious description gives the idea of an instrument of large size and complicated mechanism, its construction must have been of a very primitive kind. Mr. Wackerbarth imagines that it possessed registers or stops ; a key-board furnished with Semitones; and a compass of three and a half octaves. Of the first position we have no proof whatever in the poem itself. Of the second all the writer says is, that it was provided with the seven sounds and the “lyric semitone,” which latter clearly means the B flat. The alphabet alluded to was the handles of the rods or levers by which the instru- ment was played; the key-board was not yet invented. Of the third * Music and the Anglo-Saxons, p. 12–15. t Mason (Essays on AEnglish Church Music, p. 37) gives the following metrical translation of eight lines of Wulston's poem. He was not aware of the original, but quoted from Dom Bedos, who in his turn took the passage from Du Cange's Glossary — “Twelve pair of bellows, ranged in stated row, Are join’d above, and fourteen more below ; These the full force of seventy men require, Who ceaseless toil, and plenteously perspire; Each aiding each, till all the wind be prest In the close confines of th’ incumbent chest, On which four hundred pipes in order rise To bellow forth the blast that chest supplies.” Bedos, and after him Mason, erroneously say that this organ was erected at Westminster, 33 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. position it is clear that the compass did not exceed ten notes, “and for each note forty pipes,” which makes up the number of four /...undred. The seventy stout bellows-blowers must still remain a perplexing question. The brethren of Winchester were a rich and a large body, and the writer probably meant that it was the office of seventy inferior monks, at different periods, to succeed each other in this labour. Or probably seventy may be a corruption of the text for Seven. An interesting representation of the pneumatic-organ of about this period is preserved in a MS. Psalter of Eadwine, in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge.” It is here copied. At the close of the tenth century many organs existed in the churches of Germany. Michael Praetorius, in his Syntagma Musicum, mentions (under the date 944) those in the Paulina Church at Erfurt, in St. James's Church at Magdeburg, and in the cathedral at Halber- stadt. Notwithstanding the imperfection of these instruments, they everywhere produced the greatest astonishment, and the churches were desirous of possessing SO efficacious a means of attracting a Con- gregation. We therefore find in this century that organs multiplied ilot only in the cathedral churches of the episcopal seats, but also in many churches and monastic establishments. * Under the press mark Insig. R, 17, I. It is engraved in Strutt's Zorda, i., pl. 33. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 23. 5. Organ-Building in the Eleventh Century. The following very curious treatise upon the Construction of Organs is part of a larger work upon Divers Arts, by a monk named Theophilus. * There is a considerable diversity of opinion as to the exact period at which the writer flourished. Lessing, Leist, Raspe, and Emeric David, have placed him in the tentſ, century, a period too early. Guichard, Didron, and Texiér, consider that he belongs to the twelft/. or thirteenth century. Mr. Hendrie, in his learned preface to the English translation of Theophilus,” shows pretty clearly that the work in question may be assigned to the early half of the eleventſ, century. The most ancient manuscripts that have descended to us are of the latter part of the twelfth, or the early part of the following century, One is preserved at Wolfenbüttel; another in the Imperial Library, Vienna; a third is in the University Library, Cambridge; and a fourth among the Harleian MSS. in the British Museum. The three first- named manuscripts end abruptly, closing with the first chapter on the Construction of the Organ. The Harleian MS. enriches the musical inquirer with three new chapters upon the mode of building the “King of Instruments” in the eleventh century.f Theophilus's treatise has escaped the notice of all writers, both foreign and English, who have devoted their time and talents to the consideration of musical antiquities. Such being the case, I have considerable pleasure in being the first to introduce it into that department of musical history to which it more particularly be- longs — * Theophili, Qui et Rugerus, Presbyteri et Momachi Zibri ZZZ, de ZXiversis Artibus. Opera et Studio Roberti Hendrie. Londini, Johannes Murray, MDCCCXLVII. 8vo. I owe my knowledge of this curious treatise on the organ entirely to Mr. Hendrie's valuable book. The following translation is taken (with permission) from that gentleman’s publication. + This manuscript is upon vellum, in octavo, and is written in a clear German character of the very commencement of the thirteenth century. Sir F. Madden, the keeper of the manuscripts at the British Museum, and whose authority is conclusive, states that it is of that period, and that it was certainly written in Germany. It contains II5 folios of the books of Theophilus, and five folios of recipes relating to the arts, written by another hand of the period. A treatise, “De Unguentis,” follows: it is a collection of medical recipes. The title and preface to the first book are unfortunately wanting: in so voluminous and superior a copy something might have been otherwise adduced from these which would have unravelled the mystery which shrouds the age and country of our author. The credit of discovering this important manuscript is entirely due to Mr. Hendrie. See his preface to Zheophilus, p. xxvi. 24 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. (CIſ) copjílí 3Líſti (Tettii Uc 2Dibºlºgíg Øttiſtić,” (Original.) CAPUT LXXXI. DE ORGANIS. FACTURUS organa primum habeat lec- tionem mensurae, qualiter metiri debeant fistulae graves et acutae et superacutae; deinde faciat sibi ferrum longum et grossum ad mensuram, quam vult habere fistulas, quod sit in circuitu, rotundum Summâ diligentiá limatum et politum, in ună summitate grossius et modicé at- tenuatum, ita ut possit imponi in alterum ferrum curvum per quod circumdatur, juxta modum ligni in quo volvitur run- cina, et in alterå summitate gracile, Secundum mensuram inferioris capitis fistulae, quae conflatorio debet imponi. Deinde attenueter cuprum purum et Sanissimum, ita ut unguis impressus alterå parte appareat. Quod cum fuerit Secundum mensuram ferri lineaturm et incisum ad longiores fistulas, quae dicun- tur graves, fiat Secundum praeceptum lectionis foramen, in quo plectrum im- poni debet, et circumradatur modicé ad mensuram festucae (fistulae), ac Super- liniatur stagnum ferro solidatorio, rada- turque in orå longitudinis interius, in alterā orâ exterius eadem mensură, et SuperStagnetur tenuè. Quae Stagnatura, priusquam rasi tractus noviter facti, modicé calefacto cupro liniantur cum resina abietis, ut stagnum facilius ad- ha’reat. Quo facto, complicetur ipsum cuprum circa ferrum et circumlige- tur filo ferreo mediocriter grosso for- titer, ita ut stagnati tractus conveniant Sibi. Quod filum primo induci debet parvulo foramini, quod est in gracili y QI) copjílug's QItzatigº on g|DUgan. 25ttiſting, (Translation.) CHAPTER LXXXI. OF ORGANS., THE manufacturer of organs should first possess the knowledge of the mea- sure, how the grave and sharp and treble pipes should be meted out; he may then make for himself a long and thick iron to the size which he wishes the pipes to possess; this must be round, filed and polished with great care, thicker at one extremity and slightly diminished, so that it can be placed in another curved iron, by which it is encompassed, after the fashion of the wood in which the augur is revolved, and at the other ex- tremity let it be slender, according to the size of the lower end of the pipe which should be placed on the bellows. Then pure and very sound copper is thinned, so that the impression of the nail may appear on the other side. When this has been marked out and cut according to the size of the iron for the longer pipes, which are called grave, an opening is made according to the precept of the lesson, into which the valve should be placed, and it is rasped round a little to the size of the rod, and tin is anointed over it with the soldering iron, and it is rasped upon one edge of the length in- side, and outside, upon the other edge, and it is tinned over thinly. Which tinnings, before the newly made lines are scraped, are slightly anointed, the copper being warmed with resin of the fir, that the tin may the more easily ad- here. Which being done, this copper is folded around the iron and is strongly bound round with an iron wire mode- rately thick, so that the tinned lines may agree with each other. This wire should be first carried through a very small hole which is at the thin extremity of the iron, ${- e - - - A few corrections have been made in the text, such as the grammatical construction obviously suggested. + “Pipe,” in the Wolfenbüttel MS, THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 25 summitate ferri, et in eo bis contorqueri, sicque deduci in volvendo usque ad alteram summitatem, ibique similiter obfirmari. Deinde juncturis sibi con- venientibus et diligenter conjunctis, ponaturipsá ligaturâ pariter cum ferro ante formacem super prunas ardentes, et sedente puero et mediocriter flante, tenea- tur dexterå manu lignum gracile, in cujus Summitate fissà, adhaereat panniculus Cum resina, et sinistră teneatur stagnum longum gracile percussum, ut mox cum fistula incaluerit, liniat juncturam cum panniculo resina infecto, appositumque Stagnum liquefiat, ipsamgue juncturam (addidimus) diligenter consolidet. Quo facto, refrigerată fistulá, ponatur ferrum in instrumento tornatoris more parato, impositoque curvo ferro et filo soluto circumvolvat unus ferrum curvum, alter Vero, utrisque manibus chirothecis in- dutis, fistulam fortiter teneat, ita ut ferrum circumducatur et fistula quieta. maneat, donec omnino oculis gratiosa sit, quasi tornata sit. Deinde educto ferro percutiatur ipsa fistula cum malleo mediocriter juxta foramen inferius et Superius, ita ut pene usque ad medium descendatipsa rotunditas spatio duorum digitorum ; fiataue plectrum ex cupro aliquantulum spissioni, quasi dimidia rotula, et superStagnetur circa rotundi- tatem sicut fistula superius, sicque pona- tur in inferiori parte foraminis, ut sub ipsius ora aequaliter stet, nec procedat inferius aut superius. Habeat quoque ferrum solidatorium ejusdem latitudinis et rotunditatis, quá plectrum est. Quo calefacto ponat modicas particulas stagni Super plectrum, parumque resinae, et diligenter circumducat calidum ferrum ne plectrum moveatur, sed liquefacto stagno sic adhaereat ut in circuitu ejus nihil spiraminis exeat, nisi tantum in Superiori foramine. Quo facto, apponat ori et sufflet primum modicë, deinde amplius, Sicque fortiter, et secundum quod auditu discernit, disponat vocem, ut si eam vult esse grossam, foramen and be twisted twice round in it, and so be carried down revolving to the other extremity, and be there similarly fastened. Then with its joinings agreeing together and carefully fastened, it is placed with its ligature, as with the iron, before the furnace upon the glowing embers, and the boy sitting and slightly blowing, in the left hand is held a thin wood, at the split top of which a small cloth with resin is fixed, and in the right can be held a long piece of tin beaten thin, so that directly the pipe has become hot he can anoint the joint with the rag filled with resin, and the tin applied may liquify, and he must carefully solder the join together. Which being done, the pipe cold, the iron is placed in the in- strument prepared like that of a turner, and the curved iron being placed on, and wire loosened, one can revolve the curved iron, the other, both hands being provided with gloves, can hold the pipe firmly, so that the iron may be carried round and the pipe remain still, until it appear elegant to the eyes, as if turned. The iron being then taken out, the pipe is struck slightly with the hammer near the opening, above and below, so that this round shape may de- press almost to the centre for a space of two fingers; the valve may be made from copper somewhat thicker, like a half wheel, and be soldered over about the round part, as the pipe above, and be so placed in the lower part of the open- ing that it may stand equally under its edge, nor protrude below or above. He can have also a soldering iron of the same breadth and roundness as the valve. With this heated he can place small particles of tin upon the valve, and a little resin, and can carefully pass over the hot iron, that he may not move the valve, but that the tin being melted it may so adhere that no wind can come out in its circumference, unless only into the upper opening. Which being done, he can bring it to his mouth and blow at first slightly, then more, and then strongly ; and, according to what he discerns by hearing, he can arrange the sound, so that if he wish it strong 26 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. fiat latius ; si vero graciliorem, fiat stric- tius. Hoc ordine omnes fistulae fiant; mensuram vero singularum, a plectro Superius, Secundum magisterium lectio- nis faciat, a plectro autem inferius, omnes unius mensurae et ejusdem grossitudinis €rullht. CAPUT LXXXII. DE DOMO ORGANARIA. DOMUM vero facturus super quam stat- uendae Sint fistulae, vide utrum volueris eam ligneam habere aut cupream. Si ligneam, acquiretibiduo ligna de platano, Valde sicca, longitudine duorum pedum et dimidii, et latitudine modice amplius quam unius, unum quatuor, alterum duobus digitis Spissum, quae non sint nodosa Sed pura. Quibus diligentissimè Sibi conjunctis, in inferiori parte spis- Sioris ligni fiat in medio foramen quadrangulum, amplitudine quatuor digi- torum et circa quod relinquatur de eodem ligno limbus, unius digiti latitudinis et altitudinis,in quo conflatorium imponatur. In Superiori parte verö lateris fiant cava- urae, per quas flatus ad fistulas possit pervenire. Altera vero pars ligni, quae et Superior esse debet, metiatur interius aequaliter, ubi disponantur Septem vel Octo cavaturae, in quibus diligenter jun- gantur linguaº, ita ut habeant facilem Cursum educendi et reducendi, sic tamen ut nihil Spiraminis inter juncturas exeat, In Superiori autem parte tonde cava- turas, contra inferiores, quae Sint ali- quantulum latiores, in quibus jungantur totidem ligna, ita ut inter haec et majus, ligni cavatura remaneat vacua, per quam ventus ascendat ad fistulas, nam in eis- dem lignis foramina fieri debent, in quibus fistulae stabiliendae sunt. Cava- turae in quibus linguae junctae sunt in anteriori parte procedere debent quasi the opening is made wider; if slighter, however, it is made narrower. In this order all the pipes are made. He can make the measure of each, from the valve upwards, according to the rule in- culcated, but from the valve below, all will be of one measure and of the same thickness. CHAPTER LXXXII. OF THE ORGAN ERECTION. IN the manufacture of the construction, upon which the pipes are to stand, See whether you intend to have it of wood or copper. If of wood, procure for yourself two pieces of wood of the plane tree, very dry, two feet and a half in length, and in breadth rather more than one : one four, the other two fingers thick, which must not be knotty, but without blemish. Which being carefully joined together, in the lower part of the thicker wood a square hole must be made in the centre, four fingers in breadth, and about which a border must be left of the same wood of one finger in breadth and height, in which the bellows can be placed. In the upper part of the side, however, Small hollows are made, through which the wind can arrive at the pipes. But the other part of the wood, which should also be uppermost, is measured out inside equally, where seven or eight Small openings are disposed, in which the stops are carefully joined, so that they may have an easy means of being drawn out and restored, so, however, that no air can come out between the joins. In the upper part, however, cut Small openings opposite the lower ones, which are to be rather wider, in which may be joined so many pieces of wood, So that between these and the larger the open- ings of the wood may remain empty, through which the wind can mount to the pipes; for in these same pieces of wood openings should be made in which the pipes are to be made fast. The openings in which the stops are fitted in THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 27 obliquae fenestrae, per quas ipsae linguae introducantur et extrahantur. In posteriori vero parte, Sub fine ip- Sarum linguarum, fiant foramina aequa- liter lata et longa, mensura duorum digitorum, per quae ventus possit ascen- dere ab inferioribus ad superiora, ita ut cum linguae impinguntur illa foramina ab eis obstinantur ; cum vero retrahun- tur denuè pateant. In his vero lignis quae Super linguas junguntur fiant fora- mina diligenter et ordinaté, Secundum numerum fistularum, uniuscujusque toni, in quibus ipsae fistulae imponantur, ita ut firmiter stent, et ab inferioribus ven- tum SuScipiant. In caudis autem lin- guarum Scribantur litterae Secundum ascensum et descensum cantus, quibus possit cognosci quis ille, vel ille tonus sit. In singulis autem linguis fiant fora- mina singula gracilia, longitudine dimi- dii digiti minoris, in anteriore parte, juxta caudas in longitudine, in quibus ponantur singuli clavi cuprei capi- tati, qui pertranseant in medio fene- Stellas, quibus inducuntur ipsae linguæ a superiori latere domas usque ad in- ferius, et appareant clavorum capita Superius ita, ut cum linguae cantantibus organis educuntur, non penitus extra- huntur. His ita dispositis conglutinentur haec duo ligna, quae domum organorum conficiunt, glutine casei; deinde partes illae quae Super linguas Sunt junctae, in quibus foramina stant, sicque circum- . cidantur diligentër et radantur. CAPUT LXXXIIſ. DE CONFLATORIO. CONFLATORIUM facturus, conjunge tibi duo ligna de platano modo quo Supra, longitudine pedis unius, quorum sit unum palma Spissum, alterum tribus digitis, sintaue in ună fronte rotunda in the front part should proceed, like Slant- ing windows, through which these stops are introduced and removed. In the hinder part, under the end of these stops, holes are made equally wide and long, of the size of two fingers, through which the wind can ascend from the lower to the upper parts, so that when the stops are placed upon them these holes may be stopped by them ; when, however, they are withdrawn, they may again lie open. In those pieces of wood which are joined upon the stops openings are made, carefully and in order, according to the number of the pipes of every tone, in which these pipes are placed, so that they may stand firmly and receive the wind from the lower parts. But in the handles of the stops letters are marked, according to the rise and fall of the sound, by which it can be known which tone it may be. In each one of these stops single slender holes are made, half of the little finger in length, in the front part, near the handles, lengthwise, in which single copper-headed nails may be placed, which may pass through the small win- dows in the middle, by means of which these stops are drawn from the upper side of the construction down to the lower, and the heads of the nails appear above, so that when the stops are with- drawn from the Sounding instruments, they cannot be quite extracted. These things being thus arranged, these two pieces of wood, which perfect the organ- house, are joined together with cheese- glue ; then those parts which are joined over the stops, in which the holes exist, are also pared round carefully, and Scraped. CHAPTER LXXXIII. t OF THE BELLOWS. IN making the wind-chamber, join to- gether two pieces of wood of the plane tree, in the above mode, of one foot in length, one of which may be a palm thick, the other three fingers, and let them be round at one end, like a shield, 28 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. modum scuti, et ibi pede et dimidio lata ; in alterå fronte obtusa, latitudine unius palmi. Quae cum diligenter con- juncta fuerint incide in Spissiori ligno in rotunda fronte foramina quod volueris, Secundum numerum follium, et in Ob- tusa fronte unum, quod sit majus. Deinde incide ab unoquoque foramine fossam unam deductam uSque ad majus, per quas viam possit habere ven- tus flantibus follibus. Sicque conglu- tinabis ipsa ligna glutine casei, et Cir- cumdabis panno lineo novo et forti, quem linies, eodem glutine ut adhaereat, facies quoque ligaturas ferreas fortes, interius et exterius circumstagnatas, ne possint ex tigneá (tignariä F) dissolvi, quas configes clavis longis capitatis atclue stagnatis, ita ut inter duo foramina ligatura sit, quae comprehendat utrum- Que lignum a Superiore latere usque ad inferius. Deinde acquire tibi lignum curvum de quercu, Sanum et forte, quod habeat in una fronte, a curvatura longi- tudinem pedis unius, in altera duorum, quod perforabis in utrāque fronte terebro magno, quo forantur modioli in rotis aratri. Sed quia foramina non possunt Sibi obviare propter curvaturam, factibi ferrum quod habeat caput rotundum in modum Ovi, et Caudam longam gracilem, quae imponatur manubrio, Sitgue juxta, Caput modicè curvum, cum quo cale- facto, combures foramina interius in cur- vatură, donec Sibi aequaliter conveniant. Quo facto, incide ipsum lignum quad- rico (quadrató P) statum, ita ut in uno- quoque latere uno palmo latum sit, ad mensuram conflatorii in obtusa parte. Post ha-c conjunge ipsum lignum in longiori parte, ad inferius foramen domâs organariae, ita ut eidem ligno cauda incidatur, unius pollicis longa, quae ipsi foramini imponatur, vel infe- ratur, et junctura tam Subtilis sit, ut nihil flatus inter eam exire queat. Al teram vero frontem conjunges eodem modo ad conflatorium, et ipsum lignum and there a foot and a half wide, at the other end blunt, a palm in breadth. When these have been carefully fitted together, cut, in the round front in the thicker wood, the openings which you wish, according to the number of the bellows, and in the blunt end one, which must be larger. Then cut, from each opening, a hollow leading to the larger opening, through which the wind may have way to the working bellows; and you will thus glue these woods together with the cheese-glue, and you will bind them round with a linen cloth, new and strong, which you anoint with the same casein glue that it may adhere : you also make strong iron bindings tinned over within and without, that they may not become disunited from the woodwork, these you will fix on with long nails, headed and tinned, so that between the two openings a binding may exist, which may include each wood from the upper to the lower side. Then procure for yourself a curved piece of oak wood, Sound and strong, which must have at one end, from the curve, the length of one foot, in the other of two, which you will pierce in each end with a large auger, with which the middle portions are pierced in the wheels of ploughs. But because the openings cannot meet to- gether, on account of the curve, make for yourself an iron which may have a round head, like an egg, and a long thin stem, which is fitted with a handle, and let it be slightly curved, near the head, with which, made hot, you burn the holes curved inside, until they meet together in an even manner. Which being done, cut this wood in a Square manner, set So that it be one palm wide in each side, to the size of the wind- chamber in the blunt part. After these things join this wood on the longer part, to the lower opening of the organ con- struction, so that a projection may be cut to the same wood a thumb in length, which can be placed, or forced into this: opening, and that the joint be so subtle that no wind can escape from it. You join on in the same manner the other end to the bellows, and will fasten this THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 29 glutine casei firmabis, atque circum- volves panno totum lignum cum junc- tura, Cui etiam circumfiges Cuprum latum quod utriusque ligni Oram capiat. His ita completis, si volueris Organa ultra maceriam muri stabilire, ita ut infra” monasterium nihil appareat, nisi Sola domus cum fistulis, et ex altera parte muri folles jaceant, ita Oportebit te ipsam domum convertere ut lingua: versus folles extrahuntur, et in ipso muro arcus fiat in quo cantor Sedeat, cujus sedes ita aptetur, ut pedes Supra confla- torium teneat. Est autem foramen quadrum in medio arcüs trans ma- ceriam, per quod domus cum fistulis exponitur ; et super collum conflatorii, quod in muro infra foramen lapidibus obfirmatum est, in Sua junctura sistitur, atdue Super duos clavos ferreos aequa- liter in muro confixos nititur, cui fora- mini fenestra lignea appendet, quae dum clausa, Sera et clave munitur, nemo ig- notus superveniens cognoscerevalet quid in ea contineatur. Exterius quoque, Super organa, pannus Spissus lignis interius ex- tensus, in modum domunculae, a laqueari in funiculo ad arcendum pulverem de- pendeat, qui funiculus Super ipsum laquear circa rotulam arte compositus, dum cantandum est organis trahitur, et domunculam elevat, finitoque Cantu, denuè super organa deponitur. Habet quoque ipsa domuncula pinnam ex eodem panno, lignis quatuor in Speciem trianguli extensam, in cujus Summo sperula (sphaerula 2) lignea Stet, Cui funi- culus inhaeret. Folles et instrumentum Super quod jaceant, Secundum situm loci ad libitos tuos dispone. wood with cheese-glue, and will wrap round the whole wood, with the join, with cloth, to which you also fix a wide piece of copper which may also compass the edge of each wood. These things being thus completed, should you wish to establish the organ beyond the masonry of the wall, so that nothing may appear within the cloister, unless the erection alone with the pipes, and that the bellows may lie on the other side, you must so turn the construction that the stops may be drawn out towards the bellows, and an arch may be made in the wall itself in which the chanter can sit, whose seat is so adapted that he can keep his feet above the bellows. There is also a Square opening in the middle of the arch through the masonry, through which the construction with the pipes is exposed to view ; and upon the neck of the bellows, which is in the wall beneath, the opening is made firm with stones, it is Supported at its junction, and is rested upon two long iron nails evenly fixed in the wall ; to this opening a wooden win- dow hangs, which, when shut, is defended by a lock and key, that no stranger coming unaware be able to learn what may be contained in it. Outside, also, above the organ, a thick drapery, ex- tended inside with wood like a dome, for warding off the dust, can hang by a rope from the ceiling, which rope, ar- ranged with art around a wheel above the ceiling itself, is drawn whilst the organ is Sounding, and thus raises the roof, and the chant being finished, it is lowered upon the organ. This dome also has a Spire, made from the same cloth, extended by four pieces of wood in shape of a triangle, at the top of which a Small wooden ball can stand, to which the rope cleaves. The bellows, and the instrument upon which they may lie, arrange at your pleasure ac- cording to the situation of the spot. * “Infra" seems to be a clerical error for “intra, ” “within the monastery.” 3O THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN, CAPUT I, XXXIV, DE DOMO CUPREA ET CONFLATORIO EJUS. SECUNDUM abundantiam fistularum dis- pone longitudinem et latitudinem domâs, et fac formam in argillá maceratá, sicca- tamgue diligenter incide, quacungue mensură volueris, et cooperi ceră, dili- genter inter duas a qualiter Spissas hastulas cum rotundo ligno attenuatā. Deinde incide foramina linguarum in ipsá Cerâ, et foramen inferius, per quod ventus introeat ; additis spiraculis cum infusorio, cooperieädem argillá Semel, et iterum ac tertio. Cumque siccata fuerit forma, eodem modo funde quo Supra formam turibuli. Conflatorium quoque formabis in argillá procedentibus undique inferius venti aditibus, ad similitudinem radicis unius arboris, et in Summo in unum foramen convenientibus. Quod cum mensurate dispositum cultelio inci- deris, cooperi cerâ, et fac Sicut Supra. Cumque domum fuderis conjunges in- terius altitudine unius digiti a fundo, tabulam cupream ductilem Sub forami- nibus linguarum aequaliter, ut Supra eam ipsæ linguæ jaceant; ita ut possint aequaliter produci et induci, illitisque ipsis linguis tenui argillá, reliquum domás perfundes liquefacto plumbo, per omnia, super ipsas linguas usque ad sum- mum. Quo facto, ejicies ipsum plumbum diligenter designabisque foramina fistu- larum in linguis; deinde in ipso plumbo et cum gracili ferro, vel terebro, perfora- bis diligentissime. Deinde Sub linguis ventorum aditus facies, induces ipsas linguas singulas in Suis locis, atque repones plumbum et cum malleo in per- cutiendo conjunges domui, ut nihil spiraminis exeat, nisi per foramina quibus fistulae imponendae Sunt. Cum vero conflatorium fuerit fusum et lima- tum, atque uniuscujusque follis fistula Suo inductorio Coaptata, conjungi et firmiter consolidari debet ad domum CHAPTER LXXXIV, OF THE COPPER CONSTRUCTION AND ITS BELLOWS. DISPOSE the length and width of the case according to the number of the pipes, and make a mould in beaten clay, and, being dry, cut it to whatever size you may wish, and cover with wax care- fully thinned, between two rods equally thick, with the round wood. Then cut the openings of the stops in this wax, and the hole below through which the wind can enter; the air-holes with the funnel being added, cover altogether with the Same clay, and again, and a third time. And when the mould has become dry, cast in the same manner as the form of the censer above mentioned, You will also fashion the bellows in clay, the wind-issues proceeding everywhere below in the similitude of the roots of a tree, and meeting at the top in one opening. Which, when disposed in rule you have cut with a knife, cover with wax and act as above, And when you have cast the case, you join, inside, at the height of one finger from the bot- tom, a beaten copper plate, in an even manner under the openings of the stops, that these stops may rest upon it, so that they can be Smoothly drawn forth and returned ; and lining these stops with thin clay, you pour over the rest of the case some melted lead everywhere, over these stops up to the top. This being done, you cast out this lead and will carefully mark the openings of the pipes in the stops; then you will most carefully perforate in this lead with a thin iron or with a bore. Then you make the issues for the wind under the stops; you introduce these stops singly in their places, and you replace the lead, and you fit them to the construction by beating with the hammer, so that no wind can issue, unless through the open- ings in which the pipes are placed. When the wind-case has been cast and filed, and the pipe of each air-issue fitted to its conductor, it should be joined to- gether and firmly soldered below to the THIE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 3 I organariam inferius, ita ut ventus Suos organ construction, so that the wind aditus liberê inveniat, et per alias junc- may find its access freely, and can in turas nullatenus exeat. Hoc quoque nowise issue through the other joints. Sollertius" procurandum est, ut in capite This also is to be carefully provided, uniuscujusque follis, ante foram enfistulae that a thin piece of copper may hang Suae, cuprum tenue dependeat ; quod down before the opening of its pipe, spiraminis claudat aditum, ita ut cum which can close the access of the air- follis flando deponitur illud cuprum se hole, so that when by the breathing of elevet, et ventus pleniter exeat ; cumque the bellows this copper is displaced, it follis elevatur ut per ventilabrum suum may rise, and the wind may freely issue; flatum resumat, illud cuprum os ejus and when the bellows is raised, so that penitus claudat, et ventum quem emisit it may recover air through its own ven- redire non permittat. tilator, this copper can quite close its - - z mouth and not permit the wind which it * In MS, Sollerterius, emitted to return, Such is the highly interesting and valuable paper left us by this ancient monk—valuable in many points, but particularly so as to clearing up the debated point of the invention of the clavier or key- board. THE ORGAN OF THEOPHILUS WAS UNPROVIDED WITH ONE. In a Saxon MS. of the eleventh century, preserved in the British Museum (Cott. Tiberius, B. 6) is a drawing of the “bumbulum cum fistulá aerea,” with brass pipes. This bumbulum appears to be an organ, played upon in the same manner as that described by the 32 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. monk. But a better representation is preserved in Gori's Thesaurus Diptychorum, said to be from an ancient MS. of the time of Charle- magne, which is copied in the preceding page. King David is depicted sitting on a throne, striking a lyre with his left hand, and holding a sceptre in his right. His head is accom- panied by two different kinds of ornaments. One is the glory, the emblem of sanctity and eternity, and the other a turreted crown, representing a city with a gate. This is, perhaps, the holy Jerusalem, or that happy Sion, “whose gates the Lord loveth,” as David himself sings. He is probably engaged in singing psalms, assisted by four musical instruments—the pneumatic organ, a sort of violin, a trumpet, and a set of bells, $ecomb (Epoch. THE MEDIAEVAL ORGAN, AFTER THE INVENTION OF THE iSEY-BOARD, **g 6. The First Key-board. #: HE close of the eleventh century forms an era in the history § º of organ-building, when an organ is said to have been erected * in the cathedral at Magdeburg, with a £ey-board consisting of sixteen keys. In the earlier organs the number of notes was very limited. From nine to eleven was nearly their greatest extent, and the execution of the plain-chant did not require more. Harmony, it will be remembered, was still unknown. The keys of the Magdeburg organ were an ell long and three inches broad. The following diagram, showing their form, is copied from Praetorius' 7%eatrum. /nstrumentorum sent Sciographia. 4to. Wolfenbüttel, 1620. . ... Tº …s Dom Bedos speaks of some early organs whose keys were five inches and a half wide. The manner of performing upon these instruments was of course conformable to the size of the keys. They were struck down by the fist of the player, even to a considerable depth, whence, according to Seidel, arose the expression organ-beater, This method resembles that of cari//on-playing,” still in use in some parts of France, Germany, and Holland. * Burney gives an interesting account of his ascent of one of the belfries at Ghent, to witness a performance on the chimes. “The carilloneur,” he says, “was literally at work, and /hard work indeed it must be ; he was in his shirt, with the collar unbuttoned, and in a D 3 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. The annexed very curious engraving, showing an organist perform- ing upon an instrument with broad keys, is copied from Franchinus Gaffurius's Theorica Musica, printed at Milan in 1492.* violent sweat. There are pedals communicating with the great bells, upon which, with his feet, he played the base to several sprightly and rather difficult airs, performed with the two hands upon the upper species of keys. These keys are projecting sticks, wide enough asunder to be struck with violence and velocity by either of the two hands edgeways, without the danger of hitting the neighbouring keys. The player had a thick leather covering for the little finger of each hand, otherwise it would be impossible for him to support the pain which the violence of the stroke necessary to be given to each key, in order to its being distinctly heard throughout a very large town, requires.”—Present State of Music in Germany, the Mether- lands, &c., 1775, vol. i., p. I4. An engraving of a carilloneur, performing in the exact manner described by Burney, may be seen in the fourth book of Mersennus's Harmonie Universelle: Paris, 1636. * This engraving also occurs in the same author's De Harmonia Musicorum : Milan, 1518. Mr. Wackerbarth, in his Music and the Anglo-Saxons (p. 8), says:– “Now it has been so generally asserted by modern writers, though I know not on what authority, that the keys of the organ were originally some inches wide, and played on, like carillons, with a blow of the fist, that I dare not altogether reject, as untrue, so much concurring testimony.” It is pre- sumed that the writer of this passage will accept the names of Dom Bedos, Praetorius, and Gaffurius, as authorities, * THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN, , 35 7. The Bellows. We cannot but wonder at the perseverance of our ancestors, when we consider the various ineffectual efforts that were made from time to time to improve the bellows. For centuries they remained in the most imperfect state ; Sometimes twenty or more being necessary to Supply the wind to a moderately sized organ. According to Wulstan, in the passage before quoted, the organ at Winchester was provided with twenty-six bellows. The great organ of the cathedral at Hal- berstadt had twenty, and that of Magdeburg twenty-four small bellows. They were fashioned in folds like the forge or smith's bellows, and were not provided with weights as in our modern organs, Our ancestors had no idea of proportioning the wind ; but its force depended solely on the strength of the bellows-blowers. It is easy to conceive that by this means the organ could never have been in tune; because the wind was admitted unequally. Praetorius has left us a singular representation of the ancient mode of blowing, which is here copied from the Theatrum. /ustrumentorum, Wolfenbüttel, 1620. -ºº *-• Hilis Sº ps ** º : #3 iš. Upon each bellows is fixed a wooden shoe; the men who work them hang by their hands on a transverse bar, and each man, placing his feet in the shoes of two bellows, alternately lowers one and raises the other, JD 2 36 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. We copy another Curious representation of an early bellows, which is given by Mersennus, in his Harmonie Universel/e: folio; Paris, 1636. It shows that the /orizontal bellows, though only brought into general use in the last century, was by no means a modern invention.* The bellows is here placed at the top of the organ, and worked by a chain in the place of a feeder. Mersennus calls it bellows “à la lanterne.” *...* Rººrºº º:-º-º-º: E-3 #º: ########### |#Dāºšū Sºlili ſº ſº |Iiz, ſº sº †† º ºxº ſ º sº !º; º: |ÉÉÉÉÉÉāś º ºv §: # ºº:::: *: --ºb - º º: - É É § : liº-E :-------------> º º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: --~º: I |Uſſiſſiſſilſ tº º § lºſſIEITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTºmmunºmūmūlū- i. 8. Suſ/osed Origin of the Mirture Stoºs. Seidel, in the introduction to his work on the Organ, f has the following passage:—“In the twelfth century the number of keys was fncreased, and afterwards each note (or tone) multiplied by two, three, * The horizontal bellows is an improvement upon the old one; as a column of air by this machine is both supplied, and drawn at the same moment, by the action of a crank and other appendages, instead of levers, &c. f Z'he Organ and its Construction : a Systematic Hand-book for Choristers, Organists, Schoolmasters, and Musical Students. 2nd edit. Breslau, 1844. An English translation of this book was published by Ewer & Co., in 1852. - THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. - 37 or more pipes, tuned to the fifth or octave, or to the third and tenth. By this alteration the organ became a mixture, and so remained until the idea occurred of classifying the pipes, by which means this mixture register received a separate slide.” Forkel, also, in his Geschichte der Musié (part il., p. 368), says that, even in the oldest organs, the mixture, as associated with * was introduced, not as a stop or register, for there was nothing of the kind at that period, but as being invariably united to each tone.” Burneyt is inclined to ascribe the origin of harmony to this inven- tion. His words are –“With respect to the term organium, as used by musical writers of the middle ages for a voice part: if we could imagine, when the first Organ was erected in churches and convents, that each of them was furnished with such a stop as is now called the Sesquialter, or any other compound stop, consisting of 4ths, 5ths, and 8ths; thus: § =#### &c., it might not only help to account for the introduction of such strange harmony into the church as that of Huchald, Odo, and Guido, but even give a probable reason for the name by which it is called ; for, whether we supposed singers to have imitated such sounds as every single Æey produced or such as were produced by the fingers from different Áeys of the organ, it was natural to call the part which was added to a plain-song organum, and the art of producing it organizare.”: Dr. Crotch S is of an exactly opposite opinion. He says:–“ The method of accompanying the chants of the Christian Church by a suc- Cession of fifths, octaves, or fourths, used in and before the eleventh century, called organum, has been supposed to be the origin of har- mony. The organ took its name from it; and the stops called cornet, Sesquialtera, twelfth, tierce, principal, fifteenth, &c., are thought to have been invented to facilitate the performance of this accompani- ment. But if the effect of this accompaniment was similar to that of the above stops of an organ,--if by being performed comparatively * Forkel cites Sethus Calvisius and Michael Praetorius as his authorities, + Hist, of Music, vol. ii., p. 133. † Organizare, according to Du Cange, is camere in moditin organi; and among his authorities he gives the following definition from the Catholicon or Zexicon of John de Janua, written in 1286: Organizare, Organo cantare ; }oer oil chanter en orgres, organiser ; “to play or sing like the organ.” § Note in the second edition of Ælements of Musical Composition, 1833, p. 33, | This could not have been the case, as these stops were not invented till the fifteenth century, when the old organum had been discarded for something better, 38 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. soft, it only enriches the tone, without disturbing the melody, -then it should not be considered as the origin of harmony, having no more to do with it than the harmonies which constantly accompany the melody of a single voice or instrument. The invention of harmony may be said rather to have commenced when these fifths, fourths, and Octaves, began to be avoided.” - Kiesewetter, in his charming History of the Modern Music of Western Europe,” has the following conclusions on the subject — “But in what manner, then, the organum may nevertheless have been, and really was, an imitation of the organ, and received its name from that instrument, may thus be explained. The oldest organs, of exceedingly coarse manufacture—the broad six-inch keys of which, separated from each other by a large Space, must have been pressed down with the fists or elbows—were in truth as little adapted to harmonic performances as to harmonic experiments ; these instruments may, not- withstanding, have afforded the first opportunity of representing to our senses in a permanently continuous manner the physical effects of the then admissible Con-. sonances, at least in single unisons, by the pressing down and holding out at the same time a second key ; moreover, the organ-‘thumper’ might, whether inten- tionally or through awkwardness, have hit upon the idea of causing one key to remain sounding, whilst the singers, to whom he had given the note, proceeded with their melody above it, as in the bagpipes; or it might also have happened that, at one time or another, he would accidentally, perhaps, press down the fifth to the fundamental note, and thus have caused an agreeable Surprise by its pleasing effect. With this, indeed, there might not as yet have been a proper harmony dis- covered ; but effects would have been perceived calculated to produce, in Specula- tive musicians, matter for reflection, and for hazarding other systems; the union of different human voices, which now occurred to their thoughts, was an imitation, not altogether happy perhaps, of that which in various instances they had dis- covered with the organ ; and thus their diaphony, or polyphony, received the Some- what appropriate name of Organum.” f 9. The First Monastic Orgaſus. . In the thirteenth century the priests of the Greek and Roman churches thought the use of organs in divine service Scandalous and profane. They preferred rendering divine worship as simple as pos- sible, in order to distinguish it from that of the Jews and Pagans. Even to this day the Greek Church does not tolerate the use of organs in their public services. Notwithstanding these opinions, the use of organs and even other instruments became almost universal, not only in great churches, but in those of monasteries, Convents, and Small * Translated by Robert Muller. 8vo. 1848, THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 39 towns. The historians of this era celebrate several monks, dis- tinguished for the art of playing on the organ, and for their general musical abilities. For some time, however, organs were only used on great feasts and Solemn Occasions; they were not used in the ordinary celebration of the offices.” The first monastic and conventual organs were very small, being merely used to play the melody of the plain-song with the voices, These organs were called rega/s. 10. The Rogal, or Portative The term regal or rigol appears to have come from the Italian zigabello. Sir Henry Spelman tells us “that in the church of St. Raphael, at Venice, the figure of a certain musical instrument, called a rigabello, was to be seen ; it was wont to be used in churches before organs came into vogue. Another instrument, called turcello, suc- ceeded the rigabello, the use of which was introduced at Venice by a German.”f This passage clearly shows the word regal to be a cor- ruption or contraction of rigadeſ/o.: .. Musical writers have not explained the nature of the regal, which was evidently to give out and Sustain the melody of the plain-song. Carter, the well-known antiquary, calls it “a portable organ, having * On particular occasions, the performance of a band of minstrels was added to the organ. A/instrels’ galleries are often seen in the continental churches, but are rarely met with in this country. There is a gallery of this sort over the altar-screen at Chichester Cathedral, and another, much more remarkable, near the middle of the north side of Exeter Cathedral. It is supported on thirteen pillars, between every two of which, in a niched recess, there is a sculptured representation of an angel playing upon some musical instrument. Among these are the cittern, bagpipe, harp, violin, pipe, tambourine, &c. The roof of Outwell Church, Norfolk, and the minstrels' column at Beverley, also exhibit a great variety of musical instru- ments anciently used in churches. + “In AEde Sancti Raphaelis Venetiis, instrumenti musici cujusdam forma extat, ei nomen rigabello : cujus in ecclesiis usus fuerit ante organa illa pneumatica quae hodie usur- pantur, Rigabello successit aliud quod Turcello dictum est, cujus Venetias usum induxit homo Germanus.”—Sansovinus, Zescriº. Venečiarmum, lib. vi. - # Skinner, the etymologist, upon the authority of an old English dictionary, conjectures the word rigals or regals to signify a stringed instrument—namely, a clavichord. In this mistake he has been followed by numerous writers. Walther is more particular in his description of the regal; he makes it to be a reedwork in an organ, with metal and also wooden pipes and bellows adapted to it, so contrived that it may be taken out and set upon a chest or a table. He says that the name regal is frequently given to that stop in an Organ called the Vox Humana ; and in this sense Mersennus uses it, in his A/armonie Onizerselle, liv. vi. ; /)es Orgues, Prop. viii. See Walther's Musicalisches Zexicon, Leipsic, 1732. Cotgrave and Florio write the word rigols and rigoles, 4O THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. One row of pipes, giving the treble notes.”* A writer in Rees's Encyclopedia says that “the regal, in all Roman Catholic countries, is a portable organ used in processions, carried by one person, and played upon by another.” This explanation is not quite accurate, as the representations in early manuscripts invariably exhibit the instrument carried and performed upon by the same person. Snetzler, the celebrated organ-builder, remembered the regals in use in Germany ;f and, until nearly the end of the last century, an officer of the Royal Chapel at St. James's was styled “a tuner of the regalls.”: - In the accounts of the Weavers' Pageant, performed at Coventry in the sixteenth century, we have the following entries:– “I 554. Payd to James Hewet for hys reyggals, viijd. “I 556. Payd to James Hewet for playing of his rego/s in the payggeant, viijd.” The regals are mentioned in Edwards's play of Damon and Pythias, 1571 ; and in Jacobo Peri's opera of Euridice, composed for the royal nuptials of Mary de Medici with Henry IV. of France, in the year 1600. In the Household Book of the Princess Mary, afterwards Queen Mary, Ś under the year 1538, we have the following entry — “Item, payd for a payr of regalls, iiij. li. x S.” And in an inventory of Henry the Eighth's Musical Instruments, taken after his death, we read of “thirteen pair of single regalls,” and “five pair of double regalls.” Double regalls were furnished with two rows of keys. Representations of regals of various kinds may be seen in the Chronicon Nuremöergense, printed in 1493; and in Willemin's admir- able work entitled Monuments Français inédits. This instrument is also exhibited among the sculptures in the cornice of St. John's Church, Cirencester; and on the crosier of William of Wykeham, preserved in New College, Oxford. * Genís. Mag, 1804, Part i., p. 328. † See the Archaeologia, published by the Society of Antiquaries, vol. iii., p. 32. † In 1767 Bernard Gates received a salary of £56, as “tuner of the regal/s ‘’ in the Royal Chapel. The same gentleman, in 1770, is styled “tuner of the organs.” § Edited by Sir Frederick Madden. 8vo. 1831. | See Sir Henry Ellis's Original Zetters illustrative of Ænglish Aſistory, Second Series, Yol. i., p. 272. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 4 I The following early form of the regals is taken from Lucinius's Musurgia, sett Pravis Musica: Strasburg, 1536. The regals were also called portatives, from the Latin word portare, “to carry.” The old poets frequently allude to them under this name. Thus Gawin Douglas:– “On Crowd, lute, harpe, with monie gudlie spring, Schalmes, clariouns, Žortatives, heard I ring.” Again, in the ancient romance of Clariodus and Meliades :— “The dulcet playit also with Žortative, Sad hewie myndis to make exultative.” Also in the poem of the Houlaſe, written in 1450 — “Clarions loud knellis, Aozºaffzyńs and bellis.” In the codici to the will of Richard Fitz-James, Bishop of London, proved 22nd May, I 522,” is the following bequest:- “Item, I will that my payre of £ortatives, being in my chapels in the palace of London, mine organs, also being and Standing in my chapels within my three manors of Fulham, Hadham, and Wykeham, shall there stand still and remain to my successor, next Bishop of London, that they may be used there to the honour and service of God.” In a curious account of the moveables of certain abbeys, at the dissolution of these establishments (dated 1538), f we read:— “Item, sold an old payre of £oriałyſes organs to Mr. Besum, ijs.” 1 I. The Positive, In contradistinction to the portative we have the positive organ; from the Latin word poſiere, “to set down.” This instrument was * 7&stamenta Vetusta, by Sir Harry Nicolas, vol. ii., p. 598. + Letters relating to the Suppression of the Montasteries, printed for the Camden Society, 42 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. provided with a key-board of full compass, and was, of Course, played upon with both hands.” In the series of wood-cuts known as the Triumphe de l'Empereur Matiºniſian, drawn by Hans Burgmair, in 1516, and first printed at Vienna in 1796, is an engraving of Paul Hofhaimer, organist to the Emperor Maximilian, playing upon a positive organ. The instru- ment is placed upon a table, an attendant blowing the bellows behind ; the whole being drawn upon a car, which forms part of the procession. In the descriptive letter-press which accompanies these plates it is said —“In the car is a regal and a positif.; Paul Hofhaimer, master organist, touches the last instrument.” The regal may be seen in the same engraving, behind the organist. The following figure of the positive organ is copied from Ambro- sius Wilphlingseder's Erofeſſiața Musices Practica, Nuremberg, I 563. The positif was afterwards added to the larger Organ. In our musical dictionaries we find it thus explained—“Positif, the small organ which is placed before the great one in all churches where there * Sir John Hawkins says: —“It is true when we speak of the organ we are to understand that there are two kinds of instrument distinguishable by that name; the one, for the smallness of its size and simplicity of construction, called the fortative : the other, the positive, or immoveable organ ; both of these are very accurately described by Ottomarus Luscinius, in his Musurgia, printed in Strasburg, in I536. As to the first, its use was principally to assist the voice in ascertaining the several sounds contained in the system, and occasionally to facilitate the learning of any cantus. The other is that noble instrument, to the harmony whereof the solemn choral Service has, ever since its invention, been sung, and which is now degraded to the accompaniment of discordant voices, in the promiscuous performance of metrical psalmody in parochial worship.”—//ist. of Music, vol. ii., p. 163. - Sir John has entirely mistaken the nature of the positive organ, as will be seen by the passages cited in the text. * + Luscinius speaks highly of Paul Hofhaimer. He says:–“He has received great honours from the Emperor Maximilian, whom he delights as often as he plays upon the organ. Nor is he more remarkable for skill in his profession than for the extensiveness of his genius and the greatness of his mind. Rome owes not more to Romulus or Camillus, than the musical world does to Paulus.”—Musurgia, 1536. Burgmair's engraving is evidently a good por. trait of this eminent musician, THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN, 43 is an organ sufficiently large to be divided into two parts. The organist is placed between the positif and great organ, if the claviers or sets of keys are all attached to the great one, and of which the lowest belongs to the positif.” We here see the origin of the choir organ, which was the smaller organ, called the positive, used in monastic times to accompany the voices of the choir. Afterwards, when the organs were joined together, and the organist took his seat between them (or rather in a half-circle taken from the Small organ), the choir organ became corrupted into the chair organ. It has now re-assumed its ancient and original signification. - I2. The Meaning of “a Pair of Organs.” This seems the proper place to explain a term which has frequently puzzled the enquirers after mediaeval remains; i.e., the common expression of “a pair of organs.” “It appears,” says Mr. Albert Way,; “that the usual term ‘a pair of organs’ has reference to the double bellows, whereby continuous sound was produced.” This, however, cannot be the case, as we often meet with “a pair of virginals,” in which instrument wind was not required. -- Douce, a high authority in these matters, tells us that a pair of organs means an instrument “formed with a double row of pipes.” This explanation is obviously erroneous, as the single regals, always termed “a pair,” had but one row of pipes. The double regals, mentioned in the curious inventory of Henry the Eighth's Musical Instruments (before alluded to), had two rows of keys, Nichols, the learned historian of Leicestershire, says:–“A pair of organs was the term at that time, when there were two kinds of organs, the one fixed and the other portable, adapted perhaps to the size of the church and its revenues.” A recent writer," improving upon this * Danneley's Musical Zncyclopedia, 1825—a work, notwithstanding some grave errors, of much more merit than is generally assigned to it. † In one of Matthew Locke's organ pieces, printed in his Aſeſofhesia, 1673, the “great organ ” and the “chair organ ” are mentioned. † Promptorium Parvulorum, published by the Camden Society, tom, ii, in v., Organo, § Cited by Mr. Way in the before-mentioned work. | Illustrations of the Manners and Æxpenses of Ancient Złmies in Zngland, 4to. I797. * A paper “On Organs in Churches,” by Arthur Ashpitel, in the Zhansactions of the British Archæological Association, 1846, p. 289, 44 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. statement, adds:–“A payre of organs, consisting of two organs Con- joined, with two sets of keys, one above the other: one Small and called the choir, or more probably the chayre organ ; and the other the great organ, built, as its name imports, on a large Scale, and used in forfe passages.” This is by far the most erroneous explanation of the term yet given. An organ with two rows of keys was anciently called “a double organ.” Evelyn (July, 1654) speaks of his visit to Magdalen College, Oxford, in the chapel of which “was still the double organ.” Matthew Locke, in his Melothesia, 1673, has some pieces for the organ, one of which (p. 82), written for “chaire organ” and “great organ,” is described as “For a double organ.” When the organ with the rows of keys became general, the term “pair of organs” went out of use. Some authorities tell us that “a pair of organs” meant an organ with two stops. But this could not have been the case ; as, in Henry the Eighth's Household Book, we read of “a payer of virginalls with four stoppes.” The truth is that “a pair of organs” meant simply an organ with more pipes than one. . Pepys, describing his visit to Hackney Church, April 21, 1667, speaks of “a fair pair of organs,” and then refers in the singular number to “it,” fully bearing out this explanation of the term. Jonson, Heywood, and other of the older poets, always use the term pair in the sense of an aggregate, and as synonymous with set : thus we have “a pair of chessmen,” “a pair of beads,” “a pair of cards,” “a pair of organs,” &c. When speaking of a ſlight of stairs, we often say a pair of stairs. Therefore this ancient form of expres- sion, although obsolete in most cases, is still in use at the present day. 13. The Improved Key-board, and the Juvention of the Pedal. The monks and friars, those zealous guardians and preservers of learning and the fine arts in the dark times of the Middle Ages, not only took great interest in the building and adornments of their * “A £air of cards, Nicholas, and a carpet to cover the table.”—A Woman Killed with Áindness, Heywood. Printed before 1604, “Have you ne'er a son at the groom porters to beg or borrow a pair oſ cards P”—Jonson's Aſasque at Christmas. 1616. “Go, get a fair of beads, and learn to pray, sir.”—A Wiſe for a Month. Fletcher. I624. - “Was there no talk of a fair fair of organs, a great gilt candlestick, and a pair of silver Snuffers P”–4 Mad World, my Masters, Middleton, 1608, THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 45 churches and convents, but employed themselves in making improve- ments in the art of organ-building. In the course of the fourteenth century they set about improving the clumsy clavier or key-board. In particular, they made neater keys, increased their number both upwards and downwards, to the extent of nearly three octaves, and so reduced their fall and breadth that they no longer required to be struck down by the fist, but were capable of being pressed down by the fingers, as in the Organ of modern times. In 1359 or 1361 Nicholas Faber, a priest, built the great organ in the cathedral at Halberstadt. It had fourteen diatonic and eight chromatic keys, the compass extending, on the key-board, from Ref= to fix= The great B stood in front, was thirty-two feet long, and three and a quarter inches (?) in diameter. According to Praetorius,” who gives us this account, this organ had four claviers, one being pedals for the feet, and twenty bellows, requiring ten men to supply the wind. This is the earliest authentic account of an organ provided with the semitones of the scale. Dom Bedos, indeed, tells us that “half- notes were invented at Venice in the twelfth century;” but, as his statement is unsupported by proof, we prefer following the earlier authority of Praetorius, who assigns their introduction to the middle of the fourteenth century—a period more in accordance with what we know respecting the progress of harmony in the Middle Ages. Praetorius is, perhaps, wrong in fixing so early a date for the invention of the pedal. The Halberstadt organ was probably provided with this important addition by Gregorius Kleng, who restored the instrument in 1494. The invention of the pedal is commonly attributed to a German, named Bernhard, organist to the Doge of Venice, between the years 1470–80;; but it was certainly anterior to this date. A writer in the Leipsic Musical Gazette, 1836, states that, in the year 1818, a new organ was erected in the church of Beeskow, four miles from Frank- * Syntagma Musicum, vol. ii., p. 98. ºf L’Art du Facture des Orgues. # It is sometimes claimed for Albert Van Os, who is said to have built an organ for St. Nicholas' Church, in Utrecht, in 1120, Traxdorf, in 1468, also (with more reason) has his advocates for the invention, 46 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. fort-on-the-Oder; on which occasion the organ-builder, Marx (senior), took some pains to ascertain the age of the old organ he had to remove. On a careful investigation it appeared that the organ had been built just four hundred years, the date of 1418 being engraved on the upper side of the partition (kern) of the two principal pedal pipes; for that these two pipes did belong to the pedal was clear from their admeasurement. From this fact it may reasonably be concluded that the pedal may have been in use towards the end of the fourteenth century. Bernhard probably made some improvements in the pedal board which tradition has associated with the invention. Marinus Sanutus, a celebrated Venetian patrician, and a zealous promoter of Christianity, caused, in 1312, an organ to be built for the church of St. Raphael, in Venice.* This was the first organ erected in that city. It was probably a large One, and the builder was a German. Hence we see that the Germans, at this early time, had acquired a considerable reputation for Organ-building, which had even passed the limits of their fatherland; and it will be observed, in the further progress of these pages, that the great improvements in this instrument almost exclusively proceeded from these thoughtful people, I4. Monastic Organs in England. In England, as we have Seen, a large organ existed at Winchester in the tenth century; and probably, even at this early period, other cathedrals were supplied in a similar manner. Gervase, the monk, of Canterbury, describing the burning of that cathedral in 1174, mentions the destruction of the Organ ; but does not allude to it as if it were an unusual thing in a church. The Organs of the abbeys of Malmes- bury and Glastonbury we have already mentioned ; and, long before the close of the fourteent/. Century, all our abbeys and churches were plentifully supplied with instruments of this class.: * This organ had so many admirers in Venice, that Marinus Sanutus received the honour- able title of Zorcellus, organs being at that time called Zorcelli, in Italy.—Seidel. If this organ was the first erected at Venice—and we have reason to believe the statement —it is a sufficient refutation of Dom Bedos' story, that “half-notes were invented at Venice in the twelfth century.” i Gervas, Dorobern. apud decºm Scriſtores de încendio, &c. “Organa quae Supra fornicem in australi cruce.” † In Cotton MS. Nero, D. VII., in the British Museum, numerous curious particulars are recorded respecting the use of organs in England; as at St. Albans, and Croyland, where there were “organa Solemnia in introitu ecclesiae Superius situata,” as well as smaller organs in the choir, * THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 47 Chaucer in his tale of the Cocá and the For, speaking of Chaun- ticlere, the hero of the poem, says:– “His vois was merrier than the merry organ, On masse days that in the churches gon.” Again, speaking of St. Cecilia, the same poet says:– “And while that organs maden melodie, To God alone thus in her heart sung she.” In the fourteenth century it became the practice to place two Organs in large churches; one large, the other small. The great & e →--— £9—- Organ was provided with two manuals, from ſº--→ to &= — ` the upper manual forming the treble, the lower one the bass. This arrangement, according to Seidel, suggested the invention of the copula. The pipes of these instruments were always exposed ; and such an organ (according to Fosbroke") was, and perhaps is now, at Uley Church, in Gloucestershire. The organist was usually one of the monks, when little more was required than to accompany the plain-song or chant. Afterwards, as musical composition improved, and more skill was required for its performance, lay Organists were hired. † * British Monachism : or, Manners and Customs of the Monks and Wuns of England, 'edit. I843, p. 204. ºf In ancient times no distinct officer by the name of organist was appointed in churches or colleges. This duty was subordinate, and appears to have been commonly preformed by one of the clerks. In the statutes of Corpus Christi College, at Oxford, given in 1517, two chapel clerks are established ; One of whom is also to be the organorum pulsator. The first instance of the mention of an organ in any collegiate statutes occurs in those of Eton College, made about the year 1440 ; where one of the four clerks who is appointed to instruct the choristers is moreover ordered jubilare organis. Here also, for the first time, cantus organicus is mentioned. In the new cathedral-foundations of Henry the Eighth, a master or teacher of the singing boys is appointed ; and, besides, he is to be “cantandi, et organa pulsandi, peritus.” At New College, Oxford, King's at Cambridge, and Winchester College, in each of which are ample choirs, there is no provision by statute, not even for an Informator Choristarum ; although such an officer occurs in the early rolls of New College. At Magdalen College, Oxford, founded about the year 1459, there is also no mention of an organist; but it is enjoined that one of the chaplains, or clerks, or some other skilful person, shall educate the choristers in the plain-chant and pricked song. In the year I446 the abbot and convent of Muchelney, in Somersetshire, granted a corrody of five marks, with seven gallons of ale, and seven loaves, every week, and a gown and four loads of wood annually, to Ralph Drake, cantor, or chanter, pro servicio nobis in illa Scientia musica ; and, on condition that he attend the choir every day, and teach ſour boys, and one of the monks, or as many as chose, to play on the organ,—See Warton's Zife of Sir T. Pope, Appendix, p. 425, for further information, 48 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. The precentor's accounts of Ely Cathedral, for the year 1407, give the earliest details of the “Expenses of making an Organ” with which I am acquainted. Translated from the Latin they read as follows:– S. d. “2O Stones of lead . º e ge ë * * § . I6 9 4 White horses' hides for 4 pair of bellows. o & e 7 8 Ashen hoops for the bellows e 4 IO Pairs of hinges . tº g * & & g & & I IO The Carpenter, 8 days making the bellows . © * 2 8 I2 Springs g 3 I Pound of glue . I I Pound of tin 3 6 Calf skins . 2 6 I2 Sheep skins ę e * 2 4 2 Pounds of quicksilver * e • . • 2 Wire, nails, cloth, hoops, and Staples e & te § I Fetching the organ-builder, and his board I 3 weeks . 4O Total . tº . . A 3 17 8” The small proportion of tin, and the large quantity of lead made use of for the pipes, is remarkable. The quicksilver was probably used to silver the latter ; or, perhaps, to Soften the other metals. It is to be regretted that the maker's name is not given, but we may be sure that he was a monk. The Fabrick Rolls of York Minster are among the earliest and most interesting documents of their class. Particulars of the “organs.” commence as early as I 399, and in 1419 we have the following entries:– “For constructing two pair of bellows for the organ, 46s. 8d. “For constructing the ribs of the bellows of the same organ, by John Couper, I2(l.” A representation of the instrument, of this date, is still existing in York Cathedral, beneath the great niche Over the west window. The organ is carved in the pediment, the pipes appear without a case, and it has a single row of keys, on which an angel is playing from a music-book held by two small boys or choristers below, while another is behind blowing the organ with a pair of common bellows. A similar device is carved over a door on the north wall of the cathedral of Utrecht. It is doubtful whether John Couper was the builder of the organ, or merely the carpenter. The ambiguity of the scribe has perhaps deprived this worthy of the honour of being the earliest English organ- builder on record, * -- THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 49 The next entry, in 1457, is more clear — “To John Roose, brother of the order of Preaching Friars, who repaired and restored the Organ at the altar of the B. V. M. in the Cathedral Church of the City of York, and one pair of bellows for the same, 36s. 8d.” Again, under date 1469, we have — “To brother John for constructing two pair of bellows for the great organ, and repairing of the same, I 5s. 2d.” Both these entries undoubtedly relate to the same person; and to Father John Roose must be awarded the distinction of being the first English Organ-builder of whom we have any authentic account. Other entries occur in the York records, where “organ menders” are mentioned. In 1470 we have the name of George Gaunte ; and, in 1473, of Richard Sowerby. But in 1485 we have the following Specific and Curious entry — “To John Hewe for repairing the organ at the altar of B. V. M. in the Cathedral Church, and for carrying the same to the House of the Minorite Brethren, and for bringing back the same to the Cathedral Church, 13s. 9d.” This is the earliest instance I have found of a practice afterwards common—that of one church lending another its organ.” Surely no further proof need be required of the smal/uess of our cathedral organs at the end of the fifteenth century. But it was not uncommon before the Reformation for a cathedral to possess several organs. The York records particularly mention the Organ at the altar, and the large organ in the choir. It was the smaller organ that was lent to the Minorite Brethren. There were doubtless several other organs in the various chapels. Davies, in his Ancient A'ites and Monuments of f/e Monastical and Cathedral Church of Durham : 12mo, 1672,f has left us a curious pas- sage concerning the organs of that monastery — “There were,” says he, “three pair of organs belonging to the said quire, for maintenance of God’s service, and the better celebrating thereof. One of the fairest pair of the three stood over the quire door, only opened and play’d upon on prin- cipal feasts, the pipes being all of most fine wood, and workmanship very fair, partly gilt upon the inside, and the outside of the leaves and covers up to the top, with branches, and flowers finely gilt, with the name of Jesus gilt with gold. There * 1508. “For bringing the organs of the Abbey (Westminster) into the church, and beryng them home agayne, iſ".”—Accounts of St. A/argaret's, Westminster. + Compiled from ancient MSS. before the dissolution of the monasteries. J. Davies, of Kidwelly, was the editor. Another edition of this curious volume was printed, in 1733, with Some additions, E 5O THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN, were but two pair more of them in all England of the same making ; one in York, and another in Paul's. “Also there was a lantern of wood like unto a pulpit, standing and adjoining to the wood-organs over the quire door, where they had wont to sing the nine lessons, in the old time, on principal dayes, standing with their faces towards the high altar, “The Second pair stood on the north side of the quire, being never play’d upon but when the four doctors of the church were read—viz., Augustine, Ambrose, Gregory, and Jerome, being a pair of fair large organs, called the Cryers. The third pair were daily used at ordinary service.” - In an inventory of the plate, jewels, ornaments, &c., belonging to the late Priory of Ely, Cambridgeshire, we read of “two paer of organs in the quyer,” and “a paer of organs in the Ladye Chaple.” In the ancient Cathedral of Worcester, the chapel of St. Edmund had a pair of organs; that of St. George, another pair; and in the choir was the great organ. † Some of the entries in ancient documents respecting the organ are interesting, not only as showing its very general use in churches and monastic establishments in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, but also as exhibiting the progress—slow as it evidently was—of the art of organ-building, whilst it remained in the hands of the monks. In the churchwardens' accounts of St. Mary's, Sandwich, are the following entries — “I444. Ress" [Rec"] the bequeth of Thomas Boryner unto a payre of Orgonys * & º * tº & iiij Ji. — To Sir John'ſ for the amendyng of the organs . wº & xii d. I462. To a Preyst for the amending of the organys . * © iiij d. — To a Preist that playth at organys . tº o * & iiij d. 1463. To Sir John for hys playying at organys . § © vi s. viij d. I496. Payd for mendyng of the lytell organys . e º iijs. iv. d. – Item, for shepeskyn to mend the grete organyse . e iij d. I 502. Paid for mending of the gret organ bellowis, and the Small organ bellowis . e tº e & & e V d. — Item, for a shepis skyn for both organys, and for trying of the wax for the Paschall e º º & º & ij d. I521. Payd Winsborough the Monke of Crists Churche [Canter- bury] for mendyng the grete organys . * * iijs. iv. d.”$ * Bentham's History of Æly Cathedral, p. 225. + Storer's English Cathedrals, vol. iv. # This person was a priest. Sir was formerly a designation of an inferior member of the clergy. Bishop Percy says —“Within the limits of my own memory all Readers in Chapels were called Sirs, and of old have been writ so ; whence, I suppose, such of the laity as received the noble order of knighthood, being called Sirs too, for distinction sake, had Æmight writ after them; which had been superfluous, if the title Sir had been peculiar to them.”—See Boswell's Shakespeare, vol. viii. p. 8. § Some of these entries are printed in Boys' History of Sandwich, but without the dates. They are here copied from the original transcripts now in the possession of his grandson, THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 5 I In the accounts of Shipdam, Norfolk, is this entry – “I 513. Payde to ye Clarke for mendynge ye orgaunys, and he shall take charge of ye pypes and ye bellows ye space of iſ yeres at hys Owne charge . e º & y $.” Mr. Goddard Jonson, who quotés this extract in his Illustrations of Ancient Manners, &c., during the 16th and 17th centuries, says, in a note —“The Organs appear to have been a very considerable annual charge upon the parish, as is shown by the various entries in the books.” - The Household Book of the Duke of Norfolk, an interesting document of the fifteenth century, printed by the Roxburghe Club in 1844, has a valuable entry for our purpose. Under the date of 1482 we read — “Item, the xxi day of March, my Lord payd Robert Borton of Stowmarket, the organ-maker, for mendyng of organys, vijº This person, from his being called “organ-maker of Stowmarket,” was, in all probability, a professional builder, not a priest. This Conjecture receives some confirmation from an entry that immediately follows the one just given, where the person spoken of is styled priest — “Item, the same tyme my Lord toke Sir William Davyes, the pryst, to pay for a lok [lock Pj to the orgyns, iiij” Some very curious illustrations of the history of the organ in the fifteenth century may be gleaned from old wills. It is not curiosity merely that is gratified by these inquiries, but we receive ample Scope for philosophical reflection in contemplating the customs, habits, and superstitious bigotry, which prevailed at this distant era. In the will of John Baret, of Bury, dated 1463, we have this clause:– “Item, I wille y eche man yº syngyit prykked songe on y” day of my enter- ment at our ladyes messe had ij" and y” players at y' Orgenys ij", and eche child it", and yt yei preyid [be begged] to dyner the same day.” Lord John Beauchamp, who made his will in 1475, says:– “My body to be buried in the church of the Dominican Friars at Worcester, W. H. Rolfe, Esq., of Sandwich. [Mr. Rolfe died soon after the publication of the firs edition of this book.] " ; *-- E 2 52 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. in a new chapel there now to be made on the north side of the quire, to which house of friars, for my burial there I bequeath XX marks to be bestowed in Vest- º } ments and stuff, besides an organ of my own.” I shall quote another piece of mortuary evidence, from the will of John Baude, of Woolpett, dated 1501 – “I wyll that the tenement named the Cok wº all the ptynaunce thereto belong- ing, be solde by the hande of my executors, and the mony thereof comying, the fyrst pº I will it be gwovyn to synge for me and all my benefactors by the term of a hollyer, and the ijº p of the mony, as fast as y' may be receyuyd, I will ther be bought one peyre of orgynys to the church of Wulpett.” - In the churchwardens' accounts of Lambeth are the following items :— “1517. Paid to Sir William Argall for the organs . * e X J' 1568. Paid to Father Howet for his fee for keeping the organes one yere e e g e * tº $ & is.” The old accounts of St. Mary at Hill, London, contain, among numerous interesting entries, several notices of the organ, i. e. -- “1519. For bringing the organs from St. Andrew's Church, against St. Barnabas' eve, and carrying them back again . g v d. 1521. To the organ maker for a pair of new organs, and for tº & * * : 7 ) bringing them home . gº º * ſº . x s. viijd.” Again, in the old books of St. Andrew Hubbard, Eastcheap — “I 504. Item, payd for mendyng of the Organs * viijd. 1506. Item, paid to John Smyth, organ plaier, for a quarter end- ing at our Lady Day in Lent tº e & * ſº V S. 1568. Paid to Hewe [probably Howe, before mentioned), the organ-maker, for the kepinge of our orgaynes, his fee, for ij yeres . e {e * º lº ſº & & y $.” As regards the prices paid for organs in ancient times we have no very satisfactory information. * These extracts from ancient wills are derived from Sir H. Nicolas' Testamenta Vetusta, and the Bury Wills ; the latter printed for the Camden Society. + The churchwardens' accounts of Blechingley, Surrey, show that, in 1542, they bought a pair of organs at Lingfield, for £1 5s. In 1545 Mr. Howe, organ-maker, was paid, with his man, for mending them—five days, 6s. 8d. Meat and drink for him and his servant, during the time, and for “sawder,” “lether,” “glewe,” “wyer,” and other things, 4s. This person was also employed in attending to the organ of St. Helen's Church, Bishopsgate. Mr. Burgon, in his Zife and Zimes of Sir Thomas Gresham (vol. ii., p. 466) says —“Father Howe's fee for the organes for a whole yere was 2s.” Mr. W. B. Gilbert has discovered a very curious document purporting to be “The Examination before Sir William Chester, Lord Mayor of London, of Thomas Howe, of London, organ-maker.” He appears to have been Suspected of Popery, and to have undergone, in consequence, a most rigid examination. I regret that space will not allow me to print this most interesting record in the present work, THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 53 Whethamstede, abbot of St. Albans, about the year I 450, gave to his church a pair of organs; for which, and their erection, he expended the enormous sum, in those days, of fifty founds. No organ in any monastery in England was comparable to this instrument, for its size, tone, and workmanship.” About the year 1476 Thomas Wyrcester, abbot of Hyde, near Winchester, gave eight marks and a horse to purchase an organ for his church. “Octo Marcus et uſeum cquu/z àonume pro mobis organis musicalibus.”f Organs were some- times imported from the Continent, as appears from the Louth accounts, about I 500. The price of a pair of Flemis/ organs, suitable to be set up in the rood-loft of that noble church, was £13 6s. 8d.: & Grey, Archdeacon of Berkshire, bequeathed £4, in 1521, to St. Mary's Church at Oxford, “for a new payr of organs.”$ A new organ was bought, in 1529, for the large and beautiful Church of Holbeach, in Lincolnshire, for £3 6s. 8d. In 1536 the churchwardens of St. Helen's, Abingdon, paid £8 for “a paire of organs.”" - According to Dugdale an organ was erected in the church of Sutton-Colfield, Warwickshire, by Vesey, Bishop of Exeter, in the reign of Henry the Eighth, at the cost of £14 2s. 8d.” “A fair payr of organs” was placed in the chapel of Trinity College, Oxford, 1557, which, “with the carryage from London to Oxford, cost £. IO.”ff These instances could readily be multiplied ; but the present are sufficient for my purpose. * Chron. Iłżeſ/a/s/. per Hearne, vol. ii., p. 539. + MSS. Archiv. Wolves. apud Winton. †: Archæologia, vol. X., p. 91. "I Nichols' Illustration of Æxpenses, &c., 1797. § Registr. Univ. Oxon., Archiv. A., 166. ** Dugdale's Warwickshire, p. 667. | Stukely's /tin. Curios., p. 20. ºff Warton's Zife of Sir 7. Pope, p. 344. (Ibiri (ºpoch. THE FIRST ORGAN-IBUILDERS BY PROFESSION. Gºmºsºmº-º-º: 15. Early German Builders. ºHERE can be no doubt that many of the early organ- § º builders were ecclesiastics. Even down to a comparatively *il late period, as we have seen by the foregoing extracts, the latter continued to exercise a considerable influence Over the art. It is very difficult to distinguish the first organ-builders by profession from the priesthood ; but that such existed as early at least as the fifteenth century there cannot be a question. Albert Van Os, emphatically called “Albert the Great,” the earliest known organ-builder, was certainly a priest ; SO were his followers, Ulric Engelbrecht and Nicholas Faber. Van Os built the organ of St. Nicholas' Church, Utrecht, in I I2O ; Engelbrecht, that of Strasburg Cathedral, in 1260 ; and Faber, that of Halbertstadt, in 1359 or 1361, before mentioned. Heinrich Traxdorf, who built an organ at Nuremberg in 1455, and another at St. Mary Magdalen, at Breslau, in 1466, was probably a ſay/lan , but this is by no means certain. Erhart Smid, of Peyssenberg, in Bavaria (whom Duke Ernest, in 1433, exempted from every species of impost and contribution, on account of his skill in Constructing organs), and Andrè, who built, in 1456, the organ of St. Ægidea, at Brunswick, were cetainly lay-builders. In 1475 Conrad Rosenburger, or Rothenburger, built an organ in the church of the Barefooted Friars, at Nuremberg; and, in 1493, a still larger one in the Cathedral of Bamberg. The organ in the Cathedral at Erfurt was built, in 1483, by an artist of Breslau, named Stephen Castendorfer, who also built, in 1490, an organ for St. Ulrich's Church, at Augsburg, for 107 florins (68 18s. 4d.), The great organ in the collegiate church of St. Blasius, at Brunswick, was built, in 1499, by Henry Kranx. Praetorius celebrates Frederick THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 55 Krebs and Nicholas Muller as skilful organ-builders. Probably all these eminent men were organ-builders by profession. 16. Early English Builders. The Rev. Sir William Cope, in a brief but highly interesting paper on “Early Organ-builders in England,” printed in the Paris/ Choir, was the first to bring forward the name of one William Wotton, of Oxford, as “the earliest organ-builder in this country” of whom any trace could be found. The writer, however, is constrained to deprive Wotton of this honour, having produced several claimants of an earlier date. . With regard to William Wotton an indenture exists, which was made, in 1487, between R. Fitzjames, warden of Merton College, and William Wotton, of the town of Oxford, by which the latter undertakes to make a pair of organs like the organs of the chapel of St. Mary Magdalen College, against the vigil of Whitsunday, 1489, for the price of £28. The organ in Magdalen Chapel had been set up by him not long before, as appears by an entry in the Libri Computi of that college, for the years 1486-7, of a payment to him of £13 in part for one pair of organs:– “Sol. Willielmo Wotton, Orkyn-maker, pro uno pari organorum in parte, 4, 13.” And, two or three years after, a further payment occurs to him for repairs to this organ — “I 488-9, Sol. Willo. Wotton, pro reparacione organorum, 40s.” A very singular story in connection with this builder is told by Anthony Wood, in his Annals, A.D. 1486. It is to the following effect:— “A certain poor priest of Oxford, named William Symonds, of the age of 28 years, having a youth of a Crafty wit and comely presence to his pupil, contrived (in hope to raise himself to some great bishoprick), and brought it so to pass, that the said youth should be vulgarly reported by certain noble persons, that bore good will to the House of York, to be Edward, Earl of Warwick, son of the Duke of Clarence (who before, as 'tis said, had secretly conveyed himself out of prison), to the end that he might be king, and that the House of York might again flourish. But the said Symonds, being discovered, was apprehended, and the Ioth Feb. con- fessed in St. Paul’s Church, before divers bishops and nobles, as also the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and sheriffs of London, that he, by flattery, had seduced the son of a certain organ-/taker of the University of Oxford, and had caused him to be sent into Ireland, where he was by many reputed to be the Earl of Warwick, and that he was with the Lord Lovell at Furnsell. Upon which confession he *g 56 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. was sent to the Tower, and afterwards (as some say) suffered as a traitor ; though others not, but that he was only kept in close prison as long as he lived. Some report that the said youth was named Lambert Symnell, and that he was a baker's son in Oxford ; but the priest’s confession was the truest, viz., that he was the son of an organ-maker of the University of Oxford. And who that should be but one William Wotton I cannot tell, knowing very well, from various obscure writs, that such an one, and nobody else, professed that art at that time in Oxford.” Wotton's organ in Magdalen College was probably soon replaced by another, or enlarged ; for, in 1509, a part-payment is entered for “organs" to John Chamberlayne. John Chamberlyn, or Chamberlayne, and Thomas Smyth, were organ-builders, residing in London in the early part of the sixteenth century. A payment to the latter, in 1514, is thus recorded in the accounts of the churchwardens of St. Margaret's, Westminster — “I 514. Item, paid to Thomas Smith, orgone-maker, for mendying of the grete Orgones xl", and for the small orgones vs.” An interesting document was discovered, in 1862, among the old papers in the church chest of Allhallows', Barking, London, of which a copy was kindly forwarded to me by the late Mr. George Corner, F.S.A. It purports to be “An Indenture or Contract between the Churchwardens of Allhallows, Barking, and Anthony Duddyngton for the Organs, A.D. I 5 IQ,” and is as follows:– “This endenture made the yere of oure lorde god m' vºxix. and in the moneth of July xxix day. Witnesseth that Antony Duddyngton, Citezen of London, Organ-Maker, hath made a full bargayn, condycionally, with Maister Will". Pet- enson, Doctour in Divinite, Vicar of Alhalowe, Barkyng, Rob" Whytehed and John Churche, Wardeyns of the same Churche, and Maisters of the Pisshe of Alhalowe, Barkyng, next y” Tower of London, to make an instrument, that y” to Say a payer of organs for the foresed churche, of dowble Ceſa-už that yº to say, xxvij. playne keyes, and the pryncipale to conteyn the length of v foote, so folowing w” Bassys called Diapason to the same, conteyning length of x foot or more : And to be dowble pryncipalls thorowedut the seid instrument, so that the pyppes w” inforth shall be as fyne metall and stuff as the utter [outer] parts, that is to say of pure Tyn, wº as fewe stops as may be convenient. And the seid Antony to have ernest vi" xiii" iiij". Also the foresaid Antony askyth v quarters of respytt, that y” to say, from the fest of Seynt Mighell the Archaungell, next following to the feast of Seynt Mighell the day twelvemonth following. And also undernethe this condicion, that the foresaid Antony shall convey the belowes in the loft abowf in the said Quere of Alhalowes, wº a pype to the Sond boarde. Also this p’mysed by the said Antony, that yf the foresaid Maister, Doctour, Vicare, Churche Wardeyns, Maisters of the p'isshe, be not content nor lyke not the seid instrument, that then they shall allowe him for convaying of the bellows xlº for his cost of them, and to restore the rest of the Truest ſtrust] agayn to the seid Maisters. And yf the said Antony decesse and depart his naturall lyf win the forseid v quarters, that then hys wyff or hys exe- & THE HISTORY OF Tiſi, ORGAN. 57 the seid Vicare, and Churche Wardeyns, and Maisters of the said p'isshe wout any delay. And yf they be content w" the seid instrument, to pay to the Seid Antony fyfty poundes sterlinge. In Wittnesse whereof the said p’ties to these endentures chaungeably have set their sealls. Geven the day and yere abovesaid.” This contract was fulfilled, as the following receipt appended to the document proves — “M". Yº Anthony Duddyngtoune have Rec" of Harry Goderyk, Churche Wardeyn of Barkyng the som of xxx" St., in p" of paym" of I" st., the which I shold have for a payr of Orgens. In Wytnesse heyrof, I the foresaid Antony have sub- Scrybed my name the xxij day of Mche, Aö xv° xx “Be me, ANTONY DUDDYNGTON.” The following remarks upon this early contract are from Mr. Hopkins' most interesting and valuable lecture “On the Progress of Organ-building in England,” delivered before the Members of the College of Organists:— # “Duddyngton's contract furnishes us with several interesting particulars : from it we learn the important fact that the compass of the sixteenth century English organ was ‘double C Fa-ut ;’ that is to say, it was of CC or 8 feet downward range, and therefore corresponded in that respect precisely with the manual compass of the English and Continental instruments of the present day. The expression ‘xxvij playne keyes’ I take to mean that number of keys on a ‘plane’ or level —in com- mon language, that number of so-called naturals, the requisite number of short keys probably being understood. This would give the compass, if the Scale were unbroken, as from CC to A3 in alt; and, if broken, that is to say, having the CC pipes planted on the apparently EE key, a range Corresponding exactly with the short octave CC four octave compass, still occasionally to be met with in some of the old German organs. The Allhallows’ organ evidently had but one manual, and the English organs of the period appear never to have had more ; the expres- sion ‘payer of organs’ in Duddyngton's contract having no reference whatever to the number of the manuals, but being used in a totally different sense.” No com- plete specification is presented by the various old documents under consideration, but the names of two stops are mentioned, and in a manner that clearly shows that they were applied precisely as in the present day. Thus we find the word ‘pryn- cipale' used to indicate the octave Sounding stop, and “ diapason to distinguish the unison. The length of the stops—‘v foote' for the former, and ‘x foote or more' for the latter—would allow for a foot to the pipes of one quarter the length of their speaking parts or bodies. The ‘dowble pryncipalls thorowedut the seid Instru- ment’ form a curious feature, and it becomes evident, on comparing several early contracts, but of successive dates, that the duplication of the four feet stop was as common and as favourite an arrangement in the sixteenth and seventeenth cen- turies as was the repetition of the eight feet, or open diapason, in the latter part of the eighteenth and first half of the nineteenth. With respect to the materials to be employed, it is specified that the inside pipes shall be of ‘as fyne metall and stuff as the outer parts, that is to say, of pure Tyn;’ and from the manner in which this * Duddyngton's contract is alone sufficient to refute Mr. Ashpitel’s hypothesis, before noticed, about the meaning of this term, 58 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. condition is worded, it would seem that pure tin for the front pipes of an organ was at that time sufficiently understood, without its being distinctly mentioned in the agreement; and, while it is interesting to note that the English organ-makers of that period used such an excellent material, it must not be forgotten that the value of that metal was then scarcely a tithe of what it now is.” Nothing more is known of Anthony Duddyngton, “citizen of London ;” but it is more than probable that many of the old City organs, destroyed in the Great Fire, were of his construction. William Lewes, organ-maker, was appointed in the year 1514 “keeper and tuner of the King's instruments,” for which he received annually the sum of IOO shillings. & In the list of Henry the Eight's Musical Establishment we find, under the year 1526, the name of “John de John, organ-maker.” Again, in the King's Household Book, we have this entry:- “May, I 531. Item, the 2d daye, paid to Sir John, the organ-maker, in rewarde, by the king's commandement . . . . . . Xls.” This person, who was a priest, was succeeded in the royal establishment by William Beton, or Betun, an organ-builder of some pretensions—if we may judge from the fact of his having built the organ for the old Cathedral of St. Paul, destroyed in the Great Fire of I666. In Rymer's (Faedera Pro Capitoſ; Organisła Regis) is a grant of 362O Sterling per annum to William Betun, bearing date 1537; which annual stipend he appears to have received until the year 1544. He was retained in the royal service by Edward the Sixth and Mary. In the list of the musical establishment of the former we find — | William Beton, organ Maker. “Makers of Instruments - - - - ' ' William Tresorer, Regal Maker.”f An eminent English builder of this period was named Wyght, or White. Entries of payments to him for work done to the organ of * It is not known what was the ultimate ſate of this organ, but it seems likely that it was sold for the value of the old metal—“the pure tyn "mentioned in the contract—during the reign of fanaticism in the century following. This seems the more likely, as the church was without an organ in 1675, when it was resolved at a vestry meeting to erect “an organ of convenient size and loudness for the due celebration of the psalmody of the church.” According to this resolution money was collected, and arrangements entered into with Renatus Harris, who erected the present organ. + There is an exceedingly curious licence preserved in the Cottonian MS. Galba C, II., ſol. 253, from which it appears that “WILLIAM TREASORER, a maker of musical instrus ments, his heirs and assigns,” had letters patent for eight years, from King Philip and Queen THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 59 Magdalen College Chapel, Oxford, occur in the old account books, from I53 I to 1545. One of them runs thus:— “I 531, Magistro White, organorum factore, pro reparat, duorum par organorum in choro.” From the title, Magister, here given him, it has been conjectured, with every appearance of probability, that he was the same person as Robert White, a well-known church composer, who may have united the art of constructing organs with his higher musical pursuits.” Possibly, an entry in the old parish accounts of St. Andrew's, Holborn, may have some reference to this builder — “I 553. The parishe gave young Whyte A5 for y” great orgaynes which his father made for ye churche.” } John Vaucks, “orgayn-master,” as he is termed, is another new name in the annals of organ-building. He was employed, in 1533, to set up a new “pair of organs” in the rood loſt of Wimborne Minster, for which he was paid by the contributions of the parish ; and his work appears to have lasted till the Great Rebellion, which brought it to an untimely end. In the year 1643, among entries for glazing the windows and new covering the roofs with lead (measures often found necessary after a visit of the Parliamentary forces), we find the following —“Paid for Some of the organ-pipes, 6d.” Here, then, is the fate of John Vaucks' handiwork, after a century of use : its pipes scattered about the streets, or stolen for the sake of the metal, and the trouble of those who brought some of them back valued at Sixpence. A considerable quantity of materials must, however, have been left, since, in the year following, the church- wardens sold off more than 140 lbs. of old tin—no doubt supplied by the organ pipes.f Mary, dated July the IIth, in the first year of their reign, to provide and buy within the realm of England, in any place or places, one hundred thousand lasts of ashes, and four hundred thousand dozens of old worn shoes, and export the same to foreign parts.” Queen Elizabeth, on the 13th March, in the Second year of her reign, confirmed the same for an additional term of twelve years, Treasorer, as a consideration for the renewed patent, “having devised and given to the Queen a new Instrument Musicall, sending forth the sound of Flutes and Recorders; and likewise promised and took upon him, at his labour, cost, and charges, to repair and amend before the feast of St. Michael next ensuing the great organs in the Queen's chapel at Greenwich.”—Ellis's Original Zetters, second series, vol. iii., p. 202. * Sir William Cope’s paper, before mentioned. I am also indebted to the same authority for the curious notices concerning Broughe and Chappington. t I am indebted for these curious notices of John Vaucks, &c., to a Z/istory of Wimborne A/inster, published by Bell & Daldy, 1860, 8vo. 6O THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. To return again to Oxford. In 1520 one Barbye was employed in repairing the “little orgayns” in the chapel of Magdalen College; but nothing seems to be known of him. We have also the names of John Hanson and John Schowt, shortly afterwards. They were probably all three local builders of no great note. The latter, from the Spelling of his name, was probably a German. The name of Richard Beynton, and the thoroughly English one of Thomas Browne, occur in old accounts as “mendyng,” and otherwise restoring organs, about the middle of the sixteenth century.” A little later we have a builder of the name of Broughe, who appears to have set up a new organ at St. Margaret's, Westminster, thus noticed in the churchwardens' accounts there — “I 590, payde to Mr. Broughe, for changeing of our organs for a payre of his, viiji” An organ-builder flourished at the close of the sixteenth century, who, though his name is now forgotten, seems to have been exten- sively employed in his day—John Chappington. He appears to have built an organ for Westminster Abbey about 1596; at least we find him in this year (according to the following memorandum) selling the old organ of that collegiate church to the churchwardens of St. Margaret's – the old organs do remayne in the parish church to be sold by the churchwardens.” The latter part of the entry possibly relates to the organ built by Broughe six years previously. In the following year a further payment was made “to Chappington for the organs, lxvi. viii" One organ, at least, of Chappington's remains to this day—viz., that which he built, in 1597, for Magdalen College, Oxford ; and of the payment of which the following memorandum exists in the Libri Computi of that Society — “Impensae pro organis Mro. Chapington . ſº . xxxv /, xii; S. viii d. Pro color. et deaurat, eaclem . g º e * § & ij/, ijs, Pro wainscot circa eaden. . & e & g $ . iij Z, xiv. s.” At the beginning of the following century there was an organ- builder living in London, named Gibbs. Alleyn, the founder of * In the old accounts of King's College, Cambridge, as early as 1508, we find Thomáš Browne receiving xxxiijs, iv." ; “in partem solutionis viii librarum pro factura magnorum organorum,” This may be the builder mentioned in the text, THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 6 I Dulwich College, records in his diary, under the date April 27, F618 –“Bought a pair of organes of Mr. Gibbs, of Powles, £8 2S, ;” which organs were put up in the College chapel.” We may mention two other builders of the seventeenth century whose names have recently come to light —Thomas Hamlyn, who enlarged “the new organ at St. James's,” in 1613; and Adam Fortess, who built an organ for St. George's Chapel, Windsor, in 1635, For the latter he received £140. 17. Local English Builders. Organs were not mute in our country parish churches during the sixteenth century, and constant mention of them is to be found in old accounts. Among the builders whose fame appears to have been purely of a local character, and who have entirely escaped notice, was one Robartt, who lived at Crewkerne about the time of the Reformation. He was an “orgyn-maker,” who let out organs to churches by the year. Probably this might have been a prevailing practice, but this is the only instance I have met with of it at an early date. According to a notice preserved in Mr. G. Roberts' Social History of the People of the Southern Counties of England, this maker was paid by John Hassard, Mayor of Lyme Regis, I 551, “his year's rent, IOS.” Robartt's instrument seems to have been in the hands of an adept whose services were appreciated, as we learn from the following entry — “1552. The Mayor and his brethren grant to John Coke £5 yearly in consideration of the good service that he hath performed in the church of King's Lyme, from time to time, in singing and playing at Organs, and which the said John Coke was to continue during his life, in the best manner he could, as God had endued him to do.” There was an organ in the parish church of Doncaster prior to the magnificent instrument destroyed in the fire; for, according to the churchwardens' accounts of I 569, Mr. Fenton was paid “I 3° 44. * See the European Magazine for June, 1792, p. 192; and Collier's Memoirs of Alleyn, p. I57. From the latter it appears that, a year afterwards, Alleyn had “a diapason stop " put to the organ by a person of the name of Barett, and “other alterations.” + 1856, 8vo, p. 233, 62 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN, for an organe case.” The parish registers of this church, under the date of July 26th, 1567, record the burial of James Dempsey, “organe-maker.” It was in the establishment of this worthy, in all probability, that the first Doncaster organ was made, 18. Englis/. Builders in the Seventeenth Century. Among the eminent English organ-builders who belong to the Seventeenth century are the names of Preston, of York; Thamar, of Peterborough ; Robert Hayward, of Bath ; Loosemore, of Exeter ; and the Dallans, or Dallams, of London. Of the two first, no particulars, further than their mere names, appear to have come down to us. Of the third our information is not much more. In the year 1663 a rate was made and levied at Wimborne, Dorsetshire, amounting to £253 I 3s. 8d., towards the repairs of the fine Minster Church in that town, and for buying a new organ ; and an agreement was entered into with a provincial builder, Robert Haywood, of Bath, “whose work,” remarks Mr. Hopkins “(if it was really his), which remains to the present day, proves that in skill he was not a whit behind others of his countrymen, whose productions are more numerous and better known.” The instrument was set up in the following year (1664), the price being £180. When it was finished, two distinguished musicians, Mr. Tomkins and Mr. Silver, from Salisbury, were sent for to “prove the organ, whether it was sufficient according to Our Covenants,” and received £5 for their trouble.” John Loosemore constructed the organ in the cathedral of his native city, Exeter, shortly after the restoration of Charles II.f This instrument is pointed out as worthy of especial notice on account of its double diapason. The Hon. Roger North, in the Life of the Lord Keeper Guilford (mentioning his brother's visit to Exeter), adds — w" “His lordship, agreeably to his great mastership of musick, took great notice of the organ in the Cathedral church of Exeter, where the two side columns that carry the tower are lined with organ pipes, and are as columns themselves. His * History of Wimborne Minster. ºf On the outside of the instrument is this inscription —“John Loosemore made this Organ, 1665.” Henry Loosemore, M.B., organist of King's College, Cambridge (afterwards of Exeter Cathedral), and George Loosemore, M.B., organist of Trinity College, Cambridge, were brothers to our organ-builder. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 63 lordship desired the dimensions of the great double diapason ; and the account, as returned, is thus :— “Speaking part, long . e * º * 20 feet 6 inc, NOSe wº e & e ſº * * 4. O Circumference . e g & * * 3 I I Diameter . e iº º § * & I 3 Contents of the speaking part . * we 3 hogs, 8 gall. Weight . * te º e e . 360 lbs.” “This is heard plainer at a distance than when near, as also louder; and behind that, and the other large doubles, are placed large wooden pipes to help them into their sound, which otherwise would come on very slow, or perhaps not at all. One, being near enough, may, by the touch of the hand, discern when it speaks, and when not. How it is tuned, whether by measure or the beats, we were not informed ; and, bating their account of it, which was curious and diverting enough, I could not be so happy to perceive that, in the musick, they signified any thing at all, but thought them made more for Ostentation than for use ; for there are terms in sound which will not be exceeded ; for, when the vibratory pulses are so slow as scarcely to be distinguished, Sound vanisheth ; which is nearly the case with this great pipe.” In the Choristers' Singing School, attached to the cathedral, is a small instrument of the same maker. Its stops, which are all of wood, are as follows:– Twelfth. Stopped Diapason. Open Diapason. Fifteenth. Principal. Flute, The compass is CC (short octaves) to C in alt. The following agreement between LOOSemore and a customer is not devoid of interest — - “February the 1st, 1665. Then made a bargain wº Sº Gº". Trevilyan, for an organ w” these stops in it, as follows:– One Diapason © tº º One Flute * † it ! º h WO OC!. One Recorde • * * * \ these in wood One Fifteenth . . . . . •: One Principall * & tº l One Flagilett e tº 9 these in mettle. One Trumpett tº º One Shaking Stopp & & gº \ And for this organ I am to have one hundred pound, 20l. whereof at the 25th day of March next, and fourescore residue thereof when the work is finished. “JoHN LOOSEMORE.”f * Zives of the AVorths, vol. i., p. 246. t See the preface to A Short Account of Organs built in Angland from the Reign of King Charles the Second to the Present Zime. Lond., J. Masters, 1847. 8vo. The work is pub- lished anonymously, but the author is understood to be Mr. Sutton, of Jesus College, Cam- bridge. 64 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN, This builder died on the 8th of April, 1681, aged 68.* The accounts of King's College, Cambridge, at the beginning of the Seventeenth century, introduce to our notice an organ-builder named Dallam, whose existence escaped my researches when collect- ing the materials for the first edition of the History of the Organ. I was then enabled to show, for the first time, that there were three contemporary builders of the same name —Dallam, or Dalham— namely, Robert, who built organs for York Minster, the Music School, and New College, Oxford ; Ralph, who was employed at St. George's Chapel, Windsor, at Rugby, Lynn Regis, and Greenwich ; and George Dalham, who is mentioned in 1672 as “that excellent organ- maker dwelling in Purple Lane, next door to the Crooked Billet.” But the builder employed at King's College, Cambridge, in 1606, was clearly older than the three just mentioned, who may in all likelihood have been his sons, following their father's profession. - The accounts just mentioned purport to be “The charges about the organs, &c., from the 22nd of June, 1605, to the 7th of August, 1606.” They are so highly interesting that I shall quote them in er/C/2SO – “Imprimis payd to Mr. Dallam for his journey from London to Cambridge before he took the woork in hand & e * > ë XV S. Item for his and his menes charges of their journey coming downe to work . * e e e ë e te & & g & X S. Item for a thowsand six hundred of tynn at 3" 12" le C . tº . lvij li. xijs. Item for ebony for the kayes [sic]. & e e * º * . iij S. iiijd. Item for boxe tº e tº g & * gº & º & & xijd. Item for vij dozen of leather, unde iij dozen ad 6° le dozº and 4 dozen ad vijº le dozen © e sº xlv.js. Item for Sodering coller and cyse & e e t º te e XXX S. Item for vii. of white wyer ad Io" le" . tº o º & $ . iiij S. iſ d. Item for viii. of yeollowe wyer ad 18" le" . º * º & & X s. v.jd. Item for Ashe woodd . e © § & g & & * & xijd. Item for xxij" of tyn glasse ad 3° le" . º * e * e ... iij Zi, vi s. Item for viij dozen of glewe at 4* 6", le doz & e & e º xxxvi S. Item for canves to put the glewe in . e © ſº º iº e xviijd. Item for a hamper to carry things in and corde to bynd yt * e ijs. Item for more corde to bynd up other things . ſº ſº * e x d’. Item for packthred to bynd the pypes * & º & * & ij 3. Item for nayles of divers kyndes . a . e. & g tº e * X S. * The following inscription is on his gravestone in the transept of Exeter Cathedral, near the south aisle of the choir –“ Hic jacet spe Resurrectionis JOHANNES LOOSMORE [sic], quondam Decano et Capitulo hujus Ecclesiæ Curator fidelissimus; et inter Artifices sui Generis facile Princeps. Sit Organum hoc angustum prope situm perpetuum ipsius Artis et Ingenii Monumentum. Obiit 89 Aprilis An, 1681. AEta, suæ 68.” THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 65 Item for carriage of the premisses being bought in divers places of the Citie togeather with Mr. Dallam his Tooles . e e Item to Walston Cruis for his paynes in seeing the things bought and packed to be sent to Camb. . º - Item for flannell clothe to laye under the kayes . Item for fustian to cast the mettell upport Item for preston clothe for the same use Item for chalke to lay upon the fustian Item for brasse for the shaking stoppe Item for a pan to make fyer in to remove Item for flaxe to glewe in the Conditts . © e Item for carriage of the tyn from London at 24, 6", le C iiijs. iiijs. xijd. X S. vj S. iiijd. iiij S. e vj d. * . " vj d. xl S. Item for carriage of the hamper, Mr. Dallam's tooles, and other things from London at dyvers tymes Item for xx leaves of waynskott reddy sawn Item to a Joyner for helping Mr. Dallam in his work. Item for planks for benches, &c. º & º & * Item for viii double quarters for frames for the said benches Item for bords for boxes, &c, º º e Item for popler to make the Maldrells, &ce. m for turning of the Maldrells p º e ſº Item for planke about the sound borde . º Item for a C of planks for the bellowes º º Item for Quarters to lyfte up the bellowes and other uses Item for studds to make Claves [keys] . . . . Item for Joysts to lay over the bellowes and other uses Item for coxl foote of Inche board Item for xiiij sparres of 12 foot long . . & p Item for viij peeces tymber of 8 foote and ij of IO foote Item for 4 planks of 16 foote long and 2 inches di. thicke . Item for three peeces of II foote long and 2 of 9 foote di. , Item for 83 foote of halfe ynche board to cover the organ . Item for studes . e º º e º e e Item for 44 foote of ynche board and a piller of 7 foote Item for the carriage of this tymber at dyvers tymes Item for the mattes to sett the greate pypes on in the Vestrie Item payd to the Carpenter for the frame of tymber whereon the Organs . º Item to Chapman the Joyner for 82 yards of waynscott about the Sayd frame at vº. the yard . ſº & & 0. º o Item for clxiii waynScotts bought unsawen for the case & wooddon pypes of the organs, unde 60 ad 3' 8", 38 ad 4* 6", 23 ad 5*, 40 ad 5* 3", and 2 ad 6% in toto © º Item payd for Sawing the Sayd waynScotts . Item for carriage of them Item for vi C of Lead at Ios, le C. Item for casting of yt . a tº Item for Sande & wood used about it e o e º Item payd to the Smithe for Iron worke ut patet . º ſe º Item geven to one that went for the Joyner and bringing of his Tooles Item for the Joyner and his menes supper at their coming . XV $. XX S. iiijs. xiiijs. iiijs. ijs. xiij S. viijs. ijs. v.jd. XXjs. XXXjs. vj s. viijs. xxiijs. iv. d. xiiijs. X s. v.jd. v S. iiij d. iiij s. v. d. iijs. iiijd. viijd. iiijs. iiij d. iij 5. viijd. xvj Ji. XX /i. X s. xxxvi Z. viiijs. vi /7, ix s. vijs. iij/i. X S. e iiijs. vij/i, vijs, iij d. viijs. xijd. |F 66 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. Item paid for a grindlestone and hanging yt Item paper and oyle for the Joyners windowes e º Item for nayles &ce taken by Mr. Dallam & y” Joyner at the Chandlers, ut patet e e g tº e & & g Item payd to Hartop the Joyner for wages for him & his men for Io monethes ad 18” le weeke . ſº © e * e Item geven to him at his departure in regards above his Sayd wages Item in regard to his men . º * & • 6 tº s Item payd for a horse to carrye back his tooles . e e º Item payd to Mr. Dallam the Organmaker, for his wages and his menes for lyiij weekes di. viz. from the 22" of June, 1605, untill the 7th of August, 1606, ad 30% le weeke - e Item payd for the hyer of bedding for him and his men the first quarter . e & º Item for the hyer of bedding for his men 3 qts, di, more ad 6° le Quarter . . . e tº © & & & & & e Item payd for Mr. Dallams owne lodging the said 3 q^ters di, at Brownings, Sampsons, and Knöckells . & o e s Item payd for his washing and his menes all the 58 weeks of his aboade . º º º Item payd for his owne and his menes frydays and fasting night suppers at 12* a supper being in all 87 nights tº Item payd for his hoshier and charges of him and his men at their departure up to London º º e & Item for recarriage of his tooles &c, being iiii" wayght Item payd to the Carver for the King's Armes standing upon the chayre organ . e g º º e º & ſº s Item to him for the Scutchins of this College and Eton Armes . & o & d º © º 0. tº * Item to him for 2 figures or pictures that stand in the greate Organ . & e º e º e Item payd for ix" of leaf gould at 7s 6", le C e e º e Item payd to Knockle the Limber for laying the sayd gould &ce. upon the pypes, Armes and scutchins of the Chayre Organ . Item payd to him for imbossing and strawing with bice the 2 greater pypes of the chayre organ . e © e º o Item to him for embossing and strawing with byce the 2 lesser pypes of the Sayd organ. o e e º • * s Item to him for gould and gilding the crownes of the sayd organ Item to him for the pastboard and byce strawed under the cut- woorke about the sayd organ & frame e & e Item payd to him for the 2 lesser pypes in the great organ im- bossed & Strawed with byce & for 12 wrought pypes gilded . Item for iiij pypes paynting with venice lake, &ce e & Item to him for gould & gilding 24 Small pypes in the sayd Organ Item to him for Strawing with byce &ce & for gilding the em- bosses on the greate pype in the middle tower © t Item to him for Strawing with byce and gilding the imbosses on the 2 greate pypes of the owtter towers e º º Item payd for dyvers of the imbosses used upon the pypes in the litle and greate Organs e º º Item for mowlds to cast the rest of the imbosses , iijs. ix d. xl S. iiij d. xxxvi Z. XXijs. iijs. iiijd. vj S. lxxxvij li, XV $. xijs. XXjs. XX S. XXV S. iiij '7, vijs, X S. X S. iijli, XXX S. XXX S. iij li: vijs, vi d. iiij li. XXVj S. viijd. X S. xxvi s. viij d. XX S. vj li. X s. xlviijs. Xl S. XXVjS. viijd. iiij li. xiiijs. X 5. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 67 Item payd more to Knockle for paynting &ce of the sixe fayre great pypes ad 50° a pype . º & e & sº & xv. li. Item to him for gilding the round towars of the sd Organ . e iij li. Item to him for gilding the finishing or square towars of the same Organ . e & • . & tº º & * & iiij li. Item to him for gilding the 2 starres . tº º ſº te ſº ijs. Item for gilding and colloring the bracketts. * tº tº & a X J. Item for colloring the 2 picktures or figures in the sayd organ . xiijs. iv. d. Item to him for pastbord & byce strawed under the cut-woorke On the Sayd organ . XXXij 3. iijd. Sm" total . ccclxxi ſi. xvij S. ja. Item more Mr. Dallams mens dyett in the hall . © º xiij /č, vi s. viijd. Item bread and beer by Mr. Dallam the Joyner and their men for the whole tyme esteemyd at . te © * e & v /. Item fyering in charcoale about 5 load with candells . & e vi /.” There is something very primitive in this picture of the old organ- builder closing his workshop in London, and removing his whole “establistment,” to Cambridge, to execute an order. Dallam and his men were lodged in the town, but boarded in the College hall. From the item for suppers on Fridays and fasting nights, it appears they were not satisfied with the meagre fare there provided, but required extra dishes for their maintenance. The whole of the materials used appear to have been bought in the rough, and made up on the spot; the metal purchased for the pipes, presuming that all the lead was used for that purpose, would be in the proportion of 16 to 6, or rather less than three-fourths tin. This was the composition of the original pipes of the Temple organ built by Father Smith. * No specification is extant from which any information may be obtained as to the compass and power of the instrument; the only stop mentioned in the account is the shaking stop, for which a special material was required ; it was the original of the modern tremulant, and occurs in the specification for an Organ given by John Loosemore, of Exeter, in 1665, already quoted. It is not found in later specifica- tions, and went out of use Owing to the noise it made in action, Occasioned by its faulty construction. The total cost of the organ and case was about £370; the outlay upon the organ, so far as the items may now be divided, amounting to £214, and that upon the case to £156.” * I derive my information about the old King's College Organ from a paper in the Ecclesiologist, by the Rev. J. Brooklebank, F 2 68 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. The name of Dallam still occurs in the College accounts after the completion of the organ. In 1607 he was paid xxxv for tuning the organ, besides xxxvi received by the sale of the surplus tin, which had been purchased for the pipes; in 1617, £IO, and, in 1638, 422, were paid to him for repairs. His name occurs for the last time in 1641. In no case is a Christian name given." The fate of Dallam's organ is soon told. The Commissioners sent down to Cambridge by the Long Parliament ordered the organ in the chapel to be removed ; and, in compliance with their edict, the pipes were taken out and sold. The case, with some alterations, remains to this day. In 1613 Thomas Dalham, undoubtedly the builder just noticed, was employed to build an organ for Worcester Cathedral. The following extract is from the archives of the Dean and Chapter of that ecclesiastical establishment — “A.D. 1613. All the materials and workmanship of the new double organ in the Cathedral church of Worcester to Thomas Dallam, organ-maker, came to £2 II.” This entry is valuable as giving us the Christian name of this hitherto unknown builder. * Robert Dallam was born at Lancaster in 1602, and died in 1665 : he was buried in the cloisters of New College, Oxford.'t In the recently printed calendars of the State Papers is noticed “A Bill of Robert Dallam for work done for my Lordes Grace of Canterburie, his Orgayne, A.D. 1635 ; ” and an interesting notice of * In the books of Magdalen College, Oxford, between the dates 1615 and 1637, several entries occur of payments to one Dalham for repairs to the organ. Dr. Bloxam, in his inter- esting account of the College Chapel, believes him to have been the Kobert Dalham before mentioned; but this could hardly be the case, as he was not born till 1602, and consequently was only thirteen years of age in 1615. It was certainly the builder now brought to light whose name occurs in the Magdalen books. + Wood, in his Hist, and Antiq. Univ. Oxoniensis, 1674, vol. ii., p. 155, gives the fol- lowing inscription on this person —“Hic jacet D* Robertus Dallum, Instrumenti Pneu- matici quod vulgo Organum nuncupant peritissimus Artifex ; filius Thomae Dallum de Dallum in comitat. Lancastriae, Mortuus est die Maii ultimo (Domini 1665. Anno UAEtatis suæ 63. Qui postguam diversas Europae plagas håc arte (quà praecipue claruit) exornasset, Solum hoc tandem, in quo requiescit, cinere suo insignivit.” The records of the Blacksmiths' Company are said to contain many entries relative to Robert Dallam. A search amongst them would probably repay the trouble, THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 69 him is preserved among the memoranda of Dr. Woodward, Warden of New College, Oxford, at the time of the Restoration — “May Io, 1661.--Some discourse was then had with one Mr. Dalham, an Organ-maker, concerning a new fair organ to be made for our College Chapel. The stops of the intended organ were shown unto myself and the thirteen seniors, set down in a paper and named there by the organist of Christ Church, who would have had them half a note lower than Christ Church organ, but Mr. Dalham Sup- posed that a quarter of a note would be sufficient.” Robert Dallam built the organ in New College Chapel, and the Small one in the Music School, Oxford ; but his principal work appears to have been the organ in York Minster, destroyed when that noble building was partially burnt. The circumstances con- nected with the erection of the latter were these :— In July, 1632, a fine of £ IOOO having been laid on Edward Paylor, Esq., for the crime of incest, the Dean and Chapter petitioned the King, who, in November, granted that sum to them, for repairing the church, setting up a new organ, furnishing the altar, and maintaining a librarian ; whereupon, in March, I632, articles of agreement were entered into by Dean Scott and the Residentiaries, with Robert Dallam, of London, blacksmith, who engaged to build a great organ for £297, with £5 more for his journey to York; and in which the price of each stop is distinctly specified. The following is a copy of this interesting agreement:- * “Articles of agreement, indented, made, concluded, and agreed upon, the one and twentieth day of March, anno drini I632, and in the eighth yeare of the reigne of our soveraigne Lord Charles, by the grace of God, Kinge of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defender of the Faith, &c. Betweene the right worshippfull John Scott, doctor of divinitie, deane of the cathedrall and metropoliticall church of St. Peter of Yorke ; Phinees Hodson, doctor of divinitie, chancellor and canon residentiary of the said church ; George Stanhope, doctor of divinity, precentor and canon residentiary of the same church ; and Henry Wickham, doctor of divinitie, archdeacon of Yorke, and canon residentiary of the said church, of the one party ; and Robert Dallam, citizen and blackSmith, of London, of the other party ; touch- inge the makeinge of a great Organ for the said church (as followeth): - “The names and number of the stoppes or setts of pipes for the said great organ, to be new made ; every stopp containeinge fiftie one pipes; the said great organ containing eight stoppes. “Imprimis two open diapasons of tynn, to stand in sight, many of , them to be chased . & & * e & * g . lxxx /7. Item one diapason stopp of wood . tº e e e * & x &l. Item two principals of tynn º & * & e e e , xxiiij Zł. Itm one twelft to the diapason . § e & g * g . viij Ži. Itm one Small principall of tynn * * {e s ' s & & vi /z. Itm one recorder unison to the said principall . & t * . Vi /7. 7o THE HISTORY OF THIE ORGAN. Itm one two and twentieth * c e a t < * v /i. Itm the great sound-board with conveyances, windchestes, carry- ages and conduits of lead . º e º e º e © xl /7. Itm the rowler board, carriages, and keycs . te º © . XX 4. “The names and number of stoppes of pipes for the chaire organ, every stopp containeinge fifty one pipes, the said chaire organ containeinge five stoppes. “Imprimis one diapason of wood • * * * * * * x /?. Itm one principal of tynn, to stand in sight, many of them to be chased t * - • º º º º e * . xii /i. 1tm one flute of wood - e e º º - e º . viij li. Itm one small principall of tynn . . © tº e * - v /ć. Itm one recorder of tynn, unison to the voice . . º º e . viij li. Itm the sound bord, windchest, drawinge stoppes, conveyances, and conduits . * º © * e © º e º . xxx /. Itm the rowler board, carriages, and keys e e ‘ e & - x /?. Itm the three bellowes with winde truncks, and iron workes and other thinges thereto . tº g & © o & tº - x Z. Sume total . cclxxxxvii /i. “It is agreed by and between the parties above said, and the said Robert AJalſam doth covenant, promise, and grant, for him, his executors and administra- tors, to and with the said Deane and Canons residentiary above named by these presents, that he the said Robert Dallam, his executors or administrators, shall and will well and sufficiently and workemanlike new make and finishe the said organ in every the particulars before mentioned, accordinge to the true intent and mean- inge hereof, before the feast of the nativitie of Saint John Baptist, which shall be in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundredth thirtie foure. In con- sideracion of which worke undertaken to be done as aforesaid, the said Dean and Canons residentiary above named have paid unto the said Robert Dallam in hand one hundred pounds, and doe promise to pay unto him the residue of the said sume of colxxxxvii /7 as Soone as the Said worke shall be finished ; and for the more speedy finisheing of the said worke, the said Deane and residentiaries are pleased to appointe the Said Robert Dallam some convenient roome near unto the said Cathedrall church to worke in. And further the said Deane and resi- dentiaries doe promise to pay to the said Robert Dallam, towarde the charge of himselfe and servants in comeinge from London hither about the said worke, the sume of five pounds. In witnes whereof the parties above said to these present articles indented have interchangeably sett their hands and seals the day and yeare first above written.” It will be observed that this agreement does not provide for any thing more than the pipes, Sound-boards, and three pair of bellows. The account of the chamberlain, relative to the appropriation of the # IOOO, is dated 1634; from which it appears that a workman from Durham was engaged for fifty-two weeks, at 20s. per week, to construct the case. King Charles visited York in May, 1633, and on the 26th he went to the top of the great tower, at which time it is presumable that he directed the placing of the organ, then recently contracted for, THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 7I on the north side of the choir, which conjecture is strengthened by the entry of charges for work done at the pillars to support the organ loft.* According to Sanderson's MS. collections for a history of Durham, Robert Dallam built organs for the Cathedrals of St. Paul and Durham, These instruments were similar to that of York. The Durham organ was removed by Father Smith and erected in the church of St. Michael-le-Belfry, York, in 1687. The diapasons and principal, as well as the case, form portions of the present instrument. Ralph Dallans built the organ for St. George's Chapel, Windsor, at the Restoration ; an organ for the parish church, Rugby ; an organ for the old parish church, Hackney, in 1665; and the organ of Lynn Regis, which was removed by Snetzler in 1754. This is all we know of him, except what is contained in the following inscription, formerly existing in the old church of Greenwich:- “Ralph Dallans, organ-maker, deceased while he was making this organ ; begun by him Feb., 1672. James White, his partner, finished it, and erected this stone, 1673.” George Dalham has the following advertisement at the end of John Playford's Introduction to the Skill of Musick, 1672 (6th edit.) – “Mr. George Dalham, that excellent organ-maker, dwelleth now in Purple Lane, next door to the Crooked Billet, where such as desire to have new organs, or old mended, may be well accommodated.” This builder was living in 1686, when he added a “chaire organ ” to Harris's instrument in Hereford Cathedral. 19. Notices of English Organs, During the period that these various organ-builders flourished, our * Crosse's Account of the York Musical Pestival, 4to, 1825, pp. 134-5, and Appendix. + Dr. Burney says —“Part of the old organ a Lynn had been made by Dallans, the rest by some more ancient workman; as the wooden pipes were so worm-eaten as to fall to pieces when taken out to be cleaned. Upon the churchwardens asking Snetzler what this old instrument would be worth if repaired, he said—“If they would lay out a hundred pounds upon it, perhaps it would then be worth fifty.’”—History of Music, vol. iii., p. 438. The organ which Dallans built for the Royal Chapel at Windsor is still preserved in the church of St. Peter in the East, St. Albans'. A representation of it may be seen in Ashmole's Order of the Garter. - 72 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. cathedrals were being Supplied with organs on a much larger Scale than those which had been used in the ancient monasteries. In the British Museum, among the Lansdowne MSS. (No. 213), is preserved An Account of a Tour made through a great part of Angland, A.D. 1634.” This curious M.S. contains some interesting notices of organs, which are worth extracting. “YORK. There we saw and heard a faire, large, high organ, newly built, richly gilt, carv'd and painted ; and deep and Sweet Snowy row of quiristers.” “DURHAM. Away then wee were call'd to prayers, where wee were wrapt with the sweet sound and richnesse of a fayre Organ, which cost £IOOO ; and the orderly, devout, and melodious harmony of the quiristers.” “CARLISLE. The organs and voices did well agree, the one being like a shrill bagpipe, the other like the Scottish tone.” “LICHFIELD. And no sooner were we lighted, but the Cathedral knell call’d us away to prayers : there we entred a stately, neat fabricke ; the organs and voyces were deep and sweet, their anthems we were much delighted with, and of the voyces, 2 trebles, 2 counter-tennors, and 2 bases, that equally on each side of the quire most melodiously acted and performed their parts.” “HEREFORD. There we heard a most Sweet organ, and voyces of all parts, tenor, counter-tenor, treble, and base ; and amongst that orderly, Snowy crew of quiristers, our landlord guide did act his part in a deep and Sweet diapason.” “EXETER. The organ here is rich, delicate, and lofty, and has more additions than any other ; and large pipes of an extraordinary length.” “GLOUCESTER. Here were wee admiring and whispering till the Cathedrall voyces whisper'd us away to prayers, and So Soon as wee heard those voyces and organs, and had view'd their fayrely glass'd and carv'd work cloyster, wee hasted away.” “BRISTOL. In her wee found (besides that fayre and strong fabricke of the Cathedrall, which was newly finish’d) 18 churches, which all are fayrely beautify’d, richly adorn'd, and Sweetly kept ; and in the major part of them are neat, rich, and melodious organs, that are constantly play’d on. In her [the Cathedrall] are rich organs, lately beautify’d, and indifferent good quiristers.” “WELLS. The Cathedral was beautify'd with ancient monuments and rich Organs.” 20. Organs in Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. So far as I have ascertained, the earliest mention of the organ by any of the Scottish historians is by Fordun, who, upon the occasion of the removal of the body of Queen Margaret from the outer church, Dunfermline, for re-interment beside the high altar, in * The full title is—“A Relation of a Short Survey of Twenty-six Counties, briefly describing the Cities and their Scytuations, and the Corporate Townes and Castles therein: observ’d in a Seaven Weekes’ Journey begun at the City of Norwich, and from thence into the North,-on Monday, August IIth, 1634, and ending at the same Place. By a Captaine, a Lieutenant, and an Ancient [Ensign]; all three of the Military Company in Norwich,” THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 73 I250, describes the procession of priests and abbots, by whom the ceremony was conducted, as accompanied by the Sounds of the organ, as well as the chanting of the choir. Mr. Tytler, the author of a Dissertation on Scottish Music, fell into a strange error, representing James I. of Scotland as the first introducer of the organ into that country; when all that he actually did, as Mr. Dauney has pointed out,” was to introduce organs of an improved construction. The principal churches and abbeys of Scotland had most probably been furnished with them more or less from the era to which we have referred. The Chapel Royal at Stirling, founded by James III., to all appearance upon the model of that of Edward IV., was a very complete and richly-endowed ecclesiastical establishment for the cultivation of church music ; and several entries of sums laid out by the Scottish sovereigns in the upholding of the organs at Stirling and Edinburgh are to be found in the Treasurers' Books, of which the following are specimens — “I 507, Jan. I2. Item to the chanoun of Holyrudhous that mendit the organis in Strivelin and Edinburgh, vijº.” “I 5II. Item to Gilleam, organist, maker of the Kingis organis, for expenses maid be him at the Sayd Organis, in gait skynnis, and parchment for the belles, in naillis and Sprentis of irne, in glew, papir, candill, coill, &c., viij" iiijº” The re-introduction of organs, episcopal vestments, decorations, &c., by James VI., into the chapel at Holyrood Palace, during his visit to Scotland in 1617, was regarded with great horror by his Scottish lieges. “The Scots,” says one of their own historians, “are, in all acts of religious devotion, simple, rude, and naked of ceremonial. The King, accustomed to the use of the organ and church ritual, commanded them to be used in his chapel of Holy-Rood, and in the moment of joy occasioned by the general expecta- tion of his arrival did that, by exertion of authority, which he could not have done otherwise consistently with the actions and religious establishment of his native country. This was ill endured by the common people of Edinburgh, who con- sidered it as staining and polluting the house of religion by the dregs of popery. The more prudent, indeed, judged it but reasonable that the King should enjoy his own form of worship in his own chapel; but then followed a rumour, that the religious vestments and altars were to be forcibly introduced into the churches, and the purity of religion so long established in all Scotland for ever defiled. And it required the utmost efforts of the magistrates to restrain the inflamed passions of the common people.” ‘t * * Anciené Melodies of Scotland, 4to, 1838. + Johnston's Historia Rerum Britannicarum, ad annume 1617, 74 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. The organ introduced into the Chapel Royal of Edinburgh by James VI. must have been a magnificent instrument. I have been fortunate enough to meet with a very curious notice of it. John Chamberlain, writing to Sir Dudley Carleton, Dec. 7, 1616, speaking of the King's intended progress to Scotland, adds:–“We hear they made great preparations there to be in their best equipage ; and from hence (London) many things are sent, but specially a pair of organs that cost above £400, besides all manner of furniture for a chapel, which Inigo Jones tells me he hath the charge of.” Some years after this we are introduced, for the first time, to a Scotch organ-builder. The author of Rouen : its History and Monuments,” speaking of the church of St. Godard, says —“In 1556 its organ was a very Small one. It was afterwards enlarged ; but in 1562 it was destroyed by the Calvinists. The present organ, which was built in 1640, is the work of a Scotchman named George Leslie.” w Of organs in Ireland I have not been able to meet with any particulars, and they would seem to have been almost unknown in that country in early times. In the Parochial Records of Cork, in the reign of Charles I, there is an order to pay £16 towards erecting a musical instrument called in English organs, as the custom is to have in cathedral churches.”f An organ-builder, a native of this Country, seems to have acquired considerable fame on the Continent in the last century. He built an organ for the Cathedral of Lisbon about the year 1740, which is thus described in Joseph Baretti's amusing journey from London to Genoa":::- “The name of this man is Eugene Nicholas Egan, a native of Ireland. He is scarce four feet high ; but what body he has is all alive. He has obtained his place of Masra neither by chance nor protection, but by dint of skill. The King had caused eight famous organ-makers to come to Portugal from Italy, Germany, and other parts; and he whose organ should prove best was to have that place. You may well imagine that each strove to conquer his rivals. But the immortal Castrato Caffarello, together with the celebrated composer, David Perez, having been deputed to judge of their several performances, unanimously decided in favour of little Egan's, and of course he had the place. His salary proved afterwards not so ample as he expected : but what is a salary to a genius He has defeated his enemies; he has seen them quit Portugal with shame.” * Rotten, I2mo, p. 93. + Clerical and Parochial Records of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross, by W. M. Brady, D.D. 1864, † London, 1760, vol. i., p. 253. I am indebted to my friend, Mr. W. B. Gilbert, for the above curious notice. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 75 With regard to Wales, Dafydd ab Gwilym, who wrote in the fourteenth century, makes particular mention of an organ and choir at Bangor in his time.* The Red Book of St. Asaph takes notice of a “loud organ” that existed at a very remote period in that church; and the organ at Wrexham enjoyed more than a local celebrity. - Fuller, in his Worthies, says —“These organs were formerly most famous (the more because placed in a parochial, not cathedral, church) for beauty, bigness, and tuneableness, though far short of those in worth which Michael, Emperor of Constantinople, caused to be made of pure gold, and beneath those in bigness which George the Salmatian Abbot made to be set up in the church of his convent, whose biggest pipe was eight-and-ſwenty foot long, and four spans in compass.” According to a Gazetteer of England and Wales, temp. Charles II., “At Wrexham is ye rarest steeple in yº 3 nations; and hath had ye fayrest organes in Europe, till yº late wars in Charles yº Ist his raigne, whose Parliament forces pulled him and them downe with other ceremoniall ornaments.” 2I. Improvements by German Builders. In Germany, and other parts of the Continent, the Reformer, Ulric Zuingle, had succeeded in banishing, for a time, the use of organs in public worship. But, early in the sixteenth century, this noble instrument was reinstated in the Church, and many improve- ments were made in its construction. It was in this century, according to Praetorius,f that registers, by which alone a variety of stops could be formed, were invented by the Germans. Improvements at this period were also made in the pipes, particularly the invention of the stopped pipe, whereby expense was saved, and that soft, pleasing tone obtained, which open pipes are unable to yield. By employing the small scale, a number of registers with a penetrating, yet pleasing, tone were obtained, in imitation of the violin, viol de gamba, &c. By the large scale, on the Contrary, was preserved that full, round tone which we always hear in good * See A Commendatory Ode, addressed to Hywel, Dean of Bangor (Howel was made Dean in 1359), printed by Browne Willis, t Syntagma Musicum, 76 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. organs. Besides these, certain kinds of pipes were made to taper apwards, whereby some other registers were added to the former, such as the Spitz flute, the gemshort, &c. In the course of the sixteenth century reed registers were invented, with which it was sought to imitate the tone of other instruments, and even the voices of men and animals—for instance, the posaune, trumpet, S/alm, vow-ſill/tana, bears-fifte, &c. In the same century the key-board was extended to four octaves; but the lowest octave was seldom or never complete. An instrument of this kind was called an organ with a shorá ocławe. In 1570 Hans Lobsinger, of Nuremberg, invented the bellows with one fold, which is still found in Old Organs. In 1576 an organ with sixty practicable registers and a “back choir” was erected at Bernan, in the Prussian province of Brandenburg. This organ, which is still in existence, has forty-eight keys on the manual, and sixteen on the pedal. It has four bellows, each of which is twelve feet long, and six feet wide. The workmanship is said to be masterly, the whole mechanism bearing evidence of the great progress in organ- building at this period. “Great organs and great Organists,” says Dr. Burney,” “seem, for more than two centuries, to have been the natural growth of Germany. The organ which is still subsisting in St. Martin's Church, at Groningen, in North Holland, and of which some of the stops are composed of the Sweetest toned pipes I ever heard, was partly made by the celebrated Rodolph Agricola, the elder.i And, from that time to the present, the number of organ-builders whose names are well known to the lovers of that noble instrument, in Germany, is hardly credible in any other country. But, to show my English readers what a serious concern the erection of an organ is in this part of the world, I shall close my account of the progress of music in Germany, during the sixteenth century, by relating the manner in which the magistrates of Groningen contracted with David Beck, of Halberstadt, to construct an organ for the castle church of that city. * Aſistory of Music, vol. iii., p. 255. + A learned priest, born in the year I442, at Bafflen, a village in Friesland. He is said to have been a prodigy in literature and Science. Vossius says he was a great philosopher ; that he understood Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, and was a great musician. He died in 1485, at Heidelberg, and was buried in the Minorite church of that city, where is the following inscription to his memory — “Invida clauserunt hoc marmore fata Rudulphum Agricolam, Frisii spenque decusque soli. Scilicet hoc uno meruit Germania, laudis Quicquid habet Latium, Graecia quicquid habet.” A fine portrait of Rodolph Agricola is preserved at Knole House, in Kent, the seat of Lord Amherst. