. . . . . . . • '. - 3 1 TRANSPORTATION LIBRARY 1 . ΙΙ , 8 A 756,213 . Ι. . :: . HE. 3017 .S (4 + . . . . . .'.... 1 • . .. ...... . ΤΙΣΗ .. Ο Γ . . . . . . . . . . . Α ... : ΤΗΣ. : . .'. :: . , .. . ' ' : 5 1... 14 - ::. ΤΑ . . . . . . . . . . . . Α : Σ . . '. . . ., . · '.'.'': . * ·· Ε :::::::: . . . . . . . . . . ., Η . . * . Σ . : * . · ' . . Η . . . . . Ε . :: * . :: . * :. Α ΤΟ . . . . . . . . . . . , . '. .. . . . . . '. . * • ΤΟ . • • Ο ΡΟ , Ο • * * και . , . Α . . + Την . • • • • • • . * . :. - και * . . . . . ....... ΣΥ. 4. ΟΙ ΔΥΝΑΤΙΣΜΑ . I, . PROPERTY OF University of Michutes Libraries 1817 A R T ES SCIENTIA VEITAS Transportation 260 Library ad cow gina AVORITE F **** ......::::.. RAILWAY MORALS & RAILWAY POLICY. 01...!: hii mr. . RAILWAY MORALS & RAILWAY POLICY. BY HERBERT SPENCER, AUTHOR OF "SOCIAL STATICI," AND "TIE PRLSCIPLES OF PSYCHOLOGY." UT00 REPRINTED FROM THE “ EDINBURGH REVIEW.” WITH ADDITIONS AND A POSTSCRIPT BY THE AUTHOR. LONDON: LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, & LONGMANS. 1855. Transportation Library HE 3017 1574 Tramonto 91 * Tinanogenezea Gunuch. - 3-4-29 18826 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. DIUI BELIEVERS in the intrinsic virtues of political forms, might draw an instructive lesson from the politics of our railways. If there needs a conclusive proof that the most carefully framed con- stitutions are worthless, unless": they be embodiments of the popular character --- if there needs a conclusive proof, that governmental arrangements in advance of the time will inevi- tably lapse back into congruity with the time ; such proof may be found over and over again repeated in the current history of joint-stock enterprises. As devised by Act of Parliament, the administrations of our public companies are almost purely democratic. The representative system is carried out in them with scarcely a check. Shareholders elect their directors, directors their chairman ; there is an annual retirement of a certain proportion of the board, giving facilities for superseding them; and, by this means, the whole ruling body may be changed in periods varying from three to five years. Yets not only are the characteristic vices of our political state repro- duced in each of these mercantile corporations—some even in an intenser degree--but the very form of government, whilst remaining nominally democratic, is substantially so remodelled as to become a miniature of our national constitution. The direction, ceasing to fulfil its theory as a deliberative body whose members possess like powers, falls under the control of some one member of superior cunning, will, or wealth, to whom A RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. the majority become so subordinate, that the decision on every question depends on the course he takes. Proprietors, instead of constantly exercising their franchise, allow it to become on all ordinary occasions a dead letter : retiring directors are so habitually re-elected without opposition, and have so great a power of insuring their own re-election when opposed, that the board becomes practically a close body; and it is only when the misgovernment grows extreme enough to produce a revolu- tionary agitation among the shareholders, that any change can be effected. Thus, a mixture of the monarchic, the aristocratic, and the democratic elements, is repeated with such modifications only as the circumstances involve. The modes of action, too, are substantially the same ; save in this, that the copy outruns the original. Threats of resignation, which ministries hold out in extreme cases, are commonly made by railway boards to stave off a disagreeable inquiry. By no means regarding themselves as servants of the shareholders, directors rebel against dictation from them; and frequently construe any amendment to their proposals into a vote of want of confidence. At half-yearly meetings, disagreeable criticisms and objections are met by the chairman with the remark, that if the share- holders cannot trust his colleagues and himself, they had better choose others. With most this assumption of offended dignity tells ; and, under the fear that the company's interests may suffer from any disturbance, measures quite at variance with the wishes of the proprietary are allowed to be carried. The parallel holds yet further. If it be true of national adminis- trations, that those in office count on the support of all public employés; it is not less true of incorporated companies, that the directors are greatly aided by their officials in their struggles with shareholders. If, in times past, there have been ministries who spent public money to secure party ends; there are, in times present, railway boards who use the funds of the shareholders to defeat the shareholders. Nay, even in detail, the similarity RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. is maintained. Like their prototype, joint-stock companies have their expensive election contests, managed by election committees, employing election agents; they have their can- Vassing with its' sundry illegitimate accompaniments; they have their occasional manufacture of fraudulent votes. And, as a general result, that class-legislation, which, until of late, was habitually charged against statesmen, is now habitually dis- played in the proceedings of these trading associations; consti- tuted though they are on purely representative principles. · These last assertions will probably surprise not a few. The general public who have little or no direct interest in railway matters—who never see a railway journal, and who skip the reports of half-yearly meetings that appear in the daily papers are under the impression that dishonesties akin to those gigantic ones so notorious during the mania, are no longer committed. They do not forget the doings of stags and stock-jobbers and runaway directors ; they remember how men-of-straw held shares amounting to £100,000, and even £200,000 ; how nu- merous directorates were filled by the same persons—one having a seat at twenty-three boards; how subscription-contracts were made up with signatures bought at 10s. and 4s. each, and porters and errand-boys made themselves liable for £30,000 and £40,000 apiece. They can narrate how boards kept their books in cipher; made false registries, and refrained from recording their proceedings in minute books; how in one com- pany, half a million of capital was down to unreal names; how in another, directors bought for account more shares than they issued, and so forced up the price ; and bow in many others, they repurchased for the company their own shares, paying themselves with the depositors' money. But, though more or less aware of the iniquities that have been practised, the gene- rality think of them solely as the accompaniments of bubble schemes. More recent enterprises they know to have beer bona fide ones, mostly carried out by old-established companies; and . RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. knowing this, they do not suspect that in the getting-up of branch-lines and extensions, there are chicaneries near akin to those of Capel Court; and quite as disastrous in their ultimate results. Associating the ideas of wealth and respectability, and habitually using respectability as synonymous with morality, it seems to them incredible, that many of the large capitalists and men of station who administer railway affairs, should be guilty of indirectly enriching themselves at the expense of their constituents. True, they occasionally meet with a law-report disclosing some enormous fraud; or read a “Times” leader, charac- they regard the cases thus brought to light as entirely excep- tional; and, under that feeling of loyalty which ever idealises men in authority, they constantly tend towards the conviction, if not that directors can do no wrong, yet that they are very unlikely to do wrong. A history of railway management and railway intrigue, how- ever, would quickly undeceive them. In such a history, the doings of projectors and the mysteries of the share-market would occupy less space than the analysis of the multiform dis- honesties that have been committed since 1845, and the genesis of that elaborate system of tactics by which companies are betrayed into ruinous undertakings that benefit the few at the cost of the many. Such a history would not only have to detail the doings of the personage famed for “making things pleasant;" nor would it have merely to add the misdeeds of his colleagues ; but it would have to describe the kindred corruptness of other railway administrations. From the published report of an in- vestigation-committee, it would be shown how, not many years since, the directors of one of our lines allotted among themselves 15,000 new shares then at a premium in the market-how to pay the deposits on these shares they used the company's funds how one of their number thus accommodated himself in meeting both deposits and calls to the extent of more than RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. £80,000. We should read in it of one railway chairman who, with the secretary's connivance, retained shares exceeding a quarter of a million in amount, intending to claim them as his allotment if they rose to a premium ; and who, as they did not do so, left them as unissued shares on the hands of the pro- prietors, to their vast loss. We should also read in it of directors who made loans to themselves ont of the company's floating balances at a low rate of interest when the market rate was high; and who paid themselves larger salaries than those assigned : entering the difference in an obscure corner of the ledger under the head of " petty disbursements.” There would be a description of the manæuvres by which a delinquent board, under impending investigation, gets a favourable committee nominated "a whitewashing committee.” There would be documents showing that the proxies enabling boards to carry contested measures, have in some cases been obtained by garbled statements; and, again, that proxies given for a specific purpose have been used for other purposes. One of our companies would be proved to have projected a line, serving as a feeder, for which it obtained shareholders by offering a guaranteed dividend, - which, though understood by the public to be unconditiona), was really contingent upon a condition not likely to be fulfilled. The managers of another company would be convicted of having carried party measures by the aid of preference shares standing in the names of station masters ; and of being aided by the proxies of the secretary's children too young to write.' That the corruptions here glanced at are not merely excep- tional evils, but result from some deep-seated vice ramifying throughout our system of railway government, is sufficiently proved by the simple fact, that notwithstanding the depreciation of railway dividends produced by the extension policy, that policy has been year after year continued. Does any tradesman, who, having enlarged his shop, finds a proportionate diminution in his rate of profits, go on, even under the stimulus f RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. of competition, making further enlargements at the cost of further diminutions? Does any merchant, however strong his desire to take away an opponent's markets, make successive mortgages on his capital, and pay for each sum thus raised a higher interest than he gains by trading with it? Yet this course, so absurd that no one would insult a private individual by asking him to follow it, is the course which railway boarıls, at meeting after meeting, persuade their clients to pursue. Since 1845, when the dividends of our leading lines ranged from 8 to 10 per cent., they have, notwithstanding an ever-growing traffic, fallen from 10 per cent, to 5, from 8 to 4, from 9 to 31 ; and yet the system of extensions, leases, and guarantees, notoriously the cause of this, has been year by year persevered in. Is there not something needing explanation here—something more than the world is allowed to see ? If there be any one to whom the broad fact of obstinate persistence in unprofitable expenditure does not alone carry the conviction that sinister jufluences are at work, let him read the seductive statements by which share- holders are led to authorize new projects, and then compare these with the proved results. Let him look at the estimated cost, anticipated traffic, and calculated dividend on some pro- posed branch line; let him observe how the proprietary before whom the scheme is laid, are induced to approve it as promising a fair return; and then let him contemplate, in the resulting depreciation of stock, the extent of their loss. Is there any avoiding the inference ? Clearly, railway shareholders can never have habitually voted for new undertakings which they knew would be injurious to them. Every one knows, however, that these new unrlertakings have almost uniformly proved in- jurious to them. Obviously, therefore, railway shareholders have been continually deluded by false representations. The only possible escape from this conclusion is in the belief that boards and their officers have been themselves deceived ; and were the discrepancies between promises and results occasional RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. only, there would be grounds for this lenient interpretation. But to suppose that a railway government should repeatedly - make such mistakes, and yet gain no wisdom from disastrous experiences should after a dozen disappointments again mis- lead half-yearly meetings by bright anticipations into dark l'ealities, and all in good faith-taxes credulity somewhat too far. Even, then, were there no demonstrated iniquities to rouse suspicion, we think that the continuous depreciation in the value of railway stock, the determined perseverance of boards in the policy that has produced this depreciation, and the proved untruth of the statements by which they have induced shareholders to sanction this policy, would of themselves suffice to show the essential viciousness of railway administration. That the existing evils, and the causes conspiring to produce them, may be better understood, it will be needful briefly to · glance at the mode in which the system of extensions grew up. Earliest among the incentives to it was a feeling of rivalry. Even while yet their main lines were 'unmade, a contest for supremacy arose between our two greatest companies. This presently generated a confirmied antagonism; and the same im- pulse which in election contests and the like, has frequently led to the squandering of a fortune to gain a victory, has largely aided to make each of these great rivals submit to repeated sacrifices rather than be beaten. Feuds of like nature are in other cases perpetually prompting boards to make aggressions on each other's territories every attack on the one side leading to a reprisal on the other : and so violent is the hostility occa- sionally produced, that directors might be pointed out whose votes are wholly determined by the desire to be revenged on their opponents. Among the first methods by which leading companies sought to strengthen themselves and weaken their competitors, was the leasing or purchase of subordinate neigh- bouring lines. Of course those to whoin overtures were made, obtained bids from both sides; and it naturally resulted that RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY, the first sales thus effected, being at prices far above the real values, brought great profits to the sellers. What resulted ? After a few recurrences of this proceeding, it was clearly per- ceived by quick-witted speculators, that the making of lines so circumstanced as to be bid for by competing companies, would be a lucrative policy. Shareholders who had once pocketed these large and easily-made gains, were eager to repeat the pro- cess; and cast about for districts in which it might be done. Even the directors of the companies by whom these high prices were given, were under the temptation to aid in this; for it was manifest to them that by obtaining a larger interest in any such new undertaking than they possessed in the purchasing com- pany, and by using their influence in the purchasing company to obtain a good price or guarantee for the new undertaking, a great advantage would be gained ; and that this motive has been largely operative, railway history abundantly proves. Once commenced, sundry other influences conspired to stimulate this making of feeders and extensions. The non-closure of capital-accounts rendered possible the “cooking” of dividends, which was at one period carried to a great extent. Under various incentives, speculative and other, expenditure that should have been charged against revenue was charged against capital; works and rolling stock were allowed to go unrepaired, or in- sufficient additions made to them, by which means the current expenses were rendered delusively small ; long-credit agree- ments with contractors permitted sundry disbursements that had been virtually made, to be kept out of the accounts; and thus the net returns were made to appear much greater than they really were. Naturally the new undertakings put before the monied world by companies whose stock and dividends had been thus artificially raised, were received with proportionate favour. Under the prestige of their parentage their shares came out at high premiums, bringing large profits to the pro- jectors. The hint was soon taken ; and it presently became an RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. established policy, under the auspices of a prosperity either real or mock, to get up these subsidiary lines — “calves," as they were called in the slang of the initiated—and to traffic in the premiums their shares commanded. Meanwhile had been de- veloping, a secondary set of influences which also contributed to foster unwise enterprises ; namely, the business interests of the lawyers, engineers, contractors, and others directly or indirectly employed in railway construction. The methods of projecting and carrying new schemes, could not fail, in the course of years, to become familiar to all persons concerned ; and there could not fail to grow up among them a concerted system of tactics calculated to achieve their common end. Thus, partly from the jealousy of rival boards, partly from the avarice of shareholders · in purchased lines, partly from the dishonest schemings of directors, partly from the manæuvres of those whose business it is to carry out the projects legally authorized, partly, and perhaps mainly, from the delusive appearance of prosperity maintained by many established companies, there came the wild speculations of 1844 and 1845. The consequent disasters, whilst they pretty well destroyed the last of these incentives, left the rest much as they were. Though the painfully-unde- . ceived public have ceased to aid as they once did ; the various private interests that had grown up have since been working together as before; have developed their systems of co-operation into still more complex and subtle forms; and are even now daily thrusting unfortunate shareholders into losing undertakings. Before proceeding to analyze the existing state of things, however, we would have it clearly understood that we do not suppose those implicated to be on the average morally lower than the community at large. Men taken at random from any class, would, in all probability, behave much in the same way when placed in like positions. There are unquestionably directors grossly dishonest: unquestionably also there are others whose standard of honour is far higher than that of most 10 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY: persons: and for the remainder, they are, we doubt not, as good as the mass. Of the engineers, parliamentary agents, lawyers, contractors, and various others concerned, it may be admitted that though daily custom has induced laxity of principle, yet they would be harshly judged were the transactions that may be recorded against them, used as measures. Those who do not see how, in these involved affairs, the most inequitable results may be wrought out by men not correspondingly flagitious, will readily do so on considering all the conditions. In the first place, there is the familiar fact that the corporate conscience is ever inferior to the individual conscience—that a body of men will commit as a joint act, that which every individual of them would shrink from did he feel personally responsible. And it may be remarked that not only is the conduct of a corporate body thus comparatively lax, but also the conduct towards one. There is ever a more or less distinct perception, that a broad- backed company scarcely feels what would be ruinous to a private person; and this perception is in constant operation on all railway administrators and their employés-on all con- tractors, landowners, and others concerned; leading them to show à graspingness and want of principle foreign to their general behaviour. Again, the indirectness and remoteness of the evils produced, greatly weaken the restraints on wrong doing. Men's actions are proximately produced by mental representations of the results to be anticipated; and the decisions come to, largely depend on the vividness with which these results can be imagined. A consequence, good or bad, that is immediate and clearly apprehended, influences conduct far more potently than a consequence that has to be traced through a long chain of causation, and as eventually reached, is not a particular and readily conceivable one, but a general and vaguely conceivable one. Hence, in railway affairs, a questionable share transaction, an exorbitant charge, a proceeding which brings great individual advantage without apparently injuring any one, but which, even RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLIOY. 11 if analyzed in its ultimate results, can but very circuitously affect unknown persons living no one knows where, may be brought home to men who, could the results be embodied before them, would be shocked at the cruel injustices they had committed men who in their private business, where the results can be thus embodied, are sufficiently equitable. Further, it requires to be ncted that most of these great delinquencies are wrought out, not by the extreme dishonesty of any one man or group of men, but by the combined self-interest of many men and groups of men, whose minor delinquencies are cumulative. Much as a story which, passing from mouth to mouth, and receiving a slight exaggeration at each repetition, comes round to the original narrator in a form scarcely to be recognised; so; by a little improper influence on the part of landowners, a little favouritism on the part of members of Parliament, a little intriguing of lawyers, a little manquvring by contractors and engineers, a little self-seeking on the part of directors, a little under-state- ment of estimates and over-statenient of traffic, a little magnify- ing of the evils to be avoided and the benefits to be gained--it happens that shareholders are betrayed into ruinous undertakings by grossly untrue representations, without any one being guilty of more than a small portion of the fraud. Bearing in mind, then, the comparative laxity of the corporate conscience; the diffusion and remoteness of the evils which malpractices produce; and the composite origin of these malpractices; it becomes, possible to understand how, in railway affairs, gigantic dis- honesties can be perpetrated by men, who, on the average, are little if at all below the generality in moral character. With this preliminary mitigation we proceed to detail the various illegitimate agencies by which these seemingly insane extensions and this continual squandering of shareholders' property are brought about. 11T i Conspicuous amongst these is the self-interest of landowners. 12 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. Once the greatest obstacles to railway enterprise, owners of estates have of late years been amongst its chief promoters. Since the Liverpool and Manchester line was first defeated by landed opposition, and succeeded with its second bill only by keeping out of sight of all mansions, and avoiding the game preserves-since the time when the London and Birmingham Company, after seeing their project thrown out by a committee of peers who ignored the evidence, had to “conciliate” their antagonists by raising the estimate for land from £250,000 to £750,000-since the time when Parliamentary counsel bolstered up a groundless resistance by the flimsiest and absurdest excuses, even to reproaching engineers with having " trodden down the corn of widows” and “destroyed the strawberry-beds of gardeners”-since then, a marked change of policy has taken place. Nor was it in human nature that it should be otherwise. When it became known that railway companies commonly paid for “land and compensation,” sums varying from £4000 to £8000 per mile; that men were indemnified for supposed injury to their property, by sums so inordinate that the greater part has been known to be returned by the heir as conscience money; that in one case, £120,000 was given for land said to be worth but £5000—when it was bruited abroad that large bonuses in the shape of preference shares and the like, were granted to buy off opposition—when it came to be an established fact that estates are greatly enhanced in value by the proximity of railways—it is not surprising that country gentlemen should have become active supporters of schemes to which they were once the bitterest enemies. On considering the many temptations, we shall see nothing wonderful in the fact, that in 1845 they were zealous provisional committeemen; nor in the fact, that their influence as promoters enabled them to get good. terms, for their own acres; nor in the fact that they committed various acts sufficiently reprehensible from any but their own point of view. If we are told of squires soliciting interviews 13 with the engineer of a projected railway; prompting him to take their side of the country; promising support if he did, and threatening opposition if he did not; dictating the course to be followed through their domains; and hinting that a fair price would be expected; we are simply told of the special modes in which certain private interests show themselves. If we hear of an extensive landowner using his influence as chairman of a board of directors, to project a branch running for many miles through his own estate, and putting his company to the cost of a parliamentary contest to carry this line; we hear only of that which was likely to occur under such circumstances. If we find now before the public, a line proposed by a large capitalist, serving amongst other ends to effect desirable com- munications with his property; and the estimates for which line, though considered by the engineering world insufficient, are alleged by him to be ample; we have but a marked case of the distorted representations which under such conditions self-interest is sure to engender. If we discover of this or that scheme, that it was got up by the local nobility and gentry—that they employed to make the survey a third-rate engineer, who was ready, in anticipation of future benefit, to do this for his bare expenses—that principals and agent wearied the directors of an adjacent trunk line to take up tireir project; threatened that if they did not their great rival would; alarmed them into con- cession; asked for a contribution to their expenses; and would have gained all these points but for shareholders' resistance- we do but discover the organized tactics which in process of time naturally grow up under such stimuli. It is not that these facts are particularly remarkable. From the gross instance of the landowner who asked £8000 for that which he eventually accepted £80 for, down to the everyday instances of influence used to get railway accommodation for the neighbourhood, the acts of the landed class are simply manifestations of the average character acting under special conditions. All that it now RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. behoves us to notice, is, that we have here a large and powerful body whose interests are ever pressing on railway extension, irrespective of its intrinsic propriety. The great change in the attitude of the Legislature towards railways, from “the extreme of determined rejection or dilatory acquiescence, to the opposite extreme of unlimited concession," was simultaneous with the change above described. It could not well fail to be so. Supplying, as the landowning community does, so large a portion of both Houses of Parliament, it neces- sarily follows that the play of private interests seen in the first, repeats itself in the last under modified forms, and complicated by other influences. Remembering the extent to which legis- lators were themselves involved in the speculations of the mania, it is scarcely probable that they should since have been free from personal bias. A return proved, that in 1845 there were 157 members of Parliament whose names were on the registers of new companies for sums varying from £291,000 downwards. The supporters of new projects boasted of the number of votes they could command in the House. Members were personally canvassed, and peers were solicited. It was publicly complained in the upper chamber, that “it was nearly impossible to bring together a jury, some members of which were not interested in the railway they were about to assess.” Doubtless this state of things was in a great degree exceptional; and there has since been not only a diminution of the tempta- tions, but a marked increase of equitable feeling. Still, it is not to be expected that private interests should cease to act. It is riot to be expected that a landowner who, out of Parliament, exerts himself to get a railway for his district, should, when in Parliament, not employ the power his new position gives him to the same end. It is not to be expected that the accumula- tion of such individual actions should leave the legislative policy unchanged. Hence the fact, that the influence once used to throw out railway bills is now used to carry them. Hence the RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. 