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 77 “In the year 1592 articles were drawn up between the magistrates and organ- builder, in which it was agreed by the former, that for an instrument, the contents of which were minutely described, a certain sum stipulated should be paid to the latter upon its completion, provided it was approved, after trial and examination by Such organists as they should nominate for that purpose. The instrument in its construction employed the builder four years; and in 1596 the most eminent organists in Germany being invited, the names of all those who signed the certificate of approbation, to the amount of fifty-three in number, are recorded in a book called Organum Grumingense redivivum, published by Andrew Werckmeister, 1705,” 22, Italian Organ-Builders, The mechanism of the organ appears to have been well under- stood by the Italians in early times. The family of the Antegnati, of Brescia, were amongst the earliest famous organ-builders in Italy, in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, Zarlino, in his Institutioni Aſarmonic/e, fol, Venice, 1558, mentions “Vincenzo Columbi and Vincenzo Colonna, two Italian organ-makers of the sixteenth century, inferior to none in the world.” Columbi built the magnificent organ in the church of St. John Lateran at Rome, in 1549, which was afterwards enlarged by Luca Blasi Perugino, in 1600. Perugino built the organ for the church of Constantine at Rome, by order of Pope Clement VIII. ; also the organs in the Cathedrals of Orvieto and Trent.f In later times Hermann, a Jesuit, acquired considerable fame in this department of art. He built the organ in the church of St. Ambrogio, at Genoa, in 1648; that in the Carignana Church, in the same city, in 1649; and one of the organs in the Cathedral of Como, in 1650, : 23. AVotices of Foreign Organs. In the journals of some of our travellers in the seventeenth * This voluminous writer on Music was born in 1645. He held the posts of inspector- general of organs in the Prussian dominions, and organist of the church of St. Martin, at Halberstadt. He died in 1706. His two books, called Orgel Probe, contain some interesting notices of the history and construction of organs in Germany. ºf Padre Bonanni's Gabinetto Armonico, 4to, Rome, I 772. † In the eighteenth century there were in Italy many celebrated organ-builders, amongst whom Serassi, of Bergamo, and Callido, of Venice, each constructed upwards of three hun- dred organs. r -- 78 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. century are scattered many curious notices of foreign organs, a few of which are here extracted. First-of Tom Coriat, the “Odcombian traveller,” whose Crudities were published in 16II. Speaking of the Cathedral of Bergamo, he says:–“ There are here two very rich paire of Organs on both sides without the Quire, most sumptuously gilt and imbossed, with many very excellent works.” In the church of the Augustine Friars, in the same city, “they have a wonderful rich paire of Organs (lately made) and decked with exceeding faire pillars; made indeed but of wainscot, but so curiously handled, that it yieldeth a very faire shew : it is said it shall be all gilt.” At Verona, Coriat says:—“The fairest organs that I saw in Italy, or in any other country, are in this domo.” In the Cathedral of St. Mark, Venice, “at both sides of the choir are two exceeding faire payre of Organes, whose pipes are silver, especially those on the left hand as you come in from the body of the church, having the brasen winged lyon of St. Mark on the top, and the images of two angels at the sides : under them this is written in faire golden letters, Hoc rarissimum opus Urbanus Venetus F.” The philosophical John Evelyn, writing in 1641, says:—“Generally all the churches in Holland are furnished with organs.” He speaks of the “organs at Haerlem ;” and of that at Vienna (which place he visited in 1644), as being “exceedingly sweet and well-tuned.” In 1645 he tells us that the organ at the Columna at Rome is “accounted one of the sweetest” in that city. Mentioning the Cathedral at Milan, in 1646, he adds:–" Here are two very fair and } excellent organs.” Sir John Reresby, in his Travels (in the middle of the seven- teenth century), says:–“At Venice are reckoned seventeen hospitals, sixty-seven parish churches, fifty-four convents of friars, twenty-six nunneries, eighteen Oratories, and Six Schools. In these churches are the bodies of fifty Saints, one hundred and forty-three pair of organs,” &c. Speaking of the church of Santa-Croce, at Florence, he observes:–" The making of an organ in this church, besides the materials, cost four thousand crowns.” -- William Carr, “gentleman, late consul for the English nation in Amsterdam,” in his Remarks of the Government of severall parts of Germanie, &c., 12mo, 1688, makes mention of several interesting THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 79 particulars concerning organs. In allusion to the city of Amsterdam he says:— “I will not say much of her churches, but only that they are in general large and well built. In one of them the States have spared no cost to exceed the whole world in three things (viz.), an organ with sets of pipes that counterfeit a chorus of voyces; it hath 52 whole stops, besides halfe stops, and hath two rowes of keyes for the feet, and three rowes of keyes for the hands. I have had people of quality to heare it play, who could not believe but that there were men or women above singing in the organ, until they were convinced by going up into the organ roome,” &c. At Hamburg, the same writer tells us — “The churches are rich in revenues and ornaments, as images and Stately organs, wherein they much delight. They are great lovers of musick; in So much that I have told 75 masters of severall sorts of musick in one church, besides those who were in the organ-gallery. Their organs are extraordinarely large. I measured the great pipes in the organs of St. Catherine and St. James's Churches, and found them to be 3 foot and 3 quarters in circumference, and 32 foot long ; in each of which organs there are two pipes, 5 foot and 8 inches round.” - At Haerlem, we are told — “Here is one of the fairest and largest churches of the 17 provinces ; in the walls whereof there remain to this day Sticking, Canon bullets, shot by the Spaniards during the siege thereof. In this church are three organs.” 24. The Ancient Position of the Organ. Though it is not in the province of this work to enter upon the subject of the ecclesiastical fitting-up of the chancel or choir, it will not be out of place to Say a word or two as regards the ancient position of the organ.* In the mediaeval ages this instrument was placed on one side of the choir; a position which seems to have been almost universal throughout Europe. Gervase, the monk of Canterbury, whose curious account of the burning of that Cathedral, in 1174, has descended to our times, f informs us that the Organ stood upon the vault of the south transept. After the re-building of the Cathedral, the instrument * It will be right to mention that a pamphlet appeared, some few years back, entitled Choirs and Organs : their proper Position in Churches ; by William Spark, Organist and Choir Master, Leeds. The brochure is merely an expression of the writer's opinion on the subject. He concludes “that, as historical data do not furnish any uniform rule for our guidance in the locating organs and choirs,” we are justified in placing them just where we please. A f Dart's Canterbury Cathedral, p. 7; and the Gentleman's Magazine for 1772. 8O THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. was placed upon a large corbel of stone, over the arch of St. Michael's Chapel, in the same transept.” In Dart's view the organ is shown on the north side of the choir, between the pillars three and four ; where it still remained in the time of Dr. Burney, -- The organ in the old Cathedral of St. Paul was placed under one of the north pier arches of the choir, just above the stalls ; having a choir organ in the front, and shutters to close in the great organ. The case was Gothic, with a crocketted gable. It occupied the same place during the Protectorate, and was destroyed in the Great Fire of I666. .. The organ of Westminster Abbey, upon which Purcell played, stood on the “north side of the choir,” over the stalls; and seems, from the view of it in Sandford's Coronation of James II, to have been a small instrument with diapered pipes.: At York, the Cathedral organ, built by Robert Dallam, in 1632 (before mentioned), was, by the express command of Charles the First, placed on the “north side of the choir,” nearly opposite the bishop's throne. The reason given by the king was, that (placed on the screen which divides the choir from the nave) the organ was an impediment in viewing the interior of the church. King Charles's judicious decision was put aside in the year 1690, when Archbishop Lamplugh ordered the instrument to be removed to the stone screen. § The organ of Winchester Cathedral, erected at the Reformation, was placed upon the screen between the nave and choir. It was removed, by the order of Charles the First, to the “north side of the choir." “At Chester Cathedral,” says Burney, “the small primitive organ is still standing on the left side of the choir, though that which is now used is at the west end.”. * * A representation of this corbel, with the organ as it then stood, over the screen, may be seen in Britton's Canterbury Cathedral, pl. iv. The corbel has since been removed. † See an engraving of the choir, showing the organ, in Dugdale's St. Paul’s. † It would be interesting to know what became of this organ, hallowed by the fingers of Purcell. One account is that, when it was removed from the Abbey, in 1730 (the date of the present instrument), it was given or sold to the parish of St. Margaret's, Westminster; and the remains of it, after lying for many years in the tower, were disposed of by the churchwardens, some thirty or forty years ago. Another account is that it was removed to Vauxhall Gardens, and was, in fact, the instrument in the orchestra of the Royal gardens at the time of their destruction. § Crosse's Account of the York Musical Festival in 1825. | Milner's History of Winchester Cathedral, * History of Music, vol. iii., p. 440, THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. t 8 I The Old Organ of Rochester Cathedral is said to have originally stood in the north transept.” Fisher, in his History of Rochester, 1772, p. 67, Says —“Over the entrance to the choir is an ancient organ, which Browne Willis, when he surveyed the Cathedral, termed ‘a sightly organ ; but it now gives both the visible and audible indications of its great age. By the best information I can procure, it was erected very early in the last [the 17th] century, and so long since as 1668 it was styled “an old instrument,’ and one hundred and sixty pounds were then paid for its repair and a new ‘chair' organ.” It was removed in 1791 to give place to the instrument by Green. In the interior view of Lincoln Cathedral, in Dugdale's Monasticom, the organ is shown on the north side of the choir, above the stalls; a Copy of which is here given. ºtºlºgº ºn tºº tº ºr (Nº. ######| # # | ſ iii. |In º j|| | # ſºlºiſſºlº In Durham Cathedral the “large organ,” erected at the Reforma- tion, occupied a place on the north side of the choir; and it is so depicted in Hollar's rare engraving of the interior of this Cathedral. . Previously to the year I 550 the “great organ ” of the Cathedral of Worcester stood at the side of the choir; and such undoubtedly was the situation of other Cathedral organs, of which I have not succeeded in finding a record. * MS. Archives of Rochester, ºf MS, Archives of Worcester. G 82 TIIE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. The practice of placing the organ on one side of the choir existed also in our College chapels. At New College, Oxford, the organ given by William Port, in 1458, stood at the stall end of the “north side of the choir,” near the vestry, supported by pillars.” This instrument was destroyed by the rebels in 1646. The present organ (improved by Green) was erected by Robert Dallam, in 1663; but the beautiful screen upon which it is placed (without any design of supporting the organ) was constructed in 1636.f Previously to the year 1740 the organ of Magdalen College, Oxford, stood on the “south side of the choir.”: The organ of St. John's College, in the same university, built in 1660, was placed in a little ante-chapel “on the north side of the choir.”$ It was in that situation in 1768, when Byfield erected an organ on the present Screen. * Quaint old Thomas Fuller, speaking of the Cambridge Colleges, under the date 1633, adds –“ Now began the University to be much beautified in buildings; every college either casting its skin with the snake, or renewing it with the eagle. . . . But the greatest alteration was in their chapels, most of them being graced with the accession of organs." The organ of Christ's College still remains on the south side of the choir ; and tradition assigns similar situations for the instruments of King's College, St. John's College, &c. The same position, “at the side of the choir,” is still retained in Winchester College ; the Royal Chapels at St. James's and Hampton Court; and within memory it was so in Christ Church, Dublin." Mr. W. B. Gilbert, in his paper On the Musical Associations of Boston Church, Lincolnshire (printed in the Choir, viii. 68), speaking of the organ presented to Croyland Abbey by Abbot Lyllyngton, who died in 1476, says — “This instrument, which was described as the ‘Great Organ,’ was placed at the west entrance of the Abbey Church ; a smaller one was situated in the choir, which latter organ was carried on the shoulders of two porters, who conveyed * MS. Archives of New College. + Warton's Zife of Sir 7. Pope, p. 344. £ MS. Archives of Magdalen College. § Warton's Zife of Sir T. Pope, p. 344. | Fuller's History of the University of Cambridge, ſolio, 1655. - "I The Rev. John Jebb On the Choral Service of the Church, p. 197. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 83 it from London to Croyland. The only other instance in this country of an ancient organ being placed over the west entrance is that of Beauchamp Chapel, at Warwick ; and the contract—A.D. 1440—for that beautiful building expressly mentions “an organ-loft ordained to stand over the west door of the chappel.’” The writer adds:–“We commend these two instances to musical antiquarians, some of whom have declared that organs were not placed at the west end of Our churches before the Reformation.” - A correspondent in the same volume of the Choir (p. IOO) very aptly comments upon this statement in the following words — “Instead of this, I think his [Mr. Gilbert's] remarks only more strongly confirm the position of those who hold such an opinion, inasmuch as he himself admits that these two churches were the only erceptions in this country to the ordinary rule; and Surely that rule may fairly be taken as virtually universal when it had so small a number of exceptions.” As regards parish churches, the common situation for the organ, both before and after the Reformation, was in the chancel.” Adam de Shakelsthorpe, by will, dated I376, gave his organ, “then standing in Cawston Chancel,” to Hickling Priory, Norfolk.f And, at a later date, George Preston, Esq., repaired the chancel of Coutmel Church, Westmoreland, “at his own great cost,” in the year 1590, “and placed therein a paire of organs of great valewe.” The author of the Oxford Glossary of Architecture, edit, I840, thus speaks of the ancient position of the Organ — “The large instruments now in use were not put up in their present conspicuous situation in the place of the ancient rood-loft, until after the Reformation. On the Continent they were also introduced in the course of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; but were usually placed at the west end of the church. In this country, previously to the Reformation, the organ was frequently placed on the north side of the choir, or in the north transept.” From the instances I have quoted it will be seen that, in England, the present usual position of the organ over the choir screen does not appear to have been general till the Restoration. * Of course other positions were occasionally adopted. In the old church books of Sandwich, Kent, we have the following entry —“I473. For an orgayn boke for the organys in the Roode loft.” In Neale's Views of the Churches of Great Britain (vol. ii.), there is an extract from a MS. account of Melford Church, in Suffolk, written about the time of the Reformation, in which the following notice occurs —“There was a fair Rood Loft with the Rood, Mary and John, of every side, and with a fair pair of Organs standing thereby.” In Britton's Arch. Antiq. (vol. iv.) the agreement for building the Beauchamp Chapel at Warwick, in the fifteenth century, is quoted ; where the carpenter covenants to make a parclose of timber about an organ to stand over the west door of the chapel. See Jebb On the Choral Service, p. 197, 770te. + Blomefield's History of Norfolk, edit. 1805, vol. vi., p. 263. 84 TIIE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. On the Continent the large organs are generally placed in “lofts;” some at the west end, some over the doors, and very often against one of the piers. I particularise large organs, because it is a rare thing to find a church on the Continent, of any pretensions, without its two, three, four, and Sometimes sit Organs. - The Duomo at Milan has two large organs, one on each side of the choir; so has also the Duomo at Verona, the Duomo at Cremona, the Chiesa del Carmine at Padua, and the Duomo at Lodi. The church of St. John in Monte, at Bologna, has two “immense" organs in similar situations. The church of St. Dominico, at Bologna, has two organs in the choir, and two more in the north transept. At Florence the two organs are placed in the north-east and South-east parts of the Octagon. The church of San Antonio, at Padua, has four large organs. At the entrance into the choir the majestic appearance of these instruments is very striking. The front pipes are of tin, highly polished, and have the appearance of burnished silver. The framework is richly carved and gilt; there are no panels to the frames, but the pipes are seen on three sides of a square.” These four organs exactly correspond in internal as well as external arrangement. The church of St. Mark, at Venice, possesses sit organs: two very large ones, and four Small portable instruments used in the various chapels. The only organs in St. Peter's, at Rome, were (and perhaps still are) three moveable ones on wheels, in the side chapels, and one fixed, of a larger size. The distance between the west door and the great altar is wholly a free and unbroken space. The church of St. Annunziata, at Florence, has an organ on each side of the nave. The Duomo at Genoa has an organ in each transept. The church of St. Bernardino, at Verona, has an organ with painted leaves, triptych-wise, bracketed out at the north-east of the nave. The church of St. Salvatore, at Venice, has an organ bracketed on the north wall of the north aisle. It has painted leaves like a triptych. The church of St. Francesco, at Perugia, has an organ at the * Burney's Present State of Music in France and /ſaly, p. 129, THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 85 south-east of the nave, matched by a sham one on the opposite side. The Chiesa del Carmine, at Florence, has a small organ at the east end, and a large one at the west end, the case of the latter being painted with the scene of St. Simon Stock receiving the scapulary from the Blessed Virgin. The church of Borgo St. Lorenzo, Perugia, has two organs in projecting galleries from the clerestory. The Duomo at Viterbo has an organ over the south transcpt arch.” At Ratisbon the organ is placed behind the high altar gll] arrangement totally unworthy of this magnificent structure. The organs at St. Pietro Patriarcale and St. Giorgio, Venice, are in similar situations. The organ of the Frauen Airc/e, or great Lutheran Church of Our Lady, at Dresden (one of the finest of old Silber- mann's), is also placed at the east end of the church, over the Communion table.” At Treves there is a small organ on the north side of the choir, and a larger one at the west end. The organ of the collegiate church of Notre Dame, at Courtray, is placed in a gallery at the west end of the building ; but, in order to preserve the window, which is necessary to light the body of the church, the Organ is divided in two parts, one of which is fixed on one side of the window, and one on the other. The bellows run under the window and communicate with both parts of the instrument. The keys are in the middle, under the window. The organ at the Jesuit's Church in Ghent is disposed in a similar way: in fact, it is no uncommon thing in the German and Flemish churches to divide the organ, in order to preserve a window.” The organ in the church of St. Bavon, Ghent, is placed under the arch of the left side aisle, at the entrance into the choir. * The last six notices are extracted from the Rev. Benjamin Webb's Sketches of Conſ:- 7ten/a/ Zaclesiology, London, 1848. ºf The organ is in a similar situation in the chapels of Versailles and the Tuileries; and in England, at Little Stanmore, near Edgware. The latter is very slightly raised above the communion table, and is viewed through an arch, Supported by Corinthian columns. † Burney’s Zºresent State of A/usic in Ger/fany, &c., p. 12. * § The fine church of St. Nicholas, at Prague, has an organ at the west end, arranged in this manner, The ſramework, pillars, base, and ornaments of this instrument are of white marble, '86 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN, At Nancy the organ is above the entrance to the nave, just over the porch, In the two Protestant churches of St. Sebald and St. Lawrence, at Nuremberg, the organ is in the gallery over the aisle, at the angle of the nave and transept, to the left of the entrance and opposite the preacher. -- The Cathedral of Antwerp contains three organs: one very large, on the right hand side, at the west end of the choir; and two small ones, in chapels on each side of the broad aisle. The Cathedral of St. Stephen, at Vienna, has five organs: a large one at the west end of the church, and four smaller ones in various chapels. The Cathedral of Prague has three organs: the large organ, at the west end of the church, is only used on the great festivals of the year; the two smaller organs are used alternately on Common days. At Strasburg the magnificent organ of Silbermann's is over the second arch of the nave, to the left as you enter, about fifty feet above the pavement. It is supported by an enormous bracket, and is gilt and ornamented with figures playing on musical instruments, and otherwise much enriched. It rises to the roof of the Cathedral, and completely blocks up the clerestory window above the arch.” At Freiburg in Bresgau (on the borders of the Black Forest) the organ is placed like that at Strasburg, but above the third arch of the nave. It is richly decorated and gilt with sculptured figures. The organ at Amiens Cathedral (perhaps the oldest in France) was built, in 1492, at the expense of Alphonso de Myhre, one of the * “A word now about the great organ. If Strasbourg has been famous for architects, masons, bell-founders, and clock-makers, it has not been less so for organ-builders. As early as the end of the thirteenth century there were several organs in the Cathedral, very curious in their structure, and very Sonorous in their notes. The present great organ, on the left side of the nave, on entering at the western door, was built by Silbermann, about a century ago, and is placed about fifty feet above the pavement. It has six bellowses, each bellows being twelve feet long and six wide; but they are made to act by a very simple and sure process. The tone is tremendous—when all the stops are pulled out—as I once heard it, during the performance of a particularly grand chorus ! Yet is this tone mellow and pleasing at the same time. Notwithstanding the organ could be hardly less than three hun- dred feet distant from the musicians in the choir, it sent forth sounds so powerful and grand, as almost to overwhelm the human voice with the accompaniments of trombones and serpents. Perhaps you will not be astonished at this, when I inform you that it contains not fewer than two thousand two hundred and forty-two pipes. This is not the first time you have heard me commend the organs upon the Continent.”—Dr. Dibdin's Zour in France and Germany, 2nd edit., Vol. ii., p. 392. THE HISTORY OF 'TIII, ORGAN. 87 chamberlains to Charles the Sixth. It is placed over the entrance to the nave, at the western extremity, thus allowing the eye to embrace the whole structure at one view. At Chartres Cathedral the organ is placed over the sixth arch of the nave on the southern side, and at the height of the triforium, or gallery, which is continued all round the church. This organ was built in 1513, and was originally placed over the great western doorway. In the church of St. Roch, at Paris, there are four Organs; but Že Organ of the church stands over the west door. 25. The Curiosities of Organ-Building. Foremost among the instruments demanding a place in this Category are the organs of the Byzantine Emperor, Theophilus, who reigned from 829 to 841. This renowned patron of poetry and music is said to have had “two great gilded organs, embellished with precious stones and golden trees, on which a variety of little birds sat and Sung, the wind being conveyed to them by concealed tubes.” Praetorius tell us that a certain Duke of Mantua received from a Neapolitan artist an organ of which the keys, pipes, key-board, nay, even the outside of the bellows, were of alabaster. Dr. Powell, in his curious volume, Humane /ndustry, or a History of the Manual Arts, 12mo, 1661, alludes to this organ in the following passage, which also makes mention of some other “curiosities of organ-building” – “A Neapolitan artisan made a pair of organs all of alabaster Stone, pipes, keys, and jacks, with a loud lusty sound, which he afterwards bestowed upon the Duke of Mantua, and which Leander Alberti saw in the said duke's Court, as he relates in his description of Tuscany. The same Leander saw a pair of organs at Venice made all of glass, that made a delectable sound. This is mentioned also by Mr. Morison, in his 77 ave/s. . . . . Gaudentino Merula, in his 5th book De Mºrači/ºt/s Mundi, makes mention of an organ in the church of St. Ambrose in Milan, whereof the pipes were some of wood, some of brass, and some of white lead : which, being played upon, did express the sound of cornets, flutes, drums, and trumpets, with admirable variety and concord.” Ertel, who, in his celebrated Atlas, describes the treasures of the Bavarian Electorate Court Chapel, relates that the organ was of ebony, and ornamented with many precious stones; the key-board 88 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. “glittered with pearls,” and the bellows were “covered over with silver.” And we are told that in the convent of the ESCurial, near Madrid, are eight organs, one of which is of solid silver.” The author of a rare volume, published at Bologna in 1590, under the title of // Desiderio, mentions some curious musical instruments that he saw in the palace of the Duke of Ferrari. He says some were preserved there for the sake of their antiquity, and others in respect of the singularity of their construction. Among these, he takes notice of a curious organ formed to the resemblance of a screw, with pipes of box-wood all of one piece like a flute ; and a harpsichord, invented by Don Nicola Vincentino, surnamed Arcimusico, comprehending in the division of it the three harmonic genera. He adds that the mul- titude of chords in this astonishing instrument rendered it very difficult to tune, and more so to play; and that, for this latter reason, the most skilful performers would seldom care to meddle with it : nevertheless, he adds that Luzzasco, the chief organist of his Highness, who, it is supposed, must have understood and been familiar with the instrument, was able to play on it with wonderful skill. He says that this instrument, by way of pre-eminence, was called the Archicembalo ; and that after the model of it two organs were built; the one at Rome, by order of the Cardinal of Ferrara; and the other at Milan, under the direction of the inventor. Don Nicola is reported to have died of the plague, in or about the year I 575, Soon after the latter instrument was finished. Father Bonanni, in his singular collection of engravings of musical instruments, entitled Gaffiziełło A7://lozzico, 4to, Rome, 1722, gives a representation of a curious organ, fabricated by Michele Todino, of Savoy, for Signor Verospi, of Rome. It seems to be an organ with three “Spinette’ attached to it; the description tells us that they may be used “separately,” or “all together.” The worthy priest calls it a “prodigious artifice ; ” but we question its claim to be anything more than a mere curiosity. Worthy Master Mace's “Chamber Organ,” made by himself, at his house in Cambridge, of which he gives an engraving in his Musicós * Amongst the odd materials used by the old builders for organ pipes, I may add to those mentioned in the text, paper, burnt clay, porcelain, &c. Those who are curious in such matters may consult Jacob Adlung’s Musica M/echanica Orgamoed, 4to, Berlin, 1768; Part I: sections 85, 86, and 87, - THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 89 Monument, folio, 1676, certainly comes under our notice in this place. His own account of the instrument is too quaint to be omitted — “Now as to the description of This Table Organ, I cannot more conveniently do it, than first, in giving you a view of it, by this figure here drawn, and then by telling you all the dimensions, and the whole order of it (I mean my Second, which is the Largest and the best), and take as here followeth. Two of such organs only (I believe) are but as yet in Being in the World ; They being of my own contrivance ; and which I caus’d to be made in my own House, and for my own Use, as to the maintaining of Publick Consorts, &c. “It is in its Bulk and Height of a very Convenient, Handsom, and Compleat Table Seize ; (which may Become and Adorn a Noble-Mans Dining Room) all of the Best sort of Wainscot. The Length of the leaf 7 foot and 5 Inches; the breadth 4 foot and 3 inches ; the Height 3 Foot, Inch, and Better. * “Beneath, the Leaf, quite Round, is Handsom Carv'd, and Cut-Work, about Io inches Deep, to let out the Sound : And beneath the Cut-Work Broad Pannels, so contriv'd, that they may be taken down at any time, for the amending such faults as may happen : with 2 shelv’d Cubbords at the end behind, to lock up your Musick Books, &c. The Leaf is to be taken in 2 pieces at any time for conveniency of Tuning, or the like, Neatly Joyn’d in the Midst. “The Keys, at the upper End, being of Ebony, and Ivory, all cover'd with a Slipping Clampe, (answerable at the other End of the Table) which is to take off at any time, when the Organ is to be us'd, and again put on, and Lock’d up ; SO that none can know it is an Organ by sight, but a Compleat New-Fashion’d Table. “The Leaf has in it 8 Desks, cut quite through very neatly (answerable to that Up-standing One, in the Figure) with Springs under the Edge of the Leaf, so contriv'd that they may Open and Shut at pleasure; which (when shut down) Joyn closely with the Table-Leaf; But (upon occasion) may be Opened and so set up (with a spring) in the manner of a Desk, as your Books may be set against Them. “Now the Intent of Those Desks, is of far more Excellent use, than for mere Desks; For without those Openings, your Organ would be but of very slender use, as to Consort, by Reason of the Closeness of the Leaf; but by the help of them, each Desk opened, is as the putting in of another quickning, or enliv'ning stop ; so that, when all the 8 Desks stand open, the Table is like a Little Church Organ, so sprightfully lusty, and strong, that it is too loud for any Ordinary private use ; but you may moderate that, by opening only so many of those Desks as you see fit for your present use. “There are in this Table Six Stops, the first is an Open Diapason ; the second a Principal, the third, a Fifteenth ; the fourth, a Twelfth ; the fifth, a Two-and- Twentieth ; and the sixth, a Regal. There is likewise (for pleasure and light content) a Hooboy Stop, which comes in at any time with the foot; which stop (together with the Regal) makes the Voice Humane. “The bellows is laid next the ground, and is made very large, and driven either by the foot of the player, or by a cord at the far end.” A passing notice of the grotesque decorations and machinery of old organ-cases is worthy of a Corner in our cabinet of “curiosities.” Seidel has a capital passage on this point. He says — “In the course of the seventeenth and early part of the eighteenth centuries great industry and expense were bestowed upon the external decoration of the organ, ÖO THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. The entire case was ornamented with statues, heads of angels, vases, foliage, and even figures of animals. Sometimes the front pipes were painted with grotesque figures, and the lips of the pipes made to resemble lion's jaws. This, perhaps, might have been tolerated, as in the course of time such artifices would naturally be rejected as useless and inappropriate. But people went further, and threw away the money which might have been expended in a worthier manner on the display of the most tasteless and absurd tricks of art, degrading thereby—doubtless unintentionally—a noble instrument, intended for sacred purposes, into a raree- Show. Among these ornaments the figures of angels played a very conspicuous part ; trumpets were placed in their hands, which by means of mechanism could be moved to and from the mouth.* Carillons, too, and kettle-drums, were per- formed upon by the moveable arms of angels. In the midst of this heavenly host Sometimes a gigantic angel would be exhibited hovering in a glory over the Organ, beating time with his bâton as the conductor of this super-earthly orchestra ! “Under such circumstances the firmament, of course, could not be dispensed with. So we had wandering Suns and moons, and jingling stars in motion. Even the animal kingdom was summoned to activity. Cuckoos, nightingales, and every species of bird, singing, or rather chirping, glorified the festival of holy Christmas, and announced to the assembled congregation the birth of the Redeemer. Eagles flapped their wings, or flew towards an artificial sun. The climax, however, of all these rarities was the ſoa-tail / It was intended to frighten away from the organ all such inquisitive persons who had no business near it. Thus, when they pulled out this draw-stop, Suddenly a large fox-tail flew into their faces ! It is clear that by such absurd practices curiosity was much rather excited than stopped, and that all this host of moving figures, and their ridiculous jingling, disturbed meditation, excited the curiosity of the congregation, and thus disparaged the sublimity of Divine service.” * These absurd doings were not peculiar to the Continent ; records of such practices (although not to the full extent) formerly existed in England. A correspondent of the Gentleman's Magazine, 1772, p. 562, who signs himself W. L. [William Ludlam], says: —“The old organ at Lynn, in Norfolk, had on it a figure of King David playing on the * I must confess that I do not admire the “loud, uplifted angel-trumpets” on the case of the Antwerp Cathedral organ one whit more than the Gorgons and Hydras on that of the Dominican Church in the same city. - ºf Seidel seems to have had in view the ludicrous outside of the organ in the Garrison Church, Berlin. Burney, in his entertaining Zour in Germany (p. IO4), describing his visit, says —“I ſound a large Organ in this church, built by Joachim Wagner ; it is remarkable for compass, having 50 keys in the manuals, and for its number of pipes, amounting to 3220 ; but still more so for the ornaments and machinery of the case, which are in the old Teutonic taste, and extremely curious. At each wing is a kettle drum, which is beat by an angel placed behind it, whose motion the organist regulates by a pedal; at the top of the pyramid, or middle column of pipes, there are two figures representing Fame, spreading their wings when the drums are beat, and raising them as high as the top of the pyramid ; each of these figures sounds a trumpet and then takes its flight. There are likewise two suns, which move to the sound of cymbals, and the wind obliges them to cross the clouds; during which time two eagles take their flight as naturally as if they were alive.” THE HISTORY OF THE Of GAN. 91 harp, cut in solid wood, larger than the life: likewise several moving figures which beat time, &c.” Dr. Donne, the eminent English satirist, alludes to these moving figures, evidently as no uncommon thing in his days. His words are —“As in Some organs, puppets dance above, and bellows pant below which them do move.” When these figures were abolished, the organ-builders (perhaps in compliance with an absurd canon) set up the royal arms on the front of the organ ; and in place of the angel beating time, or King David playing on the harp, we had the British lion, with goggle eyes and shaggy mane, grinning horribly. Let us rejoice that these abominations no longer exist in our own country. If they are still occasionally to be met with on the Continent, the increased feeling of true devotion will soon number them among the things that were. 26, 7%e Destruction of Organs in England during the Great - Rebellion. º An ordinance being passed in the House of Lords, dated January 4th, 1644, establishing a new form of divine worship, in which no music was allowed but plain psalm-singing, it was thought necessary, for the promotion of true religion, that no organs should be suffered to remain in the churches; that choral books should be torn ; painted glass windows broken ; Sepulchral brass inscriptions defaced ; and, in short, that the cathedral service should be totally abolished. In consequence of this ordinance collegiate and parochial churches * }ohn Donne, his Satires, Anno Domini, 1593. This curious work is preserved among the Harleian MSS. (No. 51 Io) in the British Museum. . f + There is great room for improvement in organ cases in England. We may walk many a weary mile without seeing a truly Catholic design. Mr. Faulkner published, in 1838, a volume of Designs for Organs ; but they are little more than an echo of what we see every day. Of a far different character are the designs of the late Mr. Pugin, appended to Mr. Sutton’s Short Account of Organs built in Avigiland, &c., 1847. : A copy of the ordinances preserved in the library of the London Institution has the following title —“Two ordinances of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the speedy demolishing of all organs, images, and all matters of Superstitious monuments in all Cathedralls, and Collegiate or Parish-churches and Chapels, throughout the Kingdom of England and the Dominion of Wales; the better to accomplish the blessed reformation so happily begun, and to remove all offences and things illegal in the worship of God. Dated May 9th, 1644.” 92 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. were stripped of their organs and ornaments: Some of the instruments were sold to private persons, who preserved them ; some were totally, and others but partially, destroyed ; some were taken away by the clergy in order to prevent their being destroyed, and some few were suffered to remain.” The puritanical spirit which doomed organs to destruction had long been gaining ground. Even as early as the reign of Elizabeth (Aug. 18, 1589), it was agreed at a parish meeting of St. Chad's, Shrewsbury, “that for the better providing and accomplishing the reparation of the bells, fencing the church-yard, and purchasing one decent and semely cuppe of silver for the use of the Communion, the organs should be sould to any of the parishe for the sum of £4, if any desyred the same : otherwise the said organs should presentlye bee sould to hym whosoever would give £4 or more for the same !” + Some idea of the devastation committed by the Puritans upon organs may be gathered by a few extracts from Mercurius Austic/s, the Country's Complaint recounting the sad Events of this Unparra/e/d IVa/7, I2mo, 1647: At Westminster, we are told, “the soldiers of Westborne and Caewoods' Companies were quartered in the Abbey Church, where they brake down the ray] about the Altar, and burnt it in the place where it stood : they brake downe the Organs, and pawned the pipes at severall ale-houses for pots of ale. They put on some of the Singing-men's Surplices, and, in Contempt of that canonicall habite, ran up and down the Church ; he that wore the surplice was the hare, the rest were the hounds.” At Exeter Cathedral “they brake downe the organs, and taking two or three hundred pipes with them in a most scorneful and contemptuous manner, went up and downe the streets piping with them ; and meeting with some of the Choristers of the Church, whose surplices they had stolne before, and imployed them to base servile offices, scoffingly told them, ‘Aoyes, we ſlave spoy/ed your trade, you must goe and sing ſlot * See an article on the Organ of St. Paul’s Cathedral, in the Æſiſsical Gazette, No. 1, Jan. 1819. ºf Two years before the passing of the ordinance just mentioned, a tract appeared, entitled The Organ's Funerall, or //ie Quirister's Lamentation for the Abolish/rent of Superstition and Superstițious Ceremonies. In a Dialogicall Discourse between a Quirister and an Organist, An. Dom., 1642. London, printed for George Kirby, 4to, † Edited by Dr. Bruno Ryves, an unflinching opponent of cant and hypocrisy. At the Restoration he was rewarded with the Deanery of Windsor. The Mercurius Rusticus was originally published in numbers. In its collected form it went through several editions, THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 93 pudding pyes.” At Peterborough Cathedral, after committing all kinds of destruction “when their unhallowed toylings had made them out of wind, they took breath afresh on two pair of organs.” At Canterbury “they violated the monuments of the dead, and spoyled the organs ;”f and, at Chichester Cathedral, “they leave the destructive and spoyling part to be finished by the common soldiers; brake down the organs, and, dashing the pipes with their pole-axes, scoffingly said, ‘Aſarée /low the organs goe.'” At Winchester “they entered the Church with colours flying, and drums beating: they rode up through the body of the Church and Quire, until they came to the altar, there they rudely pluck downe the table and brake the rayle, and afterwards carrying it to an ale-house, they set it on fire, and in that fire burnt the Books of Common Prayer, and all the Singing Books belonging to the Quire : they threw downe the organs, and break the Stories of the Old and New Testament, curiously cut out in carved work.” - Mr. W. B. Gilbert, in his recently published Memorials of the Collegiate Church of Maidstone, has the following interesting passage, which I quote at length — “The church still bears witness of the treatment received at this time. It seems pretty certain that up to 1642 the interior arrangement of the fabric had remained nearly the same as left during the reign of Edward IV., but now the * Gunton is more particular in his account of the devastations here —“The first that came was a foot regiment, under one Colonel Hubbard's command ; upon whose arrival some persons of the town, fearing what happened afterwards, desire the chief commander to take care the soldiers did no injury to the church ; this he promises to do, and gave order to have the church doors all locked up. Some two days afterwards comes a regiment of horse, under Colonel Cromwell, a name as fatal to minsters as it had been to monasteries before. The next day after their arrival, early in the morning, these break open the church doors, pull down the organs, of which there were two pair. The greater pair, that stood upon a high loft over the entrance into the choir, was thence thrown down upon the ground, and there stamped and trampled on, and broke in pieces, with Such a strange, furious, and frantick zeal, as cannot be well conceived, but by those that saw it.”—//istory of the Church of Peterborough, p. 333. Will modern writers tell us any more, after this, that “Cromwell himself was far/ial to the organ P” + In Culmer's Cathedral AVews from Canterbury, p. 19, we read —“The news was that the troopers fought with God Himself in the Cathedral Quire at Canterbury. But the truth is that on the 26th of August, I642, Some zealous troopers, aſter they had (by command) taken the powder and ammunition out of the malignant Cathedral, they fought, it seems, with the Cathedral goods; namely, altars, images, service-books, prick-song-books, surplice, and organs: for they hewed the altar rails all to pieces, and threw their altar over and over and over down the three altar steps, and leſt it lying with the heels upward : they slashed Some images, crucifixes, and prick-song-books, and one greasy service-book, and a ragged smoke of the whore of Rome, called a surplice, and began to play the tune of “Zealous Soldier’ on the organs or case of whistles, which never were in tune since,” 94 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. monumental brasses were torn up and destroyed, the sedilia damaged, and the painting over the first warden’s tomb much mutilated. There is no doubt as to the period of this mischief, the date, with some wretched initials, are miserably Scratched on the walls. About this time also the Organ disappeared ; and from a rare tract, entitled A ſerfect Diurnal of the several passages in our late journey Žužo Kent, /rom August 19th ſo Seftember 3rd, 7642, we have a description of what was achieved in Maidstone and its neighbourhood at this period. During the Divine service at Rochester Cathedral on St. Bartholomew’s Day, between the hours of nine and ten in the morning, a party of Soldiers entered the church, and marched up to the Lord’s Table ; but, finding that even this irreverence did not prevent the Service from proceeding, they came down to the congregation, who were then kneeling, and demanded why they knelt ; not receiving any answer they returned to the altar, and seizing the Lord’s Table, conveyed it to the middle of the choir ; they then tore down the communion rails, mutilated the altar steps, and gave the rabble, who had followed them, the pieces of the rails to burn, and ‘So left the organs to be plucked down till we come back again;' but it appears the Rochester people were a match for them, as the writer says, “before we came back they took them down themselves.’” “Leaving Rochester they marched on to Maidstone, where they were quartered that Thursday night, to the great terror of the inhabitants, who, notwithstanding that it was market day, closed all their shops. The town was completely at their mercy, and this seems by corroborative evidence to have been the identical day on which the church suffered so much by mutilation. “On the Friday they proceeded to Canterbury, where, as Dr. Pask, the sub- dean, tells us, the Soldiers entered the Cathedral at eight o'clock on the Saturday morning, overthrew the Lord’s Table, tore the velvet covering, defaced the screen, violated the monuments of the dead, spoiled the organs, broke down the rails and Seats, tore up the Surplices, gowns, and bestrewing the pavements with the torn leaves of the Bibles and Prayer-books. A figure of our Lord placed over the South gate was destroyed by forty shots being fired at it. “This amiable party then visited Faversham and other places, and returned to Maidstone on the evening of Thursday, and again quartered there, to the great indignation of Some of the inhabitants, whose rage at their doings knew no bounds, and they made the place so hot, that the fellows were glad to depart the next day; or, as the writer of the Diurnal says, “the town being troubled with malignant spirits, who burned so inwardly with malice and hatred, that they could no longer forbear ;’ and one Maidstonian, whose ire was raised, so disturbed the serenity of these fellows, that they carried him off as a prisoner, to be dealt with by the Parliament. “This curious tract is embellished with a clumsily-executed sketch of soldiers destroying the east end of a church. Two men are removing the Lord's Table, one is pulling down a cross, another with a hatchet is chopping away at the communion rails, whilst a fifth is hastening, armed with a chopper, to assist his Sacrilegious companions.” .* Sir William Dugdale, in his Short View of the Zate Troubles in England, folio 1681, says —“And when their whole (the Parlia- mentary) army, under the command of the Earl of Essex, came to Worcester, the first thing they there did was the profanation of the Cathedral; destroying the organ ; breaking in pieces divers beautiful windows,” &c, "THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 95 The sacrilegious profanation of Norwich Cathedral is graphically described in Bishop Hall's Hard Measure, 1647? – s “Lord, what work was here, what clattering of glasses, what beating down of walls, what tearing up of monuments, what pulling down of seats, what wresting out of irons and brass from the windows and graves, what defacing of arms, what demolishing of Curious Stone work, that had not any representation in the world, but only the cost of the founder, and skill of the mason ; what toting and piping upon the destroyed organ pipes, and what a hideous triumph on the market day before all the country, when, in a kind of sacrilegious and profane procession, all the organ pipes, vestments, both copes and surplices, together with the leaden cross which had been newly sawn down from over the green yard pulpit, and the service books and singing books that could be had, were carried to the fire in the public market place ; a lewd wretch walking before the train, in his cope, trailing in the dirt, with a Service-book in his hand, imitating, in an impious scorn, the tune, and usurping the words of the Litany, used formerly in the church ; near the public cross all these monuments of idolatry must be sacrificed to the fire, not without much Ostentation of a zealous joy in discharging ordnance to the cost of some who professed how much they had longed to see that day. Neither was it any news, upon the Guild day, to have the Cathedral, now open on all sides, to be filled with musketeers, waiting for the major's return, drinking and tobac- coming as freely as if it had turned ale-house.” At the Nunnery, at Little Gidding, in Huntingdonshire, the same feats were carried on. We are told that “Soon after Mr. Ferrar's death certain soldiers of the Parliament resolved to plunder the house at Gidding. The family, being informed of their hasty approach, thought it prudent to fly ; while these military zealots, in the rage of what they called reformation, ransacked both the church and the house; in doing which they expressed a particular spite against the Organ. This they broke in pieces, of which they made a large fire, and at it roasted several of Mr. Ferrar's sheep, which they had killed in his grounds. This done, they seized all the plate, furniture, and provision, which they could conveniently carry away. And in this general devas- tation perished the works which Mr. Ferrar had compiled for the use of his household, consisting chiefly of harmonics of the Old and New Testament.” + Similar examples of ignorant fanaticism might readily be adduced, but the passages cited are sufficient for my purpose. After the Parliamentary ordinance of 1644, and the zeal of the Sectarians in putting their orders into force, it is somewhat remark- able that any church Organs should have escaped demolition. But that Some instruments were suffered to remain we have accredited evidence. Among the number were those of St. Paul's, York, Durham, and Lincoln Cathedrals; St. John's and Magdalen Col- leges, Oxford ; Christ's College, Cambridge; and probably many * Dr. Joseph Hall was successively Bishop of Exeter and of Norwich. f See Izaak Walton's Zives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, &c., edit. 1845, note, p. 336, 96 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. Others.” That the organ of St. John's escaped destruction is the more extraordinary, as it had been erected under the patronage of Archbishop Laud, and as Cromwell's visitors had ordered Sir William Paddy's donation for founding the choral service in that chapel to be entirely applied to the augmentation of the president's salary. The popular account of the Organ of Magdalen College is, that during the Rebellion it was conveyed by order of Cromwell to Hampton Court, where it remained in the Great Gallery till the Restoration, when it was restored to the College.f The organ was still remaining in the College Chapel in 1654, when Evelyn, who was at Oxford in the July of that year, has this entry in his Diary – “Next we walked to Magdalen College, where we saw the library and chapel, which was likewise in pontifical order, the altar only, I think, turned tablewise ; and there was still ſhe double organ, which abominations (as now esteemed) were almost universally demolished ; Mr. Gibbon [Christopher Gibbons], that famous musician, giving us a taste of his skill and talents on that instrument.” This notice secned to refute the tradition that “in the Grand Rebellion, when the organ of Magdalen College, among others, was taken down, it was conveyed by order of Cromwell to Hampton Court, where it was placed in the great gallery.” I accordingly treated the story as apocryphal in the first edition of the present work. Recently, however, the matter has been set at rest by the discovery of a memorandum in the College books, to the effect that, in 1660, £16 IOS. was paid for the transportation of the organ from Hampton Court back to the College. It must, therefore, have been taken down and removed to Hampton Court between the years 1654 and 1660. There was, in all probability, Some amicable arrangement on the subject between Cromwell and the president and fellows. Nichols, in his History of Zeicesters/ire, tells us that Stamford Church is decorated with a handsome organ, that formerly belonged to the banqueting room, Whitehall, which by order of Cromwell was taken * The author of A Short Account of Organs built in England, &c., makes a startling assertion at the commencement of his first chapter:-‘‘During the rebellion all the Organs in England were destroyed by order of the Parliament, with all other church ſurniture, which was considered as appertaining to the Romish ritual.” ºf This anecdote may be traced to Warton (Observations on the Fairy Queen of Sſenser, Lond. I762, vol. ii., p. 236), who probably received his information from his father, a ſellow of Magdalen College. Gutch, Chalmers, Hawkins, Burney, and Ingram copy Warton. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 97 down and sold. It was intended, he says, to be placed in the chapel of Magdalen College, Oxford, but, being too small, was purchased by the Cave family. Dr. Bloxam suggests that it was offered in exchange for the Magdalen organ, which seems more than probable.” The devastation committed upon organs by those misguided ruffians, the soldiers and commanders of the Parliamentary army, was not easily remedied. It was not until Some time after the restoration of monarchy that these instruments could be reinstated. Pepys, that entertaining old gossip, has two or three interesting entries in his Z)iary bearing upon this point – “July 8, 1660. (Lord's day). To White-Hall Chapel, where I got in with ease, by going before the Lord Chancellor with Mr. Kipps. Here I heard very good musique, the first time that ever I remember to have heard the organs, and singing-men in Surplices, in my life.” - “April 5, 1667. To Hackney, where good neat's tongue, and things to eat and drink, and very merry, the weather being mighty pleasant ; and here I was told, that at their church they have a fair Žair of Organs, which play while the people sing, which I am mighty glad of, wishing the like at our church at London, and would give £50 towards it.” “April 21, 1667. To Hackney Church, where very full, and found much difficulty to get pews, I offering the Sexton money, and he could not help me." º * That which I went chiefly to see was the young ladies of the schools, whereof there is great Store, very pretty ; and also the ozgan, which is handsome and tunes the psalms, and plays with the people ; which is mighty pretty, and makes me mighty earnest to have a pair at Our church ; I having almost a mind to give them a pair, if they would settle a maintenance on them for it.” The difficulty of procuring organs at this time seems to have been greater than that of finding either performers or music to perform. Dr. Burney says:– “After the suppression of Cathedral Service and prohibition of the Liturgy, Some of the ecclesiastical instruments had been Sold to private persons, and others but partially destroyed ; these, being produced, were hastily repaired, and erected for present use.t “A sufficient number of workmen for the immediate Supply of cathedrals and parish churches with organs not being found in our Own Country, it was thought expedient to invite foreign builders of known abilities to settle among us; and * See Dr. Bloxam's Aegisters of Magdalen College, Oxford, a work to which I have been frequently indebted in the composition of these pages. * It was not until the lapse of more than half a century after the Restoration that our parish churches began commonly to be supplied with organs. In 1708, when Hatton pub- lished his Mew Piew of Zondon, a very large number of our places of public worship were without them. To what an extent other English cities were deficient in this particular may be gathered from Drake, who, at p. 338 of his AEboraciſm, published in 1733, says:—“There is now only one parish church in the whole city of York that possesses an organ; and that came from the Popish chapel, the curators of which purchased it from Durham Cathedral.” H 98 TIII. HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. the premiums offered on this occasion brought over the two celebrated workmen, Smith and Harris.” - The establishment of these two eminent men in this country forms a new epoch in the history of organ-building. 27. Ætisting Old English Organs. With regard to English organs prior to the Rebellion, very few are in existence at the present time. An instrument, said to be “the first organ made in England,” may be seen at Ightam Moat-House, in Kent. Another instrument, called in Mr. Brady's catalogue “the second organ made in England,” is preserved at Knole House, in the same county. Similar organs may be found at Hatfield House, and at an old mansion—the reputed residence of Cardinal Wolsey—at Cheshunt. - The three last-named organs are small chamber instruments, with wooden pipes, probably a little anterior to the Restoration, but of no greater antiquity. The Ightam organ has been much spoken about of late, and the author of a lecture delivered before the Society of Arts quotes it as an instrument of extraordinary interest, and of a date perhaps earlier than f/e fourteenth century / This strange illusion, however, I am compelled to dispel; and I shall do so by the help of a note made some few years back by Mr. W. B. Gilbert, upon his inspection of the instrument in question. He says — “April 15, 1855.-Examined the remains of an old organ at the Moat-House, Ightam, Kent, which the guide told me was the first made in England. The wind- chest or sound-board had forty-eight Small grooves ; a portion of the bellows and one feeder left ; one solitary pipe made of Oak, open, and about tenor C pitch, but without a mouthpiece. The height of the instrument could not have been more than three feet, and the depth about eighteen inches. Attached to the grooves were a row of paper tubes (square), possibly used as conveyances. There were no slides or upper boards, nor anything like an “action ; ' neither were there any portions of case or manuals. Knowing several old organs well, especially those of Loosemore, at Exeter, it struck me, on a very close examination of the instrument, that it was either the remains of an old barrel Organ, or something of village manu- facture, certainly not dating beyond a century back / Had it been a curiosity in the last century, the historians of the county, especially Hasted, would have mentioned it.” - " - After this let us hear no more of the great antiquity and curiosity of the Ightam organ. - Other existing old organs are described in the course of the THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 99 preceding pages; it only remains to notice the Curious remains of an old organ still preserved at Old Radnor, in South Wales. My knowledge of this relic is due to the Rev. Mr. Sutton, who has published a very interesting volume on the subject.” The remains of the mediaeval organ at Old Radnor, South Wales, are interesting upon two grounds—Ist, architecturally, as regards the case, of which so few specimens exist; 2nd, musically, with reference to the construction of organs of an early period. The very existence of these remains seems to have been unknown to the most diligent antiquaries in such matters, and they appear to have been brought under the notice of Mr. Sutton by Sir Henry Dryden, a well-known lover of antiquities and architecture, and a gentleman particularly versed in organs and church music. - Very few organ cases anterior to the Restoration have been preserved. The case of the organ at King's College, Cambridge, is the original one erected by Chapman and Hartop, the joiners, in 1606, to contain Dallam's organ, before mentioned ; for, though the action and pipes of the organ appear to have been many times removed and renewed, there is every reason to believe that the existing case dates from 1606, and the choir organ from 1661. Mr. Sutton does not assign any precise period to the organ case of Old Radnor, nor does he give us any tradition, or any extract from old records concerning its erection ; he simply describes it as “mediaeval.” It seems to me more than probable that the case is not older than the end of the sixteenth century, or it may present details of different periods. The heavy horizontal beam that sup- ports the upper ornamental work can hardly belong to any good period of architectural ornamentation ; and the “napkin-pattern " panels are Surely not older than the Jacobean period. “The dimensions of the organ case,” which is of oak, and elaborately carved and panelled, Mr. Sutton describes as follows:– “Total height t & tº º & * I8 feet oinches. Width above wind-chest . & te & 9 4 Width below wind-chest 5 9 Height up to hang over . * * e 5 IO Height of cresting and pinnacle I 8 Depth of the organ 2 6 * Some Account of the Mediaeval Organ-case still existing at Old A'adnor ; with an Appendix, containing fifteen etchings illustrative of the construction of Gothic organs. By Frederick Heathcote Sutton, M.A., Vicar of Theddingworth. London: Hatchard & Co. ; Stamford : Langley, 1866, IOO THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. “The front is divided into five compartments, three of which are occupied by the larger pipes standing in projecting towers, while the intervening spaces are flat, and contain two tiers of Small pipes, each compartment being divided midway by a square panel of rich carved work. The rest of the case is almost entirely covered by napkin-pattern panels of the best description, and of very intricate design ; the whole composition being finished at the top of the organ with a deep bratishing of pinnacles and semicircles, upon which are seated grotesque animals. This cresting, though debased in style, compared with much of the detail in other parts of the case, has a very rich effect, and when painted and gilded, as no doubt it once was, must have looked extremely well.” To revert to the peculiarities of the mechanism—at least what remains of this old organ—Mr. Sutton Says — “In this instrument (as probably would be found the case in all mediaeval organs) there are several arrangements which it would be most undesirable to copy. The stops, for instance, appear at the east end of the organ, and seem to have been worked entirely by the blower, by means of iron levers about eighteen inches long. It is certainly difficult to conceive a stop sticking with such a tremendous power to act upon it. Still it is hardly to be expected that an organist, even for that great advantage, would resign all control over the instrument upon which he was expected to play, and be content only with the power of putting on an echo, or cornet, which seems, from a small aperture at the right hand of the player, to have been all that he could do in this instance. The Radnor organ is a Small instrument, and contained five stops. It seems, however, to have had, in addition, an echo, or, perhaps, only a cornet, placed beneath the key-board. How this was used it is impossible now to tell, as all signs of the manual, or manuals, have disappeared. Part of the wind-chest remains, and also remnants of the bellows are in existence.” With regard to the draw-stops, many of the old organs built after the Restoration, with choir organs in front, had the stops of that department in the choir organ itself, consequently behind the performer. Numerous instances could be pointed out if required. It would then appear that the stops were not changed during the performance of a piece: they were arranged before commencing, and so remained until the end. The echo organ and cornet stop, which the author Speaks of, were introductions into this country after the Restoration, and, consequently, if persisted in, would give a much later date for the erection of the Radnor organ than that contended for. “Below the key-board,” says Mr. Sutton, “the panels are plain, with the exception of the three central ones in the front; these are perforated with a number of openings of different forms. The centre panel, and that on the right hand, have very elegant openings of Gothic tracery, the larger ones being formed of double triangles interlaced. These were no doubt intended to let out the sound of the echo organ.” Surely it could not have been the intention of our old THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN, IOI builders to ſet out the sounds of the echo organ, but rather to stifle them, or keep them in. But, as we have already said, the echo organ was unknown before the Restoration. Probably the “perforations” spoken of referred to a choir organ ; at any rate it is a much more likely solution of the difficulty. t The public is much indebted to Mr. Sutton for his handsome volume and its accompanying etchings. Great interest attaches to the subject of organs at the present time, and anything that throws light upon the practice of our old builders is sure to be received with a hearty welcome. The appendix, illustrative of the construction of Gothic organ cases, is an important feature of Mr. Sutton's volume, and one calculated to do good, by calling attention to this most important branch of architectural art. fourti) (Epoci). THE FOUNDERS OF MODERN ORGAN-BUILDING. 28. Bernard Sc//midt, AE/zoºm, as Faż/her S//aitſ. tº ERNARD SCHMIDT, as the Germans write the name, brought over §§§ with him from Germany, of which country he was a native, two nephews, Gerard and Bernard, his assistants; and to distinguish him from these, as well as to express the reverence due to his, abilities, which placed him at the head of his profession, he was called Father Smith. The first organ he engaged to build for this country was for the Royal Chapel at Whitehall, which, being hastily put together, did not quite fulfil the expectations of those who were able to judge of its excellence. An organ is so operose, complicated, and comprehensive a piece of mechanism, that to render it complete in tone, touch, variety, and power, exclusive of the external beauty and majesty of its form and appearance, is perhaps one of the greatest efforts of human ingenuity and contrivance. It was probably from some such early failure that this admirable workman determined never to engage to build an organ upon short notice, nor for such a price as would oblige him to deliver it in a state of less perfection than he wished. And I have been assured by Snetzler, and by the immediate descendants of those who have conversed with Father Smith, and seen him work, that he was so particularly careful in the choice of his wood, as never to use any that had the least knot or flaw in it; and so tender of his reputation, as never to waste his time in trying to mend a bad pipe, either of wood or metal, so that when he came to voice a pipe, if it had any radical defect, he instantly threw it away, and made another. This, in a great measure, accounts for the equality and sweetness of his stops, as well as the Soundness of his pipes to this day.”% Such is the brief and unsatisfactory account of this eminent artist handed down to us by Dr. Burney. We are not told the period of his birth or decease; the particular part of Germany from whence he came ; the builder or builders under whom he acquired the knowledge of his art, nor indeed any of those 1/linute facts which it is the business of a faithful biographer duly to chronicle. This is the more to be regretted, because both Burney and Hawkins lived with many who could easily have supplied information which at this period of time we look for in vain, * Burney's Iſistory of Al/usic, vol. iii., p. 436. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. IO3 In the middle of the seventeenth century Germany and Holland possessed many organ-builders whose fame had gone forth beyond their own countries: Christian Former, of Wettin (near Halle), Schnitker, of Hamburg, and Eugène Casperini, were foremost in the ranks ; and under the able tuition of one of these builders Smith most likely learnt his art. Tradition, indeed, points Out Christian Former as his master, and this seems to us more than probable.” - Father Smith was certainly in this country in the year of the restoration of King Charles the Second ; and his first organ, that of the Royal Chapel at Whitehall, was built before the 8th of July, 1660. Pepys alludes to it in the extract from his Diary, quoted On a previous page. Before the close of the same year Smith had erected an Organ in Westminster Abbey. The old gossip Pepys, whose Diary is so full of valuable information, thus alludes to it under the date of December 30th, 1666 –“Lord's Day. I to the Abbey, and walked there, seeing the great confusion of people that came there to hear the organs.” - In 1671 Smith built a new organ for the parish church of St. Giles's-in-the-Fields; and in 1675 he erected an instrument in the church of St. Margaret's, Westminster. On the 5th of April, in the following year, he was elected “organist" of the same church.t Smith was now rapidly acquiring fame, and high in the favour of the King, who appointed him his “organ-maker in ordinary,” and allotted him apartments in Whitehall, called, in the old plan, “The Organ-builder's Workhouse.”: He had, however, to contend with * There is a curious note in Warburton's History of Dublin, 1818, vol. 1, p. 483; but the dates will not reconcile it with the subject of our memoir. Speaking of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin, the writer adds:– “The organ is said to have been the gift of the Duke of Ormond ; it was the work of Smith the Father, of Rotterdam, and intended for a church in Vigo, in Spain, where, however, it never was erected : when the Duke assisted in the attack made by the combined fleets of England and Holland on the ships in the harbour of that town in 1702, it had not been landed from the vessel which conveyed it from Rotterdam, and, of course, ſell into the hands of the assailants.” - The Cathedral Church of St. Camice, Kilkenny, is said to contain an ancient organ from St. Vigo, in Spain, from whence it was removed by Sir Francis Drake, when he plundered that town in 1587 | Both stories partake of the marvellous, and seem to point to the same blundering origin. - + By an order of August 7, 1676, his salary was fixed at £20 a year. His predecessors in the same office were John Egglestone, John Parsons, and John Hilton. See the Rev. M. Walcott's Memorials of Westminster, p. 128. i: //id. IO4. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. a formidable rival in Renatus Harris, who arrived in this Country from France shortly after Smith came from Germany. We now turn again to the pages of Burney's History for his account of the famous contention between these two rival builders concerning the Temple organ — “About the latter end of King Charles the Second's reign, the Master of the Temple and the Benchers, being determined to have as complete an organ erected in their church as possible, received proposals from both these eminent artists (i.e., Smith and Harris), backed by the recommendation of such an equal number of powerful friends and celebrated organists that they were unable to determine among themselves which to employ. They therefore told the candidates, if each of them would erect an organ, in different parts of the church, they would retain that which, in the greatest number of excellences, should be allowed to deserve the preference. Smith and Harris agreeing to this proposal, in about eight or nine months each had, with the utmost exertion of his abilities, an instrument ready for trial. Dr. Tudway, living at that time, the intimate acquaintance of both, says that Dr. Blow and Purcell, then in their prime, performed on Father Smith’s organ, on appointed days, and displayed its excellence ; and, till the other was heard, every one believed that this must be chosen. “Harris employed M. Lully,” organist to Queen Catherine, a very eminent master, to touch his organ, which brought it into favour ; and thus they continued vieing with each other for near a twelvemonth. “At length Harris challenged Father Smith to make additional reed-stops in a given time; these were the vox-humana, Cremorne, the double Courtel, or doubl bassoon, and Some others. “The stops which were newly invented, or at least new to English ears, gave great delight to the crowds who attended the trials; and the imitations were SO exact and pleasing on both sides that it was difficult to determine who had best succeeded. At length the decision was left to Lord Chief Justice Jefferies, after- wards King Charles the Second’s pliant chancellor, who was of that Society, and he terminated the controversy in favour of Father Smith ; so that Harris's organ was taken away without loss of reputation, having So long pleased and puzzled better judges than Jefferies.t * This should be Baptist Draghi, organist to Queen Catherine, at Somerset House. See the curious anecdotes of him and M. Locke in the Hon. Roger North's Memoirs of Music, first printed from the original MS. by the present writer. Dr. Tudway (from whom Burney derived this account) wrote Baptist, which Burney interpreted to mean Baptist Lulli; hence the mistake, which has been repeated ad infini/um by writers who ought to have known better. + “The efforts of Smith and Harris were brought into, and heard by, an open court, sup- ported by counsel, who exerted their best abilities in their defence, had a respectable variety of jurors, and Judge Jeſſeries gave sentence, which was in Smith's favour. In other words the organ made by Harris was placed on one side of the church, and that of Smith on the other; the former played by Draghi, the latter by Dr. Blow and Mr. Purcell. Near a year elapsed before the contention ceased, and Jeſſeries made his fiat,”—Malcolm's Zondinum A'edivival/l, vol. iii., p. 106. Jefferies’ conduct seems to have been somewhat misrepresented in this affair. It has been suggested by a learned Templar that this ſamous contest was decided by vote. Jefferies hap- pened to be “of the house,” and it fell to his lot to give the casting one. Surely he is entitled to no obloquy on this account Jefferies had much to answer for ; but there is no evidence of ‘bribery and corruption ” in the present case. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. IO5 “The Hon. Roger North, who was in London at the time of the contention at the Temple Church, says, in his Memoirs of Music, that the competition between Father Smith and Harris, the two best artists in Europe, was carried on with such violence by the friends of both sides, that they “were just not ruined.’ Indeed, old Roseingrave assured me that the partizans for each candidate, in the fury of their zeal, proceeded to the most mischievous and unwarrantable acts of hostilities; and that, in the night preceding the last trial of the reed-stops, the friends of Harris cut the bellows of Smith's organ in such a manner that when the time came for playing upon it no wind could be conveyed into the wind-chest.” " The origin of the quarrel between this old worthy and Renatus Harris arose, probably, through the famous contest, or “battle of the organs,” as it was termed, at the Temple Church, in which, as is well-known, the former gained the day. That a bitter enmity afterwards existed between these two builders we may infer from the documents about to be produced. But first, of the circumstances connected with the dispute concerning the Temple organ. When engaged in collecting materials for my notice of Father Smith in the first edition of this work, I was very desirous of obtaining some authentic particulars Concerning this memorable dispute from the Books of the Societies of the Temple; but, after several interviews with the Treasurer and other authorities, I was told that nothing could be discovered among the records: the matter was evidently of too trivial a nature to induce the slightest interest or research. This is now the less to be regretted, since a gentleman connected with the Temple, Edmond Macrory, Esq., M.A., has succeeded in bringing to light the documents that I was in search of, and has given them to the world in a charming little Örochure, entitled A Few Moſes on the 7 emple Organ. From the new information furnished by these discoveries I avail myself of the following particulars. In the latter part of the year 1682, the Treasurers of the Societies of the Temple had some conversation with Smith respecting the erection of an organ in their church. Subsequently Harris, who had some warm supporters among the Benchers of the Inner Temple, was introduced to their notice, and both these eminent artists were * Burney's History of A/usic, vol. iii., p. 437. The substance of this account is derived from a letter written by Dr, Tudway to his son, and preserved in the Harleian Collection of MSS. - - ºf First printed (anonymously) “at the private press of Duncairn,” 1859; and afterwards, with fresh documentary matter, by Bell & Daldy, 1861. Both editions are charming little quartos of true Roxburghe-like appearance, - IO6 THE IIISTORY OF THE ORGAN. backed by the recommendations of such an equal number of powerful friends and celebrated organists, that the benchers were unable to determine among themselves whom to employ. They therefore, as appears by an order in the Books of the Temple, dated February, I682, proposed that, “If each of these excellent artists would set up an organ in one of the Halls belonging to either of the Societies, they would have erected in their Church that which, in the greatest number of excellences, deserved the preference.” Smith believing that he had received the order for the organ felt, of Course, much annoyed at the introduction of Harris on the Scene. He accordingly obtained from five of the tradesmen in the employment of the Temple a memorial or memorandum, which was presented to the Benchers of the Middle Temple, and is as follows:– “MEMORANDUM. That I, W* Cleare, of the Parish of the Savoy in ye Strand, Surveyor, togeather with divers other workmenn whose names are here- vnder also subscribed, was present and did heare Sº Francis Whitens, Knt., and then Treasurer of the Middel Tempell, London, and Sº Thomas Robinson, then also Treasurer of the Inner Tempell, both of them being in the Tempell Church together, in the month of September last, give full ordre and directions vnto Mr. Bernard Smith, the King's Organ Maker, to make an organ for the Tempell Church, and then also gave Ordres to the said Smith to take care of and give directions for the setting up of the Organ Loft in the Tempell Church as the said Smith should judg most convenient, and accordingly the said Smith did give directions how and in what manner the said Organ Loft should be made, and the same was made and sett vpp accordingly, and that then neither Reny Harris, nor any other person whatsoever, was ever mentioned to have any Ordres or Directions to make any Organ for the Tempell Church, or in the least mentioned to stand in competition with the said Smith for or about making of the same, and this wee, whose Names are herevnto subscribed, shall be at all times ready to attest vpon oath, when that there shall be occasion, as witness our hands this eighth day of May, In the year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Eighty and three.” “The above memorandum,” says Mr. Macrory, “ had not the effect which Smith desired, for a committee composed of Masters of the Bench of both Societies was appointed in May, 1683, to decide upon the instrument to be retained for the use of the Temple Church ; and in about a year or fourteen months after each competitor, with the utmost exertion of his abilities, had an instrument ready for the trial. When Harris had completed his instrument, he presented a petition to the benchers of the Inner Temple, stating that his organ was ready for trial, and praying that he might be permitted to set it up in the church on the south side of the communion table. An order was accordingly made by the Benchers, granting the permission he sought. This petition of Harris is dated the 26th May, 1684; and thereby the date of the completion of his instrument is established. It is almost certain that Smith's organ was ready previous to the above date, and that for some reason (possibly to avoid the necessity of re-voicing, if he should be the successful competitor), he had obtained leave to depart from the order of February, THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. Io? 1682, so far as to place his organ in the church, and this suggested to Harris the propriety of adopting the same expedient.” - - The reader is already aware how Dr. Blow, and the celebrated Henry Purcell, were engaged to exhibit the powers of Smith's organ upon appointed days; and how Harris employed Baptist Draghi, one of the Royal organists, for the same purpose. The circumstance of Harris's challenge to Smith to make certain additional stops is also well known and need not be dwelt upon here. The contention now became tedious and disagreeable, at least to the Benchers of the Middle Temple, who first made choice of Smith's organ, as appears by the following extract from the Books of that Society — “June 2, 1685. The Masters of the Bench at this Parliament taking into their Consideration the tedious Competicion betweene the two Organ-makers about their fitting an Organ to the Temple Church, and having in severall Termes and at severall Times compared both the Organs now standing in the said Church, as they have played severall Sundays one after the other, and as they have lately played the same Sunday together alternately at the same service. Now at the Suite of several Masters of the Barr and Students of this Society pressing to have a speedy Determination of the said Controversie ; and in Justice to the said Workmen as well as for the freeing themselves from any Complaints concerning the same, doe unanimously in full Parliam" resolve and declare the Organ in the said Church made by Bernard Smith to bee in their Judgments, both for sweetnes and fulnes of Sound (besides yº extraordinary Stopps, quarter Notes, and other Rarityes therein) beyond comparison preferrable before the other of the said Organs made by — Harris, and that the same is more ornamentall and substantiall, and bothe for Depthe of Sound and Strengthe fitter for the use of the said Church ; And therefore upon account of the Excellency and Perfection of the said Organ made by Smith, and for that hee was the Workeman first treated with and employed by the Tre” of both Societyes for the providing his Organ ; and for that the Organ made by the said Harris is discernably too low and too weak for the said Church, . their Mapp" see not any Cause of further Delay or need of any reference to Musicians or others to determine the difference ; But doe for their parts unani- mously make Choise of the said Organ made by Smith for the Use of these Societyes—and Mr. Tre” is desired to acquainte the Tre” and Masters of the Bench of the Inner Temple with this Declaration of their Judgments wºº all respect desiring their Concurrence herein.” So far so well, but the Benchers of the Inner Temple were not disposed to rest satisfied with the dictum of their brethren of the Middle Temple. Accordingly on the 22nd June, 1685, they made an order in which, after expressing their dissatisfaction that such a resolution and determination should be made by the Benchers of the Middle Temple, in a matter which equally con- IO8 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. x Cerned both houses, without a conference being first had with them, they declared “That it is high time, and appears to be absolutely necessary, that impartiall Judges (and such as are the best Judges of Musick) be forthwith nominated by both Houses, to determine the Controversie betweene the two Organ-makers, whose Instrument is the best, which this Society are ready to doe, and desire their Mastershippes of the Middle Temple to join with them therein, in order to the Speedy putting an end to so troublesome a Difference”— and appointed a committee, of five members of their body, with instructions that they, “ or any three of them, doe at a Conference deliver the answer above men- tioned, and they are hereby empowered to enter into a Treaty with a like number of the Masters of the Bench of the Middle Temple, in order to the speedy settling this Affair.” “The committee thus appointed,” says Mr. Macrory, “appear to have entered upon their duties immediately, and to have fully considered the subject of the organs, not only with respect to the appointment of ‘impartiall Judges, but also the respective prices and number of pipes in each instrument; for, two days afterwards, an answer was sent from the Middle Temple, from which the following extracts are taken º’:— “June 24th, 1685–The Masters of the Bench of the Middle Temple now say:- “I. That they cannot imagine how the Masters of the Inner Temple can pretend any ill Usage or Disrespect offered towards them, either tending to a Breach of Correspondence or Common Civility by the Act of Parliament of the Middle Temple, of the second of this Instant June, for that the Masters of the Middle Temple thereby only on their own parts, with the Concurrence of the Barristers and Students, declare their Judgments and Choise of Smith's organ (not imposing but requesting) the Concurrence of the Inner Temple therein with all respect. “2. As to the Matter of having the two Organs referred to the Judgment of impartiall Musicians, There yet appears not any Difference betweene the two Societyes concerning the same, the Masters of the Bench of the Inner Temple having not as yet in Parliament declared their Judgments and Choise of the other Organ, which if in their Judgments they shall think fit to doe, whereby a Difference shall appear betweene the two Societyes, then their said Mastershippes believe the Society of the Middle Temple will find some other expedient for the determination of the said difference. *s “3. As to the Price of the Organs, Smith the Organ-Maker absolutely refuseth to set any price upon his Organ, but offers to submit the same to the Judgment of the Treasurers of both Societyes, or to such Artists as they shall choose, which their Mastershippes cannot but think reasonable. “4. As to the Numbering the Organ Pipes and Stops, their Mastershippes think it below them to trouble themselves therein, because the Proposal can have no other ground than a Supposition of such Fraud in the Artist as is inconsistent with the Credit of his Profession.” These strange proceedings on the part of the Benchers of the two Temples do not reflect much credit upon the body. It were needless THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. IO9 to carry on further this account of their petty disputes to determine which was the best organ. “I have not,” says Mr. Macrory, “been able to find anything in the Books of either Society to corroborate this statement, derived by Burney from a letter written by Dr. Tudway to his son, and it is not probable, if the decision had been left to Jefferies, that there would not have been some record either of his appoint- ment, or of the decision. It is, however, certain that Jefferies was not ‘Lord Chief Justice’ at the time of the decision, as he became Lord Chancellor in 1685, and continued until 1690 in that office. It may be that the Middle Temple succeeded in their desire to have him decide ‘the matter in difference, or as suggested in a note to the above account in Dr. Rimbault's History of the Organ, p. IO4, ‘that the contest was decided by vote. Jefferies happened to be “ of the house,” and it fell to his lot to give the casting vote.” Many other writers have ascribed the decision to Jefferies, but I presume they all derived their information from the same Source as did Burney.” The exact date of the termination of this celebrated “battle of the organs” does not appear, but it may fairly be stated as being about the end of 1687, or beginning of 1688. The original deed of sale bears date the 21st June, 1688, and is still preserved in the Middle Temple. It reads as follows:– 21st June, 1688. “Mr. Bernard Smythe's Bargaine and Sale of ye Organ in ye Temple Church to both ye Societys of ye Temple. “Know all men by these presents, That I, Bernard Smyth, of London, Gent., for and in consideration of one thousand pounds of lawfull money of England to me paid (to wit) Five hundred pounds, parte thereof, by the Treasurer of the Society of the Middle Temple, London, and the other moiety by the Treasurer of the Society of the Inner Temple, London, for wºn I have given severall former acquittances, and in consideration of twenty shillings now paid to mee by the Hono” Roger North and Oliver Montague, Esq.", Benchers, and William Powlett, Esq.", now Treasurer of the sº society of the Middle Temple, and by S* Robert Sawyer, Knt., now Treasurer, and Charles Holloway, and Richard Edwards, Esq.", Benchers of s” Society of the Inner Temple, Have granted bargained and sold and doe hereby fully and absolutely grant bargaine and sell vinto the sº Roger North, Oliver Montague, and William Powlett, and the said Sr Robert Sawyer, Charles Holloway, and Richard Edwards, Esq.", all that organ which is now sett up and standing in the organ-loft in the Temple Church belonging to the said two Societyes; and all stops and pipes and other partes and appurtenances of the said organ, and particularly the stops and pipes in the Schedule hereunder written mencioned, and alsoe the curtaine rods and curtaines—and all other goods and chattles being in or belonging to the said organ and Organ-loft. To hold to the said Roger North, Oliver Montague, and William Powlett, and the said Sº Robert Sawyer, Charles Holloway, and Richard Edwards, Esq.", their Exec" and Adm". In trust for and to the use of both the said Societyes of the Middle and Inner Temples. In witness whereof I the said Bernard Smyth have in these Pºsents (a duplicate whereof I am to seale to the said Treasurer and I IO THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN, Benchers of the Society of the Inner Temple) have sett my hand and seale this one and twentieth day of June one thousand six hundred eighty eight.” “THE SCHEDULE. “GREAT ORGAN. pipes. . “ I. Prestand of Mettle . te º de * & & 6 I I 2 2. Holflute of Wood and Mettle . e. tº tº te 6I I 2 3. Principall of Mettle e e e gº * & 6I o6 4. Quinta of Mettle * > * e * * e * 6 I O4. 5. Super Octavo . * & e & g & * 6 I O3 6. Cornette of Mettle . * & g e * . I I 2 O2 7. Sesquialtera of Mettle . * e º e . I 83 O3 8. Gedackt of Wainescott . & e ſº * tº 6I O6 9. Mixture of Mettle . & & & * º . 226 O3 Io. Trumpett of Mettle . & & & º * & 61 I 2 948 “CHOIR ORGAN. II. Gedackt Wainescott . * tº § & e * 6I I 2 I2. Holfiute of Mettle . tº gº sº g & & 6I O6 13. A Sadt of Mettle # * & & & e º 61 O6 14. Spitts Flute of Mettle * t e & & & 6 I O3 15. A Violl and Violin of Mettle . & g e * 6I I 2 I6. Voice humane of Mettle . & & g & e 6I I 2 - 366 “ECCHOS. 17. Gedackt of Wood . * º & ſº tº tº 6 I O6 18. Super Octavo of Mettle . & * e e ſº 6I O3 19. Gedackt of Wood . tº º & * & * 2 2O. Flute of Mettle . tº tº * g g # { } 29 21. Cornett of Mettle . * tº & & * & 87 22. Sesquialtera . g ſº & º º & . IO5 23. Trumpett . ſº º º g º g . . . 29 4OI “With 3 full setts of keys and quarter notes. “BER. SMITH (L. S.). “Sealed and delivered in the p"sence of Geo. Miniett, Tho. Griffin, Richard Cooke.” | Smith's next large organ was the noble instrument for Durham Cathedral, a copy of the agreement for which possesses many points of interest to the curious in such matters:– “A.D. 1683. “Articles of agreement covenanted, concluded, and agreed upon the eighteenth day of August in the five and thirtieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles the Second by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith. Between the Rt. Hon. John Sudbury, Doctor of Divinity, Dean, and the Chapter of Durham of the Cathedral Church of Christ THE IHISTORY OF THE ORGAN. I I I and blessed Mary the Virgin, of the one part, and Bernard Smith of the city of London, Organ-maker, of the other part as followeth. “Imprimis. It is agreed by and between the said parties and the said Bernard Smith for himself, his Executors, and administrators, doth hereby covenant, promise, and agree to and with the said Dean and Chapter and their successors by these presents that he the said Bernard Smith for and in consideration of the severall sums of money hereinafter mentioned shall and will before the first day of May which will be in the year of Our Lord One thousand six hundred and eighty five, at his own proper cost and charges make and fitt up in the Organ-loft of the said Cathedral Church of Durham, a good, perfect, laudable, and harmonious Great Organ and Choir Organ with a case of good sound and substantiall Oak wood, according to a draught or modell of an organ in parchment whereon or whereunto all the said partys have subscribed their names at or before the time of Sealing and delivering of these presents. - “Item it is agreed by and between the said partys that the said Bernard Smith shall make in the said organ these Seventeen stops, viz.':- “Two open diapasons of Metall containing one hundred and eight pipes. “A stop diapason of wood containing fifty four pipes. “A principal of Metall containing fifty four pipes. “A cornet of Metall containing nynety six pipes. “A quinta of Mittall containing fifty four pipes. “A super octave of Mitall containing fifty four pipes. “A Holfluit of wood containing fifty four pipes. “A Block flute of Mittall containing fifty four pipes. “A Small quint of Mittall containing fifty four pipes. “A Mixture of three ranks of pipes of Mittall containing one hundred and sixty two pipes. “A trumpett of Mittall containing fifty four pipes. “And in the Choir organ five stops, viz.:- - “A principal of Mittall in the front containing fifty four pipes. “A Stop diapason of wood containing fifty four pipes. “A voice Humand of Mittall containing fifty four pipes. “A holfluit of wood containing fifty four pipes. “And a super octave of Mittall containing fifty four pipes. “Item it is agreed by and between these parties that the said great Organ shall have a back front towards the body or west end of the Church which shall be in all things and respects like to the fore front both in pipes and carving. And all the pipes belonging to the two diapason Stops shall Speak at will in the said back front as in the fore. * “Item in consideration of which work by the said Bernard Smith to be done and formed in the manner and form aforesaid the said Dean and Chapter for themselves and their successors do Covenant and grant to and with the said Bernard Smith his Executors and administrators by these presents in manner and form following, that is to Say that the Said Dean and Chapter shall and will well and truly pay or cause to be payd unto the Said Bernard Smith, his executors 2 administrators, or assigns the Sum of Seven hundred pounds of good and lawful money of England at three several payments, that is to say two hundred thirty three pounds six shillings and eightpence thereof in hand at or before the sealing and delivering hereof the receipt whereof the said Bernard Smith doth hereby acknowledge and confess thereof and of every part and parcel thereof doth clearly acquit, exonerate, and discharge the said Dean and Chapter [blank in deed] by II 2 THE HISTORY () F THE ORGAN. these presents other two hundred thirty three pounds six shillings and eightpence thereof when the said whole organ or organs is or are brought into the said Cathedral Church and ready for fitting up, and other two hundred thirty three pounds six shillings and eightpence being the residue thereof and in full amount of the Said sum of seven hundred pounds when the whole organ is sitt up and in every respect finished according to the true intent and meaning of these articles. And further that the said Bernard Smith shall have and take to his own use, benefit, and charge, the old organ now belonging to the said Cathedral Church and all the Materialls thereunto belonging. Provided the said Bernard Smith shall not or do not remove, take nor carry away the Said old organ till the new organ be ready for fitting up as aforesaid. - “And lastly, whereas the pipes of the two fronts of the said great Organ and the front pipes of the said Choir Organ are to be painted and guilt according to the best way and mode of painting and guilding of Organs, at the proper cost and charges of the said Bernard Smith. It is hereby agreed, by and between the said parties, that if the said Bernard Smith do well and sufficiently perform all the aforesaid works, in making, finishing, and sitting up the said new organ, to the ample Satisfaction and content of the said Dean and Chapter; that the said Dean and Chapter shall pay, or cause to be payd unto the said Bernard Smith, his executors, administrators or assigns, the sum of fifty pounds, of good and lawfull money of England, and in full satisfaction for the painting and guilding the said organ. “In witness whereof to the one part of these articles remaining with the said Bernard Smith, the said Dean and Chapter have put this Chapter seal, and to the Other part remaining with the said Dean and Chapter, the said Bernard S//, hath put his hand and seal the day and year above written. “Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of “WILLIAM WILSON. “Jo, SIMPSON,”% In consequence of the reputation which Father Smith had acquired by these instruments, he was made choice of to build an organ for St. Paul's Cathedral, then in the course of erection. A place was accordingly fitted up for him, in the Cathedral, to do * In the year 1691 Smith made some additions to the organ, and the following is a copy of his receipt, preserved by the Dean and Chapter — “Received of John Rowell Twenty four pounds being the last payment and in full of Fifty pounds given to me by the Worsh' The Dean and Chapter of Durham for work done at yº organ. - “I say recºl “By me “I3ER : SMITII,” THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. II 3 the work in, but it was a long time before he could proceed with it, owing to a contention between Sir Christopher Wren and the Dean and Chapter. Sir Christopher Wren wished the organ to be placed on one side of the choir as it was in the old Cathedral, in order that the whole extent and beauty of the building might be seen at one view ; the Dean, on the contrary, wished to have it at the west end of the choir; and Sir Christopher, after using every effort and argument to gain his point, was at last obliged to yield. Smith, according to his instructions, began the organ ; and, when the pipes were finished, found that the case was not spacious enough to contain them all ; and Sir Christopher, tender of his architectural proportions, would not consent to let the case be enlarged to receive them, declaring the beauty of the building to be already spoilt by the d–d box of whistles. Three of the stops were in consequence obliged to be kept out—viz., a bassoon, a clarion, and another stop of minor consequence, which were kept in the Cathedral for several years after ; Smith hoping he might get them in at some future period ; but he died a few years before Sir Christopher Wren. After all this contention the architect, sorely against his will, was obliged to make an addition to the case. He not only had been niggardly in regard to the depth of it, where another foot would have been of no consequence whatever, but also in the height; for, when Smith came to put in the large open diapason pipes in the two side flats, they appeared through the top nearly a foot in length, and spoiled the appearance entirely. Smith now entertained hopes of having a new case, but Sir Christopher, who before would not suffer any ornaments on the top, was now obliged to add several feet, or else alter the case, which vexed him exceedingly. These ornaments consist of angels with trumpets, standing at the side of a small altar. The colour of the wood, of which these are made, being lighter than the rest of the Organ case, the addition is soon discoverable. The organ case (to the top of the ornaments) stands nearly thirty feet high ; the distance from the floor of the building being about forty-six feet. It is eighteen feet wide, and eight feet deep. The carving about the case is very good ; it was executed by Grinlin Gibbons, whose decorations embellish every part of the choir. The Organ was opened with Divine Service, at the thanksgiving for the Peace of I I [4. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. Ryswick, December 2, 1697; but the Cathedral was not entirely finished till 1715.f The following highly interesting broadside, concerning Smith's organ, is reprinted from the original in the British Museum. It was unknown to me when the first edition of this work was printed. There can be little doubt that it emanated from Harris, or Some of his partizans — * “QUERIES ABOUT ST. PAUL's ORGAN. “I. Whether Sir Christopher Wren would not have been well pleas'd to have received such a Proposal from the Organ-builder of St. Paul’s, as shou’d have erected an Organ, So as to have seperated [sic] 20 Foot in the Middle, as low as Gallery, and thereby given a full and airy Prospect of the whole length of the Church, and Six Fronts with Towers as high as requisite “l I. Whether the difficulty this Organ-builder finds in making Pipes to speak, whose bodies are but I6 Foot long, does not prove how much harder it would have been for him, to have made Pipes of 22 Foot speak, as those at Exeter ; or 32 Foot as several Organs beyond Sea P And whether he has reason to complain of want of height, or room in the case for higher and larger Pipes, since those of a common size have put him to a Non-plus P And whether he has not the greater reason because he gave the Dimensions of the Case himself? “III. Whether the double Bases of the Diapasons in St. Paul’s Organ speak quick, bold, and strong, with a firm, plump, and spreading Tone, or on the contrary, slow, soft, and only buzzing, when touch'd singly P And whether they may not more properly be called Mutes than speaking Pipes f “IV. Whether the Organ be not too soft for the Quire now 'tis inclosed ? And if so, what will it be when laid open to the Cupola, and Body of the Church 2 And what further Addition of Strength and Lowdness will it require to display its Harmony quite through the large Concave of the Building, and answer the service of the Quire, which is the noblest for Eccho and Sound, and consequently of the greatest advantage to an Instrument, of any in Europe? “V. Whether the Sound-boards, and Foundation of the Instrument, as well as Contrivance and Disposition of the whole Work, will admit of more Stops to render the Organ in Proportion, five times as Lowd as now it is “VI. Whether if 12 Stops (supposing there were so many in the great Organ) were plaid in full Chorus, 'twould not make St. Paul’s Organ vibrate and faint And if so, how can it be render'd lowder by the Addition of Stops, since the Wind that does not well supply 12, must of necessity worse Supply 13, and so onward P “VII. Whether 'tis possible to make an Organ lowder, that has all the Strength it can contain already ? * The writer has in his library an original MS. anthem, subscribed at the end—“This was made by Dr. Blow Oct. ye 15, 1697, at Hamton town, for the opening of St. Paul's Cathedral.” † The above account of the organ of St. Paul’s Cathedral is copied from the first number of the Musical Gage/ſe, January, 1819—a work which appears to have existed only a few months. The editor was Dr. Busby. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. II 5 “VIII. Whether there been’t Organs in the City lowder, sweeter, and of more variety than St. Paul's (which cost not one third of the Price) and par- ticularly, whether Smith at the Temple has not out-done Smith of St. Paul’s P And whether St. Andrew's Undershaft” has not outdone them both P “IX. Whether the open Diapason of metal that speaks on the lower set of keys at St. Andrew Undershaft, be not a stop of extraordinary Use and Variety, and such as neither St. Paul’s has, or can have P -- “X. Whether Depth in the Case gives not Liberty for containing the greater Quantity and Variety of Work? And if so, why should not St. Paul's have as great Variety as other Organs, and the order of the Work be as well contriv'd, and disposed for Tuning and other Conveniences, since its case is near double the Depth to any in England P - - “XI. Whether the great Organ-builder will condescend to submit his organ to the same Scrutiny, which all Artists of the same Profession do in all Countries? And if it be deny'd whether it will not give the World, and particular the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's reason to fear, that this Moſł-me-ſangere proceeds from Some secret Causef And to Question— - “XII. Whether the Cupola, or the Organ at St. Paul's, will be first finished P’ Another famous instrument of Smith's is the organ in the chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge. It was built in 1708, during the Mastership of the celebrated Dr. Bentley, of whose club in London Father Smith was a member. The erection of this organ, together with the repairs of the chapel which were carried on under the auspices of the Master in direct opposition to the wishes of the Fellows, gave rise, amongst other things, to the Serious quarrels which took place between Bentley and his College, and which nearly cost him his Mastership. Smith died before the instrument was finished, as will be seen from the following extract from a College document, quoted in Bishop Monk's Zife of Dr. Bentley,p. I6I — “He (Smith) did not live to complete the organ of Trinity; it was finished by tuning and voicing by his son-in-law, Xtopher Schrider, according to a resolution of the Master and Seniors, May 3, 1708.” Sir John Hawkins seems doubtful as to the exact time of Smith's death, but tells us “that the name of Smith occurs in the lists of the Chapel establishment, from 1703 to 1709 inclusive, as organ-maker to the Chapel, and also to Queen Anne.” An entry, however, in the parish books of St. Margaret's, Westminster, sets the matter in question at rest — “On the sixth day of April, 1708, Henry Turner was elected Organist of St. Margaret's, Westminster, in the room of Bernard Smith, deceased.”f * Built by Harris at a cost of £1400, and opened May 31st, 1696. - + A memoir of Smith, chiefly extracted from Hawkins, may be seen in Noble's Continua- tion of Granger's Biographical History of Ængland, vol. ii., p. 362; and a more elaborate I 2 II 6 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. It would be interesting to give an account of all the organs built by Father Smith, but this is impracticable. The following list has been drawn up with some care, and is probably as complete as it can now be made. It has received considerable additions and corrections since the first edition — List of Father Smith's Organs. I. The Royal Chapel, Whitehall. 1660. Part of an organ by Smith still remains in the present Whitehall Chapel. Little of the original work, however, exists, as it was partly melted down in 1814, and a new inside put into the old case by Elliot. This organ is said to have been the instrument built by Smith immediately after his arrival in this Country : but this can hardly be the fact, as that organ must have been burnt in the great fire which consumed so many of the ancient buildings of Whitehall, including the old chapel, in 1697. Paterson, in his Pietas Zondimensis, 1714, p. 282, says —“Whitehall was unfortunately laid in ashes by that dismal fire on Jan. 4, 1697; at which time the Royal Chapel was also consumed ; wherefore his late majesty erected a new one in that most spacious and beautiful room called the Banqueting House, built by King James I. ; and so it continues the Royal Chapel, for the use of the nobility, gentry, and other inhabitants thereabout.” Again, on the other hand, if Smith built this organ for the banqueting room, and not for the old chapel, in all probability it is the instrument alluded to as one of Smith’s earliest works. 2. Westminster Abbey. I660. This was the organ on which Blow, Purcell, and Croft played. It appears, by the treasurers’ books of the Abbey, to have cost £120. 3. Wells Cathedral. 1664. 4. St. Martin's-in-the-Fields. 1667. 5. St. Giles's-in-the-Fields. 1671. The original cost of this organ is not given in the parish books. In Parton's Aſistory of the Parish of St. Giles's, p. 287, is this entry –“ 1698. The sum of £166 I4S. Id. was collected towards repairing the organ ; and the celebrated Smith, who had built it, offering completely to set it to rights for £200, was employed, and finished the same this year.” - * . Again, in the following year, is this notice —“I699. Paid £200 to Mr. Christian Smith [the builder's nephew, for making and setting up the organ in the church.” - This instrument is the one still in use. notice in Mr. Sutton's Short Account of Organs in AEngland, &c., p. 17. An excellent painting of Father Smith still adorns the walls of the disused Music School, Oxford, which has been wretchedly copied in Hawkins' History. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. II 7 6. St. Margaret's, Westminster. I675. Malcolm, in his Zondimum Redivīvum, vol. iv., p. 165, has preserved the following entry respecting this organ —“ 1675. Item, to Mr. Bernhard Smith, for the charge of the organ newly erected in the parish church, £200.” Sir John Hawkins, in his History of Music, vol. iv., p. 510, speaking of the children of the celebrated Henry Purcell, says:–“ Of these children we have been only able to trace one, viz., a son, named Edward, who was bred up to music, and, in July, 1726, was elected organist of St. Margaret's, Westminster. Upon inspection of the parish books, for the purpose of ascertaining this fact, it appears the organ of this church was built by Father Smith in 1676, and that he himself was first organist there, and played for a salary.” The learned historian is in error one year as to the date of the erection of this organ. Smith was appointed organist, April 5, 1676; but the instrument, as we see from Malcolm, was built in 1675. Smith's organ was removed in 1804, and a new one supplied by Avery. 7. Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford. I68O. 8. St. Peter's, Cornhill. I681. This organ originally cost £2 IO, inclusive of “painting and gilding.” Paterson (Pietas Zondimensis, p. 231), speaking of this church, adds:–“ Within it’s beautified with a stately new organ, maintain’d by the gift of Mr. Benjamin Thorowgood, in 1682.” - 9. St. Mary Woolnoth. 1681. Hatton, in his New View of London, 1708, vol. ii., p. 4II, says:–“The organ case is enriched with three large figures of Fame; and on the front are, in gold letters, some texts of Scripture, relating to praising God with Church Musick.” The date above given is also on the exterior of the case. - Io. The Temple Church. 1683–4. The date usually assigned to this noble instrument is 1687; but it is manifestly incorrect, as contemporary authorities tell us that it was erected in the reign of Charles II., who ceased his career in 1685. The true date is that above assigned. Hatton tells us —“The Temple Church having narrowly escaped the flames in 1666, it was in 1682 beautified, and the curious wainscot screen set up.” The swell-organ was added by Byfield at a subsequent period. II. Durham Cathedral. I683. Smith received £700, and the materials of the old organ, for this noble instrument. (See ante, p. I IO.) It was repaired in 1748 by Abraham Jordan, who probably added the swell. I2. St. Mary-at-Hill, Billingsgate. I693. Hatton, in his New View of London, 1708, vol. ii., p. 376, says:–“And here is a pretty organ, composed of these stops, and set up anno 1692-3.” Then follows the following curious list of stops —“A stop-diapason of wood. A recorder of wood. A fifteenth of metal. A mixture of 3 ranks of metal. A vox-humane. A trimeloe. A principal of metal. A cornet of 5 ranks, all of metal advanced exactly. A tierce of metal. A trumpet of metal throughout. An echo to the whole. To draw all in whole stops, except the great 12th, the 15th, the tierce, the mixture, the vox-humane, and the trumpet; all which are broken, and made to draw in half stops, for the benefit of increasing the variety in the organ.” This organ was removed late in the last century. Smith's original contract is preserved in the vestry. I 18 - THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. I 3. St. Paul's Cathedral. I694-7. “Bernhard Smith entered into a contract with the commissioners, Dec. I9, 1694, to erect the great organ and a chair organ, for £2000.”—Malcolm's Moſtdºtuſ/t A’edivīvidyn, vol. iii., p. IOS. The organ was opened Dec. 2, 1697, by Jeremiah Clark; but the Cathedral was not entirely finished till 1715. 14. St. Mary's (University Church), Cambridge. I697. I5. Trinity College Chapel, Cambridge. I708. 16. Ripon Cathedral. 17. St. David's Cathedral. The case and the diapason-pipes alone remain. 18. St. Mary's (University Church), Oxford. 19. The Theatre, Oxford. This organ was taken down by Byfield about a century ago, and placed in the Church of St. Peter-in-the-East, Oxford. 2O. St. George's Chapel, Windsor. - This organ remained in the Royal Chapel until 1788; when the king, upon the completion of the new organ by Green, presented it to Old Windsor Church. It was afterwards removed to the New Church at Haggerstone, Middlesex, where it now is. - I. The Chapel of Eton College. 22. Southwell Collegiate Church. Repaired and completed by Snetzler in 1766. 23. The Chapel Royal, Hampton Court. This organ is in a recess on the south side of the choir; the case is richly Carved by Gibbons. 24. Manchester Cathedral. The choir organ only ; it still remains in its original state. 25. St. James's, Garlickhithe. 26. St. Clement Danes. 27. St. Dunstan's, Tower Street. This organ was afterwards removed to St. Albans' Abbey. 28. High Church, Hull, Yorkshire. Traditionally said to have been intended for St. Paul’s Cathedral, in addition to the present instrument. 29. All Saints, Derby. 3O. St. Margaret's, Leicester. This organ has been rebuilt. 31. West Walton Church, Norfolk. The case only remains. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. I IQ 32. All Saints, Isleworth, Middlesex. Much improved by Green in 1776. 33. Pembroke College Chapel, Cambridge. 34. Emanuel College, ditto. 35. Christ's College, ditto. The three last-named organs remain in nearly their original state; they have been disused for more than half a century. I have assigned them to Father Smith, upon the authority of Sir W. Cope, Bart. 36. St. Catherine Cree, Leadenhall Street. The carved oak case of this organ is a fine specimen in its style. It is rich in Well-cut mouldings, bold projections, and figures of angels. 37. Chester Cathedral. This organ was removed in 1844. A small organ, probably by the same maker (formerly used to accompany the choir), is still preserved in an apartment in the cloisters. d 38. St. Olave's, Southwark. 39. St. Martin's, Ludgate Hill. 4O. Danish Church, Wellclose Square. 4I. Sedgefield Parish Church, county Durham. 42. Whalley, Lancashire. 43. Hadleigh, Suffolk. 44. Chelsea Old Church. 45. St. Nicholas', Deptford. 29. Joſiſ, and Reſtatus Harris. According to Dr. Burney, “Smith had not been many months here, before Harris arrived from France, with his son René or Renatus, an ingenious and active young man, to whom he had confided all the secrets of his art. However, they met with but little encourage- ment at first, as Dallams and Smith had the chief business of the kingdom ; but upon the decease of Dallams, who died while he was building an organ for the old church at Greenwich, 1672, and of the elder Harris, who did not long survive him, the younger became a formidable rival to Smith.” A slight digression is here necessary, which the reader will pardon, in Order to introduce some new and Curious particulars of Thomas Harris. Organs, as we have seen, were generally demolished by the ordi- nance of 1644, but it was not carried into effect in Worcester Cathedral * Aſistory of A/usic, vol. iii., p. 437. I 20 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. till July, 1646 (the instruments having probably meanwhile been restored after their first damage by the troopers); and on the 23rd of that month many gentlemen went to six o'clock prayers at the College, to take their last farewell of the Church of England service, the Organs having been taken down on the 20th. The account of that proceeding is thus narrated in Townsend's Annals — “July 20. The organs were this day taken down out of the Cathedral Church. Some parlaymenters hearing the music of the church at service, walkinge in the aisle, fell a skipping aboute and dancing as it were in derision. Others seeing the workmen taking them down said, ‘you might have spared that labour; we would have done it for you.’ ‘Noe,” said a merry ladd about tenn yeres old, ‘for when the Earl of Essex was here the first man of yours that pluckt downe and spoyled the organs broke his neck here, and they will prevent the like misfortune.’ “No sooner had monarchy been restored in 1660, than the Worcester quire petitioned the King for their salaries left unpaid when they were plundered and undone for their faithful service to the late King, of blessed memory, in regard of the Said warrs and the King's enemies prevailing.” How the choristers fared does not appear; but in the same year } painted, Turner, the Is. 6d. was paid “for an organ-loft was fitted up, the “ gallery Organ' joiner, received £I “for mending pulpit organs,” postage of anthems from Cambridge,” John Jones 6s. 6d. for an organ book, and “Thos. Harrison" had £5 for “coming from London to treat about making a new organ.” Whether this negotiation failed, or the name was misspelt for Thos. Harris, of New Sarum, with whom a bond was entered into in 1666 for the making of new organs, is not shown on the books, but about this time there are several entries as to the repair and removal of the Old Organ, making a little organ gallery in the north aisle, etc. In the Bodleian MS., Tanner 45, fol. 19, is a letter from the Bishop of Worcester to Sheldon, Archbishop of Can- terbury, interesting, though somewhat unintelligible, as pertaining to the musical affairs of Worcester Cathedral — “May it please your grace,—Tandem aliquando, I present your grace with all the papers that make (and as with humble submission I conceive) are requisite in Mr. Deane of Worcester's against Mr. Hathaway's pretences and allegations about the choire organ made and fixt, and the great organ to be made, but now bargained for, and the reason I Sent these papers up no Sooner was my longing hope and en- deavour to have made Mr. George Dallow’s (Dallam P) testimonie more pregnant and evident touching the promise of Hathaway and Dr. Gibbons to help him to this organ-worke at Worcester, but, to my satisfaction, there is more than probabi- litie there had been money enough to have satisfied Gibbons and Hathaway and Talbot, had it been in the dean’s power to have made a bargain, they well knew Mr. Deane's [Dr. Warmstrey] utter ignorance in re-musica. They knew he was, as it is in the Greek proverbe, ovos Tpos \vpav, but no more skill in an organ than a THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. - I 2 I beast that hath no understanding, and ’tis very considerable that Hathaway should dare to addresse a complaint at Council Board, when for above a whole yeare, Mr. Deane having forbidden him to procede to the worke of the great organ, he never applied himselfe neither to Mr. Deane nor to the chapter, nor to the visitor, con- tinuing his visitacion for nine months at least, no complaint all this while ever heard of, and for ye materials provided it signifies nothing, unlesse it did appeare they were provided for this organ, when soon after he had made the choire organ he was forbidden to proceed any further. With Mr. Harrison (who was old Dallow's servant and married his daughter) I twice conferred about his testimonie, and he told me he would make good all he said upon oath, and make it good to all the organists in England, and if your grace shall secretly object, old Hesiod's testimonie in ye case, Kat Kmpaeus Kmpapet p00wevel, an artist maligns his brother artist. I rely very much on Mr. Tomkins' skill, bred in his cradle, and all his life among Organs, who is an excellent Organist, and has ever maintained an organ in his house, his letter will show what his judgment was before this difference was started. Little reason have I had to interpose in the least in Mr. Deane's case, but I cannot forbear to stand up for innocence, though joined with much follie. I have returned a certificate to his Majestie's instructions about hospitalls, and by the grace of God shall returne a full answer to your grace's instructions about church affairs in ye due time. The Lorde in the meane time preserve your grace in health and safetie and ye comforts of his blessed Spirit. May it please your grace, I am your grace's most obliged and most obedient humble servant. “RO, WIGORN. “Worcester, Aug. 5, 1665.” The following were the articles of agreement between Thos. Harris, of New Sarum, and the Dean and Chapter of Worcester, July 5, 1666:— “Within eighteen months he shall set up in the choyre a double organ, con- sisting of great organ and chaire organ. In the former, east and west side, both diapasons to be in sight and some of the principals ; two open diapasons of metal, a 10 ft. pipe as at Sarum and Gloucester, following the proportion of 8 in. diameter in the IO ft. pipe, and 4 in. diameter in a pipe of 5 ft. The great Organ case to be designed after the manner of Windsor church before the wars, a double prospective, the great pipes on the north and South ranging with the middle columns of the stone arch, and so the next great declining toward the east continually till the smallest in the middle meet within 2 or 3 ft., resembling the diminution of pillars in a prospect, and rising by degrees to that end ; the wainscot work on the top resembling architrave, freeze, and cornice, and lessening in proportion at the bottom bases; two principals of metal, two 15ths of metal, one I2th metal, one recorder metal, one place for another stop ; in the chaire organ, one principal of metal in front, according to the design of Windsor before the wars, a cherub expanding its wings so as to returne downe perpendicular, and that the great pipes shall be in the place of the first and second quills [sic], on the north and South sides, and the rest proportionably less and less towards the cheeks of the cherub ; one stopped diapason of wood, one open diapason of wood, having nine pipes towards the bases beginning in Are, one 15th of metal, one two-and-20th (as they call it); the bellows, sound-boards, and all the timber and iron, as at Sarum and Gloucester, or wh. Soever is the fairest; the case of such wainscot as shall be judged by expert ones to equal those of either Sarum or Gloucester. Item, it is agreed upon and concluded, to pay £400 to the said T. Harris, of which £40 earnest money, 4.80 after Setting up the chaire I 2 2 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. Organ case and the lower part of the great organ case, A, ICO when the chaire Organ is finished, ÁIOO when the front of the great organ is set up, A.So when both perfected ; but if the organ shall be found not worth the amount it shall be lawful to stop A40 out of the last payment.” Here is Mr. Harris's acknowledgment of the settling, which seems to have been satisfactory to all parties — “Whereas the reverend dean and chapter of the cathedral church of Wor- Cester, upon view by certain members of the said church taken of an organ built by Mr. Thos. Harrise in the said church, have been pleased to receive such Satisfaction concerning ye whole work as to deliver up my bond given unto them 'for performance of certain articles concerning the said organ on my part under- taken, now I the said T. Harrise do hereby acknowledge, that the said dean and chapter have not only paid unto me the full Some belonging unto me by the said articles, viz., 4400, and also the sum of A.4 for a Soft Stop in ye choir organ, and ye sum of £5 for mending and removing ye old organ, but further the said dean and chapter have hereby given me the sum of £24 above my due, in which I do acknowledge their great kindness and bounty ; and I do hereby promise and oblige myself, in confirmation of what I have expressed, in my petition unto them, that I will constantly attend upon the said organ during’ my life and do all things touching the keeping of it in good order at my own cost, without any charge to ye said dean and chapter.” + Since the first edition of this book was printed Dr. Bloxam has done good service to the world by the publication of his Registers of Magdalen College, Oxford. From these Registers we learn that the Harrises were an English family, and that Renatus's grandfather was an Organ-builder residing among us and practising his art with SUICCCSS. The relationship between the two Harrises is established by an entry in the Magdalen College Registers, under the date 1672, where Renatus Harris, being at Oxford, offers his services to repair the Organ, “the rather because his grandfather made it at first, and he was sufficiently known to be as skilful an artist as any in England.” The following documents connected with the Magdalen College organ will be read with interest — “THE PROPOSALS OF RENATUS HARRIS TO THE REVEREND THE PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF MAGDALEN COLLEGE IN OXFORD, FOR REPAIRING AND MAKING SEVERAL ALTERATIONS IN THEIR ORGAN, 17 JULY, 1686.f “To make the three bellows new, to repair and perfect the inner trunks and wind-chests, to new hang both sets of keys, to rectify all defects in the roller- * The Monastery and Cathedral of Worcester. By John Noake, 1866. A work of great interest. ºf Harl. MS., No. 4240, fol. II6b. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 123 boards, to repair the sound-boards and conveyances, and to make them as good as at the first. “2. To mend all the pipes and conduits in both organs, and perfectly to voice and tune them, which voicing shall be done after the modern, best, and Sweetest manner that either the work or proposer is capable of. “3. Whereas the great organ consists of eight stops, namely two diapasons, two principals, two fifteenths, and two two-and-twentieths, one of which stops, and several pipes in the other, have been spoiled by Preston; finding by experience that when two unisons are together in an organ as two principals, two fifteenths, &c., that they never agree well together in tune, and One stop of each Sort is in a manner as loud as two of the same name ; for which reason neither in my organ at the Temple, nor in those which I make for the King, after the open and stopped diapasons, none of the rest are of the same denomination ; So that I propose to make your eight stops to consist of these following, one open diapason, one stopped diapason, one principal, one great twelfth, one fifteenth, one tiers, one furniture of two or three ranks, according as there is room for it, in place of the two two-and-twentieths. In the choir organ there are one stopped diapason, two principals, one recorder, and one fifteenth, so that in these five stops there are no less than three unisons; which five stops ought to be reduced to these four, namely, one stopped diapason, one principal, one stopped twelfth, and one fifteenth ; the recorder being left out will give more air to the rest of the work. With these amendments, alterations, additions, and varieties of stops, it will be an extraordinary good instrument, and the best Old Organ in England, and exceed the best organ in your University, with only the Cost of one hundred and fifty pounds.” “HARRIS's AGREEMENT WITH THE PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF MAGDALEN CoLLEGE, Oxfor D, TO IMPROVE AND ENLARGE HIS GRANDFATHER's ORGAN.” “Articles of Agreement had, made, concluded, and agreed upon the 6th day of June, in the Second year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord and Lady, William and Mary, by the grace of God King and Queen of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c., Anno Domini 1690, between the Right Rev. Father in God, John [Hough] Lord Bishop of Oxford, President of the College of St. Mary Magdalen in the University of Oxford, and the scholars of the said College on their part, and Renatus Harris, of the City of London, Organ-maker on the other part, in manner following, that is to say :— “Im/ri/nis, It is covenanted, concluded, and agreed upon by and between the said parties to these presents, and me the Said Renatus Harris, in consideration of the money to be paid unto him as hereinafter mentioned, doth for himself, his executors, and administrators, covenant and grant to and with the said President and Scholars, and their successors, by these presents, that he the Said Renatus Harris, his servants, workmen, and assigns, shall and will in good and workmanlike manner put the great and choir organs in Magdalen College aforesaid into Sound, good, and perfect repair in all ill parts and defects whatsoever, and shall new work and repair the three bellows and make them strong, Staunch, and good ; and all the wood-trunks and conveyances of wind shall repair, make good, and Staunch, and shall new work and amend all * Appendix to Dr. Bloxam's Aegisters of Magdalen College, I 24 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. the defects in the sound-boards, and make them staunch and sound, and shall and will make new palletts, springs, and wind-chest to the Sound-boards of the said organs, and shall and will make good and Serviceable all the movements and roller-boards of the said organs, and shall make two sets of keys of good ebony and ivory, their fall to be as little as can be to give the pipes their due tone, and the touch to be ready, Soft, and even under the finger. “ ſtem, That the said Renatus Harris, his servants, workmen, or assigns, shall and will make to the great organ a new great twelfth of metal, a cedrine of metal, and a furniture of three ranks, and a cymbal of two ranks, and shall and will repair, well voice, and tune, in the great organ, the open diapason, principal of metal, stop-diapason of wood, fifteenth of metal; which great organ shall consist of five hundred sixty and one pipes ; and make to the choir organ a new flute of metal and nason of metal, and repair, well voice, and tune in the choir organ the principal, stop-diapason, and fifteenth, which said choir organ shall consist of two hundred and fifty pipes; and if the said new pipes or stops to be made in the said organs shall not be liked, or approved of, by Such organist as the said President and Scholars shall appoint to inspect the Same, that then the said Renatus Harris, his executors and assigns, shall take down such stops and pipes as shall be disliked of as aforesaid, and put in their places such new ones as shall be approved of under the same conditions as are hereby agreed to. And if any pipe or pipes belonging to the above-named stops cannot be made to speak well, and bear a good tone, strong, clear, and Sweet, either through want of substance or any other defect ; that then in Such case the said Renatus Harris, his executors, or assigns, shall and will put in new Serviceable pipes in the places of such as shall be found so deficient and not useful ; and that the said Renatus Harris, his executors or assigns, shall and will alter the pitch of the said organs half a note lower than they now are ; and the Said organs, being now Gamut in Do, Sol, Re, the said Renatus Harris, his executors or assigns, shall and will in good workmanlike manner completely finish on or before the Feast of All Saints next ensuing the date hereof. “J/em, In consideration of the said work and workmanship to be done and performed as aforesaid, the said President and Scholars, for them and their successors, do covenant and grant to and with the said Renatus Harris, his executors, administrators, and assigns, by these presents, that the said President and Scholars, or their successors or assigns, shall or will pay or cause to be paid to the said Renatus Harris, his executors or assigns, the sum of One Hundred and Fifty Pounds of lawful money of England, as followeth, viz., ten pounds at or before the sealing hereof, forty pounds on the Feast of the Nativity of Christ next ensuing, and one hundred pounds, being the remainder thereof, on the Feast of St. John Baptist, which shall be on the year of our Lord God 1691. For witness thereof, to the one part of these presents the said President and Scholars have put their common seal, and to the other part thereof the said Renatus Harris hath set his hand and seal, the day and year above written.” * Renatus Harris seems to have been much employed, and to have been Smith's rival upon all occasions. The memorable “battle of the organs,” at the Temple Church, has already been detailed ; and not long afterwards, upon the accession of James II., we find Harris rivalling his opponent in Court patronage. The evidence of this is contained, in the following curious entries, extracted from Moneys THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. I 25 received and paid for Secret Services of Charles //, and James //, printed for the Camden Society.” The dates range between 1686 and I688 :— “To René Harris, by advances for an organ to be provided for the chappell in Whitehall—A300.” “To René Harris, by advance, the same being intended to be employed in the making and buying a new organ for the chappell in Whitehall—A2OO.” “To René Harris, for fitting and repairing an organ for the chappell in White- hall, and for altering and preparing an organ for the chappell at Windsor, and removing that organ from Winchester thither—A 137 : 13.” “To René Harris, in full payment for making and finishing the organ in y” chappell at Whitehall—A600.” Without doubt, considerable jealousy existed on the part of Harris towards his rival Smith. The “quarter tones” in the Temple organ, which gained the latter such reputation, appear to have been a sore Subject with Harris. The following interesting advertisements, which are quite a new feature in the lives of these distinguished artists, are here reprinted from my Lecture on the Early English Organ- Builders and their Works. The first is from the Post Boy, April 12, I698 — “Whereas the Division of half a Note (upon an organ) into 50 Gradual and distinguishable parts has been declar'd by Mr. Smith, as also by the generality of Masters to be impracticable: All Organists, Masters, and Artists of the Faculty, are together with the said Mr. Smith, invited to Mr. Harris's house in Wine Office Court, Fleet Street, on Easter Monday next at Two of the clock in the Afternoon, to hear and see the same demonstrated.” Again, in the same paper, April 30, the following appeared:— “Whereas the Division of half a note (upon an organ) into 50 Gradual and distinguishable parts, was performed by Mr. Harris on Easter Monday to the full satisfaction of the Persons of Quality and Masters that were present : And Whereas the said Mr. Harris intends a further Division of half a Note, viz., into One Hundred parts (and this, as before, not mathematically, but purely by the Ear), all Masters and others of curious and Nice Ears are invited to the said Mr. Harris's House, in Wyne Office Court, Fleet Street, on the Ioth day May, at Three of the clock in the afternoon, to hear and see the Performance, and to be informed (if any doubt) of its usefulness.” It would be interesting to know more of these trials, but nothing appears on record, as far as I have discovered. * Edited by J. Y. Akerman, from a MS. in the possession of W. L. Lowndes, Esq. The entries occur, pp. I44, 169, 18O, IQ6. + Delivered before the College of Organists, Nov. 15, 1864. London : Alſ. Whitting- ham. I2mo, I 26 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. Harris built a noble instrument for the Cathedral of Salisbury; the only record of which seems to be an engraving fortunately extant. This curious print measures thirty-three inches by sixteen, and pur- ports to be “The East Front of the New Organ in Salisbury Cathedral, made, in the year 1710, by Mr. Renatus Harris, Organ-Builder.” At the bottom, “John Lyons, delin ;” “Francis Dewing, Sculp.” Running along the top of the engraving is this passage:– “Vitalianus, the 74th Bishop of Rome, about the year 662, ordained organs first to be used in the Church. He was born in Segni, a city of great antiquity, on ye top of a Mountain in Italy; in this city organs were first invented, or first brought to perfection.” And on each side of the engraving (at the top of the print), is the following very curious description — “This Instrument, consisting of four sets of keys, and fifty stops, stands over the choir door, and is above 40 foot high and 20 foot broad; the arch under which it stands, being lofty and but narrow, would admit no larger extention in breadth ; and yet it was judged necessary to carry the finishing very high, to render this figure more lively and proportionable to the structure of the church (which is, from the pavement to the vaulting thereof, 80 foot high). The organ blower, as well as the bellows which are very large, have room in the body of ye case, in which are all yº movements, keys, roller-boards, and eleven stops of Echos, and yet the sight of the work is conceal’d from him, as he is from the people in the Church or Gallery. This organ is a new contrivance, and on it may be more varietys express'd, than by all yº organs in England, were their several excellencies united. The figures designed for the finishings of the choir organ are not as yet set up, neither are y” finishings of y” great organ fore shortned in this print according to perspective, because all parts of the Instruments should answer the Scale.” It seems as if Harris had been a candidate for building the organ of St. Paul's Cathedral, as well as that of the Temple ; for, in the Spectator (No. 552, for Dec. 3, 1712), a proposal of Mr. Renatus Harris is recommended in the following words:– “The ambition of this artificer is to erect an organ in St. Paul's Cathedral, over the west door, at the entrance into the body of the church, which in art and magnificence shall transcend any work of that kind ever before invented. The proposal in perspicuous language sets forth the honour and advantage such a performance would be to the British name, as well as that it would apply the power of Sounds in a manner more amazingly forcible, than perhaps has yet been known, and I am sure to an end much more worthy. Had the vast sums which have been laid out upon operas without skill or conduct, and to no other purpose but to Suspend or vitiate our understandings, been disposed this way, we should now perhaps have an engine so formed, as to strike the minds of half a people at once, * A copy of this rare engraving, which seems to have been unknown to Gough and Upcott, is in the possession of the writer. - * THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. I27 in a place of worship, with a forgetfulness of present care and calamity, and a hope of endless rapture, joy, and Hallelujah hereafter.” In the latter part of his life, according to Sir John Hawkins, “Renatus Harris retired to Bristol, and, following his business there, made sundry organs for the churches in that city, and in the adjacent parishes, as also for churches in the neighbouring counties. He had a son named John, bred up under him, who followed the business of organ-making, and made a great number of very fine instruments.” ” Renatus Harris died in or about the year 1715 ; and his latest organ seems to have been that in St. Mary's Church, Whitechapel. In regard to the following list of organs, it may be remarked that the first four were built by Renatus in conjunction with his father Thomas. - Zist of Renatus Harris's Organs. I. Salisbury Cathedral (before 1665). 2. Gloucester Cathedral (before 1665). 3. Worcester Cathedral. I665. In Valentine Green's Survey of the City of Worcester, 8vo, 1764, p. 54, the following notice occurs :—“The organ of this church, which, with its gallery, terminates the west-end of the choir, is esteemed a fine instrument, consisting of nine stops : The trumpet stop is justly allowed to be the finest of that sort in the kingdom. The last reparation of it cost three hundred pounds, which sum was raised by a voluntary contribution of several noblemen and gentlemen, whose arms are emblazoned on the west-front of its gallery. * * * The east-front of this gallery, towards the choir, has a pretty deception of marble, well imitated ; and presents a view of the lesser or choir organ, which has communication with the great one, and consists of five stops.” 4. St. Sepulchre's, Snow Hill. 1670. Two dates are assigned to this organ, 1667 and 1677 ; but a document in the author's possession gives it (probably correctly) as above. The date 1667 is evidently wrong, as the following extract from Hatton's AVew View of Zondon, 1708, vol. ii., p. 546, will testify —“St. Sepulchre's being almost demolished (except part of the wall and steeple) by the fury of the devouring flames in 1666, it was again re-erected and finished anno 1670.” - 5. St. Botolph's, Aldgate. I676. Upon the front of the organ is this inscription —“This organ is ye gift of Thomas Whiting to the hole [sic] parish, 1676.” * History of Music, vol. iv., p. 356. Sir John adds —“In the Mercurius Musicus for September and October, 1700, is a song inscribed : “Set by René Harris.’ ” Father Smith and Renatus Harris, following the example of their predecessors, united a knowledge of the science of music with the more mechanical art of organ-building. I 28 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 6. St. Dunstan's, Stepney, 1676. The case of this organ is beautifully carved in oak ; and the instrument is said to be a very fine one. 7. St. Nicholas', Newcastle-upon-Tyne. I676. A trumpet stop was added in 1699, and in 1710 the instrument was thoroughly repaired. Snetzler added the swell in 1749. 8. Allhallows Barking, Great Tower Street. 1675-7. This church escaped the flames of 1666. Hatton (Wew View of London, 1708, vol. i., p. 98), speaking of the organ, says —“There is likewise a handsome organ case enrich'd with Fames, and the figures (about 6 foot high) of Time and Death, carved in basso relievo and painted.” “A new chaire organ ” was added in 1720 at a cost of £100 ; and the “old organ” was at the same time repaired at a further cost of £80. 9. Chichester Cathedral. 1678. A trumpet stop was added by Byfield in 1725; a choir organ Some twenty years later ; and a swell in 1778. IO. Lambeth Old Church. I68O. I I. Winchester Cathedral. I68I. Subsequently rebuilt by Avery in 1794. 12. Winchester College Chapel. 1681. Rebuilt by Green in 1780. 13. St. Michael's, Cornhill. 1684. I4. Bristol Cathedral. I685. “In the years 1681 and 1685, in the Deaneries of Towgood and Levett, 4.300 or more was laid out in mending the floor and beautifying the church, painting the east-end of the choir and other works, and in making a fine timber case for the new organ, erected by the contribution of the Dean and Chapter, and many other well-disposed persons, at the expense of £550 in the whole, to Mr. Renatus Harris, organ-builder.”—Barrett's History of Bristol, p. 29O. 15. Hereford Cathedral. 1686. The cost of the instrument was £515, exclusive of the case, which cost (carving included) A, 185. In the same year “George Dallam ” was paid £5 for a “chaire organ.” In the first edition this organ was erroneously assigned to Smith. 16. King's College Chapel, Cambridge. 1686. The builder received £350 for the instrument when erected ; Azo, in 1688, for three additional stops ; A30, in 1695, for a trumpet stop ; and £60, in 1710, for a diapason. David Loggan published an accurate engraving of the interior of the chapel, between 1675 and 1691, which gives the west front of the organ as it then appeared. The present case is the original one, erected by Chapman and Hartop, in 1606, to contain Dallam's organ ; for, though the action and pipes of the organ appear to have been many times removed and renewed, there is every reason to believe that the existing case dates from 1606, and the choir organ from 1661. When Avery was employed, in 1804, to reconstruct and enlarge the instrument, he probably incorporated much of the old work with his own. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. | 20 I7. St. Lawrence, Jewry. 1687. Paterson, in his Pietas Zondimensis, 1714, p. 131, calls it “a fine organ ; ” an opinion in which the writer concurs. The case, with its choir organ in front, is One of the finest specimens of its kind in London. I8. St. James's, Piccadilly. 1687. This organ was made for James II., and designed for his Popish chapel at Whitehall. His daughter, Queen Mary, presented it to the church. On the front was this inscription —“The gift of the Queen, in the year 1691.” Some valuable entries respecting it have already been given (see ante, p. 125). Ambrose Warren, in his curious tract, entitled The Tonometer, 1727, p. 8, tells us –“About the year 1707, when Father Smith, the organ-builder, died, I was by the honourable vestry of St. James's parish chosen to keep their organ in tune and order in his stead, which I found to be in a very mean condition in many respects. And, in 1708, I was by the same authorities ordered to reform divers stops, and put in several new ones, which I with help performed to the full satisfaction of all concerned, as well as myself.” I9. St. Mary's, Ipswich. 1600 2O. Christ Church, Newgate Street. 1690. 2 I. St. Ann's, Westminster. 1691. Hatton says:—“Here is a fine organ made by Mr. Harris’ (p. 132). Paterson adds :—“Given by King William III.” (p. 27). It was formerly in one of the royal apartments at Whitehall, and was presented to the church by the King in 1691. It is now in the church of St. Michael’s, Paternoster Royal. 