15 fact, that railway committees no longer require a good traffic case to be made out in justification of the powers asked. Hence the fact that the directors and chairmen of boards having seats in the House of Commons, are induced to pledge their companies to carry out extensions. We could name a member of Parlia- ment, who, having bought an estate fitly situated, offered to an engineer, also in Parliament, the making of a railway running through it; and having obtained the Act (in doing which the in- fluence of himself and his friend were of course useful), pitted three railway companies against each other for the purchase of it. We could name another member of Parliament, who, having pro- jected, and obtained powers for, an extension through his property, induced the directors of the main line, with whom he had great influence, to subscribe half the capital for this exten- sion, to work it for fifty per cent. of the gross receipts, and to give up all traffic brought by it on to the main line until he received four per cent. on bis capital; which was tantamount to a four per cent. guarantee. But it is not only, nor indeed mainly, from directly personal motives that legislators have of late years unduly fostered railway enterprises. Indirect motives of various kinds have been largely operative. The wish to satisfy constituents has been one. Inhabitants of unaccommodated. districts, are naturally urgent with their representatives to help them to a line. Such representatives are not unfrequently con- scious that their next elections may possibly turn upon their successful response to this appeal. Even when there is no po- pular pressure there is the pressure of their leading political supporters; of large landholders, whom it will not do to neglect; of the magistracy, with whom it is needful to be on good terms; of local lawyers, important as electioneering friends, to whom a railway always brings business. Thus, without having any in- mediately private ends, members of Parliament are often almost coerced into pressing forward schemes which, from a national or from a shareholder's point of view, are very unwise ones. Thien 16 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. there come the still less direct stimuli. Where neither personal nor political ends are to be gained, there are still the interests of a relative to be subserved; or, if not those of a relative, still those : of a friend. And where there is no decided impulse to the con- trary, these motives, of course, have their weight. Moreover, it requires in fairness to be said, that possessed as most members of Parliameut are, with the belief that all railway-making is nationally beneficial, there exist in their minds few or 110 reasons for resisting the influences brought to bear on them. True, shareholders may be injured; but that is their own affair:--the public will be better served; constituents will be satisfisca; friends will be pleased; perhaps personal ends gained; andziauder some or all of these incentives affirmative votes are. readily given. Thus, from the Legislature also, there has of late yea.s proceeded a factitious stimulus to railway extensions. From Parliament to Parliamentary agents, and the general body of lawyers concerned in railway enterprise, is a ready transition. With these, the getting up and carrying of nev lines and branches is a matter of husiness. Whoever studies the process of obtaining a railway act; or considers the number of legal transactions involved in the execution of railway works ; · or notes the large sums that figure in half-yearly reports under the head of " law charges;” will at once see how strong are the temptations which a new project holds out to solicitors, convey- ancers, and counsel. It has been shown that in past years, Par- liamentary expenses have varied from £650 to £3000 per mile; of which a large proportion has gone into the pockets of the profession. In one contest, £57,000 was spent amongst six counsel and twenty solicitors. At a late meeting of one of our companies, it was pointed out, that the sum expended in legal and parliamentary expenses during nine years, had reached £480,000; or had averaged £53,500 a-year. With these and scores of like facts before them, it would indeed be strange did not so acute a body of men as lawyers use vigorous efforts and RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. 17 sagacious devices to promote fresh enterprises. Indeed, if we look back at the proceedings of 1845, we shall suspect, not only that lawyers are still the active promoters of fresh enterprises, but often the originators of them. Most people have heard how in those excited times the projects daily announced were very frequently set afloat by local solicitors—how these looked over maps to see where plausible lines could be sketched out- how they canvassed the local gentry to obtain provisional com- mitteemen-how they agreed with engineers to make trial sur- veys-how, under the wild hopes of the day, they found little difficulty in forming companies—and how most of them ma- naged to get as far as the Committee on Standing Ord s, if no farther. Remembering all this, and remembering that thu. t who were successful are not likely to have forgotten their cunning, but rather to have yearly exercised and increased it, we may naturally expect to find railway lawyers amongst the most in- fluential of the many parties conspiring to urge railway pro- prietaries into disastrous undertakings: and we shall not be deceived. To a great extent they are in league with engi- neers. From the proposal to the completion of a new line, the lawyer and the engineer work together; and their interests are throughout identical. While the one makes the survey, the other prepares the book of reference. The parish plans which the one gets ready, the other deposits. The notices to owners and occupiers which the one fills in, the other serves upon those concerned. Throughout, there is continual consultation between them as to the dealing with local opposition and the obtainment of local support. In the getting up of their case for Parliament, they necessarily act in concert. Whilst, before committee, the one gets his ten guineas per day for attending to give evidence; the other makes profits on all the complicated transactions which the carrying a bill involves. During the execution of the works they are in frequent correspondence; and alike profit by any expansion of the undertaking. Thus there naturally arises in 18 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. . each, the perception that in aiding the other he is aiding himself: and gradually, as, in course of years, the proceedings come to be often repeated, and a perfect familiarity with railway politics gained ; there grows up a well-organized system of co- operation between them a system rendered the more efficient by the wealth and iufluence which each has year by year accu- mulated. Among the mancuvres employed by railway solicitors thus established and thus helped, not the least remarkable is that of getting their own nominees elected as directors. Startling though it may seem, it is yet a fact, which we state on good authority, that there are puppet-directors who vote for this or that at the instigation of the company's lawyer, whose creatures they are. The obtainment of such tools is by no means difficult. Vacancies are about to occur in the directorate. Almost always there are sundry men over whom a solicitor, conducting the extensive law business of a railway, has considerable power : not only connexions and friends, but clients and persons to whom, in his legal capacity, he can do great benefit or great injury. He selects the most suitable of these; giving the pre- ference, if other things are equal, to one living in the country near the line. On opening the matter to him, he points out the sundry advantages attendant on a director's position, the free pass and the many facilities it gives; the annual £100 or so which the office brings; the houour and influence accruing; the opportunities for profitable investment that are likely to occur; and so forth. Should ignorance of railway affairs be raised as an objection, the tempter, in whose eyes this ignorance is a chief recommendation, replies that he shall always be at band to guide his votes. Should non-possession of a due amount of the com- pany's stock be pleaded, the tempter readily meets the difficulty by offering himself to furnish the needful qualification. Thus incited and flattered, and perhaps conscious that it would be dangerous to refuse, the intended puppet allows himself to be RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY, 19 pat in nomination; and as it is the general habit of half-yearly - meetings, unless under great indignation, to elect any one pro- posed to them by those in authority, the nomination is success- ful. On subsequent occasions this proceeding can, of course, be repeated; and thus the company's legal agent and those leagued with him, may command sufficient votes to turn the scale in their own favour. Then, to the personal interest and power of the head solicitor, have to be added those of the local ones, with whom he is in constant business intercourse. They, too, profit by new under- takings; they, therefore, are commonly urgent in pressing them forwards. Acting in co-operation with their chief, they form a local staff of great influence. They are active canvassers; they stimulate and concentrate the feeling of their districts; they encourage rivalry with other lines; they alarm local share- holders with rumours of threatened competition. When the question of extension or non-extension comes to a division, they collect proxies for the extension party. They bring pressure to bear on their shareholding clients and relatives. Nay, so deep an interest do they feel in the decision, as occasionally to manu- facture votes with the view of influencing it. We have before us the case of a local solicitor, who, before the special meeting called to adopt or reject a contemplated branch, transferred portions of his own shares into the names of sundry members of his family, and so multiplied his seventeen votes into forty-one; all of which he recorded for the adoption of the new scheme. The morality of railway engineers is not greatly above that of railway lawyers. The gossip.of Great George Street is fertile in discreditable revelations. It tells how So-and-so, like others before him, testified to estimates which he well knew were insufficient. It makes jocose allusion to this man as being employed to do his senior's “ dirty work”-his hard-swearing ; and narrates of the other, that when giving evidence before committee, he was told by counsel that he was not to be believed 20 · RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. even on his knees. It explains how cheaply the projector of a cer- tain line executed the parliamentary survey, by employing on it · part of the staff in the pay of another company to which he was engineer. Now it alludes to the suspicion attaching to a certain member of the fraternity from his having let a permanent-way contract, for a térm of years, at an extravagant sum per mile. Again, it rumours the great profits which some of the leaders of the profession made in 1845, by charging for the use of their names at so much the prospectus, even up to a thousand guineas. And then, it enlarges upon the important advantages possessed by engineers who have seats in the House of Commons. Thus lax as is the ethical code of engineers, and greatly as they are interested in railway enterprise, it is to be expected that they should be active, and not very scrupulous promoters of it. To illustrate the vigour and skill with which they fur- ther new undertakings, a few facts may be cited. Not far from London, and lying between two lines of railway, is an estate that has been purchased by one of our engineers. He has since ob- tained acts for branches to both of the adjacent lines. One of these branches he has leased to the company whose line it joins; and he has tried to do the like with the other, but as yet without success. Even as it is, however, he is considered to have doubled the value of his property. Again, an engineer of celebrity once very nearly succeeded in smuggling through parliament, in the bill for a proposed railway, a clause extending the limits of deviation, through a certain district, to several miles on each side of the line the usual limits being but five chains on each side; and the attempt is accounted for by the fact, that this engineer possessed mines in this district. To press forward extensions by the companies with which they are connected, they occasionally go to great lengths. Not long since, at a half-yearly meeting, certain projects which the proprietary had already once rejected, were again brought forward by two engineers who attended in their capacity of shareholders. Though known to be personally RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. 21 interested, one of them moved and the other seconded, that. certain proposals from the promoters of these schemes be con- sidered without delay by the directors. The motion was carried ; the directors approved the proposals; and again, the proprietors. negatived them. A third time a like effort was made; a third time a conflict arose; and within a few days of the special meet- ing at which the division was to take place, one of these engineers circulated amongst the shareholders a pamphlet, denying the allegations of the dissentient party, and making counter-state- ments which it was then too late to meet—nay, he did more; he employed agents to canvass the shareholders for proxies in support of the new undertaking; and was obliged to confess as much when charged with it at the meeting. Turn we now to contractors. Railway enterprise has given to this class of men a gigantic development, not only in respect of mimbers, but in respect of the vast wealth to which some of them have attained. Originally, half a dozen miles of earth- work, fencing, and bridges, was as much as any single con- tractor undertook. Of late years, however, it has become common for one man to engage to construct an entire railway; and deliver it over to the company in a fit condition for opening. Great capital is necessarily required for this : great profits are, made by it: and the fortunes accumulated in course of time have been such, that sundry contractors are described as being each able to make a railway at his own cost. But they are as insatiate as millionnaires in general; and so long as they continue in business at all, are, in some sort, forced to provide new under- takings to keep their plant employed. As may be imagined, enormous stocks of working materials are needed ; many hun- dreds of earth-waggons and of horses ; many miles of temporary rails and sleepers; some half-dozen locomotive engines, and several fixed ones ; innumerable tools; besides vast stores of timber, bricks, stone, rails, and other constituents of permanent works, that have been bought on speculation. To keep the 22 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY, capital thus invested, and also a large staff of employés, standing idle, entails loss, partly negative partly positive. The great contractor, therefore, is alike under a pressing stimulus to get fresh work, and enabled by his wealth to do this. Hence the not unfrequent inversion of the old arrangement under which companies and engineers employed contractors, into an arrange- ment under which contractors employ engineers and form com- . panies. Many recent undertakings have been thus set on foot. The most gigantic project which private enterprise has yet dared -a project of which, unfortunately, there is now no hope-origi- nated with a distinguished contracting firm. In some cases, as in this chief one, this mode of procedure may be considered as advantageous; but in a far greater proportion of cases its results are disastrous. Interested in promoting railway extensions, even in a greater degree than engineers and lawyers, contractors fre- quently co-operate with these, either as agents or as coadjutors. Lines are fostered into being, which it is known from the very beginning, will not pay. Of late, it has become common for landowners, merchants, and others personally interested, who, under the belief that their indirect gains will compensate for their meagre dividends, have themselves raised part of the capital for a local railway, but who cannot raise the rest—it has become common for such to make an agreement with a wealthy contractor to construct the line, taking in part payment a por- tion of the shares, amounting to perhaps a third of the whole, and to charge for his work according to a schedule of prices to be thereafter settled between himself and the engineer. By this last clause the contractor renders himself secure. It would never answer his purpose to take part payment in shares likely to return some £2 per cent., unless he compensated himself by unusually high profits; and this subsequent settlement of prices with one whose interests, like his own, are wrapped up in the prosecution of the undertaking, ensures him high profits. Mean- while, the facts that all the capital has been subscribed and ". 23 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. the line contracted for, unduly raise the public estimate of the scheme; the shares are quoted at much above their true worth; unwary persons buy; the contractor from time to time parts with his moiety at fair prices ; and the new shareholders ulti- mately find themselves part owners of a railway which, unpro- fitable as it originally promised to be, has been made yet more unprofitable by expensiveness of construction. Nor are these the only cases in which contractors- gain after this fashion, They do the like with undertakings of their own projection. To obtain acts for these, they sign the subscription-contracts for large amounts; knowing that in the way above described, they can always make it answer to do this. So general had the practice latterly become, as to attract the attention of commit- tees. As was remarked by a personage noted for his complicity in these transactions—“Committees are getting too knowing; they won't stand that dodge now.” Nevertheless, the thing is still done under a disguised form. Though contractors no longer enter their own names on subscription lists for thousands of shares; yet they effect the same end by making nominal holders. of their foremen and others; themselves being the real ones. Of directorial misdoings some samples have already been re- ferred to; and more might be added. Besides those arising from directly personal aims, there are sundry others. One of these is, the still increasing community between railway boards and the House of Commons. There are eighty-one directors sitting in Parliament; and though many of these take little or no part in the affairs of their respective railways, many of them are the most active members of the boards to which they belong. We have but to look back a few years, and mark the unanimity with: which companies adopted the policy of getting themselves repre- sented in the Legislature, to see that the furtherance of their respective interests especially in cases of competition was the incentive. How well this policy is understood among the initiated, may be judged from the fact, that gentlemen are now 24 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. in some cases elected on boards, simply because they are mem- bers of Parliament. Of course this implies that railway legisla- tion is affected by a complicated play of private influences ; and that these influences generally work towards the facilitation of new enterprises, is tolerably obvious. It naturally happens that directors whose companies are not opposed, exchange good offices. It naturally happens that they can more or less smooth the way of their annual batch of new bills through committees. Moreover, directors sitting in the House of Commons not only facilitate the passing of the schemes in which they are interested, but are solicited to undertake further schemes by those around them. It is a very common-sense conclusion, that representatives of small towns and country districts needing railway accommoda- tion, who are daily thrown in contact with the chairman of a company capable of giving this accommodation, will not neglect the opportunity of furthering their ends. It is a very common- sense conclusion, that by hospitalities, by favours, by flattery, by the many means used to bias men, they will seek to obtain his good offices. And it is an equally common-sense conclusion, that in many cases they will succeed—that by some complication of persuasions and temptations they will swerve him from his calmer judgment; and so introduce into the company he repre- sents, influences at variance with its welfare. Under some motives, however-whether those of direct self- interest, of private favour, or of antagonistic feeling, need not here be discussed—it is certain that directors are constantly committing their constituents to unwise enterprises; and that they frequently employ unjustifiable means for either eluding or overcoming their opposition. Shareholders occasionally find that their directors have given to Parliament, pledges of extension nyuch exceeding what they were authorized to give; and they are then persuaded that they are bound to endorse the promises made for them by their agents. In some cases, among the mis- leading statements laid before shareholders to obtain their RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY, 25 consent to a new project, will be found an abstract of the earn- ings of a previously executed branch or feeder to which the proposed one bears some analogy. These earnings are shown (not always without “cooking") to be tolerably good and improv- ing; and it is argued that the new project, having like prospects, offers a fair investment. Meanwhile, it is not stated that the capital for this previously executed branch or feeder, was raised on debentures or by guaranteed shares, at a higher rate of in- terest than the dividend pays; it is not stated that as the capital for this further undertaking will be raised on like terms, the annual interest on debt will swallow up more than the annual revenue: and thus unsuspecting shareholders--some unacquaint- ed with the company's antecedents, some unable to understand its complicated accounts-give their proxies, or raise their hands, for new works which will tell with disastrous effect on their future dividends. In pursuit of their ends, directors will from time to time go directly in the teeth of established regulations. Where it has been made a rule that proxies shall be issued only by order of a meeting of the proprietors, they will yet issue them without any such order, when by so doing they can steal a march on dissentients. If it suits their purpose, they will occasionally bring forward most important measures without due notice. In stating the amount of the company's stock which has voted with them on a division, they have been known to in- clude thousands of shares on which a small sum only was paid up, counting them as though fully paid up. To complete the sketch, it requires to say something on the management of board meetings and meetings of the shareholders. For the first-their decisions are affected by various manquvres. Of course, on the fit occasions, there is a whipping-up of those favourable to any project which it is desired to carry. Were this all, there would be little to complain of; but something more than this is done. There are boards in which it is the practice to defeat opposition by stratagem. The extension party RAILWAY . MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. having summoned their forces for the occasion, and having entered on the minutes of business a notice worded with the requisite vagueness, shape their proceedings according to the character of the meeting. Should their antagonists muster more strongly than was expected, this vaguely-worded notice serves simply to introduce some general statement or further informa- tion concerning the project named in it; and the matter is passed over as though nothing more had been meant. On the contrary, should the proportion of the two sides be more favour- able, the notice becomes the basis of a definite motion commit- ting the board to some important procedure. If due precautions have been taken, the motion is passed; and once passed, those who, if present, would have resisted it, have no remedy ; for in railway government there is no "second reading,” much less a third. So determined and so unscrupulous are the efforts some- times made by the stronger party to overcome and silence their antagonists, that when a contested measure, carried by them at the board, has to go before a general meeting for confirmation, they have even been known to pass a resolution that their dis- sentient colleagues shall not address the proprietary ! How, at half-yearly and special meetings, shareholders should be so readily led by boards, even after repeated experience of their untrustworthiness, seems at first sight difficult to under- stand. The mystery disappears, however, on inquiry. Very frequently, contested measures are carried quite against the sense of the meetings before which they are laid, by means of the large number of proxies previously collected by the directors. These proxies are obtained mostly from proprietors scattered every where throughout the kingdom, who are very generally weak enough to sign the first document sent to them. Then, of those present when the question is brought to an issue, not many dare attempt a speech ; of those who dare, but few are clear- headed enough to see the full bearings of the measure they are about to vote upon; and such as can see it are often prevented RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY, 27 by nervousness from doing justice to the views they hold. Moreover, it must be borne in mind that the party displaying antagonism to the board are apt to be regarded by their brother proprietors with more or less reprobation. Unless the miscon- duct of the governing body has been very glaring and very recent, there ever arises in the mass, a prejudice against all playing the part of an opposition. They are condemned as noisy, and factious, and obstructive; and often only by very determined courage avoid being put down. Besides these negative reasons for the general inefficiency of shareholders' resistance, there are sundry positive ones. As writes a Member of Parliament who has been an extensive holder of stock in many Companies from the first days of railway enterprise :-"My large and long acquaintance with Railway Companies' affairs enables me to say, that a large majority of shareholders trust wholly to their directors, having little or no information, nor caring to have any opinion of their own:.... some others, better informed but timid, are afraid, by opposing the directors, of causing a depreciation of the value of their stock in the market, and are more alarmed at the pro- spect of this temporary depreciation than at the permanent loss entailed on the company by the useless, and therefore un profit- able, outlay of additional capital:. ... others again, believing that the impending permanent evil is inevitable, resolve on the spot to sell out immediately, and to keep up the prices of their shares, also give their support to the directors.” Thus, from the lack of organization and efficiency among those who express their opposition, and from the timidity and double-facedness of those who do not, it happens that extremely unwise projects are carried by large majorities. Nor is this all. The tactics of the aggressive party are commonly as skilful as those of their antagonists are bungling. In the first place, the chairman, who is very generally the chief promoter of the contested scheme, has it in his power to favour those who take his own side, and to throw difficulties in the way of opponents; and this he not un- 28 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. frequently does to a great extent—refusing to hear, putting down on some plea of breach of order, browbeating, even using threats.* It generally turns out too, that whether intentionally or not, some of the most important motions are postponed until nearly the close of the meeting, when the greater portion of the shareholders are gone. Large money-votes, extensive powers, unlimited permits to directors to take, in certain matters, “such steps as in their judgment they may deem most expedient,”— these, and the like, are left to be hurried over during the last half-hour, when the tired and impatient remnant will no longer listen to objectors; and when those who have personal ends to serve by outstaying the rest, carry every thing their own way. Indeed, in some instances, the arrangements are such as almost to ensure the meeting becoming a pro-extension one towards the end. The result is brought about thus :-A certain portion of the general body of proprietors are also proprietors of some sub- ordinate work-some branch line, or steam-boats, or canal, which the Company has purchased or leased; and as holders of guaranteed stock, probably having capital to take up further such stock if they can get it, they are naturally favourable to projects that are to be executed on the preference-share system. These hold their meeting for the declaration of dividend, &c., as soon as the meeting of the Company at large has been dissolved; and in the same room. Hence it happens, that being kept together by the prospect of subsequent business, they gradually, towards the close of the general meeting, come to form the majority of those present; and the few ordinary shareholders who * We may remark in passing, that the practice of making the chairman of the board also chairman of the half-yearly meetings, is a very injudicious one. The directors are ihe servants of the proprietary; and meet them from time to time to render an account of their stewardship. That the chief of these ser- vants, whose proceedings are about to be examined, should himself act as chief of the jury is absurd. Obviously, the business of each meeting should be con- ducted by.some one independently chosen for the purpose; as the Speaker is chosen by the House of Commons. RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. have been patient enough to stay, are outvoted by those having interests quite distinct from their own-quite at variance with the welfare of the Company. And here this allusion to the preference-share system, intro- duces us to a fact which may fitly close this detail of private interests and questionable practices—a fact serving at once to illustrate the subtlety and concert of railway officialism, and the power it can exert. That this fact may be fully appreciated, it must be premised, that though preference-shares do not usually carry votes, they are sometimes specially endowed with them ; and further, that they occasionally remain unpaid up until the expiration of a time after which no further calls can be legally made. In the case in question, a large number of £50 prefer- ence-shares had thus long stood with but £5 paid. Those desirous of promoting extensions, &c., had here a fine oppor- tunity of getting great power in the Company at small cost; and as we shall see, they duly availed themselves of it. Already had their party twice tried to thrust the proprietary into a new undertaking of great magnitude. Twice had they entailed on them an expensive and harassing contest. A third time, notwith- standing a professed relinquishment of it, they brought forward substantially the same scheme, and were defeated only by a small majority. The following extracts from the division lists we take from the statement of one of the scrutineers. --See Table, p. 30. 1 To this list, some seven or eight of the Company's tradesmen, similarly armed, might be added ; raising the amount of the almost factitious shares held by functionaries to about 5200, and increasing the number of votes commanded by them, from its present total of 1068 to upwards of 1100. If now we separate the £380,000, which these gentlemen bring to bear against their brother shareholders, into real and nominal ; we find that whilst not quite £120,000 of it is bonâ fide property invested, the remaining £260,000 is nine parts shadow and one part substance. And thus it results, that by virtue of certain RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. 301. Pre- foronco Sharos with 51. paid up. Additional Stock or Sharos. Recorded Total Stock at actual the Poll as! Capital hold. paid up. Number of Votes scored for tho Cxton- gion. The Company's solicitor - 1 500 ( 7,5001. stock, and ) 100 501. shares, with 421. 10s. paid up. 75,650 18,140 188 778 60 150 300 20 None None. None. 4,26C1. stock. 3,000 7,500 71,966 13 750 11,036 1,354 200 125 2,000 1,0001. stock. 2001. stock. 11,000 6,450 825 Ditto in joint account with another - - The solicitor's partner - The Company's engineer - The engineer's partner. - One of the Company's par- liamentary counsel Another ditto, ditto - Local solicitor for the pro- posed extension - The Company's contractor for permanent-way The Company's conveyancer/ The Company's furuiture printer - - - - The Company's surveyor - The Company's architect - None. 350 347 1,003 52,8331. 