22. Allhallows, Lombard Street. I695. This church was opened in 1695, which is the probable date of the organ. Paterson (Pietas Zondimensis, p. II) speaks of its “fine altar-piece and pulpit, and Stately organ, made by Mr. Harris, by the contributions of forty-two bene- factors.” Hatton says “the names of the benefactors to the organ are inscribed in gold letters on the gallery.”—AWew View of London, vol. i., p. 109. 23. St. Andrew's, Undershaft. 1696. Paterson (Pietas Zondimensis, p. 22) calls it “a most excellent and costly organ, made by Mr. Harris.” Hatton (AVew View of Zondon, p. 124) calls it “a fine large organ,” and adds, “several gentlemen (whose names I am not allowed to mention) contributed for the organ, &c., the sum of £140O.” This organ was opened on the 31st of May, 1696, when Dr. Towerson preached a sermon on Vocal and Instrumental Music in the church. 24. St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin. I697. The following extracts are from the old Chapter Book –“ 12th August, I695. The Dean and Chapter agrees with Renatus Harris, of London, organ- builder, to make and set up a Double Organ for the sum of £505. In the great organ–Open Diapason of metal, Stop Diapason of wood, Principal of metal, Nason of wood, a great 12th of metal, I 5th of metal, a Cornet of metal. In the little organ—a Principal of metal, Stop Diapason of wood, I 5th of metal, and a Nason of wood, being in all I 3 stops, consisting of 800 pipes, Sound-board, &c., &c. The pipes of the old organ to be removed, and to allow £65 for the same.” “I Ith March, 1697. Organ erected and examined by the several Vicars.” “IOth May, 1697. Further contract for additional stops for £350, to be paid at Strongbow's Tomb, in Christ Church, on stated times named—viz., Trumpet stop, Echo stop, Time stop [sic] entire, Open Diapason, Flute of metal, Great Furniture of 3 ranks.” R. I 30 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN, 25. St. Andrew's, Holborn. I699. Harris's organ, after its rejection at the Temple, was part of it erected at St. Andrew's, Holborn, and part in the Cathedral of Christ Church, Dublin. Sir John Hawkins records the following anecdote in his History of Music, vol. iv., p. 539 —“Dr. Sacheverell, having been presented to the living of St. Andrew’s, Holborn, found an organ in the church, of Harris's building, which, having never been paid for, had, from its erection in 1699, been shut up. The Doctor, upon his coming to the living, by a collection from his parishioners, raised money enough to pay for it.” $. Some curious notices respecting the earlier organs of this church occur in the old churchwardens’ books –“ 9 Aſenry VIII. The little organs were made and bought at the charges of the parish, and devotion of good people, and Cost, as I can gather, 46.” “2 AEdward VI. My Lord of Lincolne gave a pair of Organs.” “I Mary. The parish gave young White £5 for the great organs which his father gave to the church.”—See Malcolm's Zondimum. /čedºvīvu/z, vol. ii., p. 197. 26. St. John's Chapel, Bedford Row. 1703. 27. St. Giles's, Cripplegate. I704. In Malcolm's Zondimum Redivīvum, vol. iii., p. 274, is the following curious extract from the parish books –“ 1672. Mrs. Charnock shall have thanks given her, for her affection in bestowing a faire organ upon the parish church of St. Giles ; and that some convenient place shall be found for setting it up.” The double duty of organist and sexton was performed by James Brookes, who was “chosen by the King's Majesties letter.” It was provided that, if the Sexton did not, or could not play, he should find an organist. In 1726 a proposal was made, and accepted, by Abraham Jordan, organist, to take the organ to pieces, the builder having left it in a very imperfect state, and repair it gratis, on condition of his having his salary secured to him for 21 years.- See Malcolm, Zöld, p. 279. 28. St. Clement's, Eastcheap. 1709. “A pretty Organ, made by Mr. Harris.”—Hatton, vol. i., p. 208. This instrument was probably built in 1709, when the church “was repaired and beautified.” 29. Salisbury Cathedral. 1710. See the account of a curious engraving of this organ, ante, p. 126. This noble instrument was probably removed in 1792, when Green erected the present organ. The Modern British Traveller, 1779, thus describes it — “The organ, which is fixed over the entrance to the choir, is very large, being 20 feet broad, and 40 feet high to the top of its ornaments. It has 50 stops, which are 18 more than there are in the organ of St. Paul's Cathedral, in London, but the latter is much superior in the sweetness of its tone.” 3O. St. Mary's, Whitechapel. 1715. This organ was opened on the 29th of May, 1715. See the Parish Clerk’s A'emarks on Zondon, 1732, p. 246. 3I. St. Bridget's (now St. Bride's), Fleet Street. Hatton, in his AWew View of Zondon, vol. i., p. 175, says:–“Here is a very fine organ, and a curious carved case adorned with two large Fames, &c. This organ was made by Mr. Harris.” THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. I3 I 32. Ely Cathedral, Cambridgeshire. 33. Jesus College Chapel, Cambridge. This instrument is now in All Saints' Church, Cambridge. 34. Wolverhampton Collegiate Church. This organ, with that of St. Andrew’s, Holborn, was constructed out of the rejected Temple organ. Burney says “that part of the organ for the Temple church by Harris, and sent to Dublin, was sold, after the death of the elder Byfield, to Wolverhampton for £500. It still stands in the church of that town, and is thought a very good instrument.” 35. Norwich Cathedral. This organ is attributed to Harris. Sir Thomas Browne, in his Reſertorium of the Antiquities of Norwich Cathedral, thus alludes to the earlier organs — “There was formerly a fair and large, but plain, organ in the church, and in the same place with this at present. It was agreed in a Chapter by the Dean and Prebends that a new organ be made, and timber fitted to make a loft for it, June 6, Anno 1607, repaired 1626, and £10 which Abel Colls gave to the church was bestowed upon it. That, in the late tumultuous time, was pulled down, broken, sold, and made away. But since his Majesty's restoration another, a fair, well-tuned, plain organ was set up by Dean Crofts and the Chapter, and afterwards painted and beautifully adorned by the care and cost of my honoured friend, Dr. Herbert Astley, the present worthy Dean.”—Posthumous Works of the Zearned Sir Thomas Browne, 8vo, 1712, p. 31. 36. St. John's, Clerkenwell. 37. Bideford Church, Devon. 38. Cork Cathedral. The specification is signed “Renatus Harris,” but the organ was probably finished by John Harris. 39. St. Mary's, Dublin. 30. Father Smith's Nephews. Upon Father Smith's arrival in this country, he was accompanied (according to Hawkins and, after him, Burney) by his two nephews, Bernard and Gerard. There is reason to believe that the historian was in error as to the first name. Horace Walpole, in his corrected copy of Hawkins's History, altered the name of Bernard to Christian, and evidently upon some good authority, as we find, in the case of the repair of the organ of St. Giles's-in-the-Fields (before quoted), Christian Smith received payment, and signed the receipt for the same.* * These two young men, in all probability, were the sons of Christian Smith, one of whose organs, with the date 1643, is in the possession of a gentleman at Norwich. All the Pipes K 2 I 32 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. The names of Christian and Gerard Smith are so little known, that they have not hitherto been registered in our roll of organ- builders. Nevertheless, they built several fine instruments. In Chamberlayne's Magna Britannia Notitia for 1755 we find, among the officers of Chelsea Hospital, “Organ Repairer, Mr. Gerard Smith.” This person was probably Father Smith's grand-nephew. The date almost precludes the possibility of his being a nephew. Organs built by Christian Smith. I. Tiverton Church, Devon. - 1696. Among the conditions, dated March 6, 1695, the rector, burgesses, &c., “do undertake to procure an excellent and well-contrived organ, of a sufficient bigness, and with decent and proper ornaments of carved work, answerable for the Parish Church,” &c. Articles accordingly were entered into with “the excellent artist, Mr. Christian Smith, a very honest and ingenious man, who lives in Hart Street, nigh Bloomsbury Market, London,” who built the instrument. 2. Boston Church, Lincolnshire. I 717. Organs &uilt by Gerard Smith. I. Parish Church, Bedford. 1715. This instrument was sold by the parish, when the church was restored in 1832, for £50—about the price of its case. It is now in the Moravian Chapel at Bedford. 2. Allhallows, Bread Street. 1717. An echo was added to this organ, by the original builder, in 1722; the whole cost being £422. It is probable that Schrider assisted in this instrument. 3. Finedon Church, Northamptonshire. 1717. This organ was built at the cost of Dr. Dolben, of Finedon, a great patron of music and musicians. In A Collection of Anthems, as the same are now Perform'd in the Cathedral Church, Durham, Durham, 8vo, 1749, p. 159, is one beginning “Praise God in His Sanctuary,” “Compos'd for and Perform'd at the Opening a new Organ at Finedon, in Northamptonshire, May 17, 1717,” by Dr. Croft. The instrument is in its original state : the pipes are diapered. 4. Little Stanmore Church (Whitchurch), Edgware. This organ is sometimes attributed, by mistake, to Jordan. are of wood, and the date and name of the builder, Christianus Schmidt, are inscribed in three Places, in different parts of the instrument. Query–Did Christian accompany his brother to England 2 ~ x THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. I 3 3 3 5. St. George's, Hanover Square. I725. “This organ was erected, in 1725, by Smith, nephew to the great artist of that name ; and the choice of an organist is thus mentioned in the St. James's Evening Post of Nov. 16:—‘ On Friday last came on the election of an organist of St. George's, Hanover Square; and, the salary being settled at £45 per annum, there were seven candidates : Mr. Rosengrave ; Mr. Cole, organist of the Chapel of the Royal Hospital of Chelsea, and of St. Mary Hill, London ; Mr. Monro, organist of St. Peter's, Cornhill; Mr. Stanley, the ingenious blind youth, aged 13 years and a half, organist of Allhallows, Bread Street; Mr. Centlivre, organist of Oxford Chapel, near Oxford Square ; Mrs. Sweet, organist of the Chapel in Duke Street, Westminster ; and Mr. Obbel, organist of St. Bartholomew the Great, in West Smithfield. The vestry, which consists of above 30 lords and 70 gentlemen, having appointed Dr. Crofts, Dr. Pepusch, Mr. Bononcini, and Mr. Geminiani, to be judges which of the candidates performed best, each of them composed a subject, to be carried on by the said candidates in the way of fuguing ; and one hour was allowed for every one to play upon the four subjects so appointed, one not to hear another unless himself had done before ; only the four first performed, and all of them very masterly. In the conclusion the judges gave it for the famous Mr. Rosengrave, who made that way of performance his study great part of his life; and he was accordingly chosen.”—Malcolm's Zondimum Redivīvum, vol. iv., p. 234. This organ was removed in 1790. 3I. A eſtatus Harris, jump. In the first edition of this work I only knew of this builder from a notice on the fly-leaf of an old M.S. collection of voluntaries for the organ—i.e., “John Harris, given me by my brother Renatus, A.D., 1712.” I am now enabled to cite an organ built by the younger Renatus. He doubtless built several others, although they are not recorded, and it is certain he died young. Organ Öuilt ôy Rematus Harris, jun. St. Dionis Backchurch. I 724. It would seem, from the parish books, that the first steps for erecting an organ in this church were taken in the year 1722, when a subscription was set on foot, and a committee appointed by the vestry for that purpose, the Rev. Dr. Smith (President of Queen's College, Oxford) being the rector of the parish. In the same year the committee were empowered by the vestry to enter into a contract with Mr. Renatus Harris,” an organ-builder, and to obtain a faculty from the ecclesiastical authorities. - The Sum raised by voluntary subscription for the erection of the organ and for every expense connected with it amounted to £74I 9s. ; Mr. Deputy Hankey (afterwards Sir Henry Hankey, Knt., and Alderman), taking charge * In the first edition of my History of the Organ (pp. 100-IOI), I followed the common error in ascribing the building of this organ to the firm of Messrs. Byfield, Jordan, & Bridge. I34 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. of the several contributions, a detailed list of which is preserved in the parish ledger. During the year 1723 the only entries relative to the organ are three payments in advance to Mr. Renatus Harris, who, when in the following year he was paid the balance due to him, appears to have received from beginning to end the sum of £525 for the instrument.” In 1724, at a meeting of the vestry, the organ was ordered to be opened on the second Sunday in June, and Mr. Philip Hart was chosen the first organist. It is supposed that the organ was accordingly opened on the day appointed, as there is an entry in the parish ledger, June 15th, that 4, IO IOS. was paid for singing two anthems. As regards the structural arrangements, the organ continued nearly in its original state until 1867, when, being much out of repair, and of course deficient in many points deemed necessary in the present day, its condition was brought under the attention of the vestry, who elected a committee to consider the question. The committee presented a report to the vestry, recommending Messrs. Gray and Davison to be instructed to rebuild the organ according to specifications, and obtained leave to lay out thereon a sum not exceeding £200. - The organ having been rebuilt was opened February 7th, 1868. 32. John Harris and John Byield. John Harris, another son of Renatus, seems to have been Over- looked by all who have written upon the subject of our early organ-builders since the time of Sir John Hawkins. Indeed so little attention has been paid to dates that, we are told, “Harris's most celebrated organs are those of St. Sepulchre's, London, which, how- ever, is now much changed since its first erection in 1667; and Doncaster, Yorkshire, 1738.” (!) + In 1738, March 19, articles of agreement were entered into “Between John Harris, of Red Lion Street, in the Parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, in the County of Middlesex, organ-maker of the one part, and the Reverend Hollis Piggot, Vicar of the Parish of Doncaster, in the County of York, William Seaton, John Hancock, James Buckley Wilford, and John Gibbons, Churchwardens of the said Parish of Doncaster, of the other part.” Harris undertakes, for the sum of Five Hundred and Twenty- five pounds, “To make, compleat, finish and erect, on or before the 24th day of June, 1740, a Good, Tuneful, and compleat Organ with One Handsome Front and a Case according to the Modell or Draught. The said Organ to contain the * The parish ledger mentions that on September 18th, 1724, the sum of £52 Ios. was paid to “Jno. Harris for some additions and to take care of it for five years.” t A short Account of Organs built in AEngland, &c., p. 60. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. I 35 Severall stops and other particulars hereinafter mentioned, without any com- munication or any Sett of Pipes made to serve in a double capacity in or upon both organs (that is to say) The Great Organ to contain Twelve Stops (to wit) One Open Diapason of Mettal in the front, with fifty-two speaking pipes. One open Diapason in the inside, with fifty-two Pipes. One Stop'd Diapason with fifty-two Pipes. One Principall of Metall with fifty-two Pipes. One Twelfth of the like. One Fifteenth of the like. One Tierce of the like. One Sesquialtra of five rows of Pipes. One Cornet of five rows of Pipes. Two Trumpets with One Hundred and four Pipes. And One Clarion with fifty-two Pipes. The Choir or Quoir Organ, to contain One Stop'd Diapason with Fifty-two Pipes. One Flute with Fifty-two Pipes. One Fifteenth with Fifty-two Pipes. And one Bassoon with Fifty-two Speaking Pipes. The Eccho Organ to contain the following Stops, which shall Eccho and Swell to express passion in degrees of Loudness and Softness, as if inspired by human breath (viz.) One open Diapason with twenty-seven Speaking Pipes. One stop'd Diapason with twenty-seven pipes. One Principall with twenty- Seven pipes. One Cornet of three Rows with Eighty-one pipes. One Trumpet and One Hautboy with twenty-seven pipes to each. For the Great and Choir Organ, fifty-two pipes in each Sett, being from G G to D la sol. The Keys of the Ecchos and Swelling from C sol fa ut Cliff, to D la Sol, in all being twenty-seven keys, and the Speaking Pipes in the whole Organ to be in number one thousand three hundred and thirty-nine, and the front to be gilt with Leaf Gold.”% John Harris was probably in partnership with John Byfield ; at any rate he built most of his organs in conjunction with the latter. The connection between the two builders was still closer, by Byfield's marriage with Harris's daughter. They resided at Red Lion Street, Holborn, and were living there when they built the Doncaster organ. According to a power of attorney, dated September 16, 1740, signed John Harris, and sent from London, “John Byfield, organ- builder, of the Parish of St. George the Martyr, but now at Doncaster,” is empowered to receive the money due to Harris; and on the 2nd of October in the same year Byfield signs a receipt for Five Hundred and twenty-five pounds, “by order and for ye use of Mr. John Harris.” - Organs built by Harris and Byfield. 1. St. Mary's, Shrewsbury, 1729. There was an organ in this church in the sixteenth century; and on the 31st of August, 1589, it was agreed at a parish meeting that “the organs should be sould to any of the parishe for the sum of £4, if any desired the same ; otherwise the said organs should presentlye be sould to him whosoever would give £4 or more for the same.” In 1590 it appears that the Dean of Worcester, “at the motion of Mr. John Tomkins, gave that sum for them, and an additional present to the churchwardens of a communion booke worthe 7S. 4d.” - * Communicated, some few years back, by Mr. W. Sheardown, the well-known book- Seller of Doncaster, to the Ooncaster Chronicle. - 136 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 2. Grantham Church, Lincolnshire. I736. 3. St. Mary's, Haverfordwest. I 737. 4. St. Albans', Wood Street. I738. 5. St. Bartholomew's, Change. I74O. 6. Parish Church, Doncaster. I 74O. T he agreement for this organ (before cited at length) is dated March 19, 1738. The money for the organ was raised by subscription, and the Corporation agreed to pay £20 per annum for an organist's Salary, “when and so soon as a good and complete organ shall be set up.” The celebrated Snetzler was employed upon the instrument in 1758, as appears by the following receipt –“ April 26, 1756. Received of Mr. Francis Caley, church-warden, the sum of Twenty pounds for Repairing and Tuneing the Organ, by me, John Snetzler.” 7. St. Mary Redcliffe, Bristol. “The entrance into the church is at the great west door, to which you ascend by steps. The door is 8 feet in breadth and 12 high, within which is built a great stone gallery, on which is a grand magnificent organ, being in all 53 feet high from the ground to the top of the crown panel ; the great case, about 20 feet Square, contains one great and lesser organ ; the musical part executed by Messrs. Harris and Byfield, and the whole cost £846 7s.”—Barrett's Aſistory of Bristol, 1789, p. 574. - 8. St. Thomas's, Bristol. 9. St. James's, Bristol. This and the previous organ are assigned to Harris and Byfield, upon the authority of Robert Broderip of Bristol.—See the Preface to his Organists’ }olºma/, 1802. - - IO. St. Thomas Southover, Lewes, Sussex. Traditionally said to have been made for the Duke of Chandos, and removed here from Cannons in 1747. 33. Christopher Schrider. Schrider, or Schreider, a German, was a workman in the employ- ment of Father Smith, and, previous to the year 1708, had attained a closer connection, by becoming his son-in-law.” After the death of Smith he succeeded to his business; and, in the year 1710, to the appointment of organ-builder to the Royal Chapels. His organs, as far as we know, are not very numerous, that of Westminster being his c/lef-d'oeuvre. * He probably married again, as we find the ſollowing entry in an old register of burials in the library of St. Peter's, Westminster —“Mrs. Hellen Shrider died March 21, 1752, aged 65 years, and was buried ye 27, in the South Cloyster, on her father, Mr Thos. Jennings.” Jennings was a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal, and of the Choir at West- minster. Many notices of Schrider's family occur in the same volume. The present entry may refer to the wife of Christopher Schrider, jun. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. I 37 The date of his death is not recorded, but it probably took place in 1754; as, in the following year, among the “Servants in Ordinary to the King,” in Chamberlayne's Magna Britanniae Notitia, we find, “Organ Maker, Mr. Christopher Shrider, son of the ſafe Mr. Schrider.” The following guióðling epitaph, upon the subject of our notice, appeared in Webb's Collection of Epitaphs, 1775 (vol. ii., p. 76):- “ON THE CELEBRATED MR. CHRISTOPHER SHRIDER. “Here rests the musical Kit Shrider, Who organs built when he did bide here : With nicest ear he tun'd 'em up ; But Death has put the cruel Stop : Tho' Breath to others he convey’d, Breathless, alas ! himself is lay’d. May he, who us such Keys has giv'n, Meet with St. Peter's Keys of Heav'n His Cornet, Twelfth, and Diapason, Could not with Air supply his Weasand : Bass, Tenor, Treble, Unison, The loss of tuneful Kit bemoan.” Organs &uilt by Christop/ler Schrider. I. The Royal Chapel, St. James's. 1710. This organ was removed in 1819, and, after undergoing the necessary repairs, was purchased, for the Episcopal Chapel in Long Acre, for £2OO. In 1866 it was taken down and re-erected in the chapel of Mercers' Hall. Mr. Thomas Hill, in a Communication to the Church Choirmaster (Jan. 1867), says, speaking of this instrument:-“It is clearly a work of Fażher Smith's, and presents the unusual feature of having escaped any attempt at modernising.” The old accounts of the Chapel Royal say —“ 1710, organ erected by Mr. Schrider.” It is difficult to reconcile these two statements, but the high authority of Mr. Hill deserves attention. 2. St. Mary Abbot's, Kensington. I 716. Faulkner, in his History of Kensingſon, says:–“This instrument was built by Subscription at a cost of £500, in the above-named year.” John Harris appears to have added the swell in 1730. 3. St. Martin's-in-the-Fields. 1726. This organ was the present of George the First, as the following note from Dr. Burney shows :-" Schreider, who built the organ of St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields, which King George the First presented to the Church upon being chosen church- warden of the parish, Soon after his Majesty’s arrival in England.” In a list of Exchequer Payments, 1725, occurs this entry:-‘To Zachary Pearce, Vicar of St. Martin's, as of Royal bounty, to erect an organ there, A. I 500.” Malcolm, writing in 1807, says:–“The instrument has however been worn out and replaced.”—Zondimum Redivīvum, vol. iv., p. 195. Schrider's organ is now in a church at Wotton-under-Edge, and is said not to be worm out. - I 38 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 4. Westminster Abbey. I730. The following memorandum occurs in a MS. book in the custody of the Precentor of Westminster —“The new organ, built by Mr. Schrider and Mr. Jordan, was opened on the Ist August, 1730, by Mr. Robinson ; the Anthem, Purcell’s “O give thanks.” From the treasurer's accounts we learn that the cost of the instrument was £IOOO. Jordan's share in building this noble organ is not defined ; but it was, in all probability, the swell, of which, as we shall presently show, he was the inventor. 5. St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey. 6. Whitchurch, Shropshire. 34. Thomas Schwarðrook. This eminent artist, who was also a German, was in the employ- ment of Renatus Harris. Early in the eighteenth century he left the metropolis, and took up his abode at Warwick, at which place he probably lived until his death. He built many noble instruments; but his masterpiece is said to be the organ of St. Michael's, Coventry. Pſema!!! Schwarbrook was organist of Hereford Cathedral in 1730 ; but it is not known if he was any relation. Thomas Schwarbrook, in 1720, received an annual salary of £8 for keeping the organ of Worcester Cathedral in repair. In 1748 he Supplied the instrument with a new set of keys; and in 1752 an Order was made— - “That whereas it appears upon experience that £200 formerly agreed on will not be sufficient to add the stops that are wanting in the great organ, and to make it full, perfect, and complete in all its parts, ordered that £100 more be allowed— in all A3OO, effectually to repair and finish the same.” This is the latest notice I find of him. Organs built by Thomas Schwarbrook. 1. St. Saviour's, Southwark. I703. This organ is commonly ascribed to Schwarbrook. If so, it must be one of his earliest instruments. Hatton, in his New View of London, 1708, vol. ii., p. 538, says –“The organ- case is also of oak, very lofty, elevated on Io Square pillars, the upper part whereof is adorned with 3 Fames, carved, standing in full proportion about 42 feet from the area of the isle.” THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. I39 2. St. Chad's, Shrewsbury. 1716. “At the west end of the church of St. Chad, Shrewsbury, in a gallery, supported on Corinthian pilasters, was a large and remarkably handsome organ, in a case profusely adorned with carving. On the summit stood a figure of St. Chad, in his episcopal vestments. This noble instrument is said to have cost £1500, raised by Subscription, towards which 4, IOO was contributed by the Drapers' Company. It was made by Thomas Schwarbrook, a German artist of considerable eminence in his day, and erected in 1716. There is a tradition that the Small organ in the Collegiate Church of Wolverhampton once belonged to St. Chad's, and preceded this.”—-MS. History of Shrewsbury. This organ was removed in 1794. 3. St. Mary's, Warwick. 1717. Samuel Ireland, in his Picturesque Views of the Užer, or Warwickshire Avon, 1795, p. 145, says:—“Within this church a very judicious alteration, that of removing the organ from the centre of the building to the west end, is now carrying into execution. The custom of placing the organ in the former situation, So universally prevalent, is matter of astonishment to those who are capable of feeling the full effect of beautiful symmetry in the works of architecture; by this barbarism in taste, the sublime interest we take in the ‘Long drawn aisle and fretted vault” of our Gothic cathedrals is in a great degree destroyed, and the most striking and impressive works of human invention obscured by a range of gilded pipes, that can only be entitled to a secondary consideration.” Schwar- brook's organ was erected by subscription. 4. Trinity Church, Coventry. I732. This instrument cost £600, and the old organ. 5. St. Michael's, Coventry. I733. This noble instrument (Schwarbrook's masterpiece) cost £1400. It originally contained three remarkable stops—the hazž, ſuffe, and dulcimer; but, in consequence of the “difficulty of keeping the strings in tune,” they were removed in 1763. 6. Magdalen College, Oxford. I?40. 7. Lichfield Cathedral. Removed in 1789. 8. Stratford-upon-Avon Church. Now removed. 9. All Saints', Northampton. 35. TWe Jordans, Father and Son. Sir John Hawkins, in his History of Music, tells us — “About the year 1700 one Jordan, a distiller, who had never been instructed in the business, but had a mechanical turn, and was an ingenious man, betook himself to the making of organs, and succeeded beyond expectation. He had a son, named Abraham, whom he instructed in the same business; he made I 4O THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. the organ for the chapel of the Duke of Chandos, at Cannons, near Edgware, and many organs for parish churches.” Mr. W. B. Gilbert, in his Antiquities of Maidstone, shows that the Jordans were an ancient family located in that town as early as the fifteenth century. He says — “Thomas Jordan resided [in 1477] at the ancient family seat in Stone Street, called for some centuries ‘Jordan's Hall.’ Many members of this family have at various times been concerned in the affairs of Maidstone, and one of the Jordans in the last century was a distiller in the town. Having a genius for Organ building, he removed to London, where he made many fine instruments. When the parish of Maidstone, in 1746, decided to have an organ in the church, Jordan was unanimously selected to build it, which he did to the entire satisfaction of the committee. Jordan’s organ still remains in the parish church. Others of this family have also in their day been celebrated, and many descendants are yet to be found in the neighbourhood of Maidstone.” The Jordans are especially deserving of our notice, as to them we are indebted for the invention of the swell. Among the advertise- ments in the original edition of the Spectator (Feb. 8, 1712), is the following announcement — “Whereas Messrs. Abraham Jordan, senior and junior, have, with their own hands, joynery excepted, made and erected a very large organ in St. Magnus' Church, at the foot of London Bridge, consisting of four sets of keys, one of which is adapted to the art of emitting sounds by Swelling the notes, which never was in any organ before, this instrument will be publicly opened on Sunday next, the performance by Mr. John Robinson. The above-Said Abraham Jordan gives notice to all masters and performers, that he will attend, every day next week at the said church, to accommodate all those gentlemen who shall have a curiosity to hear it.”f Many of the old English organs, as we have seen by the specifications quoted, contained a department called the Echo. This Consisted in a duplicate of the treble portion of some of the stops enclosed in a wooden box, which rendered the sound softer and more distant. Jordan's improvement was that of a sliding shutter, which was made to open and shut at the performer's pleasure, thus producing a “Swelling " effect. The invention of the swell was well received, and Jordan Soon found sufficient employment in carrying out his Contrivance in many of the London organs. * Although this is the only biographical notice of the Jordans handed down to us, yet, strange to say, their names are omitted in the index to the new edition of Hawkins's elaborate work. - + This curious advertisment was first noticed by Malcolm (see his Zondinum Redivivum, vol. iv., p. 234); it was afterwards copied into Hone's Avery Day Book, and the Chronicles of Zondon Bridge. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. I4 I With regard to the introduction of this important improvement upon the Continent, Burney has some interesting passages in his Continental Tours, which I extract. Writing in 1771, he says — “It is very extraordinary that the swell which has been introduced into the English organ more than fifty years, and which is so capable of expression and of pleasing effects that it may well be said to be the greatest and most important improvement that ever was made on any keyed instrument, should be utterly a/mk/nown in Italy; and, now I am on the subject, I must observe that most of the organs I have met with on the Continent seem to be inferior to ours by Father Smith, Byfield, or Snetzler, in everything but size As the churches there are very often immense, so are the organs; the tone is indeed somewhat softened and refined by space and distance ; but, when heard near, it is intolerably coarse and noisy ; and, though the number of stops in these large instruments is very great, they afford but little variety, being for the most part duplicates in unisons and octaves to each other, such as the great and Small I2ths, flutes, and 15ths; hence in our organs not only the touch and tone, but the imitative stops, are greatly superior to those of any other organs I have met with.” Again, in another of his works, a few years later, he says — “Before I left England M. Snetzler had told me that I should doubtless find swells in Berlin organs, though he was not certain that this improvement, which was English, had been adopted in other places on the Continent; for Mr. Handel, Several years ago, had desired him to describe in writing the manner in which the Swell was produced, that he might send it to a particular friend in Berlin, who very much wished to introduce it there. But I enquired in vain of musical people in that city, whether they knew of any such machine as a swell, worked by pedals, in any of their organs: no such contrivance had ever been heard of, and it was difficult to explain it.” The first swell introduced into Germany appears to have been in Hildebrand's organ for the church of St. Michael, at Hamburg, built in 1764.f Burney says — “A swell has been attempted in this instrument, but with little effect ; only three stops have been put into it, and the power of crescendo and dimżnuendo is so small with them that, if I had not been told there was a swell, I should not have discovered it.”I The Jordans also lay claim to other important inventions. The following advertisement is from the London journal of Feb. 7th, I729-30 — “An organ made by Jordan, being the first of its kind, the contrivance of which * Present State of Music in France and /taly, 8vo, 1771, p. 375. + Present State of Music in Germany, the AWetherlands, and United Provinces, 8vo, second edit., 1775, vol. ii., p. IO3. - : Present State of Music in Germany, the AWetherlands, and United Provinces, 8vo, second edit., 1775, vol. ii., p. 275. I42 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN, is such that the master when he plays sits with his face to the audience, and, the keys being but three foot high, sees the whole company, and would be very useful in churches. This organ has but one set of keys, but is so contrived that the trumpet base, and trumpet treble, the sesquialtera and cornet stops, are put off and on by the feet, singly or altogether, at the master's discretion, and as quick as thought without taking the hands off the keys. The said Mr. Jordan invites all masters, gentlemen, and ladies, to come and hear this performance at the workhouse against St. George's Church, Southwark, and will give his attendance from 2 till 4 o'clock all next week, Ash Wednesday only excepted. “N.B.-This organ was play’d on and approv’d by several masters, in publick, the latter end of November, and is fit for any small church or chappel.” Very little more remains to be said of the Jordans. In the parish books of St. Giles's, Cripplegate, under the date 1726, “a proposal was made, and accepted, by Abraham Jordan, organist, to take the organ to pieces, the builder having left it in a very imperfect state, and repair it grafis, on condition of having his salary secured to him for 21 years.” This entry, we presume, relates to the younger Jordan, whose latest work appears to have been the repair of the Durham Cathedral organ, in 1748. List of Organs built by the Jordans. I. St. Michael's, Paternoster Royal. 1700. In the Parish Clerks’ Remarks on London, 1732, it is said that this church has “no organ.” Tradition, however, says that an instrument was given to this church by Abraham Jordan, in the year 1700. This organ was removed, in 1798, to make room for the old instrument from St. Ann’s, Westminster, which was erected here with additions by the elder Gray. - 2. Fulham Church, Middlesex. IZOI. An excellent instrument; it still remains in almost its original state. 3. St. Antholin's, Watling Street. 1703. 4. St. Saviour's, Southwark. I703. 5. The Chapel of the Duke of Chandos, at Cannons. 1720. Handel used to perform upon this organ. When the Duke of Chandos died, the magnificent mansion, being thought to require an establishment too expensive for the income of his successor, was pulled down, and the materials sold by auction, in the year 1747. The organ, by the Jordans, forms an item in the sale catalogue. It is now in Trinity Church, Gosport, having been purchased at the dispersion of Cannons. A curious document, printed in 1748, is in the possession of Mr. * Malcolm's Zondinum ſedivivum, vol. iii., p. 279. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. I43 Howlett, the organist of the church, being a sort of a debtor and creditor account connected with the purchase of the organ. It contains the following items — “To cash paid Mr. Ch. Cock [the auctioneer] for the organ as A. s. d. it stood at Cannons . te sº * * * & sº . I 17 I2 O To do. paid Mr. Jordan for taking it down, and carriage to London . * g wº e * w & $ & . I6 o o To ditto ditto for repairs . jº g d e * e . IO5 O O To ditto for a new swell . ë g § * & e . 3O O O To ditto for repairs and carriage to Gosport & e tº * 8 O O’” Several other curious items make the total outlay £344 I.5s. 6d. One is, “To cash paid Mr. Richard Mullings for painting the organ, as per bill, £I I4s.” There is no name or date on the organ, but the Chandos arms are carved in gold on the top of the instrument. In the first edition it was said the organ is “now in Spa Fields Chapel.” The name of the farm and glebe attached to Trinity Church is Speed Field. May not this have originated the mistake? 6. St. Magnus the Martyr, London Bridge. I712. This organ was the gift of Sir Charles Duncomb. It is exceedingly interesting, as being the first instrument in which the Swell was used. (See the curious advertisement, ante, page 136.) It has been much altered and modernised by Parsons; three only of the original four sets of keys remain. 7. Chelsea College. I7 I5. 8. Parish Church, Southampton. I73I. In the St. James's Evening Post, for Feb. 13th and 24th, 1731, the following satirical notice occurs :—“Whereas it has been advertised that an organ had been lately set up by the ingenious Mr. Jordan, in the parish church of Holy-rood, in the town and county of Southampton ; this is to give notice that the churchwardens of the same parish are willing to show all manner of encouragement to any one who shall offer himself as organist, provided he understands nothing of his business ; the candidates to be approved of by the clerk of the said parish, who, according to his profound judgment and skill in music, promises, on his part, to determine the controversy fairly and impartially in favour of him that shall perform the worst.” - “N.B.-If any one who is an ingenious man in his profession (though never so strongly and with justice recommended by the ablest masters in the kingdom), should, notwithstanding this advertisement, presume to offer himself, he must expect to be rejected ; it being fully resolved that none but bunglers, or those who know the least of their business, shall be entitled to the place. The latter are desired to meet in the said town of Southampton, on Lady-day next, being the 25th March, 1731, where they may be assured to find a very kind reception and a suitable encouragement.” 9. St. Luke's, Old Street. I 733. - A MS. note by Pennant, the London historian, ascribes this organ to Jordan. This church was consecrated by Dr. Hare, Dean of St. Paul's and Bishop of Chichester, Oct. 18, 1733. The organ was presented to the parish by Mr. Buckley, an eminent brewer of Old Street. IO. Parish Church, Maidstone. I 746. II. St. Bennet Fink, Threadneedle Street. “Madam Sarah Gregory, of this parish, gave four hundred pounds for building an organ, and a gallery for it ; which is now perfectly finished, and built by Mr. Jordan, besides ten pounds per annum to keep it up.”—Paterson’s Pietas Zondimensis, 1714. I44 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. I2. St. Dunstan's, Fleet Street. AScribed to Jordan, upon the authority of William Russell’s MS. account of English organs. It is not mentioned by Hatton in 1708, or Paterson in 1714; but it is noticed in the Parish Clerks’ Remarks on London, 1732. It must therefore have been erected some time between the two last-named dates. I 3. St. Paul's, Shadwell. I4. The Portuguese Chapel, London. 15. The Abbey Church, Bath. I6. Covent Garden Theatre. 17. St. George's, Botolph Lane. 36. Richard Bridge. This artist enjoyed considerable celebrity, and it is to be regretted that nothing is known of his biography. He is supposed to have been trained in the factory of the younger Harris. According to an advertisement in the General Advertiser, for Feb. 20, 1748, “Bridges, organ-builder,” probably the same person, then resided in Hand Court, Holborn. We learn incidentally, from a note in Burney's History, that he died before 1776. Organs built by Richard Bridge. I. St. Paul's, Deptford. I73O. 2. Christ Church, Spitalfields. 1730. This is esteemed the maker's best instrument. Its original cost was £600, not half its value. In point of number of pipes and stops, it is one of the largest parish organs in London. 3. St. Bartholomew the Great. 1731. “We hear that the curious new organ made by Mr. Bridge, for the church of St. Bartholomew the Great, is to be opened on Sunday next with an anthem.”— Daily Advertiser, Oct. 27, 1731. 4. St. George's-in-the-East, 1733. 5. Cuper's Gardens, Lambeth. I 740. 6. St. Anne's, Limehouse. I74I. This instrument was burnt in 1851. 7. Enfield Church, Middlesex. 1753. 8. Faversham Church, Kent. I754. 9. St. Leonard's, Shoreditch. I757. IO. Eltham Church, Kent. II. Spa Fields Chapel, Clerkenwell. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. I45 12. St. James's, Clerkenwell. Removed in 1796 to Beccles, Suffolk. 13. Parish Church, Paddington. Organs built by Byfield, Jordan, and Bridge, conjointly. In consequence of the many new churches that were erected at the commencement of the last century, an equal number of organs was required, which induced many persons who were totally unskilled in the art and mystery of voicing organ-pipes to become builders. To prevent, therefore, the sad consequences which must have naturally followed, a coalition was formed between the three eminent artists of the day, Byfield, Jordan, and Bridge, who undertook to build organs at a very moderate charge, and to apply their united talents to each ; the result of which was a fair, though moderate, compensation to themselves, and Superior instruments to our churches. I regret that I can name only two instruments in which the joint efforts of these eminent men were united — I. Great Yarmouth Church, Norfolk. I733. An instrument celebrated for its many beauties. 2. St. George's Chapel, Great Yarmouth. I74O. 37. John Byfield, Şum. This is the next builder that comes under my notice. Nothing whatever is known of his biography; in fact, he is not named, as far as I can learn, by any writer upon the subject of organs, or organ- building. The works of the two Byfields pass current under one head. According to a MS. note in the handwriting of Dr. Benjamin Cooke, he died in 1774. Organs built by John Byfield, jun. St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate. I750. Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin. I75I. St. Mary's, Rotherhithe, 1764. St. John's College, Oxford. I768. Charlotte Chapel, Pimlico. I77O. Drury Lane Theatre. 1769. I46 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 7. Magdalen College Hall, Oxford. 8. Woolwich Church, Kent. Also ascribed to Bridge. 9. Cardiff, Glamorganshire. IO. Highgate Chapel. II. St. Bartholomew the Less. 12. The Chapel of Greenwich Hospital. Destroyed in the fire which consumed the chapel in 1779. 13. Berwick Street Chapel, Soho. 1768. 14. The Theatre, Oxford. 1768. I5. Barking Church, Essex. 1770. 16. Newbury Church, Berks. 1770. 17. St. Mary's, Islington. I771. 18. St. Lawrence, Reading, Berks. I771. The six last-named organs were built conjointly with Green. 38. Messrs. Glyn and Parker. The above names are new in the annals of organ-building. Although eminent builders, their celebrity was of a local character. They resided at Salford, near Manchester, and built a number of instruments for Lancashire and the neighbouring counties. One organ, that of Poynton Church, attracted the notice of Handel, who is reported to have been so pleased with it, that he employed Parker to erect the famous instrument for the Foundling Hospital.” The following is a list of organs by these builders:— Organs built ôy Glyn and Parker. I. Collegiate Church, Manchester. I 730. 2. St. Ann's Church, Manchester. 3. St. John's Church, Manchester. 4. Bury Church, Lancashire. * Dr. Burney, in his “Sketch of the Life of Handel,” prefixed to his Account of the Com- memoration, 4to, I 785, says —“The organ in the chapel of this hospital was a present from Handel.” But how are we to reconcile this statement with the following notice in the Auropean Magazine, for February, 1799 2-—“Handel did not give the organ to the Foundling Hospital. It was built at the expense of the Charity, under the direction of Dr. Smith, the learned Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, who added demitones, &c., and some of the niceties not occurring in other organs.” Handel conducted the performance at the opening of this organ in 1749. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. I47 Poynton Church, Lancashire. I 748. Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derbyshire. Prestbury Church, Gloucestershire. Leek Parish Church, Staffordshire. Foundling Hospital, London. I749. IO. Allhallows the Great, Thames Street. I 749. 39. Thomas Griffin. This person, a barber, and Gresham Professor of Music l is said to have built several City organs, but I can only name one, upon the authority of Malcolm's /londimum Redivīvum, iii., 553. Organ built by Thomas Griffin. St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, 1741. “I74I. Thomas Gryffin agreed to build an organ, value A, 500, on condition he should receive £250, and £25 per annum during his life. To play himself or provide an organist.”—Parish Books. 4O. john Snetzler. This truly eminent builder was born at Passau, in Germany, about the year 17 Io, where several of his organs are still to be seen. He acquired some fame by his restoration of the Cathedral organ in that city, and was afterwards induced to settle in England. After building Several excellent organs, he erected the noble instrument at Lynn Regis, in Norfolk, being recommended to the Corporation of that town by Dr. Burney. The double diapason and dulciana stops in this Organ were novelties which attracted attention, and fully estab- lished his fame in this country. - Snetzler had but an imperfect pronunciation of the English language, which gave him, like many foreigners, a very quaint way of expressing himself. Two stories are current of his peculiarities in this respect. One was on the occasion of the erection of his new organ at Halifax, in Yorkshire. Wainwright (afterwards Dr. Wainwright, and organist of the Collegiate Church, Manchester) and Herschel (subsequently known as the great Astronomer) were amongst the candidates for the situation of organist. The former so annoyed Snetzler by his rapid playing, that he paced the church L 2 I48 THE HISTORY OF TIIE ORGAN. exclaiming —“He do run over de keys like one cat, and do not give my pipes time to speak.” He also told the churchwardens of Lynn, upon their asking him what their old organ would be worth if repaired, “If they would lay out a hundred pounds upon it, perhaps it would be worth fifty.” Snetzler lived to a very advanced age, and died either at the end of the last, or the commencement of the present century. He is said to have saved sufficient money to return and settle in his native country, which he accordingly did ; but, having been so long accustomed to London porter and English fare, he found in his old age that he could not do without them, so he came back to London, where he died. Organs built by Snetzler. I. Chesterfield Church, Derbyshire. 1741. 2. Finchley Church, Middlesex. 1749. 3. St. Mary's, Hull, Yorkshire. 1750. 4. St. Margaret's, Lynn Regis, Norfolk. I754. Built, under the Superintendence of Dr. Burney, at a cost of £700. 5. St. Paul's, Sheffield. 1755. 6. Christ Church, Broadway, Westminster. 1760. This Organ is said to have been originally built for the Duke of Bedford. 7. Leatherhead Church, Surrey. 1760. 8. St. George's, Hanover Square. 1761. 9. Cambridge, U.S. 1761. - IO. Ludlow, Shropshire. I764. I I. Halifax Church, Yorkshire. I766. I2. Louth Church, Lincolnshire. I769. 13. Beverley Minster, Yorkshire. 1769. This organ was opened with the performance of two Oratorios, Sept. 20 and 21, 1769. 14. Richmond Church, Surrey. I 77O. The gift of S. Sprags, Esq. 15. Edmonton Church, Middlesex. 1772. 16. St. Martin's, Leicester. 1774. A remarkably fine instrument. 17. Scarborough Church, Yorkshire. 1780. 18. Pontefract Church, Yorkshire. 19. Sculthorpe, near Fakenham, Norfolk. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. I49 2O. Rotherham Church, Yorkshire, It appears from a short account printed by Dr. Sewell, the present organist, that this organ was completed and opened on St. Thomas's Day, Dec. 21, 1777. It was built by Subscription, the total amount of which was £678 os. I Id. Dr. Sewell adds:–“The stopped diapason in the choir organ, and also the flute stop, are allowed by some of the most eminent judges now living to be equal, if not Superior, to anything they have ever heard. The pedal pipes, which were added with the dulciana stop about twenty-six years ago, by Gray and Davison, of London, are very fine.” 2 I. Whitehaven Church, Cumberland. 22. St. John's (formerly St. Augustine's), Hackney. 23. St. Clement's, Lombard Street, City. 24. St. Margaret's Chapel, Bath. 25. St. Peter's College, Cambridge. This instrument is remarkable for having the Echo (the predecessor of the Swell) still remaining. According to Mr. Hopkins it is really a swell of three stops, acting on choir Organ keys. 26. The German Lutheran Chapel in the Savoy. The late Charles Wesley, in a letter in my possession, says, this was the first instrument in this country provided with a pedal clavier. 27. The German Calvinistic Church, Savoy. Presented by the builder. 28. St. Ann's Church, Belfast. 29. Hillsborough Church. 30. The Chapel at Donegal. Removed from Armagh Cathedral, and burnt on the same evening that it was removed. 3I. Parish Church, Leeds. 32. Buckingham Palace. Now in the German Chapel, St. James's. 33. St. Mary's, Nottingham. 34. St. Mary's, Huntingdon. 35. All Saints', Huntingdon. 4I. Messrs. Crang and Hancock. Crang was a Devonshire man, and, after settling in London, became a partner with Hancock, a good voicer of reeds. Hancock added new reeds to many of Father Smith's organs. Crang appears to have been chiefly employed in altering the old echoes into swells. 150 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. He made this improvement in the organs of St. Paul's Cathedral; St. Peter's, Cornhill; St. Clement Danes; &c. It appears that there were two Hancocks, probably brothers, John and James; and they are specially mentioned in the contract for an organ at Chelmsford in 1772. The following payments relating to these makers are extracted from the accounts of the church- wardens of Maidstone, printed in Mr. W. B. Gilbert's Memorials of the Collegiate Church of Maidstone :— A. S. d. “I755. Mr. Crang for cleaning and repairing the organ . . 8 8 O 1760. Mr. John Crang's bill for cleaning the organ . º . 8 8 O 1765. Mr. Crang's bill for repairing and making additions to the Organ . e º e e & e . 52 7 O I770. Mr. Crang for cleaning the organ . e e - . 8 8 O 1790–Oct 13. Mr. James Hancock, as per bill for Organ . . Io Io O.” Mr. Gilbert tells me that John Hancock, “organ-builder of Wych Street, London,” who had been employed for some time in Super- intending the repairs and additions to the Maidstone organ, died very suddenly near that town, in January, 1792. James Hancock was living in 182O, and probably Some years later. Organs built by Crang and the Hancocks. St. John's, Horsleydown. 1770. Barnstaple Church. 1772. Chelmsford, Essex. 1772. St. George the Martyr, Queen's Square. I773. St. Vedast, Foster Lane. 1780. Brompton Chapel. St. Margaret's, Leicester. St. Mary's, Scarborough. St. Mary's Cray, Kent. his organ was built by James Hancock. 42. Samuel Green. Although generally considered a contemporary of Snetzler, this eminent artist was not born till 1740; thirty years after the birth of the former. In all probability he was brought up in the establishment of Byfield, Bridge, and Jordan, as in the earlier part of his career he was in partnership with the younger Byfield. He seems to have been THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. I 5 ſ greatly patronized by King George the Third, and, in consequence, to have been employed in all parts of the kingdom. The organs built by Green are characterised by a peculiar sweet- ness and delicacy of tone, entirely original; and, probably, in this respect he has never been excelled. “We possess more cathedral and collegiate organs of this builder's construction than of any other ; and although patronized as he was by his Majesty George the Third, and long at the head of his profession, this admirable artist scarcely obtained a moderate competency. His zeal for the mechanical improvement of the organ consumed much of his valuable time in experimental labours, which to him produced little or no emolument ; and it is painful to know that a man so eminent in his profession should not, at his decease, be able to leave even a slender provision for his family.”” The newspapers of the day record that “Mr. Samuel Green, organ-builder to the King, died at Isleworth, Sept. I4, 1796, at the age of 56.” - The following list of Green's organs is taken verbatim from the Gentleman's Magazine, for June, 1814, as extracted from the builder's own account book. I have added a few dates, &c., in brackets :— Organs built by Samuel Green. CATHEDRAL AND COLLEGIATE ORGANS. Canterbury Cathedral. I784. Wells Cathedral. I786. St. George's Chapel, Windsor. I790. Lichfield Cathedral. I'789. Salisbury Cathedral. I72.I. Rochester Cathedral. I79 I. Bangor Cathedral. I779. York Cathedral (restoration only). ISO3. Cashel Cathedral. I786. New College Chapel, Oxon (restoration only). I776. Trinity College Chapel, Dublin. Winchester College Chapel. I78O. * Christian Remembrancer, Jan., 1834. One of a series of excellent papers on old organs and organ-builders. I 52 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. I3. I4. I 5. I6. I7. I8. I9. 2O. 2 I. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 3O. 3 I. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 4O. 4 I. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. LONDON ORGANS. St. Katherine's Hospital. 1778. St. Botolph, Aldersgate Street. St. Peter-le-Poer. 1792. St. Mary at Hill. 1788. St. Michael's, Cornhill (restoration only). I790. St. Olave's, Hart Street. 1781. Broad Street Chapel, Islington. Magdalen Chapel. Freemasons' Hall. Concert Room, Opera House. I794. Broad Court Chapel. I796. LOCAL ORGANS, &C. St. Petersburg. Greenwich Hospital. 1789. Sleaford, Lincolnshire. Manchester (St. Thomas Ardwick). 1787. Helston, Cornwall. I799. Walsal, Staffordshire. Wrexham. Wycombe. Nayland, Essex. Wisbeach, Cambridgeshire. I789. Cirencester. Macclesfield. Stockport (St. Peter's). 1788. Bath. ... • St. Michael's, Cornwall. Tunbridge, Kent. 1788. Loughborough. Tamworth. Walton. Leigh. Chatham. Bolton, Lancashire. I 795. Cranbourne, Cornwall. Aberdeen Episcopal Chapel. Kingston Church, Jamaica. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. I 53 49. Pomfret Parish Church. [50. Oudwick, St. Thomas's, 1787.] 43. John Avery. Very little is known of this builder. He is said to have been a dissipated character : he was certainly an excellent workman. The dates of his organs range between 1775 and 1808. He died in the latter year, during the time he was engaged in finishing the organ of Carlisle Cathedral, his last work. Organs built by Avery. I. St. Stephen's, Coleman Street, City. I775. 2. Croydon Church, Surrey. I794. Avery considered this instrument his best work. This fine organ, together with the church, was destroyed by fire in 1866. Winchester Cathedral. I799. Christ Church, Bath. I80O. St. Margaret's Church, Westminster. I804. King's College Chapel, Cambridge. I 804. Some of the earlier work of Dallam's organ was, no doubt, incorporated in this instrument by Avery. The case is the original one, erected by Chapman and Hartop in 1606. Cole, the antiquary, gives a description of its appearance in his time — - “Over each side of the choir door towards the choir are the coats of arms of this and Eaton College, in shields neatly carved and blazoned, and directly over it stand the organs. The Small choir organ hangs Somewhat over the door into the choir, and is elegant and carved about the mouldings and wainscot part with beautiful gilt and painted pipes, adorned with the two aforesaid college arms, and other devices, as portcullises, fleurs-de-lis, roses, all crowned. Over the middle part of this organ, which is the lowest, are the college arms again carved, and over the two side parts, where the pipes are much larger, are two large royal crowns. This choir organ was put up about the year 1661, and cost about £200, and is a mighty neat one : this stands just before the great organ, the pipes of which on this side are neither gilt nor painted, but quite plain. Over the lower middle part of it are the royal arms, supported by a lion and unicorn, garter round them, and crowned. Over the middle part, fronting the antechapel, is an image of King David playing on his harp, and on each side of him, over the large pipes, are two Gothic carved pyramids. The pipes on this side are painted, gilt, and adorned as those of the choir organ. These organs were put up again, after they had been demolished by the Puritans of 1643, in 1661, and, though they are not the best of the sort, yet they are not by any means the worst.” i I 54 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. 7. Sevenoaks Church, Kent. I798. The following is a copy of a curious handbill in the possession of Mr. W. B. Gilbert, Mus. Bac. — e “Sevenoaks, Oct. 17, 1788. This is to give notice that the magnificent organ left to the parish of Sevenoaks by James Wright, Esq., late of Greenwich, will be opened in a grave and Žatriotic manner by the celebrated Mr. Wesley, on Sunday, the 28th of October. At the same time a collection will be made for the relief of the widows and children of those brave seamen that fell, and also those wounded, in the late glorious victory of Admiral Nelson over the French fleet on the 1st of August. Service at II.” 8. Carlisle Cathedral. I 808. 44. The Englands, Father and Son. These two organ-builders are generally confounded. George England flourished between the years 1740 and 1788, and George Pike England, his son, between 1788 and 1814. The former married the daughter of Richard Bridge. The elder England built many noble organs, a few of which may be enumerated. Organs built by George England. St. Stephen's, Wallbrook, 1760. Gravesend Church, Kent. I764. Ashton-under-line, Lancashire. I77O. St. Michael's, Queenhithe. I779. St. Mary's, Aldermary. I78.I. he last two organs were built in conjunction with Hugh Russell. St. Matthew's, Friday Street, St. Mildred's, Poultry. German Lutheran Church, Goodman's Fields. The Chapel of Dulwich College. St. Margaret Moses. II. St. Alphege, Greenwich. I O. With regard to the son, our information is more satisfactory; the following list of organs built by him being copied from his own account book, kindly lent me by Mr. Hill, the eminent organ- builder :— THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. I 5 5 ſº Organs built by G. P. England. I. St. George's Chapel, Portsmouth Common. I788. 2. St. James's Church, Clerkenwell. 1790. This organ cost £500 and the old organ, which was valued at £105. It was afterwards Sold by England to the parish church of Beccles, Suffolk, for £220. 3. Fetter Lane Chapel. 1790. Warminster Church, Wiltshire. I791. The Adelphi Chapel. I791. Gainsborough Church, Lincolnshire. I793. Newington Church, Surrey. I794. Blandford Church. I794. Carmarthen Church, South Wales. 1796. IO. St. Margaret's, Lothbury. I 801. II. The Sardinian Chapel. I 802. I2. Newark Church, Notts. I 803. I 3. Parish Church, Sheffield. I 805. This organ cost £770. i I4. St. Philip's, Birmingham. I 805. I 5. St. Martin's, Outwich. I805. 16. Hinckley Parish Church. 1808. 17. Stourbridge Church. I809. 18. Richmond Church, Yorkshire. I809. I9. High Church, Lancaster. I 809. This organ cost £672. 2O. Shiffnall Parish Church, Salop. I 8 II. 2 I. Ulverstone Parish Church. I8 II. 22. St. Mary's Chapel, Islington. I 812. 45. Paul Micheau. This builder was a native of Germany. He came to England about 1780, and settled in the city of Exeter. He built several organs for churches in Devon, and was largely employed in restora- tions and repairs. He had the care of LOOSemore's noble organ in Exeter Cathedral, and made several improvements in that instrument. He was also employed to keep the organ of the Parish Church of Tiverton in order, for which he received the sum of Á IO per annum. For the information concerning this builder I am indebted to Mr. W. B. Gilbert, I 56 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. Organs built by Paul Micheau. I. St. Mary Arches, Exeter. 2. St. Mary Major, Exeter. 3. Etwall Church, Derbyshire. 46. Organ-builders of the end of the Eighteenth Century. The Musical Directory for the year 1794, a curious and perhaps unique little book, in the library of the Sacred Harmonic Society, gives the following names, and places of residence, of the organ- builders living in London in that year — “Avery, St. Margaret's Church-yard, Westminster ; Cummins, Pentonville; Elliot (Thomas), Io, Sutton Street, Soho ; England, Stephen Street, Rathbone Place; Flight & Kelly, Exeter Change ; Green (Samuel), Isleworth ; Holland (Henry), Little Chelsea ; Maher, Lower Lambeth Marsh ; Pister (E. & J.), 116, Leadenhall Street; Russell, Theobald’s Road.” The most important of these builders have been carefully chronicled in these pages, and, if I have not mentioned all, it is because the records of their labours are not easily attainable. Other well-known names might be added to this list, such as Gray, Lincoln, and the two Allens ; but they more properly belong to a somewhat later period, to which my historical sketch does not extend. 47. Progress of Organ-building in Germany. During the eighteenth century Germany was especially prolific in large organs, and most of these instruments still remain as honourable memorials of the talents of their builders. 48. Andreas Silbermann. Amongst the most renowned organ-builders that the world has produced are the celebrated Silbermann family. The founder of this race of talented men was Andreas Silbermann, born at Frauenstein, Saxony, in 1678. The particulars of his life are not recorded ; but, during the space of twenty-seven years in which he flourished, he built at least twenty-nine organs. He died in 1733. THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. I 57 Organs built by Andreas Silbermann. I. St. Nicholas, Strasburg. I707. 2. Convent of St. Margaret, Strasburg. 1709. 3. Protestant Church of St. Pierre, Strasburg. I709. 4. Mauerstein, Lower Rhine. I 7IO. 5. Basle Cathedral. 17 II. 6. Convent of Guillelmines, Strasburg. I 712. 7. Oberenheim. I 713. 8. Giedertheim. 1715. 9. Strasburg Cathedral. 1714-16. IO. St. Etienne, Strasburg. I 717. II. And lau. I 717. I2. The Madeleine Convent, Strasburg. 1718. I3. Ebersheimmünster, Lower Rhine. 1718. I4. St. Leonard's, Basle. I718. I5. Hanau. I719. I6. Grendelbach. 1719. I7. Lautenbach, Upper Rhine. I719. 18. St. Jean, Weissemburg. I 72O. I9. St. Leonard's, near Oberenheim. I72.I. 20. Altenheim, near Offenburg, 1722. 21. Kolbsheim. I 722. 22. Church of the Dominicans, Colmar. 1726. 23. St. Guillaume, Strasburg. I 728. 24. Bischweiter. 1729. 25. Altorf, Lower Rhine. I 730. 26. Koenigsbrük Abbey, Lower Rhine. I 732. 27. Hospital Church, Colmar. I732. 28. Protestant Church, Colmar. I733. 29. Rosheim. I733. 49. Gottfried Silbermaneſe. Gottfried Silbermann, brother of the preceding, was born at Frauenstein, in 1684. After remaining some years in the workshop of his brother, he went into France, where, we are informed, “he worked and resided many years.” He was the inventor of the * Burney tells us that “the French organ-builders are much esteemed by the Germans y *> themselves, for the simplicity of their movements, and the mechanism of the whole.”—7our I 58 THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. “Clavecin d'amour,” and one of the earliest makers of the pianoforte. He died in 1754, during the period in which he was engaged on the Royal Catholic Church organ at Dresden, which noble instrument was completed by his nephew, Jean Daniel Silbermann. Organs built by Gottfried Silbermann. Freiberg Cathedral. 1714. St. Pierre, Freiberg. 1720. The Royal Church of the Evangelists, Dresden. 1720. St. Sophia, Dresden. I 740. Church of Notre Dame, Dresden. 1736. Poenitz, near Altenburg. 1737. The Royal Catholic Church, Dresden. 1754. 50. Johann Andreas Silbermann. This branch of the Silbermann family was the eldest son of Andreas, and consequently the nephew of the last-named. He was born at Strasburg, where his father resided, in 1712. He enjoyed considerable reputation as an organ-builder, and was beloved by his fellow-citizens for his social qualities. He died at Strasburg in 1783, with the title of Member of the Council of that city, leaving two sons, one of whom, Johann Josias, afterwards distinguished himself as a maker of musical instruments. # Johann Andreas Silbermann built fifty-four organs, the most important of which are — I. St. Thomas, Strasburg. I 740. 2. St. Etienne, Basle. 3. St. Theodore, Basle. 4. The Abbey of St. Blaise in the Black Forest. in Germany, vol. I., p. 21. During the period that Gottfried Silbermann studied in France, the best builders were Charles Dallery and François Clicquot. These builders chiefly worked together, and among their organs we may name those in the churches of St. Gervais, St. Nicolas des Champs, St. Méry, St. Sulpice, the chapel at Versailles, and the Abbey of Clairmarais. Pierre Dallery built the organ of Notre Dame, and those in the churches of St. Lazare and St. Suzanne at Paris. A descendant, Pierre François Dallery, was living as late as 1833. M. Danjou, the late organist of Notre Dame, Paris, discovered, in 1843, in the church of Soliez Ville, in the department of the War, an organ built as far back as the year 1450. It is in many respects an interesting discovery. Up to that time the oldest organ known in France was that of Gomesse, near Paris, THIE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. I 59 5.I. Johann Daniel Silbermann. This builder, the last of the family whom I shall particularise, was the second son of Andreas. He was born, in 1717, at Strasburg, and studied organ-building, under his uncle Gottfried, at Dresden. Upon the death of the latter, in 1754, whilst constructing the noble organ of the Royal Catholic Church at Dresden (before mentioned), he succeeded to his uncle's business. He died at Leipsic, in 1766. 52. Contemporaries and Successors of the Silbermanns. The family just mentioned had many contemporaries and suc- cessors, some few of which, if not equally eminent, are deserving of a notice in these pages. Zacharias Thessner built, in 1702, the great organ in the Cathedral of Merseberg; it had 68 registers, 5 manuals, and pedal. Adam Sterzing built, in 1707, a noble organ for the Court Church at Eisenach ; it had 58 registers, 4 manuals, and pedal. Eugenius Casparini (then an aged man), in conjunction with his son, Adam Horatius, built, in 1703, an organ for the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul at Görlitz, in Upper Lusatia ; it had 82 registers, 57 of which were whole stops. Henrich Herbst and his son built, in 1718, an organ at Halberstadt, with 74 registers, 3 manuals in front, 2 manuals at the sides, and pedal. Michael Engler, of Silesia, who flourished between 1688 and 1760, built many noble instruments; amongst which we may instance those in the churches of St. Salvator and St. Elizabeth at Breslau. He was succeeded by his son and grandson, Theophilus Benjamin and Jean Theophilus. The latter flourished between 1775 and 1822. Johann Michael Roder, of Berlin, built the great organ in the church of St. Mary Magdalen, at Breslau. It was erected in 1726. Then we have Joachim Wagner, who, in 1725, built the instrument in the Garrison Church at Berlin, of which Dr. Burney has left us a curious description, in his German Tour. - The Hildebrands—Zacharie, who flourished between 1680 and 1743, and Johann Gottfried, his son—were eminent artists. The latter built the noble organ in St. Michael's Church, Hamburg, in 1762, at an expense of £4000. But the two best-known organ-builders of the latter half of the I6O THE HISTORY OF THE ORGAN. eighteenth century are Johann Gabler, of Ulm, and Christian Müller, of Amsterdam ; the former, by his glorious organ in the Benedictine Abbey of Weingarten; the latter, by the “world-famed" Haarlem Organ. In this slight sketch of the history of the organ, from the earliest time to the close of the eighteenth century, I have doubtless omitted some names deserving of “honourable mention,” and left untold many things of importance to the inquiring student during this long period of progress. But all I professed to do was to treat the subject in an historical point of view, avoiding all details of a technical nature, keeping my attention strictly to facts. The labours of the principal builders towards the perfection of the “king of instruments” will receive their proper amount of attention, and their merits be duly chronicled, in the able Treatise which follows this Introduction. THE ORGAN : A CO M P R E H E N S I V E T R E AT IS E, ET C. BY EDWARD J. HOPKINS. THE ORGAN. ——O PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. large churches, town-halls and concert-rooms, is divided interiorly into four principal parts. The chief of these divisions, or departments, is that styled the Great Organ; the others are the Pedal Organ, the Choir Organ, and the Swell Organ. Some instruments of the first magnitude have, in addition to the foregoing, a fourth Manual Organ, which is usually a Solo Organ, as at St. Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, St. George's Hall, Liverpool, the Parish Church, Leeds, &c.; while in a few instances there is even a fifth Manual Organ, or Echo, in addition to a Solo Organ, as at the Parish Church, Doncaster, and the Town Hall, Leeds. In the former example the Echo has a separate manual, in the latter it is attached to one of the other rows of keys. The Several departments just enumerated are, in one sense, so many separate and distinct organs. This is the case so far, that each has usually its own sound-öoard, stops, clavier, &c.; but the whole of them being generally enclosed in one case (the choir organ - Sometimes excepted), with the different claviers so arranged as to be under the control of one performer, they are thus made to assume the appearance of one vast and comprehensive instrument. The choir organ is occasionally enclosed in a separate case, placed in front of and below the chief one,” as at St. Sepulchre's, Snow Hill; St. Lawrence, Jewry; St. James's, Piccadilly; St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, &c.; though not so arranged as to give it the appearance of being a detached portion, but harmonising with the main body of the * In England it is customary to speak of the separate choir organ as seen from the body of the church ; while in Germany it is better known in reference to its position to that of the organist when seated at the keys. Thus in England it is described as “the choir organ in front,” and in Germany as the “back-choir organ.” In the estimates. and accounts of the early seventeenth century organs, the two departments, which formed the entire musical portions of the largest instruments of the period, were frequently described as the “greate and litel organs;” while in other instances they were spoken of collectively as “the double organ.” M 2 4. - PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. instrument; so that, when viewed from the church, the two present one handsome and noble façade. - } In a few instances the main body of the organ is divided, leaving between a clear prospect of the building from end to end, as at West- minster Abbey, Rochester Cathedral, &c.; in which case a general unity in the design and grouping of the several parts of the case is more or less observed. The several departments already named have, generally speaking, certain fixed situations allotted to them in the instrument. For instance : - - The Great Organ is generally placed immediately behind the front pipes of the instrument (see fig. 1); many of which “show pipes " form a portion of those belonging to that department. The Choir Organ, when not located “in front,” is stationed behind, and at a convenient distance from the great organ (fig. 2), a foot-way (marked 3, in the general section) sixteen or eighteen inches wide being left between the two as a pathway for the convenience of tuning, &c., called the passage-board. The Swell Organ is placed above the choir organ, when the latter is not situated in front (fig. 4). In small instruments, where the choir organ is altogether omitted, the swell is often, though not advisedly, stationed Over the great organ. The Pedal Organ is either placed, in an entire state, behind, and parallel with the others (as shown in fig. 5), or it is divided, and a part arranged on each side of them. When there is no choir organ, or when that department appears in front, the pedal organ is frequently stationed to the rear of the great organ (occupying the usual position of the choir organ), with the swell above. The structural portions of an organ are classed into three great divisions, namely (1) the machine by which the wind is collected for the production of Sound, the channels through which it is conducted to the various departments of the instrument, and then re-distributed among the numerous pipes of each ; (2) the mechanism by which the several departments are individually or conjointly brought into use, and their stops brought under perfect control; and (3) the Sound- producing parts, namely, the pipe-work. - These several divisions, together with the case, constitute what is known, par excellence, as “THE Organ ;” the construction and operation of which form the subject-matter of the following chapters, * HDivision #. THE EXTERIOR OF THE ORGAN. CHAPTER I. T H E O R. G. A N C A S E. Its nature and use, and I. MOST organs are enclosed, at the back, sides, and the materials of which it front, in a case of wood—a covering that is of service to the is formed. instrument in protecting its mechanism and pipe-work from external injury, and rendering the working of its movements, when in operation, less audible. The case is of great utility, also, in rendering the instrument an ornament to the church, by bringing its appearance into perfect keeping with the other carved wood-work of the edifice. The organ-case is usually constructed either of oak, mahogany, walnut-tree wood, or of deal. When made of the last- mentioned material, it is either grained to imitate one of the fore-mentioned woods, or, what is much better, more real and light-looking, it is simply varnished. The case to the choir organ, in the chapel of Magdalen College, Oxford, is of Stone. The generalstructure of 2. The organ-case is usually divided, horizontally, into two the organ-case, and the stages, either by an impost or by a bold moulding ; and means of ingress. vertically, into numerous com/artments, by pilasters, or by buttresses. The compartments below the impost are usually filled in with panelling work all round, except in front, towards the centre, where the claviers are, generally speaking, located. The upper divisions are also frequently filled in similarly with panelling work, except where intended to receive pipes, as is the case in most small organs, where the chief wooden pipes are ranged immediately above the impost along the two sides, and, being lightly varnished and otherwise decorated, present a pleasant appearance. Some of the panelled parts are hung on hinges, or are otherwise made moveable, so as to form entrance doors, for the purpose of tuning, or for facilitating admittance to the mechanism and other work. 3. The front of the organ-case above the impost is generally formed into a series of open-work compartments—an arrangement that is so far advantageous to the tone of the instrument, that it admits of many of the pipes of Some of the chief stops being placed in these openings, whereby the predominance of their tone is more effectually secured ; the interstices between the bodies and feet of the pipes being calculated to assist the egress of the sound produced by those inside. Cathedral organs that occupy a central position have generally two fronts, facing east and west respectively—an arrangement that materially assists the progress of the tone of the instrument through the building laterally ; while many church organs of recent construction have no case above the impost, but pipes sustained by light wooden framework, or by elegantly designed iron-work. The general arrange- 4. The front pipes are very rarely arranged to succeed ment of the front Pipes, each other according to the sound they produce in the musical scale, like the keys—semitonally—as, in that case, all the large ones would be 6 THE EXTERIOR OF THE ORGAN. on one side and the small on the other, giving to the whole the appearance of a huge set of Pan-pipes ; but they are placed so as to present a symmetrical appearance. 5. The first and most obvious arrangement is into groups of large and Small pipes, forming separate compartments. The admixture of these large and Small Compartments constitutes one of the principal features of the design. The various figures in 6. Next, the pipes occupying the large and small com- which the front pipes partments are arranged according to one or more of many are arranged. different plans, and in varied forms, with the view to gaining greater contrast and elegance in the appearance of the organ. 7. The chief of these diversified plans, and the names by which they are known, are as follow :— 8. Pipes that are placed in a projecting semicircle are said to form Towers. (See a a, ſig. 6.) Examples of this kind of pipe arrangement occur in the graceful cases ºz o o O O C o O o o ty 6 of the organs at Whitehall Chapel; St. VO 2, C º O O O Clement's, Strand ; and indeed in most Organs. 9. Pipes standing in an angle are termed Pointed Towers (a a, ſig. 7); Spe- cimens of which may be seen at St. Sepul- * ~ * * * ***No “o 7 chre's, Snow Hill; and at St. Nicholas's, \, º/Tº $o & Newcastle-on-Tyne. & $o IO. Groups of pipes inclining inwards, semicircularly, are said to form Niches (%, ſig. 8); of which an example occurs in o9986 8 the centre of the case of the organ at St. º & §. & Philip's, Stepney. oooooo...? $oo e coooo II. A Breasted compartment is that of which the middle part is a little rounded forwards, as shown at a, in ſig. 9. 9 Examples occupy the centre of the hand- O e O O_O O º, O O 9-2 º Some organ-cases at St. Mary's, Islington, —sgoãoo- and St. John's, Horselydown. 12. If the pipes are placed curvilinearly, the compartment is said to be of the Ogee form. (See ſig. Io.) Of this kind of pipe arrange- IO ment examples exist at St. Olave's, Southwark, and at St. Helen's, Bishopsgate. I3. When the pipes are continued in a straight line, they are called Flats (see Jigs. II, I2, I3, I4 ; also b b, ſigs. 6 and 7); of which examples occur in all Organs. I4. Some organ-cases have what are denominated Flat Towers, of which very fine examples occur at St. Paul's Cathedral. Such are formed by arranging the pipes that in some organ-cases stand in a semicircle, or in an angle, parallel. wise. Others, again, have what are called “circular ends”; i.e., the case, instead of being flanked at each side by a tower, has a curved Compartment, resembling half a circular tower, furnished with a greater number of narrow pipes. The organ at Exeter Hall has circular ends. THE ORGAN-CASE. 7 The arrangement of the I5. The front pipes are generally planted in tonal suc- º cession in each half of the case; that is to say, those which the Sound they produce. e 2 Y; tº occur in the compartments to the left of the centre give one or other of the following six sounds, namely, C, D, E, F sharp, G sharp, or A sharp : the pipes occupying those to the right sounding either C sharp, D sharp, F, G, A, or B. This alternate distribution may readily be discovered by first drawing the open diapason, or whatever other stop may have most of its pipes appearing “im prospect” (as the Germans have it), and then slowly playing the chromatic scale in its ascending form ; when the sounds will be noticed to proceed first from the left, and then from the right hand side of the front. Occasionally, however, the order is reversed. I6. As to the precise situation in the front where these alternate speaking pipes will be found, this depends on the design of the case. If it comprises three towers, a large centre one and two smaller flanking ones, as in most of Harris and Snetzler's organs, the largest pipe will generally be found in the middle of the centre tower, those which follow standing right and left alternately, the arrange- ment being continued in the lateral towers; if there are two large lateral towers, and a smaller one in the centre, the alternate plantation will commence from the sides. In Smith's four-tower fronts the distribution is usually among the entire number of towers. In the majority of instances, therefore, a pipe which on the Second side reflies to a particular one on the first will occupy the corresponding position on the second side. Thus supposing the CC pipe of the open diapason to stand in the middle of the tower on the left side of the case, the CC sharp pipe will probably be in the centre of the similarly situated tower on the right; the DD and EE pipes will stand one on each side of the CC; while those giving DD sharp and FF will appear immediately on the right and left respectively of the CC sharp pipe. 17. The alternate assortment of the front pipes materially facilitates the power of giving to the organ a symmetrical appearance. The CC sharp pipe differs so slightly from the CC in its diameter (in a decreasing ratio), that the eye fails, at a distance, to discover the deviation ; hence the two pipes—as indeed any other two, of which the sounds are only separated by a semitone—are placed in corresponding positions, without the slightest ill, but, on the contrary, good effect resulting. I8. The necessary deviation in length, however, would be sooner detected ; hence both pipes are made to agree in this respect: but the one that is to give the higher Sound has an opening cut in the back, at the top, which produces the same influence on the tone as slightly shortening the pipe. 19. The next pipe on the “CC side,” FF sharp (supposing the towers already spoken of to contain three pipes each only), will probably appear in another compartment; perhaps in a Smaller tower, or in a flat, or in one of the ogee or the breasted form ; and so on. When the pipes become too small to appear externally, the few remaining ones are disposed inside, and, members of other stops brought into prominence, if more pipes are required in sight to complete the design. - 20. The pipes in the flats are arranged in a far greater number of different ways than are those in the towers. In compartments of the fore-mentioned kind the largest pipes are sometimes placed outside, and the Small ones in the middle, as represented in fºg. II, -- *. * OOOOooooooooo 8 THE EXTERIOR OF THE ORGAN. at others, the small ones occupy the extreme positions right and left, and the large ones the centre (ſig. I2), a cooCOOOOOOOoo while occasionally they are disposed in a graduated series; the largest being at one end and the Smallest at the other; as in figs. 13 and 14. I3 O O O QC, O O O C o o o a ooooooooooooo C , I4 Of the decoration of the 21. The surface of the front pipes of most English organs is front pipes adorned either with gilding or diapering. In former times the front pipes were more commonly diapered; i.e., figured in various colours; and many of Smith and Harris's organs were so ornamented. That, by the former builder, at Finedon, in Northamptonshire, still retains its original embellishments of this nature; so also does the old organ in the chapel of Christ College, Cam- bridge. The front pipes of the organ built by Harris for King James' Chapel, at Whitehall, and now in St. James's Church, Piccadilly, were diapered ; and, on being transferred to their present locality, were cut open and turned inside out. Frequent instances have of late occurred of the revival of this kind of pipe-decoration. The instruments in Westminster Abbey and the Temple Church have their front pipes both gilded and diapered. 22. The front pipes of the organs in Holland, some parts of France, and most of the German States, being frequently made of pure tin, are simply polished or burnished, giving them the handsome appearance of bright silver. The front pipes of the organ, in the Roman Catholic Church in Leicester Square, by Mr. Gern, are of burnished tin, so also are the 32-feet pipes by Mr. Willis in the front of the organ in the Albert Hall. TDivision ##. THE WIND-COLLECTING PORTION OF THE ORGAN. CHAPTER II. THE BELLOWS. Their use. 23. THE use of the bellows is to collect and enclose a quantity of atmospheric air, and, after compressing it, to propel it through the various wind-channels up to the pipes. These are, in fact, the lungs of the organ : without their aid it would be but a voiceless machine. The different kinds of 24. There are two kinds of bellows to be met with in church º organs, namely, diagonal and horizontal bellows. Previously sides; their names; to the introduction of the kinds now understood by these and why so called. names, organ bellows were made like the ordinary household bellows. As an improvement upon these, bellows were next constructed on a plan identical with those still used in Smiths’ forges, namely, with a feeder below, and a diagonal reservoir above to produce a continued blast of air, the folds or sides being made of thick hide leather. Some bellows of this latter species were in existence, lying in a lumber-room in the (once collegiate) Church of Tong, in Shropshire, as late as the year 1789. But such primitive machines, from the nature of the material of which they were made, were liable to frequent injury from the friction to which their folds were unavoidably subject whenever they were worked ;” and their constantly recurring unsoundness from this cause gradually led to the adoption of a more durable material in their construction. Thus wood came to be used in lieu of leather for the folds, with pieces of horse-sinew and strips of leather for the hinges, which substitution rendered the bellows far less liable to destruction from attrition. Of this more substantial kind of bellows specimens are still occasionally to be seen in the Small cabinet organs of Father Smith. In the church organs, however, of that celebrated artist, and also in those of his worthy competitor, Harris, only diagonal bellows—the kind represented in ſig. I5, except that they were worked by a handle and not a treadle—were used. These bellows are said by some to have been first introduced by Lobinger, of Nuremberg, in 1570. According to other accounts they were invented by Hennings, of Hilde- sheim, in the seventeenth century. But Dr. Rimbault, in his valuable History of the Organ, p. 48, quoting from the Fabrick Rolls of York Minster, under the date 1419, states that John Couper, a carpenter, received, “for constructing the ribs of the bellows of the organ, I2d.” If these were made of wood, of which there, can Scarcely be a doubt, the improvement in question is not only much older than is generally supposed, but was made by an Englishman. 25. Diagonal bellows continued to be almost exclusivelyt employed in church * Hence the repeated appearance in so many old parish accounts of entries such as “for mendyng of ye organ bellowis,” or “for the amendyng of the organys.” + It will have been seen, from the illustration on page 35 of the Historical Introduction, that IO THE WIND-COLLECTING PORTION OF THE ORGAN. organs till towards the latter part of the last century, when a new kind was brought forward in this country, which was considered by the English organ-builders of the time to present so many advantages over that previously used for church- work, that, soon after the commencement of the present century, the construction of bellows of the diagonal species was entirely abandoned. The fine organ in St. Margaret's Church, Westminster (built by Avery, in 1804), appears to have been one of the latest instruments made with bellows of the single or diagonal kind. 26. At the present time the horizontal is the only description of bellows made by English and French organ-builders; though, in Germany, the diagonal still remains in favour. In the magnificent organ erected by Schulze, of Paulinzelle, in the Parish Church, Doncaster, in 1862, diagonal bellows are used. 27. The names given to the two kinds of organ bellows sufficiently indicate the distinctive principle upon which each operates. The diagonal, or, as it has some- times been denominated, the wedge-shaped bellows, is so called because, when blown, the top rises diagonally ; that is to say, one end ascends while the other remains stationary ; thus giving to the bellows a wedge-shaped appearance, as shown in the following engraving, when charged with air. I5 28. A horizontal bellows (ſig. 16), on the contrary, preserves its level surface in all stages of its operation, whether it be wholly distended, quite empty, or at any intermediate point between the two extremes. Hence its distinctive appellation. Particulars concerning 29. Diagonal bellows are, as already mentioned, seldom, if the diagonal bellows. & º ever, now made in England. Numerous specimens, however, still exist in our old town and village church organs. Of such kind of bellows two, at the least, are found in even the Smallest church organs; one for Supplying the instrument while the other is being replenished. As, during the process of inflation, the top of the bellows is gradually raised, and, therefore, the weights on its surface a reservoir similar to the upper member of a horizontal bellows was known in the time of Praetorius, 1620; but, being made without a feeder, it was the same in principle as the old diagonal bellows, so far that it was inflated by raising the top. Although somewhat similar to the modern bellows in appearance, it was as different in the method of its working, as it was inferior in actual utility. THE BELLOWS. II exercise no compressing influence on the contained air, it follows that, for the time being, the wind within that bellows can be of no greater density than the air without, and therefore is of no service in supplying the organ. A practical proof of this fact may be obtained, where there are two diagonal bellows, by pressing the handles of both down at once, when the organ will become for the time quite silent. Hence arises the necessity for a second bellows, to supply wind while the first is being charged, and vice versä. Their number. 3O. And while Small and moderate-sized organs have from 2 to 6 diagonal bellows, many large instruments have 8, Io, 12, or even as many as I4. Thus the Meresburg organ has 6 bellows; that at Wismar, 8; that at Haarlem, I2; while that at St. Sulpice, in Paris, had, until lately, 14 bellows. Smith's organ in St. Paul’s Cathedral had originally 4 large diagonal bellows, measuring 8 feet by 4. The new organ at Doncaster has 12. Arrangement. 31. The Several diagonal bellows are usually placed in a row, side by side, outside the case ; or, when too numerous to be so disposed, they are often ranged in two rows, one over the other. In the latter case the upper row of bellows is generally furnished with ropes, by means of which the same blowers are enabled to work both rows. Such was the arrangement at the church of St. Owen, at Rouen, previous to the recent improvement of the organ by Cavaillé-Coll. The blower depressed the handles of the lower row of bellows as he leisurely walked across the platform behind the organ from one side to the other, and drew down the ropes of the upper row as he returned. In Smith and Harris's organs they were placed outside, and generally to the rear of the case. They were placed, for the first time, inside the case by Harris, in 1703, in his Salisbury Cathedral organ. In many of the Continental organs the bellows are inflated by means of treadles instead of handles. The illustration numbered I5 represents a bellows worked in this manner. The treadles lie in a row near the ground, and the blower, stepping from one treadle to another, by his weight lowers each of them, and thus the bellows are distended. The bellows of the Doncaster organ are blown in this way. 32. The wind supplied by the several diagonal bellows is received into a chief or head canal, consisting of a long Square and (generally) horizontally disposed wooden tube; from which canal it is distributed among the several sound-boards, through smaller tubes shooting forth from it and traversing the organ in all necessary directions. Such are the general arrangements for collecting and Compressing, for receiving and distributing the organ-wind. To an enumeration of these may be added the following details:– Method of operation. 33. Diagonal bellows are blown by pressure upon the near end of the governing handle or treadle (a, ſig. I 5). On this descending, the other end (b) ascends, raising with it the moveable end of the top of the bellows (C). As this is taking place, some of the external air rushes in through the bottom of the bellows, at openings or gratings made for the purpose, and fills the cavity of the bellows. Valves placed over the apertures then fall over them and close in the wind. The surface weights ( i) now exercise their influence, by pressing heavily on the top of the bellows (o o); and the top of the bellows, by descending, in its turn, forcibly on the enclosed wind, compresses it and so prepares it for use ; in which state it rushes towards the chief wind-receiver, through the wind-trunk (w). As the air in the bellows is by degrees exhausted, the top descends, the handle as gradually rising ; when the latter reaches its full height and becomes stationary, it indicates that the contents of the bellows are exhausted. The wind from the I 2 THE WIND-COLLECTING PORTION OF THE ORGAN. several bellows does not enter the receiver at the same time ; but that from one bellows is first consumed, and then the supply is continued by the next. So that the bellows do not all sink down together, but one after the other, as is indicated by the consecutive rising of the handles. 34. This successive transmission of the wind from the several bellows is brought under regulation by means of valves or traps, one between each bellows and the chief wind-receiver, which act in the following manner. The wind from the first bellows not only supplies the organ, but by its force alone keeps the traps of the other bellows closed so long as the wind lasts. When this supply is just exhausted, then the trap of the second bellows suddenly opens, the condensed air from which not only keeps the traps of the remaining bellows still closed, but also shuts that of the one just emptied, and so prevents the entrance of any of the wind which the bellows now in operation is supplying. On the stock of wind from the second bellows being exhausted, the trap of the third opens and continues the Supply, that of the second closing ; and so on with all the remaining bellows. Sometimes a certain number of the bellows supply one department only of the organ. Thus, of the I4 originally at St. Sulpice, 6 were devoted to the great organ, 4 to the pedal, the remaining 4 supplying the Smaller departments of the organ. The description just given must therefore be understood as referring to the working of one set or series of bellows only, of which an organ may contain I, 2, or 3, according to circumstances. Their original defects. 35. Although the bellows of every large organ were more or less numerous, yet for a long period there lacked the means for ascertaining whether they all produced a supply of wind of equal strength or intensity. Improvements had been made by which the evils of this defect had been lessened by increasing the size, and, therefore, by decreasing the number of the bellows, but the uncertainty remained in respect to the fewer bellows that had still to be employed. It was not until the seventeenth century that the wind-gauge or anemometer was invented by a German organ-builder of the name of Förner. This little machine enabled builders to “weight” the bellows of an organ so that they all produced a wind of the same general force. But a Source of inequality was discovered to exist in the bellows itself. It was found that a diagonal bellows produced a comparatively light wind when fully distended, and a gradually increasing one as it collapsed ; the consequences being that the organ did not always produce precisely the same strength of tone, neither did it always sound strictly in tune. 'The causes of this inequality in the strength of the wind were as follow. A diagonal bellows, on being charged with air, would have the top-board (o o, ſig. I5, and b, ſig. 17) raised to its greatest height ; the side and end ribs (c c, c c, ſig. 17) taking as nearly a perpendicular position as a regard to the stability of the bellows would allow, and having their middle joints, or points of conjunction (d. d), inclined inwards. The sides and end would then, present an obtuse angle to the wind, as shown in fºg. I7, which is a cross section of a diagonal bellows. But as the top-board descended, the angle they described would become more and more acute, as illustrated at e e, in ſig. 18. As the contents there- I8 fore of the bellows were gradually exhausted, not only was the height of the Space within the bellows lessened, but also the length EE and Öreadth. The wind within, consequently, was not simply influenced by the calculated pressure of the surface-weights, but also by the com- pressing power of the inward folding ribs, which, pressing forward, wedge-fashion, into the confined air, gave it more force. An accurately made anemometer showed THE BELLOWS. I 3 that the wind was ſº stronger when the bellows was at its least elevation, and nearly empty, than when at its greates# elevation. • 2 36. Another circumstance that tended to bring about the inequality complained of was the irregular influence of the surface-weights, which did not press with the Same effect on the bellows in all stages of its sinking. A weight will, according to one of the simplest laws of mechanics, operate with its fullest effect only upon a Zevel surface. Now, when a diagonal bellows was distended, at which time the top- board presented an inclined" plane, the weights could only press obliguely on the wind, and therefore with something less than their greatest effect. This imperfect pressure gradually disappeared as the bellows closed ; that is to say, as the top gradually approached the horizontal line; the result being that the bellows com- pleted its work by the production of a stronger wind than was the case at the com- mencement of its sinking. 37. These were the defects which existed in the diagonal bellows, as originally made, and which the German organ-builders succeeded in rectifying, by means as simple in their nature as they were successful in their effect. How remedied. 38. Instead of the bellows being fixed with the under-board (a + æ, ſig. I 5) perfectly level, as heretofore, they were now placed with the spread- ing end somewhat below the other end (as illustrated in ſig. 15); so that, when expanded, the fo/ (o o), instead of the bottom, formed the horizontal line. This slight alteration of position secured to the wind the full influence of the surface- weights (; 2) at the commencement of the bellows' sinking, instead of at the end ; and therefore at the time when the ribs would be producing the /east effect. As the top descended below the level, the weights would lose some of their influence ; the closing ribs, however, pressing in on all sides, at the same time increased theirs. This is the arrangement of the bellows at Doncaster. To counteract any greater influence which the inward folding ribs might still exercise, a long wooden spring was applied, which operated during the earlier stages of the bellows' sinking, in addition to the surface-weights ; but by degrees ceased to do so as the influence of the ribs was more and more felt. 39. This spring, consisting of a long rule of box-wood (ſig. I5, fff), was laid under the bellows, and fastened down at one end (%), the other having a rope attached (g), communicating with the wooden rod (h) that lifts the top of the bellows. On raising the top-board, the rope and free-end of the box-wood spring were drawn up ; the latter, from its own elasticity of course, operating with the greatest force when most curved upwards. Additional compressing power was thus brought to bear upon the wind when the ribs pressed inwards but slightly ; but as they gradually did so more acutely, giving to the wind more strength, the elastic power of the spring as gradually became less, and finally became powerless. Thus was a uniform strength of wind secured throughout the sinking of the diagonal bellows. 40. In England, also, various ingenious devices were had recourse to for equalising the wind-pressure. Renatus Harris, in his organ at St. Dionis, Back- church (1724), applied accumulative springs to the four bellows for this purpose. Green, in the organ erected by him in St. George's Chapel, Windsor (1790), inserted an apparatus consisting of a system of gradually increasing Counterpoise, acting, by * Diagonal bellows were originally fixed with the under-board (x & x, ſig. I5) in a perfectly horizontal position, ~ - I4. THE WIND-COLLECTING PORTION OF THE ORGAN. means of a rope coiled round a small pulley, in opposition to the descent of the bellows. 41. An ingenious mechanician, of the name of Cumming, a clock-maker by trade, appears to have been the first to whom the idea occurred of making a bellows on the horizontal principle. According to his own pamphlet, the principle was sketched out by him in 1762, and first carried into practice in the organ completed under his direction for the Earl of Bute in 1787. It was also tried by Samuel Green in the beautiful little organs erected by him in St. Thomas's Church, Ardwick, in 1787, and in St. Peter's Church, Stockport, in the following year. On the other hand the organs by the same admirable maker in Lichfield Cathedral (1789, now removed), and St. George's Chapel, Windsor (1790), had diagona/ bellows, from which circumstance it would seem that Green was not at first entirely satisfied with the then new kind of bellows. The one main fact, at any rate, is certain, as well as satisfactory, namely, that the horizontal bellows is an invention of English origin. The horizontal bellows. 42. A horizontal bellows (see ſig. 16) comprises two separate and distinct chambers, one immediately over the other. The lower one (a), closely resembling a diagonal bellows, is called the ſeeder, from its Supplying or “feeding ” the upper division with wind. The upper chamber (ar a) is called the reservoir, because it receives the great body of wind collected by the feeder for compression, and holds it in “reserve' for after-distribution among the various departments of the organ. - 43. One circumstance connected with the horizontal bellows—and a very im- portant one it is—is, that one of this kind will with ease Supply an organ that would require perhaps half-a-dozen of the diagonal species. How this should be the case is soon explained. A feeder, as already stated, closely resembles a diagonal bellows. Now supposing a horizontal bellows to be supplied by a feeder of a given size, and that six full charges therefrom are necessary to fill the reservoir, it follows that the supply from that one reservoir will be as plentiful and efficient as that from six bellows of the diagonal species of the dimensions of the feeder (a). This fact is the more apparent, when it is born in mind that diagonal bellows do not all afford their supply at the Same time. Its structural features. 44. On examining a horizontal bellows, it will be seen to consist of three stout horizontal layers or plates of wood, called respectively the toff-board (c, figs. 16 and 23, also figs. 19 and 20); the middle-board (d, ſigs. I6 and 23, also ſig. 21); and the bottom-board (e, ſigs. I6 and 23, also ſig. 22): which “boards” are joined together all round by side and cross-fold boards called ribs. (See fffſ, in ſigs. I6 and 23; also ſigs. 24, 25, and 26). -- 45. The ſoft-board is usually made of pine, from one to three inches in thickness; and, in small bellows, consists simply of a plain, substantial board, I9. ledgered near to each end, as shown in ſig. 19. The top-board for larger bellows is frequently composed of a stout frame, divided crossways and EEE lengthways by rails, resembling the stiles, &c., of a common door (ſig. 20); with the interstices filled in, or in some instances covered in, with thick wooden panels. Very large bellows frequently have the top-board framed all round, and also across, with a lining two or three inches in height; which increases its stability and its freedom from H-s—s tremor. Moveable panels offer an easy means of getting at the valves of the middle-board below, if they become deranged from damp, excessive heat, or any other cause. THE BELLOWS. I 5 46. The middle-board (ſig. 21) is made of rather larger dimensions than the top-board ; a slight additional portion being required all 2O round to form a substantial ridge for the support of the bellows on their sustaining frame-work. This is clearly shown at d, in ſig. 16; also in ſigs. 23 and 35. To the middle-board are attached, at the sides and ends, and marking as nearly as may be the outline of the top-board, four thick boards (e e e e, fig. 21), Some four or five inches broad, and set up edgeways (g, ſig. I6), called the trunk-band, or /ining, which - “band” permits the various wind-trunks to be joined to the bellows at any farë most convenient to fix them. (See o and v, fig. 23.) In some bellows pieces of wood, the same height as the band, and of the same width as the ribs, are placed inside the band, and at right angles to it, which, with the band itself, form a firm resting place for the ribs. Besides this three or four posts are inserted down the centre of the 2I middle-board, of the same height as the trunk-band, with the thickness of the ribs, &c., added, which bear up the top-board and weights. Or, in very long bellows, instead of a few posts, a rib of inch pine (of the same height as the posts) is carried through the whole length of the middle-board (inside the band, glued to the middle-board and Screwed through from the under side), which not only supports the top-board from end to end. down the middle, but also serves as a brace to the middle-board, These several insertions add materially to the stability of the bellows. The middle-board and trunk-band together form a kind of large, shallow trough, in the bottom of which lie the several “valves” or “suckers,” marked f f f in the adjoining figure. Sometimes the middle-board, like the top, has move- able panels, to facilitate the repairing or cleaning of the valves 22 in the bottom-board, when required. f £ 47. The bottom-board (ſig. 22) is made of good substance, - like the other “boards” of the bellows. It is provided with suckers, like the middle-board, and forms the bottom of the 6 || || 8 || || @ feeder, as already exemplified in ſig. 16. It is therefore |3|E|E|E ledgered on the under side, to prevent its “springing,” when in forcible operation. The bottom-board º º ElG| the top-board in dimensions; at other times, not nearly so : E|E|. this often depending on the kind of feeder by which the reser- voir is fed. f 48. The ribs are the variously shaped pieces of wood that form, chiefly, the folds of the bellows. They measure from 3-8ths to 24. an inch in thickness, according to the size and general strength of the bellows. / N S. Z I6 THE WIND-COLLECTING PORTION OF THE ORGAN. 49. Two general forms of rib are made use of the Žarallel and the triangular. The former kind, represented in figures 24 and 25 25, is employed in the formation of the reservoir S. Z of the bellows, and the spreading end of the / N feeder (ſig. 17); the latter (ſig. 26), for the sides of the feeder. Those constituting the sides and ends of the reservoir are narrow and long, measuring usually three or four inches in breadth, and from three or four to ten or twelve feet in length, or even more, according to circum- StanceS. 50. The Žarallel ribs are classified into direct and inverted, in regard to a certain peculiarity in their shape. The former kind are those which have their shorter sides hinged together ; the latter, those which have their longer sides so united. The direct ribs (25) are used in the formation of the lower half of the reservoir; the inverted (24), for the upper half—at least, in modern bellows. In addition to this classification the parallel ribs are further divided into side-ribs and end-ribs, in reference to the position which they occupy. 51. The triangular-shafted riffs, which are identical in shape with the side-ribs of a diagonal bellows, are made broadest at the 26 f end where the feeder opens widest (o, ſig. 26; also e, fºg. I6, and ſig. 23); from whence they −7 gradually diminish in width towards the other Q end, finishing off in a point. In the formation of =< the reservoir of a horizontal bellows sixteen ribs are used ; four on each side, and as many at each end. These ribs are divided all round into two series of two each, by a frame called the middle-frame, of which, however, only the edges are to be traced in a completed bellows. (A, ſigs. I6 and 23.) * 52. The valves in the middle and bottom boards are formed of one, two, or three thicknesses of leather, glued together. They are made rather larger than the openings which they are designed to cover, that the closing may be effectual. (See ſigs. 27 and 28 for the plan and section of 27 the valves.) The valves are usually hinged on at one end (b) to the “board,” the other end and both sides being left quite free to *. rise and fall. The end forming the hinge b consists of one thickness only of leather, (figs. 27 and 28), that it may be perfectly flexible. Occasionally the valves are attached with pieces of tape ; one piece at each of the four corners, with the other ends nailed to the board. The entire valve then rises ; the pieces of tape preventing its shifting from over the orifices or gratings. 53. These several openings or gratings are technically called suckers. They are sometimes made of an oblong form ; as shown at ffſ, in ſig. 21, and at w w, in ſig. 23, and filled in with a metal or wooden grating; or they consist of clusters of circular holes ; as shown at f/, in ſig. 22, and on an enlarged scale, in ſigs. 27 and 28. The gratings in the Square suckers, and the wooden substance that separates the holes of each circular cluster from one another, prevent the com- pressed air from forcing the valves downwards through the suckers. 54. As their names imply, the bottom-board forms the bottom to the feeder; the middle-board occupies the intermediate position, and so serves the double THE BELLOWS. 17 purpose of roof to the feeder and bottom to the reservoir; while the top-board forms the top to the reservoir. 55. Of these three great layers of wood-work the middle-board is the fixture, and supports the entire bellows. Below hangs the feeder, and above rests the reservoir. The bottom and middle-boards are furnished with perforations or gratings, with leather valves lying over the upper sides ; the use of which will be clearly understood from an explanation of the manner in which a horizontal bellows is worked. The working of the 56. As the free end (g, ſig. 23) of the feeder descends, the horizontal bellows ; and º - º .*.*... . external air throws back the valves (w w) in the bottom-board, compressed air makes and rushes through the gratings (ra), filling the cavity of the for itself, between the feeder; after which the valves descend again over the gratings plates and folds of the º º - re reservoir. and close in the wind. The hanging end of the feeder is then drawn upwards, by which movement the enclosed air is strongly pressed against the surface above ; that is, against the under side of the middle- board (d). The exercise of this force throws back the valves (s s) that lie over the apertures in the middle-board—the valves not being intended to resist the pressure of the wind in this direction, but only downwards—and the wind, having thus cleared a way for itself, passes from the feeder into the reservoir. The valves on the upper side of the middle-board (s s) then in their turn fall over the openings and prevent the return of the wind into the feeder. 57. At the moment wind is being thus transmitted, the folds (// / /) open and thé top-board (c) rises so as to form a sufficiently capacious receptacle for it. 58. While the several processes just detailed are going on, some of the wind is, under the pressure of the surface weights (; ; ), constantly flowing through the various exits or wind-trunk holes (o and v) into wooden tubes (y) or wind-trunks, and thence to the several departments of the organ supplied by that bellows ; the top-board of the bellows descending and the folds collapsing as the quantity of the wind in the reservoir is reduced, and rising again and the sides expanding as more wind is Supplied. In ſigs. I6, 23, 35, and also in the general Section, the reservoir is represented as being fully distended or charged with wind ; and in ſig. 32 it is shown in a collapsed or resting state. - - 59. The folds of the bellows are subject to a constant strain. ... 29 in consequence of the antagonistic powers exercised by the feeder on the one hand, and the compressing weights on the other ; the former forcing air upwards, while the latter press the top-board downwards. - 60. To give them the power of resisting the outward pressure of the contained air, arising from these circumstances, a piece of frame-work an inch or more in thickness, some three or four inches in breadth, and of nearly the same outer measurement as the top-board (see ſig. 29), is inserted between the two series of ribs. 61. This middle-frame holds the ribs so firmly in their proper positions, that there is no liability, under ordinary circum- stances, of the folds bulging from the force above alluded to. The construction of the 62. The several parts of the reservoir already described are reservoir. worked together in the following manner. The ribs are first assorted into pairs; the proper sides of each couple being brought close together. A long strip of white-dressed leather is then glued over the contiguous edges : N I8 . THE WIND-COLLECTING PORTION OF THE ORGAN. a second piece being attached in a similar manner to the same edges on the other side. These pieces together form a strong hinge, which is called the middle-joint. 63. All the other couples of the ribs are then firmly united together in like II].2.1] In 61. 64. The lower edge of the under series of ribs is then 3O fastened to the lining ; secondly, the upper edge of the upper » ribs is united to the edges of the top-board ; thirdly, the lower N 2% edge of the upper series is bound to the inner edge of the middle-frame; and, fourthly, the upper edge of the lower Series is joined to the outer edge of the middle-frame. The openings at the four angles or corners, where the ends of the ribs nearly meet, marked a a a a, in ſig. 30, are then closed with leather, which form what are technically called the glassets. The adjoining figure (No. 30) is a plan of the folds of the reservoir. The construction of the 65. The folds and boards of the feeder | CY, &. feeder, are joined together in much the same /* * manner, only that the end of the bottom-board is strongly * fastened to the middle-board with several pieces of shoe-leather, rope, girth-webbing, or something of the sort, to form the work- 3I ing part of the great hinge. Over these is glued a stout coating .* of white leather, to render this joint equally air-tight with the NS Z others. A piece of wood running across the end of the feeder (c c, ſig. 31), and about equal in thickness to the folds when they are closed against the middle-board, admits of the feeder being drawn up without straining the hinge. Both corners, where the end of this cross-piece and the points of the side-ribs nearly meet, are covered in with leather corner-ſieces. The adjoining figure (No. 31) is a plan of the folds of a single feeder, which are formed of six ribs, two to form each side, and two for the hanging end. The blowing action. 66. The apparatus by which the feeder of the bellows is put in motion is called the blowing-action, one of the simplest kinds of which, namely, that for a single feeder, consists of a vertical pump-rod, a horizontal bellows- handle, and an upright standard, to which must be added the fork-shaped piece of wood that projects from the hanging end of the feeder, called the Zug. The lower end of the pump-rod (a, ſig. 35) is placed between the two prongs of the lug (w) and secured by an iron bolt (v); the upper is placed in a mortice cut in the near end of the bellows-handle, and similarly secured, while the bellows-handle itself rests in a deep cutting made in the upper part of the standard to receive it, where also it is secured by a bolt. Where there are double feeders, there are of course also two pump-rods (a a), which then communicate with a large lever (o o), from which latter a rod (c) communicates with the bellows-handle (d). (See ſig. 35.) 67. The disengaged end of the bellows-handle usually passes through a high and narrow cutting in the organ-case, and is worked outside. As, however, it is necessary that the bellows-blower should at all times know at what rate the wind in the reservoir is being exhausted, which will at times be rapid, and at others slow, and as the bellows themselves. are generally hidden from view, a kind of index, or, as it is commonly called, a fel/-tale, is introduced to convey this necessary intelligence. This usually consists simply of a plummet fastened to a piece of whip-cord, which whip-cord is carried over a little wheel in the organ- THE BELLOWs. I9 case near to the bellows-handle, and then fastened to the top-board. As the reservoir fills and the top rises, the weight descends, as it is emptied, the top descends and the weight rises. When the weight is down, the bellows are under- stood to be “full ; ” and, when up, “empty.” The most proper place to keep the weight is about midway between the two extremes. The action of the in- 68. By making the upper “fold" to open outwards, while the verted folds, lower does So inwards, the former affords more space for the wind, just in proportion as the latter provides less. Thus the disadvantageous influence that would certainly be exercised by the one fold is neutralised by the opposite action of the other. The counter-balances. 69. The “inverted ſolds” formed a part of Cumming's Original improvement. One condition, however, necessary towards securing their corrective influence was, that both should always be at the same relative degree of openness and closeness; for otherwise an unequal wind would still result. To obtain this proportionate action, Some light, moving, directing frame-work (ſig. I6, w 70) was applied to the two sides (or sometimes to the two ends) of the reservoir, and attached to the trunk-band (g), middle-frame (h), and top-board (c) of the reservoir, which “guide-work” always kept those three portions at equal distances apart, and so effectually secured the required and exact contrary action of the two series of ribs which occurred in the spaces between them. The counter- &alances, as the adjuncts in question were called, serve the additional purpose of preventing the top-board, with its heavy weights, swerving to the right or to the left, instead of rising and falling. In large bellows the influence of the folds is far less than in Small ones, as the width of the ribs is by no means increased in propor- tion to the Superficial measurement of the bellows. The folds, therefore, of large bellows are narrower in proportion than in Small ones, and their influence conse- quently less perceptible. The waste-pallet. 70. Another cause of inequality in the strength of the wind had to be guarded against. The consumption of wind would, under certain circumstances, be very slow and gradual ; the rate of the fresh supply from the feeder being then, most probably, much greater than that of the outflowing. This additional wind, accumulating in the reservoir, would soon fully distend it. If, while in this inflated state, more wind were attempted to be introduced, as the reservoir could expand no farther, the extra wind could only make room for itself by compressing that which was already within into a still Smaller space. By doing this, the density of the organ-wind would be increased beyond the required degree. Besides causing the pipes to produce a shrill Scream rather than a musical sound, the soundness of the reservoir itself would be endangered by the consequent over- tension, and the leather hinges liable to be strained or even rent by the violence. To obviate such evils, a clever contrivance, called the waste-falled, was devised. This, in its earliest form, much resembled the key of a wind instrument on an enlarged scale, and consisted of a plate covering a vent, with a lever (or tail) work- ing on a centre, by which the plate could be raised. This pallet occupied the centre of the top-board, and was so disposed that when the top-board had risen to a certain and its proper height, the tail of the waste-pallet came in contact with some wood-work. If more wind were then passed into the reservoir, the retention of which would involve a further distension of the reservoir, and consequently a farther rising of the top-board, the tail of the pallet struck against this wood-work; the other end was lifted up, the vent uncovered, and the extra wind thus allowed to - IN 2 2O THE WINID-COLLECTING PORTION OF THE ORGAN. escape. A spring, placed either above the waste-pallet or under the tail, kept the pallet closed, except when purposely opened. - 7I. With a view to the saving of room, and other circumstances, the waste-pallet was, after a time, transferred from the upper to the under-side of the opening, as shown in ſig. 23, 2, also at a and d in ſigs. I9 and 20, and there hinged on at one end to the top-board. It was, therefore, changed in plan from the key to the valve kind. The waste-pallet was now worked by a piece of rope (ſig. 23, AE AE AE) or a leathern thong, one end of which was fastened to the pallet, and the other to the middle-board. This rope or throng was just long enough to allow the top-board (c) to rise to the desired height, without checking the pallet, and no farther. If any more wind were now attempted to be introduced, the top-board would, indeed, rise somewhat higher, but the pallet would be held stationary by the rope now stretched at full length ; and, the vent being uncovered, the superfluous air would escape. : 72. In modern bellows the waste-pallet is often situated in the middle-board, to which part it was removed, because dust or cuttings sometimes worked their way on to the edges of the pallet and prevented it closing properly. When SO placed, it consists simply of a reversion of the one just described. The vent is cut in the middle-board ; the pallet is laid over it, and raised by a rope fastened to the top-board, which latter, after rising to a certain extent, draws it up, allowing the wind to escape underneath, outside and to the rear of the feeder. Some organ- bellows have two waste-pallets, one opening into each feeder. In this case, as Superfluous wind is introduced by one feeder, an equal amount is discharged into the other. t - - - 73. But whatever may be its situation, the waste-pallet is always introduced to serve the same end, in regard to the reservoir of a bellows, that a safety-valve does to the boiler of a steam engine ; namely, to guard it from more than the intended strain, by letting off all that might otherwise peril its soundness. 74. The above are the most important improvements for equalising the wind made in the horizontal bellows up to within the last thirty years. The unsteadiness of the 75. There were other ways, however, in which the strength of organ windarising from the organ-wind might be disturbed, besides those arising from unskilful blowing, or o * 3 from irregular con- the irregular compression of the weights and ribs of the reser- Sumption. voir, and ways which were beyond the power of the devices just enumerated to correct. For instance, if, instead of the bellows-handle being pressed down gradually—as it always should be—it were thrust down with a jerk, the wind in the feeder would be forced into the reservoir so suddenly that there would not be time for the top and sides to rise and unfold to receive it; the result for the moment being an over-compression of the wind. - * kinds of 76. In the earliest kind of horizontal bellows the reservoir e was too small and the feeder too large ; the consequence being that every stroke of the feeder elevated the upper-board too suddenly; and, as the resistance arising from the inertia of the weight upon a bellows is increased in proportion to the velocity with which it is elevated, it followed that a blast of very varying strength was produced. The reservoir was therefore increased in size, and a plan devised for transmitting the wind more gradually and continuously by means of a feeder made on the principle of the little bellows of the common Cuckoo toy, and hence called the cuckoo ſeeder. In this feeder the bottom-board instead of being fastened to the middle-board at one end, as in the instance of the single ſeeder (see ſigs. I6 and 23), was hung about midway between the two THE BELLOWS. 21 ends to a cross-board running transversely beneath the middle-board (see ee ſig. 32, which presents a side view of a bellows with a cuckoo feeder). Each == º-E- -T- -- H 3° TSTETTELºefº 2– - half was provided with two end-ribs and four side-ribs, the latter with their points (o o o o, ſig. 33) towards the cross- board. These several parts were fastened together in the usual way, and, with the addition of an under-lining, of the same depth in the centre as the cross-board, but inclining upwards towards each end (a a, ſig. 32), formed two separate though smaller feeders. On referring to ſig. 32, the two feeders will be distinctly traced. O O 77. A cuckoo feeder gives a supply of wind with the up- b stroke of the bellows-handle as well as with the down, which was not the case with the single feeder; and the quantity of wind pumped in by the two strokes is about equivalent to that 2–ss supplied by the one stroke from the older kind of feeder. º & 78. In some cuckoo feeders the under-lining (a a, ſig. 32) is transferred from the under-side of the middle-board to the upper-side of the bottom-board, and neversed, as shown at a a, in ſig. 34. This has the effect of greatly strengthening the feeder, the bottom-board of which is subjected to a considerable strain across the middle, where there is consequently a possibility of its “Springing,” but which tendency is entirely removed by placing the lining as shown in the figure below. This transfer of the under-lining does not weaken the middle-board, which is amply strengthened by the trunk-band and the inside bracings. 79. A third kind, called the double feeder, differs from the cuckoo feeder, in having a separate bottom-board to each feeder, instead of one long board to dºſ V serve for the two. Feeders of this class are not simply “separate” feeders, as in the cuckoo, but are also “independent” feeders (eſ, ſig. 35), like those of 22 THE WIND-COLLECTING PORTION OF THE ORGAN. the single species. They usually extend the cross-way of the reservoir, as shown in ſig. 35 ; though occasionally they run lengthways. Double feeders present this advantage: if one becomes unsound, the other still can be used while the repair of the first is being proceeded with, which could not be the case with the cuckoo feeder. 80. In some large organs of recent construction, or renovation, the feeder and the reservoirs of the bellows have been made quite separate and distinct from each other. This has been done so that the feeder might still be placed in Some convenient and remote part of the instrument, or even in a dry chamber below or behind it, and yet the reservoir be located close to the sound-board it has to supply. In some cases the number of separate reservoirs has been increased, and they have been distributed in various parts of the organ. For the purpose of yielding a more ample supply of wind to large organs, the verſical ſeeder has been devised. This differs from the ordinary feeder not only in position, but in having the same amount of motion at both ends, and through its length. (See fig. 36.) It is formed of three vertical parallel boards (; ; 7), the outer two of which | are fixtures, and the inner one (e), corresponding to the “bottom-board” of the ordinary feeder, moveable. The feeders are shown at a a , f is the blowing-rod ; o, a wheel travelling on a plane to steady the motion; 5 & the suckers through which the feeder receives the wind; c c, the valves through which it is passed into the wind-trunk (d), whence it is conducted into the receiver (2) for after-distribution. 81. Other causes of unsteadiness in the wind were perceived to exist, besides those attributable to defective bellows or unskilful blowing. The wind became agitated—as indicated by the altered speech of the pipes—when many bass keys (the pipes of which consumed a great quantity of wind) were pressed down, simultaneously; and a similar effect was also noticed on their being suddenly allowed to rise. The disturbing cause in the former case originated with the large pipes, which consumed so much of the wind in the wind-chest, that what remained expanded by its own elasticity. Having thus lost some of its intensity or strength, the Smaller pipes of the keys higher up in the scale Supplied by it would in consequence speak with a kind of hesitation, which would continue till i THE BELLOWS. 23 the flow of wind from the bellows had been accelerated in proportion to the increased demand, and the general mass had thus regained its accustomed power. 82. The agitation in the Second case arose from the wind continuing to flow in the same rapid and copious manner into the wind-chest for an instant after the great demand for it had ceased. The wind there, meeting with a check, accumu- lated, causing an over-compression ; and, by its thus acquiring greater force for the moment, brought about the defect the other way. 83. Some apparatus, therefore, was required, possessing the power of adding a small quantity of wind to the usual Supply, when that supply, from extraordinary. circumstances, would be Scarcely sufficient; and of deducting some, when, from opposite causes, it would be too great and too strong. Such a wind-regulating apparatus the late Mr. Bishop devised, whose invention is now so generally known as the concussion-bellows. He adapted it, for the first time, to the organ he built for old Covent Garden Theatre many years ago. The concussion- 84. This apparatus for steadying the wind is usually formed bellows, of a board and six ribs (see ſig. 37), 37 like a single feeder; though occasionally it is composed of a board and eight ribs, resembling the top and lower ribs of a reservoir. These form a small wedge-shaped reservoir (see ſig. 37), which is fixed around and over a hole cut through one side of the wind-trunk (a), or some- times through the bottom of the wind-chest, with a metal spring behind (%), the strength of which is so adjusted as precisely to balance the ordinary pressure of the com- pressed wind. When the bellows are blown, the con- cussion-bellows immediately becomes partly charged from. & the wind-trunk, or wind-chest, to which it is attached; and, partly expanding, is then ready to operate either way. If any jerking now occurs at the bellows, or if the consumption - of wind be suddenly reduced—either of which circumstances would cause a momentary over- compression of the wind—the concussion-spring gives way, and the concussion-bellows opens farther. More room being thus afforded to the wind, its density is . reduced to the proper strength, and its extra force is expended on the concussion-bellows, instead of on the \-N pipes that are Speaking. 85. On the other hand, when a large and sudden demand is made on the wind, and the Supply is likely to run short, the concussion-bellows, now acting in the opposite manner, collapses, as it always has a tendency to do under the influence of the spring, when the wind-resistance from within decreases; and, adding so much of the wind previously contained as the exigency of the occasion requires, preserves the strength of the organ-wind at its proper force. 86. When the organ is not being played upon, but the “wind is in,” the con- cussion-bellows remains about half-way open. The Anemometer, 87. The organ-wind is required to enter the pipes with not less than a certain prefixed and uniform force. This required strength the bellows do not give to the wind unassistedly; hence slabs of iron or large lumps of Stone are placed on the top of the bellows to compress the wind. Stones are, however, very unfitted for the purpose ; for, in damſ weather, they absorb a great deal of moisture and gain weight; and, in hot weather, the moisture again dries out and they lose 24 THE WIND-COLLECTING PORTION OF THE ORGAN. - per Superficial foot. weight; the organ, in consequence, continually changing both in tone and tune. Slabs of iron are best, although they are of course more costly. The exact amount of weight to be used depends partly on the size of the bellows, and partly on the “strength of wind” they are desired to produce. * 88. The precise power of the blast from the bellows is ascertained by the aid of a little machine, called the anemometer, or wind-gauge ; and the process is termed “weighing the wind.” 89. The anemometer consists of a glass tube, bent in the manner represented in ſig. 38, having the lower end (d) fixed into a socket, with the 38 other (a) open to the atmosphere. When the wind-gauge is & about to be used, a small quantity of water is poured in at the - upper end, some of which passes through the lower bent part and finds its level on the other side (à 5). The socket is then placed over one of the holes in the upper-board of the Sound-board, through which one of the pipes is to receive its supply of wind ; and the bellows are inflated. Under the influence of the Sur- face-weights, the wind, on the opening of the pallet, rushes up to the sound-board, and, entering the Socket, traverses º the glass tube till it reaches the surface of the water, which it depresses, raising that on the other side to a corresponding extent. At first, the water oscillates ; but when it has ceased to do so, the deviation between the two surfaces is ascertained 6 with a rule; and if found to be, say two and a half inches, the bellows are said to give a “two and a half inch wind.” 90. If a “stronger’ wind than this is required, more weights are gradually added to those on the surface of the bellows, till the index shows the desired difference by a still further rising and falling of the water in the anemometer. 9I. The “weight of wind,” to which the manual portions of a church Organ are usually “voiced,” ranges from two and a half to three inches. The pedal stops, when supplied by a separate bellows, are usually voiced to a wind a quarter or half an inch stronger than the above, which is supposed to accelerate the speech and improve the tone of the large pipes. The amount of surface-weight necessary to pro- duce the compressed organ-wind is about three ſounds and a quarter per superficial foot of the top-board, to give an inch wind. This is the average, for the thickness of the top-board makes a little difference. In large bellows, with inch-and-a-half timber in the top-board, the weight would only be about three founds and two ounces; while in Small bellows, with only inch timber in the top-board, the weight required will be about three founds and six ounces; the variation in the weight of the timber accounting for the difference. On a bellows, therefore, that produces a three-inch wind, the average amount of surface-weight will be mine founds and three guarters 92. Some of the French builders use different weights of wind for even their manual stops, and without increasing the number of bellows. This they manage -by placing one or two reservoirs over that of the bellows, with expanding wind- trunks (like the sides of an accordion), reaching from the latter to the former. The upper reservoirs are then loaded with different proportionate amounts of surface-weights, thus producing the varied pressure of wind. The organ in the Carmelite Church, Kensington, built by MM. Cavaillé-Coll, of Paris, is alimented after this manner; so also is the organ recently erected by Mr. A. Gern in the French Church in Leicester Square. The custom of applying different weights of wind, where necessary, is now common among the English and American organ- builders. - - HDiuigion ###, - THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. CHAPTER III. T H E WIN D-T R U N KS. The wind-trunks. 93. THE wind, having been collected and compressed in the manner detailed in the preceding chapter, is next distributed among and conveyed to the several main divisions or departments, i.e., great, Swell, pedal, &c., of the organ, through the medium of wooden tubes, called wind-trunks. 94. In the early mediaeval organ the apparatus for conducting the wind was little more than a large nozzle reaching from the bellows to the wind-chest. In the Seventeenth century organ it was a wooden tube, projecting from the under-side of the hinge end of the bellows; and the tubes of the several bellows were connected with a chief canal communicating with the great organ wind-chest, from which those for the choir and “echo " branched out. Conjointly, however, with the introduction of the horizontal bellows, a more independent method of winding the several divisions of the organ was introduced ; each wind-chest then having a separate wind-trunk devoted to it, proceeding directly from the bellows. 95. The original wind-trunks of many old organs were not large enough to allow the quantity of wind to pass that was necessary to supply modern demands. The old system of English organ-playing was very “light” and “thin " as com- pared with the modern ; that is to say, but few keys were held down at a time, Seldom more than three or four. Moreover, old English organs seldom possessed the advantage of “double stops” (which would exhaust much wind), neither were there even pedals to draw down the lower keys of the manual, the occasional use of which, therefore, had to be made with the fingers. The old wind-trunks, there- fore, were, no doubt, sufficient for all cotemporary purposes. But, as a more dignified Style of playing, in broad and well distributed harmony, has since come into vogue, and the bass of, not simply one, but both or even all the manuals (if there be three), are brought under the proper use of the feet, the demand on the wind has been considerably augmented. Hence the insufficiency of most of the old trunks for modern purposes, and also of the necessity, in most “restorations,” for new and larger wind-trunks—increased means for distributing the wind being of as much importance as increased means for suff//ying it by new horizontal bellows. 96. The size of a wind-trunk varies according to circumstances; i.e., according to the number and size of the stops to be supplied through it, the distance at which the sound-board on which they stand is placed from the bellows, and so forth ; and, thus governed, it ranges from four or five to sixteen or eighteen inches in width ; from three to about six inches in depth ; and from two or three to twelve or fifteen feet in length. 26 THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING POFTIONS OF THE ORGAN. 97. The course that a wind-trunk follows, in traversing an organ, is direct or circuitous, according to circumstances; but the organ-builder makes the route as short as possible, for the important reason, that the nearer the bellows and Sound-boards are to each other, the more prompt and decided will be the Speech of the pipes. The wind is apt to become weakened by a long passage—to compensate for which, the wind-trunk has to be made larger, as well as longer, whereby a needless expense is incurred—besides which, the wind becomes more Susceptible of disturbance, from the greater elasticity of the then lengthened column. To guard against this latter objection, organ-builders not unfrequently place, at the end of the long wind-trunk, a special reservoir immediately underneath the Sound-board, So that the wind-store and source of consumption may be close together. - | 98. As the bellows and the wind-chests are seldom, if ever, on the same level, the direction of the wind-trunks is changed after their advance from the bellows, and turned towards the particular wind-chest which each has to supply. They are, for this purpose, jointed in one or more places, and the contiguous parts glued and nailed together in such relative positions as will direct the wind to its destination by the least circuitous route (ſy, ſig. 23). The parts are seldom jointed at right angles to each other, as that forms checks, and disturbs and renders irregular the current of wind. To render the joints thoroughly air-tight and strong, they are covered with pieces of parchment, leather, or paper. Parch- ment or leather is best for the purpose, though the most costly ; paper is very perishable, and therefore almost useless. Some organ-builders cover the whole wind-trunk, internally, with a thin coat of glue, to fill up the pores of the wood ; and externally, as well as a great portion of the wood-work, including much of the wooden pipe-work, with a coat of colouring mixture, compounded of glue and red ochre, called red size. A more agreeable looking compound for the last- mentioned purpose is of a dark slate colour, on which ground the lettering of the pipes, in white capitals, stand out very distinctly. The most cheerful and light- looking covering for the wind-trunks, &c., is the light blue paper used by the French and German organ-builders, and also by Some of the English. THE WIND-CHEST. 27 CHAPTER IV. THE WIN D-CHEST. The wind-chest ; its 99. THE wind thus conveyed from the bellows is received U1SČ. into what are called Zvind-chesús. And now that the more minute distribution of the wind is about to be traced, it will be well, for the sake of perspicuity, to confine the remaining observations on this subject to a single division of the organ ; more especially as the arrangements for the further distribution of the wind are the same in principle in every part of the organ ; and, consequently, one description will serve for all its departments. IOO. A wind-chest is a long and broad, but rather shallow, wooden case or box, a cross section of which is shown in ſig. 40 ; and a front view at c c, in fig. 39. It is made of the same length as the sound-board above, to which it belongs; from half to two-thirds the breadth of the same ; and about equal to it in depth, or perhaps a little deeper. * IoI. These general dimensions refer to modern work. The wind-chests of old organs, in some instances, measure little more than one-fourth the breadth of the sound-board, and are therefore, of course, far less efficient than the later examples, and for the reason before explained, when speaking of the smaller wind-trunks of old Organs. IO2. In the wind-chest the compressed air accumulates; and there it remains in a state of readiness for further and more minute distribution. A wind-chest, therefore, is in reality a local wind-reservoir, or cistern, so to speak, disposed, and designed to receive a due portion of the great body of organ-wind collected in the great reservoir, and to retain it for the Supply of that special department or division of the organ to which the particular chest belongs. 39 Front view of a ſortion of a wind-chest. 28 THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. Its attendant parts. IO3. Through one of the ends (a, ſig. 39), or sometimes through the bottom (c c c, ſig 40) of the wind-chest, the aperture is generally cut, at which the wind is to enter from the wind-trunk. The back, called the wind- bar (d), passes under all the sound-board bars crossways, and is made of very Substantial material, because it serves a second purpose, namely, that of affording additional Support to the Sound-board above it, and so prevents the sound-board yielding under the weight of the superincumbent pipe-work. 4O - făşāśāś 2ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ2% ZZZZZZZZZZ W % NS f ..ſa. ºffl|| A|. - * = ..." a & 2" º Side view of a wind-chest. IO4. The ends, bottom, and back of the wind-chest are all firmly wrought together, and to the sound-board, which forms the ſoft thereto. The front-àoard (!, ſig. 40), as the front is called, is made moveable, because the sound-board falleſs (a, ſig. 40, and c c c, ſig. 39) are immediately inside, and are liable to temporary derangement from a variety of causes ; they are therefore required to be easy of access. The front-board, then, is simply fastened on with screws (see ſig. 70, e e e ), so that it may be soon removed, if the pallets require cleaning Or repairing. In old sound-boards the front-boards were Secured with hooks, and the plan is still followed by some of the French organ-builders. IO5. Immediately under each pallet a hole is drilled in the bottom of the wind-chest, through which the necessary communication is established between the Sound-board pallets inside the wind-chest and the Æey-movement without. These holes, which are ranged in a line, are made much larger than the thickness of the pieces of wire that pass through would require (see ſigs. 39 and 40), for, in wet seasons, wood-work is very apt to swell ; and the holes, if in the first instance made So as nearly to fit, might, from their becoming, through this cause, Smaller, prevent the pull-downs from passing freely, and so produce a “sticking.” To prevent, however, an escape of wind through these enlarged holes, a long, narrow plate of brass is fixed over, or rather under them—for it is outside the wind-chest ;-and through this plate holes are drilled, just sufficiently large to allow of the Žuć//-downs working through them freely. The plate of brass is securely fastened on, by its edges being covered over with a small wooden beading (r r, ſig. 40), which, at the same time, guards the loops (i) of the pull-downs from injury. - -- THE SOUND-BOARD. 29 CHAPTER V. T H E S O U N D - B O A. R. D. 4. I 106. THE air that enters the wind-chest, in the manner already described, forms a sort of reserve, from which the Several pipes of each key on the corre- sponding clavier receive their supply of wind. The ingenious arrangements and contrivances by which some of the wind is conducted from the chest to the pipes of any one of such keys, independently and exclusively of those belonging to the rest, next demand attention. 107. For every key on the clavier a small special channel is usually provided ; so that if there be, say 56 keys on a manual, there will be the same number of grooves (as they are called) prepared to conduct wind to the respective pipes of those 56 notes. This is the general rule, to which, however, there are a few exceptions, which it is necessary to point out. - - 108. Some manuals, of which the Áeys indeed extend throughout, are neverthe- less entirely without sound-board and pipes of their own, to the 8-feet octave (as is the case with all “tenor c Swells”), and which, therefore, would produce no sound at all below that key, were it not that the bass octave usually communicates with the corresponding twelve semitones on the choir or great organ, or even with the “ pedal pipes.” Again, Some pedal organs, and more particularly “pedal pipes,” after extending through about an octave of their scale, Suddenly turn back or repeat on the remaining pedals. In all such examples the number of grooves in their sound-boards will be less than the number of the keys. IO9. On the other hand, where the pipes to a key are numerous and large, as is frequently the case in the bass of great manual organs, one groove is not 3O THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. always considered sufficient to ensure a satisfactory supply to the whole ; and two grooves are accordingly devoted to each key in the “great octave.” Here, therefore, the number of grooves would exceed that of the keys. John England is said to have been the first English organ-builder who introduced “double grooves” for the bass keys of the great organ Sound-board. The formation of a IIo. The manner in which the grooves are formed is as Sound-board. follows:–A large and strong layer of wood, that is ultimately to form the roof of the grooves, is turned upside down, so as to bring the under surface uppermost. Several pieces of wood, called sound-öoard bars, having been previously cut and planed to the requisite degrees of thickness, one of them is well glued on to the so-called faële. To this are attached two pieces of wood, called the fillings in—one piece at each end—of the exact width that the space or groove is to be ; to which again is fastened a second bar; and so on, a bar and fillings-in alternately, until the required number of channels or grooves are formed. Next, a shallow piece of wood, a few inches in length, is let a little way into each groove, to form a hold, to which the tail pieces of the pallets, presently to be noticed, can be attached; and similar pieces are also let in, in other places, to increase the amount of Surface, to which the sheet of leather, forming the bottom, can be glued. III. After the sound-board has been “glued up,” as the process just detailed is sometimes designated, its two long sides, presenting the rough ends of the sound-board bars and the intermediate fillings-in, are planed down ; and a stout piece of mahogany, from an inch to an inch and a half thick, is firmly glued and pinned on over them, to Secure the bars, to strengthen the sound-board, and to give it a neat and finished appearance. These front and back surfaces are called the cheeks of the sound-board. - II2. A large sheet of leather is then glued over the whole under surface of the sound-board, except in that part of the grooves which is to be enclosed within the wind-chest, where openings are left as entrances for the wind. The sheet of leather (in old sound-boards, parchment) usually forms the only closing the greater portion of the grooves have underneath. - II.3. The sound-öoards of old organs are generally of the frame kind ; that is to say, the bars are at each end let into a frame, about an inch and a half thick, instead of being separated by fillings-in ; and the grooves are closed in above with wood, there then being no separate table; after which a sheet of leather is glued over the whole, on which latter the sliders work. In Germany and France the sound-boards are still generally made in this way; and Mr. Bishop retains the custom of making the sliders run on leather. II4. The grooves run parallel to one another, as represented in ſig. 41. When the Sound-board is turned right side upwards, about half of the under- side of every groove lies immediately over the wind-chest, as shown in fig. 40; the long openings already referred to being enclosed therein. II5. If all these wind entrances were to be left open, air would of course pass through all alike into the pipes, and thus cause every note in the scale to sound at once. To prevent this, the wind-entrances are first of all closed beneath by moveable pieces of wood, which, however, are so adjusted that any one or more of them can be drawn open at pleasure, and wind admitted into the correspond- ing groove. By these means the power is admirably secured of admitting wind to, or of excluding it from, the pipes of any of the keys. These pieces of wood are called sound-board Žallets, and from them the openings which they cover are named Žallet-holes. THE SOUND-BOARD. - 3 I I 16. To ensure the pallets closing firmly against and over the pallet-holes, a spring of brass or steel wire is inserted underneath each, which presses them upwards. (See ſig. 40.) The springs in question are, in old Sound-boards, generally made of brass wire, with two or three curls; in modern examples they are frequently of steel-wire. *" - How the sound-board I 17. The orderly arrangement of the sound-board pallets, pallets are brought : º ty * º º under control. side by side, in a row, will be found illustrated in ſigs. 39, c c c, and 51, c c c. As an organ cannot be played without some of the Sound-board pallets being drawn open, and as the pallets them- selves are completely shut up in the wind-chest, means are taken for bringing them under outward control. º - - I 18. A small loop of wire (ſig. 40, 2) is inserted into the moving end of the pallet (a), called the fallet-eye; to this is attached a piece of steel wire (%), of suf- ficient length to pass through one of the holes (o) bored through the bottom of the wind-chest ; outside which it is finished off in a loop (i). Every pallet is similarly provided with a ſºul/-down, as this piece of wire is called (see ſig. 51); and thus the first step is taken towards making the pallets answer to the touch on the keys. To ensure their keeping their proper course, each pallet is furnished with two other pieces of wire, one placed on each side, called direction-ffins (ſig. 39, 5 & 5, see also ſig. 51); which prevent the pallet turning during its opening and closing, and thus secure its closing truly and entirely over the pallet-hole. Some of the above features may now be noticed somewhat more in detail. The sound-board bars. II9. The bars of a Sound-board are all made of the same pre-arranged length and deft, but there is a considerable variation in their thick- mass. This is because they have a second office to perform ; for, besides separating the groves, they have to Sustain and resist the pressure of the pipe-work above. As, however, the pipes belonging to the treble portion of a manual sound-board are all comparatively small and light, narrow bars afford sufficient support for them, and are therefore employed; whereas in the bass, where the pipes are both larger and heavier, bars of greater substance are necessary to ensure stability, and are consequently introduced. For the intermediate bars two or three graduated thick- nesses are adopted, according to their situation. I2O. In addition to the variation in the substance of the bars in the same sound-board, the thickness and indeed all the proportions of sound-board bars vary much, according to the number and size of the stops that have to be sup- ported. Thus, the thickness of the bars ranges from one-third of an inch to an inch and a half; their length, from about two to five or six feet ; and their depth, from two and a half to five inches. * 121. Among the narrow bars of a sound-board a stout bar is interspersed here and there, in order to give additional strength to the work, and to offer a good hold to the screws that fasten down the upper-boards. Two pieces of wood of extra stoutness, resembling sound-board bars in all other respects except their greater substance, form the extreme ends—also introduced to ensure stability—called the end-öars. The entire sound-board rests on a stout and substantial frame. 122. The sound-board bars are represented in ſig. 39 by the white lines. The sound - board I23. The grooves in a sound-board, like the bars, are fre- grooves. quently made of three or four different widths. The narrow ones are of course for the treble keys, and the broad ones for the bass, where the pipes are large and a plentiful Supply of wind is demanded. In all other respects 32 THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. the dimensions of the gooves are the same throughout a sound-board ; an increase in their width alone, or if not, then double pallets in the bass, being ordinarily sufficient to secure an adequate supply of wind to the same stops in the lower part of the scale or gamut. When even this addition is not likely to prove So, the groove is not further enlarged, but a second one is allotted to the same bass key, as already explained. For more stops, the grooves are made longer, to allow the additional pipes standing and speaking room above ; and also broader and deeper, that the cubic space in each groove may be adequate to the reception of the increased quantity of wind now necessary to feed the augmented number of Stops. When these conditions, or any one of them, are not sufficiently attended to, the pipes do not all get enough wind to make them speak properly, and they are then said to “rob” each other. If the reed-stops are to be on a heavier wind than the flue, a piece of wood is glued in across every sound-board groove, to divide it into two : the wind-chest, which is then made as large as the Sound-board, is divided longitudinally, and of course there are double pallets to the grooves. If the treble pipes are to be in a heavier wind, the wind-chest is divided trans- versely. Sometimes separate Smaller sound-boards are made for the several pur- poses last mentioned ; particularly when there is a pneumatic action, or ventils. I24. It will be seen, then, that there are no fixed dimensions for sound-board grooves, but that they vary according to the number and size of the stops. The extent of this variation is ordinarily from one third of an inch to about an inch and a half in breadth ; from two to about five or six feet in length ; and from two and a half to five inches in depth. In large pedal sound-boards the grooves are some- times made as much as four inches in width. - - 125. The grooves are represented in ſig. 39 by the ſight lines. The sound-board Pallets. 126. The sound-board Žallets are so many long and narrow pieces of wood, of a triangular shape. (See ſig. 39, c c c.) One of the three flat Sur- faces is laid against the falleſ-hole, to cover it and exclude the air from the groove. And, that the closing may be the more effectual, the surface so placed is coated with two or three thicknesses of white dressed leather (sheepskin), which allow the pallet to “bed ” more closely against the pallet-hole than the bare wood could pos- sibly do. Besides assisting in completely excluding the wind, the leather silences the return of the pallet against the sound-board ; which takes place with rather a Smart blow, under the combined influence of the metal spring and the compressed air in the wind-chest. , 127. The second and third surfaces of the pallet, constituting the sides, slope off gradually downwards, and ultimately meet and terminate in a long edge. This edge, pointing downwards and presented to the wind, enables the pallet, by its sharpness, to cut its way through the compressed air with comparatively little difficulty. I28. The ends of the pallet (a 6, ſig. 40), as well as the sides (c c c, ſig. 39), are bevelled off, upwards; that forming the front, nearest the front-board, some- what acutely (a, ſig. 40), and the other much more gradually (ć, ſig. 40). By the latter, the pallet is attached to the sound-board, by glueing a long and narrow piece of leather to the tail of the pallet and to the under-side of the sound-board ; and, so that the pallet may not accidentally become detached, from damp, &c., a piece of wood, called the tail-piece, is nailed over the end of the leather that is glued to the Sound-board, which secures it (/, ſig. 40). By the front end the pallet is drawn down or “open.” The pallet-holes. 129. Now, as the grooves are made gradually broader as the scale descends, that they may hold the required quantity of wind, so are the pallet- THE SOUND-BOARD. 33 holes made gradually longer, that they may admit the increased quantity of wind, and, consequently, the pallets themselves are also made larger. The pallet-holes range from about five to twelve inches in length, according to circumstances. The pallets are always made rather larger than the holes they govern, that they may ledge firmly against the bars and wood-work all round, and so thoroughly exclude the wind. Thus a pallet to cover a hole an inch wide is made an inch and a quarter in width. A twofold object has here to be attained, namely, of allowing sufficient margin to the pallet for the purpose just mentioned, without unnecessarily increasing its size, and, therefore, its resistance and tendency to ciphering. The less the pallet pro- jects beyond the pallet-hole all round, of course the less space will there be for the Zodgment of “cuttings,” or any other substance that might fall through the sound- board on to the pallet ; and an eighth of an inch on each side is amply sufficient to render a pallet perfectly “sound,” if it is quite “true” in all other respects. I3O. Some pedal pallets are made as much as sixteen or eighteen inches in length, and from four to five inches broad. The resistance, however, which the wind offers to so large a surface moving through it being very great, several organ- builders have devised means for overcoming this difficulty. 131. Mr. Hill, some years since, invented a new pallet, which allows of the passage of a large quantity of compressed air, without making So great a demand on the muscular powers of the performer to set into motion as did the old clack- Žallet. This new kind, called the boar-fallet, is formed like a 42 Small box (a a, ſig. 42), the bottom of which is open, but fur- - nished with a moveable covering. On pressing down a key, this covering is drawn sideways, and up by the side of the box, as shown in ſig. 43 ; returning again under the influence of a Spring at each end, when the pressure ceases. The circular motion enables it to escape the pressure of the wind during the opening ; an edge only, instead of a broad surface, being all that is pre- sented to it; and the calculation is, that it thus reduces the resist- ance to one-fourth of that presented by one on the old plan ; and admits, at the same time, double the quantity of wind. The leathered faces of the valve-seat are so arranged (the centre of motion of the valve being slightly eccentric to the curvature of the valve-seat) that all parts are thrown out of contact at the first moment of motion, consequently there is no friction of surfaces. A silver medal was, in 1841, awarded by the Society of Arts to Mr. Hill for his ingenious invention. 132. The jointed-ſa/ef of Mr. Holt, of Bradford, consists of a pallet of the usual kind, with the front end (a, ſig. 44) divided from the remainder, though jointed by means of the leathering above, so that the front may descend about the S. 44 sixteenth of an inch before the hinder portion is set in motion. In a pallet fifteen inches long, about two inches and a quarter is thus separately hinged. The front O 34 THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. part descends first, admitting air into the groove; after which the button c takes hold of the fork (d), and by it draws down the remainder of the pallet without the finger having to overcome more than the resistance offered by the Spring. The great organ pallets of the instrument in Leeds Parish Church were some years ago altered agreeably to this plan, and the average resistance reduced from nineteen Olin CeS to Seven. 133. The valve-ſal/et, invented by Mr. Jardine, of New York, and introduced by his nephew (of Manchester) into this country, is formed, as its name would imply, by attaching a second pallet, of diminutive size, to the back of the first one, covering a small circular orifice through the free end of the latter. See 6, fig. 45, in which c represents a brass wire, tapped at both ends, screwed firmly 45 into the large pallet above, and furnished with a strong button (a) below ; the middle part—passing through a hole in the Small valve of sufficient size to allow the pallet to work freely—being left Smooth, to prevent friction. On pressing down the controlling key, the Small valve is lowered about the sixteenth of an inch, uncovering the orifice, and allowing some of the compressed air to pass through into the groove above. The atmospheric pressure now becoming the same over as well as under the pallet, there is only the resistance of the spring— necessary to ensure the return of the key-movement—to be overcome. The Small valve, in descending, touches the button (a); resting on which, it now draws down the large pallet with it. The jointed-pallet and the valve-pallet are obviously the same in principle, although the manner in which the ultimate object is attained in the two is totally dissimilar. There is no disagreeable “second * touch discernible in the action of either of the last-mentioned pallets. 134. The relief-pallet (ſig. 46), invented by Messrs. Hill & Son, is simple in construction, and conduces to lightness and elasticity in touch. It is com- pletely surrounded with wind, except at the shaded parts (a 5 c); so that the pressure has the least possible amount of influence upon it. A small piece of “filling-in” (e), in the groove prevents the passage of wind through the division in the pallet immediately below. 4%. º I; —l 46 The pull-down lowers the under part of the pallet (A) until it touches the bottom (c), resting on which the remainder of the motion draws down the second member of the pallet, reaching from between c and e to the back end of the pallet, THE TABLE. 35 CHA P T E R V I. THE TABLE. The Table. I35. THE grooves, as already described, are entirely closed or roofed in by a layer of stout and tough wood-work, called the table. Through this table the wind has to make its exit. For this purpose, there are bored over each groove as many holes, or nearly so, as there are pipes to be supplied from each groove. - I36. The accompanying engraving (ſig. 47) represents the table of a sound- board thus perforated. On referring to it, and comparing it with ſig. 41, 47 £2 62 £ Å ^ p. 29, showing the grooves of a sound-board, it will be at once seen that the rows of dots, circles, and squares, that may be traced by casting the eye in a line directly across the table, as from 5 to b, represent the several holes which occur in the roof of a single groove. And, on turning to the general Section that forms the frontispiece to this volume, the reader will there see represented the several pipes belonging to a single groove in each of the four sound-boards drawn to a comparative Scale. 137. But other series may be detected in the above diagram. For instance, if the eye be now directed along the table instead of across it, as from a to a, it will select from each of the transverse series a single aperture, with certain deviations presently to be noticed. Each longitudinal series thus compounded constitutes the outlets for the wind from the grooves to the Several pipes of some single and independent stop. A portion of a longitudinal series, with pipes above, will be found represented in ſigs. 51, 52, and 53, pp. 44 and 45. 138. Some of the longitudinal series in the foregoing illustrations are so drawn as to illustrate certain peculiarities in either the arrangement of the perforations, their boring or grouping, which require to be explained. Q 2 36 THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. 139. In England the room allowed for a church organ is seldom of Sufficient width to permit the pipes of the stops being arranged in a parallel and unbroken series. What is wanting, therefore, in width, has to be secured in the depth of the organ. Only every alternate pipe of a stop is therefore usually ranged in a straight line, the other pipes being planted at a short distance behind. 140. Now, as the holes in the table are bored in the first instance to Suit the arrangement of the pipes, each longitudinal series has the zig-zag appearance shown in the drawing. Sometimes, when the pipes of a stop are very large, as is the case with those of the manual 8-feet posaune at the upper end, only every third pipe is placed in a straight line, thus necessitating a three-fold distribution of the corresponding series of holes. . I4I. In some instances, again, the longitudinal Series of holes is not continued over the entire length of the table, as indicated at c c c c. This is generally the case when the stop to be placed above is not to be of the full compass, but minus the pipes to those grooves over which a blank is left, and, consequently, to those keys which govern them ; and which, moreover, are not to be “grooved ” into the bass of any other stop. Thus the blanks at c c, over the six wide grooves at each end of the table, indicate that the stop above will have no pipes to the bass or 8-feet octave. I42. In other cases, instead of there being simply one hole over each groove in a longitudinal series, there will be a cluster of from two to five smaller ones (d. d) over every freðle groove, and either the same number or an oblong one over each ôass groove. These groups of little holes indicate the part of the table over which a compound or mixture stop is to be planted, and which always has from two to five pipes to a key. I43. The holes forming a longitudinal series are not made of a uniform size, but of graduated dimensions; the smaller holes being over the treble and the larger above the bass grooves. The latter are also sometimes made Square instead of round, as shown at a a, in ſig. 47. Neither are the several longitudinal series of holes bored of the same size, as all stops do not require the same amount of wind. For instance, a 4-feet stop consumes little more than half as much wind as one of 8 feet; while one of 16 feet requires nearly three times as much. The size of the holes in the table, therefore, obviously depends on that of the pipes and stop to be fed through those holes. At the same time, in order to secure the plump and ready speech of a pipe, the Sound-board hole is made much larger than what would be necessary to feed the pipe, that the “flush of wind” may be ample. Thus the hole for the lower C in the Great Open Diapason is made an inch, that for the Principal, four-feet, three-quarters of an inch in -diameter. To ensure an energetic and unhesitating tone from an organ, all the wind-courses, from the bellows to the pipes, should supply twice as much wind as is required for actual consumption. I44. Sometimes a small quantity of air will escape through a groove-hole, and make its way up to Some pipe, and cause it to produce a low, disagreeable, and continuous humming. This is called a “running; ” to prevent which, little cuttings are made in the surface of the table, or in the upper-boards, in a zig-zag or waving course, passing between some of the holes, as shown at e e e, in ſig. 47. If now any wind escapes before it can reach the next pipe, it is caught in some one of these channels, and by it conducted to the edge of the sound-board, where it escapes through a Small triangular hole, without doing any mischief. - I45. A running is sometimes caused by a sound-board bar “springing” (i.e., becoming partially separated) from the table ; thus allowing a “leakage” of wind from one groove to the next. An accident of this kind can only be thoroughly THE TABLE. 37 cured by taking the wind-chest to pieces; but an expedient is in such cases often resorted to, technically called “bleeding,” which consists in making a Small hole in the groove through the “cheek,” which allows the air to escape; or the Sound- board is disconnected, turned upside down, and hot glue poured into the grooves between which the leakage has occurred, which closes the fissures. * 38 THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. CHAPTER VII. T H E U P P E R - B O A R D S. 146. THE detection of the several transverse series of holes just now will assist in illustrating the next particular to be noticed. 147. If the pipes belonging to the grooves were to rest on the table immediately over the series of holes just described, the wind, on entering any one of them, would pervade all the pipes of that groove, and the organ would in consequence be incessantly pealing forth its tones at their greatest power ; none of the numerous modifications so necessary to accommodate the strength and character of the organ-tone to required purposes would be attainable ; but all would be powerful, monotonous, and meaningless alike. Such, nevertheless, was the case up to the sixteenth century, at which period the organ had, as to number of pipes to a single key, been to some extent developed, but not so the mechanism whereby to separately control those pipes. Up to the twelfth century the organ appears to have consisted of unison pipes only. In that century two or three pipes were added to each key; sounding the fifth and octave, or the third and tenth. The organ thus became, as it were, a great mixture-stop, which it continued to be until the idea occurred of devising some mechanical means by which these added pipes could be allowed to sound or be silenced. This first step in the construction of zegisters or stops had been taken in the fourteenth century, when so many other improvements in the organ are recorded to have been effected, if, indeed, it were not made before. It consisted in placing under every tier of pipes required to be under individual control a separate row of pallets, like the usual sound- board pallets. These complicated “spring sound-boards” remained in use up to the beginning of the sixteenth century, when the slider sound-board, still in use, and about to be described, was invented by a German. The power of subduing the organ-sound, even to a mere whisper, if required, is now secured by the introduction of two additional layers of wood-work over the table, by means of which the wind from the grooves can be excluded from or admitted to any or every longitudinal series of pipes at pleasure. - 148. The upper layer of wood-work is, as nearly as possible, a counterpart of the table, and is placed at a distance of about one-third or half-an-inch from it. (See ſig. 48.) Indeed, it may be said to be a repetition of that part of a sound- board, rendered necessary by the introduction of the mechanical work that is to control the speech of the pipes, and which must be over the air-tight grooves, yet under the pipes. The area of its surface is similar in all respects to that of the table ; the holes also correspond, for the most part, both in number, situation, and arrangement. It is not, however, made in one connected piece, like the table, but in several pieces, much narrower than the sound-board, though of the same /ength (at least frequently so in England), and which, when laid collectively side by side, present a plain surface, as shown in the above figure. I49. A Sound-board is, in consequence, said to have, not one, but several upper-boards; and it is an advantage to have as many of these as possible ; a separate upper-board for every stop, if practicable. The reason of this is, that if a slider below warps or “binds,” it can only be effectually set right by being first THE UPPER-BOARDS. - 39 removed, and then planed ; and as, by way of preliminary thereto, the upper-board must be taken off, and, of course, the pipes above it disturbed, this can be done, if there be a separate upper-board to each slider, without displacing more pipes than those the disarranged slider governs; but, if there are one or two other stops on the Same upper-board, those stops must also be removed before the upper-board can be taken off. I 50. A narrow upper-board is also less liable to “cast.” I51. One exception to the general rule, that “the perforations in the upper- boards agree with those in the table,” occurs in the case of “conveyanced-off pipes.” When the sound-board, from whatever cause, is made so short that all the pipes cannot have proper standing and speaking room thereon, a situation has to be found for some of the larger pipes elsewhere, and the wind has to be con- ducted from over the holes in the sound-board to their new locality. If this situa- tion be on nearly the same level with the sound-board, a groove is cut in the Substance of a kind of second upper-board, called the groove-board, from over the former to the latter, and then the surface outlet is made ; and when the pipe is below or above the level of the sound-board, a metal tube, called a conveyance, is introduced to conduct the wind from the groove or the groove-board to the pipe. The conveyances that conduct wind to the front pipes can generally be traced with ease. I 52. It sometimes happens, particularly in modern churches, that the site for the organ is so circumscribed that there is neither adequate width for the Sound- boards nor height for the pipes. It is this latter circumstance that renders it necessary for the organ-builder to place some of the large pipes one or two feet below the sound-board. I53. Another exception to the general rule sometimes occurs in the case of mixture or compound stops. In the bass part of the table, the preparation for a stop of this kind sometimes consists simply of one long hole. But as each key is provided with from two to five pipes, the upper-board on which they rest is required to have an equivalent number of punctures, instead of a single hole, and So causes the deviation in question. 8) £º ſº {} g) Q 9 @ 9 e tº $ 4 a tº a s e e o e º & © @ & & & e º e & e o o, e s e o a e º 'º e 9 o e a a tº e © * - F : * * s : e s sº 2 : * : * : * : * * * : * : * : * : *::::::::: *::: * : * : * : * : : # * : * : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;3::::::::::::::::::::::::: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; - º s t © º º 6, e. {º} • a º e ° o o €y • * * * * *e “e e "e"e".” e” a "e"s", *.*.*.*, e * e 3. * g º a (…) - • * * * * * * * * s”.e. "a"e"e"e?e"e"eye".","..”.”.” a “ o & © ºt - - º 9 @ © 9 © * e e o 'º e º e “e " a "s" o "a"e • *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* o º e 9 e * o 9 © 9 º' * , o, e º . Sº, º o 9 º 6 e º e º sº e a Q - & " e " , o°o "o" e "e"o"e's o'e' e o 'o e”"a"e"e"o", "o * o * * * * * & 6 s a p & º Q. © ſº tº Q © g 6 º' e g g o e_Q & A, @ - • 2 * a • e o o • * e e º 2 o’s e º 'o's sº * * * * * * a “ e 9. - © © 6 & Q g © G 45 tº gº 6 @ tº • * o° e” e” a “o "e"e"s "o", *a*e°o"s"s", "e"e"e". * * . * , e *, *, * 9 , o, ø, o e s , e, e, e_9_*.*.*.* * * 6 O O. - © © Q @ 9 º' Q is O O O O o 9 o & & 9 @ 9 @ e º Te Q (9. * e a o 'º o O - C 9. Q ſo w Q a s gº a 9 O Q O O O C) O Q ° o © •", g ..","...",".",".","...". . . . . o C. o 9 o O O 4O THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. CHAPTER VIII. THE SLIDERS, BEARERS, AND PIPE-RACKS. 154. BETWEEN the table and upper-boards (the first and third layers) is the second layer of wood-work. Certain portions or longitudinal strips of this layer, like those above and below it, are firſtºres, while the intermediate parts are 77.07/e- able. The fixed parts are called bearers (f///, /g. 49); and the moveable, from their being so, sliders (a b c de). The latter are the wind-regulating features. 49 * * * * tº & * 3 * :::: • * * * * * * * * ; : . • * > * ºn ow so so so 2° sº Po 6 tº _ º Ö. 49: agº - tº: i wº: : § . i : ; 2 &; g * & tº ; {} & s ; i sº vy tº 3 * e º e " a " a e o " .." = * s” e º sº a "e"'s "...”.” e o a º on tº a * tº tº wº - • o * o * * * o * * * * * o °o “ , ” a “ , ”... • e *.*.*.*.*.*.*.* tº * e tº @ º tº tº * ſº gº tº g º º * tº º © tº * o * r * * * * * * * * * * • * * ***** * *a* 2° a * ~ * * * e & º & & © e - © o O 6 e s o o 9 e e g o e s e º o & Q s © e ‘’o * * * * * * * o "e" e "e". *.*, *.*.*.*.*.*.*, *.e. * e a * * * e © l ********l — | © & © & • 9 m do Q & Q 6 ºn tº o o a g o o © ! o ſº e 6 ſº © & & Q o “Aft tº *- Hº a * a Hº º G to Q & & © 6 Q Q & Q & & J Q. • * e so C | l } | & gº & º g º or * , ©, º • * * • * * * * a" e " . * ~ *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*. © © ſº id | * & e 9 @ 9 e 9 s so a tº e o e g o & o & y - - $º HT º l:H & © 69 o e o 'º , “F tº º # = & © Q & © tº & © tº we © e 6 63 A H ºl º iº b © & © 2 gº º g o 9 e o o & 9 o o o © & Ö iſ a B E H e • *a* o’s “e *.*s” o'o"a" e "e" of "a","..”.”,” e “s o H H H B • a I55. The sliders are so many long and flat pieces of oak or mahogany, lying over the longitudinal series of holes in the table. Each of these sliders is pierced with holes corresponding precisely with those in that part of the table on which it rests, and with those in the upper-board above. I 56. This may be seen by comparing the above woodcut (representing the slides and intermediate bearers) with the preceding two cuts, ſigs. 47 and 48, pp. 35 and 39, illustrative of the table and upper-boards. I57. The relative position of the three layers of wood-work, between the grooves of the sound-board and the feet of the pipes, could not of course be shown in the preceding plans; but they are represented in the “front section of a portion of a Sound-board,” ſig. 51, p. 44, where they are marked a d e, and to which Section the reader might here refer, as it will illustrate the following explanation of the manner in which a slider operates. * The action of a slider. I 58. On drawing a slider (a) a little way out, its perforations are brought exactly over those in the table (e), and therefore immediately under those in the upper-board (d). The three series of apertures now agreeing, the air can pass up uninterruptedly from any groove into which it may be admitted, through all of them, into the pipe of the stop that stands immediately above; the THE SLIDERS, BEARERS, AND PIPE-RACKS. 41 pipe being thus made to Sound. The grooves are, in ſig. 51, represented by the 1/mishaded vertical divisions. I59. On moving the slider back into its former position, the holes in it are brought over the sound-board bars, the shaded parts, and the blank substance of the slider substituted for the holes over the grooves. The wind now, instead of finding a free outlet as before, is checked by the intervening material of the slider. The wind-passage between the first and third layers of wood-work being thus intercepted, and the communication for the wind from the grooves to the pipes of this particular stop consequently cut off, it becomes silent, and the stop is Said to be “in.” - I6O. Every separate slider, as a rule, controls a separate stop ; So that any stop may be allowed to sound or not, according as the slider is “in” or “out.” 16I. In some sound-boards certain of the sliders are “cut,” so that the portion which controls the bass part of the stop above can be drawn independently of the remaining part. The stop is then said to “draw in halves.” In ſig. 49 the sliders marked 5 and c are represented as being constructed in this manner. I62. Other sliders, again, which do extend through the whole length of the sound-board, are not perforated, in Some cases, in that part which lies over the bass grooves. (See ſig. 49, d. e.) Sliders that are thus only partially bored are intended to control stops that are of inferior range to the manual. I63. When all the sliders are drawn, the organ peals forth its amplest tones; when all are in, no Sound is heard, because the wind cannot reach any of the pipes. * 164. The sliders measure from one and a half to three or four inches in breadth; from one-third to half-an-inch in thickness; and a few inches more in length than the sound-board itself. Two additional holes are cut through each slider; one in that portion which, in consequence of its greater length, projects beyond the sound- board (a, ſig. 49); the other, in Some part that is convenient for the purpose. The former receives the end of the lever by which the slider is moved to and fro, on the drawing out or the pushing in of the controlling knob at the side of the manuals. The second hole receives a stout iron pin, which is fixed into the table, and allows the slider just sufficient motion to cover or uncover the holes in the table. If this motion were to exceed or to fall short of what is necessary, the holes in the table would, in either case, be partly shaded, thus cutting off a portion of the Supply of wind from the pipes, and preventing their speaking with proper strength or in tune. - ** 165. Other holes are sometimes cut through the opposite end of the slider. This is often the case when the “composition pedals” act directly on the Sliders. The bearers. I66. The bearers receive and support the edges of the upper- boards, which are screwed down to them, and sustain the weight of the upper- boards and pipes above—hence their name. The sliders are thus relieved from all pressure, and left entirely free to work. 167. In modern sound-boards there is commonly a bearer between every slider and its neighbour; but in old sound-boards there is more frequently only one bearer between every two or three sliders. The modern plan is obviously the best, as one slider cannot, in moving, rub against another and disturb its position. The pipe-racks, 168. The greater number of the pipes stand on the upper- boards, but cannot of course support themselves on their apex without more assistance: a frame-work, therefore, is used to keep them in an erect position. 169. The frame-work consists of some thin planks of oak, mahogany, or pine 42 THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. wood, called rack-boards (d, ſig. 50), laid parallel with, but four or five inches above, the upper-boards (a), and is there sustained at all corners, and in other convenient situations, either by wooden pins, called rack-pillars (ſig. 50, h h), or by some other connecting wood-work. These rack-boards are furnished with holes cut imme- diately over those in the upper-boards. Through these rack-board holes the lower and narrow ends of the pipe-feet pass (ss), while the upper and broad ends of the pipe-feet (5 5) are made to fit tightly into them ; and to prevent the feet from shifting about, and the pipes getting out of the perpendicular, the “noses” (ss) of the pipes are sunk a little way into the upper-boards, which are “counter-Sunk” to admit of this. 170. Most of the metal flue pipes, all the small and moderate-sized wood-pipes, and also the boots of the reed pipes, are racked in this manner. - 5O cº © Cº, º º ſ |||||| # | Ji, 0. º ſº-Hº-FFH, {{| THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE GROOVES AND STOPS. 43 CHA P T E R IX. THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE GRO OVES AND STOPS. The situation of the 171. IT has been explained, on pp. 31 and 32, how the grooves º.* lie, side by side; and how some are broad, others narrow. - Nothing, however, has yet been said concerning the order in which these broad and narrow grooves are arranged with regard to one another. The primitive and most natural arrangement would be semitonal, and this is shown to have been a not unfrequent one in old times by the position of the pipes, as illustrated by some of the wood-cuts in the Historical Introduction. This plan is followed by some organ-builders even in the present day. I72. Several other ways or “plans,” however, are in use, the selection of the particular one from among which is influenced by many considerations; as, for instance, the size of the sound-board ; the department of the organ for which it is destined ; the terms on which the organ is to be constructed, &c.; some descrip- tion of groove arrangement calling for a more complicated and costly kind of Áey- 7/207/eſ/teſtſ than others. - I73. The organ-builders of the seventeenth and earlier part of the eighteenth centuries, when fixing on the situation of their sound-board grooves, were often influenced much by the design of the case in which the instrument was to be enclosed. For instance, if the case was to have three towers, with the largest one in the centre, say of five pipes each, some of the largest grooves, namely, those for some of the lowest keys, were placed on each side of the centre passage- board, i.e., at the inner end of the two halves of the Sound-board ; the grooves next in size, at each outer end of the two halves; and the Smaller grooves in between the larger. In distributing the grooves after this fashion, the builders had two objects in view : (1) to keep the front pipes, which, of course, were “conveyanced off,” and the grooves from which they were to receive their supply of wind, as near to each other as possible; and (2) to distribute the large and the medium-sized grooves throughout each half of the sound-board; doubtless from an impression that if all the large grooves were placed at one end of the “half,” and the small grooves at the other end, the consumption of wind at one end of the wind-chest might at times be so great as to risk the partial withdrawal of that required for the smaller grooves at the other end. 174. The peculiar and complicated “plantation ” of pipes, however, which such a distribution of the grooves rendered necessary, was most inconvenient. It caused a cluster of large pipes to accumulate at each end of the halves of the sound-board ; while there were the “prospect pipes” in front, and the large reeds in the rear. The small pipes were thus walled in on all sides ; and although little pipes are much sooner affected by change of temperature, dirt, &c., and therefore require looking to more frequently than any other pipes in an organ, except the reeds, yet they were thus rendered the most difficult of access. Several of the large pipes had, in the majority of cases, to be removed before the tuning or cleaning could be commenced ; which handling and shifting about, in addi- tion to involving considerable trouble and loss of time, was not unattended with danger to the instrument. 44 THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. I75. These manifest disadvantages soon led to an amelioration of the then prevalent method of laying out and winding an organ. The Sound-board grooves were made deeper, the pallet-holes lengthened, the wind-chests made broader and deeper, and the dimensions of the wind-trunks much increased. The grooves. appear generally to have been made of a satisfactory width originally ; and the borings in the table, sliders, and upper-boards, were of ample size. These several improvements, and more particularly the Subsequent introduction of double grooves in the bass, admitting of the introduction of conveyances of larger bore, the close proximity of the large pipes to their grooves, although at all times an arrangement most desirable, no longer remained a matter of Such vital importance as before ; and, as the old plan of groove arrangement was so very objectionable in all other respects, it was allowed to fall into disuse, and was entirely and finally abandoned before the middle of the last century. 176. At the present time the English organ-builders usually adopt one of four different plans of groove arrangement, according to circumstances. Some of these plans require the adoption of a special kind of key-movement ; and, as it will be convenient to refer to these plans separately, the terms “first plan,” “second plan,” “third plan,” and “fourth plan,” are here adopted ; and, in the description of the key-movement, they will be briefly referred to under these heads. First plan of groove I77. In the first plan the grooves are placed alternately on arrangement. each side of the organ, i.e., the groove belonging to the C C key is planted at the extreme or outer end of one half of the sound-board, the groove belonging to the C C sharp key being similarly situated at the extreme end of the other half. The grooves throughout the sound-board are then arranged in the like alternate manner ; ultimately bringing those belonging to the upper two keys (e” and fº, say), one on each side of the passage-board. (See ſig. 51.) In this first plan, therefore, the grooves occur in ſomal succession on each half of the sound- board. (See ſig. 51.) The “half” to the left, as the performer sits at the keys, con- tains the grooves for C C, D D, E E, F F sharp, gamut G sharp, A sharp, and their octaves. To the right are the grooves for C C sharp, D D sharp, FF, gamut G, A, and B, with their replicates. As a consequence of this distribution, the largest pipes stand at the outer extremities of each half of the sound-board, and the Smallest in the centre. 51 THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE GROOVES AND STOPS. 45 178. This groove arrangement is much used for large great organ (chief manual) sound-boards, both on account of the symmetrical arrangement of the pipe-work to which it leads, and the facility it offers for the purpose of tuning, &c. The shortest pipes standing, as they then do, immediately on each side of the passage-board, with the largest farthest off, and those of intermediate length between ; the tuner can, without difficulty, adjust either of the small pipes at his feet, or, reaching over them, arrive at larger pipes, if they require his attention. 179. The half of the sound-board on which the C C groove occurs is called the C side ; and the other half, the C sharp side. The “sides” are named after the lowest note on that half of the sound-board. Thus, in a G G organ, the side on which the G G groove is placed is called the “G” side ; and so on. Second plan. 180. The second plan (ſig. 52) may be described as a reversion of the first plan. The groove for the lowest key 52 in the scale, instead of the highest, is placed in the centre of the sound-board ; while the aſi- other grooves, instead of increasing, decrease eſ as they diverge from the middle. The largest pipe of each stop, therefore, is planted in the Centre of the Sound-board ; the sma//es: two Standing one at each end. The pipes on a Sound-board, having the grooves arranged in this manner, present a pyramidal outline, as 8||5||9||||||||||||||} shown in the accompanying woodcut. |TWWWWWWWW-VW I81. This second plan of groove arrange- ment is very generally adopted for Swell sound- | boards. It is very seldom that room can be | | | | | | | | | | | | || spared inside the swell-box either for a passage- - board down the centre or for one round the pipes. The pipes are therefore arranged according to the Second plan ; and each side of the swell-box is furnished with a moveable panel. On removing this panel, the pipes of one half of the Sound-board present themselves arranged in a graduated series from Small to large ; and the remaining half the pipes are reached by the same simple means from the other side of the swell-box. § ! ū \ | | W | | Third plan. I82. In the third plan the smallest groove is placed some- what to the right of the centre of the 53 sound-board—as it is viewed from J arranged in regular chromažic Suc- are then disposed alternately to the ties of the sound-board. (See ſig. 53.) W º | t | sound-board of Small-sized church the front of the case—and those for º ** º every semitone, as far as tenor c, are cession to the left of the first groove. Those for the lowestor “great octave” - ||fle right and left, as in the first plan, | occupying, as before, the extremi- |||}||||}||||| | 183. This third plan is most fre- H j \; \; W W \} | quently adopted for the chief manual |W WWWWWWWWWWW | || || || º and chamber organs; and admits of a much more simple kind of key-movement than the first and second plans, 46 THE WIND–DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. Fourth plan. 184. In this plan the grooves and pipes follow the semitonal arrangement throughout the entire scale. It is much used by Schulze, of Paulin- zelle ; Walcker, of Ludwigsberg; Kirtland and Jardine, of Manchester ; Brindley, of Sheffield, &c., and admits of the most simple kind of key-movements possible. The arrangement of 185. The stops—or, to use the technical phrase, “contents” º * * * —of the great organ are usually so arranged that the flue stops g stand in front and the reeds behind ; and the largest flue Stops, such as the unison and double diapasons, are generally placed first, the remaining stops being planted in rotation according to their size, the mixtures thus being brought next to the reeds. This arrangement of the stops is illustrated by ſig. I in general section. When there were duplications of any stop, as two open diapasons or two trumpets, the old builders usually placed other stops between the first stop and its replicate. Thus, in Harris's organ, at Doncaster, the Second open was placed between the two trumpets; and in the organ at Ripon Cathedral, by Father Smith, the second open diapason stood between the trumpet and the Sesquialtera. 186. The inside choir organ has its stops planted the reverse way to the above, i.e., with the flue stops behind and the reeds in front, that the latter may be under the immediate inspection of the tuner. Thus, in ſig. 2 in general Section, the clarinet and bassoon are placed nearest the passage-board. 187. In the swell, the reeds are usually placed in front—as in the choir—because the tubes offer less impediment to the egress of the Sound than would the more bulky flue pipes. (See ſig. 4.) 188. The pedal stops are also planted in the same manner, and for the same I'êa,SOI). The mechanism of the 189. Having described the apparatus by which wind is col- Organ. lected for the use of the organ, traced its course from that source through the various channels, great and Small, till it reaches the pipes, and noticed the sound-board pallets and the sliders by which the organ-wind is made subservient to musical purposes, we will now proceed to investigate, in detail, the several systems of mechanism, through the intervention of which the pallets and sliders of the several Sound-boards, and, by Consequence, the Several pipes and stops of the organ, are brought so admirably under the control of one performer. 190. Of those numerous distinct systems of mechanism there remain the following to be considered, viz.:- 3. The key and pedal movements, The draw-stop action, The composition pedals, The coupling movements, The Sforzando coupler, The pneumatic action, The Swell action, and The tremulant. The sound-board pallets, sliders, and the blowing-action, have already been described. THE CLAVIERS AND KIEY MOVEMENTS. 47 CHAPTER X. THE CLAVIERS AND KEY MOVEMENTS. 191. BEFORE, however, describing the appliances, through the agency of which the impulse given by the fingers or the feet of the performer is conveyed to the sound-board pallets, a few words may be said concerning the Several ranges of keys assigned to receive such impulse, namely, the claviers. The manuals. I92. The organ, as is well known, is played partly by the pressure of the fingers, and partly also by the pressure of the feet, upon suitable claviers or keys. A clavis (a word derived from the Latin, and signifying a key, in French called touche) is a small lever (from levare, to lift up); and a clavier is an assemblage of such levers or “Keys,” rightly assorted. The various sets of keys (of which every perfect organ contains Several, and among these at least one for the use of the feet") are classed under one general term, clavier, and those intended to be used with the hands are called “manual claviers,” or simply “manuals” (from the Latin word manus, a hand); and that for the feet, “pedal clavier,” “pedal-board,” or simply “pedals” (from the Latin word žedes, the feet). The keys, as well of the pedals as the manuals, are divided into long and short keys like those of a pianoforte ; and the former are readily distinguishable from the latter by their magnified Scale. I93. It is necessary to bear in mind the great distinction that exists between the terms clavier, manual, and pedal-board ; as, otherwise, frequent uncertainty is likely to arise. The word clavier is of general application, and means simply a set of keys ; which, however, may be for the use of the hands, or for the use of the feet; while the two other words, manual and pedal, are of Sãecial application, and define for what purpose, and by which members of the body, the clavier so named is to be employed. 194. In Germany the terms manual and pedal are used in a more extended sense than is usual in England. In that country they refer to the department of the organ on which the claviers offerate, as well as to the claviers themselves: hence we frequently find it stated that there are so many stops on the “pedal,” or so many “on the chief manual.” Moreover, when a manual is said to be of 8-feet compass —i.e., descends to C C–the manual organ is understood to be of corresponding range. 195. In the present work the word clavier will be used whenever the passing observation refers equally to the keys for the hands or for the feet. In all other cases the more explicit terms will be employed. w I96. It has been already stated in the Historical Introduction that, so late as the thirteenth century, the keys of the organ were so heavy and clumsy in their touch, that they had to be played with blows of the fist, the keys being made many inches in width for this purpose. When it is borne in mind that there were as many sets of pallets and Springs, of rude and primitive construction, as there were separate stops, * Some Continental organs have, in addition to three or four manuals, two sets of pedals as at St. Paul's, Frankfort, &c, 48 THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. it is easy to understand why the touch should have been so ponderous and resisting. A very few stops must have been sufficient to have made it so. In the fourteenth century the keys were made smaller and neater, so that they could be pushed down with the fingers; and in the fifteenth century we read, for the first time, of different materials being used for the keys; as, in the year 1475, Conradus Rosenburger built an organ for the Barefooted Friars' Church in Nuremberg with ebony naturals, and ivory “sharps and flats.” The keys of the English organs of the seventeenth century, made usually of oak, were caſſed in a similar manner; though this arrange. ment of the black and white keys remains only in such specimens in which the Subsequent alterations have not kept pace with the progress of modern improve- ment. The original keys of many of the instruments of this time, as those of Smith and Harris, were very short and disagreeable to play upon, the short keys of those by the last-mentioned builder being 2% inches only in length, and the longer keys 4% inches. Those of Snetzler's organs were generally longer, and therefore more pleasant to the fingers. Previous to the year 1720 the thumbs had been but little used in organ-playing, and usually hung down in front of the manual ; Consequently the portion of the naturals that projected forward in front of the short keys was made to do so as little as possible, that the fingers might reach the so-called sharps and flats with the more ease. It was the custom, moreover, instead of raising the fingers from the knuckles, to draw them under towards the palm of the hand, which accounts for the short naturals of old organs being scooped out into hollows in the centre by the friction of the nails. * 197. When the thumbs came to be more freely used on the naturals—a method of fingering that was introduced by Francis Couperin, organist and court musician to Louis XIV. and XV., who printed the first fundamental instructions in 1713, and who died in 1733—the front part of the naturals was made a little longer; and when they were also employed on the short keys—a system dating as far back as the time of John Sebastian Bach—those in their turn had to be slightly elongated. Thus, from the naturals being, in old organs, little more than four inches in length in front of the cross-beading, they are in modern instruments sometimes made from five to six, and with the Short keys in proportion. -**cºſ % -, - - 54 | * —l Flº Iſº G. Side view of manual keys. 198. The manual keys of modern organs are usually made of lime tree wood, with the surface of the long keys covered or capped with ivory ; and that part of the short keys which rises above the level of the naturals is either made of ebony or some other wood Stained black. Each manual key is punctured towards its centre with a small hole, passing downwards, to admit a metal pin (a, ſig. 54), that rises from a piece of wood or pin-rail beneath (), and which pin serves as a pivot for the key to work upon. The hole through the key is not cut exactly midway between the two ends, but rather nearer to the bagk end, leaving about five- ninths of the entire length in front of the pin. A second hole is bored in the under- side of the front end of each key, to admit a pin that rises from a rail (c), running across under the front of the keys, and upon which pin the key descends as it falls. This pin renders the fall of the key true and steady under the finger. Two or three Zhìchēnesses of green baize, or Some such woollen stuff, laid at the root of the pins, prevent the keys from coming into noisy contact with the front-rail. These two rails are strongly united to two pieces of wood, called Key-checks, the front ends of which appear on each side of the set of keys, finished off in some ornamental :ºx. THE CLAVIERS AND KIEY MOVEMENTS. 49 form in keeping with the style of the case. As the manual keys would, on the removal of the finger, spring up beyond their proper level under the influence of the returning “key-movement,” unless something were done to check them, a piece of wood is laid transversely across the keys, immediately to the rear of the veneered part, so as to be just out of sight, which is loaded with lead on the upper side to make it so heavy as to stop the rise of the key, and lined underneath with green baize to silence the blow of the key against the board. This piece of wood is called the thumping-board. The pedals. I99. The pedals are made either of oak, mahogany, beech, or some other hard wood, and are, as before said, chiefly distinguishable from the manual keys by their magnified scale ; the order of the keys, long and short, being the same in both cases. The pedals work on a centre at the back (a, ſig. 55), and fall under the pressure of the foot, in front (%), that is, at the end under the manuals. A Spring under each pedal (c) causes them to resume their original position on the removal of the foot. The pedals are placed at a proper distance below, and under the manuals, that they may be conveniently played upon by the feet of the performer. & 2– % ºld —l th-ºl— Dil Tº-Lº-D Side view of Žedal Keys. 55 The situation of the 200. The claviers of an organ are usually placed in the front claviers. of the organ-case, in the centre, just beneath the impost; though want of room and other circumstances sometimes render other arrangements neces- Sary. Thus they are occasionally found at the side, as at Hanover Chapel, Regent Street; or even at the back, as at Ely Cathedral, Christ's Chapel, Maida Vale, &c. In some instances the claviers are not in the instrument itself, but separate, and, to all appearance at least, unconnected with it. This is the arrangement observed in the organ at Windsor Castle, constructed on a plan suggested by His Royal Highness the late Prince Consort, where the keys appear in a kind of manual table, situate twenty-two feet from the body of the instrument. At Westminster Abbey, again, the claviers are similarly detached; the great organ being in front, the swell behind, the choir to the right, and the pedal organ, with its large pipes lying hori- zontally, to the left of the organist. The Apollonicon had its numerous claviers so arranged that the Several performers sat looking towards the audience. 2OI. Concert-room organs were formerly furnished with what is called a “long movement,” a modification of the usual mechanism that admits of the keys being placed in the front of the orchestra, while the instrument itself stands at the back. The first long movement made in England is said to have been that attached to the organ in Vauxhall Gardens, by Byfield, and which served Green as a model for the long movement applied by him to the organ he erected for the Handel Commemora- tion in Westminster Abbey in 1784. At All Saints' Church, Manchester, the com- munication between the keys and Sound-board pallets is established by means of a movement 87 feet in length. 202. But the most remarkable long movement is that attached to the organ in the church of St. Alessandro in Colonna, at Bergamo, built by Serassi in 1782. The organ has three manuals, the first and second of which serve for the great and choir organs, in the same part of the church ; while the third, by means of a long move- ment passing underground, acts upon another great organ situated at a distance of nearly 115 feet from the keys. 203. Some organs have two, three, or even four manuals. These are arranged P 50 THE WIND-IDISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. one above another, and in such a manner that the lowest stands out farthest and each succeeding one recedes. r 2O4. In an organ having two manuals the keys of the great organ form the lower row, and those of the swell the upper. Where there are three manuals, the great manual is usually in the middle, with the swell above and the choir below. In Avery's organ, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, however, the great manual was originally below, and the choir organ keys in the centre. - The key-movement. 205. The key-movement is that system of the mechanism of an organ which establishes the communication between the keys just noticed and the sound-board pallets that control the entrance or otherwise of the wind from the wind-chest into the grooves. 206. In the ancient organ, with its spring Sound-board and large keys, this con- sisted of strings and ropes. In a modern organ there is usually a separate “move- ment” for each clavier. And as the clavier and its corresponding sound-board are variously located in regard to each other, according to circumstances—sometimes being placed in close proximity, at other times at a long distance apart ; Sometimes in a direct line with each other, at others at right angles'; sometimes so that the performer faces the organ, and at others so that he sits with his back to the organ— it is obvious that the “movement” introduced for the purpose above mentioned must not only vary very much in detail in various examples, but in Some cases must be far more complex than in others. This would be the case even if the grooves were always arranged in the same order; but as they are sometimes dis- posed agreeably to the regular semitonal “fourth plan,” and sometimes according to the crossing “first or second plans,” the key-movement, from this cause, becomes in some respects still more diversified. * . 207. Yet, although so multifarious as to detail, there are in reality only two distinct kinds of key-movement in common use in England, namely, the lever or faſt-frame movement, and the roller-board movement. Two other kinds are noticed in a subsequent chapter. - 208. The fan-frame movement is the simpler kind of the two. It consists of three parts only, namely, a Small upright rod, 56 called the sticker (c, ſig. 56); a horizontal lever, called the backfall (h); and a second vertical rod, called the fracker (f). The lower end of the sticker (c) rests on the tail (b) of the key (a), and the near end (d) of the backfall (h) on the top of the sticker. The far end (e) of the backfall is attached to the tracker (f), which latter passes up perpen- dicularly, and communicates with the pull-down that draws open the pallet (g). 209. The stickers, which are made of pine or cedar, and of a round or Square shape, reach from the key-tails to the backfalls—a height varying from a few inches to a foot or two, as may be requisite. From the top of each Sticker a wire pin rises about an inch (a, ſig. 57), and passes through a puncture in the backfall, to prevent its slipping off instead of rising with the sticker. A small piece of woollen stuff, placed over the top of the Sticker, prevents that and the backfall rattling together ; a similar noise at the lower end being obviated by the leather on the tail already noticed. s 2IO. Sometimes the Stickers are made to pass through a register —a rule of wood laid transversely and flatways above the tails of - the keys, and perforated (c); in which case they have each a small piece of wood THE CLAVIERS AND KEY MOVEMENTS, 5 I or leather attached. This, by resting on the register, prevents the sticker falling through, and so allows of the temporary removal of any key, or even the entire Set, without disturbing the arrangements of the Stickers. 58 =~ Hº— - tº- (? 2II. The backfalls are made of Some hard wood, such as oak or cedar, and of the shape indicated in the adjoining cut (ſig. 58). They range from one to about three feet in length, according to the distance, in a direct line between the pallets and the keys; from one to two inches in depth ; and from three-sixteenths to one- quarter of an inch in thickness. A Small wooden beam, called the bacáſal/frame, sustains them in their proper situation ; the frame itself being scored crossways with numerous narrow cuttings, made to receive that portion of the backfalls which is below the centre. The centre consists of a piece of stout iron wire passed through the middle of each backfall, and fastened down with small staples. 212. The trackers (ſig. 59) are so many Strips of some light wood, as pine, measuring about five-sixteenths of an inch in width, one-eighth in thickness, 59 and, in the situation under consideration, not more than about two feet in do length. Each tracker is furnished at the lower end with a taſſed-wire ()—a || piece of brass wire about three inches long, incised or afted at one end like a screw, and slightly hooked at the other, by which it is bound to the tracker with thread, afterwards covered with size. The upper end is provided with a hook (a) of copper wire, that communicates with the pull-down. 213. The tapped-wire at the lower end is passed through a small hole in the free end of the backfall, indicated by dotted lines at c, in ſig. 58; and the latter is then firmly secured to the former with a small circular piece of leather, about one-third of an inch in diameter, turned out of thick leather, like that used for the soles of shoes, and called a button (c, ſig. 59). The action of the key- 214. The several parts just described operate O116 OI). Imovement. the next in the following manner —On pressing the key (a, fig. 56) down, which moves on a centre (%), the tail () rises, lifting with it the sticker (c.) This in its turn raises the near end (d) of the backfall, which, by moving on the centre (%), causes the far end (e) to descend. In doing so, it draws down the tracker (/), which pulls the pallet (g) open. 215. Some of the wind from the wind-chest now rushes through the pallet- || hole into the groove, and from thence makes its escape through Such apertures 0. in the roof as have been uncovered by the drawing of the sliders above, as explained in detail in previous sections; but, in doing so, it is compelled to pass into pipes placed over those holes, which are thus made to sound ; and, having thus performed its destined duty, it regains its freedom. 216. The key-movement just described is found chiefly in conjunction with a sound-board, made according to the “third plan,” and, therefore, most frequently in small organs. Where the grooves follow in Semitonal succession, rollers are not usually required ; and, as simplicity in the mechanism is always desirable, the above movement, as the least complex, is preferred, where and so long as the consecutive groove arrangement is observed. This accounts for the omission of rollers, as also for the presence of the backfalls as levers; though not for their taking the fan form, which latter circumstance arises from another and independent cause. 217. A sound-board is always wider than the manual, Sometimes extending to twice its width, or even more. It follows, therefore, that the grooves, instead of running parallel with their respective keys, and differing only in being located at a P 2 **** 52 THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. higher level, are, with few exceptions, more or less out of the line with them. This being the case, and yet it being necessary that the far end of every backfall shall be under its own groove, at the same time that its near end shall still rest on its proper sticker, all the backfalls, with the exception of the middle two or three which swerve but slightly, are made to diverge, until at last the extreme Ones are at one end considerably out of a line with their near end. 218. The spreading out of the backfalls causes the set to bear a sufficient resemblance to the ribs of an open fan, to account for the adoption of the name by which this portion of the movement is generally known. 219. In the notice of the “third plan” of groove arrangement, it was mentioned that the grooves for the lowest or bass octave were placed alternately at each end of the sound-board. While, therefore, all the bass keys are to the extreme left of the manual, six of the corresponding grooves, at the least, are at the extreme right of the sound-board. To bring these, through the governing pallet, under the control of their respective keys, a horizontal rod or roller is provided for each key, extending along behind the backfalls, to transmit the motion the requisite distance to the right. 220. These rollers—of which the accompanying engraving (ſig. 60) is a plan— 6O H | Q% & T H j, - (a a) are each provided with two arms (Ó C), one (6) projecting immediately over the descending end of the backfall, the other (c) directly under the pallet. Instead of the tracker now drawing down the pallet as before, it lowers the first roller-arm (5); and the roller itself (a a), being thus made partly to revolve, conveys the downward motion to the Second roller-arm (c), which, descending, draws with it a second tracker in communication with the pallet-wire, which latter opens the pallet. The rollers just referred to are made from an inch to an inch and a half in width, from five-eighths to one inch in depth, and from an inch or two to about five feet in length. They are each provided with two metal centre-fins, projecting about an inch from each end, which pass into holders or Studs standing out from the roller- board. These pins form the centre at each end on which the roller partly revolves, while the studs hold them suspendedly over the keys. 221. The rollers are mostly ranged one over the other ; though in some cases, if more convenient, two are placed in a line. Wooden rollers are omitted from all the best modern work, and iron ones substituted. They are, however, more costly. The eyes in the arms of iron rollers are sometimes advantageously bushed with leather ; and the holes in the Studs which support the rollers are lined with cloth to render the action noiseless. The roller-board 222. The Second variety of key-movement is that known as Imovement. the roller-board movement. This description of movement is a usual accompaniment to all sound-boards in which the grooves are disposed according to the alternate or any other irregular arrangement, and is, therefore, a common adjunct to such as are made agreeably to the “first and second plans,” among others. 223. In a sound-board so constructed the CC and CC sharp grooves and pallets occur, in Separate halves of the Sound-board, at a distance sometimes of seven or eight feet from one another, while the keys lie side by side on the manual. And all the other grooves, as already explained, are arranged alternately right and left, while the keys of course continue their scale gradually and uninterruptedly upwards. In consequence of the order of the keys and grooves never agreeing, every key is THE CLAVIERS AND KEY MOVEMENTS. 53 generally furnished with a roller. After the motion of the key, therefore, has been conveyed inwards to the necessary distance, which is effected, in this case, either by Žara/e/backfalls, or by squares and trackers, it is transferred to the right or Zéſà by a long or short roller, until it is brought under the right pallet. The groove arrangement therefore leads to the introduction of a great number of rollers, and the movement is in consequence named after them. The roller-board, which sustains the rollers, is the large irregularly shaped board, or sometimes a frame, that may be seen placed edgeways, and occupying the necessary space under the wind-chest, and extending to nearly the entire width of the sound-board. Square and tracker-work, 224. But in most organs some of the sound-boards are necessarily situated at a greater distance from their manuals than that to which the key-movements, in the condition already described, can reach ; more particularly those for the choir and swell departments, as will be obvious on referring to the general Section. A modification and extension of one of the movements just noticed—usually of the roller-board movement—therefore becomes necessary, and is effected by first dividing it. The roller-board still occupies its usual position underneath the Sound-board, and the stickers theirs on the tails of the keys. The backfall frame is altogether dispensed with, and the communication between the Stickers and now distant rollers is established by “square and tracker-work.” 225. The “work” last mentioned has a familiar illustration in the crank and wire-work of bell-hangers (see general section). The trackers traverse distances either horizontally, perpendicularly, or diagonally, like the wires, while the squares transmit the motion round corners, from one tracker to the next, like the cranks. 226. The trackers in the modified movement now under consideration are often made very long, extending to ten or twelve feet, or even more ; or, what comes to the same end, several shorter trackers are hooked together, so as collectively to make up the necessary length. These great “ lengths’ of tracker are generally carried through registers or bridges, which afford them support, if they run hori- zontally, and also prevent their flapping together. The pedal movement, which in most examples closely resembles the last-mentioned, is noticed in conjunction with the pedal coupling movement. 227. The squares mentioned just now are so many centres (see ſig. 61), formed of Some tough wood, furnished with two arms each (a 5), about three inches in length, also of the same material as the square, or Sometimes of iron, or even of brass. The angle (c) of each Square is placed in a corresponding cutting made in the square-frame (d dd) to receive it, and the squares are sustained in their proper positions by a small metal rod (e), on which they move freely to and fro. 228. Occasionally, Squares are cut out of a single piece of wood ; but that is not a good way of making them ; for, in that case, one arm must necessarily be the Cross way of the grain, and will not long bear the “ tug,” but will Snap off short. A much better kind of square is that wherein two pieces of wood are dovetailed together, at a right angle, the strong way of the wood ; these are more expen- sive, but at the same time they are much more durable. Mr. Forster, of Hull, has a plan of fixing his squares so that any one can be taken out separately, without disturbing the set of fifty or sixty to which it may belong. The French builders also frequently set their squares in independent holders. The organs in the Carmelite Church, Kensington, and in the French Church, Leicester Square, have their Squares adjusted in this manner. 6I 54 THE WIND-Distributing PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. CHAPTER XI. THE COUPLERS AND SFORZANDO PEDAL. 229. BESIDES the several Žrimary systems of mechanism already described, which are indispensably necessary for working the organ at all, most instruments are provided with a greater or less number of members belonging to an im- portant subsidiary class, called coupling movements, or, more briefly, couplers. 230. A coupler is an appliance by which either a second clavier and its stops can be brought into play while the performer's hands or feet are engaged upon the first, or the same clavier can be united to itself in the octave above or below ; in any case, the result being an increase of the resources of the department receiving Such accession. For the time being, the stops or pipes, according to whether the coupler be another clavier altogether, or the pipes of the same clavier, but united in the octave above or below, appear to belong to the key actually struck, and new combinations and effects become thus producible, which are not otherwise attain- able on the same instrument. Seidel # supposes the idea of the manual copula to be as old as the fourteenth century. It is certain that, so long ago as the year I651, Some movement of the kind existed in Geissler's celebrated organ in the Cathedral at Lucerne, in Switzerland ; and the circumstantial manner in which the operation of the registers in question was described in the account over the keys of the old organ, now removed, leaves little doubt that couplers were at the above date great rarities, if not absolute novelties, at any rate in Switzerland. The account states that originally the organ contained “several registers, whereby One may make use of the three manuals together, or one or two of them separately.” Manual couplers, 231. Couplers are classed under two heads, viz., manual couplers and pedal couplers. Of the former kind there are three varieties, viz., the unison, Octave, and double or sub-octave couplers. 232. The unison manual coupler unites any key of one manual to the corre- sponding key of another. One of the most usual couplers of this nature is that for uniting an upper manual to a 2* lower; in other words, for attaching the “Swell to great.” This is commonly formed of a set of short stickers (d, ſig. 62), one to each key, reaching from the upper surface of the great organ key to the under side of the swell key. These Stickers pass through a rod (e) extending - Over the great organ key-board from side to side, between the centre and tail of the keys, and between the two manuals. This rod is capable of being turned partially round by drawing out a handle at the side of the keys, communicating with appro- priate medium work, which places the Stickers in a perpendicular position, as shown in the accompanying cut. If any key of the low manual (a) be pressed <. * See Historical Introduction, p. 47, THE COUPLERS AND SFORZANDO PEDAL. 55 down while the “coupler is out,” the sticker above will be raised, lifting the tail of the corresponding key on the upper manual (,) so that whatever is played on the lower manual is also executed on the upper. When this union of manuals is not required, the governing handle is thrust in, causing the rod, and, consequently, the Sticker, to resume their original positions, as shown by the dotted lines. That of the latter at such times is at an angle of about 45 degrees with the great manual keys; their lower ends (c) being then raised sufficiently far to admit of the keys of the under manual being set in motion without coming in contact with them. The fumbler coupler has a tendency to throw the fingers off the keys, when drawn on while the great organ is being used, or, if not this, to disarrange itself, or even become broken. This defect does not appear in the sliding coupler represented in Jºg. 63, which is formed in the following manner —The great organ key has a portion of its upper side cut away, leaving an inclined plane (a) covered with leather and black-leaded. The under side of the swell key is similarly hollowed (5), the shape of the cutting being reversed. The coupler, when not in action, is stationed as indicated by the dotted lines, the sticker (//) dropping into the register (?, ?). The hollow in the great organ key then allows the key to rise without touching the sticker. When required to be used, the register, which is held and moves freely in a slot in each key frame, is carried - a little backwards (o o), the sticker (cc) glides up the inclined plane (a), is raised a little way out of the register, and brought directly under the regulating button (d), by which it raises the swell key. The back part of the knob of the sticker is bevelled (e), so that, in the event of a great organ key being down when the coupler is drawn on, the Sticker may raise the Swell key gradually without causing any jerk to the finger, and the button (d) is rounded to assist its coming into operation smoothly and quietly. Through the swell key a tapped wire passes (f), by which the action of the coupler is so nicely regulated that the swell key will begin to descend at the same moment that the finger commences the depression of the key of the great organ. This improvement on the tumbler coupler is due to Messrs. Kirtland and Jardine, organ-builders, of Manchester. - 233. Another kind of mechanism for the coupler “swell to great,” called from its shape the “ram coupler,” also possesses the merit of being capable of being drawn while the keys are down, without causing any disagreeable resistance, and without being liable to derangement from being brought into operation under such circum- stances. This kind of movement was invented by the Messrs. Robson, and has been applied by them to the pedal couplers, as well as to those for the manuals. 234. An organ with three manuals occasionally has, in addition to the coupler above described, another for uniting the lower manual to the middle one, i.e., “ choir” to “great.” A third kind of unison coupler unites the upper manual to the lower (“swel/* to “choir”), of which examples occur in the organ at the Temple Church, &c. Other couplers take down the octave above or the octave below the key pressed down by the finger. These occur in numerous organs. 235. An “octave manual coupler,” i.e., one acting in the fore-mentioned way, was introduced into the organ at St. James's Church, Bristol, by Smith, of that city, in the year 1824; another, and, like that just noticed, forming part of the original work, occurred in the York Minster organ, built in 1829 by Mr. Hill. Both these unite the swell to the great organ in the octave above. Octave couplers are 56 THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. frequently found in the organs of Italy, where they are called Terzo Mano, third hand. In England this kind of coupler is called by the organ-builder who re-invented it—for Mr. Holdich does not appear to have been conscious of its pre- existence elsewhere—the Diaocton. A “double manual coupler’” either unites one manual to the other in the octave below, or a manual to itself in the same manner ; generally the former. The organ in St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet Street, erected in 1834 by Robson, has one that attaches the choir organ to the great in this way. This acts on separate pallets in the sound-board, and therefore does not move the keys. Octave and double couplers sometimes take down the keys, and sometimes not. Composed usually of a series of diagonal backfalls, they either communicate with Separate pallets, when the keys, of course, do not fall, or they operate upon the same set of pallets; the working of the movement being then made obvious by the motion of the keys, as in the case of the ordinary couplers, unless indeed the key-tails are weighted (as they sometimes are) to balance them. The swell manual of the organ at St. Luke's Church, Old Street, made by Gray and Davison, has both an octave and a double coupler. By the aid of such couplers “an 8-feet stop may be converted into a 16-feet, or a 4-feet (or all three), at pleasure; and a great variety of effects and combinations may be produced, which otherwise would be unattainable without increasing almost indefinitely the size of the organ.” The sforzando coupler. 236. The Sforzando coupler is a movement for reinforcing the strength of the Swell instantaneously, and to a far greater extent than is attain- able by the aid of the Swell pedal alone. It is worked by a pedal, on pressing down which the great organ becomes coupled to the Swell. On removing the pressure from the pedal, it returns (by means of a spring), and the action is discon- nected. The action simply is a backfall in connection with the Swell key, and operating on the great organ key movement, as shown in fig. 64, in which a repre- sents the swell tracker, & the great organ tracker, c the connecting backfall in question, which rises and falls on the sticker (e), the pin being free, while d marks out the regulating button. In a few instances, where the swell has been provided with octave and double couplers, the Sforzando pedal has been made to bring on those couplers simultaneously, and not act on the great organ; and where the Swell is to C C, and is powerful, this latter kind of movement is in Some respects more effective than the other, as the reinforcement is also under the influence of the Swell. 64 ſ - 7k 237. A sforzando pedal, uniting the great to swell, was introduced by Lincoln into his organ at St. Olave's, Southwark, built in 1844, and it has subsequently found admission into several other instruments. Pedal couplers. 238. The second class—i.e., the ſedal couplers—are such as either unite the manuals to the pedals, or cause the pedal organ to play in the * Pole, On the Musical Arts/ruments in the Great Æxhibition of 1851, p. 75. THE COUPLERS AND SFORZANDO PEDAL. 57 octave, one way or the other, as well as in unison. Of pedal couplers there are as many varieties as there are of manual couplers. The most common form of the pedal coupling movement is the following :-First, in consequence of the pedals occupying much more room 65 in regard to width than the corresponding number of n. manual keys, rollers similar to those in the key-movement ſ are introduced (see & 5, ſig. 65), having one arm (a) over the controlling pedal (e), and a second (f) directly under the key to be communicated with (c). The action of the pedal having thus been brought into a line under the key, a backfall (d, ſig. 66) occurs running underneath and parallel thereto. From each of these a Sticker (a) reaches thence to the under side of the manual key (c c) to be acted upon ; a pin in the lower end (e) of each Sticker, descending through the end of the backfall, to render the former in one sense a En rºs. fºr xx rer ºn mºrnºf Fºx-Tº-º-º-º--T-T- fixture, the upper end being left free 66 to be moved forward or backward as Cº ~ & occasion may require. The stickers -- ºff. pass through a register (%), which, fº & º among other purposes, Serves as a HT-Q * z: support thereto. When the manual is to be coupled to the pedals, the register is drawn forward a little, the upper end of the Stickers being thus brought immediately under the tails of the manual keys. They are represented as being thus situated in the last illustration. When the pedal coupling action is in operation, the two trackers, the roller arms, and the near end of the backfall (e) rising, lifting with it the Sticker (a), which in its turn raises the tail of the manual key (c), and this, Setting the key-movement in motion, produces the same effect as pressing the key down with the finger would do. When the union of the “manual to pedal” is no longer required, the handle is pushed in, which moves the register back again, the upper end of the Stickers being by this guided in the same direction till they get just beyond the key-tails. The Stickers now appear in a slanting position, as shown by the dotted lines in ſig. 66, and miss the keys. Sometimes there are two or even three couplers for uniting the different manuals to the pedals in the same pitch ; as “great to pedal,” “ Choir to pedal,” and “Swell to pedal;” in which case there are as many sets of these stickers rising from the backfalls, each Communicating with a particular manual. - 239. Thus much concerning the mechanism by which the manuals are coupled to the pedal. With regard to the Žitch in which this union is effected, great dis- similarity used unfortunately to prevail in England. In some Organs the key acted upon by any given pedal would be identical with the one that the finger would have touched, i.e., corresponding with the bass note written and sounding in unison with the bass voice. This is the case when the manual organs are of the CC Compass, In such cases the manual unison stops are said to give the 8-feet or legitimate pitch. In GG, FFF, and CCC organs, however, the pedal couplers more often attached the manuals to the pedal in the octave below, that is, in the 16-feet pitch. This want of systematic arrangement arose from there being no recognised com/ass as the invariable one for the manuals of English organs. Some organs of ſong manual compass have pedal couplers acting in the 8 and 16-feet pitch on the great manual, as in those in St. George's Hall, Liverpool, Westminster Abbey, &c. 240. In the organ in Trinity College Chapel, Cambridge, is, or was, a coupler, called the Canto Fermo coupler, that unites the treble of the choir organ from middle Cl 58 THE WIND–DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. upwards to the pedal to the extent of two octaves and a third. This causes the 8-feet Stops of that manual organ to produce the effect of so many 2-feet pedal stops. Other organs have a coupler for uniting the tenor C of the swell to the CCC of the pedal, as in the instrument at the Irvingite Church in Gordon Square, built by Gray and Davison, which obtains, from the unison stops of the fore-mentioned department, a Sound resembling that of so many 4-feet pedal stops. 24I. Besides couplers for uniting the manuals to the pedals in various ways, others are occasionally met with which attach one octave of the pedal organ to the other. The octave coupler brings the CC pipe on to the CCC pedal, the effect being similar to that of the addition of an 8-feet principal to the 16-feet open diapason. The double coupler brings the CCC pipe on to the CC pedal, thus giving the effect of a 32-feet stop on the pedals from thence upwards. Both kinds were added by Walker to the organ in Tonbridge Church, though they do not exist in the instrument as rebuilt by Gray and Davison in 1855. 4. TíIE PNEUMATIC ACTION. 59 CHAPTER XII. T H E P N E U M AT I C A CT I O N. 242. IT has already been shown that every sound-board pallet is provided with a Spring beneath, to ensure the return of the key-movement on the withdrawal of the pressure from the key; and it has also been mentioned that the compressed air in the wind-chest becomes a second source of resistance to the touch of the performer. This latter fact is perceptible, even in small organs, of which the Sound-boards are palleted in the ordinary way, by striking a chord in the bass part of the manual, first without the bellows being blown, then with the “wind in,” when the additional resistance which the organ-wind causes will at once be felt. In larger organs which have pallets of increased size throughout the sound-boards, with two pallets in the bass, the amount of spring and wind resistance is of course much increased, which again is augmented when there are also octave and double couplers, causing perhaps six or seven pallets to operate upon a single key. In instruments, again, containing Some stops on a heavy pressure of wind, the resist- ance becomes too great for even the most muscular finger to control without experiencing much fatigue. In such cases, it being probably beyond the power of any of the relief pallets to remove the stiffness from the touch, some contrivance is required that shall boldly ovem?ower the resistance. The pneumatic lever performs this duty most efficiently ; and, in doing so, ingeniously converts that which would otherwise be the organist's antagonist into his assistant. 243. The first idea of establishing such pneumatic assistance occurred to the late Mr. Joseph Booth, organ-builder, of Wakefield, who applied his invention to the organ he built for the church at Attercliffe, near Sheffield, in the year 1827. He placed the lower pipes (wood) of the open diapason of the GG Imanual on a Small separate Sound-board, and to the pull-down of every separate pallet he attached a Small circular bellows below. A conveyance from the great organ sound-board groove conducted wind into this bellows, which, opening downwards, drew with it the pallet. These small bellows Mr. Booth used to call ſuffs. The second step in establishing pneumatic agency was made by Mr. David Hamilton, of Edinburgh, who, in 1835, added a movement of the kind to the organ in St. John's Episcopal Church in that city. In the year 1839 a paper was read at a meeting of the British Association at Birmingham, explanatory of a pneumatic lever which he then exhibited. It was left, however, for Mr. Barker, a native of Bath, but for many years a resident in Paris, to fully appreciate the importance of, and to develop, and make generally known, this new agency in organ manipulation. Mr. Barker's first attempts were made with a cylinder and piston, which were afterwards aban- doned in favour of a small bellows, “In the first instance he endeavoured to introduce his apparatus in England, about 1832. Experience, however, in large Organs was then wanting in this country, and his endeavours were unsuccessful; he therefore went to France, where the subject was better known, and where the value of the new principle was at once appreciated. It was introduced immediately in the great organ, being built at St. Denis (1841), and has since been 6O THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. applied to a considerable number of large instruments in the principal churches of France;”* as, for instance, at the Madeleine, St. Vincent de Paul, &c. 244. The pneumatic lever, as made by different organ-builders, varies slightly in detail ; but the following is the general plan and principle of all. The upper member of the lever is formed very like a small concussion valve (see a, figs. 67 and 68); the former of which shows the lever closed, the other offen. Beneath the lever are two little chambers (marked c c and d d), between which passes a third (ee e). Below, again, is a kind of backfall (o o) which controls two circular pallets (§ 5) in Such a manner that when one is open the other must be closed. Lastly, to the rising end of the lever a small lug (w) is attached, which draws up a tracker (f) that Sets the Several key-movements in motion. 67 * — ºf- Ž fº .# f *= º ſº ife - - % T Ø e º # 68 w º º * º f Opell. º & a tº o 3% || º Tº dº. t; Q Q C § § R3 F #. The Žneumatic action shown aſ large. 245. On pressing down a key on any one of the manuals, the movement draws down the near end of the backfall (o o), causing the far end to rise, which motion places the circular pallets (% b) in the positions shown in ſig, 68. Some of the wind from the chamber (c c) now passes downwards through the uncovered pallet-hole, traverses the passage (e e e), raising and filling the pneumatic lever (a), which draws up the tracker (f), communicating the impulse to all the Sound-board pallets that may be attached to the controlling key. The circular pallet in the second chamber (d d) at the same time closes and prevents the escape of any wind. 246. When the finger is withdrawn from the key, the position of the backfall, and consequently the circular pallet, is reversed, as shown in ſig. 67. The supply of air from the wind-chamber is now cut off by the descent of the pallet. At the same time the second pallet in the chamber (d. d) is raised, allowing the wind to descend through the pallet-hole (g), escaping through the opening (2) into the atmosphere. The contents of the lever being thus exhausted, it returns to its state of rest, as shown at ſig. 67 ; the rapidity of the change being accelerated by the * Pole, On the Musical Instruments, &c., p. 77, THE PNEU MATIC ACTION. 6I Spring (£). In consequence of the width of the pneumatic levers, about three inches, only every fifth lever is placed in the same row ; hence the pneumatic action always appears in five tiers, as shown in the general section. 247. A very simple kind of pneumatic action has been devised by Messrs. Hill and Son. This is shown in the accompanying cut. The circular pallet (a) in the wind-chamber (b) being drawn open by the Square (c), wind passes through the orifice (d) into the receiver (ee), and hence into the pneumatic bellows (fff), the Square pallet (g) being at the same moment closed by the motion of the wire (?). On the key being released, the lug (£), under the influence of the spring (!), returns, drawing with it the wire (m), closing the pallet (a), and uncovering the aperture (o), through which the wind escapes, the bellows (fff) then descending. 69 o 248. For Messrs. Bishop and Son's compact pneumatic action the merit is claimed of its requiring less space than the usual lever attachment, without sacri- ficing either efficiency or facility of touch. The two diagrams on page 62 exhibit the constructive peculiarities of these appliances, the working of which is elucidated by the letterpress that immediately follows:– A A are chambers or wind-chests containing compressed air ; B B1 are valves commanding the entrances to the pneumatic bellows or motors; C C C Cº are the pneumatic motors themselves, the lower series of valves and motors being shown closed, and the upper series often , D D* are exhaust valves; E E are tubes con- veying the compressed air to series of moters above the two wind-chests (A Al); F Fi are backfalls, to one end of which is attached the mechanism set in motion by the organ-keys, and to the other a flexible tape; G G1 connected with the exhaust valves (D). When the backfall (F) is pulled down by the rod (H) into the position shown at Fı, it carries with it the valve (D"), which has hitherto been retained in its position by the spring (% º ż ż"); this allows the compressed air to enter the opening (/ /) and inflate the motor (CC) into the position shown at C1 Cº, which conveys the motion of the key to the rod (K), or any other rods that may be connected to the arms (/, / / /). The position of the backfall (F) also relaxes the tape (G1) and permits the exhaust valve (Dº) to closé by its spring. On releasing the key the backfall returns to the position shown at F, the spring (3) returns the valve (B) to its seat and opens the exhaust (D), by which, and by the pressure of the spring of the organ-pallet with which the rod (K) is in connec- tion, the motor (C Cº) is exhausted and falls to the position indicated at C. In the series of motors above the wind-chests (A and A*) the wind, instead of passing direct through the passage (/ /*), passes through the openings (//*ee", E £1 e e'e e"). This, it will be seen from the front section, is necessary by reason of each motor occupying the width of two of the valves (B). 249. The tubes marked M M are for pneumatic tubular actions intended to take the place of the troublesome long tracker-actions, or the present unreliability of the magneto-electric actions now generally employed where the key-boards 62 THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. or “console" of the organ are separated from the instrument itself. In this case only the supply and exhaust valves of the pneumatics are placed within the console, the pneumatic bellows being immediately beneath their separate pallets of the wind-chest at the other extremity of the tubes. The motors (C C C, C+) are then only auxiliary ones to act on the manual couplers; the same supply and exhaust valves serve for the two sets of bellows attached to the apparatus. Front view. Side view. |||||| |||||| iſſ' ºft *-i-. T-fºr- HK jºes - *~~~<-º-º-º: É º ºldº É Žºlšāºš *E=º - ſº gf Rººs-ºs-E In 8 32 s > * *y - * * º * A. 69a g | | §§ ==} 㺠69% - º º ºf& gº *%à iš. § C 5 à - % 2 * Riº .# º: z:2:22:32 S->es: sº { § Š 33 Š; 233rºgmºrºw |s|||s|| à. Q. * __M w. * — ; : &: &z=zzzzzzzzazºs i | 53;& =& grº-º-º: º £ Fº |-º-; Sº - §: § w º 4. ºšššš º 3. }{ THE DRAW-STOP ACTION. 63 CHAPTER XIII. THE DRAW-STOP Act 10 N. 250. THE Several longitudinal Series of pipes on the various sound-boards have already been explained to be governed by sliders, which either permit the wind to cnter the pipes or not, as circumstances may require. The sliders, as already mentioned, are an invention of the sixteenth century. The earliest mechanism for moving them consisted simply of so many levers, the sliders, doubtless, being too “stiff” to be drawn or closed by the fingers unaided. This “first kind” of draw- stop action appears to be shown in the engraving on p. 36 of the Historical Intro- duction, where the free ends of the levers are directed upwards. In the interesting remains of an old organ at Radnor, similar levers, of iron, about eighteen inches in length, were the only means by which the five stops of that instrument were origi- nally controlled. Before the end of the century a complete draw-stop action had been invented, although it was not always brought into the most convenient position for the use of the organist. Even in some of the English organs erected soon after the Restoration, a troublesome arrangement still existed. For instance, in the organ by Father Smith in Manchester Cathedral, and in Pembroke and Emanuel Colleges, Cambridge, the choir organs of which were “in front,” the draw-stops of those departments were in the choir organs themselves, and therefore at the back of the player. In the organ at St. Paul's Cathedral, by the same builder, and in Harris's instrument in Worcester Cathedral, the choir stops were indeed made to draw through the great organ case, but through the jambs below the manuals, and quite out of convenient reach ; and not many years ago the choir stops of Silber- mann's celebrated organ in the Cathedral at Strasburg could only be drawn from the choir organ itself, which stood at least six feet to the rear of the player. The reason why in English organs arrangements such as the foregoing proved to be sufficient for their time was that, in the church music then existing, “musical colouring” formed by no means a general feature, and, therefore, “instrumental colouring” had not become, as it has since, a necessary and looked-for contingent. In organs built to meet modern necessities the draw-stops of all the departments are brought within easy reach of the performer. Of the mechanism introduced to effect this end, called the draw-s/off action, there are many varieties, designed to meet the exigencies of particular cases. 251. The first kind proposed to be noticed is that which may be described as the wooden-frundle draw-stoff action, The wooden-trundle 252. To understand the necessity for the presence of the draw-stop action. several parts of the action just named, it is requisite to point out the relative position of the performer and the end of the sliders to be operated upon... We will suppose the sound-board to be ranged longitudinally immediately behind the front pipes—the usual position occupied by the great organ Sound-board. The situation of the slider-ends, then, as compared with that of the organist, would ordinarily be inwards; to the right we will suppose, though it may be the left; and upwards to a higher level. This route is, in the above action, followed by the draw-stop rod (a, fig. 70), which traverses the organ inwards; the trundle ( ), 64 THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. which conveys the motion round an angle, the trace (c), which continues the motion at right angles with the draw-stop rod, and the lever (d), which conveys it upwards. - 2 go _º 6% jº. A description of the 253. The draw-stoff rod's usually measure about an inch several parts. º p across, for they are made round or square according to fancy, and from about one and a half to ten feet or more in length, according to the distance of the trundle from the manuals. The front end is made of oak or other hard wood, and the remainder of pine, the two parts being neatly spliced together. The near end of each draw-stop rod is furnished with a handle, formed of some dark-coloured and handsome-looking wood, into which is inserted a circular plate of ivory, bearing an inscription, announcing the kind of stop that is controlled by that particular handle and attendant parts.” The farther end of the rod has a horizontal mortise made in it to receive the trundle-arm, a small iron bolt fastening the two together, So that the one cannot be drawn forward without the other accompanying it. The draw- stop rods run horizontally from the front of the case inwards, in the direction of the back of the organ, bordering the manuals (with which they run parallel) usually on each side, where they are arranged one over another, forming one, two, or three tiers, as the case may be. 254. The wooden friendles are made of good thickness, to prevent their spring- ing, which casualty, were it to occur, would prevent the perfect drawing or closing of the slider. Each trundle is furnished with a stout pin at both ends, which passes into frame-work above and below, and which form pivots for it to revolve upon. The arms (g h) are made of wood or iron. They have no fixed positions; but the first arm (g) is placed as nearly as possible in a line with the draw- stop rod (a) that is to act upon it, and which may be high or low in the row wherein it appears; while the second (%) is placed in a line with the lower end of the lever (d). 255. The trundles usually stand under the sound-board to which they belong, bordering the draw-stop rods perpendicularly, as the rods do the manuals hori- zontally. 256. The fraces are rods of deal, reaching from the second arm of the trundle to the lower end of the lever ; hence their name. They are mortised at each end ; at the one (o), horizontally to receive the second trundle-arm ; at the other (?), * The custom of distinguishing stops one from the other by a particular name was intro- duced in the sixteenth century. THE DRAW-STOP ACTION. 65 vertically, to admit the lower extremity of the lever. The traces may usually be Seen under the Sound-board, running in the direction of its length. 257. The levers are generally constructed of some hard wood, as oak, beech, etc., though in Some old organs they are met with of iron. They are hung on a centre about two-thirds from the lower end, and the lower extremity is narrowed to allow of its admission into the mortise in the trace; while the upper is made altogether Smaller, that it may pass into a hole prepared for its reception in the projecting end of the slider. How the draw-stop action 258. When the organ is about to be used, the inscriptions Operates. that are on the stop-handles, or sometimes over or at the side of them, are referred to, and the handle bearing the desired name is drawn forward. The rod brings with it, in the same direction, the first arm of the trundle (g, ſig. 70), and the trundle itself (5), partly revolving, causes the second arm () to Swerve round and draw the trace (c) in the direction from the side towards the middle of the organ. This latter having the lower end of the lever (?) fastened to it draws that with it inwards; the upper end (?) in consequence taking an outward motion, and moving the slider the same way. The passage way is thus made clear for the wind from the grooves through the holes (79) in the upper-board into the pipes. 259. In the draw-stop action for Small organs wooden trundles are not usually employed, but iron Squares are more frequently used. The iron trundle draw. 260. In the Second or iron trundle draw-stop action (ſig. 71), stop action. the trundle and the arms are formed of wrought iron. The trundle itself (a a) stands at the edge of the sound-board (5 & 5), instead of under- neath it, as in the former case, with its upper end (c) rather above the level of the bottom of the sound-board. There is no trace used, the bottom arm (d) being made much longer, that it may extend from the trundle to the draw-stop rod (e), and the top arm (f) is placed quite at the upper end of the trundle, from whence it gradually inclines upwards, until it reaches the slider (/), where it is finished off with a small bolt (g), that passes through the slider (/), and acts upon it. 71 & - Å. Ž z Ş. - - (ſt, *=== Cº. º 261. When a sound-board is remotely situated, its draw-stop action is modified, and the trundles are sometimes placed horizontally, instead of perpendicularly ; all such matters of detail being of course regulated by the nature of the situation to which the organ is being adapted. 262. In the organ originally built by Messrs. Hill and Son for the Panopticon, and now at Clifton, the draw-stop action was made upon a principle then entirely new to this country, the sliders being put in motion by Small bellows, and the weight of the long vertical trace rods was ingeniously balanced by counter weights attached to the end of short horizontal levers, Q 66 THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. The pneumatic draw-stop 263. The bellows now mostly used for the pneumatic draw- aCtlOn. stop action consists, like the vertical feeder already explained, of three vertical boards, the two outer of which (a a) are fixtures, the middle one (5) being moveable. The two sets of ribs in between are marked c and d, e e e is the wind-chest ; o o the D valve, the hollow of which is long enough to reach from the wind entrance to one member of the bellows to the exhaust, marked ºn. The draw- stop movement is attached to Å, and / communicates with the slider. The wind passes from the wind-chest (e) through ffinto gg, distending it. On drawing out Á, the condition of the two members of the bellows becomes reversed. The hollow of the D valve is drawn sufficiently to the right to uncover the wind entrance (r), and consequently to reach to the second one (?). Wind from e now passes through 7, following the course (s s), entering # , carrying 5 close up to a. The wind from g g at the same time descends through f f : into the D valve, and is conducted through the exit (m) into the vacant space (m ye). w | s § § 2. Šá. § t. § % - §§ ----------- § w É - - - - - § º É. : : º § º, ſº º º Ş Nº JOY'S PATENT HYDRAULIC ENGINE, 67 CHAPTER XIV. B L O W I N G M A C H IN E S. 264. Among the most agreeable additions to the mechanical appliances of an organ must be classed the blowing machines for pumping the bellows of the instru- ment, and keeping them duly supplied with wind under all possible and varying circumstances. One of the greatest drawbacks to the pleasure of playing upon a large organ used to be the consciousness that one's own performance frequently could only be carried on at the toil and exhaustion of fellow-beings. Hence, the discovery of Some mechanical means for inflating the bellows, and of blowing quickly or slowly, according as much or little wind might be required, became a great desideratum. The first hydraulic engine patented was that invented by Mr. David Joy, of Middlesbrough, and originally arranged by him for the large chamber organ of his brother, Mr. Walker Joy, of Leeds. The engraving (ſig. 73) is taken from a photograph of one of the engines now at work in the Leeds Town Hall. - 73 68 THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING IPORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. 265. The engine consists of a cylinder similar to that of an ordinary Steam engine, the piston having a reciprocatory motion given to it by the pressure of a column of water, admitted alternately to the top and bottom of the piston by Suitable passages. The admission of the water to the cylinder is regulated by a slide valve, the back of which is attached to a small double piston working in cylinders formed at the top and bottom of the valve-box. The pistons are actuated by the water-pressure, the ingress and egress of which are regulated by a four-way cock. The plug of this cock is attached to, and moved by, means of a Small lever, which is connected to a vertical rod, the upper end of which is Secured to an arm fitted to the piston-rod. The vertical rod is fitted with set nuts, by means of which the action of the four-way cock may be adjusted. In the outlet port of the four-way cock is a set screw, by which the area of the port can be diminished so as to retard the escape of the water, and thereby regulate the speed of the valve. The water-main is fitted with an ordinary stop-cock, to which is attached a lever connected with the reservoir of wind. This lever is so arranged that when the reservoir is full the cock is closed, and when the reservoir is about One-quarter exhausted the cock is full on. By means of this self-regulating action the wind-reservoir is kept constantly filled. Under this arrangement of the engine the motion of the valve can be adjusted to suit any pressure of water that may be at command. 266. The Liverpool Water Meter, as made under the patent of the late Mr. Thomas Duncan, by Messrs. Forrester and Co., of Liverpool, consists of two Cylinders, with pistons and slotted piston rods working a short crank-shaft. The water under pressure is admitted alternately to each side of the pistons, and thus a rotary motion is given to the shaft, to which a counter is attached, and a correct register is kept of the quantity of water passing through the cylinders. Many of these meters have been adapted as power engines for working the bellows of organs, and have proved most successful. They are silent, and under the immediate control of the organist. They can be placed either horizontally or vertically, and are attached to the levers which work the bellows by means of the crossheads on the connecting rods. The sizes usually made are for V4 in., I in., I }% in., 2 in., and, occasionally, 3 in. pipes. Other blowing machines are noticed in the Appendix. THE ELECTRIC ACTION. 69 CHAPTER XV. THE EI.ECTRIC ACTION. 267. HAVING explained the several kinds of organ mechanism in ordinary use, notice may now be taken of the recent application of electricity to the purposes and uses of organ construction and manipulation. It has been shown in what manner the communication between the claviers and the sound-board pallets, and between the draw-stops and the Sound-board sliders, is established in compactly built instruments. An explanation has also been given of the way in which these Systems of mechanism are developed in large organs, or in organs of which the Claviers are placed at Some distance from the main body of the instrument; and the means by which the organist is at the same time relieved from unnecessary toil, through relief pallets or pneumatic agency, have likewise been illustrated. For Such situations—of claviers in relation to sound-boards—the electric action is applicable in common with, and possesses advantages and conveniences over, the mechanism in general use, to compensate for its greater cost, though it will probably be employed mostly for large organs, unless there be unusual peculiarities to be met and overcome. There are some positions or circumstances in which the intermediate space, as to width and depth between the two parts, takes such a direction, or is so small, that such situations have hitherto been considered extremely difficult of treatment, or altogether impossible. The usual mechanism, besides travelling horizontally and vertically, can turn an angle—equal, obtuse, or acute—or can follow a diagonal, splayed, or spreading course. But it cannot climb an incline, as from the front to the back of an orchestra. The downward drag of the action was always considered too much for the pallet strings, and the alternative action, running horizontally inwards to the organ, then upwards to the instrument, rendered so much valuable space under the orchestra useless for all other purposes, that the plan, which originally existed at the Hanover Square Rooms, and the concert room of the old Opera-house in the Haymarket, has been abandoned in nearly all modern orchestras. At the Gloucester Festival, Sep- tember, 1868, the electric action allowed the organist again to be placed near the conductor, while the organ itself stood at the top of the orchestra, and not in a line, but on the right-hand side. - 268. The electric wire, having no motion, attaches no weight to the pallet; and it can be laid down in any required or conceivable direction. Any circumscribed positions are sufficient for its accommodation, and it can describe any curves as well as follow any regular course. It can traverse round pillars, or ascend in any form or direction where there may be an inch of space for it to pass through. In fact, it is as free and unfettered in its power of adaptation as the gutta percha tube of a garden engine. It has been mentioned that the speciality of the electric action recommends itself for very large organs, in which instruments the “pneumatic lever * is almost a necessity. The following particulars, therefore, referring to Mr. Barker's invention of the latter, and to his development of the same, taken almost verbatim from his own “notes,” will, without doubt, prove interesting. Before giving them, however, a few more words may be said respecting relief pallets. - 7o THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. 269. Fig. 74 is a pallet patented by Mr. Willis in 1861. The outside resembles an ordinary pallet, but is hollowed out on the top side, leaving only the portion of its Surface that laps its seat ; the top is covered all over with the usual soft leathern packing. Holes communicate through the outside into its interior ; several bars, forming a grating, are placed inside the groove between the sound-board bars to prevent the leathern packing being blown in by the pressure of air on the under- side ; On opening this pallet the edges leave their seat first and offer little resistance ; the air having passed in, in Sufficient quantity, relieves the pressure on the under- side. –tº- % * * § - & É/sº 270. Fig. 75 is a compensating pallet. The small bellows attached to the tail have a communication from their interior with the atmosphere; the compressed air in the sound-board has therefore an inclination to collapse them, and the force expended in this direction counterbalances the pressure against the pallet. 271. Fig. 76 represents the section of a single pneumatic lever showing the action of the throttle-valve (a) (patented by Mr. Willis in 1853) and the double exhaust-valves (%), an auxiliary spring which closes them with the first motion of the key, instead of being pressed home only by the last, thus ensuring rapidity of action as well as certainty. Many modifications of the original form have been used, but the following explanation will suffice — 272. The lowest chamber on the right (d) contains highly-compressed air, derived from a reservoir; the lever (e), carrying the valve (f) which cuts off the Communication between this chamber and the one immediately above it (g), works through the air-tight leathern purse (h) in the centre, and the left-hand end of the lever moves the double exhaust-valves (5), and is attached at the extremity by a tracker (i) or connecting-rod to the tail of the key. On raising this end of the lever the double exhaust-valves are immediately closed, cutting off or preventing the atmosphere from entering the interior of the power-bellows (j); at the same time the valve at the other end is opened, so as to allow the compressed air to pass through the chamber above into the power-bellows, and so inflate them. As THE EIECTRIC ACTION. 71 they rise they draw up the throttle-valve, which is attached to the top-board, so that, on its reaching the seat provided for it, it cuts off further supply of compressed air, and checks the motion of the power-bellows almost noiselessly (ſig. 77). This movement of the top-board is communicated to the sound-board pallets by the usual train of mechanism. Immediately the key is released by the finger it is returned to its former position by the Spring underneath, the compressed air escapes by the exhaust-valves, and the power-bellows collapses and allows the sound-board pallet to close. These pneumatic power-bellows are usually arranged in a frame of seven or eight tiers, the width of the manuals, and placed as near to them as possible. ź % Ž% ºft % -- Kää *** * *_ _ - §§§ % sº ** § § §§§ § § §§ - § - sº -*. - rº D. s. Nº §s H -ºšš * H º § Š Ş H §§§ % § := § N TE § si º 273. The following are the observations of Mr. Barker already referred to :- “It was in 1832 that Mr. Barker, then established as an organ-builder in Bath, his native city, was led to reflect on the serious inconvenience arising from the extreme heaviness of touch in all large organs, and as more particularly exemplified in the one then but recently constructed for York Minster Cathedral. His persevering studies having revealed to him an efficacious remedy of this defect, by the invention of what has since been called the pneumatic lever, he wrote, in 1833, to Dr. Camidge, then organist of the Cathedral, announcing his discovery, and begging to be allowed to give a proof of its efficacy, by applying it in a temporary way to one of the heaviest keys of the organ. Dr. Camidge in his reply wrote: “To such an instrument as ours it (i.e., the discovery) would most certainly be very important, where four organs have to be played occasionally by ONE set of keys, and I should be most happy to recommend its adoption. Mr. Hill, of the late firm of Elliot and Hill, has erected Our Organ, and, I assure you, the playing it is no sinecure; on the other hand, it is most laborious work to go through a grand chorus or last voluntary with the whole power of the instrument. Such a difficult touch as that of York Cathedral organ is doubtless sufficient to paralyse the efforts of most men, I assure you. I, with all the energy I rally about me, am sometimes inclined to make a full stop from actual fatigue in a very short time after the com- mencement of a full piece.” Notwithstanding Dr. Camidge's wish and recommendation, financial difficulties stood in the way of Mr. Barker's invention being adopted in York; nor was he more successful in his proposition for applying it to the Birmingham organ opened in 72 THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. 1834 or 1835. It was about this period that the eminent French builder, M. Cavaillé, was occupied in building a colossal organ for the royal church of St. Denis, near Paris, and it was already sufficiently advanced to convince Mr. Barker that, for heaviness of touch, it would rival or even surpass the York Minster and Birmingham organs in their then conditions; indeed, it might have been fairly questioned whether any organist of acknowledged talent would risk his reputation by attempting to play it, Mr. Barker heard from a friend who visited the Continent occasionally that such an instrument was building, and Mr. Barker Wrote immediately to M. Cavaillé to propose the introduction of his pneumatic lever, accompany- ing his letter with a certificate from his since lamented friend, Mr. Merrick, who had played on a small instrument Mr. Barker had fitted up for demonstration, each key of which presented a resistance of several pounds. This was in 1837. M. Cavaillé replied, engaging Mr. Barker to go over to France, and examine the possibility of applying his invention to the magnificent organ in question. Mr. Barker visited Paris, and the application was decided on, under his immediate superintendence. However, in order to establish his priority as inventor, and protect at the same time his interests, previous to doing anything more in the matter, he took out, in 1839, a French patent, and soon after the pneumatic lever was applied with the greatest success, and, for the first time, to the St. Denis organ. After having passed an agreement with M. Cavaillé to grant him licence, under Mr. Barker's patent, as he might require, and which led to its application to the organs in St. Roche, La Madeleine, St. Vincent de Paul, &c., Mr. Barker's connection with M. Cavaillé ceased, and he was then led to undertake the direction of a large organ-building establishment recently formed in Paris, under the name of Daublaine and Callinet, where he had frequent opportunities of introducing his invention. This company having been dissolved about 1845, Mr. Barker undertook to carry on the concern for a M. Ducroquet, a capitalist who had purchased it, and built for him, among other important instruments, that of St. Eustache, as also the Small but very complete organ which appeared in the French department of the London Universal Exhibition of 1851, and for which M. Ducroquet received, in addition to the English prize medal, his nomination of Chevalier of the Legion d’Honneur from the French Government.” Reverting to the English Exhibition of 1851, Mr. Barker's French organ presented, for the first time, a complete specimen of the application of the pneumatic lever to the finger- boards; that is to say, including the unison, octave, and sub-octave couplers. Mr. Hill exhibited an organ in which the pneumatic lever was applied to the draw-stop action only ; and Mr. Willis, a large organ in which the lever was applied both to the key and draw- stop action, but to the former without acting on the couplers. - Trom this time the advantages of the pneumatic application were more appreciated ; and the adoption of the system became more frequent in England, France, and Germany. In fact, workmen who had been familiarised with the construction of the lever in the workshops of M. Cavaillé, lent aid and assistance in England, so that when Mr. Barker proposed to take out—alas ! too late—a patent in this country, he found he would be only bringing coals to Newcastle, At length came the great Paris Exhibition of 1855, to which Mr. Barker was admitted as an exhibitor on his own account, independently of M. Ducroquet, who was on the point of retiring from business, but for whom Mr. Barker had built for the last time, and for the Exhibition, an organ of twenty stops, three manuals, and separate pedal organ, in which the pneumatic lever was turned to good account, and enabled him to place all the powerful reeds of the great organ in the Swell-box, and to obtain by that means unusual powers of crescendo. At the close of the Exhibition he was honoured with a first-class medal and his nomination as Chevalier in the Imperial Order of the Legion d’Honneur. Mr. Barker cannot, in this rapid and imperfect biographo-historical sketch respecting the pneumatic lever, pass over in silence the claims of priority which have been put forth by other parties to the invention. In the first place, that of Mr. Joseph Booth, organ-builder in Wakefield, and who, it is alleged, introduced a contrivance of this nature into the Brunswick Chapel organ in Leeds, in 1827. “A small bellows, called a puff-valve, is said to have been placed in connection with one of the double grooves of the sound-board, and by its inflation, on one of the pallets being drawn, to have acted automatically on the second. In suffering this description to be correct, THE ELECTRIC ACTION. 73 there would be evidently here the germ of the pneumatic lever, as in the early trials of Papin was contained implicitly that of the steam engine, perfected later by Watt, Stephenson, and others, but in the one as in the other case, how great the distance which separates the elementary fact from its ultimate results—how great the difficulties to be overcome. Free to admit that Mr. Booth was in possession of a fruitful idea, he kept his light so completely under a bushel, that, sterile in its consequences, no one heard of it till twenty-four years after, when it had long ceased to exist. It is superfluous to say that Mr. Barker had no previous knowledge of this attempt or any other in the direction of his pneumatic lever, which, it is well known, constitutes in the organ as constructed by him a motive power directed by the finger of the performer to all the mechanical parts of the instrument. The foregoing remarks are, in part, equally applicable to the pneumatic apparatus of Mr. Hamilton, but with this difference, that this gentleman does not substantiate any claim to an application anterior to 1835, two years later than Mr. Barker's correspondence with Dr. Camidge. It might seem, in the presence of the comparatively satisfactory results obtained by the pneumatic lever, that, as a means of facilitating execution on large instruments, nothing better could be wished for. This, however, is not so absolutely the case as might be inferred at first view, as will fully appear from the following considerations. The great defect of the Organ, and especially large instruments with several key-boards, lies in the number and excessive com- plication of its mechanical parts, all of which, however accurately adjusted, are, from their nature, particularly subject to the effects of atmospheric, or, to speak more exactly, hygro- metric influence. Thus, under the effect of damp, the long trackers lengthen, the levers Swell and move with difficulty on the bearings. The solid framing which supports the Sound-boards and the mechanism adds by its swelling or shrinking to the general disorder; and every organist is aware that in summer the touch of his instrument is often reduced to zero, whilst in winter it is deepened, and he is exposed to continual cypherings. To remedy as far as possible these serious inconveniences, the parts of attachment of the various mechanical parts of the instrument are provided with regulating screws and nuts, by which means the virtuallength of these organs of transmission may be integralement established when changed. But how many difficulties have to be got through before accomplishing this labour of Sisyphus, which is considerably increased by the introduction of the pneumatic lever and its couplers. It occurred to Mr. Barker, as it already had to many others, that seeing what has been accomplished in telegraphy, by which the most delicate movements are transmitted to indefinite distances, with rapidity and precision, it might be possible to apply the same principle to the organ, in which the key-board represents the manipulator and the pallets of the organ the receptors of the telegraphy bureaux. Now this has been actually and successfully accomplished by Mr. Barker, in presence of repeated and uniform failure on the part of his predecessors. The reasons for this will appear in the course of the explanations of his system, as applied by Mr. Barker, in France, to the large St. Augustine organ, in which the key-boards have not offered the slightest derangement although the instrument has been erected more than a twelvemonth, and, consequently, has been during that time subject to great vicissitudes of temperature. The applications of Mr. Barker's patent in England by Messrs. Bryceson Brothers and Co. have been equally successful. “An essential condition in the electric transmission in the organ, and which had been generally overlooked by Mr. Barker's predecessors in this direction, is to diminish the resistance of the pallets to a minimum by means of a peculiar construction, or to attack them by the intervention of a pneumatic lever reduced to a simple inflating bellows and debarrassed of all its usual accessories in the shape of couplers, &c., which can now be all affected electrically. “This new system offers three inestimable advantages in its application — “I. A great simplification, by the suppression of a multitude of moving parts, replaced by simple insulated wires. “2. The possibility of transmitting the movements to any required distance, irrespective of the relative positions of the organ and its key-board. - “3. The invariability of the key-boards under the greatest changes of temperature. “It is now about five years since Mr. Barker made his first experiment for the application of electricity to the organ, and proposed applying it to the large organ which he had just 74 THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. received the order to construct for the church of St. Augustine, upon the favourable report of the commission charged to examine the new mode of construction. This organ was opened about three months since, and the commission having made another and final report in most favourable terms, Mr. Barker is now charged with the construction of another large Organ for the new church of St. François de Xavier, which, with those of St. Augustine, Salons, and Montrouge, is the fourth application of the electric principle in France.” 274. During the Paris Exhibition of 1867 the attention of Mr. Bryceson was directed to the electric organ in St. Augustine's Church, in Paris, then nearly completed, and he at once determined to introduce the electric system into England, and made arrangements with Mr. Barker for that purpose. 275. Dr. Gauntlett, who had done much towards the introduction of the Conti- nental or CC compass of organs in this country, now universally adopted, may claim to be the first who conceived the idea of applying electricity to organ mechanism. The following notice occurs in the Orchestra of March 28th, 1868 — “The using of electricity as a motive power in organ building was first mooted about twenty years ago by Dr. Gauntlett, who, at the time of the Great Exhibition of 1851, proposed a scheme for playing all the Organs in the place at one and the same time. The plan met with great opposition, and nothing was done ; but, on the announcement of the Crystal Palace Company, Dr. Gauntlett met the Provi- sional Committee, and proposed the erection of ſac-similes of the eight most celebrated organs in Europe, and playing them altogether or separately in the centre of the building. The original prospectus of the company put forth the Exhibition as one of still life, and one which might be grasped in one view. All such exhibitions fail unless accompanied with music, and Dr. Gauntlett's proposi- tion was to supply the place with a continual stream of music at an outlay much less than that for the maintenance of an orchestra. Messrs. Anderson and Fuller, two gentlemen of the committee, met the proposition with a decided negative. * Dr. Gauntlett,” said Mr. Fuller, “ you will never hear a note of music in the Crystal Palace ; the Exhibition is intended for far higher purposes. We do not want music and we shall never have it !” And thereupon Dr. Gauntlett departed, but not without telling the committee that without music the whole affair would become bankrupt. Dr. Gauntlett patented his speciality in 1852, and in 1863 another plan was patented by Mr. Goundry.” 276. Dr. Gauntlett's patent of 1852 comprehends playing organs, both finger and barrel, as well as Seraphines and pianofortes, through the electrical agency. For organs he proposed placing a powerful electro-magnet immediately beneath each pallet, and fastening the armature on the end of the pallet itself, an arrange- ment that would require much space and an expenditure of electric force requiring a very large battery to Supply a Sufficient current. He mentions that an apparatus known as the “pneumatic lever” may be worked with the electro-magnets and armatures, though he does not describe any form of arrangement. The draw-stop and swell action are also alluded to, but there is no explanation as to how they are to be accomplished. Dr. Gauntlett's contact at the key did not act till the key was quite down, and, being simply a touching contact, would soon become oxidised. - - 277. In 1863 Mr. Goundry patented a very elaborate electric system, chiefly in connection with the introduction of the enharmonic scale, which requires, at the least, forty sounds to the octave. He describes several known forms of light pallets, and proposes to open them direct by the electro-magnet in a similar manner to Dr. Gauntlett. The pneumatic lever is also mentioned, and a form given for its appli- cation. Mr. Goundry shows a very elaborate arrangement for coupling purposes, and also for throwing up the melody. In his draw-stop action he proposes that a THE EILECTRIC ACTION. 75 spring should pull the slider in, and that it should be drawn by a pneumatic power- bellows, actuated by an electro-magnet, around which the current of electricity would be passing all the time the slider remained drawn, thus involving a great consumption of battery power. - 278. No organ-builder embarked in either of these patents; and no organs, to illustrate their practicability, appear to have been attempted. 279. Mr Barker's English patent, taken out in January, 1868, protects his Special arrangements of the following applications, which, with the exception of the draw-stop action, were then based on his actual experience, gained in the construction of three electric organs, which he had already erected in France — Isà. His arrangement of the electro-pneumatic action to the keys and pedals, including a method of making the contacts by means of immersing copper points in mercury cells. - 2nd. A contrivance for coupling the various manuals as well as the pedals, either in unison or in octaves. 3rd. An arrangement for drawing the stops. 4//. The manner of commanding the large valves in wind trunks, known in England as ventils, 5%. An automatic system for suspending all waste of electrical agents in the battery when not actually in use. - 78 sº º:Rºg –lººtººl- :-º:========== E. § 3.3% % - Žºliº. #2; * - % l Hºrºlº §º sº Sºº-ºº: & ޺ *S$ [… &SNS Şiş SSSSS § >> sºxxºSS 280. Fig. 78 is a copy of the drawing attached to Mr. Barker's English patent, dated January 28, 1868. It represents the end section of a divided sound-board, such as would be used when two different pressures of wind are required, or where the number of Stops is So great as to require two pallets to supply a suffi- cient quantity of wind. The chamber (e) in the wind-bar is supplied with com- pressed air, and is continued the whole length of the sound-board. This is to supply the pneumatic power-bellows (d), which are all fixed externally on the bottom side of the sound-board, one of these power-bellows being provided beneath each pallet (Ö). Immediately below the air-chamber and upon the fixed table of the power-bellows is a small double-action disc-valve (f) attached to a vertical rod. In a state of rest, as shown in the drawing, the top disc-valve is closed, cutting off the compressed air ; and the lower one is open, so as to establish a communication from the interior of the power-bellows with the atmosphere, and allowing the sound-board spring (i) to hold the power-bellows shut. The disc-valve is actuated by the armature (/) of an electro-magnet (g) placed below, and attached to the vertical rod (f), so that when the electro-magnet becomes excited by the current of electricity, and, therefore, attracts the armature, the position of the disc-valve is 76 THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. reversed : the lower one being shut and the top one opened, it allows the Com- pressed air from the chamber above to rush in and inflate the power-bellows, which, being attached to the sound-board pallet, immediately pulls open the same. Directly the electric current ceases the armature is of course released ; the disc- valve returns to its former position ; the compressed air is cut off; the sound-board spring collapses the pneumatic power-bellows, and the air escapes by the bottom disc or exhaust-valve, which is now open again. 281. The draw-stop action for each slider in the sound-board consists of two large pneumatic bellows, acting alternately in opposite directions, the inflation of which is governed by two double-action disc-valves, worked again by Small acces- Sory power-bellows and two electro-magnets, acting positively and negatively. 282. A sound-board, therefore, with its electro-pneumatic power-bellows applied to both pallets and sliders, requires no train of moving mechanism to connect it to the key-board and draw-stop knobs, however distant, but simply the necessary num- ber of insulated copper wires to conduct the electric currents from the console, or stand, which holds the manuals, pedals, &c. The console, thus detached from the main body of the instrument, contains a vast amount of accurate and beautifully- arranged work. Its dimensions may be compared to those of a large harmonium ; and, besides holding the various key-boards, it contains, first, the rocking-lever be- neath each key, which, being furnished with Copper points, plunges them in mercury cells directly it is depressed, and So establishes the electric current; secondly, the various couplers, which are bars of wood, on which are screwed copper springs for each note (when drawn by the knob these metallic springs press against corre- sponding copper-plates, and so cause the electric current to divide and actuate the additional electro-magnets and pallets at the same time); thirdly, the draw-stop knobs and traces, to which contacts of a similar nature are attached, and which, likewise, complete the circuit of the electric current to their respective positive and negative magnets; fourthly, all combinations which act mechanically upon the draw-stop traces, and other accessory movements and pedals, &c. 283. To prevent the waste or destruction which would take place in a powerful and active battery if the electrodes were left immersed in the exciting liquid, it is necessary to lift them out of their cells when the organ is not in use ; and, as this operation would probably often be forgotten, the last provision of Mr. Barker's patent refers to a self-acting arrangement. For effecting this object, he places the jars containing the liquid on the top of a wind-reservoir supplied from the main bellows, and suspends the electrodes in a frame above them. When the bellows are blown the reservoir becomes inflated, raising the cells so as to immerse the electrodes; when the wind ceases the reservoir gradually collapses, and the jars sink down, leaving the electrodes suspended dry above. Mr. Barker also protects the reverse action, the cells remaining stationary, and the electrodes being made to descend into the liquid ; this is effected by the same agency, and amounts to the same thing. Mr. Barker does not patent a battery of his own, having found his requirements Satisfied by modifications of more than one already known and in common use. The battery is not placed within the console, and close to the keys, as some have supposed, but in any convenient position within or near the organ itself. - 284. From what has already been explained with regard to electric key-action, it will have been perceived that two intermediate agents are employed to make the depression of the key open the pallet in the sound-board, viz., electricity and pneumatics, and it might seem that such an arrangement would tend to cause a certain amount of delay or slowness in its operation. This, however, is not the case in actual practice ; the velocity of electric currents requires no comment, and, THE ELECTRIC ACTION. 77 in the short circuit employed in the organ electric action, electricity performs its work simultaneously with contact being made at the key. The pneumatic power- bellows, unlike those employed in a mechanical organ, where they have to be large enough to pull open several pallets at once, besides moving long trains of action, are now only required powerful enough to open one pallet, and are therefore so small that very little compressed air is sufficient to inflate them ; moreover, their Small and sensitive valves are not impeded by mechanical attachments. The practical result is, that no perceptible difference of time can be discovered between the depression of the key and the speech of the pipe. This is best proved by the excellent repetition touch obtained ; in this it far surpasses any mechanical action. 285. It was, however, obvious that a great advantage and saving of work would be gained if, as Mr. Barker suggested, a perfectly new form of pallet could be contrived which would offer no resistance in opening, and admit of being acted on direct by the electro-magnet instead of being attacked by the intermediate pneumatic lever as heretofore. To effect this, Mr. Bryceson turned his utmost attention, and at length Succeeded in constructing a pallet fulfilling all the requirements. 79 ſº - *… &: SS-SSS - Nº.232224&2&2& tº **** *s ****** *2 3. 