3331. stock. I 70,183 50,483 54,568 5,348 158 118 35 360 217 10,0001. stock. 11,750 10,175 1,2501. stock. 19,250 13,050 14,9161. stock; 119 507. 32,230 20,416 shares, with 421. 10s. paid up; and 13 407. shares, with 341. paid up. 37 8331. stock. 1,683 918 One of the Company's car. riers - - 1 The Company's bankers: One partner - - - Another partner - - Ditto in joint account with another :: 33,666 2,500 32,366 2,500 1,000 850 stock actually representing but £26,000, these lawyers, engi- neers, counsel, conveyancers, contractors, bankers, and others interested in the promotion of new schemes, outweigh more than a quarter of a million of the real capital held by share- holders whom these schemes will injure! Need we any longer wonder, then, at the persistence of Railway Companies in seemingly reckless competition and ruinous extensions ? Is not this obstinate continuance of a policy that has year after year proved disastrous, sufficiently explicable on contemplating the many illegitimate influences at work? Is it not manifest that the small organized party RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. always out-manæuvres the large unorganized one? Consider their respective characters and circumstances. Here are the shareholders diffused throughout the whole kingdom, in towns and country houses; knowing nothing of each other, and too remote to co-operate were they acquainted. Very few of them see a railway journal; not many a daily one; and scarcely any know much of railway politics. Necessarily a fluctuating body, only a small number are familiar with the Compauy's history -its acts, engagements, policy, management. A great propor- tion are incompetent to judge of the questions that come before them, and lack decision to act out such judgments as they may form-executors who do not like to take steps involving much responsibility; trustees fearful of interfering with the property under their care, lest possible luss should entail a lawsuit; widows who have never in their lives acted for themselves in any affair of moment; maiden ladies, alike nervous and inno- cent of all business knowledge; clergymen whose daily discipline has been little calculated to make them acute men of the world; retired tradesmen whose retail transactions have given them small ability for grasping large considerations; servants pos- sessed of accumulated savings and cramped notions; with sundry others of like helpless character-all of them rendered more or less conservative by ignorance or timidity, and proportionately inclined to support those in authority. To these should be added the class of temporary shareholders, who, having bought stock on speculation, and knowing that a revolu- tion in the Company is likely to depress prices for a time, have an interest in supporting the board irrespective of the goodness of its policy. Turn now to those whose efforts are directed to railway expansion. Consider the constant pressure of local interests—of small towns, of rural districts, of landowners-all of them eager for branch accommodation ; all of them with great and definite advantages in view ; few of them conscious of the loss those advantages may entail on others. Remember the 32 . RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. influence of legislators, prompted, some by their constituents, some by personal aims, and encouraged, most of them, by the belief that additional railway facilities are in every case nationally beneficial ; and then calculate the extent to which, as stated to Mr. Cardwell's committee, Parliament has “excited and urged forward” Companies into rivalry. Observe the temptations under which lawyers are placed—the vast profits accruing to them from every railway contest, whether ending in success or failure; and then imagine the magnitude and subtlety of their extension manquvring. Conceive the urgency of the engineering profession, to the richer of whom more railway- making means more wealth; to the mass of whom more railway-making means daily bread. Estimate the capitalist- power of contractors, whose unemployed plant brings heavy loss; whose plant when employed brings great gain. Then recollect that to these last-lawyers, engineers, and contractors business—a business to which every energy is directed ; in which long years of practice have given great skill; and to the facilitation of which, all means tolerated by men of the world are thought justifiable. Finally, consider that the classes interested in carrying out new schemes, are in constant oom- munication; and have every facility for combined action. A great part of them live in London, and most of these have offices at Westminster-in Great George Street, in Parliament Street, clustering round the Legislature. Not only are they thus concentrated, not only are they throughout the year in frequent business intercourse; but during the session they are daily together, in Palace Yard hotels, in the lobbies, in the committee-rooms, in the House of Commons itself. Is it any wonder then, that the wide-spread, ill-informed, unorganised body of shareholders, standing severally alone, and each pre- occupied with his daily affairs, should be continually out- generalled by the comparatively small but active, skilful, RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. combined body opposed to them, whose very occupation is at stake in gaining the victory? “But how about the directors ?” it will perhaps be asked. “How can they be parties to these obviously unwise' under- takings? They are themselves shareholders : they gain by what benefits the proprietary at large ; they lose by what injures it. And if without their consent, or rather their agency, no new scheme can be adopted by the Company, the classes interested in fostering railway enterprise are powerless to do harm." This belief in the identity of directorial and proprietary interests, is the fatal error commonly made by shareholders. It is this which, in spite of many bitter experiences, leads them to be so careless and so trustful. “Their profit is our profit; their loss is our loss; they know more than we do; therefore let us leave the matter to them.” Such is the argument which more or less definitely passes through the shareholding mind- an argument of which the premises are vicious, and the inference disastrous. Let us consider it in detail. Not to dwell upon the many disclosures that have in years past been made respecting the share-trafficking of boards, and the large profits realized by it-disclosures which alone suffice to disprove the assumed identity between the interests of direc- tors and proprietary—and taking for granted that little, if any, of this now takes place; let us go on to notice the still-prevailing influences which render this apparent unity of purpose decep- tive. The immediate interest which directors have in the pros- perity of the Company, is often much less than is supposed. Occasionally they possess only the bare qualification of £1000 worth of stock. In some instances even this is partly nominal. Admitting, however, as we do frankly, that in the great majority of cases the full qualification, and much more than the qualifi- cation, is held; yet it must be borne in mind that the indirect advantages which a wealthy member of a board may gain from: 34 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. the prosecution of a new undertaking, will often far outweigh the direct injury it will inflict on him by the depreciation of his shares. A board usually consists, to a considerable extent, of gentlemen residing at different points throughout the tract of country traversed by the railway they control : some of them landowners; some merchants or manufacturers ; some owners of mines or shipping. Almost always these are advantaged more or less by a new branch or feeder. Those in close proximity to it, often gain great benefits either by enhanced value of land, or by increased facilities of transit for their commodities. Those at more remote parts of the main linc, though less directly interested, are still frequently interested in some degree : for every extension opens up new markets either for produce or raw materials ; and if it is one effecting a junction with some other system of railways, the greater mercantile conveniences afforded to directors thus circum- stanced, become important. Obviously, therefore, the indirect profits accruing to such from the prosecution of one of these new undertakings, may more than counterbalance the direct loss upon their railway investments; and though there are, doubtless, men far too honourable to let such considerations sway them, yet the generality can scarcely fail to be affected by temptations so strong. Then we have further to bear in mind the influences brought to bear upon directors having seats in Parliament. Already these have been noticed ; and we recur to them only for the purpose of pointing out that here, too, the immediate evil of an increased discouut on his £1000 worth of stock, may be to a director of much less consequence than the favours, patronage, influence, connections, position, which his aid in the carrying of a new scheme will bring him- a consideration which, without saying how far it applies, suffices to show that in this respect, also, the supposed identity of in- terests between directors and shareholders does not hold. · But, greatly as this supposed identity is weakened by the RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. influenoes assigned, the disunion of interests they produce is further increased by the system of preference-stock. Were there no other cause in action, this practice of raising capital for supplementary undertakings, by the issue of shares bearing a guaranteed interest of 5, 6, and 7 per cent., would alone suffice to destroy that community of motives which is supposed to exist between a railway proprietary and its executive. Little as the fact is at present recognised, it is yet readily demon- strable that by raising one of these mortgages, a Company is forthwith divided into two classes : consisting, the one of the richer shareholders, inclusive of the directors, and the other of the poorer shareholders ; of which classes the richer one can protect itself from the losses which the poorer one has to bear -nay, can even profit by the losses of the poorer one. This assertion, startling as it will be to many, we will proceed to prove. When the capital required for the execution of a branch or extension is raised by means of guaranteed shares, it is the custom to offer to each proprietor, the privilege of taking up a number of such shares proportionate to the number of his criginal shares. It is manifest that by availing himself of this offer, he more or less effectually protects himself against any possible loss which the new undertaking may entail. Should this, not fulfilling the promises of its advocates, diminish in some degree the general dividend; yet, a high dividend on the due proportion of preference-stock, may nearly or quite com- pensate for this. Hence, it becomes the policy of all who can do so, to take up as many guaranteed shares as they can get. But what happens when the circular announcing this apportion- ment of guaranteed shares is sent round to the proprietary ? Those who possess much stock, being generally capitalists, forthwith apply for as many as they are entitled to. On the other hand, the smaller holders, constituting as they do the bulk of the Company, having no available funds with which to pay 36 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. the calls on new shares, are obliged to decline them. What results ? When this additional line has been opened, and it turns out, as usual, that its revenue is insufficient to meet the guaranteed dividend on its shares — when the general income of the Company is laid under contribution to make up this guaranteed dividend—when, as a consequence, the dividend on the original stock is diminished; then the poorer shareholders who possess original stock only, find themselves losers ; whilst the richer ones, possessing guaranteed shares in addition, find that their gain on preference dividends nearly or quite counter- balances their loss on general dividends. Indeed, as above hinted, the case is even worse. For as there is nothing requiring the large share-proprietor who has obtained his proportion of guaranteed stock, to retain his original stock—as, if he doubts the paying character of the new undertaking, there is no reason why he should not gradually dispose of such part of his invest- ment as will suffer from it; it is obvious that he may, if he pleases, become the possessor of preference shares only; and may so obtain a handsome return for his money at the ex- pense of the Company at large and the small shareholders in particular. To what extent this policy is pursued we do not pretend to say. All which it here concerns us to notice, is, that directors being almost always men of large means, and being therefore able to avail themselves of this guaranteed stock, by which at least much loss may be warded off, if not profit made, are liable to be swayed by motives different from those of the general proprietary. And that they often are so swayed there cannot be à doubt. Without assuming that any of them will be guilty of so flagitious an intention as that of benefiting at the cost of their co-proprietors; and believing, as we do, that few of them duly realize the fact that the protec- tion they will have, is a protection not available to the mass of the shareholders; we think it is a rational induction from com- mon experience, that this prospect of compensation will often . 37 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. turn the scale in the minds of those who are hesitating, and diminish the opposition on the part of those who disapprove. Thus, the belief which leads the majority of railway share- holders to place in plicit faith in their directors, is an erroneous one. It is not true that there is an identity of interest between the proprietary and its executive. It is not true that the board forms an efficient guard against the intrigues of lawyers, engi- neers, contractors, and others who profit by railway making. On the contrary, it is true that its members are not only liable to be drawn from their line of duty by various indirect motives, but that by the system of guaranteed shares they are placed under a positive temptation to betray their constituents. And now what is the proximate origin of all these corrup- tions ? and what is the remedy for them ? What general error in railway legislation is it that has made possible such complicated chicanerics? Whence arises this facility with which interested persons continually thrust companies into unwise enterprises ? We believe there is a very simple answer to these questions. It is an answer, however, which will at first sight be thought quite irrelevant: and we doubt not that the corollary we pro- pose drawing from it, will be forth with condernned by practical men as incapable of being acted on. Nevertheless, if such will give us a little time to explain, we are not without hopes of showing, both that the evils laboured under would be excluded were this principle recognised, and that the recognition of it is not only feasible, but would even open the way out of some of the perplexities in which railway legislation is at present involved. We conceive, then, that the fundamental vice of our system, as hitberto carried out, lies in the misinterpretation of the pro- prietary contract - the contract tacitly entered into between each shareholder and the body of shareholders with whom he unites; and that the remedy desired lies simply in the en- forcement of an equitable interpretation of this contract. In 38 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. reality it is a strictly limited one: in practice it is treated as altogether unlimited : and the thing needed is, that it should be clearly defined and abided by. Our popular form of government has so habituated us to seeing public questions decided by the voice of the majority, and the system is so manifestly equitable in the cases daily before us, that there has been produced in the general mind, an unhesitating belief that the majority's power is unbounded. Under what- ever circumstances, or for whatever ends, a number of men co- operate, it is held that whenever difference of opinion arises among them, justice requires that the will of the greater number shall be executed rather than that of the smaller number; and this rule is supposed to be uniformly applicable, be the question at issue what it may. So confirmed is this conviction, and so little have the ethics of the matter been considered, that to most this mere suggestion of a doubt will cause some astonish- ment. Yet it needs bnt a brief analysis to show that the opinion is little better than a political superstition. Instances may readily be selected, serving at once to prove, by reductio ad absurdum, that the right of a majority is a purely conditional right, valid only within specific limits. Let us take a few. Suppose that at the general meeting of some philanthropic association, it was resolved that in addition to relieving distress the association should employ home-missionaries to preach down popery. Might the subscriptions of Catholics, who had joined the body with charitable views, be rightfully used for this end? Suppose that of the members of a book-club, the greater number, thinking that under existing circumstances rifle-practice was more important than reading, should decide to change the purpose of their union, and to apply the funds in hand for the purchase of powder, ball, and targets. Would the rest be bound to abide by this decision ? Suppose that under the excitement of news from Australia, the majority of a Freehold Land Society should determine, not simply to start in a body for the gold RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. 39 diggings, but to use their accumulated capital to provide outfits. Would this appropriation of property be just to the minority ? And must these join the expedition ? Scarcely any one would venture an affirmative answer even to the first of these questions ; much less to the others. And why? Because all must more or less clearly perceive that by uniting himself with others, no man can equitably be betrayed into acts utterly foreign to the purpose for which he joined them. Each of these supposed minorities would properly reply to those seeking to coerce them :-“We combined with you for a defined object; we gave money and time for the furtherance of that object; on all questions thence arising, we tacitly agreed to conform to the will of the greater number ; but we did not agree to conform on any other questions. If you induce us to join you by pro- fessing a certain end, and then undertake some other end of which we were not apprised, you obtain our support under false pretènces ; you exceed the expressed or understood compact to which we committed ourselves; and we are no longer bound by your decisions." Clearly this is the only rational interpretation of the matter. The general principle underlying the right government of every incorporated body, is, that its members contract with each other severally to submit to the will of the majority in all matters concerning the fulfilment of the objects for which they were incorporated; but in no others. To this extent only can the contract hold. For as it is implied in the very nature of a contract, that those entering into it must know what they contract to do; and as those who unite with others for a specified object, cannot contemplate all the unspecified objects which it is hypothetically possible for the union to undertake; it follows that the contract entered into cannot extend to such unspecified objects : and if there exists no expressed or under- stood contract between the union and its members respecting .unspecified objects, then for the majority to coerce the minority into undertaking them, is nothing less than gross tyranny. . 40 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. : Now this almost self-evident principle is wholly ignored alike in our railway legislation and the proceedings of our companies. Definite as is the purpose with which the promoters of a public enterprise combine, endless other purposes not dreamed of at the outset are commonly added to it; and this, apparently without any suspicion that such a course is altogether unwarrantable, unless taken with the unanimous consent of the proprietors. The unsuspecting shareholder who signed the sub- scription contract for a line from Greatborough to Grandport, did so under the belief that it would not only be a public benefit but a good investment. He was familiar with the country : he had been at some trouble to estimate the traffic : and, fully believing that he knew what he was embarking in, he put down his name for a large amount. The line has been made: a few years of prosperity have justified his foresight: when, at some fatal special meeting, a project is put before hina for a branch from Littlehomestead to Stonyfield. The will of the board and the intrigues of the interested, overbear all opposition ; and in spite of the protests of many who like him see its impolicy, he presently finds himself involved in an undertaking which, when he joined the promoters of the original line, he had not the remotest conception would ever be proposed. From year to year this proceeding is repeated ; his dividends dwindle and his shares go down ; and eventually the congeries of enterprises to which he is committed, grows so vast that the first enterprise of the series becomes but a small fraction of the whole. Yet it is in virtue of his consent to this first of the series, that all the rest are thrust upon him. He feels that there is an injustice some- where; but, believing in the unlimited right of a majority; fails to detect it. He does not see that when the first of these ex- tensions was proposed, he should have denied the power of his brother-shareholders to implicate him in an undertaking not contemplated in their deed of incorporation. He should have told the advocates of such undertaking that they were perfectly RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY, 41 free to form a separate Company for the execution of it; but that they could not rightfully compel dissentients to join in a new project, any more than they could rightfully have com- pelled dissentients to join in the original project. Had such a shareholder united with others for the specified general purpose of making railways, he would have had no ground for protest. But he united with others for the specified purpose of making a particular railway. Yet such is the confusion of ideas on the subject, that there is absolutely no difference recognised between these cases ! It will doubtless be alleged in defence of all this, that these secondary enterprises are in reality supplementary to the origi- nal one—are in some sense undertaken for the furtherance of it; professedly minister to its prosperity; cannot, therefore, be re- garded as altogether separate enterprises. And it is true that they have this for their excuse. But if it is a sufficient excuse for accessories of this nature, it may be made a sufficient excuse for any accessories whatever. Already, Companies have carried the practice beyond the making of branches and extensions. Already, under the plea of bringing more traffic to their lines, they have constructed docks; bought lines of steam-packets; built vast hotels ; deepened river-channels. Already, they have created small towns for their workmen ; erected churches and schools; salaried clergymen and teachers. Are these warranted on the ground of advancing the Companies' interests? Then, thousands of other undertakings are similarly warranted. If a view to the development of traffic, justifies the making of a branch to some neighbouring coal-mines; then, should the coal- mines be inefficiently worked, the same view would justify the purchase of them—would justify the Company in becoming coal- miners and coal-sellers. If anticipated increase of goods and passengers iş a sufficient reason for carrying a feeder into an agricultural district; then, it is a sufficient reason for organizing a system of coaches and waggons to run in connexion with this 42 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. feeder; for making the requisite horse-breeding establishments; for hiring the needful farms; for buying estates ; for becoming agriculturists. If it be allowable to purchase steamers plying in conjunction with the railway; it must be allowable to purchase merchant vessels to trade in conjunction with it; it must be allowable to set up a yard for building such vessels ; it must be allowable to erect depôts at foreign ports for the receipt of goods; it must be allowable to employ commission agents for the col- lection of such goods ; it must be allowable to extend a mercan- tile organization all over the world. From making its own engines and carriages, a Company may readily progress to manufacturing its own iron and growing its own timber. From giving its employés secular and religious instruction, and provid- ing houses for them; it may go on to supply them with food, clothing, medical attendance, and all the needs of life. From being simply a corporation to make and work a railway between A. and B.; it may become a miner, manufacturer, merchant, shipowner, canal-proprietor, hotel-keeper, landowner, house builder, farmer, retail-trader, priest, teacher-an organj- tion of indefinite extent and complication. There is no logical alterna- tive between permitting this, and strictly limiting the corpora- tion to the object first agreed upon. A man joining with others for a specific purpose, must be held to commit himself to that purpose only ; or else to all purposes whatever that they may choose to undertake. But proprietors dissenting from one of these supplementary projects are told that they have the option of selling out. So might the dissentients from a new State-enforced creed be told, that if they did not like it they might leave the country. The one reply is little more satisfactory than the other would be. The opposing shareholder sees himself in possession of a good in- vestment--one perhaps which, as an original subscriber, he ran some risk in obtaining. This investment is now about to be en- dangered by an act not named in the deed of incorporation, And RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY, his protests are met by saying, that if he fears the danger he may part with his investment. Surely this choice between two evils scarcely meets his claims. Moreover, he has not even this in any fair sense. It is often an unfavourable time to sell. The very rumour of one of these extensions frequently causes a de- preciation of stock. And if many of the minority throw their shares on the market, this depreciation is greatly increased; a fact which further hinders them from selling. Thus, the choice is in reality between parting with a good investment at much less than its value; and running the risk of having its value greatly diminished. The injustice inflicted upon minorities in the prosecution of this extension policy, is, indeed, already recognised in a certain vague way. The recently established Standing Order of the House of Lords, that before a Company can carry out any new : undertaking, three-fourths of the votes of the proprietors shall be recorded in its favour, clearly implies a perception that the usual rule of the majority does not apply. And again, in the case of The Great Western Railway Company versus Rushout, the decision that the funds of the Company could not be used for purposes not originally authorized, without a special legisla- tive permit, involves the doctrine that the will of the greater nuniber is not of unlimited validity. In both these cases, how- ever, it is taken for granted that a State-warrant can justify what without it would be unjustifiable. We must take leave to question this. If it be held that an Act of Parliament can make murder proper, or can give rectitude to robbery; it may be consistently held that it can sanctify a breach of contract; but not otherwise. We are not about to enter upon the vexed question of the standard of right and wrong; and to inquire whether it is the function of a Government to make rules of conduct, or simply to enforce rules deducible from the laws of social life. We are content, for the occasion, to adopt the expe- diency-hypothesis ; and adopting it, must yet contend, that, 44 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. rightly interpreted, it gives no countenance to this supposed power of a Government to alter the limits of an equitable con- tract against the wishes of some of the contracting parties. For, as understood by its teachers and their chief disciples, the doc- trine of expediency is not a doctrine implying that each particu- lar act is to be determined by the particular consequences that may be expected to flow from it; but that the general conse- quences of entire classes of acts having been ascertained by induction from experience, rules shall be framed for the regula- tiou of such classes of acts, and each rule shall be uniformly applied to every act coming under it. Our whole administration of justice proceeds on this principle of invariably enforcing an ordained course, regardless of special results. Were immediate consequences to be considered, the verdict gained by the rich creditor against the poor debtor would generally be reversed ; for the starvation of the last is a much greater evil than the in- convenience of the first. Most thefts arising from distress would go unpunished ; a great portion of men's wills would be cancelled ; many of the wealthy would be dispossessed of their fortunes. But it is clearly seen, that were judges thus guided by proximate evils and benefits, the ultimate result would be social confusion ; that what was inmediately expedient would be ultimately inexpedient; and hence the aim at rigorous uni- formity, spite of incidental hardships. Now, the binding nature of agreements is one of the commonest and most important principles of civil law. A large part of the causes daily heard in our courts, involve the question, whether in virtue of some ex- pressed or understood contract, those concerned are, or are not, bound to certain acts or certain payments. And when it has been decided what the contract implies, the matter is settled. The contract itself is held sacred. And this sacredness of a con- tract, being, according to the expediency-hypothesis, justified by the experience of all nations in all times that it is generally beneficial, it is not competent for a Legislature to declare that RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. 