2%% º Ž *****, *. SSSSSSSSSSESS...SSSSSSS 5xº-ºº::::::::::::::::s: º, .*.*.*. *** 27.7272 tº • * * * * 232222222222& § *** º §§§Sº sº ſº % % º Š - 2% Z | |Z; 3 - --- SSSSS & NSłº, % % % ŽS Ş Šºš %-35% º º % ;Tr:::::::: *twº % % # i }% Jºli, ^sº §§§ EEIt iſ: ºs-Sº...< * ~ 8O 2& Žiž .. Žiž #2% == § A. s sº - =% - Ż - § % źS$ $2% %; Š SS % 2% º º sº *: º % * # & ty º º - .9 2%: § º §sº T]º #1 (Sãº- ... • {{# º - 73 # 5: W. - º gº *Z. % §%% º º gº 286. Figs. 79 and 80 are copies of drawings attached to Mr. Bryceson's patent, dated April 6th, 1868, and show the complete arrangement of his new pallet as applied in a double and single palletted sound-board; ſig. 81 (p. 78) being en- larged to show a section of the pallet of the latter. The pallet consists of a small diagonal bellows, formed with top and bottom-boards attached to each other by flexible leathern ribs (£). The upper-side of the top-board (a) is covered with soft leather, and forms the valve which beds close against the under-side of the sound- board bar (); it is kept in this position when at rest by a common Spring (c) pushing upward from the fixed bottom-board. The back or tail-end of the bottom- board is hollow, and is fitted into a Square mortise in the wind-bar, through which a channel (d) is continued to a chamber (*) on the other side. The front end of 78 THE WIND–DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. the bottom-board is fixed sufficiently below the top-board, so as to distend the leathern ribs (Å) nearly to their full extent. On the other side of the wind-bar are two chambers (à l’). The upper one (i) runs the whole length of the sound- board, and contains compressed air of the same pressure as is supplied to the sound-board. The lower chamber (?”) is the one in communication with the interior of the pallet ; it is partitioned off separately for each note, and contains a double-action disc-valve (g) fixed on a vertical rod. The position of this valve determines the communication with the chamber above containing compressed air or the atmosphere below outside. In a State of rest the top disc-valve is open so that the compressed air from the chamber above is inside as well as around the pallet, and of course by its pressure holds the top-board firmly against the sound-board bar—indeed, if the wind could always be kept in there would be no necessity for a spring at all, which is only to keep up the top-board till the pallet is inflated. The lower disc-valve is now closed, and prevents the escape of the compressed air. If the position of the disc-valve is altered and reversed by raising the vertical rod (g) by means of the armature of an electro-magnet (m) the compressed air is at Once stopped from entering the interior of the pallet, and the pressure on the outside of the leathern ribs collapses them, and they draw down the upper-board and allow the wind to enter the groove of the sound-board, and thence, if the sliders are drawn, supply the pipes above. The air in the interior of the pallet is allowed to escape into the atmosphere through the lower disc-valve, which is now open. When the vertical rod is released by the armature of the electro-magnet, the disc-valve returns to its original position, the escape-valve is closed, the compressed air again enters the interior of the pallet and shuts it firmly against the Sound-board groove. In cases where it may be considered necessary to open the pallet very wide, as in pedal sound-boards, &c., a third chamber (?”), running the whole length of the sound-board, from which the air is exhausted, could be placed beneath the lower disc-valves instead of allowing them to open direct into the atmosphere; the top-board would then be drawn hard down on the bottom-board, which can be fixed at a greater distance, and thus Secure either a horizontal or diagonal opening to provide a great supply of wind to the sound-board groove for distribution to the pipes. 8 I * Ż 2 2&l=== ºn-ar------- º-º-º-º-º-º: t TNº. ºf ºfºº § w *** **-es-s-s-s * *NNº. s d Ż == Žzº gº | #| |...a - % - º %;" §§ § § º º RT - E---º ăş º 287. This new pallet might appear to resemble a form known for many years, and used in several instances by both Messrs. Gray and Davison and Mr. Willis for pedal sound-boards, but in reality it differs widely in its condition and mode of action, inasmuch as it is held closed by the pressure of wind in its interior, and THE ELECTRIC ACTION. - 79 opened by the disc-valves allowing this wind to escape or exhaust, so that the pressure around it is enabled to force in the ribs of leather, which, in yielding, actually pull the top-board away from its seat against the sound-board bar; whereas the old form of pallet just alluded to had ribs sufficiently distended only to counterbalance the resistance of the wind, and was pulled open by a connecting link in the same way as an ordinary or common pallet. Neither disc-valves nor attenuated air were used in conjunction with it, and the interior was in communi- cation with the atmosphere instead of being filled with compressed air when in a state of rest. In Mr. Bryceson's pallet he gains the advantage, that, when closed, it has the full force of the wind to press it Soundly against its seat, and thereby prevent any tendency to leakage, a fault Common to all other compensating or balanced pallets, which must be closed by Strength of the Spring. Again, the ribs of his pallet, being distended to their full extent when at rest, present the most favourable position for being acted upon by the Compressed air in the sound-board directly the escape-valve is opened, at which time the first movement of the pallet from its seat requires most force to be expended. Any single pallet can be easily taken out for repair by raising it from the fixed rail in front, and pulling it out of the mortise in the wind-bar. As no pull-down, link, or connecting rod is attached to it, and guide-pins are unnecessary, these very frequent causes of derangement are thus entirely avoided. The dimensions of the pallet can be varied from that required for the smallest treble note to the largest necessary for any pedal sound- board. It is equally available for mechanical and non-electric action, in which case a spring would have to be introduced just sufficiently strong to return the key and action ; this would constitute all the resistance presented to the finger of the performer. The cost, as well as the Space required, is less than when the ordinary pallet is employed with a separate pneumatic power-bellows placed externally. 288. In most cases where organs already built are to be re-constructed on the electric system, the old arrangement of the Sound-boards will prevent this new pallet being conveniently used ; Mr. Bryceson has therefore found it best to apply externally a pneumatic power-bellows beneath each original pallet, similar to Mr. Barker's arrangement, but placed in two tiers, to get them in the length of the sound-board. These he works with exhaust or attenuated air instead of pressure, for the following reasons:—The ribs or sides of pneumatic power-bellows, if not made very rigid, and lined with cardboard, are subject to be overstrained and inverted when inflated, and thus either locked open or destroyed. If made stiff enough to be secure from this defect, they will not work as freely as desirable in the treble or smaller sizes. By the use of exhaust instead of pressure, no stiffening for the ribs is necessary, the cost of manufacture is reduced, and greater durability and freedom from noise are attained. Mr. Bryceson is not aware that exhaust or attenuated air has been proposed or applied for pneumatic power-bellows by any other firm besides his own. Mr. Willis, however, took out a patent almost simul- taneously with himself, in which exhaust and pressure are proposed to be employed alternately for actuating what Mr. Willis terms a “floating valve’ in connection with a novel arrangement of draw-stop action. From the way in which provisional patent specifications are lodged it is impossible either could be aware of the con- clusion arrived at by the other ; and it is a singular coincidence that a new principle in organ-building, which is likely to be of great service for intermediate purposes, should have been thus introduced for the first time. Mr. Bryceson was led to adopt exhaust for reasons already stated, and because the saving effected in a single power-bellows, however Small, was a great consideration in the aggregate or large number employed in electric Organs. 289. Figs. 82 and 83 show, the section of two electro-pneumatic arrangements, 8O THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. as patented by Mr. Bryceson, for moving the sliders. In large organs, where highly-compressed air is used for Supplying certain stops of pipes, as well as ex- haust-bellows for working the pneumatic key-action, he has used the arrangement shown in the left-hand figure, and the method of its action is as follows:–A large pneumatic power-bellows (º), connected by a lever and trace to the slider, is fixed on a table (!), and at the back of this table are three chambers (AE AE AE). The top One is supplied with compressed air, and the bottom one has the air exhausted from it. The middle chamber communicates with the interior of the power-bel- lows, and also with either the top or the bottom chamber, according to the position of a large double-action disc-valve (ºn m). The drawing shows the top chamber cut off by the valve being closed, and the bottom or exhaust-chamber in commu- nication. The power-bellows is therefore collapsed, and the end of the lever º % * sº 2 Sº * }% %.S$ Sº ºf -: *ziº ſº - ** % ºlºgº à%% - sº §§ ºf:#&@% § º §3% É% % º º-s, šŠ fºlſº -- gºlºis § sº 6% §§§ % à Šs =º § %; º % % * tºº drawn to the right hand. When the double-action disc-valve is reversed the exhaust-chamber is cut off, and the communication opened with the top or pressure- chamber, the compressed air rushes in and inflates the power-bellows, causing the end of the lever to be moved to the left hand. To gain rapidity of action it is necessary that the ports covered by the double-action disc-valves should be of considerable size, and also that the valve itself should have a movement of at least one-quarter of an inch. As this would require a very powerful electro-magnet and great expenditure of battery power, it is found advantageous to introduce a Small accessory pneumatic power-bellows (£). This is placed immediately under and attached to the rod carrying the large disc-valve, and its position will be deter- mined by its inflation or collapse. This accessory power-bellows is commanded by a very small double-action disc-valve (h) attached to a vertical rod (g) THE EI.ECTRIC ACTION. 8 I connected to the double armature of two electro-magnets (ss); the chamber (r) above this small double-action disc-valve is supplied with compressed air. The drawing shows that the left-hand electro-magnet was last used. It attracted its end of the double armature and the little double-action disc-valve, admitting the compressed air to inflate the small accessory power-bellows. When the right-hand magnet is actuated the small double-action disc-valve will be drawn down, the compressed air will be cut off from, and allowed to escape by, the bottom valve Kº: Kº-------- : š. *~~~~. =#|s *º. * =º ***** **-ºr------º-º-º- -- ###########, ſºft % 2׺ sº | | | % ---------- S&S § § º, % % §: from the accessory pneumatic power-bellows, which will immediately collapse. The two electro-magnets are connected to the positive and negative contacts of the draw-stop trace in the console by insulated copper wires. In organs, when highly-compressed air is not required for other purposes, the expense is avoided of constructing such bellows expressly for working the draw-stop pneumatic power-bellows, and both the on and off movements are obtained from the exhaust alone. For this purpose Mr. Bryceson has employed the arrange- ment shown in J.g. 83, and finds it acts most satisfactorily. Two large R 82 THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN, pneumatic power-bellows (n m) are coupled together with a connecting-rod (o) in such a way as to ensure the expansion of one on the collapse of the other. Three chambers (% A. AE) are placed between their fixed tables (//); the centre chamber has the air exhausted from it, the top chamber is in Com- munication with the left-hand power-bellows, and the bottom chamber with the right-hand one. The communication of these chambers with the middle one is alternate, and governed by two double-action disc-valves (77 m), arranged similarly to the one in the first figure already explained. These are also com- manded by small accessory power-bellows (£) and two electro-magnets (s s) in the same way as before described ; therefore, as the contact is made at the console, the corresponding power-bellows is collapsed, drawing the slider in the desired direction. As combination pedals are not used in France, but only ventils, which cut off and introduce the wind to certain groups of stops by means of pedals, provision had to be made for an elaborate system of combination move: ments when required, as in England these most useful accessories for changing the stops are held in high estimation by our organists. It will be sufficient for the present to remark that electricity is most favourable for the extension of com- bination movements in novel ways. º 29O. Fig. 84 (p. 81) represents Mr. Bryceson's patent double-action draw-stop movement, with one electro-magnet and one prleumatic power-bellows to be used in conjunction with an electric signal at the key-boards. The pneumatic power-bellows () is fixed on the table (a). On the under-side of this table are three chambers, 1, 2, and 3. These chambers communicate with each other, and also with the atmosphere by four holes in their partitions. This commu- nication is regulated by the position of the double-action valve (), composed of a rod and two discs. The end chamber (2) communicates through the table (a) with the interior of the power-bellows (c). The chamber (I) contains compressed air. The double-action valve is operated by an accessory bellows (d), which, when required, is inflated by air from the chamber (I), which passes therefrom through the valve (5) into the chamber (3), and from thence to the bellows (d). The valve (ö) is controlled by the electro-magnet (e), the armature of which is connected to its rod, as shown in the drawing. 291. The electric circuit is completed, and the magnet (e) caused to act on its armature by the depression of the button-knob (/, /g. 85), at the console. To the stem of the button-knob are attached two light Springs (f), which rub against the blocks (g) made of some non-conducting Substance. Strips of metal (g) are secured to the lower part of these blocks, and are connected to the electro-magnets and battery by insulated wires. The button-knob is also provided with a spring underneath that always returns it to its original position when the pressure of the performer's finger is removed therefrom. It will be obvious that every time the button (f) is depressed it will complete the electric circuit and will electrise the magnet (e), which, by attracting its armature, will lift the valve-rod (5) and open its valve so as to allow wind from the pressure-chamber (1) to pass through the chamber (3) into the accessory bellows (d) and inflate them, and by so doing will draw back the valve-rod (%) and open the communication between the chambers (I and 2) so as to allow the wind to pass into and inflate the large pneumatic power-bellows. 292. This motion will raise a rocking-rod (?) which is provided at its upper end with two shoulders (; ;). Two bell-crank levers (7 ft) are connected by a link motion (%) to the draw-stop slider of the sound-board (a). The upper arms of the levers (77) are jointed to the link (AE), and therefore both of them move simultaneously. The lower arm of the lever (/) is jointed to a slide (i) which THE ELECTRIC ACTION. 83 is provided with a flat spring (m), the lower end of which bears against pins fixed in the rocking-rod (?). The horizontal arms of the levers (77) are provided with projecting pins, against which the shoulders (? 2) of the rocking-rod are caused to act alternately. When the bellows (c) are inflated, as shown in the drawing, one of the shoulders (i) of the rocking-rod will come against the pin of one of the levers (7), and by lifting the same will push forward the link (AE), and at the same time will draw back the slide (?), and thus put tension on the spring (m). On the performer taking his finger off the button (f, ſig. 85), and allowing it to rise, the electric circuit will be broken and the position of the valves (5) will conse- quently be reversed ; and the bellows (c and d) will then collapse and be ready for a second operation. Upon the button (f) again being depressed, the same operation will be repeated, but the rocking-rod will, by the tension of the spring (m), be thrown over in the opposite direction to the last time, and will bring the other shoulder under the pin of the other lever so that when the rocking-rod rises by the inflation of the bellows the link and draw-stop slider will be drawn in the opposite direction to that before described. 85 15/Eºſe Clarčer, s II--> - j 293. As the depression of the button or knob (f) at the keys or manuals either brings the draw-stop slider on or takes it off (and in both cases the button returns to the same position), it is necessary for the convenience of the player that an index should show the actual position in which the slider had been moved and left. The index is arranged as follows. Immediately behind the knob or button a hole (?) is made in the draw-stop jamb ; behind this hole works a lever (g) carrying at one end a coloured disc or label. This lever is so balanced on its centre of motion that when at rest a fixed disc (indicating that the stop is closed) appears behind the hole. *, 294, The opposite end of the lever is attached by a rod or wire to the armature R 2 84 THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN, / of a small electro-magnet which is connected with a special battery and the draw- stop slider. Near the end of the slider is a fixed block of some non-conducting material provided with two metal plates to form terminals. - 295. On the end of the slider itself is fixed a forked spring. When the slider is moved back this spring will be brought into contact with the terminals on the block; and, by completing the circuit, the electric current will pass through the electro-magnet (s), which, by acting on its armature, will draw down one end of the lever and raise the coloured disc behind the hole, and thus indicate that the slide is on. Upon depressing the button the next time to close the draw-top slider, as already explained, the slider will be drawn back away from the terminal block, and, the electric circuit being thereby broken, the lever, with its disc, will fall into its Original position, indicating to the player that the stop is off. 296. For combination movements in connection with this draw-stop action, a bell-crank lever (v) is connected to each slide by its upper arm, as shown in ſig. 85. Two metal springs (z) are fixed at the ends of the other two arms, So that by the movement of the draw-stop slider they are alternately brought into contact with the metal surface of the blocks (w w). These metal springs are, by means of the conducting wire (a), in connection with one of the poles of the electro-magnet, which works the slide of that particular draw-stop. On the depression of the combination knob or pedal, an electric communication will be established from one pole of the battery to the terminals of each of the bell-crank levers. The current can, however, only pass through those levers which are in a suitable position. For instance, ſig. 85 represents the slider on—that is, with the spring of the lever in contact with the block (w), thereby completing the circuit so as to allow that slider to be withdrawn. Should any of the stops of that com- bination be already withdrawn or closed, the lever would be in the opposite position, the circuit would be broken, and therefore no effect would be produced, as the slider would be in the required position without alteration. Should these stops be required to be brought on, another combination knob or pedal must be depressed, when the electric current would pass to the blocks (w), and from thence through such of the springs as were in contact therewith to the lever, and thence to their magnets. If, however, any of the stops should happen to be open, the lever would be in the position shown in ſig. 85, and, consequently, their springs would not be in contact with their blocks; and, the circuit not being complete, no effect would be produced on those particular sliders, as in the opposite case. No insur- mountable difficulty stands in the way of opening the swell louvres by means of an arrangement of electro-pneumatics, but as it is necessary, for the purpose of gaining a gradual crescendo effect, to employ more than one electro-magnet, and, as the electric current would have to be in circulation around them during the long intervals that the Swell is locked open, it becomes an expensive arrangement as far as battery power is concerned. Mr. Bryceson has, therefore, adopted a hydraulic means of communicating the motion of the swell pedal at the console to the Swell louvres at the organ. To effect this he uses two small brass cylinders —one placed immediately under the pedal, and the other beneath the connecting- rod of the Swell louvres. These two cylinders are connected together by a small lead pipe filled with water. When the plunger at the pedal is depressed, the one under the Swell is raised to a corresponding degree, the motion being as much under the control of the player as if a connecting-rod was carried through, and of Course with far less friction in long distances. The principal has been used with Success in connection with the steering of vessels: Mr. Bryceson does not therefore claim it in his second patent as an invention, but only as a new adaptation to the organ. 297. In the first organs Mr. Bryceson built on the electric system he was unable THE EIECTRIC ACTION, 85 to overcome a certain difficulty connected with the draw-stop action, which did its work perfectly, except under the following circumstances:–If the knobs at the console were moved at a time either before the blowers had commenced or after they had ceased, no corresponding movement of the sound-board slider could of Course take place, therefore the organist would be misled as to the real position of the sliders. It was also possible to move the knob so rapidly that the large pneumatic power-bellows had not time for inflation, before the momentary contact had again brokén. These shortcomings no longer exist, as he has invented an arrangement which provides that, however quickly the knobs are moved, either singly or collectively, the contact will be prolonged to any length of time found necessary to insure the inflation of the large pneumatic power-bellows, and also on the bellows being filled, every slider will be moved so as to correspond with the position of the knob to which it belongs, although these may have been moved during the time there was no wind in the organ. This arrangement Mr. BryceSon patented Feb. 3, 1869, and describes as follows:–Each draw-stop trace is provided with a metallic forked spring. Three metal plates are fixed near it in Such positions that one arm of the spring is always in contact with either the Second or the third plate, according to the position of the draw-stop trace. These two plates are respectively connected by two insulated wires with the positive and negative electro-magnets of the draw-stop apparatus, by means of which the slider in the organ is moved, and thence with one and the same pole of the battery. The first plate is connected by an insulated wire to one of a pair of mercury cells placed near each other, and the other mercury cell communicates by another insulated wire with the other pole of the battery. Hence when the two mercury cells are connected together an electric circuit is completed round either the positive or negative electro-magnet of the draw-stop apparatus. The position of the draw-stop trace will show whether the forked spring is connecting the second or third plate with the first, and will therefore determine round which electro- magnet the electric circle is completed. - 298. The mode of establishing a connection between the two mercury cells is as follows:–A small pneumatic bellows, called the contact-bellows, is fixed on a table, and kept distended by a suitable spring. The end of the top-board of this contact-bellows carries two metallic points connected together and fixed in Such a position as to dip into the two mercury cells on the depression of the top-board. Each draw-stop trace is also provided with a double incline, and one arm of a roller or lever is raised by this each time the trace is moved out or in. The other arm of the roller or lever thus pushes down the top-board of the contact-bellows (the air being allowed to escape from the interior by a valve placed externally for that purpose), and, by immersing the two metallic points in the mercury cells, establishes a connection between them. 299. When the draw-stop trace is either quite out or in, the arm of the roller or lever will exert no pressure on the top-board of the contact-bellows, which will be slowly raised by the spring, and thus the electric current will be broken. The duration of the contact, and, therefore, of the current of electricity, can be regulated by the dimension of the bellows, the depth of the immersion of the metallic points in the mercury, the strength of the Spring that returns the top-board, and the size of the inlet to the bellows. - 300. One contact-bellows may be made to serve for a group of draw-stop traces, by connecting all the first plates together and arranging each trace so as to move the roller or lever that depresses the top-board of the contact-bellows. 3OI. In order to insure a correspondence between the position of each slider and the position of the knob at the key-board to which it belongs in case such 86 THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. knob has been moved while the wind was not in the bellows of the organ, a Small tube is connected with the interior of the contact-bellows and carried into one chamber of a double box near the battery. In this box there is another chamber which communicates by another tube with the interior of the main exhaust-bellows. The partition between these two chambers is fitted with a valve, which is connected by means of a lever and trace or other suitable mechanical contrivance to the frame holding the electrodes in such a manner that, when the electrodes are only partially immersed, the communication between the two is open. 302. When the bellows begin to rise, the electrodes are gradually immersed, and, consequently, the communication between the main exhaust-bellows and the contact bellows is at first open and then closed. The result of the communication being open is that the top-board of the contact-bellows is depressed ; hence, if, at the time the blowers begin to blow, the position of the slider does not correspond with the position of the knob at the key-board to which it belongs, it is at once moved into its corresponding position by the action of the electric current on One of the electro-magnets; and then, the communication being closed between the main exhaust-bellows and the contact-bellows, the top-board of the contact-bellows rises, and the electric circuit is again broken. If a battery be used in which the electrodes are always immersed, a separate pneumatic bellows can be used to open and shut the valve between the two chambers of the box, which can then be placed in any convenient part of the organ. Valves are placed in the contact-bellows to prevent the air in the tube from passing into them when they are depressed by the draw-stop traces. The same patent protects Mr. Bryceson's arrangement of opening and closing the swell louvres by a column of water and two cylinders with plungers, as before described ; also, the application of hydraulic cylinders and a pressure of water for working the combination movements, so that they can be commanded by the performer without offering the usual great resistance. 303. The construction of an electric Organ, as regards the sound-board, key, and draw-stop action, combination movements, method of opening the Swell-box, automatic battery attachment and console, has now been explained in detail. The grouping of these parts so entirely depends on the nature and extent of the organ which is to be built, that it is impossible to present any diagram which will show properly the relative positions they will occupy in an entire instrument. 3O4. Before dismissing the matter of construction, it may be well to observe that the battery employed is simple, inexpensive, and easily replenished by any careful person. It will not require attention more than four or five times a year. There are no grounds for Supposing electricity to be a treacherous or uncertain agent. It is well known that chèmicals of the same quality will, under similar circumstances, give the same result in their action. Ample notice of any decline in the power of the battery is given by the galvanometer placed in the console for that purpose, which serves as well to show whether or not the wind is in the organ, as indicated by the immersion of the electrodes. Thunder storms, or the electric condition of the earth, have no effect on an electric organ, as earth currents are not employed as in telegraphy. The adoption of electricity and insulated wire to replace or supersede the mechanical action in large organs is not merely a new process to attain the same end, but, independently of the suppression of a multitude of moving parts, many new advantages are presented otherwise unattainable. The touch is more delicate, rapid, uniform, and invariable. The durability is increased owing to the absence of wear and tear. The key-boards can now be placed at any required distance from, and quite irrespective of, the relative position of the organ ; therefore the organist may choose a position where he can hear the effects he produces, and the voices he leads or accompanies, without in any way THE "ELECTRIC ACTION. 87 increasing the complication or proportionate liability to derangement. Many positions that formerly were utterly impracticable can now be utilised with the grandest effect. Powerful west-gallery organs may be played from the east end of the church, entirely through a cable of insulated wire an inch in diameter, or attached to additional manuals provided for that purpose at a mechanical organ placed close to the choir. Again, in Roman Catholic churches, an altar organ, to accompany the priests, can be similiarly played from the west-gallery organ, and thus one organist will be able to accomplish the duty performed by two, as in foreign churches. Many other novel dispositions and architectural arrangements Suggest themselves now as perfectly practicable. - 305. The electric principal is applicable to the re-construction of organs already built, though in such cases all existing mechanical action must be thrown away; Consequently it is more expensive than when applied in new organs. The cost must necessarily exceed that of ordinary construction, unless similiar conditions are imposed, in which case comparison will be favourable, although in addition much more valuable and imperishable materials are employed in the electric organ, and the larger it is, the less the proportionate cost of the application, besides the greater the advantages gained. Should the manuals not require removal, but occupy the Ordinary position, close to the organ, an electric key-action, to ensure a light touch, may beenployed with a mechanical or common draw-Stop action, and so save expense. 306. Mr. Bryceson's first electric organ was built for Her Majesty's Opera, Theatre-Royal, Drury Lane, carried on there on account of the destruction of the old house in 1867. This organ, erected within three months of the time he obtained the concession from Mr. Barker, was placed behind the scenery on the O.P. side, fifty feet away from the key-board, which was in the orchestra, where the organist could see the conductor and instantaneously realise his suggestions and directions. It was first publicly used on the 25th of May, 1868, and continued in operation till the end of the season without the slightest derangement or requiring attention. He then erected it in the Polytechnic Institution, Regent Street, where it has been performed on twice daily ever since. This was the first organ which had an electric draw-stop action and a cable of insulated wire through which it was played. No such example yet exists in France. 307. The next was built for Christ Church, Camberwell. It contains two manuals and independent pedal organ, twenty Sounding-stops and five couplers. It stands above the vestry, in a chamber on the south side of the chancel, and the console is on the opposite side amongst the stalls for the choir ; fifty-five feet of cable intervenes, and runs beneath the encaustic tiles, passing through a drain- pipe provided for it. Exhaust is used for the key pneumatics, and exhaust and pressure for the draw-stop action. This organ was previously erected for the Festival, Gloucester Cathedral, September 7th, 1868. Mr. Bryceson has also re-constructed the large organ in St. Michael's, Cornhill, upon the electric principle. This fine instrument contains three manuals and independent pedal organ, thirty- Seven Sounding-stops, and seven couplers. The console is opposite, and facing the organat a distance of thirty feet, thus placing the choir between the Organist and organ. The cable contains 336 insulated wires, and measures I; inch in diameter; it is carried through a small drain-pipe under the chancel floor, and this constitutes, with the exception of the lead pipe for the swell cylinders, the only connection between the organ and the console. Exhaust is used for the key pneumatics, and exhaust only for the draw-stop action. He has also finished a large electric organ for St. George's Church, Tufnel Park, placed over the west door, and others for St. Augustine's Church, Highbury, Minley Manor, near Farnborough, &c., all on the electric Sys- tem. The tubular pneumatic action is noticed in the Appendix, 88 THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. CHAPTER XVI. THE SHIFTING MOVEMENT AND THE COMPOSITION, PEDALS. The shifting movement. 308, BESIDES themeans just described for bringing the sliders under the control of the ſlands of the organist, others were in the course of time devised for bringing some of the stops of the great organ under the control of the ſeeſ of the performer, called shifting movements. Many of Father Smith's Smaller Church Organs consisted simply of one manual organ of full compass, with perhaps also an “echo” to middle cl. This was the case in respect to his instruments in the churches of St. Mary-at-Hill; St. Mary’s Oxford ; the Theatre, Oxford ; &c. There being no choir organ for softer playing, Smith attached to most of such instruments—perhaps to all of them—a movement worked by a pedal, the depres- Sion of which silenced particular stops—usually all the flue-stops of Smaller size than the principal, and also the reed-stop—and so they remained as long as the pedal was held or hitched down; and, on raising or releasing it, they again came into play, Snetzler also made use of a similar appliance for his Small organs. The Shifting movement had to be supplied with springs to draw back the sliders on the removal of the foot, the resistance of which had to be overcome before the pedal would act; and this must have rendered its frequent use a matter of Some toil and difficulty. The composition pedals, 309. These drawbacks led, soon after the commencement of the present century, to the invention of the composition ſedals, a system of mechan- ism in which springs acting in the way just described are entirely done away with, and wherein the sliders are left to remain as the pedal arranges them, until the hand, or another pedal, effects a readjustment. The merit of this invention is due to the late Mr. Bishop, although a counter claim to something of the same kind was made by the late Mr. Flight. The circumstances, as related by the late Mr. Bishop to the present writer many years ago, were briefly these. Mr. Bishop, then a very young man, and former apprentice of Mr. Flight's, laid before the Society of Arts the plans of his invention, which invention Mr. Flight then claimed as having been made by himself, and at a date prior to that named by Mr. Bishop ; and he put in drawings in Support of his assertion. On close examination, however, the paper on which the drawings were made, was discovered from the paper-mark not to have been manufactured until after the date at which the drawings were declared to have been completed, that date also being subsequent to the one affixed to Mr. Bishop's diagrams. This irresistible discovery, of course, brought the investigation to a close, and Mr. Bishop's claim to the invention was never afterwards contested. 3IO. Of composition pedals there are two kinds—the “single-action " and the “double-action.” - The single action com 311. A single-action composition pedal operates in one way position pedal. only; that is, it either draws out or thrusts in a given number of sliders, but does not do both, 312. For example, one composition pedal of this kind will simply draw out THE SHIFTING MOVEMENT AND THE COMPOSITION PEDALS. 89 Stops, Say Nos. 1, 2, and 3;” a second, stops Nos. 4, 5, and 6, and so on. But the first pedal will not draw in all the stops, except Nos. 1, 2, and 3; this, if done at all, must be accomplished by a third pedal. Some single-action composition pedals, therefore, only draw out stops; others merely draw some in. They are now Seldom if ever made. The double-action come 313. A double-action composition pedal performs both offices. position pedal. It will either draw out all the stops ºff to a certain one, or it will draw in all to the same certain one. Or, supposing a combination to have been previously prepared, composed partly of stops below and partly above the number acted upon by a certain pedal—as, for instance, Nos. 1, 2, 5, and 6—on pressing down the composition pedal that throws out stops Nos. I to 3, the stop No. 3 will be added to Nos. I and 2, and Nos. 5 and 6 will be drawn in, 3I4. The full operation of the “double-action” can be interestingly brought under observation in the following manner —If the mixtures and reeds only be drawn, and the pedal that acts on the great organ stops “to fifteenth * be pressed down, the stop handles that were previously in will all be thrown out, and those that were out will be drawn in. 3I5. To modern Organs of moderate size there are usually 3, 4, or 5 double- action composition pedals, controlling the great organ stops; and sometimes there are also others which affect the swell and pedal stops, 316. The Second composition pedal is usually designed to prepare a louder combination than the first ; and the third, if there are only three, generally brings into operation the remaining and most powerful stops. 317. The second one will therefore draw the sliders up to, say No. 6, if fewer are out ; or it will draw in to that number, if more are out. The third will generally draw out all the remaining sliders, or such of them as may previously have been left undrawn ; and so increase the tone of the great organ to its fullest power. Occasionally, indeed, the trumpet is not thus drawn, but is left to be added by the hand. The composition pedal 318. Of the composition pedal action there are many varie- action. ties, almost every organ- builder having some plan which differs, either in principle altogether, or in some matter of detail, from that adopted by all the others. The kind of action represented in the fol- lowing engraving, however, has been very generally used. It consists of two iron rods, or “composition irons,” disposed horizontally (a a b, ſig. 86), furnished with vertical iron arms (c c e e e); the whole of which are brought under control in the region of the manuals, through the aid of Some simple mechanism, such as that indicated at dy. The way in which the 319. On pressing down the composition pedal (f), the action operates, horizontal arm (d), projecting from the first composition iron (a a), is drawn downwards, partly turning the composition iron on its axis. The upright arms at the end (e e e) are by this motion turned intwards, towards the * Instead of making use of the names of stops in this explanation, figures are employed, as it is thought the description will be rendered more clear by being divested of all technicality. 90 THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. Sound-board, thrusting back the sliders with which they are brought into contact. The composition irons are supposed to be placed at the oftosite end of the Sound- board to the draw-stop action ; consequently their motion produces an effect the 7 everse of what they would do were they placed at the same end of the sound-board. Thus, thrusting in the sliders at the one end is of course equivalent to drawing them out at the other. The first three sliders being thrust back, the draw-stops acting thereupon start forward, and the three stops governed by those draw-stops and sliders respectively are now ready for use. 32O. As the first composition iron revolves, the contact (o) strikes against the Contact (h) belonging to the second composition iron (5), and causes the second Composition iron to revolve the contrary way to the first. The arms (c c), being made to move only with the body, take also the contrary course, moving the other sliders with them ; and thus it is that the “double-action ” is established, and the power Secured of restoring any combination of stops to one particular form, by simply the pressure of the foot upon a pedal. 32 I. Every “double-action composition pedal’ made upon this principle is provided with two of these composition irons, one for drawing off such sliders as the other does not draw on. 322. The composition pedals are usually placed immediately over the German pedals in a row, and nearly parallel with the Swell pedal; but occasionally they project through the jambs, as that of the swell often does, some on each side of the pedal-board. 323, Mr. Willis constructs his composition appliances so that they may be worked with the thumbs by the aid of pneumatic levers ; and for which method of putting them into operation he has secured a patent. No pedals are used, but simply studs or pistons, which project through the beading under the manual keys. Messrs. Bryceson sometimes use both the pneumatic buttons and the composition pedals in the same instrument. - 324. Mr. Hill introduced into the Panopticon organ a piece of mechanism, worked by a pedal, which drew out all the great organ stops, singly and in succes- Sion, producing thereby a gradual and complete crescendo; after doing which, it drew them in again, one by one, producing as complete a diminuendo. Herr Walcker, of Ludwigsburg, produces a crescendo of the entire organ, which he has done at Ulm Cathedral, and also in his famous Boston Music Hall organ in America. 325. In the modern French organs by Cavaillé-Coll, and others, the combination pedals do not act upon the draw-stops, but upon the wind. For instance, if you put down the pedal to take off the reeds, it does not shift the sliders, but cuts off the communication of the wind from the reed sound-board, which, of course, effec- tually silences the stops. The Festival organ at the Crystal Palace has pedals of this kind ; so have Cavaillé-Coll's at the Carmelite Church, Kensington, and Mr. Gern's at the French Church in Leicester Square. Schulze's combination pedals in the new organ at Doncaster Church act in the same manner. 326. In Germany composition pedals are Scarcely known ; consequently the organs of that country are mostly without one of the greatest modern advantages. Batz, of Utrecht, is beginning to introduce composition pedals. 327. In arranging the composition pedals, Some of the English organ-builders place the “loud pedal’ to the left and the softest to the right, while others reverse this order. The adoption of a uniform plan is most desirable. Some of them, however, have a movement for disconnecting the powerful pedal stops—as will be seen on reference to some of the Foreign Specifications—which practically answers the same end. THE ECHO AND SWELL, 91 CHAPTER XVII. THE ECHO AND SW E LL. 328. MOST of the old English organs originally possessed, and a few of them still retain, a department called the “echo.” 329. The Echo organ consists of a duplication of the treble portion of Some of the stops found on the other manual organs closed in a wooden box, to render their tone soft and more distant sounding than that of the stops of the same name in other parts of the instrument, planted on a small sound-board of their own, and provided with a separate half row of keys. The name of this now nearly obsolete department in English organs plainly indicates the purpose for which it was originally designed. In the year 1712 a most important improvement on the old echo was effected by Abraham Jordan, whereby the sound produced from its stops could be made to rise or fall on the ear with increasing or decreasing strength. This power was gained by making the front of the box that enclosed the pipes offen in- stead of Solid, as before, and furnishing it with a moveable shutter, fitting closely to, and entirely covering, the opening, and running up and down in a sash, like a window. A rope or lever attached to the shutter raised it, on the performer pressing down a pedal placed to his right and near to the ground, which action, gradually raising the sliding shutter, uncovered the opening in the box, and allowed the sound produced by the pipes within to emerge. The echo, in this greatly ameliorated form, was called the “swelling organ” or “swell,” and rose so rapidly into repute, that the echo in its former primitive state fell into entire disuse in a very short space of time. 330. The “ſtag's-head swell,” as the above early kind of swell was called, was not well designed, nor happily adapted to its purpose in a mechanical point of view. The weight or resistance to be overcome by the pressure of the foot was so great that the shutter could be set in motion only with difficulty ; and, when it was in motion, there was equal difficulty in regulating the rate or extent of its ascent; for it would then not unfrequently run up almost of itself. Its descent was similarly beyond control, and it would often fall with an audible noise. The nag's-head swell continued in use for upwards of half a century, till it was superseded by what has since been denominated the “Venetian swell.” This kind of swell was adapted to the organ by Samuel Green ; it having previously been applied successfully to some of the better class of harpsichord. 331. The peculiarity of the Venetian swell consists in the front being composed of a series of “shades” or “shutters,” measuring from six to ten inches in breadth, and from one and a half to two and a half inches in thickness. Each shutter is hung on an axis placed one-third from the top of its breadth. The edges of each shutter are bevelled away at an angle of about 45 degrees, so that the bevelled surfaces are parallel to each other, and each two contiguous boards are made to overlap each other, the bevelled surfaces meeting, so that the whole front may be quite flush or even when the shutters are closed. An arm projects a few inches from each shutter, in a line one above another, and these are all connected with a perpendicular rod, so that when the rod is raised, which is done by means of a pedal, all the shutters are opened. The bevelled surfaces of the shutters are covered with felt, or some such substance, to make them fit closely and shut in the sound. Cloth and matting were for some time used as a lining to the box to deaden the sound when the swell was 92 THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. closed ; but they exercised a similar influence also when it was open ; besides which the former material harboured moths, and the latter crumbled into dust, Some of which found its way into the pipes. Brown paper, well coated with glue, covers the pores of the wood of the box, and so keeps in the sound when the Shutters are closed, at the same time that it presents a hard surface to reflect the Sound when they are open. 332. The resemblance which the shutters of a modern Swell bear to Venetian window-blinds readily suggested the designation by which they are now So generally known. 333. When the shutters of a swell are narrow, they are of course more numerous ; and in such cases, when open, they present a greater number of thicknesses of wood to check the egress of the sound. On the other hand, when they are broader, and, consequently, fewer in number, they are more liable to “cast.” 334. The Swell-box and shutters are shown in profile in the general Section. (See ſig. 4.) - 335. On a well-constructed Venetian swell a practised performer can imitate, not only a gradual crescendo and diminueſtdo, but also a ſorgando, a very Small opening being sufficient to make an immediate burst on the ear, while, when the shutters are closed, a close imitation of an echo is produced. When the shutters are closed, they take that position either from their own weight, or from the influence of Springs or weights. 336. In the lower part of the swell-box, in front, or at the back, or sometimes in both places, according to the plantation of the reed-stops, there is usually either a long moveable panel or a wooden flap, corresponding in length with the Swell- shutters, behind which are ranged the pipes forming the reed-stops, to which access for tuning purposes is thus easily gained. - 337. Other facilities for tuning are usually provided, having special reference to the adjustment of the flue-stops. These consist of large openings in each side of the Swell-box, ordinarily closed by doors or panels. By removing these, the tuner can reach the top of any flue-pipe that may require his attention. 338. Large Swell sound-boards have frequently a centre passage-board, in which case there is an entrance door provided through the centre of the front of the swell, and the shutters are divided into two Smaller sets. 339. A good Venetian Swell, Constructed on the Ordinary principle, is capable of producing great effects of light and shade ; yet attempts have been made from time to time to increase its contrasting powers. 340. One plan consisted in enclosing the original box in a second case, with a space of a few inches left between the two at the sides, back, and top, and filling the interstices with shaving, Sawdust, or any other material that would prevent the escape of Sound. In the front were placed two or even three sets of shutters, which did not all open simultaneously, although acted upon by one pedal; but, by a suitable arrangement of cranks and levers, on the gradual depression of the pedal, one set commenced its motion, then a Second, and finally the third, each of the latter two with an accelerated pace, as compared with that of the one that preceded it; so that all three sets arrived at their extreme opening at the Same moment, the shades falling into parallel lines, presenting Scarcely any obstacle to the free escape of all the sound which the enclosed pipes were capable of producing. The box of the swell in the organ at St. James's Church, Bristol, built by Smith of that city in 1824, under the direction of Dr. Hodges, was constructed in the manner just detailed. 341. Another plan provided the back as well as the front of the swell-box with Venetian shutters, as was the case at the parish church, Doncaster; while the chief peculiarity in the third plan, devised for the same purpose, consisted in furnishing 50th the sides as well as the front of the box with shutters, as at York Cathedral. THE ECHO AND SWELL, 93 In this latter example the side shutters were made to work verſically. The shutters of the swell in the fine organ in the church of St. Vincent de Paul, in Paris, made by Cavaillé-Coll, work in this manner, and the plan has been followed with excellent effect by Mr. Lewis in some of his recent organs. The swell-box at St. Vincent de Paul presents the peculiarity of having its sides and back provided with plate- glass panels, by which means not only is a perfect view of what is within obtained from without, but the inside of the swell is nearly as free from darkness as the other interior parts of the organ. 342. A swell imparts to the Sound of an organ an agreeable undulating effect, similar to that produced by the wind on the sound of a peal of bells when it bears their tones first fowards, then from the listener. An organ with a swellis, in fact, as much in advance of an organ without one, so far as the power of giving expression to music is concerned, as a modern pianoforte is superior to the old harpsichord; on which account it is rapidly finding admission into the organs of France and Germany. 343. The compass of the early swells was very limited, usually extending only to middle cl, fiddle g, or at most to tenor f. The swell of the fine organ in St. Mary Redcliff Church, Bristol, built by Harris and Byfield, in 1715, descended to gamut G ; while that of the equally fine instrument at Great Yarmouth, erected by Jordan, Bridge, and Byfield, in 1733, went to tenor C. The shorter ranges, never- theless, were generally adhered to until the time of Samuel Green, who held this department of the organ in special estimation, and improved it in a variety of ways. In two of his instruments he again extended the swell compass by nearly a whole Octave. The admirable organs in which these evidences of Green's sound judgment are to be found are those in St. Katherine's Church, Regent's Park, brought from the demolished structure of that name, near the Tower, and in the chapel of Green- wich Hospital; in the former the swell descends to gamut G, and, in the latter, a tone lower—namely, to FF. Green originally enclosed even the great manual Organ of his-instrument in St. George's Chapel, Windsor, in a great swell. Cavaillé-Coll's organ at Kensington is so enclosed. 344. Some of the old swell-boxes were furnished with a wooden tube, not unlike a wind-trunk, projecting from the back of the box, and passing out into the tower of the church. This was the case with the organ at St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields, built by the elder Gray. The end of the tube attached to the swell-box was furnished with a trap, which opened when the Swell was closed, and closed as the swell was opened ; by which means the Subdued effect of the Swell, when shut, was increased, on account of an outlet being thus afforded for the sound. This contrivance suggests a method of overcoming a difficulty with regard to the larger swells of modern organs. If the swell is much used without being opened, and the shutters fit accu- rately, the atmosphere within the Swell-box becomes increased in density by the great quantity of wind that rapidly passes through the large pipes into the circum- scribed area of the box, which has the effect of flattening the pitch of some of the pipes. If, on the other hand, a little leakage be allowed, the escaping air, by carrying some of the tone with it, renders the softened effect of the swell less perfect. By adapting a tube, as above, there would be free ventilation within the swell-box, when closed as well as when open, whereby the freedom of speech of the large as well as small pipes would be better secured ; the pipes would not be thrown out of tune by being Smothered ; and the fullest contrasting powers of the swell would be preserved. If the Swell were likely to be exposed to two temperatures—a second and lower one from the tower when the shutters were closed—this might be rectified by a Small gas jet placed at a safe distance from the mouth of the tube. In his Exhibition organ Mr. Willis secured a free circulation of air by putting the swell bellows inside the swell-box, - 94 THE WIND-DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN, C H A P T E R XVI I I, THE TREMULANT. 345. THE tremulant is a Small apparatus that gives to the tone of any depart- ment of an organ to which it may be applied a waving or undulating effect, resembling the vibrato in singing, and the tremolando in violin playing. It has long been known in England by tradition. A “shaking stoppe” formed part of the organ made by Dallam, in 1606, for King's College, Cambridge ; another was included in Loosemore's organ for Sir George Trevelyan, built in 1665; a “Trimeloe” occurred in Smith's organ at St. Mary-at-Hill, 1693; and another formed a portion of the original work of Snetzler's organ in the Lutheran Church, at the Savoy, Strand. The old tremulants, however, were very noisy contrivances; hence they were not favourably received in this country, and they were latterly also omitted from most of the new organs in Germany. In Paris a better kind of tremulant action was devised, not many years ago, on which, nevertheless, the English builders have succeeded in making considerable improvements ; the first church organ in this country to which a tremulant of the new kind was applied being that at St. Luke's, Old Street, the addition being made by Mr. Davison. 346. The accompanying engraving (ſig. 87) represents one of the most Successful 87 }, +x tremulant actions. It is Supposed to be fixed to one of the broad sides of the wind-trunk. The wind passes through a hole in the wind-trunk (//), into the wind-box (a a a), and hence, through an internal aperture in the slab (5 & 5), into the tremulant (cco), which also has an aperture through it, covered by the pallet (ddd) held firmly down by the screw (e). The tremulant is thus set in motion. The rod (£) turns the screw half-round in the socket (f), the pallet (dd.d) being thereby raised slightly; the tremulant (c cc) immediately follows the pallet (a), by reason THE TREMULANT. 95 of the internal pressure of air on its under Surface; but it is immediately thrown back by the spring (g), which, in power, just counterpoises the upward pressure of the tremulant (c c c). These two opposing forces, viz., the wind inside and the spring outside, impart a trembling motion to the tremulant, which motion is com- municated to the elastic bar (h). The rapidity and regularity of the vibrations depend upon the length and thickness of the vibrating bar, influenced, in Some examples, by a small sliding weight at the end, on shifting which nearer to or farther from the tremulant, the vibrations are accelerated or retarded. 347. The tremulant is here described in connection with the swell, because that is the department to which it is the most usually attached in England; besides which, its effect is considerably enhanced when brought into conjunction with the numerous other resources of the division of the organ just named. The effects of forfe, Ziano, crescendo, diminuendo, Sforzando, and remolando, are then all attain- able from that one department alone. 348. The tremulant effect in an organ is of older date than the fremolando and vibrato effects in instrumental and vocal performance. This fact may be gathered from the following passage taken from Grassineau's Musical Dictionary, ed. I740, p. 289 – 349. “TREMOLO, 77 emo/ante, or 7 remente, ’tis not often used, except thus abbreviated—Trem, or fr; to intimate to the instrumental performers of a piece that they make several notes on the same degree or pitch of tune, with one draw of the bow, ſo imitate the shafting on the organ, though this is often placed in the vocal parts of a song.” We have examples of both in Mr. Lully's opera of Isis, #Digigion C), THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. *mºsºmsºmºsºme CHAPTER XIX. THE MATERIALS USED FOR ORGAN PIPES. 350. HAVING now described the wind collecting and distributing portions, as also the mechanism of the organ, the next subject to be considered is the nature and construction of those parts from which the tone of the organ is more imme- diately produced. 351. The sound of an organ emanates from an assemblage of pipes, which are made either of tin, metal, or wood; are round, Square, or triangular shaped ; long or short, broad or narrow, according to circumstances. But first of the materials. 352. The various substances of which organ pipes are made are tin, metal, lead, antimony metal, zinc, and wood of various kinds. Tin. 353. Of all the materials just specified as being used for organ pipes tin ranks first in point of excellence; and, of the many existing varieties of this substance, that found in England is held in the highest esteem, not only by some of the organ-builders of this country, past and present, but also by the Continental artists, by the latter of whom it still continues to be used in liberal quantities. Thus we find English tin mentioned as being used for a greater or less number of stops in some of the specifications of foreign organs contained in the Appendix to this book ; while in other cases other kinds of tin are named, as Prussian tin, probe tin, or simply “tin.” 354. Tin has occasionally been used by English organ-builders for organ stops for many years past. Greenwood, of Leeds, introduced a dulciana of this material into the organ in Brereton Hall upwards of twenty-five years since ; Mr. Hamilton, of Edinburgh, has employed it exclusively for many years past ; and more recently it has been used by Mr. Davison, for the Great Open Diapason, and an interior stop in the Eton College Chapel organ (built 1852); also for the Choir Open Diapason in the Glasgow Town Hall organ (erected in 1853); by Mr. Walker, for the Open Diapason and Dulciana, forming the Bass continuation to the Viol di Gamba, in the organ at Holy Trinity Church, Vauxhall Bridge, finished in the year 1852; and by Mr. Willis, for the 32-feet front pipes of his organ in the Royal Albert Hall. 355. Tin recommends itself as a material for Organ pipes by its great durability, its superior silver colour, and its lightness. It is very ductile, on which account pipe-work made of such material does not nearly so soon become cracked or broken round the top by the force necessarily exercised with the tuning-horn during the process of tuning. Neither are pipes of this metal so soon attacked by the strong acid in the wood-work that Sustains them (the upper-boards), but which will eat away the lower part of pipes made of many other materials that are more frequently used. It undergoes but little change, either from exposure to the THE MATERIALS USED FOR ORGAN PIPES. 97 atmosphere, or to the impure exhalation produced by the breathing of a closely packed audience; and it resists the influence of Sulphurous vapours, such as the fumes from gas. Nor is it oxidised even by the combined action of air and moisture ; on which account it has always been liberally used for the pipes of organs in those countries where there is a humid atmosphere, as in Holland, and the use of wood pipes at the same time avoided, as far as possible, on account of their tendency to swell from the damp. Of the sixty stops in the Haarlem organ only one is of wood, namely, the pedal Sub-bass, and that is a subsequent insertion. The front pipes of that celebrated instrument, the largest of which is nearly forty feet in length, are of pure tin ; while the inside pipes are made of metal compounded of half tin and half lead. 356. Tin, again, is less susceptible of change of temperature than are many of the compounds in common use, on account of its greater hardness; Consequently pipes of this material stand much better in tune. 357. Tin does not soon become tarnished ; hence its peculiar appropriateness for ungilded front pipes, for which purpose it has indeed been used for centuries in even the humblest village church organs in Germany; and, when it does at length become dulled, its splendour is easily recovered. When it dulls, it never changes below a dark grey tint. 358. The lighter specific gravity of tin, again—fully one-third less than that of lead—is in its favour, a given quantity of the former going much farther than an equal weight of the latter. This is supposing the pipes to be made from sheets of the same thickness; but as this is but seldom the case—the 16-feet front pipes of the organ at St. Roque's Church, in Paris, however, forming an exception, they being of tin, and of remarkable suffs/ance—the tin would probably go as far again as the lead. The great cost of tin—five or six times that of lead—and more parti- cularly the baneful “low-contract” spirit which unfortunately pervades most modern transactions in organ-building matters, preclude its use to any great extent in this country, although it would, on account of the greater durability of the material, prove to be the cheapest in the end. The easy fusibility of tin renders the joining together of the edges of sheets of that metal a work demanding great care, as it is possible otherwise for the melted solder to fuse them instead of uniting them into a seam ; hence a small portion of alloy (lead) is frequently added, which renders the substance less susceptible of heat. According to a late experiment, tin fuses at 442°, whereas lead requires 612° of Fahrenheit's thermometer. Cavaillé-Coll, the eminent organ-builder of Paris, generally proportions I-IOth of lead to 9-IOths of tin ; and Schulze, one of the most excellent builders in Germany, uses I-4th of lead to 3-4ths of tin ; and, for his ordinary metal, half tin and half lead. The two ingredients just named are said to form the hardest compound, when the propor- tions are I-4th of lead to 3-4ths of tin. 359. Some German organ-builders draw a distinction—and a very good one— between “pure tin" and “tin.” The term “pure tin * of course explains itself; but the material is still called “tin’” So long as the proportion of alloy is so small as to àmàrove the mass; and this is considered to be the case so long as the alloy forms no more than I-4th of the total weight of the metal. Pipes composed of this material are said to produce the greatest amount of tone, combining brightness with fulness. When the pipes are of “pure tin,” if they are also made of good Substance and well blown, the tone has a tendency to become rather piercing ; if, On the other hand, they are made thin and less copiously winded, the sound will be very musical, though not so weighty as that from more Solid pipes of the same Scale made of the alloyed tin. Hence the latter material is preferred for the strongest-toned stops; and the former for others of a clear, cutting, crisp, or light - S 98 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN, intonation. Thus the Gambas, Salicets, &c., in Germany, and the Choir Open Diapason and Dulciana of English organs, are not unfrequently made of “pure tin,” 360. The original front pipes of the Temple organ, made by Father Smith, are rather more than 3-4ths tin. The specific gravity of the metal of the last-mentioned Organ is 7911 (that of water=1); and its composition is as follows:– Tin..................... 76'9504 per cent. Lead * 8 & 9 º' tº tº t t > t t e º & B & 8 2I-9017 95 Copper * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *. ‘5183 35 99'37O4 361. The presence of copper, which is only about a half per cent., is no doubt accidental, and was in combination with the tin ; a small quantity of copper being commonly found in ordinary commercial tin. The above composition very nearly accords with what would be called by the German organ-builders “I2; 16thig metal,” that is, one pound (= 16 löth) of the metal contains 12# löth of tin, or 12; oz. of tin to 33 oz. of lead. The proportions of tin and lead, therefore, lie between 4 of tin and I of lead, and 3 of tin and I of lead, as above intimated. 362. In Die Orgel, by Töpfer (Erfurt, 1843), page 175, a table is given of the specific gravity of metal with different proportions of tin and lead, from which it appears that the specific gravity of that consisting of 4 of tin and I of lead is 7-8830, and that containing 3 of tin and I of lead is 8'0380; the specific gravity of the Temple metal being between the two, namely, 791 II. The front pipes of the organs at St. Paul's Cathedral and Trinity College Chapel, Cambridge, are also of very fine metal, and of considerable thickness; hence the rich and resonant character of the Diapasons of all the instruments above named. Metal. 363. Metal is a word used technically by organ-builders, and is understood to signify a mixture of tin and lead, which compound is valued according to the quantity of the former ingredient contained in its composition. The metal ordinarily used abroad consists of half tin and half lead. The distinction between tin and metal stops, as well as the proportion of tin and lead used in the composition of the metal, will be found interestingly illustrated in Some of the Specifications of Foreign Organs included in the Appendix, Spotted Metal 364. There is a compound now much used in England, and held in high repute, called “spotted metal,” from its surface being mottled or covered with spots. The spots gradually appear on the surface as the metal cools after being cast into sheets, and “rise” when the ingredients contain about I-3rd of tin. They are, therefore, generally viewed as an evidence of the goodness of the material. Spotted metal was frequently made use of by the younger Harris and Green, also by Lincoln. In the present day it is constantly used by Imost of the English organ-builders. - Lead. 365. Lead, either alone or with but a slight admixture of tin, from its inability to sustain itself for any lengthened period, is, as a material for metal organ pipes, comparatively worthless. The greater thickness to which a sheet of this metal must necessarily be made, to compensate for its natural softness, added to its greater specific gravity, are circumstances that render the bodies of leaden flue pipes so heavy that their feet are very liable to become depressed at the apex from the weight, and the languid to sink, THE MATERIALS USED FOR ORGAN PIPES. 99 whereby the intonation of the pipe is endangered, if not lost. The tubes of reed pipes, especially, are very apt to bend at the narrow end or Stork, from this weakness. Bad metal is discernible in a variety of ways; to the eye, by its dark blue tint;” to the touch, by its producing a dull hollow sound on being rapped, whereas pipes of good thick metal produce a clear ringing sound ; and to the nail, by its being easily scratched, whereas tin can scarcely be marked in that manner. Metal composed chiefly of lead also easily soils paper rubbed upon it. The organ in the Minoreten Church at Bonn—the instrument on which Beethoven used to play—has its metal pipe-work composed entirely of lead, including the 16-feet front. It is not a very good instrument. - Antimony Metal. 366. Antimony metal is compounded chiefly of lead and antimony, or lead and type. The antimony imparts considerable hardness to the mass; so that the possibility need scarcely exist of a pipe-foot or languid of antimony metal sinking. The drawback is its brittleness; pipe-work of this compound being very liable to crack round the top after being subjected to the action of the tuning-horn for a few years. A proof of this lack of tenacity in the metal in question is obtained by bending a piece of it to and fro, when it will be found to break asunder on reversing the bend. In some instances the antimony has been known to separate itself from the lead, leaving the pipes covered with little indentations; and reed-pipes of antimony metal have been known to Snap off Suddenly at the Stork, and fall from their situations. Zinc. 367. Zinc has frequently been used of late years in Eng- land by Hill and Son, Willis, Lewis, and others, for the structure of large metal pipes; and it is a material that undergoes but little alteration at common tempera- tures, under even the combined influences of air and moisture. The tone produced from pipes of this substance, when voiced by the hands of a master, is very fine and weighty. Its cost, again—far less than that of good metal—much favours its intro- duction. The tubes of the 32 and 16 feet reed-stops in many of the Continental organs are made of this material. The 32-feet POSaune on the pedal at St. Roque's, Paris, is of zinc ; so also is the 16-feet Bombarde in the organ at St. Martin’s, Liege. The front Double Open Diapason (32 feet) in the Birmingham Town Hall organ is likewise of the same material ; and there is a Double Open Diapason of the same size and metal also in the Cathedral Organ at York, and a very fine I6-feet Pedal Diapason of the same substance in the transept front of the organ in Doncaster Church. The 32-feet front pipes in the Alexandra Palace organ, by Willis, are of zinc. The casting of the 368. In Order to prepare the metal for use, of which Metal, organ pipes are to be formed, the ingredients are melted together in a copper, and then cast into sheets, a process effected by pouring it, in a molten state, into a wooden trough, and running the trough rapidly along a bench faced with tick. The metal escapes from the trough through a narrow horizontal opening at the back, leaving a layer of metal behind it as it proceeds; and the wider the cutting is, of course the thicker will be the sheet of metal * “In the Continental organs, the pipes visible in front of the case are carefully finished and burnished, and show the bright natural lustre of the white metal; but, in England, where the ignoble alloy is incapable of retaining its polish, the pipes are obliged to be gilt or painted, to make them appear respectable.”—Musical Instruments in the Great Æxhibition. By Wm. Pole, p. 49. IOO THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN, produced. After being cast to an approximate thickness, the metal is planed down to the precise thickness required. It is then cut into portions of the shape necessary to give to the pipes the required size and form, and is thus finally worked up. Wood. 369. A great number of the large pipes, as well as some of the smaller, are made of wood ; and experience proves that pipes made of good wood do better Service, and are of longer duration, than inferior metal ones. 370. Dr. Burney was assured by Snetzler, who had seen Father Smith work, that he was so particularly careful in the choice of his wood, as never to use any that had the least flaw or knot in it ; and so tender was he of his reputation, that he would never waste time in trying to mend a bad pipe, but would immediately throw it away and make another, which accounts for the soundness of his wood pipes to this day. The woods chiefly made use of for modern pipes are cedar, deal, and pine. Oak was employed by Father Smith, but not frequently, in consequence of its cost and the expense of working it. The bass of the Stopped Diapason in the great organ at the Temple is however of this material. So also is the Flute in the great organ. Mahogany is occa- Sionally adopted for the pipes of Organs destined for hot climates, as in the organ at Calcutta Cathedral, built by the late Mr. Gray. Other woods are Sometimes made use of in Continental organs, as maple-wood, pear-tree-wood, cypress-wood, box-wood, &c. (See Foreign Specifications.) The seasoning of the 371. The wood of which organ pipes are to be made is wood. first well seasoned ; that is to say, it is thoroughly exposed to the air for a few years, and, to a certain extent, also to rain water, to destroy all its vital properties; after which it is kept in a dry place, where the air can get to it freely, to prevent its decaying. If any sap were to remain in the timber—i.e., if the wood were not to be thoroughly seasoned—it would be very apt, after being worked up into pipes, to split on becoming dry, and So render the intonation faulty. 372. With the view to rendering the wood pipe-work thoroughly sound, such knots in the timber as cannot be avoided are covered well with glue and leather, or paper, to prevent their falling out; or they are extracted, and their places filled in with other wood. After this, the wooden pipes are often covered on the outside with a coat of red size (which by no means improves the appearance of the interior of the organ), and inside with a layer of thin glue, to fill up the pores of the wood, which, by rendering the surface smooth, improves the tone of the pipes, THE PLAN, OUTLINE, AND STRUCTURE OF ORGAN PIPES. IOI CHA P T E R XIX. THE PLAN, OUTLINE, AND STRUCTURE OF ORGAN PIPES. The plan and outline 373. THE next particulars to be noticed are the Žlaſt, old/ºte, of the pipes. and frożortions of the pipes that are formed out of the Several materials just enumerated. - w 374. In regard to ſlam organ pipes are divided into three classes : round four-sided, and triangular, the respective kinds of plan almost necessarily arising from the employment of the flexible and the stiff substances. 375. In regard to Shaffe and outline organ pipes are very diversified ; and every variation in these respects causes more or less alteration in the strength or character of the Zone of the pipe. 376. The chief varieties of metal round-bodied pipes are the Cylindrical, Conical, - Conical, surrounded by a bell, Inverted cone, and Inverted cone, surmounted by a bell. 377. Wood pipes are divided into Four-sided, Three-sided, Cylindrical, Pyramidal, and Inverted pyramidal pipes. Cylindrical pipes. 378. Pipes classed under this head are such round ones as preserve the same diameter in body all the way up. There are three varieties of cylindrical pipes—the open, the stopped, and the half-stopped. Open cylindrical pipes 379. Open cylindrical pipes are the most numerous in all (Vºg. 88, p. 102). organs; the stops called Open Diapason, Principal, Fifteenth, and Mixture, annong others, being ordinarily composed of pipes of this shape. Open cylindrical pipes are therefore used for the strong-toned flue-stops. Stopped cylindrical 380. Stopped cylindrical pipes are Such as have their top ***** closed or covered in by a metal covering or cap (a, fig. 89). Stops composed of pipes so formed are rarely to be met with in England, except in old Organs ; and there they are only occasionally to be seen. There was an excellent one in Father Smith's organ in Chester Cathedral; and the pretty (so- labelled) Stopped Diapason in the swell of the small organ in All-Hallows, Bread Street (now removed), was formed of pipes of this description. Stops of covered pipes, however, are of common occurrence in the German organs, under the names of “Gedact” and “Quintaton.” 38I. The “Gedact 8 fusston,” which is sometimes made also of wood, is a full, iO2 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. yet mellow-toned Stopped Diapason. The “Quintaton 8 fusston’ is a Stopped Diapason of smaller scale, which sounds the Twelfth or Octave-fifth as well as the fundamental or ground-tohe. Half-stopped cylindrical 382. Half-stopped cylindrical pipes are far more common in pipes (ſºg, 90). English organs than are the last mentioned. They are formed much after the manner of the covered pipes just noticed, the chief difference con- sisting in the cap being perforated in the centre with a small tube or chimney rising therefrom, and hence called flute à cheminée by the French. (See e, ſig. 90.) Stops of this kind are frequently to be seen in old organs, and occasionally also in modern ones, under the names Stopped Diapason (metal), Flute (metal), &c.; although the stop-labels seldom indicate their presence, So far as the materia! is concerned. 88 89 90 & &; 383. The great and Swell Stopped Diapasons and the swell Flute in the organ at the Temple Church are of metal ; So were those in Harris's fine organ at Doncaster, destroyed in 1853. There is a fine metal Stopped Diapason in Bridge's great organ at Christ Church, Spitalfields. Perforated cylindrical 384. Perforated cylindrical pipes are used in the formation pipes. of certain stops. Thus the small pipes of the Keraulophon are pierced through the body, near to the top ; those of the English Hohl-flute have two holes near to the top, and opposite to each other ; while those of the Flute Harmonique have each a Small perforation half way up the body. 385. Besides the foregoing varieties, cylindrical pipes are made of wood in Germany, and produce a most exquisite tone. They are used for the “Flauto Traverso,” among other stops, which stop, like the French Flute Harmonique, blows its octave in the upper portion of the scale. 386. Besides the flue-stops already enumerated, Some soft-toned reed stops are composed of cylindrical pipes. These are the Clarionet (ſig. 91) and Vox Humana (fig. 92) stops. The former is constructed of moderately long and narrow pipes which are quite open at the top ; the last mentioned are of shorter and broader pipes, and half-stopped at the top, THE PLAN, OUTLINE, AND STRUCTURE OF ORGAN PIPES. IO3 Conical pipes. 387. Conical pipes are such that the bodies lessen from the mouth upwards more or less rapidly. Pipes of this conical shape are rather rare in old English organs ; nor can they be traced very readily when they do occur, as their presence is seldom notified in any way on the stop-handles. Two varieties of conical pipes are here engraved. Fig. 94 represents the German “Spitz-flöte,” which is little more than half the width at the top ; and ſig. 95 the German “Gemshorn,” which is scarcely more than # at the top than it is at the mouth. Father Smith occasionally made use of conical pipes. A Spitz-flöte and a Gemshorn of his make still exist on the choir manual of the organ in the Temple Church. There was a “Gemshorn Twelfth "in the choir of Smith's organ at St. Paul's Cathedral. Within the last few years the use of conical stops has become rather general with the English organ-builders, 91 92 93 94 95 |- 388. Messrs. Hill and Son frequently insert into their organs a stop of conical outline, and rather crisp tone, which they call “Cone Gamba, 8 feet.” º º, Still- 389. Conical pipes, surmounted by a bell, are used in the ... .”.” formation of the English Viol di Gamba; the pipes of which outspreading top (ſºg, - $ o 2 93). stop, however, differ from those of the German one of the same - name, in having the bell at the top, besides being conical. This kind of pipe is peculiar to the English organ, and was first introduced by Mr. Hill, Inverted cone (ſig. 96). 390. Pipes of the inverted conical form—i.e., narrow at the lower extremity, and spreading out thence upwards (see ſig. 96)—are employed to a great extent in most organs; the greater portion of the reed stops, as Trumpet, Posaune, Clarion, Horn, Bassoon, &c., being composed of pipes partaking of this outline, the chief difference perceivable to the eye being in the proportion. Flue IO4. THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. pipes are made of this shape on the Continent, and form the stop called the “Dolcan" (fig. 97). A stop of this shape and name occurs in the organ at St. Stephen's Church, Westminster, built by Mr. Hill, producing a light, agreeable, and rather fluty tone. . Cone, Sur- 391. Pipes of the shape of an inverted cone, surmounted by f & & º e *g Č. * * * a bell, increase in diameter more gradually and to a less extent than the preceding, the bell expanding more suddenly. Pipes of this construction (ſig. 98) are only used in the formation of the Hautboy and its Octave, the pipes of which stops more nearly resemble the shape of their Orchestral prototype than those of any other in the organ, excepting some of the Continental Flutes, Wooden pipes. 392. Four-sided Žižes (ſig. 99) are those of which the bodies are of the same width and depth throughout their length. They are freely employed in most organs, and are of two kinds; the first open, the second stopped, entirely or partially. 96 97 98 99 ºn :::::: l ZºZ Open four-sided pipes. 393. Open four-sided pipes are often introduced in lieu of the large metal bass ones of the Dulciana and Open Diapason. Some stops are formed exclusively of pipes of this class, as the Clarabella, the English Wald-flöte, &c. The Pedal Open Diapason is very commonly composed of pipes of the above kind. Stopped four-sided pipes 394, Stopped four-sided pipes are closed or covered at the (Vºg, Ioo, p. 105). upper end with a stopper. Like the preceding, they are used to a great extent in most Organs; the Double and Unison Stopped Diapasons, and the Stopped Flute, being in modern instruments usually composed of pipes of this description. THE PLAN, OUTLINE, AND STRUCTURE OF ORGAN PIPES. IOS Half-stopped four-sided 395. The difference between a stopped and a half-stopped plpes. pipe consists in the latter having a hole bored down through the handle and stopper. The treble portion of the stops mentioned under the last head is frequently perforated in this manner; SO also is the Clarionet-flute. Large Stopped pipes are seldom bored. * Three-sided pipes. 396. Three-sided pipes are of rare occurrence. They are the invention of Mr. Edmund Schulze, who has recently used them for his Hohl- flötes. Specimens by him are to be found in the Doncaster organ, and in the organ recently erected by Messrs. Foster and Andrews at Halifax. Cylindrical wood pipes. 397. Cylindrical pipes of wood are frequently made in Germany, and produce an exquisite tone. They are used for the “Flauto Tra- verso" of 8 and 4 feet, among other stops. Examples, by Schulze, occur in the Doncaster, the Temple, and the Leeds Parish Church organs. - Pyramidal pipes (ſg. IoI). 398. Pyramidal pipes, broadest at the mouth and lessening upwards, are sometimes introduced (ſig. IOI) to form the bass of the metal conical stops, in the same way that the open four-sided pipes are employed for the com- pletion of some of the cylindrical stops. Occasionally entire stops are formed of pipes of this shape. 399. In the choir department of the large organ in the Wesleyan chapel at Boston, built by Messrs. Gray and Davison, are two stops made of this shape, and called “Gamba " and “ Gemshorn.” Pyramidal and inverted 400. Pipes of the inverted pyramidal shape—i.e., narrow at (Vºg, IO2). the bottom and broad at the top (ſig. IO2)—are frequently used for large reed stops, as the I6 and 32 feet Posaunes. Smaller reed stops are some- times formed of pipes of this description ; as, for instance, the Bassoon. The pipes constituting the lower portion of the “Dolcan’ (ſig. IO3) are also sometimes made of the pyramidal and inverted shape. IOO IOI 401. The varied proportion in the dimensions of a pipe, and its influence on the sound, are noticed in a Subsequent page, 106 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. The classification of the 402. The numerous kinds of pipes just noticed are divided, º*** in regard to the distinct manner in which that part is made which in reality produces the tone, into two great classes, namely, ſue #iffes and reed fiftes. * Flue pipes. * 403. Lip, mouth, or flue pipes—for they are called by all these names—are such as have an oblong opening, called the mouth, at the junction of the body with the foot of the pipe; bounded above and below by two edges called the liffs, which are made to sound by the wind first passing through a narrow fissure, ſtate, or wind-way, and which depend chiefly on the length or shortness of their bodies for the gravity or acuteness of the sound they produce. Reed pipes, 4O4. Reed or tongue pipes are, on the contrary, those which are made to Sound through the medium of a mouthpiece (not unlike that of a Clarionet), furnished with an elastic plate of metal, and which do not depend on the length of tube” of the pipe, but on the size of the mouthpiece and the vibrations of the Zongue, for the gravity or acuteness of the sound. 405. For the purpose of illustrating the difference between these two classes of pipes, it may be observed that, while an open flue pipe must have a body of eight- feet standard length to produce the CC sound, a reed pipe may only require a tube of about eighteen inches, as in the case of a Vox Humana. Indeed, a tube of any Sort is not indispensable, as is evidenced in accordions, seraphines, harmoniums concertinas, and such like instruments, all of which produce their sounds from metal tongues of various sizes, closely resembling those belonging to the reed pipes of an organ, but the dimensions of which instruments must be sufficient to indicate that tubes cannot therein be contained. The tubes, however, acting like speaking- trumpets, exercise a great influence on the strength and fulness of the tone produced, both being much increased by their presence, The separate parts of a 4O6. An open metal flue pipe is composed of three distinct metal ſlue pipe. parts, called the body, foot, and language, or languid. 4O7. The body is that part of the pipe that, commencing at the mouth, extends thence ºftwards. (See ſig. 88, a h, page IO2.) It is formed by rolling a - sheet of metal of the requisite dimensions round a wooden cylinder or , ” cone, called a “mandrill,” and uniting the edges together with solder. Tº The joint thus formed is called a “seam,” and occurs in the back of the pipe. On the opposite side, forming the front of the body, and near to the lower end, an indentation is made, as shown in fig IO4, at a, called the “leaf,” which is continued to nearly the bottom, where a small portion of the flattened part is cut away, leaving a broad opening 6. The edge that is left immediately over this opening (c) is called the “upper lip.” 408. The foot is that part of the pipe, of an inverted conical shape, that extends from the mouth downwards (fig. IO5). It is made in a similar manner to the body; i.e., it has a seam running vertically up the centre of the back, and an indentation in the front ; though, in this instance, in the upper part (a), corresponding with that in the body of the pipe, forming an “under lip.” The foot serves as a conductor of wind from the upper board up to the mouth of the pipe ; hence, in the apex (e), a hole is made for the entrance of the wind. It further answers as a support to the pipe, to which end it is made very thick and strong, that it may resist the weight and pressure of the body. IO5 * Flue pipes are said to have bodies, and reed pipes tubes. THE PLAN, OUTLINE, AND STRUCTURE OF ORGAN PIPES. Ioy 409. The language, or languid (ſig, 106), is the flat plate of metal that lies hori- zontally over the top of the foot, just inside the mouth. It is made of much thicker material than any other part of the pipe, because it is entirely unsupported, except at the sides and back. In front, it presents a straight edge, corresponding with the lips of the body and foot, but slightly behind that of the latter, leaving a narrow fissure or “wind-way” wº - between. The front is also bevelled inwards and upwards. The languid is made very strong and thick, that it may not sink in front or in the middle— casualties that would cause the “sheet of wind” to miss the upper lip, and So render the speech of the pipe defective. 4IO. The mouth, as already intimated, is the horizontal cutting or opening that occurs at the junction of the body and foot of the pipe. Its use and influence will be noticed hereafter. The way in which the 411. Open medal fiftes.—The separate parts of an open flue .*.*.*, *... pipe are joined together in the following manner:-The straight pipes are united toge- &c. 5 5 ther. edges of the language and foot are first arranged parallel, and then the back and sides of the two are soldered together, the narrow slit in front being left open so as to form a passage or “wind-way’ for the current of air that enters at the foot of the pipe. In the next place, the lips of the body and foot are placed precisely opposite to each other, and the body and foot are then strongly united together at the back and sides. The languid is thus entirely enclosed within a finished pipe. 412. Stoſſed metal fiftes are sometimes furnished with a moveable cap, that fits tightly over the top of the pipe, completely enclosing it ; or a metal cap is soldered on to the top of the body; while in Some examples a wooden stopper covered with leather is fitted into the end of the pipe, the pipe in that case being made somewhat longer to receive it. 413. Half-sto/ffed metal fiftes have, in addition to the cap, the fixed covering, or the stopper, a small cylindrical tube, or “chimney,” soldered into a hole in its centre; or in the case of a wooden stopper, a hole is burnt through it. 414. It may be as well to explain here the precise meaning of the German name given to a stop composed of pipes of the kind just noticed. The literal translation of the German name Rohr-flöte is reed flute, which has sometimes been supposed to imply a reedy-torted flute stop; such interpretation, however, being accompanied by a difficulty arising from the fact that half-stopped metal pipes, with chimneys, produce a peculiarly smooth and liquid tone. The name really refers to the formation of the pipe, not to the character of its tone; and signifies that the distinguishing feature of the pipe is a Small tube resembling the hollow- stalk that grows in wet grounds, and which all English dictionaries describe as a need (rohr). Rohr-flöte, therefore, simply means a stop belonging to the ſute-work, the pipes of which are furnished with a tube or reed. Furthermore, reed pipes are always so called in England, from the circumstance of their being provided with a small metal tube by way of mouthpiece ; while, in Germany, they are called tongue stops. z 415. The three kinds of metal flue pipes are frequently furnished with ears; Ż.e., pieces of metal projecting from each side of the mouth. In stopped and half- stopped pipes the ears are large ; but in Open ones they are Smaller and more neat, giving to the front pipes, which are mostly furnished with them, a finished appearance. Metal pipes have sometimes a strip of metal running horizontally across, under the mouth of the pipe, and reaching from ear to ear. This is the case with the large pipes of the Transept Pedal Diapason at Doncaster. Io8 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. Wood flue pipes; open, 416. An open wood pipe is formed of four separate parts, **P* namely, the body, block, cap, and foot. 417. The body (g, ſig. IO7) consists of a right-angled tube, formed of four planed boards; the Cross Section of which is not usually a square, but an Io'7 oblong. At the lower end the body is closed by the block (h h), ~TS which is nearly divided in two by a deep cutting, called the throat (%). The block and throat are closed in front by the caſ, (3 a)—a piece of hard wood, hollowed out (n)—leaving the two sides and the bottom edges to be glued or Screwed to the sides and block of the pipe. The upper edge (%) of the cap recedes a little, to form the J wind-way. The Žiže-foot (m) is a cylindrical or four-sided tube, introduced at the bottom of the pipe, to serve as a conductor of the wind into the pipe, and also as a support thereto. 418. In wooden stopped and half-stopped pipes the stopper is well covered with leather at the bottom and sides, to make the stopping , quite Sound. Were it not so, the tone would be false. 419. The proportion of the breadth, as compared with the depth, of wood stopped pipes is varied very much, according to the quality of tone that is desired to be produced. Father Smith and Bridge frequently made their stopped pipes nearly Square; the former some- times making the proportions of the block of his CC Stopped Diapason 5 inches by 4%. The German builders make Some of their wood pipes narrow and deep, as in the Lieblich Gedact, the CCC pipe of which measures 5 inches by 3; ; while those for other stops are made wider than they are deep, as in the Hohl-flöte, shown in ſig. IO8, the tenor C pipe of which is made Iłż deep and 24%; wide. A pipe that is nearly square gives a full and weighty tone ; one that is narrow and deep, a soft and sweet (Zieblich) tone; and one that is shallow and wide, a powerful and hollow (Hohl) tone. Father Smith made his Hohl-flöte perfectly square, the block of the 2-feet pipe measuring exactly I inch in depth and width ; and, when placed on the same manual with a Stopped Diapason, he then made the latter narrow and deep, i.e., of the Lieblich Gadact shape, by which means he secured great individuality in the tone of the two stops. An interesting illustration of this arrangement of Scales will be found in his charming choir organ that is or was in the Cathedral at Manchester. How the several parts 42O. In working together the separate parts of an *** open wood flue pipe, the sides are first glued and nailed, or pinned, to the block; and, when the glue has thoroughly “set,” the back and front are attached to the edges of the sides by similar means. The pipe-foot is then glued in ; and, when the pipe is voiced, the cap is fastened on. - º 421. The mouth of a wood ſlue #iffe is formed by discontinuing the front of the body of the pipe just above the (block as shown at w, in ſig. IO7), and bevelling off the front of the surface just above, downwards and inwards (o), till an edge is produced, called the upper lip. Just below this, leaving, however, an opening of sufficient depth to form the mouth, is the upper edge of the cap, which constitutes the under lip of the mouth. - 422. There are certain modifications sometimes effected in the manner of making the mouth of wooden pipes that may here be noticed. 423. Block £iffes occasionally have their mouths inverted. (See ſig. Io9.) In such cases, the front of the block (a) is made to project as far as the outer surface of the front of the pipe (ö), instead of being only in a line with the inner º; THE PLAN, OUTLINE, AND STRUCTURE OF ORGAN PIPES. IO9 one, as in the case of block pipes of the usual kind ; and the bevelled part that forms the upper lip (c) is cut on the immer surface of the front of the pipe, instead of outside, the exterior then presenting an unbroken appearance, as though there were no lip at all. The arrangement of the mouth, in fact, as com- IO9 pared with that of simply block pipes, is precisely reversed. The English Wald-flute of 4 feet, and sometimes the Clarabella, and even larger stops, are sometimes composed of block pipes with inverted mouths. 424. Zanguid Wood Piñes (ſig. I IO) are sometimes made, the pecu. liarity in which is sufficiently indicated by the term employed for distin- guishing such from the other varieties of pipe, namely, that, instead of a wooden block, they are simply furnished with a plate or languid of wood, as shown in the accompanying Section. Large wood pipes are often made on this principle. 425. The double-mouthed #iffe is but Seldom seen in England. Its name is a key to the peculiarity observable in the nature of its formation, namely, that of having two mouths instead of one ; and the mouths are placed opposite to each other, Greater strength of tone is said to be produced from pipes with two mouths. The German Doppel-flöte is com- posed of pipes so formed. - - 426. The G G G Open Pedal pipe introduced into the West- I IO minster Abbey organ by Elliott and Hill, in Dr. Cooke's time, had two mouths, and was also of the pyramidal form. Its situation in the organ-case, however, was a confined one, consequently it was never heard to advantage ; and when the large pedal pipes were afterwards laid horizontally in a pile on the Screen, as its outline was incon- venient for its new position, it was removed and another pipe substituted. 427. The only difference between an open and stopped wood pipe consists in the latter being closed at the top (%, ſig. IOO) by a plug or stopper, illustrated at a in the same figure. A half-stopped wood pipe has a hole drilled down the stopper. - 428. Wood flue pipes are sometimes furnished with ears on each side the mouth, and occasionally also with a cross-piece fastened on immediately beneath. the under lip, called a beard. Ears and beards are chiefly attached to pipes of very narrow scale, or have Small mouths. These additions, by keeping the wind together, accelerate the speech of the pipe. Origin and continuance 429. Something may now be said concerning the speech *...* * * * of flue pipes. A metal flue pipe is made to sound by the pipes. admission of a jet of wind at the apex of the foot, which, rushing upwards, passes through the wind-way and strikes against the upper lip, producing a concussion which prevents the air from issuing in a continuous manner from the mouth, and causes it to proceed intermittingly. The vibrations thus caused are communicated to the column of air within the body of the pipe ; and, the air being set in motion, a Sound is produced ; which sound, however, cannot strictly be said to be produced by the pipe itself, nor by the elastic motion of its body, but by the vibrations at its mouth, and the motion of the column of air contained within its body. The former circumstance is sufficiently evidenced by the fact that the pitch is nearly the same, whatever may be the thickness or the character of the material employed in the con- struction of the pipe. The Stoutness, toughness, and elasticity of the material, I IQ THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN, have, nevertheless, something to do with the quality and strength of the tone, as will presently be explained. A slight motion of the body of the pipe may indeed be detected ; which, however, is a consequence, and not a cause ; and arises from the friction of the column of air within, having nothing to do with the Žroduction of the sound, which is to be attributed solely to the circumstances already mentioned. 430. A wood flue pipe is made to Sound in much the same manner as a metal pipe of the same kind. The wind, on being admitted, passes up the pipe-foot into the throat, and from thence into the hollowed part of the cap, up which it forces itself; then, after passing through the wind-way between the upper edge of the cap and block, it strikes against the upper lip, and is thus made to vibrate, the vibrations, as already described, being communicated to the air in the body of the pipe. 431. It is worthy of remark that, whereas the sides of a wooden pipe beat violently while the pipe is speaking, the front and back remain perfectly quiescent. 432. The sound from a pipe continues so long as the organ wind is allowed to enter that pipe, and at the same unabated strength. 433. In a stopped pipe the current of air in the body of the pipe takes a somewhat altered course, and produces a remarkably different result from what it does in an open one. ag 434. The consideration of this subject affords an opportunity for explaining what might otherwise appear to be an inaccuracy in regard to flue pipes depending on the dimensions of their bodies for the gravity or acuteness of their sound. A stopped flue pipe of a given length will produce a Sound as low as that of an open pipe of twice the length. This fact, however, is soon accounted for. Instead of the air escaping out at the top of the shorter pipe, as it does out of the longer, it is checked by the stopper that closes the upper end. In con- sequence of this interruption, the wind is reflected back again down the pipe before it can make its exit, which it does through the mouth. The wind in a stopped pipe, therefore, traverses the distance of the length of the body twice over—first up, then down—and, Consequently, produces a Sound of increased gravity in proportion. Thus, a stopped pipe of 2 feet gives the same sound as an open one of 4 feet; a stopped pipe of 8 feet the same Sound as, an open one of 16 feet; and So on. - The mouth of a flue 435. The size and proportions of the mouth of a medal º *...*.*. flue pipe exercise great influence on the strength, character, tons on the tºne of and quality of the tone of the pipe. The usual proportions, the pipe. which, however, are Subject to considerable modification, are, for the width, # the circumference of the body, and #3 of the same measure for the height. According to this rule, therefore, the mouth of a pipe that is I6 inches in circumference inside—or, what is the same thing, 5; inches in diameter, the diameter being about # of the circumference—would be 4 inches in width and I inch in height. Some organ pipes have a wider mouth than this, others a narrower one ; some have a higher mouth, and some a lower one. A wide and high mouth produces a round, powerful tone ; a narrow one, a sharp tone ; a narrow and low mouth; a delicate tone ; and a wide and high mouth, a full, thick, and hollow tone. But even these deviations have their assigned limits; for, if the upper lip be cut up too high, the pipe will be slow to speak, or will not speak at all ; and, if the mouth be too narrow, the pipe will speak the octave above its real sound. The greatest deviations are found in wooden stopped pipes, the mouths of those of Small scale being in height equal to one-half or even two- THE PLAN, OUTLINE, AND STRUCTURE OF ORGAN PIPES, III thirds of their width. Large scale stopped pipes, on the contrary, have Sometimes very low mouths. The voicing of metal 436. The careful conformation of the mouth of the pipe ; ***P* setting the lips; regulating the quantity of wind to be admitted; conducting it through the wind-way in a sheet of the precise thick- ness; and carrying out other such details necessary to Secure the true tone, character, and speech of the pipe, are matters of great delicacy; demanding the nicest skill as well as a just perception of tone on the part of the operator. These and other duties are included under the one general term voicing, and some idea will be formed of the importance and influence of this branch of organ- building from the following observations in reference to the speech of an organ pipe. 437. The wind on entering a pipe is carried through the wind-way in a thin sheet, and is directed against the upper lip ; the mouth or intermediate space being covered by this stream of air. This “sheet of wind,” as it is called, is exposed externally to the outward air, while on the inside it is defended from it by the back and sides of the pipe. The wind that comes out at the mouth of the pipe passes fairly upwards against and above the leaf; causing an inward draught underneath, towards and indeed through the mouth. The former fact may be ascertained by blowing smoke into a pipe and watching its progress; the latter, by holding a lighted candle just below or in a line with the mouth of a pipe while speaking, when the flame will be drawn towards or even through the mouth. The inward- bearing draught outside the mouth being stronger than the quiescent air within, the sheet of wind gives way for an instant, and the draught bears into the pipe, but is immediately overcome by the sheet of wind, which in its turn prevails, until the draught overcomes it again. Hence the periodical concussions of the sheet of wind against the upper lip of the pipe. 438. This alternate crossing of streams will, under ordinary circumstances, of course take place with greater or less rapidity, according to the dimensions of the mouth, and the strength of the wind exciting the column of air within the body of the pipe ; and the elastic motion of the lower end of the column of air in the region of the mouth, by compression and expansion, assists in the alternate restitution of the sheet of wind and the inward-bearing draught by turns. The pitch of the sound of a flue pipe, therefore, is regulated as much by the number of pulsations which take place at the mouth of the pipe in a second of time as by the number of vibrations that occur in the body of the pipe in the same time, with the latter of which the former doubtless correspond. This hypothesis is borne out by the fact that, if a pipe be shortened, as in transposing a GG metal Open Diapason into a CC, it does not then require less wind, but more, the additional quantity no doubt being required to accelerate the vibrations at the mouth, so that they may be in proportion to the quicker vibrations of the shorter column of air inside the body of the pipe. 439. It has already been explained that some proportion is preserved between the dimensions of the mouth and the diameter of the pipe ; but the length of the vibrating column of air may be somewhat increased or decreased without much affecting the speech, as may be ascertained by temporarily covering one or more of the lower holes in the back of a front pipe which has openings in it. If, however, the length of a pipe be very great in proportion to its diameter and the dimensions of its mouth, the pulses at the mouth will not be slow enough to correspond with the waves of the lengthened column of air; and the pipe will then either not speak at all, or it will break into its octave. This circumstance accounts for Dulciana pipes, usually the Smallest in Scale II 2 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. of any open pipes in an English organ, and with even narrower mouths in proportion, having so decided a tendency to “speak their octave” when in the slightest degree out of order. For Some stops, it is required that the pipes shall speak their octave and not give their unison Sound, as in the German “Flauto Traverso; ” in which case the voicer regulates the dimensions and proportions of the mouth accordingly. At the same time, a pipe in which the proper proportions are preserved, in regard to length, diameter, and mouth, will break off into a higher sound, if it has more than a certain amount of wind, or a stronger wind ; as in the “Flute Harmonique” of the French and English organ-builders. 440. In cutting the wind-way, if the opening be made too deep, the “sheet of wind” will be too thick, and the inward-bearing draught will be unable to break through ; in which case the pipe will not speak with the proper strength, but will simply produce a humming or whizzing Sound. Or if the mouth of a pipe be “cut up too high,” the sheet of wind will not entirely cover the space forming the mouth ; in organ-builders’ phraseology “the wind will not reach ; ” and the speech of the pipe will be dull and unsteady. 441. In wood, pipes of the four-sided shape, the width of mouth, of course, corresponds with the inside measure of the same side of the pipe in which it is cut. Its height is commonly one-fourth of its width, or a little more ; but, inasmuch as wood pipes are, as already explained, Sometimes made narrow and deep, the mouth being on the narrow side, while at others the mouth is placed on the wide side, it is evident that its measure in the direction just mentioned must be subject to much greater variation than in metal pipes. - 442. In some German wood pipes, the blocks and other parts connected with the speech of the pipes are made on a plan so different from any of the English methods already noticed, and yet produce so firm and full a tone, even when the scale is small, that a few particulars concerning them are here intro- duced. Instead of the block being formed with its face at a right III angle to the top, it is bevelled back and downwards, as shown at ºff a, in ſig. I II. The cap is made straight and Smooth inside, instead º of being hollowed as in ſigs. IO7, Io9, and I IO; and, in lieu of the tº wind-way being made by filling a portion from off the cap, it is formed by filling from off the block, and the upper edge of the cap is set on a level with the top of the block, instead of a little &e/ozy Żſ. 443. A glance at the accompanying diagram (ſ.g. III) will be sufficient to show that in a pipe thus formed the wind must gradually undergo increased compression as it ascends through the wedge- shaped hollow between the block and cap, and that it must, in con- sequence, be thrown with much greater force against the lip ; a stronger and clearer tone being thus secured. The mouth is cut up much higher than ordinary, it frequently being equivalent to half of its width, and even more ; and the lip is left thick, that the wind may take good hold. There are no nicks either in the block or the cap ; the latter of which is made about half as thick again at the mouth end as at the foot end, to prevent the inward-bearing draught being too strong. The hole in the pipe-foot is made very large, and is perfectly round ; there is no flugging, and the Speech is plumper than when the wind is carried through four three-quarter apertures, as in most plugged pipes. The lower end of the foot is leathered, so as to prevent any escape of wind between it and the upper-board, º ºf Fº THE PLAN, OUTLINE, AND STRUCTURE OF ORGAN PIPES. I 13 444. The modern German meda/pipes are made and voiced more nearly as in England, except that in Some cases the bevel on the languid is made more acute than in English pipes. Fig. I I2 shows the English languid and - bevel in profile; ſig. II3 exhibits the German in a similar manner. The acute bevel has the effect of throwing the wind more info the Žiže, which permits the mouth to be cut up higher, the tone pro- duced being remarkably full and bright. The mouth is then cut up #ths. 445. The mechanical part of voicing, as far as the eye can detect, consists, in the instance of a metal pipe, chiefly in cutting with great nicety a series of notches or nicks in the front part of the languid. The “nicking” is made on the lower-edge of the bevelled surface of II3 the languid, and the notches run parallel to each other, and some- times, though not always, at an angle to the axis of the pipe. There are different methods of voicing, which produce different results. A pipe that is not voiced at all will frequently not sound at all, or will. give a wrong note, or will not speak with adequate strength. 446. Large pipes, and Sometimes Comparatively Small ones, will however occasionally present exceptions to the rule, if the mouth and parts adjacent are proportioned with mathematical accuracy. The front-pipes of the organ at St. Giles's-in-the-Fields, made by Smith, had no nicking, neither have several of the metal and wood Stopped Diapasons in the Temple organ. Pipes that have but few nicks will frequently produce a round Sonorous tone, as is evidenced in many of Smith's Open Diapasons; while others, that are much and regularly nicked, will produce a Softer and very musical tone, as in Green's Diapasons. 447. The voicing of a wood flue pipe consists of several small parallel lines filed on the front or face of the upper part of the block. These little cuts do not quite run at right angles to the upper lip, neither are they made of the same width right down ; but they are deepest and widest at the mouth, and gradually decrease as they recede from it, until at last they are lost in the plain surface of the block. In voicing the pipe, which of course is done before the cap is put on, the upper edge of the block is slightly pared away opposite the under lip, so as to direct the wind against the upper lip. If the angle be pared off too much or too little, the pipe will be slow to speak, or will speak ill, or perhaps not at all ; or, if the sheet of wind be suffered to strike against the upper lip with rather too much force, the tone produced will be imperfect, and perhaps accompanied with a chirping at the commencement of the pipe’s Speaking, The influence of the 448. Besides the many modifications or characters of tone º *"..."; (so to speak) which are produced by the particular method a pipe. of voicing adopted, the tone of a pipe is influenced by many other circumstances. - - 449. And first, of the material. Supposing all other circumstances to be the same, it may be said in regard to metal flue pipes that the thicker and more elastic the body of the pipe, the more decided, clear, and distinct will be the sound. According to some of the first German works on the subject, the tone of a pipe is improved by the material being well hammered before being worked up. 450. In regard to wood pipes, the same phenomenon may be observed as to the influence of the material on the tone; a pipe made of some hard wood, as T II.4. THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN, oak, giving the clearest and strongest tone, while one of the softer kind produces the most mellow tone. When the old builders used a soft wood, they sometimes cut the planks the cross-way of the grain, probably from the circumstance of the wood of the bellies of violins being cut in that manner. The deal pipes in the Finedon organ, Northamptonshire, built by Gerard Smith, are formed out of boards cut in the direction just mentioned. If a comparison be drawn between the quality and strength of the tone of metal and wood pipes generally, a large open metal pipe will be found to give the clearer and more sonorous sound, and an Open wood pipe a thicker and heavier sound. This is of course supposing their measurement and all other circumstances to be about the same. The voicer's art, however, has quite the power of not only disguising the quality of tone that might be expected from the two kinds of material, but even of reversing them. In an old MS. book in the library of the Hon. Society of the Inner Temple is a memorandum to the effect that “Father Smith sayes he can make metall pipes speak like those made of wood ; and them of wood to speak like those of metall.” Herr Schulze excels in thus matching the tone of wood and metal pipes, of which Several admirable specimens occur in the Doncaster organ. 451. Then of the form. Pipes having the open cylindrical outline, when made to the full proportionate diameter, give the strongest, clearest, and fullest tone of any metal flue pipes. Those of the conical shape produce a rather more subdued sound than the cylindrical ; accompanied either by a tender, reedy, or a crying character of tone, according to the extent of their conicality and the manner in which they are voiced. Pipes of the covered species emit the weakest Sound. 452. By an alteration of scale, that is to say, an increase or decrease of diameter, while the same length is preserved, a further modification in the strength and character of the tone is produced. 453. The width or narrowness of a pipe alters the strength of the sound produced, and to such an extent, that an open cylindrical pipe (already described as giving the more powerful sound) may, by the reduction of its scale, be made to Sound as lightly as a covered one, as will be perceived on comparing the strength of the tone of a Dulciana pipe with that of a stopped Diapason pipe. Moreover, by enlarging the scale sufficiently, a pipe of softwood—Christiana deal, for instance —may be made to produce a stronger and heavier sound than a pipe of hard wood, as Oak, Influence of the strength 454. In addition to the influence which the material, form, and quantity of the wind g * T .*.*.*... and scale of a pipe exercise on the tone produced, the strength strength of the tone. of the wind by which it is made to speak, or the quantity allowed to enter the pipe, or both, effect a further alteration in the strength of the sound. A stronger and a greater “flush of wind,” within certain bounds, causes a pipe to give a fuller and brighter tone. If the jet of wind, however, be too great or too strong, the pipe will “overblow,” and give the octave of its true sound. A strong wind causes the sound produced to be also rather higher in pitch, as well as stronger and brighter. An illustration of the influence of a lessened strength of the wind on the quality, power, and pitch of the sound of a pipe occurs when the wind is being “let out.” The sound then gradually becomes duller, weaker, and lower, until it altogether ceases; or it will rise in pitch, and speak louder and clearer again, as more wind is supplied just before the Sound dies away. 455. Experiments have proved that reed stops acquire a considerable accession of power and splendour by being placed upon a heavier wind than the flue stops. THE PLAN, OUTLINE, AND STRUCTURE OF ORGAN PIPES. II 5 The first organ in England that had a reed stop voiced to a heavy pressure of wind is that in the Town Hall, at Birmingham ; into which instrument the stop alluded to, called the “Tuča Miračiſis,” was introduced in the year 1840. Stops of this kind are now made by nearly all the English organ-builders. 456. In France the influence of different strengths of wind has been turned to still greater account by the ingenious artists, Messrs. Cavaillé-Coll, organ- builders to the late French Government, in the fine instruments built by them for the Abbey Church of St. Denis, near Paris, and the Church of St. Sulpice and the Madeleine, in Paris, as well as in many other of their organs. In these admirable specimens of their skill, they have not only placed the reed stops on a heavier wind than the flue, but have increased the weight in the treble by an inch. This latter application was suggested by the fact of performers on wind instruments, in order to render the acute tones of equal strength with the grave, exercising a greater effort of the muscles of the lungs when sounding high notes than when producing low ones. By supplying the pipes of the upper keys with a stronger wind, the weakness at times observable in the treble of organs is entirely rectified. These systems have, of late years, been frequently introduced by Messrs. Hill and Son, Willis, Gray and Davison, Lewis, Bryceson, and other builders, into their larger organs. 457. The French builders have further succeeded in making reed and flue Stops produce an harmonic instead of a ground tone, and hence called “Trompet Har- monique” and “Flute Harmonique.” (See Foreign Specifications.) The pipes are made of double length, and, by a strong and copious wind, made to “overblow,” and So Sound their octave. - 458. In the new organ erected in St. Paul's Cathedral, by Mr. Henry Willis, the builder has incorporated not only the several modern Continental improve- ments above referred to, but also several new mechanical inventions of his own. The organ in the Glasgow Town Hall, by Gray and Davison, has also the great reeds and two harmonic flutes on a heavy wind, and the treble of the organ on a stronger wind than the bass. Formation of a reed pipe. 459. A reed pipe of an organ is formed of a mouthpiece, composed of a block, reed, tongue, and wooden wedge, with a fuming-wire and Öoof, and a Čuče or body. - . 460. The block of a reed pipe (fig. 114) is, in modern specimens, usually a circular and rather Solid mass of metal, cast in a mould, though in old reed II 5 pipes the blocks are frequently of box-wood, turned in a II4. © lathe. From the block the reed and tongue hang suspended tº-r-P- & * f below, and the tube rises above. Through the block two ‘h. round holes (3 c) are left in the casting, the largest of which º (5) forms the passage-way for the wind from the reed into l - the tube ; and the smallest, which occurs a little in advance . of the first, admits a wire that is required for regulating the * precise length of the vibrating portion of the tongue, presently to be noticed. The upper part (a) of the block is made rather wider than the lower, form- ing a rim that rests on the upper edge of the boot. 461. The reed is a small cylindrical tube of brass (ſig. II 5), slightly *|| conical in shape, being usually widest at the lower end, and having the lower end closed by a piece of brass, which slants a little upwards and backwards. In the front of the reed an opening is left (d), running lengthways, presenting an appearance as though a portion of the reed had been cut away, at which the wind enters. The upper end of the reed is fitted tightly into NL, II6 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN, the larger hole of the block already mentioned, with the opening towards the smallest hole. - 462. The ſongue (ſig. I I6) lies immediately over the opening just noticed in the reed, covering also the edges which border it. It consists usually of a thin, 116 tough, and elastic plate or Spring of brass, and is fixed in its position 4. by the upper end being passed a little way up into the block, and then a T small wooden wedge being driven into the part of the circular hole of the block left vacant on the flattened side of the reed. The lower end of the tongue, therefore, is left entirely free, and is slightly curved. 463. Zhe ſuming-wire (ſig. I 17) is a moveable piece of bent steel wire, that passes through the Small hole in the block, in front of the II.7 reed and tongue. The lower part of it is bent up (as shown º at f in the accompanying illustration), So as to press against and across the tongue. So much of the tongue as may be above the point where the tuning-wire crosses it is pressed – firmly against the reed and prevented from vibrating: the wind, ºf therefore, only agitates that part that is below the wire. As, however, the wire is moveable, the vibrating portion of the tongue can be lengthened or shortened as required ; and the upper end of the tuning-wire is hooked, so that the “tuning-knife” may move it upwards or downwards the better. 464. 7%e ãoof of a reed-pipe is the short upright and strong tube of metal into which the greater portion of the block sinks. (Seefig. 96, page IO4, and ſig. II.4, page II 5.) It therefore has to support the weight of the entire pipe ; in addition to which it receives the wind, through a hole in the lower end, from one of the borings in the upper board, over which it rests, and indeed sinks into a short distance, and directs the wind up to the reed. | - 465. The ſuffe of a reed-pipe, as already explained, presents the outline of a cylinder, an inverted cone with a bell, or an inverted pyramid, according to circumstances; and rises from the surface of the block, to which it is soldered, in the instance of Small metal pipes. In larger pipes this is not so, but a short tube called a socket is introduced, which receives the narrow end or “neck” of the longer tube, and Sustains it firmly and steadily. Sockets are of course necessary for reed pipes of all sizes that have wooden tubes, as illustrated in ſig. 102, page 105; and the lower end of each tube has then to be rounded off to make it correspond in form with the circular shape of the socket that is to receive it. 466. It might prove interesting to the reader now to refer to the various kinds of reed pipes represented on pages IO2, IO3, IO4, IoS, and Io9 ; and trace out for himself their several peculiarities and points of difference, as well as their separate parts, so far as they are in sight, The formation of the 467. Metal tubes, like the bodies of flue pipes of the same tubes. material, are formed of sheets of metal, cut to such a shape as will, when rolled and soldered up, give to the tube the required form and propor- tion. The bell, if the addition of one be required, is of course applied afterwards. That part of the metal plate which is to form the neck of the tube is left much thicker than the other end, in order that it shall neither sink nor snap off under the pressure of the upper and broader part. Wooden tubes are formed of four boards each, comparatively wide at the upper end and narrow at the lower, glued and nailed together, - - THE PLAN, OUTLINE, AND STRUCTURE OF ORGAN PIPES. I 17. The different kinds of 468. The opening, already noticed as occurring in the front *... . of the reed, either extends all the way up, as shown in ſig. IO5, or free rºds. y only partially so, and gradually contracting to a point. The former is called the “open reed,” and is the same in kind that has been in use for centuries; the latter is termed the “closed reed,” and is of modern invention. 469. The often reed admits by far the greater quantity of wind into a pipe, the influence of which increased volume excites the tongue to vibrate against the reed with more force, and so to produce a stronger and clearer tone. Hence it is generally considered to be the description of reed the best adapted for all powerful and prompt-speaking reed pipes. It requires a rather longer tube than the closed reed. - t 470. The closed reed allows only of a lessened draught through it, and is on this account considered by some organ-builders to be well adapted for reed-pipes, the tone of which is required to be of a quieter character ; though it is not indis- pensable to employ them to obtain a subdued tone, inasmuch as some organ- builders eschew the use of closed reeds altogether. Moreover, they present a much larger surface between the reed and tongue, whereon dirt may lodge. 471. The free reed. A third kind of reed is used on the Continent, called the free reed. In this variety the size of the tongue and the opening in the reed are SO adjusted in regard to each other, that the former almost exactly fits the latter ; the tongue, therefore, instead of striking on the edges of the reed, is impelled into the opening by the wind; when, from its own elasticity, it resumes its former position ; and the sound is produced by its rapid vibratory motion to and fro through the air. The tone of a free reed is not usually so strong as that of a striking reed, but it is particularly smooth and free from rattling. Some fine 16 and 32 feet Posaunes have been made in Germany of free reeds, and there are admirable specimens of stops of both sizes in Schulze's organ at Doncaster. - The influence of the 472. It will be remembered to have been stated that a º ..º.º. reed pipe does not depend upon its tube for the gravity or strength and character acuteness of the Sound produced, but chiefly on the dimen- of the tone of a reed sions and other circumstances connected with its tongue. plpe. The tube, however, makes a considerable difference in the strength and character of the tone. Were it otherwise, there would exist no sufficient reason for its introduction. The dimensions of the tube are so adjusted to the size of the tongue, that the vibrations of the column of air contained in the former shall correspond with the vibrations of the latter. Where this accordance does not exist, the sound produced is inferior in quality. It is not absolutely necessary that the tongue and the column of air in the tube should be in unison to produce a musical sound ; but the tone of Small scale reeds is always more pleasing, and that of larger reeds more full and rich, when the unison is perfect. Short-bodied pipes of the cylindrical shape give a comparatively light sound ; as may be ascertained by trying any Clarionet or English Vox Humana Stop. Pipes with tubes of the inverted conical form give a more sonorous tone than the last mentioned—the strength and character of the sound being governed to some extent by the scale and length of the tube. When it is of narrow measure, the tone is rather thin and somewhat nasal, as in most Bassoon stops. When the pipe is similarly shaped, but with a bell added, the tone becomes somewhat clearer, more wailing and attenuated, as in a Hautboy stop. The weight and power of the sound increases with the further increase in the scale, the Trumpet being louder and more Smart than the Bassoon, and the Posaune more ponderous than the Trumpet, 118 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. The influence of the 473. The strength of tone, again, depends much on the .** shape of the opening in the reed; whether the tongue be made tone of the pipe. 5 of common brass, or a composition containing a larger propor- tion of copper; the equal thickness and evenness of the tongue; its curvature ; and the smoothness and flatness of the edges of the aperture against which the tongue vibrates. Reed-stops of delicate intonation, as the Hautboy, Clarionet, and Bas- Soon, have long, narrow, and thin tongues; others of strong and full tone, as the Trumpet, Horn, and Posaune, have shorter, broader, and thicker tongues. Many of the old Trumpet stops have reeds that are either larger or broader than those now used, and shorter tubes, which accounts for their tone being thin, and devoid of the power and impressiveness which characterise all good stops of the kind. How a sound is pro- 474. When the tongue of a reed-pipe is in a state of rest, it º * * * is curved, leaving the opening in the reed free to the passage of the air. The peculiar tone of a reed-pipe is, in the instance of a striking reed, produced by the tongue beating against the reed, and rebounding again by the force of its own elasticity. The tongue is excited by a current of air being thrown on to it from below, which, as it rushes through the opening in the reed, draws or sucks the tongue with it towards the reed, against the edges of which it strikes, and then returns. - 475. In a free reed, the sound is produced by the motion of the tongue to and fro; and, as that motion is never checked or interrupted by the tongue striking, the tone is as Smooth and continuous as that of a flue pipe. How the pitch of the 476. The Žitch of the sound produced by a reed pipe is deter- Sound of an organ pipe º e º is determined. mined by the number of beats or regular vibrations made by the tongue in a second of time ; and the reeds are accordingly made Small or large, depending on the acuteness or gravity of the sound each is required to emit. The higher the pitch of the sound, the smaller must be the reed, and the quicker the vibrations of its tongue ; the deeper it is, the larger must be its reed, and the slower the beats of its tongue upon the reed, and perhaps even audible. In a flue pipe the pitch is governed by the length of the body of the pipe, or, more strictly speaking, by the length of the column of air within that body; which follows the simple geometrical law, that by doubling the length, it Sounds an Octave lower; and by halving the length, it sounds an octave higher, 477. The following table exhibits at one view the number of vibrations which take place in a flue pipe, and the number of blows made by striking a reed in a Second of time, in producing the several C Sounds used for organ stop measure- ment ; while, to the right, the shortened length of the pipe is given. Name of C, Vibrations in Blows of tongue Length of flue pipe. in reed pipe, open flue pipe. C C C C,.................... 32 ... 16 ... 32 feet. C C C,.................... 64 * - 3 32 tº a tº I6 » C C............... tº e g is c > I28 tº s & 64 ſº e & 8 : Tenor c......... ............ 256 tº $ tº I 28 ſº tº ſº 4 » Middle cº.................. 5I2 • * * 256 e Q & 2 x, Treble cº .................. Ioz4 tº Q 6 5 I2 tº e & I , 478. It is necessary to mention that the above table of vibrations refers to Single and not to com//eſe or dottòſe ones. As the latter are used by some writers on harmonics, the difference might create confusion, if not explained. The tongue of a reed pipe Strikes when vibrating towards the reed, but of course peof when THE PLAN, OUTLINE, AND STRUCTURE OF ORGAN PIPES. I 19 vibrating from it; hence the beats made by the tongue in a reed pipe only amount to half the number of vibrations taking place in a flue pipe in the same time, as shown in the above table, which accounts for those beats often being perceptible to the ear in the speech of even 16-feet reed stops. When, therefore, the rustling of the tongue of large reed pipes cannot otherwise be silenced, the front of the reed is lined with a thin coat of leather—simply the dressed part, the fleshy part being cut or Scraped away—so as to form a soft surface for the tongue to strike against. Schulze preferred all powerful striking reeds below Tenor C to be leathered, as being then more musical. 479. The wind having passed through the mouthpiece of a reed pipe, the size of which has defined the Žižch of the sound, it passes into the tube; the shape, material, or scale, or all combined, imparting to such Sound the character and strength required. i2O THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. CHAPTER XX. THE STANDARD LENGTH OF ORGAN PIPES. 480, ORGAN PIPES are made to a great variety of sizes, and those of the flue species to a greater extent than reed pipes. The greatest Standard length of a speaking pipe is 32 feet; the shortest, # of an inch. The foot is not of course taken into calculation, as that is nothing more than a supporter and wind-channel to the pipe. The sound of the two pipes of the extreme measurement just mentioned would be nine octaves apart ; consequently, a complete range of organ pipes, including all the semitones, would present a Series of IO9 different sizes. 481. Organ pipes do not measure the earact length quoted, but fall a little short of, or, in Some cases, rather exceed, that measurement, as the case may be. Hence a distinction is drawn between the ſiteral length and the standard or quoted length of a pipe, the latter presenting an affrotimation only to the former. Many cir- cumstances tend to render an adherence to the literal length almost impossible; as, for instance, a stronger or lighter wind, which would demand a somewhat longer or shorter pipe to produce a Sound of the same pitch ; or more copious winding of a pipe, which again would cause it to “blow sharp,” and require a longer body to produce a sound of the original pitch ; the difference in the foot measurement in various countries ; the variation of pitch ; or an alteration in the scale, or in the outline of the pipe. The names of the sounds 482. From the circumstance of every septave of pipes and º * * sounds included in the extensive range just mentioned being called by the same Seven letters, it becomes a matter of necessity that, in order to obtain a clear view of the whole, some means should be adopted for distinguishing each septave from the others. This advantageous classification is established either by the aid and use of some special kind of letter—capital or Small ; by Some particular kind of letter, with a sign added thereto ; or by two, three, or four capital letters grouped closely together. In some few cases a parti- cular name is also given to a particular pipe or sound, though it considerably simplifies the nomenclature by confining the application of such names solely to the Áeys. 483. For most musical purposes, the notation indicates with sufficient precision the gravity or acuteness of the sound that may be expected to be heard, because many instruments, and all voices, produce but a sound of one unvarying pitch for each note, and that one agreeing with the music written. With the organ, however, the case is different ; for, in some instances, eight or ten different sounds are Concentrated on one key, produced from as many separate pipes, of nearly as many varying lengths ; therefore, a definite ſitch cannot invariably be associated with the noſe written, nor with the Æey struck, in the case of an organ, or of organ music, since the Sound produced may be in accordance therewith, or it may be one Or two Octaves lower, or one or two octaves higher, or a combination of all, accord- ing to the nature of the stop or stops drawn. 484. Nevertheless, the Several octaves and keys on a manual, and also some of the intermediate keys in those octaves, have distinctive names, by which they are THE STANDARD LENGTH OF ORGAN PIPES. I2 iſ conveniently referred to in the course of writing, or in conversation. These names have originated from various Sources. The classification of 485. In olden times the twenty-one degrees, comprehended * * * : * in the great stave of eleven lines, and indicated in modern nota- taves, and the different . *) º :-- e j methods by which the tion as commencing on the first line in the bass, and ascending several octaves are dis- to, and ending on, the fifth line in the treble, were termed the º * * gamut, or musical scale, which gamut comprised a range of two e octaves and a minor seventh. The several Sounds therein Con- tained were represented by letters, which at the same time corresponded with the names of those sounds; but to distinguish such sounds as were represented by the same letter, but which differed in pitch, a different kind of letter was used, some- times accompanied by another attendant characteristic. Thus, the first Septave was represented by capital letters ; the second, or next above, by small letters ; and the third and upper one by two small letters; thus, EXAMPLE, g () c d e f • *. in alt. –24–– + EEEEEEE –2– {Q}– | EEEEEEE 2–ſº-º-º- Q) -º-Taº gg aa bb cc dil ee ff 6 A B C P B F * * * * º ** e ſ nº j >-T-Zº-º-; | J @: L | } } *º alsº Hº I ; j | | } | H n 2- gº E- | TTII I § | | I-23–2– F : { [ . l J—— Q’ FF 486. On this gamutº being in the course of time extended, the next seven keys and diatonic Sounds represented by notes immediately below the bass Stave were in England termed double, and were marked with two capital letters, as CC, DD, etc.; while those forming the first septave above the treble stave were said to be in alſ. The second Series of seven diatonic sounds below the original “gamut,” commencing with F, the fourth line below the bass stave, were distinguished by three capital letters, as CCC, DDD, and so on; and the remaining four diatonic sounds, from GGG to the C below, were marked with four capital letters, as CCCC, DDDD. Then tºwards, the sounds in and higher than the second octave above the treble Stave, i.e., from g, the fourth line above the treble stave, were said to be in a/fissimo. This completed the English tablature. 487. But it will be perceived that it presents neither the names nor signs by which the highest two and a half octaves of pipes and sounds can be distinguished from each other ; and is therefore so far incomplete. Moreover, the terms in aſ: and in altissimo are inconveniently long for the practical purpose for which the distinguishing terms are so useful in organ-building, namely, for marking the composition of the mixture stops in various parts of the scale. 488. From the above nomenclature, however, two of the most useful names, as well as one of the terms used at the present day by organ-builders as part of the tablature applied to the AEeys of the manual, have been borrowed; while as many of the remaining terms are preserved to distinguish the deeper sounds that are below the unison range of the modern manual. The former are (1) gamut G, or the lowest G of Guido's gamut ; (2) middle cl—the “mean * or middle cleff cº of the * Guido Aretinus, a Benedictine monk of Arezzo, in Tuscany, in the tenth century, was the inventor of the gamut above referred to ; though it is not perhaps so strictly an invention as an improvement on the diagrammo, or scale of the Grecians. Previous to the time of Guido, the septaves were reckoned from A ; but that ancient theorist added or adopted the G below, and denoted it by the Greek gamma, T. Hence arises the word gamut, or gamma ut, it being the Ut, or first sound of the G hexachord, I 22 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. same gamut, represented by the note on the ledger line between the bass and treble Staves; and (3) the term in all for the keys above the treble stave. EXAMPLE. –0 Middle cº. #: — lº | —A {Q} | & J -cº- Gamut G. re. cº in alt. 2-Ys Ł Sº; i zºº º 489. Some of the other keys are named after certain string instruments, from the circumstance of their unison Sound corresponding with the lowest sound produceable on Such instruments ; as tenor (or viola) c, and fiddle (or violin) g. These several names and terms, with the additional three, viz., “double C,” “gº above middle cº,” and “treble cº’—the latter applied to the c represented by the note of that name in the treble Stave—form a complete tablature for the several C and G keys of the organ manual, as shown in the following table. EXAMPLE. g! above - —ſ) Middle cº, middle cº, Treble cº, 25 -e- m -24- Cºº" # Jºº Y Asºº | Jº $º’ el/ Tenor Fiddle -tº- g” in alt. c." in alt. Ol' Ol' - * Double C. Gamut G. Viola c. Violing. •eºn ©; cº H ; := 8-feet octave. .. : 4-feet octave. : : 2-feet octave. : • * * * * * * * * * * * * * , , , , , * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 490. The several Septaves—or Octaves, as they are more frequently, though less strictly, called—which occur on a manual comprising the above gamut, are sometimes distinguished by the name given to the C with which each commences; as the bass octave, tenor octave, middle octave, treble octave, and top octave, or half octave, as the case may be. In addition to this, they are sometimes referred to by the standard length of the C that commences each octave ; as the 8-feet octave, the 4-feet Octave, &c. 491. But, as before observed, the number of different sounds in an organ far exceeds that of the keys on the clavier; hence arises the necessity for some method of grouping the additional Sounds, and indeed all Sounds, into octaves, and of calculating and measuring them. And first, of the classification of the sounds within the usual manual compass. According to the old English system, G was made the starting sound for this purpose, as being the first note in the “gamut ; ? while, in Germany, C has for a long period been recognised as the standard sound, as being the first note in the “natural Scale.” In the latter country the lowest octave on the manual, Corresponding with the “bass octave’ of the table above given, is called the “great octave,” and is represented by single capital letters, as C, D, E, &c. The next octave, identical with the English “tenor octave,” is termed the “small octave,” and is distinguished by Small letters, as c, d, e. The third octave, or “middle octave’ of the English, is called the “once-marked octave,” represented by Small letters with a small figure * to the right and a little above the letter, thus—c', d', el; while the “treble octave” is called the “twice- marked octave,” cº, d”, e”; the remaining half octave, from “c” in alt to fº in alt” forming a portion of the “thrice-marked octave,” cº, dº, e”. Sometimes so many little horizontal lines are used instead of figures, thus d; which System, however, has an air of complication about it. 492. Then, of the Sounds above the compass of the Ordinary organ manual, the THE STANDARD LENGTH OF ORGAN PIPES. I23 Octave commencing with c in altissimo is termed the “four-times marked octave,” as cº, d4, e”; and the octave higher again, the “five-times marked octave,” as c”, d”, e”. Of the Sounds Öelow, the 16-feet octave is called the “first sub-octave,” distinguished by capital letters with a line underneath, C, D, E, and the 32-feet octave, counting downwards from the “contra C,” as the Germans call the 16-feet C, is termed the “second sub-octave,” distinguished by capital letters twice under- lined, thus—C, D, E. 493. The English tablature for distinguishing the several octaves of manual keys, including some of the intermediate keys, is so complete, distinct, and Satisfactory, that nothing advantageous would be gained by relinquishing it in favour of the German ; but as the English tablature presents no means for classifying the higher sounds, the German nomenclature above given might, under such circumstances, be beneficially received. It will therefore be adopted in the chapter which treats of the composition of mixtures; and, in order to give an easy clue thereto, the English names which refer to the Several C and G Sounds comprehended in the compass of the manual will also be introduced, that the names in the one case may explain the fablature in the other. 