43 contracts are violable. Assuming always that the contracts are themselves equitable, there is no rational system of ethics which warrants the alteration or dissolving of them, save by the con- sent of all concerned. If then it be shown, as we think it has been shown, that the contract tacitly entered into by railway shareholders with each other, has definite limits; it is the func- tion of the Government to enforce, and not to abolish, those limits. It cannot decline to enforce them without running counter, not only to all theories of moral obligation, but to its own judicial system. It cannot abolish them without glaring self-stultification. · Returning, for a moment, to the manifold evils of which the misinterpretation of the proprietary contract was assigned as the cause; it only remains to point out that, were the just con- struction of this contract insisted upon, such evils would, in great part, be impossible. The various illicit influences by which Companies are daily betrayed into disastrous extensions, would necessarily be inoperative when such extensions could not be undertaken by them. When such extensions had to be undertakeu by independent bodies of shareholders, with no one to guarantee them good dividends, the local and class interests would find it a less easy matter than at present to aggrandize themselves at the expense of others. And now as to the policy of thus modifying railway legis- lation—the commercial policy we mean. Leaving out of sight the more general social interests, let us glance at the effects on mercantile interests-the proximate instead of the ultimate effects. The implication contained in the last paragraph, that the making of branches and supplementary lines would do longer be so facile, will be thought to prove the disadvantage of any such limit as the one advocated. Many will argue, that to restrict Companies to their original undertakings would fa- tally cripple railway enterprise. Many others will remark, that, 46 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. however detrimental to shareholders this extension system may have been, it has manifestly proved beneficial to the public. Both these positions seem to us more than questionable. We will first look at the last of them. Even were travelling accommodation the sole thing to be considered, it would not be true that prodigality in new lines has been advantageous. The districts supplied have, in many cases, themselves been injured by it. It is shown by the evi- dence given before the Select Committee on Railway and Canal Bills, that in Lancashire, the existence of competing lines has, in some cases, both diminished the facilities of communication and increased the cost. It is further shown by this evidence, that a town obtaining branches from two antagonist Companies, by-and-by, in consequence of a working arrangement between these Companies, comes to be worse off than if it had but one branch--and Hastings is quoted as an example. It is again shown that a district may be wholly deprived of railway accom- modation by the granting of a superfluity of lines; as in the case of Wilts and Dorset. In 1844-5, the Great Western and the South Western Companies projected rival systems of lines, supplying these and parts of the adjacent counties. The Board of Trade, “asserting that there was not sufficient traffic to remunerate an outlay for two independent railways,” reported in favour of the Great Western schemes; and bills were granted for them: a certain agreement, suggested by the Board of Trade, being at the same time made with the South Western, which, in return for reciprocal advantages, conceded this dis- trict to its rival. Notwithstanding this agreement, the South Western, in 1847, projected an extension calculated to take most of the traffic from the Great Western extensions; and in 1848, Parliament, though it had virtually suggested this agree- ment, and though the Great Western Company had already spent a million and a half in the part execution of the new lines, authorized the South Western project. The result was, that RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. 47 the Great Western Company suspended their works; the South Western Company were unable, from financial difficulties, to proceed with theirs; the district has remained for years unac- commodated; and only since the powers granted to the South Western have expired from delay, has the Great Western re- commenced its long-suspended undertakings. And if this excessive multiplication of supplementary lines has often directly decreased the facilities of communication, still more has it done this indirectly, by maintaining the cost of tra- velling ou the main lines. Little as the public in general are conscious of the fact, it is nevertheless true, that they pay for the accommodation of unremunerative districts by high fares in remunerative districts. Before this reckless branch-making commenced, 8 and 9 per cent. were the dividends returned by our chief railways; and these dividends were rapidly increasing. The maximum dividend allowed by their Acts is 10 per cent. Had there not been unprofitable extensions, this maximum would have been reached many years since; and in the absence of the power to undertake new works, the fact that it had been reached could not have been hidden. Lower rates for goods and passengers would necessarily have followed. These would have caused a large increment of traffic; and with the aid of the natural increase otherwise going on, the maximum would shortly again have been reached. There can scarcely be a doubt that repetitions of this process would, before now, have reduced the fares and freights on our main lines to at least one third less than the present ones. This reduction, be it remem- bered, would have affected those railways which subserve com- mercial and social intercourse in the greatest degree-would, therefore, have applied to the most important part of the traffic throughout the kingdom. As it is, however, this greater pro- portion of the traffic has been heavily taxed for the benefit of the smaller proportion. That the tens who travel on branches might have railway communication, the hundreds who travel 48 . RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. . along main lines have been charged 30, perhaps 40 per cent. extra. Nay, worse: that these tens might be accommodated, the hundreds who would have been brought on to the main lines by lower fares have gone unaccommodated. Is it then so clear that undertakings which may have been disastrous to shareholders have yet been beneficial to the public? But it is not only in greater cost of transit that the evil has been felt; it has been felt also in diminished safety. The mul- tiplication of railway accidents, which has of late years drawn so much attention, has been in no inconsiderable degree caused by the extension policy. The relation is not obvious; and we had ourselves no conception that such a relation existed, until the facts illustrative of it were furnished to us by a director who had witnessed the whole process of causation. When preference-share dividends and guarantees began to make large draughts upon half-yearly revenues—when original stock was greatly depreciated, and the dividends upon it fell from 9 and 8 per cent. to 41 and 4 and 31, great dissatisfaction necessarily arose among shareholders. There were stormy meetings, inotions of censure, and committees of investigation. Retrench- ment was the general cry; and retrenchment was carried to a most imprudent extent. Directors with an indignant proprie- tary to face, and under the fear that their next dividend would be no greater, perhaps less, than the last, dared not to lay out money for the needful repairs. Permanent way, reported to them as requiring to be replaced, was made to serve awhile longer. Old rolling stock was not superseded by new to the proper extent; nor increased in proportion to the demand. Committees, appointed to examine where the expenditure could be cut down, went round discharging a porter here, dispensing with a clerk there, and diminishing the salaries of the officials in general. To such a length was this policy carried, that in one case, to effect a saving of £1200 per annum, the working staff was so crippled as to cause, in the course of a few years, a RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. 49 loss of probably £100,000—such, at least, is the opinion of the gentleman on whose authority we make this statement, who was himself one of the retrenchment committee. What, now, was the necessary result of all this? With the line out of con- dition; with engines and carriages neither sufficient in number nor in the best working order; with drivers, guards, porters, clerks, and the rest, decreased to the smallest number with which it was possible to work; with inexperienced managers in place of the experienced ones driven away by reduced salaries; what was likely to occur? Was it not certain that an apparatus of means just competent to deal with the ordinary traffic, would be incompetent to deal with extraordinary traffic? that a decimated body of officials under inferior regulation, would fail in the emergencies sure from time to time to occur? that with way and works and rolling stock all below par, there would occasionally be a concurrence of small defects, permitting some- thing to go wrong? Was not a multiplication of accidents inevitable? No one can doubt it. And if we trace back this result step by step to its original carise—the reckless expendi- ture in new lines—we shall see further reason to doubt whether such expenditure has been as advantageous to the public as is supposed. We shall hesitate to indorse the opinion of the Select Committee on Railway and Canal Bills, that it is de- sirable " to increase the facility for obtaining lines of local con- venience." Still more doubtful becomes the alleged benefit accruing to the public from extensions that cause loss to shareholders, when, from considering the question as one of traffic, we turn to consider it as a general commercial question—a question of political economy. Were there no facts showing that the travelling facilities gained, were counterbalanced, if not more than counterbalanced, by the travelling facilities lost; we should still contend that the making of branches that do not return fair dividends, is a national evil, and not a national good. The 50 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. prevalent error committed in studying matters of this nature, consists in looking at them separately, rather than in connection with other social wants and social benefits. Not only does one of these undertakings, when executed, affect society in various ways; but the effort put forth in the execution of it affects society in various ways: and to form a true estimate, the two sets of results must be compared. The axiom that “action and re-action are equal, and in opposite directions,” is true, not only in mechanics—it is true every where. No power can be put forth by a nation to achieve a given end, without producing, for the time being, a corresponding inability to achieve some other end. No amount of capital can be abstracted for one purpose, without involving an equivalent lack of capital for another purpose. Every advantage wrought out by labour, is purchased by the relinquishment of some alternative advantage which that labour might else have wrought out. In judging, therefore, of the benefits flowing from any public undertaking, it is requisite to consider them not only by themselves, but as contrasted with benefits which the invested capital would otherwise have secured. But how can these relative benefits be measured ? it may be asked. Very simply. The rate of interest which the capital will bring as thus respectively applied, is the measure. Money which, if used for a specific end, gives a smaller return than it would give if otherwise used, is used disadvantageously, not only to its possessors, but to the community. This is a corollary from the commonest principles of political economy—a corollary so simple that we can scarcely understand how, after the free- trade controversy, a committee, numbering among its members Mr. Bright and Mr. Cardwell, should have overlooked it. Have we not been long ago taught, that in the mercantile world capital goes where it is most wanted—that the business which is at any time attracting capital by unusually high returns, is a business proved by that very fact to be unusually active- that its unusual activity shows society to be making great RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. 51 demands upon it; giving it high profits; wanting its com- modities or services more than other commodities or services ? Do not comparisons among our railways demonstrate that those paying large dividends are those subserving the public needs in a greater degree than those paying smaller dividends ? and is it not obvious that the efforts of capitalists to get these larger dividends led them to supply the greater needs before the lesser needs ? Surely, the same law which holds in ordinary commerce, and also holds between one railway investment and another, holds likewise between railway investments and other investments. If the money expended in making branches and feeders is yielding an average return of from 1 to 2 per cent.; whilst if employed in land-draining or ship-building, it would return 4 or 5 per cent. or more; it is a conclusive proof that money is more wanted for land-draining and ship-building than for branch-making. And the general conclusions to be drawn are, that that large proportion of railway capital which does not pay the current rate of interest, is capital ill laid out; that if the returns on such proportion were capitalized at the current rate of interest, the resulting sum would represent its real value; and that the difference between this sum and the amount expended, would indicate the national loss a loss which, on the lowest estimate, would exceed £100,000,000. And however true it may be that the sum invested in unprofitable lines will go on increasing in productiveness; yet as, if more wisely invested, it would similarly have gone on increasing in productiveness, perhaps even at a greater rate, this vast loss must be regarded as a permanent and not as a temporary one. Again then, we ask, is it so obvious that undertakings which have been disastrous to shareholders have been advantageous to the public ? Is it not obvious, rather, that in this respect, as in others, the interests of shareholders and the public are in the end identical? And does it not seem that instead of recom- mending "increased facilities for obtaining lines of local con- 52 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. venience," the Select Committee might properly have reported that the existing facilities are abnormally great, and should be decreased ? There remains still to be considered, the other of the two objections above adverted to as liable to be raised against the proposed interpretation of the proprietary contract—the ob- jection, namely, that it would be a serious hindrance to railway enterprise. After what has already been said, it is scarcelý needful to reply, that the hindrance would be no greater than is natural and healthful—no greater than is requisite to hold in check the private interests at variance with public ones. This notion that railway enterprise will not be carried on with due activity without artificial incentives — that bills for local ex- tensions "rather need encouragement," as the committee say, is nothing but a remnant of protectionism. The motive which has hitherto led to the formation of all independent railway companies—the search of capitalists for good investments- may safely be left to form others as fast as local requirements become great enough to promise fair returns; as fast, that is, as local requirements should be satisfied. This would be manifest enough without illustration ; but there are facts proving it. Already we have incidentally referred to the circumstance, that it has of late become common for landowners, merchants, and others locally interested, to get up railways for their own accommodation, which they do not expect to pay satisfactory dividends; and in which they are yet content to invest consider- able sums, under the belief that the indirect profits accruing to them from increased facilities of traffic, will out-balance the direct loss. To so great an extent is this policy being carried, that, as stated to the Select Committee, “in Yorkshire and Northumberland, where branch lines are being made through mere agricultural districts, the landowners are giving their land for the purpose, and taking shares.” With such examples RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. 53 before us, it cannot rationally be doubted that there will always be capital forthcoming for the making of local lines as soon as the sum of the calculated benefits, direct and indirect, justifies its expenditure. “But," it will be urged, “a branch that would be unremu- nerative as an independent property, is often remunerative to the company that has made it, in virtue of the traffic it brings to the trunk line. Though yielding meagre returns on its own capital, yet, by increasing the returns on the capital of the trunk line, it compensates, or more than compensates. Were the existing company, however, forbidden to extend its under- taking, such a branch would not be made; and injury would result.” This is all true, with the exception of the last assertion, that such a branch would not be made. Though in its corporate - capacity, the company owning the trunk line would be unable to join in a work of this nature; there would be nothing to prevent individual shareholders in the trunk line from doing so to any extent they thought fit: and were the prospects as favourable as is assumed, this course, being manifestly advan- tageous to individual shareholders, would be pursued by many of them. If, acting in concert with others similarly circumstanced, the owner of £10,000 worth of stock in the trunk line, could aid the carrying out of a proposed feeder promising to returu only two per cent, on its cost, by taking shares to the extent of £1000; it would answer his purpose to do this, providing the extra traffic it brought would raise the trunk-line dividend by one-fourth per cent. Thus, under a limited proprietary contract, companies would still, as now, foster extensions where they were wanted : the only difference being, that in the absence of guaranteed dividends, some caution would be shown ; and the poorer shareholders would not, as at present, be sacrificed to the richer. In brief, our position is, that whenever, by the efforts of all parties to be advantaged — local landowners, manufacturers, 64 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. merchants, truuk-line shareholders, &c.—the capital for an ex- tension can be raised whenever it becomes clear to all such, that their indirect profits plus their direct profits will make the investment a paying one; the fact is proof that the line is wanted. On the contrary, whenever the prospective gains to those in- terested, are insufficient to induce them to undertake it; the fact is proof that the line is not wanted so much as other things are wanted; and therefore ought not to be made. Instead then of the principle we advocate being objectionable as a check to railway enterprise, one of its merits is, that by destroying the artificial incentives to such enterprise, it would confine it within normal limits. A perusal of the evidence given before the Select Committee, will show that it has sundry other merits, which we have space only to indicate. It is estimated by Mr. Laing—and Mr. Stephenson, whilst declining to commit himself to the estimate, “ does not believe he has overstated it,"—that out of the £280,000,000 already raised for the construction of our railways, £70,000,000 has been needlessly spent in contests, in duplicate lines, in “the multipli- cation of an immense number of schemes prosecuted at an almost reckless expense ;” and Mr. Stephenson believes that this sum is “a very inadequate representative of the actual loss in point of convenience, economy, and other circumstances connected with traffic, which the public has sustained by reason of parliamentary carelessness in legislating for railways.” Under an equitable interpretation of the proprietary contract, the greater part of this would have been avoided. The competition between rival companies in extension and branch making, which has already done vast injury, and the effects of which, if not stopped, will, in the opinion of Mr. Ste- phenson, be such that “property now paying 51 per cent. will in ten years be worth only 3 per cent., and that on twenty-one millions of money”—this competition could never have existed RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. 55 in its intense and deleterious form under the limiting principle we advocate. Prompted by jealousy and antagonism, our companies have obtained powers for 2000 miles of railway which they have never made. The millions thus squandered in surveys and parliamen- tary contests—“food for lawyers and engineers "--would nearly all have been saved, had each supplementary line been obtain- able only by an independent body of proprietors with no one to shield them from the penalties of reckless scheming. It is admitted that the branches and feeders constructed from competitive motives, have not been laid out in the best directions for the public. To defeat, or retaliate upon, opponents, having been one of the ends--often the chief end—in making them; routes have been chosen especially calculated to effect this end; and the local traffic has in consequence been ill provided for. Had these branches and feeders, however, been left to the enter- prise of their respective districts, aided by such other enterprise as they could attract, the reverse would have been the fact; seeing that on the average, in these smaller cases as in the greater ones, the routes which most accommodate the public must be the routes most profitable to projectors. Were the illegitimate competition in extension-making done away, there would remain between companies just that normal competition which is advantageous to all. It is not true, as is alleged, that there cannot exist between railways a competition analogous to that which exists between traders. The evidence of Mr. Saunders, the secretary of the Great Western Company, proves the contrary. He shows that where the Great Western and the North Western railways communicate with the same towns, as åt Birmingham and Oxford, each has tacitly adopted the fare which the other was charging; and that whilst there is thus no competition in fares, there is competition in speed and accommodation. The results are, that each takes that portion of the traffic, which, in virtue of its position and local circumstances, 56 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY: naturally falls to its share; that each stimulates the other to give the greatest advantages it can afford; and that each keeps the other in order by threatening to take away its natural share of the traffic, if, by ill-behaviour or inefficiency, it counterbalances the special advantages it offers. Now, this is just the form which competition eventually assumes between traders. After it has been ascertained by underselling, what is the lowest remunerative price at which any commodity can be sold, the general results are, that that becomes the established price; that each trader is con- tent to supply those only who, from proximity or other causes, naturally come to him; and that only when he treats his cus: tomers badly, need he fear that they will inconvenience thein- selves by going elsewhere for their goods. Is there not, then, pressing need for an amendment of the làws affecting the proprietary contract, an amendment which shall transform it from an unlimited into a limited contract? or rather--not transform it into such, but recognise it as such? If there be truth in our argument, the absence of any limitation has been the chief cause of the manifold evils of our railway administration. The share-trafficking of directors; the compli- cated intrigues of lawyers, engineers, contractors, and others; the betrayal of proprietaries—all the complicated corruptions which we have detailed, have primarily arisen from it, have been made possible by it. It has rendered travelling more costly and less safe than it would have been; and whilst apparently facilitating traffic, has indirectly hindered it. By fostering antagonism, it has led to the ill laying-out of supplementary lines; to the wasting of enormnous sums in useless parliamentary contests; to the loss of an almost incredible amount of national capital in the making of railways for which there is no due requirement. Regarded in the mass, the investments of shareholders have been reduced by it to less than half the average productiveness which such investments should possess; and, as all authorities RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. 57 admit, railway property is, even now, kept below its real value, by the fear of future depreciations consequent on future exten- sions. Considering then the vastness of the interests at stake- considering that the total capital of our companies will soon reach £300,000,000—considering, on the one hand, the immense number of persons owning this capital (many of them with no incomes but what are derived from it), and, on the other hand, the great extent to which the community is concerned, both directly as to its commercial facilities, and indirectly as to the economy of its resources — considering all this, it becomes extremely important that railway property should be placed on bounds. The change is demanded alike for the welfare of share- holders and the public; and it is one which equity manifestly dictates. No charge of over-legislation can be brought against it. It is simply an extension to joint-stock contracts, of the principle applied to all other contracts; it is merely a fulfilment of the State's judicial function in cases hitherto neglected; it is nothing but a better administration of justico. POSTSCRIPT. . SHORTLY after the publication of the foregoing article in the Edinburgh Review, the writer received sundry letters from gen- tlemen conversant with railway affairs, endorsing the statements and reasonings contained in it, and, along with minor criticisms, giving further facts and arguments in support of its conclusions. The reprinting of the article has offered an opportunity of utilizing this additional matter; and, at the writer's request, two of these gentlemen have been so good as to put their valu- able information and suggestions into a fit form for general currency. The communication which, as being a further exposure of the evils to be remedied, may most conveniently be placed first, refers to certain very recent transactions in one of our leading Railway Companies; whose previous misdoings have supplied some of the most telling illustrations in the preceding pages. A case has been mentioned, in which, after the proprietary had twice rejected certain extensions, which were on each subsequent occasion brought forward under some colourable modification or change of circumstances, they had, even a third time, to go through a harassing and expensive contest to prevent this threatened injury of their property. Such has been the strength and pertinacity of the landowning, parliamentary, official, and directorial influences at work in this case, that there has since been yet another attempt, of course made under plausible pretexts, to force the Company into this same losing under- taking. The following is a narrative of this last series of manæuvres :- POSTSCRIPT. 59 August 3, 1855. . My Dear Sir,—In compliance with your request, I send york the following narrative of the contest in the South Western Rail- way Company, which has just terminated in the complete sub- jugation of the shareholders to the views of the directors. The novel and startling circumstances under which this result has been finally achieved, deserve the attentive consideration of all who are interested in the security of railway property. In the session of 1853, the directors of the South Western Company, being desirous of defeating a pending scheme for a broad gauge railway from Exeter to Dorchester, conceived the project of pledging their own Company to a committee of the House of Commons, to make a narrow gauge railway between the same points. They accordingly, notwithstanding the opposition of two of their body, issued a report to their shareholders advocating such à pledge, and, as an inducement, representing that the Com- pany's existing line from Southampton to Dorchester, in exten- sion of which their proposed line would be constructed, yielded a profit of 34 per cent. This report gave no intimation that there was any difference of opinion amongst the directors; and along with it was sent to each shareholder, at the Company's expense, a stamped form of proxy-not in blank so that the shareholder might intrust it to whom he might think fit—but with the names of the chairman and deputy-chairman inserted in print, so as to enable them to vote in the name and according to the directions of the shareholder, at a meeting of the Company to be held on the 19th of May, 1853. A pressing canvass of the larger shareholders in favour of the scheme was at the same time made by the chairman and some of the directors. A considerable number of proxies in support of the directors' project was by these means obtained; and, at the meeting, the chairman proposed that the directors should be empowered to pledge the Company to bring in a bill, in the session of 1854, 60 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. for a single line of railway from Dorchester through Bridport to Exeter, in extension of the Company's existing railway from Southampton to Dorchester, which was also a single line. Much opposition was made to this proposal. Mr. Mortimer, a director eminently versed in questions of traffic, entirely denied the accuracy of the directors' statements as to the profits of the Southampton and Dorchester line. It was also con- tended that the railway which the directors wished to defeat, would be a useful feeder to the South Western lines. The directors, however, with the aid of the proxies obtained on the representations in their report, had a considerable majority in favour of their proposal. Notwithstanding the efforts of the directors, however, not one- third of the shareholders were induced to execute proxies in favour of the pledge, or otherwise to assent to it. The sharehold- ers who actually opposed the pledge, held about £600,000 of the Company's stock. On the conclusion of the meeting, Mr. Henry Wood, a large shareholder, delivered in a written pro- test against the projected pledge. The illegality and invalidity of such a pledge are obvious to every lawyer who has studied the constitution of public com- panies. The violation of the proprietary contract, by which shareholders in a Company incorporated for the purpose of one undertaking, may be forced into a new and different under- taking (unjust as it is at best), at all events confessedly requires an act of parliament for its accomplishment. Nobody has ever pretended that the mere vote of a meeting is sufficient for such a purpose. But the system under which acts of parliament are, granted, enabling existing Companies to embark in new under- takings, at all events gives the shareholders some time for consideration, and some protection against surprise. Before the introduction of a bill for such a purpose, authority must usually be obtained from the shareholders for raising the necessary. capital. The bill itself is pending for many months. If, during POSTSCRIPT, 61 e held by capital, may dority of them this period, any improvidence or dishonesty in the scheme is pointed out, the shareholders, or even a minority of them holding a prescribed amount of capital, may defeat it at the meeting required to be held by the Wharncliffe order of the House of Lords. It is true, that, notwithstanding these oppor- tunities, a project advocated by the directors is seldom rejected by the shareholders. But if, as was attempted here, a Company could irrevocably pledge itself to a new scheme, of whatever magnitude, within a few days after the first suggestion of such a project by the directors; and if such a pledge could, by anti- cipation, deprive the shareholders, including those who had not assented to it, of the opportunities for consideration, and the right of rejecting new projects at a Wharncliffe meeting, which are afforded by the ordinary practice of parliament; the insecurity which the prevalence of the extension policy has attached to railway property, would be tenfold greater than at present. However, having obtained the resolution of the meeting of the 19th May, 1853, Mr. Francis Scott, M.P., the then chairman of the Company, went before the Committee of the House of Com- mons, and, being examined, proposed to pledge his Company to make the single line of railway from Dorchester, through Brid- port, to Exeter, which the meeting had sanctioned. At a later stage of the proceedings, the Committee, in the absence of Mr. Francis Scott, inquired of Mr. Hope Scott, the Company's coun- sel, whether the South Western Company were prepared to make a double line? Mr. Hope Scott thereupon referred to Mr. Bircham, the Company's solicitor; and the result of this consultation be- tween the solicitor and counsel was, that Mr. Hope Scott took upon himself, without any authority whatever from Mr. F. Scott, to state to the Committee that this requirement should be com- plied with. The Committee thereupon, and without further com- munication with Mr. F. Scott, came to their decision, and resolved to report against the broad gauge line. On the following morning they called on Mr. F. Scott to sign a letter embodying the pledge 62 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. to make a double line, which had been given by Mr. Hope Scott. The circumstances which ensued are narrated by Mr. Bircham, the Company's solicitor, in his evidence before a re- cent Committee of the House of Lords, in the following terms: “Mr. Scott certainly tried very hard to have a distinction made upon the face of that letter, that he had only promised a single line and double works; the Committee said they could not make distinctions between the Company and the Company's counsel-that they had understood there was to be a double line, and they must require the letter to be signed, as in fact it was signed. Mr. Francis Scott having made some modifica- tion, to show that a part of the pledge had been made by Mr. Hope Scott rather than by himself, the letter was signed.” The letter which the Committee thought proper to exact, and Mr. F. Scott was weak enough to sign, under the foregoing circum- stances, was addressed to the chairman of the Committee, and was in the following terms:- “ LONDON, July 1, 1853. " Lounas “SIR—With reference to the case of the Devon and Dorset Railway, and the railway communication of the district it was proposed to serve, I beg, as chairman of the London and South Western Railway Company, and as their representative, acting under the authority of the resolutions of the proprietors at their public meeting on the 19th May last, to repeat the pledge which, in the course of my evidence before the Committee, I intended with all distinctness to give, viz. :—That the London and South Western Railway Company will, in the next session of parlia- ment, introduce and use their best endeavours to carry a bill, authorizing an extension of their railway from Dorchester to Exeter, on the gauge of the London and South Western Rail- way, themselves finding the necessary capital, and taking all the proper preliminary measures, and afterwards executing the works with all despatch; and I have no hesitation in adding that the Company will, if such extension line be granted to them, POSTSCRIPT. 63 immediately proceed to double the line between Southampton and Dorchester, without waiting for the period at which the obligation to do so might come into operation under the exist: ing provisions of the Southampton and Dorchester Act. . “The resolutions of the Company with reference to the making of the extension line from Dorchester to Exeter, enable me to assure you, and I do assure you, that the line to be proposed shall be a satisfactory and efficient one, and, in accordance with the pledge given by Mr. Hope Scott, shall comprise a double line of way. I am, Sir, your very faithful and obedient servant, “FRANCIS SCOTT." It will be observed, that by this letter Mr. Scott not only pledges his Company to make a double instead of a sivgle line from Dorchester to Exeter, but moreover to convert from a single into a double line, the Company's existing line of railway from Southampton to Dorchester. This latter project had never been laid before the shareholders. On the whole, the departure from the authority obtained from the meeting of the share- holders of the 19th May, 1853, which was extorted by the Committee, and submitted to by Mr. Scott, involved an outlay of upwards of £400,000 of the shareholders' money. The directors' report to the meeting of the 19th May, 1853, stated that the cost of the line for which they sought authority to pledge the Company had been estimated at £630,000, and could in no case exceed £700,000. In a report issued in May, 1855, the directors tell the shareholders that the cost of redeeming the pledge actually given could scarcely have been less than £1,100,000. I should have mentioned that not only did this Committee ignore the rights of the shareholders, by exacting a pledge con- fessedly exceeding the authority which had been sought from the shareholders; but they acted in the full warning from the counsel for the rival project, that by the general principles 64 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY.. : of law, no such pledge could be legally given at all, and that the ordinary rights of the shareholders who had opposed or not assented to such a pledge, would remain unaffected by it. No attention was paid to this consideration. At the Company's half-yearly meeting which followed soon after these transactions, and was very thinly attended, the directors obtained a vote sanctioning what had been done. It is plain, however, that if the vote of the first meeting could not legally deprive the shareholders, by anticipation, of their ordinary rights of assent or dissent with reference to new undertakings, the same principle applies to the vote of this second meeting. In the latter case, moreover, no notice had been given that any resolution on the subject would be sub- mitted to the meeting. In November, 1853, the directors brought forward a scheme for the fulfilment of their pledge. But by this time the subject had been discussed; and the invalidity of the pledge, and the in- jurious character of the project, had become understood. The consequence was, that the directors' scheme was defeated at the largest meeting of the Company ever known: 796 shareholders voting for, and 1040 against it. Not only was this pretended pledge thus repudiated by a numerical majority of sharenolders; but that majority containerI names which could never have been found there if liuw and justice had not fully warranted such a repudiation. Several of the highest judicial authorities in the superior courts of law and equity, including a late Lord Chancellor, voted in that majority; and bave voted in a similar sense on every subsequent occasion. With the decision of the meeting of November, 1853, the matter, so far as the South Western Company was concerned, for some time rested. The session of 1854, in which, by the terms of the pledge, the Company was bound to introduce a bill, passed away without any notice of the omission to do so being taken in Parliament. Hundreds of persons who had never heard POSTSCRIPT. 65 of the pledge, subsequently bought shares in the Company. Par- liament, moreover, subsequently granted to an independent Company, a line connecting Dorchester and Bridport; which is about one-third, and I believe the least unprofitable third, of the line between Dorchester and Exeter. . In the session of 1855, the South Western directors, without consulting their shareholders, introduced into Parliament a bill for effecting some miscellaneous objects, confessedly of no great importance. On the second reading of this bill, it was objected that the pledge given by the Company in 1853 had not been fulfilled. The bill was in charge of Mr. Chaplin, M.P. for Salis- bury, who had succeeded Mr. Scott as chairman of the company, and of Mr. Hutchins, M.P., another director. Mr. Chaplin was the leadivg champion of the project for the extension of the Company's railway to Exeter from Salisbury, by way of Yeovil, known as the central line, which had during several years been vainly urged by the directors on the shareholders. Mr. Hutchins, who represented a borough between Southampton and Dorchester, was also a supporter of extensions to Exeter. It might have been expected, that when these gentlemen heard their fellow- shareholders denounced in strong terms as guilty of a breach of faith, they would in fairness have stated to the House, that a great body of the shareholders insisted that the alleged pledge was illegal and invalid—that no meeting of the Company could authorize such a pledge ; and, moreover, that the committee of the House of Commons had wrongfully exacted from Mr. Şcott, a pledge confessedly unauthorized by the votes of his con- stituents. No such statement whatever was made. Mr. Chaplin actually told the House that he was on his knees pleading for pardon for the breach of the pledge; and he excused its non-ful- filment by the occurrence of a fall of 16 per cent. in the Com- pany's shares, and a decrease in their dividends. Whatever may have been the motive with which these excuses were put forward, the result of them may be easily anticipated. A strong disposi. 66 DIORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY.. RAILWAY y tion was felt by the House, to resist conduct on the part of the Company, which its chairman openly avowed to involve a breach of faith. · The House of Commons, thus in the dark as to the real feel- ings of the shareholders, ultimately adopted a course which, as was emphatically stated by Sir John Walsh, M.P., in his speech at a subsequent meeting of the Company, would never have been adopted if the House had been made aware, as it ought to have been, that the validity of the pledge of 1853, and the propriety of its acceptance by the committee were denied. They referred the Company's bill to the committee by whom the pledge had been accepted the very persons who, if that pledge was illegal or irregular, so that it was a blunder to accept of it, were responsible for that blunder. This committee at once decided (notwithstanding the opposi- tion of the only one of its members, who had, in 1853, objected to any report to the House founded on the pledge) to intimate that they should expect proposals from the Company for the re- demption of the pledge; and should otherwise insert a clause in the bill before them, providing for its entire fulfilment, on pain of stoppage of the Company's dividends. The directors, a majority of whom had for several years notoriously supported extensions to Exeter, lost no time in taking advantage of this decision. On the very day it was come to, they resolved that the bill should not be withdrawn, but that the company should consent to the insertion of a clause binding it to bring in a bill for the construction of a railway from Yeovil or Dorchester (at the Company's option) to Exeter. By the first of these alterna- tives, the pledge would be twisted into a means of forcing on the shareholders Mr. Chaplin's often rejected project of a central line, with which, as given by Mr. Scott, it had nothing what- ever to do. . · A meeting of the Company was summoned for the 28th of April, 1855, with reference to the bill. The first intimation to POSTSCRIPT. the shareholders of any intention to insert in the biil any thing relating to the construction of a railway to Exeter, was contained in a circular from the Company's secretary, dated the 24th, and delivered to the shareholders generally on the 26th of April. The last day on which, by the Company's bye-laws, proxies were receivable for the meeting, was the 25th of April; so that no shareholder receiving this circular on the 26th could send his proxy to be used against the bill. A poll demanded at the meeting, instead of being kept open according to the invariable practice at previous meetings of the Company, for two or more days, to allow the shareholders full opportunity of voting in per- son, was, notwithstanding much remonstrance, and a written protest, finally closed by the decision of the chairman about an hour after the mecting ended. A meeting thus conducted, yielded an easy triumph to the directors. Of upwards of 4000 shareholders, only 113 voted, including the numerous officials of the Company. And of this number a considerable majority supported the proposal of the Company's surveyor and architect, who, after denouncing the dishonour of breaking the pledge (which involved in its fulfilment the erection of some half a dozen stations and other architectural works), moved & resolution delegating to the directors full power to act in the matter as they might thiuk expedient. At the next meeting of tho House of Commons' Committee, after a pointed inquiry by the chairman of the committee whether the meeting of the 28th of April had been in all respects regular, and a reply in the affirmative by the directors through their counsel, arrangements were made, in conformity with which there were inserted in the bill, clauses compelling the Company to bring in a bill for the construction of a railway from Yeovil or Dorchester (at the Company's option) to Exeter; a clause pro- viding for the raising by the Company of a million sterling for constructing this railway, and a further clause stopping the 68 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. Company's dividends in the event of the non-fulfilment of the obligations imposed by the bill. The bill ultimately passed the Commons in this shape. During all these proceedings, the shareholders who disputed the validity of the pledge of 1853, never had an opportunity of stating their case to the House of Commons. One of their number, Mr. Sergeant Gaselee, a director of the Company, claimed to address the committee on the subject; but was re- fused a hearing. Another shareholder stated in writing to the chairman of the committee, that the regularity of the meet- ing of the 28th of April, concerning which inquiry had been made by the committee, was disputed, and tendered himself as a witness on the subject, but with the same result. By conceding the option to construct a railway from Yeovil to Exeter, instead of from Dorchester to Exeter, the committee virtually abandoned the original pledge; and allowed it to become the means of forcing on the Company a totally different project. It is well understood that the real desire of the majority of the directors is to make the central line from Yeovil, with which, as already observed, the pledge of 1853 had nothing to do. When the South Western Company is committed to this line, the shareholders will probably be offered the advantage of purchasing (on adequate terms) the undertaking of an indepen- dent Company, which has obtained a bill for a line from Salisbury to Yeovil, but is said to be without funds for commencing its works. Meanwhile, the inhabitants of Dorchester and its neigh- bourhood will enjoy about as much advantage from this fulfil- ment of the pledge to make a railway from Dorchester to Exeter, as would be obtained by the inhabitants of Dover, if a pledge to make a line from Dover to London were fulfilled by making a line from Brighton to London. The history of the matter up to this point is surely, instructive. On the part of the directors, we have an issue, at the Company's expense, of stamped forms of proxy to be POSTSCRIPT.' 69 intrusted by the shareholders to the supporters of the proposed pledge; while shareholders wishing to give their proxies to the opponents of that proposal, are left to do so at their own expense. Circulated with these proxies, and used as a means of obtaining them, we have a report containing statements on the part of the board of director's, of which the accuracy is afterwards entirely denied by an able director. We bave the directors involving the Company in a pledge which there is the highest legal authority for pronouncing invalid altogether; and which, at all events, was, when it was given, to the extent of £400,000 confessedly unauthorized by the shareholders. And when the time comes for considering whether the Company will submit to fulfil this pledge, we have a meeting so conducted that the great majority of the shareholders could by no possibility vote on the question. On the part of the House of Commons, we find this pretended pledge accepted by a committee, although they were warned that it was totally invalid, and well knew that, at all events, it went greatly beyond the authority which had been sought from the shareholders. And when, two years later, the same committee were about to adopt an unusual and penal course towards the Company, in consequence of the non-fulfilment of this pledge, we find them refusing a hearing to the shareholders who repudiated its validity. Well may a great orator describe parlia- mentary committees as the very worst tribunals that mortal man's wit ever devised. If the sphere of their jurisdiction is to be extended from ordinary private bill legislation to compulsory and penal legislation, the consequences will be serious indeed. If report is to be believed, the discussions on the Company's bill in the House of Commons itself, were preceded by an active canvass, in which members of the legislature, including a late cabinet minister, interested as landowners or otherwise in the districts to be traversed by the projected railway, took part. But the proceedings in the House of Commons did not settle 70 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. the question. The directors had still to get the bill through the Lords; and, with this view, they sunmoned, with the formalities required by the Wharncliffe order of the House of Lords, a meeting of the Company. Now, by the Wharncliffe order, a bill providing for the execution of new works by an existing Company, cannot proceed unless it is approved, at a meeting of that Company, by a majority holding three-fourths of the paid-up capital represented at the meeting. The order also prohibits the issue of stamped proxies for the meeting at the Company's expense; and makes it necessary that certain notices of the meeting shall be given to the shareholders. It had always been contended by the South Western share- holders, that the pledge which had been given by their directors was not only in itself illegal, but was in direct contravention of this standing order of the House of Lords. For if a meeting at which questions were determinable by a bare majority, and for which stamped proxies were issued by the directors at the Company's expense, could bind the Company by such a pledge; the right of rejecting a new project given by that order to the shareholders, would be in effect destroyed. When the Wharn- cliffe meeting was summoned, the shareholders entertaining this view, therefore, conceived that the opportunity for action was come. A public meeting of shareholders opposed to the directors? policy, was held in London, presided over by a gentleman who has earned the gratitude of his fellow proprietors by his energetic exertions in their cause. At this meeting a series of resolutions was adopted, demonstrating, with singular ability, the invalidity of the pledge, and the injustice of the proceedings which followed it. A similar meeting was held in Manchester. On the other hand, the directors issued a report preparatory to the meeting of the Company, recommending the adoption of the clauses introduced into the bill in the House of Commons. After enlarging on the parliamentary difficulties which would POSTSCRIPT. 71 otherwise ensue, and intimating that, if the shareholders should disregard their recommendation, the bill must be lost; they con- cluded their observations on this part of the subject with a formal statement—which may probably be thought superfluous, but which will be found to contrast strangely with their subsea quent conduct that they must leave the decision with the proprietors. When the meeting of the Company took place, resolutions approving and disapproving the bill were moved and seconded. A. poll was taken; and on the re-assembling of the meeting a singular scene ensued. Mr. Chaplin, the chairman of the Com- pany, refused to declare either of the resolutions carried or rejected: He stated the amount of capital, but refused to state the number of shareholders voting, or the number of votes, according to the Company's acts, for and against the bill. Re- monstrances and protests were in vain resorted to. The chair- man persisted in his refusal: and justified it, as did the Company's solicitor, by the argument that, at a Wharncliffe meeting, the amount of capital was alone material. The results which the chairman refused to state are now known. It may perhaps be anticipated that they were not very favourable to the directors. Five hundred and twenty-nine shareholders disapproved of the bill; while no more than 296 approved of it. The majority of voters against the bill was thus 233. The majority in votes, according to the Company's acts, against the bill, was 784. In regard to capital, to which the chairman confined his statement, there was a preponderance in favour of the bill; but it fell short by no less than one million eight hundred thousand pounds of the preponderance of capital which was requisite, according to the terms of the Wharncliffe order, to enable the bill to be proceeded with. The defeat of the directors on the poll was thus complete on all points. By the result of this meeting an unsuspecting shareholder might have thought the battle won. . The directors had 72 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. announced that they left the decision to the shareholders; and that decision had been given against the bill by a large majority. They had professed to hold a Wharncliffe meeting; 'and, according to the terms of the Wharucliffe order, the result of the poll was fatal to the bill. I believe there is no instance in which tlie directors of a railway company have ventured to proceed with a bill in the face of such results as these. In the present case, however, the attempt was made. The first and main obstacle to such an attempt, of course, lay in the Wharncliffe order. Within eight days after the Wharn- əliffe meeting—within eight days after the chairman had refused to state its results, either in votes or voters, on the ground that it was a Wharncliffe meeting—the directors were found contend- ing, by their agent, before the Standing Orders' Committee of the House of Lords, that none of the important parts of the bill were within the Wharncliffe order at all. The argument in support of this conclusion may be thought isomewhat technical. The Wharncliffe order, as I have said, applies to bills providing for the execution of new works. But the enactment of the bill in this case was, that the Company should bring in another bill in a future sessiou for a new work, viz., a railway from Yeovil or Dorchester to Exeter. Now, though the prosecution of this future bill was made imperative by the present bill, on pain of stoppage of the Company's dividends; and though, on the bringing forward of this future bill, the Wharncliffe order could therefore avail the shareholders nothing, seeing that if they thus got rid of it their dividends would be stopped by the present bill; yet, nevertheless, it was argued that the bill before the House was not a bill providing for the execution of new works, but only a bill providing for the bringing in of a future bill for the execution of new works. I should not have troubled you with this astute piece of reasoning, but that it had the merit of success. The vote of the meeting was held, by the Standing Orders' Committee of the POSTSCRIPT. 73 House of Lords, to be fatal to some of the less important parts of the bill, which were decided to be within the Wharncliffe order; but the portions of the bill providing for the bringing in of a future bill for the railway between Yeovil or Dorchester and Exeter, were decided not to be within that order, and were per- mitted to proceed. A coach-and-four has thus been driven through the Wharncliffe order. How many similar equipages are likely to follow by this newly-discovered route, persons acquainted with the tactics of railway warfare can well con- jecture. This unexpected and startling decision was in its results fatal to the shareholders. Their plain case against the bill was, that it had been rejected by the meeting of the Company to which it had been submitted, and that the directors were proceeding with it against the will of the shareholders. The established mode of ascertaining the assent or dissent of shareholders to bills brought into the House of Lords, is prescribed by the Wharncliffe order. When the shareholders found that the directors had succeeded in depriving them by a technicality of the benefit of this order, they appeared by counsel before the committee on the merits of the bill, and objected to the locus standi of the directors to pro- secute a bill which had been rejected by the shareholders. But this objection, which was in fact a novel mode of raising the question usually disposed of by the Wharncliffe order, was over- ruled; and the result was, that notwithstanding such further opposition as the shareholders' counsel could offer, the Committee found the preamble of the bill to be proved. During the discussions before this Committee, the counsel employed by the directors professedly to represent the Company, was heard to argue zealously in favour of the enforcement of the pledge against the very Company which was, in name, his client. A second Wharncliffe meeting was afterwards held, with reference to the clauses of the bill which had been struck out in consequence of the vote of the first meeting. As these 74 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. clauses were not the main subject of objection by the share- holders, little serious opposition was made to their reinser- tion. The discussion at the meeting, which was, as may be supposed, of a stormy character, related chiefly to the general conduct of the directors in reference to the bill. The clauses which had been struck out having been restored by the vote of this meeting, the bill has passed verbatim as it was sub- mitted to the first meeting, and there rejected by the share- holders. Here, then, is a new era in railway politics. Hitherto the complaint has been of the unfair and absolute power of the majority of shareholders over the minority. You have, in the Edinburgh Review, forcibly shown the justice of that complaint. But it is now, for the first time, so far as I am aware, that we find an admitted minority coercing the admitted majority; that we find the directors of a railway company sufficiently audacious, and openly regardless of the wishes of their shareholders, to proceed with a bill in Parliament in the teeth of a formal vote of disapproval by the shareholders—a vote come to, as we have secn, by a decisive majority. No doubt the shareholders will be offered, in justification of this proceeding, and of the evasion by a technicality of the Wharncliffe order, the hackneyed plea, that the chairman and directors have acted for the good of the Company. Seldom has this excuse been wanting for any abuse of power, however flagrant. When it appeared, a few years ago, from the report of a committee of investigation, that the deposits and calls on the shares of this very chairman, Mr. Chaplin, had been paid out of the Company's funds, to the extent of upwards of £80,000, it was alleged that it had been done for the good of the Company. But, in the present case, the answer to that argument is obvious. In law and justice, as well as by the express announcement of the directors, it was for the share- holders to decide on the course which it was most for the good of the Company to adopt with reference to this bill. They POSTSCRIPT. did decide by a large majority; and the directors have set them and their decision at defiance. Having been a South Western shareholder for many years, I may say of the proprietary thus defeated, that it has not been altogether an apathetic body. The ascendency of the party devoted to the making of railways, as distinguished from the ownership or working of railways actually made, has not been submitted to without some violent efforts to shake it off. The failure of these attempts is due to the faulty constitution of railway companies, rather than to the indifference of the shareholders. The Company is now committed, in a time of railway disaster, to spend a million of money on an extension railway, whichi cannot, for years to come, so much as pay its working expenses. The landowners in the district to be traversed by this railway, will find the value of their property greatly increased. Half a dozen members of Parliament will have pleased their con- stituents. Some over-growu capitalists, and a few well-known lawyers, architects, engineers, and jobbers, will derive large profits out of the project, in a variety of ways. But these results will be accompanied by grievous loss and injury to the great body of shareholders; including hundreds of families whose property has been placed in the Company as a permanent invest- ment. I think, as I said at the outset, that the means by which this state of things has been brought about, deserve the attentive consideration of every railway shareholder.—Believe me, always yours faithfully, R. MAC DONNELL. HERBERT SPENCER, Esq. In respect to the equity and advantage of limiting railway companies to the enterprises specified in their deeds of incor- poration, some facts and comments have been furnished by a gentleman who has an extensive practical knowledge of con- 76 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. tinental railways, and more especially of their administrative systems. It will be seen from his statements, that the policy advocated in the foregoing pages as the only just one, and the nationally-beneficial one, is one that has been elsewhere pursued. He writes thus : - It cannot but be difficult to write even a few paragraphs in favour of an incontestable proposition; and this difficulty is greatly increased by the ability, truthfulness, and judgment with which the argument is maintained in the article on Rail- way Morals and Railway Policy. It may not be easy to prove that the sun shines, or that night will succeed morning; it would nevertheless be thought a sad waste of time to endeavour to show the certainty of the one, or the probability of the other. The argument on the article before us, seems to trace many of the evils of railway management to a departure from the spirit of the original contract of partnership by which the Company was first formed. That, to such a deviation, almost all the mis- fortunes of railways may be attributed, every one conversant with public companies must admit. A line is concocted from London to Birmingham and Liverpool, and would be remunera- tive; but when Shrewsbury is added to it as one branch, Bedford as another, Preston as a third, and finally a duplicate line is made through the Trent Valley, no wonder that dividends have dropped from ten to five per cent., and are even trembling at that. But how can these things be? Easily-directors are taught to believe that they should not only be carriers, but politicians. “Our external policy must be attended to. Our frontier must be saved from invasion.” And — sub-silentio--“Our pockets would not be lighter if the shares we bought in A. B. and C. D., and which don't pay, were resold to L. and N. W." on “strictly equitable terms." Then follow the usual whisperings—the sad effects to be ap- prehended from such an opposition—the fear that such a biļl 2 POSTSCRIPT. 