494. For the 16 and 32 feet octaves of pipes and sounds, we have in England a tablature of our own, and one that is so thoroughly understood and generally received that their exists no necessity for adopting any other. The size of the pipes 495. Many of the pipes, especially those Sounding C, E, * * * *P or G. form the lowest of a Separate series, or organ stop, and In eaS11 rement. 5 5 7 therefore fix the standard length of that stop. It is necessary, therefore, to refer to these. 496. The C of 32 feet length. The sound of this pipe is below that of any other musical instrument. It is called either the “32-feet C pipe,” from its standard length, or the “C C C Cº (pronounced four C) “pipe,” from its English designation; or the “twice under-marked C,” according to the German tablature. Its sound is an octave below the lowest C of the grand pianoforte. r 497. The C of 16 feet length. The sound of this C is in unison with the lowest C of the grand Pianoforte ; and is represented by a note in the sixth space below the bass staff. It is the “CCC” (pronounced three C) of the English tablature; the “contra C,” or “once under-marked C,” of the German, and the “ 16-feet C" pipe, * - 498, Zhe C of 8 feet length. The pitch of this pipe is in unison with the lowest sound (produced from the open fourth string) of the violoncello; and is represented by a note on the second ledger line below the bass staff. It is the English “CC’ (double C); the German “great C’; or the “8-feet C pipe.” 499. The C of 4 feel length. The sound of this pipe is in unison with the lowest note of the tenor violin, or viola, and also of the old tenor hautboy, or tenoroon # on which account it is frequently called “tenor C.” It is represented in the English tablature by a capital C : but in the German by a small c. Its sound is indicated by a note in the second space of the bass staff. 500. The C of 2 feeſ. This pipe sounds in unison with the lowest C of the hautboy and flute. . Its pitch is represented by a note placed on the ledger line between the two staffs. According to the English tablature, this sound would be denoted by a small c; according to the German, by the once-marked cº. This is called most frequently “middle c,” from its being the C on the middle line of * The name tenoroon has sometimes been given to an organ stop, which, however, does not resemble the instrument named in the text, either in regard to pitch or quality, 124 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. the ancient great stave of eleven lines; and also from its being the cleff C of the middle, meant, or intermediate parts—the counter-tenor and tenor—in vocal compositions. 5OI. The C of I ſoof. The Sound of this pipe (in unison with the lowest note of the Flauto Piccolo) is represented by a note placed in the third space in the treble staff. It is distinguished in the English tablature by two small letters, cc; in the German by the twice-marked c”. It is also known as treble cº, 502. The C of 6 inches. This is the English “c in all,” and the German “thrice-marked c,” cº. Its sound is represented by a note on the second line above the treble staff. 503. The C of 3 inches. The English “c in altissimo,” and highest c on the pianoforte, and the German “four-times marked c,” cº. A note in the sixth space above the treble staff denotes its sound. 504. The C of I# inch. The five-times marked c of the German tablature, c”. 505. The C of # inch. The six-times marked c, cº. This is the smallest pipe made. Its sound is 2 octaves above c in aſſissimo. 506. The Cs are the most important class of organ-pipes, not only because they are the most convenient and proper Ones that can be adopted as a foundation for the purpose of stop measurement, of which more in another chapter ; but also because pipes of that sound commence and conclude the great series. The class next in importance are the G pipes, which denote the foundation measurement of G G organ stops, and also the size of the fifth-sounding stops of C organs. 507. The following are the lengths of the chief G pipes. 508. The G, of 21; feet (24 feet) standard length. The sound of this pipe is a fifth above that of the 32-feet C. It is the “G G G’’ (three G) of the English tablature, and the “twice-undermarked G* of the German. 509. The different lengths are here given for the G pipes. The first is in every case the correct one, and therefore the best one to be written down or engraved ; the other, in brackets, is necessarily made use of in conversation for convenience, and for brevity Sake. The latter is not so well adapted for the Stop labelling, because it would lead to some confusion in regard to the lengths. For instance, the standard length of a Twelfth is one-third the length of the Diapason; therefore, if the former were to be marked 3 feet, the latter would appear to be wrong at 8 feet, and might be supposed to be a misprint of 9 feet, which would be a second error, - 510. The G of IO3 feet (12 feet). The sound of this open pipe is represented by a note placed in the fourth space below the bass staff. It is the “G G " (double G) of the English tablature, and the “once under-marked G* of the German. 511. The G of 53 feet (six feet). The sound of this pipe is represented by a note placed on the first line of the bass staff. It is the “great octave G’ of the Germans, and the English “gamut G.” 512. The G of 23 feet (3 feet.) The Sound of a pipe this length is repre- resented by a note in the third space below the treble staff. In both the English and German tablature it is denoted by a Small g. It is the English “fiddle g.” 513. The G of 13 foot (13 foot). A note placed on the second line of the treble staff represents the sound of this pipe. It is marked in the English tablature by two gs (g g); and in the German by a g once-marked (gº). It is known as “gº above middle c.” 514. A third class of pipes may be noticed, as being used for the purpose of stop measurement; viz., Some of the E, or third-Sounding pipes. 515. The E of 63 feeſ. The sound of this pipe is a major third above that of the C C or 8-feet pipe. The gravity of its sound is represented by a note on THE STANDARD I,ENGTH OF ORGAN PIPES. I25 the first ledger line below the bass staff. It is the English E E (double E); the German “great E.” 516. The E of 33 feed. The sound of this pipe is a third above that of the tenor C, or the 4-feet pipe. Its sound is represented by a note in the third space of the bass staff; and is denoted by a Small e in the German tablature, and by the term “tenor e,” mostly in England. - 517. The E of Iš ſoof. The sound of this pipe is a third above that of the middle C', or 2-feet pipe. A note placed on the first line of the treble staff represents its sound. It is the small e of the English tablature ; the “once- marked e” of the German ; and is the “middle e” of ordinary phraseology, I26 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN, CHAPTER XXI. THE SIZE OF TONE OF ORGAN PIPES, 518. BESIDES the description of pipe, i.e., the open, noticed in the preceding section, wherein the standard length of the body accords with the pitch of its sound, there are other kinds, the sound produced from which is much lower or “larger” than what the length of the body would indicate. The chief of these are the stopped pipes, which produce a Sound as deep as that of an open pipe of twice the length, or nearly So, for the reason explained when speaking of the form of pipes. 519. As the length of such pipes would be no criterion of their sound, and yet it is most necessary to know what pipes of different conformation will speak in unison with each other, the standard length of the several kinds of short- bodied but low-sounding pipes is dispensed with, and, in lieu of this, they are measured according to the gravity of the sound they produce, or, in other words, according to their size of Zone. * 52O. In speaking, therefore, of pipes, the bodies of which measure much less than the “standard length,” they are said to give the 8, 16, or 32 feet ſome, according to whether the Sound they produce be in unison with an open pipe of 8, 16, or 32 feet measurementſ. To prevent, however, their being confounded with the open pipes of superior length, the word “tone,” “sound,” or “pitch,” is added, which, of itself, implies that the bodies are not of that approximate or sfazedard size. - 521. The difference between “standard length” and “size of tone” may be familiarly illustrated in the following manner. If an open pipe, say a Clarabella, be blown with the mouth, and the top be covered with the flat palm of the hand, its pitch will be lowered to the extent of a major seventh. And a similar lowering of the sound would take place in a larger pipe, Say the 8-feet C. The latter would not, however, on that account be transformed from an 8 into a 16 feet Žiže; its sound or “size of tone” only would be altered, its length would remain the same. A shorter pipe would simply be made to produce the sound of a longer. 522. Besides the class of pipes that gives a sound larger than what the length of their bodies would indicate, there is another that produces a smaller sound than that which would be expected, as the 2-feet tone from a 4-feet pipe. These are the harmonic speaking stops, as the Flauto TraverSo, &c., of the German builders, and the Harmonic Flutes of the French and English builders. 523. The full range to which stopped pipes have been made is 7 octaves, namely, from the 32-feet C tone to C* in altºs.simo, or perhaps a note higher. Reed pipes have been made to the same range:—downwards in numerous German, French, Belgian, and Dutch organs, also in the York Minster organ, by Elliott and Hill (1829); the Liverpool Town Hall organ, by J. Willis ; Gray and Davison's organ in the Town Hall, Leeds; and in Hill and Son's pedal organ, in the Parish Church, Leeds; ºftwards occasionally in Some of Harris's organs, who, at times, carried his clarions right through in octave reeds, as in the late parish church organ at Doncaster, the manuals of which were up to dº in all, THE SIZE OF TONE OF ORGAN PIPES. - 127 The scale of organ 524. The question here presents itself why the pipe in the pipes; and the influence -: - º which an alteration in above experiment did not speak the full octave below, instead the proportion exercises of a major seventh only, if the column of air travelled the on the length, double distance. It was because the Ö1//Å or scale of the body remained of the same size. A stopped pipe is required to be of a somewhat /arger diameter than an open one of the same length to produce the true octave below, as will be at once ascertained by comparing a middle ck Clarabella with a tenor c Stopped Diapason pipe. A middle cº Clarabella will measure 25% inches in depth, by I # inches in width ; whereas the latter will be about 2 % inches, by Iłż inch in depth. 525. The width or narrowness of any pipe, in proportion to its length, is termed its “scale ; ” and a pipe is spoken of as being of a “large scale” or a “small scale,” according to the ratio which its diameter bears to its length. A pipe in which this width is carried to the full legitimate extent, is said to be of “full scale ;” and when the diameter is narrow as compared with the length, it is said to be of “ small scale.” - 526. An alteration of scale causes a slight difference in the length of a pipe producing a given sound ; the length being reduced by an increase in the scale, and vice versé. Thus, a large Scale Open Diapason pipe Sounding, say middle cº, is rather shorter than the corresponding pipe of a similar stop of Smaller scale; while that of a Dulciana producing the same sound will be longer than either, on account of its measure being narrower than either. These variations are, however, subject to modification, from the influences mentioned in Sec. 481, p. 120. 527. If the three pipes of different scales were to be made to the same length, all their sounds would differ in pitch from each other. 528. The length of a pipe producing a given Sound is also slightly affected by an alteration in the outline of its body. Thus, a conical pipe will be rather longer than a cylindrical pipe of full Scale, and its length will increase with the extent of its conicality. The following short table will suffice to illustrate the above several particulars. 2-FEET (MIDDLE Cl) FLUE-PIPES. Name, Circum. at mouth. Circum. at top, Length. Open Diapason......... 6% in. ... 6% in. ... I ft. Io; in. Dulciana.................. 4; in. s a º 4; in. c tº tº I ft. II; in. Gamba .................... 4; in. & a ſº # in. e a * 2 ft. O3 in. Spitzflöte.................. 6; in. tº a º 43 in. & 5 º' I ft. II in. Gemshorn ...... ſº tº tº º t e º 'º º 63 in.' ... 25 in. tº s a I ft. II; in. 529. The foregoing observations refer to flue pipes; but the length of reed pipes is also modified by the outline and scale of the tube; the length increasing as the Scale is enlarged or made to deviate from the cylindrical outline. A cylindrical reed, or clarionet pipe, is very short, being little more than half the speaking length ; a bassoon pipe, slightly outspreading, rather longer; a haut- boy pipe, with a wider bell, longer again ; a trumpet longer still ; and a trombone, or posaune pipe, the largest in Scale of any, also the longest of any, 2-FEET (MIDDLE Cº.) REED PIPES. Name, Circum, at top. Length. Clarionet ............... 3; in. ............... I ft. I; in. Bassoon.................. 33 in. ............... I ft. 8 in. Hautboy ............... % in. ............... I ft. 8+ in. Trumpet ............... 8# in. ............... I ft. 83 in. Horn t a t t t > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * IO in. tº W R v i t t t w = p * * * * I ft. 9 111, I28 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN, CHAPTER XXII. ORGAN STOPS, Definition of a stop; 530. THE gross number of pipes contained in an organ and an explanation of º & tº :4.-- 1: • *--> the various kinds. consists of So many distinct longitudinal series or sets; some of which are for the separate use of the manuals, and others for the pedal. A series of pipes, the range of which extends from the lowest to the highest key of a clavier ; gradually diminishing in length and size ; having the same quality and strength of tone throughout ; and the mechanism of which will allow of their being sounded independently of those of the other series, is called a stop. Or, viewed in another way, a stop may be described as consisting of a certain number of Octaves of pipes, extracted from the greater series—such as that of 9 Octaves mentioned in the preceding chapter—commencing with some pre-arranged pipe. Thus, four octaves and a half of pipes from the open series, commencing with 8-feet C, would form a Manual Open Diapason ; two octaves and a half, beginning with gamut G, would form a pedal Twelfth ; four octaves and a half, commencing with 2-feet cº, would be a Manual Fifteenth ; four Octaves and a half from the stopped series, commencing with the C C C pipe, I6-feet tone, would form a Manual Bourdon ; the same compass from the reed Series, commencing with the 8-feet C pipe, would form a Manual Trumpet; or two Octaves and a half, from C C C, 16-feet pipe, a Pedal Posaune. Allowing a little for variation of Scale, this will convey a very good idea of what an organ stop is. 53I. Organ stops may, in regard to their compass, the way in which they are made to “draw,” and other circumstances, be divided into five classes, namely, Whole stops ; Half stops ; Incomplete stops; Short stops ; and Repetition stops. 532. Whole Stoſs are such as have their compass extending through the entire range of the manual or pedal. To this class rightly belong the Open and Stopped Diapasons, the Dulciana, Double Diapason, Principal, Fifteenth, Mixture, Trum- pet, &c. - 533. Half stops are those which are so far complete that they comprise an unbroken series of pipes inside the organ, throughout the manual range—like the whole stops—but with the difference, that the draw-stop action and sliders are so contrived that the bass portion of Such stops can be drawn independently of the treble, by means of a second handle. Half stops occur the most frequently on those manuals which have some incomplete stops, and where the bass of one stop is therefore used as a substitute for the omitted part of other stops. The Stopped Diapason is very frequently “cut” for this purpose ; the 8-feet octave being employed to complete the range of the Dulciana, when the latter stops at tenor c. Many of Father Smith's smaller instruments, consisting of great manual and echo, were furnished with several half stops, “for the benefit of increasing the variety in ORGAN STOPS, I29 the organ.” These stops were divided between middle b and middle cº, and the object obviously was to allow of a melody being played in a stronger tone, or a different quality of tone, or both, on that part of the compass above middle C, to the accompaniment played below that note. 534. /?complete Stoffs are those which ought, from their nature, to extend through the entire compass of the Manual—which should, in fact, be whole stops— but which, from Some reason, are made in an incomplete form. A Dulciana without pipes to the bass, or 8-feet octave of the Manual, or a Bourdon (Double Stopped Diapason), not having its full complement of pipes upwards, are incomplete stops. The difference between an incomplete and a half-stop is that the former is altogether without pipes in Some portion of its compass, either in the treble or in the bass, as the case may be ; whereas a half-stop has its remaining pipes really in the organ, commencing where the first half or portion of the stop leaves off, but which can only be drawn on by means of a second draw stop. 535. Short Stoffs are such as do not extend completely through the compass of the manual, and are not, therefore, whole stops ; and which yet cannot strictly be classed either as half or as incomplete stops, since they are of limited range by nature. To this class belong many of the imitative stops. These, in many instances, take the extent of their compass from that of the instrument which they each individually represent, without reference to the compass of the manual on which they may happen to be placed. Thus, a Clarionet stop that descends to tenor C sharp has the full range downwards of the instrument the name of which it bears, and, therefore, cannot fairly be ranked as an incomplete stop ; nor can a Bassoon stop that ascends to bº flat above middle cº be correctly so classed, since it then has the full upward range of the ordinary orchestral Bassoon. When their compass is less than that just given, then they, of course, become incomplete stops. The old builders made the “Cremona” and Bassoon stops of equal compass with the Manual, and this was a very advantageous plan. 536. Some imitative stops are classed as incomplete stops even when their compass equals that of their prototypes, unless their range corresponds with that of the Manual on which they are placed. This is the case with the Trumpet, Hautboy, Cornopean, and Flute, among others. The reason of this is that such stops are used as frequently, if not more so, as combination than as solo stops, for the purposes of accompaniment; and are hence required to be of the same compass as the other stops of the organ employed for the same end. 537. Å'effetition stops are only met with in pedal organs, and only in such specimens of those as are of too short a range. A repetition stop is that whereof one octave of pipes is made to Sound on a Second octave of pedals, or on a portion of them, when there is not quite a complete second octave of pedals for them to act upon. They are found most frequently in G G organs. They are incomplete stops with a return to hide the deficiency. 538. Accessory stops. Organ stops are further divided into Sounding stops and accessory stops; the former being all such as produce tones like those already described, while under the latter head are classed the numerous mechanical devices, operated upon by handles, or pedals, which aid in bringing the Organ and its several resources more completely under control. The several manual and pedal couplers, therefore, are accessory stops; so also are the wind-truñk valves, or ventils, found more frequently in Continental than in English organs. The distinction is a necessary one, for otherwise it would be possible in many organs to draw out six or eight so-called “stops” without any sound whatever being producible from the in- strument; whereas, by their being recognised as “accessory stops,” no sound would be eaftected from them. - |U \. I 30 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. The size of the stops; 539. The numerous effects of which all well-planned organs how ascertained. are susceptible result partly from the presence and use of stops of diverse form, nature, and character of tone; and partly from stops varying in pitch as well as in quality of tone, and other distinctive conditions. The most important and useful stops for the Manuals are those of 8-feet, because they are in unison with the human voice, and are, therefore, particularly required for the accompaniment of singing. For the Pedal the 16-feet is the most useful, which, being twice the size of the most important Manual stops, will of course sound an octave below them, as they form the true bass to the Manual 8-feet stops. The size of a stop is ascertained and fixed by the standard length of the pipe that speaks on the lowest key of the clavier on which it appears. If it be a C C Manual, and the 8-feet or C C pipe be placed on the lowest key, as in the Open Diapason, the Series of pipes are said to form an “8-feet stop.” If it be a tenor c or 4-feet pipe that is so placed, as in the Principal, the series of pipes compose a “4-feet stop.” If it be a I6-feet pipe that is so situated, as in the Double Open Diapason, then the pipes are said to form a “16-feet stop,” and so on. These quoted measurements refer more particularly to stops composed of open pipes, the low C pipe of each of which is of the standard dimension given. Covered and other stops Com- posed of short-bodied pipes are, as already explained, measured according to their “size of tone,” irrespective of their length of pipe. A stop so composed and having attached to the C C key a pipe that gives the C C or 8-feet sound, as in the Stopped Diapason, is a stop of 8-feet tone; one giving the 16-feet sound, as in the Bourdon, is a stop of 16-feet fome. 540. Some incomplete and short stops are, as already explained, without pipes to the 8-feet octave of keys; the size of which, therefore, is calculated in another way, viz., by their pitch, so far as their compass does extend. An Open Diapason, or Dulciana, for instance, that stops at tenor or 4-feet c, is, nevertheless, an 8-feet stop, as far as it goes. The circumstance of its longest pipe measuring but 4 feet arises from the omission of the entire 8-feet octave ; the introduction of which would make the true standard length of the stop quite apparent. Even a Clarabella to middle cl (2-feet length) is an 8-feet stop so far as it extends ; but is without both the 8 and 4 feet octaves of pipes. 54I. To be a 4 or 2 feet stop, the 4 or 2 feet pipe must be on the C C or 8-feet AEey. The 4-feet pipe on the 4-feet key, as in the case of a tenor C Dulciana, or the 2-feet pipe on the 2-feet key, as in a middle c Clarabella, still leaves the Sound in unison with the Diapasons, so far as any sound at all can be obtained, and is therefore of unison or 8-feet pitch. The classification of 542. The peculiarity by which the two great classes of organ- .*. * * pipes are distinguished has been already so fully explained, that part, into Reed stops it is only necessary to add, in this place, that the same and Flue stops. classification is observed with the stops, and that a Reed stop is a series of pipes which speak through the medium of a reed and tongue; and a Flue Stop, a similar series of lip pipes. 543. Among those of the former class are included the Trumpet, Clarion, Double Trumpet, Horn, Cornopean, Trombone, Hautboy, Bassoon, Clarionet, and Vox Humana stops; among the latter, the Diapason, Principal, Fifteenth, the Mixtures ; and, in short, all the stops not included in the fore-mentioned class. Classification of the 544. The Several kinds of Flue stops are so numerous, and Flue stops, in regard to g º e & theirstructure, into Dia. * kinds are so much more important than others, and pason-work, Covered- require to be introduced in So much greater abundance, that, work, and Flute work for the sake of recognition, they are conveniently distributed ORGAN STOPS, I3 I and arranged under three separate heads. Flue stops are, therefore, grouped into Diapason-work, Covered-work, Flute-work, 545. Dia/ason-work. Under the head of Diapason or Principal work are placed all the open cylindrical stops of Open Diapason measure, or which have their scale deduced from that of the Open Diapason; such stops are the chief, most important, or “principal,” as they are also the most numerous, in an organ ; and hence the origin and appropriateness of the term under which stops of this shape and proportion are classed. The Unison and Double Open Diapasons, the Principal, Fifteenth, and Octave Fifteenth, the Fifth, Twelfth, and Larigot, the Tenth and Tierce, and the Mixture stops, when of full or proportionate scale, belong to the Diapason-work. g - 546. Covered-work. This class comprises all stops composed of pipes that have their bodies stopped, closed, or covered at the upper end. The Unison and Double Stopped Diapasons (Bourdon), the Stopped Flute, and the Stopped Piccolo, therefore, are members of the Covered-work. 547. Flute-work. This division includes all Flue stops, of whatsoever kind or shape, that do not come under either of the preceding divisions. 548. All four-sided pipes, therefore, that are open at the top, and so distin- guished from the Covered-work, belong to the “Flute-work”—a term adopted for convenience of classification, and not intended to imply that all the stops arranged under that head produce a ſuffe quality of ſome. The “Diapason” and “Covered” stops have occasionally been included with the above, under one general term “Flute-work;” but “Flute” stops are never placed under the head of “Diapason,” or “Covered-work.” 549. The Clarabella, Wald-Flute, Hohl-Flute, Oboe-Flute, Suabe-Flute, the English and German Gambas, the Flageolet, Keraulophon and Piccolo stops, therefore, belong to the “Flute-work.” Also the conical stops, as Spitz–Flöte and Gemshorn ; and all stops of cylindrical shape, the scale of which is either öelow or Öeyond that of the Diapason-work, as the Dulciana of 16, 8, and 4 feet, the Block-flute, &c. . Classification of Organ 550. A third classification of Organ stops is made, in regard *...*.*.*.* to the sound they produce, i.e., whether that accords with the sound they produce, into * & 8 º g Foundatiºn, Mutation, key struck or not. The three divisions into which the stops and Compound stops, are thrown for this purpose are Foundation stops, Mutation stops, and Compound stops. 551. Foundation stops are such as produce a Sound corresponding with the key pressed down ; that is to say, that give the C sound when the C key is touched. They are so designated, because their sound is the very “foundation ” of the organ tone; SO much so, that such stops cannot be dispensed with, and therefore receive priority of selection; without them, and that in good proportion, the tone of an organ would be confused and undefined ; although they again are, to a certain extent, dependent on members of the other classes of stops for a complete and satisfactory result. The Foundation stops are of various lengths, consequently their sound may be high or low; but this does not affect their classification, so long U 2 I 32 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. as the key and the name of the sound agree. They are of 32, 16, 8, 4, 2 feet, and I foot in length or sound, and include members of all classes of stops ; Reed and Flue; Open and Stopped ; Diapason, Covered, and Flute-work; the chief condi- tions being that they are of the standard lengths, or the size of the tone indicated above. p - 552. The 8-feet stops on the Manual and the 16 on the Pedal are called the Chief Foundation stops, as being the unisons of their respective departments, and giving the “ground-tone.” All the 4-feet on the Manual and 8-feet on the Pedal. are classed as Octave stops, and those of 16-feet on the Manual and 32 on the Pedal as Double stops. < - 553. Mutation, or F://img-uſ, Sãoffs do not give a Sound corresponding with the key pressed down; but some sound g on the C key, otherse. Those giving the fore-mentioned sound are called “fifth-Sounding,” or Quint stops; those giving the latter, “third-sounding,” or Tierce stops. They are of various lengths, like the Foundation stops; the size, or size of tone, of the fifth-sounding stops being as follows:—IO3 (I2), 5; (6), 23 (3) feet, and I; (IÉ) foot. - 554. An Open stop of 5; feet on the Manual, or Io; on the Pedal, sounds the fifth above the Unison stops of those departments respectively, and is called the Fifth or Quinſ. One of the 23 feet on the Manual, or 5; on the Pedal, gives the octave of the Fifth, or the Twelfth, by which name it is hence called. A stop, sounding the second octave above the Fifth, that is a nineteenth above the unison, measuring IÉ on the Manual and 23 feet on the Pedal, is called the Zarigoi or Octave 7 welfth. A still Smaller rank of fifth-sounding pipes, speaking a twenty- sixth above the unison tone, is often included among the ranks in the bass part of the Manual Compound stops, where, indeed, the last-mentioned series is more frequently met with than as a separate Stop. 555. In German organs the fifth-sounding stops are called “Quints,” in reference to the sound they produce. The Žitch of that sound is not usually indi- cated by any peculiarity in the name on the draw-stop, but by the length being marked in figures. (See Foreign Specifications.) 556. The lengths of the third-Sounding stops or Tierces are 64, 33 feet, and I# foot. Except on the Pedal, they are rarely found in modern organs, unless of great magnitude. 557. An Open stop, measuring 3; on the Manual, or 63 on the Pedal, gives the major third above the Octave stops, or the tenth above the unison, and is called the Tenth. One measuring IÉ foot on the Manual, or 34 on the Pedal, sounds a major third above the Super-Octave stops, or a seventeenth above the Unison stops, and is called the Tierce. - 558. The Mutation stops impart a certain roundness and fulness to the general organ-tone, by “filling up " Some of the bare octave sounds of the Foundation stops, by the mixture therewith of certain intermediate, harmonical sounds, of fixed and determinate pitches. They also have the further effect of binding together the extreme sounds of the Compound stops, and the Unison and Double stops; and of blending the whole into one great mass of musical sound. The laws which regulate the admission of Mutation stops, and decide which are required and which are not, are fully explained in a subsequent chapter. 559. Compound or Mårture stoffs. The stops which have I pipe to each key have been termed “Simple” stops. The kind now under consideration are called “Compound” stops, because they have more than 1 pipe to each key, often 5 of various sizes ; and “Mixture” stops, because those several pipes consist of certain members of the two preceding description of stops, “mixed” or “compounded" together. These pipes are 50 uniformly required to be used in conjunction, that ORGAN STOPS. ſ 33 they are rarely made to draw separately. The Compound stops give to the Foun- dation stops a distinctness and clearness of effect in the bass, especially necessary to the quick recognition by the ear of the pitch of the larger pipes; and great vivacity, as well as a kind of ringing character, to the general Organ tone. The German organ-builders recognise a class of stops which they call “Simple Mixed stops.” These are stops which, consisting of a set of single pipes, pro- duce two Sounds. To this class belong the Quiníaſons of 32, 16, 8, and 4 feet size of tone. These stops not only produce their fundamental tone, but, from a certain peculiarity in their voicing, also the twelfth or octave fifth above that tone. Hence their name. It is in this particular that they are distinguished from the similar class of stops which, producing only their pure, deep, humming tone, are called Bourdons. 134 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. CHAPTER XXIII. THE NAMEs of organ stors The name and descrip. 560. THE custom of distinguishing the different stops from º º one another, as Principal, Octave, &c., dates from the sixteenth the with their iºn century. A list of stops usually found in English organs will or size of tone on the now be given. Among the names inserted therein will occa- *** signally be found one of Continental origin, and for which no English equivalent is known to exist. Where this is the case, of course, the original name has been allowed to stand ; but where a translation of the foreign name could be given this has been added within brackets. It has happened that, in a few instances, Continental names have been applied by English Organ-builders to stops of somewhat different construction or character of tone, which will be duly pointed out, g - ** 561, With regard to the arrangement of the stops mentioned in the list, the flue and reed species have been treated separately, priority being given to the former ; and the members of each have been taken in the order of their length or their size of tone, commencing with the largest, and ending with the Smallest. 562. Sub-Bourdon, Manual-Untersatz. This Manual stop is composed of stopped pipes, and is, in pitch, two octaves below the unison or 8-feet stops : it is, therefore, of 32-feet tone. The Sub-Bourdon is best suited for Organs of the first magnitude, in which it has a grand effect. Its compass is usually to the middle cº, fiddle g, or, at most, to the tenor c key. At Stuttgardt the 32-feet tone is produced in the bass octave acoustically by the union of a Bourdon I6. feet and a Great Quint of Io; tone. Examples will be found in the Doncaster Parish Church organ, built by Schulze; also in the organ at St. Olave's, South- wark, built by Lincoln, which, however, has open pipes in the treble. Various Foreign Specifications in the Appendix contain notices of other specimens. 563. Double Offen Diaffason. This stop belongs to the “Diapason-work,” and is of 16 feet length on the Manual, and 32 on the Pedal. It is made either of tin, metal, zinc, or wood. The Manual Double Open Diapason is most frequently made of metal in this country, and is sometimes continued right down in metal, as is the case in the organ at Brunswick Chapel, Leeds, built by Booth of Wakefield ; One of GG compass, where the largest metal pipe is consequently 21; feet in length. In some instances the lower half-octave or octave of pipes are of wood—as in that of the late St. George's Church, Doncaster—from FFF to CCC. In other Specimens the pipes, to the lowest octave or so, are omitted and stopped pipes, substituted to save room or expense; or the stop is altogether discontinued below the tenor c key. In the latter case the stop is on that account called Tenorooze, The oldest authentic specimen of the Double Open Diapason known to exist in England is the one in the very interesting organ in Exeter Cathedral, made by Loosemore, 1664-5. The instrument just named, together with that in St. Saviour’s, Southwark, also said to be made by the same builder, were the only two organs in this country that possessed a Double Offen Diapason until of late years. 564. The Pedal Double Open Diapason is made of either of the four materials mentioned above. Specimens of wood stops of this kind occur at Westminster THE NAMES OF ORGAN STOPS. I 35 Abbey; St. Paul's Cathedral; at the Parish Church and at Brunswick Chapel, Leeds ; at York Minster; at the Birmingham Town Hall; and at the Parish Church, Doncaster. The instruments at York and Birmingham have also each a 32-feet Stop of this description made of zinc ; the Town Hall organ at Leeds has also a stop of this kind ; while 32-feet stops of tin occur "at Haarlem, Hamburg, Weingarten, Albert Hall, &c. The pitch of the Double 'Open Diapason, whether of the Manual or Pedal, is an octave below the Unison stop. 565. Double Dulciana. An open metal cylindrical stop, belonging to the Flute-work, of small scale and delicate tone, and somewhat slow of speech. It is a Manual stop of 16 feet, of which but a few specimens have been made in a com- plete form. There is one, however, in metal throughout, to the 16-feet pipe, in the Choir organ of the large instrument at Brunswick Chapel, Leeds. Occasionally the pipes to the lowest octave, or octave and a half of keys, are of stopped wood, as in the Swell at Christ Church, Newgate Street ; though more frequently there are no pipes at all provided for the 8-feet octave of keys; in which case the stop is usually called Tenoroon Dulciana. 566. Contra-Gamba. An effective 16-feet open metal Flue stop, frequently in- troduced into the Swell by Mr. Henry Willis. - 567. Double Stoffffed Diațason, or Bourdon ; on the Pedal, Sub-Bourdon, or Untersatz. This is a covered stop, of 16-feet tone on the Manual and 32 on the Pedal. It is, rightly, a whole stop, like the two preceding; complete specimens occurring on the Great Manual organs at the Temple Church ; St. Luke's, Old Street; the Exchange, Northampton ; All Saints', Northampton ; St. Michael's, Chester Square, &c. In many organs which have a Tenoroon Open Diapason or Dulciana the Double Stopped Diapason consists of one octave only of pipes, pro- ducing the 16-feet octave of Sounds, acting on the 8-feet octave of the Manual, commencing where the Tenoroon leaves off. The English Double Stopped Dia- pason is generally made of wood throughout. This is the case also with many Continental specimens ; while others, again, are either wholly or in part metal, as in the Choir organ at the Temple Church. Of the Manual Double Stopped Diapason numerous specimens were in existence in this country about the middle of the last century. The organ built by Jordan, Bridge, and Byfield, in the year 1740, for the church at Great Yarmouth, had a stop of this kind. So also had the organ in the Foundling Hospital, constructed by Parker, and erected in 1759. The instrument at St. Margaret's, Lynn, made by Snetzler, in 1754, originally contained One throughout the Great Organ ; and another, by Schwarbrook, formed part of his masterpiece at St. Michael's, Coventry. Sir John Hawkins, in his History of Music, mentions another specimen as occurring in an organ at Manchester (at the Cathedral) in his time. * * 568, The Pedal Doub/e São/ffed Dia/ason (32-feet tone) appears to have been introduced, for the first time in this country, by Smith, of Bristol, in the organ he built for the church of St. James in that city, in 1824. Other examples of the Stop occur in organs at St. Pancras Church, and St. Olave's, Southwark, where it is called Sub-Bourdon, 32-feet tone ; and at Trinity College, Cambridge. 569. Pyramidon. This is a Pedal stop of 16 or 32 feet tone, invented by the Rev. Sir Frederic Gore-Ouseley, and made by Mr. Flight ; the peculiarities in which consist, first, in the shape of the pipes, which are more than four times the size at the top that they are at the mouth ; and, secondly, in their producing Sounds of remarkable gravity for their size. From a pipe, measuring only 2 feet 9 inches in length, 2 feet 3 inches square at the top, and 8 inches at the block, the CCC, or 16-feet sound, is obtained. The quality of the tone bears some resemblance to that of a stopped pipe. - 136 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN, 570. Oſem Diapason. The Open Diapason is the chief member of the “Principal-work.” It is a whole stop of 8 feet on the Manual, and 16 feet on the Pedal; and is called Openin contradistinction to the Stopped Diapason, the pipes of which are closed or covered in at the top. From its being the chief Foundation stop on the Manual and Pedal, its goodness or badness exercises an important influence over the effect of the organ generally. The Manual Open Diapason is generally formed of tin or metal pipes, many of which are those usually seen in front of the case. Sometimes the lowest half-octave or octave of pipes are made of wood. 571. Large organs frequently have two Open Diapasons on the Great Manual ; of tin or metal throughout, usually, in old instruments, but with the bass of the second one of wood in many later organs. When the organ is placed on the choir screen, as is often the case in cathedrals and other cruciform structures, the majority of the pipes of one Offen appear in the east, and those of the other in the west front of the case. The second Open Diapason is made to a different scale from the first, usually one pipe smaller, to destroy the sympathy. Zinc is sometimes successfully used for the 8-feet octave of this stop. 572. The Pedal Open Diapason is almost invariably made of wood. Metal ones, however, are sometimes met with ; as in the Pedal organs at St. Sepulchre's, Snow Hill; Christ Church, Newgate Street; Exeter Hall; St. John's, Chester, &c. A magnificent specimen, of which the pipes in the 8 and I6 feet octaves are of zinc, occurs in the new organ at Doncaster, where it faces the transept. 573. It may be worth while to mention here that the use of the word “Diapa- Son " has, in Some instances, been objected to, as having no definite signification ; and its retention as a name for an organ stop proposed to be discontinued in conse- quence. There seems, however, to be no sufficient reason for discarding it. 574. That it is no longer applicable to its original signification is indeed true. The word, which is of Greek origin, means an “octave ;” and, applied to the first pneumatic organ, which is recorded to have had but one octave of pipes, and those only of the diatonic scale, offered the most fit name that could have been given. But in proportion as the subsequent increase in the compass of the organ and the number of its stops took place, the appropriateness of the term in its original sense decreased. 575. These developments, however, prepared the way for the application of the word in a more extended sense. The term “Diapason,” coming as it does from two Greek words, signifying “through all,” is applied by makers of musical instru- 1ments to the rule, Standard, or scale, by which they make their flutes, hautboys, &c. In a similar manner the set of Unison Open pipes under consideration forms the rule, standard, or scale, by which the organ builder regulates the size of the harmonic corroborating series of stops; not only in the first instance, in regard to their length and breadth of body, but afterwards, in regard to their strength and quality of tone. Its influence extends “through all ” the stops in question; hence, the name “Diapason’ appears to be just the most appropriate one that could be given to a set of pipes exercising so much power. 576. Dulciana. This is an 8-feet Manual stop, belonging to the Flute-work. It is sometimes of metal throughout, as at the Temple Church, and St. Giles's, Camberwell; or the lowest octave is made of wood, and the remainder of metal, as at St. Dunstan's, Fleet Street. The Dulciana, in most organs, stops at tenor c ; the stop then frequently being grooved into the Stopped Diapason in the 8-feet Octave ; or the bass of the Stopped Diapason is made to draw separately to meet it. The pipes of the Dulciana are much smaller in scale than those of the Open Diapason, the fiddle g, or tenor f sharp pipe of the former, being of the same diameter as the middle cº pipe of the latter, and its tone is peculiarly soft and gentle. 577. The Dulciana Stop was either invented or introduced into this country by THE NAMES OF ORGAN STOPS. f37 Snetzler, who acquired great reputation from the entire success that attended his first public specimen, which forms a portion of the organ erected by him, in the year 1754, in St. Margaret's Church, at Lynn, in Norfolk. 578. Harmonic Flute. This is a Manual open metal Flute stop, extending to fiddle g, at the farthest, in its Harmonic form ; is of cylindrical form, of 8-feet pitch, and either blown by a heavy wind or simply copiously winded. The pipes are of double length, i.e., 16 feet; and the bodies have a hole bored in them midway between the foot and the top. The tone of the Harmonic Flute is exceedingly full, fluty, and powerful, and imparts great breadth and thickness to the general organ tone. It was invented by Cavaillé-Coll, of Paris, and has of recent years been adopted generally by the English builders. - 579. Voix Céleste. The Voix Céleste is another stop of French invention, formed of a delicate Gamba and a Dulciana, which are first tuned in unison, and then the pipes of the second one are lightly touched again with the tuning-horn, and their pitch slightly raised. This gives to the tone of the stop a waving, undulating character, which in this respect resembles the German stop called Unda Maris (wave of the sea), which will be found mentioned in some of the Foreign Specifications, which see. 580. The Voix Céleste was first employed in this country in the Panopticon and Glasgow organs. - 581. Stoffed Diațason. Gedact. The Stopped Diapason is an 8-feet Sounding stop on the Manual, and 16 on the Pedal. It is the most important member of the Covered-work—its sound being in unison with that of the Open Diapason. The Manual Stopped Diapason is sometimes composed of metal pipes as far as tenor c, and of oak thence downwards, as on the Great Manual at the Temple Church ; or of metal to middle cº, and of deal below, as at Christ Church, Spitalfields. More frequently, however, it is of wood throughout. The different materials slightly modify the tone, which may, in general terms, be described as being fluty and mellow. 582. On the Pedal the Stopped Diapason is generally made of wood. Its tone adds a quiet solidity to that of the Pedal Open Diapason, and, if purely and fully voiced, is one of the most useful stops a Pedal Organ can contain. 583. Clariomet Flute. This stop is formed much after the manner of a Stopped Diapason, except that the perforations in the stoppers are much larger, and its tone is of a re uy quality. It is of 8-feet tone on the Manual. The tone is very rarely even or equal throughout the stop. 584. Clarabella. The modern stop thus called, which was invented by the late Mr. Bishop, is of 8 feet on the Manual. It is formed of open wood pipes of a large scale, producing a thick and powerful fluty tone, and is sometimes introduced instead of the treble portion of the Stopped Diapason. The Clarabella is seldom disposed otherwise than an incomplete stop ; its compass generally only extend- ing to middle cº, or, at most, to tenor c. A complete one, however, occurs in the Swell of the Brunswick Chapel organ, Leeds, by Booth of Wakefield. The English Clarabella much resembles the German “Hohl-flöte” in character of tone, except that its sound is scarcely so strong or so full. 585. Dolcan. This is an Open Manual Stop, of 8 feet, the pipes of which are of larger diameter at the top than at the bottom, producing a very agreeable tone. It is not much known in England; a Specimen, however, exists in the organ at St. Stephen's Church, Westminster, made by Hill, - 586. Viol di Gamba, or Gamba. This is one of the most highly-esteemed and most frequently-disposed stops in Continental organs; as may be gathered from reference to the Foreign Specifications in the Appendix. The German Gamba is usually composed of cylindrical pipes of Small scale, though occasionally it is formed of conical pipes. In England the Viol di Gamba was, until very recently, I38 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. * made exclusively of the conical shape, surmounted by a bell, as represented in ſig. 81, page IO3, and which kind of pipe was first introduced by Mr. Hill. • * 587. In compass the Viol di Gamba usually descends no lower than tenor c ; that at Christ Church, Spitalfields, however—which is a Bell Gamba—descends to CC. Examples of the German Gamba occur in the organ at Doncaster Parish Church, in the Exchange organ at Northampton, and in the organ at the Temple Church, the latter specimen descending to CC. The proper Pedal bass to the Gamba and other unison string-toned stops is the Violone, 16 feet, a stop com- posed of wooden pipes of small scale, the CCC measuring about 5 inches by 7. An admirable specimen of this stop occurs on the Pedal of the Temple organ, and another at Doncaster. 3. 588. The tone of the Bell Gamba is very agreeable and reedy, and quick in its articulation ; while that of the (German) Gamba is much stronger, pungent, and cutting, and sometimes of slower intonation (imitating the bite of the bow on the string), in which case the Stopped Diapason, or, still better, the “Hohl-flöte,” is drawn with it, which performs the same office, in regard to this and all other slow- speaking stops, that the “percussion” does to the tongues of harmoniums. 589. Kerauloſſom. This also is a Manual stop of 8 feet, of metal, and, like the one last noticed, of a reedy and pleasant quality of tone. It seldom extends lower than tenor c. It is formed of cylindrical pipes, like the Open Diapason and Dulciana, the peculiarity in the character of the tone being produced by the boring of a Small round hole in the body of the pipe near to the top, or through a sliding cap. The Keraulophon was invented by Messrs. Gray and Davison, and used by them for the first time in the organ of St. Paul's Church, Knightsbridge, built in 1843, - - 590. Hohlºftöfe (Hollow-toned Flute). A German name, applied of late years to an English open metal stop of 8 feet, that is nearly identical with the stop last described. 591. The Hohl-flöte was occasionally introduced by Father Smith into his organs. There were originally two in his instrument at Durham Cathedral, one on the Great and the other on the Choir Manual, each of wood, and two in the Temple. organ, similarly disposed ; all of which, however, have long since disappeared. That introduced by the same builder into the Choir organ at the Cathedral, Man- chester, still remains under the name “Dulciana.” The German Hohl-flöte, when of metal, is made to a very large scale, i.e., larger than the Open Diapason, pro- ducing a powerful and thick or, as the name distinctly intimates, a hollow tone. In the organ erected by Schulze, in 1851, in the Exchange at Northampton, there is a Hohl-flöte of wood, and having the mouth on the broad side of the pipe. That in the Doncaster organ is formed of three-sided pipes, and is the first Mr. Schulze made of that shape, 592. Geigen Principal (Violin Diapason) is a Manual stop of 8 feet, producing a pungent tone, very like that of the Gamba, except that the pipes, of larger scale, always speak quick, and produce a fuller tone. Examples of the stop exist at Doncaster, the Temple Church, and in the Exchange organ at Northampton. 593, Salicional, or Saliceſ. Another reedy-toned 8-feet Manual Stop, of Small . scale, of which an example occurs in the Swell of the old Panopticon organ. It may not be uninteresting to many to have the peculiarities of the several string- toned stops briefly pointed out — The fiddle g- Geigen Principal, tenor d sharp — Gamba, and tenor c sharp of the Salicional, are all of the same diameter as the middle cº- of the Open Diapason—i.e., Ig in f THE NAMES OF ORGAN STOPS. I39 594. All the above-named stops differ in respect to the “height of mouth;” the smallest in scale (the Salicional) being cut up most, and the Open (the largest) the least. Moreover, they differ very much in their speech ; the Salicet being the slowest, but the most penetrating ; the Open the quickest and fullest. - 595. Fifth, Quint. Double Twelfth, Diaffenſe. The fifth is the largest Muta- tion stop commonly introduced into an organ. On the Manual it is sometimes composed of open pipes of proportionate Scale to the Double Open Diapason, in which case it of course forms a portion of the “Diapason-work ;” at others it consists of stopped pipes, as in the Chester Cathedral organ (built by Gray and Davison), in the Doncaster organ, and in St. Margaret's Church, Gotha (built by Schulze)—when it belongs to the Covered-work (Gedact-Quint—see Foreign Speci- fications). In a few English examples the Manual Quint has been formed of Dulciana pipes, which, however, are of weak intonation, and less prompt in speech. The Quint on the Pedal is almost invariably composed of stopped pipes, and are most effective. (See Foreign Specifications.) The greatest size of the Quint is usually 53-feet on the Manual, and IO3-feet tone on the Pedal. In the great organs at Stuttgardt and St. Paul’s, Frankfort, are Quints of IO; on the Manual; and in the Cathedral organ, at Bremen, built by Schulze, is a “Quintet-Bass” of 213-feet tone, of stopped wooden pipes. 596. A Manual Open Quint was made in England, So long back as the year 1730, by Bridge the organ-builder, who introduced it into the instrument erected by him in Christ Church, Spitalfields, in that year. The Pedal Stopped Quint, Ioã-feet tone, was first introduced into this country by Robson, in the organ at Huddersfield, built in 1850. A second specimen was introduced, by Kirkland and Jardine, with excellent effect into their organ in Holy Trinity Church, Manchester, made in 1852. 597. Principal, Octave. A 4-feet stop on the Manual, and 8 feet on the Pedal, Its usual material is either tin or metal, though, in Some organs, where there are two Principals on the Great Manual, the Second one is sometimes of wood, as at Christ's Hospital, &c.; the second one is then more correctly an open wood Flute of 4 feet. At the Temple Church, St. Giles's, Camberwell; Christ Church, Spital- fields, &c., both Principals are of metal. The English Principal is the octave stop to the Open Diapason; and, where there are two metal Principals, the scale of the second one is generally regulated by the measure of the second Open Diapason, to which stop it is usually designed to form an appropriate Octave. 598. Dulciana Principal, Dulceſ. A delicate and Sweet-toned Manual stop of 4 feet, formed of metal pipes, of small scale. It was first introduced by Green, who, in several of his later instruments, placed this, as well as a Unison Dulciana, in the Swell. Examples occur, thus disposed, in the Organs erected by him at Rochester and Salisbury Cathedrals, Greenwich Hospital, &c. 599. Flute Octaviente harmonique. The Harmonic Flute of 4 feet, that has recently become so great a favourite with most English organ-builders. 600. Flute. A stop of either 4-feet standard length or 4-feet tone on the Manual (for both species of stop are met with indifferently and indiscriminately under the same name), and 8-feet tone on the Pedal. The old Flute stops are sometimes composed of metal pipes throughout, as in the Swell organ at the Temple Church ; St. Andrew’s, Undershaft; and, until lately, at St. Paul’s ; sometimes partly so, as at St. Michael’s Cornhill ; while in many instances they are of wood throughout, as at Finedon. The old organs often have a Flute stop of Octave pitch on both the Great and Choir Manuals. Where this is the case, one is often of metal, either wholly or partially, and the other of wood, the different materials being used as an auxiliary to secure an individuality in the character of the tone of each, The Í40 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. majority of the modern Flute stops, when not “Harmonic,” which they frequently are, are of wood, and open ; and hence are 4-feet stops, as those already noticed are of 4-feet tone. The quality of the tone of a Flute stop usually bears a close resemblance to that of the wind instrument after which it is named. 601. As a Pedal stop, the Flute is now much used in this country, and is of the greatest utility. A Bass Flute stop occurs in the organ at St. Mark's, Hamilton Terrace, Regent's Park, built by Gray, in 1847; and in instruments by Brindley, of Sheffield, at Papworth Everard, and Little Drayton. 602. Spitz-flöte (literally, pointed or spire-flute). This stop is found of 8, 4, and 2 feet length in German organs. An example of 8 feet occurs in the Choir Organ at the Temple Church. The pipes of the Spitz-flöte are slightly conical, being about # narrower at the top than at the mouth, and the tone is therefore - rather softer than that of the cylindrical stop, but of very pleasing quality. * 603. Gems/torm. The Gemshorn is a member of the Flute-work, and is met with of 8, 4, or 2 feet length in Continental organs. A stop of this kind, of 4 feet, occurs on the Choir Manuals of the organs at the Wesleyan Chapel, Poplar, built by Mr. Hill; and at the Temple Church. The pipes of this stop are only ; the diameter at the top that they are at the mouth ; and the tone is consequently light. but very clear and travelling. *. 604. Wason. This name is sometimes found applied in old organs to a wood- stopped Flute of 4-feet pitch on the Great Manual, as at the Temple Church ; and, until a few years since, at St. Paul's Cathedral. It is generally a quiet sweet-toned stop, producing a most lovely effect when combined with the Diapason. 605. Waldºſłółe (Wood or Forest-flute). The name given in England to a Manual stop of 4 feet, formed of open wood pipes of a large Scale, with inverted mouths. It is a full-toned and powerful-speaking Stop, and, in all essential parti- culars, may be considered as an octave Clarabella. It seldom ranges lower than tenor c. Mr. Hill first used it in the Cheetham Hill organ, Manchester, built by him in 1841. The English Wood-flute is a distinct stop from the German one of the same name. The German stop is made either of tin, metal, or wood ; the English one always of the last-mentioned material. The former is also made to a Scale larger than that of the Open Diapason, and produces a thick and full tone. 606. Clear-flute. An open wood flute of 4 feet, invented by the firm of Kirtland and Jardine, of Manchester. It resembles the Wald-flöte so far, that the pipes have the inward-bevelled mouth ; but, in addition to this, they have also the bevelled block, shown in ſig, III, page II2; are copiously winded ; have no nicking, and are more nearly square in shape. The tone is exceedingly firm, clear, and full. 607. Oboe-flute. Another 4-feet Manual stop, composed of wood pipes of Small scale. Its usual range is tenor C. The tone of the Oboe-flute is very delicate and reedy, and not so strong as that of the Viol di Gamba. 608. Sauðe-ſiółe Also a tenor c Manual stop of 4 feet, formed of wood pipes, with inverted mouths. Its tone is liquid and clear, and not so loud as the Wald- flöte. The Saube-flöte was invented by Mr. Hill. 609. Celestina, A 4-feet Manual stop, formed of open wood pipes, of Small scale, producing a delicate and subdued tone. It is not often met with. Its usual place is in the Swell organ, as at Christ's Hospital, &c. 610. Tenth, Double Tierce, Decima. This is an open metal cylindrical stop, of 3; feet length on the Manual, and 63 feet on the Pedal. It is the second Double Mutation stop, taking them in the order of their size or gravity of tone ; and the largest of the third-sounding species. The first English organ in which the Tenth was legitimately introduced is the one in the Mechanics’ Institution, Liverpool. The pitch of the Tenth is a major third above the Principal, or a tenth above the Diapa- THE NAMES OF ORGAN STOPS. I4 I sons; all numerical names giving the altitude of the sound above that of the unison stops. The great Tierce of 63 tone, on the Pedal, at Doncaster, is the first stop of the kind made in England. -- 611. 7 weſth, Octave-guini, Duodecima. An open metal stop of 23 feet on the Manual, and 5; feet on the Pedal, belonging to the Diapason-work. Its pitch is a perfect fifth above the Principal, or a twelfth above the Diapasons. 612. Fifteenth, Suffer-octave. Also an open metal stop belonging to the Diapason-work of 2-feet length on the Manual, and 4-feet on the Pedal. The Fifteenth sounds the octave above the Principal, and consequently a fifteenth, or super-octave, above the Unison stops. In Some organs, where there are two Fifteenths on one Manual, the Second is made of wood, forming, in fact, a Piccolo ; at Christ Church, Spitalfields, both the Fifteenths on the Great Manual are of metal. - 613. Block-flute (Common or Ordinary Flute). This is an open metal stop, tuned in unison with the Fifteenth. It is composed of pipes of a very large scale, the 4-feet c pipe measuring very nearly 4% inches in diameter, the measure of the 4-feet pipe of the Open Diapason being about 3% inches. The tone of the Block-flute is very full and broad. The Block-flute was a favourite stop with Father Smith, who introduced it into his organs at Durham and St. Paul's Cathedrals. Both speci- mens have now disappeared. - 614. Octavina Harmonigue. The Harmonique Piccolo of the French and English organ-builders. 615. Piccolo. A 2-feet Manual stop, formed of wood pipes, producing a bright, clear, and travelling tone. Its pitch, as its accordance of length thereto would imply, is in unison with the Fifteenth, i.e., two octaves above the Diapasons. The Piccolo is sometimes a Whole stop, as at St. Michael’s, Chester Square ; but more often it only extends to tenor C. t 616. Flageoleſ. Another Small member of the Flute-work, usually of 2 feet on the Manual. It is formed of open wood pipes, and the tone is Smaller and sharper than that of the Piccolo. 617. Tierce, Seventeenth. A stop formed of Open metal cylindrical pipes, the pitch of which is a major third above the Fifteenth, or a seventeenth above the Diapasons. The Tierce frequently constitutes one of the ranks of the Sesqui- altera, though, in old organs, it is occasionally made to draw separately, as at St. Sepulchre's. It is, however, found in both ways, in ancient as well as modern instruments. 618. Larigoi, Nineteenth, Octave-Twelfth. This also is a small metal Muta- tion stop, of Iš foot on the Manual, and 23 on the Pedal. It is occasionally met with as a separate stop, as at Christ Church, Spitalfields, and St. Sepulchre's ; but generally it is embodied in the Sesquialtera, of which it forms, strictly speaking, an integral part. The Larigot sounds a perfect fifth above the Fifteenth, and therefore a nineteenth above the Unison stops. 619. Octave-fifteenth, Twenty-second. A Small open metal stop, of 1 foot on the Manual and 2 feet on the Pedal, of bright and sharp tone. It sounds the octave above the Fifteenth, and the third Octave above the Diapasons. This rank of pipes, like the Tierce and Larigot, is but Seldom disposed as a separate stop. It occurs in this manner in the organs at St. Phillips, Sheffield, and Stratford-on-Avon. A “Two-and-twentieth " also appears as one of the Stops in the original specifica- tion of the old organ at York Minster, built by Dallam, in 1633. 620. Doublette. The French name for the Fifteenth ; but in England applied, of late years, to a two-ranked Foundation stop, Sounding a fifteenth and twenty- second aboye the unison, the two Sounds being an Octave apart. I42 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN, Compound Stops, 621. Sesquial/era. This Compound stop is composed of either 5, 4, 3, or 2 ranks of Open metal pipes, tuned in thirds, fifths, and octave to the Diapasons. The altitude of the Several Sounds of a 5-ranked Sesquialtera above the unison pitch, used, under ordinary circumstances, to be, in the bass, a Seventeenth (3), Nineteenth (5), Twenty-second (8), Twenty-sixth (5), and Twenty-ninth (8), from the ground tone. Where, however, there was a separate Tierce, it was not usual to include a duplicate of that rank in the Sesquialtera, unless, indeed, the ranks of mixture were sufficiently numerous to demand this arrangement. At Doncaster, where there was a Tierce and a 5-rank Sesquialtera, in Harris's organ, now destroyed, the latter was compounded of a Nineteenth (5), Twenty-second (8), Twenty-fourth (3), Twenty-sixth (5), and Twenty-ninth (8): that is, with an octave Tierce in lieu of the unison (separate) one. Another composition for a 5-rank Sesquialtera with - separate Tierce, was—Fifteenth (8), Nineteenth (5), Twenty-second (8), Twenty-sixth (5), and Twenty-ninth (8). A 4-rank Sesquialtera was generally, though not always, composed of a Fifteenth (8), Seventeenth (3), Nineteenth (5), and Twenty-second (8), as at St, Mary's, Nottingham (Snetzler), and at St. Botolph's, Aldgate. Some- times it consisted of a Seventeenth (3), Nineteenth (5), Twenty-second (8), and Twenty- fourth (3) (Tierce and octave Tierce), as was the case at St. Magnus, London Bridge. This again, and indeed all Sesquialteras, however numerous or few may be the number of ranks of its pipes, are, in regard to their composition, influenced very much by the presence, or otherwise, of the Tierce, the Larigot, the tempera- ment to which the organ is tuned, and even also by the occurrence, or not, of other Compound stops on the same Manual. 622. As the pipes of the Sesquialtera would become exceedingly small, keen, and prominent in the treble, and, moreover, their presence is not demanded by the acoustical phenomenon on which the introduction of the Compound stops is founded, as is fully explained in a succeeding chapter, the smaller ranks are usually discontinued from middle cº, or cº sharp, at their original altitude of pitch above the Diapason, and larger pipes, Sounding an octave lower, are sub- stituted. In this manner the Twenty-Second, or Octave-fifteenth, the smallest rank in a Sesquialtera of three ranks, is turned into a Fifteenth, and the Nineteenth, or Larigot, into a Twelfth. The Tierce, if present, is usually allowed to remain unbroken throughout the Manual. In the real Sesquialtera the Third-sounding rank is smaller than the Fifth-Sounding ; and the pitch of the two is a major sixth apart. The old English Sesquialtera was therefore correct in the treble, but was a Mixture in the bass. 623. In consequence of these “breaks,” as they are termed, there are then of course two Twelfths and two Fifteenths in the treble. All such duplicate ranks are, in England, usually made to a different scale. * 624. The German Sesquialtera, when of 2 ranks, which is seldom met with except in Old Organs, is composed of a Twelfth and Tierce, Sounding a major sixth. 625. Mirčure. This stop consists of from 5 to 2 ranks of open metal pipes, which are, in England, generally of Smaller dimensions than those of the Sesqui- altera, particularly where the last-mentioned stop is not very numerously ranked, and has nothing higher than a Twenty-second. 626. The Mixture, then, if of two ranks only, usually consists of a Twenty- sixth (5) and Twenty-ninth (8) in the bass and tenor octaves; changing to a Nine- teenth (5) and Twenty-Second (8) at middle cº, or middle cº sharp, i.e., on the same key where the Sesquialtera breaks into a Twelfth, Fifteenth, and Seventeenth. In Some Mixtures the breaks occur sooner. In some modern examples, on the contrary, both the Sesquialtera and Mixture are carried up to the smallest pipe commonly THE NAMES OF ORGAN STOPS, I43 made, namely, fº, occurring on the treble f* key in the Sesquialtera, and on the fº above middle cº key in the Mixture, before any break is made, 627. The Mixture of 5 ranks occurs the most frequently on such Manuals as have no other Compound stop, as in the Swell at Christ Church, Newgate Street. In such cases its composition is nearly identical with that of a numerously ranked Sesquialtera, and closely resembles the Continental Mixture, 628. In Germany the Mixture is usually the first Compound stop, as the Sesquialtera is in England, and not the second, as we generally make it. Their Second Compound stop is generally either a Scharf (sharp) or Cymbel, 629. On the Great Manual of the organ in the Town Hall at Birmingham is a 5-rank Mixture, besides a Sesquialtera and Furniture of the same number of ranks. 630. Furniture. This Compound stop consists of from 5 to 2 sets of small open metal pipes, the number of ranks, as well as the intervals they sound above the Unison stops, varying with circumstances. Where there is a Sesqui- altera and Mixture on the same Manual, the Furniture is sometimes above both, as at St. Giles's, Camberwell. For instance, if it be of two ranks, they will probably be a Thirty-third (5) and a Thirty-sixth (8) above the unison, i.e., a fifth and eighth above the (usual) upper rank of the Mixture ; but the ranks will break in every octave, on account of even its longest pipes being but very Small. In other examples the Furniture is nearly identical in composition with the usual 3-rank Sesquialtera, as at St. Sepulchre's. In many organs the Furniture appears as the second Compound stop, as at St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, &c, ; in which case it is nearly, if not quite, identical with the usual Mixture. 631. The Furniture appeared on the Choir Manual of Avery’s organs, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, and Croydon Church. 632. Cornet. This name is applied to several distinct kinds of stops. 633. The Mounted Cornet is a Compound stop, consisting usually of 5 ranks of pipes, three, four, or five pipes larger in Scale than the Open Diapason, and voiced to produce a full and broad tone. It is only a treble stop in English Organs, ranging from middle C", or C* sharp, upwards ; but, in German examples, its usual compass is to tenor C. The Mounted Cornet is composed of a Stopped (or sometimes an Open) Diapason, a Principal, Twelfth, Fifteenth, and a Tierce. The pipes are planted on a small sound-board of their own, raised some three or four feet above that of the Great Organ (hence its name), and the wind is conducted from the Great Organ sound-board up to that of the Mounted Cornet through metal tubes. The Mounted Cornet is mostly found in old organs; but examples occur on the Great and Swell Manuals of the new organ at Doncaster. It was chiefly used for playing out the melody of the Chorales upon, and for the performance of a now obsolete kind of voluntary ; but it is of great use in large Organs in hiding the breaks in the several Compound stops, as it proceeds itself without any “repetitions.” In Father Smith's organs the Cornet was never “mounted,” but stood on the sound-board. It was afterwards raised, probably to economise I’OOII]. 634. Echo Corneå. This variety is also a Compound stop, and is sometimes mounted. It is composed of the same number of ranks of pipes as ther Mounted Cornet, and usually, though not always, of pipes of the same pitch, but of Dulciana scale. This stop frequently extends to tenor c. Its usual situation is in the Swell as at St. Peter's, Cornhill ; its tone, besides being in itself light and delicate, was further subdued by being enclosed within a box. 635. The name of Cornet is often found applied to the Compound stop so frequently met with in the short Swells of the last century. It is generally of I44 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN, 3 ranks, Twelfth, Fifteenth, and Seventeenth ; though, where there is no separate Principal, as at St. George's, St. George's Street, E., that stop is usually incorporated with it, which then, of course, contains 4 ranks. 636. In Small organs the Sesquialtera is not uncommonly made to “draw in halves ;” the treble of which is then often labelled “Cornet.” 637. The name is, in German organs, further applied to a small Pedal Reed stop, of 4 feet and 2 feet. (See Foreign Specifications.) Reed stops, 638. Double Trumpet. This is a Manual stop of 16 feet, with pipes either of metal throughout, as at St. George's, Doncaster; or having the tubes to the lowest octave of wood, as at Ashton-under-Lyne. Sometimes the pipes of the lowest octave are omitted ; in which case the Stop is frequently called “Tenoroon Trumpet.” Its tone is weaker—though only slightly so—than the Unison Trumpet, to which it of course sounds the octave below. 639. Double Bassoon. Contra Fagoſ/o. Also a Manual 16-feet Reed stop, but of Smaller scale and softer tone than the Double Trumpet. Specimens occur in the Swells at the Temple Church, and at All Saints', Northampton. 640. Double Hautboy. Another 16-feet Manual Reed stop, of Small scale. An example occurs in the Swell of the organ in Cranbrook Church, Kent. 641. Trumpet. An 8-feet Reed stop, both on the Manual, and the Pedal. Its tone is clear and penetrating, Somewhat resembling that of the well-known wind instrument after which it is named. The Tubes of the Trumpet-pipes are usually made either of tin or metal, though occasionally they are of zinc or wood, - 642. Horn. An 8-feet Manual Reed stop, formed of tin or metal pipes of much larger scale than those of the Trumpet. The tone of the Horn stop is fuller and smoother than that of the Trumpet, and without the clang peculiar and necessary to that stop. A Horn stop forms part of the original work of the organ in Christ Church, Spitalfields, made by Bridge, who appears to have been its inventor. - 643. Cormožeam. Also a Manual Reed stop of 8-feet, consisting of a set of tin or metal pipes of nearly the same scale as the Horn, but of a different style of voicing. Its tone is more Sonorous than the Trumpet; and Smoother, though scarcely so powerful, as that of the Horn. 644. Trombone. Posaune. A very powerful and full-toned Reed stop, of 8 feet on the Manual, and 16 or 32 feet on the Pedal. Its pipes are made to a very large scale, and of tin, metal, or wood—of tin or metal for the Manual ; and of metal, zinc, or wood mostly, for the Pedal. 645. There are 32-feet Contra Posaunes in churches at Hamburg and Copen- hagen, and of tin. Those at Birmingham and York are of wood. Specimens of metal are to be found in the parish churches at Leeds and Doncaster. A 16-feet Pedal Posaune of metal occurs in the Organ at Exeter Hall, built by Mr. Walker; and one of zinc at the New Church, Cheetham Hill, near Manchester, built by Mr. Hill. Wooden ones are of common occurrence throughout the country. 646. Ożhicleide. Tuba Mirabilis. The most powerful 8-feet Manual Reed stop known. The majestic effect produced by this stop arises partly from its scale, but more particularly from the great strength of the wind that gives it utterance—three or four times that of the Ordinary organ-wind. The stop is usually placed on a sound-board of its own with a separate bellows, &c., &c. 647. The Ophicleide was first introduced by Mr. Hill into the large organ in the Birmingham Town Hall, THE NAMES OF ORGAN STOPS. I45 648. Hautboy. An 8-feet Manual stop, formed of metal pipes. The tone of the stop is thin, penetrating, and of a wailing character, like that of the instrument of the same name, the sound of which it, of course, is intended to imitate. 649. Bassoon, Fagotto. This is a soft and slightly nasal-toned Reed stop, of 8 feet on the Manual, and 16 on the Pedal. Its tubes are made either of metal or of wood. In old organs the Bassoon is generally a whole stop, as at Christ Church, Spitalfields; St. Michael's, Cornhill ; &c. In modern instru- ments it is more frequently an incomplete One, Sometimes consisting of a single Octave of pipes only, acting on the Great octave of Manual keys, and therefore, as an imitative stop, comparatively useless. > 650. Clariomet, Cormorne, Cromorne, or Krumm-horn, Cremona, Cormo di Bassetto. This is another agreeable Reed stop, of soft intonation, of 8-feet size of tone. It possesses great sweetness and beauty of tone ; and, when finished by the hand of a master, is a close imitation of the orchestral Clarionet, invented at the commencement of the last century, by Denner, of Nuremberg. This stop is met with under a great variety of names. The word Cormorne, from which Cromorne is derived, signifies a soft-toned Horn. The name Krumm-horn is compounded of the adjective krumm–i.e., crooked—and horn ; and signifies a Cornet or small Shawm of irregular form. These names have, in England, been corrupted into “Cremona ;” and as the stop has, in the majority of modern examples, also been reduced from its former full manual compass to one of fiddle g range, the idea is thus in two ways conveyed that it is a Violin stop ; whereas the last-mentioned (Geigen-Principal) is a flue and not a reed stop, as already explained.* As the stop in question is estimated in proportion as its tone approximates that of a Clarionet, and as all organ-builders alike Strive to make it imitate that instrument, “ Clarionet” is obviously a better name to apply to it than “Cremona,” that is, when it is of Clarionet Compass, namely, to tenor c sharp, or to c natural. 651. A Clarionet of deeper pitch, i.e., descending to FF, composed of a longer tube, bent towards the middle, and forming an obtuse angle—is known in England as the Corno di Bassetto, and in Germany as the Krumm-horn (crooked-horn). The appropriateness of this name for a Clarionet stop of similarly extended compass is therefore obvious. Fine examples of this stop occur in the organs of the Temple Church and at St. Mary-at-Hill. A Bass Clarionet, having a compass down to CC, or even . BB flat, has recently been introduced. 652. Corno-flute. The name given to a Manual Reed stop of 8 feet, having wooden tubes, and producing a soft and agreeable quality of tone. As it is a reed stop, it is not easy to say why it is named as belonging to the flute work. 653. Vow Humama. This stop is intended to represent the human voice which it often does, but very faintly. It is of 8-feet tone, and generally extends throughout the entire compass of the Choir or Swell organ. Its tubes are very short, like those of the Clarionet, but broader. - 654. Clarion. A 4-feet Reed stop, both on the Manual and Pedal, formed of pipes of tin or metal. The tone of this stop is sharp and clear, giving great brilliance to the Full organ. The upper octave of this stop is, on the Manual, * The “names and descriptions of several instruments instruct us as to the nature and design of many stops in the organ, and what they are intended to imitate. To instance, in the Krumm-horn; the tone of it originally resembled that of a small Cornet, though many organ-makers have corrupted the word into Cremona, supposing it to be an imitation of the Cremona Violin,”—Hawkins's History of Music, vol. ii., page 245, note. X, I46 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. generally composed of open flue pipes, because reed pipes above F* in alt seldom remain long in tune. The Clarion at Doncaster, however, by Byfield, was carried up to the top in reed pipes. In many French organs the Clarion has trumpet pipes in the upper octave ; and this is the case with the two Clarions in the Temple organ. - 655. Octave Hautboy (Hautboy Clarion). This is a 4-feet Reed stop, com- posed of pipes of the Hautboy species. It is not a common stop ; but one of the kind occurred in the old Swell of the organ at St. George's Church, Hanover Square. 656. Octave Clarion. This is the smallest Reed stop used in an organ. It is a 2-feet stop, both on the Manual and Pedal. When it occurs as a Manual stop, it usually extends through 2; octaves in reed pipes, CC to f" above middle cl (sounding from middle cl to fº in alt), and then carried hence to the top in flue pipes. Sometimes, however, it consists of reed pipes throughout ; breaking first into a Clarion, then into a Trumpet. Table of the Sounds Żroduced by the several leading Manual and Pedal Stops from the low C key. MANUAL. 4-5 geº-sº #. c. v. º **-ī ta ty) tº ci .3 B 2. C 94 6) O 3.F. C. • *- O & O tºn rt; r: {-, } 3-4 is Uri (i) tº 3–t § { 5 GT to ; : , -º § (L) .9 # * g; C ºf 3 O 3 o tº § 3 .9 of 8 ºt- • * 4–3 C-4 O , (1) rº * , E t; !- H 9 : A 3.3 g 3., 5 §º. 8 # # , ; ; # #: º: 8 , à é. § 3 ; .9 $ 3 ºf , ; ; ; ; g : 3, #3; #3 ſº H.3 Q4 § 3 ; ; ; ; ; * : *Š O :Hº : C, 5 :- — ;- .cf fº C $2 E .# co º 65 º 65° 35's & *Sº 2 S Tºº O .c. : +5 - Triº 3: ...? F; #5 : E išº: . E #: # # 5 ; ; ; ; ; # # 3 ## #: #3 #### #; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; # ###### O -- C E = Q) tº gº ... ºd O E. 85.3 °F 35 > tº- Q ſº Q 3 O Úº º C’ ſºlº & H H [L. H i ö fi : 5; Q Hö ºr ºf -e- ſy - 2-Y Aº 3–º- |Wººs Å. Tº zº- cº zº °-2— - --~ Yº’ ſº Aſ ſºly _ººl **-º-º-º-º- gº ¥ ºp—º: 3 * ºmºs *-** -º- • ecº- 4- - * -&- — *::3" | "ex" ºn ... " & (1) tſ) e * Cl4 i; ‘5 5 : 5. 3 ſ: *—º +3 º O O (!) -º- 3 #, 6) ‘p. 5* F #3 , ſº g 3rd % = 3 O 92 C. § & CO * • red § 3 ; ; ; #: 3 ſ: **S • Q4 • * CŞ 9 !-4 º #P £ 3, #, , ; ; ; ; &A ; tº 5 # O' Tº gº tº G 5 • º' C. ºf |º Tāſī). Aº l TVNZ Tº Tº gººmºsº e/ ºf —6-2- Some of the smaller harmonics, as being of no importance here, are not noted down. - 663. On examining the above notation, representing the series of harmonic sounds, it will be discovered that the sounds which at first appeared to be so much out of place (distinguished above by asterisks) correspond exactly with two of those suggested by Nature. In fact, they, and indeed the sounds of all the smaller Foundation, Mutation, and Compound stops, are introduced to corroborate Nature's dictates, and to reduce into the form of actual sounds what she indicates in the shape of harmonic sounds. 664. Nor are these harmonic corroborating stops voiced so as to Sound as weakly as the harmonic sounds themselves; yet they blend so well with the other stops in all good organs, that together they produce the effect but of One full, brilliant, and magnificent whole. 665. This unity of effect and due subordination of the Mutation stops are Secured partly by the greater number and power of the Foundation stops; partly by the weaker intonation of the Mutation ranks ; partly by the restricted and correct method of using them ; and partly by their being of the proper relative sizes. How the sizes of the 666. We have now to ascertain what those rightly decreas- harmonic - corroborat- ing are deduced and ing sizes are, and to what stops those sizes direct us, as fixed. being necessary to represent the harmonic series of Sounds. The former point may be the most easily illustrated by a reference to the measurement of a string, and the extent to which its vibrating portion must be successively lessened, to reduce those harmonic Sounds into a Series of natural Sounds. 667. A string of a certain length, thickness, and tension will produce a given Sound. To make that string produce the octave of its full-length Sound (corroborating the first acoustic sound), the vibrating portion must be shortened to one-half. To produce the fifth of that octave, or the twelfth of the original. Sound (the Second acoustic sound), it must be reduced to one-third ; to one- fourth, to obtain the second octave of the full-length sound ; to one-fifth, to produce the Seventeenth ; to one-sixth, for the nineteenth ; and to one-eighth of the original length to produce the twenty-second, or third octave of the original Sound. 668. According to this scale the fixed length of the harmonic series of stops should be #, #, #, #, #, and # the length of the chief Foundation or Ground stop, whatever that may be. That is to say, if an 8-feet Manual Open Diapason be taken as the basis of the organ tone, the smaller stops should measure in length 4 feet (#), 23 feet (#), 2 feet (#), Iš foot (#), 13 foot (#), and I foot (#). 669. Or if a 16-feet stop be taken for the Foundation, as would be the case for the Pedal, the length of the harmonic series would be 8 feet (#) 5; feet (#), 4 feet. (#), 3; feet (#), 23 feet (#), and 2 feet (#). 670. And such we find to be the case; for, on comparing the first of the above codes of “lengths” with those given in the list of stops in the last chapter, they * FOUNDATION, MUTATION, AND COMPOUND STOPS. I49 are found to single out the identical stops from the great number which are so Constantly found in all organs. This fact is still more clearly illustrated in the following example:— Forming Sesquialtera, or rather Mixture of three ranks. R * /- -A % - º; #3 cº; r— ~! ... -- *-i O O --> § 3. , #1, ## , ; "3 * . 25 GD O *—t tº QD sº ; : 5 rid # # $º º 3 gº : ſi j G.) $2 – ; ; H .#3 ºn- -j-, *-* : jº * S-> • P. (i) F. O § - • r-, § z. = $ſ p S- O R+ Cſ) H 3 * Q Comparative length of § § Jº tº º tº ‘S Organ Stops. CO S. º CN ºf ſº }={ e * —G- ſº Ground tone and series {G}; } g; –24 C &c of harmonic sounds. TS: EF-C2 -(()—as Aº º el/ jº Division of the strin J. 3. I. 1. I. I g. I 2 3. 5 TS 671. In the above table the notes represent the harmonic Series of Sounds, the figures beneath show the extent to which a string must be shortened to produce those sounds, the figures above show the precisely corresponding reduction that is made to transfer the series from a string to columns of air within pipes ; and the names over all are those of the organ stops to which the lengths have directed us. Reasons for marking 672. We are thus made sensible of the advantage and º: the stops importance of having the length of the stops placed on all the draw-stop knobs, in addition to the names of the stops, Their names are variable, and may be familiar, or ſtoč, but their lengths, or size of tone, are fixed, and therefore give an unerring clue to their fitch, when the names may, perhaps, be wholly unintelligible. It is now also obvious why the Fifth-sounding stops should not be marked as being of “6 feet” and “3 feet,” those figures placing the length of those stops beyond their deducible admeasurement. These lengths would imply that the ground-tones were 9 feet and 18 feet respectively, which any organ-builder's apprentice boy ought to know must be wrong. Theoretical exceptions 673. It should not be omitted to be noticed that some sºmetimes taken to * theorists take exception to some of the harmonic corrobo- tain organ Stops. * º e * * rating stops; some objecting to the Tierce because of its sounding the major third to the key struck, which it is thought must be offensive in a minor key; others to the Twelfth, On the ground that it causes all musical progressional passages to be played in consecutive fifths; and others, again, to the Double Diapason downwards, and the Principal and smaller Foundation ranks upwards, as they play in consecutive octaves to the Diapasons. According to the laws of musical composition, all such progressions, in strict writing, are forbidden, and all the above objections are equally strong and entitled to attention. • - 674. The rules of musical composition, however, are not the tests by which the admissibility of organ stops can be truly judged. An organ never sounds so well as when it contains most of these “theoretically” objectionable stops. This fact may be soon evidenced on an organ that contains them; though it will be necessary 1 50 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. to proceed inversely. It may be ascertained thus: first draw all the open flute work ; if the Twelfth–the “consecutive fifth * stop—be shut in, there is then nothing to break the bare octave work from the Diapason, till you come to the Mutation ranks of the Compound stops, and the tone consequently loses some of its roundness—becomes top and bottom. Close the Mutation ranks of the Compound stops, and the tone becomes more thin and cutting, because the Sounds designed to fill up some of the intervals between the Foundation ranks, to bind the whole together, are silenced. Next shut in all the “consecutive octave’ stops upwards, and the tone will be deprived of all brightness ; and lastly, put in the Double Diapason—the stop which sounds in unison with the adult male voices in the melody of a chorale—and the manual will lose its greatest gravity. Nothing but the Open Diapason will be left; the organ will be theorised down from a magnificent instrument to certainly a solemn, but, at the same time, dull and monotonous single set of pipes. * - 675. The laws of musical frogression and the phenomenon of harmonic attendant Sounds are, in reality, two very distinct subjects. As an illustration of this, it is only necessary to play on a full organ, with the Mutation and Compound stops drawn, first a Series of single notes, and then the same succession in fifths, when the difference between harmonic attendant sounds and harmonic fro- gressional sounds must at once become apparent. PARTICULARS CONCERNING ORGAN STOPS, I 5 I CHAPTER XXV. PARTICULARS CONCERNING THE SCALE AND THE BALANCING OF ORGAN STOPS. The comparative scale 676. IT was stated in the preceding chapter that the sounds .*.*.*, of all the Mutation stops and ranks of pipes are kept in a certain Mutation stops, and e ranks of pipes. degree of Subordination; and various means were mentioned by * which this end is attained. In German organs, where the 8 and 4 feet flue stops are generally more numerous than in English instruments, to their great improvement, and where double stops are such common as well as excellent features, the Mutation stops are made to as large a Scale as the Foundation ; the predominance of the latter being Secured by their great number, Great breadth, as well as fulness of tone, is obtained by these means. 677. The old English builders made very little variation in the scale of the different stops, but kept to nearly the same measure through them all. This accounts for the remarkably full as well as brilliant tone of the Cho?us-work of the best of their organs. This ringing, cheerful quality, however, is by no means a general, or even common, characteristic of old organs. In some cases the scale of the Small pipes was either too large, according to modern views, or the pipes were not sufficiently blown ; consequently, the tone of the small stops and Mixtures became dull and thick, or, as it is technically called, “horny.” On the other hand, when the scales run too small, the tone indeed becomes bright, but without suffi- cient fulness; “keen and sharp,” as the Germans have it. 678, Father Smith made his Principal, Twelfth, and Fifteenth one pipe smaller than his Open Diapason ; and the Several ranks of his Mixtures two pipes smaller; so that the Twelfth was of the same scale as the Fifteenth, and the Tierce as large as the octave Fifteenth. By the requisite voicing, the tone of the Mutation stops and ranks was rendered smooth and mellow, and that of the Foundation ranks full and bold; the effect of the whole being exceedingly firm and clear, although occa- sionally lacking sufficient body, firmness, and depth of tone, consequent on the smallness of the number of unison and octave stops, and the entire absence of double Manual stops. As this circumstance involves a matter of some moment, where the renovation and enlargement of an old organ is concerned, it may be briefly discussed here. 679. Much pains was taken by the writer, while abroad, to test several Conti- mental organs, with precisely the Same stops drawn that are usually found in old English organs, and the experiments were invariably attended with the same effect as that witnessed from some of the best old instruments of this country, namely, the production of a clear and ringing character of Sound, but accompanied by rather an over-amount of Mixture tone. It was also observed that, on adding the remaining stops, the accurate balance of tone was immediately restored. An indisputable proof was in this manner obtained of the cause of the misproportion originally existing in so many English Organs, as well as a clear illustration of the most correct way of remedying that defect. The “fathers of modern organ-building in England,” Harris and Smith, studied their art abroad, where it was the custom to produce a fine and well-balanced organ by disposing a certain proportion of f 52 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. Mixture work to secure clearness, boldness, and vivacity; one or more double stops to impart gravity and dignity; and a good number of 8 and 4 feet stops to give firmness and definitiveness to the whole, by blending the various elements in harmonious amalgamation. On arriving in this country they encountered a serious difficulty in being compelled to keep their organs within restricted dimensions Perhaps they were also sometimes straitened in the matter of terms; and they might even have had to contend with a want of appreciation and co-operation on the part of contemporary organists. 680. Being denied the necessary room wherein to complete their Manual organs —even independently of a separate Pedal organ, which was invariably omitted— they had to relinquish some of those stops which would require the most $face for their accommodation ; hence the double stops were generally expunged, and, in Some cases, even Some of the unison and octave stops also. 681. The due proportion of the three great elements being thus disturbed by the entire omission of one and the weakening of a second, the third then naturally stood out with undue prominence. To give an instance: Dr. Burney, in his History of Music, vol. iii., page 440, note, Speaking of the St. Paul’s Cathedral organ, Says : “Notwithstanding the power of the chorus of this admirable instrument, Several more excellent stops were made for it, which lay many years useless in the vestry, but for which Sir Christopher Wren, tender of his architectural proportions, would never consent to let the case be sufficiently capacious to receive.” In the English Musical Gazette for January, 1819, page 6, it is stated what some of those stops were. After mentioning that Sir Christopher Wren “would not consent to let the case be enlarged to receive them,” the narrator proceeds to say: “Three of the stops were in consequence obliged to be kept out, viz., a Bassoon, a Clarion, and another stop of minor consequence, which were kept in the Cathedral for several years after, Schmidt hoping he might get them in at some future period; but he died a few years before Sir Christopher Wren.” The stop of “minor conse- quence,” as it seems then to have been considered, the late Mr. Bishop imagined to have been a Double Dia/ason, and Mr. Sutton, in his Short Account of Organs, page 34, adds: “This conjecture seems highly probable, as there is no doubt that, to contain a Double Diapason in addition, the organ-case would necessarily have to be much enlarged.” 682. Again, in the building of the Temple organ, Smith had to confine his work within certain limited dimensions, in order that, if his instrument should be accepted, it might remain within the western arch of the choir; hence it was not only made without doubles, but with one Open Diapason only to support six ranks of Mixture in the bass, and nine in the treble; and the Great and Choir organs had to be crowded on to one sound-board. 683. At St. Paul's, in consequence of the omission of all double stops, one unison, and one octave stop, what then remained as “the organ” was of course thrown out of proportion ; and “the power of the chorus,” noticed by Dr. Burney, becoming thus excessive, the trebles of the Mixtures were ultimately taken out, and new ones of softer tone introduced. The influence of “large” and “small” stops on the general effect of an organ is a subject concerning which nearly as much misapprehension prevails in England now as in the days of Smith and Harris. Many imagine that, because the introduction of a few double 8 and 4 feet stops will increase the “bulk” of an organ by perhaps one-half, therefore their striking and arresting effect must be in proportion; and that, as the addition of more Mixture would not call for the addition of six inches to the depth of the organ, its introduction would exercise as little appreciable difference to the ear as it would to the eye. These are the popular ideas on the subject, whereas the PARTICULARS CONCERNING ORGAN STOPS. . I 53 facts are exactly the contrary. The large stops increase the fulness, roundness, depth, and Sonority of the organ, imparting great richness to the general effect; whereas more Mixture may increase the “din” of the organ to such an extent as to be almost intolerable. Dr. Burney appears to have been, to some extent, under the influence of the general misapprehension ; for, in the extract already given— “AVof withstanding the power of the chorus, more excellent stops were made,” &c.— he writes as though the effect of the omitted stops would have been to increase that “power ; ” whereas they would certainly have tended to subdue it. Sir Henry Dryden, in his pamphlet on Church Music, when writing concerning modern church organs (pages 28 and 29), says: “Generally the Pedal organs are too weak, the Great organs too noisy, the Choir organs too small, and the Swell organs too short in compass. We have a great deal too many Mixtures and such like cheap stops, and too few of large and expensive open metal pipes. It is difficult to have too much bass to an organ. No sound below a voice will drown it. The Pedal pipes at Westminster Abbey will not drown the weakest boy's voice. Mixtures and Sesquialteras drown voices.” It is manifest from this how permanently injurious it must be to limit the Space for an organ to such an extent that the organ-builder cannot introduce all the stops necessary to produce a well-balanced instrument. 684. The stops that have a tendency, from their brightness, to interfere with the just predominance of the voices, always find ready admission ; while those that are necessary for Sustaining and supporting the voices are almost as invariably limited in number and efficiency. * 685. The Mixtures in Father Smith's organs were, from the causes already explained, so uniformly made to appear “too shrill,” or “too screaming,” that, in the great majority of instances, they have since been melted down and replaced by others of weaker intonation. Many of Harris's organs also have been brought into proportion by a like process. Another way of obtaining this end would have been to add stops similar in pitch to those which the original builders had, from the good influence of early education, learnt to consider as necessary, and which the experience of more recent times has proved to be indispensable, but which they were, from the first, compelled to relinquish, and to the omission of which the original misproportion was to be ascribed. This would not only have restored the balance of tone, but would have raised those instruments towards the state of completeness and efficiency contemplated by their respective makers, and upon an acoustic principle with which they were perfectly familiar ; for it is important to bear in mind that most of the large organs constructed in England during the last ten years, with double Manual stops and an independent Pedal organ, are, in reality, only on an equality in these respects with many of the instruments which Smith and Harris left behind them in their native countries upwards of a century and a half ago, and with some of which they could not fail to have been well acquainted. 686. Organs having double stops on the Manual and a 16-feet Pedal were of most common occurrence in France, Holland, and German, not only in the seventeenth century, but even in the sixteenth. For instance, those at Freiburg, in Bresgau, built in 1520, contained 24 stops ; at Amsterdam, enlarged in 1673, 44 stops ; at Rouen, 1630, 49 stops; at Amiens Cathedral, built as long ago as I429, and yet with a 16-feet front; and at Antwerp, I645 and 1670 (see Foreign Specifi- cations);--all those just mentioned, among a number of others, included the above-mentioned features among their original constituent parts; the Pedal organs comprising from 4 to Io stops—a proportion that is considered liberal, even in the nineteenth century, in England. 687. There were even Some 32-feet organs also existing in Germany as far I54 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. back as the sixteenth century. At St. Mary's Church, Lübeck, an organ was erected in the year 1517, with a 32-feet front of polished tin; and at St. Peter's Church, Hamburg (since destroyed), was a 32-feet organ, erected before the year 1548. The several foregoing facts and dates are important, and necessary to be introduced here, as being calculated to allay the groundless fear occasionally expressed that the present race of English organ-builders are getting their instru- ments “too large; ” whereas, in reality, they are only introducing certain stops requiring much space, that are necessary to produce a full and well-balanced tone. The organs of Harris and Smith were originally little more than “8-feet organs.” destitute of Pedal; the “Great organ” departments being, in most cases, scarcely so complete as the “Echo” or “Choir” of many old Continental organs, as may be ascertained by comparing the original specifications of their instruments with those of the last-named parts of foreign organs, described at the end of this work. Modern builders, in striving to raise the standard of English organs above that to which the excellent makers just named were permitted by circumstances to work, are really doing no more than placing their instruments, in regard to number and distribution of stops, on a far with those made nearly two centuries since abroad— of course, introducing such beneficial alterations into the list of stops as modern science has placed at command, and also incorporating numerous improvements in the mechanism that were not even so much as dreamt of at the former period ; —and it seems needless to treat this attempt to place the nineteenth century English organ at least on an equality with the seventeenth century foreign organ as an alarming advance or as a hazardous enlargement, 688. As bearing upon the subject of the great improvement to be effected by the judicious development of a really good old organ, an extract may be made from the late Mr. Edward Holmes's entertaining volume, entitled A Ramble among the Musicians of Germany, of which the author, after mentioning Silbermann, “one of the most renowned builders of Germany, and whose name (Silvermann) very well describes the quality of his tone,” proceeds to say, in a foot note, page 193: “As a matter of Science, it is worthy consideration how far the structure of our organs might be improved by uniting the sweet cathedral quality of tone, for which those of the Temple, Westminster Abbey, &c., are noted, with the magnificence of Silbermann.” Had Harris and Smith worked unfettered, there is little doubt but the two attributes above specified would always have been found combined in as eminent a degree in their organs as in those of the great Strasburg builder. In the absence, however, of this, and in proceeding to renovate organs of their make, the choice lies between “wedging up,” “papering up,” or “melting down " the original Mixtures, supplying their place by others of softer tone, and of reducing their comparative strength of tone by increasing that of the 8 and 4 feet tone, by adding to the number of stops producing those pitches, and by also engrafting one or more double stops. The former course has the charm of economy to recom- mend it, although it involves a greater departure than ever from the calculation of the original builder, while the latter and more expensive process effects a nearer approach to it. 689. In some of the organs built soon after Smith and Harris's time a better balance of Manual tone was attempted, by giving the Small stops less wind at the foot ; but, the former large scale being at the same time also retained, the result was the production of an indistinct, dull, horny quality of tone, as already mentioned. - 690. The organs of John Schreider, Smith's son-in-law, are distinguished from those of Smith by having the Diapasons voiced stronger in the treble. The extent to which his organs were susceptible of improvement by the introduction PARTICULARS CONCERNING ORGAN STOPS, I 55 of double stops, &c., has been Satisfactorily evidenced in the enlargement of his fine instrument in Westminster Abbey, the additions to which were made by Hill. 691. Renatus Harris's organ at St. Sepulchre's, Snow Hill, has also been considerably improved, by additions made by Gray and Davison, and would, by the introduction of Double Manual stops to the Great organ, be rendered quite magnificent. - 692. The younger Harris (John) made the Tierce in his organs of the same Scale as the Principal, Twelfth, and Fifteenth, i.e., one pipe smaller than the Diapason, and the Mixtures two pipes smaller. 693. In conjunction with his partner, Byfield, he increased the strength of the 8 and 4 feet Sound by the more frequent introduction of a second Open Diapason and of a Trumpet and Clarion of great power and beauty of tone. In the organ at St. George's, Doncaster, erected in 1738, those builders introduced two Trumpets. The Mixtures of Harris and Byfield were usually carried up higher in the musical Scale without a break than were those of Smith ; hence a greater amount of brilliancy, though with Scarcely so much boldness, from the omission of the duplicate ranks for which the higher ones were substituted. It may be mentioned that the firmness is imparted by the number or strength of tone of the 8 and 4 feet stops ; while the boldness, brilliancy, or keenness, depends a great deal on the composition, Scale, and winding of the Mixtures. The younger Harris's Compound stops were wonderfully animated and ringing, which properties seemed to indicate that their maker included Double Manual stops in his conception of what a com- plete organ should be ; and this opinion was afterwards confirmed at Doncaster, when such stops were added, by the increased beauty which they imparted to the tone of that originally fine organ. The organ built in 1740, by the same Byfield, in conjunction with his other partners, Jordan and Bridge, for the church at Great Yarmouth, actually had, according to Dr. Burney’s account, printed in Ree's Cyclopædia, under the article “Organ,” a Double Diapason , also two Open Diapasons, two Trumpets and Clarion, and nine ranks of Mixture. 694. Both Schwarbrook and Snetzler (Germans) succeeded in also incorporating a Bordun as a part of their organs at St. Michael’s, Coventry, 1733, and Lynn Regis, 1754. In reference to that in the last-named organ, Dr. Burney (History, vol. iii., page 438, note) says: “One of the metal stops of this instrument, called the Bordun, is an octave below the Open Diapason, and has the effect of a double bass in the chorus.” The double stops have since disappeared from the Yarmouth and Lynn organs ; and, as stops of that nature were but very rarely introduced into other instruments, these circumstances clearly indicate that even at so recent a period as a century since the prevailing taste, or prejudice, or both, of English organists, continued to run counter to the attempted advances of the most eminent builders towards the production of a complete and well-balanced organ. It would be interesting to ascertain, if it were possible to do so, whether the trifling and irreverent notions concerning organ-playing in church, So much in vogue through- out the last century, were so at the time of Smith and Harris's arrival in this country; and, consequently, whether the incapacity to appreciate, and therefore to advocate, the broad and dignified instruments which those builders were prepared to con- struct, was to be attributed to the then prevailing musical taste ; or whether the frivolous and tasteless manner in question of using the organ was the consequence of their usually being composed chiefly of “little” stops, as Some of the Germans have expressed themselves, somewhat contemptuously, when Speaking of our old organs. One thing is at any rate certain : that the organs were not calculated to encourage the conception of elevated musical ideas; nor, if they arose, independ- I 56 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. ently of external assistance, were they capable of realising them ;% hence the production of So much music, specially written for such instruments, that now reflects nought but discredit upon the contemporary musical taste of this country. Dr. Crotch, in his Elements, page 89, felt it necessary, in addition to directing the taste of students, also to state what they should avoid. “Organ voluntaries,” he says, “should consist of fugues, with introductions for the full organ, upon the model of Sebastian Bach and Handel. Soft movements for the Diapason and Swell should be slow and Sweet, or mournful and pathetic, and may be in the Italian style of the seventeenth century. English voluntaries for the Trumpet, Echo, Vox Humana, Cornet, Oboe, and other solo stops, are too often vulgar, trifling, and ridiculous ; being equally void of Science, taste, and that decorous gravity of style which should ever characterise church music.” It is an important fact that in Germany, where Double Manual stops have been common for centuries, the vicious style of organ music above referred to never existed, so far as we are aware ; whereas, in England, it never ceased to exist, until an appreciation for that class of stops, and for firmer “medium work,” began to spread itself, that is, within the present century. 695. George England made his Principal one pipe smaller than his Open Diapason, his Fifteenth two pipes narrower, and every rank of his Mixtures to a varied Scale. 696. In a Compound stop of 4 ranks, comprising seventeenth, nineteenth, twenty-second, and twenty-sixth, he would make the seventeenth a small scale, the nineteenth rather larger, the twenty-Second large Scale and powerfully voiced, and the twenty-sixth Small again, and voiced almost as a Dulciana. This last rank, nevertheless, made itself heard, and gave to the Mixture a sound as of bells. England's Mixtures were of a very silvery and sparkling quality, though not so bold as Smith's, nor so full as Harris's, on account of their different compo- sition and smaller scale. His larger organs Commonly had the advantage of four 8-feet stops and three 4-feet stops, which, in conjunction with the lighter Mixtures, presented a twofold modification greatly in favour of a well-balanced tone; though, from the greater comparative firmness thus imparted to the medium work, they are generally quite capable of “carrying ” a 16-feet stop of light intonation. 697. Green's scales were, in some respects, larger than those of any of the preceding; that is to say, he made his seventeenth and nineteenth one scale smaller only than the Diapason, and the twenty-second alone two scales less. The Open Diapason itself was made one pipe smaller in the treble than Father Smith's scale, |but several pipes larger in the bass; and was generally of remarkable excellence, the treble part being very pure in quality, though not very loud, and the bass full and ponderous. His Mixtures varied but slightly in their composition from those of Smith ; while, in the voicing, Green's pipes were closely and finely nicked, and not cut up much, and with comparatively but little wind passing in at the foot; hence his soft, rich, and pleasant tone, which, however, generally lacked the boldness and energy of the organs of Harris and Smith. 698. The system of scaling frequently followed in modern times is as follows. To speak first of the Foundation stops : the Open Diapason is made to the largest scale, because, being the chief Foundation stop, it is essential that its sound should predominate. The Principal is made one scale Smaller than the Open Diapason; * Those who, like the writer, heard Mendelssohn extemporise, in 4 or 5 pure parts, on an essentially Znglish organ, will remember how destitute of breadth and dignity was the effect which emanated from what present organ-builders call the “thin-toned old organ.” PARTICULARS CONCERNING ORGAN STOPS. I57 the Fifteenth one scale less than the Principal—and so on, each successive Foundation rank rather smaller than its predecessor. Thus, the 2-feet pipe of the Principal, speaking on the Tenor c key, is made of the same diameter as Middle C* sharf pipe of the Open Diapason ; and the 2-feet pipe of the Fifteenth, speaking on the CC key, the same width as the Middle d' pipe of the Open Diapason. 699. Each Foundation stop, however, commencing from the Open Diapason upwards, is voiced rather brighter, as may be ascertained by first drawing the Open Diapason and striking the Middle cº key, when a full and Sonorous sound will be heard. Change the Open Diapason for the Principal, and press down the Tenor c key ; the Sound, identical with the first one in pitch, will be rather louder, but less full. Substitute the Fifteenth for the Principal, and strike the CC key, which will reiterate the same pitch, and the sound will be yet brighter, though there will be less again of it. - 7OO. The Twelfth is much varied in scale, according to circumstances. If there be but few ranks of Mixture, the Twelfth is made only of the same diameter as the Fifteenth, although its pitch is a fourth lower, and its pipes consequently more than one-fourth longer. At other times it is made of the same scale as the Fifteenth. 7OI. The Third-sounding stops are made to a still Smaller scale, as their sound has to be more subdued even than that of the Fifth-sounding stops. 702. The Foundation stops, then, are the largest scaled and the loudest ; the Fifth-sounding stops the next ; and the Third-Sounding the smallest and the softest in tone of all in much modern work. 703. Towards the commencement of the present century the usual method of balancing the stops was much disturbed by the influence of certain theoretical . organists of the time, who would have the Compound stops voiced so as to sound nearly as weakly as the acoustic sounds they were introduced to corroborate. At the present time those organ-builders enjoy the highest reputation in England whose instruments are voiced the most directly aſ zariance with these theoretical notions. - 7O4. Organ-builders are frequently heard to speak of an Open Diapason being made to a 12, 13, 14, or I5-inch scale, as the case may be. These figures refer to the width of the sheet of metal out of which the gamut G pipe is made, and which pipe, therefore, when finished, ordinarily measures from nearly 4 to about 5 inches in diameter. - 705. According to the scale of the Open Diapason, those of the harmonic series of Stops are of course regulated. * The increase of scale 7O6. It was shown in Chap. XX., ante pp. 123, 124, and in a stop as the pipes H º hich ds th b h f tº become shorter ; and I25, that a pipe which Sounds the octave above another of the why necessary. same kind is only half the length of the first one. Thus, in a Manual Open Diapason, the CC pipe of which is 8 feet in length, the Tenor c is but 4 feet; the Middle cº, 2 feet; the Treble cº, I foot; and the cº in alt, 6 inches. The diameter of these several pipes might, at first thought, be imagined to decrease in proportion to the reduction in their length. This, however, is not really the case. As the pipes gradually become shorter, they are made rather wider in proportion. As an illustration of this, suppose the 8-feet pipe of an Open Diapason to be 6 inches in diameter ; the 4-feet pipe will not be simply 3 inches, but about 3% inches in width ; the 2-feet, not Ił, but Iłż inch in diameter ; the I-foot, not # of an inch, but I; ; and the 6-inch pipe, not #, but # of an inch in diameter. Thus we find that the diameter of a metal open pipe, as compared with its length, is, in the course of four octaves, sometimes just doubled, I 58 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. 707. A still greater increase is made upwards in the scale of a reed stop. Take, for instance, an 8-feet Posaune. In Some examples, the CC pipe, 8 feet, measures 5 inches in diameter ; the Tenor c, 4 feet, 4} inches; the Middle cº, 2 feet, 3% inches; Treble cº, I foot, 2% inches; and the cº in alt pipe, 6 inches in length, 2 inches in diameter at the bell. - 708. The object for which an increase is made in the scale of organ pipes, whether of the flue or reed species, is to secure, as far as possible, an equality and uniformity in the strength and tone-character of the stop throughout its range, and which could not be otherwise obtained ; for the pipes of an Open Diapason would ultimately become smaller than those of a Dulciana, the cº in alt pipe of which stop measures #3 of an inch, good, in diameter, and those of a Posaune less than those of a Bassoon. 709. It has already been explained that a performer on a wind instrument has to exercise a greater effort of the muscles of the lungs, in order to secure the high sounds being of the same strength as the low ones. In like manner an organ- builder first increases the Scale of his stop gradually from the longest pipe up to the shortest, as a preliminary to his obtaining even the same amount and kind of tone. He then admits an increased quantity of wind in at the foot, for the purpose of blowing from each successive pipe of the series an undiminished strength of tone; an additional amount of wind of the same density producing nearly an equal effect to that which the same amount of wind of greater density would do. In some of the modern French organs, and also in the organ at St. Paul’s, built by Mr. Willis, and that in the Town Hall, Glasgow, built by Mr. Davison, the treble portion of the stops is supplied with a wind much heavier than the bass part, which brings the method of producing high Sounds from organ stops and from wind instruments into closer analogy. 7IO. Many of the German builders have for a long series of years obtained a similar result, either by introducing two pipes to each key in the treble, as in Müller's celebrated organ at Haarlem, finished in 1738 (see Foreign Specifi- cations, No. 1); and in Batz's organ, at Utrecht, erected in 1826; or by putting larger pipes in the treble of their Compound stops than is usual in England. The latter plan, which is one of great utility, will be more fully explained in a following chapter. A variation is made in 7II. The stops belonging to each separate division of an the scale of the stops of de to a different scale to what the correspondin the same name on the organ are made ere C al eSpo g different claviers, and stops are on the other departments; that is to say, the Open also in the duplicates on Diapason in the Swell is made to a somewhat less diameter º º than the like stop in the Great organ, and that of the Choir thereof. organ Smaller again, which variation of scale in the fundamental stop or “Diapason” of each clavier leads, as a matter of course, to a corresponding variation in that of the harmonic series of stops of each department. 712. One of the main objects in this variation of Scale is to secure to each department the requisite distinctness of character and proportionate strength of tone. Thus a large scale is adopted for the Great Organ, the tone of which is required to be full, broad, and strong ; a Somewhat Smaller scale for the Swell, which combines in its sound much of the dignified character of the Great organ tone, united with the sprightly tone of the Choir ; the smallest for the Choir organ, the sound of which is lighter than that of the other Manual organs, yet full of life and vivacity; and the largest for the Pedal, which should possess weight, depth, and fulness, PARTICULARS CONCERNING ORGAN STOPS. I 59 713. The way in which a variation of scale is effected is by taking the diameter of, say, the CC sharp pipe of the first stop as the scale for the CC pipe of the second stop, and by following out the same relative and reduced measure throughout the series of pipes. 714. For another scale, the width of the original DD pipe would be taken for the CC pipe. 715. Where two stops of one kind are placed on the same Manual, as, for instance, two Open Diapasons, or two Principals, the second is usually made to a different scale from the first ; and not only So, but to a Scale varying, however slightly, from that of the similar stop on all the other Manuals. One reason for this is, if two stops are made to the same Scale, and voiced alike, they are very likely to “sympathise.” 716. When two pipes sympathise, a beating or waving is heard when they are sounded together, although they are perfectly in tune when tried separately, and do not “rob.” Sometimes the two pipes together will even Sound weaker than either when used separately. - 717. Varying the scale is one of the means taken for preventing sympathy; not indeed that this step is indisſensable to that end, since some organs exist having two Open Diapasons in the treble, of the same scale, which do not sympathise ; while in other examples, having two Open Diapasons of different scale, a tremulousness does appear. It is, nevertheless, one of the most advisable as well as most usual methods adopted to prevent it. A “beating” between two pipes made to different scales will arise from their being placed too near to each other on the sound board. g 718. In that case the defect does not arise from “sympathy,” but froximity. To prevent any waving occurring from this second cause, it is essential that the two stops should be placed at Some distance apart, and, if possible, be separated by other stops. • 719. An additional reason to that given above for making the corresponding stops of the several claviers to different scales is to avoid, as far as possible, any beating occurring when any of, or all, the departments of the organ are coupled together. 72O. Again, the repetition ranks in the Compound stops of a department, i.e., the duplicate ranks which are introduced where the “breaks” occur, and which appear in greater or less abundance in all Mixture stops, as already explained, are sometimes made to diversified scales in England, with the view to preventing any tremulousness appearing among them. 72.I. For this reason, also, the duplicates in the Compound stops—that is, the repetition of certain ranks of pipes which always occur in greater or less abundance where there are many ranks of mixture, particularly in the treble part of the stops—are generally made to diversified scales, otherwise a beating or waving is likely to arise from the phenomenon just noticed. 722. Father Smith not only used to vary the scale slightly, but also to make the feet of the duplicate ranks to a different length, so that the pipes might speak on a different level to the others. Green and England also varied the length of their pipe-feet for a similar purpose, & I6O THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. CHAPTER XXVI. THE TUNING AND TEMPERAMENT OF THE ORGAN.” 723. FROM very early times the interval of the perfect octave has, by philo- Sophers and musicians, been divided into 53 equal parts, called commas, and the successive sounds of the diatonic scale have, by the aid of these commas, been shown to be separated by intervals of the following “sizes” or compara- tive dimensions:— - 45 g g § d g * 3 S # § 5 & É º º S 3-4 i. . S I. : II. 5; III. 3 IV. 5 V. 5 VI. : VII. § VIII. C 9 D 8 E 5 F 9 G 8 A 9 B 5 C O 9 17 22 3I 39 48 53 724. The foregoing are the sizes of the several intervals as deduced from Nature's suggestions; and it is quite probable that the organ was, at a very early period, tuned in recognition of this system of “perfect attunement.” The extremely simple nature of the early church music; the non-existence of harmony; and the peculiar construction of the ancient octo-chords or modes—produced by taking, in succession, each different sound of the old diatonic gamut as the initial note, and proceeding thence to its octave, thus— G f e d c b a g F e d c b a g f E Cl C b 3. g f e D c b 3. g f e d C b 2. g f e d C B al g f e d C b Tº a --- A f e l b * * e _O_ -e- CD agº). g C C al {e}: F-2–2–3–2– HE N-> Q_º Gº €2 ſ: GP) Tº did not call for or suggest any departure from it ; and an organ having Scarcely two octaves of perfectly attuned diatonic Sounds must have been equal to all the musical requirements of the time. 725. But when the idea occurred of transposing some of the ancient chants, to bring them within the compass of a less extended range of voice—the higher into a lower pitch to Suit bass voices, and the lower into a higher to suit tenor voices—and the gradual introduction of the five chromatic semitones to facilitate this among other ends ;--then the preservation of the primitive method of attunement could no longer have been possible. Take, for an example, the natural major diatonic scale of C. That could not be transposed into G, because the tones between G and A and A and B were each of the wrong “dimension ” * Only an outline of what might be said on this subject is given in the present chapter, Its fuller treatment is reserved for separate publication, THE TUNING AND TEMPERAMENT OF THE ORGAN. I6 I for the purpose ; nor could D be taken as a key-note, inasmuch as the interval between that sound and E was a minor tone only. I. II. III. IV. I. II. G 8 A 9 B 5 C D 8 E. 726. Such misuse of the distinctive tones would have produced a “wolf” in all the scales except the primary one, as unequal temperament afterwards did in all the keys beyond A major and B flat major. The union of perfect 727. For a long time the question as to the attuning of the .."... scale, so as satisfactorily to adapt it to the gradually increasing power of transposition º 1. &º impossible, requirements, was, to quote the words of an old writer, “found to be an unmanageable thing.” Nor was the division of the octave into a given number of intervals of the exact dimension suggested by nature at all practicable. The number #70e/ve—that of the semitones in the octave—is divisible into 6 twos, 4 threes, or 3 fours, representing the whole tone, the minor third, and the major third respectively. But 6 major tones, of 9 commas each, would amount to 54 Commas; 4 minor thirds, of I4 Commas each, to 56 commas; while 3 major thirds, of 17 commas each, would only amount to 52 commas; 53 commas being the number that represented the perfect Octave. There would therefore have been an excess, or shortcoming, as the case might be, had the octave been divided according to any of the Smaller “exact '' intervals. - The susceptibility of 728. At length it was observed that certain intervals would * * * bear being tuned a little in excess of, or short of, perfect, without tempered discovered, e e tº g e - - offending the ear. This discovery led to the introduction of a system of tempering,” in which the thirds and fourths were tuned rather sharp, and the fifths rather flat. The result of this tuning was the distribution of the “three commas” by which the major tones exceeded the minor, and a slight augmentation of the minor tones, so that the five tones in the diatonic Series were rendered equal in dimension. Unequal temperament, 729. The first modern who urged the necessity of a tempera- i. *...* ment was Bartholomew Ramis, a Spaniard, who wrote before the year 1482. By the date just named all the five short keys had been added to the seven different diatonic Sounds of the key-board. Of these five three were tuned as the first three sharps, namely, F, C, and G ; and two as the first two flats, namely, B and E. The short keys were, further, tuned as pure thirds, or nearly so, to the long keys represented by the black notes in the follow- ing example — fº W 1. Aº t - º: & + Fººt, Yº-S Gº § -É(I) |-&–+ #2 e—#2–~2–ºf–Pł # *}===#- # -–12—2—º H-69 ====== gº ~€3– * In all instruments having the usual number of keys to the octave the natural inequalities between the tones and semitones are softened down and hidden, as far as possible, by distribution; and any sound that is slightly raised or lowered in receiving its small allotted share of the dissonance is said to be “tempered ;” while the principle on which the dissonance is distributed—whether equally among all the scales, as on the pianoforte and harmonium ; or unequally, so as to appear rather less obviously in a few of them, at the sacrifice of all the rest, as on old organs—constitutes the system of temperament adopted. y I62 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN, This step was a great one in advance in the cause of fractical music. It brought into existence, on keyed instruments having thirteen sounds and twelve intervals in the octave, six practicable major scales—C, G, D, A, F, and B flat—in place of the one perfect one; and three minor scales, instead of one, viz., A, D, and G. C MAJOR. G MAJOR. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 #! 8 ſº *~) O TZ. | 2–MIT &L)Tºº-T I. Žſ 2- Gº || || 2-ATT & Dº S- II |} H/T) 2-, OTC’ § 3 -) GTS-' f : \|A >Teº E- ſº- Lº • JT-a-ToTº” D MAJOR. A MAJOR. l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 /Y 4.- ita -ºš. WZZ ll. &º º ll. arº &P ** T º: Tº aſ 2-, Tºº TC’T: ; 2-AT ºf Gºº S- H # , ify l, 2-ICTS-TTI || 6-2T ºr Tºrr |s I\!/ 2-5. Tº TS-7 º eyTa T-TT F MAJOR, By MAJOR. a——*—º-t—º-*—1–4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -Tz ſ e-, Kº S- ſº ſ T. fº –––52–~2–E: H P-Be—H \l/ Tº Gº fiſh Ha-->3–e I. Q V bo -a <> * A MINOR D MINOR. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ſ? #e #d. -é. º |I, | ºf 62 'e) 6. Tº Qº’ ri - # gº tº gº) #C2 wº.Tº \!/ HT: Jº, Tºº S- º; . & V a T-> -: G MINOR, .. 8 7 6 5 4. 3 2 1 (C) gº zºº) Zººſ ex-Dax & a-R # iſ N. Be Gº e–H TV/ Cºº’ el/ Bontempi, writing in the seventeenth century, and reviewing the progress that music had made during the two centuries that had elapsed between the era of the establishment of the unequal temperament and his own time, could not refrain from describing that method of tuning as “that sublime and memorable operation which so improved the noble science of counterpoint.” The introduction of 730. The greatest opposition was, nevertheless, offered to ... ."... the system by the purists of the time; and an animated strongly opposed, but º 5 nevertheless estab. Controversy ensued, which continued to rage with great lished. - violence for more than a century, between the adherents to ancient proportions, on the one hand, and the friends of tempered Scales, on the other. The contest, however, ended in favour of practical progress. - 731. At first, little more than half the number of the available scales were made use of Those almost exclusively employed were C, G, D, and F major, A and D minor, and a few of the ancient modes more or less modified. Nor did the music of the fifteenth century present much modulation ; for, in whatever key a piece of music commenced, in that key it remained almost rigorously throughout. For such want of constructive variety and contrast—as it would now be considered— some compensation was, however, afforded by the more nearly accurate intonation of the few progressions of melody and harmony that were used; for us the agreeable relief arising from a change of scale was a resource almost unknown, THE TUNING AND TEMPERAMENT OF THE ORGAN. 163 the earlier tuning had not been required to be much modified to provide for it. The altered tuning, on the other hand, admitted of greater freedom in writing, of which composers gradually learnt to avail themselves. 732. In this way the remaining practicable scales, namely, A and B flat major, A MAJOR. By MAJOR. ſº I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Lºſ —# 5 H _{(N. # = Tºx-ºff f =-z-Be-H *} #–E–3–2–42–4: º 2–9e–C–H– H: as a #e- pa- -a- were, by degrees, taken into requisition; and, as those two scales employed all the five short keys of the clavier, they necessarily marked the farthest limits as to range of scales established or allowed by the unequal temperament. The musical art pro- 733. The art of musical composition continued to progress ; * º * and as “form” began to take the place of the rather frag- ales beyond those pro- sº e tº vided by unequal tem. mentary style of writing that had previously and of necessity perament. prevailed, and as the “attendant keys” of the boundary scales were first touched, then dwelt upon, the use of other scales was required that had not been provided by the framers of the prevailing temperament, and which had not, in fact, any practicable existence on keyed instruments as then tuned. Some of those were E flat major, A flat major, E major, E minor, B minor, F sharp minor, and F minor. Ep MAJOR. A9 MAJOR, 1 2 3 3 5 6 7 8 7 2 3 3 5 6 h! #! ſº. |- l- *º © ſº º 5 &2 2-, [76-2 ſ: i - #s J2C2 Cº. n T H Hº- ==#-Be HH---Be—º-# º \Z RA-5 Čº tºº T; º' §§ e.VTV- Ti -II- E MAJOR, E. MINOR, 1 2 3 4 5 6 la 1 2 3 4 5 6 L8 8 (T). Fº EEZº-Hº-H #H#H#H#H jºy. lſ. Čº Kºº §§ lſ. AºA Cº. cº-TI § VIZ ETºº Tºº- # 3 - Tºº K.sº # el/ ‘Il ex-T B MINOR, F; MINOR, 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 8 1 * 2 3 4. 5 7 8 8 W Y l—— & =2 #Tº Ha-jā Łl ==#~ J& —#e—# =# .#4) li. £e V-a- Hº- | gº, £e Č.2 K-º’ ſ §§ \,\!/ |# Gº -6-2 #2 # #| || #2 # †: el/ -a-fe- F MINOR a 1.3 tº 7 5 5 4 2 2 1 –22–Pł–2-2– f ; : ºf CuS. ##2-#### *} ãº-PSE Lø–5. After a time other scales, again, came to be required, among which were the following :- - B MAJOR. - F MAJOR, 1 2 4 4 5 6 8 8 1 2 4 4 5 7 § # 8 —ſ) t t º r º 4's #4–43– s: # Aºſ —ll- Yººn ºl-O i* l! Fºllºſ, - ſº Tº ſº l t ll. tº 2–5 ITV tº TºdS-TTH tº-TV & ESP. T. j - \\l/ 1 | ºs - #e #2 #& I #TTTLº #e: T § al/ ~~~ 6:3- Vä C# MAJOR a——*—t–4–4–4–3–3 zº #Lº-Lº-F #ſº f #3 V & Pi—— =# I64 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN, Music written in either of the foregoing ten scales, on being played on an unequally tempered organ, could not fail to produce an effect very offensive to sensitive ears; and a little investigation would reveal that the main cause of the untunefulness arose from the fact that each of the five short keys was tuned either as the sharp to the long key to the left, or as the flat to the long key to the right, but in no case so as to serve in the two capacities, thus:– E=#| The unequal tuning left the scale of E flat without a proper fourth (A flat); and the scale of A flat not only had no suitable tonic, by reason of the omission of that same A flat, but it was also without any proper fourth (D flat). The Scale of E major had no leading note (D sharp); and B had neither a proper third (D sharp) nor a seventh (A sharp–see preceding examples). And so on with the other Scales. The consequence of such tuning may be best shown to English readers by extracts from works well known in England, which are accordingly subjoined ; or it may be heard if they be played on an unequally tempered organ. | 5 V 25 &===== £9 EX, I, Single Chant. DUPUIS, As written. As sounded on an unequally tempered Organ, EX, 2. Single Chant. HAYES. O # #, | f i º *###E=Ez=======E====EEEE|| ----- ~ *------- gº— - 633 | º §4 {4 €9 | | £2 | 3 | i gº | a g Ha-g-Hºl | | ſ’ | —G- —éº- –63– | | -u ll. - 2-, -2. —62– eº ed ed ~! * - Z. TE tº | E- | | # , º Tº T ==Hº-H ILTſ tº ſº Gº ' | } | | T fºL5 T |Tºº-Ti, S-2T tº Tºº VD | || i | | | | | 2-5 2-, H m—r- | | $ ) | | I |- H. I CY * #. | TZ Tºº LTI sººn I - H--- T T L–H– ||. +3+2=====E=#########|| —— L–25—t- sº - --- Fºr Ha-ºº: -2- -e- #2. #2. 3 d 2. ~! . . Asºº wº fº | | | n | | H | | | | | | | | Aºn sº e THE TUNING AND TEMPERAMENT OF THE ORGAN. I65 EX, 3. Single Chant. BATTISHILL. EX, 4. Single Chant, DR, BLOW. Ex. 5. AXouble Chant. DAVY. I66 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. Ex, 6. AJouffle Chaná. LORD MORNINGTON, THE TUNING AND TEMPERAMENT OF THE ORGAN. I67 Ex. 7. AEehold / now Żraise the Zord. ROGERS. Ex. 8, - O z0/here 3%all zoisdom, BOYCE, Ex, 9. A zwill love 7%ee. CLARK, I68 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. Ex, Io. By the waters of Babylon. BOYCE. 2-N. f ~~~ EX. II. The Father everlasting: ROGERS, in D. EX, I2. - 77/772 ZZhee unto me. BOYCE. THE TUNING AND TEMPERAMENT OF THE ORGAN. I69 EX. I3. Surely Ae hath borne our grieft. HANDEL. 2–––S EX. I4. Surely Aſe ſath borne our griefs. HANDEL. 17o THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. 2-——S Ex, 15. And with His stripes. HANDEL. Ex, I6. O Zord God of my salvation. DR. CROFT, e | THE TUNING AND TEMPERAMENT OF THE ORGAN. 171 e * Ex, I7. And all flesh shall see it together. HANDEL, 734. The foregoing musical extracts, although but few in number, are sufficient to show that the system of unequal temperament, which had so admirably facilitated the progress of music up to a certain extent, had, in the course of time, become “insufficient” for the greatly increased and still increasing requirements. The musical art had been undergoing continuous and raffid developmená during the two centuries that had elapsed between the time of the introduction of that tempera- ment and the beginning of the eighteenth century, while the system of tuning had zemained stationary. Thus the resources presented by the latter, which were, at the time of its establishment, not only sufficient for, but far in advance of the current musical necessities, had not only passed into common use, but many others had come to be much required. Indeed, if investigated by the clearer vision of increased musical intelligence, the result could only have been the discovery that an organ, tuned according to the then prevailing System, was, in one sense, an eartremely incom//eſe enharmonic organ. It was an instrument that, on the one hand, presented C sharp as distinguished from D flat, E flat as distinguished from D sharp, and so on ; yet, on the other, presented but half the major diatonic scales in a practicable form, only one quarter of the number of the minor Scales, and no 172 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. chromatic scale, the distances of the fixed sounds being neither what nature nor art required for the last-mentioned purpose. The defects of the un- 735. Nor was the detection of these inherent defects in the . ... " then existing organ scale a discovery only of the eighteenth e sixteenth century. & century. So far back as the middle of the sixteenth century several organs existed in Italy having two extra keys in each octave, inserted for the purpose of hiding some of the asperities of the unequal scales. Salinus, in his treatise, De Musica, published in 1577, relates that many organs in his time had what in England have since been denominated guarter-tones, one between A natural and G sharp (A flat), and a second between D natural and E flat (D sharp). On many such organs he had often played, particularly on a very famous one at Florence, in the monastery of the Dominicans, called Santa Maria Novella. Rather more than a century afterwards, that is, in 1685, the same two extra notes were introduced into the Temple organ by Father Smith,” namely, the third flat (A flat) and the fourth sharp (D sharp), which brought into a musical and available form two more major and two more minor scales, namely, E flat major, C minor, and E minor. Ep MAJOR. E MAJOR. 1 2 3 4. 1 2 C MINOR. E MINOR, ſº) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |Aº f x ſ: #23 # 2– VA. R" as S- Gº Fºº-, El 2-, Gº Ǻ § al/ V-sº Victºr Gº —G- ©º Further ameliorations of a similar kind were subsequently made in England. For instance, the organ of the chapel of the Foundling Hospital, erected in 1759, had two more quarter-tones, namely, the fourth flat (D flat) and the fifth sharp (A sharp). These, again, moulded two more major and two more minor Scales into a musical form, A flat major, B major, F minor, and B minor. Ap MAJOR. B MAJOR. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 F MINOR. B MINOR. 8 7 § 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (\ ~A → | 4:\,. - X TA tº-sº Jø Pºlº ſº, I | # º VTFº C2 ºn 2-, |- |; 11– Jl. 2-, } Tº ſº. Vºy ZS: JC2 zºº ll. *2-) tº KJº | TøT #3: Gº * An old MS. book, preserved in the Library of the Honorary Society of the Inner Temple, thus notices these additions:—“The organ at the Temple hath quarter notes, which no organ in England hath, and can play any tune; as, for instance, ye tune of ye II9 Psalm (which was set in E minor), and severall other services set by excellent musicians, which no other organ will do.” THE TUNING AND TEMPERAMENT OF THE ORGAN. I73 1736. About the year 1808 Hawkes took out a patent for an organ which, in addition to the foregoing, presented the fifth flat (G flat). This rendered one more major and one more minor Scale practicable, D flat major and B flat minor. D? MAJOR. By MINOR. 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ſº X f X Z Kº 2-, ... . I rºles |- Pºº- a 5TV tº $º-, lº f | Hall) ! RTZ ºr Tycº Zºº || PZ *-* I/O ºn 2– f Ti TVNVTTTºº-yº Vºs. " | y V - Gº Fº.- . | J-TVo-ve- & V - VO -e- pa- The scales up to five sharps and up to five flats inclusive were thus made available. The remaining four sharps and flats, two of each, were not, however, represented. Enharmonic organs. 737. Nearly a quarter of a century before the date just given the elder Russell had made an organ with twenty sounds in the octave, among which were doubtless included all the foregoing. At subsequent periods other organs were built with a still greater number of sounds in the octave, until those erected for the late Rev. Mr. Liston and Colonel Thompson, which had forty-three and forty sounds in the octave respectively. Nor were instruments of this nature so modern an inven- tion as some might imagine. Vincentino, in the middle of the sixteenth century, invented an instrument of the harpsichord kind, to illustrate the three ancient genera, which had such an accumulation of wires to represent the great variety of intervals, that the instrument had to be furnished with six rows of keys; and a modern organ specimen has three elaborate key-boards for the manipulation of a single stop, and then only incompletely illustrates the theory it is intended to elucidate. Perfect attunement. 738. Such instruments presented several varieties of every degree in the musical scale, as C, D, E, tuned a comma Sharper or flatter than others; SO that the distinction between the major and the minor tones, &c., of every separate scale could be rigorously produced. They not only answered their purpose well, but served theoretically to illustrate the exact difference between a multiplicity of sounds, which, from the force of habit, Some might be apt to consider identical. Their general adoption, however, could not follow, for many reasons, such as the enormous cost of the extra pipes;” the great additional room necessary to accommodate them ; the complex machinery or key-boards that would be required to bring them into active use, &c. 739. Moreover, in proportion as theoretical Žerſection was approached, as to intonation, by the introduction of additional Sounds, the fractical disadvantages were increased; for it destroyed the ambiguity in certain harmonic combinations, which is one of the greatest and richest resources of the musician’s art. The beauty of an enharmonic modulation consists, as all musicians know, in “the theoretical change without the practical difference.” ATTWOOD. 2. * An enharmonic organ, with one stop and three manuals to play it with, costs about A300. I74. THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN, A simple practicable Ma- 740. The great question that had to be solved was not *** whether it were possible to make an instrument that, whatever its merits, could not pass into general use—for that had already been demonstrated conclusively more than once—but whether it were practicable, without increasing the number of twelve sounds in the octave, so to tune or “temper” those that they would practically meet the then increased and all future possible musical requirements. It was in Germany, and in the early part of the last century, that this important theme was first started and discussed ; and the glory of its elucida- tion in the affirmative was chiefly due to the genius of the great John Sebastian Bach, who produced and advocated the system of tuning now so generally known as that of “equal temperament.” Equal temperament. 741. This wonderful yet simple system consists in dividing the octave into twelve semitones by fixed sounds, as uniform in dimension to the ear as are the inch marks of the foot-rule to the eye. The results of that tuning are as follows:–Firstly, every one of the twelve different sounds can be made the key-note from which a well constituted and equally useful diatomic scale can follow ; and which diatonic Scale, further, may be either in the major or the minor form. Thus, the twenty-four major and minor scales are at once rendered available, and equally so for melodic or harmonic progres- sions. Secondly, any one of the twelve different sounds can be taken as the commencing note of an even and uniform chromatic scale. Thirdly, the numerous beautiful enharmonic transitions and modulations can be realised in the manner intended by the great composers who originated them, without the destructive distinctions which would result if the altered modation were accom- panied by an altered intomation that, despite its theoretical propriety, in practice is not wanted. , 742. From what has been said it will be seen that every note is, according to this system, designed to serve in “different capacities; ” some in several. For example, the sound representing C may be either a key-note or a natural diatonic second, third, fourth, &c., to another key-note, or it may be treated as B sharp or D double flat, or it may be changed, ºfton Žafter, from C natural to B sharp, as by an enharmonic change. Every one of the other eleven Sounds is designed to serve in a similar manner. In a word, this wonderfully constituted compound scale com- prises the twelve major and twelve minor Scales and the chromatic and the enhar- monic scales all in one. 743. Nor did Bach simply “theorise” respecting his scale. His writing, teaching, and playing were in consonance with his artistic conviction. In the year 1722 he produced the first book of his well known 48 Preludes and Fugues, under the title of “The Well-tempered Clavier, or Preludes and Fugues through all the tones and semitones concerning the major third, or C, D, E, as well as touching the minor third, or D, E, F. For the use and Study of young eager musical students; as also for the leisure hours of those who are already advanced. Composed and revised by John Sebastian Bach,” &c.” In the year 1744 he issued a second set of the same number of Preludes and Fugues, and again in the 24 different major and * “Das wohl temperirte Clavier oder Paeludia und Fugen durch alle Tone und Semitonia sowohl tertiam majorem Oder Út, Re, Mº, anlangend, als auch tertiam minorem oder Re, M., Aa, betreffend. Zum Nutzen und Gebrauch der Lehrhegierigen Musicalischen Jugend, als auch derer in diesem studio schon babil Seyenden besondern Zeit Vertreib aufgesetzet und verſertiget von Johann Sebastian Bach, £, t. Hochfürstl. Anhalt, Cöthenischen Capell- Meistern und Directore dorer Cammer Musignen. Anno 1722.” -- THE TUNING AND TEMPERAMENT OF THE ORGAN. I75 minor keys. In these works Bach made use of the following members of his “compound "scale. (The diatonic and chromatic notes are distinguished by their initial letters D, C, and such of the enharmonic as are included are marked by En and a bind.) f) C C C C C A. - _* Lºſ _-º _* *~. ~. - (P). ><= =~ 2–H º =~ ~. L. IDS ls p.