77 may succeed, &c. &c.; and finally a proposition from the board to the proprietary, two-thirds of whom are widows and orphans, whose trust-money has been used by these very directors to place themselves in power. Very little influence is required to make the worse appear the better reason when coming from the lips of a noble chairman; and a majority having been attained, the legislature are ready to pass the bill—by which the original property is diluted, after the fashion of London milk, according to conscience. So much for the facts, now for the remedy; and at no period could the application of a cure be more important than at pre- sent, when the new law of limited liability is about to open the flood-gates of speculation to joint-stock companies. They manage these things better on the continent, by making any proposition or resolution of proprietors, which in its nature is contrary to the spirit of the original agreement-absolutely null and void. I here quote the opinion of an eminent Dutch lawyer on the point:- “No deviation from the original contract can in any respect take place by virtue of a resolution of a general meeting of shareholders, unless all the participants, present or absent, con- sented, because the contract contains the contract of the associa- tion; and although the power is reserved to the king to permit alterations in the original contract, and to which the non-con- senting participants must submit; yet, should any alteration affect the substance of the contract, and have a material influence on the rights and obligations of the participants, then, in my opinion, such alterations could be successfully opposed, and the Company dissolved, or the opponent indemnified; these altera- tions must, however, be very cardinal to cause such an opposition to be successful.” So much for the protection afforded by the law; and now for the practical management. · In foreign railways there are generally two distinct governing 78 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. ·bodies. The one having the managemeut of the daily adminis- tration, and composed of the lawyer, engineer, traffic manager, treasurer, land agent, &c. &c., each of whom are paid according to their relative merits, but who are subservient to, and controlled by, a board of commissioners, or honorary directors, who are unpaid, and not even essentially shareholders, but who are gene- rally selected from their high official position in the several towns through which the railway has to pass, and composed mainly of burgomasters, local judges, and eminent civilians. The latter board meets at least once in three months, to receive a report from the direction of all that has happened during that period, and to look into the actual position of the Company ; and to them is reserved the power to allow calls to be made, contracts above a certain sum entered into, and a supervision of all salaries above £100 per annum ; and further, the audit of the accounts is their exclusive privilege. For example, let us imagine that the London and North Western was managed by a board consisting of Messrs. Swift, Carter, Stewart, Booth, Glynn, Huish, Trevithick, and Norris, and it is not difficult to fancy that men such as these, practically acquainted with every part of the line, and untrammelled by marquises and baronets, would work out a far more beneficial result than is now done by a different system. Such a suggestion will necessarily be sneered at, and pooh, poohed ! because it would be most distasteful to the powers that be; but let shareholders carefully consider whether the present system has not been tried and found wanting. The time is peculiarly auspicious for a change ; but if it is. now. neglected, the ruin may be increased tenfold. It has been by some objected, that to establish any law for-. bidding joint-stock companies to undertake other works than those for which they were originally united, would be extremely difficult; seeing that as, at present, our legislature assumes the POSTSCRIPT. power of authorizing such companies to exceed the objects speci- fied in their subscription-contracts, the passing of a general law by which they should be debarred from exceeding these objects, would be tantamount to a resignation by the legislature of its present power to give them special authority for doing so ; and that, however valid the reasons assigned, the legislature will not consent so to limit its own power. There is doubtless much weight in this objection : aud, were there no way of achieving the desired end without such a general law, any amelioration would seem almost hopeless. But, as has been suggested by one to whom the writer is under much obligation for various hints, as well as for a commuuication given below, it is not necessary that any such general law should be passed. The end “is attain- able by an alteration in the practice of parliament in dealing with railway bills. This practice is regulated by a code of rules called the standing orders, and it would be competent for either House of Parliament alone to carry the principle into full effect by a standing order.” Already, the Wharncliffe order establishes a precedeut, which would simply havo to be enlarged. And though standing orders may be suspended, yet as special reasons for their suspension must be shown, a great obstacle would be put to the carrying out of these reckless and dishonest schemes. Among the many causes conspiring to bring about the cor- ruptness of our railway administration, there is an important one which has not yet been alluded to—one which seems to have been alınost wholly overlooked one of which the writer was quite unconscious, until his attention was drawn to it. Once pointed out, however, no one can fail to recognize the reality and greatness of the evil. In the annexed letter, its nature and the required remedy are fully explained. June 30, 1855. My Dear Sir, I wish to call your attention to what I con, 80 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. ceive to be one of the principal causes why the government of Railway Companies, though representative in theory, is, in practice, almost purely oligarchical ; and also to suggest a change in the constitution of these companies, which, I think, would go far to correct this evil. It is essential to the working of any representative constitu- tion, that the representation should not be monopolized by oue dominant party. It may happen that an absolute majority of the electors of the United Kiugdom are of some one political party; but nobody wishes to see a House of Commons composed exclusively of one political party. Every sensible man desires that each important class or interest in the community, be they Whigs or Tories, landowners or manufacturers, churchmen or dissenters, should have a share in the representation, and possess the means of making their opinions and wishes heard in parlia- ment. This principle has been wholly disregarded in framing the constitution of railway companies. There is in such companies no subdivision or variety in the constituency by which directors are elected. Wheu vacancies at the board occur, the election to every vacancy, be they few or many, is referred to the whole body of shareholders, and is decided by a bare majority of that body. The result is, that this bare majority elects the whole of the directors. Suppose a thousand shareholders to support one set of candidates, and a thousand and one shareholders, of equal average voting power, to support another set the latter candi- dates are elected to a man. The one thousand shareholders remain without a representative at the board, the one thousand and one shareholders monopolize the entire representation. To a certain extent this evil must occur under any repre- sentative system. But the subdivision of constituencies tends to reduce it to a point at which it ceases to be practically felt. If, in one of our counties, all the Conservative candidates are returned, notwithstanding the opposition of a minority of POSTSCRIPT. 81 Liberals, the latter are perhaps consoled by perceiving that in the county town the Liberal candidates are entirely successful, notwithstanding the opposition of a minority of Conservatives. On the whole, no considerable party can fail to have a share of the representation. But there is no such system of counterpoise in railway com- panies. Elections are conducted in these companies, as parlia- mentary elections would be conducted if the election of mem- bers by towns and counties were abolished, and there were one election of all the six hundred and fifty-four members of the House of Commons, at which every elector in the United Kingdom was entitled to vote. Under such a system each political party would have its list of candidates—or its ticket, as I believe it is called in America. The list of the political party most in favour would be successful; and the defeated party, it might be outvoted, would be left without a single representa- tive in Parliament. The practical result of this mode of election in railway com- panies is what might be expected. In every great company which is engaged (as nearly all such companies are) in parlia- mentary contests, and in the extension of their undertakings, there are two parties. There is the party which approves of this policy, and which, active and well organized, wielding the enor; mous influence derived from the possession of office, and compris- ing all the lawyers and engineers, jobbers and contractors, connected with the Company, is usually in the ascendant. There is the disapproving party, often considerable in number, which consists mainly of persons who have placed their money in the Company as a permanent investment, and comprises nearly all the more intelligent of such persons. · Is it not of the essence of a representative system, that this latter party should be represented at the board of directors 3 Persons unacquainted with railway affairs, will hardly believe 82. RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. that, in most companies, this party has not a single representa- tive in the direction. When a new project is brought forward, the shareholders are almost invariably told, and with truth, that the board is unanimous in recommending its adoption. In one or two companies, indeed, in which the corruption of the leading directors is notorious, and the dissatisfaction of the shareholders unurnally great, a member of the opposition party has occasionally succeeded in forcing his way to the board. All who are con- versant with the affairs of those companies, well know what a grievous impediment the presence of even one such director presents to “making things pleasant.” If the monopoly of the representation by a bare majority is to be got rid of, it must be by some subdivision of the constituent body. I think the principle on which it was proposed to provide for the representation of minorities by Lord John Russell's Reform Bill of 1854, affords the means of effecting this object. Whether that principle is a good one with reference to Parlia- meitary elections, it is not my purpose to inquire. The political evil it was intended to meet is, as already observed, to a great extent practically obviated by the subdivision of Parlia- mentary constituencies. The objections which were made to its working as a political measure have no application to public companies; and the nature of such bodies affords some peculiar facilities for bringing it into operation. I should suggest in accordance with this principle, that on the filling up of several vacancies in the direction of public companies, each shareholder should be entitled to vote for one candidate only; or, at all events, for some number of candidates less than the number of seats to be filled up. The practical result of this mode of election may be readily calculated. If there were three seats to be filled up, and each shareholder could vote for one candidate only, the dominant party in the Company could not secure all the three seats, un- Jess they could command more than three-fourths of the whole POSTSCRIPT. 83 number of votes. Otherwise, the minority would obtain one seat out of the three. If there were two seats, the dominant party must command upwards of two-thirds, and if four seats, upwards of four-fifths of the votes, to monopolize the representa- tion. The minority would obtain one seat, if they could muster above one-third of the whole number of votes in the first case, and above one-fifth in the second. In the latter case, they would obtain a second seat out of the four, if they could muster above two-fifths of the whole number of votes. It seems obvious that, by means of a well-arranged system of election of this kind, the nearest approach to fairness could be made which the case admits of, and the state of the directorship might reasonably represent the state of opinion amongst the shareholders. The adoption of the mode of election. I have suggested would require an amendment of the Companies Clauses Act of 1845. If that act were amended, the clause which gives the election to casual vacancies in the direction, to the directors themselves, ought surely to be repealed, and the right of election in such cases to be conferred on the shareholders. The tendency to re- elect retiring directors is so strong, that it is only when vacancies occur by death or resignation that an independent candidate can. have, under ordinary circumstances, any prospect of success. The: election of such candidates has consequently been confined, as far as I am aware, except in some extreme cases, to Companies which have not come within the Companies Clauses Act. I will conclude by referring to another cause which greatly fetters the action of shareholders, both in choosing directors and in other respects. This is the half-crown stamp imposed on proxies. It is by proxy alone that the vast majority of shareholders can vote. Proxies in support of the dominant party are generally paid for, in one shape or another, out of the funds of the Company. But to an independent candidate for the direction, or to a body of independent shareholders associated to resist some project which they think detrimental to their interests, the expense of 84 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. circulating half-crown proxies amongst a proprietary numbered by thousands, is always a formidable and often an insuperable obstacle. That the vote of a shareholder concerning his own affairs should be the subject of taxation appears a singular anomaly, and greatly conduces to the mismanagement of public Companies. Even a reduction of the tax would be a great boon, and I am satisfied that, with the growing disposition of shareholders to think for themselves when they have an opportunity, a sixpenny proxy stamp would be far more productive to the exchequer than the present duty, which practically confines the exercise by share- holders of the right of voting to great and unusual emergencies. I remain, my dear sir, Always yours very truly, R. MAC DONNELL HERBERT SPENCER, Esq. After the number of the Edinburgh Review containing the article now republished, had been issued in the United States, sundry comments were made by the press of that country on its disclosures concerning our railway system. The American Rail- road Journicil made them the text for a series of four leading articles on the railway system of America. As these contain a large amount of information possessed by but a few in England; and as this information has an important bearing on the general doctrines that have been set forth; it has been decided to reprint thein along with the additional matter above given. Respecting the criticism with which the first of the four articles sets out, it may be admitted that there is ground for it. But it did not come within the writer's object to touch upon those yet deeper legislative errors referred to; nor, probably, would his views have met with editorial approval had they been expressed. POSTSCRIPT. RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. From the American Railroad Journal, for November 25, 1854. We copy, on another page of the Journal, an article upon the railway morals and railway policy of Great Britain. It is undoubtedly a truthful picture of the condition and manage- ment of railway property in that country. As far as there is a parallelism between the manner in which the railways of the two countries are conducted, the article may be studied with as much profit by our own people as those to whom it is directly addressed. We copy it for the additional object of seeing how far this parallelism holds good, and as a means of obtaining a more correct view of the policy and management which prevails in this country, and of the condition and prospects of our rail- roads. We would remark, in the outset, that the article quoted appears to us to touch only upon a part, and perhaps upon the least important of the mistakes and misconduct from which railways have suffered. It is an able statement of the present condition of railway affairs ; but it only partially explains the causes, while it hardly suggests a remedy, for the abuses which are shown to exist. From the article, it would seem that English railroads have suffered most from branches, or exten- sions of the trunk lines, which have been the occasion of enormous expenditures, without any useful object or end. Another great source of evil is Purliamentary legislation. Abuses of legislation, in fact, are the constant theme of complaint on the part of the Brirish press, and undoubtedly with good reason, as erroneous ideas in legislation lie at the foundation of many of the abuses and losses that have been suffered. The article also fails, in our judgment, to point out the proper remedies, mainly for the reason, we think, that the causes of the abuses and mistakes are not correctly appreciated. But whatever be the causes of the disasters which have befallen British railroads, involving a loss, variously estimated at from 350,000,000 to 500,000,000 dollars, equal to one-half or two-thirds of the whole expenditure upon such works in this country, the fact stares us fully in the face. Are our roads in 86 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. a similar category ? Is the vice from which the former have suffered inherent in the system, or peculiar to one country? We propose to draw, in connection with the above article, a parallel between the works of the two countries, for the purpose of showing how far we are suffering from the influence of simi- lar causes, as well as to point out, if possible, the appropriate remedy. We commence with a comparative review of the Legislation of the two countries. As already stated, the wrongs inflicted upon. railways by a partial, unwise, and unjust system of legislation, is regarded in England as one of the great sources of the evils suffered. What this legislation is, was well stated by Mr. Robert Stephenson (himself a member of Parliament), in a speech made when in this country to the citizens of Toronto, from which we extract as follows : “In the various railway struggles, the committees of Parlia- ment took into consideration not what was right nor what was wrong, but entered into considerations entirely subsidiary, and not at all connected with the profits of the lines, nor the necessity for making them. The consequence was that the committees sometimes decided upon different lines, upon reasons entirely apart from their real merits or the scientific questions involved in the details. There was one district through which it was proposed to run two lines, and there was no other diffi- culty between them than the simple rivalry, that, if one got a charter, the other might also. · But here, where the Committee might have given both, they gave neither. In another instance, two lines were projected through a barren country, and the Committee gave the one which afforded the least accommodation to the public. In another, where a line was to be run merely to shorten the time by a few minutes, leading through a mountainous country, the Committee gave both; so that, where the Committee might have given both, they gave neither; and where they should have given neither, they gave both. Such a species of legislation was faulty, and he hoped it would not be imitated in this country. There was, indeed, a Committee sitting in England, the attention of which he had called to these facts. After lines were granted, the competition which began within the walls of Parliament continued when the lines came to be put in operation. He could say, upon the authority of the Board of Trade, and from his own knowledge, that, since POSTSCRIPT. competing lines commenced, out of 300 millions of pounds ex- pended 70 had been wasted ; that is, in duplicate lines. But in order to mark the inconsistency of the proceedings in railway legislation, when the London and Birmingham was asked for, the feasibility of the route was doubted, great difficulties were suggested as being in the way. Engineers were called in to decide every thing in opposition to it; the estimates were dis- puted and doubted, it was maintained that the company ought to prove the traffic that was to go over it, and that 6 or 8 per cent. was to be obtained upon the money invested ; in fact a most paternal part was taken in the project. Before Parliament granted the charter, before the people were allowed to expend their own money, they were here asked to prove the traffic and the profit, and show a regular contract to establish that the work was to be done within the estimate." He concludes by urging upon the Canadian Parliament to be wiser than that of the mother country, and to pernit 1200e of the abuses and mistakes which have been followed by such disastrous consequences at home. Having shewn the incompetency of the legislature of his own country to direct the routes and superintend the construction of railroads, the natural inference conveyed to his own mind should have been, we think, that all legislatures are equally incompe- tent—which is really the case. The Legislature of Great Britain is as competent as that of Canada, or the United States, to interfere in the construction of works of internal improve- ment. The fact is, that none of them are competent to successfully conduct commercial enterprises. Such duties do not come within the function of any government, and where they are assumed the result is always mischief. The proper legisla- tion therefore upon all such subjects is none at all, but to leave the action of the people entirely untrammelled, as we think we can show. When the right to build a railroad depends upon a special act of government, such right will always be regarded as possessing a value in itself, independent of the work to be constructed under it, and which of itself justifies an expenditure, or a division of its value among the grantees, greater or less according to its assumed worth-expenditures or a division of value, which would not be for an instant thought of, or tolerated, were the construction of such work a common right, like that of 88 . RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. a ship, or manufacturing establishment. The idea that a charter confers a value is the great cause of the expensive con- tests, in the outset, before Parliament, to obtain them, in which those who already possess such, resist every new application. Hence the parliamentary battle upon every charter cost all the way from £2000 to £3000, a sum nearly equal to the total cost of many of our roads. The cost of the charter, of course, magnifies its value. As soon as it is obtained, the company organizes upon the most expensive scale, with enormous salaries paid to officers, engineers, officials, &c., &c., salaries for which the services rendered are no equivalent. The fallacy lies in attaching a value to a mere right to construct a railroad. Were this right regarded as valueless, as is the right to build a ship, then not a penny would be paid to obtain it, nor incurred in the organization of the company, nor wasted in its operations. The merits of the project would alone be regarded, and the means exactly proportioned to the end to be accomplished. Without the stimulus of the advantage that a charter is supposed to confer, few projects would be commenced that did not promise to pay. With entire freedom in the matter of the construction of railroads, the people of Great Britian would have acted as rationally as in any similar enterprise ; and only such railways would have been built as are needed. The direction of their roads would have been suited to the public convenience, and their cost proportioned to the business, or, in other words, their income. Instead of such a result, acting upon the idea that a charter in itself possessed a value, a great number of rival roads have been built, at enormous cost; showing that the tendency. of all special legislation is to aggravate the very evil it is : intended to cure. Experience has proved that a railroad charter in Great Britain is not only entirely valueless, but its possession is almost certain to entail serious losses upon its possessors. The first great cause of competing lines, and extravagant ex-: penditures upon the railways of Great Britain, is to be found in the fact that the legislature assumes to determine the routes of the roads, their mode of construction, and to designate the persons who are to have the privilege of constructing them. The tendency of legislation in this country is entirely opposite. Taking the state of New York as a standard, the right to con- struct railroads is just as common as is the right to construct ships. . Any number of individuals may unite to build ani POSTSCRIPT. 89 railroad, where, and as they choose ; no matter how many other roads are built having the same direction and objects. There are two roads from the city of New York to Albany. A dozen more may be built, if there are fools enough to construct them. The Government neither confers special privileges, nor does it assume to act as conservator of individual interests. It does not interfere to prevent a man from making what appears to be a bad investment. The result is, that having the right to build railroads when and where they choose, people cannot be driven to act precipitately, which they often do, when acting under a special charter, the rights which it confers being often forfeited by lapse of time. When they commence the construction of a road, they see that their only safety lies in placing it upon the best route, and building it at the lowest possible cost, as the only means of protecting their investment; as mistakes in either particular will be sure to be corrected by another company, which will thus be able to maintain a successful competition. With perfect freedoin therefore in the matter of railroad con- struction, the first road is pretty certain to be built with reference to the public wants, and at the lowest cost, which precludes the necessity for more than one, where with special charters there would certainly be two. Our view of the case is, we contend, not only supported by sound reasoning, but is proved by the experience of this country, where with the most liberal legislation we have but few competing roads. To cease to legislate at all upon the subject of railroads will, in England, be thought to be a singular remedy for abuses of legislation, we have no doubt. But why not the proper one ? Would Englishmen think commerce would be the gainer by having Parliament yearly designate the number of ships that should be built, and who should have the privilege of building them ? Would not they say, “We know better what we want than a body of men who have no experience nor interest in commercial affairs ?” Should government assume to interfere, in reference to ships as it does in reference to railroads, could a proper harmony be preserved between the wants of the public, and the means by which they are met? Would not those who first got the right to build ships, think they had secured a valuable boon, and would they not be the less careful about their construction, and the economy with which they were built, than without such supposed boon, or protection ? Would they .90 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. not find in it an excuse for extravagance and inattention ? Is not: this always the case in similar matters ? Does any business pay in the long run that is not conducted with express reference to the end to be gained ? Would not outsiders, thinking favoured ones had secured some great advantage, besiege Parlia- ment for similar grants? Having justice on their side they would in the end be sure to triumph, though at great cost to both parties. As soon as the latter had succeeded in securing their rights, would they not fall into the same indifference and extravagance as their predecessors; and would not the result be that in the end there would be twice as many ships as would be wanted, and would not those that were built be both costly, and badly managed, and but poorly adapted to the wants of commerce, and the ships themselves turn out to be ruinous investments? We think there is no one that will not assent to the above proposition. If it be correct, is not legislation just as inappropriate in reference to the construction of railroads as it is in reference to the construction of ships ? In the United States we have little to complain of on the score of legislation. In this respect consequently the parallel between the two countries does not hold. If Englishmen suffer from this cause, our people do not. We believe in the inherent incapacity of legislatures to direct or conduct successfully any commercial enterprise. The remedy for legislative abuses is not inore legislation, but in none at all. It is all bad. The mistake consists in supposing that legislatures can be rendered conpetent. The thing is impossible. No legislative wisdom is a match for the instinct of self-interest on the part of the individual. The more our English brethren trust to legislation, the more involved in difficulties will they become. The remedy they seek has caused the disease, and will only aggravate the case. As a result of our non-legislative policy, the railway interest of this country has, in the aggregate, suffered only slightly from branch, or competing roads, which have so reduced the value of railway property in Great Britain. There is another reason why we are without them, and this is, that most of the States have not reached that stage in the progress of railways in which the tendency to branch, or competing lines, manifests itself; they have not yet got through with their trunk lines. That a tendency to excess will manifest itself in railways, as it does in every pursuit, there is no doubt. But there is no reason for POSTSCRIPT. 