& &======================== D C En D En C En D En En D En C En C C C C EžE ===HE==#EEEEEEEEE ## == a-paH2 Xeº — #zz-H-I-Xa -IT- –H D En C En D En En C En D En En En D In his “Chromatic Fantasia” Bach put upon paper many notes, which, differing in appearance, and being also unlike in theory, were yet intended to be the same in sound. . tº 744. Nor did he leave his opinion as to the necessity for a compound diatonic, chromatic, enharmonic scale for the organ less indelibly stamped upon the works he wrote expressly for that instrument. In those works he allowed himself the utmost freedom in the choice of “initial * keys; also as to the other keys into which he passed, as well as the most unfettered use of chromatic progressions and enharmonic modulations whenever he required their intro- duction. The part Bach took in 745. In the biographies of Bach, by Forkel and Hilgenfeldt, º * occur several passages that describe the condition in which Bach found clavichord playing and tuning, what he did to develop the capabilities of that instrument, and how he effected that end. Hilgen- feldt says: “At the end of the seventeenth century it was not customary to play in all the keys. Those with more than three sharps or flats were seldom used. The reason of this was, undoubtedly, the “unequal” mode of tuning the instru- ment, which was obstinately adhered to in preference to the system now known as ‘equal temperament.” Forkel writes to the same effect: “Before his (Bach's) time, and in his younger years, it was usual to play moč in all the twenty-four modes. The clavichord could not be perfectly tuned ; people played therefore only in those modes which could be tuned with the most purity. Bach extended the use of the modes, partly by deviating from the ancient modes of church music, and partly by mixing the diatomic and chromatic scales. He learnt (or discovered how) to tune his instrument, so that it could be played upon in all the twenty-four modes. . . Bach tuned both his harpsichord and his clavichord himself; and he was so practised in the operation that it never cost him above a quarter of an hour. But them, when he played from his fancy, all the twenty-four modes were in his Žower; he did with them whatever he pleased. He combined the most remote as easily and naturally together as the nearest; the hearer believed he had only modulated within the compass of a single mode. He knew nothing of harshness in modulations; his transitions in the chromatic scale were as soft and flowing as if he had wholly confined himself to the diatonic scale. His “Chromatic Fantasia, which is now published, may prove what I here state. All his eartemfore volunTARIES are said to have been of the same description, but frequently MUCH MoRE FREE, brilliant, and eafºressive.” 176 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. Equal temperament op- 746. The equal temperament system, nevertheless, met with Fºº "..." the greatest opposition, as the unequal method had before it. ing had been before it. 6 * g. g g While it was admitted that equal temperament moulded into practicable form fifteen scales that were non-existent on an unequally tempered organ, it was objected that it also left the first nine scales in not so good a condition as they were before. This was, in substance, a repetition of the argu- ment that had held good for centuries against unequal temperament ; which latter, while it rendered seven scales practicable that were not so before, left the first two that previously were pure no longer in that condition. It was a line of reasoning that told against all temperament whatever, and could be applied until the perfect attunement of many centuries before were restored, and with it the comparatively primitive state of the art of musical composition ; or—the improved state of the latter partially preserved—enharmonic organs became general, and with them their theoretical beauties, practical imperfections, complexity of manipulation, and impossible pedipulation. Such a position, in fact, was assumed not many years ago by a writer whose advocacy of just intonation forbade his admitting any merit in any temperament whatever. Bontempi, in his History of Music, page 188, 1695, spoke of temperament as a “ divine thing,” while the writer just alluded to described it in the same words without the adjective, namely, as “a thing /* 747. One of the strongest opponents to the adaptation of equal tuning to the organ is said to have been Silbermann, the celebrated organ-builder; and the tradition runs that whenever Sebastian Bach observed Silbermann among his select circle of auditors he used to say to him, in perfect good humour, “You tune the organ in the manner you please, and I flay the organ in the key / please ;” and thereupon used to strike off a fantasia in A flat major, the contest invariably ending in Silbermann's retiring to avoid the “howling of his own wolf.” 748. Equal temperament was opposed also on the ground that it destroyed the “distinctive character of key’ which unequal temperament imparted to the different Scales. A slight acquaintance with unequal temperament would disclose, as shown on pages I62 and I63, that a few of the commonest scales were by it ren- dered nearly, if not quite alike, by reason of the removal of the difference between the major and minor tones ; consequently, but little distinction of “character’ existed among them, but rather was to be found among the remaining fifteen scales, Some of which are shown on page 163. And it appeared among the latter in consequence of the dissonance produced, in greater or less quantity, by the un- avoidable use of the wrong dieses, or quarter-tones, as indicated by the black notes. All those scales contained at least one instance, and some two, of the same degree of the scale occurring twice over; some other degree, or degrees, being omitted altogether. This is shown by the figures, as well as notes, in the foregoing examples. Those wrong fixed sounds brought into those scales intervals as whole tones that were, in dimension, greater than the major tones of perfect attune- ment—the REDUCTION of which was one of the grounds on which unequal temperament was originally devised—and other intervals as semitones that were considerably too small and dissonant for the purpose. Yet for those scales the exaggerated or contorted intervals of which were not in the least degree produced by design, but appeared, both as to number and situation, just where accident had chanced to throw them during the process of tempering the first nine Scales—for those scales a merit and advantage was claimed on the plea that they established a variety of “character’ that was useful and desirable to the musical art Scheibler” spoke much to the purpose when he said: “Such a * An Essay on the Zheory and Practice of Tuning, by Scheibler, page 26, Cocks and Co, THE TUNING AND TEMPERAMENT OF THE ORGAN. 177 modification, or rather corruption of the scales, was called femperament, and, Strange to say, the old theorists advocated the adoption of such unequally tempered scales, on the plea that the different degrees of deviation from the mathematical purity tended to give them a greater characteristic difference of effect, and thereby give a greater power of colouring to the musical art; a plea that represented a necessary evil in the colour of a real advantage and benefit.” 749. No record seems ever to have been made of what were supposed to be the “characters” of the several keys as presented by unequal temperament; nor does it appear that anything was advanced in support of the plea, beyond a few broad Statements and generalities. « Equal temperament re- 750. The case was very different with equal temperament. º * * In the English translation of Bombet's Ziſe of Haydn, published in the year 1818, the editor gave, on pages 98, 99, and IOO, a list of keys, with observations, in reference to this very subject of “character,” which are here quoted. Those to which a * is attached are keys which have no practical existence on an unequally tempered organ, “F major . . . ) This key is rich, mild, Sober, and contemplative. D minor, | Possesses the same qualities, but of a heavier and darker cast ; more doleful, Solemn, and grand. G major . . . ) Gay and sprightly. Being the medium key, it is adapted to the greatest range of Subjects. *E minor . . . ) Persuasive, soft, and tender. *A flat major . The most lovely of the tribe. Unassuming, gentle, Soft, delicate, and tender, having none of the pertness of A in | sharps. Every author has been sensible of the charm of this key, and has reserved it for the expression of his most | refined sentiments. *F minor. . J Religious, penitential, and gloomy. A major . . . Golden, warm, and Sunny. *F sharp minor | Mournfully grand. B flat major . ) The least interesting of any. It has not sufficient fire to render it majestic or grand, and is too dull for Song. (Handel's “O Father, whose Almighty power, Mozart's ‘Benedictus, in the Reguiem, and Mendelssohn’s ‘O come, every one that thirsteth, are in this key.) Meek and pensive. Replete with melancholy. Keen and piercing. Seldom used. (Mendelssohn's ‘I am He that comforteth' is written in this key.) Bold, vigorous, and commanding ; suited to the expression } of war and enterprise. A minor. Plaintive, but not feeble. *D flat major . Awfully dark. In this remote key Haydn and Beethoven have written their sublimest thoughts. They never enter it but for tragic purposes. D major . . . ": grand, and noble. Having more fire than C, it is G minor. *B in sharps C major . suited to the loftiest purposes. In choral music it is the highest key, the treble having its cadence note on 4th line. *B minor. . . J. Bewailing, but in too high a tone to excite commiseration. (Handel’s ‘Vouchsafe, O Lord, and Mendelssohn’s ‘O God, have mercy, are written in this key.) Z 178 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. *E flat major . ) Full and mellow ; sombre, soft, and beautiful. It is a key in which all musicians delight. Though less decided in its character than some of the others, the regularity of its beauty renders it a universal favourite. (Bach's St. Ann's Fugue is written in this key; also, Mendelssohn's chorus, ‘Thanks be to God.”) *C minor . . . J. Complaining ; having something of the whining cast of B minor. (Bach's Passacaglia and several of his most beautiful fugues are written in this key.) *E major . . . Bright and pellucid ; adapted to brilliant subjects. In this key Haydn has written his most elegant thoughts. Handel mistook its properties when he used it in the chorus, ‘The many rend the skies with loud applause.’ Though higher than D, it is less loud, as it stretches the voice beyond its natural powers. It is sufficient to have hinted at these effects. To account for them is difficult; but every musician is sensible of their existence.” 751. Enough is set forth in the above quotation, after allowing something for over-colouring, to show the immeasurable superiority of equal temperament over the unequal on the question of “character of key * under consideration ; not the least of its greater excellencies consisting in its transforming the otherwise “wolfish key” of A flat major into “the most lovely of the tribe.” º, . the 752. It is doubtful, however, whether the question of only Source of distinc- « -o-, 29 & tion of key, questioned. character ºf key * should ever have been so much mixed up with that of “temperament” as it has been, since writers are by no means unanimous as to the precise Source from which Springs that distinction. Pitch supposed to ex- 753. In unequally tempered instruments a distinct cha- jº i. *** racter of key undoubtedly exists; but it is of so untuneful a establishing the cha- e * , g racter of key. nature that, instead of proving an advantage, it is a Source of pain to sensitive ears. To cite one further example: Dr. Burney, in his Musical History, vol. iii., page 608, says of the work from which Ex. 16, on page 170, is taken : “The anthem for three voices, from the eighty- eighth Psalm, is truly pathetic and expressive, from beginning to the end ; but, unluckily, the key in which it is composed (F minor) is so much out of tune on the organ, as it is usually tempered, that the effect must be doubly offensive to those who, though possessed of good ears, are unable to account for it.” Equal temperament removes the cause of this crude distinction. But in doing so, it must, in the opinion of some, destroy all difference between one key and another. Clear as this conclusion seems to be, experience shows that on an equally tempered instrument a distinction of key nevertheless does exist. The equality of the tuning can be proved mathematically, yet a difference in the keys is perceived fractically, and reason has hitherto failed to fathom this subtile phenomenon. Some have attempted to account for it by supposing that an unintentional temperament must find admittance ; that the tuner, un- consciously, has perhaps a bias in favour of certain keys. Others would attribute the distinction to the influence of a second and independent agency, namely, Žitch, or the grave and acute qualities of sound. As to the manner in which that influence is exercised, they propose to account for it by supposing that, when an author composes a piece of music, he first determines his THE TUNING AND TEMPERAMENT OF THE ORGAN. I79 key, and then confines his ideas to the proper compass of the voices or instru- ments for which he is writing. Thus, in penning a vocal piece for a treble voice of average compass, if cº be taken as the key note, the available range would be half an octave upwards, and a whole octave downwards; if f', it would be a whole octave upwards, and half an octave downwards; if a flat, it would be a sixth upwards, and a sixth downwards, and so on ; and that each separate melodial range has perforce its own distinct series of attendant harmonies. That students and auditors, by performing and hearing music So written, are thus gradually led to ascribe to each of the keys a specific character. In this case, however, the primary influences would appear to be the limits of the voice, and other circumstances under which the music was written, rather than any inherent and peculiar property in the Žitch. If any specific quality ever belonged to certain sounds—of which sounds the musical scales are formed —that quality would continue to exist; therefore, on an alteration of Žitch taking place, such as has actually occurred, by ascent, to the extent of a semi- tone, since the time of Haydn, the scales that formerly had sharps for the signature, though now having flats, would still be brilliant; and those which had flats, though now having sharps, would be the reverse. Music written in the last century, in the “golden, warm, and sunny” scale of A major, would now be heard in the “least interesting key” of B flat major, and so on ; whereas no such perversion of sentiment has ever been declared to have taken place. The internal resour. 754. The probability is that neither femperament nor Žitch ... "..."... have so much to do with giving “greater power of colouring capable of giving any S o s character to any key. to the musical art,” by means of the establishment of the So- called “character of scale,” as the internal resources of the ará itself. For since music has become a language, as well as a science and aré, composers have been enabled to express whatever they flease in any scale they please. They have drawn music of a given “character,” and its of £osite, from one and the same scale. Thus, if Handel selected the “bold, vigorous, and command- ing” scale of C major for “The horse and his rider” chorus, he employed it with equal success also for his “Dead March " in Sau/. If Mendelssohn adopted the same scale, “expressive of war and enterprise,” for his “Military Duet,” he used it no less felicitously for his sweet and peaceful aria, “O rest in the Lord.” If he fixed upon the scale of G minor, “replete with melancholy,” for his most pathetic second movement in the instrumental introduction to the Zoëgesang, he adopted the same “meek and pensive scale” with equally perfect success also for two of his most vivacious scherzos, those in the Offeto and the Midsummer Wight's Dream music. Weber selected the “awfully dark and tragic” scale of D flat major for his inspiriting “Invitation to the Dance.” But to whatever circumstance, or Com- bination of circumstances, the distinction of scale is observable, all musicians are sensible of its existence. Characteristics of equal 755. We have heard how “out of tune” the unequal tuning temperament. makes some of the scales that are even in constant use ; and we have seen the cause. We have also noticed in what way equal temperament removes that cause, namely, by, among other things, tempering the Sound of all the short keys, so that they will serve either as the ſat to the white key to the zighi, or as the sharf to the white key to the left. Its influence in the enharmonic scales, which is considerable, is not here dwelt upon. The equal temperament, by rendering each of the twelve fixed sounds susceptible of answering two or three distinct purposes, possesses advantages, as well as a degree of practical simplicity and efficiency, quite peculiar to itself. I8O THE SOUND-PROT) UCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. 756. In distributing the wolf equally among all the scales, the major thirds in a few of the more common keys are made rather sharper than in the unequal temperament. This, the most grave objection taken to the equal system of tuning, never amounts to a striking defect, while, under certain circumstances, it becomes a positive beauty. It is well known that the most perfect organ and instruments in existence, the human voice and the violin, can produce all the gradations of the enharmonic scale ; yet both singers and performers on string instruments frefer Imaking the leading note not a perfect third to its root, but sharf. And as every major triad, at the same time that it forms the fonic triad of one scale (c for instance), also forms the dominant of the ſºft/ below, f; it follows that its third, e, as the leading note of that dominant harmony, accords more closely with the custom observed by the best practical musicians, from the very circumstance of its being sharper than perfect. Besides this, the sharp thirds infuse a freshness and spirit into the common keys, which, according to the old temperament, they do not possess. Besides this, the equal temperament much improves the effect of the whole series of minor scales; in which, it will be recol- lected, a very considerable proportion of the English church music is written. Again, as nearly all well-cultivated voices have been tutored at an equally tempered piano- forte, a similarly tempered organ must prove the best accompaniment to them. No singer would think of Sounding for semitones such intervals as those which occur on an unequally tempered organ between G. natural and G sharp, or between E flat and E natural ; or such as those between G sharp and B flat, or between C sharp and E flat for whole tones; or such as those between G sharp and C, or between B and E flat for major thirds — h |- L H–28–19—H---- - {} —— I |- . T º #EH=H #2 == I | º : º H | il. T] | | -] &T | | | | In this respect, singers have frequently been censured for “singing out of tune,” when the fault has rested solely with the barbarous temperament of the organ by which they have been accompanied. 757. Then, in practice, the equal temperament is the only system that affords unfettered facility for the transposition of a piece of music (when that may be required), without distorting the intervals of its melody, or rendering the progress of its harmony crude and exaggerated. In this variable climate it frequently happens that, by transposing a psalm tune or a chant a Semitone or a whole tone lower, the voices of a choir or congregation may be spared much exertion and unnecessary fatigue. Besides this, organs vary more or less in pitch; and, if an instrument be tuned very high, the music can then be transposed without harsh- ness being imparted to it. In the Harmonicon for 1824, a correspondent states that “till of late years the organ in St. Paul’s Cathedral was half a note above the usual standard, and the organ part of the music performed at the Feast of the THE TUNING AND TEMPERAMENT OF THE ORGAN. 181 Sons of the Clergy was therefore obliged to be transposed half a note lower than the other parts for the accommodation of the organist.” 758. As to the manner in which tempered sounds are received by the musical Sense, Mr. G. A. Macfarren has explained this matter very clearly in his Lectures on Harmony, published by Longman and Co., Paternoster Row. On pages 43 and 44 he says:–“The system, I believe, first practised by Sebastian Bach—which has now become general—of tuning keyed instruments by equal temperament, consists in prevaricating the enharmonic diesis—that is, the distinction between D sharp and E flat, &c.—by tuning notes too sharp for the one and too flat for the other of their names, and by making a like compromise between the still minuter discrepancies of the diatonic scale, so that, while no interval is perfectly true, the ear is in neither case shocked by false intonations. It is, however, a beautiful and a wonderful property of the musical sense, so to adjust these tempered notes, that in every key they produce the same effect upon us in relation to other notes that the perfectly attuned notes would produce which they represent.” And on page 141 he further adds that, “in despite of equal temperament, the ear has the admirable facility of so adjusting the tempered sounds which enter it, that they seem to us not what we hear, but what we should hear, were all the notes perfectly attuned to the true natural scale.” At the same time, another fact cannot be concealed, which is, that it is quite possible for the ear, under the influence of a firm imagination, to be encouraged to refuse to receive tempered sounds when presented in a particular shape—Or even in any shape whatever—and yet tolerate the far more egregious effect of the use of the wrong diesis. The painful effect, however, of such unequal tuning on sensitive ears may be gathered from the following —The late Adolph Hesse was in England in the year of the first Great Exhibition, together with his father- in-law, Louis Spohr. Both were at Westminster Abbey on the occasion of the Purcell Festival, and, after service, Hesse was asked to try the organ—then unequal —which he proceeded to do. He had not played many chords before he dis- covered the condition of the tuning ; when, directing Spohr's attention to it, he positively declined to touch another note, and, with Spohr, closing his ears, left the organ gallery. On his return to Germany, Hesse had occasion to write “something about English organs,” in which he said, in reference to the unequal tuning: “It is inconceivable to me how, in the neighbourhood of the best orchestral music, and of the most Splendid and perfectly well-tuned pianos, the ear can reconcile itself to such barbarisms.” 759. One of the earliest and most earnest advocates, in England, for the appli- cation of equal temperament to the organ was the late Dr. Crotch—himself a very great authority—who directed attention to the subject, on the last page of the Second edition of his Elements of Musical Composition, in the following words:— “The author cannot but regret that the preference of English organists for the old method of tuning has been (as he is informed) hitherto so strong and deter- mined, as to have resisted and repelled the attempts made to introduce the equal temperament into our cathedrals and churches. He has for many years uniformly recommended that this system should have a fair trial, upon the principle that, as all tempered fifths and thirds offend the ear, those systems which contain such as are most tempered and most discordant cannot be preferable, especially in an age when the keys which have four sharps and three flats can no longer be excluded from general use. It has at length been fairly tried, and, having carefully examined it, he feels convinced that its practicability and superiority are as unequivocal on the Organ as they are allowed to be on the pianoforte, and on all other instruments Which contain only twelve different notes on each octave. He continues to press I82 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. these opinions, not merely because they are his own, but because, in So doing, he is contending for the far higher authority of the judgment, and practice of one whom, he trusts, his opponents must venerate and admire—the greatest of all Composers for his sacred instrument— SEBASTIAN BACH.” Mr. George Hogarth, in an article on the organ, printed in the Musical World for 1836, page 21, observes —“The organ in England is tuned according to a system of temperament different from that which prevails on the Continent, and the effect of which is that the harmony is intolerably impure in all keys which require more than three sharps or three flats.” And the late Chevalier Neukomm, in the preface to his Organ Voluntaries, inquired—“Why do the English organists continue to follow a barbarous system no longer adequate to the improved state of modern instrumental music, and which renders the organ unfit for accompaniment when in concert with other instruments P” Mr. Hullah, again, in his History of Moderſt Music,” page 9, observes —“The modern European system, though the exigencies of practice prevent its being absolutely true, is nearer the truth than any other system ; and its inaccuracies are so slight as to cause little disturbance to the most refined ear. I mean by this that all our music is, of necessity, a little out of tune ; for our intervals vary, however slightly, from those deduced from the division of a musical string into aliquot parts. But the discrepancy, I repeat, is so slight, and distributed, by the system of equal temperament, over so many instances, that it is practically of no consequence.” To these several observations it may be added that the preference of English organists is not now for the “barbarous system,” but has become almost as universally “strong and determined” 27t favour of J. Sebastian Bach's tuning. A few of the instruments thus tempered may here be enumerated. St. Paul’s Cathedral (both organs); Westminster Abbey ; St. Sepulchre's, Snow Hill; Temple Church ; All Saints', Margaret Street; St. Andrew’s, Wells Street; Foundling Hospital; Crystal Palace (both organs); all the Town Hall organs in the Kingdom, &c., &c, Equal temperament is universally adopted on the Continent. * Longman and Co., Paternoster Row. THE TUNING OF THE ORGAN. 183 CHAPTER XXVII. THE TUNING OF THE ORGAN. Laying the bearings, 760. IF the sounds of a set of pipes, or a stop, are to be i.” "...”.. adjusted according to “perfect attunement,” the thirds, fifths fluence to the stops 9 . 2 5 generally, &c., will of course be tuned mathematically true ; but if so as to present some kind of tempered scale, then the first step taken is to “lay the bearings.” This process, after adjusting the starting Sound to the pitch of the tuning-fork, consists in tuning the remaining eleven sounds of the octave by intervals of a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, or octave, up or down, as the case may be, and at the same time of making those intervals, except the octave, which is always tuned absolutely perfect, “bear” nearer towards or farther from the sounds from which they are being calculated than if they were being tuned justly. 761. The following scheme exhibits one of the most approved methods of laying the bearings on the unequal temperament principle — º p § 3 *—n º gº) Fa Fa #–Zes ll. §§ º ſº O €2. º O #2=H gº #3 ſe #2 H -62- -ēj-, -G-, -ę– —62– ©– 'I ex- O p Tº º __*~~ _----> ** #TE ºf _*~ }º 2-y 2-lºſſ. 2-Y Y2- C2 tº _{(\ 2-Y Leº Zºº” Kº {T} gº º K-ºſ T. VJ Tºº }ºaº *Y tº iſ ºw X- I el/ V -'s Kºº *-*. ſº 3– The bound note is in each case supposed to be tuned ; the other is the one to be adjusted. In laying the bearings, all the thirds, fourths, and sixths that are tuned upwards are made a little sharp, and those that are tuned downwards rather flat. The fifths, on the contrary, are tuned a slight degree flat upwards and sharp downwards. As the tuner proceeds with his work, he occasionally tries the temperament of a note just tuned with some other note previously adjusted, to ascertain whether the bearings are being laid correctly. These references are called frials or Žroofs, and are made by adding the major third, fourth, or sixth, above or below, to the note just tuned. If the intervals upwards prove to be rather greater than perfect in all cases, except between c sharp and f sharp, which should be rather flat, all is right ; but if otherwise, then Some of the previous bearings are not quite correct. The proofs are, in the above scheme, indicated by the initial letter p. 762. In laying the bearings according to the equal temperament System, the tuning is frequently proceeded with by fifths and octaves only, as shown in the following example:– ; /º _*-> _s=-> |AZ Z v ! _*~ #Tº & w Aºſ C G2 L-sº Kº-y Y2-5 . . º Gº ~<=>- –– _*~ _{{\. zº w V º iſ: 2-Y Y2- _-_s ºf V | \L. Gº CD F.2-5 H' º lº & V el/ paº --- Vº —£2– —£2– m== LC2. © - \- S-' -ad- Proof. fT) ºf 2-S __*-> º Lºſ ' GP –G ar ** ~ # 2=~ | ** § (T *, i -\}/. zºº TLC CP. It #= | Đe eZ --- — ºfte:2- -3– Vº- 184 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. 763. The bearings are laid in and about the middle octave and a half of the stop, as will be perceived on referring to the notation of the two last examples ; and the stop usually selected for the purpose is the Principal, the pitch of that stop being the medium one between the unison and small stops. The bearings having been laid, the remainder of the stop is tuned in Octaves to the pipes already adjusted. After this, the unison flue stops are tuned, and then the smaller stops, the reeds being left till last. The fifth and third-Sounding Stops, as also the fifth and third-sounding ranks of the Compound stops, are tuned in absolutely perfect thirds and fifths to the Foundation stops. How the pitch of the 764. A large often metal ſlue #iffe has its pitch raised .*.*, * * by cutting away a ring of the metal from off the top of the pipe, pipe is altered, o a “ e & * tº and is lowered by soldering a ring on. Or the pipe is furnished with a sliding cap or cylinder, which is slipped up or down, according to whether the pitch of the pipe is to be lowered or raised. Sometimes a large pipe is tuned by a slit made in its back at the upper end. This is particularly the case with front pipes. By bending the two edges apart, so as to leave an aperture, the pitch of the pipe is sharpened, and by closing them it is flattened. Sometimes all the pipes, except the small ones, are left rather long, and a “tongue" of metal cut near to the top, which is inclined inwards or outwards, according as the pitch of the pipe requires flattening or Sharpening. I IQ I 765. A small often metal ſlue #iffe is tuned by an II 8 instrument constructed for the purpose, conical in shape, º called a tuning-horn. Tuning-horns are of many dif- 4 ferent sizes, all of which come into requisition in the # Cas §D. course of “tuning an organ through.” The larger ones consist simply of a hollow cone (ſig. I 18), made of brass; the smaller, of a handle (ſig. I 19) with a solid metal cone at one end (a) and a hollow cone at the other (). Through the instrumentality of a tuning-horn, the top of a pipe may be slightly contracted or expanded, i.e., its edge may be drawn in or turned out as occasion may require. - 766. All the flue pipes in an organ are first “cut down” as nearly as possible to the exact pitch. If any pipe is still a slight degree too flat, the pointed end of the cone is pressed into the aperture at the top of that pipe, which turns the edge a little out- wards, and so slightly raises its pitch. If, on the contrary, a pipe is a little too sharp, the hollow part of the cone is forced over the top of that pipe, which draws its edge inwards, and thus has the same effect that very slightly lengthening the pipe would have. 767. A large offen wood ſue #iffe is sharpened by cutting the body of the pipe shorter, and flattened by nailing a piece of board as far over the open end of the pipe as may be necessary to make it give its true note. 768. A small often wood ſlue #iffe has a metal shade fixed into the upper end of the back of the pipe. To flatten the pitch, this shade is bent down towards the orifice of the pipe ; to sharpen it the shade is raised. 769. As the Compound stops have several pipes to a note, and all these would of course sound at the same time, a small moſ, (ſig. 120) is thrust into each pipe of the given key, excepting the one about to be tuned, to silence them. Sometimes the various ranks of pipes that form a Compound stop are governed by as many Small sliders, capable of being drawn separately. Where this is the case, mops are not used, as I2O THE TUNING OF THE ORGAN. . 185 the Small special slider to a single rank of pipes can then be drawn without disturbing any of the others. 770. Stoſſed metal fiftes, whether entirely or partially closed, are furnished with a cap, and by this they are occasionally tuned. By pressing this cap down, the vibrating column of air within the pipe is shortened, and the Sound of the pipe is therefore raised, and vice versé. In England, stopped metal pipes, which have generally very large ears, are more frequently tuned by those ears. By bending them nearer towards the mouth of the pipe, they lower the pitch ; and by bending them outwards, they, on the contrary, raise it. In modern Speci- mens, both in England and Germany, the pipes are made sufficiently long to receive cylindrical wooden stoppers covered with leather. 771. Stoffffed wood fiftes are closed with a stopper, that is, forced into the upper end of the pipe ; and in this respect differs from the cap of the stopped metal pipe, which encloses the top of the body. Its influence, however, is the Same, namely, that of sharpening the pitch of the pipe the further it is pressed down, and of flattening it the more it is drawn upwards. 772. Aleed £iffes are tuned by means of the tuning-wire, on raising which the vibrating portion of the tongue is lengthened, causing it to give a deeper tone ; and on depressing which the vibrating portion of the tongue is shortened, and the pitch consequently raised. The pitch of the organ 773. The pitch of the organ is affected to a considerable .*.*.*.* extent by the altered temperature of the atmosphere at different cold in different sea- sons. The extent of Seasons of the year. This fact was satisfactorily elucidated by this alteration. the late Dr. Smith, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, who has given the result of his experiments in his work on Harmonics, page 192, 2nd edition —“I found,” he says, “that the particles of air in the cylindrical pipe, called d", in the middle of the open diapason, made 262 complete vibrations, or returns to the places they went from, in one second of time. This experiment was made in the month of September, at the time when the thermometer stood at temperate, or thereabouts. But, upon a cold day in November, I found, by a like experiment, that the same pipe gave but 254 complete vibrations in one second ; So that the pitch of its sound was lower than in September by something more than # of a mean tone.” 774. “And, upon a pretty hot day in August, I collected, from another experiment, that the same pipe gave 268 complete vibrations in a second of time ; which shows that its pitch was higher than in November by almost half a mean tone.” 775. “By Some observations made upon the contraction and expansion of air, from its greatest degree of cold in our climate to its greatest degree of heat, compared with Sir Isaac Newton's theory of the velocity of sounds, I find also that the air in an organ pipe may vary the number of its vibrations made in a given time in the ratio of I5 to 16, which answers to the major hemitone, or about 3% of the mean tone, and agrees very well with the foregoing experiments.” 776. The influence of a change or rise in the temperature on the pitch of an organ is sometimes rather strikingly illustrated during the evening meeting of large congregations, and also in concert-rooms; and it is not unfrequently also attended with some temporary inconvenience. On account of the church or room being filled with people, the temperature soon rises, the atmosphere in and around the pipes of those parts of the organ that are exposed to it undergoing a similar change. The metal pipes themselves also become warm from the heated air coming in contact with them, some metals and compounds, however 186 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. being sooner influenced than others. When the parts of the organ in question are played, supplied as they then are by a warm air, and with their pipes also warm, they are found to Sound much sharper than before. The Swell pipes, however, supposing the shutters of the box to have been kept closed, are Sur- rounded by an atmosphere of the original temperature, the heat not having been able to penetrate through the box, they, therefore, remain cool, and the warm air from the bellows as it passes into them becomes chilled, and is reduced to its original density; the consequence being that the Swell, at its unaltered pitch, Sounds, perhaps, a quarter of a tone flatter than the Great organ. This non- accordance of pitch is often very detrimental in its effect; but it can generally be obviated by fixing the Swell open, whenever the organ is not being used during the evening, so as to allow the warm air to reach its pipes, and raise their pitch with the rest of the organ. Care should afterwards be taken to leave the Swell open all night, that its pipes may cool with the other parts of the organ, or it may be too sharp when next used. The writer has known a concert-room organ to rise as much as a semitone in pitch in the course of an evening's performance, when the temperature has very much increased. 777. When an organ has been thrown much out of tune by a great change of temperature, it will be found that the flue stops are not so much at variance among themselves, nor the reeds, as that one class of stops has bodily Separated from the other. This change is commonly attributed to the reeds, which are said to have “gone flat”—reed pipes being rather proverbial for their instability of pitch ;-but in this instance the alteration appears to rest rather with the flue stops. 778. A simple and ready illustration of the influence of heat in raising the pitch of a flue pipe may be obtained in the following way :—Take out the top pipe of the Dulciana, if it be in tune, and hold its body in the hands until it becomes perfectly warm, and then return it into its place, and Sound it with the stopped Diapason. It will then be found to sound very sharp. This is because the warm pipe raises the temperature of the air as it passes through it. If the two pipes are allowed to continue to sound together, a rapid beat will at first be heard ; but, as the current of air gradually cools the pipes, the beats will become slower, until they at last entirely disappear, as the pipe, on attaining its first temperature, returns to its original pitch. 779. As to the cause of the change of pitch, from alteration of temperature, some have been inclined to attribute it partly to the expansion of the metal in warm weather and its contraction in cold, and partly to the lighter density of the atmosphere in summer than in winter. Dr. Brewer, in his little work on Sound and its Phenomena, page 255, says: “The reason is, an increase of temperature increases the elasticity of the pipes, in consequence of which they vibrate some- what more quickly, and render a higher note.” This refers to flue pipes. With regard to the tongues of reed pipes, which are of brass, as the heat expands them, it would be supposed that they would vibrate slower, and produce a lower sound ; but, if their elasticity also is increased, the one influence may to Some extent balance the effect of the other. 780. As being connected in some degree with this subject, reference may be made to the cause of the draught that is so generally felt to issue from the region of the keys of the organ. The warmer atmosphere, as it comes in contact with the numerous metal pipes, becomes chilled; and, its density being increased, it descends. In this manner a constant eddy is produced, resulting in the disagreeable effect referred to, and which has been attributed to almost every cause but the right one. THE PITCH TO WHICH AN ORGAN SHOULD BE TUNED. 187 CHAPTER XXVIII. THE PITCH TO WHICH AN ORGAN SHOULD BE TUNED. The question a most in- 781. THE question as to the pitch to which an organ should teresting one. be tuned introduces to consideration several very interesting particulars. A concert-room organ would probably be tuned up to the prevailing concert pitch, in order that it may accord with the orchestral instruments. With regard to church organs, however, this same question cannot be so easily disposed of Several circumstances first demand attention, particularly when the Organ is for a church where choral service is celebrated. The presumed lower 782. Much has been written at various times to show that pitch of two centuries ſº * & e tº As since the musical pitch has been gradually rising for the last two centuries; and the opinion has even been expressed that in Tallis's time it was some two tones lower than it is now. The difficulties insepar- 783. The difficulty, or rather impossibility, has been to **** reconcile this theory with the notation of the venerable pieces of church harmony of the sixteenth and early part of the Seventeenth centuries. All who have been accustomed to assist in the choral performances of the services and anthems of the early English church composers must have observed that the parts, generally speaking, lie so low for the voices that they can be sung only with Some difficulty, even at the present supposed elevation of a major third above the original pitch; and this circumstance has naturally led to much speculation as to whether they ever could have been sung at a pitch much, if at all, below that in present use. º 784. Several different theories have been propounded, with the hope of settling this by no means unimportant question. 785. Some have supposed that the range of the human voice must have been lower at that period than it is now ; others, that the composers could not have studied the compass and convenience of the voices for which they wrote ; while others maintain that the compositions in question were not contemplated by their authors to be sung to any definite pitch, but were intended to be transposed, to Suit the voices, as occasion might require. All these explanations, however, are accompanied by some circumstance that proves fatal to its unqualified reception. Let us examine them in the order they are given above. The compass of the 786. It must be needless to insist on the extreme impro- human voice supposed * † tº tº sº e bability of the supposition that nature has found it necessary to to have changed. g º revise that which has always been ranked among her most perfect works—namely, the vocal organ of the human species—particularly as there exists no real difficulty to render the retention of So unseemly an hypothesis necessary. But were it otherwise, the questionableness of such a theory is soon rendered evident by making an analysis of the music of the period already alluded I88 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN. to. In the Services of Tye, Tallis, Byrd, Gibbons, Bevin, Farrant, Hilton, and others, the moſation of the treble part in no case ascends higher than d”, the fourth line in the treble; while in a few instances it descends as low as tenora, the second line below. The bass constantly ranges down to FF, and sometimes even to EE ; and the inner parts lie proportionably low. The anthems of the same composers slightly exceed the above upward range in the treble part; but that only rarely. Now, if the Žitch, at the time alluded to, were some two tones lower than at pre- sent, the above writers must have considered the sound corresponding with the modern bl flat, or bl natural, the third line in the treble, as marking the full average upward range of treble voices, and an occasional tenor f, the fourth line in the bass, as not too low for them ; and further, they must have viewed DD flat, and even CC, the second line below the bass, as sounds quite within the range of ordinary bass voices;–ideas certainly most opposed to our knowledge and experience of the compass and capabilities of the several voices in existence in the present day. But inasmuch as the theory of the former existence of a complete series of different, that is, deeper voices, rests solely on the presumed lower pitch of the seventeenth century—and this latter point is not yet proved—its further consideration may, for the present, be withheld. The old composers Sup- 787. With regard to the second suggestion—“ that the com- *.*.*... posers could not have studied the compass and convenience of sulted the convenience t * w of the voices they wrote the voices for which they wrote *-the answer to this must for, depend entirely on the decision arrived at in reference to the former question, and, therefore, may also stand over for a time. The early English com- 788. The third supposition is “ that the compositions in posers supposed to have * e & j...'... question were not contemplated by their authors to be sung to to any definite pitch any definite pitch.” This, however, does not meet the difficulty. Unless the old English treble voices were as deep as the modern counter-tenors, and all the other voices proportionably low, Tallis, Gibbons, and the other church composers of the period, must invariably and intentionally have written their music in a pitch in which it could never have been sung, and have thus rendered recourse to transposition not simply a matter of occasional eaffed!- ency, but one of constant necessity. Nay, more, as the services, &c., were from the first intended to be accompanied by the organ (the composers themselves, in many cases, taking their seat at the instrument), and as the organs of that day were tuned according to the unequal temperament;-as, moreover, the music was generally written in the scales Zºrovided by that temperament, but out of which, according to the above theory, they must uniformly have been transposed ;-it follows, if the above hypothesis be correct, that the learned composers referred to must have avoided the good keys in performance, and used the bad. Now, it is not possible that proceedings So needlessly complex and objectionable as those just detailed could have been recognised, still less have received freference, at the hands of those who were, in all other respects relating to their art, such methodical and deep- thinking men. - ** Everything questioned 789. In the attempted Solutions hitherto advanced, the tºº. º º judgment of the great English composers of the time referred pitch, to, and even the original perfectness of some of Nature's own work, the compass of the human voice, have been questioned, while one thing, the mutability of which is So well known, namely, the £itch, has been treated as though it was indisputably a very low one in the sixteenth century THE PITCH TO WHICH AN ORGAN SHOULD BE TUNED. I 89 Strong grounds for be 790. Now, although the opinion is directly at variance with .." º º all the hitherto received notions on the subject, there are the ecclesiastical pitch. strongest reasons for believing that the ecclesiastical pitch of the sixteenth and early part of the seventeenth centuries, so far from being some two tones lower than now in use, was a whole tone higher than the fºresent concert Žitch. Thesixteenthandseven- 791. During several visits to the organs of Germany, the writer º ... was frequently struck with the extreme sharpness of the pitch sharp. of the old organs. Of the three great instruments at Ham- burg, two—namely, those in St. Catharine's Church, which is the oldest, and that in the Church of St. Jacobi, built in the seventeenth century (see Foreign Organs in Appendix)—proved to be a whole ſome above the writer's tuning-fork, marked “Philharmonic” pitch. The transept organ in St. Mary’s Church, at Lübeck, another old instrument, on being tested, was also found to be a whole tone above the same pitch; while that in one of the other churches in the Same old town was a full semitone above the same pitch. On the inquiry being made of the organists of the three fore-mentioned churches how they accounted for this circumstance, they explained that their organs were tuned to the church pitch ; and it subsequently transpired that in Germany three distinct standards of pitch had at different periods been used to which to tune organs; namely, Orchestra pitch, which was the lowest; chamber pitch, a semitone above the former ; and church pitch, which was the highest. On extending these inquiries to an organ-builder of that country, that person stated that he had almost invari- ably found the old organs, which he had been called upon to tune, repair, or replace by new ones, a semitone or a whole tone sharper than the present concert pitch. Not the least interesting proof of the former existence of a high church pitch is to be found in the fact that Sebastian Bach, in his church Cantatas, in most cases, wrote the organ part a mote lower than the other £arás, -which circumstance is alluded to by Mr. Macfarren, in his analysis of the contents of the first volume of Cantatas, published by the Leipzig Bach Society, printed in the Musical World for 1853. A high ecclesiastical 792. The above facts, in conjunction with others, tended to pitch believed to have confi opinion the writer had long previously entertained existed formerly in Eng. Confirm an 9PM writer n g previously entertained, land as well as in Ger. namely, that in England, as in Germany, there must have many. existed at the period of the Reformation, and from that time to that of the Rebellion, a church pitch quite separate from the orchestral or instru- mental pitch ; and not only so, but even higher than the modern concert pitch. Every circumstance directly supports this hypothesis, which at the same time removes and reconciles all the difficulties and improbabilities which have encum- bered every other view of the same subject. The very low notation 793. To begin with a reference to the English church music. of ancient church music If W. d th tati f th ld S i f high h favourable to this view. " Wº º € 1.) Otatl On O C O ervices a tone higher, the average compass of the treble parts will then be made to the extent from middle b or c” up to e” or f*; and the bass parts, as a rule, not lower than gamut G or FF ; precisely the ranges which are known to be the best for the corresponding voices in church music. By this very simple means the neces- sity is obviated for supposing that the range of the human voice has undergone any modification ; it removes all occasion for suggesting that the whole race of church composers of the sixteenth and early part of the Seventeenth centuries understood IOO THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN, or studied the convenience of the voices so little as invariably to have written too low for them ; and it renders it quite superfluous to suppose that that industrious class of writers made a practice of setting their services and anthems in wrong Áeys, leaving singers and organists to transpose them into the correct ones. William Turner, writing in 1724, says: “When Guido Aretinus reduced the Greek scale into the form now used, there was no sound practised above E /a, which gave birth to the common proverb, viz., He strains a note above E la.” Without going back so far as this quotation would take us, if the pitch in Tallis's time had been some two tones lower than at present, it is difficult to comprehend a cause for treble voices having to Strain at cº; but, if it were a tone higher, it is easy to understand that then, as now, the sound of f* sharp could only be produced by some exertion. 794. Soon after the above observations were first written, two interesting facts came to the writer's knowledge, which strongly supported the opinion as to a former high church pitch. In the library at Exeter Cathedral is preserved a MS. copy, written about the beginning of the last century, of Tallis's Service in D, transposed into E ; and in Dr. Rimbault's library is a copy of Gibbons' Service in F, transposed into G ; in both cases the zeotation, no doubt, being raised to compensate for the lowering of the Žitch, in order that the originally intended sounds might be pre- served. - 795. In 1644 church organs were ordered to be demolished by Act of Parliament; and so implicitly was the nonsensical decree obeyed that very few organs escaped the general destruction ; and even the two or three that were spared have subse- quently undergone so much alteration in the course of improvement that they could afford little or no assistance in Solving the question which has just been considered. * * - 796. A few incidental references as to the pitch of old organs have, however, from time to time come to light, which clearly proves the existence of a high church pitch in the seventeenth century. The elder Harris built an organ for Magdalen College, Oxford, in the early part of the seventeenth century, which was repaired by his grandson in the years 1690-91. Among other necessary improvements he undertook to “alter the pitch of the said organs half a noſe lower than they now are.” Among the memoranda of Dr. Woodward, Warden of New College, Oxford, under the date “March Ioth, 1661,” occurs the following —“Some discourse was then had with one Mr. Dalham, an organ-maker, concerning a new fair organ to be made for our college chapel. The stops of the intended organ were shown unto myself and the thirteen seniors, set down in a paper and named by the organist of Christ Church, who would have had them half a mote lower than Christ Church organ, but Mr. Dalham supposed that a quarter of a note would be Sufficient.” - Father Smith's pitch 797. The organs built by Smith and Harris after the Re- flatter than the ecclesi- & g e & t asſical pitch of p. Storation were not tuned to so high a pitch as the choir pitch ing times. of the time of Tallis and Gibbons, and Smith's pitch was higher than Harris's. Smith's pitch was, however, higher than Some have supposed, as may be gathered from the following passage, extracted from The English Musical Gazette for January, 1819 –“It is a remark- able circumstance that all Schmidt's organs were a quarter, and some even half, a tone above pitch ; this was so severely felt by the wind instruments, at the performances of the Sons of the Clergy, that they could not get near the pitch of the organ. In consequence of this, it was agreed upon that the organ should be altered to concert pitch, by transposing the pipes, so that the present DDD was formerly CCC, and so on through the organ.” To this it may be added, THE PITCH TO WHICH AN ORGAN SHOULD BE TUNED. 191 that the pipes to the CCC key are new ones, the two open Diapason pipes, of wood, standing in the angles of the case to the left of the manuals. The pitch of the Temple organ was also originally rather sharp. Harris's organs were lower in pitch than Smith's. The lower pitch of Harris's organ was one of the specified causes of its rejection at the Temple. The matter is thus referred to in an extract printed in Mr. Macrory's excellent little book, A Few Woſſes on the Temple Organ —“The organ made by the said Harris is discoverably too low and too weak for the said church.” The portion of this organ that was afterwards erected at Wolverhampton remained at the low pitch until about twenty years since, when it was raised by the late Mr. Bishop. Smith's pitch was almost the mathematically correct one, if not absolutely so. Harris's lower pitch he no doubt brought with him from France, where the organ in the King's Chapel and all the famous organs in Paris and in the country were tuned a semitone lower than the King's chamber pitch. As the pitch of the C in the time of the eminent violin maker, Stradivarius, was that of 512 variations in a second of time, and very probably agreed with the chamber pitch, the greater gravity of Harris's pitch can be traced to its source and cause, and its disagreement with Smith's accounted for. - The flattened pitch ac, 798. On referring to the sacred compositions by the con- º * * * temporaries of Smith and Harris, we perceive this coincidence in support of the opinion that the pitch of that period was flatter than the earlier choir pitch ; namely, that certain notes, such as e” and f*, which scarcely ever appeared in the treble part of the earlier church music, were now of quite common occurrence. The pitch lower again, 799. Soon after the commencement of the eighteenth cen- * * *.* tury the pitch had again fallen. Possibly Harris's flatter pitch of the eighteenth cen- w tury, in England. was preferred, and accepted as the standard. It is known that the organ in the chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge, com- menced by Father Smith, and “cut down" and finished by his son-in-law, Schrider, in 1708, was originally adjusted to the pitch which has been shown mathematically to have been a minor tone below the present pitch. The writer of the Reformation of Cathedral Music, page 25, says: “Dr. Smith (Harmonics, 1749) gives 393 as the number of vibrations of A in a second. Fisher, in 1823, gives 430. Woolhouse ascertained the Philharmonic pitch, in 1835, to have 424. The same note referred to the scale of vibrations C = 512, and derived as a prime harmonic from the sub- dominant F, will have 426-6. Now the ratio of any of these to 393 is almost exactly as IO : 9, which is the ratio of a minor tone, showing the rise of pitch within a single century.” A similar alteration of 800. What is very remarkable is, the pitch had, soon after : º *: the commencement of the last century, fallen as much in France Germany. and Germany as in England. Of the three fine organs at Strasburg, built by Silbermann, those in the cathedral, finished in 1716, and that in the Protestant church, proved, on trial in 1853, to be a whole ſome below the pitch of the same fork by which the Hamburg organs were tested the preceding year, and found to be a whole tone sharf. The third organ, in St. Thomas's Church, is nearly as flat. The organ in the Church of St. Maria di Capitol, at Cologne, built in 1767 by Konig, was also originally flat, and, like the Trinity organ, has since been sharpened. - I92 THE SOUND-PRODUCING PORTIONS OF THE ORGAN, º: º in the 8OI. In this case, again, the greater depression of the pitch panied by ". i. IS manifested by the increased upward range of the modation, ascent in the notation, as is clearly demonstrated by the music of Handel and other composers of the last century, even without the authority of Handel's tuning-fork, the existence of which further authenticates the supposition. William Turner likewise speaks of the treble voices in his time going some three or four degrees higher than Guido's gamut, which, however, would then have consisted of the same range of sounds as in Tallis's time, or within a semitone of it.} 802. It is evident, then, (1) that the organ pitch has within three centuries varied to the extent of two whole tones; (2) that there have at different times existed three distinct pitches, the highest being the oldest; that in use soon after the commencement of the last century being the lowest; and (3) that the present pitch is about midway between the extreme high and low pitches of former times, and is as nearly as possible identical with Father Smith's. Tº which ºf the three 803. The question now is, to which of these three different church pitches formerly ...; º º º . . . . . pitches a church organ had better be tuned, seeing that music organ be tuned ? has been written to all of them, yet but one can be adopted P As the medium pitch is at the same time also the true mathe- matical one, there can be no doubt but that, theoretically speaking, it would be better that all organs be adjusted to a fork that gives that true mathematical pitch, Such as that published by Mr. Hullah, and issued by Messrs. Longman and Co., Paternoster Row ; but complaints are so frequently made by members of con- gregations, on the one hand, and by singers who have to perform the solo and verse music of the last century, on the other, of the inconvenience of singing to the present high pitch, that it is worthy consideration whether it would not be as well to have organs tuned exactly a semitone flat, for the general convenience of the voices, and then for such music to be transposed as may be required, and into such keys as would best suit the particular congregations or choirs. At any rate, it is clear that, to be adequate to the purposes of transposition, all organs should be tuned on the equal temperament system. In that case, music could be transposed by easy semitonal gradations, either upwards or downwards, or by whole tones, without involving crude results, which could not be accomplished on an organ tuned in any other way. Recently the question as to the desirability of a recog- nised lower Diapason has been under the consideration of the Royal Society of Arts, and has also met with two able advocates in Mr. John Hullah and Mr. G. A. Macfarren. * It is, perhaps, worth mentioning, that several pieces by Handel have lately been trans- posed into lower keys, and printed, with the view of restoring their original pitch. Tiutgton Cºff, CHAPTER XXIX. ON THE CORRECT USE OF THE STOPS. 804. HAVING, in a preceding chapter, given an account of the several organ stops Commonly found in English organs, a few words may now be added as to their object and use, as well as their effect when sounded singly or in combination. 805. On a correct knowledge of the nature, quality, and pitch—whether indicated by name or by figures—of the different organ stops depends the good or bad effect of even the best organs. Without a clear perception of what is right in these matters, it is impossible that a performer can be sure how, under what circumstances, and for what ends, this or that combination of stops may be the most seasonably employed. However Scientifically the organ-builder may have fixed and deduced his scales, voiced his pipes, and truly balanced their tone ; however strictly every rule necessary to the production of a “good organ ” may have been observed in constructing the instrument ; all these important pre- liminaries, necessary towards a becoming and decent accompaniment to the music of the church, will be of little avail if the mind that is to direct their use is but imperfectly stored with the knowledge necessary to secure their proper application. Nor can this knowledge be obtained from books beyond a certain extent ; for a combination of stops that will answer a particular purpose in one organ often will not do so, at any rate to the same extent, in another, on account of the different size or proportions of the building in which the organ stands; the varied strength of tone of the similar stops of different instruments; the situation of the organ in the church ; or even the locality of the stops in the organ itself—for the exigencies arising from which circumstances, or a combination of them, no book could pro- vide. It is, therefore, incumbent on every organist rather to endeavour to ascertain for himself the peculiar excellencies, and, perhaps, defects, of the individual instru- ment at which he is chosen to preside, and so discover the method of applying the former to special purposes with the best effect, and of hiding the latter as far as may be. 806. There are certain general and fundamental rules, however, concerning the appropriate method of combining the stops which may be pointed out. Besides the combinations about to be specified, others of a less common kind will be found to follow the suggestions for the introduction of certain stops in the specifications given in a subsequent chapter ; beyond which, as has been already said, all must be left to the organist's good judgment and the capacity of his instrument. º: the use 807. The first step essential towards a correct knowledge of the stops. of the right use of the stops is an acquaintance with the general method of combining the members of the three great classes of A. A. I94 ON THE CORRECT USE OF THE STOPS, “Foundation, Mutation, and Compound” stops, so as to Secure, in all cases, the predominance of the foundation tone. - 808. The Foundation stops, as explained in a preceding chapter, produce a sound agreeing in name with the key pressed down ; and are of 16, 8, 4, and 2 feet on the Manual, and of double size on the Pedal. 809. The larger Foundation stops will, for certain purposes, produce an appro- priate effect alone; as, for instance, the 8 and 4 feet flue stops, or the I6, 8, and 4; or, in Some cases, the I6, 8, 4, and 2 feet. 810. The Mutation stops—i.e., the Fifth, Tenth, Twelfth, Tierce, Larigot, &c.—are not intended to be used alone, the class to which they belong being designed expressly for the filling up of Some of the intervals between the Foundation stops, and for so doing away with the leanness of bare octave- work. They depend on the first class of stops for their good effect, and must not, therefore, be employed without them. In using the Mutation stops care should be taken that the Foundation rank, the next s/zza//est in size, is also drawn with it to cover it; otherwise its sound will appear too remarkable, and perhaps even offensive. Thus the Twelfth should always have the Fifteenth drawn with it ; and the Tierce or Larigot, the octave Fifteenth, at any rate in the bass. 81 I. The Fifth and Tenth, being Double Mutation stops, forming the Twelfth and Tierce to the Double Open Diapason, constitute no part of the Unison har- monic series; for which reason they should never be drawn without their funda- mental stop of 16 feet. An exception to this rule is sometimes made abroad, with good effect, on the Pedal, concerning which more further on. 812. The Compound stops can only be successfully used when blended with some Foundation and Mutation stops. 813. The Foundation stops give distinctness, the Mutation stops fulness, and the Compound stops brightness and point to the general organ tone. The character of tone 814. The Unison stops are, of course, the most important *.*.*...* in an organ, as they are also generally the most numerous. In stops ; and the purposes º 5 e to which they may be drawing any of these separately, or blending them together, applied. attention should be directed to their various qualities of tone. Some stops possess a character that renders them more applicable to one kind of music than to another ; and, again, Some mix better than others together. 815. Open Diaſ.ason. The tone of this stop is full, Sonorous, and solemn. It is the one best adapted for the performance of slow music in dispersed harmony, particularly when there are many suspensions occurring in the progress of the piece. The Stopped Diapason is advantageously added to the Open Diapason, when used as above, to give body to the "pure Sounds of the open pipes; and the Dulciana, if there be one on the same clavier, is also drawn, as adding slightly to the general effect. All reedy-toned flue stops, as the Gamba, &c., are foreign to the purpose, as interfering with the Smooth and velvety tone of the best English Diapasons. 816. The Stoffed Dia/ason is fluty in its character of tone, and free from all reediness or roughness. Generally speaking, it tells better, when used singly, for solo purposes than for full harmony, its tone not usually being sufficiently Sonorous for the latter purpose. In short passages of tranquil character it can be used with charming effect. As a combination stop, it is one of the most useful in an organ. It is the best one to use with the Clarionet, with the tone of which it blends admirably, or with the Swell Hautboy, when the latter is to ON THIE CORRECT USE OF THE STOPS. I95 be employed as a Solo stop. In certain cases it forms an excellent accom- paniment to a single voice, being very prompt in its speech, as well as light and travelling in its tone. The Lieblich Gedact, as a Choir organ stop, forms an excellent accompaniment to the Swell Hautboy. 817. The Dulciana is usually a stop of great delicacy, smoothness, and gentle- ness of tone. Its sound is lighter than that of the Stopped Diapason, but clearer and of a more singing character. It is the most used singly as an accompani- mental stop to Some of the Solo stops on the other Manuals, as the Stopped Diapason in the Great organ or the Hautboy in the Swell, its own situation being usually on the Choir Manual. The Dulciana may, however, be effectively employed as a solo stop in the treble part in cantabile passages, with the Diapasons in the Swell (closed) by way of accompaniment, and also much in the same way as the Open Diapasons; i.e., in full harmony, to which stop it may be considered as a diminutive or echo. 818. The Gamba, from the resemblance of its tone to that of stringed instru- ments, is peculiarly well adapted for four-part playing, particularly for music that has many chromatic progressions in the harmony. When of weak intonation, it tells best by itself; but, when of strong tone, it sounds better when blended with the Stopped Diapason, Clarabella, or German Hohl-flöte. For accompani- mental purposes it requires to be used with Some caution. A Gamba of strong intonation, used alternately with Stopped Diapason and Stopped Flute (one of them of metal) on another Manual produces a most charming effect. The pungent tone of the former, followed by the liquid tones of the latter com- bination, presents a most exquisite contrast. What has been said of the Gamba applies mostly also to the Keraulophon and other reedy-toned unison flue Stops. - 819. The Clarabella, from its powerful fluty quality, forms an excellent unison solo stop by itself at times when a strong and decided flute tone is required. As a combination stop, for use with the Clarionet or Hautboy, it sometimes imparts too much body to render the imitation close. 820. The Trum/jef in the Great organ is seldom used as a solo stop. When it is so, it should always be accompanied by the Diapasons. When thus blended it sounds well, if played in harmony; in major keys its effect being grand and dignified, and, in minor, solemn and impressive. Diatonic progressions of harmony are better suited to the tone-character of this stop than chromatic. The Swell Trumpet is much used for choral accompaniment, as well as for solo playing ; and the same may be said of all the other full scale unison reed stops of that department. When employed for the former purpose, it has the Diapasons drawn with it ; and often, also, the Principal and Smaller stops, according to circumstances. As a rule, all reed stops should have Some unison flue stop or stops combined with them, to add body to the penetrative and powerful character of that produced by the reeds. 821. Clariomeſ. The best flue stop to draw with the Clarionet is the Stopped Diapason; as this not only mixes well with the former, but does not give more body and thickness to the tone of the stop than it should have in its imitative capacity, and it is not generally used in any other. This stop is often used, among other purposes, for playing out the whole or a portion of the melody of a psalm tune upon. For an accompaniment thereto the Swell Diapasons and Hautboy answers well, with a couple of Soft stops (16 and 8 feet pitch) for a Pedal bass. 822. The Pſautboy, as already intimated, when about to be used as a solo stop, will tell best with the Stopped Diapason only added. The instrument itself A. A 2 I96 ON THE CORRECT USE OF THE STOPS. (Hautboy) is by nature but of thin tone; hence, to preserve the resemblance between the tone of the original and the prototype, a flue stop of light but firm tone is the most appropriate to be employed. When used for the purpose of accompaniment to voices, the Hautboy stop tells best combined with both the Diapasons, and perhaps, also, though not always, with the Principal, which latter stop will sometimes blend and sometimes not, according to the exact character of the reed stop. 823. In blending together some of the smaller Foundation stops with the unison, for the purpose of accompaniment, they are generally taken in their regular octave progression. Thus, after the 8-feet stops are drawn, Some of those of 4 feet are next brought on ; and then, if necessary, those of 2 feet; but not those of 2 feet first, and then others of 4 feet. The Flute or Principal, or both, according to the strength of the unison tone, therefore follow the unison stops; and then the Piccolo or the Fifteenth, if necessary ; and not vice versé. For particular effects, unusual combinations are made ; as for instance, I6 and 4 feet stops without any of 8 ; or 8 and 2 feet stops, omitting those of 4 feet. Such combinations produce the best effect when compounded of members of the covered or light-toned Flute-work. The tone of stops of the Open Diapason species is generally too strong and Sonorous for Such purposes. On the combination of 824. By means of an appropriate combination of the stops . *.*.*.*, which all well-arranged or complete organs contain, any uction of any required wº strength of tone. strength of organ tone may be obtained, from the Softest to the loudest. The kinds of stop arrangement that will produce these several desirable and necessary gradations of sound may be distinguished by a particular letter or letters, thus: PP, P, M P, M F, F, and FF ; under which heads may be conveniently given such combinations as will produce the strength of tone that the musical meaning of those letters are understood to indicate. 825. P. P. For the production of a pianissimo, a single soft-toned 8-feet flue stop” on the Manual will be sufficient, as a Stopped Diapason, Dulciana, or Gamba, &c. On the Pedal, its own bass (16 feet) may be drawn, or, if that is not present, some other stop of an equally subdued tone. It is generally of advantage to add a “helper” (that is, a stop giving the octave above) to the Pedal; this can either be a soft Pedal stop of 8 feet, or the Manual stop coupled to the original Pedal stop. 826. P, for piano, all the Smooth-toned Manual 8-feet flue stops. On the Pedal, the corresponding 16-feet stops should be drawn. The addition of an 8-feet open stop will in many cases improve the effect of the Pedal; but, if a stop of this kind should not exist in that department, one of a similar nature can be borrowed from the second Manual ; or the first Manual may be coupled to the Pedal. - 827. M. P, a mezzo piano, is gained by adding the 4-feet flue stops of the Manual (Principal, Flute, &c.) to those already named, and those of 8 feet to the Pedal. * 828. For the production of a medium strength of tone between the two last- given gradations, combine all the soft 8 and 4 feet Manual stops, as the stopped Diapason, Dulciana, and Flute. These together possess more brightness, but less fulness, than the former, and less roundness than the latter. * The size of stop here spoken of may or may not be its standard size. When, in organ music, “8-feet flue stops” are directed to be used, the expression is understood to mean the combination of all stops, except the reeds, that give the 8-feet sound. This interpretation is always accepted when speaking of the use of the stops, ON THE CORRECT USE OF THE STOPS. I97 829. M. F. A meggo forfe is produced by adding the 23-feet and 2-feet stops (Twelfth, Fifteenth, &c.) on the Manual to those of 8 and 4 feet and those of 5; and 4 feet to the Pedal. - 830. F. For a forfe, the collected Compound stops may be brought into play, When a medium between the two last-mentioned gradations is required, only one Compound stop need be drawn. 831. FF. A full climax is secured by adding the reed stops (Trumpet, Clarion, &c.) to the foregoing. - 832. A medium may here again be obtained by adding the 8-feet reed stop only to the flue stops previously drawn out. 833. The Manual 16-feet flue stops (doubles) have not been Specified in any of the above gradations, because it is not so much the nature of Such stops to add power as weight, gravity, and solemnity to the tone of the other stops. Their use with or rejection from any particular combination, therefore, does not so properly come under consideration when the question of strength of tone is being discussed as when that of character of tone is being treated of Almost any combination, whether loud or soft, may receive the accession of a 16-feet stop with advantage under particular circumstances. Thus, Some soft or moderately strong combinations that would, perhaps, give a tone approaching towards joyfulness become imbued with a more serious character when a stop of 16-feet pitch is added thereto, and is therefore rendered a more fit accom- paniment to music of a sad character. A strong combination which possesses the brilliance and point of the Mixture work, and perhaps also the impressiveness of the reed stops, acquires weight and magnificence from 16-feet Manual stops, particularly if they are accompanied by double Mutation stops and a I6-feet reed Stop. 834. Moreover, the organ should be used in a somewhat different manner when any 16-feet Manual stops are drawn ; otherwise the excellent effects which that class of stops are especially calculated to produce will be to Some extent obscured. The omission of all “doubles,” as a rule, from the Manuals of English organs until of late years rendered it compulsory on Organists to invent a sort of substitute for them in effect, for it was found that the organ tone lacked the requisite gravity and dignity, however numerous the unison stops might be. Performers on that instrument, therefore, had to lay aside the purer and more Strict style of playing as being “ineffective,” and to fall back upon the system of keeping some eight or nine notes down at a time to draw from their instru- ments anything approaching a broad and massive character of tone. Latterly, the Serious omission above adverted to has been supplied by addition to old Organs and by incorporation with new ones; and the care already hinted at, as being required in playing on an instrument possessing so valuable an acquisition, consists in not adopting so full a style of playing when the 16-feet stops are drawn as when they are not. The former is viewed as rather a complicated substitute for the latter ; and if both are had recourse to simultaneously, the one is most likely to destroy the effect of the other. A very charming contrast may, however, frequently be produced by accompanying a chant or chorale, sometimes in four parts with the doubles drawn, sometimes in about six without them. 835. It may be mentioned here that many object to the doubles being used in accompanying vocal compositions in the fugal style, particularly at those points where the subject is led off by one of the higher parts. There is much reason in this objection, although it only applies to the precise times specified. The doubles may between whiles be introduced with even greater effect when the voices are 198 ON THE CORRECT USE OF THE STOPS. moving in harmonic masses. For the best illustrations of the occasions when the 16-feet stops may or may not be used in choral accompaniment, the organ part to Israel in Egypt, written by Mendelssohn for the Handel Society, may be consulted with the greatest advantage. - 836. When the organ is being used as a solo instrument—i.e., in voluntaries. —the above objection does not hold good. The doubles cannot then interfere with or mislead any voices. Moreover, the tradition throughout Germany is that Sebastian Bach generally played his fugues with the doubles drawn ; there- fore those who would aspire to perform his works after his own manner can only do so by frequently availing themselves of that dignified class of stops. As to the “Octave below" being discernible at the starting of a fugue, there is no doubt that any moderately educated musical ear can detect any interval or stop in an organ that it cares to listen for, whether it be the Double Diapason, the Tierce, the Twelfth, or what not ; but that affords no sufficient ground for the exclusion of any of those stops. Besides, even supposing the doubles to have an undesirable effect for some half dozen bars in the course of a musical composition, if it has a most advantageous influence in the remaining hundred or so, which fact is beyond question, the far greater evil would arise from their earclusion. The fact is, no single rule would be a good guide in this matter. The “lead” in the first move- ment of the “ St. Ann's Fugue” sounds bad with the doubles ; that of the last movement as ill without them. 837. Neither has the influence of the Swell been included in the foregoing Scheme for producing various degrees of strong or weak tone. The Swell is of inestimable advantage for all classes of accompaniment, as it enables the performer to increase the tone when the voices may be getting flat, and to decrease it when all is going well. This power is independent of, and Supplementary to, that of imparting expres- sion to the music, which latter attribute is of such peculiar value, as well as being highly acceptable to those who have true appreciation and Sound musical feeling. On the adaptation of 838. In applying the various combinations and resources the organ tone to the true purposes of choral already specified to the purposes of choral or congregational accompaniment. accompaniment, there are many circumstances to be taken into consideration, and which ought always to influence the selec- tion. The first and greatest of these is, of course, the prevailing character of the words about to be sung, whether they are jubilant or supplicatory, and with which the accompaniment should always accord, So that it may produce a suitable impres- sion. A musical composer, when scoring a secular work for an orchestra, employs those instruments the quality and character of tone of which are the most applic- able to the subject of the words and the Spirit of the music. An organ being the more seemly substitute for an orchestra in a church, and containing, as it does, imitations of most of the orchestral instruments, an organist should, by a skilful combination of its different stops, adapt the tone of the instrument to the sense of the words and the character of the music that are being sung, in order that the result of his rightly directed efforts may be as appropriate and acceptable as possible. When it is recollected how much pains is taken with the accompaniment to heighten the effect of music, some of which is avowedly written chiefly for man’s amusement and pastime, it is obvious that at least the same amount of care should be exercised to secure an equally appropriate accompaniment to those vocal strains which occur in the edifying Services of the church. An organist cannot be too mindful of this, nor can he exercise too much forethought and discretion in making this most important condition of the utility of his office legitimately perceptible. It is in this particular, of all others, that he has the opportunity of showing his ON THE CORRECT USE OF THE STOPS, I99 Superiority over the mechanical work of a self-acting instrument. A barrel organ can be made to execute music with the utmost precision and finish ; it may even be made to shift its own stops; but it cannot be endowed with the reason necessary wherewith to direct the application of these combinations to their Special purposes. A mind must be in active operation to do this worthily ; and herein lies the secret of an organist's great advantage in performance over an instrument from which the choral accompaniment is “ground” out. Nothing can be less acceptable than to hear bright stops used, and an animated style of playing adopted, when the words are prayerful or supplicatory; or, on the other hand, to hear only heavy stops brought into requisition when the subject is a jubilant one. Every large and well-designed organ necessarily contains many stops that are appropriate and inappropriate for all occasions ; and it is, therefore, capable of considerably heightening or of injuring the effect, according to whether its powers be rightly directed or not ; and an organist who misses their judicious application, whether from causes resting with himself or from the influence of others, is open to the supposition of being disregardful of the trust reposed in him, and may, therefore, hazard the respect due to his office – Consequences against which every organist should guard himself by the exercise of his best powers of discrimination. * 839. After ascertaining the prevailing character of the words, the next point to be considered is the exact quantity, as well as description, of loud or soft tone that the circumstances of time and place would seem to suggest as the most appropriate to the occasion. As the number of the congregation will vary on different occasions, so also will the strength of the united voices of its members. The amount of organ tone, therefore, necessary for directing and giving support to the voices of a full congregation will consequently be too much when there is but a “thin attendance.” Particular care, therefore, should be taken to modify the tone in some way, so that it may not be too strong for a reduced number of voices, and yet strong enough to prevent the congregation singing out of tune or time. The simplest way of lessening the strength of the accompaniment, without destroying its spirit and character, is to draw, on the second or third Manual, stops of the same size, and perhaps name, that one would use on the first, if the concourse of persons were larger. Any modification in this combination that the peculiarities of the particular Organ might render necessary would, of course, be taken into account. With the resources at his command which every parish church organ ought to possess, and which many do, an organist ought to find no difficulty in accommodating its tone to any exigency that may arise. - 840. At the same time that every organist should view his calling as a high one, demanding the exercise of great intelligence as well as technical knowledge in the fulfilment of its duties, it should also be borne in mind that the introduction of organs into churches, and their judicious employment there, are but means to the attainment of certain ends. What those ends and objects may be will be best gathered from the following quotation from the introduction to Schneider's School for the Organ, which well describes what is looked for from the church organs and organists of Germany —“An organ consecrated to the Sanctuary and to sacred music is intended to be subservient to the edification of a congregation assembled together for divine worship ; to support and to accompany, in a proper manner, the singing ; and to be instrumental in promoting a devotional frame of mind and the edification of the soul, and its elevation above everything earthly, to the contemplation of things invisible and divine—a noble object, which can only be obtained by a style of performance suited to the holiness of the place and the 2OO ON THE CORRECT USE OF THE STOPS. Sacredness of the subjects. The proper management of this sublime instrument can induce a devotional spirit and an elevation of mind in the scientific hearer, as well as in any individual of feeling. The sound of the organ is able to insinuate itself by mild and tender tones, and then the mind is filled with the pious tranquillity of filial devotion ; but it can also elevate itself to majesty and pomp, and peal and roll like storm and thunder, and then it elevates our hearts with Sublime emotions. Whilst most other instruments can only express individual feelings, this kingly instrument can produce a variety of emotions. The organ alone can best fill with its tones the lofty vaults of the vast cathedral, support the singing of large congregations, and, by its power, operate upon the religious feelings.” T} tº igion C####, THE CAUSE OF MANY FAULTS IN AN ORGAN, WITH THEIR REMEDIES. *mºsºmºsº CHAPTER XXX. 84I. IT is important that an organist should be in a position to ascertain the cause of the faults existing, or occasionally appearing, in his organ ; and also what are the steps necessary to be taken to remedy them. Some derangements arise from Such simple causes, and can be so easily set right, that an organist might remove them himself, if quite certain of the seat of the disorder; and, by so doing, Save the organ-tuner perhaps a long journey to rectify what may not occupy him ten minutes when he is there. Schneider, in his Organ School (page 60, first English edition), expresses himself on the above subject in the following words:— “It is, generally speaking, necessary for the organ-player that he should make himself as intimately acquainted as possible with the internal construction of the Organ, with the nature of every single part, the combination of which constitutes its whole ; as well of the particular parts of the mechanism which cause the pipes to Sound, as also of the nature, peculiarities, and properties of the pipes themselves, in the manifold variety of their make and the various kinds of sounds which are constantly produced ; by which means alone a right and appropriate style of managing the instrument, and one in all respects suitable to its nature, can be attained. But as regards a regularly appointed organist, the knowledge is abso- lutely indispensable ; for it is his first duty to take care of his instrument, to preserve it, and carefully to look after it—a duty which can only be fulfilled when he is able to discover immediately the cause of those derangements in the mechanism, &c., which are unavoidable in that instrument, composed of so many diversified parts ; and even to remedy the defects himself, in many cases, when an organ- builder may not be immediately at hand. If the organist, thus acquainted with the construction of the organ, fulfils that duty to the fullest extent, and, in those cases for which he does not find himself competent, procures promptly the assist- ance of Some qualified person, an organ may continue for a long time in a Sound condition, and a more extensive repair be rendered unnecessary for a considerable period. On the contrary, an ignorance of the construction of the organ, and negli- gence in the care of the instrument, and also with respect to getting small defects remedied, always leads to inevitable and more considerable damage ; and not only do expensive repairs become requisite, but also an instrument thus neglected can often only be restored in a very imperfect manner.” THE UNIBIDDEN SOUNDING OF A PIPE FROM CAUSES IN THE REGION OF THE PALLETS. jº caused by 842. Among the numerous faults and derangements to irt on the pallet, which all organs are at times liable, one of the most frequently 2O2 THE CAUSE OF MANY FAULTS IN AN ORGAN, | - recurring is that known as a “ciphering ;” in other words, the sounding of a pipe, on the drawing of a stop, without any key being pressed down. A ciphering may arise from various causes. Some grit or chips may have worked down from the pipes, through the table and the channels of the sound-board, to the surface of the pallet ; and, by resting on its edge, and holding it a little way open, thereby admit sufficient wind into the groove to make the first stop sound that is afterwards drawn. A derangement from this cause is frequently indicated by the controlling key being a little below the level of the others. To remedy it, the front-board of the wind-chest must be taken off, the pallet drawn open, and its surface carefully wiped, as well as that part of the groove against which it “beds,” with some dry, rough substance, to remove the impediment. 843. To facilitate the rectification of such casualties, some German organ- builders fasten on the front-board with large wooden screws, having sexagon heads, So large that they can be turned by the fingers alone ; so that, in the event of a pallet becoming deranged during the service, the organist can get at it with little loss of time, without the aid of noisy tools, and perhaps put it to rights before the organ is again required. º: º a pal- 844. Or the ciphering may be caused by the pallet-spring º eing too being too weak to cause the key-movement to return quickly, and the pallet to thoroughly close over the pallet-hole. If this is the cause, the key will rise sluggishly, and only partially; and the ciphering will continue till the key has been raised to its proper level by the hand. In this case, a piece of coiled wire, Similar to that on the fourth string of a violin, and called by organ-builders “check-spring,” may be fastened to the tracker, outside the wind- chest, and to Some neighbouring wood-work, which will assist the return of the movement, and accelerate the closing of the pallet. Or, still better, the weak Spring can be removed, and replaced by a stronger one. Ciphering caused by the 845. Sometimes a ciphering will be caused by the pallet mºs * * descending too low, and catching on one of the side direction- pins, an accident that is likely to occur if a key be struck too violently and suddenly. To cure this, the front-board must be taken off, and the pallet released. In some German organs the two side direction-pins are omitted, and one pin of extra Stoutness introduced instead, and placed in the centre of the front of the pallet, where a small vertical groove is cut in the pallet, to allow the pallet to descend and ascend without leaving the pin. Ciphering from damp 846. A ciphering will frequently arise—particularly in instru- loosening the leather ; e * or hea warping the * that are so situated as to be exposed to the changes Of pallet. atmosphere in an aggravated form—from the damp in winter loosening the leather from the surface of the pallet, allowing it to swerve from its place over the pallet-hole, and admitting wind into the groove ; or from the heat in summer warping the pallet as it dries it, and, by destroying its evenness of surface, preventing its bedding properly over the pallet-hole. To remedy either of these derangements, the pallet has to be taken out ; and, in the one case, the leather has to be fresh glued on to the pallet; while, in the other, the pallet has to be planed down afresh, newly faced with leather, and then re-fastened to the sound-board, 847. The pallet in some French sound-boards is made without leather pallet- hinges, but with simply a pin passing through a puncture in the tail end of the pallet for the pallet to work upon. This arrangement presents the advantage of allowing an almost instantaneous Substitution of a sound pallet for a defective WITH THEIR REMEDIES. 2O3 one ; and it also admits of the immediate resumption of the use of that pallet, instead of its remaining idle for many hours while the glue is drying. It also admits of the easy cleaning of the joint end of the pallet, which is always a tire- Some operation with pallets fastened on in the usual way. Ciphering caused by a 848. A ciphering is sometimes caused by a pull-down having *** become rusty, which causes it to become fixed in the hole in the brass plate through which it ought to pass, and holding the pallet a little way open. This fault can generally be remedied by drawing the pallet open, and cleaning the pull-down with Scouring paper ; care at the same time being taken not to bend the wire, which would establish another source of ciphering. THE UNIBIDDEN SOUNDING OF A PIPE FROM FAULTS IN THE - REY-MOVEMENTS. Ciphering from some 849. A ciphering will sometimes be caused by some derange- adhesive substance fall- t of the 1 t, C º t the l of ing between the keys ment of the key-movement. Commencing at the keys, one - the commonest causes of ciphering is the falling of melted wax or tallow on and between the keys, which will attach two together. This is soon remedied by carefully scraping the sides as well as the surface of the keys with a penknife, to remove the cause of adhesion. Or it may be caused by dirt or a pin having fallen between two keys. The best way to proceed to remove the impedi- ment, in that case, is to “work it out,” which may be effected by taking hold of the two keys, in front, with the thumb and forefinger of each hand, and raising the one key at the same time that the other is lowered ; drawing them apart with a certain amount of firmness, without violence, to encourage the impediment to fall. Ciphering caused by a 850. Another cause of a sticking at the key is its warping key warping, from excessive heat, which causes it to rub against its neighbour, and become fixed. The eye will easily discover whereabouts the key is out of the parallel, if it is in the fore part of the key, as well as the probable point of contact. To remedy this, the key has to be removed from its place, and either Scraped, or a few very fine chips pared off from the part where it touches the next key ; which may be done sufficiently to ease the key, without disfiguring it. To remove the key, the book-desk has first to be taken out; and, if the disarranged key is in one of the lower sets, the upper must be lifted out, to lay the right Manual bare. Modern organs are usually so constructed that the Manuals can be moved in or out with little more difficulty than the drawers of a chest of drawers, which is a most con- ºvenient arrangement. - Ciphering from a 851. Sometimes a sticker will “bind" in the hole in the sticker binding. register through which it should move, from damp Swelling both portions of the wood-work, whereby the hole in the register becomes Smaller, and the sticker larger. This can be cured by taking out the sticker, and either filing the hole in the register a little larger, or by scraping the sticker. Or the Sticker may bind, from the black-lead having worn away from its surface; in which case more might be added with a black-lead pencil, without, however, damping it. Ciphering caused by a 852. In a backfall movement, a ciphering will sometimes be º getting of the caused by the backfall shooting off the sticker, under the in- fluence of a violent blow on the key, and catching on the top of 2O4. THE CAUSE OF MANY FAULTS IN AN ORGAN, the sticker-pin. To set this right, it is simply necessary to press the sticker-pin Carefully, but firmly—without, however, bending it—into its place under the drill- hole in the backfall, and lowering the backfall into its right place. On doing this, the key will resume its proper level. Ciphering from grit in 853. A ciphering will sometimes be caused by grit, dirt, or the centre-holes; or by - - - - ...' ... small wood or metal chips working into the pin-holes of some 1ſlent. part of the movement, or between a square or backfall and the frame ; which, by preventing the complete action of the move- ment, will hold the pallet a little way open, and also cause the key to remain a little way down. By tapping the key rapidly, the fault will frequently correct itself, and save further trouble : if not, it must be sought for through the movement, and removed. Or Some part of the movement may have swollen, and be thus made to bind too tightly on the pin. This might be rectified by cutting the centre-hole the least degree larger ; but if the fault only appears in damp weather, and then only slightly, it is usually better to leave it to be corrected by a drier and warmer atmosphere : particularly as the wood, by contraction at such a time, might otherwise leave the pin-hole sufficiently large to cause a looseness of action and a rattling. THE UNBIDDEN SOUNDING OF A PIPE FROM DEFECTS IN THE SOUND-BOARD. 854. A running. One of the most tiresome and vexatious defects which can occur in an organ is a running, because the region of the disarrangement is frequently one of the most hidden parts of the organ. Its seat is always the Sound-board, or immediately adjacent parts, and it consists of an unbidden Sounding of a Second pipe on the sounding of a first, which may arise from a variety of causes. The pitch of the second sound, however, will sometimes assist one in discovering the seat of the disorder, if some allowance be made for its pitch being flat, and its sound not well defined, on account of the defect frequently being produced by a very small quantity of wind, which breathes rather than blows into the pipe. For this reason, the evil is not apparent when all the stops on the sound-board are drawn; for then there are so many outlets for the fugitive wind, that it disperses and escapes without producing any audible effect ; but when one or two soft stops only are drawn, then it frequently becomes painfully so. A running caused by an 855. A running may arise from an upper-board not being upper-board being too - e - - º º loose. screwed down sufficiently; which is soon remedied by tighten- ing the screws in the immediate vicinity of the pipe originally sounded. Or it may be caused by a leakage from one groove to the next. Whether it arises in this manner will be indicated by the pitch of the unbidden Sound, when compared with the plantation of the pipes. If the pipes are planted semitonally, as in plan 2, and the secondary sound is the half-tone above or below the tone sounded ; or if the pipes are disposed tonally, as in plans I and 3, and the un- bidden sound is a tone above or below that produced in the usual way, the defect will, in either case, be traceable to the above-mentioned cause. A running caused by a 856. Or a sound-board bar has “sprung’—i.e., has become *.*.*.*.*.*.*, partially separated from the table; or a small crack has rating from the table ; - º e - or by an unsound bar. “started" in the Sound-board bar itself, allowing a little wind to pass through from one groove to the next. To stop this, the Crevice WITH THEIR REMEDIES. 205 is well covered with paper, coated, and saturated with glue. Sometimes, to cure this fault, recourse is had to “bleeding,” which, however, is only an objec- tionable method of hiding the fault. A humming caused by 857. A disagreeable humming, not unlike a running in effect, one slider touching and tº , s: e g g g * although it is not in reality one, will sometimes be caused by partly drawing a P & s & tº tº second. one slider rubbing against the next as it is being drawn, and partially drawing that also, causing a little wind to pass into the pipes of a second stop. In this case the effect will be like a running of an aggravated kind, inasmuch as the defect will appear to exist on nearly every key of the Manual. The unbidden sounds will be rather lower in pitch than the correct sounds, though scarcely amounting to a Semitone. To remedy this evil, a peg might be driven in between the two sliders, or one of them might be planed at the edge to prevent its touching the other. As the objectionable custom of placing two, or even as many as three, sliders together, without intermediate bearers, is entirely discarded by all modern Organ-builders, the liability of a humming from the disarrangement last named is confined to old organs. When it occurs, all the stops that are not actually in use should be pressed in. A humming caused by 858. Sometimes the unbidden Sounding of a second pipe :...; " * will arise from the pipes being packed too closely together, so that the wind that passes out at the mouth of one pipe enters that of another, causing it to produce a moaning sound. This evil is frequently not an easy one to remove. The primary cause of this is the sound-board being too small, which leads to the pipes being placed in too close proximity. In some cases this defect can in a manner be cured by turning the mouth of one of the pipes in another direction ; or by mounting the pipe on a longer foot ; or by conveyancing it off to another situation. The most thorough cure for such an evil, however, is the introduction of a new and larger Sound-board. DEFECTS IN THE KEY-MOVEMENT. A springing in the key- 859. A Manual key will sometimes go down about half-way, movement. under the pressure of the finger, without causing any sound ; after which something will appear Suddenly to Snap, and the key will descend the remainder of the distance with a run, the organ at the same moment sounding. This disagreeable effect is caused by the roller being too weak. Instead of its Setting the Second arm in motion, the instant the first one is operated upon by the key, the roller “springs” or twists for a time, until it has in this manner derived a sufficient accession of power to give a tug at the pallet ; the resistance at which being thus overcome, the pallet starts down, giving to the touch the tiresome breaking sensation already noticed. This can only be cured by introducing stronger, or thicker, or iron rollers. A dead resistance op- 860. In some cases, a key will at first altogether resist posed to the finger by º & 4. the key-movement the touch of the finger, and will not move until the pressure has been much increased, when it will suddenly give way, and descend, accompanied by a sharp clacking noise. This defect, quite as annoying as the last, is found more frequently in old organs than in new, where the roller- arms are of iron, instead of wood, with metal tracker-hooks attached in both cases, The iron, after a few years, rusts, causing a grating and biting, instead 2O6 THE CAUSE OF MANY FAULTS IN AN ORGAN, of a free and immediate action, which leads to the dogged resistance experienced at the keys. New wooden roller-arms are the only cure for this fault. A thumping at the keys. 86 I. A thumping will sometimes be heard as the keys go down. This will be the case if the layers of cloth or baize under the front of the keys have become hard, or are too thin. The fault is easily remedied by the Substitution of soft and thick baize, or by the addition of an extra layer. A rattling in the key- 862. The original key-movements of old organs were fre- º, i. quently so noisy, rattling, and squeaking, and their every materials. motion so audible, that whatever the organist played seemed to have the questionable addition of a “castanet ’’ accom- paniment. This offensive interruption arose from metal having been used where Wood has subsequently been found to be so much superior. The cause of the rattling was this. On touching a key, the first tracker-hook produced a “click” as it struck against the first iron arm ; the second iron arm produced a similar noise on coming in contact with the second tracker-hook; the “metal against metal" not only produced a squeaking or a grating as the parts moved, On the finger descending, but, when the finger left the key, and the movement returned, the tracker-hooks vibrated and chattered in the holes of the iron arms. Thus a rustling and sometimes also a chirping noise accompanied the action of the movement when it ascended, as well as when it descended. The removal of the cause of the defects noticed in the two preceding sections will lead to the disappearance of those just noticed. - 863. In modern organs iron roller-arms are almost always avoided, even when the rollers themselves are of that metal, and wooden ones introduced, as being far more quiet in their action. Even in the few instances where the contact of metal with metal cannot be avoided, as at the junction of the tracker- hook with the pull-down, some organ-builders do not allow the two pieces of metal to touch, but “bush,” i.e., line the loop of the pull-down with cloth, to silence the action. For the like purpose of lessening the friction and quieting the motion, other organ-builders introduce into each of the studs which support the rollers a kind of leather button, in the centre of which the roller-pin noise- lessly works. - A rattling sometimes 864. Sometimes, in “extended” key-movements, a noise º º will be caused by the long trackers flapping together. This is Soon remedied by introducing an additional register. As, however, every additional register, or comb, adds to the friction, to avoid this latter, some Continental builders carry the trackers over little box-wood or ivory reels, by which means they are supported and steadied, without the touch being made heavier or more sluggish. A key down without 865. Occasionally a key will be found to have sunk—i.e., *** it will be down—without, however, causing any ciphering. This will arise from Some connecting portion of the key-movement having slipped or given way. For instance, it will occur if either of the tracker-hooks is broken; and it can, in that case, soon be remedied with a fresh piece of wire. Or, if the rollers are provided with wooden roller-arms, and the union of the roller-arms with the trackers is effected by means of tapped wires and buttons, it will Sometimes arise from the button slipping down the tapped wire. In this case, all that is necessary to correct the disarrangement is to screw the button up WITH THEIR REMEDIES. 2O7 again, which is done by turning it to the right. The tracker, however, should be held firmly, immediately above the tapped wire, to prevent its twisting, or a cause of second derangement may arise while the first is being removed. A dumb key will sometimes be caused by the breaking of a square, a casualty to which squares are very liable if they are formed of one piece of wood only, so that the grain of the wood necessarily crosses one of the arms. To cure this fault thoroughly, and prevent its recurrence, a new and stronger square must be provided. The touch of the Ma- 866. In warm, dry weather the touch sometimes becomes *.*.*.*. “shallow,” and the pallets do not open sufficiently ; conse- too deep at others. quently the pipes sound out of tune, from the inadequate supply of wind, particularly in the bass. In cold, wet weather the touch on the contrary, becomes “too deep ; ” which change renders the playing more difficult, and also causes a tendency to ciphering, from the keys then pressing against the thumping-board, and producing the same effect as its being slightly held down by the finger. The variations in the depth of the touch are caused solely by atmospheric change ; the heat, by drying and contracting the building frame and key-movements, slackening it; and the damp, by Swelling and expanding them, tightening the touch. There are Several ways of remedying these faults. 3, • 867. Most modern organs are provided either with Small wedges, placed under each end of the square or backfall frame, immediately over each Manual, or with screws; the former of which are pressed in or drawn out, and the latter turned down or up, according as the touch requires deepening or being made shallow. The touch of the entire row of keys can thus be altered in a very few minutes. In older organs which have not these facilities, the depth of touch can only be regulated by screwing or unscrewing the button of every key separately, which process consumes a great deal of time. To make a key “higher,” the button must be turned to the right; to make it “lower,” it must be screwed to the left. While this is being done, some one should be at the keys, who, by passing the fingers lightly over the key being regulated and its neighbours, will ascertain whether the key is on an exact level with the others ; and if it is not, he will call out whether it is required to be “higher ”or “lower” to make it so. An unevenness in the 868. A single key will sometimes be out of the level with the hº *** * other keys. If it is below, without causing a ciphering, the irregularity is most probably caused by the button having slipped, which, in that case, must be Screwed up again ; and a second one might be added, and screwed up close to the first one, to assist it. If a key is above the proper level, without causing a ciphering, it has probably risen from the rapid return of the movement, on the quick or sudden removal of the finger from the key. A slight tapping on the key will generally be sufficient to cause it, or the movement, to adjust itself. A key screwed up too 869. A key that is screwed up rather too high will fre- *... jº quently cause the pallet to open and close slightly and rapidly, to tremble. admitting a small quantity of wind into the groove by fits and starts, and imparting to the speech of the pipes an effect not unlike that produced by a tremulant when in motion. To stop this it is simply necessary to unscrew the button a little. A key that has slightly deepened from change of weather will sometimes produce this effect, 2O8 THE CAUSE OF MANY FAULTS IN AN ORGAN, A ciphering, caused 870. A ciphering is sometimes caused by the Spring that *º * * should raise a pedal having broken, whereby the weight of the pedal-key drags on the movement, and has the same effect as the weight of the hand on a Manual key. If a Manual remains coupled to the Pedal while this fault exists, it will cause an apparent ciphering there also, but which will be found to have no real existence on disconnecting the Manual, as the Supposed derangement will then immediately disappear. If the Pedals are only furnished with bell-springs, they will be very noisy, as well as more liable to the above accident, and should be removed, and better springs provided. DISARIRANGEMENTS CONNECTED WITH THE DRAW-STOP ACTION AND SILIDERS. A draw-stop rod will 871. A draw-stop rod will occasionally come out far beyond º *...** its proper distance, and will also return too far, and that ar, or go too far in. e sº & $ & g without affecting the stop, which will be either always in or always out. This fault arises from the connecting-pin at one of the centres having worked out ; and it may therefore occur either at the junction of the draw- stop rod with the trundle-arm, of the second trundle-arm with the trace, the trace with the lever, &c. All that is in general required is the restoration of the pin to its original position, or its place supplied by a new one. f A draw-stop is some. 872. Sometimes, on the contrary, a draw-stop is very diffi- times very stiff. cult to draw ; in the language of organ-builders, it is “stiff.” This derangement is generally caused by atmospheric change. In damp weather the upper-board and slider become Swollen, and, by pressing against each other, increase the amount of friction. The consequent stiffness is usually removed by slightly loosening the Screws, which fasten down the upper-board, which allows the slider more liberty. On the re-appearance of warm weather, and the subse- quent drying, shrinking, and return of the wood-work to its original and precise dimensions, the screws should of course be tightened again. In hot weather, however, as well as in cold and damp, a stiffness will sometimes appear in the action of the draw-stops; but in this case the cause would be the warping of the upper-board or slider, which would lead to a “binding” of those parts. An abatement of the heat would be accompanied by an abatement of the fault. In the course of time, however, it may happen that if the screws of the upper- board are loosened sufficiently to remove all stiffness from the draw-stop, a running will be heard ; and, on tightening them, the stiffness will return. This is an evidence that the repeated changes of temperature and condition of the atmosphere have had the effect of permanently disturbing the accurate adjustment of the several parts to one another. When this is the case, the upper-board requires to be removed, the slider taken out, and the several parts “eased” at those points where the binding occurs. DEFECTS IN THE BELLOWS AND THE WINDING OF THE ORGAN. A creaking from fric- 873. One of the most frequently recurring faults in a tion at the centres. bellows, fortunately, is generally one of the most easy to cure; namely, a Squeaking or creaking. This commonly arises either from the friction of the bellows-handle on its centre, or from a similar rubbing at the junction of the WITH THEIR REMEDIES. 209 pump-rods with the lever or feeders; and is removed by simply applying a little grease. A clacking, caused by 874. A clacking will sometimes be heard at the moment hard valves. that the feeders are drawn up. This is only perceived in old bellows, and is caused by the valves being made of wood, covered with leather that has become hard, descending on the bottom-board with an audible blow. To remedy this, new leather valves must be substituted for the noisy old ones. A gasping, from the 875. A rushing, gasping Sound may . Occasionally be dis- . º* * * cerned, as a feeder descends and inhales a fresh supply of wind. This occurs when the valves are too few in number, or are too small, or do not open sufficiently. The wind then forces its way through the gratings or orifices under the valves with so much additional force as to cause a whistling as it goes. To cure this, additional valves must be made. Bellows work quicker 876. In very dry seasons the contents of the bellows will in hot weather. Sometimes be exhausted much sooner than at other times. This is partly owing to the contraction of the wood of the ribs, which opens the pores, and partly to the shrinking or curling of the leather valves, which together cause more or less wind to escape. Generally this is only a temporary derange- ment, which a change of weather will rectify; but, should it prove otherwise, the assistance of the organ-builder should be at once secured, as the restoration of a firm and steady wind is of vital importance to the intonation of the organ. Bellows produce a 877. After damp weather the bellows will frequently cracking sound after - e damp weather. produce a sharp, tearing sound when they are first blown, particularly if they have not been used for some days. This, however, does not announce any real accident, though its cause might lead to one. In damp weather the coat of glue with which the inside of the ribs is covered, to close the pores, becomes softened, which causes the ribs, as they lie together, to adhere slightly. When the bellows are subsequently blown, the sticky and adhering surfaces of the ribs are separated after some resistance, producing at the same time the sound above noticed. Tremulousness, from 878. Sometimes the working of the bellows affects the speech the length and elasti of the pipes, i.e., a slight waving or forcing of the tone will be city of the column of 3 5 . wind. heard at the moment the feeders commence and complete their operation. This arises from the additional compression which takes place at the moment that the feeder and the surface-weights alternately exercise their influence. The feeder, before it can introduce fresh wind, has to overcome the pressure of the surface-weights by the exercise of more than an equivalent force ; and, when this under and upward pressure ceases, the surface- weights and top-board return and descend upon the wind with all their original pressure. In this manner a series of little jerks are given to the wind at the commencement and completion of each stroke, which are Sometimes communi- cated to the speech of the pipes, particularly if the wind-trunks are small or long. To remove this defect, a concussion-bellows is usually applied ; but a more effectual remedy would be the introduction of wider, shorter, and more direct wind-trunks. When the wind-trunks are small or long, and the Supply of wind to the sound-board barely adequate, the column of wind becomes more elastic; in consequence of which, not only is every little and perhaps unavoid- B B 2 IO ON THE CORRECT USE OF THE STOPS, ETC. *~. able defect at the bellows conveyed to the pipes, but it is also exaggerated. When, on the contrary, the wind-trunks are broad and short, the column of air has greater firmness, from its greater bulk, and is less elastic from the same cause, aided by its lesser length, consequently, it is not nearly SO liable to Com- municate every little disturbance at the bellows to the speech of the pipes. In many large organs built in recent years the admirable custom of inserting a second or local wind reservoir near to the sound-board has been resorted to, which is of Course the most thorough way of guarding against the evil. Tremulousness, from 879. Sometimes if a chord be held down with the right ** ** hand in the treble, on adding a three-part chord with the left hand in the tenor, the treble pipes will be weakened in their speech for a moment, and then will recover themselves; and, on withdrawing the left hand from the keys, the treble pipes will “raise their voices” for an instant, and then reduce their tone to the usual strength. These defects are sure indications of the wind-trunk, or the wind-chest, or both, being too small. In other cases an organ will stand the above test successfully ; but if chords be held down in the treble and tenor with the two hands, and a disjunct passage be played upon the pedals in the bass of the Manual, a tremulousness in the tone will appear in the upper parts. This will show that the wind-supply at the grooves is still inadequate, from one or other of the causes already mentioned. * |Unequal intonation, 880. In some organs it is found that certain stops Sound .*.*.** sharper and brighter, or stronger, when tried by themselves; and pallet-holes. A 5 85 - 5 g robbing. and flatter and duller, or weaker, when used with the others. This serious fault rests either with the grooves which do not hold sufficient wind to supply all the pipes effectually, or with the pallet-holes which do not admit the necessary quantity. The “robbing” usually manifests itself most strongly in the lowest octave or octave and a half of the Sound- board. It almost invariably appears in old sound-boards, and is not always absent from new ones. There are many simple ways of ascertaining whether a Manual organ is properly supplied, or not, with wind in the bass. If, on drawing the Mixtures by themselves, and holding down one of the lowest keys, the pipes Sound firmly in a certain pitch, and with a certain amount of strength, and if, on adding the other stops, the Mixtures fall in pitch and become more quiet in their tone, it is clear that the grooves either do not hold, or do not receive sufficient wind. Or, if the reeds be drawn alone, and they speak with a certain amount of crispness, promptness, and strength, but, on adding the other stops, the reeds Sound tamely, sluggishly, and more quietly, it is evident that the demand on the wind in the grooves is greater than the supply. The only effectual remedies for this defect are either “double palleting,” or the introduction of a new and larger sound-board with more capacious grooves in the bass (or, with double grooves), and with larger pallet-holes and pallets. In the absence of this the Small stops have to be tuned in the bass, with all the stops on the Sound-board drawn, that allowance may be made for the flattening effect caused by the robbing ; and this is why the small stops sound sharper and, perhaps, tremulously when tried by themselves, at which time they receive their full supply of wind. The excellent plan has sprung up within the last few years of introducing two or three Sound-boards instead of one, and of making the treble part distinct from the bass. This effectually puts an end to all “robbing.” WITH THEIR REMEDIES. 2 I I A hissing, arising from 881. Sometimes a hissing or whizzing sound is heard to an escape of wind. emanate from some part of the organ. The sound itself is, perhaps, Scarcely perceptible, but it arrests the attention by its continuance. The exact place where it occurs is frequently difficult to discover. An engineer has an advantage over an organ-builder under parallel circumstances, for in a steam engine the locality of a slight leakage is immediately made evident by the escaping Steam turning to vapour and attracting attention ; whereas no such assistance appears in an Organ to guide the builder to the seat of an analogous fault. This is frequently ascertained by means of a lighted candle, the flame of which will flicker as it draws near to the place where the escape is taking place, and as it gets into the unusual draught caused by it. - 882. The hissing frequently arises from an escape of wind at the joint of one of the wind-trunks; which will be caused by the leather covering having become loosened, from damp, age, or decay. This is remedied either by glueing the eather down again ; by applying a fresh Strip of leather if the other is unsound ; or even by fastening a piece of thick paper over the little hole, Saturating the stopping with glue. An escape of wind will sometimes take place at the side of a pull down, through the hole in the brass plate ; particularly if the action of the pull-down has worn the hole into an oval shape. - FAULTS CONNECTED WITH THE SPEECH OF THE PIPES. Small pipes are fre- 883. It frequently happens, particularly with regard to Small ** **, *... open flue pipes, that a pipe will be “off its speech,” i.e., lous, or weak in their º º * - speech. will not sound, or it will sound tremulously, or with less than its proper strength. A most frequent cause of this fault is dust, a very small portion of which—so small that it would not affect the Speech of a large pipe at all—being sufficient to render a small one dumb. If the fault is a general one throughout the organ, it can only be remedied by a thorough cleaning. If there are only isolated instances here and there, they can be rectified by taking the few pipes out, one by one ; wiping the surface of the languid, and carefully dusting the nicking, and clearing the wind-way with a fine brush, or by blowing into it with the mouth. Flue pipes become un- 884. Sometimes an irregularity will be caused in large or *** * * small pipes by some disarrangement of the pipe itself. The and quality of tone e º j, jcauses upper lip may be pressed in too far, or not far enough ; the under lip may have met with a similar temporary derange- ment; or the languid may be too high or too low. The foot-hole may have become slightly contracted from the pressure of the body of the pipe upon the foot; or it may have become too large from the partial decay of the apex of the foot. Any one of these accidents would affect the intonation of the pipe, causing it to sound too loud or too soft, tremulously, or in the octave above ; and it is often more difficult to discover what may be the true cause of the fault in any individual instance, than to correct it when it is found out. A pipe that sounds too loud sometimes has its tone softened by pressing the under lip a little nearer to the languid, which reduces the width of the wind-way, and therefore allows less wind to enter the pipe ; and by altering the position of the upper lip in the same direction. A pipe that sounds too weakly frequently has its power increased by the opposite process. B B 2 2 I 2 ON THE CORRECT USE OF THE STOPS, ETC, A pipe sometimes 885. A pipe will sometimes “sound its octave ; ” and stops º Jºe º of small scale, as the Dulciana, are particularly liable to such or over-blowing. derangement. This may be caused by a little dust having fallen into the wind-way, or by the pipe having rather too much wind, or even by simply a change of temperature. All stops of slow speech, “heavy intonation,” as the Germans have it—as, for instance, the German Gamba-also are liable to casualties from similar causes; and, like the Dulciana, may be thrown off their speech, if the bellows do not give a perfectly equal blast. A pipe that has too broad a wind-way, or an insufficiently high mouth, will also speak its octave. The tone of wood pipes 886. Wood pipes are much influenced by change of tem- influenced by change of - * º •- temperature. perature. In rainy weather the damp, by swelling the fibres of the wood, presses and closes the pores; and, by thus rendering the wood more compact, firm, and sound, improves and strengthens the tone. In very wet seasons, however, it is possible that the change may so far affect a pipe as to lessen the height of its mouth ; and, by swelling the block, lessen the breadth of the wind-way, which would have the effect of slightly flattening its pitch, as well as perhaps affecting its speech. In an organ that is placed in a damp situation, these vexatious changes and derangements are both frequent and unavoidable. In dry weather the wood may shrink and become more porous, the tone then being weaker. The height of the mouth, from the excessive dryness and contraction of the wood, may be increased, as well as the breadth of the wind-way, which would raise the pitch of the pipe, and perhaps also alter its speech. The influence of these changes is the most discernible in the large open wood pedal pipes, which frequently will sound fuller in wet than in dry weather. Stopped wood pipes 887. Stopped wood pipes are in summer occasionally put ... “” out of order by the stopper shrinking and falling into the pipe heat and drought. 85 5 raising the pitch, and destroying its quality. The stopper must, in that case, be taken out and restored to its proper place ; some means being at the same time taken to make it fit tightly. This can frequently be done by putting a layer of paper between the stopper and the leather cover on all four sides. Or an additional covering of thin leather might be put over the stopper, if this will not make it fit too tightly. If a stopper that fits too tightly be driven into a pipe, it may cause the front or back to separate slightly from the sides at the joints; and, by So causing the pipe to become unsound, render the tone false and weak. A defective intonation will arise also if the stopper is not driven in perfectly level, but sideways. Mr. Lewis adopts the ingenious device of making the stoppers of all his small stopped pipes of cork, which material is, of course, Self-adjusting. *Division #3. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND ERECTION OF AN ORGAN. * CHAPTER XXXI. 888. THE preceding chapters of this work having been devoted to a descriptive analysis of the structural details, &c., of an organ, it now remains to treat of other essentials which call for the attention more particularly of those to whom the duties of preparing the Specification and Superintending the construction of an organ are entrusted. - THE COMPASS OF THE CLAVIERS, AND OF THE SEPARATE DIVISIONS OF THE ORGAN. 889. The first subject to be considered is the compass necessary for the Manuals and Pedal, together with their respective departments of the organ. 890. It is most desirable that patient attention should be devoted to this question, Since nearly every separate compass yet devised has its advocates ; yet whose opinions, when compared, are found to be conflicting. As, moreover, what is advanced in favour of one compass is not unfrequently accompanied by something else by way of objection against all or most others, it behoves all who would desire to arrive at a just conclusion on this very important Subject to weigh all the arguments for and against each plan, before making a decision ; otherwise, with the best intention, their efforts may only end in a perpetuation of the existing confusion. Precedents for nearly 891. There are precedents for almost every imaginable º * * variety of range, both of Manual as well as Pedal; and if the selection of any one from annong the number were a question of no greater moment than the gratification of individual taste, or did not involve some violation of artistic arrangement that would not militate against the proportionate development of the separate departments of which an organ should consist, nor entail the sacrifice of funds and room in its consequences, there could be no difficulty in the way of any compass whatever being adopted that fancy might dictate. But the case is far otherwise. On a just view of this matter depends the successful issue of the work; its influence pervading the arrange- ments of the entire instrument. It is very important, then, that the most careful consideration should be given to this subject, before proceeding any further in the work, particularly as a false step in this direction, Once taken, cannot afterwards be retraced. 892. In the Historical Introduction to this book Dr. Rimbault has men- tioned that in the earlier organs the number of notes were very limited ; from 2I4. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION nine to eleven (inclusive of the one chromatic note, B flat), being nearly their greatest extent, the execution of the plain-chant not requiring more, and harmony being then unknown. At the close of the eleventh century an organ was made for the Cathedral of Magdeburg, containing sixteen notes, and A KEY-BOARD. In the twelfth century the number of keys was increased, and every key was furnished with two or three additional pipes, Sounding the fifth and octave, or the third and tenth. In the fourteenth century an organ was built, at Thorn, with twenty-ºwo keys; and besides this increase in the Com- pass, which extended upwards and downwards, the keys were made smaller and neater, and with a lesser fall, so that they could be played with the fingers collectively and the thumb alternately. The most notable improvement effected in this century, however, was the gradual introduction of the four remaining chromatic keys. F sharp, the first sharp, was inserted in the early part of the century; afterwards came the second sharp and second flat, C sharp and E flat ; and lastly the third sharp, G sharp. In 1359, or 1361, Nicolas Faber built the great organ in Halberstadt, with fourteen diatonic and eight chromatic tº , ſº- — e - tº keys, extending from jº-E to # = From this time the organs for large churches were frequently made with a compass of three octaves, (T) *T) from IGº to º Kºº . In the early part of the sixteenth century z= ji= we begin to glean something authentic respecting the compass of English organs. In 1520 Antony Duddington made an organ for Allhallow’s Church, Barking, the lowest key of which is distinctly set forth in the contract as being Double Ceſa-uf, the 8-feet note that marks the full downward range of the Manuals of all the English and Continental instruments of the present day. Consisting of “xxvij playne keyes” (or naturals), and, doubtless, the requisite number of short keys, the compass, if unbroken, must have extended to a " in alt; and if broken, that is to say, having the CC pipes planted on the affa– rently EE key, it would then have been of the four octave CC short octave compass. The latter is the more probable range, as it is that of many of the old German organs of about the same date. In 1637 Thomas Harris built an organ for Magdalen College Chapel, Oxford, which was also “Gamut in Do, Sol, Re;” and Dr. Burney mentions that, in Father Smith's time, the usual organ compass was four octaves, from CC ; which range, however, was frequently departed from. - - The compass of the 893. Indeed, those who a few years ago were much in the *. º habit of visiting English church organs, and of observing their tion was involved in general arrangements, were much struck with the remarkable England; and the im- variation that existed in the compass of the Manuals and º Pedal of different instruments. A dozen organs might have been visited promiscuously, without any two being found to agree precisely in the above respects. Some had short-octave GG Manuals : others, GG Manuals with long octaves. Some had Manuals descending a note lower to FFF; others, Manuals to CCC ; while a fifth class would have Manual organs of the Orthodox CC range. There were not wanting some having three Manuals all of different ranges. Then of the Pedal : some organs had an octave of pedals commencing at GG ; others, an octave and a half beginning on the same note, or perhaps on FFF. Some had two octaves of GG pedals, while others AND ERECTION OF AN ORGAN. 2I 5 had one octave, an octave and a half, two octaves, or two octaves and a half of CCC pedals. Such was the undecided state into which these divisions of organ arrangement had fallen in this country, previous to the commencement of the now widely-spread desire for their amelioration. How the true Manual 894. That all the compasses for Manual and Pedal just compass is to be ascer- : & ſº º - tained, cited can be effzaally correct, is impossible; either some are too long, or others must be too short ; or, Supposing a medium range to be the true One, then Some must be as much too short as others are too long. The question, then, is, of the number, which is the correct compass and which not P # - 895. The presence of a certain number of keys on the Manual and Pedal claviers, and an equal number of Semitones in their respective organs, must be necessary to render an instrument adequate to all the purposes and uses of a church organ. Do those Manuals—the question of the compass of the Pedal is deferred for the present—then, that extend only to CC, ſa/Z short of this needful range; or do the various kinds of long octave ones exceed it by just so much as their Manuals descend below that key Or, is the medium compass, the GG, the correct one, and Consequently the CC range as much too short as the CCC is too long for the required purposes? The sources to which alone reference can be made, with the certainty of finding a correct solution to the above problems, are the choral and instrumental compositions that are most frequently heard in, and which are held in the highest esteem as accessories to, the church service ; and for the accompaniment of the one, and the perform- ance of the other, the organ itself is employed in our ecclesiastical edifices. If reference then be made to the works of the long list of English choral writers, and to the scores of Handel, Beethoven, Bach, Mendelssohn, &c., this examination will be attended with the following results. 896. In the selected movements from the works originally written with orchestral accompaniments, such as the Solos and choruses in Oratorios, masses, &c., it will be observed that the violoncello part, which comprehends within its downward range also that of all vocal basses, never descends below the CC note, which note (as all musicians know) is the lowest one on that instrument. The double bass, indeed, is a deeper-toned instrument ; yet, as it does not give a sound in accordance with the notes written, but the octave below, as far as its compass permits, its representative is correctly to be found among the unison (16-feet) flue-work of the pedal organ. Again, if the compositions written expressly for the organ by Bach, Mendelssohn, Hesse, Wely, Henry Smart, and others, be consulted, it will be seen that the greatest extent to which the Manual part of those works descends is also CC. The most elaborate sacred musical productions, then, whether they be essentially choral, originally written with instrumental accompaniments, or composed exclusively for the organ, neither require nor recognise a greater extent of Compass downwards than that possessed by the shortest of the various kinds of Manual above mentioned. A few excep- tions to this otherwise universally Supported fact may indeed be found in the organ compositions of Samuel Wesley, Thomas Adams, and Dr. S. S. Wesley ; yet these examples would scarcely be deemed sufficient to outweigh the united authority established by the various and voluminous works presented to us by the writers previously named. That the CC Manual does afford ample scope for the perfect execution of the hand parts of all descriptions of music used in the church, excepting the few excellent works already specified, has never been disputed. And that the CC Manual range is the best one for concert-room Organs, 216 SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION is equally beyond a doubt. So much, therefore, is greatly in favour of the CC Manual organ. Arguments against the 897. Against it, and in favour of a longer compass, it has CC Manual compass, e º tº ... ."...".”. Sometimes been urged (1) that in accompanying the choral longer range. service, and more particularly the quieter parts, a Soft bass is frequently required (though not written) below CC ; (2) that if the Manual keys are made to end on that note, then the deeper Sounds have to be obtained from the Pedal; and (3) if that department be furnished with a fair pro- portion of stops, a shifting of these with every change from “Full” to “Verse,” &c., becomes necessary; or (4) if there be but one stop on the Pedal, as is too frequently the case, the choice then lies between a ponderous and heavy bass and none at all. - 898. These objections are founded on the manner in which CC organs are some- times made in England, rather than on the Continental system, according to which they should be, and occasionally are, built. It is not a correct conclusion that, if the Manual Āeys stop at CC, the Manual sounds must also cease there, any more than it would be that the 24/79ard range of an organ must cease at f° in alt, if the keys do so. In all two-Manual instruments of average pretension, the Great organ should have a Double Stopped Diapason (Bourdon) throughout. This is one of the fundamental laws of the German system of organ-building, and is constantly adhered to in the construction of the average church organs of that country ; and it does not follow, because the Great Manual of an English CC organ is some- times made without a stop of 16-feet size of tone, that the inconveniences which must arise from such omission are to be attributed to a principle of Organ- building, from which it is a departure. Where a stop of the kind in question is disposed, instead of the downward range of the deep Manual sounds being limited by the termination of the keys at CC, it is increased to the extent of seven semitones beyond what an old-fashioned GG Manual could produce ; So that, even on the question of “depth of tone,” a CC Manual organ on the Continental principle has the decided advantage over a GG Manual organ on the English principle. Furthermore, the concentration of so many deep sounds on the Manual obviates the “necessity’ for employing the Pedals so constantly, if the performer cares to dispense with the use of the latter; and thus the second objection to the CC Manual is, to a great extent, done away with. But, even supposing the continued use of the Pedals to be desired, so far from the shifting of the Pedal stops to obtain a soft bass being a matter of “necessity,” some German Pedal organs are made with a wind-trunk valve (Sperventil) to cut off the wind from the Pedal Reeds and Chorus stops, and worked by a stop-handle that is shifted as quickly as a Pedal coupler ; by means of which a soft or loud Pedal may be obtained with the greatest facility. 899. One fact relating to the subject of the deep Manual tones should not here be omitted. While the extra keys below CC are said to be so necessary for Soft accompaniments, the Second Manual (Swell), on which the quieter parts would frequently be played, is always made not only without those very keys, but, in the great majority of cases, also without the neart whole octave above. This important circumstance much weakens the position, as to the “necessity " for the Manual keys descending below CC, to meet the requirements of soft playing. 900. Nay, more ; when the Second Manual organ (Swell) in GG instruments is made to the short tenor c compass, it is usual to arrange the keys beyond to act AND ERECTION OF AN ORGAN. 217 g either on the Great organ, or on the “ Pedal pipes.” Now, in the former case, a shifting of the Great organ stops must be made with every change from forfe to Žiarto, and back again ; in the latter, there will be the strong and unseasonable bass; SO that the Second and third objections, if they are such, exist, to at least an equal extent, in organs of long Compass, and are not by any means peculiar to those of shorter range. 901. The CC is the only Manual range now accepted on the Continent. In Germany, Holland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, France, America, &c., no organ is ever made to any other compass. The celebrated organs at Haarlem, Frieburg, Frankfort, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Dresden, St, Denis, Boston, U.S., &c., are all CC Manual organs.” 902. Among the 3OO or 400 English organs that have been either built or re-modelled conformably with this range may be mentioned the new organ in St. Paul's Cathedral ; the organs at Christ Church, Newgate Street; St. Paul's, Knightsbridge; St. Peter's and St. Michael's, Cornhill; Temple Church ; St. James's, Piccadilly ; All Saints', Margaret Street; St. Andrew's, Wells Street; and St. Giles's Camberwell, &c. Also those in the Birmingham, Leeds, Newcastle, Brighton, Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Dundee Town Halls; the Collegiate Institution, Liverpool; the Parish Churches at Doncaster, Leeds, Newark, Ashton- under-Lyne, &c., Much room and a great 903. The CC compass for a Manual Organ, at the same time ..","..."... that it is quite satisfactory as to completeness and convenience quired to extend the } compass of a Manual is far less costly than one of longer range ; not that cheafness organ below CC. ought to be made a consideration in any case, where the object is to be devoted to the service of the church, and where the question should not be “what will do,” but what is best. Still, it does so happen that a given number of stops to CC will cost very considerably less than when extended down to GG, or lower; and the money and space Saved by observing the distinction between what is essential and what is not, are of vital importance where funds and room are objects (and where are they not ), since they can then be devoted to the proper proportionate development of other departments which are too often straitened, or altogether excluded, in order to allow of the lengthening out of a Manual organ. 