91. . believing, with a healthy sentiment prevailing, that this ten- dency should be more strongly felt in the construction of railroads than ships. In no department of industry can supply and demand be made to exactly harmonize. But occasional over-production does not prove that the particular branch of industry in which such excess occurs is not in the main profitable. We think we have indicated the germ from which sprung. many of the disasters which English railroads have suffered. We think that should a government attempt to control the con- struction of ships, the result would be what we have seen it to be in the case of railroads; and we do not believe that subjected to the same law by which other commercial enterprises are controlled, the construction of these works would be pushed to an extravagant and injurious excess. We cannot see why this should be the case. We do not see any necessity why men, wiser in other matters, should lose their capacity the moment they take up a railroad. The fault is not in the works them. selves, but in erroneous principles which control their con- . struction. * Although from a more correct system of legislation the railroads of this country are mainly free from many of the abuses from which English ruilroads have suffered, this fact by no means proves that railroad property in this country is not in jeopardy from the operation of other causes common to the systems of both countries, the most important of which is the inability of stock and bond holders to exercise a personal oversight of the expenditure of their money. We will illustrate this point. We will take for this purpose a railroad in an agricultural district-the Syracuse and Binghamton-as a good case in point. This road of 80 miles was built at a cost, say, of 1,600,000 dollars. One half of this sum was furnished by some 2000 stockholders living on the line of the road. The work went forward under the daily inspection of nearly every stock- holder-ninety-nine out of every hundred of whom had a pretty correct idea of the cost of the various items of construction.- As they furnished the means to build the road, every penny lost was so much out of their own pockets. Every stockholder, consequently, watched every movement of the directors as if they were men in his employ. Constituting a vigilance com. $2 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. mittee of two thousand, under their supervision, it was im- possible that any thing abuse-like could be practised without being exposed. The fact that so large a body of men were interested, carries in favour of the road the whole sentiment of the community, so that no person would be tolerated in asking a greater sum for land, or material, than its lowest cash value. A whole people in this way became co-labourers to the same end. The result was, the road stands the stockholders at its actual cost. Now let us suppose a party of capitalists from New York had undertaken to build the road. None but themselves would have felt any interest in the result. The object of their immediate employés would be to get the most money for the least service, and to prolong the work as much as possible, as a means of keeping in employ. As they would be far removed from the eye of the owners of the road, they would naturally and inevitably give way to the universal tendency to indolence, inattention, and prodigality. And how would it be with the people on the line? Seeing that it was certain to be constructed, their sentiments in reference to it would undergo a complete change. Instead of doing every thing in their power to aid it, they do every thing to enibarrass the operations of the company, provided by doing so they can make money out of them, by demanding exorbitant sums for what, under a different mode of construction, they would have cheerfully furnished gratuitously, or at low cost. The result would be that the road would cost 40,000 instead of 20,000 dollars, per mile. It would be easy to refer to illustrations of our statements, to roads that have cost 40,000 dollars, which might have been built for less than the Syracuse and Binghamton, but which excess is entirely due to the causes stated. Here then is one explanation of the great waste of money in railroad construction, in this country, as in Great Britain. It is expended by parties who have no interest in the result, and beyond the inspection and observation of those who supply it. No corrective of extravagance, or imposition, in the shape of careful, intelligent, and shrewd stockholders to watch the expen- diture of every penny, and the habits and capacity of every person employed, who stand ready to expose and correct every abuse that is discovered. The parties in interest may be a thousand miles from the theatre of the operations of the com- pany ;-busy in their counting-rooms, and in their ordinary POSTSCRIPT. avocations; and the only time they direct a thought to their road, is when called upon for instalments on their subscrip- tions. No one will deny that we have correctly described the causes of the difference between the cost of a road built by parties living upon its line, whose position gives them an opportunity to oversee the expenditure, and roads built by parties living at a distance. In the one case the road is built at the lowest possible cost. In the other at perhaps twice its cost. We ask whether similar results do not follow similar premises in every department of industry? No business is ever profitable unless under the most careful supervision of the parties in interest. Such a relation is necessary to success in all cases. Suppose a manufacturer of steam-engines, living in New York, to carry on his business at Chicago by means of agents, of whose capacity and honesty he knows nothing, and who gives no other atten- tion to his establishment than to pay the calls of his agents for money. Would such a person succeed against the competition of parties who take the immediate supervision of their affairs - the question does not require an answer. Now railroads are precisely like any other commercial and manufacturing enter- prise. To ensure success the same training, intelligence, capacity, and attention is necessary, and eminent success is never achieved in any department of industry, without the possession and exer- cise of all these qualities. In the management of railroads people fall into an error in supposing that their affairs can be conducted in the same manner as those of other companies. As banking and manu- facturing establishments preceded railroads, the modes of operating of the former have been transferred to the latter, and as the former have been usually successful, it was supposed that the latter, under a similar administration, would be equally so. Here is a grand mistake from which railroads have suffered. The duties of most agents and employés in banking and manu- facturing establishments are merely ministerial, involving only a slight exercise of skill or discretion. The only way an employé in a Bank can make away with the funds of the institution, is to steal them. He has certain duties to perform, which cannot be shirked, nor done only in the proper manner, without his being exposed. The same is the case in manufac- turing establishments, with this différence, that in most of such, 94 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. the pay of the employé, or operative, is in proportion to the labour he performs. But to perform in a proper manner the simplest duty on a railroad requires training, skill, constant attention and watchfulness, and integrity. The track of the road must be maintained in perfect order, or an accident involv- ing the destruction of life and property is inevitable. The engine-driver should be thoroughly versed in physics, to under- stand the qualities and the capacity of matter for the service it is called upon to perform. He is constantly working the material, of which his engine, and the superstructure of the road is composed, very nearly up to the limit of its capacity for resistance. If he pass the boundary, he destroys both. The . locomotive is a most complicated machine, which, with indiffer- ent management may be destroyed in a few months, but in the hands of a competent person, will last as many years. There is hardly a person employed by any company in whose capacity and integrity the safety of a large amount of property is not involved. Even when there is a disposition on the part of the servants of a company to discharge their duties, the want of capacity may be fatal to success. When we ascend from the mere details of operating a railroad, the highest order of ability is necessary to conduct the relations that the road sustains to the public; to develop its business ; to inspire and maintain the general confidence in the value of its securities. The success of a railroad may depend upon the popular estimation in which it is held; especially when it requires the popular support in the matter of its finances. Qualities, therefore, fitted to conduct successfully a banking or manufacturing establishment, may be entirely inadequate to the superintendence of a railroad. To be fitted for filling the place of president of a road, requires experience and ability in financial affairs; a thorough knowledge of the operations of railroads, of the cost of transportation of the different classes of passengers and freight, and of the route and tendency of trade and commerce. He must be able to form an accurate judgment of all the einployés on the road. He must possess great administrative talent, and command the obedience and respect of all his subordinates. The superintendent should have all the qualities last described, and an intimate and practical acquaintance with every branch of service on the road. All the subordinates should be men of integrity, industry, and experi- POSTSCRIPT. 95 ence in their duties, and of more than ordinary capacity, as the humblest employé on a road fills a place where a defective judgment, or unfitness for his duties, may cost the company fifty times his wages. We have described the requisites to the proper management of a railroad. We should like to be shown a company where they are possessed even in a tolerable degree. We should like to be shown a road where a majority of the persons employed were selected for the qualities they possessed. It too often happens that the leading officers on roads seek their places, not for the purpose of advancing the interests of the Company, but of promoting private ends. The subordinates are the protégés of rich stockholders, whose wishes the president or superinten- dent has not the firmness to resist, or whose good-will it is desirable to secure against the nesct election. So little are the qualificationis necessary to fit a man to be useful on a railroad understood, that large holders of the stock and securities of a company, will solicit places in it for friends or dependents, in cases where the harm that such a person may do to the Coni- pany, will cost the very persons who secured to him his place more than it would to support him out of their own purse. We are particular to enumerate the qualifications necessary to be possessed by the managers and employés of a well- conducted railroad, for the purpose of showing that because a man has earned a good reputation as a lawyer, merchant, doctor, farmer, or banker, it is no evidence that he is fit to take charge of a railroad. And here is one of the weak spots in the system, An eminent banker, for example, is placed at the head of a railroad. The public are in an ecstasy of satisfaction that so distinguished a mau has taken charge of their favourite enter- prise. Every thing will go on well hereafter. “Hon. Mr. So- and-so's previous honourable and successful career is full guarantee for the success of the road.” Of course such a man is allowed full swing. Hon. Mr. So-and-so is a very upright man, who has made a huge fortune by “operating in stocks." But the operating a railroad is as great a mystery to him as would be a table for the calculations of “embankments and excavations.” If money is wanted he can supply it, which is all he is fitted to do. Having not the slightest practical experience in any grade of service on the road, he has neither the capacity of making proper selections of subordinates, nor of 96 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. knowing whether he is well or poorly served. The more such a man assumes to act the worse very likely for the Company. But the probability is that he will really do nothing. He cannot give up a pressing and lucrative business for something in which he has only a remote and contingent interest. How- ever well disposed he may be, he cannot discharge his duties, simply because he does not understand them. The result is that but little is accomplished, and what is done is badly done ; the public all the while imagining that their affairs are going on swimmingly, and being as much puzzled as their president, when they find how slight is the progress that has been made. Their money has gone, without any thing to show for it, and without any one being directly chargeable for the loss. RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. Firom the American Railroad Journal, for December 2, 1854. We give this week the balance of the article upon Railway Morals and Railway Policy from the Edinburgh Review; and continue our own upon the same subject. We showed last week, we think, that our railroads, from the absence of legislative interference, have escaped a part of the disasters and losses which British railroads have suffered. In this country the construction of railroads is, by law in many of the States, and practically in all, open to general competition, as much as are any other commercial enterprises. Railroad com- panies neither look to government for favours, nor are they subject to any burdens not common to all kinds of property. Those engaged in their construction act under the influence of no artificial stimulus supplied by the State ; and, as far as legis- lation is concerned, are in no greater danger of pushing to excess the construction of railroads, than of ships, or any of the various branches of manufacturing. Our works therefore rest upon the solid foundation of indi- vidual interests and individual instincts, and our people are influenced in their construction by precisely the same motives by which they are actuated in any similar pursuit. We speak POSTSCRIPT. now of governmental interference. We attach great importance to their exemption from it. Theoretically, we think it easy to show that any interference in their construction or management, except to promote their own advantage, and to guard the rights and safety of the public, is mischievous. We have only to refer to the experience of English railways in full proof of our posi- tions. We showed too, we think satisfactorily, that the waste and misconduct in the construction of railroads is owing to the fact that those who furnish the means do not oversee its expenditure. We have only to refer to numerous illustrations in confirmation of our views. Now as the construction of most of our roads has been supervised by the parties most interested, their first cost has not been exorbitant. Such of them as have not been cramped for money, have come from the hands of the construc- tor at what must be considered a fair cost. We speak now of the aggregate. There is no reason why this should not be so. Competition among contractors brings down prices to the low- est remunerating point; and training and experience enable them to do work at one-half the cost to a company. The con- struction of a railroad is a simple affair, compared with the working of it; and no matter what difficulties are involved in the former, experts are always found equal to any emergency. There are no reasons therefore but gross dishonesty, or incompe- tency on the part of the engineer, why a penny should be wasted in construction. We also stated in the preceding article, that our people had not reached that stage in the progress of railroads in which the tendency to branch or competing lines manifests itself to any : great extent. Our people have been too busily occupied with legitimate, to waste much money on illegitimate projects. This is a very important fact in estimating the Ÿalue of railroad pro- perty in this country. The great majority of our railroads in progress, or construction, was called for. Our people have been properly employed, and the conviction that they were so, contri- buted not a little to success. It operated as a talisman to shield them from harm. Give to a man, or a body of men, a convic- tion that they are pursuing the proper. path to a laudable end, and this conviction becomes a higher principle of action, raises them above the influence of selfish aims, or gratification, and renders them cheerful, industrious and vigilaut co-workers to a 98 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. common result. The end gives character to, and renders effi- cient the means. But where no useful end can be seen, men at once become demoralized, and the first care is to serve them- selves. Imagine employés on a railroad to believe that the work will prove an entire failure, that all the money expended in its construction will be lost, will they not feel that it would be much better if a part of the money could go into their own pocket, than to lie in an useless embankment? Would they not become indolent when they saw that their labour produced nothing useful, and cease to feel pride or interest in a work with which they foresaw their names would appear in disgraceful association ? All these things are equally true of persons ein- ployed in a railroad, as in any other business or calling. Most of our roads fortunately have been projects that have called into exercise the better sentiment, which many of the English roads. have failed to do. Hence the low cost and better management of our own compared with the high cost and management of the former. We speak now of our present success. Our peo- ple thus far, fortunately, have been engaged upon legitimate objects which have been pursued by legitimate means. But our danger is a mere matter of time. We are fast approaching the period in the progress of railroads in which our works 'will be subject to the same influences that have overwhelmed English roads. These roads commenced with bright promises. They were successful till the appropriate theatre for their construction was exhausted. The evil day came when the object in the con- struction of a railroad ceased to be that of a cheap, well-managed and useful work, but the money that could be made out of the process of construction. The low cost of American roads is proof that most of them have been constructed under favourable conditions. It is a great mistake to suppose that the greater cost of English roads is ow- ing to the greater amount of work involved in their construction. We have in this country a much better standard of engineering than in England. The great aim of American engineers is to secure the greatest returns on the investments. The construc- tion of many of our more important lines is due to the skill of the engineer, among which may be named the Atlantic and St. Lawrence, and the Baltimore and Ohio, the routes of both of which presented great difficulties, which have been surmounted by consunimate skill. With ordinary engineering neither road 1 POSTSCRIPT. 99 could have been built. Only so much money could be raised for each. The fact that the means of our people are so dispro- portioned to works, for the construction of which there is felt to be an imperative necessity, compels them to practise economy, and to supply, as far as possible, by expedients, the lack of capi- tal. There is no doubt that an American engineer will accom- plish vastly more with an equal amount of money than an English engineer. The latter cannot be made to feel the neces- sity for economy that is felt in this country. He knows that in Great Britain there is money enough for any work that may be undertaken, and acts upon this idea. One of our best engi- neers just returned from England informed us, that he made a critical examination of several roads of that country, for the pur- pose of comparing their nominal cost, and the amount of work involved, with our own. Among others was the London and Bristol, which is exactly the length of the Western Railroad of Massachusetts—157 miles. He states that the copparent cost of the Western is vastly greater, while its capital account is not one-half that of the English road. In other words, had the Western been an English work, it would have cost 150,000 dol- lars per mile, instead of 63,000 dollars. It should be remem- bered too, that labour and iron in this country are at least 60 per cent. higher than in Great Britain. The graduation of our roads is done almost entirely by labour imported from that country. The proper test of successful engineering is the result. An engineer who builds a road that pays 8 per cent. upon its cost, with structures which though cheap and unpretending, protect and preserve property and supply the necessary accommodation to the traveller, is much better entitled to be called successful, than one who sacrifices the earnings of a road to magnificent erections, or to ornament without use. The first object to be gained is to make the road useful and profitable. After these conditions are satisfied, ornament may follow. In this country we consult the practical. Another reason why we expend less upon our roads, is, because the general standard of architecture is lower. The style of the structures on a railroad is regulated by the best il- lustrations, or ideas, which prevail in the community where such railroad is located. But ornament is so much capital sunk, and should always be proportioned to the earnings of a road. In the United States, from the equality which prevails, the struc- tures of our roads correspond to the average for the country, RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. The expenditure ceases when this point is reached. Our stations, consequently, are not imitations of baronial castles, nor are the accommodations furnished above what the average of the commu- nity enjoy. There may be an aesthetic value in the castle, as a beautiful illustration of art. But it is not the province of rail- road companies to become instructors in architecture. Their only object should be money-making. Our roads cost much less than English railroads, because we make our expenditures in reference to a different standard. Ours is a practical ; theirs, an ideal one. In this country those who earn the money, the labouring classes, fix the standard. In England, those who spend it. Here lies the difference. A grand castle is a grand affair, but it is poor property. In Eng- land many of the railroads are grand affairs, but equally poor property. Ours are less pretending; but most of them have the merit of paying well on their cost. We are aware that this will be thought by some to be a far- fetched argument, but it appears to us to be sound, nevertheless. Certain it is that we attempt nothing on the grand scale that we see in England. A good illustration of the different ideas which prevail in the two countries, is the Victorice Bridge now in progress over the St. Lawrence River, at Montreal, for the accommodation of the Grand Trunk Railroad. An American en- gineer would have recommended a wooden superstructure, ma- king the whole cost of the bridge about 1,000,000 dollars. In fact, responsible contractors have offered to build such a bridge for 800,000 dols. A further sum of 500,000 dols., put out at interest, would maintain the bridge for ever, making a total cost of, say, 1,500,000 dols. But the construction of the Grand Trunk is an illustration of English ideas transferred to this country. A wooden bridge for such a great work was too frail a structure. One must be built upon the model of the Britannia, of iron, at an estimated cost of 7,500,000 dols., to go probably to 10,000,000 dols.! Now a wooden bridge would serve every useful end of an iron oue. Here then are 6,000,000 dols. to be sacrificed to carry out the English way of doing things, which amount might as well have been thrown into the sea. We do not hesitate to say, that no engineer of reputation in the United States would recommend the bridge that the Grand Trunk Co. are constructing. He would feel certain, if he did, it would be the last time his opinion would be called for. If the bridge be- POSTSCRIPT. 101 come a part of the Grand Trunk scheme it will very nearly ruin it. The whole travel to pass over it would hardly justify the expenditure of the sum first named. We have dwelt upon this branch of the subject for the pur- pose of giving as distinct a notion as possible of the rationale of the American mode of constructing railroads and explaining their low cost, compared with those of most countries, particu- larly of Great Britain, with which we usually contrast our roads, We believe that, on the whole, the money expended on the railroads in this country has been well expended. It has pro- duced the results predicated both in their income, and in the development of the resources of the country. Their earnings are justifying public expectation and the representations of the companies. In cases where the income to be derived from them was a secondary consideration, they have realized all the expect- ed results. That there has been much misdirected effort, and a great deal of money wasted, there is no doubt, but could we compromise past errors by purchasing exemption for the future we should pronounce our success complete. Having pointed out the causes that have led us successfully thus far, we now return to the danger to which the railroad interest and the public are exposed, and proceed to indicate, as far as possible, the tests which distinguish legitimate from ille- gitimate projects, and to point out the reforms, and that system of management necessary to secure success after our roads come into use. To distinguish a legitimate from an illegitimate project, we must look in the first place to the parties who are engaged in their construction. A road is built with one of two objects; the income to be derived from it, with its incidental advantages, or the money that is to be made out of the process of construc- tion. Those who are to derive the i79cidental advantages, are the parties living upon its line. It is their interest to have it built as cheaply as possible ; as the less it cost, the less will commerce and travel be taxed. If they supply the means, they will take good care that they are not wasted, and their position gives them the opportunity to oversee its proper expenditure. Now, however much our people desire railroads, they are very careful not to put their money into one that does not promise to pay well. Where the people on the line of a railroad furnish the means for its construction, this fact is good indication : : 102 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. 1st, That there being sufficient strength on the line of a road to furnish a considerable portion of the means for its con- struction ; there is a sufficient development of the country to support it. 2nd, That the parties supplying the money, having an oppor- tunity to superintend its expenditure, the road will be econo- mically built; and as long as it remains in first hand, will be well managed. Where, on the other hand, i road is taken up by parties living off its line the inference is :- 1st, That such parties not being incidentally benefited by such road, their object is to make money out of the process of con- struction : the road in such cases instead of being built econ- omically, is built as expensively as possible, (as represented by the amount of stock and securities issued,) the object being to impose such securities upon the public ; or, 2nd, That such parties not having any oversight of the expendi- ture of the money, the road will of necessity be built at high cost and badly managed. Where parties, living of the line of a railroad, engage in its construction ; and where the object is to make money in its construction, of course, they are exceedingly desirous that the road should pay well on its cost, as a means of carrying up the price of the securities which are their profits. Now, if all purchasers of securities would buy only such as are sanctioned by the tests given above, we should have few or no useless roads. As before stated our people will not put their own money to any considerable amount into roads that do not promise to pay; especially will they not do this, when they are not in a position to derive any incidental advantage arising from them. Where a project is taken by parties living at a dis- tance, the inference is almost irresistible that either there is no money in it, or that its stock and debts will represent a much larger sum than its cost. Such a view of the case is sanctioned not only by cominon sense, but is fully supported by facts. When, therefore, the securities of a railroad are offered for sale, the first thing to be asked for is the list of stockholders. If they live upon its line, and have taken stock in the road because they need it, and if such subscription represent the collective strength of the community, and be sufficient to furnish one-half of the cost of the road, they show that there is a population ade- POSTSCRIPT103 ma ID . quate to its support, and that the means will be properly ex- pended. The purchaser of the bonds issued under such circumstances, possesses all possible guarantees of safety, as a large interest must be sacrificed, before he can be injured. Where, on the other hand, a railroad is built to make money, the amount actually expended may have been only a small pro- portion to its capital account. The purchasers may get two dollars bonus, to one dollar in money, and will soon find the whole concern on their hands, at twice its cost, provided the getters up of the scheme are sufficiently adroit to float it upon the public. But the mischief does not end here. The parties who come into possession of the road, retired capitalists, bank. ing or insurance companies, widows, orphans, &c., &c., live, per- haps, a thousand miles from the road, and have neither the capacity nor opportunity to look after its management, which has to be done by proxy; and the road, whatever its merits may be, as we have shown, prove unproductive from the causes stated. The ability of a people to build a railroad is the test of their ability to furnish a business sufficient to its support. Where they have not yet reached such a degree of strength, it is much more for the interest of such community to postpone the con- struction of such work, than to allow it to go into the hands of speculators, which will result in a road at double cost, iinposing a perpetual tax upon them, in the shape of double charges for transportation. An adherence to the above tests will not only prevent the construction of roads that will not pay, but would limit con- struction to the ability of the country to build and sustain theni, It would produce a healthy state of affairs. It would keep within reasonable limits a credit system, the tendency of which, in a country like our own, is constantly to excess. It would render uniform a progress which is now desultory. It wouid enable us to achieve as great results as we now witness, and avoid the drawbacks that mar our success. It would be the imeans of checking a vast amount of commercial distress, which is always attended by a čertain amount of moral delinquency. By confining the construction of railroads within proper limits, a double good would be accomplished. We should only have paying roads, and escape the greater part of the dangers to: which they are subject. The parties fitted to build them econo-) 104 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. mically, are the very persons to manage them in the same man- ner. In such an event the management of railroads. would remain in the hands of those, who, from their interest, position, means of observation and integrity, are just the parties to con- duct them. . The railroad system in this country is not without striking illustrations of the correctness of our last position. Among the more notorious of these are the Vermont Central, the Rutland, and the Ogdensburgh. These works were projected, and the means for their construction furnished, by the merchants and capitalists of Boston.. Their aim was to enlarge the area of the trade of that city, not to make money in building them, which renders them all the better proofs of the points assumed. · In all of the above cases a double fault was committed. The roads were built upon the idea that they could be made the outlet to tide water of the products of the interior. In building any road, it is hardly ever safe to make an hypothesis the basis. of an expenditure. Nothing should be taken into consideration but a traffic which can be proved to exist on the line of the road, especially when the hypothetical business has been accus- tomed to take other channels. It is now plain to see why the through business of the above roads is not remunerative. It should have been equally evident to their projectors. To attract new business, it has to be carried without profit, if not at an ac- tual loss, for the reason that there are cheaper routes between the same termini. In anticipation of a business which is done. without profit, an eúormous expenditure was incurred which the local traffic by no means justified. In addition the cost of the roads for the reasons already enumerated has exceeded all rea- sonable limit. All these causes combined have rendered them the most striking failures of the kind in the United States. Had their projectors reckoned only upon local traffic, the result would have been very different; the roads would either have not been built, or their objects and means would have been carefully adapted to the business of their routes. If roads, where the aim throughout has been economy in con- struction, have proved disastrous failures, from the reasons enu- merated, how much greater will be the disaster, where the chief object in construction is to make money, which can only be done by creating a nominal capital much greater than the cost of the road. POSTSCRIPT. 