904. Some idea may be formed of the extra cost of a long octave Manual Organ, from the increase that is made in the price of one stop alone by this down- ward elongation. The charge for an Open Diapason to CC used to be about eighteen pounds. The cost of the same stop, extended to GG, was increased to nearly thirty pounds; with the FFF and FFF sharp added, to about forty pounds; and, when further extended down to CCC, the 16 feet pipe, and a good quality of metal preserved throughout, its cost was not far short of seventy pounds. From these few facts it will easily be seen that a hundred pounds may be soon expended in extending the stops of even a single Manual, and this, too, without extending its resources as a Manital organ, in any Shape or way. - - * It is worth mentioning that the Manuals of Spanish and Italian organs sometimes descend below CC. Those of the new organ at the Cathedral at Seville go down to AA ; those of the two organs at Milan Cathedral descend to FFF; those of the chief organ at St. Peter's at Rome range to CCC, short octaves; while those of the organ at St. Alessandro at Milan are of CCC range, and of complete compass. (See accounts of these organs in the Appendix,) 2 I 8 SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION The true method of in- 905. For an illustration of this latter fact, try two Manual .*.*.*.* organs by the same builder, furnished with stops similar in of a Manual organ. 5 * every respect only that the compass of those of the one shall stop at CC, while those of the other shall extend to GG, or anywhere else. If this or any other chord be struck in pure four-part harmony, first on one of those Manuals, and then on the other, the Sound will be found to be precisely the same in each case, both as regards quantity as well as quality; in other words the tone of the GG Manual organ will possess no advantage over that of the CC one. The reason of this is obvious. Increasing the compass of a Manual, and increasing its resources as to tone and variety, are two widely different things, and they are worked out by totally opposite processes. The former end is attained by keeping to the same stops, and augmenting their range ; which is like adding a fifth or sixth string to the stringed instruments in a band, with the view to increas- ing their efficiency. The latter is effected by preserving the original compass (that compass being a full and complete one), and engrafting thereon other stops that emit sounds differing in pitch, or quality, or both, from those produced by the Original ones; a course which is equivalent to increasing the number and variety of instruments as the means of augmenting the resources of an orchestra. As the capabilities of a band would be amplified—both in regard to its power of varied combination in the detail, and its grandeur of tone in the aggregate—by increasing the number of distinct instruments, so are the analogous powers of the organ correspondingly augmented by increasing the number of distinct stops; and they are increased only by this principle of development. A Manual can but be com- plete, let its compass be extended below CC as far as it may ; even as a violin could be no more, were the number of its strings to be doubled, or even trebled. Supposing such an experiment to be tried with a violin, music for that instrument would have to be aſtered, before any use could be made of the additions as violin features. In like manner all church music has to be altered, before any use can be made of the keys below CC as Manual features. How it may be ascer. 906. The best proofs of there being no legitimate use for the º long Octaves with the hand are to be gathered from the devia- not as Manual ones. tions which it is necessary to make from the musical text, in order So to employ them. The keys, acting upon these addi- tional tones and semitones, are placed, as a matter of course, beyond the CC key ; and, as the Manual part of all descriptions of church music alike only extends to that note (as has been already shown), they are not available as above, so long as a composer's notation is adhered to. To make use of the extra notes with the hand, the hand must be transferred an octave lower than the music directs; and single notes, octaves, or even full chords, played down there; the tenor part of the composition, meanwhile, being either entirely abandoned, -or thrown an octave higher; the Consequence being in either case a material departure from the musical text, and a most undesirable transposition of the parts. ' 907. Speaking of the Superior effect that divided harmony produces upon the AND ERECTION OF AN ORGAN. 2 IQ organ over close harmony, Forkel says: “By this means a chorus, as it were, of four or five vocal parts, in their whole matural compass, is transferred to the organ. Let the following chords in divided harmony be tried — and then compare how the following, a more common way of rendering the same sounds in comparison, and it will be evident what injury must accrue to the effect from playing a whole piece in Such a manner. In the former manner BACH always ſºlayed the organ.” (Zäſe of Bach, Boosey's edition, page 33.) - - 908. Taking all the foregoing circumstances into consideration, it seems clear that the “long octaves” do not possess any real advantages as Manual adjuncts to compensate for their enormous cost. And it is as indisputable that their appli- cation to certain departments—say the Chief Manual, or Great organ—is often the means of excluding many of those which are so from others, of reducing the number and amount of their contents, or even of necessitating their entire omission, by absorbing for their construction a sum from the gross amount which would be sufficient to Secure the amelioration of one, if not more, of the above material blemishes. A few general illustrations may be given of these last-mentioned facts. To advance more specific ones would be inconsistent with the object of the present work. º sº that 909. If the general arrangements of a modern A400 or £500 might be effected on a • Cr - * --- is e - given specification, by GG Organ be examined, they will in the majority of cases be regulating the outlay found to be as follows :- otherwise than in the • 3 in sº construction of unes- Compass of Great Organ, GG to fê in alt, with sential Manual notes. GG sharp * * * * * * * * * * 59 1) OteS. Compass of Swell Organ, tenor c to fº in alt . 42 notes. The Swell Manual continued down to GG, and made to act either on the Bass of the Great Organ, or on the Pedal pipes at pleasure. Compass of Pedal board, GG to tenor C . . . . . . . . . 18 notes, Compass of Pedal pipes, from CCC to CC . . . . . . . I 3 pipes. 910. From these particulars we perceive that, while the Chief Manual or Great organ is carried half an octave lower than CC at a considerable cost, the second Manual organ (Swell) is discontinued a whole octave above that note—the funds them not admitting of the latter department being made complete—and the Pedal organ consists of “half” a stop, and that Sounding an octave out of pitch. Now 22O SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION it need scarcely be urged that the only particular in which the two Manual organs ought to differ from each other are the number of stops, or their strength of tone, and not in the compass, which should be the same in either case; for what is required for “soft accompaniments” is a Manual with stops of a subdued tone, and not without any bass to it. In fact, the longer compass has sometimes been declared to be more specially needed for Soft accompaniments. 911. The old organ-builders, although compelled to make instruments to all kinds of compass, and thus to give an air of vacillation to Some of their arrange- ments, but for which they must not be held responsible, and, for reasons already shown, were yet fully sensible of the propriety of making both Manual organs to consist of the same number of keys ; unless, indeed, as was sometimes the case, particularly in their very small instruments, one was only designed as a Solo or Echo organ, and not calculated for use in choral accompaniments. A few re- markable exceptions only to this rule are known to exist. In the generality of instruments built during the latter part of the Seventeenth, throughout the eighteenth, and even at the commencement of the present century, we constantly find the Second Manual (Choir) of equal range with the First, or Great. 912. No doubt the Second Manual organ is in the present day sometimes made shorter than the requisite compass, through lack of funds ; and, when such imperfectness is really the work of necessity, nothing can be said against it. That, however, is a separate question. When there are funds sufficient to pay for a GG Great organ and a tenor c Swell, there must be sufficient also to procure a Second Manual organ of nearly, if not quite, perfect compass, if the expenditure be so directed ; so that the above plea is not admissible under Such circumstances, since the lessened range of that department can then no longer be attributed to the smallness of the grant, but to the mode of its outlay. 913. The Swell being thus limited in its compass, some substitute is usually devised to supply the place of the omitted octave. The most usual expedients are to extend the Second Mazútal downwards to the same range as the First or Great organ, and make the continuation keys communicate either with the Pedal pipes or with the bass keys of the Great organ. It is only necessary, how- ever, to advert to the derivation of the terms Manual and Pedal (“manus,” a hand, and “pes,” the foot), when the inaccuracy of bringing on to a Manual certain pipes designed exclusively for the use of the ſeeſ, and distinctly desig- nated “ Pedal’ pipes, will become apparent. Besides, the Pedal pipes are the most ponderous-toned pipes in an organ, and, therefore, as a bass to the Manual, designed for soft accompaniments, are singularly inappropriate. Again, in many examples where there are “Double * Pedal pipes, instead of there being an interval of a semitone only between the unison sound of the last key acting on the Swell and the first one on the Pedal pipes, the two sounds are separated by an interval of a minor ninth ; so that not only is the sound of the borrowed bass opposed to its newly applied purpose in the several respects of character, strength, and quality of tone, but in pitch it is of “ 16 feet;” whereas, for the Manual, the 8-feet pitch is most required. 914. Neither does the bass octave of the loud or Great organ form a satis- factory continuation to the soft or Swell organ, for the reason that, if the same combination be drawn on both Manuals, the strength of the bass (Great organ) will be too strong to match well with the remainder (Swell); or if, to obviate this, fewer stops be drawn on the Great organ, there will exist but slight affinity between the tone-character of the bass and the other parts. As before observed, if such arrangements as these arise from unavoidable causes, it is one matter; but if they are purely voluntary, as they must of AND ERECTION OF AN ORGAN. 22 I necessity be when they appear in conjunction with a GG Great organ, it is quite another. 915. The next point to be illustrated is the extent to which “long octaves” limit the specification of the different departments of an organ. 916. A good average specimen of a GG Great organ contains the following ten stops ; viz.:- I. Open Diapason. 6. Fifteenth, 2. Open Diapason. 7. Sesquialtera—III. ranks. 3. Stopped Diapason. 8. Mixture. II. ranks. 4. Principal. 9. Trumpet. 5. Twelfth. IO. Clarion. 917. By confining the above ten-stop Great organ to the CC compass, instead of extending it down to GG, the sum so saved would nearly, if not quite, defray the cost of the following stops; viz.:- 1. Double Stopped Diapason I6 feet tone. 9. Twelfth . . . . 23 feet. 2. Open Diapason . . . . 8 feet. IO. Fifteenth . . . . 2 feet. 3. Open Diapason . . . . 8 feet. II. Piccolo . . . . 2 feet. 4. Stopped DiapāSon . . . 8 feet tone. I2. Sesquialtera . . . IV. ranks. 5. Dulciana to Tenor c. . . 8 feet. I3. Mixture . . . . III. ranks. 6. Stopped Fifth . . . . . 5; feet tone. I4. Trumpet . . . . 8 feet. 7. Principal . . . . . . 4 feet. I5. Clarion . . . . . 4 feet, 8. Flute . . . . . . . . 4 feet. . That is to say, the number of pipes to most of the keys could be increased from thirteen to twenty ; the range of deep Sounds extended downwards to the extent of seven semitones; and the capabilities of the department for varied com- bination nearly doubled. - 918. Or, supposing the Sum Saved were expended on the improvement of an originally contemplated tenor c Swell, containing the following six stops; viz. – I. Double Stopped Diapason. 4. Principal. 2. Open Diapason. 5. Trumpet. 3. Stopped Diapason. 6. Hautboy. 919. Not only could its specification be made to take the following improved form :— 1. Double Stopped Diapason 16 feet tone. 5. Fifteenth . . . . 2 feet. 2. Open Diapason . . . . 8 feet. 6. Mixture . . . . III. ranks. 3. Stopped Diapason . . . 8 feet tone. 7. Trumpet. . . . 8 feet. 4. Principal . . . . . . 4 feet. 8. Hautboy . . . . 8 feet, but its compass could be extended downwards to at least Gamut G. That is to say, besides increasing the number of pipes to each key from six to ten, about half of the 8-feet octave could be added to the Swell Manual organ, which would be far more useful than half of the 16-feet octave to the Great Manual Organ. 920. Or again, if the amount saved as above were to be laid out in getting rid of the ordinary “ Pedal pipes” of a single octave only in compass—in which the unison and double pitches are so strangely mixed together—and 222. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION. providing something more intelligible in their stead, the following stops could be secured — PEDAL ORGAN, COMPASS CCC TO TENOR D. I. Open Diapason . . . wood . . . 16 feet. 2. Stopped Diapason . . wood . . . 16 feet tone. 3. Trombone . . . . . wood . . . 16 feet. 921. The questions that here suggest themselves are, first, whether the principle of organ-construction that necessitates the confusing of the Manual organ with the Pedal organ, and the Pedal organ with the Manual—making the one too long and the other too short–each rendered dependent on the other, while neither of them are in themselves Complete, nor even capable of forming a satisfactory whole when united,—whether such a system should be perpetuated, in preference to the other principle, which has for its foundation the requirements expected of each depart- ment, and which, from its well-tested merits, has become the standard principle of nearly all other countries. 922. Or, Secondly, if either of the three modifications just suggested on the original specification were to be followed, whether there would not result a much more satisfactory instrument - 923. It should be remarked that the shortest and least eaſensive of the various long octave Manual organs was selected wherewith to draw the foregoing parallel specifications. Had a longer compass been chosen, a still more surprising differ- ence would have resulted ; which would also have been the case even with the same compass, had two Manual organs been taken into account instead of one ; or even one Manual organ, but having more Stops. º: * 924. There are other grounds yet to be noticed, on which Of . antials, an • * - t against CC, considered. º º for the perpetuation of elongated Manuals is Ollí1C162C1. 925. It is urged—(1) that the introduction of the extra keys offers scope for the production of many fine effects; (2) that their presence is absolutely essential to serve as Pedal tones ; and (3) that shortening the compass is going backwards in- stead of forwards. 926. That sounds below CC on the Manual are of the greatest use, and capable of most impressive results, has already been admitted, and is, indeed, self- evident. What is maintained is, that the desirability for their introduction does not call for a lengthening of the Åey-board. 927. When, for example, such Sounds are required, it is very easy to draw the 16-feet stop alone, when they will be obtained not only to GG, but seven semitones lower. For this method of using the organ we have the authority of the greatest organist and organ composer that ever lived. Sebastian Bach not only played, but actually wrote some of his music to be executed with the left hand on a 16-feet stop only ; by which means he drew from his instrument the practical effect of a CCC Manual, without overturning the theory of organ-building to obtain it. (See trans- lation of Forkel’s Life of Bach, page 86.) f 928. No rules, or specific directions, setting forth the manner of using the extra keys of a GG organ with the hand, with fine effect, have ever appeared in print; and music for the organ, of what kind soever, offers little or no assist- ance on the subject; but, on the contrary, generally discountenances them. So that all is left to chance;—one has to invent a mode of using them, if they are to be touched at all ;-and it is but a natural consequence that the attempts should, in different cases, be attended with various degrees of success, That the AND ERECTION OF AN ORGAN. 223 Manual keys below CC are seldom made use of with the hands when they are introduced is clearly evinced by the comparatively £erſecſ state in which those keys are invariably found, when most of the others are so much worn as to require renewal. ºw- 929. But whatever may be the effects attendant on the lengthening of the Manuals, if they be placed in juxtaposition with the decrease sustained in the number of the stops ; the loss of the numerous soft combinations that could have been made with the aid of those stops for accompanimental purposes; and the impossibility of playing the best music even correctly, still less with adequate effect; it will then be seen what sacrifices must be made to secure the presence of five semitones—the advantages of which, when they are obtained, is very gene- rally questioned. 930. The next position, “that the presence of the extra notes on the Manual is essential, that they may serve as Pedal tones,” offers anything rather than assistance to the principle of organ-construction it is intended to support. The anomaly of attaching to the Manza/keys pipes that are expressly adapted for the feet has already been pointed out. The above plea is in favour of placing certain keys and tones on the Manual, which are conceded to be chiefly for the use of the Pedals. This creates a fresh discrepancy, and one that assumes a more prominent form, when it is considered for what purpose the extra tones are said to be intro- duced, and how far it is possible they can effect the end desired. If the Manual unison stops are required to serve as substitutes for the Pedal Diapason, they should descend as far as those Diapasons, namely, to CCC ; if as Octave stops, only to CC. The GG range is 7 Semitones too short for the one purpose, and 5 too long for the other ; therefore the peculiar unfitness of the notes in question, from BB to GG, for rendering the assistance sought, in a correct and intelligible manner, becomes obvious. - 931. In suggesting the adoption of the CC Compass for the Manual, it must not be concluded that the notes below CC are not required anywhere, but simply that they are not required on that clavier as Manual notes. This leads to the third objection, that “shortening the compass is going backwards instead of forwards.” This appears, at first, to be a well-grounded objection ; yet, in reality, it admits of a ready reply. The great question is not which is the longest, but which is the //lost correct, complete, convenient, compact, and economical Compass. These questions have already been once considered, but they may be further illustrated by a return to our former parallel. Supposing a fifth and sixth Strings to have been added to a violin, and, no legitimate use being found for them, they were taken off again ; the violin would not, on that account, become a less perfect instrument;-- there would be no “going backwards.” Or, to draw the parallel more closely, if, to supply the two extra strings for the violin, two had been abstracted from the violoncello ; and it was afterwards desired that both should be rendered efficient ; there could be no question as to the propriety of reducing the former and increasing the latter to the proper and precise dimensions. This latter comparison is the more exact one to draw ; for the essential lowest octave of the Swell, or the equally essential upper octave of the pedal organ have been but too often omitted, where the one or the other might have been introduced but for the unessential notes from BB to GG on the Great organ. It is believed there could be but one opinion as to the most correct course to pursue in regard to the Stringed instruments ; and it would seem surprising there should be a second one against an equally consistent proportioning of the different departments of an organ. - 932. It may be mentioned, by the way, that although the “viols" of former times had six strings, and the modern violins had but four, yet the latter have 224 SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION always ranked as the more perfect instruments; while the advancement in the composition of music for string instruments, as well as of the playing on them, dates from the time of the general adoption of the instrument having fewer Strings. The parallel holds good in every respect in regard to organs and organ playing in England. 933. The advocates for the long and for the short Manuals appear to be agreed on one very important point, namely, that the 16-feet range is the most Correct one for as many of the organ stops as possible; the point of difference between them being as to where the large pipes should be planted, whether on the Manuals or on the Pedal. 934. In Germany, also, the CCC or 16-feet range is viewed as the most correct one for the organ stops, even more generally so than in England, but not for the organ Manuals. The Pedal is justly considered as the only proper place for their ôass. This is conclusively shown in German specifications, where may frequently be seen disposed to a “Principal 8 feet” on the Manual a “Principal bass 16 feet” on the Pedal; to the “Octave 4 feet” on the Manual, an “Octave bass 8 feet” On the Pedal; to the “Flöte 4 feet” on the Manual, a “Flöte &ass 8 feet” on the Pedal; to a “Quint 5; feet” on the Manual, a “Quinten bass of IO3 feet” on the Pedal; and so on. A reference to the German specifications in the Appendix— taken either from German organ books or copied from the stop labels themselves —will fully illustrate this fact. How the CC Manual 935. The question here suggests itself how the CC Com- tº wº * * pass ever came to be exceeded. The Manual range of the organs built immediately after the Restoration generally con- sisted of four octaves, from CC to cº in alt. (See Dr. Burney’s article on the organ before referred to.) The Double Diapason at that time was Scarcely known in this country, and was certainly not appreciated ; the Pedal organ was entirely unknown ; so that the English instruments of the date in question lacked those deep and Sonorous tones which render an organ so peculiarly well adapted to its place in the church, and so superior to all other instru- ments for religious purposes. In proceeding to supply the existing deficiencies, without regarding either of the two systematic courses that were open for adoption, the third and only remaining mode of doing so was by extending the Manual downwards. Two notes were therefore added; one, sounding AA, placed on the CC sharp key ; and the other, giving GG, on an additional key placed next beyond the CC one. A Manual of this kind is now called a “short octave.” Manual, to distinguish it from the still longer ones that are to be met with. The result of this experiment being favourable as to the effect, the intermediate semitones from CC to GG were applied (excepting, perhaps, the GG sharp); and thus the GG long octave Manual organ was formed. Further extensions were subsequently made ; first to FFF, then to CCC. It is now, however, admitted by the great majority of English organists that these added keys do not so properly belong to the Manual as to the Pedal; and that no sufficient grounds exist for introducing them as adjuncts to the former-mentioned departments in new work. It is not considered a sufficient reason for so doing, that the Manuals were made to GG in our fathers' time. Besides, if the key at which the Manual ought to stop is still to be passed—if the rules which should keep its compass within proper bounds are to be disregarded—there then exists nothing to prevent the introduction of a GGG or even a CCCC Manual, if individual taste should desire it. Such an extension would be but carrying out, to the extent of a second octave, the AND ERECTION OF AN ORGAN, 225 elongating principle, which many would advocate to the extent of one octave, and which, moreover, would be equally justifiable on the same ground of individual fancy. 936. That the CC is the only true Manual compass would not then seem to be so much a matter of individual opinion (as must be the supposition on behalf of any other), as a self-manifesting fact—all church music clearly showing it to be so. That it is also the only one that facilitates the perfecting of the range and proportionate development of the other departments, by avoiding an undue outlay on the chief Manual organ, is also beyond a doubt. Under all these circumstances, independently of others about to be mentioned, the CC compass is the only one that can be suggested with confidence for adoption as the best for the Manuals of new organs. - The confusion in the 937. But there is a disadvantage in lengthening out the sº Manual stops that has not as yet been hinted at, and one, moreover, that seems to be always overlooked by the pro- moters of long Manuals, namely, the confusion into which such elongation throws the question of the standard length and the literal pitch of the stops. It must have been observed that in much organ music, to save specifying any particular stop that the instrument might or might not contain, the direction given is often simply an open one ; as, for instance, “one 8-feet stop,” meaning, of course, thereby, a unison stop. Now, by extending the compass of the stops downwards, their size is altered ; and so great is the confusion caused in conse- quence, that many of the lengthened stops on a GG, FFF, or CCC organ are made to assume a size identical with that of certain other stops, correctly ranged, to which they are quite opposed, either in nature and method of usage, or both, and which ambiguity is eminently calculated to throw those who are desirous of identifying the size and pitch with the use of the stops into the greatest doubt and perplexity. For example, an Open Diapason would be of 8-feet length on a CC Manual ; on a FFF Manual the Quint would be the stop of that size; and, on one of the CCC compass, the Principal. If, therefore, an 8-feet stop were really to be drawn as directed, it would in the first case produce the right effect, but in the second would sound the music a fifth higher than written ; and in the third the octave above. Again, in the instance of a GG organ, the Diapason and Principal (Ioš and 5; feet), which should be freely available for the majority of combinations, and understood to be so, are, from their altered size, made to be identical in measurement with the Quints of better arranged organs; while the Twelfth and Larigot of a FFF organ (4 and 2 feet), which require to be used with much care, are by the same process made to correspond in size with the Principal and Fifteenth of a CC organ, which are scarcely at all restricted in their use. In fact, the sizes of the Unison, Octave, and Mutation stops are mixed, crossed, and inextricably confused together. 938. But, it might be suggested, if the confusion of lengths could somehow be got over (which of course it cannot), and the Manuals were to be extended down to CCC, whether then there would not result a satisfactory substitute for a proper Pedal organ, and one, moreover, that would offer great conveniences for the pur- pose of duet-playing. In one sense it would, but at the same time new difficulties would be created. What is required of an efficient Pedal organ is not simply a bass to the Great Manual stops, neither more nor less, but a Pedal bass to as many of the leading stops of all the Manuals as circumstances will permit, with the addition of such others as will stamp that department with a character of individuality. All these ends can never be attained by extending the compass of the Great organ, even to CCC. C C 226 SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, ETC, OF AN ORGAN. 939. And with respect to the conveniences for duet-playing, a principle of organ-building, that takes two performers to produce the effect that one could manage under proper circumstances, can hardly be said to be an advantageous one. 940. Again, if the Manual unison stops be increased to the 16-feet size, the Doubles will become 32 ; and, 32 being then the unison size for the Pedal, the Doubles will be 64 feet in length. The full development of a long Manual organ would demand the introduction of pipes nearly the height and bulk of factory chimneys, which would be destitute of definite tone when made. 941. In suggesting the adoption of the CC compass for the Manual, it will not of course be supposed that discontinuing the Manuals at that key will, alone and of itself, render an organ a better and more perfect instrument. It is nothing more than one necessary step towards a successful issue—a means to one end. Two of the most prominent faults of the long Manual systems are, they allot too much to certain Manuals, and too little to the Pedal, both of which faults require correcting. But if the 16-feet octave, or even a portion of it, be omitted from the Manual, and nothing be added to the Pedal by way of compensation, then the organ is left practically less efficient than it was before, in spite of the theoretical corrections. This is because the “bass” of the stops, instead of being simply transferred from the Manual to the Pedal, is omitted altogether, giving strong ground to justify the opinion of the pro- moters of the long Manual systems, that “shortening the Manual compassis going backwards.” The minimum number of “ Pedal basses” which a CC organ should have is one third as many as there are stops on the Great organ. The maximum number is one-third as many Pedal basses as there are stops in the entire Manual organs. Below the former proportion the Pedal stops are never reduced in Continental organs of pretension. (See Foreign Specifications, in the Appendix; also the works of Töpfer, Kützing, Seidel, Schlimbach, &c.) These observations, however, are not intended to qualify in the slightest manner the ample proofs already adduced of the great superiority of the CC organ, when consistently carried out. As compared with it the inferior and patchy Pedal effect of the GG organ is only equalled by a second unsuccessful imitation, also peculiar to long Manual organs, namely, that of mimicking the effect of a 16-feet stop by coupling the Choir organ to the Great in the octave below. Such expedients in co-existing organs that have only been partially remodelled ‘aré innocent enough, but they offer no satisfactory precedents for their adoption in new work, tº: range of 942. With regard to the upward range of the Manuals, iº organ music very seldom ascends beyond cº in alt; while the psalm-tunes and chants, of course, do not reach anything like so high ; but as the pipes to the keys above that cº are small, do not occupy much room, and cost but little, and moreover are very useful in a variety of ways— particularly where there are octave couplers—the Manuals are generally con- tinued up to gº, a”, or even to cº in altissimo. The latter range is in some respects desirable for concert-room organs. The late Dr. Gauntlett was one of the earliest and most strenuous advocates for the CC organ, and for the concentra- tion of a grand body and variety of tone on the Manuals, OF THE PEDALS AND PEDAL ORGAN, 227 CHAPTER XXXII. OF THE PEDALS AND PEDAL ORGAN : THEIR INTRODUCTION INTO ENGLAND ; AND CORRECT COMPASS. 943. AMONG the most important additions and improvements that have been made to the organ in modern times in England are to be classed the introduction of Pedals, and the establishment and subsequent development of the Pedal organ. These features, the importance and utility of which have for centuries been appre- ciated so justly on the Continent that a place has been assigned to them in every instrument of even moderate pretensions, are even now only just beginning to be adequately valued in this country. Yet, as Forkel observes, in his Zife of Bach, page 99, “the Pedal is an essential part of the organ : by this alone it is exalted above all other instruments; for its magnificence, grandeur, and majesty depend upon it. Without the Pedal, this great instrument is no longer great; it approaches those little organs called in Germany Positivs, which are of no value in the eyes of competent judges.” - - 944. A few particulars concerning the date, compass, and number of stops found in some early Continental Pedal organs may be of use, as showing at how early a date an independent Pedal was appreciated abroad. NAME OF PLACE. IDATE. NUMBER OF STOPS. COMPASS, NO. IN FOREIGN º SPECIFICATIONS, Amiens Cathedral . . . . 1429 . 7 * > . . . . . . * * * * * * * * 0. I4. Constance Cathedral . . 1518 . 8 . . . . .. . . . . CCC to Gamut G , , HIS Freiburg in Bresgau . . 1520 . 4 * * * * * * * * CCC to CC . . . . 37 St. Peter's, Hamburg, } & gº is 8 . p ****** *******E) & VJ, jº, Avevº Q 6 & e o 'o e o g earlier than . . . . . I54 13, including 2 of 32 feet 69 Rouen . . . . . . . 1630 . 8 . . . . . . . . CCC to tenor c . . . 17 Lucerne Cathedral . . . 1651 . { 13, including I of 32 feet, } CCC to tenor c, short , II4 *. and 5 of 16 feet St, Nicholas, Hamburg . 1686 . 16, including 2 of 32 feet . . . . . . . . . 68 945. It is not a little remarkable that Smith and Harris—the former of whom studied his art in Germany, and the latter in France—should never have made a Pedal organ, nor even Pedals, in England. What the cause of this striking omission could have been cannot now be positively ascertained ; but we know that nearly every other real improvement in its turn met with the greatest opposition—as the introduction of Doubles, the establishment of equal temperament, the restoration of the CC compass, &c.—and probably the idea of introducing Pedals met with no better reception. Be this as it may, Pedals were not introduced into England till nearly the end of the last century. According to an autograph letter, written by the late Charles Wesley, and which was in the possession of the late Dr. Rimbault, the Savoy organ, by Snetzler, was the first that had a Pedal-board, without, however, any pipes, and which formed part of Snetzler's original work. Another account states that the organ in St. Matthew's Church, Friday Street, was the first to have Pedals; and, further, that they were of the two-octave CCC in compass, with a complete set of Stopped Diapason pipes of 16-feet tone attached; and were made, in 1790, under the direction of the late Rev. Mr. Latrobe. A third account is that the first Pedals made in England were those applied to the organ in Westminster Abbey by Avery ; that they were a miniſh in compass, GG to Gamut A, with an octave of unison Open Pedal-pipes attached; that they were such a novelty and C C 2 228 OF THE PEDALS AND PEDAL ORGAN, curiosity that people used to go from far and near to hear and see them ; and that Dr. Benjamin Cook, who died in 1793, composed his fine Service in G for the opening of the instrument after receiving those additions. 946. Whichever of the preceding accounts is right or wrong, one fact is certain, namely, that the range of the Pedal-board and Pedal-organ, like that of the Manual and its organ, have in England been subject to great diversification. In seeking to form a governing opinion on this subject—i.e., of the correct Pedal compass—the only sure course is to consider for what end the Pedal is introduced into the organ, and to take as a guide the result to which that consideration may direct us. The primary object, then, is to enable the organist to play the bass part of any church composition with his feet,” so that the necessity of his deserting the tenor and perhaps other inner parts may be obviated; to which, it is Scarcely necessary to say, his left hand should be chiefly devoted.” - 947. In Germany, Holland, &c., where the true principles of organ-construction and organ-playing are more generally understood and appreciated than was the case till lately in England, the question concerning the compass necessary for the Pedal-clavier and organ has long been set at rest; whereas in this country no attention at all commensurate with the importance of the subject was bestowed upon it, either by organists or organ-builders, until within the last few years; but the Pedals were generally made to accord with the incorrect GG Manuals. 948. But, as music had to be more or less altered and injured to suit such Pedals, a proper spirit of inquiry was awakened ; the contents of the English and German sacred musical storehouses were diligently consulted ; and from those unimpeachable sources a solution to the problem was obtained—“What is the proper compass for the Pedal P” The result of these examinations was the decision, that, to be competent for their purposes, a Pedal-clavier and organ should possess a range of from 27 to 30, keys and tones, commencing at CCC, and ascending to tenor e or f. • - - - 949. This CCC scale has accordingly been almost uniformly adopted in England during the last few years. Occasionally, however, the old GG, or some other long octave range, has been adhered to, consequently it will not be super- fluous to set forth on what substantial grounds it is considered wholly unsuitable to the present advanced state of organ-playing in this country. The insufficiency and 950. The first disadvantage attendant upon a GG pedal- incorrectness of GG º - º e - Pedals for practical board is, that a very large proportion of the music written purposes. expressly for the church cannot be correctly played thereon. Even many of the little pieces in the instruction books of Rink, Hesse, &c., are beyond their capabilities. In fact, Pedals that have descended no lower than GG are precisely in the same imperfect state that a violoncello would be without its fourth string, that is, also descending only to G ; and the straits to which a violoncellist would be reduced by such a curtailment of the proper compass of his instrument, may well be adduced to faithfully illustrate the difficulties which * Bach “produced with the Pedal, not only the lower notes, or those for which common organists use the little finger of the left hand, but he played a real bass melody with his feet.”—Forkell's Zife of Bach, page 33. ºf The Tenor was formerly the Canto Fermo, Plain-Song, or principal part in a composition, and derived the name Tenor from the Latin word teſtigo, I hold; because it held or sustained the air, point, substance, or meaning of the whole Cantus; and every part superadded to it was considered but as its auxiliary. In Tallis's Responses the Plain-Song is preserved in the tenor, of THE PEDALS AND PEDAL ORGAN. 229 an organist who desires to play correctly has to contend with when performing O1). Pedals so incomplete in their downward range. - The wrong pitch in 951. In such case, even passages which actually lie within **** their compass are not sounded in the right pitch on the stops such passages as Manual stops. It is the true nature of a Manual unison do come within their stop to produce sounds in exact accordance with the notes range. written ; whether the keys be pressed down with the fingers, or drawn down by the Pedals; but this, usually, is what is not the case on GG organs. For instance, if some simple progression, such as the following, -a- Z2\º | 62 Vºſs | fºL) Yº-> | | | &º be played first on the Manual unison stops, and then repeated on the Pedals coupled thereto; instead of the same sounds * Z2:SY a j UVºys | being produced we have the following, SC’Tºº = . In fact, -6:2- we find this singular confusion of “size” and “sound" presented by a GG Open Diapason ; while the stop itself is of Io; feet standard length, its pitch will be of 8 feet if played with the hands, and of 16 if played with the feet. - - - The impossibility of 952. The second disadvantage attendant on a GG Pedal- sº º: board consists in the impossibility of satisfactorily attaching Pedals; : º f. thereunto an octave of pipes having CCC for their lowest pitch in which the pipes Sound. The Pedals do not extend low enough to admit of i. when they** the pipes being applied to the right keys; hence they are º made to act on the only perfect C octave which the Pedals do present, namely, the octave above. But, in applying them in this manner, the pipes undergo transposition, which materially alters their nature. Instead of forming the lowest octave of a 16-feet stop, they then constitute the upper octave of a 32-feet stop, and produce a sound two octaves lower than the notation, thus :- - * * -e-_ Written tº-E £2 gº Sounded "Sº | | t =E =E =E --&- –E -a- -ax- 953. The incorrect Manuals suggest wrong Pedals ; and the wrong Pedals necessitate a defective application of the “CCC. Pedal pipes.” The pipes being attached to the Pedals, in the manner just noticed, the remaining half-octave of Pedals (i.e., the five treadles from BB down to GG) are either made to communi- cate with the same pipes as their octave above, or they are furnished with pipes in unison therewith ; the result in either case being virtually the same. A “return” or “repeat” is caused in the series of Pedal sounds, which leads to this singular anomaly—that the pipe which produces the lowest sound is attached to one of the middle Pedals, while another that gives one of the medium sounds is made to act on the lowest Pedals. £2 = The false readings 954. The third disadvantage attendant on a GG Pedal- **. * * board arises from the compulsory attachment of the CCC e pipes to the wrong octave of Pedal keys, and the consequent “return” that takes place on the half-octave of keys below. By this “return 230 OF THE PEDALS AND PEDAL ORGAN. Pedal pipe system” the GG, G sharp, A, A sharp, and B Pedals are made to produce precisely the same sounds; so that whether the upper half-octave 6.2 gº Z2SN & º gº §§ I/2\\s §. of Pedals be used Sº f or, the lower, Sº-E | | tºº º 62 . . ſº €2 C §§ - º º or both together, Sº-E # no contrast or relief of any kind can Kº" Cº §§ agº. Q-º" be gained. The consequence of this identity in the sound produced from both ends of the GG Pedal-board is, that such musical progressions as can be played on the treadles are altered, transposed, and reversed in their sounds, in the most remarkable manner; often producing effects of the most startling and grotesque description. A few illustrations of this fact will now be given. 955. The first is taken from the well-known Chorus in Handel's Messiah. “And with His stripes.” The subject, on its first entry in the bass, stands thus in the score :- /2-Ns. A 2-, } S- T. | | |- — [\ºſe TXTºrº Tº TE-T_º | | Tº 2- J. Q. &c SL2TENTI | It i |Tºº TTECTS-T.I. º 2–2. | L- LPººr—L –– 956. On “return Pedal pipes” it is given in the following form — :# /2\º V. | T | T -\º-E-P-A-2–nº | | | | i & S-lººks & | | | | | PTA-Sººl | C. *—2 |T] |-C-L-A-I- | |-- i © –63– af -ad- -63– the subject being, in a musical sense, destroyed by the “return,” marked by an asterisk, and a grammatical error of the worst description introduced. 957. The next illustration is the subject of the concluding Chorus in Mozart's Miffany:-- ë & ---(2–?-?------L--ſº-º-º-T- fº-º-º-Leºfººz-L- \"\"Tº IX Cººl | | | | |TTS-3TTITII | Yº! I tºº ſº I { || || || || Effie-Hº- &c. Nº.2 º’ \'ºZº. H–H ~ T. ſ." " ' | * ~ 23 LL n I kºº-ºº! t º V | Gº L | * - L. | - * 958. The above—one of the most dignified subjects ever written—is thus altered by the “return Pedal pipes”:- Hº-EEEEEEEEEEEEEENEEEEEEEEEEEESEE & *#####H#H##############Fº C: - Taj- 959. The reading conveyed of the first five bars of this subject then consists of a tame and meaningless reiteration of a single note, - - 960. The following few chords exhibit the progress of the harmony in the opening phrase of the introductory Symphony to Handel's Coronation Anthem, Zadok the Priest — OF THE PEDALS AND PEDAL ORGAN. 231 and the following notes show the very objectionable form the resolution of the Seventh in the bass is made to take by the return Pedal pipes — f I/2\º | | | T D. TVººZººlºſſTS | I L T L– Scº TTTU | L | | *C. | T L L L { S-> L– ~ -zº- #5. § 2. ' ^*==xxº~~ *exas-a- 961. The foregoing selections are from works written for voices and instru- ments. The two following are subjects from strict organ compositions. 962. No. 1 is taken from Bach's well-known Fugue on the German Chorale, “Wir glauben alſº au einen Goff,” and which stands thus in the composition itself — 963. This is given out in the following form on the “return Pedal pipes”— 964. The next is from Mendelssohn's Fugue in C minor — 966. It would scarcely be possible to recognise either of the foregoing subjects when played on the Pedal pipes alone; for the original order and nature of the intervals from note to note are so frequently altered, that but few vestiges of the Original progression remain. 967. Here are two of the simplest subjects that are to be found in the whole range of Our Standard choral works for the Church — Opening subject of the Anthem, “I will exalt Thee” by Dr. Tye. ă j i 23–2–E &c. t_ L = H º zºº Kº" -(e)#H#-F#, H H Sºº-jº-kij H=H E &c. Z LZ "T 2- |--|-l |- i -à: ºf E. 232 OF THE FEDALS AND PEDAL ORGAN. Opening subject of the Anthem, “Almighty and everlasting God,” by "- Orlando Gibbons — • *º _/2\º i _\ \º a 1 ſº {-> | | 2- | wº | e–E–2—25— FF S-2TFTUDT. { | | | 2- 2–H–e, &c. y--- | | | * l © *_-sº | Subject as given by a return Pedal organ :— -º- | ſ | | AS2=E={}- ; i–T- =~! = | &c. - V :- c c Ö aft } | | º Q-º’ –H t 6: -zº- -e- TCT 968. The list of examples of false reading rendered unavoidable by the principle of organ-Construction already adverted to might be increased ad infinitum ; but this must be needless. The above specimens will be sufficient to show how defec- tive is the GG Pedal and “Double Pedal pipe” system. For concert-room organs it is absolutely worthless. The intrºduction of 969. But, independently of violating the rules of the Grammar º, of Music when they are being used, the “Double Pedal pipes.” not in accordance with by their introduction as the first stop on the Pedal, involve a the laws of organ departure from the very rudiments of organ-building ; one of building. which is, that the unison stops of each Clavier, as being the most important, shall be first introduced. Others are (1) that the Sound of the unison stops shall predominate; and (2) that the first stops proposed for the Pedal shall be the bass to some of the Manual stops. That it must be impossible for the Organ-builder to balance the tone of his instrument properly, if the most important Pedal stops—the 16-feet—are designed to be excluded, and another— the Double—which should be subservient, is to be introduced, is self-evident. Moreover, the specification itself presents great want of unity and clearness of design, when the “Double” is the only stop proposed for the Pedal, and yet is the stop that is omitted from perhaps all the Manuals, as is generally the case with GG Organs. 970. It might be urged that the above important omission from the Pedal is very well supplied by coupling the Manuals thereto in such a manner as to obtain a 16-feet from the elongated stops of those departments, so far as their compass will permit. This, however, is not really the case ; for, instead of the Scale of the single Pedal stop being so deduced from that of the borrowed unison as to Secure the predominance of the tone of the latter, it is generally so much larger, and the power and density of its sound so much greater, that it cannot be reduced into proper proportion, even if the Diapasons of all three Manuals are coupled together and brought to bear against it. 971. In fact, after carefully considering what are the characteristics of a GG organ, with Pedals of the same compass and return Pedal pipes, and ascertaining its theoretical and practical defects, it scarcely becomes a subject of wonder that Such a system (or rather no system) should be considered unworthy of perpetuation in the present day. > 972. For, in the first place, it is as necessary to have the bass part of a composition played in an intelligible and correct manner as any other—more particularly as part-singing, and consequently part-playing, is now more often encouraged and appreciated in the English Church than it used to be ; and in the next, on an instrument so defective in the main points we have described, the greater part of the music of the church can either not be played at all, or without due effect; as is but too well known to many an organist OF THE PEDALS AND PEDAL ORGAN. 233 whose misfortune it is to have so inconsistently arranged an organ whereon to play. Even the very name “Pedal pipes,” as applied to the single half- stop on the Pedal of a GG organ, is devoid of definiteness and intelligibility. From such a name it cannot be gathered whether a stop, so called, sounds in unison with the Manual Diapasons, or whether it gives the octave below; or if it does neither the one nor the other in particular, but partly both. Neither can it be discovered whether its pipes are made of wood, or of metal, or whether they are Open or Stopped. Then of the Scale: the CCC pipes will in some instances be scarcely IO inches deep ; while in others it will be 20 inches —that is to say, there will be a greater difference than between the Dulciana and Open Diapason on the Manuals—yet there will be nothing whatever in the name or labelling to announce the difference. All these varieties of pitch, material, scale, and structure, are alike to be met with under the one indefinite term, “Pedal pipes.” The premature intro- 973. Besides the defects above ennumerated, which they * * º: bring with them, the premature introduction of Double Pedal hindrance to the in pipes is an injudicious step on other grounds. They are often troduction of more the means of preventing the subsequent introduction of the *** more important unison Pedal stops, on account of the false impression which they convey of the “size” of the instrument of which they form a part. Instances might be cited, where an organist has represented to the authorities the imperfect state of his instrument ; and has been told, in reply, that the organ is “too large” or “too loud” already ; and this, too, when there has been but half a Swell, no Choir organ, and no Open Diapason, Stopped Diapason, &c., on the Pedal. Nor is such an answer made without some justification, although founded on a serious misconception. Those who have had neither the requisite leisure, nor opportunity to make themselves acquainted with the technical details and practical working of an organ, can only speak of the instrument from the effect which it produces on them in the church ; and an octave of Pedal Zºfles (in a Small organ), sounding two octaves below the corresponding octave of the bass voice, of a larger scale than those forming any other stop in the organ, and often supplied with a wind of extra strength, are just the very things to betray one who so forms his judg- ment into a wrong conclusion. Their tone, Standing apart from the remainder of the instrument, as it must do under such circumstances, arrests the attention of the auditor ; who, erroneously taking that as a Sample of the sound of all Pedal stops, feels opposed to the introduction of the latter. It may seem paradoxical to those who are not sufficiently masters of the subject to be aware of its perfect truth, that an organ will possess more adequate means for being played soft, if the one octave of Pedal £iffes be omitted, and some three or four complete Pedal stops be introduced ; but such is nevertheless the fact. It is constantly the case in accompanying church music that a soft Pedal unison bass (that is, one of 16-feet pitch) is the only appropriate bass, while one of a heavier and deeper tone is quite opposed to the purpose ; yet when, instead of some of these most important Pedal stops, there are only the “ Double Pedal pipes” at command, the organist has no alternative but either to use those, in spite of their manifest inappropriateness, or none at all; and with the certain prospect of missing the true effect, do what he may, and perhaps of being held responsible afterwards for the result. What has been here advanced in relation to church organs applies with even greater force to concert-hall organs, 234 OF THE PEDALS AND PEDAL ORGAN. The arrangements of a 974. How strongly do the simple, systematic, and perfect C C organ contrast 4. ^. g i...."...it.”.. arrangements of the Pedal of a genuine CC organ contrast of GG compass, with the complicated, faulty, and incomplete attributes of the GG plan, many of the particulars of which have just been detailed ! For instance, on a correctly planned CC organ, the bass part of any piece of church music can be executed on the Pedals in all its integrity, let the instrument be ever so small. In the next place, music that is played thereon, with the Manuals coupled thereto, is not only sounded in the correct pitch, but is also given in octaves, consisting of the actual sounds represented by the notation, with the addition of the octave below, as would be the case in duet- playing on a CCC Manual organ. The most skilful left-hand would fail to play passages in octaves on a long Manual key-board, which can be executed with ease on a properly arranged CC organ. The Manual unison stops (8 feet) give the various progressions as they stand (just as bass voices or violoncellos would), while the Pedal unison stops (16 feet) give it as faithfully in the octave below ; that is, in the pitch corresponding with that of the double basses;–So happily does an artistically planned organ facilitate, and render comparatively easy, the perfect execution of music of the highest and most difficult class. 975. It should be the aim, then, of those to whom is entrusted the task of designing an organ (if it really be desired that the instrument shall be as applicable and adequate to all its purposes as circumstances will permit, and be worthy of recognition as a work of art when completed), to eschew all plans that involve the violation of those rules and principles of which every organ- builder and organist is naturally supposed to be an upholder. All attempts to produce an artistic instrument will prove futile, unless the stunted GG Pedal- board and the imperfect and defective 32-feet stop be given up ; and, in their lieu, a CCC set of Pedals, and at least one intelligible stop of 16-feet pitch, be substituted. In organs, even of the most diminutive kind, this is quite attainable. A Covered stop of that size of tone might, in extreme cases, be disposed on the Pedals; in moderate-sized organs, two or three 16-feet stops should be introduced. In instruments of larger dimensions a 32-feet Sounding Stop may be added ; and in those of the first magnitude (and in those ONLY) should a 32-feet Open stop appear. The 32-feet stop, therefore, is one of the last, instead of the very first, to be proposed. The rules which regulate the admission of these and smaller Pedal stops, form a subject for separate consideration, 976. It need only be added here that the CC Manual key should be capable of being united to the CCC Pedal ; the tenor c to the CC Pedal; and the middle cl key to the tenor c Pedal. The intermediate Manual notes would of course be attached to the respectively positioned Pedals.” Thus would be secured the presence and union of the 8 and 16 feet scales, even in an instrument of the most prescribed limits. * In adding C Pedals to a long octave Manual organ, it would be necessary, in order to prevent the notes below CC from becoming useless, to have two Pedal-couplers; one-of the kind above recommended, and another to unite the GG Manual note to the GG Pedal, and so on. In many existing cases, where there are CCC Pedals and GG Manuals, the Pedals from CCC to FFF take down the Manual keys from CC to FF, and then the GG Pedal draws down GG on the Manual. This creates a second return, THE SITUATION FOR THE ORGAN. - 235 CHAPTER XXXIII. THE SITUATION FOR THE ORGAN. 977. The next subject for consideration—the situation for the organ—is of no less importance to those already discussed; since on it depends, in a great degree, the best effect of the instrument when finished. So great an influence, indeed, does the position exercise on the power and quality of an organ, that an inferior instrument favourably situated will sound better than a superior one that is unfortunately placed ; and a weak-toned instrument in a good position will sound louder than a fuller-toned one in an unfavourable situation. Acoustical facts to be 978. Before entering upon the inquiry as to which are good consulted. Situations and which are not, it may not be unimportant to men- tion certain facts connected with the production and propagation, the absorption and weakening, the interception and reflection of Sound ; as a recollection of these will materially assistin illustrating the relative excellence, or otherwise, of the several sites that will have to be brought under notice. How sound is produced 979. First, then, as to the production and propagation of and propagated. Sound. “When bodies are brought into sudden contact,” says the author of the volume entitled The Art of Improving the Voice and Ear, “ or a single body is made to vibrate or expand suddenly, it must displace a quantity of the surrounding air. The air which is thus displaced in its turn displaces that portion of air which is next to it or beyond it on every side, above and below, before and behind, on the right and on the left. This displaced portion of air displaces again what is beyond it, and so on, in a manner similar to the circles of water which arise from throwing a stone into a pond. In the case of Sound, however, the waves are not in suffeºficial circles, but in Søheres, like the coats of an onion. Sound, then, travelling, as it does, in all directions, this circumstance clearly accounts for the excellent musical effect which an organ produces that occupies a central position in a building ; as, for instance, the choir screen of a cathedral, or other large cruciform church.” How brief sounds dis- 980. A Sound that is only an instant in duration and not perse. continuous does not spread like a flood of water, pervading every part over which it passes; but, like a ripple made in a lake, which leaves in repose the part that it has quitted. This may be ascertained by striking a full staccato chord on a cathedral organ that occupies a central position, when the sound will be distinctly perceived retiring from the instrument to the remotest parts of the building, gradually lessening in power, and ultimately dying away. How sustained sounds 981. A continuous Sound, on the contrary, pervades the entire ** space through which it has travelled ; because fresh sound- waves are constantly being engendered, which successively 236 THE SITUATION FOR THE ORGAN. occupy the space the preceding ones have left. This is the reason that the first Sound of a Sustained chord on a cathedral organ is not heard receding. The greater strength of the Sound-waves nearer the instrument, from being less spent by divergence, prevents the original sound being heard. On raising the hands, how- ever, from the keys, the sound will again be heard fading away. The distribution of a 982. A sound that is produced in such a situation that it º º,a. * cannot travel backwards, on account of there being a large reflecting surface to check its progress in that direction, as in the example of an organ placed at the west end of a church, spreads somewhat after the manner of the rays of light through the bull's-eye of a lantern. It travels forwards and sideways, upwards and downwards, and spreads as it proceeds. It is also reflected forwards by the surface behind ; and derives some accession of strength from being so reflected. Sound, however, being greatly more reflexible than light, it spreads more rapidly, makes its way into recesses, round Columns, and passes great walls or corners of buildings, where the Solid interpositions would, in the example of light, only cast shadows. 983. An illustration of the fact of Sound spreading as it proceeds may easily be found in a galleried church having the organ at the west end. The tone of the instrument is heard the most completely, not by stationing one's self immediately inside the door, at the side of the organ, leading into one of those appendages; but by traversing the gallery Some little distance. In a similar manner, an illustration of the fact of Sound descending as it progresses, is given in the circumstance of an auditor in the nave having to place himself at some distance from the instrument to hear it to the greatest advantage ; and in his having to increase that distance in proportion to the elevation of the organ above the ground, 984. The extent to which the sound of a west-end organ is strengthened, by reflection from the surface behind, does not meet with a familiar illustration in a church that has the instrument so situated ; but, in those cathedrals wherein the organ occupies a central position, a good example is presented by the effect of the “Choir organ in front;” the tone of which sounds strong in the choir, into which part it is directly reflected by the Great organ case behind ; but which sounds weak outside the choir, on account of the Great organ case standing between the Choir organ and the auditor, and, therefore, presenting an interposition to the tone travelling in that direction. The extent to which the Great organ case assists the tone of the Choir organ in its forward progress into the choir, and checks its backward course into the nave, are points that received distinct illustration in St. Paul's Cathedral in the year 1854, on the occasions of the Sunday Morning Service being celebrated in the choir of the church, and the afternoon under the dome. In the fore-mentioned part of the building the tone of the Choir organ, as far as the Principal, reflected as above, sounded louder, and afforded more support to the vocal choir, than did the same stops, with the Twelfth and Fifteenth added, impeded as above, when the singers sat outside the choir screen. Another proof, though of a negative kind, of the extent to which a sound is strengthened by reflection, is afforded by the circumstance of its being so much weakened by the removal of the reflecting Surface from behind. An illustration of this fact was given at Westminster Abbey, when the Great organ was removed from the centre of the Screen ; which alteration, allowing more of the tone of the Choir organ to travel backwards into the nave, caused it to appear more “faded” in the choir, - --- THE SITUATION FOR THE ORGAN, 237 Sound weakened by 985. As the circular waves on the surface of a piece of divergence. water become more faint as they proceed and diverge, so sound becomes weaker the farther it travels and the more it disperses. “When- ever,” says Dr. Brewer, in his work on the Phenomena of Sound, “sound can diffuse itself freely round its centre of propagation, it loses in intensity what it gains in earáená, * consequently, a Sound that has travelled twice a certain distance will only be heard with one-fourth its original strength, the loudness not diminishing inversely as the distance increases, but inversely to the square of that distance. This is the case in the open air; but in a building—as a church or a concert-room—the walls and roof limit the extent of the divergence of the sound, and so prevent its fading away so rapidly. Moreover, after the sound has struck against them, and is checked by them, it is by them reflected back; and, if the original sound has ceased, the reflected sound forms an echo; but, if it continues, the latter mingles with the former, and enriches and strengthens it. - Echo. 986. When the return of the sound is perceptible to the ear, it is termed an echo. A certain time, however, must elapse between the production of the sound and its being reflected, or no echo will be perceived; and that time at least must be the twelfth part of a second, within which interval the ear is incapable of receiving separate impressions. The distance of the reflecting surface, therefore, must be at least forty-seven feet from the place whence the sound emanates to cause an echo. Resonance. 987. But the strength and quality of a musical sound are much, increased and improved by the reciprocation of bodies in the more immediate neighbourhood whence the first sound emanates. Thus the vibra- tions of a tuning-fork will, on the tip of the handle of the fork being placed on a table, acquire a marked accession of Strength. This augmentation of sound is due to resonance. The sonorous vibrations created by the tuning-fork set the wood upon which it is placed in a similar state of citation; the simultaneous vibrations of which, being communicated to the superincumbent air, greatly increase the strength of the original Sound. The front, back, sound- post, and all the air contained in the body of a double-bass or violin, in like manner contribute to produce the volume of tone elicited from the instrument, by vibrating in unison with the strings and with each other. If only the strings vibrated, the sound would be comparatively insignificant ; but, when the entire body of the instrument is set in motion, the impulse is sufficient to produce sounds of considerable power. 988. A sound thus increased and enriched is capable of further augmentation from resonance, if it is produced under circumstances favourable to the extension of that influence. The tone of a double bass, for instance, is much increased in power by the instrument resting on a hollow platform—as the reciprocating floor of a concert-room orchestra. “The platform receives from the musical instrument a vibratory motion, imparts the same to the air between it and the floor of the building, and the whole combined gives a powerful impulse to the air in the concert- room.” (Dr. Brewer, page 277.) - - 989. These several examples illustrate precisely the effect of resonance on the tone of an organ. The tone of an organ is much improved by the instru- ment being placed on a wooden floor ; and it is still more beneficially affected when that floor is a raised one. The reasons are these. The sound-board acting somewhat after the manner of the belly of a violin ; the frame-work 238 THE SITUATION FOR THE ORGAN. as the sound-post ; and the wooden floor as the back ; all are thrown into a state of greater or less vibration by the Sounds, which in this case are produced by pipes and not strings. 990. The vibratory motion of portions of the frame-work is sometimes percep- tible to the touch, even when a single stop only is being sounded on the sound- board above, as, for instance, the Stopped Diapason ; while that of the floor is frequently felt by the feet, when all the stops are in full play. 991. The air between the Sound-board and the ground is also set in motion, like that in the body of a violin ; and sometimes its tremulousness is sufficiently great to cause the trackers to vibrate in their registers. The tone of a large pipe, again, is much strengthened by standing on a wooden floor, even as that of a double-bass is by resting on the platform of an orchestra. This is one of the reasons why organ-builders place their great Pedal Diapason pipes as near to, if not actually on the floor, whenever this arrangement is practicable. 992. The wooden portions of the case of an Organ, again, are frequently of essential service in increasing the resonance. It has sometimes happened that a pipe that has produced but a weak Sound has, when tried in its situation, and been assisted by the vibrations of the case, produced one of the finest notes in the instrument. 993. When the wooden floor on which an organ Stands is a raised one, the platform, together with its supports, and also the free air about the whole, are all thrown into a state of vibration, to the augmentation and improvement of the sound ; and when the heavy-toned bass pipes are being used, the vibrations of the flooring or platform are sometimes communicated to the wooden fittings of the church, or even to the very walls of the edifice. - 994, Echo and resonance, therefore, each exercise great influence on the tone of an organ. Echo imparts to it that inexpressibly charming, etherial, lingering effect which is so perceptible in cathedrals and other large buildings that are com- paratively free from absorbents, after the actual sound has ceased. Many buildings which do not produce a Żerceptible echo yet impart a certain buoyant, free effect to musical sounds produced within them, that is highly beneficial to the quality of their tone, as well as favourable to their distribution. 995. Resonance is the cause of the agreeable, pleasant, humming effect which is heard to come from within the organ itself. In low, broad, galleried buildings, where but little room has been allotted to the organ, and where the contents of the instrument have in consequence been so crowded together as to leave but little free space inside it, the resonance is much decreased : and an effect is frequently per- ceived as though the Sound of the organ were struggling to develop and disperse itself, in spite of the impediments with which it is beset. The effect of an instru- ment so constructed and situated is frequently dead and falfable. Instead of the many different Sounds which in an organ are concentrated on each key, mingling together, and producing the effect of one excellent whole, every “item” falls on the ear as a distinguishable separate and isolated Sound. Impediments to the 996. The most common impediments to the equal dispersion i. * * of the tone of an organ occupying a west gallery are the lateral galleries. These catch the Sound as it spreads, and prevent its descending into and pervading the aisles beneath so effectually as it would other- wise do. Absorbents of sound. 997. The materials and fabrics common in churches that Soften and deaden sound are wool, cloth, hair, tow, matting, &c. “They shut up THE SITUATION FOR THE ORGAN. 239 a large quantity of air between their minute and detached parts, so that they cannot readily transmit an impulse.” (Dr. Brewer.) Cushions, hasSocks, curtains, people's dresses, and matting, therefore, are all absorbents of Sound. Church arrangements 998. The exclusion of lateral galleries from modern churches, that are favourable to t th ith th tº b ſe lini e th ſº t d ti of 1 sound. ogether wi er paize unings; the Introduction ow open seats, in place of high closed pews ; the removal of hassocks in favour of kneeling-boards; and the substitution of Minton's tiles for matting up the avenues; these are all favourable steps towards the preservation of the acoustical properties of the building. Absorbents sometimes 999. While the influences of impediments and absorbents *...* * are, generally speaking, highly detrimental in their effect, there excessive echo. 5 e “s, º 5 have been instances of the latter being made to serve a bene- ficial purpose ; as when the echo in a building has been so great as to render Sounds, whether of the voice or of music, confused and indistinct. At the Chapel Royal, Whitehall, the echo was found to be so excessive, a few years ago, after the building was restored, that the clothing of an assembled congregation was insuf- ficient to check the remarkable prolongation of sound ; and crimson cloth was therefore hung in festoons round the building, which, not presenting a sufficiently hard Surface to throw off all the tone, but, on the contrary, a sufficiently soft one to absorb some of it, produced the desired effect. Velocity of sound. IOOO. The average rate at which sound travels in atmo- spheric air is 1,120 feet in a second of time; and high and low sounds, soft and loud Sounds, all proceed with the same velocity. Thus the tones of the lightest treble voice will reach the extremities of an extensive building as rapidly as those of the heaviest bass voice ; and the sounds of the most delicate Dulciana as quickly as the tone of the most ponderous Posaune. Were it otherwise, the acute and grave tones of voices, and the weak and strong-toned stops of an organ would be heard confusedly jarring after one another. IOOI. But for the same reason that the ripple caused by dropping a small pebble gently into a smooth piece of water will not spread so far as those produced by casting a large stone into it, the Sound-waves produced by a soft musical sound will not extend so far as those excited by a powerful one. Its precise strength depends, in the first instance, on the force of the shock that is imparted to the air; and which produces sound-waves of correspondingly decided character. The distance to which it will travel depends on the extent to which the sound-waves can spread without meeting with an obstruction. When there are no impediments, and but few absorbents in their course, the Sound not only reaches farther, but mellows as it progresses; when they meet with many obstructions or absorbing circumstances, it not only does not reach so far, but its strength is lessened and its quality impoverished. 1002. The distance to which a sound will travel depends upon its intensity, density, and perhaps gravity. A dense sound will travel farther than an intense one, as is proved by the fact of the beat of the great drum of a military band playing in the open air being distinctly audible at a greater distance than the united Sounds of the trombones and ophicleides. Grave Sounds also appear to travel farther than acute ones. The Open Pedal Diapasons of an organ may be heard at a greater distance outside a church than the higher organ Sounds; and the tone of the double-basses in an orchestra may be distinguished Sooner than 240 THE SITUATION FOR THE ORGAN, f the treble instruments, as you approach a concert-room. The “tenor” of a peal of bells is also frequently heard at a greater distance from a church, or at any rate more distinctly, than the other bells. The apparent strength 10O3. The affarent strength or weakness of a sound will * *.*.*.*.*, depend on the relative position of the sounding body and the on the position of the auditor, &c. auditor; that is to say, whether they be near to each other or far apart; and also, to a material extent, whether there be many absorbing substances between them. A sound of a given strength will sound louder at a greater distance, when the intermediate space is comparatively free, than it will at a less distance with impediments interposed ; hence the fact, mentioned at the commencement of this chapter, of the tone of an inferior organ being improved, and of a better one being injured, by its position, the acoustic capacity of the church, and the nature of its fittings. If the auditor is stationed below the level of the sounding body, he will hear the Sound as it diverges down- wards ; if he is on either side of it, he will hear it as it spreads; but if he is on the same level with it, and near to it, he will experience its full and direct force, at the same time that his clothing will present an absorbing impediment to its free progress ; while, on the contrary, if he is stationed at a distance, and other persons intervene, the sound will reach him in a weakened and faded form. - Ioo4. When the amount of absorbing Substance in a church is needlessly increased, and the organ occupies a position unfavourable to the equal distribution of its tone, the instrument will sometimes sound “too loud” in some parts of the church, at the same time that it will appear “too soft” in others. This inequality of effect, however, is, under such circumstances, unavoidable. Penetration of sound. IOO5. Sound possesses the power of penetrating and passing through hard substances; hence the circumstance of the tone of an organ being heard so plainly outside a church. When an organ is placed in a chamber built out from a church, and is accompanied by other arrangements disadvantageous to the free dispersion of its tone, it will even be heard almost as distinctly outside the building as in it. Another illustration of the penetration of sound is presented by the swell of an organ, the tone of which is heard perfectly well, though in a sweetly subdued form, through the thick wooden box, when the shutters are perfectly closed. 1006. Having noticed such phenomena connected with sound as appeared to be necessary to illustrate our present subject, we may now proceed to consider the various situations occupied by church organs, as well as the merits of each. º * ... of a IOO7. The most usual position assigned to the organ in . * * Continental churches, for at least the last three hundred years, has been the west end. Old examples of west- IOO8. A few examples and dates may be cited, illustrative end ºrgans, in Conti of this fact. Th in Amiens Cathedral, which h nental churches, 3.Ct. e organ in Amiens Cathedral, which has ** , a 16-feet front, and was completed in 1429, originally stood and still stands at the west end. The organ in Chartres Cathedral, built in I513, was first erected over the great western doorway. In the Cathedral at Constance, in Switzerland, the organ at the west end was originally erected in that situation, in the year 1518, which date appears on the case of the THE SITUATION FOR THE ORGAN, 24I instrument. The organ at the west end of the nave of the cathedral at Freiburg, in Bresgau, was built in 1520. At Hamburg, the oldest organ in the town, previous to the conflagration of 1842, in St. Peter's Church, stood at the west end, and had a 32-feet front. It was not known when or by whom it was Originally built ; but the last two manuals—it had four—were made at Hartzogen- bach, in Brabant, by Mister Nargenhof, in 1548, and sent to Hamburg by sea. This, M. Pfiffer, the organist to the church towards the latter part of the last century, informed Dr. Burney was upon record. Again, at Lübeck, in St. Mary's Church, the Great organ, which has lately been rebuilt, but originally made in 1518, is similarly situated. This instrument is a “hanging” organ, with a 32-feet front of tin ; and the beams which support it are built into and project from the wall behind. - IOO9. There were three old west end organs standing a few years ago in churches at Liege. That in the church of St. Denis, which had the Choir organ in front, bore the date of 1589 carved on the case; the second, in St. Jaques', also with Choir in front, was built in 1600 ; and the third, in St. Anthony's Church, had the date of 1624 carved and gilt on the case. The merits of the west IOIO. In Selecting the west end of the church as the situa- end, as the situation for , : tº , gº * tº the organ, considered, "9" for the organ, the ecclesiastics, architects, organ-builders, organists, or whosoever fixed on that position, no doubt gave it the preference for the same reasons which in old times led to the end of a baronial hall being selected as the site for the “Minstrels' Gallery;” and in after times the extremity of a concert-room being generally recognised as the best place for an orchestra ;-namely, because the tone could travel “forwards, sideways, upwards, and downwards ; ” in fact, could be dispersed throughout the building more equally from that available situation than from any other. IoII. An orchestra so placed has the area of the entire length of the room before it, into which the Sound, from the great concourse of instruments, can travel, and, in a united State, fall on the ear of the auditor. In the same manner an organ, similarly situated in a church, has the area of the entire length of the nave and chancel before it, into which the Sound from the several pipes can travel, and, in a united and mellowed form, reach the ear of the clergy and congregation. - IoI2. The west end afforded sufficient space to admit of the organ being erected on an elevated platform or gallery—as a modern Orchestra is elevated above the level of an audience—whereby the resonance was increased, and additional free- dom also imparted to the tone. IOI 3. By elevating the instrument, the full force of its tone passed over, instead of overwhelming those nearest to it, into the open space before it, whence it was diffused throughout the edifice. A sound is distributed more equally from a raised position in any part of a church than from a low one ; hence the necessity for a reading-desk, pulpit, and steps to the altar, to elevate the minister, so that his voice may travel to the remote parts of the building. IOI4. The west end, at the same time that it admitted of the organ being sufficiently elevated, presented facilities for this being done, and yet plenty of space being left between the top of the instrument and the roof of the church, whereby the tone was still further and beneficially affected. Into this space the numerous pipes poured forth their separate sounds, which, there meeting and amalgamating, entered the church with united and mellowed effect. IOI 5. Had the organ, however, been placed too near the roof, its tone would have been partially “smothered ” in effect, and the instrument itself exposed to D D 242 THE SITUATION FOR THE ORGAN. considerable injury from the excessive heat of the sun in summer, which might then often have been conducted into it through the roof, and from the cold and damp in winter. A certain amount of derangement from atmospheric change would at times be unavoidable, as explained in a former chapter ; but such variations would have told with much greater severity, had the organ been placed close to the roof; where, in addition to its pipe-work being more frequently thrown out of tune by the excessive alterations of temperature, the mechanism would, by its exceeding dryness at some seasons and dampness at others, have been rendered more subject to sticking, Swelling, warping, ciphering, and many other evils of a like kind, with which casualties subsequent organ-builders were compelled to become familiar when they had to erect instruments in “second galleries.” IOI6. The west end, again, generally admitted of more space being devoted to the organ, which obviated the necessity for crowding the mechanism and the pipe-work. IOI7. When an organ-builder is “cramped for room " the mechanism has often to be crammed so closely together that, on the occurrence of some trifling fault, much additional derangement must be caused before the seat of the original failing can be arrived at. And the same with the pipe-work ; but with the additional disadvantage that, when the pipes are “packed too closely together,” there will sometimes arise a beating or a jarring, or a weakness or unsteadiness of speech, in some of the pipes that will defy correction. IoI8. Another very important object attained by placing the organ at the west end of the church was this. An efficient organ was necessarily also a large one ; and the larger the organ, the greater probability of its becoming an eyesore. By erecting it, however, at the west end, it would not be within sight of, but at the back of the congregation, and would only be visible to its members on their turning to leave the church. IOI9. The reasons, musical, acoustical, and structural, in favour of the west end, as an eligible situation for the organ, therefore, were very great. An architectural ob. IO2O. Architecturally considered, however, it was frequently *...*.*... open to one great objection. Most churches had a west occupying the west º tº - - - end. window ; generally one of the most handsome in the building ; to hide which would have been a serious sacrifice. Many organs were therefore made, so as still to occupy the west end for the sake of the musical effect, but so that the architectural feature should not be hidden, nor the light through it excluded from the church. Several instruments so constructed are mentioned by Dr. Burney in his tour through Germany and Italy, the particu- lars of which are here extracted :— Examples of divided IO2.I. “In the town of Courtray, the organ, at the collegiate *...*.*, *...* church of Wotre Dame, is disposed of in a very singular manner; Continental churches. . . º * * * * º it is placed in a gallery at the west end of the building ; but in order to preserve the window, which was necessary to light the body of the church, the organ is divided in two parts, one of which is fixed on one side of the window, and one on the other ; the bellows run under the window, and communicate with both parts of the instrument, which is a large one of sixteen feet, with pedals, and seems to have been but lately erected (1772). The keys are in the middle, under the window, but not to be seen below.” IO22. “The organ at the Dominicans' Church, at Frankfort, has an arch THE SITUATION FOR THE ORGAN. 243 cut through it, to let the light into the church from the west window ; it is in a handsome case, the ornaments over the arch are in good taste, and the side columns are well disposed. The keys are on the right hand side of the instrument, over which there is a Small front; the compass is from C to C, the pedals have an octave below double C.” IO23. “In the cathedral at Passau, which is a very beautiful modern build- ing, of the Corinthian order, there is a very magnificent organ to look at. The case is finely carved and gilt, and the pipes are highly polished. It is divided into two columns of large pipes, one on each side, and has a complete little organ in the middle, which joins them together, and saves the west window. It is what builders call a 32-feet organ. The front pipes are of burnished tin,” - 1024. St. Michael's Church, Vienna. “This instrument has no front. The great pipes are placed, in an elegant manner, on each side of the gallery; and there is a box only in the middle, of about four feet Square, for the keys and stops ;-so that the west window is left quite open. The compass of the organ, in the Manuals, extends only from double E* in the bass to C in alt; but the Pedals of most German organs have an octave lower than the lowest note of the keys that are played by the hands, which is the case with this instrument. It has forty stops and three sets of keys, which, by a 'spring of communication, can be played all together.” - Io25. Prague. The organ in the church of St. Nicholas “is divided into two parts, placed one on each side the gallery; and the keys, with a £ositiſ, or small Choir organ, are in the middle, but placed so low as to leave the west window clear; instead of wood, the framework, pillars, base, and ornaments of this instrument, in front, are of white marble.” 1026. To these examples may be added the organ at Weingarten, in Suabia, which is so constructed as to admit light into the church through six semi-circular- headed windows, ranged in two rows of three each. The organ at the Minoreten Church, at Cologne, is also pierced with several window-like openings, to admit light from the west window into the body of the building. Smith and . Harris's 1027. When Smith settled and Harris returned to England, *...*.*, *... towards the latter part of the seventeenth century, to take part usually placed at the . e º …, west end. in supplying our churches with new organs, in place of those that had been so needlessly destroyed, they followed the custom, usual in their own countries, of placing their organs at the west end of churches not of cruciform shape; but they at the same time erected them in that situation, whether there was a window there or not. No instances are known of a divided organ having been made by either of those artists, for the purpose of preserving an architectural beauty. The earliest English specimen of an organ constructed in this manner appears to have been that made by Green, for New College, Oxford. Many others have since been constructed in this way; one of the most successful in its treatment being that by Hill, in the church of the Immaculate Conception, Farm Street Mews, Their cathedral organs Io28. The cathedral organs built by Harris and Smith were º * * usually placed on the Choir screen. This situation appears to have been selected for two reasons. The instruments they were * The organ is really of CC compass, but having short octaves; which fact appears to have escaped the Doctor. (See Foreign Specifications.) D ID 2 244 THE SITUATION FOR THE ORGAN. called upon to build for those spacious and venerable piles were scarcely a whit larger than those they made for ordinary parish churches; and it must, therefore, have been obvious that, if they were placed at the west end, the firmness of their tone would have been utterly spent before it could have reached the choir. They were accordingly erected some 150 or 200 feet nearer to the vocal choir, and generally in such a situation as a knowledge of acoustics prescribed as the best. Harris's proposal for a IO29. Renatus Harris, indeed, made a proposal in 1712, and, **.*.*.* therefore, after the death of Smith, to erect an organ in St. in St. Paul's Cathedral. 5 5 Paul's Cathedral, “over the west door, at the entrance into the body of the church,” which was to be such a one as “in art and magnificence should transcend any work of that kind ever before invented;” and in its construc- tion it was intended to “apply the power of sounds in a manner more amazingly forcible than had, perhaps, before been known.” (See Hawkins's History of Music, vol. iv., page 356 ; quoting the Søectator, No. 553, for December 3, 1712.) Is it possible, as this quotation would imply, that Harris had some partial acquaintance with the principle that Cavaillé-Coll has in our own times carried out with such fine effect in his Harmonic Flute-work, and Hill in his “Tuba" Reed-work P. At any rate, to equal “any work before invented,” Harris's must, in size, have been a 32-feet Organ. But, whatever the details of his plan might have been, the plan itself was not accepted. The erection of Father IO3O. Father Smith had previously erected an organ on - *...* . º the Choir screen of St. Paul's; but whether it should occupy Paul's opposed. that position or not, had been a subject of warm contention between Sir Christopher Wren and the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral. Io91. “Sir Christopher Wren,” says the article in the Musical Gazette, from which we have before quoted, “wished the organ to be placed on one side of the Choir, as it was in the old Cathedral, that the whole extent and beauty of the building might be seen at one view ; the Dean, on the contrary, wished to have it at the west end of the Choir ; and Sir Christopher, after using every effort and argument to gain his point, was at last obliged to yield. Schmidt, according to his instructions, began the organ, and, when the pipes were finished, found that the case was not spacious enough to contain them all ; and Sir Christopher, tender of his architectural proportions, would not consent to let the case be enlarged to receive them, declaring the beauty of the building to be already Spoiled by the * — box of whistles.” After all this contention, the architect, Sorely against his will, was obliged to make an addition to the case. He not only had been niggardly in regard to the depth of it, where another foot would have been of no consequence whatever, but also in the height ; for, when Schmidt came to put in the large Open Diapason pipes in the two side flats, they appeared through the top nearly a foot in length, and spoiled the appearance entirely. Schmidt now entertained hopes of having a new case ; but Sir Christopher, who before would not suffer any ornaments on the top, was now obliged to add several feet, or else alter the case, which vexed him exceedingly. These ornaments consist of angels, with trumpets, standing at the side of a Small altar. The colour of the wood that these are made of being lighter than the organ-case, the addition is soon discoverable.” Io92. In this struggle Smith evidently viewed the question musically, while Sir Christopher Wren considered it architecturally, and both had reason on THE SITUATION FOR THE ORGAN. 245 their side. Sir Christopher was, of course, correct in asserting that an organ in the Centre would prevent the whole extent of the building being seen at one view ; but then the objection applied with equal force against the Choir Screen, to defend which and condemn the organ involved a manifest incon- sistency. IO33. The result of the contention was, as we have seen, that “Music won the cause ; ” and the arrangements just detailed were uniformly followed in cathedral and other churches, from the time of Smith and Harris, down to within the last few years. The comparative me. IO34. In recent times the west end of a parish church, rits of the several side e - e situations considered. * the position for the organ, has been strongly objected to, particularly where there is a choir; and there is no doubt that a much better musical effect results from the choir and organ being near to each other, as a more united effect is produced in a concert-room by the band and singers being together. - IO35. Next to the west end, the best place for the organ, as indicated by the laws regarding the propagation of Sound, will be some elevated position, having space above, and both sides free. These conditions point to the side of the church ; and in every instance, where all or most of them have been complied with, a very good effect has resulted. Io96. The organ in the church of St. Mary Magdalene, St. Pancras, built by Gray and Davison, may be cited as a Successful example of an instrument so placed. It is supported on Stone brackets, about eight feet above the ground; has good head room; is entirely free at One side, and has a reflector immediately behind, in the south wall of the aisle. Io37. In some instances, where sufficient room could not conveniently be found in the church itself for the organ, a recess or organ-chamber has been built out from one of the sides for its reception. An old example of such an organ-chamber exists in the chapel of Christ's College, Cambridge; a second occurs in the chapel of Hampton Court Palace. The tone of an organ so placed is much weakened in consequence, as it cannot begin to spread and disperse till it has passed through and over the front of the case. The natural disadvantages of such a situation, however, can be considerably modified by making the chamber of ample dimensions, by lining it with wooden boards, and by furnishing it with a hollow wooden flooring. It is also of the highest consequence that there should be plenty of space between the top of the case and the turn of the arch ; otherwise there will be no possible means of egress for the tone, which will then be smothered. All these precautions were taken in the construction of the organ-chamber at the Temple Church, the flooring of which is eight feet above the level of that of the church, the great organ sound- board being nearly another eight feet above the chamber flooring. There is also plenty of space between the top of the organ and the roof of the chamber. Io98. An organ that stands in a recess certainly appears to possess less strength of tone than if it were placed at the west end; but if there be plenty of head room over the pipes, and attention is paid to other circumstances favourable to resonance, what the instrument loses in power it frequently gains in Sweetness of quality and cathedral-like character of tone ; and, as the loss of power can be easily compen- sated for by disposing additional stops, there appears to be no reason why an organ should not tell fully as well at the side as from the west end, if every 246 THE SITUATION FOR THE ORGAN. means be taken to make it do so. This is specially the case with the organ in the Temple Church. Io99. By this it is not meant that an organ placed in a side recess will tell as well as the same kind of organ would at the west end with space around it ; but that if it be judiciously enlarged, in proportion to its loss of Żower, so as to Coun- teract the otherwise ill effect exercised by the recess, it will then sound at least as well as the unenlarged west end organ. The distinction here intended to be drawn is well illustrated by the difference produced by a choral staff of a given number singing forfe, as compared with a more numerous body singing softo voce. Sup- posing the strength or abstract power of sound produced by each to be about the same, yet there will be a marked difference in the quality of the tone, which, under many circumstances, will be in favour of the larger, but softer, sounding body. The subduing influence of a recess, in a similar way, frequently imparts to the tone of an organ a certain chasteness and kindliness of character, as well as a slight haziness—as though a fine veil were drawn over it—that is exceedingly pleasing, and even beneficial, if the volume and fulness of tone at the same time remain unreduced. The organ in Leeds Parish Church is a very successful example of an instrument placed in a transept, and causes one to regret that the magnificent new organ at Doncaster does not enjoy the advantage of a similar position. IO40. At Lübeck, the “little' organ in St. Mary’s Church—which, by the way, has upwards of thirty stops, including ten on the Pedal—partly projects from the east wall of the south transept, and partly stands in a recess in that wall. The Choir organ, containing ten ranks of Mixture, stands in front; and the effect of the instrument is altogether most admirable. The treatment of the position, so as to give to a moderately deep organ only a shallow projection into the church, is both ingenious and successful. Neither the view of the building, on the one hand, nor the tone of the instrument, on the other, is destroyed. This organ is said to be about two hundred years old. IO41. A most unfavourable plan, usually, for the tone of an organ is that of putting the instrument in a recess, and placing the front pipes so as to form an ornamental filling uſ of the arch. With walls on three sides, and a tier of large pipes entirely occupying the fourth, the tone can only force its way through the interstices between the pipes, as water escapes through the fissures in a flood-gate. The contrivance is frequently more calculated to keep the tone back than to let it out. The organ at All Saints' Church, Manchester, built by Kirtland and Jardine, of that town, is most picturesquely treated, it being divided, and a portion placed in a recess on each side the chancel; but the Pedal Open Diapason, which pro- duces a very bold effect in the recess where it stands, sounds in the church as weak as an ordinary Pedal Stopped Diapason. At the church of St. Mark, Old Street Road, the organ was similarly placed in a chamber ; and the calculation of the organ-builder, Bevington, was that only one-fourth of the tone of the instru- ment found its way into the church. The melody of a chorale played out on the Great Diapasons, Principal, and Trumpet of this organ sounded no stronger than it would have done on the Stopped Diapason and Clarionet of most instruments that are favourably situated. The good taste of those in authority, however, had this mistake satisfactorily remedied long since. IO42. The worst possible arrangement is that of putting the organist, as well as the organ, into a chamber at the side ; filling up the arch, as before, with pipes, which form an ornamental wall between the player and the congregation. This arrangement did exist at St. Mark's, Old Street Road, where three-fourths of the organ-tone was boxed in, and which, returning and descending on the organist, produced a din around him like that heard from a peal of bells in a belfry. The THE SITUATION FOR THE ORGAN. 247 wall of pipes was not only a serious impediment in the way of the organ tone travel- ling into the church and reaching the congregation ; but, telling both ways, it was as effectual a check to the voices of the congregation entering the recess and reaching the Organist. Added to this double impediment, the deep humming Sound which the ornamental pipes, forming the bass portion of one of the stops in most Constant use—the Open Diapason—was producing between the congregation and organist presented another difficulty in the way of the one hearing the other. This arrangement was, therefore, soon abandoned, The east end of an aisle, IO43. It has been a frequent custom during the last few or a chancel chapel, as - ſº ... years to place the organ either at the east end of one of the gan considered. aisles, or in an organ chapel on one side of the chancel. These arrangements are preferable to the one last noticed. In such a situation it is necessary (1) that the ground should be of wood, and hollow ; (2) that the sound-boards should be kept as high as possible ; (3) that there should be a good amount of clear space over the organ; and (4) that as much ground Space as possible should be allowed for the organ. IO44. The wooden floor increases the resonance, concerning which all has been already said that is necessary. The elevation of the sound-boards to a satisfactory height causes the mouths of the pipes to range above the heads of the congrega- tion, whereby their tone is more likely to travel before it becomes partially absorbed, instead of being partially absorbed before it travels. It may easily be surmised how comparatively dull and muffled a clergyman's voice would sound were he to Stand only on the same level as the congregation ; and the tone of an organ that has its Sound-boards kept low will have a decided tendency towards the same fault. If the mouths of the pipes generally can be kept as much above the level of the vocal choir as those of the choir are above the level of the congregation, it will be so much the better both for singers and organ. IO45. The space over the organ relieves the tone of the instrument from the force and hardness which its contracted situation, as compared with the west end, is otherwise very liable to impart to it; while the greater space allowed for the organ admits of the pipes being planted in a less crowded and confused manner. Of the quantity of wind that enters at the foot of the pipes something like three- fourths of it passes out again at the mouth, a comparatively small portion only entering the body of the pipe. From this it must be obvious how necessary it is to allow the pipes the utmost available room to speak in. When this is not the case, Some pipes have to be mounted on longer feet ; others turned this or that way ; and others grooved off here and there ; not from design, or preference, but from necessity; and which “packing and contriving” give to the interior of an Organ a very unsystematic and disorderly appearance. IO46. If the organ be placed in a chancel chapel, there should be an arch— the more lofty and wide the better—opening into the aisle, as well as one towards the chancel. The importance of this arrangement is explained by the first fact mentioned at the commencement of this chapter, regarding the propagation of Sound ; and its object is to allow the tone of an organ to pass down the aisle as well as across the chancel. When there is no second arch, the whole strength of the organ tone is directed towards the vocal choir in the chancel, which is then more liable to be overpowered by it at the same time that the Congregation will experience scarcely any support from it. If there be two arches, and they are simply separated by a column or a pier, this will be more favourable to the egress of the tone than an angle formed by the junction of two walls, and having a hollow angle inside ; which latter is apt to catch and throw some 248 THE SITUATION FOR THE ORGAN. of the tone back, while the former would allow it to pass round and proceed Onwards, diagonally, into and across the nave of the church. - IO47. As much free space as possible should also be left near to the Organ. This enables the tone to get fairly from the instrument before it begins to be absorbed by the dresses of the congregation. The organ in the “Catholic and Apostolic Church,” Gordon Square, built by Gray and Davison, which stands at the end of the south transept, on the ground, has plenty of free space around and over it, and sounds very freely in consequence. Space being left and the congregation not being seated so near to an organ, together, allow of the instrument being voiced more boldly and church-like, with little ill effect and much good resulting. The conditions necessary to cause the tone to travel to the extremities of the church can then be better attended to, without causing inconvenience to anyone; but if seats be placed too near to the organ, those who occupy them will hear more of its tone than they wish, while their clothing will prevent its getting away, and reaching those at a distance so effectually, by absorbing some of it before it can do so. - IO48. If the several precautions just enumerated be taken to prevent deadening the Sound of the organ, and to lessen the partial and unequal distribution of its tone, to which all side situations have an unavoidable tendency, an organ may be made to tell very fairly in either of the positions just considered. The chancel an eli- IO49. Another and more rare arrangement is that of di- . * * * viding the organ, and placing a portion of it on each side ivided organ. 5 g j the chancel, where there is room, as at St. Margaret's, Leicester. This plan is in every respect a most excellent one. It is scarcely, if at all, inferior, even in a musical point of view, to that of a divided west-end organ ; while, under its working, the organ is accommodated, without being Sacrificed, to other arrangements that are now considered essential in most churches. In the first place, as the chancel is generally more lofty than the side chapels, this circumstance admits of the sound-boards being kept up higher, the important advantage of which arrangement is already known to the reader. Next, as the chancel is sometimes not very much less in height than the nave, it affords nearly as much space over the instrument for the mellowing and Sweetening of the tone. Thirdly, the chancel being only occupied by the clergy and choir, it is comparatively unencumbered by absorbents and impedi- ments, which is highly beneficial to the tone. Again, the organ will still be at the “end” of the church—although the opposite one to that which it frequently occupies—with the whole length of the edifice before it, into which its harmonious tones can travel. Moreover, by being placed to the east, with the vocal choir nearer to the nave, it will occupy its proper subordinate position in regard to the voices. No one would ever think of placing the instrumental staff between the vocal choir and the audience in a concert-room ; and an analogous arrangement is equally ineligible in a church. (In a theatre, the arrangement is different; but the sunken position of the band there tends to its subordination.) Such a distribution of the organ might lead to a new use of the instrument, of an antiphonal character; of the advantage of which, however, we have at present had no practical experience in this country, although it would perhaps prove a source of many very fine and legitimate effects. The two parts could ordinarily respond to each other, after the manner of the sepa- rate sides of the choir; and be united, by means of couplers, when the entire choir joined in bursts of joyful exultation. Many Continental churches are furnished with divided organs in the choir, or with two separate and distinct THE SITUATION FOR THE ORGAN. 249 organs; the effect of which, when used as above, is said to be singularly fine. Then, with regard to the construction of such an organ, as the two parts would stand sideways, and therefore would be seen only in Żrofile from the church, their projection could be lessened, if room for greater breadth be allowed, whereby the view from west to east would be less interfered with. For the interior arrangements, the Abbé Vogler's system of pipe arrangement might be advantageously employed, as being admirably calculated to facilitate the progress of the tone through the side of the case towards the church. At All Saints' Church, Margaret Street, the organ is divided, and a part placed at the extreme of each transept. The result of this arrangement is quite Satisfactory. The relative position Iojo. Respecting the relative position of the choir and of the vocal choir and & sº × Organ. organ in a church, concerning which a few words may here be said, it may be accepted as a good general rule that, if the organ is to be in a line with the choir, it should not be on a level with it; and, if it is to be on a level with the choir, it should not be in a line with it. That is to say, the choir should never be subjected to the direct force of the tone of the instrument. When it is so—as, for instance, when the organ is placed immediately behind one-half of the choir—that half hears the tone too strongly and palpably, while the clothing of its members deadens it before it reaches the other part of the choir. No given amount of organ tone, whether much or little, is then so equally and agreeably distributed to both. When the organ is out of a line, but on a level, with the choir, the choir hears its tone, as it is spreading, with less force, but with equal distinctness; when it is in a line with the choir, but elevated above it, the choir catches its Sound as it descends in the course of its propagation. But, inasmuch as the sound produced at an elevation is necessarily less under the absorbing influence of the clothing of the congregation below, the plan of putting the organ “in a line with the choir, but above its level,” is the preferable one. The tone of the organ can then reach the Congregation and support its voice, as well as that of the choir. Hence the excellence of the arrangement at the Temple Church. At the church of St. Mary Magdalene, St. Pancras, the organ is above the level of the choir, but out of a line with it, and also produces a good effect. Recent arrangements Ios I. Much pains have been taken within the last few in cathedrals. years to find a better place, architecturally speaking, for our Cathedral and minster organs. Io;2. At the time the alterations in the interior of Westminster Abbey were in contemplation a very excellent article appeared in the Parish Choir, No. 20, for August, 1847, from the pen of the Rev. Sir William Cope, in which it was proposed to erect the organ at the west end of that church, and at the same time to strengthen its tone as much as possible. The Solid stone Choir screen was proposed to be placed at the west end, so as to extend across between the first pair of pillars of the nave, with its architectural face to the east. The entire expanse of the minster, from west to east, from the ground to the roof, would then have been seen at one view. “Let our readers,” says the article alluded to, “now consider how splendid the whole expanse of the church thus laid open would be. Looking to the east end, the eye would rise from the altar to the screen, and be led up by the beautiful apse to the vaulting of the roof; and, if the spectator turned toward the west, he would see the stone screen sur- 25O THE SITUATION FOR THE ORGAN. mounted by the organ; above that would appear the whole extent of the perpendicular window, with its coloured glass running up into the vaulting of the roof. And if, besides these architectural beauties, the eye of the Christian spectator were to rest on the vast multitude who (we are sure) would throng the expanse, and to see a reverent and attentive congregation joining, as they would then be able to do, with one mind and one heart and, we trust, with one voice with the clergy and choir of that glorious church, in those majestic hymns which form the Choral Service of the English Church, would it not be a sight to which English Churchmen might point with an honest exultation pº This proposition possessed the unusual recommendation of treating the question musically as well as architecturally ; and, besides this, of providing for the orderly arrangement of a vast congregation. As the arrangements were sub- sequently carried out, the choir screen was retained in its former position ; the organ was divided into four portions, the Great organ being placed within an arch on the north side of the church, the Swell under the corresponding arch on the south side; the 32-feet Pedal pipes were laid horizontally along the west side of the screen, while the Choir organ hung over the east side in the usual way. The tone of the organ, on the whole, tells exceedingly well, although the instrument is so much broken up, which, no doubt, arises partly from the two main portions not being put too much under the side arches, but partly projecting out from under them ; and, again, from the organ having been con- siderably enlarged at the same time. IoS3. At Ely Cathedral the organ, as reconstructed by Mr. Hill, under the direc- tion of the able architect, Sir Gilbert Scott, is a hanging one, the appearance of which is most gorgeous. It projects from the side of the choir, overhanging the stalls. The keys are placed behind—that is to say, on the aisle side—so that some portion of the organ is directly between the organist and the singers. The organ thus arranged is pleasant to sing to, and the organist can hear the Choir organ quite distinctly. The vocal choir, also, he can hear pretty well ; but the tone of the Great organ does not reach him so readily, Io;4. At Canterbury Cathedral the organ is placed in the triforium over the south side of the Choir, at a great altitude, and the keys are placed behind the stalls. The touch being both heavy and deep, it is a most laborious organ to play upon ; and on account of the length of the action between the keys and the pallets, and the manner in which the tone has to find its way down into the Choir, a perceptible interval occurs between the keys being struck and the Sound being heard. Io55. In making praiseworthy endeavours to find a less prominent locality for our cathedral organs, every facility should be provided for the organist hearing and seeing the choir, and vice versé. For this purpose it would be an admirable plan to make the organ play at #e side. This arrangement has so many recommendations, and not one drawback, that it is surprising it should not long since have been generally adopted. The organist, by a mere turn of the head, would then have at least half the choir under his view, and could, by a gesture imperceptible to the congregation, convey a suggestion down to its members. Moreover, the organist would in all cases hear the voices much better. In the instance of an organ on the Choir screen, if the keys were placed in the manner here suggested, the organist could probably see both sides of the Choir, instead of neither, as at present, and at the same time he could also see to both ends of the cathedral. Another important end would be gained by placing the keys of a cathedral organ in the manner under consideration. The Space of the organ-loft could be taken into the Great organ case, by moving the east front THE SITUATION FOR THE ORGAN. 251 forward to the back of the Choir organ, and inserting new panels to fill up the openings in the sides, which would admit of a material improvement in the organ, by admitting of the introduction of many large pipes, on the tone of which the true dignity of the organ so much depends. The arrangement above recommended may be met wifh in Snetzler's organ at Beverley Minster, which instrument, stand- ing on the Choir screen, has the keys on the north side. It has also been recently adopted by Sir Gilbert Scott in the restoration of the organ in Rochester Cathedral. 252 THE SIZE OF THE ORGAN. CHAPTER XXXIV. T H E S I Z E O F T H E O R. G. A. N. The organ should be 1056. THE size or contents of the organ should, as a rule, proportioned to the con- be regulated by the number of the congregation whose united gregation and church. 3 * ~3 voices the instrument will have to sustain, and by the dimen- Sions of the church in which it is to be placed. This is assuming that usefulness of instrumental support, as an aid to the voice in devotional exercises, is admitted ; which point, however, is not conceded by some religious denominations. The question before us, however, is not whether an organ is admissible for the purpose above specified, but—that opinion being supposed to be acquiesced in—what should be the properties and attributes of the instrument to render it adequate to its purpose. The size of the organ would also be influenced by the kind of stops chosen, whether they are chiefly of loud or soft intonation ; Dulcianas, Flutes, and Piccolos usually having little to do with the power of an organ, although they increase the number of its stops, and materially add to the number and variety of its Soft and agreeable combinations. Certain influencing cir- Io;7. The acoustical capacity of the church, again, must be cumstances to be taken * º into account. taken into account ; Some churches being as good for Sound as others are bad, as is well known to most clergymen, who find little difficulty in filling some, while they have great trouble in making themselves heard in others. If there be much echo-a circumstance that may soon be ascer- tained by sounding the voice in various parts of the church—such a natural advantage will be much in favour of the organ ; but if the sound do not get away, but immediately fall dead, then more stops should be disposed, to enable the organ-tone to make its way ; or a greater proportion of loud stops might be intro- duced; or the whole should be more strongly voiced and blown. Some such steps would also have to be taken if the Organ is to be placed where its tone is likely to be weakened ; as, for instance, in a recess. An approximate calcu- IO58. From what has just been said, it is obvious that the lation of the number of number of stops necessary for an organ to have cannot be stops necessary for an º tº organ to have. deduced with absolute certainty from the number of the con- gregation, although an approximation to it may be drawn from that source. According to Seidel, for a congregation of from 200 to 300 persons, an organ with from 8 to IO stops may suffice ; for one of from 400 to 500, an organ of from 12 to 16 stops; and for a congregation of from I,000 to 2,000, an organ of from 24 to 30 stops. In this calculation allowance is not made for half-stops ; still less are the couplers and other mechanical contrivances taken into account. Half- stops are of comparatively rare occurrence in German organs, although short stops are common enough, particularly among the flute-work. When a stop only extends to tenor c, it is usually grooved into the bass octave of Some other stop below, instead of that other stop being cut to draw in halves, as is the more THE SIZE OF THE ORGAN. 253 frequent custom in England. Neither are couplers included in the calculation, since they have no “voice” “ at all. With these exceptions, and making some allowance for the addition to the number of a few soft stops that are in great favour in this country, the above calculation is a very good one. Too Small an organ in IO59. As it is quite as great an evil to design too small an a church most unde- $º º sirable. organ for a large church as it is to plan too large a one for a Small church, it may be well to explain why an instrument of fair proportions may with confidence be admitted into a place of worship. The primary purpose for which an organ is introduced into a church is to support and direct the voices of the congregation. It therefore becomes necessary to ascertain, if possible, what may be the strength of that congregational voice which the organ is expected to sustain. The strength of the 1060. To this a clue may be obtained by a very simple human voice as com- & & tº * - experiment. If an anemometer be provided with a flexible pared with that of the * - e tº organ wind. tube, furnished at the end with a large mouthpiece, and the breath be freely expired into it, the index prepared at the side will show that the human lungs produce, without any very great exertion, a current of air of 9 or Io inches pressure, the Manual departments of a church organ being ordinarily voiced to a wind of from 25 to 3 inches pressure. This result, perhaps scarcely expected by many, makes it apparent that the human voice, when firmly delivered, is sounded by a wind 3 or 4 times the strength of that which ordinarily gives speech to a church organ. Then the Sound-waves which surround every singer—as they encircle an organ pipe that is speaking—are proportioned in strength to the power of the voice that originates them ; and at the same time they to some extent prevent his hearing other external Sounds distinctly. The general requisites IO61. Now a church organ should possess sufficient fulness, of a church organ. depth, and travelling character of tone, to make its way through all other sounds to the ear of the congregation, and support, keep in tune, and lead the united voices of its members. Whether much or little organ will suffice for this is a question that much depends not only on the number of the congregation, and the dimensions of the church to which its size and power should in the first place be adapted, but also on whether the entire congregation takes part in the singing, or only a portion, and whether the many or few who tune their voices do so boldly or timidly. In those large churches abroad, wherein great numbers assemble, and among whom the singing is both general and zealous ; where, in fact, may be heard the finest congregational music—namely, in some of the Protestant churches of Germany and Holland—there will also be heard the largest organs in the world. The “ music mill " has long been considered the necessary concomitant of the “vocal thunder ; ” and the two have been exercised conjointly, from week to week, for centuries;–the one in uttering, in unison, the melody ; the other, in playing, in fine progressive harmony, the simple and magnificent chorales of the former country, without the one injuring the effect of, or obscuring, the * In German Specifications the stops are generally called Klangbare Stimmen (sounding voices), and the couplers and other mechanical contrivances, AWebenregistern (accessory or Secondary registers). 254 THE SIZE OF THE ORGAN. other in the slightest degree.” And it is now tolerably clear why no ill effect should have resulted from this union of instrumental with vocal sound. It would not be easy for an organ voiced to a 2% or 3 inch wind to interfere with an assemblage of 800 or 1,000 voices, singing with a strength equal to a 9 or Io inch pressure of organ wind, if its tone be rich and full, and its stops well balanced. - An organ of sufficient IO62. A fine organ, then, may fairly be considered as a great dimensions in a church tº dº. . tº g a great acquisition. acquisition for a church to possess; provided, of course, that its powers only be fully exercised on rare and befitting opportunities. Dr. Spark, in his pamphlet on Choirs and Organs, page II, gives a good instance when the full peal of an organ may be beneficially employed. “Who,” he writes, “can have heard a crowded congregation in a large church sing with heart and voice that glorious, time-honoured tune, the Old Hundredth Psalm, accompanied with the full power of a great and beautiful organ, and not acknowledge the powerful aid and thrilling effect which a grand organ gives to Some portions, at least, of our Church Service P” At such times the propriety of a cheerful accompaniment is at once recognised by the members of the congrega- tion ; they raise their voices, energetically and earnestly, under the combined influence of the Service, the occasion, and the appropriate tone-character of the organ—the trebles, singing in unison with the melody, and the tenors and basses below, add immense strength, in the Unison and Double Diapason fitch, to the mass of musical sound, the result being that the choral song stands out distinctly in bold and grand relief through the dignified and impressive peal of the full Organ. IO63. Thus much has been said to illustrate what an organ should be caffable of when the upraised voice of the congregation may put its powers to the test. Of course, there are times and seasons when the hymn of praise and thanksgiving would be hushed, and the song of sadness raised in its stead, and on which occasions the Organ tone would, of course, be reduced to accom- modate it to the altered sentiments of the words. The strength of the congre- gational voice itself would also, at such times, be much subdued. With regard to the organ, however, this forms an entirely separate question; and presents no subject for consideration, while the power requisite for the instrument to possess is being discussed, but rather bears on an important matter connected with its after-use. On this latter head much has been said in a former chapter; it need, therefore, only be added in this place that when a subdued tone is desired—produced, of course, by using a portion only of the organ—those stops should be selected that will give the requisite “tone-colouring ” to the words, in addition to affording the exact amount of support required. On this point a very correct idea will be obtained of the manner in which an organ should be used, by a reference to the vocal and instrumental scores of Mozart, Spohr, Mendelssohn, &c.; from which it will be seen that, however extensive the orchestra at disposal, their authors have not yielded to the temptation of using a single additional instrument beyond what was necessary for the particular purpose; but have first confined themselves within the proposed limits, then * It should be mentioned that, while unison singing is at once the most simple in kind, the most easy of execution, and the most appropriate for a congregation to adopt, it is at the same time the most powerful in effect, from its concentrating all the vocal force into one part; and is, therefore, the kind of congregational singing that requires the most Organ for its Support. THE SIZE OF THE ORGAN. 255 proceeded to select such instruments for use as would sympathise the most closely with the words to be sung, and yet at the same time produce so transparent an effect that the voice could be heard clearly and definedly through the whole. These are precisely the several processes that should be gone through to secure the best, because the most appropriate, kind of subdued organ tone for accompani- . ment ; that is, if the organ admit of a choice. The power of an organ IO64. It was stated just now that, while an organ is * *** commonly voiced to a 23 or 3 inch wind, the human voice is frequently produced by a current of air equal to a 9 or Io inch wind. This fact would seem to imply that the tone of an organ must be much weaker than that of voices ; and, although the above figures may or may not represent the exact comparative strength of the two, yet there is no doubt of the fact that Unison stops alone in an organ would be quite unequal to the support of a large body of strong voices. Organs, therefore, are never made with this one class of stops alone, because they then could not possess the requisite nerve, ring, and power. The “power " of an organ is, in a great measure, due to its greater extent of tone, as compared with that of voices, Žitch exercising a marked influence on its loudness. Everyone is aware that in a quartet sung by the four varieties of male voices the treble part always sounds the most prominent, not because the boy's voice is the most powerful, for it may be the weakest, but because it is the highest. So great is the influence which acuteness of pitch exercises that the general ear, and consequently voice, will follow the upper part of a four-part harmony, whether it should do so or not. Of this a remarkable instance is given on all occasions when Tallis's Responses are sung in cathedrals, i.e., on church festival days. The chief melody, or “Plain-song,” is set in the tenor, for which reason it remains unrecognised by the congregation generally, who never follow it, but, on the contrary, take the treble or acute part, which in reality is only a portion of the choral accompaniment. 1065. Now, for the same reason that the adult male members of a congregation hear the trebles so much more clearly than the choir voices that are in unison with their own, the trebles hear those of an organ stop that sounds the octave above their voices much more distinctly than those that are in unison therewith. This fact must be familiar to all who have had much experience in accompanying a choir, and who will have noticed this illustration of it, that, if the treble voices get flat, they will be set right much sooner by drawing the Principal, or by playing the melody in octaves, which will produce the same kind of effect, than by adding a number of other Unison stops. The addition of one Principal to the Great Diapasons will at such times be heard more distinctly by the trebles, and will exercise a far greater corrective influence than the addition of three or four Unison stops from the Swell, by means of coupling, even if there be one or two reeds included among the number. This, however, does not arise from any greater Žower possessed by the Principal (for in that respect it is rather inferior to the other accessory mentioned), but from its acuteness. The influence of high-toned stops extends still further. For the same reason that the Principal adds clearness to the Diapasons, the Fifteenth and Twelfth impart a cheerful ring to the tone, while the Mixtures add brilliance and vivacity, perhaps keenness, if they be voiced too loud, as is too frequently the case. So much for the stops Sounding above the Unison. But the remaining stops also fulfil certain important conditions. The Unison and Double stops impart a fulness to the tone that is appreciably felt by a choir and congregation, and conduces, in conjunction with the 256 THE SIZE OF THE ORGAN. Pedal bass, to convey that sensation of nearness of accompaniment to the singer that is of such essential consequence in infusing confidence and affording encouragement to those who need support. The Pedal bass, in its turn, marks the progress of the music, and that much more effectually than any of the other stops could do. Summing up, then, in a few words, the influence which the three classes of stops exercise : the Octave and other acute stops tend to keep the voices in tune; the Unison and Double Manual stops afford them support ; while the Pedal Diapasons, by marking the time in the course of the onward movement of the music, keep them together. How the acoustic ca. IO66. What has hitherto been said has had more especial *** *.*.*.* reference to the requirements of an organ as an accompani- organ is increased to e - - - - adapt its tone to a mental instrument. But it is necessary also to consider by large building. what process of development an organ, as an independent instrument, is made to fill, with its musical tones, a building, however large its dimensions; particularly as this point has not the less bearing on the question concerning its efficiency and excellence in the capacity already considered. The presence of a Double Diapason has already been mentioned as being necessary in an organ to support the tenor and bass voices in a congregation, as the Unison do the trebles. But a stop or stops of that size are required to fulfil another end, totally distinct, but of not inferior consequence. If a chord be played in the treble part of the Great organ of an instrument placed in a large building, and not having any stops lower in pitch than the Unison, there will be perceived a certain smallness of effect, which makes it evident that, although the treble may possess sufficient brightness and intensity, perhaps even amounting to shrillness, yet it lacks the amount of fulness and volume necessary to produce an ample and dignified tone. This arises from the fact of even the Unison pipes in the treble being comparatively acute in their sound, and, therefore, in the very nature of things, unpossessed of stately impressiveness. It thus becomes obvious that the harmonic corroborating Series of stops alone do not present all the resources necessary to form a satisfactory organ. Something that is essential appears to be wanting, and a fresh element is felt to be necessary to supply that absent property. The acoustical grounds IO67. The property wanting is gravity, which possesses *.*.*.*.*... a character peculiar to itself, and for the absence of which are introduced into an º - 2 Organ. no amount of intensity in the other sounds will compensate. Of the travelling and filling-up character of grave sounds we have already spoken, and of the fact itself a sufficient illustration is given in the circumstance of a chant Sung by twenty tenor and bass voices in unison pervading a building more completely than if sung by thrice the number of trebles. Again, the deep tone of a Pedal Diapason will travel through a building more entirely than a double chord of six or seven notes played on the Manual Diapasons, from middle cº upwards. Its sound will certainly not be nearly so well defined, but it will be of a more pervading character. The want felt, and above specified, however, is not a substitute for the harmonic Sounds, but a new element, which, added to them, shall render the general tone larger and more ample. It is worth mentioning that this want was so much felt abroad nearly three centuries and a half ago, that means were, even at that period, taken to supply the deficiency. It was about the year I508 that a covered stop of 16-feet size of tone was invented in Holland ; THE SIZE OF THE ORGAN. 257 and which, to some extent, imparted the necessary, deep, resonant, humming effect to the other stops, and was hence expressly called Bourdon, a name that means a hum or drone; and which stop has never ceased to be highly valued abroad to this day. IO68. The strength of this under-sound has to be regulated by the size of the Organ and the dimensions of the building in which it is to stand. For a small church organ a Zieblich Bourdon is sufficient; for one of ordinary size a full scaled Bourdon (Double Stopped Diapason) will be ample; for a larger instrument a Double Open Diapason is also required, perhaps accompanied by Double Muta- tion stops ; for a still larger one a 16-feet Double Trumpet is necessary; and for Organs of first-class magnitude a small Sub-Bourdon, in addition, of 32-feet tone, as far as the fiddle g or tenor c key, Sounding GG or CCC. In the bass octave the 32-feet Sound can be produced acoustically by means of a Bourdon and Quint of Iož-feet tone. When a Manual organ is thus developed, the tone of its Treble is so ample, that it may be used by itself without any insignificance of effect in the largest buildings. The effect of a large IO69. It has been thought necessary to enter thus fully organ not constructed : t e on acoustic principles tº this subject, because there are many who hold that all as well as on harmonic. double stops are inadmissible, from the circumstance of their not being included in the harmonic suggestions of nature. This opinion, however, does not imply a complete view of the question. The rearing of a large organ is not governed simply by the laws of harmonics, but also by the laws of acoustics. The former have already been sufficiently considered in the previous chapter; and it only remains here to point out what an organ becomes, when the claims of the latter are overlooked. The greater the number of stops introduced into the Great organ, and the greater the quantity of chorus-work, the more is the tone of the Treble drawn aftwards. The greater the number of ponderous stops put on the Pedal, the more the bass is drawn downwards. As the size of the instrument is increased, so is this effect of the severance of the two parts in proportion ; which accounts for the fact of the largest organs, built not on acoustic principles as well as on harmonic, being the greatest failures. The two parts contain no one property or characteristic that is common to both. Instead of the Manual tone being extended downwards to meet the Pedal, by means of Doubles, &c., and the Pedal being extended upwards to meet the Manuals, by means of small stops, &c., the 8-feet and smaller tones of the former, and the 32-feet tone of the latter, draw the two asunder. The sharpness and acuteness of the one, and the depth and fulness of the other, instead of producing the effect of harmo- nious amalgamation, convey an impression of the two parts being engaged in an altercation. It then becomes necessary for the left hand of the organist to be employed in holding down nearly every concordant note within reach, and as low down on the Manual as possible to disguise the deficiency. IO/O. It is not consistent with the real dignity of the instrument that its good or bad effect should depend on the player's power of hiding a defect. All the properties and attributes for producing the best and a perfect effect should be embodied in the organ itself, but this will not be the case unless what is acoustically necessary is provided, as well as what is harmonically so. Besides, a certain combination of concordant Sounds, as a note and its fifth, will gene- rate suff-harmonics or undertones—in this case, the octave below ; and this phenomenon, without doubt, first suggested the introduction of “Doubles.” Deep tones were felt to be a necessity ; and the laws of acoustics Suggested what those sounds should be. E. E. 258 VARIOUS MATTERS CONNECTED WITH THE DIVISION CHAPTER XXXV. VARIOUS MATTERS CONNECTED WITH THE DIVISION OF STOPS, AND THEIR SELECTION ACCORDING TO SIZE. The proportionate divi. IO7I. IN distributing a given number of stops among the º several departments of an organ, care has to be taken not to several departments, devote too great a proportion of that number to one depart- ment, and so few to another that the latter will be insignificant beside its compeer; but the endeavour should be made to develop all the depart- ments that are proposed to be introduced gradually and proportionably. Io'72. The Great organ, as being the most important department, and the one required to have the fullest tone, should have the greatest number of stops. The second Manual (Swell) need not have quite so many, although the difference ought not by right to be great. The third Manual, if there be one (Choir), would have somewhat fewer again. For the Pedal the minimum proportion should be one third as many stops as there are on the Great Manual. When even this pro- portion cannot be secured, there should always be an Octave Pedal Coupler, which is a stop of great use. Below the ratio just given the German and French organ- builders never descend, except for instruments of the most unpretending descrip- tion. The maximum number for the Pedal is as many stops as on the Great Manual. The German proportion often exceeds this. IO73. According to the size of the proposed organ, the stops would thus be assorted into from 2 to 4 or 5 Separate divisions. In so appropriating them two extremes have to be avoided ; namely, of reducing a moderate number of stops into too many divisions, and of confining a large number of stops to too few claviers. By the former course, in consequence of the stops of every clavier having to commence with the unison, several and minute varieties of the same stops must necessarily be introduced, which might, under the circumstances, be very well dispensed with ; while the effect of the whole is small as compared with what it might be. On the other hand, if a great number of stops be assorted into too few divisions, the stops that produce the more delicate grada- tions or shades of tone, if introduced, cannot then be used with the same facility, advantage, or convenience. A greater number of Manuals will always possess advantages over a smaller, provided the organ tone be not dispossessed of its proper dignity to secure them. IO/4. As a rule, possessing sufficient accuracy to answer all general purposes, it may be laid down that an organ with 6 to 12 stops might have I or 2 Manuals ; one having from 12 to 30 stops, 2 or 3 Manuals; and one with from 24 to 60 stops, 3 or 4 Manuals. In each case there should be separate stops for the Pedal, as far as possible. IO75. It may in Some cases happen that there are large funds at disposal. If, under such circumstances, it be thought desirable to add to the comparative completeness and efficiency of the organ, without increasing its strength of tone, or throwing it out of proportion with the church, this could be done either by adding a second Manual organ (Swell); or, if that be already designed, a third OF STOP8, AND THEIR SELECTION ACCORDING TO SIZE. 259 Manual organ (Choir); or it might be effected by proposing extra stops of a delicate character of tone. The size of stop that IO76. The next point to be observed is the size of the stop ***** that forms the uni basis of the Manual and Pedal tone the Manual and pedal that torms the unison or basis 9 l12tl 3.11 & tone. For all the Manuals this would be the same—namely, 8 feet— but for the Pedal, 16 feet. The stops first to be selected for the former must therefore be of 8 feet, or 8 feet size of tone; and for the latter, 16 feet, or I6 feet size of tone. Stops of one size only IO77. At the same time it would be incorrect, for reasons for Manual or Pedal I d * d | I 8 f h M I incorrect. already assigned, to place only 8-feet stops on the anual, and only 16 feet on the Pedal. The effect of such a selection of stops, at first serious and solemn, would gradually become dull and mono- tonous, and then oppressive and dispiriting. Other and smaller stops are required to give life and energy to the organ tone, and to serve the numerous other purposes mentioned in former chapters. The proper size for the IO78. A table of the smaller stops just referred to was given stops, and the order in & º which they should be on a Previous Page. All these, of course, cannot be placed in Selected, every Manual organ in the first instance. They are not indeed required ; for the individuality of character in the tone of the Several Manual departments depends as much on the size and proportion, as on the choice and scale of the stops with which they are each furnished. IO79. Where, however, fulness and power are required, as is always the case with regard to the Great organ, the series of smaller harmonic or corroborating stops should be introduced in a complete form as soon as possible, or the above- named essential requisites will not be secured to the full extent. The Principal, 4 feet, is the first stop of the series to be introduced, after the Unison stop itself. Next to that, the Fifteenth. It is a rule never to propose a Third or Fifth-sounding rank without the Octave-sounding rank the next smallest in size to itself being also introduced to cover its tone. This is why the Twelfth is never disposed before the Fifteenth ; although its size is 23 feet, and that of the latter only 2 feet. In like manner the Nineteenth, or Larigot, should always be accompanied by the Twenty-second or Octave Fifteenth, otherwise the Mutation tone may appear remarkable, or even offensive. The stop from which Io80. As the tone, on the one hand, would tend towards º i: thinness if any of the requisite Mutation ranks were to be measured. omitted, so, on the other, it would become thick and vague if Mutation ranks of too great size were to be introduced. It is necessary, therefore, to bear in mind from which stop the harmonic series should be measured, as this will prevent the occurrence of either error. The proper stop to be used for this purpose is the largest one of the Open Diapason species pro- posed to be placed on the same Manual. If that stop is to be of 8 feet, the harmonic corroborating series would, for the theoretical reasons before explained, be as follows:– I 8 I 2 I5 17. I9 22 26 29 —65) - C2SN's | - z-T-2 | TI gº - VºIO | —! | Aft’ſ | | Tº *...* |Tºº? ; | (D) – ,- T f | ! H\} e S-- II - –63– y e º 8 feet. 4 feet. 23 feet. 2 feet. I # foot. Iš foot. I foot. 8 inches. 6 inches. Io&I. The order of the harmonic corroborating Sounds will easily be committed E E 2 26O VARIOUS MATTERS CONNECTED WITH THE DIVISION to memory if the series be viewed in this way. All the octave sounds are required. The interval of the first octave from the fundamental tone must not be broken ; the second should be broken by a Fifth only; while the third may be broken by a Third * and Fifth. In the above example the filling-up sounds in their correct situations are represented by minim notes. IO32. If a large organ is proposed, having a 16-feet stop, Double Open Diapason, the harmonic corroborating series of that fundamental sound will be of the following sizes and pitch — I 8 I2 I5 17 I9 22 26 29 O -(e): | E-- 23–?—E24. Ha S-> | | || fºL | | | Iſly 2- --- L 2- . | 3. | \,\!/ Q_º — -e- © ºf § el/ —63– — 8 feet. 5; feet. 4 feet. 3; feet. 23 feet. 2 feet. Iš foot. I foot. Tax- I6 feet. IoS3. For a small Choir organ, having no larger stop of the Open Diapason Species than the Octave or Principal of 4 feet, the following would be the proper sizes for the harmonic series – I n 8 I2 I5 /2SNs I | W. | US-JE | |Aºſ } fºL) S-> | ſº | Hºlly 2-3 | TVW/ v_* --- el/ –63– 4 feet. 2 feet. Iš foot. I foot. Io&4. As to the naming of the stops of the Manuals, this point is always decided in England by their pitch in relation to the unison tone of those departments, as shown in the following scheme — bſ) bſ) bſ) .E. 5 .5 § 5 ; : § 5 C. : O. :- O. :- 3: G, ** 6, , ſº tº ### £33 É? § C) ź