105 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. From the American Railroad Journal, for December 9, 1854. In the last two numbers of the Journal we endeavoured to present the rationcile upon which the railroad system of this country is based. We showed their low cost to be due to causes peculiar to this country; to a wise legislation; to more correct ideas as to their uses and objects; to a better standard of engineering; to the fact that the parties who are to be benefited by them superintend their construction; to the corrective influence of public opinion, which enforces faithfulness and economy. Necessity has rendered us an eminently practical people. We transfer this training to our railroads. But our government partakes of the infirmity of all governments, and had it undertaken to construct our railroads, their cost would not have fallen much short of that of English roads. Had their construction been superintended by persons, whose habits and ideas spruny from the relations they have sustained to Government, or to the privileged classes, the result would have been the same. Persons acting under such influences have no proper notion of the value of money, or of that economy necessary to secure a returu upon its outlay. They execute the works assigned them according to their ideal, of which cost is no element, nor despatch a measure of success. Such persons feeling that nothing is to be gained by economy and diligence, give way to the natural tendency to sloth and extravagance. Our people, fortunately, have been governed in the construction of their works by a wiser principle. Railroads have been treated pre- cisely as other commercial enterprises, in which not a penny can be wasted without being felt in dividends. We suppose at least one-third of the capital invested in English railroads has been lost. Still people wonder why they are not remunerative. The cause is palpable. A ship, that by extravagance has cost 100,000 dollars loses money, while an equally valuable one, at a cost of 50,000 dollars, would prove very good property. In commercial enterprises money that is wasted can never form the basis of production. When once lost it can never be recalled. This fact more than all others should be kept constantly in 106 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. mind. It is true that there are cases of great waste in this country which apparently do not affect the earnings of the roads. The reason is that we do not see how much greater such earnings would have been, with economy. There is another reason why railroads can for a time bear a much greater waste in their con- struction than other enterprises. There are no other in which capital can exact so large a return. A railroad constructed through an agricultural district of the United States, adds inmediately at least five-fold its cost to the value of the property of such district. An agency that is so potent in creating values, may properly ask to share a portion of the gain due to its instru- mentality Money, therefore, properly expended in railroads in this country, yields a better return than the average of other investments, and even if a considerable part of its cost be wasted, still for several years, the road, from a monopoly it may happen to enjoy, and from its immense influence in creating values, may yield a tolerable income on its excessive cost. But large profits lead to competition. Railroads economically built and well managed, the owners of which are content if they receive six per cent. on their cost, come in competition with those built at an extravagant cost, which must regulate their charges by those that come after them, and in losing the monopoly they once enjoyed, they lose with it the capacity to pay dividends. No kind of investment open to all, yields in the long run more than the common rates of iuterest. Capital steadily flows in the direction of profit till the minimum is reached; and often, the influence of a large profit in the outset, leads to an over-invest- mient, which will not produce even the ordinary rates. Our railioads ought, in the outset, to pay better than other works, but they soon become amenable to the law of “supply and demand," and their profits are regulated by precisely the same law that governs other investments. If people want a steady income, they must not waste a penny in construction, and be content in the commencement with the same rate of returns that they are willing to receive for years. We believe the money that has gone into our railroads has been invested in conformity with the principles laid down, and that, consequently, these works can be made productive, if our people are as wise for the future as they have been for the past. Of course, we do not mean to assert that all our roads will earn dividends upon their stock. Many of them have been- POSTSCRIPT. 107 constructed rather with reference to the incidental advantages that are anticipated, than from expectation of a direct revenue from them. Where the people of Indiana have subscribed one dollar to a railroad, they have benefited five-fold by its con-, struction. The advantage is not remote and contingent, but direct; so that, should the stocks of their roads never receive a dividend, they would be vastly the gainers, notwithstanding. It is those who have contributed money to our roads, and who derive no incidental advantage from them, that suffer from failure to payWe make this distinction, as an explanation for the low prices of many of our stocks, and for the purpose of showing that their depression does not prove a loss of a corres- ponding amount of capital. If our new roads can meet promptly the interest on their debts, and provide for their ultimate pay- ment, our people have achieved a vast success. But the stocks of a number of our roads will yield a better income than the interest on the bonds. We also, in our last, pointed out the dangers to which our people are exposed in new works, undertaken to make money 'out of the process of construction, and indicated some tests by which these works might be distinguished from such as are legitimate. We stated that we have just reached the period in. the progress of railroads, when the tendency to competing, branch, or useless liues manifests itself. It follows the closiug up of our useful works. This tendency has received a thorough check for the present, in the recent reverse in monetary affairs, and the general unpopularity of railroad investments. Before this tendency shall again have an opportunity to manifest itself, our people will have come to a better knowledge of the cost, management, and productiveness of these works. They will then have the experience of the past to guide them. It is most fortunate, on many accounts, that the moment our system has reached an apparently healthy limit in many of the States, the further construction of any but lines of unquestioned prosperity should be rendered impossible by borrowing. Before any great mistake has been committed, time is allowed to await the result of past effort. That experience will teach wisdom for the future, we have no doubt. For the real good of our railroads, the present stringency could not have happened at a better time. It is in the management of our railroads, that our great peril lies. We have escaped many of the evils from which English. 108 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. railroads have suffered. But after our railroads come into operation, the principles and motives that control their manage- ment in the two countries more nearly assimilate. In both cases the inherent selfishness of human nature is the same. If there be any difference in this respect, it is one of degree, not of kind. There is the same tendency in both countries on the part of the owners of railroad property, to indifference and careless- ness as to its management; the same difficulty in securing the services of competent officials; the same temptations to dis- honesty or unfaithfulness. These are vices that belong to no parallels of latitude, and which are peculiar to no political organization. They are universal. It is on our exemption from them that the success of our roads must depend. The first condition to success is intelligent management. This, in a great measure, could be secured through the medium of properly prepared reports, detailing the experience of our rail- road companies. For the want of such, each company is forced to go through the same process of education, often at great expense, to arrive at truths which have been long solved by other companies. Let a discovery be made in any branch of mechanical science, or in the mode of conducting elaborate business operations, and the press instantly diffuses the intelli- gence from one end of the country to the other. In this manner, the highest intelligence and training at once becomes the property, and soon the experience, of the noviciate. Every superior man, in this way, becomes an instructor, and the press the medium of his teachings. Under a similar system of instruc- tion, society moves forward at a rate that far exceeds all former experience. But in railroad management the parallel ceases. Most of our railroad companies are dumb. Reports, if made at all, are only the baldest statements, showing that so much money has been received, and so much paid out. Any thing really instructive rarely finds place in their columns. What is valuable and peculiar in the management of the Erie never travels across the Hudson river to enlighten its neighbour on the opposite bank, which in consequence plods along for years in the old path, wasting as it goes. Whatever of light is developed by the Hudson River Road benefits that alone. What we have stated of these roads is mainly true of the whole country. The Erie Company have never made but one valuable report, and the Hudson River Road none at all. We suppose POSTSCRIPT. 109 that the experience of both, if known, would prove very valuable in the management of other roads, the more so, in proportion to the time they have been in operation. Both companies ought to be able to give us the ratio that the expense of main- taining a road bears to the speed of the trains. The Erie ought to tell us the relative cost of the passenger and freight move- ment; the cost of transportation of different kinds of freight; the most fruitful sources of accidents and the means adopted for their prevention; the system of administration by which the road is worked; the means by which responsibility, efficiency, and punctuality are secured; the improvements that have been effected in the working of the road, or in the machinery; the conditions upon which each is worked with the greatest economy; in fine, the entire system of management. If the road be well managed it has certainly much that is new and valuable to com- municate. So in the office of the company. What is the mode by which their accounts are kept, and all the complicated opera- tions of the company simplified and classified under their appro- priate heads. It cannot be doubted that many companies, from the vant of experience, or of proper examples, suffer a heavy loss in the manner of conducting their business operations, which might be saved, had they the benefit of the best standards of management which prevail. Instead of a hundred different, and many of them vicious systems, there would be but one, and that the best. All these advantages are lost by the silence of our companies upon all proper topics. Again, full and detailed reports are the best possible safe- guard against improvident, incompetent, or dishonest manage- ment. The stockholders would then know what the directors are about. Suppose the construction of a railroad or some new work be undertaken. The stockholders should always insist upon an exact statement of what is proposed to be done, of the cost of the work, and the means applicable to it. Suppose at the end of the year, the estimates are found to be entirely at fault, that the work has cost twice as much as it was supposed; such discrepancy should always be taken as evidence of incom- petency or dishonesty. Their previous estimates at once convict the offending parties. The public have had enough of estimates that bear no kind of relation to the result, to tolerate them longer. As soon as directors and engineers found that they : would be held to a rigid accountability, they would strain every 110 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. nerve to wake good their statements. But how is it now? In & great majority of cases, no plan of operations is presented to the stockholders and nothing from which any estimate can be inferred of the ultimate cost of the road. The directors, con- sequently, go blundering along, inventing as they go some apology or excuse in case they fail to justify public expectation. No tangible point is presented upon which issue can be taken, and consequently incompetent persons remain for a long time in important positions from which they would have been ejected upon the first reckoning day, had it been known what they had been doing. Every thing in the management of railroad com- panies should be as open and patent as the day. There should be no dark secluded spot in which dishonesty or incompetency can seek immunity. The New Haven Railroad is a notable instance of the effect of secret and irresponsible management. Had Mr. Schuyler admitted himself interested in the contract for the road, he would probably have been early ejected from the direction. Had detailed statements been made of the cost of the different items of construction, the stockholders would have seen that they were paying twice as much for work as it was worth. Had the arrangements which were made with other companies been notorious, the directors would, without doubt, have been overhauled a long time ago. Had the directors 'required the usual annual statement for 1853, the frauds of Mr. Schuyler would have been prevented entirely, or nipped in the bud, and the company saved from ruin. We repeat, that the first step toward the successful manage- ment of railroads, are full and frequent statements detailing the entire transactions of our companies. Such statements will not be made without due consideration. They are a public exhibi- tion of the acts of the directors, or managing parties, and when a man appears before the public, he will endeavour to propitiate its good opinion. He is received with favour, only under the idea that he is what he appears to be,-competent and honest. The very fact forces him to be competent and honest. He can only sustain himself by justifying expectation: otherwise he forfeits both favour and his place. Suppose the same person were allowed to go on for years without ever being called to ac- count : he would be a miracle of honesty, industry, and prin- ciple, did he not become lax in his notions, indolent, and indifferent to his duties. Suppose him to be dishonest; before POSTSCRIPT. 111 his character is discovered, he may have completely sapped the company or institution of which he was an officer. Men of doubtful character are often kept straight by the force of public opinion. They may have too much policy to sin, if they see exposure to be inevitable. We do not believe that Mr. Schuyler would ever have committed his frauds, had it not been for the Norwalk accident. Not that he would have been restrained by principle, but because he could not have done so without im- mediate exposure. The losses sustained by that accident placed it beyond the power of the company to pay a dividend for a year or two. Till one should be paid, he supposed nothing to occur to direct attention to his conduct. In the outset he un- doubtedly intended to cancel all his issues. The payment of a dividend would have at once discovered the fraud, and the cer- tainty of discovery would have prevented its commission. Again, the best intention to serve a company may be accom- panied by utter incompetency. To be corrected, this incom- petency must first be made known. Companies ought to compel. reports from their officials, at short notices, for this reason alone. ately upon its publication, whatever it contains is compared with the best standard of management, and its defects immedi- ately pointed out. A mirror is thus held up, in which the delinquent sees his own mistakes compared with the better conduct of others. He must reform or be disgraced. Every report would provoke the criticism of the community, and in this manner develop and make public the best ideas which prevail. Where, on the other band, a company goes to sleep, the public go to sleep with them; and when any catastrophe happens, they only wonder at the result, but are unable to discover the cause, or point out the remedy. The publication of the system of management of railroads has a tendency not only to render employés faithful, but educates the public mind up to the capacity to judge whether they are well or badly conducted. Intelligence must exist before public opinion can exert its corrective force. And with a sound senti- managed. There is no inherent difficulty in the matter. To be understood, the subject of railroad management must be studied; to be studied the public must have access to information, to whatever experience has developed. The reports of every 112 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILIVAY POLICY. company should be the mirror of its internal organization and management. These reports should annually go into the hands of every stock and bondholder, and, in a few years, a vigilance committee would be found in every company, embracing every person having a pecuniary interest in the success of the road. The advice and opinion of such a committee would point out a path of duty from which the managing parties could not deviate. A knowledge of the best system would lead to the general adoption of the best principles or routine of management. A great cause of the waste is in the fact, that many companies have no adequate system according to which their affairs are managed. The impulse or caprice of the day controls the acts of the day. There is nothing that stockholders or directors of a road are so apt to overlook, as the importance of conducting its affairs according to certain fixed rules or principles. When a person buys into a banking company, he takes for granted that its affairs will be conducted upon the acknowledged principles of sound banking. Most banks are conducted in this manner, and are successful. The failure is the exception. When a person buys into a railroad, does he feel assured that its affairs will be conducted upon the best standard of management that is known? By no means. In fact he does not himself know what such standard is. He consequently invests upon his faith in the reputation of the managing parties. Now, there is no more fallacious standard. The reputation of being a good business-man, and the capacity to conduct the complicated affairs of a railroarl, may by no mcans reside in the same person. Faith in great names is a great absurdity, and is the source of more mistakes in making investments in railroads than all other things. Mr. So-and-so, the manager of a railroad, has had a highly honourable and successful career, and to question his integrity or capacity in any matter would be regarded as a serious insult; consequently he is deferred to, almost to the extent of servility. His own will becomes the rule of his conduct, and the road is sacrificed to a point of etiquette. Instead of this, no factitious consideration should be allowed the least influence. Nothing should be presumed in favour of any. All should be stretched upon the same iron bed. The test of merit should be the capacity to serve the public in the new vocation. Because a man has been successful in trade, has been a member POSTSCRIPT. 113 of Congress, or has commanded a regiment in the Mexican war, is no reason why his acts should be placed above suspicion or inquiry, nor why he should be allowed to preserve a mysterious silence in his various functions. Accountability in every depart- ment of management should be enforced iủ the most rigid manner, and neither titles nor reputation should sanction the employment of incompetent men, any more than a fine coat of paint should justify the use of an imperfect, or unsafe wheel, or axle, attached to a railroad car or locomotive. RAILWAY ECONOMY AND RAILWAY MORALS. From the American Railroad Journal, for December 16, 1854. Intelligence and integrity are the qualities necessary to a proper management of railroads. The former must be possessed by the public, as well as by the persons in charge of them. The public, or in other words, the owners of railroads, are the parties to be served, and are to direct the mode. The duties of those intrusted with the inmediate management of roads are simply ministerial. Now every person is poorly served who does not know when he is well served. There are exceptions, but the rule is as stated. No matter how faithfully disposed, in the outset, the employés may be, they must feel that those who give them their places are able to judge whether they are well or poorly filled, or they will forget their obligations, to serve themselves. In every relation of life, the intelligence of the superior becomes that of the subordinate-becomes his principle of action, securing his respect, and faithful service. Such are the conditions of success in every enterprise requiring the co- operation of a large number of persons, and numerous grades of service. By the publication of the facts developed in the construction and management of railroads, the intelligence necessary to their proper management is gradually acquired by their owners. It can be acquired in no other manner. This is the reason why we have so steadily insisted upon the importance of the publication of full reports by railroad companies. In their publication is involved no less a problem than the success of our roads; for self interest will always direct intelligence to 114 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. its proper ends; and when the two co-exist, integrity is the product. It is of little avail to arouse the moral sentiment against bad management, if no substitute for such exist in the popular mind. The sentiment against bad management is strong enough in England, but this has been unable to effect the needed reforms. It is strong enough in this country, but it will not alone save our roads from disaster. No one among us wishes to see his own property, or that of his neighbour destroyed. He submits to the loss only because he cannot see any mode by which it can be avoided. So with our railroads. The numerous successful roads show that they possess no inhe- rent vice, which renders success impossible. Other roads are unsuccessful because they have not an equally intelligent management. The reports of a company, properly made, would soon disclose the character of its management; and if bad, would secure the needed reforms. The whole problem of success is consequently narrowed to one proposition. In our last article, we stated with sufficient distinctness the information that reports should contain, and showed that the best examples of management would soon become the standard for every road in the country. We know no reason why any concealment should be practised. If the directors have mis- judged, their feelings are not to be considered. Those of the stockholders should always exert a paramount influence. Yet how few companies ever make a clean breast of their transactions; of their entangling alliances, of the unlucky investments they have made, or enormous shaves to which they have submitted. These are withheld, either for the fear that the directors will be called to account, or that the stock or securities of the unlucky road may be affected. But if the directors of a company are incompetent, ought not the fact to be known at the earliest in- stant? If the value of a road be impaired, ought not the stock- holders and the public to know it? Concealment only aggravates the evil. The indiscriminate and excessive fluctuations of rail- road securities of all kinds show how much in the dark are the public, which has no firmier ground for conviction than conjec- ture. Now there is no reason why this should be so. The public mind would rest in a state of comparative repose, did it see things as they are. Its fluctuations in such case would only reflect a change in the actual value of the road. While we must look to the development of a higher standard POSTSCRIPT. 115 of education and intelligence as the means of securing in the end competent management, there are certain rules, which though resting upon sufficient reasons not necessary to be developed at greater length, may be laid down as axioms in rail- way economy. Ist, No company should be allowed to exceed the scope, or depart from the articles of copartnership originally entered into, without the unani- mous consent of the stockholders. When a person goes into a company upon a well-defined agreement as to the objects in view, the majority have no right to violate that agreement, If they desire to introduce new articles, it is only just that they release, upon reasonable terms, the objecting party. Another advantage resulting: from holding companies to thc original propositions, is the fact that com- panics so held will in the outset take very good care to provide for all future contingencies that may arisc. 2nd, No road should be commenced till detailed and properly vouched estimates are prepared of its cost. Engincers should be made responsible for the correctness of their estimates. In such case we should have fewer cxamples of roads half completed, crushed for want of means. 3rd, Parties lending to railroad companies should do so only upon the basis of a sufficient stock subscription, obtained from those living upon the line of the road, or immcdiately interested in its proper construction or management. The management of a road should always reside with such parties as have the best opportunities to oversce it, and who must pay the penalty for bad management in the loss of their own property. 4th, The managing directors should receive an adequate and stipulated sum for their scrvices entirely devoted to the company, should be held to the ordinary responsibility of agents, and should never be allowed to derive any incidental advantage from the position they hold. 5th, A strict accountability, the publication of every important act of every official, and semi-annual reports, which should be mirrors of the internal organizations and operations of a company, should be rigorously exacted. '6th, We think, too, that the stockholders of every company should possess a source of information independent of the directors. At each annual meeting, the stockholders should choose, say, three of their number, who, without having any voice in the management of the road, should have access to the books of the company, to all the acts and agreements of the directors, to all sources of information that may enable them to form an opinion as to the policy of the directors, and the management of the road, and report, if they see cause, to the stockholders, at the annual mecting, as well as at other times. We would have this committee appointed, so that the minority should be heard, which could be done by allowing po stockholder to vote for more than one of the committee, and by making such committee consist of the three persons having the highest number of votes. As matters now go, a bare majority control the entire interest in a road, allowing the minority no rights or voice in the management. Now, while the majority must exert a paramount authority, this is no evidence that they are competent to conduct a road 116 RAILWAY MORALS AND RAILWAY POLICY. properly, or that the minority have no right, or are capable of rendering no service or useful suggestion. The latter ought to have the right of examination, and remonstrance, if nothing more. Suppose such a com- mittee be appointed by the stockholders of the Hudson River, Erie, and Central roads of this State. Assuming all these roads to be well managed, it is more than probable that all suffer from defective management, or oversiglit in many important particulars. There are always two sides to a question, and when only one is presented partial views are the result. It may be that the policy of the majority is radically wrong, and needs only to be exposed to be corrected. Should companies neglect any step that can shed light upon and supply intelligence to its manageinent? We have in previous articles endeavoured to present the nationale of the railway system of this country; to point ont the more important dangers to which it is exposed, and the means by which they are to be avoided. If we are correct in our views, and have suggested useful means of reform, we hope to have the support of those interested, in securing their adop- tion. If we point out errors or abuses in their management, we hope to be effectually seconded by those most interested the holders of the stock and bonds in our roads. The most important fact which the foregoing articles deve- lop, is one which confirms, in a quite unexpected manner, one of the writer's positions: namely, that the supposed need for an encouragement of railway extension is an illusion--that branches and feeders should be left to the ordinary laws of demand and supply; and wonld be better laid out, and more economically executed, if they were left until the accumulated interests to be subserved by them, sufficed to bring together an adequate capital. The fact that, in America, railways have been wholly left to ordinary trading principles, without any legislative limita- tion or control, (startling as it will be to most on this side the Atlantic,) proves conclusively how groundless is the argument offered in defence of our present system; namely, that it is needful for the due facilitation of railway extension. M'CORACODALF AND CO., PRINTEIS, LONDO: WORKS, NEWTON. . UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 11 3 9015 02092 1121 . . . . . + 1